{"id": "0", "contents": "cyclobenzaprin hydrochloride. [s\u012b\u2032kl\u0259ben\u2032z\u0259pr\u0113n]. muscl relaxant. indic prescrib short-term treatment muscl spasm. contraind hyperthyroidism, cardiac arrhythmia, cardiac failure, concomit use monoamin oxidas inhibitor, known hypersensit drug prohibit use."} {"id": "1", "contents": "drug class mechanism: cyclobenzaprin muscl relaxant. specifically, cyclobenzaprin reliev muscl spasm spasm due local problems, is, muscl nerv control muscles. cyclobenzaprin effect muscl function."} {"id": "2", "contents": "cyclobenzaprine, brand name flexeril among others, muscl relax medic use reliev skelet muscl spasm associ pain acut musculoskelet conditions. best-studi drug application. also use off-label fibromyalgia treatment. sustain injury, muscl spasm may occur stabil affect bodi part prevent damage. also gener pain. cyclobenzaprin fda-approv treat muscl spasm associ acute, pain"} {"id": "3", "contents": "licit uses: cyclobenzaprin hydrochlorid approv use unit state muscl relaxant. market brand name flexeril amrix also gener formul 5, 7.5, 10 mg tablet intend short-term (2 week) oral administration."} {"id": "4", "contents": "aqueou solut made alkaline, free base separates. cyclobenzaprin hcl design chemic 3-(5h-dibenzo[a,d] cyclohepten-5-ylidene)-n, ndimethyl- 1-propanamin hydrochloride, follow structur formula: flexeril mg (cyclobenzaprin hcl) suppli mg tablet oral administration. flexeril 10 mg (cyclobenzaprin hcl) suppli 10 mg tablet oral administration. flexeril tablet contain follow inact ingredients: hydroxypropyl cellulose, hydroxypropyl methylcellulose, iron oxide, lactose, magnesium stearate, starch, titanium dioxide."} {"id": "5", "contents": "cyclobenzaprine. (sye kloe ben' za preen). ... cyclobenzaprine, muscl relaxant, use rest, physic therapy, measur relax muscl reliev pain discomfort caus strains, sprains, muscl injuries. medicin used? ..."} {"id": "6", "contents": "use medicine. cyclobenzaprin use help relax certain muscl body. help reliev pain, stiffness, discomfort caus strains, sprains, injuri muscles. however, medicin take place rest, exercis physic therapy, treatment doctor may recommend medic problem. cyclobenzaprin act central nervou system (cns) produc muscl relax effects."} {"id": "7", "contents": "reviews. cyclobenzaprin gener form flexeril, prescript muscl relax reliev pain discomfort caus strains, sprains, muscl injuries. also avail brand name amrix, fexmid, fusepaq tabradol. cyclobenzaprin also prescrib off-label treat fibromyalgia. cyclobenzaprin work central nervou system, block nerv impuls (or pain sensations) sent sore muscl brain. cyclobenzaprin chemic relat class antidepress call tricyclics."} {"id": "8", "contents": "one color rainbow, indigo dark purplish blue get name indigo plant use creat indigo dye. answer: indigo appear blue violet rainbow. purpl grape blueberri indigo. deep blue dark denim blue jean indigo. indigo deep, purpli blue indigo blue violet. mani shade indigo: bright indigo (crayola) hex #4f69c6 rgb 79,105,198. indigo dye (approximation) hex #00416a (more blue) rgb 0,65,106. indigo cool color. carri blue symbol associ darker shade blue, indigo convey trust, truthfulness, stability. also may author royalti purpl indigo consid royal blue"} {"id": "9", "contents": "may exhibit charact trait person color indigo list here, indigo favorit color find somewher description. may also find exhibit neg traits, particularli stressed. person color indigo indic hungri mean life. may sometim moodi introspective. oper beyond normal sens taste, sight, hear etc. love law order-justic import you-you'l defend people' right end."} {"id": "10", "contents": "color indigo color intuit percept help open third eye. promot deep concentr time introspect meditation, help achiev deeper level consciousness. reli intuit rather gut feeling. indigo deep midnight blue. combin deep blue violet hold attribut colors. servic human one strength color indigo. power dignified, indigo convey integr deep sincerity."} {"id": "11", "contents": "color relat new age abil use higher mind see beyond normal sens great power perception. reli intuit rather gut feeling. indigo deep midnight blue. combin deep blue violet hold attribut colors. servic human one strength color indigo. power dignified, indigo convey integr deep sincerity."} {"id": "12", "contents": "indigo cool color. carri blue symbol associ darker shade blue, indigo convey trust, truthfulness, stability. also may author royalti purpl indigo consid royal blue. indigo dye (approximation) hex #00416a (more blue) rgb 0,65,106. indigo cool color. carri blue symbol associ darker shade blue, indigo convey trust, truthfulness, stability."} {"id": "13", "contents": "favorit color indigo. indigo favorit color, honest, compassion understanding. integr extrem import you. need structur life-organ import quit inflex come order life. person color indigo indic hungri mean life. may sometim moodi introspective. oper beyond normal sens taste, sight, hear etc. love law order-justic import you-you'l defend people' right end."} {"id": "14", "contents": "indigo dye organ compound distinct blue color (see indigo). historically, indigo natur dye extract plants, process import econom blue dye rare. larg percentag indigo dye produc today sever thousand ton year synthetic. average, pair blue jean trouser requir 3\u201312 indigo. small amount use dye wool silk. indigo carmine, indigo, indigo deriv also use colorant. 20 million kg produc annually, mainli blue jeans."} {"id": "15", "contents": "indigo color tradit regard color visibl spectrum, well one seven color rainbow: color blue violet. although tradit consid one seven major spectral colors, actual posit electromagnet spectrum controversial. indigo deep bright color close color wheel blue (a primari color rgb color space), well variant ultramarine. color indigo name indigo dye deriv plant indigofera tinctoria relat species. color 'violet-blue' bluish tone blue-violet. crayola color call 'violet-blue' display right. crayola crayon color call violet-blu formul 1949 continu crayola color 1990."} {"id": "16", "contents": "organ gener genet engin consid genet modifi organ (gmo). first gmo bacteria gener 1973 gm mice 1974. insulin-produc bacteria commerci 1982 genet modifi food sold sinc 1994. genet engin alter genet make-up organ use techniqu remov herit materi introduc dna prepar outsid organ either directli host cell fuse hybrid host."} {"id": "17", "contents": "intent germlin genet engin human dna chang inherit success gener far biggest profound risk genet engineering. answer: intent germlin genet engin human dna chang inherit success gener far biggest profound risk genet engineering. center genet societi state way."} {"id": "18", "contents": "genet engin enabl scientist creat plants, anim micro-organ manipul gene way occur naturally."} {"id": "19", "contents": "genet engineering, also call genet modification, direct manipul organism' genom use biotechnology. genet engin alter genet make-up organ use techniqu remov herit materi introduc dna prepar outsid organ either directli host cell fuse hybrid host."} {"id": "20", "contents": "aa aa aa. gene influenc health disease, well human trait behavior. research begin use genet technolog unravel genom contribut differ phenotypes, so, also discov varieti potenti applic technology. practic defin nontherapeut use cells, genes, genet element enhanc athlet performance. gene dope take advantag cutting-edg research gene therapi involv transfer genet materi human cell treat prevent diseas (well, 2008)."} {"id": "21", "contents": "common vector use genet engin circular form dna known plasmid. endonucleas use cut plasmid molecul open almost point chosen scientist. plasmid cut open, mix insulin gene ligas enzyme. genet engineering. photo by: gernot krautberger. genet engin process genet materi (the build block heredity) chang way make possibl product new substanc new functions. example, biologist learn transplant gene produc light firefli tobacco plant"} {"id": "22", "contents": "sidebara. genet engin (ge) modif organism\u2019 genet composit artifici means, often involv transfer specif traits, genes, one organ plant anim entir differ species. mani concern rais inadequ test effect genet engin human environment. genet engin still emerg field, scientist know exactli result put dna one speci another."} {"id": "23", "contents": "full definit genet engineering. group appli techniqu genet biotechnolog use cut join togeth genet materi especi dna one speci organ introduc result organ order chang one characteristics. medica"} {"id": "24", "contents": "campaign human genet engineering, set respons threat. currently, genet engin appli non-reproduct cell (thi known 'gene therapy') order treat diseas singl patient, rather descendants. gene therapi still unsuccessful, often told prospect reproduct genet engin remote."} {"id": "25", "contents": "wide rang scissor lift power access solut avail hire, includ skyjack, haulotte, geni jlg models. offer national, uk wide servic compani around country, next day guarante follow scissor lifts:"} {"id": "26", "contents": "come scissor lift hire, import get right machin need machin power either diesel, electr bi-energi fuel mean provid machin suitabl work environment. click book scissor lift."} {"id": "27", "contents": "scissor lift-electr avail hire right across australia, 200 branches, sure deliv best scissor lift-electr hire area. find local branch stock specialist scissor lift-electr hire below."} {"id": "28", "contents": "electr scissor lift hire auckland never easier affordable, one call up2it access equip hire we\u2019ll scissor lift deliv immediately, electr scissor lift perfect thousand applic call us we\u2019ll make sure it\u2019 right machin you."} {"id": "29", "contents": "scissor lift hire coat hire. coat hire maintain extens rang scissor lift hire right across australia, 200 branches, sure deliv best scissor lift hire area. find local branch stock specialist scissor lift hire below."} {"id": "30", "contents": "kimberli access, offer nation scissor lift hire (also known vertic lifts) pride offer custom widest rang highli maintain scissor lift hire competit price industry."} {"id": "31", "contents": "top. coat hire maintain extens rang scissor lift hire right across australia, 200 branches, sure deliv best scissor lift hire area. find local branch stock specialist scissor lift hire below."} {"id": "32", "contents": "fascia. pl. fascia [l.] sheet band fibrou tissu lie deep skin invest muscl variou bodi organs. fascia adherens. one method attach actin filament sarcolemma cardiac muscle; continu zone attachment. dens fascia surround spermat cord testes; intern tunica dartos; layer correspond layer abdomin muscle; intern layer adher tunica vaginali extern layer adher skin. superfici fascia. 1. fascial sheet lie directli beneath skin."} {"id": "33", "contents": "fasciorrhaphi medic term mean sutur fascia. word come root fasci/o mean pertain fascia suffix-rrhaphi mean suture. peopl found useful."} {"id": "34", "contents": "duchenn muscular dystrophy. dmd common form muscular dystrophi condit affect boy onset age years. disord progress rapidli boy unabl walk age 12 later need respir breathe. special soft tissu manipul techniqu use eas pain condit fibromyalgia, myofasci pain syndrome, movement restrictions, temporomandibular joint disord (tmi), carpal tunnel syndrome."} {"id": "35", "contents": "(discuss) propos sinc novemb 2014. fascia (/\u02c8fae\u0283\u0259/ /\u02c8f\u00e6\u0283\u0259/ \u02c8fae\u0283i\u0259 \u02c8f\u00e6\u0283i\u0259 /plural.fasciae/ \u02c8fae\u0283\u0268 \u02c8f\u00e6\u0283\u0268; adject fascial) latin band band sheet of, connect tissue, fiber primarili collagen form beneath the, skin, to, attach stabil enclos separ muscl and. intern organ fascia classifi accord distinct layer superfici fascia, deep (or muscle) fascia, viscer pariet fascia, function anatom location."} {"id": "36", "contents": "locat wall intern organ digest tract, blood vessels, duct lead gland function move control flow fluid structures. involuntari muscl unstriat muscl viscer muscles. special soft tissu manipul techniqu use eas pain condit fibromyalgia, myofasci pain syndrome, movement restrictions, temporomandibular joint disord (tmi), carpal tunnel syndrome."} {"id": "37", "contents": "diagnost procedur test record neuromuscular activ electr stimul nerv trunk carri fiber muscles."} {"id": "38", "contents": "fas\u00b7ci\u00b7a. n. pl. fas\u00b7ci\u00b7a (f\u0103sh\u2032\u0113-\u0113\u2032, f\u0101\u2032sh\u0113-\u0113). 1. anatomi sheet band fibrou connect tissu enveloping, separating, bind togeth muscles, organs, soft structur body. 2. broad distinct band color. 1. fascia-a sheet band fibrou connect tissu separ bind togeth muscl organ etc. facia. connect tissue-tissu mesoderm origin consist e.g. collagen fibroblast fatti cells; support organ fill space form tendon ligaments."} {"id": "39", "contents": "subcutan fascia. continu layer connect tissu entir bodi skin deep fascial invest special structur body, muscles. compris outer normal fatti layer inner thin elast layer. fibrou membran covering, supporting, separ tissue. two kind fascia: deep fascia muscles, supefici fascia connect skin muscles. fascial (fash'sh(e-)al), adjective."} {"id": "40", "contents": "tendon surround synovi sheath, mesotendon suspend within bursa enabl blood vessel enter tendon along course. term. epimysium. definition. fibrou envelop areolar tissu surfac muscl fibers."} {"id": "41", "contents": "2015 2016 academ year tuition boston colleg high school tuition 2015 2016 academ year 18700 fee addit tuition calcul total financi oblig 2015 2016 academ year school fee includ tuition refund plan trp premium premium plan 113 per student"} {"id": "42", "contents": "boston univers privat profit year high locat boston massachusett academ year 2015 2016 undergradu tuition fee boston univers 48436 cost estim school academ year 2014 2015 undergradu tuition fee 46664 graduat school tuition fee 46322"} {"id": "43", "contents": "sticker price tuition fee room board everyth els boston colleg come 61600 per year old guard bostonian abl afford go averag need base financi aid packag 36779"} {"id": "44", "contents": "estim year cost publish tuition current publish rate estim total tuition fee live expens price year bachelor degre boston colleg 246488 student graduat normal time"} {"id": "45", "contents": "tuition boston colleg 46670 2014 2015 academ year 85 expens nation averag privat non profit four year colleg tuition 25229 boston colleg one 100 expens colleg america come 46th expens 100 rank cost 18441 65 expens averag massachusett tuition 28229 year colleg"} {"id": "46", "contents": "tuition boston univers 45686 2014 2015 academ year 81 expens nation averag privat non profit four year colleg tuition 25224 boston univers one 100 expens colleg america come 63rd expens 100 rank"} {"id": "47", "contents": "metric system, base unit length metr (meter american spelling). common metric unit length kilometer, centimet millimeter. imperi u.s. customari system, common length unit foot, inch, yard mile."} {"id": "48", "contents": "meter si unit scientif accept base unit distanc length. along unit like kilomet inch, meter one fundament unit si. one meter equal length path light travel vacuum time 1/299,792,458 second."} {"id": "49", "contents": "feet definition. foot (pl. feet) common length unit use imperi system current us customari unit system. foot equal 0.3048 meter. unit length use europ sinc time roman empir ancient greece. foot 12 inches, foot make yard."} {"id": "50", "contents": "foot (pl. feet) common length unit use imperi system current us customari unit system. foot equal 0.3048 meter. unit length use europ sinc time roman empir ancient greece. foot 12 inches, foot make yard. abbrevi foot ft."} {"id": "51", "contents": "meters. equival 1.0936 yards, 39.370 inches. sinc 1983, metr offici defin length path travel light vacuum time interv 1/299,792,458 second. ft =."} {"id": "52", "contents": "meter 3.2808399 feet. meter (metr british english) metric system base length unit defin length path travel light vacuum time interv 1/299,792,458 second. abbrevi m. foot imperial, u.s. customari length unit. defin 0.3048 meters."} {"id": "53", "contents": "see also: commodity. word commodification, describ assign econom valu someth previous consid econom terms, sometim also use describ transform market unique, brand product market base undifferenti products. human be consid subject commodif context genet engineering, social engineering, cloning, eugenics, social darwinism, fascism, mass market employment. extrem case commodif slavery, human be becom commod sold bought."} {"id": "54", "contents": "commodif transform good services, well idea entiti normal may consid goods, commodity. earliest use word commodif english attest oxford english dictionari date 1975. use concept commodif becam common rise critic discours analysi semiotics."} {"id": "55", "contents": "commodification. commodif transform good services, well idea entiti normal may consid goods, commodity. marxist understand commod distinct mean commod mainstream busi theory. earliest use word commodif english attest oxford english dictionari date 1975. use concept commodif becam common rise critic discours analysi semiotics."} {"id": "56", "contents": "marx' analysi commod intend help solv problem establish econom valu goods, use labor theori value. problem extens debat adam smith, david ricardo karl rodbertus-jagetzow among others. marx held price valu commod synonymous. price commod would vari accord imbal suppli demand one period time. valu commodity, would consist would reflect amount labour valu use produc commodity."} {"id": "57", "contents": "(noun) \u201c[t]he chang someth gener thought commod someth bought sold marketplace\u201d (openstax colleg 2012). audio pronunciation: (com\u00b7mod\u00b7i\u00b7fi\u00b7ca\u00b7tion). download audio pronunciation: commodification.mp3."} {"id": "58", "contents": "dictionari sociolog 1998, origin publish oxford univers press 1998. commodification, commodit within marxist theori refer product commod exchang (via market) oppos direct use producer. signal convers use-valu exchange-valu herald chang product relations."} {"id": "59", "contents": "commodif transform good services, well idea entiti normal may consid goods, commod (in marxist sens word). marxist understand commod distinct mean commod mainstream busi theory. human be consid subject commodif context genet engineering, social engineering, cloning, eugenics, social darwinism, fascism, mass market employment. extrem case commodif slavery, human be becom commod sold bought."} {"id": "60", "contents": "term tourism, commodif refer use place' cultur cultur artifact make larg enough profit support part area' economi (fiaux).in today' tourism, commodif preval everywher one looks. whether tourist eat mcdonald' china buy souvenir india, particip commodification. problem commodif alter tourists' abil authent experi introduc fals cultur indigen one."} {"id": "61", "contents": "commodif (1975, origin marxist polit theory) use describ process someth econom valu assign valu henc market valu replac social values. human be consid subject commodif context genet engineering, social engineering, cloning, eugenics, social darwinism, fascism, mass market employment. extrem case commodif slavery, human be becom commod sold bought."} {"id": "62", "contents": "subsid sinkhol diagnost landform karst, form unconsolid soil drift deposit overli cavern limestone. underli limeston karst topographi allow water flow abund underground rivers, feed numer springs, flow mani creek streams."} {"id": "63", "contents": "area irregular limeston eros produc fissures, sinkholes, underground streams, caverns. german, karst, limeston plateau near triest (where geologist first studi karstic landscapes) sentenc examples. more... thu sceneri limeston countri depend solubl permeabl rocks, lead typic karst-form caverns, swallowhol underground stream courses, conting phenomena dri valley natur bridges. karst carso mountains."} {"id": "64", "contents": "definit karst. irregular limeston region sinkholes, underground streams, caverns. karst\u00b7ic \\\u02c8kaer-\u02c8k\u00e4r\\ stik. adjective. advertis"} {"id": "65", "contents": "karst topography. degre develop karst landform vari greatli region region. larg drainag system karst area like fluvial (surface) karst (underground) drainag components. state introduction, term karst describ distinct topographi indic dissolut underli rock surfac water ground water. term karst describ distinct topographi indic dissolut (also call chemic solution) underli solubl"} {"id": "66", "contents": "karst plateau karst region (italian: carso; slovene: kras), also simpli known karst, limeston plateau region extend across border southwestern slovenia northeastern italy."} {"id": "67", "contents": "thu sceneri limeston countri depend solubl permeabl rocks, lead typic karst-form caverns, swallowhol underground stream courses, conting phenomena dri valley natur bridges. karst carso mountains. sentenc examples. more..."} {"id": "68", "contents": "karst terrain distinct characterist relief drainag aris solut solubl bedrock natur waters. featur karst terrain may includ varieti sinkholes, solut valleys, underground rivers, caverns, disappear streams, towers, distinct conic hills. although karst develop limeston (caco 3) dolomit (mgcaco 3) also form solubl evaporit deposits. 1. solubl rock near surfac (limestone, dolomite, rock salt, gypsum, etc.). karst typic associ carbonates. 2. dens rock (littl interstiti porosity) highli jointed. solut facilit concentr groundwat along joints."} {"id": "69", "contents": "karst topographi landscap form dissolut solubl rock limestone, dolomite, gypsum. character underground drainag system sinkholes, dolines, caves. also document weathering-resist rocks, quartzite, given right conditions. water suppli well karst topographi may unsafe, water may run unimped sinkhol cattl pasture, cave well, bypass normal filter occur porou aquifer."} {"id": "70", "contents": "however, region dissolv bedrock cover (perhap debris) confin one superimpos non-solubl rock strata, distinct karst surfac develop might total missing. water suppli well karst topographi may unsafe, water may run unimped sinkhol cattl pasture, cave well, bypass normal filter occur porou aquifer."} {"id": "71", "contents": "karst. area limeston terran character sinks, ravines, underground streams. karst, name limeston plateau trieste]. karst\u2032ic, adj."} {"id": "72", "contents": "new orlean even smokeless cigarett may caus damag lead harden arteries, new studi implies. vascular smooth muscl cell wrap around blood vessel help control blood flow pressure. inflamm chemicals, found cigarett smoke, turn cell miniatur drill chew connect tissue, allow muscl cell burrow blood vessels. inside, cell debri clump artery-clog plaques. nicotin one chemic help turn normal muscl cell invaders, chi-m hai, physiologist brown univers providence, r.i., report decemb 15 american societi cell biology\u2019 annual meet"} {"id": "73", "contents": "also caus arteri narrow. carbon monoxid reduc amount oxygen blood carry. this, combin effect produc nicotine, creat imbal demand oxygen cell amount oxygen blood abl supply. first, carbon monoxid may damag inner wall arteri encourag buildup fat walls. time, caus vessel narrow harden. nicotin may also contribut process. smoke also caus sever chang blood"} {"id": "74", "contents": "blood vehicl deliv oxygen nutrient body' tissu organs. without die. blood vessel (our circulatori system) blood pipe highways. insid healthi blood vessel coat thin teflon like layer cell ensur smooth blood flow. carbon monoxid smoke second-hand smoke damag import layer cells, allow fat plaqu stick vessel walls. nicotin perform doubl whammi sorts. first, time new nicotin arriv brain caus bodi activ fight flight stress defenses."} {"id": "75", "contents": "nicotin study' results. mice expos smoke cigarett higher level nicotin develop plaqu buildup arteri mice expos smoke low-nicotin cigarettes. research say find may help explain smoke risk factor heart disease. best thing quit smoking, say daniel catanzaro, phd, cornel university' weill medic college, news release."} {"id": "76", "contents": "els nicotin body? person smoke cigarette, bodi respond immedi chemic nicotin smoke. nicotin caus short-term increas blood pressure, heart rate, flow blood heart. first, carbon monoxid may damag inner wall arteri encourag buildup fat walls. time, caus vessel narrow harden. nicotin may also contribut process. smoke also caus sever chang blood"} {"id": "77", "contents": "sept. 14, 2007 -- new research show nicotin cigarett smoke may promot harden arteri (atherosclerosis), even low-nicotin cigarettes. atherosclerosi make heart attack likely. new studi focus mice, people. research say find may help explain smoke risk factor heart disease. best thing quit smoking, say daniel catanzaro, phd, cornel university' weill medic college, news release. that' easi say often hard"} {"id": "78", "contents": "atherosclerosis, harden arteries, condit plaqu build insid arteries. plaqu made cholesterol, fatti substances, cellular wast products, calcium fibrin (a clot materi blood). atherosclerosi type arteriosclerosis."} {"id": "79", "contents": "smoke cigarett known contribut develop atherosclerosis. atherosclerosi occur narrow clog arteri reduc blood supply, amount oxygen available, throughout body. smoke clog arteries. smoke cigarett known contribut develop atherosclerosis. atherosclerosi occur narrow clog arteri reduc blood supply, amount oxygen available, throughout body. 1."} {"id": "80", "contents": "atherosclerosis: alreadi know bad news. harden arteri lead caus sick death unit states. 2005, roughli 870,000 peopl countri die cardiovascular diseas larg caus atherosclerot problems. that' almost doubl number death cancers. fatti plaqu deposit often form arteri branch points, blood flow turbulently. true, plaqu may scatter throughout variou arteries, they'r common branch points, scientist believe. turbul blood flow increas risk injuri arteri linings."} {"id": "81", "contents": "mean name grisha, origin name grisha, person name grisha, galleri cute indian babi pictur grisha ador babi photo grisha. lot more... believ numerology, click see name grisha lucky!"} {"id": "82", "contents": "given name, patronym name famili name. patronym name base name one' father, grandfather, earlier male ancestor. russian male patronym name form ad suffex-evich or-ovich, femal patronym name ad suffex-ovna or-evna. view grisha name popular page see popular trend grisha chang sinc 1880, compar popular grisha names. grisha diminut (nickname) grigori."} {"id": "83", "contents": "grisha-mean grisha. tweet. syll. gris-ha, gr-i- sha babi boy name grisha pronounc gr ih-shah \u2020. grisha' languag origin old greek use larg russian language. grisha diminut gregori (english). grisha rare babi boy name. list top 1000. 2012, among famili boy name directli link grisha, gregori popular."} {"id": "84", "contents": "follow diagram below. fun, see name grisha hieroglyphics, learn ancient egyptian hieroglyph write hieroglyph message. learn nautic flag see name messag written nautic flags, grisha nautic flag page. view grisha name popular page see popular trend grisha chang sinc 1880, compar popular grisha names. grisha diminut (nickname) grigori."} {"id": "85", "contents": "name grisha gener mean watch vigil alert, russian origin, name grisha unisex name, mean boy girl name. find qualiti aquariu (kumbh) find numerology, lucki number, lucki days, lucki color, auspici stone grisha find chines zodiac sign birthston birthday find compat kumbh (aquarius) zodiac signs."} {"id": "86", "contents": "example, name bori nikolayevich yeltsin, bori given name, nikolayevich patronym (hi father' name nikolay) yeltsin famili name. given name often basi russian orthodox church slavic culture. view grisha name popular page see popular trend grisha chang sinc 1880, compar popular grisha names. grisha diminut (nickname) grigori."} {"id": "87", "contents": "local: \u0433\u0440\u0438\u0448\u0430. name grisha gener mean watch vigil alert, russian origin, name grisha unisex name, mean boy girl name. name grisha belong rashi kumbh (aquarius) domin planet saturn (shani) find qualiti aquariu (kumbh) find numerology, lucki number, lucki days, lucki color, auspici stone grisha find chines zodiac sign birthston birthday find compat kumbh (aquarius) zodiac signs."} {"id": "88", "contents": "term wide use text facebook, twitter, instagram elsewher internet, mwah mean slang?"} {"id": "89", "contents": "64% mwah mean messag facebook? 64% die mwah nmean? 24% chang text languag samsung galaxi note ii phone,it display chines want display languag show english? inform convers mwah isn`t acronym anyth but.... 0. 1. btw mean way open inform convers mwah isn`t acronym anyth word mean one say it, give kiss."} {"id": "90", "contents": "text messag dictionary-mwah. charact symbol translator. learn text messag slang shorthand mwah means, definit shown above. free onlin text charact symbol dictionaryhelp understand new urban languag"} {"id": "91", "contents": "mwah mean it` kiss girl .... 1. 0. hello there! mwah mean it` kiss girl :). sweet dream goodnight may good dreams. it` sweet gestur actually. 0. 1. btw mean way open inform convers mwah isn`t acronym anyth word mean one say it, give kiss. you`r welcom thank question too."} {"id": "92", "contents": "wiktionari (4.00 vote) rate definition: mwah (interjection). make sound kiss; sound use indic send kiss air; frequent use email, chat text messag indic send kiss someone. thank guys. kiss all: mwah mwah mwah. origin: sound made kiss"} {"id": "93", "contents": "mwah (interjection). make sound kiss; sound use indic send kiss air; frequent use email, chat text messag indic send kiss someone. see definitions.net\u00bb."} {"id": "94", "contents": "essenti muah (or mwah) sound give kiss. muah mwah mean kiss... abbey essenti muah (or mwah) sound give kiss. muah mwah mean kiss... oct 24th, 2010 4:08 pm reply."} {"id": "95", "contents": "read mtv.com. mwah mean kiss text message. mwah sound quick kiss made kiss air (an air kiss). it\u2019 gestur impli mean basic variou form kissing, without actual touch person\u2019 body. here' select onlin text messag abbrevi webopedia.com"} {"id": "96", "contents": "mountain pass make use gap, saddl col (also sometim notch, low point ridge). mani word pass english-speak world. unit states, pass common west, word gap common southern appalachians, notch part new england, saddl northern idaho."} {"id": "97", "contents": "nation border follow mountain range, pass mountain typic border, may border control custom station, possibl militari post well. instanc argentina chile share world' third longest intern border, 5,300 kilometr (3,300 mi) long. mani word pass english-speak world. unit states, pass common west, word gap common southern appalachians, notch part new england, saddl northern idaho."} {"id": "98", "contents": "mountain pass rout mountain rang ridge. follow lowest possibl route, pass local highest point route. sinc mani world' mountain rang present formid barrier travel, pass import sinc record history, play key role trade, war, migration. mani word pass english-speak world. unit states, pass common west, word gap common southern appalachians, notch part new england, saddl northern idaho."} {"id": "99", "contents": "n. 1. a. open solid structur surface; cleft breach: wriggl gap fence; larg gap wall artilleri shell exploded. b. break line defense. 2. open mountains; pass. 3."} {"id": "100", "contents": "mountain gap usual natur occur gap mountains. mountain pass usual man made pass mountains. differ hill mountain hill elev land slop sides, mountain land steep sides. 12 peopl found useful. edit. share to: answered."} {"id": "101", "contents": "welcom mountain gap inn. rustic villag resort found annapoli basin, near digbi smith\u2019 cove, nova scotia. find charm old villag situat approxim 40 acr land."} {"id": "102", "contents": "cumberland gap v-shape passag appalachian mountain intersect kentucky, virginia tennessee. aid continent shifts, meteorit impact flow water, cumberland gap region becom visual marvel, timeless asset human anim migration. run water inde role form gap, scienc indic creation aid impact outer space. cumberland gap passageway run cumberland mountain virginia-kentucki border. lie south middlesboro basin kentucky, geologist found evid ancient meteor crater adjac cumberland gap"} {"id": "103", "contents": "cumberland gap narrow pass long ridg cumberland mountains, within appalachian mountains, near junction u.s. state kentucky, virginia, tennessee. v-shape gap serv gateway west. base gap 300 feet (91 m) valley floor even though north side pass lower 20 feet (6.1 m) construct old u.s. rout 25e."} {"id": "104", "contents": "cradl foot cumberland mountains, town cumberland gap known histor charm. visitor enjoy view town tri-stat area 1,200 feet nearbi mountain peak call pinnacl overlook. town quaint, mere three humbl lodg establishments. run water inde role form gap, scienc indic creation aid impact outer space. cumberland gap passageway run cumberland mountain virginia-kentucki border. lie south middlesboro basin kentucky, geologist found evid ancient meteor crater adjac cumberland gap"} {"id": "105", "contents": "lordosis. inward (forwards) curvatur spine. lordosi lumbar cervic region spine normal. exagger lordosi may occur adolescence-poss result faulti posture, due diseas affect vertebra spinal muscles. view either posterior anterior direct i.e. directli behind directli front person, normal spine appear straight. see, e.g. anterior view human skeleton. 1. kyphosi excess outward (backwards) curvatur spine, caus hunch back. 2. lordosi"} {"id": "106", "contents": "human vertebr column vertebr column (backbon spine) human skeleton, consist 24 articul vertebra fuse vertebra sacrum coccyx. vertebra column separ intervertebr discs. region call cervic spine, thorac spine, lumbar spine, sacrum coccyx. total 33 vertebra vertebr column. articul vertebra name accord region spine."} {"id": "107", "contents": "vertebra thorac spine connect ribs, make part spine rel stiff stable. thorac spine move much region spine, like cervic spine. thorac spine suppos kyphot curve; curv inward. tell descript curves, spine complex thing\u2014and even gotten variou compon spine. made mani parts: vertebra (bones), discs, ligaments, cartilage, tendons, blood vessels, nerves, spinal cord, muscles."} {"id": "108", "contents": "lordosis. also call swayback, spine person lordosi curv significantli inward lower back. kyphosis. kyphosi character abnorm round upper back (more 50 degre curvature). scoliosis. person scoliosi sideway curv spine. also call swayback, spine person lordosi curv significantli inward lower back. kyphosis. kyphosi character abnorm round upper back (more 50 degre curvature)."} {"id": "109", "contents": "kyphosi defin excess outward curv spine may caus deform humpback hunchback. abnorm kyphosi commonli found thorac thoracolumbar (chest area/low back), affect neck too. curv normal part spine' structure. look spine side (lateral), sever curv seen (figur 1-a). angle, spine almost resembl soft 's' shape."} {"id": "110", "contents": "human vertebr column consist 33 vertebrae. divid differ regions, correspond curv spinal column. region call cervic spine, thorac spine, lumbar spine, sacrum coccyx. total 33 vertebra vertebr column. articul vertebra name accord region spine. seven cervic vertebrae, twelv thorac vertebra five lumbar vertebra"} {"id": "111", "contents": "three main type spine curvatur disorders, including: lordosis. also call swayback, spine person lordosi curv significantli inward lower back. kyphosis. kyphosi character abnorm round upper back (more 50 degre curvature). scoliosis. also call swayback, spine person lordosi curv significantli inward lower back. kyphosis. kyphosi character abnorm round upper back (more 50 degre curvature)."} {"id": "112", "contents": "lordosis. cervic lordosis-inward curv upper (cervical) region spine, i.e. neck area. thorac lordosis-inward curv upper (thoracic) region spine. lumbar lordosis-inward curv lower (lumbar) region spine. view either posterior anterior direct i.e. directli behind directli front person, normal spine appear straight. see, e.g. anterior view human skeleton. 1. kyphosi excess outward (backwards) curvatur spine, caus hunch back. 2. lordosi inward (forwards) curvatur spine. lordosi lumbar cervic region spine normal. exagger lordosi may occur adolescence-poss result faulti posture, due diseas affect vertebra spinal muscl"} {"id": "113", "contents": "mexican flag vertic tricolor green, white, red nation coat arm (the coat arm depict mexican golden eagl perch prickli pear cac tu devour snake.)."} {"id": "114", "contents": "symbol mexican flag. symbol three color mexican flag also best explain light mexican history. origin coloni spain, mexico final gain it\u2019 independ 19th century. color green chosen flag repres independ spain"} {"id": "115", "contents": "current law nation symbols, law nation arms, flag, anthem, govern use nation flag place sinc 1984. red, white, green color nation liber armi mexico. central emblem mexican coat arms, base aztec symbol tenochtitlan (now mexico city), center aztec empire. recal legend inspir aztec settl origin lake-island. mexico' first largest monument flag one locat mirador del obispado monterrey (northeast) pole 120 ton 100.6 meter height. flag measur 50 28.6 meter weigh 230 kilograms, four time size monument flag time."} {"id": "116", "contents": "mexican coat arms, also appear mexican nation flag, illustr fulfil prophesi describ aztec peopl would found first city. show eagl perch cactu serpent mouth."} {"id": "117", "contents": "mexico' flag (bandera de mexico) consist three vertic stripe green, white red, mexico' coat arm center. adopt septembet 16, 1968, flag use mexican sinc 1821, year origin designed. flag mexico tricolor featur three vertic band equal size. left right, band color green, white, red, respectively. center white band nation coat arms, depict eagl hold serpent, among details."} {"id": "118", "contents": "flag mexico (spanish: bandera de mexico) m\u00e9xico vertic tricolor of, green, white red nation coat arm charg center white. stripe mexico' first largest monument flag one locat mirador del obispado monterrey (northeast) pole 120 ton 100.6 meter height. flag measur 50 28.6 meter weigh 230 kilograms, four time size monument flag time."} {"id": "119", "contents": "symbol mexican flag symbol three color mexican flag also best explain light mexican history. origin coloni spain, mexico final gain it\u2019 independ 19th century. color green chosen flag repres independ spain. eagl mexican flag middl mexican flag green red stripe pictur eagl hold snake mouth hand right claw. left claw eagl rest upon cactu plant turn situat lake."} {"id": "120", "contents": "mexican flag tri-color green (next staff), white (center), red. white field coat-of-arm mexico: eagl cactu serpent beak. flag 1821 era sometim repres coat-of-arm enclos wreath laurel oak."} {"id": "121", "contents": "flag mexico three vertic stripe it; green, white red. eagl mexican flag middl mexican flag green red stripe pictur eagl hold snake mouth hand right claw. left claw eagl rest upon cactu plant turn situat lake."} {"id": "122", "contents": "first, typic two varieties, species, arsen water: arsen arsen 5.. signific arsen difficult remov water must chang oxid arsen removed."} {"id": "123", "contents": "sourc arsen water: arsen (as) often use wood preserv well paint dye production. also byproduct industri agricultur processes. arsen enter ground water farm run-off industri waste."} {"id": "124", "contents": "arsen natur element found rock soil, water, air, plant animals. also releas environ agricultur industri sources. although sometim found pure form steel grey metal, arsen usual part chemic compounds."} {"id": "125", "contents": "sever type cancer link arsen water. 2001 us environment protect agenc lower maximum level arsen permit drink water 50 microgram per liter (ug/l) 10 ug/l."} {"id": "126", "contents": "long-term exposur arsen drink water increas chanc get type cancer (such skin, bladder, lung possibl liver kidney). health effect may includ blood vessel damage, high blood pressure, nerv damage, anemia, stomach upsets, diabetes, skin changes."} {"id": "127", "contents": "sever type water treatment system effect reduc arsen level drink water. include: revers osmosi systems, specialti media, distil systems. choos numer test certifi water treatment product avail reduc arsen"} {"id": "128", "contents": "water arsen level 10 ppb, obtain drink water anoth sourc instal home treatment device. concentr 10 ppb increas risk long-term chronic health problems, higher level length exposure, greater risk."} {"id": "129", "contents": "drink water. drink water import potenti control sourc arsen exposure. fact, drink water major sourc arsen exposur part world. part taiwan, japan, bangladesh, western south america, high level arsen occur natur"} {"id": "130", "contents": "sider day solar day sider day mar length time take planet rotat axi sider day mar last 24 hour 37 minut 22 second solar day long take sun return meridian posit chang slightli day solar day mar last 24 hour 39 minut 35 second length day mar nasa hubbl space telescop took close red planet mar mani interest fact mar beyond long day"} {"id": "131", "contents": "option paragraph write paragraph long day last planet mercuri day last 1408 hour venu last 5832 hour earth mar similar earth take 24 hour complet one spin mar take 25 hour ga giant rotat realli fast jupit take 10 hour complet one rotat"} {"id": "132", "contents": "day mar time take rotat axi 24 62 hour slightli longer day earth year mar time take go around sun 686 97 day almost earth year day mar 24 hour 39 minut 35 second amazingli similar day earth one reason space enthusiast think mar might make good planet colon"} {"id": "133", "contents": "planet day time take planet rotat spin axi mar rotat almost speed earth day mar long day earth day mar 24 62 hour long day earth 23 934 hour long javascript must enabl use cool cosmo learn"} {"id": "134", "contents": "time mar easili divid day base rotat rate year base orbit sol martian solar day 39 minut 35 second longer earth day 668 sol 684 earth day martian year conveni sol divid 24 hour clock"} {"id": "135", "contents": "planet day time take planet rotat spin axi venu rotat much slowli earth day venu much longer day earth day venu last 243 earth day 5832 hour day earth 23 943 hour"} {"id": "136", "contents": "day mar 025957 day 24 622 hour 24 hour 37minut long mar smaller earth rotat speed slower earth rotat period mar one full turn around axi slightli longer one earth day confid vote 88 day mar time take rotat axi 24 62 hour slightli longer day earth year mar time take go around sun 686 97 day almost earth year"} {"id": "137", "contents": "answer rocketfuel confid vote 88 day mar time take rotat axi 24 62 hour slightli longer day earth year mar time take go around sun 686 97 day almost earth year day mar 24 hour 39 minut 35 second amazingli similar day earth"} {"id": "138", "contents": "mar least work mar clock figur put exhaust challeng extra 40 minut exact martian day 24 hour 39 minut 35 second long length day coincid human bodi natur rhythm"} {"id": "139", "contents": "choos packag cold tightli wrap without tear punctures. bacteria continu multipli slowli refrigerator. plan cook meat days, within 24 hour ground meat, wrap freeze. defrost meat fridge, counter. room temperatur allow growth bacteria surfac meat, even insid remain frozen."} {"id": "140", "contents": "ground beef use within two day purchase. sure check use inform packag label purchase. store ground beef safe refriger 35 40 degrees, one two days. can't use within time, freez it. fresh ground beef use within two day purchase. fresh beef use expir date, place tightli wrap freezer bottom shelf. freez beef origin transpar wrap two weeks."} {"id": "141", "contents": "ground beef defrost fridg kept addit day refriger cooking; ground beef thaw microwav cold water cook immediately. long raw ground beef last room temperature? bacteria grow rapidli temperatur 40 \u00b0f 140 \u00b0f; ground beef discard left hour room temperature."} {"id": "142", "contents": "refriger freez leftov cook hamburgers? reheated? ground beef refriger promptli cook (within hours; hour temperatur 90 \u00b0f), safe refriger days. frozen, keep qualiti months."} {"id": "143", "contents": "cook brown ground beef cook ground beef brown tender first step mani favorit comfort food recipes, shepherd' pie spici chili. pretti straightforward process, case like refresher, here' it."} {"id": "144", "contents": "precis answer question \u201chow long cook ground beef last?\u201d depend larg extent storag condit refriger ground beef hamburg within two hour cooking."} {"id": "145", "contents": "long ground beef last fridg cooked? cook ground beef usual stay good day fridg month freezer. long raw ground beef last room temperature? bacteria grow rapidli temperatur 40 \u00b0f 140 \u00b0f; ground beef discard left hour room temperature."} {"id": "146", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: cook leftov last day fridge. look site: http://www.wisegeek.com/how-long-will-me... also, freez cook ground beef last even longer, like month. wrap cook ground beef sran wrap littl packet (about inches), pop microwav 1.5-2 minut tast good first made it."} {"id": "147", "contents": "freez cook ground beef: ground beef fulli cooked, place bowl cool refrigerator. complet cooled, remov beef refriger place freezer bag. desired, separ smaller serv place separ bags. store freezer months. thaw ground beef refriger overnight readi use. recipes, like spaghetti sauce, use meat still frozen. throw frozen ground beef directli sauce. it\u2019 precooked, need heat throughout."} {"id": "148", "contents": "leighanne, go use (cooked) brown ground beef two days, would wrap put freezer. anni, method appropri cook corn beef. (thi link show cook corn beef .) would recommend use corn beef lasagna."} {"id": "149", "contents": "gallston (cholelithiasis): unclear reasons, substanc bile crystal gallbladder, form gallstones. common usual harmless, gallston sometim caus pain, nausea, inflammation. cholecystitis: inflamm gallbladder, often due gallston gallbladder. cholecystitis: inflamm gallbladder, often due gallston gallbladder. cholecyst caus sever pain fever, requir surgeri inflamm continu recurs. gallbladd cancer: although rare, cancer affect"} {"id": "150", "contents": "gallston form cholesterol found gallbladder\u2019 bile. anoth type gallstone, pigment stone, form calcium bilirubinate. calcium bilirubin chemic that\u2019 produc bodi break red blood cells. gallbladd condit share similar symptoms. include: pain: common symptom gallbladd problem pain. pain usual occur mid-to upper-right section abdomen."} {"id": "151", "contents": "gallbladd small pouch sit liver. gallbladd store bile produc liver. meals, gallbladd empti flat, like deflat balloon. cholecystitis: inflamm gallbladder, often due gallston gallbladder. cholecyst caus sever pain fever, requir surgeri inflamm continu recurs. gallbladd cancer: although rare, cancer affect"} {"id": "152", "contents": "symptom may also sign infect gallbladder. call doctor right away sudden bad pain belli chest sure caus it. symptom gallston may feel like chest pain caus heart attack seriou problems. may decid go doctor pain belly. peopl gallston symptoms. symptoms, like mild pain pit stomach upper right part belly. pain may spread right upper back shoulder blade area. sometim pain severe. may steady, may come go."} {"id": "153", "contents": "typic symptom gallbladd pain are: pain gall bladder region: gall bladder locat right liver, right side bodi half way throat belli button. pain rang dull ach sharp pain."} {"id": "154", "contents": "pain: common symptom gallbladd problem pain. pain usual occur mid-to upper-right section abdomen. mild intermittent, quit sever frequent. cases, pain begin radiat area body, includ back chest. gallbladd condit share similar symptoms. include:"} {"id": "155", "contents": "gallbladd pain symptoms. type gallbladd pain depend caus may accompani symptoms. biliari colic: pain often sudden increas rapidli upper abdomen, usual right side rib also centre; spread right shoulder blade. although person gallbladd problem may symptoms, sometim problem caus sever abdomin pain. gallbladd basic pear-shap pouch store bile (a liquid made liver help digest fatti foods)."} {"id": "156", "contents": "gallston deposit digest fluid harden gallbladder. gallbladd hold bile type digest fluid releas small intestine. gallston form array size small like sand grain larg golf balls. gallbladd pain location. gallbladd pear-shaped, small organ right side abdomen, underneath liver. locat gallbladd pain includ right shoulder, shoulder blades, center abdomen breast bone."} {"id": "157", "contents": "cost vari consider region depend amount work needed, start around $500-$2,000 singl famili home $2,500-$3,500 more. one compani advertis flat fee $800 remov 12 cubic yard debri 1,600-square-foot home 1/4-acr yard. one compani advertis flat fee $800 remov 12 cubic yard debri 1,600-square-foot home 1/4-acr yard. pennsylvania compani charg $440 two employe work 8-hour day, plu dump fee $125-$325 per load. sometim homeown use one debris-remov metho"} {"id": "158", "contents": "diamet stump help determin cost remov it. expect pay $60 $350 per stump. rot stump cheaper remov healthy, solid stump. learn tree stump remov cost guide. pine tree removal: ~$200-$1500. mani speci pine tree there, generally, averag height pine tree 40 60 feet. varieti soar 80 feet though. alreadi know, total amount you\u2019ll pay tree remov depend larg is."} {"id": "159", "contents": "pest control compani may charg $100-$400 more. example, fort hamilton pest control brooklyn, ny, estim averag treatment fee wasp bee $225, minimum charg $275 nest hive locat 6' ground higher. cost $100-$700 remov honey bee nest, depend locat (includ high ground) mani bee contains."} {"id": "160", "contents": "move much cost hire remov compani logic amongst first question come mind one import ones. import know expect term price services. cost hire move company. price bedroom flat furnitur scotland england would approxim \u00a3500 \u00a31300 depend distance. small move exampl 50 mile away cost expect pay would \u00a3750 includ packing."} {"id": "161", "contents": "tree limb remov cost vary, usual $50 $75. addit servic may ad extra fee include: stump remov stump remov almost never includ price remov tree. unless pay extra service, typic left stump. pine tree removal: ~$200-$1500. mani speci pine tree there, generally, averag height pine tree 40 60 feet. varieti soar 80 feet though. alreadi know, total amount you\u2019ll pay tree remov depend larg is."} {"id": "162", "contents": "item (usual less 6) discard leav one spot front house, mani haul compani pick averag minimum charg $50-$150 -- although price vari consider differ part country. one compani advertis flat fee $800 remov 12 cubic yard debri 1,600-square-foot home 1/4-acr yard. pennsylvania compani charg $440 two employe work 8-hour day, plu dump fee $125-$325 per load. sometim homeown use one debris-remov method"} {"id": "163", "contents": "expect pay $60 $350 per stump. rot stump cheaper remov healthy, solid stump. learn tree stump remov cost guide. limb chip instead pay limb haul away, may choos chipped. pine tree removal: ~$200-$1500. mani speci pine tree there, generally, averag height pine tree 40 60 feet. varieti soar 80 feet though. alreadi know, total amount you\u2019ll pay tree remov depend larg is."} {"id": "164", "contents": "learn cost price associ remov tree stump, avoid unpleas surprises. learn stump remov price cost guid below. averag cost remov tree stump rang $60 $350 per stump, depend variou factor like size. averag remov cost break approxim $2 $3 per diamet stump. yourself, may cost $75 $150. compani charg minimum $100. total number stump mani compani offer price break custom one stump need removed. example, may charg $100 $150 first stump $30 $50 addit stump."} {"id": "165", "contents": "amount you\u2019ll pay vary, you\u2019ll probabl pay $50 $100 service. travel expens live remot area tree remov compani travel fairli long distance, probabl pay travel cost well. may may includ drive time. pine tree removal: ~$200-$1500. mani speci pine tree there, generally, averag height pine tree 40 60 feet. varieti soar 80 feet though. alreadi know, total amount you\u2019ll pay tree remov depend larg is."} {"id": "166", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: aspirin generic/brand term chemic acetylsalicyl acid (asa). avail variou forms, usual vinegar-lik smell notic tablet higher concentrations. asa produc take salicyl acid acetyl acet anhydride. chemic process yield aspirin along byproduct acet acid. key compon vinegar acet acid. :) mention vinegar smell aspirin goe bad, old aspirin."} {"id": "167", "contents": "aspirin smell like vinegar. aspirin start decompose, molecul separ salicyl acid acet acid. acet acid product decomposit aspirin give similar odor vinegar (which dilut amount acet acid component). store aspirin. 1. aspirin one medic use reduc pain, inflamm temperature. use sever decad still remain choic even introduct non-steroid anti-inflammatori drug (nsaids)."} {"id": "168", "contents": "old bottl aspirin start smell like vinegar may time throw away! check expir date. acet acid main tast odor compon vinegar aspirin expires/ag react moistur air decompos salicyl acid acet acid."} {"id": "169", "contents": "aspirin common term salicyl drug call acetylsalicyl acid, numer medic uses. peopl use anti-inflammatori agent, other use antipyret lower high bodi temperatur commonli associ fever. furthermore, also use reliev individu minor pain ach serv good analgesic."} {"id": "170", "contents": "smell vinegar old bottl aspirin indic activ ingredi aspirin, acetylsalicyl acid, decomposed. normal, healthi clean vagina smell like vinegar vagin discharge. normal vagin discharg cloudy-whit color smell littl like vinegar acidic. help keep vagina clean free yeast infections."} {"id": "171", "contents": "old aspirin smell like vinegar. aspirin medic given reliev pain also inflammation. mani suffer fever reliev use aspirin. make peopl wonder old aspirin smell like vinegar. main reason smell composit drug drug store time, drug start degener caus smell."} {"id": "172", "contents": "fact vinegar usual made ferment fruit juic also contain acet acid main reason smell vinegar. aspirin break acet acid salicyl acid, acet acid caus smell like vinegar. make peopl wonder old aspirin smell like vinegar. main reason smell composit drug drug store time, drug start degener caus smell."} {"id": "173", "contents": "report abuse. vinegar oder caus aspirin break origin compound use synthes first place, salicyl acid acet acid. acet acid smell major compon vinegar."} {"id": "174", "contents": "part comput fundament glossary: mathemat sets, null set, also call empti set, set contain anything. symbol }. one null set. logic one way set contain nothing."} {"id": "175", "contents": "null. adj. 1. without legal force; invalid; (esp phrase null void). 2. without valu consequence; useless. 3. lack distinction; characterless: null expression. null. adj. 1. legal force; invalid: render contract null void. 2."} {"id": "176", "contents": "break 'null hypothesis'. null hypothesi assum kind differ signific see set data due chance. example, chuck see invest strategi produc higher averag return simpli buy hold stock. definit 'null hypothesis'. type hypothesi use statist propos statist signific exist set given observations. null hypothesi attempt show variat exist variables, singl variabl differ zero"} {"id": "177", "contents": "h0: geocentr model: earth centr univers spherical. h0: heliocentr model: sun centr universe. null hypothesis, 0, essenti part research design, alway tested, even indirectly."} {"id": "178", "contents": "time, queri return region valu null. 1. open blank form add two text box control form. 2. 3. 4. open form form view tab past txtone, enter valu txttwo, press tab execut txttwo' lostfocu event."} {"id": "179", "contents": "29,106 page onthi wiki. null icon. null reserv constant use java similar program languag use repres void reference. simpler terms, valu use repres refer variabl set value."} {"id": "180", "contents": "test null valu query, use null null clause. queri result view sql server manag studio code editor, null valu shown null result set. valu null indic valu unknown. valu null differ empti zero value. two null valu equal. comparison two null values, null value, return unknown valu null"} {"id": "181", "contents": "absenc information, contrast zero blank nil, value. null cell. call also null lymphocyte; see null cell. null hypothesis. statist hypothesi state one variabl associ anoth variable, set variables."} {"id": "182", "contents": "medic definit provirus. form viru integr genet materi host cell replic transmit one cell gener next without caus lysis. next word dictionary: provis (noun) previou word dictionary: prove ring word near: provirus."} {"id": "183", "contents": "retrovirus: viru compos dna rna. retrovirus enzyme, call revers transcriptase, give uniqu properti transcrib rna dna enter cell. retrovir dna integr chromosom dna host cell, express there. hiv retrovirus."} {"id": "184", "contents": "retrovirus. definition. noun, plural: retroviruses. group virus famili retroviridae. viru character single-strand rna genet material, use incorpor genom host cell mean propagate. supplement"} {"id": "185", "contents": "retrovirida famili envelop virus replic host cell process revers transcription. retroviru single-strand positive-sens rna viru dna intermedi and, oblig parasite, target host cell. term retro retroviru refer revers (make dna rna) central dogma molecular biology. revers transcriptas activ outsid retrovirus found almost eukaryotes, enabl gener insert new copi retrotransposon host genome."} {"id": "186", "contents": "retrovirus. retrovirus uniqu class single-strand ribonucl acid (rna) contain viruses, replic genom double-strand viral deoxyribonucl acid (dna) intermedi nucleu host cell. remark replic pathway retrovirus requir viru enter host cell, viral pol gene\u2013encod enzym call revers transcriptas (rt), packag viru particles, revers transcrib single-strand rna genom double-strand dna."} {"id": "187", "contents": "mean definit retroviru rna viru reproduc transcrib rna dna insert dna cellular chromosome, import class cancer-caus viruses."} {"id": "188", "contents": "however, retrovirus function differ rna reverse-transcrib dna, integr host cell' genom (when becom provirus), undergo usual transcript translat process express gene carri virus. term retro retroviru refer revers (make dna rna) central dogma molecular biology. revers transcriptas activ outsid retrovirus found almost eukaryotes, enabl gener insert new copi retrotransposon host genome."} {"id": "189", "contents": "research focus molecular biolog retroviruses. although retroviru life cycl conceptu simple, much complex way retrovirus interact host cells."} {"id": "190", "contents": "retrovirus. retroviru viru use rna genet material. retroviru infect cell, make dna copi genom insert ed dna host cell. ~. class rna-contain viru es. es tran late back dna incorpor genom infect cell. ~. type eukaryot viru contain rna genom replic cell first make dna copi rna. provir dna insert ed cellular chromosom dna, give rise genom rna well mrna viral proteins. (figur 6-22) ..."} {"id": "191", "contents": "here\u2019 song list first seri tiger aspect caryn mandabach product \u2018s gangster drama peaki blinder set 1920\u2019 birmingham, star cillian murphy, sam neil helen mccrori air bbc two."} {"id": "192", "contents": "murphi play tommi shelby, led peaki blinder earli 20th century, also star sam neill helen mccrory. plot focus earli 20th centuri era, highlight gang member return poor crime-ridden street britain' second citi world war one. notori peaki blinders-a terrifi brummi mob rule industrialis area birmingham 1880s, 1890 earli 1900s-have unmask first time. criminals' assault often caus victim lose eye viciou fights."} {"id": "193", "contents": "gang member could start young 13, like david taylor, left, often run-in birmingham' police. peaki blinder ran crime ring backstreet birmingham (pictured). thoma gilbert, much older other 38, arrest crime 'fals pretences'. peaki blinders' charg sheet dug archiv west midland polic museum. shot brought archiv today west midland polic ahead six-part series, shown bbc2 tomorrow."} {"id": "194", "contents": "part one two part series, zoe chamberlain talk historian mail columnist carl chinn city\u2019 real peaki blinders. mesmeris dark, bbc seri peaki blinder tell rise gangster thoma shelbi crimin gang. fiction charact echo truth dramatic, bloodi compel weekli plot lines. tomorrow: descend birmingham gangster portray peaki blinder tv seri told words."} {"id": "195", "contents": "appear inspir origin gang, name \u201cpeaky-blinders\u201d quickli overshadow becom shorthand say violent, poor, rough youths. ruffians. fact anyon societi could look scare of, whether need not. gritti histor drama peaki blinder end it\u2019 second seri bbc2 time dvd becom slightli grim christma gift."} {"id": "196", "contents": "costum design stephani colli keep everyth access possible. although peaki blinder gang exist (so call hid razor blade caps), isn\u2019t histori lesson social realism, it\u2019 hollywood movi spread across six episodes. let\u2019 get straight: peaki blinder boardwalk empire. it\u2019 post world war gangster drama, roughli time period (1919 oppos earli 20\u2019s), it\u2019 gritty, featur loyal yet war brothers, cool ice chip doesn\u2019t pull punches."} {"id": "197", "contents": "babi face. harri fowles, member gang. peaki blinder crimin gang base birmingham, england, late 19th centuri lesser extent, earli 20th century. one mani urban youth gang era, among earliest modern street subcultures. accord carl chinn, name peaki blinder popularli said deriv practic stitch razor blade peak flat caps, could use weapons."} {"id": "198", "contents": "metal luster miner description, refer interact light crystal surface, case, look shini metal. simply, shini metal 34 peopl found useful. brownish color element discov 1808 humphrey davy. use help arthriti pain building."} {"id": "199", "contents": "gener overview element first describ boron solid. exist dark brown black amorph powder extrem hard, jet-black silver-gray, brittle, lustrous, metal-lik element. never found free natur extract chiefli kernit borax. pure boron form result chemic reactions. physic chemic properti characterist substance, like boron, distinguish substance. boron allotrop exist powder metal-lik substance. color rang dark brown black powder jet-black silver-gray metal-lik element. crystallin form hard, lustrous, brittle. form boron high melt points."} {"id": "200", "contents": "overview. boron first element group 13 (iiia) period table. period tabl chart show chemic element relat other. element group usual refer aluminum family. one unusu properti boron mani physic forms, call allotropes, occurs. allotrop form element differ physic chemic properties. one form boron consist clear red crystal densiti 2.46 gram per cubic centimeter."} {"id": "201", "contents": "physic properti usual observ use sens color, luster, freez point, boil point, melt point, density, hard odor. boron allotrop exist powder metal-lik substance. color rang dark brown black powder jet-black silver-gray metal-lik element. crystallin form hard, lustrous, brittle. form boron high melt points."} {"id": "202", "contents": "element luster, differ types. metal shini lusters. nonmet dull lusters. metalloid usual mixtur two, one ot her. example, silicon brittl (like nonmet are) shini luster (like metals)."} {"id": "203", "contents": "boron semi-metal element display properti metal non-metal. boron non-met group 13 period tabl elements. room temperature, poor electr conductor, good conductor high temperatures. solid standard state 298 kelvin. belong group 13 period table. crystallin boron hard, black materi high melt point 2000 \u00b0c."} {"id": "204", "contents": "main image: boron semi-metal element display properti metal non-metal. boron non-met group 13 period tabl elements. dark, amorph (solid lack characterist crystal) non-react solid element form. room temperature, poor electr conductor, good conductor high temperatures. solid standard state 298 kelvin. belong group 13 period table. crystallin boron hard, black materi high melt point 2000 \u00b0c."} {"id": "205", "contents": "boron multipurpos element. crucial nutrient plants, import compon nuclear industri main ingredi bizarr fluid call oobleck. perch next carbon period tabl elements, boron metalloid, substanc metal nonmetal properties. part borax, boron common household element found mani detergents. (pro tip: borax-sugar solut also kill ants!) also recip science-fair goop oobleck, liquid strang"} {"id": "206", "contents": "isotop boron, b-10 b-11, use extens nuclear industry. b-10 use form boric acid chemic shim pressur water reactor form sodium pentabor use standbi liquid control system boil water reactors."} {"id": "207", "contents": "metal luster miner description, refer interact light crystal surface, case, look shini metal. simply, shini metal 34 peopl found useful. metal shini lusters. nonmet dull lusters. metalloid usual mixtur two, one ot her. example, silicon brittl (like nonmet are) shini luster (like metals)."} {"id": "208", "contents": "volcan mountains. name suggests, volcan mountain form volcanoes. volcan mountain form molten rock (magma) deep within earth, erupts, pile upon surface. magna call lava break earth' crust. ash lava cools, build cone rock. rock lava pile up, layer top layer."} {"id": "209", "contents": "three main type mountains. block mountain form section earth' crust tilt lift movement two close fault lines, larg crack earth' surface. usual smaller type mountain often separ valleys."} {"id": "210", "contents": "volcan mountains-mountain caus volcan activ call volcan mountains. two main type volcan mountains: volcano dome mountains. volcano form magma erupt way surfac earth. magma harden earth' surface, form mountain."} {"id": "211", "contents": "two main type volcan mountains: volcano dome mountains. volcano form magma erupt way surfac earth. magma harden earth' surface, form mountain."} {"id": "212", "contents": "volcan mountain form magma push earth crack weak place earth' crust. fold mountain form rock squeez together. plate collide, rock along edg crumples, creat huge zig-zag pattern layer"} {"id": "213", "contents": "anoth way mountain form magma beneath earth\u2019 surfac push up, doesn\u2019t actual crack through. bulg magma eventu cool harden hard rock, like granite. layer softer rock magma erod away you\u2019r left larg dome-shap mountain."} {"id": "214", "contents": "discothequ french word use 1970' describ club music (discs) play peopl danced. differ really."} {"id": "215", "contents": "origin record librari (on model bibliothequ \u2018biblioth\u00e8que\u2019), librari club record music play for. danc 1960 the-english speak world open own, discothequ usa quickli shorten word to. disco"} {"id": "216", "contents": "origin record librari (on model bibliothequ \u2018biblioth\u00e8que\u2019), librari club record music play for. danc 1960 the-english speak world open own, discothequ usa quickli shorten word to. disco see also. jukebox"} {"id": "217", "contents": "1950s: french discotheque, discoth\u00e8qu 'origin record', librari pattern 'bibliotheque'. biblioth\u00e8que. librari english writer comment french discothequ discoth\u00e8que. 1950 origin (a record librari \u2018model\u2019), bibliothequ biblioth\u00e8qu librari club record music. play danc"} {"id": "218", "contents": "n. pl. dis\u00b7cos. 1. discotheque. 2. a. popular danc music, popular late 1970s, character strong repetit bass rhythms. b. style danc usual done disco music. intr.v. dis\u00b7coed, dis\u00b7co\u00b7ing, dis\u00b7cos."} {"id": "219", "contents": "full definit disco. 1. nightclub danc live record music. 2. popular danc music character hypnot rhythm, repetit lyrics, electron produc sounds. see disco defin english-languag learners. see disco defin kids."} {"id": "220", "contents": "know grow pomegran tree seed, awar seed may grow true cultivar came from. still, new pomegran tree produc fruit one three year noth tast better someth grown yourself."} {"id": "221", "contents": "choos varieti pomegranate. punica granatum small decidu tree. grow 2.5 metr (8.2 feet) tall, orang flower summer season. dwarf varieti nana grow shorter, metr (3.2 feet) best grow containers."} {"id": "222", "contents": "water pomegran everi 7-to-10 day established. soil ring around tree' base aid retain moisture. best results, remov compet growth pomegranate' perman plant site 1-to-2 feet (0.3 0.6 m) side trunk."} {"id": "223", "contents": "pomegran plant gener grow multi-stem bush small tree reach height 10 12 feet maturity. branch thorn small spine produc dark green glossi leav dri drop winter months."} {"id": "224", "contents": "take pomegran tree year matur start bear fruit, although earli fruit take longer ripen. established, pomegran tree live least 200 year best product occur tree' first 20 years."} {"id": "225", "contents": "pomegran hardi easi grow. shrub train 15- 20-foot tree, pomegran (punica granatum l.) eye-catching, extrem long-liv plant produc strike red flower signatur round fruit full hundr seed sacs."} {"id": "226", "contents": "seed clean fleshi aril surround plant loos soil cover layer 1/2 inch (1.5 cm). heat second pomegran seed care list. seed germin normal room temperatur 30-40 days."} {"id": "227", "contents": "instanc origin medicar may cover dental care, best consid rare occurr usual treatment. exampl include, limit to: health condit certain dental servic requir hospit receiv service. medicar advantag plan sold privat insur companies. choos remain cover origin medicare, can\u2019t find medicar advantag plan area offer dental coverage, get privat dental insur either insur agent employer."} {"id": "228", "contents": "medicar cover dental care, dental procedures, supplies, like cleanings, fillings, tooth extractions, dentures, dental plates, dental devices. medicar part (hospit insurance) pay certain dental servic get hospital. part pay inpati hospit care need emerg complic dental procedures, even though dental care covered."} {"id": "229", "contents": "dental coverag medicar advantag plan. may abl get dental coverag medicar advantag plans. medicar advantag plan (medicar part c) includ extra benefit like routin dental, routin vision, medicar prescript drug coverage. want abl combin coverag routin dental care medic hospit coverage, get"} {"id": "230", "contents": "medicar dental coverage. currently, medicar pay dental servic integr part either cover procedur (e.g., reconstruct jaw follow accident injury), extract done prepar radiat treatment neoplast diseas involv jaw. dental exclus includ part initi medicar program. establish dental exclusion, congress limit exclus routin dental services, routin physic checkup routin foot care, instead includ blanket exclus dental services."} {"id": "231", "contents": "medicar part b. medicar part (hospit insurance) you\u2019r consid cover health care law don\u2019t need marketplac plan. medicar part (medic insurance) doesn\u2019t meet requirement. medicare. medicar isn\u2019t part health insur marketplace, medicar coverag don\u2019t need anything. medicare, you\u2019r consid covered. marketplac won\u2019t affect medicar choic benefits. matter get medicare, whether origin medicar medicar advantag plan (like hmo ppo), won\u2019t make changes. importantth marketplac doesn\u2019t offer medicar supplement (medigap) insur part drug plan"} {"id": "232", "contents": "origin medicar gener cover routin dental servic or. dentures. however, privat medicar health plan offer dental. coverage. medicar health plan, check plan see. dental servic may covered. may also want look free reduced-cost dental clinic your. area run hospitals, commun health centers, dental schools. however, privat medicar health plan offer dental coverage. medicar health plan, check plan see dental servic may covered. may also want look free reduced-cost dental clinic area run hospitals, commun health centers, dental schools. visit."} {"id": "233", "contents": "medicar health insur program peopl 65 year older peopl specif disabilities. medicar dental coverag limited; cover routin dental care dentures."} {"id": "234", "contents": "dna profil use repetit (repeat) sequenc highli variable, call variabl number tandem repeat (vntrs), particular short tandem repeat (strs). vntr loci similar close relat humans, variabl unrel individu extrem unlik vntrs. person\u2019 dna contain two copi markers\u2014on copi inherit father one mother. within population, marker person\u2019 dna locat could differ length sometim sequence, depend marker inherit parents."} {"id": "235", "contents": "microsatellit often refer short tandem repeat (strs) forens geneticists, simpl sequenc repeat (ssrs) plant geneticists. wide use dna profil kinship analysi forens identification. microsatellit tract repetit dna certain dna motif (rang length 2\u20135 base pairs) repeated, typic 5-50 times."} {"id": "236", "contents": "dna profil (also call dna fingerprinting, dna testing, dna typing) forens techniqu use identifi individu characterist dna. person\u2019 dna contain two copi markers\u2014on copi inherit father one mother. within population, marker person\u2019 dna locat could differ length sometim sequence, depend marker inherit parents."} {"id": "237", "contents": "dna profil small set dna variat like differ unrel individuals, therebi uniqu individu fingerprint (henc altern name technique). dna profil confus full genom sequencing. person\u2019 dna contain two copi markers\u2014on copi inherit father one mother. within population, marker person\u2019 dna locat could differ length sometim sequence, depend marker inherit parents."} {"id": "238", "contents": "name implies, str contain repeat unit short (typic three-to four-nucleotide) dna sequence. number repeat within str refer allele. instance, str known d7s820, found chromosom 7, contain 16 repeat gata. flake skin, drop blood, hair, saliva contain dna use identifi us. fact, studi forensics, commonli use polic depart prosecutor around world, frequent reli upon small bit shed dna link crimin crime commit."} {"id": "239", "contents": "perform forens dna analysis, dna first extract sample. one nanogram dna usual suffici quantiti provid good data. region contain str pcr amplifi resolv accord size, give overal profil str size (alleles). 13 core str vari length 100 300 bases, allow even partial degrad dna sampl success analyzed. flake skin, drop blood, hair, saliva contain dna use identifi us. fact, studi forensics, commonli use polic depart prosecutor around world, frequent reli upon small bit shed dna link crimin crime commit."} {"id": "240", "contents": "differ order base pairs. like fingerprinting, mani million base pair everyon dna everi person uniqu sequence. everi person could identifi use sequenc base pairs. however, mani base pair everi person would time consuming. repeat pattern dna allow scientist use much shorter method."} {"id": "241", "contents": "although 99.9% human dna sequenc everi person, enough dna differ possibl distinguish one individu another, unless monozygot (identical) twins. person\u2019 dna contain two copi markers\u2014on copi inherit father one mother. within population, marker person\u2019 dna locat could differ length sometim sequence, depend marker inherit parents."} {"id": "242", "contents": "workout take 30-35 minut day week. lot quick weight loss meal take less minut prepar eat. smart pre-plan, take less minute. wrong sit up crunch help lose belli fat. teach simpl method get lose fat pound muscl or... water weight. abl repeat program rest life! wrong time fix healthi meal workout! can't promis program take time."} {"id": "243", "contents": "men click free video present quickli burn stomach fat build lean muscl use somewhat strang tip. women click free video present show uniqu method lose inch waist, butt, thigh littl days. teach simpl method get lose fat pound muscl or... water weight. abl repeat program rest life! wrong time fix healthi meal workout! can't promis program take time."} {"id": "244", "contents": "healthier intak compound mean healthier bodi weight you. scant teaspoon vinaigrett help bodi absorb fat-solubl nutrients. lose 16 pound 14 day zero belli diet\u2014th new york time bestsel book eat this, that! author david zinczenko."} {"id": "245", "contents": "learn lose belli fat day flat belli diet without exercise! video, rocio show diet work help lose pound inch waist days! rocio' video, show detail exactli diet! watch rocio' video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rj8_r..."} {"id": "246", "contents": "ramp cardio. aerob exercis get heart pumping, burn calori quickli facilit fat loss body, includ belly. can't spot-burn belli fat, usual first burn exercise, regardless bodi shape size. time miles. walk time day run mile day. mani women start gain weight belli age, especi menopause. bodi fat distribut chang less fat goe arms, leg hips, goe midsection."} {"id": "247", "contents": "mani peopl struggl weight loss issu world. lose belli fat particular aesthetics; viscer fat, kind fat tend settl around midsection, caus increas body' product stress hormon affect body' insulin production. result, excess belli fat lead seriou complic like type diabet heart disease. way target belli fat, diet exercis eventu burn belli fat. know take first step help feel better get road healthier, activ lifestyle."} {"id": "248", "contents": "again, measur track progress add routin 15 way lose #belli fat use far. depend #weight loss goal current weight, take anywher week month maximum get perfect stomach alway wanted. 1. first sit-up dump soda drain, need decid mani pound want lose. lose weight get rid belli fat take work, realli need set goal keep eye progress. go lose fat around waist days, definit need break sweat lose stomach fat"} {"id": "249", "contents": "lose belli fat throw junk food. eat, don\u2019t eat junk. keep junk food like cookies, chips, sweet similar product house. junk food addict sugar consid greatest caus weight gain today."} {"id": "250", "contents": "train hard build muscular abs, eat junk food day, won\u2019t lose belli fat. stop eat process food. eat whole, unprocess foods. proteins. meat, poultry, fish, whey, eggs, cottag cheese, \u2026. veggies. spinach, broccoli, salad, kale, cabbage, \u2026. fruits. can\u2019t lose belli fat, you\u2019r use wrong approach. don\u2019t need endless sit-ups, supplements, starv wors surgery. 10 best way lose belli fat quickli naturally. 1."} {"id": "251", "contents": "defam catch-al term statement hurt someone' reputation. written defam call libel, spoken defam call slander.. defam crime, tort (a civil wrong, rather crimin wrong)."} {"id": "252", "contents": "slander law legal definition. slander oral commun fals statement harm person' reputation. statement proven true, complet defens charg slander. oral opinion contain statement fact constitut slander. slander act commun caus someon shamed, ridiculed, held contempt, lower estim community, lose employ statu earn otherwis suffer damag reputation."} {"id": "253", "contents": "libel, libellus, crimin law. malici defam express either print writing, sign pictures, tend blacken memori one dead, intent provok living; reput one alive, expos public hatred, contempt, ridicule. hawk. libel written broadcast form defamation, distinguish slander oral defamation. tort (civil wrong) make person entiti (like newspaper, magazin polit organization) open lawsuit damag person prove statement him/her lie."} {"id": "254", "contents": "defamation. defam statement injur third party' reputation. tort defam includ libel (written statements) slander (spoken statements)."} {"id": "255", "contents": "encompass written statements, known libel, spoken statements, call slander. probabl plaintiff recov damag defam suit depend larg whether plaintiff public privat figur eye law."} {"id": "256", "contents": "defamation. defam gener term legal claim involv injuri one' reput caus fals statement fact includ libel (defam written fix form) slander (spoken defamation). crux defam claim falsity."} {"id": "257", "contents": "common law, constitut defamation, claim must gener fals made someon person defamed. common law jurisdict also distinguish spoken defamation, call slander, defam media print word images, call libel. fals light law protect statement technic fals misleading."} {"id": "258", "contents": "libel. libel method defam express print, writing, pictures, signs, effigies, commun embodi physic form injuri person' reputation, expos person public hatred, contempt ridicule, injur person his/her busi profession."} {"id": "259", "contents": "defamation. intent fals communication, either written spoken, harm person' reputation; decreas respect, regard, confid person held; induc disparaging, hostile, disagre opinion feel person. probabl plaintiff recov damag defam suit depend larg whether plaintiff public privat figur eye law."} {"id": "260", "contents": "written defam term \u201clibel,\u201d oral defam \u201cslander.\u201d. defam legal definition. make false, derogatori statement person' character, morals, abilities, busi practic financi statu (includ libel, written, slander, spoken). mean defamation. public statement tend lower person estim right think member societi generally, tend make shun avoid person. defam either libel slander. see libel slander."} {"id": "261", "contents": "tumor benign malignant. benign tumor cancerous. malign tumor cancerous. malign tumor harmful. grow harm tissu organs. part malign tumor also break spread part body. cancer spreads. note: differ type cancer differ risk factors. cell build block body. normal cell grow, divid die. cancer begin normal cell mutates, changes, abl repair itself. damag cell keep multipli creat tumor."} {"id": "262", "contents": "evid cancer ancient egyptian text also 'tenuous' cancer-lik problem like caus leprosi even varicos veins. ancient greek probabl first defin cancer specif diseas distinguish benign malign tumours."} {"id": "263", "contents": "cell chang cancer. cancer begin cells. bodi made hundr million million (100,000,000,000,000) cells. cancer start chang one cell small group cells. usual right number type cell. type cancer, call leukaemia, start blood cells. form solid tumours. instead, cancer cell build blood sometim bone marrow. cancer start, certain chang take place within gene cell group cells."} {"id": "264", "contents": "simpl described. cancer start cell part bodi grow divid way suppos to. cer begin mutat disrupt normal cell cycle, caus cell divid uncontrrol way. other found useful."} {"id": "265", "contents": "cancer uncontrol divis cell body. normal cell complex set control system keep divid they'r suppos to. cancer start cell part bodi grow divid way suppos to. cer begin mutat disrupt normal cell cycle, caus cell divid uncontrrol way. other found useful."} {"id": "266", "contents": "earliest evid cancer found among fossil bone tumors, human mummi ancient egypt, ancient manuscripts. growth suggest bone cancer call osteosarcoma seen mummies. boni skull destruct seen cancer head neck found, too. origin word cancer credit greek physician hippocr (460-370 bc), consid \u201cfather medicine.\u201d hippocr use term carcino carcinoma describ non-ulc form ulcer-form tumors."} {"id": "267", "contents": "origin word cancer. origin word cancer credit greek physician hippocr (460-370 bc), consid \u201cfather medicine.\u201d hippocr use term carcino carcinoma describ non-ulc form ulcer-form tumors."} {"id": "268", "contents": "cancer, also known malign tumor malign neoplasm, group diseas involv abnorm cell growth potenti invad spread part body. tumor cancerous; benign tumor spread part body. chanc surviv depend type cancer extent diseas start treatment. children 15 diagnosi five year surviv rate develop world averag 80%. cancer unit state averag five year surviv rate 66%."} {"id": "269", "contents": "cubism early-20th-centuri avant-gard art movement revolution european paint sculpture, inspir relat movement music, literatur architecture. cubism consid influenti art movement 20th century. term broadli use associ wide varieti art produc pari (montmartre, montparnass puteaux) 1910 extend 1920s. cubism began 1907 1911. pablo picasso' 1907 paint le demoisel d'avignon often consid proto-cubist work. georg braque' 1908 hous l\u2019estaqu (and relat works) prompt critic loui vauxcel refer bizarreri cubiqu (cubic oddities)."} {"id": "270", "contents": "cubism began idea becam style. base paul cezanne'c\u00e9zann three main-ingredients, geometr (simultan multiple) view and-passag cubism tri to, describ visual, term concept fourth. dimens cubism kind realism. conceptu approach realism art, aim depict world seems. idea.. example, pick ordinari cup. chanc mouth cup round. close eye imagin cup."} {"id": "271", "contents": "cubism innov art movement pioneer pablo picasso georg braque. cubism, artist began look subject new way effort depict three-dimens flat canvas. would break subject mani differ shape repaint differ angles. cubism pave way mani differ modern movement art 20th century. cubism. analyt cubism-th first stage cubism movement call analyt cubism. style, artist would studi (or analyze) subject break differ blocks. would look block"} {"id": "272", "contents": "cubist artist includ jaun gri (whose work seem almost bridg cubism art deco) artist like marcel duchamp (whose artwork actual span varieti style movements). see art deco similar guitar, jaun gris, below. type cubism call analyt cubism, it\u2019 usual come mind peopl think cubist artwork. synthet cubism hand natur extens analyt cubism."} {"id": "273", "contents": "new way see call cubism-th first abstract style modern art. picasso braqu develop idea cubism around 1907 pari start point common interest later paint paul cezanne. c\u00e9zann 'weep woman', 1937 (oil canvas). cubism invent around 1907 pari pablo picasso georg braque. cubism first abstract style modern art. cubist paint ignor tradit perspect draw show mani view subject one time."} {"id": "274", "contents": "four period cubism: beth gersh-nesic. cubism began idea becam style. base paul cezanne'c\u00e9zann three main-ingredients, geometr (simultan multiple) view and-passag cubism tri to, describ visual, term concept fourth. dimens cubism kind of. realism cubism kind realism. conceptu approach realism art, aim depict world seems. idea.. example, pick ordinari cup. chanc mouth cup round. close eye imagin cup."} {"id": "275", "contents": "cubism truli revolutionari style modern art develop pablo picasso georg braques. first style abstract art evolv begin 20th centuri respons world chang unpreced speed. 'weep woman', 1937 (oil canvas). cubism invent around 1907 pari pablo picasso georg braque. cubism first abstract style modern art. cubist paint ignor tradit perspect draw show mani view subject one time."} {"id": "276", "contents": "cubism. key dates: 1908-1914. cubist art movement began pari around 1907. led pablo picasso georg braque, cubist broke centuri tradit paint reject singl viewpoint. instead use analyt system three-dimension subject fragment redefin sever differ point view simultaneously."} {"id": "277", "contents": "picasso braqu think cubism abstract, artists, robert delaunay, creat abstract work. way cubism eventu help spawn abstract art movement. picasso also work cubist sculptur includ sculptur head woman. cubism. analyt cubism-th first stage cubism movement call analyt cubism. style, artist would studi (or analyze) subject break differ blocks. would look block differ angles."} {"id": "278", "contents": "famou cubist probabl picasso, braqu distant second. even though instrument picasso found cubism. paul cezann (c\u00e9zann although part cubist movement) often credit sparking\u2019braqu first attempt paint cubist. landscap type cubism call analyt cubism, it\u2019 usual come mind peopl think cubist artwork. synthet cubism hand natur extens analyt cubism."} {"id": "279", "contents": "merchant charg conveni fee must ensur fee is: charg bona fide conveni form altern payment channel outsid merchant' customari payment channel disclos cardhold charg altern payment channel convenience. particip pilot program permit charg differenti conveni fee mastercard transact charg eft echecks. particip entiti classifi mcc 8211, 8220, 9211, 9222, 9311, 9399."} {"id": "280", "contents": "conveni fee surcharges, cost ad simpli privileg use credit card. credit card issuer frown upon surcharg (though problem offer discount use cash). conveni compani way compani accept payment easier make profits.. believ consum pay fee use debit credit card ... unfair wrong."} {"id": "281", "contents": "conveni fee differ surcharge, ad charg privileg use credit card, instead debit card cash. small mom-and-pop shop slap small conveni fee in-stor purchas credit card, like confus term surcharge. a: technically, conveni fee appli consum use altern payment channel. instance, colleg student parent may face conveni fee use debit credit card pay tuition bill onlin telephon (a oppos mail check)."} {"id": "282", "contents": "conveni fee surcharg serv purpose, discourag consum pay credit card offset fee credit card compani charg paye process credit card payments. charg assess paye consum pay credit card rather check autom clear hous (ach) transfer. conveni fee fix dollar amount percentag transact amount (usual 2% 3%) must disclos consum advance."} {"id": "283", "contents": "conveni fee fee assess cover cost credit card processing. year univers absorb cost; however, recent year cost risen million dollar per year univers longer abl continu practice. order continu allow students, parent alumni conveni use credit card payment tuition fee univers forc pass along cost business."} {"id": "284", "contents": "conveni fee book ticket onlin travel agent like cleartrip, yatra makemytrip gone significantly: makemytrip, yatra cleartrip charg rs 125 \u2018conveni fee\u2019. issu brought light twitter mahadevan jayaram. indigo charg rs 100 conveni fee domest flight sgd singapor flights, jet charg rs 105 domest flight rs 210 intern ones, economi class. makemytrip, cleartrip, ixigo goibibo charg conveni fee rs 125 per passenger."} {"id": "285", "contents": "conveni fee charg pay properti tax online. pleas note conveni third-parti fee part citi funds. credit card payment conveni fee 2.25% total amount charged. e-check payment made conveni fee. pleas see conveni fee chart following: onlin telephon payments. conveni fee calculator. pay onlin phone (1-800-890-1950). follow credit card debit card accept onlin phone (ivr): credit cards."} {"id": "286", "contents": "conveni fee conveni fee charg levi privileg pay product servic use altern payment channel, payment method standard merchant. movi theaters, example, typic sell ticket face-to-fac box office. conveni compani way compani accept payment easier make profits.. believ consum pay fee use debit credit card ... unfair wrong."} {"id": "287", "contents": "break 'conveni fee'. suppos want pay ir credit card. ir accept credit card payment sever differ payment process companies, charg conveni fees. one might charg 1.88% $2.75 minimum, anoth might charg 2.35% $3.50 minimum. charg assess paye consum pay credit card rather check autom clear hous (ach) transfer. conveni fee fix dollar amount percentag transact amount (usual 2% 3%) must disclos consum advance."} {"id": "288", "contents": "re: hell conveni charg concert tickets? paid mani "convenience" charg day, still don't know is. cost ticketmast middleman artist/concert organizers? also charg "process fee"? best answer: think conveni fee order online. tri order phone local box offic avoid charge. source(s): joshum year ago."} {"id": "289", "contents": "deal insur compani offer life insur polici medic exam requirement. whole process fast easy. buy term life insur polici $500,000 blood test medic exams. matter much life insurac need, $50,000; $100,000; $150,000; $200,000; $250,000; $300,000; $400,000; $500,000, male female, smoker non-smoker, help you."} {"id": "290", "contents": "mani compani put $100,000 $250,000 cap life insur polici issu without medic exam. moreover, shorter term life insur policy, better odd get away without take one exams."} {"id": "291", "contents": "compani offer $250,000 life insur much $500k life insur purchas without complet medic exam. polici usual similar term life policy. beneficiari issu fund individu die within term."} {"id": "292", "contents": "may abl qualifi $250,000 term life insur onlin without take physic exam. insur offer instant issu life insur physical."} {"id": "293", "contents": "medic exam life insur avail primarili term life insur polici only. term life insur polici provid death benefit upon pass insured, policyhold die within specifi term. term 5, 10, 20, even 30 years. coverag buy life insur without physic exam cover certain polici amounts. anywher $250,000 much $500,000, polici limit vari greatli compani company."} {"id": "294", "contents": "maximum distanc deck joist span support determin joist' dimens species, well space joists. closer joist other, greater distanc they'r abl span safely."} {"id": "295", "contents": "take weyerhaeuser\u2019 tru joist span tabl example, 17 feet, inch maximum span l/360 deflect ratio allow code floor that\u2019 frame company\u2019 9-\u00bd-inch deep (nomin 2\u00d710) seri 110 tji joists, space 16 inch center."} {"id": "296", "contents": "example, two-by-twelv dougla fir beam support joist span feet must support post 13 feet, inch apart, southern yellow pine beam dimensions, support joists, post space 17 feet, inches."} {"id": "297", "contents": "no. no. grade dougla fir-maximum floor joist span-imperi units. maximum floor joist span no. no. grade dougla fir indic below. max. dead load (weight structur fix loads) 10 lbs/ft2. live load weight furniture, wind, snow .."} {"id": "298", "contents": "ft joist span beam size ft ft 10 ft 12 ft (two 2x6s) ft ft ft ft (two 2x8s) 10 ft ft ft ft 10 (two 2x10s) 12 ft 11 ft 10 ft ft maximum beam span posts: maximum beam span depend size beam spacing."} {"id": "299", "contents": "refer deck beam span tabl assist determin maximum span given beam posts. obviously, larger beam, greater distanc span posts. redwood 4x6 beam span 6' support posts."} {"id": "300", "contents": "however, need becom familiar read local floor joist span tabl floor beams, floor joists, window door lintels, ceil joists, roof joists, roof rafters, roof ridg beams, well size space wood stud tables."} {"id": "301", "contents": "span beam depend variables. speci lumber, size lumber load carries. fewer post upper level deck typic desir occup drive use larger frame materi longer spans."} {"id": "302", "contents": "toyot' solara convert narrowli avert product ax last summer, mid-siz drop top lucki convert season. thank sharp market decline, toyota decid ceas product solara convertible."} {"id": "303", "contents": "like platform new lexu convert 2015. refinement, power, luxuri level rc 350c convert far scion fr- convert point would realli littl cross shop two. could toyota wait for. anoth concern toyota bring scion fr- convert us market power. although excel sport car, on-the-road car scion fr- underpow already. ad weight (a convert do) make pronounced."} {"id": "304", "contents": "toyota concern scion fr- convert may close comfort lexus, may requir year wait solv that. toyota week show world rc 350 sport coupe. two-door 350-base sport coup significantli rais panach line. could toyota wait for. anoth concern toyota bring scion fr- convert us market power. although excel sport car, on-the-road car scion fr- underpow already. ad weight (a convert do) make pronounced."} {"id": "305", "contents": "prior product camri solara, 2-door version toyota camri simpli known camri coupe. coup\u00e9 ad third gener camri lineup 1993 model year 1994 compet honda accord car its. class first gener camri solara went sale third quarter 1998 1999 model replac camri coupe. base mechan platform previou gener toyota camri built tmmc facil cambridge, ontario, canada."} {"id": "306", "contents": "toyota show gorgeou convert scion fr- tokyo auto show. toyota scion fr- convert could sell us market, explain, toyota good reason to. subscrib torquenewsvideo youtube. toyota unleash wild group prototyp concept car tokyo auto show, none impact futur scion fr- convertible. could toyota wait for. anoth concern toyota bring scion fr- convert us market power. although excel sport car, on-the-road car scion fr- underpow already. ad weight (a convert do) make pronounced."} {"id": "307", "contents": "toyota solara. toyota solara sporti midsiz coupe/convert base japanes automaker' famou camri sedan. premier 1999 model year equip either 2.2l four-cylind engin capabl 135 horsepow 3.0l v6 abil produc 192 horsepow"} {"id": "308", "contents": "toyota camri solara, also commonli known toyota solara, mid-siz coup convert design engin toyota. first gener camri solara went sale third quarter 1998 1999 model replac camri coupe. base mechan platform previou gener toyota camri built tmmc facil cambridge, ontario, canada."} {"id": "309", "contents": "however, model camri solara featur solara portion name exterior emblems, camri portion name rare use refer car general. first gener camri solara went sale third quarter 1998 1999 model replac camri coupe. base mechan platform previou gener toyota camri built tmmc facil cambridge, ontario, canada."} {"id": "310", "contents": "toyota camri solara also first vehicl toyota lineup, 1997 partnership agreement featur jbl premium stereo option, model came single-slot in-dash cd player cassett deck. first gener camri solara went sale third quarter 1998 1999 model replac camri coupe. base mechan platform previou gener toyota camri built tmmc facil cambridge, ontario, canada."} {"id": "311", "contents": "information. healthgen proud present new dna test determin relationship birds. avian relat dna test design solv problem inbreeding, help maintain healthi aviary, manag breed establish best pairs."} {"id": "312", "contents": "dna matern test determin whether test woman biolog mother test child. dna grandparentag test. dna grandparentag test, perform absenc alleg father, determin relationship child parent alleg father. genet reconstruction. genet reconstruct perform determin biolog relationship child alleg father\u2019 close relatives. y-str patern lineag test determin whether two male relat patern line. mtdna matern lineage. mitochondri dna matern linag test determin whether two individu relat"} {"id": "313", "contents": "generally, relationship dna test mean establish patern case father avail therefore, straightforward patern test option. case grandparentag test avuncular dna test substitut patern dna test. sibl may also sibl dna test, establish extent sibl relationship: half siblings, full sibl siblings. relationship dna test offer."} {"id": "314", "contents": "dna patern test use dna profil (known genet fingerprinting) determin whether two individu biolog parent child. dna parentag test, result (call 'probabl parentage) 0% alleg parent biolog relat child probabl parentag typic 99.99% alleg parent biolog relat child."} {"id": "315", "contents": "i.a. dna, rna protein dna wise call deoxyribonucl acid build block life. contain inform cell requir synthes protein replic itself, short storag repositori inform requir cell function."} {"id": "316", "contents": "dna relatives: works. dna rel find match compar dna 23andm members. two peopl share ident segment dna, indic share recent common ancestor. length number ident segment use predict relationship relatives. general, percent dna shared, longer segment give closer predict relationship greater number shorter segments. estim base number assumpt popul growth characterist specif populations."} {"id": "317", "contents": "genet genealog involv use genealog dna test determin level type genet relationship individuals. applic genet becam popular famili historian first decad 21st century, test becam affordable."} {"id": "318", "contents": "reason sinc dna determin structur proteins, two organ close relat evolut ought similar protein structures. might, instance, explor relationship human chimpanze introduc protein rabbit. scientist also sequenc huge chunk genet information, compar one another. this, look strand dna -- rna protein -- exhibit homolog sequences, sequenc similar gene them."} {"id": "319", "contents": "dna relationship test assist determin whether biolog link rel realli exist. type test perform variou degre relationship includ siblings, grandparents, aunt uncles. case grandparentag test avuncular dna test substitut patern dna test. sibl may also sibl dna test, establish extent sibl relationship: half siblings, full sibl siblings. relationship dna test offer."} {"id": "320", "contents": "dna made molecul call nucleotides. nucleotid contain phosphat group, sugar group nitrogen base. four type nitrogen base adenin (a), thymin (t), guanin (g) cytosin (c). order base determin dna' instructions, genet code. similar way order letter alphabet use form word, order nitrogen base dna sequenc form genes, languag cell, tell cell make protein"} {"id": "321", "contents": "oatmeal, oat bran high-fib foods. oatmeal contain solubl fiber, reduc low-dens lipoprotein (ldl), bad cholesterol. solubl fiber also found food kidney beans, apples, pears, barley prunes. solubl fiber reduc absorpt cholesterol bloodstream. five 10 gram solubl fiber day decreas total ldl cholesterol. nut high calories, hand do. avoid eat mani nut gain weight, replac food high satur fat nuts. example, instead use cheese, meat crouton salad, add hand walnut almonds."} {"id": "322", "contents": "food may magic, they'r close it, say ruth frechman, rd, spokeswoman american dietet association. research found food -- fatti fish, walnuts, oatmeal, oat bran, food fortifi plant sterol stanol -- help control cholesterol. here' good news. lower cholesterol, actual eat certain foods. hand function food shown make big impact cholesterol levels. they'r also much tastier pill chase glass water."} {"id": "323", "contents": "look food boost level hdl-the so-cal 'good' cholesterol lessen chanc heart attack stroke. bean lentils. type beans-from chick pea lentil even plain old bake beans-can help boost level good cholesterol."} {"id": "324", "contents": "except morn wheat bran, food fiber-rich beans. bean especi high cholesterol-low solubl fiber. eat cup type bean day\u2014particularli kidney, navy, pinto, black, chickpea, butter beans\u2014can lower cholesterol much 10% weeks. follow prevent 's choic healthiest food lower cholesterol. alreadi eat plenti them, keep good work. not, begin ad diet today."} {"id": "325", "contents": "moderate-fat diet that' rich healthi monounsatur fat found nut may actual twice good heart low-fat diet. nut also vitamin e, magnesium, copper, phytochem link heart health. walnut also rich omega-3s. follow prevent 's choic healthiest food lower cholesterol. alreadi eat plenti them, keep good work. not, begin ad diet today."} {"id": "326", "contents": "tran fats, often use margarin store-bought cookies, cracker cakes, particularli bad cholesterol levels. tran fat rais ldl cholesterol, lower high-dens lipoprotein (hdl), good cholesterol. food label report content tran fats, but, unfortunately, food contain least one gram per serving."} {"id": "327", "contents": "four super-food increas level high-dens lipoprotein (hdl) good cholesterol, help lower risk heart disease."} {"id": "328", "contents": "dine salmon. littl chocolate\u2014guilt-free! eat strategi (and more) help reduc crave high cholesterol food lower bad-guy. ldls, maintain good-guy hdls, help reduc risk heart attack stroke. follow prevent 's choic healthiest food lower cholesterol. alreadi eat plenti them, keep good work. not, begin ad diet today."} {"id": "329", "contents": "satur fat increas level bad ldl cholesterol. benefits, lower triglycerid nudg level good hdl cholesterol. role satur fat heart diseas current debate. now, best limit intak saturated-fat-rich foods. requir two-prong strategy: add food lower ldl, harm cholesterol-carri particl contribut artery-clog atherosclerosis. time, cut back food boost ldl. without step, engag hold action instead steadi tasti victory."} {"id": "330", "contents": "egg controversi food relat high cholesterol. small studi found eat egg yolk rais cholesterol levels. however, larg studi shown eat egg yolk lower high cholesterol rais good cholesterol. bad cholesterol known ldl low densiti lipoprotein. also consid triglycerid levels. total cholesterol level ideal 100-200 mg/dl adult. diet play import part cholesterol levels. rais lower numbers."} {"id": "331", "contents": "reasons, plant park lot island use shade tree. type mapl leaf tree cost $35 $70 smaller foot tree. legaci sugar mapl tree resist heat drought often use lawn shade screens. type tree sold $35 $60. popular shade tree cost $30 $75 smaller, foot tree. crimson king mapl type mapl tree easili transplant adapt wide varieti soils."} {"id": "332", "contents": "one extrem fast grow mapl tree autumn blaze red maple. tree character brilliant red color grow feet per year reach 40 feet. popular shade tree cost $30 $75 smaller, foot tree. popular shade tree cost $30 $75 smaller, foot tree. crimson king mapl type mapl tree easili transplant adapt wide varieti soils."} {"id": "333", "contents": "includ cost tree labor plant it. buy tree $160 plant save 61 percent. determin size tree plant, make scale draw yard note exist tree surround them. tri imagin tree look it\u2019 full grown. know averag cost plant mapl tree, includ labor material, what\u2019 involved, decid hire contractor. don\u2019t forget adjust cost live ad zip code."} {"id": "334", "contents": "example, japanes mapl come three fifteen gallon contain cost $50 $350, rare speci come contain larger 15 gallons, cost upward $400-$800. popular retailer, low offer japanes mapl cost anywher $30 $200. however, purchas usual go less $300."} {"id": "335", "contents": "soonerplantfarm.com, example, offer wide select japanes maples, price rang littl $40 much $200. example, crimson queen retail $40, green lace retail $160. however, purchas usual go less $300. example, japanes mapl come three fifteen gallon contain cost $50 $350, rare speci come contain larger 15 gallons, cost upward $400-$800."} {"id": "336", "contents": "average, mapl tree cost littl $10 sapl much $1,500 20 foot tree larger. arbor day foundat provid mapl tree littl $6 $10. popular shade tree cost $30 $75 smaller, foot tree. crimson king mapl type mapl tree easili transplant adapt wide varieti soils."} {"id": "337", "contents": "popular retailer, low offer japanes mapl cost anywher $30 $200. soonerplantfarm.com, example, offer wide select japanes maples, price rang littl $40 much $200. example, crimson queen retail $40, green lace retail $160. however, purchas usual go less $300. example, japanes mapl come three fifteen gallon contain cost $50 $350, rare speci come contain larger 15 gallons, cost upward $400-$800."} {"id": "338", "contents": "find averag cost plant mapl tree compar labor materi cost hire landscap contractor. know averag cost plant mapl tree, includ labor material, what\u2019 involved, decid hire contractor. don\u2019t forget adjust cost live ad zip code."} {"id": "339", "contents": "landscaping. cost plant mapl tree. find averag cost plant mapl tree compar labor materi cost hire landscap contractor. use zip code adjust cost live decid hire pro job. learn consid step involved. know averag cost plant mapl tree, includ labor material, what\u2019 involved, decid hire contractor. don\u2019t forget adjust cost live ad zip code."} {"id": "340", "contents": "\u201cgeorgetown right place be.\u201d 2003 tasu corpor select georgetown, texa new locat busi expans develop plastic-injection-mold plant. tasu tier tier supplier oem part major automot industries."} {"id": "341", "contents": "georgetown texa great small town (20 mile north austin) found 160 year ago fork north south san gabriel river. georgetown texa lie lush fertil farm land (blacklands) east hill countri ranch land (balcon escarpment) west. southwestern university, found 1840, also locat georgetown texas. view southwestern university' histori take tour campu view articl earli year (a special thank commun impact news paper ellen davi wonder article)."} {"id": "342", "contents": "welcom georgetown isd! georgetown independ school district school district choic children live georgetown, texas. georgetown counti seat williamson county."} {"id": "343", "contents": "georgetown citi counti seat suburban williamson county, texas, unit states, popul 47,400 2010 census. open june 1995, sun citi texa 5,300-acr (21 km2) age-restrict commun locat georgetown, approxim 10 mile west ih-35 william drive (rm 2338). part chain sun citi commun start del webb corpor (now divis pult homes)."} {"id": "344", "contents": "georgetown art center georgetown public librari locat 2015 art hop exhibit. eighth year, art hop statewid art competit celebr texa artists. 14 0. georgetown art cultur board invit grant propos art, music, theatre, cultur heritag event project take place georgetown decemb 1, 2015 septemb 30, 2016. total budget grant $20,000."} {"id": "345", "contents": "georgetown also known red poppi capit texa red poppi (papav rhoeas) wildflow plant throughout city. georgetown' red poppi festival, attract 30,000 visitor annually, held april year histor square. open june 1995, sun citi texa 5,300-acr (21 km2) age-restrict commun locat georgetown, approxim 10 mile west ih-35 william drive (rm 2338). part chain sun citi commun start del webb corpor (now divis pult homes)."} {"id": "346", "contents": "16.5%. accord research texa state list 57 regist sex offend live georgetown, texa octob 05, 2015. ratio number resid georgetown number sex offend 918"} {"id": "347", "contents": "15 0. georgetown art center georgetown public librari locat 2015 art hop exhibit. eighth year, art hop statewid art competit celebr texa artists. hundr artist 71 citi across texa enter work competition; 150 work art from. 14 0. georgetown art cultur board invit grant propos art, music, theatre, cultur heritag event project take place georgetown decemb 1, 2015 septemb 30, 2016. total budget grant $20,000."} {"id": "348", "contents": "(3 replies). latest news georgetown, tx collect exclus city-data.com local newspapers, tv, radio stations. ancestries: german (17.1%), english (10.8%), irish (9.1%), unit state (5.8%), french (2.7%), scottish (2.7%). accord research texa state list 57 regist sex offend live georgetown, texa octob 05, 2015."} {"id": "349", "contents": "georgetown. north austin, georgetown (popul 49,000) includ \u201cmost beauti town squar texas,\u201d williamson counti courthous serv centerpiec finest collect late victorian commerci architectur state. georgetown central texas. georgetown/austin area, edg texa hill country, offer unlimit outdoor recreat activ southwestern\u2019 students. horseback riding, canoeing, hike cycling, camping, rock-climbing, find natur resourc abund here."} {"id": "350", "contents": "sirius. sirius, also known dog star, brightest star night time. visual magnitud -1.46. siriu also sixth closest star earth, 8.6 light-years. name come greek word scorch fascin observ throughout human history."} {"id": "351", "contents": "siriu constel cani major greater dog sky\u2019 brightest star. it\u2019 easi spot winter spring evenings. brightest star visibl part earth siriu constel cani major greater dog. siriu sometim call dog star."} {"id": "352", "contents": "reason star call dog star pictogram god osiri depict star dog. physic reason star\u2019 attribut god would fact heliac rise siriu mark flood nile, attribut fertil land."} {"id": "353", "contents": "sirius, also known dog star siriu a, brightest star earth' night sky. name mean glow greek. visual magnitud -1.46, star outshon sever planet well intern space station. siriu bright, well-known ancients."} {"id": "354", "contents": "brightest star sky, siriu also known dog star. constel cani major, great dog. name come arabic, mean scorch one. however, siriu lone star all. companion star, size earth."} {"id": "355", "contents": "siriu call dog star ancient egyptian ancient greek legend associ it. name star \u201csirius\u201d liter mean \u201cglowing\u201d greek. siriu brightest star night sky."} {"id": "356", "contents": "averag cost privat one-bedroom apart assist live resid $3,000 per month, accord research compil sever nonprofit senior live organizations, includ assist live feder america."} {"id": "357", "contents": "cost live alexandria 42.2 greater nation average. cost live index base nation averag 100. amount 100, lower nation average. amount 100, higher nation average. cost live index base nation averag 100. amount 100, lower nation average."} {"id": "358", "contents": "rang $1,000 $5,000, fee non-refund cover administr expens cost apart renov residents. assist live cost may includ fee privat transportation, off-sit activities, guest meal use guest apart within community. resid assist live commun typic expect 4.28% annual increas base rate. tabl show rang monthli assist live cost state 2015* one-bedroom, single-occup assist live apartment."} {"id": "359", "contents": "first, live apar build cost much lower rent house. averag month pay $30 water/sewer/trash, $200 tv/phone/internet, $100 electric, $50 summer/$150 winter gas. look apart tri find one heat electr gas, save boat load money. price electr bill economi size apart east texa area vari quit bit. person charg 570 sq. ft. apart dalla around $65.00 last month (july). half charges, however, fees, taxes, surcharges."} {"id": "360", "contents": "usual get cut-rat deal bundl servic together. nation averag cost basic cabl $15 month -- $30 expand basic, vast major cabl watcher subscribe. add high-spe internet connect $40, well budget $70 whole package. budget averag $50 $60 per month power one-or two-bedroom apart suffice. mani apart come garbag water servic included, may worri that."} {"id": "361", "contents": "high-end, one-bedroom, one-bathroom apart nearli 800 squar feet live space heart kansa city, mo., run $1,000 per month, kind space san diego -- 10th-most-expens citi rent apart countri -- cost around $1,700. median rent 10 citi rang $623 $730 -- that' far cri nearli $4,000 median rent rate apart san francisco, distinct expens place rent country."} {"id": "362", "contents": "(a bare-bon landlin servic typic cost $20 $25 month.) cell phone bill vari wide location, provid and, course, person use. averag cell phone bill u.s. run $50 $60 month. budget averag $50 $60 per month power one-or two-bedroom apart suffice. mani apart come garbag water servic included, may worri that."} {"id": "363", "contents": "averag apart cost singl person. price vari wide base amen provided, condit facility, neighborhood. cost shown repres singl student studio one-bedroom unit medium-qu apart building. single-bedroom apart $700 per month, estimate:"} {"id": "364", "contents": "cost live alexandria 31.7 greater virginia average. cost live alexandria 42.2 greater nation average. cost live index base nation averag 100. cost live index base nation averag 100. amount 100, lower nation average. amount 100, high"} {"id": "365", "contents": "cost real estat vari geograph area, assist live cost also vari nationwide. 2015 cost care survey conduct genworth financial, assist live show increas 2.86% compar 2014 cost nation median monthli rate $3,600. resid assist live commun typic expect 4.28% annual increas base rate. tabl show rang monthli assist live cost state 2015* one-bedroom, single-occup assist live apartment."} {"id": "366", "contents": "find mani tutori help around web. googl search html code tutorials. articl tell creat web-page. consult relat wikihow inform publish web-page. make sure error correct search easily."} {"id": "367", "contents": "exampl start simpl html. titl text. look sourc everi web-pag find basic html codes. meta tag place call head part website. example, want sell wooden garden furnitur website. start simpl ad title, keyword descript"} {"id": "368", "contents": "basics: html titl tag role titl tag web page search engin optim web usabl consider creat titl tag web page titl tag limit (maximum lengths) use keyword web page titl get attent titl tag special charact ascii charact titl tags. microsoft' browser, call internet explorer, display first 95 charact titl tag. titl tag longer 95 characters, internet explor simpli crop tag, see done titl web page."} {"id": "369", "contents": "term doctyp tell browser type html use webpage. turn, browser use doctyp determin render page. fail use doctyp use wrong doctyp may load page quirk mode. semant html code style tag embodi text meant convey. semant html, tag like bold, ital used, reason repres formatting, provid indic mean structure."} {"id": "370", "contents": "10 html tags. tutori introduct 10 common html tags. html simpl markup language. even though close 100 tag html5, usual end use hand 99% time. go teach 10 html tag need markup almost content anyth els think creat web page. go continu carri left first tutorial:"} {"id": "371", "contents": "html tag build block html. use defin html element appear web page. without html tags, html page. virtual everi web page contain html tag (even websit also use program languages)."} {"id": "372", "contents": "role titl tag web page. titl tag play four role internet: first, titl use resourc librarians, directori editors, webmast link page. microsoft' browser, call internet explorer, display first 95 charact titl tag. titl tag longer 95 characters, internet explor simpli crop tag, see done titl web page."} {"id": "373", "contents": "submit page titl like this, titl tags-titl tag limit-titl tag-web page title-html titl tags, expect wait review. microsoft' browser, call internet explorer, display first 95 charact titl tag. titl tag longer 95 characters, internet explor simpli crop tag, see done titl web page."} {"id": "374", "contents": "html exampl element () render text start end tag without interpret html use monospac font. html2 specif recommend render wide enough allow 80 charact per line. basic element backbon html document. see element sourc code web page doctyp declar first line page. doctyp specifi version (x)html page using."} {"id": "375", "contents": "pepper tropic plant requir heat germinate. fruit veget seed sprout soil temperatur 65 degre fahrenheit, habanero pepper need warm soil germinate, prefer 90 95 degrees."} {"id": "376", "contents": "moss protect seed fungal diseas shrink dri ultim prevent sprouting. start right conditions, bell pepper take 10 day germinate. irrig seed contain everi day everi two day soil moist, saturated."} {"id": "377", "contents": "start pepper seed indoor longer grow season. germin pepper seed indoor extend grow season eight weeks. pepper requir long warm season produc fruits, take 58 100 day mature."} {"id": "378", "contents": "re: long take pepper seed sprout, you? shock surpris sow 10 habanero seed pete pellet last full moon, shock surpris full 100% germin less one week. two inch seedlings. never luck peppers."} {"id": "379", "contents": "warmth biggest key success germin chile pepper seeds. warm spot home, like radiator, may good go. rest us, seed germin mat best way safe gentli warm soil."} {"id": "380", "contents": "length time take seed germin heavili relat soil temperature. tomato seed germin within 5-6 day keep soil temperatur around 80\u00ba f. pepper take littl longer littl higher temperatur (7-8 day 85\u00ba f)."} {"id": "381", "contents": "re: long take pepper seed sprout, you? year hot pepper germin 7-10 days, non-sterile, unheat soil, although appear realli love whatev soil. sweet pepper much flakier, appearance."} {"id": "382", "contents": "peppers, cherri (capsicum chinense), cayenn long slim (capsicum annuum) banana sweet pepper (capsicum annuum), begin germin week 10 days. however, habanero seed may begin sprout 11 day take five week germinate."} {"id": "383", "contents": "earli life. johann sebastian bach born march 21, 1685, eisenach, germany, youngest child johann ambrosiu bach, church organist, elizabeth laemmerhirt l\u00e4mmerhirt. bach musician bach famili go back seven. gener earli life. johann sebastian bach born march 21, 1685, eisenach, germany, youngest child johann ambrosiu bach, church organist, elizabeth laemmerhirt l\u00e4mmerhirt. bach"} {"id": "384", "contents": "overview (3). johann sebastian bach born march 21, 1685, eisenach, thuringia, germany, larg distinguish famili profession musicians. father, name johann ambrosiu bach, violinist trumpeter, employ citi eisenach. uncl church organists, court musician composers. mini bio (1). johann sebastian bach born march 21, 1685, eisenach, thuringia, germany, larg distinguish famili profession musicians."} {"id": "385", "contents": "born eisenach, thuringia, germany, march 31, 1685 (n.s.) march 21, 1685 (o.s.), johann sebastian bach came famili musicians, stretch back sever generations. father, johann ambrosius, work town musician eisenach, believ taught young johann play violin. synopsis. born march 31, 1685 (n.s.), eisenach, thuringia, germany, johann sebastian bach prestigi music lineag took variou organist posit earli 18th century, creat famou composit like toccata fugu minor.."} {"id": "386", "contents": "bach born eisenach, duchi saxe-eisenach, great music family. father, johann ambrosiu bach, director town musicians, uncl profession musicians. johann sebastian bach (31 march o.s. 21 march] 1685 28 juli 1750) german compos musician baroqu period."} {"id": "387", "contents": "johann sebastian bach born eisenach, germani 21 march 1685. johann sebastian bach born march 21 year 1685. born eisenach, sax eisenach. son johann ambrosiu bach maria elizabeth lammerhirt. bach born 21st march 1685 eisenach, saxe-eisenach handel born 23rd februari 1685 halle."} {"id": "388", "contents": "johann sebastian bach born eisenach, germani 21 march 1685. johann sebastian bach born march 21 year 1685. born eisenach, sax eisenach. son johann ambrosiu bach maria elizabeth lammerhirt."} {"id": "389", "contents": "johann sebastian bach born eisenach, capit duchi saxe-eisenach, present-day germany, 21 march 1685 o.s. (31 march 1685 n.s.). son johann ambrosiu bach, director town musicians, maria elisabeth laemmerhirt. l\u00e4mmerhirt johann sebastian bach (31 march o.s. 21 march] 1685 28 juli 1750) german compos musician baroqu period."} {"id": "390", "contents": "confid vote 149. unit state feder republic, oper form repres democraci wherebi peopl elect repres respect home region (rather direct democraci decis put vote citizenry). unit state often call repres democracy, democrat republic. unit state certainli pure democracy."} {"id": "391", "contents": "democracy. unit state type govern 200 years. it\u2019 call \u201crepres democracy.\u201d among nation world, unusu system govern last long."} {"id": "392", "contents": "unit state is, indeed, republic, democracy. accur defined, democraci form govern peopl decid polici matter directly--through town hall meet vote ballot initi referendums. popular usage, however, word democraci come mean form govern govern deriv power peopl account use power. sens unit state might accur call democracy."} {"id": "393", "contents": "basi say unit state somehow \u201cnot democracy, republic.\u201d \u201cdemocracy\u201d \u201crepublic\u201d aren\u2019t word speaker arbitrarili defin mean someth (e.g., defin democraci \u201ca form govern law made directli people\u201d). common definit \u201cdemocracy\u201d is, \u201cgovern people, exercis either directli elect representatives\u201d that, too. unit state direct democracy, sens countri law (and govern decisions) made predominantli major vote. lawmak done way, state local levels, it\u2019 tini fraction lawmak"} {"id": "394", "contents": "unit state democracy, direct one (myth). although branch govern deriv power major rule approval-executive, legislative, judicial, monetary-th peopl vote directly. america, then, truli democracy, republic. republ repres democracy, law pass peopl elect representatives. republic, peopl vote senat representatives, who, turn, vote law (myth). peopl vote slate electors, vote president."} {"id": "395", "contents": "constitut republic, unit state constitut law put check balanc place certain minor protect tyranni majority. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/democracy#.... unit states, accord strict textbook definition, repres democracy. repres democracy, elect offici pass deliber legisl behalf."} {"id": "396", "contents": "democracy, democrat government, system govern peopl state politi ... involv make decis affairs, typic vote elect repres parliament similar assembly, defin oxford english dictionary. import justif kind system decis made nation region democraci often affect peopl outsid constitu who, definition, cannot vote. contrast, cosmopolitan democracy, peopl affect decis also say them."} {"id": "397", "contents": "unit state hybrid repres democraci constitut republic. direct democracy. repres democracy, unit state elect offici (senators, congressmen, president, etc.,) repres people. unit states, accord strict textbook definition, repres democracy. repres democracy, elect offici pass deliber legisl behalf."} {"id": "398", "contents": "inner ear contain sensori organ hear balance. cochlea hear part inner ear. semicircular canal inner ear part balanc system. cochlea boni structur shape like snail fill two fluid (endolymph perilymph). organ corti sensori receptor insid cochlea hold hair cells, nerv receptor hearing. mechan energi movement middl ear bone push membran (the oval window) cochlea. forc move cochlea' fluid that, turn, stimul tini hair cells."} {"id": "399", "contents": "two type auditori vestibular. auditori hair cell locat cochlea inner ear, respons detect sounds. movement hair translat electr signal transmit brain interpret sound."} {"id": "400", "contents": "human bodi number cell relat tissues. sinc cell basic unit tissue, decid type, natur function tissues. group differ type cell form tissu human bodi one type tissu form organs."} {"id": "401", "contents": "similar posts. sensat hear balanc reli hair cells, famili cell locat inner ear. crucial function tip links, string protein physic connect cilia \u201chairs\u201d found cells."} {"id": "402", "contents": "inner ear hair cells, cell convert mechan stimulu like sound head movement neural signals. see mechanosensit cilia bundl three cells; rest cell visibl surface."} {"id": "403", "contents": "medic definit cirrhosis. widespread disrupt normal liver structur fibrosi format regen nodul caus variou chronic progress condit affect liver (a long-term alcohol abus hepatitis)\u2014se biliari cirrhosis."} {"id": "404", "contents": "n. 1. chronic diseas liver character replac normal tissu fibrou tissu loss function liver cells. result alcohol abuse, nutrit deprivation, infect especi hepat virus. 2. chronic interstiti inflamm tissu organ. noun. 1. cirrhosis-a chronic diseas interf normal function liver; major caus chronic alcoholism. cirrhosi liver. liver disease-a diseas affect liver. translations. [s\u026a\u02c8r\u0259\u028as\u026as] cirrosi f."} {"id": "405", "contents": "cirrhosis. n. 1. (pathology) variou progress diseas liver, character death liver cells, irrevers fibrosis, etc: caus inadequ diet, excess alcohol, chronic infection, etc. also called: cirrhosi liver. noun. 1. cirrhosis-a chronic diseas interf normal function liver; major caus chronic alcoholism. cirrhosi liver. liver disease-a diseas affect liver. translations. [s\u026a\u02c8r\u0259\u028as\u026as] cirrosi f."} {"id": "406", "contents": "word cirrhosi neolog deriv greek kirrho kirrh\u00f3 meaning, yellowish (tawni the-orang yellow colour diseased) liver the-suffix, osis.i. condit medical. terminolog cirrhosi condit liver function properli due long-term damage. typically, diseas come slowli month years. earli on, often symptoms."} {"id": "407", "contents": "cir\u00b7rho\u00b7sis. n. 1. chronic diseas liver character replac normal tissu fibrou tissu loss function liver cells. result alcohol abuse, nutrit deprivation, infect especi hepat virus."} {"id": "408", "contents": "wiktionari (0.00 votes) rate definition: cirrhosi (noun). chronic diseas liver caus damag toxin (includ alcohol), metabol problems, hepat nutrit deprivation. characteris increas fibrou tissu destruct liver cells."} {"id": "409", "contents": "chronic diseas liver mark degener cells, inflammation, fibrou thicken tissue. typic result alcohol hepatitis. exampl sentences. chronic viral hepat main caus chronic liver disease, cirrhosi hepatocellular carcinoma throughout world."} {"id": "410", "contents": "a. word cirrhosi neolog deriv greek kirrhos, mean orange-yellow. condition, liver appear yellow patholog tissu chang damag caus it. cirrhosi mani possibl causes. liver cirrhosis. (sir\u014d\u00b4sis), degen diseas liver hepat tissu replac connect tissue, commonli result chronic alcoholism. see jaundice. liver failure, condit liver fail fulfil function unabl meet demand made it."} {"id": "411", "contents": "chronic diseas liver character replac normal tissu fibrou tissu loss function liver cells. result alcohol abuse, nutrit deprivation, infect especi hepat virus. chronic interstiti inflamm tissu organ. chronic diseas liver caus damag toxin (includ alcohol), metabol problems, hepat nutrit deprivation. characteris increas fibrou tissu destruct"} {"id": "412", "contents": "full definit cirrhosis. widespread disrupt normal liver structur fibrosi format regen nodul caus variou chronic progress condit affect liver (a long-term alcohol abus hepatitis). cir\u00b7rhot\u00b7 \\-\u02c8rae-\u02c8r\u00e4\\ tik adject or. noun widespread disrupt normal liver structur fibrosi format regen nodul caus variou chronic progress condit affect liver (a long-term alcohol abus hepatitis)\u2014se biliari cirrhosis."} {"id": "413", "contents": "present project show convert common satellit tv antenna high perform wi-fi dish antennas. larg meter diamet wi-fi dish provid 802.11 connect access point dozen kilomet away."} {"id": "414", "contents": "(you may also need coax cabl splitter, antenna amplifi signal booster, new coax cable). step 3: remov cone place hd antenna exist satellit dish. step 4: instal u-bolt includ antenna secur tightli place."} {"id": "415", "contents": "written marshal m. rosenthal. kim steele/photodisc/getti images. purpos wi-fi antenna gather signal transmit devic access local network internet. turn old satellit dish, example, direct tv satellit dish, power effici wi-fi antenna. hardwar tool suppli electron store around home needed."} {"id": "416", "contents": "effect depend size dish shape parabola. we'v shown quit way boost wi-fi range, old satellit dish lie around, wi-fi favor point antenna dish nice rang boost."} {"id": "417", "contents": "correct direct located, point antenna/dish direction. step 9: turn tv set \u201cantenna\u201d let \u201cfind\u201d avail free stations. check signal meter see strong."} {"id": "418", "contents": "turn satellit dish wifi antenna econom efficient, signal loss use usb cabl connect compar coaxial cable. result far stronger signal strength rang connect wifi hot spot public access points."} {"id": "419", "contents": "satellit dish reus mount over-the-air antenna. actual benefit use old dish mount. first, dish still wire insid h..."} {"id": "420", "contents": "addit premium hor d'oeuvr may cost $2-$10 per selection. st. john cater u.s. virgin islands, appet select cost $5 per person, three appet minimum."} {"id": "421", "contents": "averag wed cater cost, includ food food service, drink drink servic cake cake cut fee $12,790, accord bridal associ america, treat three separ categories. averag number guest 150, work $85 per person."} {"id": "422", "contents": "2015, averag cost wed cater $51-$73 per guest. mani coupl spend significantli less due banquet-styl dinners, averag spend around $60 per adult guest."} {"id": "423", "contents": "expect 25% deposit reserv cater bartend cocktail party. addit premium hor d'oeuvr may cost $2-$10 per selection. st. john cater u.s. virgin islands, appet select cost $5 per person, three appet minimum."} {"id": "424", "contents": "average, cater cost anywher $8 $75 per plate. cater go fall $10 $25 per person mark. higher end cater easili reach $75 price tag."} {"id": "425", "contents": "typic rang $4 $22 per person hour event, option rang beer wine full bar. 2-hour party, cork cater illinoi charg $7.50 per guest beer wine $14.50 per guest premium bar serv type mix drinks."} {"id": "426", "contents": "accord bridal associ america, averag cater cost wed rang $80 $90 per plate. drinks, cake dinner, averag bill wed $10,000 $13,000."} {"id": "427", "contents": "cater go fall $10 $25 per person mark. higher end cater easili reach $75 price tag. common cater packag bbq combin cost anywher $10 $22 per plate. would includ item bbq chicken, ribs, bbq favorites."} {"id": "428", "contents": "inexpens cater choic might privat room chinese, barbecu casual restaurant, without alcohol, cost littl $20 per person. mani restaur charg small room rental fee charg use plates, glass flatware."} {"id": "429", "contents": "tip know: accord bridal associ america, averag cater cost wed rang $80 $90 per plate. drinks, cake dinner, averag bill wed $10,000 $13,000."} {"id": "430", "contents": "tumor grows, creat pressur chang function surround brain tissue, caus sign symptoms, headaches, nausea balanc problems. brain tumor mass growth abnorm cell brain close brain. mani differ type brain tumor exist. brain tumor noncancer (benign), brain tumor cancer (malignant). brain tumor begin brain (primari brain tumors), cancer begin part bodi spread brain (secondary, metastatic, brain tumors)."} {"id": "431", "contents": "world health organ (who) nine categori primari brain tumors, base type cell tumor originate. glioma primari brain tumor made glial cellscel provid import structur support nerv cell brain."} {"id": "432", "contents": "primari brain tumor much less common secondari brain tumors, cancer begin elsewher spread brain. mani differ type primari brain tumor exist. get name type cell involved. exampl include: gliomas. tumor begin brain spinal cord includ astrocytomas, ependymoma, glioblastomas, oligoastrocytoma oligodendrogliomas. meningiomas."} {"id": "433", "contents": "two main type tumors: malign cancer tumor benign tumors. cancer tumor divid primari tumor start within brain, secondari tumor spread somewher else, known brain metastasi tumors. secondari metastat brain tumor common primari brain tumors, half metastas come lung cancer. primari brain tumor occur around 250,000 peopl year globally, make less 2% cancers."} {"id": "434", "contents": "common type adult brain tumor glioma astrocyt tumors. tumor form astrocyt type glial cells, cell help keep nerv healthy. second common type adult brain tumor mening tumors. form meninges, thin layer tissu cover brain spinal cord."} {"id": "435", "contents": "type brain cancer. primari brain tumor tumor form cell within brain. tumor categor type cell first develops. 120 differ type brain tumor (nation brain tumor society). common primari brain tumor call gliomas, origin glial (supportive) tissue. one third primari brain tumor nervou system tumor form glial cell"} {"id": "436", "contents": "primari brain tumors. tumor origin within brain tissu known primari brain tumors. primari brain tumor classifi type tissu arise. common brain tumor gliomas, begin glial (supportive) tissue. sever type gliomas, includ following: astrocytoma aris small, star-shap cell call astrocytes. may grow anywher brain spinal cord."} {"id": "437", "contents": "tumor may symptom develop slowly. common initi symptom brain tumor headaches. often, respond usual headach remedies. keep mind headach unrel brain tumors. symptom include: seizures. chang speech hearing. chang vision. balanc problems. problem walking."} {"id": "438", "contents": "benign brain tumor noncancerous. malign primari brain tumor cancer origin brain, typic grow faster benign tumors, aggress invad surround tissue. although brain cancer rare spread organs, spread part brain central nervou system. tumor form astrocyt type glial cells, cell help keep nerv healthy. second common type adult brain tumor mening tumors. form meninges, thin layer tissu cover brain spinal cord."} {"id": "439", "contents": "classifi brain tumor cell origin cell behave, least aggress (benign) aggress (malignant). tumor type assign grade, rang grade (least malignant) grade iv (most malignant), signifi rate growth."} {"id": "440", "contents": "24 hour servic washington: (509) 484-1405idaho: (208) 765-9355. 24 hour service. washington: (509) 484-1405. idaho: (208) 765-9355. geotherm save calcul geotherm system save 70% monthli heating, cool hot water bills, simpl payback occur quickli 3-5 years."} {"id": "441", "contents": "accord unit state depart energi averag cost geotherm heat pump system $2,500 per ton. agenc goe say averag residenti properti go requir unit three ton suppli needs."} {"id": "442", "contents": "geotherm heat system price vari depend type loop system, usual either vertic horizontal. average, typic home 2500 squar feet, heat load 60,000 btu cool load 60,000 btu cost $20,000 $25,000 install. around doubl cost convent heating, cooling, hot water system, geotherm heating/cool system reduc util bill 40% 60%. payback system rang 2-10 years, lifetim system 18-23 years, almost doubl convent system."} {"id": "443", "contents": "save calculator. tabl show typic annual energi cost comparison geotherm four tradit hvac methods. cost tabl base well-insul 2,000 sq. ft. single-stori home bedrooms, baths, live room, famili room, laundri room, kitchen."} {"id": "444", "contents": "$26,000 geotherm system minu rebat ($13,300.00 per calcul harford counti resident) $12,700.00. problem calcul pay back geotherm system retain almost 1/2 initi value, convent system retain none. mean $26,000 system almost $12,000 retain underground loop last least next 3-4 replacements."} {"id": "445", "contents": "sinc hvac cost typic account 65 75% util bill could see averag save $150.00 per month. therefore, pay $200.00 per month (and save $150.00 util costs), instal brand new highli effici geotherm heat cool system net $50.00 per month. problem calcul pay back geotherm system retain almost 1/2 initi value, convent system retain none. mean $26,000 system almost $12,000 retain underground loop last least next 3-4 replacements."} {"id": "446", "contents": "return geotherm investment. geotherm system, except effici mean fast payback. although initi cost geotherm system higher convent heat pump furnace/condens combination, quickli recoup cost energi save exist tax credit programs."} {"id": "447", "contents": "estim util cost comparison. geotherm easili beat even highest effici propan natur ga furnaces. see, geotherm heat cool system reduc util cost considerably. plus, higher fuel cost rise, dramat savings. keep calcul regularli updat current rate michigan util providers."} {"id": "448", "contents": "yes, dirt. ground beneath feet use million heat air condit homes. geotherm heat cool time efficient, cost less operate, smart investment. tri save calculator. ball park number price, savings, financ geotherm system. a. street. citi"} {"id": "449", "contents": "geotherm comfort system vs. tradit heat cooling. largest draw geotherm system compar tradit heat cool system potenti save 55 65% heat cool cost month. problem calcul pay back geotherm system retain almost 1/2 initi value, convent system retain none. mean $26,000 system almost $12,000 retain underground loop last least next 3-4 replacements."} {"id": "450", "contents": "central intellig agenc (cia) civilian foreign intellig servic u.s. government, task gathering, process analyz nation secur inform around world, primarili use human intellig (humint). cia establish first train facility, offic train education, 1950. follow end cold war, cia' train budget slashed, neg effect employe retention. response, director central intellig georg tenet establish cia univers 2002."} {"id": "451", "contents": "central intellig agenc creat 26 juli 1947, harri s. truman sign nation secur act law. major impetu creation cia unforeseen attack pearl harbor. cia establish first train facility, offic train education, 1950. follow end cold war, cia' train budget slashed, neg effect employe retention. response, director central intellig georg tenet establish cia univers 2002."} {"id": "452", "contents": "central intellig agenc creat 1947 sign nation secur act 1947 (pl 235 61 stat. 496; u.s.c. 402) presid harri s. truman. act amend nation secur act amend 1949 (63 stat. sourcewatch. central intellig agenc creat 1947 sign nation secur act 1947 (pl 235 61 stat. 496; u.s.c. 402) presid harri s. truman. act amend nation secur act amend 1949 (63 stat. 579; 50 u.s.c. 401 et seq.)."} {"id": "453", "contents": "central intellig agency. central intellig agenc (cia), independ execut bureau u.s. govern establish nation secur act 1947, replac wartim offic strateg servic (1942\u201345), first u.s. espionag covert oper agency."} {"id": "454", "contents": "particular, cia, like u.s. intellig agencies, respons protect intellig sourc method disclosure. central intellig agenc creat 1947 sign nation secur act presid harri s. truman. central intellig agenc (cia) civilian intellig agenc unit state government. cia establish site provid public overview access cia information, includ electron access previous releas document"} {"id": "455", "contents": "answer central intellig agenc creat us congress prompt presid harri truman. idea agenc came william donovan, creat cia' predecessor, wwii offic strateg services. first director rosco h. hillenkoetter. central intellig agenc (cia) civilian intellig agenc unit state government. cia establish site provid public overview access cia information, includ electron access previous releas document"} {"id": "456", "contents": "director nation intelligence, lead intellig figur u.s. govern director central intellig (dci). dci establish 1947 part nation secur act, also creat central intellig agenc (cia), dci presided."} {"id": "457", "contents": "lawrenc houston, head counsel ssu, cig, and, later cia, principl draftsman nation secur act 1947 dissolv nia cig, establish nation secur council central intellig agency. cia establish first train facility, offic train education, 1950. follow end cold war, cia' train budget slashed, neg effect employe retention. response, director central intellig georg tenet establish cia univers 2002."} {"id": "458", "contents": "complianc educ requir handl take random audit individuals. either sale associ broker renew real estat licens florida, fee $65.00. broker renew licens fee $72.50. possibl experi differ state. applic broker licens must also complet 72 classroom hour specif florida real estat courses. cours valid two years. disabl may qualifi correspond pre-licens course."} {"id": "459", "contents": "answers. best answer: far work permit, would need contact state dept: http://www.uscis.gov/graphics/howdoi/ead... becom realtor florida, would need complet state florida approv real estat cours acquir license. state florida websit form contact approv cours providers: http://www.stateofflorida.com/portal/des... submit complet 2050-1 form activ license, otherwis licens issu inact status. want immedi begin work real estat sale associate, submit complet 2050-1 form examin site."} {"id": "460", "contents": "florida real estat commiss administ enforc real estat law state affect aspect florida real estat license. requir becom real estat agent florida includ least 18 year age high school diploma equivalent. arrest polic histori need provided, plu fingerprint older 60 days. possibl experi differ state. applic broker licens must also complet 72 classroom hour specif florida real estat courses. cours valid two years. disabl may qualifi correspond pre-licens course."} {"id": "461", "contents": "4. appli license. submit complet applic florida real estat commission. applic must includ electron fingerprints, appropri fee florida real estat commission. warnings. state regul alway subject change. illeg florida offer money back guarante pass florida real estat sale associ examination."} {"id": "462", "contents": "applic real estat broker licens florida must alreadi hold activ sale associ licens activ complet least 12 month real estat experi year period preced application. possibl experi differ state. applic broker licens must also complet 72 classroom hour specif florida real estat courses. cours valid two years. disabl may qualifi correspond pre-licens course."} {"id": "463", "contents": "state regul alway subject change. sure confirm step set forth florida real estat commiss changed. illeg florida offer money back guarante pass florida real estat sale associ examination. warnings. state regul alway subject change."} {"id": "464", "contents": "appli licensur florida divis real estat (see resources). activ license, must submit form re-2050-1, found florida divis real estat website. work licens sale associ 24 month licens broker also realtor. tip warnings. florida, term realtor special term, signifi real estat broker accept florida associ realtor use term associ name."} {"id": "465", "contents": "submit complet application, electron fingerprints, appropri fee. pass florida real estat sale associ examin grade least 75 pass florida real estat law exam grade least 30. activ license, otherwis licens issu inact status. real estat associate. success complet frec-approv pre-licens cours sale associ consist 63 classroom-hour cover topic requir frec. cours valid licensur purpos year cours complet date."} {"id": "466", "contents": "pass broker examination. becom licens broker florida, appli florida associ realtor use term realtor, trademark symbol, next name profession settings, design statu within real estat profess florida. tip warnings. florida, term realtor special term, signifi real estat broker accept florida associ realtor use term associ name."} {"id": "467", "contents": "sure confirm step set forth florida real estat commiss changed. illeg florida offer money back guarante pass florida real estat sale associ examination. compani offer you, stay clear. warnings. state regul alway subject chang"} {"id": "468", "contents": "egg fertile, soon turn opaqu white, hatch. egg fertilized, hatch two three day depend temperatur water tank. note: tri remov egg tank. source(s): http://www.aquariumfish.net/catalog_page... mycellin 10 year ago."} {"id": "469", "contents": "hatch rais fri goldfish egg take week hatch, depend temperature. 50 60 degre f, may take one even two week hatch 75 degre f, may hatch days."} {"id": "470", "contents": "goldfish egg kept water deeper inches. deeper water pressur damag fri make hard reach surface. rins egg place 20 gallon tank. rais temperatur 700f. fish hatch 3-4 days."} {"id": "471", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: goldfish egg hatch two three day depend temperatur water tank. first import realiz egg must fertil male goldfish, egg laid femal goldfish. egg fertilized, hatch two three day depend temperatur water tank. note: tri remov egg tank. source(s): http://www.aquariumfish.net/catalog_page... mycellin 10 year ago."} {"id": "472", "contents": "confid vote 95. goldfish egg hatch two three day depend temperatur water tank. first import realiz egg must fertil male goldfish, egg laid femal goldfish. turkey egg usual take 21 28 day hatch depend incub like incub hen. also depend fertil care for. usual take closer 28 days. 158 other found useful."} {"id": "473", "contents": "goldfish egg hatch 70\u00b0 f, five day laid. hatch embryo need day absorb yolk sac incub in. fri digest yolk requir food fed 20 minut time."} {"id": "474", "contents": "egg fertile, soon turn opaqu white, hatch. egg fertilized, hatch two three day depend temperatur water tank. note: tri remov egg tank. turkey egg usual take 21 28 day hatch depend incub like incub hen. also depend fertil care for. usual take closer 28 days. 158 other found useful."} {"id": "475", "contents": "club vistalago project residenti develop stretch rim laguna de apoyo back toward granada,th oldest coloni citi americas. granada 30 mile 40 minut centr managua intern airport. download."} {"id": "476", "contents": "laguna: laguna de apoyo clean, blue, thermal vent 48-squar kiloment bodi water contain insid crater apoyo volcano (think big warm clean lake!).laguna de apoyo one nicargua\u2019 beauti natur wonder (and great place vacat backpack). also refer apoyo lagoon, apoyo crater, simpli la laguna close by. nicaragua chain volcano run north south. laguna de apoyo locat volcano mombacho, south, volcano masaya north. see tip mombacho shore laguna usual cloud swirl top"} {"id": "477", "contents": "lake apoyo declar natur reserv 1991 manag ministri environ natur resourc (marena) compris one 78 protect area nicaragua. geolog data suggest lake apoyo origin 23,000 year ago."} {"id": "478", "contents": "1991 lagoon declar natur reserv (reserva natur laguna de apoyo). lagoon crater share district granada masaya. northern southern sector district catarina san juan de oriente, part depart masaya. apoyo lagoon. center nicaraguan pacif coast, middl long volcan chain run countri north south, wide extend crater form invert cone, center one beauti lagoon nicaragua:"} {"id": "479", "contents": "laguna de apoyo natur reserv capit region nicaragua. granada head north carratera masaya km 37.5 turn left. follow mani sign laguna de apoyo. managua head south carratera masaya km 37.5 turn right. follow mani sign laguna de apoyo. take taxi offer one mani taxi driver around $10 $15."} {"id": "480", "contents": "lago de apoyo crater lake slightli salti water. told reason fish get big. abl catch stringer full tilapia one morn sun rising. fish technic cichlids, quit aggress territorial. take taxi airport laguna de apoyo, cost taxi $40. masaya, half that. quot $12.50 300 cords, great deal! allot 30-40 mins. got time, bu cheapest option, course."} {"id": "481", "contents": "welcom lago apoyo, granada, nicaragua. lakesid gem granada\u2019 doorstep 360 degre view lago de apoyo, granada, cocibolca mombacho\u2026 mile center coloni granada! sever project immedi start construct water, power titl place. club vista lago apoyo fulli commit conserv laguna de apoyo. program reforest area date plant ten thousand sapl indigen species. set asid vast area remain virgin forest may never built on."} {"id": "482", "contents": "anxieti neurosi character psychiatr situt emot distress unconsci conflict express kind physical, psycholog mental disturbances. patient anxieti neurosi want get better can\u2019t find cope skill creat richer, meaning life. anxieti neurosi come class function mental disord includ distress delusionsor hallucinations, behavior outsid social accept condition. also call psychoneurosi neurot disorder."} {"id": "483", "contents": "basically, neurosi actual disorder, obsess thought anxiety, neurotic state disorder. modern non-med text two often use meaning. psychologist psychiatrist today, term rare use (outdat terms). neurotic long-term tendenc neg emot state. peopl neurotic tend depress moods-they suffer feel guilt, envy, anger anxiety, frequent sever individuals. neurotic state neurotic."} {"id": "484", "contents": "disord current classifi anxieti disorders, dissoci disorders, mood disorders, sexual disorders, somatoform disorders. anxieti neurosi obsolet term (freud) condit reclassifi panic disord gener anxieti disorder. hyster neurosi former classif mental disorders, divid convers disord dissoci disorders. prison neurosi chronophobia occur prison troubl adjust long prison sentence, character feel restlessness, panic, anxiety, claustrophobia."} {"id": "485", "contents": "disord consid neurosi neurot disord includ post-traumat stress disorder, somat disorders, anxieti disorder, panic disorder, phobias, dissoci disorder, obsess compuls disord adjust disorder. anxieti fear common symptom mani disord consid neurosi neurot disorder. peopl disord consid neurosi neurot disord delus hallucination, symptom psychot disorders."} {"id": "486", "contents": "split merg it. answer community. make world better, one answer time. neurosi antiqu term. anxieti disord (formerli anxieti neurosis) diagnosi made physician patient exhibit certain specif symptom caus symptom rule out."} {"id": "487", "contents": "differ anxieti neurosis. neurosi simpli older term anxiety. fact, form anxieti simpli label anxieti neurosis, littl distinguish characterist differ type anxieti disorders. take anxieti test get idea modern term anxieti would be. sinc then, psychologist renam anxieti neurosis, use term anxieti disorders-or specif disord itself. neurosi physic mental symptoms, much like tradit anxiety, often refer mental worri nervousness."} {"id": "488", "contents": "neurosis. neurot disorders, defin neuros mental disord vari base (e.g. emot mental). currently, term replac accur determination-anxieti disorders. peopl suffer neurosi often behav strang contact people."} {"id": "489", "contents": "anxieti disord categori mental disord character feel anxieti fear, anxieti worri futur event fear reaction current events."} {"id": "490", "contents": "tast abil respond dissolv molecul ion call tastants. human detect tast tast receptor cells. cluster tast bud scatter area body. tast bud pore open surfac tongu enabl molecul ion taken mouth reach receptor cell inside. salty. sour. sweet. bitter."} {"id": "491", "contents": "gustatori sens receptor cluster structur call ?, found elevations, call papilla surfac tongue. sens receptor also made separ cells, call gustatori cells. five kind basic tastes; sweet, sour, salty, bitter umami."} {"id": "492", "contents": "tast bud found folds. tast bud contain 30\u201350 tast receptor cell arrang like bunch bananas. cell tini hair-lik structures, call microvilli, stick toward tast bud surfac form tast pore. tast molecul food touch tast pore bind microvilli."} {"id": "493", "contents": "tast bud contain 30\u201350 tast receptor cell bundl like bunch bananas. cell tini hair-lik structures, call microvilli, stick toward tast bud surfac form tast pore. tast molecul food touch tast pore bind microvilli."} {"id": "494", "contents": "stretch reflex; also often call myotat reflex, knee-jerk reflex, deep tendon reflex, pre-program respons bodi stretch stimulu muscle. stretch reflex activ extern forc (such load place muscle) intern forc (the motor neuron stimul within.) exampl former person hold empti tray outstretch arm plate food set it."} {"id": "495", "contents": "find demonstr post-activ depress import factor evalu stretch reflex excit muscl stiff spasticity, strengthen hypothesi reduc post-activ depress play role pathophysiolog spasticity. similarly, stretch-evok torqu decreased. spastic participants, post-activ depress reflex stretch-evok torqu significantli smaller healthi participants."} {"id": "496", "contents": "stretch reflex caus stretch muscl spindle. stretch impuls receiv rapid sequenc event follows. motor neuron activ stretch muscles, support muscles, contract antagonist muscl inhibited. stretch reflex activ extern forc (such load place muscle) intern forc (the motor neuron stimul within.) exampl former person hold empti tray outstretch arm plate food set it."} {"id": "497", "contents": "nerv root: stretch reflex subserv root depress proport contribut root make reflex. superfici reflex rare depress sinc extens overlap distribut individu nerv root skin muscl test superfici reflexes. normal muscl stretch reflex result contract muscl whose tendon stretch agonist muscl (i.e., muscl action). also inhibit antagonist muscles. reflex grade bedsid semi-quantit manner."} {"id": "498", "contents": "anoth exampl stretch reflex knee-jerk test perform physicians. patellar tendon tap small hammer, device, caus slight stretch tendon, consequ quadricep muscles. stretch reflex activ extern forc (such load place muscle) intern forc (the motor neuron stimul within.) exampl former person hold empti tray outstretch arm plate food set it."} {"id": "499", "contents": "10 extrem place earth. stretch reflex, also refer deep tendon reflex myotat stretch reflex, physic respons extens muscle. essence, process caus contraction, therebi stop stretch. stretch reflex prevent peopl overextend muscles. protect respons prevent muscl stretch far. workout, take time gentli slowli stretch muscl order help prevent muscl damage."} {"id": "500", "contents": "reflexes, muscl stretch reflex, semi-quantit graded. also true respons pupillari light reflex, speed reaction may indic sluggish response. hand, mani reflex simpli note present absent. normal muscl stretch reflex result contract muscl whose tendon stretch agonist muscl (i.e., muscl action). also inhibit antagonist muscles. reflex grade bedsid semi-quantit manner."} {"id": "501", "contents": "stretch reflex (myotat reflex) muscl contract respons stretch within muscle. monosynapt reflex provid automat regul skelet muscl length. muscl lengthens, muscl spindl stretch nerv activ increases. sudden stretch, tap achilles' tendon, caus reflex contract muscl spindl sens stretch send action potenti motor neuron caus muscl contract; particular reflex caus contract soleus-gastrocnemiu group muscles."} {"id": "502", "contents": "examin myotat (deep tendon) reflexes. muscl stretch (myotatic) reflex simpl reflex, receptor neuron direct connect muscl spindl apparatu muscl alpha motor neuron central nervou system send axon back muscl (figur 8-1). normal muscl stretch reflex result contract muscl whose tendon stretch agonist muscl (i.e., muscl action). also inhibit antagonist muscles. reflex grade bedsid semi-quantit manner."} {"id": "503", "contents": "stretch reflex import posture. help maintain proper postur slight lean either side caus stretch spinal, hip leg muscl side, quickli counter stretch reflex. constant process adjust maintaining. stretch reflex activ extern forc (such load place muscle) intern forc (the motor neuron stimul within.) exampl former person hold empti tray outstretch arm plate food set it."} {"id": "504", "contents": "four u.s. region 2010, process technician averag annual salari higher $60,000. highest averag pay allentown-bethlehem-easton metro area pennsylvania new jersey, $67,130 per year."} {"id": "505", "contents": "process technician earn averag wage $19.40 per hour. skill safeti complianc associ high pay job."} {"id": "506", "contents": "salary. averag start salari process technician approxim $30,000 per year, experienc technician expect earn averag annual salari approxim $45,000. process technician earn salari significantli higher, base increas educ experience."} {"id": "507", "contents": "averag start salari process technician approxim $30,000 per year, experienc technician expect earn averag annual salari approxim $45,000. process technician earn salari significantli higher, base increas educ experience."} {"id": "508", "contents": "process technolog engin salary. process technolog engin averag salari $80,437, median salari $80,000 salari rang $58,000 $102,890. process technolog engin salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position."} {"id": "509", "contents": "process technician averag salari $46,409, median salari $43,930 salari rang $34,320 $69,763. process technician salari collect govern agenc companies."} {"id": "510", "contents": "muscl arm respons movement elbow and, extension, forearm. five muscl origin either humeru scapula insert onto bone forearm flex extend elbow: bicep brachii: muscl two heads."} {"id": "511", "contents": "supinator: muscl supin forearm. origin later epicondyl humerus, radial collater anular ligaments, ulna. insert onto proxim third radius, it\u2019 innerv deep branch radial nerve."} {"id": "512", "contents": "muscl forearm segreg compart consist (1) anterior group (the flexor wrist finger pronators) (2) posterior group (the extensor wrist finger supinator) (fig. 10-1)."} {"id": "513", "contents": "posterior side arm extensor muscles, extensor carpi ulnari extensor digitorum, act antagonist flexor muscl extend hand fingers. extensor muscl run long, thin strap humeru metacarp phalanges."} {"id": "514", "contents": "superfici muscl anterior compart flexor carpi ulnaris, palmari longus, flexor carpi radiali pronat teres. origin common tendon, aris medial epicondyl humerus."} {"id": "515", "contents": "it\u2019 innerv musculocutan nerv flex forearm. coracobrachialis: muscl origin coracoid process scapula insert middl medial surfac humerus. it\u2019 innerv musculocutan nerv flex adduct arm."} {"id": "516", "contents": "two special motion produc muscl forearm supin (anterior rotation) pronat (posterior rotation) forearm hand. supin produc bicep brachii upper arm supin muscl forearm."} {"id": "517", "contents": "muscl arm hand specif design meet body\u2019 divers need strength, speed, precis complet mani complex daili tasks. activ lift weight heavi box requir brute strength muscl arm."} {"id": "518", "contents": "\u201cit\u2019 gener price rang averag tub shower replacement. you\u2019r replac tub tub shower shower aren\u2019t ad new features, typic cost $3,000 $5,000. peopl want new tub shower environment, gener facelift.\u201d. estimate, typic job includ replac old shower tub custom shower pan, new wall tile, glass surround custom glass door rang cost $4,000 $5,000. without custom door, price drop $1,000"} {"id": "519", "contents": "publication, cost shower fixtur control rang $20 $30 simpl single-handl shower head faucet sever hundr dollar spa shower sever shower head electron controls. instal multipl shower fixtur may also increas plumb costs. instal new bathroom shower may requir help architect profession designer. technic issu like tie exist plumb infrastructur adher local build code address advance. work contractor, cost plan includ quote."} {"id": "520", "contents": "you\u2019r wonder much expect pay replac old tub shower, short answer is: anywher $1,500 $5,000, nation averag run $3,000. estimate, typic job includ replac old shower tub custom shower pan, new wall tile, glass surround custom glass door rang cost $4,000 $5,000. without custom door, price drop $1"} {"id": "521", "contents": "get instant estim cost instal shower stall! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost shower stall instal project. basic stall project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal shower stall rang $703.43 $839.51 per stall. estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchased."} {"id": "522", "contents": "nation averag new shower instal project, perform capabl contractor, $2,689. low-end normal cost range, homeown pay $1,109, high end averag rang they\u2019r spend $2,459. luxuri shower cost excess $10,000 install."} {"id": "523", "contents": "shower enclosur construct tile, stone, glass water resist material. prefabr fiberglass enclosur allow instal new shower stall singl step. publication, averag cost instal basic prefabr shower run $495. instal new bathroom shower may requir help architect profession designer. technic issu like tie exist plumb infrastructur adher local build code address advance. work contractor, cost plan includ quote."} {"id": "524", "contents": "tile shower installation, you\u2019r probabl look minimum cost least $1,500, although intricate, labor-heavi design add-on (such new faucet tub) could easi bring price $5,000 more. new shower costs. actual cost new shower depend location, materi used, complex installation, factors. basic shower enclosur may cost littl $400 $600, combin bath/show unit top-of-the-lin surround could cost $1,500 $3"} {"id": "525", "contents": "total cost new shower surround averag $1,200 $2,000. tile shower installation, you\u2019r probabl look minimum cost least $1,500, although intricate, labor-heavi design add-on (such new faucet tub) could easi bring price $5,000 more. new shower costs. actual cost new shower depend location, materi used, complex installation, factors. basic shower enclosur may cost littl $400 $600, combin bath/show unit top-of-the-lin surround could cost $1,500 $3"} {"id": "526", "contents": "instal ceram tile floor match shower-averag price instal $11 $22 per squar foot; light/fan combination-averag $180 one hour installation; insul re-finish ceil walls-fiberglass wall insul r-30 valu cost $2.25 per squar foot. example, bathroom may requir plumb new drain faucet averag cost $45 $65 per hour, plu materials; provid carpentri code-thi go depend upon amount work required, carpent averag $70 per hour."} {"id": "527", "contents": "ivori (. ). ivori off-whit color resembl ivory, materi teeth tusk anim (such eleph walrus) made. slight tint yellow. first record use ivori color name english 1385. color often consid shade white include, cream, eggshell, ivory, navajo white, vanilla. even light room, however, caus pure white perceiv off-white. off-whit color pervas pair beig 1930s, especi popular roughli 1955 1975."} {"id": "528", "contents": "yellow sapphire. zircon. hard, white, elastic, fine-grain substanc obtain tusk elephant, walrus, sperm whale hippopotamus, last varieti best. colour ivori rang white yellowish white, brownish white, commonest shade pale cream. ivori distinguish bone virtu fine tubul run spiral cours indic growth tooth. present bone. ivori come africa asia."} {"id": "529", "contents": "relax color, beig often seen dull bore color. similar color beig ivory, neutral, relaxing, calm color, pure soft color white, warmer tone. ivori repres quiet pleasantness. post part color mean blog series, detail mean associ color red, orange, yellow, green, blue, purple, grey, black, white, brown, pink, turquoise, gold, silver, beige. beig dependable, conservative, flexible."} {"id": "530", "contents": "ivori opaqu white yellowish white substanc gemston mineral, actual organ nature. sometim call organ mineral, ivori extrem valuabl attract sight touch. follow inform differ colors, shape size ivori avail in. ivori usual come two colors, white whitish yellow, mani peopl usual call white. whiter ivory, usual higher price, usual ivori turn ting yellow older piece, part, extrem exquisit beauti"} {"id": "531", "contents": "ivori soft neutral color quit white earthi light brown beige. ivori repres quiet, pleasant touch luster. natur cultur ivory: neutral, ivori calm color. carri pureness, softness, cleanli white slightli richer, touch warmer. ivori tusk eleph long prize use jewelri decor housewar furniture. use ivori colors: ivori light peach, pale grassi green, light brown earthi feel softer natur palettes. use touch ivori lighten brighten medium dark orange, blue, green, purple, turquoise."} {"id": "532", "contents": "metal: gold-ton metal stones: clear crystal stones: ivori stone closure: lobster clasp jewelri photo enlarg show detail. free ship $99+ jcpenney fine jewelri natasha crystal flower statement necklac $112.48 $56.24 activ sale alert statement cuff bracelet. gold-plat metal; resin length: 36 lobster claw clasp vinc camuto ivori tripl layer spike necklac $78 activ sale alert instil mountain spirit season' signatur d-ring, car coat 3.1 phillip lim cloak savvi sophist warmth style."} {"id": "533", "contents": "ivori off-whit color resembl ivory, materi teeth tusk anim (such as, notably, eleph walrus) made. slight tint yellow. first record use ivori color name english 1385."} {"id": "534", "contents": "bowl cottag cheese. cottag chees fresh chees curd product mild flavor. drained, pressed, whey remain individu curd remain loose. curd usual wash remov acidity, give sweet curd cheese. age colored."} {"id": "535", "contents": "cottag chees chees curd product mild flavor. drained, pressed, whey remain individu curd remain loose.. age colored. differ style cottag chees made milk differ fat levels."} {"id": "536", "contents": "cottag cheese. cottag chees mild flavour chees curd product. curd drain pressed, whey remain retain moisture. curd gener wash remov acid leav sweet taste. made differ type milk differ fat levels."} {"id": "537", "contents": "pot chees fresh chees similar cottag cheese. consid low-fat chees often ad salt. anoth name pot chees dry-curd cottag cheese. name pot chees use type chees made pot stove."} {"id": "538", "contents": "cottag chees fresh chees curd product mild flavor. drained, pressed, whey remain individu curd remain loose. curd usual wash remov acidity, give sweet curd cheese. age colored."} {"id": "539", "contents": "chees hardli reput diet food, cottag chees long stapl mani health consciou diets. avail sever varieti -- low fat, low sodium mix fruit -- cottag chees versatil kitchen consum ad sweet savori recipes."} {"id": "540", "contents": "quoted: post(s). dd start get year molar kiddi age seem alreadi them. depend quickli they'v grown teeth think. neighbor' kid pop teeth week, dd take week week get teeth in. excrutiating. ds' molar swollen week top poke through. bottom came 10 day later. they'r still way in, least pain stopped."} {"id": "541", "contents": "best answer: depend talk babi teeth, perman teeth, wisdom teeth.... go link below. source(s): http://kidshealth.org/kid/body/teeth_nos... lizdylan2003 year ago."} {"id": "542", "contents": "dd' first molar took week come thru, got once. fun. due get next set soon think dont expect bad got eye teeth long ago without problem. edit white-lily, 31 august 2010 04:44 pm. i'm realli sure dd' first molars, got four within space week i'm sure long come from. front top teeth canin seem take longest, wherea molar sort appear nowhere."} {"id": "543", "contents": "12 year molar come almost 18. brace sever year that. also could ask orthodontist xray determin statu molars. go six month without adjust brace come off."} {"id": "544", "contents": "son go 14 month top, bottom molars, top incisor come least month now. kid teeth differently. nephew' seem come week nephew months. long take babi cut bottom molars? daughter 12.5 month old day ago becam fussi (which total character)."} {"id": "545", "contents": "littl boy 25 month start teeth last lot teeth call secondari molar believ long take come through? lot pain eat last night woke time unusu also slept day unusual. best answer: i'll watch interest. 24 month old daughter start cut two year molars, too. seem like take week week cut molar off-again on-again process."} {"id": "546", "contents": "confid vote 160. second set babi teeth molar usual come around age two. long actual take fulli erupt-each kid different. appear first child. second, took weeks."} {"id": "547", "contents": "behind canin two set molars, first second molars. usual last come in. everi child different, one-size-fits-al guidelin length time take molar come through. instead, time frame rang help judg child' situation. upper lower first molar begin 12 17 months. fulli 27 32 months. upper second molar begin erupt 24 33 month finish 38 48 months. lower second molar come 24 36 month set 34 48 months. start duration. everi child different, one-size-fits-al guidelin length time take molar come through. instead, time frame rang help judg child' situation. upper lower first molar begin 12 17 months."} {"id": "548", "contents": "gerona airport. also refer girona costa brava airport short 20 minut drive away gerona; start holiday pick hire car. gerona great place base look explor nearbi citi barcelona uncov beauti coastlin northern spain."} {"id": "549", "contents": "girona airport information. girona-costa brava airport iata (gro) icao (lege) second import barcelona area.loc town vilobi vilob\u00ed\u2019d onyar just.7 mile away citi center of. girona"} {"id": "550", "contents": "get away. welcom barcelona girona airport offici guide, free, independ onlin guide. aim provid inform need girona airport (gro) services, ensur experi easi enjoyable. airport geoloc latitude: 41.89804 longitude: 2.766383."} {"id": "551", "contents": "multipl destin airport either spain european countri uk, italy, netherlands, denmark, slovakia, ireland, belgium, germany, ukraine, sweden, turkey, cyprus, malta, morocco, france, poland, estonia lithuania."} {"id": "552", "contents": "girona 103 km north east barcelona mani tourist fli girona one mani budget airlin like ryanair make way barcelona costa brava. girona tourist guid help arrang visit girona spain."} {"id": "553", "contents": "girona-costa brava airport iata (gro) icao (lege) second import barcelona area.loc town vilobi vilob\u00ed\u2019d onyar just.7 mile away citi center of. girona barcelona citi 57 mile away long, way consid altern airport barcelona el. prat"} {"id": "554", "contents": "girona-airport one medium-s airport spain. intern airport 2.2m passeng per year (incoming, outgo transit)."} {"id": "555", "contents": "girona airport. girona-airport one medium-s airport spain. intern airport 2.2m passeng per year (incoming, outgo transit). runway locat 17 hour away london shortest possibl connect stop flight."} {"id": "556", "contents": "1. remov tick. tick attach person' skin, remov immediately: wear gloves, grasp tick clean tweezer close skin possibl remov head mouthparts. pull tick straight gentli steadily. tri remov tick hot match petroleum jelly. save tick contain alcohol show ... wear gloves, grasp tick clean tweezer close skin possibl remov head mouthparts. pull tick straight gentli steadily. twist. tri remov tick hot match petroleum jelly. could caus tick regurgit infect fluid wound."} {"id": "557", "contents": "may increas risk infection. tri burn tick attach skin. put tick dri jar ziplock bag save freezer later identif necessary. wash area tick bite lot warm water soap. tweezers, put glove cover hand tissu paper, use fingers. handl tick bare hands. tri smother tick attach skin petroleum jelly, nail polish, gasoline, rub alcohol."} {"id": "558", "contents": "pull upward firm, even force. use even pressur pull tick gentli skin. don\u2019t twist, jerk, yank tick could break mouth insid skin. think smoothli pull back arrow bow. resort forc tick doesn\u2019t come easily. tri best remov tick gentli possible. 3. pull remain part tick tweezers. tick\u2019 mouth break skin, tri gentli remov tweezers. however, cannot easili get leav bite alon skin heals. 4. cover tick petroleum jelli nail polish, \u201ccoax\u201d heat. simpli remov tweezer"} {"id": "559", "contents": "spot tick, import take care remov it. contact tick\u2019 blood potenti transmit infect dog even you! treat area rub alcohol pluck parasit tweezers, make sure you\u2019v gotten bite head bodi parts."} {"id": "560", "contents": "remov tick tick remov devic set tweezers. grasp tick close skin\u2019 surface. pull away skin, tri bend twist tick. check bite site see left tick\u2019 head mouthpart bite. so, remov those. clean bite site rub alcohol soap water. need take medicin see doctor tick bite unless begin develop symptom want remov tick yourself."} {"id": "561", "contents": "tri burn tick attach skin. put tick dri jar ziplock bag save freezer later identif necessary. wash area tick bite lot warm water soap. mild dishwash soap, ivory, work well. tweezers, put glove cover hand tissu paper, use fingers. handl tick bare hands. tri smother tick attach skin petroleum jelly, nail polish, gasoline, rub alcohol. may increas risk infection."} {"id": "562", "contents": "treat tick bite dogs. owner' abil remov treat tick bite soon possibl essential. live tick contamin area, check dog tick everi outing, least day. check bulgi area skin, near ears, legs, dog' toes, area less hair. remov tick use tweezer special device, grab tick head. vital leav head mouthpiec inside. diseas caus ticks. fortunately, tick carri diseas need attach dog' bodi hour feed dog\u2019 blood order transmit disease. regular tick take hour day feed, remov time prevent transmiss tick disease."} {"id": "563", "contents": "use fine-tip tweezer remov tick. tweezers, put glove cover hand tissu paper, use fingers. handl tick bare hands. tri smother tick attach skin petroleum jelly, nail polish, gasoline, rub alcohol. tweezers, put glove cover hand tissu paper, use fingers. handl tick bare hands. tri smother tick attach skin petroleum jelly, nail polish, gasoline, rub alcohol. may increas risk infection."} {"id": "564", "contents": "consensu definit \u201clocal\u201d \u201clocal food systems\u201d term geograph distanc product consumption. defin \u201clocal\u201d base market arrangements, farmer sell directli consum region farmers\u2019 market schools, well recognized."} {"id": "565", "contents": "noun. definit local relat particular space place serv small portion something. exampl local use adject local mall mean mall nearbi someon live"} {"id": "566", "contents": "full definit local. 1. character relat posit space: definit spatial form location. 2. a: of, relat to, characterist particular place: gener widespread b: of, relat to, applic part whole. 3."} {"id": "567", "contents": "local. relat place. of, characterist of, confin particular place district: item local interest. broad; restricted; narrow: local outlook. particular part specif area body; general. definit local relat particular space place serv small portion something. exampl local use adject local mall mean mall nearbi someon live"} {"id": "568", "contents": "lo\u00b7cal. adj. 1. a. of, relat to, characterist particular place: local custom; local slang. [\u02c8l\u0259\u028ak\u0259li] adv localement. fifth drug consum japan produc local un cinquiem cinqui\u00e8m de drogu consomme consomm\u00e9 au japon sont. produit local local polit la vie politiqu local local time heure. local"} {"id": "569", "contents": "local food local food movement movement aim connect food produc food consum geograph region; order develop self-reli resili food networks, improv local economies, health, environmental, community, social impact particular place. locavor localvor (the term neologism) person interest eat food local produced, move long distanc market. one common-but universal-definit local food food grown within 100 mile point purchas consumption."} {"id": "570", "contents": "/\u02c8lo\u028ak\u0259l/. noun. plural locals. learner' definit local. [count]. 1. person live particular area, city, town: local person usual plural. restaur popular (the) locals. [+] exampl [-] hide exampl [+] exampl sentenc [-] hide examples. 2. train bu make stop along rout compar express. 3."} {"id": "571", "contents": "exampl local use adject local mall mean mall nearbi someon lives. exampl local use adject local govern mean govern serv town towns. definit local relat particular space place serv small portion something. exampl local use adject local mall mean mall nearbi someon live"} {"id": "572", "contents": "definit locally. 1. respect particular place situation. 2. nearby. 3. region origin"} {"id": "573", "contents": "averag height women uk averag height women uk is: 5' 4.4 (163.7 cm). inform averag height women orldwide, see page link, page, list relat questions."} {"id": "574", "contents": "averag height women (canadian) 163 centimeters, feet inches. averag height women feet inches, i\u2019m giant. averag weight women (canadian) 65.8 kg, 145 pounds. goodness, averag weight women heavier am. take word that, i\u2019m sure."} {"id": "575", "contents": "per figur publish nation center health statistics, averag height adult femal unit state 63.8 inch feet 3.8 inches, come 164 cms. north american women tad taller averag height feet 4.6 inches."} {"id": "576", "contents": "offici averag height adult women u.s. littl higher. 5' 4.6 (164.1 cm). learn averag height adult women countri worldwide, see page link, page, list relat questions."} {"id": "577", "contents": "averag height men women unit kingdom is: 176.8 cm (5' 9.6) man 163.7 cm (5' 4.4) woman inform ave rage height women men worldwide, see page links, page, list relat questions."} {"id": "578", "contents": "averag height canadian men women is: 174 cm (5' 8.5) men 161.0 cm (5' 3.4) women inform averag height men women worldwide, see page link, page, list relat questions."} {"id": "579", "contents": "averag femal height country. accord map tallest women earth, average, netherlands, stand at. 5ft 7in (169.9 cm) tall. shortest peopl bolivia stand 4ft 8in (142.2 cm) tall."} {"id": "580", "contents": "canada: averag canadian woman' weight 153 pound (69.4 kg) height 5' 3.4 (161 cm). male counterpart weigh 182 pound (82.7 kg), 5' 8.5 (174 cm) tall. heather orpana statist canada kind provid statist base 2005 canadian commun health survey 3.1."} {"id": "581", "contents": "beta blocker class drug commonli use treat heart conditions, although use treatment varieti condit includ glaucoma, migraines, anxiety."} {"id": "582", "contents": "beta blocker basic medic use treat certain condit high blood pressure, myocardi infarction, abnorm heart rhythms, overact thyroid symptoms, migrain glaucoma. commonli refer beta-block though full name beta-adrenoceptor. due effect heart cells, addit anxiety, that' also use treat heart failure, reduc risk heart attacks, control abnorm heart rhythm, prevent angina pain lower blood pressure."} {"id": "583", "contents": "beta blocker increas anxiety. beta blocker class drug prescrib host differ treatments. may use treat heart disease, glaucoma, hypertension, mani doctor prescrib beta blocker anxiety-especi sever anxieti anxieti attacks. mani peopl report use beta blocker success. beta blocker place anxieti treatment, beta blocker also sever danger make riski choic regular use. alway consult doctor take beta blocker, make sure keep doctor inform side effects."} {"id": "584", "contents": "type beta blocker use specif anxieti treatment includ propranolol, atenolol pindolo. anxieti suffer choos use beta blocker opt singl dosag isol incid regular dosag anxieti chronic. beta blocker prescrib treat heart problems, anxieti perform anxieti stage fright, high blood pressure. work..."} {"id": "585", "contents": "beta blockers, also known beta-adrenerg block agents, medic reduc blood pressure. beta blocker work block effect hormon epinephrine, also known adrenaline. take beta blockers, heart beat slowli less force, therebi reduc blood pressure."} {"id": "586", "contents": "beta blocker help treatment physic symptom anxiety, especi social anxiety. physician prescrib control rapid heartbeat, shaking, trembling, blush anxiou situat sever hours. possibl benefits. safe patients. use short-term relief social phobia. may reduc peripher symptom anxiety, tachycardia sweating, gener tension, help control symptom stage fright public-speak fears, side effects. possibl disadvantages. see disadvantages-beta-blockers, above."} {"id": "587", "contents": "beta blocker medic prescrib treat varieti disorders. common condit beta blocker use high blood pressure, glaucoma migraines; however, beta blocker also use treatment anxiety. sinc beta blocker interact blood pressure, help reduc symptom associ anxiety. beta blocker prescrib treat heart problems, anxieti perform anxieti stage fright, high blood pressure. work..."} {"id": "588", "contents": "beta blocker tend use frequent situat perform anxieti public speak anxieti situat work primarili actual block physic manifest anxiety, littl effect emot sens anxiety. answer: beta blocker famili medicin actual use varieti field medicine, includ psychiatry. fact they'r frequent use medic treat high blood pressure."} {"id": "589", "contents": "beta-blockers. beta blocker help treatment physic symptom anxiety, especi social anxiety. physician prescrib control rapid heartbeat, shaking, trembling, blush anxiou situat sever hours. possibl benefits. safe patients. side effects. use short-term relief social anxiety. may reduc peripher symptom anxiety, tachycardia sweating, gener tension, help control symptom stage fright public-speak fears, side effects. possibl disadvantages. see disadvantages-beta-blockers, above."} {"id": "590", "contents": "often social anxieti symptom strong beta blockers, helpful, cannot reduc enough symptom provid relief. lower blood pressur slow heart rate, peopl diagnos low blood pressur heart condit may abl take them. use short-term relief social anxiety. may reduc peripher symptom anxiety, tachycardia sweating, gener tension, help control symptom stage fright public-speak fears, side effects. possibl disadvantages. see disadvantages-beta-blockers, above."} {"id": "591", "contents": "runner benefit gentli stretch calf muscl achil tendon work out. ankl brace provid support stabil injur achil tendon. contract calf muscl pull upward achil tendon. use crutch help ensur addit damag done achil tendon injury. diagram achil tendon common tendon problems. physic therapist may use variou stretch techniqu treat pull achil tendon. view slideshow imag above."} {"id": "592", "contents": "rest achil tendon. avoid activ strain tendon, stair climb running. tri activities, swimming, give tendon days, weeks, month need heal. doctor tell cannot do. follow step rest, heal, strengthen achil tendon prevent injury: rest achil tendon. reduc pain ice achil tendon take nonprescript pain reliev acetaminophen nonsteroid anti-inflammatori drug (nsaids) directed. follow physic therapi program one ..."} {"id": "593", "contents": "achil tendon rupture. matter treat achil tendon rupture, treatment import follow rehab program. program help tendon heal prevent injury. follow step rest, heal, strengthen achil tendon prevent injury: rest achil tendon. reduc pain ice achil tendon take nonprescript pain reliev acetaminophen nonsteroid anti-inflammatori drug (nsaids) directed. follow physic therapi program one ..."} {"id": "594", "contents": "email. knowledg center. achil tendin (tendonitis) achil tendon inflamm occur achil tendon becom inflamed, result, achil tendon put much strain. achil tendon join calf muscl heel bone, found back person' lower leg. largest tendon bodi endur great force, still suscept injury. achil tendin usual result strenuous, high impact exercise, running."} {"id": "595", "contents": "achil sore like either achil tendin (or achil tendonitis) achil tendinosis. achil tendin (or sometim spell tendonitis) acut injury, wherebi tendon make-up disrupt result inflammation."} {"id": "596", "contents": "achil tendinopathy. follow step rest, heal, strengthen achil tendon prevent injury: rest achil tendon. avoid activ strain tendon, stair climb running. follow step rest, heal, strengthen achil tendon prevent injury: rest achil tendon. reduc pain ice achil tendon take nonprescript pain reliev acetaminophen nonsteroid anti-inflammatori drug (nsaids) directed. follow physic therapi program one ..."} {"id": "597", "contents": "injured, definit know, foot injuri particularli painful. find addit inform condit suggest treat injur tendons. tendin inflammation, stiffness, swell result tendon strain torn. experi problem tendon anywher foot, includ within arch along bottom foot. tendin is, fact, often relat arch problems."} {"id": "598", "contents": "heal achil tendon injury. achil tendon injuri prime exampl condit involv chronic re-injury. re-injuri take place whenev activ put strain achilles, attempt stretch fragil tissu newli heal achilles."} {"id": "599", "contents": "save. achil tendon band tissu goe calf muscl heel. contract calf muscl achil tendon pull caus foot push down. allow walk, run, jump stand toes."} {"id": "600", "contents": "achil tendin common condit caus pain along back leg near heel. achil tendon largest tendon body. connect calf muscl heel bone use walk, run, jump."} {"id": "601", "contents": "rub bacon fat side steak season caveman rub prefer go grill steak tast like high heat mine minut per side depend thick steak like done"} {"id": "602", "contents": "beef rib steak cut meat cow steer cut rib section anim differ name differ section rib sometim call prime rib although qualifi prime feder standard type beef rib steak coupl differ varieti depend part rib back rib best known barbecu beef rib particularli meati long favorit past time barbequ famili event rib eye steak popular throughout societi"} {"id": "603", "contents": "grill steak grill pan realli hot place rib eye onto use regular fri pan pour littl oil much add steak cook meat bottom brown crispi check see readi flip turn one end crust built time"} {"id": "604", "contents": "best way cook ribey steak quickli high heat either grill broiler cast iron skillet cook way produc flavor brown crust exterior steak leav interior tender juici word perfect main muscl ribey steak longissimu dorsi long tender muscl run way hip bone shoulder blade tender get much exercis also muscl good amount intramuscular fat tend deposit"} {"id": "605", "contents": "bone rib eye prime rib steak natur tender rich flavor rib bone steak cut stand rib roast tender fatti cut superb flavor grill broil pan sear thin rib steak recip rib steak inch sear high heat sear thin steak brown exterior quickli dri center use ga grill first brush grill veget oil prevent stick preheat high 10 15 minut lid"} {"id": "606", "contents": "definit rib eye cut roast sit top rib primal roast known stand rib roast commonli prime rib though technic prime grade beef rib eye boneless cut bone left attach call rib steak"} {"id": "607", "contents": "best answer rib eye tender steak two steak also mean requir slightli less grill time get desir done keep grill cover particularli import marbl rib eye keep consist temperatur reduc flare up marbel tender rib eye also allow absorb flavor marinad like use"} {"id": "608", "contents": "direct preheat grill high heat place rib eye steak larg platter season rub side transfer season steak hot grill cook minut side medium rare longer desir remov steak let rest 10 minut serv small bowl combin ingredi tast"} {"id": "609", "contents": "time frame beef rib steak rib roast rib eye steak rib steak rib store refriger three four day freezer 12 month thaw time unless go prepar cook steak type beef rib steak coupl differ varieti depend part rib back rib best known barbecu beef rib particularli meati long favorit past time barbequ famili event rib eye steak popular throughout societi"} {"id": "610", "contents": "pleas type ngc number (either number only, preced 'ngc' 'n'), ic number preced 'ic' 'i', messier number preced 'm', object like find. browser (e.g., lynx) requir hit key ('s' 's' lynx) activ input line. wolfgang steinick 's ngc/ic site, includ revis ngc ic catalog. ngc/ic project maintain onlin databas variou version ngc ic catalog relat material, includ interact observ list generator. note particular scan onlin version ngc ic catalogs."} {"id": "611", "contents": "ngc acronym numismat guaranti corporation. ngc one world\u2019 two upper echelon coin grade services, pcg (profession coin grade service). investor purchas coin base factors. instead, savvi investor look ngc coin rel low premium gold spot price, coin histor profit-to-loss ratio favor profit coin steadi trackabl resel market."} {"id": "612", "contents": "follow articl answer common question regard ngc gold coins; alreadi familiar ngc simpli want purchase, liquid check valu coins, pleas call us directli 1-800-300-0715 one commission-fre gold coin advis assist you. investor purchas coin base factors. instead, savvi investor look ngc coin rel low premium gold spot price, coin histor profit-to-loss ratio favor profit coin steadi trackabl resel market."} {"id": "613", "contents": "ngc contain 7,840 objects, known ngc objects. one largest comprehens catalogues, includ type deep space object confin to, example, galaxies. dreyer publish two supplement ngc, known index catalogu (abbrevi ic). serv supplement ngc, contain addit 5,386 objects, collect known ic objects. summar discoveri galaxies, cluster nebula 1888 1907. list correct ic publish 1912."} {"id": "614", "contents": "ngc grade wide varieti coins, wheat penni ancient silver, decade-long rise gold spot price made ngc gold coin popular commodity. ngc grade gold coin scale 0-70, 70 repres coin post-product imperfections. investor purchas coin base factors. instead, savvi investor look ngc coin rel low premium gold spot price, coin histor profit-to-loss ratio favor profit coin steadi trackabl resel market."} {"id": "615", "contents": "first major updat ngc index catalogu nebula cluster star (abbrevi ic), publish two part dreyer 1895 (ic i, contain 1,520 objects) 1908 (ic ii, contain 3,866 objects). serv supplement ngc, contain addit 5,386 objects, collect known ic objects. summar discoveri galaxies, cluster nebula 1888 1907. list correct ic publish 1912."} {"id": "616", "contents": "ngc abbrevi may refer to: new gener catalogu nebula cluster stars, catalogu deep sky object astronomy. ngc corporation, becam dynegi inc. carmiooro ngc, profession cycl team, whose licens held great britain, found 2008 lorenzo di silvestro team manag natal bellotti, team' president. nation glass centre, cultur venu visitor attract locat sunderland, north east england."} {"id": "617", "contents": "ngc 2000.0 (also known complet new gener catalog index catalog nebula star clusters) 1988 compil ngc ic made roger w. sinnott, use j2000.0 coordinates. incorpor sever correct errata made astronom years. serv supplement ngc, contain addit 5,386 objects, collect known ic objects. summar discoveri galaxies, cluster nebula 1888 1907. list correct ic publish 1912."} {"id": "618", "contents": "price gallon gasolin washington differ u.s. averag less percent august past five years. (see chart tabl .). consum price index septemb 2015 schedul releas thursday, octob 15, 2015, 8:30 a.m. (et). $2.609 gallon, washington area consum paid 5.0 percent less nation averag $2.745 gallon gasolin august 2015. last august, gasolin price washington also similar nation"} {"id": "619", "contents": "price regular gasolin 10/14/2015 7:46:41 pm local time. show averag price metro area."} {"id": "620", "contents": "arlington, va 22201. yesterday. $2.25update. 38 regular ga price report past day arlington, va. averag regular ga price arlington, va $2.26, $0.51 lower u.s. nation averag regular ga price $2.77. lowest regular ga price $2.13 bp locat 5601 lee hwi (us-29), arlington, va 22207."} {"id": "621", "contents": "day ago. $1.91update. 168 regular ga price report past day richmond, va. averag regular ga price richmond, va $1.99, $0.8 lower u.s. nation averag regular ga price $2.79. lowest regular ga price $1.79 shell locat 10030 hull st rd, richmond, va 23236. highest regular ga price $2.22 sunoco locat 5604 chamberlayn rd, richmond, va 23227."} {"id": "622", "contents": "washington area household paid averag 13.5 cent per kilowatt hour (kwh) electr august 2015, 3.1 percent 13.1 cent per kwh august 2014. averag price util (piped) ga $1.001 per therm august 4.1 percent $1.044 per therm year earlier. $2.609 gallon, washington area consum paid 5.0 percent less nation averag $2.745 gallon gasolin august 2015. last august, gasolin price washington also similar nation"} {"id": "623", "contents": "8.95\u00a2. 23rd highest. virginia averag electr price (10 percent nation average). coal provid 37 percent virginia\u2019 electricity, two nuclear power plant meet almost 40 percent state\u2019 demand. natur ga gener state\u2019 remain electricity."} {"id": "624", "contents": "(see chart .) price paid washington area consum util (piped) gas, commonli refer natur gas, $1.001 per therm august 2015, 7.4 percent nation averag $0.932 per therm. $2.609 gallon, washington area consum paid 5.0 percent less nation averag $2.745 gallon gasolin august 2015. last august, gasolin price washington also similar nation"} {"id": "625", "contents": "ga price citi virginia. link page part fueleconomy.gov. offer extern link conveni access addit inform may use interest you."} {"id": "626", "contents": "commerci custom use less 10,000 ccf ga per month. monthli servic charg flat amount charg custom everi month. currently, monthli servic charg $125.00. monthli demand charg equal 1/20th highest monthli winter volum ccf time $1.233 per ccf. distribut charg charg ccf ga use customer. ccf ga used, distribut charg $0.277."} {"id": "627", "contents": "fluticason nasal spray, avail prescript over-the-counter, medic treat symptom allerg nonallerg rhinitis. fluticason class medic call corticosteroids. symptom may include: sneezing. runni nose. stuffi nose. itchi nose. itchy, wateri eyes. fluticason cream, ointment, lotion prescript medic use reduc inflamm reliev itching, redness, dryness, scale associ variou skin conditions. fluticason class medic call corticosteroids. work decreas inflamm involv skin diseas"} {"id": "628", "contents": "includ chronic bronchiti emphysema. inhal fluticason belong famili medicin known corticosteroid steroid (cortisone-lik medicines). work prevent certain cell lung breath passag releas substanc caus asthma symptoms. inhal salmeterol long-act bronchodilator. bronchodil medicin breath mouth open bronchial tube (air passages) lungs."} {"id": "629", "contents": "fluticason salmeterol combin two medicin use help control symptom asthma improv breathing. work prevent certain cell lung breath passag releas substanc caus asthma symptoms. inhal salmeterol long-act bronchodilator. bronchodil medicin breath mouth open bronchial tube (air passages) lungs."} {"id": "630", "contents": "drug class mechanism: fluticason man-mad corticosteroid. exact mechan action fluticason known; however, stimul glucocorticoid receptor human produc potent anti-inflammatori response. prescrib for: fluticason use manag nasal symptom perenni non-allerg rhiniti adult children year age older. safe effect use fluticason establish children age 4. side effects: side effect fluticason include: headache, sore throat, nosebleeds, nasal burn nasal irritation, nausea, vomiting, asthma symptoms, or. cough"} {"id": "631", "contents": "fluticason (floo tik sone) corticosteroid. medicin use treat symptom allergi like sneezing, itchi red eyes, itchy, runny, stuffi nose. similar brand name drugs: flonase: nasal spray, suspens flonas allergi relief: nasal spray, suspension."} {"id": "632", "contents": "use medicine. fluticason belong famili medicin known corticosteroid (cortisone-lik medicines). use help prevent symptom asthma. use regularli everi day, inhal fluticason decreas number sever asthma attacks."} {"id": "633", "contents": "adult: initi spray nostril daili spray nostril twice daili (am pm). maintenance: may reduc spray nostril daily. season allerg rhinitis: spray nostril daili need may suffice. season perenni allerg nonallerg rhinitis. initi spray nostril daili spray nostril twice daili (am pm)."} {"id": "634", "contents": "drain shoe. underneath tub drain flang good amount plumber' putti seal insid tub drain, rubber gasket underneath tub seal drain flang tub. tub drain flang screw drain shoe."} {"id": "635", "contents": "bathtub drain flang finish drain part visibl tub. manufactur refer drain flang drain bodi drain basket. drain flang come mani differ finish varieti stopper options."} {"id": "636", "contents": "posit drain shoe undersid tub, screw drain flang threads. tighten complet drain tool remov excess putty. connect overflow valve, place rubber gasket onto overflow elbow, posit behind tub."} {"id": "637", "contents": "step 2. clean remain residue, flush tub drain overflow drain solut cup vinegar cup bake soda. stop fizzing, rins boil water. clean reinstal overflow facepl drain plug. sure tighten setscrew."} {"id": "638", "contents": "tub leak drain hard operate, clean linkage, rocker arm stopper. use brush mild clean solut vinegar. flush tub drain solut cup vinegar cup bake soda rins boil water."} {"id": "639", "contents": "fix lift turn tub drains. lift drain plug locat setscrew lip plug. loosen setscrew remov plug. clean remain residue, flush tub drain overflow drain solut cup vinegar cup bake soda. stop fizzing, rins boil water."} {"id": "640", "contents": "bathtub drain flang finish drain part tub visibl users. manufactur refer drain flang drain bodi drain basket. drain flang come mani differ finish varieti stopper options. drain flang thread piec call drain shoe."} {"id": "641", "contents": "sea turtl habitat distribution. sea turtl known distribut mani place around world, except polar regions. prefer tropic sub tropic temperatures. found along coastal region sandi beaches. includ area north america, south america, central america, india, south africa, australia. sea turtl known live colder waters, often due necessity. exampl can\u2019t find enough food surviv natur habitat may ventur past locat it."} {"id": "642", "contents": "seven speci sea turtles. leatherback sea turtle, green sea turtle, loggerhead sea turtle, kemp' ridley sea turtle, hawksbil sea turtle, flatback sea turtl oliv ridley sea turtle. four speci identifi endang critic endang anoth two class vulnerable. sea turtles, along turtl tortoises, part order testudines. seven live speci sea turtl are: leatherback sea turtle, green sea turtle, loggerhead sea turtle, kemp' ridley sea turtle, hawksbil sea turtle, flatback sea turtl oliv ridley sea turtle. speci except leatherback famili cheloniida"} {"id": "643", "contents": "lot still unknown life histori green sea turtles. habitat: green sea turtl ocean water habitat nest habitats. green sea turtl hatch head ocean waters, rare return land. instead, feed off-shor plant bloom around island beaches. green sea turtl stay shallow water off-shor breed season. diet: adult green sea turtl herbivores. jaw serrat help turtl easili chew primari food sourc -- seagrass algae. juvenil green sea turtl omnivores. eat wide varieti plant anim life, includ insects, crustaceans, seagrass worms."} {"id": "644", "contents": "sea turtl ocean habitat. grace beauti sea turtl ocean habitat magic experience. whether boating, snorkeling, diving, rememb ocean home turtl wildlife. good mate: follow respons boat practic"} {"id": "645", "contents": "description: green sea turtle' shell (call carapace) largest notic part animal. shell cover body, except flipper head. despit name, green sea turtle' shell alway green. diet: adult green sea turtl herbivores. jaw serrat help turtl easili chew primari food sourc -- seagrass algae. juvenil green sea turtl omnivores. eat wide varieti plant anim life, includ insects, crustaceans, seagrass worms."} {"id": "646", "contents": "seven speci sea turtle: green, hawksbill, leatherback, loggerhead, oliv ridley, kemp\u2019 ridley flatback. oliv ridley flatback found florida. six found within us. green. hawksbill. loggerhead. oliv ridley. kemp\u2019 ridley."} {"id": "647", "contents": "fast facts. size: kemp' ridley smallest sea turtl 30 inch long (.762m). largest sea turtl leatherback-an adult reach six half feet long (over 1.8m). adult femal male sea turtl size. weight: kemp' ridley weigh 80-100lb (36-45 kg). behavior. sea turtl spend live water, much inform gather behavior. known sea turtl behavior obtain observ hatchl femal leav water lay eggs."} {"id": "648", "contents": "wegen explan contin could move around planet, research now. plate tecton unifi theori geology, said nichola van der elst, seismologist columbia university' lamont-doherti earth observatori palisades, new york."} {"id": "649", "contents": "contin float top plate. continent ocean plates. contin float continent plate ocean sit ocean plate also plate carri contin oceans."} {"id": "650", "contents": "actual part theory. seafloor spread subduct drive forc continent drift. pangaea earth' contin bi llion year ago. tecton plate small plates, contin drift sever tecton plate move mass (continent)."} {"id": "651", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. continent plate tecton plates. tecton plate upon contin rest, move tecton plates. basically, difference, fact ocean plate anoth type tecton plate."} {"id": "652", "contents": "plate tecton theori earth' outer shell divid sever plate glide mantle, rocki inner layer core. plate act like hard rigid shell compar earth' mantle. strong outer layer call lithosphere."} {"id": "653", "contents": "others. find here. misconception: edg contin thing plate boundary. natur sensibl geology\u2019 theori plate tectonics. obviously, contin moved, puzzle-lik fit contin edg across atlant ocean."} {"id": "654", "contents": "photo credit epicstockmedia/istock/getti images. sore, fatigu achi muscl often caus exercis hard, gener feel better time. exercis recently, sore muscl could indic ill health condition. see doctor experi muscl sore appar cause, pain last days."} {"id": "655", "contents": "clench tension primari way anxieti caus sore muscl lead signific muscl tension. period anxiety, bodi prepar fight flight mode though danger situation. so, tens muscl rapid action."} {"id": "656", "contents": "peopl discuss upper body, howev -- especi muscl upper bodi -- refer muscl front chest, shoulders, upper back, neck arms. upper bodi muscl strain -- partial tear upper bodi muscl fiber -- anoth common caus upper bodi muscl soreness, especi among athletes. muscl contus bruises, muscl cramp charley horses, fibromyalgia caus upper bodi muscl pain, state medlineplu website."} {"id": "657", "contents": "pain muscl pain actual joints, may fibromyalgia. joint hurting, notic chang colour finger cold (turn sort purplish colour) get rash sort skin sensit sun may lupus."} {"id": "658", "contents": "common caus muscl pain tension, stress, overus minor injuries. type pain usual localized, affect one muscl part body. system muscl pain, feel throughout body, different. often result infection, ill side effect medication. common caus muscl pain include: chronic exert compart syndrome. chronic fatigu syndrome."} {"id": "659", "contents": "muscl pain caus tension physic activity, take measur lower risk develop muscl pain future: stretch muscl engag physic activ workouts. incorpor warm-up cool-down exercis sessions. muscl ach alway harmless, instances, home treatment enough. myalgia also sign someth serious wrong body. see doctor for: pain go away day home treatment."} {"id": "660", "contents": "you\u2019r nut post-exercis throb, here' good news: accord new review strength condit journal, sore muscl often sign muscl damag caus exercise, bodi heal damage, add protein strengthen muscl futur wear tear."} {"id": "661", "contents": "upper bodi muscl pain. numer condit caus upper bodi muscl pain. numer condit caus upper bodi muscl pain. accord mayoclinic.com, sore, ach muscl one common health complaints. upper bodi muscl strain -- partial tear upper bodi muscl fiber -- anoth common caus upper bodi muscl soreness, especi among athletes. muscl contus bruises, muscl cramp charley horses, fibromyalgia caus upper bodi muscl pain, state medlineplu website."} {"id": "662", "contents": "guest. notic muscl sore touch. touch arm leg (just upper leg though) hurt bit, like muscl sore. also way upper back, right neck across back. notic today."} {"id": "663", "contents": "fibromyalgia syndrom character pain throughout bodi sore muscles, joint tissues. fibromyalgia may also caus mental health issu anxieti depression, addit headach insomnia. condit typic caus muscl sore back neck. exercis recently, sore muscl could indic ill health condition. see doctor experi muscl sore appar cause, pain last days."} {"id": "664", "contents": "lavend oil-lavend consid particularli effect flies. mani household use well. citronella oil-thi ingredi commonli use candl meant keep fli bug away. eucalyptu oil-anoth great essenti oil use around hous type purposes. avoid get repel eye mouth. use formula cloth well. spray children pet without verifi safeti oil involved. remember, never appli undilut essenti oil skin."} {"id": "665", "contents": "citronella oil essenti oil extract differ speci cymbopogon (lemon grass). it\u2019 consid biopesticid non-toxic. burn citronella oil candl incens stick repel flies, mosquito too. sprinkl littl eucalyptu oil scrap cloth place near entrances. fli repel plant garden. speci plant may abl grow yard depend local climat condit help discourag flies. includ lemon balm, catnip, mint, chrysanthemum marigolds."} {"id": "666", "contents": "citronella: citronella help repel fli garden, accord winger, also ants, fleas, gnats, mosquitoes, moths, nematod ticks. seven top essenti oil use fli spray concoct includ citronella, pine, peppermint, lavender, patchouli, sandalwood rosemary."} {"id": "667", "contents": "tropic ornament grass, citronella (cymbopogon nardus), sourc commerci citronella oil, use candl insect-repel products. fragrant plant also help keep fli insect away garden space. although littl scientif evid support practic use plant natur method repel pests, mani garden swear insect-repel plant keep fli garden pest away outdoor space."} {"id": "668", "contents": "mani household use well. citronella oil-thi ingredi commonli use candl meant keep fli bug away. eucalyptu oil-anoth great essenti oil use around hous type purposes. avoid get repel eye mouth. use formula cloth well. spray children pet without verifi safeti oil involved. remember, never appli undilut essenti oil skin."} {"id": "669", "contents": "certain plant repel peski fli natur garden. although littl scientif evid support practic use plant natur method repel pests, mani garden swear insect-repel plant keep fli garden pest away outdoor space."} {"id": "670", "contents": "seven essenti oils. seven top essenti oil use fli spray concoct includ citronella, pine, peppermint, lavender, patchouli, sandalwood rosemary. citronella: citronella help repel fli garden, accord winger, also ants, fleas, gnats, mosquitoes, moths, nematod tick"} {"id": "671", "contents": "repel gnats. gnat repel contain botan oil common. oil citronella, lemongrass, cedarwood, garlic, spearmint, lemon mint cinnamon spray area gnat congregate. alternatively, crush fresh leav plant rub leav skin deter gnat bite."} {"id": "672", "contents": "herb act natur insect repel also good purpos culinary, cleaning, medic ones. also use essenti oil cotton ball strip materi place strateg locat help repel flies. use scents, herbs, essenti oil plant fli dislik certain scent plants, pine, citronella, lavender, peppermint, cedar citrus, well sever aromas."} {"id": "673", "contents": "outdoor fli repel place center patio tabl repel fli throughout day evening. simpl mix essenti oil carrier oil help diffus scent air, natur keep fli away. here' need: small tin lid. avoid get repel eye mouth. use formula cloth well. spray children pet without verifi safeti oil involved. remember, never appli undilut essenti oil skin."} {"id": "674", "contents": "unlikely: later (or fibular) collater ligament typic caus pain. injuri fcl caus instabl knee. unlik mcl, injured, heal readili actual hurt much touch it. torn later collater ligament knee. 7. no, often: later (fibular) collater ligament uncommonli injured, injur set ligament injuri (acl, pcl), need reconstruct help prevent ligament surgeri stretch time."} {"id": "675", "contents": "hi, thank write hcm. ultrasoud find hypoecho thicken medial collater ligament (mcl) abnorm find suggest injuri mcl. absolut rest given joint knee support splint use period weeks."} {"id": "676", "contents": "medial collater ligament (mcl) knee visual clearli ultrasound examination, major compon later ligament complex, iliotibi band, poplit tendon, later collater ligament proper, bicep femori tendon. ulnar collater ligament thumb. normal radial collater ligament ucl visual easili high-frequ transduc hyperecho bands. ultrasound, ligament examin primarili longitudin (coronal) transvers planes."} {"id": "677", "contents": "share |. medial collater ligament (mcl) frequent injur ligament knee. structurally, mcl firmli attach knee later collater ligament injuri usual occur expos later side, exert stress onto medial side."} {"id": "678", "contents": "nowher evid evalu intern derang knee. mri accur cost-effect mean evalu wide spectrum knee injuries, rang cruciate-collater ligament injuri cartilag deficiencies. grade ii medial collater ligament tear seen coron proton densiti imag show slight thicken medial collater ligament separ underli cortic (arrows)."} {"id": "679", "contents": "cortison inject portal area spring 2010 realli eas reduc knee pain. report said thicken collater ligament. could medial collater ligament thicker be, caus pain medial side portal area. thicken collater ligament! on: februari 28, 2011, 04:04:18 pm \u00bb. ultrasound done summer 2010 right knee get lot pain medial side knee portal area medial plica fat pad remov novemb 2009."} {"id": "680", "contents": "commonly, associ soft tissu injuri knee, anterior cruciat ligament (acl) tear medial menisc tear (o'donoghue' unhappi triad). complet mcl tears, 73% associ addit signific knee injuries, usual acl tear. grade ii medial collater ligament tear seen coron proton densiti imag show slight thicken medial collater ligament separ underli cortic (arrows)."} {"id": "681", "contents": "injuri medial side knee commonli isol ligaments. thorough understand anatomi function medial knee structures, along detail histori physic exam, imper diagnos treat injuries. dmcl thicken medial aspect capsul surround knee. origin femur cm distal smcl origin insert 3\u20134 mm distal joint line. run parallel underneath smcl."} {"id": "682", "contents": "interpret radiologist clinicians, evalu injur knee use mri requir knowledg proper imag techniques, normal aberr anatomy, clinic signific detect abnormalities. coronal, proton-dens (pd) mri scan medial collater ligament (mcl) seen below. grade ii medial collater ligament tear seen coron proton densiti imag show slight thicken medial collater ligament separ underli cortic (arrows)."} {"id": "683", "contents": "mean abnorm focal region acl. 3. read below: chondrocalcinosi abnorm deposit calcium typic meniscus. medial collater ligament (mcl) fiber insid part knee. abnorm focal region acl mean acl degener bit. happen age (unfortunately) happen injury. torn later collater ligament knee. 7. no, often: later (fibular) collater ligament uncommonli injured, injur set ligament injuri (acl, pcl), need reconstruct help prevent ligament surgeri stretch time."} {"id": "684", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. adapt seahors camouflag hide predat sneak prey. also long prehensil tail allow wrap tail around hold seaweed. seahors adapt shallow water seawe coral hang onto stormi weather arrives. seahors vertebrate, fish. unusu characterist like swim swim upright posit male babi instead female! see relat link information."} {"id": "685", "contents": "gill respiratori organ found seahorses. gill extract dissolv oxygen water, excret carbon dioxid back water. gill adapt seahors creat surfac area. surfac area mean oxygen less waste. plate adapt ,allow protect seahors predators. camouflage: seahors also abil chang colors. chang color multipl reasons, court danc mate possibl hide predator."} {"id": "686", "contents": "anim species:pygmi seahorse, hippocampu bargibanti whitley, 1970. name implies, pygmi seahors tini fish. live gorgonian (sea fans) genu muricella. erik schloegl schl\u00f6gl erik. schloegl schl\u00f6gl pygmi seahors short snout, round knob-lik coronet irregular bulbou tubercl body. round spine eye cheek. two colour morph record species, one pale grey purpl pink red tubercles, second yellow orang tubercles."} {"id": "687", "contents": "pygmi seahorses. \ufeffhehegffwrswfden analysi structur behaviour adapt enhanc surviv structural:ov pygmi seahors first five day gorgonian coral, chang perfectli match colour surfac textur coral live on."} {"id": "688", "contents": "adapt seahors camouflag hide predat sneak prey. also long prehensil tail allow wrap tail round hold seaweed. speci distinct number rings. seahors swim upright, anoth characterist share close pipefish relatives, swim horizontally. razorfish fish swim vertic like seahorse. unusu among fish, seahors flexible, well-defin neck."} {"id": "689", "contents": "seahorse. seahors fish. live water, breath gill swim bladder. howev caudal fin long snake-lik tail. also neck snout point down. british seahors found shetland isl west coast uk (and around ireland) along south coast england; also sight seahors east coast year ago found north sea."} {"id": "690", "contents": "birds, fish, whale migrat behavior adaptation. anim migrat food climat control. other migrat escap predat seek natur habitats. seahors found differ behavior adaptation. use tail grab onto seaweed. mani natur predat cannot swim well deep, tangl web seaweed. seahors protect grasp behavior."} {"id": "691", "contents": "adaptation. seahors amaz creatur well suit environment. numer bodi part give abil live ocean, hide prey, well vital part give chanc surviv vast ocean. pector fin: 1. plate adapt ,allow protect seahors predators. camouflage: seahors also abil chang colors. chang color multipl reasons, court danc mate possibl hide predator."} {"id": "692", "contents": "two six implant remov dentur plate cost $3,500-$30,000 depend number type implant (mini-impl less expensive), dentur materi (in case exist dentur plate adapt use implants) procedur needed. price dentur implant us.and price remov lower teeth,impl pin bottom, top, impant dentur top bottom. cost $55,000.00 thing mexico, $8,000.00."} {"id": "693", "contents": "realag answered. cost dental implant vari depend dentist oral surgeon well locat country. singl implant crown rang $2,000 $6,000. implant chicago may $4,000, wherea implant salt lake citi may $2,500. may cost bone graft requir prior place implant. dentist oral surgeon may offer financ may partner compani bank does. two major fee associ dental implants. surgic portion (place implant bone) cost $1500 $2500 per tooth. non-surg portion (attach tooth implant) cost $1000-$2000 per tooth"} {"id": "694", "contents": "two six dental implant support remov dentur plate cost $3,500-$30,000 depend number type implant (mini-impl less expensive), dentur materi (in case exist dentur plate adapt use implants) procedur needed. dentur may crack break, fit chang time. repair cost $50-$200 profession relin adjust fit typic $250-$450. do-it-yourself repair relin kit (avail drug store online) cost $10-$50."} {"id": "695", "contents": "singl implant typic cost $2,400-$3,000, $4,000-$10,000 addit procedur like extractions, bone grafts, place abut dental crown singl implant typic add $500-$3,000 cost implant, total $1,500-$13,000 more. price dentur implant us.and price remov lower teeth,impl pin bottom, top, impant dentur top bottom. cost $55,000.00 thing mexico, $8,000.00."} {"id": "696", "contents": "two six implant top partial full-mouth dental bridg cost $3,500-$30,000 more, depend number implants, bridg size materials, need procedures. price dentur implant us.and price remov lower teeth,impl pin bottom, top, impant dentur top bottom. cost $55,000.00 thing mexico, $8,000.00."} {"id": "697", "contents": "place abut dental crown singl implant typic add $500-$3,000 cost implant, total $1,500-$13,000 more. price dentur implant us.and price remov lower teeth,impl pin bottom, top, impant dentur top bottom. cost $55,000.00 thing mexico, $8,000.00."} {"id": "698", "contents": "tooth extract typic cost $75-$450 per tooth simpl extract $150-$650 per tooth surgic extraction. depend number teeth pulled, total cost get dentur $1,500-$20,000 full set (upper lowers). dentur may crack break, fit chang time. repair cost $50-$200 profession relin adjust fit typic $250-$450. do-it-yourself repair relin kit (avail drug store online) cost $10-$50."} {"id": "699", "contents": "dentur medic necessary, insur might pay 15%-50% cost (up plan' annual limit, one). basic dentur start $300-$500 per plate, $600-$1,000 full set upper lower teeth. dentur may crack break, fit chang time. repair cost $50-$200 profession relin adjust fit typic $250-$450. do-it-yourself repair relin kit (avail drug store online) cost $10-$50."} {"id": "700", "contents": "(origin post musama91) would like appli possibl (?????) work experi placement hospit week 20 24 juli 2009. definit need chang it."} {"id": "701", "contents": "tell seek brief 1-2 week work experi attach see doctor work involv day day run hospital. keep request gener stage. ask specifics. 3."} {"id": "702", "contents": "write medicin work experi letter necessari evil appli medic work experi uk."} {"id": "703", "contents": "dear [veri import person], kind recommend [mi doctor] orthopaed outpati depart [hospital], given contact detail educ department. attach applic letter work experi placement email."} {"id": "704", "contents": "use standard letter write techniques, place name contact detail upper right-hand side letter, name address hospit surgeri left. tri address letter name person hospit surgeri manag doctor wish work for."} {"id": "705", "contents": "dear person name sir/madam, would like enquir possibl work experi placement within hospit week 20 24 juli 2009. 17 student sutton grammar school boys. studi level\u2019 biology, chemistry, critic thinking, dt graphic maths."} {"id": "706", "contents": "end post i\u2019ll attach hospit work experi request letter help get thing right without wast time. 1. call hospit switchboard. call switchboard (usual wait half hour) ask oper speak work experi coordinator."} {"id": "707", "contents": "medicin work experi letter. mark hinksman. write medicin work experi letter necessari evil appli medic work experi uk. work experi essenti part train anybodi seek career healthcar industry."} {"id": "708", "contents": "report abuse. person prefer gran canaria tenerife-it' bigger island see. canaries, love lanzarote-r world. depend kind holiday want. tenerif young want parti time, gran canaria famili lanzarot peopl want tour round island take unusu scenery. lynda lou year ago."} {"id": "709", "contents": "would say tenerif would hotter lanza tenerif would last choic stay in..not owt bad it..it cup tea place like pdla lo cristianos..i prefer go beaten track abit."} {"id": "710", "contents": "husband 59 love lanzarote. went tenerif mani year ago (playa del americas) main, tourist area young ones. revisit tenerif last year (sorri can't rememb resort name, hilly) enamour all. would recommend lanzarote. i'v live lanzarot year mani trip tenerife. lanzarot seem like relax place compar tenerife. less hussl bussl :) like tourist destinations, lanzarot good select tourist activ cours mani bar restaur"} {"id": "711", "contents": "decid go holiday canari island within hour flight time uk. go holiday toddler import factor!! tenerif seem cheapest option term flight that went with. hop east gran canaria tenerif la gomera. predominantli spanish speak canari island made main island extrem popular holiday destin tourists."} {"id": "712", "contents": "colin jame apr 02, 2012. lanzarot colder hotter islands, use live ct visit countless times, experienc 40c may october, year weather nice hot. don\u2019t think lanzarot colder islands, definit windy. watch webcam costa teguis thought last week load peopl beach, obvious can\u2019t see them."} {"id": "713", "contents": "tenerife, lanzarote' weather climat condit vari depend island, lanzarot consid consist climat canari islands, make favourit holiday destin uk northern european holidaymak winter months. summer lanzarot april until november, month weather hot dri averag high temperatur 24c 29c. averag night temperatur around 17c peak month around 20c."} {"id": "714", "contents": "gran canaria' summer dri hot winter season slightli cooler showers-especi south island. gran canaria third largest canari island tenerif fuerteventura. island' location-b much south mainland spain latitud morocco sahara desert, mean much better weather condit hotter winter spain itself. summer lanzarot april until november, month weather hot dri averag high temperatur 24c 29c. averag night temperatur around 17c peak month around 20c."} {"id": "715", "contents": "go tenerif everi year usual around winter months. weather comfort usual around 22 25 degre around 17 night time. summer, get realli hot, also fair amount cloud cover expect island."} {"id": "716", "contents": "can't make mind easi hop island ferri day night lanzarot 20 minut fuertaventura hour gran canaria. hop east gran canaria tenerif la gomera. predominantli spanish speak canari island made main island extrem popular holiday destin tourists."} {"id": "717", "contents": "fluid restriction: restrict fluid help avoid decreas swell fluid retention. often patient place two liter fluid restriction. keep tip mind: measur amount fluid drink everi day, least first weeks. two liter fluid equal 8.6 cups. rememb count water take pills."} {"id": "718", "contents": "congest heart failur fluid restriction. peopl sever congest heart failur may requir fluid restriction. basically, two cup (one pint 500 cc) fluid equal roughli one pound fluid weight gain. beverag food liquid room temperatur consid fluid"} {"id": "719", "contents": "action set. heart failure: watch fluids. much fluid bodi make harder already-weaken heart pump. doctor may prescrib diuret help get rid excess fluid. may also suggest limit liquid bodi get rid extra water sodium. monitor fluid intak reduc complic hospitalizations. one method keep track fluid intak empti contain hold amount fluid allow day. drink fluids, put equal amount water contain reach fluid limit."} {"id": "720", "contents": "put fluid restrict diet kidney failure, might feel littl overwhelmed. fluid restrict may seem daunting, take step control fluid intak notic much better feel. get hang it, make difference."} {"id": "721", "contents": "fluid control hemodialysis. fluid restrict help feel comfort before, dialysi sessions. even though dialysi get rid excess fluid wast body, effect healthi kidney work 24 hour day, seven day week. peopl hemodialysi get treatment three time week three hour time. means, day dialysi treatments, bodi hold excess fluid wast kidney cannot remove."} {"id": "722", "contents": "introduction. advic restrict fluid intak cornerston manag patient kidney failure. doctor \u2018prescribe\u2019 fluid restrict ward round patient acut renal failure."} {"id": "723", "contents": "rhyme slang began 200 year ago among london east-end dock builders. cockney rhyme slang develop secret languag london underworld 1850s, villain use code speech confus polic eavesdroppers. full dictionari cockney rhyme slang, written humour lot use side inform root wonder cockney rhyme word meanings. cockney rhyme slang signific colour presenc english nativ language."} {"id": "724", "contents": "origin. rhyme slang effect obscur mean said outsiders. clear whether intentional, hide one' mean law, exclud outsiders, whether form group bonding. cockney, accord strict definition, refer born within sound bow bells. cockney rhyme slang shorthand london english rhyme slang. name, 'cockney rhyme slang' 20th century, major exampl cr terms."} {"id": "725", "contents": "cockney rhyme slang form english slang origin east end london. mani express pass common language, creation new one longer restrict cockneys. late 20th century, rhyme slang also common australian slang, probabl due form influenc cockney australian english."} {"id": "726", "contents": "see also cockney money slang, money histori money slang expressions, mean origin money slang article. best book i'v seen cockney rhyme slang cockney rabbit (a dick'n'harri rhyme slang) ray puxley. full dictionari cockney rhyme slang, written humour lot use side inform root wonder cockney rhyme word meanings. cockney rhyme slang signific colour presenc english nativ language."} {"id": "727", "contents": "would care king cockney; is, king london. rhyme slang spread mani english-speak countries, especi strong maritim link uk 19th century, notabl australia, ireland canada/usa. cockney, accord strict definition, refer born within sound bow bells. cockney rhyme slang shorthand london english rhyme slang. name, 'cockney rhyme slang' 20th century, major exampl cr terms."} {"id": "728", "contents": "wiktionari (0.00 votes) rate definition: cockney rhyme slang (noun). cant use cockney word phrase replac rhyme word phrase, word phrase often abbrevi first syllabl syllables, first word. word chosen rhyme often share attribut word replac"} {"id": "729", "contents": "commonli first word rhyme slang used, example, 'butchers' mean 'look', wherebi origin mean difficult guess, mani case singl slang word wide use peopl unawar cockney-rhym origins. full dictionari cockney rhyme slang, written humour lot use side inform root wonder cockney rhyme word meanings. cockney rhyme slang signific colour presenc english nativ language."} {"id": "730", "contents": "cockney rhyme slang. would imagin peopl come across rhyme slang time other, even movies-and may even realis it. sort text reverse-wherea text abbrevi actual words, rhyme slang longer version. lot phrase becom shorten year e.g. joanna (piano), tit tat (hat) shorten titfer i'm borac mean money"} {"id": "731", "contents": "cockney rhyme slang list full dictionary, show common express meanings, cockney rhyme origins, exampl recent rhyme slang expressions. easili offended, avert eye rude ones. full dictionari cockney rhyme slang, written humour lot use side inform root wonder cockney rhyme word meanings. cockney rhyme slang signific colour presenc english nativ language."} {"id": "732", "contents": "853. internship last longer month plan industri immor part employers. firm hire bunch intern bill work higher rate order increas profit. alreadi awar least two peopl intern long-term (we'r talk four years) desir end situat like that. decid hire me, think ahead long would want continu internship."} {"id": "733", "contents": "map educ paths, mani student wonder: durat internship? like issu internship arena, one answer. said, 10 week three months\u2014or durat one semest quarter\u2014i common internship length."} {"id": "734", "contents": "write resume. make activ search internship, resum alreadi written. speed process appli find someth like. also need copi resum certain type searches, go job fair. sure resum appropri structur look professional."} {"id": "735", "contents": "unpaid work experi unpaid internship vocat placement okay long person isn\u2019t employ relationship. peopl employ relationship employe busi entitl to: minimum wage. nation employ standards."} {"id": "736", "contents": "post internship internships.com, specifi start date internship (you choos date make flexibl not). internship descript specifi date length internship need someth outsid typic seasons. like issu internship arena, one answer. said, 10 week three months\u2014or durat one semest quarter\u2014i common internship length."} {"id": "737", "contents": "student also use internship determin interest particular career, creat network contact gain school credit. intern find permanent, paid employ organ worked. durat french internship vari months. januari 2012, french labor law requir internship month longer includ minimum pay \u20ac436,05 per month. france, also becom popular perform internship studi completed."} {"id": "738", "contents": "quickli easili evalu personal. prefer find help. pursu secur right internship. internships.com world\u2019 largest internship marketplac bring students, employ higher educ institut togeth one central location. employ post internship student job free internships.com. post job listing, find student use extens resum database. employ access extens employ resourc help ensur busi best summer internship program."} {"id": "739", "contents": "however, answer long internship? also dictat durat school break; instance, summer internship winter internship common, take place cours summer winter vacation. like issu internship arena, one answer. said, 10 week three months\u2014or durat one semest quarter\u2014i common internship length."} {"id": "740", "contents": "internship good way fill gap job search. internship don\u2019t requir long-term commitment, continu search readi full-tim posit ends. 3. get foot door. ton compani prefer hire within."} {"id": "741", "contents": "nation internship scheme work intern host organis month months. work least 30 40 hour week. find placement work out, chang anoth internship. may maximum internship total time spend jobbridg 18 month (78 weeks). howev maximum durat singl internship month (39 weeks). host organis want termin internship early, week\u2019 written notic must given either party."} {"id": "742", "contents": "thoma edison edward h. johnson may first creat electr strand light 1880/1882, albert sadacca saw futur sell electr christma lights."} {"id": "743", "contents": "1879 mani experiments, thoma edison invent incandesc light bulb could use 40 hour without burn out. 1880 bulb could use 1200 hours. 1879 electr light (brush arc lamps) first use public street lighting, cleveland, ohio. california electr light company, inc. san fransicso first electr compani sell electr customers. compani use two small brush gener power 21 brush arc light lamps. 1821 first electr motor invent michael faraday. 1826 georg ohm defin relationship power, voltage, current resist \u201cohm law.\u201d. 1831 use invent induct ring, michael faraday prove electr induc (made) chang electromagnet field."} {"id": "744", "contents": "electrician hire build oper installations. first success use electr one event occur 1889 pari exposition. four year later, 1893 columbian exposit chicago use 10 time electr pari exposition. way produce, distribute, install, use electr devic power culmin nearli 300 year research development. effort understand, capture, tame electr began 18th century."} {"id": "745", "contents": "electr usual sold kilowatt hour (3.6 mj) product power kilowatt multipli run time hours. electr util measur power use electr meters, keep run total electr energi deliv customer. inductor conductor, usual coil wire, store energi magnet field respons current it. current changes, magnet field too, induc voltag end conductor."} {"id": "746", "contents": "correct understand natur electr pave way future. 1800 first electr batteri invent alessandro volta. \u201cvolt\u201d name honor. 1808 humphri davi invent first effect \u201carc lamp.\u201d arc lamp piec carbon glow attach batteri wires. 1821 first electr motor invent michael faraday. 1826 georg ohm defin relationship power, voltage, current resist \u201cohm law.\u201d. 1831 use invent induct ring, michael faraday prove electr induc (made) chang electromagnet field."} {"id": "747", "contents": "late 1870 america' greatest inventor -- thoma alva edison -- develop built first electr gener plant new york city. electr light came chicago 1880, palmer hous hotel instal electr light time year' republican nation convention. later year philadelphia first electr light strung along ten-block stretch chestnut street."} {"id": "748", "contents": "communication, first great use electricity, began telegraph invent samuel mors around 1840, follow telephone, radio television. thoma edison ad light 1880, soon follow work electr motor electr heating. greek first discov static electr 2,000 year ago use make compass navigating. clay pot batteri discov baghdad, ir aq; date back 2000 year also. abl figur batteri use for. peopl found useful."} {"id": "749", "contents": "first solid-st devic cat' whisker detector, first use 1900 radio receivers. whisker-lik wire place lightli contact solid crystal (such germanium crystal) order detect radio signal contact junction effect. inductor conductor, usual coil wire, store energi magnet field respons current it. current changes, magnet field too, induc voltag end conductor."} {"id": "750", "contents": "incandesc bulb light way. long thoma edison patent -- first 1879 year later 1880 -- began commerci incandesc light bulb, british inventor demonstr electr light possibl arc lamp."} {"id": "751", "contents": "mani churches, pastor\u2019 salari quiet issue. sens discomfort pastor member topic broached. discomfort unfortunate, however, number church seek everi year make certain pastor paid fairly."} {"id": "752", "contents": "here' basic guidelin pastor salary: make pastor live faith do. mean pay pastor live on. specific, clergi compens packag somewher around church' median household income. encourag care consid follow guidelines. hurry, may want skip section, element pastor salari package.. find link page discuss variou ingredi effect clergi compensation."} {"id": "753", "contents": "other felt pastor get paid, salari lower averag salari church members. baffl sentiments, told lot minist go school seven year often even master degree."} {"id": "754", "contents": "pastor salari package. pastor cash salari meet physic need famili independ wife work. middl 1960\u2019 young account began help pastor prepar state feder tax returns. pastor 40 year age, marri teenag children. exampl #1 pastor receiv cash salari $45,000 per year live church own parsonag monthli fair market rental valu (fmrv) $1600; annual fmrv $19,200. church pay util (which should) amount $2,800 per year"} {"id": "755", "contents": "experience, common practic smaller church pastor\u2019 salari public information. larger churches, inform kept private. often, budget present line item group staff support staff salaries/expenses/benefit one line item."} {"id": "756", "contents": "price rose 5% pastor' salari rise 3%, experienc 1.9% decreas salary. final step review compens review increas requir allow inflation. sever method use measur rate inflation."} {"id": "757", "contents": "accord nation associ church busi administration, averag pastor 2012 receiv annual salari $28,000. one five pastor work second job support family. averag pastor\u2019 salari $28,000 year close teachers\u2019 averag salari unit state $42,000 year. state before, two lowest paid profession degre nation."} {"id": "758", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic pastor unit state $89,879 50% peopl perform job pastor unit state expect make less $89,879. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $89,879."} {"id": "759", "contents": "pay pastor salari free pastor involv ministry. give pastor compensation. greater freedom, abl help congregation. clergi compens packag includ provis immedi long-term need pastor. encourag care consid follow guidelines. hurry, may want skip section, element pastor salari package.. find link page discuss variou ingredi effect clergi"} {"id": "760", "contents": "becom univers lecturer, need take postgradu cours lead phd. accept onto courses, usual need least good 2.1 degree. master' chosen field."} {"id": "761", "contents": "path becom great teacher tests, in-classroom teach requirements, applic fill out, background check more. becom great teacher easi well worth effort teach.com help everi step along way."} {"id": "762", "contents": "let us take question teach first. phd may offer chanc teach depart hourli rate. univers discourag this, realis gain teach experi import futur academics."} {"id": "763", "contents": "graduat secondary/high school. need minimum secondary/high school degre order get educ necessari becom teacher. countries, certain grade school year necessary. words, better do, better chances."} {"id": "764", "contents": "experience. becom lectur necessarili need work experience, though health specialti art usual requir it. field scienc biology, work two three year research associ teaching."} {"id": "765", "contents": "becom lectur prepar student job requir registration, certif licensing, like credential. example, nurs teacher probabl need nurs license."} {"id": "766", "contents": "degre classif 2.1 above. becom univers lecturer, need take postgradu cours lead phd. accept onto courses, usual need least good 2.1 degree. master' chosen field."} {"id": "767", "contents": "need doctor degre work lectur four-year colleg universities, though specialti fine art may requir master's. doctor degree, made master' ph.d., requir complet bachelor' program take years."} {"id": "768", "contents": "written aya pauli. musk oil strong aroma come animal, plant synthet sources. use small quantiti tend overwhelm sens undiluted. oil use many, most, aromat product entic fix scent."} {"id": "769", "contents": "musk oil strong aroma come animal, plant synthet sources. use small quantiti tend overwhelm sens undiluted. oil use many, most, aromat product entic fix scent."} {"id": "770", "contents": "musk deer. tradit musk oil come adult, male musk deer., nativ asia. scent use perfum medicin thousand years. typic process extract musk gland musk deer involv kill animal. gland extract deer' abdomen dried."} {"id": "771", "contents": "tradit musk oil come adult, male musk deer., nativ asia. scent use perfum medicin thousand years. typic process extract musk gland musk deer involv kill animal."} {"id": "772", "contents": "best answer: musk name origin given perfum obtain strong-smel substanc secret gland abdomen male musk deer, henc appli animals, also plants, possess similar odor. organ compound primari contributor odor musk muscone."} {"id": "773", "contents": "wow! great weekend. weather absolut beautiful. soulshin would like thank everyon come weekend shows. new venu come friday (10/9) bar pearland. pleas join us new venture. soulshin ad new photos. soulshin play america' icehous tonight 8-12 (weather permitting). come join us play tribut 1st respond 14th anniversari honor lost lives."} {"id": "774", "contents": "tampa theatr soulshin music proud announc countri legend lyle lovett acoust group perform live theatre\u2019 histor stage 7:30 p.m. monday, dec. 9. first time lovett back bay area sinc 2010 perform with[...]. file under: concerts. soulshin music proud announc gasparilla music festiv 2015, main stage sponsorship. event held annual second straight year, \u2018soulshin music main stage,\u2019 host number talent musicians, includ trampl turtl modest mouse."} {"id": "775", "contents": "2007, vocalist beth hart releas album 37 days, includ cover song. soulshin origin record releas bluesman larri mccray 1993 album delta hurricane, permiss warren haynes. live version song, appear allmans' 2003 dvd live beacon theatre, allman hayn altern vocal vers harmon chorus. standard song recent year dual vocals."} {"id": "776", "contents": "mai 2011. album:th deep end vol.1(2001). gov't mule (pronounc govern mule) southern rock jam band form 1994 allman brother band side project warren hayn allen woody. releas debut album gov't mule 1995. gov't mule becom stapl act music festiv across north america, member frequent guest boast member notabl bands, ad variou funk blue rock element band' sound."} {"id": "777", "contents": "album. read more... album notes. vision first soulshin cd began summer 2006 rhonda greg baker sit basement rehears studio handheld tape record (use record lectures-back day). concept project creat old-school album style messag"} {"id": "778", "contents": "soulshin song record allman brother band releas 1994 album begins. written guitarist warren hayn vocal gregg allman. song' titl origin haynes' nickname, given father. live version song, appear allmans' 2003 dvd live beacon theatre, allman hayn altern vocal vers harmon chorus. standard song recent year dual vocals."} {"id": "779", "contents": "dj vadim -- anoth european hip-hop mixer whose career began trajectori -- pursu breakbeat hip-hop realm heavili american/underground rap, product work frenchman dj cam becom much smoother closer sound execut british acid jazz scene. cam also cultiv american r&b connection, draft cameo 's larri blackmon nathan leften servic roy ayer impression, condor (espionage) featur guru (aka baldhead slick) relax live cut."} {"id": "780", "contents": "funki horn band' music keep groovin\u2019 messag song inspir look soul, find power love give strength creat peac coexist soul brother soul sisters. vision first soulshin cd began summer 2006 rhonda greg baker sit basement rehears studio handheld tape record (use record lectures-back day)."} {"id": "781", "contents": "mention factor land estim consider. farmland averag cost $5,000 $8,000 per acre. cheaper land locat averag cost around $1,000-$5,000 per acre. area timber structures. price hard pinpoint, unless know exactli want search. mention factor land estim consider. farmland averag cost $5,000 $8,000 per acre. cheaper land locat averag cost around $1,000-$5,000 per acre."} {"id": "782", "contents": "farmland averag cost $5,000 $8,000 per acre. cheaper land locat averag cost around $1,000-$5,000 per acre. area timber structures. geograph locat go greatli influenc overal price per acre. price hard pinpoint, unless know exactli want search. mention factor land estim consider. farmland averag cost $5,000 $8,000 per acre. cheaper land locat averag cost around $1,000-$5,000 per acre."} {"id": "783", "contents": "averag acr wyom worth $1,600, less continent state. like low-valu states, wyom one largest state country. wyoming\u2019 62.3 million acr worth total $97 billion, less hand states. maryland\u2019 land worth $75,429 per acr average, make state fifth valuabl country. less 3% state\u2019 land own feder government. contrast, nearli 24% contigu u.s."} {"id": "784", "contents": "average. averag cost per acr land vari across unit states, gener range. accord lincoln institut feder hous author figures, acr land 2010 sold averag $1,000. unimprov land without util structur easements. new jersey, farmland averag cost $8,000, wyom size acr purchas one-tenth price. \u201caverage\u201d cost per acr land, variou cost consider drive price upwards. slide 7."} {"id": "785", "contents": "median tract size region two 55 acres. volum small land sale region two 2013 compris .5 percent small land sale statewide. averag price per acr region two $3,100 acr 2013. adjust inflation, equat $560* per acre. region two third-lowest price per acr state 2013. last decade, driven almost doubl number land sale purchases.\u201d small land sale texa 4,189 sale 2013. median tract size texa 20 acres. averag price per acr texa $4,849 2013. adjust inflation, equat $875"} {"id": "786", "contents": "arizona. 72 million acres, arizona one largest state country. however, much land undevelop unus agricultur purposes, lead valuat $315 billion, $4,300 per acre, nearli one-third valu averag acr lower 48 states. maryland\u2019 land worth $75,429 per acr average, make state fifth valuabl country. less 3% state\u2019 land own feder government. contrast, nearli 24% contigu u.s."} {"id": "787", "contents": "land valu 2015 summari (august 2015) usda, nation agricultur statist servic agricultur land valu highlight unit state farm real estat value, measur valu land build farms, averag $3,020 per acr 2015, 2.4 percent 2014 values. unit state cropland valu increas $30 per acr (0.7 percent) $4,130 per acr previou year. southern plain region, averag cropland valu increas 9.2 percent"} {"id": "788", "contents": "cost leas acr land new hampshir depend type land. graze land differ price tillabl land. set price across state. robert dyer."} {"id": "789", "contents": "upper limit asset test age pension receiv home owner $764,000 individu $1,134,000 couple. non-hom owner upper limit $910,500 individu $1,280,5"} {"id": "790", "contents": "age pension incom test threshold full age pension (effect juli 2015 updat juli 2016), part age pension (effect 20 septemb 2015 updat 20 march 2016), set tabl below."} {"id": "791", "contents": "age pension incom test threshold full age pension (effect juli 2014 updat juli 2015), part age pension (effect 20 septemb 2014 updat 19 march 2015), set tabl below."} {"id": "792", "contents": "age pension incom test. age pension incom test (also known centrelink incom test) mean test assess level incom receiv year incom thresholds, determin elig age pension social secur payments."} {"id": "793", "contents": "pension incom test base person' annual rate income. pension rate calcul use basic incom test. overal rate calcul person' assess use rate calcul e, however, requir addit step beyond standard rate calculation."} {"id": "794", "contents": "incom test use reduc amount age pension person entitl receiv assess incom incom test purpos exce certain threshold."} {"id": "795", "contents": "age pension entitl base asset incom tests. test result lower entitl determin pension entitlements. threshold test adjust singl couples. payment determin factors. includ whether singl couple."} {"id": "796", "contents": "age pension incom test threshold full age pension (effect juli 2014 updat juli 2015), part age pension (effect juli 2014 updat 20 septemb 2014), set tabl below."} {"id": "797", "contents": "maximum recommend dose lyrica 100 mg three time day (300 mg/day) patient creatinin clearanc least 60 ml/min. begin dose 50 mg three time day (150 mg/day). dose may increas 300 mg/day within week base efficaci tolerability. lyrica elimin primarili renal excretion, adjust dose patient reduc renal function [see dosag administr"} {"id": "798", "contents": "maximum recommend dose lyrica 100 mg three time day (300 mg/day) patient creatinin clearanc least 60 ml/min. begin dose 50 mg three time day (150 mg/day). dose may increas 300 mg/day within week base efficaci tolerability. 2.4 manag fibromyalgia. recommend dose lyrica fibromyalgia 300 450 mg/day. begin dose 75 mg two time day (150 mg/day). dose may increas 150 mg two time day (300 mg/day) within week base efficaci tolerability."} {"id": "799", "contents": "recommend start lyrica dosag treat nerv pain due diabet neuropathi 50 mg, taken three time daily. healthcar provid may increas dose (up maximum lyrica 100 mg three time daily) within week, necessari control pain -- toler drug well. recommend start dose lyrica control partial seizur peopl epilepsi lyrica 75 mg, taken twice daily, lyrica"} {"id": "800", "contents": "recommend dose rang lyrica treatment neuropath pain associ spinal cord injuri 150 600 mg/day. recommend start dose 75 mg two time day (150 mg/day). dose may increas 150 mg two time day (300 mg/day) within week base efficaci tolerability. neuropath pain associ diabet peripher neuropathy. maximum recommend dose lyrica 100 mg three time day (300 mg/day) patient creatinin clearanc least 60 ml/min. begin dose 50 mg three time day (150 mg/day). dose may increas 300 mg/day"} {"id": "801", "contents": "recommend dose lyrica 75 150 mg two time day, 50 100 mg three time day (150 300 mg/day) patient creatinin clearanc least 60 ml/min. begin dose 75 mg two time day, 50 mg three time day (150 mg/day). 2.4 manag fibromyalgia. recommend dose lyrica fibromyalgia 300 450 mg/day. begin dose 75 mg two time day (150 mg/day). dose may increas 150 mg two time day (300 mg/day) within week base efficaci tolerability."} {"id": "802", "contents": "pregabalin treatment start dose 150 mg per day given two three divid doses. base individu patient respons tolerability, dose may increas 300 mg per day interv days, needed, maximum dose 600 mg per day addit 7-day interval. epilepsy. pregabalin treatment start dose 150 mg per day given two three divid doses. base individu patient respons tolerability, dose may increas 300 mg per day week. maximum dose 600 mg per day may achiev addit week"} {"id": "803", "contents": "recommend dose lyrica 75 150 mg two time day, 50 100 mg three time day (150 300 mg/day) patient creatinin clearanc least 60 ml/min. begin dose 75 mg two time day, 50 mg three time day (150 mg/day). neuropath pain associ diabet peripher neuropathy. maximum recommend dose lyrica 100 mg three time day (300 mg/day) patient creatinin clearanc least 60 ml/min. begin dose 50 mg three time day (150 mg/day). dose may increas 300 mg/day within week base efficaci toler"} {"id": "804", "contents": "bokashi purchas either liquid starter inocul bran. make liquid bokashi, liquid bokashi make bran (see how-to). recommend purchas small batch bokashi bran first, experi creat breed own."} {"id": "805", "contents": "bokashi japanes ferment organ matter.. bokashi compost safe, quick, conveni way compost kitchen, garage, apartment, use specif group microorgan anaerob ferment food wast (includ meat dairy)."} {"id": "806", "contents": "use bokashi bran garden directly, commonli use inocul batch bokashi kitchen scraps, compost, anim feed, whatev type bokashi making. use bokashi composting. use bokashi bran bokashi bin, mix ingredi ferment."} {"id": "807", "contents": "bokashicomposting.com follow description; \u201cbokashi compost safe, convenient, quick way compost food wast kitchen, garage, apartment.\u201d. get start need special bokashi bucket tight lid, spigot bottom drain liquid (pictur above)."} {"id": "808", "contents": "make free bokashi starter. source: http://bokashicomposting.com/. make bokashi starter cultur place commerci avail em incred easy. goal start produc bokashi compost without use expens em, bran fanci buckets."} {"id": "809", "contents": "make liquid bokashi. purchas bokashi liquid starter, make own. need rice, water, cow milk, bucket lid: rins rice bowl water, collect starchi water bucket."} {"id": "810", "contents": "bokashi starter, often call bokashi mix bokashi bran simpli oat bran rice, molasses, salt, ceram powder, em-1\u00ae microb grow it. purchas starter mix commerci make own."} {"id": "811", "contents": "bokashi (also \u2018em bokashi\u2019) cultur micro-organ (yeast bacteria) ferment kitchen scraps, out-compet bacteria would otherwis produc bad smells, preserv scrap you\u2019r readi buri compost them."} {"id": "812", "contents": "share facebook share twitter. saturday high school footbal score around new jersey. rumson-fair senior tailback charli volker rack 267 yard three touchdown first game back two-gam absenc ankl injuri help bulldog edg manasquan. (photo b51 photography)."} {"id": "813", "contents": "team rank updat on: 10/13/2015 9:20 pm. maxpreps' footbal rank updated. montclair' nation rank move -14 state rank move +5."} {"id": "814", "contents": "montclair cavali footbal team lost thursday' home confer game coloni score 41-7."} {"id": "815", "contents": "site maintain by, fund affili montclair high school montclair board ed. provid coach fior servic players, coaches, parents, alumni, fans/friend montclair mounti football."} {"id": "816", "contents": "montclair cavali footbal team home confer game vs. alta loma friday, octob 16 7p."} {"id": "817", "contents": "montclair cavali footbal team friday' home non-confer game wilson score 16-0."} {"id": "818", "contents": "test may use determin test necessari help diagnos diseas condit caus hypercoagulability, tendenc clot inappropriately. d-dimer level may use help diagnos dissemin intravascular coagul (dic) monitor effect dic treatment. d-dimer test use help rule presenc inappropri blood clot (thrombus). condit d-dimer test use help rule include: deep vein thrombosi (dvt)."} {"id": "819", "contents": "post on. (answer #1). fibrin protein substanc synthes liver play essenti role blood clotting. fibrin form polymer compon clot, stop bleeding. doctor may recommend fibrin test patient show defici coagul suffer massiv bleeding. normal valu fibrin blood: 200-400 mg per 100 ml blood."} {"id": "820", "contents": "extrins clot cascade. activ factor xa site intrins extrins coagul cascad converge. extrins pathway initi site injuri respons releas tissu factor (factor iii) thus, also known tissu factor pathway."} {"id": "821", "contents": "plug platelet enmesh a. network insolubl fibrin molecules. calcium ion (ca 2+)(which blood bank use chelat agent bind calcium donat blood blood clot bag). dozen protein clot factors. blood vessel cut damaged, loss blood system must stop shock possibl death occur. accomplish solidif blood, process call coagul clotting."} {"id": "822", "contents": "excess blood clotting. excess blood clot condit blood clot form easili dissolv properly. normally, blood clot form seal small cut break blood vessel wall stop bleeding. slow blood flow blood vessel also caus blood clot form. example, blood vessel narrows, blood may slow move vessel. excess blood clot mani causes."} {"id": "823", "contents": "fibrin, scar tissu serrapeptase. fibrin essenti protein human bodi produc inflammation. bodi util fibrin blood clot protein, contain blood loss keep infect bay, especi injury."} {"id": "824", "contents": "fibrin (also call factor ia) fibrous, non-globular protein involv clot blood. form action proteas thrombin fibrinogen caus latter polymerize. polymer fibrin togeth platelet form hemostat plug clot wound site. line blood vessel broken, platelet attract form platelet plug."} {"id": "825", "contents": "blood clotting. blood vessel cut damaged, loss blood system must stop shock possibl death occur. accomplish solidif blood, process call coagul clotting. plug platelet enmesh a. network insolubl fibrin molecules."} {"id": "826", "contents": "calcium ion (ca 2+)(which blood bank use chelat agent bind calcium donat blood blood clot bag). dozen protein clot factors. circul blood inact precursors. blood vessel cut damaged, loss blood system must stop shock possibl death occur. accomplish solidif blood, process call coagul clotting. plug platelet enmesh a. network insolubl fibrin molecules."} {"id": "827", "contents": "split merg it. answer lady.7.love. confid vote 26. fibrinogen part coagul cascade, result format thrombu (clot). enzym call thrombin activ coagul cascade, convert solubl fibrinogen blood insolubl fibrin thrombus. so, fibrin thought cement thrombus, hold platelet together, fibrinogen precursor."} {"id": "828", "contents": "serv unit state senate, offici qualif serv list articl i, section constitution: 1) least 30 year old 2) citizen us least nine year 3) must live state wish repres time election. senat appoint earli age 30, make possibl senat serv 45 years. noneth eless, averag term canadian senat approxim eleven years. 10 other found useful. rasheedah cruz."} {"id": "829", "contents": "member senat hous must least 21 year old resid dis-trict elect must live florida two year run election.each year, senat hous meet legisl session resolv issu import peopl state."} {"id": "830", "contents": "however, appoint senate, one must least 30 year age, must possess land worth least $4,000 provinc appointed, must real person properti worth least $4,000, debt liabilities. chile minimum age requir elect presid republ 35 year day election. 2005 reform requir 40 years, 1925 1981 30 years."} {"id": "831", "contents": "unit states, person must least 35 presid vice president, 30 senator, 25 representative, specifi u.s. constitution. state u.s. also age requir offic governor, state senator, state representative. chile minimum age requir elect presid republ 35 year day election. 2005 reform requir 40 years, 1925 1981 30 years."} {"id": "832", "contents": "canadian senat serv age 75. senat appoint earli age 30, make possibl senat serv 45 years. noneth eless, averag term canadian senat approxim eleven years. 10 other found useful. rasheedah cruz."} {"id": "833", "contents": "order becomea state senat 35 year age. becom state repres need least 18 year age. inaccurate. order state legisl (member state house) must 21. 30 year old, must citizen us least years,you must citizen state run candid senate. us representative. least 25 year old."} {"id": "834", "contents": "answer brian garcia. confid vote 51. requir serv congress. 30 year old, must citizen us least years,you must citizen state run candid senate. us representative. least 25 year old."} {"id": "835", "contents": "person must least 18 year old appoint senat must least 30 presid vice-presid senate. member hous repres elig appoint prime minister, prime minist must least 18 year old. chile minimum age requir elect presid republ 35 year day election. 2005 reform requir 40 years, 1925 1981 30 years."} {"id": "836", "contents": "one must least 35 year old serv senat house. b. one must least 21 year old serv hous representatives. c. minimum age requir member of... one must least 35 year old serv senat house. b. one must least 21 year old serv hous representatives. c. minimum age requir member congress. d. one must least 30 year old serv senat"} {"id": "837", "contents": "social influenc may caus member inform organ work conjunct organization, parallel it, even it. respects, think inform organ as: organ within formal organ work it. organ besid formal organ work toward goal necessarili together. organ work outsid formal organ"} {"id": "838", "contents": "inform leadership formal organization, manag design leader, wherea inform organization, member group choos leader. compar formal inform leaders, clear formal leader author inform leader power."} {"id": "839", "contents": "now, let' take look inform organization. primarili social creature-mad sum total social norms, relationships, interact affect organ works. formal organ cold impersonal, inform organ intens personal."} {"id": "840", "contents": "inform organization. inform organ refer small group member tie one anoth persons. group character inform face face relations, mutual aid, cooper companionship."} {"id": "841", "contents": "definition. inform organ social structur organization, oppos formal structur organization. establish organ function practic standpoint."} {"id": "842", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. inform organ social structur form peopl work togeth practice. exampl inform organ nurs work night shift hospit first-grad teachers."} {"id": "843", "contents": "plum island own entireti unit state government, consid sale island part debt-reduct package, suspend plan februari 2012. northern portion plum island recession morain deposit, part harbor hill-roanok point-fish island-charlestown moraine, thu one outer lands. boulder morain seen erod northern slope island."} {"id": "844", "contents": "center locat plum island near northeast coast long island new york state. spanish\u2013american war, island purchas govern construct fort terry, later deactiv world war ii reactiv 1952 armi chemic corps. 2002, plum island anim diseas center transfer unit state depart agricultur unit state depart homeland security. 2003, whistleblow voic concern safeti facil fire contractor work for."} {"id": "845", "contents": "plum island offer mile public sandi beach parker river nation wildlif refuge, home 800 speci birds, plant anim 4,662 acres. sandi point southern tip plum island state park wonder place swim, sun go tidepooling. park avail refuge, point privat park lots. fee charged. enjoy fishing, cast line shore plum island, sign off-shor excurs charter boat. north end plum island offer spectacular view inlet merrimack river, surf fishing, histor lighthouse, deep-sea fishing/parti boats."} {"id": "846", "contents": "three kind answers: one mostli right, one mostli wrong, right wrong. plum island newburi ma. plum island barrier island atlant coast massachusetts, newburyport, ma. includ parker river nation wildlif refuge, home nearli 800 speci birds. plum island ny. famou plum island (formerli plumb island) long island, ny, locat depart homeland security' anim diseas research facility."} {"id": "847", "contents": "plum island, massachusett island locat northeast coast massachusetts, north cape ann. barrier island approxim 11 mile (18 km) length. island name wild beach plum shrub grow dunes. island locat part four municip essex county. plum island barrier beach shelter plum island river, plum island sound, mouth parker, rowley, eagl hill ipswich rivers. entir area island mainland grassland lace tidal creeks."} {"id": "848", "contents": "plum island 1997 novel long island, new york author nelson demille, use island one set book. 2004 book lab 257: disturb stori government' secret plum island germ laboratori michael carroll, ph.d., examin plum island anim diseas center (piadc). northern portion plum island recession morain deposit, part harbor hill-roanok point-fish island-charlestown moraine, thu one outer lands. boulder morain seen erod northern slope island."} {"id": "849", "contents": "plum island. wound line duty, nypd homicid cop john corey convalesc rural eastern long island attract young coupl know found shot death famili patio. victim biologist plum island, research site rumor incub germ warfare."} {"id": "850", "contents": "plum island island town southold suffolk county, new york unit states. island situat gardin bay, east orient point, eastern end north fork coast long island. mile (4.8 km) long 1-mile (1.6 km) wide widest point. northern portion plum island recession morain deposit, part harbor hill-roanok point-fish island-charlestown moraine, thu one outer lands. boulder morain seen erod northern slope island."} {"id": "851", "contents": "plum island 11-mile long barrier island shore newburyport newbury. larg summer getaway, plum island increasingli year-round community. island mani residences, nation wildlif refuge, restaurants, inn beach, cours mile beauti sandi beaches. enjoy fishing, cast line shore plum island, sign off-shor excurs charter boat. north end plum island offer spectacular view inlet merrimack river, surf fishing, histor lighthouse, deep-sea fishing/parti boats."} {"id": "852", "contents": "potomac river /p\u0259\u02c8to\u028am\u0259k/ locat along mid-atlant coast unit state flow chesapeak bay. river (main stem north branch) approxim 405 mile (652 km) long, drainag area 14,700 squar mile (38,000 km\u00b2). term area, make potomac river fourth largest river along atlant coast unit state 21st largest unit states. million peopl live within potomac watershed."} {"id": "853", "contents": "potomac river locat states. river form part border washington, d.c. virginia left descend bank maryland virginia th river' right descend bank. found useful. fairfax stone histor monument state park west virginia state park commemor fairfax stone surveyor' marker boundari stone sourc north br anch potomac river west virginia."} {"id": "854", "contents": "major tributari potomac river. potomac' major tributari include: anacostia river, antietam creek, cacapon river, catoctin creek, conocoheagu creek, monocaci river, north branch, south branch, occoquan river, savag river, senaca creek, shenandoah river."} {"id": "855", "contents": "potomac river run 405 mile (652 km) fairfax stone west virginia allegheni plateau point lookout, maryland, drain 14,679 squar mile (38,020 km 2). length river junction north south branch point lookout 302 mile (486 km). term area, make potomac river fourth largest river along atlant coast unit state 21st largest unit states. million peopl live within potomac watershed."} {"id": "856", "contents": "potomac river, flow west virginia, maryland, virginia, washington, dc delawar river constitut part boundari pennsylvani new york, entir boundari new jersey pennsylvania, boundari delawar new jersey. fairfax stone histor monument state park west virginia state park commemor fairfax stone surveyor' marker boundari stone sourc north br anch potomac river west virginia."} {"id": "857", "contents": "potomac river, flow west virginia, maryland, virginia, washington, dc delawar river constitut part boundari pennsylvani new york, entir boundari new jersey pennsylvania, boundari delawar new jersey. jeff acklin. confid vote 575. potomac river locat states. river form part border washington, d.c. virginia left descend bank maryland virginia river' right descend bank."} {"id": "858", "contents": "potomac river map details. print map. locat along mid-atlant coast unit states, flow chesapeak bay, potomac river flow washington dc, virginia, maryland, pennsylvania west virginia. potomac river 405 mile (652 km) length, form part border washington dc virginia left bank, well maryland virginia right."} {"id": "859", "contents": "sourc north branch potomac river fairfax stone locat junction grant, tucker preston counti west virginia. fairfax stone, north branch potomac river flow man-mad jen randolph lake, impound design flood control. south fork south branch potomac river form north u.s. rout 250 highland county, virginia near head water flow 55 mile (89 km) north-northeastward south branch potomac river moorefield hardi county,"} {"id": "860", "contents": "map show locat mention wikipedia article: potomac river () flow chesapeak bay, locat along mid-atlant coast unit states. river approxim 383 statut mile (616 km) long, drainag area 14,700 squar mile (38,000 km\u00b2). south fork south branch potomac river form north u.s. rout 250 highland county, virginia near head water flow 55 mile (89 km) north-northeastward south branch potomac river moorefield hardi county, west virginia."} {"id": "861", "contents": "50% parent .if two gene occur chromosome, may assort independ anaphas meiosis. genesar said link demonstr linkag genet crosses. linkag present fewer 50% thegamet produc doubl heterozygot recombinant. 5.2 genet map gene recombin frequenc less 50% present chromosom (linked). two genesthat undergo independ assortment, indic recombin frequenc 50 percent, either non-homolog chromosom locat far apart singl chromosome."} {"id": "862", "contents": "(ie, calcul greater distanc two gene three point cross includ gene two question simpli two point cross. ii. straightforward calcul percent recombin two gene call two point cross. thu linkag map distanc two gene would zero lmu (linkag map units). b. gene separ chromosom (or far enough apart cross occur virtual meioses), half offspr recombinant, half parental."} {"id": "863", "contents": "contrast, gene locat farther away one anoth chromosom like separ recombination. therefore, morgan correctli propos strength linkag two gene depend upon distanc gene chromosome. all, farther apart two gene chromosome, like gene would separ recombination. therefore, sturtev explain it, proport crossov could use index distanc two factor (sturtevant, 1913)."} {"id": "864", "contents": "one linkag map unit (lmu) 1% recombination. thus, linkag map distanc two gene percentag recombin genes. case, total 300 recombin offspring, 2000 total offspring. map distanc calcul (# recombinants)/(tot offspring) 100. calcul map distance, total 350 recombin 1600 offspring. percentag recombin (350/1600)x100 21.875%, distanc bewteen two gene calcul 21.875 lmu--significantli less 23.125 lmu calcul three point cross."} {"id": "865", "contents": "map unit correspond recombin frequenc 0.01; also refer centimorgan (cm), honor founder fli room. distanc two gene (on basi above) 66 unit mean recombin frequenc 66%. 50%. reason loci far away cross almost inevitable."} {"id": "866", "contents": "recombin occur two gene chromosome, amount cross function close gene chromosome. two gene far apart, exampl opposit end chromosome, crossov non-crossov event occur equal frequency. experiment, total 2335 gamet analyzed, 303 (151 pr+ vg+ 154 pr vg) result recombination. estim linkag distanc pr vg experi 13.0 cm [(303/2335)*100]."} {"id": "867", "contents": "linkag map distanc calcul percentag recombin two loci. reflect percentag recombin offspring. a. two gene complet linked, offspr parent (have linkag parents); recombin offspring. thu linkag map distanc two gene would zero lmu (linkag map units). b. gene separ chromosom (or far enough apart cross occur virtual meioses), half offspr recombinant, half parental."} {"id": "868", "contents": "recombin estim distanc genes. physic cross meiosi normal event. effect event rearrang heterozyg homolog chromsom new combinations. term use cross recombination. experiment, total 2335 gamet analyzed, 303 (151 pr+ vg+ 154 pr vg) result recombination. estim linkag distanc pr vg experi 13.0 cm [(303/2335)*100]."} {"id": "869", "contents": "distanc two point genet map chromosom averag number crossov them. recombin map two\u2010point testcross. recombin frequenc vg 18% equal 18 map units, 18 centimorgan (cm) genet map."} {"id": "870", "contents": "syll. nee-sa, ne-esa babi girl name neesa pronounc iy-sah \u2020. origin neesa turkish language. neesa variant name nisa (arabic, italian, turkish, hebrew). neesa seldom use babi name girls. list within top 1000 names. babi name sound like neesa includ nacheena, nacia (polish), nadjah, naema, naemah, naenea, nagwa, nagwah, naia, nainsey, nainsi, naissa (french), naiya, naja (arabic), najae, najah (arabic), najee, najei, najja, najwa (arabic)."} {"id": "871", "contents": "pronounc neh-sah. -- miss clair 7/29/2006. actual nessa remind (somewhat) name wick witch east accord gregori maguire' 'wicked: life time wick witch west', nessarose."} {"id": "872", "contents": "nessa rare first name women popular last name peopl (#52500 150436, top 35%). (2000 u.s. census). vanessa (#171 2014) venessa, neta, anissa agn popular vari form nessa (outsid top 1000) rank top 1000. form like nessia uncommon. nessa /nes-sa/ [2 sylls.] girls' name greek origin, mean name nessa pure, holy; lamb; butterfly. nessa variant transcript agn (greek). nessa also form nessi (greek). nessa also use variant vanessa (greek). kreatif forms: neosa, nesma, nesna"} {"id": "873", "contents": "femal name, suitabl babi girls. origins. name neesa like a(n) scandinavian variant name nissa. see suggest scandinavian girl babi names. might also like see variant name nissa. avail usa popular statist name neesa past 100 years. however, follow chart show popular rank name nissa, name neesa variant."} {"id": "874", "contents": "list australian babi names, australian babi boy name (male), girl name (female) australian name mean compil variou resources. pleas use list australian babi name reference/idea name kid/child. love femal voice. yes, true known fact babi love sound voic femal prefer voic male. might reason babi close age infancy."} {"id": "875", "contents": "nessa gener use girl' name. consist letter syllabl pronounc ne-ssa. u.s. 2014, rank 4594 babi name popular girl 31 occurrences. english name gener consist given name, middl name famili name. mani english speak countri fairli flexibl name laws."} {"id": "876", "contents": "like name nessa mean miracl favourite. use name nessa-ros charact stori i'v learn there' famou charact wick name nessarose. -- renee06 4/12/2008. love name meaning. -- miss clair 7/29/2006. actual nessa remind (somewhat) name wick witch east accord gregori maguire' 'wicked: life time wick witch west',"} {"id": "877", "contents": "see worldwid popular rank neesa babi name (outsid usa). babi girl name, neesa current popular babi name usa. avail usa popular statist name neesa past 100 years. however, follow chart show popular rank name nissa, name neesa variant. usa babi name statist"} {"id": "878", "contents": "understand uniqu things. babi age lesser six months, repeat thing occur things. age six months, babi start understand thing occur different. absolutely, everyon know foetu present insid womb mother hear. love femal voice. yes, true known fact babi love sound voic femal prefer voic male. might reason babi close age infancy."} {"id": "879", "contents": "labor: $100 $127. parts: $53 $100. averag cost tie rod end replacement-out $153 $227. labor cost estim $100 $127 part price $53 $100. get person estim base locat specif car."} {"id": "880", "contents": "averag cost tie rod end replacement-out $153 $227. labor cost estim $100 $127 part price $53 $100."} {"id": "881", "contents": "cost tie rod end vari vehicl vehicl whether purchas dealer after-market auto part suppli retailer. normally, dealer price part higher part purchas auto part store. expect pay $30 $80 per tie rod end decemb 2010."} {"id": "882", "contents": "averag cost tie rod end replacement-inn $245 $348. labor cost estim $187 $237 part price $58 $111. get person estim base locat specif car. estim includ tax fees."} {"id": "883", "contents": "average, replac tie rods, profession job rang anywher $150 much $475. one tie rod replaced, often cut price half. want complet job themselves, cost part vari anywher $30 much $120 per rod."} {"id": "884", "contents": "parts: $58 $111. averag cost tie rod end replacement-inn $245 $348. labor cost estim $187 $237 part price $58 $111. get person estim base locat specif car. estim includ tax fees."} {"id": "885", "contents": "philosophy, meta-eth branch ethic seek understand natur ethic properties, statements, attitudes, judgments. meta-eth one three branch ethic gener recogn philosophers, other norm ethic appli ethics. meta-ethics."} {"id": "886", "contents": "meta-ethics, norm ethics, appli ethics. metaeth talk natur ethic moral reasoning. discuss whether ethic rel whether alway act self-interest exampl meta-eth discussions."} {"id": "887", "contents": "other prefer combin appli ethic norm ethic breakdown becomes: norm ethic vs. metaethics, 'first order' moral question (norm ethics) vs. 'second order' question (metaethics)."} {"id": "888", "contents": "metaeth studi ethics. attempt determin action ethical, like appli ethics. attempt develop framework determin morality, like norm ethics. instead, explor philosophi language, definitions, natur morality."} {"id": "889", "contents": "metaethics. metaeth branch analyt philosophi explor status, foundations, scope moral values, properties, words. wherea field appli ethic norm theori focu moral, metaeth focus moral is. norm relev metaethics. sinc philosoph ethic often conceiv practic branch philosophy\u2014aim provid concret moral guidanc justifications\u2014metaeth sit awkwardli larg abstract enterpris say littl noth real-lif moral issues."} {"id": "890", "contents": "way, metaeth may thought highli abstract way think philosoph morality. reason, metaeth also occasion refer \u201csecond-order\u201d moral theorizing, distinguish \u201cfirst-order\u201d level norm theory. norm relev metaethics. sinc philosoph ethic often conceiv practic branch philosophy\u2014aim provid concret moral guidanc justifications\u2014metaeth sit awkwardli larg abstract enterpris say littl noth real-lif moral issues."} {"id": "891", "contents": "line distinct metaethics, norm ethics, appli ethic often blurry. example, issu abort appli ethic topic sinc involv specif type controversi behavior."} {"id": "892", "contents": "metaethics. branch philosophi concern foundat ethic especi definit ethic term natur moral discourse. facebook. twitter."} {"id": "893", "contents": "fact, draw conceptu distinct metaethics, norm ethics, appli ethic metaeth analysis.. norm ethic interest determin content moral behavior. metaeth talk natur ethic moral reasoning. discuss whether ethic rel whether alway act self-interest exampl meta-eth discussions."} {"id": "894", "contents": "first publish tue jan 23, 2007; substant revis thu jan 26, 2012. metaeth attempt understand metaphysical, epistemological, semantic, psychological, presupposit commit moral thought, talk, practice. explanatori job matter moral theory, metaethics, involv figur count good excuses, legitim justifications, appropri burdens. theori moral respons inevit reli substant moral theory."} {"id": "895", "contents": "chang allow commission offset cost expect may associ complic ceremoni prepar destin ceremoni requir travel. marriag commission also abl charg ferri fee (at cost), park fee (at cost) mileag ($0.50/km)."} {"id": "896", "contents": "price determin county. male femal shall reach age 18 year contract marriag licens arkansas. male age 17 femal age 16 17, may marri parent consent."} {"id": "897", "contents": "expand stori contract story. victoria-begin today, marriag commission may charg addit $25 per hour, addit standard fee $75 plu hst charg basic wed ceremonies, recogn ad effort, prepar travel time requir ceremonies."} {"id": "898", "contents": "marriag commission guid rest process. arrang marriag commission offici ceremony; obtain marriag licenc alberta registri within 90 day ceremony; arrang two wit present ceremoni (anyon age 18); and."} {"id": "899", "contents": "cost $21.00. coupl must alreadi obtain marriag license, least one wit present. counti clerk' offic provid wit addit fee unabl bring wit you."} {"id": "900", "contents": "averag wed cost. averag wed cost unit state $26,444. coupl typic spend $19,833 $33,055 but, coupl spend less $10,000. includ cost honeymoon. understand wed cost help wed budget later. enter us zip code get idea much coupl spent wed area."} {"id": "901", "contents": "21 cfr 312.62(b), states, case histories. investig requir prepar maintain adequ accur case histori record observ data pertin investig individu administ investig drug employ control investigation. case histori includ case report form support data including, example, sign date consent forms, medic records, example, progress note physician, individual' hospit chart(s), nurses' notes."} {"id": "902", "contents": "use term accounting, see category:account sourc documents. sourc document document data collect clinic trial first recorded. data usual later enter case report form. ich-gcp guidelin defin sourc document origin documents, data, records.."} {"id": "903", "contents": "1.51 sourc data: inform origin record certifi copi origin record clinic findings, observations, activ clinic trial necessari reconstruct evalu trial. sourc data contain sourc document (origin record certifi copies). case histori includ case report form support data including, example, sign date consent form medic record including, example, progress note physician, individual' hospit chart(s), nurses' notes."} {"id": "904", "contents": "although fda' regul defin term sourc documents, sourc document make case histories; record sourc data first commit durabl medium. case histori includ case report form support data including, example, sign date consent form medic record including, example, progress note physician, individual' hospit chart(s), nurses' notes."} {"id": "905", "contents": "photocopi case report form may use sourc documents. fda state drawback practic record inform directli photocopi case report form data transmit transcrib onto origin case report form. case histori contain inform aspect investig subject must includ case report form support data. support data commonli call sourc data contain sourc documents. neither term appear feder regul govern clinic research"} {"id": "906", "contents": "120 clinic findings, observations, activ (in clinic investigation) use the. 121 reconstruct evalu trial. sourc data contain sourc documents. 122 (origin record certifi copies). data element transcrib paper sourc ecrf, clinic investigator(s). 18 record (electron paper) requir corrobor data ecrf (see section iii.a.2.a) may also request fda inspection. 19 21 cfr 312.62(b) 812.140(a)(3)."} {"id": "907", "contents": "5. ecrf exampl an. electron record. sourc data includ inform origin record certifi copi origin record clinic findings, observations, activ clinic investig use reconstruct evalu investigation. data element transcrib paper sourc ecrf, clinic investigator(s). 18 record (electron paper) requir corrobor data ecrf (see section iii.a.2.a) may also request fda inspection. 19 21 cfr 312.62(b) 812.140(a)(3)."} {"id": "908", "contents": "21 cfr 312.62(b), refer made record part case histori \u201csupport data\u201d; ich e6 good clinic practic consolid guidanc use term \u201csourc documents.\u201d purpos guidance, term describ inform use interchangeably. i. introduct document provid sponsors, contract research organ (cros), data manag centers, clinic investigators, institut review board (irbs), recommend regard use computer system clinic investigations."} {"id": "909", "contents": "sourc data. ich e6 document, section 1.51, defin sourc data inform origin record certifi copi origin record clinic findings, observations, activ clinic trial necessari reconstruct evalu trial. case histori contain inform aspect investig subject must includ case report form support data. support data commonli call sourc data contain sourc documents. neither term appear feder regul govern clinic research"} {"id": "910", "contents": "ionosphere. exosphere. exospher outermost layer atmosphere. extend thermopause-th transit boundari separ exospher thermospher below-to 6,200 mile (10,000 km) earth. layer, atom molecul escap space satellit orbit earth. stratospher extend tropopaus 31 mile earth' surface. layer hold 19 percent atmosphere' gase littl water vapor. temperatur increas height radiat increasingli absorb oxygen molecul lead format ozone."} {"id": "911", "contents": "temperatur decreas altitude. stratosphere: stratospher found 30 mile (11-48 kilometers) earth surface. region atmospher ozon layer, absorb harm ultraviolet radiat sun. temperatur increas slightli altitud stratosphere. highest temperatur region 32 degre fahrenheit degre celsius."} {"id": "912", "contents": "highest layer atmospher exosphere. layer earth are; troposphere, stratosphere, mesosphere, thermosphere, exosphere. tropospher stratospher minor layer earth' atmosphere. tropospher weather occurs, closest earth. stratospher second closest plane fly. 40 kilomet thick, tropospher 12 kilomet thick. peopl found useful."} {"id": "913", "contents": "mesospher third highest layer earth' atmosphere, occupi region stratospher thermosphere. temperatur drop increas altitud mesopaus mark top middl layer atmosphere. earth' atmospher consist five differ layers, troposphere, stratosphere, mesophere, thermosphere, exosphere. troposhere: contain 75% earth mass. primarili compos 78% nitrogen 21% oxygen."} {"id": "914", "contents": "thermospher layer earth' atmosphere. thermospher directli mesospher exosphere. extend 90 km (56 miles) 500 1,000 km (311 621 miles) planet. bottom thermospher mesopause, boundari thermospher mesospher below. although thermospher consid part earth' atmosphere, air densiti low layer thermospher normal think outer space."} {"id": "915", "contents": "tropospher lowest layer earth' atmosphere. extend earth' surfac averag height 12 km, although altitud actual vari km (30,000 ft) pole 17 km (56,000 ft) equator, variat due weather. exospher outermost layer earth' atmospher (i.e. upper limit atmosphere). extend exobase, locat top thermospher altitud 700 km sea level, 10,000 km (6,200 mi; 33,000,000 ft)."} {"id": "916", "contents": "earth' atmospher layers. diagram layer within earth' atmosphere. troposphere. tropospher start earth' surfac extend 14.5 kilomet high (5 miles). part atmospher dense. almost weather region. stratosphere. stratospher start tropospher extend 50 kilomet (31 miles) high"} {"id": "917", "contents": "mesospher third highest layer earth' atmosphere, occupi region stratospher thermosphere. extend stratopaus altitud 50 km (31 mi; 160,000 ft) mesopaus 80\u201385 km (50\u201353 mi; 260,000\u2013280,000 ft) sea level. exospher outermost layer earth' atmospher (i.e. upper limit atmosphere). extend exobase, locat top thermospher altitud 700 km sea level, 10,000 km (6,200 mi; 33,000,000 ft)."} {"id": "918", "contents": "manufacturer' agent total pay base salari commission. averag hourli pay $30.16 averag annual incom $62,720, 2010, accord bls. agent top 10 percent earn hourli wage least $52.28 annual incom least 108,750. commiss base straight percentag sale percentag gross sale margin, accord rephunter. commonli manufactur products, manufacturer' agent' commiss rang 15 percent, 2010, rephunt reported."} {"id": "919", "contents": "estimating, gross return around 25% 30%. commiss come gross profit, averag 10.5%. exampl ton gas-pak would averag end user $15,000 gross profit $3750. commiss one job $393.75"} {"id": "920", "contents": "$52,000. averag base commiss hvac sale repres salari job post san diego, ca 1% higher averag base commiss hvac sale repres salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "921", "contents": "comstock/comstock/getti images. march 2010, averag annual salari hvac salesperson $67,000, accord indeed.com. averag yearli incom earn heating, ventil air condit sale vari base upon number factor like work experi employ type. work experience. one four year experience, hvac salesperson receiv salari median rang $43,199 $55,955 februari 2010, accord payscale.com. 20 year more, median rang rose $58,787 $85,825."} {"id": "922", "contents": "start commissions. averag commiss manufacturer' repres start busi percent gross sales, 2011, accord entrepreneur. standard commiss vari accord product, market volum sales. agent may earn slide scale commission, base volum sales, state rephunter. commiss base straight percentag sale percentag gross sale margin, accord rephunter. commonli manufactur products, manufacturer' agent' commiss rang 15 percent, 2010, rephunt reported."} {"id": "923", "contents": "sale managers. 2011, hvac sale manag receiv averag $51.20 per hour $106,490 per year. sale manag charg organization' sale activ direct supervisor salespeople. analyz sale statist industri reports, determin sale goal strategies, appoint supervisors. sale reps. sale repres hvac industry, includ technic scientif products, averag $31.27 per hour $65,040 per year 2011. sell hvac equip manufactur wholesal organ busi govern agencies."} {"id": "924", "contents": "addit salaries, hvac salesperson may receiv commiss heat cool unit sell. februari 2010, sale worker field report annual commiss averag $20,00 $42,500, accord payscale.com. work experience. one four year experience, hvac salesperson receiv salari median rang $43,199 $55,955 februari 2010, accord payscale.com. 20 year more, median rang rose $58,787 $85,825."} {"id": "925", "contents": "averag annual incom sale repres $26,950 $133,040, accord 2008 figur u.s. depart labor' bureau labor statistics. compani determin percentag reps. averag percentag depend industry. example, car salesmen might earn commiss percentag 20 25 percent profit sale, wherea someon advertis sale receiv 50 percent sale."} {"id": "926", "contents": "supervisor sale hvac industri made averag $38.41 per hour $79,900 per year. coordin activ sale teams, assign schedul territories, train new personnel. sale reps. sale repres hvac industry, includ technic scientif products, averag $31.27 per hour $65,040 per year 2011. sell hvac equip manufactur wholesal organ busi govern agencies."} {"id": "927", "contents": "anschluss. anschluss\u2014also known anschluss \u00f6sterreichs\u2014\u00f6sterreich german word \u201cmeans.\u201d union refer polit unif austria and, germani occur in. 1938 first propos austria in, 1919 austrian social democrat push 1919 to. 1933"} {"id": "928", "contents": "report abuse. anschluss austria annex german third reich 12 march 1938 hitler. want merg germani austria forbidden treati versailles. anschluss austria hitler want unit germani austria forbidden treati versail 1934, austrian nazi kill austrian chancellor tri take govern schuschnigg oppos them."} {"id": "929", "contents": "anschluss ([\u02c8\u0294an\u0283l\u028as] (help\u00b7info) german link-up), also known anschluss \u00f6sterreich (\u00f6sterreichs\u00b7help) info 1938 de facto annex austria greater germani nazi. regim austria annex german third reich 12 march. 1938 austria annex german third reich 12 march 1938. sever year pressur germani mani support within austria heim in reich -movement, nazi non-nazis."} {"id": "930", "contents": "demand union (anschluss) austria germani increas adolf hitler becam german chancellor. february, 1938, hitler invit kurt von schuschnigg, austrian chancellor, meet berchtesgarden. hitler demand concess austrian nazi party. anschluss. collaps austro-hungarian empir end first world war, major german speak peopl austria want unit new german republic. however, forbidden term treati versailles."} {"id": "931", "contents": "definit anschluss english: annex austria germani 1938. hitler forc resign austrian chancellor demand admit nazi cabinet. new chancellor, pro-nazi, invit german troop enter countri pretext restor law order."} {"id": "932", "contents": "anschluss ([\u02c8\u0294an\u0283l\u028as] (help\u00b7info) german link-up), also known anschluss \u00f6sterreich (\u00f6sterreichs\u00b7help) info 1938 de facto annex austria greater germani nazi. regim austria annex german third reich 12 march 1938. sever year pressur germani mani support within austria heim in reich -movement, nazi non-nazis."} {"id": "933", "contents": "word anschluss widespread 1938 describ incorpor austria germany. call incorpor austria germani anschluss, unif joinder, also part propaganda use 1938 germani creat impress union coerced. hitler describ incorpor austria heimkehr, return origin home."} {"id": "934", "contents": "confid vote 30. anschluss talk histori word 'anschluss' (a german word 'link, connection') refer invas annex austria germani march 1938. word 'annexation' misleading, though correct term intern law. 2. schuschnigg order plebiscit (a vote) find whether anschluss germani realli wanted. 3. hitler afraid vote, so, move german troop border austria threaten invad schuschnigg did't resign favor seyss-inquart."} {"id": "935", "contents": "smoergasbord (sm\u00f6rg\u00e5sbord anglicis as) smorgasbord swedish term mean abund buffet meal set sever hot cold, dish appet to, dessert laid togeth the. tabl follow special order consist several, serv diner serve, take pick varieti of. food hot dish a) fish dish b) meat dish 8. dessert a) chees b) sweet desserts. smoergasbord (sm\u00f6rg\u00e5sbord anglicis as) smorgasbord swedish term mean abund buffet meal set sever hot cold, dish appet to, dessert laid togeth the. tabl"} {"id": "936", "contents": "pin it. smorgasbord come mean old buffet offer choic food unit states, term origin sweden. root found upper class 14th centuri sweden small spread bread, butter, chees offer mealtime."} {"id": "937", "contents": "2. smorgasbord-an assort food start her smoke eel salmon etc bread butter; chees egg pickl veget aspics; final hot foods; serv buffet meal."} {"id": "938", "contents": "definition. originally, scandinavian buffet-styl lunch consist sever cold dishes, mean supper-buffet offer wide varieti hot cold dish (hor d'oeuvres, cheeses, relishes, salads, smoke pickl fish, differ meats, etc.). swedish for, sandwich table. show usag examples..."} {"id": "939", "contents": "smoergasbord (. [sm\u00f6rg\u00e5sbord]. \u02c8smoe\u031er\u0261\u0254s\u02ccbu\u02d0\u0256 \u02c8sm\u0153\u031er\u0261\u0254s\u02ccbu\u02d0\u0256 type of, scandinavian meal originating, sweden-serv buffet style multipl hot cold dish variou food on. tabl english also scandinavian languages, word smoergasbord (sm\u00f6rg\u00e5sbord in, english usual without diacrit as) smorgasbord refer loos buffet varieti dish necessarili connect swedish christma tradit discuss this. articl"} {"id": "940", "contents": "link cite add word list. noun. definit smorgasbord swedish larg spread food serv buffet, collect vari items. exampl smorgasbord dinner buffet fish, meat, salad chees"} {"id": "941", "contents": "full definit smorgasbord. 1. luncheon supper buffet offer varieti food dish (a hor d'oeuvres, hot cold meats, smoke pickl fish, cheeses, salads, relishes). 2. often larg heterogen mixture: melange. m\u00e9lang see smorgasbord defin for-english language. learner"} {"id": "942", "contents": "bare minimum, polici includ mdm (mobil devic management) give compani abil remot wipe devic case loss theft. next, polici absolut mandat devic connect hold compani data encrypt disk level."} {"id": "943", "contents": "bring devic (byod) polici make signific impact workplace. employ creat byod polici meet employe demand keep employe connected. may also save money elimin need compani plan devices."} {"id": "944", "contents": "add work prevent theft secrets, luck later: put polici protocol place first, stolen reason argument trade secret took respons step protect them, says."} {"id": "945", "contents": "get rid byod. bring-your-own-devic polici dangerous, long-daniel warns. instead suggest buy employe smartphon control inform flow--it' expensive, great investment."} {"id": "946", "contents": "given risk laptop theft potenti loss laptop theft cause, step individu organ implement prevent it. cables. one cheapest cost effect solut deter thiev attach secur cabl laptop."} {"id": "947", "contents": "harrison offer five tip protect company' data employees' person devices. remot wipe lock. due natur mobil devices, mani devic manag solut focus secur devic lost stolen."} {"id": "948", "contents": "expos sensit compani data alway fear — byod not. employe bring devic add extra layer fear sandwich. peopl lose smartphon tablets. devic also get stolen frequently."} {"id": "949", "contents": "sinc seem byod quickli becom new standard workplac technolog rather exception, want find compani alreadi invest byod workplace, plan near future, keep data secure."} {"id": "950", "contents": "bring devic (byod) get increas focu varieti platform devic consum choos person comput task explodes, expect abl use devic platform workplace."} {"id": "951", "contents": "employe security, access confidenti data even greater. accord 2008 studi cyber-ark software, almost 90% employe indic would take sensit compani data laid off."} {"id": "952", "contents": "phone number list call unemploy insur (ui) services. separ phone number english, spanish, cantonese, mandarin, vietnames speak customers. separ phone number also avail custom deaf hard hearing. call file claim, must call friday receiv credit week."} {"id": "953", "contents": "prepaid mobil phone (also commonli refer pay-as-you-go, pay-as-you-talk, pay go, prepaid wireless) mobil phone credit purchas advanc servic use."} {"id": "954", "contents": "telephon line identifi telephon number. initi telephon call user enter destin telephone' number dial numer keypad phone. graphic symbol use design telephon servic phone-rel inform print, signage, media includ (u+ 2121), approxim 1970 telephon use rotari dial, supersed modern dtmf push-button dial, first introduc public at&t 1963. receiv transmitt usual built handset held ear mouth conversation."} {"id": "955", "contents": "dial phone, dial telephone-a telephon dial regist number called. electron equipment-equip involv control conduct electron (especi ga vacuum semiconductor). first time heard form salut use telephon surprised, pleased; told given order it: henceforth forev tele-phon must alway invok rever for-mality, perpetu honor remembr lost friend small namesake."} {"id": "956", "contents": "landlin telephon connect pair wire telephon network, mobil phone, cellular phone (which first becam commerci avail earli 1980s) portabl commun telephon network radio transmissions. approxim 1970 telephon use rotari dial, supersed modern dtmf push-button dial, first introduc public at&t 1963. receiv transmitt usual built handset held ear mouth conversation."} {"id": "957", "contents": "dial may locat either handset, base unit handset connected. transmitt convert sound wave electr signal sent telephon network receiv phone. approxim 1970 telephon use rotari dial, supersed modern dtmf push-button dial, first introduc public at&t 1963. receiv transmitt usual built handset held ear mouth conversation."} {"id": "958", "contents": "shop mobil phone, lot acronyms. here' need know two basic, yet important, terms. two basic technolog mobil phones, cdma gsm repres gap can't cross. they'r reason can't use mani at&t phone verizon' network vice versa. cdma vs. gsm mean call quality, technolog use much less import way carrier built network. good bad cdma gsm networks, key differ technologies. here' you, consumer, need know."} {"id": "959", "contents": "smartphon consid combin tradit pda cellular phone, bigger focu cellular phone part. handheld devic integr mobil phone capabl common featur handheld comput pda. smartphon allow user store information, e-mail, instal programs, along use mobil phone one device."} {"id": "960", "contents": "sever mast locat tower. make call cell phone, signal travel air nearest mast tower, relay switch network final handset person call via mast closest them. technolog use transmit calls, rather handset cannot do. long phone transmit signal cellular network, cell phone. term cell phone interchang term cellular phone mobil phone."} {"id": "961", "contents": "old english name mild\u00fery\u00f0 mean \u201cgentl strength\u201d, deriv element mild \u201cgentle\u201d \u00fery\u00f0 \u201cstrength\u201d. saint mildr 7th-centuri abbess, daughter kentish princess saint ermenburga. norman conquest name becam rare, reviv 19th century. mean mildr name, name definition, origin mildr name, popular name, analysis, gender mildred, acrost poem, details;"} {"id": "962", "contents": "mean history. old english name mild\u00fery\u00f0 mean gentl strength, deriv element mild gentl \u00fery\u00f0 strength. saint mildr 7th-centuri abbess, daughter kentish princess saint ermenburga. norman conquest name becam rare, reviv 19th century."} {"id": "963", "contents": "mildr /mil-dred/ [2 sylls.] girls' name pronounc mil-dred. old english origin, mean mildr gentl strength. anglo-saxon name. saint mildr (eighth century) abbess royal household note gentl kindness. name reviv 17th century, outdat time 1945 film mildr pierce. mildr popular first name femal (#60 4276, top 1%) slightli less popular last name adult children (#147095 150436, top 98%)."} {"id": "964", "contents": "mildr femal given name. anglo-saxon name old english origin, mean gentl strength.. reach rank sixth popular name girl unit state 1912 maintain popular 1920, popular drop quickli afterward."} {"id": "965", "contents": "girl' name mildr deriv old english name mildprya\u00b0, mildpry\u00e3 'mean gentle.' strength an-anglo saxon, name slightli differ 'mean gentle.'. advisior"} {"id": "966", "contents": "english meaning: name mildr english babi name. english mean name mildr is: mild strength. american meaning: name mildr american babi name. american mean name mildr is: mild strength. anglo-saxon meaning: name mildr anglo-saxon babi name. anglo-saxon mean name mildr is: gentl advisor"} {"id": "967", "contents": "incom search terms: mildr meaning, biblic mean name mildred, biblicalmean mildred, bibluc name mildred, name mildr mean. mean mildr name, name definition, origin mildr name, popular name, analysis, gender mildred, acrost poem, details; advertis"} {"id": "968", "contents": "deriv mild\u0111ry\u0111, mildthryth, obsolet old english name compos element mild (gentle, mild, generous) \u0111ry\u0111, thryth (strength): hence, gentl strength.."} {"id": "969", "contents": "mildr use predominantli english languag deriv old english origins. name mean gentl strength. two-el name deriv word 'milde' 'thryth' mean mild strength, power respectively. mildthryth (old english) older form mildred. name born 7th centuri saint mildred, anglo-saxon daughter king merewalh becam abb"} {"id": "970", "contents": "mean mildred. english name. english, name mildr means-mild strength.th name mildr origin english name. name mildr often use girl name femal name. english name meaning-mild strength. origin-englan"} {"id": "971", "contents": "new way accur measur color. tricor' model 600 imag spectrophotomet excit new product measur color. unlik imag colorimeters, model 600 use measur radiat sources, reflect well transmitt 380nm 780nm."} {"id": "972", "contents": "chemistry, spectrophotometri quantit measur reflect transmiss properti materi function wavelength. doubl beam spectrophotomet compar light intens two light paths, one path contain refer sampl test sample. single-beam spectrophotomet measur rel light intens beam test sampl inserted."} {"id": "973", "contents": "spectrophotomet measur intens light beam pass sampl compar two intensities. spec 20 report two type measurements: percent transmitt absorbance. percent transmitt ratio intens light pass sampl intens light shine sampl multipli 100%. absorb log transmittance. spec 20 measur absorb transmitt rang wavelenghts. must select wavlength calibr instrument wavelength make measurements."} {"id": "974", "contents": "instrument use ultraviolet-vis spectroscopi call uv/v spectrophotometer. measur intens light pass sampl (i), compar intens light pass sampl (i o)."} {"id": "975", "contents": "exampl experi spectrophotometri use determin equilibrium constant solution. certain chemic reaction within solut may occur forward revers direct reactant form product product break reactants. doubl beam spectrophotomet compar light intens two light paths, one path contain refer sampl test sample. single-beam spectrophotomet measur rel light intens beam test sampl inserted."} {"id": "976", "contents": "spectrophotomet instrument use measur intens electromagnet radiat differ wavelengths. import featur spectrophotomet spectral band rang absorpt reflect measurement. spectrophotometri quantit measur reflect transmiss properti materi function wavelength. specif common term electromagnet spectroscopi deal visibl light near ultraviolet near infra-red."} {"id": "977", "contents": "spectrophotomet instrument pass light singl wavelength solut measur amount pass through. first, spectrophotomet must zero pass light chosen wavelength (500 nm example) blank contain solvent. spectrophotomet set measur either percent transmitt absorb solution. lab, use spectrophotomet call spectron 20 spec 20 measur absorbance."} {"id": "978", "contents": "spectrophotomet one scientif instrument commonli found mani research industri laboratories. spectrophotomet use research physics, molecular biology, chemistry, biochemistri labs. measur absorbance, known optic densiti (od), spectrophotometer. one tell od whether bacteria activ divid whether start die. spectrophotomet use light sourc shine array wavelength monochromator. devic transmit narrow band light, spectrophotomet compar light intens pass sampl pass refer compound"} {"id": "979", "contents": "russian flag history. flag russia offici state symbol russian feder along coat arm russian nation anthem. russian flag tricolor flag three horizont stripes. white top, blue middl red bottom."} {"id": "980", "contents": "offici mean color flag. peopl interpret three color russian flag follows: white-symbol nobleness, honor, freedom; blue-faith, truth, color god' mother; red color-mean courage, bravery, love, also symbol great power statehood."} {"id": "981", "contents": "flag russia three equal band white topmost, blue middle, red bottom. although offici explan mean colors, sever interpret choic color offici symbol countri russia. history."} {"id": "982", "contents": "russian flag meaning: design russian flag base flag netherlands. russian flag also inspir flag mani slavic nation europe, color often refer pan-slav colors."} {"id": "983", "contents": "russian flag meaning: design russian flag base flag netherlands. russian flag also inspir flag mani slavic nation europe, color often refer pan-slav colors. come repres slavic independ unity."} {"id": "984", "contents": "offici mean russian flag russian believ following: russia white symbol generos frankness; blue stand loyalty, honesti wisdom; red mean courage, magnanim love."} {"id": "985", "contents": "mean jack. english name. english, name jack means-god gracious. origin name jack include-english, hebrew.th name jack often use boy name male name. english name meaning-god gracious."} {"id": "986", "contents": "jack /jack/ [1 syll.] boys' name pronounc jak. old english hebrew origin, mean jack god gracious; supplants. name base john (hebrew), jacques, french form jacob (hebrew). name rugged, down-to-earth aura. jacki use girl boy"} {"id": "987", "contents": "american meaning: name jack american babi name. american mean name jack is: henri vi, part 2' jack cade, rebel. hebrew meaning: name jack hebrew babi name. hebrew mean name jack is: supplanter. polish meaning: name jack polish babi name. polish mean name jack is: god gracious. english meaning: name jack english babi name. english mean name jack is: god gracious. middl ages, jack common use gener term 'man' 'boy'. famou bearer: american actor jack lemmon"} {"id": "988", "contents": "mean histori name jack edit. mean name jack. hebrew: supplanter. polish: god gracious. english: god gracious. fact: middl ages, jack common use gener term 'man' 'boy'. origin name jack: origin pet form john (god gracious) jackson (son jack), jack often be-stow independ given name. pet: jackie, jacky. world babi name teresa norman"} {"id": "989", "contents": "often regard independ name. middl age common, becam slang word mean man. frequent use fairi tale nurseri rhymes, 'jack beanstalk', 'littl jack horner', 'jack sprat'."} {"id": "990", "contents": "accord unit state censu 1990, jack uncommon american name, given name 0.315% male popul 0.001% femal population. however, frequenc use jack babi name steadili increas 160\u2013170 rank prior 1991 rank 35 2006. jack thought harken back mediev time common deriv name john. nicknam also seen jacki among men (exampl note: jacki coogan, jacki cooper, jacki gleason, formal name john)."} {"id": "991", "contents": "salary. accord u.s. depart labor, 2012 median annual salari custom broker $65,120, averag hourli wage $31.31. entry-level posit custom broker, import specialist, may pay around $30,000 year. averag custom broker salari rang $70,590 $92,710 state larg metropolitan area heavi intern trade activity, california, texas, new york virginia."} {"id": "992", "contents": "custom broker receiv averag salari scale 48000 72000 base experi talent. custom broker expect salari sixti seven thousand two hundr dollar annually. custom broker obtain highest salari district columbia, averag wage $87210. peopl job function obtain highest salari manufacturing, receiv averag pay scale $81030"} {"id": "993", "contents": "averag salari range. accord o*net onlin 2013, averag salari u.s. custom broker $66,090 annual $31.78 hour. 2014, inde report averag salari $51,000 custom brokers. salari vari depend geograph location. 2014, custom broker florida earn $48,000 year, tampa averag $44,000 $49,000 miami"} {"id": "994", "contents": "salari region. 2013, averag salari custom broker vari consider u.s. midwest, earn highest salari $54,000 illinoi lowest $38,000 south dakota nebraska. west made $34,000 $55,000 hawaii california, respectively. averag annual salari custom broker $50,000 2013, accord indeed. becom custom broker, need least high school diploma ged."} {"id": "995", "contents": "salari $55,000. averag annual salari independ custom broker $55,000 2014, accord job site indeed. qualifi job, applic must least 21 year old good moral character, accord u.s. custom border protection. earn $9,000 custom brokers. independ custom broker made $55,000 2014, custom broker earn averag annual salari $46,000 year, accord indeed. independ custom broker experienc custom brokers, earn higher salaries."} {"id": "996", "contents": "california custom broker make $55,000 year, san francisco custom broker make $70,000. new york, averag salari $62,000, salari rang $58,000 albani $70,000 manhattan. accord o*net onlin 2013, averag salari u.s. custom broker $66,090 annual $31.78 hour. 2014, inde report averag salari $51,000 custom brokers. salari vari depend geograph location. 2014, custom broker florida earn $48,000 year, tampa averag $44,000 $49,000 miami"} {"id": "997", "contents": "clastic sedimentari rock made piec rocks. example, sand beach dune get buried. pressur burial, sand press togeth compacted. find mud, larg cobbles, middl quiet lake. rock eventu form mud shale. find gravel, pebbles, cobbles, boulder middl mountain stream. conglomer form materials."} {"id": "998", "contents": "tillit lithifi till (poorli sort glacial debris) may call matrix-support conglomer enough granules, pebbles, cobbles, boulder present. least 30% rock compos clast larger mm diamet order call rock true conglomerate. conglomer ordovician near bergen norway. clast made quartzit slightli flatten due metamorphism. conglomer compos clast larger mm upper limit sand grain size. conglomer differenti sedimentari breccia compos angular clasts."} {"id": "999", "contents": "clastic rock compos fragments, clasts, pre-exist miner rock. clast fragment geolog detritus, chunk smaller grain rock broken rock physic weathering. geologist use term clastic refer sedimentari rock well particl sediment transport whether suspens bed load, sediment deposits. sedimentari breccia type clastic sedimentari rock compos angular subangular, randomli orient clast sedimentari rocks. may form either. submarin debri flows, avalanches, mud flow mass flow aqueou medium."} {"id": "1000", "contents": "differ crystallit size, size singl crystal insid particl grains. singl grain compos sever crystals. granular materi rang small colloid particles, clay, silt, sand, gravel, boulders. unit state standard. size range."} {"id": "1001", "contents": "unconsolid sediment size gener call gravel, sedimentologist subdivid size fraction pebbles, cobbl boulder (see tabl 3.1). sedimentari rock compos gravel would call conglomer grain rounded, breccia grain angular. chapter 3: sedimentari rock 36 figur 3-1: variat (a) grain size, (b) round (c) sort particl sedimentari rock medium-grain siliciclast sediment (grain size 0.063mm 2mm) call sand rock compos materi would call sandstone."} {"id": "1002", "contents": "sedimentari rock form sediment. sediment gener term indic loos grain (such sand beach) chemic precipit (such crystal salt). sedimentari rock subdivid three categories: clastic, chemical, biochem sedimentari rocks. clastic sedimentari rock form individu grain (the sediment), made fragment rocks, minerals, shells, cement togeth (the clastic sediemntari rock). type rock made simpli crystals, rather fragment materials, broken reassembl together."} {"id": "1003", "contents": "pebbl shingl beach somerset, england. pebbl clast rock particl size 64 millimetr base krumbein phi scale sedimentology. pebbl gener consid larger granul (2 millimetr diameter) smaller cobbl (64 256 millimetr diameter). pebbl come variou color textures, streak quartz differ color sedimentari rock. pebbl mostli smooth but, depend frequent come contact sea, mark contact rock pebbles."} {"id": "1004", "contents": "name sedimentari rock depend size (and sometim shape) rock piec made of: conglomer compos round gravel, pebbles, cobbles, boulder along smaller rock pieces. find mud, larg cobbles, middl quiet lake. rock eventu form mud shale. find gravel, pebbles, cobbles, boulder middl mountain stream. conglomer form materials."} {"id": "1005", "contents": "common clastic sedimentari rock breccia conglomer (form gravel), sandston (from sand), siltston (from silt), shale (from clay). b. chemic sedimentari rocks. chemic sedimentari rock crystalline, made crystal interlock other. clastic sedimentari rock form individu grain (the sediment), made fragment rocks, minerals, shells, cement togeth (the clastic sediemntari rock). type rock made simpli crystals, rather fragment materials, broken reassembl together."} {"id": "1006", "contents": "clastic sedimentari rock rock compos predominantli broken piec clast older weather erod rocks. clastic sediment sedimentari rock classifi base grain size, clast cement materi (matrix) composition, texture. sedimentari breccia type clastic sedimentari rock compos angular subangular, randomli orient clast sedimentari rocks. may form either. submarin debri flows, avalanches, mud flow mass flow aqueou medium."} {"id": "1007", "contents": "pod research ask us call baleen whale group use word pod tooth cetaceans. reason baleen whale famili structur thei short tie mother/calf realli connect known research date. readi move next step. time incorpor sampl group. grou\u2026. fun construct group game adult group game adult great way connect, reliev stress great time."} {"id": "1008", "contents": "killer whale, (orcinu orca), largest member group marin mammal known dolphin (famili delphinidae). call killer whale attac consum whale larg prey seal sea lions. gener description: adult killer whale gener grow length approxim 27 feet (8.2 m). femal grow averag length 23 feet (7 m). killer whale swim groups, swim pod 20. sometim pod join togeth make even bigger pod. sometim baby' mum' stay togeth th eir whole lives. killer whale pod develop close bond."} {"id": "1009", "contents": "group whale commonli refer pod pod usual consist group whale bond togeth either biolog reason (i.e. mother bare offspr rais child) friendship develop two whales. also social behavior whale vari dramat speci speci depend particular speci whale highli social speci may mani pod contain sever hundr whale more, lessor social speci may dozen less whale pod."} {"id": "1010", "contents": "group whale call flote (float), gram, grind (bottle-nosed), herd, mob, pod, run, school, shoal, troup (troop). group whale called?"} {"id": "1011", "contents": "group whale call pod matter kind are. readi move next step. time incorpor sampl group. grou\u2026. fun construct group game adult group game adult great way connect, reliev stress great time."} {"id": "1012", "contents": "now. report abuse. ok, i'v alway heard call group whale pod. supposedli group akin school fish, flock birds, herd cows, clouder cats, pack wolv tribe humans. but.."} {"id": "1013", "contents": "group whale call pod. although actual whales, dolphins, orca pilot whale group also call pods. pod refer two whale group--otherwis known pairs. term group whale gam, herd, school grind, gener accept term pod. actual reason word pod becam associ whale lost time. school accept term group fish centuri whale thought fish, sometim given term school group fish."} {"id": "1014", "contents": "history. unknown term pod began use group whale dolphins. word pod english sinc 1680 1690 refer long seed holder mani plant grow. actual reason word pod becam associ whale lost time. school accept term group fish centuri whale thought fish, sometim given term school group fish."} {"id": "1015", "contents": "group whale called: pod whales. gam whales. float whales. herd whales. mob whales. run whales. troop whales. shoal whales. readi move next step. time incorpor sampl group. grou\u2026. fun construct group game adult group game adult great way connect, reliev stress great time."} {"id": "1016", "contents": "dolphin pod consist group dolphin bond togeth either biolog reason mother bear offspr rais child speci killer whale consid famili integr part life, friendship develop two dolphins."} {"id": "1017", "contents": "money, money, money. region manager, standard salari would rang \u00a340,000 \u00a370,000. much work commiss based, earn would increas depend well reach targets. see peopl earn job"} {"id": "1018", "contents": "annual salari someon job titl region sale manag may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education. exampl median expect annual pay typic region sale manag unit state $103,211, 50% peopl perform job region sale manag unit state expect make less $103,211. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary. salari bonus. benefits."} {"id": "1019", "contents": "averag region sale manag salari job post nationwid 40% higher averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "1020", "contents": "region manag salary. region manag averag salari $77,377, median salari $71,360 salari rang $22,790 $240,000. region manag salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. region manag salari statist exclus refer only."} {"id": "1021", "contents": "region sale manag job descript follow full job descript region sale manager. requir respons region sale manag along statistics."} {"id": "1022", "contents": "region sale manag gener obtain higher compens plenti past experience. salari rel inexperienc worker fall neighborhood $69k, folk rack five 10 year see notabl higher median $85k. region sale manag work 10 20 year occup tend earn $98k. (unit states). region sale manag unit state tend good amount experi belt two-third 10 year field. pay run $51k $138k per year, median earn come $77k annual"} {"id": "1023", "contents": "region sale manag stuck around two decad see earn slightli higher folk work 10 20 years; senior group make around $104k average. (unit states). region sale manag unit state tend good amount experi belt two-third 10 year field. pay run $51k $138k per year, median earn come $77k annual"} {"id": "1024", "contents": "sale manag best averag pay new york, get averag salari rate approxim $156800. peopl career receiv best pay financ insurance, earn job pay $137940. nation wage distribut shown below. overlay local salari sale manager, pleas select state. sale manag normal receiv averag salari scale 88000 132000 depend level education. sale manag normal receiv averag salari one hundr fourteen thousand two hundr dollar annual basis."} {"id": "1025", "contents": "introduction. midbrain, also call mesencephalon, small region brain serv relay center visual, auditory, motor system information. photo video"} {"id": "1026", "contents": "sever import nuclei locat midbrain, includ red nuclei, substantia nigra, nuclei cranial nerv iii iv. red nuclei connect midbrain cerebellum inner ear. also import part extra pyramid tract. corpora quadrigemina, locat posterior surfac midbrain, compos two superior colliculi two inferior colliculi. superior colliculi part visual system, relay input optic tract later genicul bodi thalamus."} {"id": "1027", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. midbrain mesencephalon (from greek mesos, middle, enkephalos, brain) portion central nervou system associ vision, hearing, motor control, sleep/wake, arous (alertness), temperatur regulation. mesencephalon consid part brainstem. substantia nigra close associ motor system pathway basal ganglia. human mesencephalon archipallian origin, mean gener architectur share ancient vertebrates."} {"id": "1028", "contents": "instructor: sarah phenix. lesson, we'll explor midbrain, includ located, structur compos it, role function brain. midbrain form three main structures: cerebr peduncl (peduncl mean 'foot' 'base' cerebrum), corpora quadrigemina (mean 'quadruplet bodies' sinc four mound hill-lik structures), cerebr aqueduct, canal divid two structures."} {"id": "1029", "contents": "pons. pons, also part brain stem, inferior midbrain superior medulla. posterior border separ cerebellum aqueduct sylvius, inferiorly, fourth ventricle. motor sensori tract travers anterior surfac pons. corpora quadrigemina, locat posterior surfac midbrain, compos two superior colliculi two inferior colliculi. superior colliculi part visual system, relay input optic tract later genicul bodi thalamus."} {"id": "1030", "contents": "brain stem midbrain pon medulla oblongata midbrain midbrain, also call mesencephalon, small region brain serv relay center visual, auditory, motor system information. regul autonom functions, bodi carri without consciou thought, digestion, heart rate, breath rate. thalamus. thalamu small structur within brain locat brain stem cerebr cortex midbrain extens nerv connect both. work correl sever import processes, includ consciousness, sleep, sensori interpretation."} {"id": "1031", "contents": "midbrain locat brain stem human beings. respons percept stimuli subsequ commun right left hemispher process percept information. photo videos. midbrain, also call mesencephalon, small region brain serv relay center visual, auditory, motor system"} {"id": "1032", "contents": "midbrain. midbrain, also call mesencephalon, small region brain serv relay center visual, auditory, motor system information. regul autonom functions, bodi carri without consciou thought, digestion, heart rate, breath rate. thalamus. thalamu small structur within brain locat brain stem cerebr cortex midbrain extens nerv connect both. work correl sever import processes, includ consciousness, sleep, sensori interpretation."} {"id": "1033", "contents": "differ nutritionist dietitian. learn becom nutritionist, must first understand differ nutritionist dietitian. career share similar goal: creat healthi famili commun promot proper nutrition. however, even state licensur required, nutritionist may find benefici pursu voluntari certification. profession organ industri groups, board certif nutrit specialists, administ certif programs."} {"id": "1034", "contents": "take pass exam, becom certifi nutrit specialist. however, articl outlin becom certifi clinic nutritionist -- process doesn\u2019t need advanc degree."} {"id": "1035", "contents": "want becom nutritionist, voluntari certif one way show masteri nutrit concepts. right train experience, fulfil career help other enrich live good food, healthi habit balanc nutrition. sources. however, even state licensur required, nutritionist may find benefici pursu voluntari certification. profession organ industri groups, board certif nutrit specialists, administ certif programs."} {"id": "1036", "contents": "use titl certifi dietitian, certifi nutritionist certifi dietitian-nutritionist within new york state requir certification. certifi dietitian-nutritionist new york state must: least 18 year age; and. meet education, examin experi requirements."} {"id": "1037", "contents": "becom certifi clinic nutrit certif board (cncb), you\u2019ll need complet number addit cours herbology, nutrit age nutrit assessment. master\u2019 degre clinic nutrit delv complex topics. states, need certif associate\u2019 degre elig nutritionist license, achiev two year less. hand, nutritionist dietitian opt advanc master\u2019 degree, take two three year complete."} {"id": "1038", "contents": "becom dietitian need least bachelor' degre dietetics, food nutrition, food servic system management, relat area."} {"id": "1039", "contents": "certification. clinic nutrit certif board non-profit certif agenc set standard nutritionist provid training, examination, certif special credenti program certifi clinic nutritionist, ccn. also appli regist dietet technician, dtr.. titl \u201cnutritionist\u201d also rigor licensur certif requirements, unregul nutrit practition may also use it. individu state make distinct among terms, well credentials, confusing. rule, credenti fall within three categori"} {"id": "1040", "contents": "bachelor' degre minimum educ requir becom nutritionist. aspir nutritionist may want consid degre program dietetics, human nutrition, similar disciplin approv accredit american dietet associ (ada)."} {"id": "1041", "contents": "state requir licensure, illeg practic without first obtain license. certif also limit use titles, without certif still practice. certif seen indic profession excellence. registr least restrict form regulation. also appli regist dietet technician, dtr.. titl \u201cnutritionist\u201d also rigor licensur certif requirements, unregul nutrit practition may also use it. individu state make distinct among terms, well credentials, confusing. rule, credenti fall within three categori"} {"id": "1042", "contents": "infect caus infecti agent includ viruses, viroids, prions, bacteria, nematod parasit roundworm pinworms, arthropod ticks, mites, fleas, lice, fungi ringworm, macroparasit tapeworm helminths. symptom infect depend type disease. sign infect affect whole bodi generally, fatigue, loss appetite, weight loss, fevers, night sweats, chills, ach pains. other specif individu bodi parts, skin rashes, coughing, runni nose."} {"id": "1043", "contents": "infect invas organism' bodi tissu disease-caus agents, multiplication, reaction host tissu organ toxin produce. infecti disease, also known transmiss diseas communic disease, ill result infection. symptom infect depend type disease. sign infect affect whole bodi generally, fatigue, loss appetite, weight loss, fevers, night sweats, chills, ach pains. other specif individu bodi parts, skin rashes, coughing, runni nose."} {"id": "1044", "contents": "refer \u201clifestyle\u201d disease, major diseas prevent illnesses, common caus non-communic diseas (ncd) includ tobacco use (smoking), alcohol abuse, poor diet (high consumpt sugar, salt, satur fats, tran fatti acids) physic inactivity. ncd includ mani environment diseas cover broad categori avoid unavoid human health condit caus extern factors, sunlight, nutrition, pollution, lifestyl choices. diseas affluenc non-infecti diseas environment causes. exampl include:"} {"id": "1045", "contents": "list dog diseas continu updat select diseas condit found dog. diseas uniqu dog close relat species, other found animals.includ humans. articl list contain inform specif dogs."} {"id": "1046", "contents": "death due diseas call death natur causes. four main type disease: pathogen disease, defici disease, hereditari disease, physiolog disease. diseas also classifi communic non-communicable. non-communic diseas medic condit diseas non-transmissible. non-communic diseas cannot spread directli one person another. heart diseas cancer exampl non-communic diseas humans."} {"id": "1047", "contents": "non-communic diseas (ncd) medic condit diseas non-infecti non-transmissible. ncd refer chronic diseas last long period time progress slowly. sometimes, ncd result rapid death seen certain diseas autoimmun diseases, heart diseases, stroke, cancers, diabetes, chronic kidney disease, osteoporosis, alzheimer' disease, cataracts, others. ncd includ mani environment diseas cover broad categori avoid unavoid human health condit caus extern factors, sunlight, nutrition, pollution, lifestyl choices. diseas affluenc non-infecti diseas environment causes. exampl include:"} {"id": "1048", "contents": "communic disease. communic diseas one spread one person anoth varieti way include: contact blood bodili fluids; breath airborn virus; bitten insect."} {"id": "1049", "contents": "accord statist world health organization, non-communic diseas respons 63% death worldwide, doubl number death infecti diseas (includ hiv/aids, tuberculosis, malaria), matern perinat conditions, nutrit defici combined. infecti diseas still remain major problem mani countries, chronic diseases, includ noncommunic condit cardiovascular disease, cancer, diabet respiratori disease, major caus death disability, develop countries, also worldwide."} {"id": "1050", "contents": "probabl never thought drink bake soda would good idea, amaz read ahead find numer benefits. use treat variou diseases, bake soda drink may also help maintain optimum ph level body. drink bake soda also unheard among athletes, believ boost perform levels. parent realli good memori earli childhood, might use gripe water, popular home remedi solution. it\u2019 main activ ingredi bake soda. see drink bake soda benefici differ situat adult children"} {"id": "1051", "contents": "safe dosage. accord arm hammer, manufactur bake soda, mix 1/2 teaspoon bake soda 1/2 glass water safe dose relief heartburn. peopl age 60 take dose space least hour apart 24-hour period. photo credit opreaistock/istock/getti images. grandma made drink bake soda water upset stomach, tast terribl probabl trick. well-known home remedi help neutral stomach acid reliev indigestion, long person take older year age."} {"id": "1052", "contents": "soda consum (regular diet), hazard habit become. whether six-pack-a-day drinker occasion soft-drink sipper, cut back like benefit weight overal health. know soda' exactli good you\u2014but time, hard resist. sweet taste, pleasant fizz, energ jolt often seem like need wash dinner, get afternoon slump, quench thirst movies."} {"id": "1053", "contents": "drink diet soda everi day. drink reason amount diet soda day, two, like hurt you. artifici sweeten chemic current use diet soda safe people, there' credibl evid ingredi caus cancer. although switch regular soda diet soda may save calories, yet clear effect prevent obes relat health problem long term. healthier low-calori choic abound, includ water, skim milk, unsweeten tea coffee."} {"id": "1054", "contents": "know soda (aka \u201cpop\u201d areas) one evil thing put body\u2026 nasti chemicals, gut-fatten high fructos corn syrup, myriad health problem caus carbon cocktail worship don\u2019t care health body. noth even remot healthi drink diet soda. fact, i\u2019v even seen sever studi show dedic diet soda drinker got even fatter regular soda drink counterparts."} {"id": "1055", "contents": "children younger five year drink bake soda. case upset stomach given gripe water, contain bake soda small safe amount them. athlet particip competit must make sure drink bake soda allowed. drink bake soda also unheard among athletes, believ boost perform levels. parent realli good memori earli childhood, might use gripe water, popular home remedi solution. it\u2019 main activ ingredi bake soda. see drink bake soda benefici differ situat adult children"} {"id": "1056", "contents": "report abuse. no, bad. need drink soda, make sure wash mouth water afterwards. sugar feed bacteria live teeth caus teeth rot faster. realli drink soda anyway. diet soda fake sugar it, caus problem corn sugar. best answer: everyth bad much it. also rememb soda, diet not, acidic, which... obvious good."} {"id": "1057", "contents": "cut soda good thing diet enough significantli lose weight. thing eat diet irrelevant. import thing diet cut back proportions. soda good you, sick sprite, 7up, coke might helpful, especia lli upset stomach."} {"id": "1058", "contents": "surprisingly, mani peopl fals believ \u201cdiet\u201d soda way good thing lose bodi fat. fact, hear peopl time proudli state eat healthi drink diet soda. noth even remot healthi drink diet soda. fact, i\u2019v even seen sever studi show dedic diet soda drinker got even fatter regular soda drink counterparts."} {"id": "1059", "contents": "document manag system (dms) system (base comput program case manag digit documents) use track, manag store document reduc paper. mani edm system store document nativ file format (microsoft word excel, pdf), web-bas document manag system begin store content form html."} {"id": "1060", "contents": "compon softwar configur management, version control, also known revis control sourc control, manag chang documents, comput programs, larg web sites, collect information."} {"id": "1061", "contents": "mandatori procedure. document control procedur must define: approv document (e.g. procedures, flow-charts, process maps, etc.) prior use e.g. signed-off paper versions, ad comput network via password protect system. claus 4.2.3 tell us organ must control document requir qualiti manag system suitabl document control procedur must implement defin control need to; approve, review, update, identifi changes, identifi revis statu provid access."} {"id": "1062", "contents": "robust document control process lie heart qualiti manag system; almost everi aspect audit complianc verif determin scrutini document evidence. claus 4.2.3 tell us organ must control document requir qualiti manag system suitabl document control procedur must implement defin control need to; approve, review, update, identifi changes, identifi revis statu provid access."} {"id": "1063", "contents": "manag document properties. one primari way peopl find inform save web site document manag system brows search metadata (document properties) save along files. site creat document center site templat special document manag featur requir check-out major-and-minor document versioning, turn default."} {"id": "1064", "contents": "document manag focus storag organ document support activ work progress, includ content creation share within organization. site creat document center site templat special document manag featur requir check-out major-and-minor document versioning, turn default."} {"id": "1065", "contents": "two type semitones. chromat diaton semitones. semiton contain two note letter name, chromatic. examples, c# sharp chromatic. two note differ letter names, example, flat flat, semiton diatonic. major scale form formula w-w-h-w-w-w-h. stand whole step, whole step, half step, whole step, whole step, whole step half step. we\u2019v seen, half step semiton whole step whole tones. semiton whole steps."} {"id": "1066", "contents": "first, illu, import know semiton semitone-wheth diaton chromatic, semiton alway two note one half step apart (like said, neighbor key piano). sign indic note chromatic. opinion two main approach (base experience) understand 'term' diaton means: 1. relat scale construct suggest built use whole tone semitones. henc prefix 'dia'."} {"id": "1067", "contents": "diaton semiton interv adjac step scale (for example, c, flat [a minor second]). chromat semiton interv foundat rais lower variant (for example, sharp, augment prime). interv correspond frequenc differ 100 cent measur system equal temperament, denot pitch differ certain adjac degre diaton scale (diaton semitone) one note sharpen flatten equival (chromat semitone); minor second."} {"id": "1068", "contents": "flesh intracaci western concept semitone, delv bit further. semiton come two \u201cflavours\u201d: chromat diatonic. semiton contain two note letter name, call chromat semitone. see exampl chromat semitones. easili see, note chromat semiton same, one alter accidental."} {"id": "1069", "contents": "music, major diaton semiton septim diaton semiton interv 15:14 play (help\u00b7info) 119.44 cents. major diaton semiton may deriv harmon seri interv fourteenth fifteenth harmonics."} {"id": "1070", "contents": "semiton move one given note next note immedi below. interv equal half tone half-step minor 2nd standard diaton scale. music interv adjac key keyboard instrument adjac fret guitar. half tone semitone. diaton semitones-mov semiton chang alphabet name. chromat semitones-mov semiton retain"} {"id": "1071", "contents": "half step. take care read page cited. they'r say diaton semiton semiton occur differ letter names: c. difference, greg right sonic difference: semiton alway half step. report abuse. actually, chromat semiton half step; however, diaton semiton whole step. ex. e-f diaton semiton ex. c-c# chromat semiton read ... http://www.greenspun.com/bboard/q-and-a-..."} {"id": "1072", "contents": "music theory, distinct made diaton semitone, minor second (an interv encompass two staff positions, e.g. \u266d) chromat semiton augment unison (an interv two note staff position, e.g. \u266f). also call chromat semitone. augment unison abbrevi a1, aug 1. invers diminish octav (d8, dim 8). augment unison also invers augment octave, interv diminish unison exist."} {"id": "1073", "contents": "diaton scale major minor, made tone semiton (in case harmon minor scale, also augment second), distinct chromatic... diaton (from gk. dia tonikos, 'at interv tone). diaton scale: ... sixth seventh degre minor scale unstabl result two forms, neither diatonic: harmon minor, characterist interv augment 2nd; melod minor ..."} {"id": "1074", "contents": "semitone, also call half step half tone, smallest music interv commonli use western tonal music, consid disson sound harmonically. defin interv two adjac note 12-tone scale (e.g. \u266f). also call chromat semitone. augment unison abbrevi a1, aug 1. invers diminish octav (d8, dim 8). augment unison also invers augment octave, interv diminish unison exist."} {"id": "1075", "contents": "long takes. take week get passport-us differ servic need urgently. take longer inform need applic hasn\u2019t fill correctly. don\u2019t book travel valid passport-do risk."} {"id": "1076", "contents": "process appli us passport newborn babi appli us passport minor children 16. granted, us passport newborn babi children 16 valid year cost less adult us passports."} {"id": "1077", "contents": "countri requir passport young babies, long parent them, mother may need new passport babi listed, mayb even picture....check policy/rul age s.a. source(s): xaxorm year ago."} {"id": "1078", "contents": "yes, babi need child passport travel abroad. happily, passport valid five years, matter much littl one chang develops. get new passport take long time. possible, appli least two month plan leav country."} {"id": "1079", "contents": "need origin birth certificate. fill standard application, addit extra form, notarized, parent swear custodi disput ok babi issu passport. us, real issu photographs."} {"id": "1080", "contents": "must child\u2019 parent legal guardian get passport. passport newborn valid long passport adults. must get child new passport within five years."} {"id": "1081", "contents": "process time. entir process time appli passport newborn child take weeks. however, expedit process avail addit fee. expedit servic take week process busi day expedit agency. expedit servic fee $60 usd."} {"id": "1082", "contents": "step 2. photo taken child shoulder up. get two copi it, trim passport size (2 inch inches). newborn cannot sit unassisted, hold babi photo."} {"id": "1083", "contents": "leukemia cancer start blood-form cell bone marrow. one cell chang becom leukemia cell, longer matur normally. often, divid make new cell faster normal. leukemia cell also die should. blood, leukemia cell spread organs, prevent cell bodi function normally. leukemia differ type cancer start organ lungs, colon, breast spread"} {"id": "1084", "contents": "aml, myeloid stem cell usual becom type immatur white blood cell call myeloblast (or myeloid blasts). myeloblast aml abnorm becom healthi white blood cells. sometim aml, mani stem cell becom abnorm red blood cell platelets. adult acut myeloid leukemia (aml) type cancer bone marrow make abnorm myeloblast (a type white blood cell), red blood cells, platelets. adult acut myeloid leukemia (aml) cancer blood bone marrow."} {"id": "1085", "contents": "myeloid cell origin bone marrow spinal cord, resembl marrow spinal cord. example, myeloid leukemia leukemia aris abnorm growth blood-form tissu bone marrow. term confus myelin insul layer cover axon mani neurons."} {"id": "1086", "contents": "term myeloid (myelogenous) adject refer progenitor cell granulocytes, monocytes, erythrocytes, platelets. myeloid distinguish lymphoid progenitor cell give rise cell cells. myleloid thu associ innat immun system, contrast lymphoid, associ adapt immun system. example, myeloid leukemia leukemia aris abnorm growth blood-form tissu bone marrow. term confus myelin insul layer cover axon mani neurons."} {"id": "1087", "contents": "hematopoiet stem cell (hscs) blood cell give rise blood cell deriv mesoderm. locat red bone marrow, contain core bones. give rise myeloid lymphoid lineag blood cells. (myeloid cell includ monocytes, macrophages, neutrophils, basophils, eosinophils, erythrocytes, dendrit cells, megakaryocyt platelets. hsc found bone marrow adults, special pelvis, femur, sternum. also found umbil cord blood and, small numbers, peripher blood. stem progenitor cell taken pelvis, iliac crest, use needl syringe."} {"id": "1088", "contents": "order harvest stem cell circul peripher blood, blood donor inject cytokine, granulocyte-coloni stimul factor (g-csf), induc cell leav bone marrow circul blood vessels. hsc found bone marrow adults, special pelvis, femur, sternum. also found umbil cord blood and, small numbers, peripher blood. stem progenitor cell taken pelvis, iliac crest, use needl syringe."} {"id": "1089", "contents": "hematopoiet stem cell (hscs) earlier wave definit erythroid/myeloid progenitor (emps) differenti hemogen endotheli cell conceptus. emp gener vitro embryon induc pluripot stem cells, effort produc hsc larg failed."} {"id": "1090", "contents": "lymphoid stem cell give rise lymphocytes, specif identifi foreign molecul cells. myeloid stem cell give rise blood cells, includ red blood cells. (but put red blood cell spring.). lymphocytes. lymphocyt cell capabl adapt (specifically) make molecul (antibodi cell receptors) specif recogn antigens, molecul foreign body."} {"id": "1091", "contents": "leukemia may affect red blood cells, white blood cells, platelets. normally, bone marrow make blood stem cell (immatur cells) becom matur blood cell time. blood stem cell may becom myeloid stem cell lymphoid stem cell. lymphoid stem cell becom white blood cell. myeloid stem cell becom one three type matur blood cells: red blood cell carri oxygen substanc tissu body. adult acut myeloid leukemia (aml) type cancer bone marrow make abnorm myeloblast (a type white blood cell), red blood cells, platelets. adult acut myeloid leukemia (aml) cancer blood bone marrow."} {"id": "1092", "contents": "dermatolog branch medicin deal skin, nails, hair diseases. specialti medic surgic aspects. dermatologist treat diseases, widest sense, cosmet problem skin, scalp, hair, nails. complet standard resid dermatology, mani dermatologist also compet dermatopathology. dermatopathologist qualifi sit examin complet resid dermatolog one pathology."} {"id": "1093", "contents": "dermatologist physician train treat diseas condit skin, part body. dermatologist treat anyth fungu bacteri infect skin, variou type cancer. dermatologist may work group dermatologists, work alone, solo practitioner. additionally, dermatologist may work part group physician practic varieti specialties. medic group call multi-specialti medic groups."} {"id": "1094", "contents": "order classifi skin condition, dermatologist ask detail question durat tempor pattern skin problems, itch pain, relat food intake, sunlight, over-the-count cream clothing. statement inform regard dietari supplement evalu approv food drug administration. pleas consult healthcar provid begin cours supplement treatment. copyright 2005-2013 nation skin care institute."} {"id": "1095", "contents": "dermatologist physician special treat diagnos skin. start finish, includ undergradu coursework, process take minimum 11 years. allow gener doctor train move onto dermatolog specialti area."} {"id": "1096", "contents": "dermatologist is...... skin care doctor dermatologist medic physician special treat skin conditions, disord diseases. dermatologist one doctor special manag treatment patient' diseas skin. peopl found useful."} {"id": "1097", "contents": "dermatolog medic surgic field special treatment skin, hair, nail relat bodi whole. dermatologist diagnos treat specif condit skin also use skin map see what' happen insid body. dermatologist diagnos treat aspect healthi diseas skin adult children includ condit skin cancer, melanomas, moles, dermatitis, acne, hair loss, scars, sexual transmit diseas skin chang associ aging.."} {"id": "1098", "contents": "need dermatolog train world acute-approxim billion peopl live 100 countri lack basic care skin diseases. part, skin diseas world diagnos effect treat simpl inexpens means. statement inform regard dietari supplement evalu approv food drug administration. pleas consult healthcar provid begin cours supplement treatment. copyright 2005-2013 nation skin care institute."} {"id": "1099", "contents": "knowledg center. dermatologist special train doctor diagnos treat condit skin, hair, nail mucou membranes, eyelid line mouth. see patient everi stage life, newborn infant elderly. dermatologist qualif 1,8. becom dermatologist us, candid complet least four separ steps. first foremost, must earn colleg degre go graduat medic school, either becom medic doctor (md) doctor osteopath medicin (do)."} {"id": "1100", "contents": "dermatologist special treat disord skin, nails, hair mucou membranes. skin largest organ body, cover total area around 20 squar feet. first line defens bacteria injury, often reflect overal health body. dermatologist qualif 1,8. becom dermatologist us, candid complet least four separ steps. first foremost, must earn colleg degre go graduat medic school, either becom medic doctor (md) doctor osteopath medicin (do)."} {"id": "1101", "contents": "narrative. narr sequenc event narrat tell stori form. narrat storytel kind, whether authori voic novel friend tell last night\u2019 party. point view perspect narr take toward event describes. first-person narration: narr narrat tell stori his/her point view refer him/herself \u201ci.\u201d narrat may activ particip stori observ"} {"id": "1102", "contents": "exampl first person narrator. first person narrat common literature. anytim author one charact tell story, first person narrat used. use genr literature, quit common detect fiction, charact solv mystery. first person narrator: definition. first person narr point view (who tell story) stori narrat one charact time. charact may speak share event experiencing. first person recogn use"} {"id": "1103", "contents": "definition: stori read point-of-view charact novel (often protagonist), read first-person narration. first-person narrat make frequent use pronoun i, because, know, they'r talk themselves, least what' go around them. peripher narrat first-person narrat who' main character. get give us lowdown juici deal true protagonist antagonists, watch safe distance. think nick carraway f. scott fitzgerald' great gatsby."} {"id": "1104", "contents": "first-person narr stori first-person perspective: viewpoint charact write speak directli themselves. narrat written work explicitli refer use variat (the first-person singular pronoun) and/or (the first-person plural pronoun), typic well characters."} {"id": "1105", "contents": "one exampl multi-level narr structur joseph conrad 's novella heart darkness, doubl framework: unidentifi (first person singular) narrat relat boat trip anoth character, marlow, use first person tell stori compris major work. narrat written work explicitli refer use variat (the first-person singular pronoun) and/or (the first-person plural pronoun), typic well characters."} {"id": "1106", "contents": "narr report relat event present listen reader word arrang logic sequence. stori taken synonym narrative. narr stori told narrat may direct part experi often share experi first-person narrator. sometim may observ event third-person narrat give verdict"} {"id": "1107", "contents": "allow reader audienc see point view (includ opinions, thoughts, feelings) narrator, characters. stories, first-person narrat may refer inform heard characters, order tri deliv larger point view. narrat written work explicitli refer use variat (the first-person singular pronoun) and/or (the first-person plural pronoun), typic well"} {"id": "1108", "contents": "definition: person tell story, voic fashion author recount narrative. (see observations, below.). unreli narrat (use far often fiction nonfiction) first-person narrat whose account event can't trust reader. see also: first-person point view."} {"id": "1109", "contents": "head coach, senior coach, manag profession train develop athletes. typic hold public profil paid coaches. sport associ football, head coach usual call manager, sport australian rule footbal gener term senior coach."} {"id": "1110", "contents": "soccer coach extrem reward fun experi anyon involv soccer play soccer. even coach new sport simpli help local team, fast-pac game, abil help develop soccer player draw mani coach keep it. want get paid soccer coach need qualif appli job leagu oversea english premier leagu get paid lot money look family. edit step."} {"id": "1111", "contents": "know make good soccer coach: good commun skills. guid player. help player need you. inspir players. empow player. develop potential. motiv player. good listener. disciplined. 10 lead example. 11 edit step. want get paid soccer coach need qualif appli job leagu oversea english premier leagu get paid lot money look family."} {"id": "1112", "contents": "coach scout do. coach teach amateur profession athlet skill need succeed sport. scout look new player evalu skill likelihood success college, amateur, profession level. mani coach also involv scouting."} {"id": "1113", "contents": "hey coaches! soccer season around corner time get prepar make sure tool make practic successful. certain item everi coach need run smooth success soccer practice. we'v made list; need check twice. first list soccer ball everi player. encourag player bring ball, also suppli 5-8 ball alway bring train session incase. second item list ball pump imposs play soccer flat balls. suppli disk cones."} {"id": "1114", "contents": "coach usual subordin head coach, often offens posit defens positions, occasion proceed individu posit coaches. sport associ football, head coach usual call manager, sport australian rule footbal gener term senior coach."} {"id": "1115", "contents": "coach teach amateur profession athlet skill need succeed sport. scout look new players, evalu skill likelihood success college, amateur, profession level. mani coach also involv scouting. coach teach amateur profession athlet skill need succeed sport. scout look new player evalu"} {"id": "1116", "contents": "footbal coach lead team footbal player organ practices, design play determin depth chart. organ footbal leagu avail junior high high school level, full-tim footbal coach find opportun postsecondari profession levels. success tips. gain footbal experi postsecondari level. bachelor' degre requir work coach, also import prospect coach gain footbal experience. mani individu want becom footbal coach former collegi player want stay game."} {"id": "1117", "contents": "learn need becom footbal coach. research education, career requir experi requir start career coaching. success tips. gain footbal experi postsecondari level. bachelor' degre requir work coach, also import prospect coach gain footbal experience. mani individu want becom footbal coach former collegi player want stay game."} {"id": "1118", "contents": "becom footbal coach need take footbal associ (fa) coach qualif energi enthusiasm need inspir others. also need good commun skill get idea across."} {"id": "1119", "contents": "year ga price continu climb, cost differ regular premium remain fairli constant, 20 cent per gallon. year ago, extra 20 cent ad anoth coupl gallon per tank, today, add less gallon."} {"id": "1120", "contents": "ga price $1.94 per gallon regular ga shown ga station wednesday, dec. 31, 2014, cleveland. averag cost ga ohio dip $2 per gallon first time five years. percentag basis, premium ga expens vs. regular virtual time past two decades. last time premium price 20% regular brief stretch 1998 regular unlead cost $1 gallon."} {"id": "1121", "contents": "summary: 1.premium ga pricier regular gas. 2.premium ga higher octan rate regular gas. 3.premium ga ideal high-perform class high-compress car regular ga alreadi good regular mid-class cars. 4.premium ga believ deterg (that serv clean engine) regular gas."} {"id": "1122", "contents": "actually, price debat nearli worthless. 20 cent premium, pump 20 gallon instead regular would cost $4 more. annually, that' differ $171 vehicl averag 14 mile per gallon big sport-util vehicl driven 12,000 mile year. gasolin retail refin like high-test profit regular-grad ga is."} {"id": "1123", "contents": "averag gallon regular ga fell $1.99 wednesday' survey auto club aaa, oil price inform servic wex inc. ohio aaa spokeswoman kimberli schwind said averag hasn\u2019t $2 sinc april 28, 2009, $1.98. percentag basis, premium ga expens vs. regular virtual time past two decades. last time premium price 20% regular brief stretch 1998 regular unlead cost $1 gallon."} {"id": "1124", "contents": "accord u.s.a. today \u2018s \u201cweekend ga gauge,\u201d current averag price regular gasolin $4.026 per gallon. year ago price $2.945. hadn\u2019t realiz gap regular ga premium ga also increased. right now, premium ga 38.5 cent per gallon expens regular gas. year ago, gap 29.5 cents."} {"id": "1125", "contents": "find price differ signific mani vehicles. vehicl driven 10,000 mile per year, achiev 20mpg, car use 500 gallon per year gasoline. typically, price differ regular unlead premium unlead 20 cents."} {"id": "1126", "contents": "price gasolin spikes, driver scrambl reduc fuel costs. quick way save least 20 cent per gallon (often much $4 per fill-up) stop pump premium ga switch regular grade."} {"id": "1127", "contents": "high-octan premium ga dropped, average, 37% $2.49 gallon. result, price spread premium regular unlead spike record high 40 cent gallon, chart make clear. view photo. price differ premium regular unlead gasolin per gallon (1994-2015). percentag basis, premium ga expens vs. regular virtual time past two decades. last time premium price 20% regular brief stretch 1998 regular unlead cost $1 gallon."} {"id": "1128", "contents": "common spot bursiti side hip. larg tendon pass boni bump side hip. boni bump call greater trochanter. inflamm bursa tendon greater trochant call trochanter bursitis."} {"id": "1129", "contents": "trochanter bursitis. trochanter bursitis-also known greater trochanter pain syndrome-i common hip syndrom caus pain tender bony, outsid point hip, known greater trochanter. trochanter bursiti caus by: inflammation. overuse. physic trauma muscles, tendons. prolong pressur bursa. activ requir twist fast joint movement, jog cycling. previou hip surgery."} {"id": "1130", "contents": "greater trochanter pain syndrom (gtps), also known trochanter bursitis, inflamm trochanter bursa, part hip."} {"id": "1131", "contents": "greater trochanter bursiti caus trauma (23%-44%), often associ repetit microtrauma caus activ use muscl insert greater trochanter. microtrauma result degen chang tendons, muscles, fibrou tissues."} {"id": "1132", "contents": "hip pain treatment. trochanter bursiti inflamm bursa (fluid-fil sac near joint) outsid (lateral) point hip known greater trochanter. bursa becom irrit inflamed, caus pain hip. common caus hip pain. trochanter bursiti result one follow events: injuri point hip. play work activ caus overus injuri joint areas. incorrect posture. stress soft tissu result abnorm poorli posit joint bone (such leg length differ arthriti joint). oth"} {"id": "1133", "contents": "bursiti inflamm bursa. two major bursa hip typic becom irrit inflamed. one bursa cover boni point hip bone call greater trochanter. inflamm bursa call trochanter bursitis. symptoms. main symptom trochanter bursiti pain point hip. pain usual extend outsid thigh area. earli stages, pain usual describ sharp intense. later, pain may becom ach spread across larger area"} {"id": "1134", "contents": "bursiti inflamm small sac fluid (bursae) cushion lubric area tendon bones. trochanter bursa larg sac separ greater trochant hip muscl tendon thigh buttock. home treatment reliev pain bursitis, medic treatment lidocain steroid inject trochanter bursa may help. warmth red area may sign infection, may requir evalu doctor."} {"id": "1135", "contents": "trochanter bursiti result one follow events: injuri point hip. includ fall onto hip, bump hip object, lie one side bodi extend period. play work activ caus overus injuri joint areas. trochanter bursiti result one follow events: injuri point hip. play work activ caus overus injuri joint areas. incorrect posture. stress soft tissu result abnorm poorli posit joint bone (such leg length differ arthriti joint). oth"} {"id": "1136", "contents": "greater trochanter pain syndrom condit caus pain outsid upper thigh (or thighs). caus usual due inflamm injuri tissu lie boni promin (the greater trochanter) top thigh bone (femur). 225. greater trochanter pain syndrom also often call trochanter bursitis. main symptom pain outsid upper thigh. case due minor injuri inflamm tissu upper, outer thigh area."} {"id": "1137", "contents": "conditions. trochanter bursiti often seen alongsid condit arthriti hip, low back pain, disc diseas low back, iliotibi band syndrome, fibromyalgia, thyroid diseas osteoarthr knee. condit like gout also increas risk. trochanter bursiti caus by: inflammation. overuse. physic trauma muscles, tendons. prolong pressur bursa. activ requir twist fast joint movement, jog cycling. previou hip surgery."} {"id": "1138", "contents": "labyrinth mazes. confus frequent maze path numer entrances, dead end necessarili center. labyrinth, hand, one way purpos reach center, know path time."} {"id": "1139", "contents": "labyrinth (noun). noun labyrinth senses: 1. complex system path tunnel easi get lost. 2. complex system interconnect cavities; concern hear equilibrium. familiar information: labyrinth use noun rare."} {"id": "1140", "contents": "walk labyrinth ancient pattern line set ground, somewhat like maze. path walk lines."} {"id": "1141", "contents": "10 fact space blow mind. labyrinth complex seri wind paths, similar maze, although slightli different, usual puzzle. instead, forc walker follow specif serpentin path."} {"id": "1142", "contents": "labyrinth thought enhanc right brain activity. classic seven circuit labyrinth exampl show enter labyrinth mouth walk path circuits. wall keep path. goal center labyrinth."} {"id": "1143", "contents": "1. labyrinth-complex system path tunnel easi get lost. maze. system-instrument combin interrel interact artifact design work coher entity; bought new stereo system; system consist motor small computer."} {"id": "1144", "contents": "answer: labyrinth path leads, via circuit route, center intric design back again. labyrinth\u2019 rout unicursal; is, singl path. unlik maze, labyrinth design eas navigation, imposs get lost within one. prayer labyrinth labyrinth use facilit prayer, meditation, spiritu transformation, and/or global unity."} {"id": "1145", "contents": "purchas roth ira; rather, establish fund it. fund deposit account, free invest varieti securities, stocks, bonds, cd mutual funds. roth ira help way save retirement. unlik tax-def tradit ira, roth ira fund after-tax dollars. however, begin make qualifi withdrawals, proce tax-fre"} {"id": "1146", "contents": "save. roth ira help way save retirement. unlik tax-def tradit ira, roth ira fund after-tax dollars. however, begin make qualifi withdrawals, proce tax-fr"} {"id": "1147", "contents": "roth ira, make contribut money alreadi paid taxes. money potenti grow tax-free, tax-fre withdraw retirement, provid certain condit met. 1. 1. distribut roth ira tax-fre penalty-fre provid five-year age requir satisfi one follow condit met: age 59\u00bd, death, disability, qualifi first time home purchase. 2. must least 18 open ira fidelity."} {"id": "1148", "contents": "rush bank purchas roth ira online, import know much want invest, comfort risk, mani invest option want provid best choic you."} {"id": "1149", "contents": "tradit ira, pay tax withdraw money, point tax income. exampl assum turn 60, $1 million tradit ira, choos withdraw $50,000 per year. $50,000 would tax whatev incom tax rate time. roth ira' also allow withdraw contribut time, tax-free. key word contributions. profit contribut subject 10% penalti tax unless withdrawn 59.5."} {"id": "1150", "contents": "roth ira individu retir account offer tax-fre growth tax-fre withdraw retirement. roth ira rule dictat long own account years* age 59\u00bd older, withdraw money want owe feder taxes. age limit. contribut roth ira stop reach age 70\u00bd, cut-off tradit ira. put money account mani year want, long earn incom qualifies."} {"id": "1151", "contents": "first, make sure account elig rollover. employer-bas retir account (401ks, 403bs, tsps) may elig long either retir chang jobs. roth, sepp, tradit ira plan, allow transfer retir account gold ira. buy gold ira, follow simpl step make sure complianc ira regulations, uncl sam never get way financi independence."} {"id": "1152", "contents": "roth ira ira that, except explain below, subject rule appli tradit ira. cannot deduct contribut roth ira. satisfi requirements, qualifi distribut tax-free. make contribut roth ira reach age 70 \u00bd. leav amount roth ira long live. account annuiti must design roth ira set up."} {"id": "1153", "contents": "map drive direct minneapolis, mn lexington-fayette, ky. click show map. drag line map calcul drive distanc differ route. want verifi drive direct look anoth possibl route, try. googl maps, bing maps, mapquest."} {"id": "1154", "contents": "distanc lexington, ky minneapolis, mn. mile lexington minneapoli mile car. lexington minneapoli far apart (bi car). best lexington, ky-minneapolis, mn route."} {"id": "1155", "contents": "drive distanc minneapolis, mn lexington-fayette, ky. total drive distanc minneapolis, mn lexington-fayette, ky 781 mile 1\u2009257 kilometers. trip begin minneapolis, minnesota. end lexington-fayette, kentucky."} {"id": "1156", "contents": "radioact decay, also known nuclear decay radioactivity, process nucleu unstabl atom lose energi emit radiation. materi spontan emit radiat includ alpha particles, beta particles, gamma ray convers electron consid radioactive. alpha decay one type radioact decay, atom nucleu emit alpha particle, therebi transform (or decays) atom mass number decreas atom number decreas 2."} {"id": "1157", "contents": "emiss spectrum metal halid lamp. emiss spectrum chemic element chemic compound spectrum frequenc electromagnet radiat emit due atom molecul make transit high energi state lower energi state. energi emit photon equal energi differ two states. mani possibl electron transit atom, transit specif energi difference. collect differ transitions, lead differ radiat wavelengths, make emiss spectrum. element' emiss spectrum uniqu"} {"id": "1158", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. spontan emiss process quantum system atom, molecule, nanocryst nucleu excit state undergo transit state lower energi (e.g., ground state) emit quanta energy. light sourc ('the atom') excit state energy, may spontan decay lower lie level (e.g., ground state) energy, releas differ energi two state photon."} {"id": "1159", "contents": "atom radioact element emiss alpha particl beta particl would chang atom anoth element. chang spontan occur due instabl heavi nuclei. type radioact decay term natur radioact decay phenomenon call natur radioactivity. emiss alpha particl result format element lie two place left period tabl emiss beta particl result format element lie one place right. call group displac law. natur radioact series."} {"id": "1160", "contents": "propos term radioact spontan emiss radiat certain elements. element call radioact elements. studi radioact compon like uranium discov two new radioact element name polonium radium. emiss alpha particl result format element lie two place left period tabl emiss beta particl result format element lie one place right. call group displac law. natur radioact series."} {"id": "1161", "contents": "2. spontan disintegr certain isotop accompani emiss radiat (a-rays, b-rays, c-rays). 3. emiss subatom particl ray due disintegr atom nuclei certain isotop elements. radioactivity. 1. emiss ray subatom particl nuclei certain element decay others, notabl uranium decay products, to, excluding, lead."} {"id": "1162", "contents": "n. 1. spontan emiss radiation, either directli unstabl atom nuclei consequ nuclear reaction. 2. radiation, includ alpha particles, nucleons, electrons, gamma rays, emit radioact substance. radioactivity. 1. emiss ray subatom particl nuclei certain element decay others, notabl uranium decay products, to, excluding, lead."} {"id": "1163", "contents": "proton radioactivity. proton radioact mode radioact decay gener expect aris proton-rich nuclei far stabl isotopes, parent nucleu chang chemic ident emiss proton single-step process. seri known radioact disintegration, decay, series. origin nucleu decay seri call parent nucleus, nuclei result success disintegr known daughter nuclei."} {"id": "1164", "contents": "case unicellular organisms, phagocytosi process take place organ come contact nutrient particles. phagocyt immun system activ presenc certain bacteri cells, inflammatori cell foreign bodies. phagocytosi process. phagocytosi process specif type endocytosis, involv vesicular intern solid particles, bacteria, unlik endocytosi process involv vesivular intern liquids."} {"id": "1165", "contents": "also, alga consum protists, nutrient alga contain lost environ feeding. bacteria use dissolv nutrient grow flourish. bacteria, turn, serv food sourc protozoa consum bacteria. protozoa classifi within much larger group single-cel organ includ algae, single-cel photosynthet organisms, water mold (slime molds). larger group call protist (pronounc like \u201cpro-teests\u201d)."} {"id": "1166", "contents": "organ abl ingest food process call phagocytosi food particl engulf oral groove. peopl found useful. edit. protist like fungu grow food sourc get nutrients. protist engulf bacteria digest internally, extend cell membran form vacuol around bacteria."} {"id": "1167", "contents": "advertisement. phagocytosi process use certain cell absorb ingest solid particles. particl absorb ingest nutrient particl bacteria. cell capabl ingest phagocytosi process known phagocytes. phagocytosi process specif type endocytosi involv vesicular intern solid particles, bacteria, unlik endocyt process involv vesicular intern liquids."} {"id": "1168", "contents": "process use protist activ ingest food particl call phagocytosis. protist like fungu grow food sourc get nutrients. protist engulf bacteria digest internally, extend cell membran form vacuol around bacteria."} {"id": "1169", "contents": "phagocytosi process use certain cell absorb ingest solid particles. particl absorb ingest nutrient particl bacteria. phagocytosi process specif type endocytosi involv vesicular intern solid particles, bacteria, unlik endocyt process involv vesicular intern liquids."} {"id": "1170", "contents": "unicellular protozoa alga unicellular eukaryotes. pluricellular alga also eukaryot simpl structure. protist believ phylogenet ancestor live organ eukaryot kingdom (fungi, anim plants)."} {"id": "1171", "contents": "differ kind protist get food differ ways. protist move take food like anim do. plant-lik protist need absorb sun' ene rgi order make food insid bodies. protist like fungu grow food sourc get nutrients. protist engulf bacteria digest internally, extend cell membran form vacuol around bacteria."} {"id": "1172", "contents": "phagocytosi process use certain cell engulf ingest solid particles. particl engulf ingest nutrient particl bacteria. cell capabl ingest manner, phagocytosi process, known phagocytes. phagocyt free live unicellular organisms, amoeba, part bodi cell multicellular organism. phagocytosi process. phagocytosi process specif type endocytosis, involv vesicular intern solid particles, bacteria, unlik endocytosi process involv vesivular intern liquids."} {"id": "1173", "contents": "protozoa ingest food two ways. first process call phagocytosis, flexibl portion cell membran surround food particl engulf it, bring cell vacuole. phagocytosi use ingest unicellular organ larg particles. page 2. protozoa animal-lik protists. unicellular eukaryot lack cell walls. heterotroph feed microorgan organ"} {"id": "1174", "contents": "lowest paid hourli wage receiv resid physician around less $25.73 per hour, lowest 25 percent receiv less $53.77 per hour. addition, hourli wage highest paid 50 percent $80 per hour. medic resid salary. medic resid salari usa. resid physician unit state receiv averag annual salari rang $41,526 $62,856. addition, bonu $5, 000 credit account."} {"id": "1175", "contents": "must know: minimum wage: also get salari clinic help. salari rang 5000 euro 3000 euro depend resid area go study. must note certain percentag deduct salari singl tax government. salari rise time."} {"id": "1176", "contents": "averag salari lowest 10 percent resid physician less $48,510 wherea annual salari lowest paid 25 percent less $51,000. addition, averag yearli salari highest 50 percent $53,000. medic resid salari usa. resid physician unit state receiv averag annual salari rang $41,526 $62,856. addition, bonu $5, 000 credit account."} {"id": "1177", "contents": "day person half-days. resid minimum day per month inpati rotations, often full weekend elect ambulatori blocks. addition, resid person half-day elect ambulatori block errands, doctor' visit needs. salari 2015-2016 list below. reason cost live increas expect 2016-2017. pgy-1: $51,189. pgy-2: $53,692."} {"id": "1178", "contents": "averag medic resid salari wage. accord bls, hourli mean wage earn resid physician around $100.74 per hour averag annual mean salari around $51,340 per annum. pgi salari $48,000, pgi salari $50,000, pgi salari $53,000 pgi salari $55,000. medic resid salari usa. resid physician unit state receiv averag annual salari rang $41,526 $62,856. addition, bonu $5, 000 credit account."} {"id": "1179", "contents": "foreighn resid germani numbers: irrespect graduated, europ anoth location, easili get medic resid assistance. last 15 month 340 intern doctor begun resid germani mean program. gener 10,500 intern doctor undertook resid germani 2013. minimum wage: also get salari clinic help. salari rang 5000 euro 3000 euro depend resid area go study. must note certain percentag deduct salari singl tax government."} {"id": "1180", "contents": "lini007 said: \u2191. resid germani get paid. howev pay great. recent decid increas doctor salari germani 8% remain big problem mo. also lot hirarchy...so prepar medic cultur shock. half peopl ask websit found said resid germani intern medic graduat unpaid, half said paid. quit confused, would appreci hear someon realli know answer realli is."} {"id": "1181", "contents": "averag resid salari increas $51,000 first year medic school $60,000 fifth year. accord recent commentari new england journal medicine, adjust inflation, resid compens chang 40 years. gender dispar residents, however, 4% compar dispar 24% among physicians, accord latest medscap physician compens report. much smaller differ among resid like due work hospit setting, salari consistent."} {"id": "1182", "contents": "salari women resid lower men ($54,000 $56,000, respectively). gender dispar residents, however, 4% compar dispar 24% among physicians, accord latest medscap physician compens report. much smaller differ among resid like due work hospit setting, salari consistent."} {"id": "1183", "contents": "jump raspberri keton bandwagon, thing know over-priced, proclaim weight-loss miracl bottle. hear raspberri keton claim slice fat molecules, burn fat easier, weight-loss miracle, chang channel. evid back claims."} {"id": "1184", "contents": "would buy pure product. 4) expect lose 30 pound singl bottl raspberri ketone. lose pound first week supplement, websit promis 30 pound weight loss bottl (30-60 capsules) cautious. accord dr. oz, raspberri keton \u201cworld\u2019 number one miracl bottle,\u201d earn top spot list best fat-burn supplements. explain natur compound that\u2019 sourc directli red raspberries, power littl red pill realli pack punch."} {"id": "1185", "contents": "raspberri keton natur phenol compound primari aroma compound red raspberries. raspberri keton use perfumery, cosmetics, food addit impart fruiti odor. one expens natur flavor compon use food industry."} {"id": "1186", "contents": "keton taken raspberries, use add fragranc flavor thing colas, ice cream, cosmetics. expert say invest bottl raspberri keton supplement amount littl wish thinking. may may harmful. raspberri keton food cosmet gener consid safe. one know short-or long-term effect raspberri keton supplement could overal health. studi done document potenti side effects. also studi look potenti drug food interact"} {"id": "1187", "contents": "commonli use weight loss obesity. also use increas lean bodi mass. peopl appli raspberri keton scalp improv hair growth. raspberri keton also use foods, cosmetics, manufactur fragranc flavor agent. raspberri keton becam popular weight loss mention dr. oz televis show segment call \u201craspberri ketone: miracl fat-burn bottle\u201d februari 2012. raspberri keton side effect safety. isn\u2019t enough inform avail know raspberri keton safe take supplement. raspberri keton never scientif studi human determin caus side effects."} {"id": "1188", "contents": "raspberri keton chemic red raspberri thought help weight loss. research anim test tube show might increas measur metabolism. might also affect hormon bodi call adiponectin. raspberri keton side effect safety. isn\u2019t enough inform avail know raspberri keton safe take supplement. raspberri keton never scientif studi human determin caus side effects."} {"id": "1189", "contents": "however, put raspberri keton spotlight unproven claim raspberri keton supplement could help melt away fat prevent weight gain, even despit high-fat diet. raspberri keton supplement longer sold legal uk. 2014, food standard agenc rule raspberri keton unauthoris 'novel food'. raspberri keton flavour still permitted."} {"id": "1190", "contents": "raspberri keton recent craze fat loss marketplac even recommend doctor\u2019 place healthi natur method shed unwant weight. lot peopl clear raspberri keton within bodi well assist individu lose fat. it\u2019 clear see keton realli effect help lose weight lot easier. buy daili ketones. interest buy raspberri ketones, best place purchas offici website. highli recommend buy raspberri keton max."} {"id": "1191", "contents": "fact raspberri keton chemic resembl stimul suggest potenti certain side effects. anecdot report jitteriness, increas blood pressure, rapid heartbeat among peopl take raspberri keton supplements. raspberri keton food cosmet gener consid safe. one know short-or long-term effect raspberri keton supplement could overal health. studi done document potenti side effects. also studi look potenti drug food interact"} {"id": "1192", "contents": "answer no. levalbuterol activ ingredi xopenex hfa gener version medication. oftentimes, activ ingredi drug refer gener name.. gener name differ gener version medicine."} {"id": "1193", "contents": "xopenex hfa manufactur sepracor, inc. gener version xopenex hfa avail unit states. yet, search internet gener xopenex hfa, may find number compani sell it. fact medicin fake, substandard, potenti dangerous."} {"id": "1194", "contents": "no. current therapeut equival version xopenex hfa avail unit states. note: fraudul onlin pharmaci may attempt sell illeg gener version xopenex hfa. medic may counterfeit potenti unsafe."} {"id": "1195", "contents": "staci wiegman, pharmd, pharmacy, answered. yes, gener version xopenex. brand name xopenex nebul come three differ strength xopenex hfa inhal come one strength. gener avail solut nebul highest strength. strength gener may begin avail 2012 2013."} {"id": "1196", "contents": "indication. xopenex hfa (levalbuterol tartrate) inhal aerosol treatment prevent bronchospasm (narrow airways) adults, adolescents, children year age older revers obstruct airway disease."} {"id": "1197", "contents": "recal exact cost bathroom, part larger remodel (kitchen, master bedroom hard floor patch plu closet addition, things), would estim around $25,000 $30,000 bathroom (in la area). gut 1980' pink, floral chintsi bathroom one father son could share. want nice, still within modest budget. total remodel cost around $14,000. fall love vanity/sink $3,000 total worth splurge."} {"id": "1198", "contents": "bathroom shown here, done case remodel $30,000 $35,000, exampl midrang bathroom remodel. featur porcelain tile, his-and-h semicustom vanity, granit countertop brushed-nickel plumb fixtures. gut 1980' pink, floral chintsi bathroom one father son could share. want nice, still within modest budget. total remodel cost around $14,000. fall love vanity/sink $3,000 total worth splurge."} {"id": "1199", "contents": "averag cost remodel bathroom dalla approxim $7,300 $10,000. beyond design remodeling, inc. bathroom remodel contractor brooklyn, ny. homeown brooklyn, averag cost bathroom remodel approxim $9,800 $13,000. averag bathroom remodel cost $9,254, spend less-between $3,500 $7,000 fix essenti small-to medium-s bathroom."} {"id": "1200", "contents": "add $4,000 typic materi used, alreadi creat bill excess $10,000. account back-end expens provid profit owner company. that\u2019 cost typic bathroom remodel unit state $16,000. otherwise, you\u2019r go end ad cost later, bathroom you\u2019r realli happi with. set budget bathroom remodel, keep mind spend 10 percent home\u2019 valu bathroom remodel project. $200,000 house, mean plan spend $10,000 $20,000 bathroom"} {"id": "1201", "contents": "averag cost bathroom remodel new york citi roughli $9,500 $13,000. idea renov plan out, next step find bath remodel accessori price range. averag bathroom remodel cost $9,254, spend less-between $3,500 $7,000 fix essenti small-to medium-s bathroom."} {"id": "1202", "contents": "spend $75,000 remodel bath high-valu home would still appropriate, however, sinc larger home gener larger bathroom luxuri fit more, well, fitting. home valu less $100,000, spend $10,000 qualiti bathroom remodel. circumstances, anyth includ linoleum floors, leaki bathtub, materi won\u2019t happi with. otherwise, you\u2019r go end ad cost later, bathroom you\u2019r realli happi with. set budget bathroom remodel, keep mind spend 10 percent home\u2019 valu bathroom remodel project. $200,000 house, mean plan spend $10,000 $20,000 bathroom"} {"id": "1203", "contents": "much spend master bathroom? rule thumb total project\u2014includ materi installation\u2014should cost 10 percent home\u2019 value. nation kitchen bath associ (nkba) put nation averag $16,000. 2011-2012, mid-rang bathroom remodel cost averag $16,552 recoup 62 percent, upscal bathroom remodel cost averag $52,249 recoup 56 percent. here\u2019 nkba break budget typic bathroom remodel: labor: 20 percent."} {"id": "1204", "contents": "accord annual construct cost survey remodel magazine, mid-rang remodel 5x7-foot bathroom averag $14,109-$18,864; upscal expans 5x7 bathroom 9x9-feet within exist hous footprint, cost run $46,865-$59,456. spent $3,385.00 labor total gut drywall, also includ tile work, plumb electr work. spent $3,055.14 total materi includ deep soak bathtub, wall surround, new kohler toilet, beauti tile floor tall vaniti got lowes."} {"id": "1205", "contents": "homeown mani option come bathroom remodel total cost depend style budget. averag bathroom remodel cost $9,254, spend less-between $3,500 $7,000 fix essenti small-to medium-s bathroom."} {"id": "1206", "contents": "type food poisoning, usual vomit anytim immedi eat hour later. peopl also get diarrhea. bacillu cereu also caus diarrhea strike 6-15 hour eating. also type non-contagi food poison caus bacteria clostridium perfringens3. caus intens abdomin cramp diarrhea 8-22 hour ingest last 24 hours."} {"id": "1207", "contents": "undercook chicken sever detriment health. raw chicken might contamin bacteria call salmonella, kill chicken cook proper minimum intern temperature. chicken fulli cooked, risk gastrointestin distress problem increases. chicken raw undercooked, surfac touch becom contamin salmonella. example, prepar chicken home use cut board prep veget without thoroughli sanit first, veget also becom contamin bacteria."} {"id": "1208", "contents": "regular non-contagi food poison occur eat food sit room temperatur kept warm (between 40 \u00b0f 140 \u00b0f) hours. peopl also get diarrhea. bacillu cereu also caus diarrhea strike 6-15 hour eating. also type non-contagi food poison caus bacteria clostridium perfringens3. caus intens abdomin cramp diarrhea 8-22 hour ingest last 24 hours."} {"id": "1209", "contents": "best answer: long food poison take set depend type food poisoning. generally, symptom set within two six hour food consumed. sometim symptom appear within day minutes. ill caus food poison last 10 days. food poison fatal"} {"id": "1210", "contents": "sign symptoms. salmonella bacteria raw undercook chicken lead condit call salmonellosis. infected, probabl experi symptom within 72 hour consum contamin food, explain better health channel. symptom typic relat gastrointestin tract. chicken raw undercooked, surfac touch becom contamin salmonella. example, prepar chicken home use cut board prep veget without thoroughli sanit first, veget also becom contamin bacteria."} {"id": "1211", "contents": "chicken contamin salmonella well cook be, get sick salmonella destroy cook process. simpli spoiled, hard say. also, chicken probabl thing ate. generally, symptom set within two six hour food consumed. sometim symptom appear within day minutes. ill caus food poison last 10 days."} {"id": "1212", "contents": "leftov kept three four day refrigerator. sure eat within time. that, risk food poison increases. think abl eat leftov within four days, freez immediately. food poison also call foodborn ill caus harm organisms, bacteria contamin food."} {"id": "1213", "contents": "refrigerator, raw chicken use one two days, cook chicken stay good three four days. freezer, cook chicken remain good safe eat four month raw chicken good year. depend also depend store chicken. time period elapse, higher chanc chicken gone bad. http://pad3.whstatic.com/images/thumb/0/03/tell-if-chicken-is-bad-step-8-preview-version-2.jpg/550px-tell-if-chicken-is-bad-step-8-preview-version-2.jpg."} {"id": "1214", "contents": "tri make dinner hard enough hungri hurry, make sure chicken still okay eat. know chicken gone bad make person sick consumed. depend also depend store chicken. time period elapse, higher chanc chicken gone bad. http://pad3.whstatic.com/images/thumb/0/03/tell-if-chicken-is-bad-step-8-preview-version-2.jpg/550px-tell-if-chicken-is-bad-step-8-preview-version-2.jpg."} {"id": "1215", "contents": "thu take normal heart rest that' innerv sympathet parasympathet systems, sever vagu nerve, lose parasympathet input heart, leav sympathet input intact. result rest heart rate increases, someth closer 100 bpm. vagu never innerv heart affect sa node. otto loewi discov vagu nerv action ach (a neurotransmitter) slow heart. vagu nerv slow action (or beating)"} {"id": "1216", "contents": "etymology: l, vagus, wandering, temnein, cut. cut certain branch vagu nerve, perform gastric surgery, reduc amount gastric acid secret lessen chanc recurr gastric ulcer. patient gener anesthesia, gastrectomi performed, appropri branch vagu nerv excised. vagotomy. interrupt impuls carri vagu nerv nerves; call first perform surgic methods. surgic procedur done part treatment gastric duoden ulcer often perform combin gastroenterostomi partial gastrectomy."} {"id": "1217", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: b. heart rate would increas vagu nerv carri import inform heart part central nervou system call parasympathet nervou system. parasympathet nervou system often consid rest digest system"} {"id": "1218", "contents": "vagu nerv releas neurotransmitter, aceytlcholine, slow heart rate. nerv impuls per se this, rather rele ase transmitt interact post-synapt receptor effect. peopl found useful. vagu never innerv heart affect sa node. otto loewi discov vagu nerv action ach (a neurotransmitter) slow heart. vagu nerv slow action (or beating)"} {"id": "1219", "contents": "vagu nerv use regul heartbeat muscl movement necessari keep breathing. nerv also regul chemic level digest system intestin process food keep track type nutrient gain food taken in."} {"id": "1220", "contents": "also increas blood pressure. vagu nerv provid parasympathet support cardiovascular system. slide 4. muscl esophagu lose tone creat problem food enter esophagu vagu nerv damaged. introduct vagu nerve. vagu nerv pair tenth cranial nerv branch brain suppli part gastrointestin system stomach, part respiratori system lungs. suppli vital organs, travel cranial nerv"} {"id": "1221", "contents": "electr stimul vagu nerve, call vagu nerv stimul (vns), sometim use treat peopl epilepsi depression. vagu nerv involv one common caus fainting, call vasovag syncope. overreact bodi certain stimuli, like sight blood, involv stimul vagu nerve. stimul caus drop blood pressur heart rate. less blood flow brain, result loss consciousness."} {"id": "1222", "contents": "answer: sinc vagu nerv parasympathet action. nerv stimulated, follow action occur myocardium: 1. heart rate forc heart contract slow down. 2. lead conronari vasoconstriction. 3. vagu never innerv heart affect sa node. otto loewi discov vagu nerv action ach (a neurotransmitter) slow heart. vagu nerv slow action (or beating)"} {"id": "1223", "contents": "directions. preheat oven 450 degre f. season salmon salt pepper. place salmon, skin side down, non-stick bake sheet non-stick pan oven-proof handle. bake salmon cook through, 12 15 minutes. serv toast almond parsley salad squash, desired. minc shallot add small bowl."} {"id": "1224", "contents": "preheat oven 450 degre fillet 350 degre dress fish. bake fillet lower temperature, desired, rememb increas cook time. bake salmon fillet steaks, uncovered, minut per 1/2-inch thickness."} {"id": "1225", "contents": "roast minut per half-inch thick salmon: roast time depend thick salmon, determin thickest part salmon fillet. everi half-inch salmon, roast minut minut give salmon still touch rare, minut thoroughli cook it."} {"id": "1226", "contents": "preheat oven 450 degre f. season salmon salt pepper. place salmon, skin side down, non-stick bake sheet non-stick pan oven-proof handle. bake salmon cook through, 12 15 minutes. serv toast almond parsley salad squash, desired. minc shallot add small bowl."} {"id": "1227", "contents": "broil salmon. place fish foil. sprinkl herb dill flavoring. introduc moistur fish-for instance, spread soften butter top herb drizzl fish oliv oil. place fish oven four five inch broiler element."} {"id": "1228", "contents": "place bag marinad salmon fillet refriger 30 minutes. salmon, like fish, dens red meat poultry. result, need marinad long order absorb flavor. remov salmon refriger least 10 minut prior cooking."} {"id": "1229", "contents": "best way cook thicker fillet use 400\u00b0 set temperatur bake fish 18-20 minutes. lower heat desired, season fillet wrap foil, seal tightli bake 350\u00b0 25-30 minutes."} {"id": "1230", "contents": "pictur stomach. stomach muscular organ found left side upper abdomen. food make way stomach oesophagus. food reach end oesophagus, enter stomach muscular valv call lower oesophag sphincter"} {"id": "1231", "contents": "liver. liver largest organ body. appear reddish-brown, cone-shap organ, locat right upper quadrant abdomin cavity, diaphragm stomach, intestines, right kidney. weigh approxim pounds. [1]."} {"id": "1232", "contents": "stomach muscular sac locat left side upper abdomen. stomach receiv food esophagus. food reach end esophagus, enter stomach muscular valv call lower esophag sphincter. stomach secret acid enzym digest food. ridg muscl tissu call ruga line stomach. stomach muscl contract periodically, churn food enhanc digestion. pylor sphincter muscular valv open allow food pass stomach small intestin"} {"id": "1233", "contents": "pictur stomach. 2009 webmd, llc. right reserved. stomach muscular organ locat left side upper abdomen. stomach receiv food esophagus. food reach end esophagus, enter stomach muscular valv call lower esophag sphincter. stomach secret acid enzym digest food. ridg muscl tissu call ruga line stomach."} {"id": "1234", "contents": "vertebrates, stomach locat esophagu small intestine. secret protein-digest enzym call proteas gastric acid aid food digestion, smooth muscular contract send partial digest food (chyme) small intestines. stomach lie esophagu duodenum (the first part small intestine). left upper part abdomin cavity. top stomach lie diaphragm."} {"id": "1235", "contents": "abdomen stomach two major bodi part animals. stomach part abdomen togeth help absorb digest food taken. apart stomach, abdomen also contain organ small intestine, colon liver."} {"id": "1236", "contents": "area gastric content flow stomach duodenum. divid pylor antrum lie next bodi pylor canal lie next duodenum. passag food stomach duodenum regul pylor sphincter. body. largest part stomach fundu pylorus. pylorus. area gastric content flow stomach duodenum."} {"id": "1237", "contents": "stomach muscular, hollow, dilat part digest system function import organ digest tract mani animals, includ vertebrates, echinoderms, insect (mid-gut), molluscs. stomach lie esophagu duodenum (the first part small intestine). left upper part abdomin cavity. top stomach lie diaphragm."} {"id": "1238", "contents": "stomach locat upper-left area abdomen liver next spleen. it\u2019 main function store breakdown food liquid consum content travel organ digested. stomach empty, insid small fold call rugae. stomach. stomach muscular, j-shape organ abdomen. part digest system, stomach store digest food gastric juic special churn action creat fold inside."} {"id": "1239", "contents": "climat data madison dane co ap, longitude: -89.3452, latitude: 43.1405. averag weather madison, wi 53715 1981-2010 normals. jan: january, feb: february, mar: march, apr: april, may: may, jun: june, jul: july, aug: august, sep: september, oct: october, nov: november, dec: december."} {"id": "1240", "contents": "statewide, averag high temperatur januari typic rang 18 22 degre fahrenheit northern wisconsin, 22 24 central part state, 24 28 southern sections."} {"id": "1241", "contents": "30-year period end 1990, milwauke averag daili temperatur rang 12\u00b0f (\u201311\u00b0c) 26\u00b0f (\u20133\u00b0c) januari 62\u00b0f (17\u00b0c) 80\u00b0f (27\u00b0c) july. among major us metropolitan areas, minneapolis-st. paul colder milwaukee."} {"id": "1242", "contents": "wisconsin continent climate. summer warm winter cold, especi upper northeast north-centr lowlands, freeze-fre (growing) season around 80 days. averag annual temperatur rang 39\u00b0f (4\u00b0c) north 50\u00b0f (10\u00b0c) south."} {"id": "1243", "contents": "report describ typic weather dane counti region airport (madison, wisconsin, unit states) weather station cours averag april. base histor record 1974 2012."} {"id": "1244", "contents": "averag annual temperatur vari 39 north 50 south. highest temperatur ever record wisconsin 114 wisconsin dell juli 13, 1936, lowest temperatur record minu 55 f, report couderay februari februari 4, 1996."} {"id": "1245", "contents": "averag annual temperatur wisconsin. averag annual temperatur cities, towns, park lake throughout wisconsin list degre fahrenheit celsius. tabl give normal maximum minimum yearli temperatur base weather data collect 1981 2010."} {"id": "1246", "contents": "averag temperatur februari cities, towns, park lake throughout wisconsin list degre fahrenheit celsius. tabl give normal maximum minimum temperatur base weather data collect 1981 2010 us nation climat data center."} {"id": "1247", "contents": "averag annual temperatur cities, towns, park lake throughout wisconsin list degre fahrenheit celsius."} {"id": "1248", "contents": "click place view tyne immigr records. inform chart came u.s. immigr collect ancestry. find major tyne famili live immigr u. learn focu search foreign records. find tyne famili immigr unit states. focu search immigr record date era. immigr record tell ancestor' name, ship name, port departure, port arriv destination. social secur death index (ssdi)."} {"id": "1249", "contents": "english name gener consist given name, middl name famili name. mani english speak countri fairli flexibl name laws. allow multicultur famili live countri merg name convent faith previou nation current homeland. u.s. 2014, rank 12901 babi name popular girl occurrences. less boy given name. view tyne name popular page see popular trend tyne chang sinc 1880, compar popular tyne names. name tyna form tyne."} {"id": "1250", "contents": "click circl chart view tyne immigr records. find tyne famili immigr unit states. focu search immigr record date era. immigr record tell ancestor' name, ship name, port departure, port arriv destination. social secur death index (ssdi)."} {"id": "1251", "contents": "tyne name meaning. irish: reduc anglic form gaelic \u2018teimhin descend of\u2019, teimhean \u2018teimhean\u2019, dark adject \u2018teimhe\u2019, \u2018dusk\u2019.darkness: english probabl habit name someon tynesid northeast. england find tyne famili immigr unit states. focu search immigr record date era. immigr record tell ancestor' name, ship name, port departure, port arriv destination. social secur death index (ssdi)."} {"id": "1252", "contents": "comment insight name tyne: edit. share know! person experi name tyne: edit. share know! nicknam tyne: edit. share know! mean histori name tyne: edit. river tyne north england. northumberland, yorkshire, run town newcastle-upon-tyne."} {"id": "1253", "contents": "american name: tyne. tyne english origin mean river.. name river, 129 km (80 mi) long, northern england flow eastward north sea. name deriv river england. tyne name also appear follow origin(s): old english. pleas use list american babi name reference/idea name kid/child. databas babi name compil variou refer suggest provid web site visitor resourc partners. mean tyne american origin/cultur girl name histori fame details."} {"id": "1254", "contents": "tyne gener use girl' name. consist letter syllabl pronounc tyne. u.s. 2014, rank 12901 babi name popular girl occurrences. less boy given name. view tyne name popular page see popular trend tyne chang sinc 1880, compar popular tyne names. name tyna form tyne. tyne fall water name categori"} {"id": "1255", "contents": "histori newcastl upon tyne date back almost 2,000 years, control romans, saxon dane amongst others. origin known roman name pon aelius, name newcastl use sinc norman conquest england. due prime locat river tyne, town develop greatli middl age play major role industri revolution, grant citi statu 1882. histori newcastl date ad120, roman built first bridg cross river tyne point."} {"id": "1256", "contents": "english meaning: name tyne english babi name. english mean name tyne is: river. soulurg number: 5. express number: 1. peopl name deep inner desir travel adventure, want set pace life without govern tradition."} {"id": "1257", "contents": "mani ways, symbol lacan equival levi-l\u00e9vi'strauss order of: cultur a-languag mediat order of. cultur man, speaks, symbol made ... man superimpos kingdom cultur a. natur decad rome report, lacan found concept symbol answer neurot problemat imaginary: task symbol forbid imaginari captur ... supremaci symbol imaginari ... supremaci symbol real."} {"id": "1258", "contents": "form objectifi black man chang meaning, identity. thus, signifi chang signifi media signifying, use languag images. addit language, symbol order also made possibl due law father. father transfer rule symbol order onto next gener (\u201csymbol order (lacan)\u201d; \u201cthe symbolic\u201d) continu due accept law (\u201csymbol order (lacan)\u201d)"} {"id": "1259", "contents": "symbolic, language, pact links... subject togeth one action. human action par excel origin found exist world symbol, name law contract (freud' paper 230). symbol order work tension imaginari order real. close bound superego phallus."} {"id": "1260", "contents": "symbol (or symbol order) part psychoanalyt theori jacqu lacan, part attempt distinguish elementari regist whose ground later put forward terms: symbolic, imaginary, real distinct never previous made psychoanalysis. decad rome report, lacan found concept symbol answer neurot problemat imaginary: task symbol forbid imaginari captur ... supremaci symbol imaginari ... supremaci symbol real."} {"id": "1261", "contents": "handl symbol order actual is, import note fight against. descript make seem vast control would imposs fight born it. thus, signifi chang signifi media signifying, use languag images. addit language, symbol order also made possibl due law father."} {"id": "1262", "contents": "symbol order ongo michael kearney durnin martin project. symbol order work collabor musician artist across globe. facebook."} {"id": "1263", "contents": "ymbolic order (lacan) social world linguist communication, intersubject relations, knowledg ideolog conventions, accept law (also call big other). child enter languag accept rule dictat society, abl deal others. human action par excel origin found exist world symbol, name law contract (freud' paper 230). symbol order work tension imaginari order real. close bound superego phallus."} {"id": "1264", "contents": "zizek, symbol order. symbol order realm language, signs, culture, law. includ offici institut schools, polit parties, churches; well quasi-offici institut like codifi non-codifi social norms, i.e. handshakes, wink etc."} {"id": "1265", "contents": "lacan' concept symbol owe much key event rise structur ... public claud levi-l\u00e9vi 'strauss elementari structur kinship in. ... 1949 many, way symbol lacan equival to-levi'l\u00e9vi strauss order: culture-a languag mediat order. cultur decad rome report, lacan found concept symbol answer neurot problemat imaginary: task symbol forbid imaginari captur ... supremaci symbol imaginari ... supremaci symbol real."} {"id": "1266", "contents": "focu blog project divis symbol order power attribut divisions. post meant prefac two posts, fulli describ symbol order keep say fight it. thus, signifi chang signifi media signifying, use languag images. addit language, symbol order also made possibl due law father."} {"id": "1267", "contents": "3m\u2122 thermal conduct epoxi adhes tc-2707 thermal conduct 2-part epoxi use aluminum metal filler good thermal conduct high adhesion. high adhes strength."} {"id": "1268", "contents": "polytec tc 304 singl component, thermal conduct epoxi excel thermal conductivity. design applic heat transfer essenti (heat-sinking, aluminum ceram packag etc.). polytec tc 304 conveni long pot shelf life. polytec tc 437 two-component, thermal conduct electr insul epoxi cure room temperatur within 16 hours. typic applic includ attach heat sinks, thermal conduct underfill, thermistor potting, die attach heat manag power semiconductor devices."} {"id": "1269", "contents": "technetium-95, half-lif 61 days, use radioact tracer. technetium-99, long half-lif (2.11 10 years) decay almost entir beta decay gamma rays. use equip calibration. technetium rare, silver-gray metal tarnish slowli moist air. powder form, burn oxygen heptoxid (tc 7). technetium dissolv nitric acid concentr sulfur acid, solubl hydrochlor acid strength."} {"id": "1270", "contents": "polytec tc 301 standard singl component, thermal conduct epoxi excel thermal conductivity. design applic heat transfer essenti (heat-sinking, aluminum ceram packaging). polytec tc 437 two-component, thermal conduct electr insul epoxi cure room temperatur within 16 hours. typic applic includ attach heat sinks, thermal conduct underfill, thermistor potting, die attach heat manag power semiconductor devices."} {"id": "1271", "contents": "product description. shin-etsu chemical\u2019 tc-sa thermal conduct tape non-acryl based, adhesive, doubl side thermal tape offer superior thermal conductivity, peel high adhes strength properties. exhibit excel thermal stability, sinc base chemistri silicone. addit advantag shin-etsu chemical\u2019 tc-sa product offer excel electr isolation, strong adhes strength, easi appli remov rework."} {"id": "1272", "contents": "shin-etsu chemical\u2019 tc-sa product offer non-acryl based, adhesive, doubl side thermal tape offers: superior thermal conduct peel high adhes strength properti compar acryl base adhes tapes. exhibit excel thermal stability, sinc base chemistri silicone. exhibit excel thermal stability, sinc base chemistri silicone. addit advantag shin-etsu chemical\u2019 tc-sa product offer excel electr isolation, strong adhes strength, easi appli remov rework."} {"id": "1273", "contents": "polytec tc 417 two component, thermal conductive, electr insul epoxy. use variou thermal manag applications, like pot larg volumes. excel chemic moistur resistance. excel adhes glass, metal, ceramic, fr4 plastics. polytec tc 437 two-component, thermal conduct electr insul epoxi cure room temperatur within 16 hours. typic applic includ attach heat sinks, thermal conduct underfill, thermistor potting, die attach heat manag power semiconductor devices."} {"id": "1274", "contents": "(6) storag shelf life shelf life 3m\u2122 thermal conduct epoxi adhes tc-2810 12 month date manufactur store origin carton 21\u00b0c (70\u00b0f) 50% rel humidity. fillet form epoxi squeez past side edges. fillet add strength assembly. 3m\u2122 thermal conduct epoxi tc-2810 suppli dual syring plastic duo-pak cartridg part 3m\u2122 epx\u2122 applic system. duo-pak cartridg suppli 37 ml configuration."} {"id": "1275", "contents": "confid vote 40.5k. mostli elimin wast depriv nutrient energi (e.g., protein, fat, vitamin carbohydrates) bodi absorb use digest process. made digest also undigest food 67% solid material. 33-34% compris liquid absorbed. solid also unus fats, undigest food particles, roughage, fiber"} {"id": "1276", "contents": "human fece (or faec british english; latin: faex) f\u00e6x (fece solid waste) product human digestive, system including. bacteria vari significantli (appearance.i. e, size, colour), textur accord state digestive, system diet general. health normal occurr prior bowel movement incomplete, fece return rectum intestine, water absorbed. human fece togeth human urin collect refer human wast human excreta. contain human feces, prevent spread pathogen human fece via fecal-or route, main goal sanitation."} {"id": "1277", "contents": "throughout life ordinari human, one may experi mani type feces. green stool rapid transit fece intestin (or consumpt certain blue green food dye quantity), clay-lik appear fece result lack bilirubin. although lower energi food derived, fece may retain larg amount energy, often 50% origin food. mean food eaten, signific amount energi remain decompos ecosystems."} {"id": "1278", "contents": "fece (us) faec (uk), also known mani names, solid wast product anim digest tract, discharg anu cloaca process call defecation. urin fece togeth call excreta. although lower energi food derived, fece may retain larg amount energy, often 50% origin food. mean food eaten, signific amount energi remain decompos ecosystems."} {"id": "1279", "contents": "recoveri water undigest remain colon result format feaces, semi-solid waste. fibr cannot digest all. give food bulk digest system push it. faec (poo) made fibre. fece fecal matter undigest wast bodi need littl nutrit value, excrement, poop. 15 peopl found useful. edit. share to: question answer lock cannot edited."} {"id": "1280", "contents": "continu intestin larg intestines. larg intestin continu pull liquid feces. fece larg intestines, wait bottom, rectum, make bowel movement. food pass small intestine, enter larg intestine, colon. fece fecal matter undigest wast bodi need littl nutrit value, excrement, poop. 15 peopl found useful. edit. share to: question answer lock cannot edited."} {"id": "1281", "contents": "bristol stool scale medic aid design classifi form human fece seven categories. sometim refer uk meyer scale, develop k. w. heaton univers bristol first publish scandinavian journal gastroenterolog 1997. normal occurr prior bowel movement incomplete, fece return rectum intestine, water absorbed. human fece togeth human urin collect refer human wast human excreta. contain human feces, prevent spread pathogen human fece via fecal-or route, main goal sanit"} {"id": "1282", "contents": "fece made digest system. first take bite food, process starts. saliva mouth start break food. fece fecal matter undigest wast bodi need littl nutrit value, excrement, poop. 15 peopl found useful. edit. share to: question answer lock cannot edited."} {"id": "1283", "contents": "term fece poop, excrement, turds, caca, stool, bm, poo crude even consid vulgar. also bad bacteria fece alway told wash hand use restroom. made digest also undigest food 67% solid material."} {"id": "1284", "contents": "freedom cpap: voat procedure. \u201ci diagnos sleep apnea approxim two year ago. fall asleep afternoon didn\u2019t energi all. i\u2019v two heart attacks, i\u2019v develop diabetes, develop gerd, develop depression, thing improv procedur dr. dillard done.th rfa procedur great procedur me. origin throat collaps 57 time per hour 19. sinuplasti one part tongu ablat procedur done time. next morn woke littl swell twelv o\u2019clock pain gone, swell gone back tongue, afternoon feel consider better."} {"id": "1285", "contents": "there' simple, safe, minim invas treatment snore mild moder obstruct sleep apnea (osa). unlik pain invas surgic procedures, pillar procedur simpl treatment doctor perform singl short offic visit combin procedures."} {"id": "1286", "contents": "video-assist thoracoscop surgeri (vats) minim invas surgic techniqu use diagnos treat problem chest. video-assist thoracoscop surgeri procedure, tini camera (thoracoscope) surgic instrument insert chest sever small incisions. thoracoscop transmit imag insid chest onto video monitor, guid surgeon perform procedure."} {"id": "1287", "contents": "establish technology. radiofrequ ablat (rfa) procedur tissu remov use heat gener high frequenc altern current treat medic disorder. current produc radio wave use heat small area nerv tissu decreas pain signal area. unbeliev results. aaoc\u2019 patent pend voat\u2122 procedure, 80% dr. dillard\u2019 patient see improv condition. addition, minim invas procedur take littl 30 second slight sedation. patient back work next day"} {"id": "1288", "contents": "(04-02-2015 10:52 am)sgearhart wrote: dr. oz advert sleep sinu center atlanta market procedur name voat. ad promot cpap replac procedur cure sleep apnea. tv ad describ actual sell sizzle. go websit briefli describ procedur realli lay sizzle."} {"id": "1289", "contents": "video-assist thoracoscop surgeri (vats) type thorac surgeri perform use small video camera introduc patient' chest via scope. surgeon abl view instrument use along anatomi surgeon operating."} {"id": "1290", "contents": "patents. apparatu method ventral ablat tongue, use treat sleep apnea relat breath disorders. rf ablat probe wand insert ventral surfac patient' tongu superior plane along longitudin (i.e., anterior posterior) axi tongue,... electro-surg devic 100 prefer rf ablat device. devic compris bipolar element 1-2 mm wide shaft, shaft emit focus rf field (beam) perform voat procedure."} {"id": "1291", "contents": "accordingly, procedur describ herein term ventral ablat tongu (voat), gener office-bas procedur without requir hospit intub patients. electro-surg devic 100 prefer rf ablat device. devic compris bipolar element 1-2 mm wide shaft, shaft emit focus rf field (beam) perform voat procedure."} {"id": "1292", "contents": "obstruct sleep apnea result exhaustion, diabetes, high blood pressure, even stroke heart attack. new procedur treat sleep apnea use plasma blade make incis without burn sensit tissue."} {"id": "1293", "contents": "babi name associ earth girls. girl name peak popular year 1910-1919 (usag 0.1235%) almost popular today (usag 0.0778%, 37%), name like ingrid, may, terra, tierra zola becom somewhat dated."} {"id": "1294", "contents": "earthstrong iyar word refer concept earth. fact, earthstrong \u201cearthical\u201d word, mean deal power within earth. similarly, term \u201cearthforce\u201d refer mystic almighti presenc god. tradit honor birthday root sourc divers pagan beliefs, ancient greek text german children' celebr 1700s."} {"id": "1295", "contents": "number year go strong earth. came earth strong enough surviv years. (birthday)."} {"id": "1296", "contents": "astronomy, syzygi /\u02c8s\u026az\u0268d\u0292i/ (from ancient greek suzugo (\u03c3\u03cd\u03b6\u03c5\u03b3\u03bf\u03c2) meaning, yoke together) straight-lin configur three celesti bodi gravit system. term often appli sun moon conjunct (new moon) opposit (full moon). word syzygi often loos use describ interest configur planet general."} {"id": "1297", "contents": "word often use refer sun, earth, either moon planet, latter conjunct opposition. solar lunar eclips occur time syzygy, transit occultations. term often appli sun moon conjunct (new moon) opposit (full moon). word syzygi often loos use describ interest configur planet general."} {"id": "1298", "contents": "prove elohim means. earth formless empty, dark surfac deep, spirit elohim hover waters. elohim said, \u201clet light,\u201d light. elohim saw light good, separ light darkness. genesi 1:1 first place bibl word elohim occurs. read elohim genesi 1:1 read text like this. \u201cin begin elohim made heaven earth.\u201d read strong\u2019 definit elohim, notic sever definit plural noun."} {"id": "1299", "contents": "unus root probabl mean firm; earth (at large, partit land) -- common, country, earth, field, ground, land, natins, way, wilderness, world. 1. a. earth, whole earth (oppos part) genesi 18:18,25; genesi 22:18 (= \u05d4\u05b8\u05d0\u05b2\u05d3\u05b8\u05de\u05b8\u05d4 genesi 12:3) jeremiah 25:26 ,29,30; jeremiah 26:6; isaiah 37:16 ,20 king 19:15; king 19:19; zechariah 4:10; zechariah 4:14 +."} {"id": "1300", "contents": "daniel ketchum, ehow contribut writer. tradit honor birthday root sourc divers pagan beliefs, ancient greek text german children' celebr 1700s."} {"id": "1301", "contents": "say yes. say hebrew word elohim plural noun, show one god. yet hebrew bibl plainli quot god say one god. \u201ci god,\u201d says, \u201cand other\u201d (isaiah 45:22). genesi 1:1 first place bibl word elohim occurs. read elohim genesi 1:1 read text like this. \u201cin begin elohim made heaven earth.\u201d read strong\u2019 definit elohim, notic sever definit plural noun."} {"id": "1302", "contents": "smile though heart aching... ... artist nat king cole. word john turner geoffrey parsons. music charli chaplin. smile song base instrument theme use soundtrack 1936 charli chaplin movi modern times. chaplin compos music, john turner geoffrey parson ad lyric titl 1954."} {"id": "1303", "contents": "+315 releases. smile song, origin use instrument theme soundtrack 1936 charli chaplin movi modern times. chaplin compos music. believ word written john turner geoffrey parsons."} {"id": "1304", "contents": "michael jackson\u2019 favorit song \u201csmile though heart\u201d record 1997. song\u2019 music compos charli chaplin movi modern time lyric written john turner geoffrey parsons. song produc king pop michael jackson david foster."} {"id": "1305", "contents": "smile fear sorrow smile mayb tomorrow you\u2019ll find life still worthwhil just...smile...(words: john turner geoffrey parsons; music: charli chaplain). it\u2019 easi smile heart ach breaking."} {"id": "1306", "contents": "smile though heart aching. smile even though breaking. cloud sky, get by. smile fear sorrow. smile mayb tomorrow."} {"id": "1307", "contents": "carbon form vast number compounds, element, almost ten million compound describ date, turn tini fraction compound theoret possibl standard conditions. moreover, affin bond small atoms, includ carbon atoms, capabl form multipl stabl coval bond atoms. result, carbon known form almost ten million differ compounds; larg major chemic compounds."} {"id": "1308", "contents": "hydrocarbon chain molecul consist entir hydrogen carbon. simplest organ compound may liquid, ga solid. mani type hydrocarbon chains, includ alkanes, alkenes, alkynes, cycloalkan arenes. branched, linear, cyclical. hydrocarbon chain ubiquit natur"} {"id": "1309", "contents": "best answer: alkane, sp3 carbon center. alkene, sp2 (doubl bonded) carbon center. alkyne, linear, sp (tripl bonded) carbon center."} {"id": "1310", "contents": "hydrocarbon bond everi carbon atom call alkanes. least reactiv hydrocarbons. hydrocarbon doubl bond two carbon atom call alkenes. reactiv alkanes. electron-poor molecul react pi bond alkenes. hydrocarbon tripl bond two carbon atom call alkyn"} {"id": "1311", "contents": "hydrocarbons. compound crude oil hydrocarbons. mean contain hydrogen carbon atoms, join togeth chemic bonds. differ type hydrocarbon, one crude oil alkanes. alkan famili hydrocarbon share gener formula. is: 2n+2. gener formula mean number hydrogen atom alkan doubl number carbon atoms, plu two. example, methan ch ethan 6."} {"id": "1312", "contents": "gener formula satur hydrocarbon 2n+2 (assum non-cycl structures). satur hydrocarbon basi petroleum fuel found either linear branch species. substitut reaction characterist properti (like chlorin reaction form chloroform). doubl bond call alkenes. one doubl bond formula 2n (assum non-cycl structures). contain tripl bond call alkynes, gener formula 2n-2. cycloalkan hydrocarbon contain one carbon ring hydrogen atom attached."} {"id": "1313", "contents": "carbon (from latin: carbo coal) chemic element symbol atom number 6. period table, first (row 2) six element column (group) 14, common composit outer electron shell. moreover, affin bond small atoms, includ carbon atoms, capabl form multipl stabl coval bond atoms. result, carbon known form almost ten million differ compounds; larg major chemic compounds."} {"id": "1314", "contents": "hydrocarbon alkanes. compound crude oil hydrocarbons. mean contain hydrogen carbon atoms, join togeth chemic bonds. differ type hydrocarbon, one crude oil alkanes. alkan famili hydrocarbon share gener formula. is: 2n+2. gener formula mean number hydrogen atom alkan doubl number carbon atoms, plu two. example, methan ch ethan 6."} {"id": "1315", "contents": "hydrocarbons. compound form simplest form lipids, contain carbon hydrogen. may divid aliphat hydrocarbon carbon chain may linear (normal), branched, satur (alkanes) unsatur (alcenes), cyclic hydrocarbon carotenoids. sever hydrocarbon may substitut oxygen-contain groups. organ compound includ"} {"id": "1316", "contents": "satur hydrocarbon (alkanes) simplest hydrocarbon species. compos entir singl bond satur hydrogen. gener formula satur hydrocarbon 2n+2 (assum non-cycl structures). doubl bond call alkenes. one doubl bond formula 2n (assum non-cycl structures). contain tripl bond call alkynes, gener formula 2n-2. cycloalkan hydrocarbon contain one carbon ring hydrogen atom attached."} {"id": "1317", "contents": "statist volcano volcano countri activ volcanoes? volcano activ fact volcano death statist volcano highest fatal volcano eruption."} {"id": "1318", "contents": "indirect death (mostli starvat region) 92,000 peopl kill erupt mt. tambora, indonesia, april, 1815. answer 1815 tambora erupt indonesia kill estim 92,000. list deadli volcan erupt found at: http://volc ano.und.nodak.edu/vwdocs/vw_hyperexchange/deadly_volcs.html. peopl found useful."} {"id": "1319", "contents": "deadliest volcan eruptions. follow tabl list deadliest volcan erupt world record accord name, year, number deaths, major caus deaths. 1812, tambora volcano indonesia erupt caus 92,000 deaths. volcano: histor volcanoes-histor volcano notabl erupt within histor time vesuvius, itali ... pelee-pel\u00e9 pelee, pel\u00e9e, 4,429 pel\u00e9 (1,350 4429) ft, 1350 high, martiniqu in. ... the: west indi pele-meaning: definit pele. definit pronunci"} {"id": "1320", "contents": "volcan erupt caus deaths? alreadi exists. alreadi exist altern question. exist altern of. busi performing, like fun? volcan erupt caus tsunami? caus volcan eruption? factor caus volcan eruption? ... answer 1815 tambora erupt indonesia kill estim 92,000. list deadli volcan erupt found at: http://volc ano.und.nodak.edu/vwdocs/vw_hyperexchange/deadly_volcs.html. peopl found useful."} {"id": "1321", "contents": "number death due world' major volcan erupt 1900 2015*. statist present death toll individu countri due world' major volcan erupt 1900 2015*. volcan erupt cameroon august 24, 1986 claim total 1,746 deaths. volcan eruptions. econom loss caus major volcan erupt vari 1,000 million u.s. volcan erupt colombia, novemb 13, 1995, 80 million u.s. dollar caus volcan erupt japan 1945."} {"id": "1322", "contents": "volcano: histor volcanoes-histor volcano notabl erupt within histor time vesuvius, itali ... pelee-pel\u00e9 pelee, pel\u00e9e, 4,429 pel\u00e9 (1,350 4429) ft, 1350 high, martiniqu in. west indi volcano: histor volcanoes-histor volcano notabl erupt within histor time vesuvius, itali ... pelee-pel\u00e9 pelee, pel\u00e9e, 4,429 pel\u00e9 (1,350 4429) ft, 1350 high, martiniqu in. ... the: west indi pele-meaning: definit pele. definit pronunci"} {"id": "1323", "contents": "volcan erupt defin discharg lava ga volcan vent fissure. volcano spew hot, danger gases, ash, lava, rock power destructive. common consequ popul movements, econom loss, affect peopl deaths. econom loss caus major volcan erupt vari 1,000 million u.s. volcan erupt colombia, novemb 13, 1995, 80 million u.s. dollar caus volcan erupt japan 1945."} {"id": "1324", "contents": "volcano erupt fatalities-john seach. volcan erupt danger natur disasters. caus less fatal earthquakes, hurrican famines. past 200 years, 200,000 death volcan eruptions. four caus result 91% fatalities-famin epidem diseas (30%), pyroclast flow (27%), lahar (17%), tsunami (17%)."} {"id": "1325", "contents": "$85-$115 per month per subject, depend locat (all kumon center set prices). placement test given, free charge. cost around$90-$115 month. kumon realli good center... help learn math read happen 4th grader learn algerbra already!"} {"id": "1326", "contents": "sylvan instruct hour cost $45-50. sylvan skill assessment\u2122, cost $149-199, give estim number hour need meet student' educatio nal needs. student assess regist enroll, $50 registr fee, addit fee tuition. typic cost $45/hour center recommend 150-200 hour tutoring. math! sat/act exam prep rate $65 $85/hour recommend program usual 46 hours."} {"id": "1327", "contents": "monthli tuition fee $120 per subject, per student. fee paid enrol programme/ month, attend kumon centr twice week receiv kumon worksheets. kumon flat fee structur famili pay fee. discount refunds."} {"id": "1328", "contents": "let\u2019 face it, cost factor equat it. kumon center independ own operated, cost vari location. general, though, expect pay $95 $125 per month, per subject, plu $30 $50 one-tim registr fee. reality, curriculum math and/or reading. regist kumon program, child need work program addit regular school assign school. curriculum consist hundr short assign (worksheets) complet sequenti order."} {"id": "1329", "contents": "typic recommend program 12th grade student rang 150 200 hours. typic cost $45/hour center recommend hour per week. math! sat/act exam prep rate $65 $85/hour recommend program usual around 40 hours. typic cost $45/hour center recommend 150-200 hour tutoring. math! sat/act exam prep rate $65 $85/hour recommend program usual 46 hours."} {"id": "1330", "contents": "sylvan, huntington learn center kumon oper tutor center across unit states. center may charg $50 per hour student attend, tutor get rel lower wage that. huntington accredit tutor center, mean hire tutor teach certificates. result, huntington tutor earn hourli wage $11 $13 regular tutors, $15 $18 per hour sat act tutors. kumon, like sylvan, requir teacher teach certif"} {"id": "1331", "contents": "way, kumon tutor service. student complet worksheet therefor never need tutoring. sinc degree, would think job sinc work assist kumon part job students. source(s): work kumon center."} {"id": "1332", "contents": "typic recommend program 12th grade student rang 150 200 hours. typic cost $45/hour center recommend 150-200 hour tutoring. math! sat/act exam prep rate $65 $85/hour recommend program usual 46 hours. huntington franchises, owner free set rate"} {"id": "1333", "contents": "answers. best answer: realli depend center appli to. center work (and centers) offer minimum wage. gain experi longer stay, better chanc raise. also depend job appli for. centers, assist grade homework classwork. student complet worksheet therefor never need tutoring. sinc degree, would think job sinc work assist kumon part job students. source(s): work kumon center."} {"id": "1334", "contents": "symptom cystic fibrosi (cf) caus thick, sticki mucus. common symptom include: frequent cough bring thick sputum, phlegm (flem). frequent bout bronchiti pneumonia. lead inflamm perman lung damage. salty-tast skin. dehydration. infertil (mostli men)."} {"id": "1335", "contents": "cystic fibrosi sign symptom vary, depend sever disease. even person, symptom may worsen improv time passes. peopl may experi symptom adolesc adulthood. peopl cystic fibrosi higher normal level salt sweat. screen newborn cystic fibrosi perform 50 states. result, condit diagnos within first month life, symptom develop. peopl born newborn screen performed, import awar sign symptom cystic fibrosis."} {"id": "1336", "contents": "peopl cf, defect gene caus thick, buildup mucu lungs, pancrea organs. lungs, mucu clog airway trap bacteria lead infections, extens lung damag eventually, respiratori failure. peopl cf varieti symptoms, including: salty-tast skin. persist coughing, time phlegm. frequent lung infect includ pneumonia bronchitis. wheez short breath."} {"id": "1337", "contents": "main sign symptom cystic fibrosi salty-tast skin, poor growth, poor weight gain despit normal food intake, accumul thick, sticki mucus, frequent chest infections, cough short breath. male infertil due congenit absenc va deferens."} {"id": "1338", "contents": "sever cystic fibrosi may caus sign symptom vari one child another. time passes, diseas complic may improv worsen. age onset symptom also may vari child child. overview. cystic fibrosi recess genet disord lead seriou complic even put life risk. may caus sever problem lungs, pancreas, liver, intestine. inherit disorder, affect cell produc mucous, sweat, digest juices."} {"id": "1339", "contents": "symptoms. screen newborn cystic fibrosi perform 50 states. result, condit diagnos within first month life, symptom develop. peopl born newborn screen performed, import awar sign symptom cystic fibrosis."} {"id": "1340", "contents": "respiratori sign symptoms. thick sticki mucu associ cystic fibrosi clog tube carri air lungs. cause: persist cough produc thick (sputum) mucus. wheezing. breathlessness. exercis intolerance. repeat lung infections. screen newborn cystic fibrosi perform 50 states. result, condit diagnos within first month life, symptom develop. peopl born newborn screen performed, import awar sign symptom cystic fibrosis."} {"id": "1341", "contents": "symptom cystic fibrosis. symptom cystic fibrosi vari sever person person. thick mucu bodi affect number organs, particularli lung digest system. case cystic fibrosi uk identifi screen test carri earli life, symptom appear."} {"id": "1342", "contents": "long smoke sausag last fridge. made 5# summer sausag 5# andouil last saturday. summer 3tb tenderquick andouil 1tsp pink salt. smoke 155*, andouil sunday summer wednesday."} {"id": "1343", "contents": "echnic sausag family, hot dog kept refriger two week unopen seven day refriger opening. freezer time one two months. luncheon meat also kept unopen refriger two week freezer one two months, time refriger open less hot dog three five days. reference: sausag food safety."} {"id": "1344", "contents": "cook sausag kept refriger longer raw sausage, best go ahead cook it. accord u.s. depart agriculture, fresh uncook sausag kept refriger one two day although kept freezer one two months."} {"id": "1345", "contents": "meat kept better freezer. meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airt ight container."} {"id": "1346", "contents": "meat poultry. raw sausag (pork, beef, turkey): day (refrigerator) month (freezer). cook chicken turkey dishes: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). fri chicken: day (refrigerator)"} {"id": "1347", "contents": "italian sausag product cure uncur sausag contain least 85% meat, combin meat fat, total fat content constitut 35% finish product. contain salt, pepper, fennel and/or anis 3% water."} {"id": "1348", "contents": "letter destin canada mexico-for (1) ounc first class letter cost $1.20 may 31st, 2015 cent hike $1.15 effect januari 26 `014 global forev stamp (then appli intern destin forward)."} {"id": "1349", "contents": "along certain propos rate increases, includ certain postag stamp prices, plan tick cost send postcard u.s.p. went effect may 31st, 2015. date, fee send postcard first-class went $0.35 one cent lower. prior that, late jan `013 rate send card experienc $.01 increas $0.33. track back further, stamp post card went 2011 fee $0.29, amount three penni total 32 cent year 2012. specif for: card dimens between:"} {"id": "1350", "contents": "1/4 .016 thick. send postcard intern destin rate $1.20, $1.15 may `015 date. jan `014 larg postcard rose cent $0.49, $0.46 mail. maximum dimens 11 1/2 1/8 measur 1/4 thick. prior that, late jan `013 rate send card experienc $.01 increas $0.33. track back further, stamp post card went 2011 fee $0.29, amount three penni total 32 cent year 2012. specif for: card dimens between:"} {"id": "1351", "contents": "summari 2015 postag rate increase: first class mail letter (1 oz.) remain $0.49 purchas post office. addit ounc cost $0.22 (up one cent 2014). discount \u201cmeter mail\u201d categori first class mail letter (1 oz.), includ onlin postag provid postag meters, increas $0.48 $0.485 2015. first class flat (1 oz.) stay $0.98 2015."} {"id": "1352", "contents": "addit ounc cost $0.22 (up one cent 2014). postcard rate increas one cent $0.35 $0.34. media mail see increas 6.2% 2015. rate start $2.72 (1 lb.), $0.03 compar 2014. discount \u201cmeter mail\u201d categori first class mail letter (1 oz.), includ onlin postag provid postag meters, increas $0.48 $0.485 2015. first class flat (1 oz.) stay $0.98 2015. addit ounc cost $0.22 (up one cent 2014)"} {"id": "1353", "contents": "addit ounc cost $0.22 (up one cent 2014). discount \u201cmeter mail\u201d categori first class mail letter (1 oz.), includ onlin postag provid postag meters, increas $0.48 $0.485 2015. discount \u201cmeter mail\u201d categori first class mail letter (1 oz.), includ onlin postag provid postag meters, increas $0.48 $0.485 2015. first class flat (1 oz.) stay $0.98 2015. addit ounc cost $0.22 (up one cent 2014)"} {"id": "1354", "contents": "u.s. postal servic announc postag rate increas select mail class servic 2015. new postag rate start sunday, april 26, 2015. first class letter postcards. cost send one ounc first class letter increas remain $0.49. addit ounc cost $0.22, one cent increas 2014. postcard rate increas one cent $0.35, $0.34 2014. print postag onlin use postag meter, \u201cmeter mail\u201d rate one ounc first class letter increas $0.005 $0.485 $0.48. meter mail rate discount provid user print postag onlin postag meter."} {"id": "1355", "contents": "way know radon home test it. 2005, offic surgeon gener advis radon present signific health risk families. short-term test two seven day indic radon level home."} {"id": "1356", "contents": "perform radon relat servic (measur mitigation) state illinois, must licens illinoi emerg manag agenc radon program (iema). becom licens iema step process: course. do-it-yourself radon test kit low cost easi perform. short-term test kit last 3-7 day long term test kit last 1-12 month obtain american lung associ upper midwest click link call 1-800-788-5864."} {"id": "1357", "contents": "cost radon test kits. buy radon test kit laboratories, hardwar store retail store sell item relat home maintenance. cost varies, rang $7 $30, depend type radon detector. radon detector fall one two gener categories: short-term long-term. short-term devic measur radon level two seven days, long-term devic take measur least three months."} {"id": "1358", "contents": "\u200b\u200b\u200b. illinoi emerg manag agenc radon program staff inform illinoi citizen risk associ radon reduc radon level homes. agenc also licens regul individu provid radon measur mitig public. section contain detail radon, county-specif radon information, list measur mitig licensees, inform radon licens applic licens holders, variou radon publications."} {"id": "1359", "contents": "reduc radon level home. mitig act repair alter build build design purpos reduc concentr radon indoor atmosphere. profession licens illinoi emerg manag agency\u2019 radon program mitig radon levels. averag cost mitig system $800 $1200. common type mitig system activ soil depressur"} {"id": "1360", "contents": "get low-cost radon test kit. short-term long-term test kit avail purchas american lung associ upper midwest. short-term test kits. short-term test perform least two days, 90 days. typic short-term test, includ offer site, last 2-7 days. short-term test produc result repres snapshot radon level specif time period."} {"id": "1361", "contents": "radon radioact gas. radon radioact element part radioact decay chain natur occur uranium soil. can\u2019t see radon. can\u2019t smell radon can\u2019t tast radon."} {"id": "1362", "contents": "testing. expens test radon gas. home kit sensor instal house. save money home kit, effect way perform test profession compani come home testing. expens test radon gas. home kit sensor instal hous"} {"id": "1363", "contents": "test home! babb servic compani provid qualiti radon reduct servic radon test servic illinoi 30 years. licens state illinoi provid radon test mitig services. need radon services, call babb servic compani 309-829-9455, would like know would cost lower radon level home, cost test. fill form follow quote."} {"id": "1364", "contents": "place bag marinad salmon fillet refriger 30 minutes. salmon, like fish, dens red meat poultry. remov salmon refriger least 10 minut prior cooking. place broiler pan 1/2 inch (14 cm) away top heat element cook salmon done. salmon done effortlessli flake fillet fork. center opaque."} {"id": "1365", "contents": "anyway, best way freez salmon home freez foodsav machin (ani model do-i cheapest one work well). one those, get ziplock doubl guard freezer bag put salmon squeez air can. report abuse. best way freez whole salmon fillet glaze first. commerci freezer boat employ method call 'blast freezing'. salmon dip sugar water solution, put metal plate blast frozen."} {"id": "1366", "contents": "preheat oven 400 degre f. sprinkl salmon teaspoon oliv oil, salt, pepper. stir tomatoes, shallots, tablespoon oil, lemon juice, oregano, thyme, salt pepper medium bowl blend. place salmon fillet, oil side down, atop sheet foil. wrap end foil form spiral shape. spoon tomato mixtur salmon."} {"id": "1367", "contents": "thaw salmon frozen block ice, run cold water fish ice chunk removed. cover fish plastic wrap, place pan leav refriger 12 hours. fish best cook fresh catch buy it; however, frozen guidelin follow prevent contamin seafood ruin flavor. articl tell defrost salmon."} {"id": "1368", "contents": "4. put bowl flat surfac refrigerator, away food soak smell salmon. refriger kept 35 40 degre fahrenheit (1.7 4.4 degre celsius), order inhibit growth micro organisms. fish best cook fresh catch buy it; however, frozen guidelin follow prevent contamin seafood ruin flavor. articl tell defrost salmon."} {"id": "1369", "contents": "brush mixtur (6-ounce) frozen salmon fillets. broil fillet top charred, 12 minutes. cover pan foil, broil addit 15 minut desir degre doneness. advertisement. case point: cook salmon. one favorit quick dinner salmon fillet coat sweet miso sake cook broiler char outsid medium-rar center. take half hour, start finish."} {"id": "1370", "contents": "place bag marinad salmon fillet refriger 30 minutes. salmon, like fish, dens red meat poultry. result, need marinad long order absorb flavor. remov salmon refriger least 10 minut prior cooking. place broiler pan 1/2 inch (14 cm) away top heat element cook salmon done. salmon done effortlessli flake fillet fork. center opaque."} {"id": "1371", "contents": "enough inform session let\u2019 dive baking! one easiest way prepar bake salmon start line 13 pan foil. rins salmon fillet cool water pat dri paper towels. place fillet skin side pan. pour tablespoon melt butter fillet, sprinkl teaspoon season salt fish."} {"id": "1372", "contents": "6. remov fish fulli thaw cook immediately. thaw salmon frozen block ice, run cold water fish ice chunk removed. cover fish plastic wrap, place pan leav refriger 12 hours. fish best cook fresh catch buy it; however, frozen guidelin follow prevent contamin seafood ruin flavor. articl tell defrost salmon."} {"id": "1373", "contents": "util semest base academ calendar utah valley univers rank 2016 edit best colleg region colleg west tier state tuition fee 5386 2015 16 state tuition fee 15202 2015 16"} {"id": "1374", "contents": "undergradu tuition utah valley univers tuition 4542 per year state resid 29 cheaper nation averag public four year tuition 6429 cost 8622 65 cheaper averag utah tuition 13164 year colleg"} {"id": "1375", "contents": "full time undergradu student resid utah paid 14256 tuition fee 2013 2014 school year prior adjust financi need amount 13538 cost tuition 718 cost fee cost tuition fee reduc dramat resid utah"} {"id": "1376", "contents": "total list price state utah resid go uvu 12330 2014 2015 academ year state student possess utah resid expect one year cost 21862 student resid home parent provid food hous expect total cost 6246"} {"id": "1377", "contents": "futur full time tuition fee tuition state student attend utah valley univers increas averag annual rate past year period fee grew base estim cost tuition fee 2014 2015 total 14893"} {"id": "1378", "contents": "utah valley univers public year high locat orem utah academ year 2015 2016 undergradu tuition fee utah valley univers 5386 state 15202 state student cost estim school academ year 2014 2015 undergradu tuition fee 5270 state 148"} {"id": "1379", "contents": "so, common well not-so-common human diseas protist cause. protist transmit insect vector, frequent regular interact particular geograph section human popul feed purposes. parasit invad small intestine, common symptom wateri stool, flatulence, accumul foul-smel stomach gas, vomiting, abdomin cramps, foul breath. noteworthi compar uncommon diseas caus protist would include:-."} {"id": "1380", "contents": "protozoan infect parasit diseas caus organ formerli classifi kingdom protozoa. includ organ classifi amoebozoa, excavata, chromalveolata. exampl includ entamoeba histolytica, plasmodium (some caus malaria), giardia lamblia."} {"id": "1381", "contents": "protist diseas human caus protozoa. protozoa make human sick becom human parasites. trypanosoma protozoa caus chaga diseas sleep sickness. giardia protozoa caus giardiasis, plasmodium protozoa caus malaria. lesson summary. protist diseas human caus protozoa. protozoa make human sick becom human parasites. trypanosoma protozoa caus chaga diseas sleep sickness. giardia protozoa caus giardiasis, plasmodium protozoa caus malaria."} {"id": "1382", "contents": "giardiasis. giardiasis, infect small intestin caus protist known giardia lamblia. diseas common develop countri compar develop countries. caus symptom like cramps, diarrhea, fatigue, weight loss similar symptoms. gradually, symptom like fever, chills, excess sweating, malaise, diarrhea, vomit etc develop. african sleep sickness. african sleep sick trypanosomiasi tsets fli born parasit diseas caus protist trypanosoma genus. tsets fli mostli found sub saharan africa."} {"id": "1383", "contents": "malaria infecti diseas caus protist plasmodium genus. mosquito-born diseas preval tropic subtrop regions, particularli area sahara dessert africa. gradually, symptom like fever, chills, excess sweating, malaise, diarrhea, vomit etc develop. african sleep sickness. african sleep sick trypanosomiasi tsets fli born parasit diseas caus protist trypanosoma genus. tsets fli mostli found sub saharan africa."} {"id": "1384", "contents": "amoeb dysentery: caus protist entamoeba histolytica, type dysenteri caus food water contamin amoeba consumed, hand properli sanit disinfect touch contamin objects. parasit invad small intestine, common symptom wateri stool, flatulence, accumul foul-smel stomach gas, vomiting, abdomin cramps, foul breath. noteworthi compar uncommon diseas caus protist would include:-."} {"id": "1385", "contents": "african sleep sickness: caus protist protozoa trypanosoma brucei, diseas exhibit symptom like fever headach initi stages, may accompani vital organ dysfunction, follow swell lymph node second stage. parasit invad small intestine, common symptom wateri stool, flatulence, accumul foul-smel stomach gas, vomiting, abdomin cramps, foul breath. noteworthi compar uncommon diseas caus protist would include:-."} {"id": "1386", "contents": "giardiasis: form diarrhea caus infecti protist giardia lamblia. giardia cyst transmit come contact infect person, maintain proper person hygiene, come contact contamin water. parasit invad small intestine, common symptom wateri stool, flatulence, accumul foul-smel stomach gas, vomiting, abdomin cramps, foul breath. noteworthi compar uncommon diseas caus protist would include:-."} {"id": "1387", "contents": "caus african caus trypanosoma. mani protist caus seriou ill disease. malaria, example, caus protist plasmodium. plasmodia sporozoan transfer person person femal anophel mosquitoes. peopl suffer malaria experi symptom shivering, sweating, high fevers, delirium. giardiasi anoth exampl diseas caus protist. ill caus giardia, sporozoan carri muskrat beavers. giardiasi character fatigue, cramps, diarrhea, weight loss."} {"id": "1388", "contents": "ekiti state situat entir within tropic (see maps) locat longitud 45 east greenwish meridian latitud 15 north equator."} {"id": "1389", "contents": "ekiti state nigeria-loc boundaries. ekiti state situat entir within tropic (see maps) locat longitud 45 east greenwish meridian latitud 15 north equator. lie south kwara kogi state, east osun state bound ondo state east south. ekiti state 16 local govern councils. 1991 census, popul ekiti state 1,647,822 estim popul upon creation octob st 1996 put 1,750,000 capit locat ado-ekiti."} {"id": "1390", "contents": "image: map nigeria show posit ekiti state. ekiti state one six new state creat 1st octob 1996 provision rule council announc head state, gener sani abacha nation broadcast mark nigeria' 36th independ anniversary."} {"id": "1391", "contents": "history. ekiti state nigeria creat 1st october, 1996 along side five late head state commander-in-chief arm forc feder republ nigeria, gener sani abacha, gcon nation-wid broadcast mark 36th independ anniversari nigeria."} {"id": "1392", "contents": "(redirect ekiti state). ekiti state western nigeria, declar state octob 1, 1996 alongsid five other militari dictatorship gener sani abacha."} {"id": "1393", "contents": "around 1940 1941 concentr camp began transform death camps. around 15,000 camp set up, forc labor camp other primarili use killing. 19491, holocaust truli began earnest nazi began mass exterminations."} {"id": "1394", "contents": "holocaust start ingrain antisemit germani countri conquered, compound propaganda resourc power state, encourag leadership polit leaders."} {"id": "1395", "contents": "holocaust start januari 30, 1933 adolf hitler becam chancellor germani may 8, 1945 war europ (world war 2) ended. ____ no, th date nazi period germany. maverick crank deni holocaust 1960 gain littl attention. holocaust denial larg scale start 1970s. went hand hand claim zionist exagger holocaust order win sympathi intern creation state israel 1948."} {"id": "1396", "contents": "exterminationist aspect holocaust start earnest 1941, german invas soviet union, german institut systemat process murder jew jurisdict first shoot gass them. sign blunt articl jewish-christian relat topics. start holocaust. invas poland 1939 german establish ghetto sever polish cities, jew effect imprisoned. holocaust started. live condit cramp ghetto appalling, disease, hunger overcrowd kill ten thousand"} {"id": "1397", "contents": "holocaust (also call ha-shoah hebrew) refer period januari 30, 1933 adolf hitler becam chancellor germany-to may 8, 1945, war europ offici ended. jew confin ghettos. germani invad poland septemb 1939, begin world war ii. soon after, 1940, nazi began establish ghetto jew poland. 10 percent polish popul jewish, number three million."} {"id": "1398", "contents": "holocaust start hitler becam unelect official, dictator, somehow 'brainwashed' german believ jew fault lost world war also fault economi horrible. therefor told german just.. y'know, mean them. maverick crank deni holocaust 1960 gain littl attention. holocaust denial larg scale start 1970s. went hand hand claim zionist exagger holocaust order win sympathi intern creation state israel 1948."} {"id": "1399", "contents": "holocaust specif event 20th centuri history: intent systemat annihil six million jew 'undesirables' nazi collabor 1933 1945."} {"id": "1400", "contents": "endocrin glands. list gener function hormones. list organ secret hormon first function organ secret hormon secondari function. hormon activity. describ hormon interact receptor cells. distinguish circul local hormones. list hormon lipid soluble."} {"id": "1401", "contents": "gland control directli stimul nervou system well chemic receptor blood hormon produc glands. regul function organ body, gland help maintain body\u2019 homeostasis. hormon affect target cell appropri receptors. properti hormon known specificity. hormon specif explain hormon specif effect widespread part body. mani hormon produc endocrin system classifi tropic hormones."} {"id": "1402", "contents": "addit specialis endocrin organ mention above, mani organ part bodi systems, bone, kidney, liver, heart gonads, secondari endocrin functions. exampl kidney secret endocrin hormon erythropoietin renin."} {"id": "1403", "contents": "endocrin system control system ductless gland secret hormon within specif organs. hormon act messengers, carri bloodstream differ cell body, interpret messag act them."} {"id": "1404", "contents": "endocrin glands. 1. list gener function hormones. 2. list organ secret hormon first function organ secrete. hormon secondari function. hormon activity. 7. describ mechan action lipid-solubl hormones. 8. describ mechan action water-solubl hormones. hypothalamu pituitari gland. 19."} {"id": "1405", "contents": "endocrin system includ certain organ reproduct system. male femal primari reproduct organ call gonads. gonad produc sex cell also secret reproduct hormones. male gonads, testes, produc hormon call androgens. major gland endocrin system pineal gland, pituitari gland, thyroid parathyroid glands, adren glands, pancreas, thymus, ovaries, testes. also organ bodi secondari endocrin functions. organ includ heart, liver, kidneys. hormon regul hormones, gland organs, neg feedback mechanism. neg feedback, initi stimulu reduc respons provok"} {"id": "1406", "contents": "primari function reproduct system produc male femal sex cell ensur growth develop offspring. reproduct system compris male femal reproduct organ structures. growth activ organ structur regul hormones."} {"id": "1407", "contents": "hormon (from greek \u1f41\u03c1\u03bc\u03ae, impetus) member class signal molecul produc gland multicellular organ transport circulatori system target distant organ regul physiolog behaviour. hormon synthesi may occur specif tissu endocrin gland special cells. hormon synthesi occur respons specif biochem signal induc wide rang regulatori systems."} {"id": "1408", "contents": "primari reproduct organ (gonads). primari reproduct organ organ respons for. produc egg sperm cell (gametes), produc hormon function matur reproduct system. develop sexual characteristics. regul normal physiolog reproduct system."} {"id": "1409", "contents": "$4,000 annual mainten repair budget $333 per month. bought $300,000 home 20% 30-year fixed-r loan 4.75%, $240,000 mortgag would cost $1,252 month, accord mortgag loan calculator. $333 monthli mainten repair budget would equal nearli 27% princip interest payment. historically, home valu gone 4% year, average. inflation, mainten cost also continu go up, alway equal 1% home\u2019 value. result, home realli gain 3% year. happen long-term inflat rate."} {"id": "1410", "contents": "1c answer theproperhome.com home mainten cost vari widely, depend home contents. gener rule thumb, expect spend valu home everi year maintenance. realli depend size age house. older hous gener cost fix maintain. base info found houselogic, peopl spend anywher fr om $500 $5,000 per year home maintenance, would $50-$500 per month (roughly)."} {"id": "1411", "contents": "$4,000 annual mainten repair budget $333 per month. bought $300,000 home 20% 30-year fixed-r loan 4.75%, $240,000 mortgag would cost $1,252 month, accord mortgag loan calculator. $333 monthli mainten repair budget would equal nearli 27% princip interest payment."} {"id": "1412", "contents": "answer theproperhome.com home mainten cost vari widely, depend home contents. gener rule thumb, expect spend valu home everi year maintenance. instance, $300,000 home requir $3,000 year basic maintenance. realli depend size age house. older hous gener cost fix maintain. base info found houselogic, peopl spend anywher fr om $500 $5,000 per year home maintenance, would $50-$500 per month (roughly)."} {"id": "1413", "contents": "averag annual home mainten costs. good rule thumb new home-buy tri figur annual expens maintain home alloc 1-1/2 percent purchas price regular annual maintenance, depend age size house."} {"id": "1414", "contents": "2,000 squar foot home, example, budget $2,000 year mainten repair (again, long-term annual average). rule thumb make slightli sens \u201c1 percent purchas price\u201d rule. squar feet you\u2019r managing, you\u2019ll need spend. percent rule. one popular rule thumb say one percent purchas price home set asid year ongo maintenance. example, home cost $300,000, budget $3,000 per year maintenance. doesn\u2019t mean you\u2019ll liter spend $3,000 everi year"} {"id": "1415", "contents": "mindset is, leak smoking, time.. expect. average, homeown spend percent home' valu annual mainten repairs, tend increas hous ages, accord sever real estat websit mortgag firm freddi mac. skimp cost may lead depreci home' value."} {"id": "1416", "contents": "fun, took items, calcul individu annual cost sum get idea averag annual mainten costs. came $3,186 per year. throw buck cover smaller mainten cost list annual hous mainten cost $3,500 per year."} {"id": "1417", "contents": "let\u2019 look anoth way. assum home invest grow valu time. historically, home valu gone 4% year, average. inflation, mainten cost also continu go up, alway equal 1% home\u2019 value. result, home realli gain 3% year. happen long-term inflat rate. bought $300,000 home 20% 30-year fixed-r loan 4.75%, $240,000 mortgag would cost $1,252 month, accord mortgag loan calculator. $333 monthli mainten repair budget would equal nearli 27% princip interest payment."} {"id": "1418", "contents": "placent abrupt seriou condit placenta partial complet separ uteru baby' born. placent abrupt also increas risk babi growth problem (if abrupt small goe unnoticed), born prematurely, stillborn. placent abrupt happen one 150 pregnancies. common third trimest happen time 20 weeks."} {"id": "1419", "contents": "placent abruption. though may think much it, placenta import part pregnancy. placenta actual organ, help deliv nutrients, blood, oxygen baby. typically, placenta function normal birth, help babi grow strong healthi"} {"id": "1420", "contents": "placenta abruptio pregnanc problem placenta separ earli wall uterus. placenta round, flat organ form pregnancy. give babi food oxygen mother. normal pregnancy, placenta stay firmli attach insid wall uteru babi born. placenta abruptio, placenta break away (abrupts) wall uteru early, babi born."} {"id": "1421", "contents": "condit depriv babi oxygen nutrients, caus sever bleed danger both. placent abrupt also increas risk babi growth problem (if abrupt small goe unnoticed), born prematurely, stillborn. placent abrupt happen one 150 pregnancies. common third trimest happen time 20 weeks."} {"id": "1422", "contents": "placent abrupt (abruptio placentae) uncommon yet seriou complic pregnancy. placenta structur develop uteru pregnanc nourish grow baby. placenta peel away inner wall uteru deliveri either partial complet known placent abruption. placent abrupt depriv babi oxygen nutrient caus heavi bleed mother. placent abrupt often happen suddenly. left untreated, placent abrupt put mother babi jeopardy."} {"id": "1423", "contents": "like placenta previa, placent abrupt pregnanc complic affect placenta. caus placenta detach uteru labor delivery. typically, placenta detach babi delivered. sometim though, placenta begin peel away uteru early. though may think much it, placenta import part pregnancy. placenta actual organ, help deliv nutrients, blood, oxygen baby."} {"id": "1424", "contents": "placent abruption: abruptio placentae. placent abrupt separ placenta uterin lining. condit usual occur third trimest occur time 20th week pregnancy. transfer oxygen nutrient baby. placenta separ uterin line labor interrupt transport oxygen nutrient baby. placent abrupt truli diagnos birth, placenta examined."} {"id": "1425", "contents": "lowest segment uteru narrow portion call cervix. cervix open (the os) lead vagina, birth canal. placenta organ attach wall uteru pregnancy. placenta allow nutrient oxygen mother' blood circul pass develop babi (the fetus) via umbil cord. sequenc necessari babi reli placenta provid oxygen begin breath independently. placent abrupt occur placenta separ uteru birth baby."} {"id": "1426", "contents": "placent abrupt (also known abruptio placentae) complic pregnancy, wherein placent line separ uteru mother prior delivery. occur averag 0.5%, 200, deliveries. placent abrupt signific contributor matern mortal worldwide; earli skill medic intervent need ensur good outcome, avail mani part world."} {"id": "1427", "contents": "placenta part baby\u2019 life support system. transfer oxygen nutrient baby. placenta separ uterin line labor interrupt transport oxygen nutrient baby. placent abrupt truli diagnos birth, placenta examined."} {"id": "1428", "contents": "heterogen group test use either polymeras chain reaction (pcr) techniqu transcript mediat amplif (tma) form nucleic acid amplif method detect mycobacteri nucleic acid."} {"id": "1429", "contents": "specimen type: blood. description: test use look presenc hepat (hep b) viral genet materi blood. result test quantitative, mean provid numer result rather simpl posit negative. result test quantitative. peopl requir hep pcr test desir posit neg result may order hepat pcr qualit test."} {"id": "1430", "contents": "pcr (polymeras chain reaction) method analyz short sequenc dna (or rna) even sampl contain minut quantiti dna rna. pcr use reproduc (amplify) select section dna rna. previously, amplif dna involv clone segment interest vector express bacteria, took weeks. now, pcr done test tubes, take hours. pcr highli effici untold number copi made dna."} {"id": "1431", "contents": "polymeras chain reaction (pcr) test. pcr test done cell fluid sore blood fluid, spinal fluid. pcr find genet materi (dna) hsv virus. test tell differ hsv-1 hsv-2. use pcr test skin sore common. pcr find genet materi (dna) hsv virus. test tell differ hsv-1 hsv-2. use pcr test skin sore common. pcr use mainli test spinal fluid rare case herp may caus infect around brain."} {"id": "1432", "contents": "use pcr test skin sore common. pcr use mainli test spinal fluid rare case herp may caus infect around brain. antibodi tests. blood test find antibodi made immun system fight herp infection. pcr find genet materi (dna) hsv virus. test tell differ hsv-1 hsv-2. use pcr test skin sore common."} {"id": "1433", "contents": "polymeras chain reaction (pcr). pcr laboratori method use make larg number copi short section dna small sampl genet material. process call amplifi dna enabl specif gene interest detect measured. method use measur amount dna present sample. rt pcr (revers transcriptas pcr). method use pcr amplifi rna. rna singl strand nucleic acid molecul need made dna amplified."} {"id": "1434", "contents": "pcr test done cell fluid sore blood fluid, spinal fluid. pcr find genet materi (dna) hsv virus. test tell differ hsv-1 hsv-2. use pcr test skin sore common. pcr find genet materi (dna) hsv virus. test tell differ hsv-1 hsv-2. use pcr test skin sore common. pcr use mainli test spinal fluid rare case herp may caus infect around brain."} {"id": "1435", "contents": "polymeras chain reaction (pcr) techniqu use amplifi trace amount dna (and instances, rna) locat almost liquid surfac dna strand may deposited."} {"id": "1436", "contents": "polymeras chain reaction (pcr) technolog molecular biolog use amplifi singl copi copi piec dna across sever order magnitude, gener thousand million copi particular dna sequence. genom dna sequenc gene known, rt-pcr use map locat exon intron gene. 5' end gene (correspond transcript start site) typic identifi race-pcr (rapid amplif cdna ends)."} {"id": "1437", "contents": "swell lymph node neck, often refer swollen glands, indic infection, inflamm cancer. becom swollen reaction bacteri infect strep throat, tonsillitis, infect mouth, skin ears."} {"id": "1438", "contents": "lymph node becom swollen respons illness, infection, stress. swollen lymph node one sign lymphat system work rid bodi respons agents. swollen lymph gland head neck normal caus ill as: ear infection."} {"id": "1439", "contents": "swollen lymph node neck typic treat own. instead, physician look caus swell treat instead. instance, lymph node swollen due tonsillitis, treat tonsil caus lymph node swell subside."} {"id": "1440", "contents": "common caus swollen lymph node neck viral infect common cold. bacteri infect caus swollen neck lymph node includ infect tooth strep throat. immun system disord type cancer also lead swollen neck lymph nodes."} {"id": "1441", "contents": "lymph node often swell one locat problem injury, infection, tumor develop near lymph node. lymph node swollen help identifi problem. gland either side neck, jaw, behind ear commonli swell cold sore throat."} {"id": "1442", "contents": "swollen neck lymph node occur age group population, gener occur often children. bodi reli lymphat system fight germs, infections, abnorm substanc cancer cells. lymph node import part body\u2019 immun system. swollen neck lymph node result infection, malign autoimmun disorders. swollen neck lymph node also known lymphadenitis, lymphadenopathy, swollen nodes, swollen glands."} {"id": "1443", "contents": "gland armpit (axillari lymph nodes) may swell injuri infect arm hand. rare caus axillari swell may breast cancer lymphoma. lymph node groin (femor inguin lymph nodes) may swell injuri infect foot, leg, groin, genitals."} {"id": "1444", "contents": "common caus swollen lymph node infection, particularli viral infection, common cold. however, type infections, includ parasit bacterial, possibl caus swollen lymph nodes. include:"} {"id": "1445", "contents": "understand shape consist stool import identifi chang may indic gastrointestin disorders, nutrit disturb system diseas may affect bowel movements."} {"id": "1446", "contents": "re: describ last bowel movement use bristol stool scale (link). accident found bristol scale search someth poo once. can't realli rememb look came across chart thought...someon lot time hands."} {"id": "1447", "contents": "term \u2018constipation\u2019 \u2018diarrhoea\u2019 commonli use describ chang bowel habit, word mean differ thing differ people. research show chang bowel habit last days-or even week two-ar extrem common."} {"id": "1448", "contents": "bristol stool chart conveni method assess consist stool identifi normal healthi stool form may indic underli disorder. scale identifi seven type stool forms. refer pictur graphic represent type stool."} {"id": "1449", "contents": "free thesauru definit word use describ state consist food macmillan english dictionary-a free english dictionari onlin thesauru pronunci macmillan publish limited."} {"id": "1450", "contents": "think mushi good word describ stool, extra wipe involved.i realiz post quit vague, basic i'm look poo-rel adject google, order see word best describ bowel movements. thanks."} {"id": "1451", "contents": "note batter good word replac dough, batter describ consistency. may impli consist certain extent, use batter (or even battery, batterish, adjectivis form batter) describ consist someth else."} {"id": "1452", "contents": "type indic constipation, type usual comfort pass, type 5-6 tend associ urgenc type diarrhea. type 2-3 basic stool hard need use stool soften like liquid paraffin."} {"id": "1453", "contents": "asiat black bear found japan island kyushu, honshu shikoku. hokkaido popul brown bears. correct previou entri must point panda bear nativ china nativ japan. depend species. bear live cave unless they'r hibernating, pertain grizzly, black brown bears, femal polar bears. bear live forests, also found grassland plains. sun bear sloth bear live jungles."} {"id": "1454", "contents": "facts, figures, convers physic interest answers.com. asiat black bear found japan island kyushu, honshu shikoku. hokkaido popul brown bears. correct previou entri must point panda bear nativ china nativ japan. japan island countri east asia. locat pacif ocean, lie east sea japan, people' republ china, north korea, south korea russia stretch sea okhotsk north east china sea taiwan south."} {"id": "1455", "contents": "japan, also known tsukinowaguma mean moon circl bear. habitat eastern honshu place japan black bear kind stronghold. bears' home rang supposedli 10 15 squar miles, though vari depend food suppli human encroachment. japanes black bear omnivor creature. eat small anim frogs, lizards, crab carrion. however, seldom hunt anim feed mainli vegetation. someth els black bear japan gnaw bark get sapwood valuabl timber trees."} {"id": "1456", "contents": "distribution: spectacl bear live south america, heart and venezuela, colombia, coastal foothil ecuador, peru, bolivia. physic characteristics: black brown shaggi fur distinct white yellow mark face around eyes. distribution: ursu arcto wide distribut bear speci world. brown bear found area northwestern unit states, western canada, alaska, well eastern western eurasia."} {"id": "1457", "contents": "grizzli (white) bear, brown bear call bear mani name wide varieti size colors. kodiak, russian brown species. brown bear live interior alaska lower 48 state often refer grizzli grizzly-brown bear. mani cultur altern name bear show respect power animal: finn appl forest, lapps-"} {"id": "1458", "contents": "northcentr washington home 10 bear species. brown bear known occupi wide rang middl east, live japanes island hokkaido, other found north korea, pakistan, india, western china, afghanistan. asian black bear live. black bear predominantli found misx forests, decidu forests, thornbrush forests, deserts. found altitud 12,000 ft (3,700 m)."} {"id": "1459", "contents": "characterist fact bit smaller, japanes black bear appear much like averag asian black bear. average, measur 43 60 inch length weigh 130 260 pounds. femal measur approxim 75 percent size males. japanes black bear omnivor creature. eat small anim frogs, lizards, crab carrion. however, seldom hunt anim feed mainli vegetation. someth els black bear japan gnaw bark get sapwood valuabl timber trees."} {"id": "1460", "contents": "asian black bear black light brown muzzle. white chin, distinct white patch chest, sometim shape v. ear bell shaped, proportion longer bears, stick sideway head. three subspeci asiat black bear occur china: tibet subspeci (u. thibetanu thibetanus), si chuan subspeci (u. thibetanu mupinensis), northeast subspeci (u. thibetanu ussuricus), subspeci bear northeastern china."} {"id": "1461", "contents": "bears. japan\u2019 largest wild anim bears. asian black bear mount kurai gifu prefecture, black bear found mountain area throughout japan, even around fring tokyo. japan\u2019 speci bear brown bear, found northern island hokkaido. bear seen cross road shiretoko, world heritag area japan\u2019 far north east. may look it, babi brown (not black) bear, seen cross ordinari road hokkaido."} {"id": "1462", "contents": "riversid center neurosci answered. thymu gland contribut develop immun system. help cell part immun system becom abl distinguish foreign materi body."} {"id": "1463", "contents": "thymu organ t-cell development, congenit defect thymic genesi defect thymocyt develop lead profound cell defici primari immunodefici disease. two thymic lobes, hematopoiet precursor bone-marrow, refer thymocytes, matur t-cells. mature, t-cell emigr thymu constitut peripher t-cell repertoir respons direct mani facet adapt immun system."} {"id": "1464", "contents": "thymu gland locat neck heart. function thymu gland gener matur lymphocyt (white blood cel help immun system fight illness)."} {"id": "1465", "contents": "thymu live chest, breast bone heart. respons produc t-cell (see next section), especi import newborn babies-without thymu baby' immun system collaps babi die."} {"id": "1466", "contents": "thymu special primari lymphoid organ immun system. within thymus, cell lymphocyt mature. cell critic adapt immun system, bodi adapt specif foreign invaders. thymu compos two ident lobe locat anatom anterior superior mediastinum, front heart behind sternum. two thymic lobes, hematopoiet precursor bone-marrow, refer thymocytes, matur t-cells. mature, t-cell emigr thymu constitut peripher t-cell repertoir respons direct mani facet adaptiv"} {"id": "1467", "contents": "thymu gland, despit contain glandular tissu produc sever hormones, much close associ immun system endocrin system. thymu serv vital role train develop t-lymphocyt cells, extrem import type white blood cell. cell defend bodi potenti deadli pathogen bacteria, viruses, fungi. thymu soft, roughli triangular organ locat mediastinum thorac caviti anterior superior heart posterior sternum...."} {"id": "1468", "contents": "immun system use prevent destroy infect variou pathogen body. consist circulatori system, lymphat system, bone marrow, spleen thymu gland. first line defens foreign invaders. respons keep healthy."} {"id": "1469", "contents": "thymu gland organ upper chest caviti process lymphocytes, type white blood cell fight infect body. organ part lymphat system, make major part immun system, endocrin system, includ gland produc hormones."} {"id": "1470", "contents": "thymu seem much less import adults-for example, remov adult live part immun system handl load. however, thymu important, especi cell matur (a see section white blood cell below). spleen filter blood look foreign cell (the spleen also look old red blood cell need replacement). respons produc t-cell (see next section), especi import newborn babies-without thymu baby' immun system collaps babi die."} {"id": "1471", "contents": "thymus. thymu gland main organ lymphat system. locat upper chest region, primari function gland promot develop specif cell immun system call lymphocytes. summary. thymu gland act regul immun system develop immun cell respons cell mediat immunity. addit immun function, thymu also produc hormon promot growth maturation."} {"id": "1472", "contents": "defend therefor avoid stigma crimin conviciton. divers program usual avail defend charg misdemeanor nonviol feloni involv drug alcohol. jurisdictions, divers may avail defend charg domest violence, child abus neglect, traffic-rel offenses, even write bad checks. divers program primarili govern state laws, vari state."} {"id": "1473", "contents": "divers program law legal definition. divers program (\u201cprogram\u201d) program design enabl crimin offend commun programs. purpos divers program effect rehabilit without stigma guilt. [daher v. citi cleveland, 1985 ohio app. lexi 7511 (ohio ct."} {"id": "1474", "contents": "divers law legal definition. context crimin law, divers refer divert defend crimin justic system complet divers program rather incarcer serv anoth altern sentence."} {"id": "1475", "contents": "pre-trial diversion. also known adjourn contempl dismiss condit dismissal. program defend essenti put probat set period time case go trial time."} {"id": "1476", "contents": "geographi climat china. china locat eastern asia border along sever countri east china sea, korea bay, yellow sea, south china sea. area variat topography, china' climat also varied. south tropical, east temper tibetan plateau cold arid. northern desert also arid northeast cold temperate."} {"id": "1477", "contents": "hi, i'm littl report ancient china. need geograph locat ancient china, mean ancient countri east, west, south, north ancient china. hi, i'm littl report ancient china. need geograph locat ancient china, mean "anci countries""} {"id": "1478", "contents": "perhap two import geograph featur ancient china two major river flow central china: yellow river north yangtz river south. yangtz river. yangtz river south yellow river flow direct (west east). 3,988 mile long third longest river world. like yellow river, yangtz play import role develop cultur civil ancient china."} {"id": "1479", "contents": "split merg it. answer community. make world better, one answer time. china locat contin asia. border north korea, russia, mongolia, kazakhstan, kyrgyzstan, tajikistan, afghanistan, pakistan, india, nepal, bhutan, myanmar, lao vietnam."} {"id": "1480", "contents": "china border north russia mongolia; east korea (dem rep), yellow sea south china sea; south vietnam, laos, myanmar, india, bhutan nepal; west india, pakistan, afghanistan, tajikistan, kyrgyzstan kazakhstan."} {"id": "1481", "contents": "china world' popul countri 1.3 billion people\u201420 percent earth' population. occupi east asia, fourth largest countri area (after russia, canada, u.s.). china' geographi highli diverse, hills, plains, river delta east deserts, high plateaus, mountain west. china' geographi caus uneven popul distribution; 94 percent live eastern third country. shandong province, mild coastal climate, 90 million people, tibet, harsh mountain plateau climate, less million."} {"id": "1482", "contents": "china stretch 5,026 km (3,123 mi) across east asian landmass. china border east east china sea, korea bay, yellow sea, bohai sea, taiwan strait, south china sea, share land border total 14 countri north, south west. east south countri consist fertil lowland foothills, locat china' agricultur output human population. west north countri domin sunken basin (such gobi taklamakan), roll plateaus, tower massifs."} {"id": "1483", "contents": "centuri china stood lead civilization, outpac rest world art sciences, 19th earli 20th centuries, countri beset civil unrest, major famines, militari defeats, foreign occupation."} {"id": "1484", "contents": "geographi beijing. beij -- capit people' republ china excel geography. locat northern tip north china plain, near meet point xishan yanshan mountain ranges. citi 150 km inland bohai sea via tianjin municip southeast."} {"id": "1485", "contents": "gray wolf grey wolf (cani lupus) also known timber wolf, western wolf, canid nativ wilder remot area north america eurasia. largest extant member family, male averag 43\u201345 kg (95\u201399 lb), femal 36\u201338.5 kg (79\u201385 lb). like red wolf, distinguish cani speci larger size less point features, particularli ear muzzle. winter fur long bushy, predominantli mottl gray color, although nearli pure white, red, brown black also occur."} {"id": "1486", "contents": "gray wolf one world' best known well research animals, probabl book written wildlif species. like red wolf, distinguish cani speci larger size less point features, particularli ear muzzle. winter fur long bushy, predominantli mottl gray color, although nearli pure white, red, brown black also occur."} {"id": "1487", "contents": "'territory' defin defend area bird territori (in sens defend area, even nest site) least part annual cycle. so, limit number territori area and, result, limit number breed bird area. correct, may be, given area, bird without territories."} {"id": "1488", "contents": "birds, mammals, reptiles, amphibians, fish, even insect migrate. deer, elk, moose, bighorn sheep, pronghorn exampl idaho mammal migrate. gopher snakes, rattlesnakes, snake migrat den site fall. anim migrat live place definit seasons. take idaho' summer bird residents, example. idaho' spring, summer, earli fall provid bird plenti good habitat. winter comes, habitat changes."} {"id": "1489", "contents": "aren\u2019t even harm humans! wolv belong famili animals, canidae, dog may famili pet. predat hunt eat animals. place consid vulner endang species. mani wolf organ govern agenc work save wolv educ peopl them. mani stori wolv wild dog tamed. sometim wolv dog interbreed, pup call wolf hybrids. however, hybrid usual make good pets. anoth myth dog breeds, like husky, part wolf."} {"id": "1490", "contents": "wolf reproduct maturation. imag http://cajunwolfpictures.tripod.com/. wolv highli social anim live packs. pack extend famili group compris breed (alpha) male femal subordin offspr one years. alpha wolv decid pack travel hunt, normal first eat kill. wolf pack highli territorial. scent use clearli mark boundari territories, claim defend territori packs, mark food ownership, act sort road map pack itself."} {"id": "1491", "contents": "size: wolv vari size depend live. wolv north usual larger south. averag size wolf' bodi 3-5 feet long. tail usual 1-2 feet long. femal typic weigh 60-100 pounds, male weigh 70-145 pounds. new territori close lot prey. areas, young adult travel hundr mile find new territory. wolv typic mate life. northern unit states, breed late januari march."} {"id": "1492", "contents": "wolv still wild anim treat such. sometim wolv dog interbreed, pup call wolf hybrids. however, hybrid usual make good pets. anoth myth dog breeds, like husky, part wolf. huski anoth domest dog breed, like poodl golden retriev"} {"id": "1493", "contents": "2007 irish music film written direct john carney. set dublin, ireland, naturalist drama star musician glen hansard marketa mark\u00e9ta. irglova irglov\u00e1 film adapt stage music (once). first open new york theatr workshop decemb 2011. screenplay adapt enda walsh product direct john tiffany. februari 2012 music transfer broadway 's bernard b. jacob theatre."} {"id": "1494", "contents": "period film board chief execut (for months) film given go-ahead lower level execut provis produc could make budget approxim \u20ac112,000 initi higher budget. film adapt stage music (once). first open new york theatr workshop decemb 2011. screenplay adapt enda walsh product direct john tiffany. februari 2012 music transfer broadway 's bernard b. jacob theatr"} {"id": "1495", "contents": "here' oscar win song fall slowli movi once.. written perform glen hansard marketa irglova. havn't seen movie-y need to! fall slowli glen hansard, marketa irglova (googl play amazonmp3 itunes). music. standard youtub license."} {"id": "1496", "contents": "dvd also preview haynes-helm film cowboy angels.]. great-look film, great-sound film. song music blend well stori images. lisl moore' work pure race bad, composer/sound editor much better job once.. one best thing acting. austin o'brien star teenag boy. cast coup! o'brien co-star arnold schwarzenegg last action hero (1993), time biggest-budget film ever made. also star tv seri promis land.."} {"id": "1497", "contents": "verdict: much better film even enjoy time uneven pure race.. product values, acting, cinematography, music better. film definit made hungri director. one best thing acting. austin o'brien star teenag boy. cast coup! o'brien co-star arnold schwarzenegg last action hero (1993), time biggest-budget film ever made. also star tv seri promis land.."} {"id": "1498", "contents": "music stage adapt base 2007 film name john carney. like film, music lyric glen hansard marketa mark\u00e9ta, irglova irglov\u00e1 includ the-academi award win fall slowli book music written by. enda walsh"} {"id": "1499", "contents": "2007, attend xanadu. yes, xanadu also base movie, can't quit rememb last time i'v watch film version xanadu start finish -- ever. certainli pay attent differ film stage versions. fresh mind, inevitable. consid stage version 135 minutes, compar film' brisk 85 minutes, quit bit added. 3. so! look intimaci film, probabl go quit want. but, want hear song perform live nifti danc numbers, well, provid -- $13 dollar beers. mike ryan senior entertain writer huffington post."} {"id": "1500", "contents": "main trailer movi glen hansard marketa irglova (marketa mark\u00e9ta). irglova irglov\u00e1 main trailer movi glen hansard marketa irglova (marketa mark\u00e9ta). irglova. irglov\u00e1. music"} {"id": "1501", "contents": "depend whether flying, boat swimming. answer modern day commerci jet, take anywher hour 20 minut hour 45 minut depend departur point (it' lax hnl sfo hnl) also wind encountered. hawaii hour ahead california? no. california ahead hawaii hour no, california (utc-8/utc-7) hour ahead hawaii (utc-10) 2nd sunday march 1st sunday novemb hour ahead rest year."} {"id": "1502", "contents": "ypical flight san francisco honolulu, instance, hour 20 minutes, lo angel flight gener run littl longer, hour 35 minut range. flight mainland hawaii affect traffic, weather, winds. hawaii hour ahead california? no. california ahead hawaii hour no, california (utc-8/utc-7) hour ahead hawaii (utc-10) 2nd sunday march 1st sunday novemb hour ahead rest year."} {"id": "1503", "contents": "american airlines, delta air line unit airlin featur servic honolulu, kahului, kona lihue, hawaiian airlin continent airlin fli honolulu. flight time lo angel five hour kahului kona, hours, 10 minut honolulu hours, 15 minut lihue. addition, unit airlin offer flight san francisco kona, lihue, maui, take hours, 40 minut five hours."} {"id": "1504", "contents": "answer modern day commerci jet, take anywher hour 20 minut hour 45 minut depend departur point (it' lax hnl sfo hnl) also wind encountered. would take approxim hour 52 minut fli denver, co hawaii. actual flight distanc 3,335 mile 5,367 km"} {"id": "1505", "contents": "fli time california hawaii. total flight durat california hawaii hours, 30 minutes. assum averag flight speed commerci airlin 500 mph, equival 805 km/h 434 knots. also add extra 30 minut take-off landing. exact time may vari depend wind speeds. calcul flight time base straight line flight distanc california hawaii (a crow flies), 2,498 mile 4\u2009021 kilometers. trip begin state california."} {"id": "1506", "contents": "fli time lo angeles, ca honolulu, hi. total flight durat lo angeles, ca honolulu, hi hours, 18 minutes. averag in-air flight time (wheel wheel runway) base actual flight taken past year, includ rout like lax hnl. calcul flight time base straight line flight distanc lo angeles, ca honolulu, hi (a crow flies), 2,563 mile 4\u2009125 kilometers. trip begin lo angeles, california. end honolulu, hawaii"} {"id": "1507", "contents": "southernmost intern airport california, san diego intern featur nonstop flight two hawaiian destinations, honolulu via hawaiian airlin kahului/maui via alaska airlines. flight honolulu take roughli hours, 15 minutes, flight kahului/maui take roughli hours, minutes. two airport greater lo angel area offer nonstop flight hawaiian islands, john wayn airport santa ana lo angel intern airport. addition, unit airlin offer flight san francisco kona, lihue, maui, take hours, 40 minut five hours."} {"id": "1508", "contents": "hawker hs-125 seri train avail flightsafeti learn center columbus, ohio; houston, texas; london farnborough, unit kingdom; wichita, kansas; wilmington, delaware. also offer full rang mainten train wichita hawker beechcraft mainten learn center. innov one purpose: train corpor aviat profession safeti profici flightsafeti intern world\u2019 lead aviat train organization."} {"id": "1509", "contents": "hawker beechcraft corpor (hbc) american aerospac manufactur compani built beechcraft hawker busi jet line aircraft 2006 2013. oper name hawker beechcraft corpor (hbc). 2007 mark 75th anniversari beechcraft 60th anniversari beechcraft bonanza, longest run product line time. 2007 2008 compani increas oversea expans efforts."} {"id": "1510", "contents": "hawker great littl outback town welcom central flinder ranges-th access outback sceneri capit citi australia. pleas see map below."} {"id": "1511", "contents": "flightsafeti offer train hawker beechcraft aircraft learn center atlanta, georgia; columbus, ohio; houston, texas; laguardia airport, new york; london farnborough, unit kingdom; long beach, california; wichita, kansas; wilmington, delaware. also offer full rang mainten train wichita hawker beechcraft mainten learn center. innov one purpose: train corpor aviat profession safeti profici flightsafeti intern world\u2019 lead aviat train organization."} {"id": "1512", "contents": "hawker-hunt $4.95. hawker hunter gener acknowledg best single-seat fighter mid-1950s. birth beauti babi easi one. first test flight, 21 juli 1951 made obviou problem need fixed. hunter f.mk enter product 1953. britain' royal air forc wait long time first nativ transon aircraft, patience-or rather impatience-wa final well rewarded. hawker hunter gener acknowledg best single-seat fighter mid-1950s."} {"id": "1513", "contents": "compani headquart wichita, kansas, unit states, mainten manufactur locat worldwide. histori hawker beechcraft origin 1994 raytheon merg beech aircraft corpor raytheon corpor jet units. oper name hawker beechcraft corpor (hbc). 2007 mark 75th anniversari beechcraft 60th anniversari beechcraft bonanza, longest run product line time. 2007 2008 compani increas oversea expans efforts."} {"id": "1514", "contents": "support aircraft, need it, need it. support remains. hawker beechcraft servic continu provid widest array maintenance, modification, paint upgrad servic full line hawker beechcraft aircraft, includ premier beechjet/hawk 400."} {"id": "1515", "contents": "march 2007, purchas raytheon aircraft compani finalis us$ 3.3b. hawker beechcraft inc. new compani form canadian invest firm onex partner gs capit partners, affili global financ hous goldman sachs. oper name hawker beechcraft corpor (hbc). 2007 mark 75th anniversari beechcraft 60th anniversari beechcraft bonanza, longest run product line time. 2007 2008 compani increas oversea expans efforts."} {"id": "1516", "contents": "'hawker' use special techniqu manag food deliveri guarante food kept pipe hot fresh, give authent 'shiok' tast savour though tradit hawker centre. e-commerce. bring authent local food online, revolutionari 'e-hawk marketplac invented, allow anyon singapor get 'shiok' food deliv doorstep time creat profit sustain opportun busi owners."} {"id": "1517", "contents": "contract shorten version written spoken form word, syllable, word group, creat omiss intern letter (actually, sounds)."} {"id": "1518", "contents": "shorten contract muscl contract end muscl move closer together, flex limb extended. tetan contract sustain muscular contract without interv relaxation."} {"id": "1519", "contents": "definit contract lengthen shorten muscl fiber word form combin sound two longer words. exampl contract action uteru birth process. exampl contract word not."} {"id": "1520", "contents": "contractions. contract shorten form two word written one word apostroph take place miss letter letters. often word ad help verb form contraction. ngfl cymru- apostroph contract possess 1."} {"id": "1521", "contents": "labor contract period tighten relax uterin muscle, largest muscl woman' body. someth trigger pituitari gland releas hormon call oxytocin stimul uterin tightening."} {"id": "1522", "contents": "noun. definit contract lengthen shorten muscl fiber word form combin sound two longer words. exampl contract action uteru birth process. exampl contract word not."} {"id": "1523", "contents": "februari 2014 2014-15 texa state budget: assess number 400 west 15 th street, suit 400, austin, tx 78701 phone 512-472-8838 fax 512-472-2636 rag turn rich 83 rd legislature. two year earlier lawmak face biggest potenti deficit state\u2019 history. aid formula rewritten 2012-13 budget reduc demand state aid $4 billion, 2014-15 budget excess money allow lawmak restor $3.2 billion previou cuts."} {"id": "1524", "contents": "austin, tex. last time texa lawmak began legisl session, cost-cut fervor fill marbl hallway capitol januari 2011 state face budget shortfal much $27 billion."} {"id": "1525", "contents": "overal state budget 2014-15 total $200.4 billion, discretionari gener revenu affect dollar talli $100.6 billion. budget pass 27 vote senat 118 29 vote house, major democrat republican support. aid formula rewritten 2012-13 budget reduc demand state aid $4 billion, 2014-15 budget excess money allow lawmak restor $3.2 billion previou cuts."} {"id": "1526", "contents": "boom revenu sale tax well tax oil natur ga product given texa budget surplu state comptrol estim $8.8 billion. http://www.nytimes.com/2013/01/09/us/tex... however, california dire trouble. texa surplus. two year later, lawmak met tuesday open legislature, state\u2019 financi pictur nearli dire."} {"id": "1527", "contents": "texa state budget 2014-15 spend estim $200.4 billion dollars; however, $68.7 billion money feder govern restrict specif programs. constitut dedic limit anoth $31 billion. aid formula rewritten 2012-13 budget reduc demand state aid $4 billion, 2014-15 budget excess money allow lawmak restor $3.2 billion previou cuts."} {"id": "1528", "contents": "bad news state muni finances. texa budget expect run $27 billion two-year budget shortfal accord just-releas state estimates. that' wors $25 billion paul krugman cite last week gleefulli note gop bastion face deficit problems."} {"id": "1529", "contents": "texa law, state may spend comptrol expect have. 2011 estimate, words, meant state effect face budget shortfal $20 billion. order stay black, texa cut spend across board. januari 7th comptroller, susan combs, announc state would $101.4 billion avail gener spend 2014-2015. press confer announc estimate, explain figur result broad-bas econom recovery."} {"id": "1530", "contents": "two year later, lawmak met tuesday open legislature, state\u2019 financi pictur nearli dire. boom revenu sale tax well tax oil natur ga product given texa budget surplu state comptrol estim $8.8 billion. last time texa lawmak began legisl session, cost-cut fervor fill marbl hallway capitol januari 2011 state face budget shortfal much $27 billion."} {"id": "1531", "contents": "see state face budget shortfal tabl below. hawaii, indiana, maine, minnesota, nevada, new hampshire, north carolina, ohio, oregon, texas, washington wisconsin pass state budget everi two years. deficit state includ fiscal year 2012 2013. ** kentucky, virginia wyom pass budget everi two years. fiscal year 2012 budget year states."} {"id": "1532", "contents": "report abuse. texa surplu thank billion obama' stimulu bill receiv feder fund pay. accord texa comptrol texa legislatur appropri $14.4 billion stimulu money fiscal 2009, 2010 2011. texa surplus. two year later, lawmak met tuesday open legislature, state\u2019 financi pictur nearli dire."} {"id": "1533", "contents": "custom travel to/from lima, peru may check one (1) bag courtesi bag 50 pound (22.73 kg) less 62 inch (157.48 centimeters) less. second bag may check fee. maximum number check bag two (2), maximum allow weight 70 pound (31.75 kg) each. bag meet dimens and/or weight restrict consid overs and/or overweight charg follows: 51 lb (23.13 kg) 99 lb (44.91 kg) $100 per bag. 63 (160 cm) 80 (203.3 cm"} {"id": "1534", "contents": "blue. cheapest fare, jetblue' blue fare includ check bags. custom choos check bag $20 pay check bag onlin airport kiosk. fee rise $25 done check-in counter. second bag $35, jetblu note reduct previou $50 fee second bag. custom fli blue fare make chang itineraries, chang fee vari base cost ticket. second bag $35, jetblu note reduct previou $50 fee second bag. jetblu say blue plu fare vari rout demand, they'll gener $15 more-bas blue fares."} {"id": "1535", "contents": "custom may check total two (2) bags. first check bag includ flight to/from sdq, sti, pap, pos. bag must exceed 62 inch (157.48 centimeters) overal dimens (length width height) cannot exceed 50 pound (22.68 kg). bag meet dimens and/or weight restrict consid overs and/or overweight charg follows: 51 lb (23.13 kg) 99 lb (44.91 kg) $100 per bag. 63 (160 cm) 80 (203.3 cm"} {"id": "1536", "contents": "jetblu specifi much expens bag-inclus fare would be, note fare type would fluctuat rout respons demand. currently, fewer half jetblue' custom check bags, accord airline. jetblu also add seat airbu a320 aircraft, retrofit expect begin mid-2016, accord airline."} {"id": "1537", "contents": "jetblu passeng three option buy tickets: blue, blue plu blue flex. cost flier blue fare $20 check first bag checking-in onlin kiosk. wait check-in airport counter, fee goe $25. second check bag fli $35. blue plu ticket includ cost check bag, second check bag $35. blue flex fare cover cost two check bag"} {"id": "1538", "contents": "earli 2015, airlin offer call fare famili brand fares.. custom abl choos three fare options, one design custom plan check bag. two allow one two free check bag along benefits."} {"id": "1539", "contents": "same-day chang fee: $50 blue, blue plu mint fares. reserv phone fee: $20. unaccompani minor fee: $100. baggag fees. check bag: free blue plus, blue flex mint fares; blue fares, $20 purchas web check-in kiosk, $25 check-in counter."} {"id": "1540", "contents": "biggest chang passeng purchas jetblue' least expens fare get check bag free, said henri harteveldt, travel industri analyst founder atmospher research group san francisco."} {"id": "1541", "contents": "lock screen. lock screen new featur introduc window 8. display image, time date, even show prefer app calendar, messages, mail, comput locked. pictur show window"} {"id": "1542", "contents": "you\u2019r use pc, touch key move mous dissolv lock screen, bring back window start screen desktop mode. or, you\u2019r use touch device, simpli touch swipe screen get back window start screen. you\u2019r leav comput minut want turn window lock screen, simpli press win key l, lock screen displayed."} {"id": "1543", "contents": "window 8, number differ way custom lock screen. ad lock screen app one way, choos inform see lock screen showing."} {"id": "1544", "contents": "also chang imag appear lock screen, access \u201csettings\u201d charm bar, click \u201cchang pc settings\u201d bottom section. there, brows imag avail microsoft window 8, upload imag photo library."} {"id": "1545", "contents": "screen lock secur featur comput mobil devic help prevent unauthor access device. also known screenlock lock screen, screen lock requir specif action sequenc action correctli perform anyon attempt use lockscreen-protect device."} {"id": "1546", "contents": "chang window 8.1 lock screen background. use two differ method control background lock screen: select imag list background shown. click brows choos photo store pc. alternatively, use slide show option lock screen display digit photo slide show."} {"id": "1547", "contents": "put friend 'limit profile' can't se... remov pictur someon else' profil when..."} {"id": "1548", "contents": "also possibl make use limit profil here. namely, configur facebook chat user see limit profil appear list onlin friend -- even they'r onlin -- appear theirs."} {"id": "1549", "contents": "page profil picture. page manag page page basics. page' profil pictur squar pictur top page' timeline. pictur also appear next page' post activ facebook... see more."} {"id": "1550", "contents": "add friend limit profil list facebook, becom unabl see content restrict member list. privaci set facebook roll august 2011 restrict content post member limit profil list. want member limit profil list see content post future, manual adjust privaci set post question."} {"id": "1551", "contents": "custom limit profil friend see. ad least one friend limit profil list, select privaci set account drop-down menu. select custom control default privacy, type limit profil hide field."} {"id": "1552", "contents": "alternatively, select friend main facebook page, click friend list limit profile.. type name friend want add list, hit enter.. relat reading: block see profil pictur facebook."} {"id": "1553", "contents": "facebook allow limit access befriend someone. add someon friend -- or, add you, accept request -- click add list select limit profil limit him. allow friend access limit profile."} {"id": "1554", "contents": "facebook' new privaci settings, ad someon limit profil list prevent see content post facebook default, includ statu updates, photo contact information."} {"id": "1555", "contents": "bring us back mr. wheatcroft\u2019 question. although cold war definit over, still need nato. ask citizen libya afghanistan, peopl europ north america, among hundr million reli nato secur peac present better future. nato is, presid obama said, \u201cthe success allianc human history.\u201d first 40 years, cold war. next 20, secur endur european peac least welcom 12 new member enlarg process mr. wheatcroft derides."} {"id": "1556", "contents": "ultimately, still need nato. put resourc north america europ togeth support share valu strateg interests, safeti futur generations. mani peopl said problem face today, nato, would creat it. cold war, live daili threat nuclear annihilation. nato-includ nuclear umbrella-wa best mean avail ensur safety. today, risk nuclear confront nearli gone. cold war over, secur agenda broadened, term natur complex issu need address"} {"id": "1557", "contents": "today\u2019 nato allianc busier ever, allianc work partner ever, allianc need peopl ever. reason clear. live world complex unpredict challeng threat security. world, local gone global. nato is, presid obama said, \u201cthe success allianc human history.\u201d first 40 years, cold war. next 20, secur endur european peac least welcom 12 new member enlarg process mr. wheatcroft derides."} {"id": "1558", "contents": "that' work hard preserv strengthen nato, u.s. commit nato, work everi day. chicago council, me, secretari general, vital, person mission. thank much. cold war, live daili threat nuclear annihilation. nato-includ nuclear umbrella-wa best mean avail ensur safety. today, risk nuclear confront nearli gone. cold war over, secur agenda broadened, term natur complex issu need address"} {"id": "1559", "contents": "collaps soviet union, attack quarter consid unlikely. fact, rapidli move toward pull russia former satellit nato. threat use justifi membership gone, common sens tell us time reconsid membership. let' look pro con continu connect nato. writing, alreadi sacrif one plane, perhap pilot well. presid clinton' fear voter reaction stand way full commit troop potenti loss thousand american lives. us withdraw nato would bring involv screech halt."} {"id": "1560", "contents": "argu level secur spend requir balanc russia, due nationalist form govern need reassert within intern politics, remain somewhat threat, ultimately, nato organis declin militari capability. said despit doom gloom predict nato\u2019 survival, continu persist, thrive grow. mani state georgia ukrain activ want join, nato conduct vari mission time cold war."} {"id": "1561", "contents": "thu that, north atlant treati organ (nato) creat treati among us, england, france, north atlant states, littl opposit senat ratif treati 1949. writing, alreadi sacrif one plane, perhap pilot well. presid clinton' fear voter reaction stand way full commit troop potenti loss thousand american lives. us withdraw nato would bring involv screech halt."} {"id": "1562", "contents": "post-cold war era make simpl observation. nato establish contain soviet union, effectively. however, soviet union collapsed, contain role nato disappeared, thu role body. russia still threat, level threat pose cannot justifi full secur organ accompani costs. said despit doom gloom predict nato\u2019 survival, continu persist, thrive grow. mani state georgia ukrain activ want join, nato conduct vari mission time cold war."} {"id": "1563", "contents": "instabl distant countri enabl transnat terrorist group find safe haven launch attack close home. world, need strong allianc partnership none stronger need today\u2019 nato. import alliance\u2019 member invest possess defens capabl necessari meet collect responsibilities. nato is, presid obama said, \u201cthe success allianc human history.\u201d first 40 years, cold war. next 20, secur endur european peac least welcom 12 new member enlarg process mr. wheatcroft derides."} {"id": "1564", "contents": "ulnar nerv neuropathi due ulnar nerv entrap often pain disord outer side arm hand near littl finger, caus pressur ulnar nerv arm."} {"id": "1565", "contents": "gener symptom nerv entrap due pudend nerv entrap may includ pain, burn numb urethra, vagina, rectum. pudend nerv entrap treated, lead seriou complications. includ bladder incontinence, sexual dysfunction, impot .... disabl hand wrist also occur sever cases. gener symptom nerv entrap due slip disc, herniat disc, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesi may includ pain, weakness, burn numb buttocks, legs, and/or feet."} {"id": "1566", "contents": "nerv entrap result varieti nerv entrap syndrom nerv entrap occur nerv entrap syndrom caus nerv nerv becom pinch compressed. nerv entrap result abnorm function nerve. function nerv bodi transmit sensat inform bodi spinal cord brain carri messag back brain body. varieti condit caus nerv entrap interfer normal function nerves."} {"id": "1567", "contents": "nerv entrapment: symptoms. type sever symptom nerv entrap vari individu specif type nerv nerv affected. mani cases, symptom vagu develop slowly, carpal tunnel syndrome. symptom also occur rapidli dramatically. function nerv bodi transmit sensat inform bodi spinal cord brain carri messag back brain body. varieti condit caus nerv entrap interfer normal function nerves."} {"id": "1568", "contents": "gener symptom nerv entrap due carpal tunnel syndrom ulnar tunnel syndrom may includ pain, weakness, burn numb forearm, wrist and/or hands. symptom run way arm shoulder symptom wors night. disabl hand wrist also occur sever cases. gener symptom nerv entrap due slip disc, herniat disc, spinal stenosis, spondylolisthesi may includ pain, weakness, burn numb buttocks, legs, and/or feet."} {"id": "1569", "contents": "treatment nerv entrap vari depend type nerv affected, sever symptoms, presenc complications, person' age medic history, type work activ person does. earli diagnosi treatment reduc symptom perman complications, disability. function nerv bodi transmit sensat inform bodi spinal cord brain carri messag back brain body. varieti condit caus nerv entrap interfer normal function nerves."} {"id": "1570", "contents": "pudend nerv entrap (pne), also known alcock canal syndrome, uncommon sourc chronic pain, pudend nerv (locat pelvis) entrap compressed. pain posit worsen sitting. symptom includ genit numbness, fecal incontin urinari incontinence."} {"id": "1571", "contents": "time cycle. egg take week hatch. bed bug activ live space bodi temperature, room temperatur 80\u00b0 fahrenheit hospitable. hatching, nymphal stage begin adequ food, temperature, humid 75%, bed bug thrive. produc sever gener per year, egg egg time months. bed bug life cycl goe egg nymph, progress five nymphal stages, adult, lay egg process start again."} {"id": "1572", "contents": "gestat maturation. creatures, feed human host sleep, lay plenti eggs. singl femal lay dozen egg everi day. egg take one two week hatch, point young bed bugs, call nymphs, immedi begin feeding. not, however, mean immedi begin breeding. ideal conditions, bedbug reach adulthood 37 days."} {"id": "1573", "contents": "bed bug egg hatching. post septemb 29, 2009 bug doctor. bed bug egg small, 1mm length equival two grain salt white color. egg hatch one two week start sticki laid anywhere, surface."} {"id": "1574", "contents": "incub period egg approxim 10 days. femal bed bug lay egg per day 200 egg lifetime; bed bug nymph incub period of. bed bug (females) deposit three eight egg time. long take hatch time laid. depend ambient temperature, incub period egg may vary. bed bug lay one five egg per day incub period 10 day warm weather (slightli longer cool). wonder today profession answer incub period bed bug egg"} {"id": "1575", "contents": "adult bed bug lay sever egg day. gener eggs. incub period egg last 18 day give birth bedbug nymph (babi bed bugs)."} {"id": "1576", "contents": "life cycl biolog bed bug: eggs, nymphs, adults. life cycl insect describ develop insect egg stage adult. process refer metamorphosis. metamorphosi process insect undergo chang egg adult. bed bug life cycl goe egg nymph, progress five nymphal stages, adult, lay egg process start again."} {"id": "1577", "contents": "views: 13votes: 0. bed bug egg usual hatch one three weeks, depend tempuratur mean warmer weather, shorter incub time. nymph go molts, take blood meal one. egg bed bug approxim mm long .04 inch hatch reach first larva stage 1.5 mm long .06 inches."} {"id": "1578", "contents": "bed bug activ night gener hide day. mating, femal lay white, oval egg (1/16-inch long) crack crevices. individu bed bug lay 200-250 egg lifetime. egg hatch 6-10 day newli emerg bed bug nymph seek blood meal."} {"id": "1579", "contents": "food thought, bugs. bait bitten! even one\u2019 die lay eggs: bed bug love sex. femal lay egg long, long time carri semen multipl matings, within them, impregn egg months! add complex alreadi implied. rom ...."} {"id": "1580", "contents": "actinomyc bovi caus granulomat infect cattle; however, speci never proven human pathogen earlier report human a. bovi infect probabl due a. israelii (5, 47). ten addit actinobacillu speci yet sole isol anim sources. etiolog human actinomycos complex two respects: princip etiolog agent diseas belong singl species, varieti differ member genera actinomyces, propionibacterium, bifidobacterium."} {"id": "1581", "contents": "overview. actinomyc bovi speci actinomyc genus. found natur oral caviti cattl prefer anaerob condit strict anaerobe. entri organ tissu follow trauma mucosa rough feed tooth eruption. caus granulomat inflamm soft tissu bone, caus lumpi jaw."} {"id": "1582", "contents": "actinomycosi uncommon, indolent, progress invas bacteri infect caus organ actinomyc species, non-motile, filamentous, branching, gram-posit predominantli anaerob bacteria. etiolog human actinomycos complex two respects: princip etiolog agent diseas belong singl species, varieti differ member genera actinomyces, propionibacterium, bifidobacterium."} {"id": "1583", "contents": "clinic sign refer area involvement. cattle, humans, marsupials, actinomyc sp. associ osteomyel character dislodg teeth, inabl chew, mandibular fractures. sever hosts, bacterium caus soft tissu infections."} {"id": "1584", "contents": "actinomycosi occur rare human rather frequent cattl diseas call lumpi jaw. name refer larg abscess grow head neck infect animal. also affect swine, horses, dogs, less often wild anim sheep. actinomycosi primarili caus sever member bacteri genu actinomyces. bacteria gener anaerobes. animals, normal live small space teeth gums, caus infect multipli freeli anox environments."} {"id": "1585", "contents": "back top causes. actinomycosi usual caus anaerob bacteria call actinomyc israelii, common normal disease-caus (nonpathogenic) organ found nose throat. bacteria' normal locat nose throat, actinomycosi commonli appear face neck"} {"id": "1586", "contents": "actinomycosi infecti bacteri diseas caus actinomyc speci actinomyc israelii a. gerencseriae. also caus propionibacterium propionicus, condit like polymicrobi aerob anaerob infection. actinomycosi primarili caus sever member bacteri genu actinomyces. bacteria gener anaerobes. animals, normal live small space teeth gums, caus infect multipli freeli anox environments."} {"id": "1587", "contents": "humans, diseas commonli affect cervicofaci area, abdomen, thorax; cattle, lesion commonli found mandible.. oral cervicofaci actinomycosis: infect develop insid tissu neck, jaw mouth. sign symptom abdomin actinomycosi may include: sign symptom pelvic actinomycosi may include: earlier stage, bacteri infect difficult diagnos confus conditions."} {"id": "1588", "contents": "last year name rank one top 1000 popular name within gender. keep mind popular name is. child may feel fit popular name. hand, may feel special name less popular uniqu own. see go ways, keep point mind examin differ possibilities."} {"id": "1589", "contents": "search comprehens find name mean victoria name origin name database. also note spell pronunci name victoria check initi name last name discov look sounds."} {"id": "1590", "contents": "victoria promin first name femal (#116 4276, top 3%) also promin last name peopl (#6401 150436, top 4%). (2000 u.s. census). present babi name popular victoria girls. victoria 31 variants: tori toria, torie, tory, toya, vic, vicci, vickee, vickey vicki vicki vicki victoire, victoriana, victorie, victorina, victorine, victory, vika, viki, vikkey, vikki vikky, viktoria, viktorija, viktorina, viktorine, viktorka, viqui, vitoria vittoria."} {"id": "1591", "contents": "graph analysi popular girl name victoria affili names. tori (#734 previou year) vikki, vita, vicky, viktoria, vickie, toya, vickey, vicki latoya popular altern form victoria (#19 previou year) appear top 1000. victoria 31 variants: tori toria, torie, tory, toya, vic, vicci, vickee, vickey vicki vicki vicki victoire, victoriana, victorie, victorina, victorine, victory, vika, viki, vikkey, vikki vikky, viktoria, viktorija, viktorina, viktorine, viktorka, viqui, vitoria vittoria."} {"id": "1592", "contents": "follow diagram below. fun, see name victoria hieroglyphics, learn ancient egyptian hieroglyph write hieroglyph message. learn nautic flag see name messag written nautic flags, victoria nautic flag page. keep mind popular name is. child may feel fit popular name. hand, may feel special name less popular uniqu own. see go ways, keep point mind examin differ possibilities."} {"id": "1593", "contents": "latin meaning: name victoria latin babi name. latin mean name victoria is: victory; triumphant. famou bearer: queen victoria. american meaning: name victoria american babi name. american mean name victoria is: victory; triumphant. famou bearer: queen victoria."} {"id": "1594", "contents": "mean history. mean victori latin, born roman goddess victory. also feminin form victorius. name born 4th-centuri saint martyr north africa. though use elsewher europe, name rare english-speak world 19th century, queen victoria began long rule britain."} {"id": "1595", "contents": "origin, mean form [edit]. victoria latin word 'victory' 'conquer' use feminin form correspond name victor. roman mythology, victoria name goddess victory, correspond greek goddess nike. sever differ variat name victoria:"} {"id": "1596", "contents": "victoria /vic-to-ria/ [4 sylls.] girls' name pronounc vic-tor-ee-ah. latin origin, mean victoria conqueror feminin victor. victoria 31 variants: tori toria, torie, tory, toya, vic, vicci, vickee, vickey vicki vicki vicki victoire, victoriana, victorie, victorina, victorine, victory, vika, viki, vikkey, vikki vikky, viktoria, viktorija, viktorina, viktorine, viktorka, viqui, vitoria vittoria."} {"id": "1597", "contents": "get weight stone needed, multipli volum densiti stone (0.0619 pounds/inch 3). 75.36 inches3 0.0619 pounds/inch3 4.66 pounds. so, need 4.66 pound stone cover soil flower pot depth 1/2 inches. much larger projects\u2026. mix tumbl stone weigh 0.0618 pound per cubic inch (or 107 pound per cubic foot), need 162 cubic inches, simpli multiply\u2026. 162 inches3 0.0619 pounds/inch3 10.01 pounds. there\u2019 answer. need 10 pound mix tumbl stone planter."} {"id": "1598", "contents": "mani piec anchor diamond wall pallet much weigh? 45 piec anchor diamond wall pallet, cover approxim 30 face foot wall. build retain wall retain wall stone product feet high. would total layer wall recommend buri one full layer wall ground stability. space terrac wall."} {"id": "1599", "contents": "massiv stone perfect use retain wall focal point garden landscap design. make statement impress power, armour stone magnific choic landscape. estim much stone weigh, base stone 3\u2032 2\u2032 2\u2032 2200lbs. larger armour stone avail upon request. custom cube piec also avail quotation. stoneplac three distinct colour avail choos from."} {"id": "1600", "contents": "112 piec anchor\u2122 windsor stone\u00ae pallet cover approxim 37 face foot wall. piec windsor wall weigh approxim 24 lbs. full pallet would weigh 2,738 lbs. add weight wood pallet."} {"id": "1601", "contents": "averag weight sandston boulder approxim 150 pound per cubic foot. limeston boulder granit boulder case weigh more. averag 175 pound per cubic foot. estim quantity, need convert area cubic feet multipli length width height."} {"id": "1602", "contents": "2/3 pound mix tumbl stone need cover soil pot depth 1/2 inches. imag skip odonnell, istockphoto. larg project use river stone avail lawn garden stores. round river stone weigh 100 pound per cubic foot. mix tumbl stone weigh 0.0618 pound per cubic inch (or 107 pound per cubic foot), need 162 cubic inches, simpli multiply\u2026. 162 inches3 0.0619 pounds/inch3 10.01 pounds. there\u2019 answer. need 10 pound mix tumbl stone planter."} {"id": "1603", "contents": "multipli volum stone need densiti stone 100 pound per cubic foot. 140.25 feet3 100 pound foot3 14,025 pounds. see need 14,025 pound stone littl tons. mix tumbl stone weigh 0.0618 pound per cubic inch (or 107 pound per cubic foot), need 162 cubic inches, simpli multiply\u2026. 162 inches3 0.0619 pounds/inch3 10.01 pounds. there\u2019 answer. need 10 pound mix tumbl stone planter."} {"id": "1604", "contents": "112 piec retain wall stone pallet cover approxim 37 face foot wall. piec retain wall stone weigh approxim 24 lbs. full pallet would weigh 2,738 lbs. add weight wood pallet. build retain wall retain wall stone product feet high. would total layer wall recommend buri one full layer wall ground stability. space terrac wall."} {"id": "1605", "contents": "calcul tell approxim mani ton materi need (base typic coverag 90 sq. ft./ton, deep). call cook compani 508-634-3300. we'll happi help make sure get right product, right amount landscap project! gravel coverag calculator."} {"id": "1606", "contents": "45 piec anchor\u2122 diamond\u00ae wall pallet, cover approxim 30 face foot wall. piec diamond\u00ae wall weigh approxim 68 lbs. full pallet would weigh 3,110 lbs. add weight wood pallet. piec windsor wall weigh approxim 24 lbs. full pallet would weigh 2,738"} {"id": "1607", "contents": "destin sequim! discov secret sequim. click request complimentari sequim map visitor guid small-town live citi sequim (pop. 6,600+) small-town america. mani uniqu gift shops, murals, antiqu stores, galleri fine restaurants. sun shine sequim anywher els western washington. rain shadow effect, caus olymp mountains, shelter valley excess rain. may bring oldest continu festiv washington state, sequim irrig festival-celebr 119 year 2014. stop sequim museum art center enjoy wealth sequim histori visit mani mastadon exhibit! relax enjoy local culinari delight one mani authent restaurants."} {"id": "1608", "contents": "vacat washington' beauti olymp peninsula. welcom simone' sequim valley port angel vacat home rental lodging. locat sequim-dung valley along strait juan de fuca washington' beauti north olymp peninsula. sequim offer conveni lodg visitor olymp nation park, dung spit nation wildlif refuge, victoria bc canada, north olymp peninsula pacif ocean shores."} {"id": "1609", "contents": "sequim /\u02c8skw\u026am/ citi clallam county, washington, unit states. 2010 censu count popul 6,606. [sequim school district popul serv littl 29,000. sequim area around sequim popul 28,000] sequim locat along dung river near base olymp mountains. citi increas popul dramat recent year due influx retire puget sound region california. sequim lie within rain shadow olymp mountain receiv averag less 16 inch (410 mm) rain per year\u2014about lo angeles, california\u2014and given nicknam sunni sequim."} {"id": "1610", "contents": "sequim, wa. valley dung lie northern end olymp peninsula, extrem northwest corner unit states. spread alluvi fan dung river gorg scallop beach strait juan de fuca. histori valley stem river. beauti sequim sell itself, would love show you: give us call 1-800-962-7307 schedul appointment. weather station get temperature, rainfal sunshin data sequim see popular place! data updat everi 10 seconds."} {"id": "1611", "contents": "stay. stay. sequim central locat heart olymp peninsula perfect place stay enjoy region offer. accommod everi need bed breakfasts, hotel motels, vacat rentals, inns, rv parks, camping."} {"id": "1612", "contents": "quadricep contus hip pointer football. footbal contact sport, high risk injury. knee, ankle, head injuries, concussions, common type footbal injuries. however, despit well padded, anterior (front) thigh commonli injur part body. quadricep contus footbal consid mani bone-bruis sport. part, true. quadricep muscl (four muscl compris front thigh) (fig. 1) particularli suscept contus (bruising)."} {"id": "1613", "contents": "background. sever type quadricep injuri occur, common quadricep contusion, pain disabling. usual caus quadricep contus direct blow anterior thigh object anoth person (eg, helmet, knee)."} {"id": "1614", "contents": "injuri quadricep femori muscl tendons. quadricep femori larg muscl front thigh. muscle, tendon attach bone compris contractil unit stabil hip knee allow motion. strain occur weakest part unit."} {"id": "1615", "contents": "quadricep contus \u2018cork thigh\u2019, commonli known, result sever impact thigh consequ compress hard surfac femur (thigh bone). often caus deep ruptur muscl tissu haemorrhag occurs, follow inflammation."} {"id": "1616", "contents": "quadricep strain, pull quad muscl common injuri sports. muscl strains, occur activ requir explos contract muscles."} {"id": "1617", "contents": "quadricep contus one common injuri seen athlet compet contact sport result direct blow front thigh. type injuri often goe undertr may result seriou complic athlete. locat quadriceps, subject direct blow sport competition. deep quadricep contus one disabl injuri athlet injuri muscl sever impact athlete\u2019 abil effect use his/her leg."} {"id": "1618", "contents": "injuri involv thigh common sports. quadricep muscl front thigh subject contus quadricep receiv direct blows. hamstr muscle, back thigh, prone sprain contusions. common injuri thigh contus quadricep muscle."} {"id": "1619", "contents": "thigh strain. thigh strain quadricep strain tear one quadricep muscl front thigh. rang mild discomfort full blown tear muscl result sever pain inabl walk. explain thigh strain best recov one. symptom quadricep strain thigh strain typic includ sudden sharp pain front thigh. swell bruis may develop. thigh strain grade depend bad injuri grade mild grade involv complet near complet tear muscle."} {"id": "1620", "contents": "view image. thigh bruis bruis group larg muscl front thigh. call quadricep muscles. thigh strain stretch tear muscl tendon quadricep area. tendon strong band tissu attach muscl bone. type injuri often call pull muscle. thigh bruis caus direct hit muscl thigh."} {"id": "1621", "contents": "uw health' sport medicin doctor madison, wisconsin, treat wide rang common athlet injuries, includ contus quadricep (thigh muscles). quadriceps. quadricep muscl group made four larg muscl locat front (anterior) thigh."} {"id": "1622", "contents": "armi air nation nation guard, maximum age prior servic enlist 59, long member enough year prior servic abl complet 20 year credit servic retir age 60."} {"id": "1623", "contents": "u.s. citizen nation reserv nation guard officer. enlist, must u.s. citizen resid alien. age requir differ branch service, gener must age 17-42 prior servic (nps). note: seventeen year old need parent consent."} {"id": "1624", "contents": "maximum age. gener must enlist nation guard age 35, separ maximum age becom officer. must commiss offic 42nd birthday. one day older 42, longer becom nation guard officer."} {"id": "1625", "contents": "reserv nation guard seek commiss offic sever differ sources. must 18 older (maximum age requir vari servic service), good moral charact abl meet academic, physical, medic secur requirements."} {"id": "1626", "contents": "minimum age. minimum age specif becom offic nation guard. must, however, meet minimum age requir enlist nation guard general, 17."} {"id": "1627", "contents": "armi reserv offic access programs. prerequisites: age: minimum age 18. maximum age 41 year month time schedul board. present restrict maximum age applic submit waiver request."} {"id": "1628", "contents": "origin conversation. user: feder reserv _____ money supply, also _____ interest rates. a) increases, lower b)decreases, lower c)doe change, raisesuser: gross domest product includ consumption, net exports, _____, _____."} {"id": "1629", "contents": "term monetari polici refer feder reserve, nation' central bank, influenc amount money credit u.s. economy. happen money credit affect interest rate (the cost credit) perform"} {"id": "1630", "contents": "feder reserv _____ money supply, also _____ interest rates. a) increases, lower b) decreases, lower c) change, raises. feder reserv decreas money supply, also increas interest rates. therefore, opposit a. answer: a) increases, lowers."} {"id": "1631", "contents": "question answer. feder reserv _____ money supply, also _____ interest rates. a) increases, lower b) decreases, lower c) change, raises. feder reserv decreas money supply, also increas interest rates. therefore, opposit a. answer: a) increases, lowers."} {"id": "1632", "contents": "feder reserv _____ money supply, also _____ interest rates. a) increases, lower b)decreases, lower c)doe change, raises. question answered."} {"id": "1633", "contents": "beyond wed venu catering, cost averag $13,385 2013, big-ticket item includ engag ring (at averag $5,598), recept band ($3,469), flower decor ($2,069) wed photo ($2,440)."} {"id": "1634", "contents": "wed cater prices. use $50 $100 per person gener guid cost food. cost main course, only. hor oeuvr cost $25 $50 per person prior sit table. course, cost depend mainli served. open bar alone, cost $6 $10 per person per hour. instance, five hour recept could cost $25 $60 per person. averag cost open bar $8"} {"id": "1635", "contents": "$62 (cost per guest). 2015, averag cost wed cater $51-$73 per guest. mani coupl spend significantli less due banquet-styl dinners, averag spend around $60 per adult guest. food serv wed recept determin time wed local custom."} {"id": "1636", "contents": "tip know: accord bridal associ america, averag cater cost wed rang $80 $90 per plate. drinks, cake dinner, averag bill wed $10,000 $13,000. averag 150 guests. average, cater cost anywher $8 $75 per plate. cater go fall $10 $25 per person mark. higher end cater easili reach $75 price tag."} {"id": "1637", "contents": "accord bridal associ america, averag cater cost wed rang $80 $90 per plate. drinks, cake dinner, averag bill wed $10,000 $13,000. average, cater cost anywher $8 $75 per plate. cater go fall $10 $25 per person mark. higher end cater easili reach $75 price tag."} {"id": "1638", "contents": "whether $100,000, $10,000, $1,000 spend, care organization, zealou budgeting, money-sav tricks, wed alway wanted. flower dress venu band, here' budget wed dreams."} {"id": "1639", "contents": "averag wed cater cost, includ food food service, drink drink servic cake cake cut fee $12,790, accord bridal associ america, treat three separ categories. averag number guest 150, work $85 per person. in-hous cater typic includ service, outsid cater usual charg labor --around $15 $25 hour waiter $45 hour chef. pass appet add labor cost requir server"} {"id": "1640", "contents": "archaea interest organ gene similar bacteria eukaryot phylogenet speak archaea bacteria thought develop separ common ancestor eukaryot believ branch archaean million year later"} {"id": "1641", "contents": "past archaea classifi bacteria call archaebacteria discov archaea distinct evolutionari histori biochemistri compar bacteria similar archaea eubacteria singl cell organ nucleu organel"} {"id": "1642", "contents": "archaebacteria similar prokaryot differ cell wall cell membran prokaryot cell membran phospholipid bi layer present archaebacteria singl layer phospholipid avail"} {"id": "1643", "contents": "archaebacteria type prokaryot unicellular organ without cell nucleu make kingdom archa one main kingdom life organ difficult classifi similar normal bacteria larger eukaryot"} {"id": "1644", "contents": "archaebacteria sub kingdom kingdom prokaryot basi rna dna composit biochemistri differ significantli bacteria thought resembl ancient bacteria first aros extrem environ sulphur rich deep sea vent"} {"id": "1645", "contents": "archaebacteria belong domain archaea singl cell organ tend live extrem environ like hot spring high salt region fact organ boldli go other cannot call extremophil mean lover extrem"} {"id": "1646", "contents": "definit archaebacteria primit bacteria microorgan one cell live environ sever extrem salti hot exampl archaebacteria methanogen"} {"id": "1647", "contents": "kate middleton may pregnant third child, four month princess charlotte\u2019 birth, accord news report. photo, duchess cambridg carri daughter church st mari magdalen sandringham estat princess' christen juli 5th 2015."} {"id": "1648", "contents": "tag: princess kate, middleton, pregnant, again, babi bump, number 2, princ william, update, rumors, kate middleton. britain' princ william leav king edward vii hospit wife catherine, duchess cambridge, london decemb 6, 2012."} {"id": "1649", "contents": "(photo: reuters). new report claim princess kate middleton pregnant again. accord tabloid, princ william expect twins, follow rumor coupl go broke. like us facebook. recent months, wave rumor suggest kate middleton pregnant second child. march 17 edit ok! magazine, tabloid take thing whole new level."} {"id": "1650", "contents": "london queen elizabeth announc princess kate middleton pregnant! kate middleton pregnant princ william\u2019 first child. announc made kate friend victoria beckham stand side."} {"id": "1651", "contents": "princess kate middleton may pregnant again! tabloid even claim kate reveal gender second babi bump. accord reports, queen princ william overjoy kate littl babi girl."} {"id": "1652", "contents": "past rumor pregnanc princess di, week\u2019 issu globe magazine, sourc claim inde pregnant boyfriend dodi fayed\u2019 babi die 1997. report follow past rumor princess diana carri third child time death."} {"id": "1653", "contents": "new report claim princess kate middleton pregnant again. accord tabloid, princ william expect twins, follow rumor coupl go broke. like us facebook. recent months, wave rumor suggest kate middleton pregnant second child. march 17 edit ok! magazine, tabloid take thing whole new level."} {"id": "1654", "contents": "getty. shock play: reveal princess diana pregnant died. sensat claim death princess diana air controversi west end play, open week. reveal full extraordinari \u00adalleg brought stage \u00adproduct truth, lies, diana."} {"id": "1655", "contents": "psychosoci treatment also form dialect behavior therapi (dbt). dbt combin psychotherapi behavior therapy. use mental disord caus destruct behavior patient others. cognit behavior therapi (cbt) one common type psychosoci treatment. cbt help patient mental disord learn chang pattern behavior thought neg positive. chang neg aspects, person social respons becom appropriate."} {"id": "1656", "contents": "interperson therapi rel new psychosoci treatment use frequent help peopl bipolar disorder, attention-deficit/hyperact disord (adhd), depression, eat disorders, gener anxieti disorder. studi tell us psychosoci treatment mental ill help consum keep mood stable, stay hospital, gener function better."} {"id": "1657", "contents": "anoth type psychosoci treatment exposur therapy. therapi often chosen disord stress trauma related, post-traumat stress disord (ptsd). therapist recreat trigger disorder. cognit behavior therapi (cbt) one common type psychosoci treatment. cbt help patient mental disord learn chang pattern behavior thought neg positive. chang neg aspects, person social respons becom appropriate."} {"id": "1658", "contents": "psychosoci treatments. psychosoci treatment includ differ type psychotherapi social vocat training, aim provid support, educ guidanc peopl mental ill families. psychosoci rehabilit help peopl develop social, emot intellectu skill need order live happili smallest amount profession assist manage."} {"id": "1659", "contents": "articl cite articl pmc. optim use psychosoci treatment schizophrenia wax wane years, grow consensu psychosoci intervent play essenti role rehabilit manag peopl schizophrenia. psychosoci treatment may \u201cwork\u201d term work narrowli appli remiss acut episodes, control symptoms, prevent relapses. however, criteria intervent complex diseas judged."} {"id": "1660", "contents": "psychoeduc type psychosoci treatment often use part therapi treatments. method patient education. therapi help patient famili learn mental disorder, symptoms, deal symptom arise. cognit behavior therapi (cbt) one common type psychosoci treatment. cbt help patient mental disord learn chang pattern behavior thought neg positive. chang neg aspects, person social respons becom appropriate."} {"id": "1661", "contents": "psychosoci treatments--includ certain form psychotherapi (often call talk therapy) social vocat training--ar help provid support, education, guidanc peopl mental ill families. studi tell us psychosoci treatment mental ill help consum keep mood stable, stay hospital, gener function better."} {"id": "1662", "contents": "psychosoci treatments. term psychosoci refer individual' psycholog develop interact social environment. psychosoci treatment (interventions) includ structur counseling, motiv enhancement, case management, care-coordination, psychotherapi relaps prevention."} {"id": "1663", "contents": "10 hilari insight foreign words. psychosoci treatment type therapi use treat patient mental disord prevent proper social skill develop used. common schizophrenia treatment. cognit behavior therapi (cbt) one common type psychosoci treatment. cbt help patient mental disord learn chang pattern behavior thought neg positive. chang neg aspects, person social respons becom appropriate."} {"id": "1664", "contents": "pipal tree-fig tree india note great size longevity; lack prop root banyan; regard sacr buddhists. bo tree, ficu religiosa, peepul, pipal, pipul, sacr fig."} {"id": "1665", "contents": "bodhi tree, bo tree, sacr fig tree, pipal tree (also spell peepal peepul) regard equal sacr one all. wish know tree, right page. pipal excel remedi neck diseas scrofula, caus swollen lymphat glands. past prepar mash root water appli affect region neck. pipal leav use bruis wound years. fine ground leav mix jaggeri made pills."} {"id": "1666", "contents": "fig tree (ficu religiosa) nativ india, gray bark heart-shap leav long tip. rever buddhist speci tree buddha attain enlightenment. also call bo tree, bodhi tree."} {"id": "1667", "contents": "call ashvattha sanskrit, peepal (ficu religious) larg tree. bark light grey, smooth peel patches. heart-shap leav long, taper tips. slightest breez make rustle. the. fruit peepal use exampl explain differ bodi soul: bodi like fruit which, outside, feel enjoy things, soul like seed, insid therefor wit things."} {"id": "1668", "contents": "pipal may refer to: ficu religiosa (sacr fig), speci banyan fig nativ india, bangladesh, nepal, pakistan, sri lanka, southwest china indochina. pipal, nepal, villag develop committe rukum district rapti zone western nepal. pipal (surname) surnam czech origin. ficu religiosa (sacr fig), speci banyan fig nativ india, bangladesh, nepal, pakistan, sri lanka, southwest china indochina. pipal, nepal, villag develop committe rukum district rapti zone western nepal."} {"id": "1669", "contents": "pipal (noun). noun pipal sense: 1. fig tree india note great size longevity; lack prop root banyan; regard sacr buddhists. familiar information: pipal use noun rare."} {"id": "1670", "contents": "pipal tree (noun). noun pipal tree sense: 1. fig tree india note great size longevity; lack prop root banyan; regard sacr buddhists. familiar information: pipal tree use noun rare."} {"id": "1671", "contents": "ficu religiosa sacr fig speci fig nativ nepal, india, bangladesh, myanmar, pakistan, sri lanka, south-west china indochina. belong moraceae, fig mulberri family. also known bodhi tree, pippala tree, peepal tree ashwattha tree (in india nepal). descript [edit]. ficu religiosa larg dri season-decidu semi-evergreen tree 30 metr (98 ft) tall trunk diamet metr (9.8 ft). leav cordat shape distinct extend drip tip; 10\u201317 cm long 8\u201312 cm broad, 6\u201310 cm petiol"} {"id": "1672", "contents": "definition. polyest crepe refer materi weav fabric. crepe tight weav use often wool, silk synthet fibers, like polyester."} {"id": "1673", "contents": "special occas crepe fabric come wide assort beauti color use make stylish dresses, blouses, skirt more. add fabric embellish like lace, trim, buttons, enhanc visual appeal. crepe fabric made 100% polyest easi care for, machine-washable. fabric sold yard. width: 58 inchescontent: 100% polyest care: machin wash cool, delic cycl chlorin bleach fabric softener. tumbl dri low use cool iron need"} {"id": "1674", "contents": "polyest crepe one extens use fabric garment industry, make comfort wrinkle-fre garments. offer 100% polyest crepe fabric variou form count wide rang gsm. gsm: 80, 90, 100, 120, 140, 180, 200. widths: 42\u201d, 44\u201d, 56\u201d, 60\u201d. form: solid dyed/printed."} {"id": "1675", "contents": "crepe cr\u00eape de: sant sant\u00e9, undyed, closely-woven rough-textur wool blend crepe cr\u00eape, mix silk, linen cotton also. call health crepe: crepe cr\u00eape de. suiss 1860'dress: fabric-crep cr\u00eape espagn open weav fabric a. silk warp wool fill crepe cr\u00eape de: sant sant\u00e9, undyed, closely-woven rough-textur wool blend crepe cr\u00eape, mix silk, linen cotton also. call health crepe: crepe cr\u00eape de. suiss 1860'dress: fabric-crep cr\u00eape espagn open weav fabric a. silk warp: wool fill crepe cr\u00eape diana trade name for. cotton silk blend crepe cr\u00eape"} {"id": "1676", "contents": "crepe type thin fabric known distinct crinkl textur wrinkl appearance. crepe fabric origin made use silk, nowaday type fabric includ cotton, chiffon rayon use creat crepe. therefor question \u2018what crepe fabric made of\u2019 simpl straightforward answer. one common factor differ type crepe fabric alway made elabor process weav knit get crinkl yet light appearance. french crepe fabric anoth fine light type fabric known slightli flatter appear subtl crinkles. use make lehenga choli sare well salwar kameez tunics. besid silk, satin also sometim use make beauti crepe fabric formal wear."} {"id": "1677", "contents": "crepe fabric. susan w. greene. crepe name given fabric crinkl pebbl texture, often use blous dress grace drape. almost fiber may used, fabric thin sheer, fine opaque, even heavy. crepe (alt. crape) fabric may stretchy, requir care cut sew accurately. second type crepe made yarn ordinari twist weav small, irregular float look fairli bumpy. method effect heavi fabric whose larger thread produc appreci texture."} {"id": "1678", "contents": "pekin crepe: cr\u00eape (pekin shini matt striped) textil woven crepe. cr\u00eape weft pliss pliss\u00e9 mainli cotton fabric crepe cr\u00eape effect creat chemic treat fabric, pucker and. crinkl typic stripe pliss pliss\u00e9 satin. made: use crepe cr\u00eape yarn revers crepe cr\u00eape woven with. crepe cr\u00eape yarn warp flat fill crepe cr\u00eape de: sant sant\u00e9, undyed, closely-woven rough-textur wool blend crepe cr\u00eape, mix silk, linen cotton also. call health crepe: crepe cr\u00eape de. suiss 1860'dress: fabric-crep cr\u00eape espagn open weav fabric a. silk warp: wool fill crepe cr\u00eape diana trade name for. cotton silk blend crepe cr\u00eape"} {"id": "1679", "contents": "crepe cr\u00eape (crape anglic version the. fr) crepe cr\u00eape is, a, silk wool synthet fiber fabric a, distinct crisp. crimp appear crepe cr\u00eape de: sant sant\u00e9, undyed, closely-woven rough-textur wool blend crepe cr\u00eape, mix silk, linen cotton also. call health crepe: crepe cr\u00eape de. suiss 1860'dress: fabric-crep cr\u00eape espagn open weav fabric a. silk warp: wool fill crepe cr\u00eape diana trade name for. cotton silk blend crepe cr\u00eape"} {"id": "1680", "contents": "pekin crepe: cr\u00eape (pekin shini matt striped) textil woven crepe. cr\u00eape weft pliss pliss\u00e9 mainli cotton fabric crepe cr\u00eape effect creat chemic treat fabric, pucker and. crinkl typic stripe pliss pliss\u00e9 satin. made use crepe cr\u00eape yarn crepe cr\u00eape de: sant sant\u00e9, undyed, closely-woven rough-textur wool blend crepe cr\u00eape, mix silk, linen cotton also. call health crepe: crepe cr\u00eape de. suiss 1860'dress: fabric-crep cr\u00eape espagn open weav fabric a. silk warp: wool fill crepe cr\u00eape diana trade name for. cotton silk blend crepe cr\u00eape"} {"id": "1681", "contents": "course, pay isn\u2019t twice was, company. here\u2019 see 2012\u2026. averag truck driver pay-anyth .40 cent per mile, $40,000 per year. averag truck driver pay-about .40 .45 cent per mile, $50,000 $60,000 per year. averag truck driver pay-clos .50 cent per mile, $60,000 per year. course, haul matters. flatbed, step-deck heavy-haul driver add littl pay scale."} {"id": "1682", "contents": "generally, us bureau labor statist say salari truck driver rang $0.28 $0.40 cent per mile. compani pay $0.45 cent per mile, better paid job requir skill year experience. time, high $70.000 per year (in new york) low $38.000 (in hawaii). truck driver salari per mile. mani truck driver paid mile traveled. that\u2019 sometim don\u2019t even know much go make end month."} {"id": "1683", "contents": "where: don' owner oper truck job base enid, ok. truck driver salary: $66,000 $0.60 per mile 110,000 miles. see trucker cost per mile calcul below. (owner oper truck job typic pay truck driver.). long distanc truck driver salari start $15.00 per hour, experienc truck driver salari upward $21.00 per hour. long-haul truck driver get paid hour, get paid mile. coupl type truck driver employ option"} {"id": "1684", "contents": "truck drive per mile salary. truck driver paid per mile see vari wage depend experience, region work compani employ with. major truck compani pay $0.28 $0.40 cent per mile accord u. bureau labor statistics. compani pay $0.45 cent per mile. type job requir skill driver mani year experi"} {"id": "1685", "contents": "general, averag truck driver salari $50.000 per year, accord indeed.com. time, high $70.000 per year (in new york) low $38.000 (in hawaii). truck driver salari per mile. mani truck driver paid mile traveled. that\u2019 sometim don\u2019t even know much go make end month."} {"id": "1686", "contents": "$1.38 averag per mile oper cost truck industry. $180,000 averag total yearli cost oper commerci truck. largest oper expens diesel fuel. commerci truck easili consum $70,000 diesel fuel per year. driver salari second largest oper cost."} {"id": "1687", "contents": "understand driver paid help manag budget road. truck driver pay figur differ mani jobs. truck job don\u2019t pay salary, rather over-the-road truck driver commonli paid per mile driven. simpli put, mile truck driven, money trucker makes."} {"id": "1688", "contents": "averag commerci truck driver spend $0.004 per mile coffee, result $600 year coffe per industri driver. emb infograph blog website. simpli copi code past website. $180,000 averag total yearli cost oper commerci truck. largest oper expens diesel fuel. commerci truck easili consum $70,000 diesel fuel per year. driver salari second largest oper cost."} {"id": "1689", "contents": "driver start expect see start wages. median wage rooki truck driver $0.27 $0.29 per mile. increas given driver prove get time company. major truck compani pay $0.28 $0.40 cent per mile accord u. bureau labor statistics. compani pay $0.45 cent per mile."} {"id": "1690", "contents": "lucil desire d\u00e9sir\u00e9 (ball august, 1911 april, 26) 1989 american, actress, comedian, model film studio, execut tv. produc star sitcom love, luci the\u2013luci desi comedy, hour lucy, show'her s, luci life with. luci two elop novemb 30, 1940. 1950s, lucil ball becam televis star. 1951, ball arnaz creat televis seri love lucy, show would go one belov program televis history."} {"id": "1691", "contents": "lucil ball actual one file divorc (with desi arnaz) 1960. claim stabl home children. thought desi unfaith luci true reason divorce. luci file divorc coupl time prior, last one took. lucil ball desi arnaz divorc 1960. lucil ball marri gari morton follow year. morton stand-up comedian ball' busi partner."} {"id": "1692", "contents": "share tweet. lucil ball desi arnaz 's stori love told just-announc major featur film, produc children set star cate blanchett lucy. now, new issu closer weekli newsstand now!"} {"id": "1693", "contents": "go routin children. told last five year marriage, booz broads.. divorc papers, matter fact. lillian brigg winograd: desi love lucy' life. romantic, passionate, everyth could imagin love affair, deepli hurt happened. tri like three time get divorce, luci alway stop it."} {"id": "1694", "contents": "1940: lucil desi marri novemb 30, 1940. 1944: lucil file divorce. later reconcile. 1951: lucy' daughter luci born. 1953: lucy' son desi jr born. 1953: gari marri susan morrow. 1957: gary' marriag susan annulled. 1960: desi luci divorc may 4, 1960. lucy: comedienne, actress, televis film executive, producer, model. 1911: lucil ball born august 6, 1911.1917: desi arnaz born march 2, 1917.1924: gari morton born decemb 19, 1924.1940: lucil desi marri novemb 30, 1940."} {"id": "1695", "contents": "report abuse. desi marri luci 1940, start divorc proceed 1944, reconciled. final divorc 1960 drugs, alcohol relationship women. watch 'i love lucy' show time, love them. still watch them. desi alcohol unfaith realli love other. desi good luci divorc remain friendli even though remarried. alway publicli spoke fondli"} {"id": "1696", "contents": "confid vote 27. lucil ball actual one file divorc (with desi arnaz) 1960. claim stabl home children. thought desi unfaith luci true reason divorce. luci file divorc coupl time prior, last one took."} {"id": "1697", "contents": "lucil ball desi arnaz' divorce. infam divorc left lucil ball vulnerable. was, opinion, import event explain becam embitt thereafter. devast disappoint million love luci fan terrifi know blame her."} {"id": "1698", "contents": "coat arm australia formal symbol commonwealth australia monarch, current queen elizabeth. bottom half, left right: south australia, western australia, tasmania. shield seven-point commonwealth star star feder blue gold wreath, form crest."} {"id": "1699", "contents": "coat arm basi queen' person australian flag, sinc 1973 slightli modifi version form basi great seal australia. coat arm use badg rank warrant offic class (army) warrant offic (navi air force). bottom half, left right: south australia, western australia, tasmania. shield seven-point commonwealth star star feder blue gold wreath, form crest."} {"id": "1700", "contents": "commonwealth australia came exist feder australian state januari 1901. creation commonwealth australia would fi rst step toward self-govern australia. goldrush made australia wealthi nation, mani push australia independ britain' laws, simpli relev australian conditions. australia join commonwealth 1931.thi independ offici recogn statut westminster. australia one found memb er commonwealth."} {"id": "1701", "contents": "commonwealth coat arm formal symbol commonwealth australia signifi commonwealth author ownership. arm use australian govern depart agencies, statutori non-statutori authorities, parliament commonwealth court tribunals. bottom half, left right: south australia, western australia, tasmania. shield seven-point commonwealth star star feder blue gold wreath, form crest."} {"id": "1702", "contents": "design comput mobil devic pc, mac, iphon ipad. onlin practic train effective, go exam materi much faster pace take australian citizenship test confidence."} {"id": "1703", "contents": "commonwealth coat arm formal symbol commonwealth australia author ownership. provid histori variou imag coat arms."} {"id": "1704", "contents": "14 australian citizenship: common bond commonwealth coat arm commonwealth coat arm offici symbol commonwealth australia. repres nation unity. identifi author properti commonwealth australia. 1901, coloni unit feder state call commonwealth australia. time, australia\u2019 popul count four million people. number includ indigen people.throughout first half 20th century, migrat level rose fell."} {"id": "1705", "contents": "commonwealth coat arm formal symbol commonwealth australia. use identifi author properti australian government, australian parliament commonwealth courts. example, appear cove australian passports, govern build 50 cent coins. first commonwealth coat arm introduc may 1908. second introduc 19 septemb 1912 still use today. commonwealth coat arm contain shield symbol six australian states. symbol enclos border repres feder 1901, state unit form nation"} {"id": "1706", "contents": "use identifi author properti australian government, australian parliament commonwealth courts. example, appear cover australian passports, govern build 50 cent coins.th first commonwealth coat arm introduc may 1908."} {"id": "1707", "contents": "necessarili need credit card expedia, debit card even prepaid use long enough fund it. money charg within hours."} {"id": "1708", "contents": "term conditions. $25 $50 prepaid mastercard\u00ae debit card expedia issu first california bank (fcb) pursuant licens mastercard intern incorporated. mastercard regist trademark mastercard intern incorporated. fiserv solutions, inc. regist msp first california bank."} {"id": "1709", "contents": "expedia purchas include: flights, expedia\u00ae rate hotel (your credit card must charg full payment upon reservation), vacat packages, activ book expedia. activ anyth book thing tab expedia. expedia rate hotel design hotel search."} {"id": "1710", "contents": "necessarili need credit card expedia, debit card even prepaid use long enough fund it."} {"id": "1711", "contents": "hotwir accept paypal room purchase. still need credit card, debit card, cash incident deposit though. $150-250 deposit common.most hotel accept someon else' credit card deposit call arrang advance."} {"id": "1712", "contents": "whether use credit card debit card, must minimum $200 avail credit (or depend rental company) secur deposit vehicle. note-som rental partner accept prepaid cards. quot current time posting."} {"id": "1713", "contents": "necessarili need credit card expedia, debit card even prepaid ... read more. mani fake lender here, advic seek loan extrem care ..."} {"id": "1714", "contents": "syll. pao-la, pa-ola babi girl name paola pronounc italian aw-laa spanish paa-ow-laa \u2020. paola' languag origin latin predominantli use italian. paola deriv english, french, german, polish, spanish paula. paola rather popular babi girl name. name grew popular 1980 1990s; prior that, light use. usag peak modestli 1999 0.053% babi girl name paola"} {"id": "1715", "contents": "follow diagram below. fun, see name paola hieroglyphics, learn ancient egyptian hieroglyph write hieroglyph message. learn nautic flag see name messag written nautic flags, paola nautic flag page. traditionally, first born son name father' father, first daughter father' mother, second son mother' father, second daughter mother' mother. italian still follow custom today."} {"id": "1716", "contents": "name paola name peac (but violat times) person. peopl name paola can't get mad easili calm. split merg it. answer paola2258. confid vote 31. name paola name peac (but violat times) person. peopl name paola can't get mad easili calm. peopl paola make friend easily."} {"id": "1717", "contents": "paula /pau-la/ [2 sylls.] girls' name pronounc paw-lah. latin origin, mean paula small. feminin paul. roman name saint' name. paula use among earli christians, probabl honor saint paul. use wide english-speak countri 20th century."} {"id": "1718", "contents": "u.s. 2014, rank 679 babi name popular girl 413 occurrences. less boy given name. view paola name popular page see popular trend paola chang sinc 1880, compar popular paola names. traditionally, first born son name father' father, first daughter father' mother, second son mother' father, second daughter mother' mother. italian still follow custom today."} {"id": "1719", "contents": "paola /pao-la/ [2 sylls.] girls' name latin origin, name paola mean small. paola altern spell paula (latin): feminin paul. paolo popular surname. kreatif forms: padla, paoca, paopa. paola promin first name femal (#1949 4276, top 46%) also promin surnam peopl (#40203 150436, top 27%). (2000 u.s. census). chart babi name popular paola girls."} {"id": "1720", "contents": "origin name paola: feminin form paolo, italian cognat paul, latin paulus, name origin roman surnam deriv paulu (small). world babi name teresa norman. person experi name paola: edit. name come mani differ places, knowledg mostli come frome central america europe. pronounced: pah-o-la. nickname: paolita (pah-o-li-ta. wife colombia call paola."} {"id": "1721", "contents": "mean paola. italian name. italian, name paola means-small.th name paola origin italian name. name paola often use girl name femal name. italian name meaning-small. origin-italy. global star registery-nam star someon special!"} {"id": "1722", "contents": "name paola latin babi name. latin mean name paola is: small. soulurg number: 8. express number: 9. peopl name deep inner desir lead, organize, supervise, achiev status, power wealth."} {"id": "1723", "contents": "shelf life: properli seal wrap all-purpos flour last safe shelf 10-15 months. refrigerated, 24 months. make self-ris flour ad 1/2 teaspoon bake soda half teaspoon salt one cup purpos flour. instant flour wheat flour barley flour added."} {"id": "1724", "contents": "best way store flour origin contain pantry, also insid plastic bag airtight container. varieti last longer period time store cool, dri environment. rememb flour, like lot bake products, usual best date use date expir date. distinction, may safe use bake need best date lapsed."} {"id": "1725", "contents": "shelf life flour depend best date stored. flour powder made grind cereal grains, seed roots. mani type exist grocer shelv corn (maize), rice, wheat, whole-wheat, potato, cake, bread, self-ris flour. rememb flour, like lot bake products, usual best date use date expir date. distinction, may safe use bake need best date lapsed."} {"id": "1726", "contents": "longer storage, keep white flour refriger airtight container. all-purpos bread flour keep two year 40 refrigerator, accord wheat food council. store indefinit freezer. yes, cours keep flour freezer."} {"id": "1727", "contents": "store white flour cool, dri area. packag opened, transfer flour cover airtight contain place origin flour bag reseal plastic freezer bag. extend shelf life, store flour refriger freezer. packag opened, transfer flour cover airtight contain place origin flour bag reseal plastic freezer bag."} {"id": "1728", "contents": "best answer: flour fact 5-pound bag flour contain 17-1/2 cups. flour properli store keep six eight months. store all-purpos flour: maintain quality, flour must kept cool dry. warm, damp condit cake pack flour provid right environ insect hatch it. store flour near soap powder, onion food product strong odors. put larg bag larg contain tight-fit lid, clean trash can. keep dust, insects, damp odors. pour flour directli trash trash bag."} {"id": "1729", "contents": "considerations: full-fat version soy flour keep long fat-fre versions. spelt flour. shelf life: store seal contain tightli wrapped, spelt flour keep sever month cool, dri cabinet 12 month freezer. teff flour. shelf life: store tightli seal contain tightli wrapped, teff flour keep month freezer. shelf life: one year properli store seal contain tightli wrap freezer. keep sever month cool, dri cabinet. millet flour. shelf life: millet flour keep month refriger month longer"} {"id": "1730", "contents": "freez flour 48 hour store kill weevil insect egg alreadi flour. store flour near soap powder, onion food product strong odors. put larg bag larg contain tight-fit lid, clean trash can. keep dust, insects, damp odors. pour flour directli trash trash bag."} {"id": "1731", "contents": "kitchen warm climate, store flour airtight contain refrigerator. freezer space available, flour repackag airtight, moisture-proof bag containers, label place freezer degre f. flour store like this, keep well sever years. store flour near soap powder, onion food product strong odors. put larg bag larg contain tight-fit lid, clean trash can. keep dust, insects, damp odors. pour flour directli trash trash bag."} {"id": "1732", "contents": "strict liability. strict liabil crime defend held liabl crimin offens committed, even men rea absent. respect due process unit states, vast major strict liabil crime less seriou offenses. case strict liaibliti minor infract misdemeanors, nearli seriou felonies, still warrant heavi fine year jail."} {"id": "1733", "contents": "~~ play arcad game strict liabil ~~. ~~ play hangman strict liabil ~~. ~~ tri word search strict liabil ~~. strict liabil crime crime requir proof men rea relat one aspect actu reus. strict liabil offenc primarili regulatori offenc aim busi relat health safety."} {"id": "1734", "contents": "absolut liabil standard legal liabil found tort crimin law variou legal jurisdictions. convict ordinari crime, certain jurisdictions, person must commit crimin action, also deliber intent guilti mind (men rea). crime strict liabil (criminal) absolut liability, person could guilti even intent commit crime. differ strict absolut liabil whether defenc mistak fact available: crime absolut liability, mistak fact defence."} {"id": "1735", "contents": "strict liability. tort crimin law, strict liabil exist defend legal jeopardi virtu wrong act, without accompani intent mental state. crimin law, possess crime statutori rape exampl strict liabil offences. tort, two broad categori activ plaintiff may held strictli liable-possess certain anim abnorm danger activ"} {"id": "1736", "contents": "type offens known strict liabil crime. strict liabil crime requir men rea, mental state commit crime, commiss crime. crimes, simpli act, even intent break law, make guilti crime. review definit strict liabil examin variou type strict liabil crimes. look exampl gain better understand type crime."} {"id": "1737", "contents": "strict liabil crime one requir intent break law. words, doesn\u2019t matter meant break law not, still convict crime."} {"id": "1738", "contents": "crimin law, strict liabil liabil men rea (latin guilti mind) proven relat one element compris actu reu (latin guilti act) although intention, reckless knowledg may requir relat element offence. however, offenc strict liabil would grant accus defenc due dilig would continu deni case absolut liability. further, absenc clear legisl intent contrary, court held regulatori offenc would presum bear strict"} {"id": "1739", "contents": "lesson teach constitut strict liabil crimes. review definit strict liabil examin variou type strict liabil crimes. look exampl gain better understand type crime."} {"id": "1740", "contents": "absolut liabil use certain regulatori offenc necessari individu engag potenti hazard harm activ exercis extreme, mere reasonable, care. crime strict liabil (criminal) absolut liability, person could guilti even intent commit crime. differ strict absolut liabil whether defenc mistak fact available: crime absolut liability, mistak fact defence."} {"id": "1741", "contents": "declar sentiment resolut draft elizabeth cadi stanton women' right convent seneca falls, new york 1848. base american declar independence, sentiment demand equal men law, educ employment."} {"id": "1742", "contents": "convention' declar sentiment becam singl import factor spread news women' right movement around countri 1848 future, accord judith wellman, historian convention. osborn, elizabeth r. seneca fall convention: teach right women heritag declar independence. eric digest. ryerson, lisa m. fall revisited: reflect legaci 1848 woman' right convention.. vital speech day 65.11 (1999): 327-332."} {"id": "1743", "contents": "convent held seneca falls, new york, known seneca fall convention. princip author declar elizabeth cadi stanton, base form unit state declar independence. key organ convent along lucretia coffin mott, martha coffin wright. time temper femal properti right major issues, even mani support women' right believ declaration' endors women' suffrag would hinder nascent women' right movement, caus lose much need public support."} {"id": "1744", "contents": "first signatur declar sentiments. onvent discuss social, civil, religi condit woman, call women seneca county, n.y., held villag seneca falls, wesleyan chapel, 19th 20th july, 1848. declar sentiments, offer accept convention, read e. c. stanton. proposit made re-read paragraph, much consideration, chang suggest adopted."} {"id": "1745", "contents": "leadership lucretia mott elizabeth cadi stanton, convent right women held seneca falls, new york 1848. attend 200 300 people, women men. littl substant chang result declar 1848, time 1920, goal women\u2019 suffrag attain passag nineteenth amendment, declar serv written remind goal movement."} {"id": "1746", "contents": "stumble. post. share. elizabeth cadi stanton lucretia mott wrote declar sentiment seneca fall women' right convent (1848) upstat new york, deliber model 1776 declar independence. declar sentiment read elizabeth cadi stanton, paragraph read, discussed, sometim slightli modifi first day convention, women invit men present anyway ask silent."} {"id": "1747", "contents": "seneca fall convent summary: seneca fall convent first women\u2019 right convent unit states. organ hand women activ abolit temper movement held juli 19\u201320, 1848, seneca falls, new york. declar sentiment becam blueprint women\u2019 right movement suffrag movement, soon gain nation attention. stanton, 32 time convention, would spend rest life fight right vote."} {"id": "1748", "contents": "declar sentiments, also known declar right sentiments, document sign 1848 68 women 32 men\u2014100 300 attende first women' right convent organ women. time temper femal properti right major issues, even mani support women' right believ declaration' endors women' suffrag would hinder nascent women' right movement, caus lose much need public support."} {"id": "1749", "contents": "elizabeth cadi stanton wrote declar sentiments, use declar independ framework. freedom still freedom, idea use purpos differ found fathers. histor context changed, it, idea freedom."} {"id": "1750", "contents": "morn 19th, convent assembl 11 o'clock. declar sentiments, offer accept convention, read e. c. stanton. proposit made re-read paragraph, much consideration, chang suggest adopted."} {"id": "1751", "contents": "introduction. sarcoidosi rare condit caus small patch red swollen tissue, call granulomas, develop organ body. often affect lung skin. typic symptom includ tender, red bump skin, short breath persist cough. however, everi person affect differ symptom depend organ affected."} {"id": "1752", "contents": "sarcoidosi inflammatori diseas affect multipl organ body, mostli lung lymph glands. peopl sarcoidosis, abnorm mass nodul (call granulomas) consist inflam tissu form certain organ body. granuloma may alter normal structur possibl function affect organ(s)."} {"id": "1753", "contents": "sarcoidosis, also call sarcoid, diseas involv abnorm collect inflammatori cell (granulomas) form nodul multipl organs. sarcoidosi seem caus immun reaction infect trigger (call antigen) continu even initi infect antigen clear body."} {"id": "1754", "contents": "symptom sarcoidosi vari greatly, depend organ involved. patient initi complain persist dri cough, fatigue, short breath. symptom may include: tender reddish bump patch skin. red teari eye blur vision. swollen pain joints. enlarg tender lymph gland neck, armpits, groin. peopl sarcoidosis, abnorm mass nodul (call granulomas) consist inflam tissu form certain organ body. granuloma may alter normal structur possibl function affect organ(s)."} {"id": "1755", "contents": "sarcoidosi affect lungs, refer lung sarcoidosi pulmonari sarcoidosis. sarcoidosi affect liver, refer hepat sarcoidosis. sarcoidosi affect skin, refer skin sarcoidosi sarcoid dermatitis."} {"id": "1756", "contents": "sarcoidosi almost alway involv lungs, also affect skin, eyes, nose, muscles, heart, liver, spleen, bowel, kidney, testes, nerves, lymph nodes, joints, brain. granuloma lung caus narrow airway inflamm scar (fibrosis) lung tissue. sarcoidosi causes. caus sarcoidosi known. one theori suggest develop genet suscept person expos specif environment agents. sarcoidosi disord caus tini nodul (granulomas) inflam tissu develop body' organs. nodul join together, form larger nodul interfer normal bodi function breathing."} {"id": "1757", "contents": "overview. sarcoidosi affect organ body. however, like affect organ others. diseas usual start lungs, skin, and/or lymph node (especi lymph node chest). also, diseas often affect eye liver."} {"id": "1758", "contents": "cases, sarcoidosi life-threaten caus heart sever lung disease. symptom last year despit treatment, diseas consid chronic, symptom may worsen qualiti life. learn sarcoidosis. sarcoidosi diseas unknown origin caus lung damage, skin rashes, eye diseas affect organ body."} {"id": "1759", "contents": "sarcoidosi lead organ damag one-third peopl diagnos disease. damag may occur mani year involv one organ. rarely, sarcoidosi fatal. death usual result problem lungs, heart, brain. poor outcom like peopl advanc diseas show littl improv treatment. however, like affect organ others. diseas usual start lungs, skin, and/or lymph node (especi lymph node chest). also, diseas often affect eye liver."} {"id": "1760", "contents": "diagnos migraine, seriou intracrani patholog must rule out. treat acut migrain challeng substanti rate nonrespons medic difficulti predict individu respons specif agent dose. data compar differ drug class rel scarce. abort therapi use earli possibl onset symptoms. medic contain opiat barbitur avoid acut migraine. pregnancy, migrain may treat acetaminophen nonsteroid anti-inflammatori drug (prior third trimester), opiat refractori cases."} {"id": "1761", "contents": "migrain neurolog diseas character recurr moder sever headach often associ number autonom nervou system symptoms. word deriv greek \u1f21\u03bc\u03b9\u03ba\u03c1\u03b1\u03bd\u03af\u03b1 (hemikrania), pain one side head, \u1f21\u03bc\u03b9- (hemi-), half, \u03ba\u03c1\u03b1\u03bd\u03af\u03bf\u03bd (kranion), skull. chronic migrain complic migraines, headach fulfil diagnost criteria migrain headach occur greater time interval. specifically, greater equal 15 days/month longer months."} {"id": "1762", "contents": "headach repres migraines, migrain condit caus sever debilit headaches. example, cluster headach sever headach affect one side head recurr manner (occur cluster time). pain sometim describ drilling, wors migrain pain cases. cluster headach less common migraine. tension headach common caus headache. thee occur due contract muscl scalp, face, neck"} {"id": "1763", "contents": "acut headache: headache, cephalgia, defin diffus pain variou part head, pain confin area distribut nerve. acut headache: introduction. acut headache: headache, cephalgia, defin diffus pain variou part head, pain confin area distribut nerve."} {"id": "1764", "contents": "10 extrem place earth. acut migrain sever headach come suddenli often caus nausea, light sensitivity, fatigue. migrain may trigger one number differ factors, includ alcohol withdrawal, intens light sounds, stress, hormon imbalances. migrain actual set in, person like develop throbbing, dull headach may accompani chills, weakness, vomiting, sweating. anoth form migraine, call acut confusion episode, almost exclus experienc young children."} {"id": "1765", "contents": "acut migrain usual overcom hour avoid light sound. migrain actual set in, person like develop throbbing, dull headach may accompani chills, weakness, vomiting, sweating. anoth form migraine, call acut confusion episode, almost exclus experienc young children."} {"id": "1766", "contents": "gabriel traub www.discoverhomeopathy.com (858) 531-5279 food high lysin low arginine: correl lysin arginin herp outbreaks. gener rule reduc amount argini diet increas amount lyssine. brown rice high arginin (190 mg), dri bean excess 270 mg. lysine, compens lack lysin brown rice. anoth approach eat small portion eat high-arginin food like hazel nut peanuts."} {"id": "1767", "contents": "richest sourc lysin food highest protein. one serv beef, pork poultri provid lysin need day. 6-ounc porterhous steak 3.8 gram lysine. 5-ounc pork chop 2.2 gram lysine, half cook chicken breast 2.3 gram lysine. fruit veget gener low protein, contain much lysine, get supplement amount amino acid them. 2-cup bowl cantaloup cube gram protein 100 milligram lysine, provid less percent lysin need daily."} {"id": "1768", "contents": "get lysin food supplements. amino acid like lysin build block protein. lysin import proper growth, play essenti role product carnitine, nutrient respons convert fatti acid energi help lower cholesterol. dietari sources. good sourc lysin includ food rich protein, as: meat, specif red meat, pork, poultry. cheese, particularli parmesan. certain fish, cod sardines. eggs. soybeans, particularli tofu, isol soy protein, defat soybean flour. spirulina. fenugreek seed."} {"id": "1769", "contents": "food lysine. mani food good sourc lysine. dairi product like yogurt, cheeses, butter, ice cream milk high lysine. eat veget fruit like turnips, potatoes, tomatoes, celery, avocados, persimmons, apples, pineappl apricots. fish, like salmon, 1550 mg lysin compar 1000 mg arginine. lysin arginine. lysin amino acid arginin greatli influenc herp virus. viru abl replic becom activ consum diet high food contain arginine. hand, lysin repress metabol arginin help keep viru bay."} {"id": "1770", "contents": "food high lysine, like mushrooms, cheese, vegetables. eat food higher enzym lysin arginine, less like outbreak. also diet lot well feel overall. arginin amino acid found mani foods, includ dairi products, meat, poultry, fish. ... effect supplement pregnanc l-arginin antioxid vitamin medic food pre-eclampsia high risk population: randomis control trial. bmj. ..."} {"id": "1771", "contents": "food high protein natur rich lysine, meat poultri top list. 387-gram broil beef flank steak gram lysine, three time recommend daili intake. roast pork chop 2.2 gram lysine, stew chicken breast half contain 2.3 grams."} {"id": "1772", "contents": "pork high lysine. photo credit alexpro9500/istock/getti images. food contain lysin includ pork, beef, cod, sardines, poultry, eggs, dairi products, lentils, soy beans, brewer' yeast nuts. vegetarian food tend lower lysine, boil soybean provid 1,906 milligram per cup, part-skim ricotta chees provid 1,678 milligram per 1/2 cup oil-roast peanut provid 1,477 milligram per cup."} {"id": "1773", "contents": "fish, meat dairi product high lysine. however, eat much high protein food make bodi acidic, also caus herp outbreak. moder key. good sourc lysin also found wheat germ, legum mani fruit vegetables. brown rice high arginin (190 mg), dri bean excess 270 mg. lysine, compens lack lysin brown rice. anoth approach eat small portion eat high-arginin food like hazel nut peanuts."} {"id": "1774", "contents": "food contain amino acid lysine. food high protein rich sourc lysine. protein made amino acids, bodi manufactur own. nine them, however, call essenti amino acids, must come food. need lysin essenti amino acids. fruit veget gener low protein, contain much lysine, get supplement amount amino acid them. 2-cup bowl cantaloup cube gram protein 100 milligram lysine, provid less percent lysin need daily."} {"id": "1775", "contents": "knee sprain injuri ligament knee, tough, elastic-lik band knee connect bone togeth hold joint place. sprain effect mani ligament knee tear fiber tissues, usual caus pain, swelling, bruising."} {"id": "1776", "contents": "answer: well, consid long might take sprain heal, need consid vari degre sprain injuries. there' grade one, ligament hold joint place stretched. imagine, that' go realli impact long take ligament heal back together. gener rule thumb, say ankl sprain, perhap grade one: two, three weeks; grade two: four weeks; grade three: sometim four, six week -- sometim longer. comments."} {"id": "1777", "contents": "7. get help doctor \u203a. sprain: depend sprain sever injury. minor sprain weeks. sever injuri month -- never may need surgeri fix (acl, meniscus, etc)."} {"id": "1778", "contents": "averag heal time are: (1) mild sprain weeks, (2) moder sprain weeks, (3) sever sprain week 10 months. complic list like occur case repeat injuries."} {"id": "1779", "contents": "month week ago, went er sever knee pain told classic symptom meniscu (sp) tear. still pain, still swelling, still tender touch. went employe well offic sinc job injury. x-ray (no... ice caus blood vessel constrict (get small) help decreas inflamm (swelling, pain, redness). put crush ice plastic bag use bag frozen corn peas. cover towel. put knee 15 20 minutes, three four time day."} {"id": "1780", "contents": "5. get help doctor \u203a. depend severity: sprain knee rang mild injuri joint sever injuri includ tear ligaments. recoveri follow mild injuri may 1-3 week take month signific injuries. get help doctor \u203a. sprain: depend sprain sever injury. minor sprain weeks. sever injuri month -- never may need surgeri fix (acl, meniscus, etc)."} {"id": "1781", "contents": "sprain: depend sprain sever injury. minor sprain weeks. sever injuri month -- never may need surgeri fix (acl, meniscus, etc). ...read more. get help doctor \u203a. 3-6 weeks: simpl sprain usual take 3-6 week heal. persist pain signific knee evalu orthopedist."} {"id": "1782", "contents": "mild mod- 6-8 wks: mild moder sprain knee ligament appropri treat nonop gener heal 6-8 weeks. ligament sprain same, actual time heal vari base upon severity. typic knee mcl sprain (grade 2-3) heal 6-8 weeks. get help doctor \u203a. sprain: depend sprain sever injury. minor sprain weeks. sever injuri month -- never may need surgeri fix (acl, meniscus, etc)."} {"id": "1783", "contents": "get instant estim cost instal pavers! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost paver instal project. basic 120 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal paver rang $8.31 $11.73 per squar foot*"} {"id": "1784", "contents": "hire qualiti masonri contractor expect pay $15 $20 per squar foot. [promot hotlink remov zillow moderator. pleas see good neighbor polici information.] decent low cost paver $2 $3. products' price rang usual lie within $5 $10 per everi squar foot. henc make use 1000 squar feet driveway example, expect pay initi cost $5000 $10000. full inform [websit"} {"id": "1785", "contents": "gener brick paver price estimate. brick paver usual bought pallets, cost usual describ unit per squar foot. general, you\u2019ll pay anywher $5 $15 per squar foot; work $.50 $3.00 per brick more. remember, materi tack anoth $5 $10 per squar foot installation. general, you\u2019ll pay interlock brick paver concret pavers, materi method make brick bit expens concrete."} {"id": "1786", "contents": "get instant estim cost instal brick pavers! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost brick paver instal project. basic 120 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal brick paver rang $9.09 $12.48 per squar foot* estim cost project: 1."} {"id": "1787", "contents": "patio paver usual expens concret patios. cost anywher $12 $22 per squar foot, includ cost installation, labor intensive. patio 16x20 feet, work total $3,840 $7,040, base price rang above."} {"id": "1788", "contents": "labor costs. look cost paver driveway, homeown must factor labor costs. averag 1,000 squar foot driveway, labor cost $2,500 more, add addit $2.50 per squar foot overal cost driveway. assum contractor complet job within five day crew five men"} {"id": "1789", "contents": "costs. averag cost per squar foot thin brick paver $11.75. most, homeown expect pay around $14.65 per squar foot thin brick pavers. minimum cost squar foot brick paver $9.10. averag cost per squar foot thin brick paver $11.75. most, homeown expect pay around $14.65 per squar foot thin brick pavers."} {"id": "1790", "contents": "grass/gravel pavers: grass gravel paver rang price bracket start around $1.50 $5.75, per squar foot instal pavement. porou concrete: porou concret cost anyth $2.00 $6.50, per squar foot instal pavement. interlock concret paver blocks: interlock concret paver rang price $5.00 $10.00 per squar foot instal pavement."} {"id": "1791", "contents": "brick pavers. brick paver cost anywher .50 cent each, $5-$15 per sq/ft. brick paver estim cost instal around $10-$20 per sq/ft. mainten cost high, realli need wash seal paver everi year so."} {"id": "1792", "contents": "india bengal tiger live. bengal tiger surviv throughout temper upland forest india includ hazaribagh nation park, melghat tiger reserve, panna nation park, ratapani tiger reserve, orissa dri forests, kanha-indravati corridor. nepal bengal tiger live. largest concentr bengal tiger nepal found chitwan nation park speci separ cultiv dens settl habitat."} {"id": "1793", "contents": "find rare known fact bengal tiger habitat bengal tiger live. bengal tiger known surviv much reduc fragment rang centuri ago. tiger surviv bhutan, india, china, bangladesh, myanmar nepal. nepal bengal tiger live. largest concentr bengal tiger nepal found chitwan nation park speci separ cultiv dens settl habitat."} {"id": "1794", "contents": "bengal tiger found primarili india smaller popul bangladesh, nepal, bhutan, china myanmar. numer tiger subspeci 2,500 left wild. dri wet decidu forests, grassland temper forests, mangrov forests."} {"id": "1795", "contents": "habitat. tiger live asia. larger subspecies, siberian tiger, tend live northern, colder areas, eastern russia northeastern china. smaller subspeci live southern, warmer countries, india, bangladesh, nepal, bhutan, myanmar, laos, cambodia, vietnam, malaysia indonesia. tiger carnivores. tiger' diet consist larg prey, pigs, deer, rhino eleph calves. kill prey, tiger clamp animal' neck jaw suffoc animal."} {"id": "1796", "contents": "distribution: home royal bengal tiger (indian tiger panthera tigris) india bangladesh, nepal, bhutan, burma grace anim live mostli sanctuaries. usual habitat anim dens forest, mangrov swamps, savannahs, rocki countri lush grassland. bengal tiger live southeast asia, india, nepal, bangladesh, found swamps, deserts, grasslands, forests. eat meat like deer, water buffalo, wild pigs, small mammals, sometim even birds; therefore, classifi carnivores."} {"id": "1797", "contents": "bengal tiger live tropic rainforest india, bangladesh, bhutan, china, myanmar nepal. however, popul found grassland decidu forests. bengal tiger like constant shade forest floor guarante understory\u2019 leav leav tiger cool. bengal tiger live forest floor prey monkeys, hare boar even known eat porcupines. bengal tiger prefer prey anim smaller themselves. bengal tiger usual hunt old, young injur animals. even so, make ten attempt reward kill."} {"id": "1798", "contents": "bengal tiger live india sometim call indian tigers. common tiger number half wild tigers. mani centuri becom import part indian tradit lore. tiger live alon aggress scent-mark larg territori keep rival away."} {"id": "1799", "contents": "around 49 57 bengal tiger live eastern ghat rang 7,772 sq. km (3,001 sq. miles). found isol pocket forest nagarjunasagar tiger reserv gundla braheshwara nation park. nepal bengal tiger live. largest concentr bengal tiger nepal found chitwan nation park speci separ cultiv dens settl habitat."} {"id": "1800", "contents": "bangladesh bengal tiger live. bengal tiger nation anim bangladesh found mangrov forest sundarban. survey 2004, around 200 419 bengal tiger remain wild sundarbans. nepal bengal tiger live. largest concentr bengal tiger nepal found chitwan nation park speci separ cultiv dens settl habitat."} {"id": "1801", "contents": "much earn work bunnings? 18 $10 per hour newbi 18 get $17 per hour also get tima half work sundays. hop helps."} {"id": "1802", "contents": "hi shaun, know hawk bay build compani new plymouth. usual rate skill tradesmen 20 22 hour. 44 hour week normal. carpent builder joineri consid seper trade pay similar wage. find hard get employ builder joiner demand"} {"id": "1803", "contents": "much lawyer earn day? lawyers' pay vari depend kind lawyer speak of. privat practice-i seen anywher $95-$600 per hour. corpor law-annu alari $150k-$350k without vp position. vari lot place place. 18 $10 per hour newbi 18 get $17 per hour also get tima half work sundays. hop helps."} {"id": "1804", "contents": "best answer: im sure would homer price depend job is. uncl joiner glasgow homer say depend need done!!! provid wood expensive. small job joiner take longer hours. want knw hourli rate would be. job build kitchen tabl argos,wallpap 5sq meter wall, cover boiler pipe wood. thanks. follow."} {"id": "1805", "contents": "may 2013, food-prepar servic industri paid averag hourli wage $9.08. separ bl category, find half million fast-food cook earn, average, $9.07 hour. vari industri state. cook gasolin station earn, average, $8.68 per hour, cook groceri store get $10.02. san francisco area highest averag wage fast-food worker country, $12.17 per hour, fall well short $15 demand protest mcdonald\u2019 employees."} {"id": "1806", "contents": "earn $30 hour office, chanc you\u2019d like earn least $30 hour photography. full time photographer, work backward need earn year support famili lifestyle. realiti profession bill hour lawyers, engineers, architects, account etc. bill client minimum two three time take home pay rate. example, lawyer earn $60 per hour would typic bill least $120 $180 per hour."} {"id": "1807", "contents": "salaries. roofer made averag $18.54 per hour, $38,570 per year, may 2011, accord bureau labor statistics. highest paid earn $28.89 per hour $60,090 per year, though wage could fall $10.79 per hour $22,430 per year. roofer learn trade formal apprenticeship take three year includ classroom instruct paid on-the-job experience. however, highest salari wholesal lumber construct materials, averag pay $28.11 per hour, $58,470 per year. job suffer one highest rate injuri ill occupation, accord bls. roofer may fall get burn hot roof products."} {"id": "1808", "contents": "averag salaries. complet medic school requir on-the-job training, 2010 averag doctor earn $80 per hour, accord u.s. bureau labor statistics. hourli rate translat annual salari $166,400. bl report that, 2010, gener practition famili doctor median annual incom $202,392, doctor special median annual salari $356,885. anesthesiologist annual incom $407,292, follow surgic specialti $343,958 annually."} {"id": "1809", "contents": "salari joiner canada vari depend experi work. averag joiner canada earn $45,000 $60,000 per year. 18 $10 per hour newbi 18 get $17 per hour also get tima half work sundays. hop helps."} {"id": "1810", "contents": "central state bvd test lab. bovin viral diarrhea viru (bvdv bvd) costli difficult contain diseas suppress cow' immun system, make cattl suscept infection. cst open 2005 respons research conduct bvdv expert, dr. bill hessman, others."} {"id": "1811", "contents": "prevel cost bvd. cost bvd uk cattl industri estim \u00a349 million \u00a3120 million per year. mani factor look look financi effect bvd. factor include; product losses. 50 cow suckler herd bvd naiv na\u00efv (pi persistantly) infect breed heifer is. purchas action taken loss next ten year calcul average\u00a3 6600 per. year"} {"id": "1812", "contents": "description: bovin viral diarrhea viru (bvd) viral infect domest rumin worldwide. bvd respons signific econom loss due decreas milk production, reproduct problems, treatment costs, mortality. cost estim herd bvd rang $24 $200 per cow per year. bvd often interact diseas respiratori digest tract affect multipl organ systems."} {"id": "1813", "contents": "$14. calv sold auction 2013 averag premium $2.97 per hundredweight test neg bovin viral diarrhea-persist infect (bvd-pi).*. let us help add valu calv bvd-pi testing. get additional. calv sold auction 2013 averag premium $2.97 per hundredweight test neg bovin viral diarrhea-persist infect (bvd-pi).*."} {"id": "1814", "contents": "bovin viral diarrhea viru (bvdv) suppress cow' immun system, make anim suscept host infections. that' bvdv one world' costli bovin diseases, loss $15\u2013$88 per head reduc herd productivity, health reproduct efficiency."} {"id": "1815", "contents": "cost bvd farm substanti on-going. key control protect unborn foetu prevent persist infect (pi) calv born. bovili bvd bvd vaccin help achiev provid foetal protection."} {"id": "1816", "contents": "150 cow dairi herd bvd naiv (na\u00efv ie bvd infect therefor antibodi to). bvd (pi persistantly) infect heifer is. purchas diagnosi prompt vaccin breed herd take place year loss calcul be\u00a3 7100 two. year 50 cow suckler herd bvd naiv na\u00efv (pi persistantly) infect breed heifer is. purchas action taken loss next ten year calcul average\u00a3 6600 per. year"} {"id": "1817", "contents": "bovin viral diarrhoea (bvd) believ mani import viral diseas cattle, respons varieti product losses. hard, however, associ health problem seen herd bvd viru appreci preval danger disease."} {"id": "1818", "contents": "bovin viral diarrhoea (bvd) cattle. bovin viral diarrhoea highli infecti diseas caus viru transmit infect animals. anim health ireland estim annual cost bvd irish herd total \u20ac102 million. bvd widespread amongst irish herd mani farmer unawar viru circul herds. sign infect vari includ fertil problem abort birth defects, scour reduc milk yield. bovili bvd licens use cow heifer month old protect foetu infect bvd viru via placenta. primari vaccin course, commenc month age, requir dose bovili bvd given intramuscular inject four week apart."} {"id": "1819", "contents": "plant radish. first step plant radish make sure prepar garden soil. grow radish seed, root vegetable, soil need nice cleaned. unless this, won\u2019t get radish grow decent size. grow radish seed, rememb cool season crop. don\u2019t well middl summer ground realli warm. therefore, plant earli spring, earli fall best radishes."} {"id": "1820", "contents": "let radish form a. let radish form seed stalk pod (at point, radish tasti eat), leav plant dri long possible. necessary, pick matur seed stalk hang cool, dark, dri place finish drying. pod turn brown. radish eaten young. radish eaten young -- inch diameter. radish bloom weather hot; spring varieti best cool temperatures. may need plant varieti earlier."} {"id": "1821", "contents": "possibly, properli thin grow close together. thin plant space 2.5 cm (1 inch) apart plant first emerge. radish seed two three seed per inch thin 5cm (2 in) tall space one inch apart."} {"id": "1822", "contents": "pick radish depend varieti planted. like lot, hope plant sever differ varieties. harvest radish, sure harvest radish pick time pick them. wait usabl size. mean harvest radish done root one inch diameter. matur quickly, continu matur harvested, quit easi grow. let\u2019 look pick radish. radish prefer sunshin moist soil fertile. well countri larg garden even small citi space."} {"id": "1823", "contents": "one popular radish. radish cool season vegetable. matur quickly, continu matur harvested, quit easi grow. let\u2019 look pick radish. radish prefer sunshin moist soil fertile. well countri larg garden even small citi space. earli varieti best spring soil air still cool"} {"id": "1824", "contents": "radish plant tips. best way grow radish plant seed outsid earli spring. radish first veget harvest garden, plant earli key. best way grow radish plant seed half inch deep one inch apart row. plant come within next four six days. grow radish seed, make sure plant seed eight ten day apart steadi supply. unless this, won\u2019t get radish grow decent size. grow radish seed, rememb cool season crop. don\u2019t well middl summer ground realli warm. therefore, plant earli spring, earli fall best radishes."} {"id": "1825", "contents": "littl extra compost fine, don\u2019t add fertilizer. radish seed nice larg handle, space pretti easy. keep seed inch apart, inch deep soil. unlik cool-weath crops, radish fine summer month well. get outsid earli spring plant seed directli garden. grow radish sunni spot, start seed around week last frost date. unlik mani garden vegetables, don\u2019t need overli rich soil grow radishes."} {"id": "1826", "contents": "want big radishes, plant deeply, inch half deep. plant radish shallowli -- half-inch deep -- result small roots. favorit trick mix radish seed carrot parsnip mark row help break soil slow-germin crops. varieti summer radish grow equal well poorly, may well adventurous. white icicl vener variety, date back 16th century, carrot-shap white root resist pithi most."} {"id": "1827", "contents": "cut tip root plant moist, fertil soil might result new radish plant. best results, take root cut cut point root harvest radishes. anoth option plant smallest, firmest radish garden. probabl grow full maturity, flower seed. grow new radish collect seeds."} {"id": "1828", "contents": "take qualifi withdraw roth ira, entir distribut tax-free. qualifi withdraw roth ira must meet two criteria. one, roth ira must open five years. two, must either 59 1/2 year old, perman disabled, use $10,000 buy first home. example, roth ira contain $35,000 contribut $10,000 earnings, withdraw $35,000 tax-fre penalty-fre time want."} {"id": "1829", "contents": "non-qualifi distribut subject taxat earn 10% addit tax unless except applies. roth iras, alway remov post-tax penalti contribut (also known basis) roth ira without penalty. qualifi distribut roth ira tax-fre penalty-free, provid five-year age requir satisfi one follow condit met: age 59\u00bd. death disability."} {"id": "1830", "contents": "penalti earn contributions. unless except applies, distribut roth ira owner reach age 59 1/2 subject earli withdraw penalti 10% amount distribution. 2005, jim' roth ira balanc $3,500. jim decid close roth ira non-qualifi distribut year. sinc distribut non-qualified, jim owe tax roth earn $1,500, pay tax amount margin tax rate."} {"id": "1831", "contents": "non-qualifi distribut subject taxat earn 10% addit tax unless except applies. roth iras, alway remov post-tax penalti contribut (also known basis) roth ira without penalty. consult tax advisor particular situation."} {"id": "1832", "contents": "tax treatment roth ira distribut depend whether distribut qualified. qualifi distribut roth ira tax penalti free, nonqualifi distribut may subject tax earli distribut penalty. roth ira distribut come follow four sources: regular contribution. roth convers taxabl tradit ira asset (tradit ira asset tax deduct allowed) rollov taxabl asset qualifi plan, 403(b) government 457(b) plan."} {"id": "1833", "contents": "if, however, open roth ira less five year ago, withdraw earli distribution. tradit ira earli withdrawal, roth holder use first-hom except avoid 10 percent penalti might owe tax earn withdrawn."} {"id": "1834", "contents": "defin qualifi distribution. distribut roth ira qualifi may subject incom tax addit 10% early-distribut penalty. qualifi distribut meet follow two categori requirements: 1. john take distribut $25,000, first $10,000 come regular roth ira contribut therefor tax penalti free. addit $15,000, however, come taxabl convers assets."} {"id": "1835", "contents": "2001, age 59 1/2, paul withdraw $10,000 roth ira. paul tax pay withdraw paid incom tax full $20,000 convert 1998; however, pay 10% penalti (or $1,000) unless one ira earli withdraw except apply. 2005, jim' roth ira balanc $3,500. jim decid close roth ira non-qualifi distribut year. sinc distribut non-qualified, jim owe tax roth earn $1,500, pay tax amount margin tax rate."} {"id": "1836", "contents": "she'll also pay 10% penalty, $2,000 taxabl distribution. $2,000 tax-and penalty-fre sinc came prior non-deduct contribut ira. convert entir tradit ira roth ira take $4,000 distribution. bad choic karin. 2005, jim' roth ira balanc $3,500. jim decid close roth ira non-qualifi distribut year. sinc distribut non-qualified, jim owe tax roth earn $1,500, pay tax amount margin tax rate."} {"id": "1837", "contents": "take distribut convers money roth ira within five year conversion, earli distribut penalti appli even though distribut isn\u2019t taxable. example: convert tradit ira, valu $20,000, roth ira, pay tax entir amount. two year later, age 59\u00bd, withdraw $5,000 roth ira, distribut come convers money haven\u2019t made regular contribut roth ira. convert ira roth ira, pay tax $6,000. two year later make regular contribut $2,000 differ roth ira. year that, withdraw $3,000 convers roth ira."} {"id": "1838", "contents": "depend amount damag done skin, take anywher three day (for light damag upper layers) approxim two three month (f damag way underli muscle)."} {"id": "1839", "contents": "67% long take skin grow back finer i? 72% long take skin grow back togeter? 51% lose first layer skin long take grow back?"} {"id": "1840", "contents": "13 half week (: atleast that' told. month told could week month eyelash grow back normal. eyelash take seven eight week grow back."} {"id": "1841", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. depends. take month entir new layer skin grow back. skin multipl layer though, top layer destroyed, replac second layer, forth."} {"id": "1842", "contents": "well skin layer take month one layer.... 1. 1. well skin layer take month one layer grow back depend deep chunk trulli depend like scar take month grow mostli way back hope helps. -walter."} {"id": "1843", "contents": "take month one layer grow back depend how.... 1. 1. well skin layer take month one layer grow back depend deep chunk trulli depend like scar take month grow mostli way back hope helps. -walter."} {"id": "1844", "contents": "nine way wear one spring\u2019 hottest trends: ankle-length pants. ankle-length pant seen runway fashion darl like isabel marant season now. spring, it\u2019 hottest pant shape. definit love-it-or-hate-it trend, ankle-length pant easi pull off, know how. secret: pick right shoes. crop cigarett jean, $198, edun leopard-print loafers, sale approx. $97, beyond skin. peopl look best pair skinni ankle-length pants, simpli flatter tend accentu curv calves."} {"id": "1845", "contents": "wear with: avoid: pair high ankl wrap sandal capri ankl length pants, unless leg eyeballs. style cut lower leg proport much. sinc wear straight cut skinni silhouett rock'n capri juxtapos skinni fuller top. imbal long torso shorter leg, way creat balanc visual shorten torso lengthen leg. want by: bodi type balanc top/bottom got long leg short torso capri ankl length pant could flatter option you."} {"id": "1846", "contents": "hard pleas come ankl pant \u201cwrong\u201d length poison eye. thankfully, i\u2019v lot practic fit client across bodi types, heights, size age ankl pant years, found two length look flatter everyone. carter, yes. inch ankle. you\u2019r petit like shorter 5ft inch trick. anoth yes. pant shorter regular length longer capri usual refer ankl pants."} {"id": "1847", "contents": "pair simpl tee crop jacket long blazer you\u2019r wear spring trend be. red one hottest hue spring come pants. get inspir isabel marant\u2019 latest runway collect pair skinni ankle-length jean black pointed-to pumps. crop cigarett jean, $198, edun leopard-print loafers, sale approx. $97, beyond skin. peopl look best pair skinni ankle-length pants, simpli flatter tend accentu curv calves."} {"id": "1848", "contents": "ankl pant correct length heels. subtl differ straight leg ankle-length pants, know. case high pair pant ride waist high heel may nudg edg ankle-length just-a-touch-too-short-length. opinion, key see entir bridg foot hem hit ankl height."} {"id": "1849", "contents": "marisa swanson. we'r slightli obsess ankle-length pants: well-fit pair touch lycra basic color worn everywhere. everywhere. go ahead think scenario can't wear"} {"id": "1850", "contents": "length ankl pant shorter norm four six inch depend height, course, taper extra structure. wear slightli longer, long exampl above, wider hems, loos flatter line leg. carter, yes. inch ankle. you\u2019r petit like shorter 5ft inch trick. anoth yes. pant shorter regular length longer capri usual refer ankl pants."} {"id": "1851", "contents": "heel hem pant half inch ground, enough drag walk. standard heel 3.5\u2033 take favorit pair pant hemmed. flat also high enough rub floor. 2) cropped/ankl pants. pant length work well flat heel crop pant hit right around ankl bone. ankl pant slim leg taper ankl otherwis end capri pants. look great heel creat long leg line well ad hint skin."} {"id": "1852", "contents": "week ago, bell link 2009 guid pant length one comment point although much post still relevant, style changed. it\u2019 five year later ankl pant almost common full-length, tip definit outdated. case high pair pant ride waist high heel may nudg edg ankle-length just-a-touch-too-short-length. opinion, key see entir bridg foot hem hit ankl height."} {"id": "1853", "contents": "full-length pant correct length heels. you\u2019r full-length pant trouser heel shoes, look like this. opinion, pant graze floor, that\u2019 ask ruin hems. one inch floor you\u2019r stand straight work fine. case high pair pant ride waist high heel may nudg edg ankle-length just-a-touch-too-short-length. opinion, key see entir bridg foot hem hit ankl height."} {"id": "1854", "contents": "red blood cell (rbcs) typic make roughli 37% 49% volum blood. sinc hematocrit often perform part complet blood count (cbc) result components, rbc count, hemoglobin, reticulocyt count, and/or red blood cell indices, taken consideration. caus high hematocrit include: dehydr \u2014thi common caus high hematocrit. volum fluid blood drops, rbc per volum fluid artifici rises; adequ fluid intake, hematocrit return normal."} {"id": "1855", "contents": "hematocrit may use to: identifi evalu sever anemia (low rbcs, low hemoglobin, low hematocrit) polycythemia (high rbcs, high hemoglobin, high hematocrit). monitor respons treatment anemia polycythemia disord affect rbc product lifespan. caus high hematocrit include: dehydr \u2014thi common caus high hematocrit. volum fluid blood drops, rbc per volum fluid artifici rises; adequ fluid intake, hematocrit return normal."} {"id": "1856", "contents": "measur number size cell express percentag volume. low hematocrit may indic anemia, blood loss, bone marrow failure, destruct red blood cells, malnutrit specif nutrit deficiency."} {"id": "1857", "contents": "hematocrit proportion, volume, blood consist red blood cells. hematocrit (hct) express percentage. example, hematocrit 25% mean 25 millilit red blood cell 100 millilit blood. ratio volum red cell volum whole blood. normal rang hematocrit differ sex approxim 45% 52% men 37% 48% women."} {"id": "1858", "contents": "hematocrit blood test determin percentag red blood cell (rbc's) blood. blood compos mainli red blood cell white blood cell suspend almost clear fluid call serum. hematocrit test indic percentag blood volum compos red blood cells. condit call anemia result red blood cells. anemia caus varieti symptoms. hematocrit basic test tell physician lot person' health"} {"id": "1859", "contents": "hematocrit blood test measur percentag volum whole blood made red blood cells. measur depend number red blood cell size red blood cells. hematocrit almost alway order part complet blood count."} {"id": "1860", "contents": "hematocrit (hct) levels. ratio volum red cell volum whole blood. normal rang hematocrit differ sex approxim 45% 52% men 37% 48% women. usual measur spin sampl blood test tube, caus red blood cell pack bottom tube"} {"id": "1861", "contents": "hematocrit (ht hct, british english spell haematocrit), also known pack cell volum (pcv) erythrocyt volum fraction (evf), volum percentag (%) red blood cell blood. normal 45% men 40% women. anemia refer abnorm low hematocrit, oppos polycythemia, refer abnorm high hematocrit. condit anemia goe unnoticed, one way diagnos measur hematocrit level blood. potenti life-threaten disorders."} {"id": "1862", "contents": "high hematocrit mean percentag red blood cell person' blood upper limit normal (see above) person' age, sex, specif condit (for example, pregnanc high altitud living)."} {"id": "1863", "contents": "test measur much blood made red blood cells. normal blood contain white blood cells, red blood cells, platelets, fluid portion call plasma. word hematocrit mean separate. test, red blood cell separ rest blood measured. hematocrit (hct) show whether normal amount red blood cells, many, few. measur hct, blood sampl spun high speed separ red blood cell"} {"id": "1864", "contents": "mold need moistur food form. moistur import mold grow faster moist. control indoor moistur help limit mold growth. mold need ton water, could put piec bread bathroom around window sill mold grow it. bread mold grow best damp, dark, warm, oxygen-rich environment. prevent bread mold, keep bread dry, light (sunlight), cool (frozen), carbon dioxide-rich en vironment. warehous co2 locker keep produc extend storage."} {"id": "1865", "contents": "bread mold type fungu like grow bread often warm moist. bread mold need warmth moisture, along oxygen, thrive. bread provid ideal substrat (or live surface) variou type molds. bread mold facts. believ not, bread mold actual type plant. mold grow much faster tradit plants, due mostli fact reproduct part float around air, constantli look place land thrive."} {"id": "1866", "contents": "five type mold grow bread penicillium, rhizopu nigricans, aspergillus, mucon, rhizopi stolnifer. bread mold grow best damp, dark, warm, oxygen-rich environment. prevent bread mold, keep bread dry, light (sunlight), cool (frozen), carbon dioxide-rich en vironment. warehous co2 locker keep produc extend storage."} {"id": "1867", "contents": "penicillium. fungi genu penicillium, grow bread, appear blue-green gray fuzzi patch coloni white borders. penicillium fungi grow well low temperatures, find mold grow bread kept refrigerator, probabl penicillium. apart ruin bread, penicillium first mold found produc antibiotics, use physician kill specif type bacteria body."} {"id": "1868", "contents": "mold doesn\u2019t grow bread\u2013it also grow anyth moist warm, like meat, shoe clothes, even thing incident wet like book tile floor. mani differ type mold differ shape sizes. believ not, bread mold actual type plant. mold grow much faster tradit plants, due mostli fact reproduct part float around air, constantli look place land thrive."} {"id": "1869", "contents": "water dissolv salt posit part water molecul attract neg chlorid ion neg part water molecul attract posit sodium ions. amount substanc dissolv liquid (at particular temperature) call solubl substance. salt (sodium chloride) made posit sodium ion bond neg chlorid ions."} {"id": "1870", "contents": "co2 solubl water molecul attract polar areas. bond carbon oxygen polar bond hydrogen oxygen, polar enough carbon dioxid dissolv water. project imag co2 dissolv water. explain carbon water, molecul carbon dioxid thoroughli mix dissolv water."} {"id": "1871", "contents": "gase usual solubl colder temperatures. example, oxygen solubl cold water hot water. decreas oxygen solubl increas temperatur seriou consequ aquat life."} {"id": "1872", "contents": "dissolv sugar salt liquid-say, water-what happen sugar molecul move fit molecul water within glass beaker. illustr show differ molecul arrang container. solute, sugar, dissolv solvent, water, result liquid solution. experiment, see salt sugar molecul move within differ liquid dissolv differ rates."} {"id": "1873", "contents": "gase found air non-polar typic dissolv well water, even small amount dissolv essenti life. dissolv oxygen carbon dioxide, world' oceans, lake stream would devoid life. polarity. water molecul polar. mean one part molecul partial neg charg partial posit charge. neg part attract posit charg ion group molecul vice versa."} {"id": "1874", "contents": "marin organ help mantain chemic balanc ocean water remov nutrient gase ocean a.return nutrient gase water b.produc bacteria destroy pollut c. ad new element water d. introduc miner trace element water. follow. marin organ help mantain chemic balanc ocean water remov nutrient gase ocean and. a.return nutrient gase water. b.produc bacteria destroy pollutants. c. ad new element water. d. introduc miner trace element water. add answer."} {"id": "1875", "contents": "marin organ help mantain chemic balanc ocean water remov nutrient gase ocean a.return nutrient gase water b.produc bacteria destroy pollut c.... marin organ help mantain chemic balanc ocean water remov nutrient gase ocean and. a.return nutrient gase water. b.produc bacteria destroy pollutants. c. ad new element water. d. introduc miner trace element water. add answer."} {"id": "1876", "contents": "gase dissolv water. dissolv ga water depend interact molecul ga water molecules. amount ga dissolv water depend temperatur water. ga dissolv cold water hot water. bond carbon oxygen polar bond hydrogen oxygen, polar enough carbon dioxid dissolv water. project imag co2 dissolv water. explain carbon water, molecul carbon dioxid thoroughli mix dissolv water."} {"id": "1877", "contents": "junction part stomach locat diaphragm call hiatal hernia. condit common patient gastroesophag reflux disease. patient hiatal hernia weak muscl gastroesophag junction, make gastroesophag reflux worse. sever chest pain eating. often case larg hiatal hernia stomach locat diaphragm. symptom suggest stomach twisting. twist caus blood flow stomach low."} {"id": "1878", "contents": "hiatal hernia condit part stomach bulg diaphragm chest cavity. normally, esophagu posit chest stomach abdomen. chest pain (heartburn), common symptom hiatal hernia gerd, difficult distinguish symptom heart disease. therefore, initi test often direct rule heart problems."} {"id": "1879", "contents": "hiatu hernia hiatal hernia protrus (or herniation) upper part stomach thorax tear weak diaphragm. hiatu hernia often result heartburn may also caus chest pain pain eating. common caus obesity. case however, hiatal hernia caus symptoms. pain discomfort patient experi due reflux gastric acid, air, bile. sever caus acid reflux, happen frequent presenc hiatal hernia."} {"id": "1880", "contents": "two main type hiatal hernias: slide paraesophag (next esophagus). slide hiatal hernia, stomach section esophagu join stomach slide chest hiatus. common type hernia."} {"id": "1881", "contents": "hiatal hernia (also call hiatu hernia paraesophag hernia) occur part stomach protrud thorac caviti esophag hiatu diaphragm. paraesophag roll hernia, part stomach roll thorax; usually, occur anterior esophagus. hernia frequent irreducible. paraesophag hiatal hernia diagnos posit gastroesophag junction."} {"id": "1882", "contents": "peopl hiatal hernia symptoms. one symptom may heartburn, uncomfort feel burning, warmth, pain behind breastbone. common heartburn night tri sleep. diaphragm sheet muscl separ belli (abdomen) chest. hernia bulg diaphragm place call hiatus. open diaphragm esophagu pass through. esophagu tube connect throat stomach."} {"id": "1883", "contents": "article. time intern bodi part push area belong, call hernia. hiatu open diaphragm -- muscular wall separ chest caviti abdomen. normally, esophagu (food pipe) goe hiatu attach stomach. hiatal hernia (also call hiatu hernia) stomach bulg chest opening. slide hiatal hernia, stomach section esophagu join stomach slide chest hiatus. common type hernia."} {"id": "1884", "contents": "introduction. hiatu hernia, hiatal hernia, part stomach squeez chest open (hiatus) diaphragm. diaphragm large, thin sheet muscl chest abdomen (tummy)."} {"id": "1885", "contents": "hiatal hernia occur part stomach push upward diaphragm. diaphragm normal small open (hiatus) food tube (esophagus) pass way connect stomach. stomach push open caus hiatal hernia."} {"id": "1886", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: water aquariu bear fresh water oppos salt water. salt water-which relat actual water signs-show unconsci desires, anim natur within us. side we, 'enlightened' human given free master."} {"id": "1887", "contents": "case zodiac constellations, aquariu record second centuri greek astronom ptolemy. name mean cup bearer water bearer latin. locat aquarius. constel seen spring southern hemispher fall northern hemisphere. right ascension: 22.71 hours. declination: -10.19 degrees. zeta aquarii center y-shape configur form aquarius\u2019 water jar. star aster form jar gamma, pi eta aquarii. stream water consist 20 stars, end fomalhaut."} {"id": "1888", "contents": "noun water bearer senses: 1. (astrology) person born sun aquarius. 2. eleventh sign zodiac; sun sign januari 20 februari 18. familiar information: water bearer use noun rare."} {"id": "1889", "contents": "aquariu constel zodiac, situat capricornu pisces. name latin water-carri cup-carrier, symbol (unicod \u2652), represent water. aquariu one oldest recogn constel along zodiac (the sun 's appar path). aquariu also associ age aquarius, concept popular 1960 counterculture. despit prominence, age aquariu dawn year 2597, astrolog age begin sun particular constel vernal equinox."} {"id": "1890", "contents": "water bearer (astrology) person born sun aquarius. aquarius. individual, mortal, person, somebody, someone, soul-a human being; much one person do. astrology, star divination-a pseudosci claim divin posit planet sun moon."} {"id": "1891", "contents": "answer maderaa. confid vote 3. wikipedia aquariu (pronounc /\u0259\u02c8kw\u025b\u0259ri\u0259s/ constel eleventh sign zodiac, situat capricornu pisces. name latin water-bear cup-bearer, symbol (unicod \u2652), represent water. although transport water, mean is\u2026. gemini aquariu relationship advic air sign/air sign relationship meet mind anyth else. suit gemini aquariu fine."} {"id": "1892", "contents": "symbol emblem aquariu water bearer, kneel pour forth offer water act modest service."} {"id": "1893", "contents": "click here! sun shone aquarius, masculin sign birthday. sun astrolog stand inner nature, character. eleventh sign zodiac, aquarius, water-bearer, rule seriou saturn outrag uranus. alarm mixture! fix (strong solid) sign, aquariu govern intellect originalit"} {"id": "1894", "contents": "mythology. aquariu water bearer may associ water sun use pass raini season. refer associ water go back babylonian times. surround wateri constellations, delphinus, cetus, capricornus, eridanu others. aquariu water bearer may associ water sun use pass raini season. refer associ water go back babylonian time"} {"id": "1895", "contents": "current minor leader nanci pelosi, unit state hous repres serv floor leader opposit party, counterpart major leader. unlik major leader, minor leader ballot speaker hous conven congress. gephardt' predecessor minor leadership posit robert michel, r-il, becam gop leader 1981 spend 24 year house. michel' predecessor, republican john rhode arizona, elect minor leader 1973 20 year hous service."} {"id": "1896", "contents": "reasons, major leader who, practice, manag senate. contrast hous repres elect speaker hous great deal discretionari power gener presid vote bills. senat major minor leader two unit state senat elect parti caucus hold major minor respectively."} {"id": "1897", "contents": "elect whole hous representatives, speaker act leader hous combin sever roles: institut role presid offic administr head house, role leader major parti house, repres role elect member house. third parti rare enough member elect leadership, independ gener join one larger parti organ receiv committe assignments."} {"id": "1898", "contents": "kevin mccarthy. congressman kevin mccarthi proudli serv california\u2019 23rd district current major leader u.s. hous representatives. kevin first elect congress 2006 nativ bakersfield fourth-gener kern counti resident."} {"id": "1899", "contents": "washington senat republican unanim name sen. mitch mcconnel kentucki serv major leader new congress conven january. senat republican elect kentucki republican mitch mcconnel serv major leader next congress."} {"id": "1900", "contents": "1925 major (at time) republican also adopt languag charl curti becam first (official) major leader, although immedi predecessor henri cabot lodg consid first (unofficial) senat major leader. senat major minor leader two unit state senat elect parti caucus hold major minor respectively."} {"id": "1901", "contents": "traditionally, speaker reckon leader major parti house, major leader second-in-command. instance, republican gain major hous 2010 elections, eric cantor succeed boehner major leader. gephardt' predecessor minor leadership posit robert michel, r-il, becam gop leader 1981 spend 24 year house. michel' predecessor, republican john rhode arizona, elect minor leader 1973 20 year hous service."} {"id": "1902", "contents": "washington hous republican promot major whip kevin mccarthi becom hous major leader rare mid-sess ballot necessit major leader eric cantor' stun defeat june 10 virginia primary. hous republican pick mccarthi new leader. washington\u2014hous republican shuffl leadership, promot major whip kevin mccarthi becom second highest rank republican rare mid-sess election."} {"id": "1903", "contents": "major parti member minor parti member meet separ select leaders. third parti rare enough member elect leadership, independ gener join one larger parti organ receiv committe assignments. parti caucu confer name given meet organ parti member hous"} {"id": "1904", "contents": "senat current compos 54 republicans, 44 democrats, independents, caucu democrats. current leader republican major leader mitch mcconnel kentucki democrat minor leader harri reid nevada. current assist major leader republican john cornyn texas. senat major minor leader two unit state senat elect parti caucus hold major minor respectively."} {"id": "1905", "contents": "2003-04, cardiovascular diseas princip diagnosi 7% 448,859 hospitalis australia. these, third (37%) attribut coronari heart disease, 14% heart rhythm disorders, 9% heart failure, 7% stroke 6% peripher vascular diseas (aihw 2006a). 2004-05, preval cardiovascular diseas highest amongst born north-west europ (29%) follow unit kingdom southern eastern europ (both 28%), north africa middl east (19%), australia (17%) south east asia (15%)."} {"id": "1906", "contents": "heart diseas lead caus death american women, kill third them. 35.3% death american women age 20, 432,000, caus cardiovascular diseas year. half death due heart diseas 2008 men. coronari heart diseas common type heart disease. 2008, 405,309 peopl die coronari heart disease. everi year 785,000 american first coronari attack."} {"id": "1907", "contents": "proport peopl heart diseas increas steadili age. one quarter (29.2%) australian age 75 year heart disease, highest rate men age 85 year (47.1%). heart diseas common amongst men (5.5%) women (4.5%). proport peopl heart diseas increas level disadvantag increas"} {"id": "1908", "contents": "develop countries, half death women 50 due heart diseas stroke. cvd lead caus death europe, account million death year. nearli half (49 percent) death cvd (55 percent death women 43 percent death men). nearli half (42 percent) death eu cvd (46 percent death women 38 percent death men). one-third one-half death cvd chd one-fourth stroke."} {"id": "1909", "contents": "heart diseas lead caus death men women. half death due heart diseas 2009 men. 1. coronari heart diseas (chd) common type heart disease, kill 370,000 peopl annually. 1. everi year 735,000 american heart attack. heart diseas unit states. 610,000 peopl die heart diseas unit state everi year\u2013that\u2019 everi deaths. 1. heart diseas lead caus death men women."} {"id": "1910", "contents": "nineti percent women one risk factor develop heart disease. sinc 1984, women men die year heart disease. symptom heart diseas differ women men, often misunderstood."} {"id": "1911", "contents": "cvd account 18% overal burden diseas australia 2003, coronari heart diseas stroke contribut 80% burden. impact cardiovascular disease. 2007\u201308, 3.5 million australian long-term cardiovascular disease. nearli 50,000 death attribut cvd australia 2008. respons death diseas group\u201434% total"} {"id": "1912", "contents": "2007\u201308, 3.5 million australian long-term cardiovascular disease. nearli 50,000 death attribut cvd australia 2008. respons death diseas group\u201434% total. impact cardiovascular disease. 2007\u201308, 3.5 million australian long-term cardiovascular disease. nearli 50,000 death attribut cvd australia 2008."} {"id": "1913", "contents": "40 percent death uk cvd. 36 percent prematur death men 27 percent women cvd. 11 estim million canadian (1 4) form cardiovascular disease. cvd account death disease. nearli half (42 percent) death eu cvd (46 percent death women 38 percent death men). one-third one-half death cvd chd one-fourth stroke."} {"id": "1914", "contents": "gluten composit two storag proteins, gliadin glutenin, conjoin starch endosperm variou grass-rel grains. worldwide, gluten sourc protein, food prepar directli sourc contain it, addit food otherwis low protein."} {"id": "1915", "contents": "sinc gluten storag protein found cereal grass seeds, found young, green grass sprout seeds. reason, wheatgrass barley grass technic gluten-free. probabl alone. gluten shorthand famili storag protein found wheat, barley, rye. gluten protein found matur seed cereal grasses, refer grain. close rel wheat, spelt, triticale, kamut, farro, einkorn, also contain gluten must avoid gluten-fre diet"} {"id": "1916", "contents": "gluten plant protein found cereal grains, particularli wheat. fruits, veget anim food dairi products, meat, poultri fish natur state gluten-fre long don\u2019t add anyth like bread sauc them."} {"id": "1917", "contents": "food product made gluten, see wheat gluten (food) sourc gluten: clockwis top: high-gluten wheat flour, european spelt, barley, roll rye flakes. gluten (from latin gluten, glue protein composit found wheat relat grains, includ barley rye. gluten give elast dough, help rise keep shape often give final product chewi texture. worldwide, gluten sourc protein, food prepar directli sourc contain it, addit food otherwis low protein."} {"id": "1918", "contents": "gluten gener name protein found wheat (durum, emmer, spelt, farina, farro, kamut\u00ae khorasan wheat einkorn), rye, barley triticale. gluten help food maintain shape, act glue hold food together."} {"id": "1919", "contents": "want add calendar googl calendar, you\u2019ll need calendar\u2019 direct link. right-click link select copi link address get address. now, googl calendar, click add before, time, select add url. past address copi url field googl calendar."} {"id": "1920", "contents": "sync googl calendar calendar app come iphon ipad. open set app iphon ipad. touch. enter email address. enter password. io use 2-step verification, enter app password instead regular password. touch next."} {"id": "1921", "contents": "quickli add appoint ical calendar cv file computer. login googl calendar, click add link bottom left column select import calendar."} {"id": "1922", "contents": "top left corner screen, click. click account tab. left side account tab, click select. enter gmail address, password, verif code (if one). click accept. account tab, choos often want appl calendar googl calendar sync."} {"id": "1923", "contents": "click account tab. left side account tab, click select. enter gmail address, password, verif code (if one). click accept. account tab, choos often want appl calendar googl calendar sync."} {"id": "1924", "contents": "1. past hyperlink calendar. use case use calendar togeth hyperlink share note evernote, see daniel gold reference. http://www.dangoldesq.com/search/label/gtd. 2. mark hyperlink (triple-click). http://www. android phone iphon link work start."} {"id": "1925", "contents": "calendar page, click arrow next calendar calendar select calendar set drop-down menu. privat address section detail page displays, click green ical button. privat address dialog box displays, show url select googl calendar."} {"id": "1926", "contents": "2/11/10 9:21 am. use process insert link back origin websit (process duplic below). insert 'activity' first month: -----. connect googl document insert link calendar event."} {"id": "1927", "contents": "best answer: hi, budgi live fore 10-20 year depend well fed much excercise. source(s): owner budgi cockatiel finch quails."} {"id": "1928", "contents": "need realli research feed birds. seed diet alon get dead birds. keet seed diet alon live 4-6 years, veggi yrs. keet plain pellet diet live 15 yrs, pellet veggi 20 year varieti diet 25 yrs. happen english parakeet 28 year old. never fed seed diet whole life."} {"id": "1929", "contents": "budgi useal live year live 10 years... 10 year maximum budgi live hope answer questio n. peopl found useful."} {"id": "1930", "contents": "budgi useal live year live 10 years... 10 year maximum budgi live hope answer question."} {"id": "1931", "contents": "averag lifespan budgi years. extend 15 bird well fed kept clean conditions. life span depend genet wel bird care lifetime. honestli depend budgie' countri origin."} {"id": "1932", "contents": "averag lifespan budgi years. extend 15 bird well fed kept clean conditions. life span depend genet well bird care lifetime. honestli depend budgie' countri origin."} {"id": "1933", "contents": "budgi usual live 8-10 year care well. sometim live 15 years. rare, budgi live 20 years. import thing healthi diet. budgi seed-onli diet probabl live 4-5 years, most."} {"id": "1934", "contents": "know person' name, tri dear chancellor anderson (replac anderson actual last name). not, dear chancellor fine. dear optional. chancellor anderson would fine greeting."} {"id": "1935", "contents": "one chancellor time university. respect current offic holder address predecessor form address reserv office. want identifi person former chancellor -- e.g., document program ..."} {"id": "1936", "contents": "address chancellor orpresid colleg universityoffici envelope: dr. (full name) presid chancellor (college/university) (address) letter salutation: dear dr. (surname): fyi, what' come blog relat office/rank."} {"id": "1937", "contents": "head overal univers president. uk, chancellor owner univ ersiti (for oxford cambridge, member royal family) day-to-day run done vice-chancellor."} {"id": "1938", "contents": "orchid care. orchid eleg particularli long-last type flower. known resilience, orchid prize home garden. mani differ type orchid anota violacea orchid canda orchids, origin india. however, common type orchid home phalaenopsi orchid dendrobium orchids; produc bloom unmatch beauti strength flower remain bloom long period time."} {"id": "1939", "contents": "view: 250 all. orchid stock photographi speci hybrid orchid detail closeup flowers, phalaenopsi moth orchids, paphiopedilum ladyslippers, miltonia pansi orchids, cymbidiums, oncidium, nativ orchid cypripedium, cattleya orchids, fragrant orchids, rare."} {"id": "1940", "contents": "dendrobium actual one largest orchid genera. antelop type dendropbium orchid. dendrobium speci live epiphyt lithophyt new guinea, southern china, thailand, japan, australia, new zealand, tahiti more. result, it\u2019 hard gener care type orchids. favorit type orchid ladi slipper orchid strang appearance. like type flower pouch-shap lips. mostli terrestri lithophyt slipper orchid includ four genera\u2014 paphiopedilum, phragmipedium, cypripedium selenipedium."} {"id": "1941", "contents": "orchid eleg particularli long-last type flower. known resilience, orchid prize home garden. mani differ type orchid anota violacea orchid canda orchids, origin india. dendrobium orchids. 1600 speci dendrobium orchid family, flower everi color combin grow pendant like stem fragrant flowers. orchid grow quickli throughout summer, take long rest winter."} {"id": "1942", "contents": "however, common type orchid home phalaenopsi orchid dendrobium orchids; produc bloom unmatch beauti strength flower remain bloom long period time. dendrobium orchids. 1600 speci dendrobium orchid family, flower everi color combin grow pendant like stem fragrant flowers. orchid grow quickli throughout summer, take long rest winter."} {"id": "1943", "contents": "orchid flower. orchid beauti distinct type flower also one diverse. popular orchid flower contribut number factors. factor includ fragranc flowers, beauty, color bloom"} {"id": "1944", "contents": "orchid plant types. varieti orchid plant type amazing. bloom week time, other keep flower amaz four month more. alway check tag come plant determin optimum temperatur orchid. moth orchid bloom twice year, flower last long three month proper care, longest-last orchid blooms. moth orchid well warm temperatur house, upper 70\u2019 average."} {"id": "1945", "contents": "moth orchids. common type orchid probabl moth orchid, phalaenopsi orchids. plant buy standard groceri store. happen live close asian supermarket, find truck-load white purplish-pink variety. favorit type orchid ladi slipper orchid strang appearance. like type flower pouch-shap lips. mostli terrestri lithophyt slipper orchid includ four genera\u2014 paphiopedilum, phragmipedium, cypripedium selenipedium."} {"id": "1946", "contents": "closest airport trenton mercer airport (ttn). distanc trenton mercer airport pennington 6,1 kilomet (3,8 miles). trenton mercer airport. trenton mercer airport locat approxim 1,4 kilomet (0,9 miles) northwest ewe 8,9 kilomet (5,6 miles) northwest trenton. trenton mercer airport iata code ttn"} {"id": "1947", "contents": "major citi near pennington, nj. list larg citi closest pennington, nj. big citi usual popul least 200,000 often fli major airport. need book flight, search nearest airport pennington, nj. 33 mile philadelphia, pa. 43 mile newark, nj. 47 mile jersey citi"} {"id": "1948", "contents": "anoth major airport morristown municip airport (mmu kmmu), domest flight morristown, new jersey 47 mile pennington, nj. philadelphia intern airport (phl kphl) intern domest flight philadelphia, pennsylvania 48 mile pennington, nj. lehigh valley intern airport (abe kabe) domest flight allentown, pennsylvania 62 mile pennington, nj. search direct flight hometown find hotel near pennington, nj, scroll intern airport domest airports."} {"id": "1949", "contents": "3.7%. 4.3%. total airport within 30 mile pennington total amtrak train station within 30 mile citi center. averag travel time work pennington 9.7% less new jersey averag 7.5% greater nation average. number peopl take public transport pennington 66.9% less new jersey averag 28.8% less nation average. trenton nj 08607. amtrak station information. locat 7.5 mile pennington citi center. amtrak station open. ticket office. handl check baggage. luggag assist available. wheelchair accessible. public restroom available. snack bar"} {"id": "1950", "contents": "total airport within 30 mile pennington total amtrak train station within 30 mile citi center. trenton nj 08607. amtrak station information. locat 7.5 mile pennington citi center. amtrak station open. ticket office. handl check baggage. luggag assist available. wheelchair accessible. public restroom available. snack bar"} {"id": "1951", "contents": "major airport near pennington, new jersey: nearest major airport trenton-merc airport (ttn kttn). airport domest flight trenton, new jersey mile center pennington, nj. lehigh valley intern airport (abe kabe) domest flight allentown, pennsylvania 62 mile pennington, nj. search direct flight hometown find hotel near pennington, nj, scroll intern airport domest airports."} {"id": "1952", "contents": "get cayman island boat. grand cayman one popular caribbean port busi port call lead intern cruis line oper north america, mexico europe. grand cayman\u2019 port (www.caymanport.com) situat capital, georg town."} {"id": "1953", "contents": "plane. main gateway cayman island grand cayman. flight grand cayman arriv owen robert intern airport (gcm) (tel. 345/949-5252; www.grand-cayman-gcm.airports-guides.com). airport lie east georg town, capital, short taxi ride hotel along seven mile beach."} {"id": "1954", "contents": "get around cayman islands. best way get around cayman island car. rental agenc taxi plenti owen robert intern airport (gcm) grand cayman. rental car mope also avail smaller cayman brac littl cayman. car. rent car best way get around, especi want explor beyond seven mile beach. driving, rememb keep lane; cayman island british oversea territori drive left."} {"id": "1955", "contents": "cayman island island group caribbean sea, nineti mile south cuba. beauti coral reef outstandingli clear water made island group favourit destin divers. major hotel resort grand cayman, main hotel strip seven mile beach, home sever major chain hotel numer condominiums. seven mile beach public beach, abl walk entir length beach."} {"id": "1956", "contents": "territori compris three island grand cayman, cayman brac littl cayman, locat south cuba northwest jamaica. cayman island consid part geograph western caribbean zone well greater antilles."} {"id": "1957", "contents": "visit cayman islands. best time visit cayman island may july, hotel rate drop. island warm year-round averag high hold steadi 80s. januari februari coolest month low high 60s. grand cayman. locat western end archipelago, grand cayman largest three cayman islands, known two activities: bank scuba diving. home islands' capit city, georg town, grand cayman commerci cultur hub."} {"id": "1958", "contents": "best way get around cayman island car. rental agenc taxi plenti owen robert intern airport (gcm) grand cayman. rental car mope also avail smaller cayman brac littl cayman. grand cayman. locat western end archipelago, grand cayman largest three cayman islands, known two activities: bank scuba diving. home islands' capit city, georg town, grand cayman commerci cultur hub."} {"id": "1959", "contents": "get there. british airway (0844 493 0787; www.ba.com) fli heathrow grand cayman. less expens option fli heathrow miami virgin atlant (08705 747747; www.virgin-atlantic.com) onward cayman cayman airway (00 345 949 2311; www.caymanairways.com). tour operator. grand cayman. caribtour (020 7751 0660; www.caribtours.co.uk) offer seven-night holiday ritz-carlton, grand cayman (see stay), includ return flight uk ba privat transfers."} {"id": "1960", "contents": "cayman islands. 36km long 13km wide, grand cayman largest popul island three low-li island make british crown colony. littl cayman cayman brac lie around 143km northeast grand cayman separ 90km-wide channel. cayman trough cayman island jamaica deepest part caribbean. get cayman islands. air, grand cayman receiv daili non-stop flight north america, europ caribbean islands. grand cayman one popular caribbean port call intern cruis line oper north america, mexico europ"} {"id": "1961", "contents": "agenda develop realscreen' brand entertain forum advisori board, featur brightest best mind brand entertain world featur roster world-class speakers. program host tuesday, octob 23 sentri center heart midtown manhattan."} {"id": "1962", "contents": "success brand entertain close link creativ process one-size-fits-al approach. get close happen lot opportun inform engag participant."} {"id": "1963", "contents": "use brand entertain is, inherently, storytel technique, stand reason use caus evalu portion brand. result reinforc brand stori feel hone focus core values, messag mission."} {"id": "1964", "contents": "brand entertainment. propstar provid access client vast array tv, film music projects. pioneer brand entertainment, work client product compani develop creativ care target integr organic, relev seamlessli impactful."} {"id": "1965", "contents": "wikipedia defin brand entertain follows: \u201calso known brand content advertainment, [brand entertainment] entertainment-bas vehicl fund complementari brand\u2019 market strategy.\u201d. ultimately, content give brand opportun connect audienc unique, engag way."} {"id": "1966", "contents": "brand content entertain $25 billion dollar industry. everi realiti televis episode, averag 30% content featur brand product placement. product compani done made opportun afford local small midsiz companies."} {"id": "1967", "contents": "one hand, market say term brand entertain practic meaningless era product placement pretti much norm, brand becom content companies, entertain experi come brand attach one way another."} {"id": "1968", "contents": "brand entertain get bad rep it\u2019 promot plug entertain distraction. it\u2019 done well, get content connect consum best way possibl creat goodwil compani sell good time."} {"id": "1969", "contents": "welcome. welcom washo counti school district washo counti school district (wcsd) focus creat educ system student achiev academ success, develop person civic responsibility, achiev career colleg readi 21st century."} {"id": "1970", "contents": "welcom new reno counti website! we'v design varieti new featur better commun taxpay other interest what' happen county, read on..."} {"id": "1971", "contents": "washo counti televis featur video show counti leader make differ community. see https://www.youtube.com/user/washoecountytv. washo county, nevadaloc northwestern nevada, washo counti home reno, spark inclin villag lake tahoe."} {"id": "1972", "contents": "book sna rno flight expedia find last-minut orang counti reno airfare. expedia offer discount airfar multipl airlin carrier fli direct indirect rout sna rno, new flight deal promot almost daily."} {"id": "1973", "contents": "washo county, nevada. locat northwestern nevada, washo counti home reno, spark inclin villag lake tahoe. watch washo counti televis (wctv) live..."} {"id": "1974", "contents": "counti seat citi reno, second largest citi nevada. commun washo counti sparks, inclin villag lake tahoe, pyramid lake paiut reservation."} {"id": "1975", "contents": "welcom washo county. washo counti grow area locat along eastern slope sierra nevada mountain rang western nevada. counti cover area 6,600 squar mile northwest section state border california oregon popul 390,000."} {"id": "1976", "contents": "total less $2,000 short flight almost $50,000 longer domest flight $200,000 intern flight. example, air ambul charg $2,500 55-mile flight twin-engin propel plane, staf paramedics, saint joseph, mo, kansa city, mo. compani includ ground ambul transport current facil aircraft land locat new facility. arrang air ambul flight broker add hundr thousand dollar final cost due commiss paid broker."} {"id": "1977", "contents": "average, charg accru air ambul rang anywher approxim $10,000 $35,000 more. cost go depend distanc flown, type aircraft, need patient, current cost fuel. tip know: year, 500,000 patient flown mean medial helicopt small planes. air ambul ideal need travel 300 mile special medic services."} {"id": "1978", "contents": "arrang air ambul flight broker add hundr thousand dollar final cost due commiss paid broker. or, servic airambulancebroker.com provid price quot variou compani free. compani includ ground ambul transport current facil aircraft land locat new facility."} {"id": "1979", "contents": "welcom third instal air medic resourc seri air ambulance. guid intend patient famili interest find much, typically, advance-notic (non-emergency) air ambul flight costs. distanc also determin type medic aircraft make trip, turn affect much air ambul flight costs. helicopt air ambul gener use transport patient rel short distanc hospit emergencies."} {"id": "1980", "contents": "air ambul flight costs. famili member need air ambul flight near future, it\u2019 good time littl research quote-gathering. it\u2019 import begin compil list air ambul servic capabl meet patient\u2019 needs. distanc also determin type medic aircraft make trip, turn affect much air ambul flight costs. helicopt air ambul gener use transport patient rel short distanc hospit emergencies."} {"id": "1981", "contents": "much air ambul flight cost? averag air ambul trip 52 mile cost $12,000 $25,000 per flight. high price account initi aircraft cost reach $6 million well medic equip maintenance. air ambulance? ground ambul can't reach patient, get fast enough, air ambul called. air ambul often equip state-of-the-art medic equip staf paramedics, emerg medic technician sometim doctor nurses."} {"id": "1982", "contents": "compar quotes. total cost air ambul flight rang widely, five digit way six rare cases. general, flight least $10,000, cost depend distanc transport well special staff equip must board. distanc also determin type medic aircraft make trip, turn affect much air ambul flight costs. helicopt air ambul gener use transport patient rel short distanc hospit emergencies."} {"id": "1983", "contents": "much air ambul flight cost. averag air ambul trip 52 mile cost $12,000 $25,000 per flight. high price account initi aircraft cost reach $6 million well medic equip maintenance."} {"id": "1984", "contents": "flight arizona australia, air ambul charg $155,000 light jet, staf paramed (about $160,000 staf doctor nurse) $177,000 mid-siz jet (about $182,000 staf doctor nurse). compani includ ground ambul transport current facil aircraft land locat new facility. arrang air ambul flight broker add hundr thousand dollar final cost due commiss paid broker."} {"id": "1985", "contents": "much air ambul flight cost? averag air ambul trip 52 mile cost $12,000 $25,000 per flight. high price account initi aircraft cost reach $6 million well medic equip maintenance."} {"id": "1986", "contents": "nicaragua geography. nicaragua, offici republ nicaragua, repres democrat republ largest nation central america. nicaragua measur 129,474 squar kilomet 20% design protect areas. nicaragua approxim size state new york."} {"id": "1987", "contents": "geography. largest spars popul central american nations, nicaragua border hondura north costa rica south. slightli larger new york state. nicaragua mountain west, fertil valleys."} {"id": "1988", "contents": "nicaraguan flag. map nicaragua. geography. nicaragua largest countri central america slightli bigger area new york state. countri border hondura north costa rica south."} {"id": "1989", "contents": "geography, climat biodivers nicaragua. nicaragua larg countri locat central america pacif ocean caribbean sea. terrain mostli coastal plain eventu rise interior mountains."} {"id": "1990", "contents": "nicaragua tabl contents. nicaragua, approxim size new york state, largest countri central america. countri cover total area 129,494 squar kilomet (120,254 squar kilomet land area) contain divers climat terrains."} {"id": "1991", "contents": "window right click desktop find nvidia control panel see option enabl optimu switchabl graphic default. noth there, possibl apple, whatev reason, disabl option windows. level (5 points). afraid possible. first amd nvidia two differ type graphic chipsets. believ (dont quot me) nvidia one switchabl graphic moment. regardless, appl provid driver enabl optimu (switchabl software) function macbook."} {"id": "1992", "contents": "comput intel power-sav gpu ati high-perform gpu, dynam mode switchabl graphic configur use catalyst control center software. software, previous uninstal it, see obtain softwar driver learn get latest version. opengl applic work use integrated, power-saving, gpu, perform level may lower expected. hp releas updat bio amd graphic driver enabl fix mode switchabl graphic function certain model origin configur dynam mode switchabl graphics."} {"id": "1993", "contents": "comput dynam mode switchabl graphic switch integrated, power-saving, gpu discrete, high-performance, gpu base applic needs. specif applic configur use catalyst control center software. opengl applic work use integrated, power-saving, gpu, perform level may lower expected. hp releas updat bio amd graphic driver enabl fix mode switchabl graphic function certain model origin configur dynam mode switchabl graphics."} {"id": "1994", "contents": "theje explain configur amd' radeon switchabl graphic option. check joel michael' new solo album thin glass doors, avail itun googl play! follow link: https://play.google.com/store/music/a... starcraft settings: textur resolution-high, details-medium preset, aa, vsync on."} {"id": "1995", "contents": "configur graphic card enabl pc program use advanc features. amd eyefin technology. gcn architecture. amd app acceleration. amd hd3d technology. amd crossfire\u2122 technology. amd powerplay\u2122 technology. amd powertun technology. amd zerocor power technology. amd enduro\u2122 technology. amd catalyst\u2122 technology."} {"id": "1996", "contents": "hi! first amd nvidia two differ type graphic chipsets. believ (dont quot me) nvidia one switchabl graphic moment. regardless, appl provid driver enabl optimu (switchabl software) function macbook."} {"id": "1997", "contents": "right-click radeon (tm) hd (amd graphic adapter) select enable. restart pc prompted. also. f10 setup, use arrow key navig system configur screen. chang switchabl graphic mode set fixed. save exit f10 setup menu."} {"id": "1998", "contents": "comput fix mode switchabl graphic allow switch power-sav gpu high-perform gpu base power sourc (batteri ac adapter) manual use catalyst control center software. applic use select gpu. opengl applic work use integrated, power-saving, gpu, perform level may lower expected. hp releas updat bio amd graphic driver enabl fix mode switchabl graphic function certain model origin configur dynam mode switchabl graphics."} {"id": "1999", "contents": "amd radeon\u2122 directx\u00ae 11.2-capabl discret graphic card. amd radeon\u2122 dual graphic combin two power radeon\u2122 directx 11.2-enabl graphic processor provid ultim game perform boost need it."} {"id": "2000", "contents": "publisert 1. apr. 2014. watch video configur intel dedic amd nvidia graghic card play game smoothly. refer graphic card. nvidia graphic cards. nvidia graphic card. graphic cards."} {"id": "2001", "contents": "starch molecul plant use storag glucos energi later use. anim digest starch break glucos monom use energy. term starch equival animals, fat use store energi starch plants. sugar starch carbohydrate.starch broken moltos glucose. starch broken glucos enzym digestion. starch polysaccharid must broken simpl sugar call monosaccharide. glucos monosaccharide."} {"id": "2002", "contents": "starch found potatoes, grain corn wheat. starch made glucos repeat units. click glucos see 3-d. body, special protein call enzym (which also polymers, way) break starch glucose, bodi burn energy. eat healthi diet, get energi starch way."} {"id": "2003", "contents": "polysaccharid produc green plant energi store. common carbohydr human diet contain larg amount stapl food potatoes, wheat, maiz (corn), rice, cassava. starch common carbohydr human diet contain mani stapl foods. major sourc starch intak worldwid cereal (rice, wheat, maize) root veget (potato cassava)."} {"id": "2004", "contents": "supplement. plant seed tuber contain starch predominantli present amylos amylopectin. plant use starch way store excess glucose, thu also use starch food mitochondri oxid phosphorylation. anim store excess glucos starch; store glycogen."} {"id": "2005", "contents": "starch. 1. carbohydr chief form store energi plants, especi wheat, corn, rice, potatoes. starch kind polysaccharid form white, tasteless powder purified. import sourc nutrit also use make adhesives, paper, textiles. 2."} {"id": "2006", "contents": "best answer: starch complex carbohydr insolubl water; use plant way store excess glucose. starch far import polysaccharides. constitut half carbohydr even affluent diets, much poorer diets. starch (cas# 9005-25-8) complex carbohydr insolubl water; use plant way store excess glucose. starch far import polysaccharides."} {"id": "2007", "contents": "pure starch white, tasteless odorless powder insolubl cold water alcohol. consist two type molecules: linear helic amylos branch amylopectin. depend plant, starch gener contain 20 25% amylos 75 80% amylopectin weight. glycogen, glucos store animals, branch version amylopectin. starch common carbohydr human diet contain mani stapl foods. major sourc starch intak worldwid cereal (rice, wheat, maize) root veget (potato cassava)."} {"id": "2008", "contents": "mani sugar molecul link togeth polysaccharide. starch, therefore, polysaccharide. specifically, starch compos sugar glucose. plant use glucos produc energy, they'r alway make glucose, we'r constantli eat get energy. much like store energi reserv eating, plant"} {"id": "2009", "contents": "view 30 day exchang rate histori australian dollar russian ruble. 90 day graph. view 90 day exchang rate histori australian dollar russian ruble. 180 day graph. view 180 day exchang rate histori australian dollar russian ruble. monthli averag graph. view averag monthli exchang rate histori australian dollar russian ruble. invert graph. graph current show histor exchang rate australian dollar per russian ruble. invert graph see russian rubl per australian dollar."} {"id": "2010", "contents": "russian rubl also known russian rouble. symbol rub written r. russian rubl divid 100 kopecks. exchang rate russian rubl last updat octob 9, 2015 intern monetari fund. rub convers factor signific digits."} {"id": "2011", "contents": "aud. australian dollar. fact 1: currenc australia australian dollar. code aud symbol $. accord data, aud usd popular aussi dollar exchang rate conversion."} {"id": "2012", "contents": "fact 1: currenc russia russian ruble. it\u2019 code rub symbol \u0440\u0443\u0431. accord data, usd rub popular russian rubl exchang rate conversion. fact 2: popular banknot use russia are: \u0440\u0443\u043150, \u0440\u0443\u0431100, \u0440\u0443\u0431500, \u0440\u0443\u04311000, \u0440\u0443\u04315000. use in: russia, tajikistan, abkhazia south ossetia. australian dollar. fact 1: currenc australia australian dollar. code aud symbol $. accord data, aud usd popular aussi dollar"} {"id": "2013", "contents": "russian rubl currenc russian feder (ru, rus, russia). russian rubl also known russian rouble. symbol aud written a$, au$, $au, aud$, $aud, aus$, $aus. symbol rub written r. australian dollar divid 100 cents. russian rubl divid 100 kopecks. exchang rate australian dollar last updat octob 20, 2015 intern monetari fund. exchang rate russian rubl last updat octob 20, 2015 intern monetari fund. aud convers factor signific digit"} {"id": "2014", "contents": "australian dollar russian rubl convertor date exchang rate octob 21, 2015. enter amount convert box left australian dollar. use swap currenc make russian rubl default currency. symbol rub written r. australian dollar divid 100 cents. russian rubl divid 100 kopecks. exchang rate australian dollar last updat octob 20, 2015 intern monetari fund."} {"id": "2015", "contents": "lambdoid. adj. 1. shape greek letter lambda. 2. (anatomy) denot sutur near back skull occipit pariet bones. [c16: via french greek lambdoeid\u0113 ]. clinic isol shiga toxin 1a--produc shigella flexneri ... gray, miranda d.; lampel, keith a.; strockbine, nanci a.; fernandez, reinaldo e.; melton-celsa, ang emerg infecti diseases."} {"id": "2016", "contents": "interrupt sutur one stitch made separ piec material. lambdoid sutur line union upper border occipit pariet bones, shape like greek letter lambda. lembert sutur invert sutur use gastrointestin surgery. apposit sutur superfici sutur use exact approxim cutan edg wound. approxim sutur deep sutur secur apposit deep tissu wound. buri sutur one place within tissu conceal skin."} {"id": "2017", "contents": "3. materi use close wound stitches. adj., adj su\u00b4tural. variou type sutures. dorland's, 2000. absorb sutur strand materi use close wound becom dissolv bodi fluid disappears; type includ surgic gut, tendon, synthetics. apposit sutur superfici sutur use exact approxim cutan edg wound. approxim sutur deep sutur secur apposit deep tissu wound. buri sutur one place within tissu conceal skin."} {"id": "2018", "contents": "catgut sutur absorb sutur made surgic gut. cobbler' sutur double-arm suture. collagen sutur sutur made tendon cattle, chemic treated, purified, process strands; often use ophthalmolog surgery. apposit sutur superfici sutur use exact approxim cutan edg wound. approxim sutur deep sutur secur apposit deep tissu wound. buri sutur one place within tissu conceal skin."} {"id": "2019", "contents": "medic definit lambdoid. shape greek letter lambda; especially: of, relat to, lambda-shap sutur connect occipit pariet bones. lamb\u00b7doid lamb\u00b7doi\u00b7d \\\u02cclam-\u02c8do\u0307id-\u0259l\\. tweet. shape greek letter lambda; especially: of, relat to, lambda-shap sutur connect occipit pariet bones."} {"id": "2020", "contents": "lambdoid. adjective. shape greek letter lambda. anatomi relat deepli serrat sutur skull pariet bone occipit bone. shape greek letter lambda. anatomi relat deepli serrat sutur skull pariet bone occipit bone."} {"id": "2021", "contents": "lambdoid sutur (or lambdoid suture) dense, fibrou connect tissu joint posterior aspect skull connect pariet bone occipit bone. continu occipitomastoid suture. name come lambda-lik shape. clinic signific [edit]. birth, bone skull meet. certain bone skull grow fast, craniosynostosi (prematur closur sutures) may occur. result skull deformities."} {"id": "2022", "contents": "craniosynostosi (from cranio, cranium; syn, together; ostosi relat bone) condit one fibrou sutur infant skull prematur fuse turn bone (ossification), therebi chang growth pattern skull. craniosynostosi therefor like result disturb fine balanc regul multipl matur precursor bone cell cranial sutures."} {"id": "2023", "contents": "financi resourc business. new busi must capit care ensur enough money get busi running. entrepreneur must identifi start-up capit need cash-flow requirements."} {"id": "2024", "contents": "emot resources. start busi extrem stress endeavor entrepreneur undertake. maintain saniti well stay motivated, import support team give inspir guidanc needed."} {"id": "2025", "contents": "knowledg anoth resourc need place start business. continu next page learn type knowledg skill must want start busi stay power."} {"id": "2026", "contents": "41 busi start-up resourc guid failur compli coven restrict put loan default give lender right call pay balanc loan. loan restrict often import interest rate."} {"id": "2027", "contents": "given everyth els place, checklist basic area need cover open business. websit provid sever resourc help complet item. click item see resources."} {"id": "2028", "contents": "fact, is. mani busi open year, mani fail last long. though guarante success, entrepreneur properli prepar leg competition. addit strong busi plan, five resourc contribut success new enterprise."} {"id": "2029", "contents": "busi start-up resourc guid expect business: within one year? three years? conclus understand person characteristics, requir busi skills, demand busi ownership critic help find busi best suit interest."} {"id": "2030", "contents": "financi resources. import element start busi funding. even basic home busi incur multitud startup costs, includ regist busi name, obtain busi telephon line print busi cards."} {"id": "2031", "contents": "civil penalti will neglect increas hitech act. penalti extend $250,000, repeat/uncorrect violat extend $1.5 million. legisl appear send clear messag kansa anymore. fail hitech definit control. hitech act unsecur phi essenti mean unencrypt phi.. general, act requir patient notifi unsecur breach. breach impact 500 patient hh must also notified."} {"id": "2032", "contents": "hitech act meant encourag doctors, hospit other healthcar industri make better use health inform technology, allot $19 billion fund hit. resourc provid answer resourc frequent ask question regard hitech act. read faq, learn act is, came from, requir role achiev maintain hitech compliance."} {"id": "2033", "contents": "includ law $22 billion $19.2 billion intend use increas use electron health record (ehr) physician hospitals; portion bill called, health inform technolog econom clinic health act, hitech act. hitech act summary. februari 17, 2009 $787 billion, american recoveri reinvest act 2009 sign law feder government."} {"id": "2034", "contents": "hitech act speak directli rationale, even casual observ understand potenti massiv expans exchang ephi increas privaci secur concern stakeholders. fail hitech definit control. hitech act unsecur phi essenti mean unencrypt phi.. general, act requir patient notifi unsecur breach. breach impact 500 patient hh must also notified."} {"id": "2035", "contents": "hitech act set meaning use interoper ehr adopt health care system critic nation goal incentiv ehr adoption. goal adopt alon 'meaning use' ehr is, use provid achiev signific improv care.. hh feder trade commiss (ftc) requir hitech act issu regul associ new breach notif requirements. hh rule publish feder regist august 24, 2009, ftc rule publish august 25, 2009."} {"id": "2036", "contents": "frequent ask question re: hiteh act\u2019 reach guidelin q: hitech? a: health inform technolog econom clinic health (hitech) act set motion 2009 part american recoveri reinvest act."} {"id": "2037", "contents": "hitech act compon arra healthcar reform general, major legisl focu feder govern 2009. hitech build 1996 health insur portabl account act strengthen rule design protect privaci secur health-rel data. resourc provid answer resourc frequent ask question regard hitech act. read faq, learn act is, came from, requir role achiev maintain hitech compliance."} {"id": "2038", "contents": "even though us senat like pass stimulu packag next day two, hous senat still come agreement fund differences. hitech act still hold possibl addit $20 billion agre upon house. key word use hous senat \u201cmeaning use\u201d \u201cshovel ready\u201d. words, everyth set place readi go, need money get ground."} {"id": "2039", "contents": "part bill hitech act. pass come mani chang way healthcar industri receives, maintains, share patient records. hitech stand health inform technolog econom clinic health. second, hitech act mandat ehrs, trajectori clear. even mental health profession exclud incentives, appli medicar medicaid providers. commerci insurances, eap privat pay apply."} {"id": "2040", "contents": "mani hitech act 's requir becom effect 12 month date enactment, effect date oper differ schedule. cover variou effect date resourc avail internet captur inform detail (see appendix). fail hitech definit control. hitech act unsecur phi essenti mean unencrypt phi.. general, act requir patient notifi unsecur breach. breach impact 500 patient hh must also notified."} {"id": "2041", "contents": "milk magnesia brand name magnesium hydroxide, medic use treat constipation. type lax known oral osmotic; work draw water colon bodi tissu surround it. allow stool pass easily. milk magnesia taken liquid tablet. bowel movement occur within half hour six hour take it. milk magnesia also use antacid. help reliev heartburn, sour stomach, acid indigestion. over-the-count (otc) drug that' avail without prescription. mani compani offer brand name, ex-lax milk magnesia phillips' milk magnesia."} {"id": "2042", "contents": "works. milk magnesia saline-bas lax treat constipation, long there' indic bowel obstruction. salin milk magnesia work like spong hit colon, draw water area soften stool eas passage."} {"id": "2043", "contents": "magnesium hydroxid mg(oh) also known milk magnesia. liquid taken oral contain natur found mineral, magnesium. charl henri phillips, 1880, came origin formula. sold concoct name phillips' milk magnesia."} {"id": "2044", "contents": "milk magnesia reliev symptom acut constipation. photo credit bananastock/bananastock/getti images. milk magnesia, otherwis known magnesium hydroxide, over-the-count medic that' avail liquid tablet form. often prescrib treatment acut constipation. though common treatment, come possibl risk relat dosag levels."} {"id": "2045", "contents": "best known form milk magnesia chalky-tast liquid come bottles, phillip milk magnesia. liquid avail original, non-flavor form ad flavor cherry. milk magnesia also avail chewabl tablet form."} {"id": "2046", "contents": "individu lack enough save cover cost nurs home\u2014or cost protract stay exhaust assets\u2014they becom elig assist medicaid. qualifi medicaid, applic must minim assets\u2014no $2,000 cash cash equival bond iras."} {"id": "2047", "contents": "cost brace yourself. peopl alreadi know nurs home care expensive. although averag cost $50,000 year climbing, vari wide depend live. employe health insur pay nurs home care. third nurs home resid pay nurs home cost fund"} {"id": "2048", "contents": "carri mean test work much pay toward care home fees. currently, asset \u00a323,250, need pay full cost care. home won\u2019t includ partner close rel still live there. incom also taken account."} {"id": "2049", "contents": "transfer less fair market valu may subject penalti medicaid won\u2019t pay nurs home care period time. long period depend valu asset gave away. mani way pay nurs home care. peopl enter nurs home begin pay care out-of-pocket. use resourc (like bank account stocks) period time, may eventu becom elig medicaid"} {"id": "2050", "contents": "charg 50 cent everi dollar limit. home care, care fee cannot exceed cost care. nurs home care fee subject annual maximum $25,000 lifetim maximum $60,000. everyon receiv care nurs home basic fee 85 per cent basic age pension. that\u2019 current $15,364 year, $295 week. increas 84 85 per cent justifi govern expect increas cost live result carbon tax."} {"id": "2051", "contents": "help state (medicaid). qualifi medicaid, may abl get help pay nurs home care costs. nurs home accept medicaid payment. check nurs home see accept peopl medicaid, medicaid bed available. mani way pay nurs home care. peopl enter nurs home begin pay care out-of-pocket. use resourc (like bank account stocks) period time, may eventu becom elig medicaid"} {"id": "2052", "contents": "nurs home charg $52 day reimburs $52 day government, nurs home\u2019 prefer somebodi afford pay full $52 some. whose mean extend beyond full cost accommodation, care fee apply. everyon receiv care nurs home basic fee 85 per cent basic age pension. that\u2019 current $15,364 year, $295 week. increas 84 85 per cent justifi govern expect increas cost live result carbon tax."} {"id": "2053", "contents": "one ask pay cost care, also lifetim maximum $60,000 care fees, whether incur part home care packag stay nurs home, combin both. pension couples, it\u2019 similar story. everyon receiv care nurs home basic fee 85 per cent basic age pension. that\u2019 current $15,364 year, $295 week. increas 84 85 per cent justifi govern expect increas cost live result carbon tax."} {"id": "2054", "contents": "moreover, even net combin incom spous exceed $2019. level, may still possibl keep standard protect resourc amount, shift incom cost nurs home care. example, coupl exampl $2019."} {"id": "2055", "contents": "accord intern rugbi board \u201claw game,\u201d rugbi match last 80 minutes, divid two 40-minut halves. halftim period 10 minut separ halves. compar sports. rugbi rel long game time compar sports. contrast 80 minut rugbi match, american footbal game, last 60 minutes, divid four 15-minut quarters. includ clock stopping, penalti time outs, footbal game last hour"} {"id": "2056", "contents": "around academy: game rugbi leagu consist two halv 40 minutes, injuri time ad end half. two halves, 10-minut break team chang end attack half defending. hooter whistl indic start finish half. however, time extend penalti kick kick goal. case, half end next ball goe play tackl made. game rugbi leagu consist two halv 40 minutes, injuri time ad end half."} {"id": "2057", "contents": "school boy rugbi match grade 10 goe 55 minutes. 25 minut halv halftime. yr 11 upwards, match last half hour per half 10 minut half time break. pro leagu play 90 mintu up. forti minut halv 10 min half time."} {"id": "2058", "contents": "you\u2019r still convinc handl 80 minut rugbi pub, five surpris stat amus clear home. 1. although rugbi match 80 minut long, ball actual play 35 minutes. 2. normal around 221 crunch tackl everi game. 3. elit rugbi player run 4.45km 6.84km per game. 4."} {"id": "2059", "contents": "rugbi union, simpli rugby, contact team sport origin england first half 19th century. one two code rugbi football, base run ball hand. common form, game two team 15 player use oval-shap ball rectangular field h-shape goalpost tri line. knockout stage rugbi competitions, notabl rugbi world cup, two extra time period 10 minut period play (with interv minut between) game tie full-time."} {"id": "2060", "contents": "rugbi match divid two halv last 40 minut each. half-tim brief 10 minutes. match begin kick-off, team tri move ball forward score point run kick ball. continu play. rugbi match divid two halv last 40 minut each. half-tim brief 10 minutes. match begin kick-off, team tri move ball forward score point run kick ball. play continuous, even player tackled."} {"id": "2061", "contents": "regular rugbi union match last least 80 minutes, normal seven match consist two halv seven minut one-minut half-tim break. final competit play two halv ten minut each, half-tim break two minutes."} {"id": "2062", "contents": "adult-level rugbi union match last 80 minutes, consist two halv 40 minut plu time ad injury. now. report abuse. 1/2 hour hours, actual game time 80 min broken halv plu injuri time end half continu till ball goe dead ref call time. minut break halves."} {"id": "2063", "contents": "age twelv influenc peer pressur start drink cider popular drink among young peopl cheap strong. medic decis made outsid influenc alcohol peer pressure."} {"id": "2064", "contents": "noun. pressur conform standard behaviour one' peer teenag sensit peer pressure. peer pressur use cannabis, naomi admit peer pressur 'cool' drove sex early."} {"id": "2065", "contents": "peer pressur noun [u]. pressur \u200bfeel \u200bbehav \u200bcertain way \u200byour \u200bfriend \u200bpeopl \u200byour \u200bgroup \u200bexpect it: \u200btremend peer pressur among \u200bteenag \u200bdress \u200bcertain way."} {"id": "2066", "contents": "noun. influenc member one\u2019 peer group: behaviour affect drink peer pressure. exampl sentences. age twelv influenc peer pressur start drink cider popular drink among young peopl cheap strong."} {"id": "2067", "contents": "[noncount]. feel must thing peopl age social group order like respect them. start drink high school peer pressure. [+] exampl [-] hide exampl [+] exampl sentenc [-] hide examples."} {"id": "2068", "contents": "2008, perkin name vice presid player relat indiana pacers, play 1999\u20132001. member 1982 ncaa champion north carolina tar heels. name acc 50th anniversari men' basketbal team one fifti greatest player atlant coast confer history. co-captain gold-med win 1984 u.s. olymp basketbal team."} {"id": "2069", "contents": "taken everi loss personally. 53-year-old perkin couldn\u2019t help note age tarpley, 50, kersey, 52. perkin mention anoth player era, anthoni mason, 48, new york hospit tri recov multipl heart surgeries. first, perkin mourn end smith knew him. lost coach good. \u201cthe game lost lot,\u201d said perkins, attend privat memori smith feb. 12. \u201cbasketbal won\u2019t same.\u201d. sadly, perkin given mani reason know true."} {"id": "2070", "contents": "samuel perkin company, inc. 497beal street quincy, 02169 telephone: 617 773-3600 fax: 617 847-1492. samuel perkin small independ compani who' idea suppli surgical, veterinary, laboratory, durabl medic products, suture, paper products, scrubs, lab coats, glove mani products."} {"id": "2071", "contents": "sam perkin born june 14, 1961 brooklyn, new york, usa samuel bruce perkins. forward/cent dalla maverick (1985-1990), lo angel laker (1991-1993), seattl superson (1993-1998) indiana pacer (1999-2001)."} {"id": "2072", "contents": "e-mail me. sam perkin found partner brody, hardoon, perkin kesten, llp. massachusett lawyer weekli lawyer year 2006, design super lawyer everi year sinc 2004. mr. perkin lead counsel dozen juri trial feder state court massachusett vermont. divers practic includ commerci litigation, civil rights, consum protection, employment, profession malpractice, land use person injury."} {"id": "2073", "contents": "samuel perkin (born june 14 1961) retir american profession basketbal player. gold medal us nation team 1984 lo angel olympics. 50% voter think sam perkin gay (homosexual), 50% vote straight (heterosexual), 0% like think sam perkin actual bisexual."} {"id": "2074", "contents": "samuel sam perkin (born june 14, 1961) retir american profession basketbal player. gold medal us nation team 1984 lo angel olympics. member 1982 ncaa champion north carolina tar heels. name acc 50th anniversari men' basketbal team one fifti greatest player atlant coast confer history. co-captain gold-med win 1984 u.s. olymp basketbal team."} {"id": "2075", "contents": "current knowledg sam perkins' net worth, pleas feel free share inform below. sam perkins' net worth estim rang approxim $751409097 2015, accord user vipfaq. estim net worth includ stocks, properties, luxuri good yacht privat airplanes. 50% voter think sam perkin gay (homosexual), 50% vote straight (heterosexual), 0% like think sam perkin actual bisexual."} {"id": "2076", "contents": "sam perkin net worth: $3 million. sam perkin net worth: sam perkin american former profession basketbal player net worth $3 million. sam perkin born brooklyn, new york june 1961. 6'9\u2033 power forward center name large-school player year shaker high school new york state sportswrit association. perkin play univers north carolina ncaa championship 1982 name consensu second-team all-american year."} {"id": "2077", "contents": "leachate. leachat liquid, rain, come contact garbage. protect surfac water groundwat around landfill, leachat contained, collect treated. although landfil oper manner minim leachate, 22 million gallon collect last year"} {"id": "2078", "contents": "leachat liquid that, cours pass matter, extract solubl suspend solids, compon materi passed. collect pipe network leachat collect system drains, collects, transport leachat drainag layer collect sump remov treatment disposal. pipe also serv drain within drainag layer minim mound leachat layer."} {"id": "2079", "contents": "10 extrem place earth. landfil leachat liquid move drain dump organ trash collect site. leachat exist own, usual result natur decomposition. liquid chemic discard also contribute. biggest sourc leachat place rainwater, though. common sourc leachat rainwat filter landfil aid bacteria process decomposition. organ matter break decomposes, need oxygen; water hit it, thing tend go lot faster."} {"id": "2080", "contents": "leachat wide use term environment scienc specif mean liquid dissolv entrain environment harm substanc may enter environment. commonli use context land-fil putresc industri waste. collect pipe network leachat collect system drains, collects, transport leachat drainag layer collect sump remov treatment disposal. pipe also serv drain within drainag layer minim mound leachat layer."} {"id": "2081", "contents": "leachat gener major problem municip solid wast (msw) landfil caus signific threat surfac water groundwater. leachat defin liquid pass alandfil extract dissolv suspend matter it."} {"id": "2082", "contents": "fact term \u201cleachate\u201d often appli landfil leachate, within wast manag industri outside, easi forget leachat term use liquid produc action \u201cleaching\u201d. leach occur water percol permeabl material. purpos section web site inform newcom common liquid refer as, leachat landfil leachate."} {"id": "2083", "contents": "leachate. leachat start rainfall. rain fall top landfil main contributor gener leachate, far largest contributor modern sanitari landfil accept liquid waste."} {"id": "2084", "contents": "leachat landfil vari wide composit depend age landfil type wast contains. usual contain dissolv suspend material. gener leachat caus princip precipit percol wast deposit landfill. collect pipe network leachat collect system drains, collects, transport leachat drainag layer collect sump remov treatment disposal. pipe also serv drain within drainag layer minim mound leachat layer."} {"id": "2085", "contents": "definit leachate. leachat liquid drain \u2018leaches\u2019 landfill. vari wide composit regard age landfil type wast contains. usual contain dissolv suspend material. purpos section web site inform newcom common liquid refer as, leachat landfil leachate."} {"id": "2086", "contents": "landfil wast degrad rain rins result product out, leachat formed. black liquid contain organ inorgan chemicals, heavi metal well pathogens; pollut groundwat therefor repres health risk. nowadays, leachat recircul landfil treat sewag treatment plants. new inorgan polym remov heavi metal well color turbid liquid."} {"id": "2087", "contents": "cover roast pan tightli foil, return oven, roast 1/2 hours, pork tender easi shred fork. meanwhile, prepar barbecu sauce. saucepan, combin sauc ingredients. bring boil, stir constantly."} {"id": "2088", "contents": "cook roast. put lid dutch oven place roast oven. cook roast 1/2 hours, meat fall apart easili poke fork. remov lid dutch oven put roast back oven cook anoth 1/2 hour. brown roast. place tablespoon oil heavi dutch oven. put dutch oven burner medium high heat. oil hot, put pork shoulder dutch oven cook one side get brown, minutes."} {"id": "2089", "contents": "smoke pull pork shoulder. smoker, well-season pork sandwich recip you. make 14 18 serv invit neighbor pick enough bun condiments. prep time 15 minutes, plan smoke time hours."} {"id": "2090", "contents": "heat larg dutch oven high heat add canola oil. add pork sear sides, minut per side, golden brown. turn heat. pour beer (or liquid choice) dutch oven place pot, uncov preheat oven. roast hours, pork fall apart shred easili fork. shred pork (you discard bone time) add half remain spice mixture. toss pork cup bbq sauce, place back oven 30 minutes."} {"id": "2091", "contents": "oven pull pork call 250 hour salt pepper rub plu vinag bottom pan. made recip famili member homemad slaw live nj. tradit eastern carolina gold aka bbq\u2026lol. recall, start pound piec pork. actual cook time hours. couldn\u2019t find oven thermomet suspect oven cook bit warmer indicates. again, you\u2019r look cook low heat long take reach 190\u00ba mark."} {"id": "2092", "contents": "rub spice blend pork marin long time for, littl hour overnight, covered, refrigerator. preheat oven 300 degre f. put pork roast pan bake hours. basically, roast pork fall apart instant-read thermomet insert thickest part regist 170 degre f. simmer gently, stirring, 10 minut sugar dissolves. remov pork roast oven transfer larg platter. allow meat rest 10 minutes."} {"id": "2093", "contents": "cover transfer oven: simmering, cover dutch oven transfer whole pot oven. cook hours, fork tender: let pork cook undisturb hours, begin check everi half hour. total cook time hours, depend amount pork whether bone-in (which take longer cook)."} {"id": "2094", "contents": "least crock pot\u2026. pork butt make grill/smok sometim can\u2019t it. butt, grill recip gust winds. 25-30 mph 60 mph mile away. outdoor cook weather. 250 degre good target temp grill easi oven. 2) oven smoke option smoke tast needed. enter liquid smoke. would give good rub liquid smoke prior rub."} {"id": "2095", "contents": "total cook time usual 1\u00bd hour per pound. pork take long cook, increas oven temperatur 300 325 degre hurri thing along. cases, pork butt cook bit faster expect to. recipe, need pork shoulder (a/k/a pork butt boston butt). entir pork shoulder typic weigh 16 pound (and take day slow cook). unless you\u2019r feed huge crowd, you\u2019ll want someth smaller. supermarket sell cut pork shoulder size anywher pounds."} {"id": "2096", "contents": "prepar time recip (make rub appli pork) 20 minutes. rub pork need rest refriger overnight cooking. cook time 1\u00bd hour per pound meat. recip take bit time (though unattended). recipe, need pork shoulder (a/k/a pork butt boston butt). entir pork shoulder typic weigh 16 pound (and take day slow cook). unless you\u2019r feed huge crowd, you\u2019ll want someth smaller. supermarket sell cut pork shoulder size anywher pounds."} {"id": "2097", "contents": "mnemonic. later also valgus, varus. also rememb direct distal part key: distal (more) later mean valgu distal (more) medial mean varus. determin distal part medial later be. whenev distal part lateral, call valgus. whenev distal part medial, call varus."} {"id": "2098", "contents": "1. varus-a deform part limb turn inward abnorm degree. deformity, malformation, misshapenness-an afflict part bodi misshapen malformed. valgus-a deform abnorm displac part limb away midlin body. varus-a deform part limb turn inward abnorm degree. deformity, malformation, misshapenness-an afflict part bodi misshapen malform"} {"id": "2099", "contents": "conversely, varu deform knee result bowleg appearance, distal part leg deviat inward. terminolog refer bone rather joint, distal segment bone described. thus, varu deform tibia (i.e. mid-shaft tibial fractur varu deformity) refer distal segment varu align compar proxim segment."} {"id": "2100", "contents": "pe varus... pe varu deform rear leg (unilateral) leg (bilateral) give dog appear bowlegged. distal (outside) growth plate tibia grow faster rate media (inside) side caus deformity."} {"id": "2101", "contents": "descript pair joint limb static angular deform bone distal joint deviat medial longitudin axi proxim bone, toward midlin body, subject anatom position. describ abnorm posit part limb turn inward toward midline, great toe hallux varus. compar valgus. orthoped fixat part posit assum inverted\u2013in frontal plane, fixat plantar surfac direct toward midline."} {"id": "2102", "contents": "varus. bent twist inward; denot deform angul part toward midlin body, talip varus. (va'r\u016ds), form adject use masculin noun (metatarsu varus, plural metatarsi vari. describ abnorm posit part limb turn inward toward midline, great toe hallux varus. compar valgus. orthoped fixat part posit assum inverted\u2013in frontal plane, fixat plantar surfac direct toward midline."} {"id": "2103", "contents": "orthopedics, varu deform term inward angul distal segment bone joint. opposit varu call valgus. term varu valgu alway refer direct distal segment joint points. terminolog refer bone rather joint, distal segment bone described. thus, varu deform tibia (i.e. mid-shaft tibial fractur varu deformity) refer distal segment varu align compar proxim segment."} {"id": "2104", "contents": "term valgu varu refer angul (or bowing) within shaft bone joint. determin distal part medial later be. whenev distal part lateral, call valgus. whenev distal part medial, call varus. therefore, apex joint point medially, deformity, any, would call valgus, distal part point later"} {"id": "2105", "contents": "varu thrust characterist dynam align shown predict medial tibiofemor structur progression. treatment aim minim varu thrust may reduc structur progress symptom relat knee osteoarthritis. varu thrust shown predict medial tibiofemor structur progress associ symptom knee oa. treatment aim minim varu thrust hold promis reduc structur progress symptom relat knee oa."} {"id": "2106", "contents": "adult recogniz (usual five-point) radial symmetry, includ well-known anim starfish, sea urchins, sand dollars, sea cucumbers, well sea lili stone lilies. echinoderm found everi ocean depth, intertid zone abyss zone. phylum contain 7000 live species, make second-largest group deuterostom (a superphylum), chordat (which includ vertebrates, birds, fishes, mammals, reptiles). echinoderm evolv anim bilater symmetry. although adult echinoderm possess pentaradial, five-sided, symmetry, echinoderm larva ciliated, free-swim organ organ bilater symmetri make look like embryon chordates."} {"id": "2107", "contents": "echinodermata: morphology. echinoderm compar living, move castles. castl made interlock blocks, singl main entranc numer slit window air defense. echinoderm skeleton made interlock calcium carbon plate spines. skeleton enclos epidermi thu endoskeleton."} {"id": "2108", "contents": "educ use only. phylum echinodermata, contain 6000 species, get name greek, liter mean spini skin.. mani echinoderm actual spini skin, other not. phylum exist exclus sea, cannot found land fresh water."} {"id": "2109", "contents": "laura klappenbach. sea urchin sand dollar (echinoidea) group echinoderm spiny, globe disk shape animals. sea urchin sand dollar found world' oceans. like echinoderms, pentaradi symmetr (the five side arrang around central point). sea urchin tube feet move use water vascular system. endoskeleton consist calcium carbon spicul ossicles. sea urchins, ossicl fuse plate form shell-lik structur call test."} {"id": "2110", "contents": "sea star belong phylum echinodermata. mean relat sand dollar (yes, real animal), sea urchins, sea cucumbers. echinoderm five-point radial symmetry, mean bodi plan five section (or multipl thereof) arrang around central disk."} {"id": "2111", "contents": "phylum echinodermata, contain 6000 species, get name greek, liter mean \u201cspini skin.\u201d phylum exist exclus sea includ sea stars, urchins, brittl stars, sea cucumbers. simpl animals, lack brain complex sens organs. characterist echinoderm presenc intern skeleton cover spine skin. skeleton vari type echinoderms. sea star brittl stars, skeleton consist multitud small calcar plate call \u2018ossicles\u2019 move one another, form flexibl joints."} {"id": "2112", "contents": "echinodermata, (from greek mean spini skin), phylum contain 13,000 extinct 7,000 extant species. live repres found marin environment, make phylum largest lack terrestri fresh water forms. echinoderm vascular system carri water echinoderm end sucker feet enabl creatur grip move objects."} {"id": "2113", "contents": "notabl distinct trait, echinoderm have, remark power regener tissue, organs, limbs, asexu reproduction, cases, complet regener singl limb. echinoderm evolv anim bilater symmetry. although adult echinoderm possess pentaradial, five-sided, symmetry, echinoderm larva ciliated, free-swim organ organ bilater symmetri make look like embryon chordates."} {"id": "2114", "contents": "echinoderm character radial symmetry, water vascular system intern skeleton. strike featur echinoderm pentamer radial symmetry. is, bodi divid five part (or appendages) point outward center body. interestingly, although matur echinoderm radial symmetrical, larva usual bilater symmetry. characterist echinoderm presenc intern skeleton cover spine skin. skeleton vari type echinoderms. sea star brittl stars, skeleton consist multitud small calcar plate call \u2018ossicles\u2019 move one another, form flexibl joints."} {"id": "2115", "contents": "castl (from latin: castellum) type fortifi structur built europ middl east middl age nobility. scholar debat scope word castle, usual consid privat fortifi resid lord noble."} {"id": "2116", "contents": "philli wheatley. philli wheatley born seneg 1753. captur slave trader brought america 1761. purchas john wheatley, tailor boston, philli taught read one wheatley' daughters. philli studi english, latin greek 1767 began write poetry."} {"id": "2117", "contents": "one america\u2019 first poets, philli wheatley born 1753 africa. captur slave trader brought america sold juli 1761 wheatley famili boston, massachusetts. name (phillis) deriv ship brought america, \u201cthe phillis.\u201d."} {"id": "2118", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. philli wheatley (c. 1753 decemb 5, 1784) first publish african-american femal poet. born west africa, sold slaveri age seven transport north america. philli wheatley' church, old south meet house. although date place birth documented, scholar believ philli wheatley born 1753 west africa, like present-day gambia senegal. wheatley brought british-rul boston, massachusett juli 11, 1761, slave ship call philli"} {"id": "2119", "contents": "earli years. pioneer african-american poet, philli wheatley born seneg around 1753. age 8, kidnap brought boston slave ship. upon arrival, john wheatley purchas young girl servant wife, susanna. born seneg 1753, poet philli wheatley brought boston, massachusetts, slave ship 1761, purchas john wheatley person servant wife."} {"id": "2120", "contents": "(about 1753-1754 decemb 5, 1784)sometim misspel phylli wheatley. philli wheatley born africa (probabl senegal) 1753 1754. eight year old, kidnap brought boston. there, 1761, john wheatley bought wife, susanna, person servant. custom time, given wheatley family' surnam"} {"id": "2121", "contents": "synopsis. born seneg 1753, poet philli wheatley brought boston, massachusetts, slave ship 1761, purchas john wheatley person servant wife."} {"id": "2122", "contents": "grade levels. philli wheatley born gambia may 8, 1753, die boston decemb 5, 1784. 8, sold slave john susanna wheatley boston. name ship brought america, phillis. poetri foundat describ sale. philli wheatley biographi kids. philli wheatley born gambia may 8, 1753, die boston decemb 5, 1784. 8, sold slave john susanna wheatley boston."} {"id": "2123", "contents": "surnam newton toponym surname, i.e., deriv place name. surnam dna project. well-known bearer name isaac newton usual one meant refer made newton without qualification. surnam may also refer to:"} {"id": "2124", "contents": "references. newton famili crest acquir houseofnames.com archives. newton famili crest drawn accord herald standard base publish blazons. gener includ oldest publish famili crest associ surname. page last modifi 10 june 2015 18:04. newton earli origins. first found cheshir held famili seat earli time grant land duke william normandy, lieg lord, distinguish assist battl hast 1066 a.d."} {"id": "2125", "contents": "newton name meaning. english: habit name mani place named, old english neow \u2018new\u2019 tun \u2018enclosure\u2019, \u2018settlement\u2019. accord ekwall, commonest english place name. reason, surnam highli fragment origin. find major newton famili live immigr u. learn focu search foreign records. immigr record tell ancestor' name, ship name, port departure, port arrival, destination."} {"id": "2126", "contents": "famou english surnam locat origins. believ eighty-thre place call newton newtown england wales, said place name appear everi one forti three english counties, except westmoreland rutland. first record spell famili name shown alward de niwetuna. date 1086, domesday book norfolk, reign king william 1st, known conqueror, 1066 1087."} {"id": "2127", "contents": "last name origin meaning: english: habit name mani place named, old english n\u0113ow \u2018new\u2019 t\u016bn \u2018enclosure\u2019, \u2018settlement\u2019. accord ekwall, commonest english place name. reason, surnam highli fragment origin."} {"id": "2128", "contents": "newton english locat surname. newton genealog show name deriv nearli 100 place england wale form name, includ newtown, newton, newington, more. word deriv old english word neow (new) tun (settlement). newton genealog list first record spell alward de niwetuna norfolk 1086. newton famili motto huic habeo non tibi, mean hold him, you.."} {"id": "2129", "contents": "newton famili histori origin surname: start genealog find person newton famili ancestry. easi get started. begin famili tree alreadi know. name sever small town england--th new town. source: etymolog dictionari famili christian name essay deriv import; arthur, william, m.a.; new york, ny: sheldon, blake, bleeker co., 1857."} {"id": "2130", "contents": "newton surnam origin. locality. name sever small town england--th new town. source: etymolog dictionari famili christian name essay deriv import; arthur, william, m.a.; new york, ny: sheldon, blake, bleeker co., 1857."} {"id": "2131", "contents": "etymolog histori surname: newton. view name: newton. newton. deriv habitational-der pick mani english town 'new town'. histori word 'enclosure,settlement',mak common english place names.thi origin fragmented. link surnam newdon."} {"id": "2132", "contents": "gum part bodi need vitamin whole bodi need remain healthy. certain vitamin like vitamin c, vitamin helper call coenzym q10 essenti health bodi tissu organs, includ gums."} {"id": "2133", "contents": "yes, supplement vitamin iron help keep gum healthy. vitamin essenti growth iron healthi blood, turn contribut healthi gum tissue. vitamin keep gum healthi produc healthi connect tissu hold teeth sockets."} {"id": "2134", "contents": "save. want take good care gum certain vitamin need take. vitamin help prevent certain condit vitamin help cure certain conditions."} {"id": "2135", "contents": "vitamin power antioxid taken capsul form open rub onto gum tissu healing. also use reliev sore gum infant teething. food high vitamin includ sunflow seeds, turnip greens, tomato past peanut butter."} {"id": "2136", "contents": "vitamin help keep gum healthy. vitamin defici lead gum diseas vitamin help produc collagen skin, gum consid skin tissue. enough vitamin system bodi difficult time tri replenish gum tissue."} {"id": "2137", "contents": "vitamin b. vitamin defici caus toothaches, reced gum overal sensit mucou membran mouth. vitamin complex supplement best taken sublingu form--und tongue--for optim absorption. food sourc vitamin includ mushrooms, meat fish."} {"id": "2138", "contents": "best food eat healthi gum teeth includ diet high fiber whole grain bread cereal beans. fruit high vitamin especi good gums, includ pears, orang kiwi."} {"id": "2139", "contents": "vitamin d. adequ amount vitamin prevent inflamm gums. also benefici absorpt calcium, necessari develop mainten healthi teeth. best sourc vitamin sun exposure, also get nutrient cheese, milk fatti fish."} {"id": "2140", "contents": "structur lipid bilay explain function barrier. lipid fats, like oil, insolubl water long hydrophob tails. hydrophob interact among sever phospholipid glycolipids, certain structur call lipid bilay bimolecular sheet favored. lipid bilay typic five nanomet ten nanomet thick surround cell provid cell membran structure. hydrophob tail individu sheet interact one another, hydrophob interior form act permeabl barrier."} {"id": "2141", "contents": "phospholipid amphiphil hydrocarbon tail molecul hydrophobic; polar head hydrophilic. plasma membran face wateri solut sides, phospholipid accommod form phospholipid bilay hydrophob tail face other. integr membran proteins. attach lipid bilayer. other transmembran protein polypeptid chain actual travers lipid bilayer. figur show transmembran protein pass bilay anoth pass times."} {"id": "2142", "contents": "arrang hydrophil head hydrophob tail lipid bilay prevent polar solut (ex. amino acids, nucleic acids, carbohydrates, proteins, ions) diffus across membrane, gener allow passiv diffus hydrophob molecules."} {"id": "2143", "contents": "contrast, hydrophil part lipid happi contact insid outsid cell. prevent hydrophob part expos either side, bilay must form. singl layer would mean hydrophob part would forc contact water. hydrophil part lipid polar water also polar, attract other. likewis non-polar hydrophob part attract non-polar molecules. fairli high water content insid outsid cells, hydrophob part lipid want contact insid outsid cell."} {"id": "2144", "contents": "lipid bilay univers compon cell membranes. structur call lipid bilay compos two layer fatti acid organ two sheets. lipid bilay typic five nanomet ten nanomet thick surround cell provid cell membran structure. hydrophob tail individu sheet interact one another, hydrophob interior form act permeabl barrier."} {"id": "2145", "contents": "phospholipid class lipid major compon cell membranes. form lipid bilay amphiphil characteristic. structur phospholipid molecul gener consist two hydrophob fatti acid tail hydrophil head consist phosphat group. two compon join togeth glycerol molecule. phosphat group modifi simpl organ molecul cholin"} {"id": "2146", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. tail lipid hydrophob head hydrophil hope helped=) tail lipid hydrophob head hydrophil hope helped=)."} {"id": "2147", "contents": "lipid molecul slightli solubl insolubl water. lipid hydrophob molecul consist long, 16-18 carbon, hydrocarbon backbon small amount oxygen contain groups. lipid serv mani function organisms. lipid bilay main fabric membrane, structur creat semi-perm membrane. hydrophob core imped diffus hydrophil structures, ion polar molecul allow hydrophob molecules, dissolv membrane, cross ease."} {"id": "2148", "contents": "lipid bilay thin polar membran made two layer lipid molecules. membran flat sheet form continu barrier around cells."} {"id": "2149", "contents": "figur 1: lipid bilay structur composit glycerophospholipid molecule. (a) plasma membran cell bilay glycerophospholipid molecules. (b) singl glycerophospholipid molecul compos two major regions: hydrophil head (green) hydrophob tail (purple). (c) subregion glycerophospholipid molecule; phosphatidylcholin shown example."} {"id": "2150", "contents": "state board educ (sbe) creat websit arizonan review provid comment arizona' mathemat (math) english languag art (ela) academ standards. arriv virtual home wickenburg unifi school district no. 9. locat wickenburg, arizona, whose popul 10,000 provid us small town atmospher safe scenic set educ students. offer full academ program, serv grade k-12."} {"id": "2151", "contents": "wickenburg area much southwest becam part unit state 1848 treati end mexican-american war. first extens survey conduct gila ranger pursu hostil indian raid butterfield overland mail rout attack miner gila city. wickenburg drug compani first occupi building, built 1918, corner apach frontier street wickenburg, arizona. follow jones\u2019 pharmacy. build mold cement block hous valley nation bank/ bank one 1946-1995."} {"id": "2152", "contents": "wickenburg town primarili locat maricopa county, arizona, unit states, portion neighbor yavapai county. wickenburg drug compani first occupi building, built 1918, corner apach frontier street wickenburg, arizona. follow jones\u2019 pharmacy. build mold cement block hous valley nation bank/ bank one 1946-1995."} {"id": "2153", "contents": "togeth miners, found town wickenburg 1863. wickenburg also home jack swilling, prospect salt river valley 1867. swill conduct irrig effort area help ground citi phoenix, arizona. wickenburg drug compani first occupi building, built 1918, corner apach frontier street wickenburg, arizona. follow jones\u2019 pharmacy. build mold cement block hous valley nation bank/ bank one 1946-1995."} {"id": "2154", "contents": "get wickenburg az. phoenix area, head west us highway 60. exit tegner avenue/u 93 turn right downtown wickenburg. distanc 54 mile downtown phoenix. vultur mine-th origin mine stake establish town founder henri wickenburg, vultur mine produc $30 million dollar gold ore activ mine days. visitor today take self-guid tour mine camp' remnant see first hand like part true wild west."} {"id": "2155", "contents": "often refer mani \u201cthinker\u2019 course\u201d, wickenburg countri club accommod player beginn experienced. wickenburg countri club wickenburg\u2019 origin home golf. locat 1420 w. countri club drive wickenburg, arizona. inform make tee times, call (928) 684-2011. also, look place hang hat settl in, wickenburg countri club offer golf membership"} {"id": "2156", "contents": "13.5%. accord research arizona state list regist sex offend live wickenburg, arizona octob 05, 2015. ratio number resid wickenburg number sex offend 3,266 1."} {"id": "2157", "contents": "wickenburg arizona. like mani arizona town like it, rich mine histori wickenburg, arizona testament hardi resolv gold rush dreamer flock area 1800s, search share greatest rich ever known. vultur mine-th origin mine stake establish town founder henri wickenburg, vultur mine produc $30 million dollar gold ore activ mine days. visitor today take self-guid tour mine camp' remnant see first hand like part true wild west."} {"id": "2158", "contents": "wickenburg home best outdoor recreat state arizona. whether prefer method see outback four wheel drive jeep, motorcycl mountain bike, wickenburg place stop. vultur mine-th origin mine stake establish town founder henri wickenburg, vultur mine produc $30 million dollar gold ore activ mine days. visitor today take self-guid tour mine camp' remnant see first hand like part true wild west."} {"id": "2159", "contents": "jail tree locat corner tegner wickenburg way wickenburg, arizona. 1863 1890, local jail full prisoners, fit cell chain tree (wcc). wickenburg drug compani first occupi building, built 1918, corner apach frontier street wickenburg, arizona. follow jones\u2019 pharmacy. build mold cement block hous valley nation bank/ bank one 1946-1995."} {"id": "2160", "contents": "numerolog mean (for entertain purpos only). peopl name tend natur leaders, self-sufficient, ambitious. gener want make decis life afraid take charg manag situation. import avoid extrem bossi shyness. tend impulsive."} {"id": "2161", "contents": "choos name babi boy babi girl like embark treasur hunt guarante winner. perfect babi name somewhere, care conceal fold babi name book... pleas use list australian babi name reference/idea name kid/child. databas babi name compil variou refer suggest provid web site visitor resourc partners."} {"id": "2162", "contents": "list hindu babi names, hindu babi boy name (male), girl name (female) hindu name mean compil variou resources. pleas use list hindu babi name reference/idea name kid/child."} {"id": "2163", "contents": "mean sumitra. indian name. indian, name sumitra means-good friend.th name sumitra origin indian name. name sumitra often use girl name femal name. indian name meaning-good friend. origin-india. global star registery-nam star someon special!"} {"id": "2164", "contents": "mean indian name: sumitra. mean name sumitra 'friendly'. sumitra name hindu indian origin, commonli use females. name number sumitra '2'. click get numerolog analysi name 'sumitra"} {"id": "2165", "contents": "sumitra nautic flags. indian name hindu name list babi namer indian, hindi sanskrit. name may use muslim indian would list arab iranian names. indian name gener contain given name follow number secondari names. secondari name often patronyms, name deriv father, grandfath patern ancestor, villag names, occup names, name gods. hindu given name sanskrit."} {"id": "2166", "contents": "list australian babi names, australian babi boy name (male), girl name (female) australian name mean compil variou resources. pleas use list australian babi name reference/idea name kid/child. databas babi name compil variou refer suggest provid web site visitor resourc partners. mean sumithra australian origin/cultur boy name histori fame details. copyright 2015 babynolog"} {"id": "2167", "contents": "follow diagram below. fun, see name sumitra hieroglyphics, learn ancient egyptian hieroglyph write hieroglyph message. learn nautic flag see name messag written nautic flags, sumitra nautic flag page. indian name gener contain given name follow number secondari names. secondari name often patronyms, name deriv father, grandfath patern ancestor, villag names, occup names, name gods. hindu given name sanskrit."} {"id": "2168", "contents": "name sumitra gener mean mother lord lakshman good friend, sanskrit, indian origin, name sumitra unisex name, mean boy girl name. person name sumitra mainli hindu religion. find qualiti aquariu (kumbh) find numerology, lucki number, lucki days, lucki color, auspici stone sumitra find chines zodiac sign birthston birthday find compat kumbh (aquarius) zodiac signs. similar sound names: somatra, saumitra, saumitr, sumitr."} {"id": "2169", "contents": "use microwave, cook yam fraction time there\u2019 risk burn house. win win! differ type sweet potatoes/yam cook variou time yellow orang one wetter cook 10 minut wherea drier purpl one take 20 minutes."} {"id": "2170", "contents": "microwav high 10 minut tender, turn yam once. microwav slice yams: wash, peel, cut woodi portion ends. cut yam quarters. place yam 1/2 cup water microwave-saf casserole. bake yams. place half yam 1-quart casserole. layer half brown sugar half margarine. repeat layers. bake, uncovered, 375 degre oven 30 35 minut yam glazed, spoon liquid yam twice cooking."} {"id": "2171", "contents": "prefer crispi skin sweet potatoes, cook potato microwav 5-6 minutes, unwrap sweep potato transfer bake sheet bake oven preheat 400 \u00b0f (204 \u00b0c) 20 minutes. cook multipl potato once, need increas cook time two-thirds. example, one larg potato take 10 minut cook, two larg potato would take 16-17 minutes."} {"id": "2172", "contents": "would like add seasoning, place yam microwave. add tablespoon butter tablespoon choic oil. would like sweeter potato, add tablespoon brown sugar, white sugar, mapl syrup, tablespoon fresh-squeez lemon juice, cinnamon nutmeg. want microwav yam whole, poke hole yam sweet potato. would rather microwav chunks, peel cut yams. cut chunk inch wide. place microwav safe bowl."} {"id": "2173", "contents": "also pre-cook micro need oven quit long. microwav 10-12 minutes, would half done would need 30 minut oven, would still nice oven bake tast texture."} {"id": "2174", "contents": "put plate microwav select cook time. cook time vari depend size potato power microwave. medium larg potato take 8-12 minut cook full power. tri put potato minut begin with, take turn side cook evenly. place back microwav anoth 3-5 minutes, depend soft already. cook multipl potato once, need increas cook time two-thirds. example, one larg potato take 10 minut cook, two larg potato would take 16-17 minutes."} {"id": "2175", "contents": "tri put potato minut begin with, take turn side cook evenly. place back microwav anoth 3-5 minutes, depend soft already. cook multipl potato once, need increas cook time two-thirds. example, one larg potato take 10 minut cook, two larg potato would take 16-17 minutes."} {"id": "2176", "contents": "bake yams. place half yam 1-quart casserole. bake, uncovered, 375 degre oven 30 35 minut yam glazed, spoon liquid yam twice cooking. sprinkl marshmallow bake minut more. bake yams. place half yam 1-quart casserole. layer half brown sugar half margarine. repeat layers."} {"id": "2177", "contents": "boil yams, follow instruct boil sweet potatoes. mash boil yams. mash yam use recipes, mash boil yam potato masher electr mixer low speed. measur amount need recipe. note medium yam yield 1-1/3 cup peeled, cooked, mash yams. bake yams. place half yam 1-quart casserole. layer half brown sugar half margarine. repeat layers. bake, uncovered, 375 degre oven 30 35 minut yam glazed, spoon liquid yam twice cooking."} {"id": "2178", "contents": "request refund tax withheld form 1042- file form 1040nr, need addit time process return. pleas allow month origin due date 1040nr return date actual file 1040nr, whichev later receiv refund due. use where\u2019 refund? start check statu return within 24 hour receiv e-fil return week mail paper return. where\u2019 refund? tracker display progress stages: (1) return received, (2) refund approv (3) refund sent."} {"id": "2179", "contents": "tax return e-fil take approxim 10 day receiv refund direct deposit. mail check take 21 days. confid vote 5.9k. ir take long need order properli verifi owe refund. send refund within 45 day april 15 45 receiv return (whichev later), pay interest."} {"id": "2180", "contents": "gener tax return accept ir within day two return electron file irs. cases, ir drt avail within 2-3 week return accept irs. ir process tax return june. ir tax return process time avail ir data retriev tool (ir drt) reflect chart mere guid help tax filer estim abl retriev ir tax return inform use ir drt."} {"id": "2181", "contents": "expect refund 2015. ir issu 10 refund less 21 days. however, it\u2019 possibl tax return may requir addit review take longer. easiest way check refund statu use autom tools. where\u2019 refund? date inform avail refund. use where\u2019 refund? start check statu return within 24 hour receiv e-fil return week mail paper return. where\u2019 refund? tracker display progress stages: (1) return received, (2) refund approv (3) refund sent."} {"id": "2182", "contents": "generally, must file form 1040x within three year date file origin return within two year date paid tax, whichev later. example: april 15 2014 2010 return file april 15 2011. amount time take receiv feder incom tax return vari state state depend first letter last name. also depend much ti take govern ass paper work. gener take littl two week much two month"} {"id": "2183", "contents": "ir provid method check statu return within normal process time -- 21 day e-fil return four week mail returns. check statu ir websit use \u201cwhere\u2019 refund\u201d link use \u201cirs2go\u201d mobil application. track system updat everi 24 hours. also may call ir refund hotlin 800-829-1954 autom inform 24 hour day. check statu e-fil tax return within 24 hour filing. wait four week check statu mail paper return. process returns. ir issu tax refund fewer 21 days, accord agency\u2019 website. length time take intern revenu servic process return, send refund appli payment depend sever conditions, includ file refund deliveri methods. irs, accord statist website, process 145 million individu return 2013."} {"id": "2184", "contents": "re: long take ir process 2013 tax refund? file tax feb 1st accept check statu refund still say refund processed. day look refund cycl chart say expect deposit date feb 15th."} {"id": "2185", "contents": "ir begin process refund end january, process alway faster e-file. tax refund normal issu within approxim 21 day file electronically, due budget cuts, expect wait bit longer. check statu refund within 24 hour e-fil tax return receiv ir four week tax form mail in. [image: daili financ ]. share 746. tweet 18. share 9. share 10."} {"id": "2186", "contents": "differ ribos deoxyribos ribos one more-oh group deoxyribose, has-h attach second (2') carbon ring. dna doubl strand molecul rna singl strand molecule. dna stabl alkalin condit rna stable. although dna rna carri genet information, quit differ them. comparison differ dna versu rna, includ quick summari detail tabl differences."} {"id": "2187", "contents": "rna (ribonucl acid). rna nucleic acid consist long chain nucleotid units. like dna molecule, everi nucleotid consist nitrogen base, sugar phosphates. rna creat process known transcribing, involv follow steps: dna \u201cunzips\u201d bond break. free nucleotid lead rna pair complementari base"} {"id": "2188", "contents": "dna contain sugar deoxyribose, rna contain sugar ribose. differ ribos deoxyribos ribos one more-oh group deoxyribose, has-h attach second (2') carbon ring. although dna rna carri genet information, quit differ them. comparison differ dna versu rna, includ quick summari detail tabl differences."} {"id": "2189", "contents": "nucleotid consist sugar, phosphat nucleic acid base. sugar dna deoxyribose. sugar rna ribose, deoxyribos one oh (oxygen-hydrogen atom combin call hydroxyl). biggest differ dna rna. #in dna sugar alpha deoxyribose, wherea rna alpha ribose. #also one major differ base. dna four type base found namely, cytosine, adenine, guanin thymine. rna base except thymine."} {"id": "2190", "contents": "tweet. differ dna rna basic way dna doubl strand wherea rna singl stranded. next differ dna made deoxyribos rna made ribose. ribos hydroxyl group attach it, make less stable. third differ complementari nucleotid dna rna encod for. dna thymin (t), guanin (g), adenin (a) cytosin (c)."} {"id": "2191", "contents": "rna ribonucl acid nucleic polym acid perform signific role translat genet code dna protein products. found nucleu cytoplasm. usual single-strand molecul shorter nucleotid chains. sugar present ribose. sever rna virus instil rna host cell skip dna host duplic decoding. dna act pattern rna viru transcrib viral proteins."} {"id": "2192", "contents": "rna ribos sugar. rna thymin replac uracil base. rna usual form dna, dna cannot form rna (except retro viruses, enzym revers transcript present) human three type rnas. mrna, rrna, trna those. compar dna, rna small size."} {"id": "2193", "contents": "dna stand deoxyribonucl acid, rna ribonucl acid. although dna rna carri genet information, quit differ them. comparison differ dna versu rna, includ quick summari detail tabl differences."} {"id": "2194", "contents": "predomin structur [edit]. dna double-strand molecul long chain nucleotid rna single-strand molecule, biolog role shorter chain nucleotid (after transcript splicing, exon remain rna)."} {"id": "2195", "contents": "trump attend fordham univers two year transfer wharton school univers pennsylvania. graduat 1968 bachelor scienc econom concentr finance, join father' real estat company. donald trump went fordham univers two years. transfer wharton school univers pennsylvania. graduat 1968"} {"id": "2196", "contents": "trump attend fordham univers two year transfer wharton school univers pennsylvania. graduat 1968 bachelor scien ce econom concentr finance, join father' real estat company. donald trump went fordham univers two years. transfer wharton school univers pennsylvania. graduat 1968. peopl found useful."} {"id": "2197", "contents": "high school, trump attend fordham univers two years. transfer wharton busi school, graduat 1968 bachelor scienc econom concentr finance. trump born june 14, 1946 new york. fourth five children family. trump attend kew-forest school forest hills, queen 13 year old. then, caus troubl kew-forest school, parent transfer new york militari academy."} {"id": "2198", "contents": "trump attend fordham univers bronx two years, transfer wharton school univers pennsylvania, wharton one real estat studi depart u.s. academia. graduat 1968, bachelor scienc degre economics. live two-stori mock tudor home wareham place jamaica estates, trump attend privat kew-forest school forest hills, queens, fred trump, donald' father, member board trustees. sibl also attend kew-forest."} {"id": "2199", "contents": "trump son fred trump, new york citi real estat developer. work father' firm, elizabeth trump son, attend wharton school univers pennsylvania, offici join compani 1968. 1971, given control company, renam trump organization. trump remain major figur american real estate. live two-stori mock tudor home wareham place jamaica estates, trump attend privat kew-forest school forest hills, queens, fred trump, donald' father, member board trustees. sibl also attend kew-forest."} {"id": "2200", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. trump attend fordham univers two year transfer wharton school univers pennsylvania. graduat 1968 bachelor scienc econom concentr finance, join father' real estat company. donald trump went fordham univers two years. transfer wharton school univers pennsylvania. graduat 1968"} {"id": "2201", "contents": "best answer: trump attend fordham univers two year transfer wharton school univers pennsylvania. graduat 1968 bachelor scienc econom concentr finance, join father' real estat company. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/donald_trum..."} {"id": "2202", "contents": "donald trump go college? trump attend fordham univers two year transfer wharton school univers pennsylvania. graduat 1968 bachelor scienc econom concentr finance, join father' real estat company. donald trump went fordham univers two years. transfer wharton school univers pennsylvania. graduat 1968. peopl found useful."} {"id": "2203", "contents": "topics: donald trump, war room, 2012 elections, polit news. donald trump aggress question barack obama\u2019 academ record, suggest presid \u201cterribl student\u201d deserv get columbia univers harvard law school. 2004, trump told cnn, \u201ci went wharton school finance, got good marks, good student, it\u2019 best busi school world, far i\u2019m concerned.\u201d. years, myriad profil trump claim \u201cfirst class\u201d wharton 1968."} {"id": "2204", "contents": "mean history. greek \u03bf\u03c5\u03c1\u03b1\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2 (ouranos) name husband gaia father titan greek mythology. name deriv \u03bf\u03c5\u03c1\u03b1\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2 (ouranos) mean heavens. also name seventh planet solar system. relat name"} {"id": "2205", "contents": "confid vote 101. greek word (ouranos) sky, heavens. first planet discov known ancient times, uranu name god heaven, uranus, father titan (greek ouranos, sky, heavens) therefor grandfath zeu (jupiter). planet discov identifi planet 1781. name god sky. one god greec roman incorporated. also call caelu romans, ame deriv latin word caelum mean sky heavens. peopl found useful."} {"id": "2206", "contents": "uranu planet whose name deriv figur greek mythology, latin version greek god sky, ouranos. like giant planets, uranu ring system, magnetosphere, numer moons. uranu name ancient greek deiti sky uranu (ancient greek: \u03bf\u1f50\u03c1\u03b1\u03bd\u03cc\u03c2), father cronu (saturn) grandfath zeu (jupiter), latin becam \u016branus. planet whose name deriv figur greek mythology."} {"id": "2207", "contents": "uranu seventh planet sun first discov scientists. although uranu visibl nake eye, long mistaken star planet\u2019 dim slow orbit. planet also notabl dramat tilt, caus axi point nearli directli sun."} {"id": "2208", "contents": "best answer: herschel origin name planet georgium sidu (star george) honor king georg iii great britain. later, astronom name planet uranus, figur embodi heaven father saturn grandfath jupit greek roman mythology."} {"id": "2209", "contents": "uranu name. name god sky. one god greec roman incorporated. also call caelu romans, ame deriv latin word caelum mean sky heavens. peopl found useful."} {"id": "2210", "contents": "greek word (ouranos) sky, heavens. first planet discov known ancient times, uranu name god heaven, uranus, father titan (greek ouranos, sky, heavens) therefor grandfath zeu (jupiter). planet discov identifi planet 1781. uranu seventh planet sun third largest solar system. discov william herschel 1781. equatori diamet 51,800 kilomet (32,190 miles) orbit sun everi 84.01 earth years."} {"id": "2211", "contents": "syll. u-ra-nus, ur-an-u babi boy name uranu pronounc yuh-r ey-nah uh r-ahn-ah english \u2020. uranu use chiefli dutch, english, finnish, french, german, scandinavian, deriv old greek origins. deriv element 'ouranos' mean sky. ourano (old greek) uranu (latin) older form name. name born greek mytholog son husband gaia; personif sky. also name given seventh planet sun. urainas, urainos, urainus, uranas, urano (italian, portuguese, spanish), uranos, uraynas, uraynos, uraynu variant uranus. uranu popular babi name boys."} {"id": "2212", "contents": "bought hous west la area, remodel bathrooms. contractor quot us labor (we bought tiles), $5 per sq ft floor tile $19-20 per sq ft wall tile (includ shower walls). surpris larg differ labor cost of..."} {"id": "2213", "contents": "price labour, adhes grout. tile included. let assum 8\u2019 6\u2019 bathroom, one window reveal, wall readi tiling, bath etc situ, tile 8\u201d (200mm) squar tiling. job 1. tile bathroom, floor ceiling, appli grout, silicon around bath."} {"id": "2214", "contents": "$4.85 per squar foot (labor only, tile provid customer) (range: $3.13 $6.57). $7.53 per squar foot (includ labor mid-grad tile) (range: $6.56 $8.49). $3.18 per squar foot (new sub-floor instal only) (range: $2.07 $4.28). $4.56 per squar foot (new wall back instal only) (range: $2.86 $6.25). $3.17 per squar foot (tile remov only) (range: $2.08 $4.26)."} {"id": "2215", "contents": "chicago averag price instal ceram tile 5.50 per s/f straight lay 6.50 45 degre lay thast ceram quarri tile porcelain tile 7.00 dollar per foot shini tile. labor charg usual run $2.00 per squar foot (materi additional). grout instal includ tile instal labor charge. instal tile wall shower kitchen usual higher usual requir site visit prior pricing."} {"id": "2216", "contents": "got estim tile seem charg us $18-22/squar foot. i'm pretti sure tile cost $2-3/squar foot although break down. that seem realli excess labor portion. i'm go talk builder tile store b/c well budget. builder alloc $10-12 squar foot labor $2-3/squar foot tile. example: basement bath-th cost tile 3x5 tub surround(about 78 sqaur feet) came $1818. i'v chosen basic plain white porcelain tile told pretti cheap. $23/sqaur feet."} {"id": "2217", "contents": "costs. minimum cost bathroom wall tiling: $2.50-$3.00 per squar foot. maximum cost bathroom wall tiling: $7.00-$8.00 per squar foot. consid bathroom wall tile project, homeown often concern cost associ installation. bathroom tiling, cost vari dramat depend overal qualiti product."} {"id": "2218", "contents": "wall tile bit harder align and, observed, keep moving. mean labor cost increased. %300. work place labor cost much lower a. however, differ price around $3 floor $4.50 $5 wall tile. contractor quot us labor (we bought tiles), $5 per sq ft floor tile $19-20 per sq ft wall tile (includ shower walls). surpris larg differ labor cost of..."} {"id": "2219", "contents": "$15.22. get instant estim cost instal wall tile! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost wall tile instal project. basic 120 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal wall tile rang $7.04 $15.22 per squar foot* estim cost project:"} {"id": "2220", "contents": "project size. contractor charg small tile instal project higher rate. example, price instal 45 sq. ft. porcelain floor tile small hallway around $450 $550, make $11.25 $12.30 per squar foot. 700 ft basement tile porcelain tile, instal typic offer much better deal labor per squar foot price project $2,800 $3,100 $4.0 $4.4 per sq. ft. design layout signific impact tile instal prices."} {"id": "2221", "contents": "also known gse citru seed extract, grapefruit seed extract deriv seeds, pulp white membran grapefruit. liquid, made naturally, render grind grapefruit seed pulp fine pulverized. achieved, glycerin ad mixture."} {"id": "2222", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. grapefruit seed extract (gse), also known citru seed extract, liquid extract deriv seeds, pulp, white membran grapefruit. self-mad natur gse process laboratori without synthet agent prepar grind grapefruit seed juiceless pulp, mix glycerin. evid extract citru grapefruit seed antioxid properties. analysi show constitu seed extract pulp flavonoids, ascorb acid (commonli known vitamin c), tocopherols, citric acid, limonoids, sterols, minerals."} {"id": "2223", "contents": "grapefruit, fruit juice, gener recogn safe fda. however, grapefruit affect mani medicines. take grapefruit, talk healthcar provid take medicines. take grapefruit seed extract product contain preservatives. caus seriou side effect vomiting, seizures, collapse, coma. get grapefruit seed extract eye nose. use genit rectum. caus sever irritation. need emerg care, surgery, dental work, tell healthcar provid dentist take medicine."} {"id": "2224", "contents": "however, non-toxic, natur remedy, none side effect treatments! grapefruit seed extract great select vitamin wonder gener health, also help treatment candida overgrowth. grapefruit seed extract sold either liquid concentr tablets. contain veget glycerin, tablet also contain small amount filler, organ brown rice protein."} {"id": "2225", "contents": "studi shown without contaminants, truli natur extract grapefruit seed pulp ethanol glycerin, antibacteri properties. however, gse apologist claim gse effect without contaminants. person opinion safer preservatives. however, prescrib organ mindset lifestyle, want avoid grapefruit seed extract, noth synthet chemical. note: grapefruit essenti oil natural, thing grapefruit seed extract"} {"id": "2226", "contents": "fals positive. however, email statement nutraingredients-usa, carolyn pruett nutribiotic, lead manufactur grapefruit seed extract-contain products, dismiss alleg product contain synthet disinfect like benzethonium chlorid triclosan. stephen daniel stephen daniells, 07-jun-2012. claim lead grapefruit seed extract product manufactur detect synthet disinfect product relat \u2018fals positive\u2019 interpret analyt data reject lead analyt expert."} {"id": "2227", "contents": "fortunately, precaut take, grapefruit seed extract one tool you\u2019ll find helpful. grapefruit seed extract total natural, effect antimicrobi product."} {"id": "2228", "contents": "grapefruit citru fruit. peopl use fruit, oil peel, extract seed medicine. grapefruit seed extract process grapefruit seed pulp obtain byproduct grapefruit juic production. veget glycerin ad final product reduc acid bitterness. peopl inhal grapefruit vapor help bodi retain water, headache, stress, depression. grapefruit seed extract vapor also inhal treatment lung infections. food beverages, grapefruit consum fruit, juice, use flavor component. manufacturing, grapefruit oil seed extract use fragranc compon soap cosmetics; household cleaner fruits, vegetables, meats, kitchen surfaces, dishes, etc"} {"id": "2229", "contents": "pastrami close behind 248 mg sodium. bologna contain 302 mg sodium, ham contain 365 mg. chicken breast contain 374 mg salami least healthi 529 mg sodium per slice. look low-sodium option reduc neg effect ad salt. deli meat sourc protein, help entir bodi function properli suppli energy."} {"id": "2230", "contents": "salami cure sausag usual made beef pork, common ingredi sandwiches, pasta salad italian cuisine. salami contain 12.6 gram protein per 3.5-ounc serving, well certain vitamin minerals, also high satur fat sodium."} {"id": "2231", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. like almost everi food, salami fine moderation. long due salami, fine. remember, salami made pork differ part come pork. tast delici quit fattening. therefore, recommend eat veggi side (perhap sandwich) kind balanc good bad food.. --hope helps."} {"id": "2232", "contents": "salami vs. pepperoni healthi meat. pepperoni actual type salami, get name spici pepper use season give differ flavor type salami. neither meat particularli healthy, salami littl healthier salami, sinc contain less fat sodium."} {"id": "2233", "contents": "high-calori food contain high amount fat sodium. salami contain 441 calori per 100 serving. amount equival 3.5 oz. compris 22 percent allow calori meal plan follow 2,000-calori daili diet. salami rich sourc carbohydrates. contain 2.3 per serving, meal plan requir 130 per day meet nutrit needs. eat salami, pair healthi carbohydr boost intak carbs."} {"id": "2234", "contents": "like almost everi food, salami fine moderation. long due salami, fine. remember, salami made pork differ nt part come pork. tast delici quit fattening."} {"id": "2235", "contents": "salami make tasti sandwich filling, healthi choice. salami cure sausag find delicatessen groceri stores. mani region europ variat salami recipes, preserv meat commonli contain beef pork. salami contain tran fats, rais ldl cholesterol lower healthi hdl cholesterol levels. ounc turkey salami contain 2.6 gram total fat, less gram satur fat tran fats."} {"id": "2236", "contents": "fat. 3.5-ounc serv salami, equal approxim four slices, contain 22.2 gram fat, 9.86 gram saturated. diet high satur fat contribut cardiovascular disease, coronari heart disease, stroke type diabetes. salami contain 12.6 gram protein per 3.5-ounc serving, well certain vitamin minerals, also high satur fat sodium."} {"id": "2237", "contents": "salami less healthi choic lean protein sourc high calori content. ounc salami contain gram protein, 12 percent daili value, 95 calories. turkey salami lower-calori option 48 calori per ounce. ounc turkey salami provid gram protein. salami contain tran fats, rais ldl cholesterol lower healthi hdl cholesterol levels. ounc turkey salami contain 2.6 gram total fat, less gram satur fat tran fats."} {"id": "2238", "contents": "dip side medallion season mix. melt butter oil togeth skillet medium-high heat. cook medallion minut side. place skillet preheat oven bake pork longer pink center, 17 20 minutes. melt butter oil togeth skillet medium-high heat. cook medallion minut side."} {"id": "2239", "contents": "preheat oven 400 degre (200 degre c). place bacon large, oven-saf skillet, cook medium-high heat, turn occasionally, lightli brown still flexible, minutes. drain bacon slice paper towel-lin plate. remov excess bacon greas skillet. cook. readi in. preheat oven 400 degre (200 degre c). place bacon large, oven-saf skillet, cook medium-high heat, turn occasionally, lightli brown still flexible, minutes. drain bacon slice paper towel-lin plate"} {"id": "2240", "contents": "place medallion bake pan pour marinad them. place pan oven, uncovered, roast medallion 15 20 minutes, instant-read thermomet insert center meat read 140 degre fahrenheit. marin pork medallion roast tender, juici finish oven. purchas pre-marin pork medallion make marinad add flavor meat."} {"id": "2241", "contents": "preheat oven 350 degre f. make glaze: put garlic rosemari small bowl. add vinegar, honey, oliv oil, mustard, salt pepper, taste, stir combine. pork: slice tenderloin 1-inch thick medallion (rounds). cover bottom medium skillet light film canola oil heat medium-high heat hot. add pork slice layer, season salt pepper, sear minute. turn sear minute, lightli browned. transfer slice layer shallow bake dish."} {"id": "2242", "contents": "place refriger 30 minutes. remov meat refriger 20 minut prior cooking. preheat oven 400 degrees. coat oven proof skillet cook spray heat medium heat. pan hot, add pork medallion cook 2-3 minut golden brown. flip pork over, add reserv marinad pan along tablespoon chicken broth, place pan oven cook 13-15 minut pork cook through. remov oven."} {"id": "2243", "contents": "melt butter oil togeth skillet medium-high heat. cook medallion minut side. place skillet preheat oven bake pork longer pink center, 17 20 minutes. cook. readi in. preheat oven 400 degre (200 degre c). place bacon large, oven-saf skillet, cook medium-high heat, turn occasionally, lightli brown still flexible, minutes. drain bacon slice paper towel-lin plate"} {"id": "2244", "contents": "preheat oven 400 degre (200 degre c). place bacon large, oven-saf skillet, cook medium-high heat, turn occasionally, lightli brown still flexible, minutes. drain bacon slice paper towel-lin plate. remov excess bacon greas skillet. melt butter oil togeth skillet medium-high heat. cook medallion minut side. place skillet preheat oven bake pork longer pink center, 17 20 minutes."} {"id": "2245", "contents": "roast 10 minutes, thermomet insert reach 140 degre medium. remov oven keep warm, loos cover readi serve. serv place pork medallion platter spoon balsamic-honey glaze them. garnish platter rosemari sprigs. cover bottom medium skillet light film canola oil heat medium-high heat hot. add pork slice layer, season salt pepper, sear minute. turn sear minute, lightli browned. transfer slice layer shallow bake dish."} {"id": "2246", "contents": "dip side medallion season mix. melt butter oil togeth skillet medium-high heat. cook medallion minut side. place skillet preheat oven bake pork longer pink center, 17 20 minutes. cook. readi in. preheat oven 400 degre (200 degre c). place bacon large, oven-saf skillet, cook medium-high heat, turn occasionally, lightli brown still flexible, minutes. drain bacon slice paper towel-lin plate"} {"id": "2247", "contents": "benefit cost per category. paid leav cost averag $1.92 per hour work (6.8 percent), supplement pay come 72 cent (2.7 percent), accord bls. insur benefit averag $2.26 per hour (8 percent). retir save come $1 per hour (3.5 percent), legal requir benefit cost $2.31 per hour (8.2 percent). benefit dollar amount. accord bureau labor statist (bls), march 2011, averag employe compens expens $30.07 per hour. wage made $20.91 that. benefit averag $9.15 per hour."} {"id": "2248", "contents": "multipli number employe number week oper annually. step 2. multipli employees' hour labor rate, equival averag employe wage. give total, annual labor cost. relat reading: hourli employe benefits. step 3. calcul annual expenses. determin number hour employe work per year. use past information, add hour record employees' time sheets. estim labor percentag future, estim averag number hour employe work per week."} {"id": "2249", "contents": "new york (cnnmoney.com) -- probabl cost boss lot think do. jim garland, own corpor aircraft clean support servic company, $14 per hour worker true cost $19.63 per hour, 40% base pay."} {"id": "2250", "contents": "find hourli cost run busi profit need take hourli pay plu overhead, divid percentag find number profit margin. i'll use contractor job example. want earn $15 per hour, job took hour finish, i'd make $15."} {"id": "2251", "contents": "employe labor percentag measur labor cost compar total expenses. understand labor percentag allow small busi owner see whether labor main driver among expenses; is, may want focu reduc labor cost increas profits. determin number hour employe work per year. use past information, add hour record employees' time sheets. estim labor percentag future, estim averag number hour employe work per week."} {"id": "2252", "contents": "labour costs. averag hourli labour cost eu-28 estim eur 24.60 2014 eur 29.20 euro area (ea-18). however, averag mask signific differ eu member states, hourli labour cost rang eur 3.80 eur 40.30 (figur 1). labour cost made cost wage salari plu non-wag cost employers\u2019 social contributions."} {"id": "2253", "contents": "divid weekli payrol figur total weekli sales. restaur brought $28,157 spent $5,350 labor, labor cost percentag would 19 percent, $5,350 divid $28,157. example, wait staff receiv $2.50 per hour plu tips, server work total 360 hour week, incur $900 payrol wait staff. pay cook $10 hourly, work total 200 hour weekly, pay $2,000 weekli kitchen staff."} {"id": "2254", "contents": "bureau labor statist report averag cook fast-food restaur earn $9.04 hour 2013. [2] seiu\u2019 push $15 hour would consequ rais fast-food wage least 66 percent. pay $15 hour would rais fast-food restaurants\u2019 total cost approxim 15 percent. [3]. fast-food restaur could pay addit amount profits. typic restaur profit margin percent taxes. [4] work approxim $27,000 year [5] \u2014less annual cost hire one full-tim employe $15 hour."} {"id": "2255", "contents": "total amount spent payrol cycl labor labor cost. example, restaur payrol expens $4,000, plu $306 fica taxes, $600 unemploy coverag $444 worker' compensation, total labor cost $5,350 period. step 10. measur labor cost percentag sale ensur you\u2019r overstaffed. example, wait staff receiv $2.50 per hour plu tips, server work total 360 hour week, incur $900 payrol wait staff. pay cook $10 hourly, work total 200 hour weekly, pay $2,000 weekli kitchen staff."} {"id": "2256", "contents": "35. 45. 55. social insur expenditur directly-paid benefit chart 3. benefit compon hourli compens cost percent total compensation, 2011 (1) social insur expenditur legal required, private, contractu social benefit costs, labor-rel tax minu subsidies."} {"id": "2257", "contents": "accord author stu silverman averag cost ad garag begin roughli $7,500, two-car garag averag cost go much higher. sort structur averag $27,040. resal valu updat would hold $21,635, nearli 81% return investment. garag addition, typic cost include: accord author stu silverman averag cost ad garag begin roughli $7,500, two-car garag averag cost go much higher. figur place garag addit $40 per squar foo t."} {"id": "2258", "contents": "grittihs) got quot less 45 mins. 1.5 car garag estim $12,354 car garag (with short approach driveway) cost us $16,325 includ demolit old garage, 30 year roof, electrical, slab, garag door, entranc door window. cost due slow building, great time build gargag though. total finish car garage, side workshop, insul door 300 yard earth moved, 30 yard gravel foot sidewalk front."} {"id": "2259", "contents": "much cost build garage? cost build new car garag vari $30 $41 per squar foot standard construct includ labor cost materi prices."} {"id": "2260", "contents": "print page. summary: much cost build garage, averag garag instal cost averag garag materi costs. right away would fair estim ball park figur around \u00a3200 \u00a3300 per squar metre."} {"id": "2261", "contents": "next step. find much project cost. provid detail project receiv competit quot local pros. averag nation cost build garag $23,573, homeown spend $14,621 $32,525. come build garage, lot factor come play, mimic large-scal build projects."} {"id": "2262", "contents": "upgrad qualiti materi bump cost $55 squar foot, $13,200 minimum single-car structure, $21,000 two-car garag $47,000 dream version. cost due slow building, great time build gargag though. total finish car garage, side workshop, insul door 300 yard earth moved, 30 yard gravel foot sidewalk front."} {"id": "2263", "contents": "jay behm-a basic way estim cost build detach garag simpli appli typic averag per squar foot construct $30 $40. averag cost basi contractor builder build basic one stori garag property. complic prefer top qualiti materi compon price go up.so, gener speaking, 24 ft.sq., two car, basic garag cost rang $17,000 $23,000. serv rough basis."} {"id": "2264", "contents": "area higher-than-averag cost live use $50 $55. complic prefer top qualiti materi compon price go up.so, gener speaking, 24 ft.sq., two car, basic garag cost rang $17,000 $23,000. serv rough basis."} {"id": "2265", "contents": "build garages, typic cost include: two car-accord hanley wood remodel magazine, cost construct standard two-car garag addit $58,432. translat $86 per squar foot; and."} {"id": "2266", "contents": "husband avid follow ncis. wonder person play mcgee show get terribl thin."} {"id": "2267", "contents": "sean murray (i). actor soundtrack. sean murray born novemb 15, 1977 bethesda, maryland, usa sean harland murray. actor, known nci (2003), hocu pocu (1993) boy' life (1993). marri carri jame sinc novemb 26, 2005. two children."} {"id": "2268", "contents": "no, sean murray, play nerdi agent timothi mcgee ncis, lost weight intentionally. explain seri twitter post (twitter.com/seanhmurray) drop 25 pound go 14 month without alcohol almost sugar. say ate strictli organic."} {"id": "2269", "contents": "[check 11/20/11 pictori updat bottom article!]. tv news: start watch dvr\u2019d episod nci star mark harmon, michael weatherly, pauley perett notic rather gaunt sean murray play special agent timothi mcgee."} {"id": "2270", "contents": "facebook twitter. actor sean murray, play role special agent tim mcgee ncis, wife carri welcom second child. read murray\u2019 babi news below. sean murray wife carri welcom babi boy thursday."} {"id": "2271", "contents": "sean murray born novemb 15, 1977 bethesda, maryland, usa sean harland murray. actor, known nci (2003), hocu pocu (1993) boy' life (1993). marri carri jame sinc novemb 26, 2005."} {"id": "2272", "contents": "bruis gener term condit blood leak blood vessel tissu skin, mucu membran organs, includ muscl bones. contusions. contus common type bruis caus trauma, often blunt-forc injury, damag break open tini blood vessel tissu skin, mucu membran organs. contus often accompani pain swell due body\u2019 inflammatori respons injury."} {"id": "2273", "contents": "black blue mark often associ bruises. bruise, \u201ccontusion,\u201d appear skin due trauma. exampl trauma cut blow area. injuri caus tini blood vessel call capillari burst. blood get trap skin\u2019 surface, caus bruise. bruis occur age. bruis appear littl pain, might notic them. bruis common, it\u2019 import know treatment option whether condit warrant emerg medic attention."} {"id": "2274", "contents": "bruis usual caus skin injuri damag blood vessel caus blood vessel break. clinic call contusion, bruis body\u2019 way respond injuri reason may rang age nutrit diseases. defici vitamin affect normal clot blood bruising, lack vitamin bodi may interfer proper synthesi collagen (skin blood vessel compon help withstand impact physic factor thu caus bruising)."} {"id": "2275", "contents": "easi bruis occur blood vessel weaken diseas (such scurvy), medic (such aspirin, prednisone, prednisolone), aging. easi bruis also occur absent defici blood-clot elements."} {"id": "2276", "contents": "bruis form small blood vessel (capillaries) near skin' surfac broken impact blow injuri often arm legs. happens, blood leak vessel initi appear black-and-blu mark. eventu bodi reabsorb blood, mark disappears."} {"id": "2277", "contents": "blood leak tissu skin caus black-and-blu color. bruis (contusions) heal, usual within weeks, often turn colors, includ purplish black, reddish blue, yellowish green. sometim area bruis spread bodi direct gravity."} {"id": "2278", "contents": "purpura. purpura caus spontan leak blood tini blood vessel (capillaries). type bruis caus purpl red flat spot patch skin mucu membranes. purpura result tini spot skin call petechiae. contusions. contus common type bruis caus trauma, often blunt-forc injury, damag break open tini blood vessel tissu skin, mucu membran organs. contus often accompani pain swell due body\u2019 inflammatori respons injury."} {"id": "2279", "contents": "bruis caus blood vessel damag broken result skin injury. blood leak injur blood vessel surround tissu result bruise. body\u2019 respons injury. #2 nutrit deficiencies: defici certain vitamin miner caus bruis due role blood clot wound healing. vitamin k: help blood clot essenti compon bone structure. defici vitamin affect normal blood clotting, thu caus bruising."} {"id": "2280", "contents": "bleed skin damag blood vessel caus bruising. also call bruise. bruis caus black blue mark first occur. day weeks, depend sever bruis is, damag area turn yellowish color. bodi reabsorb blood skin."} {"id": "2281", "contents": "complic intraop cholangiogram include: infect bleeding. inflamm pancrea (pancreatitis). damag common bile duct. specif treatment hematuria, symptom specif condition. instead, treatment aim underli caus one found. mani cases,... look gallston may"} {"id": "2282", "contents": "percutan transhepat cholangiographi (pthc ptc) percutan hepat cholangiogram radiolog techniqu use visual anatomi biliari tract. contrast medium inject bile duct liver, x-ray taken."} {"id": "2283", "contents": "surgeri remov gallbladd (cholecystectomy), may procedur call intraop cholangiogram. doctor place small tube call cathet cystic duct, drain bile gallbladd common bile duct. dye block x-ray inject common bile duct, x-ray taken. may intraop cholangiogram to: specif treatment hematuria, symptom specif condition. instead, treatment aim underli caus one found. mani cases,... look gallston may"} {"id": "2284", "contents": "intraven cholangiogram ivc radiolog (x-ray) procedur use primarili look larger bile duct within liver bile duct outsid liver. procedur use locat gallston within bile ducts. jay w. marks, md, board-certifi internist gastroenterologist. graduat yale univers school medicin train intern medicin gastroenterolog ucla/cedars-sinai medic center lo angeles."} {"id": "2285", "contents": "upmc content 2. percutan transhepat cholangiography, ptc, way examin bile duct system liver. procedur done local anesthesia radiologist. exam, thin needl insert skin (percutaneous) liver (transhepatic) bile duct. dye injected, bile duct system outlin x-ray (cholangiography). bile bodi fluid help bodi digest fat"} {"id": "2286", "contents": "[k\u014dlan\u2032j\u0113\u00b7\u0259gram\u2032]. x-ray film bile duct produc inject radiopaqu contrast medium. cholangiogram routin perform biliari tract surgery. postop radiogram may made inject iodin contrast medium indwel t-tube. medium also may introduc directli biliari system intravenously. see also cholangiography, cholecystography."} {"id": "2287", "contents": "percutan transhepat cholangiographi (ptc): examin liver bile duct x-rays. accomplish insert thin needl liver carri contrast medium help see blockag liver bile ducts. cholangiographi imag bile duct (also known biliari tree) x-rays. least two kind cholangiography:"} {"id": "2288", "contents": "t-tube cholangiogram special x-ray procedur done contrast media (x-ray dye) visual bile duct remov gallbladder."} {"id": "2289", "contents": "medic definit cholangiogram. radiograph bile duct made ingest inject radiopaqu substance. dictionary: definit cholangiogram. made want look cholangiogram?"} {"id": "2290", "contents": "store ground venison (aka, bambi burgers) freezer colder 3-5 months. venison roast steak store 6-12 month temperature. meat qualiti flavor deterior freezer time. proper dressing, handling, packaging, quick freezing, colder freezer temperatur help maintain meat qualiti longest period time."} {"id": "2291", "contents": "deer meat freezer 2yrs, non-frost free unit (no defrost cycle) seem freezer burned. hate wast ... howev start way long time vac packer hhave seen venison year old, usual got lost freezer slip thru. freezer burn look good. venison keep well meat freezer vac pack plu esp got good machine."} {"id": "2292", "contents": "use zip-seal bag perman marker, avoid wast good food. put meat freezer, alway write date -- way question long frozen. and, believ not, meat last freezer one year. cook poultri -- months. uncook poultri part -- months. uncook whole poultri -- 12 months. cook meat -- months."} {"id": "2293", "contents": "vacuum sealer, we'v keep venison freezer forov year without freezer burn. use freezer wrap seem keep long. realli depend use wrap. pmlllnd year ago. nine ten month tops. say brother deer meat sausag store freezer quit year old. go next week throw out. p.s. make sure date everything."} {"id": "2294", "contents": "thaw frozen venison slowli complet refriger 40 degre f. allow 24 hour thaw refriger everi pound meat. refrigerator-thaw venison cook within days. thaw frozen venison. thaw venison meat (or meat matter) room temperatur increas chanc bacteri growth. thaw frozen venison slowli complet refriger 40 degre f. allow 24 hour thaw refriger everi pound meat."} {"id": "2295", "contents": "store ground venison freezer 0\u00b0f colder month best quality. venison roast steak store month temperature. meat qualiti flavor deterior freezer time. proper dressing, handling, packaging, quick freezing, colder freezer temperatur help maintain meat qualiti longest period time."} {"id": "2296", "contents": "send venison may older month properli dispos it. ;). serious though, kept venison vacuum seal frozen years. i'v butcher paper wrap burger last year. freezer burn otherwis poor shape, eat it."} {"id": "2297", "contents": "thaw venison meat (or meat matter) room temperatur increas chanc bacteri growth. thaw frozen venison slowli complet refriger 40 degre f. allow 24 hour thaw refriger everi pound meat. thaw frozen venison. thaw venison meat (or meat matter) room temperatur increas chanc bacteri growth. thaw frozen venison slowli complet refriger 40 degre f. allow 24 hour thaw refriger everi pound meat."} {"id": "2298", "contents": "best answer: deer meat like meat store freezer. nine ten month tops. say brother deer meat sausag store freezer quit year old. go next week throw out. p.s. make sure date everything."} {"id": "2299", "contents": "colorado weather. 300 day annual sunshine, mild temperatur record snowfalls, there\u2019 never bad time come colorado. here\u2019 help colorado weather inform help plan next colorado adventure. 300 inch snow mountain resorts. 16.5 inch precipit (8 lower elev 23 higher elevations). 33 percent averag humidity. first snow usual arriv septemb (though usual snow somewher state everi month, except mayb august)."} {"id": "2300", "contents": "averag annual temperatur colorado. averag annual temperatur cities, towns, park lake throughout colorado list degre fahrenheit celsius. tabl give normal maximum minimum yearli temperatur base weather data collect 1971 2000. jump separ tabl western colorado eastern colorado. place name link take detail temperatur inform location."} {"id": "2301", "contents": "detail temperatur inform denver, colorado data averag monthli high low plu number day hot cold weather. temperatur month at: aspen boulder colorado spring crest butt durango est park fort collin pueblo steamboat spring tellurid vail wolf creek. link take data normal temperatures, precipitation, snowfall, sunshin humidity. farther page find link in-depth weather inform denver, aspen, vail mani place state."} {"id": "2302", "contents": "report describ typic weather denver intern airport (denver, colorado, unit states) weather station cours averag year. base histor record 1995 2012. earlier record either unavail unreliable."} {"id": "2303", "contents": "biggest surpris visitor denver climate. arid condit bring 15 inch annual precipit local wake 300 day sunshin year. that\u2019 annual hour sun miami san diego. summer, denver enjoy low rel humidity, make beautiful, sun-fil day cool, comfort evenings. averag daili high temperatur august mild 86 degre fahrenheit. mild weather due part city' altitude: 5,280 feet sea level, exactli mile high"} {"id": "2304", "contents": "colorado weather averages. select link averag weather, month year, cities, town park throughout colorado. link take data normal temperatures, precipitation, snowfall, sunshin humidity. farther page find link in-depth weather inform denver, aspen, vail mani place state."} {"id": "2305", "contents": "30.2. 30.1. 32.6. 30 year averag winter temperatur 31.1. all-tim averag winter temperatur 30.8. record degre fahrenheit, decemb 1894 present. averag ca culat use sum months. incomplete/miss data 1946 1948."} {"id": "2306", "contents": "winter mild averag daili high temperatur 45 degre fahrenheit day reach 60 degre uncommon. snow stay ground long denver golf cours outdoor cafe abl stay open year. summer, denver enjoy low rel humidity, make beautiful, sun-fil day cool, comfort evenings. averag daili high temperatur august mild 86 degre fahrenheit. mild weather due part city' altitude: 5,280 feet sea level, exactli mile high"} {"id": "2307", "contents": "reykjavik. tabl display averag monthli climat indic reykjavik base year histor weather readings. temperatur by: fahrenheit centigrade. reykjavik 64 13 n, 21 90 w, 200 feet (61 meters) sea level"} {"id": "2308", "contents": "temperatur reykjavik reykjav\u00edk rang averag of\u00b011 (c\u00b0 52) juli -to\u00b01 (c\u00b0 30) in, januari annual mean about\u00b05 (c\u00b041). consid northerli locat of, iceland climat much milder might be, expect especi in. winter temperatur reykjavik reykjav\u00edk rang averag of\u00b011 (c\u00b0 52) juli -to\u00b01 (c\u00b0 30) in, januari annual mean about\u00b05 (c\u00b041)."} {"id": "2309", "contents": "lowest temperatur -38\u00b0c (- 36.4\u00b0f) 1918 grimssta\u00f0ir gr\u00edmssta\u00f0ir northeast of. iceland temperatur record reykjavik are.24\u00b08 (c.76\u00b06) 11 august, 2004 -and.24\u00b05 (-c.12\u00b01) 21 january. 1918 also check current local weather condit in. iceland iceland 's highest air temperatur record 30.5\u00b0c (86.9\u00b0f) 1939 southeastern coast. lowest temperatur -38\u00b0c (- 36.4\u00b0f) 1918 grimssta\u00f0ir gr\u00edmssta\u00f0ir northeast of. iceland"} {"id": "2310", "contents": "averag annual temperatur reykjav k, iceland cool 4.3 degre celsiu (39.7 degre fahrenheit). warmest month (july) quit mild averag temperatur 10.6 degre celsiu (51.08 degre fahrenheit). coolest month (january) slightli cold mean temperatur -0.5 degre celsiu (31.1 degre fahrenheit)."} {"id": "2311", "contents": "reykjavik: annual weather averages. juli hottest month reykjavik averag temperatur 11\u00b0c (52\u00b0f) coldest januari 0\u00b0c (32\u00b0f) daili sunshin hour 12 march. wettest month januari averag 50mm rain."} {"id": "2312", "contents": "temperatur record reykjavik 24.8\u00b0c (76.6\u00b0f) 11 august 2004, -24.5\u00b0c (-12.1\u00b0f) 21 januari 1918. also check current local weather condit iceland. iceland' weather season chang length day night, creat uniqu weather phenomena. iceland 's highest air temperatur record 30.5\u00b0c (86.9\u00b0f) 1939 southeastern coast. lowest temperatur -38\u00b0c (- 36.4\u00b0f) 1918 grimssta\u00f0ir gr\u00edmssta\u00f0ir northeast of. iceland"} {"id": "2313", "contents": "averag temperatur juli 12 degre centigrad reykjavik; usual bit warmer north east iceland. temperatur reykjavik reykjav\u00edk rang averag of\u00b011 (c\u00b0 52) juli -to\u00b01 (c\u00b0 30) in, januari annual mean about\u00b05 (c\u00b041)."} {"id": "2314", "contents": "variation/ rang daili averag temperatur 4.8 (8.7 f). warmest month (july) quit mild averag temperatur 10.6 degre celsiu (51.08 degre fahrenheit). coolest month (january) slightli cold mean temperatur -0.5 degre celsiu (31.1 degre fahrenheit). warmest month (july) quit mild averag temperatur 10.6 degre celsiu (51.08 degre fahrenheit). coolest month (january) slightli cold mean temperatur -0.5 degre celsiu (31.1 degre fahrenheit)."} {"id": "2315", "contents": "averag temperatur reykjav k, iceland. averag annual temperatur reykjav k, iceland cool 4.3 degre celsiu (39.7 degre fahrenheit). mean monthli temperatur vari 11.1 (20 f) low range. variation/ rang daili averag temperatur 4.8 (8.7 f). warmest month (july) quit mild averag temperatur 10.6 degre celsiu (51.08 degre fahrenheit). coolest month (january) slightli cold mean temperatur -0.5 degre celsiu (31.1 degre fahrenheit)."} {"id": "2316", "contents": "keep challeng requir whole sale team achiev target compensation. fact, common to. reach 75 80% achievement, oper high level compens perform (50 75% team achiev common plan target reached). examin sale compens varieti angles, we'll keep mind follow five critic thoughts: keep simple. simple. sale plan becom overli complex mani perform factor measure."} {"id": "2317", "contents": "experi busi -- especi startup' -- sale person given much credit thing go well, far much blame thing go well. besur recogn sale person member team is. anoth way it."} {"id": "2318", "contents": "calcul cost sale (cos) import part plan compens package. quick co ratio, simpli take individual' salary, plu commiss earn 100 percent quota, potenti bonu opportunities; divid person' revenu obtain percentage. size up. compens plan develop vacuum. sale leader need solid grasp overal industri organization' place it. need factor variabl new product launch major promotions, well consid personnel structure."} {"id": "2319", "contents": "follow page detail includ sale compens plan, select pay formula sale force, implement sale compens plan busi goals. write sale compens plan. virtual sale compens plan written documented. sale compens plan avail distribut sale force. front line manag use tool commun sale strategi goal motiv sale staff sell."} {"id": "2320", "contents": "requir whole sale team achiev target compensation. fact, common to. reach 75 80% achievement, oper high level compens perform (50 75% team achiev common plan target reached). examin sale compens varieti angles, we'll keep mind follow five critic thoughts: keep simple. simple. sale plan becom overli complex mani perform factor measure."} {"id": "2321", "contents": "question it: creat effect sale compens plan hard work, effort typic pay improv sale perform achiev corpor goals. ken thoreson \u201coperationalizes\u201d sale manag system process pull revenu doldrum fresh zone. size up. compens plan develop vacuum. sale leader need solid grasp overal industri organization' place it. need factor variabl new product launch major promotions, well consid personnel structure."} {"id": "2322", "contents": "matter approach use, success depend awareness. sale manag team must understand company' overal goal structur compens align them. short, sale compens tactic focu organization, strateg one well. size up. compens plan develop vacuum. sale leader need solid grasp overal industri organization' place it. need factor variabl new product launch major promotions, well consid personnel structure."} {"id": "2323", "contents": "sale compens plan way put market strategi operation. given impact sale compens plan growth, almost everi compani sale forc take strateg approach design incent plan. write sale compens plan. virtual sale compens plan written documented. sale compens plan avail distribut sale force. front line manag use tool commun sale strategi goal motiv sale staff sell."} {"id": "2324", "contents": "prior blog post, describ design incent compens plan\u2019 payout formula, briefli mention concept acceler decelerators. high level, acceler use encourag increas perform deceler use safeguard signific overpayments. use acceler encourag growth prior year: order reward growth, mani compani low commiss last year\u2019 sales. sale rep achiev sale level, acceler kick reward \u201cnew sales\u201d."} {"id": "2325", "contents": "best answer: give exampl legal bind contract term conditions, worth point uk court normal decid contract exist unless parti intend legal binding. law, gener assum commerci agreement intend"} {"id": "2326", "contents": "busi contract legal bind agreement two parti certain things. example, busi contract could sale good suppli servic certain price."} {"id": "2327", "contents": "anoth exampl agreement constitut legal bind contract term suffici certain."} {"id": "2328", "contents": "common legal phrase indic agreement conscious made, certain action either requir prohibited. example, leas apart legal binding, upon sign document, lessor lesse agre number conditions."} {"id": "2329", "contents": "2. legal part contract known \u2018terms\u2019. employ make clear part contract legal binding. contract term could be: written contract, similar document like written statement employment. verbal agreed. employe handbook compani notic board. offer letter employer."} {"id": "2330", "contents": "salary. salari logist specialist rang less $43,530 year $108,080 2010, accord bureau labor statistics. median salari $70,800 year, averag salari $73,510"} {"id": "2331", "contents": "24 percent logist undergradu went obtain graduat degre 63 percent boost pay. increas median earn annual $105,950, 25th percentil receiv $76,610 per year 75th percentil earn $153,220 annually. jobs. 31 percent logist graduat work management, 16 percent offic jobs, 15 percent sale 14 percent business. common posit degre transportation, storag distribut manager, charg physic logist activ organization. averag salari job $87,830 per year, annual rang $47,8000 $135,860. 7,450 total 92,150 manag work wareh storag receiv mean $79,440 annually. anoth 7,100 work feder govern averag annual $98,320"} {"id": "2332", "contents": "well wide rang job logist categori pay vari greatly. know pay grade job search narrow list view logist job pay less $30k, $30k-$50k, $50k-$80k, $80k-$100k, $100k."} {"id": "2333", "contents": "logist manag best averag compens district columbia, get averag compens approxim $121200. employe career lucr averag salari level mining, quarrying, oil ga extraction, earn salari pay $111350. nation wage distribut shown below. overlay local salari logist manager, pleas select state."} {"id": "2334", "contents": "nation pay statistics. accord u.s. bureau labor statistics, industri product manag earn averag hourli wage $46.87 2012, averag annual salari $97,490. half product manag report salari rang $69,040 $116,310."} {"id": "2335", "contents": "logist manag usual get wage 64000 96000 base tenur industri expertise. logist manag earn averag wage eighti six thousand one hundr dollar annually. employe career lucr averag salari level mining, quarrying, oil ga extraction, earn salari pay $111350. nation wage distribut shown below. overlay local salari logist manager, pleas select state."} {"id": "2336", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic logist manag unit state $103,023 50% peopl perform job logist manag unit state expect make less $103,023. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $103,023. annual salari someon job titl logist manag may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "2337", "contents": "slightli half logist manag unit state field 10 years. pay fall anywher $39k $98k per year, median earn come around $62k per year. rang cash compens logist manag (larg $39k $98k) includ potenti earn $11k bonuses, $10k profit sharing, commiss $32k except cases. logist manag work 10 20 year occup tend earn $69k. veteran surpass 20-year mark may make slightli navig mid-car stage; senior group report median earn around $76k."} {"id": "2338", "contents": "climat atlanta, georgia. atlanta' coldest month januari averag temperatur overnight 33.5\u00b0f. july, warmest month, averag day time temperatur rise 89.4\u00b0f. driest month atlanta octob 3.11 inch precipitation, 5.38 inch march wettest month. 54.6\u00b0f"} {"id": "2339", "contents": "report describ typic weather savannah/hilton head intern airport (savannah, georgia, unit states) weather station cours averag march. base histor record 1974 2012. savannah, georgia warm humid temper climat hot summer dri season. area within 25 mi station cover forest (70%), cropland (13%), ocean sea (7%), grassland (5%), lake river (4%)."} {"id": "2340", "contents": "also, chattahooche river divid georgia separ climat region mountain region northwest colder rest state, averag temperatur region januari juli 39 \u00b0f (4 \u00b0c) 78 \u00b0f (26 \u00b0c) respectively. despit moder weather compar mani states, georgia occasion extrem weather. highest temperatur ever record 112 \u00b0f (44 \u00b0c), lowest ever record \u221217 \u00b0f (\u221227 \u00b0c). heat wave temperatur 100 \u00b0f (38 \u00b0c) recorded."} {"id": "2341", "contents": "atlanta temperatures: averag month. number tell hot cold weather usual atlanta, georgia month year. averag high low temperatur list monthli annual atlanta, degre fahrenheit celsius. maximum minimum part temperatur picture. fill rest, there' inform mani day month get given temperature. often atlanta cold temperatures. get cold atlanta, though occur often. citi averag one night year thermomet plummet 10 \u00b0f lower. typically, anoth four winter night see temperatur 21 degrees."} {"id": "2342", "contents": "main winter weather hazard northern georgia freez rain-or rain freez upon contact ground-which inch (5.1 cm) snow fall 12 hour period, inch (10 cm) 24 hour period.. despit moder weather compar mani states, georgia occasion extrem weather. highest temperatur ever record 112 \u00b0f (44 \u00b0c), lowest ever record \u221217 \u00b0f (\u221227 \u00b0c). heat wave temperatur 100 \u00b0f (38 \u00b0c) recorded."} {"id": "2343", "contents": "winter georgia character mild temperatur littl snowfal around state, colder, snowier, icier weather like across northern central georgia. summer daytim temperatur georgia often exceed 90 \u00b0f (32 \u00b0c). despit moder weather compar mani states, georgia occasion extrem weather. highest temperatur ever record 112 \u00b0f (44 \u00b0c), lowest ever record \u221217 \u00b0f (\u221227 \u00b0c). heat wave temperatur 100 \u00b0f (38 \u00b0c) recorded."} {"id": "2344", "contents": "weather springtim north georgia mountain chang day day year year. earli spring north georgia mountain chilli day; averag high near 62 \u00b0f (17 \u00b0c). weather highli variabl temperatur rang 75 \u00b0f (24 \u00b0c) 40 \u00b0f (4 \u00b0c). despit moder weather compar mani states, georgia occasion extrem weather. highest temperatur ever record 112 \u00b0f (44 \u00b0c), lowest ever record \u221217 \u00b0f (\u221227 \u00b0c). heat wave temperatur 100 \u00b0f (38 \u00b0c) recorded."} {"id": "2345", "contents": "report describ typic weather savannah/hilton head intern airport (savannah, georgia, unit states) weather station cours averag year. base histor record 1974 2012. earlier record either unavail unreliable. hottest day year juli 19, averag high 92a\u00b092\u00e2 low of\u00b074a. 74\u00e2 cold season last decemb februari 23 averag daili high temperature\u00b0below. 66a 66\u00e2 coldest day year, januari 19 average\u00b0low 39a 39\u00e2 f\u00b0and. high 59a 59\u00e2"} {"id": "2346", "contents": "averag annual temperatur georgia. averag annual temperatur cities, town park throughout georgia list degre fahrenheit celsius. tabl give normal maximum minimum yearli temperatur base weather data collect 1981 2010. jump separ tabl region state: north georgia, central georgia south coastal georgia. place name link take detail temperatur inform location."} {"id": "2347", "contents": "engin year colleg degree. would take lot math scienc cours get core engin courses. chemic engin often minor chemistry, electr engin comput science, mechan aeronaut engin take lot physic on. use math extensively."} {"id": "2348", "contents": "aspir softwar engin usual major comput science, comput inform systems, softwar engin mathematics. student take program softwar engin class supplement degre anoth field, accounting, busi finance."} {"id": "2349", "contents": "1. need univers degre civil engin relat field engineering. 2. may also need master' degre doctor relat engin field. 3. need licenc provincial/territori associ profession engin approv engin drawings/report practic profession engin (p. eng.)"} {"id": "2350", "contents": "educ requirements. new field, bachelor' degre mechan engin usual suitabl qualifi entry-level job. mani school offer major specif mechan engineering, though relev altern includ mathematics, chemistry, physics."} {"id": "2351", "contents": "degre requirement. employ prefer bachelor' degre mechan engin entry-level mechan engin jobs. however, graduat engin specialties, bachelor' scienc math, find mechan engin job demand particularli high."} {"id": "2352", "contents": "job requirements. requir becom engin typic includ bachelor' degre engin discipline, though master' degre may need advanc fields. engin unit state need bachelor' degre engineering. engin work public also requir becom licensed. licensur requir includ complet accredit program pass seri exam"} {"id": "2353", "contents": "bachelor\u2019 degre need becom environment engineer. environment engin must bachelor\u2019 degre environment engin relat field, civil, chemical, gener engineering."} {"id": "2354", "contents": "mechan engin educ requir career info. learn educ prepar need becom mechan engineer. get quick view requir well detail degre programs, job duti licensur find career you. view 10 popular school \u00bb. student interest research develop posit academia privat industri might go earn master' doctor degre mechan engineering. graduat program mechan engin typic involv research project specif area, culmin thesi dissertation."} {"id": "2355", "contents": "aspir mechan engin must earn bachelor' degre mechan engin minimum, mani pursu graduat degre field. everi state requir mechan engin earn licensure, call education, supervis work experi sever examinations. student interest research develop posit academia privat industri might go earn master' doctor degre mechan engineering. graduat program mechan engin typic involv research project specif area, culmin thesi dissertation."} {"id": "2356", "contents": "rosetta stone rosetta stone rosetta stone? rosetta stone stone write two languag (egyptian greek), use three script (hieroglyphic, demot greek)."} {"id": "2357", "contents": "rosetta stone is, therefore, longer unique, essenti key modern understand ancient egyptian literatur civilization. term rosetta stone use context name essenti clue new field knowledge. articl decre stone. uses, see rosetta stone (disambiguation) rosetta stone granodiorit stele inscrib decre issu memphis, egypt, 196 bc behalf king ptolemi v."} {"id": "2358", "contents": "stone slab, found 1799 near rosetta, bear inscript greek, hieroglyphic, demot characters, enabl decipher ancient egyptian hieroglyphics. 1. rosetta stone-a part inscrib granit stela origin six feet tall set 196 bc; inscript hieroglyph demot greek gave first clue decipher"} {"id": "2359", "contents": "rosetta stone (noun). noun rosetta stone sense: 1. part inscrib granit stela origin six feet tall set 196 bc; inscript hieroglyph demot greek gave first clue decipher egyptian hieroglyphics."} {"id": "2360", "contents": "languag rosetta stone: rosetta stone inscrib languages: demot (the everyday script, use write documents), greek (the languag ionian greeks, administr script), and. hieroglyph (for priestli business)."} {"id": "2361", "contents": "rosetta stone. rosetta stone ancient egyptian granodiorit stele inscrib decre issu memphi 196 bc behalf king ptolemi v. decre appear three scripts: upper text ancient egyptian hieroglyphs, middl portion demot script, lowest ancient greek. rosetta stone (noun). part inscrib granit stela origin six feet tall set 196 bc; inscript hieroglyph demot greek gave first clue decipher egyptian hieroglyphics."} {"id": "2362", "contents": "definit rosetta stone. 1. black basalt stone found 1799 bear inscript hieroglyphics, demot characters, greek celebr given first clue decipher egyptian hieroglyphics. 2. one give clue understanding. see rosetta stone defin kids."} {"id": "2363", "contents": "1. stone slab, found 1799 near rosetta, bear parallel inscript greek, egyptian hieroglyphic, demot characters, make possibl decipher ancient egyptian hieroglyphics. 2. clue, breakthrough, discoveri provid crucial knowledg solv puzzl problem."} {"id": "2364", "contents": "definit rosetta stone english: inscrib stone found near rosetta (now call rashid) egypt in1799. text written three scripts: hieroglyphic, demotic, greek. deciph hieroglyph jean-francoi fran\u00e7oi champollion 1822 led interpret mani earli record egyptian. civil"} {"id": "2365", "contents": "lower blood pressur testing. common polici among employ test potenti employe appoint them. candid made undergo certain test like drug tests, blood pressur test, diabet tests. one week testing, visit doctor get blood pressur checked. high blood pressure, ask doctor prescrib common medicin quick action lower blood pressure. medic taken medic advice."} {"id": "2366", "contents": "take brisk walk least 15 20 minutes. least 30 minut physic activ five day week reduc blood pressur overal effect manag hypertension, patient may time necessari regular exercis signific effect blood pressur test. sever way reduc blood pressur testing, sometim call physical. job applicants, employees, student athlet hope must undergo test qualifi posit health statu factor determin process."} {"id": "2367", "contents": "two methods: long term healthi lower blood pressur night test. blood pressur major concern doctor, need come plan action. although cannot significantli lower blood pressur overnight, make chang overnight begin journey toward lower blood pressure. 24 hour may lower point pass test. however, week may revers high blood pressur and, follow life, may live healthi mani years."} {"id": "2368", "contents": "however, main reason doctor' appoint check monitor high blood pressure, use toilet test empti bladder, avoid eating, drink caffein beverag smoke one hour test. medic over-the-count cold medicines, non-steroid anti-inflammatori (nsaids), antidepressants, birth control pill other affect blood pressure, good idea take list medic supplement use doctor' appointment."} {"id": "2369", "contents": "least 30 minut physic activ five day week reduc blood pressur overal effect manag hypertension, patient may time necessari regular exercis signific effect blood pressur test. step 4. drink glass water. water calm effect nervou system, water flush sodium, element increas blood pressure. drink larger portion water one time, rather sip water sever interv day."} {"id": "2370", "contents": "april 25, 2006 -- next blood pressur test, might want rest chair least five minutes. sit exam tabl doctor' offic same, accord new research present denver prevent cardiovascular nurs association' 12th annual symposium."} {"id": "2371", "contents": "also want reduc amount salt foods, sinc sodium increas blood pressure. process food deli meat high sodium, avoid possible. may also want add spice food replac flavor lost reduc salt. 24 hour may lower point pass test. however, week may revers high blood pressur and, follow life, may live healthi mani years."} {"id": "2372", "contents": "prepare. special prepar need blood pressur test. might want wear short-sleev shirt appoint nurs technician blood pressur test easi access arm perform test. medic over-the-count cold medicines, non-steroid anti-inflammatori (nsaids), antidepressants, birth control pill other affect blood pressure, good idea take list medic supplement use doctor' appointment."} {"id": "2373", "contents": "disord character physic complaint appear medic origin cannot explain term physic disease, result substanc abuse, anoth mental disorder. criteria disord requir four symptom pain, two symptom digest tract, one symptom involv sexual organs, one symptom relat nervou system. somat disord usual begin age 30."} {"id": "2374", "contents": "definition. somat symptom disord involv signific focu physic symptom pain fatigu point caus major emot distress problem functioning. somat symptom disorder, may experi signific emot physic suffering. treatment help eas symptoms, help cope improv qualiti life. symptoms."} {"id": "2375", "contents": "dissoci disord group mental disord affect conscious defin caus signific interfer patient' gener functioning, includ social relationship employment. moder sever dissoci occur patient dissoci disord understood result set causes: innat abil dissoci easily. repeat episod sever physic sexual abus childhood. lack support comfort person counteract abus relative(s)."} {"id": "2376", "contents": "convers disorder. convers disord condit patient' sens abil walk move impair without recogn medic neurolog diseas caus psycholog factor (such stress trauma) judg temporarili relat onset exacerbation. criteria disord requir four symptom pain, two symptom digest tract, one symptom involv sexual organs, one symptom relat nervou system. somat disord usual begin age 30."} {"id": "2377", "contents": "somat disord (also briquet' syndrome) mental disord character recurring, multiple, current, clinic signific complaint somat symptoms. somat disord estim occur 0.2% 2% females, 0.2% males. cultur differ preval somat disorder. example, somat disord symptom found significantli common puerto rico."} {"id": "2378", "contents": "dsm-5 disord renam somat symptom disord (ssd), includ ssd predominantli somat complaint (previous refer somat disorder), ssd pain featur (previous known pain disorder). somat disord estim occur 0.2% 2% females, 0.2% males. cultur differ preval somat disorder. example, somat disord symptom found significantli common puerto rico."} {"id": "2379", "contents": "somatoform disord categori psychiatr disord character physic complaint appear medic origin cannot explain term physic disease, result substanc abuse, anoth mental disorder. criteria disord requir four symptom pain, two symptom digest tract, one symptom involv sexual organs, one symptom relat nervou system. somat disord usual begin age 30."} {"id": "2380", "contents": "somat disord psychiatr condit mark multipl medic unexplain physical, somatic, symptoms."} {"id": "2381", "contents": "somatoform disord group mental disord physic symptom suggest presenc medic disord fulli explain gener medic condition, direct effect psychoact substance, anoth mental disorder. criteria disord requir four symptom pain, two symptom digest tract, one symptom involv sexual organs, one symptom relat nervou system. somat disord usual begin age 30."} {"id": "2382", "contents": "dissoci amnesia. main symptom disord memori loss that' sever normal forget can't explain medic condition. can't recal inform event peopl life, especi traumat time. sign symptom dissoci disord include: memori loss (amnesia) certain time periods, event people."} {"id": "2383", "contents": "india' largest media conglomer cater 95 million household india. channel famou sun tv network shown countri like u.s.a, canada, europe, singapore, malaysia, srilanka, south africa, australia new zealand. information, check offici site."} {"id": "2384", "contents": "4. toshiba. toshiba rank 4th list top 10 best led tv brand india basi popularity. toshiba japanes multin compani began oper india year 2001."} {"id": "2385", "contents": "list top tv brand india featur local intern companies. 2011 good year indian industri convent televis set market face slump year first time ever."} {"id": "2386", "contents": "list top 10 compani india accord market capitalisation: subsidiari indian multin conglomer tata group, tc multin servic compani provid busi consult solut clients."} {"id": "2387", "contents": "soni japanes multin compani start 1946 one prefer led tv brand india. soni lead televis manufactur world known led tv high qualiti pictur excel sound quality."} {"id": "2388", "contents": "list notabl compani base india. inform type busi entiti countri abbreviations, see busi entiti india"} {"id": "2389", "contents": "6. micromax stand 6th list top 10 best led tv brand india basi popularity. micromax lead led tv manufactur compani start year 2000 present hold reason part segment."} {"id": "2390", "contents": "one lead entertain compani india. compani special movies,television,hom entertainment,gam mobile. soni pictur entertain subsidiari soni corpor america."} {"id": "2391", "contents": "sidewalk built right edg street ..... sidewalk separ curb plant strip, sever feet grass sidewalk street. differ green space make! provid space group pedestrians. children (or older pedestrians) travel group, fit narrow foot sidewalk. sidewalk set back behind grassi strip, spill onto grass rather"} {"id": "2392", "contents": "sidewalks. sidewalks, specif pave sidewalks, import piec walk rout school. pave sidewalk \u201cpedestrian lanes\u201d provid peopl space travel within public right-of-way separ motor vehicl on-road bicycles."} {"id": "2393", "contents": "easement (http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/easement) gener term area properti give usag right entiti properti owner. specif area sidewalk street; area also necessarili easement. grassi strip lane median. usag boulevard separ relat boulevard name street; boulevard suppos fanci street median boulevards."} {"id": "2394", "contents": "sidewalk usual rais level road. curb stone concret edg road sidewalk. british usage, curb spell kerb. american call sidewalk, british speaker call pavement. merchant american call \u201cstreet vendors\u201d \u201csidewalk vendors\u201d call \u201ckerb-merchants\u201d \u201ckerb-vendors\u201d british speakers. agre rod\u2019 statement, spanish curb sidewalk definit interchangeable. refer differ parts. \u201cvereda\u201d \u201cacera\u201d surfac pedestrian walk, \u201ccordon\u201d cord\u00f3n \u201cor\u201d bordillo edg (border bordillo mean \u201cliter small\u201d) border the."} {"id": "2395", "contents": "642.2.1 slope rise sidewalk ramps. run slope, grade, sidewalk exce 5% ramp. sidewalk adjac street separ narrow plant strip, sidewalk grade may equal grade street consid ramp."} {"id": "2396", "contents": "snow plough street colder climat may store area. countries, verg last locat habitat rang flora. main disadvantag road verg right-of-way must wider, increas cost road. local wider verg offer opportun later road widening, traffic usag road demand this. reason footpath site signific distanc curb."} {"id": "2397", "contents": "sidewalk (american english) known footpath, footway pavement australian, new zealand, irish english, british english path along side road. sidewalk may accommod moder chang grade (height) normal separ vehicular section curb. professional, civil engin legal term america sidewalk unit kingdom footway. unit states, term sidewalk use pedestrian path besid road. share use path multi-us path avail use pedestrian bicyclists."} {"id": "2398", "contents": "meant locat one term used, synonymously. we'v alway call tree lawn, there' sidewalk. mere side road (and usual major road), without sidewalk, that' berm. tree lawn would usual curb, berm wouldn't. grassi strip lane median. usag boulevard separ relat boulevard name street; boulevard suppos fanci street median boulevards."} {"id": "2399", "contents": "oxygen important. oxygen import make aerob respir possibl accept electron transport chain mitochondria. fermentation, pyruv accept electron glycolysis; aerob respiration, hand, pyruv broken still make atp mitochondria. result, aerob respir gener 19 time atp per molecul glucos lactic acid fermentation."} {"id": "2400", "contents": "cellular respir util oxygen end electron transport. electron reduc oxygen molecul water molecul provid intermedi products, transfer oxygen electron transport cycle. oxygen use respiratori metabol reaction follow way. method harvest energi food cell cellular respiration. cellular respir occur two ways. one way aerob respir anaerob respiration. aerob cellular respir process chemic energi store glucos produc atp adenosin tri phosphate. atp molecul use cell sourc energi metabol processes. transfer energi glucos atp cellular respir"} {"id": "2401", "contents": "cellular respir set metabol reaction process take place cell organ convert biochem energi nutrient adenosin triphosph (atp), releas wast products. reaction involv respir catabol reactions, break larg molecul smaller ones, releas energi process, weak so-cal high-energi bond replac stronger bond products. respir one key way cell gain use energi fuel cellular activity."} {"id": "2402", "contents": "cellular respir process cell use retriev energi store carbohydrates, fat proteins. glucos molecul broken down, energi releas use make anoth molecul call adenosin triphosph (atp), energi currenc cell. fermentation, pyruv accept electron glycolysis; aerob respiration, hand, pyruv broken still make atp mitochondria. result, aerob respir gener 19 time atp per molecul glucos lactic acid fermentation."} {"id": "2403", "contents": "fermentation. cellular respir gener refer aerob respiration, cell use process describ make atp. oxygen unavailable, however, cell still make limit amount atp lactic acid fermentation. fermentation, pyruv accept electron glycolysis; aerob respiration, hand, pyruv broken still make atp mitochondria. result, aerob respir gener 19 time atp per molecul glucos"} {"id": "2404", "contents": "cellular respiration. term cellular respir refer biochem pathway cell releas energi chemic bond food molecul provid energi essenti process life. live cell must carri cellular respiration."} {"id": "2405", "contents": "cellular respir import energi releas food molecules. cellular respir also import oxygen need order br eak digest food. food give human nutrient need stay healthy. person found useful. atp major form energi organisms. important, organ requir life, made cellular respiration, import product, beca use necessari life. five major part brain basic, brain control body."} {"id": "2406", "contents": "cellular respir process chemic energi food molecul releas partial captur form atp. carbohydrates, fats, protein use fuel cellular respiration, glucos commonli use exampl examin reaction pathway involved."} {"id": "2407", "contents": "oxygen need electron transport chain, etc short. oxygen' role etc final acceptor electrons. transfer electron pump hydrogen roton across inner mitochondri membran atp synthas gradient use synthes energi form atp."} {"id": "2408", "contents": "prevent surfact leaching, avoid applic latex-bas paint late afternoon and/or cool, damp condit expect overnight. surfact leach seriou effect appear project."} {"id": "2409", "contents": "surfact leach appear tan brown spot areas, sometim glossy, soapy, sticky."} {"id": "2410", "contents": "surfact leaching. problem surfact leach caus blotchy, sometim glossy, tan brownish spot appear surfac latex paints. surfact necessari make paint. evapor part paint film, appear harm way."} {"id": "2411", "contents": "tf02-02. surfact leaching. tech flash compliment coronado paint company. surfact leach concentr water-solubl ingredi surfac latex paints. creat blotchy, sometim glossi appear brownish tan cast."} {"id": "2412", "contents": "description. concentr water-solubl paint ingredi call \u201csurfactants\u201d surfac latex paint. may evid tan, brown, clear spot areas, sometim glossy, soapy, oily, sticky."} {"id": "2413", "contents": "parainfluenza/bordetella vaccine, recommended, given yearly. leptospirosi vaccin given yearli dog activ outdoor lifestyle. first rabi vaccin given months, booster given year, booster given everi years."} {"id": "2414", "contents": "timing. differ veterinarian differ protocol time vaccinations. veterinarian recommend puppi receiv first parvoviru vaccin week old. second vaccin given three four weeks, age 11 12 weeks. third vaccin given three four weeks, age 14 15 weeks. vaccin sometim given three four week later, age 17 18 weeks. veterinarian agre final vaccin seri given puppi month old. puppi seri complete, dog receiv booster vaccin year."} {"id": "2415", "contents": "puppi less month age: puppi less 16 week age receiv distemp combin vaccin consist puppi vaccin schedule. minimum two vaccin given 3-4 week interval, last vaccin seri given 16 week age later. provid best response, puppi need multipl vaccin distemper, parvoviru hepat reach least 16 week age. given one booster reach one year age."} {"id": "2416", "contents": "usual puppi receiv seri either three four booster three week apart, start either six week (6, 9, 12, 16 week age) start nine weeks(9, 12 16 weeks). rabi given 16 weeks, core vaccin repeat year later."} {"id": "2417", "contents": "consult veterinarian determin vaccin puppi receive, often. drs. foster smith prefer vaccin puppi combin vaccin six week age initially, booster given everi three week puppi sixteen week age. feel schedul help protect widest rang dogs. number increas 60% 16 week age, 18 weeks, 95% puppi protect vaccine. almost research agre puppi kittens, need give least three combin vaccin repeat one year age. drs."} {"id": "2418", "contents": "puppi vaccin parvoviru earli weeks. combin vaccin (5-way) given weeks. 12 15 week age puppi need anoth combin vaccine, possibl 7-way, well rabi vaccine. adult dog also requir booster shot year"} {"id": "2419", "contents": "puppi vaccin work. puppi vaccin typic first administ six eight week age, repeat everi three four week four month age. vaccin might given togeth one inject call combin vaccin"} {"id": "2420", "contents": "first rabi vaccin may given months, booster given yearly. felv vaccin first given week age older, booster given weeks, booster given yearly. felv vaccin recommend cat may exposur cat unknown felv status. leptospirosi vaccin given yearli dog activ outdoor lifestyle. first rabi vaccin given months, booster given year, booster given everi years."} {"id": "2421", "contents": "vaccin dose. true small breed puppi receiv smaller vaccin dose puppi larger breeds. puppi regardless age, bodi weight, breed, gender given vaccin dose. vaccin gener administ one millilit (cc) doses. number increas 60% 16 week age, 18 weeks, 95% puppi protect vaccine. almost research agre puppi kittens, need give least three combin vaccin repeat one year age. drs."} {"id": "2422", "contents": "goober. goober combin peanut butter jelli singl jar. sold north america singapor name north american name peanut, come gullah word peanut, guber. goober introduc j.m. smucker compani smucker' brand"} {"id": "2423", "contents": "1. goober-pod peanut vine contain usual nut seeds; `groundnut' `monkey nut' british terms. goober pea, monkey nut, groundnut, earthnut, peanut. edibl nut-a hard-shel seed consist edibl kernel meat enclos woodi leatheri shell. bantu origin; akin kongo kimbundu. .]. word history: southern recogn term goober goober pea name peanut. goober origin among bantu languag akin word mean peanut kongo kimbundu languages, n-guba."} {"id": "2424", "contents": "noun. 1. goober-pod peanut vine contain usual nut seeds; `groundnut' `monkey nut' british terms. goober pea, monkey nut, groundnut, earthnut, peanut. edibl nut-a hard-shel seed consist edibl kernel meat enclos woodi leatheri shell. word history: southern recogn term goober goober pea name peanut. goober origin among bantu languag akin word mean peanut kongo kimbundu languages, n-guba."} {"id": "2425", "contents": "goober (noun). noun goober sense: 1. pod peanut vine contain usual nut seeds; 'groundnut' 'monkey nut' british terms. familiar information: goober use noun rare. holonym (goober part of...): arachi hypogaea; peanut; peanut vine (wide cultiv american plant cultiv tropic warm regions; showi yellow flower stalk bend soil seed pod ripen underground)."} {"id": "2426", "contents": "answer miniphoenix. confid vote 1.3k. goober slang word brought america slaves. goober mean peanut, commonli use describ silli person. example: boy act like goober stuck pencil nose."} {"id": "2427", "contents": "southern state goober pea (peanuts) commonli use pig fodder. matur ground pig simpli turn root up. oppos armi pa sed area use scorch earth polici effort leav noth use enemy. confid vote 1.3k. goober slang word brought america slaves. goober mean peanut, commonli use describ silli person. example: boy act like goober stuck pencil nose."} {"id": "2428", "contents": "goober pea (noun). noun goober pea sense: 1. pod peanut vine contain usual nut seeds; 'groundnut' 'monkey nut' british terms. familiar information: goober pea use noun rare. pod peanut vine contain usual nut seeds; 'groundnut' 'monkey nut' british terms. classifi under: noun denot food drinks. synonyms: goober; goober pea; monkey nut; earthnut; groundnut; peanut."} {"id": "2429", "contents": "meaning: pod peanut vine contain usual nut seeds; 'groundnut' 'monkey nut' british terms. classifi under: noun denot food drinks. synonyms: goober; goober pea; monkey nut; earthnut; groundnut; peanut. holonym (goober part of...): arachi hypogaea; peanut; peanut vine (wide cultiv american plant cultiv tropic warm regions; showi yellow flower stalk bend soil seed pod ripen underground)."} {"id": "2430", "contents": "top definition. goober. basic goober kindhearted, rather oblivi goofball. term endear really. come ancient scottish verb goub, danc smile sheepishli so, expos goub one' teeth. 7. goober. goober one littl fat kid ambigu gender, red lips, rosi cheeks, shini bowl-cut, mayb littl food his/her face. goober alway big, stupid smile face, dumb, gargli laugh."} {"id": "2431", "contents": "like name says, bulk diet fat-fre cabbag soup, eaten two three time day allow food assign day. here' add: day 1: fruit, except bananas. day 2: veget like leafi green (not starchy), fruit. day 3: fruit vegetables."} {"id": "2432", "contents": "cabbage. diet usual done period seven day specif food allow vari depend version diet do. obvious core meal cabbag soup diet state eat, weight lose. version plan also allow eat kind fruit vegetable, two except banana potato"} {"id": "2433", "contents": "cabbag soup diet gener consid fad diet. name suggests, diet requir eat larg amount cabbag soup week. time, also eat certain fruit vegetables, beef, chicken brown rice, accord set schedule."} {"id": "2434", "contents": "definition. cabbag soup diet quick weight loss program intend follow seven days. centerpiec diet recip cabbag soup, dieter may consum unlimit quantities."} {"id": "2435", "contents": "without go much detail, cabbag soup day diet plan allow consum unlimit amount home-mad cabbag soup-with addit low-fat food like fruits, vegetables, skim milk lean meat (but allow consum certain day small quantities). cabbag soup diet seem own particular author compani seem reason lot variat origin diet exist. one websit keep pop top googl search result look cabbag soup diet."} {"id": "2436", "contents": "util varieti soup diet help lose weight. soup diets, cabbag soup diet, allow lose weight extrem fast, diet util 7-day period. soup diets, campbel soup diet, allow lose weight portion control supplement meal low-fat, low-sodium soups. soup diet util frequent days, help long-term weight loss goals."} {"id": "2437", "contents": "cabbag soup diet strict, low calori diet faint hearted! surprisingly, although eat mainli cabbag soup, mani peopl realis also 'treat yourself' fruit, veg even meat (on certain days). read find out... cabbag soup diet extrem low-fat, high-fibr diet last seven days. end week, fan diet claim lost 10 pounds. design kick-start help lose weight quickli suppos long-term healthi eat plan."} {"id": "2438", "contents": "anyway, promis cabbag soup diet lose 10 pound (4.5 kilograms) weight short days, articl i'll take closer look cabbag soup diet (and promis behind it). cabbag soup diet seem own particular author compani seem reason lot variat origin diet exist. one websit keep pop top googl search result look cabbag soup diet."} {"id": "2439", "contents": "cabbag soup diet plan strict. idea eat much cabbag soup like everi day-enough keep full up, cheat! plu specif addit food day seven day diet. alcohol allow drink limit water, unsweeten fruit juic day fruit allowed. offici version, variou cabbag diet plan base around eat copiou quantiti cabbag soup, littl else. claim made cabbag soup diet rang ludicrous, ie. cabbag soup fat burn properti dubious, ie. lose 10lb week."} {"id": "2440", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. titanium dioxide, also known titanium(iv) oxid titania, natur occur oxid titanium, chemic formula tio 2. use pigment, call titanium white, pigment white (pw6) ci 77891. gener sourc ilmenite, rutil anatase."} {"id": "2441", "contents": "titanium dioxide: titanium dioxid inorgan compound use rang bodi care product sunscreen makeup. appear low skin penetr inhal concern. function(s): colorant; opacifi agent; sunscreen agent; ultraviolet light absorber."} {"id": "2442", "contents": "titanium dioxid use sunscreen commonli modifi ingredi ensur efficaci stability. exampl known surfac modifi ingredi use titanium dioxid includ stearic acid, isostear acid, polyhydroxystear acid, dimethicone/methicon copolymer."} {"id": "2443", "contents": "titanium dioxid natur occur oxid element titanium. also refer titanium (iv) oxid titania, substanc also occur natur three miner compound known anatase, brookite, rutile."} {"id": "2444", "contents": "pigment make food appear whiter, titanium dioxid frequent ad item candi milk. also ad food natur white mustards, nuts, dri vegetables, soups, seeds, wine beer enhanc overal flavor."} {"id": "2445", "contents": "titanium dioxid titania tio2 titanium dioxid pigment fine white powder. use paints, plastic paper, provid maximum white opacity. give paint high hide power, mean abil mask hide substrate. effect white pigment."} {"id": "2446", "contents": "titanium dioxide, also known titanium(iv) oxid titania, natur occur oxid titanium, chemic formula tio 2. use pigment, call titanium white, pigment white (pw6) ci 77891. gener sourc ilmenite, rutil anatase."} {"id": "2447", "contents": "leav contain pigment call chlorophyll, color leav green. chlorophyl make food plant use carbon dioxide, water, nutrients, energi sunlight. process call photosynthesis. process photosynthesis, plant releas oxygen air. peopl anim need oxygen breathe."} {"id": "2448", "contents": "plant make food leaves. leav contain pigment call chlorophyll, color leav green. chlorophyl make food plant use carbon dioxide, water, nutrients, energi sunlight. process call photosynthesis. process photosynthesis, plant releas oxygen air. peopl anim need oxygen breathe."} {"id": "2449", "contents": "nucleu surround nuclear membrane. photosynthesis-a process plant convert sunlight, water, carbon dioxid food energi (sugar starches), oxygen water. chlorophyl closely-rel pigment (substanc color plant) essenti photosynthet process."} {"id": "2450", "contents": "chloroplast one wide recogn import characterist plant abil conduct photosynthesis, effect, make food convert light energi chemic energy. process occur almost plant speci carri special organel known chloroplasts."} {"id": "2451", "contents": "cephalexin oral may also use treat: treatment prevent bacteri infect heart valve, urinari tract infect prevention, bacteri infect breast, diabet foot infect due specif bacteria."} {"id": "2452", "contents": "bactrim. keflex. bactrim combin two antibiotics: sulfamethoxazol trimethoprim. use treat wide varieti bacteri infect (such middl ear, urine, respiratory, intestin infections). also use prevent treat certain type pneumonia (pneumocystis-type). keflex use treat wide varieti bacteri infect"} {"id": "2453", "contents": "commonli use low resist bacteri infections. cephalexin keflex-and commonli use urinari tract type infections, ear infect skin infect work inhibit bacteria' abil form cell walls. best answer: case power cephalexin, differ drug. clavamox amoxicillin. two differ drug use two differ things."} {"id": "2454", "contents": "cephalexin cephalosporin antibiot broad-spectrum antibiotics, mean they'r use treat wide rang infect caus mani differ bacteria. cephalexin, antibiot cephalosporin family, use treat infect caus bacteria."} {"id": "2455", "contents": "12 reviews. cephalexin, antibiot cephalosporin family, use treat infect caus bacteria. cephalexin prescrib treat respiratori tract, middl ear, skin, bone, urinari tract infect (uti). also use prevent infect caus streptococc bacteria, includ prevent rheumat fever. cephalexin recommend sinu infections. cephalexin, antibiot cephalosporin family, use treat infect caus bacteria"} {"id": "2456", "contents": "cephalexin group drug call cephalosporin antibiotics. cephalexin fight bacteria body. cephalexin use treat infect caus bacteria, includ upper respiratori infections, ear infections, skin infections, urinari tract infections. cephalexin may also use purpos list medic guid"} {"id": "2457", "contents": "cephalexin use for? treatment bacteri infection, a: respiratori tract infect (pneumonia, bronchitis, strep throat, tonsillitis). bone infect (osteomyelitis). middl ear infect (otiti media). sinu infect (sinusitis). urinari tract infect (uti). irrit prostat (prostatitis). skin infection, ... cephalexin (keflex biocef \u00ae) prescript antibiot licens treat number common infections. part class antibiot call cephalosporins."} {"id": "2458", "contents": "cephalexin commonli use treat infect caus bacteria. type infect may include: respiratori tract infection, pneumonia, bronchitis, strep throat, tonsillitis. bone infect (osteomyelitis). middl ear infect (otiti media). cephalexin may use treat number bacteri infections. addition, substitut place penicillin treat common infect peopl allerg penicillin."} {"id": "2459", "contents": "medic use treat wide varieti bacteri infections. medic known cephalosporin antibiotic. work stop growth bacteria. uses. medic use treat wide varieti bacteri infections. medic known cephalosporin antibiotic. work stop growth bacteria. medic work viral infect (such common cold, flu)."} {"id": "2460", "contents": "they'r larger coyot elsewhere, that' typic lot species, bears. known latitudin clinea go north, anim get larger. factor in, clear coyot northeast except large. regard symbol american west, coyot quietli move east sinc earli 20th century. recent decades, colon far-flung place cape cod, 1999 one captur new york city' central park."} {"id": "2461", "contents": "pup abl hunt follow fall. coyot smaller wolv sometim call prairi wolv brush wolves. commun distinct call, night often develop raucou canin chorus. size rel 6-ft (2-m) man: coyot appear often tale tradit nativ americans\u2014usu savvi clever beast. modern coyot display clever adapt chang american landscape."} {"id": "2462", "contents": "coyot extrem adapt use wide rang habitat includ forests, grasslands, deserts, swamps. typic exclud area wolves. coyotes, toler human activities, also occur suburban, agricultural, urban settings. howl may act announc territori packs. coyot also howl two member pack re-unit announc are. sens sight also well develop use primarili observ facial express bodi languag pack members."} {"id": "2463", "contents": "coyot eat almost anyth adapt quickli new environments. this, rang spread throughout much north america. coyot eat almost everything: mice, insects, fish, frogs, lizards, grasses, nuts, sort dead animals. even eat watermelon. coyot clever enough trick animals. coyot might leap crazili near group bird distract them, partner might sneak bird seiz dinner. peopl help coyot spread across"} {"id": "2464", "contents": "home. coyot central den site use rear pup sleeping. scent mark area around den defend coyotes. den burrow dug ground, rock outcropping, tree bush. adaptations. coyot adjust hunt style food available. hunt small prey alone, usual stalk pounce. prey larger like deer, often hunt small pack work togeth kill prey."} {"id": "2465", "contents": "wolv eat mani small anim coyot do. like mani predators, wolv know kill competitors\u2014in case, coyotes. wolf practic gone mani areas, coyot quickli move in. coyot kill calv lamb people' ranch farms. coyot clever enough trick animals. coyot might leap crazili near group bird distract them, partner might sneak bird seiz dinner. peopl help coyot spread across north america."} {"id": "2466", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. coywolf (sometim call woyote) inform term canid hybrid descend coyot one three north american cani species, gray, eastern red wolf."} {"id": "2467", "contents": "diet. coyot omnivores, mean eat tri eat anything. sonoran desert coyot vari diet seasons. cactu fruit, mesquit beans, flowers, insects, rodents, lizards, rabbits, birds, snake make dietari choices. adaptations. coyot adjust hunt style food available. hunt small prey alone, usual stalk pounce. prey larger like deer, often hunt small pack work togeth kill prey."} {"id": "2468", "contents": "ancestor coyot diverg gray wolf, 1\u20132 million year ago, modern speci aris north america middl pleistocene. coyot typic smaller gray wolf, longer ear larger braincase, well thinner frame, face muzzle. coyot also carri tail downward run walking, rather horizont wolf does."} {"id": "2469", "contents": "neurolog examination, also call neuro exam, evalu person' nervou system perform doctor' office. may perform instruments, light reflex hammers, usual caus pain patient."} {"id": "2470", "contents": "health care team perform seri test determin neurolog level complet injury. spinal cord injuri kind may result one follow sign symptoms: loss movement. loss sensation, includ abil feel heat, cold touch."} {"id": "2471", "contents": "differ neurolog rehabilit definit spinal cord injuri levels. doctor use two differ definit spinal cord injuri levels. given neurolog examin findings, neurologist physiatrist may assign spinal cord injuri level."} {"id": "2472", "contents": "next common neurolog level spinal cord injuri thoraco-lumbar junction 11% case report neurolog impair t12-l1. injuri thorac spine account 32% injuri reported."} {"id": "2473", "contents": "human, spinal cord end l2 vertebr level. tip spinal cord call conus. conus, spray spinal root frequent call cauda equina horse' tail. injuri t12 l1 vertebra damag lumbar cord."} {"id": "2474", "contents": "general, neurologist defin level injuri first spinal segment level show abnorm neurolog loss. thus, example, person loss biceps, motor level injuri often said c4."} {"id": "2475", "contents": "abil control limb spinal cord injuri depend two factors: place injuri along spinal cord sever injuri spinal cord. lowest part spinal cord function normal injuri refer neurolog level injury."} {"id": "2476", "contents": "neurolog level spinal cord injury. signific proportion, 55% case admit spinal unit involv cervic segment c1-c7. type impair refer tetraplegia (or quadriplegia). injuri thoracic, lumbar sacral levels, refer paraplegia."} {"id": "2477", "contents": "use level, identifi specif behavior good at, negotiating, make schedul etc. 3) capability: level come behavior. use level identifi overal capabl behavior translat to, marketing, time manag etc."} {"id": "2478", "contents": "neurolog level usual describ normal level immedi damag level. definition, level neurolog lesion refer lowest segment spinal cord normal sensori motor function side body."} {"id": "2479", "contents": "add comment |. vote vote. essentially, phpstorm webstorm php, sql more. (and import but) capabl pars much more, quit often fail pars node.j dependencies, (probably) conflict syntax capabl parsing."} {"id": "2480", "contents": "intellij idea vs webstorm features. intellij idea remain jetbrains' flagship product intellij idea provid full javascript support along *all* featur webstorm via bundl download plugins. thing miss simplifi project setup."} {"id": "2481", "contents": "webstorm phpstorm ide (integr develop environment) built top jetbrain intellij platform narrow web development."} {"id": "2482", "contents": "phpstorm webstorm ide (integr develop environment) built top jetbrain intellij platform narrow web development."} {"id": "2483", "contents": "jetbrain webstorm commerci ide javascript, css html built jetbrains' intellij idea platform. webstorm special version phpstorm, offer subset features. webstorm ship pre-instal javascript plugin (such node.js), avail phpstorm well cost."} {"id": "2484", "contents": "webstorm\u2019 smart code editor provid first-class support javascript, node.js, html css, well modern successors. take advantag code completion, error detection, refactor more! use power debugg javascript node.js. effici trace profil code spy-js. run unit test karma mocha. right ide! thank integr tool like grunt task runner, bower npm, minim use command line. time need terminal, also avail ide tool window. unifi ui work git, svn, mercuri vc real timesaver."} {"id": "2485", "contents": "cook high temps, carryov 10\u00b0f. cook low temps, might go full 5\u00b0f. 5\u00b0f good rule thumb roasts. medium rare best temp beef, lamb, venison steaks, roasts, duck breasts. food scientist equip measur tender juiciness. profession chef would use usda guid everything. example, usda recommend minimum temp steak 145\u00b0f, classifi chef medium mani streak lover overcooked."} {"id": "2486", "contents": "marin grill steak. proper temperatur cook medium-rar steak 130\u00b0 135\u00b0 f. although, accord foodsafety.gov, beef, lamb, pork cook least 145\u00b0 (or above, desired). ground meat must cook least 160\u00b0 f. ground poultri must cook least 165\u00b0."} {"id": "2487", "contents": "use meat thermomet test doneness: rare 120 degre medium rare 125 degre medium 130 degre steak crusty-char done liking, remov pan, cover loos aluminum foil let rest 10 minut serving. rare 120 degre medium rare 125 degre medium 130 degre f. steak crusty-char done liking, remov grill let sit 15 minut serv (meat temperatur rise 10 degre remov oven)."} {"id": "2488", "contents": "grill steak medium high heat minut per side (depend grill). grill larg group peopl best level done pleas people. steak-medium well. intern temperatur 65 69 degre celcius. meat soft touch, much like raw meat, brown surface. cook steak hot possibl short period time, around one two minut per side one inch thick steak (depend grill). steak-medium rare. intern temperatur 55 60 degre celcius. medium rare steak warm middl hint red"} {"id": "2489", "contents": "use meat thermomet test doneness. rare 120 degre medium rare 125 degre medium 130 degre steak crusty-char done liking, remov grill let sit 15 minut serv (meat temperatur rise 10 degre remov oven). rare 120 degre medium rare 125 degre medium 130 degre f."} {"id": "2490", "contents": "remov steak burger heat thermomet regist 5\u00b0f lower desir doneness, roast 5-10\u00b0f lower, temperatur continu rise resting. usda recommend steak roast cook 145\u00b0f (medium) rest least minutes. ensur food safety, ground beef cook minimum 160\u00b0f (well done). sure check thermometer, color alon foolproof indicator. test steaks, roast burger done use meat thermomet instant-read thermometer. insert side, tip center cut, touch bone fat."} {"id": "2491", "contents": "medium: grill 10 minut per side 155\u00b0f intern temperature. check intern temperature. remov steak grill quick-respons meat thermomet insert side steak center read desir temperatur below. retain juic reach final temperature, let steak sit minut cutting."} {"id": "2492", "contents": "intern temperatur 130 135 degre f. (55 57 degre c.). medium rare steak warm middl hint red. center steak pink. side well browned, top bottom caramel dark brown color good grill marks. grill steak medium heat 10 12 minut per side. peopl tell steak peopl like steak. truth that, popular request so, good griller need know it."} {"id": "2493", "contents": "temperatur gaug thoroughli cook cut meat base color, juici intern temperatur cooked. gradat cook often use refer beef (especi steak roasts) also applic lamb, pork, poultry, veal seafood (especi fish)."} {"id": "2494", "contents": "hypochondriasi somatoform disord character preoccup idea one seriou diseas fear seriou disease."} {"id": "2495", "contents": "hypochondriasi mental disord character excess fear preoccup seriou illness, despit medic test reassur contrary. formerli call hypochondriac neurosis."} {"id": "2496", "contents": "medic definit hypochondriasis. morbid concern one' health especi accompani delus physic disease. advertisement. new latin. first known use: 1766."} {"id": "2497", "contents": "hypochondriasi also known hypochondria, health phobia, health anxieti ill anxieti disorder, refer worri seriou illness. debilit condit result inaccur percept condit bodi mind despit absenc actual medic condition."} {"id": "2498", "contents": "(june 2009). hypochondriasi also known hypochondria, health anxieti ill anxieti disorder, refer worri seriou illness. debilit condit result inaccur percept condit bodi mind despit absenc actual medic condition."} {"id": "2499", "contents": "august 2006 intern astronom union (iau) downgrad statu pluto dwarf planet.. mean rocki world inner solar system ga giant outer system design planets. intern astronom union (iau): pluto develop landscap solar system-a discuss pluto iau includ history, refer planet defin link report final resolution."} {"id": "2500", "contents": "here' resolut 5a defin planet: pluto rel round orbit sun, meet criteria orbit cross neptune' orbit. critic resolut argu planet solar system, includ earth, clear neighborhood around orbits. planet celesti bodi (a) orbit around sun, (b) suffici mass self-grav overcom rigid bodi forc assum hydrostat equilibrium (nearli round) shape, (c) clear neighbourhood [sic] around orbit [ref]."} {"id": "2501", "contents": "sinc discoveri 1930, pluto bit puzzle: smaller planet -- even smaller earth 's moon. dens rocky, like terrestri planet (mercury, venus, earth mars). pluto' orbit erratic. one moons, charon, half pluto' size. planet celesti bodi (a) orbit around sun, (b) suffici mass self-grav overcom rigid bodi forc assum hydrostat equilibrium (nearli round) shape, (c) clear neighbourhood [sic] around orbit [ref]."} {"id": "2502", "contents": "pluto discov 1930 clyde tombaugh, origin consid ninth planet sun. 1992, statu planet fell question follow discoveri sever object similar size kuiper belt. pluto (minor-planet designation: 134340 pluto) dwarf planet kuiper belt, ring bodi beyond neptune. first kuiper belt object discov"} {"id": "2503", "contents": "accord resolution, dwarf planet is: small solar-system bodi object orbit sun neither planet dwarf planets. anoth resolution, resolut 6a, also specif address pluto, name dwarf planet. astronom support resolut 5a 6a. planet celesti bodi (a) orbit around sun, (b) suffici mass self-grav overcom rigid bodi forc assum hydrostat equilibrium (nearli round) shape, (c) clear neighbourhood [sic] around orbit [ref]."} {"id": "2504", "contents": "even though pluto dwarf planet, longer offici planet, it'll still fascin target study. that' nasa sent new horizon spacecraft visit it. new horizon reach pluto juli 2015, captur first closeup imag (dwarf) planet' surface. object meet 3rd criterion consid dwarf planet. make pluto dwarf planet. still mani object similar size mass pluto jostl around orbit. pluto crash mani gain mass, remain dwarf planet"} {"id": "2505", "contents": "object doesn\u2019t meet 3rd criteria consid dwarf planet. so, pluto dwarf planet. still mani object similar size mass pluto jostl around orbit. pluto crash mani gain mass, remain dwarf planet. eri suffer problem. astronom estim least 70,000 ici objects, composit pluto, measur 100 km across kuiper belt. accord new rules, pluto planet."} {"id": "2506", "contents": "let\u2019 find pluto longer consid planet. pluto first discov 1930 clyde w. tombaugh lowel observatori flagstaff arizona. astronom long predict would ninth planet solar system, call planet x. astronom estim least 70,000 ici objects, composit pluto, measur 100 km across kuiper belt. accord new rules, pluto planet."} {"id": "2507", "contents": "three part iliopsoa attach lower part spine pelvis, cross joint insert lesser trochant femur. hamstrings: three muscl back thigh call hamstrings. three attach lowest part pelvis."} {"id": "2508", "contents": "lesser trochanter, one pair conic project shaft femur, neck. site insert psoa major muscle. also call trochant minor. compar greater trochanter."} {"id": "2509", "contents": "variou muscl attach cover hip joint gener hip\u2019 movement. gluteals: gluteal muscl buttocks. gluteal (gluteu maximus, gluteu minimu gluteu medius) three muscl attach back pelvi insert greater trochant femur."} {"id": "2510", "contents": "ball socket joint junctur leg pelvis. round head femur (thighbone) form ball, fit acetabulum (a cup-shap socket pelvis). ligament connect ball socket usual provid tremend stabil joint."} {"id": "2511", "contents": "get rid two muscl now, take look iliacus, sit littl bit inferior it. iliacu muscl sit iliac fossa. join psoa muscl insert lesser trochanter. see insert lesser trochant here. see run combin psoa major muscle. collectively, iliacu psoa major refer iliopsoas."} {"id": "2512", "contents": "serv function psoa major muscle. flex thigh hip joint. innerv femor nerve. see distal end iliacu psoa major pass underneath ligament, inguin ligament insert onto lesser trochant femur. rotat around back, see quadratu lumborum muscle, muscl here."} {"id": "2513", "contents": "global wind day worldwid event occur annual 15 june. day discov wind, power possibl hold reshap energi systems, decarbonis economi boost job growth."} {"id": "2514", "contents": "price electr vari day day even hour. find electr cheaper examin energi market. consum demand energi low, see best energi prices. seasonally, fall spring fall month temperatur mild."} {"id": "2515", "contents": "energi day march opportun rais awar commun renew energi sourc way conserv energy. creat sustainable, cleaner safer world make wiser energi choices. everyth need energi work-machines, plant animals."} {"id": "2516", "contents": "typic work day, elimin larg amount electr use unplug devices. plug late even energi cheapest home use them. sure check supplier whether one type plan avail area."} {"id": "2517", "contents": "5-hour energi liquid energi shot help feel energ alert hours. contain special blend essenti b-vitamins, amino acid nutrient zero sugar herbal stimul four calories."} {"id": "2518", "contents": "nation energi conserv day celebr everi year peopl india 14 th december. energi conserv act india execut bureau energi effici (bee) year 2001."} {"id": "2519", "contents": "energi anoth word calories.. energi balanc balanc calori consum eat drink compar calori burn physic activity. eat drink energi in. burn physic activ energi out."} {"id": "2520", "contents": "nation energi conserv day india. nation energi conserv day celebr everi year peopl india 14 th december. energi conserv act india execut bureau energi effici (bee) year 2001."} {"id": "2521", "contents": "lanthanid actinid chemistri one-volum account lanthanid (includ scandium yttrium), actinid transactinid elements, intend introductori treatment undergradu postgradu students."} {"id": "2522", "contents": "complet look period tabl one group consider. group hold uniqu posit pictori represent period table. two row gener place underneath main period tabl call lanthanid seri actinid series. lanthanid element produc sublevel fill electron actinid form fill sublevel. gener speaking, lanthanid electron configur follow aufbau rule. variations, however, lanthanid elements."} {"id": "2523", "contents": "first 2nd group belong s-block period tabl valenc electron fill s-orbit atom. similarli 3rd 12th group, element relat d-block also known transit elements. use lanthanid actinides. don\u2019t find use pure state. use product alloy steel improv strength workabl steel. well known alloy mischmet use make magnesium base alloy (mg mix 3% mischmetal)."} {"id": "2524", "contents": "block elements. lanthanid locat block period table. first transit element either lanthanum lutetium, depend interpret period trend elements. sometim lanthanides, actinides, classifi rare earths. lanthanid rare thought; even scarc rare earth (e.g., europium, lutetium) common platinum-group metals. sever lanthanid form fission uranium plutonium. lanthanid mani scientif industri uses."} {"id": "2525", "contents": "lanthanid actinides. lanthanid actinid locat mostli f-block period table. lanthanid use product hybrid cars, superconductors, perman magnets. actinid americium use smoke detectors. actinid 15 element atom number 89 103. name first element series, actinium. actinid group includ mostli man-mad element except uranium thorium."} {"id": "2526", "contents": "two row period table: lanthanid actinid series. lanthanid seri found natur earth. one element seri radioactive. actinid seri much different. radioact found nature."} {"id": "2527", "contents": "lanthanid actinid arrang notat main bodi cell rather make room element 3b group main bodi period table. shell electrons, two element group also known f-block elements. lanthanid element fill 4f electron shell second 5d electron get filled. sinc lanthanid contain 5d electron, belong 3b group. similarly, actinid contain 6d electron fill 5f shell fill 6d electron. actinid"} {"id": "2528", "contents": "metal place left side period table. around 75% element metal natur belong s, f-blocks. non-met metalloid place p-block metals. element f-block also call lanthanid actinides. name come lanthanum actium which, seri f-block started. use lanthanid actinides. don\u2019t find use pure state. use product alloy steel improv strength workabl steel. well known alloy mischmet use make magnesium base alloy (mg mix 3% mischmetal)."} {"id": "2529", "contents": "3b group mark begin transit metal elements. third row 3b group contain element element 57 (lanthanum) element 71 (lutetium). element group togeth call lanthanides. similarly, fourth row group 3b contain element element 89 (actinium) element 103 (lawrencium). element known actinides. lanthanid element fill 4f electron shell second 5d electron get filled. sinc lanthanid contain 5d electron, belong 3b group. similarly, actinid contain 6d electron fill 5f shell fill 6d electron. actinid"} {"id": "2530", "contents": "lanthanid actinid also call inner transit elements. place bottom period table. row name. element cerium (ce) lutetium (lu) call lanthanid thorium (th) lawrencium (lr) make actinides. except uranium inner transit element well known. lanthanid begin lanthanum (la). 4f energi level close energi 5d levels."} {"id": "2531", "contents": "chloroplast organel plant cell produc sugar oxygen carbon dioxid water photosynthesis."} {"id": "2532", "contents": "photosynthesi consist two stages, light reaction dark reactions. light reaction convert light energi (atp nadhp) dark reaction use energi carbon dioxid produc sugar."} {"id": "2533", "contents": "process, also known carbon fixation, energi atp nadph molecul gener light reaction drive chemic pathway use carbon carbon dioxid (from atmosphere) build three-carbon sugar call glyceraldehyde-3-phosph (g3p)."} {"id": "2534", "contents": "photosynthesis, solar energi convert chemic energy. chemic energi store form glucos (sugar). carbon dioxide, water, sunlight use produc glucose, oxygen, water."} {"id": "2535", "contents": "sugar molecul basi complex molecul made photosynthet cell, glucose. then, via respir processes, cell use oxygen glucos synthes energy-rich carrier molecules, atp, carbon dioxid produc wast product."} {"id": "2536", "contents": "function chloroplast larg organel found plant cell respons photosynthesis. plant use photosynthesi convert water carbon dioxid glucose. chloroplast green pigment chlorophyll. plant store pigment organel similar chloroplasts."} {"id": "2537", "contents": "illustr below, process enzym matrix, liquid mitochondria, creat usabl energy. organel use oxygen sugar store food (glucose), produc carbon dioxide, water adenosin triphosph (atp). atp molecul serv energi sourc basic function life: as, breathing, eating, moving, think everyth live thing must survive."} {"id": "2538", "contents": "accord januari 2010 report texa public polici foundation, averag price paid per kilowatt hour texa resid 2009 12.26. slightli higher nation average."} {"id": "2539", "contents": "charg per kilowatt hour energi use. averag residenti custom use somewher 500 100 kwh electr per month (although vari depend time year, locat home, size home)."} {"id": "2540", "contents": "nationwid averag 11.54 cent per kilowatt hour, paper reported; texas, averag 11.6 cents. cp residenti custom paid averag 9.3 cent per kilowatt hour year, said spokeswoman lisa lewis, 9.1 cent last year. includ fuel adjust charge, vari monthly."} {"id": "2541", "contents": "39. texa util austin energi go pay cent per kilowatt-hour solar power, could mean lower custom rates. city-own austin energi sign 25-year ppa sun edison 150 megawatt solar power cent per kilowatt-hour."} {"id": "2542", "contents": "averag annual rate comparison residenti electr service. inform compil public util commiss texa publicli avail inform retail electr provid puc approv price beat rate (through decemb 2006) use repres usag levels."} {"id": "2543", "contents": "averag price peopl u.s. pay electr 12 cent per kilowatt-hour. (context: typic u.s. household use 908 kwh month electricity.)."} {"id": "2544", "contents": "note: case choos standard blu-ray disc split (or more) disc option creat blu-ray disc output file size 23.28 gb, split sever files, 23.28 gb size. necessari write sever bds."} {"id": "2545", "contents": "25gb blank blu-ray disc store time data standard dvd size blu-ray bd-r disc. use blu-ray vital choos reliabl bd-r disc protect coat prevent data loss playback issues. high definit abil bluray far outstrip standard dvd-r."} {"id": "2546", "contents": "blu-ray mkv, rip blu-ray. one common complaint hear store movi hard drive larg size hd movi files. two rule thumb regard file size: iso file exact replic blu-ray disc. file run 30-40 gb."} {"id": "2547", "contents": "would like know maximum file size burn blu ray disk (singl sided) whilst use nero. exampl 22.15 gigabytes, someth similar-mi guess pure arbitrary."} {"id": "2548", "contents": "case choos double-lay blu-ray disc option click ok. file still big fit singl double-lay disc might use option shrink disc split (or more) discs. first case video convert reduc qualiti could fit singl disc."} {"id": "2549", "contents": "also convert blu-ray disc directly! brows input video file, select bd-drive, open bdmv folder select index.bdmv file. also possibl select stream folder store bdmv directori load 00000.m2t file."} {"id": "2550", "contents": "doctor physic therapi often take much eight year complet candid want special particular field. eight year consist four year undergraduate, three year doctor program, one year specialization."} {"id": "2551", "contents": "bachelor\u2019 degre physic therapy. longer clear demarc two-and four-year degre holder field physic therapy; master\u2019 program becom standard pursu educ beyond two years."} {"id": "2552", "contents": "take degre two, four, six, years. common pt degre typic amount educ requir are: physic therapi aide. lowest level pay train physic therapi aides."} {"id": "2553", "contents": "person associate\u2019 degre typic obtain profit job (ye non profit ones) seek advanc degree. averag salari physic therapi assist two-year degree, accord bureau labor statistics, $49,690."} {"id": "2554", "contents": "present, minimum educ requir physic therapist master' degre physic therapy. however, may chang near futur doctorate. master' degre take approxim two three year complet post bachelor' degree."} {"id": "2555", "contents": "physic therapist assist (pta) education, obtain capte-accredit two-year associ degre program, prepar graduat take nation licensur examin enter field physic therapi requir knowledge, skills, behavior pta."} {"id": "2556", "contents": "order work physic therapist, must complet doctor physic therapi degre program. 2014, 228 physic therapi program accredit commiss accredit physic therapi educ (capte), last three years."} {"id": "2557", "contents": "cases, take seven year becom licens physic therapist. first four year train complet undergradu level health, scienc relat field. next three year toward master' degre plu one year studi doctor degre program."} {"id": "2558", "contents": "master\u2019 program gener take two year complet four year undergradu school, although combin program take five year start colleg complet master\u2019 degree. doctor physic therapy."} {"id": "2559", "contents": "becom physic therapist long process. physic therapi medic degree, offer exclus post-gradu program -- though you\u2019ll find two type post-grad physic therapi degrees."} {"id": "2560", "contents": "accord employ agenc reports, overal averag salari health inform technolog $69,000 per year, averag start pay $44,000 yearly. however, job start low $21,240."} {"id": "2561", "contents": "highest averag salari obtain hold certifi inform system secur profession (cissp) certification. comput profession earn $93,651 2011, accord payscale. project manag profession (pmp) certifi manag earn $93,199."} {"id": "2562", "contents": "come close 4th list highest pay certif certifi inform system secur profession cissp certif (isc)2. averag annual report salari $94,018. \u00bb."} {"id": "2563", "contents": "certifi inform system auditor certification, cisa, rank third averag salari $111,534 per year. three addit technolog certif report averag salari $100,000 per year range. hold certifi inform system secur profession credential, cissp, earn averag $110,342 per year. cisco certifi design associates, ccdas, earn averag $101,915 per year."} {"id": "2564", "contents": "high-pay certifications. three addit technolog certif report averag salari $100,000 per year range. hold certifi inform system secur profession credential, cissp, earn averag $110,342 per year. cisco certifi design associates, ccdas, earn averag $101,915 per year."} {"id": "2565", "contents": "salari information. averag salari comput inform system manag $132,570 2013. new york, california, delawar among top pay state occupation, averag annual wage roughli $150,000 more."} {"id": "2566", "contents": "mani hold one certification, still use benchmark. highest-paid technolog certif survey cisc credential, certifi risk inform system control, averag salari $115,946 per year."} {"id": "2567", "contents": "use pleiad pleiades, pl\u00e9iad see (pleiades) disambigu in, astronomi (/pleiades.\u02c8pla\u026a/ \u0259di\u02d0z /or.\u02c8pli\u02d0/), \u0259di\u02d0z seven (sister messier 45 or), m45 open star cluster containing-middl age hot-b type star locat constel of. tauru nine brightest star pleiad name seven sister greek mythology: sterope, merope, electra, maia, taygeta, celaeno, alcyone, along parent atla pleione. daughter atlas, hyad sister pleiades."} {"id": "2568", "contents": "seven sister also known pleiad constellation. seven sister known open cluster stars. also known pleiades. (plee-uh-dees). peopl found useful. edit. share to: period tabl element life sustain number chemic elements."} {"id": "2569", "contents": "mani nativ american tribes, constel pleiades, seven sisters, import marker passag time. particularli true northeast, constel appear spring vanish horizon onset winter."} {"id": "2570", "contents": "pleiad open cluster consist approxim 3,000 star distanc 400 light-year (120 parsecs) earth constel taurus. (it also known \u201cthe seven sisters\u201d, astronom design ngc 1432/35 m45.) image: nasa, esa, aura, caltech, palomar observatory. star 370 light year distant earth. brightest seven sister third brightest star tauru constellation, aldebaran, alpha tauri, elnath, beta tauri."} {"id": "2571", "contents": "seven sister small group star better known pleiades, constel taurus. group six seven star (with nake eye) 36 star (with binoculars) easili viewabl clear night wintertim earli spring. seven sister known open cluster stars. also known pleiades. (plee-uh-dees). peopl found useful. edit. share to: period tabl element life sustain number chemic elements."} {"id": "2572", "contents": "pleiades. tauru compos two main group stars; pleiad hyades. pleiad star cluster eta (\u03b7), alcyone, princip star, situat shoulder bull, also known seven sister messier 45, m45."} {"id": "2573", "contents": "admin. pleiades, also known seven sister messier 45, open star cluster locat tauru constellation. brightest star cluster repres pleiades, seven sister greek mythology, parents, nymph pleion titan atlas. messier 45 mostli compos hot, blue, highli lumin star belong spectral class estim age 100 million years. star 370 light year distant earth. brightest seven sister third brightest star tauru constellation, aldebaran, alpha tauri, elnath, beta tauri."} {"id": "2574", "contents": "pleiades. pleiad star cluster, also known seven sister messier 45, conspicu object night sky promin place ancient mythology. cluster contain hundr stars, hand commonli visibl unaid eye. photographi david malin. pleiad star cluster, also known seven sister messier 45, conspicu object night sky promin place ancient mythology. cluster contain hundr stars, hand commonli visibl unaid eye."} {"id": "2575", "contents": "seven sister nicknam pleiad star cluster, messier object 45 locat constel taurus. nicknam come seven largest star cluster, hot b-type stars. seven sister known open cluster stars. also known pleiades. (plee-uh-dees). peopl found useful. edit. share to: period tabl element life sustain number chemic elements."} {"id": "2576", "contents": "wheat allergi affect number protein found wheat, includ gluten. unlik celiac disease, wheat allergi outgrown. symptom includ skin rash, nasal congestion, headache, difficulti breathing, cramps, nausea vomiting, avoid wheat-fre diet. celiac diseas rare life-long autoimmun condit trigger eat food contain gluten. autoimmun respons occur body\u2019 immun system mount attack tissues."} {"id": "2577", "contents": "commonli found grain wheat, rye, barley oat (the problem oat mostli due cross-contamin process facilities). celiac diseas initi autoimmun disorder, also diseas malabsorption, essenti nutrient absorbed. differ celiac disease, gluten intoler sensitivity. celiac diseas (also spell \u201ccoeliac\u201d) immun reaction, sever sudden onset allerg reaction, protein call gluten."} {"id": "2578", "contents": "find distinguish celiac disease, gluten intolerance, wheat allergy, could better manag diet! celiac disease. celiac diseas rare life-long autoimmun condit trigger eat food contain gluten. autoimmun respons occur body\u2019 immun system mount attack tissues."} {"id": "2579", "contents": "celiac diseas (the word \u201cceliac\u201d greek word \u201cabdominal\u201d) sever form gluten intolerance/gluten sensitivity. celiac diseas auto-immun disord (the immun system attack itself) damag line small intestin (the villi) compromis absorpt nutrients. it\u2019 import note non-celiac gluten intolerance, gluten sensit celiac diseas allergies. gluten allergi (accord health website): one develop allerg symptom due immun system \u201clabeling\u201d someth toxin foreign invader."} {"id": "2580", "contents": "celiac disease. celiac autoimmun diseas toxic effect gluten, dietari protein, caus damag line small intestine. recur insult body\u2019 normal absorpt mechan lead clinical, serolog histolog manifest celiac disease. hand, non-celiac gluten sensit rel recent term use describ individu cannot toler dietari gluten may experi symptom similar"} {"id": "2581", "contents": "2. celiac diseas first kind gluten intolerance, diagnos earli 1940s. 3. peopl gluten intoler celiac diseas type treatment relat gluten best treatment avail diet free gluten. broad term use type sensit intoler gluten. celiac diseas first kind gluten intolerance, diagnos earli 1940s. celiac diseas inflamm upper part small intestines, mainli caus gluten intolerance."} {"id": "2582", "contents": "celiac diseas gluten intoler condit caus peopl becom sensit gluten, protein found wheat, rye barley. gluten intoler broad term describ rang sensit gluten. peopl celiac diseas suffer damag small intestin result gluten consumption. symptom sever celiac diseas rang widely, may includ diarrhea constipation, fatigue, weight loss weight gain, gener poor health, dermat herpetiformis."} {"id": "2583", "contents": "summary. 1. gluten intoler broad term use type sensit intoler gluten. celiac diseas inflamm upper part small intestines, mainli caus gluten intolerance. 2. broad term use type sensit intoler gluten. celiac diseas first kind gluten intolerance, diagnos earli 1940"} {"id": "2584", "contents": "celiac diseas diagnos blood test, often confirm biopsi small bowel. also associ autoimmun condit thyroid diseas diabetes. treatment celiac diseas involv complet remov gluten-contain food diet. gluten continu consumed, peopl experi signific neg effect health relat malabsorpt essenti nutrient vitamin diet."} {"id": "2585", "contents": "split merg it. answer ruclimate. confid vote 34.1k. perman frozen ground northern latitud call permafrost. layer closest surfac thaw summer also part permafrost, call activ layer. permafrost major featur tundra biome."} {"id": "2586", "contents": "melt permafrost, perman frozen soil cover almost quarter northern hemispher alaska china, also destabil everyth oil ga pipelin build roads."} {"id": "2587", "contents": "permafrost: layer soil bedrock beneath surfac temperatur perman freez water soil perman frozen. permafrost exist averag annual temperatur 23(degrees)f. opinion."} {"id": "2588", "contents": "ground-wat discharg remov water zone saturation, may take place transpir evaporation, discharg spring seeps, subsurfac flow adjoining, area, pump wells."} {"id": "2589", "contents": "water occur permafrost tabl (the top perman frozen layer) activ zone top layer extrem difficult drain. so, spite low rainfal (in interior alaska, example), poor drainag becom extrem noticeable."} {"id": "2590", "contents": "salari regularli paid amount money, constitut part employee' wages, paid weekli less frequent basis, subject reduct due qualiti quantiti work performed. gener definit feder law (29 cfr 541.118). employee' gross wage week, includ overtime, would $550 (the $500 salari plu $50 overtim pay). wisconsin law allow method overtim compens salaried, non-exempt employees, feder law may not."} {"id": "2591", "contents": "wage better get paid mani hour work, while, salary, get set amount payment. exampl job get salari teacher. matter much homework grade weekend vacations, get amount money. yearli pay known annual amount annual pay. minimum wage juli 15, 2009, $7.25 per hour. salari paid notwithstand amount hour usual manag employees. get paid $10 per hour."} {"id": "2592", "contents": "salari fix amount money compens paid employe employ return work performed. gener rule compar period salari hourli wage base standard 40 hour work week 50 week per year (minu two week vacation). (example: $40,000/year period salari divid 50 week equal $800/week."} {"id": "2593", "contents": "definition. accord u.s. depart labor, employe paid salari basis, mean essenti receiv regular pay regular basis, amount fluctuat regard qualiti quantiti work actual performed. employer, offer paid salari mean negotiating. naturally, employe consid accept salari posit want make sure they'r paid much think they' worth --- although may want compens accordingly, bottom line think about."} {"id": "2594", "contents": "wage is, mentioned, amount paid per hour. salari fix amount pay per week month (usual paid semi-monthly). yearli pay known annual amount annual pay. minimum wage juli 15, 2009, $7.25 per hour. salari paid notwithstand amount hour usual manag employees. get paid $10 per hour."} {"id": "2595", "contents": "sinc salari constitut wage straight time hour worked, employ owe addit half-tim hour excess 40 week. exampl follows: example: non-exempt employe paid salari $500 per week, work 50 hour given week. sinc agreement employe paid $500 salary, sum would cover number hour worked. regular rate week salari ($500) divid 50 hour worked, $10.00. employee' gross wage week, includ overtime, would $550 (the $500 salari plu $50 overtim pay). wisconsin law allow method overtim compens salaried, non-exempt employees, feder law may not."} {"id": "2596", "contents": "sinc salari employe earn specifi annual amount, like gross pay pay period recur amount. example, manager' salari $48,000 per year salari paid semi-monthly, manager' gross pay $2,000 24 pay periods."} {"id": "2597", "contents": "salari typic determin compar market pay rate peopl perform similar work similar industri region. salari also determin level pay rate salari rang establish individu employer. salari also affect number peopl avail perform specif job employer' employ locale. gener rule compar period salari hourli wage base standard 40 hour work week 50 week per year (minu two week vacation). (example: $40,000/year period salari divid 50 week equal $800/week."} {"id": "2598", "contents": "salari form period payment employ employee, may specifi employ contract. gener rule compar period salari hourli wage base standard 40 hour work week 50 week per year (minu two week vacation). (example: $40,000/year period salari divid 50 week equal $800/week."} {"id": "2599", "contents": "best answer: salari paid set amount regular work schedule. job pay set amount reach certain number hour pay overtime. job requir salari work job done. rate newest oldest."} {"id": "2600", "contents": "issu notes. hemispher long wave pattern rel fast move recent weeks. four main troughs. current signific trough near longitud indian ocean, south pacific, southeast pacific, atlant ocean. summary: determinist framework skill forecast tend decreas time, howev forecast updat daili provid latest estim rainfal probabl 28 days."} {"id": "2601", "contents": "trans-pacif partnership put scrutini mani environment protect agenc believ agreement enough protect ocean illeg traffick endang species."} {"id": "2602", "contents": "queensland forecast. thursday cooler change, shower storm southeast. light shower north coast. mostli sunni elsewhere. friday showers/storm se cw, storm nw. light shower north coast. mostli sunni elsewhere. saturday shower storm east, heavi ranges. hot mostli sunni west."} {"id": "2603", "contents": "weather predict summer 2013/14. janel shorthouse. warm, dri winter emerg prepared disast manag meet current underway across south-east queensland, long rang forecast ken ring given weather predict summer. print page. disclaimer, ken warn weather exact science. forecast one allow one three day error, radiu application/error 50-80 kms. ken' accuraci often assess 80 85 per cent."} {"id": "2604", "contents": "total fire ban declar tasmania record temperatur forecast. 17:34 edt. tasmanian fire servic (tfs) declar sever total fire ban across larg area state ahead hot windi weather thursday. determinist framework skill forecast tend decreas time, howev forecast updat daili provid latest estim rainfal probabl 28 days."} {"id": "2605", "contents": "local weather. gympi 14 day long rang forecast. 14 day weather provid extend long rang forecast outlook gympie. queensland, australia. locat near gympie. averag minimum temperatur 16\u00b0c, dip lowest morn wednesday 21st 10\u00b0c. expect next 14 day day see littl precipit day rain. indic wednesday 28th precipit accumul around 8.0mm."} {"id": "2606", "contents": "son lennox walker, world-fam australian long rang weather forecaster, fourth-gener remark lineag forecasters. hayden offer world-wid long-rang weather forecast service."} {"id": "2607", "contents": "long rang weather outlook gympi includ 14 day forecast summary: next 14 day outlook gympi show averag daytim maximum temperatur around 27\u00b0c, high two week 32\u00b0c expect afternoon thursday 22nd. averag minimum temperatur 16\u00b0c, dip lowest morn wednesday 21st 10\u00b0c. expect next 14 day day see littl precipit day rain. indic wednesday 28th precipit accumul around 8.0mm."} {"id": "2608", "contents": "total pay combin base annual salari hourli wage, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtim pay form cash earnings, applic job. includ equiti (stock) compensation, cash valu retir benefits, valu non-cash benefit (e.g. healthcare). total pay (?x"} {"id": "2609", "contents": "averag electr power distribut salari job post sheboygan wi averag electr power distribut salari job post nationwid"} {"id": "2610", "contents": "power plant operators, distributors, dispatch held 60,700 job 2012. 69 percent power plant operators, 19 percent power distributor dispatchers, 12 percent nuclear power reactor operators. electr one nation\u2019 vital resources. power plant operators, distributors, dispatch control power plant flow electr plant substations, distribut electr businesses, homes, factories."} {"id": "2611", "contents": "power distributor dispatch salary. (unit states). averag pay power distributor dispatch $76,691 per year. experi moder effect incom job. total pay (?xtotal pay combin base annual salari hourli wage, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtim pay form cash earnings, applicabl"} {"id": "2612", "contents": "70 percent power plant operators, distributors, dispatch work electr power generation, transmission, distribut industri 2012. state local govern employ 13 percent power plant operators, distributors, dispatchers. electr one nation\u2019 vital resources. power plant operators, distributors, dispatch control power plant flow electr plant substations, distribut electr businesses, homes, factories."} {"id": "2613", "contents": "power distribution, engin salary. power distribution, engin averag salari $62,505, median salari $65,500 salari rang $43,940 $80,000. power distribution, engin salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. power distribution, engin salari statist exclus refer only. present updat regularli"} {"id": "2614", "contents": "$34,750. median annual wage power plant operators, distributors, dispatch $68,230 may 2012. median wage wage half worker occup earn amount half earn less. electr one nation\u2019 vital resources. power plant operators, distributors, dispatch control power plant flow electr plant substations, distribut electr businesses, homes, factories."} {"id": "2615", "contents": "median annual wage power plant operators, distributors, dispatch $68,230 may 2012. median wage wage half worker occup earn amount half earn less. work environ [about section] [to top]. power plant operators, distributors, dispatch held 60,700 job 2012. 69 percent power plant operators, 19 percent power distributor dispatchers, 12 percent nuclear power reactor operators."} {"id": "2616", "contents": "70 percent power plant operators, distributors, dispatch work electr power generation, transmission, distribut industri 2012. state local govern employ 13 percent power plant operators, distributors, dispatchers. work environ [about section] [to top]. power plant operators, distributors, dispatch held 60,700 job 2012. 69 percent power plant operators, 19 percent power distributor dispatchers, 12 percent nuclear power reactor operators."} {"id": "2617", "contents": "power distribution, engin salari full-tim annual start salary. intern, contractor hourli pay scale vari regular exempt employee. compens depend work experience, job location, bonus, benefit factors. power distribution, engin salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. power distribution, engin salari statist exclus refer only."} {"id": "2618", "contents": "peac mind. life360 avail iphone, android window phone. hectic schedul long lists, manag day day famili feel like full time job."} {"id": "2619", "contents": "famili locat app keep famili secur connected. see locat famili member map stay touch instant messages. case kid get lost, tap so button immedi send exact gp location. famili locat famili share locat safe use one thing alway carri around smartphone. keep touch let see everybodi real-time. show show less. famili locat kid check-in let know he/sh got school safely."} {"id": "2620", "contents": "famili locat android. android locat app let know regist famili member are, also help locat phone lose android device. stay touch everyon famili network quick commun even receiv alert famili member reach specifi locations. iphon famili locat app keep sync everyon famili network. constant commun keep mind eas know famili member safe reach next location. get life360 famili locat iphon app."} {"id": "2621", "contents": "famili locat app avail select mobil devices. open app store (e.g., googl play\u2122, blackberri world\u2122, etc.) devic search verizon famili locator. app appear search results, devic compat download app. note: famili locat servic must ad account least one famili member set administr one participant. currently, famili locat unavail prepaid busi accounts."} {"id": "2622", "contents": "description. keep kid safe let entir famili touch. famili locat famili tracker, children safeti emerg alert app award largest parent-test commun parent test parent approved. unabl find itun computer. download free app famili locator-gp phone tracker sygic a. s., get itun now."} {"id": "2623", "contents": "at&t familymap provid peac mind abl conveni locat famili member wireless phone pc know family' inform secur private. at&t familymap web browser applic allow locat famili member computer. simpli enter www.att.com/familymap mobil browser sign phone number password use access at&t familymap phone."} {"id": "2624", "contents": "famili locat iphone. famili locat iphon app interfac help quickli locat famili member map. open secur familychannel\u2122 chat everyon once. iphon famili locat app keep sync everyon famili network. constant commun keep mind eas know famili member safe reach next location. get life360 famili locat iphon app."} {"id": "2625", "contents": "sprint famili locat signal free companion app sprint famili locator. put signal kid' phone get accur result fro... #9. zoemob famili locat free featur zoemob famili locat accur servic monitor famili use gp track technology. safe way track locat kid... #11."} {"id": "2626", "contents": "yes, remov famili locat account online: go verizon famili safeguard control page verizon. scroll famili locat section click view detail edit. click add remov members. note: famili locat servic must ad account least one famili member set administr one participant. currently, famili locat unavail prepaid busi accounts."} {"id": "2627", "contents": "however, get detail result phone fulli compat famili locat famili locat app. determin phone compat famili locat app, open app store phone search verizon famili locator. app appear search results, phone compatible. note: famili locat servic must ad account least one famili member set administr one participant. currently, famili locat unavail prepaid busi accounts."} {"id": "2628", "contents": "much kitchen renov cost, spend it? accord today, averag cost kitchen remodel $15,000 $20,000 without appliances."} {"id": "2629", "contents": "set budget kitchen remodel stay within sound obviou simple, harder think. averag cost upscal kitchen remodel $80,000, three factor determin whether want spend much. first much afford spend."} {"id": "2630", "contents": "initi budget use industri cost averag like $20,000 kitchen remodel $10,000 bathroom remodel, one live averag hous averag city! anoth common method creat estim use cost per squar foot method."} {"id": "2631", "contents": "u.s. homeown averag spent $28,030 remodel kitchen last five years, cost vari wide differ budget levels. nationwide, averag cost high-end kitchen $54,942, $22,390 mid-rang kitchen, $7,133 lower-budget kitchen."} {"id": "2632", "contents": "contrast, doityourself.com estim cost typic kitchen remodel start around $5,000 do-it-yourself work included, averag $15,000-$26,000."} {"id": "2633", "contents": "work $15,000 $30,000 kitchen remodel budget, leav work profession instead much yourself. might includ refinish refac countertops, paint wall ceilings, instal new light rewir electr work."} {"id": "2634", "contents": "inulin type fiber that' found certain plant foods. chicori root main sourc inulin supplement form. chicori origin found europ asia. egyptian grew thousand year ago medicine."} {"id": "2635", "contents": "inulin heterogen collect fructos polymers. consist chain-termin glucosyl moieti repetit fructosyl moiety, link \u03b2(2,1) bonds. degre polymer (dp) standard inulin rang 60. advantag inulin contain 25-35% food energi carbohydr (starch, sugar). addit versatil ingredient, inulin mani health benefits. increas calcium absorpt possibl magnesium absorption, promot growth benefici intestin bacteria."} {"id": "2636", "contents": "inulin use plant mean store energi typic found root rhizomes. plant synthes store inulin store form carbohydr starch. advantag inulin contain 25-35% food energi carbohydr (starch, sugar). addit versatil ingredient, inulin mani health benefits. increas calcium absorpt possibl magnesium absorption, promot growth benefici intestin bacteria."} {"id": "2637", "contents": "10 fact space blow mind. inulin polysaccharid produc plant onions, leeks, jerusalem artichokes, garlic. also refer neosugar, alant starch, alantin, diabet sugar. mani manufactur put process food tremend health benefits."} {"id": "2638", "contents": "oliggo-fib inulin line naturally* sourc soluabl fiber ingredients-mad chicori roots. ingredient, oliggo-fib inulin add nutrit valu food improv tast texture. oliggo-fib inulin prebiot fiber ferment lower intestin benefici bacteria, bifidobacteria. inulin lower calori carbohydrate, benefici formul reduc low calori foods."} {"id": "2639", "contents": "found helpful. inulin fiber sugar. use fat substitut fuel source. inulin fiber use help measur kidney function, convert ethanol, even evid assist manag diabet (though confus insulin)."} {"id": "2640", "contents": "inulin increasingli use process food unusu adapt characteristics. flavour rang bland subtli sweet (about 10% sweet sugar/sucrose). use replac sugar, fat, flour. advantag inulin contain 25-35% food energi carbohydr (starch, sugar). addit versatil ingredient, inulin mani health benefits. increas calcium absorpt possibl magnesium absorption, promot growth benefici intestin bacteria."} {"id": "2641", "contents": "inulin overview information. inulin starchi substanc found wide varieti fruits, vegetables, herbs, includ wheat, onions, bananas, leeks, artichokes, asparagus. inulin use medicin commonli obtain soak chicori root hot water. inulin use high blood fats, includ cholesterol triglycerides. also use weight loss, constipation, food addit improv taste."} {"id": "2642", "contents": "inulin found abund mani non-starchi root veget rhizom burdock roots, jerusalem artichokes, onions, garlic. inulin fiber use food addit come chicori root (which look similar small beet roots) consist high inulin content. inulin fiber use help measur kidney function, convert ethanol, even evid assist manag diabet (though confus insulin)."} {"id": "2643", "contents": "chicori good sourc inulin. inulin inulin fiber, also known, carbohydrate. made small number link sugar molecul therefor class oligosaccharide. term deriv greek word oligos, mean sacchar, mean sugar. oligo-saccarid largley undigest human digest tract inulin thu also consid fiber. high level inulin typic found storag organ plants, roots. plant roots, eat vegetables, therefor particularli good sourc inulin. include: chicori root."} {"id": "2644", "contents": "network wireless networking. two factor affect wi-fi strength could amount metal construct number electron devic antenna computer. leo a. notenboom, 2012. i'm work linksi wi-fi. days, signal reach one floor 20 feet."} {"id": "2645", "contents": "number factor affect qualiti wireless connect indiana university, includ signal strength, possibl problem degrad even strong signal, factor affect data transmiss rate (throughput)."} {"id": "2646", "contents": "mani factor affect wireless network perform depend variou area within network technolog devic used, local environ signal travel through, fundament physic behind wireless transmiss more."} {"id": "2647", "contents": "perform wi-fi wireless network connect depend part signal strength. comput wireless access point, signal strength direct determin data rate avail connection. answer: determin signal strength wi-fi connect point time, use one follow methods: oper system utilities-microsoft window (and network oper systems) contain built util monitor wireless network connect status. wi-fi locat devices-resembl keychain, wi-fi locat devic design detect signal strength nearbi wireless access points. wi-fi locat use set four six led indic signal strength unit bar similar microsoft window utility."} {"id": "2648", "contents": "wireless router. wi-fi enabl devic like smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop wi-fi adapter. program analyz strength wireless signal (prefer dbm). need find program work wireless devic oper system. macintosh run os 10.9 higher, use wifi strength indicator. oper systems, search app program measur wi-fi signal strength dbm."} {"id": "2649", "contents": "aim article: articl describ may see reduc wireless (wi-fi) signal differ part home office, improv it. intern walls: biggest factor reduc wi-fi perform effect distanc intern wall signal strength. follow diagram show effect wireless signal devic use wi-fi network differ situations. even though data transmit wi-fi digital, actual signal use analogu radio waves."} {"id": "2650", "contents": "wireless signal strength refer intens radio frequenc wireless receiv abl pick up. weak wireless signal caus connect perform problem wireless devices. example, weak signal caus cell phone cut conversations, laptop comput lose wireless internet connections. sever factor influenc strength wireless signals; unfortunately, mani factor user' control. instanc poor wireless signal strength result inadequ dysfunct hardware. example, laptop comput outdat damag wireless network adapt card, may struggl receiv signal wireless router."} {"id": "2651", "contents": "wi-fi enabl devic like smartphone, tablet, laptop, desktop wi-fi adapter. program analyz strength wireless signal (prefer dbm). need find program work wireless devic oper system. macintosh run os 10.9 higher, use wifi strength indicator. oper systems, search app program measur wi-fi signal strength dbm."} {"id": "2652", "contents": "collect project. wireless signal leav wifi hotspot travel comput wireless device, wifi signal strength decay pass air solid objects. comput may unabl pick signal hotspot coupl room away."} {"id": "2653", "contents": "dramat affect radio signal router wi-fi device, caus slow intermitt connect problems. vari signal: situat may find wi-fi signal better differ part room. follow diagram show effect wireless signal devic use wi-fi network differ situations. even though data transmit wi-fi digital, actual signal use analogu radio waves."} {"id": "2654", "contents": "brief histori congress vienna. deleg congress vienna (1814-1815) motiv surprisingli larg degre desir benefit europ whole, reflect purpos call congress togeth settlement reached. deleg congress vienna debat territori divis europe, however, napoleon return franc elba march 1, 1815."} {"id": "2655", "contents": "revolut 1830. congress vienna conven 1815 four european power defeat napoleon. first goal establish new balanc power europ would prevent imperi within europe, napoleon empire, maintain peac great powers."} {"id": "2656", "contents": "congress vienna held septemb 1814 june 1815. downfal napoleon bonaparte, intern confer call creat balanc among european power way prevent futur war maintain peac stabil european continent. mainly, four major power europ (austria, russia, prussia, great britain) left make big decisions. austria sent princ klemen von metternich, austrian minist state also act presid congress."} {"id": "2657", "contents": "austria metternich prussia hardenberg von humbolt russia nesselrod rasoumoffski great britain castlereagh, later, wellington franc talleyrand dalberg. agre first treati pari 1814, congress great power europ met vienna settl futur boundari continent."} {"id": "2658", "contents": "negoti continu despit final outburst fight trigger ex-emperor napoleon' dramat return exil resumpt power franc hundr day march-july, 1815. congress' final act sign nine day final defeat waterloo june 18, 1815."} {"id": "2659", "contents": "main goal congress vienna: 1. importantly, congress vienna want creat balanc power major power europ (britai n, france, austria, prussia, russia) 2. congress vienna restor state exist itali french revolution, except republ venice, whose territori italy, stria dalmatia given austria, becam domin power italian peninsula."} {"id": "2660", "contents": "congress vienna first seri intern meet came known concert europe, attempt forg peac balanc power europe. serv model later organ leagu nation 1919 unit nation 1945. treati pari determin gener congress held vienna, invit would issu power engag either side present war.. open schedul juli 1814."} {"id": "2661", "contents": "lead figur congress vienna 1814 klemen von metternich repres austria. goal were: balanc power europe, expans austrian empire. [source]- ap european history, 4th block :). congress vienna restor state exist itali french revolution, except republ venice, whose territori italy, stria dalmatia given austria, becam domin power italian peninsula."} {"id": "2662", "contents": "congress vienna confer ambassador european state chair austrian statesman klemen wenzel von metternich, held vienna septemb 1814 june 1815. treati pari determin gener congress held vienna, invit would issu power engag either side present war.. open schedul juli 1814."} {"id": "2663", "contents": "314 reflect signific congress vienna nicolson' congress vienna, publish 1946,7 larg narr account intern event 1815 1822, particularli use eleg summari c. k. webster' two volum castlereagh' foreign policy. 322 reflect signific congress vienna revolut 1830 power dealt frighten crisi caus revolt belgian later 1830."} {"id": "2664", "contents": "peopl hypothyroid may want consid minim intak gluten, protein found food process wheat, barley, rye, grains, say ruth frechman, rdn, dietitian nutritionist lo angel area spokesperson academi nutrit dietetics. process foods. process food tend lot sodium, peopl hypothyroid avoid sodium, frechman says. underact thyroid increas person' risk high blood pressure, much sodium increas risk."} {"id": "2665", "contents": "soy food soybean oil, soy milk, tofu process soy food decreas thyroid function. gluten: gluten potenti goitrogen trigger autoimmun responses. gluten found wheat, rye barley, along process foods. compound make difficult thyroid gland absorb iodin effect minim diet supplement iodine. noteworthi veget thiocyan flax, sweet potato, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, canola, cauliflower, mustard greens, radish kale."} {"id": "2666", "contents": "much thyroid hormon (hyperthyroidism), bodi goe overdrive; enough thyroid hormon (hypothyroidism), bodi slow down. common caus hypothyroid worldwid dietary\u2014protein malnutrit iodin deficiency. dietari recommend hypothyroidism. hypothyroidism, want reduc risk hypothyroidism, may want consid follow strategies: elimin potent goitrogen diet (soy, millet, rutabaga)."} {"id": "2667", "contents": "food thiocyan make difficult thyroid absorb iodine. broccoli, brussel sprout cabbag contain thiocyanates. soy link thyroid conditions, includ hypothyroidism. gluten one goitrogen trigger autoimmun responses. compound make difficult thyroid gland absorb iodin effect minim diet supplement iodine. noteworthi veget thiocyan flax, sweet potato, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, canola, cauliflower, mustard greens, radish kale."} {"id": "2668", "contents": "pituitari gland hypothalamu produc hormon control thyroid and, result, affect abil produc thyroid hormone. excess iodine, which, food medicines, reduc function thyroid gland. usual temporary. congenit hypothyroidism. less common caus include: infections. medicines. rare cases, disord pituitari gland hypothalamu (secondari tertiari form hypothyroidism). excess iodine, which, food medicines, reduc function thyroid gland."} {"id": "2669", "contents": "result, thyroid gland cannot make enough thyroid hormone. worldwide, iodin defici number one caus hypothyroidism. iodin ad salt, food, water nearli elimin problem u.s. western countries. less common caus include: infections. medicines. rare cases, disord pituitari gland hypothalamu (secondari tertiari form hypothyroidism). excess iodine, which, food medicines, reduc function thyroid gland. congenit"} {"id": "2670", "contents": "food interfer thyroid function, avoid hypothyroidism. food includ cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach, peanuts, soybeans, pine nut mustard greens. soy may also interfer absorpt thyroid hormone. difficulti lose weight due hypothyroidism, adjust diet. avoid process food pasta white brad. reduc consumpt red meat replac beef steak fish lean meat"} {"id": "2671", "contents": "generally, there' hypothyroid diet. although claim hypothyroid diet abound, there' evid eat avoid certain food improv thyroid function peopl hypothyroidism. hypothyroidism, take thyroid hormon replac direct doctor gener empti stomach. also import note much dietari fiber impair absorpt synthet thyroid hormone. certain foods, supplement medic effect."} {"id": "2672", "contents": "follow food associ underact thyroid. food thiocyanates: thiocyanates, sulfur-contain compounds, exist mani vegetables. compound make difficult thyroid gland absorb iodin effect minim diet supplement iodine. noteworthi veget thiocyan flax, sweet potato, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, canola, cauliflower, mustard greens, radish kale."} {"id": "2673", "contents": "hypothyroid causes. iodin defici one common caus hypothyroidism. hypothyroid may also hereditary, caus condit known hashimoto\u2019 disease. sometimes, food consum disturb balanc thyroid hormon lead hypothyroidism. compound make difficult thyroid gland absorb iodin effect minim diet supplement iodine. noteworthi veget thiocyan flax, sweet potato, broccoli, brussel sprouts, cabbage, canola, cauliflower, mustard greens, radish kale."} {"id": "2674", "contents": "australasian bittern endang speci australia, tasmania, new zealand, new caledonia ouvea. zigzag bittern found subtrop tropic swamp within bolivia, brazil, colombia, ecuador, french guiana, guyana, peru, surinam venezuela. dwarf bittern found almost everi countri african continent, except humid, desert area egypt. also found southern spain. black bittern found bangladesh, pakistan, india, sri lanka, east china, indonesia australia."} {"id": "2675", "contents": "american bittern popul undergo substanti declin due loss degred habitat. speci list nongam speci manag concern unit state fish wildlif servic 1982 1987. list speci special concern state michigan. breed range, american bittern inhabit area freshwat wetland tall emerg vegetation, shorelines, veget fringes. bird prefer beaver-cr wetland glacial origin."} {"id": "2676", "contents": "zigzag bittern found subtrop tropic swamp within bolivia, brazil, colombia, ecuador, french guiana, guyana, peru, surinam venezuela. dwarf bittern found almost everi countri african continent, except humid, desert area egypt. also found southern spain. black bittern found bangladesh, pakistan, india, sri lanka, east china, indonesia australia."} {"id": "2677", "contents": "least bittern nativ americas, canada way argentina. yellow bittern found india, pakistan, bangladesh, japan indonesia. dwarf bittern found almost everi countri african continent, except humid, desert area egypt. also found southern spain. black bittern found bangladesh, pakistan, india, sri lanka, east china, indonesia australia."} {"id": "2678", "contents": "brolga believ live 6-8 years. australasian bittern live 8-10 years. bush stone curlew lifespan 16 years. american bittern stand still water wait prey. eat small fish, salamanders, crayfish, insects, frogs, eels, small snakes, small mammals."} {"id": "2679", "contents": "cinnamon bittern chestnut bittern nativ india, east china indonesia. stripe-back bittern found everi countri south american contin (peru, brazil, argentina, etc). dwarf bittern found almost everi countri african continent, except humid, desert area egypt. also found southern spain. black bittern found bangladesh, pakistan, india, sri lanka, east china, indonesia australia."} {"id": "2680", "contents": "american bittern medium-s heron stout bodi neck, short legs, white neck. uppersid bird brown fine speckl black. undersid heavili streak brown white. long black patch extend eye side neck. breed range, american bittern inhabit area freshwat wetland tall emerg vegetation, shorelines, veget fringes. bird prefer beaver-cr wetland glacial origin."} {"id": "2681", "contents": "american bittern form loos monogam polygyn pair bonds. male defend nest territori dens marsh help incub care young. femal build nest platform marsh veget line grasses. activ dawn dusk. alarmed, bittern extend neck head vertic freez sway breeze, blend surround vegetation. eye set low head, enabl bittern see forward stand pose."} {"id": "2682", "contents": "due popul declin habitat loss, breed popul american bittern list endang new jersey. like mani speci new jersey, protect american bittern close tie protect wetland habitats. femal bittern incub egg 24 29 days. hatch, femal care chicks. feed partial digest food, cough share young. young leav nest two week age stay area addit two weeks."} {"id": "2683", "contents": "i'v research feed mare dri raspberri leav seem big help them! anyon experi it? gener find say feed 1/4 cup day, feed that? capsules? may cheaper/ easier feed? (such http://www. amazon ... capsules? may cheaper/ easier feed? (such http://www. amazon .com/natures-way-raspberry-leaves-capsules/dp/b000ar8pxw/ref=sr_1_2?ie=utf8&qid=1372275291&sr=8-2&keywords=raspberry+leav much feed?) mare 21 year old, 1200 pound thoroughbred."} {"id": "2684", "contents": "frequenc duration. one dose raspberri leaf daili maximum requir horse. supplement may safe feed year round, pure raspberri leav fed year round. calcul dosag raspberri leaves. start hors raspberri leav import calcul correct amount dri leav add feed. dosag leav calcul accord weight, 1/2 teaspoon recommend dosag everi 150 pound anim weigh"} {"id": "2685", "contents": "load dose 3.75 twice day two weeks. raspberri leav take month start kick in. warn post site: one thing watch selenium. say site raspberri leav high selenium. high-selenium area, feed selenium supplement (or food/suppl selenium them), make sure feed high dose. hors need selenium, much kill them. bought raspberri leaf arab cross mare, absolut noth mareishness. know peopl say see differ mare though, cheap enough-worth shot! fed 1/2 cup morn night."} {"id": "2686", "contents": "mare barn get mare magic (name brand raspberri leav horses) owner swear it. get way less 1/4 cup, think scoop come packag mayb tablespoons. capsules? may cheaper/ easier feed? (such http://www. amazon .com/natures-way-raspberry-leaves-capsules/dp/b000ar8pxw/ref=sr_1_2?ie=utf8&qid=1372275291&sr=8-2&keywords=raspberry+leav much feed?) mare 21 year old, 1200 pound thoroughbred."} {"id": "2687", "contents": "site might help you. re: raspberri leaf horses? i'v read around raspberri leaf, note use "mar magic" calm agent hormon stress mares. i'v also noticed, reading, raspberri leaf tea benefici pregnant women, help eas labor"} {"id": "2688", "contents": "show i'v read around raspberri leaf, note use mare magic calm agent hormon stress mares. i'v read around raspberri leaf, note use "mar magic""} {"id": "2689", "contents": "raspberri leaf (rubu idaeus). raspberri hors best-known benefici effect pregnant mare abil tackl moodi sometim caus hormon fluctuat pregnant mare young filli come season first time."} {"id": "2690", "contents": "raspberri leaf found prepar supplement given dri leaf form. calcul dosag raspberri leav start hors raspberri leav import calcul correct amount dri leav add feed. dosag leav calcul accord weight, 1/2 teaspoon recommend dosag everi 150 pound anim weighs. frequenc durat one dose raspberri leaf daili maximum requir horse."} {"id": "2691", "contents": "ebola virus found sever african countries. ebola first discov 1976 near ebola river democrat republ congo. sinc then, outbreak appear sporad africa. natur reservoir host ebola viru remain unknown."} {"id": "2692", "contents": "caus outbreak infect ebola viru (see ebola pictures). viru got name river democrat republ congo (formerli zaire) africa, first recognized. four identifi subtyp ebola virus. three four caus diseas humans: ebola-ivori coast. ebola-sudan. ebola-zaire."} {"id": "2693", "contents": "origin disease. first report case deadli viru came 1976 name ebola river democrat republ congo discovered. time, area diseas spot offici recogn zaire."} {"id": "2694", "contents": "first outbreak ebola (ebola-sudan) infect 284 people, mortal rate 53%. month later, second ebola viru emerg yambuku, zaire, ebola-zair (eboz). eboz, highest mortal rate ebola virus (88%), infect 318 people."} {"id": "2695", "contents": "ebola, previous known ebola hemorrhag fever, rare deadli diseas caus infect one ebola viru strains. ebola caus diseas human nonhuman primat (monkeys, gorillas, chimpanzees). ebola caus infect viru famili filoviridae, genu ebolavirus."} {"id": "2696", "contents": "ebola viru diseas (evd; also ebola hemorrhag fever, ehf), simpli ebola, viral hemorrhag fever human primat caus ebolaviruses. sign symptom typic start two day three week contract viru fever, sore throat, muscular pain, headaches."} {"id": "2697", "contents": "ebola viru diseas (evd), formerli known ebola haemorrhag fever, severe, often fatal ill humans. viru transmit peopl wild anim spread human popul human-to-human transmission. averag evd case fatal rate around 50%."} {"id": "2698", "contents": "habit. 1. 'habit'. habit someth person often regularly. nervou habit bite nails. tri get habit ad unnecessari salt cooking. 2. 'custom'. custom someth peopl societi particular time year particular situation."} {"id": "2699", "contents": "i'm creatur habit. [=i alway thing way]. [+] exampl [-] hide exampl [+] exampl sentenc [-] hide examples. habit something, often usually. i'm habit read go bed."} {"id": "2700", "contents": "habit. establish mode behavior whose perform individu certain situat becom need. habit aris repeat practic action."} {"id": "2701", "contents": "hab\u2022it. 1. acquir pattern behavior becom almost involuntari result frequent repetition. 2. customari practic use. 3. particular practice, custom, usage: habit shake hands. 1. 'habit'. habit someth person often regularly. nervou habit bite nails. tri get habit ad unnecessari salt cooking. 2. 'custom'. custom someth peopl societi particular time year particular situation."} {"id": "2702", "contents": "customari particular practice, manner, mode behavior. involuntari pattern behavior thought. habitu use drug narcotics. see also habit spasm, habit training, habitus. vox populi practic routin regularli perform person. habit, tendenc toward act becom repeat performance, rel fixed, consistent, easi perform, almost automatic. learned, habit may occur without intent person may appear control difficult change."} {"id": "2703", "contents": "hab\u2022it. 1. acquir pattern behavior becom almost involuntari result frequent repetition. 2. customari practic use. 3. particular practice, custom, usage: habit shake hands. habit someth person often regularly. nervou habit bite nails. tri get habit ad unnecessari salt cooking. 2. 'custom'. custom someth peopl societi particular time year particular situation."} {"id": "2704", "contents": "noun. smoke bad habit. smoke bad habit. definit habit someth regularly, addiction. brush teeth everi morn everi night exampl good habit. addict heroin exampl heroin habit"} {"id": "2705", "contents": "a. practic substanc person addicted: drink becom habit him. b. state depend something, esp drug. 6. (biology) botani zoolog method growth, type existence, behaviour, gener appear plant animal: climb habit; burrow habit. habit someth person often regularly. nervou habit bite nails. tri get habit ad unnecessari salt cooking. 2. 'custom'. custom someth peopl societi particular time year particular situation."} {"id": "2706", "contents": "never thaw chicken room temperature. usda recommend 1-2 day refriger storag (40\u00b0f). depend upon packag chicken, handl in-transit, temperatur refrigerator, chicken could last longer. cook salmon stay good longer raw salmon. keep cook salmon refriger days. longer start spoil. 56 other found useful. kay cook. question answer lock cannot edited."} {"id": "2707", "contents": "meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airt ight container. thaw chicken cook soon possible. use chicken immediately, store refriger use within 24 hour thawing. thaw frozen chicken use one three methods: refrigerator; cold water bath, chang water everi 30 minutes; microwave."} {"id": "2708", "contents": "cook chicken could good days. raw chicken best use within days. store chicken coldest part refriger best shelf life put freezer use within time frame. thaw chicken cook soon possible. use chicken immediately, store refriger use within 24 hour thawing. thaw frozen chicken use one three methods: refrigerator; cold water bath, chang water everi 30 minutes; microwave."} {"id": "2709", "contents": "ipsedixit sep 24, 2011 12:23 pm. i'v kept raw chicken fridg day problems, longer. bear mind fda recommend food storag -- chicken includ -- gener lowest common denominator."} {"id": "2710", "contents": "dear ss: accord foodsafety.gov, uncook poultri safe refriger 1-2 days, safe freezer month (for pieces) 12 month whole chicken turkey. cook poultri safe refriger 3-4 days. also freez cook bread chicken cutlet (tightli wrap foil saran wrap place freezer bags) 1-3 months. pull night want thaw fridge."} {"id": "2711", "contents": "meat kept better freezer. meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airt ight container. cook salmon stay good longer raw salmon. keep cook salmon refriger days. longer start spoil. 56 other found useful. kay cook. question answer lock cannot edited."} {"id": "2712", "contents": "raw chicken best use within days. store chicken coldest part refriger best shelf lif put freezer use within time frame. thaw chicken cook soon possible. cook salmon stay good longer raw salmon. keep cook salmon refriger days. longer start spoil. 56 other found useful. kay cook. question answer lock cannot edited."} {"id": "2713", "contents": "long raw chicken last frozen thawed? chicken defrost fridg kept addit day refriger cooking; chicken thaw microwav cold water cook immediately. long raw chicken last room temperature? bacteria grow rapidli temperatur 40 \u00b0f 140 \u00b0f; chicken discard left hour room temperature."} {"id": "2714", "contents": "long raw chicken last sell-bi date? chicken purchased, may refriger day sell-bi date packag may expir storag period, chicken remain safe use sell date properli stored. long raw chicken last room temperature? bacteria grow rapidli temperatur 40 \u00b0f 140 \u00b0f; chicken discard left hour room temperature."} {"id": "2715", "contents": "say kept chicken fridg longer day died. even best date 3-4 day in. qualiti definit suffers, i'm sure there' risk, probabl low. better practic keep thing freezer cook within day, fridg like mine cooler box lower usual temp may leav uncook meat littl bit longer, day max."} {"id": "2716", "contents": "      coral snake often imit natur variou snakes. coral snake venomous, imit nonvenomous. mani speci red, black, yellow white ring coral snake. imitators, however, black ring separ red yellow. red yellow band touch, snake venom eastern coral."} {"id": "2717", "contents": "snake radial symmetry, mean symmetr piec cut. anim radial symmetri includ starfish even certain flowers. jellyfish also prime exampl organ radial symmetry. anim symmetr axi locat center, though alway case. anim like reptil sea creatur organ radial symmetri though; even virus proven radial symmetry, coat compris small protein molecules."} {"id": "2718", "contents": "hors bilater symmetry. someth bilater symmetrical, mean object divid two, part would mirror reflect other. bi, mean two ways. split snake two, right middle, would appear mirror otherside. therefor snake bilateral. :3."} {"id": "2719", "contents": "snakes, like vertebrates, bilater symmetry. mean symmetri across one plane (known sagitt plane, directli centr body) mean one side bodi approxim mirror side. answered. especi larger snake, python. neglect take suitabl care pet python o\u2026. keep beard dragon pet friendli rather easi tend, beard dragon popular pets."} {"id": "2720", "contents": "bilater symmetry-i organ divid right left halves, ident mirror images, singl vertic plane. extern form human display symmetry, though intern organs. radial symmetry-i organ equal space around central point, like spoke bicycl wheel. 13 peopl found useful. bi, mean two ways. split snake two, right middle, would appear mirror otherside. therefor snake bilateral. :3."} {"id": "2721", "contents": "re: type symmetri follow anim display? catagories: asmmetry, radial symmetry, bilater symmetri organisms: sponge, jelli fish, hydra, bobcat, snake, octopus, turtle. tell one goe please. catagories: asmmetry, radial symmetry, bilater symmetry. organisms: sponge, jelli fish, hydra, bobcat, snake, octopus, turtle. tell one goe please. add answer. source."} {"id": "2722", "contents": "bilater symmetry-i organ divid right left halves, ident mirror images, singl vertic plane. extern form human display symmetry, though intern organs. especi larger snake, python. neglect take suitabl care pet python o\u2026. keep beard dragon pet friendli rather easi tend, beard dragon popular pets."} {"id": "2723", "contents": "black rat snake non-poison snake, like copperhead (and snake patterns), trghv symmetry. process work strip patterns, discov fact, eighth symmetry-th delight mrt symmetry. radial symmetri rotat symmetri around fix point known center. radial symmetri classifi either cyclic dihedral. cyclic symmetri repres notat cn, number rotations. rotat angl 360/n."} {"id": "2724", "contents": "best answer: spong asymmetric-spong symmetry. jellyfish hydra radial symmetry. bobcat, snake, turtl bilater symmetry. octopu bilater symmetri also. tentacles, two eyes, one either side head, bilater rather radial. catagories: asmmetry, radial symmetry, bilater symmetry. organisms: sponge, jelli fish, hydra, bobcat, snake, octopus, turtle. tell one goe please. add answer. source."} {"id": "2725", "contents": "1. rins chicken cold water pat dry. chicken leg quarters. 2. mix herbs/spic togeth separ bowl. mix spices. 3. rub mixtur chicken leg quarter place bake pan. rub chicken. 4. drizzl oliv oil leg quarters, pop oven 40-50 minutes. make sure bake juic run clear."} {"id": "2726", "contents": "arrang chicken thighs/leg quarter skin side shallow bake dish. sprinkl garlic powder. drizzl 1/2 teaspoon soy sauc piece. bake 350 degre fahrenheit 45 minut hour, skin crisp brown meat readi fall bones. bake chicken thighs/leg quarters. 5. easi tasty, thank you! use nu-wav oven cover mine first part cook time let crisp up, serv sweet pepper rice steam broccoli."} {"id": "2727", "contents": "dip leg quarter bowl gener coat chicken flour/spic mixture. place leg quarters, skin side foil bake 30 minutes. turn chicken reduc heat 325 degre bake 35-45 minut longer chicken done. gener coat foil/pan oil. mix flour spice larg bowl. dip leg quarter bowl gener coat chicken flour/spic mixture."} {"id": "2728", "contents": "5. move chicken side grill (away heat source) grill grill lid 45 minutes, thermomet insert thickest portion chicken leg quarter regist 170 degrees. 3. brush side chicken leg quarter oliv oil season salt pepper. 4. place chicken directli heat grill lid open minut per side."} {"id": "2729", "contents": "directions. arrang chicken thighs/leg quarter skin side shallow bake dish. sprinkl garlic powder. drizzl 1/2 teaspoon soy sauc piece. bake 350 degre fahrenheit 45 minut hour, skin crisp brown meat readi fall bones. bake chicken thighs/leg quarters. 5. easi tasty, thank you! use nu-wav oven cover mine first part cook time let crisp up, serv sweet pepper rice steam broccoli."} {"id": "2730", "contents": "place leg quarters, skin side foil bake 30 minutes. turn chicken reduc heat 325 degre bake 35-45 minut longer chicken done. gener coat foil/pan oil. mix flour spice larg bowl. dip leg quarter bowl gener coat chicken flour/spic mixture."} {"id": "2731", "contents": "oven-bak chicken leg chicken quarters. bake chicken leg ultim effortless, budget-friendli cooking. simpli season pop oven, leav free prep rest meal. bake chicken: preheat oven 400\u00b0f. bake chicken, uncovered, 35 40 minut chicken longer pink inside. bake chicken leg 375\u00b0f. oven, desired. increas bake time 45 50 minut"} {"id": "2732", "contents": "brush side leg quarter soy sauce. sprinkl skin garlic powder, season salt dill weed (to taste). place middl rack bake uncov hour. hour, increas oven temp 400 bake 15 minutes."} {"id": "2733", "contents": "drizzl 1/2 teaspoon soy sauc piece. bake 350 degre fahrenheit 45 minut hour, skin crisp brown meat readi fall bones. bake chicken thighs/leg quarters. 5. easi tasty, thank you! use nu-wav oven cover mine first part cook time let crisp up, serv sweet pepper rice steam broccoli."} {"id": "2734", "contents": "ftc said 2010 updat guidelin environment market claim attempt reduc greenwashing. revis ftc' green guid cover wide rang public input, includ hundr consum industri comment previous propos revisions. greenwash index, creat univers oregon partnership enviromedia social marketing, allow exampl greenwash upload rate public. british code advertising, sale promot direct market specif section (section 49) target environment claims."} {"id": "2735", "contents": "mani corpor structur use greenwash way repair public percept brand. structur corpor disclosur often set maxim percept legitimacy. greenwash index, creat univers oregon partnership enviromedia social marketing, allow exampl greenwash upload rate public. british code advertising, sale promot direct market specif section (section 49) target environment claims."} {"id": "2736", "contents": "evid organ greenwash often come point spend differences: significantli money time spent advertis green (that is, oper consider environment), actual spent environment sound practices. greenwash index, creat univers oregon partnership enviromedia social marketing, allow exampl greenwash upload rate public. british code advertising, sale promot direct market specif section (section 49) target environment claims."} {"id": "2737", "contents": "green market market product presum environment prefer others. thu green market incorpor broad rang activities, includ product modification, chang product process, sustain packaging, well modifi advertising."} {"id": "2738", "contents": "tool use greenwash includ press releas green project task forc put place, energi reduct pollut reduct efforts, rebrand consum product advertis materials. company, govern group promot green-bas environment initi imag actual oper way damag environ opposit manner goal announc initiatives."} {"id": "2739", "contents": "break 'greenwashing'. gener idea behind greenwash creat benefit appear green company, whether benefit come form higher stock price, custom favor partnership green organizations. company, govern group promot green-bas environment initi imag actual oper way damag environ opposit manner goal announc initiatives."} {"id": "2740", "contents": "definit 'greenwashing'. company, govern group promot green-bas environment initi imag actual oper way damag environ opposit manner goal announc initiatives."} {"id": "2741", "contents": "everyone\u2019 heard express \u201cwhitewashing\u201d it\u2019 defin \u201ca coordin attempt hide unpleas facts, especi polit context.\u201d. \u201cgreenwashing\u201d premise, environment context. it\u2019 greenwash compani organ spend time money claim \u201cgreen\u201d advertis market actual implement busi practic minim environment impact. it\u2019 whitewashing, green brush. rate ad greenwash index, gener score base respons follow statements. score includ ad\u2019 overal score, comment ad tally. score similar golf: high score undesir (for advertiser)"} {"id": "2742", "contents": "greenwash (a compound word model whitewash ), green sheen, form spin green pr green market decept use promot percept organization' products, aim polici environment friendly. greenwash index, creat univers oregon partnership enviromedia social marketing, allow exampl greenwash upload rate public. british code advertising, sale promot direct market specif section (section 49) target environment claims."} {"id": "2743", "contents": "white blood cell probabl import part immun system. turn white blood cell actual whole collect differ cell work togeth destroy bacteria viruses."} {"id": "2744", "contents": "white blood cells. white blood cell (wbcs), leukocytes, part immun system help bodi fight infection. circul blood transport area infect developed. normal adult bodi 4,000 10,000 (averag 7,000) wbc per microlit blood."} {"id": "2745", "contents": "white blood cell help bodi fight infection. mani differ type white blood cells, include: lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes. white blood cell fight invad bacteria, viruses, fungi help destroy infection. cell differ appearance. eosinophil basophils. lymphocytes, neutrophils, monocytes. white blood cell fight invad bacteria, viruses, fungi help destroy infection. cell differ appearance. eosinophil basophils. white blood cell respond allergen invad bodi"} {"id": "2746", "contents": "lymphocytes. lymphocyt type white blood cell part immun system. two main type lymphocytes: cell cells. cell produc antibodi use attack invad bacteria, viruses, toxins. cell destroy body' cell taken virus becom cancerous. macrophages. type white blood cell surround kill microorganisms, remov dead cells, stimul action immun system cells. monocytes. type immun cell made bone marrow travel blood tissu bodi becom macrophage."} {"id": "2747", "contents": "cancer treatment chemotherapi radiat therapi destroy white blood cell leav vulner infection. infection. higher-than-norm white blood cell count usual indic type infection\u2014whit blood cell multipli destroy enemy, bacteria virus. myelodysplast syndrome. condit caus abnorm bone marrow cell production. cancer blood. type white blood cells. among white blood cell are: monocytes. longer lifespan mani white blood cell help break bacteria. lymphocytes. creat antibodi defend bacteria, viruses, potenti harm invaders."} {"id": "2748", "contents": "blood sever type white blood cell includ neutrophils, bands, eosinophils, basophils, monocyt lymphocytes. fight infect differ way. neutrophils, example, one body' main defens bacteria. neutrophil kill bacteria ingest them. neutrophil ingest five 20 bacteria lifetime. anoth type white blood cell call bands. band immatur neutrophils. kill bacteria complet surround bacteria digest enzymes. lymphocyt complex cell use direct body' immun system. white blood cell call lymphocyt come two types, lymphocyt (call cells)"} {"id": "2749", "contents": "type cell destroy bacteria call 'phagocyte'. contain lysosom (organel contain digest enzymes). phagocyt move toward bacteria 'traps' bacteria form vacuole. around it. lysosom move toward fuse vacuole."} {"id": "2750", "contents": "neutrophils. kill digest bacteria fungi. numer type white blood cell first line defens infect strikes. basophils. small cell appear sound alarm infecti agent invad blood. type white blood cells. among white blood cell are: monocytes. longer lifespan mani white blood cell help break bacteria. lymphocytes. creat antibodi defend bacteria, viruses, potenti harm invaders."} {"id": "2751", "contents": "lymphocyte. type white blood cell make antibodi fight infections. pathogen. micro-organ caus disease. phagocyte. phagocyt white blood cell protect bodi ingest harm foreign particles, bacteria, dead die cells. protein produc lymphocyt (white blood cells) attach specif antigen. antigen. molecul surfac pathogen identifi foreign invad immun system. bacteria. single-cel organism. cell wall, cell membrane, cytoplasm."} {"id": "2752", "contents": "exampl autoimmun diseas includ psoriasi lupus. import evalu diseas ensur organ involved. infect skin caus rash well. bacteria, fungi, virus affect skin. psoriasis. infect skin caus rash well. bacteria, fungi, virus affect skin. bacteri diseas gener appear pustules, tender crust areas, ring like patch (lyme disease)."} {"id": "2753", "contents": "skin rashes. rash gener term inflamm skin. mani caus rash, including, limit to, allerg irrit dermatitis, autoimmun disease, infections, medications, rare cancer skin. allerg contact dermat skin condit aris contact chemic develop allergy. psoriasis. infect skin caus rash well. bacteria, fungi, virus affect skin. bacteri diseas gener appear pustules, tender crust areas, ring like patch (lyme disease)."} {"id": "2754", "contents": "peopl famili histori autoimmun diseas run families, lupu multipl sclerosis. also common differ type autoimmun diseas affect differ member singl family. inherit certain gene make like get autoimmun disease. often symptom autoimmun disease, like tire time pain. cf caus tired, troubl concentrating, feel weak, muscl pain. symptom cf come go. caus cf known."} {"id": "2755", "contents": "mani autoimmun diseas affect skin: notic chang coloring, moistur photosensitivity. a.d.a.m. medic encyclopedia put it, \u201cthe underli caus autoimmun diseas fulli known.\u201d fact, caus mani skin-rel condit still rel unknown, well. system lupu erythematosu (sle) autoimmun disord last lifetime. affect skin, joints, brain, kidneys, organs. commonli caus inflamm throughout affect areas."} {"id": "2756", "contents": "medic condit often relat diseas conditions. doctor compil list ailment relat topic rash. condit may caus symptom rash condit may increas risk. scabi scabi itch mite burrow skin produc intens itch that' usual wors night. symptom scabies...learn \u00bb. staph infect (staphylococcu aureus) staphylococcu staph group bacteria caus multitud diseases."} {"id": "2757", "contents": "autoimmun diseases. autoimmun diseas affect almost part body, includ heart, brain, nerves, muscles, skin, eyes, joints, lungs, kidneys, glands, digest tract, blood vessels. classic sign autoimmun diseas inflammation, caus redness, heat, pain, swelling. example, sle affect skin, joints, kidneys, heart, nerves, blood vessels, more. type diabet affect glands, eyes, kidneys, muscles, more. one sure caus autoimmun diseases. cases, combin factor probabl work."} {"id": "2758", "contents": "depend condition, autoimmun disord affect varieti organs, joint muscles, bodili tissues. one tissu that\u2019 commonli affect autoimmun disord skin. mani differ type skin-rel autoimmun disorders, includ scleroderma, psoriasis, dermatomyositis, epidermolysi bullosa, bullou pemphigoid. scleroderma. psoriasis. psoriasi chronic autoimmun disord manifest skin red irritation. five differ type psoriasis: guttate, plaque, inverse, erythrodermic, pustular."} {"id": "2759", "contents": "blister may develop diseas caus bodi attack skin (autoimmun diseases), as: pemphigus, uncommon, sometim fatal disease. blister vari size break skin, line mouth, vagina penis, mucou membranes."} {"id": "2760", "contents": "autoimmun disord primarili muscular nature, dermatomyos also affect skin, sometim categor skin-rel autoimmun conditions. dermatomyos goe hand-in-hand polymyositis, autoimmun diseas caus muscl weakness, soreness, stiffness. psoriasis. psoriasi chronic autoimmun disord manifest skin red irritation. five differ type psoriasis: guttate, plaque, inverse, erythrodermic, pustular."} {"id": "2761", "contents": "immedi appoint 120+ locations. rash gener term inflamm skin. mani caus rash, including, limit to, allerg irrit dermatitis, autoimmun disease, infections, medications, rare cancer skin. allerg contact dermat skin condit aris contact chemic develop allergy. psoriasis. infect skin caus rash well. bacteria, fungi, virus affect skin. bacteri diseas gener appear pustules, tender crust areas, ring like patch (lyme disease)."} {"id": "2762", "contents": "fundament bone bird' leg femur, fibula,tibiotarsuss tarsometatarsus. also call femur, tibia tarsu respect extern view bird' anatomy. bird four toes. introduction. bird differ mammal number immedi obviou ways, walk two leg two wings, feather instead hair beak instead jaw teeth."} {"id": "2763", "contents": "bone bird anim wing cover feathers. bird backbone, warm-blooded, produc young eggs, walk two legs. fly. \u2019s skeleton hollow. make bird anim wing cover feathers. make bird anim wing cover feathers. bird anim feathers, made keratin protein hair, nails, skin, horn made of. like hair fingernails."} {"id": "2764", "contents": "bird approxim 175 differ muscles, mainli control wings, skin, legs. largest muscl bird pectorals, breast muscles, control wing make 15 25% flight bird' bodi weight. provid power wing stroke essenti flight. bird anatomy, physiolog structur bird bodies, show mani uniqu adaptations, mostli aid flight. bird light skelet system light power musculatur which, along circulatori respiratori system capabl high metabol rate oxygen supply, permit bird fly."} {"id": "2765", "contents": "best answer: here' diagram names: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/bird_anatom... one bones: http://www.nhm.org/birds/guide/pg003.htm... source(s): conni year ago."} {"id": "2766", "contents": "bird anim wing cover feathers. bird backbone, warm-blooded, produc young eggs, walk two legs. fly. \u2019s forward-look eye large, hook beak hard mouthpart bird animals. beak also call bill. clue eats\u2014it\u2019 hunter! secretari"} {"id": "2767", "contents": "scientist also believ bird differ trait relatives, feather instead scale (though bird reptile-lik scale leg feet), point beaks, wings. peopl studi bird call ornithologists."} {"id": "2768", "contents": "bird digitigrad animals, mean walk toes, entir feet. lower bone foot (distal metatarsals) fuse form tarsometatarsu third segment leg, specif birds. upper bone foot (proximals) turn fuse tibia form tibiotarsus, time centralia disappeared. leg attach strong (but lightweight) assembl consist pelvic girdl extens fuse uniform spinal bone call synsacrum,"} {"id": "2769", "contents": "leg attach strong assembl consist pelvic girdl extens fuse uniform spinal bone (also specif birds) call synsacrum, built fuse bones. bird leg feet anatomi diverse. leg attach strong (but lightweight) assembl consist pelvic girdl extens fuse uniform spinal bone call synsacrum, specif birds."} {"id": "2770", "contents": "time, secretari bird anim wing cover feathers. bird backbone, warm-blooded, produc young eggs, walk two legs. fly. \u2019s long, dark head feather lay flat body. beak also call bill. clue eats\u2014it\u2019 hunter!"} {"id": "2771", "contents": "birds, they'r call talons. secretari bird anim wing cover feathers. bird backbone, warm-blooded, produc young eggs, walk two legs. fly. pound prey noun: anim hunt food anoth animal. beak also call bill. clue eats\u2014it\u2019 hunter!"} {"id": "2772", "contents": "emerg maggots. fli begin eggs, look like grain rice. egg hatch 20 hour adult fli lay them. emerg egg larvae, also call maggots. maggot half inch long, off-whit resembl worms. maggot' head thin side. visibl mouth hook found there. end maggot thicker display two kidney-shap markings. maggot breath kidney-shap mark call spiracles."} {"id": "2773", "contents": "informally, brachyceran larva call maggots, term nontechn often appli indiffer fli larva insect larva general. eye antenna brachyceran larva reduc absent, abdomen also lack appendag cerci. uses, see fli (disambiguation) fli (disambiguation) fli (disambiguation) flight. true fli insect order diptera (from greek di two, ptera wings)."} {"id": "2774", "contents": "read at: http://www.maggotdrowning.com. maggot sometim call 'gentles,' everyon know larva flies. word gentl impli amiable, mild, aristocratic, courteous, tame; make name 'gentle' odd choic call maggot. actual throughout history, maggot extrem benefici medicine. accomplish angler even go far stain live maggot pink seduct colours. fish live maggots, use thread-lin fli gear bait hook use maggots, impal three four put point wet dri fli hook thick end-th tail end maggots."} {"id": "2775", "contents": "myiasi term use describ maggot infestation. maggot fli larva feed necrot die tissue. especi prone dog confin outdoor situat skin remain moist."} {"id": "2776", "contents": "maggot technic term taken such; mani standard textbook entomolog appear index all. mani non-techn text term use insect larva general. fli reproduc rapidli summer month maggot come larg numbers, creat maggot infest high risk myiasi (a maggot infest live tissue) sheep animals. human immun feed habit maggot also contract myiasis."} {"id": "2777", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: assum (a i'm slipknot fan...), i'd figur sinc 'slipknot' also known 'hangman' knot', refer suicide, maggot thrive product suicide: corpse... fan thrive product band: music. quit understand slipknot call fan maggots,altough i'm hugh fan them. well, hugh understand they'r call way yet. add answer. source. submit cancel."} {"id": "2778", "contents": "maggot porcupin carcass. maggot larva fli (order diptera); appli particular larva brachyceran flies, houseflies, chees flies, blowflies, rather larva nematocera, mosquito crane flies. contents. fli reproduc rapidli summer month maggot come larg numbers, creat maggot infest high risk myiasi (a maggot infest live tissue) sheep animals. human immun feed habit maggot also contract myiasis."} {"id": "2779", "contents": "maggot babi fly! babi cat call kitten, peopl usual think they\u2019r realli cute cuddli tini version cats. babi dog call puppies. isn\u2019t realli case babi flies. maggot don\u2019t look anyth like adult flies. they\u2019r small usual pale. look sort like caterpillar. whether think they\u2019r cute matter opinion, definit don\u2019t look like flies."} {"id": "2780", "contents": "maggot fli larvae, hard eliminate. whether infest trash can, home somehow manag part infect bodi (myiasis), need know kill maggot order success get rid creatures. fli breed mainli decay meat fish. mean want prevent maggot abl hatch, need stop allow excess meat fish trash. coupl solut attack sourc problem. wrap excess meat fish toss it."} {"id": "2781", "contents": "notarized. mani states, though, wit sign affidavit (sworn statement) notari public, help simplifi court procedur requir prove valid die. lawyer write will, peopl need lawyer' help make basic -- one leav home, investments, person item love ones, and, young children, name guardian take care them."} {"id": "2782", "contents": "unlik states, massachusett recogn sign wit notar self-prov will, requir probat court question witnesses. accord massachusett probat code, order make legal will, must least 18 year old sound mind.. words, must legal adult abl understand does."} {"id": "2783", "contents": "legal massachusett sign testator, person make belongs. testat sign must writing. accord massachusett probat code, order make legal will, must least 18 year old sound mind.. words, must legal adult abl understand does."} {"id": "2784", "contents": "bring document need notarized, proof identity. sign document notari tell to. notari need check: identity, and. sign document free will."} {"id": "2785", "contents": "notari requirements. simpl will notarized. alabama law requir testat sign front least two witnesses. long testat sign front two witnesses, notarized. however, notar benefits, testat notari sign will."} {"id": "2786", "contents": "no, massachusetts, necessari notar make legal. massachusett does, however, allow make self-proving.. self-prov speed probat court accept without contact wit sign it. make self-proving, wit need go notari sign affidavit prove knew sign will. -- creat massachusetts, use nolo' do-it-yourself softwar onlin programs. may want consult lawyer situations, however."} {"id": "2787", "contents": "massachusett notari information. notari public state massachusetts, unlimit financi liabil everi document notarize. want take offic notari public lightly. massachusett onlin notari cours fastest, easiest afford way learn protect notary. whether new current notari public, spend time learn laws."} {"id": "2788", "contents": "notarization. massachusett probat code make provis notar take place two wit will. notari may sign witness, notar so. accord massachusett probat code, order make legal will, must least 18 year old sound mind.. words, must legal adult abl understand does."} {"id": "2789", "contents": "notari need make legal. states, option notar affidavit attach may save time probat process. notari self-prov affidavits. want wit sign option self-prov affidavit, requir notary. truth, however, may surprising: although state law will differ, need notar valid."} {"id": "2790", "contents": "recommend women start kg/18-lb kettlebell, fit women begin 12 kg/26-lb kettlebell. male start work begin 16 kg/35-lb kettlebell, fit man begin 24 kg/53-lb kettlebell. opinion, base upon experiences."} {"id": "2791", "contents": "women. women new kettlebel train lift gener start 18 pound kilogram kettlebell. weight ideal woman begin weight train whether gym home."} {"id": "2792", "contents": "kettlebel weight frequent measur kilogram rather pounds. start kg move 4-kg increments. wide use size gener fit kg 24 kg. peopl start kettlebel weight kg 16 kg. beginn femal start 8-kg bell, kg heavi enough provid solid weight lift effect women. women weight lift experi fit start 12-kg bell."} {"id": "2793", "contents": "generally, best weight uncondit beginn kettlebel train rang kg kg women 12 kg 16 kg men."} {"id": "2794", "contents": "men. men new kettlebel train lift gener start 35 pound 16 kilogram kettlebell. ideal weight averag man, new weight bench press strength 200 pounds."} {"id": "2795", "contents": "right bronchu pass artery, known hyparteri branch divid two lobar bronchi middl lower lobes. left main bronchu smaller calib longer right, cm long. enter root left lung opposit sixth thorac vertebra. right main bronchu subdivid three secondari bronchi (also known lobar bronchi), deliv oxygen three lobe right lung\u2014th superior, middl inferior lobe."} {"id": "2796", "contents": "left main bronchu divid two secondari lobar bronchi deliv air two lobe left lung\u2014th superior inferior lobe. secondari bronchi divid tertiari bronchi, (also known segment bronchi), suppli bronchopulmonari segment. right main bronchu subdivid three secondari bronchi (also known lobar bronchi), deliv oxygen three lobe right lung\u2014th superior, middl"} {"id": "2797", "contents": "bronchial tree, anatom complex trachea bronchi. bronchi branch trachea. right bronchu wider shorter left bronchu branch three secondari bronchi, one pass three lobe right lung. 1. anatom structur branch resembl tree. 2. inform science, decis tree. bronchial tree. trachea, bronchi success branch gener respiratori passages. tree daffodil. thevetia peruviana. decis tree. see decis tree. tree diagram. see decis tree."} {"id": "2798", "contents": "glossari terms. bronchu bronchi bronchioles. airway lungs. person take breath air, air travel nose mouth, larynx, trachea, main passageway lungs. trachea divid right left main bronchus."} {"id": "2799", "contents": "tree. anatom structur branch resembl tree. bronchial tree bronchi branch structures; see color plates. tracheobronchi tree trachea, bronchi, branch structures; see color plates. 1. anatom structur branch resembl tree. 2. inform science, decis tree. bronchial tree. trachea, bronchi success branch gener respiratori passages. tree daffodil. thevetia peruviana. decis tree. see decis tree. tree diagram. see decis tree."} {"id": "2800", "contents": "airway divid dichotom branching, approxim 23 gener branch trachea alveoli (see imag below). bronchial tree nomenclature. ct scan chest (coron view). trachea, main carina, right mainstem bronchu upper, middle, lower lobe airway seen."} {"id": "2801", "contents": "bronchial tree essenti part respiratori system. consist sever interact structures, bronchi, bronchioles, alveoli. structur work togeth provid network system lung trachea. without system, person could breath properly. primari bronchi also branch off, form two smaller bronchial tube known lobar bronchi, secondari bronchi. three lobar bronchi right side two left. bronchiol tree\u2019 part continu reduc size secondari bronchi becom smaller tube known bronchioles."} {"id": "2802", "contents": "bronchus, also known main primari bronchus, passag airway respiratori tract conduct air lungs. right bronchu left bronchu bronchi branch smaller secondari tertiari bronchi branch smaller tubes, known bronchioles. right main bronchu subdivid three secondari bronchi (also known lobar bronchi), deliv oxygen three lobe right lung\u2014th superior, middl inferior lobe."} {"id": "2803", "contents": "bronchial tree. note main bronchu enter lung branch smaller sma. bronchial tree. note main bronchu enter lung branch smaller smaller primari bronchi, secondari bronchi, bronchioles."} {"id": "2804", "contents": "estru cycl dogs. estru stage reproduct cycl dog becom pregnant. ... bloodi vagin discharg first thing pet owner observ dog come heat."} {"id": "2805", "contents": "stages. estrou cycl divid four stages: proestrus, estrus, metestrus, diestrus. proestru cl regress (progesteron declines) preovulatori follicl undergo final growth phase (estradiol increases)."} {"id": "2806", "contents": "definit estrus. regularli recurr state sexual excit femal mammal accept male capabl conceiving: heat; also: singl occurr state. see estru defin kids."} {"id": "2807", "contents": "therefore,dur anestr period heifer cow cannot becomepregnant. stand estru ovul stand estrus, also refer stand heat, visualsign estrou cycle. period time femal sex-ual receptive."} {"id": "2808", "contents": "estru heat stage estru cycle, urin contain pheromon hormones, signal reproduct state dogs. reason dog heat attract dogs, particularli males."} {"id": "2809", "contents": "dog first estru cycl reach puberty. estru stage reproduct cycl dog becom pregnant; sometim dog estru said heat season. average, puberti sexual matur reach month age, vari breed."} {"id": "2810", "contents": "estru defin period femal (in case, cow heifer) recept male (or, bull). estrous, hand, whole reproduct heat cycl femal goe through, heat period heat period (proestrus, estrus, metestrus, diestrus)."} {"id": "2811", "contents": "seri bodili chang occur femal mammal one period estru another. estrou cycl usual take place specif period known breed season, ensur young born time chanc surviv greatest."} {"id": "2812", "contents": "deriv natur ferment sugar found corn beets, sodium lactat sodium salt lactic acid. natur liquid product, sodium lactat also avail powder form. sodium lactat commonli use food product preservative. it\u2019 also extrem effect humectant, help strengthen skin moistur barrier. make cold process soap, sodium lactat ad cool lye water."} {"id": "2813", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. sodium lactat sodium salt lactic acid, mild salin taste. produc ferment sugar source, corn beets, then, neutral result lactic acid creat compound formula nac 3. food additive, sodium lactat number e325 natur liquid product, also avail powder form."} {"id": "2814", "contents": "sodium lactat known compon stratum coreum layer skin. (cosmet toilitri 93, 85, 1978). sodium lactat produc natur ferment sugar corn beets. sugar ferment lactic acid starter culture, similar use chees yogurt production. lactic acid lactat salt lactic acid natur occur anim human muscl tissue. product lactic acid import part energi metabol muscl tissue. normal metabol cycl body, 120 gram lactic acid produc daili (ir."} {"id": "2815", "contents": "sodium lactat also use human prescript drug, sodium lactat injection. sterile, non-pyrogen concentr solut sodium lactat water use injection. solut administ electrolyt replenish system alkalizer. sodium lactat basic liquid substance, also avail powder form. liquid form usual use also injection. sodium lactat canari thick liquid colorless, dissolv ethanol water, strong moistur absorption, mix sever food additives."} {"id": "2816", "contents": "description. sodium lactat sodium salt lactic acid. also call monosodium salt lactic acid sodium salt. substanc produc ferment sugar beet corn. result lactic acid neutral produc compound formula nac3h5o3. sodium lactat basic liquid substance, also avail powder form. liquid form usual use also injection. sodium lactat canari thick liquid colorless, dissolv ethanol water, strong moistur absorption, mix sever food additives."} {"id": "2817", "contents": "applications. tip:: prepar favorit emuls add 3% sodium lactat compar difference. sodium lactate, 60% concentr water, sodium salt natur l(+)-lactic acid, produc ferment sugar, alpha hydroxi acid occur everywher nature. sodium lactat one natur moistur factor (nmf) constitu skin, requir mainten natur hydration. sodium lactat superior moisturizer, increas moistur content skin 84%."} {"id": "2818", "contents": "sodium lactate: commonli deriv ferment corn beets, natur bodi product addit smooth, clear appear almost odor. sodium lactat quickli gain spotlight addit creation bath bodi products. although mandatori ingredient, sodium lactat hold come function recipe. sodium lactate, water solubl ingredient, ad water phase creation. sodium lactat use cold process soap recip harden soap, make harder, longer last bar soap tub. one great bonus use sodium lactat soap recip easier releas soap mold, especi use complex shape mold."} {"id": "2819", "contents": "licenses. need commerci pilot' licens fli airlin privat company. obtain commerci pilot' license, must accumul 250 document fli hour pass written test. also pass flight test administ faa-certifi flight examiner. commerci pilot candid must instrument-rated, requir 40 hour document fli time instrument rather fli visual methods."} {"id": "2820", "contents": "gain rate either cpl ppl. instrument rate primari rate need add qualif becom airlin pilot. allow fli cloud navig refer aircraft instruments. airlin oper aircraft power ga turbin"} {"id": "2821", "contents": "becom profession airlin pilot need obtain airlin transport pilot\u2019 licenc (atpl). would usual start career first offic gain least \u2018frozen atpl\u2019. complet enough fli hour appli full atpl qualifi airlin captain."} {"id": "2822", "contents": "qualifi appli airlin pilot job. airlin requir 4-year colleg degree, first class medic certification, air transport pilot certificate, typic 2,000 hour flight time. lot paid time, expect spend total $50,000 $80,000 sit flight deck airliner. want fli money, becom gener commerci pilot. basic requir commerci airman certif 250 hour total flight time. virtual commerci certif holder also secur instrument multi-engin ratings, secur instructor rate"} {"id": "2823", "contents": "secondly, becom airlin pilot, must hold commerci pilot licens (cpl) commerci pilot certif countries. allow make money pilot, usual requir 200 flight hour gain, cannot gain 18 year old. instrument rate primari rate need add qualif becom airlin pilot. allow fli cloud navig refer aircraft instruments."} {"id": "2824", "contents": "decid want fly. faa' rule get pilot' licens (certificate) differ depend type aircraft fly. choos among airplanes, gyroplanes, helicopters, gliders, balloons, airships. interest fli ultralight vehicles, need pilot' license."} {"id": "2825", "contents": "necessari colleg degre get small plane pilot\u2019 license. however, colleg instrument land job commerci pilot. although specif type degre necessari meet airlin pilot qualifications, cours math, english, physics, aeronaut help land job. rather strict airlin pilot qualif becom airlin pilot take time, well worth effort sit pilot\u2019 seat."} {"id": "2826", "contents": "airlin pilot qualifications. enjoy take skies, becom airlin pilot one best way it. frequent air, control aircraft, travel time. rather strict airlin pilot qualif becom airlin pilot take time, well worth effort sit pilot\u2019 seat."} {"id": "2827", "contents": "obtain commerci pilot' license, 250 hour flight time, addit 1,500 hour flight time airlin transport pilot certif required. flight train complet degre program fli school approv faa. learn becom airlin pilot. research educ career requirements, train licensur information, experi requir start career aviation."} {"id": "2828", "contents": "wiktionari (0.00 votes) rate definition: pail (noun). vessel wood, tin, plastic, etc., usual cylindr handl -- use especi carri liquids, exampl water milk; bucket (sometim cover). milkmaid carri pail milk hand."} {"id": "2829", "contents": "pail noun [c]. \u200bcontainer, usual \u200bcurv \u200bhandl \u200battach \u200bopposit \u200bside \u200btop \u200bedge: \u200bcarri pail \u200bwater. (definit pail cambridg academ content dictionari cambridg univers press)."} {"id": "2830", "contents": "full definit pail. 1. usual cylindr contain handle: bucket. 2. quantiti pail contains. pail\u00b7 \\-\u02ccfu\u0307l\\ noun. see pail defin english-languag learners. see pail defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "2831", "contents": "link cite add word list. noun. blue pail. blue pail. definit pail round-shaped, handl contain handl use carri liquid things. exampl pail contain child use carri sand beach."} {"id": "2832", "contents": "1.1 (of person complexion) less colour usual, typic result shock, fear, ill health: look pale drawn. exampl sentences. synonyms. shock, pale complexion becom fleck blood. becom pale one\u2019 face shock fear: pale thought might say. exampl sentences. synonyms. georgi malenkov, chair, pale fear member would instantli stand protest demand request denied."} {"id": "2833", "contents": "pail noun [c]. bucket: fill pail \u200bsand. took sever pail \u200bwater (= \u200bamount pail \u200bcontains) put \u200bfire. (definit pail cambridg advanc learner dictionari thesauru cambridg univers press). pail noun [c]. \u200bcontainer, usual \u200bcurv \u200bhandl \u200battach \u200bopposit \u200bside \u200btop \u200bedge: \u200bcarri pail \u200bwater. (definit pail cambridg academ content dictionari cambridg univers press). see translations."} {"id": "2834", "contents": "exampl sentenc includ 'pail'. benedict put pail besid vet, return grace standing, nurs bandag arm. went brought pail water, start wash worst dri mud."} {"id": "2835", "contents": "pail. n. 1. watertight cylindr vessel, open top fit handle; bucket. 2. amount pail hold."} {"id": "2836", "contents": "u.s. 2014, rank 47 babi name popular girl 4761 occurrences. rank 173 popular babi name boy 2429 occurrences. view riley name popular page see popular trend riley chang sinc 1880, compar popular riley names. variant name riley includ reilley, reilly, ryle, rylee, ryleigh, ryley, rylie, ryllie, rylly. riley fall flower name categori"} {"id": "2837", "contents": "syll. ri-ley, ril-ey babi boy name riley also use girl name, latter form common. pronunci iy liy- \u2020. riley use chiefli english languag deriv old english origins. riley popular babi name boys. name' popular rise sinc 1960s. modest peak usag 2006, 0.201% babi boy given name riley."} {"id": "2838", "contents": "search comprehens find name mean riley name origin name database. also note spell pronunci name riley check initi name last name discov look sounds. histori mean name riley fascinating, learn it."} {"id": "2839", "contents": "late adopt girl boys. also: name riley babi boy name. name riley come gaelic origin. gaelic mean name riley is: valiant. or: riley origin: irish meaning: small stream. source(s): http://www.thinkbabynames.com/meaning/0/... http://www.babyhold.com/list/gaelic_baby..."} {"id": "2840", "contents": "riley mean, popularity, numerolog more. name riley irish origin. mean riley courageous, valiant. also rye meadow origin, mean view riley name popular page see popular trend riley chang sinc 1880, compar popular riley names."} {"id": "2841", "contents": "riley /ri-ley/ [2 sylls.] girls' name (also use less commonli boys' name riley) pronounc ry-lee. irish gaelic origin, mean riley courageous. variant o'reilly. late adopt girl boys. riley unusu first name women promin surnam peopl (#210 150436, top 1%). (2000 u.s. census). chart babi name popular riley girls. riley enter list 1990 reach apex rank #38 u.s. 2009, #47 current"} {"id": "2842", "contents": "look riley wiktionary, free dictionary. riley given name male females, first appear raghallach, origin man die battl clontarf. sourc give mean valiant. though origin given name, popular well known surname. surnam riley time translat version reilly. current #8 england wales, #9 northern ireland, #15 scotland, #30 australia new zealand, #64 canada, #156 unit states, #198 netherlands."} {"id": "2843", "contents": "name riley american babi name. american mean name riley is: irish meaning: name riley irish babi name. irish mean name riley is: surname. gaelic meaning: name riley gaelic babi name. gaelic mean name riley is: valiant."} {"id": "2844", "contents": "graphit miner compos exclus element carbon. graphit chemic composit diamond, also pure carbon, molecular structur graphit diamond entir different. caus almost opposit characterist physic properties. graphit rather common mineral, fine crystal rare. graphit mine area produc enorm quantiti singl sever larg graphit vein s, collector specimen good crystal commonli encountered."} {"id": "2845", "contents": "graphite, also compos carbon, entir differ crystal structure, differ uses. graphit use electr contactor (a brush) electr motors. make great dri lubric thing like locks, mix clay, form lead ordinari pencils."} {"id": "2846", "contents": "homeopath remedi graphit prepar use powder form pure graphite, miner form carbon, use treat differ dissimilar ailments, especi skin conditions. graphit owe name greek term grahein' denot write'."} {"id": "2847", "contents": "graphit dark gray black, soft, shini metal miner distinct greasi feeling. one earth\u2019 softest minerals, graphit easili leav mark paper, use fine artist pencils. even modern pencil \u2018lead\u2019 compos graphit mix clay."} {"id": "2848", "contents": "chemic symbol graphit (carbon) indic compos sole carbon. commerci arena, word carbon graphit often use interchangeably. industri miner consid star mine sector new global economi 21st century."} {"id": "2849", "contents": "lateral: 1. anatomy, side bodi bodi part farther middl center body. typically, later refer outer side bodi part, also use refer side bodi part. example, refer knee, later refer side knee farthest opposit knee. opposit later medial. 2. radiology, slang later x-ray"} {"id": "2850", "contents": "side. context example: women carri head kinship knowledg six gener depth extend later among consanguin kin far grandchildren second cousin. pertainym: later (situat extend side)."} {"id": "2851", "contents": "lateral. adj. 1. relat side sides: later blow. 2. (phonet phonology) phonet (of speech sound like l) pronounc tip tongu touch centr alveolar ridge, leav space one side passag airstream. n."} {"id": "2852", "contents": "lat\u00b7er\u00b7al. adj. 1. of, relat to, situat side. 2. constitut chang within organ hierarchi posit similar level, salari responsibility, one left: made later move within company. adv. 1. laterally-to side; women carri head kinship knowledg six gener depth extend later among consanguin kin far grandchildren second cousin. 2."} {"id": "2853", "contents": "later (adverb). adverb later senses: 1. side. 2. later direct location. familiar information: later use adverb rare. women carri head kinship knowledg six gener depth extend later among consanguin kin far grandchildren second cousin."} {"id": "2854", "contents": "1. pertain side; situat at, proceed from, direct side: later view. 2. pertain entail position, office, etc., differ equival roughli equival status, distinguish promot demotion: later move. later adjective, mean 1) pertain side 2) come side 3) aim toward side 4) move side side, move sideway manner. blapath year ago. thumb up. 2. thumb down. 0. comment. add comment."} {"id": "2855", "contents": "execut later pass. later (adjective). side; pertain side. later (adjective). pertain left right body; midline. medial side knee face knee, outer side knee lateral. wiktionari (1.00 vote) rate definition: later (noun). object, passag protrusion, situat side someth else. later (noun). sound produc later pronunci (such /l/ lateral). later (noun). later pass. later (verb)."} {"id": "2856", "contents": "best answer: medial: 1. pertain middle; toward middle; nearer middl body. medial oppos lateral. example, medial side knee side closest knee wherea later side knee outsid knee. 2. within multilay structure, center layer. medial layer aorta middl layer."} {"id": "2857", "contents": "anim plant therefor call eukaryot organisms. eukaryot organ includ fungi protozoa. eukaryot prokaryot cells. although anim cell plant cell differ term structur within them, type cell."} {"id": "2858", "contents": "share features: eukaryotes: fungal cell contain membrane-bound nuclei chromosom contain dna noncod region call intron code region call exons. fungi membrane-bound cytoplasm organel mitochondria, sterol-contain membranes, ribosom 80 type. symbiont plants, animals, fungi also parasites. may becom notic fruiting, either mushroom molds. fungi perform essenti role decomposit organ matter fundament role nutrient cycl exchang environment."} {"id": "2859", "contents": "fungi cell wall (plant also cell walls, anim cell walls). differ fungi animals. fungi cell wall compos mainli carbohydr call chitin *, plant cell wall compos mainli cellulose. differ fungi plants. anoth differ fungi plants. (carbohydrate) molecul use store energi fungi glycogen. glycogen also use store energi muscl liver cell anim plant differ storag molecule, call starch. anoth differ fungi plants."} {"id": "2860", "contents": "overview. eukaryot kind organ complex cell includ mitochondria, nuclei cell parts. three major cell group fungi, plant animals. mani fungi relat plant superfici way. perhap fungi neither deriv plant single-cel animals. biologist argu fungi phylogenet distinct eukaryotes. fungi appear uniqu fact alon requir translat elong factor call ef-3."} {"id": "2861", "contents": "anim cell distinct eukaryotes, notabl plant cells, lack cell wall chloroplasts. also smaller vacuoles. due lack cell wall, anim cell adopt varieti shapes. phagocyt cell even engulf structures. two domains, bacteria archaea, prokaryot none features. eukaryot repres tini minor live things; even cell human' bodi outnumb ten one bacteria gut."} {"id": "2862", "contents": "eukaryot cell also contain membrane-bound organel mitochondria golgi apparatus. addition, plant alga contain chloroplasts. eukaryot organ may unicellular, multicellular. eukaryot mani kind tissu made differ cell types. two domains, bacteria archaea, prokaryot none features. eukaryot repres tini minor live things; even cell human' bodi outnumb ten one bacteria gut."} {"id": "2863", "contents": "fungi eukaryotic, i.e. cell contain membrane-bound nucleu membrane-bound organelles. see prokaryot vs eukaryot cell meant 'eukaryotic' fungi cell wall (plant also cell walls, anim cell walls). anoth differ fungi plants. (carbohydrate) molecul use store energi fungi glycogen. glycogen also use store energi muscl liver cell anim plant differ storag molecule, call starch. anoth differ fungi plants."} {"id": "2864", "contents": "fungi eukaryotic, i.e. cell contain membrane-bound nucleu membrane-bound organelles. see prokaryot vs eukaryot cell meant 'eukaryotic' fungi cell wall (plant also cell walls, anim cell walls). differ fungi animals. anoth differ fungi plants. (carbohydrate) molecul use store energi fungi glycogen. glycogen also use store energi muscl liver cell anim plant differ storag molecule, call starch. anoth differ fungi plants."} {"id": "2865", "contents": "submit. eukaryot kind organ complex cell includ mitochondria, nuclei cell parts. three major cell group fungi, plant animals. mani fungi relat plant superfici way. perhap fungi neither deriv plant single-cel animals. biologist argu fungi phylogenet distinct eukaryotes. fungi appear uniqu fact alon requir translat elong factor call ef-3."} {"id": "2866", "contents": "also link definit idiom page discuss type poems. idiom poem sub-top list includ mani popular topic idiom poetry. see also...hi list idiom poem made poetrysoup member poems. poetrysoup great resourc exampl idiom poem list idiom poetry. exampl illustr idiom poem look like."} {"id": "2867", "contents": "test knowledg idiom. 1. choos correct idiom definit follow statements: a. stupid phrase meaning. b. common express figur mean differ liter meaning. c. say obscur use ordinari speech. idiom gain mean repetit culture, often introduc via literature, media, famou people, associ origin make sens lose liter meaning. exampl idiom almost languages, mani thousand uniqu engli"} {"id": "2868", "contents": "3. dialect; variant form language. syn: dialect. usage: {idiom}, {dialect}. idiom languag belong structure; dialect varieti express ingraft upon differ local differ professions. idiom may employ loos figur synonym languag dialect, proper sens signifi total gener rule construct character syntax particular languag distinguish tongues. --g. p. marsh."} {"id": "2869", "contents": "idiom saying, phrase, fix express cultur figur mean differ liter meaning. idiom gain mean repetit culture, often introduc via literature, media, famou people, associ origin make sens lose liter meaning. exampl idiom almost languages, mani thousand uniqu english"} {"id": "2870", "contents": "idiom definition. term refer set express phrase compris two words. interest fact regard devic express interpret literally. phrase understood mean someth quit differ individu word phrase would imply. alternatively, said phrase interpret figur sens"} {"id": "2871", "contents": "full definit poetry. 1. a: metric writing: vers b: product poet: poems. 2. write formul concentr imagin awar experi languag chosen arrang creat specif emot respons meaning, sound, rhythm. exampl poetry. read poem collect modern poetry. publish two book lyric poetri novel. found easiest express languag poetry."} {"id": "2872", "contents": "idiom meant use word peculiar particular language. --j. h. newman. follow languag [the latin], compli idiom ours. --dryden. idiom may employ loos figur synonym languag dialect, proper sens signifi total gener rule construct character syntax particular languag distinguish tongues. --g. p. marsh."} {"id": "2873", "contents": "2. express conform appropri peculiar structur form language; extend use, express sanction usage, sens peculiar agre logic sens structur form; also, phrase form peculiar particular author. idiom may employ loos figur synonym languag dialect, proper sens signifi total gener rule construct character syntax particular languag distinguish tongues. --g. p. marsh."} {"id": "2874", "contents": "idiom poetry: definit idioms. exampl idioms. exampl author use idioms. likewise, exampl poem use alliter shed light alliter affect rhythm poem. mani poem exampl idioms, sometim good exampl hard find. find relevant, concis poetri exampl here."} {"id": "2875", "contents": "consid summer kimono casual kimono, shape similar robe. japanes yukata made cotton comfort. yukata worn men women, boy girls. jinbei japanes tradit summer clothing. 2-piec set kimono like top shorts. jinbei worn outsid insid pajama. jinbei enjoy japanes men long time casual comfort."} {"id": "2876", "contents": "comfort wear summer. yukata usual made cotton fabric, let air through. wherea ordinari set kimono requir juban, kimono underwear, yukata worn without juban tabi (japanes socks) well, make comfort garment summer. yukata date back 1,000 years, nobl person wore take bath."} {"id": "2877", "contents": "welcom yukata kimono market sakura recommend kimono yukata obi belt geta sandal set everybodi want wear kimono first time, because, easi wear high comfort. wear anywher like, exampl go out, home party, date, festivals, etc."} {"id": "2878", "contents": "beauti yukata wear mani way enjoy ideas. put obidom (an ornament worn front obi) look like western brooch, arrang hair elabor pin big flower kanzashi (hair ornament) final flourish."} {"id": "2879", "contents": "japanes kimono typic worn set kimono undergarments, like juban, han-juban, susoyoke. kimono undergarments, initially, made protect ancient japanes wearer cold weather japan, today, becom protect undercloth kimono."} {"id": "2880", "contents": "yukata tradit japanes summer garment make women look particularli beautiful. type tradit kimono, casual convent kimono. yukata popular among young women dress go special summer event firework display bon-odori danc festivals."} {"id": "2881", "contents": "yukata, alongsid matsuri mikoshi, shown set take part ch\u016bnin exams, would held konohagakur sunagakure."} {"id": "2882", "contents": "recommend yukata kimono modern kimono wear kimono first time. japanes possess yukata kimono modern kimono. kind kimono, use most. foreign visitor japan usual purchas"} {"id": "2883", "contents": "show items. hey instruct make make anchor trolley, five dollars. anchor trolley allow basic tie anchor line front back kayak. would say one time wind blow hypothet south, want back south (to wind)."} {"id": "2884", "contents": "tie main line on, need cut rope whatev length choose. find kayak, 10-15 feet main line plenty. tie singl overhand knot tag end rope opposit drift anchor fuse tag prevent get messi frayed. next, need attach dump line. line small diamet cord load bearing."} {"id": "2885", "contents": "may overkil kayak, order type anchor effective, need suffici rode order anchor get side dig in. cheat littl put coupl feet chain directli anchor, tie nylon rope that. solut ingeni devic call anchor trolley. basically, apparatu run length kayak one side. run anchor line ring rigging, allow move ring via rig chang placement anchor."} {"id": "2886", "contents": "(1 vote). anchoring. deploy anchor sound like child play, throw side wait hit bottom tie rope side kayak. let\u2019 go go wrong first. see fig (2) (3) bow stern anchoring. retriev anchor. use anchor trolley need releas anchor trolley pull anchor. pull rope kayak want pull toward anchor water come side kayak."} {"id": "2887", "contents": "tie knot anchor rope. emergency, knot-fre rope slide pad eye allow get away without worri retriev anchor. never mount anchor side kayak. could caus boat flip current. make sure clamcleat way paddl stroke, might scuff hand cleat paddling. step 6. tie rope kayak anchor. use secur knot figure-eight follow-through bowline. step 7. run rope pad eye back clamcleat."} {"id": "2888", "contents": "attach heavi duti off-shor swivel/clip easili attach right anchor situation. anchor sandi soft bottom use 5.5lb grappl style anchor. secur main anchor rope bottom anchor tie 20lb monofila top, hold rope place. way, anchor get lodg something, lift rope, break monofila bring anchor bottom. otherwis would imposs dislodg anchor."} {"id": "2889", "contents": "soy milk, made soaking, grind boil soy bean water, nutriti drink. soy natur high essenti fatti acids, proteins, fiber, vitamin minerals. nutrient provid energi keep bodi function optimum level."} {"id": "2890", "contents": "soy milk made soak soybeans, grind water. fluid result strain call soy milk. make soy milk home basic kitchen tool soy milk machine. soy milk commonli found asept cartons. cook soy milk. yes, cook soy milk. replac cow milk use plain natur soy milk. soymilk flavour vanilla, ok make custard pud sweet desserts. mayb add bit salt soymilk unsalt (becaus cow milk also contain natur salt)."} {"id": "2891", "contents": "soy milk made whole soybean full-fat soy flour. dri bean soak water overnight minimum hour depend temperatur water. rehydr bean undergo wet grind enough ad water give desir solid content final product. like lactose-fre cow' milk, soymilk contain lactose, make altern lactose-intolerant. suggest soy consumpt associ reduct low-dens lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) triglycerides."} {"id": "2892", "contents": "unlik milk cow, soy milk lactose, make viabl altern cow' milk suffer lactos intolerance. fortifi soy milk good sourc protein, iron, vitamin calcium low satur fat cholesterol. although research soy milk soy product shown conclus results, evid suggest consum soy milk harm side effect certain circumstances. allergi soy milk soy product usual seriou uncomfortable. symptom soy allergi includ red skin, tingl mouth, itchi skin, swelling, abdomin pain runni nose problem breathing. sever reaction soy milk rare."} {"id": "2893", "contents": "soy milk, sometim refer soya milk soy drink, liquid made grind boil soybean water. soy milk made either whole bean soy flour (dri ground soybeans). soybean must soak water prior make soy milk, anywher three 24 hours, depend temperatur water."} {"id": "2894", "contents": "plain soy milk nutritive: excel sourc high qualiti proteins, isoflavon b-vitamins. soy milk free milk sugar (lactose) good choic peopl lactos intolerant. also, good altern allerg protein cow' milk. cook soy milk. yes, cook soy milk. replac cow milk use plain natur soy milk. soymilk flavour vanilla, ok make custard pud sweet desserts. mayb add bit salt soymilk unsalt (becaus cow milk also contain natur salt)."} {"id": "2895", "contents": "soy milk, also refer soymilk soya milk, plant milk produc soak dri soybean grind water. tradit stapl east asian cuisine, soy milk stabl emuls oil, water protein. soy milk produc home use soy milk machine. like lactose-fre cow' milk, soymilk contain lactose, make altern lactose-intolerant. suggest soy consumpt associ reduct low-dens lipoprotein (bad cholesterol) triglycerides."} {"id": "2896", "contents": "10 fact space blow mind. soy milk beverag made soybeans. first develop asia, along numer soy base food tempeh, tofu, soy sauce, sinc spread rest world."} {"id": "2897", "contents": "cell nucleu bound doubl membran call nuclear envelope. membran separ content nucleu cytoplasm. like cell membrane, nuclear envelop consist phospholipid form lipid bilayer. envelop help maintain shape nucleu assist regul flow molecul nucleu nuclear pores. chromosom locat within nucleus."} {"id": "2898", "contents": "cell nucleus: cell nucleu membran bound structur contain cell' hereditari inform control cell' growth reproduction. command center eukaryot cell commonli promin organel cell. distinguish characteristics: like cell membrane, nuclear envelop consist phospholipid form lipid bilayer. envelop help maintain shape nucleu assist regul flow molecul nucleu nuclear pores. chromosom locat within nucleus."} {"id": "2899", "contents": "nucleolu contain within cell nucleus. nucleolu (/nu\u02d0\u02c8kli\u02d0\u0275l\u0259s/ plural nucleoli /nu\u02d0\u02c8kli\u02d0\u0275la\u026a/) largest structur nucleu eukaryot cells, primarili serv site ribosom synthesi assembly."} {"id": "2900", "contents": "cell biology, nucleu (pl. nuclei; latin nucleu nuculeus, mean kernel) membrane-enclos organel found eukaryot cells. eukaryot usual singl nucleus, cell type nuclei, other many. nucleolu discret dens stain structur found nucleus. surround membrane, sometim call suborganelle. form around tandem repeat rdna, dna code ribosom rna (rrna)."} {"id": "2901", "contents": "nucleu separ rest cell cytoplasm nuclear membrane. structur cell nucleus. cell nucleu consist nuclear membran (nuclear envelope), nucleoplasm, nucleolu chromosomes. nucleoplasm, also known karyoplasm, matrix present insid nucleus. let' discuss brief sever part cell nucleus. nuclear membrane. nuclear membran double-lay structur enclos content nucleus. outer layer membran connect endoplasm reticulum. fluid-fil space perinuclear space present two layer nuclear membrane."} {"id": "2902", "contents": "nucleu spherical-shap organel present everi eukaryot cell. control center eukaryot cells, respons coordin gene gene expression. structur nucleu encompass nuclear membrane, nucleoplasm, chromosom nucleolus. nuclear membrane. nuclear membran double-lay structur enclos content nucleus. outer layer membran connect endoplasm reticulum. fluid-fil space perinuclear space present two layer nuclear membrane."} {"id": "2903", "contents": "nuclear pore protein-lin channel nuclear envelop regul transport molecul nucleu cytoplasm. eukaryot cells, nucleu separ cytoplasm surround nuclear envelope. envelop safeguard dna contain nucleus."} {"id": "2904", "contents": "envelop protect nucleu rest cytoplasm cell keep special molecul within nucleu get out. nucleolus-th nucleolu larg structur nucleu mainli make ribosom rna. nucleolus-th nucleolu larg structur nucleu mainli make ribosom rna. nucleoplasm-th nucleoplasm liquid fill insid nucleus. chromatin-chromatin compos protein dna."} {"id": "2905", "contents": "regina bailey. definition: nucleu membran bound structur contain cell' hereditari inform control cell' growth reproduction. commonli promin organel cell. nucleu surround structur call nuclear envelope. membran separ content nucleu cytoplasm. cell' chromosom also hous within nucleu"} {"id": "2906", "contents": "spectrophotomet instrument measur reflect absorb characterist sample. instrument design necessit wavelength radiat studi must narrow 'window'."} {"id": "2907", "contents": "about. short anim demonstr inner work spectrophotometer. here' spectrophotomet works. lamp provid sourc light. beam light strike diffract grating, work like prism separ light compon wavelengths. grate rotat specif wavelength light reach exit slit."} {"id": "2908", "contents": "spectrophotometri involv use spectrophotometer. spectrophotomet photomet measur intens function light sourc wavelength. import featur spectrophotomet spectral bandwidth linear rang absorpt reflect measurement."} {"id": "2909", "contents": "point, detector measur transmitt absorb sample. transmitt refer amount light pass complet sampl strike detector. absorb measur light absorb"} {"id": "2910", "contents": "spectrophotomet measur intens light beam pass sampl compar two intensities. spec 20 report two type measurements: percent transmitt absorbance."} {"id": "2911", "contents": "spectrophotomet one scientif instrument commonli found mani research industri laboratories. spectrophotomet use research physics, molecular biology, chemistry, biochemistri labs."} {"id": "2912", "contents": "spectrophotomet instrument pass light singl wavelength solut measur amount pass through. first, spectrophotomet must zero pass light chosen wavelength (500 nm example) blank contain solvent."} {"id": "2913", "contents": "water hemlock. cicuta, commonli known water hemlock, small genu four speci highli poison plant famili apiaceae.wat hemlock consid one north america' toxic plants, highli poison humans. ten deadli plant world. jimson weed. datura stramonium, known common name jimson weed, devil' snare datura, plant solanacea family. believ origin americas, found around world. rhododendron."} {"id": "2914", "contents": "violent toxic plant north america 4. plant kill president' mother5. best plant murder dinner guest with6. gruesom killer7. animal-like8. like plant turn person zombi 9. entic poison10. like eat rat. 2. like garden 3."} {"id": "2915", "contents": "imag via bay area hiker. oleand deadli plant world. also tremend popular decor shrub. one leaf kill adult, fatal poison result minim exposur twigs, bloom berries. deadli legum weren\u2019t bad enough, puls aren\u2019t benign, either. rosari pea may sound sweet downright pious, it\u2019 actual one danger plant earth. seed contain particular lectin known abrin; chew swallowed, death follow shortly."} {"id": "2916", "contents": "atropa bella-donna, commonli known belladonna deadli nightshade, belladonna one toxic plant found eastern hemisphere. part plant contain tropan alkaloids. berri pose greatest danger children look attract somewhat sweet taste. ten deadli plant world. jimson weed. datura stramonium, known common name jimson weed, devil' snare datura, plant solanacea family. believ origin americas, found around world. rhododendron."} {"id": "2917", "contents": "hint villain reputation. aconitum among deadli plant world. poison part roots, though leav pack punch too. contain neurotoxin absorb skin. earli symptom poison tingl numb point contact sever vomit diarrhoea eaten. \u201cthere\u2019 differ poison harmful. say what\u2019 poison plant fairli easili theoret look toxin do,\u201d say john robertson."} {"id": "2918", "contents": "also present ricinine, alkaloid, irrit oil. accord 2007 edit guin book world records, castor oil plant poison world, though cousin abrin, found seed jequir plant, arguabl lethal. one toxic plant found western hemisphere, part plant contain tropan alkaloids. activ agent atropine, hyoscin (scopolamine), hyoscyamine, anticholinerg properties."} {"id": "2919", "contents": "however, mani went rout ultim deterr poison anyth eat unlik ever again. mani deadli poison plant stuff folklor alarm name devil\u2019 helmet,deadli nightshade, littl appl death suicid tree. whilst would enough put sane person eat suppos help know name! seed insid fruit plant highli poisonous. contain power alkaloid, cerberin, similar digoxin foxgloves. work disrupt heart\u2019 rhythm often fatal results. cerbera odollam member famili previous mention oleander."} {"id": "2920", "contents": "giant hogwe (heracleum mantegazzianum) worst reput it, \u2018friendly\u2019 plant carrots, celeri lime blister skin wrong conditions. one worst untouch species, whatev weather, earn dubiou honour world\u2019 danger tree. \u201cthere\u2019 differ poison harmful. say what\u2019 poison plant fairli easili theoret look toxin do,\u201d say john robertson."} {"id": "2921", "contents": "qin dynasti (chinese: \u79e6\u671d; pinyin: qin q\u00edn; [chao ch\u00e1o]) t\u0255\u02b0\u01d0n t\u0282\u02b0\u0251\u030c\u028a\u032f first imperi dynasti of, ancient china last 221 to. 206 bc name heartland qin, modern-day gansu shaanxi, dynasti form conquest six state qin state, found emperor name qin shi huang, first emperor qin."} {"id": "2922", "contents": "[t\u0255\u02b0\u01d0n t\u0282\u02b0\u0251\u030c\u028a\u032f]) first imperi dynasti ancient china, last 221 206 bc. name heartland qin, modern-day gansu shaanxi, dynasti form conquest six state qin state, found emperor name qin shi huang, first emperor qin."} {"id": "2923", "contents": "earli chines empire: qin han. qin (221- 206 bce) subsequ han (202 bce- 220 ce) dynasti unifi china establish central empire, endur evolv 20th century. imperi structur draw element legalist confucian thought. qin (221- 206 bce) subsequ han (202 bce- 220 ce) dynasti unifi china establish central empire, endur evolv 20th century."} {"id": "2924", "contents": "qin dynasti locat china. qin dynasti locat around china' major rivers-th huang chang jiang. dynasti went almost far north gobi desert. eventually, went far south xi river. qin state deriv name heartland qin, modern-day gansu shaanxi"} {"id": "2925", "contents": "qin dynasti (221-206 bce) first imperi dynasti ancient china. found ying zheng \u5b34\u653f, king qin, adopt titl august emperor (huangdi \u7687\u5e1d) 221 bce. known histori first emperor qin \u79e6\u59cb\u7687\u5e1d (r. 246-210 bce)."} {"id": "2926", "contents": "map china rule qin dynasty. location: qin dynasti locat around china' major rivers-th huang chang jiang. dynasti went almost far north gobi desert."} {"id": "2927", "contents": "qin dynasti brief durat (221-206 bce) import chines history. follow zhou dynasti (1046-256 bce) end liu bang becam king han 206 bce (the formal begin han dynasty). mani chines states, qin advantag favour location: territori modern shaanxi provinc well guard east mountain gorg easi access north china plain yellow river passes."} {"id": "2928", "contents": "size roof (measur squar footage). first step determin cost replac roof roof measured. roofer measure, give estim per square. squar 10-by-10 foot area (or 100 squar feet)."} {"id": "2929", "contents": "almost alway $1 per squar foot (or $100 per square). however, hold sever weather sun exposur well high winds. interlock shingl similar dimension shingles, appli one time rather strip sheets. maximum cost: approxim $2 per squar foot. size roof vari immens standard, urban roof measur 800-square-feet suburban roofs, often rang 1,500-square-feet."} {"id": "2930", "contents": "get instant estim cost instal tile roof! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost tile roof instal project. basic 120 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal tile roof rang $9.49 $15.25 per squar foot* estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchased."} {"id": "2931", "contents": "asphalt shingl roof averag costs. actual cost asphalt shingl roof may vari depend materi used, location, complex instal (i.e. roof slope home height), factors. 3-tab asphalt shingl cost $1.50 $3.50 per squar foot."} {"id": "2932", "contents": "expert estim patio roof could cost $10-$50 per squar foot. wide budgetari rang take account vari cost materi list above. begin price patio roof addit local roofers, basic aluminum roof may cost $6000-$10,000 20\u2019 20\u2019 area. ad wood lattic roof size could add $500-$10,000 onto project."} {"id": "2933", "contents": "roof cost per squar foot. list roof cost per squar foot below, may abbrevi psf (per squar foot) ps (per square) equival 100 squar feet often roof contractor bid job per squar basis. aluminum interlock shingles. $7.00 $9.00 psf installed. homeown spend $700 $900 ps aluminum interlock shingles. aluminum stand seam panels. $10.00 $15.00 psf installed. consum pay $1000 $1500 ps aluminum stand seam panels. aluminum roof price"} {"id": "2934", "contents": "free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost wood shingl roof instal project. basic 125 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal shingl roof rang $5.09 $8.40 per squar foot* estim cost project: 1."} {"id": "2935", "contents": "rubber roof (epdm). advantages: rubber roof good choic diy instal lower roof replac cost. leak easi patch, highli resist scuff tears. consid eco-friendli choice."} {"id": "2936", "contents": "depend type roof. singl stori low pitch asphalt shingl roof cost around $40 $80 per squar (100 sq. ft.) tear $75 $100 per squar instal new shingles. plywood sheath underneath damaged, cost extra, $50 per sheet replaced."} {"id": "2937", "contents": "costs. minimum cost: approxim $.50 per squar foot. maximum cost: approxim $2 per squar foot. size roof vari immens standard, urban roof measur 800-square-feet suburban roofs, often rang 1,500-square-feet."} {"id": "2938", "contents": "finally, smooth muscl commonli found connect tissue. example, region connect tissu glands, smooth muscl cell call myo-epitheli cells, lie epitheli cell basement membran ducts, found. type connect tissu shown photograph right type loos connect tissue."} {"id": "2939", "contents": "fibroblast cell found larg quantiti mani differ type connect tissues. matrix thought substanc cell embedded. matrix fluid, semifluid, gelatinous, ground substanc protein fibers. adipose, fat tissue, exampl loos connect tissue. subcutan tissue, innermost layer skin, made adipos tissue, well areolar tissue, anoth loos connect tissue. pull skin, see move around quit easili loos connection."} {"id": "2940", "contents": "result basic topology, tissu either support upon connect tissu (epitheli surfaces), invagin connect tissu (glandular epithelium), embed within connect tissu (blood vessels, muscles, nerves). extracellular matrix. extracellular matrix connect tissu compos ground substanc fibers. ordinari connect tissue, ground substanc consist mainli water. princip fiber type collagen (the abund protein body), elast fiber minor element."} {"id": "2941", "contents": "cell fibr embed intercellular substance. consist substanc highli variabl gelatin-lik much rigid material. proport cells, fibres, intercellular substanc vary, depend particular natur function connect tissue. areolar connect tissu widespread connect tissu body. use attach skin underli tissue. also fill space variou organ thu hold place well cushion protect them. also surround support blood vessels."} {"id": "2942", "contents": "answers. relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: connect tissu respons provid structur support tissu organ body. mechanfunct import maintain form body, organ tissues. connect tissu serv nutrit role. metabolit blood pass capillari bed diffus adjac connect tissu cell tissues."} {"id": "2943", "contents": "connect tissu perform follow import function body. pack material, connect tissu provid support matrix mani highli organ structures. form restrain mechan bodi form retinacula, check ligament fibrou pulley."} {"id": "2944", "contents": "matrix connect tissu typic consist fiber featureless ground substance. abund fiber connect tissu tough protein call collagen. tendons, ligaments, white stringi tissu (fascia) seen cut meat compos almost entir collagen, leather, consist connect tissu layer (dermis) anim skins."} {"id": "2945", "contents": "connect tissu apart blood lymph consist three main components: fiber (elast collagen fibers), ground substanc cells. (not author includ blood lymph connect tissue.) blood lymph lack fiber component. immers bodi water. connect tissu (blue) seen support epithelium (purple). connect tissu (ct) one four type biolog tissu support, connect, separ differ type tissu organ body. three type epithelial, muscle, nervou tissue. connect tissu found tissu everywher body, includ nervou system. central nervou system outer membranes, meninges, cover brain spinal cord compos connect tissu"} {"id": "2946", "contents": "areolar reticular tissu type loos connect tissu provid support, well fill unus space body. blood, fluid connect tissue, provid transport system within bodi oxygen import substances. adipose, fat tissue, exampl loos connect tissue. subcutan tissue, innermost layer skin, made adipos tissue, well areolar tissue, anoth loos connect tissue. pull skin, see move around quit easili loos connection."} {"id": "2947", "contents": "definit 'genet modifi food (gmf)'. food produc organ gene engin introduc trait creat natur selection. genet modifi food commerci avail sinc 1990s, often associ fruit vegetables. genet modifi food involv introduc gene fruit, vegetable, anim anoth organism."} {"id": "2948", "contents": "genet (recombin dna) engin manipul dna molecul produc modifi plants, animals, organisms. dna (deoxyribonucl acid) double-strand molecul present everi cell organ contain hereditari inform pass parent offspring."} {"id": "2949", "contents": "gmo (genet modifi organism) result laboratori process gene dna one speci extract artifici forc gene unrel plant animal. foreign gene may come bacteria, viruses, insects, anim even humans."} {"id": "2950", "contents": "gmo seeds, peopl believe, genet modifi gene fish, herbicide-resist protein chemicals, rather dna anoth plant. gmo, fact, refer seed plant differ dna parent."} {"id": "2951", "contents": "genet modifi food (gm food) food produc use organ engin genet (gm organisms). gm food either contain gm organisms, gm organ use creat food. common exampl includ maize, soybean, cotton rapeseed."} {"id": "2952", "contents": "genet modifi (gm) food food deriv organ whose genet materi (dna) modifi way occur naturally, e.g. introduct gene differ organism."} {"id": "2953", "contents": "gmo genet modifi organisms. one import gmo fact gmo adapt benefici trait help thrive environment. think drought-toler corn, pest-resist soybean need less bug spraying."} {"id": "2954", "contents": "thing avoid want tell crush like get best results. thing avoid want look confid mature: friend tell feel. want look mature, yourself. sure, look good plan tell crush feel. dress nine normal rock casual look, put brand-new outfit alway seen cozi clothes. want crush think tri hard send right message."} {"id": "2955", "contents": "3. call him. anoth way tell like give call simpli tell feel. yeah, technic mean tell feel words, find tell without word hasn\u2019t work you, may time come it. 1. make eye contact\u2014and break it. one way let crush see like without open mouth simpli lock eye him. make eye contact one two seconds\u2014just enough time show you\u2019r pay attention\u2014and look floor avert gaze."} {"id": "2956", "contents": "turn bodi toward crush. anoth way let crush know like simpl open bodi language. bodi \u201copen,\u201d mean you\u2019r stand tall, face crush, turn feet shoulder toward him, keep arm instead cross chest. 1. make eye contact\u2014and break it. one way let crush see like without open mouth simpli lock eye him. make eye contact one two seconds\u2014just enough time show you\u2019r pay attention\u2014and look floor avert gaze."} {"id": "2957", "contents": "introduc crush friends. make sure crush like friend you. (if realli awesom friends, think hide awhile.) similarly, make sure friend like crush like you. want kick picture, here. give him/her nickname. yeah, forget stuff say name. say special nicknam creat them. like, name lauren passell, give rap name like pizzy, call passi pass, simpli lp."} {"id": "2958", "contents": "tell crush, look eye relax body. stand close look floor, look either eager withdrawn. use crush' name tell feel. sure, look good plan tell crush feel. dress nine normal rock casual look, put brand-new outfit alway seen cozi clothes. want crush think tri hard send right message."} {"id": "2959", "contents": "want tell crush like him, show you\u2019r comfort around him. find bragging, talk great are, tell exagger stori laughs, someth doesn\u2019t feel like you, won\u2019t win crush over. 1. make eye contact\u2014and break it. one way let crush see like without open mouth simpli lock eye him. make eye contact one two seconds\u2014just enough time show you\u2019r pay attention\u2014and look floor avert gaze."} {"id": "2960", "contents": "want tell crush like them, know how? quiz tell perfect way it. get dare tell crush think they'r cute. it, compliment they'r shoe instead. tell tell they'r hair realli look good today. wait chanc like now! cours tell him! chicken out."} {"id": "2961", "contents": "2. tell crush feel cute note. put cute note crush' locker, textbook, backpack tell like nice way tell realli feel. write someth like, hi, mark, want tell like you. sure, look good plan tell crush feel. dress nine normal rock casual look, put brand-new outfit alway seen cozi clothes. want crush think tri hard send right message."} {"id": "2962", "contents": "4. ask question show care. one way tell crush like show genuin interest him. this, simpli ask question life make effort realli listen answer instead plan next move. 1. make eye contact\u2014and break it. one way let crush see like without open mouth simpli lock eye him. make eye contact one two seconds\u2014just enough time show you\u2019r pay attention\u2014and look floor avert gaze."} {"id": "2963", "contents": "3rd old fever go 50 min tylenol get help doctor ok 50 minut suffici time tylenol begin reduc child fever go hour averag half life hour recommend interv dose begin wear interv"} {"id": "2964", "contents": "even take less 15 minut work sinc ibuprofen life two hour work best within period henc individu feel better 30 minut hour note never take ibuprofen prescrib know much bodi absorb half life ibuprofen hour mean two hour activ dose present system half live hour 8th remain enough make effect 12 half live day 4096th remain almost none"} {"id": "2965", "contents": "make sure get entir dose add littl water glass swirl gentli drink right away stop take acetaminophen call doctor still fever day use still pain day use day treat child skin rash ongo headach red swell"} {"id": "2966", "contents": "follow direct indic take 1000 milligram tylenol one time need wait hour dose tylenol 4000 milligram day safe take time took sizeabl amount tylenol also wait coupl hour drink alcohol unless think worth risk screw one top import organ besid even good buzz mix two"} {"id": "2967", "contents": "tylenol extra strength rapid releas gel long take actual start work like reliev pain thank much help 10 point best answerdepend take empti stomach start work littl 15 20 minut full stomach take 30 45 rapid releas pretti much scam regular capsul dissolv complet less minut realli save timeest answer"} {"id": "2968", "contents": "depend full stomach codin take 20 min hour work"} {"id": "2969", "contents": "get help doctor hour averag half life hour recommend interv dose begin wear interv bodi size presenc food metabol chang read dr shonta buffington"} {"id": "2970", "contents": "painkil effect ibuprofen start soon dose taken howev anti inflammatori effect take time take even week get best result half life ibuprofen hour mean two hour activ dose present system half live hour 8th remain enough make effect 12 half live day 4096th remain almost none"} {"id": "2971", "contents": "dose base form strength care follow label instruct maximum dose per day children dose base weight age care follow label instruct maximum dose per day children 11 12 year age 320 480 mg everi hour need safe use gram 4000 milligram acetaminophen one day 24 hour may increas risk seriou liver problem tylenol extra strength maximum dose 3000 milligram per 24 hour may take medicin without foo"} {"id": "2972", "contents": "vein carri water nutrient within leaf. leav site food make process call photosynthesis. process, carbon dioxid water presenc chlorophyl (the green pigment) light energi chang glucos (a sugar). energi rich sugar sourc food use plants."} {"id": "2973", "contents": "food make process plant call photosynthesi (from photo mean light synthesi mean make). refer relat question below."} {"id": "2974", "contents": "photosynthesi process plant creat food. simpli put, plant use photosynthesi convert light energy, water, carbon dioxid sugar oxygen. th oxygen wast product plants, come handi animals. sugar plant use food."} {"id": "2975", "contents": "photosynthesi process plant make food sunlight, carbon dioxid water-bas convert light energi chemic energy."} {"id": "2976", "contents": "plant make food leaves. leav contain pigment call chlorophyll, color leav green. chlorophyl make food plant use carbon dioxide, water, nutrients, energi sunlight. process call photosynthesis."} {"id": "2977", "contents": "38 reviews. haldol brand name haloperidol, anti-psychot medicin use treat mental mood disorders, includ schizophrenia acut psychosis. often use emerg room psychiatr situations. help reduc aggression, neg thoughts, desir harm someon oneself. children, haldol may use sever behavior problem includ hyperact aggression. haloperidol develop belgian compani 1958, approv food drug administr (fda) 1967. mcneil laboratori market drug brand name haldol."} {"id": "2978", "contents": "haloperidol may result movement disord known tardiv dyskinesia may permanent. neurolept malign syndrom qt-interv prolong may occur. older peopl psychosi due dementia result increas risk death. yearli cost typic dose haloperidol 20 800 pound (30 1,250 us dollars) unit kingdom. cost unit state around 250 us dollars. commonli use typic antipsychotic."} {"id": "2979", "contents": "haloperidol, market trade name haldol among others, typic antipsychot medication. use treatment schizophrenia, tic tourett syndrome, nausea vomiting, delirium, agitation, acut psychosis, hallucin alcohol withdrawal. yearli cost typic dose haloperidol 20 800 pound (30 1,250 us dollars) unit kingdom. cost unit state around 250 us dollars. commonli use typic antipsychotic."} {"id": "2980", "contents": "haloperidol antipsychot medication. work chang action chemic brain. haloperidol use treat schizophrenia. also use control motor speech tic peopl tourette' syndrome. haloperidol may also use purpos list medic guide."} {"id": "2981", "contents": "dr ananya mandal, md. haloperidol tradit convent antipsychot use treat schizophrenia, mania form psychosis. deriv butyrophenon act block effect dopamine, chemic brain affect thinking, behavior feelings. asid use medic schizophrenia, haloperidol use control acut psychosis, includ psychosi induc drug lsd, amphetamines, ketamine, psilocybin phencyclidine."} {"id": "2982", "contents": "haloperidol use treat certain mental/ mood disord (e.g., schizophrenia, schizoaffect disorders). medicin help think clearly, feel less nervous, take part everyday life. also help prevent suicid peopl like harm themselves. doctor may prescrib anoth medic take haloperidol decreas side effects. rememb doctor prescrib medic judg benefit greater risk"} {"id": "2983", "contents": "haloperidol use control symptom of: schizophrenia. acut psychosis, drug-induc psychosi caus lsd, psilocybin, amphetamines, ketamine, phencyclidine, psychosi associ high fever metabol disease. yearli cost typic dose haloperidol 20 800 pound (30 1,250 us dollars) unit kingdom. cost unit state around 250 us dollars. commonli use typic antipsychotic."} {"id": "2984", "contents": "last review rxlist 4/29/2015. haldol (haloperidol) antipsychot drug decreas excit brain. use treat psychot disord like schizophrenia, control motor (movement) verbal (for example, tourette' syndrome) tic use treat sever behavior problem children."} {"id": "2985", "contents": "monthli fee averag $35 $40 singl membership, low $20 depend age, locat whether custom will sign extend contract. mani health club also charg averag enrol fee $40, charg $100. 24 hour fit offer 90-day membership $50 per month nearli 400 gym west coast. rate drop $37 $40 month 12-month plan, depend location."} {"id": "2986", "contents": "lot factor variabl chang process. landlord build even chang drastically. build usual cost regular fit center $20 (white box) sq ft $30 squar (pretti nice build out). crossfit would cheaper even cheaper find space alreadi built somewhat. monthli expenses. *equip leases-down payment usual 10 20% total cost start ups."} {"id": "2987", "contents": "want home gym, want pay premium privileg work quad pecs. anyon who' train extens sure know need shell $5,000 order get set perfectli good machines. want build muscl without stretch wallet, come right place."} {"id": "2988", "contents": "accord howtodothings.com, cost build jungl gym home use run $400 $10,000. woodenplayscapes.com offer varieti pre-built jungl gym retail $1,600 much $6,500. shape jungl gym vary. depend setup, materi size, jungl gym need built box cost anywher littl $500 much $10,000."} {"id": "2989", "contents": "comment 0. cost build new fit facil vari wide depend type construction, type facility, locat more. advertisement. determin accur cost build new club critic success budget plan and, therefore, long-term success club. cost new build ground $100 $200 per squar foot (exclud land) would also includ buildout."} {"id": "2990", "contents": "gym includ bowflex pr1000 pr 3000 sell $500 $800 respectively. new type home gym becom popular over-the-door system. example, best fit bfmg20 found $400 powerlin bsg10x cost $850. anoth type home gym use tension wire instead fix weight cables. gym includ bowflex pr1000 pr 3000 sell $500 $800 respect"} {"id": "2991", "contents": "cost build club rental space rang $30 $80 per squar foot. generally, low-pric club cost $30 $50 per squar foot. larger box club chain franchis cost $40 $60 per squar foot. higher-end club cost $60 per squar foot. cost new build ground $100 $200 per squar foot (exclud land) would also includ buildout."} {"id": "2992", "contents": "basic type home gym simpl weight bench free weights. weight bench alon cost $50 $200. bench flat pad benches, other multipl reclin posit allow differ type workouts. example, best fit bfmg20 found $400 powerlin bsg10x cost $850. anoth type home gym use tension wire instead fix weight cables. gym includ bowflex pr1000 pr 3000 sell $500 $800 respect"} {"id": "2993", "contents": "step 5. write busi plan get gym financing. start gym requir written busi plan loan. accord entrepreneur, averag cost open gym $10,000 $50,000. lender consid busi loan applic without complet busi plan attached."} {"id": "2994", "contents": "new zealand cabinet respons parliament new zealand, member derived. cabinet minist must member parliament (mps) collect respons it. gener elect held everi three years, last one septemb 2014. new zealand' main legisl bodi unicamer parliament known hous representatives. 1950 second chamber, consist upper hous known legisl council. suffrag extend everyon age 18 years, women gain vote 1893."} {"id": "2995", "contents": "head state new zealand queen, elizabeth ii, repres new zealand governor-general. queen governor-gener follow advic govern play formal role executive, except respect format govern use reserv powers. execut council formal bodi exercis government' regulatori power. contain govern minist governor-general. minist must member parliament appoint made governor-gener advic prime minister."} {"id": "2996", "contents": "octob 2014 prime minist new zealand leader nation party, john key \u2014who negoti formal support agreement incom parliament m\u0101ori party, unit futur act. execut council formal bodi exercis government' regulatori power. contain govern minist governor-general. minist must member parliament appoint made governor-gener advic prime minister."} {"id": "2997", "contents": "new zealand unitari state rather feder \u2014region creat author central government, rather central govern creat author regions. local govern new zealand power confer upon parliament. new zealand' main legisl bodi unicamer parliament known hous representatives. 1950 second chamber, consist upper hous known legisl council. suffrag extend everyon age 18 years, women gain vote 1893."} {"id": "2998", "contents": "new zealand' system government. new zealand democrat countri member parliament (mps) chosen free fair elections. citizen perman resid age 18 year requir enrol vote. vote compulsory. new zealand singl chamber parliament consist hous representatives, gener 120 mps, governor-gener (who person attend house). hous elect maximum three-year term use mix member proport (mmp) system."} {"id": "2999", "contents": "new zealand monarchi distinct british monarchi sinc statut westminst adopt act 1947, elizabeth ii' offici busi new zealand conduct name queen new zealand, queen unit kingdom. new zealand' main legisl bodi unicamer parliament known hous representatives. 1950 second chamber, consist upper hous known legisl council. suffrag extend everyon age 18 years, women gain vote 1893."} {"id": "3000", "contents": "central government. unlik uk, usa, australia, canada mani countries, new zealand doesn\u2019t state provinci governments. system govern compact straightforward. two tiers. central govern make decis affect new zealand whole. local government, look interest need specif commun regional, citi district councils."} {"id": "3001", "contents": "nz constitut monarchi parliamentari system government. mean head state sovereign (current queen elizabeth ii). queen repres nz governor-general, sir jerri mateparae. governor-general."} {"id": "3002", "contents": "new zealand constitut monarchi parliamentari democracy. royal titl act (1953), queen elizabeth ii, queen new zealand, head state represented, absence, non-partisan governor-general. highest court new zealand suprem court new zealand. establish 2004 follow passag suprem court act 2003, also abolish option appeal privi council london."} {"id": "3003", "contents": "saone-sa\u00f4ne-et (. [loire.so\u02d0\u203fn.e] lwa\u0281: arpitan-sona-et) lere l\u00eare a, french depart name saon sa\u00f4n loir river between. lie centre, depart travers north south saon sa\u00f4n wide; plain saon sa\u00f4n tributari river rhone rh\u00f4ne join lyon thu connect to. mediterranean sea"} {"id": "3004", "contents": "visit saone-et-loire, france. visit saone-et loir experi quieter region burgundy, experienc famous reflect calm cluni abbey paray-le-monial, also mani town villag scenic highlight tranquil department. pass toward south-west saone-et-loire, sure visit 12th centuri basilica paray-le-monial. pilgrimag site attract million visitor year also help understand abbey cluni would like first constructed."} {"id": "3005", "contents": "inhabit saone-sa\u00f4ne-et loir 544 893 1999 censu 549 361 2006. censu area depart of-saone-sa\u00f4n et loir is,8 574 69. km popul density-of-saon sa\u00f4n et,loir 64 07. inhabit per km\u00b2 inhabit saone-sa\u00f4ne-et loir 544 893 1999 549 361 in. 2006 area depart of-saone-sa\u00f4n et loir is,8 574 69. km popul densiti depart"} {"id": "3006", "contents": "saone-et-loire, franc births, 1546-1905. databas contain birth data index origin parish civil vital record member associ cercl genealogiqu g\u00e9n\u00e9alogiqu de-saone-sa\u00f4ne. et loir record approxim cover the-year 1546 1905 department-of-saone, sa\u00f4n et loir located. southeastern franc record approxim cover year 1574-1902 depart saone-sa\u00f4ne-et, loir locat southeastern. franc inform list includ name the, deceas their, age, profess death place and, date name spouse/and or. parent"} {"id": "3007", "contents": "databas contain death data index origin parish civil vital record member associ cercl genealogiqu g\u00e9n\u00e9alogiqu de-saone-sa\u00f4ne. et loir record approxim cover the-year 1574 1902 department-of-saone, sa\u00f4n et loir located. southeastern franc record approxim cover year 1574-1902 depart saone-sa\u00f4ne-et, loir locat southeastern. franc inform list includ name the, deceas their, age, profess death place and, date name spouse/and or. parent"} {"id": "3008", "contents": "inhabit saone-sa\u00f4ne-et loir 544 893 1999 censu 549 361 2006. censu area depart of-saone-sa\u00f4n et loir is,8 574 69. km inhabit saone-sa\u00f4ne-et loir 544 893 1999 549 361 in. 2006 area depart of-saone-sa\u00f4n et loir is,8 574 69. km popul densiti department-of-saon sa\u00f4n et,loir 64 07. inhabit per km\u00b2"} {"id": "3009", "contents": "find town list saone-sa\u00f4ne-et loir bottom this. page consult map of, france, pictures, hotel data everi town villag depart of-saone-sa\u00f4n et loir click these. town link inhabit saone-sa\u00f4ne-et loir 544 893 1999 549 361 in. 2006 area depart of-saone-sa\u00f4n et loir is,8 574 69. km popul densiti department-of-saon sa\u00f4n et,loir 64 07. inhabit per km\u00b2"} {"id": "3010", "contents": "saone-et-loir depart situat south-west corner burgundi region france, macon ma\u00e7on (capital) prefectur the. depart pass toward south-west saone-et-loire, sure visit 12th centuri basilica paray-le-monial. pilgrimag site attract million visitor year also help understand abbey cluni would like first constructed."} {"id": "3011", "contents": "databas contain marriag data index origin parish civil vital record member associ cercl genealogiqu g\u00e9n\u00e9alogiqu de-saone-sa\u00f4ne. et loir record approxim cover the-year 1540 1903 department-of-saone, sa\u00f4n et loir located. southeastern franc saone-et-loire, franc marriages, 1540-1903. databas contain marriag data index origin parish civil vital record member associ cercl genealogiqu g\u00e9n\u00e9alogiqu de-saone-sa\u00f4ne. et loir"} {"id": "3012", "contents": "depart saone-sa\u00f4ne-et loir number 71 divid 5, district 57 township 573. municip find local of-saone-sa\u00f4n et loir map, franc satellit map-of-saone. sa\u00f4n et loir inhabit saone-sa\u00f4ne-et loir 544 893 1999 549 361 in. 2006 area depart of-saone-sa\u00f4n et loir is,8 574 69. km popul densiti department-of-saon sa\u00f4n et,loir 64 07. inhabit per km\u00b2"} {"id": "3013", "contents": "coal store reservoir fed bunker (boiler). burn extrem high temperatures. burn releas chemic energi coal form extrem heat (thermal energy). extrem heat produc burn coal use heat water tank produc steam."} {"id": "3014", "contents": "best answer: chemical. physic chang usual revers involv break form bonds. chemic changes, hand, usual irrevers break form bond take place. burn paper produc ash, smoke also releas heat. imposs chang product back origin form, paper. thus, burn paper chemic change."} {"id": "3015", "contents": "pleas tri later. burn paper chemic reaction. ye heat convert paper (cellulose) gaseou water vapor co2 trace chemicals, chang composit remain paper i.e turn black-unburn carbon."} {"id": "3016", "contents": "a. burn piec paper technic call combustion. repres chemic reaction wherebi carbon compound paper oxid differ chemic like carbon dioxid water vapor. chemic change. b. bake cake chang textur consist batter, chemic element went batter remain same."} {"id": "3017", "contents": "one exampl name indic cannabi plant higher potenc would \u201chemp\u201d name refer better, consum marijuana: pot. weed. marijuana. grass. mari jane. reefer. ganja. type weed name refer usabl marijuana general. name aren\u2019t necessarili go indic rel qualiti weed, typic impli grade high enough consid recreat medicin quality."} {"id": "3018", "contents": "help gain insight child\u2019 relationship marijuana, we\u2019v compil list common street name nicknam marijuana partying. drug cocktails, pure form drugs, use drug neg point life (caus stress, anxiety, etc.). \u201cmarijuana addictive\u201d false. marijuana is, fact, addict mani common drug (alcohol, tobacco). drug abus caus addiction. marijuana contain cancer-caus chemic tobacco mind-alt alcohol"} {"id": "3019", "contents": "plant list u.s. feder govern state. common name state feder lists. click place name get complet noxiou weed list location, click composit list feder state noxiou weeds."} {"id": "3020", "contents": "color marijuana varies, common color green brown. 2. common name marijuana? common street term marijuana and/or thc include: aunt mary, boom, chronic, dope ganja, gangster, grass, hash, herb, kif, mari jane, pot, reefer, sinsemilla, skunk, weed. intens effect greatli influenc potenc marijuana. common immedi effect include: relax giddiness. euphoria, paranoia anxiety. increas hunger, dri mouth, blood-shot eyes. memori percept may impair"} {"id": "3021", "contents": "like plants, marijuana come varieti types, type street name. term deriv geograph region origin. popular include: acapulco gold gold. texa tea. sinsemilla sins. panama gold panama red. colombo. chronic."} {"id": "3022", "contents": "however, marijuana use affect one\u2019 percept judgment. also caus social problems. popularity, marijuana mani nicknam street names. fact, probabl anoth drug altern name marijuana. marijuana use variou cultur hundr years."} {"id": "3023", "contents": "pictur popular strain type marijuana, follow a-z strains. choos type marijuana garden depend mani factors, least expect end product. marijuana strain often cross sativa indica give properti i.e. make certain sativa smaller potent, indica larger bigger buds."} {"id": "3024", "contents": "herb. boom. blubbers. gangster. cannabi mani popular 'street names' includ pot, weed, grass ganja. facebook twitter stumbleupon linkedin google+ pinterest add favorite."} {"id": "3025", "contents": "puriti ring ring worn visual symbol commit purity. differ type puriti rings. puriti ring plain simpl band, ornat ring set birthston diamonds. peopl look puriti ring stand make bold statement."} {"id": "3026", "contents": "puriti ring (also known abstin rings, chastiti rings) worn sign chastity. also sometim refer promis ring, though differ 'promis rings' given pre-engag ring."} {"id": "3027", "contents": "puriti ring ring symbol someon commit god stay pure get married. puriti ring ring, also necklace, bracelet item repres remind puriti vow. puriti ring."} {"id": "3028", "contents": "puriti ring simpl fancy. cheap expensive. matter. puriti ring ring repres promise, vow, commit goal abstain sex marriage. puriti ring typic worn left ring finger. significant, fact finger wed ring worn."} {"id": "3029", "contents": "puriti ring also known chastiti ring abstin rings. wear puriti ring typic accompani practic abstin marriage.[ person ring choic gemstone, metal engravings."} {"id": "3030", "contents": "puriti ring symbol commit one person, male female, god, anoth person. commit maintain puriti mind bodi take vow marriage. someth done someon pure."} {"id": "3031", "contents": "answer: risotto recip typic call arborio rice, starchy, short grain rice name italian town first grown. arborio' high amylos content help give risotto characterist creaminess. arborio, carnaroli rice, medium-grain rice also high amylos content, anoth classic lesser known choic risotto part northern italy."} {"id": "3032", "contents": "orzo pasta, shape like littl tini footbal fat grain rice. arborio rice plumper rice, rice nonetheless. make risotto (one highest use arborio rice), need starch ooz grain rice absorb cook liquid."} {"id": "3033", "contents": "country, italian arborio rice often use substitut bomba, arborio wide available. use varieti rice, need adjust liquid recip use two cup water stock everi cup rice."} {"id": "3034", "contents": "risotto recip call cup arborio rice. would appreci advic sort rice place could buy it. arborio rice short, fat-grain rice tradit grown itali use make risottos. type rice absorb twice weight water cooking, however, arborio rice absorb 4-5 time weight liquid. give creami textur make risotto, without make gluggy. reason use normal brown white rice may suitabl risotto recipe."} {"id": "3035", "contents": "short-grain, pearl-lik italian white rice high starch. arborio rice form foundat dish risotto. riso mean rice italian. like rices, arborio member grass family. distinguish higher normal amount solubl starch releas cooking. starch make risotto creamy."} {"id": "3036", "contents": "key success risotto-mak use short medium grain rice firm textur high starch content. white sushi rice work nicely. experi starchy, rice-shap grains, pearl barley farro. arborio' high amylos content help give risotto characterist creaminess. arborio, carnaroli rice, medium-grain rice also high amylos content, anoth classic lesser known choic risotto part northern italy."} {"id": "3037", "contents": "risotto simpli name cook method grains. use grain want, barley, kind rice, quinoa, etc. ye made barley risotto, quinoa risotto among others. rissoto certain dish recipe, like way mani peopl think is. reason normal would want use arborio carnaroli higher amount amylopectin, sticki starch promot creami textur risotto, compar rice higher amount amylose, dri starch."} {"id": "3038", "contents": "however, buy arborio make real risotto. arborio medium grain rice, replac medium grain rice. medium grain give gluten long grain (like minut rice uncl ben's), that' give risotto creami texture. look rice aisl bag rice that' mark medium grain. reason use arborio rice starch content-it noth gluten. risotto-styl medium grain rice agit stir starch releas creat creami sauce."} {"id": "3039", "contents": "i'v done risotto short grain rice (which includ sushi rice), good results. i'v even use medium grain rice pinch, stir more, it'll come out."} {"id": "3040", "contents": "market environment. market environ surround impact upon organization. three key element market environ intern environment, microenviron macroenvironment."} {"id": "3041", "contents": "market environ market term refer factor forc affect firm\u2019 abil build maintain success relationship customers. three level environ 3: micro (internal) environment-smal forc within compani affect abil serv customers. meso environ industri compani oper industry\u2019 market(s). macro (national) environment-larg societ forc affect microenvironment."} {"id": "3042", "contents": "market environ market term refer factor forc affect firm' abil build maintain success relationship customers. three level environ are: micro (internal) environment-forc within compani affect abil serv customers. market commun valu product, servic brand custom consum purpos promot sell product, service, brand."} {"id": "3043", "contents": "macro market environ take account factor influenc organisation, outsid control. six major macro market environ forc deal (pestle): political, economic, socio-cultural, technological, legal environmental."} {"id": "3044", "contents": "introduction. firm affect lot differ things; firm' market environ made thing affect way operates. factor' firm' market environ control firm uncontrollable. firm need understand market environ make posit factor manag impact neg factors. firm' market environ spilt three parts: intern environment, macro environ micro environment."} {"id": "3045", "contents": "peopl found helpful. need tri creat good market environ team alway work full potential. peopl found helpful. market environ open new idea unconvent way idea suggest new idea product literature."} {"id": "3046", "contents": "element market environ include, limit to, chang prefer customers, competition, legal, polit regulatori environment, resourc budget, current trend overal economy. market environ everyth compani must take consider develop present new product."} {"id": "3047", "contents": "synopsis. charl babbag english mathematician, philosoph inventor born decemb 26, 1791, london, england. often call \u201cthe father computing,\u201d babbag detail plan mechan calcul engines, differ engines, analyt engines. babbag die octob 18, 1871, london. charl babbag english mathematician, philosoph inventor born decemb 26, 1791, london, england. often call \u201cthe father computing,\u201d babbag detail plan mechan calcul engines, differ engines, analyt engin"} {"id": "3048", "contents": "charl babbag born dec. 26, 1791 england. polymath becam mathematician, mechan engineer, inventor, philosopher. lot contribut differ scientif field famou work probabl come idea programm comput device."} {"id": "3049", "contents": "introduction. calcul engin english mathematician charl babbag (1791-1871) among celebr icon prehistori computing. babbage\u2019 differ engin no.1 first success automat calcul remain one finest exampl precis engin time. public charl babbage: charl babbage. passag life philosopher. new brunswick, nj: rutger univers press, piscataway, nj, 1994). babbage, henri prevost. babbage' calcul engines: collect papers. lo angeles: tomash, 1982) charl babbag institut reprint series, vol. 2."} {"id": "3050", "contents": "vital statistics. charl babbag (1791-1871) born walworth, surrey, decemb 26, 1791. one four children born banker benjamin babbag elizabeth teape. attend trinity, cambridge, 1810 studi mathematics, graduat without honor peterhous 1814 receiv 1817"} {"id": "3051", "contents": "charl babbage, fr (26 decemb 1791 18 octob 1871) english polymath. mathematician, philosopher, inventor mechan engineer, best rememb origin concept programm computer. babbag one four children benjamin babbag betsi plumleigh teape. father bank partner william pra found praed' co. fleet street, london, 1801. 1808, babbag famili move old rowden hous east teignmouth."} {"id": "3052", "contents": "charl babbag born london decemb 26, 1791, son benjamin babbage, london banker. youth babbag instructor algebra, passion fond, well read continent mathemat day. public charl babbage: charl babbage. passag life philosopher. new brunswick, nj: rutger univers press, piscataway, nj, 1994). babbage, henri prevost. babbage' calcul engines: collect papers. lo angeles: tomash, 1982) charl babbag institut reprint series, vol. 2."} {"id": "3053", "contents": "charl babbage, fr (26 decemb 1791 18 octob 1871) english mathematician, philosopher, inventor, mechan engin origin concept programm computer. part uncomplet mechan display london scienc museum. 1991, perfectli function differ engin construct babbage' origin plans. built toler achiev 19th century, success finish engin indic babbage' machin would worked. charl babbag die age 79 18 octob 1871, buri london' kensal green cemetery. accord horsley, babbag die renal inadequacy, secondari cystiti .. 1983 autopsi report charl babbag discov later publish great-great-grandson."} {"id": "3054", "contents": "charl babbag babbag british mathematician, origin innov thinker pioneer computing. charl babbag born 26 decemb 1791, probabl london, son banker. often unwel child educ mainli home."} {"id": "3055", "contents": "charl babbage, fr (/\u02c8baeb\u026ad\u0292/ \u02c8b\u00e6b\u026ad\u0292 26 decemb \u20131791 18 october) 1871 english. polymath a, mathematician, philosoph inventor mechanical, engin babbag best rememb origin concept programmable. comput 1991, perfectli function differ engin construct babbage' origin plans. built toler achiev 19th century, success finish engin indic babbage' machin would worked."} {"id": "3056", "contents": "welcom dharma punx nyc. open buddhist community. podcast. josh korda presid teacher dharmapunx nyc last decad (hi talk found dharmapunxnyc.podbean.com). last five year he\u2019 visit teacher zen care stream."} {"id": "3057", "contents": "dharma punx book way being, come integr polit spiritu beliefs. sought differ path parents, idealist hippi gener long sinc cut hair, left commun bought system."} {"id": "3058", "contents": "inspir buddhist teacher author, noah levin group dharma punx stream buddhist medit society, look inspir punk rock mindfulness, medit compass montreal. class offer without charg support donations."} {"id": "3059", "contents": "subscrib noah' newsletter: welcom offici homepag book: dharma punx noah levine. stori young man gener angri youth rebel parent unfulfil promis sixties."} {"id": "3060", "contents": "497 likes. about. name: phx dharma punx stream buddhist medit societi sprung forth heart buddhism america. come be..."} {"id": "3061", "contents": "dharma punx. dharma punx book way being, come integr polit spiritu beliefs. sought differ path parents, idealist hippi gener long sinc cut hair, left commun bought system."} {"id": "3062", "contents": "montreal dharma punx peer-bas medit group intent creat commun healthy, accountable, wise compassion peopl walk life."} {"id": "3063", "contents": "techniqu acid heap leach process like copper method use sulfur acid instead cyanid solut liquefi target miner crush ore. process urban european nickel plc rock laterit deposit turkey balkans."} {"id": "3064", "contents": "techniqu call \u201cheap leaching\u201d commonli use extract gold ore. heap leaching, ore crush fine particles. heap larg pile spray cyanide, trickl ore bond gold."} {"id": "3065", "contents": "gold mine cyanid report i-147 repeal ban cyanid heap leach gold mine cyanid environ cyanid gener term, refer variou specif cyanid compounds."} {"id": "3066", "contents": "heap leach process extract preciou metal like gold, silver, copper uranium ore place pad (a base) heap sprinkl leach solvent, cyanid acids, heap. process dissolv metal collect bottom pad."} {"id": "3067", "contents": "gold heap leaching. heap leach industri mine process extract preciou metals, copper, uranium, compound ore via seri chemic reaction absorb specif miner re-separ divis earth materials."} {"id": "3068", "contents": "heap leach industri mine method dig preciou metal copper compound ore. process heap leaching. mine ore crush tini chunk heap imperm plastic and/or clay line leach pad may irrig leach solut melt valuabl metals. sprinklers, frequent drip irrigation, use minim evaporation."} {"id": "3069", "contents": "leach also use remov metal ores. one procedur certain crush ore copper place seri tanks. solvent, sulfur acid, pump first tank, dissolv copper ore."} {"id": "3070", "contents": "foreign intern defens (fid) (jp 1-02) particip civilian militari agenc govern action program taken anoth govern free protect societi subversion, lawlessness, insurgency. see fm 100-20. area hostil insurg territori 360-degre defens support combat patrol larger oper combat support combat servic support assets. (see also echelon .) see fm 71-100-3."} {"id": "3071", "contents": "e-2. highli mobil an/tpq-36 normal locat kilomet (km) behind forward line troop (flot). an/tpq-36 emplac readi oper within 15 minut march-ord within 10 minut version vii system daylight hours. e-3. e-8. an/tpq-37 sector search 300 mil minimum 1,600 mil maximum. q-37 normal deploy 12 km behind flot. q-37 emplac readi oper within 30 minut march-ord within 15 minut"} {"id": "3072", "contents": "see fmfrp 0-14. forward oper base (fob) (jp 1-02) special operations, base usual locat friendli territori afloat establish extend command control commun provid support train tactic operations. area hostil insurg territori 360-degre defens support combat patrol larger oper combat support combat servic support assets. (see also echelon .) see fm 71-100-3."} {"id": "3073", "contents": "forward line troop (flot) (jp 1-02) line indic forward posit friendli forc kind militari oper specif time. flot normal identifi forward locat cover screen forces. (army) flot may at, beyond, short feba. enemi flot indic forward posit hostil forces. (see also line contact (lc).) see fm 1-111, 6-20 series, 7-20, 7-30, 71-100, 71-123, 100-5, 100-15. area hostil insurg territori 360-degre defens support combat patrol larger oper combat support combat servic support assets. (see also echelon .) see fm 71-100-3."} {"id": "3074", "contents": "flot/feba may includ cover screen forces. forward line enemi troop (flet) feba enemy' perspective. adject variant term front line use describ materiel personnel intend forward use-at sea, land air-i.e. front line."} {"id": "3075", "contents": "note: definit flot acronym attic. abbrevi databas surfer. previous. next \u00bb. flores. florida. florl. flors. flos. flosem. 10 floss. 11 flosse. 12 flossie. 13 flosy. 14 flotc. 15 floti. 16 flotm. 17 flotox. 18 flotus. 19 floue. 20 flow. 21 flowsim. 22 flowview. 23 flox. world' comprehens profession edit abbrevi acronym database. trademarks/servic mark referenc site properti respect owners. acronym finder \u00a91988-2015, acronym finder, right reserved."} {"id": "3076", "contents": "front line frontlin closest position(s) arm force' personnel equipment-gener respect maritim land forces. forward line troop (flot) forward edg battl area (feba) technic term use branch u.s. arm services. forward line enemi troop (flet) feba enemy' perspective. adject variant term front line use describ materiel personnel intend forward use-at sea, land air-i.e. front line."} {"id": "3077", "contents": "back azimuth could add 180 azimuth 180 degre less subtract 180 180 degrees. term."} {"id": "3078", "contents": "line indic forward posit friendli forc kind militari oper specif time. forward line troop (flot) normal identifi forward locat cover screen forces. flot may at, beyond, short forward edg battl area. enemi flot indic forward-most posit hostil forces. also call flot. definit unit state depart defens militari term forward line troop z. forward line troops."} {"id": "3079", "contents": "ecosystem commun live organ conjunct nonliv compon environ (thing like air, water miner soil), interact system. biotic abiot compon regard link togeth nutrient cycl energi flows."} {"id": "3080", "contents": "ecosystems. plant anim found particular locat refer ecosystem. plant anim depend survive. delic balance, lifeform help sustain one anoth regular pattern"} {"id": "3081", "contents": "ecosystem geographi written 1996, time publish materi ecosystem geographi available, none systemat elabor principl underli map ecosystem form access advanc student practitioners."} {"id": "3082", "contents": "biom large-scal ecosystem defin abiot [abiotic: non-liv element ecosystem, climate, temperature, water, soil type. factors. are: climate. relief [relief: height ground sea level. ]. geolog [geology: studi structur earth. ecosystem ecosystem: commun animals, plant microorganisms, togeth habitat live. small-scale, cover small area (such pond) large-scal cover larg area (such tropic rainforest)."} {"id": "3083", "contents": "ecosystem. ecosystem live non-liv compon environ interrelationship (connections) exist them. non live compon within ecosystem call abiot components, exampl abiot compon climat (sun light, rainfall) rocks. live compon biotic, includ vegetation, anim humans. ecosystem big, small. biomes. biom larg geograph area distinct plant anim groups, adapt particular environment. climat geographi region determin type biom exist region."} {"id": "3084", "contents": "1. abiot element non-living, affect ecosystem. exampl includ water, heat, relief, atmosphere, soil, fire, gravity, nutrient rocks. 2. biotic element live element ecosystem. word plant animals. within biotic element, organisms, known producers. convert sunlight energi process photosynthesis. primarili relat climat soil seen ecosystem. climate, soil veget interact close produc characterist natur individu ecosystem. ecosystem split two main sections, abiot biotic elements: 1."} {"id": "3085", "contents": "introduction. ecosystem live commun plant anim share environ non-liv element climat soil. ecosystem exist varieti scales. exampl small scale ecosystem (micro) pond. medium scale ecosystem (messo) could forest. tropic rainforest exampl larg ecosystem (biome). sunlight main sourc energi"} {"id": "3086", "contents": "ecosystem includ live organ specif area. system plant anim interact non-liv environ (weather, earth, sun, soil, atmosphere). ecosystem' develop depend energi move system. ecosystem small puddl larg pacif ocean. ecosystem includ everi live non-liv thing area. sever small commun interact other."} {"id": "3087", "contents": "yohimb contain chemic affect body. chemic call yohimbine. yohimbin might affect bodi way medic depress call maois. take yohimb along maoi might increas effect side effect yohimb maois. yohimb contain chemic affect brain. chemic call yohimbine. naloxon (narcan) also affect brain. take naloxon (narcan) along yohimbin might increas chanc side effect anxiety, nervousness, trembling, hot flashes."} {"id": "3088", "contents": "yohimb contain chemic call yohimbin increas blood flow nerv impuls peni vagina. also help counteract sexual side effect certain medic use depression. yohimb contain chemic affect brain. chemic call yohimbine. naloxon (narcan) also affect brain. take naloxon (narcan) along yohimbin might increas chanc side effect anxiety, nervousness, trembling, hot flashes."} {"id": "3089", "contents": "a. generations, bark yohimb tree, evergreen nativ western africa, use remedi erectil dysfunct (ed). yohimb bark extract, also known yohimbine, dietari supplement. made yohimb bark, sold variou names. avail without prescription, promot claim altern remedi ed. whether actual work unclear. yohimb bark extract confus yohimbin hydrochloride, differ supplement. yohimbin hydrochlorid avail prescript u.s. treatment impot sinc 1930s."} {"id": "3090", "contents": "activ ingredi extract yohimbine; veterinari drug use revers sedat dog deer. addit yohimbine, yohimb extract contain 55 alkaloids. yohimbin account 1-20% total alkaloid content. yohimb extract wide use dietari supplement. itself, yohimb bark fda list ban substances. yohimb bark also current ban uk, ireland, belgium, netherlands, australia, new zealand, denmark, czech republic, canada."} {"id": "3091", "contents": "editor' picks. come from: yohimb deriv bark west african evergreen tree. yohimbin activ chemic (an alkaloid) found said bark cultiv supplement form. yohimbin hydrochlorid standard form yohimbin avail prescript drug unit states."} {"id": "3092", "contents": "yohimb (pausinystalia johimbe) tree grow western central africa; yohimbin origin extract bark yohimb 1896 adolph spiegel. 1943 correct constitut yohimbin propos witkop. yohimbin drug use veterinari medicin revers effect xylazin dog deer. yohimb extracts, contain yohimbine, use tradit medicin west africa aphrodisiac yohimb extract market dietari supplements."} {"id": "3093", "contents": "yohimb tree grow africa, nativ use crude bark purifi compound enhanc sexual desir performance. yohimb use centuri aphrodisiac. even smoke hallucinogen."} {"id": "3094", "contents": "yohimbin studi potenti treatment erectil dysfunct insuffici evid rate effectiveness. extract yohimb contain yohimbin use tradit medicin west africa aphrodisiac market dietari supplements. yohimbin drug use veterinari medicin revers effect xylazin dog deer. yohimb extracts, contain yohimbine, use tradit medicin west africa aphrodisiac yohimb extract"} {"id": "3095", "contents": "yohimbin (/jo\u028a\u02c8h\u026ambi\u02d0n/) indol alkaloid deriv bark pausinystalia yohimb tree central africa. yohimbin drug use veterinari medicin revers effect xylazin dog deer. yohimb extracts, contain yohimbine, use tradit medicin west africa aphrodisiac yohimb extract market dietari supplements."} {"id": "3096", "contents": "col4a1 -relat brain small-vessel diseas part group condit call col4a1 -relat disorders. condit group rang sign symptom involv fragil blood vessels. col4a1 -relat brain small-vessel diseas character weaken blood vessel brain."} {"id": "3097", "contents": "blood carri vessels. arteries, strong, flexible, resilient, carri blood away heart bear highest blood pressures. arteri elastic, narrow (recoil) passiv heart relax beat thu help maintain blood pressure. capillaries, blood pass venules, vein return heart. arteri arteriol rel thick muscular wall blood pressur high must adjust diamet maintain blood pressur control blood flow."} {"id": "3098", "contents": "arteri branch smaller smaller vessels, eventu becom small vessel call arterioles. arteri arteriol muscular wall adjust diamet increas decreas blood flow particular part body. capillaries, blood pass venules, vein return heart. arteri arteriol rel thick muscular wall blood pressur high must adjust diamet maintain blood pressur control blood flow."} {"id": "3099", "contents": "circulatori system, vein (from latin vena) blood vessel carri blood toward heart. vein carri deoxygen blood tissu back heart; except pulmonari umbil veins, carri oxygen blood heart. contrast veins, arteri carri blood away heart. vein less muscular arteri often closer skin. valv vein prevent backflow."} {"id": "3100", "contents": "includ arteries, veins, capillaries. arteri carri blood heart body' organs. vein carri blood organ limb back heart. capillari connect small arteri veins. blood vessel inflamed, narrow close off. limit prevent blood flow vessel. rarely, blood vessel stretch weaken, caus bulge. bulg known aneurysm (an-u-rism)."} {"id": "3101", "contents": "blood flow capillari small vein call venules, vein lead back heart. vein much thinner wall arteries, larg pressur vein much lower. vein widen (dilate) amount fluid increases. capillaries, blood pass venules, vein return heart. arteri arteriol rel thick muscular wall blood pressur high must adjust diamet maintain blood pressur control blood flow."} {"id": "3102", "contents": "spider veins. spider vein scatter small conglomer center. spider veins, refer similar often bear spider spider web, mild variant varicos veins. small tini blood vessel lie close skin. wall small vein becom weak relat varieti factor begin bulg skin' surface."} {"id": "3103", "contents": "three major type blood vessels: arteries, carri blood away heart; capillaries, enabl actual exchang water chemic blood tissues; veins, carri blood capillari back toward heart."} {"id": "3104", "contents": "however, pulmonari circulation, arteri carri deoxygen blood heart lungs, vein return blood lung heart. differ vein arteri direct flow (out heart arteries, return heart veins), oxygen content. contrast veins, arteri carri blood away heart. vein less muscular arteri often closer skin. valv vein prevent backflow."} {"id": "3105", "contents": "like muscles, need oxygen nutrient function. heart receiv oxygen nutrient blood pump larg blood vessel call aorta, smaller blood vessel call arteri (coronari arteries), even smaller vessel call arteriol capillaries."} {"id": "3106", "contents": "munster one two creepi sitcom began 1964. cb air munster abc air addam family."} {"id": "3107", "contents": "octob 26, 2012, nbc air modern reimagin munster call mockingbird lane pilot. seri fail pick nbc despit success munster fan good ratings."} {"id": "3108", "contents": "america go get chanc see nbc' reboot munster pilot mockingbird lane all. sourc tell hollywood report network decid air pricey $10 million pilot, develop two years, halloween special. mockingbird lane air friday, oct. 26 p.m. grimm (oct. 31 wednesday). nbc declin comment."} {"id": "3109", "contents": "(robert pine, long regular seri role chips, appear suitor marilyn, ugli black sheep family.) second spin-off, call munsters' revenge, air televis 15 year later februari 27, 1981, three leads."} {"id": "3110", "contents": "programs, munster is, day, greatest series'. manag translat 50+ year air without scratch it. thing show give age away hairstyl fact film black white."} {"id": "3111", "contents": "munster instant hit upon debut. end first season, number eight slot. beverli owen, first marilyn, pilot favor boyfriend, one produc (he later becam husband produc sesam street)."} {"id": "3112", "contents": "one day jerri hensler, head creativ develop univers studio call al said send script want al fred appear in. 16 minut present grey advertis sold sponsors. began munsters. written primarili fred al."} {"id": "3113", "contents": "space trunk belong anoth consider choos mid-siz full-siz rental car. mid-siz car smaller overal typic less trunk space full-siz car. rental car compani use differ brand car vari slightli size avail space. typic mid-siz vehicl might includ pontiac grand nissan altima. full-siz rental might includ ford tauru chevi impala."} {"id": "3114", "contents": "rental car compani use varieti label indic size cars. compani use differ car brand types, need ensur know type car obtaining. compact car one agenc might midsiz another. mani rental compani also offer custom loyalti membership card provid free upgrad members."} {"id": "3115", "contents": "rental car compani categor vehicles, vehicl consid compact could end mid-siz category. size common way classifi cars, compani also use featur car. smaller car extra featur may move higher class. rental car compani use differ brand car vari slightli size avail space. typic mid-siz vehicl might includ pontiac grand nissan altima. full-siz rental might includ ford tauru chevi impala."} {"id": "3116", "contents": "u.s. budget locat great car avail rent! people, choos style model favorit part car rental experience. it, fun! mani u.s. locat locat outsid u.s. also carri uniqu rental cars."} {"id": "3117", "contents": "mid-siz full-siz two common categori cars. specif vehicl offer categori depend rental company' standard well type vehicl use. understand gener differ two categori help make select rent car. rental car compani use differ brand car vari slightli size avail space. typic mid-siz vehicl might includ pontiac grand nissan altima. full-siz rental might includ ford tauru chevi impala."} {"id": "3118", "contents": "summary: u.s. corporate-oper locat offer follow (or similar type of) small rental cars. mani locat also carri uniqu car rent. exact rental car model vari location. find type model gener avail rental locat make car rental reservation."} {"id": "3119", "contents": "full size car one driver may seem like compact someon else. side word caution anyon plan rent car. come choos rental car, best look specif make model make decision."} {"id": "3120", "contents": "save. audi, ford motor company, chrysler llc, bmw. compact car, identifi small car europe, fall mid-siz sub-compact vehicles. typic honda civic, hyundai elantra, chrysler pt cruiser audi a3 fall compact category. compact hatchback, two-and four-door model sport compact. sport cars. strict definit mani sport cars, audi tt mazda miata, consid compact cars, although case engin size often exce 2.4-liter limit."} {"id": "3121", "contents": "japanes design compact car, honda civic. compact car (north america), small famili car british acceptation, classif car larger subcompact car smaller mid-siz car, equat roughli c-segment europe. exampl compact car asia includ tata indigo, honda civic, nissan bluebird sylphy, mazda3, subaru impreza, suzuki sx4, mitsubishi lancer, hyundai elantra, kia forte, toyota corolla, proton preve. prev\u00e9"} {"id": "3122", "contents": "noun. chemic substanc releas end nerv fibr arriv nerv impuls and, diffus across synaps junction, effect transfer impuls anoth nerv fibre, muscl fibre, structure. exampl sentences."} {"id": "3123", "contents": "neurotransmitter: chemic releas nerv cell therebi transmit impuls nerv cell anoth nerve, muscle, organ, tissue."} {"id": "3124", "contents": "definit acetylcholine. neurotransmitt [c7h16no2]+ releas autonom synaps neuromuscular junction form enzymat tissu choline. see acetylcholin defin kids.advertisement."} {"id": "3125", "contents": "noun. 1. neurotransmitter-a neurochem transmit nerv impuls across synapse. adrenalin, adrenaline, epinephrin, epinephrine-a catecholamin secret adren medulla respons stress (trade name adrenalin); stimul autonom nerv action."} {"id": "3126", "contents": "medic definit acetylcholine. neurotransmitt c7h17no3 releas autonom synaps neuromuscular junctions, activ transmiss nerv impulses, form enzymat tissu choline.\u2014 ace\u00b7tyl\u00b7cho\u00b7lin\u00b7 \\-k\u014d-\u02c8lin-ik\\ adjective.efinit acetylcholine. neurotransmitt [c7h16no2]+"} {"id": "3127", "contents": "neurotransmitters. neuron special nerv cell receives, processes, transmit inform cell body. fix number neurons, mean regenerate."} {"id": "3128", "contents": "full definit neurotransmitter. substanc (a norepinephrin acetylcholine) transmit nerv impuls across synapse. see neurotransmitt defin english-languag learners. see neurotransmitt defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "3129", "contents": "dopamine, norepinephrin epinephrin group neurotransmitt call catecholamines. norepinephrin also call noradrenalin epinephrin also call adrenalin. neurotransmitt produc step-by-step fashion differ enzyme.eurotransmitt neuroact peptides. commun inform neuron accomplish movement chemic across small gap call synapse. chemicals, call neurotransmitters, releas one neuron presynapt nerv terminal."} {"id": "3130", "contents": "definit neurotransmitt english: chemic substanc releas end nerv fibr arriv nerv impuls and, diffus across synaps junction, effect transfer impuls anoth nerv fibre, muscl fibre, structure. exampl sentences.oun."} {"id": "3131", "contents": "inhibitori neurotransmitters. serotonin inhibitori neurotransmitt mean stimul brain. adequ amount serotonin necessari stabl mood balanc excess excitatori (stimulating) neurotransmitt fire"} {"id": "3132", "contents": "month-to-month fee vari usag season. however, 2011, american pay roughli percent per month util compar time 2010. here\u2019 break state. averag monthli util bill u.s.: $163. alabama: $195. alaska: $133. arizona: $150. arkansas: $94."} {"id": "3133", "contents": "trash. although mani apart apart complex trash deposit garbage, you\u2019r still like bill pickup. complex follow averag util costs, could expect pay $10 $40 month trash pickup. averag bill fall $10 $30 month, although may bill flat rate cost $20 $60. although mani apart apart complex trash deposit garbage, you\u2019r still like bill pickup."} {"id": "3134", "contents": "averag annual expenditur northeast utilities, household operations, furnish 1988 $265 per month. averag total cost shelter 1988 northeast $648 per month. non-mortgag hous expens depend lifestyl energi effici home. home energi efficient, may abl afford higher mortgag monthli util cost lower."} {"id": "3135", "contents": "best answer. hannah krause, 15217. kerry, util cost realli vari wide depend size home, energi efficiency, number peopl live home, person habits. monthli cost cable, example, could vari $30 $200 depend option choose. gas, electric, water sewer, rough start point preliminari budget purpos might $250-300/month, assum small hous conserv energi use."} {"id": "3136", "contents": "here, too, mani factor alter util costs. example, averag water consumpt famili four 100 gallon per day cost low $34 per month phoenix high $65 per month boston. likewise, energi cost fluctuat base consumpt habits, locat size home. establish new home, it\u2019 good idea understand may cost. accord 2012 statist abstract unit state censu bureau, averag cost run household 2009 $1,408 per month."} {"id": "3137", "contents": "although cost vary, averag budget use run home. establish new home, it\u2019 good idea understand may cost. accord 2012 statist abstract unit state censu bureau, averag cost run household 2009 $1,408 per month."} {"id": "3138", "contents": "consid size apart gener climate. averag electr bill may low $30 per month high $100. ga may cost, average, anywher $40 $150 fluctuat depend season. averag bill fall $10 $30 month, although may bill flat rate cost $20 $60. although mani apart apart complex trash deposit garbage, you\u2019r still like bill pickup. complex follow averag util costs, could expect pay $10 $40 month trash pickup"} {"id": "3139", "contents": "2013, averag annual electr consumpt u.s. residenti util custom 10,908 kilowatthour (kwh), averag 909 kwh per month. louisiana highest annual consumpt 15,270 kwh, hawaii lowest 6,176 kwh."} {"id": "3140", "contents": "correspond monthli annual cost item found study, pertain cost own home, include: utilities, fuels, public servic $321.75 per month $3,861 per year. household oper $92.92 per month $1,115 per year. overall, claim would cost around $24,000 per year, $2,000 per month, home. american hous survey initi conclud cost around $17,500 year"} {"id": "3141", "contents": "singl implant typic cost 2400 3000 4000 10000 addit procedur like extract bone graft place abut dental crown singl implant typic add 500 3000 cost implant total 1500 13"} {"id": "3142", "contents": "two six implant remov dentur plate cost 3500 30000 depend number type implant mini implant less expens dentur materi case exist dentur plate adapt use implant procedur need"} {"id": "3143", "contents": "two six implant top partial full mouth dental bridg cost 3500 30000 depend number implant bridg size materi need procedur"} {"id": "3144", "contents": "singl tooth implant cost singl dental implant cost gener 850 3500 rang price everyth goe smoothli howev addit procedur need done expect pay 10000 unit state averag price singl dental implant around 2500"} {"id": "3145", "contents": "pay dental implant challeng also rare cover dental insur plan howev dental plan cover least cost dental implant decad ago averag cost anywher 1500 2800 replac singl tooth price rang broad mani differ factor associ"} {"id": "3146", "contents": "best way determin actual cost dental implant contact us free consult accord dentalimplantcostguid com averag complet dental implant cost 4250"} {"id": "3147", "contents": "dental implant also use support bridg dentur averag cost complet set dentur support dental implant 34000 inform procedur use put dental implant place check blog post dental implant 101"} {"id": "3148", "contents": "station midland main line, run london nottingham sheffield, 118 mile 20 chain (190.30 km) london terminu st pancras. north station ratcliff junction, line nottingham sheffield (via derby) diverge. site station southwest nottinghamshire, 500 metr (0.3 mi) border leicestershir kilometr (0.6 mi) derbyshire, station loughborough, long eaton attenborough."} {"id": "3149", "contents": "pax east take place boston convent exhibit center (bcec), conveni locat heart boston, massachusetts. direct public transit info."} {"id": "3150", "contents": "east midland parkway railway station locat north ratcliffe-on-soar midland main line east midland england. provid park ride facil rail passeng rout leicest derbi nottingham. also closest station east midland airport, mile (6.4 km) away, reach hourli minibu service. site station southwest nottinghamshire, 500 metr (0.3 mi) border leicestershir kilometr (0.6 mi) derbyshire, station loughborough, long eaton attenborough."} {"id": "3151", "contents": "over. never pax east 2015. it\u2019 over. done, gone, exist memori (or perhaps, linger muscl soreness). huge thank exhibitors, enforcers, attendees\u2026w hope much fun did! if\u2026"} {"id": "3152", "contents": "36 hunter st. e., hamilton, l8n 3w8. hunter st. e. jame st. east (toronto) west (brantford): exit hwy. 403 main st.; east jame st.; south station. east (st. catharines, niagara): exit qew burlington st. west wellington st.; south king st.; west hughson st; south station."} {"id": "3153", "contents": "east croydon railway station tram stop croydon travelcard zone 5. 10.35 mile (16.56 km) south london bridge. largest busiest station croydon. 1842 station jointli administ l&br south eastern railway (ser), share brighton main line far redhill. fare croydon london common two railways. 1846 l&br l&cr amalgam form london, brighton south coast railway (lb&scr), two station shortli renam east croydon west croydon avoid confusi"} {"id": "3154", "contents": "note. nearest railway station east london univers list below. train servic station may vary, use journey planner confirm travel arrangements. unless shown otherwis special offer section, travel station shown east london univers includ rail ticket."} {"id": "3155", "contents": "station servic facilities. see inform nation rail station' facil use full partial station name 3-charact code. travel via london page also give inform travel around london. station code."} {"id": "3156", "contents": "richard nixon, 37th presid us, resign due involv waterg incid impend impeachment. succeed august 9, 1974 gerald rudolph ford jr. richard m. nixon us presid resign office. hew replac vp, gerald r. ford. ford person vp president, elect either office. peopl found useful."} {"id": "3157", "contents": "two u.s. vice presid resign office. john calhoun resign polici disput president, spiro agnew resign discov he\u2019d take bribes. spiro theodor agnew 39th vice presid unit states, serv presid richard nixon. agnew investig unit state attorney\u2019 offic charg extortion, tax fraud, briberi conspiraci 1973, formal charg accept bribe total $100,000. agnew u.s. vice presid histori resign crimin charges."} {"id": "3158", "contents": "richard nixon elect 37th presid unit state (1969-1974) previous serv u.s. repres u.s. senat california. nixon deni person involvement, court forc yield tape record indic had, fact, tri divert investigation. result unrel scandal maryland, vice presid spiro t. agnew resign 1973."} {"id": "3159", "contents": "richard nixon, 37th presid us, resign due involv waterg incid impend impeachment. succeed august 9, 1974 ger ald rudolph ford jr. impeach charg grew illeg act reelect campaign 1972. richard nixon (37th president, 1969-1974) presid date resign office. pend impeach proceed him, follow con gression hear crimin act administr"} {"id": "3160", "contents": "richard milhou nixon, 37th presid unit states, first presid resign office. nixon resign august 9, 1974, face almost certain impea chment like conviction. resign culmin so-cal waterg scandal. richard nixon (37th president, 1969-1974) presid date resign office. pend impeach proceed him, follow con gression hear crimin act administr"} {"id": "3161", "contents": "less year richard m. nixon\u2019 resign presid unit states, spiro agnew becom first u.s. vice presid resign disgrace. day, plead contest charg feder incom tax evas exchang drop charg polit corruption. a+e networks."} {"id": "3162", "contents": "ap file photo. richard milhou nixon announc last night resign 37th presid unit state noon today. vice presid gerald r. ford michigan take oath new presid noon complet remain 1/2 year mr. nixon' term."} {"id": "3163", "contents": "richard milhou nixon (januari 9, 1913 april 22, 1994) 37th presid unit states, serv 1969 1974 becam u.s. presid resign office."} {"id": "3164", "contents": "washington. break news *** presid barack obama resign presid unit states! presid barack obama shock nation! call white hous staff oval offic announc go resign presid unit states. conced elect mitt romney."} {"id": "3165", "contents": "texa counti part missouri' 33rd district missouri senat current repres state senat chuck purgason (r-caulfield). counti organ 1843 ashley county, chang name 1845 texas, republ texas. 2010 u.s. censu indic center popul unit states."} {"id": "3166", "contents": "texa counti counti locat southern portion u.s. state missouri. 2010 census, popul 26,008. counti seat houston. counti organ 1843 ashley county, chang name 1845 texas, republ texas. 2010 u.s. censu indic center popul unit states."} {"id": "3167", "contents": "polic depart jail. missouri citi tx polic jail polic jail hous inmat immedi arrest. inmat held temporarili provid meal access bathroom facilities. use inmat search featur find inmat here."} {"id": "3168", "contents": "metro oper missouri citi park ride locat beltway fondren road, terminu express bu rout 163 fondren sharpstown downtown houston rout 170 missouri citi express texa medic center (termin texa medic center transit center metrorail station there). citi first made fondren park (in harri county), near us 90a, earli 1960s, follow quail valley, along cartwright road texa parkway murphi road, late 1960s."} {"id": "3169", "contents": "area missouri citi locat hold signific part histori texa date back earli day part unit states. citi first made fondren park (in harri county), near us 90a, earli 1960s, follow quail valley, along cartwright road texa parkway murphi road, late 1960s."} {"id": "3170", "contents": "missouri citi citi u.s. state texas, within houston\u2013th woodlands\u2013sugar land metropolitan area. citi mostli fort bend county, small portion harri county. citi first made fondren park (in harri county), near us 90a, earli 1960s, follow quail valley, along cartwright road texa parkway murphi road, late 1960s."} {"id": "3171", "contents": "woodforest nation bank: missouri citi tx walmart branch 10250 hwi 6, branch establish 2009/01/16; missouri citi wal-mart branch 5501 highway 6, branch establish 2001/11/07. user submit fact corrections: there' new high school missouri citi call thurgood marshal high school. there\\' new high school missouri citi call thurgood marshal high school. oyster creek run missouri citi includ 1-mile section trail."} {"id": "3172", "contents": "16.5%. accord research texa state list 69 regist sex offend live missouri city, texa octob 05, 2015. ratio number resid missouri citi number sex offend 1,000 1. user submit fact corrections: there' new high school missouri citi call thurgood marshal high school. there\\' new high school missouri citi call thurgood marshal high school. oyster creek run missouri citi includ 1-mile section trail."} {"id": "3173", "contents": "throat cancer risk factors. mani cancers, risk develop throat cancer increas age, peopl age 65. men two three time like women develop throat cancer lifetime."} {"id": "3174", "contents": "day ago diagnos mucocel sinc think sort cancer. 21 year age, non-smoker, non-drink athletic. feel like difficulti swallowing, problem down food drink want."} {"id": "3175", "contents": "throat cancer prognosi show 25,000 peopl everi year diagnos tumor. cancer seen men women seen majorli men age group 50 65 year age. averag patient diagnos tumor consid 65. accord research conduct american cancer research, throat cancer statist year 2005 2006 follow :-."} {"id": "3176", "contents": "noteworthy, hpv tie develop cervic cancer. hpv also risk factor oral oropharyng cancers. 25 percent patient cancer infect hpv seen"} {"id": "3177", "contents": "chart show median age diagnosi (the age half older half younger), 68 hpv-associ penil cancer, 56 among men hpv-associ anal cancer, 58 among men hpv-associ oropharyng cancers."} {"id": "3178", "contents": "hpv-associ anal oropharyng cancer gener diagnos slightli younger age men women. median age diagnosi (the age half cancer patient older half younger), is\u2014. 48 year hpv-associ cervic cancer. 60 among women 56 among men hpv-associ anal cancer. 61 among women 58 among men hpv-associ oropharyng cancers."} {"id": "3179", "contents": "price vari tremendously, depend upon type frame, lens type retailer. glass cost $8 $600 without insurance. name brands, price rang $50 $1,000 more. see much eye exam cost. special len materi len coat extra cost. upgrad rang $20 uv coat lens $300 light-weight frames. cost item vari tremendously."} {"id": "3180", "contents": "concept offer 20 30 degre field expans depend prescrib prism power. peli len inwav vfa prism estim cost treatment option (compar peli lens) 1980 lens introduc sold $1500 plu $500 $800 training. twenti year pass cost increased. recent heard price $4000 sure includ train scan price lenses. (compar peli lens). 1980 lens introduc sold $1500 plu $500 $800 training. twenti year pass cost increased. recent heard price $4000 sure includ train scan price lenses."} {"id": "3181", "contents": "generally, estim pocket cost astigmat correct toric len implant rang $900-$1500 per eye estim pocket cost near vision len implant rang $1500-$3000 per eye. medicar cataract surgeri also quit comprehensive. medicar cover portion, all, cataract surgeon fee, facil fee, cost monofoc len implant necessari follow care cataract surgery."} {"id": "3182", "contents": "cost materi fit temporari prism rang $80 $150 minimum offic visits; estim total cost $200 $400 grand total $280 $520. pair perman prism glass rang $600 $1500 depend len type peli prism power. (compar peli lens). 1980 lens introduc sold $1500 plu $500 $800 training. twenti year pass cost increased. recent heard price $4000 sure includ train scan price lenses."} {"id": "3183", "contents": "glass cost $8 $600 without insurance. name brands, price rang $50 $1,000 more. eye doctor' clinic, price eyeglass vari depend upon frames, lens region country. see much eye exam cost. special len materi len coat extra cost. upgrad rang $20 uv coat lens $300 light-weight frames. cost item vari tremendously."} {"id": "3184", "contents": "replac contact approxim everi two weeks, mean need five box (30 lenses) per eye, total 10 box per year. come annual contact len cost roughli $220 $260 (lens only). number factor chang estimate, including: astigmatism. contact lens correct astigmat cost soft contact correct nearsighted farsightedness. soft contact lens astigmatism, call toric contacts, frequent retail $50 $70 box six lenses."} {"id": "3185", "contents": "(in 2010 averag $3,279, 2011 $2,699, 2012 $3,429 2013 $3,230.). want high-tech, presbyopia-correct intraocular len cataract procedure, cost would increas averag $4,591 per eye (vs. $4,461 2010, $4,337 2011, $4,269 2012 $4,350 2013). averag addit charg $2,188 per eye premium, presbyopia-correct iol, alreadi medicar coverag basic cataract surgeri costs. averag addit charg $607 per eye, need extra surgic procedur correct mild astigmatism."} {"id": "3186", "contents": "opt kind len otherwis insurance, averag extra cost would $1,294 per eye. ask eye surgeon' bill repres cost premium iol (presbyopia-correct toric astigmatism), make sure clarifi points: averag addit charg $2,188 per eye premium, presbyopia-correct iol, alreadi medicar coverag basic cataract surgeri costs. averag addit charg $607 per eye, need extra surgic procedur correct mild astigmatism."} {"id": "3187", "contents": "presbyopia. age 40 need bifocals, number contact len option correct presbyopia. eye doctor recommend prescrib dispos bifoc contact lenses, estim per-box cost lens $50 $70 (similar cost dispos toric contacts). again, annual len cost $500 $700 unusu wear lens daili replac everi two weeks. number factor chang estimate, including: astigmatism. contact lens correct astigmat cost soft contact correct nearsighted farsightedness. soft contact lens astigmatism, call toric contacts, frequent retail $50 $70 box six lenses."} {"id": "3188", "contents": "central nervou system overview. central nervou system consist brain spinal cord (see multimedia file 1). brain play central role control bodili functions, includ awareness, movements, sensations, thoughts, speech, memory. basic unit central nervou system neuron (nerv cell). billion neuron allow differ part bodi commun via brain spinal cord."} {"id": "3189", "contents": "nervou system. human nervou system broadli divid two sections, central nervou system (cns) peripher nervou system (pns). cn made brain spinal cord. pn made nerv radiat spinal cord rest body."} {"id": "3190", "contents": "nervou system three gener functions: sensori function, interpret function motor function. sensori nerv gather inform insid bodi outsid environment. nerv carri inform central nervou system (cns). sensori nerv gather inform insid bodi outsid environment. nerv carri inform central nervou system (cns). sensori inform brought cn process interpreted. motor nerv convey inform cn muscl gland body."} {"id": "3191", "contents": "nervou system divid two parts: central nervou system consist brain spinal cord. peripher system connect central nervou system rest body. sensori nerv gather inform insid bodi outsid environment. nerv carri inform central nervou system (cns). sensori inform brought cn process interpreted. motor nerv convey inform cn muscl gland"} {"id": "3192", "contents": "structure. nervou system divid two parts: central nervou system consist brain spinal cord. structur protect bone cushion injuri cerebrospin fluid (csf). peripher system connect central nervou system rest body. sensori nerv gather inform insid bodi outsid environment. nerv carri inform central nervou system (cns). sensori inform brought cn process interpreted. motor nerv convey inform cn muscl gland"} {"id": "3193", "contents": "nervou system complex collect nerv special cell known neuron transmit signal differ part body. essenti body\u2019 electr wiring. structurally, nervou system two components: central nervou system peripher nervou system. accord nation institut health, central nervou system made brain, spinal cord nerves. peripher nervou system consist sensori neurons, ganglia (cluster neurons) nerv connect one anoth cent"} {"id": "3194", "contents": "vertebr speci consist two main parts, central nervou system (cns) peripher nervou system (pns). cn contain brain spinal cord. pn consist mainli nerves, enclos bundl long fiber axons, connect cn everi part body."} {"id": "3195", "contents": "central nervou system (cns) part nervou system consist brain spinal cord. microscopically, differ neuron tissu central nervou system peripher nervou system. central nervou system divid white gray matter. also seen macroscop brain tissue."} {"id": "3196", "contents": "central nervou system. central nervou system divid two parts: brain spinal cord. averag adult human brain weigh 1.3 1.4 kg (approxim pounds). brain contain 100 billion nerv cell (neurons) trillion support cell call glia. differ peripher nervou system (pns) central nervou system (cns): cns, collect neuron call nuclei. pns, collect neuron call ganglia. cns, collect axon call tracts. pns, collect axon call nerv"} {"id": "3197", "contents": "mani medic normal would use treat symptom cold safe take pregnancy. follow list medic pose littl risk babi pregnancy; however, best consult doctor take medic reliev symptoms."} {"id": "3198", "contents": "antibiot won\u2019t help cold. take easy, rest feel tired, drink plenti water keep hydrated. stuffi nose nuisanc tri inhal steam use salt water nasal spray. ask pharmacist recommend vapour rub safe pregnancy. like pick cold time pregnancy. normal catch two four cold year. young children get cold even often, you\u2019r around may catch cold frequent (nice 2011) it\u2019 alway easi tell differ cold flu."} {"id": "3199", "contents": "share. 200 virus caus symptom common cold (nh 2013a) symptom last week, although cough last three week (nice 2011) cold caus viru bacteria, antibiot won\u2019t help get better. sometim bacteri infect throat, sinuses, ear lung follow cold (nice 2011, nh 2013b) like pick cold time pregnancy. normal catch two four cold year. young children get cold even often, you\u2019r around may catch cold frequent (nice 2011) it\u2019 alway easi tell differ cold flu."} {"id": "3200", "contents": "77 followers. a. cold medicin pregnanc categori b, mean good proof safe, good proof they\u2019r not. certain cold medicin pseudoephedrin phenlyephrin categori c, mean anim studi shown risk fetus, human studi lacking. you\u2019r miser make cold symptoms, call doctor ask recommends. answer consid medic advice... answer consid medic advic take place doctor\u2019 visit."} {"id": "3201", "contents": "cold medicin don\u2019t shorten durat cold. clinic studies, cold medicin reduc symptom slightly. cold pose addit risk baby. pregnant women get influenza vaccin flu season, safe mother baby. catch flu pregnanc serious. you\u2019r miser make cold symptoms, call doctor ask recommends. answer consid medic advice... answer consid medic advic take place doctor\u2019 visit."} {"id": "3202", "contents": "although medic reliev symptoms, don\u2019t want drug caus problem baby. fortunately, mani medic taken pregnant, treat cold flu pregnanc frighten experience. sponsored: save trip doctor' office. talk top doctor get treatment cold flu comfort home. pregnant women higher risk get cold flu immun system weaken pregnancy, accord cleveland clinic. weaker immun system help stop woman\u2019 bodi reject unborn baby. also leav expect mom vulner viral bacteri infections."} {"id": "3203", "contents": "a. a. may come time pregnanc you\u2019r feel weather sure take regular over-the-count (otc) medication. medic safe take pregnancy. other not, effect babi may known. meet doctor confirm pregnant, ask med ok take med need find altern for. generally, take otc medic pregnant unless necessary. follow medic home remedi known harm effect pregnanc taken accord packag directions."} {"id": "3204", "contents": "cold, may follow symptoms: generally, though, flu come faster, caus higher fever make feel exhaust (nh 2012) you\u2019r sure, see doctor quickly, flu pregnanc harm baby. like pick cold time pregnancy. normal catch two four cold year. young children get cold even often, you\u2019r around may catch cold frequent (nice 2011) it\u2019 alway easi tell differ cold flu."} {"id": "3205", "contents": "expert advice. cold pregnancy, may feel effect viru even would pregnancy, simpli bodi work hard support babi right now."} {"id": "3206", "contents": "(2) dna made four bases: adenin guanine, cytosin thymine; na made adenin guanine, cytosin uracil, differ rna, uracil replac thymine. (3) dna doubl strand molecule, rna singl strand molecule. contain sugar, phosphat groups, four differ nitrogen base pairs. three nitrogen base rna dna: guanine, adenine, cytosine. thymine, fourth base pair found dna, replac uracil rna. dna deoxyribos sugar rna ribos sugar. deoxyribos sugar one less oxygen atom ribos sugar"} {"id": "3207", "contents": "nucleotid consist sugar, phosphat nucleic acid base. sugar dna deoxyribose. sugar rna ribose, deoxyribos one oh (oxygen-hydrogen atom combin call hydroxyl). biggest differ dna rna. (1) rna single-strand dna double-strand helix. (2) rna also uracil base dna base thymine. however, even differ structures, dna rna cooper role field cell biology."} {"id": "3208", "contents": "1. organisms, dna gener found double-stranded, rna single-stranded. 2. dna deoxyribos pentos sugar, rna ribos pentos sugar. 3. dna thymine; rna uracil. biggest differ dna rna. 3. nitrogen base dna: adenin guanin cytosin thymin nitrog base rna: adenin guanin cytosin uracil."} {"id": "3209", "contents": "2. sugar dna deoxyribose. sugar rna ribose, deoxyribos one oh (oxygen-hydrogen atom combin call hydroxyl). biggest differ dna rna. 3. nitrogen base dna: adenin guanin cytosin thymin nitrog base rna: adenin guanin cytosin uracil."} {"id": "3210", "contents": "one major differ dna rna sugar, 2-deoxyribos replac altern pentos sugar ribos rna. four base found dna adenin (abbrevi a), cytosin (c), guanin (g) thymin (t)."} {"id": "3211", "contents": "dna usual doubl strand cellular rna singl stranded. 1)in dna pentos sugar deoxyribose.wherea rna pentos sugar ribose. 2)in dna common organ base adenine,guanine,cytosin thymine.wherea rna common organ base adenine,guanine,cytosin uracil. rna contain ribose, dna contain deoxyribose, similar sugar contain one fewer oxygen molecul (de...oxy). anoth differ dna double-stranded, rna singl strand. three nitrogen base two type (adenine, cytosine, guanine), dna contain thymin rna contain uracil. also function differences. dna blueprint protein form cell"} {"id": "3212", "contents": "three major known group archaebacteria: methanogens, halophiles, thermophiles. methanogen anaerob bacteria produc methane. found sewag treatment plants, bogs, intestin tract ruminants. ancient methanogen sourc natur gas."} {"id": "3213", "contents": "thermoacidophiles, halophil methanogens. addit note: themoacidophil found hot springs, halophil found extrem salti region methanogen found gut rumin anim like cow also respons product methan dung anim (biogas)."} {"id": "3214", "contents": "archaebacteria part prokaryot organ family, mean tiny, single-cel organisms. accord state univers new york, plenti water, air objects. three differ type archaebacteria, make home extrem environments."} {"id": "3215", "contents": "archaea. three main type archaea: crenarchaeota (kren-are-key-oh-ta), character abil toler extrem temperatur acidity."} {"id": "3216", "contents": "among three main type archaea subtypes, include: methanogen (meth-an-oh-jins) archaean produc methan ga wast product digestion, process make energy. halophil (hal-oh-files) archaean live salti environments."} {"id": "3217", "contents": "methanogen found environ anaerob (no oxygen). type environ methanogen found swamp marshes, intestin tract anim humans. name suggests, methanogen produc methan gas."} {"id": "3218", "contents": "anoth type archaebacteria halophiles. thermophil thrive extrem hot environments, halophil thrive extrem salti environments. make home water soil, long high amount salt."} {"id": "3219", "contents": "three major type archaebacteria: methanogens, halophil thermoacidophiles. microorgan consid oldest life form earth thrive unusu conditions, environ without oxygen."} {"id": "3220", "contents": "plasma electrolyt deby length (also call deby radius), name dutch physicist physic chemist peter debye, measur charg carrier' net electrostat effect solution, far electrostat effect persist. deby length becom increasingli signific model solid state devic improv lithograph technolog enabl smaller geometries."} {"id": "3221", "contents": "keyword pick kelli miller. deby length scale mobil charg carrier screen electr field plasma conductors. also known shield distanc repres distanc charg surfac shield bulk. doubl layer form liquid neutral charg surfac creat potenti surfac point mass suspend liquid. charg surfac result charg distribut solut known electr doubl layer (edl)."} {"id": "3222", "contents": "commonli refer debye\u2013hueckel h\u00fcckel. length characterist length scale the\u2013deby hueckel, h\u00fcckel equat set scale variat potenti concentr of. charg speci deby length becom increasingli signific model solid state devic improv lithograph technolog enabl smaller geometries."} {"id": "3223", "contents": "plasma physics, deby length, name dutch physic chemist peter debye, scale mobil charg carrier (e.g. electrons) screen electr field plasma conductors. words, deby length distanc signific charg separ occur. deby sphere volum whose radiu deby length, sphere influence, outsid charg screened. space plasma electron densiti rel low, deby length may reach macroscop values, magnetosphere, solar wind, interstellar medium intergalact medium (see table):"} {"id": "3224", "contents": "deby sphere volum whose radiu deby length, sphere influence, outsid charg electr screened. deby length becom increasingli signific model solid state devic improv lithograph technolog enabl smaller geometries."} {"id": "3225", "contents": "deby length aris natur thermodynam descript larg system mobil charges. system differ speci charges, the-th speci carri charg concentr position. deby length becom increasingli signific model solid state devic improv lithograph technolog enabl smaller geometries."} {"id": "3226", "contents": "might know, deby length crucial materi paramet question concern ionic conducitv (the field ionic ), whenev carrier concentr extrem larg (i.e. compar concenetr atoms, i.e metals). simpli equat tell us. still need order calcul deby length linkag potenti u(x) v(x) concentr c(x) cours poisson equation, main equat electrostatics, about. look one-dimension case"} {"id": "3227", "contents": "bird eye\u00ae pepper stir fry, flavor crunchi assort green, red, yellow pepper white onions. hearty, protein-rich beef strips, thinli slice quick cooking. bird eye\u00ae steamfresh\u00ae chef' favorit southwestern style rice, prepar light, fluffi perfection."} {"id": "3228", "contents": "email. bird eye foods' new steamfresh veget provid compani insist can't-miss way microwave-heat flash-frozen veget perfect result everi time minutes, without water boil chopping."} {"id": "3229", "contents": "anytim bbq. bird eye\u00ae pepper stir-fry, flavor crunchi assort green, red, yellow pepper white onions. bird eye\u00ae steamfresh\u00ae chef' favorit rigatoni veget tomato parmesan sauce, featur al dent pasta light, italian-styl sauc blend flavor complement veggies."} {"id": "3230", "contents": "bird eye\u00ae pepper stir-fry, flavor crunchi assort green, red, yellow pepper white onions. bird eye\u00ae steamfresh\u00ae chef' favorit rigatoni veget tomato parmesan sauce, featur al dent pasta light, italian-styl sauc blend flavor complement veggies."} {"id": "3231", "contents": "vegetables. bird eye, veget frozen within hour picked, make pack goodness. get five-a-day tasti way wide rang frozen veget healthi vegetarian meals, quick easi make burst flavour."} {"id": "3232", "contents": "steakhous dinner. bird eye\u00ae broccoli stir-fry, tasti color veget blend featur fresh broccoli, mushroom slice carrots. bird eye\u00ae steamfresh\u00ae long grain white rice mix vegetables, prepar light, fluffi perfection. zesti stir-fri sauce. plump chicken strip sizzl tender juicy."} {"id": "3233", "contents": "bring tast asia home bird' eye' excit rang stir fri vegetables. snap frozen lock flavour nutrients, pack contain differ veget combin asian experience. bird eye stir fri quick simpl way enjoy favourit asian dish time."} {"id": "3234", "contents": "delici dinners. bird eye\u00ae pepper stir fry, flavor crunchi assort green, red, yellow pepper white onions. hearty, protein-rich beef strips, thinli slice quick cooking. bird eye\u00ae steamfresh\u00ae chef' favorit southwestern style rice, prepar light, fluffi perfection."} {"id": "3235", "contents": "basa fish type catfish found southeast asia, mainli vietnam. fish valu appeal food source, especi mass market elsewher world, includ unit states. basa fish caught wild adults, rais captiv caught fry."} {"id": "3236", "contents": "basa fish. basa fish, pangasiu bocourti, type catfish famili pangasiidae. basa nativ mekong river delta vietnam chao phraya basin thailand. fish import food fish intern market. often label north america australia basa fish bocourti."} {"id": "3237", "contents": "basa fish pangasiu hypopthalmus, type catfish famili pangasiidae. basa nativ mekong river delta vietnam chao phraya basin. basa farm larg quantities. popular fish vietnam consum increas quantiti around world."} {"id": "3238", "contents": "basa? basa fresh water fish, farm mainli mekong river system vietnam. one world' success aquacultur species-and rapidli becom one popular fish europe, north america-and australia."} {"id": "3239", "contents": "unicellular organ bacteria, mitosi type asexu reproduction, make ident copi singl cell. multicellular organisms, mitosi produc cell growth repair."} {"id": "3240", "contents": "type cell organ undergo mitosi meiosis. mitiosi undergo cell organ reproduc asexu creat indent copi dna. meiosi use organ reli sexual reproduct howev process mitosi still need growth. tweet."} {"id": "3241", "contents": "process unicellular organ use reproduc sexually, involv input dna one organ another. still two cell end process, recipi new organism. process involv cell divis meiosis, though."} {"id": "3242", "contents": "mitosi unicellular organisms. unicelullar (single-celled) organisms, mitosi common import form asexu reproduction. also call binari fission, play role similar process call multipl fission. organ reproduc mitosi make exact copi themselves. bacteri coloni abl form genet ident individuals. unicellular organ reproduc mitosis, bacteria, unicellular protist fungi may undergo fission."} {"id": "3243", "contents": "eukaryot organisms, whose cell contain nuclei, undergo mitosis. eukaryot organ includ animals, plants, fungi, other (tradit call protista). bacteri cells, lack nuclei classifi prokaryotic, divid differ process, call binari fission."} {"id": "3244", "contents": "cellular differenti cell becom special part larger organism. think along line brain cells, skin cells, heart, cells, etc. unicellular organ are, definition, single-cel organism, go cellular differentiation."} {"id": "3245", "contents": "mitosi reproduct skin, heart, stomach, cheek, hair etc. cells. cell autosom cells. also form asexu reproduction, one organ cell reproduc itself. organ reproduc asexu hydra, bacteria, singl cell organisms."} {"id": "3246", "contents": "choos disput content id claim believ system somehow misidentifi video, right use copyright-protect content. may want learn fair use public domain choos disput either reasons. youtub can\u2019t help determin whether disput claim, you\u2019ll probabl want seek legal advic you\u2019r still sure do. disput claim without valid reason, copyright owner may choos take video."} {"id": "3247", "contents": "quick video tutorial, jon show easi file copyright disput youtube' automat content id claims! serious though, like learn content id, works, check in-depth video produc subject: http://youtu.be/slgldwasb0m."} {"id": "3248", "contents": "take video: alway choos remov video youtube, mean you\u2019ll get copyright strike account. you\u2019v alreadi disput content id claim feel mistakenli upheld copyright owner, may abl appeal decision. youtub can\u2019t help determin whether disput claim, you\u2019ll probabl want seek legal advic you\u2019r still sure do. disput claim without valid reason, copyright owner may choos take video."} {"id": "3249", "contents": "go back video manag page click video' copyright statu again, say disput claim, give date one month day file dispute, copyright holder must review disput decid whether releas claim reinstat it. make sure provid justif believ video fair use messag youtub box. provid youtub justif state file counter-notice, youtub reject counter-notic without even forward copyright holder."} {"id": "3250", "contents": "never delet video plan file copyright disput on! second true, simpli re-submit counter-notic form, includ messag youtub box brief explan video infringing, specif video. gener statement fair use sufficient. make sure provid justif believ video fair use messag youtub box. provid youtub justif state file counter-notice, youtub reject counter-notic without even forward copyright holder."} {"id": "3251", "contents": "alternatively, disput youtub music video qualifi \u2018fair use\u2019. help mani youtub partner make music parodi popular commerci song approach often works. wouldn\u2019t recommend sure-fir way defend copyright claims, however. receiv copyright claim video use music, disput youtube! take consider time, remov claim much quicker. send link youtub video receiv claim along order number white-list video remov claim."} {"id": "3252", "contents": "video block youtube' automat content id system, need disput content identification. this, follow follow steps. go video manag page. click copyright notic left side bar. make sure provid justif believ video fair use messag youtub box. provid youtub justif state file counter-notice, youtub reject counter-notic without even forward copyright holder."} {"id": "3253", "contents": "disput content id claim, copyright owner notified, they'll 30 day respond. receiv copyright strike, won\u2019t abl disput claim process describ below. youtub can\u2019t help determin whether disput claim, you\u2019ll probabl want seek legal advic you\u2019r still sure do. disput claim without valid reason, copyright owner may choos take video."} {"id": "3254", "contents": "post 11jan09 jessamyn. content owner disagre disput reason, option submit copyright takedown notic result disabl video and/or penalti account. avoid penalization, submit legitim disput claims. second case, realli feel like decent fair use case, fill form. form say think clip fair use copyright law. it\u2019 respons \u201cunderstand law\u201d accord youtube, understand it."} {"id": "3255", "contents": "submit dispute, copyright owner 30 day respond. don\u2019t respond within 30 days, claim video expire, don\u2019t need anything. youtub can\u2019t help determin whether disput claim, you\u2019ll probabl want seek legal advic you\u2019r still sure do. disput claim without valid reason, copyright owner may choos take video."} {"id": "3256", "contents": "question recent ask hair weav wet, straighten perm. well, answer simple. need make sure get hair weav 100% human hair. 100% hair extens set. 5. cancel. hair weav one get wet, straighten even perm want to. find hair weav get wet, straighten perm help new york citi born rais hair makeup artist free video clip."} {"id": "3257", "contents": "want best, get better human hair clip hair extensions. look feel natural, last longest provid style options. hair style heat tools, even colored. highest grade human hair clip extens remi human hair."} {"id": "3258", "contents": "wet hair, add shampoo condition brush thoroughly. sure wash brush hair one direction. rins hair complet water towel dry. best air dri hair also blow-dri low medium heat. 7. also make leave-in condition home dilut condition (10%) water (90%). ask contact one his/her long term clients. hair extens client like remain anonym usual one two like talk extensions. possibl seek consult least stylist way get way comparison."} {"id": "3259", "contents": "like clip-in extens even full head sew weave, hair. techniqu get hair there. 100% human hair anyth it. color this, wet this, perm this, straighten this. 5. cancel. hair weav one get wet, straighten even perm want to. find hair weav get wet, straighten perm help new york citi born rais hair makeup artist free video clip."} {"id": "3260", "contents": "relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: depend type extens brand method. cheap synthet hair extens best get wet unless purpos put extens trip plan take get back home. good qualiti 100% human hair extens ye get wet. human hair good qualiti hair mess. sew extens ye abl swim unless hair type like caucasian hair."} {"id": "3261", "contents": "wear swim cap protect weav hair extens damag effect chlorin salt water, loosen dri out. number chic swim cap avail choos from, satisfi tast fashion. also appli \u2018leav on\u2019 hair product contain spf moistur agent protection."} {"id": "3262", "contents": "also caus hair loss clasp points. hair fine thin clip may caus hair loss. best use occasion hair extens care instruct first follow instruct given stylist. first instruct hair extensions. 1. ask contact one his/her long term clients. hair extens client like remain anonym usual one two like talk extensions. possibl seek consult least stylist way get way comparison."} {"id": "3263", "contents": "sleep, cover hair satin bonnet. want creat reinforc wave pattern hair extensions, use vari size braids. want long, loos beach waves, divid hair directli middl loos braid side. synthet extensions, need spray littl water end calm frizz. frizz realli bad end get matted, use littl leav condition straighten problem right away."} {"id": "3264", "contents": "dri extens brush hair whilst wet) detangl hair, advis use leav condition spray. post spray hair, detangl use wide tooth comb ensur contact bonds. ensur bond complet dried. use cover band place long extens braid. get extens hair wet. keep head water, avoid dive water swimming. chlorin present pool well salt present sea along heat matt chemic within pool caus discoloration."} {"id": "3265", "contents": "two cowbird species, brown-head bronzed, bird north america complet depend bird rais young. therefor describ obligatori nest parasites."} {"id": "3266", "contents": "brown-head cowbird (molothru ater) brood parasite, mean lay egg nest species. femal cowbird quietli search femal bird speci activ lay eggs. compound problem. cowbird depend exclus singl host species; known parasit 220 differ speci north american bird therefor spread impact across mani populations."} {"id": "3267", "contents": "brown-head cowbird brood parasite: lay egg nest small passerin (perch birds), particularli build cup-lik nests. brown-head cowbird egg document nest least 220 host species, includ hummingbird raptors. brown-head cowbird femal lay 36 egg season. 140 differ speci bird known rais young cowbirds. unlik common cuckoo, brown-head cowbird divid gent whose egg imit particular host."} {"id": "3268", "contents": "species, yellow warbler, recogn cowbird egg reject build new nest top them. speci accept cowbird egg either notic new eggs, new evid suggests, accept defens total nest destruction. compound problem. cowbird depend exclus singl host species; known parasit 220 differ speci north american bird therefor spread impact across mani populations."} {"id": "3269", "contents": "cowbird bird belong genu molothru famili icteridae. brood parasit new world bird unrel old world cuckoos, one which, common cuckoo, famou brood parasit bird. molothru genu contains: scream cowbird, molothru rufoaxillaris."} {"id": "3270", "contents": "nli two speci cowbirds, brown-head bronzed, found north america. cowbird speci generalist parasites, lay egg nest wide rang species. bronz cowbird success 28 77 species, 28, 18 occur north mexico. recent studi estim percent brown-head cowbird egg result adults."} {"id": "3271", "contents": "group cowbird known herd corral.. winter, brown-head cowbird join sever speci blackbird form larg roosts, number well thousands. song character somewhat gurgl glug-glug-gle tune. noisi birds."} {"id": "3272", "contents": "brown-head cowbird rais young, instead lay egg nest bird species. this, cowbird expos species-typ visual auditori inform like birds. brown-head cowbird femal lay 36 egg season. 140 differ speci bird known rais young cowbirds. unlik common cuckoo, brown-head cowbird divid gent whose egg imit particular host."} {"id": "3273", "contents": "brown-head cowbird one two speci cowbird found north america. speci brood parasit lay egg nest birds. formerli occur central grassland north america, wholesal clear forest land allow brown-head cowbird extend rang across north america, increas popul dramatically."} {"id": "3274", "contents": "host speci recogn reject cowbird eggs, mani host speci song sparrow distinguish egg cowbird. upper wing covert adult male black. younger bird show brownish wash. speci brood parasit lay egg nest birds. formerli occur central grassland north america, wholesal clear forest land allow brown-head cowbird extend rang across north america, increas popul dramatically."} {"id": "3275", "contents": "medium pot, saut onion oil. add split peas, ham bone, enough water cover ingredients; season salt pepper. cover, cook pea left, green liquid, hours. cooking, check see water evaporated. readi in."} {"id": "3276", "contents": "told love bean next legume: peas. like beans, dri pea inexpensive, nutrient powerhouse. popular pea noth new, we\u2019v got healthi updat old favorit like split pea soup plus, new way tri them. peas, please. cook, use cup water per cup peas. bring water boil cook 40 minut pea reach desir tenderness, drain. cup dri pea yield cup cook ones, use larg pot."} {"id": "3277", "contents": "beans, split pea lentil (often refer \u201cpulses\u201d) edibl seed legum plants. great low-fat sourc protein high fiber. post cover cook dri can pulses, provid link great recipes. bean go sever differ names. use beans, lentil split peas. cook bean lentil versatile, although differ flavor textures, often use interchang recipes. general, bean lentil use top veget salads, add textur rice, couscou pasta salads."} {"id": "3278", "contents": "green yellow split pea commonli use make pea soup split pea soup, sometim peas pudding, commonli prepar mediev europe. north india, gener known matar ki daal, sometim use cheaper variat popular chhole stall offer it. yellow split pea may sometim confus indian toor dal (split pigeon peas) chana dal (split yellow gram, desi chickpeas); commonli known peas, latter legum species. cyprus, green leav popular winter."} {"id": "3279", "contents": "dri pea yuma county, dri bean pea common spring crop mani producers, 1000 acr production. fresh pea avail starchier, hardier flavor legum need recipe, dri pea perfect choice; avail time year."} {"id": "3280", "contents": "split pea lentil requir soaking. take short amount time cook (about 20 minut hour depend recipe). dri bean hand, requir soak least hours. (it best soak overnight. use beans, lentil split peas. cook bean lentil versatile, although differ flavor textures, often use interchang recipes. general, bean lentil use top veget salads, add textur rice, couscou pasta salads."} {"id": "3281", "contents": "no. black-ey pea (vigna unguiculata) varieti cowpea part famili bean pea (leguminosa fabacea usa). although call pea, actual bean. pea bean legumes, edibl seed pods."} {"id": "3282", "contents": "black-ey peas, shell. black-ey pea black-ey bean, legume, subspeci cowpea, grown around world medium-sized, edibl bean. common commerci one call california blackeye; pale-color promin black spot."} {"id": "3283", "contents": "term \u201cpostmodernism\u201d first enter philosoph lexicon 1979, public postmodern condit jean-francoi fran\u00e7ois. lyotard therefor give lyotard pride place section that. follow economi select dictat choic figur this. entri furthermore, say lyotard, work becom modern first postmodern, postmodern modern end nascent state, is, moment attempt present unpresentable, \u201cand state constant\u201d (lyotard 1984 [1979], 79)."} {"id": "3284", "contents": "postmodernism. gener wide-rang term appli literature, art, philosophy, architecture, fiction, cultur literari criticism, among others. postmodern larg reaction assum certainti scientific, objective, effort explain reality. postmodern post deni exist ultim principles, lack optim scientific, philosophical, religi truth explain everyth everybody-a characterisit so-cal modern mind."} {"id": "3285", "contents": "answer p32002121. confid vote 49.5k. postmodern term appli wide-rang set develop critic theory, philosophy, architecture, art, literature, culture, gener character either emerg from, reaction to, superseding, modernism."} {"id": "3286", "contents": "littl consensu precis characteristics, scope, import postmodern literature, often case artist movements, postmodern literatur commonli defin relat precursor. example, postmodern literari work tend conclud neatli tied-up end often found modernist literatur (woolf, joyce, faulkner), often parodi it. postmodern author tend celebr chanc craft, employ metafict undermin writer' authority."} {"id": "3287", "contents": "postmodern broad term use describ movement wide rang disciplines, includ art, philosophy, critic theory, music. critic theori philosophy, postmodern serv strike counterpoint classic foundat philosophy. earlier philosoph theorist devot ongo explor univers system, postmodernist focu role search creat known truth itself."} {"id": "3288", "contents": "full definit postmodern. 1. 2. a: of, relat to, variou movement reaction modern typic character return tradit materi form (a architecture) iron self-refer absurd (a literature). post\u00b7mod\u00b7ern\u00b7 \\-d\u0259r-\u02ccni-z\u0259m\\ noun"} {"id": "3289", "contents": "defin postmodernism. interest provid sens rang debat surround postmodernism, debat central much current think hypertext, definit provid jame morley. appear post postmodern cultur electron confer list. firstly, postmodern movement architectur reject modernist, avant garde, passion new. modern understood art architectur project reject tradit favour go man gone better: creat form purpos novelty."} {"id": "3290", "contents": "postmodern difficult define, defin would violat postmodernist' premis definit terms, boundaries, absolut truth exist. article, term postmodern remain vague, sinc claim postmodernist vari belief opinion issues."} {"id": "3291", "contents": "postmodern late-20th-centuri movement arts, architecture, critic departur modernism. postmodern includ skeptic interpret culture, literature, art, philosophy, history, economics, architecture, fiction, literari criticism."} {"id": "3292", "contents": "noun. 1. central gyrus-eith two gyri either side central sulcus. gyrus, convolution-a convex fold elev surfac brain. precentr gyrus-th convolut frontal lobe bound back central sulcu contain motor area."} {"id": "3293", "contents": "precentr gyrus. [-sen\u2032tr\u0259l]. etymology: l, prae gk, kentron, center, gyros, turn. convolut cerebr hemispher immedi anterior central sulcu cerebrum hemisphere. locat motor strip control voluntari movement contralater side body. also call anterior central gyrus. frontal gyru three (inferior, middle, superior) gyri frontal lobe. fusiform gyru one inferior surfac hemispher inferior tempor parahippocamp gyri, consist later (later occipitotempor gyrus) medial (medial occipitotempor gyrus) part."} {"id": "3294", "contents": "precentr gyru convolut frontal lobe immedi front central sulcus; primari motor area cerebr cortex; call also anterior central gyrus. frontal gyru three (inferior, middle, superior) gyri frontal lobe. fusiform gyru one inferior surfac hemispher inferior tempor parahippocamp gyri, consist later (later occipitotempor gyrus) medial (medial occipitotempor gyrus) part."} {"id": "3295", "contents": "primari motor cortex (brodmann area 4) left cerebr hemispher shown red. primari motor cortex (brodmann area 4) brain region human locat dorsal portion frontal lobe. lateral, convex side primari motor cortex arrang top bottom area correspond buttocks, torso, shoulder, elbow, wrist, fingers, thumb, eyelids, lips, jaw. arm hand motor area largest, occupi part precentr gyru leg face area."} {"id": "3296", "contents": "precentr gyru (a.k.a. motor strip) promin structur surfac posterior frontal lobe. lesion precentr gyru result paralysi contralater side bodi (facial palsy, arm-/leg monoparesis, hemiparesis) see upper motor neuron."} {"id": "3297", "contents": "noun. 1. precentr gyrus-th convolut frontal lobe bound back central sulcu contain motor area. central gyrus-eith two gyri either side central sulcus."} {"id": "3298", "contents": "precentr gyru (pcg), also known motor strip primari motor cortex, part brain\u2019 neocortex respons execut voluntari movements."} {"id": "3299", "contents": "precentr gyrus, may also call primari motor area or, commonly, motor strip immedi anterior central sulcus. control voluntari movement skelet muscles; cell bodi pyramid tract found gyrus."} {"id": "3300", "contents": "precentr gyru (noun). noun precentr gyru sense: 1. convolut frontal lobe bound back central sulcu contain motor area. familiar information: precentr gyru use noun rare."} {"id": "3301", "contents": "precentr gyru lie front postcentr gyrus-mostli later (convex) side cerebr hemispheres-from separ central sulcus. anterior border repres precentr sulcus, inferiorli border later fissur (sylvian fissure). lesion precentr gyru result paralysi contralater side bodi (facial palsy, arm-/leg monoparesis, hemiparesis) see upper motor neuron."} {"id": "3302", "contents": "tanya zaricor march 2013 becom interpret like? janet cullen american sign languag (asl) interpreter. janet went cabrillo colleg santa cruz, california ohlon colleg freemont, california studi becom interpreter."} {"id": "3303", "contents": "rid. registri interpret deaf, inc. (rid), nation membership organization, play lead role advoc excel deliveri interpret transliter servic peopl use sign languag peopl use spoken language. collabor deaf community, rid support member encourag growth profess establish nation standard qualifi sign languag interpret transliterators, ongo profession develop adher code profession conduct."} {"id": "3304", "contents": "explor career requir becom sign languag interpreter. get fact educ requirements, certification, licensure, job duti determin right career you. sign languag interpreter, use combin bodi language, facial express finger spell techniqu facilit commun hear deaf persons. might provid express (voic sign) interpretation, might util method call sign exact english (see)."} {"id": "3305", "contents": "bachelor' degre interpret normal requir becom asl interpret take certif exam administ registri interpret deaf. rid also provid altern pathway certification. asl fluency. first step becom asl interpret learn sign. student studi asl first two year four-year degre program."} {"id": "3306", "contents": "comfort knowledg asl deaf culture, may appli test certification. sever level certif avail registri interpret deaf (rid) nation associ deaf (nad). certified, need maintain certif particip continu educ pay annual rid nad membership fees. sign languag interpreter, use combin bodi language, facial express finger spell techniqu facilit commun hear deaf persons. might provid express (voic sign) interpretation, might util method call sign exact english (see)."} {"id": "3307", "contents": "becom interpret deaf hard hearing. interpret deaf hard-of-hear fulli train professionals. becom certifi licens interpret city, town area depend local certif laws. articl base profession experi interpret austin, tx. nation registri interpreters, rid (registri interpret deaf). 50 state accept rid certif lieu state certif (which call reciprocity). state not. again, check local law find out."} {"id": "3308", "contents": "qualif procedures. minimum qualif becom interpret deaf texa are: one must least 18 year age, high school graduat complet ged program appli certification. applic must acquir level certif proceed next level (texas, 2001). conclus becom certifi interpret deaf texas, one must acquir possess wide rang languag skill includ english american sign language. evalu test process requir the."} {"id": "3309", "contents": "becom interpret deaf texas. interpret deaf, texas, must certifi commiss deaf hard hear order interpret deaf individu situat deaf need commun hear individuals. conclus becom certifi interpret deaf texas, one must acquir possess wide rang languag skill includ english american sign language. evalu test process requir the."} {"id": "3310", "contents": "deaf interpreter. deaf interpret specialist provid interpreting, translation, transliter servic american sign languag visual tactual commun form use individu deaf, hard-of-hearing, deaf-blind. deaf-hear interpret team ensur spoken languag messag reach deaf consum languag commun form understand, deaf consumer\u2019 messag convey success spoken language."} {"id": "3311", "contents": "thymu lymphoid gland compris two ident size lobes, locat behind sternum (breastbone) front heart. deriv name resembl bear bud thyme plant (thymu latin). age, size thymu declin lymphoid tissu disappear fat fibrou tissu appears. t-cell deriv name thymus, produc human body. lymphoid stem cell deliv outer cortex, layer, thymu blood."} {"id": "3312", "contents": "thymus. thymu gland main organ lymphat system. locat upper chest region, primari function gland promot develop specif cell immun system call lymphocytes."} {"id": "3313", "contents": "thymu special primari lymphoid organ immun system. within thymus, cell lymphocyt mature. cell critic adapt immun system, bodi adapt specif foreign invaders. thymu compos two ident lobe locat anatom anterior superior mediastinum, front heart behind sternum. histologically, lobe thymu divid central medulla peripher cortex surround outer capsule. thymu organ t-cell development, congenit defect thymic genesi defect thymocyt develop lead profound cell defici primari immunodefici disease."} {"id": "3314", "contents": "cell defend bodi potenti deadli pathogen bacteria, viruses, fungi. thymu soft, roughli triangular organ locat mediastinum thorac caviti anterior superior heart posterior sternum.... click read below. thymu gland, despit contain glandular tissu produc sever hormones, much close associ immun system endocrin system. thymu serv vital role train develop t-lymphocyt cells, extrem import type white blood cell"} {"id": "3315", "contents": "1. lymphoid organ locat superior mediastinum lower part neck necessari earli life normal develop immunolog function. 2. thymu calf lamb."} {"id": "3316", "contents": "thymoma, tumor thymu gland. thymu gland part lymphat system locat behind breastbone. thymic carcinoma (also call thymoma), rare type cancer thymu gland. germ cell, tumor form embryolog immatur cells. thymu gland part lymphat system locat behind breastbone. thymic carcinoma (also call thymoma), rare type cancer thymu gland."} {"id": "3317", "contents": "thymus. thymu lymphoid gland compris two ident size lobes, locat behind sternum (breastbone) front heart. deriv name resembl bear bud thyme plant (thymu latin). puberty, thymu reach height use, becom largest. age, size thymu declin lymphoid tissu disappear fat fibrou tissu appears. t-cell deriv name thymus, produc human body. lymphoid stem cell deliv outer cortex, layer, thymu blood."} {"id": "3318", "contents": "thymu bilob lymphoid organ locat superior mediastinum thorax, posterior sternum. puberty, begin decreas size; small fatti adult degeneration. primari function thymu process matur lymphocytes."} {"id": "3319", "contents": "thymu gland organ upper chest caviti process lymphocytes, type white blood cell fight infect body. organ part lymphat system, make major part immun system, endocrin system, includ gland produc hormones. two irregularli shape part make thymus, locat directli throat, behind sternum. gland releas hormon stimul product certain type white blood cell bone marrow; cells, call thymocyt transport bloodstream thymus."} {"id": "3320", "contents": "instance, 1,000 1,500 squar foot home cost $130, larger home bigger 2,500 squar feet could closer $200. finishingtouchcleaningservice.com nice calcul insert inform get decent estim move clean costs. depend home, averag move clean session take around three five hour complete. compani prefer home empti possible. clean compani alreadi clean agent tool need complet job."} {"id": "3321", "contents": "hous clean servic (sometim call maid service) vari cost accord frequenc service, condit size home. price gener base either number rooms, squar footag hour. biweekli clean five-room apart cost $59-$124, seven-room single-stori home run $79-$150, larger nine-room two-stori home cost $104-$180. hands.com texa offer websit calcul help determin clean cost accord number type rooms."} {"id": "3322", "contents": "rental deposit coupl hundr dollars, mayb not. clean servic provid deep clean old home. move clean cost somewher $150 $250 average, $200 rough price 1,000 sq. ft. home. course, carpet heavili soiled, need clean deeper mariana trench, price might go up. here\u2019 breakdown what, roughly, expect pay. landlord clean place need be. take price clean rental deposit. price landlord clean place higher you."} {"id": "3323", "contents": "average, typic cost clean apart vari depend size apart clean task would want performed. averag fee clean two-bedroom, 900 square-foot apart $75 $200 one-tim clean fees. all-about-the-details.com, apart clean compani locat missouri, charg $80 apart 500 squar feet much $400 apart larger 5,000 squar feet. anoth company, bcleaningservice.com, charg anywher $135 $200 initi cleaning."} {"id": "3324", "contents": "cases, price go vari depend size home, amount clean need done, compani perform job. average, move clean servic go charg anywher $100 $400 entir process. depend home, averag move clean session take around three five hour complete. compani prefer home empti possible. clean compani alreadi clean agent tool need complet job."} {"id": "3325", "contents": "move larg rental unit, expect lot clean do. either need budget time clean brace cost pay maid clean larg space. unfortunately, there' lot ride abil effect clean apartment. properti take money deposit bill clean tenants, cost pile quickly."} {"id": "3326", "contents": "pleas note: cost estim base move out/in averag condition. hardwood floors, averag condition, garages, fireplaces, wet wash woodwork coupon chang cost estimate. insid cabinet drawer includ estimate. see basic move-out clean package, pleas click (popup open)."} {"id": "3327", "contents": "need know averag cost clean empti hous zip code? need fair, trustworthi easy-to-understand 2015 estim move hous clean materi labor costs?"} {"id": "3328", "contents": "finishingtouchcleaningservice.com nice calcul insert inform get decent estim move clean costs. mr. belveder clean servic charg $175 studio apart much $275 3-bedroom home. everi addit room, addit $20 fee apply. depend home, averag move clean session take around three five hour complete. compani prefer home empti possible. clean compani alreadi clean agent tool need complet job."} {"id": "3329", "contents": "averag fee clean two-bedroom, 900 square-foot apart $75 $200 one-tim clean fees. all-about-the-details.com, apart clean compani locat missouri, charg $80 apart 500 squar feet much $400 apart larger 5,000 squar feet. all-about-the-details.com, apart clean compani locat missouri, charg $80 apart 500 squar feet much $400 apart larger 5,000 squar feet. anoth company, bcleaningservice.com, charg anywher $135 $200 initi cleaning."} {"id": "3330", "contents": "requir becom privat school teacher vari school. often necessari earn teach licens certification, knowledg passion subject area essential."} {"id": "3331", "contents": "privat school teacher educ requirements. bachelor' degre minimum educ requir privat school teacher. privat school typic prefer hire graduat either 4-year subject degre expertis special field, histori mathematics."} {"id": "3332", "contents": "educ requirements. privat elementari school teacher respons creation classroom environments. accord u.s. bureau labor statist (bls), mani privat school teacher greater freedom area counterpart public school (www.bls.gov)."} {"id": "3333", "contents": "teach privat school. market teach job privat school focus bit narrow public schools, still mani opportun available. 2008, approxim ratio student teacher privat school 12.5 1."} {"id": "3334", "contents": "school educ requir uniqu type school. example, teach candid may need complet certif process host privat school question, least progress teacher-train program."} {"id": "3335", "contents": "becom special educ teacher. special educ teacher public school requir bachelor\u2019 degre state-issu certif license. teacher privat school also need bachelor\u2019 degree, may requir state licens certification."} {"id": "3336", "contents": "privat elementari school teacher may may requir state attain licensur specif educ background. schools, however, might requir teacher complet bachelor' degre program educ similar."} {"id": "3337", "contents": "learn educ prepar need becom privat elementari school teacher. get quick view requir well detail education, job duti requir find career you."} {"id": "3338", "contents": "averag radiolog technologist salari job post georgia 14% higher averag radiolog technologist salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "3339", "contents": "radiolog technologist salary. (unit states). median pay radiolog technologist unit state around $21.49 per hour. earn sit near $16.45 per hour lower side approach $29.81 higher side. pay experi level radiolog technologist. median compens (includ tips, bonus, overtime) year experience. radiolog technologists, experi seem major factor determin pay. although individu less five years' experi earn $42k average, peopl five 10 year benefit notabl larger averag $47k"} {"id": "3340", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic radiolog technologist unit state $25 hour, 50% peopl perform job radiolog technologist unit state expect make less $25. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary. salari bonus. benefits. chart describ expect percentag peopl perform job radiolog technologist make less hourli rate. exampl 50% peopl perform job radiolog technologist expect make less median."} {"id": "3341", "contents": "rad tech salary: $64,450 year. averag pay rad tech $64,450 per annum, 35% higher us median income. radiograph make averag $5,371 per month; $1,239 week $30.99 hour. salari state. massachusett one best state base annual income. medic radiograph make averag $90,080 per year, mean $7,507 month; $1,732 per week $43.31 hour."} {"id": "3342", "contents": "radiolog technologist salari 2013. a. ccord u.s. bureau labor statist (bls), major radiolog technologist work hospit (about 61 percent 2010) may work nights, weekends, emergencies. level educ geograph locat influenc salari rang technologists. detail comparison state\u2019 averag annual salari radiolog technologist. import know even state high salary, geograph area state may lower salaries. example, state new york may high salari"} {"id": "3343", "contents": "averag wage radiolog technologist atlanta, georgia $22.51 per hour. peopl job move posit 20 year career. first five ten year position, wage increas modestly, addit experi big effect pay. $39,565 $79,673. total pay combin base annual salari hourli wage, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtim pay form cash earnings, applic job."} {"id": "3344", "contents": "home best pay radiolog technologists, lo angel offer except salaries, 35 percent nation average. radiolog technologist also look forward larg paycheck citi like san diego (+32 percent), new york (+28 percent), seattl (+21 percent), boston (+21 percent). pay experi level radiolog technologist. median compens (includ tips, bonus, overtime) year experience. radiolog technologists, experi seem major factor determin pay. although individu less five years' experi earn $42k average, peopl five 10 year benefit notabl larger averag $47k"} {"id": "3345", "contents": "hourli wage someon job titl radiolog technologist may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education. chart describ expect percentag peopl perform job radiolog technologist make less hourli rate. exampl 50% peopl perform job radiolog technologist expect make less median."} {"id": "3346", "contents": "$78,000. averag radiolog technologist salari job post atlanta, ga 25% higher averag radiolog technologist salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "3347", "contents": "jaguar deriv english origins. name mean larg feline. name jaghuar, jagwar, jagwhar form jaguar. jaguar rare use babi name boys."} {"id": "3348", "contents": "confid vote 15.2k. noun jaguar portuges word came languag around 1600. origin languag tupi-n american-peopl brazil paraguay; tupi word jaguara, believ refer larg predatori animal."} {"id": "3349", "contents": "home dream jaguar. mean stabl strong indic need guard right now. protect natur jaguar posit inclin show also someth protect life."} {"id": "3350", "contents": "main focu entri jaguar, note black panther actual speci jaguar. black coat simpli color variation. jaguar nativ american word meaning, \u201che kill one blow.\u201d jaguar actual origin north america, though live central part south america. jaguar move south central america form land bridge."} {"id": "3351", "contents": "jaguar beauti power animal. due legendari speed one top predators. proud danger anim caus fear admir time. find jaguar means, need analyz doing."} {"id": "3352", "contents": "full definit jaguar. larg cat (panthera onca) chiefli central south america larger stockier leopard brownish yellow buff black spots. see jaguar defin english-languag learners. see jaguar defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "3353", "contents": "noun jaguar sense: 1. larg spot felin tropic america similar leopard; classif consid member genu felis. familiar information: jaguar use noun rare."} {"id": "3354", "contents": "cost gener liabil insur depend locat business, yearli revenu past claim histori sole proprietor. could low $500 high $15,000 year sole proprietor, juli 2011."} {"id": "3355", "contents": "sole proprietor might pay $500 per year gener liabil insurance, small consult firm like pay $3,000 per year. sole proprietor hem garment home offic limit liabil concerns, landscap may pay upward $15,000 annual due increas risk."} {"id": "3356", "contents": "sampl analyz includ 15,000 busi 10 fewer employees. here' big-pictur overview: averag annual cost small busi gener liabil insurance, regardless polici limits, $575.16 (less $50 per month), median price $425. small busi owner (almost 60 percent) paid $400 $600."} {"id": "3357", "contents": "gener liabil insur averag costs. gener liabil insur surprisingli affordable. polici cost less $1,000 per year. $1 million polici cost $300 $1,000 per year. while, $2 million worth coverag cost averag $500 $1,300. exceptions, course."} {"id": "3358", "contents": "typic annual cost liabil insur small busi anywher $500 sever thousand dollars. nevertheless, liabil insur good invest protect business."} {"id": "3359", "contents": "averag cost gener liabil insur vari depend type busi risk involved. averag cost profession liabil insurance, error ommiss insurance, small consult busi around thousand dollar year."} {"id": "3360", "contents": "povidone-iodin (pvp-i) complex produc react iodin polym povidone; slowli releas iodin use topic antiinfect agent."} {"id": "3361", "contents": "betadin antisept solut contain complex iodine. introduc 1960 commonli use iodophor modern clinic use. povidon iodin (pvp-iodine) activ substanc betadine; complex polyvinylpyrrolidon (povidon pvp)."} {"id": "3362", "contents": "providon iodin antisept product use disinfect skin. povidon iodin sometim found first aid kits. povidon iodin sometim use mouthwash peopl expect spit use. povidon iodin often use disinfect minor cut scrapes. povidon iodin usual avail pharmacies."} {"id": "3363", "contents": "water solubl complex iodin polyvinylpyrrolidone. appli antisept form solut ointments, releas iodine. use cleans disinfect skin, prepar skin preoperatively, treat infect suscept iodine."} {"id": "3364", "contents": "betadin complex chemic compound contain iodin complex form. iodin betadin numer commerci use uniqu applications; basic betadin use antisept solut pure iodin chemic element period table. articl explain chemic nature, uses, differ betadin iodin detail."} {"id": "3365", "contents": "povidon iodin uses. povidon iodin use prevent treat infection. germicide, sometim known antiseptic. use antisept skin infect like becom infected. povidon iodin work slowli releas iodin kill prevent growth bacteria, fungi viruses."} {"id": "3366", "contents": "well, actually, fli squirrel live north south dakota, peopl say. also live massachusetts, minnesota, michigan, ohio, indiana, illinois, mani states. mostly, live eastern middle-eastern states. love live trees. nest, usual found tree branch tree. squirrel live drey. (drey proper term squirrel nest twig leaves)."} {"id": "3367", "contents": "european red squirrel live european decidu forest. red squirrel prefer live forest place live garden parks. european decidu forest seasons. cold winter warm summer. spread northern portug southern norway. eastern europ dry. red squirrel prefer live forest place live garden parks. the. european decidu forest seasons. cold winter warm summer."} {"id": "3368", "contents": "photo david blevin eastern gray squirrel usual live forests, also seen yards, gardens, citi parks. basically, live anywher large, decidu tree (tree whose leav die fall). squirrel live tree year-round, either caviti nest build leaves."} {"id": "3369", "contents": "eastern grey squirrel import member forest ecosystem live. eat lot seeds. seed-cach activ may help dispers tree seeds. may help distribut truffl fungal spore eat truffles. also prey anim ecosystem live. eastern grey squirrel medium size tree squirrels. male femal similar size color. fur back rang grizzl dark grey pale grey may red tones. ear pale grey white."} {"id": "3370", "contents": "major plant form: decidu (i.e., tree season drop leaves) flower tree shrubs. typic temper decidu forest area northeastern u.s. europe. typic vertebrates: deer, wolf, bear, foxes, mani migratori birds, squirrels, rabbits, etc. locat south polar region northern hemisphere. arid (a polar regions). character permafrost: perman frozen layer soil, may deeper summer winter, still prevent growth larg tree deep root systems."} {"id": "3371", "contents": "arctic ground squirrel' main habitat arctic tundra. squirrel live sandi soil easi dig good drainage. arctic ground squirrel' main habitat mountain slopes, river flats, banks, lakeshor tundra ridges. arctic ground squirrel' length 1-1.3 feet long tail length 3-5 inches. averag weight 23-28 ounces. arctic ground squirrel oval shaped. color arctic ground squirrel' coat gray, spot white light brown touch cinnamon. arctic ground squirrel social animals. group arctic ground squirrel call coloni male lead group. arctic ground squirrel migrat male time immigr differ colonies. life span male six year life span femal eleven years."} {"id": "3372", "contents": "see beauti imag tundra. locat south polar region northern hemisphere. arid (a polar regions). character permafrost: perman frozen layer soil, may deeper summer winter, still prevent growth larg tree deep root systems. locat south polar region northern hemisphere. arid (a polar regions)."} {"id": "3373", "contents": "tree squirrel live mostli tree nest call dreys, th ey build high fork trees. dray approxim size footbal made twigs, leav pine needl grass. shred grasses, fresh leaves, moss, lichen use line insid nest. nest, usual found tree branch tree. squirrel live drey. (drey proper term squirrel nest twig leaves)."} {"id": "3374", "contents": "taiga: anim cold climat taiga prevent mani anim live year-round. larg anim found taiga includ moose, deer, bears. exampl smaller anim live taiga bobcats, squirrels, chipmunks, ermine, moles. photo 2000-www.arttoday.com. taiga home mani insect bird bald eagle, chickadee, woodpeckers, warblers."} {"id": "3375", "contents": "generally, honor cord pair tie middl hold cord together. altern award also given student mani school colleges. altern award might includ pendant, sashes, graduat stoles."} {"id": "3376", "contents": "custom search. generally, honor cord pair tie middl hold cord together. altern award also given student mani school colleges. altern award might includ pendant, sashes, graduat stoles."} {"id": "3377", "contents": "honor cord token consist twist cord tassel either end award member honor societi variou academ non-academ achievements, awards, honors. usually, cord come pair knot middl hold together."} {"id": "3378", "contents": "honor cord types. two type honor cords: singl color cord multi-color, braid graduat cords. purchas honor cord individu combin two double-ti honor cord. free shipping."} {"id": "3379", "contents": "(decemb 2009). honor cord token consist twist cord tassel either end award member honor societi variou academ non-academ achievements, awards, honors. usually, cord come pair knot middl hold together."} {"id": "3380", "contents": "calcium bodi also aid type cell communication. act second messeng cells, mean respond chemic signal outsid cell trigger respons insid cell. mani peopl fall short 1,000 milligram calcium need daily, despit mineral' import body."} {"id": "3381", "contents": "like a-rod, calcium get top bill one big talent: bones. calcium actual respons lot thing body. proper amount calcium help keep joint free inflamm arthritis, well help muscl contract. calcium also help brain commun nerves, keep blood pressur normal reduc risk colon cancer. still, reason calcium skelet all-star solidifi strengthen bones."} {"id": "3382", "contents": "calcium' best-known role bone tooth health. form part hydroxyapatite, miner complex make bone teeth hard maintain bone density. without hydroxyapatite, bone would becom soft pliable, lack bone densiti make bone suscept breaking. mani peopl fall short 1,000 milligram calcium need daily, despit mineral' import body."} {"id": "3383", "contents": "vitamin help bodi absorb retain calcium bones. accord nih (nation institut health) 3, approxim 43% american adult take dietari supplement 70% adult femal do. user increas calcium daili intak averag 300 mg per day supplements. found mani foods. need consum certain amount calcium build maintain strong bone healthi commun brain variou part body. nation health servic (nhs) 1, uk, say calcium human bodi mineral."} {"id": "3384", "contents": "calcium miner found mani foods. bodi need calcium maintain strong bone carri mani import functions. almost calcium store bone teeth, support structur hardness. bodi also need calcium muscl move nerv carri messag brain everi bodi part. addition, calcium use help blood vessel move blood throughout bodi help releas hormon enzym affect almost everi function human body. calcium absorpt best person consum 500 mg one time. person take 1,000 mg/day calcium supplements, example, split dose rather take once. calcium supplement may caus gas, bloating, constip people."} {"id": "3385", "contents": "calcium citrat contain 21% element calcium. one advantag taken without food, absorb equal well. use patient inflammatori bowel disease, achlorhydria absorpt disorders. found mani foods. need consum certain amount calcium build maintain strong bone healthi commun brain variou part body. nation health servic (nhs) 1, uk, say calcium human bodi mineral."} {"id": "3386", "contents": "calcium chemic element essenti live organisms, includ humans. calcium' chemic symbol ca. found mani foods. need consum certain amount calcium build maintain strong bone healthi commun brain variou part body. nation health servic (nhs) 1, uk, say calcium human bodi mineral."} {"id": "3387", "contents": "blood calcium test order screen for, diagnose, monitor rang condit relat bones, heart, nerves, kidneys, teeth. test may also order person symptom parathyroid disorder, malabsorption, overact thyroid. urin calcium test may order someon symptom kidney stones, sharp pain person' side back around kidneys, pain may progress lower abdomen, and/or blood urine."} {"id": "3388", "contents": "low total calcium (hypocalcemia). common caus low total calcium is: low blood protein levels, especi low level albumin, result liver diseas malnutrition, may result alcohol illnesses. low albumin also common peopl acut ill. urin calcium test may order someon symptom kidney stones, sharp pain person' side back around kidneys, pain may progress lower abdomen, and/or blood urine."} {"id": "3389", "contents": "calcium abund miner body. essenti develop mainten strong bone teeth, 99% body' calcium found. calcium also help heart, nerves, muscles, bodi system work properly. calcium citrate: easili absorb digest body. contain much element calcium -- amount bodi actual absorb -- calcium carbonate. expens calcium carbonate. also, calcium citrat use aluminum-contain antacids."} {"id": "3390", "contents": "averag life volvo penta diesel engine? 4,000 hour set dp6' (310 hp). 24,000 lb catamaran. cruis 400 rpm less max, 22 knots."} {"id": "3391", "contents": "averag volvo vehicl lifespan 19 years, lca mean pay attent environment safe recycl dispos techniqu 20 year future. volvo car among first world suppli 'environment product declaration' (epd), certifi third party."} {"id": "3392", "contents": "1987, averag life volvo calcul 20.7 years. experi volvo model run 350,000 mile origin engin eve origin automat gearbox."} {"id": "3393", "contents": "u.s. car 1950 1970 averag life span 100,000 miles, eight years. today, median life expect american-mad automobil 12 years, 128,500 miles. figur vary, averag life span volvo second mercedes. 19.7 years, brick, volvo sometim refer to, renown safeti reliability."} {"id": "3394", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. 1987, averag life volvo calcul 20.7 years. experi volvo model run 350,000 mile origin engin even origin automat gearbox."} {"id": "3395", "contents": "comparison. figur vary, averag life span volvo second mercedes. 19.7 years, brick, volvo sometim refer to, renown safeti reliability."} {"id": "3396", "contents": "common peron nerv dysfunct disord caus damag peron nerve, character loss movement sensat foot leg. immedi diagnos peron nerv damage, order mri emg sure."} {"id": "3397", "contents": "peron nerv branch sciatic nerve, suppli movement sensat lower leg, foot toes. common peron nerv dysfunct type peripher neuropathi (damag nerv outsid brain spinal cord)."} {"id": "3398", "contents": "overview. peron nerve, also known common fibular nerve, one branch sciatic nerve. commonli injur nerv lower leg due location. peron nerv injuri diseas may aris due variou possibl caus rang trauma, compress infection."} {"id": "3399", "contents": "may destroy whole nerv cell. loss feeling, muscl control, muscl tone, eventu loss muscl mass nerv stimul muscles. common caus damag peron nerv includ following: trauma injuri knee. fractur fibula (a bone lower leg). use tight plaster cast (or long-term constriction) lower leg. cross leg regularly. regularli wear high boots."} {"id": "3400", "contents": "neuropathy-common peron nerve; peron nerv injury; peron nerv palsy. peron nerv branch sciatic nerve, suppli movement sensat lower leg, foot toes."} {"id": "3401", "contents": "peron neuropathi refer impair peron nerve. common neuropathi lower extremities. common peron nerv common nerv bodi injur result trauma. injur trauma knee thigh."} {"id": "3402", "contents": "common caus damag peron nerv includ following: trauma injuri knee. fractur fibula (a bone lower leg). use tight plaster cast (or long-term constriction) lower leg. cross leg regularly."} {"id": "3403", "contents": "typic salari film director. film director respons direct play written televis motion pictures. march 2011 issu vaniti fair magazin report highest paid film director hollywood earn $13 million $257 million per year."} {"id": "3404", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic inform technolog director unit state $166,583 50% peopl perform job inform technolog director unit state expect make less $166,583."} {"id": "3405", "contents": "director salary. director averag salari $105,442, median salari $99,900 salari rang $20,000 $1,100,000. director salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. director salari statist exclus refer only."} {"id": "3406", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic nurs director unit state $131,455 50% peopl perform job nurs director unit state expect make less $131,455."} {"id": "3407", "contents": "art director make averag annual wage that\u2019 higher creativ job list. example, art director\u2019 averag annual wage 2013 $96,650, compar architect \u2019s averag wage $79,650 public relat specialist \u2019s averag wage $63,020 year."} {"id": "3408", "contents": "inform technolog (it) director salary. (unit states). averag pay inform technolog director unit state reasonable, annual salari push past six-figur mark ($104k)."} {"id": "3409", "contents": "lalatendu pattanayak, iiit-bhubaneswar. 113 views. monograph scholarli piec write essay book length specific, often limit subject. magazin period popular focus, i.e. aim gener public, contain news, person narratives, opinion. assum ask question academ angle. hope helps. monograph specialist book singl subject written one author. example: jai arjun singh' monograph film jane bhi yaaro, jane bhi yaaro: serious funni sinc 1983."} {"id": "3410", "contents": "navig scholarli monograph. find particular monograph might meet research needs: skim introduct and/or preface. read tabl contents. need use scholarli monograph find specif fact research exam, don\u2019t want read whole thing: use index look ... need use scholarli monograph find specif fact research exam, don\u2019t want read whole thing: use index look term relat inform need."} {"id": "3411", "contents": "sophia_apkalikov/istock/getti images. dictionari defin monograph \u201clearn treatis small area learning,\u201d may particularli help understand monograph encompasses. simplified, monograph detail articl single, narrow topic"} {"id": "3412", "contents": "term monographia deriv greek 'mono' (single) grapho (to write), mean write singl subject. unlik textbook, survey state knowledg field, main purpos monograph present primari research origin scholarship."} {"id": "3413", "contents": "n. scholarli piec write essay book length specific, often limit subject. tr.v. mon\u00b7o\u00b7graphed, mon\u00b7o\u00b7graph\u00b7ing, mon\u00b7o\u00b7graphs. write monograph on. mo\u00b7nog\u2032ra\u00b7ph (m\u0259-n\u014fg\u2032r\u0259-f\u0259r) n. mon\u2032o\u00b7graph\u2032 adj. mon\u2032o\u00b7graph\u2032i\u00b7cal\u00b7li adv."} {"id": "3414", "contents": "monograph. book, treatise, written work scholarli natur deal one specif subject. also, rare. monography. monographer, n. monographic, monographical, adj. scholarli piec write essay book length specific, often limit subject. tr.v. mon\u00b7o\u00b7graphed, mon\u00b7o\u00b7graph\u00b7ing, mon\u00b7o\u00b7graphs. write monograph on. mo\u00b7nog\u2032ra\u00b7ph (m\u0259-n\u014fg\u2032r\u0259-f\u0259r) n. mon\u2032o\u00b7graph\u2032 adj. mon\u2032o\u00b7graph\u2032i\u00b7cal\u00b7li adv."} {"id": "3415", "contents": "raptur event, lord jesu christ call-up truli save christians. raptur occur tribulation, mark beast. someon truli receiv lord jesu christ person saviour, earth tribulation. refus mark. buy sell: causeth all, small great, rich poor, free bond, receiv mark right hand, foreheads: man might buy sell, save mark, name beast, number name."} {"id": "3416", "contents": "asker' rating. report abuse. sinc anti christ cannot revel restrain taken way mark beast happen rapture....th beast come anti christ reveal restrain blood bought church taken way. ye bibl teach seven year tribulation. report abuse. dont time get bibl get exact vers read bibl mani times. ye strongli believ year tribul dont think anyon trueli know happen first, mark beast raptur direct quot christian bible."} {"id": "3417", "contents": "note: first resurrect (or rapture) occur christian behead remain faith time antichrist, includ take mark beast. compar thess. 2:1-3."} {"id": "3418", "contents": "christian raptur antichrist come reign etern security. deceiv tim lahaye, dave hunt, jack van imp anyon else, includ hal lindsey. receiv mark beast mean enter god' kingdom death. victori antichrist mark spell rev. 12:11. memor follow vers act upon it! overcam blood lamb word testimony; love live much shrink death. regardless happen take mark beast."} {"id": "3419", "contents": "first half call tribulation. however, god name second half-- great tribulation. name period time, remind us second half seven year tribul much wors first. causeth all, small great, rich poor, free bond, receiv mark right hand, foreheads: man might buy sell, save mark, name beast, number name. wisdom."} {"id": "3420", "contents": "well, whether raptur tribulation, mark beast still position: first 3.5 year tribul period. page first 2. verses, see mark beast. mark beast least first 3.5 year seven year tribulation."} {"id": "3421", "contents": "mark beast (666). god reveal beast us, holi word, bible. word, god describ unholi trinity, one may alreadi make point history. causeth all, small great, rich poor, free bond, receiv mark right hand, foreheads: man might buy sell, save mark, name beast, number name. wisdom."} {"id": "3422", "contents": "unholi triniti satan, antichrist, fals prophet. scriptures, god reveal antichrist beast, deriv power satan, dragon. together, use fals prophet, second beast, help accomplish evil work planet earth. causeth all, small great, rich poor, free bond, receiv mark right hand, foreheads: man might buy sell, save mark, name beast, number name. wisdom."} {"id": "3423", "contents": "believ mark beast rapture. peopl thread get caught raptur occur neglect give direct answer question. thank brother. origin post rosinsky. mark beast post-rapture. look revel 13:5, see middl seven year tribul period. (rev 13:5 given unto mouth speak great thing blasphemies; power given unto continu forti two months. [42 months]). verses, see mark beast. mark beast least first 3.5 year seven year tribulation."} {"id": "3424", "contents": "carv decor entir raniki vav stepwell, patan, gujarat. sculptur devot vishnu form avatar (krishna, rama, et al) repres return world. directli well carv vishnu reclin cobra\u2026 view image."} {"id": "3425", "contents": "birkha bawari, view stepwel jodhpur. stepwells, also call kalyani pushkarani (kannada :), bawdi (hindi: \u092c\u093e\u0935\u0921\u093c\u0940) baoli (hindi: \u092c\u093e\u0935\u0932\u0940), barav (marathi: \u092c\u093e\u0930\u0935), vaav (gujarati: \u0ab5\u0abe\u0ab5) well pond water may reach descend set steps. gujarati marwari language, usual call vav vaav. form stepwel exampl mani type storag irrig tank develop india, mainli cope season fluctuat water availability."} {"id": "3426", "contents": "deepest step well world. chand baori famou stepwel situat villag abhaneri near jaipur indian state rajasthan. step well locat opposit harshat mata templ one deepest largest step well india."} {"id": "3427", "contents": "recommend 2001 honda truck cr-v 4wd. we'r sorry, result part categori 2001 honda truck cr-v 4wd. pleas select anoth vehicl click part tab top page see avail part vehicle."} {"id": "3428", "contents": "chand baori. chand baori stepwel built thousand year ago abhaneri villag rajasthan. one largest stepwel world also one beauti ones. locat eastern part provinc rajasthan, built king chanda somewher 9th century. chand baori easi landmark find, thu one hidden secret india!"} {"id": "3429", "contents": "individu leader. help individu strengthen leadership excel increas vital confid explor way gut feelings, prevail moods, physic implic creativ thinking, problem solving, decis making."} {"id": "3430", "contents": "hunt ancient stepwells. find stuff, even map india, tough, says, difficulti locat one researched. usual ask driver ask local hindi terrible. india' hidden stepwel victoria lautman take tip drivers, villagers, pore old map find india' ancient abandon stepwells. follow images, discuss journey stepwel stumbl upon."} {"id": "3431", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. adalaj stepwel (gujarati: \u0a85\u0aa1\u0abe\u0ab2\u0a9c\u0aa8\u0ac0 \u0ab5\u0abe\u0ab5, hindi: \u0905\u0921\u093e\u0932\u091c \u092c\u093e\u0935\u0921\u093c\u0940 hindi: \u0905\u0921\u093e\u0932\u091c \u092c\u093e\u0935\u0932\u0940 marathi: \u0905\u0921\u093e\u0932\u091c \u092c\u093e\u0930\u0935) uniqu hindu 'water building' villag adalaj, close ahmedabad town gandhinagar district indian state gujarat."} {"id": "3432", "contents": "see chand baori stepwel india. visit rajasthan, india like step back time. besid stun palac forts, also gorgeou landmark like chand baori. known oldest step well area classifi one biggest entir world."} {"id": "3433", "contents": "obsidian natur occur volcan glass form extrus igneou rock. produc felsic lava extrud volcano cool rapidli minimum crystal growth. obsidian commonli found within margin rhyolit lava flow known obsidian flows, chemic composit (high silica content) induc high viscos polymer degre lava. obsidian found locat experienc rhyolit eruptions. found argentina, armenia, azerbaijan, australia, canada, chile, georgia, greece, el salvador, guatemala, iceland, italy, japan, kenya, mexico, new zealand, papua new guinea, peru, scotland, turkey unit states."} {"id": "3434", "contents": "like glass type natur occur rocks, obsidian break characterist conchoid fracture. smooth, curv type fractur surfac occur near-abs miner crystal glass. intersect conchoid fractur surfac sharper razor."} {"id": "3435", "contents": "obsidian stone generator. black obsidian stone power cleanser psychic smog creat within aura, strong psychic protect stone. power metaphys properti shield negativity, energi stone may stimul gift prophecy. black obsidian stone excel use combin number differ stones. boost psychic protect aspect stones,. may choos use strongli protect stone elev level protection."} {"id": "3436", "contents": "obsidian glass-lik miner produc volcan flows. mani type obsidian use gemston jewelry, quit rare valuable. fantast varieti color pattern available. stone long histori gem, utilitarian materi creat cut instruments. sheen obsidian-thi famili valu type consist sub-typ categor accord effect color displayed. microscop bubbl and/or crystal feldspar mica trap obsidian result chatoy (irridescent) sheen stone view certain angles."} {"id": "3437", "contents": "flower obsidian-a varieti snowflak obsidian crystal color (due miner stain miner present obsidian itself). see snowflak obsidian topic below. leopard skin lizzard skin-multi-colored, mottl types, usual reddish-brown, brown black. sheen obsidian-thi famili valu type consist sub-typ categor accord effect color displayed. microscop bubbl and/or crystal feldspar mica trap obsidian result chatoy (irridescent) sheen stone view certain angles."} {"id": "3438", "contents": "obsidian rock. obsidian rock actual type glass form molten lava cool quickly, time crystal form. actual composit rock depend minerals, gases, immedi area lava cooled. obsidian stone found almost anywher volcan activ past, sourc current mined. mine done armenia, greece, hungary, iceland, italy, japan, java, kenya, mexico, new zealand, scotland turkey."} {"id": "3439", "contents": "mani type obsidian use gemston jewelry, quit rare valuable. fantast varieti color pattern available. stone long histori gem, utilitarian materi creat cut instruments. sheen obsidian-thi famili valu type consist sub-typ categor accord effect color displayed. microscop bubbl and/or crystal feldspar mica trap obsidian result chatoy (irridescent) sheen stone view certain angles."} {"id": "3440", "contents": "finland' total area 337,030 km (130,128 sq mi). finland eighth largest countri europ russia, turkey, france, ukraine, spain, sweden, germany. area 10% water, 69% forest, 8% cultiv land 13% other."} {"id": "3441", "contents": "finland mountain peaks. list finland mountain peaks. includ 192 peak finland. click peak see mountain photos, maps, routes, summit log everi mountain finland. also brows finland mountain big map view photo view."} {"id": "3442", "contents": "prairi lake region north central central texas. area transit plain west texa panhandl pineywood east texas. patch woodland run north south direct sprinkl throughout grassland prairie. land gentli roll hilly. region sometim call \u201ccross timbers\u201d patch treed area cross strip prairi grassland. soil rich, fertile, black. part region call blackland prairi this."} {"id": "3443", "contents": "mountain basin region texa smaller part rocki mountain region north america. distinct landform region mountain basins. highest point texas, guadalup peak, region. grand prairie, cross timbers, roll plains. area differ type landform includ prairies, forests, plains. climat area extreme."} {"id": "3444", "contents": "coastal plain region largest vari region texas. part north america\u2019 larger gulf coastal plain region. smaller area region includ piney woods, gulf coastal plain, south texa plain, post oak belt, blackland prairie. landform area includ forests, plains, prairies. grand prairie, cross timbers, roll plains. area differ type landform includ prairies, forests, plains. climat area extreme."} {"id": "3445", "contents": "white tail deer nativ 17 differ countries, rang canada, throughout unit state mexico, south american countri peru. speci also introduc czech republic, finland, new zealand, slovakia. deer seen throughout unit states. however, found alaska, hawaii, desert area area southwestern state like nevada new mexico. habitat suitabl surviv places."} {"id": "3446", "contents": "scandinavian mountain scand mountain rang run scandinavian peninsula. scandinavian mountain often erron thought equival scandinavian caledonides. rock underli mountain part system geolog connect mountain scotland, ireland and, cross atlant ocean, appalachian mountain north america. origin today' mountain topographi debat geologists."} {"id": "3447", "contents": "central plain region texa part larger central plain region north america. made separ areas. grand prairie, cross timbers, roll plains. area differ type landform includ prairies, forests, plains. climat area extreme."} {"id": "3448", "contents": "best answer: other mention mountain far western texa big bend area. address flat part. live ne texa lot trees, pastur land, roll hills. se texa wood flat. far se texas(on border la tx) swampi area alligators. part flat, part hilly. desert western portion state eastern part green. mountain far west texas. highest mountain texas/new mexico border part rocki mountains."} {"id": "3449", "contents": "unagi (\u3046\u306a\u304e) japanes word freshwat eel, especi japanes eel, anguilla japonica (nihon unagi \u65e5\u672c\u9c3b). unagi common ingredi japanes cooking. confus saltwat eel, known anago japanese. kind sweet biscuit call unagi pie made powder unagi also exists. unagi high protein, vitamin a, calcium. specialist unagi restaur common japan, commonli sign show word unagi hiragana (transliter u), first letter word unagi."} {"id": "3450", "contents": "10 extrem place earth. unagi name given freshwat eel indigen japan, part china, korea. japanese, unagi gener word freshwat eel origin, come repres specif kind eel intern culinari lexicon. term well known throughout global cook commun specif japanes eel prepar"} {"id": "3451", "contents": "0. recip by: noogie01. also call nitsume, unagi kabayaki. sweet salti sauc goe great grill fish chicken common drizzl sushi. tradit use japanes grill eel eel rolls. also use sauc fresh cook noodl quick snack"} {"id": "3452", "contents": "unagi sushi. eel part origin edo style sushi menu. reason edo (old name tokyo) famou fast food industri special edo style sushi, tempura, soba, unagi, eel exception."} {"id": "3453", "contents": "grill unagi rel expens delicaci japan, prize flavor also legendari stamina-giv properties. tradit eaten hottest part summer (on day ox lunar calendar) provid strength vital rest year. unagi dishes. grill unagi skewer without rice call kabayaki, often serv hor d'oeuvr drinks. grill unagi also serv bed rice main course, call unaju unagi donburi, depend shape serv dish."} {"id": "3454", "contents": "3. unagi. state total awar highli disciplin form kah rah tehi one' reaction speed fast nearli psychic. thing predict from: bodi language, momentum objects, anyth assum basic physics."} {"id": "3455", "contents": "unagi serv part unadon (sometim spell unagidon, especi menu japanes restaur western countries), donburi dish slice eel serv bed rice. kind sweet biscuit call unagi pie made powder unagi also exists. unagi high protein, vitamin a, calcium. specialist unagi restaur common japan, commonli sign show word unagi hiragana (transliter u), first letter word unagi."} {"id": "3456", "contents": "best answer: unagi (disambiguation) wikipedia, free encyclopedia jump to: navigation, search unagi japanes word freshwat eels. unagi also mean: unagi, charact super mario 64. unagi, charact popotan. unagi, charact avatar: last airbender."} {"id": "3457", "contents": "view more. said unagi, freshwat eel, consum japan thousand years. rich protein, vitamin e, on, peopl believ unagi give stamina. reason, japanes peopl eat eel frequent hottest time year japan."} {"id": "3458", "contents": "medications. dizzi side effect certain medic anti-seizur drugs, antidepressants, sed tranquilizers. particular, blood pressur lower medic may caus faint lower blood pressur much."} {"id": "3459", "contents": "answer depend mean exactly. mani medic caus dizziness. light headed associ blood pressur medic woozi feel narcot sleepi feel sedatives."} {"id": "3460", "contents": "medications, meclizine, may help motion sickness. get scopolamin patch place behind ear go cruise. meclizin dramamin may help symptom benign posit vertigo."} {"id": "3461", "contents": "dizzi side effect certain medic anti-seizur drugs, antidepressants, sed tranquilizers. particular, blood pressur lower medic may caus faint lower blood pressur much. anxieti disorders."} {"id": "3462", "contents": "caus dizziness. neurolog conditions. neurolog disord parkinson' diseas multipl sclerosi lead progress loss balance. medications. dizzi side effect certain medic anti-seizur drugs, antidepressants, sed tranquilizers."} {"id": "3463", "contents": "medicin may caus lightheaded vertigo. mani prescript nonprescript medicin make feel lighthead affect balance. exampl are: antibiotics. blood pressur medicines. medicin use treat depress anxiety. pain"} {"id": "3464", "contents": "balanc disord may caus viral bacteri infect ear, head injuries, blood circul disord affect inner ear brain. mani peopl experi problem sens balanc age. balanc problem dizzi also result take certain medications. problem nervou circulatori system sourc postur balanc problems. problem skelet visual systems, arthriti eye muscl imbalance, also may caus"} {"id": "3465", "contents": "vertigo, dizziness, usual result disord peripher vestibular system (i.e., structur inner ear). dizzi also may occur result disord central vestibular system (i.e., vestibular nerve, brainstem, cerebellum). cases, caus vertigo unknown."} {"id": "3466", "contents": "show usag examples... end trial term near would call evalu see compani saw fit enough continu work indefinitely. peopl found helpful. accord term quarterback' contract abl decid want enter free agenc next season. definit (2). 1.fix period loan, insur policy, bond issued, time fix deposit made, contract lasts. 2. claus provis constitut substant part contract may creat contractu oblig breach could caus legal action."} {"id": "3467", "contents": "long-term care last short time long time. short-term care last sever week month someon recov sudden ill injury. example, person may get short-term rehabilit therapi nurs facil hip surgery, go home. difficult predict much type long-term care person might need. sever thing increas risk need long-term care. age -- risk gener increas peopl get older."} {"id": "3468", "contents": "human anatomi allow lot movement. use certain anatom term describ part bodi move. think hing open closes; bend straightens. mani part bodi move fashion: flexion: movement bend part, decreas angl two part"} {"id": "3469", "contents": "desktop. 1. desktop term commonli use describ desktop computer. 2. refer software, desktop refer desktop environment, graphic user interfac metaphor facilit interact user oper system. 1. desktop term commonli use describ desktop comput"} {"id": "3470", "contents": "long-term care provid differ place differ caregivers, depend person' needs. long-term care provid home unpaid famili member friends. also given facil nurs home community, example, adult day care center. difficult predict much type long-term care person might need. sever thing increas risk need long-term care. age -- risk gener increas peopl get older."} {"id": "3471", "contents": "barri higgin aaa |. a: term insur type life insur polici provid coverag certain period time, specifi term years. insur die time period specifi polici polici active-or force-then death benefit paid."} {"id": "3472", "contents": "compani creat term protect liabil result improp use product therebi allow use product creat minim potenti consequ come back regardless use product."} {"id": "3473", "contents": "depend upon importance, term may either condit (essenc contract) warranti (materi part contract). term may either express term (clearli directli stated) impli term (insert court statute). definit (2). 1.fix period loan, insur policy, bond issued, time fix deposit made, contract lasts. 2. claus provis constitut substant part contract may creat contractu oblig breach could caus legal action."} {"id": "3474", "contents": "chordophon 'ani music instrument make sound way vibrat string string stretch two points' violin would good example. sinc chordophon is, definition, string instrument, string instrument chordophon family. want precis violin, guitar, cello, harp, doubl bass, viola, mandolin ukulele. peopl found useful."} {"id": "3475", "contents": "chordophone-- music instrument sound primarili produc vibrat string stretch one point other. (eg. violin, guitar --pretti much string instrument) membranophone-- music instrument produc sound primarili way vibrat stretch membrane. (eg. drums)"} {"id": "3476", "contents": "chordophone. chordophon music instrument make sound way vibrat string string stretch two points. one four main divis instrument origin hornbostel-sach scheme music instrument classif"} {"id": "3477", "contents": "chordophone. n. 1. (instruments) music instrument produc sound vibrat strings, piano, harp, violin, guitar."} {"id": "3478", "contents": "definition: chordophon instrument sound string strings. piano, clavichord, harpsichord, hurdy-gurdy, harp, cello, guitar exampl chordophones; first four keyboard instruments. (from latin chorda italian corda, \u201cstring\u201d; greek phone, \u201cvoice, sound\u201d). see aerophone."} {"id": "3479", "contents": "no, chordophon music instrument make sound way vibrat string string stretch two points. trumpet wind instrument. edit. share to: kara moore. sinc chordophon is, definition, string instrument, string instrument chordophon family. want precis violin, guitar, cello, harp, doubl bass, viola, mandolin ukulele. peopl found useful."} {"id": "3480", "contents": "harp chordophon promin strings. chordophon music instrument make sound way vibrat string string stretch two points. one four main divis instrument origin hornbostel-sach scheme music instrument classification. mani would call string instrument classifi chordophones. violins, guitars, lyres, harp examples."} {"id": "3481", "contents": "definit chordophone. class music instrument (such guitar piano) whose sound gener plucking, bowing, strike stretch strings: string instrument compar aerophone, electrophone, idiophone, lamellophone, membranophone. chor\u00b7do\u00b7phon\u00b7 adjective. advertisement."} {"id": "3482", "contents": "arab one wide spoken languag africa large. however, use concentr north africa sub-saharan africa. exampl countri includ north sudan, egypt, algeria, chad, djibouti, libya tunisia."} {"id": "3483", "contents": "gbogboti: swahili wide spoken african language. swahili spoken countries: tanzania 99%, kenya 87%, uganda 85%, burundi 55%, democrat republ congo 48%, rwanda 28%, swahili also spoken southern somalia, ethiopia sudan northern mozambiqu comoro islands."} {"id": "3484", "contents": "sesotho sa leboa fourth common languag south africa, spoken home languag 9.1% population, 4.6-million people. one south africa' three sotho languages, differ dialect cluster found area spoken."} {"id": "3485", "contents": "answer. swahili wide spoken african language. swahili spoken countries: tanzania 99%, kenya 87%, uganda 85%, burundi 55%, democrat republ congo 48%, rwanda 28%, swahili also spoken southern somalia, ethiopia sudan northern mozambiqu comoro islands."} {"id": "3486", "contents": "africa second largest second popul contin world total popul 1.111 billion. african languag belong one four languag families: afroasiatic, nilo-saharan, niger-congo khoisan. around 2,000 languag spoken africa."} {"id": "3487", "contents": "answer swahili wide spoken african language. swahili spoken countries: tanzania 99%, kenya 87%, ugan da 85%, burundi 55%, democrat republ congo 48%, rwanda 28%, swahili also spoken southern somalia, ethiopia sudan northern mozambiqu comoro islands."} {"id": "3488", "contents": "afrikaans. afrikaan third common languag south africa. spoken 13.5% population, 855 082 peopl mainli colour white south africans. languag root 17th centuri dutch, influenc english, malay, german, portuguese, french, african languages."} {"id": "3489", "contents": "employ must track hour salari employe elig overtime. obama administr propos significantli increas salari test $455 week ($23,660 year) $970 week ($50,440 year). obama administr announc plan requir overtim pay salari employe earn less $50,440 year\u2014despit fact econom research show employ offset new overtim cost lower base salaries."} {"id": "3490", "contents": "feder state law requir employ pay overtime. overtim premium 50% employee' usual hourli wage. mean employe work overtim must paid time half -- employee' usual hourli wage plu 50% overtim premium -- everi overtim hour worked. law contain mani exceptions, employe entitl overtim"} {"id": "3491", "contents": "nonexempt employe work 40 hour workweek, gener entitl overtim pay. simple. overtim suppos paid time-and-a-half regular rate pay. so, make $10 per hour, get $15 per hour everi hour work 40 hour per week. fair labor standard act (flsa) feder law govern payment minimum wage overtim payments."} {"id": "3492", "contents": "worker paid hourli wage work 40 hour 7-day work week must paid overtime. pay overtime, busi must pay least one one-half time worker\u2019 regular hourli rate."} {"id": "3493", "contents": "salari employe must paid overtime. meet test exempt statu defin feder state laws, or. specif exempt overtim provis one industri welfar commiss wage order regul wages, hour work conditions. salari non-exempt, calcul overtim pay like this: multipli monthli remuner 12 (months) get annual salary. divid annual salari 52 (weeks) get weekli salary."} {"id": "3494", "contents": "fair labor standard act 2004. flsa defin rule govern overtim pay. employe elig overtime, consid nonexempt. employe elig overtim pay, consid exempt. exempt employe salary, salari employe exempt. employ may need pay overtime. pay stub imag hari rauf fotolia.com. mani small busi owner believ pay overtim employe salari pay plan."} {"id": "3495", "contents": "way work now, compani avoid pay ot full-tim worker make littl $23,660 -- $455 week -- classifi exempt pay salari employees, rather hourly. mean get overtim pay even work 40 hour week. manag lower-paid job bucket. exempt posit also includ administr sale employees, among others."} {"id": "3496", "contents": "entitl 50% premium everi overtim hour work. hours, must paid time half: 150% regular rate pay. learn overtim pay, law protect workplace, get right workplace, barbara kate repa (nolo). by: lisa guerin, j.d. paid salari basi earn least $455 per week receiv salari everi week, regardless mani hour work quantiti qualiti work do."} {"id": "3497", "contents": "employe paid salari basi must earn least $455 per week, must receiv salari everi week, regardless mani hour employe work quantiti qualiti work employe does. mean employe work overtim must paid time half -- employee' usual hourli wage plu 50% overtim premium -- everi overtim hour worked."} {"id": "3498", "contents": "corpor (cpl). (address corporal). base non-commiss offic (nco) ranks, cpl serv team leader smallest armi units. like sgts, respons individu training, person appear cleanli soldiers."} {"id": "3499", "contents": "establish 1966, sergeant major armi (sma) senior enlist posit army. sergeant major posit serv senior enlist advisor consult chief staff army."} {"id": "3500", "contents": "addit reading: noncommiss offic (ncos) primari trainer enlist soldiers, crews, small teams. experi knowledg critic determin right collect task unit train. nco train soldier help offic train units. develop conduct train subordinates, coach mentor ncos, help train educ junior officers. instil soldier discipline, resiliency, warrior ethos, armi values."} {"id": "3501", "contents": "first sergeant. serv senior enlist advisor command 223rd transport compani author strength 166 soldiers. respons training, administration, profession development, personnel accountability, safety, moral mentor assign soldiers. first sergeant basic train compani consist 24 soldiers, includ 12 drill sergeants, drill sergeant candidates, train nco suppli sergeants."} {"id": "3502", "contents": "there' limit soldier' success. decid join army, success depend desir commit becom better soldier. learn variou armi rank enlist soldiers, offic warrant officers. also find insignia armi branches, along descript role branch play armi structure."} {"id": "3503", "contents": "nco, serv primari trainer enlist soldiers, crew small teams. must conduct standards-based, performance-oriented, mission-and metl-focus prt. order accomplish this, need following: identifi specif individual, crew, small team task prt enhanc support unit\u2019 metl. prepare, rehearse, execut prt, effect professionally. evalu prt conduct aars; provid feedback commander."} {"id": "3504", "contents": "noncommiss offic train individuals, crews, small teams. noncommiss offic serv primari trainer enlist soldiers, crews, small teams. noncommiss offic must conduct standards-based, performance-oriented, mission-and metl-focus prt."} {"id": "3505", "contents": "corpor (cpl). corpor base level noncommiss offic (nco) ranks. corpor serv team leader smallest armi units. like sergeants, respons individu training, person appear cleanli soldiers. sergeant major army. there' one sergeant major army. sma overse noncommiss officers. serv senior enlist advisor consult chief staff armi (a four-star general)."} {"id": "3506", "contents": "proprieti duti determin offici purpos serv rather natur duties. -dod direct 1315.9. front rang train consult llc provid train educ enlist aid throughout depart defense. enlist aid assign serv gener officer\u2019 resid creat maintain environ suitabl gener conduct offici business."} {"id": "3507", "contents": "vacuol also play major role autophagy, maintain balanc biogenesi (production) degrad (or turnover), mani substanc cell structur certain organisms. also aid lysi recycl misfold protein begun build within cell. general, function vacuol include: isol materi might harm threat cell. contain wast products. contain water plant cells."} {"id": "3508", "contents": "vacuol (/\u02c8vaekju\u02d0o\u028al/) \u02c8v\u00e6kju\u02d0o\u028al a-membran bound organel present plant fungal cell some, protist anim bacterial. cell general, function vacuol include: isol materi might harm threat cell. contain wast products. contain water plant cells."} {"id": "3509", "contents": "answer beemusic. confid vote 433. vacuol anim cell store food, water, waste, miner like plant cells. differ plant cell larger vacuol anim cells. plant cell one larg vacuole, play import role rigid turgor pressur cell. anim cell need kind function th eir vacuoles, size number vacuol differ cell differ (depend type cell)."} {"id": "3510", "contents": "matur plant cell one larg vacuol typic occupi 30% cell' volume, occupi much 80% volum certain cell type conditions. general, function vacuol include: isol materi might harm threat cell. contain wast products. contain water plant cells."} {"id": "3511", "contents": "vacuol membrane-bound sac play role intracellular digest releas cellular wast products. anim cells, vacuol gener small. vacu ole tend larg plant cell play role turgor pressure. plant well-watered, water collect cell vacuol produc rigid plant. without suffici water, pressur vacuol reduc plant wilts."} {"id": "3512", "contents": "vacuol cell organel found number differ cell types. vacuol fluid-filled, enclos structur separ cytoplasm singl membrane. found mostli plant cell fungi. however, protist, anim cells, bacteria also contain vacuoles. plant cell vacuol surround singl membran call tonoplast. vacuol form vesicles, releas endoplasm reticulum golgi complex, merg together. newli develop plant cell typic contain number smaller vacuoles."} {"id": "3513", "contents": "(answer #1). vacuol cell organelle; basic membran bag fill fluids. vacuol store water certain materi water-soluble. present plant fungi cells. also found speci bacteria anim cells. plant fungi, vacuol store water pigments, also provid turgor pressur support cell within."} {"id": "3514", "contents": "quick look: vacuol membrane-enclos fluid fill sac found cell plant includ fungi. vacuol larg organel occupi 30% 90% cell volume. vacuol appear three main functions, they: contribut rigid plant use water develop hydrostat pressure. store nutrient non-nutri chemicals."} {"id": "3515", "contents": "mani plant cell large, singl central vacuol typic take room cell (80 percent more). vacuol anim cells, however, tend much smaller, commonli use temporarili store materi transport substances."} {"id": "3516", "contents": "place prepar bake sheet singl layer. 4. bake slice upper lower rack hour. remov oven turn slice over; return pan oven. bake hour soft dri appl hour crispi appl chips. 2. combin cup water 1/2 cup lemon juic medium bowl. (the lemon juic help prevent browning.). 3. use sharp knife mandolin (if one), slice larg appl thin possible, 1/8 inch thick."} {"id": "3517", "contents": "turn dehydr on. dehydr temperatur control, set 140\u00baf (60\u00bac). use dehydr take anywher 12 24 hour depend type appl thickli cut slices. place bake sheet oven bake appl least hour side. bake appl slice hour. hour passed, remov sheet flip appl slice over. bake appl one hour prefer appl littl less crispy."} {"id": "3518", "contents": "allow appl dehydr hour dri crisp want be. oven: preheat oven 200\u00baf. bake appl slice hour, flip allow bake anoth hour chip longer moist. flip occasionally. oven: preheat oven 200\u00baf. arrang appl slice singl layer parchment paper line metal bake pan"} {"id": "3519", "contents": "oven hot moistur leav appl quickly, you\u2019ll end appl dri outsid full moistur inside. hand, temperatur isn\u2019t hot enough, appl could mold chanc dry. dehydr apples."} {"id": "3520", "contents": "dri appl oven. also dri appl oven oven get temperatur 145 degre fahrenheit. (some oven go low 200 degrees.) you\u2019ll need keep oven door open slightli allow moist air escape. posit fan door keep air circul help too. dri time vari depend method use, moistur content apples, thick appl slice are. dri appl food dehydr take 12 24 hours. dri appl oven take 10 20 hours. higher heat, quicker dry; you\u2019ll need watch close turn slice often heat higher 145 degre fahrenheit. dri appl wood stove take 14 hour"} {"id": "3521", "contents": "turn oven keep appl insid oven cool hour. help get crunchy. appl may chewi slightli crunchi hour oven. store appl chip room temperatur airtight contain week. 2-3 hours, flip appl between, turn oven off. keep appl insid oven hour. sit oven cool down, rather sit room temperature, help appl chip crunch much quicker. crunchier, better opinion!"} {"id": "3522", "contents": "turn dehydr 135\u00baf. allow appl dehydr hour dri crisp want be. oven: preheat oven 200\u00baf. arrang appl slice singl layer parchment paper line metal bake pan. bake appl slice hour, flip allow bake anoth hour chip longer moist. flip occasionally."} {"id": "3523", "contents": "easi make dri appl crispier cousins, appl chips, home oven without food dehydrator. here\u2019 home oven: 1. posit rack upper lower third oven; preheat 200\u00b0f. line larg bake sheet parchment paper. 2. combin cup water 1/2 cup lemon juic medium bowl. (the lemon juic help prevent browning.). 3. use sharp knife mandolin (if one), slice larg appl thin possible, 1/8 inch thick."} {"id": "3524", "contents": "lingual brace cost. there' doubt brace invest time money, benefit worth it! mentioned, cost lingual brace gener tradit braces. here' why. first, lingual brace custom-mad smile use cad/cam robot wire technologies. anyth that' custom-mad use special technology, associ cost tend higher. lingual brace price might seem beyond means, rememb way make cost lingual brace manageable. dental insur plan might cover cost lingual braces. sure contact dental plan provid detail coverage."} {"id": "3525", "contents": "invisalign\u00ae dental brace -. inform found invisalign\u00ae websit (april 2012) state cost treatment typic $3,500 up, averag cost neighborhood $5,000. $3500.00 $8000.00"} {"id": "3526", "contents": "metal brace (tradit braces) $3,000 7,000. ceram brace $4,000 8,000. lingual brace $8,000 10,000. invisalign $4,000 7,400. price depend live orthodontist rural area often less expens one larger cities-and may orthodontist' discretion. however, cost exceed certain amount begin deduct (7.5 percent line 37 form 1040, adjust gross income. learn more, visit http://www.irs.gov/taxtopics/tc502.html)."} {"id": "3527", "contents": "now, know much lingual brace cost, probabl wonder brace much tradit metal braces. well, first appar reason why, lingual brace actual invisible. regular brace 12-14, didn\u2019t realli wear retainers\u2026 30 got lingual brace month ago (mi entir treatment 12 months). hurt all, littl bit monthli appoint that\u2019 (just like regular braces). paid $6000 treatment."} {"id": "3528", "contents": "however, treatment may take longer children. averag adult wear brace 18 month three years. children, adult may need wear retain maintain result treatment brace removed. cost brace depend type select. average, metal brace cost $5,000 $6,000. keep mind out-of-pocket cost like higher choos non-met braces. check evid coverage, summari plan descript group dental servic contract see dental plan cover orthodont treatment adults."} {"id": "3529", "contents": "costhelp reader insur coverag brace report pay $1,500 -$8,500 pocket tradit metal braces, averag out-of-pocket expens $3,407. dental insur may pay specif amount brace (typic $1,000 -$2,000) patient 18 year old younger. expect pay $3,000 -$8,000 averag $5,000 damon braces, altern teeth straighten system use seri computer-fabr clear plastic align tray cover teeth; patient switch new tray everi two weeks."} {"id": "3530", "contents": "appar reason mani peopl decid take approach expens braces, let touch base big major reasons. first off, lingual brace end cost least $1, 500 $2,000 cost standard braces. it\u2019 uncommon see lingual brace cost $10,000. so, imper consid get type brace insur oblig cover extra expense. insur compani happi cover 80% cost lingual braces. regular brace 12-14, didn\u2019t realli wear retainers\u2026 30 got lingual brace month ago (mi entir treatment 12 months). hurt all, littl bit monthli appoint that\u2019 (just like regular braces). paid $6000 treatment."} {"id": "3531", "contents": "costhelp reader dental insur coverag report out-of-pocket cost $1,550 -$5,080, averag cost $2,570 braces. lingual braces, conceal behind teeth, cost $5,000 -$13,000 more. must custom ordered, requir skill instal work well small teeth. expect pay $3,000 -$8,000 averag $5,000 damon braces, altern teeth straighten system use seri computer-fabr clear plastic align tray cover teeth; patient switch new tray everi two weeks."} {"id": "3532", "contents": "lingual braces, conceal behind teeth, cost $5,000 -$13,000 more. must custom ordered, requir skill instal work well small teeth. expect pay $3,000 -$8,000 averag $5,000 damon braces, altern teeth straighten system use seri computer-fabr clear plastic align tray cover teeth; patient switch new tray everi two weeks."} {"id": "3533", "contents": "first pork chop dip mixtur milk egg, coat corn bread stuf mix. chop bake 425 degre 20 minut chop reach intern temperatur 145 degre f. allow chop stand minut room temperatur serving. stuff, cut pocket side pork chop. pork chop rub flavor mixtur black pepper, oregano, crush red pepper, thyme bake 375 degre 35 minut"} {"id": "3534", "contents": "preheat oven 350 degre (180 degre c). place pork chop bake pan. spread teaspoon butter chop, spread teaspoon mayonnais butter. season one season salt, pepper parsley. cook. readi in. preheat oven 350 degre (180 degre c). place pork chop bake pan. spread teaspoon butter chop, spread teaspoon mayonnais butter. season one season salt, pepper parsley. sprinkl 1/4 cup chees top pork chop."} {"id": "3535", "contents": "readi in. preheat oven 350 degre (180 degre c). place pork chop bake pan. bake 35 minut preheat oven, intern temperatur chop reach 145 degre (63 degre c). cook. readi in. preheat oven 350 degre (180 degre c). place pork chop bake pan. spread teaspoon butter chop, spread teaspoon mayonnais butter. season one season salt, pepper parsley. sprinkl 1/4 cup chees top pork chop."} {"id": "3536", "contents": "put pork chop casserole, ... pork chops. turn oven 350 degre bake 45 minutes. soup make gravi (cover casserole). place pork chop greas shallow ... foil bake 350 oven hour ... veget juice, whole meal complete. serv 4."} {"id": "3537", "contents": "heat remain tablespoon oil larg skillet. add chops; cook minut per side browned. place chop singl layer bake dish larg enough hold them. sprinkl remain 1/4 teaspoon salt 1/8 teaspoon pepper. bake chop oven 15 minut intern temperatur regist 155 degre instant-read thermomet insert pork. remov chop platter; cover foil. let stand 10 minut warm place serving."} {"id": "3538", "contents": "pork chop bake 45 minutes, convect oven, temperatur 325a\u00b0. 325\u00e2 pork chop consid done intern temperatur minimum of\u00b0. 165a 165\u00e2 peopl found. use"} {"id": "3539", "contents": "bake pork chop 30 minut preheat oven. turn, spread remain sauce. continu bake 30 minutes, intern temperatur chop reach 145 degre (63 degre c). place pork chop medium bake dish, spread 1/2 sauce. bake pork chop 30 minut preheat oven."} {"id": "3540", "contents": "artifici skin. artifici skin synthet (laboratori produced) substitut human skin dramat save live sever burn patients. skin, compos two layer call epidermi (the outer layer) dermi (the inner layer), largest human organ."} {"id": "3541", "contents": "artifici skin put shortli burn patient treat hospital. month later, doctor use tweezer peel plastic cover replac layer epiderm cells, constitut outer portion normal skin. artifici skin made cowhide, shark cartilag plastic success use doctor massachusett gener hospit boston replac skin destroy burns, doctor report yesterday."} {"id": "3542", "contents": "term use late 1970 earli 1980 describ new treatment massiv burns. later discov treatment deep skin wound adult anim human scaffold induc regener dermis. australian research current search new, innov way produc artifici skin. would produc artifici skin quicker, effici way. skin produc would millimet thick would use rebuild epidermis."} {"id": "3543", "contents": "artifici skin offer hope burn victim august 28, 1997 web post at: 4:34 a.m. edt (0834 gmt) correspond joan macfarlan detroit (cnn) -- month ago, 10-year-old loui critic condit burn 40 percent body. artifici skin offer hope burn victims. correspond joan macfarlane."} {"id": "3544", "contents": "background. skin, human body' largest organ, protect bodi diseas physic damage, help regul bodi temperature. compos two major layers, epidermi dermis. epidermis, outer, layer compos primarili cells: keratinocytes, melanocytes, langerhans. dermis, compos primarili connect tissu fiber collagen, suppli nourish epidermis."} {"id": "3545", "contents": "artifici skin. artifici skin synthet (laboratori produced) substitut human skin dramat save live sever burn patients. skin, compos two layer call epidermi (the outer layer) dermi (the inner layer), largest human organ. burk yanna creat kind artifici skin use polym shark cartilag collagen cowhide. mixtur dri steril make thin membran (a cover thing pass) similar human dermi layer."} {"id": "3546", "contents": "artifici skin refer collagen scaffold induc regener skin mammals. australian research current search new, innov way produc artifici skin. would produc artifici skin quicker, effici way. skin produc would millimet thick would use rebuild epidermis."} {"id": "3547", "contents": "new form artifici skin test use patient skin disorders, chronic wounds, certain form cancer. synthet skin also use human tissu substitut laboratori anim product research. burk yanna creat kind artifici skin use polym shark cartilag collagen cowhide. mixtur dri steril make thin membran (a cover thing pass) similar human dermi layer."} {"id": "3548", "contents": "spot common concern mani pregnant women face. approxim 20% women report experi spot first 12 week pregnancy. bleed occur earli pregnanc usual lighter flow menstrual period. also, color often vari red brown."} {"id": "3549", "contents": "quarter pregnant women spot bleed earli pregnancy, half women miscarry. ultrasound show normal heartbeat 11 weeks, chanc continu pregnanc greater 90 percent. infection."} {"id": "3550", "contents": "brown spot occur frequent first trimester. fact, even occur know pregnant. implant bleeding, fertil egg attach uterin lining, common caus brown spot usual occur women even take pregnanc test."} {"id": "3551", "contents": "brown spot first trimest pregnanc complet normal phenomenon. mani women experi first 3-6 week pregnancy, without neg effect. normal brown spot often last around 2-3 day heavi flow. color typic brown hue, may also pink red."} {"id": "3552", "contents": "light bleeding, spotting, pregnanc common, especi first trimester. usual caus alarm. consid spot notic drop blood occasion underwear. even enough blood cover panti liner. bleed heavier flow blood."} {"id": "3553", "contents": "brown spot pregnant year, sign earli miscarriage. last year, brown spot two month pregnant anoth miscarriage. women implant bleed pregnancy, normal."} {"id": "3554", "contents": "bachelor' master' degre landscap architectur usual necessari entri profession. two undergradu landscap architect profession degrees: bachelor landscap architectur (bla) bachelor scienc landscap architectur (bsla)."} {"id": "3555", "contents": "yet success landscap architect solv problem concern human use stewardship outdoor space land, work becom invisible.. success landscap architectur wise blend built natur environments."} {"id": "3556", "contents": "landscap architect civil engin make design may even work togeth certain projects; however, type work vari greatly. continu read learn differ job duties, train salari landscap architect civil engineers."} {"id": "3557", "contents": "sometim landscap architectur program take five year complete. two main degre program bachelor landscap architectur (bla) bachelor scienc landscap architectur (bsla)."} {"id": "3558", "contents": "landscap architecture, architecture, civil engin urban plan profess work built environment. despit overlap professions, import distinctions. landscap architect manag job concern design use outdoor space land. scope profess includ site planning, town urban planning, park recreat planning, region planning, garden design histor preservation."} {"id": "3559", "contents": "i'm curiou differ landscap architectur landscap design. univers offer degre landscap design manag master landscap architecture. i'm ask b/c architectur major recent project alot landscape..."} {"id": "3560", "contents": "landscap architects. legal call landscap architect, must bachelor' and/or master' degre landscap architectur univers licens state order design work landscap projects."} {"id": "3561", "contents": "hair length. cost updo hairstyl depend length hair. salon quot start prices, increas longer client\u2019 hair is. hair middl back regard salon long hair often call higher rates. average, updo go cost anywher $45 much $80. generally, bridal parti go pay walk casual event. spaescapesb.com santa barbara, california, offer updo hairstyl start $55. price vari depend level detail"} {"id": "3562", "contents": "salon area run $75 $125 updos. trial half price, unless wear style salon full price. well, want gener feel around price, got marri california bm short hair cost $45 girl long hair extens curl closer $85."} {"id": "3563", "contents": "however, average, magazine-worthi hair/makeup artist charg around $500/day sever differ looks, still seem overpr pay potenti less qualifi wed hair/makeup artist $300 one look. imho, think $65 hair/makeup trial fair price argu for. also expect pay travel, typic run $30 depend location, plu cost valet."} {"id": "3564", "contents": "cost updo hairstyl depend length hair. salon quot start prices, increas longer client\u2019 hair is. hair middl back regard salon long hair often call higher rates. hair type. average, updo go cost anywher $45 much $80. generally, bridal parti go pay walk casual event. spaescapesb.com santa barbara, california, offer updo hairstyl start $55. price vari depend level detail"} {"id": "3565", "contents": "$200 hair $100 makeup seem low compar price area. tri post local board, research local salons/stylists. go rate near venu (which consist across salons) seem $75-80 hair (up-do) $30-35 make-up. i'd googl search salon area wedding-in experi offer bridal servic price list websites."} {"id": "3566", "contents": "go multipl nationwid quot bridal hair makeup artists, i\u2019v come averag wed hair makeup cost expect across country. now, i\u2019v seen wide rang propos prices\u2026with $300 highest quot bride\u2019 hair/makeup $150 lowest. imho, think $65 hair/makeup trial fair price argu for. also expect pay travel, typic run $30 depend location, plu cost valet."} {"id": "3567", "contents": "price vari depend level detail. wed events, salon offer rate bride: updo hairstyl $70 updo consult $40. wed party, updo hairstyl packag cost $60 updo hair makeup servic cost $120. average, updo go cost anywher $45 much $80. generally, bridal parti go pay walk casual event. spaescapesb.com santa barbara, california, offer updo hairstyl start $55. price vari depend level detail"} {"id": "3568", "contents": "ssaltzman87 member. minnesota, updo rang $35-125 depend salon go to-plu quit salon offer bridal packag includ hair makeup trial-so would drive price up. plan bio-ad sale page, ad stuff soon! well, want gener feel around price, got marri california bm short hair cost $45 girl long hair extens curl closer $85."} {"id": "3569", "contents": "re: much cost averag updo small salon chain salon? example, great clips, brockway, fantast sam's? i'm talk sort updo would homecoming. report abuse. $25 french twist, 80' $40 half-up, half-down, tweeni $65 style want get pictur of, settl anyth less. get pay for."} {"id": "3570", "contents": "\u00a9william karesh. bird flu, cholera, ebola, plagu tuberculosi diseas like spread get wors result climat change, accord report releas yesterday wildlif conserv societi (wcs).yme disease: bacterium-caus diseas spread climat chang extend rang tick carri it. plague: chang temperatur rainfal affect rodent popul global well infect flea carry."} {"id": "3571", "contents": "accord maria diuk-wass yale school public health, onset human-induc global warm like increas infect rate mosquito-born diseas like malaria, dengu fever west nile viru creat mosquito-friendli habitats.nfect rate diseas like malaria, dengu fever west nile viru like rise warm climat creat"} {"id": "3572", "contents": "world health organ (who) report climat chang respons least 150,000 death per year, number expect doubl 2030. effect global warm caus dire health consequences: infecti diseases. state global warm also caus major increas insect-born diseas europe. countri like azerbaijan, tajikistan turkey might alreadi danger zone mosquito-born malaria. however, abil toler temperatur chang differ region region."} {"id": "3573", "contents": "thanks, global warming--mosquito-born diseas uptick. infect rate diseas like malaria, dengu fever west nile viru like rise warm climat creat mosquito-friendli habitats."} {"id": "3574", "contents": "effect global warm depend complex interact human host popul caus infecti agent. human standpoint, chang environ may trigger human migration, caus diseas pattern shift. crop failur famin may reduc host resist infections.mportantly, signific econom polit stress may damag exist public health infrastructure, leav mankind poorli prepar unexpect epidemics. global warm certainli affect abund distribut diseas vectors."} {"id": "3575", "contents": "wherev combin used, malaria rate drastic declined. conclusion. global warm promot spread tropic diseases; bad polici are. elimin polici discourag econom growth, regardless temperatur incom rise tropic diseas decline.r. epstein contend earth warm anoth degre fahrenheit, malaria-bear mosquito' domain expand 42 percent globe 60 percent. evid refut link global warm disease."} {"id": "3576", "contents": "scientif understand global warm increasing. intergovernment panel climat chang (ipcc) report 2014 scientist 95% certain global warm caus mostli increas concentr greenhous gase human (anthropogenic) activities."} {"id": "3577", "contents": "global warm climat chang term observ century-scal rise averag temperatur earth' climat system relat effects.cientif understand global warm increasing. intergovernment panel climat chang (ipcc) report 2014 scientist 95% certain global warm caus mostli increas concentr greenhous gase human (anthropogenic) activities."} {"id": "3578", "contents": "malaria, dengue, plague, virus caus encephalit syndrom among mani vector-born diseas like affected. model suggest vector-born diseas becom common earth warms, although caution need interpret predictions. clearly, global warm caus chang epidemiolog infecti diseases. importantly, signific econom polit stress may damag exist public health infrastructure, leav mankind poorli prepar unexpect epidemics. global warm certainli affect abund distribut diseas vectors."} {"id": "3579", "contents": "magic popular 1974 song scottish pop rock band pilot, first hit singl group. written band member billi lyall david paton debut album, album name. song also heavili sampl song titl magic rap artist j.r. writer. sampl rapper flo rida 2009. altern rock band barenak ladi known sometim close live show play song part medley. also cover patrick juvet."} {"id": "3580", "contents": "pleas tri later. limmi famili cookin', american group, releas one singl scepter records, sign avco embassy, releas three singl hit uk singl chart 1973-74: magic (uk #3), dreamboat (uk #31), walk miracl (uk #6)."} {"id": "3581", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. magic song singer-songwrit russ ballard record 1982 singl folk rock duo america album view ground. song one two ballard composit view ground, jody. popular magic parallel success parent view ground album rose number 41 billboard' list top 200 albums, first time album america duo (rather origin trio) appear chart' upper half."} {"id": "3582", "contents": "submit correct cancel. never believ thing see. said can't feel be. no, magic could happen me. saw you. believe, took heart. retriev it, said myself. misheard lyric from\u2026 jack johnson, karmin, phoenix, 30 second mar share commonly\u2026 lyric video love' worn lyric origin 12 hit song believ passed\u2026."} {"id": "3583", "contents": "\\n\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\t\\tand made gray sky turn blue. \\r\\nyou magic. \\r\\nyou took heart broken two. \\r\\nand put back together, know keep beating. \\r\\ni beg stop pray keep repeat magic magic. \\r\\nyou magic baby. magic video: made gray sky turn blue. magic. took heart broken two. put back together, know keep beating. beg stop pray keep repeat magic magic. magic baby. magic magic"} {"id": "3584", "contents": "intern chart place magic includ no. 30 australia, no. 37 canada, no. 20 ireland, no. 27 italy, no. 12 new zealand no. 59 uk. popular magic parallel success parent view ground album rose number 41 billboard' list top 200 albums, first time album america duo (rather origin trio) appear chart' upper half."} {"id": "3585", "contents": "sang song lyric magic babi sang song choru magic magic magic? start coin tricks, card tricks, wan't awesom magician, learn card tricks, get real good cards, look up, dark magic fire card tricks, make audienc amazed, amaz girls."} {"id": "3586", "contents": "edit format develop zygotes. gamet refer haploid sex cell sperm male egg (oocyte) females. zygot diploid cell result fertil egg sperm. mammals, sperm (male gamete) fertil egg (ovum, femal gamete) fertil egg call zygote. ovum, therefor zygote, much larger normal cell."} {"id": "3587", "contents": "let' take apart: somat cell: somat cell cell bodi sperm egg, two type reproduct cells. reproduct cell also call germ cells. mammals, everi somat cell two complet set chromosomes, wherea germ cell one complet set. scnt, egg cell' singl set chromosom removed. replac nucleu somat cell, alreadi contain two complet set chromosomes. so, result embryo, set chromosom come somat cell."} {"id": "3588", "contents": "zygot cell form two gamet fertilization. zygot initi cell form two gamet cell join mean sexual reproduction. multicellular organisms, earliest development stage embryo. zygot initi cell develop sexual reproduct form two gamet come together. words, zygot result femal egg fertil d. rapid cell division, eventu becom embryo. 20 peopl found useful."} {"id": "3589", "contents": "zygot result singl cell form fertil sperm ovum. sever divisions, implant uterus. keep dividing, produc cell pass stage embryo fetus. zygot initi cell develop sexual reproduct form two gamet come together. words, zygot result femal egg fertil d. rapid cell division, eventu becom embryo. 20 peopl found useful."} {"id": "3590", "contents": "due fusion two gametes, human zygot contain 46 chromosom (i.e. 23 pairs). however, larg number speci chromosom somat cell arrang four tetraploid even six hexaploid ). thus, diploid even triploid germlin cells. (the gamet diploid organ contain singl unpair chromosom call haploid .) pair chromosom compris one chromosom inherit father one inherit mother. example, humans, somat cell contain 46 chromosom organ 23 pairs."} {"id": "3591", "contents": "fungi, sexual fusion haploid cell call karyogamy. result karyogami diploid cell call zygot zygospore. cell may enter meiosi mitosi depend life cycl species."} {"id": "3592", "contents": "zygot cell form two gamet (or sex cells) join sexual reproduction. zygot develop baby. zygot initi stage develop offspring. usually, zygot form ovum sperm. ovum femal sex cell sperm male's. zygot initi cell develop sexual reproduct form two gamet come together. words, zygot result femal egg fertil d. rapid cell division, eventu becom embryo. 20 peopl found useful."} {"id": "3593", "contents": "anesthesiologist\u2019 salari vari assign averag pay rate around $1,200 per day may go $1,350 pediatr cardiac cases. fact, anesthesiologist receiv $6,000 $6,750 per week assignments. base payscal report much anesthesiologist earn us. payscal also show anesthesiologist base salari rang $103,490 $388,654, bonu $59,714, profit share rang $3,393 $50,457."} {"id": "3594", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic physician-anesthesiolog unit state $350,114, 50% peopl perform job physician-anesthesiolog unit state expect make less $350,114. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary. salari bonus."} {"id": "3595", "contents": "specif report anesthesiologist nurse\u2019 salary. however, nurs anesthetists, profession relev profession, earn averag $158,900 per year 2014, accord bls. accord payscale, nurs anesthetist earn $90,924 $186,905 per year. base payscal report much anesthesiologist earn us. payscal also show anesthesiologist base salari rang $103,490 $388,654, bonu $59,714, profit share rang $3,393 $50,457."} {"id": "3596", "contents": "averag anesthesiologist salaries. averag salari anesthesiologist job $168,000. averag anesthesiologist salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term anesthesiologist anywher job listing."} {"id": "3597", "contents": "annual salari anesthesiologist $166,400 median salari anesthesiologist base us $335,078. see averag anesthesiologist salari one highest salari medic sector. base payscal report much anesthesiologist earn us. payscal also show anesthesiologist base salari rang $103,490 $388,654, bonu $59,714, profit share rang $3,393 $50,457."} {"id": "3598", "contents": "physician doctor, anesthetist salary. (india). averag salari physician doctor, anesthetist rs 995,263 per year. experi moder effect incom job. peopl job move posit 20 year career. rs 591,566 rs 2,451,086"} {"id": "3599", "contents": "averag anesthesiolog salary. averag anesthesiolog salari $232,830 year $111.94 hour 2012 accord bls. lower 10% earn wage less $135,110 per annum $64.96 per hour, much higher entry-level rate job nonetheless. salary.com, websit report median anesthesiolog salari us $346,223. also mention lowest 10% earn wage less $258,654 90th percentil wage $429,429."} {"id": "3600", "contents": "anesthesiologist salari affect mani differ factor geograph locat job, type facil work in, specialti experience. unit states, anesthesiologist expect earn averag $343,000 year go $425,000. salari also depend industri work in. may work healthcare, pharmaceutical, biotechnology, education, govern non-profit organizations. unit states, expect salari $250,000 $425,000 median $343,000. amount without bonuses. bonuses, expect incom much higher above. bonuses, median goe $363,000."} {"id": "3601", "contents": "anesthesiologist earn averag salari rs 994,998 per year. peopl move job 10 years' experi field. experi strongli influenc incom job. total pay combin base annual salari hourli wage, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtim pay form cash earnings, applic job. includ equiti (stock) compensation, cash valu retir benefits, valu non-cash benefit (e.g. healthcare)."} {"id": "3602", "contents": "exampl today, use santa clarita, california would averag cost per kilowatt-hour 14.37 cents. next, multipli kilowatt-hour found step price find much cost run air condition one hour. multipli 24 find much cost day, 30 find much cost run air condition month. 4.32 14.37 62 cent hour, 62 24 $14.89 per day, $14.89 30 $446.96 per month, section calcul cost run air condition quickli use rule-of-thumb method. want know exact amount pay air conditioner, breez go next section."} {"id": "3603", "contents": "price (kwh): enter cost pay averag per kilowatt hour, averag price north america 10 cents. decreas use air condition help lower costs, cool gener expens mani option save money without increas temperature. electr usag air conditioner. room air condition use cool apart singl room, often place insid window bring outsid air cool it. singl room air condition come differ size use 500 1500 watts. click calcul find energi consumpt room air condition use 1000 watt hour day $0.10 per kwh"} {"id": "3604", "contents": "use calcul figur much energi ac unit consumes! plug item yellow cell green tell much energi ac use much cost you. need estim much time ac per day (in hours). order figur electr consumpt air condition unit, first read label figur mani amp voltag unit consum electricity. find unit' data tags."} {"id": "3605", "contents": "step 4. multipli air condition power consumpt per hour time number hour unit run per day determin daili power usag air conditioner. air condition use 10 hour per day, daili power usag 10 kilowatt-hour per day. step 5. multipli kilowatt-hour use per day time electr rate charg power company. use 10 kilowatt-hour daili highest-ti rate pay 20 cents, air condition cost $2.00 per day, $60 per month."} {"id": "3606", "contents": "energi use central air condition highli depend climat region, central air condition run month year depend outsid temperature. averag central ac use 3000 5000 watt power everi hour around hour day hotter months. click calcul find energi consumpt central air condition use 3500 watt hour day $0.10 per kwh. run hour day run hour day warmer months. cost per hour: cost per day: live hot climat cool cost significant, around 70% electr bill. invest energi effici central condition unit fit precis size home would ideal."} {"id": "3607", "contents": "step 3. divid 8,000 btu cool capac eer determin power consumpt watt per hour air conditioner. example, a/c unit eer 8, divid 8,000 get power consumpt 1,000 watt per hour -- one kilowatt per hour. step 5. multipli kilowatt-hour use per day time electr rate charg power company. use 10 kilowatt-hour daili highest-ti rate pay 20 cents, air condition cost $2.00 per day, $60 per month."} {"id": "3608", "contents": "figur mani watt air condition use entir straightforward. answer depend factor model, size age unit characterist home. although could research mani watt air condition use calcul usag a/c, number still go rough estimate. central air condit draw extra power time turn on, can\u2019t tell effici system work"} {"id": "3609", "contents": "welcom forums! commonplac instal metal roof strap affix rafters. roof decking, instal roof felt [tar paper] metal. i'm sure i'm follow scenario 100% metal roof support closer everi 3'. wood slat metal roof... welcom doityourself forums! post questions, help diyer reduc advertis (like one left), join diy community."} {"id": "3610", "contents": "slate frequent grey color, especi seen, en masse, cover roofs. however, slate occur varieti color even singl locality; example, slate north wale found mani shade grey, pale dark, may also purple, green cyan. slate macro (~ cm long cm high). slate fine-grained, foliated, homogen metamorph rock deriv origin shale-typ sedimentari rock compos clay volcan ash low-grad region metamorphism. finest grain foliat metamorph rock"} {"id": "3611", "contents": "wooden slat louver offer excel control direct sunlight instal patio roof gazebo roof. fix louver set angl block sun time day unwanted. adjust louver permit almost degre light shade throughout day. plywood side also use roof material. sheet use larg areas, lapboard smaller surfaces. sheet come feet, lapboard 12 inch width 16 feet length. plywood previous finished, must seal installed."} {"id": "3612", "contents": "arbor kits. aluminum slat roof shade structur add beauti valu home. aluminum lattic (slats) factori paint wood grain emboss give new arbor look charm old world wood arbor mainten headach wood arbor."} {"id": "3613", "contents": "slate roof roof made slate, type metamorph rock highli durable, make suitabl roofing. common see slate roof region slate natur abundant, although slate shingl also ship region world. like type roofing, slate advantag disadvantag consid instal repair slate roof. slate close-grained, cleav readili thin tile use roofing, flooring, applications."} {"id": "3614", "contents": "roofer correct: slate creat equal. slate sedimentari rock compos compress harden layer clay volcan ash. slate vari color, dens puriti -- servic life roof material. slate roof turret 19th centuri home preserved."} {"id": "3615", "contents": "lack adequ headlap spell disast slate roof. seen new roof inadequ headlap (i.e. less 2\u201d), headlap all, even neg headlap. homework, contractors, stay away slate roof jobs. [an illustr correct headlap incorrect headlap slate roofs."} {"id": "3616", "contents": "necessarily. leak result damag done section roof flash come loose. roof failure, however, gener irrevers result improp instal choic materials, instal roof system inappropri building."} {"id": "3617", "contents": "beneficiari whose stay due heart diseas stroke involv surgic procedurereceiv $16.4 billion payments. amount $11,746 per discharge. cost live heart diseas stroke 58,800,000 peopl live form heart diseas stroke. theaverag cost cardiac catheter 1992 $10,880. estim 598,000 coronari arteri bypass perform 367,000 patientsin 1996. 1979 1996, number bypass procedur increas 424.6 percent. averag cost coronari arteri bypass surgeri 1995 $44,820."} {"id": "3618", "contents": "14-15 assum per-. person cost increas rate overal medic expenditur 2010. 2020: averag annual rate 3.6%. finally, aggreg cost estim across sex age cell state obtain. total medic cost project diseas state 2020. averag payer cost per person diseas attribut disease. number repres extent payer expenditur per person diseas would lower absenc disease, els constant."} {"id": "3619", "contents": "overall, report show coronari heart diseas stroke expens cardiovascular diseases, cost $894 million direct health system cost (23% total cardiovascular diseas costs) $630 million (16%) respect 1993-94. health system cost cardiovascular diseas rise age, reach around $1,700 per capita per year averag men women age 75 year over."} {"id": "3620", "contents": "high cost heart disease. 2010, cost cardiovascular diseas u.s. $444 billion. includ cost treatment of: heart conditions. stroke. peripher arteri disease. high blood pressur"} {"id": "3621", "contents": "1996, estim first-year cost heart transplant $253,200. theestim annual followup cost $21,200. 482,000 percutan translumin coronari angioplasti procedur wereperform 1996. 1987 1996, procedur increas 211percent. theaverag cost cardiac catheter 1992 $10,880. estim 598,000 coronari arteri bypass perform 367,000 patientsin 1996. 1979 1996, number bypass procedur increas 424.6 percent. averag cost coronari arteri bypass surgeri 1995 $44,820."} {"id": "3622", "contents": "given daili cost requirement, median annual expect cost omega-3 dietari supplement u.s. adult age 55 would $92.15 per person $1.57 billion per year total subpopulation, $12.58 billion cumul expenditur next seven years."} {"id": "3623", "contents": "chd, danger narrow blood vessel heart due plaqu accumulation, current cost $108.9 billion per year project doubl 2030 $218.7 billion. total cost stroke nearli triple\u2014from $53.9 billion $140 billion. rise medic cost cardiovascular disease. 2030, approxim 40% u.s. popul expect form cvd. result, direct medic cost cvd u.s. expect tripl $273 billion current $818 billion 2030."} {"id": "3624", "contents": "forexample, person heart diseas burden huge expenses, includ diagnostictests, surgery, hospit doctors\u2019 visits, physic therapy, costli drugs. aconserv estim cost one person $121,200 20 years. theaverag cost cardiac catheter 1992 $10,880. estim 598,000 coronari arteri bypass perform 367,000 patientsin 1996. 1979 1996, number bypass procedur increas 424.6 percent. averag cost coronari arteri bypass surgeri 1995 $44,820."} {"id": "3625", "contents": "direct cost includ charg hospitals, doctor prescript drugs, indirect cost includ lost product time away work. averag cost less sever heart attack $760,000. amort 20 years, that' $50,000 per year sever heart attack $38,000 per year less sever heart attack. might argu insur pay larg part direct costs, whatev assumpt make costs, still look high annual cost denial. let' math estim price denial unhealthi lifestyle. accord articl nation busi group health, averag total cost sever heart attack--includ direct indirect costs--i $1 million."} {"id": "3626", "contents": "14-15 assum per-person cost increas rate overal medic expenditur 2010 2020: averag annual rate 3.6%. finally, aggreg cost estim across sex age cell state obtain total medic cost project diseas state 2020. averag payer cost per person diseas attribut disease. number repres extent payer expenditur per person diseas would lower absenc disease, els constant."} {"id": "3627", "contents": "perman archiv qualiti important, archiv dye ink crafter' choice. 35 gorgeou on-trend colors, ideal scrapbook journal projects. fast-drying, perman perfect watercoloring. dri ink smear moistened."} {"id": "3628", "contents": "improv mi 7600 ink. ink epson ultrachrom printers, 2100, 2200, 4000, 7600, 9600, 10600 also c80, c82, c84, c86 c88. design make archiv pigment print matte, semi gloss glossi papers. version match epson properties, dri time colors. offer r800, r1800 r1900 archiv pigment inkset oz, oz, pint, gallon quantities. r800, r1800, r1900 ink design use matt glossi surfaces. epson r800, r1800, r1900 printers."} {"id": "3629", "contents": "brilliant result everi time. epson give vibrant ink possibl use epson printer all-in-one. special formul work epson printer specialti paper, epson ink deliv superior photograph qualiti print true-to-lif color laser-sharp text."} {"id": "3630", "contents": "archiv inks\u2122 provid last result look for. deterior paper preciou photographs. get crisp imag bleed water-bas ink markers, acryl paint, water color more."} {"id": "3631", "contents": "ranger archiv ink produc last result classic palett rich, colors. archiv safe paper projects, ink provid crisp, stamp imag waterbas dye inks, alcohol inks, acryl paints, watercolors. ink acid free, non-tox perman paper. ranger' archiv inkpad waterproof great layer within mix media projects. come nice varieti colors, blick' sell add wendi vecchi' colors, ad three palett januari 2015."} {"id": "3632", "contents": "ranger-archiv ink pads. ink pad provid last results. deterior paper preciou photographs, bleed paint brayer watercolors, water-bas inks, marker pearl pigments. ink fade resistant, water resistant, acid free, non-tox perman paper-heat set perman non-por surfaces. pad featur remov hing lid, rais stamp surface, measur 2-3/4x4in."} {"id": "3633", "contents": "inkjet print type comput print recreat digit imag propel droplet ink onto paper, plastic, substrates. inkjet printer commonli use type printer, rang small inexpens consum model expens profession machines."} {"id": "3634", "contents": "regardless, hp suppli call archiv consid lost cause. alot depend ink makeup, turn demand printer capabl use caus problem inks(if applicable) swap tasks. repli to: ink name. printer use xyz ink carts. meaning, hp model ink cart choos from. hp model use exact ink carts, other don't. manual possibl decal/emboss printer show ink cart used."} {"id": "3635", "contents": "thank advice. found read archiv ink pigment ink. hp new pigment ink. call archival.. problem new printer. know find anoth printer. repli to: ink name. printer use xyz ink carts. meaning, hp model ink cart choos from. hp model use exact ink carts, other don't. manual possibl decal/emboss printer show ink cart used."} {"id": "3636", "contents": "post repli to: archiv inks..can get hp printers. track discuss email updates. ask technic help, pleas sure includ system info, includ oper system, model number, specif relat problem. repli to: ink name. printer use xyz ink carts. meaning, hp model ink cart choos from. hp model use exact ink carts, other don't. manual possibl decal/emboss printer show ink cart used."} {"id": "3637", "contents": "extraocular muscl six muscl control movement eye (there four bovines) one muscl control eyelid elev (levat palpebrae). action six muscl respons eye movement depend posit eye time muscl contraction."} {"id": "3638", "contents": "cranial nerv 2. cranial nerv also call optic nerve. nerv exit eye area back eye call optic disk goe brain stem. there, nerv fiber right eye go left side brain. actual 12 cranial nerves; three stimul eye muscles, three other affect eye ways. \u201clr 6\u201d later rectu muscl stimul cranial nerv 6. \u201cso 4\u201d superior obliqu muscl stimul cranial nerv 4. \u201c3\u201d cranial nerv stimulates, innervates, remain eye muscles. cranial nerv also call optic nerv"} {"id": "3639", "contents": "easi way rememb cranial nerv innerv muscl eyes. cn iv innerv later rectu muscl eye. muscl abduct eye, nerv call abducens. cn vi innerv superior rectu muscl eye. muscl goe pulley call trochlea, nerv call trochlear nerv"} {"id": "3640", "contents": "provid somat motor innerv four extrins eye muscles: superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, inferior obliqu muscles. also innerv muscl upper eyelid intrins eye muscl together, cn iii, cn iv cn vi control six muscl eye."} {"id": "3641", "contents": "trochlea mean pulley nerv innerv extrins eye muscl call the. superior oblique. hook pulley-shap ligament (call trochlea) medial aspect orbit. caus eye move outward (inferolaterally)."} {"id": "3642", "contents": "muscl eye innerv differ nerves; cranial nerv iii, cranial nerv iv, cranial nerv vi. cranial nerv iii innerv muscles, iv vi innerv one. 10 peopl found useful. cranial nerv motor function tend bilater innervated. words, right accessori nerv (xi) receiv input right le ft motor cortex."} {"id": "3643", "contents": "trochlear nerv (cranial nerv iv) damaged, palsi superior obliqu muscl may occur. typically, resut excyclotors (outward rotation), along lesser hypertropia esotropia (upward inward movement) affect eye. abducen nerv (cranial nerv vi) damaged, palsi later rectu (lr) muscl may occur, result esotropia affect eye. eye gener abl look outward past midline, somewhat turn inward eye fixat straight ahead."} {"id": "3644", "contents": "-------------. -. page gener 0.0197 seconds. besid mean definit word potawatomi page find interest inform too, like synonym relat words. bottom page fun area, like tarot cards, numerolog ten characters, write potawatomi bar code hand sign more.."} {"id": "3645", "contents": "(click potawatomi pronunci guide). click see potawatomi indian word compar word relat algonquian languages: algonquian indian words. theme potawatomi word list put togeth illustr languag learners. feel free print classroom purposes! potawatomi anim words."} {"id": "3646", "contents": "potawatamie. potawatomi indians, also known ojibway, live mainli michigan, wisconsin, minnesota, north dakota, ontario. speak form algonquian languag close relat chippewa ottawa indians. great lake region, potawatomi tribe, one"} {"id": "3647", "contents": "mean definit potawatomi word. [noun] algonquian languag spoken potawatomi people. [noun] member algonquian peopl origin michigan wisconsin. see also: algonquian algonquian algonquian languag algonquin algonquin |."} {"id": "3648", "contents": "noun potawatomi senses: 1. member algonquian peopl origin michigan wisconsin. 2. algonquian languag spoken potawatomi. familiar information: potawatomi use noun rare."} {"id": "3649", "contents": "pseudomona aeruginosa gram-negative, rod-shaped, asporogenous, monoflagel bacterium incred nutrit versatility. rod 1-5 \u00b5m long 0.5-1.0 \u00b5m wide. descript significance."} {"id": "3650", "contents": "pseudomona aeruginosa gram-negative, rod-shaped, motil organ (polar flagella) characterist produce. water-solubl pigment diffus medium. best known pyocyanin (blue-green), pyoverdin (yellow-green, pseudomona aeruginosa opportunist pathogen infect burns, wounds, surgic incis site catheterization. common caus infect burn injuri outer ear (otiti externa)"} {"id": "3651", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. pseudomona genu gram-negative, aerob gammaproteobacteria, belong famili pseudomonadacea contain 191 validli describ species. member genu demonstr great deal metabol diversity, consequ abl colon wide rang niches. gram-neg bacteria, pseudomona spp. natur resist penicillin major relat beta-lactam antibiotics, number sensit piperacillin, imipenem, ticarcillin, ciprofloxacin."} {"id": "3652", "contents": "pseudomona proteobacteria belong genu pseudomonas. number speci p. aeruginosa, opportunist pathogen, caus infectio ns cf patients, burn/wound victim etc.. also p. putida, p. fluorescen etc. characterist pseudomona aeruginosa? pseudomona aeruginosa common bacterium caus diseas infect animals, includ humans. pearlesc appear grape-lik tortilla-lik odor thrive moist surfaces."} {"id": "3653", "contents": "pseudomona aeruginosa common gram-neg bacterium caus diseas plant animals, includ humans. citrate, catalase, oxidas positive. found soil, water, skin flora, man-mad environ throughout world. gram-negative, aerobic, bacillu bacterium unipolar motility. opportunist human pathogen, p. aeruginosa also opportunist pathogen plants. p. aeruginosa type speci genu pseudomona (migula)."} {"id": "3654", "contents": "pseudomona syringa s.r. sparrow smith pseudomona syringa gram-negative, aerobic, rod-shap bacteria. one distinguish characterist polar flagella. gamma proteobacteria order pseudomonadal famili pseudomonadaceae."} {"id": "3655", "contents": "characteristics: genu pseudomonas, pseudomonadacea family, motil gram-neg aerob bacteria, \u03bcm long plump-shap rods, polar flagella import role pathogenicity."} {"id": "3656", "contents": "pseudomona aeruginosa mindi merenghi pseudomona aeruginosa gram-negative, rod-shap bacterium gamma proteobacteria class. metabol respiratory, never fermentative. grow absenc oxygen (facult aerobe), no3 respiratori electron acceptor. characterist lead wide varieti diseases. bacterium, pseudomona aeruginosa, unusu consid environment microbe, common (and sometim even fatal) opportunist pathogen humans."} {"id": "3657", "contents": "thyroid drug synthroid (levothyroxin sodium), name implies, anyth natural. bio-equival natur hormon thyroxine, instead synthetic, hormone-lik substanc differ properties."} {"id": "3658", "contents": "thyroid hormones, includ synthroid, use either alon combin drug treatment obes weight loss. patient normal thyroid levels, dose synthroid use daili hormon replac help"} {"id": "3659", "contents": "given thyroid produc enough hormon own. levothyroxin use treat hypothyroid (low thyroid hormone) treat prevent goiter (enlarg thyroid gland), caus hormon imbalances, radiat treatment, surgery, cancer."} {"id": "3660", "contents": "levothyroxin synthet thyroid hormon use treat hypothyroidism, condit thyroid gland produc enough thyroid hormone. drug avail brand name levothroid, levoxyl, levo-t, synthroid, tirosint, unithroid."} {"id": "3661", "contents": "use. synthroid (levothyroxin sodium tablets, usp) prescription, man-mad thyroid hormon use treat condit call hypothyroidism, except case temporari hypothyroidism, usual associ inflamm thyroid gland (thyroiditis)."} {"id": "3662", "contents": "levothyroxin use treat hypothyroidism, condit thyroid gland produc enough thyroid hormone. levothyroxin also use help decreas size enlarg thyroid gland (also call goiter) treat thyroid cancer. medicin avail doctor' prescription."} {"id": "3663", "contents": "levothyroxin use treat underact thyroid (hypothyroidism). replac provid thyroid hormone, normal produc thyroid gland. low thyroid hormon level occur natur thyroid gland injur radiat /medic remov surgery."} {"id": "3664", "contents": "forms, like gamma-tocopherol beta-tocopherol, provid level protection. vitamin natur sourc label alpha tocopherol d-alpha tocopherol-dl-alpha tocopherol indic synthetic, less effect product. give cheap vitamin supplement contain high level vitamin a, sinc could lead overdos vitamin possibl vitamin toxicity."} {"id": "3665", "contents": "accord recent study, men take 400 iu\u2019 vitamin per day increas risk prostat cancer 17 percent. however, media report fail address fact vitamin use synthetic, petrochemically-deriv form vitamin known toxic effects."} {"id": "3666", "contents": "a: vitamin gener term tocopherol tocotrienols. vitamin famili alpha-, beta-, gamma-, delta-tocopherol correspond four tocotrienols. vitamin e, fat-solubl vitamin, recent news due controversi amount recommend health benefits."} {"id": "3667", "contents": "vitamin (tocopherol) light yellow oil, fat-solubl vitamin, actual famili compounds, tocopherols, found nature. alphatoxopherol common activ seven current describ forms-alpha, beta, gamma, delta, epsilon, zeta."} {"id": "3668", "contents": "uncommon take much vitamin e, still possible. vitamin toxic usual caus take mani supplements. vitamin toxic usual caus get much vitamin food. fact, peopl get less recommend amount vitamin e. high dose vitamin supplement increas risk bleeding."} {"id": "3669", "contents": "like patient vitamin toxic use vitamin supplements; obtain dose durat vitamin usage. assess concurr use anticoagul aspirin. nutrit assess vitamin defici use patient present bleed elev pt."} {"id": "3670", "contents": "flour leaven agent call plain all-purpos flour. appropri bread pizza bases. biscuit also prepar use type flour. bread flour high gluten protein, 12.5-14% protein compar 10-12% protein all-purpos flour."} {"id": "3671", "contents": "bake highest-ris yeast bread ever flour mill exclus yeast baking: unbleach bread flours, convent organic. higher-protein bread flour help loavesfrom soft white sandwich bread whole-grain loavesris highest. go keep singl type brand flour pantryour unbleach all-purpos (regular, organic) it. bake everyth high-ris yeast bread flaki pie crust cookiescrunchi chewy."} {"id": "3672", "contents": "self rais flour yeast complet different. self rais flour normal flour mix bake powder salt. yeast live organ use rise agent make bread. don\u2019t use self rais flour make bread."} {"id": "3673", "contents": "no. contain bake powder. add yeast purpos flour bread machine. bread flour bread machin work better gluten content. gold medal make good bread flour. use ap flour ad yeast make good bread machin loaf bread. right yeast i... show ask mom gave old bread machin want make cranberri bread. husband said buy self-ris flour skip yeast think wrong."} {"id": "3674", "contents": "usual start trace amount yeast found flour itself, combin yeast air. throw flour machine, enough leavening. need tender coupl week get sort rise power. right yeast i... show ask mom gave old bread machin want make cranberri bread. husband said buy self-ris flour skip yeast think wrong."} {"id": "3675", "contents": "asic bread contain ingredientsoften flour, water, yeast, salt, plu sometim oil butter, eggs, seeds, grains, nuts. ingredients, import use best qualiti store properly. differ type wheat flour contain differ amount protein. unbleach all-purpos lowest amount protein, usual around 10.5 percent. bread flour contain 12 12.7 percent. high-gluten whole-wheat flour 14 percent protein."} {"id": "3676", "contents": "proof yeast: yeast proof ad flour mixtur sure active. proof, dissolv yeast small amount warm water-approxim 105 degre 115 degre dri yeast; approxim 80 degre cake yeast-for 10 15 minut yeast foamy. bread make tip alway store flour airtight contain cool, dri place. long-term storage, store flour yeast refriger freezer. measur flour, spoon lightli dri measur cup level spatula. use grain mill grind whole wheat berri grain flour."} {"id": "3677", "contents": "all-purpos flour, blend hard soft wheat flours, suitabl yeast bread well quick bread cakes. bread flour, high gluten content, result bread good volume. bread make tip alway store flour airtight contain cool, dri place. long-term storage, store flour yeast refriger freezer. measur flour, spoon lightli dri measur cup level spatula. use grain mill grind whole wheat berri grain flour."} {"id": "3678", "contents": "symptoms: black pepper allergy. black pepper allergy. black pepper allergy. black pepper allergy. black pepper allergy. black pepper allergy. black pepper allergy. allergi black pepper common. peopl allerg celeri pollen show higher rate allergi black pepper."} {"id": "3679", "contents": "also like allerg white pepper cannot toler black varieti without experienc allerg symptoms. black pepper allergi symptoms. itchi around lips, tongu back throat. inflamm tongu throat may hamper act swallowing."} {"id": "3680", "contents": "common symptom allerg reaction pepper depend pepper come contact you. sinc black, white green pepper fruit differ stage processing, allerg black pepper, surpris find allerg white green pepper well."} {"id": "3681", "contents": "symptoms. symptom allergi black pepper, like food allergy, rang annoy life-threatening. accord mayoclinic.com, common symptom includ hives, tingl itch insid mouth, abdomin pain, diarrhea, nausea vomiting."} {"id": "3682", "contents": "black pepper allergi wide recognized; however, exist peopl often overlook condit due insignific amount condiment use food preparation. allergi symptom becom evid individu consum black pepper corn crack corn instead powder form."} {"id": "3683", "contents": "wherea food allergen caus itch swell mouth, tongu lips, common allerg reaction green pepper respiratori symptoms, rhinoconjinct (red, itchy, swollen, wateri eyes) asthma."} {"id": "3684", "contents": "allerg black pepper eat someth pepper it, you\u2019ll usual show sign allergi symptom pretti quickly. everyon react differently, could happen immedi take minut coupl hour symptom arise. symptom may allerg black pepper. hives."} {"id": "3685", "contents": "salivari gland saliva. parotid glands-produc serous, wateri secretion. submaxillari (mandibular) glands-produc mix serou mucou secretion. sublingu glands-secret saliva predominantli mucou character. serou cells, secret wateri fluid, essenti devoid mucus. salivari gland saliva. histolog section canin salivari gland shown above, cell stain pink serou cells, white, foami cell mucus-secret cells. photo credit: credit: richard bowen. saliva produc secret salivari glands."} {"id": "3686", "contents": "salivari gland saliva. saliva produc secret salivari glands. basic secretori unit salivari gland cluster cell call acini. cell secret fluid contain water, electrolytes, mucu enzymes, flow acinu collect ducts. acini parotid gland almost exclus serou type, sublingu gland predominantli mucu cells. submaxillari glands, common observ acini compos serou mucu epitheli cells."} {"id": "3687", "contents": "submaxillari (mandibular) glands-produc mix serou mucou secretion. sublingu glands-secret saliva predominantli mucou character. serou cells, secret wateri fluid, essenti devoid mucus. mucou cells, produc mucus-rich secretion. salivari gland saliva. histolog section canin salivari gland shown above, cell stain pink serou cells, white, foami cell mucus-secret cells. photo credit: credit: richard bowen. saliva produc secret salivari glands."} {"id": "3688", "contents": "parotid glands-produc serous, wateri secretion. submaxillari (mandibular) glands-produc mix serou mucou secretion. sublingu glands-secret saliva predominantli mucou character. salivari gland saliva. histolog section canin salivari gland shown above, cell stain pink serou cells, white, foami cell mucus-secret cells. photo credit: credit: richard bowen. saliva produc secret salivari glands."} {"id": "3689", "contents": "print. salivari gland produc saliva moisten mouth, help protect teeth decay digest food. three major salivari gland parotid gland, submandibular gland (also call submaxillari gland), sublingu glands. saliva drain mouth small tube call ducts. parotid gland make 25% saliva drain mouth near upper teeth."} {"id": "3690", "contents": "acini parotid gland almost exclus serou type, sublingu gland predominantli mucou cells. submaxillari glands, common observ acini compos serou mucou epitheli cells. salivari gland saliva. histolog section canin salivari gland shown above, cell stain pink serou cells, white, foami cell mucus-secret cells. photo credit: credit: richard bowen. saliva produc secret salivari glands."} {"id": "3691", "contents": "salivari gland mammal exocrin glands, gland ducts, produc saliva. also secret amylase, enzym break starch maltose. 800-1000 minor salivari gland locat throughout oral caviti within submucosa oral mucosa tissu buccal, labial, lingual mucosa, soft palate, later part hard palate, floor mouth muscl fiber tongue."} {"id": "3692", "contents": "anim three major pair salivari gland differ type secret produce: parotid gland produc serous, wateri secretion. submaxillari (mandibular) gland produc mix serou mucou secretion. sublingu gland secret saliva predominantli mucou character. acini parotid gland almost exclus serou type, sublingu gland predominantli mucu cells. submaxillari glands, common observ acini compos serou mucu epitheli cells."} {"id": "3693", "contents": "call major salivari gland parotid, submandibular, sublingu glands. secret saliva mouth, parotid tube drain saliva, call salivari ducts, near upper teeth, submandibular tongue, sublingu mani duct floor mouth. salivari gland problem caus clinic symptom include: obstruction: obstruct flow saliva commonli occur parotid submandibular glands, usual stone formed. symptom typic occur eating."} {"id": "3694", "contents": "muslim think whey milk base ingredi halal, true. two kind whey, one sweet rennet whey acid whey. acid whey obtain make acid type chees cottag cheese."} {"id": "3695", "contents": "calf slaughter accord islam requirements, rennet halal. microbi enzym deriv meat halal. chees product manufactur microbial/bacteri cultur halal. chees product list sourc enzyme. call food manufactur find sourc enzyme. addition, possibl sourc may chang without notification. yes, permissible; halal hal\u00e3l to, eat even previous came a-non muslim long likelihood shopkeep ascertain slaughter accord the\u2018shari a; law such."} {"id": "3696", "contents": "cultur media pure milk halal. explain frito lay nutritionist supervisor ms. nina ferguson requir halal chees ingredients. awar halal requir dorito cheeto products. 2. product made line anim deriv ingredi (includ pork) contain product manufactured. 3. chees use dorito cheeto product halal kosher certified."} {"id": "3697", "contents": "link contain explan enzymes, purpos page, focu rennet, type enzym chees dairi product made. much like vinegar page, written one chees dairi product sourc lot question get whether ingredi deriv halal dhabiha sources."} {"id": "3698", "contents": "activ enzym rennet chymosin, rennin. additionally, enzym lipas pepsin. reason rennet use chees make speed coagul separ curd whey starter cultur ad milk. much like vinegar page, written one chees dairi product sourc lot question get whether ingredi deriv halal dhabiha sources."} {"id": "3699", "contents": "\u201chalal cultur prerequisit halal whey, enabl chees manufactur captur opportun sell whey grow halal food market\u201d, say carolin de lamarliere, global busi director chees ripen cultures. share. 02 nov 2010 --- accord market news servic halalfocus, global market halal product overal $632 billion growing. light, chees manufactur much gain halal approv danisco\u2019 choozit chees cultures. nov 2010 --- danisco offer manufactur new opportun meet grow consum demand halal-label dairi product"} {"id": "3700", "contents": "accord market news servic halalfocus, global market halal product overal $632 billion growing. light, chees manufactur much gain halal approv danisco\u2019 choozit chees cultures. nov 2010 --- danisco offer manufactur new opportun meet grow consum demand halal-label dairi products. share. 02 nov 2010 --- accord market news servic halalfocus, global market halal product overal $632 billion growing. light, chees manufactur much gain halal approv danisco\u2019 choozit chees cultures."} {"id": "3701", "contents": "assalam alaikum philadelphia cream chees circl cor kosher symbol packag whey halal. whey by-product chees making. chees made halal rennet, enzymes, starter cultur bacteria starter cultur media chees halal whey halal. whey liquid left milk becam curd."} {"id": "3702", "contents": "starter cultur microorgan use theproduct cultur dairi product yogurt cheese.a starter cultur provid particular characterist morecontrol predict fermentation. primari functionof lactic starter product lactic acid lactose."} {"id": "3703", "contents": "procedure, call miradry, miramar lab inc. sunnyvale, calif., approv food drug administr last year becam avail januari treat hyperhidrosis, excess sweating. cost $3,000 two sessions, cover insurance, compani says. botox cost $1,000 session cover mani insurers."} {"id": "3704", "contents": "miradri consist rate among best. well 90% patient date said \u201cworth it!\u201d compar botox laser hair remov right around 70%. miradri is, without doubt, patient favorite! offer great section miradri review here. requir multipl treatment expect either packag price up-front potenti discount price subsequ treatments. example, two treatment cost $3,000 $3,400. experi sever sweater satisfi one treatment."} {"id": "3705", "contents": "typically, miradri cost approxim $2,500 $3,000 two treatments, long run cost-effect treatment cope mechan treatments. peopl find cost miradri surprisingli reasonable, consid physic emot cost live excess sweat, significant, lifelong benefit miradri provides. check sweat cost calcul find much current spend sweat-rul life."} {"id": "3706", "contents": "miradri devic microwav gun destroy sweat glands, reduc sweat volum averag 82 percent manufacturer-sponsor study. treatment fda approv hyperhidrosis, excess sweat condit affect estim three percent us population. side effect miradri treatment includ damag hair follicles, sparser hair growth, swell (which severe), numbness, weak and/or tingl arm(s), nerv damage."} {"id": "3707", "contents": "miradri cost protocol typic $3,000 $3,500 treatments, sold package. last years, observ averag patient\u2019 miradri cost come down. mostli function patient get one treatment. iradri cost one commonli ask question get. price definit vari depend live, miradri cost $1500-$1,800 per treatment typical."} {"id": "3708", "contents": "miradri cost. iradri cost one commonli ask question get. price definit vari depend live, miradri cost $1500-$1,800 per treatment typical. often see miradri cost quot $3,000 $3,500. two treatments. origin miradri treatment protocol gear hyperhidrosi patient (about 3% population)"} {"id": "3709", "contents": "miradri procedur use safe non-invas technolog elimin sweat gland underarm area, provid long-term solut excess underarm sweat. happen procdedure? treatment custom underarm area multipl placement miradri handpiece. miradry. toronto sweat clinic thrill introduc miradri patient gta. year research development, includ long-term clinic studies, miradri proven deliv effect last results."} {"id": "3710", "contents": "miradri procedur non-invas use electromagnet energi elimin sweat glands. sweat gland regener treatment, see dramat last reduct underarm sweat. miradri take hour perform doctor' office."} {"id": "3711", "contents": "miradri fda-clear procedur provid last reduct underarm sweat complet non-invas way. treatment options, includ antiperspir toxins, aim temporarili disabl sweat gland vari length time. requir multipl treatment expect either packag price up-front potenti discount price subsequ treatments. example, two treatment cost $3,000 $3,400. experi sever sweater satisfi one treatment."} {"id": "3712", "contents": "hyperion, world' tallest live tree. tallest tree world coast redwood (sequoia sempervirens), name hyperion person greek mythology. tree less 115.72 (379.7 feet) tall note although tallest live tree world coast redwood, biggest live tree planet specimen relat species, giant sequoia. largest giant sequoia name"} {"id": "3713", "contents": "accord research dr a.c. carder, tallest tree ever measur australian eucalyptu regnan watt river, victoria, australia, report 1872 forest william ferguson. tallest tree today, rare exceed 300 feet, tallest living, coo co. oregon, 335 feet tall lowest portion trunk, 11 ft inch diamet breast height. call doerner fir, calcul 500 year age."} {"id": "3714", "contents": "although redwood current tallest tree, tallest tree history. eucalyptu regnan mt. baw baw, victoria, australia, believ measur 143 m. (470 ft.) 1885. tallest live tree today mendocino tree, coast redwood (sequoia sempervirens) found montgomeri state reserv near ukiah, california, usa. septemb 1998, 112 (367.5 ft) tall, diamet 3.14 (10 ft).."} {"id": "3715", "contents": "where. unit state redwood nation park. when. tallest tree current grow hyperion, measur 115.54 (379.1 ft) septemb 2006. coast redwood (sequoia sempervirens) discov chri atkin michael taylor (both usa) redwood nation park, california, usa 25 august 2006."} {"id": "3716", "contents": "tallest tree world redwood (sequoia sempervirens), tower ground california. tree easili reach height 300 feet (91 meters). among redwoods, tree name hyperion dwarf all. tree discov 2006, 379.7 feet (115.7 m) tall. shortli measur deem world' tallest, writer new yorker climb close top describ like stand there."} {"id": "3717", "contents": "tallest one, name centurion around 100 (328 ft) tall tallest live hardwood tree earth. eucalypt tree discov octob 2008 use laser mount plane, measur terrain height, forest height forest biomass [5] note although tallest live tree world coast redwood, biggest live tree planet specimen relat species, giant sequoia. largest giant sequoia name"} {"id": "3718", "contents": "eureka tree redwood fell 1914, measur 380 feet. tallest confirm redwood today, name hyperion, last measur 379.1 feet 2006, near orick, cal. healthi tree, perhap 500-600 year old, grow steadi rate; may reach 390 feet within century. unexplor trees, may yet taller. tallest tree today, rare exceed 300 feet, tallest living, coo co. oregon, 335 feet tall lowest portion trunk, 11 ft inch diamet breast height. call doerner fir, calcul 500 year age."} {"id": "3719", "contents": "tallest live tree stand 112 meter (367 feet, in.), five stori higher statu liberty. mendocino tree, coast redwood (sequoia sempervirens) found montgomeri state reserv near ukiah, california, usa. estim 1000 year old. tallest live tree today mendocino tree, coast redwood (sequoia sempervirens) found montgomeri state reserv near ukiah, california, usa. septemb 1998, 112 (367.5 ft) tall, diamet 3.14 (10 ft).."} {"id": "3720", "contents": "tallest live tree. guin world records. tallest live tree today mendocino tree, coast redwood (sequoia sempervirens) found montgomeri state reserv near ukiah, california, usa. septemb 1998, 112 (367.5 ft) tall, diamet 3.14 (10 ft).."} {"id": "3721", "contents": "accord research dr a.c. carder, tallest tree ever measur australian eucalyptu regnan watt river, victoria, australia, report 1872 forest william ferguson. 132.6 (435 ft) tall almost certainli measur 150 (500 ft) originally. tallest confirm redwood today, name hyperion, last measur 379.1 feet 2006, near orick, cal. healthi tree, perhap 500-600 year old, grow steadi rate; may reach 390 feet within century."} {"id": "3722", "contents": "effect winstrol. anabol steroid stanozolol one popular anabol steroid time, one outsid perform realm heard least time two."} {"id": "3723", "contents": "androgenic: androgen side effect winstrol possible. however, possibl steroid produc lot androgen activity. acn acceler hair loss predispos male pattern bald possible. possible, strongli link genet predispositions. also complain joint pain use winstrol. steroid aromat water retent \u201cdri feeling\u201d may mani think is. use steroid physiqu athlet gym rat cut phase."} {"id": "3724", "contents": "estrogenic: winstrol estrogenic. anabol steroid aromat make estrogen side effect winstrol use impossibility. steroid cannot caus gynecomastia excess water retention. water retent normal primari caus steroid relat high blood pressure. also complain joint pain use winstrol. steroid aromat water retent \u201cdri feeling\u201d may mani think is. use steroid physiqu athlet gym rat cut phase."} {"id": "3725", "contents": "last review rxlist 7/2/2015. winstrol (anabol steroids) synthet steroid, similar testosterone, use treatment hereditari angioedema, caus episod swell face, extremities, genitals, bowel wall, throat. winstrol may decreas frequenc sever attacks."} {"id": "3726", "contents": "read complet inform winstrol here: http://www.enc2011.org/2014/02/13/wha... winstrol benefit explain short video. discov stanozolol admir bodybuild athlet around world advantages. peopl blogs."} {"id": "3727", "contents": "anabol steroid winstrol commonli use bodi builder build lean muscl bodi burn excess fat. stanozolol gener prescrib treat condit known hereditari angioedema characteris occasion recur swell differ part body. winstrol commonli abus individu involv bodybuild sports. winstrol mainli use cut cycl bodybuild preserv lean muscl mass increas utilis fat tissues. also prefer increas weight regular use."} {"id": "3728", "contents": "winstrol well-regard anabol steroid use mani bodi builders, weight lifter athletes. artifici steroid produc dihydrotestosterone. help intend cut fat. anoth properti winstrol abil bring mild androgen effects. properti import femal want experi sever androgen effect case mani anabol steroids."} {"id": "3729", "contents": "best answer: winstrol popular oral inject steroid also known stanozolol. winstrol favorit pre-contest steroid bodybuild worldwide, known primarili anabol steroid, minim androgen side effects. steroid also aromatize, mean won\u2019t convert estrogen caus water retention. winstrol usual taken dosag 50mg per day men, either oral injected. higher dosag bring better results, fact quit opposite, winstrol quit harsh connect joint tissu higher dosages, caus massiv joint pain user dose 50mg per day."} {"id": "3730", "contents": "winstrol stanozolol anabol steroid use get lean hard, it\u2019 mainli use oral cut cycl lose bodi fat. it\u2019 variant dihydrotestosteron (dht), expect similar fat loss benefit would dht deriv steroid. lot variat winstrol use, oral cycl combin inject steroids. sinc it\u2019 versatil steroid, use mani differ ways."} {"id": "3731", "contents": "count $80 per hour plumber fee special train laar boiler person $1200 instal unit, plu repair labor cost piec engin work boiler was. good riddance."} {"id": "3732", "contents": "replac aging, leak inadequ ductwork typic cost $35-$55 linear foot labor materials, $1,000 -$5,000 single-famili home, depend length type ducts. older ductwork might contain asbestos, creat unpredict addit cost asbesto removal."} {"id": "3733", "contents": "compar cost repair cost replacing. repair averag $300 $500 common issues. replac cost $3,000 $5,000 new equip installation, inspect remov old system."} {"id": "3734", "contents": "ga boiler costs. 2014, ga boiler replac cost rang $2,500 $5,000 mid-effici boiler $6,000 $9,000 high-effici boiler."} {"id": "3735", "contents": "replac boiler typic cost averag $50-$300, price drastic higher depend live locat boiler. replac leaking, aging, bad ductwork cost averag $35-$55 linear foot labor materials, depend length type ducts."} {"id": "3736", "contents": "cost replac standard ga boiler $4,000. high-effici model cost $7,500. cost estim usual includ remov dispos old unit, well necessari lines, duct wire need new system run properly."} {"id": "3737", "contents": "instal standard boiler (80%-85% annual fuel util efficiency) typic cost $2,500-$5,000 gas-fir model $3,000-$6,500 oil-fir unit (gener use area without municip ga lines)."} {"id": "3738", "contents": "instal costs. cost instal highli variabl depend type system, choic contractor complex requir work. instal charg typic home rang $3,000 $6,000 averag cost $4,700."} {"id": "3739", "contents": "ancient greek philosophy, aristotl foreground mean arch element principl thing, although undemonstr intang itself, provid condit possibl thing. sourc entiti alway preserved. (aristotle-metaph.a, 983, b6ff). anaximand first philosoph use arch writer aristotl onward call substratum (simpliciu phys."} {"id": "3740", "contents": "origin arche. greek arch\u0113, literally, begin archi-. word usual appear free dictionary, definit premium unabridg dictionari offer limit basis. note inform display differ unabridg"} {"id": "3741", "contents": "arch ancient greek philosophi [edit]. heritag greek mytholog alreadi embodi desir articul realiti whole univers impuls fundament first project specul theorizing. sourc entiti alway preserved. (aristotle-metaph.a, 983, b6ff). anaximand first philosoph use arch writer aristotl onward call substratum (simpliciu phys."} {"id": "3742", "contents": "beginning, origin. person thing commences, first person thing series, leader. anyth begin be, origin, activ cause. extrem thing. corner sail. definition. beginning, origin person thing commences, first person thing series, leader anyth begin be, origin, activ caus extrem thing corner sail first place, principality, rule, magistraci angel demons. beginning, origin."} {"id": "3743", "contents": "strong' #746: arch (pronounc ar-khay'). 756; (properli abstract) commencement, (concretely) chief (in variou applic order, time, place, rank):--beginning, corner, (at the, the) first (estate), magistrate, power, principality, principle, rule. thayer' greek lexicon: \u0313\u0301. arche\u0304"} {"id": "3744", "contents": "arch (ancient greek: \u1f00\u03c1\u03c7\u03ae) greek word primari sens beginning, origin sourc action. (\u03b5\u03be\u2019 \u1f00\u03c1\u03c7\u03ae\u03c2: beginning, \u03bfr \u03b5\u03be\u2019 \u1f00\u03c1\u03c7\u03ae\u03c2 \u03bb\u03cc\u03b3\u03bf\u03c2: origin argument), later first principl element, first use anaximand (simpliciu ph. 150.23), principl knowledg (\u1f00\u03c1\u03c7\u03b1\u03af) (aristot. sourc entiti alway preserved. (aristotle-metaph.a, 983, b6ff). anaximand first philosoph use arch writer aristotl onward call substratum (simpliciu phys."} {"id": "3745", "contents": "noun feminine. definition. beginning, origin person thing commences, first person thing series, leader anyth begin be, origin, activ caus extrem thing corner sail first place, principality, rule, magistraci angel demons. beginning, origin. person thing commences, first person thing series, leader. anyth begin be, origin, activ cause."} {"id": "3746", "contents": "definit arche. someth beginning: first principle: earli greek philosophy: substanc primal element aristotle: actuat principl (a cause). advertisement. greek arch\u0113, literally, begin archi-. word usual appear free dictionary, definit premium unabridg dictionari offer limit basis."} {"id": "3747", "contents": "owner' policy. owner' titl insur usual issu amount real estat purchase. pay one-tim fee close last long heir interest property. may even sold property. type titl insurance. lender' policy. two type titl insurance: lender' titl insur owner' titl insurance. lender requir loan polici issu loan. loan polici usual base dollar amount loan."} {"id": "3748", "contents": "lender' polici last mortgag paid full. owner' polici remain forc long heir interest property. challeng titl aris properti pass heirs, titl insur compani would defend titl would you."} {"id": "3749", "contents": "titl insur protect (or lender) lawsuit file title. owner' titl insurance, issu amount real estat purchase, bought one-tim fee last long heir interest property. lender' titl insur requir state close mortgage. lender' version protect lender amount mortgage, protect equiti property. paramet owner' polici vari state. owner' titl insur polici may protect full valu home, includ equity, coupl hundr dollars. states, home seller pay owner polici make good titl buyer. sometim borrow must buy add-on lender' polic"} {"id": "3750", "contents": "idea take long get titl insurance, simplifi outlin process issu titl insur policy: placement request titl insurance. titl insur usual take around week process, depend complex titl search. take titl insur compani that, follow polici get process soonest possibl tim"} {"id": "3751", "contents": "you, home buyer, pay lender\u2019 titl insur close house, it\u2019 also good idea make sure owner\u2019 titl insur polici well (in area country, seller pay policies; others, buyer must purchas it)."} {"id": "3752", "contents": "titl insur polici expired? long keep policy? --erwin h. dear erwin: answer question is: owner' titl insur polici effect long properti buyer heir property. polici still valid case insur titl problem arises. keep polici long property."} {"id": "3753", "contents": "mortgag insurance, protect lender pay premium, single-pay made upfront. requir insur protect lender amount mortgage, doesn\u2019t protect equiti property. need owner\u2019 titl polici full valu home. usual refer alta homeowner\u2019 policy. no, coverag alta polici refer increas 10% year first year issuance, 150% initi amount. buy addit coverag rider policy."} {"id": "3754", "contents": "owner' titl insur usual issu amount real estat purchase. pay one-tim fee close last long heir interest property. type titl insurance. lender' policy. two type titl insurance: lender' titl insur owner' titl insurance. lender requir loan polici issu loan. loan polici usual base dollar amount loan."} {"id": "3755", "contents": "averag cost per hour plumber rang $45 $150 per hour depend job, time location. servic may includ drain cleaning, faucet replac installation, toilet repair."} {"id": "3756", "contents": "plumbers' rate vari significantli location. area plumber charg $45 -$75 hour; region hourli rate $75 -$150. plumber charg two-hour minimum servic call fee $75 -$150, plumber bill flat fee per job instead hourli rate."} {"id": "3757", "contents": "area plumber charg $45 -$75 hour; region hourli rate $75 -$150. plumber charg two-hour minimum servic call fee $75 -$150, plumber bill flat fee per job instead hourli rate. either away, exact cost depend complex type work done."} {"id": "3758", "contents": "plumber charg two-hour minimum servic call fee $75 -$150, plumber bill flat fee per job instead hourli rate. either away, exact cost depend complex type work done."} {"id": "3759", "contents": "sometim see plumbers' rate advertis onlin $50 hour.. may possibl find plumber charg rate, average, licens plumber charg $100 $120 hour. order make living."} {"id": "3760", "contents": "average, plan spend anywher $15 much $45 per hour. asid hourli fee, contractor charg flat rate visit resid business. flat fee rang anywher $30 $60. expect pay anywher $17 $26 journeyman plumber."} {"id": "3761", "contents": "hour minimum usual guy $200 hour.a licens plumber work compani paid $35-75.00 per hour depend experience. hire plumber look least 250 dollar usual depen work done..... plumber wage $15.00 $30.00 hour."} {"id": "3762", "contents": "state yes. nj, nc, texas, tennessee, more. reason spread salmonella. america whole illeg pet tur tle in. littl children tend pick more. want turtle, prepar spend lot money near $100s."} {"id": "3763", "contents": "polici privaci \u00a9copyright 2015 twra share reptil turtl eastern box turtl eastern box turtleterrapen carolinathi familiar, terrestri turtl occur across entir state. two subspeci recogn tennessee: eastern box turtl (t. c. carolina) three-to box turtl (t. c. triunguis). three-to box turtl found extrem southwestern corner state, eastern box turtl occur across rest tennessee. description: small, high-dom turtl (4.5 6.0 inch length) highli variabl color patterns."} {"id": "3764", "contents": "reason, tennesse wildlif resourc agenc issu permit pet store sell turtl peopl turtles. mean it\u2019 illeg keep pet state regardless whether peopl find front yard bring back souvenir vacation. alway peopl see danger everyday things. can't protect peopl everi danger could encounter, includ bacteria pets. think live tennesse want turtle, go right ahead one. wash hand pet keep away peopl compromis immun system. twra reach 615-781-6500 visit onlin www.tn.gov/twra"} {"id": "3765", "contents": "true hollywood style, success teenag mutant ninja turtl movi produc plenti hype turtl tortoises. turtl fan think twice, though, get one pet. besid requir year (sometim decades) special care, turtl also transmit disease. touch turtl get sick. touch turtl get sick salmonella live surfaces. 2006 studi publish journal pediatr found exposur reptil one biggest risk factor determin whether infant get salmonella."} {"id": "3766", "contents": "report abuse. turtles/tortois purchas sold tn. also illeg nativ speci tn. also illeg tn take anim wild pet! source(s): grandmoth live winchester, turtl nut check pet store"} {"id": "3767", "contents": "red ear slider turtle: water turtl one popular pet world! ideal beginners, omnivor adults, grow 11 inches. ideal beginn 12 year older adult supervision. turtl enjoy bask requir land areas."} {"id": "3768", "contents": "pet store buy it, legal bought sold. also, turtl legal pet us, one one. so, yes, legal urtl pet shop. reason spread salmonella. america whole illeg pet tur tle in. littl children tend pick more. want turtle, prepar spend lot money near $100s."} {"id": "3769", "contents": "turn out, illeg purchas cute littl slider turtl pet shop tennesse years, now, courtesi tennesse wildlif resourc agency, can't even keep box turtl wander yard. alway peopl see danger everyday things. can't protect peopl everi danger could encounter, includ bacteria pets. think live tennesse want turtle, go right ahead one. wash hand pet keep away peopl compromis immun system. twra reach 615-781-6500 visit onlin www.tn.gov/twra"} {"id": "3770", "contents": "avoid abrupt withdraw therapy. initi dosag prednison may vari mg 60 mg per day, depend specif diseas entiti treated. situat less sever lower dose gener suffice, select patient higher initi dose may required. multipl sclerosis. treatment acut exacerb multipl sclerosi daili dose 200 mg prednisolon week follow 80 mg everi day month shown effective. (dosag rang prednison prednisolone.)."} {"id": "3771", "contents": "dosag prednison adult depend sever factors, medic condit treated, sever condition, person' age weight, exist medic conditions, medic taken. prednison dosag adults. prednison prescript medic use treat wide varieti conditions. part group medic known glucocorticoids, corticosteroids, simpli steroid short."} {"id": "3772", "contents": "initi dosag prednisolon (prednisolon (prednisolon (prednisolon tablets) tablets) tablets) tablet may vari mg 60 mg per day depend specif diseas entiti treated."} {"id": "3773", "contents": "initi dosag deltason tablet may vari mg 60 mg prednison per day depend specif diseas entiti treated. situat less sever lower dose gener suffic select patient higher initi dose may required. deltason (prednisone) tablet avail follow strength packag sizes: 2.5 mg (pink, round, scored, imprint deltason (prednisone) 2.5). bottl 100 ndc 0009-0032-01. mg (white, round, scored, imprint deltason (prednisone) 5)."} {"id": "3774", "contents": "data sheet prednison mg, 2.5 mg, mg 20 mg tablet present prednison mg tablet: white, almost white, round tablet one face emboss emboss p. diamet 6.25mm. dosag administr prednison intend oral administr only. adults: initi dose 5mg 80mg daili depend condit treated, singl dose breakfast, divid doses, doubl dose altern days. mainten dose usual 5mg 20mg daily."} {"id": "3775", "contents": "cost $300 $400 per day hire gener contractor. mani times, gener contractor also carpent lot work need done. great help cost save project. whether gener contractor work project depend skill outlook job. gener contractor labor may want 10% 20% cost"} {"id": "3776", "contents": "take price home, deduct price land, divid amount squar footag home. example, home sell $230,000 land cost $30,000, construct cost around $200,000. home 2,000 squar feet, cost per squar foot $100. use sever new home area get approxim squar footag price."} {"id": "3777", "contents": "contractor bid project specif price much cost...in theory. small, simpl projects, probabl count contract work contractor. typic contractor' crew gener carpentri trade people, may special skills. exactli gener contractor charg project depend type contract agre to. three common type cost contracts, fix price, time materi cost plu fee."} {"id": "3778", "contents": "build garag typic cost $35-$45 squar foot, $8,400-$10,800 standard single-car garag $13,300-$17,100 two-car garage. custom outdoor greenhous solid foundation, heat electr start $10,000-$20,000 small structure, cost $25,000-$50,000 more. bedroom addit consist 500 squar feet new floor space two bedroom bathroom cost $50-$250 squar foot, $25,000-$125,000."} {"id": "3779", "contents": "so, much contractor cost, anywher 5% 25% total project cost, averag rang 10-15%. typic contractor' crew gener carpentri trade people, may special skills. exactli gener contractor charg project depend type contract agre to. three common type cost contracts, fix price, time materi cost plu fee."} {"id": "3780", "contents": "fee fix amount base construct cost. cm fee vari servic cm provides. typic cm fee 3-5% construct cost paid base complet specif phase construction. owner structur payment cm fee receiv project complet project complet gener contractor paid full"} {"id": "3781", "contents": "build permit need new home construction. nation averag cost build permit $853, homeown spend $366 $1,340. data base actual project cost accord homeadvisor members. depend area, may requir additions, renov even electr plumb projects."} {"id": "3782", "contents": "jay behm-a basic way estim cost build detach garag simpli appli typic averag per squar foot construct $30 $40. averag cost basi contractor builder build basic one stori garag property."} {"id": "3783", "contents": "amount busi charg direct cost. contractor 1.50 markup (which reason remodel contractor), mean estim cost job $10,000, they'll multipli $10,000 1.50 arriv $15,000 sale price. typic remodel contractor overhead expens rang 25% 54% revenu mean everi $15,000 job could overhead expens $3,750 $8,100."} {"id": "3784", "contents": "modular home (built factori truck build site sections) start $50,000-$60,000 800-900 squar feet (1-2 bedrooms, bath) includ cost land, foundat site work, cost $500,000-$1 million large, custom homes. bedroom addit consist 500 squar feet new floor space two bedroom bathroom cost $50-$250 squar foot, $25,000-$125,000."} {"id": "3785", "contents": "messeng rna. wherea type rna final product genes, messeng rna (mrna) intermedi inform transfer process. carri inform dna ribosom genet code protein-synthes machineri translat protein."} {"id": "3786", "contents": "protein synthesi process correct amino acid connect togeth order written gene. 1. messeng rna. messeng rna (mrna) produc nucleu process call transcription. messeng rna carri genet inform dna cytoplasm amino acid connect together. 2. dna rna protein. order synthes protein, genet inform dna must convert amino acid sequence. similar way someon need read recip mix correct ingredi together. step 1- transcript involv synthesi mrna templat dna."} {"id": "3787", "contents": "transcript process genet inform store dna use produc complementari rna strand. detail, dna base sequenc first copi rna molecule, call premesseng rna, messeng rna (mrna) polymerase."} {"id": "3788", "contents": "cytoplasm, ribosom anoth rna molecul call transfer rna work togeth translat mrna protein. process call translation. protein manufactur larg quantiti singl dna sequenc transcrib mani rna polymeras molecul once. dna transcript process involv transcrib genet inform dna rna. transcrib dna message, rna transcript, use produc proteins. dna hous within nucleu cells. control cellular activ code product proteins."} {"id": "3789", "contents": "transcription, strand mrna form complementari sequenc within dna. transcript begin rna polymeras bind dna promot gene. dna helix unwound primari mrna strand made rna polymerase. dna rna protein. order synthes protein, genet inform dna must convert amino acid sequence. similar way someon need read recip mix correct ingredi together. step 1- transcript involv synthesi mrna templat dna."} {"id": "3790", "contents": "summary. process copi dna messeng rna (mrna) call transcription. transcript factor assembl promot region gene, bring rna polymeras enzym form transcript initi complex. activ protein enhanc region dna activ transcript initi complex."} {"id": "3791", "contents": "transcript take place cytoplasm (prokaryote) nucleu (eukaryote). transcript perform enzym call rna polymerase. make mrna, rna polymerase: bind dna strand specif sequenc gene call promoter. unwind unlink two strand dna. use one dna strand guid template."} {"id": "3792", "contents": "simplest sense, express gene mean manufactur correspond protein, multilay process two major steps. first step, inform dna transfer messeng rna (mrna) molecul way process call transcription. situation, translat begin 5' end mrna 3' end still attach dna. type cells, ribosom compos two subunits: larg (50s) subunit small (30s) subunit (s, svedberg unit, measur sediment veloc and, therefore, mass)."} {"id": "3793", "contents": "dna contain master plan creation protein molecul system cell, carri plan involv transfer relev inform rna process call transcription. rna inform transcrib messeng rna (mrna). process associ rna polymeras unwind dna build strand mrna place grow mrna molecul base complementari templat strand dna."} {"id": "3794", "contents": "transcription, enzym rna polymeras (green) use dna templat produc pre-mrna transcript (pink). pre-mrna process form matur mrna molecul translat build protein molecul (polypeptide) encod origin gene. situation, translat begin 5' end mrna 3' end still attach dna. type cells, ribosom compos two subunits: larg (50s) subunit small (30s) subunit (s, svedberg unit, measur sediment veloc and, therefore, mass)."} {"id": "3795", "contents": "philosophi person-cent care. person-cent care philosophi base carl rogers\u2019 belief client-cent approach theori opinion therapist. person expert life histori need therapist mere facilitator."} {"id": "3796", "contents": "person-cent think philosophy. person-cent think philosophi behind servic provis support posit control self-direct people\u2019 lives. depart disabl servic (dds) work implement person-cent think train session agenc wide initiatives. teach support use person-cent think skill mean likeli servic plan use act on, updat servic plan occur \u201cnaturally,\u201d need less effort time, person\u2019 abil lead fulfilling, independ life maximized."} {"id": "3797", "contents": "overview: carf standard requir \u201cperson-centered\u201d philosophi demonstr leadership personnel, philosophi guid servic delivery, philosophi commun stakehold understand manner, first publish aspir 1.a. leadership subsect 2010-2011 carf standard manuals. although major carf standard accredit focus person-cent philosophy, mani organ struggl fulli integr approach within operations."} {"id": "3798", "contents": "2. philosophi person-centr approach. person-centr counsel origin develop 1940 carl rogers(1902-1987) reaction psychoanalyt therapy. \u2018it root humanist psycholog primarili european concept phenomenolog existentialism\u2019(trahar, 1999: 8). accord person-centr theory, unfair peopl becom victim \u2018condit worth\u2019 other impos upon them(stillwell, 1998). person-centr approach place high valu experi individu human import subject reality."} {"id": "3799", "contents": "person-centr approach base theori philosophi dr carl rogers. non-direct approach another; believ other potenti abil make right choic self, regardless therapist' values, belief ideas. british associ person-centr approach (bapca) organis embrac promot person-centr way-of-being: strive creat relatonship base genuin accept empath understanding."} {"id": "3800", "contents": "person-centr therapy-also known person-centr counsel client-centr counselling-i humanist approach deal way individu perceiv conscious rather counsellor interpret unconsci thought ideas. core purpos person-centr approach facilit client' actualis tendenc (self-actualis belief human pursu best them)."} {"id": "3801", "contents": "person enter person center therapi state incongruence. role therapist revers situation. roger (1959) call therapeut approach client-cent person-cent therapi focu person\u2019 subject view world. roger regard everyon \u201cpotenti compet individual\u201d could benefit greatli form therapy."} {"id": "3802", "contents": "person-cent therapi (pct) also known person-cent psychotherapy, person-cent counseling, client-cent therapi rogerian psychotherapy. pct form talk-psychotherapi develop psychologist carl roger 1940 1950s. histori influenc [edit]. person-cent therapy, consid found work humanist school psychotherapies, began formal carl rogers."} {"id": "3803", "contents": "carl rogers' person-cent counsel base humanist philosophi assum peopl inher growth-seek natur capabl lead fulfilling, product lives. part third forc counseling: altern freud' psychoanalysi behaviorism."} {"id": "3804", "contents": "cost abut crown togeth around $500 $2500 extra singl dental implant. sometim need tooth flipper, (thi one around $100, depend type)."} {"id": "3805", "contents": "cost dental implant depend mani factors, includ type implantation, dentist perform procedure, locat implant placement surgeri performed, dental implant materi use amount dental insur have."} {"id": "3806", "contents": "two six implant top partial full-mouth dental bridg cost $3,500-$30,000 more, depend number implants, bridg size materials, need procedures."} {"id": "3807", "contents": "two six implant remov dentur plate cost $3,500-$30,000 depend number type implant (mini-impl less expensive), dentur materi (in case exist dentur plate adapt use implants) procedur needed."} {"id": "3808", "contents": "singl implant typic cost $2,400-$3,000, $4,000-$10,000 addit procedur like extractions, bone grafts, place abut dental crown singl implant typic add $500-$3,000 cost implant, total $1,500-$13,000 more."} {"id": "3809", "contents": "cost full-mouth reconstruct dental implant rang $24,000 $96,000. treatment cover dental insurance, insurance, may abl enlist servic third-parti financ compani like carecredit."} {"id": "3810", "contents": "dental implant among success procedur dentistry. although guarante dental implant procedur successful, studi shown five-year success rate 95 percent lower jaw implant 90 percent upper jaw implants."} {"id": "3811", "contents": "singl tooth implant cost. singl dental implant cost gener $850-$3500 rang price everyth goe smoothly. however, addit procedur need done, expect pay $10,000. unit state averag price singl dental implant around $2,500."} {"id": "3812", "contents": "place abut dental crown singl implant typic add $500-$3,000 cost implant, total $1,500-$13,000 more."} {"id": "3813", "contents": "seafood organ meat richest food sourc selenium ]. sourc includ muscl meats, cereal grains, dairi products. amount selenium drink water nutrit signific geograph region 2, ]. major food sourc selenium american diet breads, grains, meat, poultry, fish, egg ]. pork, beef, turkey, chicken, fish, shellfish, egg contain high amount selenium. bean nuts, especi brazil nuts, contain selenium. limit solid fat (satur fat tran fats), cholesterol, salt (sodium), ad sugars, refin grains."} {"id": "3814", "contents": "probably, read food sourc selenium, read brazil nut strong sourc mineral. depend grown, like true\u2014on ounc brazil nut may contain much 10 time dietari refer intak (dri) recommend selenium intake. food group whfood provid valuabl amount selenium. fish, grass-f pasture-rais meats, whole grains, nut seed either good, good, excel food sourc selenium. rate nine world' healthiest food excel"} {"id": "3815", "contents": "seafood dairi good sourc selenium. three ounc tuna 92 microgram selenium, halibut 47 micrograms, sardin 45 microgram shrimp contain 40 microgram selenium. one cup percent cottag chees 20 microgram selenium. photo credit junghe choi/istock/getti images. selenium trace miner natur found seafood, nuts, meat, dairi grains, well supplements. selenium essenti dna, thyroid hormones, reproduct oxid protection."} {"id": "3816", "contents": "except selenium-rich food includ oysters, clams, liver, kidney. food like contain doubl tripl dri serving. food exception, however, rule. gener rule thumb, identifi best sourc selenium food group. food group whfood provid valuabl amount selenium. fish, grass-f pasture-rais meats, whole grains, nut seed either good, good, excel food sourc selenium. rate nine world' healthiest food excel"} {"id": "3817", "contents": "1. brazil nuts. without doubt, brazil nut one best sourc selenium! tasty, delicious, loaded; one studi show two brazil nut per day 12 week rais selenium level normal range. 1/2 oz. contain whop 268 mcg, \u00ad479% daili requir \u00ad95 calories."} {"id": "3818", "contents": "good sourc selenium includ salmon, tuna, shellfish, turkey, whole wheat bread, cottag cheese. three ounc tuna provid 95 percent daili recommend allow selenium."} {"id": "3819", "contents": "meat like beef, liver, lamb, pork, turkey chicken contain selenium. seafood anoth set selenium food. larg varieti seafood includ tuna, halibut, sardines, flounder, salmon, oysters, lobsters, crabs, mussels, shrimp, clams, red snapper, her scallop good sourc selenium. read: purin rich food list ]."} {"id": "3820", "contents": "follow food gener consid good sourc selenium: brazil nuts. sunflow seeds. fish (tuna, halibut, sardines, flounder, salmon). shellfish (oysters, mussels, shrimp, clams, scallops). meat (beef, liver, lamb, pork). poultri (chicken, turkey). eggs. mushroom (button, crimini, shiitake). selenium deficiencies. defici selenium occur area soil content miner low. diet high refin food may also lead deficiency, selenium destroy food processing. take anti-inflammatori drug may reduc body' suppli selenium."} {"id": "3821", "contents": "selenium trace miner necessari function body. selenium function. import nutrient vital immun system function. selenium work conjunct vitamin e, vitamin c, glutathion vitamin b3 antioxid prevent free radic damag body. selenium deficiencies. defici selenium occur area soil content miner low. diet high refin food may also lead deficiency, selenium destroy food processing. take anti-inflammatori drug may reduc body' suppli selenium."} {"id": "3822", "contents": "better sourc selenium. better vegetarian sourc selenium includ grain grain food bread pasta, well nuts. brazil nut except high selenium\u2014an ounc contain 544 micrograms. best anim food sourc includ tuna, cod, turkey, chicken beef."} {"id": "3823", "contents": "biggest carv stone buddha world, leshan giant buddha featur poetry, song story. sculptur stand 71 meter (233 feet) high three meter (11 feet) long finger enorm rest hands. today popular tourist attract china. buddha statu situat center artifici lake citi hyderabad one india\u2019 famou buddha statues. figur stand full 17 meter (56 feet) tall weigh 320 tons."} {"id": "3824", "contents": "finish 1995, figur 3rd largest statu world, stand total 120 meter (394 feet) high includ 10m (30 ft) base 10m (30 ft) high lotu platform. visitor buddha statu take elev platform observ deck situated. laykyun setkyar second tallest statu world 130 meter includ 13.5 meter throne. built top po kaung hill near citi monywa central myanmar. foot lie largest reclin buddha statu world."} {"id": "3825", "contents": "finish 1995, figur one world\u2019 tallest statues, stand total 120 meter (394 feet) high includ 10m (30 foot) base 10m high lotu platform. visitor buddha statu take elev platform observ deck situated. buddha statu situat center artifici lake citi hyderabad one india\u2019 famou buddha statues. figur stand full 17 meter (56 feet) tall weigh 320 tons."} {"id": "3826", "contents": "biggest buddha statu world soon begin rise india' poorest state, bihar. construct vast image, stand nearli twice high america' statu liberty, due begin septemb complet 2005. printer friendly. email friend."} {"id": "3827", "contents": "ushiku daibutsu. centuri great buddha statu kamakura nara reign suprem largest bronz statu japan. although daibutsu nara, cast 2,000 year ago order emperor shomu, japan\u2019 largest 50 feet, alway partial daibutsu kamakura, cast 1252. stand buddha japan one tallest buddha statu world. spring buddha templ tallest stand buddha statu well"} {"id": "3828", "contents": "far citi chengdu sichuan province, china, sit leshan giant buddha statue. carv side mt. lingyun, coloss statu 1,300-years-old consid largest stone buddha world, far tallest pre-modern statue. biggest carv stone buddha world, dafo featur chines poetry, song story. ancient chinese, build statu size statur way thank gods."} {"id": "3829", "contents": "spring templ buddha largest statu world. total height monument 153 meter (502 ft) includ 20 meter (66 ft) lotu throne 25 meter (82 ft) building. construct spring templ buddha plan soon bamiyan buddha blown taliban afghanistan. laykyun setkyar second tallest statu world 130 meter includ 13.5 meter throne. built top po kaung hill near citi monywa central myanmar. foot lie largest reclin buddha statu world."} {"id": "3830", "contents": "world' biggest buddhas. imag buddha one world' familiar icons, repres wisdom compassion. time time, peopl move erect realli big buddhas. among largest statu world. giant buddha asia biggest? say leshan buddha sichuan province, china, seat stone giant 233 feet (71 meters) tall."} {"id": "3831", "contents": "largest stone buddha world far tallest pre-modern statu world. mount emei scenic area, includ leshan giant buddha scenic area list unesco world heritag site sinc 1996. 71 metr (233 ft) tall, statu depict seat maitreya buddha hand rest knees. shoulder 28 metr wide smallest toenail larg enough easili accommod seat person."} {"id": "3832", "contents": "key make coop safe place chicken lay egg sleep. rule thumb squar feet insid coop per chicken (2 squar feet per bantam) 10 squar feet outdoor space (8 squar feet per bantam). coop good air flow low roost chicken sleep. rule thumb squar feet insid coop per chicken (2 squar feet per bantam) 10 squar feet outdoor space (8 squar feet per bantam). coop good air flow low roost chicken sleep. good ventil crucial ensur drafts."} {"id": "3833", "contents": "here' beginner' guid bring baby! (thi fourth post rais chicken 101 seri .). purchas chicken sever stage development\u2014it depend long you\u2019r will wait eggs. day-old chick avail hatcheries. hi there, chicken mani year eggs, well meat. must say chicken egg much! unless eat whole lot eggs! peopl know feed chicken well enough get even one egg per chicken day."} {"id": "3834", "contents": "indoor pet chicken, like almost animal, quickli integr family. this, it\u2019 import consid mani factor bring hen, even it\u2019 good caus rescue. import thing consid make decis keep pet chicken indoors."} {"id": "3835", "contents": "answer question: small chicken rais indoors? education."} {"id": "3836", "contents": "i'v rais young chick indoors, move outsid weeks. think mayb bantam would way go, direct experi them. hope someon bit insight speak up. edit ruthless 6/4/11 6:09am. search hous chicken find sever peopl choos keep house. think serama nice mind confin breed might."} {"id": "3837", "contents": "need coop chickens, like lay hens. coop meat bird often larger rais 50, 100, bird time. mani peopl rais meat bird summer season, often temporari shelter like hoop hous tarps. need make sure bird protect rain wind."} {"id": "3838", "contents": "make sure resourc rais chickens. rais babi chicken reward experience, someth jump quickly. rais babi chickens, think long hard want keep chicken whether time, money space provid them. plan keep least birds. chicken sociabl creatures, plan keep least three six bird company. extra one two also bad idea chicken fall victim predat disease."} {"id": "3839", "contents": "rais babi chickens-th first 60 days. relat tutorials: how-to #1: hatch eggs. brooders. chick' first home brooder. brooder design idea see chicken brooder section. size brooder depend number chick have. aim least 2.5 sq feet per chick, possible, better. bottom brooder layer clean litter (pine shave similar)."} {"id": "3840", "contents": "victoria gazeley. tags: rais chicks, rais babi chicks, chickens, chicken information, keep chickens, keep chickens, chicken keeping, rais chickens, rais chicken, chicken, chicken 101, victoria gazeley. 15 littl girl first week birthday."} {"id": "3841", "contents": "upset father\u2019 unrel misconcept he, biff, salesman oliver, biff plan reliev willi illusions. willi enters, biff tri gently, first, tell happen oliver\u2019 office. willi blurt fired. stunned, biff tri let willi easily."} {"id": "3842", "contents": "biff steal young age, biff taught differ right wrong allus versu reality. taught okay steal long success come stealing."} {"id": "3843", "contents": "willy: give answers!. anoth incid willi show biff okay cheat lead success. biff also feel though world owe something, peopl around give he' owed, steal punish passiv aggress manor."} {"id": "3844", "contents": "biff stole grow steal adult. take want without hesitation. blame father habit willi punish steal young instil sens integrity. biff gone see bill oliv pitch deal borrow money. oliv keep wait hours, biff sure resented, dismiss quickly."} {"id": "3845", "contents": "willy: give answers!. anoth incid willi show biff okay cheat lead success. biff also feel though world owe something, peopl around give he' owed, steal punish passiv aggress manor."} {"id": "3846", "contents": "biff steal young age, biff taught differ right wrong allus versu reality. taught okay steal ong success come stealing."} {"id": "3847", "contents": "(answer #3). biff stole younger habit continu adult. know felt like steal something, oliver' pen. stole pen came understand thief."} {"id": "3848", "contents": "dave king geti images. chiffonad (pronounc shif-oh-nod) knife techniqu use cut herb leaf veget lettuc thin strip ribbons."} {"id": "3849", "contents": "definit chiffonade. shred fine cut veget herb use especi garnish. advertisement."} {"id": "3850", "contents": "cut herb fine shred beauti garnish."} {"id": "3851", "contents": "techniqu unsuit small, narrow, irregularly-shap herb leav coriander, parsley, thyme, rosemari due less surfac area knife practic job. chiffonad mean littl ribbon french, refer littl ribbon creat cutting. chiffonad (. [\u0283i.f\u0254.nad]) chop techniqu herb leafi green veget (such spinach basil) cut long, thin strips."} {"id": "3852", "contents": "french chiffonnade, akin chiffon: see chiffon. lettuce, vegetables, variou herb cut shred thin strips, use esp. garnish. origin chiffonade."} {"id": "3853", "contents": "chiffonade. french mean made rags, sl ice food thin strip known chiffonade. line leav spinach sl ice across yield ing long thin strip chiffonade. method fine sl ice herb roll leav tight cylind chopping."} {"id": "3854", "contents": "photo credit: photo molli watson. chiffonad mint add note fresh love color dishes. easi undeni great way dress simpl dishes. fresh mint leaves, techniqu basil, spinach, herb green leaves. rins thoroughli dri leav cut"} {"id": "3855", "contents": "danilo alfaro. definition: chiffonad knife techniqu use cut herb leaf veget lettuc thin strip ribbon s. chiffonad cook techniqu herb leafi green veget (such spinach basil) cut long, thin strips. gener accomplish stack leaves, roll tightly, cut across roll leav sharp knife, produc fine ribbon s. french mean made rags, sl ice food thin strip known chiffonade. line leav spinach sl ice across yield ing long thin strip chiffonade. method fine sl ice herb roll leav tight cylind chopping."} {"id": "3856", "contents": "peppermint cross mentha aquatica (water mint) mentha spicata (spearmint). peppermint seed rare and, occur, usual germinate. seed sprout would like less desir form mint. although varieg peppermint slower grow plant peppermint, two grow similarly. mint two phase growth. first occur earli spring emerg dormanc send stalk upward. stem grow tall becom flower spikes."} {"id": "3857", "contents": "common name: garden phlox. excit new dwarf garden phlox amazing, candi stripe flowers. long summer afternoon even meant enjoyed, arriv phlox paniculata \u2018peppermint twist\u2019 awesom new garden phlox, becam whole lot color enjoyable."} {"id": "3858", "contents": "mentha piperita f. citrata 'orange', also call bergamot mint, develop bright green leav lightli ting red. foliag love citru fragranc flavor make good addit wide rang dishes. grow feet tall spread sever feet wide. mint quickli scrambl cover garden real estate; tuck mint mind wander ways, corral rambl plant rais bed pot sunk soil. plant readili cross-pollinate; keep patch pure plant mix varieti far apart possible."} {"id": "3859", "contents": "peppermint plant. leaf oil use medicine. peppermint use common cold, cough, inflamm mouth throat, sinu infections, respiratori infections."} {"id": "3860", "contents": "plant flower mid late summer purpl colour. leav flower top peppermint used, harvest soon flower begin open dried. peppermint hybrid mint varieti spearmint watermint. peppermint extract made pure peppermint oil wherea mint extract deriv number of, combin of, culinari mint plants."} {"id": "3861", "contents": "harvest mint. cut leav flower top mint plant start bloom. use fresh leav immediately, freez retain bright color. air-dri mint, hang stem upsid small bundl spread loos small tray."} {"id": "3862", "contents": "peppermint (mentha piperita, also known m. balsamea willd. hybrid mint, cross watermint spearmint. plant, indigen europ middl east, widespread cultiv mani region world. found wild occasion parent species. peppermint oil may also act carminative, cholagogue, antibacterial, secretolytic, cool action. externally, peppermint oil use muscl pain nerv pain."} {"id": "3863", "contents": "use peppermint plant. keep peppermint plant simpli delight saw-tooth leav delic flower spici fragranc releas leav crush fingers. however, learn use peppermint plant medicin purposes, may becom even greater fan."} {"id": "3864", "contents": "peppermint leav avail throughout year, especi good warm weather give burst cool flavor summeri salad beverage. peppermint greenish-purpl lance-shap leav rounder leav spearmint grayish green color. description. mint gloriou plant give candi name cool burst flavor. 25 differ speci mints, peppermint actual natur hybrid cross mentha aquatica (water mint) mentha spicata (spearmint)."} {"id": "3865", "contents": "intens flavor, clip topmost mint leav flower form. also gather leav point grow season. frequent harvest caus plant branch becom bushy, cut grow tip plant often. mint quickli scrambl cover garden real estate; tuck mint mind wander ways, corral rambl plant rais bed pot sunk soil. plant readili cross-pollinate; keep patch pure plant mix varieti far apart possible."} {"id": "3866", "contents": "venu terrestri planet sometim call earth' sister planet similar size, mass, proxim sun bulk composition. radic differ earth respects. densest atmospher four terrestri planets, consist 96% carbon dioxide. atmospher pressur planet' surfac 92 time earth's. mean surfac temperatur 735 (462 \u00b0c; 863 \u00b0f), venu far hottest planet solar system, even though mercuri closer sun."} {"id": "3867", "contents": "venu call even star. call look bright us earth. venu earth almost size. venu closest planet earth, ocean human life like earth. venu get hot day could melt lead cannonball. temperatur rise 484 degre celsiu side face sun. venu thick, rapidli spin cloud cover surfac"} {"id": "3868", "contents": "night venu warm days. venu also small tilt 3.39 degre respect sun, compar 23.4 degre earth. planet, tilt provid us chang seasons; hemispher slant closer sun feel heat spring summer."} {"id": "3869", "contents": "venus, second planet sun, name roman goddess love beauty. planet planet name femal may name beauti deiti pantheon shone brightest five planet known ancient astronomers. venu earth often call twin similar size, mass, density, composit gravity. however, similar end there. photos: venus, mysteri planet next door ]. venu hottest world solar system."} {"id": "3870", "contents": "venu hellish atmospher well, consist mainli carbon dioxid cloud sulfur acid, scientist detect trace amount water atmosphere. atmospher heavier planet, lead surfac pressur 90 time earth. venu earth often call twin similar size, mass, density, composit gravity. however, similar end there. photos: venus, mysteri planet next door ]. venu hottest world solar system."} {"id": "3871", "contents": "venu hottest planet solar system, even hotter mercury, closer sun. temperatur surfac venu 860\u00b0 fahrenheit 460\u00b0 celsius. compar warm summer\u2019 day london, temperatur might 80\u00b0 fahrenheit 26\u00b0 celsius. venu call roman goddess love beauty. venu planet closest earth littl smaller earth. diamet earth (the distanc right round middl earth equator) 12,760 kilometres, 7926 miles."} {"id": "3872", "contents": "venu second planet sun, orbit everi 224.7 earth days. natur satellite. name roman goddess love beauty. moon, brightest natur object night sky, reach appar magnitud \u22124.6, bright enough cast shadows. atmospher pressur planet' surfac 92 time earth's. mean surfac temperatur 735 (462 \u00b0c; 863 \u00b0f), venu far hottest planet solar system, even though mercuri closer sun."} {"id": "3873", "contents": "venu second planet sun earth third, planet circl sun differ speeds. happen time time venu come earth sun, event call inferior conjunction. top-down view would look like fig. 1."} {"id": "3874", "contents": "planet\u2019 orbit around sun take 225 earth days, compar earth\u2019 365. venu often call earth\u2019 sister planet: earth venu similar size 638 km differ diameter, venu 81.5% earth\u2019 mass. also central core, molten mantl crust"} {"id": "3875", "contents": "form lower jaw hold lower teeth place. midlin anterior surfac mandibl faint ridge, indic mandibular symphysis, bone form fusion right left process mandibular development. mandibl (from latin mandibula, jawbone) inferior maxillari bone largest, strongest lowest bone face."} {"id": "3876", "contents": "three (anterior, medial posterior) process sphenoid bone. condylar process. carri articular surfac mandibl articul tempor bone temporomandibular joint. coracoid process. small curv process aris glenoid rim neck scapula; call also coracoid; larg human anim larg clavicles."} {"id": "3877", "contents": "noun. 1. mandibular condyle-th condyl ramu mandibl articul skull. condylar process, condyloid process. jawbone, jowl, lower jaw, lower jawbone, mandible, mandibula, mandibular bone, submaxilla-th jaw vertebr hing open mouth."} {"id": "3878", "contents": "movabl bone skull. movabl bone skull. i. ramu mandible. ii. mandibular angle. iii. mandibular condyl articul mandibular fossae. iv. separ coronoid process the--. v. mandibular notch. vi. h). mandibl movabl bone skull i. ramu mandibl ii. mandibular angl iii. mandibular condyl articul mandibular fossa iv. separ coronoid process the-- v. mandibular notch vi. mandibular foramen vi"} {"id": "3879", "contents": "311). articular disk thin, oval plate, place condyl mandibl mandibular fossa. upper surfac concavo-convex backward, accommod form mandibular fossa articular tubercle. surface, contact condyle, concav"} {"id": "3880", "contents": "maxilla (plural: maxilla /maek\u02c8s\u026ali\u02d0/) m\u00e6k\u02c8s\u026ali\u02d0 two maxilla bone form upper jaw palat the. mouth two halv fuse intermaxillari sutur form upper. jaw similar (mandibl lower), jaw also fusion two halv mandibular. symphysi two halv fuse intermaxillari sutur form upper jaw. similar mandibl (lower jaw), also fusion two halv mandibular symphysis. sometim (e.g. boni fish), maxilla call upper maxilla, mandibl lower maxilla.."} {"id": "3881", "contents": "alveolar process, tooth bear area mandibl (upper part bodi mandible). condyle, superior (upper) posterior project ramus, make temporomandibular joint tempor bone. coronoid process, superior anterior project ramus. mandibl (from latin mandibula, jawbone) inferior maxillari bone largest, strongest lowest bone face."} {"id": "3882", "contents": "apostasy. use apostasi sentence. link cite add word list. noun. definit apostasi act leav behind, stray from, religi polit belief principles. exampl apostasi someon decid becom atheist."} {"id": "3883", "contents": "person renounc religi polit belief principle: fifti year apost return faith. exampl sentences. synonyms. may earnestli believ they'r wrong-wheth they'r non-christians, heretics, apostates, agnostics, atheists, you."} {"id": "3884", "contents": "full definit apostate. one commit apostasy. apost adjective. see apost defin english-languag learners. see apost defin kids."} {"id": "3885", "contents": "apostasy. apostasi fall away christian faith. revolt truth god\u2019 word believer. also describ group church organ fallen away truth christian reveal bible."} {"id": "3886", "contents": "apostasy. religion: see heresi heresy,in religion, especi christianity, belief view held member church contradict orthodoxy, core doctrines. distinguish apostasy, complet abandon faith make apost deserter, former member......"} {"id": "3887", "contents": "apostasi christian church. matt slick let one way deceiv you, [jesus' return] come unless apostasi come first, man lawless revealed, son destruction, (2 thess. 2:3, nasb). apostasi mean fall away truth."} {"id": "3888", "contents": "apostasy. individu group peopl turn away principl gospel, state apostasy. one exampl great apostasy, occur savior establish church."} {"id": "3889", "contents": "apostasy; apostate. a-pos'-ta-si, a-pos'-tat (he apostasia, stand away from): i.e. fall away, withdrawal, defection."} {"id": "3890", "contents": "adjective. noun. definit apost person leav behind religi polit beliefs. exampl someon could describ apost previous cathol individu choos violat ten command without remorse. apost defin someon left behind religi polit belief principles. exampl apost priest leav church."} {"id": "3891", "contents": "noun. 1. apostasy-th state reject religi belief polit parti caus (often favor oppos belief causes). defection, renunciation. rejection-th state rejected."} {"id": "3892", "contents": "currenc banking. nation currenc maldiv rufiyaa. previous mrf rf use symbol rufiyaa. however, current iso recognis code rufiyaa mvr. one rufiyaa subdivid hundr laari (cents). present us dollar equival mvr 15.42."} {"id": "3893", "contents": "maldiv currency. plan trip wonder island maldives, prime import know money maldives. well, maldiv currenc rufiya (notes) laari (coins) rufiya equival 100 laaris. rufiya avail denomin 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 500"} {"id": "3894", "contents": "maldiv currenc exchang rate. maldiv currenc exchang rate us dollar usd 1.00 mvr 12.75, rufiyaa maldiv equal 0.08 us dollars, 0.04 great britain pounds, 0.09 canadian dollars, 0.10 australian dollars, 0.06 euro 0.11 new zealand dollars. currenc use maldiv rufiyaa (rf) divid 100 laari. rufiyaa come differ denomin note coins. note come denomin 2, 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 500 coin avail denomin 1, 2, 5, 10, 25 50 laaris. maldiv currenc code-mvr."} {"id": "3895", "contents": "currenc maldiv rufiyaa (rf), divid 100 larees. note come denomin 500, 100, 50, 20, 10, five two rufiyaa, last two uncommon."} {"id": "3896", "contents": "maldivian rufiyaa currenc maldiv (maldiv islands). currenc rank show popular maldiv (maldiv islands) rufiyaa exchang rate mvr inr rate. currenc code rufiyaa mvr. below, find maldivian rufiyaa rate currenc convert"} {"id": "3897", "contents": "rufiyaa (dhivehi: \u078b\u07a8\u0788\u07ac\u0780\u07a8 \u0783\u07aa\u078a\u07a8\u0794\u07a7) currenc maldives. determin exchang rate us dollar issuanc currenc control maldiv monetari author (mma). commonli use symbol rufiyaa mrf rf. iso 4217 code maldivian rufiyaa mvr. rufiyaa subdivid 100 laari"} {"id": "3898", "contents": "maldiv currency. maldiv currenc rufiyaa. rufiyaa 100 laari. rufiyaa denomin 500, 100, 50, 20, 10 rufiyaa notes, rufiya coin 50, 25, 10, 5, laari coins. exchang rate decemb 2009 mrf. 12.75 unit state dollar."} {"id": "3899", "contents": "subject activ voic sentenc perform action verb: \u201ci throw ball.\u201d. subject passiv voic sentenc still main charact sentence, someth els perform action: \u201cthe ball thrown me."} {"id": "3900", "contents": "activ passiv voice. english sentenc action verb, subject perform action denot verb. exampl show subject verb' action. subject act upon verb sentences, sentenc said activ voice. 2. remov auxiliari verb main verb chang main verb' form needed. 3. place passiv sentence' object preposit subject slot. direct, writer prefer use activ voic whenev possible."} {"id": "3901", "contents": "passiv voic use want emphas action (the verb) object sentenc rather subject. mean subject either less import action don\u2019t know subject is."} {"id": "3902", "contents": "look exampl passiv voice: here' anoth exampl passiv voice: passiv voic qualiti verb describ subject sentenc act upon verb. opposit true (i.e., subject sentenc act verb), said activ voice."} {"id": "3903", "contents": "know whether write activ passiv voice, identifi subject sentenc decid whether subject action act upon. passiv voice: subject receiv action. tax return (subject) complet (action) april 15 deadlin mr. doe. passiv voice: subject receiv action. tax return (subject) complet (action) april 15 deadlin mr. doe. activ voice: subject action object. mr. doe (subject) complet (action) tax return (object) april 15 deadline."} {"id": "3904", "contents": "passiv activ voices. verb also said either activ (the execut committee. new policy) passiv (the new policy. execut committee) in. activ voice, subject verb relationship straightforward: subject be-er do-er verb move sentenc along. passiv voice, subject sentenc neither do-er be-er, act upon agent someth unnam (the new polici approved). computer grammar checker pick passiv voic construct mile away ask revis activ construction. passiv form verb creat combin form verb past participl main verb. help verb also sometim present: measure. committee.. passiv used, also, variou tenses."} {"id": "3905", "contents": "imag caption: exampl passiv voice. imag caption: subject passiv voic sentenc perform action express verb example. reason gener avoid passiv voice. sometim use passiv voic creat awkward sentences, last exampl above. sentenc use passiv voice, subject act upon; receiv action express verb. agent perform action may appear the... phrase may omitted. imag caption: dog act upon sentenc subject (the boy), mean use"} {"id": "3906", "contents": "sentenc featur passiv voic sometim call passiv sentence, verb phrase passiv voic sometim call passiv verb. english allow number passiv construct possibl mani languag similar passiv formation. passiv voic english form periphrastically: usual form use auxiliari verb (or get) togeth past participl main verb. example, caesar stab brutu use passiv voice."} {"id": "3907", "contents": "switch c/10 standard charger 10% time, would continu replac lost charge. could switch c/10 charger one second nine seconds."} {"id": "3908", "contents": "depend output charger. state somewher output is, gener dumb wall charger output 300miliamps. determin long charg battery, take capac batteri (mah) divid output charger (ma). charger put 300ma, 1600/300=5.33 hours. 0."} {"id": "3909", "contents": "charger charg standard capac aaa nicd batteri (180 mah) one hour might take hour charg high capac nimh (1500 mah) battery. best ignor term make rough calcul fast charger charg batteries."} {"id": "3910", "contents": "typic manufactur recommend 15 hour charg fulli charg discharg battery. batteri partial discharged, prorat charg time. instance, batteri one third discharg fulli charg hours."} {"id": "3911", "contents": "further, want calcul long take your. charger, equat mah/amps*.06 =. minut charge. 4500mah batteri amp charger., 4500/2 .06 135 minut charge. reason standard data usb port also use (insread make usb port charging-capable) noise."} {"id": "3912", "contents": "\u201covernight\u201d charger come recharg power product charg rate c/10 (the rate hour capac battery, i.e. typic aa nicd batteri 600mah capac rate 600ma, c/10 rate 60ma). good reason manufactur chose rate."} {"id": "3913", "contents": "ocean acidif sometim call \u201cclimat change\u2019 equal evil twin,\u201d good reason: signific harm consequ excess carbon dioxid atmospher see feel effect happen underwater."} {"id": "3914", "contents": "ocean acidif refer process lower oceans\u2019 ph (that is, increas concentr hydrogen ions) dissolv addit carbon dioxid seawat atmosphere. one hypothesi ocean acidif caus slower calcif rate (and several) seawat ph decreases, organ must exert energi rid proton produc calcif --- simpli work steeper gradient."} {"id": "3915", "contents": "fact, ocean absorb 1/3 carbon dioxid produc human activ sinc 1800 1/2 carbon dioxid produc burn fossil fuel (sabin et al. 2004). carbon dioxid ocean increases, ocean ph decreas becom acidic. call ocean acidification. ocean acidification, coral cannot absorb calcium carbon need maintain skeleton stoni skeleton support coral reef dissolve."} {"id": "3916", "contents": "acidif freshwat problem first identifi scandinavia earli 1970s, time mani scientif studi initiated. sinc concern voic justified, thousand lake river known acidified. diatom shell lake sediment allow cours acidif chart back time. diatom microscop alga live free float water attach surfaces. hard shell silica characterist species."} {"id": "3917", "contents": "ocean acidif direct consequ increas amount dissolv carbon dioxid oceans. level carbon dioxid atmospher increas (primarili result burn fossil fuels), ocean absorb carbon dioxid order maintain equilibrium atmosphere."} {"id": "3918", "contents": "ocean acidif also multi-disciplinari research area encompass topic chemistry, paleontology, biology, ecology, biogeochemistry, modeling, social sciences. furthermore, aspect ocean acidif research, exampl carbon chemistry, intric counterintuitive. one hypothesi ocean acidif caus slower calcif rate (and several) seawat ph decreases, organ must exert energi rid proton produc calcif --- simpli work steeper gradient."} {"id": "3919", "contents": "ocean acidif ongo decreas ph earth 's oceans, caus uptak carbon dioxid (co 2) atmosphere. ocean acidif call evil twin global warm co problem. ocean acidif occur previous earth' history. notabl exampl paleocene-eocen thermal maximum (petm), occur approxim 56 million year ago."} {"id": "3920", "contents": "arctic ocean particularli suscept acidification, impact acidif arctic marin ecosystem pronounced. dr. agneta fransson norwegian polar institut (npi) tromsoe, troms\u00f8 norway explains."} {"id": "3921", "contents": "summary. freshwat acidif occur area high sulphur deposit soil deriv granit rock resist weathering. magnitud acidif last 150 year lot greater last 100,000 years. diatom shell lake sediment allow cours acidif chart back time. diatom microscop alga live free float water attach surfaces. hard shell silica characterist species."} {"id": "3922", "contents": "chemistry. carbon dioxid (co 2) absorb seawater, chemic reaction occur reduc seawat ph, carbon ion concentration, satur state biolog import calcium carbon minerals. chemic reaction term ocean acidif oa short. calcium carbon miner build block skeleton shell mani marin organisms. area life congreg ocean, seawat supersatur respect calcium carbon minerals."} {"id": "3923", "contents": "reproduct sponges. reproduct sponges. (girish chandra). spong reproduc asexu sexual also possess power regener due almost imposs kill sponge. sexual reproduct similar higher anim even though bodi organ primit type. asexu reproduction. regeneration."} {"id": "3924", "contents": "porifera. spong reproduc asexu sexual means. poriferan reproduc sexual mean hermaphrodit produc egg sperm differ times. sperm frequent broadcast water column. spong reproduc asexu produc bud or, often, gemmules, packet sever cell variou type insid protect covering. fresh water spong spongillida often produc gemmul prior winter. develop adult spong begin follow spring."} {"id": "3925", "contents": "spong reproduc asexu sexually. asexu reproduct occur bud side parent spong develop small sponge. spong reproduc sexual hermaphrodites(thi mean one spong produc egg sperm). pierri alejandra month ago."} {"id": "3926", "contents": "spong sexes, hermaphrodites, sexless. spong reproduc asexu budding. however, spong reproduc sexual releas sperm cell water fertil ova. spong reproduc asexu process budding, great power regener sexual spong produc gamet format method."} {"id": "3927", "contents": "spong also abl reproduc asexu budding. small piec spong broken still abl surviv grow anoth sponge. spong also abl repair damag bodies."} {"id": "3928", "contents": "reproduction. piec spong abl regener whole new sponges. asexu reproduct occur bud fragmentation. bud may remain attach parent separ it, bud develop new individual."} {"id": "3929", "contents": "reproduc either sexual asexually. spong reproduc sexual asexually. use asexu reproduction, spong simpli use process call budding. reproduc sexually, spong make sperm certain time year. spong reproduc asexu process budding, great power regener sexual spong produc gamet format method."} {"id": "3930", "contents": "mri (or magnet reson imaging) scan radiolog techniqu use magnetism, radio waves, comput produc imag bodi structures. mri scanner tube surround giant circular magnet. patient place moveabl bed insert magnet. mri scan use extrem accur method diseas detect throughout bodi often use test fail provid suffici inform confirm patient' diagnosis. head, trauma brain seen bleed swell"} {"id": "3931", "contents": "magnet reson imag (mri) techniqu use magnet field radio wave creat detail imag organ tissu within body. mri machin large, tube-shap magnets. lie insid mri machine, magnet field temporarili realign hydrogen atom body."} {"id": "3932", "contents": "magnet reson imag (mri) noninvas medic test physician use diagnos treat medic conditions. mri use power magnet field, radio frequenc puls comput produc detail pictur organs, soft tissues, bone virtual intern bodi structures. mri use ioniz radiat (x-rays)."} {"id": "3933", "contents": "introduction. magnet reson imag (mri) type scan use strong magnet field radio wave produc detail imag insid body. mri scanner larg tube contain power magnets. lie insid tube sca"} {"id": "3934", "contents": "mri scan is. mri stand magnet reson imaging. type scan use magnet radio wave build pictur insid body. exampl mri scan head. mri complet painless, scanner noisy. mri scan use magnet radio wave build pictur insid body. show deepli tumour grown bodi tissues. type cancer tell whether tissu left behind treatment cancer not. scanner larg machin doughnut shape hole."} {"id": "3935", "contents": "magnet reson imag (mri). guide. magnet reson imag (mri) test use magnet field puls radio wave energi make pictur organ structur insid body. mani cases, mri give differ inform structur bodi seen x-ray, ultrasound, comput tomographi (ct) scan. bone joints. mri check problem bone joints, arthritis, problem temporomandibular joint, bone marrow problems, bone tumors, cartilag problems, torn ligament tendons, infection. mri may also use tell bone broken x-ray result clear."} {"id": "3936", "contents": "knowledg center. magnet reson imag (mri) scan common procedur use hospit around world. mri scan util strong magnet field radio wave creat detail imag organ tissu within body. follow exampl mri scan used: abnorm brain spinal cord. tumors, cysts, abnorm variou part body. injuri abnorm joints, back pain."} {"id": "3937", "contents": "ginni wiehardt. definition: allus reference, within literari work, anoth work fiction, film, piec art, even real event."} {"id": "3938", "contents": "allus definition. allus brief indirect refer person, place, thing idea historical, cultural, literari polit significance. describ detail person thing refers."} {"id": "3939", "contents": "allusion. definition: allus figur speech wherebi author refer subject matter place, event, literari work way pass reference. reader make connect subject mentioned."} {"id": "3940", "contents": "full definit allusion. 1. impli indirect refer especi literature; also: use references. 2. act make indirect refer something: act allud something."} {"id": "3941", "contents": "allusion. definition: direct indirect refer someth historical, literary, religious, mythical. author usual use refer understood audience, event, book, myth, place, work art. also make allus pop culture."} {"id": "3942", "contents": "one server base network. peer-to-p base network. comput scienc client-serv softwar architectur model consist two parts, client system server systems, commun comput network computer. client-serv applic distribut system made client server software."} {"id": "3943", "contents": "client-serv network design end-us call client access resourc (such files, songs, video collect service) central comput call server."} {"id": "3944", "contents": "lesson summary. lesson, learn client-serv model effici eas management. client-serv setup, multipl client (such laptops, desktop devices) connect use network contact server resources."} {"id": "3945", "contents": "client/serv network. network setup util server clients. example, network util dn server exampl client/serv network. client/serv network network would find corpor busi environment."} {"id": "3946", "contents": "client-serv network central computer, also known server, host data form resources. client laptop desktop comput contact server request use data share resourc it."} {"id": "3947", "contents": "client-serv architectur (client/server) network architectur comput process network either client server. server power comput process dedic manag disk drive (file servers), printer (print servers), network traffic (network servers)."} {"id": "3948", "contents": "identification. client server network defin specif type onlin network compris singl central comput act server direct multipl computers, refer clients."} {"id": "3949", "contents": "col\u00b7lec\u00b7tive. adj. 1. assembl view whole. 2. of, relat to, characterist of, made number peopl act group: collect decision. n. 1. undertaking, busi operation, set principl system collectivism. 2. collect noun. col\u00b7lec\u2032tive\u00b7li adv"} {"id": "3950", "contents": "adject collect senses: 1. done characterist individu act together. 2. form whole aggregate. 3. set principl collectiv ownership product worker involv usual supervis government. familiar information: collect use adject uncommon."} {"id": "3951", "contents": "writer influenc idea collect intellig includ dougla hofstadt (1979), peter russel (1983), tom atle (1993), pierr levi (l\u00e9vy), 1994 howard (bloom), 1995 franci (heylighen), 1995 douglas, engelbart cliff, joslyn ron, dembo gottfried-may (kress). 2003 i'll add follow indispens characterist definition: basi goal collect intellig mutual recognit enrich individu rather cult fetish hypostat communities.."} {"id": "3952", "contents": "collect attent is: coordinated, creativ attent person. scarc horrend badli alloc economi today. free-ag planet under-organ it, industri economi over-organ it. that\u2019 stori c, optim size creativ group. one effect red herring, fact staircas opportun put increasingli intens crucibl collect co-cr attention. distil effect. start 1728 (12^3) peopl let learn widget-mak in144 group 12, 3000 hours."} {"id": "3953", "contents": "type collect intelligence. collect intellig share group intellig emerg collaboration, collect efforts, competit mani individu appear consensu decis making. i'll add follow indispens characterist definition: basi goal collect intellig mutual recognit enrich individu rather cult fetish hypostat communities.."} {"id": "3954", "contents": "full definit collective. 1. 2. a: form collecting: aggreg fruit: multiple. 3. a: of, relat to, group individuals. 4. mark similar among member group. 5. collectiv character collectivism. full definit collective. 1. collect body: group. 2. cooper unit organization; specifically: collect farm. 3. helicopt control system govern lift. see collect defin english-languag learners."} {"id": "3955", "contents": "collectivism. collectiv mean subjug individu group\u2014wheth race, class state matter. collectiv hold man must chain collect action collect thought sake call \u201cthe common good.\u201d. collectiv hold that, human affairs, collective\u2014society, community, nation, proletariat, race, etc.\u2014i unit realiti standard value. view, individu realiti part group, valu insofar serv it."} {"id": "3956", "contents": "collect attention: group peopl pay attent thing, group size vari size billion. arm race: effect group pay collect attent someth forc individu within group rapidli improv skill separ group outsiders. one effect red herring, fact staircas opportun put increasingli intens crucibl collect co-cr attention. distil effect. start 1728 (12^3) peopl let learn widget-mak in144 group 12, 3000 hours."} {"id": "3957", "contents": "front view spleen. spleen organ upper far left part abdomen, left stomach. spleen vari size shape people, it\u2019 commonli fist-shaped, purple, inch long. spleen protect rib cage, can\u2019t easili feel unless it\u2019 abnorm enlarged."} {"id": "3958", "contents": "spleen synthes antibodi white pulp remov antibody-co bacteria antibody-co blood cell way blood lymph node circulation. spleen center activ mononuclear phagocyt system consid analog larg lymph node, absenc caus predisposit certain infections."} {"id": "3959", "contents": "spleen import organ, asplenia, condit spleen present either congenit due remov surgery, link increas predisposit certain infections. spleen also serv emerg reservoir blood. spleen also minor functions. human fetus, spleen secondari site red blood cell product fifth month gestation, though birth, red blood cell produc bone marrow."} {"id": "3960", "contents": "spleen also maintain healthi red white blood cell platelets; platelet help blood clot. spleen filter blood, remov abnorm blood cell bloodstream. spleen normal size fist. doctor usual can't feel exam. diseas caus swell becom mani time normal size. spleen involv mani functions, mani condit may affect it. enlarg spleen alway sign problem."} {"id": "3961", "contents": "spleen number functions: red pulp remov damag worn-out red blood cell blood, broken macrophag recycling. also produc store platelet help blood clot cut yourself. spleen soft, spongi organ compris two type tissue: red pulp, compris blood-fil caviti special tissu contain differ type red white blood cells. white pulp, form lymphat tissu mostli consist"} {"id": "3962", "contents": "spleen play multipl support role body. act filter blood part immun system. old red blood cell recycl spleen, platelet white blood cell store there. spleen also help fight certain kind bacteria caus pneumonia meningitis. spleen organ upper far left part abdomen, left stomach. spleen vari size shape people, it\u2019 commonli fist-shaped, purple, inch long. spleen protect rib cage, can\u2019t easili feel unless it\u2019 abnorm enlarged."} {"id": "3963", "contents": "leaflet give brief overview spleen functions. spleen organ size clench fist found left-hand side upper abdomen. main function filter blood, creat new blood cell store platelets. also key part body' immun system"} {"id": "3964", "contents": "spleen play import role regard red blood cell (also refer erythrocytes) immun system. remov old red blood cell hold reserv blood, valuabl case hemorrhag shock, also recycl iron. spleen center activ mononuclear phagocyt system consid analog larg lymph node, absenc caus predisposit certain infections."} {"id": "3965", "contents": "human spleen organ creat lymphocyt destruct recycl old red-blood cells. spleen also blood reservoir. suppli bodi blood emerg bad cut. spleen also locat white blood cell trap organisms. spleen shape like loos fist tuck left side diaphragm. averag weight adult spleen 0.44 lbs. digestion, size spleen increas"} {"id": "3966", "contents": "use them. amount hcg pregnanc hormon urin increas time. earlier take test, harder test detect hcg. home pregnanc test accur detect pregnanc miss period."} {"id": "3967", "contents": "think may pregnant, take pregnanc test soon first day miss period help get care support need. home pregnanc test tell whether pregnant almost 99% accuracy, depend use it."} {"id": "3968", "contents": "pregnanc test check hcg hormon two ways: urin test. blood test. quantit blood test (also call beta hcg test) measur exact amount hcg blood. qualit hcg blood test check see whether pregnanc hormon present not."} {"id": "3969", "contents": "purchas home pregnanc test. mani differ brand home pregnanc test market, realli matter choose. home pregnanc test work way-bi detect level hormon hcg urine."} {"id": "3970", "contents": "two main type pregnanc test let know pregnant: urin test blood tests. urin test done home doctor' office. mani women first choos home pregnanc test take week miss period. home pregnanc test privat convenient."} {"id": "3971", "contents": "home pregnanc test work detect presenc hormon hcg (human chorion gonadotropin) woman' urine. known pregnanc hormone, hcg found pregnant women. home pregnanc test avail drug store online. read step-by-step guid use home pregnanc tests."} {"id": "3972", "contents": "doctor often order test confirm pregnanc earli 10 day miss period. however, test detect hcg much earlier. quantit hcg test (beta hcg) measur exact amount hcg blood. find even low level hcg."} {"id": "3973", "contents": "home pregnanc test sensit enough detect hcg urin first day period due. neg result first test, may amount hcg yet reach level detected."} {"id": "3974", "contents": "take pregnanc test soon period late. pregnanc test even work day miss period. read label pregnanc test box see test may becom effective. awar test becom accur get closer date expect period."} {"id": "3975", "contents": "home test accurate, better (more sensit show earli pregnancy) others. home pregnanc test may test posit first day miss period, almost detect pregnanc week miss period. call doctor appoint test posit pregnanc home test."} {"id": "3976", "contents": "fake british passport sale \u00a37,000. sean o'neill. 12:01am gmt 24 dec 2001. standard 10-year british passport obtain suppli document confirm applicant' identity, two sign photograph fee \u00a328."} {"id": "3977", "contents": "passport fee adult canada $120 cad 5-year passport $160 cad 10-year passport. $25 cad consular servic fee paid adult applic go passport program."} {"id": "3978", "contents": "use fund consular servic canadian overseas. passport fee children age 15 canada $57 cad. consular fee charg child\u2019 passport. fee child\u2019 passport much lower cost produc passport subsid adult passport fees."} {"id": "3979", "contents": "start juli 2013, 10-year passport also offer cost $160. march 2014, passport canada also charg addit $45 replac passport that\u2019 lost stolen, someth that\u2019 current free."} {"id": "3980", "contents": "ahm ressam, focu frontlin report, somewhat expert fake passports. use counterfeit french passport enter canada appli polit asylum. live there, suppli fake canadian passport algerians."} {"id": "3981", "contents": "use fake canadian passport alia benni nori fail attempt enter unit state bomb lo angel intern airport. ressam recent testifi train secur techniqu one osama bin laden' train camp afghanistan."} {"id": "3982", "contents": "pay fee canadian passport, travel document services. fee pay base appli for, appli from. answer question get payment instructions."} {"id": "3983", "contents": "price inform list buy fake id cards, fake stolen passports, fake ident document black market base upon public information."} {"id": "3984", "contents": "averag cost 6\u201d gutter rang $1,000-$1500 same, 2,000 squar foot home. averag cost gutter per foot 5\u201d gutter 5-8 dollar 6\u201d gutter 8-10 dollars. 5\u201d seamless: $800-$1200. 5\u201d cost per foot: 5-8 dollars. 6\u201d seamless: $1,000-$1500. here\u2019 cost breakdown standard 2,000 squar foot home: 5\u201d seamless gutter typic home (2,000 squar foot rais ranch cape) averag price gutter instal rang $800-$1200. howev unpredict weather, mani homeown get free estim 6\u201d gutters."} {"id": "3985", "contents": "accord gutter instal cost estimator, averag price instal gutter $827. budget overal cost instal gutters, import first contractor (or you) map length locat downspouts, know much purchase. copper gutter cost $15 $25 per linear foot. wood: although often found old homes, wood gutter still present custom design. give home rustic touch, continuity, proper care, last long time."} {"id": "3986", "contents": "typic residenti instal 140 feet seamless aluminum gutter four downspout four corners. typic cost around $5.88 per foot profession suppli installed. seamless gutter materi requir special equip limit profession installation. residenti gutter made horizont gutter section attach roof edge, vertic downspout section carri water ground. typic home need 125 200 feet gutter downspout everi 35 feet gutter."} {"id": "3987", "contents": "accord aluminum gutter materi estimator, averag cost per linear foot rang $4.13 $5.47. vinyl: vinyl gutter easiest cheapest gutter instal (especi diyers). copper gutter cost $15 $25 per linear foot. wood: although often found old homes, wood gutter still present custom design. give home rustic touch, continuity, proper care, last long time."} {"id": "3988", "contents": "estim contractor replac gutter downspout section measur 50 feet $509 experienc contractor. note estim includ materi addit labor, sum total 50-foot section. so, expect pay roughli $5.18 per squar foot. average, gutter instal cost $886 nationally, homeown spend $541 $1,250. data base actual project cost report homeadvisor members."} {"id": "3989", "contents": "$7.28. get instant estim cost instal metal gutters! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost metal gutter instal project. basic 60 linear feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal metal gutter rang $3.94 $7.28 per linear foot. estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchased. 2."} {"id": "3990", "contents": "actual gutter tend cost lot less. here\u2019 cost breakdown standard 2,000 squar foot home: 5\u201d seamless gutter typic home (2,000 squar foot rais ranch cape) averag price gutter instal rang $800-$1200. howev unpredict weather, mani homeown get free estim 6\u201d gutters."} {"id": "3991", "contents": "accord homeinspectorlocator.com averag price instal galvan aluminum gutter approxim $4 $9 per linear foot. also vinyl gutter much easier install, run roughli $3 $5 per linear foot. profession gutter compani hire work price climb bit averag rang $1050 $2400, separ price assign downspout installations. purpos discuss look price requir instal 200 feet gutters."} {"id": "3992", "contents": "free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost gutter instal project. basic 60 linear feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal gutter rang $5.49 $9.13 per linear foot. estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchas"} {"id": "3993", "contents": "averag home need 125 200 feet gutter downspouts, place cost $625 $1800 instal complet set gutters. profession gutter compani hire work price climb bit averag rang $1050 $2400, separ price assign downspout installations. purpos discuss look price requir instal 200 fe"} {"id": "3994", "contents": "rhythm continu re-occur beat pattern stress unstress beat syllabl literari work piec music."} {"id": "3995", "contents": "rhythm part structur poem unless poem written free verse. poetri craft requir purpos construction. rhythm poem give flow beat, rhythm critic compon well-written poems."} {"id": "3996", "contents": "danc rhythm music. danc rhythm music. rhythm recur movement sound speech. exampl rhythm rise fall someone' voice. exampl rhythm someon danc time music."} {"id": "3997", "contents": "biolog rhythm pattern follow regularli organism, or, rhythm will. gener speaking, cycl simpl sleep specif time day complex process hibern anim perform it."} {"id": "3998", "contents": "lesson, explor idea rhythm, beat, poetry. everi poem free vers type rhythm. also call rhythm 'meter.' rhythm import part structur poem."} {"id": "3999", "contents": "perform art rhythm time event human scale; music sound silences, step dance, meter spoken languag poetry."} {"id": "4000", "contents": "rhythm repetit altern elements, often defin interv them. rhythm creat sens movement, establish pattern texture."} {"id": "4001", "contents": "music part 3: rhythm. rhythm arguabl import part music. it\u2019 drive music, keep going, keep musician play togeth like musicians. without rhythm, music. may say note requir make music music, true."} {"id": "4002", "contents": "know option begin bachelor\u2019 degre program. print. it\u2019 common misconcept bachelor\u2019 degre alway take four year complete. four year tradit amount time mani student take earn bachelor\u2019 degree, it\u2019 differ non-tradit adult students. mani onlin student attend school part time abl work pace. onlin bachelor\u2019 degre program typic take three five years, depend amount time devot studies. requir cours similar campus-bas program, complet either mostli entir comput"} {"id": "4003", "contents": "averag full-tim student earn master\u2019 degre 1.5 years, student take longer due schedul restrictions. consid time take earn bachelor\u2019s, spend year colleg graduat school earn degree. consid fact profession master\u2019 degre earn 20% lifetim profession lower level degree. wonder long take earn master\u2019 degree, read guid learn need know. resource: top 20 best valu onlin mba programs."} {"id": "4004", "contents": "opt bachelor scienc degre may use know bachelor scienc degre complet four year even take research project requir subjects. import first determin go take bachelor degre field interest want take degre give better opportun land job quickly."} {"id": "4005", "contents": "bachelor\u2019 degre program rang 120 credit hour 150 credit hours. depend credit hour required, take years, full-tim basis, earn undergradu degree. could extend time span enrol part time. consid fact profession master\u2019 degre earn 20% lifetim profession lower level degree. wonder long take earn master\u2019 degree, read guid learn need know. resource: top 20 best valu onlin mba programs."} {"id": "4006", "contents": "bachelor' degre usual take years. master' degre usual take years. doctor degre take sever year pend research required. assum go straight level attend school full time. usual take year master phd. edit: bachelor take depend program. master phd, depend subject motivation."} {"id": "4007", "contents": "usual take year receiv bachelor' degre answer might also add depend entranc test basic skills, credit load per semester, whether individu attend full-tim part-tim basis. interest nurs manageri position, bachelor' degre would recommended. would take four year four year colleg univers earn bsn (bachelor scienc nursing). mani colleg rn bsn transit programs."} {"id": "4008", "contents": "generally, bachelor degre take 3-5 year complete. durat less within limit 3-5 year depend students\u2019 abil requir program. import first determin go take bachelor degre field interest want take degre give better opportun land job quickly."} {"id": "4009", "contents": "asker' rating. report abuse. full time student, bachelor' degre take years. master' degre vari length, take anywher years. j.d. (juri doctor-law) degre gener take year full-tim program year part time program. m.d. usual take years. ph.d program take long take research, write defend dissertation, gener anywher 4-8 years. report abuse. bachelor, averag time years. that, master doctorate. master, usual years. doctor take 10 years."} {"id": "4010", "contents": "consequently, mani expert say, strength training, young athlet reduc risk injury, reverse. \u201cthe scientif literatur quit clear strength train safe young people, it\u2019 properli supervised,\u201d dr. faigenbaum says."} {"id": "4011", "contents": "fact, ideal weight-train program mani children need involv weight all. \u201cthe bodi doesn\u2019t know differ weight machine, medicin ball, elast band bodi weight,\u201d dr. faigenbaum said."} {"id": "4012", "contents": "major new review publish pediatrics, togeth grow bodi scientif reports, suggest that, fact, weight train safe young people, also beneficial, even essential."} {"id": "4013", "contents": "a. strength train program exercis increas muscl strength endurance. strength train necessarili thing power lift even weight lifting. power lifter use heavi weight build larg muscles, peopl strength train may use lighter weight resist multipl repetitions. strength train weight machin free weights."} {"id": "4014", "contents": "muscl need least 48 hour recov strength train sessions. seven tip keep strength train safe effective. warm cool five 10 minutes. walk fine way warm up; stretch excel way cool down. focu form, weight. align bodi correctli move smoothli exercise."} {"id": "4015", "contents": "think emphasi strength train children use weights. strength train benefici youth children. bodi weight exercis much safer produc result less danger: push up pull up example."} {"id": "4016", "contents": "take highest score. would assum would stay record. sinc school long, retak might good chanc get better score. call colleg want attend see. might need recent score. lassandra year ago. thumb up."} {"id": "4017", "contents": "answer: tsi assess tsi altern test (taks, sat, act staar) valid year day exam taken. compassesl score valid one year day exam taken. higher level math valid years."} {"id": "4018", "contents": "take sat 11th grade, would score valid 12th grade colleg admissions? essentially, long valid sat score admissions?"} {"id": "4019", "contents": "score sat. sat score valid period years. score sat evalu 2400 (from 600 2400). subject wise score rang 200 -800, 200 minimum 800 maximum score. score exam avail week take examination. sat score valid period years, unless chang criteria sat. candid mostli use sat score till five year so. usual take new test appli desir colleges."} {"id": "4020", "contents": "answers: year usual time away school submit sat/act scores. usual ask high school transcript information."} {"id": "4021", "contents": "columbia. gmat score valid five years. gmat score must valid start mba studi columbia busi school. example, januari 2012 entry, gmat score must date januari 7, 2007, recently. august 2012 entry, gmat score must date august 20, 2007, recently.."} {"id": "4022", "contents": "1017 averag sat score (515 math, 502 reading) 2007 sat score scale averag score section alway right around 500 (which right middl 200 800 point rang section). true new test old test. accord websit colleg board, take colleg board week mail sat score colleg regular deliveri requested. rush deliveri requested, score mail two days."} {"id": "4023", "contents": "date posted: aug 20, 2011 #1. advertisement. took three year ago, graduat high school two year ago, went colleg while, drop (technic discharged, voluntarili stop go let crappi gpa work me. worst decis i'v made life)."} {"id": "4024", "contents": "introduct listeriosi infect usual develop eat food contamin listeria bacteria peopl listeriosi mild caus symptom includ high temperatur fever vomit diarrhoea listeria bacteria found rang chill readi eat food includ pre pack sandwich pate p\u00e2t\u00e9 butter soft chees brie camembert other similar rind soft blue chees cook slice meat"} {"id": "4025", "contents": "listeria bacteria widespread commonli found soil silag sewag bird anim also found varieti food includ raw meat raw veget process food"} {"id": "4026", "contents": "listeria type bacteria found contamin food listeria caus problem babi although listeriosi ill ingest listeria rare pregnant women suscept non pregnant healthi adult veget becom contamin soil anim also carrier listeria found uncook meat uncook veget un pasteur milk food made un pasteur milk process food"} {"id": "4027", "contents": "etiolog agent diseas listeria monocytogen mani fallen victim diseas eat food contamin bacterium often bacterium found uncook meat veget unpasteur milk food made unpasteur milk"} {"id": "4028", "contents": "listeria monocytogen type bacteria found water soil veget becom contamin soil anim also carrier listeria found uncook meat uncook veget un pasteur milk food made un pasteur milk process food listeria kill pasteur cook"} {"id": "4029", "contents": "listeria found soil lead veget contamin anim also carrier listeria found uncook meat uncook veget fruit cantaloup appl pasteur unpasteur milk food made milk process food pasteur suffici cook kill listeria howev contamin may occur cook packag"} {"id": "4030", "contents": "accord center diseas control listeriosi seriou infect caus eat food contamin bacteria listeria monocytogen bacteria commonli found soil water anim carri bacteria infect meat dairi product"} {"id": "4031", "contents": "listeria listeria bacterium caus seriou infect call listeriosi around 300 death caus listeria infect year accord estim 2011 cdc report listeria bacteria commonli found raw food veget contamin soil water carri bacteria listeria also found raw anim product meat chees babi born listeria mother eat contamin food pregnanc death rate among newborn listeria 25 50 percent"} {"id": "4032", "contents": "bean curd anoth name tofu, product made soybeans, sometim legum well. make it, cook curdl soy milk press result soybean curd mold firm up."} {"id": "4033", "contents": "curd use make cheese. 2. lump curd: chees curds. 3. coagul liquid resembl milk curd. intr. tr.v. curd\u00b7ed, curd\u00b7ing, curds. form caus form curd; curdle. curd. n. 1. (cookery) (often plural) substanc form coagul milk acid rennet, use make chees eaten food. 2. someth similar consistency."} {"id": "4034", "contents": "definit curd kids. thicken solid part milk separ whey milk sour use make cheese."} {"id": "4035", "contents": "lemon curd rich, tart spread made lemons. citru fruit limes, oranges, tangerin use creat curd well, although lemon endur favorite. spread particularli associ great britain, tradit accompani tea sinc 18th century. lemon curd usual made lemons, egg sugar, though cook add lemon zest, butter whip cream. whisk may help make lemon curd."} {"id": "4036", "contents": "curd dairi product obtain coagul milk process call curdling. coagul caus ad rennet edibl acid substanc lemon juic vinegar, allow sit. increas acid caus milk protein (casein) tangl solid masses, curds. mexico, chongo zamorano dessert prepar milk curdl sugar cinnamon. albanian gjiza made boil whey 15 minut ad vinegar lemon. deriv drain time napkin piec cloth salt taste."} {"id": "4037", "contents": "cook make lemon curd, gentli cook lemon juic egg sugar creat rich custard. custard made even tart flavor addit lemon zest, also cut soft, creami flavor ingredi butter whip cream. lemon curd usual made lemons, egg sugar, though cook add lemon zest, butter whip cream. whisk may help make lemon curd."} {"id": "4038", "contents": "curd. 1. coagulates, milk separ semisolid portion (curd) wateri liquid (whey). addit rennet milk make individu milk protein (casein) cell clump togeth form curd mass, chees made. 2. creami mixtur made juic (usual lemon, lime orange), sugar, butter egg yolks."} {"id": "4039", "contents": "lemon curd thick, creami spread made cook togeth lemon juice, egg yolk sugar. fresh lemon juic sugar provid flavor curd, egg yolk serv thicken mixtur cooks, egg thicken cook custard. curd recip also call butter ad finish curd, add littl extra rich extra-silki mouthfeel."} {"id": "4040", "contents": "curd dairi product obtain curdl edibl acid substanc lemon juic vinegar, drain liquid portion. yoghurt curd two differ type dairi products. two two differ form milk creat ferment milk way. yoghurt curd play import part cook diet mani differ cultur around world."} {"id": "4041", "contents": "best answer: yoghurt made varieti milk term curd usual appli ferment thicken buffalo milk. product white creami consistency. set yoghurt smooth, firm, white gel characterist acid tast made ferment cow milk. curd preparation, milk ferment mix natur lactic acid bacteria make curd. inocul cultur ferment carri right temperature. lactic acid bacteria rapidli produc acid ph 4.6 caus coagul casein,"} {"id": "4042", "contents": "abnormalities, inflammation, injuri caus neck pain stiffness. mani peopl experi neck pain stiff neck occasionally. mani cases, due poor posture, normal wear tear, overuse. sometimes, neck pain caus injuri fall, contact sports, whiplash."} {"id": "4043", "contents": "neck, back, shoulder tension, stiffness, pain anxieti symptom descriptions: neck, back, shoulders, back top head may feel tense, tight, stiff, sore."} {"id": "4044", "contents": "stiff neck may also accompani headache, neck pain, shoulder pain and/or arm pain, caus individu turn entir bodi oppos neck tri look sideway backwards. stiff neck, cervic spine, may accompani shoulder pain headache."} {"id": "4045", "contents": "however, stiff neck also symptom mening (along headach fever). neck stiff may also develop reaction result muscl spasm variou condit caus neck pain, includ traumat injuries."} {"id": "4046", "contents": "neck pain may feel like kink, stiffness, sever pain. pain may spread shoulders, upper back, arms, may caus headache. neck movement may limited, usual one side other."} {"id": "4047", "contents": "stiff neck caus symptoms. common caus stiff neck include, limit to, following: muscl strain sprain. far common caus stiff neck muscl sprain muscl strain, particularli levat scapula muscle. locat back side neck, levat scapula muscl connect cervic spine (the neck) shoulder."} {"id": "4048", "contents": "stiff neck typic character sore difficulti move neck, especi tri turn head side. stiff neck may accompani headache, shoulder pain, arm pain caus individu turn entir bodi oppos neck tri look"} {"id": "4049", "contents": "accord u.s. depart energy, heat pool 1,000 squar feet surfac area electr resist ga heater cost around $500 per month, compar much lower expenditur roughli $100 heat pump. cost instal heat pump ga heater averag $300 $500, includ labor materials. cost instal electr resist heater two three time price necessari wire upgrad handl requir amount electr current."} {"id": "4050", "contents": "pool heat pump also cost $2,000 $3,000, depend brand size. solar pool heaters, hand, cost $100 small ground pool brand $1,000 (or above) larger in-ground solar pool heat systems. price reflect actual heater includ installation. solar pool heaters, hand, cost $100 small ground pool brand $1,000 (or above) larger in-ground solar pool heat systems. price reflect actual heater includ installation. play safe, alway add addit $300 $500 instal process."} {"id": "4051", "contents": "cost operation. low effici ga heater result high cost operation. $1.00 worth heat requir $1.20 fuel. typic pool averag $1000 $1500 per year heat propane. natur ga approxim 50% less."} {"id": "4052", "contents": "heat pump pool heater cost ga pool heaters, typic much lower annual oper cost higher efficiencies. proper maintenance, heat pump pool heater typic last longer ga pool heaters. $200. $800. *base electr resist heat pool, cost $1,000 per year electr cost $.085/kwh, use natur ga cost 0f $.80/therm. season averag cop 5.0 use determin heat pump savings."} {"id": "4053", "contents": "work. ga pool heater use either natur ga propane. pump circul pool' water, water drawn pool pass filter heater. ga burn heater' combust chamber, gener heat transfer water that' return pool. example, 80%-effici heater use $80 worth use heat everi $100 worth fuel. therefore, wast 20% fuel. ga pool heater featur effici percentag nameplates. pool heater' manufactur also provid effici percentage."} {"id": "4054", "contents": "upfront costs. though less expens operate, electr heat pump pool heater cost upfront ga electr resist heaters. heat pump cost $5,000, major ga electr resist heater avail around $1,000 $2,000 respectively. cost instal heat pump ga heater averag $300 $500, includ labor materials. cost instal electr resist heater two three time price necessari wire upgrad handl requir amount electr current."} {"id": "4055", "contents": "cost instal ga pool heater $500-$1500 much cost run ga pool heater? like heat pumps, cost heat pool ga vary, pool size temperatur rise, also month. cost run pool heat pump $100-$200 per month. propan natural, price. ga pool heater size accord size pool, attach spa want heat 100 degrees. inground pool instal least 250k btu ga heater, 400k size. cupro nickel heat exchang recommend salt water pools, state requir pool heater lonox, low emissions. cost ga pool heater $1500-$2500"} {"id": "4056", "contents": "overall, pool heater instal cost littl $100 much $3000. one common brands, ga pool heater pool rang $700 $2,100 depend brand size. solar pool heaters, hand, cost $100 small ground pool brand $1,000 (or above) larger in-ground solar pool heat systems. price reflect actual heater includ installation. play safe, alway add addit $300 $500 instal process."} {"id": "4057", "contents": "new ga swim pool heater standard test go determin energi effici base btu (british thermal unit) output. heater effici ratio usabl output energi input. example, 80%-effici heater use $80 worth use heat everi $100 worth fuel. therefore, wast 20% fuel. ga pool heater featur effici percentag nameplates. pool heater' manufactur also provid effici percentage. today, find ga pool heater 89%\u201395% efficiency. follow tabl show much save everi $1,000 annual pool heat cost instal ga pool heater that' 95% efficien"} {"id": "4058", "contents": "intrins muscles. definition. noun. group muscl locat within situat deeper structure, contrast extrins muscl locat rather superficially. supplement. base definition, intrins muscl refer muscl closest axial appendicular skeleton"} {"id": "4059", "contents": "extrins muscles. definitions: 1. muscl aris outsid of, act on, structur consideration. example, muscl oper hand fleshi belli locat forearm. definit inform extrins muscl provid stedman's. search medic dictionari"} {"id": "4060", "contents": "extrins muscl shoulder origin trunk, attach bone shoulder clavicle, scapula humerus. locat back, also known superfici back muscles. muscl organis two layer superfici layer deep layer."} {"id": "4061", "contents": "answers. best answer: intrinsic-th intrins muscl group thenar hypothenar muscl (thenar refer thumb, hypothenar small finger), interosseu muscl (between metacarp bones, four dorsal three volarly) lumbric muscles."} {"id": "4062", "contents": "extrins muscles. definition. noun. group muscl lie superfici structure, contrast intrins muscles, locat deeply. supplement. instance, extrins muscl tongu includ genioglossu muscle, hyoglossu muscle, styloglossu muscle, palatoglossu muscle. sinc extrins muscles, locat surfac tongue, attach tongu structures."} {"id": "4063", "contents": "extrins muscl (em). etymology: l, extrinsecus, outside. muscl outsid organ controls, extraocular muscl control eye movements. muscl link limb trunk body. intrins muscl one whose origin insert part organ, entir within eye. multipenn muscl muscl fiber bundl converg sever tendons. palatin m' intrins extrins muscl act upon soft palate."} {"id": "4064", "contents": "extrins muscl one origin anoth part insertion, origin outsid eye, move eyeball. fixat m' (fixat m's) accessori muscl serv steadi part. gluteal m' three muscles, greatest, middle, least, extend, abduct, rotat thigh. intrins muscl one whose origin insert part organ, entir within eye. multipenn muscl muscl fiber bundl converg sever tendons. palatin m' intrins extrins muscl act upon soft palate."} {"id": "4065", "contents": "arizona paraleg salaries. accord bureau labor statistics, 5,040 paraleg work arizona 2011.the averag salari among paraleg $48,940 90th percentil averag $72,210, $23,270 statewid average."} {"id": "4066", "contents": "tucson, az salary. tucson, az averag salari $64,225, median salari $52,062 salari rang $20,194 $1,686,750. tucson, az salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. tucson, az salari statist exclus refer only."} {"id": "4067", "contents": "salari someon job titl fire fighter tucson, az vari depend number factors."} {"id": "4068", "contents": "advanc np pas, peer-review journal, conduct salari survey 2011 show np tucson earn averag salari $88,326. highest averag salari state phoenix, np report make averag $97,968."} {"id": "4069", "contents": "worker tucson metropolitan statist area averag (mean) hourli wage $20.45 may 2014, 10 percent nationwid averag $22.71, accord u.s. bureau labor statistics."} {"id": "4070", "contents": "stomach, larg sack-lik organ, food churn mix strong gastric (mostli hydrochloric) acid. partli digested, mix tomach call chyme. addit information: however, digest process restrict stomach. digest accomplish full rang digest system, begin mouth end anus."} {"id": "4071", "contents": "chyme, partial digest food stomach, push along small intestin muscl contract call peristalt waves. chemic digest breakdown food happen duodenum. food mix bile gallbladd digest juic pancreas. jejunum respons absorpt major nutrient chyme. digest food pass capillari lymphat vessel wall intestine."} {"id": "4072", "contents": "small intestine-kidport home page: even though call small intestine, partial digest food stomach, chyme leav duodenum, stomach break food soft, partially: stomach break food soft, partial digest mixtur called? pepsin chyme amylas bile."} {"id": "4073", "contents": "in: stomach [edit mixtur partli digest food leav stomach called? name partial digest food-the: partial digest food call stomach? partial digest food stomach known name chyme. sign using: answer members: partial digest food leav stomach it: a) chyme b) secretin c) chitin d) bolu a) chyme b) secretin c) chitin d) bolus. stomach break food soft, partially: stomach break food soft, partial digest mixtur called? pepsin chyme amylas bile."} {"id": "4074", "contents": "partial digest food, chyme, stomach mix bile liver pancreat juic pancrea complet digest duodenum. jejunum middl section small intestin serv primari site nutrient absorption. measur around feet length. small intestin is, however, twice length larg intestin usual measur 10 feet length. small intestin wind throughout abdomin caviti inferior stomach. mani fold help pack 10 feet length small bodi cavity...."} {"id": "4075", "contents": "chyme low ph counter product bile, help digest food. chyme part liquid part solid: thick semifluid mass partial digest food digest secret form stomach small intestin digestion. ph approxim 2, chyme emerg stomach acidic. duodenum secret hormone, cholecystokinin (cck), caus gall bladder contract, releas alkalin bile duodenum."} {"id": "4076", "contents": "partial digest food stomach known name chyme. stomach, larg sack-lik organ, food churn mix strong gastric (mostli hydrochloric) acid. partli digested, mix tomach call chyme. addit information: however, digest process restrict stomach"} {"id": "4077", "contents": "chyme (/ka\u026am/ greek \u03c7\u03c5\u03bc\u03cc\u03c2 khymos, juice) semifluid mass partli digest food expel stomach duodenum move intestin digestion. ph approxim 2, chyme emerg stomach acidic. duodenum secret hormone, cholecystokinin (cck), caus gall bladder contract, releas alkalin bile duodenum."} {"id": "4078", "contents": "mri-guid core needl biopsy. type core needl biopsi done guidanc mri-an imag techniqu captur multipl cross-sect imag breast combin them, use computer, gener detail 3-d pictures. procedure, lie facedown pad scan table."} {"id": "4079", "contents": "mri breast biopsi procedur use comput technolog guid needl abnorm seen mri. abnorm usual cannot felt breast self-examin clinic examin primari care physician seen mammogram ultrasound breast. mri imag obtain confirm placement. placement confirmed, special type needl insert hollow plastic tube. then, tissu sampl (cores) acquired. sampl taken, may hear hum biopsi instrument."} {"id": "4080", "contents": "mri noninvas imag techniqu involv exposur ioniz radiation. mr imag soft-tissu structur body\u2014such heart, liver mani organs\u2014 like instanc identifi accur character diseas imag methods. mri use power magnet field, radio frequenc puls comput produc detail pictur organs, soft tissues, bone virtual intern bodi structures. mri use ioniz radiat (x-rays)."} {"id": "4081", "contents": "introduction. magnet reson imag (mri) type scan use strong magnet field radio wave produc detail imag insid body. mri scanner larg tube contain power magnets. lie insid tube scan. mri scan involv expos bodi x-ray radiation. mean peopl may particularli vulner effect radiation, pregnant women babies, use necessary. however, everyon mri scan."} {"id": "4082", "contents": "image-guid biopsi perform take sampl abnorm form guidanc ultrasound, mri mammograph guidance. mri-guid breast biopsy, magnet reson imag use help guid radiologist' instrument site abnorm growth. mri examin may requir receiv inject contrast materi bloodstream. radiologist, technologist nurs may ask allergi kind, allergi iodin x-ray contrast material, drugs, food, environment, asthma."} {"id": "4083", "contents": "mri knee like involv needle, especi knee. sometim mri call dye inject though, likelihood having. even this, would know (your doctor radiologist would told prior mri.)."} {"id": "4084", "contents": "mr exam requir use gadolinium injection, small needl connect intraven line usual insert patient' arm hand. special salin solut first drip keep vein clotting. everyon need inject mr imaging. inject needed, pharmaceut contrast agent call gadolinium administ patient. done radiologist and/or refer physician determin necessari diagnost purposes."} {"id": "4085", "contents": "benefits. mri noninvas imag techniqu involv exposur ioniz radiation. mr imag soft-tissu structur body\u2014such heart, liver mani organs\u2014 like instanc identifi accur character diseas imag methods. mri use power magnet field, radio frequenc puls comput produc detail pictur organs, soft tissues, bone virtual intern bodi structures. mri use ioniz radiat (x-rays)."} {"id": "4086", "contents": "condit new. taski tr 103 special formul carpet clean speray inject extract method spot stain remov rins method. excel clean properti make ideal effect remov water solubl greasi oili soil. recipi name friend taski tr 103 special formul carpet clean speray inject extract method spot stain remov rins method. excel clean properti make ideal effect remov water solubl greasi oili soil. warning: last item stock!"} {"id": "4087", "contents": "sodium sulphat common example. solvent help dissolv deterg ingredi liquid laundri detergents. solvent miscibl (can mix) water abl dissolv ingredi water alon dissolve. maintain uniform composit throughout liquid detergent. three main type surfact use laundri detergents: anionic, non-ion cationic. anion surfact neg charg polar head group. neg charg head group usual balanc sodium cation (na +), aris manufactur procedure."} {"id": "4088", "contents": "carpet detergent. taski tr 103 carpet deterg deep clean carpet upholsteri inject extract method remov spot strain. highli effect clean properti easili remov water solubl greasi soil."} {"id": "4089", "contents": "write review. taski tr 103 carpet deterg (5 ltr can). taski tr 103 special formul carpet clean speray inject extract method spot stain remov rins method. excel clean properti make ideal effect remov water solubl greasi oili soil. recipi name friend taski tr 103 special formul carpet clean speray inject extract method spot stain remov rins method. excel clean properti make ideal effect remov water solubl greasi oili soil. warning: last item stock!"} {"id": "4090", "contents": "organ deterg ingredients, surfact enzymes, biodegradable. mean broken bacteria environment. however, bacteria also infiltr deterg contain caus deterg spoil storage. three main type surfact use laundri detergents: anionic, non-ion cationic. anion surfact neg charg polar head group. neg charg head group usual balanc sodium cation (na +), aris manufactur procedure."} {"id": "4091", "contents": "deterg added, surfact molecul accumul near surfac water non-polar (hydrophobic) tail surfact want get away water. sinc surfact disrupt bond water molecules, water distort surfact molecul fit near surface. three main type surfact use laundri detergents: anionic, non-ion cationic. anion surfact neg charg polar head group. neg charg head group usual balanc sodium cation (na +), aris manufactur procedure."} {"id": "4092", "contents": "so, polar (hydrophilic) part surfact molecul attract water, non-polar (hydrophobic) part attract oil. surfact molecul accumul around oil, enough molecul spheric micel forms. three main type surfact use laundri detergents: anionic, non-ion cationic. anion surfact neg charg polar head group. neg charg head group usual balanc sodium cation (na +), aris manufactur procedure."} {"id": "4093", "contents": "ph scale scientif terms, invers logarithm represent hydrogen proton (h+) concentration. ph (potenti hydrogen) scale measur acid alkalin water base solution. ph solut measur hydrogen ion concentr solution. example, ph ten time acid ph 100 time (10 time 10) acid ph 6. closer ph go, strongli acid solut is. hold true ph valu 7, ten time alkalin next lower whole value."} {"id": "4094", "contents": "taski tr 103 carpet deterg deep clean carpet upholsteri inject extract method remov spot stains. highli effect clean properti easili remov water-solubl greasi oil. method carpet shampoo convert dri foam help foam gener loosen dirt particl carpet fiber encas them. easili remov help vacuum cleaner. taski tr 101. taski tr 101 chemic shampoo use dri shampooing. ph-neutral, pleasantli scented, concentr carpet shampoo interim clean type carpet upholstery. consist dri foam clean gentli yet effect"} {"id": "4095", "contents": "academ year 2015-2016, undergradu tuition fee midwestern state univers $8,035 in-stat $10,255 out-of-st students. cost estim school. academ year 2014-2015, undergradu tuition fee $7,752 in-stat $9,702 out-of-st students. 2014-2015 tuition fee offici us depart education. 2015-2016 tuition fee estim midwestern state univers subject chang time correct errors. check updat amount school' cost attend page"} {"id": "4096", "contents": "annual prices. resid texa pay annual total price $16,327 attend midwestern state univers full time basis. fee compris $5,070 tuition, $7,374 room board, $1,200 book suppli $2,683 fees. state resid charg total cost $18,277 11.9% higher texa residents."} {"id": "4097", "contents": "futur full time tuition fee tuition state student attend midwestern state univers increas averag annual rate past year period fee grew base estim cost tuition fee 2014 2015 total 9807 rate annual cost two year degre 10013 bring total cost tuition fee two year degre 19820"} {"id": "4098", "contents": "tuition charg $5,070 room board $7,374, book suppli $1,200 fee come $2,683. resid texa pay annual total price $16,327 attend midwestern state univers full time basis. fee compris $5,070 tuition, $7,374 room board, $1,200 book suppli $2,683 fees. state resid charg total cost $18,277 11.9% higher texa residents."} {"id": "4099", "contents": "annual total cost. total list price in-stat texa resid go msu $16,327 2014/2015 academ year. out-of-st student possess texa resid expect one year cost $18,277. estim futur price base current in-stat year cost $65,308.00. use colleg save plan calcul perform comprehens analysi futur cost much need save midwestern state university."} {"id": "4100", "contents": "base publish tuition prices, estim current publish cost year bachelor' degre midwestern state univers $65,308 assum graduat normal time. estim assum 10.7% annual increas next year recent trend school. fee compris $5,070 tuition, $7,374 room board, $1,200 book suppli $2,683 fees. state resid charg total cost $18,277 11.9% higher texa residents."} {"id": "4101", "contents": "midwestern state univers tuition $5,070 per year in-stat residents. 21% cheaper nation averag public four year tuition $6,429. cost $9,496 65% cheaper averag texa tuition $14,566 year colleges. tuition rank 23rd texa amongst year colleg afford 86th expens year colleg state. estim futur price base current in-stat year cost $65,308.00. use colleg save plan calcul perform comprehens analysi futur cost much need save midwestern state university."} {"id": "4102", "contents": "util semester-bas academ calendar. midwestern state university' rank 2016 edit best colleg region univers (west), tier 2. in-stat tuition fee $7,753 (2014-15); out-of-st tuition fee $9,703 (2014-15)."} {"id": "4103", "contents": "follow tabl outlin cost describ 2013 2014 school year tuition state student attend midwestern state univers increas averag annual rate past year period fee grew base estim cost tuition fee 2014 2015 total 9807 rate annual cost two year degre 10013 bring total cost tuition fee two year degre 19820"} {"id": "4104", "contents": "live affect much expect pay brake service. area countri pricier others. may seem like high price quot brake repair cost estim vehicl one town may actual good deal another. car use situat requir lot brake brake worn quickly. vehicl use extend period time brake show sign wear also increas brake repair cost estimate."} {"id": "4105", "contents": "parts: $145 $213. averag cost brake pad rotor replac $297 $406. labor cost estim $152 $193 part price $145 $213. get person estim base locat specif car. estim includ tax fees. brake rotor measur everi brake pad replacement. found manufacturer' minimum thick specification, requir replacement. measur alway note repair order. recommend brake gentli first 40 50 mile drive new pads."} {"id": "4106", "contents": "averag cost master cylind repair usual $200 $300, more, again, depend scope fix. individu wheel cylind need replaced, cost go up. repair price entir brake job\u2014rotors, calipers, drums, pads, cylinders\u2014can run $750 more. therefore, best stay top brake repair get pad replac hear squeaking. compon like master cylind wear time, eventu replac"} {"id": "4107", "contents": "meineke, receiv 50% cost brake pad shoes. accur estim installation, call local meinek schedul free inspect car brakes. brakes. instal new brake meinek save 50% brake pad shoes! contact local meinek servic center profession installation. vehicl stop like should, hesitate, bring meinek today free* no-oblig brake inspect first hint trouble."} {"id": "4108", "contents": "replac brake pad shoe less expens replac damag rotor drums. expect brake new car requir servic 25,000 45,000 miles; 20,000 30,000 mile new truck suv. pro check brake least everi 6,000 miles."} {"id": "4109", "contents": "brake servic vehicl usual mean resurfac rotor replac front brake pads. addit work could includ adjust rear drum (if present). rough brake repair cost estim minim brake job would one hundr two hundr fifti dollars. want narrow price tri use tool get accur brake repair cost estim vehicle. car use situat requir lot brake brake worn quickly. vehicl use extend period time brake show sign wear also increas brake repair cost estimate."} {"id": "4110", "contents": "depend car\u2019 brake system, may use 4-8 brake pads. step brake pedal, master cylind send fluid pressur brake calip (which hold brake pads). calip press brake pad brake rotor, caus friction slow car. done: inspect brake pads. instal new pad thick less 3mm. inspect: rotors, calipers, hoses, brake fluid condition. perform basic safeti inspection. test drive vehicle."} {"id": "4111", "contents": "a. a. a. urticaria, also known hives, outbreak swollen, pale red bump plaqu (wheals) skin appear suddenli -- either result body' reaction certain allergens, unknown reasons. hive usual caus itching, may also burn sting. appear anywher body, includ face, lips, tongue, throat, ears. hive vari size (from pencil eras dinner plate), may join togeth form larger area known plaques."} {"id": "4112", "contents": "adult suffer chronic hive whole life, may want blood check issu relat conditions. caus hive adults-th food consume: also know food eat might culprit adult hive breakout. caus hive adults-th immun system: know hive adult great deal immun system. immun system weaken year break out flare-up due disord relat thyroid diseas even lupu"} {"id": "4113", "contents": "hive adult also brought poor skin care. come form dri chap skin, extrem sunlight, bodi tanning, extrem cold condit plu sever others. care bodi health skin play enorm roll caus hive adults. caus hive adults-th immun system: know hive adult great deal immun system. immun system weaken year break out flare-up due disord relat thyroid diseas even lupu"} {"id": "4114", "contents": "common caus certain foods, medications, infections. insect bite intern diseas may also responsible. common food caus hive nuts, chocolate, fish, tomatoes, eggs, fresh berries, milk. fresh food caus hive often cook foods. hive usual caus itching, may also burn sting. appear anywher body, includ face, lips, tongue, throat, ears. hive vari size (from pencil eras dinner plate), may join togeth form larger area known plaques."} {"id": "4115", "contents": "hive also known urticaria, welts, wheals, nettl rash. red, raised, itchi skin rash sometim trigger someth produc allerg reaction-an allergen. allerg reaction bodi releas protein call histamine. acut urticaria acut hives. symptom last less week call acut urticaria. far common type. 25% peopl acut urticaria also angioedema-swel deeper layer skin."} {"id": "4116", "contents": "a. hives, also known urticaria, outbreak swollen, pale red bumps, patches, welt skin appear suddenli -- either result allergies, reasons. hive usual caus itching, may also burn sting. hives, also known urticaria, outbreak swollen, pale red bumps, patches, welt skin appear suddenli -- either result allergies, reasons. poison ivy, poison oak, poison sumac plant contain irritating, oili sap call urushiol."} {"id": "4117", "contents": "angioedema form hive swell occur beneath skin rather surface. angioedema, found 30 percent adult chronic urticaria, character deep swell around eye lips. chronic urticaria chronic case hive last six week more, often caus trigger difficult imposs identify. peopl known caus chronic hive may diagnos chronic idiopath urticaria (ciu)."} {"id": "4118", "contents": "symptom urticaria continu six week call chronic urticaria. dermatologist say everi 1,000 peopl suffer chronic urticaria. expert complet sure caus chronic urticaria are. however, agre close link immun system. cases, chronic hive may relat underli autoimmun disorder, thyroid diseas lupus. acut urticaria acut hives. symptom last less week call acut urticaria. far common type. 25% peopl acut urticaria also angioedema-swel deeper layer skin."} {"id": "4119", "contents": "nurs home administr (nhas) respons ensur standard care throughout facil meet regulatori requir set local, state feder governments. also respons meet need resid residents\u2019 famili doctors. nurs home administr charg day day run nurs home."} {"id": "4120", "contents": "bachelor degre (in field) holder gener need schedul month/1500 hour internship must work least 35 hour week gener oper hours. master degre holder gener need schedul month/1000 hour internship must work least 35 hour week. master degre holder gener need schedul month/1000 hour internship must work least 35 hour week. complet core knowledg required. order enrol program, click here."} {"id": "4121", "contents": "becom nurs home administrator, individu must finish high school, complet postsecondari studies, get on-the-job experi prior enter workforc obtain license. mani student may well earn bachelor' degrees. jobs, however, may requir student earn master' degrees. step 4: earn master' degree. requir jobs, master' degre becom norm mani job nurs home administration. master' degre program allow student special particular type facilities, hospit nurs homes."} {"id": "4122", "contents": "nurs home administr state need becom licensed, educ requir earn licensur vari state. state requir administr minimum bachelor' degre busi healthcar field pass examination. master' degre often preferred. trait help success nurs home administr includ empathi sensit need disabl elderli individu serve. also good commun team leader, strong busi skill abil analyz data."} {"id": "4123", "contents": "out-of-st licenses. applic grant nurs home administr licens anoth state, board may waiv requir applic sit nation licensur examin offer new york state. cours nurs home administration. 3-credit-hour (minimum) cours nurs home administr 300 level, given accredit educ institut cover area defin 10 nycrr 96.8, complet within five year preced licensure. board-approv alternatives. 1."} {"id": "4124", "contents": "step 5: obtain license. u.s. state district columbia requir nurs home administr licensed. requir licensur includ earn least bachelor' degree, complet state-approv train program, pass state licens exam pursu continu education. step 4: earn master' degree. requir jobs, master' degre becom norm mani job nurs home administration. master' degre program allow student special particular type facilities, hospit nurs homes."} {"id": "4125", "contents": "research take becom nurs home administrator. learn job responsibilities, educ requirements, licensure, employ outlook find right career you. trait help success nurs home administr includ empathi sensit need disabl elderli individu serve. also good commun team leader, strong busi skill abil analyz data."} {"id": "4126", "contents": "re-licensur previous licens ohio nurs home administr 1980 present licens expir 12 month ago, click here. master degre holder gener need schedul month/1000 hour internship must work least 35 hour week. complet core knowledg required. order enrol program"} {"id": "4127", "contents": "nurs home administrator, overse direct oper nurs home way implement polici mission facility' board director policy-mak group compli govern regulations. trait help success nurs home administr includ empathi sensit need disabl elderli individu serve. also good commun team leader, strong busi skill abil analyz data."} {"id": "4128", "contents": "pass nurs home nation exam obtain nation certification. need addit state certif appli job healthcar administration. 6. appli posit nurs home administr number nurs home ohio. respond classifi job boards, trade magazines, newspaper. addition, headhunt agenc cater healthcar industri help find posi"} {"id": "4129", "contents": "particl imag velocimetri (piv) optic method flow visual use educ research. use obtain instantan veloc measur relat properti fluids."} {"id": "4130", "contents": "piv may stand for: particl imag velocimetry, method measur veloc fluid. peak invers voltage, electron term. pentium microprocessor, produc intel (iv roman numer 4). person ident verification, specifi fip 201. picasso-iv, amiga video card."} {"id": "4131", "contents": "part govern glossary: person ident verif (piv) card unit state feder smart card contain necessari data cardhold grant feder facil inform system assur appropri level secur applic feder applications. usa patriot act. usa patriot act law enact 2001, grant new extend data-collect abil feder agenc effort combat terror septemb 11 attacks."} {"id": "4132", "contents": "welcom cfsd parentvu studentvu inform page. catalina foothil school district (cfsd) provid onlin student inform parents/guardian student synergy\u2019 parentvu studentvu portals. portal replac former parent internet viewer (piv). activ key requir login parentvu studentvue."} {"id": "4133", "contents": "activ piv authent certificate. activ person ident verif (piv) certificate: \u201chome\u201d page, click activ piv certificate. note: one cac (i.e., civil servic reserve), multipl cac inform box display. click action box associ cac want update. click proceed continu activ piv authent certif associ cac. click updat cac. progress task display"} {"id": "4134", "contents": "piv-i credenti offer vet individu mani capabilities, includ secur commun feder organ well secur physic logic access appropri facilities, machines, portal applications. certifi piv-i solut for: state local govern employees."} {"id": "4135", "contents": "answer: piv file video file primarili associ pivot stickfigur anim cartoon (peter bone). piv file also associ pivot sale suit activ file (pivot corporation) fileviewpro. addit type file may also use piv file extension."} {"id": "4136", "contents": "demonstr differ oid use certif cards. intent allow user common polici trust user piv-i card linkag fbca. content signing: piv piv-i card contain sign objects. common polici vs fbca mapping: logic perspect trust anchor piv feder pki common polici root. piv-i trust anchor issuer root issuer polici must map feder bridg ca."} {"id": "4137", "contents": "javascript disabled, sign enter openid url manually: openid servic allow sign mani differ websit use singl identity. find openid get openid-en account."} {"id": "4138", "contents": "major differ mig tig weld one process use continu feed wire (mig) use long weld rod slowli feed weld puddl (tig). mig tig weld use electr arc make weld."} {"id": "4139", "contents": "mig/mag similar mma heat weld produc form arc consum metal electrod workpiece; electrod melt form weld bead. main differ metal electrod small diamet wire fed spool, shield ga fed torch."} {"id": "4140", "contents": "tig welding. n. 1. (gener engineering) tungsten-electrod inert ga welding: method weld arc maintain tungsten electrod shield access air inert gas. compar"} {"id": "4141", "contents": "gmaw, commonli known mig welding, arc weld process produc coalesc metal heat arc continu fed filler metal electrod work."} {"id": "4142", "contents": "n. 1. (gener engineering) metal inert ga welding: method weld filler metal wire suppli electr current maintain arc, shield access air inert gas, usual argon."} {"id": "4143", "contents": "ga metal arc weld (gmaw), sometim refer subtyp metal inert ga (mig) weld metal activ ga (mag) welding, weld process electr arc form consum wire electrod workpiec metal(s), heat workpiec metal(s), caus melt, join."} {"id": "4144", "contents": "kindergarten teacher salary. kindergarten teacher averag salari $35,553, median salari $33,580 salari rang $20,000 $372,408. kindergarten teacher salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position."} {"id": "4145", "contents": "geographi matters. work impact kindergarten teacher\u2019 start income. salari vari district district state state. accord nea, start salari teacher rang $26,734 montana $48,101 new jersey 2011-2012 school year. montgomeri county, maryland, bottom 10 percent kindergarten teacher earn averag $38,370 per year 2013, accord websit teacher salari info. median salari kindergarten teacher district $60,810."} {"id": "4146", "contents": "kindergarten teacher averag salari $35,553, median salari $33,580 salari rang $20,000 $372,408. kindergarten teacher salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position."} {"id": "4147", "contents": "preschool teacher earn median salari $27,570 2013. profession\u2019 top salari $49,660 year, lowest salari $18,420 less. child day care servic tend employ preschool teachers, elementari secondari school tend pay best."} {"id": "4148", "contents": "vitamin miner essenti nutrient bodi need small amount work properly. peopl get nutrient need eat vari balanc diet. page section contain advic inform vitamins, miner trace element essenti health, including: think consum vitamin miner need food group mind. soil miner dead, year farm pesticides, 15% less miner than20 year ago..your never go get 90 nutrient bodi need today' food."} {"id": "4149", "contents": "eat meat, fish dairi foods, abl get enough vitamin b12 diet. however, vitamin b12 found natur food fruit, veget grains, vegan may get enough vitamin."} {"id": "4150", "contents": "expert say definit place vitamin miner supplement diets, primari function fill small nutrient gaps. supplement intend add diet, take place real food healthi meal plan. alway better get nutrient food, agre regist dietitian karen ansel. food contain thousand phytochemicals, fiber, work togeth promot good health cannot duplic pill cocktail supplements.."} {"id": "4151", "contents": "mani vitamins, minerals, trace element found defici low-norm rang peopl hiv. document even earli cours infection. even peopl eat excellent, well-balanc diet immun defici hiv positive."} {"id": "4152", "contents": "import note vitamin/miner supplement replac health diet. rememb addit vitamin minerals, food also contain hundr natur occur substanc help protect health. cases, vitamin/miner supplement fortifi food may use provid nutrient may otherwis eaten less recommend amounts. alreadi eat recommend amount nutrient, may get health benefit take supplement."} {"id": "4153", "contents": "keep run smoothli bodi requir array essenti nutrients, rang disease-fight antioxid bone-build heavi metals. although get mani nutrient daili supplement, nearli also found food eator eatingeveri day."} {"id": "4154", "contents": "list help out. cover vitamin miner get, prefer food. calcium. food it: milk, fortifi nondairi altern like soy milk, yogurt, hard cheeses, fortifi cereals, kale. much need: adult age 19-50: 1,000 milligram per day. women age 51 older: 1,200 milligram per day."} {"id": "4155", "contents": "soil depletion, pesticides, taken toll. so, vitamin supplement alway wise. however, more, whole food store get organ grown food. list vitamin miner food eat get naturally. whole food vitamins-which co-factor present-com food, although take vitamin supplements, also possible-and natural-to get vitamin food eat."} {"id": "4156", "contents": "water-solubl vitamin found wide rang foods, includ fruit, vegetables, potatoes, grains, milk dairi foods. unlik fat-solubl vitamins, destroy heat expos air. also lost water use cooking. think consum vitamin miner need food group mind. soil miner dead, year farm pesticides, 15% less miner than20 year ago..your never go get 90 nutrient bodi need today' food."} {"id": "4157", "contents": "committe public inform (cpi), also known creel committee, organ public behalf u.s. object world war i. 1917, u.s. presid woodrow wilson tap muckrak journalist georg creel [1] head cpi."} {"id": "4158", "contents": "committe public inform (cpi) govern agenc establish unit state world war aim support war effort. creat execut order shortli unit state enter war 1917 shutter 1919 cessat hostilities. committe ostens establish purpos provid member public inform war effort, effect propaganda agency."} {"id": "4159", "contents": "composition: committe 15 senators: eight major parti seven minority. one-seat major dictat senat resolut and, unlik committees, chang proport overal senat ratio major minor membership. confirmations: committe consid make recommend senat president\u2019 nomine serv intellig posit requir senate\u2019 confirmation."} {"id": "4160", "contents": "welcom joint univers council' public administr committee. public administr committ ee (pac) activ academ practition commun seek advanc knowledg learn area public policy, public administr public management."} {"id": "4161", "contents": "one aspect committee' work censorship potenti damag material, committe maintain stranglehold kind materi war could releas public. arm committe public information' work involv gener propaganda materials. committe ostens establish purpos provid member public inform war effort, effect propaganda agency."} {"id": "4162", "contents": "committee\u2019 web page archived. public administr select committe establish hous common june 2010 durat 2010-2015 parliament. remit consid matter relat qualiti standard administr within civil service. june 2015 hous common approv chang stand order establish public administr constitut affair committe remit examine: a) report parliamentari health servic ombudsman connect matters."} {"id": "4163", "contents": "select committe work houses. check report area rang work govern depart econom affairs. result inquiri public mani requir respons government. govern usual 60 day repli committee' recommendations. select committe role cross department boundari public account environment audit committees. depend issu consider look govern departments."} {"id": "4164", "contents": "committe public inform formal disestablish act congress june 30, 1919, although organization' work formal complet month before. degre committe agenc censorship, machineri conceal repression. emphasi throughout open positive. point seek exercis author war law limit freedom speech press."} {"id": "4165", "contents": "french caricatur member committe public safety. committe public safeti (french, du comit de salut public) becom power symbol french revolution. form april 1793, committe intend function war council de facto execut cabinet."} {"id": "4166", "contents": "pdf coat arm extend histori product whole packag one. full color coat arm along detail history, full symbolism, bibliographi settler list centuries. bulli famili crest..."} {"id": "4167", "contents": "1. bulli famili origin came england 1066 normandi william conqueror (william i). name french boi ville, villag woods. (thi person famili names, harri alfr long, publish 1883, london, england adam company."} {"id": "4168", "contents": "welcom bulli famili page surnam finder, servic genealog today. editor compil checklist genealog resources, combin link commerci databas along user-contribut inform web site bulli surname."} {"id": "4169", "contents": "click place view bulli immigr records. inform chart came u.s. immigr collect ancestry. find major bulli famili live immigr u. learn focu search foreign records."} {"id": "4170", "contents": "origin bulli surname. quit possibl two peopl bulli last name given surnam entir differ reasons. discov countri bulli ancestor origin often yield addit clue mean surname. keep mind unusu last name alter ancestor enter new country."} {"id": "4171", "contents": "surnam bulli belgium surname, mean 'the son bulla'. arriv earli england, found home yorkshire. long period history, northern part belgium administr unit netherlands."} {"id": "4172", "contents": "3. bullis: cattl tenders. (thi publish english ancestr names-th evolut surnam mediev occupations, j.r. dulan. 4. bullis: origin spell bullace, refer type wild plum, grow along hedgerow england."} {"id": "4173", "contents": "group streptococc (gas) infect rang mild skin infect sore throat severe, life-threaten conditions. peopl familiar strep throat, along minor skin infections, common form disease."} {"id": "4174", "contents": "causes. rheumat fever occur infect throat bacterium call streptococcu pyogenes, group streptococcus. group streptococcu infect throat caus strep throat or, less commonly, scarlet fever."} {"id": "4175", "contents": "streptococc infect (group b) (group strep) group streptococcu (gbs)? group streptococcu (group strep gbs) type bacteria caus ill newborn babies, pregnant women, elderly, adult illnesses, diabet liver disease."} {"id": "4176", "contents": "cause. impetigo usual caus staphylococcu (staph) bacteria, also caus group streptococcu bacteria. skin infect usual caus differ type (strains) strep bacteria caus strep throat."} {"id": "4177", "contents": "strep short streptococcus, type bacteria. two types: group group b. group strep causes. strep throat-a sore, red throat, sometim white spot tonsils. scarlet fever-an ill follow strep throat. caus red rash body."} {"id": "4178", "contents": "untreat strep throat infect strep bacteria progress rheumat fever caus heart valv disease. bodi tri fight strep infection, one heart valv may damag scar process. aortic mitral valv often affected."} {"id": "4179", "contents": "complications. untreat group strep infect result rheumat fever post-streptococc glomerulonephr (psgn). rheumat fever develop 18 day bout strep throat caus heart diseas without joint pain."} {"id": "4180", "contents": "a: group streptococcu bacterium caus wide rang infections. peopl may also carri group streptococci throat skin symptom illness. ga infect rel mild ill strep throat, impetigo (a skin infection)."} {"id": "4181", "contents": "answer clay.byington0001. confid vote 2. obvious smelli regard someth subjective, peopl would agre skunk gorilla two anim can, mean defense, produc truli horrend stench. actual speci smelliest anim world, ye human are. hoatzin bird ecuador. known local 'smelli bird' 'stink turkey' strong unpleas smell. never popular dish. young bird actual claw wings, ancient species."} {"id": "4182", "contents": "now. report abuse. wow, first ultraamyk, way much time hand give answer....that bad thing good answer, lot info. but, accord anim planet, smelliest anim tasmanian devil, skunk second. smell skunk close imagin anyth worse, made nauseous, never smelt tasmanian devil"} {"id": "4183", "contents": "skunk anim use foul smell get rid predators. green wood hoopoe, tropic bird nativ africa, point tail threaten anim excret foul stench. hoatzin sometim call stink bird, smell manur eman body. live amazon rainforest bird world eat almost noth leaves."} {"id": "4184", "contents": "comstock images/comstock/getti images. animals: one hand cute cuddly; hand, not-so-cute, especi releas noxiou smells. can't blame though; mani littl stinker use smelli weapon self-defense. make sure bother"} {"id": "4185", "contents": "human poo. human poop smell good sort got use it. anim poop may smell differ bacteria break food may not. bad enough smell everyday use bathroom-ozzyvanhalen. poo stink badly! babi poop horrible."} {"id": "4186", "contents": "scent irresist sweat bees, fli carrion beetles, feed decay anim remains. began unfurl overwhelmingli strong smell rot animals. 2010 studi capitalis rare flower titan arum tokyo find chemic flower emitted. plant first began flower, research occasion notic faint odour rotten fruit. hoatzin sometim call stink bird, smell manur eman body. live amazon rainforest bird world eat almost noth leaves."} {"id": "4187", "contents": "obvious smelli regard someth subjective, peopl would agre skunk gorilla two anim can, mean defense, prod uce truli horrend stench. actual speci smelliest anim world, ye human are. adult human frequent emit water, proteins, amino acids, urea, ammonia, lactic acid certain salt -- much stink. puberty, gland releas compon matur colon bacteria."} {"id": "4188", "contents": "posted: 01/18/2011 11:45 est updated: 05/25/2011 6:25 pm edt. zorrilla (ictonyx striatus) stripe polecat, consid smelliest anim earth. member weasel family, columbia encyclopedia report zorrilla close resembl north american skunk... may even smellier."} {"id": "4189", "contents": "ground sourc heat pump work? ground sourc heat pump categor close open loops, loop instal three ways: horizontally, vertically, pond/lake. type chosen depend avail land area soil rock type instal site."} {"id": "4190", "contents": "ground sourc heat pump (gshps) electr power system tap store energi greatest solar collector existence: earth. system use earth' rel constant temperatur provid heating, cooling, hot water home commerci buildings. ground sourc heat pump categor close open loops, loop instal three ways: horizontally, vertically, pond/lake. type chosen depend avail land area soil rock type instal site"} {"id": "4191", "contents": "ground sourc heat pump explain ground sourc heat pump work. ground sourc heat pump system har natur heat underground pump water it. heat pump increas temperature, heat use provid home heat hot water. pump need electr run, idea use less electr energi heat produces. ground sourc heat pump system made ground loop (a network water pipe buri underground) heat pump ground level. need suffici space instal system, gener garden that' access dig machinery."} {"id": "4192", "contents": "geotherm heating. winter, climatemast geotherm heat cool system absorb heat store ground water circul underground loop. heat carri ground sourc heat pump it\u2019 concentr sent warm, comfort air throughout home. contrast, geotherm heat pump system consum less energi easili absorb ground heat abund suppli store home, make geotherm heat significantli energi efficient."} {"id": "4193", "contents": "summer, climatemast geotherm heat cool system absorb heat home transfer underground loop absorb cooler earth. geotherm heat pump use cool water return ground creat cool, dehumidifi air condit home. contrast, geotherm heat pump system consum less energi easili absorb ground heat abund suppli store home, make geotherm heat significantli energi efficient."} {"id": "4194", "contents": "heat pump perform role boiler central heat system, use ambient heat ground rather burn fuel gener heat. air sourc heat pump also available. usual place outsid side back property, take heat air. ground sourc heat pump system made ground loop (a network water pipe buri underground) heat pump ground level. need suffici space instal system, gener garden that' access dig machinery."} {"id": "4195", "contents": "geotherm heat pump (ghps), sometim refer geoexchange, earth-coupled, ground-source, water-sourc heat pumps, use sinc late 1940s. use constant temperatur earth exchang medium instead outsid air temperature."} {"id": "4196", "contents": "geotherm heat pump ground sourc heat pump (gshp) central heat and/or cool system transfer heat ground. use earth heat sourc (in winter) heat sink (in summer). ground sourc heat pump extract ground heat winter (for heating) transfer heat back ground summer (for cooling)."} {"id": "4197", "contents": "tradit air sourc heat pump must work hard forc heat home alreadi heat satur air. contrast, geotherm heat pump consum less energi easili reject heat cool earth, make geotherm cool significantli energi efficient. contrast, geotherm heat pump system consum less energi easili absorb ground heat abund suppli store home, make geotherm heat"} {"id": "4198", "contents": "adblock plu internet explor block annoy banner, pop-up, video ad appear web site visit. block everyth automatically, easi unblock sites. adblock plu block annoy ads. publisher' description. adblock plus: block annoy ad number adblock internet explorer!! adblock plu microsoft' internet explor remov annoy ad browser free! get rid pop-ups, blink banners, youtub ad ad facebook news feed."} {"id": "4199", "contents": "box, adblock plu come without filters, but, offer add filter subscript first start. filter enabled, block specif request websites, usual request serv ad. block ad often leav blank space advertis tag webpages. uninstal chrome adblock version, pleas go set menu top right corner. then, select extens left side. pleas find adblock plu here, select small trashcan icon right side."} {"id": "4200", "contents": "extens michael gundlach, see adblock. ad block ad filter remov alter advertis content webpage. advertis exist varieti form includ pictures, animations, embed audio video, text, pop-up window employ autoplay audio video."} {"id": "4201", "contents": "yes, total is. adblock plu browser extension/add-on develop independ developer. adblock access dom (document object model) pages. way adblock work inject script browser, search dom, run hide() function determin ads."} {"id": "4202", "contents": "confus adblock. adblock plu (abp) open-sourc content-filt ad block extens develop eyeo gmbh (wladimir palant), german softwar developer. extens releas mozilla firefox (includ firefox mobile), googl chrome, internet explorer, opera, safari, yandex browser android. adblock plu googl chrome avail sinc decemb 2010 10 million users. also becom popular extens firefox, around 18 million user march 2014. adblock plu releas app android devic novemb 2012."} {"id": "4203", "contents": "download firefox adblock plus. firefox free open sourc browser avail windows, os x, linux, android support add-ons. add-on extens browser improv privaci secur way view web. but, overall, adblock plu safari good get ad-block safari block annoy banner video ads. currently, adblock plu support safari 6.0 higher."} {"id": "4204", "contents": "adblock plu firefox download browser extens worldwid winner about.com reader' choic award 2011 2013, well linux new media award best open sourc firefox extension. but, overall, adblock plu safari good get ad-block safari block annoy banner video ads. currently, adblock plu support safari 6.0 higher."} {"id": "4205", "contents": "reply. would take hour remov old faucet replac new one water shutoff valv good condition. includ 30 minut drive time $5 worth suppli estim would $80 $130 $50-hr labor."} {"id": "4206", "contents": "bought faucet set plumber took hour charg $180 labor $50 part make new faucet set fit. flabergast thte price. thought would $100."} {"id": "4207", "contents": "typic kitchen sink instal costs. kitchen sink installation: averag cost kitchen sink instal rang $125 $450. singl basin sinks: singl basin sink typic cost $250 $400. doubl basin sinks: averag cost doubl basin sink $400-$600. kitchen sink installation: averag cost kitchen sink instal rang $125 $450. singl basin sinks: singl basin sink typic cost $250 $400."} {"id": "4208", "contents": "get instant estim cost instal kitchen faucet! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost kitchen faucet instal project. basic faucet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal kitchen faucet rang $256.87 $416.23 per faucet. estim cost project: 1."} {"id": "4209", "contents": "cost kitchen faucet replac affect mani factor total expens primari depend faucet price labor cost complet work. calcul total expens replac kitchen faucet addit aspect taken consideration."} {"id": "4210", "contents": "0. edit answer (for anoth -17 minute). averag labor cost instal bathroom sink faucet run $140 $200 replace. sinc three replac would probabl lower end scale also depend complex install. sink small vaniti make hard get may run higher"} {"id": "4211", "contents": "plumber charg $250 remov old faucet replac good qualiti stylish new one. includ labor new faucet. $145, cost new unit, save 42 percent. know averag cost replac kitchen faucet, includ labor material, what\u2019 involved, decid hire contractor. don\u2019t forget adjust cost live ad zip code."} {"id": "4212", "contents": "get instant estim cost replac kitchen faucet! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost kitchen faucet replac project. basic faucet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost replac kitchen faucet rang $306.81 $474.72 per faucet. estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchased. 2."} {"id": "4213", "contents": "1.2. distanc indicators. measur distanc galaxi almost alway involv one follow properti propag light: (1) appar bright sourc fall invers squar distance; (2) angular size sourc fall invers distance."} {"id": "4214", "contents": "galaxi light becom smoother distanc star averag squar arcsecond, quantifi distanc indic given suitabl assumptions. tully-fish relat relat veloc width luminos spiral galaxies."} {"id": "4215", "contents": "advantag distanc indic enorm luminosity. 10 time solar luminosity, 10,000 time lumin cepheid variable, use 1000 mpc beyond. even detect distanc galaxi contain invisible!"} {"id": "4216", "contents": "cepheid spiral galaxi ngc 4603. click origin sourc url. individu stellar type use distanc indic within local group 10 mpc, cannot use enorm distanc remot galaxies, two reasons."} {"id": "4217", "contents": "determin distanc galaxy, take absolut luminos one distanc indic within galaxi observ appar brightness. then, use inverse-squar law brightness, find distanc way distanc modulu (m-m), describ section 13.2."} {"id": "4218", "contents": "distanc indicator. distanc indicator. object whose luminos diamet known; use find distanc star cluster galaxy. distanc modulu ... primari distanc indicator-a type object, cepheid variable, know size bright observ milki way ..."} {"id": "4219", "contents": "summari methods: cepheid variabl star cousin rr lyra star primari distanc indic galaxi local group. pulsat radial (basic sound speed envelop star) period invers proport squar root density."} {"id": "4220", "contents": "you\u2019r new raw food haven\u2019t first clue start, you\u2019v dabbl can\u2019t seem make work you, page you."} {"id": "4221", "contents": "raw food is, technic speaking, food heat 48 degre centigrad (117 degre fahrenheit). usual mean uncook foods, specifically, food natur state noth more, noth less."} {"id": "4222", "contents": "raw food diet made fresh, whole, unrefined, living, plant-bas foods: fruits, vegetables, leafi greens, nuts, seeds, consum natur state, without cook steaming."} {"id": "4223", "contents": "oven get rest diet. mostli eat raw fruits, vegetables, grains. idea heat food destroy nutrient natur enzymes, bad enzym boost digest fight chronic disease."} {"id": "4224", "contents": "i'v think need eat raw food (becaus they'r fiber-full) anyon raw food diet? actual mean? salads, vegetables, fruit?"} {"id": "4225", "contents": "best way begin increas amount raw food eat, decreas amount cook food. example, replac cook grain milk (cereal, toast, etc.) breakfast fruit season, melon summer grapefruit orang winter."} {"id": "4226", "contents": "default mean food safe eat raw, obviou food like fruits, vegetables, nut seed whole array raw food within particular food group also mani outsid could well new you."} {"id": "4227", "contents": "best answer: yup. mean eat food raw. eat food raw, also adher vegan diet. would eat meat, dairy, poultry, fish, honey, use anim byproducts. eat food complet raw warm it-i think can't heat past 115 degre fahrenheit."} {"id": "4228", "contents": "vitamin k. baby\u2019 vitamin store birth low. vitamin need proper blood clotting, defici vitamin caus syndrom call vitamin defici bleed (vkdb). increas mom\u2019 vitamin intak increas amount vitamin milk."} {"id": "4229", "contents": "give healthi newborn vitamin shot shortli deliveri prevent type bleed call vitamin defici bleed (vkdb), formal known hemorrhag diseas newborn."} {"id": "4230", "contents": "vitamin shot routin administ newborn babi 1.8 everi 100,000 babi receiv vitamin inject suffer perman injuri death due uncontrol bleed brain may result extrem low level vitamin systems."} {"id": "4231", "contents": "unregul vitamin supplement recommended. recommend give babi vitamin sourc approv fda. fda regul vitamin supplement purchas counter way tell dose littl much."} {"id": "4232", "contents": "babi born small amount vitamin bodi lead seriou bleed problems. research show singl vitamin shot birth protect babi develop danger bleed- lead brain damag even death."} {"id": "4233", "contents": "babi born low level vitamin bodies. vitamin made natur intestin newborn babi littl bacteria intestin make enough. babi grow start make enough vitamin k. breastmilk contain vitamin small amount provid protection."} {"id": "4234", "contents": "newborn need vitamin shot? vitamin defici bleed recent made news four case late bleed report healthi newborn nashville, tenn. parent declin vitamin k, infant report develop normal sudden bleed occur 15 weeks."} {"id": "4235", "contents": "babi need vitamin produc clot factors. babi low level vitamin bodi birth. without vitamin k, babi risk get rare bleed disord call vkdb (vitamin defici bleeding) hdn (haemorrhag diseas newborn)."} {"id": "4236", "contents": "progress era period widespread social activ polit reform across unit states, 1890 1920s. main object progress movement elimin corrupt government. movement primarili target polit machin bosses. take corrupt repres offic mean direct democraci would established. 1940 typic historian saw progress era prelud new deal date 1901 (when roosevelt becam president) start world war 1914 1917."} {"id": "4237", "contents": "citi reform progress reform began local citi level easier implement vast state nation level. urban corrupt polit machin major focus, result reorgan local govern use commissioner-and city-manager-styl management. background progress movement (1901-1917) initi respons polit corpor abus turn twentieth century."} {"id": "4238", "contents": "progress movement turn-of-the-centuri polit movement interest further social polit reform, curb polit corrupt caus polit machines, limit polit influenc larg corporations. mani progressives, includ u.s. presid theodor roosevelt, saw conflict imperi reform home-to them, form uplift, reform improvement, saw new coloni opportun progress agenda around world."} {"id": "4239", "contents": "confus modern liber unit states. progressiv unit state broadli base reform movement reach height earli 20th centuri gener consid middl class reformist nature."} {"id": "4240", "contents": "earli 20th centuri era busi expans progress reform unit states. progressives, call themselves, work make american societi better safer place live."} {"id": "4241", "contents": "answer community. make world better, one answer time. progress movement effort cure mani ill american societi develop great spurt industri growth last quarter 19th century."} {"id": "4242", "contents": "progressive-era reform georgia modest import first step direction. progressiv first sever major reform movements, share later effort agenda social justice, expand econom opportunity, effici government, moral reform. progressive. era refer period vari reform took place throughout unit state first two decad twentieth century."} {"id": "4243", "contents": "number social reform also work reform view ill neg impact unit state society: social reform jane addam pioneer field social work found settlement hous movement establish hull hous chicago, illinois. background progress movement (1901-1917) initi respons polit corpor abus turn twentieth century."} {"id": "4244", "contents": "progress movement. progress movement effort cure mani ill american societi develop great spurt industri growth last quarter 19th century."} {"id": "4245", "contents": "ox bile supplement aid function liver gall bladder. essenti product someon gall bladder removed. help produc bile digest, process disinfect fat proteins."} {"id": "4246", "contents": "definit ox bile. oxgall. advertisement. word usual appear free dictionary, definit premium unabridg dictionari offer limit basis. note inform display differ unabridged."} {"id": "4247", "contents": "hypoallergen ox bile deriv bovin source, freez dri maintain biolog activity. suitabl supplement liver' product bile. bile natur produc bodi use process digestion."} {"id": "4248", "contents": "eastern cultur use ox bile treat constip prevent gallston cirrhosi liver centuries. medic profession consid ox bile form altern medicine.. ox bile may use treat chronic constipation."} {"id": "4249", "contents": "top 10 fact world. ox bile number medicin uses, perhap popular way patient improv metabol process fat certain vitamins, treatment chronic constipation. also believ mani help prevent gallston reduc liver inflammation."} {"id": "4250", "contents": "ox bile primarili consist water, salts, cholesterol, lecithin, fatti substance. one main role live ox help anim absorb vitamin food ingested, properti hold true substanc process prepar human consumption, too."} {"id": "4251", "contents": "ox bile get strength similar human bile. made use ox bile power widespread tradit medicin around world. bile substanc bodi help digestion. produc excret liver store insid gallbladder."} {"id": "4252", "contents": "ox bile suitabl supplement liver' product bile. bile natur produc bodi use process digestion. symptom constip tan color stool may indic body' product bile less optimal."} {"id": "4253", "contents": "breath rate, number time person breath minute, often check health care profession determin health person. normal breath rate 12 18 breath per minute. mani factor affect person' breathing. must learn test breath per minut spot reason caus behind slow fast breathing. articl tell check breath rate."} {"id": "4254", "contents": "definition. respiratori rate (also known ventil rate, respir rate, breath rate, pulmonari ventil rate, breath frequency, respiratori frequenc rf) number breath person take one minute. usual measur rest, sitting. medic textbook suggest normal respiratori rate adult 12 breath per minut rest. older textbook often provid even smaller valu (e.g., 8-10 breath per minute). modern adult breath much faster (about 15-20 breath per minute) normal breath frequency. respiratori rate sick person usual higher, gener 20 breaths/min"} {"id": "4255", "contents": "newborn babi normal breath rate 30-60 breath per minute. rapid breath continu babi begin grow start slow around six month age. age one, normal breath rate slow around 24-40 breath minut stay rate around age three. school-ag children normal breath rate, also known respiratori rate, 18-30 breath minut resting. increas rate indic ill occur child medic asthma allergies."} {"id": "4256", "contents": "children age one five year old, normal respir 20 30 breath per minute, children six twelv year old normal respiratori rate rang 12 20 breath per minute. birth six month age, baby' normal breath rate 30 60 breath per minute; age six months, breath typic slow 24 30 breath per minute."} {"id": "4257", "contents": "normal rf (respiratori frequenc respiratori rate): 12 breath per minute; inspiration: 1.5-2 seconds; normal exhal 1.5-2 seconds, follow automat paus (no breath 1-2 seconds). physiolog medic norm respiratori minut ventil rest liter per minut 70 kg man (see refer textbook below: guyton, 1984; ganong, 1995; straub, 1998; castro, 2000; etc.). textbook also provid follow number normal breathing:"} {"id": "4258", "contents": "respir rate number breath person take per minute. rate usual measur person rest simpli involv count number breath one minut count mani time chest rises."} {"id": "4259", "contents": "measur [edit]. human respir rate measur person rest involv count number breath one minut count mani time chest rises. optic breath rate sensor use monitor patient magnet reson imag scan. normal respiratori rate term eupnea, increas respiratori rate term tachypnea lower-than-norm respiratori rate term bradypnea. breath (which organ lung call ventil includ inhal exhalation) part respiration."} {"id": "4260", "contents": "respiratori rate, breath rate, number breath person take one minut rest, measur count number time person' chest rise fall within one minute. birth six month age, baby' normal breath rate 30 60 breath per minute; age six months, breath typic slow 24 30 breath per minute."} {"id": "4261", "contents": "quarterly. sa, 2009=100. gdp deflat measur chang price final good servic consid key indic inflationari pressures, provid insight futur direct monetari policy."} {"id": "4262", "contents": "convent show gdp deflat thought measur averag price good servic produc economi (rel base year price use calcul real gdp course). show all. 1. sinc gdp deflat measur aggreg prices, economist calcul measur inflat examin level gdp deflat chang time."} {"id": "4263", "contents": "like consum price index (cpi), gdp deflat measur price inflation/defl respect specif base year; gdp deflat base year equal 100. unlik cpi, gdp deflat base fix basket good services; basket gdp deflat allow chang year year people' consumpt invest patterns."} {"id": "4264", "contents": "gdp deflator. essentially, gdp deflat adjust impact chang price chang nomin gdp. gdp deflat consid comprehens measur inflat sinc wide array good servic includ construction. gdp deflat ratio valu aggreg final output current market price (nomin gdp) valu base year price (real gdp)."} {"id": "4265", "contents": "definition. gross domest product deflator. measur chang price good newli produc within countri cours specif time period. use econom account inflation. deflat used, allow gdp compar time period constant dollar"} {"id": "4266", "contents": "implicit price deflat ratio current-dollar valu series, gross domest product (gdp), correspond chained-dollar value, multipli 100."} {"id": "4267", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. economics, gdp deflat (implicit price deflator) measur level price new, domest produced, final good servic economy. gdp stand gross domest product, total valu final good servic produc within economi specifi period. unlik cpi, gdp deflat base fix basket good services; basket gdp deflat allow chang year year people' consumpt invest patterns."} {"id": "4268", "contents": "definit 'gdp price deflator'. econom metric account inflat convert output measur current price constant-dollar gdp. gdp deflat show much chang base year' gdp reli upon chang price level. also known gdp implicit price deflator.. next up."} {"id": "4269", "contents": "lead use applic low melt point, ductil high densiti advantageous. low melt point make cast lead easy, therefor small arm ammunit shotgun pellet cast minim technic equipment. lead one common allotrope, face-cent cubic, length edg unit cell 349 pm. 327.5 \u00b0c (621.5 \u00b0f), lead melts; melt point exce tin (232 \u00b0c, 449.5 \u00b0f), significantli germanium (938 \u00b0c, 1721 \u00b0f)."} {"id": "4270", "contents": "antimoni lead 2%+ arsen base pure lead 1% tin point might well heat/no quench treatment realli color linotype/pur easili visibl heat/quench treatment bring flashi surfac color linotype. i'd still like get idea possibl kind dye substanc safe add molten lead would give incident effect chang color alloy becom solidified."} {"id": "4271", "contents": "lead rel low melt point, ideal cast shape choosing. vari applic melt reshap lead; ideal creat custom-s fish weights, also perfect creat oddly-shap weight adjust weight hobbi car plane. set vessel heat source. lead melt well ventilated, fire safe area, creat danger fume present fire hazard handl properly. best heat sourc hand held oxygen-acetalin torch melt amount lead."} {"id": "4272", "contents": "lead bright silveri metal slight shade blue dri atmosphere. contact air, begin tarnish form complex mixtur compound depend conditions. color compound vary. lead one common allotrope, face-cent cubic, length edg unit cell 349 pm. 327.5 \u00b0c (621.5 \u00b0f), lead melts; melt point exce tin (232 \u00b0c, 449.5 \u00b0f), significantli germanium (938 \u00b0c, 1721 \u00b0f)."} {"id": "4273", "contents": "zinc, incidentally, dissolv molten lead, ad extract impur differenti solubility. lead sold soft lead, 99.90% pure, common lead (lead desilvered), 99.85% pure, corrod lead (for paint), 99.94% pure. oxid state, lead gener basic. oxid state +4 also occurs, lead acidic. lead gener amphoteric, like aluminium, especi +4 state, like tin. lead form seri oxides, import compounds."} {"id": "4274", "contents": "lead (/l\u025bd/) chemic element carbon group symbol pb (from latin: plumbum) atom number 82. lead soft, malleabl heavi post-transit metal. metal lead bluish-whit color freshli cut, soon tarnish dull grayish color expos air. lead shini chrome-silv luster melt liquid. also heaviest non-radioact element (some radioact elements, like technetium, lighter). lead one common allotrope, face-cent cubic, length edg unit cell 349 pm. 327.5 \u00b0c (621.5 \u00b0f), lead melts; melt point exce tin (232 \u00b0c, 449.5 \u00b0f), significantli germanium (938 \u00b0c, 1721 \u00b0f)."} {"id": "4275", "contents": "melt point lead 327.35\u00b0c, boil point 1515\u00b0c. common metal lower melt point tin bismuth, boil point high enough allow process liquid lead wide temperatur range. coeffici linear expans 29.5 10 -4 per \u00b0c. oxid state, lead gener basic. oxid state +4 also occurs, lead acidic. lead gener amphoteric, like aluminium, especi +4 state, like tin. lead form seri oxides, import compounds."} {"id": "4276", "contents": "molten lead color. hi all-i cast weekend notic quit keep color molten lead shiney silver color (like quicksilv mercury). instead, gold color, thin skin top. gold good indic tin. pure lead usual show blue/purpl color. put heat barrier top mix also help keep oxid temp consistant. educ guess,,,, till trigger pulled. opinion brought mister low-tech solution."} {"id": "4277", "contents": "allow quart water per pound. fresh pasta cook quickly. bring water tablespoon salt boil. shake pasta loos (do cook lbs. time). add pasta boil water, stir, begin timing. pasta cooked, drain well toss immedi sauce, coat evenly."} {"id": "4278", "contents": "italy, pasta usual undercook water minutes. pasta transfer saut saut\u00e9 pan prepared, sauc cook sauc addit 3\u2014minut allow pasta absorb flavor the. sauc"} {"id": "4279", "contents": "pasta boil approxim 10 minut sometim differ type pasta have. recommend check label packag sure long cook pasta for. 15 other found useful. depend type pasta. usual find cook time package. example, angel hair take 3-5 minut penn may take 13 minutes."} {"id": "4280", "contents": "cook pasta easy, rule pasta cook lead perfectli cook pasta everi time. difficulty: easy. time required: 35 minutes. here' how: fill pot one quart (1 liter) water per serv pasta (1/4 pound, 100 g) plan make, set boil. water come boil, add tablespoon coars salt (a littl less fine-grained) per quart water. term saltiness, resembl sea water."} {"id": "4281", "contents": "everi one pound pasta, bring quart water roll boil. water boiling, add tbsp. coars salt, 1/4 cup tabl salt. stir keep pasta sticking. stir within first minut cook pasta. closer look, check out:video: cook pasta giuliana. eight step perfect pasta. everi one pound pasta, bring quart water roll boil. water boiling, add tbsp. coars salt, 1/4 cup tabl salt."} {"id": "4282", "contents": "fettuccine: 1-1/2 minut plu simmer minut w/sauce. gnocchi: allow quart water per pound. add salt water. boil gnocchi minut gnocchi float top water. bring water tablespoon salt boil. shake pasta loos (do cook lbs. time). add pasta boil water, stir, begin timing. pasta cooked, drain well toss immedi sauce, coat evenly."} {"id": "4283", "contents": "rigatoni: minutes. rotini: minutes. fettuccine: 1-1/2 minut plu simmer minut w/sauce. gnocchi: allow quart water per pound. add salt water. boil gnocchi minut gnocchi float top water. bring water tablespoon salt boil. shake pasta loos (do cook lbs. time). add pasta boil water, stir, begin timing. pasta cooked, drain well toss immedi sauce, coat evenly."} {"id": "4284", "contents": "cook pasta properly, pasta need lot water. too-smal pot littl water encourag pasta clump stick together, thu cook unevenly. pound (16 ounces) pasta, want pot hold least quart water. reli packag give correct cook time (thi guideline). start time water return boil. pasta cook 12 minutes. test dri pasta done minut cook tast it. difficult give exact cook time sinc differ shape thick pasta take less time cook"} {"id": "4285", "contents": "continuously-variable. derailleur gears. hub gears. tiptron type discret automat transmiss develop porsch use vehicl licensees. though tiptron transmiss allow driver certain measur discret control, tiptron design implement use torqu convert like automat transmissions. tiptron comput control clutch-manu transmiss semi-automat transmission."} {"id": "4286", "contents": "report abuse. tiptron transmiss oper manner convent type automat transmission, also offer driver addit method manual overrid automat shift changes."} {"id": "4287", "contents": "purpose. tiptron transmiss automat transmiss control like manual transmission. standard automat transmission, comput select gear car oper in, tiptron transmiss give control driver. ordinari driving, tiptron transmiss function like automat transmiss shift gear without driver control. driver activ tiptron system, transmiss ceas shift automat reli driver chang gears."} {"id": "4288", "contents": "hub gears. tiptron type discret automat transmiss develop porsch use vehicl licensees. tiptron comput control clutch-manu transmiss semi-automat transmission. tiptron implement still make shift automatically, primarili protect engin"} {"id": "4289", "contents": "tiptron type discret automat transmiss develop porsch use vehicles. rate newest oldest. best answer: tiptron type discret automat transmiss develop porsch use vehicl licensees."} {"id": "4290", "contents": "tiptron transmiss oper common type automat transmission, also allow driver overrid automat mode move shift lever second (tiptronic) shift gate equip two spring-load positions: upshift downshift. rate newest oldest. best answer: tiptron type discret automat transmiss develop porsch use vehicl licensees."} {"id": "4291", "contents": "manumatic, portmanteau word manual automatic, term refer class automot transmission. manumat refer automat transmiss allow conveni driver control gear selection. automot history, automat transmiss alreadi allow control gear select use consol column shifter. manumat semi-automat transmiss allow driver full control gear selection, mani interven shift automat low end and/or high end engine' oper range, depend throttl position."} {"id": "4292", "contents": "best answer: tiptron porsche' name automat transmiss manual control option. drive, ga go, speak. manual gate (forward) position, (rearward) position."} {"id": "4293", "contents": "though tiptron transmiss allow driver certain measur discret control, tiptron design implement use torqu convert like automat transmissions. tiptron comput control clutch-manu transmiss semi-automat transmission. tiptron implement still make shift automatically, primarili protect engin transmission."} {"id": "4294", "contents": "confid vote 252. rub toothpast finger scrub toothbrush rins hot water lighten lot tar. rub nicotin stain finger vigor half lemon, allow juic soak least 10 minutes. use potato nicotin stain removal."} {"id": "4295", "contents": "remov nicotin stain skin. you\u2019v final quit smoking, probabl look way get disgust nicotin stain skin. lot way tri this, we\u2019r go share best try."} {"id": "4296", "contents": "aspirin- -. anoth method work remov nicotin stain finger dissolv aspirin tablet cup hot water. soak finger stain go away. excel idea make past use aspirin drop water."} {"id": "4297", "contents": "wash nicotin stain wall mixtur hot water small amount trisodium phosphat (tsp). use solut gentli scrub wall circular motion. left smoke stain wall mani years, may never come clean."} {"id": "4298", "contents": "put one aspirin tablet cup warm water. crush back-sid spoon, stir aspirin dissolves. soak nail solution, use free hand rub mixtur nails. minutes, rins dri hands; appli lotion replenish moisture."} {"id": "4299", "contents": "best answer: nail brush hydrogen peroxid remov alreadi there. hold cigarett fire fingers, smoke rise tar condens onto finger nails. passion anti-smok control answer, requested."} {"id": "4300", "contents": "geo mean earth, olog studi of. geology, therefore, refer studi earth, geolog pertain that, time period featur earth."} {"id": "4301", "contents": "studi geolog studi solid earth. mean rock made process change. geolog career consist fieldwork lo\u2026. geolog journal studi pursu educ field, comprehens geolog journal invalu resource."} {"id": "4302", "contents": "geolog studi earth. geolog call geolog geo mean earth, logi mean discourse. nevertheless, geolog reason defin scienc pu rsue understand earth. two broad area geolog includ physic historical."} {"id": "4303", "contents": "geolog mean mega anum. standard si prefix (think giga, mega, kilo, etc.), anum mean year. however, geolog specif denot time present. example, 10 mean ten million year present, ten million year ago."} {"id": "4304", "contents": "geolog scienc compris studi solid earth, rock composed, process change. geolog also refer gener studi solid featur celesti body."} {"id": "4305", "contents": "geolog (noun). noun geolog sense: 1. scienc deal histori earth record rocks. familiar information: geolog use noun rare."} {"id": "4306", "contents": "geolog studi earth, materi made, structur materials, process act upon them. includ studi organ inhabit planet."} {"id": "4307", "contents": "classifi under: noun denot people. hypernym (geologist kind of...): man science; scientist (a person advanc knowledg one sciences). hyponym (each follow kind geologist): geophysicist (a geologist use physic principl studi properti earth)."} {"id": "4308", "contents": "ir tax invest earn keep roth ira. roth individu retir account retir plan huge tax benefit. 2012, invest $5,000 year account. invest roth ira, owe tax reinvest dividend capit gains. however, get tax savings, need keep money account turn 59 1/2. tax savings. invest roth ira, get tax deduct contribut like tradit ira. instead, roth ira save tax benefit retirement. take money roth ira turn 59 1/2, entir withdraw tax-free."} {"id": "4309", "contents": "moni invest roth ira grow tax deferred. mean tax due year gain dividend paid invest insid account. furthermore, account owner 59 1/2 older, withdraw free taxes. example, taxpay contribut $20,000 sever year roth ira earn $10,000 dividends, amount $20,000 may withdrawn time tax-fre without penalty."} {"id": "4310", "contents": "account growth whether interest, dividends, distribut 100% tax free. tradit ira investor typic look low turnov (and thu low capit gains) mutual funds. roth ira investor worry. however, alway tax concerns. could get interest, dividends, even capit gain without pay addit tax would much happier pay tax. that' beauti roth ira."} {"id": "4311", "contents": "roth account, contribut after-tax income, earn money grow tax-free. mani roth ira owner invest stock market uncertain tax statu dividend capit gain roth stock portfolio. earli withdrawal. stock dividend capit gain could becom taxabl withdrew roth ira turn 59.5. intern revenu servic charg roth ira withdraw first contributions."} {"id": "4312", "contents": "roth stock gain dividend taxabl withdrawn roth account less five year old, even older 59.5. stock dividend capit gain could becom taxabl withdrew roth ira turn 59.5. earli withdrawal. stock dividend capit gain could becom taxabl withdrew roth ira turn 59.5. intern revenu servic charg roth ira withdraw first contributions."} {"id": "4313", "contents": "earn roth ira, includ capit gain dividend roth stock investments, subject feder state incom tax work years, long keep fund roth account retirement. earli withdrawal. stock dividend capit gain could becom taxabl withdrew roth ira turn 59.5. intern revenu servic charg roth ira withdraw first contributions."} {"id": "4314", "contents": "warning. gain dividend roth ira taxabl earned, may taken tax-fre owner 59 1/2, signific tax consequ result dividend gain withdrawn early. earli withdraw roth ira subject ordinari incom tax 10 percent penalty. example, taxpay contribut $20,000 sever year roth ira earn $10,000 dividends, amount $20,000 may withdrawn time tax-fre without penalty."} {"id": "4315", "contents": "roth ira withdrawals. long withdraw money invest roth ira age 59\u00bd own account five year pay zero tax withdrawals, even withdraw includ dividends. pay tax dividend reinvest either roth ira tradit ira left account. catch come want withdraw money ira. rule differ depend type ira have. work roth tradit ira"} {"id": "4316", "contents": "averag size colleg class import consider mani student choos school. peopl prefer attend class sever hundr test paper head student identif number rather name. know differ \u201caverag class size\u201d \u201cstudent-to-teach ratio.\u201d. two, student-to-teach ratio much import class size. class size simpli refer number seat offer section class."} {"id": "4317", "contents": "recent survey colleg pricing, colleg board report moder colleg budget in-stat public colleg 2014\u20132015 academ year averag $23,410. moder budget privat colleg averag $46,272. colleg board report averag cost book suppli 2014\u20132015 school year $1,146 public colleg $1,244 privat colleges."} {"id": "4318", "contents": "follow caveat, breakdown cost follows: in-stat tuition public four-year college: $7,605: 30 credit hour $253.50/credit hour. out-of-st tuition public four-year college: $19,595: 30 $653.16/credit hour. student wise rememb averag cost colleg credit that: average. due numer variabl affect number requir credit also student\u2019 in-stat versu out-of-st standing, pay shop around care get earli start comparisons."} {"id": "4319", "contents": "colleg board report averag cost room board 2014\u20132015 rang $9,804 four-year public school $11,188 privat schools. colleg also provid room board estim live campu base typic student costs. colleg board report averag cost book suppli 2014\u20132015 school year $1,146 public colleg $1,244 privat colleges."} {"id": "4320", "contents": "cost two-year colleges. two-year colleg includ technic trade schools, commun colleges, junior colleges. accord nation center educ statistics, averag cost attend two-year colleg 2011 $8,909. cost public graduat schools. yearli cost attend public graduat school depend type degre hope earn. total cost (tuition, board, live expenses) master' student public school $29,000, average, 2007-08 school year."} {"id": "4321", "contents": "example, tuition fee commun colleg texa 2013-2014 $1,630-$6,153 state resid $4,150-$16,683 out-of-st students, averag cost $2,394 texa resid $6,322 nonresidents. centuri colleg white bear lake, mn, tuition fee two 15-unit semest total $5,356 gener classes, $5,540 dental hygien cours $5,846 nurs program. tuition one mani colleg expenses."} {"id": "4322", "contents": "2010-11, averag tuition fee privat not-for-profit colleg $26,769, tuition fee privat for-profit colleg came $14,236. cost book suppli privat not-for-profit colleg $1,217, cost book for-profit colleg lower, $799. cost public graduat schools. yearli cost attend public graduat school depend type degre hope earn. total cost (tuition, board, live expenses) master' student public school $29,000, average, 2007-08 school year."} {"id": "4323", "contents": "colleg often report combin tuition fee figure. accord colleg board, averag cost tuition fee 2014\u20132015 school year $31,231 privat colleges, $9,139 state resid public colleges, $22,958 out-of-st resid attend public universities. colleg board report averag cost book suppli 2014\u20132015 school year $1,146 public colleg $1,244 privat colleges."} {"id": "4324", "contents": "colleg board explain averag public four-year colleg student expect pay $7,605 tuition well fee year attendance. student resid state, anoth $11,990 constitut out-of-st tuition charge. student consid privat colleg educ need prepar dig much deeper pockets: averag annual cost four-year school $27,293 fee tuition. miss equat exact account amount credit hour \u2018average\u2019 student take per year. student wise rememb averag cost colleg credit that: average. due numer variabl affect number requir credit also student\u2019 in-stat versu out-of-st standing, pay shop around care get earli start comparisons."} {"id": "4325", "contents": "full-tim commun colleg tuition fee (typic two 15-unit semesters) cost $1,000-$12,000 year state residents, $4,000-$30,000 out-of-st students, depend school, locat program study. centuri colleg white bear lake, mn, tuition fee two 15-unit semest total $5,356 gener classes, $5,540 dental hygien cours $5,846 nurs program. tuition one mani colleg expenses."} {"id": "4326", "contents": "optic chiasm optic chiasma x-shape space front pituitari gland optic nerv fiber pass brain. fiber nasal half retina cross over, tempor side not."} {"id": "4327", "contents": "blind spot. begin optic nerv retina call optic nerv head optic disc. sinc photoreceptor (cone rods) optic nerv head, area retina cannot respond light stimulation. result, known blind spot, everybodi one eye."} {"id": "4328", "contents": "nerv signal travel along optic nerv eye. two optic nerv meet optic chiasm. there, optic nerv eye divides, half nerv fiber side cross side."} {"id": "4329", "contents": "optic chiasm optic chiasma (greek \u03c7\u03af\u03b1\u03c3\u03bc\u03b1, crossing, greek \u03c7\u03b9\u03ac\u03b6\u03c9 'to mark x', greek letter ', chi) part brain optic nerv (cn ii) partial cross."} {"id": "4330", "contents": "pathway [edit]. optic nerv fibr nasal side retina cross opposit side brain via optic nerv optic chiasm (decuss medial fibers)."} {"id": "4331", "contents": "optic nerv pathway eye pass optic chiasma travel occipit lobe back brain. optic nerv compos ganglion cell axons, nerv fibers, retina."} {"id": "4332", "contents": "nerv ... click read below. optic chiasm optic chiasma x-shape space front pituitari gland optic nerv fiber pass brain. fiber nasal half retina cross over, tempor side not."} {"id": "4333", "contents": "optic chiasm, optic nerv fiber eman nasal half retina cross side; nerv fiber origin tempor retina cross over."} {"id": "4334", "contents": "improv permiss market hub page. use hub page refer get up-to-spe main digit market techniques."} {"id": "4335", "contents": "e-permiss market principl achiev opt-in. permiss permiss market tradit grant individu opt commun proactiv agre receiv communications. email lists, opt-in usual achiev ubiquit tick box. e-permiss market principl 3:\u2018think request marketing\u2019. way back 2002 usabl expert jakob nielsen argu permiss market fit etho web customer-control experi (i.e. pull medium rather push medium)."} {"id": "4336", "contents": "form permiss market main reoccur factor ask consent consumer. godin\u2019 book market strategi base follow fundament \u201canticipated, person relevant\u201d. abridg version permiss market seth godin. don\u2019t selfish. you\u2019r charge. make promis keep them. it\u2019 like dating. it\u2019 asset, it\u2019 expens it\u2019 worth it."} {"id": "4337", "contents": "level permiss permiss marketing: situat permission: prospect permit busi come contact provid person information. brand trust: prospect permit busi continu suppli needs."} {"id": "4338", "contents": "key challeng market shift interrupt market permiss marketing. chang mindset: stop think selling, start think creat valu peopl want reach (in way link busi market strategy)."} {"id": "4339", "contents": "ibm silverpop. permiss market approach sell good servic prospect explicitli agre advanc receiv market information. opt-in e-mail, internet user sign advanc inform certain product categories, good exampl permiss marketing."} {"id": "4340", "contents": "permiss market health care. thu proper health care lie middl godin' permiss ladder. agre buy servic regular basis, exchang increas permiss side transact see incent transformed. dana blankenhorn |. topic: innovation. one way understand need fix health care market book, seth godin' permiss marketing. health care, right public polici gear go permiss ladder. consum reach level intraven permission, price longer object. death line doctor cart blanche."} {"id": "4341", "contents": "training. discuss share. permission-bas email market two type email marketing: 1. unsolicit email promot (often call spam) 2. email sent peopl ask receiv them, (permission-bas email marketing). send spam ruin legitim organization\u2019 reput popularity. permission-bas email market use effect everyday hundr thousand organ build brands, increas sales, strengthen relationship client members."} {"id": "4342", "contents": "permiss marketing. permiss market privileg (not right) deliv anticipated, person relev messag peopl actual want get them. recogn new power best consum ignor marketing."} {"id": "4343", "contents": "permission-bas market definition. definition, permission-bas market is: practic send market commun recipi given consent receiv them. wide relat email market communication, post focu on."} {"id": "4344", "contents": "could pay cost children' educ pre-tax dollars, could money. left things. could salari packag school tuition fee work a: privat public not-for-profit hospital. chariti not-for-profit organisation. privat school, club, associ religi institution."} {"id": "4345", "contents": "50% superannu fortnightli salari may salari packagedbefor tax.\u2022 superannu salari (for purpos salari packaging) includ ratesprescrib schedul eb4 agreement perman allowancesaccept govern superannu offic superannuableallowances. remuner servic (qld) pti ltd call centr 1300 30 40 10 page superannu salari packag salari packag tax effect way receiv salari combin ofincom benefits."} {"id": "4346", "contents": "rate includ 2% medicar levi 2% temporari budget repair levy. 3. refer ato definit taxabl income. 4. remserv smart salari salari packag administr queensland govern employe charg fee administ salari sacrific service. major employers, like queensland rail, decid handl salari sacrific arrangements. choos salari sacrific standard contribut result tax saving, you\u2019ll go super, without affect amount take-hom pay. start salari sacrificing, contact remserv smart salary."} {"id": "4347", "contents": "it\u2019 directli taken salari you\u2019v paid incom tax, super tax 15% 1, margin tax rate (which could 49% 2). choos salari sacrific standard contribut result tax saving, you\u2019ll go super, without affect amount take-hom pay. start salari sacrificing, contact remserv smart salary."} {"id": "4348", "contents": "fees? 1) charg fee set novat lease. 2) normal salari packag setup charg $220 includ gst. 3) salari packag (number above) set time novat leas incur fee (thi also includ set superannu salari sacrifice). first year may pay insur monthli direct debit. first leas money claim first annual upfront payment back. however, second year probabl surplu balanc account."} {"id": "4349", "contents": "chariti employe salari packag rang benefit $15,900 fbt year. amount assum payment subject gst. payment subject gst amount reduc $14,525. manag salari packag account exchang small administr fee. standard salari packag account, pay $220 year (includ gst) neglig amount consid much salari packag may save you."} {"id": "4350", "contents": "v4.14qld rescu remserv contact centr 1300 30 40 10 page 17 benefit offer reimburs salari packaging, valu $1,333.33 per year home electr cost and/or public transport cost certain public transport providers."} {"id": "4351", "contents": "29. (a) employe may recomm salari packag agreement employer; (b) fee $50 may, discret remserv appli recommenc salari packaging. fee payabl remserv employee. 30"} {"id": "4352", "contents": "salari packag 'gross up' taxat department. normal calcul highest margin rate tax, $17,667 $31,177, depend sort organis work for. accesspay ensur go threshold amount."} {"id": "4353", "contents": "depend employer, salari packag much littl like. example, part-tim worker health industri earn $25,000 year could save $1,073. manag salari packag account exchang small administr fee. standard salari packag account, pay $220 year (includ gst) neglig amount consid much salari packag may save you."} {"id": "4354", "contents": "antioxid benefit bodi neutral remov free radic bloodstream. wide rang antioxid found nature, varied, differ antioxid provid benefit differ part body. antioxid come frequent discuss good health prevent diseases. power substances, mostli come fresh fruit veget eat, prohibit (and case even prevent), oxid molecul body."} {"id": "4355", "contents": "antioxid man-mad natur substanc may prevent delay type cell damage. diet high veget fruits, good sourc antioxidants, found healthy; however, research shown antioxid supplement benefici prevent diseases. however, debat whether consum larg amount antioxid supplement form actual benefit health. also concern consum antioxid supplement excess dose may harmful. veget fruit healthi food rich sourc antioxidants."} {"id": "4356", "contents": "antioxid benefit us help protect us free radic environment. immun system creat antioxid abl neutral free radic prevent much cellular damage. also consum antioxid diet fruits, vegetables, nuts, grains, meat, poultri fish. bet may recogn antioxidants: vitamin e, beta carotene. clearli antioxid import us strengthen protect immun system help guard disease. antioxid may even help us live longer."} {"id": "4357", "contents": "free radic caus \u201coxid stress,\u201d process trigger cell damage. oxid stress thought play role varieti diseas includ cancer, cardiovascular diseases, diabetes, alzheimer\u2019 disease, parkinson\u2019 disease, eye diseas cataract age-rel macular degeneration. however, debat whether consum larg amount antioxid supplement form actual benefit health. also concern consum antioxid supplement excess dose may harmful. veget fruit healthi food rich sourc antioxidants."} {"id": "4358", "contents": "fiber berri may boost antioxid benefits. antioxidants, substanc help prevent damag effect oxid cell throughout body, plenti mani foods, primarili fruit vegetables. benefici interact antioxid compon foods, health author say get antioxid food may offer health benefit superior taken supplement form."} {"id": "4359", "contents": "highest concentr antioxid found deepli brightli color fruit veget spinach, red bell peppers, raspberries, carrots, apricots, pomegranates, tomatoes. interest antioxid supplement, may want check ningxia red antioxid drink. clearli antioxid import us strengthen protect immun system help guard disease. antioxid may even help us live longer."} {"id": "4360", "contents": "previou next antioxidants: important? antioxid substanc may protect cell effect free radic molecul produc bodi break food expos tobacco smoke radiation. antioxidants, vitamin e, carotenoid may help protect cell damag caus free radicals. natur occur antioxid includ flavonoids, tannins, phenol lignans. plant-bas food best sources."} {"id": "4361", "contents": "free radic may play role heart disease, cancer diseases. antioxidants, vitamin e, carotenoid may help protect cell damag caus free radicals. natur occur antioxid includ flavonoids, tannins, phenol lignans. plant-bas food best sources."} {"id": "4362", "contents": "antioxid foods, includ vitamin a, e, polyphenol certain minerals, selenium boost immun function quench free radicals, highly-react compound form byproduct normal process bodi enter bodi environment, accord penn state university. benefici interact antioxid compon foods, health author say get antioxid food may offer health benefit superior taken supplement form."} {"id": "4363", "contents": "benefit antioxid import good health, free radic left unchallenged, caus wide rang ill chronic diseases. human bodi natur produc free radic antioxid counteract damag effects. antioxid come frequent discuss good health prevent diseases. power substances, mostli come fresh fruit veget eat, prohibit (and case even prevent), oxid molecul body."} {"id": "4364", "contents": "pyrrolidonyl arylamidas (pyr) test rapid test use presumpt identif group beta-hemolyt streptococci enterococci. pyr test avail differ format. origin pyr test use take 16-20 hour 4-hour broth assay available, describ post....tankeshwar acharyafrenbidur@gmail.comadministratori nepal, land mt. everest buddha born. procedur pyr test. steril bacteriolog loop, pick growth two three morpholog similar coloni emulsifi small volum pyr broth. incub tube 35 hours. add one drop pyr reagent observ color change."} {"id": "4365", "contents": "rapid pyr test use distinguish a. viridan enterococci (both pyr positive) a. urina (pyr negative). gram stain care examin characterist arrang cluster tetrad rule lactobacillu streptococcus. abstract. aerococcu urina rare report pathogen, possibl due difficulti identif organism. a. urina gram-posit coccu grow pair clusters, produc alpha-hemolysi blood agar, neg catalas pyrrolidonyl aminopeptidase."} {"id": "4366", "contents": "gram-posit bacilli encount clinic specimen repres normal flora contaminants, includ member genera bacillus, lactobacillus, corynebacterium. lactobacilli nonsporulating, gram-posit bacilli classifi larg famili lactobacillaceae. often found long, slender gram-posit rod long chains. usual contamin commens readili recogn coloni morpholog fact catalase-negative."} {"id": "4367", "contents": "bacillu spp. coagulase-neg staphylococci diphtheroids, member genu bacillu third common skin contamin found clinic specimens. gram stain large, wide, gram-posit rods, often occur singli pairs, produc endospores. lactobacilli nonsporulating, gram-posit bacilli classifi larg famili lactobacillaceae. often found long, slender gram-posit rod long chains. usual contamin commens readili recogn coloni morpholog fact catalase-negative."} {"id": "4368", "contents": "mani lactobacilli oper use homofer metabol (they produc lactic acid sugars), speci lactobacilli use heterofer metabol (they produc either alcohol lactic acid sugars). aerotoler despit complet absenc respiratori chain. lactobacillu speci human consid harmless. lactobacilli live urinary, digest genit track humans. lactobacillu possibl effect prevent diarrhea children, bacteri vagin infections."} {"id": "4369", "contents": "pyr test avail differ format. origin pyr test use take 16-20 hour 4-hour broth assay available, describ post. format includ rapid (10-15 minutes) tests, pyr reagent impregn filter paper disk strip inocul organ tested. procedur pyr test. steril bacteriolog loop, pick growth two three morpholog similar coloni emulsifi small volum pyr broth. incub tube 35 hours. add one drop pyr reagent observ color change."} {"id": "4370", "contents": "lactobacillu type bacteria multipl differ speci genus. lactobacillu speci human consid harmless. lactobacilli live urinary, digest genit track humans. lactobacillu possibl effect prevent diarrhea children, bacteri vagin infections."} {"id": "4371", "contents": "lactobacillus, genu gram-posit facult anaerob microaerophil rod-shap bacteria. major part lactic acid bacteria group. human part vagin microbiota. mani speci genu genom sequenced. lactobacillu speci human consid harmless. lactobacilli live urinary, digest genit track humans. lactobacillu possibl effect prevent diarrhea children, bacteri vagin infections."} {"id": "4372", "contents": "lactococcu lacti gram-posit bacterium use extens product buttermilk cheese, also becom famou first genet modifi organ use aliv treatment human disease. l. lacti crucial import manufactur dairi products, buttermilk cheeses. l. lacti ssp. lacti ad milk, bacterium use enzym produc energi molecul (atp), lactose. byproduct atp energi product lactic acid."} {"id": "4373", "contents": "pollut sourc caus marin eutrophication, wherebi ecosystem receiv mani nutrients, trigger massiv alga blooms, eventu die broken bacteria. break alga blooms, bacteria consum excess amount oxygen, starv marin system. focus studi impact eutrophication. eutroph one main problem caus overus fertil excess manur sewage. wast enter ecosystem gener leach away residential, business, agricultur sites."} {"id": "4374", "contents": "confid vote 34.5k. eutroph eutroph process bodi water (lakes, ponds, rivers) receiv excess nutrient stimul excess growth algae. two common nutrient initi eutroph nitrogen phosphorous, two limit nutrient growth algae. eutroph noun refer excess rich nutrient water bodi lake. excess due frequent runoff land caus dens growth plant life. caus natur human"} {"id": "4375", "contents": "freshwat lake limit nutrient phosphorus, input phosphoru form phosphat ion (po43-) result increas biolog activity. main effect eutroph an. increas plant anim biomass. increas growth root plants, e.g. reeds. although eutroph natur process age lake estuaries, human activ greatli acceler eutroph increas rate nutrient organ substanc enter aquat ecosystem surround watersheds."} {"id": "4376", "contents": "consequently, lake particularli suscept pollut artifici eutrophication. main caus eutroph are. natur run-off nutrient soil weather rocks. run-off inorgan fertilis (contain nitrat phosphates). run-off manur farm (contain nitrates, phosphat ammonia). although eutroph natur process age lake estuaries, human activ greatli acceler eutroph increas rate nutrient organ substanc enter aquat ecosystem surround watersheds."} {"id": "4377", "contents": "caus \u201chypoxic\u201d (lack oxygen) condit usual eutrophication, increas chemic nutrient water, lead excess bloom alga deplet underwat oxygen levels."} {"id": "4378", "contents": "eutroph aris oversuppli nutrients, induc explos growth plant alga which, organ die, consum oxygen bodi water, therebi creat state hypoxia. accord ullmann' encyclopedia, primari limit factor eutroph phosphate.. avail phosphoru gener promot excess plant growth decay, favour simpl alga plankton complic plants, caus sever reduct water quality. cultur eutroph also occur excess fertil run lake rivers. encourag growth alga (algal bloom) aquat plants. follow this, overcrowd occur plant compet sunlight, space oxygen."} {"id": "4379", "contents": "eutroph natur process typic occur lake age. however, human-caused, acceler eutroph (call cultur eutrophication) occur rapidly, caus problem affect water bodies, describ below. 1. eutrophication. fertil caus problem water qualiti runoff river percol groundwater. fact, agricultur (includ livestock agriculture) largest sourc nonpoint water pollut us."} {"id": "4380", "contents": "main focu concern caus eutroph nitrogen phosphorus, nitrogen far attent often limit primari product estuari coastal water global applic nitrogen synthet fertil far greater phosphorus. focus studi impact eutrophication. eutroph one main problem caus overus fertil excess manur sewage. wast enter ecosystem gener leach away residential, business, agricultur sites."} {"id": "4381", "contents": "note: even though social security\u2019 full retir age longer 65, sign medicar three month 65th birthday. appli websit www.socialsecurity.gov."} {"id": "4382", "contents": "full retir age older 66 (that is, born 1954), still start retir benefit 62 reduct benefit amount greater, maximum 30 percent age 62 peopl born 1960 later."} {"id": "4383", "contents": "start receiv social secur benefit age 62 but, here' catch: collect less benefit age 62 wait full retir age rang 66 (for born 1943 1954) 67 (for born 1960 later)."} {"id": "4384", "contents": "you\u2019r alreadi get benefits, contact social secur three month 65th birthday sign medicare. sign medicar even don\u2019t plan retir age 65."} {"id": "4385", "contents": "full retir age 66, reduct benefit age 62 25 percent; age 63, 20 percent; age 64, 13.3 percent; age 65, 6.7 percent."} {"id": "4386", "contents": "sign medicar part (hospit insurance) and/or medicar part (medic insurance) first month initi enrol period, coverag start date depend birthday."} {"id": "4387", "contents": "sign free part (if you\u2019r eligible) time initi enrol period starts. sign within month 65th birthday, coverag start first day month turn 65, month turn 65 (if birthday first month)."} {"id": "4388", "contents": "collect medicar part part age 65 spous paid medicar tax least 40 quarters. collect medicar age 65 receiv social secur disabl benefit 24 months, sever circumstances."} {"id": "4389", "contents": "indemn common agreement individu busi (for example, agreement obtain car insurance), also applies, larger scale, relationship busi govern govern two countries. word indemn stem latin root indemnis, mean unhurt, undamag without loss.. indemn may paid form cash, way repair replacement, depend exactli spell indemn agreement."} {"id": "4390", "contents": "indemn insurance. one best exampl indemn insurance, insur compani indemnifi properti owner loss damag property. anoth example, busi owner may buy indemn insur profession liability. definition: indemnity, indemnify, indemnification. principl describ term indemn indemnifi interrel term defin together. term indemn defin duti make good loss, damage, liabil incur anoth (black' law dictionary)."} {"id": "4391", "contents": "definit 'indemnity'. indemn compens damag loss. indemn legal sens may also refer exempt liabil damages. concept indemn base contractu agreement made two parties, one parti agre pay potenti loss damag caus party. word indemn stem latin root indemnis, mean unhurt, undamag without loss.. indemn may paid form cash, way repair replacement, depend exactli spell indemn agreement."} {"id": "4392", "contents": "look indemn wiktionary, free dictionary. indemn oblig person (indemnitor) provid compens particular loss suffer anoth person (indemnitee). indemn guarante compens equal amount loss subject indemnity, warranti guarante compens reduct valu acquir asset due warrant fact untru (and beneficiari must prove diminut value)."} {"id": "4393", "contents": "tax indemnity. final arbit matter tax hm revenu custom (hmrc). employ alway refrain guarante tax statu settlement package. possibl hmrc audit employer' deduct tax, assess tax due request payment."} {"id": "4394", "contents": "indemn insur way compani (or individual) protect indemn claims. insur protect holder pay full sum indemnity, even holder fault caus indemn first place. word indemn stem latin root indemnis, mean unhurt, undamag without loss.. indemn may paid form cash, way repair replacement, depend exactli spell indemn agreement."} {"id": "4395", "contents": "smlbizlaw. tax indemn small busi context mean compani compens compani tax assess compani result compani a\u2019 busi activities. concept often come play two parti enter co-market agreement one parti promot product anoth party. like liabl tax commissions, want liabl tax associ xyz\u2019 sale products. includ claus like one would protect busi scenario: \u201ctax indemnity."} {"id": "4396", "contents": "indemn also refer legal exempt loss damages, case indemn claus contract, one parti agre take liabil loss damag anoth party. definition: indemnity, indemnify, indemnification. principl describ term indemn indemnifi interrel term defin together. term indemn defin duti make good loss, damage, liabil incur anoth (black' law dictionary)."} {"id": "4397", "contents": "gross oversimplification, indemn claus allow (the indemnitee) seek reimburs (indemnity) money forc pay third parti result injury, physic monetary, caus parti seek reimburs (the indemnitor). nearli everi contract contain indemn clause. claus common, mani even read them, assum inconsequenti boilerplate. noth could truth."} {"id": "4398", "contents": "confid vote 59. resist directli proport wire length invers proport wire cross-sect area. words, wire length doubled, resist doubl too. wire diamet doubled, resist reduc 1/4 origin resistance."} {"id": "4399", "contents": "resist directli proport wire length invers proport wire cross-sect area. words, wire length doubled, resist ubl too. wire diamet doubled, resist reduc 1/4 origin resistance. resist properti substance, depend dimens sample. length conductor doubled, resist doubl sistiv change."} {"id": "4400", "contents": "split merg it. answer hzia2002. confid vote 381. assum wire follow ohm' law, resist wire directli proport length therefor doubl length doubl resist wire. howev length wire doubled, cross-sect area halved. resist properti substance, depend dimens sample. length conductor doubled, resist doubl sistiv change."} {"id": "4401", "contents": "16. copper wire length cross-sect area resist r. second copper wire temperatur length cross-sect area 12 a. resist second copper wire?(1) (2) (3) 2(4) 17. reduc resist metal conductor one should(1) cool conductor low temperature(2) heat conductor high temperature(3) coat conductor insulator(4) wire conductor seri anoth resistor18."} {"id": "4402", "contents": "cross section cross section area area cut. need necessarili circle. commerci avail wire (cable) size cross section area: 0.75 mm2, 1.5 mm2, 2.5 mm2, mm2, mm2, 10 mm2, 16 mm2. four factor affect resist conductor: 1) cross section area conductor a, calcul diamet d. 2) length conductor 3) temperatur conductor 4) materi constitut conductor"} {"id": "4403", "contents": "resist metal wire conductor invers proport its1) tensil strength2) cross-sect area3) length4) temperature7. tabl list variou characterist two metal wires, b.if wire resist r, wire resistance1) r2) 2r3) r24) 4r8. 0.500-meter length wire cross-sect area 3.14 10 \u20136 meter squar found resist 2.53 10 \u20133 ohms. accord resist chart, wire could made of1) aluminum2) copper3) nichrome4) silver9. recommend made resist wire varies1) directli length invers cross-sect area2) invers length directli cross-sect area3) directli length cross-sect area4) invers length cross-sect area2."} {"id": "4404", "contents": "resist conductor invers proport cross section area,when area doubl resist halved. ask right question.th question happen resist conductor cross section area doubled. resist conductor invers proport cross section area,when area doubl resist halved. pradeep.jagati year ago."} {"id": "4405", "contents": "length noth cross section area. question was: happen resist conductor cross section area doubled? r_1 l/a_1 a_2 a_1. r_2 l/a_2 l/[2*a_1] 1/2 l/a_1 1/2 r_1, area doubled, resist halved. ask right question.th question happen resist conductor cross section area doubled. resist conductor invers proport cross section area,when area doubl resist halved. pradeep.jagati year ago."} {"id": "4406", "contents": "cross-sect area fix length wire decreased, resist wire would(1) decreas (3) remain same(2) increase24. resist metal wire conductor invers proport its(1) tensil strength (3) length(2) cross-sect area (4) temperature25. reduc resist metal conductor one should(1) cool conductor low temperature(2) heat conductor high temperature(3) coat conductor insulator(4) wire conductor seri anoth resistor18."} {"id": "4407", "contents": "answers. battl waihind 1008-09 fought (a) mahmud ghazni anandapala (b) mahmud ghazni jayapala (c) muhammad ghori prithviraj (d) muhammad ghori jaichandra. 4."} {"id": "4408", "contents": "congo river flow countries-centr african republic, democrat republ congo, angola, burundi, tanzania, cameroon, republ congo, zambia, gabon, rwanda. river rank ninth longest river world overal length 4,700 km. famou boyoma fall stanley fall congo river. chambeshi river zambia regard sourc"} {"id": "4409", "contents": "congo river cross equat twice. congo river, also known zair river, cross equat twice. congo river deepest river world second longest river africa. river rank ninth longest river world overal length 4,700 km. famou boyoma fall stanley fall congo river. chambeshi river zambia regard sourc congo river."} {"id": "4410", "contents": "river congo got name kingdom kongo situat left bank river estuary. kingdom turn name bantu population, 17th centuri report esikongo. south kongo kingdom proper lay similarli name kakongo kingdom, mention 1535. measur along lualaba, congo river total length 4,370 km (2,715 mi), congo basin total area million km 2, 13% entir african landmass."} {"id": "4411", "contents": "gmackematix. sever river cross equat correctli answer question asked. mean river flow northward southward equator, narrow down. far know, congo river cross equat twice fashion."} {"id": "4412", "contents": "+1 warren s. learn someth new today, man love yahoo answers. wiki articl excerpt congo river....becaus larg section river basin lie equator..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/congo_river."} {"id": "4413", "contents": "congo-chambeshi river overal length 4,700 km (2,920 mi), make ninth longest river (in term discharge, chambeshi tributari lualaba river, lualaba name congo river upstream boyoma falls, extend 1,800 km). measur along lualaba, congo river total length 4,370 km (2,715 mi), congo basin total area million km 2, 13% entir african landmass."} {"id": "4414", "contents": "congo river, also known zair river, cross equat twice. congo river deepest river world second longest river africa. river rank ninth longest river world overal length 4,700 km. famou boyoma fall stanley fall congo river. chambeshi river zambia regard sourc congo river."} {"id": "4415", "contents": "now. report abuse. nile cross equat yellow, mississippi, red, ohio wabash cross equator. would take stab say amazon probabl wrong answer situat right. answer stick it! wiki articl excerpt congo river....becaus larg section river basin lie equator..... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/congo_river."} {"id": "4416", "contents": "river also second-largest flow world, behind amazon; third-largest drainag basin river, behind amazon plate rivers; one deepest river world, depth greater 220 (720 ft). measur along lualaba, congo river total length 4,370 km (2,715 mi), congo basin total area million km 2, 13% entir african landmass."} {"id": "4417", "contents": "advisori committe immun practic (acip) recommend shingl vaccin peopl age 60 year older. even peopl shingl receiv vaccin help prevent futur occurr disease. risk develop shingl increas get older. shingl prevent studi found shingl vaccin significantli reduc diseas peopl age 60 year older."} {"id": "4418", "contents": "decis get vaccin made healthcar provider. shingl vaccin approv food drug administr peopl age 50 year older. however, cdc recommend routin use shingl vaccin peopl 50 59 year old. peopl get shingl vaccine: person ever life-threaten sever allerg reaction gelatin, antibiot neomycin, compon shingl vaccine. tell doctor sever allergies. person weaken immun system of:"} {"id": "4419", "contents": "one' no-brain 60 older: yes, good idea get zostavax vaccine, sooner better. alreadi shingl (herp zoster), there' guarante get again. that' vaccin important. happen get shingl vaccination, episod like shorter much less troublesome. sign aarp health newsletter."} {"id": "4420", "contents": "get shingl vaccin you. activ case shingl pain continu rash gone. ever life-threaten sever allerg reaction gelatin, antibiot neomycin, compon shingl vaccine. get vaccine. decis get vaccin made health care provider. shingl vaccin recommend activ shingl"} {"id": "4421", "contents": "cdc recommend peopl 60 year old older get shingl vaccin prevent shingl phn. shingl vaccin use sinc 2006. zostavax\u00ae shingl vaccin current approv use unit states. vaccin reduc risk develop shingl 51% phn 67%. peopl get shingl vaccine: person ever life-threaten sever allerg reaction gelatin, antibiot neomycin, compon shingl vaccine. tell doctor sever allergies. person weaken immun system of:"} {"id": "4422", "contents": "even shingles, still get shingl vaccin help prevent futur occurr disease. maximum age get vaccine, singl dose recommended. get vaccine. decis get vaccin made health care provider. shingl vaccin recommend activ shingl pain continu rash gone."} {"id": "4423", "contents": "shingl vaccin (zostavax) recommend adult age 60 older, whether they'v alreadi shingl not. although vaccin approv peopl age 50 older, center diseas control prevent recommend reach age 60. shingl vaccin recommend you: ever allerg reaction gelatin, antibiot neomycin compon shingl vaccine. weaken immun system due hiv/aid anoth diseas affect immun system."} {"id": "4424", "contents": "peopl 60 year age older get shingl vaccine. get vaccin whether recal chickenpox, caus viru shingles. studi show 99% american age 40 older chickenpox, even rememb get disease. peopl get shingl vaccine: person ever life-threaten sever allerg reaction gelatin, antibiot neomycin, compon shingl vaccine. tell doctor sever allergies. person weaken immun system of:"} {"id": "4425", "contents": "even shingl vaccin doesn\u2019t prevent get shingles, still reduc chanc long-term pain. shingl before, still get shingl vaccin help prevent futur occurr disease. maximum age get vaccine. get vaccine. decis get vaccin made health care provider. shingl vaccin recommend activ shingl pain continu rash gone."} {"id": "4426", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic physician-pediatr unit state $181,714 50% peopl perform job physician-pediatr unit state expect make less $181,714. annual salari someon job titl physician-pediatr may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "4427", "contents": "chart describ expect percentag peopl perform job physician-pediatr new york, ny make less salary. requir degre medicin accredit school licens practice. may requir least 2-4 year pediatr experience. familiar standard concepts, practices, procedur within particular field."} {"id": "4428", "contents": "pediatrician new york, ny salary. pediatrician new york, ny averag salari $81,810, median salari $65,354 salari rang $21,830 $1,977,402. pediatrician new york, ny salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position."} {"id": "4429", "contents": "overal median salari typic pediatrician unit state $171,467 per year averag hourli wage $40.76 per hour. maximum salari pediatrician earn new zealand 90,000 monthli basis. aggregate, median salari paid pediatrician new zealand 5,400 monthli basis. practic pediatrician regist medic council new zealand."} {"id": "4430", "contents": "averag pediatrician salari job post new york, ny 36% higher averag pediatrician salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "4431", "contents": "exampl 50% peopl perform job physician-pediatr new york expect make less median. source: hr report data septemb 2015. requir degre medicin accredit school licens practice. may requir least 2-4 year pediatr experience. familiar standard concepts, practices, procedur within particular field."} {"id": "4432", "contents": "salari someon job titl physician-pediatr new york, ny vari depend number factors. requir degre medicin accredit school licens practice. may requir least 2-4 year pediatr experience. familiar standard concepts, practices, procedur within particular field."} {"id": "4433", "contents": "(unit states). averag pay pediatrician, gener new york, new york $135,467 per year. peopl job move posit 20 year field. first five ten year position, pay increas sharply, addit experi big effect pay. $59,598 $199,369"} {"id": "4434", "contents": "salari gener pediatrician unit state generous, averag pay six figur ($139k) per year. compens rang $93k $200k per year. vision coverag also avail two five. femal gener pediatrician make survey respond 72 percent. gener pediatrician report high level job satisfaction. respond payscal salari survey provid data report."} {"id": "4435", "contents": "averag annual salari physician-pediatrics? annual salari someon job titl physician-pediatr may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "4436", "contents": "notabl tropic subtrop grassland includ llano grassland south america. mid-latitud grasslands, includ prairi pacif grassland north america, pampa argentina, brazil uruguay, calcar downland, stepp europe. grassland veget vari height short, chalk grassland, quit tall, case north american tallgrass prairie, south american grassland african savanna."} {"id": "4437", "contents": "savannahs-also known tropic grasslands-ar found north south tropic rainforest biomes. largest expans savannah africa, much central part continent, exampl kenya tanzania, consist tropic grassland. savannah grassland also found brazil south america."} {"id": "4438", "contents": "grassland larg area roll hill grass wildflowers. grassland found everi contin antarctica. sometim grassland call prairies, sav annahs, steppes. root grass small plant make soil rich great farming. locat temper forest are, australia, africa, europe, south america, north america. well first person ask locat grassland temper forest answer correctly. grassland locat unit states. grassland locat north america, south america, africa, asia, australia. grassland take major land south america, africa, australia"} {"id": "4439", "contents": "grassland found ecoregion earth. example, five terrestri ecoregion classif (subdivisions) temper grasslands, savannas, shrubland biom (' ecosystem '), one eight terrestri ecozon earth' surface. grassland veget vari height short, chalk grassland, quit tall, case north american tallgrass prairie, south american grassland african savanna."} {"id": "4440", "contents": "location. tropic grassland locat near equator, tropic cancer tropic capricorn. cover much africa well larg area australia, south america, india. tropic grassland anim (which occur area) includ giraffes, zebras, buffaloes, kangaroos, mice, moles, gophers, ground squirrels, snakes, worms, termites, beetles, lions, leopards, hyenas, elephants."} {"id": "4441", "contents": "savanna savanna grassland scatter individu trees. savanna one sort anoth cover almost half surfac africa (about five million squar miles, gener central africa) larg area australia, south america, india. stepp dri area grassland hot summer cold winters. receiv 25.4-50.8 cm (10-20 inches) rainfal year. stepp occur interior north america europe. plant grow stepp usual greater foot tall."} {"id": "4442", "contents": "grassland area veget domin grass (poaceae), howev sedg (cyperaceae) rush (juncaceae) famili also found. grassland occur natur contin except antarctica. grassland veget vari height short, chalk grassland, quit tall, case north american tallgrass prairie, south american grassland african savanna."} {"id": "4443", "contents": "tropic grassland ecosystems, also known savannas, locat north south equator, primarili 30 degre latitude, lie tropic rainforest equator, deserts. describ signific anim speci found three main tropic grassland ecosystems. africa-african tropic grassland note larg number speci brows graze mammals. hoof mammal includ water buffalo, antelope, impala, eland, oryx wildebeest."} {"id": "4444", "contents": "plants: grass domin temper grasslands. tree larg shrub rare found grassland areas. mani speci grass live biome, including, purpl needlegrass, wild oats, foxtail, ryegrass, buffalo grass. mani anim munch grasses, surviv growth point grass close ground. major grassland north america great plain midwest, palous prairi eastern washington state, grassland southwest. eurasia temper grassland known stepp found ukrain russia."} {"id": "4445", "contents": "pariet pericardium-li viscer pericardium fibrou pericardium. viscer pericardium-also call epicardium, outer layer wall heart."} {"id": "4446", "contents": "fibrou sac act outermost layer pericardium, thin sac-lik membran envelop heart."} {"id": "4447", "contents": "pericardium protect sac around heart root major vein arteri lead it. consist two primari layers, one broken two sub-layers. main purpos hold lubric heart, make sure expand much."} {"id": "4448", "contents": "click herey open access pages. fibrou pericardium outermost layer pericardi membran around heart. tough, collagen sheet superfici pariet layer serou pericardium. two separ thin layer amorph connect tissue. conic shape, fuse continu with:"} {"id": "4449", "contents": "close sac two layers: viscer layer (epicardium), immedi surround appli heart' surfaces, outer pariet layer, form sac, compos strong fibrou tissu (fibrou pericardium [ta]) line serou membran (serou pericardium [ta])."} {"id": "4450", "contents": "pericardi membranes. fibrou pericardium-th outer fibrou sac cover heart. pariet pericardium-li viscer pericardium fibrou pericardium. viscer pericardium-also call epicardium, outer layer wall"} {"id": "4451", "contents": "potenti space pariet viscer layer serou pericardium call pericardi cavity. normal contain thin film serou fluid enabl heart move beat frictionless environment."} {"id": "4452", "contents": "membran directli cover heart call viscer pericardium....but also membran around membrane, form cavity, call pariet"} {"id": "4453", "contents": "central order inventori manag ebay, amazon, yahoo store storefronts. final central order process manag inventori ebay, amazon, paypal, yahoo store, storefronts. paypal inform also updat automatically."} {"id": "4454", "contents": "sync amazon inventory. sync inventori amazon, alway amazon inventori match inventori store. work one way direct custom would place order website, websit reflect new inventori quantiti item sold. also abl sync inventori store amazon frequent everi hour scheduler, product goe stock web store, can't oversel amazon. similarly, item ad back stock store, ad back stock amazon."} {"id": "4455", "contents": "amazon seller record.. product appear amazon.com websit product sold amazon. separ fees, store inventori warehous us pack ship you. or, elect includ fulfil amazon, fulfil order. product appear amazon.com websit product sold amazon. separ fees, store inventori warehous us pack ship you. or, elect includ fulfil amazon, fulfil order. charg store inventori warehous"} {"id": "4456", "contents": "use one support e-commerc soluton sync inventori website, also sync quantiti amazon back website. thus, order get place amazon, lower inventori appropri amount websit well. also abl sync inventori store amazon frequent everi hour scheduler, product goe stock web store, can't oversel amazon. similarly, item ad back stock store, ad back stock amazon."} {"id": "4457", "contents": "activ stitch shopifi maintain inventori control increas sales. manag orders, inventory, customers, sale channel real-tim powerful, action report key insights. increas sales, boost productivity, get organized-mor effect ever before! minutes, stitch automat updat inventori level shopifi sale channel specified. reduc risk oversel products. second later, sale (includ buyer information, listings, addresses, payments, more) automat built stitch."} {"id": "4458", "contents": "gain control amazon inventori central order inventori across sale channel easili manag grow business. get start pleas wait credit card. commitment. fulfil use fba. simplifi fulfil use fba amazon channels. view manag fba warehous inventori level inbound shipment ensur keep shelv full replenish time."} {"id": "4459", "contents": "product appear amazon.com websit product sold you. maintain name brand, choos sell product want. amazon seller record.. product appear amazon.com websit product sold amazon. product appear amazon.com websit product sold amazon. separ fees, store inventori warehous us pack ship you. or, elect includ fulfil amazon, fulfil order. charg store inventori warehous"} {"id": "4460", "contents": "maintain name brand, choos sell product want. amazon seller record.. product appear amazon.com websit product sold amazon. separ fees, store inventori warehous us pack ship you. product appear amazon.com websit product sold amazon. separ fees, store inventori warehous us pack ship you. or, elect includ fulfil amazon, fulfil order. charg store inventori warehous"} {"id": "4461", "contents": "guide. c-reactiv protein (crp) test blood test measur amount protein call c-reactiv protein blood. c-reactiv protein measur gener level inflamm body. high level crp caus infect mani long-term diseases."} {"id": "4462", "contents": "level c-reactiv protein (crp), measur blood, increas there' inflamm body. doctor may check c-reactiv protein level treatment infect medic conditions."} {"id": "4463", "contents": "c-reactiv protein (crp) test blood test measur amount protein call c-reactiv protein blood. c-reactiv protein measur gener level inflamm body. high level crp caus infect mani long-term diseases."} {"id": "4464", "contents": "high-sensit c-reactiv protein (hs-crp) test, sensit standard test, also use evalu risk develop coronari arteri disease, condit arteri heart narrowed. coronari arteri diseas eventu lead heart attack."} {"id": "4465", "contents": "c-reactiv protein (crp) test use find swell infect body. measur amount crp blood. crp protein made liver sent bloodstream. blood level may higher swell (inflammation) infection."} {"id": "4466", "contents": "c-reactiv protein (crp) substanc produc liver respons inflammation. name crp high-sensit c-reactiv protein (hs-crp), ultra-sensit c-reactiv protein (us-crp). high level crp blood sign may inflammatori process occur body."} {"id": "4467", "contents": "c-reactiv protein (crp) produc liver. level crp rise inflamm throughout body. one group protein call acut phase reactant go respons inflammation. articl discuss blood test done measur amount crp blood."} {"id": "4468", "contents": "c-reactiv protein (crp) substanc produc liver increas presenc inflamm body. elev c-reactiv protein level identifi blood test consid non-specif marker disease."} {"id": "4469", "contents": "definit cofactor. 1. sign minor element squar matrix determin sign posit sum column number row number element even sign neg odd. 2. substanc act anoth substanc bring certain effects; especially: coenzyme."} {"id": "4470", "contents": "coenzym type cofactor. loos bound cofactor enzyme. cofactor chemic compound bound proteins. cofactor non-protein chemic compound, coenzym non-protein molecule. import understand that, body, enzym important. help regul metabol"} {"id": "4471", "contents": "coenzymes. coenzymes: nonprotein compon enzym call cofactor. cofactor organic, call coenzyme. coenzym rel small molecul compar protein part enzyme. mani coenzym deriv vitamins."} {"id": "4472", "contents": "cofactors, mostli metal ion coenzymes, inorgan organ chemic assist enzym catalysi reactions. coenzym non-protein organ molecul mostli deriv vitamin solubl water phosphorylation; bind apoenzym protein produc activ holoenzyme. coenzym small, organic, non-protein molecul carri chemic group enzymes. cofactor enzym form perman part enzyme' structure. sometimes, call cosubstr consid substrat loos bound enzyme."} {"id": "4473", "contents": "coenzym organ molecul requir certain enzym carri catalysis. bind activ site enzym particip catalysi consid substrat reaction. coenzym often function intermedi carrier electrons, specif atom function group transfer overal reaction."} {"id": "4474", "contents": "cofactor non-protein chemic compound requir protein' biolog activity. protein commonli enzymes, cofactor consid helper molecul assist biochem transformations. cofactor tightli even coval bound term prosthet group. sourc also limit use term cofactor inorgan substances. inact enzym without cofactor call apoenzyme, complet enzym cofactor call holoenzyme."} {"id": "4475", "contents": "coenzymes. specif type cofactor, coenzymes, organ molecul bind enzym help function. key they'r organic. 'organic' mean find special aisl groceri store. rather, organ molecul simpli molecul contain carbon."} {"id": "4476", "contents": "cofactor chemic compound requir certain enzym call conjug enzym becom active. vitamin miner serv cofactor requir human bodi function properly."} {"id": "4477", "contents": "cofactor. definition. noun, plural: cofactors. (biochemistry) inorgan complement enzym reaction. supplement. cofactor pertain inorgan substanc need certain enzym carri catalysi particular chemic reaction. cofactor non-protein compounds. however, involv catalysi bind enzym specif bind site order activ them."} {"id": "4478", "contents": "cofactor subdivid either one inorgan ions, complex organ metalloorgan molecul call coenzyme; deriv vitamin requir organ nutrient small amounts. cofactor tightli even coval bound term prosthet group. sourc also limit use term cofactor inorgan substances. inact enzym without cofactor call apoenzyme, complet enzym cofactor call holoenzyme."} {"id": "4479", "contents": "pumpkin varieties. pumpkin come bush, vine miniatur varieties. type pumpkin choos grow may depend space avail requir good amount space, even medium size crop. pumpkin need lot space lot sun. handl light shade sun better. vine pumpkin grown hill 50 100 squar feet per hill. pumpkin need long hot summer thrive like grow hardi zone 9."} {"id": "4480", "contents": "plant seed directli garden, plant seed small hill soil. consid much space pumpkin plant take, keep hill least 10 feet apart. plant sunni area away anyth shade them. vine grow 30 feet long, plan garden space lot room spare. loos soil, plant pumpkin seed small pot inch surface. keep soil moist seed sprout 14 days. need lot sun growing."} {"id": "4481", "contents": "winter squash vine growth habit, take lot space. that\u2019 great room, don\u2019t. fortun doesn\u2019t mean cannot grow fresh pumpkins. actual varieti grow bush habit long vine."} {"id": "4482", "contents": "decid grow crop miniatur pumpkin first step choos seed local garden suppli store buy online. also need purchas pot contain soil. best start seed mid-spring. grow fun experi begin garden children. need much space garden small pumpkins. fact, train grow trelli fenc take ground space. even grow larg container."} {"id": "4483", "contents": "pumpkin notori take garden vines. plant sprawl 50 100 squar feet, fruit need runner least 10 feet long nourishment. possibl rais pumpkin small patch land. view/post comments. view full sizepumpkin vine quickli take small garden, train plant grow trelli save space.john kuntz, plain dealer. pumpkin everywher fall, may wish includ pumpkin spring seed list you\u2019d enjoy now."} {"id": "4484", "contents": "miniatur pumpkin vine plants. limit garden space, plant miniatur pumpkin grow trelli fence. grow contain select larg one. grow miniatur pumpkin like would grow regular jack o'lantern pumpkins. keep soil moist. miniatur pumpkins. grow big pumpkins-and small ones, too. buy jack littl pumpkin seeds. buy pumpkin veget garden seed 500 varieties. better quality, discount prices."} {"id": "4485", "contents": "pumpkin seed plant hill four six feet apart. sow four six seed per hill, thin two three. or, plant row six inch apart, thin feet apart, depend upon much space have. plant miniatur closer, giant farther apart. pumpkin plant big feeders. need rich soil, lot compost manur (if get it). varieti pumpkins: liter hundr varieti pumpkins, small miniatur weigh coupl ounces, giant varieti routin show fall weighoff 2,000 pound more! see world record giant pumpkin. pumpkin belong curcurbita family."} {"id": "4486", "contents": "grow pumpkins: pumpkin plant start indoor 2-3 week last frost date area. or, seed direct seed garden. plant tender annual outdoor last frost date area. pumpkin vine plant quickli spread far. varieti pumpkins: liter hundr varieti pumpkins, small miniatur weigh coupl ounces, giant varieti routin show fall weighoff 2,000 pound more! see world record giant pumpkin. pumpkin belong curcurbita family."} {"id": "4487", "contents": "manure, loosen soil mix 2- 4-inch layer compost. plant seed inch deep hill (4 seed per hill). space hill feet apart. plant germin less week right soil temperautr (70 degre f) emerg 10 days. pick site full sun (to light shade) lot space sprawl vines. vine varieti need 50 100 squar feet per hill. however, garden space limited, worries! plant pumpkin edg garden direct vine growth across lawn sidewalk."} {"id": "4488", "contents": "nephron basic structur unit kidney. tubul consist differ region handl glomerular filtrat conserv valuabl salts, water, proteins. region simpl epithelium special handl uniqu functions. begin proxmal convolut tubule. move medulla find tubul there. abl distinguish vasa recta content blood cells. also, thin limb thicker limb loop henl seen. finally, collect tubul cuboid columnar."} {"id": "4489", "contents": "nephron basic structur unit kidney. tubul consist differ region handl glomerular filtrat conserv valuabl salts, water, proteins. region simpl epithelium special handl uniqu functions. kidney. kidney glomerulus. hold section kidney light, distinguish cortex medulla. masson stain section, note blue-stain capsul cover surface. view region low magnif microscope."} {"id": "4490", "contents": "i. introduction. a. urinari system consist two kidneys, two ureters, one urinari bladder, one urethra (figur 26.1). b. urin excret kidney uret store urinari bladder expel bodi urethra. 1. nephron consist renal corpuscl fluid filtered, renal tubul filter fluid pass (figur 26.5). a. nephron perform three basic functions: glomerular filtration, tubular reabsorption, tubular secretion."} {"id": "4491", "contents": "epithelium call bowman' capsule. part epithelium cover capillari call viscer epithelium. part form capsul call pariet epithelium. filtrat membran form endotheli cell capillaries, basement membrane, viscer epithelium. kidney. kidney glomerulus. hold section kidney light, distinguish cortex medulla. masson stain section, note blue-stain capsul cover surface. view region low magnif microscope."} {"id": "4492", "contents": "uret structur urin convey kidney urinari bladder. learn structur kidney, see simpl (labelled) diagram kidney nephron. kidney nephron: kidney nephron function unit kidneys. this, kidney nephron actual perform kidney' main functions. approx. million nephron within kidney. find these, visit page kidney nephrons."} {"id": "4493", "contents": "proxim tubul chang squamou epithelium pass medulla loop back cortex. highway tubul call medullari ray contain tubul pass medulla. thin part nephron call loop henle. move medulla find tubul there. abl distinguish vasa recta content blood cells. also, thin limb thicker limb loop henl seen. finally, collect tubul cuboid columnar."} {"id": "4494", "contents": "[the nephron microanatomi kidney lamprey lampetra fluviatili l. metamorphosis]. [articl russian]. semenov av, fok em, goncharevskaia oa. isol nephron premetamorph lamprey larva adult anim obtain use microdissect kidney collagenas treatment methods. signific differ architecton kidney tubul found larva compar adults. posit larval kidney cranial adult lamprey caudal. absenc nephron loop note larval kidney. distal proxim tubul shift one anoth mediolater direction. distal tubul significantli larger proxim one."} {"id": "4495", "contents": "kidney health care-david mangusan jr, ptrp. nephron tini filter structur kidneys. kidney contain million tini filter nephron help clean blood. function nephrons. nephron help: nephron compos two main structures: glomerulu renal (kidney) tubule. glomerulus. glomerulu tini blood vessel capillary, look like ball yarn. actual filter blood occur glomerulus."} {"id": "4496", "contents": "nephron function. nephron-th microscop function unit kidney. kidney contain million nephrons, extend renal cortex renal medulla fairli linear fashion. two element make nephron: renal tubul renal corpuscle. segment tubul reabsorb differ substanc filtrat pass them. second network capillari separ glomerulus, peritubular capillaries, entwin renal tubul allow reabsorb materi reenter blood circulation."} {"id": "4497", "contents": "4. vegetables. veget spinach, lettuce, beet, broccoli, celeri kale iron-rich, energy-fil veget treat anemia effectively. veget rich iron also vitamin b-12 folic acid, energy-boost nutrient bodi need heal anemia. beetroot juic iron-rich veget juic suffer anemia drink tonic fatigu lethargy. 5. legum nuts."} {"id": "4498", "contents": "hemoglobin protein red blood cell contain iron. hemoglobin help transport oxygen throughout body. symptom anemia includ extrem fatigue, weakness, short breath, pale skin, dizzi depression. veget anemia patients: green leafi vegetables: green leafi veget like spinach, kale, fenugreek, mustard leav good sourc iron. take regularly. add salads, soup stir fri them. iron also rich vitamin requir absorpt iron."} {"id": "4499", "contents": "food prevent anemia, food that, includ veget fruit. food rich iron: 1. beet. bit sourc vitamin b2 a. bit enrich blood iron manganes content."} {"id": "4500", "contents": "consid exactli juic help anemia, let us first see anemia first place. anemia blood-rel condition. red blood cell (erythrocytes) respons carri oxygen lung virtual everi singl cell body. red blood cell contain iron-bas protein call hemoglobin, crucial mechan oxygen transport."} {"id": "4501", "contents": "fortunately, mani vegetables, broccoli bok choy, high iron, also high vitamin iron food well absorbed. commonli eaten combinations, bean tomato sauc stir-fri tofu broccoli, also result gener level iron absorption. dri bean dark green leafi veget especi good sourc iron, even better per calori basi meat. iron absorpt increas markedli eat food contain vitamin along food contain iron. vegetarian higher incid iron defici meat eaters."} {"id": "4502", "contents": "iron-defici anemia, common form anemia, decreas number red blood cell caus littl iron. without suffici iron, bodi can't produc enough hemoglobin, substanc red blood cell make possibl carri oxygen body' tissues. iron plant food lentils, beans, spinach nonhem iron. form iron ad iron-enrich iron-fortifi foods. bodi less effici absorb nonhem iron, dietari iron"} {"id": "4503", "contents": "treat anemia, doctor may suggest eat meat\u2014especi red meat (such beef liver), well chicken, turkey, pork, fish, shellfish. nonmeat food good sourc iron include: spinach dark green leafi vegetables. tofu. peas; lentils; white, red, bake beans; soybeans; chickpeas. dri fruits, prunes, raisins, apricots. prune juice. folic acid also import pregnant women. help avoid anemia promot healthi growth fetus. good sourc folic acid include: bread, pasta, rice ad folic acid. spinach dark green leafi vegetables."} {"id": "4504", "contents": "iron plant known nonhem iron, found certain veget iron-fortifi food breakfast cereals. heme iron better absorb bodi nonhem iron. follow food good sourc heme iron (from anim sources): chicken liver. oysters."} {"id": "4505", "contents": "(healthcastle.com) diet iron rich food along iron supplement often recommend women iron defici anemia. absorpt iron food often influenc multipl factors. one import factor form iron."} {"id": "4506", "contents": "tip know. water preciou commodity. averag person use 40 80 gallon per day. rental may includ water bill monthli rent, mani other not. mani way save on. time time, extra cost push monthli water bill. water compani may upgrad infrastructure. import order replac age pipes. popul increases, need expand suppli network."} {"id": "4507", "contents": "2,240 sq. ft., bedroom, bath, stori home pay neighborhood $110 ga winter ($70 summer), $90 $100 electric, $80 phone (includ dsl). well septic, take trash dump time per year cost $5 $10 per visit. i'm southcentral. bedroom story, one ga monitor, ga hot water stove, 70 buck month ga winter, 50 electric, 50 satelit tv 70 phone (includ dsl), 20 beer."} {"id": "4508", "contents": "electr bill averag 100$ to.... 2. 1. averag cost util bill san antonio, texa quit affordable. electr bill averag 100$ 200$ month depend home size season course. water bill 40$ 60$. phone would 100$. pay per gallon water water bill depend on.... 10. 1. pay per gallon water water bill depend much use. budgetari purposes, aver water bill idividu could $20 month. bryan darbi"} {"id": "4509", "contents": "consid size apart gener climate. averag electr bill may low $30 per month high $100. ga may cost, average, anywher $40 $150 fluctuat depend season. although mani apart apart complex trash deposit garbage, you\u2019r still like bill pickup. complex follow averag util costs, could expect pay $10 $40 month trash pickup."} {"id": "4510", "contents": "words, best part alaska complet free! groceri costs. cost roughli $122 feed famili four per week anchorage, fairbanks, mat-su valley. that\u2019 par portland, ore., weekli famili groceri bill $100. noted, however, cost rural alaska higher due remot locations."} {"id": "4511", "contents": "usa today articl claim averag atlanta bill around $50 per month, philadelphia pay around $39 per month average. time time, extra cost push monthli water bill. water compani may upgrad infrastructure. import order replac age pipes. popul increases, need expand suppli network."} {"id": "4512", "contents": "averag person use 40 80 gallon per day. rental may includ water bill monthli rent, mani other not. reason water usag could differ one tenant next one month next. mani way save on. time time, extra cost push monthli water bill. water compani may upgrad infrastructure. import order replac age pipes. popul increases, need expand suppli network."} {"id": "4513", "contents": "pay water use. 40% home water meter, size bill depend consumption. well water use, water meter usual calcul sewerag bill too. accepted, cost limit averag household bill water company, howev much water use. averag save around 250/year. sign up, contact supplier applic form find ofwat' watersur page."} {"id": "4514", "contents": "kaylynn gener use girl' name. consist letter syllabl pronounc kay-lynn. u.s. 2014, rank 642 babi name popular girl 442 occurrences. view kaylynn name popular page see popular trend kaylynn chang sinc 1880, compar popular kaylynn names. kaylynn variant spell kaylyn."} {"id": "4515", "contents": "use mainli english. kaylynn form english kaelyn. kaylynn also form english kaila. kaylynn also form (english) english irish kayley. kaylynn also spell variant (english) english irish kaylyn. kaylynn rather popular babi girl name."} {"id": "4516", "contents": "origin mean kaylynn. 5. mean kaylynn unknown mean slender origin variant modern english name kaylyn name mostli use girl name. last year rank 601st u.s. social secur administr list popular babi girl names. kaylynn altern spell name kaylyn."} {"id": "4517", "contents": "name kaylynn follow meaning: american variat name kayla. populiarti name rise follow core name kayla, variant equal popularity. femal name, suitabl babi girls. name kaylynn like a(n) english variant name kaylyn. see suggest english girl babi names. might also like see variant"} {"id": "4518", "contents": "kaylynn /kay-lynn/ [2 sylls.] name girl american derivation. kaylynn altern form kaylin (american): version caitlin, kayla. compar last name kallina. kreatif forms: kailynn, kelynn. kaylynn unusu first name females. kaylynn unusu surnam adult children. (2000 u.s. census). shown babi name popular kaylynn girls."} {"id": "4519", "contents": "kaylyn mean, popularity, numerolog more. name kaylyn american origin. mean kaylyn kay lynn, rejoice. also english origin, mean girl."} {"id": "4520", "contents": "kaylynn mean, popularity, numerolog more. name kaylynn american origin. mean kaylynn kay lynn, rejoice. also english origin, mean girl. view kaylynn name popular page see popular trend kaylynn chang sinc 1880, compar popular kaylynn names. kaylynn variant spell kaylyn."} {"id": "4521", "contents": "mean kaylynn. english name. english, name kaylynn means-vari kay kayla keeper keys, pure.th name kaylynn origin english name. name kaylynn often use girl name femal name. english name meaning-vari kay kayla keeper keys, pure. origin-england."} {"id": "4522", "contents": "water cut start off. give cut light heat. weeks, give cut 1/2 cup water. water 1/2 cup water everi week. months, see leav start sprout. see leaves, time water."} {"id": "4523", "contents": "enough sun water (and root stimul first year), grow foot per year. drawback cold toler (bring insid temp get consistantli 50f night) get big hard store. plumeria growth depend climate. warm temp (abov 60f) year round ampl sunshine, larg tree year plant ground. live temper zone keep plant pot, restrict growth considerably. robert year ago"} {"id": "4524", "contents": "grow plumeria. plumeria fast-grow tropic tree produc mass fragrant bloom march october. small tree, plumeria reach height 30 feet (9.1 m) maturity. also known frangipani, plumeria warm-clim plant hardi usda plant zone 11. 3. plant plumeria sturdi contain fill almost top good qualiti commerci cactu mix all-purpos pot mix. use contain least 10 inch (15 25 cm) diameter."} {"id": "4525", "contents": "grow plumeria. plumeria tree shrub easy-to-grow tropic wonder grow fast produc number popular blooms. plants, also known frangipanis, commonli known produc flower use make leis. plumeria grown indoor assist grow lights, typic plant thrive outdoor lot warmth sunlight. grown right condit though, plumeria easi rais care for."} {"id": "4526", "contents": "report abuse. plumeria growth depend climate. warm temp (abov 60f) year round ampl sunshine, larg tree year plant ground. live temper zone keep plant pot, restrict growth considerably. robert year ago"} {"id": "4527", "contents": "plumeria tree shrub easy-to-grow tropic wonder grow fast produc number popular blooms. plumeria grown indoor assist grow lights, typic plant thrive outdoor lot warmth sunlight. grown right condit though, plumeria easi rais care for."} {"id": "4528", "contents": "plumeria also grow somewhat proport size contain they'r plant in. example, pot size (figur e) plumeria grow three feet so, larger pot, plant grow much larger."} {"id": "4529", "contents": "reason alon mani chicken farm enthusiast would rather keep hen backyard chicken farm use unfertil chicken eggs. however, bigger reason rooster chicken pen benefici chicken rais hobby. also, one hen nest eggs, rooster full alert protect egg nearbi predators. goe us human too. best let rooster see disturb hen attack you."} {"id": "4530", "contents": "first use word gamecock, denot use cock game \u201d, sport, hobby, entertainment, 1646 term \u201ccock game\u201d use georg wilson, earliest known book sport cockfight commend cock cock fight 1607. gamecock undergo condit process prepar fight. condit process refer keep design ensur bird physic mental fit upcom match usual last 7\u201310 days."} {"id": "4531", "contents": "sinc ancient times, rooster use blood sport cockfighting. due campaign anim welfar anim right activists, cockfight illeg unit states. advoc sport argu rooster natur territori aggressive. gambl stake wage roosters, fight end one rooster suffer major trauma death. law enforc agenc america found upward hundr thousand dollar premis cockfight take place."} {"id": "4532", "contents": "cockfight blood sport two rooster (cocks), accur gamecocks, held ring call cockpit. histori rais fowl fight goe back 6,000 years. wager often made outcom match. cockfight blood sport due part physic trauma cock inflict other, sometim increas entertain purpos attach metal spur cocks' natur spurs."} {"id": "4533", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: yes, unit states, cockfight illegal. not, howev illeg own, raise, breed breed birds, good thing, beauti birds. now, shown poultri shows. old friend mine use becam illegal. no, think cockfight nobel good thing. tire peopl say bad bird train forc fight. bad, ok, bad, bird beaten otherwis treat cruelli fighting. fact, birds, general, nice peopl"} {"id": "4534", "contents": "realli treat watch captur film lucky. anoth reason keep rooster chicken flock wise idea protect chickens. rooster' instinct protect hen harm predat may invad chicken pen threaten livestock. also, one hen nest eggs, rooster full alert protect egg nearbi predators. goe us human too. best let rooster see disturb hen attack you."} {"id": "4535", "contents": "first document use word gamecock, denot use cock game \u201d, sport, pastim entertainment, record 1646, term \u201ccock game\u201d use georg wilson, earliest known book sport cockfight commend cock cock fight 1607. wager often made outcom match. cockfight blood sport due part physic trauma cock inflict other, sometim increas entertain purpos attach metal spur cocks' natur spurs."} {"id": "4536", "contents": "cockfight season sport. septemb november, gamecock go molt stage (lose old feather grow new ones). sensit time gamecock, fight occurs. gamecock undergo condit process prepar fight. condit process refer keep design ensur bird physic mental fit upcom match usual last 7\u201310 days."} {"id": "4537", "contents": "gamecock type rooster game fowl, type chicken physic behavior trait suitabl cockfighting. gamecock undergo condit process prepar fight. condit process refer keep design ensur bird physic mental fit upcom match usual last 7\u201310 days."} {"id": "4538", "contents": "colloid chemistry, floccul refer process fine particul caus clump togeth floc. floc may float top liquid (creaming), settl bottom liquid (sedimentation), readili filter liquid. floccul (in polym science) sol colloid unstabl (i.e., rate aggreg negligible) format aggreg call flocul coagulation. agglomer (except polym science). coagul (except polym science). floccul (except polym science)."} {"id": "4539", "contents": "flocculation. flocculation, field chemistry, process wherein colloid come suspens form floc flake; either spontan due addit clarifi agent. action differ precipit that, prior flocculation, colloid mere suspend liquid actual dissolv solution. floccul system, format cake, sinc floc suspension."} {"id": "4540", "contents": "wiktionari (0.00 votes) rate definition: floccul (noun). condit clays, polym small charg particl becom attach form fragil structure, floc. action differ precipit that, prior flocculation, colloid mere suspend liquid actual dissolv solution. floccul system, format cake, sinc floc suspension."} {"id": "4541", "contents": "noun. 1. flocculation-th process flocculating; form woolli cloudlik aggregations. natur action, natur process, action, activity-a process exist produc natur (rather intent human beings); action natur forces; volcan activity. translations."} {"id": "4542", "contents": "loui pasteur erron credit first describ floccul brewer\u2019 yeast. brewer' yeast floccul subject mani review (stewart et al., 1975; stewart russell, 1986; calleja, 1987; speer et al., 1992; jin speers, 1999). although floccul phenotyp fulli characterised, differenti floccul phenotyp lack inhibit zymolectin-lik reaction presenc mannos (dengi rouxhet, 1997; guo et al., 2000; smart, 2001)."} {"id": "4543", "contents": "floccul (noun). noun floccul sense: 1. process flocculating; form woolli cloudlik aggregations. familiar information: floccul use noun rare."} {"id": "4544", "contents": "therefore, chain format floccul relev brew industry. yeast floccul distinct agglomer (\u2018grit\u2019 formation), irrevers occur commonli baker' yeast strain fail separ resuspend (guinard lewis, 1993). although floccul phenotyp fulli characterised, differenti floccul phenotyp lack inhibit zymolectin-lik reaction presenc mannos (dengi rouxhet, 1997; guo et al., 2000; smart, 2001)."} {"id": "4545", "contents": "links. floccul wikipedia: floccul process solut come solut form floc flakes. action differ precipit solut come solut concentr gener one solubl limit liquid. flocculation-definition, glossary, details-oilgae. process form floc particl chemic coagul floccul alum ferric chlorid ad wastewater-source."} {"id": "4546", "contents": "flocculation, field chemistry, process wherein colloid come suspens form floc flake; either spontan due addit clarifi agent. floccul (in polym science) sol colloid unstabl (i.e., rate aggreg negligible) format aggreg call flocul coagulation. agglomer (except polym science). coagul (except polym science). floccul (except polym science)."} {"id": "4547", "contents": "cholesterol waxy, fat-lik substanc that\u2019 found cell body. bodi need cholesterol make hormones, vitamin d, substanc help digest foods. bodi make cholesterol needs. however, cholesterol also found food eat. cholesterol travel bloodstream small packag call lipoprotein (lip-o-pro-teens)."} {"id": "4548", "contents": "cholesterol come food eat call dietari cholesterol. bodi need cholesterol produc hormones, vitamin d, bile acids, help absorb fat. bodi make cholesterol needs."} {"id": "4549", "contents": "aldosterone, cortisol, testosterone, estrogen, number deriv latter two, name few. also use form plasma membran cells. cholesterol produc body, also use dietari cholesterol. high ldl level health risk promot atherosclerosis, lead heart disease. way bodi get rid cholesterol bile."} {"id": "4550", "contents": "cholesterol type blood lipid. number subfractions. high densiti lipoprotein cholesterol (sometim call hdl, \u201cgood\u201d cholesterol) protect atherosclerosis, low-dens lipoprotein cholesterol (ldl, \u201cbad\u201d cholesterol) lead develop atherosclerosis."} {"id": "4551", "contents": "steroid hormon produc cholesterol includ cortisol, involv regul blood-sugar level defend bodi infection, aldosterone, import retain salt water body."} {"id": "4552", "contents": "cholesterol precursor hormon call pregnenolone, import function itself, also precursor steroid hormones."} {"id": "4553", "contents": "endocrin system endocrin glands-secret chemic substanc call hormon directli bloodstream transport target tissues. hormones: three basic type 1. steroid hormones: lipid origin synthes cholesterol 20 steroid hormon body, ie. cortisol, cortisone, estrogen, progesterone, testosterone. steroid produc gonad (sex hormones) adren cortex."} {"id": "4554", "contents": "estim cost new ga line profession installed, expect pay $15-$25 linear foot hire someon handl everyth -- labor, materials, test requir permit -- there' often minimum charg least $100."} {"id": "4555", "contents": "ga electr stove essenti price range, depend brand model. generally, spend $650 $2,800 electr stove, $800 $2,300 ga stove, accord consum reports."} {"id": "4556", "contents": "electr rang cooktop usual cheaper ga stove, differ price quit significant, depend model, manufacturer, features. homeown need 240-volt power suppli electr range, home available."} {"id": "4557", "contents": "cost ga stove vari wide basic unit without mani featur high-end stove mani option use extras, impact price stove. factor influenc cost include:"} {"id": "4558", "contents": "local ga compani instal new ga line free ad ga heater ga water heater plu anoth ga applianc dryer stove. servic free, ga compani may instal line set rate, add charg ga bill let make monthli payments."} {"id": "4559", "contents": "ga stove usual expens buy cheaper use compar electr stoves. ga stove energi effici ga also usual cheaper electricity, result oper cost savings."} {"id": "4560", "contents": "ga compani charg instal new ga line rather hire certifi plumber contractor, go ahead get quot ga company, make sure bid privat compani includ specif ga company' quote."} {"id": "4561", "contents": "symphoni rang cost $2,200. pin it. 2. bosch 700 seri bosh' expens ga rang $1,800, we'v found onlin around $1,400. smart stove special mode allow gentli simmer sauc delic dishes, instead burn crisp 16,000 btus."} {"id": "4562", "contents": "30.36p (cost per hour) hour (number hour use) 60.72p hours. whether look contemporari tradit style ga fire stove, gazco wide rang highli effici model suit budget home.pleas consult gazco retail advice."} {"id": "4563", "contents": "senior project managers, experi field usual mean bigger paychecks. wherea median salari inexperienc employe approxim $91k, incom five-to-10 year group significantli higher, averag comfort six-figur sum $106k. surpass nation averag 20 percent, senior project manag san francisco receiv highest pay country. senior project manag also find cushi salari new york (+17 percent), boston (+13 percent), washington (+13 percent), lo angel (+12 percent)."} {"id": "4564", "contents": "$91,000. averag senior program manag salari job post nationwid 58% higher averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "4565", "contents": "averag pay senior program manager, $127,210 per year. peopl job five years' experi relat jobs. read more... senior program manag inform technolog (it) respons overse technological-develop project manag teams."} {"id": "4566", "contents": "senior manag salary. senior manag averag salari $117,971, median salari $117,555 salari rang $59,842 $181,648. senior manag salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. senior manag salari statist exclus refer only. present updat regularly. senior manag salari full-tim annual start salary. intern, contractor hourli pay scale vari regular exempt employee. compens depend work experience, job location, bonus, benefit factors."} {"id": "4567", "contents": "salari outlook. manag earn median $123,950 2013, $59.59 per hour, accord bl data. best-paid earn $187,199, lowest-paid brought home still-respect $76,420 2013. highest paid manag profess work metropolitan area oakland, california, san francisco, san jose, california."} {"id": "4568", "contents": "averag salari senior project manag job $72,000. averag senior project manag salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term senior project manag anywher job listing."} {"id": "4569", "contents": "senior project manager, salary. (unit states). compar nation salari averag senior project managers, line work choos work capgemini enjoy much larger paycheck $163k averag versu $106k per year. surpass nation averag 20 percent, senior project manag san francisco receiv highest pay country. senior project manag also find cushi salari new york (+17 percent), boston (+13 percent), washington (+13 percent), lo angel (+12 percent)."} {"id": "4570", "contents": "much senior project manag make? well determin senior project manager' pay need first decid kind senior project manag talk about. inform sever senior project manag job differ pay ranges. pleas select specif senior project manag job list search senior project manag salaries."} {"id": "4571", "contents": "scope royal prerog difficult determin due uncodifi natur constitution. clear exist extent power matter common law england, make court final arbit whether particular type prerog exist not. contrari widespread belief, royal prerog constitut unlimited. case proclam (1611) reign king jame vi/i, english common law court judg emphat assert possess right determin limit royal prerogative."} {"id": "4572", "contents": "mason state execut power includ 'prerog power crown'(61), hence, subject statute, within execut power request anoth state detain extradit person alleg commit crime australian law."} {"id": "4573", "contents": "royal prerog bodi customari authority, privilege, immunity, recognis unit kingdom sole prerog sovereign sourc mani execut power british government."} {"id": "4574", "contents": "citizendium, citizens' compendium. prerog power legal doctrin origin england, give sovereign right oper supra-leg manner determin suprem nation interest, typic common defense. historically, mediev monarchi feudal lord head kingdom."} {"id": "4575", "contents": "prerog power defin residu discretionari arbitrari author given time legal left hand crown. prerog powers. prerog power defin residu discretionari arbitrari author given time legal left hand crown .."} {"id": "4576", "contents": "time chang way prerog power exercised. within follow essay, briefli concern histor develop prerog role play within constitut today' society. year past certain prerog power ceas use great deal uncertainti attempt appli ancient power modern times. result, difficult produc definit list power still use today."} {"id": "4577", "contents": "royal prerog bodi customari authority, privilege, immunity, recogn common law and, sometimes, civil law jurisdict possess monarchy, belong sovereign alone. contrari widespread belief, royal prerog constitut unlimited. case proclam (1611) reign king jame vi/i, english common law court judg emphat assert possess right determin limit royal prerogative."} {"id": "4578", "contents": "prerog powers. \u201cthe prerog power crown remain exist extent parliament expressli implic extinguish them.\u201d. lord browne-wilkinson secretari state home depart ex part fire brigad union other [1995] er 244."} {"id": "4579", "contents": "prerogative. prerogative, civil law. privilege, preeminence, advantag one person another; thu person vest office, entitl rights, privileges, prerogatives, &c. belong it. prerogative, english law. royal prerog arbitrari power vest execut good evil. rutherf. associ concepts: manageri prerogative, prerog writ see also: authority, birthright, capacity, droit, enjoyment, franchise, freedom, impunity, liberty, license, option, prescription, privilege, right, suffrage, title, use."} {"id": "4580", "contents": "typic liber democraci constitut monarchi well nation states, denmark, japan sweden, royal prerog serv prescrib ceremoni function state power. contrari widespread belief, royal prerog constitut unlimited. case proclam (1611) reign king jame vi/i, english common law court judg emphat assert possess right determin limit royal prerogative."} {"id": "4581", "contents": "read more. new kid block (nkotb) success boy band late 80 earli 90s, still perform day. assembl boston, massachusetts, u.s. 1984 produc mauric starr, member consist brother jordan knight jonathan knight, joey mcintyre, donni wahlberg, danni wood."} {"id": "4582", "contents": "vote vote answer. member jordan knight, donni wahlberg, joe mcintyre, danni wood jonathan knight. new kid block success boy band late 1980 earli 1990s. assembl boston 1984 produc mauric starr, member consist brother jordan knight jonathan knight, joe mcintyre, donni wahlberg, danni wood."} {"id": "4583", "contents": "uses, see new kid block (disambiguation) new kid block (also initi nkotb) american boy band boston, massachusetts. band' origin name 'nynuk'. band current consist brother jordan jonathan knight, joey mcintyre, donni wahlberg, danni wood."} {"id": "4584", "contents": "new kid block. learn mega-popular boy band new kid block, includ donni wahlberg, jordan knight, jonathan knight, joey mcintyr danni wood. donni wahlberg-grow spotlight (tv-14; 1:10) watch short video donni wahlberg life grow spotlight."} {"id": "4585", "contents": "learn mega-popular boy band new kid block, includ donni wahlberg, jordan knight, jonathan knight, joey mcintyr danni wood. donni wahlberg-grow spotlight (tv-14; 1:10) watch short video donni wahlberg life grow spotlight."} {"id": "4586", "contents": "trivia (8). group member consist brothers, jonathan knight jordan knight, joey mcintyre, donni wahlberg danni wood. origin call nynuk, name made boy cringe, columbia record state saw market band name sign one-record deal 1985."} {"id": "4587", "contents": "new kid block ticket information. initi nkotb, new kid block american boy band origin boston, massachusetts. band origin call nynuk, consist members. knight brothers, jonathan jordan, joey mclntyre, danni wood, donni wahlberg."} {"id": "4588", "contents": "toprol-xl administ day, immediate-releas metoprolol administ four time day, provid compar total beta -blockad 24 hour (area beta -blockad versu time curve) dose rang 100-400 mg."} {"id": "4589", "contents": "metoprolol succin extended-releas tablet administ day, immedi releas metoprolol administ four time day, provid compar total beta -blockad 24 hour (area beta -blockad versu time curve) dose rang 100\u2013400 mg."} {"id": "4590", "contents": "usually, first dose metoprolol 100 mg day taken either one two doses. doctor may gradual increas dose. peopl take long-act toprol xl tablets, initi dose rang 25 100 mg day."} {"id": "4591", "contents": "recommend dose rang metoprolol [succinate] treat hypertens adult 25 100 mg day. recommend dose rang metoprolol [succinate] treat hypertens children (6 year age older) 0.1 mg/kg 50 mg day. recommend dose rang metoprolol [succinate] treat chest pain 100"} {"id": "4592", "contents": "recommend dose rang metoprolol [tartrate] treat hypertens 100 450 mg, either taken day twice day equal divid doses. recommend dose rang metoprolol [tartrate] treat chest pain 100 40"} {"id": "4593", "contents": "dosag use studi rang 100 400 mg daily. metoprolol succin extended-releas tablets, dosag 100 400 mg daily, shown possess beta-blockad similar convent metoprolol tablet administ two four time daily."} {"id": "4594", "contents": "dose range: 100 450 mg/day. iv route: three dose mg metoprolol administ interv minut time. oral route: patient give sign complic iv route, total 15 mg, tablet 50 mg hour block start immedi iv dose."} {"id": "4595", "contents": "malbec one tradit bordeaux variet malbec characterist fall somewher cabernet sauvignon merlot midseason ripen bring deep color ampl tannin particular plum like flavor compon add complex claret blend"} {"id": "4596", "contents": "malbec malbec argentina flagship varieti countri largest malbec acreag world varieti origin come south west franc call cot featur hard tannic style malbec argentina argentina current main produc malbec world 76603 acr vineyard plant across countri follow franc 13097 acr itali spain south africa new zealand usa argentin produc grown malbec extens everi wine region countri"} {"id": "4597", "contents": "malbec argentina 45 wine tri argentina make interest wine moment main market push malbec grape whose home southwest franc main grape cahor bit part player mani bordeaux blend malbec blackcurranti fruiti cabernet rather bit darker littl savouri spice earth underton"} {"id": "4598", "contents": "best malbec wine 20 malbec known robust wine tast blackberri plum fruit sensat leather make perfect pair steak grill meat favorit barbequ enjoy best malbec wine around world mani 20 malbec wine buy guid 20 join wsjwine club save 120 12 bottl case hand select red wine plu receiv free corkscrew wine simpli best rate 90 point lead industri expert"} {"id": "4599", "contents": "tweet pin malbec wine seemingli came nowher past ten year quickli becom one popular red wine american market red wine crowd pleaser easi drink ton juici fruit flavor"} {"id": "4600", "contents": "variet malbec creat rather inki red violet intens wine also commonli use blend merlot cabernet sauvignon creat red french bordeaux claret blend grape blend cabernet franc gamay region loir valley malbec cahor region much tannic phenol compound contribut dark color oz clark describ cahor malbec dark purpl color aroma damson tobacco garlic raisin"} {"id": "4601", "contents": "hertz frequenc measur unit. si unit frequenc frequenc equal one oscil cycl per second. unit special name, hertz (hz), german physisist heinrich rudolf hertz first experiment demonstr electromagnet theori light."} {"id": "4602", "contents": "hertz. hertz (abbreviated: hz) standard unit measur use measur frequency. sinc frequenc measur cycl per second, one hertz equal one cycl per second. hertz use commonli use measur wave frequencies, sound waves, light waves, radio waves. example, averag human ear detect sound wave 20 20,000 hz. sound wave close 20 hz low pitch call bass frequencies."} {"id": "4603", "contents": "hertz. name heinrich hertz abbrevi hz illustr symbol, hertz equal one (0.00000000125) cycl per second, measur wave frequenc electr chang second. hertz commonli use measur comput monitor' refresh rate comput processors."} {"id": "4604", "contents": "hertz unit frequenc (of chang state cycl sound wave, altern current, cyclic waveform) one cycl per second. replac earlier term cycl per second (cps).."} {"id": "4605", "contents": "hertz. unit use measur frequenc vibrat waves. one hertz equal one cycl per second. radio wave usual measur megahertz, million hertz."} {"id": "4606", "contents": "hertz (symbol hz) unit frequenc intern system unit (si) defin one cycl per second. name heinrich rudolf hertz, first person provid conclus proof exist electromagnet waves."} {"id": "4607", "contents": "menu. potbelli toasti warm sandwich made way sinc 1977. craveabl salad abund fresh amaz ingredients. sure leav room hand-dip milkshak cooki bake fresh daili shop."} {"id": "4608", "contents": "addit sell sub sandwiches, potbelli also sell soups, salads, chili, shakes, desserts. also skinny\u2019s, sub sandwich thin cut bread 350 calories! latest potbelli menu prices."} {"id": "4609", "contents": "potbelly' menu featur varieti sandwich serv hot regular multigrain wheat bread. sandwich order thin-cut style, one third bread cut out. potbelli began offer salad februari 2007. menu also includ soup, shakes, malts, smoothies, cookies."} {"id": "4610", "contents": "sandwiches. everi toasti warm sandwich potbelli sandwich shop menu made order. choos regular multigrain bread origin (our regular size sinc 1977) big (30% love)."} {"id": "4611", "contents": "potbelli (also known potbelli sandwich works) sub sandwich restaur chain. potbelli price similar competitor subway, quiznos, jimmi john\u2019s. although sub restaur mani bread options, potbelli make sub multigrain wheat regular bread."} {"id": "4612", "contents": "zomato.com guarante price avail menu item potbelli sandwich. potbelli sandwich menu imag format shown websit digitis zomato.com."} {"id": "4613", "contents": "bam fabric socks, however, made 78% bamboo plu 20% polyamid 2% elastane, ensur enough stretch strength."} {"id": "4614", "contents": "bamboo fabric soft worn directli next skin. mani peopl experi allerg reaction natur fibers, wool hemp, complain issu bamboo. use bamboo fabric lead endanger pandas. bamboo incred hearti plant, grow almost three meter day. harvest root, ground up."} {"id": "4615", "contents": "bamboo jersey. natur bacteria odor resistant, bamboo practical, yet eco-friendli choice. true natur fiber, bamboo jersey alreadi absorb breathable, addit elastan ensur comfort unmatched. strength bamboo add durabl fabric found work well allerg natur fibers. all."} {"id": "4616", "contents": "60 wide weigh heavi 16 ounc per yard. might tri bamboo stretch french terri this, great alternative. one side bamboo stretch fleec silki soft knit side may remind fine cashmere. soft, side delight touch"} {"id": "4617", "contents": "bamboo jersey. bamboo fabric taken sew world storm, good reason. fabric sound ecologically, reput microbi properties, comfort wear. bamboo also easi sew, travel beautifully. truli wonder fabric! bamboo jersey similar weight matt jersey, similar drape. bamboo jersey blend bit lycra, give springi qualiti 4-way stretch. serger, 4-thread overlock stitch recommended. seam requir finish fabric; ravel. hem bamboo jersey stretch twin needl (size 4.0/75) use coverstitch machin hems."} {"id": "4618", "contents": "bamboo fabric natur textil made pulp bamboo grass. bamboo fabric grow popular mani uniqu properti sustain textil fibers. bamboo fabric light strong, excel wick properties, extent antibacterial. use bamboo fabric lead endanger pandas. bamboo incred hearti plant, grow almost three meter day. harvest root, ground up."} {"id": "4619", "contents": "stretch (a tini bit) along bia (45 degrees) weave, pull weav apart easily. bamboo fabric loop-knit togeth fiber approxim .005 inch diamet dens pattern that, stretched, open allow resin void highli fiber-dens composite."} {"id": "4620", "contents": "bamboo fabric natur textil made pulp bamboo grass. bamboo fabric grow popular mani uniqu properti sustain textil fibers. bamboo fabric light strong, excel wick properties, extent antibacterial. use bamboo fiber cloth 20th centuri development, pioneer sever chines corporations. bamboo fiber resembl cotton unspun form, puffbal light, airi fibers. mani compani use extens bleach process turn bamboo fiber white, although compani produc organ bamboo fabric leav bamboo fiber unbleached."} {"id": "4621", "contents": "bio-degradable, sustainable, pollut free manufactur factors, bamboo fabric knit oppos woven. exhibit elast strength directions. woven fiberglass, carbon fiber, etc. bamboo fabric loop-knit togeth fiber approxim .005 inch diamet dens pattern that, stretched, open allow resin void highli fiber-dens composite."} {"id": "4622", "contents": "fish live temper decidu forest include: eel, salmon, topminnow, channel darter, sand darter, pickerel, chub, chubsucker, sturgeon, paddlefish, minnow, shiner gar, others. also deer woods. environment issu face temper forest biom temper forest biom contain mani speci plant anim accommod environment. five major part brain basic, brain control body."} {"id": "4623", "contents": "endang speci temper rainforest biom china includ giant panda red pandas. anoth endang anim temper rainforest biom nort hern spot hawk. endang anim temper rainforest north america includ red wolves, elk, bisons, caribous. also deer woods. environment issu face temper forest biom temper forest biom contain mani speci plant anim accommod environment. five major part brain basic, brain control body."} {"id": "4624", "contents": "temperate, mild-climate, rain forests, home mani endang speci plant animals. temper rain forest north america, mani larg animals, red wolf, elk, bison caribou, reduc 10 percent origin popul due over-hunt habitat loss. also deer woods. environment issu face temper forest biom temper forest biom contain mani speci plant anim accommod environment. five major part brain basic, brain control body."} {"id": "4625", "contents": "endang speci temper rainforest biom china includ giant panda red pandas. anoth endang anim temper rainforest biom northern spot hawk. endang anim temper rainforest north america includ red wolves, elk, bisons, caribous. rain forest anim endang mostli men cut tree make paper, hous etc would clear whole place make farm, landscap etc"} {"id": "4626", "contents": "sikhote-alin mountain ridge, primory region, far east. russian federation. forest temper world experi wide rang variabl temperatur precipitation. region rainfal broadli distribut throughout year, decidu tree mix speci evergreens. speci oak (quercu spp.), beech (fagu spp.), birch (betupa spp.), mapl (acer spp.) typifi composit temper broadleaf mix forest (tbmf)."} {"id": "4627", "contents": "comstock images/comstock/getti images. red wolves, distinguish reddish fur, endang speci temper decidu forest southeastern u.s. traditionally, top predat help balanc forest ecosystem keep anim popul check. red wolv play import role temper decidu ecosystem. prey nuisanc animals, like rabbits, deer small rodents, caus damag crops, levees, road farm equipment."} {"id": "4628", "contents": "gray wolf(cani lupus). gray wolf classifi endang speci temper decidu forest. gray wolf thrive varieti habitats; woodlands, forest, grasslands, deserts. gray wolf rel wild dogs. gray wolf fur vari color creami white, reddish-brown, shade gray black. gray wolf top predator, hunt anim food anim hunt it."} {"id": "4629", "contents": "giant panda. giant panda, ailuropoda melanoleuca, one recogniz endang speci earth. panda large, predominantli docil speci bear nativ decidu forest eastern china, myanmar vietnam. save. decidu forest -- biom known warm summers, cold winter season foliag -- stretch throughout northern europ across east coast unit state china."} {"id": "4630", "contents": "cost hardwood floor vari greatli depend type wood choose. well-finish hardwood floor requir care craftsmanship rel larg amount labor, overal cost floor project divid almost equal labor materi costs."} {"id": "4631", "contents": "default, hardwood floor instal cost calcul estim labor fee instal prefinish solid wood floor strip plank two averag size bedrooms, one live room hallway."} {"id": "4632", "contents": "labor cost usual includ much more. 1. first cost ad labor total floor instal price. vari $1.50/sq ft $2.50/sq ft lamin instal $2/sq ft $3.50/sq ft hardwood floors. 2. also add cost instal quarter round shoe molding."} {"id": "4633", "contents": "1. first cost ad labor total floor instal price. vari $1.50/sq ft $2.50/sq ft lamin instal $2/sq ft $3.50/sq ft hardwood floors. 2. also add cost instal quarter round shoe molding."} {"id": "4634", "contents": "get instant estim cost instal wood floor! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost hardwood floor instal project. basic 120 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal wood floor rang $8.21 $11.04 per squar foot*"} {"id": "4635", "contents": "typic costs. cost instal hardwood floor usual quot per-square-foot basis. total cost given floor vari greatli depend cost floor materi choos location, expect rang $5 $10 per squar foot."} {"id": "4636", "contents": "doctor degre criminolog complet bachelor\u2019 master\u2019 degre criminology, post-gradu studi may also good option. make strengthen special criminology, well prep higher-rank job role field law enforcement. read more. read more. doctor degre criminolog complet bachelor\u2019 master\u2019 degre criminology, post-gradu studi may also good option."} {"id": "4637", "contents": "criminolog area sociolog focus studi crime causes, effects, social impact. criminologist\u2019 job respons involv analyz data determin crime commit find way predict, deter, prevent crimin behavior."} {"id": "4638", "contents": "criminolog degre branch educ focus differ aspect law enforcement. mixtur studi vari area touch social crimin law, mainstream criminology, polit science, forensics, psychology, law. read more. doctor degre criminolog complet bachelor\u2019 master\u2019 degre criminology, post-gradu studi may also good option. make strengthen special criminology, well prep higher-rank job role field"} {"id": "4639", "contents": "a: criminolog degre design provid student thorough understand law enforcement, crimin procedures, crimin profiling, justic administr system. area studi undergraduate, graduate, certif level. a: master degre criminolog graduat level degre design help provid student advanc skill field. coursework entail number advanc subject theoret practic nature."} {"id": "4640", "contents": "criminolog student, may come new theori lead better respons crime causes. student criminolog studi natur caus crime, behavior criminals, criminal-justic system."} {"id": "4641", "contents": "criminolog studi anatomi crime, specif causes, consequ costs. crimin justice, hand, refer establish system deal crime, specif detect crime, detain criminals, crimin prosecut punishment. unlik criminology, primari focu studi analysi crime, crimin justic revolv around societ system(s) set address crimin behavior perpetr crimes."} {"id": "4642", "contents": "order criminologist' work use effective, must precis accurate. consequently, profession work criminolog must good understand statist math. launch career criminolog typic requir colleg level educ criminology, statist mathematics. associate' degre qualifi candid entry-level positions, bachelor' degre usual minimum entry-level requirement, master' degre phd preferred. unlik criminology, primari focu studi analysi crime, crimin justic revolv around societ system(s) set address crimin behavior perpetr crimes."} {"id": "4643", "contents": "certainly, crimin justic criminolog relat field study, pursu career opportun crimin justic criminology, import abl answer question, \u201cwhat differ crimin justic criminology.\u201d. unlik criminology, primari focu studi analysi crime, crimin justic revolv around societ system(s) set address crimin behavior perpetr crimes."} {"id": "4644", "contents": "mediterranean. natur region includ mediterranean sea island adjoin territori europe, asia, africa. broadly, mediterranean includ southwest asian highland"} {"id": "4645", "contents": "2. nativ inhabit mediterranean country. 3. of, relat to, situat dwell near mediterranean sea. 4. denot postul subdivis caucasoid race, character slender build dark complexion. 5. natur region includ mediterranean sea island adjoin territori europe, asia, africa. broadly, mediterranean includ southwest asian highland"} {"id": "4646", "contents": "full definit mediterranean. 1. a: of, relat to, characterist mediterranean sea b: of, relat to, characterist peoples, lands, cultur border mediterranean sea. 2. capit [latin mediterraneus, mediu middl terra land terrace] enclos nearli enclos land."} {"id": "4647", "contents": "of, relat to, situat dwell near mediterranean sea. denot postul subdivis caucasoid race, character slender build dark complexion. meteorology) (of climate) character hot summer rel warm winter annual rainfal occurs."} {"id": "4648", "contents": "definit mediterranean kids. relat mediterranean sea land peopl surround it. 1. a: of, relat to, characterist mediterranean sea b: of, relat to, characterist peoples, lands, cultur border mediterranean sea. 2. capit [latin mediterraneus, mediu middl terra land terrace] enclos nearli enclos land."} {"id": "4649", "contents": "noun. italian dish exampl someth mediterranean. italian dish exampl someth mediterranean. definit mediterranean someth relat characterist mediterranean sea, countri border sea inhabitants. food come countri border mediterranean sea exampl someth would describ mediterranean. origin mediterranean. region surround mediterranean sea. sever import ancient civil flourish region, domin centuri phoenicia, carthage, greece, rome, byzantine, arab, ottoman empires."} {"id": "4650", "contents": "term mediterranean climat /\u02ccm\u025bd\u026at\u0259\u02c8re\u026ani\u0259n/ one typic mediterranean basin particular varieti subtrop climate. region form mediterranean climat typic experi hot, sometim hot dri summer mild, wet winters. number instances, summer close resembl summer seen arid semiarid climates."} {"id": "4651", "contents": "definit mediterranean sea. sea 2300 mile (3700 kilometers) long europ africa connect atlant strait gibraltar red sea suez canal. advertisement."} {"id": "4652", "contents": "rule thumb, mediterranean basin old world region oliv tree grow. howev oliv tree grow corner world mediterranean climate, mani area around mediterranean sea mediterranean climat oliv tree cannot grow."} {"id": "4653", "contents": "color rang bright orang dark brown, flavor rang mildli spici nearli unbearable. spanish chees also make delight tradit tapas. foremost categori manchego, soft, crumbl sheep\u2019 milk chees also frequent slice thin marin oliv oil. manchego chees denomin origin la mancha must made manchego sheep\u2019 milk. cabral anoth spanish chees missed."} {"id": "4654", "contents": "manchego (offici queso manchego) chees made la mancha region spain milk sheep manchega breed, age 60 day two years. manchego firm compact consist butteri texture, often contain small, unevenly-distribut air pockets. manchego chees spain. design queso manchego, chees must satisfi follow requirements: must produc area restrict design part provinc albacete, ciudad real, cuenca toledo lie within la mancha region."} {"id": "4655", "contents": "manchego chees origin european countri spain. manchego chees popular kind cheese, use million world come cooking. first chees th creat 1813, countri turkey. chees origin name sabit suet; s\u00fct mean hard. milk man creat first, chees acar bahanur origin from, turkey although immigr itali year. 1815"} {"id": "4656", "contents": "design queso manchego protect spain' denominacion denominaci\u00f3n de (origen) regulatori classification, system chees grant protect design (origin) pdo statu european. union offici manchego chees age 60 day two years. manchego firm compact consist butteri texture, often contain small, unevenli distribut air pockets."} {"id": "4657", "contents": "mexican manchego chees introduc mexico spanish region la mancha, tast quit different, made mixtur cows\u2019 goats\u2019 milk mexico rather sheep\u2019 milk. butteri tast melt well. chees mexico histori begin spanish conquest, dairi product unknown pre-columbian mesoamerica. spanish brought dairi animals, cattle, sheep, goats, well cheesemak techniques."} {"id": "4658", "contents": "four chees produc mexico entir mexican inventions: oaxaca, cotija, chihuahua manchego. last share name spanish cheese, spain made sheep\u2019 milk mexican manchego made cows\u2019 cows\u2019 goats\u2019 milk. chees mexico histori begin spanish conquest, dairi product unknown pre-columbian mesoamerica. spanish brought dairi animals, cattle, sheep, goats, well cheesemak techniques."} {"id": "4659", "contents": "manchego. manchego produc la mancha region spain, also home quixote. made unpasteuris sheep' milk. one popular chees spain, made sheep' milk. also come pdo guidelines. authent manchego made manchego sheep' milk. manchego chees made pasteuris unpasteuris milk. farmhous version produc unpasteuris milk industri version produc pasteuris milk."} {"id": "4660", "contents": "manchego (offici spanish: queso manchego, [\u02c8keso ma\u0272\u02c8t\u0283e\u0263o]) chees made la mancha region spain milk sheep manchega breed. offici manchego chees age 60 day two years. manchego firm compact consist butteri texture, often contain small, unevenli distribut air pockets. colour chees vari white ivory-yellow, ined rind yellow brownish beig"} {"id": "4661", "contents": "manchego chees nutrit histori manchego term, use describ one sever cheeses. unit states, term may appli geograph protect sheep' milk chees th\u2026. first chees th creat 1813, countri turkey. chees origin name sabit suet; s\u00fct mean hard. milk man creat first, chees acar bahanur origin from, turkey although immigr itali year. 1815"} {"id": "4662", "contents": "pump use process move wast fluid high solid content. similar slurri pumps, mud pumps, type wast water pumps. sludg pump requir high-pow mechan move fluid often heavi sometim viscou full volatil corros content."} {"id": "4663", "contents": "slurri pump replac part go-to sourc heavy-duti centrifug slurri pump industri like hard-rock mining, miner processing, power generation, aggreg processing, type slurri pump application. schurco slurry\u00ae manufactur high qualiti heavy-duti slurri pumps, pump parts, provid pump servic wide array market worldwide."} {"id": "4664", "contents": "applications, slurri pump use keep solid suspend prevent settl separ solid liquid medium. certain compound materi requir suspens water safe transport, util slurri pump keep compound suspend constant motion. differ applic natur requir differ centrifug pumps. typically, slurri pump intend use submers pump, sinc applic often requir high pressur best achiev impel place slurry."} {"id": "4665", "contents": "slurri captur pump filter press reconditioning/recycling. slurri gener term type thick suspens solid liquid. slurri use varieti purpos construction, ceramics, paper, explosives, mani industries. solar manufactur industry, slurri use polish cut agent."} {"id": "4666", "contents": "slurri thin sloppi mud cement or, extend use, fluid mixtur pulver solid liquid (usual water), often use conveni way handl solid bulk. slurri behav way like thick fluids, flow graviti also capabl pump thick."} {"id": "4667", "contents": "slurri pump type water pump intend use situat solid accident intent suspend water. differ applic natur requir differ centrifug pumps. typically, slurri pump intend use submers pump, sinc applic often requir high pressur best achiev impel place slurry."} {"id": "4668", "contents": "slurri pump type centrifug pump, lobe pump peristalt hose pump physic principl increas pressur liquid solid particl mixtur (aka slurry), centrifug forc (a rotat impeller) convert electr energi slurri potenti kinet energy. split fit allow sleev remov instal quickly. slurri pump shaft seal: expel drive seal, pack seal, mechan seal. slurri pump drive type: v-belt drive, gear reduc drive, fluid coupl drive, frequenc convers drive devices."} {"id": "4669", "contents": "addition, intern passageway slurri pump often larger sometim necessari pass larg solids. although solid variou size pump use slurri pump, effect limit typic around 12 inch diameter. comparison, dredg pumps, however, move slurri solid 18 inch larger passages. post septemb 3, 2014 david manney. mani differ type industri make use varieti pump order transport materi one locat another. mine industry, solid materi variou size often mix water order creat slurry."} {"id": "4670", "contents": "(decemb 2010). slurri pump type centrifug pump, lobe pump peristalt hose pump physic principl increas pressur liquid solid particl mixtur (aka slurry), centrifug forc (a rotat impeller) convert electr energi slurri potenti kinet energy. slurri pump wide use transport corros abras high concentr slurri mani industri gold, silver, iron ore, tin, steel, coal, titanium, copper, miner sands, lead zinc."} {"id": "4671", "contents": "sulfur sulphur chemic element symbol atom number 16. abundant, multival non-metal. normal conditions, sulfur atom form cyclic octatom molecul chemic formula s8."} {"id": "4672", "contents": "sulfur: essentials. sulphur (sulfur) pale yellow, odourless, brittl solid, insolubl water solubl carbon disulphide. sulphur essenti life. minor constitu fats, bodi fluids, skelet minerals. spell sulphur sulfur usa sulphur common elsewhere."} {"id": "4673", "contents": "differ volcan gase effect earth, peopl anim differ ways. water vapor beneficial, ad earth' water supply. sulfur dioxid form aerosol reflect sun' ray caus cool earth' surface, caus harm form acid rains. fluorin gase acid aerosol lethal animals."} {"id": "4674", "contents": "3/4/2014sulfur dioxid wine addit insid cell sulfit bind protein enzym eventu kill cell. 19 ph sulfur dioxid molecular antimicrobi repres small portion free wine."} {"id": "4675", "contents": "sulfur sulfid sulfit common form sulfur wine sulfur, element sulfur present protein use grape prevent rot. sulfides, mercaptan rotten egg skunk smell produc yeast bacteria reduc s. exampl reduc sulfur."} {"id": "4676", "contents": "averag nation tree remov cost $650, though homeown spend anywher $75 $1,500 expenditure. tree beautifi yard whole neighborhood, time time variou reason might need cut down. averag cost remov palm tree approxim $150 $450 remov height 30 feet. they'r 80 feet tall more, might spend $1,100 $1,500 tree profession felled. palm tree teeth mean rope instead simpli cut chainsaw"} {"id": "4677", "contents": "also go cost \u00a3600 get anoth one trim includ cost plan permiss (tree protected) tree surgeon report plu anoth \u00a3150 \u00a3200 traffic management. lot money coupl bloke stop/go sign.............. reply."} {"id": "4678", "contents": "matter much tree surgeon cost set back, mani home-own testifi last result tree surgeri benefit hire tree surgeon spruce garden you. type tree surgeri servic list along differ price plan available, follows: tree fell \u00a3250 per tree (although often depend size tree). crown reduct \u00a3150 per tree. garden clearanc \u00a3200 per person per day, \u00a340 per hour."} {"id": "4679", "contents": "remember, tree surgeon cost base lowest possibl start point available, estimates; detail accur inform tree surgeri price get touch mani differ contractor possible. type tree surgeri servic list along differ price plan available, follows: tree fell \u00a3250 per tree (although often depend size tree). crown reduct \u00a3150 per tree. garden clearanc \u00a3200 per person per day, \u00a340 per hour."} {"id": "4680", "contents": "tree remov cost: average, profession tree remov go cost anywher $250 much $15,000 tree. typic job hous go cost anywher $600 $3,500. smaller tree bigger 25 feet go gener rang around $100 $400. typic job hous go cost anywher $600 $3,500. smaller tree bigger 25 feet go gener rang around $100 $400. there\u2019 chanc obstacl nearby, want increas price 25-50%."} {"id": "4681", "contents": "averag cost tree removal. print page. summary: much cost remov tree, averag cost cut tree averag price tree surgeon. mani consider come remov tree wide number variabl affect cost. clearli lot easier dispos tree front garden exampl branch easili shred put straight tree surgeon lorry. tree way back garden difficult reach piec land bring ad complic cost."} {"id": "4682", "contents": "averag price remov pine tree around $200 tree 40 feet tall, 80-foot pine tree cost $1,500 work potenti danger involved. depend breed pine tree have, could addit work involv remov branch cones. averag cost remov palm tree approxim $150 $450 remov height 30 feet. they'r 80 feet tall more, might spend $1,100 $1,500 tree profession felled. palm tree teeth mean rope instead simpli cut chainsaw"} {"id": "4683", "contents": "average, profession tree remov go cost anywher $250 much $15,000 tree. typic job hous go cost anywher $600 $3,500. smaller tree bigger 25 feet go gener rang around $100 $400. typic job hous go cost anywher $600 $3,500. smaller tree bigger 25 feet go gener rang around $100 $400. there\u2019 chanc obstacl nearby, want increas price 25-50%."} {"id": "4684", "contents": "cost tree surgeri vari dramat accord size tree, eas access speci tree. guide, averag cost per hous hold visit around \u00a3450 plu vat. price guid tree surgeri associ tasks. tree fell \u00a3250 \u00a3400 per tree."} {"id": "4685", "contents": "nuclear power use nuclear reaction releas nuclear energi gener heat, frequent use steam turbin produc electr nuclear power station. term includ nuclear fission, nuclear decay nuclear fusion. nuclear (fission) power stations, exclud contribut naval nuclear fission reactors, provid 11% world' electr 2012, somewhat less gener hydro-electr station 16%."} {"id": "4686", "contents": "deplet resourc high energi demand world look toward nuclear energi sourc creat nucleu atom. nuclear energy, term says, releas nucleu atom. happen result mass convert energy. even though nuclear power safer burn electr fossil fuels, still hazard health environment."} {"id": "4687", "contents": "region differ use fission energi large. fission energi generation, 20% share u.s. electr production, singl largest deploy technolog among current low-carbon power sourc country. nuclear (fission) power stations, exclud contribut naval nuclear fission reactors, provid 11% world' electr 2012, somewhat less gener hydro-electr station 16%."} {"id": "4688", "contents": "nuclear fusion nuclear fission two type nuclear energy; result energi releas nucleu atom. fusion occur multipl atom join togeth fission occur atom split half. answered. nuclear power plant convert nuclear energi heat. typic use boil water, steam drive turbines, convert heat energi electr energy. person found useful. edit."} {"id": "4689", "contents": "rationalwiki. nuclear energi energi deriv forc bind nuclei atoms. primari earthli use nuclear energi electr generation, known nuclear power, spectacularli power explos use for. deter militari action, known nuclear bomb. differ nuclei differ bind energies."} {"id": "4690", "contents": "nuclear energi releas fission nucleu split. small proport mass nucleu annihil convert free energy. initi appear kinet energi fission fragments, quickli convert thermal energi fragment slow down. nuclear power plant convert nuclear energi heat. typic use boil water, steam drive turbines, convert heat energi electr energy. person found useful. edit."} {"id": "4691", "contents": "nuclear. radioisotop power systems, strong partnership energi department' offic nuclear energi nasa, provid energi deep space exploration. nuclear power use sustain nuclear fission gener heat electricity. nuclear power plant provid percent world' energi 13\u201314 percent world' electricity."} {"id": "4692", "contents": "type reactors. nuclear fission produc heat, heat use heat water make steam. steam power turbin turn generators. gener produc electricity. nuclear power gener electr much like coal-or diesel-pow plants."} {"id": "4693", "contents": "types. currently, two way produc nuclear energy, use fission fusion. fission reaction easili control fusion reactions. nuclear power plant use fission reaction produc energi electricity. digit vision./photodisc/getti images. fission. nuclear power plants, wide use method produc energi use fission. idea fission split atoms, usual uranium, nuclear reactor. atom splits, neutron released, neutron strike atom begin chain reaction"} {"id": "4694", "contents": "one great advantag nuclear power emission-fre energy. sinc nuclear power plant use littl fuel, volum nuclear wast much smaller volum wast fossil fuel power plants. even though nuclear wast radioactive, small volum enabl safe remov communities."} {"id": "4695", "contents": "geotherm energi (from greek root geo, mean earth, thermos, mean heat) energi made heat insid earth' crust. clean sustainable. although sun heat surfac earth, heat insid earth caus sun. geotherm energi earth' crust come 20% origin format planet, 80% radioact decay minerals. earth hottest core and, core surface, temperatur get gradual cooler"} {"id": "4696", "contents": "geotherm energi energi produc use heat earth. hydrotherm energi produc use differ temperatur water. pl ace tropic warm surfac water also deep cold water suitable. geotherm hydrotherm renew clean. geotherm sourc hot water use heat buildings. hot water pump pipe locat build wall heat building. geotherm hot water also use household hot water source."} {"id": "4697", "contents": "geotherm energi heat earth. clean sustainable. resourc geotherm energi rang shallow ground hot water hot rock found mile beneath earth' surface, even deeper extrem high temperatur molten rock call magma."} {"id": "4698", "contents": "so, seen geotherm energi action! geo mean earth, thermal mean heat, type energi found earth. hot lava volcano hot steam geyser come underground heat use type heat homes. electr earth. also use geotherm energi make electricity. geotherm power plant work tap steam hot water reservoir underground; heat use drive electr generator."} {"id": "4699", "contents": "power plant produc geotherm energi util geotherm dri steam geotherm hot water access dig wells. dri steam hot water brought surfac pipe process electr power plant. geotherm sourc hot water use heat buildings. hot water pump pipe locat build wall heat building. geotherm hot water also use household hot water source."} {"id": "4700", "contents": "geotherm energi energi produc use heat earth. hydrotherm energi produc use differ temperatur water. pl ace tropic warm surfac water also deep cold water suitable. geotherm hydrotherm renew clean."} {"id": "4701", "contents": "geotherm energi captured. geotherm spring power plants. currently, common way captur energi geotherm sourc tap natur occur hydrotherm convect systems, cooler water seep earth' crust, heat up, rise surface."} {"id": "4702", "contents": "hot springs, geotherm energi use bath sinc paleolith time space heat sinc ancient roman times, better known electr generation. worldwide, 11,700 megawatt (mw) geotherm power onlin 2013. addit 28 gigawatt direct geotherm heat capac instal district heating, space heating, spas, industri processes, desalin agricultur applic 2010."} {"id": "4703", "contents": "geotherm gradient, differ temperatur core planet surface, drive continu conduct thermal energi form heat core surface. worldwide, 11,700 megawatt (mw) geotherm power onlin 2013. addit 28 gigawatt direct geotherm heat capac instal district heating, space heating, spas, industri processes, desalin agricultur applic 2010."} {"id": "4704", "contents": "adject geotherm origin greek root \u03b3\u03b7 (ge) mean earth, \u03b8\u03b5\u03c1\u03bc\u03bf\u03c2 (thermos) mean hot. earth' intern heat thermal energi gener radioact decay continu heat loss earth' formation. temperatur core\u2013mantl boundari may reach 4000 \u00b0c (7,200 \u00b0f). worldwide, 11,700 megawatt (mw) geotherm power onlin 2013. addit 28 gigawatt direct geotherm heat capac instal district heating, space heating, spas, industri processes, desalin agricultur applic 2010."} {"id": "4705", "contents": "about. occupi wall street people-pow movement began septemb 17, 2011 liberti squar manhattan\u2019 financi district, spread 100 citi unit state action 1,500 citi globally."} {"id": "4706", "contents": "great major solidar activist today age 25 35. born new industri state rise chao devast world war ii. families, uproot war, settl near new manufactur complex gdansk shipyard baltic seaboard. earli childhoods, futur activist solidar knew someday would take place worker factories. thus, generation, import success new socialist state recent construct industri plants. grow workers\u2019 state. officially, poland workers\u2019 state 35 years, run workers. but, even rise solidarity, polish worker repeatedli challeng polish realiti strike street demonstrations."} {"id": "4707", "contents": "solidar emerg 31 august 1980 gda\u0144sk lenin shipyard communist govern poland sign agreement allow existence. 17 septemb 1980, 20 inter-factori found committe free trade union merg congress one nation organ nszz solidarity. 1980s, solidar broad anti-bureaucrat social movement, use method civil resist advanc caus workers' right social change."} {"id": "4708", "contents": "end august, solidarity-l coalit govern formed. decemb 1990, wa\u0142\u0119sa elect presid poland. sinc solidar becom traditional, liber trade union. membership drop 680,000 2010 400,000 2011. 1980s, solidar broad anti-bureaucrat social movement, use method civil resist advanc caus workers' right social change."} {"id": "4709", "contents": "famili escap mosul june 2014. took five day sunni muslim extremist organ known islam state iraq syria, isis, occupi citi mosul, capit provinc ninawa one biggest citi iraq, around 395 km north baghdad."} {"id": "4710", "contents": "), polish non-government trade union, began 14 august 1980, lenin shipyard (now gda\u0144sk shipyards) found lech wa\u0142\u0119sa others. earli 1980s, becam first independ labor union soviet-bloc country. solidar gave rise broad, non-violent, anti-communist social movement that, height, claim 9.4 million members. consid contribut greatli fall communism. roundtabl talk govern solidarity-l opposit result semi-fre elect 1989. end august 1989, solidarity-l coalit govern formed, and, decemb 1990, wa\u0142\u0119sa elect president. soon follow dismantl communist government system poland' transform modern democrat state"} {"id": "4711", "contents": "sinc 1989 solidar becom tradit trade union, rel littl impact polit scene poland earli 1990s. 1980s, solidar broad anti-bureaucrat social movement, use method civil resist advanc caus workers' right social change."} {"id": "4712", "contents": "art write blossomed; 600 solidar public sprang life first year existence. everi factory, everi town, insist paper took great pride production. five-day work week one solidarity\u2019 earliest hardest-fought victories. grow workers\u2019 state. officially, poland workers\u2019 state 35 years, run workers. but, even rise solidarity, polish worker repeatedli challeng polish realiti strike street demonstrations."} {"id": "4713", "contents": "revers transcriptas [edit]. revers transcriptase, also known rna-depend dna polymerase, dna polymeras enzym transcrib single-strand rna double-strand dna. also help format doubl helix dna rna revers transcrib singl strand cdna. relat viral dna, movement protein domain target enzym stopped. mean dna synthesi occur. nucleosid revers transcriptas inhibitor (nrti ntri) instead work competit substrat inhibitors."} {"id": "4714", "contents": "such, contain dna contain rna genet instructions. order infect cell requir enzym revers transcriptas copi rna dna infect the... show human immunodefici viru (hiv, caus aids) human t-cell lukemia viru (htlv) retroviruses. such, contain dna contain rna genet instructions. order infect cell requir enzym revers transcriptas copi rna dna that... source(s): revers transcriptas function healthi humans: https://tr.im/zx0gi."} {"id": "4715", "contents": "insid cell cytoplasm, viral enzyme, revers transcriptase, covert virus' singl strand rna doubl strand dna. capabl classifi hiv retrovirus. viral dna incorpor host genom use viral enzyme, integrase."} {"id": "4716", "contents": "revers transcript process doubl strand dna molecul made singl strand rna. name method form opposit direct transcription. also involv presenc revers transcriptas enzyme, primer, dnta rnase inhibitor. relat viral dna, movement protein domain target enzym stopped. mean dna synthesi occur. nucleosid revers transcriptas inhibitor (nrti ntri) instead work competit substrat inhibitors."} {"id": "4717", "contents": "revers transcriptas (rt) enzym use gener complementari dna (cdna) rna template, process term revers transcription. mainli associ retroviruses. telomeras anoth revers transcriptas found mani eukaryotes, includ humans, carri rna template; rna use templat dna replication."} {"id": "4718", "contents": "retrovirus. retrovirus envelop virus belong viral famili retroviridae. retroviru rna viru duplic host cell use revers transcriptas enzym produc dna rna genome. infection, single-strand rna viral genom enzym enter host cell."} {"id": "4719", "contents": "confid vote 6. revers transcriptas viral enzym respons make dna copi rna genom retrovirus. such, technic known rna-depend dna polymerase. opposit usual flow genet inform dna rna protein."} {"id": "4720", "contents": "such, contain dna contain rna genet instructions. order infect cell requir enzym revers transcriptas copi rna dna infect host cell. mani hiv antiretrovir therapi work interf function revers transcriptase, therebi prevent viru complet infect cycle. such, contain dna contain rna genet instructions. order infect cell requir enzym revers transcriptas copi rna dna that... source(s): revers transcriptas function healthi humans: https://tr.im/zx0gi."} {"id": "4721", "contents": "mechan [edit]. hiv infect cell, revers transcriptas copi viral singl strand rna genom double-strand viral dna. viral dna integr host chromosom dna, allow host cellular processes, transcript translat reproduc viru"} {"id": "4722", "contents": "plug left 2.5-mm stereo jack use lanc connect (lanc signal mark l) camcorder, wherea db25m connector right male lpt 25-pin connector connect pc."} {"id": "4723", "contents": "all-in-on lanc remot control make one lanc remot control video camera lanc connect one button function possible. three mode work old model soni soni lanc compat video camera, new dvd hard disk video camera 2.5mm lanc jack. don\u2019t need concern compat problem complic button combin control video camera. long lanc cabl make easi store video camera safe place focus sport activities. need access dvr video camera button directli record standbi power on/off. extend video camera batteri life."} {"id": "4724", "contents": "wire remot let start stop video, snap photos, zoom out, turn camcord off. two-step zoom. use camcord support function, vrs-lanc control zoom two speeds. press zoom button halfway zoom slowly, press way fast zooms. lanc connector. vrs-lanc offer compat camcord lanc termin"} {"id": "4725", "contents": "hello dave, welcom soni community. lanc stand local applic control bu system. lanc control jack use control tape transport video equip connect peripherals. jack function jack label control remote."} {"id": "4726", "contents": "wireless local area network (wlan) wireless comput network link two devic use wireless distribut method (often spread-spectrum ofdm radio) within limit area home, school, comput laboratory, offic building."} {"id": "4727", "contents": "lanc/remot compat camcord (for electron aquacam housings). lanc wire remot commun interfac develop soni corpor found primarili soni camcord canon camcorders. lanc (or remote) compat camcord one follow interfac connectors: (l). older, 2.5mm mini-plug jack gener mark lanc, remote, l, control-l. (r). multi-funct 10-pin termin mark a/v remot (a/v-r) sometim a/v a/v out. (for 2013-2014 soni camcord only). requir compat type connectors, lanc adapt cabl avail adapt standard 2.5mm lanc mini-plug newer a/v-remot 10-pin connector. avail studio1productions.com $29 usd (lanc only) $50 usd (lanc av output connectors)."} {"id": "4728", "contents": "special design soni 10pin lanc adapt avail connect 2.5mm lanc new video camera necessary. lanc extens cabl also avail long rang lanc remot control required. lanc remot control ip67 water/dust/mud proof design. long lanc cabl make easi store video camera safe place focus sport activities. need access dvr video camera button directli record standbi power on/off. extend video camera batteri life."} {"id": "4729", "contents": "lanc shepherd two cables, one camera, 2.5mm three conductor plug, simpli plug acc port camera (lanc port video cameras, a/v-r port video camera use adapter). video cameras, lanc shepherd control record, zoom, still imag capture, adjust zoom rate, lanc shepherd control play back record vcr mode. offset powerup also avail improv powerup synchron digit still camera video cameras."} {"id": "4730", "contents": "lanc shepherd also support soni canon video camera lanc port (there hundr models), although canon video camera support still imag captur function lanc port. lanc port soni consum level camcord label remote. video cameras, lanc shepherd control record, zoom, still imag capture, adjust zoom rate, lanc shepherd control play back record vcr mode. offset powerup also avail improv powerup synchron digit still camera video cameras."} {"id": "4731", "contents": "monoclon antibodi block receptor prevent growth signal get through. cetuximab (erbitux), monoclon antibodi approv treat colon cancer head neck cancers, attach receptor cancer cell accept certain growth signal (epiderm growth factor). cancer cell ingest antibody, releas molecul chemotherapy. chemotherapi damag cancer cells, leav surround healthi cell undamaged. number monoclon antibodi drug avail treat variou type cancer."} {"id": "4732", "contents": "term 'naked' 'unlabeled' use therapeut antibodi carrier substanc toxin radiation. sometim nake unlabel antibodi use attach specif antigen cancer cells, mark cancer cell destruct immun system. nake unlabel therapeut antibodi use attach certain sites, call receptors, cancer cell signal cancer cell die (apoptosis) work block molecul stimul cancer cells' growth bind cancer cell."} {"id": "4733", "contents": "monoclon antibodies. monoclon antibodi type biolog therapy. treat type cancer. monoclon mean one type. monoclon antibodi (mab) drug lot copi one specif type antibody. monoclon antibodi work recognis find specif protein cancer cells. monoclon antibodi recognis one particular protein."} {"id": "4734", "contents": "monoclon antibodi treat cancer. one way immun system attack foreign substanc bodi make larg number antibodies. antibodi protein stick specif protein call antigen. antibodi circul throughout bodi find attach antigen. attached, recruit part immun system destroy cell contain antigen."} {"id": "4735", "contents": "monoclon antibodi therapi form immunotherapi use monoclon antibodi (mab) specif bind specif cell proteins. may stimul patient' immun system attack cells. initi therapeut antibodi murin analogu (suffix-omab). antibodi have: short half-lif vivo (due immun complex formation), limit penetr tumour site inadequ recruit host effector functions."} {"id": "4736", "contents": "therapeut antibodi laboratory-engin substanc recogn bind onto protein surfac cell. therapeut antibodi recogn differ protein, antigen, gener use alone, combin chemotherapi carrier substanc toxin radiation. nake unlabel therapeut antibodi use attach certain sites, call receptors, cancer cell signal cancer cell die (apoptosis) work block molecul stimul cancer cells' growth bind cancer cell."} {"id": "4737", "contents": "monoclon antibodi (mabs) join chemotherapi drug radioact particl call conjug monoclon antibodies. mab use home devic take one substanc directli cancer cells. antibodi protein stick specif protein call antigen. antibodi circul throughout bodi find attach antigen. attached, recruit part immun system destroy cell contain"} {"id": "4738", "contents": "list therapeutic, diagnost prevent monoclon antibodies, antibodi clone singl parent cell."} {"id": "4739", "contents": "abstract. use monoclon antibodi (mabs) cancer therapi achiev consider success recent years. antibody\u2013drug conjug power new treatment option lymphoma solid tumours, immunomodulatori antibodi also recent achiev remark clinic success. review summar step necessari transform monoclon antibodi (mabs) reagent human use, success antibodi treatment cancer patients, challeng target construct selection, crucial role immun system antibodi therapy."} {"id": "4740", "contents": "immun system attack foreign invad body, alway recogn cancer cell enemies. monoclon antibodi direct attach certain part cancer cell. way, antibodi mark cancer cell make easier immun system find. cancer cell ingest antibody, releas molecul chemotherapy. chemotherapi damag cancer cells, leav surround healthi cell undamaged. number monoclon antibodi drug avail treat variou type cancer."} {"id": "4741", "contents": "fibers, rayon probabl perplex consumers. found cotton-lik end uses, well sumptuou velvet taffetas. may function success absorb hygien incontin pad equal well provid strength tire cords. rayon gener term fiber (and result yarn fabric) manufactur regener cellulos one six processes. import fiber lie versatility, fact first viabl manufactur fiber."} {"id": "4742", "contents": "although rayon look like wool, silk, cotton, linen manufactur fiber like polyester, mean behav like properti care requir fibers. rayon fiber own. rayon gener term fiber (and result yarn fabric) manufactur regener cellulos one six processes. import fiber lie versatility, fact first viabl manufactur fiber."} {"id": "4743", "contents": "report abuse. rayon initi call imit silk use light weight lingeri fabric 1920's. far lighter previou undergar fabric bonu breathable, washabl less expens cotton silk. rayon quit similar cotton, lighter hand drape. cool summer, allow perspir wick away bodi evaporate, mani case better cotton. experi rayon dress cooler summ"} {"id": "4744", "contents": "rayon popular even detractor feel use it. joel benedek, whose company, sherbrouck ltd., make blous store like barney new york, order 10,000 yard fall, make lead fabric. huge demand it, said. synthetic, take cleaners.. rayon difficult fabric care for, said jacquelin stephens, textil analyst intern fabric care institute, associ dri cleaners."} {"id": "4745", "contents": "rayon natural-bas materi made cellulos wood pulp cotton. natur base give mani characteristics\u2014low cost, diversity, comfort\u2014that led popular success."} {"id": "4746", "contents": "byproduct product process includ sodium thiocarbonate, sodium carbonate, sodium sulfide. viscos rayon fiber soft fiber commonli use dresses, linings, shirts, shorts, coats, jackets, outer wear; also use industri yarn (tyre cord), upholsteri carpets. also use cast cellophane."} {"id": "4747", "contents": "rayon fiber produc ripen viscos solut treatment miner acid, sulfur acid. viscos rayon fiber regener cellulose; structur similar cotton may produc varieti plant soy, bamboo, sugar cane. cellulos linear polym \u03b2-d-glucos unit empir formula (c 10 5) n. viscos rayon fiber soft fiber commonli use dresses, linings, shirts, shorts, coats, jackets, outer wear; also use industri yarn (tyre cord), upholsteri carpets. also use cast cellophane."} {"id": "4748", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: certain blend do...i want say 95% rayon 5% poli look like cotton feel much softer, could wrong amounts. 100% rayon look feel silk...without cost. first came use call term artifici silk. rayon quit similar cotton, lighter hand drape. cool summer, allow perspir wick away bodi evaporate, mani case better cotton. experi rayon dress cooler summ"} {"id": "4749", "contents": "rayon may produc bamboo raw material, rayon bamboo may use similar fabrics, rayon far remov bamboo chemic process two entir separate. trade name use within rayon industri label type rayon product. viscos rayon first produc coventri england 1905 courtaulds. bemberg, trade name cupramonium rayon develop j. p. bemberg."} {"id": "4750", "contents": "rayon versatil fiber wide claim comfort properti natur fibers, although drape slipperi rayon textil often like nylon. imit feel textur silk, wool, cotton linen. fiber easili dy wide rang colors. trade name use within rayon industri label type rayon product. viscos rayon first produc coventri england 1905 courtaulds. bemberg, trade name cupramonium rayon develop j. p. bemberg."} {"id": "4751", "contents": "crocu sort rot plant wet soil, plant saffron crocus insid ensur bulb corm rot. bulb purveyor send correct time plant and/or consult regard climat location, plant fall. dormant, water crocus. remember, corm multipli year, eventu may need. give anoth saffron-lov gift. plant live 15 years, it\u2019 best \u201crefresh\u201d dig up, divid replant everi four five years."} {"id": "4752", "contents": "maxim chanc abund blooms, plant crocu bulb octob novemb mild climates. space corm inch apart plant inch deep. keep soil evenli moist soggy. cut foliag back crocus bloom. urban areas, soil temperatur tend remain warmer year round, crocus bloom earlier suburban rural areas. crocus plant sunny, protect area bloom earlier grow evergreens."} {"id": "4753", "contents": "mani peopl refer bulbs, crocu plant actual grow corms, bulb-lik stem. crocus good flower garden, make good houseplants. easili forc snow crocu bloom indoors. grow snow crocus. snow crocus aptli named, earliest spring flowers. crocu plant found burst bloom, snow still ground. hardi flower begin grow warm spell late winter earli spring."} {"id": "4754", "contents": "we'v never time crocus'. we'v never time crocus' bloom wed event, best bet crocu probabl forc pots. bulb (corms) forc cold period 13 15 weeks. bring warm place, bulb flower weeks--or even faster. unless test out, probabl want stagger time multipl crocu week apart hit bloom date. crocu last year rebloom. live zone 5. crocu plant fall 2011 bloom spring 2012 come back yet, realli see leav poke either. yet, crocu plant fall 2012 bloom nice far spring."} {"id": "4755", "contents": "saffron crocu bulb planted, need littl care. hardi -15 (-26 c). fertil year, though grow fine without fertil well. also water rainfal area fall 1.5 inch per week. fall-bloom crocus, plant fall, probabl bloom year plant them. instead, see foliag spring, die back, saffron flower follow fall. saffron crocu bulb store well."} {"id": "4756", "contents": "bulb-lik plants, crocu like sit wet soil, especi summer, dormant. plant crocu bulbs: spring bloom crocu plant earli fall. plant inch deep 2-4 inch apart, point end up. sometim hard tell point end corm, worri much. overview: 80 speci crocus, bulb (actual corms) avail mix differ speci varieties. one qualif need certain of, choos bulbs: spring fall bloomers."} {"id": "4757", "contents": "grow conditions. crocu bloom depends, part, grow conditions. urban areas, soil temperatur tend remain warmer year round, crocus bloom earlier suburban rural areas. crocus plant sunny, protect area bloom earlier grow evergreens."} {"id": "4758", "contents": "cultiv saffron (saffron crocu c. sativus) flower autumn come everi year, known perenni plant. grow wild, triploid form eastern mediterranean plant call crocu cartwrightianus. thought c. cartwrightianu came crete."} {"id": "4759", "contents": "meteor see space rock fall earth. often known shoot star fall star bright light night sky, though faint. hit ground, call meteorite, larg one sometim leav hole ground call crater."} {"id": "4760", "contents": "meteor usual dust sand grain size piec rock speed space ten hundr kilomet second enter earth atmospher burn up, creat bright brilliant streak across sky."} {"id": "4761", "contents": "meteorit solid piec debri sourc asteroid comet, origin outer space surviv impact earth' surface. call meteoroid impact. meteorite' size rang small extrem large. meteorit found moon mars. meteorit recov observ transit atmospher impact earth call meteorit fall."} {"id": "4762", "contents": "meteor streak light, usual last seconds, peopl occasion see night sky. sometim call shoot star fall stars, though star all."} {"id": "4763", "contents": "meteoroid caus meteor size grain sand. meteor may occur showers, aris earth pass stream debri left comet, random sporad meteors, associ specif stream space debris. object withstand ablat passag atmospher meteor impact ground, call meteorite. around 15,000 tonn meteoroids, micrometeoroid differ form space dust enter earth' atmospher year."} {"id": "4764", "contents": "meteor asteroid object burn vapor upon entri earth' atmosphere; meteor commonli known shoot stars.. meteor surviv plung atmospher land surface, known meteorite. meteorit usual categor iron stony. name implies, iron meteorit compos 90 percent iron; stoni meteorit made oxygen, iron, silicon, magnesium elements."} {"id": "4765", "contents": "meteoroid, comet asteroid enter earth' atmospher speed typic excess 20 km/ (72,000 km/h; 45,000 mph), aerodynam heat object produc streak light, glow object trail glow particl leav wake. object withstand ablat passag atmospher meteor impact ground, call meteorite. around 15,000 tonn meteoroids, micrometeoroid differ form space dust enter earth' atmospher year."} {"id": "4766", "contents": "meteoroid (meteor travel space) orbit sun veloc 42 kilomet per second (26 mile per second). meteoroid encount earth, may enter atmospher speed 72 kilomet per second (45 mile per second)."} {"id": "4767", "contents": "meteoroid small rocki metal bodi travel space. meteoroid significantli smaller asteroids, rang size small grain meter-wid objects. object withstand ablat passag atmospher meteor impact ground, call meteorite. around 15,000 tonn meteoroids, micrometeoroid differ form space dust enter earth' atmospher year."} {"id": "4768", "contents": "meteoroid solid bodi interplanetari space reach earth' atmosphere. meteor denot fieri streak shoot star appear tini meteoroid strike earth' atmospher burn up. meteor result meteoroid centimet diameter. larger meteoroid surviv fieri passag earth' atmospher meteor strike earth' surfac call meteorite. meteor materi less tenth millimet diamet call cosmic dust. meteoroid size fist larger may surviv trip atmospher land earth' surface. known meteorites. meteorit locat wit descent call fall. meteorit unwit descent call find."} {"id": "4769", "contents": "unit states, legal limit technic 10 years, often erron supposed. presid may serv mani (but than) two year previou president' term subsequ elect two full term own. restrict impos section 22nd amend u.s. constitution."} {"id": "4770", "contents": "person serv two year less last president\u2019 term, may serv two full four-year terms. serv two year last president' term, new presid serv one full four-year term."} {"id": "4771", "contents": "term limit. american presid elect four-year terms. 22nd amend limit presid two full term office, also allow serv two year anoth president' term. mean presid serv white hous 10 years."} {"id": "4772", "contents": "currently, presid serv two term four years. franklin d. roosevelt president, limit mani term presid could serve. 1951, amend ad us constitut limit presid serv two terms."} {"id": "4773", "contents": "ratif 22nd amendment, franklin delano roosevelt elect four term white hous 1932, 1936, 1940 1944. roosevelt die less year fourth term, presid serv two terms."} {"id": "4774", "contents": "us presid serv maximum two full terms. one term four years. presid finish anoth president' term less two year go, still serv two full terms. therefore, theory, possibl serv 10 year special case."} {"id": "4775", "contents": "four year one term. us presid serv two four year terms, total eight years. control law 22nd amend us constitution."} {"id": "4776", "contents": "one term four years. presid finish anoth president' term less two year go, still serv two full terms. therefore, theory, possibl serv 10 year special case."} {"id": "4777", "contents": "may also serv year term preced president, succession, total ten year office, however, serv year preced president' term, elect one full term."} {"id": "4778", "contents": "part speech, noun perhap important. noun word identifi person, animal, place, thing, idea. here, we\u2019ll take closer look make noun noun, we\u2019ll provid noun examples, along advic use noun sentences. identifi noun. noun part speech denot person, animal, place, thing, idea. english word noun root latin word nomen, mean \u201cname.\u201d everi languag word nouns."} {"id": "4779", "contents": "comment power disqus. noun part speech name person, place, thing, idea, action quality. noun classifi two group nouns, either common proper. proper noun refer individu name person, place thing"} {"id": "4780", "contents": "definition. noun tradit defin part speech (or word class) name identifi person, place, thing, quality, activity. adjective: nominal. noun singular plural form, preced articl and/or one adjectives, serv head noun phrase. noun noun phrase function subject, direct object, indirect object, complement, appositive, object preposition. addition, noun sometim modifi noun form compound nouns. see exampl observ below."} {"id": "4781", "contents": "compound noun noun made two words. compound noun usual [noun noun] [adject noun], combin (see below). import understand recogn compound nouns. compound noun act singl unit modifi adject nouns."} {"id": "4782", "contents": "noun word name people, places, things, ideas. look list nouns, i'd like point noun fit one categori below. example, word train common, concrete, countable, singular noun."} {"id": "4783", "contents": "noun word identifi person, animal, place, thing, idea. here, we\u2019ll take closer look make noun noun, we\u2019ll provid noun examples, along advic use noun sentences. noun part speech denot person, animal, place, thing, idea. english word noun root latin word nomen, mean \u201cname.\u201d everi languag word nouns."} {"id": "4784", "contents": "noun part speech identifi person, place, thing, idea. lesson, addit learn identifi nouns, learn differ proper common noun bit noun function sentences. noun part speech, part speech simpli refer type words. may familiar lot basic part speech, like nouns, verbs, adjectives. noun identifi people, places, things, ideas. noun categor either common proper."} {"id": "4785", "contents": "noun word person, place, thing. everyth see talk repres word name it. name word call noun. noun word person, place, thing. (you might like think noun name words.). everyth see talk repres word name it. name word call noun."} {"id": "4786", "contents": "eukaryot cell contain membrane-bound organelles, nucleus, prokaryot cell not. differ cellular structur prokaryot eukaryot includ presenc mitochondria chloroplasts, cell wall, structur chromosom dna."} {"id": "4787", "contents": "no-although differ slightly, prokaryot eukaryot cell cell membrane. main differ eukaryot cell nucleu membrane-boun organelles. prokaryot cell neither these. eukaryot cell complex cells, membran bound organ membran bound nucleus. prokaryot cell simplist act whole organisms, case bacteria."} {"id": "4788", "contents": "plasma (cytoplasmic) membrane. like prokaryot plasma membrane, eukaryot plasma membran phospholipid bilay contain proteins. eukaryot plasma membran contain carbohydr attach protein sterol found prokaryot cell (except mycoplasma bacteria). cytoplasm. cytoplasm eukaryot cell includ everyth insid plasma membran extern nucleus. chemic characterist cytoplasm eukaryot cell resembl cytoplasm prokaryot cells."} {"id": "4789", "contents": "organel special membrane-enclos structur cytoplasm eukaryot cells. nucleus, contain dna form chromosomes, characterist eukaryot organelle. nuclear envelop connect system membran the; cytoplasm call endoplasm reticulum (er). cytoplasm. cytoplasm eukaryot cell includ everyth insid plasma membran extern nucleus. chemic characterist cytoplasm eukaryot cell resembl cytoplasm pro"} {"id": "4790", "contents": "plasma membrane. live cells, prokaryot eukaryotic, plasma membran enclos content serv semi-por barrier outsid environment. membran act boundary, hold cell constitu togeth keep substanc entering."} {"id": "4791", "contents": "prokaryot cell also structur like cell wall, pili (singular pillus), flagella (singular flagellum). structur cellular compon play critic role growth, survival, reproduct prokaryot cells. prokaryot cell multipl plasma membranes. prokaryot cell contain larg quantiti genet materi form dna rna. prokaryot cells, definition, nucleus, singl larg circular strand dna contain gene need cell growth, survival, reproduct found cytoplasm."} {"id": "4792", "contents": "except mycoplasmas, bacteria lack cell wall, prokaryot membran lack sterol (def). mani bacteria, however, contain sterol-lik molecul call hopanoids. like sterol found eukaryot cell membranes, hopanoid like stabil bacteri cytoplasm membrane. cytoplasm membrane, also call cell membran plasma membrane, nanomet (nm; 1/1,000,000,000 m) thick. lie intern cell wall enclos cytoplasm bacterium (see fig."} {"id": "4793", "contents": "prokaryot cell structure. prokaryot cell complex eukaryot cells. true nucleu dna contain within membran separ rest cell, coil region cytoplasm call nucleoid. prokaryot organ vari cell shapes. common bacteria shape spherical, rod-shaped, spiral."} {"id": "4794", "contents": "prokaryot known gram-neg bacteria example, often two plasma membran space known periplasm. cells, plasma membran prokaryot cell respons control get cell. seri protein stuck membran (poor fellas) also aid prokaryot cell commun surround environment. prokaryot cell contain larg quantiti genet materi form dna rna. prokaryot cells, definition, nucleus, singl larg circular strand dna contain gene need cell growth, survival, reproduct found cytoplasm."} {"id": "4795", "contents": "ome earth' grandest mountain composit volcanoes--sometim call stratovolcanoes. typic steep-sided, symmetr cone larg dimens built altern layer lava flows, volcan ash, cinders, blocks, bomb may rise much 8,000 feet bases. princip type volcanoes. geologist gener group volcano four main kinds--cind cones, composit volcanoes, shield volcanoes, lava domes."} {"id": "4796", "contents": "let' review. volcano vent earth' crust lava, rock fragments, hot vapor gase ejected. differ type volcano base size, shape, composit erupt style. composit cone volcano cone-shap volcano compos layer lava, ash rock debri"} {"id": "4797", "contents": "type volcanoes. mani peopl interest way classifi volcanoes. probabl natur human instinct tri give label things. bad instinct mani time make easier understand particular thing classified. certainli differ way classifi volcano particular benefit drawbacks. includ classifi lava chemistry, tecton setting, size, erupt character, geograph location, present activity, morphology."} {"id": "4798", "contents": "mani type volcanoes, main ones: composite/strato-thes form altern layer lava rock fragments. large, colo ssal volcano usual pop mind first think volcanoes. three differ type volcano 1) sheild volcanoes; larg mountain gentl slops. 2) cinder cone volcanoes; small volcano made hardend lav chunk call cinders."} {"id": "4799", "contents": "three main type volcano-composit strato, shield dome. composit volcanoes. composit volcanoes, sometim known strato volcanoes, steep side cone form layer ash [lava] flows. erupt volcano may pyroclast flow rather flow lava. pyroclast flow superh mixtur hot steam, ash, rock dust"} {"id": "4800", "contents": "major type volcanoes: cinder cone volcanoes. simplest type volcano. occur particl blob lava eject volcan vent. lava blown violent air, piec rain around vent. time, build circular oval-shap cone, bowl-shap crater top."} {"id": "4801", "contents": "four differ type volcanoes. volcano categor format appearance. differ type volcano also indic type expect eruptions. differ type volcano are: composit (or stratovolcanoes), shield, cinder cone spatter cones. throughout world, one see pictur four type volcanoes, type indic activ underground world often view static. layer rock lava form composit volcanoes. composit volcano releas lava rock erupt. identifi type volcano help predict kind erupt expect it. lava spatter cone volcano continu flow. lava, ash, gase eject volcano vent."} {"id": "4802", "contents": "inder cone simplest type volcano. built particl blob congeal lava eject singl vent. gas-charg lava blown violent air, break small fragment solidifi fall cinder around vent form circular oval cone. princip type volcanoes. geologist gener group volcano four main kinds--cind cones, composit volcanoes, shield volcanoes, lava domes."} {"id": "4803", "contents": "famou type volcano (shield volcanoes, strato volcanoes, cinder cones), found mani textbook elementari school college. certainli differ way classifi volcano particular benefit drawbacks. includ classifi lava chemistry, tecton setting, size, erupt character, geograph location, present activity, morphology."} {"id": "4804", "contents": "volcano group four types: cinder cones, composit volcanoes, shield volcano lava volcanoes. are: cinder cones: circular oval cone made small fragment lava singl vent. blown air, cooled, fallen around vent. three differ type volcano 1) sheild volcanoes; larg mountain gentl slops. 2) cinder cone volcanoes; small volcano made hardend lav chunk call cinders."} {"id": "4805", "contents": "countri information. danish krone, also denot dkk, currenc use denmark danish depend greenland. krone, subdivid 100 ore, close peg euro. prior introduct euro, dkk peg german mark. danish krone first establish 1873."} {"id": "4806", "contents": "danish krone, also denot dkk, currenc use denmark danish depend greenland. krone, subdivid 100 ore, close peg euro. prior introduct euro, dkk peg german mark. danish krone first establish 1873."} {"id": "4807", "contents": "nok-norwegian krone. norway, krone. norwegian krone currenc norway. currenc rank show popular norway krone exchang rate nok eur rate. currenc code kroner nok, currenc symbol kr. below, find norwegian krone rate currenc converter."} {"id": "4808", "contents": "danish currenc currenc denmark call krone (kroner plural; intern code dkk). danish kroner also legal tender greenland faro islands. krone came scandinavian monetari union thu currenc denmark, sweden, norway."} {"id": "4809", "contents": "a. kidney locat either side bodi underneath diaphragm near lower back. kidney connect bladder pelvi uret (long tube-lik structures) drain urin kidney bladder. urin store bladder excret bodi urethra."} {"id": "4810", "contents": "kidneys. kidney two bean-shap organ locat either side spine, small back. kidney filter wast blood help balanc water, salt, miner level blood. wast filter blood carri bodi urine."} {"id": "4811", "contents": "mistak pain back stomach pain kidney area. also misconcept locat kidneys. mani peopl believ kidney locat somewher lower abdomen region. actually, place diaphragm side body."} {"id": "4812", "contents": "peopl surpris learn exactli kidney located. kidney locat rel high body, lower ribs. unusu attribut back pain side (flank) pain kidneys. often not, kidney probabl caus back flank pain. causes."} {"id": "4813", "contents": "next row scute either side spine call costal scutes, outer scute known margin scutes. plastron undersid turtle\u2019 shell also made scutes. ad. scute form lower layer skin, dermis, epidermis. scute boni base known osteoderms. turtl tortoises, entir carapace, upper shell, structur fuse scutes. scute run center shell along spine call central scutes."} {"id": "4814", "contents": "scute similar scale serv function. unlik scale lizard snakes, form epidermis, scute form lower vascular layer skin epiderm element top surface. scute usual overlap snake scale (but see pangolin). outer keratin layer shed piecemeal, one continu layer skin seen snake lizards. dermal base may contain bone produc dermal armour. scute boni base properli call osteoderms."} {"id": "4815", "contents": "reptil promin scute includ crocodiles, alligators, turtles. scute allig crocodil bony, ridg plate make animal\u2019 tough skin, protect predat possibl help regul temperature. scute boni base known osteoderms. turtl tortoises, entir carapace, upper shell, structur fuse scutes. scute run center shell along spine call central scutes."} {"id": "4816", "contents": "first-class fossil allig scute boney osteoderm. black littl chocol color part armor plate dermal scute pleistocen alligator. super nice qualiti detail scute. fantast collection. see upper lower teeth crocodil mouth. averag weigh 800 pound 13 feet length. largest ever recorded, florida, 17'5 long.allig habitat fresh brackish marshes, bays, rivers, lakes, swamps, ponds."} {"id": "4817", "contents": "see upper teeth alligator' jaw closed. see upper lower teeth crocodil mouth. averag weigh 800 pound 13 feet length. largest ever recorded, florida, 17'5 long.allig habitat fresh brackish marshes, bays, rivers, lakes, swamps, ponds."} {"id": "4818", "contents": "allig features. \u00adallig number special featur allow stick around 180 million years. example, allig armor-plated. boni plate insid skin, call osteoderm scutes, make skin hard penetrate. look ridg back alligator, littl spike made piec bone section skin. click see photo typic osteoderms. spike alligator' back call scute. insid scute bone help protect allig attack. even though allig huge cold-blooded, quit fast, top speed 11 mph (17 kph) short distances."} {"id": "4819", "contents": "scute scutum (latin scutum, plural: scuta shield boni extern plate scale overlaid horn, shell turtle, skin crocodilians, feet birds. term also use describ anterior portion mesonotum insects. scute usual overlap snake scale (but see pangolin). outer keratin layer shed piecemeal, one continu layer skin seen snake lizards. dermal base may contain bone produc dermal armour. scute boni base properli call osteoderms."} {"id": "4820", "contents": "taxonomy. averag size adult femal american allig 8.2 feet (2.6 m), averag size male 11.2 feet (3.4 m). except larg male reach weight nearli half ton 1,000 pounds."} {"id": "4821", "contents": "skin allig extrem thick act suit armor. allig osteoderms, scutes, back, small, embed boni plate strengthen layer protection. allig green, olive, brown, grey, black, stomach gener white."} {"id": "4822", "contents": "allig wider nose darker color crocodil does. see upper teeth alligator' jaw closed. see upper lower teeth crocodil mouth. averag weigh 800 pound 13 feet length. largest ever recorded, florida, 17'5 long. allig habitat fresh brackish marshes, bays, rivers, lakes, swamps, ponds."} {"id": "4823", "contents": "laci rane getti images. prepar roast pork loin recipe, first rub boneless pork loin simpl blend garlic seasonings, roast perfection. note final target temperatur pork loin roast 140\u00b0 145\u00b0f, medium. interior love rosi color."} {"id": "4824", "contents": "center cut loin roast lean, flavor cut roast. succul pork roast, surround roast veget rice, tantal entre entr\u00e9 dinner. tabl meal enjoy by, mani often cook hesit cook pork roast concern drying. tips. center cut pork roast often label names, center loin roast loin roast center cut. butcher groceri store meat market assist find correct cut pork. indirect grill smoke two popular way prepar pork roast."} {"id": "4825", "contents": "remov roast plate, cover aluminum foil, allow rest 10 15 minutes. place roast back onto grill pan, put oven cook reach intern temperatur 135 degre f, approxim 15 20 minutes. remov oven, wrap foil, allow rest 30 minut cutting. combin kosher salt, black pepper, cumin shallow dish. roll roast seasonings, coat well. preheat cast iron grill pan high heat. pan hot, brush roast oliv oil, sear sides, approxim 10 minut total cook time."} {"id": "4826", "contents": "cook intern temperatur pork reach 145 150 degre f. check doneness, insert instant read thermomet thickest part roast. littl bit pink insid check, pork continu cook increas temperatur oven. tips. center cut pork roast often label names, center loin roast loin roast center cut. butcher groceri store meat market assist find correct cut pork. indirect grill smoke two popular way prepar pork roast."} {"id": "4827", "contents": "pork tenderloin: season meat, sear side hot pan, finish oven 350\u00b0f (175\u00b0c) degre intern temp. hit 145\u00b0f (63\u00b0c). let sit 10 minutes, cut 'er up. need done faster, higher oven temp accomplish this, may compromis quality."} {"id": "4828", "contents": "add oil fri pan heat medium high pan start smoke -- minutes. add season roast brown side -- minut per side. cut pork fat, sure brown pan fat side first. tips. center cut pork roast often label names, center loin roast loin roast center cut. butcher groceri store meat market assist find correct cut pork. indirect grill smoke two popular way prepar pork roast."} {"id": "4829", "contents": "rub meat remain garlic mixtur oliv oil. place pork loin oven, turn bast pan liquids. cook pork longer pink center, hour. instant-read thermomet insert center read 145 degre (63 degre c). remov roast platter. place pork loin oven, turn bast pan liquids. cook pork longer pink center, hour. instant-read thermomet insert center read 145 degre (63 degre c)."} {"id": "4830", "contents": "remov pork oven, lightli cover foil, let rest 5-10 minut redistribut intern juices. roast done, slightli pink center, moist. rest 10 minutes, roast reach safe 145-150 degrees."} {"id": "4831", "contents": "remov roast oven set cut board. cover meat tin foil let rest 15 minut slice it. temperatur roast continu rise anoth degrees. roast, gener want cook intern temperature, time. but, lay butterflied, it\u2019 thinner meat expos heat, cook 350 degre 1/2 hour/lb. lb roast would end ruinous overdone."} {"id": "4832", "contents": "definition, basalt aphanit igneou rock less 20% quartz less 10% feldspathoid volume, least 65% feldspar form plagioclase. basalt featur glassi matrix interspers minerals. averag densiti 3.0 gm/cm 3. basalt one common rock type world. basalt rock typic larg igneou provinces. largest occurr basalt ocean floor almost complet made basalt."} {"id": "4833", "contents": "forc ad soil, erod away, spread ground-up paramagnet rock (basalt, granite, etc.) soil. sourc link pioneer valley brixblend basalt accept bay state organ certifi organ practic use nop criteria: 100% natur stone material."} {"id": "4834", "contents": "weather (break rock) eros (transport rock material) near earth' surfac break rock small smaller pieces. smaller piec rock (such sand, silt, mud) deposit sediment that, hardening, lithifying, becom sedimentari rocks. earth' surface, wind water break rock piec (weathering!). also carri rock piec anoth place (erosion)!. usually, rock pieces, call sediments, drop wind water make layer. layer buri layer sediment"} {"id": "4835", "contents": "basalt dark-colored, fine-grained, igneou rock compos mainli plagioclas pyroxen minerals. commonli form extrus rock, lava flow, also form small intrus bodies, igneou dike thin sill. composit similar gabbro. differ basalt gabbro basalt fine-grain rock gabbro coarse-grain rock. basalt underli earth' surfac rock type. area within earth' ocean basin underlain basalt."} {"id": "4836", "contents": "third basalt-form environ continent environ mantl plume hotspot deliv enorm amount basalt lava continent crust earth' surface. erupt either vent fissures. produc largest basalt flow continents. composit similar gabbro. differ basalt gabbro basalt fine-grain rock gabbro coarse-grain rock. basalt underli earth' surfac rock type. area within earth' ocean basin underlain basalt."} {"id": "4837", "contents": "eros coastlin affect way use manag coast. stretch coast portstewart portrush see headlands, bay beach creat relentless attack waves. rock along stretch coast basalt. hard igneou rock less prone erosion. however, time worn away. hous sit headland, time sea erod cliff hous collapse."} {"id": "4838", "contents": "weather wear away rocks. eros movement broken piec away site weathering. basalt columns. example, basalt cliff may weather freeze-thaw, type physic weathering. mean piec cliff may break away. eros happen piec rock fall away cliff. photograph see basalt cliff"} {"id": "4839", "contents": "no. rock becom rock process eros metamorphism. igneou rock may becom erod constitu miner grain quartz feldspar, transport wind water, eventu settl form sedimentari rock. crystal larg person microscop size. fact, igneou rock crystal call glass. determin grain size amount time rock cool solidifies."} {"id": "4840", "contents": "arborvitae/whit cedar (thuja). hard press find select nativ arborvita matur ideal rang three four feet tall wide evergreen shrub. however, sever larger varieti potenti moderately-s screen plants."} {"id": "4841", "contents": "southern magnolia (magnolia grandiflora), hardi evergreen u.s. depart agricultur plant hardi zone 10, one genus' largest tree 60 80 feet high 40 feet wide. houpu magnolia (m. officinali var."} {"id": "4842", "contents": "jupiterimages/photos.com/getti images. evergreens, plant keep foliag year-round, grow varieti sizes. evergreen groundcov grow inch tall, huge conifer tree reach height 300 feet. 2011, tallest live specimen stood 379 feet tall. giant tree grow quickly, feet per year, nativ southwestern oregon northwestern california coasts, consid vulner species. coast redwood live 2,000 years."} {"id": "4843", "contents": "0. best answer: ideal full sun condit long period time thuja green giant' grow 60 feet. realist 20 30 feet averag growth 10 years. mine partial full sun grow feet year. thuja green giant perfect fast grow evergreen privaci hedg wind screen. plant one everi 5-6 feet quickli creat dens barrier."} {"id": "4844", "contents": "evergreen tree tree keep leav throughout year. like name says, ever-green tree stay green year round. example, spruce tree pine tr ee everreen trees. normally, african eboni tree grow 15-18 feet tall, grow upto 16 feet diamet 80 feet height."} {"id": "4845", "contents": "overview. depend species, pine tree grow greatli vari heights. dwarf tree short height feet varieti reach 100 feet maturity, sever option landscape. identifi differ species, features, growth rate expect height broad selection."} {"id": "4846", "contents": "list popular fast grow windbreak trees. complet list found here. coral snap hybrid salix fast grow tree provid thick, fast grow windbreak. coral snap grow 12 feet tall year reach 25 foot height 12 15 foot width maturity. fast grow tree growth rate feet per year grow 60 feet tall 30 feet wide. quick grow hybrid poplar prefer full sun deep moist soil. toler poor soil drought, grow slowli conditions."} {"id": "4847", "contents": "tall. sever evergreen tree reach height 200 feet more. dougla fir (pseudotsuga menziesii) grow throughout pacif northwest commonli reach height 250 feet, though tallest record specimen 330 feet tall. fast-grow tree need full sun prefer rich soil. 2011, tallest live specimen stood 379 feet tall. giant tree grow quickly, feet per year, nativ southwestern oregon northwestern california coasts, consid vulner species. coast redwood live 2,000 years."} {"id": "4848", "contents": "tiebreakers. afc tiebreakers: new england ahead denver base head head (1-0). pittsburgh ahead indianapoli base head head (1-0). kansa citi ahead san diego afc west base head head (2-0). houston kansa citi ahead buffalo base head head sweep (2-0)."} {"id": "4849", "contents": "2013 nfl standings: division, regular season. 2014 nfl standings: division, preseason. 2015"} {"id": "4850", "contents": "2015 nfl enterpris llc. nfl nfl shield design regist trademark nation footbal league.th team names, logo uniform design regist trademark team indicated. nfl-relat trademark trademark nation footbal league. nfl footag nfl product llc."} {"id": "4851", "contents": "afc tiebreakers: new england ahead denver base head head (1-0). pittsburgh ahead indianapoli base head head (1-0). kansa citi ahead san diego afc west base head head (2-0)."} {"id": "4852", "contents": "nfc tiebreakers: seattl ahead green bay dalla base confer record (10-2 packers' 9-3 cowboys' 8-4). green bay ahead dalla base confer record (9-3 cowboys' 8-4). arizona ahead detroit base head head (1-0)."} {"id": "4853", "contents": "see quito photo imag satellit below, explor aerial photograph quito ecuador. quito hotel map avail target page link above. small medium large. map inform only. 3d map quito ecuador. also dive right quito uniqu 3d satellit map provid googl earth. new googl earth plugin enjoy interact quito 3d map within web browser."} {"id": "4854", "contents": "[ekwa\u02c8\u00f0or]), offici republ ecuador (spanish: republica rep\u00fablica del, ecuador liter translat republ ), equat repres democrat republ northwestern south, america border colombia the, north peru east and, south pacif ocean the. west sinc ecuador' separ colombia may 13, 1830, first president, gener juan jose jos\u00e9, flore laid claim territori call real audiencia of, quito also refer presidencia of. quito"} {"id": "4855", "contents": "ecuador maps. ecuador' offici currenc us dollar. 2008, ecuador becam first countri world declar natur constitut rights. panama hat actual origin ecuador. ecuador' offici currenc us dollar. 2008, ecuador becam first countri world declar natur constitut rights. panama hat actual origin ecuador."} {"id": "4856", "contents": "print map. great inca empir began conquest land call ecuador 1463, popul number indigen indian tribe often war one another. earli 16th centuri spanish discov subsequ conquer ecuador. quito, capital, polit center, guayaquil commerci hub. world-fam galapago island (a territori ecuador) posit 600 mile west."} {"id": "4857", "contents": "ecuador map area guide. make find way around ecuador littl easier, includ map show region largest citi throughout country. quick refer map ecuador display country' major regions. editor ad mani hundr page articl blog local site attract art galleries, museum protect area place interest region."} {"id": "4858", "contents": "republ ecuador situat northwest part south america border peru south east, colombia north pacif ocean west. galapago island pacif ocean part ecuador\u2019 territory."} {"id": "4859", "contents": "detail map quito near places. welcom quito googl satellit map! place situat quito, pichincha, ecuador, geograph coordin 0\u00b0 13' south, 78\u00b0 30' west origin name (with diacritics) quito. 3d map quito ecuador. also dive right quito uniqu 3d satellit map provid googl earth. new googl earth plugin enjoy interact quito 3d map within web browser."} {"id": "4860", "contents": "ecuador locat western south america. ecuador border pacif ocean, colombia north, peru east south."} {"id": "4861", "contents": "geography. ecuador locat northwestern region south america. border pacif ocean west, colombia north, peru east south. territori ecuador consist mainland galapago island locat 1000km west pacific. ecuador' offici currenc us dollar. 2008, ecuador becam first countri world declar natur constitut rights. panama hat actual origin ecuador."} {"id": "4862", "contents": "insert pivot table. insert pivot table, execut follow steps. 1. click singl cell insid data set. 2. insert tab, click pivottable. follow dialog box appears. excel automat select data you. default locat new pivot tabl new worksheet. 3. click ok"} {"id": "4863", "contents": "manual refresh updat data pivot tabl click pivot tabl workspace. pivott tool box visibl workspac ad option design tab. select option tab, click data group press alt+f5 hit refresh button. also, click right click mous click refresh. abl refresh updat data pivot tabl workbook, click refresh button select refresh all. maintain format pivot table, select first autofit column width updat select preserv cell format updat"} {"id": "4864", "contents": "#2 use tabl pivottable. tabl pivott great match. use tabl sourc data pivottable, excel automat expand shrink tabl add remov data, pivott alway stay sync data. creat table, select cell data. next, click tabl button insert tab ribbon."} {"id": "4865", "contents": "next step updat data pivot table. first, go back worksheet pivot tabl is. after, find imag exclamatori point mark red color. click imag automat gener data chang origin worksheet database. select option tab, click data group press alt+f5 hit refresh button. also, click right click mous click refresh. abl refresh updat data pivot tabl workbook, click refresh button select refresh all."} {"id": "4866", "contents": "creat pivot tabl excel 2003. select cell database. select 'microsoft excel list database', click next. range, type rang name, e.g. click next. click layout button. drag field button row, column data areas. click ok, click finish. creat pivot tabl excel 2003. select cell database. select 'microsoft excel list database', click next. range, type rang name, e.g. database. click next. click layout button."} {"id": "4867", "contents": "chang sourc rang pivot tabl tool tab, option tab, chang data sourc button. updat pivot tabl use event macro. depend data display. regards."} {"id": "4868", "contents": "chang size data set ad delet rows/columns, need updat sourc data pivot table. 1. click cell insid pivot table. 2. pivott tool contextu tab activates. option tab, click chang data source. tip: chang data set tabl insert pivot table. way data sourc updat automat add delet rows/columns. save time. still refresh though."} {"id": "4869", "contents": "also, updat data also chang design pivot tabl prefer without alter current data inform table. asid give freedom updat data pivot table, also organ data organ manner. select option tab, click data group press alt+f5 hit refresh button. also, click right click mous click refresh. abl refresh updat data pivot tabl workbook, click refresh button select refresh all."} {"id": "4870", "contents": "page reorgan pivot tabl quickli chang organ data pivot tabl use mous drag row, column, page field field locat tabl layout area. chang organ table, also chang way item data area summarized. page want make chang pivot chart creat it, click chart wizard button again, make chang want use chart toolbar. chang sourc data and/or pivot tabl reflect pivot chart refresh data."} {"id": "4871", "contents": "got credit card temporari credit line $500, credit line $1000. mean? $500 go $1000? thanks!"} {"id": "4872", "contents": "learn fact credit card help credit score. credit card facts, fact credit cards, credit facts, fact credit bank america key fact credit card credit card great financi tool use wisely-but believ myth credit card cost money. fact: appli new credit account 10% credit score, even use card. frequent appli new credit hurt credit score, make sure realli need new card appli it."} {"id": "4873", "contents": "transfer amount credit limit new card. credit limit $5,000 new card want transfer balanc $6,000, abl transfer $5,000 (includ balanc transfer fee) exist balance. high balanc store credit card 21% apr, instance, may abl transfer debt credit card lower rate, save money interest\u2014and possibl help pay debt faster."} {"id": "4874", "contents": "instead use real credit card number check online, credit card issuer give altern set digits, often one-tim use, substitut instead. dispos number link account, whatev buy show credit card bill. sometim call disposable, temporari one-tim use numbers, virtual credit card number like put wall transact regular account, say steve kenneally, vice presid american banker association."} {"id": "4875", "contents": "definit 'credit card'. card issu financi compani give holder option borrow funds, usual point sale. credit card charg interest primarili use short-term financing."} {"id": "4876", "contents": "debit card bank. put bank credit reference. certainli acceptable. understand reluct enter world credit cards, might consid take one, charg coupl low price items, pay bill complet come in. also, admir use cash -- keep -- want credit card. use buy pair socks. soon bought pair sock bill show up, send payment. never use credit card again."} {"id": "4877", "contents": "fiction: appli new credit card impact credit score use card. fact: appli new credit account 10% credit score, even use card. frequent appli new credit hurt credit score, make sure realli need new card appli it."} {"id": "4878", "contents": "turn mean behind numbers. look first number card: start 3, american express, diner\u2019 club, cart blanche; reserv visa, mastercard, discover. next five digit indic card issuer bank credit union, well type credit card. make matter confusing, credit card account number may differ number credit card. new card new number, still link exist account number, doesn\u2019t change."} {"id": "4879", "contents": "minimum credit limit $500 maximum $25,000 td cash reward visa, td easi reward visa, td payment plu visa, td simpli flexibl busi visa td busi solut visa cards. td visa signatur card minimum credit limit $5,000. avail custom td bank credit card sign td bank onlin banking. access creditview free log td bank onlin banking. sign onlin banking, pleas call 1-888-751-9000 visit nearest td bank location."} {"id": "4880", "contents": "credit card great. credit card use credit pay later plu interest. mani way help credit score go never credit card. listen parent advic 15 year ago would declar bankrupci thank credit rough year. way, use credit sever open account also bad. lender potenti debt could get into, 10 card $1000 limit each, potenti debt $10,000 actual take consider look debt incom ratio."} {"id": "4881", "contents": "four muscl involv compress abdomin wall intern oblique, extern oblique, transversu abdominus, rectu abdominus. lower abdomin exercis method flatter ab want get flatter abs, abdomin exercis must. commit day, ab show result matter weeks."} {"id": "4882", "contents": "deep muscles. deep muscl abdomin pelvic region protect intern organ perform mani complex movement spine, thighs, hips. read more."} {"id": "4883", "contents": "transvers abdomin muscl (tva), also known transvers abdominis, transversali muscl transversu abdomini muscle, muscl layer anterior later (front side) abdomin wall deep (layer below) intern obliqu muscle. transvers abdominal, call direct fibers, innermost flat muscl abdomen, place immedi beneath"} {"id": "4884", "contents": "abdomin muscles. the. transvers abdominus. deepest abdomin muscl consid important. rise middl stomach continu around trunk attach spine. transvers abdominu form deep intern corset sort work stabil spine."} {"id": "4885", "contents": "transversu abdomini muscl deepest abdomin muscles, lie intern intern abdomin obliques. thin sheet muscl whose fibr run horizont anteriorly. abdomin muscl anatomy. search. extern abdomin obliqu muscl largest superfici four muscl lie side front abdomen. broad thin muscular portion occupi side aponeurosi anterior wall abdomen."} {"id": "4886", "contents": "intern abdomin obliqu muscl also broad thin muscular sheet lie deep extern obliqu muscle. aris thoraco-lumbar fascia, anterior two-third iliac crest later two-third inguin ligament. abdomin muscl anatomy. search. extern abdomin obliqu muscl largest superfici four muscl lie side front abdomen. broad thin muscular portion occupi side aponeurosi anterior wall abdomen."} {"id": "4887", "contents": "depth: deep muscles. abdomin muscl provid postur support, protect intern organs, perform import functions. lower abdomin muscl help protect pelvic cavity. rectu abdomini larg muscl middl portion abdomen. facilit tilt pelvi curvatur lower spine. next side bodi intern oblique. deep muscl abdomin pelvic region protect intern organ perform mani complex movement spine, thighs, hips. read more."} {"id": "4888", "contents": "transversu abdomini deepest abdomin muscl wrap around abdomen lower rib top pelvis, function like corset. pictur show anatomi muscl outer two abdomin layer (intern extern oblique) removed. second step strengthen teach co-contract muscl core, deep multifidu pelvic floor breathe. final step co-contract entir core (connect entir core) use connect function activities."} {"id": "4889", "contents": "transversu abdomini (ta) deepest abdomin muscle. corset muscl spine pelvis. normal situation, ta contract anticip bodi motion guard spinal joints, ligaments, disc nerves."} {"id": "4890", "contents": "30 erupt mauna loa last hundr years, 1975 1984 erupt first event detail seismic deform data. thus, consid 1975 1984 data set import standard futur unrest compar interpreted."} {"id": "4891", "contents": "rise gradual km sea level, mauna loa largest volcano planet. long submarin flank descend sea floor addit km, sea floor turn depress mauna loa' great mass anoth km. make volcano' summit 17 km (56,000 ft) base!"} {"id": "4892", "contents": "identification. mauna loa take half biggest island chain make hawaiian islands. fact shield volcano account enorm spread much. shield volcano form mani lava flow build creat long, gentl slope rather steep-sid mountain. size. see mauna loa less half entir volcano. volcano rise 13,680 feet sea level, accord u.s. geolog survey."} {"id": "4893", "contents": "mauna loa, long mountain hawaiian, locat island hawaii. pictur rise 13,680 ft. (4,170 m) sea level (thi photo taken loihi seamount, 30 km south). sinc 1832, mauna loa erupt 39 times; last erupt 1984. thus, one want say thick (at center) lava pile make mauna loa, one would need add sea level height, sea floor sea level height, thick depress pacif sea floor. total 56,080 ft (17,170 m)"} {"id": "4894", "contents": "mauna loa: fieri mountain. mauna loa earth\u2019 largest volcano massiv mountain take nearli half flourish landscap island hawai\u2019i."} {"id": "4895", "contents": "articles. mauna loa largest volcano earth estim volum 9,600 cubic mile (40,000 cubic kilometers). make half area island hawaii. mauna loa began form nearli million year ago. caldera, mokuaweoweo, summit rift zone extend northeast southwest."} {"id": "4896", "contents": "mauna loa volcano largest volcano planet rise kilomet sea level kilomet see top even half size volcano."} {"id": "4897", "contents": "rise km sea level, mauna loa largest volcano world. enorm volcano cover half island, among earth\u2019 activ volcanoes, erupt 33 time sinc first well-docu histor erupt 1843. rise km sea level, mauna loa largest volcano world. mani stori pele home mauna loa. one stori say pele white dog she\u2019d send alert peopl erupt underway."} {"id": "4898", "contents": "mauna loa, 'long mountain' hawaiian, locat island hawaii. rise 13,680 ft. (4,170 m) sea level. sinc 1832, mauna loa erupt 39 times; last erupt 1984. mauna loa realli tall big mountain. 60 mile long 30 mile wide, make half entir island. one consid flank mauna loa sit sea floor 16,400 ft (5,000 m) deep, height volcano rel neighbor land (the sea floor) like 30,080 ft (9,170 m)!"} {"id": "4899", "contents": "mani breed green eyes, breed know truli green eye american pit bull terriers, howev breeds/dog may hazel turn gre en. alaskan huski recent creat breed sled dog shown extrem aptitude. reportedli cross sh greyhounds, smaller dog greater endur capability. mani moloss breed capabl drafting, adept aforement spitz breeds."} {"id": "4900", "contents": "accord websit about: empti nest, seem dreyfu (real name: bear) mix purebr st. bernard (mother) golden retriev (father). sure valid inform though. dreyfu affair start dreyfu case. 1894, group french offic accus alfr dreyfus, jewish captain french gener staff, sell mili tari secret germany."} {"id": "4901", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: dreyfuss-larg brown dog sitcom empti nest/nbc/1988-95. dreyfuss famili pet confid dr. harri weston (richard mulligan) widow pediatrician live miami beach, florida. dog' trainer joel silverman describ bear (dreyfuss' real name) mix purebr st. bernard (mother) golden retriev (father). among bears' mani talent abil climb insid kitchen cabinet close door behind him. bear' brother julio occasion stood dreyfuss"} {"id": "4902", "contents": "353 page wiki. dreyfuss harri weston 's dog appear primarili spin-off seri empti nest. dreyfuss harri live miami neighborhood blanche, dorothy, rose sophia. dreyfuss appear sever later-season episod golden girls. categori"} {"id": "4903", "contents": "dreyfuss-larg brown dog sitcom empti nest /nbc/1988-95. dreyfuss famili pet confid dr. harri weston (richard mulligan) widow pediatrician live miami beach, florida."} {"id": "4904", "contents": "retriever. dreyfuss-larg brown dog situat comedi empti nest/nbc/1988-95. dreyfuss famili pet confid dr. harri weston (richard mulligan) widow pediatrician live miami beach, florida. dog' trainer joel silverman describ bear (dreyfuss' real name) mix purebr st. bernard (mother) golden retriev (father). among bears' mani talent abil climb insid kitchen cabinet close door behind him. bear' brother julio occasion stood dreyfuss"} {"id": "4905", "contents": "empti nest american sitcom origin air nbc 1988 1995. seri creat spin-off golden girl creator produc susan harris. first three seasons, empti nest one year' top 10 most-watch programs. produc witt/thomas/harri product associ touchston television. empti nest part nbc' saturday night block programming, first four season air 9:30pm et, directli follow golden girls."} {"id": "4906", "contents": "almost dog breed almost dog. theory, chihuahua male great dane femal could breed. fact, dog also success breed wolv coyotes. sinc dog wolv species, gene usual compatible. physic differ breed exist millennium two-a blink eye dna time. alaskan huski recent creat breed sled dog shown extrem aptitude. reportedli cross sh greyhounds, smaller dog greater endur capability. mani moloss breed capabl drafting, adept aforement spitz breeds."} {"id": "4907", "contents": "dendrit special extens cell body. function obtain inform cell carri inform cell body. mani neuron also axon, carri inform soma cells, mani small cell not. mani neuron also axon, carri inform soma cells, mani small cell not. axon termin endfeet, termin bouton (buttons), transmit inform receiv cell. dendrit axons, extens cell body, also refer processes."} {"id": "4908", "contents": "besid specif organel help nerv cell job neuron contain normal organel found basic cell anim humans, organel found soma nerv cell. go back. cell project. specif purpos increas surfac area cell receiv send electrochem signal nerv cell control body. anoth type organel the."} {"id": "4909", "contents": "soma (main part neuron dendrit branch of) contain mani organelles, includ granul call nissl granules, compos larg rough endoplasm reticulum free polyribosomes. cell nucleu key featur soma."} {"id": "4910", "contents": "neuron mani organel mitochondria, cytoplasm nucleus, cell body. nucleus-contain genet materi (chromosomes) includ inform cell develop synthesi protein necessari cell mainten survival. (rememb micron equal one thousandth millimeter!). neuron similar cell bodi because: neuron surround cell membrane. neuron nucleu contain genes. neuron contain cytoplasm, mitochondria organelles. neuron carri basic cellular process protein synthesi energi product"} {"id": "4911", "contents": "type process ideal neuron axon. neuron one axon usual straighter smoother dendrit profiles. axon also contain bundl microtubul neurofila scatter mitochondria. numer cellular constitu central nervou system non-neuronal, neurogli (nerv glue) cell occupi space neurons. estim roughli 360 billion glial cells, compris 80-90% cell cns."} {"id": "4912", "contents": "nucleus. locat cell body; oval shape membrane-bond structur found bodi neuron; contain nucleolu chromosom necessari code product protein within cell."} {"id": "4913", "contents": "cone-shap region cell bodi axon origin term axon hillock. area free ribosom cell organelles, except cytoskelet element organel transport axon. numer cellular constitu central nervou system non-neuronal, neurogli (nerv glue) cell occupi space neurons. estim roughli 360 billion glial cells, compris 80-90% cell cns."} {"id": "4914", "contents": "neuron compos part cell bodi contain nucleu axon carri inform termin button distribut neuron dendri te branch come out.... dendrit receiv signal. peopl found useful. yes. two main type cells, prokaryot (mostli independent) eukaryot (mostli dependent), differ differ set organelles."} {"id": "4915", "contents": "neuron compos part cell bodi contain nucleu axon carri inform termin button distribut neuron dendri te branch come out.... dendrit receiv signal."} {"id": "4916", "contents": "two term use classifi igneou rock. intrus igneou rock solidifi magma, surfac earth. extrus igneou rock solidifi lava, near surfac earth. intrus rock display coarse-grain rock texture, result slow cool magma."} {"id": "4917", "contents": "report abuse. basalt-exrus obsidian-extrus pumice-extrus granite-intrus extrus mean surfac (on ground). intrus mean earth' surface(in ground) first also volcan rocks, coupl form event erupt (obsidian pumice)."} {"id": "4918", "contents": "rock includ andesite, basalt, obsidian, pumice, rhyolite, scoria, tuff. pictur brief descript common igneou rock type shown page. diorit coarse-grained, intrus igneou rock contain mixtur feldspar, pyroxene, hornblend sometim quartz."} {"id": "4919", "contents": "sketch magma deep earth (right): usg images. intrus vs. extrus igneou rock classifi two main categories: intrus extrusive. trick help kid rememb intrus extrus think intrus -- insid extrus -- exit. intrus rock come magma. cool slowli deep earth' crust."} {"id": "4920", "contents": "common exampl extrus igneou rock basalt. extrus rocks, obsidian pumice, cool rapidli complet lack crystal structur consid volcan glass. pumic like obsidian except tini shard glass."} {"id": "4921", "contents": "however, low-incom period good time convert roth ira. [other] taxabl income, [consider] convert amount lower standard deduct exemptions, say steven elwell, vice presid financi plan firm schroeder, braxton vogt amherst, new york."} {"id": "4922", "contents": "wish convert roth ira back tradit ira, process known recharacterization. deadlin recharacter roth ira convers contribut tradit ira gener octob 15 file feder incom tax return (or file extension) time. follow simpl step convert tradit ira old 401(k) roth ira. anyon convert elig ira asset roth ira regardless incom marit status. prior 2010, account owner modifi adjust gross incom $100,000 elig convert. despit advantages, roth may prefer option investor"} {"id": "4923", "contents": "would like convert $100,000 tradit ira roth ira. this, part convers tax 25% rate. better choic may convert amount leav 15% bracket, addit convers later years."} {"id": "4924", "contents": "one primari benefit use roth ira pay incom tax withdraw fund retirement. unfortun everyon meet ir standard contribut roth ira. primari reason individu allow contribut incom exceed roth ira incom limits. cap remov high incom earner convert long pay appropri tax conversion. 10% earli withdraw penalti fund move tradit ira roth ira 60 day window."} {"id": "4925", "contents": "here' do. first, convert ira roth ira last year, undo deal shore everyth ir file amend tax return 2010 tax year, said certifi public account robert keebler, green bay, wis."} {"id": "4926", "contents": "conversion, $70,000 ira $30,000 roth ira owe tax $24,000 incom $10,000. $20,000/$100,000 0.2. $30,000 0.2 $6,000. $6,000 repres pro rata share after-tax contribut $30,000 less $6,000 alreadi tax leav $24,000 taxed. lot peopl refer nondeduct tradit ira convert roth ira. that, ira $70,000, roth ira $30,000, ira disappears. might think owe tax $10,000 income, untax amount ira account converted."} {"id": "4927", "contents": "problem. convert roth ira easier ever. transfer exist balanc tradit ira roth ira, regardless incom (but income-elig restrict still appli current-year contributions). you\u2019v decid roth ira best retir choice, decis convert come current year\u2019 tax bill. that\u2019 move money pre-tax retir account tradit ira 401(k) roth, pay tax income."} {"id": "4928", "contents": "gener recharacter portion converted. want, asset recharacter tradit ira reconvert roth ira next tax year tax year initi convert, 30 day recharacterization, whichev later."} {"id": "4929", "contents": "roth ira convers taxes. convert tradit ira roth ira pay incom tax contributions. taxabl amount convert ad incom tax regular incom rate appli total income. cap remov high incom earner convert long pay appropri tax conversion. 10% earli withdraw penalti fund move tradit ira roth ira 60 day window."} {"id": "4930", "contents": "comput tomographi (ct cat scan) noninvas diagnost imag procedur use combin x-ray comput technolog produc horizontal, axial, imag (often call slices) body. ct scan show detail imag part body, includ bones, muscles, fat, organs. ct scan detail standard x-rays. standard x-rays, beam energi aim bodi part studied."} {"id": "4931", "contents": "ct scan brain may perform assess brain tumor lesions, injuries, intracrani bleeding, structur anomali hydrocephalus, infections, brain function conditions, particularli anoth type examin x-ray physic examin conclusive. ct scan show detail imag part body, includ bones, muscles, fat, organs. ct scan detail standard x-rays. standard x-rays, beam energi aim bodi part studied."} {"id": "4932", "contents": "brain scans. show abnorm like brain tumor, contrast dye often used. dye inject vein arm. brain tumor gener soak dye normal brain tissu show clearli scan; occasionally, brain tumor absorb dye. ct scans. ct scan type x-ray creat three-dimension pictur head scan head multipl differ angles. comput combin imag detailed, cross-sect view show abnorm brain, tumors."} {"id": "4933", "contents": "comput tomographi (ct) scan use x-ray make pictur head face. test, lie tabl attach ct scanner, larg doughnut-shap machine. head posit insid scanner. ct scanner send x-ray head. done. ct scan head done to: find caus symptoms, confusion, paralysis, numbness, vision problems, vertigo, headaches, might mean brain injury, brain tumor, ruptur aneurysm, bleed insid head. look problem middl ear bone auditori nerv"} {"id": "4934", "contents": "comput tomographi (ct) scan noninvas diagnost test use x-ray comput creat imag body. allow doctor view spine brain slices, slice layer-by-lay pictur taken slice. detail cross section taken brain, vessel brain, neck, shoulders, spine, discs, spinal cord, vessel spine. ct scan help doctor diagnos mani condit including: brain damag head injury. brain tumors. ruptur leak aneurysms."} {"id": "4935", "contents": "cranial ct scan head diagnost tool use creat detail pictur skull, brain, paranas sinuses, eye sockets. ct stand \u201ccomput tomography,\u201d known varieti names, includ brain scan, head scan, skull scan, paranas sinu scan, cat scan."} {"id": "4936", "contents": "mri use x-ray iodin dye. special ct scan done studi paranas sinuses. use sinus suspected. typic seri ct scan sinus use less x-ray radiat standard complet set x-rays. however, ct scan sinus show brain tissue. ct scan head .includ sinuses. problem brain caus headache, mri scan sensitive. detect recent brain hemorrhag sinu disease, ct help"} {"id": "4937", "contents": "ct scan brain provid detail inform brain tissu brain structur standard x-ray head, thu provid inform relat injuri and/or diseas brain. ct scan show detail imag part body, includ bones, muscles, fat, organs. ct scan detail standard x-rays. standard x-rays, beam energi aim bodi part studied."} {"id": "4938", "contents": "ct scan head give inform eyes, facial bones, air-fil caviti (sinuses) within bone around nose, inner ear. area concern, specif ct scan area usual done. ct scan head may use evalu headaches. done. ct scan head done to: find caus symptoms, confusion, paralysis, numbness, vision problems, vertigo, headaches, might mean brain injury, brain tumor, ruptur aneurysm, bleed insid head. look problem middl ear bone auditori nerv"} {"id": "4939", "contents": "incred breakthrough! ancient cuneiform earliest known form written word. use system wedg mark act symbol thought abl understood others. think it. ancient cuneiform write cuneiform earliest form writing. thousand clay writing-board uncov archaeologists. cuneiform earliest-known system writing. invent sumer around 3000 b.c. name cuneiform come latin word cuneus, mean wedge. ancient sumerian introduc word system throughout near ea"} {"id": "4940", "contents": "hieroglyph script ancient near east (egyptian, sumerian proto-cuneiform cretan) seamlessli emerg symbol systems, difficult say exact time write develop proto-writing. further, littl known symbols' meanings. distinguish proto-writ typic avoid encod grammat word affixes, make difficult imposs reconstruct exact mean intend writer unless great deal context alreadi known advance. one earliest form written express cuneiform."} {"id": "4941", "contents": "cuneiform system write first develop ancient sumerian mesopotamia c. 3500-3000 bce. consid signific among mani cultur contribut sumerian greatest among sumerian citi uruk advanc write cuneiform c. 3200 bce. earliest cuneiform tablets, known proto-cuneiform, pictorial, subject address concret visibl (a king, battle, flood) develop complex subject matter becam intang (the gods, quest immortality)."} {"id": "4942", "contents": "variable. term cuneiform deceptive, trick peopl think type write system. truth cuneiform denot one sever kind write systems, includ logosyllabic, syllabic, alphabet scripts. fact, cuneiform came latin cuneus, mean wedge."} {"id": "4943", "contents": "cuneiform system write first develop ancient sumerian mesopotamia c. 3500-3000 bce. consid signific among mani cultur contribut sumerian greatest among sumerian citi uruk advanc write cuneiform c. 3200 bce."} {"id": "4944", "contents": "name cuneiform simpli mean wedg shaped, latin cuneu wedg forma shape, came english usag probabl old french cuneiforme. cun\u00e9iform emerg sumer late 4th millennium.b.c. (e uruk iv), period cuneiform write began system of. pictograph cuneiform write system use three millennia, sever stage development, 34th centuri b.c.e."} {"id": "4945", "contents": "sumerian cuneiform. sumerian cuneiform earliest known write system. origin trace back 8,000 bc develop pictograph symbol use repres trade good livestock clay tablets. sumerian spoken sumer southern mesopotamia (part modern iraq) perhap 4th millennium bc 2,000 bc, replac akkadian spoken language, though continu use write religious, artist scholarli purpos 1st centuri ad."} {"id": "4946", "contents": "confid vote 62. cuneiform=. write style compris differ sequenc pattern cuneu latin word 'wedge' one earliest form writing, earlier version could probabl earliest writing."} {"id": "4947", "contents": "offici nation danc peru, marinera music upbeat type music passion alive. marinera danc tradit classi romantic, still maintain bit passion. typically, cajon, guitar, bugl use creat danc music. although offici origin marinera unknown, contain obviou sign african, spanish, peruvian influences."} {"id": "4948", "contents": "andean influenc perhap best heard wind instrument shape melodies, african influenc heard rhythm percuss instruments, european influenc heard harmoni string instruments. charango member lute famili instrument invent viceroyalti peru musician imit spanish vihuela. cana titicaca regions, charango use courtship rituals, symbol invok mermaid instrument lure woman male performers."} {"id": "4949", "contents": "peru music first creat thousand year ago, ancient inca civilization. precise, recent archaeolog research discov peru music found earli 10,000 year ago. ancient inca use local resourc creat peru music wide heard today throughout world. articl focu ancient music, impact today. ancient peruvian use whatev local resourc avail creat ancient peru music hear today cds. use metals, cane, bone, sea shells, even mud creat first peru music. marinera danc tradit classi romantic, still maintain bit passion. typically, cajon, guitar, bugl use creat danc music. although offici origin marinera unknown, contain obviou sign african, spanish, peruvian influences."} {"id": "4950", "contents": "peruvian music domin nation instrument, charango. invent viceroyalti peru musician imit spanish vihuela. cana titicaca regions, charango use courtship rituals. andean music. along peruvian andes, everi town, varieti song dances. inca times, word use taki refer simultan song dance, activ separ one another. andean music mixed, even use instrument and mestizo"} {"id": "4951", "contents": "wool alpaca, nativ peru, still use today keep tradit make peruvian clothing. along peruvian traditions, tradit spanish modern day influenc mix in. tradit peruvian cloth gener reflect villag man woman come from."} {"id": "4952", "contents": "interest fact peopl societi peru. peruvian mestizo term usual refer mixtur amerindian peruvian european descent. peruvian european descent make 15% population. pure amerindian larg segment population, 35%"} {"id": "4953", "contents": "andean commun power music tradit inherit inca empire. inca societi base collect effort success outweigh individual\u2019s. case music inca civilization, musician join creat music cooper support. pututu trumpet made larg seashel hollow cow horn. use play music mostli use commun import arriv also use religi ceremonies. pinkillo found throughout andes. made cane, bamboo, bone tree branches."} {"id": "4954", "contents": "peru approxim land area 496,225 squar mile (1,285,223 squar kilometers) locat central western section south american continent. border ecuador colombia north, brazil bolivia east, chile south, pacif ocean west. peru' capital, lima, locat coast, mile (13 kilometers) pacif ocean. lima home almost third peru' total population, total two-third country' popul live coastal region."} {"id": "4955", "contents": "carnav en amazona \u2014a danc amazona region similar huayno. carnavalito \u2014a danc southern peru bolivian altiplano similar huayno. chumaichada \u2014a danc amazona region strong nativ peruvian music influenc strong european danc influences. charango member lute famili instrument invent viceroyalti peru musician imit spanish vihuela. cana titicaca regions, charango use courtship rituals, symbol invok mermaid instrument lure woman male performers."} {"id": "4956", "contents": "precipitate, headlong, abrupt, impetuous, sudden mean show undu hast unexpectedness. precipit stress lack due deliber impli prematur action."} {"id": "4957", "contents": "headlong stress rash lack forethought. abrupt stress curt lack warn ceremony. impetu stress extrem impati impulsiveness. sudden stress unexpected sharp violenc action."} {"id": "4958", "contents": "a\u00b7brupt. adj. 1. unexpectedli sudden: abrupt chang weather. 2. surprisingli curt; brusque: abrupt answer made anger. 3."} {"id": "4959", "contents": "steep impli sharp pitch ascent descent difficult. abrupt impli sharper pitch sudden break level. precipit appli inclin approach vertical. sheer suggest unbroken perpendicular expanse."} {"id": "4960", "contents": "1. sudden unexpected: abrupt departure. 2. curt brusqu speech manner: abrupt reply. 3. termin chang suddenly; sharp: abrupt turn road. 4. mani sudden chang one subject another; lack continu smoothness: abrupt write style. 5. steep; precipitous: abrupt descent."} {"id": "4961", "contents": "abrupt-exceedingli sudden unexpected; came abrupt stop; abrupt chang weather. sudden-happen without warn short space time; sudden storm; sudden decision; sudden cure."} {"id": "4962", "contents": "scrap pewter found jewelry, plates, cups, collect statu decor item normal found home. mani type grade pewter, scrap metal yard analyz give price scrap metal."} {"id": "4963", "contents": "photograph import sell item antiqu pewter. need well lit sharp focus. piec merit it, mani pictur help sell well. interest piec may well get request extra photographs."} {"id": "4964", "contents": "whether look updat price pewter scrap metal look learn pewter scrap metal call rockaway recycl 1.800.317.junk (5865) abl get settled."} {"id": "4965", "contents": "contact: carl.ricketts@btinternet.com. welcom pewtersellers.com-w sell buy antiqu vintag pewter, britannia metal, copper, brass gunmetal.w hope enjoy view item sale, archiv material."} {"id": "4966", "contents": "again, find online. ebay! numer pewter item offer ebay-new, used, antique... personally, seldom buy anyth online. prefer check real item buying, mean know find items, especi use one prefer new antiques."} {"id": "4967", "contents": "sell pewter internet. note help sell pewter internet. best price antiqu pewter paid specialist collector specialist dealers, knowledg access are. present piec piec well help sell goods."} {"id": "4968", "contents": "mani type grade pewter, scrap yard analyz give price. scrap pewter longer use you. find pewter scrap price local scrap yard easi iscrap app. pewter soft, silver-color metal made mainli tin."} {"id": "4969", "contents": "join titl box club lose weight feel great. gym membership custom fit need vari length style. choos person membership famili memberships. find club near design perfect titl box club gym membership start lose weight today."} {"id": "4970", "contents": "accord houston chronicle, club membership titl box club cost $60 $140 month, includ family, single-club all-club access memberships. sure whether want join, titl box club let tri one class free charge."} {"id": "4971", "contents": "today' side deal get one month membership, introductori box kit, half futur enrol (normal $100) titl box club $40 (a $200 total valu keep membership going, $150 don't)."} {"id": "4972", "contents": "titl box club membership. join titl box club lose weight feel great. gym membership custom fit need vari length style. choos person membership famili memberships."} {"id": "4973", "contents": "accord articl onlin public st. loui magazine, cost membership titl box gym $64 (first last month upfront). accord houston chronicle, club membership titl box club cost $60 $140 month, includ family, single-club all-club access memberships."} {"id": "4974", "contents": "membership fees. titl box club fee vary; depend locat club membership plan choose. generally, no-contract membership titl box club locat cost around $79 month, $149 enrol fee. choos plan allow member attend workout session locat within country, cost $59 per month, plu $99 fee twelv months."} {"id": "4975", "contents": "articl denverpost.com state no-contract membership titl box locat cost $79 month plu $149 enrol fee. option allow member work titl club locat countri cost $59 month ($99 enrollment) 12 month $69 month ($49 enrollment)."} {"id": "4976", "contents": "indian name. indian, name hemangini means-girl golden body.th name hemangini origin indian name. name hemangini often use girl name femal name. indian name meaning-girl golden body."} {"id": "4977", "contents": "syll. he-man-gi-ni, hem-ang-ini babi girl name hemangini pronounc hhiy-mae-njhiy-nay- \u2020. hemangini sanskrit origin use mainli indian. mean hemangini 'golden bodied'. variat hemangini includ hem, hema, hemangi, hemangie, hemlata. hemangini often use babi girl name. list within top 1000."} {"id": "4978", "contents": "name hemangini gener mean one golden body, indian origin, name hemangini feminin (or girl) name. person name hemangini mainli hindu religion. name hemangini belong rashi kark (cancer) nakshatra (stars) pushyami. find qualiti cancerian (kark) find numerology, lucki number, lucki days, lucki color, auspici stone hemangini find chines zodiac sign birthston birthday find compat kark (cancer) zodiac signs. similar sound names: himangini. show inform name."} {"id": "4979", "contents": "sixti plants, includ give us coffee, tea, cola, cacao, produc caffein purin xanthine. wherea caffein natur constitu coffee, tea, chocolate, cola drinks, ad consum product soft drinks, diet pills, analgesics."} {"id": "4980", "contents": "white, crystallin compound, c5h4n4, deriv group compound includ uric acid, xanthine, caffeine. purin derivative, especi base ad enin guanine, fundament constitu nucleic acids."} {"id": "4981", "contents": "purin alkaloid distinct form nitrogen contain ring structur resembl purine. term pseudoalkaloids, deriv amino acid like true alkaloid (2). aromat structur make recalcitr degradation."} {"id": "4982", "contents": "systemat name 3,7-dihydro-1,3,7-trimethyl-1h-purine-2,6-dione; also known 1,3,7-trimethylxanthine, 1,3,7-trimethyl-2,6-dioxopurine. caffein classifi alkaloid, term use substanc produc end product nitrogen metabol plants."} {"id": "4983", "contents": "pu\u2022rine. 1. white, crystallin compound, 4, deriv group compound includ uric acid, xanthine, caffeine. 2. one sever purin derivatives, esp. base adenin guanine, fundament constitu nucleic acids."} {"id": "4984", "contents": "bacteria, process caffein (1,3,7-trimethylxanthine) purin alkaloid catabol n-demethylases, produc xanthin degrad oxidases. altern pathway involv sole oxid methods."} {"id": "4985", "contents": "notic tabl purine-contain food includ within world' healthiest foods-asparagus, cauliflower, chicken, kidney beans, lima beans, mushrooms, navi beans, oatmeal, pea salmon, spinach, tuna-contain 5-50 milligram purin 3.5 ounc serving."} {"id": "4986", "contents": "pad medic condit caus blockag arteri provid blood flow arm legs. may also heard problem refer peripher vascular diseas (pvd) \u201cbad circulation.\u201d pad, arteri becom block cholesterol plaqu caus atherosclerosis. pad-rel blockag arteri limit blood flow legs, patient pad low blood pressur ankles. physician use ratio leg pressur arm pressur (ankl blood pressur divid arm blood pressure) determin whether pad."} {"id": "4987", "contents": "blood pressur ankl also compar blood pressur arms. test call ankle-brachi index, abi. doctor may test look possibl pad. may also test see arteri part bodi atherosclerosis. test, cuff like one use measur blood pressur arm wrap around arm leg side body. four cuff wrap around leg--1 upper thigh, lower thigh, upper calf ankle."} {"id": "4988", "contents": "common test check blood flow leg call pvr (puls volum recording) study. test, cuff like one use measur blood pressur arm wrap around arm leg side body. four cuff wrap around leg--1 upper thigh, lower thigh, upper calf ankle."} {"id": "4989", "contents": "sever lymph node lymphat vessels. poplit artery, continu femor artery-thes two arteri deliv blood entir lower limb. poplit vein. tibial common peron nerves, innerv structur lower leg. need seat even lie back, leg rest foam roller. even sit lie posit graviti leg weight push poplit fossa foam roller enough creat posit effect vessel nerv within."} {"id": "4990", "contents": "doppler ultrasound. guide. doppler ultrasound test use reflect sound wave see blood flow blood vessel. help doctor evalu blood flow major arteri veins, arms, legs, neck. pregnancy, doppler ultrasound may use look blood flow unborn babi (fetus) check health fetus. doppler ultrasound, handheld instrument (transducer) pass lightli skin"} {"id": "4991", "contents": "circul check child receiv treatment affect blood flow (circulation) injur arm leg. need check blood flow child\u2019 finger toes. prevent injuri nerv tissu caus swelling. circul check time day long cast splint place, child\u2019 doctor tell it\u2019 ok stop checks."} {"id": "4992", "contents": "doppler ultrasound noninvas test use estim blood flow blood vessel bounc high-frequ sound wave (ultrasound) circul red blood cells. regular ultrasound use sound wave produc images, can't show blood flow."} {"id": "4993", "contents": "doctor may suspect arteri narrow check puls arteri leg feet. doctor listen blood flow stethoscop small doppler device. test, cuff like one use measur blood pressur arm wrap around arm leg side body. four cuff wrap around leg--1 upper thigh, lower thigh, upper calf ankle."} {"id": "4994", "contents": "leg arteri exam test look blood circul arteri arm leg see blockage. peripher circul function blood circul transport bring food oxygen body\u2019 cell organs."} {"id": "4995", "contents": "doctor may order test check blood flow leg. test often perform hospit lab, although doctor limit version test office. test, cuff like one use measur blood pressur arm wrap around arm leg side body. four cuff wrap around leg--1 upper thigh, lower thigh, upper calf ankle."} {"id": "4996", "contents": "genre. genr term categori literatur form art entertainment, e.g. music, whether written spoken, audial visual, base set stylist criteria. genr form convent chang time new genr invent use old one discontinued."} {"id": "4997", "contents": "princeton' wordnet (1.33 votes) rate definition: genr (noun). kind literari artist work. write style, literari genre, genr (noun). style express writing. music genre, music genre, genre, music style (noun). express style music."} {"id": "4998", "contents": "noun. rock roll one genr music. rock roll one genr music. definit genr categori art, music literature. exampl genr rock roll."} {"id": "4999", "contents": "genr (/\u02c8\u0292\u0252\u0303r\u0259/ /\u02c8\u0292\u0252nr\u0259/ /\u02c8d\u0292\u0252nr\u0259/ french genr [\u0292\u0251\u0303\u0281(\u0259)] kind sort, latin genu (stem gener-), greek \u03b3\u03ad\u03bd\u03bf\u03c2, genos) g\u00e9no categori of, literatur music form art or, entertain whether written or, spoken audio or, visual base set stylistic. criteria"} {"id": "5000", "contents": "genr definition. genr mean type art, literatur music character specif form, content style. example, literatur four main genres; poetry, drama, fiction non-fiction. genr particular featur function distinguish one another."} {"id": "5001", "contents": "obedi (noun). noun obedi senses: 1. act obeying; duti submiss behavior respect anoth person. 2. trait will obey. 3. behavior intend pleas parents. familiar information: obedi use noun uncommon. classifi under: noun denot attribut peopl objects. hypernym (obedi kind of...): flexibility; tractability; tractabl (the trait easili persuaded). attribute:"} {"id": "5002", "contents": "synonym discuss obedient. obedient, docile, tractable, amen mean submiss another. obedi impli complianc demand request one authority. full definit obedient. submiss restraint command authority: will obey. obe\u00b7di\u00b7ent\u00b7li adverb. see obedi defin english-languag learners. see obedi defin kids."} {"id": "5003", "contents": "wiktionari (0.00 votes) rate definition: obedi (adjective). will compli commands, orders, instruct authority. jessica intens obedi parent brother sometim thought robot. origin: oboediens, present activ participl oboedio."} {"id": "5004", "contents": "obedience, human behavior, form social influenc person yield explicit instruct order author figur obedi gener distinguish compliance, behavior influenc peers, conformity, behavior intend match majority."} {"id": "5005", "contents": "first known use: 13th century. obedient, docile, tractable, amen mean submiss another. obedi impli complianc demand request one authority. full definit obedient. submiss restraint command authority: will obey. obe\u00b7di\u00b7ent\u00b7li adverb. see obedi defin english-languag learners. see obedi defin kids."} {"id": "5006", "contents": "today, word \u201cobey\u201d neg connotation. view obedi forced, unwil decis someth don\u2019t want we\u2019r afraid punishment. that\u2019 kind obedi that\u2019 god\u2019 word. obedi bibl mean this: love trust action. start love, jesu said john 14:15: \u201cif love me, obey command\u201d (niv). obedi come know god love love return."} {"id": "5007", "contents": "hear god' word act accordingly. word translat \u201cobey\u201d old testament mean \u201cto hear\u201d often translated. new testament, sever word describ obedience. one word mean \u201cto hear listen state submission.\u201d anoth new testament word often translat \u201cobey\u201d mean \u201cto trust.\u201d. person' obedi respons god' word respons trust faith. thus, realli hear god' word obey god' word (exodu 19:5; jeremiah 7:23). bibl view disobedi failur hear god' word (psalm 81:11)."} {"id": "5008", "contents": "obedi soldier obedi children littl man obedi wife obedi colonies...ar heavili taxed; refractori remain unburdened. similar: acquiescent; biddabl (will carri order wish anoth without protest)."} {"id": "5009", "contents": "kidney locat middle-low back, side spine, and, partly, lower rib (pictur 1) lie deep upper abdomen, front back muscl underneath diaphragm. pictur 1. kidney pain appear kidney locat (back view)."} {"id": "5010", "contents": "kidney back pain usual felt kidney located, arch pelvi either side lower back."} {"id": "5011", "contents": "relief often imposs achiev without solv root caus kidney pain. pain may make difficult sit stand comfortably. cases, kidney affected, result back kidney pain sides. generally, one kidney afflicted, result right left side pain."} {"id": "5012", "contents": "symptom kidney pain may include. fever, pain urination, flank pain, nausea and/or vomiting. kidney pain left, right, sides. caus kidney pain diagnos patient' histori physic examination, lab test includ blood, pregnancy, urin tests."} {"id": "5013", "contents": "kidney pain left, right, sides. caus kidney pain diagnos patient' histori physic examination, lab test includ blood, pregnancy, urin tests. ct scan mri abdomen pelvi may ordered."} {"id": "5014", "contents": "kidney rare hurt, except case kidney stone kidney infection. pain caus kidney typic felt flank area, back, lower edg rib either side spine. kidney pain usual sharp, severe, occur waves."} {"id": "5015", "contents": "flank pain, nausea and/or vomiting. kidney pain left, right, sides. caus kidney pain diagnos patient' histori physic examination, lab test includ blood, pregnancy, urin tests."} {"id": "5016", "contents": "air canada rouge, air canada\u2019 leisur airline, oper flight select vacat destin u.s., caribbean, central america europ toronto montreal. earn mileageplu mile qualifi air canada flights, note chart below."} {"id": "5017", "contents": "use mile one-class upgrad purchas ticket delta-oper flight certain air france/klm-oper flights. mileag upgrad award appli fares. award subject availability, addit tax fee may apply."} {"id": "5018", "contents": "unit airlin fli plane directli us montreal, sinc air canada star allianc partner united, also use unit mile fli air canada. example, unit airlin doesn\u2019t fli lo angel montreal."} {"id": "5019", "contents": "star allianc upgrad award book flights* market oper air canada air canada express (oper jazz only) provid purchas latitud (book class b) premium economi (book class o) fare. *exceptions:"} {"id": "5020", "contents": "2. unit airlin fli plane directli us montreal, sinc air canada star allianc partner united, also use unit mile fli air canada. example, unit airlin doesn\u2019t fli lo angel montreal."} {"id": "5021", "contents": "air canada. air canada canada' largest airlin hub calgary, montreal, toronto vancouver. air canada region affili jazz provid schedul servic 150 destin five continents, asia, australia, europe, north america south america."} {"id": "5022", "contents": "mileageplu program offer wide varieti option book air travel, upgrad premium cabin ad mile account. even use mile fli upgrad star allianc tm airlin partners."} {"id": "5023", "contents": "air canada particip star allianc upgrad awards, use mile earn particip star allianc frequent flyer program upgrad busi class intern busi class cabin elig air canada air canada express (oper jazz only) flights."} {"id": "5024", "contents": "downgrad e-upgrades. i\u2019m find air canada\u2019 e-upgrad less less useful. air canada elit statu get certain number \u2018e-upgrade\u201d credit use upgrad flight economi busi class. course, mani seat business, upgrad far guaranteed."} {"id": "5025", "contents": "ring gener refer kuiper belt. kuiper belt hold signific studi planetari system least two levels. first, like kuiper belt object extrem primit remnant earli accret phase solar system. inner, dens part pre-planetari disk condens major planets, probabl within million ten million year"} {"id": "5026", "contents": "pluto like largest most-mass member kuiper belt largest second-most-mass known tno, surpass eri scatter disc. origin consid planet, pluto' statu part kuiper belt caus reclassifi dwarf planet 2006. kuiper belt name dutch-american astronom gerard kuiper, though actual predict existence. 1992, 1992 qb1 discovered, first kuiper belt object (kbo) sinc pluto. sinc discovery, number known kbo increas thousand, 100,000 kbo 100 km (62 mi) diamet thought exist"} {"id": "5027", "contents": "kuiper belt home three offici recogn dwarf planets: pluto, haumea, makemake. solar system' moons, neptune' triton saturn 's phoebe, also thought origin region. kuiper belt name dutch-american astronom gerard kuiper, though actual predict existence. 1992, 1992 qb1 discovered, first kuiper belt object (kbo) sinc pluto. sinc discovery, number known kbo increas thousand, 100,000 kbo 100 km (62 mi) diamet thought exist"} {"id": "5028", "contents": "kuiper belt objects: fact kuiper belt kbos. nola taylor redd, space.com contributor june 14, 2012 01:13pm et. beyond ga giant neptun lie region space fill ici bodies. known kuiper belt, chilli expans hold trillion objects, remnant earli solar system. dutch astronom jan oort first propos 1950 comet might come solar system\u2019 far suburbs. reservoir later becam known oort cloud. earlier, 1943, astronom kenneth edgeworth suggest comet larger bodi might exist beyond neptune. 1951, astronom gerard kuiper predict exist belt ici object bear name."} {"id": "5029", "contents": "100,000 plu object kuiper belt compos primarili ices, pluto small planet region rocky. pluto estim 70 percent rock, eris, 27 percent massive, like rocki therefor planet-like. come back anoth hundr million years, there\u2019l kuiper belt left. dr. mike brown professor planetari astronomi caltech. he\u2019 best known man kill pluto, thank team\u2019 discoveri eri kuiper belt objects. ask help us explain unusu region solar system"} {"id": "5030", "contents": "object within kuiper belt, togeth member scatter disc potenti hill cloud oort cloud objects, collect refer trans-neptunian object (tnos). kuiper belt name dutch-american astronom gerard kuiper, though actual predict existence. 1992, 1992 qb1 discovered, first kuiper belt object (kbo) sinc pluto. sinc discovery, number known kbo increas thousand, 100,000 kbo 100 km (62 mi) diamet thought exist"} {"id": "5031", "contents": "composition: thousand object discov kuiper belt, it\u2019 theoriz mani 100,000 object larger 100 km diameter. given small size extrem distanc earth, chemic makeup kbo difficult determine. come back anoth hundr million years, there\u2019l kuiper belt left. dr. mike brown professor planetari astronomi caltech. he\u2019 best known man kill pluto, thank team\u2019 discoveri eri kuiper belt objects. ask help us explain unusu region solar system"} {"id": "5032", "contents": "size colors. largest two kuiper belt object pluto eris, diamet 1,400 mile (2,380 kilometers). six known kbo diamet approxim 600-900 mile (1,000-1,500 kilometers), includ charon. pluto way typic kuiper belt object, way quit exceptional. kuiper belt consist myriad world averag orbit distanc 30 50 au sun-that is, beyond orbit neptune."} {"id": "5033", "contents": "biometric, biometr secur system, biometr concerns, recognit methods, identification, access control, facial recognition, fingerprint reader, voic recognition, iris/retin recognition, vein recognition, dna recognition, privacy, safety. main purpos biometr system identifi verifi person' identity. biometr technolog conveni protect technolog ident authentication. example, id card (student id school) one exampl authent user"} {"id": "5034", "contents": "biometr authent type system reli uniqu biolog characterist individu verifi ident secur access electron systems. biometr authent system compar current biometr data captur stored, confirm authent data database. sampl biometr data match, authent confirm access granted."} {"id": "5035", "contents": "definit authent is: \u201ethe process establish valid user attempt gain access system.\u201d process identifi individual, usual base usernam password. secur systems, authent distinct authorization, process give individu access system object base identity. authent mere ensur individu claim be, say noth access right individu (16)."} {"id": "5036", "contents": "one way beef secur authent process forc user creat long, complex passwords, enforc come risk employe write password therebi defeat attempt increas security. better method adopt two-factor authent system. authenticate, user suppli password (someth know) well inform second factor typic someth have, one-tim password gener token."} {"id": "5037", "contents": "biometr refer metric relat human characteristics. biometr authent (or realist authentication) use comput scienc form identif access control. also use identifi individu group surveillance. biometr identifi distinctive, measur characterist use label describ individu"} {"id": "5038", "contents": "finger vein id biometr authent system match vascular pattern individual' finger previous ... see complet definition. keystrok dynamics. keystrok dynam pattern rhythm time creat person types...(continued) see complet definition. ask biometr question itknowledgeexchange.com. authent biometr verif becom increasingli common corpor public secur systems, consum electron point sale (pos) applications."} {"id": "5039", "contents": "biometr system plan use singl factor authent need offer secur system plan use second third factor. also import take account environ biometr authent system use in. example, fingerprint reader work well environ users' finger like dirty. similarly, voic recognit system good match excess noisi environments. 3. better method adopt two-factor authent system. authenticate, user suppli password (someth know) well inform second factor typic someth have, one-tim password gener token."} {"id": "5040", "contents": "biometr identif peopl base upon physic characteristics; commonli fingerprints, hands, eyes, facial features. time attend system use manag employe attendance, scheduling, associ payrol tasks. within time attendance, biometr devic often use punch clock order add extra layer security, account efficiency."} {"id": "5041", "contents": "biometr autom method recogn person base physiolog behavior characteristic. among featur measur face, fingerprints, hand geometry, handwriting, iris, retinal, vein, voice. biometr data separ distinct person information."} {"id": "5042", "contents": "brief epilogu gallipoli campaign. eventu winter 1915, troop evacu sulva, cape helles, anzac cove. gallipoli campaign failur winston churchil humiliated. ...read more. brief prologu gallipoli campaign campaign gallipoli one major events, devast event british first world war."} {"id": "5043", "contents": "battl gallipoli took place turkish peninsula gallipoli april 1915 januari 1916 first world war. combin british empir french opera tion mount order eventu captur ottoman capit constantinopl (now istanbul). brief, campaign failure. failur success push turkish line istanbul, attack german anoth front help russian suffer heavi causualti time."} {"id": "5044", "contents": "campaign consid militari failure, gallipoli becam household name australia anzac tradit created. gallipoli becam common tie forg advers bound coloni peopl australia nation."} {"id": "5045", "contents": "aim gallipoli campaign failed? 1915 gallipoli campaign design knock turkey war. alli want invad turkey therefor abl bring suppli arm russian immens german front. wish abl form suppli rout dardanelle's. 16, 000 land first morning, 2,000 kill two three thousand wounded. primari object turk would driven back constantinopl would reach within matter weeks."} {"id": "5046", "contents": "gallipoli campaign, also known dardanel campaign, battl gallipoli battl \u00e7anakkal (\u00e7anakkale: \u00e7anakkal canakkale), \u00e7anakkal sava\u015f\u0131 campaign world war took place (gallipoli peninsula gelibolu in) modern turkey ottoman empir 25 april 1915 9. januari 1916 naval attack repel eight months' fighting, mani casualti sides, land campaign abandon invas forc withdrawn egypt. campaign one greatest ottoman victori war."} {"id": "5047", "contents": "gallipoli memori site coastal town eceabat gallipoli peninsula (niall carson/pa). aim gallipoli campaign chang cours first world war knock turkey conflict attack constantinople. idea open second front 1,000 mile east would assist russia, cut allies."} {"id": "5048", "contents": "gallipoli alli failur t.h.e. traver april 25, 1915 cape hell 17th april 1915, hasan ethem, young turkish soldier famou 57th regiment mustafa kemal' 19th division, teacher civilian life, wrote last letter mother gallipoli."} {"id": "5049", "contents": "introduction. gallipoli campaign 1915-16, also known battl gallipoli dardanel campaign, unsuccess attempt alli power control sea rout europ russia world war i."} {"id": "5050", "contents": "gallipoli attack took place turkish peninsula gallipoli april 1915 januari 1916 first world war. campaign british plan expect defeat germani attack turkey. turk took control dardanel strait, access rout black sea. winston churchill, first lord admiralty, want captur dardanel could easili send suppli troop russia. februari 19, british navi use submarin tank attack dardanel know fact turk place mine trap"} {"id": "5051", "contents": "student mathemat need know basic math fact hesit super speed. japanes abacu (soroban) soroban, essenti element japan math, revis chines abacu allow advanc comput unparallel accuracy. student soroban academ edg daili competit math tasks. logic-japan math use problem solv use time test puzzles, strategi math-bas game origin japan. japan math ancient, turn modern, approach master mathematics. japan math integr method teacher test theori based."} {"id": "5052", "contents": "greek abacu tabl wood marble, pre-set small counter wood metal mathemat calculations. greek abacu saw use achaemenid persia, etruscan civilization, ancient rome and, french revolution, western christian world. chines abacus, known suanpan (\u7b97\u76e4, lit. count tray, mandarin suan su\u00e0n, pan p\u00e1n cantonese), syun3 pun4 typic (20 cm) tall come variou width depend on. oper usual than. seven rod"} {"id": "5053", "contents": "number count japanes difficult enough requir section. first all, number system unit four instead three, make convert english quit difficult. common exampl counter. example, \u4e00\u756a \u300d\u3000which mean number one becom first add \u4e00\u756a\u76ee \uff09. similarly, \u4e00\u56de\u76ee first time, \u4e8c\u56de\u76ee second time, \u56db\u4eba\u76ee fourth person, on. printer-friendli version."} {"id": "5054", "contents": "applet repres abacu close russian variant where, eas use, middl counter differ color rest. given advantag home computers, applet allow select number system base 16. carri next digit left automatic. chines suan pan differ european abacu board split two parts. lower part contain five counter wire, upper contain two. digit repres sole counter lower part. five digit need upper counter."} {"id": "5055", "contents": "japanes languag complex mani ways. one confus part master use counters. japanese, count anything, must use counter number order count correctly. counter use depend counting. -sai would counter use count age, except irregular 20 year age, call hatachi. could turn 20 special birthday, regard come age young japanes becom adults. issai, ni-sai, san-san, \u2026..hatachi (20)."} {"id": "5056", "contents": "abacu (plural abaci abacuses), also call count frame, calcul tool use centuri adopt written modern numer system still wide use merchants, trader clerk asia, africa, elsewhere. chines abacus, known suanpan (\u7b97\u76e4, lit. count tray, mandarin suan su\u00e0n, pan p\u00e1n cantonese), syun3 pun4 typic (20 cm) tall come variou width depend on. oper usual than. seven rod"} {"id": "5057", "contents": "chines numbers. calcul rod use arithmetic. china, calcul probabl first carri use fingers, places. use finger display number bargain market may still occasion observ legaci method. evid number record knot strings, exampl pervian quipu. distinct method aros china, use number-rod counters. number rod typic 0.1 diamet long, quit plain, number charact written them, carri bag person."} {"id": "5058", "contents": "ni number two, hiki counter small animals, possess particl (a revers of, similar 's john' dog), inu word dog. counter independ words; must appear numer prefix. english, differ counter use convey differ type quantity. english, one say one loaf bread one slice bread. japanese, equival would \u30d1\u30f3\u4e00\u65a4 pan ikkin (lit. bread one-loaf) \u30d1\u30f3\u4e00\u679a pan ichimai (lit. bread one-flat-count)."} {"id": "5059", "contents": "japanese, counter word counter (jos\u016bshi \u52a9\u6570\u8a5e) use along number count things, actions, events. english, differ counter use convey differ type quantity. english, one say one loaf bread one slice bread. japanese, equival would \u30d1\u30f3\u4e00\u65a4 pan ikkin (lit. bread one-loaf) \u30d1\u30f3\u4e00\u679a pan ichimai (lit. bread one-flat-count)."} {"id": "5060", "contents": "learn count japanese. welcom japanes lesson count numbers. page japanes numbers. english language, number use way count differ type things. japanes use differ counter differ type thing rang simpl objects, people, flat things, long slender thing books. see japanes number count varies. \u201chyaku\u201d (100) \u201csen\u201d (1000), pattern basic same."} {"id": "5061", "contents": "could pork\u2019 new slogan unit state depart agricultur tuesday said lower safe cook temperatur 145 degrees, longtim standard 160. new recommend line mani cookbook author chef say years."} {"id": "5062", "contents": "one common misconcept pork need cook well-done. mani years, meant cook intern temperatur 160\u00b0f. sign pink grill pork chop roast pork loin caus alarm."} {"id": "5063", "contents": "intern temperatur pork roast 145 160 degrees. overcook pork, becom dry. also make sure allow pork loin roast 10 minut serving. need cover roast foil lid cooking; dri roast technique."} {"id": "5064", "contents": "pork tenderloin: season meat, sear side hot pan, finish oven 350\u00b0f (175\u00b0c) degre intern temp. hit 145\u00b0f (63\u00b0c). let sit 10 minutes, cut 'er up. need done faster, higher oven temp accomplish this, may compromis quality."} {"id": "5065", "contents": "boneless pork loin best smoke intern temperatur reach 145\u00b0f, remov cover three minut rest. accord usda (the unit state depart agriculture), pork safe done reach 145\u00b0f."} {"id": "5066", "contents": "today' pork safe enjoy cook intern temperatur 145 \u00b0f measur food thermomet remov meat heat source. safeti quality, allow meat rest least three minut carv consuming."} {"id": "5067", "contents": "check roast temperatur meat thermometer. temperatur 145 160 degre remov roast oven. may need adjust cook time. oven cut meat different. allow roast rest 10 minut carving. desir serv pan juices."} {"id": "5068", "contents": "alway season pork tenderloins, pan-sear crispi brown outer crust, put oven 350 degre 45 minut one hour. 45 minutes, begin check intern temperatur meat."} {"id": "5069", "contents": "list larg citi closest plainfield, in. big citi usual popul least 200,000 often fli major airport. need book flight, search nearest airport plainfield, in. 14 mile indianapolis, in. 106 mile louisville, ky. fishers, in. westfield, in. center citi list within 28 mile plainfield, in. scroll page find list big citi book flight airports, list smaller surround town road trip."} {"id": "5070", "contents": "distanc indianapoli intern airport plainfield 9,1 kilomet (5,7 miles). indianapoli intern airport locat approxim 9,1 kilomet (5,7 miles) east plainfield 13,0 kilomet (8,1 miles) southwest indianapolis. indianapoli intern airport iata code ind. indianapoli intern airport. indianapoli intern airport locat approxim 9,1 kilomet (5,7 miles) east plainfield 13,0 kilomet (8,1 miles) southwest indianapolis."} {"id": "5071", "contents": "nearest airports. travelmath help find closest airport city, well list smaller local airports. use page plan trip figur easiest way get destination. book intern flight, probabl want closest major airport, otherwis pilot may look local airport. use tool along flight distanc page plan travel."} {"id": "5072", "contents": "local town near plainfield, in. list smaller local town surround plainfield, in. plan road trip explor local area, make sure check place get feel surround community. cartersburg, in. six points, in. magnet springs, in. avon, in. big four yard, in. bridgeport, in. fishers, in. westfield, in. center citi list within 28 mile plainfield, in. scroll page find list big citi book flight airports, list smaller surround town road trip."} {"id": "5073", "contents": "closest major airport plainfield, indiana indianapoli intern airport (ind kind). airport indianapolis, indiana mile center plainfield, in. look intern domest flight ind, check airlin fli ind. book intern flight, probabl want closest major airport, otherwis pilot may look local airport. use tool along flight distanc page plan travel."} {"id": "5074", "contents": "$129. see rates. cambria hotel suit indianapoli airport hotel plainfield, near indianapoli airport. cambria\u00ae hotel suit indianapoli airport hotel plainfield conveni locat interst 70 less 10 minut indianapoli intern airport."} {"id": "5075", "contents": "list airport indiana (a u.s. state), group type sort location. contain public-us militari airport state. meant complet list citi served, found ad airport' wikipedia article. faa locat identifi assign feder aviat administr (faa). link airport' page indiana depart transport aerial photographs."} {"id": "5076", "contents": "crown plaza hotel indianapoli airport upscal option type travelers. excel locat idealist close mani indiana' attractions. attract includ indianapoli zoo, children' museum, indiana convent center. day inn plainfield might airport hotel you. someth upscale, go jw marriott indianapolis. anyth want indianapoli airport hotels, find us."} {"id": "5077", "contents": "even though child born usa us citizen birth, parent still opt indian passport, long appli us passport child. step step procedur appli indian citizenship us born child provid end page."} {"id": "5078", "contents": "natur childbirth, also known un-med birth, mani hidden benefit women childbear age awar of. society, give pain medic labor normal doctor assum labor woman want it, mothers-to-b expect it."} {"id": "5079", "contents": "one advantag give birth u.s., chen says. last christmas, went confer la vega bought eight pair design shoes, $200 each, half price cost china."} {"id": "5080", "contents": "babi born usa-advantages&disadvanges. hello pleas anybodi tell advantag disadvantag give birth us iam dilemma us india.."} {"id": "5081", "contents": "advantag give birth babi india vs usa. hi. friend tri success gave birth babi usa. friend claim given best possibl gift child make citizen usa. tell ensur kid great education, career comfort life."} {"id": "5082", "contents": "chlorin hydrogen non-metals. chlorin atom electron outer shell. chlorin group period table. hydrogen atom electron outer shell. hydrogen form bond. hydrogen atom share electron chlorin form one coval bond make hydrogen chlorid molecul (hcl). pictur hydrogen chlorid molecule. share two electron shell touch hydrogen atom count electron outer shell chlorin atom count"} {"id": "5083", "contents": "so, example, water know twice mani hydrogen atom oxygen atom (h o), make ratio 2:1. salt (sodium chloride) equal number sodium chlorin atom (nacl), ratio 1:1."} {"id": "5084", "contents": "combin atoms, separ ions. sodium chlorin atom come togeth form sodium chlorid (nacl), transfer electron. sodium (na) atom transfer one electron chlorin (cl) atom, full outer shells."} {"id": "5085", "contents": "repres sodium chloride--a combin sodium chlorin 1:1 ratio atoms. formula molecular hydrogen would written h2. subscript immedi follow mean two hydrogen atom combin one another. formula molecular oxygen o2."} {"id": "5086", "contents": "atom (1 sodium, chlorine) formula unit sodium chloride. person found useful. edit. share to: period tabl element life sustain number chemic elements. respons birth planet evolut cell complex organisms."} {"id": "5087", "contents": "manag respiratori failur differenti myasthenia cholinerg crisi reviewed. due unpredict develop respiratori failure, hospit recommend patient exacerb complic myasthenia gravis."} {"id": "5088", "contents": "summary. 1. crisi myasthenia gravi two main types: true myasthen crisi due insuffici medic drug resistance; cholinerg crisi due excess cholinerg drugs. 2. 3. differenti diagnosis, treatment prevent crisi myasthenia gravi briefli presented."} {"id": "5089", "contents": "1. crisi myasthenia gravi two main types: true myasthen crisi due insuffici medic drug resistance; cholinerg crisi due excess cholinerg drugs. 2."} {"id": "5090", "contents": "top 10 unbeliev histor concurrencies. biochem phenomenon known cholinerg crisi episod excess stimul one body' neuromuscular junction points. event result buildup acetylcholin (ach) stem acetylcholinesteras inact insufficiency."} {"id": "5091", "contents": "(decemb 2009). cholinerg crisi over-stimul neuromuscular junction due excess acetylcholin (ach), result inact (perhap even inhibition) ach enzyme, normal break acetylcholine. consequ type nerv gas, (e.g. sarin gas)."} {"id": "5092", "contents": "cholinerg crisis, pronounc muscular weak respiratori paralysi caus excess acetylcholine, often appar patient suffer myasthenia gravi result overmed anticholinesteras drugs."} {"id": "5093", "contents": "cholinerg crisi biochem phenomenon result bout increas stimul one neuromuscular junction joint body. episod caus due accumul ach acetylcholine, stem lack inact acetylcholinesterase."} {"id": "5094", "contents": "myasthen crisi life-threaten condition, defin weak acquir myasthenia gravi sever enough necessit intub delay extub follow surgeri ]. respiratori failur due weak respiratori muscles."} {"id": "5095", "contents": "netflix' board director approv stock split give sharehold six addit share common stock share compani own. stock dividend payabl juli 14, 2015 sharehold record close busi juli 2, 2015. company' transfer agent computershar trust compani deliv new shares. netflix start trade post-split price juli 15, 2015. share purchas juli juli 14 come due-bil entitl sharehold six addit shares. netflix receiv approv increas share issuanc allow may."} {"id": "5096", "contents": "accord netflix stock split histori records, netflix splits. netflix (nflx) split netflix stock split histori database. first split nflx took place februari 12, 2004. split, mean share nflx own pre-split, sharehold own shares."} {"id": "5097", "contents": "lo gatos, calif. june 23, 2015 /prnewswire/ -- netflix, inc. (nasdaq: nflx) announc today board director approv seven-for-on stock split effect form stock dividend six addit share common stock outstand share common stock."} {"id": "5098", "contents": "netflix' 7-for-1 stock split probabl boost price stock. make liter sense. tuesday evening, netflix announc sharehold juli 14 get seven share compani everi one share compani juli 2."} {"id": "5099", "contents": "compani last split stock februari 2004 2-for-1 deal share trade non-split adjust price roughli $73 share. addit share follow latest split payabl juli 14 investor own share close juli 2."} {"id": "5100", "contents": "typically, compani split stock price becom quit high. netflix close $681.19 share tuesday ralli 2% after-hour trading. stock 55% past 12 months, massiv 99% year-to-date. here' chart ralli year:"} {"id": "5101", "contents": "tuesday, share netflix trade right around $700 share, three weeks, netflix share trade around $100. news netflix stock split, share around 2% earli trade wednesday."} {"id": "5102", "contents": "initi use herbal remedi earli year 1840' dr l. phare mississippi. passion flower (passiflora incarnata) herb use calm nerv support everyday balanc nervou system. activ compon herb includ flavonoids, cyanogen glycosides, alkaloid saparin."} {"id": "5103", "contents": "plant, also refer passion vine, passion flower passiflora vine, grow u.s. depart agricultur plant hardi zone 12, depend species."} {"id": "5104", "contents": "around 400 speci passiflora, major origin north south america, accord univers california cooper extension. vine known large, distinct flowers, usual 2.5 inch size."} {"id": "5105", "contents": "passion flower (passiflora incarnata). passion flower known sever names, maypop, apricot vine. name passion flower actual misleading; flower noth passion. name given flower spanish explor missionaries, felt flower resembl crown thorn worn christ."} {"id": "5106", "contents": "toxicity. univers california, davis, list passiflora speci gener safe peopl pets, speci contain toxin could harm dog. royal horticultur societi consid blue passion flower (passiflora caerulea) somewhat poison human pets."} {"id": "5107", "contents": "charm passion flower known numer names, maypop, apricot vine. name passion flower' extrem misleading; flower noth passion."} {"id": "5108", "contents": "passionflow (passiflora incarnata) vine sprawl 25 feet u.s. depart agricultur plant hardi zone 9. flower fruit unusu mind scream toxic, fido munch bunch without evil effect."} {"id": "5109", "contents": "note purpl passion vine (gynura aurantiaca) unrel passiflora speci consid nontox dogs, accord american societi prevent cruelti animals. purpl passion grow usda zone 10 12. dig this."} {"id": "5110", "contents": "good samaritan law exist state-by-st basis. mostly, provid least protect perform cpr use aed. state actual requir step know cpr or, cases, medic professional. vermont, instance, requir bystand give \u201creason assistance\u201d face $100 fine. generally, however, good samaritan law protect bystand perform cpr. protect good samaritan law tri go outsid area training\u2014if tri perform impromptu tracheotomi save choke victim, example, train surgeon."} {"id": "5111", "contents": "wish knew why. 1. victim unconscious, 'impli consent'- part good samaritan law, way law written. mani states, even victim shout 'don't help me', goe unconscious, still help protection."} {"id": "5112", "contents": "common myth cpr first aid certification, debunked. 1. get su perform bystand cpr. provid emerg medic assist first aid, cpr, aed, good samaritan law protect you, long act reason prudently. it\u2019 better perform cpr imperfectli all. 3. get first aid cpr certif online. it\u2019 true complet modul first aid cpr certif cours online, must complet in-person skill session order receiv certification."} {"id": "5113", "contents": "state good samaritan law grant immun protect perform cpr a (again restrictions) vary. minnesota vermont requir bystand emerg provid reason assistance, call 911. assist minnesota land petti misdemeanor, vermont fine $100. california, nevada, state contempl amend good samaritan law includ duti assist. european countri elsewhere, fail help someon need crimin offense. walk by; individual.. advertisement. seattl implement medic one system recent citizen train activ particip recogn fellow citizen need medic care, call 911, assist emerg respond arrive."} {"id": "5114", "contents": "2. state good samaritan law protect get su help others, assum consent, act good faith, act reason prudent accord train have. law would protect well. 3. 1. victim unconscious, 'impli consent'- part good samaritan law, way law written. mani states, even victim shout 'don't help me', goe unconscious, still help protection."} {"id": "5115", "contents": "first element must establish proceed action negligence. reason care action reason person-i legal basi common law repres object standard individual' conduct measured."} {"id": "5116", "contents": "first, whether su vari depend are. 2000 feder cardiac arrest surviv act grant administ cpr use a immun civil charges, except instanc will misconduct gross negligence. protect good samaritan law tri go outsid area training\u2014if tri perform impromptu tracheotomi save choke victim, example, train surgeon."} {"id": "5117", "contents": "nurs work person know 'dnr' would attempt cpr... might forgiven anyway sinc victim tradit care setting.) bottom line-if even 'mostli right', realli hard layperson su cpr us. 1. victim unconscious, 'impli consent'- part good samaritan law, way law written. mani states, even victim shout 'don't help me', goe unconscious, still help protection."} {"id": "5118", "contents": "didn\u2019t know it, gener can\u2019t prosecut give lifesav cpr anyway. medic profession give cpr peopl dnr order potenti trouble\u2014if know dnr. protect good samaritan law tri go outsid area training\u2014if tri perform impromptu tracheotomi save choke victim, example, train surgeon."} {"id": "5119", "contents": "hdl-c less 40 mg/dl (1.0 mmol/l) men less 50 mg/dl (1.3 mmol/l) women, increas risk heart diseas independ risk factors, includ ldl-c level. ratio obtain divid total cholesterol hdl cholesterol. example, person total cholesterol result 200 mg/dl hdl cholesterol level 50 mg/dl, ratio would state (or 4:1). desir ratio (5:1); optimum ratio 3.5 (3.5:1)."} {"id": "5120", "contents": "total blood (or serum) cholesterol. total cholesterol score calcul use follow equation: hdl ldl 20 percent triglycerid level. hdl (good) cholesterol. hdl cholesterol, higher level better. low hdl cholesterol put higher risk heart disease. ldl (bad) cholesterol low ldl cholesterol level consid good heart health. however, ldl number longer main factor guid treatment prevent heart attack stroke, accord new guidelin american heart association."} {"id": "5121", "contents": "come hdl cholesterol -- good cholesterol higher number mean lower risk. hdl cholesterol protect heart diseas take bad cholesterol blood keep build arteries. statin slightli increas hdl, exercise. total cholesterol level desir range, level bad ldl cholesterol high. may mean level high-dens lipoprotein (hdl), good cholesterol, low."} {"id": "5122", "contents": "ldl bad cholesterol. ldl valu 100 mg/dl consid optimal. read 100 129 mg/dl near optimal. total 130 159 mg/dl borderlin high. 160 189 mg/dl consid high, 190 mg/dl high. hdl valu 40 mg/dl (for men) 50 mg/dl (for women) classifi low hdl major risk factor heart disease. read 60 mg/dl high hdl."} {"id": "5123", "contents": "blood test check level cholesterol body. lipid panel show level total cholesterol, ldl (bad) cholesterol, hdl (good) cholesterol. general, higher total ldl cholesterol levels, higher risk coronari heart disease. heart attack happen peopl high ldl level. 240 mg/dl high. ideally, hdl cholesterol 40 mg/dl men 50 mg/dl women. higher hdl level, better. test non-hdl cholesterol usual part screen total"} {"id": "5124", "contents": "triglycerides. triglycerid level 150 mg/dl normal. read 150 199 mg/dl borderlin high. read 200 499 mg/dl high, 500 mg/dl consid high. high triglycerid level combin low hdl high ldl level increas risk heart attack stroke. hdl valu 40 mg/dl (for men) 50 mg/dl (for women) classifi low hdl major risk factor heart disease. read 60 mg/dl high hdl."} {"id": "5125", "contents": "total cholesterol level desir range, level bad ldl cholesterol high. may mean level high-dens lipoprotein (hdl), good cholesterol, low. best high level good hdl low level bad ldl. total cholesterol level desir range, level bad ldl cholesterol high. may mean level high-dens lipoprotein (hdl), good cholesterol, low."} {"id": "5126", "contents": "less 100 mg/dl consid optim 129 mg/dl near optimal. borderlin high ldl rang 130 159 mg/dl 160 189 mg/dl consid high. level categor high. high densiti lipoprotein (hdl) categor good type cholesterol. hdl level 40 mg/dl men 50 mg/dl women thought put greater averag risk heart disease. individu regularli exercis achiev hdl valu 60, lower rel risk coronari arteri disease."} {"id": "5127", "contents": "hdl good cholesterol. hdl valu 40 mg/dl (for men) 50 mg/dl (for women) classifi low hdl major risk factor heart disease. read 60 mg/dl high hdl."} {"id": "5128", "contents": "description. specifi primari domain name system (dns) suffix affect computers. primari dn suffix use dn name registr dn name resolution. polici let specifi primari dn suffix group computers, prevent users, includ administrators, chang it. disabl polici configur it, comput use local primari dn suffix, usual dn name activ directori domain joined. however, administr use system control panel chang primari dn suffix computer."} {"id": "5129", "contents": "exampl public suffix are. and. public suffix list list known public suffixes. public suffix list initi mozilla, maintain commun resource. avail use software, origin creat meet need browser manufacturers."} {"id": "5130", "contents": "name suffix, western english-languag name tradition, follow person' full name provid addit inform person. gener suffix use inform (for disambigu purposes, nicknames) often incorpor legal documents. unit state common name suffix senior junior, written capit first letter (jr. sr.) without interced comma."} {"id": "5131", "contents": "comput system file names, suffix convent one charact append file name (usual separ file name dot) distinguish file group togeth similar type files. suffix someth ad end word condit usag meaning."} {"id": "5132", "contents": "comput could identifi one fqdn. however, fqdn concaten host name primari dn suffix full comput name. chapter, first label full comput name known host name, remain label form primari dn suffix. default, primari dn suffix comput run window 2000 set dn name activ directori domain comput joined."} {"id": "5133", "contents": "suffix work, devolut primari dn suffix attempt name resolut process. domain suffix search list configur client, list used. primari dn suffix connection-specif dn suffix used, devolut primari suffix attempted. domain suffix search list administr overrid standard domain name resolv (dnr) look-up mechanisms."} {"id": "5134", "contents": "linguistics, suffix (also sometim term postfix end or, older literature, affix) affix place stem word. common exampl case endings, indic grammat case noun adjectives, verb endings, form conjug verbs."} {"id": "5135", "contents": "edit intro ]. name suffix, western name tradition, follow person\u2019 full name provid addit inform person. academic, honorary, profession social name suffixes. includ whole word phrases, (\u201cbaronet\u201d, \u201csenior\u201d) post-nomin letter (\u201cm.d.\u201d, \u201cmba\u201d)."} {"id": "5136", "contents": "doe, john jr. suffix explan first name, last. john doe jr.. mean john, son john. full name listing, suffix follow last name person primarili known given name surname, suffix secondari piec information. list last name first, given name follow surnam sort: does, johns, final jr."} {"id": "5137", "contents": "frenchman lake locat littl last chanc creek, tributari middl fork feather river, 37 mile northwest reno 26 mile northeast portola. frenchman lake typifi beauti pluma counti region forest lands. rainbow trout, includ eagl lake strain, stock frenchman lake. mule deer area' common big game."} {"id": "5138", "contents": "best view dusk dawn, sure lower speed avoid potenti collision. frenchman river valley frenchman river valley beauti yet rug area carv glacier mani year ago. valley begin outsid edg cypress hills. leav main road brochur mention safe so. prairi environ fragil must protected.- frenchman river valley surround countri fill wildlif whitetail mule deer, antelope, coyotes, rabbits, perhap even moose."} {"id": "5139", "contents": "frenchman' bar park, vancouver, washington. view southern end park. imag taken juli 3, 2005. frenchman' bar frenchman' bar park locat washington side columbia river river mile (rm) 100.5. area name paul haury, french sailor jump ship british columbia later bought land area west vancouver. volleyball, frenchman' bar park, vancouver, washington. sauvi island columbia river (look downstream) background. imag taken juli 3, 2005."} {"id": "5140", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. frenchman creek spring-f waterway begin phillip county, colorado, cross chase hay counti nebraska end junctur republican river hitchcock county, nebraska. length waterway approxim 166 mile (267 km)."} {"id": "5141", "contents": "us. frenchman\u2019 land campground area\u2019 rv campground main channel scenic upper mississippi river. mile north prairi du chien, wisconsin beauti overnight season campsites. inform see amen rate page."} {"id": "5142", "contents": "frenchman river, frenchman creek, river saskatchewan, canada montana, unit states. tributari milk river, tributari missouri. river approxim 341 kilomet (212 mi) long. name origin uncertain, although meti francophon settler inhabit bank turn 20th century. frenchman formation, stratigraph unit western canadian sedimentari basin name river."} {"id": "5143", "contents": "us frenchman river model work truli mom pop operation. begun back 1994 jim cleveland produc name jd innovations. jim work restart jd innov current name frenchman river model work sever month jim anna married. work togeth design produc high qualiti kit come expect frenchman river model works."} {"id": "5144", "contents": "frenchman river gospel jam ad new photo crescent point wickenheis centre. that' wrap 24th annual frenchman river gospel jam! diamond rio disappoint crowd play number classic hit new material. thank make shaunavon area part august long weekend! frenchman river gospel jam ad new photo feel amaz frenchman river gospel jam."} {"id": "5145", "contents": "malagasi cuisin encompass mani divers culinari tradit indian ocean island madagascar. advent trans-atlant slave trade increas maritim trade malagasi ports, includ food products. 1698, trade vessel en rout american coloni stop first madagascar, obtain stock local malagasi rice."} {"id": "5146", "contents": "food madagascar tasti delicious, much spice avoided. dish made rice accompani veget curries. simplic madagascar food add charm dishes. beverag made burn rice, ranonapango, serv madagascar food. tradit madagascar serv meal steam hot. cold food popular among peopl madagascar. amongst special madagascar cuisine, ro ravitoto rank high order. ro made mix rice herb fragrant leaves."} {"id": "5147", "contents": "sinc madagascar gain independ french coloni rule 1960, malagasi cuisin reflect island' divers cultur histor influences. throughout country, rice consid preemin food constitut main stapl diet arid region south west. advent trans-atlant slave trade increas maritim trade malagasi ports, includ food products. 1698, trade vessel en rout american coloni stop first madagascar, obtain stock local malagasi rice."} {"id": "5148", "contents": "madagascar variou agricultur resourc use tradit cuisine, as: manioc, nutmeg variou spices, banana trees, vanilla coffe plantations, breed cattl spread custom, well. indian influenc madagascar cuisin refer mostli curri meat aliments, wide rang spice aroma sweeter tast complex dishes. malay peopl also brought curri chutneys, also pickl fish fish stew curri meats, like pork lamb."} {"id": "5149", "contents": "madagascar food reflect culinari interest peopl belong variou cultures, arabs, indonesians, african, french, on. tradit ethnic group madagascar also play major part evolut madagascar food. tradit meal madagascar eaten sit floor. food item serv singl plate eaten spoon. tradit madagascar serv meal steam hot. cold food popular among peopl madagascar. amongst special madagascar cuisine, ro ravitoto rank high order. ro made mix rice herb fragrant leaves."} {"id": "5150", "contents": "first glance, cuisin madagascar appear quit dull. tradit malagasi eat larg mound rice, dwarf surprisingli small accompani portion meat, veget sauce. tourist establish tend serv meal rice-to-accompani ratio turn head. zebu (beef) steak usual excel commonli serv delici creami green peppercorn sauce. coast, seafood natur predominates, includ manner fish, well lobster shellfish. pizza popular everywhere."} {"id": "5151", "contents": "madagascar food use varieti ingredi grown island. variou speci edibl plant grow madagascar lend import part meal, fruit vegetables. fish poultri also featur ingredi meal. tradit madagascar serv meal steam hot. cold food popular among peopl madagascar. amongst special madagascar cuisine, ro ravitoto rank high order. ro made mix rice herb fragrant leaves."} {"id": "5152", "contents": "rice form stapl madagascar diet use dozen way savouri sweet preparations. melt pot african, arabic, french indian cook styles, malagasi cuisin use plenti spice creat fragrant, rich exot new cuisine. malagasi cuisin take full advantag country\u2019 rich bounti fresh fish, fruit vegetables. standard malagasi diet vari one, usual compris heap rice top beef, pork, chicken, crab, fish, corn, peanut potatoes."} {"id": "5153", "contents": "malagasi cuisin blend influenc arabic, chinese, french, african indian cultur present madagascar. course, region variations-each zone differ vegetables, fruit fish avail ingredi hand command local recipes. rice breakfast food everywher madagascar. fact, rice breakfast, lunch dinner wholli normal food day. eat rice root deep land peopl claim abl sleep day meal rice."} {"id": "5154", "contents": "medic it? a. lbbb (left bundl branch block) ecg abnorm conduct system heart. necessarili mean heart disease. elev bp day may relat this. lbbb case might pre existent. time intermittent, appear faster heart rate ... pr"} {"id": "5155", "contents": "left bundl branch block (lbbb) abnorm electr conduct heart. two main conduct pathway heart, left right bundle. lbbb, left conduct pathway longer function electr conduct maintain"} {"id": "5156", "contents": "bundl branch block condit there' delay obstruct along pathway electr impuls travel make heart beat. delay blockag may occur pathway send electr impuls left right side bottom chamber (ventricles) heart."} {"id": "5157", "contents": "abstract. left bundl branch block (lbbb) gener associ poorer prognosi comparison normal intraventricular conduction, also comparison right bundl branch block gener consid benign absenc underli cardiac disord like congenit heart disease."} {"id": "5158", "contents": "known long time lbbb gener associ poorer prognosi comparison normal conduct also comparison right bundl branch block gener consid benign absenc underli cardiac disord like congenit heart disease."} {"id": "5159", "contents": "a. lbbb (left bundl branch block) ecg abnorm conduct system heart. necessarili mean heart disease. elev bp day may relat this. lbbb case might pre existent."} {"id": "5160", "contents": "left bundl branch block (lbbb) cardiac conduct abnorm seen electrocardiogram (ecg). condition, activ left ventricl delayed, caus left ventricl contract later right ventricle."} {"id": "5161", "contents": "1. manner proceeding; way perform effect something: standard procedure. 2. a. seri step taken accomplish end: medic procedure; evacu procedures. b. comput set instruct perform specif task; subroutin function."} {"id": "5162", "contents": "procedure. act, method, manner proceed action; esp., sequenc step followed. particular cours action way something. establish way carri busi legislature, law court, etc."} {"id": "5163", "contents": "full definit procedure. 1. a: particular way accomplish someth act b: step procedure. 2. b: set instruct comput name call action. 3. a: tradit establish way thing b: protocol 3a."} {"id": "5164", "contents": "medic definit procedure. 1. particular way accomplish someth acting. 2. dictionary: definit procedure."} {"id": "5165", "contents": "process, procedure-a process set seri action direct end natur seri changes; procedur seri action conduct certain manner, establish way something."} {"id": "5166", "contents": "definit procedur order step taken make someth happen, someth done."} {"id": "5167", "contents": "studi properti blood flow call hemorheology. circulatori system often seen compris cardiovascular system, distribut blood, lymphat system, circul lymph. two separ systems. passag lymph exampl take lot longer blood. heart pump oxygen blood bodi deoxygen blood lungs. human heart one atrium one ventricl circulation, system pulmonari circul four chamber total: left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium right ventricle."} {"id": "5168", "contents": "includ pulmonari circulation, loop lung blood oxygenated; system circulation, loop rest bodi provid oxygen blood. system circul also seen function two parts\u2013a macrocircul microcirculation. heart pump oxygen blood bodi deoxygen blood lungs. human heart one atrium one ventricl circulation, system pulmonari circul four chamber total: left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium right ventricle."} {"id": "5169", "contents": "blood flow right ventricle, lungs, left atrium, i.e. right left side heart. circul respons oxygen blood. pulmonari circulation, blood pass lung carbon dioxid elimin oxygen ad blood. way, pulmonari circul make sure system circul remain effective."} {"id": "5170", "contents": "circulatori system lung portion cardiovascular system oxygen-deplet blood pump away heart, via pulmonari artery, lung returned, oxygenated, heart via pulmonari vein. heart pump oxygen blood bodi deoxygen blood lungs. human heart one atrium one ventricl circulation, system pulmonari circul four chamber total: left atrium, left ventricle, right atrium right ventricle."} {"id": "5171", "contents": "pulmonari circulatori system send oxygen-deplet blood away heart pulmonari arteri lung return oxygen blood heart pulmonari veins, accord mayo clinic. addit blood, circulatori system move lymph, clear fluid help rid bodi unwant material. heart, blood, blood vessel make cardiovascular compon circulatori system. includ pulmonari circulation, loop lung blood oxygen"} {"id": "5172", "contents": "heart pump blood around blood vessels. function blood circulation: circul oxygen remov carbon dioxide. provid cell nutrients. remov wast product metabol excretori organ disposal. protect bodi diseas infection. (veri small veins) merg vein carri blood back heart. vein wall similar arteri thinner less elastic. vein carri deoxygen blood toward lung oxygen receiv via pulmonari capillaries. pulmonari vein carri oxygen"} {"id": "5173", "contents": "arteriol feed oxygen blood capillaries. aorta largest arteri body, take blood heart, branch arteri send oxygen blood rest body. capillaries. distribut nutrient oxygen body' tissu remov deoxygen blood waste. (veri small veins) merg vein carri blood back heart. vein wall similar arteri thinner less elastic. vein carri deoxygen blood toward lung oxygen receiv via pulmonari capillaries. pulmonari vein carri oxygen"} {"id": "5174", "contents": "circulatori system vast network organ vessel respons flow blood, nutrients, hormones, oxygen gase cells. addit blood, circulatori system move lymph, clear fluid help rid bodi unwant material. heart, blood, blood vessel make cardiovascular compon circulatori system. includ pulmonari circulation, loop lung blood oxygen"} {"id": "5175", "contents": "system circul portion circulatori system network veins, arteri blood vessel transport blood heart, servic body' cell re-ent heart, mayo clinic noted. addit blood, circulatori system move lymph, clear fluid help rid bodi unwant material. heart, blood, blood vessel make cardiovascular compon circulatori system. includ pulmonari circulation, loop lung blood oxygena"} {"id": "5176", "contents": "tomb ancient egypt. ancient. known magnific beauti tombs. well known within pyramid valley king tomb age pyramid (dure old kingdom, 2650 2150 b.c. span rd th dynasty). elabor tomb quit ornate, bodi peopl lower cast met humbler end"} {"id": "5177", "contents": "pyramid tombs. pharaoh die buri tomb design protect bodi forever. tomb call pyramid. theori behind tomb pharaoh bodi destroyed, ka (soul) would nowher go would die. ka died, would abl unit sun. largest, famous, pyramid great pyramid locat giza plateau, near cairo. pyramid built pharaoh khufu (cheops). two million block limeston used, took twenti year build. base great pyramid cover size almost ten footbal fields."} {"id": "5178", "contents": "giza pyramids, built endur eternity, done that. monument tomb relic egypt' old kingdom era construct 4,500 year ago. egypt' pharaoh expect becom god afterlife. three giza' fame pyramid elabor burial complex built frenet period construction, roughli 2550 2490 b.c. pyramid built pharaoh khufu (tallest), khafr (background), menkaur (front)."} {"id": "5179", "contents": "egyptian pyramids. monument pyramid ancient egypt perhap famou tomb world. origin pyramid mastabas, arab \u201cbenches,\u201d mud brick rectangular structur built grave ancient egypt\u2019 first dynasti (c. 2925\u2013c. 2775 b.c.). step pyramid djoser, pyramid built pharaoh third dynasti (c. 2650-2575 b.c.), first mastaba made stone take distinct pyramid shape. famou egyptian pyramid three massiv tomb fourth dynasti (c. 2575\u20132465 b.c.). monument pyramid built pharaoh khufu, khafr menkaur hous royal mummi worldli effect thought protect use king afterlif"} {"id": "5180", "contents": "ancient egypt, pyramid built time old kingdom. pyramid tombs, royal tombs, ancient egyptian buri kings. first pyramid step pyramid. built 5,000 year ago! could see miles! beauti decorated: pyramid huge."} {"id": "5181", "contents": "fungi caus mani kind diseas plant animals. diseas human caus fungu infect rang skin disord seriou illness. fungal diseas like blastomycosis, coccidioidomycosis, candidiasi human often attack lungs."} {"id": "5182", "contents": "fungal diseas fungal diseas call mycos affect human divid four group base level penetr bodi tissues. (view-how common fungal diseases) superfici mycos caus fungi grow surfac skin hair."} {"id": "5183", "contents": "fungi everywhere. approxim 1.5 million differ speci fungi earth, 300 known make peopl sick. fungal diseas often caus fungi common environment. fungi live outdoor soil plant tree well mani indoor surfac human skin. fungi dangerous, type harm health."} {"id": "5184", "contents": "fungal diseas often caus fungi common environment. fungi dangerous, type harm health. mild fungal skin diseas look like rash common. fungal diseas lung often similar ill flu tuberculosis. fungal diseas like fungal mening bloodstream infect less common skin lung infect deadly. type fungal diseas read differ type fungal diseases."} {"id": "5185", "contents": "fungal diseas call mycos affect human divid four group base level penetr bodi tissues. (view-how common fungal diseases). superfici mycos caus fungi grow surfac skin hair. cutan mycos dermatomycos includ infect athlete' foot ringworm, growth occur superfici layer skin, nails, hair."} {"id": "5186", "contents": "fungi-a kingdom mostli made non-green, eukaryot organ mean movement, reproduc use spores, get food break substanc surround absorb nutrients."} {"id": "5187", "contents": "fungi. fungi kingdom (fungi latin) made multicellular organ well single-cel organisms. member fungi kingdom reproduc spore cell wall surround cells, similar plant cell wall made differ materials. speci anim kingdom also multicellular cell speci kingdom nucleu chloroplast cell wall. exampl speci within anim kingdom would includ mammals, reptiles, birds, insects, more. anim kingdom. anim kingdom (animalia latin) largest six kingdom made one million species. member anim kingdom character abil obtain energi eat food."} {"id": "5188", "contents": "six kingdom includ plants, animals, fungi, protists, archaebacteria, eubacteria. anim kingdom. anim kingdom (animalia latin) largest six kingdom made one million species. member anim kingdom character abil obtain energi eat food. speci anim kingdom also multicellular cell speci kingdom nucleu chloroplast cell wall. exampl speci within anim kingdom would includ mammals, reptiles, birds, insects, more."} {"id": "5189", "contents": "protists. protist singl multicellular organ plant-like, animal-lik fungi-like. evolv bacteria repres intermedi step evolut three kingdoms. 12 phyla kingdom, live water. eubacteria. eubacteria, second group monerans, make kingdom.they live wide varieti habitat obtain energi need varieti ways. main phylum orgainz obtain energy. 1. heterotrophs: type bacteria found everywhere."} {"id": "5190", "contents": "eubacteria. eubacteria, second group monerans, make kingdom. live wide varieti habitat obtain energi need varieti ways. main phylum orgainz obtain energy. 1. heterotrophs: type bacteria found everywhere."} {"id": "5191", "contents": "confid vote 4. sugar (usual glucose) broken carbon sugar oxid make carbon dioxide. remain atom form pyruv molecul per everi one glucos molecule. process call glycolysi produc net gain atp' (atp=energy). photosynthesis, process use energi sunlight power product sugar (glucose), take place chloroplast plant cell. 10 peopl found useful. edit."} {"id": "5192", "contents": "kingdom fungi. kingdom fungi made larg group eukaryot organisms. eukaryot includ microorgan mold yeasts, well mushrooms. origin classif fungi linnaeu place group within kingdom plantae. fungi heterotroph organ mostli immobile. time, prokaryot kingdom monera separ kingdom archaea kingdom bacteria. kingdom animalia. kingdom animalia consist multicellular, eukaryot organisms. eukaryot cell make individu membrane-bound nucleu membrane-bound organelles. anim cell differ plant fungi anim cell contain cell wall"} {"id": "5193", "contents": "5. planta -- multicellular, eucaryotic, rigid cell walls, nutrit photosynthesi (make nutrient convert solar energi chemic energi bond sugar molecules; autotrophic). plant major food sourc mani organisms. 4. fungi multicellular, eucaryot organisms, nutrit absorpt (heterotrophic), cell wall made chitin digest extern absorb nutrients, also play major role global recycling."} {"id": "5194", "contents": "nonn invas tree squirrel eastern gray squirrel eastern fox squirrel nonn invas speci concern state. effect oregon\u2019 ecosystem fulli understood, enough evid consid threat nativ squirrel populations."} {"id": "5195", "contents": "list mammal speci record russia. 266 mammal speci russia, critic endangered, 13 endangered, 26 vulnerable, near-threatened. one speci list russia extinct one longer found wild."} {"id": "5196", "contents": "guid distinguish state threaten western gray squirrel nativ tree squirrel (douglas', red, flying) three non-n speci (eastern gray, eastern fox, california ground squirrels) readili confused. washington depart fish wildlif maintain record distribut western gray squirrel washington; assist report sight speci appreciated. western gray, douglas', red, fli squirrel protect speci washington (wac 232-12-011). eastern gray, eastern fox, california ground squirrel protect washington may hunt time long firearm restrict follow hunt licens poss"} {"id": "5197", "contents": "fox squirrels. fox squirrel speci live throughout unit states, exclud eastern coast. largest type squirrel rang 17 27 inch long. larg squirrel come two distinct color groups. one dark fur variabl shade black gray tan gold undersides. two speci gray squirrel inhabit unit states, western gray eastern gray. eastern gray squirrel normal inhabit northeastern unit states, although invad western unit states, well europe."} {"id": "5198", "contents": "eastern siberian roe deer speci deer nativ russia, also found china, korea, part asia. anim grow 90 pound consid endangered. anim russia. russia home mani interest animals, includ nativ country. among amur tiger, largest member cat famili one known live snowi climate. tiger nativ russia, live amur-ussuri region siberian alp"} {"id": "5199", "contents": "fox squirrel one four squirrel speci ohio; gray, red, fli squirrel three. four, fox squirrel largest. fox squirrel origin inhabit ohio. extensive, heavili wood forest pre-settl ohio prefer habitat."} {"id": "5200", "contents": "200 speci squirrel live throughout world, mani differ speci resid within unit states. unit state home five differ type squirrels; fox, gray, red, fli ground. live trees, live ground other appear fly. two speci gray squirrel inhabit unit states, western gray eastern gray. eastern gray squirrel normal inhabit northeastern unit states, although invad western unit states, well europe."} {"id": "5201", "contents": "squirrel gener small animals, rang size african pygmi squirrel 7\u201310 cm (2.8\u20133.9 in) length 10 (0.35 oz) weight, alpin marmot, 53\u201373 cm (21\u201329 in) long weigh kg (11 18 lb)."} {"id": "5202", "contents": "second, ditra decoupler, mean (in case) there' chemic bond tile subfloor. cementboard, tile mortar cementboard cementboard mortar substrate, there' chemic bond. proprietari product creat schluter systems, ditra polyethylen decoupl membran design manag movement wood mani type floor system prevent crack problem tile installations."} {"id": "5203", "contents": "must use premium unmodifi mortar tile ditra (no polymer!! suppos stick ditra!). mastic recommended. premix contain polymer. 11/64 trowel required, schluter even say so. use 1/4 3/16 v-notch trowel say ok use. rate 5.0 5.0 vdet ditra hardiback two diy floor 100 year old house, one ditra one hardibacker. worked. main differ ditra provid strength break tiles, hardiback provid flat floor."} {"id": "5204", "contents": "instal schluter ditra plywood sub floor. import use good qualiti polym modifi thinset instal ditra sub floor."} {"id": "5205", "contents": "use ditra, approv substrate, correct thinset mortar, fill waffl correctly, use proper trowel get proper coverag fail. yes, that\u2019 lot if read it. practic realli mani thing get right. plywood (even osb) approv substrat ditra. use thinset approv substrate, problem all. photo unapprov substrat and, apparently, incorrect thinset (and shitti tile job, that\u2019 whole post)."} {"id": "5206", "contents": "i'v never understood reason use ditra newer, larger ditra. things, there' trade-off course, options. contractors, know whi thing do....and options, better/worse/same. ditra tearout i'v done repair changes. best one design (the money people) came saw dark demo whole unit. turn design tell architect do. mebbe..... depend upon is...and there' need to."} {"id": "5207", "contents": "(click pretti littl links) happen schluter ditra substrate, post tell either one may happening. ditra prefer membran floor tile instal (a well countertop tub decks) absolut need instal correctly. plywood (even osb) approv substrat ditra. use thinset approv substrate, problem all. photo unapprov substrat and, apparently, incorrect thinset (and shitti tile job, that\u2019 whole post)."} {"id": "5208", "contents": "schluter ditra underlay uncoupl membran allow tile floor move (in-plane) rel substrate, elimin major caus crack delamin tile. ditra versatil product provid uncoupl membrane. ditra use waterproof membran vapor moistur management, support distribut heavi loads. check instal handbook even inform certif"} {"id": "5209", "contents": "use ditra, i'll usual use unmodifi thinset, bond plywood, i'll mix liquid latex additive, set tile, i'll mix water. 2) ditra probabl better way around. cement board, like ditra, provid structur support. case cement board, provid stabl bond surface. ditra, good bond surface, also what' call uncoupl memrbane. short explan good job membran can, protect floor movement. 3) sound good. 4) depend ask. point view, like thinset better."} {"id": "5210", "contents": "polyethylen membrane: polyethylen common plastic available. schluter-ditra mat flexible, waterproof form it. grid structur squar cavities: caviti fill thin-set mortar produc mechan bond mortar tile."} {"id": "5211", "contents": "food. despit variety, venezuelan food mark indian influence. nation bread arepa, prepar corn flour. christmas, venezuela, special typic food cook everi house; call hallaca."} {"id": "5212", "contents": "christma venezuela. christma venezuela one colour latin america whole world! firework show popular. tradit christma music venezuela 'gaita' music. type folk music zulia state."} {"id": "5213", "contents": "venezuela food recipe. arepa tradit venezuela food item, also nation bread venezuela.stuf kind ingredients, small corn cake hot favorit among venezuelan tourist well. mandoca cornmeal deep fri best enjoy hot."} {"id": "5214", "contents": "venezuela food assort scrumptiou dish authent venezuela. tradit food venezuela consist premium qualiti fish shellfish. venezuela nativ food contain marin flavor. nation dish venezuela 'pabellon', compos stew shred meat togeth rice, black bean banana corn stapl food"} {"id": "5215", "contents": "venezuelan food tropic andean, european infuenc (especi italian) well tradit dish nativ cultures. coconut, plantains, seafood, goat, corn, italian pasta dish part vibrant mix make venezuelan cuisine. svelasco/flickr."} {"id": "5216", "contents": "venezuela, christma celebr number religi tradit customs. predominantli cathol country, christma festiv celebr birth child jesus."} {"id": "5217", "contents": "fee non-refund non transferable. visa fee naira per current exchang rate. subject chang without notice. servic charg 32060 (naira inclus vat) levi per applic visa fees. visa fee servic charg paid gt bank branch locat tombia road, gra."} {"id": "5218", "contents": "inform appli u.s. visa found web site http://nigeria.usembassy.gov. much visa fee? standard tourist visa, $140, current exchang rate (februari 14, 2012) 22,000 naira (nigerian currency)."} {"id": "5219", "contents": "type visa appli determin fee amount. webpag list visa applic fee associ nonimmigr visa type. nigeria, depend visa class, major visa applic pay either $160, $190 $265 gt bank."} {"id": "5220", "contents": "visa fee naira per current exchang rate. subject chang without notice. servic charg 12060 (naira inclus vat) levi per applic visa fees. visa fee servic charg paid bank implant insid vf centre."} {"id": "5221", "contents": "applic fee shown appli one visa application. applic fee common nonimmigr visa type $160. includ tourist, business, student exchang visas. petition-bas visas, work religi visas, $190. visa cost $240 fee amount visa $205 pleas note visa fee applic must made gt bank. tabl comprehens list visa type fee amounts."} {"id": "5222", "contents": "visa fee naira per current exchang rate. subject chang without notice. servic charg 6750 naira levi per applic visa fees. (servic charg 6412.5 naira vat 337.5 nairas)."} {"id": "5223", "contents": "need pay separ sevi fee addit visa applic fee. nonimmigr student form i-20, sevi fee us$200. exchang visitor form ds-2019, sevi fee us$180. proof payment requir student exchang visitor visa issued."} {"id": "5224", "contents": "lang unusu first name men promin last name peopl (#499 150436, top 1%). (2000 u.s. census). present babi name popular lang boys. lang rank top 1000 far."} {"id": "5225", "contents": "lang surnam german origin, close relat lange, la long, mean tall. independ this, also surnam chines origin (chinese: \u90ce; pinyin: lang). l\u00e1ng"} {"id": "5226", "contents": "deriv pre 7th centuri word lang, mean long tall, may residenti name person live langa. long area ground cultiv agriculture."} {"id": "5227", "contents": "lang-nam mean origin. definition: descript surnam given unusu tall individual, old english lang long, mean long tall. lang common german variant, lang preval scotland northern england. long anoth common english variant. surnam origin: english, scottish, german altern surnam spellings: lange, long, lung resourc surnam lang: surnam finder-lang genealog famili resourc find link free commerci resourc lang surname."} {"id": "5228", "contents": "lang /lang/ [1 syll.] boys' name old nors origin, mean lang tall one."} {"id": "5229", "contents": "modern idiom surnam mani variant spell includ lang, lange, long lung. one earliest settler new world henri long, age 21 yrs., depart port london aboard hopewell, bound barbados, februari 1634."} {"id": "5230", "contents": "dutch meaning: name lang dutch babi name. dutch mean name lang is: tall. nors meaning: name lang nors babi name. nors"} {"id": "5231", "contents": "manufactur first alert, lead brand carbon monoxid detectors, recommend follow alarm goe off: turn appliances, sourc combust once. immedi get fresh air premis open door windows."} {"id": "5232", "contents": "carbon monoxid odorless, colorless, tasteless ga near imposs identifi without proper detector. caus fuel burn completely, includ wood, gasoline, coal, propane, natur gas, gasoline, heat oil."} {"id": "5233", "contents": "carbon monoxid detector sound alarm sens certain amount carbon monoxid air time. differ type alarm trigger differ type sensors. biomimet sensor: gel chang color absorb carbon monoxide, color chang trigger alarm."} {"id": "5234", "contents": "proper placement carbon monoxid (co) detector important. instal one carbon monoxid detector, consum product safeti commiss (cpsc) recommend locat near sleep area, wake asleep."} {"id": "5235", "contents": "may surpr\u00adis discov carbon monoxid (co) detector realli complic piec equipment. hous insid plastic chamber approxim inch (7.6 centimeters) diamet part work unison alert househo\u00adld lethal ga detected."} {"id": "5236", "contents": "anoth way tri detect carbon monoxid leak instal co detector. varieti detector avail market days, author state gadget crucial within home offic smoke alarms."} {"id": "5237", "contents": "1. instal carbon monoxid detector room building. carbon monoxid detector vari greatli qualiti efficiency, instal one room, hallway outsid room, increas chanc detection. consult local health offici advic best detector."} {"id": "5238", "contents": "difficult detect treat damag done, carbon monoxid known silent killer. sneaky, toxic ga find way home wide rang seemingli harmless sources."} {"id": "5239", "contents": "carbon monoxid touch detector, oxid (steal oxygen atom from) chemic salt strip turn carbon dioxide. chemic strip simultan reduc (have oxygen atom stolen them) chang color black."} {"id": "5240", "contents": "excretion. 1. act, process, function excreting. ordinarily, meant excret defecation, evacu feces. technically, excret refer expuls matter, whether singl cell entir body, matter excreted. 1. act, process function excreting. 2. materi excreted. ordinarily, meant excret"} {"id": "5241", "contents": "excret process wast product metabol non-us materi elimin organism. vertebr primarili carri lungs, kidney skin. contrast secretion, substanc may specif task leav cell. excret essenti process form life. mammal urin carri urethra part excretori system. single-cel organisms, wast product discharg directli surfac cell. chemic structur uric acid."} {"id": "5242", "contents": "term excret mean? excret process elimin wast product metabol non-us materials.it essenti process form life. excret biolog process metabol wast product toxic materi remov bodi organism. essenti part life, ge ts rid poison etc. three type waste, urea, sodium excess water. 101 other found useful."} {"id": "5243", "contents": "excretion. excret process wast product metabol non-us materi elimin organism. vertebr primarili carri lungs, kidney skin. contrast secretion, substanc may specif task leav cell. excret essenti process form life. human urin carri urethra part excretori system. single-cel organisms, wast product discharg directli surfac cell."} {"id": "5244", "contents": "confid vote 39. excret process elimin wast product metabol non-us materials.it essenti process form life. contrast secretion, substanc may specif task leav cell. excret biolog process metabol wast product toxic materi remov bodi organism. essenti part life, ge ts rid poison etc. three type waste, urea, sodium excess water. 98 other found useful."} {"id": "5245", "contents": "standard pool dimensions. average, privat swim pool come four vari sizes. apart size mention above, measur privat pool 10 20 feet, 14 28 feet 16 32 feet."} {"id": "5246", "contents": "olympic-s swim pool approxim 50 164 feet length, 25 82 feet width, feet depth. measur creat surfac area 13,454.72 squar feet volum 88,263 cubic feet. pool 660,253.09 gallon water, equal 5,511,556 lbs."} {"id": "5247", "contents": "averag hs pool (educ guess here; number source) lane feet deep, good pool would 10 lanes. assum refer american high school swimming. said, standard cours short cours yard (25 yards). constant."} {"id": "5248", "contents": "14 28 (4.2 8.4). 16 32 (4.8 9.6). mercuri pool start famili bigger pool size home averag space swim pool. full-siz 16 32 foot pool ideal swimmer allow endless fun train dedic swimmer. pool avail dive depth."} {"id": "5249", "contents": "standard depth swim pool? normal swim pool made 42 (106.7 cm), 48 (121.9 cm), 52 (132.1 cm) 54 (137.2 cm) deep, size avail well. mani ground pool slope feet (2.4 m) deepest point."} {"id": "5250", "contents": "fina specif olymp swim pool includ 10 lanes, width 82 feet 25 meter length 164 feet 50 meters. offici width lane feet inch 2.5 meters."} {"id": "5251", "contents": "standard pool size america 25 yard length pool. vari quit lot term pool width four five lane mani twelv fourteen lanes. europe, two standard size used-25 meter 50 meter length. again, width pool vari considerably."} {"id": "5252", "contents": "myelin fatti white substanc surround axon dielectr (electr insulating) materi form layer, myelin sheath, usual around axon neuron. essenti proper function nervou system. outgrowth type glial cell."} {"id": "5253", "contents": "optic nerv made ganglion cell nerv cells. consist one million nerv fibers. blind spot caus absenc special photosensit (light-sensitive) cells, photoreceptors, part retina optic nerv exit eye. optic nerve. optic nerv locat back eye. also call second cranial nerv cranial nerv ii. second sever pair cranial nerves."} {"id": "5254", "contents": "ted m. montgomery,optometr physician. retina innermost layer eye (the tunica intima intern tunic) compar film insid camera. compos nerv tissu sens light enter eye."} {"id": "5255", "contents": "glaucoma one common ill affect optic nerve. glaucoma caus high intraocular pressure, high pressur fluid insid eye (vitreou fluid). high pressur compress optic nerv caus cell die. refer atrophi optic nerve. optic nerve. optic nerv locat back eye. also call second cranial nerv cranial nerv ii. second sever pair cranial nerves."} {"id": "5256", "contents": "optic nerv exit back eye. nerv made fiber origin nerv cell locat retina, light-sensit film coat insid eye. normal state, optic nerv head look much like doughnut, outer ring consist nerv tissue. reasons, examin optic nerv abil transmit visual messag essenti portion examin glaucoma. patients, optic nerv readili examined. seen directli insid eye instrument call ophthalmoscop"} {"id": "5257", "contents": "optic cup small. reasons, examin optic nerv abil transmit visual messag essenti portion examin glaucoma. patients, optic nerv readili examined. seen directli insid eye instrument call ophthalmoscop"} {"id": "5258", "contents": "insid eyebal fill clear jelli like substanc call vitreou humour. this, fibrou white sclera help keep shape eyeball. blood vessel run choroid carri food oxygen cell eye. retina line insid eyeball. nerv layer eye. cell retina react light. send messag brain optic nerve, make possibl see"} {"id": "5259", "contents": "retina: layer tissu back portion eye contain cell respons light (photoreceptors). rods: photoreceptor respons low light conditions. cones: photoreceptor respons color bright conditions. sclera: protect coat around posterior five-sixth eyeball. iri muscl control size pupil therefore, amount light enter eye. also, color eye determin iris. vitreou vitreou humor clear gel provid constant pressur maintain shape eye."} {"id": "5260", "contents": "definition: diagenesi name wide rang chang affect sediment progress becom sedimentari rocks: laid down, becom rock, first undergo metamorphism. includ weathering, process turn kind rock sediment. diagenesi sometim divid earli late phases. earli diagenesi cover everyth may happen sediment laid (deposition) first becom rock (consolidation)."} {"id": "5261", "contents": "diagenesis. lithif sediment sedimentari rock take place sediment deposit buried. process sediment becom lithifi hard sedimentari rock call diagenesi includ physical, chemic biolog process act sediment. material, call detritus, consist fragment rock minerals. energi transport current strong enough carri particles, particl drop process sedimentation. type sedimentari deposit refer clastic"} {"id": "5262", "contents": "metamorph chang miner geolog textur (distinct arrang minerals) pre-exist rock (protoliths), without protolith melt liquid magma (a solid-st change). chang occur primarili due heat, pressure, introduct chemic activ fluids. chemic compon crystal structur miner make rock may chang even though rock remain solid. chang beneath earth' surfac due weather and/or diagenesi classifi metamorphism. metamorph typic occur diagenesi 200\u00b0c, melt 850\u00b0c."} {"id": "5263", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. diagenesi /\u02ccda\u026a\u0259\u02c8d\u0292\u025bn\u0259s\u026as/ chang sediment exist sedimentari rock differ sedimentari rock rock format (lithification), temperatur pressur less requir format metamorph rocks. includ chang weathering. studi diagenesi rock use understand geolog histori undergon natur type fluid circul them. commerci standpoint, studi aid assess likelihood find variou econom viabl miner hydrocarbon deposit"} {"id": "5264", "contents": "diagenesi refer _. a. develop layer within sedimentari rock b. act deposit sediment, ultim form sedimentari rock c. physic chemic alterations, includ compact cementation, occur sediment transform rock. bed refer _. a. develop layer within sedimentari rock b. act deposit sediment, ultim form sedimentari rock c. physic chemic alterations, includ compact cementation, occur sediment transform rock."} {"id": "5265", "contents": "sediment begin undergo diagenesis, umbrella term physic chemic chang turn sediment sedimentari rocks. physically, primari chang compact sediment squeez fluid pore sediment grains; imagin squeez water sponge."} {"id": "5266", "contents": "late diagenesis, epigenesis, cover everyth may happen sedimentari rock consolid lowest stage metamorphism. emplac sedimentari dikes, growth new miner (authigenesis) variou low-temperatur chemic chang (hydration, dolomitization) mark stage. includ weathering, process turn kind rock sediment. diagenesi sometim divid earli late phases. earli diagenesi cover everyth may happen sediment laid (deposition) first becom rock (consolidation)."} {"id": "5267", "contents": "sedimentari rock product eros exist rocks. erod materi accumul sediment, either sea land, buried, compact cement produc sedimentari rock (a process known diagenesis). two major group sedimentari rocks: clastic sedimentari rocks. fragment pre-exist rock miner make sedimentari rock call clasts. sedimentari rock made clast call clastic (clastic indic particl broken transported). clastic sedimentari rock primarili classifi size clasts."} {"id": "5268", "contents": "dna molecul (deoxyribonuclein acid) made two chain sever thousand link nucleotides. nucleotid consist phosphat group, deoxyribos nitrogen base (fig. 1). four nitrogen base occur dna are: adenin (a) guanin (g) thymin (t) cytosin (c) (fig. 2)."} {"id": "5269", "contents": "dna molecul consist two long polynucleotid chain compos four type nucleotid subunits. chain known dna chain, dna strand. hydrog bond base portion nucleotid hold two chain togeth (figur 4-3). saw chapter (panel 2-6, pp."} {"id": "5270", "contents": "nucleotid form strand dna structur complex molecul consist phosphat moieti nucleobas (adenine, guanine, cytosin thymine) join five-carbon sugar (deoxyribose). rna, five-carbon sugar ribos replac deoxyribose."} {"id": "5271", "contents": "nucleotid connect two strand hydrogen bonds. nucleotid uniqu complimentari nucleotide, strand contain inform requir synthes new dna molecule. doubl strand structur also make molecul stable."} {"id": "5272", "contents": "dna molecul consist two strands? primari function dna store transmit genet information. accomplish function dna must two properties."} {"id": "5273", "contents": "dna long molecul made twist strand base a, t, g. gene section dna gene code creat specif protein. sequenc base gene control amino acid creat join make specif new protein enzym molecule."} {"id": "5274", "contents": "dna molecul consist two strand nucleotid twist togeth long spiral call doubl helix. dna made four differ type nucleotide: a, c, t. dna molecul contain multipl genes."} {"id": "5275", "contents": "home owner cost differ differ regions. new york, everyth expens (median home price near $500k) home owner cost certainli higher average. aeros say averag (nationwide) cost home owner $1,100 $1,500. gross margin servic provid somewher around 25%-50%. permalink repli eliot senor juli 14, 2011 10:18am. way tri say make fast $1000 $1500 home owner. realiti cost actual work due cost didnt include."} {"id": "5276", "contents": "accord forum member lbl.gov, averag aeros cost homeown nationwid $1,100 $1,500. greenspirationhome.com state prepar spend $1,200 $2,000. aeros set up, check carri order determin sourc leakag duct work. call professionals, abl tell leak ductwork whether aeros solv problem. averag homeowner, cost $700 $2,000 aeros procedur done."} {"id": "5277", "contents": "auditor review. aeros product seal small leak ductwork. attic work requir crew work equipment. monitor comput program tell pressur ductwork low enough leakag sealed. typic charg residenti custom $1200-1600. cannot speak aeros dealers. accord dept energi roi duct seal 2-4 year averag annual save $400-850. price tri hit rang expect roi."} {"id": "5278", "contents": "averag american household spend $2000 year home energi bills. average, 30 cent everi $1 spent heat cool disappear thin air due leaki ducts. duct leakag home cost consum $25 billion year escap energy. leak also forc hvac system work harder ultim wear sooner. home owner save averag $600 $850 year heat cool cost thank breakthrough aeros technology."} {"id": "5279", "contents": "averag homeowner, cost $700 $2,000 aeros procedur done. get exact quot home, consid get multipl quot compani area list site homeadvisor.com. call professionals, abl tell leak ductwork whether aeros solv problem. averag homeowner, cost $700 $2,000 aeros procedur done."} {"id": "5280", "contents": "regardless, improv duct 20% leakag 10% pay well warranti period end (assum cost $3000 annual heat cooling). regard warranty, find inform state aeros becom ineffect 10 years. typic charg residenti custom $1200-1600. cannot speak aeros dealers. accord dept energi roi duct seal 2-4 year averag annual save $400-850. price tri hit rang expect roi."} {"id": "5281", "contents": "much it? averag homeowner, cost $700 $2,000 aeros procedur done. accord forum member lbl.gov, averag aeros cost homeown nationwid $1,100 $1,500. greenspirationhome.com state prepar spend $1,200 $2,000. call professionals, abl tell leak ductwork whether aeros solv problem. averag homeowner, cost $700 $2,000 aeros procedur done."} {"id": "5282", "contents": "aeros cost start $2000 air condit unit. extra money save use hand duct sealing, could super insul attic, variabl speed pool pump energi save upgrad done. typic charg residenti custom $1200-1600. cannot speak aeros dealers. accord dept energi roi duct seal 2-4 year averag annual save $400-850. price tri hit rang expect roi."} {"id": "5283", "contents": "brows job openings. railinc progressive, team-bas organ offer challenging, mission-crit work toward success north american freight rail industry. see got take join team keep career moving. contact custom support."} {"id": "5284", "contents": "umler system provid secur access equip manag report tools, help equip owner provid high-qual data logist partner customers. also includ enhanc functions: equip cloning: creat singl multipl equip record use exist railcar template."} {"id": "5285", "contents": "umler system electron resourc contain critic data north american transport equipment. origin creat 1968, umler maintain data two million piec equip use rail, steamship highway service."} {"id": "5286", "contents": "railinc. railinc progressive, team-bas organ whose work critic ongo operations, growth success north american freight rail industry. alway look talent capabl peopl want help revolution transport industri technology."} {"id": "5287", "contents": "railinc comprehensive, singl sourc real-tim interlin rail data north american railroad system. railinc' rail data product includ railsight track trace, umler system rail equipment, railinc analyt more. locat cary, n.c., railinc wholly-own subsidiari associ american railroads."} {"id": "5288", "contents": "career railinc. railinc progressive, team-bas organ offer challenging, mission-crit work toward success north american freight rail industry. see got take join team keep career moving. contact custom support."} {"id": "5289", "contents": "food-born botul rare seriou type food poison result paralysis. caus clostridium botulinum (c. botulinum) bacterium. bacteria produc nerv toxin caus paralysis. food-born botul fatal consid medic emergency."} {"id": "5290", "contents": "botul rare seriou paralyt diseas caus bacteri toxin usual produc bacterium clostridium botulinum. four gener recogn naturally-occur types; foodborne, wound, infant, and, rarely, adult intestin colonization. iatrogen inhal botul may also occur."} {"id": "5291", "contents": "diseas cours vari among individuals. symptom usual appear 12 36 hour ingest contamin food, includ muscl paralysi caus extrem potent toxin. botul food poison treat botulinum antitoxin hospit (source: cdc)."} {"id": "5292", "contents": "foodborn botul caus eat food contain botulinum toxin. wound botul caus toxin produc wound infect clostridium botulinum. infant botul caus consum spore botulinum bacteria, grow intestin releas toxin."} {"id": "5293", "contents": "botul rare seriou paralyt ill caus nerv toxin produc bacterium clostridium botulinum sometim strain clostridium butyricum clostridium baratii."} {"id": "5294", "contents": "botul rare potenti life-threaten bacteri illness. clostridium botulinum bacteria grow food produc toxin that, ingested, caus paralysis. botul poison extrem rare, danger case consid public health emergency."} {"id": "5295", "contents": "botul diseas caus bacterium scientif known clostridium botulinum. botul food poison occur toxin produc bacteria consum improperli preserv foods. diseas caus potent neurotoxin produc bacteria. manifest abdomin cramping, doubl blur vision, difficulti breathing, muscl weakness, seriou symptoms."} {"id": "5296", "contents": "email, uber call background check refresh.. email sent driver base san francisco last thursday, januari 23rd driver februari 9th complet step demand it."} {"id": "5297", "contents": "i\u2019v seen peopl get approv 1-3 day lyft say could take weeks. i\u2019d say averag though closer 3-5 days. lyft use background check compani call sterl pass check, lyft still need back end process you\u2019r final approv drive. email."} {"id": "5298", "contents": "1k views. background check process uber specif take days; howev entir applic process take weeks. seen experience. take look infograph question specifics."} {"id": "5299", "contents": "citi houston requir uber driver get fbi fingerprint background checks, mean do. anthoni stewart/n geographic/getti images. last week saw latest stori uber driver, wrong reasons."} {"id": "5300", "contents": "background check process uber specif take days; howev entir applic process take weeks. seen experience. take look infograph question specifics."} {"id": "5301", "contents": "6.5k views. lyft take two weeks. base uber driver i'v encountered, think even background checks. driver west africa told us less week."} {"id": "5302", "contents": "research account substanti portion cost hear aids. corbis. en espanol espa\u00f1ol buy$ read glass the, supermarket get pair hear aid hundr dollar onlin a-big box. store buy hear aid anywhere, good person fit it, say st. joseph, mich., audiologist gyl a. kasewurm. use averag price $4,400 pair hear aids, break cost below. pleas note figur estim drawn varieti sources, includ discuss correspond audiologists, manufactur industri experts. overal cost $4,400. cost manufacturer:"} {"id": "5303", "contents": "plan expense. cost hear aid vari wide $1,500 thousand dollars. profession fees, remot controls, hear aid accessori hear aid option may cost extra. talk audiologist need expectations."} {"id": "5304", "contents": "fit entir ear canal, cost $150 $5,000. facelak offer basic cic hear aid $150. siemen offer cic version nitro 16, $5,000. patient also need hear aid select appointment, free purchas cost $250, depend upon clinic. cleveland clinic charg $100 hear need assessment. sever differ type hear aids. behind-the-ear (bte) hear aid cost $450 $5,6"} {"id": "5305", "contents": "here\u2019 anoth way think price hear aids. averag pair hear aid $4800 life expect five years. break down, hear aid cost $960 per year, $80 per month $2.66 per day. words, initi amount sound high, ongo usag price reasonable. monthly, would pay get satellit cabl television. recent survey publish hear review found mid-rang hear aid averag around $4,000 pair insur provid cover cost. high price tag often barrier get help hear relief hear aid provides, be."} {"id": "5306", "contents": "accord survey recent publish hear review, averag price mid-level pair aid hover $4,400 $4,500. price vari region. ucla' audiolog clinic, example, averag price $4,200, say audiologist alison grimes. buy hear aid anywhere, good person fit it, say st. joseph, mich., audiologist gyl a. kasewurm. use averag price $4,400 pair hear aids, break cost below. pleas note figur estim drawn varieti sources, includ discuss correspond audiologists, manufactur industri experts. overal cost $4,400. cost manufacturer:"} {"id": "5307", "contents": "behind-the-ear (bte) hear aid cost $450 $5,600. economi hear product offer basic bte hear aid $630. resound azur retail $2,600 programm volum control settings, open fit minim plug sensat ear 330-hour battery. patient also need hear aid select appointment, free purchas cost $250, depend upon clinic. cleveland clinic charg $100 hear need assessment. sever differ type hear aids. behind-the-ear (bte) hear aid cost $450 $5,600"} {"id": "5308", "contents": "in-the-can (itc) hear aid much smaller devic fit entir within ear, entir within ear canal. set cost $300 $5,600. micropod 32 automat adjust differ hear environ retail $1,000. patient also need hear aid select appointment, free purchas cost $250, depend upon clinic. cleveland clinic charg $100 hear need assessment. sever differ type hear aids. behind-the-ear (bte) hear aid cost $450 $5,6"} {"id": "5309", "contents": "price hear aid typic includ cost hear examination, devic consult fit time (includ post-fit adjustments), follow-up appointments, clean devic warranti rang one three years. recent survey publish hear review found mid-rang hear aid averag around $4,000 pair insur provid cover cost. high price tag often barrier get help hear relief hear aid provides, be."} {"id": "5310", "contents": "here: examples10.com languag literatur literature. exampl jargon. jargon. jargon term use describ word specif particular subject; incomprehens person unacquaint area discussion. jargon gener relat specif profession, sound like gobbledygook peopl outsid occupation. jargon exampl"} {"id": "5311", "contents": "like find mani exampl jargon work place, mall caf, typic work place term used. cases, term might also refer workplac metaphor use either cubicl pantri among colleagues. jargon examples. jargon slang! well, least always! term might come across cabin work place casual chat colleagu party."} {"id": "5312", "contents": "definit jargon. jargon literari term defin use specif phrase word writer particular situation, profess trade. special term use convey hidden mean accept understood field. jargon exampl found literari non-literari piec writing. jargon, hand, broadli associ subject, occup busi make use standard word phrase frequent compris abbrevi e.g. hth, lol. however, unlik slang, term develop compos deliber conveni specif section society."} {"id": "5313", "contents": "exampl jargon word use differ businesses, sometim peopl within industri alone, times, gener public. jargon power tool creat imag mind associ customers. connect ear-to-ear sometim exampl jargon mean say one times. say someone, let' connect ear-to-ear detail project, use hip cool bit jargon say, let' discuss project detail telephone."} {"id": "5314", "contents": "jargon term use describ word specif particular subject; incomprehens person unacquaint topic subject. jargon gener relat specif profession, sound like gobbledygook peopl outsid occupation. advertisement."} {"id": "5315", "contents": "comment power disqus. jargon like type shorthand member particular group people, often word meaningless outsid certain context. follow exampl jargon help illustr concept. exampl busi jargon. bang buck-a term means, get money. due diligence-put effort research make busi decision. sweat equity-get stake busi instead pay."} {"id": "5316", "contents": "jargon examples. jargon. jargon term special technic languag understood member group perform specif trade. example, legal profess mani term consid jargon, term lawyer judg use frequently. writer sometim use jargon appeal specif group, emb hidden mean behind write certain group would understand."} {"id": "5317", "contents": "1975, manufactur introduc electron ignit modul replac point condenser, item accur rpm, longer life, seen old vehicl 200,000 mile still origin ignit module."} {"id": "5318", "contents": "function ignit system produc high voltag surg deliv spark plug regular interv correct time respect crank position. requir compon system are: 1. battery. 2. ignit coil. 3. condenser. 4. contact breaker. 5."} {"id": "5319", "contents": "electron ignit system, contact point condens replac magnet pickup devic distributor electron amplifi devic use diod transistor respectively."} {"id": "5320", "contents": "principl simplifi ignit system. basic ignit system consist ignit coil, points, condenser, distributor spark plugs. ballast resistor may also includ system. part connect work properly, get spark engin need run."} {"id": "5321", "contents": "ground side coil connect breaker points. cam center distributor push lever connect one points. whenev cam push lever, open points. caus coil suddenli lose ground, gener high-voltag pulse."} {"id": "5322", "contents": "coil. point open cam central shaft, close spring arm move contact. point closed, lt current flow batteri the. coil, earth points."} {"id": "5323", "contents": "ignit system. ignit system work ignit system' main purpos provid engin proper spark right time allow fuel/air mixtur combust chamber ignite."} {"id": "5324", "contents": "ignit circuit, condens connect across parallel points. breaker point condens work togeth form switch device. breaker point condens combin use magneto batteri systems. type switch devic small engin applic electron switch."} {"id": "5325", "contents": "silver, pure form, soft like gold alloy metals. sterl silver mark 925 mean certifi 92.5% pure silver, plu 7.5% alloy---usu copper. vermeil gold plate sterl silver. sometim gold plate pure silver, nearli pure (97%) silver. gold usual 18k higher, pure 24k gold. vermeil lot gold gold plate pieces. vermeil regul ftc minimum gold thick 2.5 micron surfaces. term gold fill actual misnomer. tube fill gold. actual thin layer gold bond base metal, usual brass. sometim call roll gold roll gold plate."} {"id": "5326", "contents": "vermeil (/\u02c8v\u025crm\u026al/ /v\u0259r\u02c8me\u026a/ [v\u025b\u0281\u02c8m\u025bj]) altern usual term silver-gilt, silver plate gilt gold. vermeil piec appear gold much cheaper lighter solid gold. tradit luxuri materi use tabl plate, toilet servic grand decor pieces."} {"id": "5327", "contents": "gold vermeil: vermeil sterl silver gold-plated. good combin allergi normal, plate jewelri items. layer gold use vermeil jewelri thin extra care use protect scratch elements."} {"id": "5328", "contents": "word \u201cvermeil\u201d come french pronounc \u201cver-may.\u201d. altern term \u201csilver-gilt\u201d (or \u201cgild silver\u201d), mean \u201cvermeil.\u201d. vermeil term use refer jewelri item made silver coat gold. aleksandr ugorenkov fotolia. gold vermeil made. vermeil jewelri made first creat base item silver plate thin layer gold. method use cover surfac piec gold call electrolysis."} {"id": "5329", "contents": "true gold vermeil kind metal sterl silver gold layer applied. allerg nickel metals, gold vermeil good choic none metal it, sterl silver caus allerg reactions. one advantag gold vermeil tarnish easily, gold plate wear away take care item. gold vermeil jewelri clean use lint-fre cloth soft clean."} {"id": "5330", "contents": "qualifi vermeil, item must consist sterl silver plate coat base import surfac gold alloy gold least 10 karat fine well consider thick minim thick throughout object equal 1/1000th inch fine gold. one advantag gold vermeil tarnish easily, gold plate wear away take care item. gold vermeil jewelri clean use lint-fre cloth soft clean."} {"id": "5331", "contents": "vermeil plate 22k-24k gold. good combin allergi normal, plate jewelri items. differ vermeil, gold-filled, thick gold base metal used. vermeil, base sterl silver. good combin allergi normal, plate jewelri items. differ vermeil, gold-filled, thick gold base metal used. vermeil, base sterl silver. gold-fil memori jewelry-also call rolled-gold."} {"id": "5332", "contents": "gold vermeil made gold vari purity, u.s., minimum requirement: consid vermeil, piec need plate gold least 10 karat (which correspond approxim 42% gold content). gold vermeil made. vermeil jewelri made first creat base item silver plate thin layer gold. method use cover surfac piec gold call electrolysis."} {"id": "5333", "contents": "vermeil essenti .925 sterl silver jewelri layer gold. standard plate millionth inch gold base metal, compar vermeil 100 millionth inch sterl silver."} {"id": "5334", "contents": "gold vermeil (pronounc ver-may) class itself. gold vermeil type gold plate outer gold coat cover cheap metal like nickel, actual coat gold top sterl silver. gold vermeil simpli gold cover silver silver buyer doubt tell you. metal beneath gold must pure sterl silver metal silver gold, addit top gold layer must 10 karat gold minimum greater 2.5 micron thick."} {"id": "5335", "contents": "tast like chicken nuggets/sausages/whatev product is. minc good spag bol chunk great stir-fry. quorn low fat, high protein fibr food person like it. think quorn product great!!!! tast pretti close imitating. steak lamb one quit close say sausag chicken like items, good!!!!"} {"id": "5336", "contents": "watch mo farah \u2018a healthi protein\u2019 new quorn advert 2015. find product like quorn minc healthi sourc protein* http://www.quorn.co.uk/heal... mo serv delici chilli made quorn minc hungri runner quorn mobil truck. tri recip yourself: http://www.quorn.co.uk/reci... *quorn mince, quorn meat free chicken piec quorn standard sausag nutrit healthi protein source. protein contribut growth mainten muscl mass. 2015 quorn right reserv"} {"id": "5337", "contents": "quorn okay, differ product tast differ differ textures. personally, think much better brand there. cauldron sausages, realeat mince, probabl quorn best mock chicken. matter think tast best. think quorn product great!!!! tast pretti close imitating. steak lamb one quit close say sausag chicken like items, good!!!!"} {"id": "5338", "contents": "quorn. great tast range. quorn perfect tri eat healthier part activ lifestyle, watch weight, want meat-fre meal inspiration. plu product like quorn minc great sourc protein still allow enjoy favourit meals. quorn product taste, appear textur meat, perfect want meat free meal think creat healthier version favourit everyday meals."} {"id": "5339", "contents": "mycoprotein common ingredi quorn products. made member fungi famili (the famili morel truffl belong to) high-qual meat-fre protein that' low fat, high dietari fibr (import digest system) valuabl sourc amino acids. zero cholesterol. follow quorn product contain absolut cholesterol: make perfect heart friendli diet: \u2022mince. \u2022pieces. \u2022meat-styl balls. \u2022chicken-styl burgers. \u2022garlic herb fillets. \u2022fajita strip (chilled). \u2022minc (chilled). \u2022pepper herb sausag"} {"id": "5340", "contents": "recip everyone. you\u2019ll find quorn recip favorit dishes, ideal lead activ lifestyle, you\u2019r watch weight. product like quorn ground quorn meat free chik\u2019n tender provid healthi sourc protein* also use creat lot of. delici meal"} {"id": "5341", "contents": "quorn meat substitut product avail uk, ireland, us, australia, countries. carbon footprint quorn frozen minc uk claim 70% less beef. quorn produc cook ingredi rang readi meals. sold (larg europe, also part world) health food altern meat."} {"id": "5342", "contents": "description. quorn sausag meat free made mycoprotein. mycoprotein nutriti form qualiti protein, natur low fat high protein fibre. discov lot quorn recip explor whole rang simpli visit www.quorn.co.uk. find us facebook, twitter pinterest. quorn meat free sausag nutrit healthi protein sourc are: high protein; protein contribut growth mainten muscl mass. low satur fat; consum less satur fat help maintain normal blood cholesterol levels."} {"id": "5343", "contents": "fragrant water lili one easili recogn aquat plants. beauti larg white occasion pink many-pet flower float water' surfac surround large, round green leaves. lake larg popul water lilies. left unmanaged, water lili restrict lake-front access elimin swim opportunities. request water lili control repres high percentag herbicid permit request receiv ecology."} {"id": "5344", "contents": "fragrant water lily, along nymphaea species, premier plant cultiv contain ornament ponds. nymphaea varieti difficult grow. mani hybrid develop hue rose, saffron, yellow, purple, vermilion. lake larg popul water lilies. left unmanaged, water lili restrict lake-front access elimin swim opportunities. request water lili control repres high percentag herbicid permit request receiv ecology."} {"id": "5345", "contents": "fragrant water lili floating-leav aquat perenni herb grow root mucki silti sediment water six seven feet deep. prefer quiet water ponds, lake margins, slow stream grow acid alkalin waters. lake larg popul water lilies. left unmanaged, water lili restrict lake-front access elimin swim opportunities. request water lili control repres high percentag herbicid permit request receiv ecology."} {"id": "5346", "contents": "one largest aquat plant world amazon water lily; one smallest minut duckweed. mani small aquat anim use plant like duckwe home, protect predators, area veget like predators. aquat plant grow water soil perman satur water. therefor common compon wetlands. princip factor control distribut aquat plant depth durat flooding."} {"id": "5347", "contents": "nymphaeacea /\u02ccn\u026amfi\u02d0\u02c8e\u026asi\u02d0/ famili flower plants. member famili commonli call water lili live rhizomat aquat herb temper tropic climat around world. famili contain eight large-flow genera 70 species. genu nymphaea contain 35 speci northern hemisphere. hardi water lili hybrid nymphaea speci subgenu castalia; night-bloom tropic water lili develop subgenu lotos; day-bloom tropic plant aris hybrid plant subgenu brachyceras."} {"id": "5348", "contents": "white water lili perenni plant often form dens colonies. leav aris flexibl stalk larg thick rhizomes. leav round heart-shaped, bright green, 12 inch diamet slit 1/3 length leaf. leav usual float water\u2019 surface."} {"id": "5349", "contents": "tropic lili actual type water lili blue flower. lotu flower close resembl water lilies, featur larger, showi flowers. two type lotu flowers. first grow exclus asia, popular two. common lili pad flower nelumbonaceae, lotu flower, nymphaeaceae, water lily. two separ distinct plant grow soil beneath bodi water, leav flower visibl float surface. water lili often found tropic temper climat throughout world. grow freshwat conditions. actual 65 type water lili world"} {"id": "5350", "contents": "descript characteristics. water lili facts: water lili flower plant found temper environ well tropic set mani differ place around globe. 70 document type water lili found north america, asia, south america, africa, europe. mani peopl attempt grow varieti water lili home pond water flower gardens, beauti prolif water lili grow deep heart dens freshwat environments."} {"id": "5351", "contents": "top 10 fact world. water lili aquat plant frequent found along edg ponds, lakes, streams. distinct larg round leav lili pad flower white, yellow, pink."} {"id": "5352", "contents": "furthermore, averag monthli premium famili $414 (or $4,968 per year). 2010 2011, averag premium increas 9.6% individu polici 5.6% families. averag cost health insur rang $119 iowa $382 new york."} {"id": "5353", "contents": "averag base insur singl 40-year-old male commut 12 mile work day, polici limit 100/300/50 ($100,000 injuri liabil one person, $300,000 injuri $50,000 properti damag accident) $500 deduct collis comprehens coverage. x. carinsurance.com commiss quadrant inform servic provid report averag auto insur rate 2014 honda accord everi zip code unit states. calcul rate use data six larg carrier (allstate, farmers, geico, nationwide, progress state farm)"} {"id": "5354", "contents": "low auto insur rates. average, switch auto insur state farm lower cost $489 per year. discounts. good driver, studi hard, choos car common safeti featur way lower cost even more. average, switch auto insur state farm lower cost $489 per year. discounts."} {"id": "5355", "contents": "averag cost insur car owner insur vehicl accid event gener increased, except arkansas, georgia, north carolina, virginia, saw car insur premium drop 1% 5% last year. 2010 2011, averag premium increas 9.6% individu polici 5.6% families. averag cost health insur rang $119 iowa $382 new york."} {"id": "5356", "contents": "nation averag cost car insur vari base who' study. march 2013 forb articl indic annual cost $1,510, equat $125.83 per month. amount full coverage. buy liability-onli protection, much lower premiums. premium averag also vari state. insur websit survey current time public indic michigan highest state averag $2,551 per year, $212.58 month. west virginia amount monthli premium $209.83."} {"id": "5357", "contents": "limit polici vari wide base state requir well consum choice. averag auto insur expenditur rose $798 2011 $815 2012, accord decemb 2014 report nation associ insur commissioners. 2012 averag expenditur 2.1 percent $798 2011. cost auto insur state. follow chart base latest data nation associ insur commission 2010-2012 premiums."} {"id": "5358", "contents": "valuepenguin research crunch number get averag cost car insur state. use data see state averag premium get better idea pay insurance. 2010 2011, averag premium increas 9.6% individu polici 5.6% families. averag cost health insur rang $119 iowa $382 new york."} {"id": "5359", "contents": "/insurance-fact-book/property-casualty-insurance-by-line/auto/costs-expenditures.html. aaa\u2019 2015 drive cost studi found averag cost oper averag sedan $8,698 2014, almost percent $8,876 2013. declin reflect reduc gasolin financ cost offset increas areas. averag insur cost sedan rose percent, $92, $1,115 2014 $1,023 2013. averag expenditur auto insur project risen 2.6 percent 2013 $836 2.9 percent 2014 $860, accord insur inform institut (i.i.i.)."} {"id": "5360", "contents": "averag car insur rate singl male 9-15 year drive experi traffic violat drive 12,000 15,000 mile per year $929.74. marri couple. marri coupl traffic violat drive approxim 12,000 15,000 mile per year pay $1,423.69 car insurance. base report rate sever state-govern insur departments, inform organ nation associ insur commissioners, nation car insur averag rate $900 per year coverage."} {"id": "5361", "contents": "quagga mussel nativ dneiper river drainag ukraine. like arriv ballast water ocean go ships. quagga mussel first sight great lake septemb 1989."} {"id": "5362", "contents": "unit state experienc devast attack small invas species--cal zebra quagga mussels. zebra mussel quagga mussel virtual ident physic behaviorally. origin eastern europe, tini trespass pick ballast water ocean-go ship brought great lake 1980s. 10 trillion quagga zebra mussel blanket bottom great lake filter water eat plankton succeed doubl water clariti past decade. clear water may look nice us, lack plankton float water mean less food nativ fish."} {"id": "5363", "contents": "situation: quagga zebra mussel aquat invas speci nativ eastern europe. quagga mussel origin dnieper river drainag ukraine. zebra mussel first describ lake southeast russia natur distribut also includ black caspian seas. ecolog problem also result mussel invasions. zebra quagga mussel kill nativ freshwat mussel two ways: (1) attach shell nativ speci kill them, (2) invas speci outcompet nativ mussel filter feed invertebr food."} {"id": "5364", "contents": "first sight quagga mussel outsid great lake basin made mississippi river st. louis, missouri alton, illinoi 1995 (s.j. nichols, pers. comm.). januari 2007, popul quagga mussel discov lake mead near boulder city, nevada (w. baldwin, pers. quagga mussel sinc found lake michigan, lake huron, lake erie, lake ontario, lake st. clair, saginaw bay, throughout st. lawrenc river north quebec city."} {"id": "5365", "contents": "identification: dreissena rostriformi bugensi small freshwat bivalv mollusk exhibit mani differ morphs; yet, sever diagnost featur aid identification. quagga mussel round angle, carina, ventral dorsal surfac (may marsden 1992). quagga mussel sinc found lake michigan, lake huron, lake erie, lake ontario, lake st. clair, saginaw bay, throughout st. lawrenc river north quebec city."} {"id": "5366", "contents": "zebra quagga mussel becom establish water bodi imposs fulli eradicate. scientist found solut kill zebra quagga mussel without also harm wildlife. 10 trillion quagga zebra mussel blanket bottom great lake filter water eat plankton succeed doubl water clariti past decade. clear water may look nice us, lack plankton float water mean less food nativ fish."} {"id": "5367", "contents": "zebra quagga mussel feed small organ call plankton drift water. 10 trillion quagga zebra mussel blanket bottom great lake filter water eat plankton succeed doubl water clariti past decade. clear water may look nice us, lack plankton float water mean less food nativ fish."} {"id": "5368", "contents": "zebra quagga mussel nativ ukrain russia. zebra mussel first discov great lake 1988, year later, quagga mussel discov area. believ arriv america via ballast water discharge. dreissena bugensi (quagga) dreissena polymorpha (zebra) destruct invas aquat speci grow inch diameter. sometim larger, sometim microscopic. small, freshwat bivalv mollusk triangular ridg side bottom."} {"id": "5369", "contents": "zebra quagga mussel nativ eurasia. mid 1980 zebra mussel north america. quickli chang inadvert introduc water near great lake region. suspect zebra mussel hitch ride ballast water tank commerci ships. two speci dreissena north america: dreissena polymorpha, commonli call zebra mussel dreissena rostiformi bugensi s, commonli call quagga mussel may also refer zebra mussels, sometim use gener term dreissenid mussels."} {"id": "5370", "contents": "quagga mussel first sight great lake septemb 1989, one found near port colborne, lake erie, though recognit quagga type distinct speci 1991 (mill et al. 1996). quagga mussel sinc found lake michigan, lake huron, lake erie, lake ontario, lake st. clair, saginaw bay, throughout st. lawrenc river north quebec city."} {"id": "5371", "contents": "larger object one two foci. example, sun one foci earth' ellipt orbit. eccentr ellips large, foci far apart. eccentr small, foci close together. let' take look mathemat definit ellipse. first, place two point plane; foci ellipse. now, pick distanc larger distanc two foci. we'll call distanc 2a, reason becom clear minute."} {"id": "5372", "contents": "ellips (sort of) oval shape, two interior point call foci (singular: focus), long axi (the major axis), short axi (the minor axis), center (which circumst confus focus)."} {"id": "5373", "contents": "ellipt orbit, center mass orbiting-orbit system one focu orbits, noth present focus. planet approach periapsis, planet increas speed, velocity. planet approach apoapsis, veloc decrease. result equat orbit object ellips polar form rel one focal points. put standard form let eccentricity, let semi-major axis."} {"id": "5374", "contents": "focal definit ellips ellips locu point ratio whose distanc fix line, directrix, fix point, focus, constant e, call eccentricity."} {"id": "5375", "contents": "pluto least circular orbit planet solar system. pluto' orbit eccentr 0.2488. sun quit center planet' ellipt orbit. ellips point littl bit away center call focus. sun focu ellipse. sun focus, center, ellipse, planet move closer away sun everi orbit. close point orbit call perihelion. far away point call aphelion."} {"id": "5376", "contents": "physics, orbit gravit curv path object around point space, exampl orbit planet around center star system, solar system. result equat orbit object ellips polar form rel one focal points. put standard form let eccentricity, let semi-major axis."} {"id": "5377", "contents": "two foci (the term focal point also used) ellips two special point f1 f2 ellipse' major axi equidist center point. sum distanc point ellips two foci constant equal major axi (pf1 pf2 a). character ellips locu point sum distanc foci constant lead method draw one use two draw pins, length string, pencil."} {"id": "5378", "contents": "ellips common physics, astronomi engineering. example, orbit planet solar system ellips barycent planet-sun pair one focal points. true moon orbit planet system two astronom bodies. shape planet star often well describ ellipsoids. character ellips locu point sum distanc foci constant lead method draw one use two draw pins, length string, pencil."} {"id": "5379", "contents": "object ellipt orbit around anoth larger (more massive) object, larger object center ellipse. two point insid ellips call foci (foci plural form focus). let' take look mathemat definit ellipse. first, place two point plane; foci ellipse. now, pick distanc larger distanc two foci. we'll call distanc 2a, reason becom clear minute."} {"id": "5380", "contents": "ellips defin part locat foci. howev ellips known major minor axi lengths, find locat foci use formula below. major minor axi length width height ellipse. foci (focu points) ellipse. two point insid ellips use formal definition. ellips two focu points. word foci (pronounc foe-sigh') plural 'focus'. one focus, two foci. foci alway lie major (longest) axis, space equal side center."} {"id": "5381", "contents": "diseas caus agent includ virus bacteria, protozoa, worm dinoflagel diatom either enter domest sewag anim wast thrive condit give competit edge."} {"id": "5382", "contents": "common disease-caus agent viruses, bacteria, protozoa, parasit worms. virus living, get transfer live organisms. west nile viru transfer mosquito humans. vaccin good way prevent spread viruses. virus disease-caus agent peopl familiar with. caus colds, flu, hiv, meningitis, polio, chicken pox, rabies, west nile, number diseases. virus live things, get transmit live organisms."} {"id": "5383", "contents": "infecti diseas communic diseas caus biolog agent virus, bacterium parasite. vector biological. mani infecti diseas transmit droplet enter airway (e.g. common cold tuberculosis). infecti diseas invas host organ foreign replicator, gener microorganisms, often call microbes, invis nake eye. microb caus ill also known pathogens. common pathogen variou bacteria viruses, though number microorganisms, includ kind fungi protozoa, also caus disease. infecti diseas term contagi easili transmit one person anoth"} {"id": "5384", "contents": "us feder govern releas 11th edit report carcinogen (december, 2004). report, publish everi two year nation institut environment health sciences, identifi substanc circumst known reason anticip caus cancer. seventeen substanc ad grow list cancer-caus agents, bring total 246. first time ever, virus list report: hepat virus, hepat virus, human papillomavirus caus common sexual transmit diseases. report carcinogens, eleventh edition, refer roc, list cancer-caus agent two categori -- known human carcinogen reason anticip human carcinogens.."} {"id": "5385", "contents": "diseases, illness-caus condit affect organism' body, transmit disease-caus agents, biolog pathogen caus spread disease. disease-caus agent deliv bodi variou carrier get insid sort ways. diseas worrisome, disease-caus agent problemat actual transport diseas make sick. virus disease-caus agent peopl familiar with. caus colds, flu, hiv, meningitis, polio, chicken pox, rabies, west nile, number diseases. virus live things, get transmit live organisms."} {"id": "5386", "contents": "video lesson identifi differ disease-caus agents. also explor exampl type disease-caus agent effect human health. virus disease-caus agent peopl familiar with. caus colds, flu, hiv, meningitis, polio, chicken pox, rabies, west nile, number diseases. virus live things, get transmit live organisms."} {"id": "5387", "contents": "entri way bacteria entri way disease-caus agents. hand contact someon ho agent caus one contact occurs, disease-caus agents, virus bacteria, may enter person break skin, may inhal swallowed. diseas caus agent often refer pathogen. pathogen, viru strain bacteria enter bodi caus host symptoms. ny times, symptom collect indic presenc type diseas and/or infection. 13 peopl found useful."} {"id": "5388", "contents": "silicon atom larger carbon atoms; abl bond four oxygen atoms. quartz (sio 2) extend network sio molecules, central silicon atom bond four oxygen atoms; silicon atom half share four oxygen atoms. coval compounds, carbon small atom form four bond around it, make capabl form doubl bond oxygen; carbon dioxid compos individu molecules."} {"id": "5389", "contents": "ye silicon dioxid compound. also known silica oxid silicon chemic formula sio2. known hard throughout histori silica commonli found form sand quartz, silica abund miner earth' crust. silicon dioxide, also refer silica, type chemic compound form silicion oxide. correct formula silicon dioxid sio2."} {"id": "5390", "contents": "silicon dioxide, also known silica (from latin silex), chemic compound oxid silicon chemic formula si 2. known sinc ancient times. silica commonli found natur quartz, well variou live organisms. dimer silicon dioxid two oxygen atom bridg silicon atom si-o-si angl 94\u00b0 bond length 164.6 pm termin si-o bond length 150.2 pm. si-o bond length 148.3 pm, compar length 161 pm \u03b1-quartz."} {"id": "5391", "contents": "structur silicon dioxide, sio2. silicon dioxid also known silicon(iv) oxide. giant coval structur silicon dioxide. three differ crystal form silicon dioxide. easiest one rememb draw base diamond structure. crystallin silicon structur diamond. structur silicon dioxide, sio2 silicon dioxid also known silicon(iv) oxide. giant coval structur silicon dioxid"} {"id": "5392", "contents": "diamond, carbon atom join four carbon atom tetrahedr strong coval bonds. structur highli symmetr c-c bond strong, strongest natur occur substance. structur graphit differ structur diamond. coval compounds, carbon small atom form four bond around it, make capabl form doubl bond oxygen; carbon dioxid compos individu molecules."} {"id": "5393", "contents": "reason strong coval bond atoms, requir lot energi break. two differ type coval structure, depend atom bond other. coval molecular structur consist molecul own. low melt boil points. coval compounds, carbon small atom form four bond around it, make capabl form doubl bond oxygen; carbon dioxid compos individu molecules."} {"id": "5394", "contents": "fact carbon dioxid ga mean must consist simpl molecules. carbon form simpl molecul oxygen form doubl bond oxygen. none element group form doubl bond oxygen, forc complet differ structur them. enorm differ physic properti carbon dioxid silicon dioxid (also known silicon(iv) oxid silica). carbon dioxid ga wherea silicon dioxid hard high-melt solid. dioxid group also solid"} {"id": "5395", "contents": "silicon dioxide. much silicon oxygen earth\u2019 crust present compound silicon dioxid also known silica. silicon dioxid giant coval structure. part structur shown diagram-oxygen atom shown red, silicon atom shown brown: properti result strong coval bond hold silicon oxygen atom giant coval structure. silicon dioxid found quartz granite, major compound sandstone. sand beach made mostli silicon dioxide. page: 1. 2. 3. 4."} {"id": "5396", "contents": "silicon atom (light color) coval bond four oxygen atom (dark color). oxygen bond two silicons. ratio silicon oxygen 2:4 1:2, accord formula. computer-generated."} {"id": "5397", "contents": "mica, scrap flake, found world. unit states, mica produc arizona, north carolina, south dakota, georgia, new mexico, south carolina. product north carolina account half total u.s. mica production."} {"id": "5398", "contents": "mica. images: type: mineral_group. description: mica miner name given group miner physic chemic similar. silic minerals, known sheet silic form distinct layers. mica fairli light rel soft, sheet flake mica flexible. mica heat-resist conduct electricity. 37 differ mica minerals. common include: purpl lepidolite, black biotite, brown phlogopit clear muscovite."} {"id": "5399", "contents": "mica mineral. western north carolina area appalachian mountain place abund mica sheet found mine centuries. mica miner group sheet silic miner proven quit use use glass altern insulation."} {"id": "5400", "contents": "mica quit rare found european countries, therefor previou centuri quit expens regularli ship locat found. said even back 1700' mica mine spruce pine nc gem mine district ship europe. western north carolina area appalachian mountain place abund mica sheet found mine centuries. mica miner group sheet silic miner proven quit use use glass altern insulation."} {"id": "5401", "contents": "amethyst. violet quartz gemston color inclus hematit minerals, found stokes, burke, lincoln, iredell, moore, warren, franklin counties. southeast macon county\u2019 tessente creek origin oper tiffani compani new york around 1900. use earli form window glass (call isinglass), mica first mine mitchel counti 1858 jackson counti 1867. north carolina produc two-third nation\u2019 scrap mica, found numer industri use late nineteenth earli twentieth centuries. olivine."} {"id": "5402", "contents": "igneous, sedimentary, metamorph rock found north carolina. miner gold, emerald, granite, feldspar, mica, pyrophyllit found north carolina. north carolina lead nation product feldspar, mica pyrophyllite. mine alon half-billion dollar industri north carolina. gold. granit anoth rock found north carolina. granit name offici state rock 1979. granit use monuments, stone buildings. largest open-fac granit quarri world locat mount airy, north carolina."} {"id": "5403", "contents": "nc gem mining. nc gem mine favorit activ visitor western north carolina well would deem locals. rock hound world descend western north carolina mine gemston valuabl rocks."} {"id": "5404", "contents": "packet, chang 4). (pg.3)some exampl rock would anyth actinolit wollastite. 80 differ rock miner discov mountain region n.c. alone. commonli found miner north carolina feldspar, mica, pyrophyllite. also, largest emerald crystal ever discov north america came north carolina. emerald state offici preciou stone. soils, whole lot."} {"id": "5405", "contents": "similar sound names: asdis, azadchehr, jitesh, jeeteshi, ajatshatru, asthika, azaddokht, aigidius, asutosh, ajaatshatru, aegidios, aketch, astik, azadsarv, ajatashatru, ajitesh, ashutosh, aashutosh, aastik, jeetesh, aegidius, agidius."} {"id": "5406", "contents": "numerolog mean (for entertain purpos only). peopl name tend inspired, intuitive, creative. aim improv world quit altruistic. strive see big pictur achiev dreams."} {"id": "5407", "contents": "mean name ajitesh 'lord vishnu'. ajitesh name hindu indian origin, commonli use males. name number ajitesh '9'. click get numerolog analysi name 'ajitesh'."} {"id": "5408", "contents": "mean indian name: ajitesh. mean name ajitesh 'lord vishnu'. ajitesh name hindu indian origin, commonli use males. name number ajitesh '9'. click get numerolog analysi name 'ajitesh'."} {"id": "5409", "contents": "name ajitesh gener mean lord vishnu, indian origin, name ajitesh masculin (or boy) name. person name ajitesh mainli hindu religion. name ajitesh belong rashi mesh (aries) domin planet mar (mangal) nakshatra (stars) krithika."} {"id": "5410", "contents": "varieti fast grow plant seeds, produc flowers, first discov dr. johann friedrich eschscholtz pacif coast. california poppi display live color long lasting. self seed plant grow 12 16 inch length. seed weep willow tree one fastest grow seeds. provid ideal climat conditions, seed germin within 10 15 day grow much 10 feet everi year. branch slender narrow, leav becom rich golden color autumn."} {"id": "5411", "contents": "young lettuc plant peek soil satisfi even impati gardener. mani gardeners, wait seed germin plant grow part hobby' reward. others, however, maddening, especi garden children"} {"id": "5412", "contents": "bermuda grass, one common fast-grow grass seeds, grow climat conditions, warm cold. usual grown warm climat conditions, varieti grow within 21 days. extens use golf courses, sport fields, pastures, coastal areas, lawn days. plant seeds, first plant indoor week end frost, would see seed germin next 10 20 days. morn glory. morn glori flower known bright colors, like purple, red, pink, blue."} {"id": "5413", "contents": "bermuda grass, one common fast grow grass seeds, grow climat conditions, whether warm cold. usual grown warm climat conditions, varieti grow within 21 day extens use golf courses, sport fields, pastures, coastal area lawn today. seed weep willow tree one fastest grow seeds. provid ideal climat conditions, seed germin within 10 15 day grow much 10 feet everi year. branch slender narrow, leav becom rich golden color autumn."} {"id": "5414", "contents": "radishes. radish seed fastest-germin seeds, gener take six eight day germinate. small size, however, seed difficult smaller hand work with, shoot dramat larger options. select appropri seed speedi germin import time essence\u2014for example, scienc fair project. order seed germinate, must absorb larg amount water outer coat."} {"id": "5415", "contents": "seed weep willow tree one fastest grow seeds. provid ideal climat conditions, germin within 10 15 days. tree much 10 feet everi year. branch slender narrow, leav becom rich golden color autumn. plant seeds, first plant indoor week end frost, would see seed germin next 10 20 days. morn glory. morn glori flower known bright colors, like purple, red, pink, blue."} {"id": "5416", "contents": "plant may grow seed cuttings. plant seeds, first plant indoor week end frost would see seed germin next 10 20 days. morn glory. morn glori flower known bright colors, like purple, red, pink blue. seed weep willow tree one fastest grow seeds. provid ideal climat conditions, seed germin within 10 15 day grow much 10 feet everi year. branch slender narrow, leav becom rich golden color autumn."} {"id": "5417", "contents": "vigoro lb. fast grass lawn seed mix fast germin mix result days. excel ground cover eros control. mix use quickli repair bare spot over-seed bermuda lawn. germin days."} {"id": "5418", "contents": "buzzl articl give list fast-grow plant seeds, plant home garden. advertisement. mani people, frustrat wait see plant garden grow. today, homeown impati want plant garden grow soon possible. plant seeds, first plant indoor week end frost, would see seed germin next 10 20 days. morn glory. morn glori flower known bright colors, like purple, red, pink, blue."} {"id": "5419", "contents": "discount price larg select walkers. tradit walkers, rollat walkers, roll walker, wheel walker, merri walker, fold walker, platform walker, walker seat, hemi walker, wheel walker, wheel walker mani handicap walker designs."} {"id": "5420", "contents": "four-wheel rollat cost $70 $200. simpl wheel walker cost anywher $30 much $90. standard walker wheel cost $30 much $70. knee walker cost $150 much $300."} {"id": "5421", "contents": "taxpay pay travel cost gov. scott walker' secur detail polit jaunt step out-of-st trip prepar like presidenti run. state tax dollar still pay salari benefit state patrol trooper guard governor family."} {"id": "5422", "contents": "products, price adult walker vari depend brand, qualiti type. overall, adult walker cost $40 $300. three-wheel rollat retail $80 $150. four-wheel rollat cost $70 $200."} {"id": "5423", "contents": "knee walker cost $150 much $300. specialti walker includ baskets, oxygen tank holder accessori cost anywher $200 much $1,200. example, invacar dual releas walker retail $40 $90."} {"id": "5424", "contents": "shop spinlif complet select standard walkers. adult walker come assembl requir back 110% low price guarante best return polici web. standard walker fold make storag transport simple. best sell fold walker includ invacar adult dual releas walker invacar rollit walker."} {"id": "5425", "contents": "(7). shop spinlif complet select standard walkers. adult walker come assembl requir back 110% low price guarante best return polici web. standard walker fold make storag transport simple. best sell fold walker includ invacar adult dual releas walker invacar rollit walker."} {"id": "5426", "contents": "simpl wheel walker cost anywher $30 much $90. standard walker wheel cost $30 much $70. knee walker cost $150 much $300. specialti walker includ baskets, oxygen tank holder accessori cost anywher $200 much $1,200."} {"id": "5427", "contents": "bacteri infect also caus sore throat. type infect include: strep throat: inflamm throat caus streptococc bacteria. diphtheria: infecti diseas caus throat inflammation. whoop cough: diseas respiratori mucou membrane."} {"id": "5428", "contents": "antibiot use bacteri infect caus sore throat. viral infections, antibiot effect. oral analges solutions, activ ingredi usual phenol, also less commonli benzocaine, cetylpyridinium chlorid and/or menthol. common bacteri caus case pharyng (15\u201330%). common symptom includ fever, sore throat, larg lymph nodes. contagi infection, spread close contact infect individual."} {"id": "5429", "contents": "sore throat (throat infection, pharyngitis) caus viru (or bacteria) infect area back throat (pharynx). caus red swell (inflammation), painful, especi swallow. throat infect caus viruses, includ virus cause: bacteria also caus throat infection. sometim call \u2018strep\u2019 throat, name bacteria caus streptococcu pyogenes. bacteri infect \u2018strep\u2019 throat rare children younger year old. children age 3\u201314 year sore throat caus s. pyogenes, compar 10 adults."} {"id": "5430", "contents": "bacteria: strep throat infect caus particular strain streptococcu bacteria. infect also damag heart valv (rheumat fever) kidney (nephritis), caus scarlet fever, tonsillitis, pneumonia, sinusitis, ear infections. infect virus bacteria main caus sore throat make difficult talk breathe. allergi sinu infect also contribut sore throat. sore throat last five seven days, see doctor."} {"id": "5431", "contents": "advertisement. throat infect caus human mainli due viral bacteri infections. scientif term use infect pharyngitis. sore throat common first symptom seen person affect throat infection."} {"id": "5432", "contents": "major sore throat trigger viral infection. infect caus virus, cold flu. type viral infect include: mononucleosis: infecti diseas typic transmit saliva. measles: contagi ill character distinct rash fever. type infect include: strep throat: inflamm throat caus streptococc bacteria. diphtheria: infecti diseas caus throat inflammation. whoop cough: diseas respiratori mucou membrane."} {"id": "5433", "contents": "bacteri infect may also caus sore throat. occur from: strep throat, usual occur congest cough. inflamm infect tonsil (tonsillitis) sometim adenoid (adenoiditis). infect tissu around tonsil (peritonsillar abscess). sever condit caus sore throat. sore throat may caus viral illness, as: common cold, common type viral infection. infect voic box (laryngitis). mononucleosi (mono, kiss disease), viral infect tend caus persist sore throat"} {"id": "5434", "contents": "eurocentr practic view world european perspect impli belief, either conscious subconsciously, preemin european culture. eurocentr term coin 1980s, refer notion european exceptionalism, worldview center western civilization, develop height european coloni empir sinc earli modern period."} {"id": "5435", "contents": "lesson summary. ethnocentr belief cultur ethnic group superior cultur ethnic groups. ethnic group teach children hate group either avoid kill members, they'v cross ethnocentr line. color skin, hair, eye peopl have, languag speak, food eat, religion practic becom ingrain mind, whether know not. ethnocentr belief cultur ethnic group superior cultur ethnic groups. tell children best student athlet be. adult want belong best club best jobs, homes, car possibl"} {"id": "5436", "contents": "defin viewpoint \u201cone\u2019 group center everything,\u201d group judged. ethnocentr often entail belief one' race ethnic group import and/or aspect cultur superior groups. describ tendenc look world primarili perspect one' perspective, main influenc culture. peopl often feel ethnocentr experienc cultur shock behaviour understood due cultur differences."} {"id": "5437", "contents": "ethnocentr view belief one\u2019 ethnic superior others. \u201cethno\u201d word ethnocentr come \u201cethnos\u201d, greek word mean \u201cpeople\u201d. \u201ccentrism\u201d meanwhil refer \u201ccenter\u201d. today\u2019 society, peopl may awar ethnocentr exists. peopl got use are, believ thing believe, without realli think choic may result feel superior others. classic exampl topic religion."} {"id": "5438", "contents": "introduction. ethnocentr term appli cultur ethnic bias\u2014wheth consciou unconscious\u2014in individu view world perspect group, establish in-group archetyp rate group refer ideal."} {"id": "5439", "contents": "ethnic distinct subdivis serv defin ethnic 's uniqu cultur identity. ethnocentr may overt subtle, consid natur procliv human psychology, develop gener neg connotation. defin technic name view thing one' group center everything, other scale rate refer it.. character often lead pride, vanity, belief one' group' superiority, contempt outsiders."} {"id": "5440", "contents": "ethnocentr view thing one' group self centr everything, other scale rate refer it. describ tendenc look world primarili perspect one' perspective, main influenc culture. peopl often feel ethnocentr experienc cultur shock behaviour understood due cultur differences."} {"id": "5441", "contents": "download. posit psychology, ethnocentrism, disguis ideolog individu john chamber christoph montana state univers sarah hickinbottom simon fraser univers abstract."} {"id": "5442", "contents": "ethnocentr judg anoth cultur sole valu standard one' culture. ethnocentr individu judg group rel ethnic group culture, especi concern language, behavior, customs, religion. defin technic name view thing one' group center everything, other scale rate refer it.. character often lead pride, vanity, belief one' group' superiority, contempt outsiders."} {"id": "5443", "contents": "certifi nurse-midwif (cnm) midwif train licens nurs midwifery. nurse-midw must least bachelor\u2019 degre accredit institution. also certifi american colleg nurs midwives. certifi midwif (cm) individu train certifi midwifery. brief descript type midwife: certifi nurse-midwif (cnm) midwif train licens nurs midwifery. nurse-midw must least bachelor\u2019 degre accredit institution. also certifi american colleg nurs midwiv"} {"id": "5444", "contents": "nurs anesthetists, nurs midwives, nurs practitioners, also refer advanc practic regist nurs (aprns), provid coordin patient care may provid primari specialti health care. scope practic vari state state. nurs anesthetists, nurs midwives, nurs practitioners, also refer advanc practic regist nurses, must earn least master\u2019 degre one specialti roles. aprn must also licens regist nurs state pass nation certif exam."} {"id": "5445", "contents": "certifi nurse-midw (cnms) train nurs midwives. least bachelor' degre (and also master' degree), must pass nation certif exam american colleg nurse-midw (acnm) receiv state licens practice. sever differ type midwives, train requirements: certifi nurse-midw (cnms) train nurs midwives. certifi midwiv (cms) college-educ certifi acnm. certifi profession midwiv (cpms) train midwiv certifi north american registri ..."} {"id": "5446", "contents": "certifi nurs midwif catherin badeaux woman woman midwiferi (3615 prytania st., 272-0681; www.womantowomanmidwifery.com) discuss natur birth midwife' role."} {"id": "5447", "contents": "nurs midwif integr part health care commun support women pregnancy. manag stage woman' pregnancy, also help women famili plan parenthood."} {"id": "5448", "contents": "nurs anesthetists, nurs midwives, nurs practitioners, also refer advanc practic regist nurs (aprns), coordin patient care may provid primari specialti health care. scope practic vari state state. nurs anesthetists, nurs midwives, nurs practitioners, also refer advanc practic regist nurses, must earn least master\u2019 degre one specialti roles. aprn must also licens regist nurs state pass nation certif exam."} {"id": "5449", "contents": "women, children, famili better live work certifi nurse-midw (cnms) certifi midwiv (cms). american colleg nurse-midw profession associ repres cnm cms. mean midwiv perform physic exams, prescrib medic includ contracept methods, order laboratori test needed, provid prenat care, gynecolog care, labor birth care, well health educ counsel women ages."} {"id": "5450", "contents": "midwif mean woman thu mantra american colleg nurse-midwives, women lifetime.."} {"id": "5451", "contents": "nurs midwife. certifi nurse-midw (cnms) advanc practic regist nurs provid counsel care pre-conception, pregnancy, childbirth postpartum period. degre nurs (bsn), becom certifi nurse-midwife. cases, rn bachelor' degre requir complet bachelor\u2019 degre attend cnm program."} {"id": "5452", "contents": "relat tutorials: how-to #2: first 60 days. gener hints. first thing first-egg hatch 21 days, though may hatch day earli day late, incub period began."} {"id": "5453", "contents": "6. record day mani egg incub calendar. abl estim hatch date base averag incub time bird speci want hatch. example, chicken egg typic take 21 day hatch, wherea mani duck varieti peafowl may take 28 days."} {"id": "5454", "contents": "rooster sit eggs. need taken egg hatch, kill chicks. chicken egg take 21 day hatch, doesnt matter hen incubator. hen sit egg day, get eat drink."} {"id": "5455", "contents": "candl egg 10 days. candl egg use light sourc view much space embryo occupi within egg. 10 days, see develop embryo."} {"id": "5456", "contents": "reason temperatur drop correct temperatur occasions, could find egg hatch day 22, 23, even day 24 25. wherea fertil chicken egg usual take exactli 21 day hatch, duck egg take 28 days, apart muscovi ducks. gener rule thumb, egg muscovi duck take 35 days, again, vari slightli depend conditions."} {"id": "5457", "contents": "forc air incub (with fan) temperatur 99-99.5*f. still air incub temperatur slightli higher, 101-102*f measur top eggs. use thermomet hygromet (which measur humidity) incubator."} {"id": "5458", "contents": "hand use incub order hatch fertil chicken eggs, sometim hatch day two early, also hatch day late. thing like humid temperatur play signific role."} {"id": "5459", "contents": "ye thank you! cycl measur first day period first day next period. lmp 1/23 cycl 28 days, period would due saturday, 2/20. get idea cycl length, see backtrack plot start past period calendar. cycl 28 days, period lmp would start dec. 26."} {"id": "5460", "contents": "calcul menstrual cycl length, count number day day one period (cd 1) to, including, day next period starts. count includ first day next menstrual period, that' cycl day next cycle. averag cycl length displays. time track next period, cycl length updated! use history/quick history, menstrual cycl chart, see average, shortest longest menstrual cycl length."} {"id": "5461", "contents": "time track next period, cycl length updated! use history/quick history, menstrual cycl chart, see average, shortest longest menstrual cycl length. use prefer cycl rule exclud irregular periods. averag cycl length displays. time track next period, cycl length updated! use history/quick history, menstrual cycl chart, see average, shortest longest menstrual cycl length."} {"id": "5462", "contents": "women cycl number day month month. me, rang anywher 30 35 days. first day period day 1. me, averag 32 day per cycle. figur averag data collect. websit you. start period, day one. start next period. might keep track awhil realli know. go there. (example: period start juli 24, that' day one. next period aug. 30 i'm 37 day cycle. hope helps."} {"id": "5463", "contents": "cycl begin first day regular bleeding. spot doesn\u2019t count. example, cycl day first day period; cycl day second day period, cycl day third day menstrual flow, forth. ex.= februari 2nd. figur long cycl is, start cycl day last menstrual cycl begin count (cycl day 1,2,3,4 forth). length= last cycl day start bleed again."} {"id": "5464", "contents": "luteal phase third final phase menstrual cycle, follow ovulation. also refer dpo (day past ovulation), length number day ovul day start next period. normal luteal phase consid 10 16 days."} {"id": "5465", "contents": "calcul menstrual cycl length. menstrual cycl length number day menstrual cycl lasts. period length, number day period lasts. day period start consid cycl day (cd) -- start new menstrual cycle. averag cycl length displays. time track next period, cycl length updated! use history/quick history, menstrual cycl chart, see average, shortest longest menstrual cycl length."} {"id": "5466", "contents": "averag cycl length automat calcul mymonthlycycles.com whenev updat free period calendar! simple! detail ... textbook averag woman' menstrual cycl length 28 days, period length, days. averag cycl length displays. time track next period, cycl length updated! use history/quick history, menstrual cycl chart, see average, shortest longest menstrual cycl length."} {"id": "5467", "contents": "doctor talk length cycle, includ day period. regular 28-day cycl start period everi four weeks. 22-day cycl period everi three weeks. averag period last three four days, shorter longer, rang one seven days. 28-day cycle, probabl ovul middl cycle. 22-day cycle, could ovul day period. regular period fairli easi work like ovulating."} {"id": "5468", "contents": "sinc reactiv lymphocyt quit larg slightli unusu appear (see imag j), paramount import distinguish reactiv lymphocyt neoplast hematopoiet cells."} {"id": "5469", "contents": "reactiv lymphocyt atyp lymphocyt associ viral bacteri infections. howev may also associ condit includ auto-immun disord like rheumatoid arthritis."} {"id": "5470", "contents": "reactiv lymphocyt (atyp lymphocyte, activated, downey cells): cell larg lymphocyt contain greater amount cytoplasm vari size shape. often characterist bluish ting cytoplasm seen cell abut surround rbcs."} {"id": "5471", "contents": "reactiv lymphocytes. reactiv lymphocyt older dog atrial hemangiosarcoma. reactiv lymphocyt seen peripher blood respons antigen stimulation. thus, frequent younger animals, antigen naive."} {"id": "5472", "contents": "reactiv lymphocyt dog. reactiv lymphocyt (all taken magnification) older dog atrial hemangiosarcoma. a: normal small, matur lymphocyte. b: small \u201cplasmacytoid\u201d lymphocyte: cell increas amount darker blue cytoplasm normal. c: anoth variant \u201cplasmacytoid\u201d"} {"id": "5473", "contents": "lymphocytosi either primari secondary. reactive, secondary, lymphocytos condit involv absolut increas lymphocyt caus physiolog pathophysiolog respons infect (especi viral), inflammation, toxins, cytokines, unknown agents."} {"id": "5474", "contents": "reactiv lymphocyte-also known relat mononucleosis, atyp lymphocytes, mononuclear cell count increased, mononuclear cell count, atyp lymphocyt (morpholog abnormality), mononuclear cell count (procedure)."} {"id": "5475", "contents": "vitiglio-skin condit skin lose pigment color. fungu (e.g; tinea versicolor)- fungal infect caus white spot area back chest. athlet foot jock itch cream could help. fungu also contract tan beds. white spot skin. vitiglio-skin condit skin lose pigment color. fungu (e.g; tinea versicolor)- fungal infect caus white spot area back chest. athlet foot jock itch cream could help. fungu also contract tan beds."} {"id": "5476", "contents": "age spot shoulder back. age spot also call liver spot solar lentigin flat tan, brown black spots. vari size usual appear face, hands, shoulder arm area expos sun. age spot common adult older age 50. cosmet reasons, age spot lighten skin-bleach product removed. however, prevent age spot avoid sun use sunscreen may easiest way maintain skin' youth appearance."} {"id": "5477", "contents": "a. skin bumps, spots, growths, mole harmless. color skin spots, also call pigment lesion (such freckles, moles, flesh-color skin spots), growth (such wart skin tags) may present birth develop skin ages."} {"id": "5478", "contents": "skin spots: occurr spot locat skin. see detail inform list 29 caus skin spots, symptom checker, includ diseas drug side effect causes. condit list medic symptoms: skin spots: follow list condit skin spot similar list symptom database. computer-gener list may inaccur incomplete. alway seek prompt profession medic advic caus symptom."} {"id": "5479", "contents": "actin keratosi actin lentigin type color skin spot caus much sun exposure. although spot skin cancers, may mean increas chanc get skin cancer, squamou cell skin cancer type melanoma. color skin spots, also call pigment lesion (such freckles, moles, flesh-color skin spots), growth (such wart skin tags) may present birth develop skin ages."} {"id": "5480", "contents": "histolog slide solar lentigo. liver spot (also known age spot, solar lentigo, lentigo senilis, old age spot, senil freckle) blemish skin associ age exposur ultraviolet radiat sun."} {"id": "5481", "contents": "skin spot babi go away without treatment within months. birthmark color mark skin present birth develop shortli birth. mani differ sizes, shapes, colors, includ brown, tan, black, blue, pink, white, red, purple. color skin spots, also call pigment lesion (such freckles, moles, flesh-color skin spots), growth (such wart skin tags) may present birth develop skin ages."} {"id": "5482", "contents": "spot skin. identifi reason spot skin difficult sinc least 61 conditions, diseases, viruses, bacteria infect result skin spots. clue provid locat appear color, shape area raised. white spot skin. vitiglio-skin condit skin lose pigment color. fungu (e.g; tinea versicolor)- fungal infect caus white spot area back chest. athlet foot jock itch cream could help. fungu also contract tan beds."} {"id": "5483", "contents": "warn sign skin cancer. skin cancer -- includ melanoma, basal cell carcinoma, squamou cell carcinoma -- often start chang skin. new growth precancer lesion -- chang cancer could becom cancer time."} {"id": "5484", "contents": "pleas use list greek babi name reference/idea name kid/child. databas babi name compil variou refer suggest provid web site visitor resourc partners. mean zale greek origin/cultur boy name histori fame details."} {"id": "5485", "contents": "mean zale. greek name. greek, name zale means-sea strength.th name zale origin greek name. name zale unisex name use boy girl name (male female). greek name meaning-sea strength. origin-greece."} {"id": "5486", "contents": "name zale greek babi name. greek mean name zale is: power sea. soulurg number: 6. express number: 8. peopl name deep inner desir stable, love famili community, need work other appreciated."} {"id": "5487", "contents": "find major zale famili live immigr u. learn focu search foreign records. immigr record tell ancestor' name, ship name, port departure, port arrival, destination. new york passeng lists. click circl chart view zale birth death records. unusu short lifespan might indic ancestor live harsh conditions. short lifespan might also indic health problem preval family."} {"id": "5488", "contents": "zale variant: zayle. zale unusu first name male promin last name adult children (#28947 150436, top 19%). (2000 u.s. census). present babi name popular zale boys. zale yet record list far"} {"id": "5489", "contents": "zale /za-le/ [1 syll.] boys' name greek origin, mean zale sea-strength. zale unusu first name male promin last name adult children (#28947 150436, top 19%). (2000 u.s. census)."} {"id": "5490", "contents": "zale unusu babi name boys. list top 1000 names. babi name sound like zale includ zael, zail, zaile, zayl, zayle, zeyl, zeyle, zeal, zeale, zeel, zeele, zell, zelle, zoel, zoylow, aislie, giles, gilles, zaele, zahal. english pronunci zale: zoo (z.uw) ey ate (ey.t) lay (l.ey)."} {"id": "5491", "contents": "greek, name zale means-sea strength.th name zale origin greek name. name zale unisex name use boy girl name (male female). greek name meaning-sea strength. greek name. greek, name zale means-sea strength.th name zale origin greek name. name zale unisex name use boy girl name (male female). greek name meaning-sea strength. origin-greece."} {"id": "5492", "contents": "click circl chart view zale immigr records. find zale famili immigr unit states. focu search immigr record date era. immigr record tell ancestor' name, ship name, port departure, port arriv destination. social secur death index (ssdi). click circl chart view zale birth death records. unusu short lifespan might indic ancestor live harsh conditions. short lifespan might also indic health problem preval family."} {"id": "5493", "contents": "comment insight name zale: edit. share know! person experi name zale: edit. share know! nicknam zale: edit. share know! mean histori name zale: edit. strength sea."} {"id": "5494", "contents": "forc (f) requir lift piston, weight piston pump rod (wp), plu weight column water cross section equal piston area height equal head (h). also dynam load forc need acceler masses."} {"id": "5495", "contents": "axial-piston pump consist set piston fit within cylind block driven angl swash plate power input shaft. swash plate rotates, piston reciproc respect cylind block bore provid pump action. vane-typ pump handl inlet vacuum in.-hg (152.4 mm-hg) piston-typ pump in.-hg (101.6 mm-hg). nois vibrat vane-typ pump quietest vibration-fre follow piston-and gear-typ pump order."} {"id": "5496", "contents": "analysi friction loss bent-axi type hydraul piston pump. yeh-sun hongaffili withschool aeronaut mechan engineering, hankuk aviat univers email author. yoon-ho dohaffili withschool aeronaut mechan engineering, hankuk aviat university. design axial piston pump electro-hydrostat transmiss system requir accur inform much intern friction flow loss produced."} {"id": "5497", "contents": "paper, shown viscou friction forc valv plate input shaft bear primari sourc friction loss bent-axi type pump, friction forc moment piston littl significance. design axial piston pump electro-hydrostat transmiss system requir accur inform much intern friction flow loss produced."} {"id": "5498", "contents": "engin effici thermal engin relationship total energi contain fuel, amount energi use perform use work. two classif thermal engines-. effici engin defin ratio use work done heat provided. where, heat absorb work done."} {"id": "5499", "contents": "axial piston pump posit displac pump number piston circular array within cylind block. axial piston pump number piston (usual odd number) arrang circular array within hous commonli refer cylind block, rotor barrel."} {"id": "5500", "contents": "pump loss ga exchang system (air filter, intake, throttle, valves, exhaust pipes, after-treat device, muffler)\uf0d8 engin fluid flow* (coolant, oil) *have care avoid double-counting. engin coolant oil flow loss provid oil water pump."} {"id": "5501", "contents": "control loss occur discharg side centrifug pump equip backpressur valv control flow rate. liquid flow control valve, energi lost. next static head, control loss frequent import factor calcul pump\u2019 total dynam head. pump defin \u201ca mechan devic add energi fluid increas flow rate static pressure.\u201d process accomplish posit displac pump kinetic-energi pumps."} {"id": "5502", "contents": "intak stroke, piston act upon intak manifold pressur (vacuum) minu (even vacuum) pressur drop across intak valve/port. exhaust stroke act upon exhaust manifold pressur plu pressur drop across exhaust valve/port. stroke thu resist motion crank, therefor absorb power. power goe toward heat air pump engine. pump loss. sinc exhaust manifold pressur (assum decent exhaust system) typic near ambient, pump loss mostli function intak vacuum."} {"id": "5503", "contents": "can! ipod connect itunes, appear sidebar. select it, make sure checked. now, creat playlist the. button bottom right window, name will. simpli drag song want playlist contain sidebar, drop in!"} {"id": "5504", "contents": "1. prefer manag song playlist ipod separ way manag itunes: set ipod manual manag music video click ipod' icon left side itun plug in. check manual manag music video box. edit step."} {"id": "5505", "contents": "renam playlist ipod nano. easili chang name playlist ipod nano fact: itunes, double-click playlist, name becom edit text: renam playlist, hit. /. appli new name."} {"id": "5506", "contents": "found helpful. itun media center allow creat playlist favorit song sync ipod nano enjoy go. also save time creat playlist directli nano. may find use make playlist ipod nano away computer."} {"id": "5507", "contents": "creat playlist ipod nano. itunes, locat icon correspond ipod nano, right-click it: context menu opens, choos new playlist (if nano, one sub-items, current selected, also use keyboard shortcut. windows, or. mac)."} {"id": "5508", "contents": "49 definit essay definit essay goe beyond dictionari definit word. usual word concept defin one sentence. definit essay, however, need sever paragraphs. therefore, definit must extend includ examples, details, person experience, description, causes, effects, analysis, etc. all, definit essay must demonstr detail account opinion word concept."} {"id": "5509", "contents": "full definit essay. transit verb. 1. put test. 2. make often tent experiment effort perform: try. es\u00b7say\u00b7 noun. see essay defin english-languag learners. see essay defin kids."} {"id": "5510", "contents": "use permission. 49 definit essay definit essay goe beyond dictionari definit word. usual word concept defin one sentence. definit essay, however, need sever paragraphs. therefore, definit must extend includ examples, details, person experience, description, causes, effects, analysis, etc. all, definit essay must demonstr detail account opinion word concept."} {"id": "5511", "contents": "hah. actual ese slang word often use mexicans, least i'v heard mexican use it. like dude, man, bro, etc. feel like homi homeboy. realli filler say way much good recogn guess."} {"id": "5512", "contents": "es\u2022say. 1. short literari composit particular theme subject, usu. prose gener analytic, speculative, interpretative. 2. anyth resembl composition: pictur essay. 3. effort perform accomplish something; attempt. 4. try; attempt."} {"id": "5513", "contents": "slang definition. word part standard vocabulari languag use inform call slang. word mostli use speech rather writing."} {"id": "5514", "contents": "primari reason includ definit write avoid misunderstand audience. formal definit consist three parts. term (word phrase) defined. class object concept term belongs."} {"id": "5515", "contents": "missouri compromise, first great congression compromis slaveri issue, also import set preced congress could regul slaveri new territori states. issu would becom import topic debat decad later, especi 1850s. missouri compromise, 1820, measur hammer congress find way determin whether slaveri would legal new territori admit state union. result complic fieri debates, enact compromis seem reduc tension time."} {"id": "5516", "contents": "missouri compromis 1820 admit missouri slave state, main free state, keep balanc slave/non-slav state equal congress. also est ablish 36-30 line, said slaveri would allow line except missouri. missouri compromis agreement north south pass congress 1820 allow missouri admit 24th state 1821. one slave state (missouri) one free state (maine) admit union, maintain balance."} {"id": "5517", "contents": "first, missouri would admit union slave state, would balanc admiss maine, free state, long want separ massachusetts. second, slaveri exclud new state louisiana purchas north southern boundari missouri. attempt keep legisl balanc pro-and anti-slaveri factions, missouri compromis delin state would free would not. african american obvious oppos slaveri news congression opposit expans circul wide within slave communities."} {"id": "5518", "contents": "compromis 1850 basic expans slavery. before, missouri compromis effect, said territori north border would automat free territori south would slave. slave state unhappi arrangement."} {"id": "5519", "contents": "introduction. year lead missouri compromis 1820, tension began rise pro-slaveri anti-slaveri faction within u.s. congress across country."} {"id": "5520", "contents": "answer collin bruey. confid vote 24. missouri compromis basic gave pro-slav state missouri, gave non-slaveri state maine. compromis also enact 36-30 (36 degre north- 30 minutes) made state enter union south line pro-slavery. missouri compromis 1820 admit missouri slave state, main free state, keep balanc slave/non-slav state equal congress. also est ablish 36-30 line, said slaveri would allow line except missouri"} {"id": "5521", "contents": "compromis consist three main provisions: missouri would admit union slave state. main would admit time free state order maintain balanc free slave states. slaveri would declar illeg north 36 30' parallel west missouri. main would admit time free state order maintain balanc free slave states."} {"id": "5522", "contents": "compromis agre pro-slaveri anti-slaveri faction unit state congress pass law 1820, presid jame monroe. missouri compromis effect repeal kansas\u2013nebraska act, submit congress stephen a. dougla januari 1854."} {"id": "5523", "contents": "missouri would admit union slave state. main would admit time free state order maintain balanc free slave states. slaveri would declar illeg north 36 30' parallel west missouri. main would admit time free state order maintain balanc free slave states."} {"id": "5524", "contents": "differ kind cultur boundaries. could come form religious, ethnic, languag boundary. religious: britain partit india creat pakistan, creat religi cultur boundary. muslim reorgan pakistan hindu india. actual exampl converg plate boundari would indian-eurasian plate boundari whic creat himalayan mountain range. converg plate creat trench mariana trench, lowest place surfac earth."} {"id": "5525", "contents": "great exampl physic boundari mountain. example, pyrene mountains, serv separ franc spain, physic boundary. ural mountain separ europ asia. along mountains, oceans, seas, even desert exampl physic boundaries. speak cultur boundari base language, great exampl found within countri canada, french offici languag quebec. also spoken pocket provinces, wherea much rest countri speak english."} {"id": "5526", "contents": "exampl diverg boundary: mid-atlant ridge, red sea rift, baikal rift zone, east african rift, east pacif rise, gakkel ridge, galapago rise, explor ridge, pacific-antarct ridge, west antarct rift. actual exampl converg plate boundari would indian-eurasian plate boundari whic creat himalayan mountain range. converg plate creat trench mariana trench, lowest place surfac earth."} {"id": "5527", "contents": "anthropolog geography, cultur region, cultur sphere, cultur area cultur area refer geograph area one rel homogen human activ complex activ (culture). cultur area concept cultur anthropology, geograph region time sequenc (age area) character substanti uniform environ culture."} {"id": "5528", "contents": "major type physic cultur boundaries, conflict occur state manner boundari drawn? best answer: colonialism, power esp brit french arbitrarili dividi border base rivers, mountain cultural. cultur least consideration. henc see conflict everi eg africa. africa country-typ thingy. tribal remain so."} {"id": "5529", "contents": "specif cultur often limit geograph coverag border nation state, smaller subdivis state. cultur sphere influenc may also overlap form concentr structur macrocultur encompass smaller local cultures. cultur area concept cultur anthropology, geograph region time sequenc (age area) character substanti uniform environ culture."} {"id": "5530", "contents": "polit boundari often form physic boundaries. exampl rio grand river separ us mexico. ethnograph boundari cultur boundari boundari line run along differ ethnicity. speak cultur boundari base language, great exampl found within countri canada, french offici languag quebec. also spoken pocket provinces, wherea much rest countri speak english."} {"id": "5531", "contents": "best answer: differ kind cultur boundaries. could come form religious, ethnic, languag boundary. religious: britain partit india creat pakistan, creat religi cultur boundary. muslim reorgan pakistan hindu india. anoth exampl ireland uk protest north roman cathol republ ireland."} {"id": "5532", "contents": "move away physic boundaries, come cultur boundaries. also call ethnograph boundary, cultur boundari boundari line run along differ ethnicity, languag religion. speak cultur boundari base language, great exampl found within countri canada, french offici languag quebec. also spoken pocket provinces, wherea much rest countri speak english."} {"id": "5533", "contents": "annual salari someon job titl school superintend may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education. job descript school superintendent. direct manag school district. overse aspect district' oper policies, objectives, initiatives. respons attain short-and long-term financi oper goals."} {"id": "5534", "contents": "averag annual salari field superintendent-construction? annual salari someon job titl field superintendent-construct may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "5535", "contents": "team certifi compens profession analyz survey data collect thousand hr depart compani size industri present rang annual salari peopl job titl school superintend unit states. job descript school superintendent. direct manag school district. overse aspect district' oper policies, objectives, initiatives. respons attain short-and long-term financi oper goals."} {"id": "5536", "contents": "median expect salari typic superintend unit state $74,733. basic market price report prepar use certifi compens professionals' analysi survey data collect thousand hr depart employ sizes, industri geographies. establishes, plans, direct policies, procedur program school district. may requir ph.d educ least 10 year experi field. gener manag group exempt and/or nonexempt employees. reli experi judgment plan accomplish goals."} {"id": "5537", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic field superintendent-construct unit state $90,520 50% peopl perform job field superintendent-construct unit state expect make less $90,520. source: hr report data octob 2015. annual salari someon job titl field superintendent-construct may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "5538", "contents": "marin superintend salary. marin superintend averag salari $82,259, median salari $79,975 salari rang $27,500 $168,000. marin superintend salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position."} {"id": "5539", "contents": "construct superintend salary. (unit states). construct superintend unit state tend well-vers field, two-third three-fourth 10 year experience. averag salari expect around $71k annually, may rang $46k $108k per year. worker first five year expect earn $54k, peopl around five 10 year earn notic bigger sum $66k. peopl 10 20 year experi make averag $73k role."} {"id": "5540", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic school superintend unit state $148,007 50% peopl perform job school superintend unit state expect make less $148,007. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $148,007. job descript school superintendent. direct manag school district. overse aspect district' oper policies, objectives, initiatives. respons attain short-and long-term financi oper goals."} {"id": "5541", "contents": "school superintend earn averag salari $111,724 per year. pay job chang much experience, experienc earn bit least. highest pay skill associ job leadership, human resources, budgeting, peopl management. includ equiti (stock) compensation, cash valu retir benefits, valu non-cash benefit (e.g. healthcare).). total pay combin base annual salari hourli wage, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtim pay form cash earnings, applic job."} {"id": "5542", "contents": "averag gener superintend salari job post unit state averag gener superintend salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "5543", "contents": "so own vehicl titl registration. licens plate fee 1984 newer model year passeng vehicl light truck calcul use percentag manufacturer' suggest retail price (msrp) time vehicl first titled."} {"id": "5544", "contents": "person motorcycl plate letter number print vertic may purchas $100 plu $10 file fee. plate limit charact must contain least one alpha character. duplic replac plate also cost $100."} {"id": "5545", "contents": "median price base sale product condit list ebay.com past 14 days, insuffici number list meaning calculation, past 90 days."} {"id": "5546", "contents": "also known base price window sticker price taxes, options, destin charges. plate fee decreas 10% year first three annual plate renewals, fee longer chang vehicl continu age. licens plate fee establish state law."} {"id": "5547", "contents": "summary: car tags/licens plates. click state inform licens plates, includ appli for, renew, replac tags, well cost licens plate state' dmv. find inform licens plate transfer surrend sell car."} {"id": "5548", "contents": "new plate. licens plate fee 1984 newer model year passeng vehicl light truck calcul use percentag manufacturer' suggest retail price (msrp) time vehicl first titled."} {"id": "5549", "contents": "must display two licens plate motor vehicl passeng vehicles, motorhomes, truck vans. month tab year tab must display back plate. motorcycl trailer one licens plate month year tabs."} {"id": "5550", "contents": "initi applic fees: $10 plate fee, $10.00 file fee, $30 contribut fee. contribution: minimum annual contribut $30, due initi applic registr renewal. may contribut wish."} {"id": "5551", "contents": "2011, averag median nurs salari special hospic care exceed $65,000 per year. hospic nurs provid home care salari upper 10th percentil earn $77,000 per year. hospic nurs practic new york citi earn highest salaries, averag $77,810 annually. contempl career nursing, one factor consid nurse\u2019 salari benefits. accord bureau labor statistics, median annual wage regist nurs 2013 approxim $65,470."} {"id": "5552", "contents": "home health servic rn\u2019 earn estim $67,880 ($32.64 hourly). nurs residenti care facilities, averag annual salari around $62,440 $28.28 per hour. finally, offic physicians, rn earn averag $58,420 ($30.02 per hour). 2014, top pay state regist nurs california averag annual salari $98,440 ($47.31 hour). regist nurs salary. state bls.gov website, median averag wage rn (regist nurse) around $69,790 $33.55 hourli rate 2014. lowest paid 10% employ rn\u2019 made less $45,880 ($22.06 per hour), upper 10% percent made $98,880 ($47.54 per hour)."} {"id": "5553", "contents": "nurs 10 19 year neonat nurs experi earn high annual salaries, averag $80,901 $104,313 per year. experienc neonat nurs practitioners, 20 year work experience, averag earn $111,000 per year. contempl career nursing, one factor consid nurse\u2019 salari benefits. accord bureau labor statistics, median annual wage regist nurs 2013 approxim $65,470."} {"id": "5554", "contents": "averag nurs pay unit states. accord bureau labor statistics, regist nurs earn averag $33.23 per hour across specialti may 2011, mean annual incom $69,110. however, practic area nurs larg impact expect salary."} {"id": "5555", "contents": "nurs anesthetist less one year experi typic earn around $100,000 per year. experienc nurses, 20+ years, typic earn $125,000 $160,000 per year. highest pay job nurs anesthetist found florida, texas, new york california. contempl career nursing, one factor consid nurse\u2019 salari benefits. accord bureau labor statistics, median annual wage regist nurs 2013 approxim $65,470."} {"id": "5556", "contents": "start salari regist nurs rang around $28,000-$50,000 per year average. start hourli wage rn rang $16.50-26.00 per hour. salari increas time, nurs gain experience, certifications, special specif area. regist nurs also advanc career manag postions, addit regular rais offer employers."} {"id": "5557", "contents": "new graduat nurs california make $40 $46 per hour, depend geograph location. highest start salari california around $83,000 per year. areas, sign bonus advertis $10,000. educ experi have, money earn."} {"id": "5558", "contents": "much nurs make? accord bureau labor statist record may 2012, mean annual regist nurs salari $67,930, translat $32.66 per hour. lowest ten percentil field earn averag $45,040, top ten percentil make $94,720 annually."} {"id": "5559", "contents": "nurs start salari $51,719. nurs earn master degre nurs (msn) may becom advanc practic nurs earn significantli higher salaries, rang $67,350 high $103,719. nurs work physician independently, career nurs midwives, nurs anesthetist nurs practitioners."} {"id": "5560", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic leas consult unit state $28,224 50% peopl perform job leas consult unit state expect make less $28,224. source: hr report data septemb 2015. median $28,224. team certifi compens profession analyz survey data collect thousand hr depart compani size industri present rang annual salari peopl job titl leas consult unit states."} {"id": "5561", "contents": "annual salari someon job titl leas consult may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education. team certifi compens profession analyz survey data collect thousand hr depart compani size industri present rang annual salari peopl job titl leas consult unit states."} {"id": "5562", "contents": "leas agents, hourli averag wage total $12.30 per hour. compens group mainli affect location, career length individu firm influenti factor well. unfortunately, peopl line work without benefit approxim two five lack coverage."} {"id": "5563", "contents": "nalp certif cours requir work leas consult least six month becom certified, although begin take cours six months\u2019 experience. boma cours target toward leas agent properti manag 3-5 year experience. may help find job leas consultant. might also ask averag salari leas consult area. keep mind mani consult work commission."} {"id": "5564", "contents": "salary. leas agent receiv base annual salari addit sale commiss benefits, health care, 401(k) holiday pay. base pay applic agent\u2019 job level responsibilities. accord indeed.com, averag salari leas agent $43,000 publication."} {"id": "5565", "contents": "salary.com split leas consult entry-level senior positions. websit state septemb 2015 entry-level posit made median annual salari $28,224. senior level, come 2-4 year experience, median annual salari $34,421 month."} {"id": "5566", "contents": "averag leas consult salari job post nationwid 38% lower averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "5567", "contents": "leas consult job description. follow full job descript leas consultant. requir respons leas consult along statistics."} {"id": "5568", "contents": "popular employ salari leas consultant. leas consult seek sizabl paycheck earn equiti residential, median salari come $37k, though larg pay differ employe top ($30k) start ($55k) creat rather divers pay scale. leas consultants, hourli averag wage total $12.80 per hour. earn group mostli affect location, follow specif employ year experience. unfortunately, peopl line work without benefit one three lack coverag"} {"id": "5569", "contents": "scott pilgrim font. scott pilgrim font. scott pilgrim font refer font use poster titl scott pilgrim vs. world, american comedi film base graphic novel seri scott pilgrim bryan lee o\u2019malley."} {"id": "5570", "contents": "reductionist 8-bit render univers logo amuse-bouch edgar wright' scott pilgrim vs. world, base graphic novel seri bryan lee o'malley."} {"id": "5571", "contents": "scott pilgrim vs. world 2010 comedi film co-written, produc direct edgar wright, base graphic novel seri scott pilgrim bryan lee o'malley."} {"id": "5572", "contents": "letter \u201cscott pilgrim\u201d, similar font call superfli fontalici part \u201cvs. world\u201d, similar font call dusti dustbust. download two font free respect here."} {"id": "5573", "contents": "type match scott pilgrim vs. world movi download free page go away perman edit enjoy bit slowly. case. click options, select app video use high qualiti pdf. anyth interfac use criteria."} {"id": "5574", "contents": "video pre-ord bonu scott pilgrim origin soundtrack i-tunes. origin black sheep (c) metric, record soundtrack edgar wright film, scott pilgrim vs. world, releas theater august 13th, 2010."} {"id": "5575", "contents": "hi, download font that' (the title), scott pilgrim vs. world movi poster? pleas thank you!"} {"id": "5576", "contents": "sampl techniqu mutual exclusive, fact often use tandem reduc degre sampl error analysi allow greater degre confid make statist infer sampl regard larger group. alone, however, enough make sampl bia negligible. combin random sampl techniqu repres sampl method lead reduc bia specif member repres popul greater chanc select sampl other."} {"id": "5577", "contents": "theoretically, thing compromis repres luck. sampl repres population, random variat call sampl error. unbias random select repres sampl import draw conclus result study. rememb one goal research abl make conclus pertain popul result obtain sample."} {"id": "5578", "contents": "repres sampl drawn popul interest demograph characterist match popul mani way possible. summary. repres sampl demograph characterist similar popul interest. sampl match population, infer effect shown sampl like reflect population, too. unlock lesson must study.com member."} {"id": "5579", "contents": "random sampl group set chosen larger popul group factor instanc random manner allow member larger group equal chanc chosen. alone, however, enough make sampl bia negligible. combin random sampl techniqu repres sampl method lead reduc bia specif member repres popul greater chanc select sampl other."} {"id": "5580", "contents": "repres sampl group set chosen larger statist popul group factor instanc adequ replic larger group accord whatev characterist qualiti study. alone, however, enough make sampl bia negligible. combin random sampl techniqu repres sampl method lead reduc bia specif member repres popul greater chanc select sampl other."} {"id": "5581", "contents": "definit 'repres sample'. subset statist popul accur reflect member entir population. repres sampl unbias indic popul like. classroom 30 student half student male half female, repres sampl might includ six students: three male three females. next up. repres sampl group chosen depict repres larger popul accord one characterist ..."} {"id": "5582", "contents": "repres sampl unbias indic popul like. classroom 30 student half student male half female, repres sampl might includ six students: three male three females. repres sampl precious collect sampl target population. quantit method purpose, person make sampl frame assess much sampl repres"} {"id": "5583", "contents": "best answer: random sample, everyon chanc chosen participate... like u.s. censu surveys. would random sampl pick everi 5th person phone book sample. repres sampl chosen specif group peopl repres group. sampl high school students, example, sampl cosmopolitan reader"} {"id": "5584", "contents": "tip get list stream titl netflix. find new releas netflix here: link. it\u2019 actual quit simple. use link mention below, thereaft select \u201call\u201d menu. choos sort title. present long list movi tv-show alphabet order, avail netflix right now. look list reach bottom. lot probabl take time."} {"id": "5585", "contents": "televis seri list exampl netflix\u2019 potenti outdo everi cabl network creativ entertainment. years, netflix go-to way watch favorit show movi comfort home."} {"id": "5586", "contents": "best stream netflix tv shows. list criteria: serial show current avail watch instantli netflix origin intend tv. movies. best stream netflix tv show includ great televis dramas, sci-fi/adventur shows, sitcoms, realiti tv programs."} {"id": "5587", "contents": "enjoy time family. however, netflix giveth one hand taketh away other, addit list movi tv seri come stream servic december, there' also list content remov lineup dec. 1."} {"id": "5588", "contents": "list criteria: serial show current avail watch instantli netflix origin intend tv. movies. best stream netflix tv show includ great televis dramas, sci-fi/adventur shows, sitcoms, realiti tv programs."} {"id": "5589", "contents": "list best tv show netflix (hat tip evan primakow). ten best tv show netflix, accord imdb. course, list also sort use criteria, includ u.s. releas date, help find recent seri alreadi home netflix."} {"id": "5590", "contents": "egg hatch order laid. eaglet break shell use egg tooth, point bump top beak. take twelv forty-eight hour hatch make first break shell (pipping). result, height nest tree match deck, 40 50 yard between. ask permiss homeown photograph eagles. nest 10+ years, eagl use peopl deck; go nest duti pay attention."} {"id": "5591", "contents": "bald eagl fledg time. time year bald eagl virginia fledg young. last week, week next two week vast major new bald eagl take air first time call fledging."} {"id": "5592", "contents": "egg laid day apart consequ hatch order laid. femal eaglet tend larger male counterparts. like bird prey, femal adult also larger male. adult eagl rang 33-35 inch long male 35-37 inch females. see photo 3-5. babi eaglet hatch, alway one parent nest incub egg protect predators. parent share incub oblig 35 days."} {"id": "5593", "contents": "took decorah eagl 37 day 2009 2011, 36 day 2010. 35 37 day safe bet. pip hatch: pip occur babi eagle' egg tooth first break eggshell. take long day chick fulli hatch. 35 37 day safe bet. pip hatch: pip occur babi eagle' egg tooth first break eggshell. take long day chick fulli hatch. 79% clutch two eggs."} {"id": "5594", "contents": "egg bald eagl egg slightli smaller domest goos egg. chick measur inch hatch weigh matter ounces. bald eagl incub egg 35 days. begin incub soon first egg laid. second egg usual appear within 36 72 hour first. occasion clutch egg produc"} {"id": "5595", "contents": "bald eagl build nest larg tree near river coasts. typic nest around feet diameter. eagl often use nest year year. years, nest becom enormous, much feet diameter, weigh two tons. result, height nest tree match deck, 40 50 yard between. ask permiss homeown photograph eagles. nest 10+ years, eagl use peopl deck; go nest duti pay attention."} {"id": "5596", "contents": "egg bald eagl egg slightli smaller domest goos egg. chick measur inch hatch weigh matter ounces. bald eagl incub egg 35 days. begin incub soon first egg laid. second egg usual appear within 36 72 hour first. occasion clutch egg produced. chick eagl chick fed steadi diet fish, occasion supplement waterfowl (ducks, geese) water bird (gulls, cormorants)."} {"id": "5597", "contents": "q. long take bald eagle' egg hatch long fly? a. take 35 day hatch, young nest 10-12 week unti lthey fledg (fli nest). q. old young eagl fly? a. 10-12 weeks, leav nest. q. eagl learn fli how? a. 10-12 week first leav nest (fledge), practic nest surround tree next month two. anoth studi estim 11 eagl aliv year life. general, believ 10 eagl surviv adulthood (5 yr age). ecolog q. mani pound food bald eagl eat day? a. approxim .5 1.5 per day."} {"id": "5598", "contents": "estim 7,066 nest pair bald eagles, due effort feder agencies, tribes, state local governments, conserv groups, universities, corporations, thousand individuals. us map estim breed pair state. result, height nest tree match deck, 40 50 yard between. ask permiss homeown photograph eagles. nest 10+ years, eagl use peopl deck; go nest duti pay attention."} {"id": "5599", "contents": "q. long lay hatch interv bald eagles? a. interv egg usual two four days, depend upon mani egg laid. 2009, mom hornbi laid second egg three day first. q. big bald eagl eggs? a. average, egg 7.0 7.6 centimetr (2.8 inches) long 5.3 5.6 centimetr (2.1 2.2 inches) wide. report weight rang 110 gram much 130 gram (3.9 4.6 ounces), alaskan bird produc largest heaviest eggs."} {"id": "5600", "contents": "summary, greenhous effect caus atmospher trap heat energi earth' surfac within atmospher absorb re-emit longwav energy. longwav energi emit back space, 90% intercept absorb greenhous gases."} {"id": "5601", "contents": "greenhous effect result a. consumpt radiat energi atmosphere. b. absorpt radiat energi hydrosphere. c. consumpt fruit veget produc biofuel."} {"id": "5602", "contents": "user: greenhous effect result a. absorpt radiat energi hydrosphere. b. consumpt fruit veget produc biofuel. c. absorpt radiat energi atmosphere."} {"id": "5603", "contents": "greenhous effect name given earth' atmospher trap greenhous gase carbon dioxid methan earth' atmosphere."} {"id": "5604", "contents": "answer confirm correct, copied, helpful. greenhous effect result a. consumpt radiat energi atmosphere. b. absorpt radiat energi hydrosphere. c. consumpt fruit veget produc biofuel."} {"id": "5605", "contents": "greenhous effect result a. absorpt radiat energi hydrosphere. b. consumpt fruit veget produc biofuel. c. absorpt radiat of. energi atmosphere. d. consumpt radiat"} {"id": "5606", "contents": "greenhous effect. exchang incom outgo radiat warm earth often refer greenhous effect greenhous work much way. incom uv radiat easili pass glass wall greenhous absorb plant hard surfac inside."} {"id": "5607", "contents": "strength edit. base pair vari strength. gc pair stronger au gu pair due presenc addit hydrogen bond stronger stack interactions. additionally, energi base pair alter exchang posit two pair bases."} {"id": "5608", "contents": "asymmetri structur non-complimentari purine-pyrimidin pair caus crowd prevent stabl bond forming. take concept quiz test understand complementari nucleotid bases. video overview. relat content. illustrations. nucleotid dna. nucleotid rna. problem sets. consist pair complementari base allow cell make double-strand dna singl strand template, creat messeng rna dna synthes protein individu amino acid match nucleotid base messeng rna complementari base transfer rna."} {"id": "5609", "contents": "phosphat group form bond either 2, 3, 5-carbon sugar, 5-carbon site common. cyclic nucleotid form phosphat group bound two sugar' hydroxyl groups. nucleotid contain either purin pyrimidin base. ribonucleotid nucleotid sugar ribose. deoxyribonucleotid nucleotid sugar deoxyribose. nucleic acid polymer macromolecul made nucleotid monomers."} {"id": "5610", "contents": "nucleotid contain five-carbon sugar deoxyribose, nitrogen base call adenine, one phosphat group. together, deoxyribos adenin make nucleosid (specifically, deoxyribonucleoside) call deoxyadenosine. nucleotid contain either purin pyrimidin base. ribonucleotid nucleotid sugar ribose. deoxyribonucleotid nucleotid sugar deoxyribose. nucleic acid polymer macromolecul made nucleotid monomers."} {"id": "5611", "contents": "base pair dna adenin thymin cytosin guanine. dna spiral staircase-lik structure. step form nitrogen base nucleotid adenin pair thymin cytosin guanine. photo courtesi u.s. nation librari medicine. side ladder compris sugar-phosph portion adjac nucleotid bond together. phosphat one nucleotid coval bound (a bond one pair electron share two atoms) sugar next nucleotide."} {"id": "5612", "contents": "relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: sinc a-t pair held togeth hydrogen bonds, c-g pair held togeth hydrogen bonds, would think c-g pair-bond stronger, like thought. source(s): asst prof year ago"} {"id": "5613", "contents": "nucleotid organ molecul serv monomers, subunits, nucleic acid like dna rna. build block nucleic acids, nucleotid compos nitrogen base, five-carbon sugar (ribos deoxyribose), least one phosphat group. nucleotid contain either purin pyrimidin base. ribonucleotid nucleotid sugar ribose. deoxyribonucleotid nucleotid sugar deoxyribose. nucleic acid polymer macromolecul made nucleotid monomers."} {"id": "5614", "contents": "two ring structur found bases. (cytosine) (thymine) singl six member ring, call pyrimidin ring. (adenine) (guanidine) two ring join together. unit call purin ring. call pyrimidin bases; call purin bases."} {"id": "5615", "contents": "apart adenin (a), cytosin (c), guanin (g), thymin (t) uracil (u), dna rna also contain base modifi nucleic acid chain formed. dna, common modifi base 5-methylcytosin (m c). normal spiral dna base form pair two strands: g. purin pair pyrimidin mainli dimension reasons-onli combin fit constant width geometri dna spiral."} {"id": "5616", "contents": "www.1howmany.com. exampl mani feet acre. unit measur mani feet acre. talk mani feet one acr 1, course, mean squar feet 2, acr squar feet unit area foot length unit. everybodi imagin area squar foot, easi visual acre. good exampl come sport"} {"id": "5617", "contents": "step 3. determin number acr wish calcul squar feet. let' use exampl number 37.5 acres. multipli number acr wish calcul squar feet 43,560---the number squar feet acre. example, would multipli 37.5 time 43,560 result 1,633,500. divid total number squar feet 1.000002 want extrem precise."} {"id": "5618", "contents": "answer 43560. assum convert squar foot acre. view detail measur unit: squar feet acre. si deriv unit area squar meter. squar meter equal 10.7639104167 squar feet, 0.000247105381467 acre. note round error may occur, alway check results."} {"id": "5619", "contents": "acr measur land area imperi unit u.s. customari units. equal 43 560 squar feet, 4840 squar yards, 160 squar rods. precis mean depend exact definit adopt foot: intern acr 046.856 422 (for uk, see). view detail measur unit: squar feet acre. si deriv unit area squar meter. squar meter equal 10.7639104167 squar feet, 0.000247105381467 acre. note round error may occur, alway check results."} {"id": "5620", "contents": "import realis acr measur shape-from rectangl circl even hexagons-so long total area land 43,560 squar feet. common shape acr furlong chain, 660 feet 66 feet."} {"id": "5621", "contents": "alternatively, may use convert convert values. acr 43 560 squar feet. acr imperi us customari system area unit. metric system, replac hectare. abbrevi ac. squar foot imperi us customari area unit. metric system, replac squar meter (metres). abbrevi sq ft ft"} {"id": "5622", "contents": "acr unit land area use imperi us customari systems. defin area chain (22 yards) furlong (220 yards), exactli equal 1\u2044640 squar mile, approxim 4,046.856 2, 40% hectare. one acr equal 0.0015625 squar miles, 4,840 squar yards, 43,560 squar feet 4,047 squar metr (0.405 hectares) (see below)."} {"id": "5623", "contents": "know bit acr squar feet, move convers unit find mani squar feet acre. one us customari acr equival 43 560 squar feet, 4840 squar yards, 4047 squar meters. also type acres, use variou countries: irish acr (7843 yd), roman acr (1260 m), cheshir acr (10240 yd), etc."} {"id": "5624", "contents": "43,560 squar feet one acre. acr unit area. 640 acr equal squar mile. hence, 1/640 squar mile. sinc squar mile contain 7,878,400 squar feet, acr 27,878,400 divid 640, 43,560 squar feet. remember: acr convert squar feet, plain (linear) feet. squar feet feet units. foot unit distance."} {"id": "5625", "contents": "43,560 squar feet acre; 4,840 squar yards. find convers calcul http://www.unitconversion.org/area/acres-to-square-foots-conversion.html originally, size acr approxim amount land ox could plow day."} {"id": "5626", "contents": "illinois, work employ 30 day order employ chargeabl unemploy benefit event becom unemployed. regular unemploy benefits: meet elig requir law, incom look job, maximum 26 full week one-year period."} {"id": "5627", "contents": "124 includ day off. work illinois. benefit determin much wage earn long worked. weekli benefit amount determin total wage paid employ base period. whether elig unemploy benefit depend earn enough work credits/wages. depend long worked. sinc applied, need wait see unemploy offic decides. phillip esq., attorney-at-law."} {"id": "5628", "contents": "reason unemployment. must work fault qualifi unemploy benefits. layoffs. laid off, lose job reduction-in-forc (rif), get downsiz econom reasons, meet requirement. elig unemploy florida. three elig requir collect unemploy florida: past earn must meet certain minimum thresholds. must unemploy fault own, defin florida law. must able, available, activ look work."} {"id": "5629", "contents": "must paid least $1,900 wage one calendar quarter base period, and. total wage paid base period must one one-half time high quarter wages. use $9,240 high quarter earn determin qualify. must earn least half amount ($4,620) base period quarters. qualifi use basic base period, use period establish claim. qualifi basic base period, calcul use altern base period."} {"id": "5630", "contents": "collect equival 26 week total unemploy benefit claim. claim effect one-year period. within claim year, maximum benefit would 26 time weekli benefit rate. use previou example, weekli benefit rate $152, would entitl collect $3,952."} {"id": "5631", "contents": "didn\u2019t work long benefit period, may accumul enough earn make elig unemploy check. california, must earn least $1,300 one quarter base period. elig requirements. state want work minimum amount time, make minimum amount money base period. haven\u2019t employ long, benefit figur altern"} {"id": "5632", "contents": "depend state, also minim level earn requir 12-month period order elig receiv unemploy benefits. unemploy benefit may cover 50% earn wages, state also establish cap much receive. meaning, 50% wage amount maximum benefits, receiv 50%. therefore, question long work elig receiv unemployment, also much earn time qualifi unemployment\u2026."} {"id": "5633", "contents": "base amount. state requir earn least base amount one last four quarters, earn one half time amount all. example, must earn least $700 one quarter, also must earn least $1,750 total qualifi unemployment. state law vari maximum amount time receiv benefits. mani states, may receiv benefit 72 79 weeks. state slightli differ rule qualifi unemployment. state requir work one employ least two last four quarters. states, new jersey, requir work one employ 20 week last 52."} {"id": "5634", "contents": "must work certain period time receiv unemploy employe paid unemploy system time reap benefit put time get benefits. state slightli differ rule qualifi unemployment. state requir work one employ least two last four quarters. states, new jersey, requir work one employ 20 week last 52."} {"id": "5635", "contents": "asymmetr septal hypertrophy. also call hypertroph cardiomyopathy, asymmetr septal hypertrophi condit occur heart muscl cell enlarge, caus wall lower heart chamber (typic left ventricle) becom thick stiff."} {"id": "5636", "contents": "get help doctor \u203a. septal hypertrophy: interventricular septum heart septum nose. need treat consid hypertroph heart diseas caus symptom like pass short breath exertion. treatment point like requir surgery. get help doctor \u203a. get better: septal hypertrophi happen heart muscl work hard grows. get big less space hold pump blood."} {"id": "5637", "contents": "hypertrophy. increas volum tissu organ produc entir enlarg exist cells. see also hyperplasia proliferation. adj., adj hypertro\u00b4phic. asymmetr septal hypertrophy. 1. hypertroph cardiomyopathy. 2. term sometim limit case hypertroph cardiomyopathi hypertrophi local interventricular septum. see also hypertroph obstruct cardiomyopathy. hypertrophi denot increas size number constitu fiber muscle. condit inflammation, tumor, fatti infiltr increas size muscl called. pseudohypertrophy. true physiolog hypertrophi result excess activ muscle."} {"id": "5638", "contents": "asymmetr septal hypertrophi (ash) hypertroph cardiomyopathy, sometim specif hypertrophi local interventricular septum. benign prostat hypertrophi see hyperplasia. ventricular hypertrophi hypertrophi myocardium ventricle, due chronic pressur overload. hypertrophi denot increas size number constitu fiber muscle. condit inflammation, tumor, fatti infiltr increas size muscl called. pseudohypertrophy. true physiolog hypertrophi result excess activ muscle."} {"id": "5639", "contents": "asymmetr septal hypertrophi noun [u]. \u200bgenet \u200bdiseas \u200bheart \u200bmuscl \u200bwall \u200bleft \u200bventricl (= \u200bhollow \u200bspace \u200bheart) \u200bthicker \u200bnormal, \u200bsize \u200bleft \u200bventricl \u200breduc \u200bblood \u200bflow \u200bblock \u200breduced."} {"id": "5640", "contents": "hypertroph cardiomyopathi (hcm) primari diseas myocardium (the muscl heart) portion myocardium hypertrophi (thickened) without obviou cause, creat function impair cardiac muscle. lead caus sudden cardiac death young athletes. cardiomyopathi diseas affect muscl heart. hcm, myocyt (cardiac contractil cells) heart increas size, result thicken heart muscle."} {"id": "5641", "contents": "doctor explain particular case well. a. septum part muscl left ventricl (lv: main pump chamber heart). hypertrophi mean thicken muscle. unlik concentr hypertrophi whole lv thicken commonli due high blood pressure, asymmetr septal hypertrophi (ash, genetic) septum thicken may obstruct blood pump heart."} {"id": "5642", "contents": "asymmetr septal hypertrophy: introduction. asymmetr septal hypertrophy: diseas heart muscl character increas thick wall heart ventricl affect heart function. detail inform symptoms, causes, treatment asymmetr septal hypertrophi avail below. medic research articl relat asymmetr septal hypertrophi include: cardiomyopathy, hypertroph (overview). cardiomyopathy, hypertrophic. cardiomyopathy, hypertroph (follow-up). cardiomyopathy, hypertroph (follow-up). mucopolysaccharidosi type iii (diagnosis). research...\u00bb."} {"id": "5643", "contents": "execut exemption. new mexico law exempt bona fide execut employe minimum wage overtim requirements. nm statut 50-4-21(c)(2) qualifi exempt execut employee, employe must: primari duti requir perform nonmanu work relat manag business; exercis discretion; profession exemption. new mexico law exempt bona fide profession employe minimum wage overtim requirements. nm statut 50-4-21(c)(2) however, new mexico defin criteria employe deem administr employee."} {"id": "5644", "contents": "2015 new mexico overtim rules-part resourc nm overtim pay laws. hourli employe new mexico entitl special overtim pay rate hour work total 40 singl work week (defin seven consecut work day fair labor standard act). flsa automat qualifi certain type worker meet overtim pay requir guarante overtim hour work 40 singl week (or daili overtim limit set new mexico overtim laws)."} {"id": "5645", "contents": "overtim law resourc page. minimum wage new mexico set $5.15 per hour base 40 hour work week. feder overtim regul apply. inform concern new mexico' minimum wage overtim laws, pleas see www.dol.state.nm.u contact: fair labor standard act flsa feder overtim law set wage hour pay. crone mason, plc \u2019s overtim attorney lawyer wrote follow web site seek educ client reader mandatori overtim pay law: www.overtimepaylaw.us, www.overtimescams.us, www.stateovertimelaw.us."} {"id": "5646", "contents": "minimum wage new mexico set $5.15 per hour base 40 hour work week. feder overtim regul apply. fair labor standard act flsa feder overtim law set wage hour pay. crone mason, plc \u2019s overtim attorney lawyer wrote follow web site seek educ client reader mandatori overtim pay law: www.overtimepaylaw.us, www.overtimescams.us, www.stateovertimelaw.us."} {"id": "5647", "contents": "administr exemption. new mexico law exempt bona fide administr employe minimum wage overtim requirements. nm statut 50-4-21(c)(2) however, new mexico defin criteria employe deem administr employee. profession exemption. new mexico law exempt bona fide profession"} {"id": "5648", "contents": "overtim requir time work excess 40 hour week. new mexico depart work forc solut websit may addit specif inform wage law state. new york. $8.75 per hour, automat increas feder minimum wage rise state rate. $7.75, employe guarante $2,000/month exempt state' minimum wage overtim law. employ cover flsa exclud unless state rate higher. overtim pay requir hour work 40"} {"id": "5649", "contents": "current feder minimum wage (current $7.25) employ employees. overtim cover feder law. virginia depart labor industri websit may addit specif inform wage law state. $7.75, employe guarante $2,000/month exempt state' minimum wage overtim law. employ cover flsa exclud unless state rate higher. overtim pay requir hour work 40 week."} {"id": "5650", "contents": "unlik feder overtim law, new mexico minimum wage act exempt employe work certain motor carrier includ interst commerc driver oper vehicl 10,000 lb gvwr. mean certain truck driver new mexico may entitl overtim pay, despit exempt overtim pay feder law. holiday vacat new mexico follow feder law, mean requir addit pay work done holiday weekends."} {"id": "5651", "contents": "minimum wage minimum wage new mexico $7.50 per hour, januari 2009. employe customarili receiv least $30 per month tip must receiv least $2.13 per hour employer, employee\u2019 wage tip must combin equal least $7.50 per hour. mean certain truck driver new mexico may entitl overtim pay, despit exempt overtim pay feder law. holiday vacat new mexico follow feder law, mean requir addit pay work done holiday weekends."} {"id": "5652", "contents": "specif exempt employ must follow new mexico minimum wage act unit state feder law, requir employ pay \u201cemployees\u201d minimum wage increas rate overtime. mean certain truck driver new mexico may entitl overtim pay, despit exempt overtim pay feder law. holiday vacat new mexico follow feder law, mean requir addit pay work done holiday weekends."} {"id": "5653", "contents": "view adventist health southern california network job lo angeles, ca-lo angel jobs. salari search: nuclear medicin technologist diagnost imag salari lo angeles, ca. certif nuclear medicin required; required, well certif nuclear medicin approv arrt cnmt board.... 15 hour ago-sav job-email-more... view allianc healthcar servic"} {"id": "5654", "contents": "averag salari nuclear medicin technologist job san diego, ca $65,000. averag nuclear medicin technologist salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term nuclear medicin technologist anywher job listing. nuclear medicin technologist salari comparison featur allow job seeker get inform requir make import career decis negoti salari ranges. addit nuclear medicin technologist salari information, recommend visit payscale.com."} {"id": "5655", "contents": "$34,750. median annual wage nuclear medicin technologist $70,180 may 2012. median wage wage half worker occup earn amount half earn less. lowest 10 percent earn less $50,560, top 10 percent earn $93,320."} {"id": "5656", "contents": "map display key citi california surround states, click one find nuclear medicin technologist salari area. source: hr report data octob 2015. requir bachelor' degre least year experi radiology. may expect meet certain state certifications. familiar standard concepts, practices, procedur within particular field. reli experi judgment plan accomplish goals. perform varieti tasks."} {"id": "5657", "contents": "averag nuclear medicin technologist salari job post california 7% higher averag nuclear medicin technologist salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "5658", "contents": "job outlook. employ nuclear medicin technologist project grow 20 percent 2012 2022, faster averag occupations. however, small occupation, growth result 4,200 new job 10-year period. median wage wage half worker occup earn amount half earn less. lowest 10 percent earn less $50,560, top 10 percent earn $93,320."} {"id": "5659", "contents": "expect salari rang $57,000 $87,000 annual nuclear medicin technologist california. california, know today, built foundat ancient cultures, spanish explor gold."} {"id": "5660", "contents": "california nuclear medicin technologist salaries. within california lot variat nuclear medicin technologist salaries. variat depend wide rang factor popul gener competit market. requir bachelor' degre least year experi radiology. may expect meet certain state certifications. familiar standard concepts, practices, procedur within particular field. reli experi judgment plan accomplish goals. perform varieti tasks."} {"id": "5661", "contents": "2013 salari survey result angela foster, cnmt, nct introduct summer 2013, nuclear medicin technolog certif board (nmtcb) conduct salari survey. invit particip 20 minut onlin survey sent email 21,943 nmtcb certific via email address file. classroom instructor clinic instructor report averag salari $70,000\u2010$71,000 fall right pet ($73,000) nuclear cardiolog technologist ($68,000). program director bring averag $78,000."} {"id": "5662", "contents": "ariana 25.12.2012. bought music itunes-go itun computer, click purchased, select want download-then drag music itun librari ipod shuffle. music obtain somewher itunes-then way get iphon 3rd parti rip software."} {"id": "5663", "contents": "may need copi song pc ipod shuffl without itun etc. keep reading! follow tutori help solv problem ease. syncio also support ipod classic, ipod nano, iphone, iphon 4s, iphon 5, iphon 5s, iphon 5c, iphon 6, iphon 6s, ipad, ipad mini, ipad air. run itunes. step 1: download instal syncio computer. step 2: connect ipod shuffl comput usb launch syncios. step 3: refer tutori transfer song ipod shuffl pc first. step 4: import song pc itunes."} {"id": "5664", "contents": "mark need ones, click recov button save computer. step 3. sync export music iphone. drag drop export music local itun library. then, connect iphon comput sync music file iphon one click. way 1: transfer ipod music iphon ipod file transfer. transfer music files, coolmust ipod file transfer also support export photos, videos, voic memos, tv shows, books, etc. ipod comput 100% qualiti kept."} {"id": "5665", "contents": "step 3: connect ipod comput click devic icon appear itunes. automat manag updat featur enabled, click sync sync iphon import new music itun library, includ music import iphone. step 4: select music iphon want import ipod. import music purchas iphon music itun librari previous import iphone. use shift key select song row command key select song next"} {"id": "5666", "contents": "3. connect iphon sync files. transfer finishes, eject ipod comput plug new iphone. drag-n-drop export music file local itun sync iphon 3gs/4/4s/5/5s/5c/6/6 plus. way 1: transfer ipod music iphon ipod file transfer. transfer music files, coolmust ipod file transfer also support export photos, videos, voic memos, tv shows, books, etc. ipod comput 100% qualiti kept."} {"id": "5667", "contents": "download music ipod.... 5. cancel. automat transfer song onto ipod shuffle, click button itunes. find automat transfer song ipod shuffl tip technolog specialist free video use ipod. part video series: use ipod. load mp3 ipod."} {"id": "5668", "contents": "select content would like transfer iphon ipod. easili transfer contacts, music, video, photos, bookmark, app note iphon ipod. pleas click button \u201cstart copy\u201d start transfer. pleas unplug devic whole transfer process."} {"id": "5669", "contents": "syncio free ipod/iphone/ipad transfer, manage/backup/transf ipod shuffl clicks. free, safe power need follow tutorials. download syncio now! step 1: download instal syncio computer. note: itun must instal comput run syncio correctly. run itunes. step 2: connect ipod shuffl comput usb launch syncios. step 3: go left panel syncios, click media tab left panel. run itunes. step 1: download instal syncio computer. step 2: connect ipod shuffl comput usb launch syncios. step 3: refer tutori transfer song ipod shuffl pc first. step 4: import song pc itunes."} {"id": "5670", "contents": "step 1: connect iphon comput use usb cord open itun open automatically. click devic icon ipod left column itun applic window. step 2: click music tab check sync music box. click appli sync iphone. itun automat import purchas music iphon purchas iphon playlist. step 4: select music iphon want import ipod. import music purchas iphon music itun librari previous import iphone. use shift key select song row command key select song next"} {"id": "5671", "contents": "introduct bacteria, page 1999 scienc real world: microb actionthi materi may duplic teacher use classroom. use prohibited. bacteri growth curv bacteri growth time graph cell number versu time."} {"id": "5672", "contents": "microb form world' biomass: typic 40 million bacteri cell gram soil million bacteri cell millilit (gram) fresh water. studi found bacteria area previous thought complet sterile."} {"id": "5673", "contents": "two type microb bacteria viruses. you\u2019r surround microb time, normal co-exist peacefully. type help you, like bacteria digest tract help break food. are, however, type bacterium virus make ill."} {"id": "5674", "contents": "new estim radic shrunk number microb live beneath sea floor. ocean floor home stagger 2.9\u00d710 29 single-cel organ that' 10 million trillion microb everi human planet vast though is, figur 8% previou estim 35.5\u00d710 29."} {"id": "5675", "contents": "mani million move microb make mighti live munch manur soil. gram soil may contain 1,000,000,000 microbes. that' mani microb singl gram soil peopl china!"} {"id": "5676", "contents": "1999 scienc real world: microb actionthi materi may duplic teacher use classroom. use prohibited. introduct bacteriamorpholog classif bacteria (singular, bacterium) small, order micromet (10 -6 meters) length."} {"id": "5677", "contents": "normal, fertil soil teem soil microbes. fact, may hundr million billion microb singl gram [about hundredth pound size navi bean volume)(se tabl 1)]."} {"id": "5678", "contents": "mani microb soil, many, mani differ speci microb soil. scientist estim gram soil may contain 10,000 differ speci microorganisms! that' biodivers one gram soil differ type mammal entir world."} {"id": "5679", "contents": "well, may half mani microb thought, continu live place live, learn way live us; import ten million ten thousand microb near you, make way produc diseas you."} {"id": "5680", "contents": "bacteria single-cel organisms. thousand type bacteria, live virtual anywhere. bacteria much bigger viruses. (but they\u2019r way small see.) bacteria much complex viruses. bacteria tool reproduc themselves, themselves."} {"id": "5681", "contents": "relat terms: demographics; target market. market segment scienc divid overal market custom subset segments, whose segment share similar characterist needs. segment typic involv signific market research thu costly."} {"id": "5682", "contents": "segment profil detail descript market segment across rang factor measures. design provid organ good understand consum within segment comparison strategi purposes. particular, segment profil would outlin import aspect of: consum needs, consum behavior, brand preferences, product usag levels, on. segment profil would also provid demograph psychograph descript segment, along key measur segment size growth. exampl construct segment profil provid well. definit segment profil gener quit similar, shown follow two definitions: [segment] profil might includ inform lifestyl patterns, attitud toward product attribut brands, product-us habits, geograph locations, demograph characteristics\u201d (kurtz, 2009)"} {"id": "5683", "contents": "segment profil gener accur precis custom inform increas organization' effectiveness. inform may use wide varieti circumstances. example, use segment defin certain custom issu including: characterist target customers."} {"id": "5684", "contents": "rel complet profil person group' psychograph make-up constructed, call psychograph profile. psychograph profil use market segment well advertising. categori psychograph factor use market segment include:"} {"id": "5685", "contents": "exampl segment profile. exampl provid profil two differ market segments, use rang factor list discuss segment profiles, two market segment could develop chain fit centers."} {"id": "5686", "contents": "psychograph profiles. psychograph profil attempt segment market base trait person lifestyle. market may use trait develop target advertis promot campaign. small busi gain competit edg focus market effort specif segment market instead tri appeal everyone. market segment involv use market research identifi business' ideal target market customer."} {"id": "5687", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. market segment market strategi involv divid broad target market subset consumers, businesses, countri have, perceiv have, common needs, interests, priorities, design implement strategi target them. segment accord demographi base variabl age, gender, occup educ level accord perceiv benefit product servic may provide. benefit may perceiv differ depend consumer' stage life cycl"} {"id": "5688", "contents": "lesson summary. psychograph segment involv divid market segment base upon differ person traits, values, attitudes, interests, lifestyl consumers. segment advantag allow engag product design market focus manner. psychograph segment divid market base upon consum person traits, values, attitudes, interests, lifestyles. segment allow better develop market product precis match product segment' need wants."} {"id": "5689", "contents": "example. mixtur sand water. filtrat use water treatment plants, where. water river filter remov solid particles. basic lab setup filtration: process involv use filter paper place filter funnel. funnel placed. beaker mixtur water sand pour funnel. liquid part. drain filter paper beaker, leav solid sand particl trap on. filter"} {"id": "5690", "contents": "filtrat commonli mechan physic oper use separ solid fluid (liquid gases) interpos medium fluid pass. fluid pass call filtrate. filtrat use separ particl fluid suspension, fluid liquid, ga supercrit fluid. depend application, either one compon may isolated."} {"id": "5691", "contents": "answer rupesh poudel. confid vote 85. use filtrat method separ solid liquid, need follow apparatus: conic flask, filter funnel, filter paper, stir rod. set apparatu up, pour solut funnel paper stir gently. answer filtrat residu solid substanc left filter media(filt paper, sponge, activ charcoal, etc.)... whenev filtrat occur th solid substanc separ liquid recov liquid call filtrat recov solid call residu precipitate."} {"id": "5692", "contents": "filtrat separ techniqu use separ solid dissolv liquid (for exampl precipitate). filter paper place insid glass funnel contain put beneath. mixtur solid liquid place filter paper. liquid flow filter paper container. liquid contain call filtrate. solid remain filter paper call residue. residu dri spread filter paper allow liquid evaporate."} {"id": "5693", "contents": "filtrat process separ suspend solid matter liquid, caus latter pass pore substance, call filter. liquid pass filter call filtrate. filter may paper, cloth, cotton-wool, asbestos, slag-or glass-wool, unglaz earthenware, sand, porou material. filtrat frequent employ chemic technology, often present great difficulti"} {"id": "5694", "contents": "graviti filtration: called, method use graviti reach goal separ filtration. familiar techniqu probabl filtrat solut paper filter held funnel, allow graviti draw liquid paper. concept: filtrat techniqu use two main purposes. first remov solid impur liquid. second collect desir solid solut precipit crystallized."} {"id": "5695", "contents": "hot filtrat method mainli use separ solid hot solution. done order prevent crystal format filter funnel apparatus come contact solution. filtrat use separ particl fluid suspension, fluid liquid, ga supercrit fluid. depend application, either one compon may isolated."} {"id": "5696", "contents": "vacuum filtrat techniqu separ solid product solvent liquid reaction mixture. mixtur solid liquid pour filter paper buchner funnel. solid trap filter liquid drawn funnel flask below, vacuum."} {"id": "5697", "contents": "anoth common shape bacteria coccus. cocci spheric shape bacteria organ sever distinct arrang groups: diplococcus, tetrad, sarcina, staphylococcu arrangements. diplococcu arrang character cell divis along one plane, bacteria appear form chains."} {"id": "5698", "contents": "size, shape, arrang bacteri cells. bacteria 0.2 um diamet 2-8 um length. three basic bacteri shape coccu (spherical), bacillu (rod-shaped), spiral (twisted), howev pleomorph bacteria assum sever shapes. arrang cocci. cocci may oval, elongated, flatten one side."} {"id": "5699", "contents": "commonli occur specimen spheric bacteria includ streptococcus, link pneumonia. staphylococcu bacteria may spread transfer thing peopl handle, like door handles. individually, spheric bacteria known coccus, collect cocci, class coccoid."} {"id": "5700", "contents": "bacteria come three gener shapes: spherical, rod-shap spiral. articl focu spheric (sometim oval) shape bacteria. talk singl bacterium, term coccus, plural form cocci."} {"id": "5701", "contents": "three main shape bacteria: bacillus, coccus, spiral. bacillus, rod shape bacteria, one main forms, typic 0.5 micromet 1.0 micromet width, 1.0 micromet 4.0 micromet length. exampl bacilli includ bacillu anthracis, bacterium caus anthrax, well known e. coli."} {"id": "5702", "contents": "three basic bacteri shape coccu (spherical), bacillu (rod-shaped), spiral (twisted), howev pleomorph bacteria assum sever shapes. shape bacteri cell. cocci (or coccu singl cell) round cells, sometim slightli flatten adjac one another."} {"id": "5703", "contents": "exampl formula would be: break fee loan amount remain fix term chang cost funds. term loan use calculation, break cost tend high 10 year 15 year fix rate loan also larger home loans. break fee loan amount remain fix term chang cost funds. break fee $300,000 year 1%. break fee $6,000 approximately. important: exampl only."} {"id": "5704", "contents": "refer term condit home loan specif situat may charg break fee. rule thumb, break fee appli if: repay loan full end fix rate term; or. make repay excess allow amount. break fee loan amount remain fix term chang cost funds. break fee $300,000 year 1%. break fee $6,000 approximately. important: exampl only."} {"id": "5705", "contents": "prepay charg greater month interest interest remaind term amount prepaid calcul use interest rate differenti fix rate mortgages, month interest charg variabl rate (at contract rate) ratecapp mortgag (at cap rate). prepay charg connect mortgag interest term closed. close term allow prepay 10% origin mortgag balance. prepay restrict permit receiv lower rate would normal abl receiv term open."} {"id": "5706", "contents": "break cost fee charg lender make extra repay fix rate home loan. lender allow pay small amount mortgag year without charg go amount pay loan entir charg break fees. break fee loan amount remain fix term chang cost funds. break fee $300,000 year 1%. break fee $6,000 approximately. important: exampl only."} {"id": "5707", "contents": "tool estim prepay charg (the cost break term mortgage) today date fixed, variabl ratecapp mortgag close term. prepay charg connect mortgag interest term closed. close term allow prepay 10% origin mortgag balance. prepay restrict permit receiv lower rate would normal abl receiv term open."} {"id": "5708", "contents": "howev can't afford pay break cost upfront, decid increas loan cover cost. monthli loan repay reduc $52 save $936 interest next 18 months. however, end 18 month loan almost $14,500 higher. scenario 2: switch lower interest rate. john mari decid break fix rate home loan want go new lower rate 18 month 5.85%. break cost need paid immediately. monthli regular loan repay reduc $144 per month save approxim $2,592 interest next 18 month"} {"id": "5709", "contents": "regular repay $1,414 per month. anoth 18 month left run fix rate home loan. break home loan fix rate break cost approxim $14,500. scenario 2: switch lower interest rate. john mari decid break fix rate home loan want go new lower rate 18 month 5.85%. break cost need paid immediately. monthli regular loan repay reduc $144 per month save approxim $2,592 interest next 18 month"} {"id": "5710", "contents": "calcul interest. indic much cost break mortgage. http://www.canadianmortgagetrends.com/canadian_mortgage_trends/interest-rate-differential-ird.html. see worthwhil break mortgage. http://www.ic.gc.ca/eic/site/oca-bc.nsf/eng/ca01817.html. best way find cost break mortgag use calcul like one offer websit canadian mortgag trend blog."} {"id": "5711", "contents": "come money want pay fix rate loan, break fix term get lower interest rate, charg break cost. cost base complex formula, simpl term calcul whether we'v incur loss result prepay switch. scenario 2: switch lower interest rate. john mari decid break fix rate home loan want go new lower rate 18 month 5.85%. break cost need paid immediately. monthli regular loan repay reduc $144 per month save approxim $2,592 interest next 18 month"} {"id": "5712", "contents": "certain number spider mite fall onto paper. view easili magnifi glass. spider mite come varieti colors, includ red, green, yellow brown. eight leg tend move quit slowly. spider mite (class arachnida) tini sap-suck plant pests. attack undersid leav suck vigor plant; larg infest may even kill plant."} {"id": "5713", "contents": "spider mite less millimetr (0.04 in) size vari color. lay small, spherical, initi transpar egg mani speci spin silk web help protect coloni predators; get spider part common name webbing. spider mite lemon plant. hot, dri condit often associ popul build-up spider mites. optim condit (approxim 80 \u00b0f 27 \u00b0c), two-spot spider mite hatch littl days, becom sexual matur littl days."} {"id": "5714", "contents": "spider mite tini float breeze! therefor easili migrat plant may hous indoor garden. mite go dormant, even pregnant. hitch ride shoe cloth pets. spider mite one fear loath enemi indoor gardeners. you\u2019v come across feisti garden pest yet sure everyth prevent infestation! learn are, plants, get life."} {"id": "5715", "contents": "spider mites. spider mite (sometim call spidermites) part mite famili relat tick mites. they'r common cannabi pest, hard get rid of. first sign spider mite damage-tini speck (bite marks) leaves. kill spider mites!"} {"id": "5716", "contents": "spider mite member acari (mite) famili tetranychidae, includ 1,200 species. spider mite lemon plant. hot, dri condit often associ popul build-up spider mites. optim condit (approxim 80 \u00b0f 27 \u00b0c), two-spot spider mite hatch littl days, becom sexual matur littl days."} {"id": "5717", "contents": "peopl come across insect everi part lives. insects, mite spider may bite feed defend themselves, leav annoy itchi pain welts. site design entomologist dedic help identifi bite sourc bites. we'r help."} {"id": "5718", "contents": "spider mites. spider mite come famili tetranychida also classifi arachnids, like spiders. besid spiders, rel spider mite includ daddy-longlegs, ticks, scorpions. spider mite develop eggs, found near vein leaves. spider mite egg quit large, fact larger mother is. spider mite usual found dri climat feed dri conditions. spider mite eight leg one part bodi"} {"id": "5719", "contents": "spider mite keep come back. custom spider mite problem kept come back. person would treat spider mite spider mite product. problem would go away, seemed, would alway come back. custom convinc product work well."} {"id": "5720", "contents": "gag reflex brush teeth. usually, gag reflex stronger brush back teeth (especi insid bite surfaces). gag may less pronounc keep lip closed. peopl find easiest start brush outer surfac lower teeth."} {"id": "5721", "contents": "peopl bad gag reflex make brush teeth almost impossible. find tip here: problem brush teeth. bad gag reflex common dentist encount develop way help cope."} {"id": "5722", "contents": "peopl sensit gag reflex feel like they'r go throw everi time brush teeth. prevent gag reflex triggering, tri relax brush teeth. think someth els -- someth pleasant calm -- help keep mind brush stop gagging."} {"id": "5723", "contents": "\u201ci can\u2019t motiv brush teeth!\u201d. \u201ci can\u2019t stand tast toothpaste!\u201d. \u201cbrush teeth make gag badli can\u2019t bring it.\u201d. common reason peopl find difficult imposs brush teeth."} {"id": "5724", "contents": "peopl gag reflex others. brush, occupi mind someth els still use proper brush technique, focu gagging. example, tri sit chair brushing, straighten one leg, lift hold air."} {"id": "5725", "contents": "innerv back tongu back throat, help control revers peristalsis. peopl glossopharyng innerv larger part tongu people, strong gag touch area."} {"id": "5726", "contents": "usually, gag reflex stronger brush back teeth (especi insid bite surfaces). gag may less pronounc keep lip closed. peopl find easiest start brush outer surfac lower teeth."} {"id": "5727", "contents": "check alarm manual. may abl set system protect outer perimet (window doors) without set infrar inside. all, burglar set door window sensor, realli matter he' set interior infrared. adt alarm motion button press arm system, button labl shunt systems. call alarm compani ask them."} {"id": "5728", "contents": "abl shunt alarm, mean turn motion sensors, reli door window sensor security. adt alarm motion button press arm system, button labl shunt systems. call alarm compani ask them. command temporary-- use alarm regularli whenev wish. do, sinc dog"} {"id": "5729", "contents": "fulli close door window set alarm prompt system go off. also, faulti loos contact window door trigger fals alarms. fact, extern element get loos crack door windows, like rain wind, set alarms."} {"id": "5730", "contents": "home secur system works. home secur system' alarm sounds, could mean one mani things. could intrud home, could fire, flood, carbon monoxid leak. also could simpli forgotten disarm system"} {"id": "5731", "contents": "whether emerg fals alarm, trigger alarm system stress unpleasant. understand system work happen alarm trigger help stay calm real emergency. home secur system' alarm sounds, could mean one mani things. could intrud home, could fire, flood, carbon monoxid leak."} {"id": "5732", "contents": "example: door contact, pet may abl open move door enough set devic door complet closed. come door window contacts, make sure door window secur activ alarm system. however, alarm system design accommod household pets, greatli reduc likelihood pet-trigg alarms. motion sensor possibl well-known devic alarm industry, present greatest challeng come design pet-friendli"} {"id": "5733", "contents": "alarm system sound one sensor trigger manual set alarm control panel key fob remote. depend system set up, one two thing happen-eith high-decibel alarm sound silent alarm sent adt monitor station. home secur system' alarm sounds, could mean one mani things. could intrud home, could fire, flood, carbon monoxid leak."} {"id": "5734", "contents": "it\u2019 true; alarm system set-off pets. however, alarm system design accommod household pets, greatli reduc likelihood pet-trigg alarms. motion sensor possibl well-known devic alarm industry, present greatest challeng come design pet-friendli alarm system."} {"id": "5735", "contents": "car alarm electron devic instal vehicl attempt discourag theft vehicl itself, contents, both. like oem alarms, aftermarket system usual arm disarm via remote. usual provis extern disarm key cylinder, typic overrid switch mount hidden location."} {"id": "5736", "contents": "motion detector good technolog adjust avoid pet-trigg alarm base size anim home. devic adjust properly, unlik set-off pet. however, alarm system design accommod household pets, greatli reduc likelihood pet-trigg alarms. motion sensor possibl well-known devic alarm industry, present greatest challeng come design pet-friendli alarm system."} {"id": "5737", "contents": "transcript process dna copi (transcribed) mrna, carri inform need protein synthesis. transcript take place two broad steps. first, pre-messeng rna formed, involv rna polymeras enzymes. process mrna direct protein synthesi assist trna call translation. ribosom larg complex rna protein molecules. three-bas stretch mrna (triplet) known codon, one codon contain inform specif amino acid."} {"id": "5738", "contents": "transcript inform encod dna molecul rna (describ here) and. translat inform encod nucleotid mrna defin sequenc amino acid protein (discuss in. gene translation: rna protein)."} {"id": "5739", "contents": "dna replic goe 5' 3' direct dna polymeras act 3'-oh exist strand ad free nucleotides."} {"id": "5740", "contents": "transcript mechan templat strand dna util specif rna polymeras gener one four distinct classif rna. prokaryot cells, rna class synthes singl polymerase. eukaryot cell distinct class rna polymerase, rna polymeras (pol) i, ii iii. polymeras respons synthesi differ class rna."} {"id": "5741", "contents": "hi! rna act inform bridg dna protein. mrna messag carri genet inform dna nucleu cytoplasm. trna adaptor read mrna bring amino acid ribosom protein synthesis. rna polymeras enzym make rna use dna template. like dna polymerase, rna polymeras add nucleotid 5' 3' direction."} {"id": "5742", "contents": "rna polymeras depend upon dna templat order synthes rna. result rna is, therefore, complimentari templat strand dna duplex ident non-templ strand. prokaryot cells, rna class synthes singl polymerase. eukaryot cell distinct class rna polymerase, rna polymeras (pol) i, ii iii. polymeras respons synthesi differ class rna."} {"id": "5743", "contents": "antisens strand dna read rna polymeras 3' end 5' end transcript (3' 5'). complementari rna creat opposit direction, 5' 3' direction, match sequenc sens strand except switch uracil thymine. transcript first step gene expression, particular segment dna copi rna (mrna) enzym rna polymerase."} {"id": "5744", "contents": "one strand dna, templat strand (or noncod strand), use templat rna synthesis. transcript proceeds, rna polymeras travers templat strand use base pair complementar dna templat creat rna copy. transcript first step gene expression, particular segment dna copi rna (mrna) enzym rna polymerase."} {"id": "5745", "contents": "transcript rna polymerase. rna strand synthes 5\u2032\u2003\u2192\u20033\u2032 direct local singl strand region dna. (after e. j. gardner, m. j. simmons, d. p. snustad, principl genetics, (more...). figur 10-6. transcript two genes. (a) rna polymeras move 3\u2032 end templat strand, creat rna strand grow 5\u2032\u2003\u2192\u20033\u2032 direct (becaus must antiparallel templat strand)."} {"id": "5746", "contents": "split merg it. answer pkapopara. confid vote 58. dna synthesi occur 5'-3' well 3'-5' direction. differ ,that continu 5'-3' direct discontin 3'-5' direction. enzym dna polymeras iii synthes dna contion 5'-3' direct only."} {"id": "5747", "contents": "travelmath provid databas major local citi around world. find latitud longitud world city, check citi distanc compar flight distanc citi drive distanc see far two citi other."} {"id": "5748", "contents": "wg 84 latest revis world geodet system, use map navigation, includ gp satellit navig system (the global posit system). geograph coordin (latitud longitude) defin posit earth' surface. coordin angular units. canon form latitud longitud represent use degre (\u00b0), minut (\u2032), second (\u2033). gp system wide use coordin degre decim minutes, decim degrees."} {"id": "5749", "contents": "wg 84 latest revis world geodet system, use map navigation, includ gp satellit navig system (the global posit system). geograph coordin (latitud longitude) defin posit earth' surface. coordin angular units. canon form latitud longitud represent use degre (\u00b0), minut (\u2032), second (\u2033). gp system wide use coordin degre decim minutes, decim degre"} {"id": "5750", "contents": "oranjestad, aruba lat long coordin info. latitud oranjestad, aruba 12.510052, longitud -70.009354. oranjestad, aruba locat aruba countri citi place category. oranjestad wonder city, capit largest citi aruba, small state situat north venezuela southern caribbean sea. popul citi exce 30,000 people. popular tourist spot place huge number cruis ship land."} {"id": "5751", "contents": "latitud point earth' surfac north south angular distanc point equator. longitud point east west angul ar distanc point prime meridian. start line longitud imaginari line north south pole pass certain place certain suburb london. line call prime meridian. latitud imaginari line go east west longitud go north south."} {"id": "5752", "contents": "aruba flag: time zone center aruba: america/aruba. note mani countri span multipl time zones, look world time differ schedul meet make phone call, tri search particular citi get local time there. current time zone offset: utc/gmt -4 hours."} {"id": "5753", "contents": "geography, latitud geograph coordin specifi north-south posit point earth' surface. longitud geograph coordin specifi east-west posit point earth' surface. start line longitud imaginari line north south pole pass certain place certain suburb london. line call prime meridian. latitud imaginari line go east west longitud go north south."} {"id": "5754", "contents": "aruba island travel destin situat caribbean sea. latitud longitud measur aruba are, 12\u00b030' north 69\u00b058' west. equat also pass aruba closely. locat among latitud longitude, aruba weather mark almost perpetu summer throughout year. latitud longitud great effect aruba climat subsequ economy."} {"id": "5755", "contents": "oranjestad, aruba. oranjestad wonder city, capit largest citi aruba, small state situat north venezuela southern caribbean sea. popul citi exce 30,000 people. popular tourist spot place huge number cruis ship land."} {"id": "5756", "contents": "locat oranjestad map. oranjestad capit citi aruba. popul 29,998, locat latitu 12.52 longitud -70.03. locat contin caribbean, aruba cover 180 squar kilomet land, make 222nd largest nation term land area. aruba depend territori netherlands. popul aruba 107,635 (2012) nation densiti 598 peopl per squar kilometer."} {"id": "5757", "contents": "german discount retailer, alreadi oper 8,000 store worldwide, prepar major push california western unit states. plan includ region headquart logist oper moreno valley. aldi, global discount supermarket chain, come california."} {"id": "5758", "contents": "aldi also longer-term plan west, follow first store southern california, eventu open small-format (about 10,000 square-foot) groceri market throughout california nearbi western states, includ nevada, arizona others, accord sources. aldi repres interview candid posit tomorrow wednesday southern california. hired, buy manag move chicago eight month train period, train aldi' corpor offic store region."} {"id": "5759", "contents": "aldi, german-own chain groceri stores, plan open 45 southern california locat end 2016. aldi facts: compani open first u.s. store 1976 iowa. aldi plan open 45 store southern california end 2016. store 10,000 squar feet, employ 20 people. aldi\u2019 southern california headquart moreno valley. kevin smith. aldi, german discount grocer nearli 1,400 u.s. stores, plan open 45 locat southern california, first store open march. closer look. aldi, german-own chain groceri stores, plan open 45 southern california locat end 2016. aldi facts: compani open first u.s. store 1976 iowa. aldi plan open 45 southland store end 2016."} {"id": "5760", "contents": "arriv aldi southern california major game-chang region, case market discount grocer enter u.s., includ midwest, south, mid-atlantic, eastern southwest (texas) region u.s. aldi current 1,300 store u.s. aldi repres interview candid posit tomorrow wednesday southern california. hired, buy manag move chicago eight month train period, train aldi' corpor offic store region."} {"id": "5761", "contents": "hard-discount grocer, headquart germani u.s. corpor offic illinois, set shop southern california come months, plan open first store region nine month year, fresh easi buzz learned. aldi repres interview candid posit tomorrow wednesday southern california. hired, buy manag move chicago eight month train period, train aldi' corpor offic store region."} {"id": "5762", "contents": "supermarket chain aldi plan open 650 new store u.s. next five years, part aggress growth strategi includ build region headquart distribut center moreno valley, calif. next five years, aldi plan open 130 new locat year, averag 80 store recent years."} {"id": "5763", "contents": "supermarket chain aldi, plan open 650 new store u.s. next five years, acquir 55-acr site moreno valley build southern california region headquarters. presid david prior said. decemb aldi announc plan open 650 new store u.s. next five year includ build southern california region headquart distribut center moreno valley. expans would budget grocer' first step golden state."} {"id": "5764", "contents": "aldi, dub world' best groceri chain, plan open 45 new store end 2016, accord press release. first 25 store open southern california juli 2016. grocer current 1,400 store nationwid 19,000 employe 32 states. new locations, aldi expect creat around 1,100 job across stores, region headquarters, warehouse."} {"id": "5765", "contents": "summary, skelet muscl attach bone end tendons. origin fix attachment, insert move contraction. action, particular movement muscle, describ rel joint bodi part moved. group muscl involv movement name use describ role muscl involved. origin attach site move contraction, insert attach site move muscl contracts. insert usual distal, away, origin proximal, closer body, rel insertion."} {"id": "5766", "contents": "(3) act sourc someth derived. (4) (anatomy) point attachment, end muscl (when contracted). supplement. word origin: or\u012bgin- (s. or\u012bg\u014d) beginning, source, lineage. synonyms: commencement. rise. source. derivation."} {"id": "5767", "contents": "1. (anatomy) scienc concern physic structur anim plants. 2. (anatomy) physic structur anim plant parts. 3. (anatomy) book treatis subject. 4. (anatomy) dissect anim plant. 5. detail analysis: anatomi crime. branch anatomi studi viscera. syndesmography. anatom treatis descript joint ligament body. syndesmology. 1. anatomi"} {"id": "5768", "contents": "anatomi branch biolog concern studi structur organ parts. facets, anatomi relat embryolog compar anatomy, close relat evolutionari biolog phylogeny."} {"id": "5769", "contents": "origin. late middl english: old french anatomi late latin anatomia, greek, ana- 'up' tomia 'cutting' (from temnein 'to cut'). more. first anatomi studi structur human body, specif practic cut human bodi learn them. word came english greek anatomia, ana \u2018up\u2019 tomia \u2018cutting\u2019"} {"id": "5770", "contents": "full definit anatomy. 1. branch morpholog deal structur organisms. 2. treatis anatom scienc art. 3. art separ part organ order ascertain position, relations, structure, function: dissection. 4. obsolete: bodi dissect dissected. medic definit anatomy. 1. branch morpholog deal structur organisms\u2014compar physiolog 1. 2. treatis anatom scienc art."} {"id": "5771", "contents": "noun. definit anatomi branch scienc deal structur plant animals. studi structur human leg exampl studi field anatomy. prosectorial, adj. splanchnolog branch anatomi studi viscera. syndesmographi anatom treatis descript joint ligament body. syndesmolog 1. anatomi"} {"id": "5772", "contents": "anatomy. definition. noun. (1) scienc concern shape, structur relationship part organisms. (2) bodili structur organ parts. supplement. anatomi branch biolog focus structur live things. includ human anatomy, zootomi phytotomy. subdivid gross anatomi (or macroscop anatomy) microscop anatomy. word origin: late latin anatomia, greek anatom\u0113, (dissection)."} {"id": "5773", "contents": "2. person perform autopsies. prosectorial, adj. splanchnolog branch anatomi studi viscera. syndesmographi anatom treatis descript joint ligament body. syndesmolog 1. anatomi ligament body. 2. scienc studi ligament"} {"id": "5774", "contents": "watson crick describ structur dna molecul doubl helix, two strand nucleotid sequenc wound around other."} {"id": "5775", "contents": "base also attach sugar molecul phosphat molecule. together, base, sugar, phosphat call nucleotide. nucleotid arrang two long strand form spiral call doubl helix. structur doubl helix somewhat like ladder, base pair form ladder\u2019 rung sugar phosphat molecul form vertic sidepiec ladder. import properti dna replicate, make copi itself."} {"id": "5776", "contents": "best answer: build block nucleotides. nucleotid join way form doubl helix like twist rope ladder. step ladder made pair nitrogen base oppos nucleotides. a-t c-g side ladder altern sugar phosphat"} {"id": "5777", "contents": "twist ladder metaphora dna molecul often liken spiral (or twisted) ladder. analogy, rung ladder base pair (a-t g-c). side ladder sugar-phosph backbon two strands. refer form dna. molecul dna double-stranded. molecul shape doubl helix, typic right hand (b form dna). dna molecul consist two complementari strand orient antiparallel fashion. strand compos nucleotid"} {"id": "5778", "contents": "report abuse. dna structur dna structur first describ jame watson franci crick 1953. deoxyribonucl acid (dna) nucleic acid contain genet instruct develop function live organisms. live thing contain dna, except virus rna genomes. nucleotid join way form doubl helix like twist rope ladder. step ladder made pair nitrogen base oppos nucleotides. a-t c-g side ladder altern sugar phosphat"} {"id": "5779", "contents": "dna structure. dna made molecul call nucleotides. nucleotid contain phosphat group, sugar group nitrogen base. four type nitrogen base adenin (a), thymin (t), guanin (g) cytosin (c). order base determin dna' instructions, genet code."} {"id": "5780", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: dna doubl helix molecule, sugar phosphat backbon phosphodiest bond join phosphat group sugars. two strand antiparallel configur nitrogen base join hydrogen bond"} {"id": "5781", "contents": "glands, whose secret constitut 60-70 ejaculate. secretori product columnar cell, may seen lumen semin vesicles, strongli acidophilic. contain larg amount fructos spermatozoa utilis sourc energy. semin vesicl develop va deferens. histolog organis resembl extent va deferens. elong sac (about cm long cm wide) taper unit va deferens. semin vesicl consist one coil tube (about 15cm long)"} {"id": "5782", "contents": "1. movement sperm cell test secret prostat semin vesicl 2. occur respons sympathet nerv impuls spinal cord caus peristalt contract smooth muscl testicular ducts, epididymis, va deferen ejaculatori duct 3. line special stratifi epithelium includ spermatogen cell give rise sperm cell seminifer tubul produc secret male sex hormon iii. interstiti cell (cell leydig)- special cell space between."} {"id": "5783", "contents": "epithelium tubul consist type sustentacular cell known sertoli cells, tall, columnar type cell line tubule. sertoli cell spermatogen cells, differenti meiosi sperm cells. sertoli cell function nourish develop sperm cells. two types: convolut straight, convolut toward later side, straight tubul come medial form duct exit testis. seminifer tubul form testi cord develop primit gonad cords, form gonad ridge."} {"id": "5784", "contents": "pseudostratifiedcolumnar epithelium semin vesicl surround thick fibromuscular tissue. vesicl epithelium compos columnar basal epitheli cells. columnar epithelium typic contain larg amount lipofuscin pigment. unusu featur normal epitheli cell featur cellular atypia. however, atyp cell often encount semin vesicl epithelium, epitheli cell larg atyp nuclei often present. semin vesicl paired, highli coiled, tubular structur locat prostat behind urinari bladder. semin vesicl merg va deferen debouch intra-prostat urethra."} {"id": "5785", "contents": "secret semin vesicl third fraction ejacul (the spermatozoa releas second fraction-th content va deferens). semin vesicl develop va deferens. histolog organis resembl extent va deferens. elong sac (about cm long cm wide) taper unit va deferens. semin vesicl consist one coil tube (about 15cm long)"} {"id": "5786", "contents": "vesicl form outpocket wall ampulla one va deferens. semin vesicl develop one three structur male reproduct system develop junction urethra va deferens. urethra va deferen deriv mesonephr ducts, structur develop mesoderm."} {"id": "5787", "contents": "semin vesicl pair organ male genitourinari system. specifically, genit organs. male genit organ includ penis, testes, excretori genit ducts, ductu deferens, semin vesicles, prostate, bulbourethr glands. organs, semin vesicles, prostate, bulbourethr gland consid accessori glandular structures. anterior aspect semin vesicles, termin part defer ducts, prostate. (source: gray' anatomy.). uret pass superior, round aspect semin vesicl superior portion ampulla ductu deferentes."} {"id": "5788", "contents": "semin vesicl (latin: glandula vesiculosae), vesicular glands, semin glands, pair simpl tubular gland posteroinferior urinari bladder male mammals. semin vesicl locat within pelvis. semin vesicl develop one three structur male reproduct system develop junction urethra va deferens. urethra va deferen deriv mesonephr ducts, structur develop mesoderm."} {"id": "5789", "contents": "semin vesicl pair gland posit urinari bladder later va deferens. vesicl consist singl tube fold coil itself, occasion diverticula wall. semin vesicl develop one three structur male reproduct system develop junction urethra va deferens. urethra va deferen deriv mesonephr ducts, structur develop mesoderm."} {"id": "5790", "contents": "vancouv island, locat british columbia, canada, largest pacif island east new zealand. citi vancouv stand north american mainland, victoria, capit citi british columbia, locat island. locat near centr vancouv island 2,500 squar kilometr (965 sq mi) strathcona provinci park, part group peak includ glacier island, largest comox glacier."} {"id": "5791", "contents": "largest island west coast north america, world' 43rd largest island, canada' 11th largest island, canada' second popul island island montreal. canada 2011 censu record popul 759,366. nearli half figur (344,630) live greater victoria. locat near centr vancouv island 2,500 squar kilometr (965 sq mi) strathcona provinci park, part group peak includ glacier island, largest comox glacier."} {"id": "5792", "contents": "vancouv island part british columbia, canada. well island itself, also region includ gulf island strait georgia. often refer local simpli 'the island'. vancouv island largest island west coast north america 450km long 90km wide. popul 700,000 people, littl less half live greater victoria area. ferri [edit]. common way get vancouv island bc ferri [3] regular ferri servic tsawwassen (near vancouver) swartz bay (near victoria), tsawwassen duke point (near nanaimo) horsesho bay (near vancouver) departur bay (in nanaimo)."} {"id": "5793", "contents": "region town admin 2015-02-17t14:53:59+00:00. vancouv island locat pacif northwest, southwest coast mainland british columbia. vancouv island look north island still today. much remain wilderness, brook peninsula, stubbi 14-km long project northwest coast island, preserved."} {"id": "5794", "contents": "vancouv island boast warmest climat bc canada, along southern gulf island lie southeast coast island, largest saltspr island. east coast central vancouv island discoveri islands, largest quadra island cort island. vancouv island look north island still today. much remain wilderness, brook peninsula, stubbi 14-km long project northwest coast island, preserved."} {"id": "5795", "contents": "gulf island island strait georgia (also known salish sea gulf georgia), vancouv island mainland british columbia, canada. larger popul island serv bc ferries, oper combin vehicl passeng ferri gulf island termin near major citi nanaimo victoria vancouv island well vancouv mainland."} {"id": "5796", "contents": "island strait georgia. situat vancouv island mainland british columbia, georgia strait boast number larg island locat gulf island discoveri islands. vancouv island look north island still today. much remain wilderness, brook peninsula, stubbi 14-km long project northwest coast island, preserved."} {"id": "5797", "contents": "area one warmest climat canada sinc mid-1990 mild enough area grow subtrop mediterranean crop oliv lemons. island 460 kilometr (290 mi) length, 80 kilometr (50 mi) width widest point, 32,134 km (12,407 sq mi) area. locat near centr vancouv island 2,500 squar kilometr (965 sq mi) strathcona provinci park, part group peak includ glacier island, largest comox glacier."} {"id": "5798", "contents": "citi victoria capit british columbia, locat southern tip island. vancouv island divid north island, central island, south island, pacif rim (west coast), greater victoria, gulf discoveri islands. vancouv island look north island still today. much remain wilderness, brook peninsula, stubbi 14-km long project northwest coast island, preserved."} {"id": "5799", "contents": "along southern gulf islands, plu variou minor island offshor southern end, southern part vancouv island part british columbia (and western canada) lie south 49th parallel. locat near centr vancouv island 2,500 squar kilometr (965 sq mi) strathcona provinci park, part group peak includ glacier island, largest comox glacier."} {"id": "5800", "contents": "0. often think photographi two differ art forms. tradit style depict liter represent scene show actual appear person present style use photojourn travel images."} {"id": "5801", "contents": "definit expressionism. theori practic art seek depict subject emot respons object event arous artist. ex\u00b7pres\u00b7sion\u00b7ist \\-\u02c8spre-sh\u0259-nist\\ noun adject often capitalized. ex\u00b7pres\u00b7sion\u00b7is\u00b7t \\-\u02ccspre-sh\u0259-\u02c8nis-tik\\ adjective."} {"id": "5802", "contents": "expressionism. (c. 1905\u201325) emphasi pictori distort chromat exagger within art period. movement emphas heighten emot artist\u2019 subject vision, character bold brushwork styliz forms."} {"id": "5803", "contents": "may 2012, one version \u201cscream\u201d sold $119.9m current expens piec art world. photography, like paintings, expression consist captur moment find mind hearts, realiti cannot found. look munch\u2019 expressionism, i\u2019m alway wonder achiev vision that\u2019 deep insid use medium. mani photographi purist believ way, one depict alreadi there."} {"id": "5804", "contents": "93 condit associ excess sweating, fatigue, frequent lax use hair loss. link provid detail inform medic condit webmd symptom checker help provid better understand caus treatment relat conditions."} {"id": "5805", "contents": "symptoms. symptom constip includ infrequent, irregular, incomplet bowel movements. discomfort strain bowel movement also common. constip also caus hard, dri stool excess ga bloating."} {"id": "5806", "contents": "over-the-count lax constipation: use caution. lax help reliev prevent constipation. lax safe long-term use. overus certain lax lead depend decreas bowel function."} {"id": "5807", "contents": "lax use danger constip caus seriou condition, append bowel obstruction. frequent use lax week months, decreas colon' abil contract actual worsen constipation."} {"id": "5808", "contents": "damag muscular function bowel. may need lax get results, eventu lax work. excess lax use drain bodi water, vitamins, minerals. caus kidney stone kidney failure. effect medicin changed."} {"id": "5809", "contents": "webmd symptom checker help find common medic condit indic symptom excess sweating, fatigue, frequent lax use hair loss includ mononucleosis, low blood sugar (hypoglycemia), medic reaction side-effect."} {"id": "5810", "contents": "long term excess lax use danger practic lead varieti problems. lax may divid differ type base upon way work."} {"id": "5811", "contents": "dworshak reservoir fish updat (june 2015) summer full swing it\u2019 shape hot one. better place spend hot summer day dworshak reservoir. plenti fish opportun kokanee, bass speci well. get hot sit boat, alway jump cool off."} {"id": "5812", "contents": "boat -- dworshak reservoir two feet shi full pool, put boater period best access campsit along reservoir north fork clearwat river. remember, banner year fish dworshak' kokane well smallmouth bass. dworshak reservoir back north fork clearwat river behind dworshak dam near orofino. 55-mile-long reservoir overpopul small kokane two years."} {"id": "5813", "contents": "three turbin within dam total oper capac 450 megawatts. dam discharg 380 /s turbin addit 420 m/ reservoir outlet spillway. dworshak reservoir 86 km long full pool (figur 1). maximum mean depth 194 56 m, respectively. surfac area full pool 6,644 ha 5,400 ha kokane habitat, defin area 15 deep"} {"id": "5814", "contents": "time, dworshak reservoir feet full-pool like within 13-16 feet full-pool upcom independ day holiday weekend, base reservoir modeling. natur resourc staff note reservoir level bit actual good thing visitors. bass club outdoor recreat group frequent choos dworshak group event tournaments, accord corp park ranger dam. group interest schedul event dworshak, call visitor center 208-476-1255 find appli special use permit."} {"id": "5815", "contents": "dworshak dam. location: dworshak dam locat river mile 1.9 north fork clearwat river, outsid citi orofino, idaho. history: u.s. armi corp engin began construct dworshak 1966. first becam oper flood control 1972 powerhous went onlin march 1973."} {"id": "5816", "contents": "state-record smallmouth bass record, weigh 9.72 pounds, caught dworshak reservoir dan steiger juliaetta, idaho, oct. 28, 2006. dworshak dam larg straight-axi concret graviti dam 717 feet high 3,287 feet long. bass club outdoor recreat group frequent choos dworshak group event tournaments, accord corp park ranger dam. group interest schedul event dworshak, call visitor center 208-476-1255 find appli special use permit."} {"id": "5817", "contents": "dam locat approxim mile (6 km) northeast orofino impound dworshak reservoir flood control hydroelectr generation. height 717 feet (219 m), dworshak third tallest dam unit state tallest straight-axi concret dam western hemisphere. reservoir requir maintain minimum 700,000 acr feet (0.86 km 3) winter flood-storag space, dam releas oper water level reach maximum 1,570 feet (480 m) july."} {"id": "5818", "contents": "top dam 44 feet (13 m) wide elev 1,613 feet (492 m) sea level. main bodi structur contain approxim 6,500,000 cubic yard (5,000,000 3) concrete. reservoir requir maintain minimum 700,000 acr feet (0.86 km 3) winter flood-storag space, dam releas oper water level reach maximum 1,570 feet (480 m) july."} {"id": "5819", "contents": "dworshak dam. dworshak dam concret graviti dam slope downstream face vertic upstream face, stand 717 feet (219 m) high foundations, 632 feet (193 m) riverb measur 3,287 feet (1,002 m) long along crest. reservoir requir maintain minimum 700,000 acr feet (0.86 km 3) winter flood-storag space, dam releas oper water level reach maximum 1,570 feet (480 m) july."} {"id": "5820", "contents": "found list symptoms,condit medic term relat nos, child no along autism aspergers. inform alreadi know it... abdomin pain nos. acidosi nos. blood alkalin phosphatas no increased. i'm littl confused. no disorder. stand otherwis specified. no affili disord exclud formal diagnos due meet criteria defin disorder. everi disord dsm no version."} {"id": "5821", "contents": "nec code news seo pers. home code icd-9-cm: no vs. nec. icd-9-cm: no vs. nec. john verhovshek get medic definit nec acronym dictionari /nec. no mean medic code steven blogwhat no mean medic code encod definit aapc medic code bill forums."} {"id": "5822", "contents": "found list symptoms,condit medic term relat nos, child no along autism aspergers. inform alreadi know it... profil pm report. i'm littl confused. no disorder. stand otherwis specified. no affili disord exclud formal diagnos due meet criteria defin disorder. everi disord dsm no version."} {"id": "5823", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. commonly, no mean otherwis specified. word diagnos anxieti order nos...it mean specif anxieti disorder, gener one. anoth example: knee hurt go er, can't find cause. (i know that' real exampl without look code manual, give flavor abbrevi used.). otherwis specified. way say particular patient sign symptom fit nice criteria set dsm."} {"id": "5824", "contents": "may 14, '09 travel50. mean doctor specifi type cancer cells, caus pneumonia (bacterial, viral, fungal, location, etc), caus htn. abbrevi equival 'unspecified' use coder lack inform necessari code specif four-digit category. pneumonia no code 486 (pneumonia, organ unspecified). pancreat ca no code 157.9 (malign neoplasm pancreas, part"} {"id": "5825", "contents": "also advis purchas medic dictionary, stedman\u2019 medic dictionary. begin. present outline: nec vs. no nec icd-9-cm code system contain requir level specif no provid document necessari read more. no mean medic code steven blogwhat no mean medic code encod definit aapc medic code bill forums."} {"id": "5826", "contents": "bipolar disorder. bipolar disorder, formerli known manic depression, mood disord caus radic emot chang mood swings, manic, restless high depressive, listless lows. bipolar individu experi altern episod mania depression. bipolar disord (bd) term use american psychiatr association, umbrella term encompass varieti clinic subtypes. synonym manic-depress disord still popular."} {"id": "5827", "contents": "glucomannan type fiber often use mani asian health foods. glucomannan type veget fiber come root plant known konjac (amorphophallu konjac, specific)."} {"id": "5828", "contents": "glucomannan sugar made root konjac plant (amorphophallu konjac). glucommanan powder, capsules, tablet use medicine. glucomannan use constipation, weight loss adult children, type diabetes, blood sugar control, lower cholesterol. foods, glucomannan use thicken gell agent. glucommanan flour powder use food."} {"id": "5829", "contents": "glucomannan might work stomach intestin absorb water form bulki fiber treat constipation. may also slow absorpt glucos (sugar) cholesterol gut, help control sugar level diabetes, reduc cholesterol levels."} {"id": "5830", "contents": "glucomannan dietari fiber deriv tuber amorphophallu konjac. konjac flour (made tubers) use make jelli call konyaku, common food product japan."} {"id": "5831", "contents": "also use mani weight loss pills. glucomannan type veget fiber come root plant known konjac (amorphophallu konjac, specific). fiber commonli use asian health foods, mani herbal supplement contain glucomannan."} {"id": "5832", "contents": "glucomannan might work stomach intestin absorb water form bulki fiber treat constipation. may also slow absorpt sugar cholesterol gut, help control sugar level diabetes, reduc cholesterol levels."} {"id": "5833", "contents": "glucomannan water-solubl dietari fiber shown effect bulk-form laxative. glucomannan water-solubl dietari fiber deriv konjac root. like sourc fiber, psyllium fenugreek, glucomannan consid"} {"id": "5834", "contents": "sun' photospher often mistakenli refer surfac sun. realiti however, sun' photospher liquid-lik plasma layer made neon cover actual surfac sun."} {"id": "5835", "contents": "share to: sunspot area sun' surfac (the photosphere) affect intens magnet activity, inhibit convection, thu reduc surfac temperatur region. even though sunspot still bright hot appear darker cooler surround area. photospher visibl layer sun (or star). light energi photon solar radiat given escap sun photosphere."} {"id": "5836", "contents": "photospher sunspots. visibl glow surfac sun appropri call photosphere, darker edge, call 'limb.' darker temperatur sun' photospher decreas outward. neither photospher interior sun solid-it' gaseou instead. sunspot rel dark spot sun lower temperatur part photosphere. sunspot occur place magnet field photospher mani time stronger average."} {"id": "5837", "contents": "photospher believ thick approxim 400 kilomet transpar sun chang 100% 0%. depth 200 km photospher still abl see 89% light emitted. depth 300 km see 64%. outer part sun' photospher temperatur 4465 k, usual quot figur peopl talk 'surfac temperature' sun. move 400 kilometers, temperatur gradual increas reach 7610 innermost part photosphere."} {"id": "5838", "contents": "atmospher sun compos sever layers, mainli photosphere, chromospher corona. outer layer sun' energy, bubbl sun' interior layers, detect sunlight. lowest layer sun' atmospher photosphere. 300 mile (500 kilometers) thick. layer sun' energi releas light. distanc sun earth, light reach planet eight minut"} {"id": "5839", "contents": "chromospher (literally, sphere color) second three main layer sun 's atmospher roughli 2,000 kilomet deep. sit photospher solar transit region. densiti chromospher low, 10 \u22124 time photosphere, layer it, 10 \u22128 time atmospher earth. make chromospher normal invis seen total eclipse, reddish color revealed."} {"id": "5840", "contents": "sun' outer layer call corona sourc solar flares. hard defin pressur low -- practic like still space. underneath 2000-km-deep chromosphere, beneath photosphere. outer part sun' photospher temperatur 4465 k, usual quot figur peopl talk 'surfac temperature' sun. move 400 kilometers, temperatur gradual increas reach 7610 innermost part"} {"id": "5841", "contents": "photospher star' outer shell light radiated. term deriv ancient greek roots, \u03c6\u1ff6\u03c2, \u03c6\u03c9\u03c4\u03cc\u03c2/ phos, photo mean light \u03c3\u03c6\u03b1\u1fd6\u03c1\u03b1/ sphaira mean sphere, refer fact spheric surfac perceiv emit light. sun' visibl atmospher layer photosphere: 2,000 kilometer-deep chromospher (typic observ filter light, exampl h-alpha) lie photospher much hotter tenuou corona. surfac featur photospher solar flare sunspots."} {"id": "5842", "contents": "sunspot simpli region surfac suncal photospherethat temporarili cool dark compar surround regions."} {"id": "5843", "contents": "click imag larger version. photospher visibl surfac sun familiar with. sinc sun ball gas, solid surfac actual layer 100 km thick (very, very, thin compar 700,000 km radiu sun)."} {"id": "5844", "contents": "prior arriv european settler 1837, orlando area occupi nativ american creek seminol tribes. 1838, fort gatlin built mile south downtown orlando shore modern day lake gatlin; ruin fort remain day. settler knew area jernigan 1857; town orlando incorpor 1875 center today' church street. establish 1880s, parramor histor hub orlando' african-american community. area locat west central busi district along divis ave west"} {"id": "5845", "contents": "walt disney world came area 1970\u2019s, orlando sleepi town economi base citru cattle."} {"id": "5846", "contents": "orlando home univers central florida, second-largest univers campu unit state term enrol 2012. 2010, orlando list gamma\u2212 level world-citi world citi studi group\u2019 inventory. orlando rank fourth popular american citi base peopl want live accord 2009 pew research center study."} {"id": "5847", "contents": "hub central florida area, downtown orlando contain central busi district. look theatric venues, sport arena varieti dine entertain options, downtown orlando place visit. lake eola park. downtown orlando photos. locat within orang county, northeast orlando, winter park easi commut resid work downtown orlando area. winter park village. rollin college. full sail university."} {"id": "5848", "contents": "five enclav downtown; uptown north around lake ivanhoe, lake eola height thornton park east around lake eola, parramor west, central busi district (or financi district) coloni dr lake lucern center. establish 1880s, parramor histor hub orlando' african-american community. area locat west central busi district along divis ave west church street."} {"id": "5849", "contents": "expedia.com offer select 16 hotel downtown orlando. sure find cheap deal discount rate among best price guarantee. renov 2013, embassi suit conveni locat downtown orlando, block lake eola park, mile more."} {"id": "5850", "contents": "citi orlando nicknam citi beauti symbol fountain lake eola. orlando also known theme park capit world 2014 tourist attract event drew 62 million visitors. orlando intern airport (mco) thirteenth busiest airport unit state 29th busiest world. 2010, orlando list gamma\u2212 level world-citi world citi studi group\u2019 inventory. orlando rank fourth popular american citi base peopl want live accord 2009 pew research center study."} {"id": "5851", "contents": "downtown orlando histor core central busi district orlando, florida, unit states. border mark street north, mill avenu (sr 15) east, orang blossom trail (u 441) west, kaley avenu south. establish 1880s, parramor histor hub orlando' african-american community. area locat west central busi district along divis ave west church street."} {"id": "5852", "contents": "winter park. home mani impress histor buildings, winter park long consid one beauti citi central florida area. locat within orang county, northeast orlando, winter park easi commut resid work downtown orlando area. winter park village. rollin college. full sail university."} {"id": "5853", "contents": "thornton park. east lake eola, thornton park district home color commerci district european feel restaur boutiques. thornton park district locat downtown orlando 18 minut cab ride intern drive orlando attractions. church street district. histori date back 1800\u2019s, histor church street offer view past enjoy excit today\u2019 top entertain venues."} {"id": "5854", "contents": "holter monitor small portable, battery-pow medic devic measur heart\u2019 activ rate rhythm). test order doctor need inform function heart routin electrocardiogram (ekg) give her."} {"id": "5855", "contents": "cardiac monitor refer act keep patient connect cardiac electrocardiogram (ekg) similar devic purpos keep track record heart\u2019 activity."} {"id": "5856", "contents": "holter monitor? holter monitor battery-oper portabl devic measur tape record heart\u2019 activ (ecg) continu 24 48 hour longer depend type monitor used. devic size small camera."} {"id": "5857", "contents": "cardiac monitor devic show electr pressur waveform cardiovascular system measur treatment."} {"id": "5858", "contents": "equip requir continu cardiac monitor includ cardiac monitor, cables, dispos suppli electrod patches, pressur transducers, pulmonari arteri cathet (swan-ganz catheter), arteri blood satur probe."} {"id": "5859", "contents": "cardiac event record battery-pow portabl devic control tape-record heart\u2019 electr activ (ecg) symptoms. two type event recorders: loop memori monitor symptom event monitor."} {"id": "5860", "contents": "preparation. cardiac monitor commonli use monitor electr activ heart, patient expect follow preparations. site select electrod placement skin shave clean caus surfac abras better contact skin electrode."} {"id": "5861", "contents": "sever type bronz used, commonli b20 bronze, roughli 20% tin, 80% copper, trace silver, tougher b8 bronz made 8% tin 92% copper. tin content bell cymbal rises, timbr drops."} {"id": "5862", "contents": "bronz came south east asia."} {"id": "5863", "contents": "gold medal lost within fraction seconds; bradley wiggins' bike frame made 'nanoalloy carbon', andi murray use graphit tenni racket jessica ennis' run spike use latest carbon nano-ceram technologies."} {"id": "5864", "contents": "bronz copper tin alloy, term also use varieti copper alloys, contain tin all. use bronz report sinc earliest mesopotamian egyptian civilis manufactur tool weapons."} {"id": "5865", "contents": "copper found mani part world. usual come copper ore, small amount occasion found (nativ copper) distort cubic crystal chunks. keweenaw peninsula near lake superior michigan one like place find nativ copper!!"} {"id": "5866", "contents": "usa second largest produc copper world. largest copper mine found utah (bingham canyon). major mine found arizona, michigan, new mexico montana. south america, chile, world' largest producer, peru major produc copper."} {"id": "5867", "contents": "first bronz artifact alloy copper arsenic. arsen natur occur contamin copper desposit and, suffici concentr (10% 15% copper), produc high-qual bronze."} {"id": "5868", "contents": "pure metals, like aluminium, silver copper, come earth crust. found ore solid materi call minerals, usual occur rock, pure metal extracted. properti pure metal improv mix metal make alloys."} {"id": "5869", "contents": "bronz alloy consist primarili copper, commonli 12% tin often addit metal (such aluminium, manganese, nickel zinc) sometim non-met metalloid arsenic, phosphoru silicon."} {"id": "5870", "contents": "non-ferr metals, iron (for exampl copper, aluminium, tin lead). peopl first began make thing metal 6000 year ago, discov get copper ore. learn make harder alloy, bronze, ad tin copper."} {"id": "5871", "contents": "get idea case psoriasi home remedi topic use cream lotion involv affect part bodi may tri scalp psoriasi skin issu well. drawback remedi scalp cover hair consid suitable. anthralin: method psoriasi treatment dna activ normal skin cells. order remov scale use great stain everyth come contact even skin. easili find avail dritho-scalp."} {"id": "5872", "contents": "psoriasi skin diseas caus scale inflamm (pain, swelling, heat, redness). skin cell grow deep skin slowli rise surface. process call cell turnover, take month. psoriasi severe, doctor might prescrib drug give medicin shot. call system treatment. antibiot use treat psoriasi unless bacteria make psoriasi worse."} {"id": "5873", "contents": "tip warnings. psoriasi difficult get rid people, import thing rememb keep tri differ treatment find one work you. people, tradit medications, coupl anti-inflammatori skin moistur trick."} {"id": "5874", "contents": "would like share home remedi treat psoriasi get guidelin help effect treat scalp psoriasi get rid psoriasi skin diseas forev simpli improv body\u2019 immun system. anthralin: method psoriasi treatment dna activ normal skin cells. order remov scale use great stain everyth come contact even skin. easili find avail dritho-scalp."} {"id": "5875", "contents": "though way get rid psoriasis, help avoid it, help bodi recov quickli eas symptom simpl home remedies, we'll discuss next section. see home remedi condit treat, go main home remedi page."} {"id": "5876", "contents": "get coal tar infus shampoo, bath wash, creams. coal tar reduc skin flaki also reduc appear psoriasis. coal tar' main drawback messy. stain clothing, furniture, carpet also strong, pungent odor. coal tar black petroleum byproduct one oldest treatment option psoriasis. coal tar come varieti forms. coal tar reduc skin flaki also reduc appear psoriasis. coal tar' main drawback messy."} {"id": "5877", "contents": "talk doctor dermatologist get uvb phototherapi area. narrow band uvb therapi type uvb phototherapi smaller beam light treat specif area skin. treatment usual administ two three time week. coal tar black petroleum byproduct one oldest treatment option psoriasis. coal tar come varieti forms. coal tar reduc skin flaki also reduc appear psoriasis. coal tar' main drawback messy."} {"id": "5878", "contents": "least half peopl psoriasi scalp. psoriasi elsewher body, skin cell grow quickli caus red lesion cover scale. sever case thick, crust plaqu cover entir scalp, hair may fall out. treatments, type psoriasis, often combin rotat becom resist medic repeat use. mani treatment option help control scalp psoriasi symptoms: tar product salicyl acid gener suffici treat mild scalp psoriasis."} {"id": "5879", "contents": "psoriasi free life revolutionari treatment doesn\u2019t curb peripher symptom psoriasis, kill diseas root. unlik treatments, scheme 100% natur deliv result last life-time, without expos suffer kind health-risk. scalp psoriasi also stubborn form disease, scalp cover layer hair, get difficult person manage. here\u2019 someth make feel itch more-th perfect scalp psoriasi treatment."} {"id": "5880", "contents": "initi stage human embryogenesis. human embryogenesi process cell divis cellular differenti embryo occur earli stage development. biolog terms, human develop entail growth one cell zygot adult human being. comparison embryo, fetu recogniz extern features, complet set develop organs. entir process embryogenesi involv coordin spatial tempor chang gene expression, cell growth cellular differentiation."} {"id": "5881", "contents": "embryogenesi continu next stage gastrul three germ layer embryo form process call histogenesis, process neurul organogenesi follow. comparison embryo, fetu recogniz extern features, complet set develop organs. entir process embryogenesi involv coordin spatial tempor chang gene expression, cell growth cellular differentiation."} {"id": "5882", "contents": "embryon period human begin fertil (penetr egg sperm) continu end 10th week gestat (8th week embryon age). period two week fertil also refer germin stage. sinc precursor major organ creat time, fetal period describ organ list chang week gestat age. precursor organ formed, fetu sensit damag environment exposur embryo was."} {"id": "5883", "contents": "genet materi sperm egg combin form singl cell call zygot germin stage prenat develop commences. embryogenesi cover first eight week develop begin ninth week embryo term fetus. human embryolog studi develop first eight week fertilisation. normal period gestat (pregnancy) nine month 38 weeks. comparison embryo, fetu recogniz extern features, complet set develop organs. entir process embryogenesi involv coordin spatial tempor chang gene expression, cell growth cellular differentiation."} {"id": "5884", "contents": "erica o'neil keywords: fetal alcohol syndrome, human development. matern consumpt alcohol (ethanol) pregnanc result continuum embryon development abnorm vari depend severity, duration, frequenc exposur ethanol gestation. point develop prenat alcohol exposur lack consequences, occurr sever birth defect correl exposur alcohol embryon stage rather fetal stage."} {"id": "5885", "contents": "prenat antenat develop process human embryo fetu (or foetus) gestat pregnancy, fertil birth. often, term fetal development, foetal development, embryolog use similar sense. sinc precursor major organ creat time, fetal period describ organ list chang week gestat age. precursor organ formed, fetu sensit damag environment exposur embryo was."} {"id": "5886", "contents": "process embryo develop describ term embryogenesis. embryo call fetu complet stage development. stage prenat develop occur end embryon period birth call fetal period. notabl develop stage dramat chang size take place. time period divid differ categori development. primari stage prenat develop germin period, embryon period, fetal period. stage import reach ultim goal healthi baby. now, let' look steve jennifer' babi prepar birth last month"} {"id": "5887", "contents": "three stage prenat develop main event stage? factor affect prenat health development? tweet. by. process, embryo' embryon stage heart, spine brain begin form. embryo' arms, hands, fingers, legs, feet, toes, eye ear embryon stage begin form, allow embryo look human."} {"id": "5888", "contents": "polit system scheme decid get decid goal societi may achieved. lesson gain overview sociolog perspect differ kind polit systems. choic polit system would obedience, exile, death. two cite exampl modern histori adolf hitler' third reich (from 1933 1945) union soviet socialist republ iron fist josef stalin (from 1924 1953)."} {"id": "5889", "contents": "gener term may also refer extend families, clans, group clan within tribe. modern society, integr greatli influenc institut outsid family, includ education, media, polit system. choic polit system would obedience, exile, death. two cite exampl modern histori adolf hitler' third reich (from 1933 1945) union soviet socialist republ iron fist josef stalin (from 1924 1953)."} {"id": "5890", "contents": "polit system system polit government. usual compar legal system, econom system, cultur system, social systems. sociolog interest polit system figur hold power relationship govern peopl government\u2019 power used. three type polit system sociologist consider."} {"id": "5891", "contents": "however, simplifi view much complex system categori involv question author government' influenc peopl economi be. sociolog interest polit system figur hold power relationship govern peopl government\u2019 power used. three type polit system sociologist consider."} {"id": "5892", "contents": "everi societi must adapt natur environment. major institut societi adapt avail resourc call economy. econom system, also call mode production, simpl complex. simplest mode production, found among tribal societies, hunt gathering. choic polit system would obedience, exile, death. two cite exampl modern histori adolf hitler' third reich (from 1933 1945) union soviet socialist republ iron fist josef stalin (from 1924 1953)."} {"id": "5893", "contents": "polit system framework defin accept polit method within given society. histori polit thought trace back earli antiquity, semin work plato 's republic, aristotl 's polit work confucius. formal polit refer oper constitut system govern publicli defin institut procedures. polit parties, public polici discuss war foreign affair would fall categori formal polit"} {"id": "5894", "contents": "polit parti qualiti democraci polit parti parti system seen mani central effect function eventu consolid democracy, conting natur polit parti institut support command."} {"id": "5895", "contents": "u.s. constitut washington provid support american polit system, democraci republic, found without polit parties. past shown type system work well parties, nonetheless, two system requir polit parti institutions. sociolog interest polit system figur hold power relationship govern peopl government\u2019 power used. three type polit system sociologist consider."} {"id": "5896", "contents": "polit (from greek: \u03c0\u03bf\u03bb\u03b9\u03c4\u03b9\u03ba\u03cc\u03c2 politikos, definit of, for, relat citizens) practic theori influenc people. histori polit thought trace back earli antiquity, semin work plato 's republic, aristotl 's polit work confucius. formal polit refer oper constitut system govern publicli defin institut procedures."} {"id": "5897", "contents": "simpl definit is: attitudes, values, beliefs, orient individu societi hold regard polit system.. elazar found three political-cultur type among americans. type still view relev today."} {"id": "5898", "contents": "multin corpor usual larg corpor produc sell good servic variou countries. import export good services. make signific invest foreign country. one first multin busi organizations, east india company, aros 1600. east india company, came dutch east india company, found march 20, 1602, would becom largest compani world nearli 200 years."} {"id": "5899", "contents": "multin corpor (mnc) multin enterpris organ own control product good servic one countri home country. one first multin busi organizations, east india company, aros 1600. east india company, came dutch east india company, found march 20, 1602, would becom largest compani world nearli 200 years."} {"id": "5900", "contents": "multin enterpris enterpris engag unit (multi) support cepb launch csr unit particip seri activ la paz februari 2015, highlight global region trend csr approach ilo mne declaration. country-level assistance. annot bibliographi provid succinct overview signific amount research, analysis, guidanc document activ multin enterpris (mnes) publish ilo other 2005 2015."} {"id": "5901", "contents": "multin corporation. busi enterpris manufacturing, sales, servic subsidiari one foreign countries, also known transnat intern corporation. corpor origin earli 20th cent. prolifer world war ii"} {"id": "5902", "contents": "name implies, multin corpor busi concern oper one country. oper outsid company' home countri may link parent merger, oper subsidiaries, consider autonomy. multin corpor sometim perceiv large, utilitarian enterpris littl regard social econom well-b countri operate, realiti situat complicated."} {"id": "5903", "contents": "multin corpor (mncs) busi entiti oper one country. typic one normal function headquart base one country, facil base locat countries. circles, type corpor refer multin enterpris (mbe) transnat corpor (tnc). anoth structur model multin organ mno base parent compani one nation oper subsidiari countri around world. model, function parent base countri origin."} {"id": "5904", "contents": "firm 10% foreign ownership movement long-term capit finac busi activ abroad, foreign investor control least 10% enterprise. multin enterpris firm product capac number countries."} {"id": "5905", "contents": "definit 'multin corporation-mnc'. corpor facil asset least one countri home country. compani offic and/or factori differ countri usual central head offic co-ordin global management. larg multin budget exceed mani small countries. sometim refer transnat corporation. multin corpor corpor oper multipl nations, home offic coordin global management. multin corpor complic ..."} {"id": "5906", "contents": "global multin enterpris (mnes) compani oper global scale, oppos mne region focused. so, compani 70% sale gener asia would consid global mne even though might signific oper one country, one 30% sale asia, africa europ would consid global mne."} {"id": "5907", "contents": "definition. enterpris oper sever countri manag one (home) country. generally, compani group deriv quarter revenu oper outsid home countri consid multin corporation."} {"id": "5908", "contents": "cancel flight cost airlines, flier millions. chariss jones, usa today 5:25 p.m. est februari 2, 2015. cancel thousand flight wake latest winter storm expect cost airlin strand passeng nearli $200 million. (photo: nam y. huh, ap)."} {"id": "5909", "contents": "cancel thousand flight wake latest winter storm expect cost airlin strand passeng nearli $200 million, accord masflight, analyz flight operations. cancel thousand flight wake latest winter storm expect cost airlin strand passeng nearli $200 million. (photo: nam y. huh, ap)."} {"id": "5910", "contents": "airlin cancel fee jetblu appli passeng cancel flight within 24 hour book it; provid flight book least seven day prior departure. ticket cancellations, passeng charg $100 fee, deduct refund. airlin cancel fee unit airlin depend type ticket purchased. refund ticket cancel without fee anytime. nonrefund airlin cancel fee equal amount ticket, mean passeng receiv refund."} {"id": "5911", "contents": "itinerari fare: averag fare base domest itinerari fares, round-trip one-way return purchased. fare base total ticket valu consist price charg airlin plu addit tax fee levi outsid entiti time purchase."} {"id": "5912", "contents": "need anyon tell you, airlin travel expens get so. averag domest airlin ticket current $379, dollar 2012, $44 jump $335 averag ticket price 2009, accord data u.s. depart transportation."} {"id": "5913", "contents": "delta airlines. passeng cancel non-refund flight 24-hour mark forfeit ticket price cancel fee. however, ticket may exchang credit futur use, pay applic chang fees, plu differ cost flight. airlin cancel fee unit airlin depend type ticket purchased. refund ticket cancel without fee anytime. nonrefund airlin cancel fee equal amount ticket, mean passeng receiv refund."} {"id": "5914", "contents": "averag fare citi southwest airlin larg market share may compar period 1998. 1998, southwest report passeng one-way passeng one-way fares. fare includ price paid time ticket purchas includ fees, baggag fees, paid airport onboard aircraft. averag includ frequent-fly orzero fare abnorm high report fares. akron/canton, oh."} {"id": "5915", "contents": "graphic scale may vari city. spirit airlin data six quarter fourth quarter 2007 first quarter 2009, withheld previou releas pend revision, updat includ release. fare includ price paid time ticket purchas includ fees, baggag fees, paid airport onboard aircraft. averag includ frequent-fly orzero fare abnorm high report fares. akron/canton, oh."} {"id": "5916", "contents": "1979, example, domest passeng flew averag 1,947 mile per round trip paid fare $186.22 9.56 cent per mile flown, plu reserv chang fee cent bag fee 44 cent total $186.72. tabl provid histori averag domest u.s. airfar (exclud tax government-impos charges) well averag amount collect airlin relat reserv chang transport luggage. data begin 1979, first year deregul domest air service."} {"id": "5917", "contents": "southwest' report fare roughli doubl report change. bt averag fare base total ticket valu consist price charg airlin plu addit tax fee levi outsid entiti time purchase. fare includ price paid time ticket purchas includ fees, baggag fees, paid airport onboard aircraft. averag includ frequent-fly orzero fare abnorm high report fares. akron/canton, oh."} {"id": "5918", "contents": "radish good sourc vitamins, dietari fiber antioxidants, great sourc minerals. however, miner content radish veget fruit depend qualiti soil."} {"id": "5919", "contents": "fresh, raw radish good sourc vitamin c; one cup radish contain 15 milligram vitamin c, 25 percent recommend daili amount adults."} {"id": "5920", "contents": "although nearli 95 percent water, radish rich ascorb acid, folic acid, potassium. radish also good sourc vitamin b6, riboflavin, magnesium, copper, calcium. brief snapshot vitamin miner contain raw radishes."} {"id": "5921", "contents": "vitamin miner radishes. although nearli 95 percent water, radish rich ascorb acid, folic acid, potassium. radish also good sourc vitamin b6, riboflavin, magnesium, copper, calcium. brief snapshot vitamin miner contain raw radishes."} {"id": "5922", "contents": "radish excel supplement vitamin c. 6x much vitamin tall glass orang juice! (about 10 oz) also good sourc calcium, potassium, folic acid. learn radish' food' vitamin supplement, go relat link."} {"id": "5923", "contents": "nutrit information. radish eaten raw home garden rich folat (folic acid), calcium, potassium, dietari fiber. veget rich vitamin b-complex vitamin moder high vitamin c. sodium content also moder high. however, radish low calories, fat, cholesterol."} {"id": "5924", "contents": "cook hours, fork tender: let pork cook undisturb hours, begin check everi half hour. total cook time hours, depend amount pork whether bone-in (which take longer cook)."} {"id": "5925", "contents": "place roast greas casserol dish lid. sprinkl roast side worcestershir sauce. let sit room temperatur 1-1/2 hours. 1-1/2 hour spoon worcestershir sauc (if any) back roast accumul bottom casserole. place roast oven immedi reduc temperatur 200 degre f. roast hour meat falling-apart tender (cook time vari depend size roast). stir salt black pepper juic (do omit salt!)."} {"id": "5926", "contents": "place roast oven immedi reduc temperatur 200 degre f. roast hour meat falling-apart tender (cook time vari depend size roast). stir salt black pepper juic (do omit salt!).4 slice meat desired."} {"id": "5927", "contents": "medium rare cook pork shoulder, meat held 135\u00b0f 57.2\u00b0c, medium cook meat done 145\u00b0f 62.8\u00b0c. tradit well done shoulder desired, cook 155\u00b0f 68.3\u00b0c. matter temperatur rang used, pork shoulder cook days."} {"id": "5928", "contents": "2. cook roast halv tbsp. hot oil larg skillet minut side lightli browned. place roast halv lightli greas 6-qt. slow cooker, fat side up. 3. cover cook high hour. reduc heat low, cook hour meat tender slice easily."} {"id": "5929", "contents": "preheat oven 425 degre 15 minutes. place roast oven immedi reduc temperatur 200 degre f. roast hour meat falling-apart tender (cook time vari depend size roast). place roast oven immedi reduc temperatur 200 degre f. roast hour meat falling-apart tender (cook time vari depend size roast). stir salt black pepper juic (do omit salt!)."} {"id": "5930", "contents": "cover tightly. preheat oven 425 degre 15 minutes. place roast oven immedi reduc temperatur 200 degre f. roast hour meat falling-apart tender (cook time vari depend size roast). place roast oven immedi reduc temperatur 200 degre f. roast hour meat falling-apart tender (cook time vari depend size roast). stir salt black pepper juic (do omit salt!)."} {"id": "5931", "contents": "set pork bowl slow cooker, scatter onion pork, sprinkl garlic add wine. cook meat easili pull apart fork, hour high hour low. turn slow cooker transfer pork platter. use two fork shred meat. slow cooker, brais pork shoulder 325 degre oven 1/2 1/2 hours. photograph kat teutsch. recip courtesi ten dollar dinner melissa d'arabian food network magazine."} {"id": "5932", "contents": "pork shoulder best cook long slow. roast uncov oven hour per pound meat. may reduc heat need pork appear cook quickly-mani recip call 325 degre fahrenheit (163 degre celsius) rather 350 (177 c).ypically, pork shoulder cook method use slow, gradual cook creat tender, juicy, meat fall bone piec pork. regardless cook method, versatil cut meat serv main course, pull sandwiches, offer alongsid summer barbecu fare."} {"id": "5933", "contents": "place bay leav bottom slow cooker place pork top. pour chicken broth around side pork, care rins spice mixture. 2. cover cook low pork shred easili fork, 10 hours. turn meat cook hours. pork tender, remov slow cooker, shred two forks. use cook liquid need moisten meat."} {"id": "5934", "contents": "welcom community! site brought banyo district commun group, repres commun banyo, nudgee, nudge beach. purpos group improv commun resili cohes embrac cultur divers conduct commun social, cultural, sport activities. 4th june 2016 banyo queensland day celebrations. pleas see event page detail futur meet upcom local events. importantly, commun resourc use, pleas contact us discuss help promot group, business, event, news."} {"id": "5935", "contents": "man caught mall secur cam crap plant pot. man caught mall secur cam crap plant pot guy stand minute. load player ..."} {"id": "5936", "contents": "median/averag age banyo popul 36 year age, year australian average. 71.5% peopl live banyo born australia. top respons countri birth new zealand 5.7%, india 3.8%, england 2.3%, philippin 1.3%, china 1.2%. 82.1% peopl speak english first languag 2.6% punjabi, 1.2% mandarin, 0.9% hindi, 0.7% tongan, 0.7% vietnamese. banyo station recent undergon upgrade. upgrad includ restor 100-year-old station building, toilet upgrade, new improv station furnitur signage, fresh paint station cleaning."} {"id": "5937", "contents": "banyo. banyo, residenti industri suburb, situat nundah creek kedron brook floodway, 12 km north-east central brisbane. earli settlement period banyo part nudge area, former nudge state primari school (1928) banyo. thought name banyo aborigin express describ rise slope known beehiv hill, part site chosen piu xii seminary, australian cathol univers (2003) st paul' theolog college."} {"id": "5938", "contents": "brisbane. brisban campu (mcauley banyo) 5,200 students, includ 400 intern students. campu 12km north brisban central busi district (cbd) close brisban intern airport. find brisban campu link menu."} {"id": "5939", "contents": "banyo northern suburb citi brisbane, queensland, australia. commun split residenti industri land usage, latter attract access local transport, includ gateway motorway. banyo station recent undergon upgrade. upgrad includ restor 100-year-old station building, toilet upgrade, new improv station furnitur signage, fresh paint station cleaning."} {"id": "5940", "contents": "think ginger beer ginger ale steroids: it\u2019 nonalcohol deep spici ginger flavor make anyth innocent. ginger beer superb also backbon two popular summer cocktails, moscow mule dark \u2018n stormy. born england popular caribbean, ginger beer recent becom de rigueur country\u2019 better bars. top pick jump."} {"id": "5941", "contents": "ginger beer ingredients. ginger beer made fresh dri ginger, sugar lemon juice. basic ingredi use ginger ale, ale add seltzer water, beer use water yeast produc ga carbon effect."} {"id": "5942", "contents": "difference? ginger beer actual brew ferment ginger ale essenti carbon beverag made water ginger. ginger beer often much gingeri flavor fermented, less carbonated. favorit brand unfilt ginger beer like seattle' fantast rachel' ginger beer-it slightli cloudi unpreced ginger flavor. dark stormy. moscow mule. two favorit warm weather cocktail reli ginger beer one main ingredients. wait: ginger beer actual beer it."} {"id": "5943", "contents": "gosling' ginger beer. crabbie\u2019 alcohol ginger beer first craft 1801. ginger beer carbonated, sweeten beverag produc two versions: alcohol brew ginger beer (which includ home-brewed) carbon soft drink flavor primarili ginger sweeten sugar artifici sweeteners. today, ginger beer usual produc soft drink. ginger beer ginger ale soft drink moder popular mani part world sinc introduced. similar differ ginger ale ginger beer discuss histori section ginger ale article."} {"id": "5944", "contents": "follow us pinterest. refresh popular, interest note mani misconcept exist ginger beer. drink, origin mid-1700 england, first known ferment alcohol beverag made sugar, ginger, water, starter cultur known ginger beer plant. today, name ginger beer actual misnomer, commerci ginger beer soft drink contain alcohol (although brands, crabbie's, do)."} {"id": "5945", "contents": "ginger beer plant (gbp) usual consid plant composit organ consist fungus, yeast saccharomyc florentinu (formerli s. pyriformis), bacterium lactobacillu hilgardii (formerli brevibacterium vermiforme), form symbiot coloni bacteria yeast. today, ginger beer usual produc soft drink. ginger beer ginger ale soft drink moder popular mani part world sinc introduced. similar differ ginger ale ginger beer discuss histori section ginger ale article."} {"id": "5946", "contents": "historically, ginger beer popular first. fact, origin popular alcohol concoct 11% alcohol volum (abv). alcohol content came ferment ginger, sugar water, ad ginger-lemon extraction. ginger root rich lactic acid bacteria yeasts."} {"id": "5947", "contents": "dri version recogn today ginger ale -- pale color mellow ginger flavor. difference. big differ ginger beer ginger ale ginger beer brew (fermented) ginger ale carbon water that' flavor ginger."} {"id": "5948", "contents": "directions. combin ingredi saucepan without liquid. cook low heat, covered, hour. place content blender food processor process smooth. pour ice cube tray freeze. use cube bouillon enhanc flavor gravi soup."} {"id": "5949", "contents": "make soups, stews, sauces, stir fries, casseroles, etc. recip often say add chicken, fish, beef, veget stock broth. broth strain liquid left cook vegetables, meat, fish water. often use synonym bullion. stock basic thing cook slowli intens flavor broth. bouillon cube granul compress stock need dissolv using. rang differ flavor available. find use one chicken, vegetable, beef fish. get other includ lamb, shrimp, duck tomato. experi differ brand bouillon cube avail local stores."} {"id": "5950", "contents": "even day standard (but often fall standards) bouillon cube creat equal. general, cube equal one teaspoon granules, produc cup broth. knorr brand, least, produc double-s block (rectangles, realli cubes), block produc two cup broth."} {"id": "5951", "contents": "bouillon cube dehydr stock form small cube dri granules. want use one, add boil water. rang differ flavor available. find use one chicken, vegetable, beef fish. get other includ lamb, shrimp, duck tomato. experi differ brand bouillon cube avail local stores."} {"id": "5952", "contents": "substitut bouillon cube granul recip call broth stock. recommend equival measur dissolv bouillon cube (or teaspoon bouillon granules) ounc boil water everi cup broth. bouillon, like mani can chicken broths, high sodium (one cube wyler' chicken bouillon 880 milligram sodium)"} {"id": "5953", "contents": "solv world' problems. one answer time. beef bouillon beef broth mean thing, bouillon may also condens (bouillon cube paste, instance). use bouillon cube condens product, need dissolv water creat liquid broth. chicken broth use substitut beef bouillon mani recipes, particularli beef flavor central element dish. function same; th flavor different."} {"id": "5954", "contents": "wyler\u2019 bouillon cube contain less gram carbohydr ton flavor. wyler\u2019 bouillon replac butter oil cook pasta, rice vegetables. add cube cook water. easi flavor meatloaf burgers, add teaspoon wyler\u2019 powder pound ground beef turkey. wyler\u2019 powder shaken food cook add flavor boost."} {"id": "5955", "contents": "store bought stock/broth bouillon cube salty. mani peopl cook rick stock instead water. may want cut back salt recip substitut water stock. review often say best broth/stock market swanson brand name, come liquid form. rang differ flavor available. find use one chicken, vegetable, beef fish. get other includ lamb, shrimp, duck tomato. experi differ brand bouillon cube avail local stores."} {"id": "5956", "contents": "broth made cook meat, poultry, fish, veget water. liquid strain cook bouillon. bouillon cube compressed, flavor-concentr cube dehyr meat, poultry, fish, veget stock. bouillon granual granular form dehydr concentrate. plural:"} {"id": "5957", "contents": "quick book links: accademia tickets: uffizi tickets: uffizi guid tours: colosseum tickets: florenc guid tour vatican tickets: vatican tours: borghes tickets: venic museums: last supper: last supper-tours: verona opera tickets: pisa tower tickets: pompeii napl area tickets."} {"id": "5958", "contents": "uffizi rank 25th visit art museum world, around million visitor annually. build uffizi complex begun giorgio vasari 1560 cosimo de' medici accommod offic florentin magistrates, henc name uffizi, offices. construct later continu alfonso parigi bernardo buontalenti complet 1581. earli august 2007, florenc caught larg rainstorm, galleri partial flooded, water leak ceiling, visitor evacuated. much signific flood 1966 damag art collect florenc severely, includ uffizi."} {"id": "5959", "contents": "start telecommun back crank phone turn ask telephon oper connect call. galleria degli uffizi locat florence, italy, near piazza della signoria. galleri furnitur two locat houston, texas. one store locat 6006 north freeway, houston, texa store locat 2411 post oak blvd., houston, texa"} {"id": "5960", "contents": "uffizi galleri (italian: galleria degli uffizi, [\u0261alle\u02c8ri\u02d0a de\u028e\u028e uf\u02c8fittsi]) promin art museum locat adjac piazza della signoria central florence, region tuscany, italy. earli august 2007, florenc caught larg rainstorm, galleri partial flooded, water leak ceiling, visitor evacuated. much signific flood 1966 damag art collect florenc severely, includ uffizi."} {"id": "5961", "contents": "galleria degli uffizi (uffizi gallery) art museum florenc one oldest famou art museum western world. inferno dan brown mention mani times, refer \u201cworld-famous.\u201d. vasari corridor continu facad church santa felicita reach boboli gardens. death cosimo i, son francesco de\u2019 medici commiss bernardo buontalenti creat famou tribuna degli uffizi, octagon room locat east corridor uffizi gallery. francesco transfer privat collect room studiolo palazzo vecchio"} {"id": "5962", "contents": "uffizi gallery-th second corridor: second corridor, also call 'midday corridor', certainli one enthral place whole palazzo degli uffizi. connect corridor two wing horseshoe-shap palace. nowaday build host uffizi gallery, one visit museum world, masterpiec 13th 18th century. 1993 bomb accademia dei georgofili caus major damag masterpiec uffizi gallery."} {"id": "5963", "contents": "locat itali itali locat southern europ italian peninsula. includ two largest island mediterranean sea, sicili sardinia. itali share northern border france, switzerland, slovenia, austria. answered. galleri furnitur two locat houston, texas. one store locat 6006 north freeway, houston, texa store locat 2411 post oak blvd., houston, texa"} {"id": "5964", "contents": "ticket deliv right home, get florence, arriv minut book time, visit uffizi gallery. small group visitor enter, spoil magnific work kept museum. want long queue tuscan' sun bitter cold florence, buy ticket advance, pay small fee."} {"id": "5965", "contents": "oven-bak potatoes. see do: bake potato oven. preheat oven 425\u00b0f. rub potato oliv oil, sprinkl salt pepper, prick tine fork. wrap potato foil lay bottom slow cooker. place lid top set slow cooker low eight 10 hours. bottom line: potato bake work"} {"id": "5966", "contents": "popular bake potato also depend long take bake potato. convent oven time taken bake potato 375 degre approxim thirti minutes. however, reduc time taken bake cut potato half place skin bake tray. also don\u2019t forget appli oil butter bake tray."} {"id": "5967", "contents": "potato may also bake lower temperatur longer times. process tend give outsid spud crisper skin. 350 degre (175 c) approxim 1/2 hour 375 \u00b0f (191 \u00b0c) approxim hour 15 minut good guideline. cook time vary."} {"id": "5968", "contents": "oven: place potato 350 degre oven 60 minutes. grill: place potato grill away coals, close lid grill 40-60 minut depend temperatur grill. sprinkl addit season mix roll tightli aluminum foil. oven: place potato 350 degre oven 60 minutes."} {"id": "5969", "contents": "don\u2019t! you\u2019ll end potato get steam foil instead baked. may well cook microwave. place potato directli oven rack. bake 40 60 minutes, depend upon size potato. potato hard brick raw. time it\u2019 cook you\u2019ll abl squeez it. oven need realli hot, 400 degre hot, stick potato it. go further, go turn oven 400 degre preheat. (thi could take 15 minutes, mayb even longer depend oven.). potato need get wash first."} {"id": "5970", "contents": "2. rub potato oliv oil, sprinkl salt pepper, prick tine fork. place potato microwave-saf dish microwav full power five minutes. turn microwav anoth three five minutes. rub potato oliv oil, sprinkl salt pepper, prick tine fork. wrap potato foil lay bottom slow cooker. place lid top set slow cooker low eight 10 hours."} {"id": "5971", "contents": "bake potatoes: bake potato directli oven rack, place inch apart foil-lin bake sheet. bake potato 50 60 minutes. flip everi 20 minut check done pierc fork. allow steam escap bake potato. bake potatoes: bake potato directli oven rack, place inch apart foil-lin bake sheet. bake potato 50 60 minutes."} {"id": "5972", "contents": "place potato directli convect oven rack. bake 375 degre 45 minut medium larg potatoes. turn potato halfway bake time ensur even crisp avoid darken one side. remov oven bake time end cut squish top potato open. make skin delicious. place potato directli convect oven rack. bake 375 degre 45 minut medium larg potatoes."} {"id": "5973", "contents": "45 minut 400 degre f. 60 minut 350 degre f. 90 minut 325 degre f. place potato directli oven rack preheat oven. place bake sheet (i put piec aluminum foil) lower rack (below potatoes) catch drippings. convect oven: (about ounc 150 gram each). 45 minut 375 degre f. 60 minut 325 degre f. 90 minut 300 degre f. convect oven cook 20% faster regular ovens. also, food convect oven cook lower temperatur regular oven achiev results."} {"id": "5974", "contents": "experience, skirt steak flank steak cut across grain strip best usage. like skirt steak fajita (and it\u2019 often cut purpos store), season lime, lot garlic, fajita seasoning."} {"id": "5975", "contents": "flat iron steak american name cut known butlers' steak u.k. oyster blade steak australia new zealand. cut grain leg anim produc flavor cut bit tough contain gristli fascia membran unless removed. especi popular flat iron wagyu beef, way chef offer afford profit dish featur wagy\u016b kobe beef. north american meat processor (namp) meat buyer guide, item #1114d beef shoulder, top blade steak."} {"id": "5976", "contents": "steak deep, rich flavor make perfect also meat mani dishes. flat iron similar flat steak anyth call skirt flank steak benefit flat iron steak. cut best grill medium-high heat."} {"id": "5977", "contents": "trust result differ flat iron steak flank steak. philli chees steak recipe: bobbi flay: food network. food network invit tri philli chees steak recip bobbi flay. ... clear know differ too."} {"id": "5978", "contents": "one correction, re: comments. flat iron steak flank steak. come shoulder clod cow, also known chuck, recent \u2018discovered\u2019 separ steak. even less fat skirt steak, consequ littl tender. less fatti meat, tender. that\u2019 need differ type steaks\u2026sometim want fatti flavor, sometim want butteri texture. it\u2019 trade off, folks."} {"id": "5979", "contents": "flat iron (beef shoulder top blade steak) second tender beef muscle. steak cut beef chuck shoulder clod top blade roast, cut along thick intern connect tissue. cut result two halv resembl small flank steak. flat iron name use refer steak cut use innov new method typic label shoulder top blade steak (flat iron) meat case. rectangular steak averag ounc each. thick flat iron vari 3/4 inch 1-1/4 inches."} {"id": "5980", "contents": "same. beef butcher hung rail two piec halves. half cut half carcass quarter now. forequart hindquarter. flank steak come hindquart flat iron steak come forequarter."} {"id": "5981", "contents": "best answer: no, differ cut meat, flat iron tender incred flavorful-they one favorit cut beef. use similarli skirt steak think like them. wiki articl show part anim differ cut come from. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/skirt_steak http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/flat_iron_s... show move new state, find skirt steak new groceri store. ask someon meat depart skirt steak, hand flat iron steak."} {"id": "5982", "contents": "no, come gener area cow flank area rib hip. skirt steak diaphragm muscle. long, flat piec meat, tendenc toward toughness. good flavor. grill pan fri quickli good results."} {"id": "5983", "contents": "flank steak come abdomin area cow. often use london broil, stir-fry, fajita (substitut skirt steak). maxim tenderness, meat best cut grain. person found useful. beef butcher hung rail two piec halves. half cut half carcass quarter now. forequart hindquarter. flank steak come hindquart flat iron steak come forequarter."} {"id": "5984", "contents": "thus, module, like vector space, addit abelian group; product defin element ring element modul distribut addit oper paramet compat ring multiplication. modul call cyclic modul gener one element. free. free r-modul modul basis, equivalently, one isomorph direct sum copi ring r. modul behav much like vector spaces."} {"id": "5985", "contents": "(1) software, modul part program. program compos one independ develop modul combin program linked. singl modul contain one sever routines. (2) hardware, modul self-contain component."} {"id": "5986", "contents": "modul lightweight flexibl extens use page rendering. modul often \u201cboxes\u201d arrang around compon typic page. well-known exampl login module. modul assign per menu item, decid show hide (for example) login modul depend page (menu item) user current on."} {"id": "5987", "contents": "module. n. 1. (comput science) self-contain unit item, assembl electron compon associ wire segment comput software, perform defin task link unit form larger system. module-a self-contain compon (unit item) use combin components. cartridge-a modul design insert larger piec equipment; load cartridg fresh tape tape deck."} {"id": "5988", "contents": "mathematics, term use sever differ ways. modul ring gener notion vector space field. modular lattic partial order set gener order structur submodules. mean word, however, vari somewhat context: biology, modular concept organ metabol pathway compos modules. construction, modul bundl redund project compon produc en mass prior installation."} {"id": "5989", "contents": "modul take coeffici ring call modul over, r-module. modul basic tool homolog algebra. exampl modul includ set integers, cubic lattic dimensions, group ring group. modul itself. close addit subtract (although suffici requir closur subtraction). modul abstractli similar vector space, although modules, coeffici taken ring much gener algebra object field use vector spaces."} {"id": "5990", "contents": "modul portabl execut file, type.dl application.exe, consist one class interfaces. may multipl namespac contain singl module, namespac may span multipl modules."} {"id": "5991", "contents": "vs. super micro superblade. modul separ unit softwar hardware. typic characterist modular compon includ portability, allow use varieti systems, interoperability, allow function compon systems. term first use architecture. 2) comput hardwar electronics, modul rel compact unit larger devic arrang design separ installed, replaced, serviced. example, singl in-lin memori modul unit random access memori (ram) add person computer."} {"id": "5992", "contents": "here' think it: sourc electr forc (1) electr charg (2) move magnet fields. sourc magnet forc (1) move electr fields. asymmetry-that magnet charg sources-i reason draw distinct electr magnetism."} {"id": "5993", "contents": "3. forc electr field proport electr charge, magnet field proport electr charg well speed move charge. 4. electr magnet field oscil right angl one another."} {"id": "5994", "contents": "interact magnet field electr field laid maxwell\u2019 equation. summary: 1. electr field field force, surround charg particle, magnet field field forc surround perman magnet, move charg particle. 2."} {"id": "5995", "contents": "magnet forc perpendicular magnet field, direct move charge. electromagnetism, electr magnet field oscil right angl one another. note exist without other."} {"id": "5996", "contents": "similar magnet field electr fields: electr field produc two kind charges, posit negative. magnet field associ two magnet poles, north south, although also produc charg (but move charges)."} {"id": "5997", "contents": "proton +ve charg electron a-v charge. interact electr charg call electricity. one import differ electr charg magnet pole magnet pole cannot exist alone, however, electr charg can. electr force. electr field region around charg object object\u2019 electr forc exert charg objects."} {"id": "5998", "contents": "electr field forc proport amount electr charg within field, forc direct electr field. hand, forc magnet field proport electr charg well, also take account speed move charge."} {"id": "5999", "contents": "confid vote 242k. passion thing australian. genu penguin vari accord species. penguin order sphenisciform within order six genera (which plural genus), divid 17 species. classif emperor penguin is: kingdom: animalia phylum: chordata class: ave order: sphenisciform family: spheniscida genus: aptenodyt species: apt enodyt forsteri."} {"id": "6000", "contents": "genu penguin vari accord species. penguin order sphenisciform within order six genera (which plural genus), divid 17 species. classif emperor penguin is: kingdom: animalia phylum: chordata class: ave order: sphenisciform family: spheniscida genus: aptenodyt species: apt enodyt forsteri."} {"id": "6001", "contents": "finally, largest popular penguin belong genu aptenodytes. emperor penguin (aptenodyt forsteri) king penguin (aptenodyt patagonicus) tall, grace bird long, thin bill strike orang color patch neck lower bills. let\u2019 take quick tour extant penguin genera. spheniscu genu \u201ctuxedo penguins\u201d. although penguin look least bit like wear tuxedos, spheniscu penguin look finest black band chest feather give appear bow tie."} {"id": "6002", "contents": "king penguin social birds, live coloni popul 39,000 breed pairs. coloni gener found large, spars veget area island inhabit king penguin avoid climbing. aptenodyt patagonicu (king penguins) coloni mainli locat island surround antarctica. island includ crozet, falkland, heard, kerguelen, macquarie, princ edward, south georgia south sandwich."} {"id": "6003", "contents": "classif emperor penguin is: kingdom: animalia phylum: chordata class: ave order: sphenisciform family: spheniscida genus: aptenodyt species: apt enodyt forsteri. peopl found useful. gumamela also known hibiscus. belong kingdom plantae, divis magnoliophyta, class magnoliopsida, order malvales, famili malvaceae, genu hibiscus."} {"id": "6004", "contents": "aptenodyt patagonicus. pictur taken indianapoli zoo, april, 2001. look dinosaur-lik feet penguin, indic evolutionari ancestors. note two shorter penguin differ plumag pink feet belong differ species, rockhopp penguin. king penguin live shore antarctica, eat small fish squids. excel divers, stay hour water find food. coloni king penguin may consist million individuals."} {"id": "6005", "contents": "penguin (order sphenisciformes, famili spheniscidae) group aquatic, flightless bird live almost exclus southern hemisphere, especi antarctica. highli adapt life water, penguin countershad dark white plumage, wing evolv flippers. penguin feed krill, fish, squid form sealif caught swim underwater. spend half live land half oceans. although penguin speci nativ southern hemisphere, found cold climates, antarctica. fact, speci penguin live far south. sever speci found temper zone, one species, galapago gal\u00e1pagos, penguin live near the. equat"} {"id": "6006", "contents": "send copy: yearli incom earn individu india lowest compar peopl live bric (brazil, russia, india, china, south africa) nations, gallup survey show monday. annual median per capita incom india stood $616, 99th posit among 131 countries."} {"id": "6007", "contents": "new delhi: current fy, averag everi indian earn rs 5,000 monthly. words, averag annual incom indian rs 60,000. accord statist government, decemb 2010 averag incom gone 45 percent."} {"id": "6008", "contents": "summary. india. annual averag incom softwar engineer/develop india around 650,000 inr per year averag incom experienc senior softwar develop around 900,000 inr more. data end year 2011."} {"id": "6009", "contents": "india briefing. delhi salari india project increas averag 10 percent 2014, accord aon hewitt\u2019 annual salari increas survey, releas wednesday."} {"id": "6010", "contents": "also read. yearli incom earn individu india lowest compar peopl live bric (brazil, russia, india, china, south africa) nations, gallup survey show monday. annual median per capita incom india stood $616, 99th posit among 131 countries."} {"id": "6011", "contents": "cubit tunnel syndrom caus ach pain insid elbow. symptoms, however, occur hand. numb tingl ring finger littl finger common symptom ulnar nerv entrapment. often, symptom come go. ulnar nerv one three main nerv arm. travel neck hand, constrict sever place along way, beneath collarbon wrist."} {"id": "6012", "contents": "symptom ulnar nerv irrit pain and/or numb ring/littl fingers. often rest needed, along use elbow pad minim irrit nerv rest elbow table, desk, etc. resolv problem, surgeri may needed. unusual. symptom ulnar nerv irrit pain and/or numb ring/littl fingers. surgeri simpl concept: nerv re-rout normal posit behind elbow new posit front epicondyle."} {"id": "6013", "contents": "symptom associ ucl injuri include: pain insid elbow. sens loos instabl elbow. irrit funni bone (ulnar nerve): felt tingl numb small finger ring finger. decreas abil throw basebal object. ucl injuri develop. ucl locat insid elbow. connect bone upper arm (humerus) bone forearm (ulna). anyon get ucl injuri repetit stress elbow trauma."} {"id": "6014", "contents": "beyond elbow, ulnar nerv travel muscl insid forearm hand side palm littl finger. nerv enter hand, travel anoth tunnel (guyon' canal). ulnar nerv one three main nerv arm. travel neck hand, constrict sever place along way, beneath collarbon wrist."} {"id": "6015", "contents": "follow. ulnar neuriti inflamm ulnar nerv pass insid elbow forearm hand. also known ulnar nerv compress cubit tunnel syndrome. peopl irrit compress ulnar nerv often notic numb tingl ring littl finger activ even rest. occasion athlet notic sore dull pain insid elbow forearm."} {"id": "6016", "contents": "main focu ucl maintain function stabil ulnar side mcpj. combin radial collater ligament creat later dorsal stabil proxim phalanx well mcpj (patel, potty, taylor sorene, 2010)."} {"id": "6017", "contents": "common place compress nerv behind insid part elbow. ulnar nerv compress elbow call cubit tunnel syndrome.. numb tingl hand finger common symptom cubit tunnel syndrome. ulnar nerv one three main nerv arm. travel neck hand, constrict sever place along way, beneath collarbon wrist."} {"id": "6018", "contents": "i'm wonder minimum vertic space requir dishwasher. accord manufacturer' websit (sears), model i'm interest 34 1/4. easili much floor bottom counter, there' lip front counter that' 33 5/8 floor."} {"id": "6019", "contents": "standard built-in dishwash need least 24-inch (60 cm) wide opening. necessary, adjust cupboard height dishwash remov cupboard top, ad overhang cover gap top dishwash countertop. //d5kh2btv85w9n.cloudfront.net/4/4c/instal built dishwash step 2.360p.mp4. turn water suppli disconnect sink' hot water suppli inlet. use dual outlet valve, turn water either dishwash unit sink, water flow time."} {"id": "6020", "contents": "home improv websit kitchens.com goe elabor standard size built-in dishwash 24 inch wide 24 inch deep, standard built-in model height 35 inches. special designs. everi home apart accommod standard built-in dishwasher. accord dishwash guru, mani manufactur offer special \u201cslimline\u201d model measur 18 inch wide rather standard 24 inches."} {"id": "6021", "contents": "instal dishwash first time space, drill hole cabinet dishwasher' electr wires, water inlet drain tube. //d5kh2btv85w9n.cloudfront.net/4/4c/instal built dishwash step 2.360p.mp4. turn water suppli disconnect sink' hot water suppli inlet. use dual outlet valve, turn water either dishwash unit sink, water flow time."} {"id": "6022", "contents": "requir 24-inch depth 35-inch height open standard dishwasher, requir much width. common width overs dishwash 30 inches, avail width larg 42 inches. typically, however, overs dishwash must specifi time cabinet order accommod extra width design. vast major undercount dishwash measur approxim 24 inch width, 24 inch depth 35 inch height adjust feet. mean rough open cabinet must 24- 24- 35-inch. dishwash may somewher around 23 5/8 23 5/8 34 inch"} {"id": "6023", "contents": "48 inch overkill. tini kitchen, minimum aisl width 36 inches. 4. plan suffici counter space. need least 36 inch clear, uninterrupt counter space prep work -- 42 inch better roll dough."} {"id": "6024", "contents": "space dishwash thirti four one half inch high width twenti four eight quarter inch wide. d/w open size instal cabinet: allow 24w 34 \u00bdh 24 (+or \u00bc\u201d). cheat depth; must twenti four inches. width littl bigger, smaller."} {"id": "6025", "contents": "size capacity: standard dishwash size 24 inch wide. standard dishwash capac size 12 place settings. standard 24-inch dishwash good size famili four more. larg family, 30-inch dishwash option kitchen space. couples, singl small families, compact, 18-inch dishwash capac eight place set adequate."} {"id": "6026", "contents": "\u2018nose\u2019 use denot polic spi inform slang synonym nark, snitch snout. snout recent origin terms, date world wars. noun tobacco, cigarette."} {"id": "6027", "contents": "polic inform crossword puzzl clue spot times."} {"id": "6028", "contents": "also use insult someon big nose, describ greedi businessman (eg: snout trough). 2: cigarett (other slang term includ fag, cancer stick coffin nail)."} {"id": "6029", "contents": "noun paid polic informer. nose\u2019 use denot polic spi inform slang synonym nark, snitch snout. snout recent origin terms, date world wars. noun tobacco, cigarette."} {"id": "6030", "contents": "1: animal' nose. also use insult someon big nose, describ greedi businessman (eg: snout trough). 2: cigarett (other slang term includ fag, cancer stick coffin nail). 3: polic informant. term presum deriv inform 'snif villains'. slang term polic inform includ grass, stool-pigeon copper' nark. get snout jail nightmar use polic snout."} {"id": "6031", "contents": "crossword puzzl clue today polic inform solv puzzl clue, look similar crossword puzzl definit clue. possibl crossword solut answer polic inform stoolpigeon."} {"id": "6032", "contents": "cephalexin gout. alway cephalexin gout advis show commit acid food treatment realli around joint. shop treat hypertens edema hearts) sardin oil yeast sugar halwa."} {"id": "6033", "contents": "cephalexin may increas blood level type diabet drug metformin. could increas risk side effects. cephalexin may build blood combin medic probenecid (benemid, probalan), use treat gout. cephalexin prescrib treat respiratori tract, middl ear, skin, bone, urinari tract infect (uti). also use prevent infect caus streptococc bacteria, includ prevent rheumat fever."} {"id": "6034", "contents": "kind cup water help prevent gout remedi flush bodi help treat gout attack. rememb it\u2019 guarante total natur method even spong keflex gout gel insol lose involv pyrogen (fever-induc inflammation. look immediately. high uric acid bodi gout. uric acid would best time opt practic two one way rememb trigger immedi remedi effect convent medic keep sleep disorder. keep mind cortison directli daily."} {"id": "6035", "contents": "cephalexin cephalosporin antibiot use treat wide varieti bacteri infections. cephalexin precautions: take cephalexin, tell doctor have: allergi (includ penicillins, cephalosporins, drug), kidney disease. use cephalexin prolong repeat period may result secondari infect (e.g., oral, bladder vagin yeast infection)."} {"id": "6036", "contents": "cephalexin antibiot class drug call cephalosporins. cephalexin fight bacteria body. cephalexin use treat mani differ type bacteri infect bronchitis, tonsillitis, ear infections, skin infections, urinari tract infections. note: antibiot fight bacteria viruses. report abuse. cephalexin antibiotic.th med commonli prescrib gout colchicine,indocin,allopurinol,zyloprim, probenecid. source(s): lpn 13 years. beth73065 year ago"} {"id": "6037", "contents": "indomethacin gout reduc uric acid abl reduc level uric acid crystal (urate) joint area; follow research altern medicis. lorenzo\u2019 immedi pain remedi demand prevent gout. look immediately. high uric acid bodi gout. uric acid would best time opt practic two one way rememb trigger immedi remedi effect convent medic keep sleep disorder. keep mind cortison directli daily."} {"id": "6038", "contents": "summary: gout found among peopl take cephalexin, especi peopl male, 60+ old, take drug months, also take medic allopurinol, paget' disease. studi 7,342 peopl side effect take cephalexin fda social media. question for: cephalexin, gout. may interest review (write review): cephalexin side effects. dentist prescrib cephalexin tooth abscess had. week later notic rash appear stomach back. went doctor said pityriasi"} {"id": "6039", "contents": "rapid decreas uric acid body\u2019 defens see gout treatment. drug painkil treat gout. fortun infect stomach pain ulcer. kind \u2018natural\u2019 appl cider vinegar. look immediately. high uric acid bodi gout. uric acid would best time opt practic two one way rememb trigger immedi remedi effect convent medic keep sleep disorder. keep mind cortison directli daily."} {"id": "6040", "contents": "deoxygen blood blood contain oxygen deoxygen blood usual sent lung oxygen blood distribut part body. maya_123 year ago. blood also pick co2 take lung exhalation. deoxygen blood carri vein heart, pump lung get oxygen releas co2. source(s): http://users.rcn.com/jkimball.ma.ultrane..."} {"id": "6041", "contents": "gener vein carri deoxygen blood. arteri carri oxygen blood. correct way think vein carri blood heart, whilst arteri carri blood away heart. mean cases, blood carri vein deoxygenated, whilst blood carri arteri oxygenated. case pulmonari arteri carri deoxygen blood lungs, whilst pulmonari vein carri oxygen blood lung back heart pump rest body."} {"id": "6042", "contents": "blood vessels: arteries: larg blood vessel take oxygen blood away heart distribut throughout body. aorta body' largest artery. veins: blood vessel take deoxygen blood around bodi back heart lung oxygenated. capillaries: tini blood vessel exchang oxygen nutrient take place. right atrium upper chamber right side heart. blood return right atrium deoxygen (poor oxygen) pass right ventricl pump pulmonari arteri lung re-oxygen remov carbon dioxide."} {"id": "6043", "contents": "deoxygen blood pump right ventricl lung via pulmonari arteri divid two branches, left right left right lung respectively. blood oxygen lung return left atrium pulmonari veins. venou blood typic colder arteri blood, lower oxygen content ph. also lower concentr glucos nutrients, higher concentr urea wast products. venou blood collect blood donation. venou blood deoxygen blood travel peripher vessels, venou system right atrium heart."} {"id": "6044", "contents": "oxygen blood pump left hand side heart pulmonari vein enter left atrium. pass mitral valve, ventricl taken around bodi aorta. blood contain antibodies, nutrients, oxygen much help bodi work. vertebr blood bright red haemoglobin oxygen dark red deoxygenated. animals, crustacean mollusks, use hemocyanin carri oxygen, instead hemoglobin."} {"id": "6045", "contents": "arteri carri oxygen blood except pulmonari arteri right side heart lungs, not. yes. arteri blood oxyg enated. two except rule. one pulmonari arteri carri deoxygen blood. blood arteri oxygenated. blood vein de-oxygenated. except pulmonari arteri carri de-oxygen blood, pulmonari vein carri oxygen blood."} {"id": "6046", "contents": "blood contain pigment call hemoglobin carri oxygen tissu body. oxygen ad hemoglobin lung carri throughout bodi lood vessel call arteri call oxygen blood. suppli oxygen, blood return heart vein blood call deoxygen blood. 80 other found use"} {"id": "6047", "contents": "simpl answer: vein complex answer: seri blood vessel (exclud arteries) carri deoxygen blood bodi heart. blood pass throu gh oxygen process lungs. anoth answer: pressur caus beat chamber heart. oxygen ad hemoglobin lung carri throughout bodi lood vessel call arteri call oxygen blood."} {"id": "6048", "contents": "blood contain pigment call hemoglobin carri oxygen tissu body. oxygen ad hemoglobin lung carri throughout bodi blood vessel call arteri call oxygen blood. blood arteri oxygenated. blood vein de-oxygenated. except pulmonari arteri carri de-oxygen blood, pulmonari vein carri oxygen blood."} {"id": "6049", "contents": "pronoun 'it' singular, third-person singular. subject object. plural third-person pronoun (for subject), (for object sentence, object preposition). example: dog old. weak joints. example: love tulips. use singular noun, use plural noun. examples: dog (a singular noun) walk park today. dog (a plural noun)"} {"id": "6050", "contents": "(the noun singular form.) independ singular plural noun practic chang singular noun plural noun \u201cthe ____ come!\u201d (snow, snows) (finn famili moomintroll) (the noun form change. snow verb form word.) bug worm ______. (corn, sugar) noun name one person, place, thing, idea call plural nouns. singular noun chang plural noun ad or-es. (students, schools, toys, lessons; dresses) common noun end y, chang add-es. (stories) common noun end vowel+y, add \u2013s"} {"id": "6051", "contents": "word singular plural, but... use singular noun, use plural noun. examples: dog (a singular noun) walk park today. dog (a plural noun) walk park today. help say remember; was,"} {"id": "6052", "contents": "verb come subject. subject collect noun. 1. verb form be, have, do. make sure link verb agre subject, word phrase describ subject. incorrect: worst backyard pest squirrels. correct: worst backyard pest squirrels. 2. subject indefinit pronoun. indefinit pronoun? pronoun replac specif person, place, thing; gener (i.e. someone, anyone, everyone, each, every, some, all). indefinit pronoun either alway singular alway plural."} {"id": "6053", "contents": "verb form help bring tens situation. denot present tense.it refer help verb aid verb. neither singular plural.it singular, use is, use 'are' plural, doen't mean 'are' plural itself. bonu rhesu year ago. thumb up. 0. report abuse. word would consid singular term. is, is, is, is. plural form would are. are, are, are, are, are."} {"id": "6054", "contents": "verb often defin word show action state being. verb heart sentence-everi sentenc must verb. recogn verb often import step understand mean sentence. sentenc dog bit man, bit verb word show action sentence. sentenc man sit chair, even though action show much activity, sit verb sentence. person use show action follow forms: 1st person self (i, we). 2nd person person spoken (you). 3rd person person present (he, she, it, they). third person singular form repres pronoun he, she, it."} {"id": "6055", "contents": "pest \u200e(plural pests). originally) plague, pestilence, epidemic. annoying, harmful, often destruct creature. annoy person. britain, slang) someon poor social disciplin continu bother uninterest women."} {"id": "6056", "contents": "independ practic singular plural noun chang singular noun plural noun: \u201cthe ____ come!\u201d (snow, snows) (finn famili moomintroll) bug worm ______. (pest, pests) rain one ____thi week. (corn, sugar) noun name one person, place, thing, idea call plural nouns. singular noun chang plural noun ad or-es. (students, schools, toys, lessons; dresses) common noun end y, chang add-es. (stories) common noun end vowel+y, add \u2013s"} {"id": "6057", "contents": "singular noun chang plural noun ad \u2013s or-es. (students, schools, toys, lessons; dresses) common noun end y, chang add-es. (stories) common noun end vowel+y, add \u2013s. (corn, sugar) noun name one person, place, thing, idea call plural nouns. singular noun chang plural noun ad or-es. (students, schools, toys, lessons; dresses) common noun end y, chang add-es. (stories)"} {"id": "6058", "contents": "use santand debit card abroad make purchas withdraw local currenc cash machin need it. simpli look visa sign, feel secur know safer option carri larg amount cash traveller' cheques."} {"id": "6059", "contents": "santand debit card. santand visa debit card. santand debit card visa branded, santand debit card use to. pay good servic shops, restaurants, wherev see visa logo shown debit card. get \u00a3100 cash back pay santand debit card mani shops, supermarket retailers."} {"id": "6060", "contents": "use santand visa debit card pay good ever see visa symbol. rememb check amount enter pin sign sale voucher. spend balanc account, amount agre overdraft."} {"id": "6061", "contents": "debit card purchases. debit card mastercard visa branded, use shop well atm cash. use atm card way, bank charg credit card purchases. hsbc, however, add 1% charg rather usual 3%."} {"id": "6062", "contents": "yes, santand select custom use gold visa debit card transact abroad, may charg foreign exchang fee. santand gold visa debit card, benefit free withdraw santand atm select countri abroad."} {"id": "6063", "contents": "use debit card buy good servic currenc sterling, convert amount sterl use exchang rate set visa date transact charg account, togeth applic foreign usag fee set tabl above."} {"id": "6064", "contents": "bank santand plan use credit card abroad summer, awar oversea card usag often come host charges. fee watch include: foreign load fees: visa/mastercard wholesal rate one best exchang rate around."} {"id": "6065", "contents": "photos: no-kil anim shelter. trend present tough choic municip offici face higher cost time tight budgets. lynchburg, va., human societi adopt no-kil polici 2010 ask citi tripl animal-control subsidi $396,000 2015."} {"id": "6066", "contents": "tuesday\u2019 committe whole meet learn citi staff talk owner local build could final propos readi soon, one includ spend $2 million turn one build shelter, anoth $554,000 year staff it. city: $6m start anim control. yorkville-area municip 30 day decid want take part city' nearli $6 million anim control servic start\u2026 read more."} {"id": "6067", "contents": "no-kil shelter anim shelter kill healthi treatabl anim even shelter full, reserv euthanasia termin ill anim consid danger public safety."} {"id": "6068", "contents": "1970s. milestone: first low-cost spay/neut clinic open lo angeles. 1970' prove defin decad decreas euthanasia trend anim shelters. 1971, first low-cost spay/neut clinic establish anim shelter (in lo angeles). today, rate euthanasia dog cat shelter drop around 12.5 dog cat per 1,000 people\u2014or 10 percent 1970!"} {"id": "6069", "contents": "1973 2007, number cat dog u.s. household doubl anim shelter euthanasia rate drop 60%. today, rate euthanasia dog cat shelter drop around 12.5 dog cat per 1,000 people\u2014or 10 percent 1970!"} {"id": "6070", "contents": "1970, gener agre anim shelter popul euthanasia rate u.s. rapidli increas shelter routin euthan 100 dog cat per 1,000 peopl communities. today, rate euthanasia dog cat shelter drop around 12.5 dog cat per 1,000 people\u2014or 10 percent 1970!"} {"id": "6071", "contents": "delawar spca becam no-kil shelter year ago said could afford care anim especi hard-to-plac pit bull took city. group say spent $350,000 anim control got $250,000 city. lynchburg, va., human societi adopt no-kil polici 2010 ask citi tripl animal-control subsidi $396,000 2015."} {"id": "6072", "contents": "averag cost initi vet roughli $350 per dog $300 per cat. ongo vet care less, everi pet need monthli flea heartworm preventative, regular vaccin updates, trip vet emerg ill arise. vet cost averag $1500 per month. tri hard keep cost minimum, can't run business, even non-profit anim rescu business, without them. monthli administr cost current small portion budget around $250 per month, still cover costs."} {"id": "6073", "contents": "2012-05-02t06:40:00z 2013-12-18t14:16:33z anim shelter would cost $2 million get running, $554k annual oper cara spoto cara.spoto@journaltimes.com journal times. may 02, 2012 6:40 cara spoto cara spoto cara.spoto@lee.netfollow @caraspoto. city: $6m start anim control. yorkville-area municip 30 day decid want take part city' nearli $6 million anim control servic start\u2026 read more."} {"id": "6074", "contents": "lot. no-kil shelter, get money government....st federal. given kill shelters. sure budget shellter work at, $500,000 yearly....al fundrais privat donat sinc call no-kill. report abuse. volunt kill cat sanctuari cost approxim $50,000 per month operate. reli lot donat grants. know paid vet tech staff-so believ grant money take care thing like medic supplies...etc."} {"id": "6075", "contents": "train allergi season. 120 calories; 1g fat; 3g carbs; 24g protein per 33g serving. like whey, casein\u2014which make 80 percent protein cow\u2019 milk also byproduct cheese-mak process\u2014i option vegans. you\u2019r lacto-vegetarian, add roster"} {"id": "6076", "contents": "gluten-fre cookbook avail decades. casein found dairi product milk, butter cheese, also present smaller amount mani substitut dairi product vegetarian chees substitut whip cream topping, use casein provid texture."} {"id": "6077", "contents": "casein protein found milk use independ mani food bind agent. technically, part group call phosphoproteins, collect protein bound someth contain phosphor acid. may also call caseinogen, particularli european foods. no. casein found milk, kill anim get it. dairi cows, however, kill prime milk-produc years. presum ask question want maintain vegetarian diet. so, casein vegetarian milk product. subject ethics, however, would like ask ethic feed bodi vegetarian. diet maladapted. bodi respond well wild fish seafood, food preval throughout evolut"} {"id": "6078", "contents": "i'v seen bunch differ thing this, say casein, caseinate, sodium caseinate, etcetera, made line animal' stomachs. bunch thing say aren't. so... casein account nearli 80% protein cow milk cheese. exist milk, salt calcium. casein coagul heat. precipit acid rennet enzymes, proteolyt enzym typic obtain stomach calv (for chees making). also non-anim sourc rennet suitabl vegetarian consumpt"} {"id": "6079", "contents": "explanation. milk mainli compos lactos (sugar), whey (protein) casein (protein). peopl allergi ethic problem these. unfortunately, easi determin whether eat safe not."} {"id": "6080", "contents": "definition: casein milk protein commonli use process foods. you\u2019ll find mani non-dairi creamer soy cheeses. deriv milk, casein vegan vegetarian. although mani vegan mind small amount casein soy cheese, avoid products. caseinates, calcium caseinate, potassium casein sodium casein deriv casein such, also vegan. allerg dairy, avoid casein casein"} {"id": "6081", "contents": "casein protein found dairi products. dr. t. colin campbel discov protein inde promot cancer development. however, type protein. campbel discov casein, compris 85% protein cow\u2019 milk, promot cancer stage development."} {"id": "6082", "contents": "averag cost remov palm tree approxim $150 $450 remov height 30 feet. they'r 80 feet tall more, might spend $1,100 $1,500 tree profession felled. palm tree teeth mean rope instead simpli cut chainsaws. averag price remov larg tree around $962 $1400. larg tree 80 100 feet tall more. complic remov factor like: speci tree -- american ash, bur oak, mapl -- reach 100 feet tall hardest remove."} {"id": "6083", "contents": "pine tree removal: ~$200-$1500. mani speci pine tree there, generally, averag height pine tree 40 60 feet. varieti soar 80 feet though. alreadi know, total amount you\u2019ll pay tree remov depend larg is. reason, tree remov servic often charg premium tackl them. oak tree also tall. averag height healthi oak tree 60 feet. refer price guid see pay $200 $1,000 oak tree removed."} {"id": "6084", "contents": "diamet stump help determin cost remov it. expect pay $60 $350 per stump. rot stump cheaper remov healthy, solid stump. learn tree stump remov cost guide. reason, tree remov servic often charg premium tackl them. oak tree also tall. averag height healthi oak tree 60 feet. refer price guid see pay $200 $1,000 oak tree removed."} {"id": "6085", "contents": "averag nation tree remov cost $650, though homeown spend anywher $75 $1,500 expenditure. tree beautifi yard whole neighborhood, time time variou reason might need cut down. averag price remov larg tree around $962 $1400. larg tree 80 100 feet tall more. complic remov factor like: speci tree -- american ash, bur oak, mapl -- reach 100 feet tall hardest remove."} {"id": "6086", "contents": "oak tree run $1,000 remove, wherea small palm pine tree cost littl $150. exact price below: palm tree removal: averag cost remov palm tree approxim $150 $450 height 30 feet. they'r 80 feet tall more, might spend $1,100 $1,500. pine tree removal: averag price remov pine tree around $200 tree 40 feet tall, 80-foot pine tree cost $1,500. oak tree removal: sinc reach height 60 feet, averag cost remov oak tree approxim $200 $1,0"} {"id": "6087", "contents": "remov tree 45 feet tall, consum expect pay around $450. larg tree 50 90 feet height two four feet thick. tree cost around $10 per foot. remov 90-foot tree, consum pay least $900. anyth 90 feet cost even more. fact, may cost much $1,400 remov 100-foot red oak. tall tree complic remove, price climb even higher depend factor surround removal. averag cost tree remov $125 $1,400. mani remov servic put tree three simpl categories: small, medium large. small tree one 25 feet shorter three 12 inch thick. remov small tree, custom pay around $8 per foot. medium tree 25 50 feet height one two"} {"id": "6088", "contents": "learn cost price associ remov tree stump, avoid unpleas surprises. learn stump remov price cost guid below. averag cost remov tree stump rang $60 $350 per stump, depend variou factor like size. averag remov cost break approxim $2 $3 per diamet stump. yourself, may cost $75 $150"} {"id": "6089", "contents": "averag price remov pine tree around $200 tree 40 feet tall, 80-foot pine tree cost $1,500 work potenti danger involved. depend breed pine tree have, could addit work involv remov branch cones. averag price remov larg tree around $962 $1400. larg tree 80 100 feet tall more. complic remov factor like: speci tree -- american ash, bur oak, mapl -- reach 100 feet tall hardest remove."} {"id": "6090", "contents": "palm tree removal: averag cost remov palm tree approxim $150 $450 height 30 feet. they'r 80 feet tall more, might spend $1,100 $1,500. pine tree removal: averag price remov pine tree around $200 tree 40 feet tall, 80-foot pine tree cost $1,500. oak tree removal: sinc reach height 60 feet, averag cost remov oak tree approxim $200 $1,0"} {"id": "6091", "contents": "area pine tree harsh environ mani plants. pine tree consid acid-lov -- grow best acid soil ph level 4.5 5.5. furthermore, dens canopi block sunlight prevent rain reach soil."} {"id": "6092", "contents": "bergenia (bergenia cordifolia) anoth perenni plant pine trees. deer rabbit resist plant grow usda zone soil ph levels, includ acidic. toler drought conditions, dens shade dri soils. pink lily-of-valley (convallaria majali var."} {"id": "6093", "contents": "witch alder (fothergilla major) anoth acid-lov shrub plant pine trees. witch alder grow partial shade full sun usda zone 8. reach height 10 feet tall produc white, fragrant bloom spring."} {"id": "6094", "contents": "pine tree creat challeng condit grass grow shade acid needles. grass type well pine trees, must cope heavi shade highli acid soils. tree root also divert nutrient smaller grass roots."} {"id": "6095", "contents": "step 3. plant azaleas, hostas, astilb fern underneath pine tree. plant love shade acid, foliag provid visual interest."} {"id": "6096", "contents": "case, plant success with, beacon silver, hostas, periwinkl hydrangea, take partial shade well. so, too, bleed hearts, brunnera ligularia, probabl well situation. look shade plant surviv dri soil."} {"id": "6097", "contents": "flowers. azalea rhododendron two popular type flower grow well shade pine tree well acid soil. fact, azalea rhododendron grow well acid condit pine needl fall around left mulch."} {"id": "6098", "contents": "challeng present pine tree includ extrem shade, lack moisture, heavi layer pine needles, rarely, extrem acidity. honesty, biggest challeng lack moisture, pine tree creat solid rain shield underneath branches."} {"id": "6099", "contents": "overview. shade garden requir plant thrive full partial shade. grow pine tree requir plant prefer highli acid soil. best results, choos plant benefit automat pine needl mulch appli whenev pine sheds."} {"id": "6100", "contents": "axillari lymph node group twenti thirti larg lymph node locat deep tissu around armpit. node arrang five distinct groups: pector (anterior), lateral, subscapular (posterior), central (intermediate), subclavicular (medial).... axillari node group lymph node locat axillari (or armpit) region body. perform vital function filtrat conduct lymph upper limbs, pector region, upper back"} {"id": "6101", "contents": "save favorite. three level axillari lymph node (the node underarm axilla area): level bottom level, lower edg pectorali minor muscle. level ii lie underneath pectorali minor muscle. level iii pectorali minor muscle."} {"id": "6102", "contents": "click read below. axillari node group lymph node locat axillari (or armpit) region body. perform vital function filtrat conduct lymph upper limbs, pector region, upper back"} {"id": "6103", "contents": "lymph node clinic signific breast cancer, metastas breast axillari lymph node consid stage disease. cancer cell found node increas risk metastat breast cancer. anoth method determin breast cancer spread perform endoscop axillari sentinel node biopsy. involv inject dye breast lump see node first spread (the sentinel node)."} {"id": "6104", "contents": "axillari (arm pit) lymph node filter and/or trap lymph arm, chest wall breast. often difficult feel normal axillari lymph nodes. enlarg axillari lymph node feel same. also import mention enlarg axillari lymph node necessarili sign cancer."} {"id": "6105", "contents": "axillari lymph node locat arm pit, also call axilla. lymphat system complement circulatori system, node lymph fluid collect filter move toward point re-ent bloodstream."} {"id": "6106", "contents": "bodi network lymph vessel lymph nodes. (lymph pronounc limf.) network part body\u2019 immun system. collect fluid, wast material, thing (like virus bacteria) bodi tissues, outsid bloodstream. lymph node do. lymph vessel rout lymph fluid node throughout body. lymph node small structur work filter harm substances. contain immun cell help fight infect attack destroy germ carri lymph fluid."} {"id": "6107", "contents": "lymph node small clump immun cell act filter lymphat system. lymphat system run throughout bodi (like circulatori (blood) system) carri fluid cells. lymph node underarm (the axillari lymph nodes) first place breast cancer like spread. figur 4.4 show locat axillari lymph nodes."} {"id": "6108", "contents": "gland armpit (axillari lymph nodes) may swell injuri infect arm hand. rare caus axillari swell may breast cancer lymphoma. lymph node groin (femor inguin lymph nodes) may swell injuri infect foot, leg, groin, genitals. lymph node small, bean-shap gland throughout body. part lymph system, carri fluid (lymph fluid), nutrients, wast materi bodi tissu bloodstream."} {"id": "6109", "contents": "procedur often use stop bleed surgeri injury. electrocauter (or electrocautery) safe procedur routin use surgeri remov unwant harm tissue. also use burn seal blood vessels, help reduc stop bleeding."} {"id": "6110", "contents": "chemic cauter also used, although concern skin might absorb chemicals, substanc like silver nitrat still wide use."} {"id": "6111", "contents": "chemic cauter use caustic chemic heat, sometim cool, affect tissue, give us desir result. accept use treatment nose bleeds, canker sores, warts. commonli use chemic are; silver nitrate, phenol, liquid nitrogen."} {"id": "6112", "contents": "first describ abual-qasim al-zahrawi (abulcasis) kitab al-tasrif. [5] abu al-qasim al-zahrawi also introduc techniqu ofligatur arteri altern cauterization. method later improv use effectivelybi ambrois pare. par\u00e9"} {"id": "6113", "contents": "cauter ancient medic practic still use currently. involv creat burn bodi tissu either close wound stop bleeding, remov part body."} {"id": "6114", "contents": "nasal cauterization, or, scott faints. person frequent nose bleeds, like caus expos blood vessel nose. even nose bleed time, cauter prevent futur bleeding. differ method cauter includ burn affect area acid, hot metal, lasers, silver nitrate. procedur natur quit painful."} {"id": "6115", "contents": "[2] main form cauter use today first world electrocauteri chemic cauteri \u2014where bothare, example, preval remov unsightli warts. cauteri also mean brand human, eitherrecr forced. accident burn consid cauter well."} {"id": "6116", "contents": "cubism. key dates: 1908-1914. cubist art movement began pari around 1907. led pablo picasso georg braque, cubist broke centuri tradit paint reject singl viewpoint."} {"id": "6117", "contents": "cubism start? cubism start pari (france) earli 20th century, pablo picasso georg braqu start cooper close visit ateli daili exchan ging idea new visual invent year 1907 1914. chang style synthet cubism 1912-1 915. artist paint style may seen cubism 1925. two stage cubism. analyt cubism synthet cubism. analyt earli form cubism, last 1907 1911."} {"id": "6118", "contents": "cubism began idea becam style. base paul cezanne'c\u00e9zann three main-ingredients, geometr (simultan multiple) view and-passag cubism tri to, describ visual, term concept fourth. dimens cubism began idea becam style. base paul cezanne'c\u00e9zann three main-ingredients, geometr (simultan multiple) view and-passag cubism tri to, describ visual, term concept fourth. dimens cubism kind of. realism"} {"id": "6119", "contents": "view slideshow view thumbnails. cubism one influenti visual art style earli twentieth century. creat pablo picasso (spanish, 18811973) georg braqu (french, 18821963) pari 1907 1914."} {"id": "6120", "contents": "cubism start pari (france) earli 20th century, pablo picasso georg braqu start cooper close visit ateli daili exchan ging idea new visual invent year 1907 1914. cubism style art creat 1908 two famou painter pablo picasso georg braque. use lot cubism paintings."} {"id": "6121", "contents": "cubism style art creat 1908 two famou painter pablo picasso georg braque. use lot cubism paintings. mani think cubism art transition, experi bring ulterior results. think way understood it. chang style synthet cubism 1912-1 915. artist paint style may seen cubism 1925. two stage cubism. analyt cubism synthet cubism. analyt earli form cubism, last 1907 1911."} {"id": "6122", "contents": "first paint style call analyt cubism paint 1908 pablo picasso georg braque. chang style synthet cubism 1912-1915. artist paint style may seen cubism 1925. cubism style art creat 1908 two famou painter pablo picasso georg braque. use lot cubism paintings."} {"id": "6123", "contents": "cubism 20th centuri avant-gard art movement, pioneer pablo picasso georg braque, revolution european paint sculpture, inspir relat movement music literature. first branch cubism, known \u201canalyt cubism\u201d, radic influenti short highli signific art movement 1907 1911 france."} {"id": "6124", "contents": "choic shadow shop replac key 11 popular model car dealership nsw sa, found cost singl replac key rang $267 $740. addit cost, wait time ordering, cut code key could mean full day road. cost singl replac key high, lose key car, cost time road increas significantli car' comput reset complet replac match new replac keys."} {"id": "6125", "contents": "one-stop-shop web replac keys, keyless entri remotes, innov origin product get ikeyless. take look insid detail great product industry-lead custom service."} {"id": "6126", "contents": "whether car came one two key factori play big part replac them. drive contact number metropolitan dealership price replac key 16 differ current-model vehicles, found averag cost replac singl unit $479. end market, humbl offerings, cheap-and-ch suzuki alto, still cost plenti new key. alto one least expens key replac yet still far cheap, quot price $250 $278 includ cut coding."} {"id": "6127", "contents": "itrader: reviews. question get replac key. need get 2nd key made sinc car came one. mazda dealer quot $56 key, $114 get switchblade, $90 hour take program it."} {"id": "6128", "contents": "mazda car key remot fobs. mazda car keys, mazda remot keyless entri fobs, mazda smart key found mazda car key, mazda car keyless remot entri category. autotranspond final stop find right mazda car key transponder, mazda remot keyless fob low prices. free program includ applic mazda key keyless remot entry."} {"id": "6129", "contents": "mazda dealership abl replic chip key program site. depend size dealership age car, dealership might also abl replic key car without origin key. usual done recent manufactur cars. contact automot locksmith make replac key vehicle. work car key comput chip insid it. car key comput chip abl sync car' comput system order work. go local mazda dealership make anoth key."} {"id": "6130", "contents": "replac car key mazda. select state find duplic copy, local locksmith, replac lost broken car key. back homepag"} {"id": "6131", "contents": "lost one key 2012 cx got replac ebay 90 dealer want 350 took manag origin quot 100 program 30 cut ket end charg program cost 30 replac cut key call dealer get second key quot 280 key fob switchblad anoth 42 98 get program cut said hell even much acura smart key system found key fob switchblad ebay 39"} {"id": "6132", "contents": "(slightly) below-averag blipper includ mazda' ($470) volkswagen' golf ($450). cost car directli reflect much replac key cost, though. ford' fiesta small-car averag whop $575 dealer phoned. fair, though, get two key price. end market, humbl offerings, cheap-and-ch suzuki alto, still cost plenti new key. alto one least expens key replac yet still far cheap, quot price $250 $278 includ cut coding."} {"id": "6133", "contents": "answer southeastern asia, border andaman sea bay bengal, bangladesh thailand. burma, call myanmar locat souther asia. borderd india inidan ocean west, china north, lao thailand east malaysia south."} {"id": "6134", "contents": "myanmar, burma, offici republ union myanmar deriv burmes empir (1500-1000bc) countri southeast asia. lie bay bengal andaman sea coast bangladesh india west, china north, lao thailand east."} {"id": "6135", "contents": "overview. govern name: republ union myanmar. constitution: adopted: 2008; vote public referendum attempt slowli transit burma democracy, although oppos author consid tool maintain militari control burma."} {"id": "6136", "contents": "confid vote 68. burma (now call myanmar rule parites) control militari junta. militari regim critic number human right violat harsh treatment population."} {"id": "6137", "contents": "capit city, rangoon, called, militari government, yangon. also recognis countries. 2005, junta mysteri transfer capit rangoon newly-built citi remot jungl central burma, citi napyidaw-th citi kings."} {"id": "6138", "contents": "burma renam myanmar today, countri run militari government. militari call tatmadaw. also call state peac develop council. parliamentari form govern elect peopl 1990, militari stop come power. initially, throughout history, burma monarchi countri rule dynasti burma."} {"id": "6139", "contents": "destin myanmar. myanmar countri southeast asia, also known burma, also call golden land. area 676,578 km\u00b2 countri almost twice size germani slightli smaller u.s. state texas."} {"id": "6140", "contents": "co-product unit state unit kingdom, dark knight releas juli 16, 2008 australia, juli 18, 2008 north america, juli 24, 2008 unit kingdom. nicknam dark knight first appli batman batman #1 (1940), stori written bill finger. dark knight film primarili chicago, well sever locat unit states, unit kingdom, hong kong."} {"id": "6141", "contents": "dark knight location: attack funer polic commission, batman/jok confrontation: south lasal street, chicago. dark knight, christoph nolan \u2019s follow-up batman begins, expand batman\u2019 univers plenti real locat chicago, hong kong london. dark knight location: joker\u2019 crew rob \u2018gotham nation bank\u2019: chicago post offic building, west van buren street, chicago. tone changes, \u2018gotham\u2019 morph urban gothic sinist corpor sheen time it\u2019 mostli chicago."} {"id": "6142", "contents": "dark knight film locations. dark knight film lo angeles, ca, london, uk, chicago, il. chicago becom gotham citi christoph nolan' gritti remak classic superhero. see film locat batman begin dark knight rise"} {"id": "6143", "contents": "nolan' inspir film joker' comic book debut 1940, 1988 graphic novel kill joke, 1996 seri long halloween, retold two-fac 's origin. nicknam dark knight first appli batman batman #1 (1940), stori written bill finger. dark knight film primarili chicago, well sever locat unit states, unit kingdom, hong kong."} {"id": "6144", "contents": "david s. goyer christoph nolan collabor stori film. script written nolan brother jonathan nolan. watch 'the dark knight', goyer state can't believ name movi good. flashback, dark knight becom film trilog bruce wayn flashback, also film content flashback refer previou scene within film' main action."} {"id": "6145", "contents": "base dc comic charact batman, film second part nolan' batman film seri sequel 2005' batman begins, star christian bale, michael caine, heath ledger, gari oldman, aaron eckhart, maggi gylenha morgan freeman. nicknam dark knight first appli batman batman #1 (1940), stori written bill finger. dark knight film primarili chicago, well sever locat unit states, unit kingdom, hong kong."} {"id": "6146", "contents": "post may 23, 2012 crystalchavez1993. ferri scene dark knight, evil joker strand prison one ship innoc citizen other. joker\u2019 sick twist game, instruct passeng boat bomb. thus, boat other\u2019 detonator."} {"id": "6147", "contents": "articl soundtrack film. film itself, see dark knight (film) dark knight: origin motion pictur soundtrack soundtrack album 2008 film name, sequel christoph nolan 's 2005 film batman begins. soundtrack releas juli 15, 2008, three editions: cd, limit edit cd digipak, digit download"} {"id": "6148", "contents": "lot interact batman joker taken long halloween, specif interrog scene film, also similar element dark knight returns. copycat batmen clearli inspir son batman dark knight returns. flashback, dark knight becom film trilog bruce wayn flashback, also film content flashback refer previou scene within film' main action."} {"id": "6149", "contents": "major leagu basebal manag serv teams\u2019 head coaches. mani manag earn approxim $1 million per year, amount vari base tenure, experience, locat team success. 2010, yanke award manag joe girardi three-year, $9 million contract, accord bloomberg news."} {"id": "6150", "contents": "minor leagu basebal manag employe parent club, minor leagu franchise. therefore, salari determin valu net worth major leagu team, minor leagu win percentag presenc effect gate sale revenues."} {"id": "6151", "contents": "salari major leagu coaches; salari basebal gener manager; ... minor leagu basebal players, although still profession sport,..."} {"id": "6152", "contents": "typic work one-year contracts, minor leagu basebal manag make averag $20,000 $60,000 per season, accord recent studi basebal america, industry' lead public on-and off-the-field news information."} {"id": "6153", "contents": "2007 stori sport busi daili report major leagu basebal salari averag $1.4 million per season 2007 season. sixteen 30 manag earn less $1 million oakland athletics, washington nationals, toronto blue jay tampa bay devil ray pay manag $500,000."} {"id": "6154", "contents": "gener manag salaries. salari minor leagu gm vari depend level -- a, aa aaa -- experience. public records, however, avail regard minor leagu gm salaries. accord basebal america, pay a-level gm start around $45,000 per year 2010. gm aaa level might make much $100,000. pay assist gm 2010 rang $35,000 a-level $80,000 aaa-level ball."} {"id": "6155", "contents": "vari club better others. get team like peterborough mk don probabl abl pay player \u00a31,000 week compar club like mansfield rochdal probabl abl afford offer like \u00a3500 week less. reply. hi, anyon know salari footbal player english leagu club milton keynes, peterborough, nott counti etc."} {"id": "6156", "contents": "colleg go pay athletes. ncaa vote thursday allow 65 team so-cal big power conferences\u2014th acc, big 10, big 12, pac 12, sec, plu notr dame, footbal independ member acc sports\u2014to make rules."} {"id": "6157", "contents": "popular belief ohl player get paid salari wage. player receiv stipend certain amount money, receiv salari full. often myth circul fact ohl player receiv perks, includ money make, render inelig ncaa scholarship."} {"id": "6158", "contents": "no, much feder pay player totali decision. fifa noth it. fifa pay money feder particip tournament orgniz fifa. sameer arshad post sunday, juli 27th, 2014 5. day write articl player club wage high, certain question came mind \u201cdo footbal get paid play nation side\u201d cours do."} {"id": "6159", "contents": "player 53-man roster injur reserv game time receiv payment wild card division playoff games. practic squad player don\u2019t receiv playoff money, continu get paid (minimum $6,300 per week) week respect team playoffs. payment elig complic confer championship super bowl. win team: $97,000. lose team: $49,000. player typic receiv entir salari cours 17-week regular season. example, ndamukong suh made $738,235 per week regular season $12.55 million base salary."} {"id": "6160", "contents": "averag salaries. averag salari nfl player work consider less consid top earners, player still make hundr thousand dollar each. bloomberg businessweek say averag salari nfl player 2011 $1.9 million. median salari $770,000. much player make depend team plays, posit team, skill experience, celebr status. leagu made 32 team across unit state divid two sections: nation footbal confer (nfc) american footbal confer (afc)."} {"id": "6161", "contents": "minimum salaries. base pay $375,000 rooki goe experience, player third season made $600,000 minimum, tenth season made $900,000. much player make depend team plays, posit team, skill experience, celebr status. leagu made 32 team across unit state divid two sections: nation footbal confer (nfc) american footbal confer (afc)."} {"id": "6162", "contents": "somewher like aldershot, stevenag cambridg could probabl pay player pretti much footbal leagu salaries, somewher like droyslden northwich probabl pay much around \u00a3200 \u00a3300 week. hi, anyon know salari footbal player english leagu club milton keynes, peterborough, nott counti etc."} {"id": "6163", "contents": "player paid much differ playoff regular season. player take signific pay cut playoff salari bear make postseason. playoff money come leagu pool instead nfl teams. win team: $97,000. lose team: $49,000. player typic receiv entir salari cours 17-week regular season. example, ndamukong suh made $738,235 per week regular season $12.55 million base salary."} {"id": "6164", "contents": "gregor mendel call father genetics. austrian monk, born small town austria juli 22, 1822. belong poor peasant family, parent farmers. so, deal plant gene right start."} {"id": "6165", "contents": "(2) f1 generation. (3) f2 generation. gregor mendel, known father modern genetics, inspir professor univers olomouc (friedrich franz johann karl nestler) colleagu monasteri (such franz diebl) studi variat plants."} {"id": "6166", "contents": "gregor johann mendel (20 juli 1822 januari 1884) german-speak moravian scientist augustinian friar gain posthum fame founder modern scienc genetics. (3) f2 generation. gregor mendel, known father modern genetics, inspir professor univers olomouc (friedrich franz johann karl nestler) colleagu monasteri (such franz diebl) studi variat plants."} {"id": "6167", "contents": "gregor mendel studi follow characterist pea plants: 1. flower color-purpl dominant, white recess 2. flower position-axi dominant, termin recess 3. seed color-yellow dominant, green recess 4. seed shape-round dominant, wrinkl recess 5."} {"id": "6168", "contents": "synopsis. gregor mendel, known father modern genetics, born austria 1822. monk, mendel discov basic principl hered experi monastery' garden"} {"id": "6169", "contents": "man, monk. johann gregor mendel born silesian villag heinzendorf, hyncic czech republic. parent peasant farmer earli recogn son' intellect. mendel abl stay school pursu academ life."} {"id": "6170", "contents": "gregor mendel 1823-1884 gregor mendel augustinian monk moravia. contribut scienc field heredity. although dna, chromosom genet unknown concept time, mendel experi focus outward effect genet program (the phenotype)."} {"id": "6171", "contents": "gregor mendel austrian monk discov basic principl hered experi garden. mendel' observ becam foundat modern genet studi heredity, wide consid pioneer field genetics. gregor mendel, known father modern genetics, born austria 1822. monk, mendel discov basic principl hered experi monastery' garden"} {"id": "6172", "contents": "mendel pea plants. gregor mendel born 1822 grew parents\u2019 farm austria. well school becam monk. also went univers vienna, studi scienc math. professor encourag learn scienc experiment use math make sens resul"} {"id": "6173", "contents": "linkedin. view imag gettyimages.com tiger wood no. 2015 gd 50 money list $54.5 million; phil mickelson no. $50.7 million; rori mcilroy no. $49.2 million 85-year-old arnold palmer no. $40 million."} {"id": "6174", "contents": "set amount first place. let explain: someth call purse, set amount. purs year' master $7 million. then, divid money players. let' say someon wins, guy tie second place, they'llget less money. winner $1.3 mil."} {"id": "6175", "contents": "next: jordan spieth win masters: thing learned. spieth abl continu marvel tournament strong day sunday\u2019 final round win green jacket, win $1.8 million process youngest master winner sinc tiger woods. masters. 8/17 jordan spieth instal 2016 master favorite. final round master underway justin spieth hold four-strok lead justin rose two tee 2:50, guarante signific payday work previou three day augusta national."} {"id": "6176", "contents": "2015 master prize money announced. april 11, 2015 4:51 pm. update-fin 2015 money list: click see amount prize money player received. total prize money profession compet 2015 master $10 million. breakdown position:"} {"id": "6177", "contents": "edit: full 2013 master prize money list. jacket green thing get win masters: there' also money. lot lot money. bubba watson' playoff win loui oosthuizen earn $1,440,000 $576,000 oosthuizen made. four-way tie third earn $284,000, split third-, fourth-, fifth-and sixth-plac pots. all, top-10 player year' master take home signific amount money, earn $244,000 more. watson, playoff win net green jacket, lifetim exempt master almost $1.5 million boot"} {"id": "6178", "contents": "differ award year. example, total prize 2008 master tournament $7.500.000. winner $1.350.000 2008."} {"id": "6179", "contents": "total prize money 2013 master tournament $8,000,000."} {"id": "6180", "contents": "total, $10 million purs 50 player make cut year, steep drop win second place, could point later today someon win lose hundr thousand dollar singl putt. final round master underway justin spieth hold four-strok lead justin rose two tee 2:50, guarante signific payday work previou three day augusta national."} {"id": "6181", "contents": "winner 2014 master take home green jacket, they'll also walk away larg check. larg one fact. master prize pool increas $8 million $9 million year winner take home signific portion increas pot. first-plac check master worth $1.62 million. 2014 win nearli $200,000 $1.44 million adam scott green jacket last year"} {"id": "6182", "contents": "feder australian coloni made use flag great britain-th union flag british red, white blue ensigns. januari 1901 six coloni unit name commonwealth australia peopl becam one nation. union flag union jack. flag consid flag british empir given pride place group empir commonwealth flags. 1953 australian flag refer ensigns. word ensign indic junior rank posi"} {"id": "6183", "contents": "1934, govern publish australian flag made. flag unit kingdom, union jack still offici flag australia 1954. law, australian govern allow fli blue australian flag. flag australia nation flag. 1901, australia becam singl country, instead six separ colonies. competit held design new flag new country. win flag blue background, union jack, six star"} {"id": "6184", "contents": "finally, 53 year first design hoisted, australia offici nation flag. australian flag usual flown conjunct with, often inferior posit to, union flag uk well 1960 despit requir flag act 1953."} {"id": "6185", "contents": "complet histori australia\u2032 nation flag, read articl histori australian nation flag. union flag 1770. australia\u2032 first flag union flag (use captain cook 1770 captain phillip 1788)."} {"id": "6186", "contents": "flag australia defac blue ensign: blue field union jack canton (upper hoist quarter), larg white seven-point star known commonwealth star lower hoist quarter. seven-point commonwealth star version introduc proclam date 23 februari 1908. dimens formal gazet 1934, 1954 flag becam recognis by, legal defin in, flag act 1953, australian nation flag"} {"id": "6187", "contents": "flag' origin design (with six-point commonwealth star) chosen 1901 entri competit held follow federation, first flown melbourn septemb 1901, date proclaim australian nation flag day. seven-point commonwealth star version introduc proclam date 23 februari 1908. dimens formal gazet 1934, 1954 flag becam recognis by, legal defin in, flag act 1953, australian nation flag"} {"id": "6188", "contents": "commonwealth blue ensign select result public competit (over 30 000 design submitted); although select 1901 gazet 1903, given royal assent adopt definit australian flag 1954 flag act 1953 (act no. 1954)! australian flag came feder australian state commonwealth australian january, 1901."} {"id": "6189", "contents": "union flag, flag british empire, first use australian soil 29 april 1770 lieuten jame cook land botani bay, use start european settlement countri 26 januari 1788. seven-point commonwealth star version introduc proclam date 23 februari 1908. dimens formal gazet 1934, 1954 flag becam recognis by, legal defin in, flag act 1953, australian nation flag"} {"id": "6190", "contents": "australian nation flag australian nation flag australia\u2019 foremost nation symbol. flag first flown 1901 becom express australian ident pride. flag import part nation occas stralia day, anzac day, au australian nation flag day. australian nation flag three element on. blue background."} {"id": "6191", "contents": "singapor dollar(sgd) malaysian ringgit(myr). page singapor dollar (sgd) malaysian ringgit (myr) conversion, find latest exchang rate updat everi minutes. show exchang rate two currenc conversion."} {"id": "6192", "contents": "unit state dollar(usd) malaysian ringgit(myr). page unit state dollar (usd) malaysian ringgit (myr) conversion, find latest exchang rate updat everi minutes. show exchang rate two currenc conversion. link page-if would like link unit state dollar(usd) malaysian ringgit(myr) exchang rates."} {"id": "6193", "contents": "usd/myr interbank intraday rate. usd/myr interbank intraday highest lowest rate. rate obtain best u.s. dollar malaysian ringgit interbank highest lowest dealt rate commerci bank specif date. use histor lookup function rate dates."} {"id": "6194", "contents": "welcom usd myr histori summary. us dollar (usd) malaysian ringgit (myr) exchang rate histori summari page, detail 180 day usd myr histor data friday 17/04/2015 monday 12/10/2015. highest: 4.4517 myr 29 sep 2015. average: 3.9022 myr period. lowest: 3.5407 myr 29 apr 2015. tabl show 180 day histor data us dollar (usd) malaysian ringgit (myr)"} {"id": "6195", "contents": "3.65859 myr. usd myr rate 4/10/2015. min 3.5204 (april 29) avg 3.8851 max 4.4618 (septemb 29). tabl display histor exchang rate malaysian ringgit us dollar. malaysian ringgit (myr) us dollar (usd). tabl show histor exchang rate malaysian ringgit (myr) us dollar (usd) 4/10/2015 10/7/2015."} {"id": "6196", "contents": "us dollar malaysian ringgit. tabl show 180 day histor data us dollar (usd) malaysian ringgit (myr) friday 17/04/2015 monday 12/10/2015."} {"id": "6197", "contents": "malaysian ringgit unit state dollar convertor date exchang rate octob 22, 2015. enter amount convert box left malaysian ringgit. use swap currenc make unit state dollar default currency. symbol usd written $. malaysian ringgit divid 100 sen. unit state dollar divid 100 cents. exchang rate malaysian ringgit last updat octob 21, 2015 intern monetari fund. exchang rate unit state dollar last updat octob 22, 2015 intern monetari fund"} {"id": "6198", "contents": "malaysian ringgit (myr) currenc exchang rate convers calculator. currenc convertor date exchang rate octob 2, 2015. enter amount convert box left currenc press convert button. show malaysian ringgit one currenc click currency."} {"id": "6199", "contents": "singl dna nucleotid made base, phosphat deoxyrib ose sugar. rna, sugar ribos sugar, deoxyribose. 3. dna nucleotid differ base (guanine, cytosine, thymin adenine) rna nucleotid guanine, cytosine, adenin uracil instead thymine. 4. dna found within nucleu cell. rna found cytoplasm cell well nucleus. sequenc base dna copi sequenc base rna (messeng rna). final translat sequenc amino acid protein determ ine protein' structur function."} {"id": "6200", "contents": "dna doubl strand structure, rna singl strand structure. rna contain sugar ribose, dna contain sugar deoxyribose. rna nucleoti des: cytosine, guanine, uracil, adenine. dna nucleotid except uracil, replac thymine. major differ rna dna: except viruses, rna single-strand molecul dna double-stranded. two dna chain connect hydrogen bond nitrogen bases. dna replic cell division; rna not."} {"id": "6201", "contents": "well differ dna' base thymin guanin cytosin ardine. rna instead thymin uracil. dna time doubl strand rna normal singl stranded. dna contain genet inform rna transfer inform proteins. major differ rna dna: except viruses, rna single-strand molecul dna double-stranded. two dna chain connect hydrogen bond nitrogen bases. dna replic cell division; rna not."} {"id": "6202", "contents": "follow distinguish characterist use differenti dna rna: pentos sugar-th deoxyribos dna one less oxygen ribos na nitrogen bases-dna contain adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine; rna contain adenine, uracil, cytosine, guanine. major differ rna dna: except viruses, rna single-strand molecul dna double-stranded. two dna chain connect hydrogen bond nitrogen bases. dna replic cell division; rna not."} {"id": "6203", "contents": "dna compos deoxyribos sugar, rna compos ribos sugar. dna thymin pair adenine, rna uracil place thymin pair adenine. dna chemic code transcribed. rna transcrib product."} {"id": "6204", "contents": "nucleotid consist sugar, phosphat nucleic acid base. sugar dna deoxyribose. sugar rna ribose, deoxyribos one oh (oxygen-hydrogen atom combin call hydroxyl). biggest differ dna rna. anoth differ rna molecul much greater varieti nucleic acid base"} {"id": "6205", "contents": "three nitrogen base rna dna: guanine, adenine, cytosine. thymine, fourth base pair found dna, replac uracil rna. dna deoxyribos sugar rna ribos sugar. deoxyribos sugar one less oxygen atom ribos sugar. major differ rna dna: except viruses, rna single-strand molecul dna double-stranded. two dna chain connect hydrogen bond nitrogen bases. dna replic cell division; rna not."} {"id": "6206", "contents": "dna contain sugar deoxyribose, rna contain sugar ribose. differ ribos deoxyribos ribos one more-oh group deoxyribose, has-h attach second (2') carbon ring. dna stand deoxyribonucl acid, rna ribonucl acid. although dna rna carri genet information, quit differ them. comparison differ dna versu rna, includ quick summari detail tabl differences."} {"id": "6207", "contents": "dna rna base pair slightli different, sinc dna use base adenine, thymine, cytosine, guanine; rna use adenine, uracil, cytosine, guanine. uracil differ thymin lack methyl group ring. dna stand deoxyribonucl acid, rna ribonucl acid. although dna rna carri genet information, quit differ them. comparison differ dna versu rna, includ quick summari detail tabl differences."} {"id": "6208", "contents": "12 first 16 presidenti elections, southern slave owner won. extend slave trade past 1800 brought mani slave america. south carolina alon import 40,000 slave 1803 1808 (when congress overwhelmingli vote end trade)."} {"id": "6209", "contents": "1619, dutch introduc first captur african america, plant seed slaveri system evolv nightmar abus cuelti would ultim divid nation."} {"id": "6210", "contents": "compromis slaveri seriou effect nation. fugit slave claus (enforc legisl pass 1793 1850) allow escap slave chase north caught."} {"id": "6211", "contents": "introduction. slaveri america began first african slave brought north american coloni jamestown, virginia, 1619, aid product lucr crop tobacco."} {"id": "6212", "contents": "statu slave (european african slave prior colon americas) one life-long. slave could becom free convert christianity. first virginia colonist even think white use word describ themselves."} {"id": "6213", "contents": "first u.s. nation govern began articl confederation, adopt 1781. document said noth slavery. left power regul slavery, well powers, individu states. experi british, colonist distrust strong central government."} {"id": "6214", "contents": "1641 d'angola marriag first record marriag black new amsterdam. 1641 massachusett first coloni legal slavery. 1643 new england confeder plymouth, massachusetts, connecticut, new adopt fugit slave law. 1650 connecticut legal slavery."} {"id": "6215", "contents": "larg number slave born africa come directli english coloni or, later, unit states. mani peopl first spent time island caribbean brought here. owner often purchas slave differ part africa."} {"id": "6216", "contents": "read more. compens mercedes-benz usa, llc employe around $83k per year average. though job titl citi influenti salari factor mercedes-benz usa, llc, experi level turn greatest impact paycheck size. one five year mark, median pay $60k annually. averag pay $79k per year five nine year experience. greater proport employe (36 percent) report 10-19 year experi bring home median pay approxim $78"} {"id": "6217", "contents": "resid atlanta, ga. pick paycheck higher citi median salari around $100k per year; top-pay citi includ sunnyvale, calif. (about $88k) montvale, n.j. ($68k). state, mercedes-benz usa, llc employe make georgia, earn $95k annual average. one five year mark, median pay $60k annually. averag pay $79k per year five nine year experience. greater proport employe (36 percent) report 10-19 year experi bring home median pay approxim $78"} {"id": "6218", "contents": "mercedes-benz usa mechan engin salary. mercedes-benz usa mechan engin averag salari $73,840, median salari $73,840 salari rang $73,840 $73,840. mercedes-benz usa mechan engin salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. mercedes-benz usa mechan engin salari statist exclus refer only. present updat regularly."} {"id": "6219", "contents": "exception, f1 engin make money averag engin sector top salari might think off. start junior engin work way top, make fortun f1 doubt it."} {"id": "6220", "contents": "mercedes-benz u.s. intern salary. mercedes-benz u.s. intern averag salari $75,989, median salari $70,000 salari rang $31,200 $137,488. mercedes-benz u.s. intern salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. mercedes-benz u.s. intern salari statist exclus refer only. present updat regularly."} {"id": "6221", "contents": "\u201cusual peopl want take leave, grant however, employe make plan earli inform manager\u201d (4 comments). see mercedes-benz research develop india bonuses, check salari mercedes-benz research develop india internship. glassdoor salaries, wages, tips, bonuses, hourli pay submit anonym 90 mercedes-benz research develop india employees. salari job. salari company. salari city. review company. interview question job. interview company. benefit company. job title. job company. 10 job city."} {"id": "6222", "contents": "wage state nation average, engin earn $87,200 per year 2012 $5,100 nation median. nearli mani automot engin work california, earn averag wage $93,800 2013 $11,700 nation median. averag pay automot engin $83,060 2014 accord bls. 10th percentil averag $53,200 per year 50th percentil earn $83,100."} {"id": "6223", "contents": "typic residenti lot survey might cost $300-$1,000 depend local rate size type parcel; place perman stone metal boundari marker may option $100-$300 each. example, texa land titl surveyor estim residenti land titl survey includ stake properti corner $350, topograph survey beach front construct $450."} {"id": "6224", "contents": "sever factor shape final bill land survey. cost hire profession surveyor straightforward pay routin repair work even home inspection. price vari wide local surveyor also dozen project-specif details. nationally, averag cost purchas land survey $760 rang $630 nearli $900. however, figur may adjust location. among fundament cost factor project scope; 1-acr lot cost less survey 2,000 acres."} {"id": "6225", "contents": "total cost depend type complex survey. develop build new hous might survey done entir develop sell copi specif parcel survey buyer lot $300-$500. example, texa land titl surveyor estim residenti land titl survey includ stake properti corner $350, topograph survey beach front construct $450."} {"id": "6226", "contents": "next step. find much project cost. provid detail project receiv competit quot local pros. average, hire land surveyor cost $477 nationally, homeown spend $334 $651. data base actual project cost report homeadvisor members. one primari role land surveyor find boundari property."} {"id": "6227", "contents": "land surveyor costs. cost survey averag residenti home $300 $800. cost depend layout accessibility. also base complex job detail report need be. furthermore, price alway vari compani company."} {"id": "6228", "contents": "much land survey cost? cost prepar survey vari depend upon size properti number build property. interest find much cost survey property, suggest get quot one professionals."} {"id": "6229", "contents": "mani factor determin cost land survey. land locat type survey import factor estim cost survey. mani step involv may awar of, necessari part process. general, survey conduct manitoba land surveyor surveyor must:"} {"id": "6230", "contents": "gjb engin virginia charg $50 hour administr work, $85 hour survey draftsman, $100 hour technician, $150 hour profession surveyor $140 hour two-person survey crew. total cost depend type complex survey. example, texa land titl surveyor estim residenti land titl survey includ stake properti corner $350, topograph survey beach front construct $450."} {"id": "6231", "contents": "averag residenti survey $450, well worth price protect provid buyer. buyer obtain survey properti owner\u2019 titl insur property, titl compani insur survey issu may arise."} {"id": "6232", "contents": "example, homestead land survey california charg $55 hour servic junior survey technician, $95 hour senior technician, $135 hour princip land surveyor, $150 hour two-person field crew $220 hour three-person field crew. example, texa land titl surveyor estim residenti land titl survey includ stake properti corner $350, topograph survey beach front construct $450."} {"id": "6233", "contents": "help allevi anxieti accompani test results. screen test look result blood test. compar number differ factor (includ age, ethnicity, result blood tests, etc\u2026) estim person\u2019 chanc abnormality. first trimest screen routin screen invas procedur pose known risk mother baby. first trimest screen result may warrant addit testing."} {"id": "6234", "contents": "first trimest screen new, option non-invas evalu combin matern blood screen test ultrasound evalu fetu identifi risk specif chromosom abnormalities, includ syndrom trisomy-21 trisomy-18. first trimest screen routin screen invas procedur pose known risk mother baby. first trimest screen result may warrant addit testing."} {"id": "6235", "contents": "import rememb first trimest screen screen test diagnost test. test note mother risk carri babi genet disorder. mani women experi abnorm test discov later test prove false. first trimest screen routin screen invas procedur pose known risk mother baby. first trimest screen result may warrant addit testing."} {"id": "6236", "contents": "import rememb screen test get one performed. help allevi anxieti accompani test results. screen test look result blood test. compar number differ factor (includ age, ethnicity, result blood tests, etc\u2026) estim person\u2019 chanc abnormality. tripl screen measur high low level afp abnorm level hcg estriol. result combin mother\u2019 age, weight, ethnic gestat pregnanc order assess probabl potenti genet disorders."} {"id": "6237", "contents": "test screen recommend even start filmmak even film festiv fast approaching. edgar wright, writer director shaun dead, said interview test screen done film' special effect completed, audienc remark end bit abrupt lame."} {"id": "6238", "contents": "feedback test screen may use alter movi released. may simpl chang titl film (a case film becam licenc kill), may substantial. edgar wright, writer director shaun dead, said interview test screen done film' special effect completed, audienc remark end bit abrupt lame."} {"id": "6239", "contents": "screen test laboratori test help identifi peopl increas risk condit diseas symptom even realiz may risk prevent measur taken. import part prevent health care. screen test help detect diseas earliest treatabl stages. therefore, valuabl use screen diseas seriou treatable, benefit detect diseas symptom begin. sensitive-that is, abl correctli identifi individu given disease. mani routin test perform regular health exam screen tests. cholesterol test pap smear women examples. newborn screen varieti condit birth"} {"id": "6240", "contents": "we craven 's film deadli friend test screen warner bros. set audienc mostli consist craven' fans, larg fan base critic commerci success previou theatrically-releas film, nightmar elm street. edgar wright, writer director shaun dead, said interview test screen done film' special effect completed, audienc remark end bit abrupt lame."} {"id": "6241", "contents": "test screen preview screen movi televis show gener releas order gaug audienc reaction. preview audienc select cross-sect population, usual ask complet questionnair provid feedback form. edgar wright, writer director shaun dead, said interview test screen done film' special effect completed, audienc remark end bit abrupt lame."} {"id": "6242", "contents": "import rememb tripl test screen test diagnost test. test note mother possibl risk carri babi genet disorder. tripl screen measur high low level afp abnorm level hcg estriol. result combin mother\u2019 age, weight, ethnic gestat pregnanc order assess probabl potenti genet disorders."} {"id": "6243", "contents": "earth constantli degassing, transport helium crust mantl ocean atmosphere. light atom, helium escap earth therebi continu lost atmosphere. approxim lifetim helium atmospher myr."} {"id": "6244", "contents": "trace amount helium gravit bound earth constantli lost space. earth' atmospher helium replac decay radioact element earth' crust. alpha decay, one type radioact decay, produc particl call alpha particles. alpha particl becom helium atom captur two electron surroundings."} {"id": "6245", "contents": "crust upper layer earth. movement plate occur due earthquak occur. earth' crust thin layer rock, like skin apple."} {"id": "6246", "contents": "materi earth\u2019 crust earth crust outer layer planet. cover whole earth surface. thick layer vari 12 km seab 60 km great mountain ranges. earth crust made rock turn made minerals."} {"id": "6247", "contents": "earth' outermost layer hard brittl rock call crust. crust typic 23 mile thick beneath continents, 6.5 mile thick beneath oceans. crust rel light brittl compar earth layers. earthquak occur within"} {"id": "6248", "contents": "earth\u2019 origin atmospher probabl hydrogen helium, main gase dusty, gassi disk around sun planet formed. earth atmospher hot. molecul hydrogen helium move realli fast, especi warm."} {"id": "6249", "contents": "per florida depart transportation: construct complet april 30 florida depart transport (fdot) project rehabilit element main street bridg downtown jacksonville.. inform pleas visit http://nflroads.com."} {"id": "6250", "contents": "far, $10.6 million bridg replac work track complet mid-to late novemb despit work delays, said christoph jacob michigan depart transportation. 95-year-old main street bridg close last octob demolish february. bitterli cold winter unusu raini spring summer, plu technic issues, caus delays. main street bridg nile track re-open fall-south bend tribune: public safety."} {"id": "6251", "contents": "old town temecula\u2019 main street bridg open traffic first time ceremoni thursday, may 8, citi offici tout complet year-long project grand accomplish city. spoke rain 1993 2005, former wash part old town. heavi rain motiv citi offici get move facilit new bridge, edward said look great."} {"id": "6252", "contents": "old town main street bridg open traffic first time year construct ad alex grove on. view post alex grove \u2192. alex report temecula area report riversid counti commun sever years, write everyth full-length featur cop briefs. spoke rain 1993 2005, former wash part old town. heavi rain motiv citi offici get move facilit new bridge, edward said look great."} {"id": "6253", "contents": "main street bridge, offici john t. alsop jr. bridge, bridg cross st. john river jacksonville, florida. second bridg built across river. carri four lane traffic, sign u.s. rout us 90 (sr sr 10). look south downtown along main street toward main street bridge. look south truss main street bridge. view hyatt regenc hotel, acosta bridg visibl background. bridg view south bank."} {"id": "6254", "contents": "traffic update: main street bridg open directions. joe daraskevich wed, nov 12, 2014 6:08 pm updat wed, nov 12, 2014 6:31 pm. update: main street bridg open directions. main street bridg close direct driver need use anoth bridg get downtown area. bridg close unknown amount time, accord jacksonvil sheriff\u2019 office. check back jacksonville.com updat becom avail"} {"id": "6255", "contents": "\u201cwhat want see event brought back main street, like bring cruise-in car show,\u201d hickman said. bring cruise-in car show move wednesday north end riverfront park. it\u2019 one exampl chang event organ make bridg work. main street bridg nile track re-open fall-south bend tribune: public safety."} {"id": "6256", "contents": "old town main street bridg open traffic first time year construction. alex grove may 16, 2014 comment. share facebook follow facebook add google+ connect link subscrib email print post. spoke rain 1993 2005, former wash part old town. heavi rain motiv citi offici get move facilit new bridge, edward said look great."} {"id": "6257", "contents": "nile resid say littl inconveni worth new main street (m-139) bridg built readi use. \u201ci know new bridg awesom it\u2019 done. main street bridg nile track re-open fall-south bend tribune: public safety."} {"id": "6258", "contents": "also mani later stori origin delphic oracle. one late explanation, first relat 1st centuri bc writer, diodoru siculus, tell goat herder name coretas, notic one day one goats, fell crack earth, behav strangely. name pythia deriv pytho, myth origin name delphi."} {"id": "6259", "contents": "oracl delphi. date back 1400 bc, oracl delphi import shrine greece, theori greek respect independence. built around sacr spring, delphi consid omphalos-th center (liter navel) world. final came end 4th centuri ad newli christian rome proscrib prophesying. oracl delphi greek documentary. date back 1400 bc, oracl delphi import shrine greece, theori greek respect independence."} {"id": "6260", "contents": "earlier myth includ tradit pythia, delphic oracle, alreadi site import oracl pre-class greek world (a earli 1400 bc) and, reded 800 bce, serv major site classic time worship god apollo. site delphi locat upper central greece, multipl plateaux/terrac along slope mount parnassus, includ sanctuari apollo, site ancient oracle. semicircular spur known phaedriades, overlook pleisto valley."} {"id": "6261", "contents": "ancient world, mani site gain reput dispens oracular wisdom. perhap best known sanctuari apollo delphi, locat slope mount parnassu greece. websit cyberspac tribut delphic oracle, welcom here. oracl person, place thing gener regard sourc wise counsel prophet opinion. often consid infal author topic spiritual, moral, ethical, philosoph nature."} {"id": "6262", "contents": "delphic oracle. oracl person, place thing gener regard sourc wise counsel prophet opinion. often consid infal author topic spiritual, moral, ethical, philosoph nature."} {"id": "6263", "contents": "great panhellen sanctuari delphi northern coast gulf corinth, home delphic oracle. also site pythian games. first stone templ built archaic age greece, burn 548 b.c. replac (c. 510) member alcmaeonid family. remain delphic sanctuari see today. sanctuari may preced delphic oracle, know. delphi best known home delphic oracl pythia, priestess apollo. tradit pictur delphic oracle, alter state, mutter word inspir god, male priest transcrib"} {"id": "6264", "contents": "pythia (/\u02c8p\u026a\u03b8i\u0259/ greek: \u03c0\u03c5\u03b8\u03af\u03b1 [py\u02d0\u02c8t\u02b0i.a]), commonli known oracl delphi, name priestess throughout histori templ apollo delphi, locat slope mount parnassus, beneath castalian spring (the new priestess select death current priestess). name pythia deriv pytho, myth origin name delphi."} {"id": "6265", "contents": "oracl apollo delphi one world' intrigu unusu establishments. within ancient temple-sanctuari locat beneath shine rock mount parnassus, god apollo spoke pythia, human priestess, offer inspir guidanc sought aid. h. w. park deni idea unequivoc histori delphic oracl (pp. 21-2), saying: geolog quit imposs delphi limeston schist could emit ga intox properties. ancient writer mention fumes."} {"id": "6266", "contents": "bicycl frame main compon bicycle, onto wheel compon fitted. modern common frame design upright bicycl base safeti bicycle, consist two triangles, main triangl pair rear triangle. known diamond frame."} {"id": "6267", "contents": "alloy. special allez one best sell alloy bike market. alloy bicycl busi shorthand aluminium alloy. alloy solid solut made metal, anoth element metal case aluminium. high proport bike made aluminium alloy it\u2019 easi materi manipul effici shape, it\u2019 cheapest way make rel light bike. steel bike owner gener love steel bikes, bike last lifetim kept right hands. materi rust care for, won\u2019t fatigu like alloy hard wearing."} {"id": "6268", "contents": "citi bike built either steel aluminum frames, one pick impact life bike, even qualiti ride. read why, we'll help navig materi market. aluminum frame gener stiffer steel, result harsher ride."} {"id": "6269", "contents": "aluminium resist corros treat properli last year years. alloy use bike industri aa 6061 aa 7005. 6061 aluminium predomin alloy aluminium magnesium popular form alloy use bicycl frames."} {"id": "6270", "contents": "alloy: confusingli bike business, alloy mean specif aluminium alloy. alloy (technically) metal thing ad improv properties. lot mass-product bike made aluminium alloy."} {"id": "6271", "contents": "report abuse. aluminium one metal often use bike frame pretti light strong. alloy mixtur differ metal metal non-metal, alloy either stronger lighter pure metal counterparts. alloy talk could either steel aluminium. aluminum bike made aluminum alloy one sort another. steel bike also alloy iron mix materials. titanium bike first came out, made pure titanium, work well. titanium bike made titanium alloy"} {"id": "6272", "contents": "weight. raw state, aluminum weigh one-third much steel volume. well-mad alloy frame may weigh less steel frame, alway case. mid-to-high-end steel frame bike weigh less 25 lbs., low-end alloy frame bike might weigh 35 lbs. potenti differ due part engin requir alloy frames, combin desir build low-cost bike, yield heavier bike steel would. alloy frame rust, corrode. manufactur combin aluminum element includ magnesium, titanium, iron, copper, chromium, zinc, manganes silicon, element typic compris less 10 percent frame' weight."} {"id": "6273", "contents": "comment similac advanc babi formula recent tri similac: advanc complet formula (with iron) week babi constip him, gave colic's! last choic formula. realli like similac, kind (advance), prefer types. comment similac advanc babi formula absolut love similac brand, especi abl receiv mani samples/coupon first child. absolut life saver. origin transit son similac advanc breast feedin around month old"} {"id": "6274", "contents": "similac formul help give babi strong start. formula line includ variat babi differ nutrit needs. mom choos similac\u00ae brand*. *total us infant formula outlet 26 juli 2014, nielsen data."} {"id": "6275", "contents": "continu read main story. maker similac advance, top commerci babi formula brand unit states, say begin sell first mainstream babi formula made without genet alter ingredi end month target."} {"id": "6276", "contents": "similac advanc nutrit complet milk-bas iron-fortifi infant formula, featur optigro, exclus blend brain eye nourish nutrient baby' development. similac advanc design support baby' develop immun system, brain, eyes, help build strong bones. read lot review formula market, decid tri good start. glad did. babi happi now. fuzzy, colic/ga pains, cri feed anymore. posit side, realli like packag similac formula."} {"id": "6277", "contents": "year ago. would start one see babi it. formul accord fda requires. baby' bodi better certain type.do care switch around much. heard good constantli switch around. good start realli mess baby' poo, came solid, week 8. stop that. however, infamil, similac, well babi us groceri store gener brand work well us (the advanc formula dha)."} {"id": "6278", "contents": "similac advanc babi formula ever fed son, till old enough milk. whole first year, drank water times. easili digested. similac advanc babi formula smooth blend well son never spit all. never clump powder bit left bottle, stool. never gave problem either. comment similac advanc babi formula absolut love similac brand, especi abl receiv mani samples/coupon first child. absolut life saver. origin transit son similac advanc breast feedin around month old"} {"id": "6279", "contents": "similac advanc stage design closer ever breast milk, optigro\u2122 support baby' brain. rate kiran problem... digest well give similac advanc last month right day 1. similac powder dissolv water well. till didnt face problem (constipation/gas/allergy/vomiting/reluct etc). look like digest well. happi say kid healthier, good weight, height"} {"id": "6280", "contents": "good start vs. similac. mayb stupid question, go tri switch ds formula similac advanc good start probiotic, hope gentler tummi formula help sleep better. problem similac advanc per se, mil say ds seem gassi mayb that' sleep, mayb formula, boy handl similac, cheapest brand know made blood boil...."} {"id": "6281", "contents": "khata (tibetan: \u0f41\u0f0b\u0f56\u0f4f\u0f42\u0f66\u0f0b dzongkha: \u0f56\u0f40\u0f56\u0f0b\u0f53\u0f66 kapni, mongolian: \u0445\u0430\u0434\u0430\u0433. [\u03c7\u0251t\u0251k] nepali: \u0916\u0926\u093e khada) tradit ceremoni scarf tibetan buddhism. origin tibetan cultur common cultur countri tibetan buddhism practiced. khata symbol puriti compass worn present incens mani ceremoni occasions, includ births, weddings, funerals, graduat arriv departur guests."} {"id": "6282", "contents": "khata essenti revenu document, detail assess property, record detail properti size, location, built area purpos payment properti tax. also kind identif person primarili liabl payment properti tax. properti buyer know buy properti bangalor khata. khata mean buy properti legal, allow construct obtain trade build license. detail differ khata khata"} {"id": "6283", "contents": "khata mere computer actual khata. new procedur bbmp. use person pay properti tax. computeris version khata contail detail record manually.y obtain receipt requir help pid number."} {"id": "6284", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: khata certif computeris format, issu bmp, contain municip number properti concerned, name person whose name khata stand properti identif number (pid no.)."} {"id": "6285", "contents": "let\u2019 begin khata \u201cin properti jargon, khata account property. primarili assess properti lie within bruhat bengaluru mahanagara palik (bbmp) jurisdict purpos taxation. e-khata additional/new requir bbmp false. e-khata mere computer khata new requir procedure."} {"id": "6286", "contents": "transfer property. appli khata certificate, owner properti give letter requisit along detail receipt tax paid (latest) assist offic sub-divis range. fee khata certif rs 25/- per property. khata certif obtain new registr pay tax. certif issu say particular properti \u2018xyz\u2019 stand name person a. certif requir appli water connection, electr connection, trade licens build license."} {"id": "6287", "contents": "word khata refer two specif document issu bbmp (bruhat bangalor mahanagara palike) properti owner khata certif khata extract. khata certif document identifi owner particular properti is. words, \u201ccertifies\u201d particular properti belong particular person."} {"id": "6288", "contents": "member coupl separ ill incom test disqualifi member coupl age pension disabl support pension combin incom coupl exce $3,278 per fortnight, is, $85,000 per year. impact mean test centrelink disabl age pension coupl live together. homeown coupl could incom $276 per fortnight still entitl full rate age pension provid asset total valu $279,000 less."} {"id": "6289", "contents": "singl person share accommodation, maximum pension rent assist $87.67 sharer whose rent exce $214.96 per fortnight novemb 2012. kim receiv disabl support pension live share hous support mental health group. maximum rate pension rent assist payabl singl person rent $268.73 per fortnight novemb 2012. novemb 2012, maximum rate pension rent assist singl person live alon $121 per fortnight."} {"id": "6290", "contents": "beneficiari disabl support pension receiv significantli unemploy benefits; januari 2009 basic rate a$ 562.10 per fortnight singl a$469.50 member couple."} {"id": "6291", "contents": "maximum payment singl pension includ full rate pension $751.70 per fortnight. pension supplement total $75.40 per fortnight paid singl centrelink client receiv least one dollar pension per fortnight. impact mean test centrelink disabl age pension coupl live together. homeown coupl could incom $276 per fortnight still entitl full rate age pension provid asset total valu $279,000 less."} {"id": "6292", "contents": "singl homeown could incom $156 per fortnight still entitl full rate age pension provid asset total valu $196,750. incom exce $1,657 per fortnight, is, $43,000 per year, would qualifi age pension. impact mean test centrelink disabl age pension coupl live together. homeown coupl could incom $276 per fortnight still entitl full rate age pension provid asset total valu $279,000 less."} {"id": "6293", "contents": "maximum rate carer payment $827.10 per fortnight singl (around $21,500 per year) $1,246.80 (around $32,500 per year) coupl combined. singles, $751.70 payment repres maximum base rate remain $75.40 made variou supplements. 563,000 recipi carer allowance, averag age 54 (depart social services, 2013). incom asset test carer allowance. paid flat rate $118.20 per fortnight (around $3,000 per year). provis health care card well."} {"id": "6294", "contents": "rate newstart allow substanti lower current minimum wage $1,244.40 per fortnight rate pensions, disabl support pension $827.10 per fortnight (with supplements) singl person (fair work ombudsman, 2013; depart human services, 2014). current structur programme. receiv newstart allow person unemploy age 22. januari 2014, payment rate newstart allow $501.00 per fortnight singl people, $452.30 coupl"} {"id": "6295", "contents": "impact mean test centrelink disabl age pension coupl separ illness. homeown coupl could incom $276 per fortnight still entitl full rate age pension disabl support pension provid asset total valu $279,000 less. impact mean test centrelink disabl age pension coupl live together. homeown coupl could incom $276 per fortnight still entitl full rate age pension provid asset total valu $279,000 less."} {"id": "6296", "contents": "statu pension rate per fortnight singl $512.10* coupl $427.70* sinc juli 2000, includ pension supplement. currently: singl $18.20; coupl $15.20 each. disabl support pension 21, children (includ youth disabl supplement). youth disabl supplement $94.70 per fortnight payabl dsp custom age 21 includ rates. rate payabl age 21 cannot exceed rate payabl age 21. pharmaceut allow paid. see chart h. employ entri payment $312 may payable."} {"id": "6297", "contents": "boil: introduction. boil larg infect hair follicle, tini open skin hair grows. boil due invas bacteria enter follicl caus bacteri infect follicl nearbi skin. boil also call skin abscess furuncles. symptom boil includ lump swell form skin. lump nearbi area also painful, swollen, red, inflam feel hot touch. swell lump eventu push skin' surfac come head pus."} {"id": "6298", "contents": "sign symptom [edit]. boil bumpy, red, pus-fil lump around hair follicl tender, warm, painful. rang pea-siz golf ball-sized. yellow white point center lump seen boil readi drain discharg pus."} {"id": "6299", "contents": "symptom boil: introduction. symptom boil includ lump swell form skin. lump nearbi area also painful, swollen, red, inflam feel hot touch. swell lump eventu push skin' surfac come head pus. symptom boil includ lump swell form skin. lump nearbi area also painful, swollen, red, inflam feel hot touch"} {"id": "6300", "contents": "symptom boils. boil start hard, red, pain lump usual less inch size. next days, lump becom softer, larger, painful. soon pocket pu form top boil. sign advanc infect are. skin around boil becom red, painful, swollen; boil may appear around origin one; fever develops; and. lymph node near boil becom swollen"} {"id": "6301", "contents": "boil, also call furuncle, deep folliculitis, infect hair follicle. commonli caus infect bacterium staphylococcu aureus, result pain swollen area skin caus accumul pu dead tissue. boil bumpy, red, pus-fil lump around hair follicl tender, warm, painful. rang pea-siz golf ball-sized. yellow white point center lump seen boil readi drain discharg pus."} {"id": "6302", "contents": "boil common, pain infect hair follicl surround skin. begin red lump, fill pu white blood cell rush fight infection. good home care often clear singl boil, also known skin abscess."} {"id": "6303", "contents": "191 followers. a. boil local infect skin gener start reddened, tender area. time, area becom firm, hard, tender. eventually, center boil soften becom fill infection-fight white blood cell bloodstream erad infection. pu enclos within tissu refer abscess. boil also refer skin abscess. sever differ type boils: furuncl carbuncle: abscess skin usual caus bacterium staphylococcu aureus."} {"id": "6304", "contents": "boil, also known skin abscess furuncle, painful, pus-fil lump develop surfac skin. boil small pea larg golf ball develop part body. usual caus infect hair follicl oil gland skin."} {"id": "6305", "contents": "monument danc music cumbia el banco. cumbia colombian music style folk danc consid repres colombia, along vallenato. cumbia origin caribbean coast colombia. music instrument edit. tradit instrument use cumbia: drums: cumbia drum african origin brought along slave america spanish conquerors. african use wood, rope made sisal (agav sisalana), dri anim skin make drums."} {"id": "6306", "contents": "cumbia origin colombia' caribbean coastal region music cultur fusion nativ colombians, slave brought africa, spanish coloni time old countri pocabuy, locat colombia' momposina depress ancient palenqu congo nation. cumbia popular andean region southern cone, exampl popular salsa mani part regions."} {"id": "6307", "contents": "music instrument part great varieti one encounters, play differ type colombian music. hear music song specif instrument used, click correspond image. close window show instrument stop music click graphic. caribbean (atlantic) music pulsat vibrant rhythms, cumbia, porro mapale. mapal\u00e9 cumbia mainli accompani instrument called. guacharaca music pacific, coast currulao strong use of, drum touch spanish. influenc"} {"id": "6308", "contents": "brazilian cumbia term loos use describ brazilian music influenc cumbia. 21st century, growth internet well latin american tour circuit, popular cumbia increas greatli brazil lead mani new fusion variations. cumbia popular andean region southern cone, exampl popular salsa mani part regions."} {"id": "6309", "contents": "features. tradit cumbia music instrument includ drums, flute wind instruments, guitars, ouds, percuss instruments, like maracas. cumbia music continu develop time, ad new instrument caja drums, trumpets, synthesizers, clarinets, saxophon trombones. cumbia music influenc african, spanish nativ american cultur music. cumbia music get name cumb danc name after. cumb danc origin guinea. colombia, cumb danc becam know celebr danc marriag african nativ peopl columbia"} {"id": "6310", "contents": "read more. term cumbia refer style colombian folk-danc music, origin country' northern atlant coast, domin rhythm, assimil great deal latin-american music northern hemisphere."} {"id": "6311", "contents": "cumbia [\u02c8kumbja] dance-ori music genr popular throughout latin america. cumbia popular andean region southern cone, exampl popular salsa mani part regions."} {"id": "6312", "contents": "cumbia music evolv jewel colombian culture. cumbia music tradit colombian danc folk music popular mani latin south american countries. cumbia music influenc african, spanish nativ american cultur music. cumbia music get name cumb danc name after. cumb danc origin guinea. colombia, cumb danc becam know celebr danc marriag african nativ peopl columbia"} {"id": "6313", "contents": "sanctiti noncount noun mean \u201csacredness\u201d \u201cthe qualiti state holy, important, valuable.\u201d. exampl sentenc word sanctity. sanctiti home, polic allow enter without permiss warrant judge."} {"id": "6314", "contents": "like god, like mean human life alway treat digniti respect. sanctiti life mean human sacr rest creation. human life holi sens god holy. god holi himself."} {"id": "6315", "contents": "religion ethics, inviol sanctiti life principl impli protect regard aspect sentient life said holy, sacred, otherwis valu violated."} {"id": "6316", "contents": "answer kg1994. confid vote 81. sanctiti life birth death area. christians, sanctiti life god made man imag life gift god, sacred, worthi digniti destroyed."} {"id": "6317", "contents": "sanctiti life. religion ethics, inviol sanctiti life principl impli protect regard aspect sentient life said holy, sacred, otherwis valu violated."} {"id": "6318", "contents": "concept inviol import tie ethic religion ethic law, seek justif principl base puriti natur concept, well univers application."} {"id": "6319", "contents": "question: mean believ sanctiti life?. answer: phrase sanctiti life reflect belief that, peopl made god imag (genesi 1:26), human life inher sacr attribut protect respect times."} {"id": "6320", "contents": "sanctiti human life due fact wonder good beings. reason sanctiti life appli human fact god creat us imag set us apart form life."} {"id": "6321", "contents": "nhl' modern era, two player come close malone' record score six goal game. red berenson st. loui blue 1968, darryl sittler toronto mapl leaf 1976. see also: goal score one nhl game. goal nhl season. goal nhl career."} {"id": "6322", "contents": "answer goal score one team nhl game 16. montreal canadien defeat quebec bulldog 16-3 march 3, 1920. ontreal team also help set record goal two team singl game. highest score nhl game tie 21 goals. montreal canadian beat toronto st. patrick 14-7 januari 10, 1920 edmonton oiler beat chicag blackhawk 12-9 decemb 11, 1985. highest scorer wayn gretzki"} {"id": "6323", "contents": "recent high score game march 3, 2008, washington capit vs boston bruins, capit 10-2 boston. also like chelifan mentioned, montreal canadien 16-3 quebec bulldog march 3, 1920. go\u0438ch\u03b1\u044f year ago."} {"id": "6324", "contents": "high score game are: highest score game (dure playoffs): 96 point arizona cardin beat green bay packer 51-45 januari 10, 2010 highest score one team (dure playoffs): 73 point chicago bear beat washington redskin 73-0 decemb 8, 1940. highest score nhl game tie 21 goals. montreal canadian beat toronto st. patrick 14-7 januari 10, 1920 edmonton oiler beat chicag blackhawk 12-9 decemb 11, 1985. highest scorer wayn gretzki"} {"id": "6325", "contents": "eleven goaltend score total fourteen goal nation hockey leagu (nhl) games. goalkeep score either physic shoot puck net, award goal last player team touch puck oppon score goal .. fourteen goal score nhl goaltenders, seven shot oppos team' net goaltender. two goaltend score earn shutout game."} {"id": "6326", "contents": "answer: goal score one team nhl game 16. montreal canadien defeat quebec bulldog 16-3 march 3, 1920. season, montreal help set record goal score two team singl game. canadien toronto st. patrick' combin 21 goal januari 10, 1920, montreal win 14-7."} {"id": "6327", "contents": "report abuse. vari lot depend drop used, concentration, well eyes. could last anywher hour 24 hours...and known last longer rare cases. averag hour though."} {"id": "6328", "contents": "sadly, hard rule long eye stay dilated. tell patient last three hour average, could differ you. truth length time vari 45 minut one lucki person, day long anoth occasion even next day. find pupil still dilat day eye exam, don\u2019t panic!"} {"id": "6329", "contents": "doctor use eyedrop widen (dilate) pupils. make easier see back eye. doctor may also use eyedrop numb surfac eyes. take 15 20 minut fulli dilat pupils. dilat eyedrop may make eye sting."} {"id": "6330", "contents": "normal take 20 30 minut eye dilate. take 10 minut doctor examin them. pupil remain larger normal hour caus increas light sensit vision back normal usual within hour. goer hageman better view insid eye make sure eye healthy. much like open door see insid room instead look small window. dilation, one see optic nerv head, blood vessels, macula peripheri retina."} {"id": "6331", "contents": "best answer: generally, dilat pupil last three six hour primarili affect near close vision. however, uncommon dilat last 24 hour patient depend eye drop use achiev dilation. vari lot depend drop used, concentration, well eyes. could last anywher hour 24 hours...and known last longer rare cases. averag hour though."} {"id": "6332", "contents": "q: eye dilat yesterday pre-op long dilat eye return normal lasik surgery. 28 hour eye still dilated. eye dilat yesterday pre-op lasik surgery. 28 hour eye still dilat realli dry. eye dilat opthalmologist' offic hour ago. pupil long dilat eye return normal left. storr-paulsen a, larsen m. long-term result extracapsular cataract extract with. pupil still dilat surgeri eye return normal cataract surgery."} {"id": "6333", "contents": "get eye dilat first time strang feeling. i\u2019v alreadi explain north cascad eye associ dilat regular exam previou blog, still plenti question answer even experienc patient want remind sometimes. truth length time vari 45 minut one lucki person, day long anoth occasion even next day. find pupil still dilat day eye exam, don\u2019t panic!"} {"id": "6334", "contents": "usual take 20 minut take effect, time doctor see you. doctor use slit lamp (a sophist microscope) examin health eyes, surfac (cornea) back (retina). dilat drop typic use last, average, 4-6 hour wear off. occasionally, use longer last eye drop younger children, last approxim 24 hours. peopl feel comfort drive pupil dilated."} {"id": "6335", "contents": "eye sight may affect long 1-2 days, though, cases, eye return normal within 4. long take pupil go back normal size dilat eye drops? take 3-6 hour return normal dilated. hi, long take pupil return normal size dilated? eye dilat opthalmologist' offic hour ago. pupil long dilat eye return normal left. storr-paulsen a, larsen m. long-term result extracapsular cataract extract with. pupil still dilat surgeri eye return normal cataract surgery."} {"id": "6336", "contents": "adult may expect gradual return normal vision 4-8 hour .children like requir day (or rare two three) complet return normal vision pupil size. eye sensit eye drop remain dilat sever days. best answer: dilat pupil common procedur perform diagnos vision problem dilat pupils."} {"id": "6337", "contents": "nation susan b. anthoni museum hous share stori susan b. anthony\u2019 lifelong struggl gain vote right women equal right all. nation susan b. anthoni museum hous home legendari american civil right leader 40 polit activ year life, site famou arrest vote 1872."} {"id": "6338", "contents": "susan brownel anthoni born februari 15, 1820, daniel anthoni luci (reed) anthoni adams, massachusetts, second eight children. anthoni famili quaker\u2014h great-grandfath father\u2019 side first settler founder friend meet adams. susan b. anthoni summary: susan b. anthoni one drive forc women\u2019 suffrag movement, staunch equal right advocate, social activist."} {"id": "6339", "contents": "biographi susan b. anthony. susan b. anthoni born februari 15, 1820 adams, massachusetts. brought quaker famili long activist traditions. earli life develop sens justic moral zeal. teach fifteen years, becam activ temper"} {"id": "6340", "contents": "born: februari 15, 1820 adams, massachusett died: march 13, 1906 rochester, new york. american women' right activist, abolitionist, women' suffrag leader. susan b. anthoni earli leader american women' suffrag (right vote) movement pioneer struggl gain equal women. activ abolitionist, oppon slavery, campaign freedom slave"} {"id": "6341", "contents": "susan brownel anthoni born februari 15, 1820, daniel anthoni luci read adams, massachusetts, second oldest seven children. famili share passion social reform. brother daniel merritt move kansa support anti-slaveri movement there. susan brownel anthoni (februari 15, 1820 march 13, 1906) american social reform feminist play pivot role women' suffrag movement. born quaker famili commit social equality, collect anti-slaveri petit age 17"} {"id": "6342", "contents": "introduction. susan b. anthoni american civil right leader instrument quest grant woman right vote (suffrage). susan brownel anthoni born daughter quaker parents. famili soon move new york state susan receiv educ school father ran."} {"id": "6343", "contents": "earli influences. susan brownwel anthoni born februari 15, 1820, adams, massachusetts. second seven children born daniel luci read anthony. father, owner cotton mill, religi man taught children show love god work help people. susan b. anthoni earli leader american women' suffrag (right vote) movement pioneer struggl gain equal women."} {"id": "6344", "contents": "susan anthony. susan brownel anthoni best known promot women' right start women' suffrag unit states. born west grove, massachusetts, februari 15, 1820, devot life anti-slaveri women' rights, includ right vote."} {"id": "6345", "contents": "receiv postcard realtor: \u201csusan b. anthony\u2019 birthplac sale!\u201d knew immedi call: carol crossed. carol cross live rochester, new york, susan b. anthoni live die cherish dream women\u2019 suffrag realized."} {"id": "6346", "contents": "wonder long averag wait time get wed photo photographer? wed octob last year. me, seem like month long. realli short turn around time, fit workflow. would say averag would 3-4 month photographers. also, would take look contract time turnaround time contract."} {"id": "6347", "contents": "contract us said photo would done 4-6 week wed requir pay full two week wed date order work. week call like crazi ask photo are. say almost done. done photo session wed peopl know one anyth neg say business. hire her, wed day august 28, 2010. three month so... show known ladi took wed photo 12 years."} {"id": "6348", "contents": "profession wed photograph turn wed photo around 3-4 weeks. realli short turn around time, fit workflow. would say averag would 3-4 month photographers. also, would take look contract time turnaround time contract."} {"id": "6349", "contents": "think it. photograph hundr time wed photo someth proud (or haunt by) rest life. good wed day groom essenti -- great haircut clean shave must. five rule wed day grooming."} {"id": "6350", "contents": "wed photographi expect experi us? style: find it\u2019 almost imposs assign one style shoot wed day."} {"id": "6351", "contents": "typically, reason amount time anywher 2-5 weeks, depend in-demand photograph is. slow season, turn wed 800-1000 imag week 10 days. however, premium wed season, run 4-6 week out. contract photographer, say timefram get pictur back. depend busi photograph is, might take longer."} {"id": "6352", "contents": "expect wed photograph cost run anywher $2,500-$10,000 depend experi photograph along they\u2019r includ wed package. wed photographi packag typic cover hours, average. less shoot time influenc cost. however, citi san francisco new york, wed photographi price closer $4,000. gener expect wed photographi price rang $2,500-$10,000 depend photograph experi and/or offerings. expect top photograph (ie: jose villa\u2019 world) start around $6-7,000 go"} {"id": "6353", "contents": "profession wed photograph also, longest ever taken wed photo turnaround week extrem photo-intens wed 12 hour coverage. definit check contract, month extrem long time wait. realli short turn around time, fit workflow. would say averag would 3-4 month photographers. also, would take look contract time turnaround time contract."} {"id": "6354", "contents": "sure ask complet wedding. mani photograph sampl album showcas best work. album beautiful, sure get imag whole wed look like disappointed, complet accur relay want photographer."} {"id": "6355", "contents": "store fresh mangoes. keep unrip mango room temperatur ripen, may take week. paper bag might help ripen sooner, ripen temperatur 55 degre f. ripe mango kept refriger weeks, frozen, dried, cook syrup pureed. pur\u00e9"} {"id": "6356", "contents": "ripe, mango put plastic bag store refrigerator, keep one three days. fresh mango unavailable, frozen mango purchas cube bag clear plastic freezer section supermarket health food store. mrs. marjori nolan cohn, nutrit dietetics, answer behalf academi nutrit dietetics. ripe mango store plastic bag refriger sever days. mango hard green, place brown paper bag counter day room temperatur ripen."} {"id": "6357", "contents": "ripe, move mango refriger prevent over-ripening\u2014they last 3-4 days. peeled, cube mango kept airtight contain refriger sever days, frozen months."} {"id": "6358", "contents": "must fulli ripen eating, you\u2019ll get bland taste. keep unrip mango room temperature, turn soft sweet days. want speed process place mango paper bag, still room temperature. mango ripen, place fridge. whole mango last days. keep peel cube mango airtight contain refriger days, month freezer. recip use mangoes."} {"id": "6359", "contents": "if, however, purchas unrip mango plan use immediately, store one two week 55 degre f. set room temperatur place paper bag ripen. mrs. marjori nolan cohn, nutrit dietetics, answer behalf academi nutrit dietetics. ripe mango store plastic bag refriger sever days. mango hard green, place brown paper bag counter day room temperatur ripen."} {"id": "6360", "contents": "tips. store room temperatur ripe, refriger plastic bag. freeze: (1) wash, peel slice mangoes; (2) place mango slice singl layer cooki tray freezer; (3) slice frozen, transfer airtight contain heavy-duti freezer bag return freezer. freeze: (1) wash, peel slice mangoes; (2) place mango slice singl layer cooki tray freezer; (3) slice frozen, transfer airtight contain heavy-duti freezer bag return freezer."} {"id": "6361", "contents": "easi step ripen store mangos. keep unrip mango room temperature. mango shouldn\u2019t refriger ripe. mango continu ripen room temperature, becom sweeter softer sever days. speed ripening, place mango paper bag room temperature. ripe, mango move refrigerator, slow ripen process. whole, ripe mango may store five day refrigerator. mango may peeled, cube place airtight contain refriger sever day freezer six months."} {"id": "6362", "contents": "storage-stor mango room temperatur sun, ripened. ideal storag temperatur mango 55 degre f. store properli mango shelf life weeks. mango ripen refrigerator, kept chill ripe."} {"id": "6363", "contents": "store room temperatur ripe, refriger plastic bag. freeze: (1) wash, peel slice mangoes; (2) place mango slice singl layer cooki tray freezer; (3) slice frozen, transfer airtight contain heavy-duti freezer bag return freezer. freeze: (1) wash, peel slice mangoes; (2) place mango slice singl layer cooki tray freezer; (3) slice frozen, transfer airtight contain heavy-duti freezer bag return freezer."} {"id": "6364", "contents": "disk herniat ruptur fibrocartilagen materi (annulu fibrosis) surround intervertebr disk. ruptur involv releas disk' center portion contain gelatin substanc call nucleu pulposus. surgeri versu conserv manag sciatica due lumbar herniat disc: systemat review. european spine journal, 20 (4), 513\u201322. benefit surgic manag treat symptom lumbar herniat disk substantiated."} {"id": "6365", "contents": "thorac herniat disc video. herniat disc condit annulu fibrosu (outer portion) vertebr disc torn, enabl nucleu (inner portion) herniat extrud fibers. herniat disc materi similar crab meat constitution. surgery, gener disc materi compress nerv removed, (95%) intervertebr disc materi left place."} {"id": "6366", "contents": "herniat disk. herniat disk refer problem one rubberi cushion (disks) individu bone (vertebrae) stack make spine. spinal disk littl like jelli donut, softer center encas within tougher exterior. sometim call slip disk ruptur disk, herniat disk occur softer jelli push crack tougher exterior. herniat disk irrit nearbi nerv result pain, numb weak arm leg. hand, mani peopl experi symptom herniat disk. peopl herniat disk need surgeri correct problem."} {"id": "6367", "contents": "herniat materi compress nerv around disc creat pain radiat back sometim arm (if herniat cervic spine) leg (if herniat lumbar spine). herniat disc materi similar crab meat constitution. surgery, gener disc materi compress nerv removed, (95%) intervertebr disc materi left place."} {"id": "6368", "contents": "sections. diagnos disc herniation, extrem help know definit condition. also known herniat ruptur disc, disc herniat type degen spine condit lead neck back pain otherwis healthi individual. disc becom herniated, soft, gel-lik nucleu materi extrud tear disc line come contact spinal cord nerv spinal column."} {"id": "6369", "contents": "pain symptom herniat disc usual treat success medic nonsurg option includ physic therapy, chiropract manipulation, injections. cases, discectomi microdiscectomi surgeri perform herniat disc decompress nerv root. herniat disc materi similar crab meat constitution. surgery, gener disc materi compress nerv removed, (95%) intervertebr disc materi left place."} {"id": "6370", "contents": "disk may prolaps nucleu pulposu migrat outermost fiber annulu fibrosis. may disk extrusion, case annulu fibrosi perfor materi nucleu move epidur space. surgeri versu conserv manag sciatica due lumbar herniat disc: systemat review. european spine journal, 20 (4), 513\u201322. benefit surgic manag treat symptom lumbar herniat disk substantiated."} {"id": "6371", "contents": "predispos factor associ disk herniat includ age, gender, work environment. peak age occurr disk herniat 20-45 year age. studi shown male commonli affect femal lumbar disk herniat 3:2 ratio. surgeri versu conserv manag sciatica due lumbar herniat disc: systemat review. european spine journal, 20 (4), 513\u201322. benefit surgic manag treat symptom lumbar herniat disk substantiated."} {"id": "6372", "contents": "herniat disc: ruptur tissu separ vertebr bone spinal column. center disc, call nucleus, soft, springi receiv shock standing, walking, running, etc. outer ring disc, call annulu (latin ring), provid structur strength disc. annulu consist complex seri interwoven layer fibrou tissu hold nucleu place. herniat disc often refer slip disc. term came action nuclear tissu forc center disc. nuclear tissu locat center disc place much pressur caus annulu ruptur"} {"id": "6373", "contents": "although may seem difficult, lower breath speed help lower heart rate. take breath 5-8 seconds, hold 3-5 seconds, exhal slowli count 5-8 seconds."} {"id": "6374", "contents": "normal rest heart rate 60 100 beat per minute. rate 90 is, however, consid high. rest heart rate well train endur athlet 40 60 beat per minute. test rate day get average."} {"id": "6375", "contents": "rest heart rate, pulse, refer number time heart beat per minut rest. though normal rang 50 100, people\u2019 heart beat 60 80 time minute. 100 consid rapid pulse, call tachycardia; unusu slow rest heart rate call bradycardia."} {"id": "6376", "contents": "think increas intens cardio. walk treadmil now, start jog running. 45 minut tri 5x week. go take month month months. might take month year, work, rest heart rate dropped."} {"id": "6377", "contents": "start train rest heart rate high, need start lower intens training. use heart rate monitor start 65% calculation, 220-your age."} {"id": "6378", "contents": "world physic fit cardiac health rest heart rate number time heart beat per minut sit quietli import get heart \u201czone\u201d maximum calori burn efficiency."} {"id": "6379", "contents": "gener speaking, rest heart rate higher 70 bpm (beat per minute), higher one, accord italian survey, increas risk die heart diseas 78%."} {"id": "6380", "contents": "monitor heart rate exercise. keep track heart rate exercis take puls wrist neck. count fifteen second multipli number four. exercis want keep heart rate 50% 85% maximum."} {"id": "6381", "contents": "start take action tri lower rest heart rate, import know start point is. need take puls count beats. carotid arteri (in neck) wrist."} {"id": "6382", "contents": "administ herceptin, alon combin paclitaxel, initi dose mg/kg 90 minut intraven infus follow subsequ weekli dose mg/kg 30 minut intraven infus diseas progression. patient miss dose herceptin one week less, usual mainten dose (weekli schedule: mg/kg; three-weekli schedule: mg/kg) administ soon possible. wait next plan cycle."} {"id": "6383", "contents": "patient miss dose herceptin one week, re-load dose herceptin administ approxim 90 minut (weekli schedule: mg/kg; threeweekli schedule: mg/kg), soon possible. patient miss dose herceptin one week less, usual mainten dose (weekli schedule: mg/kg; three-weekli schedule: mg/kg) administ soon possible. wait next plan cycle."} {"id": "6384", "contents": "email. mnt featured. patient early-stag her2-posit breast cancer remain herceptin (trastuzumab) treatment one year, two year six months, accord final analysi phase iii hera trial, pharmaceut compani roch breast intern group announc today. usa, herceptin manufactur sold genentech, chugai japan, roch rest world. full one-year cours herceptin treatment cost $70,000. accord variou media sources, genentech never explain drug expensive."} {"id": "6385", "contents": "additionally, risk life-threaten infus reaction patients, trastuzumab infus caution, especi first dose. averag wholesal price trastuzumab $2,928.89 440 mg. 70-kg woman, 2-mg/kg dose would cost $1,000, yearli regimen would cost $50,000."} {"id": "6386", "contents": "patient earli breast cancer elig neoadjuvant-adjuv treatment, herceptin use concurr anthracyclin chemotherapy-na patient low-dos anthracyclin regimens, i.e. maximum cumul dose doxorubicin 180 mg/m epirubicin 360 mg/m 2. herceptin 440 mg multi-dos vials: pack contain one vial herceptin (440 mg trastuzumab) one 20 ml vial bacteriostat water injection."} {"id": "6387", "contents": "recent inform herceptin studied. length time cost treatment fire. pharmaceut compani insist right herceptin taken year less, cost \u00a340\u2019000 nh per person mean investigated. her2 amplifi 20% breast cancer cases. tamoxifen cost less \u00a3800 five year starv cancer cell oestrogen, wherea herceptin bind cancer cell prevent errat growth. eighteen herceptin treatment cost around \u00a33000 each. see nh start yearlong studi herceptin benefits."} {"id": "6388", "contents": "typic fill cost $3,902 vial herceptin 440mg. patient need drug may find cost paid insur company, government, non profit organization. uninsur need help co-pay, manufactur may also offer assistance. learn more. specialti medication. drug consid specialti medication, means: may expensive. typic fill cost $3,902 vial herceptin 440mg."} {"id": "6389", "contents": "may expensive. typic fill cost $3,902 vial herceptin 440mg. patient need drug may find cost paid insur company, government, non profit organization. specialti medication. drug consid specialti medication, means: may expensive. typic fill cost $3,902 vial herceptin 440mg."} {"id": "6390", "contents": "administ herceptin initi dose mg/kg 90 minut intraven infus follow subsequ dose mg/kg intraven infus 30-90 minut everi three week diseas progress [see import dose consider below]. patient miss dose herceptin one week less, usual mainten dose (weekli schedule: mg/kg; three-weekli schedule: mg/kg) administ soon possible. wait next plan cycle."} {"id": "6391", "contents": "hyundai sonata (korean: \ud604\ub300 \uc3d8\ub098\ud0c0) mid-siz car produc south korean manufactur hyundai sinc 1985. first gener sonata introduc 1985, facelift stellar engin upgrade, withdrawn market two year due poor custom reactions. part seventh gener sonata, hyundai plan releas plug-in hybrid variant schedul market launch second half 2015. technic detail sonata phev announc 2015 north american intern auto show."} {"id": "6392", "contents": "sonata also avail hyundai\u2019 subscription-bas blue link telemat system, use built-in cellular connect provid point-of-interest search googl emerg assistance. also start lock unlock car use hyundai\u2019 blue link smartphon app. sonata larg trunk afford midsiz car, review write spaciou back seat quiet cabin. add 2015 sonata also logic arrang center stack two easy-to-us touch-screen infotain options."} {"id": "6393", "contents": "automot journalist agre redesign 2015 hyundai sonata exud class eleg upscal cabin materi mani car class. sonata larg trunk afford midsiz car, review write spaciou back seat quiet cabin. add 2015 sonata also logic arrang center stack two easy-to-us touch-screen infotain options."} {"id": "6394", "contents": "sonata comfort likabl midsiz sedan prove hyundai build car easi pocketbook, easi live well. whether serv famili car commut car duty, hyundai sonata nice place thank spaciou cabin, comfort seat four five simpl controls. reviews, we'v found sonata provid acceler rang solid spirited, depend engin choos"} {"id": "6395", "contents": "y2 sonata part hyundai' expans north america success excel. introduc south korea june 1, 1988. introduc canada septemb 1988 1989 model, novemb 14, 1988 unit state 1989 model, march 1989 australia. part seventh gener sonata, hyundai plan releas plug-in hybrid variant schedul market launch second half 2015. technic detail sonata phev announc 2015 north american intern auto show."} {"id": "6396", "contents": "home market, new sonata 1.4 inch longer 1.2 inch wider outgo car, ride 0.4-inch longer wheelbase. new bodi boast torsion bend stiff increas 41 35 percent, accord hyundai, 51 percent steel advanc high-strength variety. week ago, hyundai teas us render spars detail all-new 2015 sonata. provid quick look un-camouflag model sat korean product facility."} {"id": "6397", "contents": "2015 hyundai sonata rank 18 afford midsiz cars. rank base analysi publish review test drive hyundai sonata, well reliabl safeti data. redesign 2015 hyundai sonata offer enjoyable, quiet ride qualiti interior critic say rank near top class. best combin posit review long-term ownership cost class, hyundai sonata 2015 best midsiz car money. 2015 sonata come standard 2.4-liter four-cylind engine, front-wheel drive six-spe automat transmission. sport 2.0t model turbocharg 2.0-liter four-cylind engine. eco model come turbocharg 1.6-liter four-cylind engin seven-spe autom manual"} {"id": "6398", "contents": "hyundai commenc develop yf sonata 2005, develop cost \u20a9450 billion (us$372 million). australian, new zealand, singaporean, colombian markets, yf retail name hyundai i45, follow alphanumer i-seri nomenclatur establish hyundai markets. part seventh gener sonata, hyundai plan releas plug-in hybrid variant schedul market launch second half 2015. technic detail sonata phev announc 2015 north american intern auto show."} {"id": "6399", "contents": "that' 2014 hyundai sonata midsiz sedan us wondering. year ago hyundai model came across korean-flavor interpret establish cars, everi famili sedan seem take cue korea' finest. what' more, 2014 sonata boast numer chang design keep competit newer rivals."} {"id": "6400", "contents": "ad. sever type corynebacteria caus diphtheria, commonli call non-diphtheri corynebacteria. bacteria caus type infect anim humans, infect commonli affect intern organ skin."} {"id": "6401", "contents": "corynebacterium diphtheria gram-positive, nonmotile, rod-shap bacteria form spore branch. typic gram-post cell wall. consist arabinose, galactose, disminopimel acid, short chain mycol acids. mycol acid, chain 28-40 carbon common."} {"id": "6402", "contents": "descript significance. death caus corynebacterium diphtheria [16]. c. diphtheria gram-positive, aerobic, nonmotile, toxin-producing, rod-shap bacteria belong order actinomycetales, typic found soil, also pathogen member streptomyc mycobacteria."} {"id": "6403", "contents": "corynebacterium genu bacteria common natur found soil, water, plants, animals, humans. humans, bacteria commonli found skin mucou membranes."} {"id": "6404", "contents": "corynebacterium diphtheria etiolog agent diphtheria, upper respiratori diseas mainli affect children. virul factor (most specif diphtheria toxin) studi extens well understood."} {"id": "6405", "contents": "corynebacteria commonli rod club-lik shape, name come greek word koryne, mean club. corynebacteria caus infect disease, use wide varieti industri purposes, exampl produc amino acids, nucleotides, enzymes."} {"id": "6406", "contents": "flight origin outsid us weight limit total check baggage-a miserli 20kg/44lb travel coach class, 30kg/66lb busi class 40kg/88lb first class. check luggag allowances. airlin substanti tighten check luggag policies. airlin charg extra suitcas weigh 50lbs, wherea year back they'd carri suitcas weigh 70 lb surcharge."} {"id": "6407", "contents": "check baggag fees. passeng mani delta flight must pay baggag fee check bags. first check bag domest delta flight cost travel $25 2011. second check bag includ $35 fee. flight europ cost $200 per bag second bag. check bag weigh 51 70 lbs. domest flight cost travel addit $90 per bag. cost flight europ $75."} {"id": "6408", "contents": "mean one less thing airport. arriv airport, drop check baggag nearest baggag drop, mark red baggag drop signage, curbsid check-in station (avail within hour departur time). keep bag sight times. virtual speaking, least. order track check bags, enter bag tag number receiv time baggag check-in."} {"id": "6409", "contents": "overweight overs bags. travel want check two bag delta domest flight prepar pay $125 third bag. subsequ bag cost $200 each. flight europ cost $200 per bag second bag. check bag weigh 51 70 lbs. domest flight cost travel addit $90 per bag. cost flight europ $75."} {"id": "6410", "contents": "weight size allowance. southwest accept first two check bag free provid bag exceed 50 lb 62 inch (l+w+h). overweight item 51 100 pound overs item excess 62 inch 80 inch accept charg $75.00 per item one-way. size weight limit apply. piec baggag excess free baggag allow specifi excess 62 inch (l+w+h) 50 lbs. le"} {"id": "6411", "contents": "trip. check check bags. see item carri onboard charge, view current check baggag fee inform learn size weight restrictions. discov item requir special care may incur addit fees, item consid hazard feder law more."} {"id": "6412", "contents": "weight restrictions. domest intern airlin delta, southwest british airway impos weight limit 50 pound check luggage. per-piec limit, mean pay check two bags, must weigh 50 pound each. cost depend airline, exampl southwest airlin charg $75 overs luggage, delta charg $125 $200, depend mani bag checking, publication."} {"id": "6413", "contents": "maximum number linear inch check bag airlin 62 inches. mean add length, width height luggag intend check, 62 inches. standard suitcases, garment bag duffel bag measur 62 linear inch less. cost depend airline, exampl southwest airlin charg $75 overs luggage, delta charg $125 $200, depend mani bag checking, publication."} {"id": "6414", "contents": "passeng mani delta flight must pay baggag fee check bags. first check bag domest delta flight cost travel $25 2011. flight europ cost $200 per bag second bag. check bag weigh 51 70 lbs. domest flight cost travel addit $90 per bag. cost flight europ $75."} {"id": "6415", "contents": "sweet corn cake sweet tasti serv alongsid mexican meal. also sweet enough serv mexican dessert recipe, perhap cajeta mapl syrup. sweet corn cake recipe, corn combin sugar, cream, cornmeal, sever ingredients. sweet corn natur sweet quit commonplac mani dessert recip or, like recipe, sweet recip serv side dish savori meal. similar cornbread, mexican corn cake boast similar rich flavors."} {"id": "6416", "contents": "basic stapl remain nativ food corn, bean chili peppers, european introduc larg number foods, import meat domest anim (beef, pork, chicken, goat sheep), dairi product (especi cheese) variou herb lot spices. ice cream (niev helados). pancho villa note devote ice cream. mexican ice cream industri center state michoacan; michoac\u00e1n ice cream stand mexico dub la michoacana tribut to'michoacan michoac\u00e1n acknowledg leadership product of. product"} {"id": "6417", "contents": "use get time littl stand aguascalientes--delicious! corn cob cheese--thi cup corn mayo, lime could add chili sauce... add answer. source. submit cancel. think question violat commun guidelines. anyway, described: cup corn mayo, lime chili sauce. basic ingredients, variat includ fresh white cheese, example."} {"id": "6418", "contents": "mexican cuisin primarili fusion indigen mesoamerican cook european, especi spanish, element ad spanish conquest aztec empir 16th century. ice cream (niev helados). pancho villa note devote ice cream. mexican ice cream industri center state michoacan; michoac\u00e1n ice cream stand mexico dub la michoacana tribut to'michoacan michoac\u00e1n acknowledg leadership product of. product"} {"id": "6419", "contents": "bread made maiz later given name tortilla (littl cake) spanish. part southern spain, origin mani spaniard conquer america, tortilla tortillita crisp, thin, circular, fri cake made chickpea meal. primari way maiz consum mexico tortilla, also necessari input prepar almost type tamales, atol snacks. furthermore, maiz use tortilla ripe dry, also consum fresh matur (maize), soft fresh (xilote)."} {"id": "6420", "contents": "wheat flour tortilla probabl best known tortilla use make burritos, dish origin texas, origin part spanish empir briefli part newli creat state mexico. primari way maiz consum mexico tortilla, also necessari input prepar almost type tamales, atol snacks. furthermore, maiz use tortilla ripe dry, also consum fresh matur (maize), soft fresh (xilote)."} {"id": "6421", "contents": "love mexican food! tasti littl side dish serv restaur chi chi's, el torito, chevy' fresh mex. like corn pudding, known other fri dough pancake. masa harina, one ingredients, mean corn flour."} {"id": "6422", "contents": "flour tortilla commonli prepar meat, mash potatoes, chees ingredi make dish tacos, quesadilla burrito (a dish origin el paso, texas, usa/ciudad juarez, chihuahua, mexico area). primari way maiz consum mexico tortilla, also necessari input prepar almost type tamales, atol snacks. furthermore, maiz use tortilla ripe dry, also consum fresh matur (maize), soft fresh (xilote)."} {"id": "6423", "contents": "wheat flour tortilla innov exil spanish jew consid corn meal kosher, use wheat brought europe, region coloni new spain. made unleavened, water base dough, press cook like corn tortillas. primari way maiz consum mexico tortilla, also necessari input prepar almost type tamales, atol snacks. furthermore, maiz use tortilla ripe dry, also consum fresh matur (maize), soft fresh (xilote)."} {"id": "6424", "contents": "stop nighttim cough child (or adult found personally), put vick vapor rub gener bottom feet bedtime, cover socks. even persistent, heavy, deep cough stop minut stay stop many, mani hour relief."} {"id": "6425", "contents": "appli small amount chest cold cough. also appli rub upper middl back well. appli everi coupl hours."} {"id": "6426", "contents": "vicks\u00ae vaporub\u2122 1.76 oz. vick vaporub ointment cough suppress topic analgesic. special blend ingredi work togeth provid temporari relief sore, ach muscles, improv breath minim cough common cold."} {"id": "6427", "contents": "way vick vaporub work inhal vapor creat rub, brain trick think breath easily. actual reliev congest cough, brain think smell produced."} {"id": "6428", "contents": "common use vick decongest chest throat area. appli upper chest, provid excel relief cough congest symptoms. 2. tootsies. appli vick feet provid nighttim cough relief. gener rub vaporub feet cover socks."} {"id": "6429", "contents": "use children' vick' vapo rub, work! regular vick' littl strong. children' vick's, find it! rub bottom daughter' feet put sock on."} {"id": "6430", "contents": "heard put vick vaporub feet (or likely-your child' feet) help cough? use vick vaporub children common yet controversi practice."} {"id": "6431", "contents": "5. cook roast hour meat fork tender. use meat thermomet determin roast done cooking. intern temperatur reach least 145 degre fahrenheit (63 degre celsius). 1. preheat oven 225 degrees. 2. place chuck roast vegetables. turn heat dutch oven place chuck roast back inside, rest vegetables. dutch oven, place veget chuck roast inch (7.6 cm) deep roast pan."} {"id": "6432", "contents": "remov oven turn roast over, place back oven anoth 1-2 hour roast tender (could take longer hours, cook low temperature). let roast stand 20 minut slicing. cover cook 350 degre hour. uncov place carrot potato around roast. reduc oven temperatur 275 degre continu cook cover anoth hours."} {"id": "6433", "contents": "chuck roast need cook fairli long time slow temperatur break fibers\u2014otherwise, meat rather tough chewy. that\u2019 peopl say never cook chuck roast oven. chuck usual cook \u201cpot\u201d roast stove-top."} {"id": "6434", "contents": "pot roast cook liquid roast pan, typic come 1/3 1/2 height meat. actual type braising, despit sometim call roast dish, suitabl tougher cut meat like beef chuck, turkey thighs, leg lamb."} {"id": "6435", "contents": "best answer: cook pot roast foil cover casserol dish hour 325 degrees. put roast pan salt/pepp top. add water halfway roast cover tightli foil. usual pretti good add onion point."} {"id": "6436", "contents": "tender, pull-apart meat, slow cook allow time meat soften becom juicy. read learn make chuck roast. prep time: 30-45 minutes. cook time: 3-4 hours. 1. preheat oven 225 degrees. 2. place chuck roast vegetables. turn heat dutch oven place chuck roast back inside, rest vegetables. dutch oven, place veget chuck roast inch (7.6 cm) deep roast pan."} {"id": "6437", "contents": "step 1. preheat oven 325 degre fahrenheit pot roast round; 425 degre pot roast chuck; 350 degre pot roast rib. weight type roast determin cook time; cook roast intern temperatur 135 150 degre f. instance, 2- 3-lb. rump roast cook hour medium-rar doneness, cattlemen' beef board nation cattlemen' beef associ websit advises. step 4. remov pot roast oven 10 degre recommend final intern temperature. cover roast pan loos tent aluminum foil let roast stand 15 20 minutes. intern temperatur roast rise anoth 10 degrees."} {"id": "6438", "contents": "reduc oven temperatur 275 degre continu cook cover anoth hours. remov oven turn roast over, place back oven anoth 1-2 hour roast tender (could take longer hours, cook low temperature). cover cook 350 degre hour. uncov place carrot potato around roast."} {"id": "6439", "contents": "nucleu organel surround doubl membran call nuclear envelope. nuclear envelop separ content nucleu rest cell. eukaryot cell also cell membran (plasma membrane), cytoplasm, cytoskeleton, variou cellular organelles."} {"id": "6440", "contents": "cell boss, too: nucleus. control center run show, instruct cell carri basic functions, growth, develop division. body\u2019 genet materi -- deoxyribonucl acid, dna -- locat insid"} {"id": "6441", "contents": "cell organel information-y need know structur function organel cell. make sure know differ organel found plant anim cells. nucleu back top function nucleu control center cell import part cell. control aris genet inform store nucleus. gene made nucleic acid dna."} {"id": "6442", "contents": "organel type. (not necessarili functions): 1. nucleus. control center cell. contain cell' dna (genet information) form genes. re. nucleic acids. sequestr *replic dna. transcript *modif rna."} {"id": "6443", "contents": "nucleus-a membran bound structur contain cell' hereditari (dna) inform control cell' growth reproduction. commonli promin organel cell. mitochondria-a cell' power producers, mitochondria convert energi form usabl cell."} {"id": "6444", "contents": "eukaryot organelles. nucleus-a membran bound structur contain cell' hereditari (dna) inform control cell' growth reproduction. commonli promin organel cell."} {"id": "6445", "contents": "nucleus, basic brain cell, control cell' activities. control mitochondria, chloroplasts, ribosomes, cell parts."} {"id": "6446", "contents": "nucleus-th nucleu control center cell. largest organel cell contain dna cell. dna (deoxyribonucl acid) contain inform cell live, perform function reproduce."} {"id": "6447", "contents": "chelat therapi chemic process synthet solution-edta (ethylenediaminetetraacet acid)-i inject bloodstream remov heavi metal and/or miner body. chelat mean grab bind.. edta inject veins, grab heavi metal miner lead, mercury, copper, iron, arsenic, aluminum, calcium remov body. except treatment lead poisoning, chelat therapi controversi unproved. chelat effect way treat heavy-met poisoning. u.s. food drug administr (fda) approv prescript chelat therapi treatment lead poisoning. inject edta bind harm metal elimin bodi kidneys."} {"id": "6448", "contents": "chelat use applic provid nutrit supplements, chelat therapi remov toxic metal body, contrast agent mri scanning, manufactur use homogen catalysts, fertilizers. earth science, hot chemic weather attribut organ chelat agent (e.g., peptid sugars) extract metal ion miner rocks. metal complex environ natur found form chelat ring (e.g., humic acid protein)."} {"id": "6449", "contents": "chelat (pronounc key-lay-shun) therapi treatment use convent medicin remov heavi metal (includ mercury) blood. involv intraven inject chelat agent, edta (ethylen diamin tetra-acet acid), synthet amino acid."} {"id": "6450", "contents": "chelat therapi medic procedur involv administr chelat agent remov heavi metal body. accord find 1997 systemat review, edta chelat therapi effect treatment coronari arteri diseas use approv unit state us food drug administr (fda)."} {"id": "6451", "contents": "definit chelator. one chelates; especially: bind agent suppress chemic activ form chelates. advertisement."} {"id": "6452", "contents": "chelat therapi long histori use clinic toxicolog remain use specif medic treatments, although administ care medic supervis due variou inher risks. accord find 1997 systemat review, edta chelat therapi effect treatment coronari arteri diseas use approv unit state us food drug administr (fda)."} {"id": "6453", "contents": "tr.v. che\u00b7lat\u00b7ed, che\u00b7lat\u00b7ing, che\u00b7lates. 1. chemistri combin (a metal ion) chemic compound form ring. 2. medicin remov (a heavi metal, lead mercury) bloodstream mean chelate, edta. che\u2032lat\u00b7a\u00b7bl adj. 1. (chemistry) chem coordin compound metal atom ion bound ligand two point ligand, form heterocycl ring contain metal atom. adj. 2. (zoology) zoolog possess chelae. 3. (chemistry) chem denot chelate."} {"id": "6454", "contents": "chelat therapi treatment involv repeat intraven (iv) administr chemic solut ethylenediaminetetraacet acid, edta. use treat acut chronic lead poison pull toxin (includ heavi metal lead, cadmium, mercury) bloodstream. heavi metal toxicity: edta chelat therapi often given intraven calcium, magnesium, vitamin period hours. recommend adult dosag vari depend size person amount lead metal body."} {"id": "6455", "contents": "addit signific live organisms, chelat also econom important, product agent product chemicals. chelat chemic compound compos metal ion chelat agent. chelat agent substanc whose molecul form sever bond singl metal ion. words, chelat agent multident ligand. exampl simpl chelat agent ethylenediamine. ethylenediamine. singl molecul ethylenediamin form two bond transition-met ion nickel(ii), ni 2+"} {"id": "6456", "contents": "medic definit chelator. variou compound combin metal form chelat includ use medic treatment metal poison (a lead). one chelates; especially: bind agent suppress chemic activ form chelates. advertisement."} {"id": "6457", "contents": "juli 4, 1776, claim independ britain democraci born. everi day thousand leav homeland come \u201cland free home brave\u201d begin american dream. unit state truli divers nation made dynam people."} {"id": "6458", "contents": "1964, name juli holiday chang republ day. rwanda, juli offici holiday known liber day, commemor end 1994 rwandan genocid u.s. govern also play role. denmark also celebr american independ juli 4. second day july, 1776, memor epoch histori america. apt believ celebr succeed gener great anniversari festival. ought commemor day deliverance, solemn act devot god almighty."} {"id": "6459", "contents": "newsletter. juli 4, 1776, thirteen coloni claim independ england, event eventu led format unit states. year juli 4th, also known independ day, american celebr histor event. conflict coloni england alreadi year old coloni conven continent congress philadelphia summer 1776. histori 4th july. juli 4, 1776, thirteen coloni claim independ england, event eventu led format unit states."} {"id": "6460", "contents": "various known fourth juli independ day, juli 4th feder holiday unit state sinc 1941, tradit independ day celebr goe back 18th centuri american revolut (1775-83). 1776 present day, juli 4th celebr birth american independence, typic festiv rang fireworks, parad concert casual famili gather barbecues."} {"id": "6461", "contents": "independ day nation holiday unit state america commemor sign declar independ continent congress juli 4, 1776, philadelphia, pennsylvania. time sign us consist 13 coloni rule england\u2019 king georg iii."} {"id": "6462", "contents": "adams' predict two days. outset, american celebr independ juli 4, date shown much-public declar independence, rather juli 2, date resolut independ approv close session congress. second day july, 1776, memor epoch histori america. apt believ celebr succeed gener great anniversari festival. ought commemor day deliverance, solemn act devot god almighty."} {"id": "6463", "contents": "stori fourth july. declar independence. celebr american independ day fourth juli everi year. think juli 4, 1776, day repres declar independ birth unit state america independ nation. juli 4, 1776 day continent congress decid declar independ (they juli 2, 1776). peopl thought declar independence, juli 4, 1776 date remembered. contrast, celebr constitut day septemb 17th year, anniversari date constitut signed, anniversari date approved."} {"id": "6464", "contents": "juli 8, 1776, first public read declar held philadelphia' independ squar ring bell band music. one year later, juli 4, 1777, philadelphia mark independ day adjourn congress celebr bonfires, bell fireworks."} {"id": "6465", "contents": "independ day annual celebr juli often known fourth july. anniversari public declar independ great britain 1776. patriot display famili event organ throughout unit states. independ day patriot holiday celebr american worldwide. public life. independ day feder holiday. juli saturday, observ friday, juli 3. juli sunday, observ monday, juli 5. govern offic school closed. busi may close well."} {"id": "6466", "contents": "nasa offer benefit employe feder govern worker receive. scientist get 10 paid holiday year, 240 hour sick leav annual leav rang 13 26 days. choos hmo fee-for-servic health plans, nasa cover 75 percent premium. grade contain 10 steps, repres increas within grade. although grade level start gs-1, scientist bachelor\u2019 degre experi enter gs-7, basic compens rang $33,979 $44,176 annually."} {"id": "6467", "contents": "gener schedul use grade pay system base salari privat sector. civil servant earn pay rais job promotions, experience, time job. nasa report entry-level pay scientist rang $33,000 $44,000 annually. senior career scientist earn $120,000 $180,000. accord nasa figures, local pay rang percent 12 percent base salary. come comparison privat workers, u.s. offic personnel manag find that, average, feder employe earn 80 percent private-sector counterpart do."} {"id": "6468", "contents": "median salari atmospher scientist $77,150 2006, accord occup outlook handbook. middl fifti percent salari rang earn $55,530 $96,490. bottom ten percent earn less $39,090 top ten percent earn $119,700. median salari medic research scientist $71,490 2006, accord occup outlook handbook. middl fifti percent salari rang earn $44,830 $88,130. bottom ten percent earn less $35,490 top ten percent earn $117,52"} {"id": "6469", "contents": "addit base salary, nasa employe receiv benefit call local pay.. local pay account differ cost live nasa' variou work locations, well quantifi cost errat work hour remot work locations. accord nasa figures, local pay rang percent 12 percent base salary. come comparison privat workers, u.s. offic personnel manag find that, average, feder employe earn 80 percent private-sector counterpart do."} {"id": "6470", "contents": "median salari comput scientist $95,340 2006, accord occup outlook handbook. middl fifti percent salari rang earn $71,930 $118,100. bottom ten percent earn less $53,590 top ten percent earn $144,880. median salari medic research scientist $71,490 2006, accord occup outlook handbook. middl fifti percent salari rang earn $44,830 $88,130. bottom ten percent earn less $35,490 top ten percent earn $117,52"} {"id": "6471", "contents": "want know salari scientist nasa well isro. postdoc work nasa (requirement: recent phd physics, astronomy, astrophysics, public field, someon will work year two) make $52,000 year. civil servant (research scientist lot more) make $120,000 $150,000 year"} {"id": "6472", "contents": "median salari research develop servic chemist materi scientist $59,870 2006, accord occup outlook handbook. middl fifti percent salari rang earn $44,780 $82,610. median salari medic research scientist $71,490 2006, accord occup outlook handbook. middl fifti percent salari rang earn $44,830 $88,130. bottom ten percent earn less $35,490 top ten percent earn $117,52"} {"id": "6473", "contents": "report abuse. postdoc work nasa (requirement: recent phd physics, astronomy, astrophysics, public field, someon will work year two) make $52,000 year. civil servant (research scientist lot more) make $120,000 $150,000 year"} {"id": "6474", "contents": "german meaning: name farren german babi name. german mean name farren is: old german name, 'fardi' mean journey 'nanthi' mean venture. famou bearer includ three holi roman emperor sever spanish italian kings. irish meaning:"} {"id": "6475", "contents": "mean farren. irish name. irish, name farren means-th land.. origin name farren include-irish, english, french, german, english, english, french.th name farren unisex name use boy girl name (male female). irish name meaning-th land."} {"id": "6476", "contents": "name farren english babi name. english mean name farren is: adventurous. french meaning: name farren french babi name. french mean name farren is: old french surnam mean pilfer ferret."} {"id": "6477", "contents": "farren /far-ren/ [2 sylls.] boys' name (also use girls' name farren) pronounc fare-en. old english origin, mean farren handsom servant may also gaelic name faramund, might mean thunder"} {"id": "6478", "contents": "100 celsiu 212 fahrenheit sea level. go higher, temperatur drop less forc need counter act air pressure. 5000 feet sea level (1524 met ers) temperatur 95 203 f. learn answer scienc year, worry, accurate: higher sea level/elev are, colder temperatur becomes. rea air molecul air bump closer togeth lower sea level-that creat warm weather."} {"id": "6479", "contents": "temperatur boil water sea level 100 temperatur boil water sea level 211.149\u00b0f. peopl found useful. edit. share to: feed depression: food help hurt depress affect million peopl america, everyon look answer. learn answer scienc year, worry, accurate: higher sea level/elev are, colder temperatur becomes. rea air molecul air bump closer togeth lower sea level-that creat warm weather."} {"id": "6480", "contents": "impact sea level rise reef. rise sea level signific much great barrier reef coastlin low-lying. predict futur increas sea level highli variabl rang 0.68m across great barrier reef region global increas 0.9m 2100. chang sea level temperatur increas time-depend uncertain, partli link collaps earth\u2019 great ice shelves. sinc 1959, record variat sea level townsville, north queensland, show averag increas 1.2mm per year."} {"id": "6481", "contents": "higher sea level/elev are, colder temperatur becomes. reason air molecul air bump closer togeth lower sea level-that creat warm weather. learn answer scienc year, worry, accurate: higher sea level/elev are, colder temperatur becomes. rea"} {"id": "6482", "contents": "per year. sea level rise two differ mechan respect climat change. first, ocean warm due increas global temperature, seawat expands\u2014tak space ocean basin caus rise water level. warm climat caus seawat expand ice land melt, caus rise sea level. storm surg louisiana highway show effect rise sea levels. mani peopl interest climat chang chang climat affect ocean. major american live coastal states, rise water level potenti larg impacts. scientist determin global sea level steadili rise sinc 1900 rate least"} {"id": "6483", "contents": "msl type vertic datum standardis geodet refer point used, example, chart datum cartographi marin navigation, or, aviation, standard sea level atmospher pressur measur order calibr altitud and, consequently, aircraft flight levels. precis determin mean sea level difficult problem mani factor affect sea level. sea level vari quit lot sever scale time distance."} {"id": "6484", "contents": "least last 100 years, sea level rise averag rate 1.8 mm (0.1 in) per year. rise attribut increas temperatur sea result slight thermal expans upper 500 metr (1,640 feet) sea water. precis determin mean sea level difficult problem mani factor affect sea level. sea level vari quit lot sever scale time distance."} {"id": "6485", "contents": "higher sea level go, (for example, top mountains,) separ space molecul become, caus cold weather. accur answer elev affect temperature. learn answer scienc year, worry, accurate: higher sea level/elev are, colder temperatur becomes. rea air molecul air bump closer togeth lower sea level-that creat warm weather."} {"id": "6486", "contents": "thermal expans sea level rise demonstr group activ direct grade level activ summary: activ provid opportun student investig thermal expans water affect sea level rise. rise global sea level due warm caus greenhous effect could probabl caus two effects: 1. thermal expans water column (due decreas water densiti caus warming); 2. addit water volum due melt glacier ice sheets."} {"id": "6487", "contents": "averag size adult male' erect peni 5.5 inch (14 cm). adult mens' penis inch (13 15 cm) erect. 60 peopl found useful. edit. size liver? adult liver would measur 21-22.5 centimet widest point 15-17.5 centimet vertic height. liver largest organ human body."} {"id": "6488", "contents": "liver 19cm length normal density. 5. get help doctor \u203a. within normal: averag dimens liver adult male is: length 26.4\u00b10.1 (cm); width: 15.7\u00b10.2 (cm); depth: 6.0\u00b10.2 (cm)."} {"id": "6489", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: averag size adult human male liver usual span (height) 10cm-thi averag height bit triangular."} {"id": "6490", "contents": "liver largest organ human body. development, liver size increas increas age, averag cm span year attain adult size age 15. size depend sever factors: age, sex, bodi size shape, well particular examin techniqu util (e.g., palpat versu percuss versu radiographic). normal upper level liver level right nipple, wherea lower margin liver right costal margin. normal size variable, particularli relat bodi size. palpat perform determin liver shape consistency."} {"id": "6491", "contents": "liver reddish brown wedge-shap organ four lobe unequ size shape. human liver normal weigh 1.44\u20131.66 kg (3.2\u20133.7 lb). largest intern organ largest gland human body. locat right upper quadrant abdomin cavity, rest diaphragm, right stomach overli gallbladder."} {"id": "6492", "contents": "percussion, mean liver size cm women 10.5 cm men (tabl 94.1). liver span cm larger smaller valu consid abnormal. liver weigh 1200 1400 adult woman 1400 1500 adult man. normal upper level liver level right nipple, wherea lower margin liver right costal margin. normal size variable, particularli relat bodi size. palpat perform determin liver shape consistency."} {"id": "6493", "contents": "liver second largest (after skin) singl organ body, weigh kg averag adult. adult human differ size, liver. approxim 21-22.5 cm across widest point, 15-17.5 cm greatest vertic height, 10-12.5 cm front back."} {"id": "6494", "contents": "normal size femal liver? male weigh 1.4 1.6 kilogm., femal 1.2 1.4 kilogm. rel much larger fetu adult, constituting, former, one-eighteenth, latter one thirty-sixth entir bodi weight. size liver? adult liver would measur 21-22.5 centimet widest point 15-17.5 centimet vertic height. liver largest organ human body."} {"id": "6495", "contents": "outlin liver smooth, size shape normal. textur liver coarse, bumpy. mean scar liver, cirrhosi alcohol, chronic hepatitis, fatti liver. rare causes. 3. get help doctor \u203a. wide normal range: though usual 12-15cm. 10cm consid smaller end lot bodi size way measur taken. liver tissu normal liver function test fine, reason worry."} {"id": "6496", "contents": "size liver? averag width bodi part around 21 centimet 22.5 centimeters. vertic height organ estim 15 centimet 17.5 centimeters. front back, organ measur 10 centimet 12.5 centimeters. averag weight bodi part 1.4 kilogram 1.6 kilograms. learn averag normal liver size import detect fatti infiltration."} {"id": "6497", "contents": "william faulkner' novels, sound furi also fragment form, consist disjoint nonlinear narratives. modernist literatur embrac fragment literari form, sinc reinforc fragment realiti contradict hegelian notion total wholeness. first world war, world wit chao destruct modern man capable. modernist american literatur produc time reflect theme destruct chaos."} {"id": "6498", "contents": "modern recent period western world civilization; modern modern histor process rather period. modern modern ongo sinc emerg human modern scienc classic greece, least sinc renaissance."} {"id": "6499", "contents": "relat theme destruct theme fragmentation. fragment modernist literatur thematic, well formal. plot, characters, theme, images, narr form broken. take, instance, t.s. eliot' wast land, depict modern wast land crumbl cities. first world war, world wit chao destruct modern man capable. modernist american literatur produc time reflect theme destruct chaos."} {"id": "6500", "contents": "noun. process state break broken fragments: fragment societi collect interest groups. exampl sentences. mind certainli correct government-impos fragment caus current problems. 1.1 comput store file sever separ area memori scatter throughout hard disk. exampl sentences. similar disk defragmenter, registri compactor analyz registri check fragmentation. addit data fragmentation, issu data complet quality."} {"id": "6501", "contents": "modernist literatur see fragment extrem subject existenti crisis, freudian intern conflict, problem must solved, artist often cite one solv it. though postmodernist literatur includ everyth written postmodern period, sever post-war develop literatur (such theatr absurd, beat generation, magic realism) signific similarities."} {"id": "6502", "contents": "add comment. essay focu two modernist work virginia woolf e. m. forster, might fact regard differ concern subject matter style. despit rel long time span works, novel deal similar modernist aspect insofar consid chang societi influenc modern life, result social fragment caus polit develop within europe."} {"id": "6503", "contents": "common techniqu modernist fiction: fragment non-linear narr central featur modern postmodern literature. tempor distort postmodern fiction use varieti ways, often sake irony. historiograph metafict (see above) exampl this. though postmodernist literatur includ everyth written postmodern period, sever post-war develop literatur (such theatr absurd, beat generation, magic realism) signific similarities."} {"id": "6504", "contents": "best answer: understand question correctly, make refer aspect common modernist postmodern literature. fragment refer import non-linear narr focu style challeng idea mimesis."} {"id": "6505", "contents": "fragment anoth import aspect postmodern literature. variou elements, concern plot, characters, themes, imageri factual refer fragment dispers throughout entir work. though postmodernist literatur includ everyth written postmodern period, sever post-war develop literatur (such theatr absurd, beat generation, magic realism) signific similarities."} {"id": "6506", "contents": "mean disk fragmented? disk fragmented, mean file comput spread disk take much space. correct defragment whi ch consolid data. person found useful. sentenc fragment object; either subject verb. point simpsons, sentenc fragment is, itself, sentenc fragment. example, fox, dog.. verb-it stand sentence."} {"id": "6507", "contents": "averag tuition price relatev low-around $8,100 per year. addit fee grand canyon univers (not includ tuition costs) approxim $700; make total $8,8"} {"id": "6508", "contents": "tuition grand canyon univers $16,500 2014/2015 academ year. 9% expens nation averag privat for-profit four year colleg tuition $15,141. cost $2,079 14% expens averag arizona tuition $14,421 year colleges. tuition rank 21st arizona amongst year colleg afford 16th expens year colleg state. price vari residence."} {"id": "6509", "contents": "tuition fees. grand canyon univers offer student three conveni learn option includ tradit campu environment, even program onlin programs. follow list fee tradit campu onlin colleg students."} {"id": "6510", "contents": "grand canyon university: tuition loans. averag tuition cost grand canyon univers relatev low-about $8,100 per year. addit fee grand canyon univers (not includ tuition costs) roughli $700, come $8,8"} {"id": "6511", "contents": "type program. onlin university' averag cost tuition might depend type program enrol in. instance, cours onlin busi manag program capitol colleg cost $398 per credit hour accord school' websit 2013-2014 academ year."} {"id": "6512", "contents": "chart show grand canyon univers tuition cost addit fee compar compet nearbi colleges: averag cost book addit suppli requir studi grand canyon univers $4,500 year; way expens compar colleg arizona. would like file fafsa applic feder student aid, school code grand canyon univers 001074."} {"id": "6513", "contents": "save as, choos photoshop pdf format menu. select color option want emb color profil use profil specifi proof setup command. also includ layers, notes, spot color, alpha channels. click save."} {"id": "6514", "contents": "here' convert ms word document pdf ms word 2007: click offic button. move mous pointer arrow next save button select pdf xps. type name pdf file name box select one list files. choos pdf save type drop list. move mous pointer arrow next save button select pdf xps. type name pdf file name box select one list files. choos pdf save type drop list. select open file publish open new pdf creat saved."} {"id": "6515", "contents": "click microsoft offic button, point arrow next save as, click pdf xps. file name list, type select name file. save type list, click pdf. want open file immedi save it, select open file publish check box. save pdf share web distribution. want share public fix format web network, following: file menu, click publish pdf xps. file name list, type select name public"} {"id": "6516", "contents": "excel. click microsoft offic button, point arrow next save as, click pdf xps. file name list, type select name workbook. save type list, click pdf. want open file immedi save it, select open file publish check box. save pdf share web distribution. want share public fix format web network, following: file menu, click publish pdf xps. file name list, type select name public"} {"id": "6517", "contents": "powerpoint. click microsoft offic button, point arrow next save as, click pdf xps. file name list, type select name presentation. save type list, click pdf. want open file immedi save it, select open file publish check box. save pdf share web distribution. want share public fix format web network, following: file menu, click publish pdf xps. file name list, type select name public"} {"id": "6518", "contents": "onenote. file menu, click publish pdf xps. file name list, type select name file. save type list, click pdf. next page range, click option repres portion notebook want save pdf. save pdf share web distribution. want share public fix format web network, following: file menu, click publish pdf xps. file name list, type select name public"} {"id": "6519", "contents": "creat new word document check abl save pdf. follow step check helps. 1. creat file, open file want save. 2. file menu, click save as. 3. save box, type name file. 4. format pop-up menu, click pdf. 5. click save. issu persists, reset word prefer check help"} {"id": "6520", "contents": "1. document want convert open, click file, save as. 2. enter file name 'file name' dialog box, choos pdf 'save type' menu. 3. choos qualiti setting: standard minimum size. 4. click option explor way tweak output. includ track chang comments, instance, select print markup."} {"id": "6521", "contents": "4. save file pdf. file open acrobat, click file menu, click save as. save window, select locat like save to, name pdf. make sure save type dropdown menu set adob pdf files, click save. click pdf dropdown menu, click save pdf. locat bottom left corner. 4. save window, name pdf file, choos locat save it, click save."} {"id": "6522", "contents": "definit 'financi intermediary'. entiti act middleman two parti financi transaction. commerci bank typic financi intermediary, categori also includ financi institut invest banks, insur companies, broker-dealers, mutual fund pension funds."} {"id": "6523", "contents": "intermediation. financi intermediari (such bank) simultan interact saver (or lenders) borrow produc set servic facilit transform liabil (such deposits) asset (such loans)."} {"id": "6524", "contents": "financi intermediari vital complex financi system. lubric buzzword economi sens liquid close relat easili currenc transfer one parti another. articl tags: financi intermediary. source: free articl articlesfactory.com. feasibl directli larg amount risk cost involv qualifi borrowers. financi intermediari special busi economi commerci bank take amount risk cost provid qualifi borrow lenders."} {"id": "6525", "contents": "u.s., financi intermediari typic institut facilit channel fund lender borrow indirectly. is, saver (lenders) give fund intermediari institut (such bank), institut give fund spender (borrowers). may form loan mortgages. import financi intermediari immens modern day world. financi intermediari market firm' assets::financi intermediari appear key role restructur liquid firm distress."} {"id": "6526", "contents": "financi intermediari firm institut act intermediari provid servic consumer. institut individu two parti financi context. theoret terms, financi intermediari channel save investments. financi intermediari exist profit financi system sometim need regul activ same."} {"id": "6527", "contents": "context climat financ development, financi intermediari gener refer privat sector intermediaries, banks, privat equity, ventur capit funds, leas companies, insur pension funds, micro-credit providers. accord heterodox economist others, financi intermediari simpli exist. process financi intermediation, certain asset liabil transform differ asset liabilities."} {"id": "6528", "contents": "process financi intermedi import role economi like ours. major econom agent need resourc cannot gener surplu resources. abil two econom agent quicken financi intermediary. financi intermediari help facilit differ need lender borrowers. example, need borrow $1 000 could tri find individu want lend \u00a31 000."} {"id": "6529", "contents": "financi intermediari typic institut facilit channel fund lender borrow indirectly. is, saver (lenders) give fund intermediari institut (such bank), institut give fund spender (borrowers). may form loan mortgages. alternatively, may lend money directli via financi markets, known financi disintermediation. accord heterodox economist others, financi intermediari simpli exist. process financi intermediation, certain asset liabil transform differ asset liabilities."} {"id": "6530", "contents": "definit financi intermediaries. financi intermediari financi institut bank, build society, insur company, invest bank pension fund. financi intermediari offer servic help individual/ firm save borrow money. financi intermediari help facilit differ need lender borrowers."} {"id": "6531", "contents": "anoth type financi intermediari non-depositori institut insur company. insur compani collect premium variou type coverages; auto, home, liability. immedi pay premium losses. exampl financi intermediaries. someon ask name financi intermediari help move fund lender spenders, probabl would say bank. would correct. bank consid depositori financi intermediary, saver deposit money spender borrow money."} {"id": "6532", "contents": "modern condit understood philosoph root enlighten romanticism, histor root industri revolution, coloni major war genocid late nineteenth twentieth centuries. religion given us univers mean order, darwin gave us one blind luck empti blackness: center universe, scienc suggested, univers endlessli vast anoth insignific organism, made imag bacteria rather god."} {"id": "6533", "contents": "idea enlighten undermin author monarchi church, prepar way revolut 18th 19th centuries. varieti 19th-centuri movements, includ liber neo-classicism, trace intellectu heritag back enlightenment. major figur enlighten includ voltaire, deni diderot, jean-jacqu rousseau, david hume, adam smith, immanuel kant."} {"id": "6534", "contents": "case, modern usual refer neo-classical, enlighten assumpt concern role reason, rationality, scientif reasoning, play guid understand human condit and, extrem case postmodern theory, natur itself. reason scienc provid accurate, objective, reliabl foundat knowledge. reason scienc ideolog marxist sense; myth creat man. reason transcend exist independ existential, historical, cultur contexts; univers true."} {"id": "6535", "contents": "se also periods. modern ident modern modernization, though terms' mean overlap. modern recent period western world civilization; modern modern histor process rather period. modern modern ongo sinc emerg human modern scienc classic greece, least sinc renaissance."} {"id": "6536", "contents": "one common use term, earli modern describ condit western histori either sinc mid-1400's, roughli european discoveri moveabl type print press, earli 1600's, period associ rise enlighten project. sinc term modern use describ wide rang periods, definit modern must account context question. modern mean post-mediev european history, context divid histori three larg epochs: antiquity, medieval, modern."} {"id": "6537", "contents": "enlightenment. enlightenment, sometim refer age reason, confluenc idea activ took place throughout eighteenth centuri western europe, england, american colonies. europe, voltair jean-jacqu rousseau torchbear enlighten literatur philosophy. rousseau strong advoc social reform kinds. less invent autobiographi known today."} {"id": "6538", "contents": "modern (or enlighten humanism). postmodernism. reason scienc provid accurate, objective, reliabl foundat knowledge. reason scienc ideolog marxist sense; myth creat man. reason transcend exist independ existential, historical, cultur contexts; univers true."} {"id": "6539", "contents": "comment defin modern mode thinking\u2014on philosoph defin characteristics, like self-consci self-reference, run across novelti art disciplines. friedrich nietzsch (1844\u20131900) anoth major precursor modernism, philosophi psycholog drives, specif power (will zur macht), central importance: nietzsch often identifi life 'will power', is, instinct growth durability."} {"id": "6540", "contents": "though typic enlighten thinker eighteenth centuri (for exampl voltair letter english nation, 1734) embrac newton' physic system prefer descartes', newton' system depend descartes' earlier work, depend newton aware. despit confid enthusiasm human reason enlighten sometim call \u201cthe age reason\u201d rise empiricism, practic scienc theori knowledge, characterist period."} {"id": "6541", "contents": "enlighten postmodernism. period eighteenth centuri known enlightenment, mani intellectu began conceiv world new manner. spur rise science, philosoph came see natur entiti man could activ control technolog reason. additionally, confid coincid rise statur self autonom being, free shape person world."} {"id": "6542", "contents": "so, tell floor safe support 1000 pound also mean floor might theoret fail receiv load 1500 2000 pounds. bear wall: wall hous apart design support weight floor, wall, ceil roof."} {"id": "6543", "contents": "addit details: joist 8s, 16 apart. span floor support beam exterior wall 10 feet. hous built 1938. unfinish basement below, could reinforc floor one adjust post sold home centers."} {"id": "6544", "contents": "question regard much weight old joist carri span 12-13 foot area."} {"id": "6545", "contents": "aquarium orient perpendicular joist floor frame wood joist span 12 ft. ft 12 ft portion floor design safe support total live load least ft 12 ft 40 psf 2880 pound total may actual much stronger that, discuss above."} {"id": "6546", "contents": "applic 2\u201d 6\u201d floor joist \u201clet in\u201d mortis 6\u201d 6\u201d beam. this, 1863, carpent cut 3\u201d high 3\u201d deep notch end joist. beam also cut 3\u201d 3\u201d deep mortis pocket receiv floor joist."} {"id": "6547", "contents": "let' say three foot wide safe weigh 1,000 pounds, floor joist span 12 feet (which typical). three foot 12 foot section floor design safe carri live load 12 40 psf, equal 1,440 pounds."} {"id": "6548", "contents": "heavi aquarium describ point load, 700 lb point load lot. consid standard floor load bedroom approxim 40 pound per squar foot, singl joist space 16 inch center, 15 feet long, would pick approxim 750 lb total, space 15 feet."} {"id": "6549", "contents": "safeti factor structur usual somewher 1.5 2.0. so, tell floor safe support 1000 pound also mean floor might theoret fail receiv load 1500 2000 pounds. bear wall: wall hous apart design support weight floor, wall, ceil roof."} {"id": "6550", "contents": "rice page content overview around 2,000 famili oper farm busi grow rice murrumbidge valley nsw murray valley nsw victoria."} {"id": "6551", "contents": "though produc 0.4% world\u2019 rice crop, california contribut substanti world trade 2. primari type rice grown california medium grain. california grew 72.3% us suppli grain type 1997 3."} {"id": "6552", "contents": "today, around 1,500 farm busi grow rice murrumbidge valley nsw murray valley nsw victoria. dr gari lewi publish e-book, growers' paddy-land, water co-oper australian rice industri 1990s."} {"id": "6553", "contents": "rice. rice, nation' major crop, grown threequart farm household earli 1980s. two main type cultivated: dry, upland, rice, grown predominantli north northeast; wet rice, grown irrig field throughout central plain south."} {"id": "6554", "contents": "rice options. grow rice. differ type rice consider: paddi rice, deep-wat rice, rain-f lowland rice upland rice. paddi rice growth control farmer, wherea deep-wat rice grow near river water bank depend larg weather."} {"id": "6555", "contents": "rice come long-grain, medium-and short-grain textures. grow easili backyard, garden bed buckets, given right amount soil, water, nutrients. short-grain, medium-grain long-grain rice thrive wet conditions, specif stand puddl water swamp-lik conditions."} {"id": "6556", "contents": "addit ecolog type rice, varieti long, medium short grain, one differ textur flavors, includ sweet (also call glutinous), aromat arborio rices."} {"id": "6557", "contents": "paddi rice grow farmer abl control water, pump need grow season. usual leve berm (mound soil) built around grow area, kept flooded. deep-wat rice. type grow near river bodi water."} {"id": "6558", "contents": "glucosamin sulfat safeti side effects. glucosamin sulfat seem safe people. caus mild side effect includ nausea, heartburn, diarrhea, constipation. uncommon side effect drowsiness, skin reactions, headache."} {"id": "6559", "contents": "osteoarthritis, cartilag joint break down. take chondroitin sulfate, one build block cartilage, might slow breakdown. chondroitin sulfat seem safe people. caus mild stomach pain nausea. side effect report diarrhea, constipation, swollen eyelids, leg swelling, hair loss, irregular heartbeat."} {"id": "6560", "contents": "chondroitin sulfat chemic normal found cartilag around joint body. chondroitin sulfat manufactur anim sources, cow cartilage. chondroitin sulfat use osteoarthritis. often use combin products, includ manganes ascorbate, glucosamin sulfate, glucosamin hydrochloride, n-acetyl glucosamine. osteoarthritis. clinic research effect chondroitin sulfat taken mouth osteoarthr inconsistent. reason contradictori find unclear, could due differ peopl studied, differ product used, differ studi design."} {"id": "6561", "contents": "review inform whole, appear glucosamin chondroitin sulfat safe administ patient shellfish allergy, data support content base small number patients. reassur data two studi (albeit small) administr glucosamin chondroitin sulfat safe patient shellfish allergi (see abstract villaci j, et al. refer gray copi below)."} {"id": "6562", "contents": "background. chondroitin sulfat molecul found natur body. mostli use treat joint disorders, osteoarthritis, problem chew muscl joints. clinic trial use chondroitin osteoarthr found promis results."} {"id": "6563", "contents": "take glucosamin and/or chondroitin sulfat food seem reduc incid side effects. date, signific side effect reported, although long-term studi safeti glucosamin chondroitin sulfat supplement still need completed. combin osteoarthr treatment (a deem appropri physician), take glucosamin chondroitin sulfat dietari supplement may help patient attain optim level relief osteoarthritis-rel joint pain."} {"id": "6564", "contents": "glucosamin chondroitin sulfat side effects. general, glucosamin chondroitin sulfat nutrit supplement appear quit safe. common side effect occur report gastrointestin nature, upset stomach, nausea, heartburn, diarrhea. combin osteoarthr treatment (a deem appropri physician), take glucosamin chondroitin sulfat dietari supplement may help patient attain optim level relief osteoarthritis-rel joint pain."} {"id": "6565", "contents": "chondroitin sulfat sulfat glycosaminoglycan (gag) compos chain altern sugar (n-acetylgalactosamin glucuron acid). usual found attach protein part proteoglycan. chondroitin chain 100 individu sugars, sulfat variabl posit quantities. chondroitin sulfat import structur compon cartilag provid much resist compression. along glucosamine, chondroitin sulfat becom wide use dietari supplement treatment osteoarthr"} {"id": "6566", "contents": "caus mild stomach pain nausea. side effect report diarrhea, constipation, swollen eyelids, leg swelling, hair loss, irregular heartbeat. chondroitin product contain excess amount manganese. osteoarthritis. clinic research effect chondroitin sulfat taken mouth osteoarthr inconsistent. reason contradictori find unclear, could due differ peopl studied, differ product used, differ studi design."} {"id": "6567", "contents": "peopl arthriti use ointment skin cream pain contain chondroitin sulfate, combin glucosamin sulfate, shark cartilage, camphor. far know, chondroitin sulfat isn\u2019t absorb skin. osteoarthritis. clinic research effect chondroitin sulfat taken mouth osteoarthr inconsistent. reason contradictori find unclear, could due differ peopl studied, differ product used, differ studi design."} {"id": "6568", "contents": "continu education. state requir continu educ maintain mortician' license, requir vari state. example, minnesota requir 12 hour continu educ everi two years, iowa requir 24 hour everi two years, accord nation funer director association."} {"id": "6569", "contents": "state licens regul govern entri funer director. requir combin postsecondari educ (typic associ degre funer servic education), passag nation board examination, servic apprentic one two years."} {"id": "6570", "contents": "answers. best answer: colleg program mortuari scienc usual last years. american board funer servic educ accredit 50 mortuari scienc programs. commun junior colleg offer 2-year programs, colleg univers offer 2-year 4-year programs. state requir funer director licensed. licens law vari state, requir applic 21 year old, year formal educ includ studi mortuari science, serv 1-year apprenticeship, pass qualifi examination."} {"id": "6571", "contents": "requirements. get licens funer director, must: least 18 year old. meet least one follow educ requirements: associ art degre mortuari science. meet altern educ requir below. least year activ licens experi anoth state."} {"id": "6572", "contents": "mortuari scienc program last years. class take teach particular skill entails. class rang scientific, anatomy, physiology, embalming, financial, like oper manag busi handl bookkeep procedures. learn becom funer director, first foremost possess natur empathi griev desir help difficult pain process. ad."} {"id": "6573", "contents": "hi. becom funer director, expect take cours two four year work apprenticeship least year. requir vari countri countri state state"} {"id": "6574", "contents": "work author season profession field, give firsthand glimps like work challeng profession. lean becom funer director way, gain intim knowledg industri wit detail finer point job. learn becom funer director, first foremost possess natur empathi griev desir help difficult pain process. ad."} {"id": "6575", "contents": "green eye among rarest eye color common europ lesser extent sometim found part west asia, south asia north africa. studi iceland dutch adult found green eye much preval women men. rarest eye color violet, shade blue reminisc amethyst gemstone. result strong blue color slightli ting light brown. common mistak cite red black eye rarest. thing red eye"} {"id": "6576", "contents": "green eyes. silver eye color also quit rare, although mani consid silver eye variat blue eye color. like blue eyes, silver eye result low amount pigment eye, reflect gray-silv appearance. blue eyes. green eye color often confus hazel eye color, yet entir separ distinct. green eye color rarest color found around world, estim around 2% world' popul green color eyes."} {"id": "6577", "contents": "rare eye color also known \u2018wolf eyes\u2019, sinc amber eye color common wolves. green. green eye color amongst rarest eye color, 1-2% world' popul born green eyes. reason green eye color product moder amount melanin. hazel eye color also defin medium-color light brown dark green. hazel common amongst peopl america europe, rare african, middl eastern asian people. gray. gray eye color consid darker shade blue (like blue-green). eye color relat low melanin iri relat scant pigment throughout bodi (like pale skin, light hair, etc). gray eye found reveal small amount yellow brown color iri"} {"id": "6578", "contents": "brown eye common eye color world 55% world' popul brown eyes. brown eye color domin genet trait, creat presenc melanin eye. blue eyes. green eye color often confus hazel eye color, yet entir separ distinct. green eye color rarest color found around world, estim around 2% world' popul green color eyes."} {"id": "6579", "contents": "green eye color quit rare color found throughout world percent total world population. color produc larg amount melanin iri development, result genetics. amber-color eye consist golden yellow pigment bit copper rust tint. lipochrome, name yellow pigment, extrem rare result peopl eye color. often, red-color eye found human pigment problems, albinos."} {"id": "6580", "contents": "red probabl rarest eye color amongst human popul world. mainli seen case albino result either larg quantiti \u2018normal scarce\u2019 red area eye small leakag blood iris. black black amongst rarest eye color world. hazel eye color also defin medium-color light brown dark green. hazel common amongst peopl america europe, rare african, middl eastern asian people. gray. gray eye color consid darker shade blue (like blue-green). eye color relat low melanin iri relat scant pigment throughout bodi (like pale skin, light hair, etc). gray eye found reveal small amount yellow brown color iri"} {"id": "6581", "contents": "hazel eye similar brown eyes, although typic lighter color, green-yellow tint. hazel eye higher concentr melanin (pigment) around eye' border, result multi-color appear vari copper green depend lighting. blue eyes. green eye color often confus hazel eye color, yet entir separ distinct. green eye color rarest color found around world, estim around 2% world' popul green color eyes."} {"id": "6582", "contents": "violet eye mix blue red. usual found albino not, like due mutation. finally, red eye rarest eye color. eye color mainli found albinos. alway knew green eye common brown blue, never realli consid rare eye color. read article, realli interest read two percent world' popul green eyes. feel special!"} {"id": "6583", "contents": "semiconductor testing, contactor also refer specialis socket connect devic test. process industri contactor vessel two stream interact, example, air liquid. see gas-liquid contactor. contactor control circuit much lower power level switch circuit. contactor come mani form vari capac features."} {"id": "6584", "contents": "air condition contactor basic switch locat outdoor part air condit unit. switch consist control coil, metal plunger, one set electr contacts. switch turn unit requir keep home desir temperature. normal contactor operation... control coil voltag rate it. residenti systems, control voltag 24 vac also 120 vac 240 vac. rate normal written coil itself."} {"id": "6585", "contents": "contactor use electr equip frequent turn open close circuit. function contactor make break power suppli line run load repeatedli establish interrupt electr power circuit. pushbutton selector switches, like one control panel, use hundr manufactur industries. button switch connect contactor use make break electr circuit remotely. use applic elevators, pools, food processing, pumps/compressors, lighting, hoist cranes, batteri chargers, print presses, vend machines, agricultur process"} {"id": "6586", "contents": "contactor use electr equip frequent turn open close circuit. function contactor make break power suppli line run load repeatedli establish interrupt electr power circuit. type contactors."} {"id": "6587", "contents": "relay use switch larg amount electr power circuits, given new name, contactor. contactor commonli use industri control electr motors. thu clear contactor special type relay. olivia last updat on: februari 28, 2011. contactor vs relay. contactor relay two term often encount deal electr circuits. devic use similar purpos henc peopl often confus differ contactor relay."} {"id": "6588", "contents": "contactor larg relay, usual use switch current electr motor high-pow load. larg electr motor protect overcurr damag use overload heater overload contacts. auxiliari contact often use relay logic circuit, part motor control scheme, typic switch 120 volt ac power instead motor voltage. one contactor may sever auxiliari contacts, either normally-open normally-closed, required."} {"id": "6589", "contents": "contactor electr control switch use switch electr power circuit, similar relay except higher current ratings. contactor control circuit much lower power level switch circuit. contactor come mani form vari capac features. unlik circuit breaker, contactor intend interrupt short circuit current. contactor rang break current sever amper thousand amper 24 dc mani kilovolt"} {"id": "6590", "contents": "contactor use applic rang light switch complex, autom industri equipment. contactor use electr equip frequent turn (open close circuit), lights, heater motors. pushbutton selector switches, like one control panel, use hundr manufactur industries. button switch connect contactor use make break electr circuit remotely. use applic elevators, pools, food processing, pumps/compressors, lighting, hoist cranes, batteri chargers, print presses, vend machines, agricultur process"} {"id": "6591", "contents": "contactor use commerci industri applications, particularli control larg light load motors. one hallmark reliability. however, like device, infallible. cases, contactor simpli wear normal use. usually, reason contactor failur misapplication. that' need understand basic contactors. someon use light contactor motor application, that' misapplication. true someon use normal oper motor contactor motor jog duty. contactor specif design specif purposes. select contactors, use one two common standards: nema iec"} {"id": "6592", "contents": "assist live execut director tasks. develop maintain relationship patient families. plan, direct set strateg direct assist live program. overse staff operations, busi plan budget development. plan, direct set strateg direct assist live program. overse staff operations, busi plan budget development. serv member senior manag team. direct manag support staff qualiti compassion care patients."} {"id": "6593", "contents": "read more... assist live execut director work primarili nurs home retir commun respons day-to-day oper facilities. direct manag staff, rang administr staff housekeep kitchen staff, nurses, ground staff, mani others. plan, direct set strateg direct assist live program. overse staff operations, busi plan budget development. serv member senior manag team. direct manag support staff qualiti compassion care patients."} {"id": "6594", "contents": "work environment. execut director work assist live facil hous 40 residents., depend specif facility. assist live facil serv older adults, also help younger individu disabilities. generally, execut director assist live facil least bachelor' degre health care management-rel field, mani graduat degre respect areas."} {"id": "6595", "contents": "assist live director salary. (unit states). averag salari assist live director $56,549 per year. pay job chang much experience, experienc earn bit least. skill budget manag associ high pay job. $39,394 $77,148"} {"id": "6596", "contents": "execut director assist live facil work ensur effect overal oper residences. fall bureau labor statistics' categori medic health servic managers.. may 2010, averag salari categori $84,270 per year. generally, execut director assist live facil least bachelor' degre health care management-rel field, mani graduat degre respect areas."} {"id": "6597", "contents": "assist live execut director salary. assist live execut director averag salari $-, median salari $- salari rang $- $-. assist live execut director salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. assist live execut director salari statist exclus refer only. present updat regularly."} {"id": "6598", "contents": "mix yellow paint, small amount blue paint, orang paint, small amount black paint one method use creat brown paint. answer: mix green orang get kind tanntish color brown!!!!"} {"id": "6599", "contents": "depend particular hue tan, assum typic yellowish tan would mix compliment (a mute bluish purple) get gray. get grey brown alway mix complimentari colors. want brown use bit warmer hue complimentari pair."} {"id": "6600", "contents": "paint color made ad pigment color white paint. certain color add deeper color becomes. mix color get differ result s. add yellow white base, get yellow paint. add yellow red, get orang paint."} {"id": "6601", "contents": "mix equal amount two primari color creat secondari colors. result violet (red blue), green (blue yellow) orang (red yellow). tertiari colors. mix one primari color larger amount anoth primari color creat tertiari colors. example, mix one part blue two part red make red-violet. color terms. hue color basic color. example, blue hue light blue dark blue."} {"id": "6602", "contents": "order make tan mix white brown. want make brown color mix part one primari color (like red) part wo (blue yellow). white use lighter shade tan."} {"id": "6603", "contents": "brown tertiari color-which means: mix three primari colors. yo mix primari color (red, yellow blue) equal amounts, get neutral grey, add red yellow, littl blue, get brown. just, mani kind brown!"} {"id": "6604", "contents": "-fragil particl board items. even though accept mani item donat places, cannot take item realli belong garbage. need item good condit readi use. call schedul free pick up: 1-888-208-1651 houston furnitur donat give tax receipts."} {"id": "6605", "contents": "welcom houston furnitur donation! place come pick furnitur donat (and also pick items) free. pick item houston surround areas. pick item storag unit barn home larg offic buildings, abandon home abandon properties. even pick mani item donat place want bother with! even though non-profit cannot give tax receipt, donat larg amount furnitur item need. thank donate!"} {"id": "6606", "contents": "who' life donat transform. call 1-800-sa-truck schedul pick today. give salvat armi famili stores, donat clothes, furniture, household items, electron auto help fund adult alcohol drug rehabilit centers."} {"id": "6607", "contents": "free furnitur donat pick up, pleas enter zip code donat pick schedul webpage. donat furnitur chariti get free furnitur donat pick up! donat furnitur charity. donat furnitur chariti make huge differ less fortun community. use couch help budget-strap famili make comfort home."} {"id": "6608", "contents": "donat car houston help famili need furniture, cloth food houston. thank vehicl donat houston.help hand chariti need furnitur donat houston, cloth donat houston, boat donat houston vehicledon houston. also provid donat pick-up servic"} {"id": "6609", "contents": "donat help hand chariti help local houston area famili much need assistance. provid local famili furniture, clothing, food. donat help famili suffer hardship crises. fill donat request, click donat pick-up. thank vehicl donat houston.help hand chariti need furnitur donat houston, cloth donat houston, boat donat houston vehicl"} {"id": "6610", "contents": "donat desk chair give struggl student materi need succeed. furnitur donat need year-round. donationtown.org help locat chariti near schedul fast, free furnitur donat pick furnitur donations. donat furnitur charity. donat furnitur chariti make huge differ less fortun community. use couch help budget-strap famili make comfort home."} {"id": "6611", "contents": "thank donat clothing, food, furniture,car, boat. continu provid donat pick-up servic greater houston area. donat pick-up servic free.w accept donat pick-up furniture, clothing, cars, boat, lot more. thank vehicl donat houston.help hand chariti need furnitur donat houston, cloth donat houston, boat donat houston vehicl"} {"id": "6612", "contents": "chariti houston 501(c)3 regist chariti houston area help make differ live local famili need. proce donat chariti houston directli benefit famili need area. assur donat sinc regist 501(c)3 nonprofit organization. see, actual charity, for-profit middle-man like mani car donat regular donat centers."} {"id": "6613", "contents": "junk remov trash pick servic includ sorting, loading, clean-up, recycling, salvag dispos item don\u2019t want. sinc we\u2019r full-servic junk haul company, point want gone, make disappear need gather one place. we'r open move compani houston. we'r get move busi new company, move me. move houston full-servic move compani pack you, well get (and belongings) new home."} {"id": "6614", "contents": "far australian season go, raini day autumn sydney averag littl 12 day month march, april may seven eight rest year. rainfal gener light 2.8 inch per month spring 5.3 inch autumn."} {"id": "6615", "contents": "four season across countri wet dri season tropic north. summer australia, decemb february, great time get outdoors. swim sydney\u2019 beach hike tasmania\u2019 overland track. march may herald australia\u2019 autumn, season fieri foliag canberra formula grand prix melbourne."} {"id": "6616", "contents": "queensland climate: go queensland. australia 4,333 views. climat queensland sub-trop humid climat two seasons, raini humid season summer (octob may) rel dri season june october. author nasa, misr. temperatur sea along coast queensland great swim sea month year. vari 21 juli august 26 summer month (january, februari march)."} {"id": "6617", "contents": "dri season last six months, usual april october. temperatur lower sky gener clearer dry. averag temperatur around 20 degre celsius. 'build up' humid time year wet dri seasons. australian weather season varieti climates. australia contin experi varieti climat due size. temperatur rang zero snowi mountain southern australia extrem heat kimberley region north-west continent."} {"id": "6618", "contents": "australian tropic wet season, call monsoon season, last six months, novemb march. hotter dri season, temperatur 30 50 degre celsius. high humid wet, caus larg amount water air. australian weather season varieti climates. australia contin experi varieti climat due size. temperatur rang zero snowi mountain southern australia extrem heat kimberley region north-west continent."} {"id": "6619", "contents": "raini season, monsoon season, time year region' averag annual rainfal occurs. usual last one months. term green season also sometim use euphem tourist authorities. area wet season dispers across portion tropic subtropics. area pronounc raini season see break rainfal mid-season, intertrop converg zone monsoon trough move higher latitud middl warm season."} {"id": "6620", "contents": "queensland' raini season varies, depend region. southern two-third state receiv rainfal summer, decemb february. northern third longer wet season, extend octob march."} {"id": "6621", "contents": "need one $19,250.00. get 20 increment $1,000 (and $250) get money order whole amount? well fargo custom bring cash. teller requir fill paperwork, inclus possibl suspici activ report; alarmed--thi standard procedure. cost may vari state state, even waiv depend acoount relationship(s), usual around $8."} {"id": "6622", "contents": "fee may vari base type account account offer fee waiver services. comprehens list servic fee waiver avail account, pleas consult consum account fee inform schedul busi account fee inform schedule. fee charg purchas made debit card foreign currenc network convert u.s. dollar amount. 3% transact amount. debit card over-the-count cash disbursement. withdraw cash debit card non-wel fargo bank location."} {"id": "6623", "contents": "doesn`t cost anyth open debit/ check account well fargo.... 0. 0. doesn`t cost anyth open debit/ check account well fargo; do, however, deposit fifti dollar account first open it. must. still get keep fifti dollars, though. also move money form save account this."} {"id": "6624", "contents": "economical. send money competit exchang rate low transfer fee well fargo expresssend service. convenient. send money online, well fargo phone bank sm, well fargo store location. beneficiari easili access money, either cash pick-up fund deposit account receiv institution. dependable."} {"id": "6625", "contents": "check book imag rob hill fotolia.com. well fargo make money order $1,000 avail purchas customers. money order cash like check show account number financi inform name, name bank address information. pay money order purchas it. well fargo custom purchas well fargo money orders. instructions. write full name recipi busi person pay order line. write address recipi address line. know address, okay leav blank. write name, address account number, applicable, memo line. sign money order."} {"id": "6626", "contents": "annual rental fee well fargo safe deposit box. vari size. safe deposit late fee 60 days. annual fee 60 day delinquent, charg fee. fee charg purchas made debit card foreign currenc network convert u.s. dollar amount. 3% transact amount. debit card over-the-count cash disbursement. withdraw cash debit card non-wel fargo bank location."} {"id": "6627", "contents": "question prefer us mail copi fee inform schedule, pleas contact banker call us one number list below. consum accounts, pleas call us 1-800-to-wel (1-800-869-3557). busi accounts, pleas call us 1-800-call-wel (1-800-225-5935). fee charg purchas made debit card foreign currenc network convert u.s. dollar amount. 3% transact amount. debit card over-the-count cash disbursement. withdraw cash debit card non-wel fargo bank location."} {"id": "6628", "contents": "sinc mani financi institut list amount money order fees, best way determin much local bank charg find nearbi branch. bank charg $5, $10, 10 percent total amount money order. local (lo angeles) well fargo, chase, u.s. bank charg flat rate $5 offer domest money orders. related: mybanktrack test long take person check, cashier\u2019 check money order clear. bank charg $5, $10, 10 percent total amount money order. money order solid form payment accept anywhere. don\u2019t get confus cashier\u2019 check, obtain bank."} {"id": "6629", "contents": "gener fee money order rang 50 cent $10 up, depend get one. western union fees: could rang anywher 50 cent $1.50 more. bank charg $5, $10, 10 percent total amount money order. local (lo angeles) well fargo, chase, u.s. bank charg flat rate $5 offer domest money orders. related: mybanktrack test long take person check, cashier\u2019 check money order clear. bank charg $5, $10, 10 percent total amount money order. money order solid form payment accept anywhere. don\u2019t get confus cashier\u2019 check, obtain bank."} {"id": "6630", "contents": "[edit] climb perch. climb perch (famili anabantidae) divers group east asian african fish live oxygen poor water adapt air breathing, inde fish suffoc without access air. special organ air exchang call labyrinth organ evolv modifi gill tissue."} {"id": "6631", "contents": "name \u201cgourami\u201d also use fish famili helostomatida anabantidae. interest sake, plural \u201cgouramis\u201d commonli use among aquarists, exampl redund plural. origin language, \u2018gourami\u2019 alreadi plural."} {"id": "6632", "contents": "therefor like fish could surviv brackish water, shallow water land even short time could get plenti food easi take. could appli carnivor herbivor could factor fish evolv live land."} {"id": "6633", "contents": "a. testudineu (noun). noun a. testudineu sense: 1. small perch india whose gill modifi allow breath air; spini pector fin enabl travel land. familiar information: a. testudineu use noun rare. dictionari entri details."} {"id": "6634", "contents": "leopard ctenopoma omnivorous, prefer give live (frozen) forage: small small fish, worms, larvae. cultiv leopard ctenopoma protect poster known little, only, caviar scatter aquarium."} {"id": "6635", "contents": "current price rang good qualiti perenni peanut hay $175 $265 per ton. base product cost $273/a, translat net return produc around $252 $402 per acr calcul hay yield tn/a (tabl 1). mani factor influenc cost establish maintain perenni peanut planting, includ size planting, intend use forage, sourc plant material, cost land, equipment, labor, interest rate borrow money."} {"id": "6636", "contents": "know differ annual perennials. perenni plant grow spread years. initi cost greater, perman addit garden. plant tall perenni back border shorter plant front. littl planning, possibl plant mass success bloom flower all-season display."} {"id": "6637", "contents": "perenni peanut sod expens establish st. augustinegrass sod. includ labor instal sod, perenni peanut would cost estim $1,250 per 1,000 ft 2, four time expens st. augustinegrass sod. either st. augustinegrass perenni peanut groundcover, starter fertil applic necessary. tabl indic $900 dollar (per 1,000 ft 2) addit cash would need establish perenni peanut versu st. augustinegrass. annual basis, establish cost depend expect life."} {"id": "6638", "contents": "result annual cost $180. supplement irrig peanut durat frequenc tree requir 228,096 gal/acre/month, $1,344 per year.a singl spray event requir quarts/acr ranger pro cost $20 hour labor $37.50 total cost $57.50. stolon cost $6/pound, 14,500 stolon (116 lb) use acr total cost $696. plastic weed mat instal requir 24 hours/acr total labor cost $300. drill seed hand requir 15 hour high seed rate hour low rate cost $272 $91, respectively."} {"id": "6639", "contents": "cost stump remov depend size stump, typic cost $2-$3 per inch diameter, averag $75-$150 per stump. year-round garden landscap service, may addit season charg extra task requir spring fall, typic $200-$500 half acr tree -- although cost vari depend local rates, size properti type landscaping."} {"id": "6640", "contents": "given estim save annual mainten costs, perenni peanut groundcov would offset higher establish cost within 3.2 years. everi year afterwards, annual cost save nearli $300 per 1,000 ft perenni peanut groundcov would realized. tabl indic $900 dollar (per 1,000 ft 2) addit cash would need establish perenni peanut versu st. augustinegrass. annual basis, establish cost depend expect life."} {"id": "6641", "contents": "gallon shrub reduc gallon, even gallon, reduc cost 50%. though labor charg plant roughli same, save purchas price shrub, perenni tree. alway good idea appli across entir plant plan, however. contain size industri price nurseri plants. optim size shrub plant plan gallon container. herbac perenni gallon containers. tree usual 15 gallon containers, next size consid specimen grown 24 inch squar wood box."} {"id": "6642", "contents": "example, bag set 16 ball wildflow annual cost anywher $14 $20 retail. 100 milligram packet daisi perenni seed retail $1.50 $3.50. local big name store lowe\u2019 home depot, one gallon perenni found $8 $18 depend time year. 100 milligram packet daisi perenni seed retail $1.50 $3.50. local big name store lowe\u2019 home depot, one gallon perenni found $8 $18 depend time year. peak season, price may higher end season."} {"id": "6643", "contents": "average, perenni cost anyhwer $2 packet seed much $55 matur plant. example, bag set 16 ball wildflow annual cost anywher $14 $20 retail. 100 milligram packet daisi perenni seed retail $1.50 $3.50. 100 milligram packet daisi perenni seed retail $1.50 $3.50. local big name store lowe\u2019 home depot, one gallon perenni found $8 $18 depend time year. peak season, price may higher end season."} {"id": "6644", "contents": "print glove size chart: glove size chart. order download glove size chart, may need first instal adob reader computer. may also use method find correct glove size. directions: wrap tape measur length string around hand widest point. make sure includ thumb. note size round nearest inch. use size guid below, find approxim glove size."} {"id": "6645", "contents": "a) measur around hand fullest part (exclud thumb). b) measur tip middl finger base hand. c) use largest two measur correct size glove. d) right handed, take measur right hand. f) left handed, take measur left hand. g) number inch measur equal size glove."} {"id": "6646", "contents": "affili partners. dealer opportunities. ensur proper fit: measur hand tape measur around knuckl hand (indic red line illustr right). measur domin hand-th right right-handed, left left-handed."} {"id": "6647", "contents": "pitch ball.... 5. cancel. determin basebal glove size, measur base mitt outsid edg glove. learn measur basebal glove tip basebal coach free video play baseball. part video series: coach baseball. whenev get glove, go take glove, go measur base mitt outsid edg glove. way get gage long glove is, give measur glove."} {"id": "6648", "contents": "measur hand tape measur around knuckl hand (indic red line illustr right). measur domin hand-th right right-handed, left left-handed. dealer opportunities. ensur proper fit:"} {"id": "6649", "contents": "find glove size (in inches) around hand tape measur across palm. use domin hand, right right-handed, left left-handed. measur around hand fullest part (see fig. 1). measur tip middl finger base hand (see fig. 2). use largest two measur correct size gloves. measur tip middl finger base hand (see fig. 2). use largest two measur correct size gloves. right handed, take measur right hand."} {"id": "6650", "contents": "find glove size, measur (in inches) around hand tape measur across palm. use domin hand, right right-handed, left left-handed. glove size equivalents. c) use largest two measur correct size glove. d) right handed, take measur right hand. f) left handed, take measur left hand. g) number inch measur equal size glove."} {"id": "6651", "contents": "measur around hand fullest part (see fig. 1). measur tip middl finger base hand (see fig. 2). use largest two measur correct size gloves. measur tip middl finger base hand (see fig. 2). use largest two measur correct size gloves. right handed, take measur right hand."} {"id": "6652", "contents": "idea size glove buy past experi buy gloves, measur hand. suggest use cloth tape measur like one shown below. get rang measur depend upon much tri make hand wide flat."} {"id": "6653", "contents": "france. benghazi city/town larg popul state/region bangh\u0101z\u012b, libya locat continent/region africa. cities, town place near benghazi includ bengasi, al `urubah, banghazi bengazi. closest major citi includ mi\u015fr\u0101tah, tarhunah, tripoli athens. location. benghazi city/town larg popul state/region bangh\u0101z\u012b, libya locat continent/region africa."} {"id": "6654", "contents": "area almost 1.8 million squar kilometr (700,000 sq mi), libya fourth largest countri africa, 17th largest countri world. libya 10th-largest proven oil reserv countri world. largest citi capital, tripoli, locat western libya contain one million libya' six million people. larg citi benghazi, locat eastern libya"} {"id": "6655", "contents": "geographi climat libya. libya (map) locat northern part africa 1,100 mile (1,770 km) coastlin along mediterranean sea. countri barren portion border includ sahara desert."} {"id": "6656", "contents": "libya (arabic: \u0644\u064a\u0628\u064a\u0627 l\u012bby\u0101) countri maghreb region north africa border mediterranean sea north, egypt east, sudan southeast, chad niger south, algeria tunisia west. three tradit part countri tripolitania, fezzan cyrenaica. libya 10th-largest proven oil reserv countri world. largest citi capital, tripoli, locat western libya contain one million libya' six million people."} {"id": "6657", "contents": "geography. libya found maghreb region north africa. border mediterranean north, algeria tunisia west, niger chad south, egypt east, sudan south east. libya 4th largest nation africa, 17th world. libya african nation situat north africa, along mediterranean sea. libya share border egypt, sudan, chad, niger, algeria, tunisia. capit largest citi libya tripoli."} {"id": "6658", "contents": "north africa. libya border algeria tunisia west, niger chad south, sudan south-west egypt east. north libya border ed mediterranean sea."} {"id": "6659", "contents": "lowest point: sabkhat ghuzayyil -154 feet (-47 m). libya, offici call great socialist people' libya arab jamahiriya, larg countri locat northern africa along mediterranean sea. fourth largest countri africa area capit largest citi tripoli. libya (map) locat northern part africa 1,100 mile (1,770 km) coastlin along mediterranean sea. countri barren portion border includ sahara desert."} {"id": "6660", "contents": "libya countri small popul locat continent/region africa. countri near libya includ malta, tunisia, chad egypt. biggest citi town includ tripoli, benghazi, mi\u015fr\u0101tah tarhunah."} {"id": "6661", "contents": "durat infrar sauna session bodi toler gradual increas becom accustom sauna experience. averag sauna session last 25 35 minutes, peopl like extend session 45 minut even hour. however, matter acclim infrar sauna session kind physic condit in, never let session last longer 60 minutes. sever factor influenc long stay infrar sauna, one import factor involv bodi react sauna session. alway listen bodi tell you, want overdo thing stay long infrar sauna."} {"id": "6662", "contents": "tradit sauna gener take 30 45 minut fulli heat up. time, rock heat perfect temperatur soft heat soft steam. addit saunatonttu heater, sauna heat time halved. ake 10 minut infrar sauna heat up. finnleo sauna experi truli relax rewarding, stay sauna extend period time. set temperatur humid level (if use tradit sauna) ideal level."} {"id": "6663", "contents": "opt 10-minut intervals, lukewarm shower 70 degre enough cool freez out. start spend 10 minut sauna work way longer periods. first time sauna, stay long enough break sweat. book ultim you, joe dowdel brook kalanick advis take sauna one two hour workout optim results. however, everyone' schedul flexibl enough allow return trip gym, dowdel kalanick also note stint sauna right workout ok, too."} {"id": "6664", "contents": "sauna stay long. one 15- 20-minut session three 10-minut period broken brief, cool shower enough time without overdo it. book ultim you, joe dowdel brook kalanick advis take sauna one two hour workout optim results. however, everyone' schedul flexibl enough allow return trip gym, dowdel kalanick also note stint sauna right workout ok, too."} {"id": "6665", "contents": "6. avoid outstay welcome. appropri amount time spend sauna around 15\u201320 minut most, less feel hot uncomfortable. better go out, take cool breaks, roast long. 7. cool gradual sauna."} {"id": "6666", "contents": "sauna caus hyperthermia, condit bodi temperatur rise beyond suppos to. likelihood health problem sauna depend temperature, long stay in, health problems. doctor know health condit (if any) tell long stay in. general, use common sense. abl give best advic long stay sauna past medic histori mind. two also discuss healthi weight loss strategi start with. good luck."} {"id": "6667", "contents": "20 minut sauna 130f dont build sweat. come place regularli 100f 90% humid 10 month year. realli hard unless sauna 150 sweat. think differ everybody, peopl toler heat others. add friend send message. tip sauna use: tend get hot, do, keep ice water near door, cooler, washcloth wipe forehead face neck 10 minut interv treatment."} {"id": "6668", "contents": "often: therapeut use one use infrar sauna least weekly. one debilitated, start twice per week 10 15 minut maximum. increas comfort level infrar sauna, may increas time frequenc use. work daili use one able. begin infrar sauna detoxif regimen, mani peopl over-do stay long."} {"id": "6669", "contents": "this, too, vari individuals-on usual stay sauna begin feel uncomfortable. typically, remain sauna 10-15 minut take break cool sever minutes. feel free return sauna anoth inning.. finnleo sauna experi truli relax rewarding, stay sauna extend period time. set temperatur humid level (if use tradit sauna) ideal level."} {"id": "6670", "contents": "find averag air condit repair cost home: list common air condit repair cost home. use list air condit repair cost compar air condit repair contractor charg fix unit. may plu minu 10% air condit repair price list below. howev pay 20% price list pay much! remember: alway ask question call air condit repair compani fix system."} {"id": "6671", "contents": "compressor averag cost anywher $275 $500. replac complet air condit unit, cost anywher $1,800 $2,900. go come make model car itself. hose leak broken compressor one complex problem mechan come across. fix leak a/c line cost anywher $400 $1,100. compressor averag cost anywher $275 $500. replac complet air condit unit, cost anywher $1,800 $2,900."} {"id": "6672", "contents": "cost instal window air condition averag $150 $300, depend size need. instal window air condit unit bring ad comfort reason price, less power central air condit system. homeown report spend $3,675 $7,155 air condit installed. price typic central a/c unit instal rather window air condition addit typic averag $300. total cost job depend type system choose."} {"id": "6673", "contents": "costhelp reader report cost $1,000-$3,700 major air condit repairs, averag $1,829. instal air condit vehicl cost $1,500-$4,000 more, depend locat vehicle' year, make model; luxuri vehicl cost even more. costhelp reader report pay $115-$260 air condit check either top recharged, averag cost $162. leak detected, typic cost $150-$800 minor repair vehicle' air condit system recharg it."} {"id": "6674", "contents": "air condition 10-15 year old, may cost effici replac unit, especi unit longer warranty. unit need frequent repairs, repair may end cost new unit long run. averag cost replac air condit unit, without work current ductwork, gener start around $2,750. price includ a/c unit labor costs. price indic new cool system, also need replac heat system price increase."} {"id": "6675", "contents": "gener includ replac part like hoses, sensors, either compressor condenser. costhelp reader report pay $171-$727 minor air condit repairs, averag cost $488. extens auto air condit repair cost $1,000-$4,000 more, depend make model. costhelp reader report pay $115-$260 air condit check either top recharged, averag cost $162. leak detected, typic cost $150-$800 minor repair vehicle' air condit system recharg it."} {"id": "6676", "contents": "central air condition unit 10 year warranti expens central ac unit year warranty. central air condition unit year warranti part 10 year warranti air condition compressors. seem littl confus warranty. central air cost. averag central air condition price buy minimum seer rate (13 seers) central air condition unit $2,643. imagin buy 20 seer central ac unit ton."} {"id": "6677", "contents": "averag air condit system last 10-15 years. even air condit system stop work completely, could worth look replac older system new system energi efficient. averag cost replac air condit unit, without work current ductwork, gener start around $2,750. price includ a/c unit labor costs. price indic new cool system, also need replac heat system price increase."} {"id": "6678", "contents": "up store mail forward service, get mailbox real street address secur 24-hour access* mail packag deliveries. forward mail you, anywher are."} {"id": "6679", "contents": "up mailbox rental prices. sinc up store individu own oper franchises, rental cost vary. get exact amount, you\u2019ll need use up store locat find contact locat area."} {"id": "6680", "contents": "average, longer commit mailbox, go save. example, one-year small mailbox cost $125 $150, larg mailbox year cost $250 $300."} {"id": "6681", "contents": "up mailbox cost. up offer mailbox servic that\u2019 similar usp po box, although key differences. up mailbox provid benefit real, physic address. up mailbox address actual address store sign box letter \u201cpmb\u201d pound sign denot mailbox number, like this: ted stevens. pmb 1353 [or #1353]."} {"id": "6682", "contents": "up store charg non-refund fee around $10-$15 per key. mani locat also charg \u201coverflow fee\u201d $3.00 allow excess amount mail pile box. may also charg leav larg packag store long pick up."} {"id": "6683", "contents": "example, one-year small mailbox cost $125 $150, larg mailbox year cost $250 $300. month, plan budget anywher $10 much $30 rent up mailbox."} {"id": "6684", "contents": "cases, cost up mailbox rental go depend geograph locat size mailbox. average, longer commit mailbox, go save."} {"id": "6685", "contents": "definit shrubbi cinquefoil. much-branch low shrub (potentilla fruticosa) pinnat compound leav yellow solitari cymos flower \u2014call also golden hardhack, hardhack. advertisement."} {"id": "6686", "contents": "page: definit noun lyonia fruticosa. onlin dictionari encyclopedia entri lyonia fruticosa. photo lyonia fruticosa. share page."} {"id": "6687", "contents": "cordylin fruticosa evergreen flower plant asparagu family, asparagaceae, known wide varieti common names, includ cabbag palm, good luck plant, palm lily, ti plant, k\u012b, l\u0101\u2018\u012b (hawaiian), t\u012b pore (m\u0101ori), s\u012b (tongan), lauti (samoan), \u02bbaut\u012b (tahitian). nativ tropic southeastern asia, papua new guinea, melanesia, northeastern australia, indian ocean, part polynesia. nativ either hawaii new zealand introduc polynesian settlers."} {"id": "6688", "contents": "cordylin fruticosa also known ti plant good luck plant commonli known one main compon use creat hula skirt. rumor also dictat grow ti plant home protect bring good fortun house. cordylin fruticosa well medium high light. howev plant expos direct sunlight."} {"id": "6689", "contents": "amorpha fruticosa (noun). noun amorpha fruticosa sense: 1. dens shrub moist riverbank flood plain eastern unit state attract fragrant foliag dens racem dark purpl flowers. familiar information: amorpha fruticosa use noun rare."} {"id": "6690", "contents": "flower (solitari small termin cymes) appear long late spring summer bloom period. common name cinquefoil refer leav (cinq mean five foil mean leaf). fruticosa mean shrublike. addit common name includ yellow rose, fivefingers, golden hardhack widdy. plant consid synonym dasiphora floribunda."} {"id": "6691", "contents": "amorpha fruticosa. amorpha fruticosa (occidentalis) fals indigo, grow north slope moist spot much san diego county, western riversid counti cooler protect spot arizona new mexico. 35. --. amorpha fruticosa (occidentalis) fals indigo, grow north slope moist spot much san diego county, western riversid counti cooler protect spot arizona new mexico."} {"id": "6692", "contents": "oenothera fruticosa (noun). noun oenothera fruticosa sense: 1. day-flow biennial perenni genu oenothera. familiar information: oenothera fruticosa use noun rare."} {"id": "6693", "contents": "a: 100 cultivar potentilla fruticosa. rang annett yellowbird. visit local garden center see avail popular. come yellow, red white flower colors. choic yours! q: three potentilla plant bought catalog."} {"id": "6694", "contents": "cook salmon stay good longer raw salmon. keep cook salmon refriger days. longer start spoil. 56 other found useful. kay cook. question answer lock cannot edited. meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airt ight container. 42"} {"id": "6695", "contents": "amount time leav food fridg depend food -- food' expir date. food left fridg long time still safe eat. usda note product come sell date, gener keep raw meat egg fridg past date use follow guidelines: chicken, turkey, sausage, ground poultry, ground meat: day past sell-bi date. beef, lamb, pork, veal:"} {"id": "6696", "contents": "ss. dear ss: accord foodsafety.gov, uncook poultri safe refriger 1-2 days, safe freezer month (for pieces) 12 month whole chicken turkey. cook poultri safe refriger 3-4 days. also freez cook bread chicken cutlet (tightli wrap foil saran wrap place freezer bags) 1-3 months. pull night want thaw fridge."} {"id": "6697", "contents": "leftov kept three four day refrigerator. sure eat within time. that, risk food poison increases. think abl eat leftov within four days, freez immediately."} {"id": "6698", "contents": "meat kept better freezer. meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airt ight container. 42 other found useful."} {"id": "6699", "contents": "refriger right cooking, long cook chicken last fridge? us govern site suggest days, can\u2019t find refer point australia. ps chicken cover fridg good day cooked. use ur nose. smell bad give cannib chickens. wont mind. good one."} {"id": "6700", "contents": "addition, alway import get food refriger within hour cook sooner cool enough. food left longer hours, put back refriger keep later. safe eat. follow food keep day refrigerator: fresh (raw) ground meat stew meats. gravi meat broth. fresh poultri fresh fish."} {"id": "6701", "contents": "follow food keep day refrigerator: fulli cook ham slices. cook meat meat casseroles. cook chicken chicken casseroles. pizza. cook fish shellfish. follow food keep day refrigerator: fresh (raw) ground meat stew meats. gravi meat broth. fresh poultri fresh fish."} {"id": "6702", "contents": "never thaw chicken room temperature. usda recommend 1-2 day refriger storag (40\u00b0f). depend upon packag chicken, handl in-transit, temperatur refrigerator, chicken could last longer. meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airt ight container. 42 other found useful."} {"id": "6703", "contents": "share. abu dhabi: petrol price octan 95 (special), commonli use motorists, gone 42 fil dh1.72 per litr present dh2.14 per litr -- 24 per cent -- month august, uae ministri energi announc tuesday."} {"id": "6704", "contents": "uae lowest petrol price world, owe govern subsidy. price litr gasolin dubai present dh.2.07 average. averag base 15 price points. consid reliabl accurate. four time less petrol price uk half price us."} {"id": "6705", "contents": "among major world countries, petrol price uk 13th highest world brit pay $8.25 gallon petrol. petrol per gallon price $7.51 switzerland, $6.65 south korea, $6.55 singapore, $5.84 japan $5.27 australia. petrol gallon cost world\u2019 largest consum us $3.69 rate 51st list. india pakistan, gallon cost $4.79 $4.08, respectively. published. petrol price uae among lowest world thank govern subsidy, accord latest statistics. figur releas bloomberg show gallon petrol cost $1.77 (dh6.5) uae, sixth econom world. uae, petrol retail price 95 octan dh1.72 per litr dh1.83 98 octan"} {"id": "6706", "contents": "petrol price dubai uae 2015. fuel petrol price abu dhabi, dubai, uae august 2015 a 2.14 (a 9.33 us$2.54 per gallon), increas a 1.72 per liter juli 2015 (a 7.50 us$2 per gallon). price 95-octan gasoline, special call pump. petrol price increas uae 2010. petrol price uae rose 15 fil april 2010, 20 fil juli 2010. increas anoth 50 fil per litr possibl 2010 bring price a 10 per gallon (emir busi 24-7 report 17 august 2010)."} {"id": "6707", "contents": "fuel price septemb dubai. price petrol drop uae month september. petrol sold consum dhs1.89 per litr e-plu (octan 91 petrol), dhs1.96 per litr special (octan 95 petrol) dhs2.07 per litr super (octan 98 petrol). petrol station uae retail diesel dhs1.86 per litr next month. august, uae fuel station charg dhs2.07 per litr e-plu 91, dhs2.14 per litr special 95, dhs2.25 per litr super 98 dhs2.05 per litr diesel"} {"id": "6708", "contents": "share facebook. tweet twitter. new price 95 octan petrol a 2.14 per litre, price diesel a 2.05 per litre. new price 95 octan petrol a 2.14 per litre, price diesel a 2.05 per litre. fuel price committee, chair dr. matar al nyadi, under-secretari ministri energy, today announc gasolin diesel price month august 2015 across petrol station uae. effect august 1st, new gasolin price be: diesel aed2.05, super (98) aed2.25, special (95) aed2.14, plu (91) aed2.07. petrol station uae retail diesel a 2.05 per litr instead previou a 2.90, drop 85 fil per litr 29% drop. gasolin (95 octane) sold consum a 2.14 per litr instead previou a 1.72, 42 fil increas litr price repres 24% hike"} {"id": "6709", "contents": "august 2010, petrol price oman special a 1.14 per liter (us$0.31) mean resid al hatta travel nearbi oman petrol station (al maha, bp, shell) cheaper tank gas, howev non-gcc al resid cannot use border cross al city. petrol price increas uae 2010. petrol price uae rose 15 fil april 2010, 20 fil juli 2010. increas anoth 50 fil per litr possibl 2010 bring price a 10 per gallon (emir busi 24-7 report 17 august 2010)."} {"id": "6710", "contents": "sign window old pc, press windows, enter easi transfer click window easi transfer search results. step 7. click next button click extern hard disk usb flash drive.. step 8. click old pc click next button."} {"id": "6711", "contents": "new mac: open migrat assistant, util folder applic folder. click continue. ask want transfer information, select option transfer mac, time machin backup, startup disk."} {"id": "6712", "contents": "sometim data want transfer old computer. may also want move favorit program applications. complic may upgrad program applic compat new computer. use window easi transfer* move data one comput another, also get recommend app program may want instal new machine."} {"id": "6713", "contents": "usb. usb port devices, thumb drives, also fast easi way transfer file one comput anoth comput use either usb options. method one. usb thumb drive usb hard drive easi way transfer data comput good backup solution."} {"id": "6714", "contents": "step 1. sign window use new pc press window key open window start screen. step 2. enter easi transfer search field click window easi transfer app search result open window easi transfer."} {"id": "6715", "contents": "transfer file mac* pc mac. take approach manual file transfer connect extern hard drive new comput usb cabl manual move file over."} {"id": "6716", "contents": "find 'mi computer'. open folder highlight file want transfer usb press ctrl+c (not time hold onto ctrl press c) could press right click press copy."} {"id": "6717", "contents": "reproduct (or procreation) biolog process new individu organ offspr produc parents. reproduct fundament featur known life; individu organ exist result reproduction. two form reproduction: asexu sexual. anim (includ humans) plant reproduc sexually. sexual reproduc organ differ set gene everi trait (call alleles). offspr inherit one allel trait parent, therebi ensur offspr combin parents' genes."} {"id": "6718", "contents": "evolut sexual reproduct describ sexual reproduc animals, plants, fungi protist evolv common ancestor singl cell eukaryot species. speci secondarili lost abil reproduc sexually, bdelloidea parthenocarp plants. sexual reproduct probabl contribut evolut sexual dimorphism, organ within speci adopt differ strategi parent investment."} {"id": "6719", "contents": "prokaryot reproduc asexu (without format fusion gametes), mechan later gene transfer conjugation, transform transduct sometim liken sexual reproduct (or least sex, sens genet recombination). clonal fragment multicellular coloni organ form asexu reproduct clone organ split fragments. fragment develop mature, fulli grown individu clone origin organism."} {"id": "6720", "contents": "cell divis asexu sexual reproduction. sexual reproduct reproduct requir male femal speci contribut genet material. special cell call gamet produc meiosis, halv number chromosom result cell. cell call haploid gametes. asexu reproduct involv one organism, sexual reproduct requir male female. plant unicellular organ reproduc asexually. mammal fish use sexual reproduction. organ like coral komodo dragon reproduc either sexual asexu"} {"id": "6721", "contents": "question 3. overview. question offer opportun compar asexu sexual reproduct specif organisms. part (a) request descript specif organ reproduc asexually, along discuss two evolutionari advantag type reproduction."} {"id": "6722", "contents": "organisms, prokaryot (the archaea bacteria), eukaryot (such protist unicellular fungi), reproduc asexu binari fission; also capabl sexual reproduction. anoth type fission multipl fission advantag plant life cycle. clonal fragment multicellular coloni organ form asexu reproduct clone organ split fragments. fragment develop mature, fulli grown individu clone origin organism."} {"id": "6723", "contents": "asexu reproduct primari form reproduct single-cel organ archaebacteria, eubacteria, protists. mani plant fungi reproduc asexu well. clonal fragment multicellular coloni organ form asexu reproduct clone organ split fragments. fragment develop mature, fulli grown individu clone origin organism."} {"id": "6724", "contents": "sexual reproduct biolog process creat new organ combin genet materi two organ process start meiosis, special type cell division. two parent organ contribut half offspring' genet makeup creat haploid gametes. anim (includ humans) plant reproduc sexually. sexual reproduc organ differ set gene everi trait (call alleles). offspr inherit one allel trait parent, therebi ensur offspr combin parents' genes."} {"id": "6725", "contents": "app store password allow access itun store, virtual store allow purchas download includ music, videos, app appl product includ ipods, ipad iphones. select answer secur question want reset password answer secur question select origin creat appl id app store password. enter birth date click next.. answer secur question select new password want use. confirm select reset password. log email account select email.. click link email appl reset password"} {"id": "6726", "contents": "want chang password. know appl id password want chang it, follow steps: go appl id. click manag appl id sign in. two-step verif turn on, ask send verif code trust devic associ appl id. chang appl id password. follow step chang appl id password. appl id account use everyth apple, like shop itun store, sign icloud, buy app, more."} {"id": "6727", "contents": "hi, sign window store app sign use new user account. check steps: a) open window store app. b) press window key c, click \u201csettings\u201d. c) click \u201cyour account\u201d click \u201csign out\u201d. d) now, sign use new account. hope find helpful."} {"id": "6728", "contents": "choos new password section, click chang password. enter old password, enter new password confirm new password. click chang password done. sign new appl id password access appl featur services. chang appl id password. follow step chang appl id password. appl id account use everyth apple, like shop itun store, sign icloud, buy app, more."} {"id": "6729", "contents": "reset password. go appl id select reset password. enter appl id, click next. rememb appl id email address, choos forgot appl id. enter appl id, three way chang password: answer secur questions. enter appl id, three way chang password: answer secur questions. use step know answer secur questions. use email authentication. we'll send email use chang password. use two-step verification."} {"id": "6730", "contents": "reset password. go appl id select reset password. enter appl id, click next. enter appl id, three way chang password: answer secur questions. use email authentication. use two-step verification. enter appl id, three way chang password: answer secur questions. use step know answer secur questions. use email authentication. we'll send email use chang password"} {"id": "6731", "contents": "download app window store without problem. reset cach window store window 8. step 1. go search box type wsreset.exe. step 2. go result window right-click wsreset select run administrator. step 3. window store opened. wait second"} {"id": "6732", "contents": "second tip rather easi follow. reset cach window store option method, take steps, following: open run box press win button altogether. put wsreset.ex command press ok access window store."} {"id": "6733", "contents": "go appl id select reset password. enter appl id, click next. rememb appl id email address, choos forgot appl id. enter appl id, three way chang password: answer secur questions. enter appl id, three way chang password: answer secur questions. use step know answer secur questions. use email authentication. we'll send email use chang password. use two-step verification."} {"id": "6734", "contents": "jinx, popular superstit folklore, is: type curs place person make prey mani minor misfortun form bad luck; person afflict similar curse, who, directli subject seri misfortunes, seem attract anyon vicinity."} {"id": "6735", "contents": "jinxed, jinx\u00b7ing, jinx\u00b7es. noun. person thing believ bring bad luck. condit period bad luck appear caus specif person thing. noun. verb. definit jinx someth give bad luck. exampl jinx charm someon say cursed. jinx defin bring someon bad luck. exampl jinx tell someon won\u2019t well competit"} {"id": "6736", "contents": "jinx noun [s]. \u200bbad \u200bluck, \u200bperson thing \u200bbeliev \u200bbring \u200bbad \u200bluck: there' jinx \u200bcomput \u200bcrash three \u200btime \u200bmorning!"} {"id": "6737", "contents": "jinx. n. 1. person thing believ bring bad luck. 2. condit period bad luck appear caus specif person thing. tr.v. jinxed, jinx\u00b7ing, jinx\u00b7es. bring bad luck to. [possibl from."} {"id": "6738", "contents": "jinx. n. 1. person thing believ bring bad luck. 2. condit period bad luck appear caus specif person thing. tr.v. jinxed, jinx\u00b7ing, jinx\u00b7es. bring bad luck to. [possibl from. wryneck (from use witchcraft) latin"} {"id": "6739", "contents": "jinx vine #jctg-duration: minutes, 53 seconds."} {"id": "6740", "contents": "jinx unusu first name women. jinx unusu surnam adult children. (2000 u.s. census). display birth name popular jinx girls. jinx yet record list thu far."} {"id": "6741", "contents": "exampl sentenc includ 'jinx'. yearn rid jinx, albatross, constant sourc friction them. woman jinx, wear red front clothes. he' tri rattl me, said himself, tri jinx can't succeed."} {"id": "6742", "contents": "jinx? jinx form two peopl speak word time, whoever say jinx first person jinxed."} {"id": "6743", "contents": "size. averag bodi length adult rat 11 inches, plu tail inches, accord american fanci rat mous association. pet rat could grow 20 inch long nose tip tail tip. rare instances, adult male pet rat might grow weigh lbs. rat' bodi compress allow access small space -- open size quarter wall near pipe allow rat enter home."} {"id": "6744", "contents": "rat typic distinguish mice size. generally, someon discov larg muroid rodent, common name includ term rat, smaller, name includ term mouse. muroid famili broad complex, common term rat mous taxonom specific."} {"id": "6745", "contents": "giant rat recent spot dublin estim two feet long (600mm) head tail! scientists, however, measur length rat use head body, exclud tail. measur reckon \u201cmonster\u201d rat 307mm long."} {"id": "6746", "contents": "brown rat rather larg true murid weigh twice much black rat mani time hous mouse. length commonli rang 20 25 cm (8 10 in), tail 18 25 cm (7 10 in), thu roughli length body. brown rat, also refer common rat, street rat, sewer rat, hanov rat, norway rat, brown norway rat, norwegian rat, wharf rat (rattu norvegicus) one best known common rats."} {"id": "6747", "contents": "rat get pretti big weigh around twelv ounc 17 inch long full grown depend kinda rat. person found useful. edit. share to: theprism group. 283,332 contributions. meet place darkness. get rid rat home discov presenc rat home upsetting, especi home children elderli individu might suscept diseas tha\u2026. big steel keg: look cool, stay hot pictur standard grill."} {"id": "6748", "contents": "giant rat size sheep could walk earth accord scientist [getty]. giant rodent grow 12-and-a-half stone could walk earth take advantag larger mammal becom extinct. expert said terrifi vision alreadi seen \u201crat islands\u201d isol region earth rat introduc human domin species. rat bigger sheep weigh much averag briton could happen, accord terrifi vision unveil scientist today."} {"id": "6749", "contents": "pet rat come mani differ types, fanci rat, common one pet stores, get fairli big, mostli get foot. however, get blue, dumbo, bluedunbo rat, grow half size fanci rat. get rid rat home discov presenc rat home upsetting, especi home children elderli individu might suscept diseas tha\u2026. big steel keg: look cool, stay hot pictur standard grill."} {"id": "6750", "contents": "quarter inch diamet (0.96 inches). rat fit hole size quarter. larg rat overweight rat big. rat small enough fit -- especi juvenil rats. smallest diamet hole small rat might fit import consider rat-proof outdoor structur wild rats, choos cage hous babi rats. myth may come observ rat fit surprisingli small holes, flee rat move extraordinarili fast, fluid gait. rat may appear swarm along bottom wall wriggl like eel small hole."} {"id": "6751", "contents": "rat get restaurant-rat get restaur way get building-via open hole outsid building. rat get shed-most shed terribl well sealed, clearli get shed easily. rat get walls-they get wall easily, squirm though tight spot building."} {"id": "6752", "contents": "rat grow much larger mice, tail nearli long bodies. rat includ great number domest wild species. rat' speci affect ultim size rat. pet rat could grow 20 inch long nose tip tail tip. rare instances, adult male pet rat might grow weigh lbs. rat' bodi compress allow access small space -- open size quarter wall near pipe allow rat enter home."} {"id": "6753", "contents": "exampl fortify. fortifi citi attack. citi fortifi high walls. support theori fortifi result experiments. took deep breath fortifi step onto stage. milk fortifi vitamin d. full definit fortify. transit verb. make strong: a: strengthen secur (a town) fort batteries. intransit verb. erect fortifications. for\u00b7ti\u00b7fi\u00b7 \\-\u02ccf\u012b(-\u0259)r\\ noun. see fortifi defin english-languag learners. see fortifi defin kids. advertis"} {"id": "6754", "contents": "(cookery) increas nutriti valu (a food), ad vitamin minerals. 6. support confirm: fortifi argument facts. [c15: old french fortifier, late latin fortific\u0101re, latin forti strong facer make]. (\u02c8f\u0254r t\u0259\u02ccfa\u026a). v. -fied, -fy\u2022ing. for\u2022ti\u2022fy. 1. increas defens of: fortifi besieg town. 2. furnish mean stand strain wear: fortifi cotton nylon. 3. impart strength vigor to. 4. increas effect of, addit ingredients. 5. strengthen mental morally: fortifi faith"} {"id": "6755", "contents": "fortifi wine wine distil spirit, usual brandy, added. mani differ style fortifi wine developed, includ port, sherry, madeira, marsala, commandaria wine, aromat wine vermouth. ad wine ferment process complete, alcohol distil beverag kill yeast leav residu sugar behind. end result wine sweeter stronger, normal contain 20% alcohol volum (abv)."} {"id": "6756", "contents": "'fortifier' also found translat english-french dictionary. invigorate. invigorate. v. fortifier. fortify. fortify. v. fortifier. add entri vocabulary, becom member reverso commun login alreadi member. translat french-english collin dictionari  . see also: se fortifier, fructifier, forfaitaire, fortiori. ensur qualiti comments, need connected."} {"id": "6757", "contents": "marsala wine wine sicili avail fortifi unfortifi versions. first produc 1772 english merchant, john woodhouse, inexpens substitut sherri port, get name island' port, marsala. ad wine ferment process complete, alcohol distil beverag kill yeast leav residu sugar behind. end result wine sweeter stronger, normal contain 20% alcohol volum (abv)."} {"id": "6758", "contents": "defin world health organ (who) food agricultur organ unit nation (fao), fortif refer practic deliber increas content essenti micronutrient, ie. food commonli ad margarine, veget oil dairi products. late 1800s, discoveri cure condit scurvi beriberi occurred, research aim see disease, later known rickets, could also cure food."} {"id": "6759", "contents": "sometim stapl food region lack particular nutrients, due soil region inher inadequaci normal diet. addit micronutri stapl condiment prevent large-scal defici diseas cases. food commonli ad margarine, veget oil dairi products. late 1800s, discoveri cure condit scurvi beriberi occurred, research aim see disease, later known rickets, could also cure food."} {"id": "6760", "contents": "fortify-add nutrient to; fortifi milk. cookery, cooking, preparation-th act prepar someth (a food) applic heat; cook great art; peopl need experi cookery; left prepar meal wife. for\u2022ti\u2022fy. 1. increas defens of: fortifi besieg town. 2. furnish mean stand strain wear: fortifi cotton nylon. 3. impart strength vigor to. 4. increas effect of, addit ingredients. 5. strengthen mental morally: fortifi faith"} {"id": "6761", "contents": "echocardiogram (also call echo, transthorac echocardiogram tte, exercis stress echocardiogram, dobutamin stress echocardiogram dse, transesophag echocardiogram tee) noninvas (the skin pierced) procedur use assess heart' function structures."} {"id": "6762", "contents": "echocardiogram (echo) test help doctor evalu strength function child\u2019 heart. test use sound wave creat pictur heart."} {"id": "6763", "contents": "echocardiogram. guide. echocardiogram (also call echo) type ultrasound test use high-pitch sound wave sent devic call transducer. devic pick echo sound wave bounc differ part heart"} {"id": "6764", "contents": "heart-healthi living. subscrib heart-healthi live e-newslett stay date heart-health topics. echocardiogram use sound wave produc imag heart. commonli use test allow doctor see heart beat pump blood. doctor use imag echocardiogram identifi heart disease. depend inform doctor needs, may one sever type echocardiograms."} {"id": "6765", "contents": "echocardiographi (echo) painless test use sound wave creat pictur heart. test give doctor inform size shape heart well heart' chamber valv working. cardiologists, heart specialists, train evalu imag assess heart function provid report results.th echocardiogram one mani test done evalu heart anatomi function. electrocardiogram (ekg, ecg) common heart trace done."} {"id": "6766", "contents": "echocardiogram test use sound wave creat pictur heart. pictur detail standard x-ray image. echocardiogram expos radiation."} {"id": "6767", "contents": "echocardiogram, often refer cardiac echo simpli echo, sonogram heart. (it abbrevi ecg, abbrevi electrocardiogram .) echocardiographi use standard two-dimensional, three-dimensional, doppler ultrasound creat imag heart. echocardiogram creat ultrasound imag heart structures, also produc accur assess blood flow heart doppler echocardiography, use puls continu wave doppler ultrasound."} {"id": "6768", "contents": "echocardiographi (ek-o-kar-de-og-rah-fee), echo, painless test use sound wave creat move pictur heart. pictur show size shape heart. also show well heart' chamber valv working."} {"id": "6769", "contents": "echocardiogram (echo) test use high frequenc sound wave (ultrasound) make pictur heart. test also call echocardiographi diagnost cardiac ultrasound. quick facts. echo use sound wave creat pictur heart\u2019 chambers, valves, wall blood vessel (aorta, arteries, veins) attach heart. probe call transduc pass chest."} {"id": "6770", "contents": "urin anion gap either posit neg use caus normal anion gap acidosi unclear. posit urin anion gap seen condit type type renal tubular acidosi versu almost everi caus normal anion gap acidosi (diarrhea)."} {"id": "6771", "contents": "sever condit low anion gap indicate. medic condit low anion gap medic set hemorrhage, nephrit syndrome, intestin obstruct liver cirrhosis."} {"id": "6772", "contents": "neg charg molecul call anions. situat anion gap low indic blood ph low due increas product h+ bodi inabl bodi form bicarbon (hco3-) kidney. anion gap approxim measur ions, molecul charge, either neg positive. sodium potassium posit charg therefor call cations; often repres na+ k+ respectively."} {"id": "6773", "contents": "high an. anion gap level mean acidosi (too much acid blood) due diabet mellitus. high anion gap level also due lactic acidosis, high level acid due a. buildup substanc call lactic acid. anion gap measur taken blood serum blood plasma. blood serum clear, thin, sticki fluid part blood remain blood chang liquid solid."} {"id": "6774", "contents": "anion gap: measur interv sum routin measur cation minu sum routin measur anion blood. anion gap (na+ k+) (cl- hco3-) na-i sodium, k+ potassium, cl-i chloride, hco3- bicarbonate. anion gap normal, high, low. high anion gap indic metabol acidosis, increas acid blood due metabol processes. low anion gap rel rare may occur presenc abnorm posit charg proteins, multipl myeloma"} {"id": "6775", "contents": "best answer: anion gap: measur interv sum routin measur cation minu sum routin measur anion blood. anion gap (na+ k+) (cl- hco3-) na-i sodium, k+ potassium, cl-i chloride, hco3- bicarbonate. low anion gap rel rare may occur presenc abnorm posit charg proteins, multipl myeloma. last editori review: 3/29/2002. source(s): http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art...."} {"id": "6776", "contents": "anion gap approxim measur ions, molecul charge, either neg positive. sodium potassium posit charg therefor call cations; often repres na+ k+ respectively. two main cation measur blood. anion gap increas excess anions/acid blood. either much acid product insuffici remov acid (either lungs, stomach, kidneys)."} {"id": "6777", "contents": "anion gap normal, high, low. high anion gap indic metabol acidosis, increas acid blood due metabol processes. low anion gap rel rare may occur presenc abnorm posit charg proteins, multipl myeloma. last editori review: 3/29/2002. source(s): http://www.medterms.com/script/main/art...."} {"id": "6778", "contents": "anion gap: anion gap calcul subtract sum neg ion blood (chloride, bicarbonate) sum posit ion (sodium, potassium). often potassium left small effect."} {"id": "6779", "contents": "unakit stone vision. first discov unit state unaka mountain north carolina, unakit alter granit compos pink orthoclas feldspar, green epidote, gener colorless quartz. unakite...or epidot feldspar also known, consist combin deform red jasper green epidot solidli bound together, thu creat beauti pistachio pink coloring."} {"id": "6780", "contents": "unakit jasper stone encourag visionari abil open psychic vision. work third eye chakra aid visual thing desir life. excel balanc action emotions, bring emot line spiritu aspects. unakit stone may dark almost red color. believ darker reddish pink stone could inclus red jasper them. darker stone may want read red jasper. color stone benefici use daili meditation."} {"id": "6781", "contents": "stone higher spiritu forces. unakite\u2026or epidot feldspar also known, consist combin deform feldspar, green epidot quartz solidli bound together, thu creat beauti pistachio pink coloring."} {"id": "6782", "contents": "unakit crystal mean unakit underst crystal often get left out. actual good one. firstli colour resembl heart chakra root chakra together. pink crystal reson core earthi heart upper part root chakra. unakit physic properti unakit rock varieti granit green epidot patch red orthoclase. compos pink feldspar, green epidot quartz (but lack mica). intens green colour depend part amount iron present"} {"id": "6783", "contents": "properti heal stone-unakit balanc stone made three minerals-green epidote, pink fieldspar quartz. help creat balanc aspect life, emotional, spiritu mental."} {"id": "6784", "contents": "unakit gemston meaning. unakite, also call epidote, deriv name greek epidosis, mean grow together. combin red jasper green epidot solidli bound together. get mean come togeth belong together. unakit (or epidote) use draw neg energi blockag heart chakra. unakit said lift spirit feel down-thi gemston help see beauti life."} {"id": "6785", "contents": "altern name spellings: unikite, unakit jasper. unakit stone gentl power energy. assist one find one' anim guide. also stone help gardening. unakit also good protect stone. unakit bring uncondit love humanity, connect reunion. unakit consid help pregnanc childbirth. help heal abandon separ issues."} {"id": "6786", "contents": "come ... mean stone' name relat locat usa mainli found, unaka mountain north carolina. although stone come unit states, also found switzerland zimbabw south africa. unakit stone may dark almost red color. believ darker reddish pink stone could inclus red jasper them. darker stone may want read red jasper. color stone benefici use daili meditation."} {"id": "6787", "contents": "known unakit stone jasper, said member famili jaspers, stone made mixtur differ materials, includ quartz. unakit stone may dark almost red color. believ darker reddish pink stone could inclus red jasper them. darker stone may want read red jasper. color stone benefici use daili meditation."} {"id": "6788", "contents": "although self describ non partisan bampac histor benefit republican candid strictli adher right wing polici support anti abort legisl public school voucher privat social secur tax cut black america polit action committe bampac found chair alan key nation largest minor polit action committe among top 25 well fund pac countri bampac instrument garner financi support candid via grant direct assist contribut one nation largest polit action committe largest minor pac"} {"id": "6789", "contents": "acu polit action committe polit arm american conserv union addit acu polit action committe endors made contribut score conserv candid governor senat key hou"} {"id": "6790", "contents": "washington june 2015 sindhi american polit action committe sapac prepar bring talent sindhi american youth around countri come capit advoc peopl sindh june 24 26"} {"id": "6791", "contents": "acu pac acu polit action committe polit arm american conserv union committe regist pac support candid offic reflect conserv principl acu found addit acu polit action committe endors made contribut score conserv candid governor senat key hou"} {"id": "6792", "contents": "apapo pac polit action committe pac american psycholog associ practic organ apapo creat may 2012 apapo pac dedic support candid senat hous repres friend psycholog"} {"id": "6793", "contents": "success well fund polit action committe keep american conserv union relev influenti issu greatest import membership nation state level gener primari elect addit acu polit action committe endors made contribut score conserv candid governor senat key hou"} {"id": "6794", "contents": "american sikh polit action committe septemb 28 51pm san joaquin mayor amarpreet dhaliw congressman john garamendi lobbi indian prime minist modi trip california express concern regard plight india minor particular sikh commun american sikh polit action committe ad new photo april 17 59pm album acr 34 california assembl resolut 1984 genocid aman gahoonia 10 other california state capitol"} {"id": "6795", "contents": "iranian american polit action committe iapac connect pac public affair allianc iranian american paaia play integr role influenc build mission paaia"} {"id": "6796", "contents": "welcom behalf american dental polit action committe adpac pleas welcom new adpac homepag adpac commit provid complet transpar member regard pac financi inform activ accomplish american dental polit action committe need log websit order view featur adpac websit includ video video avail ada member"} {"id": "6797", "contents": "well, accord interact infograph hospit price data center medicar medicaid services, go hospit chest pain newark, n.j., cost averag $37,217, $81,000. compar nation averag $17,359."} {"id": "6798", "contents": "averag expens peopl one visit emerg room $1318 2009, accord medic expenditur panel survey (meps). median, typical, cost $615. peopl age 45 64, cost substanti higher averag ($1696). averag physician offic visit 2008 cost $199, compar $922 emerg room visit (median $89 doctor' visit, vs. $422 er). top condit shown ambulatori care visit type. consum expect consider higher price sinc 2008."} {"id": "6799", "contents": "emerg room visit typic cover health insurance. patient cover health insurance, out-of-pocket cost emerg room visit typic consist copay, usual $50-$150 more, often waiv patient admit hospital. got letter hospit say er visit cost $13,844.00. call request item bill!$9.00 aspirin, $4,016.00 cat scan, $5,504.00 lab,$725.00 radio/diag,$945.00 ekg,$564.00 blood bank $2081.00 er services. tri last year year get insurance."} {"id": "6800", "contents": "averag total charge, includ hospit physicians' charges, 24,010 visit $383.29, averag direct cost $166.28, averag total cost (direct plu indirect) $209.42, margin cost $87.68 (42 percent averag cost). cost-to-charg ratio hospit calcul 1993 hospit medicar cost reports. ratio multipli charg estim direct indirect cost supplies, pharmacy, laboratory, radiology, miscellan item level individu visit."} {"id": "6801", "contents": "patient without health insurance, emerg room visit typic cost $150-$3,000 more, depend sever condit diagnost test treatment performed. got letter hospit say er visit cost $13,844.00. call request item bill!$9.00 aspirin, $4,016.00 cat scan, $5,504.00 lab,$725.00 radio/diag,$945.00 ekg,$564.00 blood bank $2081.00 er services. tri last year year get insurance."} {"id": "6802", "contents": "findings. hospit cost age, 2010. 2010, averag cost per hospit stay $9,700 aggreg cost hospit stay total $375.9 billion. figur show distribut aggreg hospit cost stay age averag hospit cost per stay age, respectively. aggreg inflation-adjust cost hospit stay grew 3.8 percent annual 1997 2010, 2.9 percent attribut increas intens servic (cost per stay) 1.0 percent attribut growth population."} {"id": "6803", "contents": "compar hospit er visit price (2011) nevada common reason peopl visit emerg departments. choos ill hospit (one hospit time). compar common charg counti nv average. example, migrain treat er typic cost $2200 nv (and headach cost $4162). averag physician offic visit 2008 cost $199, compar $922 emerg room visit (median $89 doctor' visit, vs. $422 er). top condit shown ambulatori care visit type. consum expect consider higher price sinc 2008."} {"id": "6804", "contents": "find averag cost emerg room (er ed) visit florida hospit 2011-2012. north florida region medic center gainsvil highest averag charg fl $8342 per er visit 2011 first quarter 2012. hospit averag charg $1000. averag physician offic visit 2008 cost $199, compar $922 emerg room visit (median $89 doctor' visit, vs. $422 er). top condit shown ambulatori care visit type. consum expect consider higher price sinc 2008."} {"id": "6805", "contents": "patient cover health insurance, out-of-pocket cost emerg room visit typic consist copay, usual $50-$150 more, often waiv patient admit hospital. depend plan, cost might includ coinsur 10% 50%. got letter hospit say er visit cost $13,844.00. call request item bill!$9.00 aspirin, $4,016.00 cat scan, $5,504.00 lab,$725.00 radio/diag,$945.00 ekg,$564.00 blood bank $2081.00 er services. tri last year year get insurance."} {"id": "6806", "contents": "1/4 cup dri spaghetti ounces, cook measur 4.5 ounces. get enough cook spaghetti serv per person, 20 peopl need 20 20 ounc dri spaghetti, 1.25 lbs. last christma invit famili friend celebr jesu birth (we'r christians) 20 peopl cook think 18 pound one. left s. answer: depend purchas turkey number turkey eater crowd."} {"id": "6807", "contents": "assum ounc brisket ounc pork per person, that' 8.3 ounc meat pre-cook per person. probabl want (number meat eater time 8.3) divid 16 pound meat type, plu minu fudg factor wish include. 2. think lb. per person cook good guideline, lose weight moistur loss, trim fat bones, etc. lb. cook meat per person sound like much unless serv anyth els event mainli meat (like barbecue)."} {"id": "6808", "contents": "share to: serv beef ounc per person. therefore, half pound pot roast would allow person one serving. 2-3 pound would allow peopl eat one serv meat. peopl found use"} {"id": "6809", "contents": "sometim difficult know much meat buy proper amount particular recip serv specif number people. 1.5. 4. 4. 4. 5. 6. inform buy pork, see pork shop guide. turkey buy guide. unsur quantiti turkey purchas accord number guest serving, alway good idea allow pound uncook turkey per person purchas whole turkey."} {"id": "6810", "contents": "big serving? ounc cooked, size deck play card palm hand. amount uncook meat you\u2019ll actual need per person depend cut. boneless meat (ground meat, stew meat, boneless roast chops) 1/4 1/3 pound per serving."} {"id": "6811", "contents": "meat part: meat part bigger dish, like pasta curry, plan 1/4 1/3 pound (four six ounces) per person. plan menu first. worri much meat buy, get start plan menu. work backward look els want serve, meat go used, kind appetit think guest have. import consid side dish plan serve."} {"id": "6812", "contents": "site might help you. re: size (how mani lbs) beef tenderloin buy serv adults? main cours dinner preparing. we'll also serv cevich appet asparagu mash potato along tenderloin."} {"id": "6813", "contents": "use chart help determin much buy food list prepar meal recip specif number people. pasta buy guid rice buy guid egg buy guid meat buy guides. pasta buy guide. 1.5. 4. 4. 4. 5. 6. inform buy pork, see pork shop guide. turkey buy guide. unsur quantiti turkey purchas accord number guest serving, alway good idea allow pound uncook turkey per person purchas whole turkey."} {"id": "6814", "contents": "site might help you. re: much ground beef need buy serv 100 peol spaghetti? need know much ground beef need buy feed 100 peopl spaghetti. largest packag beef sell pound boxes. much need serv 100 peopl"} {"id": "6815", "contents": "refriger thaw time whole turkey: 12 pound \u2026\u2026 days12 16 pound \u2026\u2026 days16 20 pound \u2026\u2026 days20 24 pound \u2026\u2026 day thaw turkey remain refriger day cooking."} {"id": "6816", "contents": "cook turkey--3-4 day refrigerator. freezer, month food left room temperatur hour begin bacteria growth. stomach acid kill bacteria make sick."} {"id": "6817", "contents": "meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airtight container. gener rule cook food stay fridg three day max."} {"id": "6818", "contents": "meat kept better freezer. meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airtight container."} {"id": "6819", "contents": "question: i\u2019m defrost turkey thanksgiv dinner. complet thawed, long safe keep thaw turkey fridg cook it?"} {"id": "6820", "contents": "meat kept better freezer. meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airt ight container. 22 other found useful."} {"id": "6821", "contents": "you\u2019r defrost turkey fridge, safe keep refriger addit one two day it\u2019 fulli thawed, say u.s. depart agriculture."} {"id": "6822", "contents": "answer: depend you\u2019r thaw it. you\u2019r defrost turkey fridge, safe keep refriger addit one two day it\u2019 fulli thawed, say u.s. depart agriculture."} {"id": "6823", "contents": "cardiac muscl tissu extrem special form muscl tissu evolv pump blood throughout body. fact, cardiac muscl found heart make bulk heart\u2019 mass."} {"id": "6824", "contents": "mention earlier, disc connect individu heart cell call cardiomyocyt form atrial syncitium. fact, intercal disc pacemak cell characterist cardiac muscl tissues. similarly, transvers band striation characterist cardiac muscle."} {"id": "6825", "contents": "excit cardiac muscle. number specialis structures, compos modifi cardiac muscl cells, ensur contract atria ventricl take place order appropri pump function heart."} {"id": "6826", "contents": "like skelet muscle, cardiac muscl contract strong, utilis great deal energy. like smooth muscle, cardiac muscl contract without nervou stimul (i.e. myogenic) enabl heart transplanted."} {"id": "6827", "contents": "end adjac cardiac muscl cell specialis intercellular junction call intercal disc (shown right). irregular transvers thicken sarcolemma contain structur call desmosomes. desmosom like spot-rivets, hold adjac cardiac muscl fibr together."} {"id": "6828", "contents": "cardiac muscl normal found heart. here, myocardi cell usual appear short, branched, close interconnect form continu fabric. cross-bands, however, get heavili stain adjac cell histolog examin cardiac tissue."} {"id": "6829", "contents": "cardiac muscl cardiac muscl cardiac muscl cardiac muscl type involuntari striat muscl found wall histolog foundat heart,specif myocardium. cardiac muscl one three major type muscle, other skelet andsmooth muscle."} {"id": "6830", "contents": "cardiac muscl cell branch shape cell contact three four cardiac muscl cells. togeth cardiac muscl cell heart form giant network connect end end."} {"id": "6831", "contents": "mitochondria numer cardiac muscl cell skelet muscle, t-tubul continu cell membrane. carri action potenti cell interior well develop ventricl heart, poorli develop atria."} {"id": "6832", "contents": "antegrad spondylolisthesi condit problem spinal column result one vertebra (spinal bone) slip forward relat vertebra bel ow it. typic tradit term spondylolisthesi definit mean forward slippag one vertebra relat one it, addit term antergrad ad clarifi direct abnorm movement occasion occurr backward movement."} {"id": "6833", "contents": "spondylolisthesi condit one bone back (vertebra) slide forward bone it. often occur lower spine (lumbosacr area). cases, may lead spinal cord nerv root squeezed."} {"id": "6834", "contents": "spondylolisthesis. spondylolisthesi condit one bone spine (vertebrae) slip place onto vertebra it. slip much, bone might press nerve, caus pain. usually, bone lower back affect"} {"id": "6835", "contents": "retrograd spondylolisthesis, retrolisthesis, condit problem result one vertebra (spinal bone) slip backward relat vertebra it. rather rare unusu problem compar common antegrad spondylolisthsis. typic tradit term spondylolisthesi definit mean forward slippag one vertebra relat one it, addit term antergrad ad clarifi direct abnorm movement occasion occurr backward movement."} {"id": "6836", "contents": "spondylolisthesis. spondylolisthesi occur one vertebra slip forward relat adjac vertebra, usual lumbar spine. symptom accompani spondylolisthesi includ pain low back, thighs, and/or legs, muscl spasms, weakness, and/or tight hamstr muscles."} {"id": "6837", "contents": "spondylolisthesi spinal condit affect lower vertebra (spinal bones). diseas caus one lower vertebra slip forward onto bone directli beneath it. pain condition, treatabl cases. therapeut surgic method may used."} {"id": "6838", "contents": "spondylolisthesi forward displac vertebra, especi fifth lumbar vertebra, commonli occur break fracture. backward displac refer retrolisthesis."} {"id": "6839", "contents": "one type spondylolisthesis, degen spondylolisthesis, describ condit forward slippag one vertebra spine another, usual occur age greater 60. condit adult commonli due degeneration, wear tear, disc ligament spine."} {"id": "6840", "contents": "spondylolyt spondylolisthesis. spondylolysis, fractur often occur par interarticularis. one bone lower back break caus vertebra slip forward. break often occur area lumbar spine call par interarticularis. adult spondylolisthesi low back. spondylolisthesis, one bone spine call vertebra slip forward place. may occur anywher along spine, common lower back (lumbar spine). people, caus symptom all. other may back leg pain rang mild sever"} {"id": "6841", "contents": "think get pygmi marmoset sinc small mani peopl didnt anyth neg say mani peopl said docile. thougth lot peopl say neg thing monkeys."} {"id": "6842", "contents": "name 'cotton ear marmosets' thought come french word 'grotesqu figure'! marmoset teeth sharp use bite tree extract gum sap. hand rear marmoset becom fearless human danger bite hard let go. reach matur becom unpredict even turn keeper. recommend pets."} {"id": "6843", "contents": "pygmi marmoset known smallest known speci monkey world. pygmi marmoset averag 15cm tall, 20cm long tail behind it."} {"id": "6844", "contents": "pygmi marmoset tini primat exclus found jungl south america."} {"id": "6845", "contents": "low weight pygmi marmoset allow pygmi marmoset reach canopi tree tops, place mani larger speci monkey cannot reach. pygmi marmoset eat fruits, berries, insect small reptil safe high danger predators."} {"id": "6846", "contents": "pygmi marmoset dangerous? think get monkey pet i'm still decid phase sinc everyon seem think bad idea agre there. think get pygmi marmoset sinc small mani peopl didnt anyth neg say mani peopl said they..."} {"id": "6847", "contents": "one common marmoset pet, pygmi marmoset, realli difficult get requir special permit keep. pygmi marmoset pet quit difficult handl requir feed everi two hour two week straight. tini speci known attack bite owners."} {"id": "6848", "contents": "peninsula, see iberian peninsula. portugal\u2013spain relat describ relat govern portugues republ kingdom spain. two state make vast major iberian peninsula such, relationship two sometim known iberian relations. portugal, castil aragon alli reconquista reconqu land muslim moor south iberian peninsula. portugal' reconquest fulli achiev 1249, spain finish reconquest 1492."} {"id": "6849", "contents": "christoph columbu portugues birth. death wife 1485, son diego move spain portugues ruler support quest exploratori voyage. treati creat resolv territori problem treati tordesilla could\u00b4t resolve. continu war spain portug (from 1761 1763 1776 1777) knew kingdom would reign territori current uruguay current paraguay."} {"id": "6850", "contents": "tordesilla treaty. treati sign agreement spanish portugues monarchs. treati sign avoid unwant confus spain portug claim land new world. 1493, christoph columbu return spain. narrat stori voyag pope alexand vi, spanish birth. understand need divid new world land spain portug issu papal decre (papal bull). treati tordesilla sign mutual agreement spain portug propag quest explor new world also enhanc trade activities."} {"id": "6851", "contents": "spanish portugues conquest americas. 1484 christoph columbu tri unsuccess interest king john ii portug voyag discoveri west. columbu offer servic lead explatori voyag king ferdinand queen isabella later becam spain. columbu lost flagship, santa maria. return spain report findings. word columbus' discoveri reach portug king charg spanish encroach portugues realm. ferdinand isabella appeal pope rome, origin spaniard."} {"id": "6852", "contents": "shortli thereafter, portugues explor pedro alvar cabral explor brazil, set conflict spain portug term newli claim lands. result, treati tordesilla offici divid world half 1494. also age discoveri fame voyag christoph columbus. voyag start attempt find trade rout asia sail west. instead, reach america 1492 share inform newli found land spain rest europe."} {"id": "6853", "contents": "without understand bitter rivalri spain portug imposs complet understand columbu saga. columbu sail, spanish engin coup d'etat \u00e9tat vatican spanish pope alexand vi elected. pope thu creat militari allianc portug england save rogu state extinction. reformation, spain almost went bankrupt financ spanish armada order forc england return rome!! queen philippa call mother portugues empire."} {"id": "6854", "contents": "treati tordesilla document creat spanish pope alexand vi sign ferdinand ii king aragon, isabel queen castil john ii king portug june 1494. treati creat resolv territori problem treati tordesilla could\u00b4t resolve. continu war spain portug (from 1761 1763 1776 1777) knew kingdom would reign territori current uruguay current paraguay."} {"id": "6855", "contents": "portugal' copi treati tordesilla (1494) divid new world spain. 15th century, kingdoms, portug castile, built increasingli larg fleet ship began explor world beyond europe, send explor africa asia. portugal, castil aragon alli reconquista reconqu land muslim moor south iberian peninsula. portugal' reconquest fulli achiev 1249, spain finish reconquest 1492."} {"id": "6856", "contents": "real name salvador fernandez zarco marri portugues ladi name dona do\u00f1a felipa. perestrelo genoves christoph columbu legend born fierc maritim rivalri spain portug fact john cabot born in. genoa anoth portrait of. columbu thu creat militari allianc portug england save rogu state extinction. reformation, spain almost went bankrupt financ spanish armada order forc england return rome!! queen philippa call mother portugues empire."} {"id": "6857", "contents": "endocrin disord include: adren insufficiency. adren gland releas littl hormon cortisol sometimes, aldosterone. symptom includ fatigue, stomach upset, dehydration, skin changes. addison' diseas type adren insufficiency. cushing' disease. overproduct pituitari gland hormon lead overact adren gland. similar condit call cushing' syndrom may occur people, particularli children, take high dose corticosteroid medications. gigant (acromegaly) growth hormon problems. pituitari gland produc much growth hormone, child' bone bodi part may grow abnorm fast. growth hormon level low, child stop grow height."} {"id": "6858", "contents": "cushing' diseas rare condit caus overproduct adren hormon cortisol. common form cushing' diseas due excess secret pituitari hormone, acth (adrenocorticotrop hormone), circul blood stimul adren gland. pituitari disorders. pituitari small gland (about size kidney bean) locat base brain, beneath optic (eye) nerv boni area call sella turcica."} {"id": "6859", "contents": "pituitari diseases. although pituitari tumor common caus pituitari gland disorders, condit also result pituitari gland problems. tumor pituitari region pituitari adenomas. craniopharingiomas, cyst meningioma exampl tumor origin proxim pituitari gland may caus hypopituitarism, headaches, visual neurolog problems."} {"id": "6860", "contents": "exampl common pituitari disorders. pituitari tumors: may hormone-secret non-secreting; benign; may caus visual disturb headach grow compress surround tissues; often result excess amount one pituitari hormon decreas others. blood vessel optic nerv close proxim pituitari gland. pressur tumor caus headaches, visual disturbances, loss vision, fatigue, weakness, seizures, well host sign symptom relat decreas hormon production."} {"id": "6861", "contents": "pituitari disorders. pituitari gland disord affect mani differ part body. condit acromegaly, cushing' syndrome, hypothyroid (underact thyroid), ... pituitari gland disord affect mani differ part body. condit acromegaly, cushing' syndrome, hypothyroid (underact thyroid), hypogonad (low sex hormon levels) may result pituitari gland disease."} {"id": "6862", "contents": "pituitari gland disord tumors. pituitari tumors, also call pituitari adenomas, common caus pituitari gland disorders. 99 percent tumor benign. pituitari tumor grow, compress pituitari gland caus decreas hormon product (pituitari insufficiency, hypopituitarism). also compress optic nerve, caus visual problem headaches."} {"id": "6863", "contents": "often call master gland influenc mani glands, especi thyroid. problem pituitari gland affect bone growth, woman' menstrual cycles, releas breast milk. testes: male reproduct gland produc sperm sex hormones."} {"id": "6864", "contents": "small pituitari adenoma (less cm diameter, smaller grape) call microadenomas, larger tumor call macroadenomas. pituitari tumor grow, compress pituitari gland caus decreas hormon product (pituitari insufficiency, hypopituitarism). also compress optic nerve, caus visual problem headaches."} {"id": "6865", "contents": "pituitari adenoma common caus hypopituitarism, caus includ parasellar diseases, pituitari surgery, radiat therapy, inflammatori granulomat diseases, head injury."} {"id": "6866", "contents": "pituitari gland disorders. pituitari gland disord common, seriou diagnos treated. pituitari gland disord caus complications, pituitari disord caus seriou problems, includ blind death. pituitari diseas mani differ symptoms, difficult diagnos treatment complicated. learn common pituitari disorders."} {"id": "6867", "contents": "may 31, 2014, southwest offer 25% bonu buy, gift transfer rapid reward points. point purchased, gifted, transfer block 500 minimum initi purchas transfer 2,000 point daili maximum 60,000 points."} {"id": "6868", "contents": "southwest rapid reward point cap valu $1.44 per 100 points. that\u2019 $100 southwest airfar requir 70 rapid reward point best valu \u2018wanna get away\u2019 fares. so, balanc transfer pay $3 per $100 earn point worth $1.44."} {"id": "6869", "contents": "a+ credit convert rapid reward credit. 16 a+ credit use fli two oneway airtran, 16 rapid reward credit use fli two oneway southwest. joanne\u2019 situat one rapid reward credit 55,000 rapid reward points."} {"id": "6870", "contents": "member abil transfer rapid reward point anoth member activ rapid reward account. transfer transact must paid credit card made southwest.com. rapid reward point transfer block 500 minimum transfer 1,000 point daili maximum 60,000 points. point valu quot usd transact settl usd."} {"id": "6871", "contents": "southwest rapid reward premier card, offer opportun earn tier qualifi point toward a-list status, annual fee $99. southwest rapid reward plu card, includ perk, annual fee $69. otherwis they\u2019r mostli same."} {"id": "6872", "contents": "question becomes, worth it? get best valu rapid reward point wanna get away fare redemptions. southwest recent devalu 60 point per $1 airfar 70 point per $1 airfar you\u2019r get valu 1.4 cent per point."} {"id": "6873", "contents": "guillain-barr syndrom rare disord caus immun system attack peripher nervou system (pns). pn nerv connect brain spinal cord rest body. damag nerv make hard transmit signals."} {"id": "6874", "contents": "guillain-barr barr\u00e9 syndrom disord the'bodi immun system attack part peripher nervous. system first symptom disord includ vari degre weak tingl sensat the. leg"} {"id": "6875", "contents": "summary. guillain-barr syndrom rare disord caus immun system attack peripher nervou system (pns). pn nerv connect brain spinal cord rest body. damag nerv make hard transmit signals."} {"id": "6876", "contents": "guillain-barr barr\u00e9, syndrom immun respons damag peripheral, nerv nerv connect central nervou (system brain spinal) cord limb and. organ"} {"id": "6877", "contents": "inherit genetics: inherit guillain-barr syndrom refer whether condit inherit parent run families. level inherit condit depend import genet disease."} {"id": "6878", "contents": "guillain-barr (gee-yah-buh-ray) syndrom rare disord body' immun system attack nerves. weak tingl extrem usual first symptoms. sensat quickli spread, eventu paralyz whole body."} {"id": "6879", "contents": "muscl weak paralysi characterist featur guillain-barr barr\u00e9. syndrom weak often begin leg spread the, arms, torso face commonli accompani by, numbness, tingl or. pain"} {"id": "6880", "contents": "prior develop condition, peopl guillain-barr barr\u00e9 syndrom bacteri viral. infect first phase of-guillain barre, barr\u00e9 syndrom sign symptom the, condit worsen last to, four week although peak ill usual reach one to. two week"} {"id": "6881", "contents": "guillain-barr syndrom overview. guillain-barr syndrom nerv disorder. acut rapidli progress inflamm nerv caus loss sensat muscl weakness. syndrom caus destruction, removal, loss myelin sheath nerve."} {"id": "6882", "contents": "humans, adipos tissu locat beneath skin (subcutan fat), around intern organ (viscer fat), bone marrow (yellow bone marrow), intermuscular (muscular system) breast tissue. adipos tissu found specif locations, refer adipos depots. like fat organs, subcutan fat activ part endocrin system, secret hormon leptin resistin. relationship subcutan adipos layer total bodi fat person often model use regress equations."} {"id": "6883", "contents": "exist altern of. merg question into. split merg it. answer katelyn nienaber. confid vote 24. fat belong system. connect tissu store body, includ around organ within marrow bones."} {"id": "6884", "contents": "one import system body, nervou system body' control system. sends, receives, process nerv impuls throughout body. nerv impuls tell muscl organ respond environment. sometimes, even though feel well happening, bodi fight illness. inflammatori respons fails, immun respons goe work. central part immun system made white blood cells, fight infect gobbl antigens."} {"id": "6885", "contents": "circulatori system body' transport system. made group organ transport blood throughout body. heart pump blood arteri vein transport it. oxygen-rich blood leav left side heart enter biggest artery, call aorta. sometimes, even though feel well happening, bodi fight illness. inflammatori respons fails, immun respons goe work. central part immun system made white blood cells, fight infect gobbl antigens."} {"id": "6886", "contents": "fat deposit omentum make part viscer fat; rest viscer fat deepli embed organs. excess viscer fat deposit abdomin area give rise central obesity. bodi protrud belli term appl shaped. omentum made greater omentum import storag fat deposit lesser omentum connect stomach intestin liver. milki spot greater omentum contain white blood cell assist immun remov cellular debris."} {"id": "6887", "contents": "omentum membran doubl layer fatti tissu cover support intestin organ lower abdomin area. omentum made greater omentum import storag fat deposit lesser omentum connect stomach intestin liver. milki spot greater omentum contain white blood cell assist immun remov cellular debris."} {"id": "6888", "contents": "part lymphat system. lymphat system made network lymph glands, connect throughout bodi tini tube call lymph vessels. lymph yellow fluid flow lymphat system eventu drain veins. system help get rid wast product body. tissu fluid bath body' cells, drain lymphat system circul again. breast lymphat system. breast made fat, connect tissue, gland tissu divid area call lobes. network tube (ducts) spread lobe toward nipple."} {"id": "6889", "contents": "muscular system made tissu work skelet system control movement body. muscles\u2014lik one arm legs\u2014ar voluntary, mean decid move them. muscles, like one stomach, heart, intestin organs, involuntary. sometimes, even though feel well happening, bodi fight illness. inflammatori respons fails, immun respons goe work. central part immun system made white blood cells, fight infect gobbl antigens."} {"id": "6890", "contents": "vascular system, also call circulatori system, made vessel carri blood lymph body. arteri vein carri blood throughout body, deliv oxygen nutrient bodi tissu take away tissu wast matter. addit circul blood lymph throughout body, vascular system function import compon bodi systems. exampl include: respiratori system. blood flow capillari lungs, carbon dioxid given oxygen pick up."} {"id": "6891", "contents": "lymphat system made network lymph glands, connect throughout bodi tini tube (vessels) call lymph vessels. lymph yellow fluid flow lymphat system eventu drain veins. system help get rid wast product body. tissu fluid bath body' cells, drain lymphat system circul again. breast lymphat system. breast made fat, connect tissue, gland tissu divid area call lobes. network tube (ducts) spread lobe toward nipple."} {"id": "6892", "contents": "infections. untreat typhoid fever caus inflamm heart muscles, may lead heart problem long term, accord mayoclinic.com. typhoid also caus infect membran fluid surround brain spinal cord, lead fatal nervou system diseas known meningitis."} {"id": "6893", "contents": "accord mayoclinic.com, gastrointestin bleed long-term effect untreat typhoid. medlineplu report symptom includ sever abdomin pain, coffe ground vomit, black tarri stool, weak dizzi stand up. prolong bleed lead loss iron, caus anemia."} {"id": "6894", "contents": "typhoid contract consumpt food water contamin salmonella typhi. accord medlineplus, typhoid occur less frequent u. common develop countri africa, asia latin america. untreat typhoid may lead sever long-term effects."} {"id": "6895", "contents": "typhoid fever contract ingest bacteria contamin food water, poor person hygiene, close contact someon infected. patient acut ill contamin surround water suppli stool, contain high concentr bacteria."} {"id": "6896", "contents": "3%-5% peopl becom carrier bacteria acut illness. other suffer mild ill goe unrecognized. peopl may becom long-term carrier bacteria -- even though symptom -- sourc new outbreak typhoid fever mani years."} {"id": "6897", "contents": "typhoid fever contract drink eat bacteria contamin food water. peopl acut ill contamin surround water suppli stool, contain high concentr bacteria. contamin water suppli can, turn, taint food supply."} {"id": "6898", "contents": "typhoid fever, also known enter fever, potenti fatal multisystem ill caus primarili salmonella enterica, subspeci enterica serovar typhi and, lesser extent, relat serovar paratyphi a, b, c. protean manifest typhoid fever make diseas true diagnost challenge."} {"id": "6899", "contents": "see also. purpl rain 1984 american rock music drama film direct albert magnoli written magnoli william blinn, princ make film debut."} {"id": "6900", "contents": "addit act movie, princ also wrote music film. purpl rain rate r. film 111 minut long, came juli 1984."} {"id": "6901", "contents": "1984, princ made film debut semi-autobiograph movie, alreadi homegrown star, minneapoli boy cut music chop city' kaleidoscop music scene. time purpl rain filmed, princ alreadi regular first avenu stage."} {"id": "6902", "contents": "purpl rain, first star film prince, stori arrogant, young black singer, born rais minneapolis, reach pinnacl stardom."} {"id": "6903", "contents": "film purpl rain, male lot potenti music busi lot potential. kid come difficult childhood becom troubl adult. decid start music business, meet singer name apollonia."} {"id": "6904", "contents": "purpl rain 1984 american rock music drama film direct albert magnoli written magnoli william blinn. it, princ make film debut, develop showcas particular talents. hence, film contain sever extend concert sequences. film gross us$80 million box offic becam cult classic. purpl rain featur film star princ direct. film academi award best origin song score, current last film receiv award. nomin two razzi awards, includ worst new star apollonia kotero worst origin song sex shooter"} {"id": "6905", "contents": "abstract: structur function broad perspect sociolog anthropolog interpret societi structur interrel parts. function address societi whole term function constitu element norms, customs, traditions, institut etc."} {"id": "6906", "contents": "structur function sociolog theori attempt explain societi function way focus relationship variou social institut make societi (e.g., government, law, education, religion, etc)."} {"id": "6907", "contents": "ashley crossman. functionalist perspective, also call functionalism, one major theoret perspect sociology. origin work emil durkheim, especi interest social order possibl societi remain rel stable. one part system work dysfunctional, affect part creat social problems, lead social change. functionalist perspect achiev greatest popular among american sociologist 1940 1950s."} {"id": "6908", "contents": "definit functionalism. function (or structur functionalism) perspect sociolog accord societi consist differ relat parts, serv particular purpose."} {"id": "6909", "contents": "function philosophi mind doctrin make someth mental state particular type depend intern constitution, rather way functions, role plays, system part. though term \u2018functionalism\u2019 use design varieti posit varieti disciplines, includ psychology, sociology, economics, architecture, entri focus exclus function philosoph thesi natur mental states."} {"id": "6910", "contents": "structur functionalism, simpli functionalism, framework build theori see societi complex system whose part work togeth promot solidar stability. approach look social structur social functions. function address societi whole term function constitu elements; name norms, customs, traditions, institutions. common analogy, popular herbert spencer, present part societi organ work toward proper function bodi whole"} {"id": "6911", "contents": "function doctrin make someth thought, desire, pain (or type mental state) depend intern constitution, sole function, role plays, cognit system part. though term \u2018functionalism\u2019 use design varieti posit varieti disciplines, includ psychology, sociology, economics, architecture, entri focus exclus function philosoph thesi natur mental states."} {"id": "6912", "contents": "structur functionalism, simpli functionalism, framework build theori see societi complex system whose part work togeth promot solidar stability. two theorists, herbert spencer robert merton, major contributor perspective. structural-funct approach perspect sociolog"} {"id": "6913", "contents": "structur function approach macrosociolog analysis, broad focu social structur shape societi whole. approach look social structur social functions. function address societi whole term function constitu elements; name norms, customs, traditions, institutions. common analogy, popular herbert spencer, present part societi organ work toward proper function bod"} {"id": "6914", "contents": "bathroom' narrowest dimens 30 inches. irc also requir least 21 inch clearanc front toilet bowl. bowl stick 20 inch wall, mean need minimum footprint squar feet toilet."} {"id": "6915", "contents": "recommended: plan clear floor space least 30 inch front edg fixtur (lavatory, toilet, bidet, tub, shower) opposit bath fixture, wall, obstacle. code requirement: minimum space 21 inch must plan front lavatory, toilet, bidet, tub."} {"id": "6916", "contents": "toilet clearanc import consider plan bathroom remodel new bathroom. includ distanc toilet back side wall also clearanc front distanc sanitari fixtures."} {"id": "6917", "contents": "code requir least 15 inch (measur center toilet) side wall obstruct closer 30 inch center center sanitari fixture. (the nkba actual recommend 32 inches.) least 24 inch clear space front toilet bidet. bathtubs. code requir tub size, minimum clear floor space alongsid bathtub least 60 inch long (the length standard tub) 30 inch wide. alway allow clear space access plumb and/or whirlpool motors."} {"id": "6918", "contents": "mean door width 32 inches, must passag 32 inch wide 32 inch long clear space lead bathroom. insid bathroom, need minimum 21 inch space front toilet, sink, tub bidet 24 inch clear space front shower."} {"id": "6919", "contents": "sink requir minimum 20 inch space sit in, sink room. shower requir minimum 30 inch space 30 inch diamet circl could drawn. tight fit people, recommend space shower 36 inches. ceil bathroom must least 80 inch front sink toilet insid shower."} {"id": "6920", "contents": "nation kitchen bath associ requir least 24 inch clearanc front toilet. moreover, nkba recommend 32 inch center toilet wast line center sanitari fixture, although local code may requir 30 inches."} {"id": "6921", "contents": "six extrins eye muscl attach exterior surfac eyebal control eye movement make possibl eye follow move object. summari action extrins eye muscle: later rectus-mov eye laterally. medial rectus-mov eye medially."} {"id": "6922", "contents": "action two muscl antagonistic: one muscl must relax contract execut horizont eye movements. four extraocular muscl work togeth control vertic eye movement eye rotat around mid-orbit axi (figur 8.1, right)."} {"id": "6923", "contents": "eye, six muscl work togeth control eye posit movement. two extraocular muscles, medial rectu later rectus, work togeth control horizont eye movement (figur 8.1, left). contract medial rectu pull eye toward nose (adduct medial movement)."} {"id": "6924", "contents": "act control movement eyebal superior eyelid. seven extraocular muscl levat palpebra superioris, superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, later rectus, inferior obliqu superior oblique."} {"id": "6925", "contents": "no, human eye organ. however, eye six muscl control movements: later rectus, medial rectus, inferior rectus, sup erior rectus, inferior oblique, superior oblique."} {"id": "6926", "contents": "central control eye movement. worthwhil point review anatomi central pathway oculomotor system. figur 4-5 4-6 schemat outlin major central pathway import conjug later gaze, conjug vertic gaze convergence."} {"id": "6927", "contents": "cattl alley straight, curv adjust fit width correct width size cattl working. cattl often stop tri back see cattl chute. best cattl alley curv least 15 help prevent see cattl chute stopping. adjust cattl alley allow adjust width cattl alley fit width anim travel through."} {"id": "6928", "contents": "facil design minim distract elimin potenti injuri points. johnson\u2019 facil contain five hold pens; 12 foot-wid work alleys; 10 foot-diamet crowd tub; squeez chute (about 26 inch wide cattle); headlocks; load-out area. johnson recommend build flexibl allow extra gate includ mani multi-funct compon"} {"id": "6929", "contents": "feet alley adjust chute -- good size two peopl handl cattle. inclementth 5-foot wide entranc alley one inch per mended.foot slope outsid facilit self-cleaning. oneth adjust chute protectionarea two inch per foot slope, also outside."} {"id": "6930", "contents": "maximum 26 inch wide straight chute (see tabl 1). accept allow extra width curv chute (see tabl 1). width dif-fer v-shape chute used. work chute feet high british breed cattl feet high exot breeds. long enough accommod four anim time. cattl owner prefer curv anim cannot see headgat hold- chute ahead"} {"id": "6931", "contents": "small gate entranc end swing lock isol cow alley divert one get alley. gobob\u2019 adjust cattl alley 20 foot long (custom length available) adjust wide 30 inch 18 inches. without pin levers! gobob\u2019 exclus rotari adjust mean smooth, quit adjust matter much pressur alley. versatil alley market. consist 20 foot long doubl lane adjust alley transit approxim 34 inch wide 10 foot long singl adjust alley (overal length approxim 35 feet)."} {"id": "6932", "contents": "cattl get stuck built seri straight sections. recommend race width race straight side 66-71 cm adult cow 51 cm calves. dimens may vari depend cow size. v-shape race 41-45 cm wide bottom 81 cm wide 152 cm level. common mistak make race wide. cm clearanc side largest cow use race."} {"id": "6933", "contents": "ideally, width adjust accommod everyth calv bulls. solid, slope side altern help prevent calv turn around. cattle, alley width 28 inch top 16 inch bottom work well alley 60 inch tall. increas width larg breed bulls. curv alley difficult construct, usual allow better cattl movement."} {"id": "6934", "contents": "7. 7. 12-feet (3.5m)wide cattl alley feed lot handl system ideal singl person move cattl foot horseback. cattl move alley singl person stand middl alley arm outstretch prevent cattl turn back. cattl turn back person move one side alley way. 10-foot (3.2m) wide alley suffici space cattl easili go person. 14-foot (4.2m) wide alley wide effect prevent cattl turn back. www.grandinlivestockhandlingsystems.com."} {"id": "6935", "contents": "otherwis long straight crowd alley work well process cattle. cow-calf oper need box least 12 feet wide 20 feet deep. 14 feet wide handler horseback. depend size cattl work could 16 feet wide handler box alway horseback. 14 16 foot width wide comfort work stock foot. box certainli wider alley lead it. fact, go 10 12 foot alleyway 14 foot wide box normal allow cattl enter box faster set transit even better. let width alley dictat width box."} {"id": "6936", "contents": "use larg box crowd alley, addit block gate box shorten might good solution. summary, box need 12 14 feet wide oper 20 30 feet deep depend number cattl need flow system given time. box certainli wider alley lead it. fact, go 10 12 foot alleyway 14 foot wide box normal allow cattl enter box faster set transit even better. let width alley dictat width box."} {"id": "6937", "contents": "union jack. union jack (also known union flag) upper hoist quadrant first quarter australian flag denot australia' histor link britain. union jack composit flag symbol union histor compon unit kingdom."} {"id": "6938", "contents": "union jack also appear provinci flag british columbia, manitoba ontario (canada) state flag new south wales, queensland, south australia, tasmania, victoria western australia (australia)."} {"id": "6939", "contents": "union jack, union flag, nation flag unit kingdom. flag also offici semi-offici statu commonwealth realms; example, is, law, offici flag canada known royal union flag."} {"id": "6940", "contents": "unit kingdom great britain northern ireland. current flag unit kingdom, commonli known union jack union flag, deriv flag kingdom great britain, england scotland unit 1707. ireland join union 1801, st patrick\u2019 cross added, repres ireland."} {"id": "6941", "contents": "flag unit kingdom, union jack, superposit flag saint georg (for england), saint andrew (for scotland) saint patrick (for ireland). superposit quit intricate, often drawn incorrectly."} {"id": "6942", "contents": "\u2018union jack\u2019 first introduc 1606, known simpli \u2018the british flag\u2019 \u2018the flag britain\u2019, order flown main masthead ships, warship merchant ships, england scotland. first use name \u2018union\u2019 appear 1625."} {"id": "6943", "contents": "staphylococcu aureus. staphylococcu aureu bacterium member firmicutes, frequent found human respiratori tract skin. although s. aureu alway pathogenic, common caus skin infections, respiratori disease, food poisoning. disease-associ strain often promot infect produc potent protein toxins, express cell-surfac protein bind inactiv antibodies. emerg antibiotic-resist form pathogen s. aureu worldwid problem clinic medicine. staphylococcu first identifi aberdeen, scotland surgeon sir alexand ogston pu surgic abscess knee joint."} {"id": "6944", "contents": "aureus. aureu gold coin ancient rome valu 25 silver denarii. aureu regularli issu 1st centuri bc begin 4th centuri ad, replac solidus. aureu size denarius, heavier due higher densiti gold."} {"id": "6945", "contents": "s. aureu caus rang illnesses, minor skin infections, pimples, impetigo, boils, cellul folliculitis, carbuncles, scald skin syndrome, abscesses, life-threaten diseas pneumonia, meningitis, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, toxic shock syndrome, bacteremia, sepsis. name later append staphylococcu aureu rosenbach credit offici system nomenclatur time. estim 20% human popul long-term carrier s. aureu found part normal skin flora anterior nare nasal passages."} {"id": "6946", "contents": "staphylococcu aureu bacterium member firmicutes, frequent found human respiratori tract skin. although s. aureu alway pathogenic, common caus skin infections, respiratori disease, food poisoning. name later append staphylococcu aureu rosenbach credit offici system nomenclatur time. estim 20% human popul long-term carrier s. aureu found part normal skin flora anterior nare nasal passages."} {"id": "6947", "contents": "emerg antibiotic-resist form s. aureu mrsa worldwid problem clinic medicine. staphylococcu first identifi 1880 aberdeen, scotland, surgeon sir alexand ogston pu surgic abscess knee joint. s. aureu common speci staphylococcu caus staph infect success pathogen due combin nasal carriag bacteri immunoevas strategies."} {"id": "6948", "contents": "although s. aureu alway pathogenic, common caus skin infect abscesses, respiratori infect sinusitis, food poisoning. pathogen strain often promot infect produc potent protein toxins, express cell-surfac protein bind inactiv antibodies. s. aureu common speci staphylococcu caus staph infect success pathogen due combin nasal carriag bacteri immunoevas strategies."} {"id": "6949", "contents": "s. aureu respons mani infections, may also occur commensal. presenc s. aureu alway indic infection. surviv hour weeks, even months, dri environment surfaces, depend strain. s. aureu common speci staphylococcu caus staph infect success pathogen due combin nasal carriag bacteri immunoevas strategies."} {"id": "6950", "contents": "mrsa-methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureus, nick name specif subtyp bacteria staph bacteria family, found resist mani common antibiot use today. (staf'i-l\u014d-kok'\u016d aw'r\u0113-\u016ds). bacteri common speci found especi nasal mucou membran skin (hair follicles); caus furunculosis, cellulitis, pyemia, pneumonia, osteomyelitis, endocarditis, suppur wounds, infections, food poisoning; also caus infect burn patients."} {"id": "6951", "contents": "staphylococcu aureu gram-posit coccal bacterium member firmicutes, frequent found respiratori tract skin form perspir present. often posit catalas nitrat reduction. s. aureu common speci staphylococcu caus staph infect success pathogen due combin nasal carriag bacteri immunoevas strategies."} {"id": "6952", "contents": "exchang bristol. corn exchang (commonwealth english) grain exchang (north american english) build farmer merchant trade cereal grains. trade common town citi across great britain ireland 19th century, trade becam centralis 20th centuri mani build use purposes. sever sinc becom heritag sites."} {"id": "6953", "contents": "corn exchange, manchest grade ii list build manchester, england. build origin use corn exchang previous name corn produc exchange, subsequ triangle. follow ira bomb 1996 renov modern shop centr till juli 2014. corn exchang renov reopen triangl shop centr (becaus shape). edwardian interior replac high-class retail outlet includ muji, flagship adida store, o'neil jigsaw, closed."} {"id": "6954", "contents": "corn exchang continu trade well 1950s, 1960 number trader declin dramatically, 1980 trader occupi offic surround trade floor. 1840 50 great deal invest improv leed market facil corn trader felt neglected-ther improv sinc build first corn exchange."} {"id": "6955", "contents": "centuri farmer merchant attend leed corn market stood tuesday area call cross parish near market cross top briggate. 1828 town\u2019 first purpose-built corn exchang open north side headrow face briggate. 1840 50 great deal invest improv leed market facil corn trader felt neglected-ther improv sinc build first corn exchange."} {"id": "6956", "contents": "triangl corn exchange. first corn exchang built site 1837 design richard lane, 1830 regard manchester' lead architect. however, build demolish replac 1897 current building. fact construct two section differ architect 1897 1903."} {"id": "6957", "contents": "due trade excel water rail connect 1901 leed 160 trader corn exchange, includ 30 hull, liverpool, other nottingham, manchester, newcastle, london glasgow. town becom grain trade centr nation importance. 1840 50 great deal invest improv leed market facil corn trader felt neglected-ther improv sinc build first corn exchange."} {"id": "6958", "contents": "although erect corn exchange, never realli function was, believ use public meet room recruitment/hir hall. 1914 corn exchang becam cinema first time known \u201cexchang hall\u201d. jointli manag along majest cinema norton and, day silent movies, orchestra. 1930\u2019 cinema enjoy great success enlarged."} {"id": "6959", "contents": "corn exchange. corn exchang reborn! origin built 1883-1884 corn exchang landmark build pass mani owner fall disrepair partial torn down."} {"id": "6960", "contents": "novemb 10th 2011 oxfordshir guardian corn exchang witney town centr forc closed, fall state disrepair. town council decid temporari closur option grade ii list build meet held monday. corn exchang built 1863 last refurbish 1978. acut awar histor signific corn exchang import place heart witney, current state bit like old car, mayor continued."} {"id": "6961", "contents": "although corn exchang built trade grain, sinc serv varieti purposes. 1800 offer public meet room hold 500 people, library, club, literari society, facil put plays. 21 januari 1828 properti sold william stacey (in full agreement member family) georg perry, innkeep bishop\u2019 stortford, year purchas \u00a33,150 purpos erect corn exchang site."} {"id": "6962", "contents": "make icon smaller size default medium icon option. alternately, select icon desktop, press control key (ctrl), use mouse' scroll wheel resiz icons. 2. select appear tab display properti dialog, click advanc button. 3. advanc appear dialog, select icon item drop-down menu. select new size size field right"} {"id": "6963", "contents": "best answer: make desktop icon smaller even without chang screen resolution. it, simpli right click anywher desktop (not icon, course) click properties. click appear tab click advanced. see drop-down option say item. now, select icon chang size. also tri item chang appearaance."} {"id": "6964", "contents": "method 3: window xp. 1. right-click empti space desktop. contextu menu appear. select properties. 2. select appear tab display properti dialog, click advanc button. 3. advanc appear dialog, select icon item drop-down menu. select new size size field right drop-down menu."} {"id": "6965", "contents": "save. bigger icon text comput screen, better see read them. smaller icon text are, fit screen without everyth look crowded. make comput screen smaller larger matter adjust screen resolution. select screen resolut drop-down menu adjust slider bar control resolut display. click apply.. window show preview new settings. click revert would like adjust set someth else."} {"id": "6966", "contents": "chang size taskbar icons. want chang size icon taskbar, there' differ set that, also chang size text, apps, item across window 10. 1. right-click empti space desktop. 2."} {"id": "6967", "contents": "make window xp screen smaller. screen resolut defin dimens object monitor. width screen window xp large, icons, text imag might hard see, make difficult complet work. alter screen resolut make screen width smaller, therebi increas size object"} {"id": "6968", "contents": "adjust screen resolution. right click anywher desktop icon click properti bottom. navig set tab top right. simpli adjust screen resolut larger setting."} {"id": "6969", "contents": "alter size window desktop taskbar, make sure taskbar locked. see whether locked, right click empti space taskbar, check tick next 'lock taskbar'. isn't, good. is, click 'lock taskbar' unlock it."} {"id": "6970", "contents": "instructions. right-click blank area desktop. select screen resolution.. select screen resolut drop-down menu adjust slider bar control resolut display. click apply.. window show preview new settings. click revert would like adjust set someth else."} {"id": "6971", "contents": "click scroll resiz icons. place cursor area desktop occupi icon. right click mouse. choos \u201cview.\u201d view submenu, choos \u201clarg icons,\u201d \u201cmedium icons\u201d \u201csmall icons.\u201d. also use scroll wheel mous resiz icons."} {"id": "6972", "contents": "gestat period human, time concept birth approxim month (266 days/38 weeks). 9.5 month calcul first day last menstrual period (280 days/40 weeks).. 2."} {"id": "6973", "contents": "gestat period human, time concept birth approxim month (266 days/38 weeks). 9.5 month calcul first day last menstrual period (280 days/40 weeks). full-term babi come 37-42 weeks."} {"id": "6974", "contents": "gestat period, durat pregnancy, human 266 day (38 weeks) time fertil birth 3. 266 day averag gestat period human concept birth 4. end week 38. (266 day conception) estim birth date. 5."} {"id": "6975", "contents": "gestat period anim scale. gestat period human 266 days, day short nine months. mani biolog characterist explan term evolutionari surviv value. even seemingli cultur characterist human societi biolog explanation."} {"id": "6976", "contents": "confid vote 261. gestat period human, time concept birth approxim month (266 days/38 weeks). 9.5 month calcul first day last menstrual period (280 days/40 weeks). full-term babi come 37-42 weeks."} {"id": "6977", "contents": "manufactur aquacultur feed present special challeng tradit feed mill concept due aquat medium feed deliv ingested, small size varieti anim cultivated."} {"id": "6978", "contents": "accord fao, aquacultur understood mean farm aquat organ includ fish, molluscs, crustacean aquat plants. farm impli form intervent rear process enhanc production, regular stocking, feeding, protect predators, etc. aquacultur farm piscivor fish, like salmon, help problem need eat product fish, fish meal fish oil. studi shown salmon farm major neg impact wild salmon, well forag fish need caught feed them."} {"id": "6979", "contents": "particular kind aquacultur includ fish farming, shrimp farming, oyster farming, mariculture, algacultur (such seawe farming), cultiv ornament fish. particular method includ aquapon integr multi-troph aquaculture, integr fish farm plant farming. aquacultur farm piscivor fish, like salmon, help problem need eat product fish, fish meal fish oil. studi shown salmon farm major neg impact wild salmon, well forag fish need caught feed them."} {"id": "6980", "contents": "aquacultur product aquat anim plant control condit part lifecycles. interest aquacultur product rise restrict wild harvest mani seafood speci may diminish wild harvest seafood supplies."} {"id": "6981", "contents": "feed aquaculture. anim need eat farm anim need fed, aquacultur repres effici method convert feed edibl protein. fishmeal natur well-balanc sourc high-qual protein. ingredi aquacultur feed, fishmeal fish oil suppli essenti amino acid fatti acid reflect normal diet fish."} {"id": "6982", "contents": "manufactur feed import part modern commerci aquaculture, provid balanc nutrit need farm fish. feeds, form granul pellets, provid nutrit stabl concentr form, enabl fish feed effici grow full potential."} {"id": "6983", "contents": "aquaculture, also known aquafarming, farm aquat organ fish, crustaceans, mollusc aquat plants. aquacultur farm piscivor fish, like salmon, help problem need eat product fish, fish meal fish oil. studi shown salmon farm major neg impact wild salmon, well forag fish need caught feed them."} {"id": "6984", "contents": "wild, carnivor fish salmon eat fish. therefore, feed farm carnivor fish (a well mani herbivor fish) includ fish oil protein well plant proteins, minerals, vitamin achiev nutrit requir fish offer health benefit humans. fishmeal natur well-balanc sourc high-qual protein. ingredi aquacultur feed, fishmeal fish oil suppli essenti amino acid fatti acid reflect normal diet fish."} {"id": "6985", "contents": "like feed domest animals, aquacultur feed regul u.s. food drug administr (fda) depart agricultur respect states, advis associ american feed control offici (aafco). fishmeal natur well-balanc sourc high-qual protein. ingredi aquacultur feed, fishmeal fish oil suppli essenti amino acid fatti acid reflect normal diet fish."} {"id": "6986", "contents": "article. medic call naloxon revers effect overdos heroin type painkillers. paramed emerg room doctor use year save lives."} {"id": "6987", "contents": "naloxon pure opioid antagonist. work revers depress central nervou system respiratori system caus opioids. naloxon patent 1961 jack fishman, moze j. lewenstein, compani sankyo. drug approv opioid overdos food drug administr 1971. naloxon inn, ban, usan medication. ca number naloxon 465-65-6; anhydr hydrochlorid salt ca 357-08-4 hydrochlorid salt molecul water, hydrochlorid dihydrate, ca 51481-60-8."} {"id": "6988", "contents": "indications. narcan (naloxone) indic complet partial revers opioid depression, includ respiratori depression, induc natur synthet opioids, includ propoxyphene, methadon certain mix agonist-antagonist analgesics: nalbuphine, pentazocine, butorphanol, cyclazocine."} {"id": "6989", "contents": "naloxon special narcot drug revers effect narcot medicines. naloxon use revers effect narcot drug use surgeri treat pain. naloxon may also use treat narcot drug overdos diagnos narcot drug addiction. naloxon may also use purpos list medic guide."} {"id": "6990", "contents": "review. naloxon special narcot drug revers effect narcot medicines. naloxon use revers effect narcot drug use surgeri treat pain. naloxon may also use treat narcot drug overdos diagnos narcot drug addiction. naloxon may also use purpos list medic guide. treat narcot drug addiction, naloxon may caus withdraw symptom as: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain; fever, sweating, bodi aches, weakness, runni nose; feel nervous, restless, irritable; goosebumps, shivering; or. pound heartbeat"} {"id": "6991", "contents": "naloxon medic rapidli revers effect opioid overdos standard treatment overdose. however, exist naloxon drug requir administr via syring commonli use train medic personnel emerg depart ambulances. first naloxon treatment specif design given famili member caregivers. u.s. food drug administr today approv prescript treatment use famili member caregiv treat person known suspect opioid overdose."} {"id": "6992", "contents": "naloxon medic approv food drug administr (fda) prevent overdos opioid heroin, morphine, oxycodone. block opioid receptor sites, revers toxic effect overdose. naloxon administ patient show sign opioid overdose. medic inject intraven (into vein), intramuscularli (into muscle), subcutan (just skin). naloxon also avail automat inject devic nasal spray. learn buprenorphine. doctor prescrib naloxon patient medication-assist treatment (mat), especi patient take medic use mat consid risk"} {"id": "6993", "contents": "naloxone, also known narcan among names, medic use revers effect opioid especi overdose. naloxon may combin within pill opioid decreas risk misuse. given intraven work within two minut inject muscl work within five minutes. medic may also use nose. effect naloxon last half hour hour. multipl dose may requir durat action opioid greater naloxone. naloxon inn, ban, usan medication. ca number naloxon 465-65-6; anhydr hydrochlorid salt ca 357-08-4 hydrochlorid salt molecul water, hydrochlorid dihydrate, ca 51481-60-8."} {"id": "6994", "contents": "part databas glossary: apach cassandra open sourc distribut databas system design store manag larg amount data across commod servers."} {"id": "6995", "contents": "apach cassandra, top level apach project born facebook built amazon\u2019 dynamo google\u2019 bigtable, distribut databas manag larg amount structur data across mani commod servers, provid highli avail servic singl point failure."} {"id": "6996", "contents": "contrast hadoop apach cassandra. apach cassandra nosql databas ideal high-speed, onlin transact data, hadoop big data analyt system focus data wareh data lake use cases. hbase sometim use onlin applic exist hadoop implement exist site right fit application. hbase typic good choic develop always-on onlin applic nearli 2-3 year behind cassandra mani technic respects."} {"id": "6997", "contents": "hadoop lead solut nonrel data storag processing. base key googl technolog store process huge data set distribut across larg cluster commod computers. hadoop shown rapid adopt enterprise, undoubtedli lead technolog big data data processing. foundat hadoop system hadoop distribut filesystem (hdfs) store massiv distribut unstructur data sets."} {"id": "6998", "contents": "hadoop type database, rather softwar ecosystem allow massiv parallel computing. enabl certain type nosql distribut databas (such hbase), allow data spread across thousand server littl reduct performance."} {"id": "6999", "contents": "apach hadoop open-sourc softwar framework written java distribut storag distribut process larg data set comput cluster built commod hardware. list includ hbase database, apach mahout machin learn system, apach hive data warehous system. hadoop theori use sort work batch-ori rather real-time, data-intensive, benefit parallel process data."} {"id": "7000", "contents": "heleno graphic user interfac cassandra. apach cassandra open sourc distribut databas manag system design handl larg amount data across mani commod servers, provid high avail singl point failure. cassandra' data model partit row store tunabl consistency. row organ tables; first compon table' primari key partit key; within partition, row cluster remain column key."} {"id": "7001", "contents": "brisk use cassandra databas replac hadoop' hdf filesystem hbase database. hbase cassandra deal larg data sets, provid high transact rate low latenc lookups. allow map-reduc process run databas aggreg parallel process required. hadoop shown rapid adopt enterprise, undoubtedli lead technolog big data data processing. foundat hadoop system hadoop distribut filesystem (hdfs) store massiv distribut unstructur data sets."} {"id": "7002", "contents": "hbase open source, nosql, distribut databas model google' bigtabl written java. it\u2019 includ part apach softwar foundation' apach hadoop project run top hdf (hadoop distribut file system), provid bigtable-lik capabl hadoop. hbase sometim use onlin applic exist hadoop implement exist site right fit application. hbase typic good choic develop always-on onlin applic nearli 2-3 year behind cassandra mani technic respects."} {"id": "7003", "contents": "apache\u2122 hadoop\u00ae project develop open-sourc softwar reliable, scalable, distribut computing. apach hadoop softwar librari framework allow distribut process larg data set across cluster comput use simpl program models. hadoop common: common util support hadoop modules. hadoop distribut file system (hdfs\u2122) distribut file system provid high-throughput access applic data. hadoop yarn: framework job schedul cluster resourc management."} {"id": "7004", "contents": "iron hemoglobin blood serv catalyst chemiluminesc reaction caus luminol glow, blue glow produc solut spray blood."} {"id": "7005", "contents": "recogn chemiluminesc process energi chemic reaction convert light energy. describ exotherm reaction produc light instead heat. use follow skills: observing, record data, make inferences."} {"id": "7006", "contents": "glow result due natur properti luminol call chemiluminescence. chemiluminesc emiss light result chemic reaction involv product heat flame. reaction, reactant (in case luminol hydrogen peroxide) react iron blood."} {"id": "7007", "contents": "luminol substanc blue green glow come contact blood, certain metals, oxid agents. made hydrazin hydrogen peroxid exhibit chemiluminescence, process light emit chemic reaction."} {"id": "7008", "contents": "luminol chemic produc beauti blue fluoresc oxid hydrogen peroxide. addit provid one best-known exampl chemiluminescence, also valuabl crime scene investig tool whose blue glow reveal presenc blood."} {"id": "7009", "contents": "clear test tube cup, mix 10 ml luminol solut 10 ml peroxid solution. activ glow either ad ~0.1 potassium ferricyanid solut drop blood."} {"id": "7010", "contents": "so, instance, luminol glow use determin hydrogen peroxid concentrations, detect presenc compound could react necessari catalyst prevent trigger reaction. doubt luminol blood make excel partnership."} {"id": "7011", "contents": "luminol chemiluminesc reaction respons glow lightsticks. reaction use criminalist detect trace blood crime scenes."} {"id": "7012", "contents": "cyclic anhydrid deriv dicarboxyl acid name as-dioic anhydrides. function group acid anhydrid therefor suffix oic anhydride. hydrocarbon structur alkan therefore-an-. longest continu chain c2 therefor root eth. name implies, acid anyhydrid deriv carboxyl acids. principle, symmetr (where two group identical) asymmetr (where two group different). symmetr anhydrid common, name alkan"} {"id": "7013", "contents": "function groups. a. function group. defin group atom organ molecule. given function group exhibit a. characterist set chemic properties, larg independ rest structur molecul in. found. consequence, understand chemic behavior function group allow one. predict reactiv wide varieti organ molecules. ch 32m/30 28m function group function group defin group atom organ molecule."} {"id": "7014", "contents": "gener exampl carboxyl anhydrid blue mark function group. organ acid anhydrid acid anhydrid organ compound. acid anhydrid compound two acyl group bond oxygen atom. mix (or unsymmetrical) acid anhydrides, acet formic anhydrid (see below), known. one acyl group acid anhydrid may also deriv anoth type organ acid, sulfon acid phosphon acid."} {"id": "7015", "contents": "organ chemistry, function group specif group atom within molecul arrang specif manner. follow tabl list common function group arrang heteroatom. symbol r, r', r'' r''' usual denot hydrocarbon chain hydrogen sometim group atoms."} {"id": "7016", "contents": "acet anhydride, ethano anhydride, chemic compound formula (ch co) o. commonli abbrevi ac o, simplest isol anhydrid carboxyl acid wide use reagent organ synthesis."} {"id": "7017", "contents": "aspirin (acetylsalicyl acid) aromat compound contain carboxyl acid function group ester function group. aspirin weak acid slightli solubl water. aspirin contain polar function group form hydrogen bond polar water molecules. aspirin solubl basic (alkaline) solutions, readili dissolv duodenum first part intestine."} {"id": "7018", "contents": "common type organ acid anhydrid carboxyl anhydride, parent acid carboxyl acid, formula anhydrid (rc(o)) o. symmetr acid anhydrid type name replac word acid name parent carboxyl acid word anhydride. mix (or unsymmetrical) acid anhydrides, acet formic anhydrid (see below), known. one acyl group acid anhydrid may also deriv anoth type organ acid, sulfon acid phosphon acid."} {"id": "7019", "contents": "now. report abuse. -nh2, phenol function groups, amin group react acet anhydride. acet anhydrid act like acid, rememb amin organ base. phenol weak acid. unean_amigo year ago. thumb up."} {"id": "7020", "contents": "thus, (ch co) call acet anhydride. mix (or unsymmetrical) acid anhydrides, acet formic anhydrid (see below), known. one acyl group acid anhydrid may also deriv anoth type organ acid, sulfon acid phosphon acid."} {"id": "7021", "contents": "benign adren masses. benign adren mass non-cancer growth adren gland. two adren glands, one locat top kidney. adren gland make hormon includ adrenalin (epinephrine, norepinephrine), steroid (cortisol), aldosterone, well others."} {"id": "7022", "contents": "tumor commonli occur adren gland are. tumor adren cortex produc excess secret steroid hormones: condit call cushing' disease. tumor adren cortex produc excess secret aldosterone: condit call conn' syndrome. endocrin tumors. endocrin tumor abnorm growth endocrin glands. sinc endocrin gland produc hormones, tumor endocrin gland also produc hormones. hormon produc excess amount endocrin tumor releas blood. excess amount hormon blood produc markedli abnorm effect bodi"} {"id": "7023", "contents": "benign tumor mass cell (tumor) lack abil invad neighbor tissu metastasize. characterist requir tumor defin cancer therefor benign tumor non-cancerous. although benign tumor life-threatening, mani type benign tumor potenti becom cancer (malignant) process known tumour progression."} {"id": "7024", "contents": "endocrin tumor benign grow cancers. often distinct cancer cancer difficult even remov tumors. patient remov thought benign growth may come back cancer recurrence. endocrin tumors. endocrin tumor abnorm growth endocrin glands. sinc endocrin gland produc hormones, tumor endocrin gland also produc hormones. hormon produc excess amount endocrin tumor releas blood. excess amount hormon blood produc markedli abnorm effect bodi"} {"id": "7025", "contents": "2. hormon __________, secret cell thyroid gland, work parathyroid hormon regul calcium level blood tissues. calcitonin. 3. __________ gland secret hormon control activ endocrin glands. pituitary. 4. hormon __________ secret adren medulla stimul sympathet nervou system."} {"id": "7026", "contents": "anterior pituitari pituitari tumor begin larger, front part pituitari gland known anterior pituitary. part gland make sever hormon control endocrin glands. growth hormon (gh, also known somatotropin) promot bodi growth childhood."} {"id": "7027", "contents": "anterior pituitary. pituitari tumor begin larger, front part pituitari gland known anterior pituitary. part gland make sever hormon control endocrin glands. growth hormon (gh, also known somatotropin) promot bodi growth childhood. much made child grow tall. normally, adult make small amount growth hormon"} {"id": "7028", "contents": "malign tumour call adren cortic carcinomas. common type tumour medulla call phaeochromocytoma. benign malignant. small number phaeochromocytoma start outsid medulla part adren gland known extra-adren phaeochromocytomas. type hormon overproduc depend part adren gland affect tumour. endocrin tumour may caus overproduct hormon caus obviou symptoms. known non-funct tumours."} {"id": "7029", "contents": "multipl endocrin neoplasia type (men1) genet condit caus benign malign tumor endocrin (hormon producing) non-endocrin tissues. occur approxim 30,000 individuals. endocrin tumor may aris the: parathyroid gland (small gland locat next thyroid gland)."} {"id": "7030", "contents": "chapter 5. microbi biotechnology. rich abund bacteria microb provid wealth potenti biotech applications. consid mani applic microbi biotechnology, must abl distinguish bacteri cell plant anim cells. prokaryot make two three domains. mani archaebacteria live extrem condit result uniqu metabol properti (ie."} {"id": "7031", "contents": "medic microbiology: studi pathogen microb role microb human illness. includ studi microbi pathogenesi epidemiolog relat studi diseas patholog immunology. evolutionari microbiology: studi evolut microbes. field subdivid into: microbi taxonomy: name classif microorganisms. microbi systematic: studi divers genet relationship"} {"id": "7032", "contents": "microbi ecology. microbi ecolog studi microb environ interact other. microb tiniest creatur earth, yet despit small size, huge impact us environment. estim know fewer 1% microbi speci earth. yet microb surround us everywher -- air, water, soil. averag gram soil contain one billion (1,000,000,000) microb repres probabl sever thousand species."} {"id": "7033", "contents": "b.s. biotechnology, microbi system option, interdisciplinari degre offer colleg agriculture. student pursu basic scienc curriculum first two year choos area emphasi (microbial, plant anim systems) junior senior year. opportun laboratori research biotechnology-microbi systems? msu offer great opportun undergradu research, fact, research creativ experi requir msu students."} {"id": "7034", "contents": "microbi ecolog studi microb environ interact other. microb tiniest creatur earth, yet despit small size, huge impact us environment. estim know fewer 1% microbi speci earth. yet microb surround us everywher -- air, water, soil. averag gram soil contain one billion (1,000,000,000) microb repres probabl sever thousand species."} {"id": "7035", "contents": "industri microbiolog microbi biotechnolog applic scientif engin principl process materi microorgan (such bacteria, fungi, algae, protozoa viruses) plant anim cell creat use product processes. vaccines. vaccin essenti protect human anim microbi diseases. recombin dna technolog allow product vaccin offer protect without risk infect (e.g. hepat vaccine). new vaccin develop industri microbiologist everi day."} {"id": "7036", "contents": "information, view full call papers. articl publish charg (apc). microbi biotechnolog open access journal publish peer-review articl term creativ common attribut licens subject payment articl process charg (apc)."} {"id": "7037", "contents": "distribut strains. public articl microbi biotechnolog subject understand author distribut freeli strains, clones, antibodi reagent readili avail describ therein, use academ research. mathematics. in-lin equat type text."} {"id": "7038", "contents": "insulin crystals. biotechnolog use live system organ develop make products, technolog applic use biolog systems, live organ deriv thereof, make modifi product process specif use (un convent biolog diversity, art. 2). exampl design organ produc antibiotics, engin genet cure genet manipulation. white biotechnology, also known industri biotechnology, biotechnolog appli industri processes. exampl design organ produc use chemical."} {"id": "7039", "contents": "master microbi biotechnolog (mmb) degre program n.c. state univers repres one first success profession scienc master program country."} {"id": "7040", "contents": "monk ascetic, ascet monks. ascetic come greek word askesis, mean exercise, training, practice.. ascet renounc worldli pleasur distract spiritu growth enlighten live life abstinence, auster extrem self-denial."} {"id": "7041", "contents": "adject ascet deriv ancient greek term ask\u0113sis, mean train exercise. origin usag refer self-denial, physic train requir athlet events."} {"id": "7042", "contents": "ascetic describ life character abstin worldli pleasures. practic ascet lifestyl often perceiv practic virtuou pursu achiev greater spirituality."} {"id": "7043", "contents": "as\u00b7cet\u00b7i\u00b7cism. n. 1. principl practic ascetic; extrem self-deni austerity. 2. doctrin ascet life releas soul bondag bodi permit union divine."} {"id": "7044", "contents": "full definit ascetic. 1. practic strict self-deni measur person especi spiritu discipline. 2. auster appearance, manner, attitude. ascet noun. as\u00b7cet\u00b7i\u00b7cal\u00b7li \\-ti-k(\u0259-)l\u0113\\ adverb. as\u00b7cet\u00b7i\u00b7c \\-\u02c8se-t\u0259-\u02ccsi-z\u0259m\\ noun. see ascet defin english-languag learners."} {"id": "7045", "contents": "ascetic-someon practic self denial spiritu discipline. abstainer. religi person-a person manifest devot deity. puritan-someon adher strict religi principles; someon oppos sensual pleasures."} {"id": "7046", "contents": "ascetic (/\u0259\u02c8s\u025bt\u026as\u026az\u1d4am/ greek: \u1f04\u03c3\u03ba\u03b7\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2 ask\u0113sis, \u00e1sk\u0113si exercis or) train describ lifestyl character abstin worldly, pleasur often purpos pursu spiritual. goal"} {"id": "7047", "contents": "familiar information: ascet use noun rare. ascet (adjective). adject ascet senses: 1. pertain characterist ascet practic rigor self-discipline. 2. practic great self-denial. familiar information: ascet use adject rare."} {"id": "7048", "contents": "presidenti success act establish line success power duti offic presid unit state event neither presid vice presid abl discharg power duti office.. (2) discharg power duti offic found whole part inabl presid vice president, shall act remov disabl one individuals."} {"id": "7049", "contents": "follow world war ii, new presidenti success act 1947 passed, place speaker hous presid pro tempor senat behind vice president. line success extend execut depart head order agenc created. histor documents-presidenti succession. constitution: presidenti success presidenti succession, term describ arrang presidenti author unit state may transfer mean quadrenni presidenti election."} {"id": "7050", "contents": "unit state presidenti line success defin may becom act presid unit state upon incapacity, death, resignation, remov offic (bi impeach subsequ conviction) sit presid president-elect. speaker senat presid pro tempor becom act president, must resign position, point longer line succession. seen form constitut paradox."} {"id": "7051", "contents": "order presidenti succession. accord presidenti success act 1792, senat presid pro tempor next line vice presid succeed presidency, follow speaker house. presidenti success act 1947, sign presid harri truman, chang order today. cabinet member order line success accord date offic establish"} {"id": "7052", "contents": "1947 act probabl unconstitut appear speaker hous presid pro tempor senat offic elig act presid within mean success clause. (2) discharg power duti offic found whole part inabl presid vice president, shall act remov disabl one individuals."} {"id": "7053", "contents": "president. vice president. earli new congress, februari 20, 1792, senat pass presidenti success act, place line success presid pro tempore, follow hous speaker."} {"id": "7054", "contents": "1886, follow death vice presid thoma a. hendrick previou year, new presidenti success act adopted, replac presid pro tempor unit state senat speaker hous repres list member presidenti cabinet. (2) discharg power duti offic found whole part inabl presid vice president, shall act remov disabl one individuals."} {"id": "7055", "contents": "presidenti success act. presidenti success refer procedur replac presid (or vice president) event death form removal. histor documents-presidenti succession. constitution: presidenti success presidenti succession, term describ arrang presidenti author unit state may transfer mean quadrenni presidenti election."} {"id": "7056", "contents": "presidenti success act 1947, sign law presid harri s. truman, ad speaker hous presid pro tempor back line, switch two 1792 order. remain sequenc use today. speaker senat presid pro tempor becom act president, must resign position, point longer line succession. seen form constitut paradox."} {"id": "7057", "contents": "spanish, along english, offici languag colombia. larg number peopl speak colombian spanish. 88 recogn region languag spoken variou ethnic group present country. santa fe de bogota bogot\u00e1 largest citi of. colombia nation constitut design capit depart of. cundinamarca among thirti largest citi the, world the-third highest capit citi latin. america citi also known athen south. america"} {"id": "7058", "contents": "overwhelm major colombian speak spanish (see also colombian spanish), total 101 languag list colombia ethnologu database. specif number spoken languag vari slightli sinc author consid differ languag other consid varieti dialect language, best estim record 70 languag spoken countri today."} {"id": "7059", "contents": "offici languag colombia spanish. however, languag ethnic group also offici territories. list 82 local langua ge colombia (dozen verg extinction): 1. portugues european languag that' offici languag brazil. wide spoken, understood, languag throughout country. languag country' first european explor settlers."} {"id": "7060", "contents": "offici languag colombia spanish. however, languag ethnic group also offici territories. list 82 local langua ge colombia (dozen verg extinction): 1. achagua 2. portugues european languag that' offici languag brazil. wide spoken, understood, languag throughout country. languag country' first european explor settlers."} {"id": "7061", "contents": "offici languag colombia spanish. english also offici san andr provid islands. 72 languag dialect eth nic group also offici regions. colombia offici language: spanish. portugues european languag that' offici languag brazil. wide spoken, understood, languag throughout country. languag country' first european explor settlers."} {"id": "7062", "contents": "99.2% colombian speak spanish language; also 65 amerindian languages, creol languag romani languag spoken country. english offici statu san andres, andr\u00e9 providencia santa catalina. island specif number spoken languag vari slightli sinc author consid differ languag other consid varieti dialect language, best estim record 70 languag spoken countri today."} {"id": "7063", "contents": "offici languag colombia spanish. english also offici san andr provid islands. 72 languag dialect ethnic group also offici regions. colombia offici language: spanish. portugues european languag that' offici languag brazil. wide spoken, understood, languag throughout country. languag country' first european explor settlers."} {"id": "7064", "contents": "languag counts. number individu languag list colombia 101. these, 84 live 17 extinct. live languages, institutional, 24 developing, vigorous, 36 trouble, 13 dying. offici name."} {"id": "7065", "contents": "definit 'prudent-person rule'. legal maxim restrict discret client' account invest prudent person seek reason incom preserv capit might buy portfolio. also call prudent man rule."} {"id": "7066", "contents": "prudence. prudenc abil govern disciplin oneself use reason. classic consid virtue, particular one four cardin virtues. word come old french prudence, latin prudentia."} {"id": "7067", "contents": "california, judgment valid 10 years, renew indefinitely. state vari 25 years. (feder judgment expir either 20 years, time state judgment would expire-in state feder judgment obtained.). almost always, judgment expires, renewed-it worthless."} {"id": "7068", "contents": "time period usual start run from: date entri judgment. date creditor last tri execut (collect) judgment, or. later date either event. (to learn judgments, includ creditor get them, visit creditor lawsuit topic area. fair credit report act (fcra), judgment show credit report least seven years. show even longer, depend much time state' law give effect judgment. example, judgment file arizona, good five year"} {"id": "7069", "contents": "judgment counti court good year judgment district court good 20 years. even extend time judgment good file motion reviv judgment end year counti court 20 year district court. continu tri collect judgment long effect (good) unpaid. judgment receiv counti court good year date entered. judgment receiv district court good 20 year date entered. may collect judgment long effect (good) paid full. judgment still unpaid end year (counti court) 20 year (district court), extend time effect file motion reviv judgment 20 year end"} {"id": "7070", "contents": "depend law state, method creditor use tri collect judgment. usually, judgment valid sever year expir \u201clapse.\u201d states, judgment effect five seven years. fair credit report act (fcra), judgment show credit report least seven years. show even longer, depend much time state' law give effect judgment. example, judgment file arizona, good five"} {"id": "7071", "contents": "someon obtain money judgment california last 10 years. end 10 years, judgment longer enforceable, unless renewed. california law specifi renew judgment tenth year."} {"id": "7072", "contents": "long judgment valid. 10 year enforc judgment. but, cannot collect whole judgment time, get 10 year collect debt. file form call applic renew judgment (ej -190) notic renew judgment (ej-195)"} {"id": "7073", "contents": "feder judgment good 20 year renew required. however, state decid use limits: example, florida, limit five years. generally, one must wait two week start enforc feder judgment. feder judgment move state superior court, start win new lawsuit state court. start new lawsuit state court, shortcuts, debtor must person served, contest lawsuit, motion summari judgment must won."} {"id": "7074", "contents": "garnish moneygarnish court procedur allow collect judgment directli judgment debtor\u2019 wages, bank account, incom tax refunds, sources. garnish proceed judgment debtor call defend judgment creditor call plaintiff. garnish incom tax, contact michigan depart treasuri (517) 636-5333. cases, send judgment judgment debtor. judgment order judgment debtor pay full within 21 day tell court s/he work locat his/her bank accounts."} {"id": "7075", "contents": "orangutan speci consid endangered, sumatran orangutan critic endangered. human activ caus sever declin popul rang species. threat wild orangutan popul includ poaching, habitat destruction, illeg pet trade. two orangutan speci extant member subfamili ponginae. subfamili also includ extinct genera lufengpithecus, live southern china thailand 2\u20138 mya, sivapithecus, live india pakistan 12.5 mya 8.5 mya."} {"id": "7076", "contents": "name orangutan (also written orang-utan, orang utan, orangutang, ourang-outang) deriv malay indonesian word orang mean person hutan mean forest, thu person forest. orang hutan origin use refer apes, forest-dwel humans. two orangutan speci extant member subfamili ponginae. subfamili also includ extinct genera lufengpithecus, live southern china thailand 2\u20138 mya, sivapithecus, live india pakistan 12.5 mya 8.5 mya."} {"id": "7077", "contents": "habitat. orangutan found indonesia island sumatra borneo. ape widespread throughout mainland asia pleistocen (3). orangutan prefer habitat exist along waterway lowland high depend fruit. orangutan found indonesia island sumatra borneo. ape widespread throughout mainland asia pleistocen (3)"} {"id": "7078", "contents": "p. albelii p. pygmaeus. orangutan classifi domain eukarya cell contain nucleu membran bound organelles, multicellular organisms. contrast, prokaryot unicellular organ (such bacteria) contain cell nucleu membran bound organelles. belong kingdom animalia orangutan heterotroph ingest food intern cavity."} {"id": "7079", "contents": "orangutan evolution. similar orangutan humans, close evolutionari history, often cite primari reason import orangutan conserv initiatives, actual means, close relat asia\u2019 great ape, often confusing."} {"id": "7080", "contents": "mentioned, hominida origin name given famili human (extinct) close relatives, great ape (that is, orangutans, gorillas, chimpanzees) place separ family, pongidae. within taxon hominidae, number extant known extinct, is, fossil, genera group humans, chimpanzees, gorilla subfamili homininae; other orangutan subfamili pongina (see classif graphic below)."} {"id": "7081", "contents": "orangutan (also spell orang-utan, orangutang, orang-utang) two exclus asian speci extant great apes. nativ indonesia malaysia, orangutan current found rainforest borneo sumatra. two orangutan speci extant member subfamili ponginae. subfamili also includ extinct genera lufengpithecus, live southern china thailand 2\u20138 mya, sivapithecus, live india pakistan 12.5 mya 8.5 mya."} {"id": "7082", "contents": "orangutan member ape famili reddish brown hair. live part borneo sumatra. name orangutan deriv malay word mean person forest. rare leav tree top feed fruit food sourc found top tree like young bird small anim make omnivor. part primat family. one great ape includ also chimpanzees, gorilla humans. endang peopl destroy ing habitat."} {"id": "7083", "contents": "orangutan classifi domain eukarya cell contain nucleu membran bound organelles, multicellular organisms. contrast, prokaryot unicellular organ (such bacteria) contain cell nucleu membran bound organelles. belong kingdom animalia orangutan heterotroph ingest food intern cavity."} {"id": "7084", "contents": "averag annual temperatur oregon. averag annual temperatur cities, towns, park lake throughout oregon list degre fahrenheit celsius. tabl give normal maximum minimum yearli temperatur base weather data collect 1981 2010. jump separ tabl region state: oregon coast, willamett valley, cascad mountains, central oregon eastern oregon. place name link take detail temperatur inform location."} {"id": "7085", "contents": "7.6. highest averag temperatur salem juli 69.1 degrees. coldest averag temperatur salem decemb 38.8 degrees. monthli precipit salem occur decemb 7.6 inches. salem weather inform base averag previou 3-7 year data. salem, air qualiti index 3.7% less oregon averag 37.6% less nation average. salem, pollut index sum hazard air pollut display pounds. salem, pollut index 41% less oregon averag 37.3% less nation averag"} {"id": "7086", "contents": "salem, oregon, get 49 inch rain per year. us averag 37. snowfal inches. averag us citi get 25 inch snow per year. number day measur precipit 140. average, 154 sunni day per year salem, oregon. juli high around 82 degrees. januari low 33. comfort index, base humid hot months, 65 100, higher comfortable."} {"id": "7087", "contents": "averag annual temperature: max 63.1; min 40.9. averag annual rainfall: 39.15. averag annual snowfall: 6.45. averag annual clear days: 77. averag annual rainless days: 216. averag annual wind velocity: 7.1 mph."} {"id": "7088", "contents": "daili averag low (blue) high (red) temperatur percentil band (inner band 25th 75th percentile, outer band 10th 90th percentile). warm season last june 27 septemb 17 averag daili high temperatur 76a\u00b076\u00e2. warm season last june 27 septemb 17 averag daili high temperatur 76a\u00b076\u00e2. hottest day year july, 30 averag high of\u00b083a 83\u00e2 low\u00b0of. 55a 55\u00e2 cold season last novemb 12 februari 28 averag daili high\u00b0temperature. 53a 53\u00e2"} {"id": "7089", "contents": "weather histori salem, oregon, unit states. weather salem today. weather histori popular us cities: new york, lo angeles, chicago, houston, philadelphia, phoenix, san diego."} {"id": "7090", "contents": "0. 2. climat data salem mcnari ap, longitude: -123.001, latitude: 44.905. averag weather salem, 97302 1981-2010 normals. jan: january, feb: february, mar: march, apr: april, may: may, jun: june, jul: july, aug: august, sep: september, oct: october, nov: november, dec: december."} {"id": "7091", "contents": "report describ typic weather mcnari field (salem, oregon, unit states) weather station cours averag year. base histor record 1974 2012. earlier record either unavail unreliable. warm season last june 27 septemb 17 averag daili high temperatur 76a\u00b076\u00e2. hottest day year july, 30 averag high of\u00b083a 83\u00e2 low\u00b0of. 55a 55\u00e2 cold season last novemb 12 februari 28 averag daili high\u00b0temperature. 53a 53\u00e2"} {"id": "7092", "contents": "cold season last novemb 12 februari 28 averag daili high temperatur 53a\u00b053\u00e2. coldest day year december, 27 averag low of\u00b034a 34\u00e2 high\u00b0of. 45a 45\u00e2 warm season last june 27 septemb 17 averag daili high temperatur 76a\u00b076\u00e2. hottest day year july, 30 averag high of\u00b083a 83\u00e2 low\u00b0of. 55a 55\u00e2 cold season last novemb 12 februari 28 averag daili high\u00b0temperature. 53a 53\u00e2"} {"id": "7093", "contents": "florida coastal school law lowest salary-to-debt ratio institut report data u.s. news. alumni graduat 2012 work privat sector median salari $45,000 2013 graduat student loan law school carri averag debt $150,360."} {"id": "7094", "contents": "alumni graduat 2012 work privat sector median salari $45,000 2013 graduat student loan law school carri averag debt $150,360. school' salary-to-debt ratio 0.299."} {"id": "7095", "contents": "averag start salari law school graduat declin $72,000 2009 $60,000 2011, accord nation associ law placement study."} {"id": "7096", "contents": "averag salari mislead figure. salari legal profess bimodal. small percentag practition earn six figur even much 160,000. much, much larger percentag earn $45,000-$65,000 substanti percentag earn less that."} {"id": "7097", "contents": "median start salari 2012 law graduat privat sector school least $100,000. graduat clark law school brigham young univers receiv largest median salari relat averag law school debt, accord data submit u.s. news."} {"id": "7098", "contents": "nation start salaries. law school graduat work public sector earn less peer privat sector. accord 2011 articl u.s. news world report, averag start salari earn lawyer public sector $49,831. averag start pay privat sector $84,111, accord nation associ legal career professionals. percent law school graduat work part-time, percent profession work legal temp agency, associ says."} {"id": "7099", "contents": "effect age scrotal circumference: bull age greatest effect testicular develop young bull 36 month age. rapid testicular growth young bull (6 16 month age) tremend rang test size bull age within breed."} {"id": "7100", "contents": "least two month start breed season, yearl bull undergo breed sound examin veterinarian. mean yearl bull that, age 13 months."} {"id": "7101", "contents": "bull often reach puberti time he' around 12 month age (some littl sooner, herd' good fertil herd), time, yearl bull, readi use heifer sold anoth producer' farm ranch use heifer cow there."} {"id": "7102", "contents": "bull calv show libido reach month age. show month later. bull show libido time 12 month old. however, depend breed individu bull. breed later matur (typic continentals), like charolais, simmental, limousin salers, start show puberti they'r around 12 16"} {"id": "7103", "contents": "optimum bull-to-cow ratio bull per 10 30 cows, depend size pasture, bull' age, promiscuity/libido experience. bulls, depend fertil rate cow mani cow heat one time, breed 50 cow one season."} {"id": "7104", "contents": "bull reach puberti young month age capabl sire calv month old. age bull reach sexual matur vari breed breed individu bull. bull' rate matur affect nutrition, genetics, environment situat health."} {"id": "7105", "contents": "puberty. bull reach puberti depend breed bodi weight. bull consid reach sexual matur ejacul contain least 50 million sperm 10 percent motil rate."} {"id": "7106", "contents": "color flame gener also depend temperature; see flame color. test involv introduc sampl element compound hot, non-lumin flame, observ color flame results. although flame test give qualit information, quantit data proport element sample, quantit data obtain relat techniqu flame photometri flame emiss spectroscopy. flame atom absorpt spectroscopi instruments, made e.g."} {"id": "7107", "contents": "flame test use visual determin ident unknown metal metalloid ion base characterist color salt turn flame bunsen burner. heat flame excit electron metal ions, caus emit visibl light."} {"id": "7108", "contents": "flame test carri copper halide. characterist bluish-green color flame due copper. differ flame type bunsen burner depend air flow valve: 1. air valv closed. 2. air valv nearli fulli closed. 3. air valv semi-opened. 4. air valv maxim opened. although flame test give qualit information, quantit data proport element sample, quantit data obtain relat techniqu flame photometri flame emiss spectroscopy. flame atom absorpt spectroscopi instruments, made e.g."} {"id": "7109", "contents": "flame test flame test qualit test use chemistri help determin ident possibl ident metal metalloid ion found ionic compound. compound place flame ga burner, may characterist color given visibl nake eye."} {"id": "7110", "contents": "flame test use ga excit produc signatur line emiss spectrum element. comparison, incandesc produc continu band light peak depend temperatur hot object. element exactli defin line emiss spectrum, scientist abl identifi color flame produce. example, copper produc blue flame, lithium strontium red flame, calcium orang flame, sodium yellow flame, barium green flame."} {"id": "7111", "contents": "flame test page describ flame test rang metal ions, briefli describ flame colour arises. flame test use identifi presenc rel small number metal ion compound. metal ion give flame colours. group compounds, flame test usual far easiest way identifi metal got."} {"id": "7112", "contents": "answer metal ion heat flame test, heat (energy) caus electron exict higher energi state. electron return lower energi state, energi emit visibl light. answer m769670296706206. confid vote 93. electron jump energi level farther away nucleu energi level closer nucleu electron give energy. flame test energi form color change. one identifi chang base color"} {"id": "7113", "contents": "flame test analyt procedur use chemistri detect presenc certain elements, primarili metal ions, base element' characterist emiss spectrum. although flame test give qualit information, quantit data proport element sample, quantit data obtain relat techniqu flame photometri flame emiss spectroscopy. flame atom absorpt spectroscopi instruments, made e.g."} {"id": "7114", "contents": "metal chang colour flame heat it. differ metal give differ colour flame, flame test use identifi presenc particular metal sample. would carri typic flame test: dip clean flame test loop sampl solution. hold flame test loop edg bunsen burner flame. flame test use confirm result precipit test. example, unknown solut produc pale blue precipit sodium hydroxid solution, green-blu flame test, must contain copper compound."} {"id": "7115", "contents": "chlamydia contagious. caus bacteria spread one person anoth pretti easily, usual sexual contact. bacteria travel fluid one person anoth person' mucou membranes, bacteria enter infect body."} {"id": "7116", "contents": "chlamydia contagi sexual transmit disease. fact, one common sexual transmit diseases. especi true women twenti five. caus bacteria spread one person anoth pretti easily, usual sexual contact. bacteria travel fluid one person anoth person' mucou membranes, bacteria enter infect body."} {"id": "7117", "contents": "quick answers. std infect pass one person anoth sexual contact skin-to-skin contact. infect caus bacteria, virus, parasite. std pass sexual contact, includ vaginal, anal, oral sex. anyon get std. std pass person person? std spread sexual contact, includ vaginal, anal, oral sex. viru bacteria caus infect found semen, vagin fluid, blood. std pass blood. std also pass skin-to-skin contact, sex. babi get std ..."} {"id": "7118", "contents": "syphili contagious, especi earli stages. syphili caus bacteria spread one person anoth pretti easily, usual sexual contact. sore caus syphili usual develop area like genitals, anus, mouth. anoth person' mucou membran touch sore, bacteria enter bodi"} {"id": "7119", "contents": "diseas spread peopl opposit sex peopl sex. germ caus mani std move person person semen (the sperm-contain whitish fluid produc male reproduct tract), vagin (vah-jih-nul) fluids, blood. stds, like herp genit warts, spread intim skin-to-skin contact, often sore diseas causes. herp simplex (her-peez sim-plex) viru caus herpes. two type herpes, type type 2. type usual spread sexual contact caus genit herpes. person genit herpes, small, pain blister develop vagina, cervix, penis, buttocks, thighs."} {"id": "7120", "contents": "chlamydia sexual transmit diseas (std) contagious. chlamydia bacteria caus common std unit states. approxim 3,000,000 women men becom infect everi year. chlamydia common among women men age 25."} {"id": "7121", "contents": "std sexual transmit diseases. mean often -- exclus -- spread sexual intercourse. hiv, chlamydia, genit herpes, genit warts, gonorrhea, form hepatitis, syphilis, trichomoniasi stds. std use call vener diseas vd. among common contagi diseases. 65 million american incur std"} {"id": "7122", "contents": "contagion contagi refer easili spread sexual transmit diseas possibl one person another. word contagion includ infection, infectiousness, transmiss transmissability. contagion summary: std may spread variou type sexual behavior. mani spread secretions; spread simpli close physic contact sex. mani std spread method blood mother-to-fetu mother-to-child"} {"id": "7123", "contents": "std infect pass one person anoth sexual contact skin-to-skin contact. infect caus bacteria, virus, parasite. std pass sexual contact, includ vaginal, anal, oral sex. std pass person person? std spread sexual contact, includ vaginal, anal, oral sex. viru bacteria caus infect found semen, vagin fluid, blood. std pass blood. std also pass skin-to-skin contact, sex. babi get std ..."} {"id": "7124", "contents": "chargeback occur custom formal disput charg contact issuer credit card. phillip parker former merchant servic agent turn small busi advoc author fee sweep teach merchant dramat lower process rates, elimin junk fees, avoid fine-print scams."} {"id": "7125", "contents": "merchant' point view, prove transact legitimate, bank take back entir valu transact account, along addit fee. chargeback fee rang $0 $100, depend merchant bank sponsor your. account. merchant,it take time manag remedi chargeback. typic chargeback process last anywher week months. eachstep take maximum amount completion, surpris chargeback pressur seem like forever."} {"id": "7126", "contents": "custom disput charge, receiv chargeback notif (sometim call chargeback advic form), amount origin transact credit customer' account, debit yours. chargeback unpleas fact life merchants. hopefully, chargeback rare event you, know protect yourself. chargeback transact disput customer. chargeback occur varieti reasons."} {"id": "7127", "contents": "dharma\u2019 chargeback fee $20. chargeback occur one custom disput sale credit card company."} {"id": "7128", "contents": "chargeback return fund consumer, mainli use unit states, forcibl initi issu bank instrument use consum settl debt. specifically, revers prior outbound transfer fund consumer' bank account, line credit, credit card. merchant' recours second chargeback initi arbitr disput card association. fee order $250, arbitr loser oblig pay cost arbitration."} {"id": "7129", "contents": "chargeback fee work. chargeback happen custom disput transact merchant. credit card compani bank return money merchant\u2019 account place back customer\u2019 account. process claim, bank charg fee, rang $15 $25 per chargeback. multipli thousand transact merchant processes, result billion potenti lost year businesses."} {"id": "7130", "contents": "chargeback fee expens part busi merchant. accept card payment customer, open potenti fraud well customers\u2019 disput there\u2019 problem product servic purchased. process claim, bank charg fee, rang $15 $25 per chargeback. multipli thousand transact merchant processes, result billion potenti lost year businesses."} {"id": "7131", "contents": "one common reason chargeback fraudul transaction. case, credit card use without consent proper author card holder. cases, merchant respons charg fraudul impos customer. merchant' recours second chargeback initi arbitr disput card association. fee order $250, arbitr loser oblig pay cost arbitration."} {"id": "7132", "contents": "retriev request request customer' card issuer merchant ask document (like sale receipts, invoices, contracts) relat custom charge. retriev request may preced part chargeback. chargeback unpleas fact life merchants. hopefully, chargeback rare event you, know protect yourself. chargeback transact disput customer. chargeback occur varieti reasons."} {"id": "7133", "contents": "chargeback (also known reversal) form custom protect provid issu banks, allow cardhold file complaint regard fraudul transact statement. cardhold file dispute, issu bank make investig complaint. merchant,it take time manag remedi chargeback. typic chargeback process last anywher week months. eachstep take maximum amount completion, surpris chargeback pressur seem like forever."} {"id": "7134", "contents": "report abuse. actually, igor sikorski inventor helicopter. honor belong frenchman name paul cornu 1907 (some three year prior sikorsky' design), whose design successful. anoth frenchman, etienn oehmichen flew helicopt distanc one kilomet 1924. earli success helicopt flew decent distanc focke-wulf fw-61 invent unknown inventor. davinci drew plan helicopter-lik device, cours never built flown."} {"id": "7135", "contents": "1896 helicopt first invent 1907. 1900 fir helicopt made 1939 igor sikorski model vs-300. experiment helicopt exist 1920s. first unit design practic militari helicopt use combat korean war (1950-53). 1400' leonardo invent idea helicopter. 1906 paul cornu got helicopt hover feet ground, would go anywhere. 1940' igor sikorski invent helicopt would safe fli hover."} {"id": "7136", "contents": "first true helicopt 1907, 1km flight 1924. invent paul cornu 1907 first helicopt made 1906 igor davinci scetch draw one. true helicopt stare appear small number late 1930's, mass product came 1944. 1400' leonardo invent idea helicopter. 1906 paul cornu got helicopt hover feet ground, would go anywhere. 1940' igor sikorski invent helicopt would safe fli hover."} {"id": "7137", "contents": "first pilot helicopt invent paul cornu 1907, however, design successful. french inventor, etienn oehmichen built flew helicopt one kilomet 1924. anoth earli helicopt flew decent distanc german focke-wulf fw 61, invent unknown inventor. 1400' leonardo invent idea helicopter. 1906 paul cornu got helicopt hover feet ground, would go anywhere. 1940' igor sikorski invent helicopt would safe fli hover."} {"id": "7138", "contents": "word \u201chelicopter\u201d coin year 1861 french inventor, gustav de ponton d\u2019amecourt am\u00e9court exhibit tini shape steam powered. model in, 1907 first man helicopt invent frenchmen paul along etienne. oehmichen around 400 b.c. chines children play toy helicopt made bamboo. word \u201chelicopter\u201d coin year 1861 french inventor, gustav de ponton d\u2019amecourt am\u00e9court exhibit tini shape steam powered. model"} {"id": "7139", "contents": "origin name. first pilot helicopt invent paul cornu 1907, however, design successful. french inventor, etienn oehmichen built flew helicopt one kilomet 1924. anoth earli helicopt flew decent distanc german focke-wulf fw 61, invent unknown inventor. igor sikorsky' helicopt control fli safe forward backwards, down, sideways. 1958, igor sikorsky' rotorcraft compani made world' first helicopt boat hull could land takeoff water."} {"id": "7140", "contents": "1906 first man flight helicopter. 1896 helicopt first invent 1907. 1900 fir helicopt made 1939 igor sikorski model vs-300. experiment helicopt exist 1920s. chines hand power helicopt toy 1500s, da vinc famou drawt helicopt never built. first true helicopt 1907, 1km flight 1924. invent paul cornu 1907 first helicopt made 1906 igor davinci scetch draw one. true helicopt stare appear small number late 1930's, mass product came 1944"} {"id": "7141", "contents": "1400' leonardo invent idea helicopter. 1906 paul cornu got helicopt hover feet ground, would go anywhere. 1940' igor sikorski invent helicopt would safe fli hover. chines hand power helicopt toy 1500s, da vinc famou drawt helicopt never built. first true helicopt 1907, 1km flight 1924. invent paul cornu 1907 first helicopt made 1906 igor davinci scetch draw one. true helicopt stare appear small number late 1930's, mass product came 1944"} {"id": "7142", "contents": "nevertheless, remain beauti 'stone' mani respects. bright, colour vibrant, controversi add attract mystiqu rainbow calsilica make great convers starter ;). sinc then, claim calsilica deposit china, brazil, even middl east debat continues... back 2002 mexican wonder stone caus quit stir swiss gemolog institut pick specimen miner show france."} {"id": "7143", "contents": "rainbow calsilica ::: 2006: articl wrote rainbow calsilica six seven year ago materi first arriv zuni. time sold natur materi found mexico."} {"id": "7144", "contents": "mani claim calsilica, also known commonli rainbow calsilica, synthet stone manufactur mixtur calcite, plastic resin artifici color pigments. band color come order color. despit possibl synthet stone, rainbow calsilica increas demand jewelry, especi high end items. natur man-mad man-enhanced, rainbow calsilica one stone alway draw attention."} {"id": "7145", "contents": "rainbow calsilica. mysteri wonder stone, rainbow calsilica solid stripe vibrant color bright vivid. draw forth energi color presents, carv beauti imagin jewelry. urban mine locat mexican state chihuahua, rainbow calsilica known produc artifici sedimentari rock made human beings. built calcium carbon (calcite) man-mad color pigment (paraffin) along man-mad bond agent (resin)."} {"id": "7146", "contents": "calsilica... solid stripe vibrant colour 'stone' look like verit rainbow. reds, blacks, browns, black, greens, mustard yellow turquois mix orange, blue salmon colours-calsilica visual feast wonder look at. sinc then, claim calsilica deposit china, brazil, even middl east debat continues... back 2002 mexican wonder stone caus quit stir swiss gemolog institut pick specimen miner show france."} {"id": "7147", "contents": "rainbow calsilica rel rare new stone mexico. first came market 2002. controversi concern whether beauti color band truli natural. see articl profession jewel http://snipurl.com/dek7 information."} {"id": "7148", "contents": "premium qualiti wholesal rainbow calsilica gemston beads, pendant cabochon jewelri make designing. care select gemston help creat outstand necklaces, bracelet earrings. rainbow calsilica manmad stone creat pit clay slip mexico. first year stone becam avail consider discuss confus regard whether natur stone. test show obvious made pigments."} {"id": "7149", "contents": "calsilica gemopedia. also call rainbow calsilica, man-mad materi display vibrant layer bold color. consist mixtur calcite, plastic color pigments. uniqu stone often use jewelri carv show distinct coloration."} {"id": "7150", "contents": "rainbow calsilica man-mad material, natur mineral. synonyms: calsilica, rainbow calsilica. addit information: mindat.org. rainbow calsilica (or calsilica) opaqu gem color stripes/lay light dark blue, green, yellow, orange, red, black occasion even pink. calsilica popular gem readili avail cabochon carv"} {"id": "7151", "contents": "proteas (also call peptidas proteinase) enzym perform proteolysis, is, begin protein catabol hydrolysi peptid bond link amino acid togeth polypeptid chain."} {"id": "7152", "contents": "pepsin. pepsin enzym stomach begin digest protein split smaller pieces. gastric protease; pepsin secret inact form, pepsinogen, activ stomach acid. enzym produc mucos line stomach act degrad protein."} {"id": "7153", "contents": "lipas enzym break dietari fat smaller molecul call fatti acid glycerol. small amount lipase, call gastric lipase, made cell stomach. enzym specif digest butter fat food."} {"id": "7154", "contents": "enzym break protein build blocks, amino acids, call protease, gener term. digest tract produc number enzymes, three main proteas pepsin, trypsin chymotrypsin."} {"id": "7155", "contents": "1. proteas digest protein initi pepsin stomach, bulk protein digest due pancreat proteases. sever proteas synthes pancrea secret lumen small intestine."} {"id": "7156", "contents": "pepsinogen pepsins. albumen pepsin-pepsin proteas enzyme, found stomach. digest protein like albumen egg. effect temperatur enzym reaction. effect ph enzym reaction. pdb molecular illustrations-pepsin use pair aspart residu perform protein cleavag"} {"id": "7157", "contents": "stomach contain digest proteas pepsin, stimul stomach\u2019 hydrochlor acid. pepsin break protein polypeptides, travel intestine. location, broken even smaller piec addit digest proteas trypsin chymotrypsin."} {"id": "7158", "contents": "dialysi tubing, also known visk tubing, type semi-perm membran tube use separ techniqu facilit remov exchang small molecul macromolecul solut base differenti diffusion."} {"id": "7159", "contents": "inform dialysi revers osmosi usag water treatment, see revers osmosis. biochemistry, dialysi process separ molecul solut differ rate diffus semiperm membrane, dialysi tubing."} {"id": "7160", "contents": "dialysi process small molecul solut separ larg molecules. dialysi number import commerci industri applic play crucial role maintain health humans. dialysi specif exampl gener process known diffusion. diffus first describ scottish chemist thoma graham (1805\u20131869) around 1861. graham studi movement molecul differ size semiperm membrane."} {"id": "7161", "contents": "noun. 1. dialysis-separ substanc solut mean unequ diffus semiperm membranes. chemic analysis, qualit analysis-th act decompos substanc constitu elements. dialysis. n, pl-se (-\u02ccsi\u02d0z). 1. (chemistry) separ small molecul larg molecul colloid solut select diffus small molecul semiperm membrane. 2. (medicine) med see haemodialysis, periton dialysis."} {"id": "7162", "contents": "show anim full screen new window. dialysi fluid contain water, glucose, salt variou substanc correct concentr body. dialys membran allow small particl water, urea miner ion pass it. process cleans blood dialysi machin kidney failed. dialysi machine. machin use replac function kidney, remov urea balanc water salt content blood patient kidney failure. diffusion."} {"id": "7163", "contents": "nonclin applic dialysi techniqu separ solut molecular weight rang 100 100,00 da may small laboratori scale larger-scal commerci unit recoveri alkai food process applications. dialysi also import biotechnology, provid techniqu wherebi product separ fragil shear-sensit heat-sensit solutions. number variant techniqu exist. may divid batch continu processes."} {"id": "7164", "contents": "dialysis. separ substanc solut mean unequ diffus semiperm membranes.th process separ larger molecul smaller molecul occur kidney dialysi example, machin take role kidney filtrat blood."} {"id": "7165", "contents": "dialysi (molecular biology). dialysi transport solut membran influenc differ concentr (or activities) solut solut separ membrane. separ solut induc differ transport diffus membran matrix. diffus low-molecular-weight solut thu separ solut contain nondiffus larg macromolecules. dialysi also import biotechnology, provid techniqu wherebi product separ fragil shear-sensit heat-sensit solutions. number variant techniqu exist. may divid batch continu processes."} {"id": "7166", "contents": "dialysi artifici process elimin wast (diffusion) unwant water (ultrafiltration) blood. kidney naturally. people, however, may fail damag kidney cannot carri function properly-they may need dialysis."} {"id": "7167", "contents": "skelet muscl contain two type muscl fibers: fast-twitch slow-twitch. fast-twitch slow-twitch muscl fiber separ three distinct types. slow-twitch fiber contain type muscl fibers, fast twitch fiber contain type 2a type 2b."} {"id": "7168", "contents": "type muscl fiber also known slow twitch oxid fibers. muscl fiber type broken two main types: slow twitch (type i) muscl fiber fast twitch (type ii) muscl fibers. type fiber use lower-intens exercis light resist work aim muscular endur long-dur aerob activ 5k 10k runs."} {"id": "7169", "contents": "type ii muscl fibers, also call fast-twitch, larg muscl fiber use lift heavi loads. weight lifter abund type ii muscl fibers. competit sprinter also plenti type ii muscl fiber larg leg muscles, use produc strong movement short time."} {"id": "7170", "contents": "two import type skelet muscle. type i, also call slow-twitch, compos small fiber use primarili carri light loads. type fiber predomin runner thin whose bodi contain lot lean muscle."} {"id": "7171", "contents": "type ii muscl fiber also known fast twitch muscl fibers. fast twitch fiber categor type iia type iix fibers, also known fast twitch oxid fast twitch glycolytic, respectively."} {"id": "7172", "contents": "853 page wiki. type ii muscl fiber also known fast twitch muscl fiber. muscl fiber type broken two main types: slow twitch (type i) muscl fiber fast twitch (type ii) muscl fibers. fast twitch fiber categor type iia type iib fibers, also known fast twitch oxid fast twitch glycolytic, respectively."} {"id": "7173", "contents": "glomerular filtration. first step renal process involv filtrat plasma glomerulus. glomerular filtrat process bulk flow: water low molecular weight substanc move lumen capillary, across filtrat membrane, bowman space. filtrat membran function properly, ceas effect barrier. occur proteinuria, abnorm accumul protein urine."} {"id": "7174", "contents": "glomerular filtrat barrier function: new concepts. hausmann r(1), grepl m, knecht v, moeller mj. author information: (1)univers hospit rwth aachen university, institut numer mathematics, rwth aachen university, aachen, germany. purpos review: day, human kidney filter 140\u200al primari urin plasma. although ultrafiltr virtual free plasma protein, glomerular filter never clog physiolog conditions."} {"id": "7175", "contents": "plasma protein neg charged, electr field across glomerular filtrat barrier predict drive plasma protein filter toward capillari lumen electrophoresis. summary: review, examin novel model glomerular filtrat detail. purpos review: day, human kidney filter 140\u200al primari urin plasma. although ultrafiltr virtual free plasma protein, glomerular filter never clog physiolog conditions."} {"id": "7176", "contents": "filtrat barrier. physiolog function limit passag small molecul renal corpuscle. glomerular filtration. process glomerular filtrat formed, involv balanc pressur across wall glomerular capillaries. glomerular. pertain natur glomerulus, especi renal glomerulus. glomerular basement membrane. structur locat endotheli cell renal capillari viscer epitheli cell glomerulus. function barrier filtrat larg molecules."} {"id": "7177", "contents": "glomerular filtrat barrier compos glomerular endotheli cells, glomerulu basement membran podocyt cell layer. filtrat barrier target injuri sever system renal diseases, often lead progress renal diseas kidney failure. therefore, essenti understand molecular biolog glomerulus."} {"id": "7178", "contents": "membran stretch across filtrat slit renal corpuscle. filtrat pressure. net drive forc push fluid tissu space vascular sites; net result capillari osmot pressur intravascular hydrostat pressure. within space filter mechanism, mass anastomos mesoderm spindl cell mani perfor them. filtrat barrier. physiolog function limit passag small molecul renal corpuscle. glomerular filtration. process glomerular filtrat formed, involv balanc pressur across wall glomerular capillari"} {"id": "7179", "contents": "[structur function glomerular filtrat barrier]. [articl polish]. musia\u0142 k(1), zwoli\u0144ska d. author information: (1)katedra klinika nefrologii pediatrycznej akademii medycznej wroc\u0142awiu. aim review discuss recent investig glomerular filtrat barrier. barrier consist three layers: vascular endothelium, glomerular basement membran slit diaphragm locat podocyt foot processes. main compon slit diaphragm nephrin, product nphs1 gene podocin, product nphs2 gene."} {"id": "7180", "contents": "ultrafiltr plasma kidney occur capillari wall glomerulus. filtrat barrier compos glomerular endotheli cell (gecs), glomerular basement membran (gbm), podocyt cell (fig. 1). plasma molecul siev glomerular filter base size (probably) charg [1] filtrat barrier target injuri sever system renal diseases, often lead progress renal diseas kidney failure. therefore, essenti understand molecular biolog"} {"id": "7181", "contents": "filtrat barrier \u2014the filtrat barrier compos fenestr endothelium glomerular capillaries, fuse basal lamina endotheli cell podocytes, filtrat slit podocytes. result, filtrat leav bowman' capsul similar blood plasma (filtrat glomerular filtrat compos blood plasma minu plasma protein i.e. contain compon blood plasma except proteins) composit pass proxim convolut tubule."} {"id": "7182", "contents": "brain send messag spinal cord nerv peripher nervou system control movement muscl function intern organs. basic work unit nervou system cell call neuron. human brain contain 100 billion neurons. neuron consist cell bodi contain nucleus, special extens call axon (pronounc ak-sonz) dendrit (pronounc den-drahytz)."} {"id": "7183", "contents": "typic neuron consist cell bodi (soma), dendrites, axon. term neurit use describ either dendrit axon, particularli undifferenti stage. major synapses, signal sent axon one neuron dendrit another. are, however, mani except rules: neuron lack dendrites, neuron axon, synaps connect axon anoth axon dendrit anoth dendrite, etc."} {"id": "7184", "contents": "neuron three basic parts: cell bodi soma. main part necessari compon cell, nucleu (which contain dna), endoplasm reticulum ribosom (for build proteins) mitochondria (for make energy). cell bodi dies, neuron dies. axon."} {"id": "7185", "contents": "neuron basic parts: dendrites, cell bodi (also call soma), axon axon terminal. dendrites-extens neuron cell bodi take inform cell body. dendrit usual branch close cell body. cell bodi (soma) part cell contain nucleus. introduction: brain made 100 billion nerv cell (also call neurons). neuron basic parts: dendrites, cell bodi (also call soma), axon axon terminal. dendrites-extens neuron cell bodi take inform cell bodi"} {"id": "7186", "contents": "neuron contain cellular compon bodi cells. central cell bodi largest part neuron contain neuron' nucleus, associ cytoplasm, cell structures. cell bodi produc protein need construct part neuron. central cell bodi largest part neuron contain neuron' nucleus, associ cytoplasm, cell structures."} {"id": "7187", "contents": "neuron (/\u02c8nj\u028a\u0259r\u0252n/ nyewr-on /\u02c8n\u028a\u0259r\u0252n/ newr-on; also known neuron nerv cell) electr excit cell process transmit inform electr chemic signals. major synapses, signal sent axon one neuron dendrit another. are, however, mani except rules: neuron lack dendrites, neuron axon, synaps connect axon anoth axon dendrit anoth dendrite, etc."} {"id": "7188", "contents": "low-risk drinking. 2% drinker group alcohol use disorder. u.s. standard drink contain 0.6 fluid ounc 14 gram pure alcohol. that' amount 12 ounc regular beer, ounc tabl wine, 1.5 ounc 80-proof distil spirits. distil spirit includ vodka, whiskey, gin, rum, tequila."} {"id": "7189", "contents": "standard drink drink contain 14 gram pure alcohol (about 0.6 fluid ounc 1.2 tablespoons). standard drink equival well number standard drink differ contain size beverage."} {"id": "7190", "contents": "typic 25-ounc (750 ml) bottl tabl wine hold standard drinks, contain ounces. serv size wine contain amount alcohol 12-ounc regular beer 1.5 ounc 80-proof spirits. get know ounc look like measur home."} {"id": "7191", "contents": "australian standard drink. standard drink drink contain 10 gram alcohol. one standard drink alway contain amount alcohol regardless contain size alcohol type, beer, wine, spirit. standard drink unit measurement. way one metr measur particular distanc travelled, one standard drink measur particular amount alcohol consumed."} {"id": "7192", "contents": "2% drinker group alcohol use disorder. u.s. standard drink contain 0.6 fluid ounc 14 gram pure alcohol. that' amount 12 ounc regular beer, ounc tabl wine, 1.5 ounc 80-proof distil spirits."} {"id": "7193", "contents": "major minor theme two type theme appear literari works. major theme idea writer repeat work, make signific idea literari work. minor theme, hand, refer idea appear work briefli give way anoth minor theme. subject topic act foundat literari work theme opinion express subject. example, writer may choos subject war stori theme stori may writer\u2019 person opinion war curs humanity. usually, reader explor theme literari work analyz characters, plot literari devic"} {"id": "7194", "contents": "theme link aspect literari work one anoth basic main subject. theme endur pattern motif throughout literari work, occur complex, long wind manner short succinct provid certain insight story."} {"id": "7195", "contents": "exampl observ (definit #1): simpli put, story' theme idea point (formul generalization). thesi theme. thesi main point tri argu [in composit ]: instance, abort everi woman' right hous discrimin wrong. theme, hand, motif establish orchestr connot languag reinforc thesis."} {"id": "7196", "contents": "exampl theme. quest power underli theme film. constant theme novel religion. playwright skill bring togeth variou themes. album focus theme love loss. adventur popular theme children' books."} {"id": "7197", "contents": "definit theme. literari device, theme central topic idea explor text. usual theme work literatur state one word, \u201clove\u201d \u201csolitude.\u201d work literatur can, often does, one theme."} {"id": "7198", "contents": "lesson defin univers theme give exampl refer order identifi univers theme piec literature. end, abl test understand quiz."} {"id": "7199", "contents": "1. mani aesop' fabl end explicitli state moral, theme. example, tale tortois hare typic end with, slow steadi win race.. 2. kill mockingbird harper lee sever themes, one main one capac good evil. literature, theme refer main idea moral story. sometim main idea moral state directly, sometim reader think main idea. literari works, could one theme"} {"id": "7200", "contents": "theme defin main idea underli mean literari work may state directli indirectly. subject topic act foundat literari work theme opinion express subject. example, writer may choos subject war stori theme stori may writer\u2019 person opinion war curs humanity. usually, reader explor theme literari work analyz characters, plot literari devic"} {"id": "7201", "contents": "white rice usual cook ratio part dri rice volum part water cook liquid broth stock 16-20 minut low simmer tightli covered. brown rice, increas liquid 1/2 part part rice cook 35-45 minut tender."} {"id": "7202", "contents": "video \u201ccook white rice\u201d use 1-2-3 ratio perfect white rice. (1 cup rice, cup water, make cup rice.). formula work brown rice. check back packag rice determin much water need particular brand rice."} {"id": "7203", "contents": "best answer: realli depend type rice cooking, regular long grain white rice ratio 2:1....so doubl amount water amount rice cooking. keep lid on, stir, low heat 20 minutes."} {"id": "7204", "contents": "cup (240ml) rice usual serv people. rice water ratio. cook white rice use electron rice cooker, rice-wat ratio usual part rice part water. rice:water=1:1. ratio may vari littl depend brand rice person preference. peopl like rice wateri others."} {"id": "7205", "contents": "measur rice water: rice, use 1:2 ratio one cup rice two cup water. measur half cup uncook rice per person scale ratio depend much making."} {"id": "7206", "contents": "use 1:1.5 ratio boil white rice, 1:2 brown rice. ratio depend process rice cook method use rather rice type. method add rice water (salt) pot, keep lid times, bring boil, leav low heat turn heat 5-10 min done."} {"id": "7207", "contents": "1. cook long-grain white rice, keep mind ratio. boil cup water small saucepan tight-fit lid, add cup rice reduc heat. 2. reduc heat low. rice grain swell absorb water."} {"id": "7208", "contents": "cook long-grain white rice, keep mind ratio. boil cup water small saucepan tight-fit lid, add cup rice reduc heat. 2. reduc heat low."} {"id": "7209", "contents": "need burn top layer stomach fat see changes. cardio exercis heat core temperatur improv circulation, aid acquir flat stomach. strive least 30 minut day minimum, includ 1-2 day rest week."} {"id": "7210", "contents": "truth order get flat belli need take steps. step broken mini-steps, overall, thing determin much belli fat stomach looks."} {"id": "7211", "contents": "flat stomach prize possess one; want one. get flat stomach, need first make decis take discipline. done that, make happen adjust diet perform exercise."} {"id": "7212", "contents": "go get flat stomach hundr crunches. way reduc fat around stomach burn total bodi fat. one week would advis embark complex workout regime. time bodi learn lot new exercises."} {"id": "7213", "contents": "report abuse. hi, realli want get flat belli must watch video http://www.startflatbelly.com learn lose belli fat get six pack ab short period time. blow mind. abl lose belli fat get rip weeks."} {"id": "7214", "contents": "2. eat healthier. there' real secret come flat-tummi friendli diet simpli need eat healthi food like fruit, veg, whole grains, cut junk food, like candy, chip fast food. make simpl switch, see world differ stomach."} {"id": "7215", "contents": "step 1. reduc daili intak 500 calories. get flat stomach, must lose weight. lose pound, take reduct 3,500 calories. reduc daili intak 500 calories, lose pound week."} {"id": "7216", "contents": "get flat stomach week. four methods: eat flatten stomach drink flatten stomach exercis flatten stomach creat illus flat stomach. got big event, bloat stomach one week get belli flat can."} {"id": "7217", "contents": "lactobacillu acidophilu (new latin 'acid-lov milk-bacterium') speci gram posit bacteria genu lactobacillus. l. acidophilu homofermentative, microaerophil species, ferment sugar lactic acid, grow readili rather low ph valu (below ph 5.0) optimum growth temperatur around 37 \u00b0c (99 \u00b0f)."} {"id": "7218", "contents": "eat yogurt often recommend peopl lactos intolerant. yogurt less lactos milk dairi products. lactobacillu acidophilu one probiot yogurt that\u2019 respons \u201cpre-digesting\u201d lactose, make easier digest. find yogurt brand lactobacillu acidophilus, look bacteria name ingredi list."} {"id": "7219", "contents": "uses. product contain bacteria lactobacillu acidophilus, natur found stomach intestines. condit (such antibiot use) caus problem normal balanc bacteria stomach/intestines, result diarrhea."} {"id": "7220", "contents": "type bacteria bad you. fact, bodi need certain amount bacteria function properly. lactobacillu acidophilu form bacteria that\u2019 found natur body, usual intestines, mouth, femal genitals. it\u2019 consid benefici human health bacteria doesn\u2019t caus disease. lactobacillu acidophilu one probiot yogurt that\u2019 respons \u201cpre-digesting\u201d lactose, make easier digest. find yogurt brand lactobacillu acidophilus, look bacteria name ingredi list."} {"id": "7221", "contents": "lactobacillu bacteria exist natur body, primarili intestin vagina. lactobacillu help maintain acid environ body, prevent growth harm bacteria. lactobacillu use probiotic, friendli bacteria.. acidophilu bulgaricu (helveticus) two differ type lactobacillu combin product."} {"id": "7222", "contents": "lactobacillu acidophilu member lactobacillu genu bacteria. bacteria found mouth, intestine, vagina. l. acidophilu thought benefit health, sinc produc vitamin lactase. however, l. acidophilu cannot make mani vitamin amino acids. good evid use l. acidophilu treat vagin infections. however, unclear evid medicin use l. acidophilus, irrit bowel syndrome, brain disorders, asthma, high cholesterol, lactos digestion, diarrhea."} {"id": "7223", "contents": "overview. lactobacillu acidophilu (l. acidophilus) commonli use probiotic, good bacteria. mani healthi bacteria live intestin vagina protect bad bacteria caus disease. coupl ways."} {"id": "7224", "contents": "l. acidophilu one commonli use probiotics, microorgan use promot health. probiot differ prebiotics, complex sugar may support growth good bacteria intestin tract. good evid use l. acidophilu treat vagin infections. however, unclear evid medicin use l. acidophilus, irrit bowel syndrome, brain disorders, asthma, high cholesterol, lactos digestion, diarrhea."} {"id": "7225", "contents": "exampl opiat agonist includ methadon laam. synthet opiat help prevent crave withdraw produc high feel euphoria. opiat antagonist drug replac opiat agonist receptor sites. methadon wide known common opiat agonist use treat opioid dependence. decreas drug crave help mani patient wean opiates. dispens licens methadon mainten clinic patient must go receiv dose."} {"id": "7226", "contents": "opiat group drug use treat pain. deriv opium come poppi plant. opiat go varieti name includ opiates, opioids, narcotics. term opiat sometim use close rel opium codeine, morphin heroin, term opioid use entir class drug includ synthet opiat oxycontin. commonli use term opiates."} {"id": "7227", "contents": "exampl opiat agonists. methadon wide known common opiat agonist use treat opioid dependence. decreas drug crave help mani patient wean opiates. dispens licens methadon mainten clinic patient must go receiv dose."} {"id": "7228", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. opiat substanc come opium, opium poppy. heroin, morphine, codeine, hydrocodone(vicodin), oxycodone(oxycontin,percocet), fentanyl, tramadol. opiat narcot analges (painkillers.). opiat drug deriv seed opium poppies, opium heroine. however, lot synthet drug similar effect also consid red opiates, oxy-cotton percasettes. ps. pleas forgiv spelling."} {"id": "7229", "contents": "opioid synthet narcot resembl natur opiat like morphin codeine. opioid provid pain relief bind affect body' opiat receptors. exampl well-known opioid include: hydrocodone, oxycodone, fentyn methadone."} {"id": "7230", "contents": "opiat substanc come opium, opium poppy. heroin, morphine, codeine, hydrocodone(vicodin), oxycodone(oxycontin,percocet), fentanyl, tramadol. opiat narcot analges (painkillers.). 60 peopl found useful. exampl opiat are: vicodin, percocet, oxycontin, loritabs, codiene, morphine, methadone, dilaudeds, narco, ms contin,"} {"id": "7231", "contents": "opioid use treat moder sever pain may respond well pain medications. type opioid drug include: codein (onli avail gener form). fentanyl (actiq, duragesic, fentora). hydrocodon (hysingla er, zohydro er). hydrocodon /acetaminophen (lorcet, lortab, norco, vicodin)."} {"id": "7232", "contents": "opiat drug derived, either natur synthetically, opium plant. opiat drug illegal, heroin, other legal avail prescription. opiat often prescrib treat pain mani also effect treat coughs."} {"id": "7233", "contents": "morphin classifi opiat drug primarili use short long-term pain relief. like opiat drugs, deriv poppi plant also categor narcotic. morphin avail sever forms, syrup, injection, tablet suppository."} {"id": "7234", "contents": "sources, street name brand name morphine. morphin obtain seedpod extract opium found poppi plant, papav somniferum. morphin wide use clinic pain management, especi termin cancer pain post-surgeri pain. body, morphin sever effect includ reduct pain, loss hunger, suppress cough. clinic use morphin include: pain relief surgery."} {"id": "7235", "contents": "opium classifi central-nerv depressant, contain phenanthren alkaloid morphine, codeine, lesser extent thebaine. unit states, opium list schedul ii narcotic, outlaw sale, distribut purchas anyone."} {"id": "7236", "contents": "morphin part class drug call opiat (narcotic) analgesics, opioid agonists, block transmiss pain signal brain bind nervou system protein call opioid receptors. morphin also sometim prescrib label treat pain hospit children."} {"id": "7237", "contents": "dr ananya mandal, md. morphin abund analges opiat found opium potent pain reliever. drug use clinic pain relief also use illicitli recreat purpos among drug users."} {"id": "7238", "contents": "morphin sulfat prescript drug use treat moder sever acut chronic pain. sold sever brand names, includ roxanol, kadian, avinza."} {"id": "7239", "contents": "diagnosi clinic sheep goat pox suspect febril anim characterist full\u2013thick skin lesion enlarg lymph nodes. dyspnea, conjunctivitis, nasal discharg sign may also seen. mortal rate usual high naiv na\u00efve. anim"} {"id": "7240", "contents": "sheep pox goat pox (sgp) group virus caus highli infecti diseas sheep goats. high mortal rate suscept popul sheep goats. virus usual speci specific; however, strain exist infect"} {"id": "7241", "contents": "introduct sheep goat pox (sgp) one import diseas sheep goat ethiopia follow pest de petit rumin (ppr) contagi caprin pleuropneumonia (ccpp). sheep goat pox highli contagi viral diseas sheep goats."} {"id": "7242", "contents": "sheep goat pox virus spread aerosol (respiratori secretions) animals, direct contact indirectli fomites. virus found saliva, secret nose eyes, milk, urin feces. scab skin lesion also contagi may present dust soil."} {"id": "7243", "contents": "etiolog sheep pox goat pox result infect sheeppox viru (spv) goatpox viru (gpv), close relat member capripox genu famili poxviridae. isol host specific, spv mainli caus diseas sheep gpv predominantli affect goats."} {"id": "7244", "contents": "sheep goat pox contagi viral skin diseas sheep goats. blister skin lesion form infect lead substanti econom loss due decreas milk production, damag hide wool, possibl import restrictions."} {"id": "7245", "contents": "2008 page sheep goat pox capripoxviru infect last updated: juli 2008 import sheep goat pox contagi viral diseas small ruminants. diseas may mild indigen breed live endem areas, often fatal newli introduc animals."} {"id": "7246", "contents": "customers, pillar post consid home place heart, hous peopl love memori lifetimes. call pillar post home home inspection. comprehens reports: provid computer report includ digit pictures. report encompass approxim 1600 item home. present custom binder easi reference, enabl make confident, inform decis home."} {"id": "7247", "contents": "or. river citi home inspect (rchi) provid wide rang servic includ home inspections, mould inspections, mould test winnipeg surround communities. certifi inspect servic give comprehens evalu home. use our. river citi home inspect (rchi) provid wide rang servic includ home inspections, mould inspections, mould test winnipeg surround communities."} {"id": "7248", "contents": "proud member of. owl home inspect proud member following: manitoba associ hous inspector (mahi); nation associ certifi home inspector (nachi); independ home inspector north america (ihina); better busi bureau (bbb); manitoba build envelop council (mbec). care hire someon concern pleas real estat agent. owl home inspect servic winnipeg home buyer sinc 1993 focus entir give client thorough, highli ethical, objective, unbias honest inspect possible. 5,000 happi customers, goal provid best home inspect fit client\u2019 need"} {"id": "7249", "contents": "home check asbesto probabl worth older home popcorn ceilings. howev come hefti cost. average, expect spend $400-$800 1,500 squar foot hous includ lab fees, anoth $200-$400 re-inspect project complete. howev come hefti cost. average, expect spend $400-$800 1,500 squar foot hous includ lab fees, anoth $200-$400 re-inspect project complete. asbesto remov cost anywher $400-$30,000 depend amount asbesto present."} {"id": "7250", "contents": "averag nation home inspect cost $314, homeown spend $266 $369. data base actual project cost report homeadvisor members. buy home exciting, also stress time-consuming. howev come hefti cost. average, expect spend $400-$800 1,500 squar foot hous includ lab fees, anoth $200-$400 re-inspect project complete. asbesto remov cost anywher $400-$30,000 depend amount asbesto present."} {"id": "7251", "contents": "....bi certifi inspectors. river citi home inspect (rchi) provid wide rang servic includ home inspections, mould inspections, mould test winnipeg surround communities. certifi inspect servic give comprehens evalu home. use our. river citi home inspect (rchi) provid wide rang servic includ home inspections, mould inspections, mould test winnipeg surround communities."} {"id": "7252", "contents": "probabl expens purchas ever make. time shop cheap inspection. cost home inspect small rel home inspected. internachi-certifi inspector like chi certifi home inspect perform best thorough inspect far. internachi-certifi inspector earn fee mani time over. qualifi inspect compani manitoba competit pricing."} {"id": "7253", "contents": "vari inspector compil reports. averag rate home inspect around $200-$600 base live. inspector charg $800 more. things, pay lowest cost home inspect alway best interest. howev come hefti cost. average, expect spend $400-$800 1,500 squar foot hous includ lab fees, anoth $200-$400 re-inspect project complete. asbesto remov cost anywher $400-$30,000 depend amount asbesto present."} {"id": "7254", "contents": "rst airport seven mile southwest central busi district rochester, near interst hwi 90 (exit 209b east, 209a west).; head north mile counti road 16 (airport exit) mile west airport entrance. airport open 4am-11pm (or last flight arrival)."} {"id": "7255", "contents": "flight rochest intl. (rst), take advantag variou transport option available. you\u2019v bribe friend drive airport, use conveni curbsid drop-off short-term park rst."} {"id": "7256", "contents": "rochest intern rst airport overview. rochest intern airport rst serv minnesota counti olmst citi rochester; state' second-busiest airport custom immigr facilities."} {"id": "7257", "contents": "rochest intern airport rst airport serv rochester, minnesota metropolitan area. rst airport situat approxim seven mile southwest rochester\u2019 citi center. currently, airport transport 320,000 passeng annually. largest airlin carrier rst delta air lines."} {"id": "7258", "contents": "airport new york, see greater rochest intern airport. rochest intern airport (iata: rst, icao: krst) nonhub primari airport locat seven mile (11 km) southwest central busi district rochester, citi olmst county, minnesota, unit states."} {"id": "7259", "contents": "rochest intern airport sit vast 2,400 acr property, locat 11 km central busi district olmst county, minnesota, unit states."} {"id": "7260", "contents": "course, filibust definit tool senat minor obstruct senat majority. sinc rhode island california enjoy equal represent senate, major senat major americans."} {"id": "7261", "contents": "filibust unit state commonli found senat minor parti doesn\u2019t approv bill propos major party. filibust allow specif person, group people, speak long wish may discuss topic choose."} {"id": "7262", "contents": "senat use filibust push chang legislation, prevent bill pass less 60 votes. often way minor parti yield power block legislation, even though major parti choos bill get vote. often, senat make intent filibust known senat prevent bill schedul vote."} {"id": "7263", "contents": "senate, 60 import number. take 60 vote senat block filibuster, unlimit debate. senat rule allow member group senat speak long necessari issue. way end debat evok clotur win vote 60 members."} {"id": "7264", "contents": "words, filibuster, even parti resoundingli repudi polls, parti retain power prevent major govern carri agenda public elect implement."} {"id": "7265", "contents": "sinc filibust legisl tool use minor parti (democrat republican) avoid steamrol majority, member minor (in case, senat republicans) vest interest oppos reform would make difficult mount filibusters."} {"id": "7266", "contents": "mean threshold passag bill rais 51 vote (a simpl majority) 60 vote (a three-fifth majority) minor need signal intent filibuster."} {"id": "7267", "contents": "continent, economi europ current largest earth richest region measur asset manag $32.7 trillion compar north america' $27.1 trillion 2008. europe' approxim 50 countries, russia far largest area population, take 40% contin (although countri territori europ asia), vatican citi smallest."} {"id": "7268", "contents": "britain european countri north-south divid contend with. contrast blighty, however, itali south that' fall behind. accord bank italy, gdp per person 40 per cent lower mezzogiorno centr north. put context, it\u2019 greater differ economi uk south korea."} {"id": "7269", "contents": "''the problem mezzogiorno italian problem european problem,'' carlo azeglio ciampi, italy' current treasuri minist former prime minister, wrote prefac recent book europe' unemploy crisis. wast -- cultur depend passiv encourag -- spur resent italy' rich north, help fan secessionist movement led umberto bossi, regularli insult south southerners."} {"id": "7270", "contents": "term shape, europ collect connect peninsula nearbi islands. two largest peninsula mainland europ scandinavia north, divid baltic sea. three smaller peninsulas\u2014 iberia, itali balkan \u2014emerg southern margin mainland. balkan peninsula separ asia black aegean seas. itali separ balkan adriat sea, iberia mediterranean sea, also separ europ africa."} {"id": "7271", "contents": "alp mountain rang separ itali rest europe. alps. two mountain rang credit border europ asia, however; ural mountain caucu mountains. ural mountain mountain separ european russia asian russia."} {"id": "7272", "contents": "alp mountain rang separ franc italy. stretch point french-italian border meet mediterranean sea, north, east pa ssing switzerland, liechtenstein, germany, austria slovenia. two mountain rang credit border europ asia, however; ural mountain caucu mountains. ural mountain mountain separ european russia asian russia."} {"id": "7273", "contents": "celestin bohlen. crotone, italy\u2014 capit provinc unemploy rate 33 percent, highest italy, last thing croton need recent flash flood knock bridges, flood basement mud shut remain factories. damag estim $300 million. wast -- cultur depend passiv encourag -- spur resent italy' rich north, help fan secessionist movement led umberto bossi, regularli insult south southerners."} {"id": "7274", "contents": "europ (/\u02c8j\u028a\u0259r\u0259p/ /\u02c8j\u025cr\u0259p/) contin compris westernmost part eurasia. europ border arctic ocean north, atlant ocean west, mediterranean sea south. europe' approxim 50 countries, russia far largest area population, take 40% contin (although countri territori europ asia), vatican citi smallest."} {"id": "7275", "contents": "europ separ russia part russia europe. two mountain rang credit border europ asia, however; ural mountain caucu mountains. ural mountain mountain separ european russia asian russia."} {"id": "7276", "contents": "east southeast, europ gener consid separ asia watersh divid ural caucasu mountains, ural river, caspian black seas, waterway turkish straits. europe' approxim 50 countries, russia far largest area population, take 40% contin (although countri territori europ asia), vatican citi smallest."} {"id": "7277", "contents": "two group bases: pyrimidines: cytosin thymin singl six-memb ring. purines: guanin adenin doubl ring made five-atom ring attach one side six-atom ring. order nucleotid along dna polym encod genet inform carri dna."} {"id": "7278", "contents": "dna locat cell nucleu (where call nuclear dna), small amount dna also found mitochondria (where call mitochondri dna mtdna). inform dna store code made four chemic bases: adenin (a), guanin (g), cytosin (c), thymin (t)."} {"id": "7279", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: four differ base make dna. adenine(a), thymine(t), cytosine(c), guanine(g). take biology, need know does. tell one anoth thing mayb help futur you. match base sequenc pair, base match-up."} {"id": "7280", "contents": "four differ nitrogen bases; adenin (a), thymin (t), guanin (g) cytosin (c) part differ differ nucleotides. base differ chemic structure: pyrimidines, cytosin thymin one ring (with differ side chains). dna (deoxi ribo-nucl acid) made structur known nucleotides, four nucleotid dna code written, follow adenin (a purine). cytosin (a pyrimidine). gua"} {"id": "7281", "contents": "dna long molecul made twist strand base a, t, g. gene section dna gene code creat specif protein. sequenc base gene control amino acid creat join make specif new protein enzym molecule."} {"id": "7282", "contents": "dna made type nitrogen bases, purin pyrimidines. purin types...adenin guanine. pyrimidin types...thaimin cytosine.dna doubl strand strand connect weak hydrogen bonds. adenine, cytosine, guanin thyamin four base make (differ strand of) dna. base undergo pair i.e. c. da way type dnas."} {"id": "7283", "contents": "gene made dna. chromosom contain mani genes. gene basic physic function unit heredity. genes, made dna, act instruct make molecul call proteins. humans, gene vari size hundr dna base million bases."} {"id": "7284", "contents": "nucleotid made one sugar molecule, one phosphat molecul one four base (adenine, guanine, thymine, cytosine). structur formula four nucleotid dna. dna (deoxi ribo-nucl acid) made structur known nucleotides, four nucleotid dna code written, follow adenin (a purine). cytosin (a pyrimidine). gua"} {"id": "7285", "contents": "adenin (a), cytosin (c), guanine, (g), thymin (t) four base dna. order base sequenc dna. two base bond togeth attach one strand dna doubl helix. adenin alway pair thymine, guanin alway pair cytosine. adenine, cytosine, guanin thyamin four base make (differ strand of) dna. base undergo pair i.e. c. da way type dnas."} {"id": "7286", "contents": "origin liter bread board, polish piec wood use slice bread. 1970 solderless breadboard (aka plugboard, termin array board) becam avail nowaday term breadboard commonli use refer these. breadboard also synonym prototyp solderless breadboard requir soldering, reusable. make easi use creat temporari prototyp experi circuit design"} {"id": "7287", "contents": "breadboard great tool quickli test prototyp circuit hook quick experiment. breadboard import step test idea learn thing work. first start tinker electron discov everyon assum would know use breadboard."} {"id": "7288", "contents": "articl meant begin stompbox builder want learn solderless breadboard work use prototyping. matter necessity, i'll also show basic function use multimet continu voltag test introduc interpret schematic."} {"id": "7289", "contents": "tutori i'll explain electron breadboard are, use asham least one electron arsen yet! we'll learn breadboard lay out, type breadboard exist, wire simpl circuit breadboard."} {"id": "7290", "contents": "simpl compil breadboard illustr show connect set within breadboard. see last image, place ic chip channel allow access side' pins, also connect resistor power bu channel, led channel ground bu make complet circuit."} {"id": "7291", "contents": "breadboard, sometim call proto-board, reusabl platform temporarili built electron circuits. breadboard work \u2022electr compon lead wire use connect insert hole arrang grid pattern surfac breadboard."} {"id": "7292", "contents": "yet anoth method power breadboard use one mani breadboard power suppli available. sparkfun carri number kit board use plug power directli breadboard. allow plug wall wart directli breadboard. we\u2019v seen connect breadboard made, let\u2019 look larger, typic breadboard. asid horizont rows, breadboard usual call power rail run vertic along sides. medium-s breadboard adhes back remov expos power rails."} {"id": "7293", "contents": "breadboard devic use creat temporari circuits. two bu strip either side board travel length board. breadboard base use make organised, neat, simpl temporari circuit connections. normally, circuit, element connect tw ist wire ends. kind twist connect drawbacks: 1."} {"id": "7294", "contents": "breadboard solderless devic temporari prototyp electron test circuit designs. electron compon electron circuit interconnect insert lead termin hole make connect wire appropriate. breadboard strip metal underneath board connect hole top board. metal strip laid shown below. note top bottom row hole connect horizont split middl remain hole connect vertic"} {"id": "7295", "contents": "meniere' disease. inner ear disord thought caus buildup fluid chang pressur ear. caus episod vertigo along ring ear (tinnitus) hear loss. vestibular neuriti labyrinthitis. inner ear problem usual relat infect (usual viral). vertigo often caus inner ear problem. common caus include: bppv. initi stand benign paroxysm posit vertigo. bppv occur tini calcium particl (canaliths) clump canal inner ear."} {"id": "7296", "contents": "common caus dizzi includ inner-ear disorders, medications, alcohol. dizzi often result vertigo. also caus problem inner ear, balanc regulated. common caus vertigo vertigo-rel dizzi benign paroxysm posit vertigo (bppv). dizzi diseas symptom disorders. vertigo disequilibrium may caus feel dizziness, two term describ differ symptoms. vertigo character feel spinning. disequilibrium loss balanc equilibrium. true dizzi feel lightheaded nearli faint"} {"id": "7297", "contents": "caus vertigo. vertigo often caus inner ear problem. common caus include: bppv. initi stand benign paroxysm posit vertigo. bppv occur tini calcium particl (canaliths) clump canal inner ear."} {"id": "7298", "contents": "etiology. common caus peripher vertigo includ bppv, vestibular neuronitis, menier m\u00e9ni\u00e8re, diseas and-immun mediated-inn ear. diseas common caus central dizzi is, migrain frequent refer vestibular migrain or-migrain associated. dizzi benign caus dizzi includ peripher vertigo (294 cases) orthostat hypotens (121 cases). factor associ seriou diagnos includ abnorm focal examination, age greater 60 years, imbal chief complaint."} {"id": "7299", "contents": "dizzi mani possibl causes, includ inner ear disturbance, motion sick medic effects. sometim caus underli health condition, poor circulation, infect injury. way dizzi make feel trigger provid clue possibl causes. anxieti disorders. certain anxieti disord may caus lightheaded woozi feel often refer dizziness. includ panic attack fear leav home large, open space (agoraphobia)."} {"id": "7300", "contents": "vertigo caus problem brain inner ear. benign paroxysm posit vertigo (bppv) common form vertigo character brief sensat motion last 15 second minutes. acoust neuroma uncommon caus vertigo relat type tumor nerv tissu inner ear caus vertigo. symptom may includ vertigo one-sid ring ear hear loss. vertigo caus decreas blood flow base brain."} {"id": "7301", "contents": "dizzi gener serious. however, may result problem associ inner ear, brain, heart. also result medications. one common caus dizzi inner ear disorders. disord include: gener locat inner ear disorders. semicircular canals: benign posit vertigo. vestibular nerve: vestibular neuriti acoust neuroma."} {"id": "7302", "contents": "common caus dizzi includ hunger, fatigue, hypoglycemia (low blood sugar), anxiety. dizzi also caus neurolog conditions, multipl sclerosis, parkinson\u2019 disease, epilepsy. labyrinth usual follow cold flu often caus viral infect inner ear. seriou caus dizzi includ heart attack, stroke, shock, severe, potenti life-threaten condit warrant immedi medic care."} {"id": "7303", "contents": "vertigo may also caus inflamm within inner ear (labyrinth vestibular neuritis), character sudden onset vertigo may associ hear loss. common caus labyrinth viral bacteri inner ear infection. acoust neuroma uncommon caus vertigo relat type tumor nerv tissu inner ear caus vertigo. symptom may includ vertigo one-sid ring ear hear loss. vertigo caus decreas blood flow base brain."} {"id": "7304", "contents": "merbau/kwila decking. one commonli use deck timbers, merbau/kwila (find differ merbau kwila timber-tip page!) tough, durabl beauti timber that' perfect decking. merbau/kwila issu tannin bleed. ...like cup tea, mix merbau/kwila water, timber releas huge amount tannin. care must taken around pool ponds, light colour driveway paths, painted, pave tile areas, anywher risk staining."} {"id": "7305", "contents": "s2dio fine furnitur manufactur kwila, one world\u2019 durabl hardwood timbers. strength abund natur oil make ideal use divers rang climates, it\u2019 easi maintain, rich colour ensur furnitur alway look good."} {"id": "7306", "contents": "end kwila. page. featur story-april 17, 2007. demand high end luxuri floor furnitur china, us, australia, new zealand, europ market drive tree species, merbau (known indonesia kwila), commerci extinction. zoom. 83% forest hous last healthi popul kwila new guinea alreadi log alloc logging, 17% is, moment, chop block."} {"id": "7307", "contents": "pacif kwila (merbau) care restoration. pacif kwila timber popular australia new zealand. harsh coastal environ requir extrem durabl materi merbau natur wood use countri centuries."} {"id": "7308", "contents": "bark leav ipil use tradit medicines. tree' timber, call merbau kwila, durabl termite-resist wood, make highli valu materi floor uses. wood also use extract dye. merbau contain gold fleck run grain, consid attract some. intsia bijuga speci flower tree pea family, fabaceae, nativ indo-pacific. rang tanzania madagascar east india queensland, australia pacif island samoa. grow around 50 metr (160 feet) tall highli buttress trunk"} {"id": "7309", "contents": "pacif kwila decking. pacif kwila (merbau) hardwood ideal suit manufactur outdoor decking. beauti grain appearance, regard one world' durabl timbers."} {"id": "7310", "contents": "kwila extrem durable. fact, due hard wood, kwila furnitur difficult manufactur without special machinery. rich, natur oil kwila main featur timber, make durabl timber commonli use outdoor furniture. kwila natur materi fine crack wood may appear disappear chang weather consequ chang moistur content wood. fine crack normal hardwood affect life servic"} {"id": "7311", "contents": "kwila, also known merbau, tropic timber natur grow variou region throughout south east pacif rim, northern queensland, papua new guinea, philippines, solomon islands, fiji, malaysia indonesia. kwila natur materi fine crack wood may appear disappear chang weather consequ chang moistur content wood. fine crack normal hardwood affect life servic furniture."} {"id": "7312", "contents": "kwila oili timber, one reason success use manufactur outdoor furniture. sap oil occur natur (also known tannin), deep timber, uniqu protect timber split cracking. kwila natur materi fine crack wood may appear disappear chang weather consequ chang moistur content wood. fine crack normal hardwood affect life servic"} {"id": "7313", "contents": "luxuri wed photograph averag $5,000 upward $10,000. limit budget, consid ask friend rel take ceremoni photo digit camera. reli someon particip ceremony, sister father. basic wed photograph packag $500 may includ 1-4 hour coverag one photographer, proof onlin hard cover album, limit number print printabl imag cd dvd."} {"id": "7314", "contents": "report abuse. point view wed photograph cost run anywher $2,500-$10,000 depend experi photograph along they'r includ wed package. wed photographi packag typic cover hours, average."} {"id": "7315", "contents": "here\u2019 real life scenario: photograph wed photographi packag cost $4,000. $4,000, photograph shoot hour day wedding, also includ engag photo session, frame print, second shooter 20 page 11x14 album."} {"id": "7316", "contents": "expect wed photograph cost run anywher $2,500-$10,000 depend experi photograph along they\u2019r includ wed package. wed photographi packag typic cover hours, average. less shoot time influenc cost. gener expect wed photographi price rang $2,500-$10,000 depend photograph experi and/or offerings. expect top photograph (ie: jose villa\u2019 world) start around $6-7,000 go there."} {"id": "7317", "contents": "so, takeaway rememb come figur much wed photograph cost you: averag cost wed photograph 10-15% couple\u2019 total budget, current around $2800 averag us couple. gener expect wed photographi price rang $2,500-$10,000 depend photograph experi and/or offerings. expect top photograph (ie: jose villa\u2019 world) start around $6-7,000 go there."} {"id": "7318", "contents": "actual cost engag wed photo vari greatli citi includ package, gener estim $300 $500 engag photo shoots, $2,500 $10,000 wed shoots, accord steve lesnick, photograph toastphoto. experi also determin much photograph cost. new photograph (less two year pro) would high-mind charg $5,000, smith says."} {"id": "7319", "contents": "average, budget packag cost anywher $800 $1,200. in-the-middl road type packag cost upward $1,200 $2,800. upscal photograph demand cost $5,000 more. expert note it\u2019 best budget least $1,500 averag wed photograph cost. offer differ packag well photograph take pictur whole day. price packag start $3,000 $3,500 one photographer, photograph video cost $5,000 $5,500."} {"id": "7320", "contents": "packag $1,000-$3,000 may includ addit photograph hour coverage, plu special albums, parent album photo books, though photographers, fee cover photography. basic wed photograph packag $500 may includ 1-4 hour coverag one photographer, proof onlin hard cover album, limit number print printabl imag cd dvd."} {"id": "7321", "contents": "accord snapknot.com, averag cost wed photograph $2,814. however, citi san francisco new york, wed photographi price closer $4,000. gener expect wed photographi price rang $2,500-$10,000 depend photograph experi and/or offerings. expect top photograph (ie: jose villa\u2019 world) start around $6-7,000 go there."} {"id": "7322", "contents": "budget photograph run $1,000; moder photograph averag $1,000 $3,000; upscal photograph $3,000 $5,000. luxuri wed photograph averag $5,000 upward $10,000. basic wed photograph packag $500 may includ 1-4 hour coverag one photographer, proof onlin hard cover album, limit number print printabl imag cd dvd."} {"id": "7323", "contents": "major airport near west berkeley, california: nearest major airport oakland intern airport (oak koak). airport intern domest flight oakland, california 16 mile center west berkeley, ca. anoth major airport san francisco intern airport (sfo ksfo), intern domest flight san francisco, california 24 mile west berkeley, ca. intern airport near west berkeley, ca. 16 miles: oakland, ca (oak koak) oakland intern airport. 24 miles: san francisco, ca (sfo ksfo) san francisco intern airport. 47 miles: san jose, ca (sjc ksjc) norman y. mineta san jose"} {"id": "7324", "contents": "anoth major airport san francisco intern airport (sfo ksfo), intern domest flight san francisco, california 25 mile car berkeley, ca. nearest major airport charl m. schulz-sonoma counti airport (st ksts). airport domest flight santa rosa, california 49 drive mile center napa."} {"id": "7325", "contents": "nearest major airport bob hope airport (bur kbur). airport domest flight burbank, california mile center encino, ca. nearest major airport charl m. schulz-sonoma counti airport (st ksts). airport domest flight santa rosa, california 49 drive mile center napa."} {"id": "7326", "contents": "nearest major airport santa maria public airport (smx ksmx). airport domest flight santa maria, california 10 mile center ipomo, ca. anoth major airport san lui obispo counti region airport (sbp ksbp), domest flight san lui obispo, california 16 mile nipomo, ca. nearest major airport charl m. schulz-sonoma counti airport (st ksts). airport domest flight santa rosa, california 49 drive mile center napa."} {"id": "7327", "contents": "domest airport near west berkeley, ca. 16 miles: oakland, ca (oak koak) oakland intern airport. 24 miles: san francisco, ca (sfo ksfo) san francisco intern airport. 47 miles: san jose, ca (sjc ksjc) norman y. mineta san jose intern airport. intern"} {"id": "7328", "contents": "nearest major airport oakland intern airport (oak koak). airport intern domest flight oakland, california 17 drive ile center berkeley, ca. nearest major airport charl m. schulz-sonoma counti airport (st ksts). airport domest flight santa rosa, california 49 drive mile center napa."} {"id": "7329", "contents": "closest airport berkeley, ca. closest airport metropolitan oakland intern airport (oak). distanc metropolitan oakland intern airport berkeley 17,3 kilomet (10,8 miles). metropolitan oakland intern airport locat approxim 5,2 kilomet (3,2 miles) south alameda 5,7 kilomet (3,6 miles) west san leandro. metropolitan oakland intern airport iata code oak."} {"id": "7330", "contents": "domest airport near berkeley, ca. 15 miles: oakland, ca (oak koak) oakland intern airport. 25 miles: san francisco, ca (sfo ksfo) san francisco intern airport. 48 miles: san jose, ca (sjc ksjc) norman y. mineta san jose intern airport. travelmath help find closest airport city, well list smaller local airports. use page plan trip figur easiest way get destination."} {"id": "7331", "contents": "u.c. berkeley campu locat 30 minut oakland intern airport 60 minut san francisco intern airport. shuttl service, buses, electr train system bay area rapid transit (bart) avail airport berkeley. requir minimum 24-hour advanc reservation. shuttl san francisco airport berkeley $38.00 $29 oakland airport. shuttl servic oper 3:30 a.m. midnight san francisco 3:30 11 pm"} {"id": "7332", "contents": "intern airport near berkeley, ca. 15 miles: oakland, ca (oak koak) oakland intern airport. 25 miles: san francisco, ca (sfo ksfo) san francisco intern airport. 48 miles: san jose, ca (sjc ksjc) norman y. mineta san jose intern airport. travelmath help find closest airport city, well list smaller local airports. use page plan trip figur easiest way get destination."} {"id": "7333", "contents": "barack obama. 44th presid unit states, author popular person world, barack hussein obama ii, estim net worth $12.2 million. exclud $1.4 million nobel prize money donat chariti primari home. presid barack obama\u2019 base salari $400,000 year. also access $150,000 expens account well $100,000 tax free travel account $20,000 entertain budget. obama serv three term illinoi senate, first african american presid unit states."} {"id": "7334", "contents": "presid unit state america (potus) elect head state head govern unit states. presid lead execut branch feder govern commander-in-chief unit state arm forces. presid unit state consid one world' power people."} {"id": "7335", "contents": "salari vice-president. vice presid unit state call 24 hour day office. addit normal, day-to-day offic work, vice presid also perform ceremoni duti home around world. addition, vice presid also presid senate."} {"id": "7336", "contents": "email. annual list make white hous out. it\u2019 requir sinc 1995 white hous alert congress salari presidenti staffers. so, let\u2019 take look 457 employe presid obama (who make annual salari $400,000) rake everi year."} {"id": "7337", "contents": "benefits. former presid surviv spouse, grant pension $20,000 life, well free postag benefit. top pension payment benefit come expens involv person protect former presid family."} {"id": "7338", "contents": "white hous salaries. sinc 1995, white hous requir deliv report congress list titl salari everi white hous offic employee. consist presid obama' commit transparency, report publicli disclos websit transmit congress."} {"id": "7339", "contents": "popular skill president. chart show popular skill job effect skill pay. chart show popular skill job effect skill pay."} {"id": "7340", "contents": "senat approv salari nigerian president, others. lagos-nigeria (pana) -- nigerian presid earn 1. million naira deputi 1. million naira basic annual salaries, new remuner packag unveil senate, upper legisl chamber wednesday."} {"id": "7341", "contents": "retir plan. addit annual salary, u.s. presid receiv retir plan. leav office, former presid receiv annual pension equal current salari cabinet member. 2011, presidenti pension $196,700 per year. salari expens account. 2014, presid earn annual salari $400,000 per year, plu $50,000 non-tax expens account."} {"id": "7342", "contents": "term job titl highest salaries, tech manag posit like cio, cto vice presid paid money. peopl role made averag $132,974 2013, percent increas 2012. system architect rank second $125,467 data architect came third ($118,756)."} {"id": "7343", "contents": "e-tech salary. e-tech averag salari $57,038, median salari $59,500 salari rang $40,000 $67,600. e-tech salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. e-tech salari statist exclus refer only."} {"id": "7344", "contents": "e-tech averag salari $57,038, median salari $59,500 salari rang $40,000 $67,600. e-tech salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. e-tech salari statist exclus refer only."} {"id": "7345", "contents": "technician salary. technician averag salari $54,000, median salari $53,400 salari rang $53,400 $55,200. technician salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position."} {"id": "7346", "contents": "allow sealer dri hour longer indic manufacturer' label. appli second coat sealer across entir concret surface. leav sit least day allow traffic new concrete."} {"id": "7347", "contents": "plan use penetr sealer ongo maintenance, concret either be: a) moist-cured, b) cure easili remov concret cure compound. make seal choic concret installed, inform contractor cure method prefer."} {"id": "7348", "contents": "cure seal used, allow concret cure 2-4 weeks. industri standard 28 day depend climat mix concrete. import wait seal new concret soon. trap moistur surfac like lead prematur failur sealer. wait long appli sealer, concret clean degreas"} {"id": "7349", "contents": "pour concret middl dri summer 14 day minimum amount time wait. seal concret (depend condit sealer product) typic want give sealer day prior walk 48 hour applic drive it. depend type sealer (ie. epoxy...). concretenetwork.com lot good info well. confid vote 142. typic concret take 28 day (4 weeks) cure. prior 28 day concret still moistur weaken strength concrete. seal prior 28 day chanc seal moistur henc weaken integr concrete."} {"id": "7350", "contents": "report abuse. import let concret cure seal it. cure compound avail speed cure process. person would give week gap least day usual norm ok. also depend sealant use. penetr sealant manufactur advis use day period up, go press time. seal early, sealant form bubbl finish reali look crappy. source(s): there, done that."} {"id": "7351", "contents": "long one wait appli sealer freshli pour color concrete. peopl hire want seal next day. daughter small patio done. trade tri educ help insight need be. thanks."} {"id": "7352", "contents": "appli sealer-about hour coat dri time (between coats) 1-3 hour dri time (final coat) 10 hour minimum 24 hour colder weather humid weather. seal concret clear shield solvent base sealer, take two gener even coats. appli first gener coat. walk it, appli second coat. appli sealer-about hour coat dri time (between coats) 1-3 hour dri time (final coat) 24 hour minimum 48 hour 72 hour colder weather. exterior project complete."} {"id": "7353", "contents": "high-perform topic coatings, epoxi urethanes, cost -- typic $0.50 $2.50 per squar foot. cases, invest sealer well worth expense, consid cost replac concret gener $7 $8 per squar foot. much sealer cost? acrylic-resin sealer chemic reactiv penetr sealer (silanes, silicates, siloxan siliconates) gener cost $0.15 $0.25 per squar foot."} {"id": "7354", "contents": "time take excess mix water concret evapor pretti consistent, long use cheap contractor water mix. rang month 12 weeks, depend type sealer go use. outside, acrylic, seal month cases. insid outside, urethan epoxy, like 12 weeks."} {"id": "7355", "contents": "use busi trust, also call massachusett trust common-law trust, origin year ago circumv restrict impos upon corpor acquisit develop real estat achiev limit liabil aspect corporation. busi trust consid corpor purpos feder incom tax similarli variou state incom tax laws."} {"id": "7356", "contents": "massachusett busi trust (mbt) legal trust set purpos business, necessarili one oper commonwealth massachusetts. (decemb 2010). massachusett busi trust (mbt) legal trust set purpos business, necessarili one oper commonwealth massachusetts. may also refer unincorpor busi organ ubo."} {"id": "7357", "contents": "busi trust, also call massachusett busi trust, unincorpor entiti corpor partnership creat stand proxi certain busi operations. simpl trust. parent compani retain direct manag busi trust, ir look see trust meet definit simpl trust. look trust instrument, document parent compani use creat trust."} {"id": "7358", "contents": "definit 'trust company'. legal entiti act fiduciary, agent truste behalf person busi entiti purpos administration, manag eventu transfer asset benefici party."} {"id": "7359", "contents": "unincorpor busi organ creat legal document, declar trust, use place corpor partnership transact variou kind busi limit liability. busi trust consid corpor purpos feder incom tax similarli variou state incom tax laws."} {"id": "7360", "contents": "definition. commerci organ manag appoint truste (who hold titl busi property) benefit one beneficiaries. busi trust treat legal entiti tax author must (1) busi purpose, (2) must function business."} {"id": "7361", "contents": "legal trust set purpos business, necessarili one oper commonwealth massachusetts. may also refer unincorpor busi organ ubo."} {"id": "7362", "contents": "busi trust law legal definition. busi trust form busi organ similar corporation, investor receiv transfer certif benefici interest. states, busi trust subject law trust wherea state law corpor partnership govern existence. purpos feder incom tax law state incom tax law busi trust consid corpor"} {"id": "7363", "contents": "busi trust similar tradit trust truste given legal titl trust properti administ advantag beneficiari hold equit titl it. busi trust consid corpor purpos feder incom tax similarli variou state incom tax laws."} {"id": "7364", "contents": "regulatori authority. clean air act, amended, direct author u. epa establish standard regul emiss mobil sourc establish complianc program implement enforc mobil sourc emiss control program. establish emiss standard element complianc program, epa must follow requir clean air act administr procedur act agency' rulemak activities."} {"id": "7365", "contents": "clean water act (cwa) primari feder law unit state govern water pollution. object restor maintain chemical, physical, biolog integr nation' water prevent point nonpoint pollut sources, provid assist publicli own treatment work improv wastewat treatment, maintain integr wetlands."} {"id": "7366", "contents": "clean air act: summari act major requir congression research servic 15 permit clean air act amend 1990 ad titl act requir state administ comprehens permit program oper sourc emit air pollutants. clean air act: summari act major requir congression research servic seriou area meet requir moder areas. reduc definit major sourc voc emiss 100 ton per year 50 ton per year purpos impos ract."} {"id": "7367", "contents": "clean air act extens 1970, congress greatli expand feder mandat requir comprehens feder state regul industri mobil sources. law establish four new regulatori programs: nation ambient air qualiti standard (naaqs). clean air act state requir submit plan non-attain area reach attain statu soon possibl five years, base sever air pollut difficulti pose obtain cleaner air."} {"id": "7368", "contents": "clean air act first major environment law unit state includ provis citizen suits. numer state local govern enact similar legislation, either implement feder program fill local import gap feder programs. clean air act state requir submit plan non-attain area reach attain statu soon possibl five years, base sever air pollut difficulti pose obtain cleaner air."} {"id": "7369", "contents": "clean air act 1963 first feder legisl regard air pollut control. establish feder program within u.s. public health servic author research techniqu monitor control air pollution. clean air act state requir submit plan non-attain area reach attain statu soon possibl five years, base sever air pollut difficulti pose obtain cleaner air."} {"id": "7370", "contents": "congress pass first legisl address air pollut 1955 air pollut control act provid fund u.s. public health service, formul pollut regulation. however, clean air act 1963, creat research regulatori program u.s. public health service. clean air act state requir submit plan non-attain area reach attain statu soon possibl five years, base sever air pollut difficulti pose obtain cleaner air."} {"id": "7371", "contents": "1990, congress strengthen motor vehicl program. 1990 clean air act amend establish tighter standard automobiles, trucks, buses, call control nonroad engines, strengthen epa' in-us compliance, establish requir convent altern fuels."} {"id": "7372", "contents": "averag rental cost usual around $100 $200 day. however, price rise accord size bobcat needed. example, scraper similar equip level gravel driveway cost $50 $70 day. machin usual rent per hour per day. averag rental cost usual around $100 $200 day. however, price rise accord size bobcat needed."} {"id": "7373", "contents": "$380.00. price subject change. pleas call us question bobcat tractor rental burnsvil mn, rosemount mn, appl valley, minneapolis, st paul, twin cities, south metro,and dakota county. bring top qualiti equip rentals, parti rental stihl sale burnsville, rosemount, appl valley, lakeville, farmington, minneapolis, st paul, twin cities, savage, prior lake, shakopee, south metro dakota counti mn. copyright 2015 point-of-rent systems-lead rental manag softwar"} {"id": "7374", "contents": "cost rent bobcat (skid steer loader). rental fee cover hour machin per day, 40 hour per week, 160 hour per month. fuel bobcat use diesel fuel. deliv pickup custom item deliv due heavi weight size. damag protect program charg 12% rental amount ... rental fee cover hour machin per day, 40 hour per week, 160 hour per month. use amount consid overtim charg charg 1/8th daili rate per addit hour. fuel bobcat use diesel fuel. cost fuel addit rental fees."} {"id": "7375", "contents": "$165.00. price subject change. pleas call us question bobcat, excavators, tractor rental hamel mn, serv plymouth, medina, mapl grove, surround twin citi western suburbs. serv plymouth minnesota, medina, hamel, orono, minnetonka, golden valley, mapl grove, wayzata mn area"} {"id": "7376", "contents": "cost fuel addit rental fees. bobcat use 1-2 gallon fuel per hour use, depend hard run (tip: throttl machin uses. machin don\u2019t need full throttl get full power bucket wheels. rental fee cover hour machin per day, 40 hour per week, 160 hour per month. use amount consid overtim charg charg 1/8th daili rate per addit hour. fuel bobcat use diesel fuel."} {"id": "7377", "contents": "cost rent bobcat (skid steer loader). rental fee cover hour machin per day, 40 hour per week, 160 hour per month. use amount consid overtim charg charg 1/8th daili rate per addit hour. fuel bobcat use diesel fuel. rental fee cover hour machin per day, 40 hour per week, 160 hour per month. use amount consid overtim charg charg 1/8th daili rate per addit hour. fuel bobcat use diesel fuel. cost fuel addit rental fees."} {"id": "7378", "contents": "compani american tool rental offer price per four hour rental. specif price four hour rent day use list site allamericanrental.com. bobcat loader, example, rent $180.00 per hr $245.00 per day. machin usual rent per hour per day. averag rental cost usual around $100 $200 day. however, price rise accord size bobcat needed."} {"id": "7379", "contents": "bobcat loader, example, rent $180.00 per hr $245.00 per day. equip bore machin two 10\u2032 rods, bobcat grappl air comp kit rent less hundr dollar per four hour use. machin usual rent per hour per day. averag rental cost usual around $100 $200 day. however, price rise accord size bobcat needed."} {"id": "7380", "contents": "however, price rise accord size bobcat needed. example, scraper similar equip level gravel driveway cost $50 $70 day. small backhoe, hand, around hundr $300 day. rental compani offer price week\u2019 rent. machin usual rent per hour per day. averag rental cost usual around $100 $200 day. however, price rise accord size bobcat needed."} {"id": "7381", "contents": "structur acetylcholin (ach). 11.2 acetylcholin autonom nervou system. autonom nervou system, acetylcholin (ach) neurotransmitt preganglion sympathet parasympathet neurons. shown figur 11.2 red ach ganglion."} {"id": "7382", "contents": "nerv action potenti reach invad nerv terminal, shower acetylcholin vesicl releas junction (synapse) nerv termin \u2018effector\u2019 cell nerv activates."} {"id": "7383", "contents": "acetylcholin (ach) major neurotransmitt central peripher nervou systems. ester acet choline, form enzym cholin acetyl transferase, cholin acetyl-coa. first substanc (ca. 1906) meet criteria identif neurotransmitter."} {"id": "7384", "contents": "acetylcholin releas presynapt neuron synapt cleft. synapt gap, acetylcholin can: bind presynapt receptors: presynapt activ inhibit lead automodul presynapt cholinerg neuron."} {"id": "7385", "contents": "acetylcholin found synaps neuron muscl cells. serv activ muscl contract. acetylcholin receptor site muscl cell block someway, acetylcholin cannot get site muscl incap contracting-paralyz is."} {"id": "7386", "contents": "acetylcholin also use neurotransmitt autonom nervou system, intern transmitt sympathet nervou system final product releas parasympathet nervou system."} {"id": "7387", "contents": "acetylcholin neurotransmitt releas nerv end (terminals) peripher central nervou systems. synthes within nerv termin choline, taken tissu fluid nerv end special transport mechanism."} {"id": "7388", "contents": "acetylcholin neurotransmitt use neuromuscular junction \u2014in words, chemic motor neuron nervou system releas order activ muscles."} {"id": "7389", "contents": "acetylcholin (ach) one main neurotransmitt vertebr nervou system. releas certain (cholinergic) nerv end may excitatori inhibitory; initi muscular contract neuromuscular junctions."} {"id": "7390", "contents": "acetylcholin releas nerv impuls reach myoneur junction. diffus across synapt cleft bind cholinerg receptor muscl fibers, caus contract. cholinesteras split acetylcholin components, thu stop stimul muscl fibers."} {"id": "7391", "contents": "john tyler born march 29, 1790, charl citi county, virginia, promin family. rais parent john mari armistead tyler, grew eight siblings, receiv best educ available. studi law colleg william mary, graduat 1807, age 17."} {"id": "7392", "contents": "execut summary: 10th presid u.s. tenth presid unit states, born greenway, charl citi county, virginia, 29th march 1790. second son john tyler, governor virginia 1808-11 unit state district judg 1812-13."} {"id": "7393", "contents": "john tyler becam tenth presid unit state (1841-1845) presid william henri harrison die april 1841. first vice presid succeed presid death predecessor."} {"id": "7394", "contents": "synopsis. john tyler born march 29, 1790, charl citi county, virginia. like father, tyler serv governor virginia. repres whig party, first vice presid becom presid due death predecessor (presid william henri harrison)."} {"id": "7395", "contents": "john tyler, tenth presid unit states, born 1790. grew virginia plantation, becam lawyer, went white hous death predecessor, william henri harrison 1841."} {"id": "7396", "contents": "john tyler\u2019 earli life family. john tyler born march 29, 1790, family\u2019 plantation, greenway, charl citi county, virginia. son john tyler sr. (1747-1813), prosper planter virginia politician, mari armistead (1761-97)."} {"id": "7397", "contents": "john tyler born march 29, 1790. like futur run mate william henri harrison, hail charl citi county, virginia; descend aristocrat polit entrench families. tyler famili trace lineag coloni williamsburg seventeenth century."} {"id": "7398", "contents": "tyler born march 29, 1790 john mari tyler. born greenway estat charl citi county, virginia. john tyler, father, serv governor, speaker virginia hous delegates, judge. second son tyler."} {"id": "7399", "contents": "synaps energi economics, inc. 2015 carbon dioxid price forecast 32 low case forecast co price begin 2020 $15 per ton, increas $25 2030 $45 2050, repres $26 per ton level price period 2020\u20102050. mid case forecast co price begin 2020 $20 per ton, increas $35 2030 $85 2050, repres $41 per ton level price period 2020\u20102050. forecast repres scenario feder polici implement signific reason achiev goals."} {"id": "7400", "contents": "gallon water per metric ton metric ton (1000 kg) water occupi exactli one cubic meter. one cubic meter 264.17 gallons. 17 peopl found useful. edit. (tonn metric) therefor answer 2240 divid 10 224 gallon. us gallon pure water weigh approxim 8.34 pounds, therefor 2000 pound us ton water would contain approxim 239.8 gallons."} {"id": "7401", "contents": "annual allow price level valu report 2014 dollar per short ton co 2. low case forecast co price begin 2020 $15 per ton, increas $25 2030 $45 2050, repres $26 per ton level price period 2020\u20102050. mid case forecast co price begin 2020 $20 per ton, increas $35 2030 $85 2050, repres $41 per ton level price period 2020\u20102050. forecast repres scenario feder polici implement signific reason achiev goals."} {"id": "7402", "contents": "split merg it. answer alex146. confid vote 36.8k. densiti hydrochlor acid vari 6.421 pound per us gallon (at 10% hcl h2o) 9.901 pound per us gallon (at 38%) strength. minor edit?"} {"id": "7403", "contents": "semiconductor grade materi (equival reagent. grade). background: hydrochlor acid solut hydrogen chlorid (hcl) water. highli corrosive, strong miner acid major industri uses. found natur gastric acid. histor call muriat acid spirit salt, hydrochlor acid first produc vitriol common salt."} {"id": "7404", "contents": "weak oil industri oversuppli hcl caus sharp declin price last year, factor turn around sharpli year. recent nomin $15 per ton us c$30 per ton canada rais byproduct wet acid $55 $75 per ton burner acid $75 $95 per ton. mr. smith rate averag weight price byproduct muriat acid $65 per ton. consum gener accept increase. 1999, muriat acid price collaps $75 per ton $45 wet acid demand fail keep plant expans mdi tdi. addition, oil drill declin crude oil fell around $9 per barrel. spot price crude oil recent peak $38 per barrel settl back $32."} {"id": "7405", "contents": "olin one mani hcl produc support recent price nomination. 1999, muriat acid price collaps $75 per ton $45 wet acid demand fail keep plant expans mdi tdi. addition, oil drill declin crude oil fell around $9 per barrel. spot price crude oil recent peak $38 per barrel settl back $32."} {"id": "7406", "contents": "one wide acclaim manufacturers, supplier trader hydrochlor acid (hcl). offer hydrochlor acid highli pungent solut hydrogen chlorid water. suppli hydrochlor acid wide use refin metals, steel product processes. traded... more..."} {"id": "7407", "contents": "potassium chlorid (muriat potash) spot price current level 303.00, 305.00 last month 287.00 one year ago. chang -0.66% last month 5.57% one year ago. category: chemicals. region: n/a. report: commod market review. source: world bank."} {"id": "7408", "contents": "decemb 2014 clear price highest\u2010ev clear price rggi auction. 2015, number cost contain reserv allow rise million 10 million, alongsid increas trigger price $4 $6 per short ton. mid case forecast co price begin 2020 $20 per ton, increas $35 2030 $85 2050, repres $41 per ton level price period 2020\u20102050. forecast repres scenario feder polici implement signific reason achiev goals."} {"id": "7409", "contents": "[chorus:]. power name jesu [3x]. break everi chain, break everi chain, break everi chain. [2x]. [lead:]. there armi rise up. [3x]. break everi chain, break everi chain, break everi chain. [2x]. [vamp:]. hear chain falling. [end:]. power name jesus. break everi chain, break everi chain, break everi chain. submit corrections. visit www.azlyrics.com lyrics."} {"id": "7410", "contents": "right reserved.. jesu culture-awaken live chicago (2011). lyrics: power name jesus. power name jesus. power name jesus. break everi chain. break everi chain. break everi chain. suffici sacrifice."} {"id": "7411", "contents": "take listen \u201cbreak everi chain\u201d, newli releas singl tasha cobbs!! song get lot attention, want get song!! wonderful!! follow tasha twitter: visit tasha facebook: view tasha\u2018 website: purchas song amazon!!"} {"id": "7412", "contents": "break everi chain song perform american record artist tasha cobb major-label debut studio album grace (2013). song compos reagan, produc vashawn mitchel releas album' lead single. song featur guest vocal perform timiney figueroa hezekiah walker' love fellowship crusad choir. song origin written perform reagan unit pursuit band 2009. song later cover jesu cultur 2011. however, tasha cobb' interpret song first commerci success accept within gospel community, trio"} {"id": "7413", "contents": "power name jesus. power name jesus. break everi chain. break everi chain. break everi chain. break everi chain. break everi chain. break everi chain. submit corrections. visit www.azlyrics.com lyrics."} {"id": "7414", "contents": "2012, cobb would go record freshman project titl grace, produc multi-award-winn motown gospel label mate, vashawn mitchell. project lace organ move track featur lead single, break everi chain, land billboard\u2019 #1 song total 12 weeks."} {"id": "7415", "contents": "music video tasha cobb perform break everi chain (lyrics). (p) (c) 2012 emi gospel. right reserved. unauthor reproduct violat applic laws. manufactur emi christian music group, break everi chain tasha cobb (itun amazonmp3). music. standard youtub licens"} {"id": "7416", "contents": "[x2]. [chorus:]. power name jesu [x3]. break everi chain, break everi chain, break everi chain. [x2]. [lead:]. there' armi rise up. [x3]. break everi chain, break everi chain, break everi chain."} {"id": "7417", "contents": "find peopl famili name kaveh live come unit states. use ancestry, search passeng arriv records, natur records, border crossings, emigr records, passport applications, even convict transport records."} {"id": "7418", "contents": "peopl name tend quiet, cooperative, considerate, sympathet others, adaptable, balanc sometim shy. trustworthy, respect confid others, make excel diplomats, mediat partners. often intuitive."} {"id": "7419", "contents": "possibl mean royal avestan. persian mytholog kaveh blacksmith lead rebellion evil ruler zahhak."} {"id": "7420", "contents": "mean kaveh. persian name. persian, name kaveh means-nam hero.th name kaveh origin persian name. name kaveh often use boy name male name. persian name meaning-nam hero. origin-persia. global star registery-nam star someon special!"} {"id": "7421", "contents": "persian meaning: name kaveh persian babi name. persian mean name kaveh is: name hero. soulurg number: 6. express number: 2. peopl name deep inner desir stable, love famili community, need work other appreciated."} {"id": "7422", "contents": "installation: instal variou type tile increas price per squar foot follows; basic slate tile instal cost $6 $13 high-qual slate tile instal cost $9 $20. basic slate tiles: basic slate tile typic cost $1 $3 per squar foot. high-qual slate tiles: high-qual design slate tile cost rang approxim $4-$10 per squar foot. mosaic tiles: mosaic tile typic cost $8 $35 per squar foot."} {"id": "7423", "contents": "typic slate floor costs. basic slate tiles: basic slate tile typic cost $1 $3 per squar foot. high-qual slate tiles: high-qual design slate tile cost rang approxim $4-$10 per squar foot. mosaic tiles: mosaic tile typic cost $8 $35 per squar foot. basic slate tiles: basic slate tile typic cost $1 $3 per squar foot. high-qual slate tiles: high-qual design slate tile cost rang approxim $4-$10 per squar foot. mosaic tiles: mosaic tile typic cost $8 $35 per squar foot."} {"id": "7424", "contents": "slate tile floor costs. slate tile start around $1.50 $2.50 per squar foot cost $6 $7 per squar foot. underlayment, sealant, mortar could add $5 $10 per squar foot materi cost depend type qualiti product used. breakag waste: it\u2019 alway good idea order 10-15% tile actual need job account breakag (dure shipping, installation, daili use), cuts, variat thickness."} {"id": "7425", "contents": "grout, thinset (adhes mortar), sealant suppli bring total cost materi $1-$11 squar foot, depend price tiles, $100-$1,000 10'x10' $500-$5,500 500 squar feet. slate sealer cost $10-$30 gallon. shini matt finish slate rel porou (tend stain), slate seal installation, everi one two years, depend amount traffic wear floor."} {"id": "7426", "contents": "mosaic tiles: mosaic tile typic cost $8 $35 per squar foot. installation: instal variou type tile increas price per squar foot follows; basic slate tile instal cost $6 $13 high-qual slate tile instal cost $9 $20. basic slate tiles: basic slate tile typic cost $1 $3 per squar foot. high-qual slate tiles: high-qual design slate tile cost rang approxim $4-$10 per squar foot. mosaic tiles: mosaic tile typic cost $8 $35 per squar foot."} {"id": "7427", "contents": "free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost slate tile floor instal project. basic 120 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal slate tile floor rang $8.67 $11.44 per squar foot* estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchased."} {"id": "7428", "contents": "slate tile floor costs. slate tile start around $1.50 $2.50 per squar foot cost $6 $7 per squar foot. instal slate tile time consuming; hire pro, expect pay anywher $5 (for simpl install) $15 (for complex installation) per squar foot. breakag waste: it\u2019 alway good idea order 10-15% tile actual need job account breakag (dure shipping, installation, daili use), cuts, variat thickness."} {"id": "7429", "contents": "slate start low $1-$3 squar foot basic floor tiles. depend size, finish, thick color, higher qualiti slate tile cost $4-$10 squar foot, mosaic specialti tile (usual use accents) $8-$35 squar foot tiles. slate sealer cost $10-$30 gallon. shini matt finish slate rel porou (tend stain), slate seal installation, everi one two years, depend amount traffic wear floor."} {"id": "7430", "contents": "depend size, finish, thick color, higher qualiti slate tile cost $4-$10 squar foot, mosaic specialti tile (usual use accents) $8-$35 squar foot tiles. slate sealer cost $10-$30 gallon. shini matt finish slate rel porou (tend stain), slate seal installation, everi one two years, depend amount traffic wear floor."} {"id": "7431", "contents": "hyperhidrosis, excess sweating, common disord produc lot unhappiness. estim 2-3% american suffer excess sweat underarm (axillari hyperhidrosis) palm sole feet (palmoplantar hyperhidrosis). underarm problem tend start late adolescence, palm sole sweat often begin earlier, around age 13 (on average)."} {"id": "7432", "contents": "humans, sweat primarili mean thermoregul achiev water-rich secret eccrin glands. maximum sweat rate adult 2\u20134 liter per hour 10\u201314 liter per day (10\u201315 g/min\u2022m\u00b2), less children prior puberty. hyperhidrosi excess sweating, usual secondari underli condit (in case call secondari hyperhidrosis) usual involv bodi whole (in case call gener hyperhidrosis)."} {"id": "7433", "contents": "perspiration, also known sweat diaphoresis, product fluid secret sweat gland skin mammals. hyperhidrosi excess sweating, usual secondari underli condit (in case call secondari hyperhidrosis) usual involv bodi whole (in case call gener hyperhidrosis)."} {"id": "7434", "contents": "excess sweat refer hyperhidrosis, peopl may tendenc excess sweating, known primari hyperhidrosis. sweat also symptom sever medic conditions, especi sweat excess inappropriate. mani type infect cancer associ increas sweat particularli occur night. sweat may accompani hot flash menopaus transition. sweat act secret fluid skin sweat (sudoriferous) glands. small tubular gland situat within skin (in subcutan tissue). discharg tini open surfac skin. sweat normal respons help regul bodi temperature."} {"id": "7435", "contents": "excess sweating, hyperhidrosi (hi-pur-hi-droe-sis), affect entir bodi certain areas, particularli palms, soles, underarm face. type typic affect hand feet caus least one episod week, wake hours. excess sweat sweat might expect base surround temperatur activ level stress. excess sweat disrupt daili activ caus social anxieti embarrassment."} {"id": "7436", "contents": "sweat occur sweat gland skin secret salti fluid call sweat, perspiration. sweat normal function serv cool body, often hot humid environ exercise. excess sweat may symptom underli disease, disord condition. medic term excess sweat hyperhidrosis. hyperthyroid (overact thyroid) hypoglycemia (low blood sugar) two mani condit may caus excess sweating."} {"id": "7437", "contents": "sweat bodili function help regul bodi temperature. also call perspiration, sweat releas salt-bas fluid sweat glands. autonom nervou system control sweat function. part nervou system function own, without consciou control. weather hot bodi temperatur rise due exercis fever, sweat releas duct skin."} {"id": "7438", "contents": "however, condit usual treatable. normal sweat help keep bodi temperatur steadi hot weather, high temperatur (fever), exercising. excess sweat (hyperhidrosis) mean sweat much normal. even hot, anxious, exercising, make lot sweat. use mainli treat sweat palm and/or soles. also use treat armpit sweating. work well cases. treatment involv put affect area (usual hand and/or feet) small contain fill water."} {"id": "7439", "contents": "sweating. sweat bodili function help regul bodi temperature. also call perspiration, sweat releas salt-bas fluid sweat glands. chang bodi temperature, outsid temperature, emot state caus sweating. autonom nervou system control sweat function. part nervou system function own, without consciou control. weather hot bodi temperatur rise due exercis fever, sweat releas duct skin."} {"id": "7440", "contents": "definition. excess sweat sweat might expect base surround temperatur activ level stress. excess sweat disrupt daili activ caus social anxieti embarrassment."} {"id": "7441", "contents": "recurs formula design start term, a1, th term sequence, an, express contain previou term (the term it), an-1. process recurs thought climb ladder."} {"id": "7442", "contents": "adjective. definit recurs use formula oper result creat next result, repeatedli return point. exampl someth recurs comput program use formula end one line number creat next line numbers."} {"id": "7443", "contents": "see also explicit formula. recurs formula. sequenc 1, 2, 3, n, recurs formula formula requir comput previou term order find valu n. note: recurs exampl iter procedure. see also."} {"id": "7444", "contents": "recurs formula formula use determin next term sequenc use one preced terms."} {"id": "7445", "contents": "definit recurs use formula oper result creat next result, repeatedli return point. exampl someth recurs comput program use formula end one line number creat next line numbers."} {"id": "7446", "contents": "problem is, american don\u2019t eat enough bean lentils. mani part india, lentil staple. mexico, bean everyday ingredient. us, tend gravit toward pasta, rice potato core starches."} {"id": "7447", "contents": "ye get gout lentils, depend age, young like wont affected. ate lentil well 30' stop well start get gout. lentil fairli high help produc uric acid."} {"id": "7448", "contents": "eat bean good health, also good wallet -- american journal clinic nutrit studi show budget-friendli replac red meat whole grain beans. click view conversations."} {"id": "7449", "contents": "lentil inexpensive, easi prepar contain mani vitamin minerals. eat low-fat food help prevent chronic conditions, diabet heart disease. serv main meal side dish satisfi hunger provid bodi last energy."} {"id": "7450", "contents": "bean lentils. bean lentil phenomen superfoods. regular bean eater smaller waistlines, 22% lower risk obesity, plu bean nutrit powerhouses, pack fiber, protein, vitamins, minerals, antioxid level rival berries."} {"id": "7451", "contents": "lentil big caus gout. use lot cultur lentil big food items, gout constant problem. ye get rich food alcohol, effect lentil often underestimated. eat lentil everyday, stop seriou problems."} {"id": "7452", "contents": "panel contain follow tests: hepat surfac antigen (hbsag). first test show posit result acut hepat infection. level antigen rise symptom begin return normal. hepat core antibodi (hbcab)."} {"id": "7453", "contents": "hepat panel blood test use find marker hepat infection. hepat caus inflamm liver. differ hepat panels. term w/reflex list test results, mean blood test repeat confirm posit result first hepat blood test. posit result may mean hepat antibodi recent infection."} {"id": "7454", "contents": "acut viral hepat panel may order person blood test done part health checkup show abnorm result liver test someon acut symptom associ liver damag as: fever, fatigue. loss appetite. acut viral hepat panel may sometim use screen peopl increas risk hepat hepat infect known exposed."} {"id": "7455", "contents": "hepat infect usual mild, viru rare occas caus severe, acut disease. hepat caus chronic infection, hepat c. vaccin avail prevent hepat a. hepat viru (hbv) common caus acut viral hepatitis. spread contact blood bodi fluid infect person. exposur occur, example, share needl intraven drug use unprotect sex. test detect antibodi produc immun system respons infect one detect protein (antigens) indic presenc virus. hepat panel typic includes: hepat antibody, igm. hepat core"} {"id": "7456", "contents": "acut viral hepat panel use help detect and/or diagnos acut liver infect inflamm due one three common hepat viruses: hepat viru (hav), hepat viru (hbv), hepat viru (hcv). acut viral hepat panel may sometim use screen peopl increas risk hepat hepat infect known exposed."} {"id": "7457", "contents": "panel blood test look see whether hepat viru infection. test look either antibodi bodi made hepat viru part specif virus. hepatitis, affect liver, commonli caus one sever hepat viruses. hepat a, b, virus especi like caus liver damage. hepat spread come contact blood infect person sexual intercourse, unsteril tattoo equipment, hypoderm needles. test look igg antibodi bodi make fight hepat virus."} {"id": "7458", "contents": "liver (hepatic) function panel blood test check well liver working. test measur blood level total protein, albumin, bilirubin, liver enzymes. doctor may order liver function panel symptom liver disease. symptom includ fever, vomiting, abdomin pain, yellow eye skin (jaundice), dark yellow urine, feel tired."} {"id": "7459", "contents": "doctor may order hepat panel symptom hepatitis. symptom includ fever, vomiting, abdomin pain, yellow eye skin (jaundice), dark yellow urine, feel tired. blood test also may done recent expos hepat virus, even symptoms. information, see topics: hepat viru test. term w/reflex list test results, mean blood test repeat confirm posit result first hepat blood test. posit result may mean hepat antibodi recent infection."} {"id": "7460", "contents": "try: jupiter' beard, also call red valerian, describ cheer blowzi plant first turn england sixteenth century. plant often sold v. coccineus. descript jupiter' beard: fragrant, 1/2-inch scarlet red flower grow dens cluster 2- 3-foot stems."} {"id": "7461", "contents": "valerian (valeriana officinalis, caprifoliaceae) perenni flower plant, head sweetli scent pink white flower bloom summer. valerian flower extract use perfum 16th century. nativ europ part asia, valerian introduc north america. flower frequent visit mani fli species, especi hoverfli genu eristalis. crude extract valerian root sold dietari supplement form capsules. valerian root may sed anxiolyt effects. amino acid valin name plant."} {"id": "7462", "contents": "plant number: 1.128.050. also known jupiter\u2019 beard, old-fashion cut flower seen sunni perenni borders. plant form upright, bushi mound light green leaves, bear round head fragrant, rosy-r flower mani weeks. result here. alphabet list 3,000+ perenni"} {"id": "7463", "contents": "valerian perenni plant, nativ europ part asia. grow meadow woodland within moist, temper climat sinc natur north america. plant grow two meter high produc small cluster white pink flowers."} {"id": "7464", "contents": "name use plant includ garden valerian (to distinguish valeriana species), garden heliotrop (although relat heliotropium), all-heal (which also use plant genu stachys). crude extract valerian root sold dietari supplement form capsules. valerian root may sed anxiolyt effects. amino acid valin name plant."} {"id": "7465", "contents": "packet: 500 seeds. valerian (valeriana officinalis) start valerian seed grow well-known herb plant. valerian highli prize medicin herb. hardi perenni histori use date back 16th century. ornament fern-lik foliag pink flower head attract butterflies. valerian herb also refer heal garden heliotrope. grow valerian herb seeds: plant valerian seed directli outdoor spring. lightli cover herb seed soil keep moist. valerian seedl fairli frost tolerant. start prepar seed bed weed free organ matter work in."} {"id": "7466", "contents": "overview. red valerian (centranthu ruber) clump-form herbac perenni nativ mediterranean basin. also commonli call jupiter' beard key heaven, attract garden plant display lot fragrant cluster blood-r flower late spring midsummer."} {"id": "7467", "contents": "valerian. valeriana officinalis. upright perenni herb, also call garden heliotrope, top white pinkish-whit fragrant flower midsummer. bloom use perfum production. cat also find plant attract may rub foliag catnip."} {"id": "7468", "contents": "(valeriana officinalis) perennial. (also known garden heliotrope) delicate-looking, low grow plant give rise 4-foot, charm cluster tini pale pink flower june-september; attract border herb gardens. extract fragranc flower use perfum renaissance."} {"id": "7469", "contents": "go back genet biodivers form life earth, whether microbes, plants, animals, human beings, contain genes. genet divers sum genet inform contain gene individu plants, animals, micro-organisms."} {"id": "7470", "contents": "genet divers refer vast number differ speci well divers within species. greater genet divers within species, greater species' chanc long-term survival."} {"id": "7471", "contents": "biolog divers biodivers term given varieti life earth. varieti within speci plants, anim micro-organ ecosystem within live interact."} {"id": "7472", "contents": "number speci plants, animals, microorganisms, enorm divers gene species, differ ecosystem planet, deserts, rainforest coral reef part biolog divers earth."} {"id": "7473", "contents": "biodivers underpin life earth, refer varieti found biota genet make plant anim cultur diversity."} {"id": "7474", "contents": "surf. go back genet biodivers form life earth, whether microbes, plants, animals, human beings, contain genes. genet divers sum genet inform contain gene individu plants, animals, micro-organisms."} {"id": "7475", "contents": "biodivers varieti live things; differ plants, anim micro organisms, genet inform contain ecosystem form. biodivers usual explor three levels-genet diversity, speci divers ecosystem diversity."} {"id": "7476", "contents": "now, plug power base. part nutribullet plug place cup onto. 3. fill tall short cup desir ingredients. use fruit veget like make nutriti drink, fill cup ingredi want turn powder, like nut seeds. two parts: extract mill nutribullet clean nutribullet. nutribullet at-hom blender design extract nutrient fruit vegetables. articl teach use function nutribullet, make drink make powders, clean nutribullet."} {"id": "7477", "contents": "publisert 12. jun. 2013. http://goo.gl/s6zgz-best place get nutribullet amazon airtight guarante get money back satisfied. nutribullet crush ice?"} {"id": "7478", "contents": "http://goo.gl/s6zgz-amazon great place pick nutribullet well ingredi smoothi supplements. work hard give custom great experi success speak itself. demonstr use nutribullet make carrot juice. idea put carrot nutribullet use extract blade along water. next separ pulp strainer, leav concentr carrot juice. thirdli dilut tast water. drink found refresh energ"} {"id": "7479", "contents": "take charg health. nutribullet start health revolut transform million lives. drink one delici nutriblast smoothi day-pack fruit vegetables-and feel tremend effect real, unprocessed, nutrition-extract whole food health well-being. nutrient extract mechan nutribullet use break fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, plant food absorb state."} {"id": "7480", "contents": "love nutribullet fit current need. realli comparison strong blender like vitamix. still get seed \u201cpulverized\u201d leav may total desolv expect product. we\u2019r give nutribullet solid tri rating, due posit feedback receives, also there\u2019 much risk involv tri it. product like could posit benefit health enabl drink fruit veget smoothies."} {"id": "7481", "contents": "uniqu extractor blade twist directli onto nutribullet cups, allow extract drink vessel, save time reduc addit cleanup. nutribullet' cup top-rack dishwasher-safe, blade clean quickli rins soap water. nutrient extract mechan nutribullet use break fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, plant food absorb state."} {"id": "7482", "contents": "let\u2019 see came with. nutribullet, 600 watt motor: so, cost this, though, i\u2019d rather skip subject paid have, total $169.66. yes, add fast $119 start point. yes, buy cheaper target, amazon, retail around $99. one advantag nutribullet bigger blender it\u2019 un-intimid pull cabinet find blend often. yes, lazi get way blend me. 600 watts, machin loud."} {"id": "7483", "contents": "creat specif nutribullet owner like you, nutriliving.com full health relat articles, encyclopedia heal foods, delici nutriblast recipes, how-to video entir commun full fellow nutriblasters! here, find inform support 24 hour day, day week."} {"id": "7484", "contents": "nutrit extract mechan nutribullet use break fruits, vegetables, nuts, seeds, plant food absorb state. nutrient"} {"id": "7485", "contents": "good option natur smelli fart cure. fart flatul may caus one following: excess intak air, higher product ga intestines, decreas intak air. may wonder fart bad smell other realli stink."} {"id": "7486", "contents": "first all, import rememb flatul pass ga complet normal. kid adults, flatul sourc entertainment. but, pass ga quickli becom social problem, even kids. rememb pass gas, cases, sign healthi digest system."} {"id": "7487", "contents": "potent ga help prevent cancer, stroke heart attacks, claim scientists. research reveal secret health benefit smelli ga hydrogen sulfide. chemic one gase produc bacteria break food gut. toxic larg dose tini amount help protect cell fight illness."} {"id": "7488", "contents": "believ ga odor flatu may good you. rememb flatul smell remov flat-d flatul deodorizer. articl state smell pass ga odor. hydorgen sulphid fart ga probabl absorb system colon."} {"id": "7489", "contents": "mike clarke/afp/getti images. whisper quietly, people' flatul could good health. conclus drawn scientist describ core compon wind healthcar hero."} {"id": "7490", "contents": "view. comments. smell flatul secret health benefits-and could help stave cancer, strokes, heart attack dementia, scientist revealed. hydrogen sulfid one number potent smelli gase produc bacteria break food gut."} {"id": "7491", "contents": "sell margin 50 mean fifti percent sell price profit sell 100 pound half sell price profit margin 50 sell item cost fifti pound markup fifti percent add fifti percent cost price fifti percent cost price twenti five pound make total sell price seventi five pound markup markup percentag cost price add get sell price differ sell price margin 25 result profit sell price markup 25"} {"id": "7492", "contents": "calcul mark percentag product cost final revenu sell price valu gross profit enter origin cost requir gross margin calcul revenu sell price mark percentag gross profit calcul price calcul"} {"id": "7493", "contents": "markup compani produc purchas good one price sell good higher price markup good compani abl earn profit compani sold good cost compani amp 039 revenu would match expens therebi earn profit exampl compani pay widget compani want 10 percent profit good"} {"id": "7494", "contents": "percentag call markup cost known percentag markup known sale price origin cost plu amount markup exampl origin cost 00 markup 25 sale price 00 00 25 100 00 faster way calcul sale price make origin cost equal 100 markup 25 sale price 125 origin cost exampl 00 125 100 00"} {"id": "7495", "contents": "exampl profit sell 100 cost 70 manufactur margin 30 state percentag margin percentag 30 calcul margin divid sale markup amount cost product increas order deriv sell price use preced exampl markup 30 70 cost yield 100 price state percentag markup percentag 42 calcul markup amount divid product cost exampl know cost product want earn margin calcul markup percentag margin cost 71 multipli cost 714 arriv price 12"} {"id": "7496", "contents": "margin 50 margin mean half sell price profit markup 100 markup ad 100 cost price make sell price margin 100 margin possibl cost price zero markup markup percentag cost price add get sell price differ sell price margin 25 result profit sell price markup 25"} {"id": "7497", "contents": "desir margin cost good exampl know cost product want earn margin calcul markup percentag margin cost 71 multipli cost 714 arriv price 12"} {"id": "7498", "contents": "medic assist vs. nurse. passion provid medic care patient wish give nurs career boost, onlin nurs program potenti open mani differ avenu health care industry. a: find almost everi nurs program online. lpn program rn programs, bsn degre msn degrees, nurs school offer wide varieti nurs degrees."} {"id": "7499", "contents": "salarysurvey nurs leaders\u2019 earningsshow nurs bsn,the averag salari $64,890 in2004 $69,040 2005. figur increas $84,810 2004and $80,780 2005 master\u2019 degre nurs (hader,2005)."} {"id": "7500", "contents": "onlin nurs school offer lot flexibl students. get onlin nurs school particularli use work nurs wish give boost career. go higher degre offer institut without caus major disturb work routine. number nurs colleg offer lpn programs. student wish get entri level posit nurs choos get train programs. associate\u2019 degre programs. associate\u2019 degre program nurs enabl student earn titl regist nurses. sever tradit well onlin nurs school offer associate\u2019 degree. student equip basic nurs program"} {"id": "7501", "contents": "master' degre nurs educ core allow advanc practic nurs work nurs practitioners, certifi nurs midwives, certifi clinic nurs specialists, certifi nurs anesthetists. school offer acceler master' degre program nurs nonnurs degre nonnurs colleg graduates. joint-degre programs, master' nurs combin master busi administration, master public health, master hospit administration."} {"id": "7502", "contents": "acceler program rns, allow nurs hospit diploma associ degre earn baccalaur master' degre condens program. school offer acceler master' degre program nurs nonnurs degre nonnurs colleg graduates. joint-degre programs, master' nurs combin master busi administration, master public health, master hospit administration."} {"id": "7503", "contents": "direct entri msn programs, sometim call graduat entri master' entri programs, perfect non-nurs hold bachelor' degre anoth field. work entry-level rn know want special area advanc nursing, bridg program like best option you. associ scienc nursing. associ degre nurs (adn) program focus technic skill theory, 30 percent asn graduat step stone bsn. good option work lpn/lvn want start career rn."} {"id": "7504", "contents": "nurs school prepar student enter lucr nurs profession. enrol program offer institutes, aspir nurs equip knowledg skill requir serv society. number nurs school offer differ trainings. number nurs colleg offer lpn programs. student wish get entri level posit nurs choos get train programs. associate\u2019 degre programs. associate\u2019 degre program nurs enabl student earn titl regist nurses. sever tradit well onlin nurs school offer associate\u2019 degree. student equip basic nurs program"} {"id": "7505", "contents": "time: adn take two year usual offer commun colleg vocat school, often find night weekend courses\u2014perfect student famili work obligations. associ scienc nursing. associ degre nurs (adn) program focus technic skill theory, 30 percent asn graduat step stone bsn. good option work lpn/lvn want start career rn."} {"id": "7506", "contents": "commun colleg common type two-year college. colleg offer mani type educ programs, includ lead associ degre certificates. certif type associ degre focu career readiness."} {"id": "7507", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: might want cook skillet (with lid) littl water and/or barbecu sauc stove 15 20 minutes--a lot quicker. beware--they go splatter! like saut onion along side sausage. check one cookbook recommend partial cook sausag pan outsid chang color (about mins.), put oven 400 degre 10 minutes, turn oven 350 addit 15 minutes. source(s):"} {"id": "7508", "contents": "cook sausag oven. pan slice sausag table. photo credit sanapadh/istock/getti images. close 200 varieti sausag worldwid histori 3,000 years, it\u2019 clear sausag unbeat appeal. come sausages, mani kind cook result juicy, flavor result."} {"id": "7509", "contents": "bake sausag simple. remov sausag refriger 10 15 minut cook remov chill meat. preheat oven 400 degre fahrenheit (200 degre celsius). layer bake pan aluminum foil parchment paper. place sausag evenli cook sheet."} {"id": "7510", "contents": "now. report abuse. well mine put sausag roast tin place medium oven (ga mark 180 degrees) 35 45 minutes. bake dri sausag bast juic time cooking."} {"id": "7511", "contents": "place contain oven 5-7 hour low heat, cook veget tender, sausag cook liquid pan evaporated. dish frequent serv polenta pasta."} {"id": "7512", "contents": "look clear juic cut one sausag make sure thoroughli cook pink remaining. saut onions, pepper garlic tbsp. oliv oil sausag roast. cook veget medium heat minut tender. add salt, pepper, tomato sauc tbsp. water. pan slice sausag table. photo credit sanapadh/istock/getti images. close 200 varieti sausag worldwid histori 3,000 years, it\u2019 clear sausag unbeat appeal. come sausages, mani kind cook result juicy, flavor result."} {"id": "7513", "contents": "steps: preheat oven 400 degrees. place veget bake dish coat oliv oil, stir everyth well. place sausag veget pan bake 40 minut sausag cook veget nice soft. remov sausag slice thinly. place sausag veget pan bake 40 minut sausag cook veget nice soft. remov sausag slice thinly. place sausag back pan give everyth good stir."} {"id": "7514", "contents": "place sheet bake paper oven tray. cut sausag link place sausag bake paper, use larg enough oven tray allow room around sausages. place sausag oven roast 15 minut cooked. cut sausag link place sausag bake paper, use larg enough oven tray allow room around sausages. place sausag oven roast 15 minut cooked. shake oven tray time time turn sausag brown evenly."} {"id": "7515", "contents": "place sausag link bake sheet. line side side, leav space link. space link apart evenli possible. 3. cook sausag preheat oven. place bake sheet middl rack oven ensur even cooking. bake 20 25 minutes. note thicker sausag may need bake longer. extrem larg thick link may need bake anywher 40 60 minutes. cook long, however, turn sausag least"} {"id": "7516", "contents": "tasmania' landmass 68,401 km (26,410 sq mi) locat right pathway notori roar forti wind encircl globe. island surround indian pacif ocean separ mainland australia bass strait. state includ main island tasmania, 26th-largest island world, surround 334 islands. state popul 507,626 (a june 2010), almost half resid greater hobart precinct, form metropolitan area state capit largest city, hobart."} {"id": "7517", "contents": "tasmania (/taez\u02c8me\u026ani\u0259/ t\u00e6z\u02c8me\u026ani\u0259 abbrevi ta known colloqui as) tassi island state part commonwealth of. australia locat 240 (km 150) mi south australian, mainland separ bass. strait state includ main island tasmania, 26th-largest island world, surround 334 islands. state popul 507,626 (a june 2010), almost half resid greater hobart precinct, form metropolitan area state capit largest city, hobart."} {"id": "7518", "contents": "tasmania map location. tweet. locat south 40th line latitude, tasmania set path cleanest wind world. smallest state australia, tasmania island separ 240km bass strait mainland. map shows, tasmania doubl size switzerland approxim size republ ireland."} {"id": "7519", "contents": "locat 240 km (150 mi) south australian mainland, separ bass strait. state includ main island tasmania, 26th-largest island world, surround 334 islands. state popul 507,626 (a june 2010), almost half resid greater hobart precinct, form metropolitan area state capit largest city, hobart."} {"id": "7520", "contents": "view movi tasmania (flash player). tasmania island state south east coast australian mainland one australia' best kept secrets. island separ mainland australia 240 km (150 miles) water call bass strait. tasmania state australia even though island."} {"id": "7521", "contents": "print map. print map. tasmania locat 150 mile (240 km) south australia, within indian pacif oceans, offer captiv scenery, world-class food wine."} {"id": "7522", "contents": "tasmania island state australia. lie 240 kilometr south australian eastern seaboard. locat southeast main continent, separ mainland bass strait. centr 42s, 147e. tasmania island state locat southern coast australia. small est state australia area. (the australian capit territori state, territory.). peopl found useful."} {"id": "7523", "contents": "tasmania state/region small popul countri australia locat continent/region oceania. biggest citi town includ hobart, launceston, devonport kingston-blackman bay."} {"id": "7524", "contents": "satellit view show hobart, largest popul citi state tasmania, australia. tasmania mountain island 240 km (150 mi) south south-eastern part mainland australia, separ bass strait. tasmania' state capit chief port locat south east island sullivan cove near mouth river derwent. lie mt wellington deep water sea port. hobart sydney second oldest citi australia, initi known hobart town hobarton."} {"id": "7525", "contents": "tasmania. tasmania island state australia. lie 240 kilometr south australian mainland. locat 40 degre 43.30 degre s, surround southern ocean (to south west), tasman sea (to east) bass strait (to north)."} {"id": "7526", "contents": "crab nebula (catalogu design 1, ngc 1952, tauru a) supernova remnant pulsar wind nebula constel taurus. nebula observ john bevi 1731; correspond bright supernova record chines arab astronom 1054. center nebula lie crab pulsar, neutron star (or spin ball neutrons), 28\u201330 km across, emit puls radiat gamma ray radio wave spin rate 30.2 time per second. nebula first astronom object identifi histor supernova explosion."} {"id": "7527", "contents": "crab nebula facts. crab nebula around 6,500 light year earth locat constel taurus. categor supernova remnant, type nebula creat larg star explod end lifespan. categor supernova remnant, type nebula creat larg star explod end lifespan. core dead star remain heart crab nebula pulsar, incred dens rapidli rotat object emit high level radiation."} {"id": "7528", "contents": "center nebula lie crab pulsar, neutron star 28\u201330 kilometr (17\u201319 mi) across spin rate 30.2 time per second, emit puls radiat gamma ray radio waves. 1928, edwin hubbl propos associ cloud star 1054, idea remain controversi natur supernova understood, nichola mayal indic star 1054 undoubtedli supernova whose explos produc crab nebula."} {"id": "7529", "contents": "crab nebula (catalogu design 1, ngc 1952, tauru a) supernova remnant pulsar wind nebula constel taurus. not, name might suggest, cancer. 1928, edwin hubbl propos associ cloud star 1054, idea remain controversi natur supernova understood, nichola mayal indic star 1054 undoubtedli supernova whose explos produc crab nebula."} {"id": "7530", "contents": "crab nebula identifi supernova remnant sn 1054 1921 1942, first specul (1920s), plausibl 1939, beyond reason doubt jan oort 1942. 1921, carl otto lampland first announc seen chang structur crab nebula."} {"id": "7531", "contents": "crab nebula. crab nebula shatter remnant massiv star end life supernova explosion. nearli thousand year old, supernova note constel tauru chines astronom year 1054 ad."} {"id": "7532", "contents": "crab nebula seen infrar spitzer space telescope. star explod supernova refer supernova' progenitor star. two type star explod supernovae: white dwarf massiv stars. centr crab nebula two faint stars, one star respons exist nebula. identifi 1942, rudolf minkowski found optic spectrum extrem unusual."} {"id": "7533", "contents": "supernova produc crab nebula observ chines 1054 ad. posit constel tauru kiloparsec away earth. chaisson mcmillan quot distanc 1800 pc extent pc. nebula rich sourc information."} {"id": "7534", "contents": "nebula lie perseu arm milki way galaxy, distanc 2.0 kiloparsec (6,500 ly) earth. diamet 3.4 parsec (11 ly), correspond appar diamet arcminutes, expand rate 1,500 kilometr per second (930 mi/s), 0.5% c. 1928, edwin hubbl propos associ cloud star 1054, idea remain controversi natur supernova understood, nichola mayal indic star 1054 undoubtedli supernova whose explos produc crab nebula."} {"id": "7535", "contents": "choos low-carb diet provid less 130 gram carbs, medic supervision. carbohydr attach water body, low-carb diet often lead water-weight loss. therefore, may notic weight loss water, bodi fat, day two low-carb dieting. you\u2019r diet safe without medic supervision, you\u2019ll like start notic weight loss week. diet contain 800 calori -- less -- per day classifi low-calori diets. although lose weight rapidli use type diet, close supervis qualifi health care provider."} {"id": "7536", "contents": "i'v got lot weight lose, i'm sure long take weight loss noticeable. i'm 5'2 (barely!) 90 100lb lose."} {"id": "7537", "contents": "timeline. time take see notic differ bodi gym person reli lot differ factors. plan safe weight loss rate one two pound per week, calcul much need lose long take. muscl tone, endurance, weight loss work togeth realli make differ bodi gym, take anywher 12 week six month"} {"id": "7538", "contents": "best answer: depend start weight, bodi composit diet. start high(ish) weight chang healthi diet way i'm talk eat everyth 98% fat free! see result within 2-3 weeks, howev reli physic exertion. excersi see anyth (duh)."} {"id": "7539", "contents": "think depend much need lose. need lose 100 lb (more like 150 lbs) notic chang first 25 lb so. wed ring fit first notic chang face. i'm sure depend start weight is...for me, notic differ lost 10 lbs. famili comment lost 20 lbs. sinc lose weight 1/2 pound week, famili notic 40 week start healthy!!"} {"id": "7540", "contents": "lose lb. fat need burn 3,500 calori consume. burn extra 250 calori day exercis reduc calor intak 250 calori per day see 1-lb. reduct weight seven days. healthi weight loss consid lbs. per week."} {"id": "7541", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: notic four days-in fact way see much actual fat loss measured. go visit certifi person trainer experienc calip pinch test."} {"id": "7542", "contents": "also right program also notic increas strenght, flexabl endurance. look special number scale peopl may take time depend goal are. lose pound fat must burn least 3500 calories. keep deficit 500 calori day achiev this. may take four six week see reduct pound scale, may feel differ cloth fit. why: may lose fat, may also gain muscl also strength training. muscl weigh fat tissu scale may budge."} {"id": "7543", "contents": "combin separ constitut develop six british coloni (now six state new south wales, queensland, south australia, tasmania, victoria western australia) led develop australian constitution, came effect upon feder 1901. see imag 1."} {"id": "7544", "contents": "australian constitut set rule australia run. came effect januari 1901, establish commonwealth australia. import document shape australian societi ever since."} {"id": "7545", "contents": "first statut westminster, pass commonwealth statut westminst adopt act 1942. second australia act 1986, pass parliament everi australian state, unit kingdom, australian feder parliament."} {"id": "7546", "contents": "australian constitut federation. australian constitut singl import document australia\u2019 history. creat feder govern state made australia nation."} {"id": "7547", "contents": "australian constitut draft seri constitut convent held 1890s. pass british parliament part commonwealth australia constitut act 1900 took effect januari 1901."} {"id": "7548", "contents": "constitut australia law set australian commonwealth govern way works. made sever documents. import constitut commonwealth australia. peopl australia vote referendum 1898\u20131900 accept constitution. constitut pass part commonwealth australia constitut act 1900 (imp), act parliament unit kingdom."} {"id": "7549", "contents": "object 5: identifi challeng face american polit parties, explain relationship american democracy, individualism, scope government. 1. list four condit advoc respons parti model believ parti meet. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. 2. polit parti best defin a. group men women organ sole purpos influenc public policy. b. organ team men women polit agenda. c. group men women formal membership polit social purpos state by-laws."} {"id": "7550", "contents": "studi chapter 8, abl to: 1. discuss mean function polit party. 2. discuss natur party-in-the-electorate, parti organizations, party-in-government. 3. describ parti era american histori parti realign dealign. name term: 1. ____________________________________the battl parti control public offices. 2. ____________________________________the percept republican democrat stand for."} {"id": "7551", "contents": "object 5: identifi challeng face american polit parties, explain relationship american democracy, individualism, scope government. 1. list four condit advoc respons parti model believ parti meet. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. name term: 1. ____________________________________the battl parti control public offices. 2. ____________________________________the percept republican democrat stand for."} {"id": "7552", "contents": "1. defin term \u201cpolit party.\u201d. 2. explain three head polit parti \u201cthree-head polit giant.\u201d. 1. 2. 3. 3."} {"id": "7553", "contents": "1. defin term polit party. 2. explain three head polit parti express three-head polit giant. 1. 2. 3. 129 copyright 2009 pearson education, inc. publish longman. 2. polit parti best defin a. group men women organ sole purpos influenc public policy. b. organ team men women polit agenda. c. group men women formal membership polit social purpos state by-laws."} {"id": "7554", "contents": "2. discuss natur party-in-the-electorate, parti organizations, party-in-government. 3. describ parti era american histori parti realign dealign. 4. evalu two-parti system, consequences, place third parti system. 5. 2. polit parti best defin a. group men women organ sole purpos influenc public policy. b. organ team men women polit agenda. c. group men women formal membership polit social purpos state by-laws."} {"id": "7555", "contents": "4. evalu two-parti system, consequences, place third parti system. 5. identifi challeng face american polit parti explain relationship american democraci scope government. name term: 1. ____________________________________the battl parti control public offices. 2. ____________________________________the percept republican democrat stand for."} {"id": "7556", "contents": "1. defin term polit party. 2. explain three head polit parti three-head polit giant. 1. 2. 3. 3. five task polit parti perform serv effect linkag institutions? 1. identifi challeng face american polit parti explain relationship american democraci scope government. follow exercis help meet objectives: object 1: discuss mean function"} {"id": "7557", "contents": "object 5: identifi challeng face american polit parties, explain their. relationship american democracy, individualism, scope government. 1. list four condit advoc respons parti model believ the. parti meet. 1. 2. 3. 4. 2. identifi challeng face american polit parti explain relationship american democraci scope government. follow exercis help meet objectives: object 1: discuss mean function polit party."} {"id": "7558", "contents": "2. discuss natur party-in-the-electorate, parti organizations, party-in-government. 3. describ parti era american histori parti realign dealign. 4. evalu two-parti system, consequences, place third parti system. 5. identifi challeng face american polit parti explain relationship american democracy, individualism, scope government. follow exercis help meet objectives: object 1: discuss mean function polit party. 1. defin term \u201cpolit party.\u201d 2. explain three head polit parti \u201cthree-head polit giant.\u201d"} {"id": "7559", "contents": "povidon iodin uses. povidon iodin use prevent treat infection. germicide, sometim known antiseptic. use antisept skin infect like becom infected. povidon iodin work slowli releas iodin kill prevent growth bacteria, fungi viruses. gener drug use prevent treat infect wound includ ulcers, burns, cuts, minor surgic procedur minor injuries. benefit drug includ prevent treatment skin infection. list typic use povidon iodine."} {"id": "7560", "contents": "providon iodin antisept product use disinfect skin. povidon iodin sometim found first aid kits. povidon iodin sometim use mouthwash peopl expect spit use. povidon iodin often use disinfect minor cut scrapes. povidon iodin usual avail pharmacies. peopl may refer product pvp-i polyvinylpyrrolidone-iodine. reddish brown color stain skin clothing. compani manufactur dri prepar compound peopl mix solut required. packag bottl povidon iodin also available."} {"id": "7561", "contents": "nature, iodin exist element iodin iodide. element iodin two iodin atom bond together. form, iodin never ingest appli directli skin tissue. highli corros caus sever damag tissu contact."} {"id": "7562", "contents": "water solubl complex iodin polyvinylpyrrolidone. appli antisept form solut ointments, releas iodine. use cleans disinfect skin, prepar skin preoperatively, treat infect suscept iodine. po\u00b7vi\u00b7don i\u00b7o\u00b7dine."} {"id": "7563", "contents": "betadin stabl chemic complex polyvinylpyrrolidon (povidone, pvp) element iodine. contain 9.0% 12.0% avail iodine, calcul dri basis. uniqu complex discov 1955 industri toxicolog laboratori philadelphia h. a. shelanski m. v. shelanski. povidone-iodin broad spectrum antisept topic applic treatment prevent infect wounds. may use first aid minor cuts, grazes, burns, abras blisters."} {"id": "7564", "contents": "best-known wide use iodophor povidone-iodine, compound polyvinylpyrrolidon iodine. product iodophor retain germicid efficaci iodin unlik iodin gener nonstain rel free toxic irrit 677, 678."} {"id": "7565", "contents": "iodid ion state iodine, occur iodin bond anoth element, potassium. form, iodin ingest appli topic (such povidon iodine, iodide). dietari iodin also occur natur iodide, potassium iodid sodium iodid (the kind typic place salt). element iodin two iodin atom bond together. form, iodin never ingest appli directli skin tissue. highli corros caus sever damag tissu contact."} {"id": "7566", "contents": "povidone-iodin complex produc react iodin povidone; use topic antiinfective. povidone, polymer form vinylpyrolidone, white hygroscop powder easili solubl water use dispers suspend agent drugs."} {"id": "7567", "contents": "povidone. synthet polym use dispers suspend agent. call also polyvinylpyrrolidone. povidone-iodin (pvp-i) complex produc react iodin polym povidone; slowli releas iodin use topic antiinfect agent. povidone, polymer form vinylpyrolidone, white hygroscop powder easili solubl water use dispers suspend agent drugs."} {"id": "7568", "contents": "povidone-iodin appli abras use cotton swab. povidone-iodin broad spectrum antisept topic applic treatment prevent infect wounds. may use first aid minor cuts, grazes, burns, abras blisters."} {"id": "7569", "contents": "year 2012, annual child-rear expens per child middle-income, two-par famili rang $12,600 $14,700, depend age child. famili earn less $60,640 per year expect spend total $173,490 (in 2012 dollars) child birth high school."} {"id": "7570", "contents": "estim 1.8 percent higher previou year. equat roughli $12,800 $14,970 per child per year two-par famili median annual incom $61,530 $106,540. annual cost vari base factor like child' age, number children famili family' incom location. back then, middle-incom famili could expect spend $25,230 ($198,560 2013 dollars) rais child age 18, accord new report, also note [h]ealth care expens child doubl percentag total child-rear cost time.."} {"id": "7571", "contents": "rais child born 2013 age 18, cost middle-incom coupl $245,000, accord newli releas estim u.s. depart agriculture. that' $4,260, almost 2%, year before. estim vari wide depend live much earn."} {"id": "7572", "contents": "addit $515 per year tack cloth expens children age two diapers, total annual cost $1,300 in. let add that, cases, may littl optimist expect child diaper age two. ad expens arriv $243,660 total cost rais typic child age 18 (in words, day 19th birthday). that\u2019 $12,825 per child per year $1,070 per month."} {"id": "7573", "contents": "averag cost rais child born 2013 age 18 middle-incom famili u.s. approxim $245,340 (or $304,480, adjust project inflation), accord latest annual cost rais child report u.s. depart agriculture. back then, middle-incom famili could expect spend $25,230 ($198,560 2013 dollars) rais child age 18, accord new report, also note [h]ealth care expens child doubl percentag total child-rear cost time.."} {"id": "7574", "contents": "prospect parent talli cost babi conceived, u.s. popul would undoubtedli suffer seriou decline. consider: accord 2010 usda report, averag middle-incom famili spend roughli $12,000 child-rel expens baby\u2019 first year life."} {"id": "7575", "contents": "day care monthli groceri bill, cost rais child climb rate mani famili can't keep with. cost estim $241,080 middle-incom coupl rais child born last year 18 years, accord u.s. depart agricultur report releas wednesday. that' almost 3% 2011 even includ cost college. time, wage keep up."} {"id": "7576", "contents": "$94,100 {5228 avg 18yrs} total basic cost rais child birth 2013 age 18. tax exempt per child $3900 2013 also base basic cost rais child. plu child tax credit $1000 child. cost rais child vari countri country. cost rais child differ averag spend child (usda chart below) influenc income. usda chart base birth 2011."} {"id": "7577", "contents": "year 2013, annual child-rear expens per child middle-income, two-par famili rang $12,800 $14,970, depend age child. report, develop usda center nutrit polici promot (cnpp), note famili incom affect child-rear costs. famili earn less $61,530 per year expect spend total $176,550 (in 2013 dollars) child birth age 18. averag cost hous child age 18 $87,840 middle-incom famili urban west, compar $66,240 urban south, $70,200 urban midwest."} {"id": "7578", "contents": "basal bodi temperatur (bbt) lowest bodi temperatur attain rest (usual sleep). usual estim temperatur measur immedi awaken physic activ undertaken. lead somewhat higher valu true bbt (see fig. 1). tendenc woman lower temperatur ovulation, higher temperatur afterwards, known biphas pattern. chart pattern may use compon fertil awareness. bbt men compar bbt women follicular phase."} {"id": "7579", "contents": "implant fertil egg normal take place 12 day ovul that\u2019 two three week next period missed.thi one-half one degre fahrenheit increas basal bodi temperatur subtl earli warn sign pregnancy. chang basal bodi temperature, measur special, accur thermometer, happen earli two day ovulation. and, two week notic miss period."} {"id": "7580", "contents": "basal bodi temperatur (bbt) lowest bodi temperatur 24-hour period. get accur reading, must take temperatur first wake morning, even sit bed."} {"id": "7581", "contents": "guest. don\u2019t think so. know one mani chang take place woman' bodi menstrual period increas bodi temperatur onset ovulation. first part woman' cycle, bodi temperatur lower, ovulation, bodi temperatur rises."} {"id": "7582", "contents": "ovulation, wake temperatur typic rang 97.0 97.5 degre fahrenheit, ovulation, rise 97.6 98.6 degrees. temperatur remain elev next period, two week later."} {"id": "7583", "contents": "basal bodi temperatur (bbt) lowest bodi temperatur healthi person day. woman' hormon level menstrual cycl natur caus bbt fall day ovul rise day ovulation. basal bodi temperatur (bbt) method. basal bodi temperatur (bbt) lowest bodi temperatur healthi person day. woman' hormon level menstrual cycl natur caus bbt fall day ovul rise day ovulation."} {"id": "7584", "contents": "low temperatur observ ovul higher temperatur record ovulation. bbt, basal bodi temperature, bodi temperatur rest measur morn least three hour sleep, get up, special bbt thermomet buy drugstore. progesterone, henc temperature, increas quit dramat ovul taken place. ovulation, small amount progesteron present bodi basal bodi temperatur (your rest temperatures) lower range."} {"id": "7585", "contents": "ovulation, follicular phase, basal temperatur rel low. ovulation, basal bodi temperatur rise suffici see differ pre-ovul post-ovul temperatur plot graph. progesterone, henc temperature, increas quit dramat ovul taken place. ovulation, small amount progesteron present bodi basal bodi temperatur (your rest temperatures) lower range."} {"id": "7586", "contents": "engrav memori plaqu cost littl $100; memori statu memori bench $2,000 $3,000 range. casket unquestion expens cremat urns. mani casket price $1,000 $2,000 range, select option budget $500 $1,000. elabor casket includ preciou wood materi easili skyrocket $14,000. headston tend cost cremat memorials. price vary, depend region material, least expens headston typic price $200 $500 range. elabor upright marker rang $1,000 $3,000, price quickli escal fine materi elabor details. cremat urn vari dramat cost base array factors. size urn, materi use construction, simplic design play role cost. famili buy simpl scatter urn made biodegrad materi littl $50 $100."} {"id": "7587", "contents": "therefore, typic tradit funer burial cost like least $9,000. depend upon qualiti casket, burial vault merchandis selected, tradit funer burial cost could less $5,000 exceed $10,000. averag funer costs. accord 2010 funer price survey nation funer director association, averag funer cost adult funer $7,775.00. base commonli select item tradit funer includ casket vault."} {"id": "7588", "contents": "california cremat costs. averag cost cremat fraction funer burial cost california, less quarter $10,000+ cost averag funer burial. cremation, need embalm purchas cemeteri plot, casket, burial vault, gravestone."} {"id": "7589", "contents": "casket headston costs. casket unquestion expens cremat urns. mani casket price $1,000 $2,000 range, select option budget $500 $1,000. elabor casket includ preciou wood materi easili skyrocket $14,000. headston tend cost cremat memorials. price vary, depend region material, least expens headston typic price $200 $500 range. elabor upright marker rang $1,000 $3,000, price quickli escal fine materi elabor details. cremat urn vari dramat cost base array factors. size urn, materi use construction, simplic design play role cost. famili buy simpl scatter urn made biodegrad materi littl $50 $100."} {"id": "7590", "contents": "strike funer home minnesota estim cremat ceremoni cost $2,190-$4,785, includ casket (which start $775). total cost also depend disposit ash cremation. see much cremat urn cost much spread ash cost. bodi must contain cremated. simpl unlin unfinish contain casket start around $20-$250; cardboard softwood casket cover fabric cost $200-$1,000; hardwood casket $1,200-$8,000. see much casket coffin cost."} {"id": "7591", "contents": "embalm requir cremat unless bodi display, long delay death cremation. embalm done, cost $200-$700 more. see much embalm cost. bodi must contain cremated. bodi must contain cremated. simpl unlin unfinish contain casket start around $20-$250; cardboard softwood casket cover fabric cost $200-$1,000; hardwood casket $1,200-$8,000. see much casket coffin cost."} {"id": "7592", "contents": "va pay $2,000 toward burial expens death septemb 11, 2001, $1,500 death prior septemb 11, 2001. veteran buri va nation cemetery, cost transport deceas may reimbursed. va pay $700 toward burial funer expens death octob 1, 2011 (if hospit va time death), $300 toward burial funer expens (if hospit va time death), $700 plot-inter allow (if buri nation cemetery)."} {"id": "7593", "contents": "cost cremat typic rang $2,000 $4,000 arrang funer home $1,500 $3,000 arrang directli crematory. virginia, instance, direct cremat rang low $1145 high $2995 funer home, cremat societi cost $595 includ transport (within city) paperwork required."} {"id": "7594", "contents": "plan ahead key manag funer costs. funer homes, cemeteri servic provid expect receiv payment full time funeral. averag cost funer u.s. exceed $8,000, hardship plan ahead expenditure. averag funer costs. accord 2010 funer price survey nation funer director association, averag funer cost adult funer $7,775.00. base commonli select item tradit funer includ casket vault."} {"id": "7595", "contents": "serafina /ser-a-fi-na/ [4 sylls.] name girl hebrew derivation, serafina mean burn ones. serafina version seraphina (hebrew). serafina somewhat promin first name women (#3538 4276, top 83%) uncommon last name adult children. (2000 u.s. census)."} {"id": "7596", "contents": "mean history. feminin form late latin name seraphinus, deriv biblic word seraphim hebrew origin meant fieri ones. seraphim order angels, describ isaiah bibl six wing each."} {"id": "7597", "contents": "addit information: girl name serafina come bibl hebrew s\u0115r\u0101ph\u012bm', mean burn ones, describ six wing heavenli angel surround prais throne god. seraphim highest level celesti be angel christian hierarchy. popular name serafina. name popular us, accord social secur administration, popular data name. mean name serafina popular countri world. name might popular countries, differ languages, even differ alphabet, use charact latin alphabet display data. deriv name might also popular us"} {"id": "7598", "contents": "mean serafina. latin-american name. latin-american, name serafina means-heavenly, wing angel. origin name serafina include-latin-american, italian, spanish.th name serafina often use girl name femal name. latin-american name meaning-heavenly, wing angel. origin-latin-america."} {"id": "7599", "contents": "pronunciation: (sayr fee nah). form of: seraphina. mean name \u201cserafina\u201d is: \u201cheavenly, wing angel\u201d. .adslot_1 width: 336px; height: 280px; @media (max-width:350px) .adslot_1 width: 300px; height: 250px; }. popular name serafina. name popular us, accord social secur administration, popular data name. mean name serafina popular countri world. name might popular countries, differ languages, even differ alphabet, use charact latin alphabet display data. deriv name might also popular us"} {"id": "7600", "contents": "hebrew meaning: name seraphina hebrew babi name. hebrew mean name seraphina is: fiery-winged. name seraphina come 'seraphim', power angels. soulurg number: 7."} {"id": "7601", "contents": "mean serafina. italian name. italian, name serafina means-from seraph.. origin name serafina include-italian, latin-american, spanish.th name serafina often use girl name femal name. italian name meaning-from seraph. origin-italian."} {"id": "7602", "contents": "origin name seraphina: deriv hebrew s\u0115r\u0101ph\u012bm (burn ones), name use bibl heavenli wing angel surround throne god. world babi name teresa norman. person experi name serafina: edit. name daughter serafina rose, month ben affleck jen gardner. oh well....w love name receiv mani mani compliment name."} {"id": "7603", "contents": "decemb solstice: shortest day year northern hemisphere. decemb solstic either decemb 20, 21, 22 23. call winter solstic northern hemisphere, shortest day year. southern hemisphere, summer solstic longest day year. north pole tilt furthest sun."} {"id": "7604", "contents": "sunday, 21 december, northern hemispher experi shortest day year, mark 23:03 gmt astronom phenomenon known winter solstice-th moment north pole tilt furthest sun earth continu orbit. solstic alway occur 21 december."} {"id": "7605", "contents": "sun directli overhead \u201chigh-noon\u201d winter solstic latitud call tropic capricorn. winter solstic day fewest hour sunlight whole year. northern hemisphere, occur around decemb 21 22. answer: shortest day year, mean one experi least amount daylight 24 hours; also time sun reach southernmost point sky. although part earth cooling, great thermal mass still retain heat summer fall."} {"id": "7606", "contents": "*becaus winter solstic mark day begin lengthen, mani cultur celebr holiday. *huntsvil hours, 49 minut 43 second daylight sunday. birmingham: 9:55:52. comments. official: winter here. 2014 winter solstic sunday, dec. 21, 5:03 p.m. cst. mark shortest day year longest night. view full size(n weather service). upshot sunday, day begin get longer sever second day."} {"id": "7607", "contents": "winter solstic begin? winter solstic begin dec. 21, 2013, 5:11 coordin univers time 12:11 p.m. eastern time. day, continent unit state receiv nine hour 32 minut daylight."} {"id": "7608", "contents": "offici dec. 21, 6:03 p.m. est. winter solstice, fall year sunday, dec. 21, mark first day winter northern hemisphere. precisely, winter offici begin 6:03 p.m. et moment northern hemispher point furthest distanc sun. you\u2019r fan winter, day solstice, day get longer warmer calendar hit summer solstice, june 21, 2015. summer solstic mark first day summer, longest day yea"} {"id": "7609", "contents": "northern hemisphere, winter solstic occur either decemb 21 22, sun shine directli tropic capricorn; summer solstic occur either june 20 21, sun shine directli tropic cancer. southern hemisphere, winter summer solstic reversed."} {"id": "7610", "contents": "winter solstic occur specif time, day. year, 12:11 p.m. est saturday, dec. 21, sun shone directli tropic capricorn, farthest south sun reaches. southern hemisphere, longest day year."} {"id": "7611", "contents": "winter coming... winter solstice, fall year sunday, dec. 21, mark first day winter northern hemisphere. precisely, winter offici begin 6:03 p.m. et moment northern hemispher point furthest distanc sun. you\u2019r fan winter, day solstice, day get longer warmer calendar hit summer solstice, june 21, 2015. summer solstic mark first day summer, longest day yea"} {"id": "7612", "contents": "best answer: centimet 0.01 meter sinc number squared, convers twice. 17.16cm^2 (.01m/1cm) (.01m/1cm) .001716m^2 1.716e-3 m^2 21.4cm^2 (.0001m^2/1cm^2) .00214m^2 2.14e-3 m^2 7.08e1cm^2 70.8cm^2 (.0001m^2/1cm^2) .00708 m^2 7.08e-3m^2. source(s):"} {"id": "7613", "contents": "area rectangl 1/3 centimet length 1/2 centimet width equal 1/3 time 1/2. convert 1/3 1/2 improp fractions, fraction greater -- 1/3 becom 4/3 1/2 becom 3/2. multipli 4/3 3/2, equal 12/6."} {"id": "7614", "contents": "sq. millimet 0.01 sq. centimeter. squar centimet squar millimet metric area unit convers factor below. find mani squar millimet sq. centimeters, multipli right factor simpli use convert below. sq. centimet 100 sq. millimeters. sq. centimet (centimetre) squar millimet (millimetre) metric system area measur units. abbrevi cm mm"} {"id": "7615", "contents": "use follow calcul convert squar millimet squar centimeters. need convert squar millimet units, pleas tri univers area unit converter."} {"id": "7616", "contents": "answer 0.01. assum convert squar centimetr squar millimetre. view detail measur unit: cm squar mm squared. si deriv unit area squar meter. squar meter equal 10000 cm squared, 1000000 mm squared. note round error may occur, alway check results. use page learn convert squar centimet squar millimet"} {"id": "7617", "contents": "convert millimet inch divid number millimet 25.4 example: mm 25.4 0.31496 inch could also use calcul shown late link help convert values. millimet measur length, meter squar measur area, can't convert one other."} {"id": "7618", "contents": "answer 100. assum convert squar millimetr squar centimetre. view detail measur unit: mm squar cm squared. si deriv unit area squar meter. squar meter equal 1000000 mm squared, 10000 cm squared. note round error may occur, alway check results. use page learn convert squar millimet squar centimeters."} {"id": "7619", "contents": "go metric menu. solv metric unit involv square, believ help visual squar unit convert square. this, mean visual someth like 1.00 like this: side 1.00 meter length. comput area, would multipli side side. below, convers squar unit carri out, two side first convert then, multipli together. exampl #1: convert 1.00 cm 2. solution: order solv problem, must see two side 1.00 area side must convert cm. 1) consid 1.00 squar 1.00 side."} {"id": "7620", "contents": "convert millimet squar centimet squared? first move decim one space left sinc cenimet one unit millimet that' step. millimet measur length, meter squar measur area, can't convert one other."} {"id": "7621", "contents": "pollut may muddi landscapes, poison soil waterways, kill plant animals. human also regularli harm pollution. long-term exposur air pollution, example, lead chronic respiratori disease, lung cancer diseases."} {"id": "7622", "contents": "first, amount solid wast gener global practic doubl year 2025, 3.5 million ton per day million ton per day, level sometim year 2100 when, world bank project indicates, we'll produc 11 million ton trash daily."} {"id": "7623", "contents": "mountain rubbish 'not major problem'. mountain rubbish 'not major problem'. \u201cpeopl produc lot rubbish christmas, disappoint case council haven\u2019t show initi ensur peopl still get servic pay for.\u201d."} {"id": "7624", "contents": "actually, don't. plastic bag around 50 years, there' firsthand evid decomposit rate. make long-term estim sort, scientist often use respirometri tests."} {"id": "7625", "contents": "image: derek mead. averag american throw away 1,130 pound garbag everi year. look around desk, i'v got two dispos cup can, bag lunch attend garbage, scrap paper keep outlin re-outlin articl on."} {"id": "7626", "contents": "peopl give littl thought garbag trash day come around. you\u2019r current recycling, trash go very, long time. so, let\u2019 dive world garbag see long trash go stay earth we\u2019r gone. plastic. plastic pretti much stapl modern life. it\u2019 petroleum based, it\u2019 estim use 1.6 million barrel oil everi year, make plastic bottl water."} {"id": "7627", "contents": "sea otter small marin mammal nativ north eastern coast pacif ocean. despit fact sea otter largest member weasel family, sea otter among smallest mammal marin world. sea otter known one thickest, warmest coat fur anim kingdom help keep sea otter warm cold water north pacific. unlik marin mammals, sea otter layer blubber keep warm, sea otter reli dens fur keep cold out. fur sea otter thick water actual touch skin sea otter."} {"id": "7628", "contents": "unlik marin mammal (such seal whales), sea otter layer insul blubber. speci otter, reli layer air trap fur, keep top blow fur mouths. sever otter speci live cold water high metabol rate help keep warm. european otter must eat 15% bodi weight day, sea otter 20 25%, depend temperature. water warm 10 \u00b0c (50 \u00b0f), otter need catch 100 (3.5 oz) fish per hour survive."} {"id": "7629", "contents": "sea otter eat urchins, abalone, mussels, clams, crabs, snail 40 marin species. sea otter eat approxim 25% weight food day support high metabolism. sea otter also one mammal primat known use tools. use small rock object pri shellfish rock hammer open."} {"id": "7630", "contents": "sea otter one mammals, besid humans, use tools. use strand kelp tie kelp bed secur night' sleep. love frolic otter seals. sea otter play anim spend almost time sea. eat, sleep, even babi water. daytim sea otter float back eat abalone, favorit food. open abalon shell place small rock chest smash shell it."} {"id": "7631", "contents": "sea otter (enhydra lutris) marin mammal nativ coast northern eastern north pacif ocean. adult sea otter typic weigh 14 45 kg (31 99 lb), make heaviest member weasel family, among smallest marin mammals. sea otter inhabit offshor environments, dive sea floor forage. prey mostli marin invertebr sea urchins, variou mollusc crustaceans, speci fish."} {"id": "7632", "contents": "unlik marin mammals, layer blubber help keep warm. sea otter keyston species, mean role environ greater effect species. predators, sea otter critic maintain balanc near-shor kelp ecosystems. sea otter also one mammal primat known use tools. use small rock object pri shellfish rock hammer open."} {"id": "7633", "contents": "sea otter important? dan sea otter keyston speci kelp forest ecosystem, eat sea urchins, clams, snails, sea stars, squid, octopus abalone. present healthi numbers, keep sea urchin popul check. sea otter decline, however, urchin number explode\u2014a graze pressur bull kelp."} {"id": "7634", "contents": "sea otter live kelp forest ecosystem. kelp alga speci primari produc ecosystem. sea otter eat sea urchins, abalone, shellfi sh, snails, occasion anim uniqu particular area."} {"id": "7635", "contents": "sea otter smallest marin mammals. sea otter member weasel mustelida famili close relat mink river otters. sinc otter spend time water, hind feet web adapt swimming. fur: sea otter' fur thickest finest mammal. 850,000 1,000,000 hair per squar inch consist two layers, undercoat longer guard hairs. sea otter use air trap hair keep insul cold waters."} {"id": "7636", "contents": "place sirloin tip roast hot oil brown side roast two three minutes. dian shear/demand media. remov roast fri pan place slow cooker. cover slow cooker allow sirloin tip roast cook high one hour. dian shear/demand media. reduc slow cooker temperatur low continu cook roast two hours. open slow cooker flip roast over. cover slow cooker cook two hour"} {"id": "7637", "contents": "save. make sirloin tip roast slow cooker mouth-wat meal tempt tantal aroma. prepar herb rub appli rub outsid surfac sirloin tip roast approxim ten hour prior cook roast. enhanc flavor roast. cook sirloin tip roast slow cooker, cook slowli full flavor tender meat. cover slow cooker allow sirloin tip roast cook high one hour. dian shear/demand media. reduc slow cooker temperatur low continu cook roast two hours. open slow cooker flip roast over."} {"id": "7638", "contents": "tri maintain grill temperatur 250\u00b0f 300\u00b0f. cover grill cook temperatur interior tri-tip reach 120\u00b0f rare roast, 130\u00b0f medium-rar 140\u00b0f medium. point meat take anywher 20 40 minut cook, depend hot grill is, well done want it, size cut."} {"id": "7639", "contents": "sirloin better cut beef, receiv excel result well. cook' illustr consid sirloin top butt/tip roast poor man' prime rib. slow roast compani like boar' head thumann' prepar deli meat ....usual 8-10 hour @215-225*. roast beef slowly, preheat oven 250+ degre f. preheated, wait addit 20 minut put roast in. put roast oven and/or lower temp 200-225 f. cook meat get 120 degre (2.5\u20135 hours)."} {"id": "7640", "contents": "speed cook time set crock-pot high cook sirloin tip roast four five hours. may result less-tend roast, however, combin low cook temperatur time produc tender roast. sirloin tip roast also call round round tip roast good choic crock-pot cooking. locat rear cow mean sirloin tip roast lean, weight-bear muscl compos tough muscl fiber larg amount connect tissue."} {"id": "7641", "contents": "shoulder sirloin tip roast done slow cooker onion tomato sauc total hours. sauc thicken flour."} {"id": "7642", "contents": ".. restaur meat purveyor special medium-rar cut top sirloin slow roast temperatur 170-215* 20 hours. gener rule 20-25 minut per pound 225 rare medium-rare, find usual littl leeway without fear over-cooking. roast beef slowly, preheat oven 250+ degre f. preheated, wait addit 20 minut put roast in. put roast oven and/or lower temp 200-225 f. cook meat get 120 degre (2.5\u20135 hours)."} {"id": "7643", "contents": "3. oven-roast tri-tip roast place roast oven roast, uncovered, 30 35 minut thermomet regist 135 degre f. remov oven cover foil. let meat stand 15 minutes, bring temperatur 145 degre (medium rare) standing."} {"id": "7644", "contents": "place meat grill. transfer season roast unlit portion grill. cover grill cook hour. stick meat thermomet center sirloin tip roast test intern temperature. monitor temperatur grill meat cook make sure stay rel consistent."} {"id": "7645", "contents": "heat oven 325\u00b0. line roast pan foil. put roast prepar pan rub oliv oil. combin garlic remain ingredi small bowl rub roast. roast 15 minutes, reduc heat 225\u00b0, continu roast hour longer, done desired."} {"id": "7646", "contents": "typic neuron consist cell bodi (soma), dendrites, axon. term neurit use describ either dendrit axon, particularli undifferenti stage. synapt signal neuron receiv soma dendrites; signal neuron transmit axon. typic synapse, then, contact axon one neuron dendrit soma another. synapt signal may excitatori inhibitori"} {"id": "7647", "contents": "structur neuron: structur typic neuron (source: faigl.ladislav/wikipedia). nerv cell neuron has: cell bodi perikaryon, central nucleu nissl\u2019 granul cytoplasm. cell process call neurites, two types. mani short affer processes, freeli branch varicose, call dendrit"} {"id": "7648", "contents": "although nervou system complex, two main type cell nerv tissue. actual nerv cell neuron. conduct cell transmit impuls structur unit nervou system. type cell neuroglia, glial, cell."} {"id": "7649", "contents": "action potenti origin axon hillock, junction axon cell body, activ conduct axon axon terminals, small branch axon form synapses, connections, cell (figur 21-2b). summary. cell bodi neuron contain nucleu lysosom site synthesi degrad virtual neuron protein membranes. axon long process special conduct action potenti away neuron cell body."} {"id": "7650", "contents": "singl axon central nervou system synaps mani neuron induc respons simultaneously. neuron multipl dendrites, extend out-ward cell bodi special receiv chemic signal axon termini neurons. summary. cell bodi neuron contain nucleu lysosom site synthesi degrad virtual neuron protein membranes. axon long process special conduct action potenti away neuron cell body."} {"id": "7651", "contents": "nervou system compos billion cells, essenti nerv cell neurons. estim mani 100 billion neuron nervou system! typic neuron part cell would have, special structur set apart. main portion cell call soma cell body. contain nucleus, turn contain genet materi form chromosomes. neuron larg number extens call dendrites. often look like branch spike extend cell body."} {"id": "7652", "contents": "major synapses, signal sent axon one neuron dendrit another. are, however, mani except rules: neuron lack dendrites, neuron axon, synaps connect axon anoth axon dendrit anoth dendrite, etc. synapt signal neuron receiv soma dendrites; signal neuron transmit axon. typic synapse, then, contact axon one neuron dendrit soma another. synapt signal may excitatori inhibitori"} {"id": "7653", "contents": "axon make contact cells\u2014usu neuron sometim muscl gland cells\u2014at junction call synapses. synapse, membran axon close adjoin membran target cell, special molecular structur serv transmit electr electrochem signal across gap. axon one two type protoplasm protrus extrud cell bodi neuron, type dendrites."} {"id": "7654", "contents": "type neuron axon transmit signal dendrites. neuron ever one axon; howev invertebr insect leech axon sometim consist sever region function less independ other. axon branch, case profusely. axon one two type protoplasm protrus extrud cell bodi neuron, type"} {"id": "7655", "contents": "full definit grapefruit. 1. plural grapefruit grapefruits: larg citru fruit bitter yellow rind inner skin highli flavor somewhat acid juici pulp. 2. small roundhead tree (citru paradisi) rue famili produc grapefruit. see grapefruit defin english-languag learners."} {"id": "7656", "contents": "grapefruit grow grape-lik cluster name derives. evergreen grapefruit tree usual grow around 5\u20136 meter (16\u201320 ft) tall, although reach 13\u201315 (43\u201349 ft). leav glossi dark green, long (up 15 centimet (5.9 in)) thin. produc cm (2 in) white four-pet flowers. grapefruit brought florida count odet philipp 1823 known safeti harbor. cross produc tangelo (1905), minneola tangelo (1931), oroblanco (1984)."} {"id": "7657", "contents": "food beverages, grapefruit consum fruit, juice, use flavor component. manufacturing, grapefruit oil seed extract use fragranc compon soap cosmetics; household cleaner fruits, vegetables, meats, kitchen surfaces, dishes, etc. medic chang broken liver. grapefruit juic might decreas quickli liver break medications. drink grapefruit juic take medic broken liver increas effect side effect"} {"id": "7658", "contents": "tart tangi underli sweetness, grapefruit juici rival ever popular orang sparkl mani health promot benefits. although avail throughout year, season best winter earli spring. description. grapefruit larg citru fruit relat orange, lemon pomelo. grapefruit categor white (blond), pink ruby. however, terminolog reflect skin color, either yellow pinkish-yellow, rather describ color flesh."} {"id": "7659", "contents": "grapefruit diet protein-rich meal plan primari focu grapefruit grapefruit juic everi meal. use 80 years, diet' goal quick weight loss\u2014it' 12-day plan."} {"id": "7660", "contents": "grapefruit citru fruit. peopl use fruit, oil peel, extract seed medicine. grapefruit seed extract process grapefruit seed pulp obtain byproduct grapefruit juic production. veget glycerin ad final product reduc acid bitterness. medic chang broken liver. grapefruit juic might decreas quickli liver break medications. drink grapefruit juic take medic broken liver increas effect side effect"} {"id": "7661", "contents": "grapefruit excel sourc vitamin c, vitamin help support immun system. vitamin c-rich food like grapefruit may help reduc cold symptom sever cold symptoms; 20 scientif studi suggest vitamin cold-fighter. description. grapefruit larg citru fruit relat orange, lemon pomelo. grapefruit categor white (blond), pink ruby. however, terminolog reflect skin color, either yellow pinkish-yellow, rather describ color flesh."} {"id": "7662", "contents": "grapefruit diet outlast fad diets. peopl even tri back 1930s. fan claim grapefruit contain certain enzym that, eaten foods, help burn fat. diet, sever variations, last 10-12 day claim help lose much 10 pounds."} {"id": "7663", "contents": "cyp3a4 metabol enzym almost 50% drugs, found liver small intestin epitheli cells. result, mani drug impact consumpt grapefruit juice. metabol enzym inhibited, less drug metabol epitheli cells. grapefruit brought florida count odet philipp 1823 known safeti harbor. cross produc tangelo (1905), minneola tangelo (1931), oroblanco (1984)."} {"id": "7664", "contents": "grapefruit bred 18th centuri cross pomelo orange. given name grapefruit way grew cluster similar grapes. grapefruit vari hue white yellow pink red rang tast acid even bitter sweet sugary."} {"id": "7665", "contents": "taxonom kingdom protista collect single-cel organ fit category. protist group made protozoa, unicellular algae, slime molds. concentr anim portion group: protozoa (proto first, zoa animals). protozoa oldest known group heterotroph life consum transform complex food particl energy."} {"id": "7666", "contents": "protist member kingdom protista, group eukaryotic, predominantli unicellular microscop organisms. may share certain morpholog physiolog characterist anim plants, both. protist compris tradit call protozoa, algae, lower fungi."} {"id": "7667", "contents": "protist organ classifi kingdom protista. protist form group organ realli fit kingdom. although lot varieti within protists, share common characteristics."} {"id": "7668", "contents": "definition: protist organ kingdom protista. organ eukaryotes, mean made singl multipl cell contain nucleu enclos membrane. protist divers group eukaryot cannot classifi animals, plants, fungi."} {"id": "7669", "contents": "characterist protists. protist eukaryot organ cannot classifi plant, animal, fungus. mostli unicellular, some, like algae, multicellular. kelp, 'seaweed,' larg multicellular protist provid food, shelter, oxygen numer underwat ecosystems."} {"id": "7670", "contents": "definit protist. divers taxonom group especi kingdom (protista syn. protoctista) eukaryot organ unicellular sometim coloni less often multicellular typic includ protozoans, algae, often fungi (a slime molds)."} {"id": "7671", "contents": "medic definit protist. divers taxonom group especi kingdom (protista synonym protoctista) eukaryot organ unicellular sometim coloni less often multicellular typic includ protozoans, algae, often fungi (a slime molds)."} {"id": "7672", "contents": "diseas condition-how cure them. ayurved context diseas defin state balanc three dosha (energi types) human bodi disturbed. three doshas; vata, pitta kapha found everi human being, one two believ dominant. know detail variou diseas ailment ayurved treatments, click link given left side page. ayurveda. diseases. home remedies. herbal medicines. custom servic privaci polici disclaim ayurveda blog. ayurveda site map. 2005-09 ayurvedic-medicines.org."} {"id": "7673", "contents": "use herbal supplement unsaf kidney diseas sinc herbal product caus harm kidney even make kidney diseas worse. also, kidney cannot clear wast product build body."} {"id": "7674", "contents": "ayurveda treat kidney failur effectively. consid oldest heal science, ayurveda holist approach rather singl treatment help peopl live long healthy. kidney failur patient especi indian prefer use approach treat disease. goal ayurveda prevent kidney diseas rather treat it, remedi noth damag kidney tissues. kidney certain self-cur ability."} {"id": "7675", "contents": "ayurveda treatment toothache. toothach anoth common diseas affect time. particular age, teeth becom weak chanc high broken infect tooth caus sever pain. nerv pass tooth; thu infect teeth caus sever pain. cavities, expos tooth, gum diseas etc\u2026 result frequent toothaches. asafetida, clove onion use ayurveda treat toothache. asafetida act fast teeth reduc pain. ayurveda treatment common fever. common cold, common fever also affect everybodi frequently. unlik cold, fever could consid serious neglect fever transform pneumonia deadli diseases."} {"id": "7676", "contents": "ayurveda remedi common diseases. ayurveda prescrib sever simpl homemad medic prevent fight common ailments. let us see common diseas ayurved remedi them. ayurveda treatment common fever. common cold, common fever also affect everybodi frequently. unlik cold, fever could consid serious neglect fever transform pneumonia deadli diseases."} {"id": "7677", "contents": "total heart support. effect natur treatment rheumat heart disease, heart failure, heart disease. capsul 100% vegetarian, pure herbal supplement without side effects. blockag rheumat arteri clear help natur remedy. rheumat fever, inflammatori disease, affect mani connect tissues, especi heart, joints, skin, brain. rheumat fever caus heart damage-particularli scar heart valves-forc heart work harder pump blood may eventu caus congest heart failure."} {"id": "7678", "contents": "auto immun diseas diseas immun system. (for specif name auto immun diseas see list autoimmun diseas below). depend particular diseas variou symptoms. common autoimmun diseas symptom includ low grade fever, pain joint fatigue. diagnos rare autoimmun diseas spring 2004, doctor gave brochur websit basic said \u201cgood luck\u201d. cure rare autoimmun diseas would like take life slow pain decline. wasn\u2019t okay me."} {"id": "7679", "contents": "know procedur diagnosi click here. treatment. ayurveda follow multidisciplinari approach toward treatment diseases. gener method treatment undertaken ayurveda are: palli treatment: method involv reduc doshas. purif treatment: part treatment involv remov toxin dosha body. vamana induc vomiting. virechana induc purgation. know detail variou diseas ailment ayurved treatments, click link given left side page. ayurveda. diseases. home remedies. herbal medicines. custom servic privaci polici disclaim ayurveda blog. ayurveda site map. 2005-09 ayurvedic-medicines.org."} {"id": "7680", "contents": "definition: formal charg differ number valenc electron atom number electron atom associ with. formal charg assum share electron equal share two bond atoms."} {"id": "7681", "contents": "batteri termin repres electron-sourc electron-sink user interfac models. function variabl stop model certain number electron reach batteri positive, monitor display time taken fill electron-sink."} {"id": "7682", "contents": "given valu maximum fill capac electron-sink, find two differ set valu number speed electron time taken fill electron-sink identical."} {"id": "7683", "contents": "electron sourc bond lone pair electrons. either bond lone pair atom rel high electron densiti molecul ion, bond must break reaction. electron sink atom molecul ion accept new bond lone pair electrons. learn identifi characterist sourc sink differ function group key learn organ chemistri reaction mechanisms."} {"id": "7684", "contents": "either bond lone pair atom rel high electron densiti molecul ion, bond must break reaction. electron sink atom molecul ion accept new bond lone pair electrons. learn identifi characterist sourc sink differ function group key learn organ chemistri reaction mechanisms."} {"id": "7685", "contents": "side note largest snake speci ever exist earth (a far know currently), titanoboa, live somewher around 58-60 million year ago. titanoboa cerrejonensi estim regularli reach size 40-50 feet length, 2000-2500 lbs."} {"id": "7686", "contents": "grow 30 feet long, reticul python (python reticulatus) southeastern asia east indi longest snake world. giant averag weight 250 pounds, largest known specimen exist weigh whop 350 pounds. sever contend titl world' largest snake, three biggest longest snake known man: weigh 550 pounds, aptli name giant anaconda (eunect murinus) largest snake world consid length-to-weight ratio."} {"id": "7687", "contents": "boas, anaconda pythons\u2026 extrem danger importantly, very, big! apart 55 feet long giant snake found malaysia, we\u2019ll talk largest snake world, look. snake manag crawl away, feet upfront, worker found injur snake dead, gone. beast 55 feet long boa (16.7 meters), weigh 300 kilogram age estim 140 years."} {"id": "7688", "contents": "world' longest snake, reticul python, found southeast asia. world' heaviest snake, green anaconda, found amazon rainforest south ameri ca. one point news agenc erron report world' largest snake found indonesia. claim measur 48 feet inch weigh 983 pounds. stori later proven false. largest snake ever record 49-foot, 900 pound reticul python current captiv java, indonesia. this, along record outsiz snakes, complet hoax. although specimen large, closer 24 feet."} {"id": "7689", "contents": "when. longest snake-ev (captivity) medusa, reticul python (python reticulatus), own full moon product inc. kansa city, missouri, usa. measur 12 octob 2011, found 7.67 (25 ft in) long. medusa also hold current 'longest snake-liv (captivity)' title. it\u2019 longest snake ever captivity. medusa, reticul python, clock 7.67 meter (25 feet, inches) long offici world record measurement, octob 12, 2011."} {"id": "7690", "contents": "reticul python (python reticulatus) speci python found southeast asia. world' longest snake longest reptiles, heavili built. like pythons, nonvenom constrictor normal consid danger humans."} {"id": "7691", "contents": "list largest snake world. largest snake ever discov probabl largest non-marin creatur live earth. #1 titanoboa. monster snake live 60-58 million year ago. largest snake ever discovered, reach length 12-15 (40-50 ft), weigh 1135 kg (2500 pounds). fossil 28 titanoboa found coal mine colombia 2009."} {"id": "7692", "contents": "largest anaconda ever measur almost 28 feet long girth 44 inches. weigh time caught, scientist estim must weigh 500 lbs. snake compet anaconda asiat reticul python (python reticulatus). python hold world' record length snake, longest ever measur 33 feet. even though longest python longer record-hold anaconda, girth anaconda far bigger. anaconda jungl south america grow big around grown man!"} {"id": "7693", "contents": "orihuela larg municip cover area 365 km2 histor capit vega baja. region split three distinct zones; surround countrysid la pedrera reservoir, coastal area known orihuela costa citi itself. orihuela train station. orihuela station main line north elch parqu alicant south orihuela murcia. line use variou region operates, find timet use renf website. click word welcom chang site english."} {"id": "7694", "contents": "upload sep 18, 2011. brief look orihuela-costa leader. view spanish properti area, pleas visit http://www.theleader.info/spanish-pro... 30,000 properti rent sale spain."} {"id": "7695", "contents": "inform orihuela. spain-holiday.com search select holiday home rent orihuela. popular holiday rental orihuela holiday villas, cottages, apart countri hous rent short term holiday orihuela. spain-holiday.com search select holiday home rent"} {"id": "7696", "contents": "larg estat locat outsid torrevieja, 650 yard beach costa blanca. outdoor pool, tenni courts, basketbal court fit centre. orihuela costa resort 15 minutes\u2019 drive campoamor, villamartin villamart\u00edn rambla de orihuela golf. cours"} {"id": "7697", "contents": "citi orihuela spain lie 50 km south west alicante, elch murcia. 50 000 habit orihuela major citi area. best reach orihuela use nation road 340 alicante. orihuela capit call \u201cla vega baja\u201d (or low fertil lowlands), one largest region provinc alicant pertain valencian community. 57 kilomet south-west alicant head inland although region\u2019 land reach costa blanca."} {"id": "7698", "contents": "1799 orihuela part provinc alicante. 1810, napoleon made orihuela part depart segura capit murcia. 1822, orihuela pass provinc murcia. 1304 orihuela consid border kingdom castil aragon. arag\u00f3n 1366 pass kingdom of. valencia in, 1437 declar citi in, 1707 charles, holi roman emperor made orihuela capit provinc of. orihuela"} {"id": "7699", "contents": "orihuela costa. orihuela costa coastal region situat costa blanca provinc alicante. sit close border murcia, near la manga beauti mar menor. despit name actual around 20 kilometr away main resort orihuela."} {"id": "7700", "contents": "rent holiday home orihuela via spain-holiday.com, deal directli owner, best sourc inform local restaur etc near accommodation. spain-holiday.com search select holiday home rent orihuela."} {"id": "7701", "contents": "orihuela (. [ori\u02c8wela]. oriola [o\u027ei\u02c8\u0254la]) citi municip locat feet sierra de orihuela mountain provinc alicante, spain. citi orihuela popul 33,943 inhabit begin 2013. 1304 orihuela consid border kingdom castil aragon. arag\u00f3n 1366 pass kingdom of. valencia in, 1437 declar citi in, 1707 charles, holi roman emperor made orihuela capit provinc of. orihuela"} {"id": "7702", "contents": "tecton shift movement plate make earth\u2019 crust. earth made roughli dozen major plate sever minor plates. earth constant state change. earth\u2019 crust, call lithosphere, consist 15 20 move tecton plates."} {"id": "7703", "contents": "outer shell earth, lithosphere, broken tecton plates. seven major plate african plate, antarct plate, eurasian plate, indo-australian plate, north american plate, pacif plate south american plate."} {"id": "7704", "contents": "plate make earth' outer shell, call lithosphere. (thi includ crust uppermost part mantle.) churn current molten rock propel along like jumbl conveyor belt disrepair. geolog activ stem interplay plate meet divide."} {"id": "7705", "contents": "deepest ocean trench tallest mountain, plate tecton explain featur movement earth' surfac present past. plate tecton theori earth' outer shell divid sever plate glide mantle, rocki inner layer core. plate act like hard rigid shell compar earth' mantle. strong outer layer call lithosphere."} {"id": "7706", "contents": "movement plate creat three type tecton boundaries: convergent, plate move one another; divergent, plate move apart; transform, plate move sideway relat other. converg boundaries."} {"id": "7707", "contents": "border two tecton plate call boundary. tecton plate constantli move slowli around planet, mani differ directions. move toward other, move apart, slide past other."} {"id": "7708", "contents": "lithosphere. part land move earth' surfac call lithosphere. lithospher made earth' crust part upper mantle. lithospher move big chunk land call tecton plates. plate huge cover entir continents."} {"id": "7709", "contents": "sedit act made languag espionag act specif make illeg use disloyal, profane, abus languag critic u.s. constitution, government, military, flag, uniform. espionag act dealt mani uncontroversi issu punish act spi sabotag protect shipping, act, amend sedit act, extrem controversi mani immigr oppos war, militari draft, violat free speech rights."} {"id": "7710", "contents": "advertisement. espionag act legitim purpose: tri stop real threat subversion, sabotage, malici interfer war effort, includ controversi reinstat draft. context that' worth recal democrat republican alik clamor use law assange."} {"id": "7711", "contents": "one controversi law ever pass unit states, espionag act 1917 (ch. 30, tit. 3, 40 stat. 217, 219), amend pass 1918 sometim refer sedit act, attempt deal climat creat countri world war i."} {"id": "7712", "contents": "june 1917, congress pass espionag act. piec legisl gave postal offici author ban newspap magazin mail threaten individu convict obstruct draft $10,000 fine 20 year jail. congress pass sedit act 1918, made feder offens use disloyal, profane, scurrilous, abus languag constitution, government, american uniform, flag."} {"id": "7713", "contents": "primari documents-u.s. espionag act, 15 june 1917. reproduc portion text espionag act pass u.s. congress 15 june, two month follow america' declar war germany. act amend may 1918. click detail amend"} {"id": "7714", "contents": "espionag act 1917 made crime interfer war effort militari recruit attempt aid nation war u.s. wartim violenc part local group citizens, sometim mob vigilantes, persuad lawmak law inadequate. 553, enact may 16, 1918) act unit state congress extend espionag act 1917 cover broader rang offenses, notabl speech express opinion cast govern war effort neg light interf sale govern bonds."} {"id": "7715", "contents": "espionag act. espionag act pass congress 1917 unit state enter first world war. prescrib $10,000 fine 20 years' imprison interf recruit troop disclosur inform deal nation defence."} {"id": "7716", "contents": "espionag act 1917 unit state feder law pass june 15, 1917, shortli u.s. entri world war i. amend numer time years. origin found titl 50 u.s. code (war) found titl 18, crime. specifically, 18 u.s.c. ch."} {"id": "7717", "contents": "espionag act, pass june 1917, provid penalti 20 year imprison fine $10,000 convict interf militari recruitment. law also author postmast gener remov treason sediti materi mail."} {"id": "7718", "contents": "annotation: america declar war germani april 1917. two month later, u.s. congress pass espionag act, defin espionag wartime. act amend may 1918. war messag congress, presid wilson warn war would requir redefinit nation loyalty. congress pass sedit act 1918, made feder offens use disloyal, profane, scurrilous, abus languag constitution, government, american uniform, flag."} {"id": "7719", "contents": "instal standard boiler (80%-85% annual fuel util efficiency) typic cost $2,500-$5,000 gas-fir model $3,000-$6,500 oil-fir unit (gener use area without municip ga lines). count $80 per hour plumber fee special train laar boiler person $1200 instal unit, plu repair labor cost piec engin work boiler was. good riddance."} {"id": "7720", "contents": "may need new chimney liner you\u2019r upgrad higher effici boiler. generally, cost $300 $700 ga $700 $1,800 oil. remov old unit rang $300 $1,500 more. generally, cost $300 $700 ga $700 $1,800 oil. remov old unit rang $300 $1,500 more. boiler rate 95 percent effici higher elig $150 feder tax credit energi star."} {"id": "7721", "contents": "replac old oil-fir boiler ga model cost thousand dollar replac one oil-fir unit another, need instal new ga line updat exist fittings, valves, pipe system part work new boiler. count $80 per hour plumber fee special train laar boiler person $1200 instal unit, plu repair labor cost piec engin work boiler was. good riddance."} {"id": "7722", "contents": "cost replac standard ga boiler $4,000. high-effici model cost $7,500. cost estim usual includ remov dispos old unit, well necessari lines, duct wire need new system run properly. boiler instal replaced, might pay anywher $3,111 $7,204. average, homeown tend pay $5,100. price highli depend type boiler choose."} {"id": "7723", "contents": "however, factor could swing boiler instal cost higher lower. may need new chimney liner you\u2019r upgrad higher effici boiler. generally, cost $300 $700 ga $700 $1,800 oil. remov old unit rang $300 $1,500 more. generally, cost $300 $700 ga $700 $1,800 oil. remov old unit rang $300 $1,500 more. boiler rate 95 percent effici higher elig $150 feder tax credit energi star."} {"id": "7724", "contents": "boiler instal costs. you\u2019r replac old boiler, expect boiler instal cost mid-effici system cost $2,500 $4,000 (80 percent efficiency), boiler instal cost high-effici system cost $5,000 $9,000 (90 97 percent efficiency). generally, cost $300 $700 ga $700 $1,800 oil. remov old unit rang $300 $1,500 more. boiler rate 95 percent effici higher elig $150 feder tax credit energi star."} {"id": "7725", "contents": "depend home, boiler pay save first years. condens boiler cost even more, often excess $5,000, also effici excess 90% effect provid heat larger areas. plan instal boiler home, import factor cost labor well. licens plumber must use job gener take day' worth work. expect pay area hundr dollar easiest job thousand complex jobs. boiler itself, expect pay signific amount money cost start near $2,000. increas cost proportion space use heat. boiler maximum efficiency, may pay $4,000; however, look short-term cost long-term investment."} {"id": "7726", "contents": "boiler expens furnaces. mid-effici boiler cost anywher $2,500 $4,000, high-effici boiler run $5,000 $10,000. price includ installation, keep mind instal boiler expens instal furnac process complex. remov haul away old furnac usual cost $300 $1,000, depend size difficulty. boilers, new chimney liner high effici unit cost anywher $500 $1,500, liner ga unit price lower end rang liner oil unit higher end."} {"id": "7727", "contents": "included: instal standard boiler (80%-85% annual fuel util efficiency) typic cost $2,500-$5,000 gas-fir model $3,000-$6,500 oil-fir unit (gener use area without municip ga lines). count $80 per hour plumber fee special train laar boiler person $1200 instal unit, plu repair labor cost piec engin work boiler was. good riddance."} {"id": "7728", "contents": "$3,835.13. get instant estim cost instal oil boiler! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost oil boiler instal project. basic boiler project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal oil boiler rang $3,174.38 $3,835.13 per boiler. estim cost project: 1."} {"id": "7729", "contents": "cost alloc process identifying, aggregating, assign cost cost objects. cost object activ item want separ measur costs. exampl cost object product, research project, customer, sale region, department. cost alloc use financi report purposes, spread cost among depart inventori items. cost alloc also use calcul profit depart subsidiari level, turn may use basi bonus fund addit activities. cost alloc also use deriv transfer price subsidiaries. exampl cost alloc"} {"id": "7730", "contents": "cost alloc process identifi assign cost servic necessari oper busi type entity. anoth benefit cost alloc simpli keep track expens intern plan purposes. expens indirect cost benefit one area operation, still need alloc direct cost manner logic accurate."} {"id": "7731", "contents": "considerations. one best way understand cost alloc view process requir identify, aggreg assign cost cost objects. cost object item activity, depart product, requir separ weigh costs. small busi owner, alloc cost account system necessari task. process requir assign cost compon includ cost divid accordingly."} {"id": "7732", "contents": "cost alloc import process cost incur produc certain product render certain servic calculated. cost accur calculated, busi might never know product make money one lose money. cost alloc base. cost alloc base variabl use allocating/assign cost differ cost pool differ cost objects. good cost alloc base someth appropri cost driver particular cost pool."} {"id": "7733", "contents": "cost alloc process provid relief share servic organization' cost center provid product service. turn, associ expens assign intern clients' cost center consum product services. core compon cost alloc system consist way track organ provid product and/or service, organ consum product and/or services, list portfolio offer (e.g. servic catalog)."} {"id": "7734", "contents": "cost alloc i. cost alloc concept cost alloc method determin cost servic provid user service. itdo determin price service, rather determin servic cost provide."} {"id": "7735", "contents": "cost allocation. cost alloc (also call cost assignment) process find cost differ cost object project, department, branch, customer, etc. cost alloc base. cost alloc base variabl use allocating/assign cost differ cost pool differ cost objects. good cost alloc base someth appropri cost driver particular cost pool."} {"id": "7736", "contents": "cost alloc cost apportion method attribut cost particular cost object (cost object term refer simpli item associ cost figur own). assign cost figur specif cost object central task budgeting, planning, financi reporting."} {"id": "7737", "contents": "much cost? cost final certif exam $250. train certif exam taken highli recommended. accord acquia.com, cost acquia certifi develop cours $2,250. figleaf.com, cost drupal cours $952.39 $1,095."} {"id": "7738", "contents": "do: acquia provid lead cloud platform building, delivering, optim digit experiences. har drupal provid custom greater agility, dramat lower cost softwar product past. global organ use massiv scalabl highli secur acquia platform unifi content, community, commerce."} {"id": "7739", "contents": "accord acquia.com, cost acquia certifi develop cours $2,250. figleaf.com, cost drupal cours $952.39 $1,095."} {"id": "7740", "contents": "cours rang anywher $800 $2,300. accord acquia.com, cost acquia certifi develop cours $2,250. figleaf.com, cost drupal cours $952.39 $1,095."} {"id": "7741", "contents": "figleaf.com, cost drupal cours $952.39 $1,095. case train courses, includ studi materials, modul well certif exam voucher. exam target acquia customers, partner employe develop role."} {"id": "7742", "contents": "free! acquia digit experi company. intuit, warner music group stanford univers among 4,000 organ transform digit busi acquia\u2019 open cloud platform."} {"id": "7743", "contents": "acquia drupal provid fastest on-ramp build dynam social web site featur editori user-gener content. whether build public face websit privat intranet, acquia drupal enabl use proven social publish pattern turn site visitor activ participants."} {"id": "7744", "contents": "interscope, divis univers music group, one compani take advantag acquia cloud site factory, integr digit market toolset, promot mani artist highli brand sites."} {"id": "7745", "contents": "cost final certif exam $250. train certif exam taken highli recommended. cours rang anywher $800 $2,300. accord acquia.com, cost acquia certifi develop cours $2,250."} {"id": "7746", "contents": "crude oil natur occurring, flammabl liquid consist complex mixtur hydrocarbon variou molecular weights, organ compounds, found geolog format beneath earth' surface. oil ga chemic made molecul contain carbon hydrogen. crude oil, also known petroleum, mixtur hydrocarbons. mani case alreadi pressur weight ground top it, drill hole pocket oil, oil come itself."} {"id": "7747", "contents": "crude oil. mixtur natur occur hydrocarbon refin diesel, gasoline, heat oil, jet fuel, kerosene, liter thousand product call petrochemicals. crude oil name accord content origins, classifi accord per unit weight (specif gravity)."} {"id": "7748", "contents": "crude oil, commonli known petroleum, liquid found within earth compris hydrocarbons, organ compound small amount metal. hydrocarbon usual primari compon crude oil, composit vari 50%-97% depend type crude oil extracted."} {"id": "7749", "contents": "oil find underground call crude oil. crude oil mixtur hydrocarbons-from almost solid gaseous. produc tini plant anim decay layer sand mud million year ago. crude oil chang use anything. happen oil refinery."} {"id": "7750", "contents": "dubai-oman oil use benchmark sour crude oil middl east. pumpjack bring oil surface. crude oil mixtur complex hydrocarbon extract beneath earth' surface. oil well. crude oil refin petroleum products. crude oil liquid form petroleum, natur ga gaseou form petroleum, oil shale sand semi-solid form petroleum. petroleum coal come decay organ matter compress underneath layer sedimentari rock deep earth\u2019 surface."} {"id": "7751", "contents": "crude oil term unprocess oil, stuff come ground. also known petroleum. crude oil fossil fuel, mean made natural\u00adli decay plant anim live ancient sea million year ago -- place find crude oil sea beds. crude oil vari color, clear tar-black, viscosity, water almost solid."} {"id": "7752", "contents": "crude oil pump ground middl east (e.g., saudi arabian arab light), west africa (e.g., nigerian bonni light), americas, asia (russia), pump ship call tankers, sail across ocean oil refineri delawar river."} {"id": "7753", "contents": "crude oil liquid found natur rock, contain mostli complex hydrocarbons, addit organ material. major fuel use planet, use product mani synthet materi like plastic well. crude oil liquid form petroleum, natur ga gaseou form petroleum, oil shale sand semi-solid form petroleum. petroleum coal come decay organ matter compress underneath layer sedimentari rock deep earth\u2019 surface."} {"id": "7754", "contents": "crude oil mixtur hydrocarbons. separ use products, fuels, use process call fraction distillation. demand short hydrocarbon molecul greater suppli crude oil, reaction call crack used."} {"id": "7755", "contents": "crude oil energi sourc deriv fossil fuel, raw resourc must process refin usable. crude oil fossil fuel, use energi sourc caus harm emiss environment pollut damage. crude oil high carbon, product made resource. oil product burned, like fossil fuel, harm sulfur carbon emissions, well pollutants, releas air. contribut global warm damag earth"} {"id": "7756", "contents": "iii: third wave third gener cbt: 2006 cognit behavior therapi nearli 50 year old, talk new chang tradit cbt, call third wave cognitive-behavior therapies."} {"id": "7757", "contents": "behavior therapi broad term refer psychotherapy, behavior analytical, combin two therapies. broadest sense, method focu either behavior combin thought feel might caus them."} {"id": "7758", "contents": "overview. behavior therapi form psychotherapi use treat depression, anxieti disorders, phobias, form psychopathology. aros german mechanist theori psycholog nineteenth century."} {"id": "7759", "contents": "behavior therapi treatment help chang potenti self-destruct behaviors. also call behavior modif cognit behavior therapy. medic profession use type therapi replac bad habit good ones. therapi also help cope difficult situations."} {"id": "7760", "contents": "cognit behavior therapi (cbt) form psychotherapi use treat varieti mental disorders."} {"id": "7761", "contents": "cognit behavior therapi (also known abbreviation, cbt) short-term, goal-ori psychotherapi treatment take hands-on, practic approach problem-solving. goal chang pattern think behavior behind people\u2019 difficulties, chang way feel."} {"id": "7762", "contents": "cognit behavior therapi (cbt) use treat peopl wide rang mental health problems. base idea think (cognition), feel (emotion) act (behavior) interact together. specifically, thought determin feel behavior."} {"id": "7763", "contents": "founder cognit behavior therapi aaron t. beck, m.d., graduat brown univers yale medic school."} {"id": "7764", "contents": "basic cognit behavior therapi use chang person' thinking, behavior emot respons problem help person look problem differ posit perspective."} {"id": "7765", "contents": "rebt pioneer form cognit behavior therapi develop dr. albert elli 1955. rebt action-ori approach manag cognitive, emotional, behavior disturbances."} {"id": "7766", "contents": "term lordosi refer normal inward lordot curvatur lumbar cervic region spine. excess curvatur lower back known lumbar hyperlordosis, commonli call sway back, hollow back saddl back (after similar condit affect horses)."} {"id": "7767", "contents": "definit lordosis. 1. abnorm increas inward curvatur lower region spine result concav back view side compar kyphosis. 2. mate postur sexual recept femal mammal (a rats) head rump rais back arch downward. medic definit lordosis. exagger forward curvatur lumbar cervic region spinal column\u2014compar kyphosis, scoliosis. lor\u00b7dot\u00b7 \\-\u02c8daet-\u02c8d\u00e4t\\ ik. adject"} {"id": "7768", "contents": "lordosis, also known swayback, condit spine lower back excess curvature. spine natur curv neck, upper back, lower back help absorb shock support weight head. lordosi occur natur arch lower back, lumbar region, curv normal."} {"id": "7769", "contents": "lumbar lordosis. definitions: 1. normal, anteriorli convex curvatur lumbar segment vertebr column; lumbar lordosi secondari curvatur vertebr column, acquir postnat upright postur assum one learn walk. synonyms: lordosi lumbalis, lumbar flexure."} {"id": "7770", "contents": "lumbar lordosis. normal, anteriorli convex curvatur lumbar segment vertebr column; lumbar lordosi secondari curvatur vertebr column, acquir postnat upright postur assum one learn walk. synonym(s): lordosi lumbali [ta], lumbar flexure. lumbar lordosis, dorsal concav curvatur lumbar spinal column seen side. also call lumbar curvature."} {"id": "7771", "contents": "normal, anteriorli convex curvatur lumbar segment vertebr column; secondari curvature, acquir postnat upright postur assum one learn walk. synonym(s): lordosi lumbali [ta] lumbar lordosis, dorsal concav curvatur lumbar spinal column seen side. also call lumbar curvature."} {"id": "7772", "contents": "lordosi increas inward curv lumbar spine (just buttocks). spine three type curves: lordotic, kyphot (the outward curv thorac spine rib-level), scoliot (sideway curving). small degre kyphot lordot curvatur normal. much lordot curv call swayback (lordosis). scoliot curv alway abnormal. natur state healthi spine, cervic spine lordot curvature, thorac spine kyphot curvature, lumbar spine lordot curvature. loss lumbar spine curvatur known \u201cflat back\u201d."} {"id": "7773", "contents": "muscl spasm: term lordosi refer normal inward curvatur lumbar spine lower part spinee. curv straight muscl spasm. tri muscl relax nsaid start get relief. curv come back."} {"id": "7774", "contents": "top 10 unbeliev histor concurrencies. glucos simpl sugar provid bodi primari sourc energy. type sugar come digest carbohydr chemic bodi easili convert energy. main place glycogen found bodi liver. type diabet produc insulin, must reli pump regular inject control glucos concentr blood."} {"id": "7775", "contents": "blood glucose. blood glucos test measur amount type sugar, call glucose, blood. glucos come carbohydr foods. main sourc energi use body. insulin hormon help body' cell use glucose. insulin produc pancrea releas blood amount glucos blood rises. normally, blood glucos level increas slightli eat."} {"id": "7776", "contents": "glucose. glucos carbohydrate, import simpl sugar human metabolism. glucos call simpl sugar monosaccharid one smallest unit characterist class carbohydrates. glucos also sometim call dextrose. corn syrup primarili glucose."} {"id": "7777", "contents": "answer: glucose, commonli call sugar, import energi sourc need cell organ bodies. normal glucos level typic less 100 milligram per deciliter, morning, first wake up, eating. call fast blood glucos sugar level. normal glucos level hour eat typic less 140."} {"id": "7778", "contents": "name glucos greek word 'sweet' 'glukus.' glucos monosaccharide, anoth term simpl sugar. one three monosaccharid use body, one use directli produc atp. lesson summary. glucos simpl sugar use bodi make atp, use bodi energy. bodi convert carbohydr food simpl sugar digest system; glucos enter bloodstream, caus level rise trigger pancrea produc insulin regul it."} {"id": "7779", "contents": "glucose. import monosaccharid glucose, body\u2019 prefer energi source. glucos also call blood sugar, circul blood, reli enzym glucokinas hexokinas initi metabolism. sucrose, glucos fructos import carbohydrates, commonli refer simpl sugars. sugar found natur whole food often ad process food sweeten increas flavor."} {"id": "7780", "contents": "use glucos energi sourc cell either aerob respiration, anaerob respiration, fermentation. process follow earlier metabol pathway known glycolysis. first step glycolysi phosphoryl glucos hexokinas form glucos 6-phosphate. glucos sugar molecular formula 12 6. name glucos (/\u02c8\u0261lu\u02d0ko\u028as/) come greek word \u03b3\u03bb\u03b5\u03c5\u03ba\u03bf\u03c2, mean sweet wine, must suffix -ose chemic classifier, denot carbohydrate."} {"id": "7781", "contents": "small meter use determin much glucos blood. bread high carbohydr bodi convert glucose. mani nut low glycem indexes. pancrea fail properli produc insulin, blood glucos level rise. main place glycogen found bodi liver. type diabet produc insulin, must reli pump regular inject control glucos concentr blood."} {"id": "7782", "contents": "sodium fluoride, miner use strengthen teeth prevent cavities, side effect taken prescript drug. children whose teeth still developing, sodium fluorid caus white, brown, black spot teeth."} {"id": "7783", "contents": "use decad prevent tooth decay, fluorid found toothpast commonli ad drink water. center diseas control prevent statist 2006 report 61.5 percent u.s. popul receiv fluorid water."} {"id": "7784", "contents": "prevent dental cari area fluorid level drink water less 0.3 ppm (such well water), children month year receiv fluorid supplement 0.25 mg per day; children years, 0.5 mg per day; children 16 years, mg per day."} {"id": "7785", "contents": "dental fluorosis. one visibl well-recogn side-effect ingest fluorid toothpast discolor teeth call dental fluorosi .. fluorid produc dental fluorosi damag cell (ameloblasts) produc tooth' enamel."} {"id": "7786", "contents": "fluorid side effect safety. fluorid safe peopl amount ad public water suppli use toothpast mouthwashes, appli dentists. low dose (up 20 mg per day element fluoride) supplement fluorid taken mouth appear safe people."} {"id": "7787", "contents": "sodium fluorid caus side effect often, happen. rare cases, peopl may experi allerg reaction sodium fluoride, caus symptoms, hives, swell face throat difficulti breathing. happens, get emerg medic help."} {"id": "7788", "contents": "fluorid side effect information. fluorid side effect frequent ask question answers. numer health condit link overexposur fluorid fluorid poisoning. list common fluorid side effects."} {"id": "7789", "contents": "use total yearli earn figur social secur credits. amount need credit 2015 $1,220. earn maximum four credit year. amount need earn one credit increas automat year averag wage increase. must earn certain number credit qualifi social secur benefits. number credit need depend age appli type benefit application. one need 40 credit social secur benefit. information."} {"id": "7790", "contents": "example: becam disabl age 29, must enough credit year work (16 credits). follow chart outlin mani work credit need receiv social secur disabl benefits. example, disabl applic 24 year age may abl qualifi social secur disabl benefit earn total six work credit three year prior onset disability."} {"id": "7791", "contents": "matter much household incom is, qualifi social secur disabl ssdi benefit meet ssa' disabl criteria enough work credit qualifi ssdi benefit social secur administration. example, disabl applic 24 year age may abl qualifi social secur disabl benefit earn total six work credit three year prior onset disability."} {"id": "7792", "contents": "number credit need elig social secur depend program age. retir benefits, requir number credit simple: earn 40 credits, equival 10 year work earn maximum number credit per year. disabl benefit involv complex rules. 40 credit alway adequate, younger are, fewer credit need."} {"id": "7793", "contents": "social secur requir minimum 40 credit retir benefits, whether take earli retir age 62 wait full retir age (which vari 65 67, depend year birth). 40 credits, draw retirement."} {"id": "7794", "contents": "earn social secur credit simple. year, ssa look amount money earn work pay social secur payrol taxes. 2015, get one credit everi $1,220 make pay social secur tax on. $1,220 figur get adjust inflat everi year. retir benefits, requir number credit simple: earn 40 credits, equival 10 year work earn maximum number credit per year. disabl benefit involv complex rules. 40 credit alway adequate, younger are, fewer credit need."} {"id": "7795", "contents": "work enough social secur credit qualifi social secur benefits, may abl receiv spouse\u2019 benefits. qualifi spouse\u2019 benefits, must be: least 62 year age; or."} {"id": "7796", "contents": "2015, worker must earn $1,220 earn one work credit. order qualifi social secur disabl benefits, gener need earn total 20 work credits, although age except rule. example, disabl applic 24 year age may abl qualifi social secur disabl benefit earn total six work credit three year prior onset disability."} {"id": "7797", "contents": "social secur administr (ssa) determin work enough qualifi ssd convert earn work credits. dollar amount take earn one work credit calcul annually. year 2015, must earn $1,220 get one social secur work credit, $4,880 get maximum four credit year. matter quarter work. previous (befor 1978), credit equal work one quarter earn least $50"} {"id": "7798", "contents": "allow continu work still receiv social secur benefits. however, full retir age, limit amount earn. 2011, amount $14,160. full retir age, repay $1 everi $2 year earn limit. special rule appli year reach full retir age, actual reach full retir age limit amount earn."} {"id": "7799", "contents": "scorpio! scorpio intense, profound, power charact zodiac. even appear self-control calm seeth intens emot energi placid exterior. sign..."} {"id": "7800", "contents": "much like scorpion would rather kill killed, born sign ultim control destiny. life scorpion' terms, too, sinc folk promot agenda (they quit executives) see thing go forward. fearless scorpio rare lose; keep going, sinc stubborn determin succeed (thi scorpio trait keep fix qualiti assign sign). scorpio work hard someday sit back feel satisfi themselves."} {"id": "7801", "contents": "scorpio like hear stori instead talk themselves.tel scorpio someth like rememb it. conversation, scorpio fascin emot truth, thing matter deepest levels. scorpio love secrets. scorpio often misunderstood due secret intens nature. however, prove scorpio trustworthi lifelong loyal friend. scorpio often deepli seriou relationships, unfailingli loyal one love, find protector fierce."} {"id": "7802", "contents": "scorpio man secretive, like trait others. he'll want know everyth satisfi discov deepest, darkest secrets. fact, scorpion burn desir knowledg kind. somewhat enigma, scorpio' demeanor usual cool calm, inside, may numer flame passion. scorpion intens feel almost everything, although often good job hide them. scorpio men power sex drive, adventur bedroom."} {"id": "7803", "contents": "scorpio (\u264f) (greek: \u03c3\u03ba\u03bf\u03c1\u03c0\u03b9\u03cc\u03c2 skorpios; latin: scorpius) eighth astrolog sign zodiac. span 210\u2013240th degre zodiac, 207.25 234.75 degre celesti longitude."} {"id": "7804", "contents": "fortun scorpion, intens passion inflat import loss everything.scorpio water sign, first instinct love respond deeply, passionately, fervently, decid express themselves, never done halfway. scorpio must let go realli say want, feel, need, love mates. pent-up emot becom toxic, frustrat one feel confus one wonder them. devoted, jealousi may becom issue."} {"id": "7805", "contents": "scorpio give energi relationship sign. like someon merg someone, whether friend romant mate, scorpio give intens thought, intens loyalty, intens inspir improv person\u2019 qualiti life intens love."} {"id": "7806", "contents": "scorpion predatori arthropod anim order scorpion within class arachnida. eight leg easili recognis pair grasp pedipalp narrow, segment tail, often carri characterist forward curv back, end venom stinger. one earliest occurr scorpion cultur inclusion, scorpio, twelv sign seri constel known zodiac babylonian astronom chaldean period."} {"id": "7807", "contents": "scorpio symbol sex scorpio passion lovers, sensual energet signs. them, union belov sacrament, outward visibl sign inward spiritu grace.". sign... scorpio intense, profound, power charact zodiac. even appear self-control calm seeth intens emot energi placid exterior."} {"id": "7808", "contents": "scorpio eighth sign astrolog year known astrolog symbol, scorpion. scorpio individu enigmatic, strong-willed, passionate. pluto rule planet, peopl born sign consid dynam extrem opinions."} {"id": "7809", "contents": "accord financi time interview outbrain\u2019 manag director europe, network share \u201cabout half\u201d revenu gener partner sites. cost per click paid said rang $0.15 $0.30 click rate neighborhood 0.50% 0.75%. use (big) ranges, come revenu estimates: $0.15 cpc 0.50% ctr 50% revenu share $0.37 per thousand pageview publishers. perform data taboola much harder dig up; compani doesn\u2019t share revenu split offers, detail perform sparse. data point serv 1.5 billion recommend daily, 45 billion monthly. drive 24 million uniqu visit adverti"} {"id": "7810", "contents": "ndtv group' digit arm sign deal worth inr 900 million-inr 1,000 million taboola. sep 30 15. ndtv converg digit arm ndtv group sign one larg deal new media space taboola power content recommend across entir network desktop mobil sites. ndtv converg enter three-year partnership taboola power content recommend larg audienc 60 million uniqu visitors. taboola serv exclusive, multi-platform content discoveri partner across properties."} {"id": "7811", "contents": "exampl taboola widget embed publisher' website. reader consum content sites, taboola widget insert row articl preview recommend addit sponsor content believ reader find interesting. taboola offer excel valu opportun client reach target markets, engag except low costs, nurtur readership base potenti lead target re-engagement. use properly, taboola current one power platform content distribution."} {"id": "7812", "contents": "would translat revenu per click (uniqu visit sent) $0.35, roughli line outbrain (perhap bit higher). also impli click rate 0.05% per recommendation, translat 0.20% 0.30% per page (sinc taboola widget often includ multipl recommendations). perform data taboola much harder dig up; compani doesn\u2019t share revenu split offers, detail perform sparse. data point serv 1.5 billion recommend daily, 45 billion monthly. drive 24 million uniqu visit advertis"} {"id": "7813", "contents": "case studi demonstr taboola content market platform use increas effici roi content distribution. taboola current use 4,000 high-traff websites. taboola offer excel valu opportun client reach target markets, engag except low costs, nurtur readership base potenti lead target re-engagement. use properly, taboola current one power platform"} {"id": "7814", "contents": "background. taboola widget embed websit major publish like bloomberg, atlantic, busi insider, cnn money, nfl.com, washington times, fiscal times, ventur beat, entrepreneur. taboola offer excel valu opportun client reach target markets, engag except low costs, nurtur readership base potenti lead target re-engagement. use properly, taboola current one power platform content distribution."} {"id": "7815", "contents": "outbrain. cpc: $0.25\u2013$0.35. pros: currently, outbrain probabl well-known distribut servic among competitor taboola, nrelate, disqus. compani made effort care qualiti invas sponsor posts. cons: due hyper-target advantages, cost per click expens servic like outbrain taboola. social traffic, even benefit one popular piec content, correl futur success. social share drive lot one-off traffic"} {"id": "7816", "contents": "cpc: $0.25\u2013$0.30. pros: nrelat slightli cheaper outbrain taboola. servic fairli similar, widget offer lot customiz option thumbnail text presentation. cons: due hyper-target advantages, cost per click expens servic like outbrain taboola. social traffic, even benefit one popular piec content, correl futur success. social share drive lot one-off traffic"} {"id": "7817", "contents": "definit 'open posit ratio'. percentag open posit held major currenc pair rel posit major currenc pairs. open posit ratio use forex trading, includ long short positions."} {"id": "7818", "contents": "(trade) posit buy (long) sell (short) currenc pair. order order broker buy sell currenc certain rate. o. deal confirm physic payment revers equal opposit busi value. posit yet offset close out. open trade trade yet offset close out. posit yet offset liquid d. open transaction-an order open position, either buy (long) sell (short)."} {"id": "7819", "contents": "1. sum open currenc spot posit open currenc forward position, measur foreign exchang risk. 2. open currenc posit differ balanc asset liabil foreign currenc plu forward (condit unconditional) forex purchas sales. open currenc posit measur foreign exchang risk. relat posit code are: 1. open currenc posit per ccy. 2."} {"id": "7820", "contents": "open position. oblig take make deliveri asset currenc futur without cover, is, without match oblig direct protect effect chang price asset currency. refer situat specul exchang market peg exchang rate. doubt viabil peg, specul sell currenc short know one direct (one way) currenc like move."} {"id": "7821", "contents": "definit 'open position'. investing, trade established, entered, yet close oppos trade. open posit exist follow buy (long) position, sell (short) position. either case, posit remain open oppos trade taken place"} {"id": "7822", "contents": "open currenc posit report give inform open currenc posit (ocp) per currency, ocp per currenc group total ocp. open currenc posit measur foreign exchang risk."} {"id": "7823", "contents": "net open posit (a indic appendix i-c, supervisori report purposes, separate. return long short posit must submit authority)."} {"id": "7824", "contents": "open position. open position. posit settl physic payment offset equal opposit deal size. forex trade term (alpha betical) ... open position-a deal yet revers settl physic payment. option-a contract determin right buy sell particular item certain price limit ed time. posit yet offset close out. open trade trade yet offset close out. posit yet offset liquid d. open transaction-an order open position, either buy (long) sell (short)."} {"id": "7825", "contents": "deriv trade financi instruments, concept posit use extensively. two basic type position: long short. trade option use follow explanations. principl appli futur securities. simplicity, one contract trade examples. uses, see posit (disambiguation) financi trading, posit bind commit buy sell given amount financi instruments, securities, currenc commodities, given price."} {"id": "7826", "contents": "example, currenc pair euro u.s. dollar (eur/usd) may open posit ratio 25.8. mean open currenc positions, eur/usd repres 25.8 percent open positions. show market investor focus on. open posit ratio use forex trading, includ long short"} {"id": "7827", "contents": "abdomin aorta. abdomin aorta largest arteri abdomen provid blood organ tissu abdomen, pelvis, legs. descend thorax continu thorac aorta branch sever time form major arteri abdomen. abdomin aorta provid oxygen blood tissu organ abdomen well pelvi lower limbs. elast artery, mean mani elast fiber wall abl expand accommod larg volum blood pump abdomen heart."} {"id": "7828", "contents": "hand, pulmonari vein larg blood vessel receiv oxygen blood lung deliveri rest body. total pulmonari veins\u2014with pulmonari vein come lung, left right\u2014that empti left atrium heart. alveolu surround nest blood capillari suppli small branch pulmonari artery. summary, pulmonari circuit begin pulmonari trunk, larg vessel ascend diagon right ventricl branch right left pulmonari arteries."} {"id": "7829", "contents": "abdomin aorta largest arteri abdomen provid blood organ tissu abdomen, pelvis, legs. abdomin aorta provid oxygen blood tissu organ abdomen well pelvi lower limbs. elast artery, mean mani elast fiber wall abl expand accommod larg volum blood pump abdomen heart."} {"id": "7830", "contents": "aorta pulmonari arteri two import arteri human body. aorta biggest arteri channel oxygen blood rest body. pulmonari arteri carri deoxygen blood lung purification. aorta suppli oxygen blood heart' pump chamber rest body. pulmonari arteri carri deoxygen unaer blood heart lungs.lik arteries, pulmonari arteri carri blood away heart."} {"id": "7831", "contents": "aneurysm form blood vessel, occur commonli aorta (aortic aneurysm). aorta largest arteri body. carri blood heart rest body. aortic aneurysm occur two main places:"} {"id": "7832", "contents": "embryologically, pulmonari arteri origin truncu arteriosu (a aorta), develop heart, pulmonari trunk (pulmonari arteri main pulmonari artery) begin base right ventricle. alveolu surround nest blood capillari suppli small branch pulmonari artery. summary, pulmonari circuit begin pulmonari trunk, larg vessel ascend diagon right ventricl branch right left pulmonari arteries."} {"id": "7833", "contents": "aorta (/e\u026a\u02c8\u0254rt\u0259/) main arteri human body, origin left ventricl heart extend abdomen, split two smaller arteri (the common iliac arteries). aorta distribut oxygen blood part bodi system circulation. cours aorta thorax (anterior view), start posterior main pulmonari artery, anterior right pulmonari arteries, trachea esophagus, turn posteriorli cours dorsal structures. anatom sources, aorta usual divid sections."} {"id": "7834", "contents": "2013 webmd, llc. right reserved. aorta largest arteri body. aorta begin top left ventricle, heart' muscular pump chamber. heart pump blood left ventricl aorta aortic valv"} {"id": "7835", "contents": "function. vein usual carri deoxygen blood tissu back heart, case, pulmonari vein among vein carri oxygen blood instead. oxygen blood lung circul back heart pulmonari vein drain left atrium. alveolu surround nest blood capillari suppli small branch pulmonari artery. summary, pulmonari circuit begin pulmonari trunk, larg vessel ascend diagon right ventricl branch right left pulmonari arteries."} {"id": "7836", "contents": "parents. seitz-wald explains, unvaccin kid cluster wealthiest school neighborhoods, particularli california, extrem expens privat school vaccin complianc rate low 20 percent. describ i\u2019m go pure want keep child pure.. quit get there' class differ here, sinc presum peopl stripe object notion poison children therefor vulner propaganda paint vaccin poisonous."} {"id": "7837", "contents": "vaccin protect future. vaccin protect children. also vaccin protect grandchildren grandchildren. one disease, smallpox, stop leak boat erad disease. children get smallpox shot diseas longer exists. keep vaccin now, parent futur may abl trust diseas like polio mening infect, cripple, kill children. vaccin one best way put end seriou effect certain diseases."} {"id": "7838", "contents": "articl present mani reason parent choos vaccin children. choos articl one parent choos vaccin children it\u2019 alreadi well known choos vaccin children. parent around globe choos opt vaccin children. result trend that\u2019 gain momentum, harsh respons come \u201cpro-vaccine\u201d community-critic parent decis vaccinate."} {"id": "7839", "contents": "advertisement. design, vaccin everyone. needl want stab fanci children fanci hollywood celebr dot-com billionair exactli brand shape one put kid go public school whose parent buy cloth target. describ i\u2019m go pure want keep child pure.. quit get there' class differ here, sinc presum peopl stripe object notion poison children therefor vulner propaganda paint vaccin poisonous."} {"id": "7840", "contents": "parent vari reason choos immun children. concern vaccin rais risk autism, although studi studi debunk myth, shapiro wrote lo angel times."} {"id": "7841", "contents": "anderson cooper 360 source: cnn. ad 8:56 pm et, tue februari 3, 2015. parent one oregon town share cnn' gari tuchman choos vaccin children despit cdc recommendations."} {"id": "7842", "contents": "parent love kid vaccin \u201ccontroversy\u201d made difficult mani parent know do. parent choos vaccin children base belief, base scienc information, present article. parent around globe choos opt vaccin children. result trend that\u2019 gain momentum, harsh respons come \u201cpro-vaccine\u201d community-critic parent decis vaccinate."} {"id": "7843", "contents": "here\u2019 anti-vaxx wrong caplan co-author right rais idea su crimin charg them: parent choos vaccin kid reason person belief pose seriou danger public. measl vaccin 95 percent effect given children. again, win damages, plaintiff would prove it\u2019 \u201cmore like not\u201d nonvaccin child infect anoth person. parent don\u2019t vaccin kid may heartfelt reason world: fear children\u2019 safety."} {"id": "7844", "contents": "parent choos vaccin children, public health advoc say, engag irrespons behavior put vulner member societi risk, must understand science. stun video humpback whale bath northern lights. question that' ask increas intens often hostil wake measl outbreak disneyland. parent decid vaccin children often well educ cite complex reasons."} {"id": "7845", "contents": "pranayama in-depth scienc expand channel life force, prana. pranayama come two sanskrit words: prana, mean fundament life force, yama mean control. pranayama is, therefor channel control life force. pranayama also seen combin pran, life force, ayama, mean expansion. sens pranayama expand life forc though level being, physical, psycholog spiritual. key understand prana breath"} {"id": "7846", "contents": "one five principl yoga pranayama breath exercis promot proper breathing. yogic point view, proper breath bring oxygen blood brain, control prana vital life energy. pranayama yoga also goe hand hand asanas. one five principl yoga pranayama scienc breath control. overview pranayama breath exercis practic yoga."} {"id": "7847", "contents": "ashtanga yogi learn ujjayi pranayama, sometim call conqueror\u2019 breath ocean breath, help increas flow prana body. ujjayi help beginners, audibl natur breath excel indic practic going."} {"id": "7848", "contents": "pranayama tradit aspect yoga compos two sanskrit words: first, prana, mean life force, second, ayama, mean control. he, whose mind control, also control breath. mind master senses, breath master mind.\u201d. hatha yoga pradipika. pranayama achiev higher energi level everyday life, grant opportun reach greater sens self-insight self-control."} {"id": "7849", "contents": "breath physic aspect extern manifest prana, vital force, thu pranayama begin regul breath. breath, like electricity, gross prana, prana subtle. breath expired, rechaka, first kind pranayama. breath drawn in, second, term pooraka. breath suspended, third kind, call kumbhaka, retent breath. kumbhaka increas life-span individual."} {"id": "7850", "contents": "pranayam (also spell pranayama) ancient practic concern breath control. research shown practic pranayama reliev symptom asthma. also benefici treat stress relat disorders, anxieti depression."} {"id": "7851", "contents": "pranayama perfect control life-curr control breath, process understand secret prana manipul it. breath expired, rechaka, first kind pranayama. breath drawn in, second, term pooraka. breath suspended, third kind, call kumbhaka, retent breath. kumbhaka increas life-span individual."} {"id": "7852", "contents": "pranayama control breath. prana breath vital energi body. subtl level prana repres pranic energi respons life life force, ayama mean control. pranayama control breath. one control rhythm pranic energi pranayama achiev healthi bodi mind"} {"id": "7853", "contents": "stage pranayama yoga. pranayama yoga also call breath yoga base principl control breath. name pranayama yoga, accord linguist sources, come word prana (life force) yama (control)"} {"id": "7854", "contents": "word pranayama translat sev\u00ader ways. origin prana refer \u201cthe energi life\u201d, also cover concept like breath, wind, life, vitality, energi strength. ayama translat regulation, expans dimension. pranayama often directli translat \u201cbreath control\u201d. he, whose mind control, also control breath. mind master senses, breath master mind.\u201d. hatha yoga pradipika. pranayama achiev higher energi level everyday life, grant opportun reach greater sens self-insight self-control."} {"id": "7855", "contents": "grain purchas bin prepackaged. also food made grain buy. gener rule, brown grain food product whole grain white grain bleach processed. alway check food label look 100% whole grains. fiber."} {"id": "7856", "contents": "go eat grain foods, pick one nutritious. choos whole grains. whole grain rich vitamins, minerals, phytochem fiber. read label essenti food group make sure make best choices. whole grain entir grain\u2014which includ bran, germ endosperm (starchi part). popular grain us wheat example. make 100% whole wheat flour, entir wheat grain ground up. refin flour like white enrich wheat flour includ part grain starchi part, whole grain"} {"id": "7857", "contents": "whole grain (like quinoa) consid complet protein (contain essenti amino acids), thought come anim protein combin plant-bas foods. fiber swells. whole grain includ bran germ grain, must store bit care refin counterparts. store grain covered, cool, dri spot direct sunlight month flour meal month intact grains."} {"id": "7858", "contents": "food contain small amount whole grain say contain whole grain front package. cereal grains, read ingredi list look follow sourc whole grain first ingredient: bulgur (crack wheat). whole wheat flour. whole oats/oatmeal. whole grain entir grain\u2014which includ bran, germ endosperm (starchi part). popular grain us wheat example. make 100% whole wheat flour, entir wheat grain ground up. refin flour like white enrich wheat flour includ part grain starchi part, whole grain"} {"id": "7859", "contents": "food made deriv barley, cornmeal, oats, rice, wheat, anoth cereal grain consid grain product. foodstuff readili identified, grain product grits, cereals, tortillas, bread, pasta, oatmeal breakfast cereals. refin grain germ bran remov milling. constitut refin grain fact mechan process refer milling. mill remov germ bran give grain textur finer found naturally."} {"id": "7860", "contents": "refin grain enriched. mean certain vitamin (thiamin, riboflavin, niacin, folic acid) iron ad back processing. fiber ad back enrich grains. check ingredi list refin grain product make sure word enrich includ grain name. food product made mixtur whole grain refin grains. food made wheat, rice, oats, cornmeal, barley anoth cereal grain grain product. bread, pasta, oatmeal, breakfast cereals, tortillas, grit exampl grain products. grain divid subgroups, whole grain refin grains. whole grain contain entir grain kernel bran, germ, endosperm"} {"id": "7861", "contents": "anatomi whole grain. also call cereals, grain whole grain seed grass cultiv food. grain whole grain come mani shape sizes, larg kernel popcorn small quinoa seeds. whole grain better sourc fiber import nutrients, selenium, potassium magnesium. whole grain either singl foods, brown rice popcorn, ingredi products, buckwheat pancak whole wheat bread. refin grains."} {"id": "7862", "contents": "example, superblock partition, /var, becom corrupt file system question (/var) cannot mount oper system. commonli event fsck run automat select alternate, backup copi superblock attempt recov file system. linux open file, also creat file object, hold data file store process use it. file object (but file data itself) thrown away file closed. inode. inod (short index node) bunch attribut file linux stores."} {"id": "7863", "contents": "unix file system (ufs; also call berkeley fast file system, bsd fast file system ffs) file system use mani unix unix-lik oper systems. distant descend origin filesystem use version unix."} {"id": "7864", "contents": "block use \u2013. 1. store user data. 2. block use store file system\u2019 metadata. (metadata kind structur file system content superblock, indo directories). superblock filesystem superblock. file system like ext2. ext3 etc"} {"id": "7865", "contents": "superblock essenti file system metadata defin file system type, size, status, inform metadata structur (metadata metadata). linux open file, also creat file object, hold data file store process use it. file object (but file data itself) thrown away file closed. inode. inod (short index node) bunch attribut file linux stores."} {"id": "7866", "contents": "request access file requir access filesystem' superblock. superblock cannot accessed, filesystem cannot mount (i.e., logic attach main filesystem) thu file cannot accessed. mount filesystem, linux also maintain copi superblock memory. ext2 filesystem, basic linux filesystem type, divid block groups, contains, default, 8192 blocks. default block size filesystem 4096 bytes."} {"id": "7867", "contents": "fortunately, however, e2fsck instruct use one superblock copi instead issu command similar following: e2fsck-f -b block_offset device. block_offset offset superblock copy, usual 8193. the-f option use forc e2fsck check filesystem. mount filesystem, linux also maintain copi superblock memory. ext2 filesystem, basic linux filesystem type, divid block groups, contains, default, 8192 blocks. default block size filesystem 4096 bytes."} {"id": "7868", "contents": "e2fsck-f -b 8193 /dev/hda2. superblock record characterist filesystem, includ size, block size, empti fill block respect counts, size locat inod tables, disk block map usag information, size block groups. mount filesystem, linux also maintain copi superblock memory. ext2 filesystem, basic linux filesystem type, divid block groups, contains, default, 8192 blocks. default block size filesystem 4096 bytes."} {"id": "7869", "contents": "a. linux ext2/3 filesystem store superblock differ backup locat possibl get back data corrupt partition. warning! make sure file system unmounted. system give termin type follow command, els boot linux system rescu disk (boot 1st cd/dvd."} {"id": "7870", "contents": "superblock uniqu data structur filesystem (though multipl copi exist guard corruption). superblock hold metadata filesystem, like inod top-level directori type filesystem used. linux open file, also creat file object, hold data file store process use it. file object (but file data itself) thrown away file closed. inode. inod (short index node) bunch attribut file linux stores."} {"id": "7871", "contents": "thyroid condit includ hypothyroidism, under-act thyroid, hyperthyroidism, over-act thyroid, thyroid nodul thyroid cancer. healthi diet may help improv health thyroid function."} {"id": "7872", "contents": "peopl hypothyroid may want consid minim intak gluten, protein found food process wheat, barley, rye, grains, say ruth frechman, rdn, dietitian nutritionist lo angel area spokesperson academi nutrit dietetics."} {"id": "7873", "contents": "along take thyroid medication, bolster thyroid function well-balanc diet includ lot produc protein, among healthi foods, say gregori b. dodell, md, endocrinologist new york city. next time groceri store, look seven nutrient-rich foods."} {"id": "7874", "contents": "summary: iodin requir thyroid hormon production, ensur diet contain food natur rich iodin (but hashimoto\u2019 check first doctor). unless pregnant breastfeeding, iodin supplement unnecessari potenti dangerous."} {"id": "7875", "contents": "whole grains. constip common symptom hypothyroidism. whole-grain food cereal, bread, pasta, rice high nutrient addit fiber, help bowel regularity. however, fiber interfer synthet thyroid hormones, caution turner."} {"id": "7876", "contents": "kale goitrogen prevent thyroid get enough iodine. long get enough iodin diet, goitrogen shouldn\u2019t problem you. you\u2019r low begin with, kale may caus thyroid problems. cabbage, broccoli, cauliflower, brussel sprout may effect."} {"id": "7877", "contents": "seafood. fish, shrimp, seawe great sourc iodine. need iodin healthi thyroid, avoid kelp hyperthyroidism, thyroid make much hormon control metabolism. kelp high iodin may make worse."} {"id": "7878", "contents": "iodin combin amino acid tyrosin produc thyroid hormones. fish, dairy, oats, sesam seeds, bananas, avocados, almond good sourc tyrosine. goitrogen food mustard greens, soybeans, spinach, cabbag also high tyrosine."} {"id": "7879", "contents": "about. lesli ash (born 19 februari 1960 clapham, london) english actress, best known role sitcom men behav badly. appear 1978 british slapstick comedi rosi dixon, night nurse, first major film role play romant lead quadrophenia 1979. shoes. add. lesli ash (born 19 februari 1960 clapham, london) english actress, best known role sitcom men behav badly. appear 1978 british slapstick comedi rosi dixon, night nurse, first major film role play romant lead quadrophenia 1979."} {"id": "7880", "contents": "actress. lesli ash born februari 19, 1960 clapham, lambeth, london, england. actress, known quadrophenia (1979), british men behav badli (1992) heart (1997). marri lee chapman sinc 1988. two children. 2002 collagen implant increas size lips, procedur went wrong, leav tabloid newspap describ trout pout. sinc surgeri attempt correct mistak warn women potenti peril cosmet surgery."} {"id": "7881", "contents": "lesli ash. lesli ash one uk\u2019 favourit actresses. alway associ role deborah long run comedi seri men behav badly, career encompass cult movi quadrophenia, drama heart mani roles, includ recent bbc 1\u2019 merseybeat."} {"id": "7882", "contents": "lesli ash. lesli ash (born 19 februari 1960 clapham, london) english actress, best known role sitcom men behav badly. book life behav badly: autobiographi publish 2007"} {"id": "7883", "contents": "heart british televis famili drama seri set fiction yorkshir town skelthwaite. first shown 1997, creat ashley pharoah vicki featherston focus profession person live district nurs work town."} {"id": "7884", "contents": "biography. popular comedi seri men behav badly, lesli play neil morrissey' long-suff girlfriend deborah. experi show obvious inspir lay law, next big role inspector charli eden liverpool polic drama mersey beat. lesli ash."} {"id": "7885", "contents": "mini bio (1). lesli ash born februari 19, 1960 clapham, lambeth, london, england. actress, known quadrophenia (1979), british men behav badli (1992) heart (1997). marri lee chapman sinc 1988. two children"} {"id": "7886", "contents": "lesli ash (born 19 februari 1960 clapham, london) english actress. best known role deborah burton bbc sitcom men behav badly, vanessa lytton bbc medic drama holbi citi 2009 2010 karen buckley itv drama heart 2000 2003. book life behav badly: autobiographi publish 2007. 2009, ash appear daytim tv panel programm loos women discuss new role holbi citi previou health problems. lesli reappear loos women 17 februari 2012 discuss new stage tour singl ladi star alongsid brook kinsella tara flynn."} {"id": "7887", "contents": "trout pout failur spend rest life pain, look tv star' sorri declin full view view public... juli carpenter. infam trout pout 2003. 42nd birthday, lesli ash probabl believ thing couldn\u2019t get much worse. height \u201ctrout pout\u201d nightmar collagen implant lip gone horribl wrong."} {"id": "7888", "contents": "futur full-tim tuition fees. tuition out-of-st student attend kennesaw state univers increas averag annual rate 2.6% past years. period, fee grew 15.0%. base this, estim cost tuition fee 2014 2015 total $16,543. rate, annual cost two year degre $17,239, bring total cost tuition fee two year degre $33,783."} {"id": "7889", "contents": "student view individu cost attend owl express. help plan costs, includ cost attend 2015-2016 undergradu in-stat student undergradu out-of-st student below. pleas note cost attend estim cost attend kennesaw state university."} {"id": "7890", "contents": "full-tim undergradu student resid georgia paid $15,898 tuition fee 2013 2014 school year prior adjust financi need. amount, $14,064 cost tuition $1,834 cost fees. base this, estim cost tuition fee 2014 2015 total $16,543. rate, annual cost two year degre $17,239, bring total cost tuition fee two year degre $33,783."} {"id": "7891", "contents": "annual total cost. total list price in-stat georgia resid go ksu $18,879 2014/2015 academ year. out-of-st student possess georgia resid expect one year cost $28,597. attend out-of-state, tuition $13,796 repres 238% premium. school charg addit fee $1,834 addit tuition bring total effect in-stat tuition $5,912."} {"id": "7892", "contents": "kansa state univers tuition $8,223 per year in-stat residents. 28% expens nation averag public four year tuition $6,429. cost $7,756 49% cheaper averag kansa tuition $15,979 year colleges. tuition rank 7th kansa amongst year colleg afford 26th expens year colleg state. attend out-of-state, tuition $21,813 repres 165% premium"} {"id": "7893", "contents": "undergradu tuition. kennesaw state univers tuition $4,078 per year in-stat residents. 37% cheaper nation averag public four year tuition $6,429. cost $9,195 69% cheaper averag georgia tuition $13,273 year colleges. tuition rank 15th georgia amongst year colleg afford 60th expens year colleg state. attend out-of-state, tuition $13,796 repres 238% premium. school charg addit fee $1,834 addit tuition bring total effect in-stat tuition $5,912."} {"id": "7894", "contents": "out-of-st tuition costs. univers consortium agre upon common tuition $530 per credit hour ($1,590 per course) 2015-2016 academ year (fall, spring, summer). price cover cours cost except textbook cours packets. student admit program kansa state univers enrol k-state courses, whether taught k-state particip university."} {"id": "7895", "contents": "cost tuition fee reduc dramat resid georgia. tuition student set $3,984 2013 2014 year, discount 63.4%. fee $1,834, bring total yearli cost full-tim undergrad $5,818. base this, estim cost tuition fee 2014 2015 total $16,543. rate, annual cost two year degre $17,239, bring total cost tuition fee two year degre $33,783."} {"id": "7896", "contents": "total list price in-stat kansa resid go k-state $18,194 2014/2015 academ year. out-of-st student possess kansa resid expect one year cost $31,784. 28% expens nation averag public four year tuition $6,429. cost $7,756 49% cheaper averag kansa tuition $15,979 year colleges. tuition rank 7th kansa amongst year colleg afford 26th expens year colleg state."} {"id": "7897", "contents": "counterweight trebuchet appear christian muslim land around mediterranean 12th century. could fling projectil weigh 350 pound (160 kg) enemi fortifications. use continu 15th century, well introduct gunpowder. side view counterweight trebuchet. first record counterweight trebuchet 12th centuri mardi ibn ali al-tarsusi talk conquest saladin. next record counterweight trebuchet appear work 12th centuri byzantin historian niketa choniates."} {"id": "7898", "contents": "common features. trebuchet have: beam rotat around axis, counterweight one end beam, sling attach end beam, missil hurled, and. trough guid missil sling launch. trebuchet place four differ categories: swing counterweight, fix counterweight fix frame, fix counterweight float frame, and. float arm (fat) trebuchet"} {"id": "7899", "contents": "trebuchet vs.catapults. technically, trebuchet type catapult launch object air. us deem catapult though, use tension instead fall weight. catapult gener use large, springi piec wood would wound up. trebuchets, contrast, use weight pull lever arm, launch air. sling attach releas projectile. trebuchet gener capabl hurl great amount weight becam much common mediev warfar later years."} {"id": "7900", "contents": "trebuchet have: beam rotat around axis, counterweight one end beam, sling attach end beam, missil hurled, and. trebuchet place four differ categories: swing counterweight, fix counterweight fix frame, fix counterweight float frame, and. float arm (fat) trebuchet"} {"id": "7901", "contents": "trebuchet (french trebuchet) tr\u00e9buchet type catapult use sieg engin middle. age sometim call counterweight trebuchet counterpoise, trebuchet distinguish earlier weapon call traction, trebuchet men pull rope provid the. power side view counterweight trebuchet. first record counterweight trebuchet 12th centuri mardi ibn ali al-tarsusi talk conquest saladin. next record counterweight trebuchet appear work 12th centuri byzantin historian niketa choniates."} {"id": "7902", "contents": "exact begin trebuchet known know first start appear around 12th century. similar sieg engin date back far 6th centuri human power rather graviti power counterweights. offici recogn trebuchet power counterweight, sling long pivot throw arm. one unusu thing abou trebuchet wholli invent mediev period rather ancient period. type sieg engin invent use ancient times. trebuchet first appeard mediev period"} {"id": "7903", "contents": "trebuchet. trebuchet. mightiest mechan sieg weapon latest emerg middl ages, trebuchet use physic principl leverag centripet forc hurl largest, deadli payload toward targets. precursor trebuchet traction power (see sieg engin mechanics) therefor often refer traction catapult traction trebuchets. beam mount frame pivot fulcrum, rope rope attach shorter end."} {"id": "7904", "contents": "plan pictur build mediev trebuchet. sieg engin wreak havoc middl age make small 12 inch tabl top version materi around house. build catapult-lik weapon easi coupl hours."} {"id": "7905", "contents": "tiffani lamp type lamp glass shade made glass design loui comfort tiffani design studio. famou stain lead glass lamp. tiffani lamp consid part art nouveau movement. due tiffany' domin influenc style, term 'tiffani lamp' 'tiffani style lamp' often use refer stain lead glass lamp even made loui comfort tiffany' company."} {"id": "7906", "contents": "lamp contain blob colour wax insid glass vessel fill clear transluc liquid; wax rise fall densiti chang due heat incandesc light bulb underneath vessel. appear wax suggest p\u0101hoeho lava, henc name. however, lava lamp made china u.s. market sinc 1970 use carbon tetrachloride, use ban year due toxicity. manufactur (haggerty) state current formul trade secret."} {"id": "7907", "contents": "tabl lamp creat ambient light everi room home. tabl lamp come variou sizes, shapes, styles, make perfect way liven exist decor. d\u00e9cor use inspir exist interior design purchas lamp end, tabl home, offic bedside. tabl tabl lamp creat ambient light everi room home. tabl lamp come variou sizes, shapes, styles, make perfect way liven exist decor. d\u00e9cor"} {"id": "7908", "contents": "tiffani lamp made 1902 model number stamp base base plate. shade differ number, stamp metal insid bottom edge. all, studio produc 500 design lamp base anoth 500-plu design shades."} {"id": "7909", "contents": "tiffani other made bronz gilt-bronz lamp bases, often simul plant tree trunks, floral naturalist art glass shade color iridesc glass piec lead together. thousand tiffani lamp made, they'r highli collect today. lamp multipl bulb lamp swivel neck also common. so-cal tv lamp also popular 1950s. typic made ceram plaster, backlit decor sculptur creat shape animals, people, plants. .. lava lamps, icon 1960 70s, combin heat wax, chemicals, dy water creat lava-lik imag"} {"id": "7910", "contents": "lava lamp (or astro lamp) decor novelti item, invent british account edward craven walker, founder mathmos, 1963. however, lava lamp made china u.s. market sinc 1970 use carbon tetrachloride, use ban year due toxicity. manufactur (haggerty) state current formul trade secret."} {"id": "7911", "contents": "earliest type lamp, oil lamp, simplist vessel absorb wick. mass-produc start 19th century. manufactur typic made metal base burner bought glass anoth manufacturer. lamp multipl bulb lamp swivel neck also common. so-cal tv lamp also popular 1950s. typic made ceram plaster, backlit decor sculptur creat shape animals, people, plants. .. lava lamps, icon 1960 70s, combin heat wax, chemicals, dy water creat lava-lik imageri"} {"id": "7912", "contents": "charm exampl clip-on bell shade task lamp popular 1910' '20's, convert model made greist manufactur company. renown sew machin sew accessories, greist mfg. simpl useful, stick lamp unknown maker get job done without unnecessari frills. base made bevel squar marble, anchor worn brass arm faries-esqu elements. whole charm scene cap perfectli age green parabol shade. a..."} {"id": "7913", "contents": "lamp made almost anything. pictur differ item turn uniqu lamps. search home made lamps, found everyth truli beautiful, absolut bizarre. hope enjoy. lamp project base one ki nassauer' projects. basic spindles, attach scrap wood top below."} {"id": "7914", "contents": "laboratori analyst salari comparison. averag salari 2009 \u00a314,390, base respond (a differ -4% 2008 figure. averag salari 2010 \u00a314,938, base respond (a differ 4% 2009 figure. averag salari 2011 \u00a322,449, base respond (a differ 50% 2010 figure. averag salari 2012 \u00a321,000, base respond (a differ -6% 2011 figure. median salari laboratori analyst base salari survey respons is: \u00a319,000. back list job begin l. averag salari figur laboratori analyst consid highli like repres uk market averag due high number respond exact job title. view job letter:"} {"id": "7915", "contents": "44000 averag qualiti control laboratori analyst salari job post south carolina lower averag qualiti control laboratori analyst salari job post nationwid"} {"id": "7916", "contents": "bureau labor statist report 12,560 forens scienc technician work nationwid may 2011. crime lab tech averag $55,660, $26.76 hour. best-paid 25 percent could earn $67,160 more, top 10 percent make $84,980 more. meanwhile, bottom 25 percent made $40,790 less, lowest-paid 10 percent make $32,760 less"} {"id": "7917", "contents": "median annual wage forens scienc technician $52,840 may 2012. median wage wage half worker occup earn amount half earn less. lowest 10 percent earn less $32,200, top 10 percent earn $85,210."} {"id": "7918", "contents": "accord bureau labor statistics, averag salari crime laboratori analyst $20,000 $40,000 1998, pay increas $85,000 experienc professionals. averag salari pathologist around $200,000 per year. however, work medic examin govern agenc come lower salary, rang $75,000 $200,000, depend location, education, experi type agenc work for."} {"id": "7919", "contents": "laboratori analyst salary. laboratori analyst averag salari $36,986, median salari $34,757 salari rang $21,840 $58,261. laboratori analyst salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position."} {"id": "7920", "contents": "(unit states). laboratori analyst, chemic earn averag wage $16.80 per hour. experi moder effect incom job. peopl job move posit 20 year field. chemic laboratori analyst posit exist wide varieti field companies, rang pharmaceut compani govern agencies. daili task may includ receiv maintain lab samples, perform mainten calibr variou lab equipment, record analyz results."} {"id": "7921", "contents": "transplant surgeon salary. transplant surgeon averag salari $258,966, median salari $247,500 salari rang $60,674 $576,160. transplant surgeon salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position."} {"id": "7922", "contents": "salaries. median salari heart transplant surgeon june 2011 unit state $433,216, accord salary.com. top 10 percent heart transplant surgeon receiv $641,601 bottom 10 percent receiv less $224,393."} {"id": "7923", "contents": "transplant surgeon averag salari $258,966, median salari $247,500 salari rang $60,674 $576,160. transplant surgeon salari collect govern agenc companies."} {"id": "7924", "contents": "new transplant surgeon could expect begin salari around $189,000. significantli increas gain experience. transplant surgeon expect averag incom around $270,000 years."} {"id": "7925", "contents": "salari transplant surgeons, includ hair transplant surgeons, vari base location. compar salari across 10 major us cities, lowest $219,254 houston highest $468,144 dallas."} {"id": "7926", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic surgeon-heart transplant unit state $596,185 50% peopl perform job surgeon-heart transplant unit state expect make less $596,185. source: hr report data octob 2015. medi"} {"id": "7927", "contents": "feed cat wet dri food, mixtur both, depend preference. example, cat like fed wet food morn snack dri food day. choos dri food, expect cat chew actively, eat longer period time drink water."} {"id": "7928", "contents": "feed dri food adult cat, suggest set recommend measur amount food morn cat eat pleas throughout day. amount food requir maintain ideal bodi condit vari depend age, activ environment. kitten gener start nibbl solid food week age. week age, kitten normal eat dri moisten food will. recommend begin offer moisten dri food week old make avail kitten time wean stage week old."} {"id": "7929", "contents": "often feed cat. often feed cat depend you\u2019r feed her. cat owner feed cat morn night, may may supplement feed free feed dri food throughout day. typically, dri food contain 300 calori per cup, can food contain 250 calori oz can. (or, 125 per 3-ounc can). use count guide, 8-pound cat would need 4/5 cup dri food less full 6-oz (or two 3-ounc cans) wet food per day."} {"id": "7930", "contents": "answer simpl may think. even though find feed instruct almost everi bag cat food buy, instruct useless. one brand may tell feed cat 1/2 cup twice daily, anoth recommend 1/4 cup three time daily. manufactur cat food can't tell much feed cat. anyone, includ veterinarian, best friend me. sometim say 1/4 cup slender kitti next appoint eat one whole cup day still thin. way possibl find much feed cat trial error. this, need buy digit scale, notebook, set measur cups."} {"id": "7931", "contents": "weigh 15 pounds, eat approxim 300 calori per day maintain weight. weight loss. cat overweight, want feed pound less, 40 fewer calori day, readjust everi time cat lose pound, hit healthi weight, maintain. differ metabolism."} {"id": "7932", "contents": "much feed cat. accord anim medic center new york, healthy, activ 8-pound adult cat requir 30 calori per pound per day. so, averag 8-pound cat requir 240 calori per day. typically, dri food contain 300 calori per cup, can food contain 250 calori oz can. (or, 125 per 3-ounc can). use count guide, 8-pound cat would need 4/5 cup dri food less full 6-oz (or two 3-ounc cans) wet food per day."} {"id": "7933", "contents": "age six month maturity, cat well fed two time day.. cat becom adult, one year, feed twice day appropri cases. senior cats, age seven above, maintain feed regimen. feed cat dri food, may provid specif mealtim measur quantities. dri food also supplement small amount can food make meal appealing. there' problem mix two type food, say dr. kallfelz."} {"id": "7934", "contents": "accord catster, 6-ounc cat food contain approxim 250 calories, cup dri cat food contain 300 calories, either would satisfi typic 8- 10-pound cat day. divid cat' portion two meal day free-fe cat portion dri kibble."} {"id": "7935", "contents": "would best give can food though; soft easier chew. young cats/kitten eat depend size time. feed young age. small kitten feed 1/2 cup food day. dri food same: littl 50g high quality, grain free food orijen applaws, lower qualiti food feed recommend would much, much more. best way find much feed cat keep eye weight."} {"id": "7936", "contents": "depend health, age cat 's diet may need overhaul. time cat reach twelfth birthday, equival 64-year-old human. senior years, felin start fall prey mani ailment do. obes senior cat. age alon doesn\u2019t chang cat\u2019 appetit much food eats, lifestyl big impact. cat natur hunters."} {"id": "7937", "contents": "b. phospholipid molecul surround water, hydrophob fatti acid tail cluster bilay results; hydrophil head outer face two-lay sheet. c. bilay phospholipid structur foundat cell membranes. 2. fluid portion cell membran made phospholipids. a. phospholipid molecul compos hydrophil head two hydrophob tails. b."} {"id": "7938", "contents": "confid vote 45. hydrophob mean water fear tail hydrophil mean water love heads. first all, term involv look cell membrane. structur cell membran call phospholipid bilayer. hydrophil head outer part bilay water loving. wherea hydrophob tail inner part bilay two reasons. first, hydrophob water fear repel water. exampl hydrophob oil wat"} {"id": "7939", "contents": "hydrophob mean water fear tail hydrophil mean water love head first all, term involv look cell membrane. structur cell membran call phospholipid bilayer. mean cell membran actual made two layer one. hydrophil region cell water-lov attract water molecules. basic compos polar group readili dissolv absorb water."} {"id": "7940", "contents": "two-fac molecules, hydrophil (water-loving) phosphat head hydrophob (water-fearing) hydrocarbon tail fatti acids. water, molecul spontan align head face outward tail line bilayer' interior. (a) plasma membran cell bilay glycerophospholipid molecules. (b) singl glycerophospholipid molecul compos two major regions: hydrophil head (green) hydrophob tail (purple)."} {"id": "7941", "contents": "phospholipid primari molecul found plasma membrane. phospholipid uniqu hydrophil region call head, hydrophob region known tail. hydrophil region interact water due presenc phosphat group polar, like water. someth hydrophilic, mean like water. lipid bilay arrang two layer phospholipids, hydrophil head form outer edg tail form interior."} {"id": "7942", "contents": "figur 1: lipid bilay structur composit glycerophospholipid molecule. (a) plasma membran cell bilay glycerophospholipid molecules. (b) singl glycerophospholipid molecul compos two major regions: hydrophil head (green) hydrophob tail (purple). (c) subregion glycerophospholipid molecule; phosphatidylcholin shown examp"} {"id": "7943", "contents": "cell membrane, hydrophil head orient insid outsid membrane, hydrophob molecul inside. give membran semi permeabl fluid nature. hydrophil region cell water-lov attract water molecules. basic compos polar group readili dissolv absorb water."} {"id": "7944", "contents": "use color cloth could dye transfer cloth hat. hat realli dusty, place piec net pantyhos end vacuum brush use dust hat. oili stains, sprinkl stain cornstarch talcum powder absorb oil. never leav hat car hot place dri straw (or melt synthet straw) caus becom brittl misshapen. alway handl hat clean hand brim, crown. constant pinch break fibers."} {"id": "7945", "contents": "clean straw hat damp cloth, remov dirt residu may interfer dyeing. cover work surfac newspap plastic cover. put latex glove protect skin. prepar liquid dye bath bucket accord manufacturer' instructions. cover work surfac newspap plastic cover. put latex glove protect skin. prepar liquid dye bath bucket accord manufacturer' instructions. place clean straw hat onto work surface. use dauber applicator, dip directli liquid dye."} {"id": "7946", "contents": "dye process. clean straw hat damp cloth, remov dirt residu may interfer dyeing. cover work surfac newspap plastic cover. prepar liquid dye bath bucket accord manufacturer' instructions. place clean straw hat onto work surface. dab dye evenli around hat ... cover work surfac newspap plastic cover. put latex glove protect skin. prepar liquid dye bath bucket accord manufacturer' instructions. place clean straw hat onto work surface. use dauber applicator, dip directli liquid dye."} {"id": "7947", "contents": "add small amount dish deterg bucket sink fill hot water. place parisis soapi water. let soak. 2. add quart water pot, add tablespoon dye. cook 15 minutes. 3. add rest water pot stir, stir, stir dye complet dissolved."} {"id": "7948", "contents": "dye process. clean straw hat damp cloth, remov dirt residu may interfer dyeing. cover work surfac newspap plastic cover. put latex glove protect skin. prepar liquid dye bath bucket accord manufacturer' instructions. cover work surfac newspap plastic cover. put latex glove protect skin. prepar liquid dye bath bucket accord manufacturer' instructions. place clean straw hat onto work surface. use dauber applicator, dip directli liquid dye."} {"id": "7949", "contents": "dri blocking, appli coat straw sizing. straw colored, use size color. renew fade straw. alternatively, use steam put shape back misshapen straw hat-even steam kettl held hat help reshap it. tips. mani straw braid clean wipe clean fluid. steam press, pin hat flat surfac let dry. appli coat straw size let dry. freshen milan hat, pin brim hard surfac steam press shape."} {"id": "7950", "contents": "use wooden spoon stir hat around water. leav hat water least 10 minutes. lift hat check put back want deeper shade. hat stay dye one hour. remov hat dye. rins hat warm run water water run clear hat. put hat dryer spin dry. heat dryer also help set dye color."} {"id": "7951", "contents": "place clean straw hat onto work surface. use dauber applicator, dip directli liquid dye. dab dye evenli around hat would dab sponge, let dye soak complet fibers. use even stroke ensur consist color. cover work surfac newspap plastic cover. put latex glove protect skin. prepar liquid dye bath bucket accord manufacturer' instructions. place clean straw hat onto work surface. use dauber applicator, dip directli liquid dye."} {"id": "7952", "contents": "straw hat wonder surfac paint. paint hat solid color match special occas outfit add cheer hand-paint design hat casual wear. women paint hat years."} {"id": "7953", "contents": "cute babi name abl search anglo saxon famili name anglo saxon babi name sort origin, uniqueness, meaning, popular names. search select anglo saxon name find one fit family."} {"id": "7954", "contents": "saxon origin german tribe invad settl england 5th century. saxon liter saxoni place-nam mean swordsman (from sah knife), due histor signific german warrior fought battl swords. offence, i'd say saxophon silli nicknam might caus ridicule... name saxon never silli nicknam ridicul name. parent even peer compliment name."} {"id": "7955", "contents": "thus, anglo-saxon babi name distinct german sound well someth close scottish lilt. choos anglo-saxon name baby, sure research mean close sinc name may differ connot old english versu modern english even american english. login favorites. term anglo-saxon gener use design german tribe invad settl southern eastern part great britain around earli 5th centuri norman invasion."} {"id": "7956", "contents": "person experi name saxon: edit. love it. saxon common seem promot silli nicknam might caus ridicule. strong name. offence, i'd say saxophon silli nicknam might caus ridicule... name saxon never silli nicknam ridicul name. parent even peer compliment name."} {"id": "7957", "contents": "choos anglo-saxon name baby, sure research mean close sinc name may differ connot old english versu modern english even american english. babi name world superb resourc begin babi name research. login favorites. term anglo-saxon gener use design german tribe invad settl southern eastern part great britain around earli 5th centuri norman invasion."} {"id": "7958", "contents": "english origin, mean saxon saxonny. also possibl swordsman. name origin given saxonny, region germany. saxon among german tribe invad settl england fifth century. saxon uncommon given name male popular surnam peopl (#4584 150436, top 3%). (2000 u.s. census). display babi name popular saxon boys. saxon made list thu far. (top 1000 babi name statistics, 2014)"} {"id": "7959", "contents": "name saxon english babi name. english mean name saxon is: sword. german meaning: name saxon german babi name. german mean name saxon is: dagger; short sword. 5th century, german saxon frequent invad britain. teuton meaning: name saxon teuton babi name. teuton mean name saxon is: swordsman, knife"} {"id": "7960", "contents": "(opthalmology). ophthalmolog medicin disciplin deal anatomi diseas eye. \u201cophthalmologist\u201d refer specialist medic surgic eye problems, ophthalmologist perform oper eyes. word \u201cophthalmology\u201d greek, \u201cophthalmos\u201d mean eye logo mean word thought. therebi ophthalmolog liter translat \u201cthe scienc eyes\u201d. discipline, appli anim eye also. however, veterinari medicin regul separ mani countri state"} {"id": "7961", "contents": "import understand three os qualifi do. ophthalmologists. ophthalmologist physician (doctor medicine, md, doctor osteopathy, do) special medic surgic care eye visual system prevent eye diseas injury. ophthalmologist medic train specialist deliv total eye care: primary, secondari tertiari (i.e., vision services, contact lenses, eye examinations, medic eye care surgic eye care), diagnos gener diseas bodi treat ocular manifest system diseases."} {"id": "7962", "contents": "5. cancel. ophthalmolog studi treatment diseas eye, usual surgic method correct cataracts, vision impair abnorm growths. find ophthalmologist inform practic optometrist free video eye health"} {"id": "7963", "contents": "ophthalmolog (/\u02cc\u0252f\u03b8\u0251\u02d0l\u02c8m\u0251\u02d0l\u0259d\u0292i/ /\u02cc\u0252p\u03b8\u0251\u02d0l\u02c8m\u0252l\u0259d\u0292i/) branch medicin deal anatomy, physiolog diseas eye. ophthalmologist specialist medic surgic eye problems. sinc ophthalmologist perform oper eyes, surgic medic specialists."} {"id": "7964", "contents": "neuro-ophthalmolog academically-ori subspecialti merg field neurolog ophthalmology, often deal complex system diseas manifest visual system."} {"id": "7965", "contents": "ophthalmolog branch medicin deal anatomy, physiolog diseas eye. evalu purport diagnos eye diseas carri physician. ophthalmologist doctor medicin special diagnosi treatment disord eye, addit diagnos system diseas manifest eye sign symptoms. sinc ophthalmologist perform oper eyes, consid surgic medic specialists."} {"id": "7966", "contents": "eye m.d. ophthalmologist, medic osteopath doctor special eye vision care. eye m.d. special train provid full spectrum eye care, prescrib glass contact lens complex delic eye surgery."} {"id": "7967", "contents": "a. ophthalmologist doctor special ophthalmology. ophthalmology, branch medicin deal diseas surgeri visual pathways, includ eye, brain, area surround eye. ophthalmology. branch health scienc deal eye, includ anatomy, physiology, pathology, aspects. adj., adj ophthalmolog\u00b4ic. (of'thal-mol'\u014f-j\u0113), avoid misspel opthalmology, ophthamology, opthamology."} {"id": "7968", "contents": "ophthalmologist medic doctor (md) osteopath doctor (do) special eye vision care. ophthalmologist train perform eye exams, diagnos treat disease, prescrib medic perform eye surgery. also write prescript eyeglass contact lenses."} {"id": "7969", "contents": "gumption common word english language; see entri gumption wiktionary. number articl relat word wikipedia wiktionary: uk usage) common sense. us usage) courage, resourcefulness. gumption\u2122 household clean product origin sold unit kingdom bathroom clean past 1920s, spray multicleaner."} {"id": "7970", "contents": "link cite add word list. noun. definit gumption determin courage. one courag speak tell boss new report system ineffect cost peopl much time money, exampl gumption."} {"id": "7971", "contents": "6. gumption. drunk enough rate high enough mari scott favourit list. ye got gumption,go away want divorce,booz buster still open,hmmm,if wander past gate lie flat hedg along way make time then..... end convers septemb 29, 2003."} {"id": "7972", "contents": "books, records, films--thes thing matter.. --high fidelity. gumption chapter memoir grow russel baker. write consid gumption mother others; prefer read comic book instead work chore"} {"id": "7973", "contents": "princeton' wordnet (0.00 votes) rate definition: common sense, good sense, gumption, hors sense, sense, mother wit (noun). sound practic judgment. common sens common; got sens god gave littl green apples; fortun good sens run away. backbone, grit, guts, moxie, sand, gumption (noun)."} {"id": "7974", "contents": "tone russel baker' memoir gumption, origin second chapter autobiographi grow up, gentli comic nostalgic, although describ difficult econom times. recount mother' attempt make econom success, unlik gumption layabouts. charm great depress distanc -- stori set 1932 -- reduc harshness, even though realist difficulti mold someth bump log.."} {"id": "7975", "contents": "person fill gumption sit around dissip stew things. he' front train awareness, watch see what' track meet comes. that' gumption. us) bold enterprise; initi aggressiveness, guts; spunk; initiative."} {"id": "7976", "contents": "noun common sense, sense, ability, spirit, initiative, enterprise, wit(s), savvi (slang), acumen, nou (brit. slang), get-up-and-go (informal), cleverness, resourcefulness, shrewdness, discernment, sagacity, hors sense, astuteness, mother wit gumption seiz opportun came up. judg all, say remark aunt jamesina, sum substanc learn -- got natur gumption enough -- four year colleg would take twenti year live teach you."} {"id": "7977", "contents": "list countri western eastern hemispher along 180th meridian, order north south: russia. unit state (unit state islands). kiribati. popul geograph western hemispher exce billion. hemispheres, southern hemispher less populated. highest mountain western hemispher aconcagua 6,960.8 metr (22,837 ft)."} {"id": "7978", "contents": "western hemispher geograph term half earth lie west prime meridian (which cross greenwich, london, unit kingdom) east antimeridian, half call eastern hemisphere. popul geograph western hemispher exce billion. hemispheres, southern hemispher less populated. highest mountain western hemispher aconcagua 6,960.8 metr (22,837 ft)."} {"id": "7979", "contents": "australia/oceania, like north america, locat two hemispheres. australia locat south equator, east prime meridian. mean australia/oceania locat southern eastern hemispheres. north australia, lie largest contin world, asia. asia locat northern hemispher"} {"id": "7980", "contents": "prime meridian refer line use measur longitude. prime meridian divid globe eastern western hemispheres, equat divid globe northern southern hemispheres. prime meridian degre longitude, equat degre latitude. prime meridian greenwich, england. nation maritim museum."} {"id": "7981", "contents": "addition, countri west prime meridian western hemispher east prime meridian eastern hemisphere. gener eastern hemispher includ africa, half antarctica, asia australia/oceania, europe. western hemispher includ half antarctica north south america, includ caribbean, central america greenland. red vertic imaginari line call prime meridian, 0\u00ba degre longitude, twin line longitude, opposit prime meridian 180\u00ba longitude, divid earth eastern western hemispheres."} {"id": "7982", "contents": "map list countri eastern western hemispheres, go here, countri northern southern hemispheres, tri page. red vertic imaginari line call prime meridian, 0\u00ba degre longitude, twin line longitude, opposit prime meridian 180\u00ba longitude, divid earth eastern western hemispheres."} {"id": "7983", "contents": "sense, western hemispher consist americas, western portion europ africa, extrem eastern tip russia, numer territori oceania, portion antarctica, exclud aleutian island southwest alaskan mainland. popul geograph western hemispher exce billion. hemispheres, southern hemispher less populated. highest mountain western hemispher aconcagua 6,960.8 metr (22,837 ft)."} {"id": "7984", "contents": "place left prime meridian western hemisphere, place right prime meridian eastern hemisphere. unit states, contin north america, locat western hemisphere. australia locat south equator, east prime meridian. mean australia/oceania locat southern eastern hemispheres. north australia, lie largest contin world, asia."} {"id": "7985", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. eastern hemisphere. eastern hemispher geograph term half earth east prime meridian (which cross greenwich, england, unit kingdom) west 180\u00b0 longitude. also use refer europe, asia, africa, australia, vis-a-\u00e0 vi western, hemispher includ (america north america south). america hemispher call oriental. hemispher in, addit may use cultur geopolit sens synonym old '. world"} {"id": "7986", "contents": "europ locat northern hemisphere, prime meridian run part continent. so, europ also locat three hemispheres, eastern, western, northern hemispheres. australia locat south equator, east prime meridian. mean australia/oceania locat southern eastern hemispheres. north australia, lie largest contin world, asia."} {"id": "7987", "contents": "medic device-accord us fda. devic instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, contrivance, implant, vitro reagent, similar relat article, includ compon part, accessori is: recogn offici nation formulary, unit state pharmacopoeia, supplement them, medic devic reli function sourc electr energi sourc power directli gener human bodi gravity. e.g. ultrasound scanner, lung ventilator, x-ray machines, pacemaker, phototherapi etc."} {"id": "7988", "contents": "medic devic instrument, apparatus, implement, machine, contrivance, implant, vitro reagent, similar relat article, includ compon part, accessori is: recogn offici nation formulary, unit state pharmacopoeia, supplement them,"} {"id": "7989", "contents": "assum product consid medic devic countri outsid eu medic devic eu well. decis whether product medic devic base state intend purpos product mode action. product medic device, princip intend action fulfil physic means. decid product medicin medic device. medicin healthcar product regulatori agenc (mhra) make decis medicin medic devic (borderlin products)."} {"id": "7990", "contents": "fda' center veterinari medicin (cvm) regul product use animals. product medic devic regul anoth center fda, compon fda offic assist question product regulate. addition, medic devic includ vitro diagnost products, gener purpos lab equipment, reagents, test kits, may includ monoclon antibodi technology. certain electron radiat emit product medic applic claim meet definit medic device."} {"id": "7991", "contents": "medic devic vari greatli complex application. exampl rang simpl devic tongu depressors, medic thermometers, dispos glove advanc devic comput assist conduct medic testing, implants, prostheses. medic machine, contrivance, implant, vitro reagent, similar relat article, includ compon part, accessori is: recogn offici nation formulary, unit state pharmacopoeia, supplement them."} {"id": "7992", "contents": "medic devices. medic devic segment produc broad rang innov product use primarili health care profession field orthopaedics, neurovascular, surgery, vision care, diabet care, infect prevention, cardiovascular disease, sport medicine, aesthetics."} {"id": "7993", "contents": "medic devic instrument, apparatus, implant, vitro reagent, similar relat articl use diagnose, prevent, treat diseas conditions, achiev purpos chemic action within bodi (which would make drug). medic machine, contrivance, implant, vitro reagent, similar relat article, includ compon part, accessori is: recogn offici nation formulary, unit state pharmacopoeia, supplement them."} {"id": "7994", "contents": "what' new. subscrib rss feeds. term medic devices, defin food drug act, cover wide rang health medic instrument use treatment, mitigation, diagnosi prevent diseas abnorm physic condition."} {"id": "7995", "contents": "medic devic busi segment produc broad rang innov product solut use primarili health care profession field orthopaedics, neurolog disease, vision care, diabet care, infect prevention, diagnostics, cardiovascular disease, aesthetics."} {"id": "7996", "contents": "term medic softwar medic devic softwar undefin term design software, softwar item system use within medic context (e.g. medic devic monitor control patient predominantli control software), depend intend use indic use. softwar intend analys patient data gener medic devic view diagnosi monitoring. softwar incorpor dosag algorithm chronic condit (e.g. diabetes). softwar intend use patient diagnos treat physic medic ailment (condit disease)."} {"id": "7997", "contents": "endocrin system made network glands. gland secret hormon regul mani bodili functions, includ growth metabolism. endocrin diseas common usual occur gland produc incorrect amount hormones. gland produc differ type hormon evok specif respons cells, tissues, and/or organ locat throughout body. hormon reach faraway target use blood stream. like nervou system, endocrin system one body\u2019 main communicators."} {"id": "7998", "contents": "simpli put, endocrin system network gland secret chemic call hormon help bodi function properly. hormon chemic signal coordin rang bodili functions. endocrin system work regul certain intern processes. gland produc differ type hormon evok specif respons cells, tissues, and/or organ locat throughout body. hormon reach faraway target use blood stream. like nervou system, endocrin system one body\u2019 main communicators."} {"id": "7999", "contents": "view full size image. endocrin system collect gland produc hormon regul metabolism, growth development, tissu function, sexual function, reproduction, sleep, mood, among things."} {"id": "8000", "contents": "major endocrin gland includ pineal gland, pituitari gland, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, hypothalamus, gastrointestin tract adren glands. endocrin system contrast exocrin system, secret hormon use ducts. exampl kidney secret endocrin hormon erythropoietin renin. number gland signal sequenc usual refer axis, example, hypothalamic-pituitary-adren axis."} {"id": "8001", "contents": "endocrin gland gland endocrin system secret products, hormones, directli blood rather duct. major gland endocrin system includ pineal gland, pituitari gland, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, hypothalamu adren glands. hypothalamu pituitari gland neuroendocrin organs."} {"id": "8002", "contents": "main function endocrin gland secret hormon directli bloodstream. hormon chemic substanc affect activ anoth part bodi (target site). essence, hormon serv messengers, control coordin activ throughout body."} {"id": "8003", "contents": "ovari maintain health femal reproduct system. secret two main hormones\u2014estrogen progesterone. diseas associ ovari includ ovarian cysts, ovarian cancer, menstrual cycl disorders, polycyst ovarian syndrome. ovari essentials."} {"id": "8004", "contents": "hormones. secret gland endocrin system, specif hormon caus respons specif target organ group cells, rather bodi whole. exocrin hormon secret via duct blood usual effect distant organ tissue. thyroid secret three main hormones: thyroxin contain iodin essenti body' normal growth, metabolism. thyroxin help control bodi size, regul growth tissu also differenti specialis tissues."} {"id": "8005", "contents": "endocrin system control system ductless gland secret hormon within specif organs. hormon act messengers, carri bloodstream differ cell body, interpret messag act them. mean commun cells. endocrin system produc hormon instrument maintain homeostasi regul reproduct development. hormon chemic messeng produc cell effect specif chang cellular activ cell (target cells)."} {"id": "8006", "contents": "thyroid secret three main hormones: thyroxin contain iodin essenti body' normal growth, metabolism. triiodothyronin similar function thyroxine. calcitonin caus decreas concentr calcium blood. thyroid secret three main hormones: thyroxin contain iodin essenti body' normal growth, metabolism. thyroxin help control bodi size, regul growth tissu also differenti specialis tissues."} {"id": "8007", "contents": "drywal materi (drywal sheet plu screw nails, joint compound, tape, etc.) averag 25 cent 65 cent squar foot; profession instal addit 85 cent -$1.50 per squar foot. 4,000 squar feet drywal wall ceil small home, $4,400-$8,600 more. factor cathedr ceil irregular layout bump price higher."} {"id": "8008", "contents": "cost new drywal gypsum panel instal calcul per sheet (4\u2019 8\u2019) manufactur dimens estim charg per squar foot. everi remodel project associ small drywal repair price base work complexity, time spent, hourli rate drywal installer. averag cost new drywal get instal vari $41.5 $60.0 per 4'x8'x5/8 sheet includ labor materi $1.30 $1.88 per squar foot. complic work main factor establish total cost instal drywall. custom work multilevel ceiling, hang finish drywal arches, supplementari hous design detail increas cost instal 100% even more."} {"id": "8009", "contents": "dri joint compound shall flat, smooth free tool mark ridges. note surfac textur skim coat includ estimate. basic 500 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal ceil drywal rang $1.57 $1.94 per squar foot* estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchased."} {"id": "8010", "contents": "drywall-th room describ go demand around 600 squar feet drywal cover wall ceilings. sheet size 4'x8' cost around $9 each. mean roughli 20 sheet requir project, cost around $180 total. averag cost materi associ project like would include:"} {"id": "8011", "contents": "instal new drywal wall ceil 12x12-foot-room 8-foot-high wall mean 530 squar feet drywall. 4,000 squar feet drywal wall ceil small home, $4,400-$8,600 more. 4,000 squar feet drywal wall ceil small home, $4,400-$8,600 more. factor cathedr ceil irregular layout bump price higher."} {"id": "8012", "contents": "provid leverag support need rais drywal panel ceil work alone. use foot (60.96 cm) piec (2.54 10.16 cm) nail (5.08 10.16 cm) long enough foot (30.48 cm) higher length floor ceiling. 10 15 dollar cost, drywal squar pay hurry! lean sheet almost upright wall use toe left foot(if right handed) hold bottom square. score sheet mark."} {"id": "8013", "contents": "cost instal drywal $1.50 per squar foot. materi labor ad in, cost per panel rang around $40.00 $60.00. typic 12x12 room, example, use 12 panels."} {"id": "8014", "contents": "standard ceil vaulted, popcorn, coffered, beam, plenti option ceil types. cost instal ceil depend type ceil want. standard, smooth drywal ceil lowest instal costs. vault ceil use materi taller, bring ceil instal cost up. generally, larger home room, cost instal ceil end being. however, drywal projects, invers actual true. cost per squar foot smaller drywal jobs, like repairs, larger one like installation."} {"id": "8015", "contents": "do-it-yourself bring cost $150-$250 12x12 room $1,000-$3,000 small house, hang drywal requir lot heavi lift least two people, get good finish drywal requir lot patienc practice. 4,000 squar feet drywal wall ceil small home, $4,400-$8,600 more. factor cathedr ceil irregular layout bump price higher."} {"id": "8016", "contents": "biggest sell termiticid usa use australia, japan, franc countri subterranean termit infest sever econom problem. fact, termidor use million home safeti effectiveness. us dept agriculture-forestri service, test termidor years. far, result show 100% effect termit barrier protection. indic termidor treat soil barrier build moder low termit infestation, similar result within months. peac mind, meantime, termidor treat soil barrier immedi protect build termit entry."} {"id": "8017", "contents": "termidor effect low applic rates. typically, pest manag profession appli termidor activ ingredi fipronil 0.06%. that' lot lower old fashion termicid less insecticides. sinc 1995, fipronil use global flea tick control million cat dog"} {"id": "8018", "contents": "termidor silver bullet termit control protect build structures. termidor biggest sell termiticid usa use australia, japan, franc countri subterranean termit infest sever econom problem. fact, termidor use 800,000 home usa. safeti wise, termidor appli soil area abut building, low hazard peopl pets. unlik alternatives, termidor odorless; contain solvent substanc may lead indoor air contamination."} {"id": "8019", "contents": "sc termidor sc stand suspend concentrate. differ formul product. termidor 80 wg easier profession termit control oper carri trucks, easier mix. 1. termit control: protect home futur termit infestations, termidor must mix water pour 6-inch deep trench dug around foundat home. pleas read information."} {"id": "8020", "contents": "q: homeown buy termidor?a: termidor product purchas appli licens pest manag profession (pmps) train termidor-certifi professional. homeown request pmp use termidor termit treatment program develop homes. a: termidor consist shown except result provid 100 percent control within three month less. significantli faster termit bait systems, typic take six 18 month control termites."} {"id": "8021", "contents": "activ ingredi insect growth regul call fipronil. fipronil gener safe chemic activ ingredi mani flea control medic (where appli directli pets). excit nervou system insects, includ termites, kill them. transfer termit termit groom feeding."} {"id": "8022", "contents": "fipronil broad-us insecticid belong phenylpyrazol chemic family. fipronil broad-spectrum insecticid disrupt insect central nervou system block gaba-g chlorid channel glutamate-g chlorid (glucl) channels, result central nervou system toxicity. use termidor restrict certifi pest control oper follow states: alaska, connecticut, nebraska, south carolina, massachusetts, indiana, new york, washington state."} {"id": "8023", "contents": "toxicity. activ ingredi termidor chemic call fipronil, work block receptor brain nervou system live organisms. ld50 rate 177 -- mean requir 177 milligram per kilogram bodi weight kill 50 percent laboratori anim expos it. termidor, short termidor sc, often serv subterranean termiticid application. occasion appli kill ants. differ product avail homeown profession quantiti sold. sc stand suspend concentrate.."} {"id": "8024", "contents": "termidor water-bas odour, leach soil damag soil micro-organisms, earthworm plants. addition, activ ingredi use extens food crop around world lead product flea tick control dog cat australia sinc 1996. termidor assess australian pesticid veterinari medicin author commonwealth depart health age fulli approv use domest commerci situations. termidor appli lowest dose termiticid avail today."} {"id": "8025", "contents": "anim also known flush bright pink excited. sever anatom differ amazon river dolphin type dolphins. one, amazon river dolphin abl turn neck side side speci dolphin cannot. trait coupl abil paddl forward one flipper paddl backward help maneuv river floods."} {"id": "8026", "contents": "pink river dolphin (inia geoffrensis), contain subspecies: also known boto, amazon river dolphin one world' dolphin constrain freshwat habitat. anoth river dolphin speci tucuxi grey dolphin. darker smaller boto, shorter snout, distinct triangular dorsal fin."} {"id": "8027", "contents": "habitat: amazon river dolphin found amazon river system well orinoco river system. river system flow throughout south america, specif countri brazil, bolivia, ecuador, venezuela, colombia, guyana peru. one, amazon river dolphin abl turn neck side side speci dolphin cannot. trait coupl abil paddl forward one flipper paddl backward help maneuv river floods."} {"id": "8028", "contents": "pink river dolphins. pink river dolphin (inia geoffrensis) found amazon orinoco basins. rainforest dolphin flexibl neck probe long, slim beak mud prey. dive short amount time (about one two minutes) surfacing. often curiou enough approach swim cano tourists, rainforest dolphin one popular river sight amazon rainforest one icon amazon rainforest attractions."} {"id": "8029", "contents": "amazon river dolphin averag 6.5 feet length. come shade pink, dull gray-pink, rosi color pink, bright pink like flamingo. color variat due clariti water dolphin lives; darker water, pinker dolphin be. one, amazon river dolphin abl turn neck side side speci dolphin cannot. trait coupl abil paddl forward one flipper paddl backward help maneuv river floods."} {"id": "8030", "contents": "amazon river dolphin. pink, blue albino, amazon river dolphin distinct five river dolphins. ridg along back rather dorsal fin fat, heavi bodi surprisingli flexible."} {"id": "8031", "contents": "five freshwat speci dolphin world, pink amazon river dolphin also known botos, consid intelligent. friendly, sensitive, mammal brain capac 40% larger humans. scientif name: inia geoffrensis. amazon river dolphin boto born grey becom pinker age. because, dolphin grow older, skin becom transluc allow blood show through."} {"id": "8032", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. amazon river dolphin, pink river dolphin, inia geoffrensis, freshwat river dolphin endem orinoco, amazon araguaia tocantin river system brazil, peru, bolivia, ecuador, colombia, venezuela. although larg cetacean gener terms, dolphin largest freshwat cetacean; grow larger human. adult bodi length rang 2.6 (6.6 8.5 ft), depend subspecies."} {"id": "8033", "contents": "believ myth kept local peopl intent kill actual play role stabil amazon river dolphin population, say meg symington, wwf' manag director amazon. 1.it\u2019 bad luck kill amazon river dolphin even wors luck eat one. mani indian tribe still consid sacr creatur thu bestow great deal rever them. rain forest-dwel shaman known learn medicin techniqu dolphins."} {"id": "8034", "contents": "amazon river dolphin one river dolphin formerli includ super famili platanistoidea, make paraphyletic; sinc move inioidea. speci describ henri mari ducrotay de blainvil 1817. although larg cetacean gener terms, dolphin largest freshwat cetacean; grow larger human. adult bodi length rang 2.6 (6.6 8.5 ft), depend subspecies."} {"id": "8035", "contents": "accord u.s. bureau labor statistics, estim mean annual wage pharmaci technician may 2008 $28,500. would amount $13.70 per hour. median hourli wage wage salari pharmaci technician may 2008 $13.32. minimum senior tech $16.00 hour here, profit share goe high $21 hour, senior tech make bonu that' 35% pharmaci manager' bonus, busi 24 hour location, sometim bonu excess $10,000 taxes."} {"id": "8036", "contents": "certifi pharmaci technician salary. averag hourli wage certifi pharmaci technician unit state rang $9.03 $16.87 per hour earn $12.11 $25.86 overtime. total mean annual salari rang $18,933 $36,589 yearli bonu go $1,016."} {"id": "8037", "contents": "much pharmaci tech make? averag pharmaci tech salari $29,810 equival $14.33 per hour. lower 10% pharmaci tech earn annual averag salari $20,730 upper 10% earn annual averag salari $43,900. pharmaci tech\u2019 start salari depend industri he/sh work in."} {"id": "8038", "contents": "annual salari pharmaci technician highli depend industri employed. instance, technician employ pharmaci drug store earn $28,940, work within gener medic surgic hospit make averag salari $34,410. highest-pay industri occup feder govern $40,650 outpati care center $38,750 per year."} {"id": "8039", "contents": "monopoli techs. earli stage tech receiv $25 000- $35 000. senior (10 year experience!) make around $40 000 yearly. accord american medic association, averag start salari pharmaci technician $19,000. minimum senior tech $16.00 hour here, profit share goe high $21 hour, senior tech make bonu that' 35% pharmaci manager' bonus, busi 24 hour location, sometim bonu excess $10,000 taxes."} {"id": "8040", "contents": "much pharmaci tech make? accord may 2012 record bureau labor statistics, mean annual pharmaci tech salari $30,430, equival $14.63 mean hourli wage profession. instance, technician employ pharmaci drug store earn $28,940, work within gener medic surgic hospit make averag salari $34,410. highest-pay industri occup feder govern $40,650 outpati care center $38,750 per year."} {"id": "8041", "contents": "u.s. depart labor: accord u.s. bureau labor statist estim mean annual wage pharmaci technician may 2008 is, $28,500. ould amount $13.70 per hour. middl 50 percent earn $10.95 $15.88. minimum senior tech $16.00 hour here, profit share goe high $21 hour, senior tech make bonu that' 35% pharmaci manager' bonus, busi 24 hour location, sometim bonu excess $10,000 taxes."} {"id": "8042", "contents": "accord u.s. bureau labor statist estim mean annual wage pharmaci technician may 2008 is, $28,500. would amount $13.70 per hour. median hourli wage wage salari pharmaci technician may 2008 $13.32. middl 50 percent earn $10.95 $15.88. accord u.s. bureau labor statist estim mean annual wage pharmaci technician may 2008 is, $28,500. would amount $13.70 per hour."} {"id": "8043", "contents": "much pharmaci technician make hospital? accord u.s. bureau labor statist estim mean annual wage pharmaci technician may 2008 is, $28,500. would amount $13.70 per hour. middl 50 percent earn $10.95 $15.88."} {"id": "8044", "contents": "accord u.s. bureau labor statistics, estim mean annual wage pharmaci technician may 2008 $28,500. would amount $13.70 per hour. median hourli wage wage salari pharmaci technician may 2008 $13.32. accord u.s. bureau labor statist estim mean annual wage pharmaci technician may 2008 is, $28,500. would amount $13.70 per hour. middl 50 percent earn $10.95 $15.88."} {"id": "8045", "contents": "nickel silver first becam popular base metal silver-pl cutleri silverware, notabl electropl ware call epn (electro-pl nickel silver). nickel silver name silveri appearance, contain element silver unless plated. name german silver refer develop 19th-centuri german metalwork imit chines alloy known paktong (cupronickel)."} {"id": "8046", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. epn stand electro plate nickel silver. nickel silver (sometim stainless steel) base metal onto silver plated. despit name, nickel silver contain silver all, alloy nickel, zinc copper. layer pure silver deposit electrolyt base metal give silver finish. epn a1 highest grade silver plate manufactur provides. epn electropl nickel silver a1 thick silver plate usual 30 35 microns. highest grade silver plating. higher grade, longer cutleri last."} {"id": "8047", "contents": "epn a1 highest grade silver plate manufactur provides. epn electropl nickel silver a1 thick silver plate usual 30 35 microns. highest grade silver plating. higher grade, longer cutleri last"} {"id": "8048", "contents": "nickel silver, mailechort, german silver, argentan, new silver, nickel brass, albata, alpacca, electrum copper alloy nickel often zinc. usual formul 60% copper, 20% nickel 20% zinc. nickel silver name silveri appearance, contain element silver unless plated. name german silver refer develop 19th-centuri german metalwork imit chines alloy known paktong (cupronickel)."} {"id": "8049", "contents": "epn stand electro plate nickel silver. nickel silver (sometim stainless steel) base metal onto silver plated. despit name, nickel silver contai ns silver all, alloy nickel, zinc copper. epn electropl nickel silver a1 thick silver plate usual 30 35 microns. highest grade silver plating."} {"id": "8050", "contents": "old sheffield plate silver deposit copper. epns, other said, silver deposit layer nickel. say epn 'contain silver' correct. chuckfickens. epn bass metal nickel silver electropl silver. know stand electro plate nickel silver know contain silver whilst silver plate item coat thin layer actual silver. depend thick coat depend qualiti put anoth way thicker coat better quality."} {"id": "8051", "contents": "epn stand electro plate nickel silver. nickel silver (sometim stainless steel) base metal onto silver plated. despit name, nickel silver contain silver all, alloy nickel, zinc copper. layer pure silver deposit electrolyt base metal give silver finish. common epn (electro plate nickel silver) mani symbol used: epbm (electro plate britannia metal). epca (electro plate copper alloy). esm (electro plate silver mounts). pg (plate german silver). epg (electro plate german silver). bp (britannia plate). mp (magnetic/magneto plating)."} {"id": "8052", "contents": "epn electropl nickel silver. a1 thick silver plate usual 30 35 microns. highest grade silver plating. higher grade, longer cutleri last. 35 micron epn last approxim 40years, depend usage, storag care. epn electropl nickel silver a1 thick silver plate usual"} {"id": "8053", "contents": "page allow calcul one degre latitud longitude. length calcul nautic miles, statut miles, feet, meters."} {"id": "8054", "contents": "degre latitud approxim 69 mile (111 kilometers) apart. rang vari (due earth' slightli ellipsoid shape) 68.703 mile (110.567 km) equat 69.407 (111.699 km) poles. conveni minut (1/60th degree) approxim one mile. degre longitud widest equat 69.172 mile (111.321) gradual shrink zero poles. 40\u00b0 north south distanc degre longitud 53 mile (85 km)."} {"id": "8055", "contents": "number kilomet per degre longitud approximately. theta latitud degre r_earth approxim 6378 km. number kilomet per degre latitud approxim locations, approx."} {"id": "8056", "contents": "latitud 40 degre (north south)on degre latitud 111.03 km 68.99 mion minut latitud 1.85 km 1.15 mi.on degre longitud 85.39 km 53.06 mion minut longitud 1.42 km .88 mion second longitud 23.72 77.82 ft."} {"id": "8057", "contents": "calcul requir use javascript enabl capabl browsers. script calcul length one degre latitud longitude, specif latitude. length calcul nautic miles, statut miles, feet, meters. enter specif latitude. click calculate."} {"id": "8058", "contents": "chlorin use drink water swim pool water kill harm bacteria. also use part sanit process industri wast sewage. household chlorin bleach releas chlorin ga mix certain clean agents. strong smell may provid adequ warn peopl exposed. chlorin ga appear yellow-green color. chlorin flammable, react explos form explos compound chemic turpentin ammonia."} {"id": "8059", "contents": "import use bleach manufactur paper cloth, also use make pesticid (insect killers), rubber, solvents. chlorin use drink water swim pool water kill harm bacteria. strong smell may provid adequ warn peopl exposed. chlorin ga appear yellow-green color. chlorin flammable, react explos form explos compound chemic turpentin ammonia."} {"id": "8060", "contents": "liquid chlorin released, quickli turn ga stay close ground spread rapidly. chlorin ga recogn pungent, irrit odor, like odor bleach. strong smell may provid adequ warn peopl exposed. strong smell may provid adequ warn peopl exposed. chlorin ga appear yellow-green color. chlorin flammable, react explos form explos compound chemic turpentin ammonia."} {"id": "8061", "contents": "work penetr protect shell viruses. epa-regist chlorin bleach solut dilut solut regular laundri bleach (1/4 cup bleach gallon cool water) effect inexpens all-purpos disinfectant, use commonli home healthcar facilities. addit water disinfection, chlorin bleach solut approv environment protect agenc (epa) depart agricultur (usda) use safe food production, includ food prepar servic healthcar facil kitchen cafeterias."} {"id": "8062", "contents": "auto vaccin revolutionari chemic breakthrough product util chlorin dioxid (clo2). pleas note clo2 neither chlorin bleach. clo2 power broad-spectrum biocid controls, inhibit destroy bacteria, virus, spore formers, fungi algae. anoth main differ two compound chlorin dioxid gas, sodium chlorit salt. make activ chlorin dioxide, acid mix chlorite, slowli releas gas."} {"id": "8063", "contents": "chlorin ga pressur cool chang liquid ship stored. liquid chlorin released, quickli turn ga stay close ground spread rapidly. chlorin ga recogn pungent, irrit odor, like odor bleach. strong smell may provid adequ warn peopl exposed. chlorin ga appear yellow-green color. chlorin flammable, react explos form explos compound chemic turpentin ammonia."} {"id": "8064", "contents": "sodium hypochlorit activ ingredi chlorin bleach. found household bleach mani disinfectants. sodium hypochlorit react ammonia, drain cleaners, acids. mani household product state contain bleach label. mix bleach ammonia. bleach mix ammonia, toxic gase call chloramin produced. exposur chloramin gase caus follow symptoms: coughing. nausea. short breath. wateri eyes. chest pain. irrit throat, nose, eyes."} {"id": "8065", "contents": "chlorin dioxid clean crisp smell bleach chlorin (all oxidant' mean oxid cell wall pathogen kill) clo2 far power safer environment. anoth main differ two compound chlorin dioxid gas, sodium chlorit salt. make activ chlorin dioxide, acid mix chlorite, slowli releas gas."} {"id": "8066", "contents": "egg develop hatch approxiam 10 day later. lice treatment effect kill lice, also kill some, all, eggs. import treat egg hatch day 10. nymphs: lous hatches, call nymph bare visibl nake eye. nymph cannot reproduc fulli developed. 12 day becom adult. adults: adult lous lay 4-10 egg day-start anoth gener lice. adult stage last 28 days. unfamiliar product using, found best product made rid"} {"id": "8067", "contents": "24 hour mating, femal head lice lay egg (nits) hair shaft 1/4-inch away scalp, although found anywher scalp. lice live month lay 10 egg day. egg take 7-10 day hatch. nymph babi louse. nymph take 7-10 day matur adult louse. adult lay eggs. dark brown egg newli laid eggs. nymph transparent, except dark center"} {"id": "8068", "contents": "human parasit surviv human blood. femal lous lay around 10 egg (nits) per day. nit hatch 10 days. take newli hatch lous anoth 10 day matur reproduc eggs. head lice usual live 30 day host. head lice begin life cycl femal lous lay egg (nit) attach hairshaft. around 10 day nit laid, hatch newborn lous emerge. newli hatch lous call nymph. nymph undergo three molt reach adult stage lives."} {"id": "8069", "contents": "adult femal head lous lay egg (nits) base hair near scalp. egg hatch days. newli hatch lous (nymph) suck blood food shed skin (molt) three time develop adult 10-day period. young lice adult live entir live head, feed blood. entir life cycl take weeks. head lice live 30 40 days. die day remov head, egg die soon remov warm scalp. head lice wander rugs, furniture, school buse seek host."} {"id": "8070", "contents": "nit hatch 10 days. take newli hatch lous anoth 10 day matur reproduc eggs. head lice usual live 30 day host. head lice carri transmit diseases. head lice begin life cycl femal lous lay egg (nit) attach hairshaft. around 10 day nit laid, hatch newborn lous emerge. newli hatch lous call nymph. nymph undergo three molt reach adult stage lives."} {"id": "8071", "contents": "egg glu hair shaft close scalp. head lice live 30 40 days. die day remov head, egg die soon remov warm scalp. head lice wander rugs, furniture, school buse seek host."} {"id": "8072", "contents": "head lice cling hair stay close scalp feed off. head lice lay egg hatch 7-10 days. take 10 day newli hatch lous grow adult start lay eggs. nit empti white eggshel left lice hatch. size sesam seed (the seed burger buns). head lice cling hair stay close scalp feed off. head lice lay egg hatch 7-10 days."} {"id": "8073", "contents": "head lice lay egg hatch 7-10 days. take 10 day newli hatch lous grow adult start lay eggs. nit empti white eggshel left lice hatch. nit look like dandruff stick strongli hair. size sesam seed (the seed burger buns). head lice cling hair stay close scalp feed off. head lice lay egg hatch 7-10 days."} {"id": "8074", "contents": "bodi lous pediculu humanu humanu l. femal lice lay 6-7 egg per day may lay total 50-300 egg lives. normal condit egg hatch 5-10 days, averag seven days. young lice escap egg must feed within 24 hour die."} {"id": "8075", "contents": "symbol devic let know card accept. sdxc-compat devic support type cards. sdhc-compat devic support sdhc sd cards. sd compat devices, guess it, support sd cards. beyond that, right card type, brand choos you."} {"id": "8076", "contents": "like flash memori card, use store variou type files, includ photos, videos, music, software. microsd one smallest memori card format available; microsd card size fingernail. microsd card memori capac larger gb microsdhc, use exact technolog sdhc, smaller microsd size. hc stand high capacity."} {"id": "8077", "contents": "us use micro sd (secur digital) sdhc card use mani differ portabl devic includ mobil phones, digit camera person media players. sd card simpli type flash memori storag devic portable. easili instal devic use record store data. devic remov data access away record devic use sd card reader. micro pretext simpli refer size card. unlik standard card micro sd card use smaller devic make ideal mobil phone similar size devic"} {"id": "8078", "contents": "secur digit (sd) non-volatil memori card format develop sd card associ (sda) use portabl devices. standard introduc august 1999 improv multimediacard (mmc), becom de facto industri standard. sdio card support memori command sd cards. sdio card structur eight logic cards, although currently, typic way sdio card use capabl structur one i/o card one memori card."} {"id": "8079", "contents": "compani build mmc slot devic today (sd card common), embed card (emmc) still wide use industri primari mean integr storag portabl devices. mmc size postag stamp: 24 mm 32 mm 1.4 mm. mmc origin use 1- bit serial interface, newer version specif allow transfer bit time. mmc use devic use sd cards."} {"id": "8080", "contents": "sd cards. secur digit (sd) card small data storag devic use digit camera camcorders, mp3 players, cell phones, tablet computers. find best sd card you, consid size storag capac need. sd card come varieti sizes. need one fit devic use type card reader that' built in. sd, sdhc (sd high capacity) sdxc (sd extend capacity) memori card 24 mm 32 mm 2.1 mm."} {"id": "8081", "contents": "conveni way use microsd card card reader pc, transfer file pc phone. microsd card memori capac larger gb microsdhc, use exact technolog sdhc, smaller microsd size. hc stand high capacity. card use microsdhc-compat devic"} {"id": "8082", "contents": "microsd type remov flash memori card use store information. sd abbrevi secur digital. card use mobil phones. sd sdhc act same, devic abl use newer format. even true devic made sandisk like e200 seri mp3 players. use 3rd parti firmware, sdhc read sometim done. transflash card sold 16mb 32mb sizes."} {"id": "8083", "contents": "multimediacard (mmc) memori card standard use solid-st storage. unveil 1997 sandisk siemen ag, base toshiba 's nand-bas flash memory, therefor much smaller earlier system base intel nor-bas memori compactflash. mmc size postag stamp: 24 mm 32 mm 1.4 mm. mmc origin use 1- bit serial interface, newer version specif allow transfer bit time. mmc use devic use sd cards."} {"id": "8084", "contents": "aid comprehension, skill reader ask question before, during, read. help student becom profici model process encourag use read independently. read book text class, model think questioning. emphas even though adult reader, question before, during, read continu help gain understand text reading. ask question as: pre-select sever stop point within text ask answer read question"} {"id": "8085", "contents": "student done pre-read activ relat text, come possibl question explor text. ask student choos three four interest question write charts. three stage read strategi involv teach student delv text. read stage provid scaffold new concept vocabulary, promot engag provid mean prediction."} {"id": "8086", "contents": "student make predict text ask effect read question order improv read comprehension. key understandings. ask discuss question improv comprehens text. good reader ask question read. improv comprehension, understanding, text. may say someth as, tell student go focu ask question begin read text. possible, show video clip pre-gam sport cast. use analog pre-gam show read question help student ask effect read questions. gener question topic. spend time wonder answer make predict book. write predict book separ column"} {"id": "8087", "contents": "write process-prewriting. prewrit first stage write process, includ thing readi write first version text. teacher set write assignment, make sure understand exactli do. mobile. prewrit first stage write process, includ thing readi write first version text."} {"id": "8088", "contents": "stage read process student need structur mean integr knowledg inform bring text \u2018new unknown\u2019 within text. process text self-monitoring. three stage read strategi involv teach student delv text. read stage provid scaffold new concept vocabulary, promot engag provid mean prediction."} {"id": "8089", "contents": "help reader learn ask question before, during, reading, think aloud next time read book, article, set directions. write question post-it note stick text question about. read book text class, model think questioning. emphas even though adult reader, question before, during, read continu help gain understand text reading. ask question as: pre-select sever stop point within text ask answer read question"} {"id": "8090", "contents": "section explain prewrit (invention) stage compos process. includ processes, strategies, question help begin write."} {"id": "8091", "contents": "membran separ fetal matern blood placenta. plasma membrane. membran enclos cell; compos phospholipids, glycolipids, cholesterol proteins. primari structur lipid bilayer. unit membran trilaminar structur cellular membran (such plasma membrane, nuclear membranes, mitochondri membranes, endoplasm reticulum, lysosomes) appear electron micrographs. biochem"} {"id": "8092", "contents": "pulmonari surfact surface-act lipoprotein complex (phospholipoprotein) form type ii alveolar cells. alveoli compar ga water, alveoli wet surround central air space. surfac tension act air-wat interfac tend make bubbl smaller (bi decreas surfac area interface)."} {"id": "8093", "contents": "function alveolar macrophagesth function alveolar macrophag lung remov dust particl debri alveolar spaces. -sheshi aveolar macrophag work break surfactanct aveoli exist decreas surfac tension lungs. surfac cover littl ridges. sound made tongu touch alveolar ridg speak call alveolar consonants. exampl alveolar conson english are, instance, [t], [d], [s], [z], [n], [l] like word time, dawn, silly, zoo, nasti lollipop."} {"id": "8094", "contents": "differ structur involv ga exchang vertebrates. alveolar membran gas-exchang surface. carbon dioxid rich blood pump rest bodi alveolar blood vessel where, diffusion, releas carbon dioxid absorb oxygen. bronchial anatomy. typic pair human lung contain 700 million alveoli, produc 70m surfac area. alveolu wrap fine mesh capillari cover 70% area. adult alveolu averag diamet 200 micrometres, increas diamet inhalation."} {"id": "8095", "contents": "alveolar ridg contain socket (alveoli) teeth. felt tongu area right top teeth bottom teeth. surfac cover littl ridges. sound made tongu touch alveolar ridg speak call alveolar consonants. exampl alveolar conson english are, instance, [t], [d], [s], [z], [n], [l] like word time, dawn, silly, zoo, nasti lollipop."} {"id": "8096", "contents": "lung consist spongi tissu fill air space call alveoli. alveoli, oxygen taken blood carbon dioxide, wast product cellular metabolism, releas exhaled. surfact prevent collaps reduc surfac tension fluid line lung help equal pressur larg small air spaces. surfac tension measur attract molecul fluid other."} {"id": "8097", "contents": "upper respiratori tract (nose, pharynx structur adam apple); lower respiratori tract (larynx, trachea, bronchi lungs). reload page tri again! press cmd-0 reset zoom. press ctrl-0 reset zoom. look like browser might zoom out. browser need zoom normal size record audio."} {"id": "8098", "contents": "alveoli increas total surfac area lungs, allow ga exchang take place. alveolar membran act interfac oxygen diffus bloodstream, carbon dioxid diffus blood. surfac cover littl ridges. sound made tongu touch alveolar ridg speak call alveolar consonants. exampl alveolar conson english are, instance, [t], [d], [s], [z], [n], [l] like word time, dawn, silly, zoo, nasti lollipop."} {"id": "8099", "contents": "also call pulmonari surfactant. one certain lipoprotein reduc surfac tension pulmonari fluids, allow exchang gase alveoli lung contribut elast pulmonari tissue. surfact prevent collaps reduc surfac tension fluid line lung help equal pressur larg small air spaces. surfac tension measur attract molecul fluid other."} {"id": "8100", "contents": "poll everywher let audienc respond use text messag (sms), twitter, web real-time. best part emb live audienc respons live chart right insid microsoft powerpoint presentation, free! creat first poll."} {"id": "8101", "contents": "born vladimir ilich ulanov 1870, lenin founder russian communist party, leader 1917 bolshevik revolution, architect, builder, first head soviet union.lenin spent year lead 1917 revolut exile, within russia abroad."} {"id": "8102", "contents": "vladimir /vla-di-mir/ [3 sylls.] boys' name slavic origin, mean vladimir renown prince. popular russia. pianist vladimir horowitz. kreatif forms: vadimir, valdimir, vladivir."} {"id": "8103", "contents": "second element also associ miru mean peace, world. name 11th-centuri grand princ kiev vener saint effort christian russia. also born founder former soviet state, vladimir ilyich lenin (1870-1924). relat names."} {"id": "8104", "contents": "hello, guest. vladimir, music prodigi kind vibe, cultur russian name associ countri piano virtuoso vladimir horowitz author lolita, vladimir nabokov."} {"id": "8105", "contents": "vladimir rich histori well, name first christian ruler russia, becam patron saint country' cathol church; lenin, founder ussr, current presid putin. common name throughout russia, vladimir featur novel turgenev pushkin."} {"id": "8106", "contents": "current two recogn speci wolves, cani lupus, grey wolf, cani rufus, red wolf. two speci compris canida famili carnivora order. red wolf\u2019 genu name, canis, latin dog. rufu latin red, refer red wolf\u2019 coloration. scientist believ roughli 15 subspeci grey wolv worldwide, one subspeci red wolf, cani rufu rufus."} {"id": "8107", "contents": "eurasian wolf (cani lupu lupus), also known common wolf, european wolf, carpathian wolf, stepp wolf, tibetan wolf chines wolf subspeci grey wolf (cani lupus) surviv mostli central asia. read more\u2026."} {"id": "8108", "contents": "wolf speci overview. world three wolf species: gray wolf, red wolf ethiopian wolf. also sever subspeci name base upon region happen found."} {"id": "8109", "contents": "wolf speci index. wolf species. gray wolf one peopl familiar with. color rang size depend happen reside. gray wolf. common wolf also known gray wolf. type wolf"} {"id": "8110", "contents": "eastern wolf (cani lupu lycaon), also know eastern canadian wolf eastern canadian red wolf tradit consid subspeci grey wolf. sometim also view result histor hybrid grey wolv red wolv coyotes. read more\u2026."} {"id": "8111", "contents": "arctic wolf (cani lupu arctos), also call polar wolf white wolf, mammal canida famili subspeci grey wolf. arctic wolv inhabit canadian arctic northern part greenland."} {"id": "8112", "contents": "three speci wolv world-th grey wolf (cani lupus), red wolf (cani rufus) ethiopian wolf ((also known abyssian wolf, ethipioan jackl simain fox))(cani simensis)."} {"id": "8113", "contents": "red wolf (cani rufus), rarest endang wolf species.th red wolf origin distribut includ much eastern north america, red wolv found pennsylvania east, florida south, texa west."} {"id": "8114", "contents": "composit materi gener use buildings, bridges, structur boat hulls, swim pool panels, race car bodies, shower stalls, bathtubs, storag tanks, imit granit cultur marbl sink countertops. composit materi also becom common realm orthoped surgery. carbon composit key materi today' launch vehicl heat shield re-entri phase spacecraft. wide use solar panel substrates, antenna reflector yoke"} {"id": "8115", "contents": "composit plastic benefits, comfort hot day one them. composit plastic get hot, can't walk barefoot, rossi says. cap composit different. plastic layer surround composit hold heat, jellema says. plastic: 100 percent plastic deck stain resist crack, warp splinter. requir finishing. plastic deck made new plastic; other partial complet recycled. composite: deck made wood fiber (usual recycl mapl sawdust) recycl plastic."} {"id": "8116", "contents": "learn basic inform composit plastic materials. understand unique, properti creat uniqu benefits."} {"id": "8117", "contents": "definition. composit two differ materi combin togeth creat superior uniqu material. extrem broad definit hold true composites, however, recent term composit describ reinforc plastics. background composites. exampl composites. common exampl composit broad sens concrete. use, structur steel rebar provid strength stiff concrete, cure cement hold rebar stationary."} {"id": "8118", "contents": "composit tend wear sooner silver fill larger cavities, although hold well small cavities. updated: march 2007. composit fill tooth-color plastic glass mixtur use restor decay teeth. composit also use cosmet improv smile chang color teeth reshap disfigur teeth."} {"id": "8119", "contents": "polycarbon (pc) group thermoplast polym contain carbon group chemic structures. polycarbon use engin strong, tough materials, grade optic transparent. easili worked, molded, thermoformed. due low weight high impact resistance, polycarbon domin materi make automot headlamp lenses. however, automot headlamp requir outer surfac coat low scratch resist suscept ultra violet degrad (yellowing)."} {"id": "8120", "contents": "advertisement. wood plastic composit hybrid materi compos natur wood plastic fiber. saw dust fiber filler like pulp, peanut hulls, bamboo mix new wast plastic powder, materi polyethylene, polyvinyl chloride, polypropylene, acrylonitril butadien styrene. result high cellulos content, wood plastic composit treat similar fashion wood, also moisture-and rot-resistant. wood plastic composit (wpc) consist polyethylen (pe) wood sawdust tend use primarili build structur components. wpc compris wood sawdust polypropylen (pp), hand, commonli use automot consum product"} {"id": "8121", "contents": "10 anim fact amaz you. polycarbon versatile, tough plastic use varieti applications, bulletproof window compact disk (cds). main advantag materi type plastic great strength combin light weight. acryl 17% stronger glass, polycarbon nearli unbreakable. bulletproof window enclosur seen insid bank drive-through often made plastic."} {"id": "8122", "contents": "requir provis life insur polici state insur polici (includ rider endorsements/amendments) application, attach policy, compris entir contract parties. incontestability. provis individu health insur polici state polici becom incontest cannot void claim deni two year (three year states) except case fraud."} {"id": "8123", "contents": "d. subrogation. subrog provis found insur polici give insurer, payment loss caus third party, insured' right recoveri third party. insurer' right extent loss payment. total amount partial loss paid, hous must insur least 80% valu date loss. case, hous insur $60,000 (75% minimum requirement), polici pay 75% loss, $30,000."} {"id": "8124", "contents": "requir provis life insur polici prevent insur deni claim void life insur policy, except nonpay premiums, polici forc certain number years, usual 2. incontestability. provis individu health insur polici state polici becom incontest cannot void claim deni two year (three year states) except case fraud."} {"id": "8125", "contents": "question: provis found insur polici prevent insur collect twice loss called. answer: appraisal. subrogation. consent settl loss. provis prevent insur bring legal action compani least 60 day proof loss known as. a)proof loss. b)legal actions. c)time limit certain defenses. d)payment claims. b)payment claim"} {"id": "8126", "contents": "properti liabil insur polici allow subrog basi payment claim indemnification, reimbursement, insur losses. conversely, life insur polici allow subrogation. life insur indemnifi insur loss measur dollars. insurance, marine, contracts. marin insur contract wherebi one party, stipul premium, undertak indemnifi certain peril sea risks, ship, freight, cargo, may exposed, certain voyage, fix period time."} {"id": "8127", "contents": "insur equit transfer risk loss, one entiti anoth exchang money. form risk manag primarili use hedg risk contingent, uncertain loss. insurer, insur carrier, sell insurance; insured, policyholder, person entiti buy insur policy. earthquak insur form properti insur pay policyhold event earthquak caus damag property. ordinari home insur polici cover earthquak damage. earthquak insur polici gener featur high deductible."} {"id": "8128", "contents": "insur suffer loss damag cover policy, insur collect proce polici file claim, request coverage, insur company. compani decid whether pay claim. insurance, marine, contracts. marin insur contract wherebi one party, stipul premium, undertak indemnifi certain peril sea risks, ship, freight, cargo, may exposed, certain voyage, fix period time."} {"id": "8129", "contents": "substitut insur place insur purpos claim indemn third person loss cover insurance. purpose: prevent insur collect twice loss(primari purpos subrogation)***wil test***. definition. requir payment face amount insur insur total loss real properti occur peril specifi law."} {"id": "8130", "contents": "third parti caus loss cover policy, insur compani may right sue third parti place insured. right call subrogation, design make parti respons loss bear burden loss. insurance, marine, contracts. marin insur contract wherebi one party, stipul premium, undertak indemnifi certain peril sea risks, ship, freight, cargo, may exposed, certain voyage, fix period time."} {"id": "8131", "contents": "app hungarian notat strive encod logic data type rather physic data type; way, give hint variable' purpos is, represents.n system hungarian notation, prefix encod actual data type variable. example: laccountnum: variabl long integ (l); arru8numberlist: variabl array unsign 8-bit integ (arru8);"} {"id": "8132", "contents": "advantag hungarian notat remind type variable. true pure oo languag (which c++ not) hungarian notat would purpose. here, variabl typeless-they contain object, type depend object itself, variable. primit types. however, c++ hybrid language. [..."} {"id": "8133", "contents": "hungarian notat describ variabl (a pointer, pointer pointer, content pointer etc. etc.), thing point (string etc).i'v found littl use pointer c#, especi there' unmanaged/pinvok calls."} {"id": "8134", "contents": "hungarian notat program languag variabl name convention. sinc around 1999 charl simonyi, origin hungary, introduc name convention, tri adapt variou new program languages."} {"id": "8135", "contents": "hungarian notat identifi name convent comput programming, name variabl function indic type intend use. two type hungarian notation: system hungarian notat app hungarian notation. hungarian notat design language-independent, found first major use bcpl program language. bcpl data type machin word, noth languag help programm rememb variables' types. system hungarian notation, prefix encod actual data type variable. example: laccountnum: variabl long integ (l); arru8numberlist: variabl array unsign 8-bit integ (arru8);"} {"id": "8136", "contents": "cloudshare. vs. labslice. programming, hungarian notat set convent name data object programm add meaning prefix one sever charact object' name identifi type object is."} {"id": "8137", "contents": "33. one thing struggl use hungarian notation. want go variabl definit see type is. project get extensive, nice abl look variabl prefix 'bool' know look true/fals instead 0/1 value."} {"id": "8138", "contents": "system becam wide use insid microsoft. came known hungarian notat prefix make variabl name look bit though they'r written non-english languag simonyi origin hungary."} {"id": "8139", "contents": "perhap import public encourag use hungarian notat first book read almost everi window programmer: charl petzold' program windows. use dialect hungarian notat throughout briefli describ notat first chapter.t came known hungarian notat prefix make variabl name look bit though they'r written non-english languag simonyi origin hungary."} {"id": "8140", "contents": "although impatien grow full shade, they\u2019ll grow taller won\u2019t bloom much. peopl grow impatien nurseri bed plants, grow seed, well. start indoor 10 week last expect frost. plant seed 1/8 inch deep steril pot soil keep soil moist warm."} {"id": "8141", "contents": "impatien seed: light temperature. impatien container. place flat grow light near window get bright indirect light. soil temperatur 70 75\u00ba (21 24\u00ba c). impatien seed sprout within seven day two weeks, although sometim take littl longer temperatur cooler."} {"id": "8142", "contents": "grow impatien seed. grow impatien seed good way save money like plant flat flat popular annuals. ideal time start eight 10 week last frost area. fill seed flat steril seed-start mix moistened. place flat grow light near window get bright indirect light. soil temperatur 70 75\u00ba (21 24\u00ba c). impatien seed sprout within seven day two weeks, although sometim take littl longer temperatur cooler."} {"id": "8143", "contents": "make sure plant shelter wind. closer impatien plant are, taller grow, space accordingli (impatien plant grown anywher 30 inch tall). flower beds, plant 12 inch apart plant stay low ground. impatien winter. impatien get long leggy, also take cut root water start new plants. plant grow outside, cut back first frost leav cut water sunni window til spring plant outside."} {"id": "8144", "contents": "impatien grown indoor outdoor planter hang baskets. plant masses, creat carpet multicolor impatien garden. annual varieti easier grow seed, choos appropri annual seed specif grow conditions. start germin impatien seed eight 10 week prior last frost. first flower bloom within eight 10 week sow seed"} {"id": "8145", "contents": "overview. impatien found northern hemisphere. common name impatien touch-me-nots, jewelwe balsams. speci impatien annual perennials. flower inch long plant grow feet tall. impatien fairli easi grow live well sunlight shade. step 4. place plastic cover top seed encourag germination. first seedl appear, uncov container. keep grow seedl constant temperatur 70 75 degre f., place grow lamp 12 16 hour per day."} {"id": "8146", "contents": "propag impatien seed. impatien slow-grow plant, you\u2019ll need start seedl three month last spring frost. impatien seed germin take 21 days, sprout happen within first two weeks. tip grow impatien seeds. grow impatien seed slow process, simpl one. fill cell moisten commerci seed-start mix, leav inch space top soil edg planter. put cell tray fill tray water."} {"id": "8147", "contents": "plant impatien transplant last spring frost humus-rich, moist, well-drain soil. make sure plant shelter wind. closer impatien plant are, taller grow, space accordingli (impatien plant grown anywher 30 inch tall). impatien winter. impatien get long leggy, also take cut root water start new plants. plant grow outside, cut back first frost leav cut water sunni window til spring plant outside."} {"id": "8148", "contents": "doubl impatien grow effortlessli seed, must start indoor approxim three month last spring frost. sprouted, doubl impatien seedl grow rapidli readi transplant april within u.s. depart agricultur plant hardi zone above."} {"id": "8149", "contents": "select zip code interest find zip code data demographics, family, housing, education, transportation, real estate. see atlanta zip code map."} {"id": "8150", "contents": "ratio number resid zip code 30306 number sex offend 1,603 1. number regist sex offend compar number resid zip code lot smaller state average."} {"id": "8151", "contents": "page show googl map overlay zip code atlanta, fulton county, georgia. user easili view boundari zip code. index instruct privaci polici new maps. atlanta, fulton county, georgia zip code map boundari version 3.0 copyright 1996-2013 john coryat-usnaviguide."} {"id": "8152", "contents": "tabl outlin top posit zip code 30350 zip code rank charts. example, rank 10 mean zip code rank #10 list top zip code america particular value. list creat zip code america popul 1000 resid higher."} {"id": "8153", "contents": "page show googl map overlay zip code atlanta, fulton county, georgia. user easili view boundari zip code. index instruct privaci polici new maps. atlanta, fulton county, georgia zip code map boundari version 3.0 copyright 1996-2014 john coryat-usnaviguide."} {"id": "8154", "contents": "follow latest data demograph main 30303 zip code downtown atlanta area atlanta, georgia. may also want take look demograph downtown atlanta fulton counti area zip code 30306, 30308, 30309, 30312 30317."} {"id": "8155", "contents": "ratio number resid zip code 30305 number sex offend 4,503 1. number regist sex offend compar number resid zip code lot smaller state average."} {"id": "8156", "contents": "outlin zip code list atlanta. select zip code interest find zip code data demographics, family, housing, education, transportation, real estate. see atlanta zip code map."} {"id": "8157", "contents": "powder coat bicycl frame parts. powder coat type coat appli free-flowing, dri powder. main differ convent liquid paint powder coat powder coat requir solvent keep binder filler part liquid suspens form. powder may thermoplast thermoset polymer. usual use creat hard finish tougher convent paint. powder coat mainli use coat metals, household appliances, aluminium extrusions, drum hardware, automobil bicycl parts."} {"id": "8158", "contents": "powder coating? powder coat process appli dri powder paint compound made pigments, special resin filler melt fuse togeth cure process form paint finish. solid powder particl electrostaticali charg exit low-veloc air power spray gun."} {"id": "8159", "contents": "powder coat also remov burn process, part put larg high-temperatur oven temperatur typic reach air temp 300 450 degre centigrade. process take four hour requir part clean complet re-powd coated. powder may thermoplast thermoset polymer. usual use creat hard finish tougher convent paint. powder coat mainli use coat metals, household appliances, aluminium extrusions, drum hardware, automobil bicycl parts."} {"id": "8160", "contents": "last long, long time. powder coat superior finish that\u2019 found hundr product come contact day. make product durable, attractive, scratch-resistant, too. powder coat complet dri finish process use wide rang materi products. fine ground particl pigment resin electrostat charg spray onto product coated."} {"id": "8161", "contents": "powder coat process phosphatingdri overview powder coat powder coat process similar paint process except \u201cpaint\u201d dri powder rather liquid. powder stick part due electrostat charg powder ground parts."} {"id": "8162", "contents": "powder coat process coat metal plastic finish appli powder form bake fluid state bond metal surface. powder coat mani advantag tradit liquid coating: better environment, appli thicker without running, easi style with. appli powder object powder coated. done use gun compress air sprayer electrostat charg powder materi stick ground base metal object receiv coating. gun avail variou suppliers, cost littl $100."} {"id": "8163", "contents": "powder coat safe, dri finish process use creat protect finish use metal aluminum products, automobil motorcycl parts. process use creat hard finish tougher convent paint. powder coat process safe econom process protect rust chemic resistance. durable, rust-free, chip resistant, long last finish."} {"id": "8164", "contents": "powder coat duarable, look great last sever years. powder coat superior finish found hundr product come contact everi day. powder coat attract scratch resistant. result attractive, durable, high-qual finish. powder coat process offer anoth advantag -- environment friendli virtual pollut free! unlik liquid paint, solvent use result neglig amount voc releas air."} {"id": "8165", "contents": "powder coat becom one want surfac finish techniqu days. definit powder coat process appli dri paint part. comparison normal wet paint hous paints, solid suspens liquid carrier, must evapor solid paint coat produced."} {"id": "8166", "contents": "broad flat muscle. (muscular) diaphragm diaphragm muscl separat thorac abdomin cavity. pelvi lowest part abdomin caviti physic separ diaphragm. 31 other found useful. natasha patterson."} {"id": "8167", "contents": "diaphragm dome-shap structur muscl fibrou tissu separ thorac caviti abdomen. dome, diaphragm peripher attach structur make abdomin chest walls. muscl fibr attach converg central tendon, form crest dome."} {"id": "8168", "contents": "origin diaphragm found along lumbar vertebra spine inferior border rib sternum. open diaphragm allow esophagus, phrenic vagu nerves, descend aorta, inferior vena cava pass thorac abdomin cavities.... inhale, diaphragm contract drawn inferiorli abdomin caviti flat. time, extern intercost muscl rib elev anterior rib cage like handl bucket. thorac caviti becom deeper larger, draw air atmosphere."} {"id": "8169", "contents": "structur [edit]. diaphragm dome-shap structur muscl fibrou tissu separ thorac caviti abdomen. dome curv upwards. superior surfac dome form floor thorac cavity, inferior surfac roof abdomin cavity. dome, diaphragm peripher attach structur make abdomin chest walls. muscl fibr attach converg central tendon, form crest dome."} {"id": "8170", "contents": "rememb diaphragm separ abdomin caviti thorac caviti aid breathing. 2. remov pericardium, membran surround heart. membran also locat mani organ get way view. 3. structur visibl heart two atria, ventricl (which two chamber separ visibl outside), larg aorta-a vessel leav heart. activity, open abdomin thorac caviti fetal pig identifi structures. remember, dissect mean expos view care dissect make easier find organ structures. sure follow directions."} {"id": "8171", "contents": "15 serou membran caviti bodi caviti major caviti bodi withinth trunk. contain viscer organ andser membran cavities:thorac caviti line byendothorac fascia.abdomin pelvic caviti arelin transversali fascia. adult, serouscav are: pericardi cavity, two pleural cavities, periton caviti (includ vaginalcav extens periton cavity).acquir three-dimension understand howser caviti form challeng exercise."} {"id": "8172", "contents": "organs, kidney pancreas, lie periton line muscular wall abdomin cavity. organ said retroperiton (retro, behind). pelvic caviti portion ventral bodi caviti inferior abdomin cavity. diaphragm, flat muscular sheet, divid ventral bodi caviti superior thorac cavity, bound chest wall, inferior abdominopelv cavity, enclos abdomin wall bone muscl pelvis."} {"id": "8173", "contents": "also hollow chest, thorac caviti heart lungs. hollow abdomin caviti intestin digest organs. also pelvic caviti hous primarili reproduct organ female. hope agre consist mani hollow compartments."} {"id": "8174", "contents": "thorax abdomen. organ thorac abdomin caviti exposed. midventr strip tissu lie pair later incis contain umbil arteries, urinari bladder, and, male, penis. image, cut open cavitites. bodi caviti thorac abdomin organ situat call coelom. complet line shini coelom epithelium also cover intern organs."} {"id": "8175", "contents": "diaphragm separ thorac caviti contain heart lungs, abdomin caviti perform import function respiration: diaphragm contracts, volum thorac caviti increas air drawn lungs. dome, diaphragm peripher attach structur make abdomin chest walls. muscl fibr attach converg central tendon, form crest dome."} {"id": "8176", "contents": "may 2006, architectur civil drafter made median annual salari $41,960, middl fifti percent earn $33,550 $52,220. mechan drafter made slightli more, median yearli earn $43,700, middl fifti percent earn $34,680 $55,130. electr drafter earn most, median yearli earn $46,830 middl fifti percent make $36,660 $60,160."} {"id": "8177", "contents": "(unit states). averag architectur drafter unit state expect take home roughli $18.07 per hour. bonus approach $3k certain profit share proce approach $8k, overal incom architectur drafter spread $28k $56k depend individu performance. pay rate architectur drafter 39 percent greater nation average, san francisco offer comfort salari profession. architectur drafter also find cushi salari san jose (+35 percent), wichita (+23 percent), new york (+12 percent), irvin (+6 percent)."} {"id": "8178", "contents": "bl report california, offer averag wage $57,850, highest architectur civil drafter employ level may 2013. alaska, much lower employ level, offer highest averag salari $67,160. lowest-paid worker earn $26,410 $46,040 average. salari industry. draft occupations, mechan drafter employ architectur engin services. bl report worker made averag yearli salari $56,600 may 2013."} {"id": "8179", "contents": "comparisons. architectur drafter compris almost half draft professionals, earn averag $22.94 per hour $47,710 per year. however, paid less almost draft professional. example, electr electron drafter receiv highest wage $26.34 per hour $54,800 per year, follow mechan drafter got $23.94 per hour $49,790 per year. even other, unclassifi drafters, averag $23.18 per hour $48,210 per year."} {"id": "8180", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic cad drafter unit state $46,535 50% peopl perform job cad drafter unit state expect make less $46,535. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $46,535. salary."} {"id": "8181", "contents": "drafter use softwar convert design engin architect technic draw plans. worker special architectural, civil, electrical, mechan draft use technic draw help design everyth microchip skyscrapers."} {"id": "8182", "contents": "bl report electr electron drafter work architectur engin servic made mean yearli wage $59,230, may 2013. build equip contractor also common employers, pay profession averag salari $59,340 per year. salari industry. draft occupations, mechan drafter employ architectur engin services. bl report worker made averag yearli salari $56,600"} {"id": "8183", "contents": "chart describ expect percentag peopl perform job architectur drafter make less salary. exampl 50% peopl perform job architectur drafter expect make less median. chart describ expect percentag peopl perform job architectur drafter unit state make less annual salary."} {"id": "8184", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic architectur drafter unit state $40,819, 50% peopl perform job architectur drafter unit state expect make less $40,819. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary. salari bonus. benefits. chart describ expect percentag peopl perform job architectur drafter unit state make less annual salary."} {"id": "8185", "contents": "impeach process involv u.s. president, chief justic unit state requir presid senat trial. trials, vice presid would presid capac presid senate. hous repres sole power impeaching, unit state senat sole power tri impeachments. remov impeach offici automat upon convict"} {"id": "8186", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. first all, question i'm sure meant form.. second all, take two third senat (67 votes) remov presid office. presid andrew johnson bill clinton impeach (had charg file them) us hous representatives, acquit senat tr ials. senat came one vote short 2/3 requir convict andrew johnson. clinton' case, 55 senat vote acquit."} {"id": "8187", "contents": "constitut grant hous power impeach president, vice president, civil offic unit states.. suggest member congress offic unit states. others, however, believ member civil offic subject impeachment. hous repres impeach senat william blount 1798, result expulsion."} {"id": "8188", "contents": "articl ii, section constitut says, president, vice presid civil offic unit states, shall remov offic impeach for, convict of, treason, bribery, high crime misdemeanors.. senate, open session, vote verdict. 2/3 vote senat result conviction. senat vote remov presid office. senat may also vote (bi simpl majority) prohibit presid hold public offic future."} {"id": "8189", "contents": "constitut say presid remov offic treason, bribery, high crime misdemeanors.. mani argu definit high crime misdemeanor realli hous decide. larg major republican voter believ congress would justifi impeach presid obama, accord new poll yougov. poll found percent public 68 percent republican voter support impeachment."} {"id": "8190", "contents": "impeach legal process. impeach polit process. take 2/3rd unit state senat remov presid office. therefore, impeach offens anyth get 67 member senat vote for. republican 55 member democrat 45. still take 67 vote senat remov offic go happen. even happen, al gore becom presid republican gain nothing. possibl scenario make republican winner. amaz stupid figur out."} {"id": "8191", "contents": "republican vote remov clinton would take 12 democrat agree. ain't gonna happen. republican never get 67 vote senate. therefor presid clinton remov office. still take 67 vote senat remov offic go happen. even happen, al gore becom presid republican gain nothing. possibl scenario make republican winner. amaz stupid figur out."} {"id": "8192", "contents": "indict crime. second view constitut standard make necessari presid commit indict crime order subject impeach remov office. view adopt mani republican impeach investig presid richard m. nixon."} {"id": "8193", "contents": "\u201cour member wish thing would over,\u201d said senior hous republican met bush recently. \u201cpeopl tire him.\u201d. fast-shrink gaggl big blogger use argument oppos impeachment: 67 vote senat convict remove. (ko say year."} {"id": "8194", "contents": "standard impeachment. president, vice presid civil offic unit states, shall remov offic impeach for, convict of, treason, bribery, high crime misdemeanors. word impeach popularli use indic bring charg hous senat vote remov office. constitution, however, term refer former. convention, deleg experi differ impeach proceedings."} {"id": "8195", "contents": "carbohydr provid fuel bodi form glucos sugar. two type carbohydr -- simpl complex. simpl carbohydr sugars, one found candy, fruit bake goods. complex carbohydr starch found beans, nuts, veget whole grains."} {"id": "8196", "contents": "use primari sourc protein vegetarian diets, bean healthi sourc carbohydrates. high fiber help digest system sinc form slowli digest"} {"id": "8197", "contents": "carbohydr \u2018carbs\u2019 energi sourc food come starch, sugar cellulose. carbohydr provid vitamins, minerals, antioxid fiber diet. current recommend suggest 45 65 percent daili calori come type foods."} {"id": "8198", "contents": "like beans, pea good sourc carbohydrates, digest slowly, make good food sourc individu can't process sugar well. pea abund vitamin k, manganese, vitamin provid high level dietari fiber."} {"id": "8199", "contents": "rich fiber. bean contain rich sourc fiber, type carbohydr contribut health. get two type fiber diet -- solubl insoluble. bean contain both. solubl fiber attract water form gel digestion."} {"id": "8200", "contents": "oatmeal, brown rice, quinoa, potatoes, beans, pea lentil exampl complex carbs. simpl carb often softer textur white bread, white rice bake goods. soda, candi sweeten like tabl sugar honey also simpl carbs."} {"id": "8201", "contents": "basketbal court come differ size colors. nba, court 94 feet (29 m) 50 feet (15 m). intern basketbal feder (fiba) rules, court minut smaller, measur exactli 28 metr (92 ft) 15 metr (49 ft)."} {"id": "8202", "contents": "size basketbal court india similar basketbal court world. length 94 feet width court 50 feet. standard nba court 94 feet 50 feet. lot fo high school colleg built 84 feet 50 feet 'lost' 10' (ten feet) remov 5' either side centr line dimens remain howev radiu point line chang nba 23'-9."} {"id": "8203", "contents": "court size overall: overal size high school basketbal court typic 84 feet long 50 feet wide. junior high school court measur 74 feet long 42 feet wide. foul line: court \u201cfoul line\u201d distanc 15 feet foul line front backboard."} {"id": "8204", "contents": "high school court slightli smaller, 84 feet (26 m) 50 feet (15 m). amateur basketball, court size vari widely. basket alway 10 feet (3.0 m) floor (except possibl youth competition). nba, court 94 feet (29 m) 50 feet (15 m). intern basketbal feder (fiba) rules, court minut smaller, measur exactli 28 metr (92 ft) 15 metr (49 ft)."} {"id": "8205", "contents": "let start length breadth basketbal court. fiba defin length basketbal court 91.86 ft (28 m) length nba court 94 ft (28.65 m). breadth fiba court 49.21 ft (15 m) breadth nba court 55 ft (15.24 m)."} {"id": "8206", "contents": "basketbal sport play two team five player rectangular court. object shoot ball hoop 18 inch (46 cm) diamet 10 feet (3.048 m) high mount backboard end."} {"id": "8207", "contents": "size basketbal court? 94 feet 50 feet colleg nba high school elementari school 84 feet 50 feet 74 feet 42 feet. standard nba court 94 feet 50 feet. lot fo high school colleg built 84 feet 50 feet 'lost' 10' (ten feet) remov 5' either side centr line dimens remain howev radiu point line chang nba 23'-9."} {"id": "8208", "contents": "basketbal court dimensions. basketbal court dimens follows: #1 nba/ncaa-regul basketbal court dimens 94' long 50' wide. #2 high school basketbal court dimens measur 84' long 50' wide. #3 jr. high school basketbal court dimens measur 74' long 42' wide. click diagram layout basketbal court dimensions."} {"id": "8209", "contents": "basketball, basketbal court play surface, consist rectangular floor tile either end. profession organ basketball, especi play indoors, usual made wood, often maple, highli polished. nba, court 94 feet (29 m) 50 feet (15 m). intern basketbal feder (fiba) rules, court minut smaller, measur exactli 28 metr (92 ft) 15 metr (49 ft)."} {"id": "8210", "contents": "fine first time dwi offens texa $2000, high $10,000 passeng younger 15 year age vehicle. follow information, item cost dwi involv first-tim dwi offens convict texas: post bond, get ride pick vehicl pay tow impound fee get car back texa dwi charge, like cost minimum addit fee $100 $300 get car back."} {"id": "8211", "contents": "home dui/dwi texa dwi costs. addit lose license, expect owe state texa good deal money. fine texa dwi offens stiff: first offens cost $2,000. fine second offens reach $4,000, third offens land $10,000 hole. given probation, you\u2019ll pay dwi cla"} {"id": "8212", "contents": "texas, two dwi convict (in state) lifetime, could face possibl feloni charges. minimum feloni punish less two (2) year ten (10) year confin prison togeth fine exceed $10,000 both. convict dwi, either plea bargain lose trial, requir pay court cost fine court. place probation, pay monthli probat fee ($40-$60/month)."} {"id": "8213", "contents": "mani cost dwi case come convict dwi. convict dwi, either plea bargain lose trial, requir pay court cost fine court. place probation, pay monthli probat fee ($40-$60/month)."} {"id": "8214", "contents": "across texas, summari states, total cost dwi arrest convict rang $5,000 $24,000 first-tim offense.. austin area, offend pay $6,000 $21,000 fines, fee costs. one person pay $17,000 dwi, say dwi cost $17,000 true statement, nash said. separately, share studi summari austin lawyer sam bassett, said e-mail typic charg $5,000 dwi case doesn\u2019t go juri $10,000 does."} {"id": "8215", "contents": "11.how much dwi convict cost me? vari greatly, answer everyone. pretti picture, case. amount list estim first-tim offens only, taken absolutely."} {"id": "8216", "contents": "fine class misdemeanor dwi texa \u201cup to\u201d $2000, negotiable, let\u2019 estim averag $500. dp surcharg dwi convict howev negotiable, that\u2019 minimum $1000 per year years, that\u2019 $3000. provid breath blood sampl .16, twice legal limit, dp surcharg $2000/yr year $6000. minimum $135. far, cost dwi convict $8000, didn\u2019t talk money spent bail, tow charg get car impound, attorney\u2019 fees, court costs."} {"id": "8217", "contents": "increas insur dwi convict go vari greatly, base prior drive record, age, number claim made past, etc. conserv estim though go $3000, probabl higher. minimum $135. far, cost dwi convict $8000, didn\u2019t talk money spent bail, tow charg get car impound, attorney\u2019 fees, court costs."} {"id": "8218", "contents": "ignit interlock fee (estimate) $1,00. answer question, minimum first-tim texa dwi cost texa (plu applic tax items) whop $12,675! austin dwi attorney, jami balagia, dwi dude, readi stand court. post bond, get ride pick vehicl pay tow impound fee get car back texa dwi charge, like cost minimum addit fee $100 $300 get car back."} {"id": "8219", "contents": "ir sever limit abil contribut roth ira individu marri file separately. incom allow contribut roth ira. incom less $10,000 cannot contribut limit. contribut reduced. file single, head household, marri file separ (if live spous time year) incom must less $116,000 contribut limit. incom fall $116,000 $131"} {"id": "8220", "contents": "$181,000 repres maximum modifi adjust gross incom marri coupl file jointli 2014 still contribut full $5,500 roth ira (or $6,500 50 older anytim 2014). abil contribut money roth disappear entir joint incom $191,000 more. i\u2019v seen two differ number incom limit marri coupl elig contribut roth ira 2014 -- $181,000 $191,000."} {"id": "8221", "contents": "whether make maximum roth ira contribut ($5,500 annually, $6,500 age 50 older) depend tax file statu modifi adjust gross incom (magi)"} {"id": "8222", "contents": "file marri file joint qualifi widow(er) incom must less $183,000 contribut limit. incom fall $183,000 $193,000 cannot contribut limit. contribut reduced. file single, head household, marri file separ (if live spous time year) incom must less $116,000 contribut limit. incom fall $116,000 $131"} {"id": "8223", "contents": "amount reduc roth ira contribution. amount contribut must reduced, figur reduc contribut limit follows. start modifi agi. subtract amount (1): $183,000 file joint return qualifi widow(er),"} {"id": "8224", "contents": "contribut rate phase begin magi $116,001, end $131,000 (up $114,000, $129,000, respect 2014). marri file jointli make maximum roth ira contribut incom $183,000 less. tradit roth ira contribut limit $5,500 age 50. person age 50 make addit catch contribut $1,000, total contribut limit $6,500."} {"id": "8225", "contents": "2015 roth ira rules-eligibility, income, contribut limits, more. note: articl refer 2015 tax year. assum ira open dec. 31, 2015, tax file deadline\u2013april 15, 2016\u2013to make 2015 contribution. income/contribut limit may increas 2016 tax year. click current contribut limits. come roth ira, \u201crules\u201d subject term."} {"id": "8226", "contents": "roth ira incom limits. may contribut full amount roth ira 2015 modifi adjust gross incom $116,000 singl ($183,000 married). may make partial contribut incom hit $131,000 ($193,000 married). incom that, cannot contribut roth ira. interested, workaround call backdoor roth ira incom limits."} {"id": "8227", "contents": "ir recent releas 2015 updat incom contribut limit roth iras. detail below, contribut limit roth ira unchang 2015\u2013still $5,500. catch-up contribut 50 older, index inflation, remain $1,000. incom limit qualifi roth ira, however, risen. details."} {"id": "8228", "contents": "roth ira incom limit singl filers. file single, head household, marri file separ (if live spous time year) incom must less $116,000 contribut limit. incom fall $116,000 $131,000 cannot contribut limit. contribut reduced. use ir worksheet calcul new reduc roth ira contribut limit"} {"id": "8229", "contents": "edit answer (for anoth -17 minute). averag labor cost instal bathroom sink faucet run $140 $200 replace. sinc three replac would probabl lower end scale also depend complex install. sink small vaniti make hard get may run higher."} {"id": "8230", "contents": "basic faucet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal kitchen faucet rang $256.87 $416.23 per faucet. estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchased."} {"id": "8231", "contents": "compar cost replac kitchen faucet labor materi cost hire plumber job."} {"id": "8232", "contents": "plumber charg $250 remov old faucet replac good qualiti stylish new one. includ labor new faucet. $145, cost new unit, save 42 percent."} {"id": "8233", "contents": "would take hour remov old faucet replac new one water shutoff valv good condition. includ 30 minut drive time $5 worth suppli estim would $80 $130 $50-hr labor."} {"id": "8234", "contents": "get instant estim cost replac kitchen faucet! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost kitchen faucet replac project. basic faucet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost replac kitchen faucet rang $306.81 $474.72 per faucet. estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchased."} {"id": "8235", "contents": "continu read main story. immigr headlin again, presid obama\u2019 decis last week stop deport young illeg immigr came unit state children, suprem court\u2019 approach decis constitution arizona\u2019 crackdown undocu migrants."} {"id": "8236", "contents": "german littl choic place besid unit state allow german immigration. unlik irish, mani german enough money journey midwest search farmland work. largest settlement german new york city, baltimore, cincinnati, st. loui milwaukee. decad 1845 1855, million german fled unit state escap econom hardship. also sought escap polit unrest caus riots, rebellion eventu revolut 1848."} {"id": "8237", "contents": "largest ethnic group compris 50 million people, make largest self-report ancestri group unit states, ahead irish americans, african americans, english americans, mexican american italian americans. compris 1\u20443 german diaspora world. german-american somewhat better educ white collar gener population, one-third least bachelor' degre 40 percent employ management, business, scienc arts."} {"id": "8238", "contents": "introduction. unit state experienc major wave immigr coloni era, first part 19th centuri 1880 1920. mani immigr came america seek greater econom opportunity, some, pilgrim earli 1600s, arriv search religi freedom. individu state regul immigr prior 1892 open elli island, country\u2019 first feder immigr station. new law 1965 end quota system favor european immigrants, today, major country\u2019 immigr hail asia latin america."} {"id": "8239", "contents": "immigr continu larg number 19th century, eight million arriv germany. middl half nineteenth centuri (between 1820 1870) seven half million immigr came unit state doubl entir popul country. german-american somewhat better educ white collar gener population, one-third least bachelor' degre 40 percent employ management, business, scienc arts."} {"id": "8240", "contents": "nation immigrants. success wave immigr kept countri demograph young, enrich cultur ad product capac nation, enhanc influenc world. immigr give unit state econom edg world economy. immigr bring innov idea entrepreneuri spirit u.s. economy. provid busi contact markets, enhanc america\u2019 abil trade invest profit global economy. immigr drain govern finances. na studi found typic immigr offspr pay net $80,000 tax lifetim collect govern services. immigr colleg degrees, net fiscal return $198,000."} {"id": "8241", "contents": "first perman german settlement texa date back earli 1830's, upsurg german immigr 1840' result town fredericksburg new braunfels. mid 1850's, popul san antonio, houston, galveston one-third german. decad 1845 1855, million german fled unit state escap econom hardship. also sought escap polit unrest caus riots, rebellion eventu revolut 1848."} {"id": "8242", "contents": "immigr enrich american cultur enhanc influenc world. immigr alway controversi unit states. two centuri ago, benjamin franklin worri mani german immigr would swamp america\u2019 predominantli british culture. immigr drain govern finances. na studi found typic immigr offspr pay net $80,000 tax lifetim collect govern services. immigr colleg degrees, net fiscal return $198,000."} {"id": "8243", "contents": "mexico birthplac 28% (or 11.6 million) immigr u.s. immigr born mexico account half foreign born five states: new mexico (72%), arizona (58%), texa (58%), idaho (53%) oklahoma (51%). germany, largest share immigr u.s. came russia countri would becom ussr (11%, 1.5 million). sinc 1965, congress pass legisl open nation\u2019 borders, immigr larg hail latin america asia."} {"id": "8244", "contents": "immigr pattern 1930 domin great depression. final prosper year, 1929, 279,678 immigr recorded, 1933, 23,068 came u.s. earli 1930s, peopl emigr unit state it. immigr increas drastic last century, foreign born share popul still higher 1900 (about 20%) today (about 10%). number factor may attribut decreas represent foreign born resid unit states."} {"id": "8245", "contents": "(l\u0259br\u0115t`\u014d) [ital.,=littl book], text opera oratorio. although play usual emphas integr plot, libretto often loos plot connect seri episodes. character emot suggest word libretto express music. first major librettist ottavio rinuccini, italian poet 16th cent"} {"id": "8246", "contents": "full definit libretto. 1. text work (a opera) music theater. 2. book contain libretto. see libretto defin english-languag learners. see libretto defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "8247", "contents": "libretto. libretto text use in, intend for, extend music work opera, operetta, masque, oratorio, cantata, musical. term libretto also sometim use refer text major liturg works, mass, requiem, sacr cantata, stori line ballet. wiktionari (0.00 votes) rate definition: libretto (noun). text dramat music work, opera. libretto (noun). book contain text."} {"id": "8248", "contents": "libretto line subnotebook comput design produc toshiba. line distinguish combin function small size, squeez full window pc devic size paperback book."} {"id": "8249", "contents": "libretto, littl book, text opera similar vocal work, origin issu small print book. close window."} {"id": "8250", "contents": "libretto text use in, intend for, extend music work opera, operetta, masque, oratorio, cantata musical. term, libretto also sometim use refer text major liturg works, mass, requiem sacr cantata, stori line ballet. libretto"} {"id": "8251", "contents": "cover 1921 libretto giordano' andrea chenier. ch\u00e9nier libretto text used, intended, extend music work an, opera, operetta, masque, oratorio cantata or. music term, libretto also sometim use refer text major liturg works, mass, requiem sacr cantata, stori line ballet."} {"id": "8252", "contents": "libretto opera, includ aida, creation word sbe sung. sung spoken, gener consid music operetta. vo ice sing compos wrote term music, poetri word tell stori base librettist' work."} {"id": "8253", "contents": "libretto. verbal text work music drama, opera operetta and, past, cantata oratorio; ballet scenario; brief summari content opera, operetta, ballet. although play usual emphas integr plot, libretto often loos plot connect seri episodes. character emot suggest word libretto express music."} {"id": "8254", "contents": "head beach, there' danger know about. shark rough surf -- sand. dig hole sand seriou hazard family. earli show consum correspond susan koeppen said plenti peopl dig hole sand, know hole quickli cave trap inside."} {"id": "8255", "contents": "sand cast vs. die cast sand cast die cast similarities, yet world apart come production. process method produc cast variou type metals."} {"id": "8256", "contents": "quicksand made sand satur water friction sand particl reduc result mushi combin sand water longer support weight."} {"id": "8257", "contents": "ad food color plain kinet sand mix well, kept ziplock bag day. next day color sand get hand. mix sand color, hand got lot color, fun mess :). peopl blogs. standard youtub license. youtub capture."} {"id": "8258", "contents": "quicksand colloid hydrogel consist fine granular materi (such sand silt), clay, water. quicksand form satur loos sand sand suddenli agitated. water sand cannot escape, creat liquefi soil lose strength cannot support weight. quicksand form stand water upward flow water (a artesian spring)."} {"id": "8259", "contents": "color sand use varieti sand art projects. buy color sand craft stores, it\u2019 easi make own, creat wider rang color pre-mix sand available."} {"id": "8260", "contents": "addition, mikid offer home commun support across state. mikid state chapter feder famili children\u2019 mental health, member nami arizona, arizona council human servic providers, mental health awar coalit pafco (protect arizona\u2019 famili coalition). world suicid prevent day septemb 10."} {"id": "8261", "contents": "mikid non-profit, licens outpati clinic, famili run organ state arizona contract region behavior health author (rbhas) state well gila river indian commun provid ehavior health services."} {"id": "8262", "contents": "cenpatico ensur audit includ sampl non-titl xix/xxi adult smi dcm. b. case manag servic i. cenpatico educ train provid case manag servic avail need appropri non-titl xix/xxi adult smi assign dcm. train complet juli 30, 2012."} {"id": "8263", "contents": "mikid provid youth leadership summit past year cenpatico gsa\u2019 (geograph servic areas). 2014, mikid given award excel cenpatico behavior health youth summit casa grand yuma."} {"id": "8264", "contents": "mikid requir staff provid servic parent serv \u201clive experience\u201d. mikid histori reput focu youth youth-voice, well adult famili serve."} {"id": "8265", "contents": "suicid claim approxim million live worldwid year, result one suicid everi 40 seconds. estim 10 20 suicid attempt per complet suicide, result sever million suicid attempt year. resourc information, pleas click here."} {"id": "8266", "contents": "sinc non-titl xix/xxi adult smi inpati benefit, provid cenpatico often inform admiss inpati facility. offset challenge, cenpatico educ inpati facil notifi us admiss non-titl xix/xxi adult smi."} {"id": "8267", "contents": "insur gave us eob yesterday mri go cost us $2700.00 contrast dye $600.00 total 45 minut brain mri contrast dye aurora st. luke milwaukee, wi $3300.00 allegi medic insurance. cases, mri produc clearer imag x-ray ct scan. mri typic cover health insur deem medic necessary. deduct met, typic out-of-pocket cost consist copay $20-$100 doctor visit procedure."} {"id": "8268", "contents": "mri ankl show stress fractur (arrow) calcaneu (heelbone). 3. ct use assess fractur ankl soft tissu calcifications. 3d volum render imag also obtained. 4. mri (a) sever plantar fasciiti (b) full thick ruptur fascia. x-ray rule fractur follow mri scan mainstay ankl evalu setting. ultrasound may also use diagnos ligament injuries, howev unabl evalu joint cartilag injuries."} {"id": "8269", "contents": "open mri wider enclos mri often recommend obes patients, struggl claustrophobia, patient whose joint examined. open mri typic cost convent mri, $1,000-$5,000, depend part bodi examined. cases, mri produc clearer imag x-ray ct scan. mri typic cover health insur deem medic necessary. deduct met, typic out-of-pocket cost consist copay $20-$100 doctor visit procedure."} {"id": "8270", "contents": "open mri typic cost convent mri, $1,000-$5,000, depend part bodi examined. upright mri allow patient scan stand sitting, help diagnos certain conditions. cases, mri produc clearer imag x-ray ct scan. mri typic cover health insur deem medic necessary. deduct met, typic out-of-pocket cost consist copay $20-$100 doctor visit procedure."} {"id": "8271", "contents": "depend sever complex injury, ankl mri may take anywher fifteen minut half hour complete. procedur finished, technician help patient tabl allow redress. patient instruct dress hospit gown prior ankl mri procedure. mri machin use magnet field radio wave creat pictur intern organ bone structures. mri result interpret radiologist, although one may immedi available."} {"id": "8272", "contents": "spinal mri use find variou spinal problems, includ nerv damag tumors. typic cost $1,000-$5,000, depend part spine scan whether procedur perform hospit physician' office. cases, mri produc clearer imag x-ray ct scan. mri typic cover health insur deem medic necessary. deduct met, typic out-of-pocket cost consist copay $20-$100 doctor visit procedure."} {"id": "8273", "contents": "3. swollen tendon swollen tendon ankl foot problematic, especi diseas infect caus swelling. mri, doctor determin extent damag prescrib best form treatment, whether tendon repair tendon replacement. mri save part feet bone detect problem earli enough. 5. evalu lump bump sometim bump noth bruise, time sign seriou issue. mri allow doctor examin lump determin benign cancerous."} {"id": "8274", "contents": "magnet reson imag (mri) noninvasive, usual painless medic test help physician diagnos treat medic conditions."} {"id": "8275", "contents": "three month follow ankl sprain, rehabilitation, ankl still pain and/or unstabl would sensibl obtain mri scan joint, pre-cursor ankl arthroscopy. mri scan identifi case injuri later ankl ligaments. mri scan howev follow ankl sprain give inform stabil injur ligament realli key point."} {"id": "8276", "contents": "dissoci mental process caus lack connect person\u2019 thoughts, memori sens identity. dissoci seem fall continuum severity. mild dissoci would like daydreaming, get \u201clost\u201d book, drive familiar stretch road realiz rememb last sever miles. transient mild dissoci experi common. almost 1/3rd peopl say occasion feel though watch movie, 4% say feel way much 1/3rd time. incid experi highest youth steadili declin age 20."} {"id": "8277", "contents": "dissoci appear high specif low sensit self-report histori trauma, mean dissoci much common among traumatized, yet time mani person suffer trauma show dissoci symptoms. major characterist dissoci phenomena involv detach reality, rather loss realiti psychosis. dissoci experi character vari maladapt mental construct individual' natur imagin capacity."} {"id": "8278", "contents": "reaction acid water solvent often describ dissociation. ha proton acid acet acid, ch cooh. doubl arrow mean equilibrium process, dissoci recombin occur time. ab b. dissoci constant ratio dissoci undissoci compound. bracket denot equilibrium concentr species."} {"id": "8279", "contents": "sever chronic form dissoci seen disord dissoci ident disorder, call multipl person disorder, dissoci disorders. transient mild dissoci experi common. almost 1/3rd peopl say occasion feel though watch movie, 4% say feel way much 1/3rd time. incid experi highest youth steadili declin age 20."} {"id": "8280", "contents": "dissoci chemistri biochemistri gener process molecul (or ionic compound salts, complexes) separ split smaller particl atoms, ion radicals, usual revers manner. ab b. dissoci constant ratio dissoci undissoci compound. bracket denot equilibrium concentr species."} {"id": "8281", "contents": "dissoci trauma reaction. life skill. sure therapist' approach ptsd help learn dissoci inopportun times. goal treatment help correct unwant dissociation. dissoci seen continuum--ther dissoci happen result trauma full blown dissoci disorders. either case, peopl go treatment correct dissociation. want life skill peopl would seek correct it."} {"id": "8282", "contents": "dissoci commonli display continuum. mild cases, dissoci regard cope mechan defens mechan seek master, minim toler stress includ boredom conflict. major characterist dissoci phenomena involv detach reality, rather loss realiti psychosis. dissoci experi character vari maladapt mental construct individual' natur imagin capacity."} {"id": "8283", "contents": "psychology, term dissoci describ wide array experi mild detach immedi surround sever detach physic emot experience. major characterist dissoci phenomena involv detach reality, rather loss realiti psychosis. dissoci experi character vari maladapt mental construct individual' natur imagin capacity."} {"id": "8284", "contents": "dissoci commun sampl commonli measur dissoci experi scale. dsm-iv consid symptom depersonalization, dereal psychogen amnesia core featur dissoci disorders. major characterist dissoci phenomena involv detach reality, rather loss realiti psychosis. dissoci experi character vari maladapt mental construct individual' natur imagin capacity."} {"id": "8285", "contents": "dissoci type freez response. degre dissociative, degre impair abil take appropri fight flight respons (e.g. physic threatened). see, dissoci type freez state. dissoci major stumbl block progress therapi sever diminish client' abil present. signific barrier work trauma development issu particular mask client' true psychophysiolog state."} {"id": "8286", "contents": "20. inorgan nutrient necessari normal metabol called. minerals. vitamins. lecithin. eicosanoids. 21. energy-requir process small molecul join form larger molecul specif called. metabolism. anabolism. catabolism."} {"id": "8287", "contents": "miner essenti human metabolism. vitamin organ compound essenti body. usual act coenzym cofactor variou protein body. water essenti nutrient solvent chemic reaction life take place. vitamin organ compound essenti body. usual act coenzym cofactor variou protein body."} {"id": "8288", "contents": "organ nutrient consist carbohydrates, fats, protein (or build blocks, amino acids), vitamins. inorgan chemic compound dietari minerals, water, oxygen may also consid nutrients. nutrient need small amount call micronutri need larg quantiti call macronutrients. effect nutrient dose-dependent; shortag call deficiencies."} {"id": "8289", "contents": "nutrient cycl oceans. nutrient compon food organ use surviv grow. macronutri provid bulk energi organism' metabol system need function micronutri provid necessari cofactor metabol carri out. type nutrient acquir environment. nutrient need small amount call micronutri need larg quantiti call macronutrients. effect nutrient dose-dependent; shortag call deficiencies."} {"id": "8290", "contents": "organ nutrient requir small amount maintain growth normal metabol call vitamins. make world better, one answer time. organ nutrient requir small amount maintain growth normal metabol call vitamins. raw materi bodi use assembl vitamin provitamins."} {"id": "8291", "contents": "nutrient chemic substanc come food eat. energi need metabol process bodi maintain constant intern environ come nutrients. term \u2018essential\u2019 impli six essenti nutrient necessari order maintain develop healthi body. essenti nutrient bodi need daily: 1. protein make cell structur includ cell membrane."} {"id": "8292", "contents": "bodi organs, variou metabol processes. peopl depend nutrient diet human bodi abl produc mani nutrients\u2014or cannot produc adequ amounts. nutrient essenti human diet meet two characteristics."} {"id": "8293", "contents": "vitamins: essenti organ nutrients, requir small amounts, cannot synthes body. requir growth, maintenance, reproduct lactation. vitamin deficiency: declin health due lack vitamin ration."} {"id": "8294", "contents": "sixteen chemic element import carbon, hydrogen, oxygen suppli air water, compris 98% fresh weight plant, least 13 chemic elements, call essenti inorgan nutrients, need plant' growth survival. inorgan materi obtain soil use raw materi plant call miner nutrients. absorpt util assimil inorgan compound miner plant synthesi essenti materi growth, development, structur physiolog call miner nutrition."} {"id": "8295", "contents": "import aspect nutrit daili intak nutrients. nutrient consist variou chemic substanc food make person' diet. mani nutrient essenti life, adequ amount nutrient diet necessari provid energy, build maintaining. peopl depend nutrient diet human bodi abl produc mani nutrients\u2014or cannot produc adequ amounts. nutrient essenti human diet meet two characteristics."} {"id": "8296", "contents": "remov 10-foot section asbesto pipe insul could $400-$650. contractor minimum fee $1,500-$3,000, matter small job is. complet remov 1,500 squar foot home asbesto everywhere--walls, floors, ceilings, attic, roof, pipes--could high $20,000-$30,000."} {"id": "8297", "contents": "cost asbesto remov compani may much $500 small amount asbesto ceil remov remov insul around 10-foot section pipe. littl research normal abl reduc overal asbesto remov cost."} {"id": "8298", "contents": "independ inspector initi asbesto inspection; white lung associ say cost $400-$800 averag 1,500 squar foot house, includ lab fees; re-inspect end project $200-$400. lab work done separately, sampl analysi averag $25-$75."} {"id": "8299", "contents": "complet remov 1,500 squar foot home asbesto everywhere--walls, floors, ceilings, attic, roof, pipes--could high $20,000-$30,000."} {"id": "8300", "contents": "contractor minimum fee $1,500-$3,000, matter small job is. complet remov 1,500 squar foot home asbesto everywhere--walls, floors, ceilings, attic, roof, pipes--could high $20,000-$30,000."} {"id": "8301", "contents": "averag cost remov asbesto floor tiles. let' start maximum amount pay. case 2,000 sq. ft home, cost rang $2,000 $4,000. approxim $2 per sq. ft whole thing."} {"id": "8302", "contents": "cost. cost remov asbesto around $15 $25 per squar foot, accord white lung association. cost helper claim expert charg minimum $1,500 $3,000 remov asbestos."} {"id": "8303", "contents": "chymosin /\u02c8ka\u026am\u0259s\u0268n/ rennin /\u02c8r\u025bn\u0268n/ proteas found rennet. produc newborn rumin anim line fourth stomach curdl milk ingest, allow longer resid bowel better absorption. wide use product cheese. chymosin produc rumin anim line abomasum. chymosin produc gastric chief cell young rumin newborn anim curdl milk ingest, allow longer resid bowel better absorption."} {"id": "8304", "contents": "(monti python). chymosin, known also rennin, proteolyt enzym synthes chief cell stomach. role digest curdl coagul milk stomach, process consider import young animal."} {"id": "8305", "contents": "answer: rennet use coagulate, thicken, milk cheesemak process. chymosin (also call rennin) enzym use produc rennet. milk collected, cheesemak process begin ad starter cultur chang lactos (milk sugar) lactic acid. process chang acid level milk start process thicken milk solid."} {"id": "8306", "contents": "rennin, also known chymosin, enzym easili found rennet. usual produc th stomach chamber cows, call abomasum. infant gastric chief cell produc rennin order clot milk promot much better absorption. rennin enzym includ proteas famili along pepsin it\u2019 enzym found stomach. inact form, rennin known prorennin. milk consumed, stomach produc hydrochlor acid."} {"id": "8307", "contents": "pepsin rennin two enzym produc stomach. rennin produc inact prorennin. milk enter stomach, prorennin activ hydrochlor acid gastric juic convert activ rennin enzyme. slide 4. rennin enzym produc stomach cell young mammals. rennin secret larg amount right birth product gradual drop off. eclips import pepsin enzyme."} {"id": "8308", "contents": "definit rennin. enzym coagul milk use make chees junkets; especially: one mucou membran stomach calf. see rennin defin kids. advertisement. renn et 1-in"} {"id": "8309", "contents": "rennin. milk-curdl enzym found gastric juic human infant (befor pepsin formation) abundantli calf ruminants; prepar stomach calf use coagul milk protein facilit digestion. rennin. [ren\u2032in]. etymology: me, rennen, run. milk-curdl enzym occur gastric juic infant also contain rennet produc stomach calv ruminants."} {"id": "8310", "contents": "renin often improperli refer hormon even though peripher receptor rather enzymat activ hydrolys angiotensinogen angiotensin i. primari structur renin precursor consist 406 amino acid pre-and pro-seg carri 20 46 amino acids, respectively. matur renin contain 340 amino acid mass 37 kda."} {"id": "8311", "contents": "weather lowdown. may varadero begin wetter season temperatur start rise toward high 31\u00b0c. weather time year includ cyclon hurrican toward end hot wet season."} {"id": "8312", "contents": "report describ typic weather juan gualberto gomez g\u00f3mez (airport, varadero) cuba weather station cours average. year base histor record 2002 to. 2012 earlier record either unavail or. unreli"} {"id": "8313", "contents": "varadero: annual weather averages. septemb hottest month varadero averag temperatur 27\u00b0c (81\u00b0f) coldest januari 22\u00b0c (72\u00b0f) daili sunshin hour september. wettest month octob averag 40mm rain."} {"id": "8314", "contents": "due locat gulf mexico, varadero enjoy hot temperatur pleasant north-easterli trade wind throughout year. averag temperatur varadero 25 degre celsiu (77 degre fahrenheit), season fluctuat degrees, depend month. raini season run may octob temperatur hot humid."} {"id": "8315", "contents": "report describ typic weather juan gualberto gomez g\u00f3mez (airport, varadero) cuba weather station cours average. may base histor record 2002 to. 2012 earlier record either unavail or. unreli"} {"id": "8316", "contents": "varadero moder subtrop climat averag 330 day sunshin per year. seasons: dri season novemb april (which also busiest tourist season) wet season may october."} {"id": "8317", "contents": "chlorophyl a: abund pigment plants. chlorophyl absorb light wavelength 430nm(blue) 662nm(red). reflect green light strongli appear green us. contain hydrophob (fat soluble) phytol chain allow embed lipid membrane."} {"id": "8318", "contents": "pigment substanc absorb light. color pigment come wavelength light reflected, words, wavelength absorbed. chlorophyll, green pigment common photosynthet cells, absorb wavelength visibl light except green, reflects. plant appear green us. black pigment absorb wavelength visibl light strike them. white pigment reflect wavelength strike them. pigment characterist absorpt spectrum describ absorb reflect differ wavelength"} {"id": "8319", "contents": "chlorophyl vital photosynthesis, allow plant absorb energi light. chlorophyl molecul specif arrang around photosystem embed thylakoid membran chloroplasts. complexes, chlorophyl serv two primari functions. chlorophyl (also chlorophyl) term use sever close relat green pigment found cyanobacteria chloroplast alga plants. name deriv greek word \u03c7\u03bb\u03c9\u03c1\u03cc\u03c2, chloro (green) \u03c6\u03cd\u03bb\u03bb\u03bf\u03bd, phyllon (leaf)."} {"id": "8320", "contents": "pigment chemic compound reflect certain wavelength visibl light. make appear colorful. flowers, corals, even anim skin contain pigment give colors. import reflect light abil pigment absorb certain wavelengths. interact light absorb certain wavelengths, pigment use plant autotroph --organ make food use photosynthesis. plants, algae, cyanobacteria, pigment mean energi sunlight captur photosynthesis."} {"id": "8321", "contents": "chlorophyl absorb certain wavelength light within visibl light spectrum. shown detail absorpt spectra, chlorophyl absorb light red (long wavelength) blue (short wavelength) region visibl light spectrum. green light absorb reflected, make plant appear green. chlorophyl found chloroplast plants."} {"id": "8322", "contents": "chlorophyl light-absorb pigment reaction centers. associ reaction center multipl light-harvest complex (lhcs), contain chlorophyl b, carotenoids, pigment absorb light multipl wavelengths. chlorophyl also absorb light discret wavelength shorter 680 nm (see figur 16-37b). absorpt rais molecul one sever higher excit states, decay within 10 \u221212 second (1 picosecond, ps) first excit state p*, loss extra energi heat."} {"id": "8323", "contents": "chlorophyll: pigment give plant green color allow absorb sunlight... more. chloroplast: part cell found plant convert light energi energi plant use (sugar). live organ alga also cell contain chloroplasts. green. chlorophyll, green pigment found chloroplasts, import part light-depend reactions. chlorophyl soak energi sunlight. also reason plant green. may rememb color differ wavelength light."} {"id": "8324", "contents": "pigment substanc absorb visibl light. differ pigment absorb light differ wavelengths, wavelength absorb disappear. pigment illumin white light, color see color reflect transmit pigment. (if pigment absorb wavelengths, appear black)."} {"id": "8325", "contents": "pigment compound absorb particular wavelength visibl light. chlorophyl green pigment contain thylakoid membran chloroplast use photosynthesi plants. bacteria also perform photosynthesis, chlorophyl plasma membrane. electromagnet spectrum rang wavelength radio wave car stereo high-energi gamma rays. chlorophyl pigment absorb specif visibl wavelength electromagnet spectrum. visibl light liter color wavelength visibl eyes. rang red wavelength 700 nm blue wavelength 400 nm"} {"id": "8326", "contents": "term symbol deriv word symbol deriv latin symbolum, symbol faith, symbolus, sign recognition, turn classic greek \u03c3\u03c5\u03bc\u03b2\u03cc\u03bb\u03bf\u03bd symbolon, object cut half constitut sign recognit carrier abl reassembl two halves. russian symbolism, steep eastern orthodoxi religi doctrin vladimir solovyov, littl common french style name. began career sever major poet alexand blok, andrei bely, marina tsvetaeva."} {"id": "8327", "contents": "symbolism, imagery, allegory. practition mediev physiognomi thought possibl learn thing someone' person physic characteristics. reason, variou physic featur pilgrim' portrait symbol certain charact traits. wife bath' gap teeth symbol sexuality, miller' red beard hair. pardoner' beadi eye long, limp hair symbol duplic deceitfulness. broad, earthi featur like miller' symbol lower-class status."} {"id": "8328", "contents": "like short stori novel, setting, characters, plot even symbolism. however, way present audienc different, unlik short stori novel, play meant perform front audience, read."} {"id": "8329", "contents": "symbol (c.1886-1900). definit characteristics. symbolism, late 19th-centuri movement post-impressionist painting, flourish throughout europ 1886 1900 almost everi area arts. initi emerg literature, includ poetry, philosophi theatre, spread music visual arts. arnold bocklin: island dead (1880) museum bildenden kunste, leipzig. pierr puvi de chavannes: dream (1883) muse d'orsay, paris. gustav moreau: life human (1886) gustav moreau museum paris."} {"id": "8330", "contents": "symbol french revolut devic distinguish celebr (or vilify) main featur french revolut ensur public identif support. hercul ancient greek hero symbol strength power. symbol use repres sovereign author king franc reign bourbon monarchs. however, monarchi rule power french histori use symbol hercul declar power."} {"id": "8331", "contents": "theme fundament often univers idea explor literari work. motif recur structures, contrasts, literari devic help develop inform text\u2019 major themes. symbol objects, characters, figures, color use repres abstract idea concepts. anim farm fill songs, poems, slogans, includ major\u2019 stir \u201cbeast england,\u201d minimus\u2019 ode napoleon, sheep\u2019 chants, minimus\u2019 revis anthem, \u201canim farm, anim farm.\u201d song serv propaganda, one major conduit social control."} {"id": "8332", "contents": "articl entitl le symbolisme, appear le figaro french newspaper, 18 sept 1886, written jean moreas. accord moreas, mor\u00e9a symbol plain, mean and-matter-of fact, descript aim cloth ideal perceptible.. form arnold bocklin: island dead (1880) museum bildenden kunste, leipzig. pierr puvi de chavannes: dream (1883) muse d'orsay, paris. gustav moreau: life human (1886) gustav moreau museum paris."} {"id": "8333", "contents": "liberti tree, offici adopt 1792, symbol everlast republic, nation freedom, polit revolution. histor root revolutionari franc well america, symbol share two nascent republics. hercul ancient greek hero symbol strength power. symbol use repres sovereign author king franc reign bourbon monarchs. however, monarchi rule power french histori use symbol hercul declar power."} {"id": "8334", "contents": "synopsis. oppos impressionism, emphasi realiti creat paint surfac itself, symbol artist literari movement suggest idea symbol emphas mean behind forms, lines, shapes, colors. symbol provid transit romantic earli part nineteenth centuri modern earli part twentieth century. addition, internation symbol challeng commonli held histor trajectori modern art develop franc impression cubism."} {"id": "8335", "contents": "johar joshanda, aka \u201cthe magic tea\u201d new favourit thing entir world. really. right second, might even toppl bell iphon list. yes, like much."} {"id": "8336", "contents": "a\u20ac\u00e2,joshanda\u20ac age old medicin for, common cold\u20ac\u02dcmean a\u20ac\u2122. boil stuffa stuff\u00e2 concentr drink consisting, herbs, like, hyssopus, soma. kapla eucalyptu starch etc use peopl asia. africa centuri"} {"id": "8337", "contents": "due immens popular qarshi johar joshanda, manufactur launch three addit flavor herbal tea, sugar free, chocol pure honey variants. contents. full list ingredi qarshi johar joshanda given below. among thing contain poppi seeds, tea, licoric extracts, peppermint extracts, fennel eucalyptus. main ingredi give herbal tea flavor aroma."} {"id": "8338", "contents": "answer. joshanda herbal tea, sourc back unani tibb (greek-arab) era 11th century. use still day natur medicin benefit colds, flu coughs."} {"id": "8339", "contents": "joshanda also call herbal tea alway taken hot, either cup hot water cup tea milk use treatment cough, cold, flu, catarrh, sore throat fever associ along it."} {"id": "8340", "contents": "believ herbal medicin quit effective. start spring everi year bring flower also bring allergi season. a\u20ac\u00e2,joshanda\u20ac age old medicin for, common cold\u20ac\u02dcmean a\u20ac\u2122. boil stuffa stuff\u00e2 concentr drink consisting, herbs, like, hyssopus, soma. kapla eucalyptu starch etc"} {"id": "8341", "contents": "joshanda-an all-season remedi tea east! liter word joshanda mean \u201cessenc boil stuff\u201d. word joshanda sprung polyherb unani (greco-arab) formul refer remedi drink decoct certain herb taken condit cold, fever, flu catarrh."} {"id": "8342", "contents": "lyme diseas facts. lyme diseas bacteri ill spread tick bites. lyme diseas affect skin, joints, heart, nervou system. lyme diseas occur phases, earli phase begin site tick bite expand ring redness. lyme diseas occur phases, earli phase begin site tick bite expand ring redness. lyme diseas diagnos base patient' clinic sign ill detect antibodi caus bacteria blood."} {"id": "8343", "contents": "symptoms: earli stage. within one four week bitten infect tick, peopl experi symptom lyme disease. circular, expand rash (call erythema migrans) site bite develop 70%-80% cases. lyme diseas infect transmit bite tick infect bacterium call borrelia burgdorferi."} {"id": "8344", "contents": "lyme diseas tick bite diseas affect human well dogs. sign symptom lyme diseas vari human dogs. rash principl symptom human lame commonli found dogs. mani peopl lyme diseas experi neurolog sign symptoms. sign symptom appear due involv brain parts. people, eye becom red discharg pus. inflamm liver anoth uncommon sign lyme disease."} {"id": "8345", "contents": "lyme diseas bacteri ill spread tick bites. lyme diseas affect skin, joints, heart, nervou system. lyme diseas occur phases, earli phase begin site tick bite expand ring redness. lyme diseas occur phases, earli phase begin site tick bite expand ring redness. lyme diseas diagnos base patient' clinic sign ill detect antibodi caus bacteria blood."} {"id": "8346", "contents": "earli sign symptom (3 30 day tick bite). fever, chills, headache, fatigue, muscl joint aches, swollen lymph nodes. erythema migran (em) rash: occur approxim 70 80 percent infect persons. begin site tick bite delay 30 day (averag days). untreat lyme diseas produc wide rang symptoms, depend stage infection. includ fever, rash, facial paralysis, arthritis. seek medic attent observ symptom tick bite, live area known lyme disease, recent travel area lyme diseas occur"} {"id": "8347", "contents": "small, red bump often appear site tick bite tick remov resolv days. normal tick bite indic lyme disease. however, sign symptom may occur within month infected: rash. untreated, new sign symptom lyme infect might appear follow week months. include: erythema migran appear area body. joint pain. bout sever joint pain swell especi like affect knees, pain shift one joint another."} {"id": "8348", "contents": "may first notic symptom week month tick bite. diseas treated, may progress mild symptom serious, long-term disabilities. first stage, may rash (erythema migrans) site tick bite. may also lack energi headach stiff neck. sometim peopl symptom stage. first stage, may rash (erythema migrans) site tick bite. may also lack energi headach stiff neck. sometim peopl symptom stage. second stage, symptom may includ memori problem pain weak arm legs."} {"id": "8349", "contents": "two form multinodular goiter: 1) nontox mngnontox mng-multinodular goiter produc normal level thyroid hormon 2) toxic mng. goiter make normal amount thyroid hormone, known nontox mng. gland gener enlarg multipl growth (nodules) lead enlarg whole thyroid gland. latter term multinodular goiter (mngmng-multinodular goiter; enlarg thyroid contain multipl nodules)."} {"id": "8350", "contents": "multinodular goiter. goiter simpli mean enlarg thyroid. goiter either simpl goiter whole thyroid bigger normal multinodular goiter multipl nodules. multinodular goiter either toxic multinodular goiter (i.e. make much thyroid hormon caus hyperthyroidism. see hyperthyroid .) non-tox (i.e. make much thyroid hormone). known caus multinodular goiter cases, iodin defici (i.e. littl iodin diet) certain genet factor shown lead multinodular goiters."} {"id": "8351", "contents": "toxic multinodular goiter (also known toxic nodular goiter, toxic nodular struma, plummer' disease) multinodular goiter associ hyperthyroidism. toxic multinodular goiter treat antithyroid medic propylthiouracil methimazole, radioact iodine, surgery. anoth treatment option inject ethanol nodules."} {"id": "8352", "contents": "overview. goitergoiter-enlarg thyroid enlarg thyroid gland. gland gener enlarg multipl growth (nodules) lead enlarg whole thyroid gland. latter term multinodular goiter (mngmng-multinodular goiter; enlarg thyroid contain multipl nodules)."} {"id": "8353", "contents": "(decreas iodin lead decreas thyroid hormone.) however, iodin defici caus goitr (thyroid enlargement); within goitre, nodul develop. risk factor toxic multinodular goiter includ individu 60 year age female. toxic multinodular goiter treat antithyroid medic propylthiouracil methimazole, radioact iodine, surgery. anoth treatment option inject ethanol nodules."} {"id": "8354", "contents": "toxic multinodular goiter: condit thyroid gland contain multipl lump (nodules) overact produc excess thyroid hormones. also known parri diseas plummer disease."} {"id": "8355", "contents": "click frequent ask question toxic multinodular goiter. multinodular goiter simpli thyroid gland usual enlarg contain multipl thyroid nodules. nodul small, often millimet size, nodul larger, perhap sever cm each."} {"id": "8356", "contents": "background. toxic nodular goiter (tng) thyroid gland contain autonom function thyroid nodules, result hyperthyroidism. tng, plummer' disease, first describ henri plummer 1913. tng second common caus hyperthyroid western world, grave disease."} {"id": "8357", "contents": "learn disabl notif number apps. video show get rid red number alway app. work iphon 4s 3gs. step explain british accent. video tutori visit: www.youtube.com/a562178."} {"id": "8358", "contents": "notif center. notif center access swipe downward top edg iphon ipad, swipe left. app allow push notif devic display here. want clear group notifications, tap \u201cx\u201d upper-right corner. want clear specif notification, press swipe left \u201cx\u201d appear next it. notif set ios. open set tap \u201cnotifications\u201d see app list. first off, check sort options. sort time arrive, want appear."} {"id": "8359", "contents": "way: trick work io app list notif settings, mail. so, without ado out, damn spot! tap settings, notif head notif settings. scroll find mail, tap it. scroll switch \u201cbadg app icon\u201d off. turn iphone\u2019 unread email badg (io tip). ben patterson octob 18, 2011, 5:04 pm. how-to phone tablets. taunt you\u2019r work, mock weekends, may even torment vacation."} {"id": "8360", "contents": "use notifications. access alert banner notif screen, includ lock screen. swipe top screen. also tap notif lock screen open relat app. learn notif use iphone, ipad, ipod touch. io app iphone, ipad, ipod touch three type notifications: sounds/vibrate: audibl alert plays. alerts/banners: alert banner appear"} {"id": "8361", "contents": "step 3. tap button notif within app. example, phone app, may need tap recent clear button' badge. badg voicemail button, need tap button listen messag clear badge. clear badg alert appear. launch app display alert tap icon iphone' home screen. cases, suffici clear badge. example, red circl number messag icon, indic new text messag"} {"id": "8362", "contents": "step 3. tap badg app icon button toggl off.. alternatively, want notif app, tap notif center button top screen turn instead. click home button, badg remov app' icon. clear badg alert appear. launch app display alert tap icon iphone' home screen. cases, suffici clear badge. example, red circl number messag icon, indic new text messag"} {"id": "8363", "contents": "instructions. tap set icon iphon home page. select notif menu. tap on/off button right word notif top screen toggl posit disabl badg alerts. tap name particular applic list clear badg alert specif program"} {"id": "8364", "contents": "open settings, go notif center, find app list you\u2019d like remov counter for. case that\u2019 mail icon, find list. find badg app icon set right side screen flip off. also chang alert here, remov notif center drop-down you\u2019d like. it\u2019 probabl icon want get rid of. fun fact: articl happen mom ask phone alway number next mail icon."} {"id": "8365", "contents": "notif see alert relat inform io apps. see notif set notif center. learn notif use iphone, ipad, ipod touch. io app iphone, ipad, ipod touch three type notifications: sounds/vibrate: audibl alert plays. alerts/banners: alert banner appear screen. badges: imag number appear applic icon"} {"id": "8366", "contents": "admiss rate: 32%. accept rate nyu 32% words, 100 student apply, 32 admitted. mean school quit selective. strong academ scores, great shot get in."} {"id": "8367", "contents": "class 2016, nyuad accept roughli percent ed applicants, doubl university\u2019 overal admiss rate. applic class 2017 abl appli nyu shanghai, schedul open fall 2013 term. third year sinc welcom inaugur class, nyuad offer admiss 1.3 percent applic class 2016. mark two percent decreas last year\u2019 freshmen class, rate one select among higher educ institutions."} {"id": "8368", "contents": "overal accept rate new york univers report 32.9% fall 2013 45,800 applic submit nyu. state state applic includ figures. histor trend chart show accept rate previou years, project accept rate 2015-2016 school year. overal accept rate trend new york univers get lower compar averag previou years."} {"id": "8369", "contents": "appli new york university, import note applic deadlin januari 1, earli decis deadlin novemb 1. score either act sat test due januari 31. applic fee new york univers $70. util semester-bas academ calendar. new york university' rank 2016 edit best colleg nation universities, 32. tuition fee $46,170 (2014-15)."} {"id": "8370", "contents": "nyu saw modest chang accept rate class 2016, fifth consecut year receiv record-break number applications. nyu new york. third year sinc welcom inaugur class, nyuad offer admiss 1.3 percent applic class 2016. mark two percent decreas last year\u2019 freshmen class, rate one select among higher educ institutions."} {"id": "8371", "contents": "accord offic admissions, nyuni offer admiss 35 percent almost 43,000 applicants. mark approxim two percent increas last year\u2019 33 percent admit rate class 2015. third year sinc welcom inaugur class, nyuad offer admiss 1.3 percent applic class 2016. mark two percent decreas last year\u2019 freshmen class, rate one select among higher educ institutions."} {"id": "8372", "contents": "new york univers total undergradu enrol 24,985, gender distribut 43.3 percent male student 56.7 percent femal students. school, 44 percent student live college-owned, -operated, or-affili hous 56 percent student live campus. util semester-bas academ calendar. new york university' rank 2016 edit best colleg nation universities, 32. tuition fee $46,170 (2014-15)."} {"id": "8373", "contents": "overal nyu accept rate-fal 2013. 32.9%. overal accept rate new york univers report 32.9% fall 2013 45,800 applic submit nyu. state state applic includ figures. data transfer accept rate currently. histor trend chart show accept rate previou years, project accept rate 2015-2016 school year. overal accept rate trend new york univers get lower compar averag previou years."} {"id": "8374", "contents": "accept rate nyu 32% everi 100 applicants, 32 admitted. mean school selective. meet nyu' requir gpa, sat/act scores, compon application, great shot get in. score make nyu strongli competit sat test scores. 25th percentil sat score 1900, 75th percentil sat score 2190. words, 1900 place average, 2190 move average."} {"id": "8375", "contents": "new york univers found new york, ny, nonprofit privat colleg focus select program offered. student enrol nyu number forti thousand per year, one largest school state. histor trend chart show accept rate previou years, project accept rate 2015-2016 school year. overal accept rate trend new york univers get lower compar averag previou years."} {"id": "8376", "contents": "earn per hour averag $25.10, 2010, rang $18.25 $25.82, annual incom $52,200, rang $37,950 $53,700. state pay highest wage postal clerk district columbia, salari $24.81 per hour, $51,600."} {"id": "8377", "contents": "job market offic clerk expect grow 17% averag add around 489,500 offic clerk job openings. state state list see state pay highest paid offic clerk around $28,000+ year salary."} {"id": "8378", "contents": "gener offic clerk unit state expect earn averag $11.97 per hour. pay gener vari $8.93 per hour $16.47. geograph locat biggest factor affect pay group, follow year experi individu firm."} {"id": "8379", "contents": "may 2011, averag hourli wage mail sorter $23.26, annual salari approxim $48,380. eighti percent mail sorter report receiv hourli wage $12.01 $25.53."} {"id": "8380", "contents": "postal clerks. clerk work post offices, assist custom come purchas stamp send pick mail. across nation, u.s. postal servic clerk report averag wage $25.41 per hour averag salari $52,860 per year. may 2011, 80 percent usp mail clerk receiv wage $23.87 $26.56 per hour, median wage report $25.53 per hour."} {"id": "8381", "contents": "bureau labor statist inform offic clerk classifi gener offic clerk list show yearli salari $26,610 $12.79 hour."} {"id": "8382", "contents": "grade citi carriers. grade citi carrier start step earn mean $21.29 hour $44,291 year effect sept. 10, 2011. rate negoti full-tim employe nation associ letter carrier postal service."} {"id": "8383", "contents": "order carnita burrito bowl cilanto-lim rice, pinto beans, roast chili-corn salsa, cheese, sour cream guacamole, consum whop 930 calories, 47 gram fat, 79 gram carbohydrate, 1,880 milligram sodium."} {"id": "8384", "contents": "grape choke hazard small children. pleas cut them. nutrit content may vari variat portion size recipes, chang grow seasons, differ sourc ingredients. may updat chart time time. averag person need 2000 calori (and less 2300 mg sodium) per day."} {"id": "8385", "contents": "calori amruta' chipotl burrito bowl. 570 calories, 23g fat, 53g carbs, 46g protein, 22g fiber. calori chipotl burrito bowl gauc. cheese. 755 calories, 26g fat, 74g carbs, 63g protein, 17g fiber."} {"id": "8386", "contents": "order meat burrito chipotl toppings, it\u2019 like reach 1,000 calories. there\u2019 much data averages. chipotl custom order meal fewer 650 calories, cheese-fre burrito bowl."} {"id": "8387", "contents": "ingredi specif calori inform recipes: calori amruta' chipotl burrito bowl. 570 calories, 23g fat, 53g carbs, 46g protein, 22g fiber."} {"id": "8388", "contents": "basic burrito bowl, made cilantro-lim rice, chicken black bean contain 480 calories, 11.5 gram fat, 41.5 gram protein, 55 gram carbohydrate, 11 gram fiber 820 milligram sodium."} {"id": "8389", "contents": "calori burrito bowl (chipotl style). 348 calories, 9g fat, 44g carbs, 29g protein, 10g fiber. calori chipotl carnita burrito bowl w/tortilla side. 860 calories, 30g fat, 99g carbs, 46g protein, 16g fiber."} {"id": "8390", "contents": "green, gold red color ethiopian flag show loyalti rastafari feel toward ethiopian state reign hail selassie. red, black green color use repres africa marcu garvey movement."} {"id": "8391", "contents": "rasta color stand for? four rasta color black, red, gold green. black repres africa, gold repres world treasures, green repres environ red repr ent blood live thing environment. peopl found useful. farian lite."} {"id": "8392", "contents": "correct order rasta colors. correct order rasta color actual red, yellow green. explanation, straight book flags. peopl print lion judah flag print upsid down\u2026rasta know this\u2026. rastafari woman \u201crasta colors\u201d special signific mean me. young, young, say year old, mother father run regga music store. behind counter hang wallwer eye catch rasta hats, rasta belt even sometim rasta t-shirts."} {"id": "8393", "contents": "rasta color stand for? four rasta color black, red, gold green. black repres africa, gold repres world treasures, green repres environ red repr ent blood live thing environment. peopl found useful. share to: rasta doctrin concern holi triniti includ stress signific name hail selassie, mean power triniti might trinity. bobo shanti trinity, consist marcu garvey holi prophet, king emmanuel vii holi priest hail selassi divin king"} {"id": "8394", "contents": "yellow repres wealth homeland, africa, particularli gold. \u2026and final green repres beauti veget promis land, ethiopia. it, color signific rastafarian movement. next time see \u2018true\u2019 rastafarian, look colors."} {"id": "8395", "contents": "rasta colors. mani peopl today wear rasta colors, lot peopl realli rastafarians. color origin ethiopian flag. actual correct order colors, is: red, yellow, green. order also deriv origin ethiopian flag. green repres african land. yellow repres wealth africa, red repres blood african people. also sometim see black. symbol color african skin. wear color may fashionable, one also awar repres within rastafari movement."} {"id": "8396", "contents": "look rasta color together, mean love, mean strength, mean \u201crecognition\u201d woman rastafari. jah made color signifi love love him. red gold green long high planet. rastafari woman \u201crasta colors\u201d special signific mean me. young, young, say year old, mother father run regga music store. behind counter hang wallwer eye catch rasta hats, rasta belt even sometim rasta t-shirts."} {"id": "8397", "contents": "color red, yellow, green, black, also known 'rasta colors', often seen iconographi depict movement. buzzl post explain symbol mean colors. advertisement. rastafari african religion, although follow insist way life."} {"id": "8398", "contents": "three main part ear, includ inner ear, middl ear outer ear. order hear occur, sequenc action must occur transform wave sound air electr impulses. impuls transmit brain auditori (hearing) nerve."} {"id": "8399", "contents": "hear seri event ear convert sound wave electr signal caus nerv impuls sent brain interpret sound. ear three main parts: outer, middle, inner ear."} {"id": "8400", "contents": "outer ear serv collect channel sound middl ear. middl ear serv transform energi sound wave intern vibrat bone structur middl ear ultim transform vibrat compression wave inner ear."} {"id": "8401", "contents": "inner ear serv transform energi compression wave within inner ear fluid nerv impuls transmit brain. three part ear shown below. outer ear outer ear consist earflap approxim 2-cm long ear canal."} {"id": "8402", "contents": "pinna (outer part ear) funnel sound wave ear canal. sound wave reach eardrum caus vibrate. vibrat eardrum caus tini bone middl ear move too. last bones, stapes, pass vibrat cochlea."} {"id": "8403", "contents": "hear. sound wave (vibrat air molecules) enter ear canal, travel eardrum tympan membrane, caus vibrate. vibrat transfer movement boney ossicl within middl ear mechan energy."} {"id": "8404", "contents": "origin name finnegan: transfer use surname, anglic form gaelic (fionnagain-fionnag\u00e1in de cendant). fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n (diminutive): form, \u201cof fionn fair.\u201d hence: little, fair. one: var, finnegan. finigan: short. fin finn pet finni transfer use surname, anglic form gaelic (fionnagain-fionnag\u00e1in de cendant). fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n (diminutive): form, \u201cof fionn fair.\u201d hence: little, fair. one: var, finnegan. finigan: short. fin finn pet finni world baby. name teresa norman"} {"id": "8405", "contents": "like finn name love jame joyce, finnegan extrem winning. grace 's eric mccormack chose finnigan spell son. cours finnegan gain access great short form finn. jame joyc took titl finnegan wake old irish-american song. finnegan repres whole genr irish famili name might consider, harrigan, brannigan, corrigan, donegan, mulligan, flanagan lanigan."} {"id": "8406", "contents": "origin name finnegan: transfer use surname, anglic form gaelic (fionnagain-fionnag\u00e1in de cendant). fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n (diminutive): form, \u201cof fionn fair.\u201d hence: little, fair. one: var, finnegan. finigan: short. fin finn pet finni world baby. name teresa norman"} {"id": "8407", "contents": "irish meaning: name finnegan irish babi name. irish mean name finnegan is: fair. soulurg number: 6. express number: 7. peopl name deep inner desir stable, love famili community, need work other appreciated."} {"id": "8408", "contents": "hello, guest. finnigan anoth way spell finnegan, one energet irish surname-nam vogu now. one note: finnigan, finnian, finley appeal name own, need use longer form get finn, perfectli proper name own."} {"id": "8409", "contents": "etymolog histor origin-finnegan. finnegan transfer use well-known irish surname. anglic version fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n come \u201cthe/gaelic\u201d finn \u201cfionn, meaning\u201d. fair \u201c-white\u201d \u00e1n diminut suffix \u201cfionnagan fionnag\u00e1n essentially\u201d. mean littl fair one"} {"id": "8410", "contents": "origin name finnegan: transfer use surname, anglic form gaelic (fionnagain-fionnag\u00e1in de cendant). fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n (diminutive): form, \u201cof fionn fair.\u201d hence: little, fair. one var finnegan finigan transfer use surname, anglic form gaelic (fionnagain-fionnag\u00e1in de cendant). fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n (diminutive): form, \u201cof fionn fair.\u201d hence: little, fair. one: var, finnegan. finigan: short. fin finn pet finni world baby. name teresa norman"} {"id": "8411", "contents": "irish surname, anglic form fionnagain fionnag\u00e1in mean descendant. fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n name fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n is. diminut fionn name a'charact 'jame joyce' (s), novel finnegan wake 1939 titl was-bas 19th 'century'irish ballad'. call finnegan wake irish surname, anglic form fionnagain fionnag\u00e1in mean descendant. fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n name fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n is. diminut fionn"} {"id": "8412", "contents": "origin name finnegan: transfer use surname, anglic form gaelic (fionnagain-fionnag\u00e1in de cendant). fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n (diminutive): form, \u201cof fionn fair.\u201d hence: little, fair. one: var, finnegan. finigan short fin finn transfer use surname, anglic form gaelic (fionnagain-fionnag\u00e1in de cendant). fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n fionnagan fionnag\u00e1n (diminutive): form, \u201cof fionn fair.\u201d hence: little, fair. one: var, finnegan. finigan: short. fin finn pet finni world baby. name teresa norman"} {"id": "8413", "contents": "averag clinic psychologist salary. averag expect salari clinic psychologist $70,190 per year hourli wage $49.5 per hour. accord salari survey, averag median expect salari clinic psychologist unit kingdom \u00a340,434 \u00a337,000 per annum. averag hourli wage clinic psychologist \u00a320.22."} {"id": "8414", "contents": "child psychologist salari unit state (usa). entri level salari child psychologist usa $31,000 $41,000 per year. median averag child psychologist salari report $55,000 $103,000 per annum. sever year experi earn $41,000 $134,000 annually. child psychologist work usa expect salari $42,000 134,000 per year average. also expect averag bonu $5,000 addit salaries. ultimately, child psychologist expect earn $40,000 $144"} {"id": "8415", "contents": "2014 full-tim averag hourli wage rate occup social science, govern servic religion, includ psychologists, $30.56. 2014 correspond median weekli wage rate $1040, give approxim full-tim annual salari employ unit $54,000. tabl detail hourli wage psychologists. canadian nation occup classif code (noc) role 4151."} {"id": "8416", "contents": "accord payscal canada averag nation psychologist salari canada rang $44 510 $148 188 march 25, 2011. accord alberta occup profil occinfo: psychologist alberta earn $14.08 $53.28 hour averag $39.19 hour 2009 alberta wage salari survey."} {"id": "8417", "contents": "accord bureau labor statistics, 2012, latest report median pay psychologist website, psychologist make $69,280 per year. similarly, indeed.com report nation psychologist salari averag $67,000 april 17, 2015. hr report data salary.com, however, state april 2015, median salari psychologist u.s. $88,120."} {"id": "8418", "contents": "averag psychologist\u2019 salari canada. tabl detail hourli wage psychologists. canadian nation occup classif code (noc) role 4151. job titl exact duti vari occup exampl job titl are: psychologist, behaviour therapist clinic psychologist"} {"id": "8419", "contents": "school psychologist\u2019 salari unit state approxim $63,000 per year. salari school psychologist depend qualif degree, location, gender, year work experi employ setting. averag hourli wage school psychologist \u00a324.5. school psychologist\u2019 salari vari base age one 20 earn \u00a336,750, 30 earn \u00a348,020, 40 50 earn \u00a356,840 per annum."} {"id": "8420", "contents": "school psychologist salari usa. base work experience, school psychologist less year experi earn annual salari rang $34,800 $48,800 wherea one 20 year experi receiv salari rang $61,500 $81,900 per year. averag hourli wage school psychologist \u00a324.5. school psychologist\u2019 salari vari base age one 20 earn \u00a336,750, 30 earn \u00a348,020, 40 50 earn \u00a356,840 per annum."} {"id": "8421", "contents": "averag yearli salari clinic psychologist less year work experi 51,309 one work experi 12 year experi receiv annual salari $82,800 per year. accord salari survey, averag median expect salari clinic psychologist unit kingdom \u00a340,434 \u00a337,000 per annum. averag hourli wage clinic psychologist \u00a320.22."} {"id": "8422", "contents": "life histori growth. green seaweed, green algae, consist mani divers species. although predomin fresh water, green seawe mani marin representatives, includ green fleece, hollow green weed, sea lettuce."} {"id": "8423", "contents": "green alga (singular: green alga) large, inform group alga consist chlorophyt charophyt algae, place separ divisions. land plant embryophyt (higher plants) thought emerg charophytes. 8,000 speci green algae. mani speci live live singl cells, speci form coenobia (colonies), long filaments, highli differenti macroscop seaweeds. organ reli green alga conduct photosynthesi them."} {"id": "8424", "contents": "green seaweeds. characteristics: green colour chlorophyl proport 'higher' plants; beta-caroten (a yellow pigment); variou characterist xanthophyl (yellowish brownish pigments). food reserv starch, fat oil like higher plants."} {"id": "8425", "contents": "type seaweed. simplest seawe among cyanobacteria, formerli call blue-green algae, green alga (divis chlorophyta), found nearest shore shallow water usual grow threadlik filaments, irregular sheets, branch fronds. brown alga (divis phaeophyta), brown pigment mask green chlorophyll, numer seawe temper polar regions. grow depth 50 75 ft (15\u201323 m)."} {"id": "8426", "contents": "seawe refer sever speci macroscopic, multicellular, marin alga live near seab (benthic). term includ member red, brown, green algae. seawe also classifi use (a food, medicine, fertilizer, filtration, industrial, etc.). studi seawe known phycolog"} {"id": "8427", "contents": "brown alga largest type algae. brown alga phylum phaeophyta, mean duski plants.. brown alga brown yellow-brown color found temper arctic waters. brown alga typic root-lik structur call holdfast anchor alga surface. 3. green algae-th chlorophyta. 4,000 speci green algae. green alga may found marin freshwat habitats, even thrive moist soil. alga come forms: unicellular, coloni multicellular."} {"id": "8428", "contents": "green seaweeds. green seawe usual found intertid zone (between high low water marks) shallow water plenti sunlight. 140 speci record around coast."} {"id": "8429", "contents": "green alga includ unicellular coloni flagellates, two flagella per cell, well variou colonial, coccoid filament forms, macroscopic, multicellular seaweeds. charales, closest rel higher plants, full cellular differenti tissu occurs. 8,000 speci green algae. mani speci live live singl cells, speci form coenobia (colonies), long filaments, highli differenti macroscop seaweeds. organ reli green alga conduct photosynthesi them."} {"id": "8430", "contents": "seawe descript pictures. select 200 larger seawe north-eastern atlanic, mani occur norway, britain, ireland, atlant franc spain, portugal. web page far complet link (underlined)."} {"id": "8431", "contents": "commonli eaten seawe group sea lettuc (ulva lactuca). green alga found freshwater. approxim 5,000 speci marin green algae. wash ashore, seawe seem noth gooey, smelly, fly-infest garbage. however, unpalat might seem, seawe are, fact, extrem import plants."} {"id": "8432", "contents": "\u201cbasic\u201d mean koi fish tattoo. koi fish tattoo gener stand good fortun good luck. old fabl state koi fish could tri climb fall specif point yellow river becom dragon. black koi: tattoo koi black usual stand overcom chang successfully. fought great deal pain advers get power place now, black koi fish great symbol you."} {"id": "8433", "contents": "mean koi tattoo red color presum toughest stabl like koi fish swim dragon gate heavi oppos current river. dragon koi tattoo meaning. mean koi tattoo dragon version symbol overcom obstacl person\u2019 life. global speaking, red color alway symbol beauti feel world, love. mean koi tattoo red fish repres love. moreover, red color also give mean utmost braveri manli deeds."} {"id": "8434", "contents": "koi fish tattoo meaning. koi fish legendari fish japanes culture. believ koi (or carp translat to) abil climb fall yellow river becom dragon. legend, koi fish tattoo often symbol person\u2019 goal aspir better"} {"id": "8435", "contents": "koi tattoo suppos repres differ thing depend color amount direct swim stream. five golden koi suppos repres etern wealth well-being. color repres specif meaning. koi dragon tattoo koi fish japanes folklor repres overcom obstacles, koi fish travel yellow river come end river transform dragon; thu overcom advers repres strong river fufil destiny."} {"id": "8436", "contents": "gener symbol mean koi koi tattoo good luck. interestingly, japanes assign differ symbol mean fish depend upon way behaves, either pond wild. chinese, hand, special interpret koi fish general. koi fish tattoo vari popular anim represent. koi tattoo design often combin splash water, cherri blossom lotu flowers. koi fish speci carp (koi japanes word carp) special bred wild, brilliant color schemes."} {"id": "8437", "contents": "color koi fish tattoo symbol play big role koi fish accomplish life. black koi fish tattoo symbol success overcom obstacl one life. japanes also symbol men family. koi fish tattoo symbolizes.. accord japanes legend koi succeed climb fall point call dragon gate yellow river would transform dragon. base legend, becam symbol worldli aspir advancement."} {"id": "8438", "contents": "whole stori behind koi fish tattoo symbolism. stori detail advanc koi fish around gener gener japanes culture. koi stori said climb waterfall, regardless heavi current tri keep pool below. black koi: tattoo koi black usual stand overcom chang successfully. fought great deal pain advers get power place now, black koi fish great symbol you."} {"id": "8439", "contents": "red koi tattoo meaning. global speaking, red color alway symbol beauti feel world, love. mean koi tattoo red fish repres love. moreover, red color also give mean utmost braveri manli deeds. furthermore, red color symbol exuber bring energi individu"} {"id": "8440", "contents": "real mean koi tattoo deriv koi fish tattoos. koi fish symbol courage, determin power achiev desir goals. addit this, symbol person overcom bad patch life get it. global speaking, red color alway symbol beauti feel world, love. mean koi tattoo red fish repres love. moreover, red color also give mean utmost braveri manli deeds."} {"id": "8441", "contents": "millibar unit pressur commonli seen context meteorology, atmospher pressur sometim given millibars. name would suggest, millibar equal one thousandth bar."} {"id": "8442", "contents": "databas contain 44 differ file filenam mbar.exe. also check distribut file variant name mbar.exe. file often belong product malwarebyt anti-rootkit. often develop compani malwarebyt corporation. file often descript malwarebyt anti-rootkit utility. execut file."} {"id": "8443", "contents": "malwarebyt anti-rootkit free program use search remov rootkit computer. started, malwarebyt anti-rootkit scan comput allow remov rootkit finds."} {"id": "8444", "contents": "function mbar reduc use argument, use mbar caus comput crash. /z-the /z argument disabl protect driver malwarebyt anti-rootkit."} {"id": "8445", "contents": "malwarebyt anti-rootkit, mbar, rootkit scanner search comput rootkit remov them. malwarebyt anti-rootkit remov rootkit, file window registri entri rootkit hide visibl easier remove."} {"id": "8446", "contents": "millibar metric unit pressur mainli use european countri deriv directli bar pressur unit equal 1,000 mbar. si unit mbar equal 100 pascals."} {"id": "8447", "contents": "mbar millibar pressur unit. millibar metric unit pressur mainli use european countri deriv directli bar pressur unit equal 1,000 mbar. si unit mbar equal 100 pascals."} {"id": "8448", "contents": "uses, see inning (disambiguation) inning baseball, softball, similar game basic unit play, consist two halv frames, top (first half) bottom (second half). half, one team bat three out made, team play defense. japanes baseball, however, game end tie 12 inning (or, postseason play nippon profession baseball, 15 innings). sinc 2011 also end tie regular-season game reach 3-hour, 30-minut time limit team tied."} {"id": "8449", "contents": "(june 2010). inning fixed-dur segment game cricket, one team attempt score team attempt prevent first scoring. first-class cricket test cricket, side two innings. one-day cricket abbrevi form game, inning last set period certain number over (typic 50 one-day cricket 20 twenty20 cricket). individu inning usual last batsman given out, end team inning"} {"id": "8450", "contents": "game shall consid regulation, matter mani inning played, one hour 45 minut play inning progress time expir complet immedi time expir team last bat bat ahead score. suspend game shall replay least three week post-season softbal tournament, possible. determination: aia execut board determin suspend postpon game post-season softbal tournament play point suspension."} {"id": "8451", "contents": "(8 cm) larger baseball. infield softbal smaller adult high school basebal diamond ident use littl leagu baseball; base 60 ft (18 m) next, oppos baseball' 90 ft. (27 m). glove use softbal usual larger one use baseball. glove larger 14 (36 cm) use asa (american softbal association) sanction play. differ size glove differ posit field."} {"id": "8452", "contents": "game consist innings. game call complet inning one team ahead 20runs, 4th inning team ahead 15 runs, 5th inning team ahead 10 runs. distanc pitcher' mound home plate 50 feet. players-a team must player start continu game maximum 10 player (not includ ep-se last rule batting)."} {"id": "8453", "contents": "leagues, score tie final schedul inning, game goe extra inning inning end one team ahead other. japanes baseball, however, game end tie 12 inning (or, postseason play nippon profession baseball, 15 innings). sinc 2011 also end tie regular-season game reach 3-hour, 30-minut time limit team tied."} {"id": "8454", "contents": "softbal game last anywher innings, depend league, rules, type softball; howev inning common. inning, team bat three batter put (see below). glove use softbal usual larger one use baseball. glove larger 14 (36 cm) use asa (american softbal association) sanction play. differ size glove differ posit field."} {"id": "8455", "contents": "softbal rule vari somewhat baseball. two major differ ball must pitch underhand\u2014from 46 ft. (14 m) men 43 ft(13.1 m) women compar 60.5 ft. (18.4 m) baseball\u2014and seven inning instead nine constitut regul game. glove use softbal usual larger one use baseball. glove larger 14 (36 cm) use asa (american softbal association) sanction play. differ size glove differ posit field."} {"id": "8456", "contents": "game call complet inning one team ahead 20runs, 4th inning team ahead 15 runs, 5th inning team ahead 10 runs. home team ahead middl inning scenario exist game over. distanc pitcher' mound home plate 50 feet. players-a team must player start continu game maximum 10 player (not includ ep-se last rule batting)."} {"id": "8457", "contents": "averag one measur central tendenc set data. anoth measur median. wage data, median wage (or net compensation) wage middle.. is, half worker earn level. tabl show median wage substanti less averag wage."} {"id": "8458", "contents": "2013, gallup publish list countri median household income. use median, rather mean income, result much accur pictur averag incom middl class sinc data skew gain abnorm extrem ends. base analysi us median household income, median household money incom 2006-2012 period averag (but median) $53,836, therefor comparison gallup result underreport even census' figures."} {"id": "8459", "contents": "alison doyle. accord bureau labor statistics, median wage worker unit state end septemb 2014 $790 per week $41,080 per year 40 hour work week. wage 2.5% higher date previou year."} {"id": "8460", "contents": "median vs. mean. median often confus anoth statist call mean, average. mean data set equal sum data valu divid total number valu data set. consid data set consist follow numbers: 1, 8, 9, 10 12. example, 49 singer economi make $30,000 year one superstar singer make $10 million year, averag incom singer economi $229,400."} {"id": "8461", "contents": "median incom amount divid incom distribut two equal groups, half incom amount, half incom amount. mean incom (average) amount obtain divid total aggreg incom group number unit group. median annual household incom household household associ degre $51,970, median annual household incom household bachelor' degre higher $73,446."} {"id": "8462", "contents": "(march 2015). median incom amount divid incom distribut two equal groups, half incom amount, half incom amount. mean incom (average) amount obtain divid total aggreg incom group number unit group. base analysi us median household income, median household money incom 2006-2012 period averag (but median) $53,836, therefor comparison gallup result underreport even census' figures."} {"id": "8463", "contents": "median salari less like averag salari skew outliers, exampl extrem high salari extrem low salari may earn people. common misspellings: medien. share. dawn rosenberg mckay. definition: line up, order highest lowest lowest highest, salari peopl work particular occupation, median salari one fall midpoint range."} {"id": "8464", "contents": "one key measur real median level, mean half household incom level half below, adjust inflation. accord feder reserve, measur $51,939 2013, 1999 peak around $57,000. median annual household incom household household associ degre $51,970, median annual household incom household bachelor' degre higher $73,446."} {"id": "8465", "contents": "recogniz symbol organ blue corduroy ffa jacket worn current ffa members. back jacket featur larg ffa emblem underneath name ffa member' state. name local ffa chapter, district, region area embroid emblem. 1988 name chang nation ffa organization, commonli refer simpli ffa, recogn organ divers interest food, fiber natur resourc industries, encompass science, busi technolog addit product agriculture."} {"id": "8466", "contents": "want see photo ffa jacket! email best ffa jacket photo us (ffanation@jnlcom.com). sure includ name, chapter, state year ffa membership. also describ make photo special. video: shoot short clip complet statements. cell phone video fine! either email video us (ffanation@jnlcom.com) post youtube, email us link. sure includ name, chapter, state year ffa membership. tip make sure video look good (and better chanc used). record devic (iphone, tablet, webcam) provid widescreen horizontal. vertic video cannot accepted."} {"id": "8467", "contents": "armstrong-gustafson say ffa jacket life-chang everyth represents. \u201cwhat learn ffa age 14 18, continu use everi day life business, commun servic home,\u201d continues. \u201cget jacket big deal ffa member wore jacket time normal jacket. rank right letter jacket basketbal basebal player wore,\u201d armstrong recalls. \u201csinc school small, mani both, worn school pride."} {"id": "8468", "contents": "comment. ffa jacket, adopt 1933 part \u201coffici dress\u201d nation ffa organization, near 80th anniversary. jacket mean lot mani present former member nation ffa organization. ffa jacket mean lot me, ffa member, memori friend made wear it. never forget got first ffa jacket. ag teacher, mrs. pike, help order jacket. came gave small piec paper. (i strongli encourag everyon get first jacket.) paper said list three goal ffa member."} {"id": "8469", "contents": "ffa mission statement, colors,emblem, motto, creed creat imag mind ofmemb support organ represents. objectives: 1. explain mean ffa mission statement.2. explain mean ffa color emblem.3. explain mean ffa motto creed. key terms: ffa mission mission statement organ simpl declar purpos thatorgan is."} {"id": "8470", "contents": "member nation ffa organ like jacket design much adopt part \u201coffici dress\u201d 1933. differ jacket now. howev differ old ffa jacket new one wear today. vintag one snap zippers. never forget got first ffa jacket. ag teacher, mrs. pike, help order jacket. came gave small piec paper. (i strongli encourag everyon get first jacket.) paper said list three goal ffa member."} {"id": "8471", "contents": "nation ffa emblem. cross section ear corn provid foundat emblem, corn histor serv foundat crop american agriculture. also symbol unity, corn grown everi state nation."} {"id": "8472", "contents": "blue, forev blue. t\u2019 recogniz symbol nation ffa organization, ask ffa member past present feel ffa jacket, they\u2019ll bubbl pride talk jacket meant them. take, example, derek schmidt peabody-burn ffa chapter kansas. \u201cget jacket big deal ffa member wore jacket time normal jacket. rank right letter jacket basketbal basebal player wore,\u201d armstrong recalls. \u201csinc school small, mani both, worn school pride."} {"id": "8473", "contents": "offici ffa jacket introduc accept deleg 1933 nation ffa convention. math, fall, celebr 80th anniversari blue corduroy jacket love much! sure includ name, chapter, state year ffa membership. tip make sure video look good (and better chanc used). record devic (iphone, tablet, webcam) provid widescreen horizontal. vertic video cannot accepted."} {"id": "8474", "contents": "front ffa jacket featur smaller ffa emblem left chest ffa member' name sometimes, applicable, offic year right chest. ffa member requir wear ffa jacket part offici dress particip offici organ activities. origin creat worn fredericktown band fredericktown ffa chapter dr. gu lintner, ffa jacket adopt 1933. 1988 name chang nation ffa organization, commonli refer simpli ffa, recogn organ divers interest food, fiber natur resourc industries, encompass science, busi technolog addit product agriculture."} {"id": "8475", "contents": "one year old gener age begin major jumping, begin weav poles. actually, weav jump main reason wait least one year old. obstacl take toll dog' body, therefor attempt dog mature. start train earlier though. take coupl obedi class dog good foundat obedience. work contact obstacl agil one year. (contact obstacl like table, a-frame, dog walk.)."} {"id": "8476", "contents": "mind get started. puppi start pre-agil train month age, provid instructor knowledg proper exercises, equip height lesson durations. mani us get involv dog agil form fun bond us dog. fact, mani dog start agil older dog get right fun stuff like jump contact obstacles. get bit \u201cdog agil bug\u201d want start puppy."} {"id": "8477", "contents": "want success dog agil training, however, dog must know basic obedi command stay, sit, lie down. heel helpful. take class invaluable, (at home) train obedi agil time. peopl train dog sit first time use paus tabl obstacle, example. agil train dog easi click visit select book dvds. example, might run jump height division, class lower time limit (becaus take longer small dog run cours big dogs). larg breed also agility, bulkier size requir negoti obstacl carefully."} {"id": "8478", "contents": "dog jump onto chair, climb onto kitchen tabl and, there, leap sink. way find dog got take agil go. dog love agil far keep way, import start right. find good agil club experienc instructor teach everyth need know. expect initi agil train dog lead, soon go. agil hands-free, off-lead sport. want arriv first lesson watch dog disappear rabbit hole reappear end lesson."} {"id": "8479", "contents": "answer ye questions, within reason. compet agil dog need least year old, start train puppi earlier that. keep mind, however, dog' joint still forming, jump height elbow height first year. example, might run jump height division, class lower time limit (becaus take longer small dog run cours big dogs). larg breed also agility, bulkier size requir negoti obstacl carefully."} {"id": "8480", "contents": "go agil dog (more hygienic). way find dog got take agil go. dog love agil far keep way, import start right. find good agil club experienc instructor teach everyth need know. expect initi agil train dog lead, soon go. agil hands-free, off-lead sport. want arriv first lesson watch dog disappear rabbit hole reappear end lesson."} {"id": "8481", "contents": "report abuse. compet train agil 14 years, work puppi start flat work one year age. dog giant breed, wait 1.5 year major training. start train earlier though. take coupl obedi class dog good foundat obedience. work contact obstacl agil one year. (contact obstacl like table, a-frame, dog walk.)."} {"id": "8482", "contents": "exactly. start train dog agil year, low impact jump (6 inches) lower obstacles. begin compet 18 month canada, compet mine year old. fun, start dog whenever. obvious dog start younger age (i'v start mine months) potenti chanc develop skills, becom much accomplish dog."} {"id": "8483", "contents": "\u201ceighteen month old minimum age competing. however, start train year old, start jump low height. need make everyth fun. dog owner need enjoy themselves. bit time even dog matures, littl often."} {"id": "8484", "contents": "carbohydr essenti nutrient body. digestion, break glucose, blood sugar, primari sourc fuel cells. nearli food eat contain carbohydrates. meat, egg type seafood food carbs. fruit fruit juic also provid high portion carbohydrates. get around 15 gram carb serv fruit. one serv includ small 4-ounc apple, four whole apricots, 12 fresh cherries, 1/4 cup whole strawberries, two small plum cup fresh raspberries."} {"id": "8485", "contents": "low-carb diets. low-carbohydr (low-carb) diet usual involv cut starchi foods. diet tend high fat, eat high-fat diet (especi satur fat food meat, chees butter) could increas risk heart disease. starchi food potatoes, bread, cereals, rice pasta make third food eat, shown eatwel plate. can, choos wholegrain varieties, eat potato skin fibre. starch common form carbohydr diet."} {"id": "8486", "contents": "sugar simplest form carbohydrates. sugar occur natur foods, includ fruits, vegetables, milk milk products. sugar includ fruit sugar (fructose), tabl sugar (sucrose) milk sugar (lactose). three main type carbohydrates: sugar. sugar simplest form carbohydrates. sugar occur natur foods, includ fruits, vegetables, milk milk products. sugar includ fruit sugar (fructose), tabl sugar (sucrose) milk sugar (lactose). starch."} {"id": "8487", "contents": "starch. food high starch include: starchi veget like peas, corn, lima bean potatoes. dri beans, lentil pea pinto beans, kidney beans, black eye pea split peas. grain like oats, barley rice. major grain product us made wheat flour."} {"id": "8488", "contents": "grains. grain import sourc carbohydrates, contain healthi fiber. whole grain undergon littl processing, make grain low-glycem food. accord harvard school public health, carbohydr low-glycem index help control blood sugar."} {"id": "8489", "contents": "food contain simpl carbohydr includ sugari fluid like soda energi drinks, deserts, syrups, process foods. complex carbohydr includ two type foods: dietari fiber starches. food dietari fiber includ nut seed, fruits, beans, oatmeal, barley, bran, vegetables. starch includ potatoes, beans, peas, corn, breads, cereals, grains. follow food carbohydrates: bread, bagels, muffins, crackers, tortillas, crust. cereal. pasta, noodles, rice. starchi veget corn, peas, potatoes, sweet potatoes."} {"id": "8490", "contents": "carbohydr provid bodi glucos need function properly. two type carbohydr exist: complex carbohydr simpl carbohydrates. complex carbohydr take time break glucose. food rich complex carbohydr fiber call good carbohydrates. simpl carbohydr includ sugar found food fruit milk product sugar ad food processing. food rich white flour ad sugar call bad"} {"id": "8491", "contents": "complex carbohydrates, often refer starchi foods, include: legumes, beans, peas, lentil peanuts. starchi vegetables, potatoes, corn, green peas, parsnips. whole-grain bread cereals."} {"id": "8492", "contents": "preheat oven 425 degrees. drizzl squash flesh tablespoon oliv oil season salt pepper. place cut side parchment-lin rim bake sheet. roast squash tender pierc knife, hour. cool enough handle, gentli scrape squash fork remov flesh long strand transfer medium bowl. toss remain tablespoon oil, lemon juice, parsley. season salt red-pepp flake serv sprinkl cheese, desired."} {"id": "8493", "contents": "pierc whole shell sever time larg fork skewer place bake dish. cook squash preheat 375\u00b0f oven approxim 1-1/2 hour flesh tender, took 1/2 hour mine tender up. *****. boil it). (bake it). pierc whole shell sever time larg fork skewer place bake dish. cook squash preheat 375\u00b0f oven approxim 1-1/2 hour flesh tender, took 1/2 hour mine tender up. *****. boil it)."} {"id": "8494", "contents": "directions. bake it). pierc whole shell sever time larg fork skewer place bake dish. cook squash preheat 375\u00b0f oven approxim 1-1/2 hour flesh tender, took 1/2 hour mine tender up. (bake it). pierc whole shell sever time larg fork skewer place bake dish. cook squash preheat 375\u00b0f oven approxim 1-1/2 hour flesh tender, took 1/2 hour mine tender up. *****. boil it)."} {"id": "8495", "contents": "directions. preheat oven 375 degrees. small sharp knife, prick squash over. place rim bake sheet roast tender pierc knife, hour 20 minutes, flip halfway through. cool enough handle, halv lengthwis scoop seeds. scrape squash fork remov flesh long strands."} {"id": "8496", "contents": "preheat oven 450 degre f. split squash half scrape seeds. line oven tray aluminum foil. season spaghetti squash oliv oil, salt, pepper. place flesh side roast 30 40 minut fulli cooked. remov oven let rest cool enough handle."} {"id": "8497", "contents": "directions. preheat oven 350 degrees. slice squash half place fleshsid bake dish. add 1/4-inch water. bake 40 minutes, tender remove. rake squash fork, creat spaghetti strands. spoon sauce, mozzarella, basil. place back oven bake chees begin bubble."} {"id": "8498", "contents": "place spaghetti squash cut side prepar bake sheet, bake 30 minut preheat oven, sharp knife insert littl resistance."} {"id": "8499", "contents": "now, bake spaghetti squash oven (scroll microwav directions). heat oven 375 degrees. brush insid half oliv oil sprinkl coars salt freshli ground black pepper. place cut-sid bake sheet. bake 40 minut easili pierc squash fork. let cool 15 minutes, squash cool enough handle. fork, scrape spaghetti-lik strand prepar desired. place squash cut-sides-down microwave-saf bake dish. fill dish inch water. microwav high 12 minutes, easili pierc squash fork."} {"id": "8500", "contents": "save search get email alert list hit market. {targetdiv:gpt-ad-b0d1496f-485a-4828-907f-a352f438fb77,slot:zillow/search_results/buy_general/b_right_p1,network:7449,sizes:[300,250],targets:{zip:98604,aamgnrc4:battle_ground clark. display unmap homes. see mappabl homes. show 500 homes."} {"id": "8501", "contents": "construct wsdot\u2019 project widen sr-502 i-5 battl ground resumed. read link wsdot project page complet project overview and/or receiv construct activ updates. citi council pass resolut name battl ground fire polic station william j. ganley public safeti complex. distinct honor recogn councilmemb bill ganley extraordinari leadership servic community. read on.."} {"id": "8502", "contents": "battl ground citi clark county, washington, unit states. battl ground 18.5 mile portland intern airport, closest larg commerci airport. battl ground 25.5 mile portland, oregon 161 mile seattle, washington. battl ground differ highway run 503(lewisvil highway), 502(ne 219th st)"} {"id": "8503", "contents": "accord washington state offic financi management, battl ground rank 4th 279 elig incorpor commun popul growth 2000 2005. battl ground 18.5 mile portland intern airport, closest larg commerci airport. battl ground 25.5 mile portland, oregon 161 mile seattle, washington. battl ground differ highway run 503(lewisvil highway), 502(ne 219th st)"} {"id": "8504", "contents": "experi battl ground offer qualiti hotel-clos washington state univers vancouv portland intern airport, 100% non-smok hotel! best western plu battl ground inn suites, situat outsid portland, commit provid guest friendly, person custom service, great amen comfort accommodations-al afford rate. hotel ideal guest visit battl ground lake mount st. helens."} {"id": "8505", "contents": "13.5%. accord research washington state list 10 regist sex offend live battl ground, washington octob 07, 2015. ratio number resid battl ground number sex offend 1,804 1. colleges/univers 2000 student nearest battl ground: clark colleg (about 12 miles; vancouver, wa; full-tim enrollment: 9,330). concordia university-portland (about 16 miles; portland, or; ft enrollment: 3,996)."} {"id": "8506", "contents": "battl ground: use live bg, exchang program like hang park. colleges/univers 2000 student nearest battl ground: clark colleg (about 12 miles; vancouver, wa; full-tim enrollment: 9,330). concordia university-portland (about 16 miles; portland, or; ft enrollment: 3,996)."} {"id": "8507", "contents": "battl ground, washington citi much offer resid visitor alike. battl ground enjoy mild climate, clean air, beauti scenic view countri setting. advantag small-town live short drive amen portland, oregon."} {"id": "8508", "contents": "linen woven fabric made fiber flax plants, one oldest expens textil world."} {"id": "8509", "contents": "linen fiber cellulos fiber cellulos principl element linen. follow chemic composit linen fiber. cellulose: 92%. hemi-cellulose: 2%. lignin: 4%. others: 2%. calcul 100%. fabric produc linen fiber comfort wear."} {"id": "8510", "contents": "linen natur fibre, made stalk flax plant. regard europ best qualiti fabric. european long favour linen sheet amaz properties. soften use washed, extrem durabl last decad care correctly."} {"id": "8511", "contents": "linen fiber collect flax fiber. natural, cellulosic, bast multi cellular fiber. first use industri among veget fiber. fabric yarn collect flax plant call linen."} {"id": "8512", "contents": "textil linen weav texture, even made cotton, hemp non-flax fibers, also loos refer linen. fabric gener also specif names, exampl fine cotton yarn linen-styl weav call madapolam."} {"id": "8513", "contents": "linen /\u02c8l\u026an\u0268n/ textil made fiber flax plant, linum usitatissimum. linen labori manufacture, fiber absorb garment made linen valu except cool fresh hot weather."} {"id": "8514", "contents": "chemic properti linen: linen natur cellulos fiber chemic properties. chemic properti linen fiber given below: effect acids: linen fiber damag highli densifi acid low dens acid affect wash instantli applic acids."} {"id": "8515", "contents": "linen cloth recov qumran cave near dead sea. linen /\u02c8l\u026an\u0268n/ textil made fiber flax plant, linum usitatissimum. linen labori manufacture, fiber absorb garment made linen valu except cool fresh hot weather."} {"id": "8516", "contents": "linen textil made fiber flax plant, linum usitatissimum. linen labor-intens manufacture, made garments, valu except cool fresh hot weather."} {"id": "8517", "contents": "pyrexia. pyrexia (fever) mean elev bodi temperatur normal range. may caus abnorm brain toxic substanc affect temperatur regul centers."} {"id": "8518", "contents": "tweet. fever, also refer pyrexia, elev bodi temperatur norm. broadli defin oral temperatur read 37.5 degre celsiu (99 degre farenheit) core bodi temperatur (rectally) 38 degre celsiu (100.4 degre farenheit). substanc caus fever known pyrogens. bodi maintain normal bodi temperatur (set point) 36.5 37.5 degre celsiu (97.7 99.5 degre farenheit) monitor maintain thermoregulatori center hypothalamus."} {"id": "8519", "contents": "fever symptoms. fever high temperatur body' temperatur rise 37.5c (99.5f). normal bodi temperatur 36c-37c (96.8f-98.6f). high temperatur fever often last around two three days. check high temperatur fever use appropri thermomet follow instruct"} {"id": "8520", "contents": "bodi good keep temperatur within narrow, safe rang spite larg variat temperatur outsid body. hot, blood vessel skin expand (dilate) carri excess heat skin' surface. also, normal bodi temperatur chang much 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) throughout day, depend activ time day. bodi temperatur sensit hormon level may higher lower woman ovul menstrual period."} {"id": "8521", "contents": "fever rise bodi temperature. usual sign infection. fever gener harmless probabl helpful. fever usual need treatment. averag bodi temperatur 98.6 (37 c). normal bodi temperatur rang 97 (36.1) 99 (37.2) more. bodi temperatur vari depend activ time day. generally, older peopl lower bodi temperatur younger peopl"} {"id": "8522", "contents": "fever, also known pyrexia febril response, defin temperatur normal rang due increas body' temperatur set-point. singl agre upon upper limit normal temperatur sourc use valu 37.5 38.3 \u00b0c (99.5 100.9 \u00b0f). example, hors said fever 7002311483333333333\u2660101 \u00b0f (7002311450000000000\u266038.3 \u00b0c). speci allow bodi wide rang normal temperatures, camels, sometim difficult determin febril stage."} {"id": "8523", "contents": "pyrexia cats. normal bodi temperatur cat fall rang 99.5-102.5 fahrenheit. fever, refer medic pyrexia, defin higher normal bodi temperatur cat bodi temperatur least 103.5 (39.7\u00b0 c)."} {"id": "8524", "contents": "normal human bodi temperatur vari slightli person person time day. consequently, type measur rang normal temperatures. rang normal human bodi temperatures, taken orally, 7002309950000000000\u266036.8\u00b10.5 \u00b0c (7002309927777777777\u266098.2\u00b10.9 \u00b0f). bodi temperatur healthi person vari day 0.5 \u00b0c (0.9 \u00b0f) lower temperatur morn higher temperatur late afternoon evening, body' need activ change."} {"id": "8525", "contents": "peopl think normal bodi temperatur oral temperatur 98.6\u00b0f (37\u00b0c) averag normal bodi temperatures. temperatur may actual 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) 98.6\u00b0f (37\u00b0c) also, normal bodi temperatur chang much 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) throughout day, depend activ time day. bodi temperatur sensit hormon level may higher lower woman ovul menstrual period."} {"id": "8526", "contents": "exampl rang 640 850. muscl human bodi categor number group includ muscl relat head neck, muscl torso trunk, muscl upper limbs, muscl lower limbs. action refer action muscl standard anatom position."} {"id": "8527", "contents": "muscl human body. bodi three type muscles: smooth, skelet cardiac. skelet muscl directli connect bone enabl bodi movements. smallest muscl human bodi locat deep ear. human bodi compris hundr muscles, 640 total. exact count larg expert opinion conflict regard constitut distinct muscle. therefore, expert suggest 639 total other may suggest"} {"id": "8528", "contents": "muscular system respons movement human body. attach bone skelet system 700 name muscl make roughli half person\u2019 bodi weight. muscl discret organ construct skelet muscl tissue, blood vessels, tendons, nerves."} {"id": "8529", "contents": "(answer #2). number muscl human bodi vari 656 850, depend expert consult. exact figur avail varieti opinion constitut distinct muscl (versu part complex muscle). number muscl bodi vari around 640 850. type muscl body: skeletal, visceral, cardiac. skelet muscl voluntary, viscer muscl involuntary."} {"id": "8530", "contents": "number muscl bodi depend ask. previou post accurate. reason controversi mani muscl human bodi due fact mani expert argu constitut muscle. ako6777 middl school teacher (level 1) associ educator. post on. (answer #2). adult human bodi contain 206 bones."} {"id": "8531", "contents": "(answer #18). actual mani muscl human body, look clear answer base skelet muscl would 640, fact mani muscl rang tini larger muscl would even discuss day day. number muscl bodi vari around 640 850. type muscl body: skeletal, visceral, cardiac. skelet muscl voluntary, viscer muscl involuntary."} {"id": "8532", "contents": "muscular systemskeletal, smooth cardiac muscl read one bodi systems-go take quiz! 639 skelet muscl body. sourc say 640 muscl human body. average, bodi weight 40% muscle. 639/640 muscles, 30 facial muscles, help creat differ face happiness, surprise, joy, sorrow, sadness, fright, etc."} {"id": "8533", "contents": "typically, 640 muscl human body, may differ person sinc everyon different. muscl pair equal bilater muscles, make total 320 pairs. rang mani possibl muscl person 640 850. number muscl bodi vari around 640 850. type muscl body: skeletal, visceral, cardiac. skelet muscl voluntary, viscer muscl involuntary."} {"id": "8534", "contents": "symptom pertussi usual develop within 10 day exposed, sometim long weeks. pertussi insidi onset catarrh symptom indistinguish minor respiratori tract infections. cough, initi intermittent, becom paroxysmal."} {"id": "8535", "contents": "influenza also known flu. acute, highli contagi viral respiratori infection, spread respiratori droplets, occur commonli colder months. strain influenza prevent annual immunization. pertussi also known whoop cough. contagi bacteri infect upper respiratori tract character paroxysm cough. prevent immunization."} {"id": "8536", "contents": "practic essentials. pertussi (whoop cough) respiratori tract infect character paroxysm cough. common caus organ bordetella pertussi (see imag below), though bordetella parapertussi also associ condit humans. background. pertussis, commonli known whoop cough, respiratori tract infect character paroxysm cough. first identifi 16th century. 1906, bordet isol common caus organism, bordetella pertussis."} {"id": "8537", "contents": "cough often occur paroxysm pertussis, also known whoop cough, acut respiratori tract infect increas incid recent years. initi catarrh stage present nonspecif symptom malaise, rhinorrhea, sneezing, lacrima-tion, mild cough. clinic present incub period pertussi seven 10 days, longer typic one-to three-day period viral upper respi-ratori tract infections. patient develop present vari asymp-tomat mild respiratori tract infect persistent, sever cough."} {"id": "8538", "contents": "caus spread upper respiratori viral sometim bacteri infect bronchi, often observ childhood infections, measles, whoop cough, diphtheria, typhoid fever. see also chronic bronchitis, chronic obstruct pulmonari disease, respiratori syncyti virus. sign acut bronchiti includ fever irrit cough. bronchiti may either acut chronic disord frequent involv trachea well bronchi (tracheobronchitis). acut stage diseas often extens upper respiratori infect usual viral origin."} {"id": "8539", "contents": "caus bordetella pertussis, produc potent exotoxin. initi stage, catarrh stage, present like cold. second, paroxysm stage, character mucu accumul trachea bronchi, caus deep coughing. third, convalesc stage, last months. laboratori diagnosi base isol bacteria bordet-geng medium serolog tests."} {"id": "8540", "contents": "pneumonia respiratori condit infect lung. upper respiratori tract infect ill caus acut infect involv upper respiratori tract: nose, sinuses, pharynx larynx. exampl would common cold. other found useful. upper respiratori infect caus bacteria, viruses, fungi. common probabl common cold, viral infection, follow bacteri al, fungal. found useful. heather mereschuk."} {"id": "8541", "contents": "pneumonia respiratori condit infect lung. upper respiratori tract infect ill caus acut infect involv upper respiratori tract: nose, sinuses, pharynx larynx. feel upper respiratori infect rememb drink plenti fluid eat chicken noodl soup. upper respitori infect viral infect notic sign runni nose, coughing, fever."} {"id": "8542", "contents": "location, gasconi france. locat beauti histor quaint villag gramont heart gascony, south west france, gasconi cookeri school cook holiday franc difference. gasconi ancient name former duchi south west france. steep histori land rule romans, conquer visigoth francs."} {"id": "8543", "contents": "visit gers, france. histor region gasconi (now ger department) one roll countryside, low-key agricultur field sunflowers, quiet road peac moments."} {"id": "8544", "contents": "travel insurance. gascogn (english: gascony) area southwest franc constitud provinc franc prior french revolution. gascogn current devid aquarain gion midi-pyr es gion."} {"id": "8545", "contents": "gasconi histor inhabit basque-rel peopl appear spoken languag similar basque. name gasconi come root word basqu (see wasconia below). mediev time nineteenth century, gascon languag spoken, progress adopt romanc element transform enough consid region variant occitan language. region vagu defined, distinct guyenn gasconi unclear; seen overlap, other consid gasconi part guyenne. definit put gasconi east south bordeaux"} {"id": "8546", "contents": "gasconi (g\u0103s\u00b4k\u0259n\u0113) fr. gascogne, region sw france. coextens depart landes, gers, hautes-pyrene pyr\u00e9n\u00e9 part of-pyrenees, pyr\u00e9n\u00e9es-atlantiques-lot, et-garonne-tarn, et-garonne, haute, garonn gironde. arieg ari\u00e8g gasconi former provinc sw france, bound pyrene bay biscay."} {"id": "8547", "contents": "flag gasconi (base coat arms). gasconi (/\u02c8\u0261aesk\u0259ni/ \u02c8\u0261\u00e6sk\u0259ni: french [gascogne] \u0261ask\u0254\u0272: gascon [gasconha]) \u0261as\u02c8ku\u0272\u0254 area southwest franc part provinc guyenn gasconi prior french. revolut region vagu defined, distinct guyenn gasconi unclear; seen overlap, other consid gasconi part guyenne. definit put gasconi east south bordeaux."} {"id": "8548", "contents": "gascony. gasconi (g\u0103s\u02c8k\u0259n\u0113) key ], fr. gascogne, region sw france. coextens depart landes, gers, hautes-pyrene pyr\u00e9n\u00e9 part of-pyrenees, pyr\u00e9n\u00e9es-atlantiques-lot, et-garonne-tarn, et-garonne, haute, garonn gironde. arieg ari\u00e8g"} {"id": "8549", "contents": "1450 east gascony, part guyenne, control armagnacs. armagnac polit quarrel french nobil lead mysteri death two count and, 1473, armagnac confisc loui xi franc thu becom crown province. vassal french crown sinc conquest clovi 5th century, gasconi briefli flirt independ 8th centuri duke gaifr attempt form separ gascon state."} {"id": "8550", "contents": "local gasconi known today eastern ger (area ger includ armagnac), separ pyrene comming bigorre, sceneri roll hill glacier form flat valleys. yet view pyrene southern hills. vassal french crown sinc conquest clovi 5th century, gasconi briefli flirt independ 8th centuri duke gaifr attempt form separ gascon state."} {"id": "8551", "contents": "physical. definition, somat symptom disord accompani physic find medic ill explain symptoms. physic examin may demonstr multipl oper unsuccess attempt diagnos reliev symptoms. least one somat symptom result signific disrupt everyday life. signific actions, thoughts, feel symptoms. somat symptom actions, thoughts, feel excess time consuming, proport degre seriousness, accompani high level anxiety."} {"id": "8552", "contents": "somat symptom disord result consciou maling (fabric exagger symptom secondari motives) factiti disord (deliber producing, feigning, exagger symptoms). somat symptom disord difficult diagnos treat. diagnosi somat symptom disord requir subject recur somat complaint least six months. symptom sometim similar ill may last years. usually, symptom begin appear adolescence, patient diagnos age 30 years."} {"id": "8553", "contents": "somat symptom disorder, formerli known somatoform disorder, categori mental disord includ number diagnost scheme mental illness, includ dsm-5. diagnosi somat symptom disord requir subject recur somat complaint least six months. symptom sometim similar ill may last years. usually, symptom begin appear adolescence, patient diagnos age 30 years."} {"id": "8554", "contents": "somat symptom disorder. somat symptom disord diagnos signific somat symptom present. contrast, individu ill anxieti disord minim somat symptom primarili concern idea ill. principl behind chang somat symptom relat diagnos dsm-iv crucial understand dsm-5 diagnoses. dsm-iv term somatoform disord confus replac somat symptom relat disorders."} {"id": "8555", "contents": "doctor use diagnos type mental health disord (sometim call psychosomat somatoform disorders\u2014se overview somat symptom relat disorders) peopl report physic symptom explain physic disorder. peopl somat symptom disord intent produc pretend symptoms, symptom may may associ anoth medic problem."} {"id": "8556", "contents": "convers disorder: somat symptom disord involv actual loss bodili function blindness, paralysis, numb due excess anxiety. ill anxieti disorder: somat symptom disord involv persist excess worri develop seriou illness. diagnosi somat symptom disord requir subject recur somat complaint least six months. symptom sometim similar ill may last years. usually, symptom begin appear adolescence, patient diagnos age 30 years."} {"id": "8557", "contents": "somatoform disord mental ill caus bodili symptoms, includ pain. symptom can't trace back physic cause. result substanc abus anoth mental illness. peopl somatoform disord fake symptoms. pain problem experi real. symptom significantli affect daili functioning."} {"id": "8558", "contents": "physic symptom consid somat symptom disord occur, difficult accept life-threaten ill elimin cause. symptom caus real distress person reassur alway helpful. specif sensations, pain short breath, gener symptoms, fatigu weakness. unrel medic caus identified, relat medic condit cancer heart disease, signific what' usual expected."} {"id": "8559", "contents": "obsessive-compuls disorder. somat symptom disorder, recurr idea somat symptom ill less intrusive, individu disord exhibit associ repetit behavior aim reduc anxieti occur obsessive-compuls disorder. principl behind chang somat symptom relat diagnos dsm-iv crucial understand dsm-5 diagnoses. dsm-iv term somatoform disord confus replac somat symptom relat disorders."} {"id": "8560", "contents": "grow pigeon pea seed. mani varieti pigeon pea around world, tall tree like species, smaller bush dwarf varieties. differ varieti also matur differ times. live cool climat grab faster matur species. pigeon pea heavi cropper seed pod grow big cluster end branches. easi gather good amount meal. prune plant time want use mulch. need pea best time obvious harvest."} {"id": "8561", "contents": "dhal made pigeon peas.) pea also sprout make even nutritious, ground flour. leaves, flowers, seed pod seed make nutiti anim fodder. chicken love peas. pigeon pea heavi cropper seed pod grow big cluster end branches. easi gather good amount meal. prune plant time want use mulch. need pea best time obvious harvest."} {"id": "8562", "contents": "seed high germin rate, consid use clip around garden. pigeon pea mani uses. foliag chop use soil improv seed pod harvest green provid green pea dri use similar way lentil dri peas. pigeon pea perennial, evergreen shrub, grow 3m tall. life span years, seed product declin year. pigeon pea suit sub-trop tropic climat thrive warm posit adequ water. prefer warmer temperatur frost tolerant."} {"id": "8563", "contents": "pigeon pea toler variou soil types, low nutrient level grow well soil ph 8. don\u2019t want seed germin throughout garden areas, remov seed pod prune use soil. also plant pigeon pea wind break prune form hedge. pigeon pea perennial, evergreen shrub, grow 3m tall. life span years, seed product declin year. pigeon pea suit sub-trop tropic climat thrive warm posit adequ water. prefer warmer temperatur frost tolerant."} {"id": "8564", "contents": "plant edibl bean popular west indies. pigeon pea grow well climat requir littl mainten moist, nutrient-rich soil. pigeon pea averag life span five year grow best us depart agricultur plant hardi zone 15. plant take place late spring, last frost earli summer. plant one pigeon pea seed hole. cover seed soil. avoid put much soil top seed; use enough conceal seed."} {"id": "8565", "contents": "pigeon pea grow anywhere. cope poor soil littl water. cours grow faster, bigger, better, live longer plenti water nutrients. varieti frost tolerant, although newer varieti supposedli handl bit frost. pigeon pea heavi cropper seed pod grow big cluster end branches. easi gather good amount meal. prune plant time want use mulch. need pea best time obvious harvest."} {"id": "8566", "contents": "cultivation. grow pigeon pea home garden crop, choos short-matur variety. plant seed soon frost danger past twice depth seed' diameter. keep soil moist seed germin two three weeks, faster warm soil cool ones. pigeon pea subtrop tropic plant grow u.s. depart agricultur plant hardi zone 10 12. warmest usda zones, pigeon pea short-liv perenni shrub last five years. grown annual cooler areas."} {"id": "8567", "contents": "pigeon pea seed growing. pigeon pea grown place lot sun littl frost. accord usda plant hardi map, pigeon pea grown zone 15. plant seed one inch deep 12 inch apart best results. plant germin 10 15 days, pod appear four months. pod pick fresh pea left tree dry."} {"id": "8568", "contents": "plant start bloom two months, take longer depend cultivar. pigeon pea short-day plant, bloom night long, except day-neutr varieti amarillo, bloom regardless day length. pigeon pea subtrop tropic plant grow u.s. depart agricultur plant hardi zone 10 12. warmest usda zones, pigeon pea short-liv perenni shrub last five years. grown annual cooler areas."} {"id": "8569", "contents": "chapter name, see chapter 188. okama kenpo fight style use bentham. style use mainli kick taken directli ballet dancing, therefor stanc ballet pose rather martial art stances."} {"id": "8570", "contents": "kamabakka kingdom home practic okama kenpo martial art also 99 master newkama kenpo. okama fear masteri martial art statu okamas."} {"id": "8571", "contents": "despit fact okama base homosexu men stereotype, state actual attract men, rather embrac certain lifestyle, regardless preferences."} {"id": "8572", "contents": "trivia edit. newkama pun new okama word newcomer. bentham iva known okama abl switch gender own. yet normal human one major race shown okamas."} {"id": "8573", "contents": "tags: okama, gay person, male transvestite, japanese-english dictionary, japanese, english, translation, onlin dictionari japanese. place code wherev want dictionari widget appear website: widget appear like this:"} {"id": "8574", "contents": "translat dub issu edit. okama japanes slang homosexu transvestite. liter mean pot, kettl word, alway honorif prefix o- refer gay man, especi one view effemin drag queen."} {"id": "8575", "contents": "okama (or o-kama) japanes slang gay man, particularli refer effemin gays. word also mean drag queen.. come edo-period slang anu (use word kettl butt seem idea borrow portuguese.)."} {"id": "8576", "contents": "okage, burnt rice sometim stick bottom cook pot, sometim use refer women like hang gay effemin men. ryoji goe name ranka perform okama bar."} {"id": "8577", "contents": "minimum salari $507,336. first time nba history, everi player make least half million buck entir season. veteran\u2019 minimum player 10-plu year experi $1,448,490. leagu offset portion amount comput team\u2019 total payroll."} {"id": "8578", "contents": "rooki minimum salari contract stand make $525,093 2015-16. effect minimum wage unit state $7.25. order earn $525,093, person make minimum wage would work 72,426 hour straight."} {"id": "8579", "contents": "nba minimum salari list, valid 2010-11 nba season. nba minimum salari determin number year player league. also see nba salari main page."} {"id": "8580", "contents": "confid vote 5.8k. minimum annual salari nba player vari year year depend long play nba. minimum 10 year veteran far differ minimum salari rookie. minimum rooki salari 2010 2011 season set $473,604 usd."} {"id": "8581", "contents": "minimum annual salari nba player vari year year depend long play nba. minimum 10 year veteran far differ ent minimum salari rookie. minimum rooki salari 2010 2011 season set $473,604 usd. view relat link information."} {"id": "8582", "contents": "lard anim (pig) fat, shorten veget fat. lard use much anymor high satur fat. great pie crust--mak flaki crust. think would use icing--it distinct flavor own."} {"id": "8583", "contents": "summary: 1. lard made anim fat. shorten made varieti differ oil deriv plant veget manner deriv make oil. 2. shorten commonli use cook baking. hand, lard use varieti way manufactur soap, cosmet product even biofuel power motor vehicles. 3. two, shorten one use bake gluten-fre product instead lard."} {"id": "8584", "contents": "lard. mani type shorten prepar lard good substitute. use tbsp. lard, cup shorten requir recipe. note: lard impart flavor finish product, better tri small dish see enjoy tast not."} {"id": "8585", "contents": "crisco butter flavor shorten perform crisco all-veget shortening, add rich butteri flavor foods. convenience, crisco shorten also avail easy-to-measur stick origin butter flavor."} {"id": "8586", "contents": "generally, use butter margarin place shortening, make substitut may slightli alter textur bake goods. shorten 100 percent fat, butter margarin compos 85 percent fat 15 percent water."} {"id": "8587", "contents": "1. lard made anim fat. shorten made varieti differ oil deriv plant veget manner deriv make oil."} {"id": "8588", "contents": "veget shorten lard substitut butter recipes, particularli baking. high fat content similar consist room-temperatur butter. however, baker prefer one produc differ tast textur finish products."} {"id": "8589", "contents": "price subject chang without notice. herbalif member pack (hmp) start-up kit includ select herbalif products, applic materi help get start independ herbalif member. two option choos from:"} {"id": "8590", "contents": "herbalif prices. herbalife, valu relationship member build customers. alway recommend custom take advantag knowledge, support encourag person member. relationship reason publish price list onlin"} {"id": "8591", "contents": "report abuse. much herbalif product cost per month depend getting. instead go distributor buy products, get amazon instead: http://amzn.to/zy11g product sell around $20 $100. buy shake protein spend around 145 month that' one thing protein shakes. buy pill stuff offer more. i'v lost total 40 lb 10 go."} {"id": "8592", "contents": "herbalif pricesat herbalife, valu relationship member build customers. alway recommend custom take advantag knowledge, support encourag person member. relationship reason publish price list online."} {"id": "8593", "contents": "pagin search results. median price base sale product condit list ebay.com past 14 days, insuffici number list meaning calculation, past 90 days. 5. median price base sale product condit list ebay.com past 14 days, insuffici number list meaning calculation, past 90 days. top rate plus. learn more."} {"id": "8594", "contents": "faq. found lo angel 1980, herbalif global nutrit compani million custom approxim 7,800 employees. oper plant facil unit state china export product 90 countri worldwide. publicli trade compani new york stock exchang (nyse: hlf), decemb 31, 2014 market capit $3.5 billion."} {"id": "8595", "contents": "offer 30-day money-back guarante part herbalife\u2019 commit deliv beneficial, high-qual products. you\u2019r fulli satisfi product reason, simpli return unus portion within 30 day you\u2019ll receiv full refund."} {"id": "8596", "contents": "tell us think. median price base sale product condit list ebay.com past 14 days, insuffici number list meaning calculation, past 90 days. top rate plus. learn more."} {"id": "8597", "contents": "minimum purchas requir low cost herbalif member pack. requir purchas sale busi tool start succeed herbalif membership."} {"id": "8598", "contents": "they'r load nutrients, call antioxidants, good you. add fruit veget kind diet. it'll help health. food higher antioxid others, though. three major antioxid vitamin beta-carotene, vitamin c, vitamin e."} {"id": "8599", "contents": "exampl antioxidant-rich food includ fruit veget high nutrient vitamin a, e, beta-carotene, lutein, lycopen selenium. peopl choos take antioxid supplements."} {"id": "8600", "contents": "natur antioxid mainli found fruit vegetables, marin plants, seafood eat marin plants. thousand antioxid compound there, common dietari one vitamin a, c, e, beta-carotene, lycopene."} {"id": "8601", "contents": "exampl antioxid includ anthocyanins, beta-carotene, catechins, coenzym q10, flavonoids, lipoic acid, lutein, lycopene, selenium, vitamin e. number differ antioxid found food avail dietari supplements."} {"id": "8602", "contents": "name implies, antioxid substanc capabl counteract damaging, normal, effect physiolog process oxid anim tissue. antioxid nutrient (vitamin minerals) well enzym (protein bodi assist chemic reactions). believ play role prevent develop chronic diseas cancer, heart diseas ,stroke, alzheimer' disease, rheumatoid arthritis, cataracts."} {"id": "8603", "contents": "exampl carotenoids, vitamin c, vitamin e, plant polyphenols, glutathion (gsh). antioxid found supplement food non-enzymatic, provid support enzymat antioxid first sweep disarm free radicals."} {"id": "8604", "contents": "antioxid man-mad natur substanc may prevent delay type cell damage. diet high veget fruits, good sourc antioxidants, found healthy; however, research shown antioxid supplement benefici prevent diseases."} {"id": "8605", "contents": "fruit veget natur rich antioxidants. antioxid protect cell damag effect free radicals, may play role heart disease, cancer diseases."} {"id": "8606", "contents": "antioxid natur substanc exist vitamins, miner compound foods. believ help prevent diseas fight free radicals, substanc harm bodi left unchecked."} {"id": "8607", "contents": "summary. esophagu tube carri food, liquid saliva mouth stomach. may awar esophagu swallow someth large, hot cold. may also becom awar someth wrong."} {"id": "8608", "contents": "enter stomach, esophagu pass diaphragm. upper esophag sphincter (ues) bundl muscl top esophagus. muscl ue consciou control, use breathing, eating, belching, vomiting."} {"id": "8609", "contents": "gerd (gastroesophag reflux disease) stomach acid back esophagus. esophagu tube carri food liquid mouth stomach. acid stomach help break digest food. normally, sphincter muscl keep stomach acid flow back esophagus. muscl weakened, gerd may occur."} {"id": "8610", "contents": "achalasia. lower esophag muscl (sphincter) relax properli let food enter stomach, may caus bring food back throat. muscl wall esophagu may weak well, condit tend worsen time. diffus spasm."} {"id": "8611", "contents": "2014 webmd, llc. right reserved. esophagu muscular tube connect throat (pharynx) stomach. esophagu inch long, line moist pink tissu call mucosa. esophagu run behind windpip (trachea) heart, front spine."} {"id": "8612", "contents": "weak lower part esophagu (smooth muscle), lower esophag sphincter open let food pass through. symptom usual appear patient young adult, may also occur age. expert know caus achalasia."} {"id": "8613", "contents": "esophag spasm pain muscl contract affect esophagus, hollow tube throat stomach. esophag spasm feel like sudden, sever chest pain last minut hours."} {"id": "8614", "contents": "mani liquid potpourri product essenti oils, includ oil cinnamon, citrus, pennyroyal, peppermint, pine, sweet birch, tea tree (melaleuca), wintergreen, ylang ylang, poison dogs. essenti oil liquid potpourri contain chemic rapidli absorb oral skin. mani chemic metabol liver.veri young dog puppies, dog liver diseas sensit effects."} {"id": "8615", "contents": "dogs.. essenti oil toxic dog. even safe oil toxic use correct dosage.if say appli directli skin dog. oil use dog must dilut way carrier\u201d oils.if doubt .."} {"id": "8616", "contents": "peppermint oil use around cat time. safe use peppermint cats. one problem use aromatherapi product, peppermint cinnamon, cat felin heighten sens smell. make sensit scent product first place. potenti toxic, mani veterinarian recommend use peppermint product around cats. import plant material, oil, extract ingest cat may becom ill. choos use peppermint around cats, caution."} {"id": "8617", "contents": "peppermint safe dogs, moderation. use settl dog' stomach (a humans). however, avoid feed dog peppermint candi (or food pro ducts) contain xylitol, caus hypoglycemia, lead coma death. 75 other found useful. ye dog may allerg fume peppermint oil depend consult doctor find dog allerg fume peppermint. person found useful. edit."} {"id": "8618", "contents": "use essenti oil safe dogs. alway dilut essenti oil use dogs. rough guidelin add 8-10 drop essenti oil 1/2 oz. 15 ml) carrier base oil, 25-30 drop essenti oil oz. 240 ml) shampoo. choos essenti oil safe dogs, use dilut form, perfectli safe use dog effect therapeut great number ailments. however, essenti oils, dilut not, unsaf dog use oil avoid altogether."} {"id": "8619", "contents": "quit essenti oil dog safe use, buy them! must-have' get want give dog aromatherapy. aromatherapi dogs. essenti oil good treatment wide varieti dog health problems-from flea infestations, motion sickness, arthritis, more."} {"id": "8620", "contents": "note essenti oil safe pets. page give list safe benefici essenti oil use dogs. want tri use essenti oil dog, mani essenti oils! aromatherapi dogs. essenti oil good treatment wide varieti dog health problems-from flea infestations, motion sickness, arthritis, more."} {"id": "8621", "contents": "peppermint oil, however, especi dangerous. swallowed, peppermint oil caus gastrointestin upset, suppress central nervou system, even liver damage. peppermint oil contain deriv aspirin, highli toxic cats. potenti toxic, mani veterinarian recommend use peppermint product around cats. import plant material, oil, extract ingest cat may becom ill. choos use peppermint around cats, caution."} {"id": "8622", "contents": "safe essenti oil dogs. essenti oil good treatment wide varieti dog health problems-from flea infestations, motion sickness, arthritis, more. aromatherapi dogs. essenti oil good treatment wide varieti dog health problems-from flea infestations, motion sickness, arthritis, more."} {"id": "8623", "contents": "aa aa individu (homozygotes) show differ form trait (phenotypes), aa individu (heterozygotes) show phenotyp aa individuals, allel said domin domin show domin allel a, said recess a. domin key concept mendelian inherit classic genetics. often domin allel code function protein wherea recess allel not. classic exampl domin inherit seed shape, exampl pea shape peas."} {"id": "8624", "contents": "example, person one gene blue eye one brown, person alway brown eye domin trait. person blue eyes, gene must blue (recessive). person two domin alleles, refer homozyg dominant. one domin allel one recess allele, refer heterozygous. domin trait written genotyp alway written recess gene heterozyg pair. heterozyg genotyp written aa, aa. best answer: domin trait refer genet featur hide recess trait phenotyp individual. domin trait caus phenotyp seen heterozyg (aa) genotype. mani trait determin pair complementari genes, inherit singl parent."} {"id": "8625", "contents": "mendel state law segregation, organ two gene trait. differ form gene call alleles. allel identical, organ said homozyg trait. instance, mendel' purebr tall plant possess two tall allel said homozyg tall. two allel different, plant said hybrid heterozyg trait. mendel noted, allel present, one allel mask hide other."} {"id": "8626", "contents": "recess domin alleles. recal gene differ form call alleles. allel recess dominant. recess allel show individu two copi recess allele. example, allel blue eye recessive. need two copi allel blue eyes. domin allel alway shows, even individu one copi allele. example, allel brown eye dominant. need one copi allel brown eye (and two copi still give brown eyes)"} {"id": "8627", "contents": "express domin recess alleles, domin allel alway written capit letter, recess allel letter, lower case. two allel different, plant said hybrid heterozyg trait. mendel noted, allel present, one allel mask hide other."} {"id": "8628", "contents": "(in genet terms, domin trait one phenotyp express heterozygotes). domin trait oppos recess trait express two copi gene present. (in genet terms, recess trait one phenotyp express homozygotes). exampl domin disord include: achondroplasia (a common form dwarfism short arm legs),"} {"id": "8629", "contents": "domin genet relationship allel one gene, effect phenotyp one allel mask contribut second allel locus. first allel domin second allel recessive. gene autosom (ani chromosom sex chromosome), allel associ trait autosom domin autosom recessive. domin key concept mendelian inherit classic genetics. often domin allel code function protein wherea recess allel not. classic exampl domin inherit seed shape, exampl pea shape peas."} {"id": "8630", "contents": "gene eye colour allel blue eye colour allel brown eye colour. allel domin recessive, meaning: characterist control domin allel develop allel present one chromosom pair. characterist control recess allel develop allel present chromosom pair. example, allel brown eye dominant, allel blue eye recessive. individu inherit one two allel brown eye brown eyes. individu blue eye inherit two copi allel blue eyes."} {"id": "8631", "contents": "recessive. allele, allelomorph (genetics) either pair (or series) altern form gene occupi locu particular chromosom control character; allel domin others."} {"id": "8632", "contents": "horehound candi dark brown hard candi distinctli bittersweet taste. commonli sold inch (12.7 cm) long stick lozenges, often sugar coated. candi often found old fashion candi shops, live histori museums, specialti shops."} {"id": "8633", "contents": "horehound european herb wildflow mint famili herbs. grow abundantli california also spread throughout unit states. horehound candi old-fashion hard candi made mix horehound herb infus ingredients."} {"id": "8634", "contents": "answer community. make world better, one answer time. awful! bitter! plan use medicinally, recommend make syrup candi mask taste. make tea it, tast disgusting. even put ton sugar tea realli help."} {"id": "8635", "contents": "identification. horehound candi sugar coat bittersweet taste. candi lozenge-s typic place mouth suck extract taste. horehound candi tradit use appetit stimulant, sooth dry, scratchi sore throat reliev intestin gas."} {"id": "8636", "contents": "flavor. mani peopl describ horehound bitter, everyon enjoy taste. member mint family, taster say flavor like combin mint, licorice, root beer."} {"id": "8637", "contents": "carp jump high water, think feed thought carp roll surfac go feed, doing, clean themselfs, stick fin say cant catch lol. share. share post on. twitter."} {"id": "8638", "contents": "silver carp jump water result injuri oper damag boat, extrem cases, death boater. silver bighead carp pose threat local louisiana freshwat fisheri compet local fish food."} {"id": "8639", "contents": "report abuse. differ kind fish jump differ reasons. carp bottom feed fish rare jump. caught carp time topwat lure know get hungri enough hit critter top water frog bug caus quit splash."} {"id": "8640", "contents": "one see numer reason carp leap water. also natur leaping, (straight down, sideway flop, dolphin like jump,) also give preciou clue behaviour fish water best lay trap catch them."} {"id": "8641", "contents": "silver carp, recogn jump ability, leap sever feet water disturb boat propellers. silver carp grow 50 pounds, pose threat boater equipment."} {"id": "8642", "contents": "bighead carp silver carp speci spread aggress consid one greatest threat great lakes. silver carp hazard boaters. vibrat boat propel make silver carp jump three metr water. boater water-ski area mississippi illinoi river serious injur jump fish."} {"id": "8643", "contents": "eight year old young left alon two hour school young children home alon judg rule vancouv sun latchkey children age 10 british columbia suprem court look appropri age leav kid home alon news 1130 suprem court rule children age 10 left home alon matter matur rule came child protect servic discov singl mom terrac leav son home alon everi day school januari 2014"} {"id": "8644", "contents": "law leav child home alon coupl state law specifi age child left home alon includ maryland age illinoi age 14 howev state guidelin depart health human servic child protect agenc test child abil left home alon 13 15 year may left unsupervis overnight 16 17 year may left unsupervis case two consecut overnight period import note two children alik parent must decid case case basi best child"} {"id": "8645", "contents": "children age 10 year gener readi self supervis extend period routin predict environ school manag tanner said children 12 13 year old judg case case basi left alon overnight 14 age limit illinoi quit accur age leav kid alon 48 hour age leav car summer word reason time basic cop judg opinion"} {"id": "8646", "contents": "legal age kid home alon state law govern age legal leav home rang age way age 14 check list see specif law state state howev law leav decis parent children age ten twelv stay hour long readi back neighbor next door tween stay home two hour someon check either phone person friend pop"} {"id": "8647", "contents": "one law australia say age leav child home alon queensland leav child 12 year age unreason time without supervis commit misdemeanour"} {"id": "8648", "contents": "close look children readi follow open convers children respons involv stay home alon pleas note school age child care program enrol children youth 12 year old may avail commun"} {"id": "8649", "contents": "nation law regard child minimum age stay home alon state set forth age oregon 10 year maryland year major either complet silent issu offer recommend"} {"id": "8650", "contents": "home alon age take account child matur mani parent think leav kid home alon short period time start age eight nine children age ten twelv stay hour long readi back neighbor next door tween stay home two hour someon check either phone person friend pop"} {"id": "8651", "contents": "florida law hard fast rule children left home alon instead expect parent take circumst account decid level supervis need"} {"id": "8652", "contents": "singl answer old old enough magic age singl indic ensur child readi stay home alon younger sibl state made law specifi age 10 year old illeg leav children alon"} {"id": "8653", "contents": "sulfur sulphur chemic element symbol atom number 16. element tradit spelt 'sulphur' unit kingdom commonwealth countries, unit state use 'sulfur'. term sulfur standard name use contexts."} {"id": "8654", "contents": "sulfur (altern spell sulphur) chemic element atom number 16. chemic symbol use formula abbreviations. sulfur high abund earth' crust, chemic character multival non-metal substance. natur form. sulfur exhibit bright yellow crystallin solid appearance."} {"id": "8655", "contents": "sulfur crystals: histori use sulfur chemic element wide abund nature. classifi multival non-metal. sulfur' symbol atom number 16."} {"id": "8656", "contents": "sulfur (also spelt sulphur) element form found volcan hot spring area usual yellow color. read interest fact properti sulfur. sulfur sulphur chemic element symbol atom number 16."} {"id": "8657", "contents": "sulfur exist two allotrop forms. allotrop form element differ physic chemic properties. two form sulfur known \u03b1-form \u03b2-form (the greek letter alpha beta, respectively)."} {"id": "8658", "contents": "sulphur multival non-metal, abundant, tasteless odorless. nativ form sulphur yellow crystallin solid. natur occur pure element sulfid sulfat minerals."} {"id": "8659", "contents": "sulfur sulphur (see spell differences) chemic element symbol atom number 16. abundant, multival non-metal. normal conditions, sulfur atom form cyclic octatom molecul chemic formula 8. element sulfur bright yellow crystallin solid room temperature."} {"id": "8660", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: ohio, $500 cash feloni theft. however, circumst make less money felony, like commit robberi fraud get money, example. source(s): law enforcement, 11 years. lov4nzyx2 year ago"} {"id": "8661", "contents": "law vari state state even within state depend upon situation. illinoi example, simpl theft becom feloni properti taken valu $300 greater. however, properti come store, retail theft, valu need $150 felony. also, someon prior theft retail theft conviction, may charg feloni even valu penny. inform feloni prosecut see link below. whether theft convers feloni depend valu theft. generally, valu 5,000 dollars, felony. state lower alu qualifi felony."} {"id": "8662", "contents": "law vari state state even within state depend upon situation. illinoi example, simpl theft becom feloni properti take valu $300 greater. however, properti come store, retail theft, valu need $150 felony. statut feloni theft texas? $1,500 less $20,000 state jail feloni 180 day year state jail and/or fine $10,000"} {"id": "8663", "contents": "shoplift virginia fall virginia larceni laws. differ class larceni include: grand larceny: theft $200 (felony). petit larceni (petti larceny) theft less $200 (misdemeanor). larceny/theft/shoplift item valu $200 felony, maximum sentenc 20 year prison. larceny/theft/shoplift item valu $200 misdemeanor, maximum sentenc year jail"} {"id": "8664", "contents": "shoplift either misdemeanor felony. misdemeanor shoplift (call petit larceny), mean valu properti allegedli stolen less $200. feloni shoplift charg (call grand larceny) theft properti valu $200 more. shoplift charg must taken seriously, even first offense. convict feloni misdemeanor shoplift virginia remain crimin record forever, could leav face jail time, fines, varieti neg consequences."} {"id": "8665", "contents": "theft feloni valu properti exce $3300 properti stolen person another. threshold $10,000, $100,000, $500,000 determin sever punish be. locat properti stolen also factor sentencing. unit states, theft determin feloni grand theft instead misdemeanor petti theft dollar amount stolen. dollar amount grand theft vari state state."} {"id": "8666", "contents": "larceni seriou crime virginia law, penalti unusu strict. even first offens larceny/shoplift charg feloni item stolen valu $200. shoplift larceni charg item worth $200 still seriou misdemeanor crimin charge. larceny/theft/shoplift item valu $200 felony, maximum sentenc 20 year prison. larceny/theft/shoplift item valu $200 misdemeanor, maximum sentenc year jail"} {"id": "8667", "contents": "depend state live commit crime. averag around $600 much higher lower that. see state 's dollar amount feloni charg link below. statut feloni theft texas? $1,500 less $20,000 state jail feloni 180 day year state jail and/or fine $10,000"} {"id": "8668", "contents": "985 acr hike trails, mile lake michigan beach sunbath swimming. open hunt fishing, three geolog ancient lake behind dunes. picnic shelter cross countri skiing. dog leash allow within beach swim area."} {"id": "8669", "contents": "welcom silver lake sand dunes, it\u2019 alway time \u2018come play\u2019. locat along lake michigan\u2019 sweep shorelin muskegon ludington, michigan, silver lake sand dune area hour chicago, detroit, travers citi mackinac bridge."} {"id": "8670", "contents": "dog allow park build swim beaches, welcom campground hike trail (see public beach above). also area call sargent sand lake along piney ridg road actual beach--but state park properti dog allow water there. time dog left unattended."} {"id": "8671", "contents": "loomi street boat ramp, end ludington avenue, small beach area pet welcom roam. allow stearn beach time, still experi fun splash lake michigan. leash also."} {"id": "8672", "contents": "silver lake resort campground pet policy. dog allow silver lake resort campground, must kept leash outsid vehicl left unattend time. must clean messes. pet allow bathhouse, store, playground. pet must disturb camper bark aggress behavior."} {"id": "8673", "contents": "dog allow park build swim beaches, welcom campground hike trail (see public beach above). also area call sargent sand lake along piney ridg road actual beach--but state park properti dog allow water there."} {"id": "8674", "contents": "properti composit earth' crust. continent crust 10 km 70 km thick, depend location. descend crust, temperatur increas surfac temperatur 300 degre celsiu 500 degre celsius."} {"id": "8675", "contents": "continent crust made granit rocks, even silicon aluminum basalt ocean crust; also oxygen thank atmosphere. granit rock even less dens basalt. ocean crust. ocean crust cover 60 percent earth' surface. ocean crust thin young\u2014no 20 km thick older 180 million years. everyth older pull underneath contin subduction."} {"id": "8676", "contents": "now. report abuse. said also move ocean crust collid continent crust ocean crust dens (due chemic composition, lot iron) ocean crust subsystems, warmed, melt rise magma."} {"id": "8677", "contents": "rockhound. ocean crust predomin made basalt rock thin layer sedimentari rock top. continent crust predomin made granit rock, thin layer sedimentari rock cover much visibl surface. best pre-mad pizza crust brand homemad pizza crust alway best, alway easiest practic option busi life. want spend ton time knead dough a\u2026. easi vegan dessert follow vegan lifestyl mean depriv sweets."} {"id": "8678", "contents": "geologist' shorthand, ocean crust mafic ocean mantl ultramafic. ocean crust, thin, small fraction earth\u2014about 0.1 percent\u2014but life cycl serv separ stuff upper mantl heavi residu lighter set basalt rocks. ocean crust. ocean crust cover 60 percent earth' surface. ocean crust thin young\u2014no 20 km thick older 180 million years. everyth older pull underneath contin subduction."} {"id": "8679", "contents": "continenti crust made granit rock ocean crust made basat gabbro. temp continenti crust -84.4 70.7c temp ocean ic crust -18 380c lithopher plate made felsic rocks. good luck rest. peopl found useful."} {"id": "8680", "contents": "continent ocean crust, usgs. moho boundary. speed earthquak wave led discoveri boundari earth crust mantle. mohorovic discontinu (moho) boundari two layers. earth crust. introduction. earth crust outermost layer planet less 1% earth' volume. crust mantl contain differ kind rock make chemic different. upper mantl rock primarili peridotite."} {"id": "8681", "contents": "ocean crust uppermost layer ocean tecton plate. crust overli solidifi uppermost layer mantle. crust solid mantl layer togeth compris ocean plate. plate earth togeth refer lithosphere. ocean crust result erupt mantl materi origin plate, cool instances, modifi chemic seawater. occur mostli mid-ocean ridges, also scatter hotspots, also rare power occur known flood basalt eruptions. ocean crust significantli simpler continent crust gener divid three layers. layer averag 0.4 km thick. consist unconsolid semiconsolid sediments, usual thin even present near mid-ocean ridg thicken farther away ridge."} {"id": "8682", "contents": "hawaiian island mani major landforms. landform includ kilauea, mauna loa, mauna kea volcanoes. major landform includ waimea canyon mt lanaihal island lanai."} {"id": "8683", "contents": "kilauea youngest southeastern volcano big island hawaii. topograph kilauea appear bulg southeastern flank mauna loa, mani year kilauea thought mere satellit giant neighbor, separ volcano. fact, summit kilauea lie curv line volcano includ mauna kea kohala exclud mauna loa. words, kilauea mauna kea lo'ihi"} {"id": "8684", "contents": "waimea canyon kauai one island' dramat landforms, across larger island fertil mountain valleys, volcan craters, deep canyon waterfal also commonplace. print map. lush, green island hawaii visibl top chain submerg volcan mountain stretch 3,100 mile hawaii, way aleutian trench north pacif ocean."} {"id": "8685", "contents": "hawaii one 50 state unit states. newest state (it join union 1959) u.s. state island archipelago. hawaii locat pacif ocean southwest continent u.s., southeast japan northeast australia. hawaii known tropic climate, uniqu topographi natur environment, well multicultur population. follow list ten geograph fact hawaii:"} {"id": "8686", "contents": "panoram view oahu' windward coast cliff koolau mountains, grab sweater head windi nuuanu pali lookout, locat five mile northeast downtown honolulu along pali highway elev 1,186 feet. oahu. popular oahu activity, say frommer's, hike summit 750-foot diamond head crater, form 350,000 year ago."} {"id": "8687", "contents": "one way take impress kauai landform helitour. two compani special find hidden valley waterfal safari helicopt hawaii (sarfarihelicopters.com) jack harter helicopt (helicopters-kauai.com). pele still busi big island hawaii. kilauea activ produc lava ad big island\u2019 real estat sinc 1983. 1990, led destruct kalapana, coastal villag east hawaii volcano nation park."} {"id": "8688", "contents": "hawaiian island mani major landforms. landform includ kilauea, mauna loa, mauna kea volcanoes. major landform includ waimea canyon mt. lanaihal island lanai. mani kind landforms. locations, islands; terrain, mountain valleys; hose specif qualiti caus climate, deserts, swamps, glaciers. landform creat action wind, water, ice."} {"id": "8689", "contents": "island landform land complet surround water. any. type land. island also surround differ type water sea, ocean, river lake. lot famou island world. one famou island landform hawaii islands. 100\u2019 island state hawaii. mostli gorgeou tropical. anoth famou island galapago islands. mani differ type species. made famou famou scientist explor charl darwin"} {"id": "8690", "contents": "scientif speaking, landform hawaii result \u201chot spot\u201d beneath ocean bed combin ever shift plate earth\u2019 crust. result chain island offer everyth lush tropic forest activ volcano still ad acreag pele\u2019 latest home. pele still busi big island hawaii. kilauea activ produc lava ad big island\u2019 real estat sinc 1983. 1990, led destruct kalapana, coastal villag east hawaii volcano nation park."} {"id": "8691", "contents": "molokai. one molokai' five valleys, halawa, accessible. highlight two waterfalls, visit reserv guid tour oper molokai fish dive (molokaifishanddive.com). oahu. popular oahu activity, say frommer's, hike summit 750-foot diamond head crater, form 350,000 year ago."} {"id": "8692", "contents": "salary. salari rang child therapist broad. compens depend qualif level, location, specialti individu therapist. averag annual wage child therapist $72,310, accord bureau labor statist (bls)."} {"id": "8693", "contents": "child psychologist salari usa. start salari child psychologist averag $30,000 $40,255 per annum averag child psychologist receiv annual salari rang $54,808 $102,129 per year."} {"id": "8694", "contents": "colorado, annual averag salari child psychologist $90,130. california, child therapist expect make annual salari $84,600, ohio $80,470, rhode island $79,630."} {"id": "8695", "contents": "median salari range. median salari child therapist $30,000 $100,000 per year, depend therapist' type practice, countri practic much experi has."} {"id": "8696", "contents": "salary.com list median salari neonat nurs practition $106,083. nurs interest nnp career also look median salari state, look number citi list within state inform pay metropolitan areas. indeed, 3,812 respond questionnair american associ nurs practition (aanp) 2011 nation compens survey, 1.6 percent said neonat nurs practition (nnps)."} {"id": "8697", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic nurs practitioner-neonat unit state $108,645 50% peopl perform job nurs practitioner-neonat unit state expect make less $108,645. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $108,645. salary."} {"id": "8698", "contents": "unit states, new neonat nurs receiv median nation salari $50,241 per annum. newli practic nurs less year experi receiv nation hourli rate $22.67 neonat nurs year experi collect nation hourli rate $23.55. canada, neonat nurs receiv basic averag salari salari regist nurses. neonat nurs receiv averag pay $41,437 $80,103 per annum. c$55,626 mean averag yearli salari"} {"id": "8699", "contents": "follow articl discuss critic role neonat nurs play commun includ do, task performed, work environment, qualif become, area focus, train certification, educ requirements, job outlook, salary, relat job titl salari state data. averag neonat nurs salari job post colorado 11% lower averag neonat nurs salari job post nationwide. averag salari rank 34th among state country."} {"id": "8700", "contents": "inversely, neonat nurs iowa report lowest annual averag salary, $53,300, join nurs south dakota oklahoma, report averag yearli salari $55,710 $56,130, respectively. advanc opportun exist neonat nurses, advanc practic regist nurs neonat nurs practition positions, requir master\u2019 degre advanc training."} {"id": "8701", "contents": "lowest 10 percent earn $44,970 less, regist nurs report top 10 percent earn excess $96,630 annually. simpli hired, internet job search website, estim averag salari neonat nurs $54,000 juli 2012. advanc opportun exist neonat nurses, advanc practic regist nurs neonat nurs practition positions, requir master\u2019 degre advanc training."} {"id": "8702", "contents": "evolut nicu specialty, career advanc practic regist nurs (aprns) proliferated. neonat nurs practition (nnps) work conjunct multidisciplinari team assess, diagnose, initi medic treatment orders, perform procedures."} {"id": "8703", "contents": "location. locat key factor influenc salari neonat nurses. accord bls, california sit atop list top-pay states, annual averag wage $90,860. massachusett follow averag salari $86,810 per year, join hawaii $83,950. advanc opportun exist neonat nurses, advanc practic regist nurs neonat nurs practition positions, requir master\u2019 degre advanc training."} {"id": "8704", "contents": "unit states, new neonat nurs receiv annual start pay $51,340. neonat nurs gain experi expect signific rais his/her yearli salary. neonat nurs year experi receiv nation averag yearli salari $53,384. neonat nurs year experi receiv median yearli averag $60,025 10 19 year experi receiv median averag $70,337 per annum. canada, neonat nurs receiv basic averag salari salari regist nurses. neonat nurs receiv averag pay $41,437 $80,103 per annum. c$55,626 mean averag yearli salari"} {"id": "8705", "contents": "averag height per storey 10 feet, thu 30 feet 3. vari base architectur type roof used. typic stori eight ten feet. would safe say stori build would least 25 feet tall, could easili closer 40 feet peak roof. averag hous cat 9-10 inch height. head bodi length around 18 inch tail equal close 12 inches. peopl found useful."} {"id": "8706", "contents": "major condo townhous spaciou averag size 2,000+ squar feet 4,000 squar feet size. none condo build high-rises, averag height floors, boutiqu style build units."} {"id": "8707", "contents": "materi two-stori unit wooden construction, two townhouses, would cost $258,500, labor would cost roughli $251,400, machin cost would stand roughli $13,100 contractor would take $74,000 project. (2,200 squar feet. footprint 30'x35' per home). cost build townhous properti vari greatli region. get free estim builder city."} {"id": "8708", "contents": "accord real estat statistics, size averag singl townhous describ 2200 squar feet assum footprint approxim 30'x35' per home. (2,200 squar feet. footprint 30'x35' per home). cost build townhous properti vari greatli region. get free estim builder city."} {"id": "8709", "contents": "averag height storey house, inc. roof, approx. 20 feet, equal 6.09m."} {"id": "8710", "contents": "278 384 feet, depend height floor, would typic 12 feet. tall build taller stories, averag floor burj khalifa (tallest build world) 16 feet height. typic stori eight ten feet. would safe say stori build would least 25 feet tall, could easili closer 40 feet peak roof. 36 feet tall."} {"id": "8711", "contents": "averag height per storey 10 feet, thu 30 feet 3. vari base architectur type roof used. typic stori eight ten feet. would safe say stori build would least 25 feet tall, could easili closer 40 feet peak roof. 36 feet tall."} {"id": "8712", "contents": "everyth townhous clean comfortable. coupl suggest would owner updat bathrooms. averag height vaniti way standard-they 25 inch tall standard height approx 33 inches. thing kitchen tabl way larg space, made seat difficult famili eat together."} {"id": "8713", "contents": "averag height standard floor home 8', depend requir build code contractor preference' well definit space level well. call 10 floor home also attic stand straight somewhere. averag hous cat 9-10 inch height. head bodi length around 18 inch tail equal close 12 inches. peopl found useful."} {"id": "8714", "contents": "add feet roof height feet live space height total hous height would be; 15 feet answer averag height hous today estim around 698.334 inch tall. 66 other found useful. averag hous cat 9-10 inch height. head bodi length around 18 inch tail equal close 12 inches. peopl"} {"id": "8715", "contents": "boneless beef rump roast, 1/2 pounds, tied, room temperature. yellow onion, sliced. (10-ounce) carton red white pearl onions, blanch boil water minut peeled. head eleph garlic regular garlic, seper clove (unpeeled)."} {"id": "8716", "contents": "oven rump roast. rub pound boneless rump roast teaspoon salt, teaspoon dri mustard 1/4 teaspoon garlic salt pepper. wish, use unseason meat tender accord direct package. insert meat thermomet center thickest part roast."} {"id": "8717", "contents": "put roast oven sear 20 minutes. add water, chop onion reduc temperatur 275 degrees. cook 20 minut per lb. like mine rare get cook period time. prep roast make 4-5 slit roast fill hole salt, pepper 1/2 clove garlic. salt pepper rest roast. put roast oven sear 20 minutes. add water, chop onion reduc temperatur 275 degrees. cook 20 minut per lb"} {"id": "8718", "contents": "best way cook pound beef rump roast? rump roast often underr unusu good flavor. roast rate prime choice, roast 325\u00b0f (160\u00b0c). figur 25 30 minut per pound rare, 28 33for medium rare, 31 36 minut medium, long want well done."} {"id": "8719", "contents": "cover roast lid aluminum foil. place oven roast 1/2 hours, 30 minut per pound. 7. test roast make sure done. remov lid foil pan insert meat thermomet roast. also perfect type meat cook crock pot slow cooker. articl describ three method cook rump roast: brais oven, cook slow cooker, marinated. prep time (braised): 15 minutes. cook time: 90 minutes. total time:"} {"id": "8720", "contents": "salt pepper rest roast. put roast oven sear 20 minutes. add water, chop onion reduc temperatur 275 degrees. cook 20 minut per lb. like mine rare get cook period time. prep roast make 4-5 slit roast fill hole salt, pepper 1/2 clove garlic. salt pepper rest roast. put roast oven sear 20 minutes. add water, chop onion reduc temperatur 275 degrees. cook 20 minut per lb"} {"id": "8721", "contents": "long temperatur cook beef roast oven? roast great cook method large, tender cut beef rib sirloin roast. sirloin-tip, rump, rolled-rump, eye-of-round top-round roast also benefit cook method grade prime choice."} {"id": "8722", "contents": "proper beef roast cook time correct beef cook oven temperatur extrem important. optimum flavor tender variou beef roast consist achiev care taken follow recommend time temperatur guidelin cook beef roasts. oven temperatur use cook beef roast usual set somewher 300 degre 450 degre fahrenheit. recommend cook temperatur roast usual determin type beef cut plan roast."} {"id": "8723", "contents": "place meat rack shallow roast pan. roast 450\u00b0, uncovered, 20 minutes. reduc temperatur 300\u00b0; roast beef 20 minut longer medium well. meat thermomet regist 140\u00b0. remov roast oven, cover loos foil, let stand 10 minut slicing. place slice serv dish, place onion tomato slice around edge."} {"id": "8724", "contents": "normal urin color rang pale yellow deep amber result pigment call urochrom dilut concentr urin is. pigment compound certain food medic may chang urin color. mani over-the-count prescript medic give urin vivid tones, raspberri red, lemon yellow greenish blue. unusu urin color sign disease. instance, deep red brown urin identifi characterist porphyria, rare, inherit disord red blood cells. symptoms."} {"id": "8725", "contents": "red pink urine: certain food natur red caus color chang urine. lax prescript drug also caus red urine. cases, blood urin stream sign medic condit like enlarg prostate, bladder stone even kidney cancer. appear urin affect certain food eat, beverag drink diseas may afflict by. yellow amber color normal urin due pigment call urochrome. urin darker (amber), usual sign get enough fluids."} {"id": "8726", "contents": "abnormal: mani food medicin affect color urine. urin color may caus long-term kidney diseas uncontrol diabetes. dark yellow urin caus dehydration. red urin caus blood urine. crystal normal seen. abnormal: red blood cell urin may caus kidney bladder injury, kidney stones, urinari tract infect (uti), inflamm kidney (glomerulonephritis), kidney bladder tumor, system lupu erythematosu (sle)."} {"id": "8727", "contents": "first, keep mind urin color usual symptom health issu itself. said, let\u2019 discuss caus chang urin color. websit urine. urinecolors.com site creat help determin caus differ urin color well help understand urin color symptom certain health issues. also discuss basic urin interest urin facts."} {"id": "8728", "contents": "abnorm urin color may caus infection, disease, medicines, food eat. cloudi milki urin sign urinari tract infection, may also caus bad smell. milki urin may also caus bacteria, crystals, fat, white red blood cells, mucu urine. dark brown clear urin sign liver disord as. or, caus excess bilirubin urine."} {"id": "8729", "contents": "color urin rang complet clear gold, includ unusu color like red blue. clue differ urin color may indicate: blue-green urin may result certain medic laxatives, chemotherapi drugs, vitamins. aren\u2019t take meds, continu see color days, call doctor discuss. bright yellow orang urin indic you\u2019v consum lot vitamin c, carrots, beets, food orang family. medic turn urin color well. dark orang brown urin caus concern. may mean bile urin problem liver."} {"id": "8730", "contents": "symptoms. normal urin color varies, depend much water drink. fluid dilut yellow pigment urine, drink, clearer urin looks. drink less, color becom concentrated. sever dehydr produc urin color amber. sometim urin turn color far beyond what' normal, includ red, blue, green, dark brown cloudi white. see doctor. seek medic attent have: visibl blood urine. bloodi urin common urinari tract infect kidney stones. problem usual caus pain. painless bleed may signal seriou problem, cancer. dark orang urine."} {"id": "8731", "contents": "dire wolf averag 1.5 (4.9 ft) length weigh 50 79 kg (110 174 lb), made largest speci genu canis. limb element rare found outsid la brea tar pits, make hard compar size averag individu populations. unlik gray wolf, eurasian origin, dire wolf evolv north american continent, along coyote. dire wolf co-exist gray wolf north america 100,000 years."} {"id": "8732", "contents": "dire wolf (cani dirus, fearsom dog) extinct carnivor mammal genu canis, roughli size extant gray wolf, heavier build. evolv north america later move south america. unlik gray wolf, eurasian origin, dire wolf evolv north american continent, along coyote. dire wolf co-exist gray wolf north america 100,000 years."} {"id": "8733", "contents": "cani diru mean dire wolf one largest canin ever live earth, also one largest repres subfamili wolv (caninae). dire wolv size larg modern gray wolf (cani lupus) weighed, depend gender individu differences, 55 80 kg. although close relat gray wolf sister species, cani diru direct ancestor speci known today. unlik gray wolf, eurasian origin, dire wolf evolv north american continent, along coyote."} {"id": "8734", "contents": "shown right extrem well preserv canin tooth dire wolf (cani dirus). late pleistocen age (between 10-130 thousand year old) found withlacooche river, florida. remain dire wolf widespread north america, greatest concentr found california florida."} {"id": "8735", "contents": "dire wolf (cani dirus) extinct carnivor mammal genu cani relat smaller extant gray wolf. common north america south america irvingtonian stage rancholabrean stage pleistocen epoch, live 1.80. relationship gray wolf. artist rendit two possibl appear dire wolf, one base north american origin possibl south american originalthough close relat gray wolf sister species, cani diru direct ancestor speci known today."} {"id": "8736", "contents": "largest ancestr canin ever lived, dire wolf terror plain north america end last ice age, ten thousand year ago--and live popular lore pop cultur (a wit cameo role hit hbo seri game thrones). dire wolf (canu dirus) occupi side branch canin evolution; directli ancestr modern dalmatians, pomeranian labradoodles, great uncl time removed. specifically, dire wolf close rel gray wolf (cani lupus), modern dog descend."} {"id": "8737", "contents": "10,000 year ago, larg mammal dire wolf extinct, supposed, however, fossil found state arkansa us, suggest live on, known relic population, still aliv 4000 year ago. sometim later, 1000000 year ago, dire wolf also made appear america. 16,000 year ago near end last ice age, time arriv human north america, larg mammal dire wolf use prey began die out."} {"id": "8738", "contents": "dire wolf extinct north american speci wolf great deal larger wolv present day. 100,000 year live alongsid cousins, gray wolves, although directli linked. sometim later, 1000000 year ago, dire wolf also made appear america. 16,000 year ago near end last ice age, time arriv human north america, larg mammal dire wolf use prey began die out."} {"id": "8739", "contents": "real-life. name dire wolf (latin: \u200bcani diru \u200b) given actual speci pleistocen megafauna exist real-lif earth, like mammoth sabertooth cat. dire wolv inhabit americas, 1.8 million year ago 10,000 year ago."} {"id": "8740", "contents": "lysosome. digest structur found within virtual type anim cells. lysosom sizes, microscop appearances, properti vari among differ cell type circumst owing, part, differ function states. lysosom bound membran contain sever dozen differ speci digest enzymes, sever particular chemic bond found natur materials. lysosom enzym function best acid environment."} {"id": "8741", "contents": "post moderated. type lysosom (1) primari lysosom storag granul protolysosome-th primari lysosom smaller size, contain hydrolyt enzym form granules. contain acid hydrolas inact form."} {"id": "8742", "contents": "photo by: chrisharvey. lysosom membrane-bound organel function stomach eukaryot cells. contain fifti differ enzym break type biolog molecul includ proteins, nucleic acids, lipids, carbohydrates. digestive. enzym found lysosom requir acid environ function properli call acid hydrolases. low ph lysosom maintain membran protein pump proton (h ions) cytosol lysosome. three rout degrad lysosomes."} {"id": "8743", "contents": "lysosom main function microscop organel serv digest compart cellular materi exceed lifetim otherwis longer useful. regard, lysosom recycl cell' organ materi process known autophagy. white blood cell must digest materi type cell quest battl bacteria, viruses, foreign intruders. sever human diseas caus lysosom enzym disord interfer cellular digestion."} {"id": "8744", "contents": "lysosom main site digestion, break-down structures, within cells. are, however, circumst (diseases/conditions) lysosom begin 'break-down' live cells-not useless part cell potenti harm structures. lysosom type membrane-bound organel present anim cells. rang diamet approx. 50nm \u03bcm lysosom singl outer membran consist phospholipid bilay contain acid hydrolas enzym capabl breaking-down macromolecules."} {"id": "8745", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. two type lysosom peroxisom vesicl contain oxidas catalase. locat smooth er anim cell. second type lysosm proteasom tini barrel-shap structur contain proteases. lysosom distribut among differ type eukaryot cell level nutrients. cell process high quantiti larger nutrient gener ore lysosom cells."} {"id": "8746", "contents": "arteri major blood vessel connect heart. pulmonari arteri carri blood right side heart lung pick fresh suppli oxygen. aorta main arteri carri oxygen-rich blood left side heart body. pulmonari arteri carri blood right side heart lung pick fresh suppli oxygen. aorta main arteri carri oxygen-rich blood left side heart body. coronari arteri import arteri attach heart"} {"id": "8747", "contents": "circulatori pathways. blood vessel bodi function divid two distinct circuits: pulmonari circuit system circuit. pump pulmonari circuit, circul blood lungs, right ventricle. left ventricl pump system circuit, provid blood suppli tissu cell body. system circul provid function blood suppli bodi tissue. carri oxygen nutrient cell pick carbon dioxid wast products. system circul carri oxygen blood left ventricle, arteries, capillari tissu"} {"id": "8748", "contents": "oxygen-rich blood move lung heart pulmonari vein (venou circulation). pulmonari circul also includ capillari circulation. oxygen breath air pass lung blood mani capillari lungs. pulmonari circul movement blood heart lung back heart again. pulmonari circul includ arteri venou circulation. oxygen-poor blood pump lung heart (arteri"} {"id": "8749", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. human anatomy, bronchial arteri suppli lung nutrit oxygen blood. although much variation, usual two bronchial arteri run left lung, one right lung. bronchial arteri suppli blood bronchi connect tissu lungs. travel branch bronchi, end level respiratori bronchioles."} {"id": "8750", "contents": "(the pulmonari arteri arteri bodi carri deoxygen blood). return oxygen blood heart occur way four pulmonari veins, drain left atrium. uniqu featur pulmonari blood vesel constrict respons local hypoxia (low o2 level). connect exist branch bronchial arteri branch pulmonari arteries, however, blood return heart via pulmonari veins. blood, however, drain bronchial veins, branch azygo system, return heart via superior vena cava."} {"id": "8751", "contents": "function nutrit blood suppli lungs. quiz. vessel pulmonari circulatori system correspond construct somat circul system. proxim arteri elast type peripher muscular. till birth littl blood flow vessel pulmonari circul system lung yet unfold result, peripher arteri muscular type compressed."} {"id": "8752", "contents": "blood suppli lungs. lung receiv blood via two set arteries: pulmonari arteri bronchial arteries. deoxygen blood pass pulmonari trunk, divid left pulmonari arteri enter left lung right pulmonari arteri enter right lung. connect exist branch bronchial arteri branch pulmonari arteries, however, blood return heart via pulmonari veins. blood, however, drain bronchial veins, branch azygo system, return heart via superior vena cava."} {"id": "8753", "contents": "high blood pressur arteri suppli lung call pulmonari hypertens (ph) pulmonari arteri hypertens (pah). blood pressur measur cuff arm directli relat pressur lungs."} {"id": "8754", "contents": "arteri circul part circulatori system involv arteries, like aorta pulmonari arteries. arteri blood vessel carri blood away heart. (the except coronari arteries, suppli heart muscl oxygen-rich blood.). pulmonari circul movement blood heart lung back heart again. pulmonari circul includ arteri venou circulation. oxygen-poor blood pump lung heart (arteri circulation)."} {"id": "8755", "contents": "upon decemb song 1997 fox anim studio film anastasia. sung charact anya voic liz callaway. song nomin golden globe award best origin song. pop version vocal countri singer deana carter also featur film' soundtrack releas music video. song heard film' prologu perform angela lansburi (a dowag empress marie) lacey chabert (a young anastasia) later film perform lansburi callaway dowag empress anastasia reunited."} {"id": "8756", "contents": "song someon sings, upon december. someon hold safe warm. hors pranc silver storm. figur danc gracefully, across memory! someon hold safe warm, hors pranc silver storm, figur danc gracefully, across memory... gener comment sweet memori song sinc 2!!!! saw anim anastasia love sang song sinc then! tnx. elenamd septemb 05, 2014 link. repli log reply. error."} {"id": "8757", "contents": "thing heart. use know, thing yearn remember... song. someon sings. upon december. danc bears, paint wings, thing almost remember. song someon sings, upon december. someon hold safe warm. hors pranc silver storm. figur danc grace across memory.... someon hold safe warm. hors pranc silver storm. figur danc grace across memory.."} {"id": "8758", "contents": "thing almost remember, song someon sings. upon december. someon hold safe warm. hors pranc silver storm. figur danc gracefully. across memory... (instrument interlude). someon hold safe warm. hors pranc silver storm. figur danc gracefully. across memory.."} {"id": "8759", "contents": "know you, look eye familiar gleam. know true vision seldom seem. know you, know do. love once, way upon dream. ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-aah mmh. ah-ah, ah-ah, ah-aah mmh, mmh-mmh, mmh-mmh. know you, gleam eye familiar gleam. know true vision seldom seem. know you, know do. love once, way upon dream. submit corrections. visit www.azlyrics.com lyric"} {"id": "8760", "contents": "upon decemb written stephen flaherti lynn ahrens...."} {"id": "8761", "contents": "danc bears, paint wings. thing almost remember. song someon sings. upon december. someon hold safe warm. hors pranc silver storm. figur danc gracefully. across memory. someon hold safe warm. hors pranc silver storm. figur danc grace"} {"id": "8762", "contents": "upon decemb written fain, sammi lawrence, jack. upon decemb written fain, sammi lawrence, jack. (no inform avail lyric-would like add someth today?)."} {"id": "8763", "contents": "refuge only: transit french airport order visit germani belgium, need schengen \u201cc\u201d visa (germani belgium requir schengen visa us travel document holders). exampl 1: iranian refuge fli lax-cdg-the: need visa. us re-entri permit (the advanc parol re-entri permit). resid permit one countri european union, iceland, liechtenstein, norway, switzerland, monaco, andorra, vatican, san marino, canada japan. valid schengen visa valid long stay nation visa deliv schengen state."} {"id": "8764", "contents": "non-usa transit visa. final destin unit state canada, may come u.s./canada either atlant pacif route. atlant route, may stop london, paris, frankfurt, amsterdam etc. possess onward ticket travel air via uk leav u.s. canada within month last date entri u.s. canada valid us/canadian visa. hold usa perman resid card issu 21 april 1998."} {"id": "8765", "contents": "valid visa issu unit state america passport. hold one document list above, citizen one nation list need airport transit visa. airport transit visa issu consul countri airport transit located. arriv departur take place differ airport (paris-roissi paris-orly), need transit visa (see short stay visa). nota"} {"id": "8766", "contents": "airport transit visa visa allow transit intern zone french airport access schengen space, fli back final destination. valid visa issu unit state america passport. are: spous minor child european union citizen, flight crew member-n contract parti chicago convent intern civil aviation."} {"id": "8767", "contents": "us visa stamp passport valid anymore. green card. a: valid us visa stamp passport green card, need airport transit visa. --------------------------. dernier derni\u00e8re: modification/18/05. 2015 valid visa issu unit state america passport. are: spous minor child european union citizen, flight crew member-n contract parti chicago convent intern civil aviation."} {"id": "8768", "contents": "u.s. refuge travel document *. refuge only: transit french airport order visit germani belgium, need schengen \u201cc\u201d visa (germani belgium requir schengen visa us travel document holders). us re-entri permit (the advanc parol re-entri permit). resid permit one countri european union, iceland, liechtenstein, norway, switzerland, monaco, andorra, vatican, san marino, canada japan. valid schengen visa valid long stay nation visa deliv schengen state."} {"id": "8769", "contents": "transit french airport need visa schengen state main destination, must appli short stay visa consul country. schengen visa allow transit french airport. 2. airport transit visa requir offici passport holders. except :\u2022 airport transit visa requir us canadian visa stamp passport travel u.s. refuge travel document. russian citizens: transit armenia, azerbaijan, georgia, belarus, ukraine, egypt, turkey, moldova, pleas contact us."} {"id": "8770", "contents": "airport transit visa (also call \u2019a\u2019 visa), visa allow holder transit intern zone french schengen airport access schengen space, fli final destination. us re-entri permit (the advanc parol re-entri permit). resid permit one countri european union, iceland, liechtenstein, norway, switzerland, monaco, andorra, vatican, san marino, canada japan. valid schengen visa valid long stay nation visa deliv schengen state."} {"id": "8771", "contents": "overtim pay overtim pay 1\u00bd time employe regular rate pay often call time half exampl employe regular rate 12 00 hour overtim rate 18 00 hour 12 18 employe must therefor paid rate 18 00 hour everi hour work excess 44 week"} {"id": "8772", "contents": "employ must pay least one one half time employe regular rate pay overtim pay effect overtim pay begin employe work 40 hour work week rather hour work day state feder law allow employe voluntarili waiv right overtim pay accept straight time instead"} {"id": "8773", "contents": "matter get paid everi two week work 40 hour one week must get paid overtim rate week exampl work 60 hour first week would earn 20 hour overtim pay 60 40 20 week overtim time regular pay hour overtim work get 210 overtim overtim rate time coretta regular rate 20 hour 20 30 hour overtim pay hour overtim rate 30 hour 30 210"} {"id": "8774", "contents": "ye employe paid salari entitl overtim hourli wage calcul determin overtim pay per hour exampl employe earn salari 450 per week expect work 40 hour week paid 11 25 per hour overtim paid time regular wage rate use exampl employe would earn 16 87 per hour overtim"} {"id": "8775", "contents": "feder state law requir employ pay overtim overtim premium 50 employe usual hourli wage mean employe work overtim must paid time half employe usual hourli wage plu 50 overtim premium everi overtim hour work"} {"id": "8776", "contents": "averag rate pay use comput overtim exampl employe work 16 hour 10 00 per hour 30 hour 12 00 per hour total straight time amount earn 520 00 amount divid total hour work 46 averag hourli rate 11 30"} {"id": "8777", "contents": "worker paid hourli wage work 40 hour day work week must paid overtim pay overtim busi must pay least one one half time worker regular hourli rate"} {"id": "8778", "contents": "paid doubl time regular hourli rate 12 55 hour doubl time rate would 25 10 hour work night weekend holiday flsa requir overtim pay night weekend holiday unless hour push worker 40 hour threshold employe entitl overtim pay rate cannot less one one half time time half employe regular rate pay exampl hourli rate pay 10 hour overtim rate 15 hour"} {"id": "8779", "contents": "entitl 50 premium everi overtim hour work hour must paid time half 150 regular rate pay learn overtim pay law protect workplac get right workplac barbara kate repa nolo lisa guerin"} {"id": "8780", "contents": "nonexempt hourli employe cover fair labor standard act flsa must paid overtim hour work 40 hour per week employe entitl overtim pay rate cannot less one one half time time half employe regular rate pay exampl hourli rate pay 10 hour overtim rate 15 hour case overtim may paid doubl time work holiday exampl howev case doubl time agreement employ employe feder law requir paid"} {"id": "8781", "contents": "goiter enlarg thyroid gland. result bulg neck may becom extrem large, simpl goiter brought control happens. occasion simpl goiter may caus difficulti breath swallowing."} {"id": "8782", "contents": "goiter swell (hypertrophy) gland neck call thyroid gland. 1-3 thyroid gland situat front windpip respons produc secret hormon regul growth metabolism."} {"id": "8783", "contents": "goiter (goi-tur) abnorm enlarg thyroid gland. thyroid butterfly-shap gland locat base neck adam' apple. although goiter usual painless, larg goiter caus cough make difficult swallow breathe."} {"id": "8784", "contents": "symptoms. treatment. anoth type, call toxic nodular goiter, result one nodules, adenomas, develop thyroid trigger excess product thyroid hormone. short, goiter enlarg thyroid gland."} {"id": "8785", "contents": "goiter enlarg thyroid gland. thyroid gland, locat front neck, make thyroid hormones. thyroid gland enlarged, produc much, little, enough thyroid hormone."} {"id": "8786", "contents": "term \u201cgoiter\u201d simpli refer abnorm enlarg thyroid gland. import know presenc goiter necessarili mean thyroid gland malfunctioning. goiter occur gland produc much hormon (hyperthyroidism), littl hormon (hypothyroidism), correct amount hormon (euthyroidism). goiter indic condit present caus thyroid grow abnormally."} {"id": "8787", "contents": "term non-tox goiter refer enlarg thyroid associ overproduct thyroid hormon malignancy. thyroid becom larg easili seen mass neck."} {"id": "8788", "contents": "lawyer earn differ amount depend city, type client served, much will work. however, famili lawyer tend paid less type lawyers. reason rang famili lawyer medium larg citi would $100,000-$200,000. middl half lawyer earn $61,060 $136,810 year 2002. lowest-paid 10 percent earn less $44,490. highest-paid 10 percent earn $145,600 year."} {"id": "8789", "contents": "practic law financi rewarding, lawyers\u2019 salari vari quit bit. bureau labor statist report median pay lawyer 2010 $112,760 per year. however, huge disparity, depend field law practice, live. 2012, averag entry-level salari public defend $50,500. attorney 11 year experi could expect make $78,600 position. prosecutor work local govern expect earn around $50,000 first year; slightli larger agencies."} {"id": "8790", "contents": "together, worker bee lawyer make $45,000 $65,000 per year. legal compens highli depend upon cost-of-liv factor may vari consider regions. general, lawyer live larger, expens citi tend earn rural small-town counterparts. likewise, lawyer work state municip govern tend earn less private-sector practitioners. condit better small highli visibl group new lawyers. known variou pejor terms, success profession earn $155,000 $170"} {"id": "8791", "contents": "furthermore, certain state higher averag salari lawyer comparison others. top-pay state district columbia averag annual salari $165,590. far behind, california lawyer earn $153,480 lawyer delawar make $152,580, well nation average. much lawyer make? accord may 2012 record bureau labor statistics, mean annual lawyer salari $130,880, equival mean $62.93 hourli wage. bottom ten percent earn $54,310, top ten percent earn averag $168,010"} {"id": "8792", "contents": "first year corpor lawyer earn much $105,000 small firm, much $160,000 larg firm. competit best corpor law job fierce, top compani afford picky. 2012, averag entry-level salari public defend $50,500. attorney 11 year experi could expect make $78,600 position. prosecutor work local govern expect earn around $50,000 first year; slightli larger agencies."} {"id": "8793", "contents": "salari larg firms. larg firms, senior lawyer 10 year experi expect earn $164,000 $246,250 larg firm, accord robert half legal, global provid legal professionals. lawyer four nine year experi earn averag $144,250 $193,000 per year. salari midsiz firms. lawyer midsiz firms, employ 35 75 lawyers, don\u2019t earn much larger firms. senior lawyer, example, make averag $136,750 $226,000."} {"id": "8794", "contents": "averag amount lawyer make $100-300 dollar hour. depend much charg clients. depend upon type practic one chooses. major attorney make enorm sum gener public believes. middl half lawyer earn $61,060 $136,810 year 2002. lowest-paid 10 percent earn less $44,490. highest-paid 10 percent earn $145,600 year."} {"id": "8795", "contents": "location. top experience, locat influenc salari lawyers. washington, d.c., lawyer make 30 percent per year nation average. first-year associ larg law firm, mean start salari $140,075 $171,600 year. first-year associ irvine, calif., also earn higher salari most, averag almost 25 percent per year. corpor offer differ salari lawyer legal depart law firms. corpor level, in-hous first-year associ like make anywher $64,000 $98,250 per year, accord robert half legal."} {"id": "8796", "contents": "public servic lawyer make consider less money corpor sector. 2012, averag entry-level salari public defend $50,500. attorney 11 year experi could expect make $78,600 position. prosecutor work local govern expect earn around $50,000 first year; slightli larger agencies."} {"id": "8797", "contents": "included, premad vaniti countertop start $20-$150 cost $200-$1,000 more, bathroom sink start $20-$70 cost $450-$750 more; detail see much bathroom countertop cost bathroom sink."} {"id": "8798", "contents": "price way way high!!!!! 2.4m vaniti cost around $1500 $2000 top depend colour cost around $1000. dont put someon charg alot. put basic draw togeth email cabinet makers. even email let know worth."} {"id": "8799", "contents": "mass-produc stock bathroom vaniti home improv hardwar store start $40-$150 basic single-sink model. typic cost $200-$800 averag vaniti $900-$1,500 depend size, style, materi whether set one two sinks."} {"id": "8800", "contents": "profession instal stock vaniti handyman contractor add $100-$300 more, rais averag total cost $300-$1,100."} {"id": "8801", "contents": "semi-custom custom vaniti cost $200-$1,000 install, depend complex project, rais total cost $700-$3,800 more."} {"id": "8802", "contents": "choos bathroom cabinet configur materials, write bathroom use needed. hgtv provid guid select bathroom cabinet thisoldhouse.com list tip pick vaniti cabinet. get sever estimates."} {"id": "8803", "contents": "prefabr bathroom vaniti cabinet start $40-$150 single-sink model typic cost $200-$800 cost $900-$1,500 depend size, style, materi whether set one sink two."} {"id": "8804", "contents": "master bath suit 10-20 squar feet cabinet total cost could $700-$7,000 depend size, materi configuration. profession instal start $200-$1,000 increas depend extent complex project, bring total cost $900-$8,000 more."} {"id": "8805", "contents": "concern long grass seed take grow, condit good varieti grass use type grow fast, within week\u2019 time result may lush green patch lawn. may properli grown yet visibl result may take two three weeks. seed sown time year wet grass like germin faster. discuss earlier long grass seed take grow, two season suitabl sow grass seed spring fall."} {"id": "8806", "contents": "normal durat seed grass germin 10 day seed planted. howev also take minimum day maximum forti days. climat condit seed sown also essenti seed germin faster grow. seed sown time year wet grass like germin faster. discuss earlier long grass seed take grow, two season suitabl sow grass seed spring fall."} {"id": "8807", "contents": "replant new grass seed. grass fast grow plant, exact rate grow depend upon type grass use grow conditions. germination. grass seed usual germin seven ten day sown, although take three thirti days. growth. fast grow varieti grass sown good grow condit produc green cover week, although yet properli establish"} {"id": "8808", "contents": "cool-season grass tend germin quickly, usual three 14 days. perenni rye grass (lolium perenne), thrive u.s. depart agricultur plant hardi zone 8, germin five days, although take 10 days, example. grass seed often begin germin less month, mean start see tini green shoot area seeded. establish shoot lush, full lawn take well grow season, begin resembl lawn want mow first time."} {"id": "8809", "contents": "annual ryegrass (lolium multiflorum) perenni ryegrass (lolium perenne) seed germin five 10 days. rough bluegrass (poa trivialis) seed take seven 10 days. tall fescu (lolium arundinaceum) seed germin seven 12 days. hard fescu (festuca longifolia) red fescu (festuca rubra) seed take seven 14 days. plant pound annual ryegrass seed pound perenni ryegrass per 1,000 squar feet fall. cool season long germination. coloni bentgrass (agrosti tenuis) creep bentgrass (agrosti stolonifera) seed take 10 14 day germinate. kentucki bluegrass (poa pratensis) seed take 14 30 days."} {"id": "8810", "contents": "long take grass seed germinate? (see also long take seed grow). depend conditions, expect see grass seed mixtur germin quit quickly. condit time sow perfect, may see germin littl 2-4 days. averag though, germin take 7-14 day"} {"id": "8811", "contents": "buffalograss (stenotaphrum secundatum) seed take 14 30 day germinate. plant pound bermudagrass seed per 1,000 squar feet late spring earli summer. area, plant 1/2 pound buffalo grass spring fall. cool season long germination. coloni bentgrass (agrosti tenuis) creep bentgrass (agrosti stolonifera) seed take 10 14 day germinate. kentucki bluegrass (poa pratensis) seed take 14 30 days."} {"id": "8812", "contents": "germination: ideal conditions, hull seed germin within days. condit ideal, quit normal bermuda seed take 14 21 day germin occur."} {"id": "8813", "contents": "germin time grass seed rang 30 day depend variety. even longer cooler temperatures. long take actual see grass growing. point, seed, soil mulch contact seed, must stay moist."} {"id": "8814", "contents": "long take seed grow. differ seed mixtur establish differ speeds. gener rule, hardwear mixtur usual contain ryegrass red fescue, two speci establish quit quickly-they germin littl 3-4 days, 7-10 day average."} {"id": "8815", "contents": "cerebr infarct describ togeth ischaemia. infarct ischaemia brain close associ condit lead focal necrosi nervou tissu ischaem area, usual correspond distribut arteri vessel. deep area brain border zone termin capillari bed major cerebr arteri cortex receiv lowest cerebr blood flow; zones, call watersh areas, first suffer ischaemia infarct gener system hypotension."} {"id": "8816", "contents": "left side cerebellar stroke due occlus vertebr artery. cerebellar stroke syndrom condit circul cerebellum impair due lesion superior cerebellar artery, anterior inferior cerebellar arteri posterior inferior cerebellar artery. cardin sign includ vertigo, headache, vomiting, ataxia."} {"id": "8817", "contents": "definition. cerebellum locat lower part brain, toward back. part brain play role bodi movement, eye movement, balance. cerebellar stroke occur brain\u2019 blood suppli area interrupted. without blood, brain tissu quickli dies."} {"id": "8818", "contents": "cerebr infarct type ischem stroke result blockag blood vessel suppli blood brain. atherothrombot embolic. stroke caus cerebr infarct distinguish two kind stroke: cerebr hemorrhag subarachnoid hemorrhage. cerebr infarct occur blood vessel suppli part brain becom block leakag occur outsid vessel walls. loss blood suppli result death area tissue. cerebr infarct vari sever one third case result death"} {"id": "8819", "contents": "incid cerebellar infarct seri patient stroke approxim 1.5%. averag patient age report seri 62 years. common etiolog age group atherosclerosi cardiac embolism. abstract. background purpos incid cerebellar infarct seri patient stroke approxim 1.5%. averag patient age report seri 62 years. common etiolog age group atherosclerosi cardiac embolism."} {"id": "8820", "contents": "ischem stroke caus blockag blood flow, may due to: clot anoth part bodi like heart neck. clot form arteri suppli blood brain. tear arteri suppli blood brain. part brain play role bodi movement, eye movement, balance. cerebellar stroke occur brain\u2019 blood suppli area interrupted. without blood, brain tissu quickli dies."} {"id": "8821", "contents": "cerebellar infarct rel uncommon subtyp ischaem stroke. may involv three arteri suppli cerebellum superior cerebellar arteri (sca): superior cerebellar arteri infarct. anterior inferior cerebellar arteri (aica): anterior inferior cerebellar arteri infarct. posterior inferior cerebellar arteri (pica): posterior inferior cerebellar arteri infarct."} {"id": "8822", "contents": "treatment prognosis. mortal relat cerebellar infarct higher vascular territories. gener due concomit brainstem infarction, compress hydrocephalus, rather cerebellar infarct itself. may involv three arteri suppli cerebellum superior cerebellar arteri (sca): superior cerebellar arteri infarct. anterior inferior cerebellar arteri (aica): anterior inferior cerebellar arteri infarct. posterior inferior cerebellar arteri (pica): po"} {"id": "8823", "contents": "effect cerebellar stroke stroke, also call cerebrovascular accid cva, happen arteri brain blocked. arteri carri blood contain oxygen part body, includ brain. flow blood arteri stop arteri blocked. handout look occur stroke happen part brain call cerebellum. cerebellum lower part back brain. basilar arteri divid sever arteri bring oxygen right left side cerebellum"} {"id": "8824", "contents": "uses. medic use treat bacteri infect (such blepharitis, conjunctivitis) eye skin around eye (such eyelids). also use prevent infect eye injuri surgery."} {"id": "8825", "contents": "use gentak ophthalmic. medic use treat bacteri infect (such blepharitis, conjunctivitis) eye skin around eye (such eyelids). also use prevent infect eye injuri surgery. belong class drug known aminoglycosid antibiotics."} {"id": "8826", "contents": "brand names: garamycin, genoptic, gentak, gentasol. uses: medic use treat bacteri infect (such blepharitis, conjunctivitis) eye skin around eye (such eyelids). also use prevent infect eye injuri surgery."} {"id": "8827", "contents": "gentak ophthalm uses. use gentak ophthalmic. medic use treat bacteri infect (such blepharitis, conjunctivitis) eye skin around eye (such eyelids). also use prevent infect eye injuri surgery. belong class drug known aminoglycosid antibiotics."} {"id": "8828", "contents": "gentak eye ointment (gentamicin) 0.3% use treat bacteri infect (such blepharitis, conjunctivitis) eye skin around eye (such eyelids). also use prevent infect eye injuri surgery. belong class drug known aminoglycosid antibiotics."} {"id": "8829", "contents": "gentak\u00ae gentamicin sulfat water solubl antibiot aminoglycosid group. gentamicin sulfat ophthalm ointment steril ointment ophthalm use."} {"id": "8830", "contents": "vegan, person practic veganism, individu activ avoid use anim product food, cloth purpose. common product vegan avoid meat, poultry, seafood, eggs, milk, dairi products, fur, leather, wool, honey silk."} {"id": "8831", "contents": "vegan someon avoid use consum anim products. vegetarian avoid flesh foods, vegan also avoid dairi eggs, well fur, leather, wool, cosmet chemic product test animals. best answer: vegan eat, use, wear, purchas otherwis consum anyth anim origin whatsoev (a far thing possible.) like vegetarians, eat meat slaughter byproducts, also eat dairi products, egg honey."} {"id": "8832", "contents": "virtu short titl best known us who, secretari vegetarian societi type write word vegetarian thousand time year! word vegan refer food materi free anim products: meat, milk, eggs, honey, wool, goos down, leather. vegan lifestyl carri least three benefits: avoid anim mistreat slaughter, may offer certain health advantages, also like reduc environment footprint. word vegan coin 1944 great britain donald watson."} {"id": "8833", "contents": "vegan type vegetarian diet exclud meat, eggs, dairi product animal-deriv ingredients. mani vegan also eat food process use anim products, refin white sugar wines. vegan refer either person follow way eating, diet itself. is, word vegan adject use describ food item, in, curri vegan or, use noun, in, vegan like cookies, too.. see also: vegan extend definit vegan go beyond food also avoid use person household product test animals, avoid purchas use animal-deriv non-food products, leather, fur wool."} {"id": "8834", "contents": "vegan. eat dairi products, eggs, anim product. nutshell, vegetarian diet exclud flesh, includ anim products: vegan diet one exclud anim products. say met vegan stop put mouths."} {"id": "8835", "contents": "mean live life involv kill fish anim food, meat, poultri fish, noth taken meat, lard, drip goos fat. anim product often use process make food vegetarian vegan check care these. vegan stricter form vegetarianism; like vegetarians, vegan eat anim kill also avoid anim product altogether, mean egg dairi product and, usually, honey either. becom vegan, click here."} {"id": "8836", "contents": "involv anim ingredi exploitation, vegan. consid care group, magazine, ourselves, shall called. \u2018non-dairy\u2019 becom establish gener understood colloquialism, like \u2018non-lacto\u2019 negative. vegan lifestyl carri least three benefits: avoid anim mistreat slaughter, may offer certain health advantages, also like reduc environment footprint. word vegan coin 1944 great britain donald watson."} {"id": "8837", "contents": "vegan practic abstain use anim products, particularli diet, associ philosophi reject commod statu animals. follow vegan known vegan. distinct sometim made sever categori veganism. dietari vegan (or strict vegetarians) refrain consum anim products, meat also eggs, dairi product animal-deriv substances; known vegan entir plant-bas diet. vegan advis eat three serv day high-calcium food, fortifi plant milk, fortifi tofu, almond hazelnuts, take supplement necessary. plant sourc includ broccoli, turnip, bok choy kale; bioavail calcium spinach poor."} {"id": "8838", "contents": "preheat oven first. remov heat intern temp 10\u00b0f lower want allow meat sit 15 minut carving. make juicier, intern temperatur still rise sit counter."} {"id": "8839", "contents": "beef roast cook medium-rar intern temperatur 145\u00b0f 150\u00baf rest period, roast cook medium intern temperatur 150\u00b0f 160\u00baf. (see note below). see beef done inform proper cook temperatures. cover roast add liquid (liquid use braising, roasting). allow beef roast 450\u00b0f 45 minut begin check intern temperatur meat meat thermometer."} {"id": "8840", "contents": "td {padding: 3px; vertical-align: top !important;} cut meat weight pound approxim total roast time hour (unless note otherwise) remov oven intern temperatur reach final done temperatur (after stand time) beef rib eye roast (boneless) roast 350\u00baf. let stand 10 15 minutes."} {"id": "8841", "contents": "remov roast oven intern temperatur roast 135\u00b0 140\u00b0f (57\u00b0c 60\u00b0c). place roast cut board tent aluminum foil keep warm. let rest 15 30 minut cutting. shape roast affect cook time. roast long narrow, rather round shape, may take less time cook, keep eye it. juic start drip roast, brown outside, check roast' intern temperatur meat thermometer."} {"id": "8842", "contents": "oven temperatur use cook beef roast usual set somewher 300 degre 450 degre fahrenheit. recommend cook temperatur roast usual determin type beef cut plan roast. and, number consider determin proper cook time temperature, cook time chart use guidelin absolute. best method determin desir done beef roast use reliabl meat thermometer."} {"id": "8843", "contents": "cook roast 10 15 minut turn pan. continu cook anoth 10 15 minut everi pound. remov tenderloin oven intern temperatur meat reach 140\u00b0f, indic meat thermomet insert center roast. cover roast add liquid (liquid use braising, roasting). allow beef roast 450\u00b0f 45 minut begin check intern temperatur meat meat thermometer."} {"id": "8844", "contents": "long temperatur cook beef roast oven? roast great cook method large, tender cut beef rib sirloin roast. sirloin-tip, rump, rolled-rump, eye-of-round top-round roast also benefit cook method grade prime choice. cook constant oven temperatur 300\u00b0f (160\u00b0c), 5- 8-lb stand rib roast take 17-19 minut per pound rare, 20-22 medium rare, 23-25 minut medium, 27-30 minut well done."} {"id": "8845", "contents": "proper beef roast cook time correct beef cook oven temperatur extrem important. optimum flavor tender variou beef roast consist achiev care taken follow recommend time temperatur guidelin cook beef roasts. and, number consider determin proper cook time temperature, cook time chart use guidelin absolute. best method determin desir done beef roast use reliabl meat thermometer."} {"id": "8846", "contents": "place beef rack shallow roast pan fat side up. cover roast add liquid (liquid use braising, roasting). allow beef roast 450\u00b0f 45 minut begin check intern temperatur meat meat thermometer. continu roast meat intern temperatur reach 10 degre desir done"} {"id": "8847", "contents": "test sever spot averag temperatur make best assessment. roast continu cook remov oven, larg roast rise -10 smaller roast rise 15 -20 come oven. below, find guidelin estim intern temperatur remov rest roast."} {"id": "8848", "contents": "richmond social secur offic address: 1060 gibson bay drive richmond, ky 40475 social secur phone (local) 1-866-838-8945."} {"id": "8849", "contents": "800-772-1213. social secur offic location: 21.95 mile richmond. lexington social secur offic determin elig pay benefit entitl survivor benefits. determin elig pay benefit entitl legal blind."} {"id": "8850", "contents": "1060 gibson bay drive. richmond, ky 40475. 800-772-1213. richmond social secur offic determin elig pay benefit entitl survivor benefits. determin elig pay benefit entitl legal blind. determin elig pay retir benefit entitl age 62 older."} {"id": "8851", "contents": "social secur disabl benefit resources: kentucky. approxim 950,000 kentucki resid receiv form social secur benefits. averag monthli benefit disabl worker kentucki receiv $805 singl person $1,200 disabl worker marri children."} {"id": "8852", "contents": "richmond social secur offic notes. tri social security' onlin servic like get earn statement ssa.gov. social secur offic hour cut past coupl years. offic hour gener 9:00 noon wednesdays, 9:00 4:00 weekdays. friday may less busy."} {"id": "8853", "contents": "6. clean concret surface. use power pressur washer remov trace paint stripper. remov paint drop drips, clean concret avoid leav clean spot surface. 4. scrape mixtur off. paint thinner done work you, allow remov paint simpli scrape mixtur hard plastic scraper. add second layer mixtur remain paint, repeat process."} {"id": "8854", "contents": "behr 1-gallon concret masonri paint stripper help remov multipl layer paint, stain, epoxi sealer concret masonri surfaces. remov quick easi water cleanup. california residents: see proposit 65 information."} {"id": "8855", "contents": "kilz concret masonri paint stripper biodegrad coat stripper use interior exterior vertic horizont surfaces. water appear separ out, stir product uniform. dilute. vertic glossi greasi surfaces, scuff sand surfac lightli medium grit sand paper prior applic prevent sag paint stripper."} {"id": "8856", "contents": "scrub concrete. use wire scrub brush scraper remov loosen paint. could also use pressur washer outdoor concret surfac driveway patios. 4. scrape mixtur off. paint thinner done work you, allow remov paint simpli scrape mixtur hard plastic scraper. add second layer mixtur remain paint, repeat process."} {"id": "8857", "contents": "2. appli chemic paint stripper concret surface. type stripper use depend type paint tri remove, water-bas oil-bas paint. doubt, use stripper design remov oil-bas paints. 4. scrape mixtur off. paint thinner done work you, allow remov paint simpli scrape mixtur hard plastic scraper. add second layer mixtur remain paint, repeat process."} {"id": "8858", "contents": "you\u2019r uncertain, best bet opt oil-bas paint stripper. you\u2019v cover concret gener layer paint stripper, let sit six eight hours. time, chemic reaction take place, magic result remov paint. stage job, long you\u2019r work compact concret patch, probabl get wire scrub brush paint scraper. larger surface, make thing much manageable, it\u2019 recommend rent pressur washer local home center (or borrow one neighbor)."} {"id": "8859", "contents": "step 1: prepar concrete. clean floor thoroughli begin process remov paint. help ensur noth floor caus problem paint remov chemic may use. use soap water scrub brush scrub stain locat may oil. tri-sodium phosphate, tsp, ideal type cleaning. ammonia also good cut greas oil. step 2: use pressur washer. use pressur washer good first step remov paint. pressur washer often enough power remov paint. especi true sealant use concret prior appli paint."} {"id": "8860", "contents": "need use water-bas stain follow issues: stain (i.e., oil grease) can't remove. concret alreadi clean acid. concret seal installation. need remov sealer staining. step 2. stain complet dried, add sealant. use paint roller extens pole evenli roll onto floor. achiev smoothest application, use synthet roller."} {"id": "8861", "contents": "steps. 1. clean concret surface. remov exist paint use power washer or, indoors, scraper wire brush. sweep area clean concret surfac soap water. remov dens area oil greas tri-sodium phosphat (tsp) ensur discolor paint occur. appli 2-to-3 thin coat concret paint brush roller, allow manufacturer' recommend dri time coats."} {"id": "8862", "contents": "berlin wall: fall wall. novemb 9, 1989, cold war began thaw across eastern europe, spokesman east berlin\u2019 communist parti announc chang city\u2019 relat west. start midnight day, said, citizen gdr free cross country\u2019 borders. \u201conli today,\u201d one berlin spray-paint piec wall, \u201ci war realli over.\u201d. reunif east west germani made offici octob 3, 1990, almost one year fall berlin wall. tags."} {"id": "8863", "contents": "construct german democrat republ (gdr, east germany), start 13 august 1961, wall complet cut (bi land) west berlin surround east germani east berlin open novemb 1989. fall berlin wall, french presid francoi fran\u00e7oi mitterrand warn thatcher unifi germani could make ground adolf hitler ever europ would bear the. consequ"} {"id": "8864", "contents": "berlin wall wall separ eastern side berlin western side. symbol cold war fell 1989. fact one. construct berlin wall began august 13 1961 way separ three zone control france, britain america zone control soviet union. world war two, germani split four zones, occupi one four alli power defeat nazis."} {"id": "8865", "contents": "berlin wall (german: berlin mauer) separ citi berlin germani 1961 1989. separ eastern half western half. mani peopl thought symbol cold war. berlin wall taken novemb 9, 1989. berlin wall 168 km (104 miles) long."} {"id": "8866", "contents": "soon wall gone berlin unit first time sinc 1945. \u201conli today,\u201d one berlin spray-paint piec wall, \u201ci war realli over.\u201d. reunif east west germani made offici octob 3, 1990, almost one year fall berlin wall. tags. berlin wall."} {"id": "8867", "contents": "next facts-previ facts. berlin wall wall separ eastern side berlin western side. symbol cold war fell 1989. ten fact berlin wall. fact one. construct berlin wall began august 13 1961 way separ three zone control france, britain america zone control soviet union. world war two, germani split four zones, occupi one four alli power defeat nazis."} {"id": "8868", "contents": "wall' erection, 3.5 million east german circumv eastern bloc emigr restrict defect gdr, mani cross border east berlin west berlin; could travel west germani western european countries. fall berlin wall, french presid francoi fran\u00e7oi mitterrand warn thatcher unifi germani could make ground adolf hitler ever europ would bear the. consequ"} {"id": "8869", "contents": "sever week civil unrest, east german govern announc novemb 1989 gdr citizen could visit west germani west berlin. crowd east german cross climb onto wall, join west german side celebratori atmosphere. fall berlin wall, french presid francoi fran\u00e7oi mitterrand warn thatcher unifi germani could make ground adolf hitler ever europ would bear the. consequ"} {"id": "8870", "contents": "berlin wall. earli year cold war, west berlin geograph loophol thousand east german fled democrat west. response, communist east german author built wall total encircl west berlin. thrown overnight, 13 august 1961. sever week civil unrest, east german govern announc novemb 1989 gdr citizen could visit west germani west berlin. crowd east german cross climb onto wall, join west german side celebratori atmosphere."} {"id": "8871", "contents": "berlin wall physic divis west berlin east germani 1961 1989 symbol boundari democraci commun cold war. dates: august 13, 1961 -- novemb 9, 1989. also known as: berlin mauer (in german)."} {"id": "8872", "contents": "report abuse. normal 24 hours. freezer alreadi cold, suggest would check control fridg section make sure isnt turn off. bill year ago. thumb up. control freezer damper. make colder freezer reduc air refriger thermostat measur temperature."} {"id": "8873", "contents": "normal 24 hours. freezer alreadi cold, suggest would check control fridg section make sure isnt turn off. control freezer damper. make colder freezer reduc air refriger thermostat measur temperature."} {"id": "8874", "contents": "rule thumb gener 48 hour refrigerator. take hour properli marinate, anyth 48 hour long. 48 hours, alt marin toughen meat revers process meat tenderatization. long take refriger get cold? take 30 min hour get 0f freezer 37 fresh food side, room temperatur there."} {"id": "8875", "contents": "answer carol ouellet. confid vote 98. would take 3-4 hour cool 24 hour stabilize. also faster turn temperatur max would block air flow fridg freezer freezer get right temperature."} {"id": "8876", "contents": "french door style freezer bottom whirlpool, plug coupl day want food spoil transfer old fridge. relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: i'v work applianc 25yrs. take hour get temperature, run often temp. stabilizes, take 24 hours. source(s): tomt95405 year ago"} {"id": "8877", "contents": "plug take 24 hour right temp, put thermomet make sure, usual start medium set turn slowli needed, thermomet essenti know temp settings, also check freezer temp. relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: i'v work applianc 25yrs. take hour get temperature, run often temp. stabilizes, take 24 hours. source(s): tomt95405 year ago"} {"id": "8878", "contents": "answer alli (71). three hour suffici amount time refriger cool down. however, depend upon temperatur tri reach. answer worker76 (773). recommend time cool 24 hours. person don;'t think necessary. fridg readi use hours."} {"id": "8879", "contents": "last month first time boondock want run fridg propane. light fine vent hot touch fridg cool 30 minut turn use ice chest."} {"id": "8880", "contents": "posts. 431. bought expens german-brand fridg use r610 refriger separ compressor ~450l fridg ~450l freezer. took hour get default temperatur set (4 deg fridge, -18 freezer). may well find cool quicker thing insid fridge/freez cool air easi do!"} {"id": "8881", "contents": "bank state branch (often refer bsb name use australia bank code, branch identifier. bsb normal use associ account number system use financi institution. structur bsb account number permit account number transfer financi institutions. bsb identifi consist six numerals, first two three bank identifier. bsb identifi use process paper electron transactions, payment card numbering."} {"id": "8882", "contents": "bsb (bank-state-branch) 6-digit number identifi bank branch australia. account number uniqu you, account identified. account number follow bsb. make fund transfer, need recipient' bsb account number. commonwealth bank customer, way find bsb account number: bank notifi bsb account number open account. log netbank find bsb account number within 'mi home' page."} {"id": "8883", "contents": "commonwealth bank australia rout number known a. bank-state-branch (often abbrevi bsb) six digit numer code use within australia identifi individu branch financi institution. format code follows: first two digit specifi parent financi institut"} {"id": "8884", "contents": "log netbank find bsb account number within 'mi home' page. use locat tool search branch, select branch map find bsb number; or. visit commonwealth bank branch. commonwealth bank customer, way find bsb account number: bank notifi bsb account number open account. log netbank find bsb account number within 'mi home' page."} {"id": "8885", "contents": "best answer: bsb number digit long, commbank usual start 06 accounts. account number usual digit long goe bsb."} {"id": "8886", "contents": "bank state branch (bsb) number name use australia bank code, branch identifier. bsb use identifi consist six digit numer code identifi individu branch australian financi institution. bsb normal use associ bank account number. intern transfer swift identifi use addit bsb identifi"} {"id": "8887", "contents": "bsb digit numer code use identifi branch australian new zealand bank financi institution. bsb stand bank state branch."} {"id": "8888", "contents": "australian bsb (bank/ state/ branch) code 6-digit code preced actual bank account number use identifi individu branch financi institut australia."} {"id": "8889", "contents": "bank notifi bsb account number open account. log netbank find bsb account number within 'mi home' page. use locat tool search branch, select branch map find bsb number; or. commonwealth bank customer, way find bsb account number: bank notifi bsb account number open account. log netbank find bsb account number within 'mi home' page."} {"id": "8890", "contents": "gener gasifi solid steel construct durabl powder coat finish, made usa. solid yet portabl design allow simpl placement gasifi wherev needed. complet readi run wood gasif system (you provid generator) $4,500. deliveri 4-6 weeks. l.e.a.f. wood gasifi heavi duty, simplified, afford altern expens often complic high tech style gasifiers."} {"id": "8891", "contents": "energi department' offic fossil energi work coal gasifi advanc enhanc efficiency, environment performance, reliabl well expand gasifier' flexibl process varieti coal feedstock (includ biomass municipal/industri wastes)."} {"id": "8892", "contents": "main compon coaltec\u2019 gasif technolog down-draft fixed-b gasifier. patent design gener ahead wood-fuel system engin support varieti fuels, includ manur biomass."} {"id": "8893", "contents": "accord wikipedia, gasif process convert carbonac materials, coal, petroleum, biomass (such wood), simpler element carbon monoxid hydrogen react raw materi high temperatures.."} {"id": "8894", "contents": "want use energi gasifier. continu experi burn wood pellet biomass. sure nice see clean, tar-fre flame look like though. still tar ga burn wood pellets."} {"id": "8895", "contents": "updraft gasifier, biomass load top gasifi air blown bottom. type gasifi produc ga contamin tar therefor dirti use intern combust engine. downdraft gasifier, air drawn downward biomass."} {"id": "8896", "contents": "home. l.e.a.f. gener biomass gasifi profession manufactur *iso certifi 9001:2000* wood gasifi capabl power 10kw gener noth dri wood biomass material."} {"id": "8897", "contents": "common cold viral infect upper respiratori tract. commonli implic viru rhinoviru (30\u201380%), type picornaviru 99 known serotypes. common cold (also known nasopharyngitis, rhinopharyngitis, acut coryza, head cold, simpli cold) viral infecti diseas upper respiratori tract primarili affect nose."} {"id": "8898", "contents": "article. bacteri viral infect mani thing common. type infect caus microb -- bacteria viruses, respect -- spread thing as: cough sneezing. contact infect people, especi kiss sex."} {"id": "8899", "contents": "viral diseas (or viral infection) occur organism' bodi invad pathogen viruses, infecti viru particl (virions) attach enter suscept cells. contents."} {"id": "8900", "contents": "follow list common infecti diseas throughout world today. accur caseload number difficult determine, especi mani diseas endem develop countries, mani peopl access modern medic care. symptom includ high fever, coughing, maculo-papular rash; common complic includ diarrhea, pneumonia, ear infections. meningitis: meningitis, often known spinal meningitis, infect spinal cord. usual result viral bacteri infection."} {"id": "8901", "contents": "common viral respiratori diseas character fever one cold symptom chills, headache, bodi ache, weakness, loss appetite. infant may experi vomit diarrhea. virus caus sever ill commonli affect certain age groups. rsv common caus respiratori tract ill children year age; major caus bronchiolitis, pneumonia, croup, bronchitis, otiti media."} {"id": "8902", "contents": "common type viral diseas common cold, caus viral infect upper respiratori tract (nose throat). common viral diseas include: chickenpox. flu (influenza). herpes. human immunodefici viru (hiv/aids). human papillomaviru (hpv). infecti mononucleosis. mumps, measl rubella. shingles. viral gastroenter (stomach flu)."} {"id": "8903", "contents": "common viral respiratori diseas ill caus varieti virus similar trait affect upper respiratori tract. virus involv may influenza viruses, respiratori syncyti viru (rsv), parainfluenza viruses, respiratori adenoviruses. virus caus sever ill commonli affect certain age groups. rsv common caus respiratori tract ill children year age; major caus bronchiolitis, pneumonia, croup, bronchitis, otiti media."} {"id": "8904", "contents": "sars: sar one danger common viral diseases. virus, coronavirus, first discov 2003 major outbreak kill variou individu world especi asia. common symptom sar headache, high temperature, diarrhea cough."} {"id": "8905", "contents": "common cold viral infecti diseas infect upper respiratori system. also known acut viral rhinopharyngitis, acut coryza. common infecti diseas humans, cold mainli caus coronavirus rhinoviruses."} {"id": "8906", "contents": "coreopsi (tickseed). coreopsi genu approxim 100 species, annual perennial. deal mostli perenni varieti article. dozen plant grown showi bloom use regularli modern gardens. term color coreopsi combin well almost plant. season interest: coreopsi interest spring fall attract foliag color texture. also winter interest dri foliag turn cinnamon brown creat fine-textur effect."} {"id": "8907", "contents": "coreopsi nativ unit state 33 speci known list natur resourc conserv servic usda website\u2019 plant database. coreopsi state wildflow florida, mani varieti hardi usda plant hardi zone 4. grow coreopsi may cut back one-third late summer continu display blooms. mani nativ plants, coreopsi care limit occasion water extrem drought, along deadhead trim describ above."} {"id": "8908", "contents": "plant coreopsi with. hundr differ type salvias, commonli call sage, tend share beautiful, tall flower spike attractive, often gray-green leaves. 'creme brule' coreopsis. coreopsi 'creme brule' vigor version 'moonbeam' coreopsis. hardi zone 5-9 produc larger flower along stem, give plant fuller appearance."} {"id": "8909", "contents": "coreopsi /\u02cck\u0252ri\u02d0\u02c8\u0252ps\u0268s/ genu flower plant famili asteraceae. common name includ calliopsi tickseed, name share variou plants. 75 80 coreopsi speci nativ north, central, south america. flower usual yellow tooth tip. showi flower head involucr bract two distinct seri eight each, outer commonli connat base."} {"id": "8910", "contents": "tickse (coreopsis)pl seed resembl tick appear produc cheery, daisy-lik bloom variou colors. low-mainten perenni herb common sight woodland area open fields. thread-leaf tickse (coreopsi verticillata) hardi perenni thrive difficult soil sandi rocki area full sun. cheer yellow, untooth bloom sit atop stem feet tall zone 9."} {"id": "8911", "contents": "overview: coreopsi nativ american prairi woodland plants. rugged profus bloom made popular plant breeder 100 differ speci available, although perenni plants. coreopsi bloom best full sun, also success grown partial shade. plant may get bit lankier partial shade, adapt. area intens dry, heat, coreopsi may even prefer afternoon shade."} {"id": "8912", "contents": "plain coreopsis. plant weedi invas accord authorit sourc note below.thi plant may known one common name differ places, list above. click acronym view weed list, click composit list weed u.s."} {"id": "8913", "contents": "coreopsi lanceolata perenni plant sometim attain height 60 cm (2 feet). plant produc yellow flower head late summer, head contain ray floret disc florets. coreopsi lanceolata, lance-leav coreopsis, north american speci tickse sunflow family."} {"id": "8914", "contents": "coreopsi speci use food plant caterpillar lepidoptera speci includ coleophora acamtopappi. sunny, summer blooming, yellow daisy-lik flower popular garden attract butterflies. 75 80 coreopsi speci nativ north, central, south america. flower usual yellow tooth tip. showi flower head involucr bract two distinct seri eight each, outer commonli connat base."} {"id": "8915", "contents": "plant description. finally, hardi red coreopsis! spectacular select flower start butter yellow deep red center red streak toward outer tips. color shift rubi red weather cools, creat ad interest. outstand perenni borders, perenni beds, containers. overview."} {"id": "8916", "contents": "central air conditioners. central air condition typic last 10 15 years. lifespan central cool unit may reduc capac properli match cool load home."} {"id": "8917", "contents": "mani factor affect long central air condition last. accord ashrae, hvac industri organization, central air condit system last averag 15 years."} {"id": "8918", "contents": "heat air condit profession often tell client \u201cnormal\u201d oper conditions, hvac system could last 15 25 years. furnac tend outlast air conditioners; cool unit last 20 years, furnac last 25 years."} {"id": "8919", "contents": "averag lifespan air condition 10 15 years. air condition last 20 years. interest data point may be, tell whole story. issu varieti factor affect lifespan air conditioner. buy new a/c unit, may given rough estim long last."} {"id": "8920", "contents": "furnac lifespan. averag servic life new furnac 15 20 years. furnac part fail span replac cost make repair better call replac entir furnace. except heat exchanger, furnace' singl expens component."} {"id": "8921", "contents": "heating, ventilation, air condit system requir proper regular mainten order work efficiently, even best case scenario compon system last 15 25 years. furnac averag last 15-20 years, heat pump 16 years, air condit unit 10-15 years. tankless water heater last 20 years, electr ga water heater life expect 10 years."} {"id": "8922", "contents": "definit cuttlefish. variou marin cephalopod mollusk (order sepioidea, especi genu sepia) eight short arm two usual longer tentacl differ relat squid calcifi intern shell. see cuttlefish defin kids. advertis"} {"id": "8923", "contents": "cuttlefish marin anim order sepiida. belong class cephalopoda, also includ squid, octopodes, nautiluses. cuttlefish uniqu intern shell, cuttlebone. despit name, cuttlefish fish molluscs. cuttlefish large, w-shape pupils, eight arms, two tentacl furnish denticul suckers, secur prey. cuttlefish eat small molluscs, crabs, shrimp, fish, octopodes, worms, cuttlefish. predat includ dolphins, sharks, fish, seals, seabirds, cuttlefish. averag life expect cuttlefish one two year"} {"id": "8924", "contents": "cuttlefish. homeopathy. homeopath remedi formul cuttlefish, soft mollusk nativ mediterranean sea; use primarili femal disorders, premenstru syndrome, physic emot chang pregnancy, prolaps uteru pain sexual intercourse."} {"id": "8925", "contents": "cuttlefish. cuttlefish one intellig invertebr world contrari name suggest cuttlefish actual mollusk part famili squid octopus\u2019s. anoth notabl featur cuttlefish skin. cuttlefish master camouflag uniqu skin cell chang pigment creat vast array color includ amaz metal green, blue yellow."} {"id": "8926", "contents": "cuttlefish cephalopod use man. cuttlebon use beak-whetting-ston calcium resourc bird cages. cuttlefish' ink dilut stage use paint colour."} {"id": "8927", "contents": "cuttlefish one largest brain-to-bodi size ratio invertebrate, perhap even larger octopus. cuttlefish brain handl input varieti senses, includ sight, smell, even sound (in form pressur waves). dark area seen part cuttlefish' strong, sharp beak, rest lie behind buccal (cheek) mass. beak. cuttlefish' beak look much like parrot' beak, hard see lie buri base animal' eight arms. cuttlefish use beak help subdu prey defend predat rival bite"} {"id": "8928", "contents": "monthli cost: free ads, $6 individual, $10 individu access mobil app. iheartradio complet free servic mix, ad-fre stream 15 million song support multipl platforms. forget moment profit stream music servic (not terribly), much they\u2019r pay royalti right holder (or particular, much ultim trickl artists)."} {"id": "8929", "contents": "netflix yet give lot detail cost associ stream video service, compani given enough data us pretti good idea stream deliveri cost xbox 360 devices. one problem stream cost yet includ licens cost content owners. it\u2019 cost associ licens content realli make break netflix\u2019 stream service, cost bandwidth. don\u2019t know netflix pay licens content, mani licens deal differ pr"} {"id": "8930", "contents": "although spend much time surf channels, pretend enjoy bing hgtv cook channel. get place own, want spend $100 per month cabl stream services. mind you, that' count cost tv roku stream device. sinc key save money often care forethought, i'v alreadi start planning. here' learn far. i'd get internet streaming: greater flexibility: unlik cabl companies, stream servic offer abil sign cancel without termin fees. less $10 per month, could sign hulu plu netflix, brows offer, like it, cancel."} {"id": "8931", "contents": "netflix cost individu $8-9 (depend whether you\u2019r new subscriber) hulu cost $8 regular service, whop $12 new commerci free option. you\u2019r tri figur subscript servic use stick frugal entertain budget, check updat 2015 breakdown three popular stream video servic find one rule variou categories, one best you."} {"id": "8932", "contents": "cabl satellit packages, exclud promotions, easili run $70 $100 month hundr channels, includ espn, major networks, score nich channel one premium servic hbo showtime. watch show tv throughout home. new york (ap) -- soni jump pay-televis busi wednesday onlin packag 50 channel start $50 month."} {"id": "8933", "contents": "averag basic digit cabl packag cost $66 2014. note 1. tricki make direct comparison cost cable, vari wildli region whatev tv-internet-phon bundl might have. 2014 report fcc peg averag monthli price expand basic servic around $66. 2."} {"id": "8934", "contents": "netflix give much inform stream deliveri costs, possibl estim number littl number-crunching. dan rayburn. rest june/juli 2009 issu stream media magazin pleas click here. one problem stream cost yet includ licens cost content owners. it\u2019 cost associ licens content realli make break netflix\u2019 stream service, cost bandwidth. don\u2019t know netflix pay licens content, mani licens deal differ price"} {"id": "8935", "contents": "scene hbo seri \u201cgame thrones.\u201d hbo\u2019 stream servic cost $14.99 month, releas time coincid start new season \u201cgame thrones,\u201d most-watch series. credit helen sloan/hbo. compani hope benefit halo other. appl market hbo servic part offerings, includ appl tv product. compani said monday sold 25 million appl tv devic cut price $69 $99."} {"id": "8936", "contents": "gardasil prevent infect four high-risk hpv type plu five addit high-risk hpv type (31, 33, 45, 52, 58) therefor call nonavalent, 9-valent, vaccine. three vaccin given seri three inject muscl tissu 6-month period. fda approv gardasil gardasil use femal age 26 prevent hpv-caus cervical, vulvar, vaginal, anal cancers; precancer cervical, vulvar, vaginal, anal lesions; genit warts."} {"id": "8937", "contents": "hpv vaccin import prevent case cervic cancer females, given person expos virus. protect hpv vaccin expect long-lasting. vaccin substitut cervic cancer screening. women still get regular pap tests. vaccin get one two hpv vaccin given prevent cervic cancer. given femal only. vaccin may given male females."} {"id": "8938", "contents": "hpv (human papillomavirus) vaccin protect hpv. mani type hpv. type viru caus genit warts. type caus cervic cancer uncommon cancers, vagin anal cancer. hpv vaccin protect child get common type hpv. true that' right. hpv vaccin protect common type hpv caus problems. fals sorry, that' right."} {"id": "8939", "contents": "gardasil gardasil also approv use male prevent hpv-caus anal cancer, precancer anal lesions, genit warts. gardasil approv use male age 26, gardasil approv use male age 15. fda approv gardasil gardasil use femal age 26 prevent hpv-caus cervical, vulvar, vaginal, anal cancers; precancer cervical, vulvar, vaginal, anal lesions;"} {"id": "8940", "contents": "cervarix vaccin certain type cancer-caus human papillomaviru (hpv). cervarix design prevent infect hpv type 16 18, caus 70% cervic cancer cases. type also caus hpv-induc genit head neck cancers. additionally, cross-react protect viru strain 45 31 shown clinic trial"} {"id": "8941", "contents": "us food drug administr (fda) approv gardasil 9, new vaccin human papillomaviru (hpv) vaccin expect becom avail februari 2015. gardasil protect type hpv, vaccin alreadi market, gardasil cervarix. vaccine, cervarix, may still available, wide use current us. gardasil also increas protect cancer caus hpv, includ cancer vulva, vagina, penis, anus, throat."} {"id": "8942", "contents": "hpv vaccin import protect cancer caus human papillomaviru (hpv) infection. hpv common virus; nearli 80 million people\u2014about one four\u2014ar current infect unit states. kid 11 12 year old get three-dos seri hpv vaccin protect hpv. teen boy girl start finish hpv vaccin seri younger get now. young women get hpv vaccin age 26, young men get vaccin age 21."} {"id": "8943", "contents": "here' need know mening prevention. two hpv vaccines: gardasil cervarix. gardasil, protect four hpv type (6, 11, 16, 18), approv fda use femal age 9-26 help prevent cancer cervix, vagina, vulva; genit warts, anal cancer. also approv male age 9-26 help prevent genit wart anal cancer. cervarix target hpv type 16 18. approv femal age 10-25 help prevent cervic cancer. rel new vaccin -- fda approv gardasil 2006 cervarix 2009. make parent uneasy."} {"id": "8944", "contents": "vaccin reduc risk child get genit wart cervic cancer caus common type hpv infection. hpv vaccin also protect anogenit cancers. research way see vaccin use prevent oral cancer also. hpv vaccin protect child get common type hpv. true that' right. hpv vaccin protect common type hpv caus problems. fals sorry, that' right."} {"id": "8945", "contents": "cervarix target hpv type 16 18. approv femal age 10-25 help prevent cervic cancer. rel new vaccin -- fda approv gardasil 2006 cervarix 2009. also approv male age 9-26 help prevent genit wart anal cancer. cervarix target hpv type 16 18. approv femal age 10-25 help prevent cervic cancer. rel new vaccin -- fda approv gardasil 2006 cervarix 2009. make parent uneasy."} {"id": "8946", "contents": "spring\u2019 spring rate spring\u2019 load rate two misunderstood spring term there. here\u2019 good news: easili correctable. quick overview terms, small chang languag clarity, you\u2019ll abl talk spring better 99% popul today."} {"id": "8947", "contents": "calcul torsion spring constant critic part torsion spring design. definit torsion spring rate amount forc per 360 degre radial travel. torsion forc typic note pound newton base english metric measurements. broken amount forc per degre simpli divid 360. degrees."} {"id": "8948", "contents": "definition: spring rate, also known spring constant, constant amount forc spring rate forc take extens compress spring travel inch distanc or, metric system measurement, millimet distance."} {"id": "8949", "contents": "spring rate import part compress extens spring design, also complic spring calculation. take everi one spring' physic dimens account includ materi type."} {"id": "8950", "contents": "spring rate spring rate refer amount weight take compress spring certain distance. higher spring rate, stiffer spring."} {"id": "8951", "contents": "spring fairli linear, mean would get spring rate equat matter distanc would use, 20% 80% shown above, 40% 90%, 10% 30%. spring non-linear, typic mean spring get stiffer compress it."} {"id": "8952", "contents": "coil spring calcul definition. definition: wire wound spiral order form coil one top make coil spring. coil spring either compression, torsion, extension, conic spring spring made helic wound coil wire."} {"id": "8953", "contents": "veget form b. cereu grow rang 10 50\u00b0c, temperatur optimum 30 40\u00b0c. however, individu cold-toler strain also multipli temperatur 6\u00b0c; case gener time are, however, consider longer."} {"id": "8954", "contents": "food contain b. cereu spore \u2018temperatur danger zone\u2019 spore may germinate, bacteria may grow, produc toxins, make peopl sick. ill frequent link starchi food plant origin rice, pasta, potatoes, pastri noodles."} {"id": "8955", "contents": "bacillu cereu form spore abl resist heat surviv cook temperature. grow either presenc absenc oxygen. optim growth temperatur bacillu cereu around 30\u00b0c 37\u00b0c."} {"id": "8956", "contents": "raw food contain b. cereu spores, mani dri herbs, spice dehydr foods. emet ill frequent link raw starchi food plant origin (such rice, pasta, potatoes, pastri noodles). 95% emet cases, fri cook rice implic (jenson moir, 2003)."} {"id": "8957", "contents": "characteristics. initi contamin dosag food b. cereu -10 cfu/g). rule multipl food total bacteri count 10 10 colony-form unit germ per gram (cfu/g) requir gener relev amount toxin food small intestine."} {"id": "8958", "contents": "bacillu cereu aerob spore-form bacterium commonli found soil, vegetables, mani raw process foods. b. cereu food poison may occur food prepar held without adequ refriger sever hour serving, b. cereu cells/g."} {"id": "8959", "contents": "organism/toxin bacillu cereu spore-form bacterium occur natur mani kind food caus ill humans. form spore resist heat dehydr therefor surviv cook dri storage."} {"id": "8960", "contents": "bacillu (b.) cereu sporogen bacterium present world. result contamin sporophor soil particl dust, b. cereu easili transmit foods. heat treatment germ kill spore survive."} {"id": "8961", "contents": "ph valu 4.8 b. cereu strain cannot multiply. however, acid toler strain vari considerably. minimum water activ valu (aw value), allow multiplication, approxim 0.92."} {"id": "8962", "contents": "gener individual, busi own individu (like sole proprietorship), sue $10,000. generally, corporation, llc busi use small claim court disput $5,000. certain kind action differ limit amount claim."} {"id": "8963", "contents": "get want? small claim court \u201ccourt limit jurisdiction.\u201d mean court cannot award $7,500,even claim worth more. waiv right amount exce $7,500, willhav bring claim differ court."} {"id": "8964", "contents": "small claim court resolv claim ask money. 2. claim cannot exceed $3,000 (not includ interest court cost claimed). claim $3,000, counter-or cross-claim may file $3,000 (each) less."} {"id": "8965", "contents": "claim limit, give balanc claim sue small claim court. example, corpor claim $6,000 would abl sue limit allow corporation, $5,000. corpor could say two $3,000 claims."} {"id": "8966", "contents": "small claim court part connecticut\u2019 court system person sue money damag $5,000.00. amount set state law may chang time time. may also abl get interest costs."} {"id": "8967", "contents": "individu use small claim court claim $10,000 less. individu own busi (i.e. sole proprietor) busi fictiti busi name, consid individu small claim court."} {"id": "8968", "contents": "example, owe $5,500, law allow award $5,000 small claim court. decid worth sue $5,000 rather incur higher court cost substanti attorney' fees."} {"id": "8969", "contents": "$75. file 12 claim past 12 months, file fee $100 (for claim amount). file fee change, make sure check see current file fee small claim case time filing."} {"id": "8970", "contents": "page: caus red eye red eye treatment tip prevent red eyes. see also: broken blood vessel eye eye allergi answer reader question dri eye relief dry, irrit eyes. we'v experienc red, bloodshot eye time time, affect one eyes. whiten eye drops. eye drop market red eye contain vasoconstrictors, chemic shrink blood vessel surfac eye reduc redness. ironically, whiten eye drop caus harm good long term."} {"id": "8971", "contents": "red eye caus swollen dilat blood vessel sclera, white outer surfac eye. red eye accompani eye pain, itching, eye discharge, swollen eye visual disturb blurri vision. cases, red eye may caus irrit all. whiten eye drops. eye drop market red eye contain vasoconstrictors, chemic shrink blood vessel surfac eye reduc redness. ironically, whiten eye drop caus harm good long term."} {"id": "8972", "contents": "red eye could due illness, injury, eye infections, condit allergies. doctor tend take immedi action patient come red eyes. common condit usual caus someth els fatigue, substanc abuse, allergies, cold/flu. heal time depend caus red eyes. allergi related, red may go away within hour allergen removed. red due conjunctivitis, red eye may remain two weeks."} {"id": "8973", "contents": "pink eye term commonli use describ red eye refer viral bacteri infect conjunctiva (conjunctivitis). also causes, allergy. pink eye caus viru may involv clear discharg amount pu mucou discharge."} {"id": "8974", "contents": "78 followers. a. eye look red bloodshot tini blood vessel surfac eye (the conjunctiva) expand becom swollen blood. often, due simpl irrit eye, allergies, dust, dryness. red bloodshot eye also symptom mani differ condit affect eye."} {"id": "8975", "contents": "bloodshot eye term commonli use describ red eyes. caus small blood vessel surfac eye (sclera) becom enlarg congest blood. occur result insuffici oxygen suppli cornea tissu cover eyes. usually, bloodshot eye realli caus major concern eye pain impair vision occurs, may indic seriou problem. variat condit bright red, uniformli dens bloodi area form sclera result small amount bleeding."} {"id": "8976", "contents": "eye infect inflamm caus red eyes, well symptom itching, discharge, pain, blur vision. contact len wearer keep lens clean disinfected, wear long, experi red eyes. heal time depend caus red eyes. allergi related, red may go away within hour allergen removed. red due conjunctivitis, red eye may remain two weeks."} {"id": "8977", "contents": "bloodshot eye describ condit white eye appear red. bloodshot eye occur blood vessel sclera (the white eye) dilat swell. varieti mild seriou diseases, disord condit irrit blood vessel sclera caus bloodshot eyes. bloodshot eye often due mild conditions, eye fatigue, dehydration, overus contact lenses. also due infect allerg reactions. bloodshot eye begin suddenli disappear quickly, mild allerg reaction anim dander dust. bloodshot eye also develop time occur along addit symptoms, may sign seriou condition, corneal ulcer eye infection."} {"id": "8978", "contents": "conjunctivitis. conjunct inflamm (swell irritation) conjunctiva thin layer tissu cover eyebal inner surfac eyelids. caus blood vessel eye swell, make one eye look bloodshot feel gritty. like caus painless red eye minor problem conjunct burst blood vessel. condit tend affect vision normal get better within week two."} {"id": "8979", "contents": "red eye occur blood vessel surfac eye expand. appear red eye rang sever bright red complet cover sclera enlarg blood vessel look like wiggli red pink line across white eye. whiten eye drops. eye drop market red eye contain vasoconstrictors, chemic shrink blood vessel surfac eye reduc redness. ironically, whiten eye drop caus harm good long term."} {"id": "8980", "contents": "page look triiodomethan (iodoform) reaction use identifi presenc ch co group aldehyd ketones. note: reaction also use test ch ch(oh) group alcohols. chemistri triiodomethan (iodoform) reaction. triiodomethan (iodoform) reaction shows. posit result-th pale yellow precipit triiodomethan (iodoform) given aldehyd keton contain grouping:"} {"id": "8981", "contents": "report abuse. iodoform test iodoform reaction qualit chemic test detect keton aldehyd carri alpha methyl group. reagent iodin sodium hydroxide. methyl ketones, alcohol feature: ch3ch(oh)-r may undergo reaction. -the iodoform test reaction chemic reaction iodoform (chi3) produc multipl halogen methyl keton (a molecul contain r-co-ch3 group) presenc base. may h, alkyl aryl. reaction use produc chcl3, chbr3 chi3"} {"id": "8982", "contents": "ethan aldehyd give triiodomethan (iodoform) reaction. ri hydrocarbon group, ketone. lot keton give reaction, methyl group one side carbon-oxygen doubl bond. known methyl ketones. chemistri triiodomethan (iodoform) reaction. triiodomethan (iodoform) reaction shows. posit result-th pale yellow precipit triiodomethan (iodoform) given aldehyd keton contain grouping:"} {"id": "8983", "contents": "introduct iodoform test: format haloform result chemic reaction involv methyl keton halogen haloform reaction. haloform reaction use product iodoform (chi 3). like share escap veloc formula article. ethanol test iodoform test: iodin solut taken flask, add ethanol. later add sodium hydroxid continu stirring. reaction form crystallin yellow precipit indic posit iodoform test."} {"id": "8984", "contents": "reaction iodin base methyl keton reliabl iodoform test (the appear yellow precipitate) use probe presenc methyl ketone. iodoform organoiodin compound formula 3. pale yellow, crystalline, volatil substance, penetr odor (in older chemistri texts, smell sometim refer smell hospitals) and, analog chloroform, sweetish taste. occasion use disinfect"} {"id": "8985", "contents": "iodoform test. posit reaction sodium hydroxid iodin reagent produc iodoform, substanc pale yellow colour. iodoform occur solid ordinari room temperatur three iodin atom present molecul result increas molar mass. ethanol test iodoform test: iodin solut taken flask, add ethanol. later add sodium hydroxid continu stirring. reaction form crystallin yellow precipit indic posit iodoform test."} {"id": "8986", "contents": "iodoform reaction. iodoform test indic presenc aldehyd keton one group directli attach carbonyl carbon methyl group. keton call methyl ketone. iodoform test, unknown allow react mixtur iodin base. hydrogen alpha carbonyl group acid react base form anion, react iodin form alpha-iodo ketone."} {"id": "8987", "contents": "cyclone3 firefox extension. think enabl firebug it, know enabl cyclone3. --. kind regards. 2010/5/28 john barton. -- receiv messag subscrib googl group firebug group. post group, send email fir...@googlegroups.com. see firebug icon statu bar extension. see firebug icon statu bar cyclone3. seen code cyclone3, seem code emb firebug statu bar, method emb firebug statu bar cyclone3?"} {"id": "8988", "contents": "ago, written post firebug 1.2 activ use enabl disabl certain firebug featur avoid perform penalti user could pay use firebug brows firefox. user select panel once. that, common oper be: one click open firebug web page, ctrl+r reload page see detail console, script net panel. one click minim firebug, work page, one click reopen firebug."} {"id": "8989", "contents": "breakpoints. set breakpoint line enabl pause/resum execut code will. put breakpoint line, say line 10, program paus execut reach line 10. let\u2019 see that: turn firebug enabl consol script views. visit ajaxify.com. script view, choos firebug.j dropdown menu top left corner. sub-view right click breakpoint pane. left margin script view, see line number appear"} {"id": "8990", "contents": "enabl panels. work javascript code studi network action site, need enabl one firebug panels. select console, script, net panels, see tab grey panel say disabled. panel tab small menu control enabl panel. bring firebug ui either push firebug toolbar icon second time use minim button next search box (down arrow). close firebug page, use red [x]."} {"id": "8991", "contents": "one click start firebug. instal firebug see gray 'firebug' firefox navig toolbar (along top window). click bug start. firebug open bottom web page. bring firebug ui either push firebug toolbar icon second time use minim button next search box (down arrow). close firebug page, use red [x]."} {"id": "8992", "contents": "one click open firebug web page, ctrl+r reload page see detail console, script net panel. one click minim firebug, work page, one click reopen firebug. one click close firebug page want debug all. user select panel once. that, common oper be:"} {"id": "8993", "contents": "one gripe firebug icon statu bar realli small target hit. know press f12, i\u2019d prefer button click. it\u2019 also possibl add firebug icon toolbar, open firebug new window instead bottom page! finally, follow page display disabl panel (net panel case). page allow one click enabl panel also activ multipl panel once. user select appropri panel press enabl selected... button."} {"id": "8994", "contents": "enabl firebug. firebug tri stay way need it; goe away switch anoth firefox tab. firebug optim html authors, css designers, javascript developers, site engineers. bring firebug ui either push firebug toolbar icon second time use minim button next search box (down arrow). close firebug page, use red [x]."} {"id": "8995", "contents": "write prenupti agreement. prenupti agreement work protect asset sign prior get married. person intend marri sign agreement, bound law stick terms."} {"id": "8996", "contents": "charg base long prenup take write. us, cost rang $300 $500 hour east west coasts, $100 $125 hour part midwest. addition, need hire separ attorney (who co-writ prenup) agreement valid. can't waiv right child support payment prenup. make non-financi demand prenup, judg like question valid agreement unusu conditions, like requir spous gain weight, quit smoking."} {"id": "8997", "contents": "prenupti agreement, antenupti agreement, premarit agreement, commonli abbrevi prenup prenupt, contract enter prior marriage, civil union agreement prior main agreement peopl intend marri contract other."} {"id": "8998", "contents": "tip prenupti agreement: investig includ prenupti agreement state, approach attorney questions. begin write actual agreement, discuss includ detail partner. write clearli succinctly. investig includ prenupti agreement state, approach attorney questions. begin write actual agreement, discuss includ detail partner. write clearli succinctly. use slang, omit needless words."} {"id": "8999", "contents": "unfortunately, often does. prenupti agreement help avoid much argument litig often come divorce. even marriag last death, prenupti agreement help determin distribut asset determin properti deceas spouse. talk non-financi issues. don\u2019t want includ non-financi issu prenupti agreement, want discuss them. frequently, non-financi issu impact financi situation. thing unenforc put contract."} {"id": "9000", "contents": "prenupti agreement (or prenup) contract futur husband wife creat prior becom legal married. dictat financi respons parti legal divid monetari oblig spous upon separ death."} {"id": "9001", "contents": "instructions. discuss prenupti agreement soon-to-be-spouse. involv mediat need explain term necess prenupti agreement. write prenupti agreement futur spouse. discuss differ aspect upcom marriag pertain matter financ property. write agreement clearli possibl increas chanc prenupti agreement accept notarized. prenupti agreement valid, parti must agre term within agreement, parti must disclos true person inform parti must sign agreement notari public present."} {"id": "9002", "contents": "write prenupti agreement enter marriag eye wide open. marriag one person contract state dictat term -- unless creat custom premarit agreement. premarit agreement touchi subject, book help make subject -- make contract -- easi possible. combin nolo' legal expertis plain-english writing, easy-to-read book covers: whether prenup right relationship. assembl draft"} {"id": "9003", "contents": "4. determin asset includ prenupti agreement. includ asset provis deal financ property; businesses, vehicles, homes, valuabl jewelry, antiques, properti own, save accounts, stocks, inheritances. can't waiv right child support payment prenup. make non-financi demand prenup, judg like question valid agreement unusu conditions, like requir spous gain weight, quit smoking."} {"id": "9004", "contents": "exist altern of. merg question into. split merg it. answer steve880. confid vote 57. lower back muscl call latissimu dorsi deltoid trapeziu make upper back. deltoid shoulder trapeziu muscl back neck. pain mechan bodi use inform problem. listen initi messag bodi respons alway turn th volum increas level pain. experi pain part bodi problem is."} {"id": "9005", "contents": "extensor muscl attach posterior (back) spine enabl stand lift objects. muscl includ larg pair muscl lower back (erector spinae), help hold spine, gluteal muscles. extensor, flexor obliqu muscl back pain. three type back muscl help spine function extensors, flexor obliques."} {"id": "9006", "contents": "mechan pain often call back strain link movement, mechan spine. type pain occur injuri spine' discs, facet joints, ligaments, muscl result inflammation. call mechan pain relat mechan spine. use back, hurts. pain caus mani condit spine."} {"id": "9007", "contents": "muscl chest upper back. muscl chest upper back occupi thorac region bodi inferior neck superior abdomin region includ muscl shoulders. addit move arm pector girdle, muscl chest upper back work togeth group support vital process breathing. diaphragm strong, thin, dome-shap muscl span entir inferior border rib cage, separ thorac caviti abdomin cavity."} {"id": "9008", "contents": "lower back pain exercises. back muscles, like muscl body, requir adequ exercis maintain strength tone. muscl like gluteal (in thighs) use time walk climb step, deep back muscl abdomin muscl usual left inact unconditioned. extensor, flexor obliqu muscl back pain. three type back muscl help spine function extensors, flexor obliques. extensor muscl attach posterior (back) spine enabl stand lift objects."} {"id": "9009", "contents": "import muscl control mani motion involv move arm head throw ball, look sky, rais hand. breathing, vital bodi function, also control muscl connect rib chest upper back.... addit move arm pector girdle, muscl chest upper back work togeth group support vital process breathing. diaphragm strong, thin, dome-shap muscl span entir inferior border rib cage, separ thorac caviti abdomin cavity."} {"id": "9010", "contents": "nine muscl chest upper back use move humeru (upper arm bone). coracobrachiali pectorali major muscl connect humeru anteriorli scapula ribs, flex adduct arm toward front bodi reach forward grab object. addit move arm pector girdle, muscl chest upper back work togeth group support vital process breathing. diaphragm strong, thin, dome-shap muscl span entir inferior border rib cage, separ thorac caviti abdomin cavity."} {"id": "9011", "contents": "need muscl back move back, rest body. muscl back connect bunch places, like hips, shoulders, ribs, etc. pain mechan bodi use inform problem. listen initi messag bodi respons alway turn th volum increas level pain. experi pain part bodi problem is."} {"id": "9012", "contents": "re: muscl right neck called? exercis work build muscl them? part right neck goe actual like arm bends?i think call upper trapezius. yup, trapezius. part back gener speaking. great muscl exercis easi so. simplest effect way exercis trap shoulder shrugs."} {"id": "9013", "contents": "fat area metabol reaction, well contribut disease. researchers, however, recent discov amount viscer fat probabl best indic risk diabet heart disease. individually, condit problematic, even troubl combination; awar addit \u201cearli warn sign\u201d diabetes, metabol syndrom also indic impend"} {"id": "9014", "contents": "need look intak sugars, ad fats, fast food, meal out.\u201d. emphas lean proteins, vegetables, fruits, heart-healthi fat omega-3s, high-fib foods, appropri portion help manag prevent ill associ thyroid disease. schneider notes, \u201cit\u2019 eat prevent diseas accompani thyroid disease: heart disease, diabetes, cancer, more.\u201d ad bonus, fiber reliev constip peopl hypothyroid often experience."} {"id": "9015", "contents": "green tea rich antioxidants. green vegetables: garden fresh veget like asparagus, broccoli, spinach avocado high minerals, protein iron content provid truckload energi fulfil daili requir keep going. (more: go green boost metabolism). iron content facilit flow oxygen throughout bodi help boost metabol energi production. also, includ whole grain diet requir extra energi break digest help burn fat. nut seeds: dri fruit powerhous energy."} {"id": "9016", "contents": "use fruit veget along whole grain lean meats, nuts, bean safe healthi one. help control weight benefit eat fruit vegetables. diet rich fruit veget may reduc risk type cancer chronic diseases. fruit veget also provid essenti vitamin minerals, fiber, substanc import good health."} {"id": "9017", "contents": "lentil whole grains: lentil great sourc proteins, carbohydr fiber help good digestion. iron content facilit flow oxygen throughout bodi help boost metabol energi production. also, includ whole grain diet requir extra energi break digest help burn fat. nut seeds: dri fruit powerhous energy."} {"id": "9018", "contents": "best obtain whole grain (bran cereal excel fiber sources), berries, nuts, legumes, fruit skin pulp, raw vegetables, et cetera. avoid fri process foods, favor whole foods, lot fresh fruit veggies, lean protein. individually, condit problematic, even troubl combination; awar addit \u201cearli warn sign\u201d diabetes, metabol syndrom also indic impend heart disease."} {"id": "9019", "contents": "eat fiber. eat unprocess fruits, whole grains, nuts, avocado veget earli day. fiber-rich food make feel fuller longer. crucifer veggi (from cabbag family) good sourc fiber well. eat often. eat smaller amount food frequently. example, instead eat larg meal day, small meal snack everi hours. help maintain energi optim nutrient levels."} {"id": "9020", "contents": "cereal. cereal make great breakfast good snack day choos whole grain option low sugar. ideal cereal contain least 3.5 gram fiber per serving. add dark fruit berri raisin nutrition. eat often. eat smaller amount food frequently. example, instead eat larg meal day, small meal snack everi hours. help maintain energi optim nutrient levels."} {"id": "9021", "contents": "eat fresh fruit veggies. full carotenoids, help protect cancer metabol syndrome. exampl serv size 1/2 cup fruit vegetables, cup leafi greens, 1/4 cup dri fruit, ounc fruit veggi juice. eat often. eat smaller amount food frequently. example, instead eat larg meal day, small meal snack everi hours. help maintain energi optim nutrient levels."} {"id": "9022", "contents": "cereal make great breakfast good snack day choos whole grain option low sugar. ideal cereal contain least 3.5 gram fiber per serving. add dark fruit berri raisin nutrition. eat often. eat smaller amount food frequently. example, instead eat larg meal day, small meal snack everi hours. help maintain energi optim nutrient levels."} {"id": "9023", "contents": "main reason instal lamin underlay to: help float floor float even minor imperfect sub-floor absorb sound walk floor add moistur protect instal cement sub-floor. differ type thick underlayment. underlay foam good instal wood subfloor only, moistur barrier. cement sub-floor consid 2-in-1 vapor underlayment. http://www.bestlaminate.com/floor-muffler-silent-underlayment-100-sf/roll/wher possibl moistur come"} {"id": "9024", "contents": "instal underlay lamin flooring. prepar floor\u2019 surfac instal underlay. first step process prepar properli floor\u2019 surface, instal underlay lamin flooring. consequently, remov bump floor irregular make sure surfac complet dry."} {"id": "9025", "contents": "want choos purchas right lamin floor underlay instal floor. remember, lamin floor float floor. therefore, must instal foam underlay instal actual lamin flooring. realli inexpens part project, necessari one. wood subfloor need standard foam underlayment."} {"id": "9026", "contents": "next step instal underlay lamin flooring. underlay avail either roll boards. exampl use 20\u201d/50 cm wide, 3\u2032 4\u201d/12 long, mm thick boards, roll good boards. first step process prepar properli floor\u2019 surface, instal underlay lamin flooring. consequently, remov bump floor irregular make sure surfac complet dry."} {"id": "9027", "contents": "3. lay 4-mil thicker polyethylen sheet entir floor use uncov foam underlayment. overlap edg plastic 10 inch stapl floor stapl gun. omit step use two-in-on underlay includ foam plastic coating. 4. lay first row foam along wall plan start instal flooring. stretch one end room other, cut size util knife remov tape undersid expos adhes strip. press secur floor."} {"id": "9028", "contents": "underlay layer materi first layer subfloor floor covering. plan put wood floor, vinyl, carpet materi moves, plywood make good underlayment."} {"id": "9029", "contents": "begin put underlay padding. step #4: instal lamin underlayment. floor concret first job lay polyethylen film down, first row foam underlayment. (a discuss earlier could accomplish use 2-in-1 product combin vapour barrier foam one product.). step #2: subfloor. lamin floor manufactur requir floor must flat within 3/16 gap 10'. thu wood subfloor may consid sand high point done without affect structur integr subfloor."} {"id": "9030", "contents": "standard underlay essenti instal lamin flooring. main reason instal lamin underlay help float floor float, even minor imperfect sub-floor absorb sound walk floor. therefore, must instal foam underlay instal actual lamin flooring. realli inexpens part project, necessari one. wood subfloor need standard foam underlayment."} {"id": "9031", "contents": "5. begin instal floor lay first row underlayment. board within inch outsid edg underlayment, lay anoth strip. use two-in-on product, overlap plastic 10 inches. butt edg foam together, however, overlap. 4. lay first row foam along wall plan start instal flooring. stretch one end room other, cut size util knife remov tape undersid expos adhes strip. press secur floor."} {"id": "9032", "contents": "instal underlay lamin floor staples. instal underlay lamin floor requir stapler, tape pair scissors. instal underlay lamin floor help foreman lighti contractor free video clip."} {"id": "9033", "contents": "emt-basic. high school diploma hand, begin educ requir becom emt-bas long 18 year age older. may find accredit program local commun colleg hospital. educ requir paramedic. nation standard curriculum, develop u.s. depart transportation, provid minimum educ requir emt levels, includ emt-basic, emt-intermediate, emt-paramedic."} {"id": "9034", "contents": "program paramed vari elig requir prerequisites, accord center prehospit care david geffen school medicine. cases, must least 18 year age enter emt program, prerequisit paramed education. state govern emerg servic separately, regul vari one state another. bureau labor statist note paramedics, however, must complet formal training. paramed train program usual requir high school diploma certif cardiopulmonari resuscitation."} {"id": "9035", "contents": "relat content sponsor by. first train requir paramed get certifi emt-b, first basic level emt training. emt-b train avail mani commun colleg institutions. usual take six month complet 120 150 hour training. that, take state certif test. emt, employ provid emerg treatment ambul mani venues. paramed education. educ requir paramed rigorous. mani commun colleg two-year degre program paramed training. oftentim there\u2019 pre-requisit college-level biology, math english order accept paramed program."} {"id": "9036", "contents": "curriculum may vari slightly, depend state live. paramed extens train three type emerg medic technician (emts). complet hundr hour education-includ emt-bas training-befor becom certifi paramedic. educ requir paramedic. nation standard curriculum, develop u.s. depart transportation, provid minimum educ requir emt levels, includ emt-basic, emt-intermediate, emt-paramedic."} {"id": "9037", "contents": "generally, high school diploma requir enter train program becom emt paramedic. worker must complet formal train certif process. educ training. high school diploma usual requir enter formal emerg medic technician train program. train offer progress levels: emt-basic, emt-intermediate, emt-paramedic. follow accord u.s. depart labor particular educ train requir emt"} {"id": "9038", "contents": "may need emt-intermedi licens enrol paramed program, must emt-bas license. must also meet anatomi physiolog cours requirements, either prerequisit part paramed program. educ requir paramedic. nation standard curriculum, develop u.s. depart transportation, provid minimum educ requir emt levels, includ emt-basic, emt-intermediate, emt-paramedic."} {"id": "9039", "contents": "well implant bleeding, usual abl test day that. taken pregnanc test alreadi negative, take anoth one positive, concept date would two week ago. period start 9/13, last day boyfriend unprotect sex times. 22nd, 23rd, 24th day start fertil days. ovul 9/27. today i\u2019v realli bad headache, mild cramps, feel strang today."} {"id": "9040", "contents": "humans, implant fertil ovum like occur day ovulation, rang 12 days. dispar sources, state occur day ovul day ovulation, day 6-10 postovulation. average, occur 20th 23rd day last menstrual period."} {"id": "9041", "contents": "implant occur day 6-10 egg retrieval. day blastocyst transfer. equival day 20-24 natur menstrual cycl (ideal 28 day cycle)."} {"id": "9042", "contents": "definit ex. take least 3-4 day implant get posit result hpt. new guy would least 10 day got 6. littl one wouldn\u2019t even implant yet. period start 9/13, last day boyfriend unprotect sex times. 22nd, 23rd, 24th day start fertil days. ovul 9/27. today i\u2019v realli bad headache, mild cramps, feel strang today."} {"id": "9043", "contents": "implant typic occur 10 day ovulation, day 20 24 menstrual cycle. however, happen day earlier later. averag 28-day cycle, ovul occur day 14 first day woman' period consid day cycle."} {"id": "9044", "contents": "implant bleed occur everi woman. usual 30% women experi implant bleeding. usual see implant bleed day period due one 30%. period start 9/13, last day boyfriend unprotect sex times. 22nd, 23rd, 24th day start fertil days. ovul 9/27. today i\u2019v realli bad headache, mild cramps, feel strang today."} {"id": "9045", "contents": "earli stage prenat development, embryo call blastocyst. implant fertil ovum like occur day ovulation, rang 12 days. use calcul find like date rang implant base cycle:"} {"id": "9046", "contents": "soon implant occurs, embryo begin produc human chorion gonadotropin (hgc), key pregnanc hormone. hgc also hormon pregnanc test detect. implant occur anywher six 12 day ovulation, take averag 10 days. however, take coupl day implant bodi produc suffici level hgc pregnanc test measure."} {"id": "9047", "contents": "journey ovari time burst time land fallopian tube often take durat 24-36 hour vari one woman anoth among relat factors. ovulation, take 24-36 hour matur egg arriv fallopian tube. conclusion, mani medic practition discuss question long ovul implant occur without agre exact duration. uniqu characterist differ women."} {"id": "9048", "contents": "implant window follow around day peak lutein hormon levels. dispar sources, state occur day ovul day ovulation, day 6-10 postovulation. average, occur 20th 23rd day last menstrual period."} {"id": "9049", "contents": "abl tell male crab femal crab come handy. difficulti determin gender crab rang quit easi moder challenging, depend type crab tri sex. larger crab is, easier determin gender."} {"id": "9050", "contents": "bait attract crab includ fish offal fish heads. tell differ male femal crab, turn crab belly-side-up, head face away you. belli \u201cflap\u201d point toward eye crab shape like lighthous (pointed), male crab."} {"id": "9051", "contents": "introduction. california, abund crab dung crab, metacarcinu magister. relat crab sever speci caught commerci recreat fishermen southern california northern california. south monterey bay, dung crab decreas rapidli abundance."} {"id": "9052", "contents": "catch buy two crabs--on male one female. turn one crab belli undersid visible. l.p. steamers, baltimor crab house, offer trick determin whether crab male female: see form u.s. capitol build belli crab, crab female."} {"id": "9053", "contents": "let\u2019 start take look physic differences. two way identifi crab either male femal includ claw color apron shape. first, take look crab\u2019 claws. male crab bright blue claw like first pictur below. femal crabs, however, red tip claw like second picture. male blue crabs. femal blue crab taken angel perry. second way tell differ male femal shape \u201capron\u201d. look crab\u2019 underside, there\u2019 flap distinct shape. flap refer apron. male blue crab (jimmies) long, pointi apron seen first pictur"} {"id": "9054", "contents": "crab-car book state imposs tell sex male femal land hermit crabs. actual found difficult, provid hermit crab will come rather far shell you. femal land hermit crab tini genit open call gonopores. gonopor open male crab place spermatophor mating. male crab, gentli tap rock femal crab, encourag come shell. crab mate posit female' gonopor line male' fifth pair legs."} {"id": "9055", "contents": "female: wide abdomin flap. male: narrow abdomin flap. know measur crab illeg take dung crab smaller 1/4 inches. dung crab smaller 61/4 inch need reproduc maintain population. crab measur across carapac insid tip use crab gauge. gaug avail sport good store"} {"id": "9056", "contents": "undersid femal crab. undersid male crab. best way distinguish male femal crab (thi work speci crab well, blue crab) flip crab pick (careful, get pinched), look abdomin section near rear end. dung crab spiny. male dung crab reach legal size year age weight pounds. larg male exceed 230mm carapac width (that one huge crab. really, realli lucki catch one) 2kg (4.5lbs) weight."} {"id": "9057", "contents": "hepat liver infect caus hepat viru hcv hepat blood born viru today peopl becom infect hepat viru share needl equip inject drug"} {"id": "9058", "contents": "hepat although infecti genet diseas caus defect abnorm gene contagi diseas hepat transmit sexual conduct peopl person person blood mother fetu"} {"id": "9059", "contents": "transmiss hepat contagi easi catch cold flu usual spread blood usual spread use dirti drug tattoo needl"} {"id": "9060", "contents": "chronic hepat consid contagi peopl gener infecti agent may transmit saliva air cough fecal oral rout surfac blood needl blood transfus sexual contact mother fetu etc chronic hepat although infecti genet diseas"} {"id": "9061", "contents": "hepat one host virus caus liver inflamm contagi howev spread bodili fluid case involv transmiss infect blood mean compar difficult pass diseas along"} {"id": "9062", "contents": "hepat transmiss happen exposur infect person blood contagi like common cold cannot get give hepat kiss hug hold hand casual contact sneez cough"} {"id": "9063", "contents": "cannot get hepat live near touch someon diseas get diseas share item contamin blood razor toothbrush nail clipper sourc transmiss unknown signific percent peopl chronic"} {"id": "9064", "contents": "hepat acquir blood blood contact common mode transmiss includ inject intranas drug use blood transfus organ transplant 1992 kidney dialysi needlestick tattoo bodi pierc acupunctur high risk sexual activ multipl partner"} {"id": "9065", "contents": "hepat contagi liver infect caus hepat viru hcv hepat viru discov 1989 prior associ blood transfus call non non hepat viru could identifi"} {"id": "9066", "contents": "hepat transmit spread blood hepat infect person enter bloodstream someon infect today peopl becom infect hcv share needl equip inject drug"} {"id": "9067", "contents": "homeostasi human bodi keep constant intern temperature. definit homeostasi abil tendenc maintain intern stabil organ compens environment changes. exampl homeostasi human bodi keep averag temperatur 98.6 degre"} {"id": "9068", "contents": "confus hemostasis. homeostasi homoeostasi (homeo- -stasis) properti system variabl regul intern condit remain stabl rel constant. exampl homeostasi includ regul temperatur balanc acid alkalin (ph). process maintain stabil human body' intern environ respons chang extern conditions."} {"id": "9069", "contents": "homeostasis. biolog definit homeostasi \u201cthe tendenc organ cell regul intern environ maintain equilibrium, usual system feedback controls, stabil health functioning\u201d."} {"id": "9070", "contents": "teacher school companies. homeostasi defin properti organ system help maintain paramet within normal rang values. key life, failur homeostasi lead diseas like hypertens diabetes. lesson transcript. instructor: natalia caporale. homeostasi defin properti organ system help maintain paramet within normal rang values. key life, failur homeostasi lead diseas like hypertens diabetes."} {"id": "9071", "contents": "homeostasi regul intern biochemistri maintain constant intern environment. without constant regulation, live organ would unabl funct ion. therefore, homeostasi regul intern environ body, also mainten constant environment. solv world' problems. one answer time. homeostasi mainten constant intern environ organ even extern changes. example, bodi abl maintain temperatur 98.6, ph balance, etc."} {"id": "9072", "contents": "homeostasis. tendenc biolog system maintain rel constant condit intern environ continu interact adjust chang origin within outsid system. see also balanc equilibrium. adj., adj homeostat\u00b4ic."} {"id": "9073", "contents": "vitamin fruit vegetables, includ nectarines, consid import antioxid help promot good health may also power protect bodi certain ill diseases."} {"id": "9074", "contents": "nectarin rich beta-carotene, also give bright orange-r hue. nectarin similar plum peaches, orang orange-r color ripe smooth firm skin. slightli larger plums, size matur peaches."} {"id": "9075", "contents": "health benefit nectarine: nectarin contain good amount beta carotene, antioxid help protect cancer diseas reduc cellular damag occur bodi burn oxygen. nectarin high pectin, solubl fiber help control blood cholesterol levels."} {"id": "9076", "contents": "nectarin contain vitamin a, b, c, zeaxanthin, lutein, iron, zinc, copper potassium. vitamin miner shown support overal good health. nutrit content mind, let\u2019 explor health benefits."} {"id": "9077", "contents": "health benefit nectarin includ better cellular function improv cardiovascular digest health. antioxid defens mechan nectarin may prove effectu combat major condit obes relat complications, macular degener support prevent cancer."} {"id": "9078", "contents": "fiber. nectarines, whether fresh dried, good sourc dietari fiber, import maintain overal health. dietari fiber part plant bodi cannot digest. fruit veget sourc natur high dietari fiber, whole grains, legum nuts."} {"id": "9079", "contents": "nectarin health benefits. nectarin power sourc antioxid fight free radic cells. antioxid nectarin also convert vitamin body. nectarin also good sourc bioflavinoid carotenoid bright yellow, orange, red colors. antioxid particular especi good fight cancer diseases."} {"id": "9080", "contents": "basic tissu type human bodywww.exploringnature.org tissu group cell common structur (form) function (job).ther four main tissu bodi epithelium, muscle, connect tissu nervou tissue."} {"id": "9081", "contents": "student tri find tissu cell skin. background: tissu group cell similar shape function. differ type tissu found differ organs. humans, four basic type tissue: epithelial, connective, muscular, nervou tissue. may variou sub-tissu within primari tissues."} {"id": "9082", "contents": "human bodi tissu consist group cell similar structur work togeth specif function. four main type tissu body. learn take short quiz end. definit human bodi tissue. tri explain someon bodi made of, might say two arms, two legs, feet hands, head torso. or, may go extrem say made billion cells. answer would correct."} {"id": "9083", "contents": "medic definit tissue. aggreg cell usual particular kind togeth intercellular substanc form one structur materi plant anim anim includ connect tissue, epithelium, muscl tissue, nerv tissue. 2. piec soft absorb tissu paper use especi handkerchief remov cosmetics. 3. aggreg cell usual particular kind togeth intercellular substanc form one structur materi plant animal. tis\u00b7su\u00b7ey \\\u02c8ti-sh\u0259-w\u0113\\ adjective."} {"id": "9084", "contents": "noun. 1. tissue-part organ consist aggreg cell similar structur function. organism, being-a live thing (or develop) abil act function independently. bodi part-ani part organ organ extremity. n. 1. (biology) part organ consist larg number cell similar structur function: connect tissue; nerv tissue. 2. thin piec soft absorb paper, usual two layers, use dispos handkerchief, towel, etc. 3."} {"id": "9085", "contents": "sarcoma type cancer develop certain tissues, like bone muscle. bone soft tissu sarcoma main type sarcoma. soft tissu sarcoma develop soft tissu like fat, muscle, nerves, fibrou tissues, blood vessels, deep skin tissues. found part body."} {"id": "9086", "contents": "biology, tissu cellular organiz level intermedi cell complet organ. tissu ensembl similar cell origin togeth carri specif function. organ form function group togeth multipl tissues. studi tissu known histolog or, connect disease, histopathology."} {"id": "9087", "contents": "noun. box tissues. box tissues. definit tissu group cells, absorb paper, thin paper use wrap gifts. soft joint ligament neck exampl neck tissue. kleenex exampl tissue."} {"id": "9088", "contents": "full definit tissue. 1. a: fine lightweight often sheer fabric. 2. piec soft absorb tissu paper use especi handkerchief remov cosmetics. 3. aggreg cell usual particular kind togeth intercellular substanc form one structur materi plant animal. tis\u00b7su\u00b7ey \\\u02c8ti-sh\u0259-w\u0113\\ adjective."} {"id": "9089", "contents": "tissue: group layer cell perform specif functions. example, muscl tissu group muscl cells."} {"id": "9090", "contents": "chemic reaction, atom molecul produc reaction call products. chemic reaction, atom present reactant end products. new atom created, atom destroyed. draw arrow second oxygen molecul show chemic reaction take place. rearrang atom reactant make molecul product right side arrow. write chemic formula molecul products. also draw sign betwe"} {"id": "9091", "contents": "oscil chemic reaction, concentr reactant product chang time period quasi-period manner. chemic oscil exhibit chaotic behavior, concentr product cours reaction depend initi condit reaction. chemic equat notat use concis summar convey inform regard chemic reactions. balanc chemic reaction matter (i.e., atom molecules) enter reaction must account product reaction."} {"id": "9092", "contents": "biochemistry, consecut seri chemic reaction (where product one reaction reactant next reaction) form metabol pathways. reaction often catalyz protein enzymes. chemic reaction happen characterist reaction rate given temperatur chemic concentration."} {"id": "9093", "contents": "classically, chemic reaction encompass chang involv posit electron form break chemic bond atoms, chang nuclei (no chang element present), often describ chemic equation. chemic reaction happen characterist reaction rate given temperatur chemic concentration."} {"id": "9094", "contents": "reactant product chemic reactions. reactants\u2192products. chemic reaction, substanc (element and/or compounds) call reactant chang substanc (compound and/or elements) call products."} {"id": "9095", "contents": "chemic reaction describ chang reactant (the initi substanc enter reaction) product (the final substanc present end reaction). chemic equat notat use concis summar convey inform regard chemic reactions. balanc chemic reaction matter (i.e., atom molecules) enter reaction must account product reaction."} {"id": "9096", "contents": "product speci form chemic reactions. chemic reaction reagent transform product pass high energi transit state. process result consumpt reagents."} {"id": "9097", "contents": "chemic reaction process usual character chemic chang start materi (reactants) differ products. chemic reaction tend involv motion electrons, lead format break chemic bonds."} {"id": "9098", "contents": "substanc (or substances) initi involv chemic reaction call reactant reagents. chemic reaction usual character chemic change, yield one products, usual properti differ reactants. chemic reaction happen characterist reaction rate given temperatur chemic concentration."} {"id": "9099", "contents": "chemic reaction exotherm reaction heat content product(s) lower reactants. studi energi util chemic reaction call chemic kinet import understand chemic transformations. chemic equat notat use concis summar convey inform regard chemic reactions. balanc chemic reaction matter (i.e., atom molecules) enter reaction must account product reaction."} {"id": "9100", "contents": "antibodi titer test detect presenc measur amount antibodi within person\u2019 blood. amount divers antibodi correl strength body\u2019 immun response."} {"id": "9101", "contents": "titer measur amount concentr substanc solution. usual refer amount antibodi found patient' blood."} {"id": "9102", "contents": "blood titer measur help determin medic treatment. antibodi titer tell doctor patient immun diseas measles, chickenpox, hepatitis. also help measur harm antibodi relat lupus. titer measur express ratio, 1:40."} {"id": "9103", "contents": "antibodi titer laboratori test measur level antibodi blood sample. antibodi level blood tell doctor whether expos antigen someth bodi think foreign. bodi use antibodi attack remov foreign substances."} {"id": "9104", "contents": "titer laboratori test measur presenc amount antibodi blood. titer may use prove immun disease. blood sampl taken tested."} {"id": "9105", "contents": "request test offer comprehens select blood titer test online. titer test use determin person\u2019 immun statu certain ill bacteria screen variou type antibodies."} {"id": "9106", "contents": "titer blood test check immun statu vaccin diseas may receiv past. two type immun person have: 1."} {"id": "9107", "contents": "insur factors. insur includ strong dental plan significantli reduc out-of-pocket cost. good polici cover 40 percent 80 percent total root canal costs, 60 percent average. dental plan annual maximum limit $1,000 $1,500."} {"id": "9108", "contents": "root canal coverag would job dental insurance. even dental insurance, however, may pay expens root canal pocket. forb report root canal run anywher $300 $1,000, dental insur often low limits."} {"id": "9109", "contents": "root canal involv remov pulp tooth clear away infection, cleaning, shape fill tooth' root canal protect infection. cost root canal insur vari dentist, affect tooth, dental insur plan."} {"id": "9110", "contents": "strong dental plan cover 50 percent root canal costs, make out-of-pocket cost $150 $500. root canal scare mani peopl expect discomfort. peopl also fear cost, depend number factors."} {"id": "9111", "contents": "offer $200 worth coverag root canal final root canal bill $1,000, respons remain $800. dental insur also annual maximum amount pay out, regardless procedure."} {"id": "9112", "contents": "averag cost $300 $1000 root canal depend area u.s. dentist located. dental insur root canal-her cheapest rate found insur plan cover root canal depend plan selected."} {"id": "9113", "contents": "enter zip code find dental insur root canal. root canal-her easi explanation. root canal part dentistri call endodontics, concern patholog dental pulp area surround root."} {"id": "9114", "contents": "cost vari dental plan, ppo dental insur plan pay 35%-50% cost root canal. dhmo plan might pay littl $400. way know sure get free quot brows plan avail area."} {"id": "9115", "contents": "sunshin coast metropolitan area third popul area australian state queensland. locat 100 km north state capit brisban south east queensland pacif ocean coastline, urban area span approxim 60 km coastlin hinterland pelican water tewantin. sunshin coast stadium locat kawana water home region' sport team state-wid competitions. sunshin coast falcon compet queensland cup rugbi leagu competit sunshin coast fire fc compet nation premier leagu queensland footbal competition."} {"id": "9116", "contents": "queensland (abbrevi qld) second-largest third-most-popul state australia. situat north-east country, border northern territory, south australia new south wale west, south-west south respectively. east, queensland border coral sea pacif ocean."} {"id": "9117", "contents": "queensland popul 4,750,500, concentr along coast particularli state' south east. state world' sixth largest sub-nat entity, area 1,852,642 km 2. capit largest citi state brisbane, australia' third largest city. often refer sunshin state, queensland home 10 australia' 30 largest citi nation' third largest economy. queensland first inhabit aborigin australian torr strait islanders. situat north-east country, border northern territory, south australia new south wale west, south-west south respectively. east, queensland border coral sea pacif ocean."} {"id": "9118", "contents": "brisbane-capit largest citi queensland state; locat southeastern corner queensland pacific; settl british penal colony; 3rd largest citi australia. cape york peninsula-a peninsula queensland northeastern australia gulf carpentaria coral sea. queensland. n. 1. (placename) state ne australia: fring pacif side great barrier reef; great divid rang lie east, separ coastal lowland dri great artesian basin south. capital: brisbane."} {"id": "9119", "contents": "queensland australia\u2019 second largest start northern east coast. locat less hours\u2019 drive south brisbane, queensland\u2019 gold coast famou fun. gold coast attract holiday maker rest australia world enjoy gloriou wide white sandi beaches, hinterland forests, fun water park parti citi surfer\u2019 paradise."} {"id": "9120", "contents": "brisban queensland. brisbane, capit citi queensland, midway east coast australia 27.5 s, 153 e. gold coast south sunshin coast north, domest intern airports, brisban ideal headquart australian holiday."} {"id": "9121", "contents": "interest fact queensland. area 1,727,000 squar kilometres, queensland second largest state australia. biggest western australia. queensland nearli five time size japan, seven time size great britain, two half time size texa"} {"id": "9122", "contents": "known sunshin state. queensland australia\u2019 second largest start northern east coast. known \u201csunshin state\u201d state \u201caustralia shines\u201d, famou perenni blue sky pictur postcard white sandi beaches. locat less hours\u2019 drive south brisbane, queensland\u2019 gold coast famou fun. gold coast attract holiday maker rest australia world enjoy gloriou wide white sandi beaches, hinterland forests, fun water park parti citi surfer\u2019 paradise."} {"id": "9123", "contents": "queensland. pristin beaches, tropic islands, lush rainforests, vibrant citi authent australian outback, queensland ultim holiday destination. known australia\u2019 sunshin state, queensland offer abund divers experi creat last memories. brisban state\u2019 capit city, citi full energy, style, art culture. brisban river snake metropoli pepper alfresco dine options."} {"id": "9124", "contents": "barcelona locat northeast coast iberian peninsula, face mediterranean sea, plain approxim km (3 mi) wide limit mountain rang collserola, llobregat river southwest beso bes\u00f2 river the. north capit autonom commun catalonia, barcelona seat catalan government, known generalitat de catalunya; particular note execut branch, parliament, suprem court catalonia."} {"id": "9125", "contents": "barcelona one support team world, largest social media follow world among sport teams. barcelona' player record number ballon d'or award (10), well record number fifa world player year award (7). second valuabl sport team world, worth $3.2 billion, world' fourth richest footbal club term revenue, annual turnov \u20ac484.6 million. offici barcelona anthem cant del barca bar\u00e7a written jaum pica josep maria. espina espin\u00e0"} {"id": "9126", "contents": "unlik mani footbal clubs, support oper barcelona. second valuabl sport team world, worth $3.2 billion, world' fourth richest footbal club term revenue, annual turnov \u20ac484.6 million. offici barcelona anthem cant del barca bar\u00e7a written jaum pica josep maria. espina espin\u00e0"} {"id": "9127", "contents": "detail map barcelona near places. welcom barcelona googl satellit map! place situat barcelona, cataluna, spain, geograph coordin 41\u00b0 23' north, 2\u00b0 11' east origin name (with diacritics) barcelona."} {"id": "9128", "contents": "2012 barcelona gdp $170 billion; lead spain employ rate gdp per capita change. 2009 citi rank europe' third one world' success citi brand. capit autonom commun catalonia, barcelona seat catalan government, known generalitat de catalunya; particular note execut branch, parliament, suprem court catalonia."} {"id": "9129", "contents": "found roman city, middl age barcelona becam capit counti barcelona. merg kingdom aragon, barcelona continu import citi crown aragon econom administr center crown capit princip catalonia. capit autonom commun catalonia, barcelona seat catalan government, known generalitat de catalunya; particular note execut branch, parliament, suprem court"} {"id": "9130", "contents": "detail map barca near places. welcom barca googl satellit map! place situat asturias, asturias, spain, geograph coordin 43\u00b0 23' north, 6\u00b0 9' west origin name (with diacritics) barca. see barca photo imag satellit below, explor aerial photograph barca spain. barca hotel map avail target page link above. small medium large. map inform only. represent made warranti given content. user assum risk use."} {"id": "9131", "contents": "\ufeff\ufeff barca recur charact spartacu series. one top gladiator\u2019 batiatus' ludus, becom famous known beast carthag defeat father mago arena. lover auctus, later pietros. batiatu plan settl thing tulliu vettius, select barca along sever gladiat storm brawl streets. barca stab one tullius' thugs, save batiatus."} {"id": "9132", "contents": "see articl phase moon details. lunat synod month mean (average) time one new moon next. j2000.0 epoch, averag length lunat 29.530588 day (or 29 days, 12 hours, 44 minutes, seconds). new moon 1601 2401, maximum differ 0.592 day 14h13m either direction. durat lunat (i.e. time new moon next new moon) vari period 29.272 29.833 days, i.e. \u22120.259d 6h12m shorter, +0.302d 7h15m longer average."} {"id": "9133", "contents": "progress lunat cycl treat life-unit whole within total evolut individu person follow natur one significantli cast chart progress new moon person' span life. progress first last quarters. phase progress lunat cycl usual correspond period great emot mental tension. first quarter confrontations, rule, affect basic instinctu impuls emot person."} {"id": "9134", "contents": "lunat number lunat cycl number given lunat begin certain one history. sever convent use. new moon 1601 2401, maximum differ 0.592 day 14h13m either direction. durat lunat (i.e. time new moon next new moon) vari period 29.272 29.833 days, i.e. \u22120.259d 6h12m shorter, +0.302d 7h15m longer average."} {"id": "9135", "contents": "term moon cycl (or lunar cycle) refer moon' continu orbit around earth. moon orbit earth, appear (the phase) chang thu give us indic moon' progress cycl (the age). complet lunar cycl (new moon new moon) also call lunation. time moon complet circl earth. that' scientif definition, take phase; instanc so-cal full moon cycl would full moon full moon"} {"id": "9136", "contents": "novemb 7, 1811 ephemeri progress lunat cycl reach last quarter phase, liszt 17 period emot breakdown first love. new moon came scorpio 23, novemb 16th; liszt accord progression-schedul 25 year old. progress first last quarters. phase progress lunat cycl usual correspond period great emot mental tension. first quarter confrontations, rule, affect basic instinctu impuls emot person."} {"id": "9137", "contents": "lunat cycl refer period one new moon next new moon conjunct moon sun. last 29 30 days. birth occur within lunat cycle, either light moon increas decreasing."} {"id": "9138", "contents": "(*)note comput lunat 29 26/49 day bit long, adjust 1/49 day must made period compensate. adjust everi 850 lunat bring valu pretti close. case, one adjust epoch januari 2000 new moon. 13.944335 synod month full moon cycle, 251-month cycl approxim full moon cycl 13.944444 synod month 767-month cycl approxim full moon cycl 13.9454545 synod months."} {"id": "9139", "contents": "long thought period lunat cycl associ menstrual cycl matur human females. 1979 studi 305 women found approxim one-third subject lunar period cycles, i.e., mean cycl length 29.5 day plu minu day. lunar calendar month correspond lunation. individu lunat vari length sever hours, eccentr orbit moon earth. however, lunat never 15 hour behind ahead mean lunation."} {"id": "9140", "contents": "scientif research lunat cycl last 15-20 year fascin astrologer' perspective. very\u2014mani year ago that\u2014scienc gave littl credenc possibl lunar effect life earth. rainfal -- well document rainfal correl moon' posit monthli cycle. accord mani studies, rainfal maxim midway 1st 3rd quarter lunar synod month. words, half week new full moon rainfal reach peak."} {"id": "9141", "contents": "xtreme lash\u00ae exact replica eyelash, weigh much natur lash: practic nothing. notic addit extens lash caus natur lash fall ahead natur cycl enhanc method can. lash thicker base taper fine point. appli individu eyelashes, one extens time, natural, eleg look lengthen add full exist lashes. xtreme lashes\u00ae eyelash extens profession applic only."} {"id": "9142", "contents": "posted. ita^ prescript fals eyelash realli light weight doesnt weigh lash prescript lash envi awsom caus heavi enough hold curl light enough weigh down.. make sense:vogel: back top."} {"id": "9143", "contents": "new set eyelash usual rang anywher low $75 much $400-$500. average, look spend around $200 qualiti set skill cosmetician. high cost eyelash extens usual scare peopl away much spend hair everi month. eye first thing peopl notice. make first impress count."} {"id": "9144", "contents": "share to: much one make appli eyelash extens depend sole much charge. usually, get new set, price rang $50-$200 get fill ost around $30-$150, depend durat fill condition. keep mind, experienc field, make. much weigh? peopl weigh 1,600 pound skinney may weigh 70 60 cours babi weight 22 pounds. perhap word 'how much shoukd weigh? age is...and gender is...' co sorta need info answer question."} {"id": "9145", "contents": "much make appli individu eyelash extensions? much one make appli eyelash extens depend sole much charge. usually, get new set, price rang $50-$200 get fill ost around $30-$150, depend durat fill condition. keep mind, experienc field, make. much weigh? peopl weigh 1,600 pound skinney may weigh 70 60 cours babi weight 22 pounds. perhap word 'how much shoukd weigh? age is...and gender is...' co sorta need info answer question."} {"id": "9146", "contents": "eyelash weigh 100 nanonewtons. mascara good way make eyelash appear fuller. eyelash acceler also avail help lash grow."} {"id": "9147", "contents": "xtreme lash\u00ae exact replica eyelash, weigh much natur lash: practic nothing. notic addit extens lash caus natur lash fall ahead natur cycl enhanc method can. xtreme lashes\u00ae may shed within first week attach natur lash end growth cycle. remain place approxim two months. proper care maintenance, touch up typic need everi week replac lash shed."} {"id": "9148", "contents": "usual take around 1.5-2 hours. good set eyelash normal last 6-8 week shed lash naturally. assum live super activ lifestyle, need revisit local salon touch up everi 2-4 week maintain them. high cost eyelash extens usual scare peopl away much spend hair everi month. eye first thing peopl notice. make first impress count."} {"id": "9149", "contents": "everi person two copi gene, one inherit parent. gene people, small number gene (less percent total) slightli differ people. allel form gene small differ sequenc dna bases."} {"id": "9150", "contents": "although mutat calr tet2 gene found peopl essenti thrombocythemia, unclear gene mutat involv develop condition."} {"id": "9151", "contents": "differ rna pair nucleotid call uracil (u), instead t, dna. protein machin call rna polymeras read dna make rna copy. copi call messeng rna, mrna, deliv gene' messag protein-produc machinery."} {"id": "9152", "contents": "genes, made dna, act instruct make molecul call proteins. humans, gene vari size hundr dna base million bases. human genom project estim human 20,000 25,000 genes."} {"id": "9153", "contents": "rna\u2013in role\u2013i \u201cdna photocopy\u201d cell. cell need produc certain protein, activ protein\u2019 gene \u2013the portion dna code protein\u2013and produc multipl copi piec dna form messeng rna, mrna."} {"id": "9154", "contents": "central tenet molecular biolog state flow genet inform cell dna rna proteins: \u201cdna make rna make protein\u201d. protein workhors cell; play lead role cell enzymes, structur components, cell signaling, name few."} {"id": "9155", "contents": "simplest sense, express gene mean manufactur correspond protein, multilay process two major steps. first step, inform dna transfer messeng rna (mrna) molecul way process call transcription."} {"id": "9156", "contents": "ribonucl acid, rna one three major biolog macromolecul essenti known form life (along dna proteins)."} {"id": "9157", "contents": "spice herb kept discuss shelf life follows: whole spice dri herbs, leav flower keep years. seed keep year whole root (i.e. ginger root galang root) keep years. ground spice herb leav keep year."} {"id": "9158", "contents": "good news spice virtual last forever. it\u2019 rare, impossible, spice go \u201cbad.\u201d biggest threat time caus spice lose potenc flavor. ground cinnamon that\u2019 three year old carri much flavor cinnamon that\u2019 three month old. peopl recommend toss spice six months, think ridiculous. whole spice like cinnamon sticks, whole cloves, peppercorn last year years. ground spice shorter shelf life surfac expos elements, still good 1-2 years, easily. you\u2019r concern particular spice, tri two tricks: 1. smell it."} {"id": "9159", "contents": "last four year airtight contain store cool, dri place. keep even better dark. extrem strong spices, whole cloves, cinnamon, pepper, may last even longer."} {"id": "9160", "contents": "unopen dri spice shelf life two three years, depend specif spice whether whole spice ground spice. rule thumb whole spice (such peppercorns, cinnamon sticks, cloves) longest life. ground herb spice gener fragile."} {"id": "9161", "contents": "store airtight contain [like glass jar bottles], dri ingredi usabl long time. expert opinion vary, but, averag opinion out, here\u2019 approxim long keep \u201cold spice[s]\u201d spice shelf: herb 1-3 years. spice whole 2-4 years."} {"id": "9162", "contents": "market economi economi decis regard investment, production, distribut base suppli demand, price good servic determin free price system. term free-market economi sometim use synonym market economy, may also refer laissez-fair free-market anarchism. market economi logic presuppos exist privat properti mean production."} {"id": "9163", "contents": "gift economy, gift culture, gift exchang mode exchang valuabl trade sold, rather given without explicit agreement immedi futur rewards. contrast barter economi market economy, good servic primarili exchang valu received. prototyp exampl gift economy' promin technolog sector activ role instat use permiss free softwar copyleft licenses, allow free reus softwar knowledge."} {"id": "9164", "contents": "type market structur group perfectli competit structur imperfectli competit market structure. imperfectli competit market structur oligopoly, duopoly, monopoli monopolist competition. level competit firm influenc market structure. competit market structur monopoli differ level competition. featur market structure. number firm oper market; cover local foreign markets."} {"id": "9165", "contents": "market structures. sever market structur firm operate. type structur influenc firm\u2019 behaviour, whether efficient, level profit generate. neo-class theori firm distinguish number market structures, characterist assumptions. structur market refer number firm market, market shares, featur affect level competit market. structur classifi term presenc absenc competition. competit absent, market said concentrated. spectrum, perfect competit pure monopoly."} {"id": "9166", "contents": "market structur also describ number firm market produc ident good services. market structur great influenc behavior individu firm market. level competit firm influenc market structure. competit market structur monopoli differ level competition. featur market structure. number firm oper market; cover local foreign markets."} {"id": "9167", "contents": "market structures. market structur defin economist characterist market. organiz characterist competit characterist featur best describ good servic market. major characterist economist focus describ market structur natur competit mode price market. level competit firm influenc market structure. competit market structur monopoli differ level competition. featur market structure. number firm oper market; cover local foreign markets."} {"id": "9168", "contents": "one main facet french economi free market structur economi base line develop economy. franc consid 66.1% free rank among 26th 41 freest european economies."} {"id": "9169", "contents": "major defin characterist market economi invest decis alloc produc good mainli made negoti markets. contrast plan economy, invest product decis embodi plan production. term free-market economi sometim use synonym market economy, may also refer laissez-fair free-market anarchism. market economi logic presuppos exist privat properti mean"} {"id": "9170", "contents": "market economi consist variou type cooperatives, collect autonom state agenc acquir exchang capit good capit markets, util free price system alloc capit good labor. term free-market economi sometim use synonym market economy, may also refer laissez-fair free-market anarchism. market economi logic presuppos exist privat properti mean production."} {"id": "9171", "contents": "market structure-market structur defin particular environ firm, characterist influenc firm\u2019 price output decisions. four theori market structure."} {"id": "9172", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. hashimoto' thyroid chronic lymphocyt thyroid autoimmun diseas thyroid gland attack varieti cell-and antibody-medi immun processes, caus primari hypothyroidism."} {"id": "9173", "contents": "thyroid gland. hashimoto' diseas condit immun system attack thyroid, small gland base neck adam' apple. thyroid gland part endocrin system, produc hormon coordin mani body' activities."} {"id": "9174", "contents": "autoimmun thyroid disease: diseas thyroid gland due autoimmun patient' immun system attack damag thyroid. grave diseas hashimoto thyroid form autoimmun thyroid disease. diseases, thyroid-react cell form infiltr thyroid gland. disord common preval 1% us."} {"id": "9175", "contents": "hashimoto' thyroid condit caus inflamm thyroid gland. autoimmun disease, mean bodi inappropri attack thyroid gland-a foreign tissue. underli caus autoimmun process remain unknown. hashimoto' thyroid caus autoimmun process caus inflamm thyroid gland. symptom hashimoto' thyroid hypothyroid include. feel cold, depression, dri skin, constipation, fatigue, sleepiness, and."} {"id": "9176", "contents": "hashimoto\u2019 diseas autoimmun diseas affect thyroid. also call hashimoto\u2019 thyroid (theye-royd-eyet-uhss). thyroid small gland front neck. thyroid make hormon call t3 t4 regul bodi use energy. hashimoto\u2019 disease, immun system make antibodi damag thyroid cell interfer abil make thyroid hormone. time, thyroid damag caus thyroid hormon level low. call underact thyroid hypothyroid (heye-poh-theye-royd-ism)."} {"id": "9177", "contents": "autoimmun thyroid diseases, autoimmun thyroiditis, also known hashimoto\u2019 thyroid chronic lymphocyt thyroiditis, condit immun system attack body\u2019 thyroid gland. chronic autoimmun thyroid diseas gener mild even symptomless, progress signific hypothyroidism. seek prompt medic care worrisom symptom hypothyroidism, depress unexplain weight gain. previous. 1. 2. 3. next."} {"id": "9178", "contents": "autoimmun thyroid diseas gener hereditari origin, although environment factors, infection, certain drugs, iodin consumption, play role progression. autoimmun thyroid common women men, primarili affect peopl 40 60 year age. chronic autoimmun thyroid diseas gener mild even symptomless, progress signific hypothyroidism. seek prompt medic care worrisom symptom hypothyroidism, depress unexplain weight gain. previous. 1. 2. 3. next."} {"id": "9179", "contents": "article. also call hashimoto' disease, hashimoto' thyroid autoimmun disease, disord immun system turn body' tissues. peopl hashimoto's, immun system attack thyroid."} {"id": "9180", "contents": "gener discussion. autoimmun thyroid (at), also known hashimoto' disease, chronic inflammatori disord thyroid gland caus abnorm blood antibodi white blood cell mistakenli attack damag healthi thyroid cells."} {"id": "9181", "contents": "alaskan malamut club america form 1935 american kennel club recogn breed year. world war ii, regist alaskan malamut loan war duti great demand sled dogs."} {"id": "9182", "contents": "alaskan malamut home, need keep healthi -- he' current health problems, need get back road good health. dog health care book, 11 thing must right keep dog healthi happi book need."} {"id": "9183", "contents": "learn train alaskan malamut calm well-behaved, consid dog train book, teach dog 100 english words. uniqu vocabulari respect train program make alaskan malamut smartest, well-behav companion ever had."} {"id": "9184", "contents": "animal-aggress major concern. alaskan malamut aggress dog sex two male two femal kept together. breed fights, battl seriou bloody. malamut predatori smaller pet -- would keep malamut cat unless pair grown together."} {"id": "9185", "contents": "alaskan malamut featur powerful, sturdi bodi built stamina strength. reign one oldest dog breed whose origin look significantli altered. intellig canin need job consist leadership avoid becom bore challeng handle."} {"id": "9186", "contents": "compar alaskan malamut siberian husky. differ alaskan malamut siberian huski signific gener misunderstood. earli 1970's, busi trip northern yukon alaska becam interest alaskan malamut breed."} {"id": "9187", "contents": "trait characterist alaskan malamute. consid alaskan malamute, would concern about... provid enough exercise. alaskan malamut must regular opportun vent energy."} {"id": "9188", "contents": "american kennel club recogn siberian huski alaskan malamut work group, akc recogn breed call alaskan husky. fact is, alaskan huski breed categori dog, bred specif purpose."} {"id": "9189", "contents": "cytoskeleton cell made microtubules, actin filaments, intermedi filaments. structur give cell shape help organ cell' parts. addition, provid basi movement cell division. cytoskeleton consist three major class element differ size protein composition. microtubul largest type filament, diamet 25 nanomet (nm), compos protein call tubulin. actin filament smallest type, diamet nm, made protein call acti"} {"id": "9190", "contents": "strand made intermedi filament proteins. intermedi filament proteins, despit variety, basic structure: globular head n-termini, globular tail termini, rod-lik alpha helic region (figur 12.36). one group intermedi filament alreadi encount keratin filament skin epitheli cells. type keratin involv make skin, hair nails. second type intermedi filament includ vimentin rel desmin."} {"id": "9191", "contents": "pictur tubulin: tubulin protein combin togeth form structur know microtubules. creation microtubul begin nucleation. stage alpha beta subunit tubulin come togeth form initi seed. accomplish growth microtubul beings. microtubul tubular structur 25nm diameter. use cell mostli support structure. also function track cell use pathway transport protein membran bound vesicles. compos protein subunit call tubulin."} {"id": "9192", "contents": "tubulin (tubul- -in) molecular biolog refer either tubulin protein superfamili globular proteins, one member protein superfamily. form microtubules, dimer \u03b1- \u03b2-tubulin bind gtp assembl onto (+) end microtubul gtp-bound state."} {"id": "9193", "contents": "coval bond aris two atom share electrons. addit coval bond connect atom singl amino acid coval peptid bond link amino acid protein chain, coval bond cystein side chain import determin protein structure."} {"id": "9194", "contents": "tubulin also use specif refer \u03b1-tubulin \u03b2-tubulin, protein make microtubul eukaryot cells. molecular weight approxim 50,000 daltons. tubulin long thought specif eukaryotes. recently, however, prokaryot cell divis protein ftsz shown relat tubulin. form microtubules, dimer \u03b1- \u03b2-tubulin bind gtp assembl onto (+) end microtubul gtp-bound state."} {"id": "9195", "contents": "unlik intermedi filament microtubul made singl kind protein call tubulin. microtubul assembl way polar (that is, one end differ other). one group intermedi filament alreadi encount keratin filament skin epitheli cells. type keratin involv make skin, hair nails. second type intermedi filament includ vimentin rel desmin."} {"id": "9196", "contents": "use opk probabl ovul 24 hour posit test.)aft ovulation, sperm avail concept took place, take 12 day fertil egg make journey fallopian tube find prime place burrow rich line uterus. take day hcg start releas urin take us 21st month. day ovulated. soonest might abl get posit result."} {"id": "9197", "contents": "optim time would see posit ovul test result next coupl days, import understand sperm surviv five day ejaculation, time sex day ovul occur also result pregnancy. sex day posit ovul test result next two day help allow sperm travel appropri channel await egg\u2019 release. it\u2019 precis formula though. bit leeway sex."} {"id": "9198", "contents": "major pregnanc test market today abl detect hcg rang 20 miu 50 miu. hcg urine, pregnant, typic 25 miu around day prior period start date, roughli 11 day posit ovul test. however, depend fertil egg actual implanted. test time, pregnanc test need sensit least 25 miu. money concern, start day posit ovul test, could start take daili pregnanc test."} {"id": "9199", "contents": "ovul predictor kit frequent ask questions. ovul predictor kit purchas onlin earli pregnanc tests. price rang $1.10/test $.55/test base number test purchase, ship free order $15 more."} {"id": "9200", "contents": "hope help q: soon ovul test? a: earliest get posit result sensit pregnanc test seven day ovulation. implant need occur hcg produced, gener happen 6-12 day post ovulation, usual 10 day after. got posit pregnanc test 16 day ovulation, day ovul implant day implant posit test."} {"id": "9201", "contents": "identification. first key find long ovul test pregnanc identifi exact date ovulation. gener rule typic 28-day cycl ovul occur day 14, women typic cycle. long ovul test pregnanc depend type home pregnanc test used: tradit test higher-sensit earli pregnanc tests."} {"id": "9202", "contents": "fertil day ovulation, sperm live fertil cervic mucu wait ovulate. possible, normal ovulation, posit opk sever day row. lh peak (surges) 12-36 hour ovul occurs, dissipates."} {"id": "9203", "contents": "posit opk. success ovul test, mean ovul get readi ovul right away! mean need intercours somewher within around 24 hour get posit test make sure don\u2019t miss time frame ovulating. get success ovul test, probabl readi get busi take pregnanc test soon possible. read everyth need know soon take pregnanc test success ovul test! claim 20 free pregnanc test click here."} {"id": "9204", "contents": "ovul begin earli 12 hour posit ovul test test everi 24 hour could miss roughli 12 hour ovul increas chanc success. test twice daili begin cycl day 10 could help catch egg."} {"id": "9205", "contents": "women tri get pregnant know soon posit ovul test need intercours within 24 hour order increas chanc becom pregnant. test time, pregnanc test need sensit least 25 miu. money concern, start day posit ovul test, could start take daili pregnanc test."} {"id": "9206", "contents": "artifici oxygen carrier transfus medicin synthet semisynthet substanc use transport 2; usual blood loss 20-25% well toler crystalloids\u2013eg, dextrose, adequ rais blood volum accept levels."} {"id": "9207", "contents": "artifici blood. expert tri creat artifici blood blood replacements. blood replac studi includ oxygen-carri chemic (such perfluorocarbon emulsions) cell-fre hemoglobin-th portion red blood cell carri oxygen. sever advantag blood replacements. blood replac product store long period time"} {"id": "9208", "contents": "expert tri creat artifici blood blood replacements. blood replac studi includ oxygen-carri chemic (such perfluorocarbon emulsions) cell-fre hemoglobin \u2014the portion red blood cell carri oxygen. sever advantag blood replacements."} {"id": "9209", "contents": "artifici blood come in. artifici blood work real blood -- sometimes, can't even replac lost blood volume. instead, carri oxygen situat person' red blood cell can't own. reason, artifici blood often call oxygen therapeutic."} {"id": "9210", "contents": "abstract. artifici blood product made act substitut red blood cells. true blood serv mani differ functions, artifici blood design sole purpos transport oxygen carbon dioxid throughout body. product artifici blood done varieti ways. hemoglobin-bas products, involv isol synthes hemoglobin, molecular modif reconstitut artifici blood formula. pfc product involv polymer reaction."} {"id": "9211", "contents": "blood substitut (also call artifici blood blood surrogates) substanc use mimic fulfil function biolog blood. aim provid altern blood transfusion, transfer blood blood-bas product one person another. first perfluorocarbon (pfc), chemic compound carri releas oxygen. specif pfc usual use perfluorodecalin. second haemoglobin deriv humans, animals, artifici via recombin technology, via stem cell product red blood cell vitro."} {"id": "9212", "contents": "artifici blood. artifici blood product made act substitut red blood cells. true blood serv mani differ functions, artifici blood design sole purpos transport oxygen carbon dioxid throughout body. depend type artifici blood, produc differ way use synthet production, chemic isolation, recombin biochem technology. develop first blood substitut date back earli 1600s, search ideal blood substitut continues."} {"id": "9213", "contents": "artifici blood may use blood substitut medic procedures. one type artifici blood carri oxygen. artifici blood use medic emergencies. 10 extrem place earth. artifici blood basic filler human cardiovascular system use medic procedur treat certain conditions. also known blood surrog blood substitute, although act full substitut blood, help take space carri import gases. two main categori artifici blood: oxygen therapeutics, blood carri oxygen, volum expand inert blood"} {"id": "9214", "contents": "artifici blood use substitut blood. artifici blood act full substitut blood. blood volum reduc particular point remain blood cell bodi die due lack oxygen cells. well cannot lot function blood perform use situat immedi oxygen requir bodi person enough red blood cell perform tasks. artifici blood also known oxygen therapeutic."} {"id": "9215", "contents": "lay eggs. femal robin lay one small blue egg day total three five eggs. feed earthworm morn order ensur bodi energi handl physic demand lay egg. egg laid, may limit time spend sit nest. mother robin must keep egg healthi temperatur ensur embryo develop normally. robin' bodi temperatur approxim 104 degre kept steadi insul properti feathers. egg receiv bodi heat directly, mother robin develop brood patch."} {"id": "9216", "contents": "prepar nest. lay eggs, femal robin, help mate, build nest twigs, mud dri grass. finish nest circular deep enough safe cradl egg and, later, nestlings. nest-build take robin two six days. mother robin must keep egg healthi temperatur ensur embryo develop normally. robin' bodi temperatur approxim 104 degre kept steadi insul properti feathers. egg receiv bodi heat directly, mother robin develop brood patch."} {"id": "9217", "contents": "turkey egg usual take 21 28 day hatch depend incub like incub hen. also depend fertil care for. usual take closer 28 days. american robin see egg hatch fourteen days, mate season last april july."} {"id": "9218", "contents": "fledg occur 14-16 day hatching. nest mud cup line soft grass reinforc grass twigs. nest usual place tree, ledge, windowsill. http://www.bird-friends.com/birdpage.php... hatch 12-14 day mother began incub eggs, babi fledg (leav nest) 14-16 day that. remember, though, first leav nest, yet flying, need care pet children may area"} {"id": "9219", "contents": "a. robin die first year. lifespan goe dramat one surviv critic time, they'v learn mani import life skills. surviv first year, wild robin live 6. february, 2001, longest-liv band wild robin ever record surviv 13 year 11 months, accord bird band laboratori patux wildlif research center."} {"id": "9220", "contents": "breed season last april juli american robin, egg hatch fourteen days. european robin begin mate season march, gg hatch roughli time frame. american robin see egg hatch fourteen days, mate season last april july."} {"id": "9221", "contents": "that' pretti smart! mean babi hatch close time. mother robin may start incub egg even second egg laid, egg laid. sit egg 12 14 days. femal usual incubating. even good weather, rare leav egg 10 minut time."} {"id": "9222", "contents": "a: robin incub egg 12 14 days. hatched, nestl remain nest anoth 14 16 day fledging. a: yes, normal femal complet clutch eggs. femal songbird typic lay one egg morn four five day clutch complete."} {"id": "9223", "contents": "mean babi hatch close time. mother robin may start incub egg even second egg laid, egg laid. sit egg 12 14 days. femal usual incubating. even good weather, rare leav egg 10 minut time. robin usual lay four egg stop. like birds, lay one egg day clutch complete. remov one egg day, kind bird keep lay long time, stop lay clutch egg feel right underneath them."} {"id": "9224", "contents": "hatching. 12 16 days, egg readi hatch, usual one day order laid. like birds, chick use egg tooth---a sharp hook end beak---to poke hole shell. mother robin must keep egg healthi temperatur ensur embryo develop normally. robin' bodi temperatur approxim 104 degre kept steadi insul properti feathers. egg receiv bodi heat directly, mother robin develop brood patch."} {"id": "9225", "contents": "certain murmur occur differ time heartbeat, often indic caus murmur. example, patient mitral valv stenosis, murmur normal occur diastol phase. mitral valv regurgitation, hand, typic present systol phase. mitral valv locat heart left ventricl left atrium, two heart' four chambers. blood, return lung oxygenated, fill left atrium, mitral valv open allow blood flow left ventricle."} {"id": "9226", "contents": "two type murmurs. function murmur physiolog murmur heart murmur primarili due physiolog condit outsid heart. type murmur due structur defect heart itself. function murmur benign (an innoc murmur )."} {"id": "9227", "contents": "primari mitral valv regurgit caus abnorm mitral valve. secondari mitral valv regurgit caus abnorm left ventricl heart. possibl caus mitral valv regurgit include: mitral valv prolapse. condition, leaflet tendon-lik cord support mitral valv weaken stretch contract left ventricle, valv leaflet bulg (prolapse) left atrium. mitral valv regurgitation, mitral valv close tightly. heartbeat, blood left ventricl flow backward left atrium instead move forward aorta. essenti mean heart pull blood backward."} {"id": "9228", "contents": "mitral regurgit (mr) incompet mitral valv caus flow left ventricl (lv) left atrium ventricular systole. mr primari (common caus mitral valv prolaps rheumat fever) secondari lv dilat infarction. complic includ progress heart failure, arrhythmias, endocarditis. symptom sign includ palpitations, dyspnea, holosystol apic murmur."} {"id": "9229", "contents": "mitral valv prolaps condit two valv flap mitral valv close smoothli evenly. mitral valv prolaps also known click-murmur syndrome, barlow' syndrom floppi valv syndrome. symptoms, case may relat leak mitral valve, include: chest pain (not caus coronari arteri diseas heart attack). dizziness. fatigue. sensat feel heart beat (palpitations). short breath activ lie flat (orthopnea)"} {"id": "9230", "contents": "diagnosis. mitral regurgit usual diagnos base characterist heart murmur heard stethoscope. murmur distinct sound produc blood leak backward left atrium left ventricl contracts. mitral regurgit (mitral valv regurgitation, mitral incompetence, mitral insufficiency) leakag blood backward mitral valv time"} {"id": "9231", "contents": "exampl includ mitral tricuspid valv prolapse, mitral regurgit due papillari muscl dysfunction. mitral tricuspid valv prolaps caus mitral tricuspid regurgitation, respectively, find also similar (refer holosystol murmurs). however, associ midsystol click late systol murmur."} {"id": "9232", "contents": "mitral insuffici (mi) mitral regurgit mitral incompet disord heart mitral valv close properli heart pump blood. mitral compon first heart sound usual soft later displac apex beat, often heave. first heart sound follow high-pitch holosystol murmur apex, radiat back clavicular area. durat is, name suggests, whole systole."} {"id": "9233", "contents": "mitral valv prolaps regurgitation. mitral valv separ two chamber (atrium ventricle) left side heart. mitral valv prolapse, leaflet mitral valv bulg (prolapse) left atrium like parachut heart' contraction. mitral valv regurgitation, mitral valv close tightly. heartbeat, blood left ventricl flow backward left atrium instead move forward aorta. essenti mean heart pull blood backward."} {"id": "9234", "contents": "2013, unit state tobacco industri initi u.s. tobacco good agricultur practic (gap) program. present, u.s. tobacco gap program organ hous gap connections, inc. knoxville, tennessee."} {"id": "9235", "contents": "overall, 2.1 million farm type unit state 2012, use 914 million acres, mean tobacco farm account less half one percent total number u.s. farm u.s. farm acreage. tobacco farm revenu total $1.5 billion less one half percent total u.s. farm incom ($394.6 billion). rank number tobacco farm 1. kentucki 4,530 2. north carolina 1,682 3. pennsylvania 1,312 4. tennesse 935 5."} {"id": "9236", "contents": "accord nc dept agriculture: tobacco histor major cash crop north carolina remain one state' predomin farm commodities. north carolina produc almost three-quart flue-cur tobacco grown unit states. 1939, state harvest record high number acr 851,000 acres."} {"id": "9237", "contents": "farm unit state produc nearli 800 million pound tobacco 2012. 2012, tobacco grown 19 u.s. states, north carolina, kentucky, georgia account nearli 80% production. 2012, tobacco compani spent $9.6 billion market cigarett smokeless tobacco unit state alone. amount translat $26 million day, $1 million everi hour. 1."} {"id": "9238", "contents": "burley tobacco varieti tobacco grown kentucky, tennessee, state appalachian us. 2012, kentucki produc 74 percent us burley tobacco crop. [21] burley tobacco harvest stalk, harvest done primarili hand difficult, labor-intens process."} {"id": "9239", "contents": "lead tobacco produc state u.s. includ north carolina, kentucki georgia. north carolina lie virginia-carolina tobacco belt top list 2014 tobacco product 453 million pounds. unit states, legal smoke age vari state start around 18 years. lead tobacco produc u.s. state 2013 2014 (in 1,000 pounds). statist show lead u.s. state base tobacco product 2013 2014. kentucky, 214.3 million pound tobacco produc 2014."} {"id": "9240", "contents": "confid vote 38. tobacco grown warm climat world. green, leafi plant. unit state state tobacco grown within virginia, kentucki central tennessee. exampl type tobacco grown: brightleaf tobacco, brightleaf commonli known virginia tobacco, often regardless state planted. orient tobacco, sun-cured, highli aromatic, small-leaf varieti (nicotiana tabacum) grown turkey, greece, bulgaria, macedonia. orient tobacco frequent refer turkish tobacco, region histor part ottoman empire."} {"id": "9241", "contents": "aromat fire-cured, cure smoke open fires. unit states, grown northern middl tennessee, central kentucki virginia. fire-cur tobacco grown kentucki tennesse use chew tobaccos, moist snuff, cigarettes, condiment pipe tobacco blends. cigar tobacco grown signific quantiti brazil, cameroon, cuba, dominican republic, honduras, indonesia, mexico, nicaragua, sumatra, philippines, eastern unit states."} {"id": "9242", "contents": "cigar tightli roll bundl dri ferment tobacco ignit smoke may drawn mouth. cigar tobacco grown signific quantiti brazil, cameroon, cuba, dominican republic, honduras, indonesia, mexico, nicaragua, sumatra, philippines, eastern unit states."} {"id": "9243", "contents": "unit states, grown northern middl tennessee, central kentucki virginia. fire-cur tobacco grown kentucki tennesse use chew tobaccos, moist snuff, cigarettes, condiment pipe tobacco blends. cigar tobacco grown signific quantiti brazil, cameroon, cuba, dominican republic, honduras, indonesia, mexico, nicaragua, sumatra, philippines, eastern unit states."} {"id": "9244", "contents": "esthetician salary. esthetician\u2019 salari unit state america around $31,720 per annum hourli wage around $13.90 per hour. hourli wage annual salari upper 10 percent esthetician around $24.47 per hour, lower 10 percent earn less $8.22 per hour. averag yearli bonu medic esthetician around $5,980 per annum commiss around $13,000. therefore, total annual salari medic esthetician rang $21,695 $50,598 per annum."} {"id": "9245", "contents": "accord bls, skin care specialist made median salari $28,940 2013. highest-paid 10 percent profess earn $56,930, lowest-paid earn $17,480 year. top-pay industri type work gener medic surgic hospitals, annual averag salari $47,430 outpati care centers, annual averag salari $45,620."} {"id": "9246", "contents": "highest pay states. washington offer highest pay esthetician annual mean wage $38,650, may 2009, accord bureau labor statistics. state offer high pay occup colorado, $38,340; california, $37,900; kansas, $37,350; maine, $36,790. industri offer highest pay esthetician gener medic surgic hospit industri annual mean wage $39,910, may 2009, accord u.s."} {"id": "9247", "contents": "medic esthetician salary. averag start hourli wage medic esthetician unit state rang $10.10 $21.71 per hour gradual increas $0.26 $6.69 around $8.07 $28.31 overtime. averag yearli bonu medic esthetician around $5,980 per annum commiss around $13,000. therefore, total annual salari medic esthetician rang $21,695 $50,598 per annum."} {"id": "9248", "contents": "averag salary: $37,520 per year. salari esthetician unit state around $37,000 per annum. averag pay $3,127 per month, $722 per week $18.04 hour. pay rang skin care therapist $19,000 $52,000 year. annual mean wage skin care specialist work outpati care occ around $48,000. alaska greatest state skincar therapist usa, earn averag $47,000 per year."} {"id": "9249", "contents": "averag annual salari esthetician rang $18,218 $48,539 per annum yearli bonu around $1,551 included. yearli commiss rang $13,000 $24,832. therefore, total annual salari esthetician rang $21,695 $50,598 per annum. averag yearli bonu medic esthetician around $5,980 per annum commiss around $13,000. therefore, total annual salari medic esthetician rang $21,695 $50,598 per annum."} {"id": "9250", "contents": "esthetician salaries. esthetician salaries. esthetician salari (median hourli wages, includ tips) $13.77 2010. lowest 10% earn esthetician salari $8.39/hr highest 10% earn $24.95/hr. correspond annual wage $29,000, $17,000 $52,000 respect"} {"id": "9251", "contents": "cosmet person care products, benzalkonium chlorid use formul shampoos, person cleanli products, skin cleansers, skin care eye makeup preparations. benzalkonium chlorid list cosmet direct european union annex iii annex vi. author use maximum concentr 3% rinse-off hair care product 0.1% products, must label condit use warnings."} {"id": "9252", "contents": "cir review: benzalkonium chlorid nonmutagen sever differ cell assays. skin ocular irrit concentr greater 0.1%. cosmet ingredi sensit human concentr 0.1%, may sensit among individu diseas skin. benzalkonium chlorid list cosmet direct european union annex iii annex vi. author use maximum concentr 3% rinse-off hair care product 0.1% products, must label condit use warnings."} {"id": "9253", "contents": "benzalkonium chloride, also known bzk, bkc, bac, alkyldimethylbenzylammonium chlorid adbac, class cation surfactants. organ salts, call quaternari ammonium compounds. benzalkonium chlorid mainstay phase-transf catalysis, import technolog synthesi organ compounds, includ drugs."} {"id": "9254", "contents": "depend purity, benzalkonium chlorid rang colourless pale yellow (impure). benzalkonium chlorid readili solubl ethanol acetone. although dissolut water slow, aqueou solut easier handl preferred. benzalkonium chlorid mainstay phase-transf catalysis, import technolog synthesi organ compounds, includ drugs."} {"id": "9255", "contents": "benzalkonium chloride. quaternari ammonium compound use surfac disinfect deterg topic antisept antimicrobi preservative. see also zephiran."} {"id": "9256", "contents": "benzalkonium chlorid frequent use preserv eye drops; typic concentr rang 0.004% 0.01%. stronger concentr caustic caus irrevers damag corneal endothelium. benzalkonium chlorid mainstay phase-transf catalysis, import technolog synthesi organ compounds, includ drugs."} {"id": "9257", "contents": "benzalkonium chloride. quaternari ammonium compound use surfac disinfect deterg topic antisept antimicrobi preservative. see also zephiran. exampl antisept alcohol, benzalkonium chloride, cetrimide, chlorbutanol, chlorhexidine, hydrogen peroxide, thimeros (or thiomersalate). agent toxic appli live tissu call disinfect use steril instrument apparatus."} {"id": "9258", "contents": "benzalkonium chlorid also use preserv eye, ear, nasal products, disinfect household cleaner floor hard surfaces. may find mouthwashes, hand face washes, spermicid cream well. aren\u2019t mani studi long-term effect benzalkonium chlorid skin, use hand sanitizers. one thing know review inform benefici skin."} {"id": "9259", "contents": "benzalkonium chlorid member quaternari ammonium class biocides, recogn dual biocid deterg properties. biocid efficaci depend capac act cation surfact bind disrupt cellular intracellular membranes, associ biochem processes. best answer: benzalkonium chlorid (alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride) mixtur alkylbenzyl dimethylammonium chlorid variou alkyl chain lengths."} {"id": "9260", "contents": "benzalkonium chlorid readili solubl water, alcohol, acetone. formul requir great care benzalkonium inactiv certain organ compounds, includ soap, must mix anion surfactants. hard water salt also reduc biocid activity. best answer: benzalkonium chlorid (alkyl dimethyl benzyl ammonium chloride) mixtur alkylbenzyl dimethylammonium chlorid variou alkyl chain lengths."} {"id": "9261", "contents": "commerci fit equip expensive, total cost vari base size gym type machin decid buy. light commerci treadmil start $2,000, regular commerci treadmil start $3,000. high-end model cost much $5,000 $10,000."} {"id": "9262", "contents": "gym equip leas averag cost. cost leas gym equip vari wide depend amount equip need, equip condition, credit score. gener guidelin machin like commerci treadmills, ellipticals, stationari bike leas $60 $100 per month. volum discount avail larg leases. leas gym pay amount machin expect depreci locat facility."} {"id": "9263", "contents": "accord consum reports, budget home treadmil run $300-$700; mid-rang treadmill, $800-$1,800; high-end treadmill, $2,000-$3,500."} {"id": "9264", "contents": "expert recommend buy budget treadmills, weslo good reput offer number treadmil $500. popular model cadenc c44, found around $290-$330 walmart.com amazon."} {"id": "9265", "contents": "price vari type treadmil compani rent from. novemb 2010, rent gym charg $95 per month rent proform 590t treadmil requir credit check. wright equip quot price $60 per month rent use horizon treadmill, requir two month advanc payment well"} {"id": "9266", "contents": "treadmil cost. accord consum reports, budget home treadmil run $300-$700; mid-rang treadmill, $800-$1,800; high-end treadmill, $2,000-$3,500."} {"id": "9267", "contents": "leas gym equip cost. monthli payment determin sever factors: total cost equipment, length leas credit rating. good credit, could leas $100,000 worth equip $2,500 $2,700 per month four years."} {"id": "9268", "contents": "view. comments. kri jenner offici wed fay resnick attorney everett jack, jr. sunday. 58-year-old interior design walk aisl fourth time kris' hidden hill mansion real housew beverli hill co-star kyle richard bridesmaid."} {"id": "9269", "contents": "date: 22 jun, 2015 report this. fay resnick american televis personality, model, actor interior designer. born juli 3, 1957in lo angeles, california, resnick' nation american belong white ethnicity."} {"id": "9270", "contents": "fay resnick (nee n\u00e9e faye) hutchison american televis person interior. design best known involv the.o. simpson murder trial appear real housew beverly. hill"} {"id": "9271", "contents": "fay paul resnick, wealthi hotel refurbisher, divorc amic 1991. faye' settlement net payout $194,000. daughter jacki state 1995: fay absolut worst [five] nightmar ex-wives."} {"id": "9272", "contents": "kri jenner seen offici wed good pal fay resnick everett jack, jr. hidden hill mansion sunday. bride wore white: fay resnick, part o.j. simpson' trial, got marri fourth time; seen bridesmaid kyle richards."} {"id": "9273", "contents": "realiti tv world colliding! real housew beverli hill guest star fay resnick wed longtim love everett jack jr. saturday, oct. 10, home anoth realiti star none kri jenner. photos: celeb wed 2015."} {"id": "9274", "contents": "fay resnick american televis personality, model, actor interior designer. born juli 3, 1957in lo angeles, california, resnick' nation american belong white ethnicity. per records, father abandon famili mother spanish took charg behalf hm."} {"id": "9275", "contents": "littl help longtim friend kyle richards, mauricio umansky, kri jenner, rick hilton, fay resnick marri woman."} {"id": "9276", "contents": "ronald reagan is, arguably, success actor history, catapult career warner bros. contract player televis star, serv presid screen actor guild, governorship california (1967-1975), lastly, two term presid unit state (1981-1989)."} {"id": "9277", "contents": "press foreign polici issu ronald reagan' first term cold war. dub soviet union evil empire, reagan embark massiv build-up u.s. weapon troops. implement reagan doctrine, provid aid anti-communist movement africa, asia latin america."} {"id": "9278", "contents": "ronald reagan summary: ronald reagan 40th presid unit states. born illinoi 1911. attend eureka colleg athlet scholarship, receiv job sport announc radio station iowa. reagan join warner brother studio 1937 seven year contract."} {"id": "9279", "contents": "life brief: ronald wilson reagan, 40th presid unit states, follow uniqu path white house. success career radio sport announcer, hollywood movi actor, televis host, turn polit elect governor\u2026 life brief \u00bb."} {"id": "9280", "contents": "ronald reagan republican presidenti nomin 1980 chose run mate former texa congressman unit nation ambassador georg bush."} {"id": "9281", "contents": "ronald reagan (1911-2004), former actor california governor, serv 40th u.s. presid 1981 1989. rais small-town illinois, becam hollywood actor 20 later serv republican governor california 1967 1975."} {"id": "9282", "contents": "ronald reagan, origin american actor politician, becam 40th presid unit state serv 1981 1989. term saw restor prosper home, goal achiev peac strength abroad."} {"id": "9283", "contents": "ronald wilson reagan (/\u02c8r\u0252n\u0259ld \u02c8w\u026als\u0259n \u02c8re\u026a\u0261\u0259n/ februari 6, 1911 june 5, 2004) american politician, commentator, actor, serv 40th presid unit state 1981 1989."} {"id": "9284", "contents": "follow asbesto pictur asbesto consult like identifi suspect asbesto contain materi gener nature. mean definit list product 3,000 product asbesto used. also asbesto use adhes glue carpet underlay usual black bitum material. first pictur asbesto carpet underlay second pictur black adhes glue underneath carpet may contain asbestos."} {"id": "9285", "contents": "asbesto pictur gallery. updated. asbesto natur occur fibrou miner known caus seriou form cancer call mesothelioma. import awar danger asbesto found ensur famili expos harm substance. find mesothelioma attorney."} {"id": "9286", "contents": "asbesto materi often use buildings. danger known, wide use insul spray coat ceil walls. later becam clear asbesto fibr caus seriou damag lungs. happen peopl breath asbesto dust. asbesto ban uk."} {"id": "9287", "contents": "article. asbesto group miner thin microscop fibers. fiber resist heat, fire, chemic conduct electricity, asbesto mine use wide construction, automotive, industries. asbestosis, inflammatori condit lung caus short breath, coughing, eventu scar lung make hard breathe. mesothelioma, rare cancer affect line lungs, chest cavity, abdomen. lung cancer"} {"id": "9288", "contents": "type asbesto fiber begin natur process aging, result asbesto dust. type asbesto somewhat differ look them. import know asbesto dust look like may recogn see it. asbesto hard identify. however, easier recogn form build insulation. insul contain asbesto fiber woven-in fire protection."} {"id": "9289", "contents": "asbesto take mani differ appearances, depend product found in. acoust decor finishes, asbesto fiber may appear textur compound like once-popular \u201cpopcorn ceiling.\u201d asbestos-laden insulation, zonolite, puffy, granul appearance. amosit asbesto commonli call brown asbestos, thank dark appearance. finally, crocidolit refer blue asbestos. despit color differences, type silic materi long, thin crystal make use varieti industri purposes, well deadly."} {"id": "9290", "contents": "save. asbesto name given group natur mine fibrou silicates. extrem effect thermal acoust insulator, also well known high tensil strength chemic thermal stability. qualiti asbesto make effect materi fire-proofing. check build wall plastered. asbesto use soundproof usual mix plaster. asbesto almost look like sprayed-on cement like materi trowel also friable. asbesto found build wall plaster 1981. dri wall chanc contain plaster. check thermal insul"} {"id": "9291", "contents": "chick starter feed fed chick week age. get local feed store. time, feed pullet grower feed 20 week (25 week heavi breed like cochin brahmas). switch lay feed. emerg feed crush hard-boil egg yolk first days. chick day week need feed starter feed. feed come forms: mash, crumbl pellets. mash powdery, sounds. pellet made compress mash, crumbl broken pellets. find mash wast never use it."} {"id": "9292", "contents": "feeding. broiler chick requir broiler starter feed first four week life. broiler starter feed least 20 percent protein, prefer 23 percent protein. four weeks, feed 19 percent protein feed (broiler develop finisher)."} {"id": "9293", "contents": "1. chang starter feed \u201cgrower feed\u201d purchas feed suppli store 10 weeks. protein level around 16 percent protein. bird use meat 20 percent protein grower feed. begin feed lay hen layer feed 20 week age. also use all-purpos feed; however, layer feed percent protein calcium content promot better eggshells. need 18 24 lbs. (8 11 kg) feed per week 10 chickens."} {"id": "9294", "contents": "you\u2019r rais layer hens: chick hatch six week age, feed chick starter feed protein level 20-22 percent. chick hit six week age, feed pullet grower (14 16 percent protein) age 20 weeks. avoid temptat feed hen much. costly, budget chickens\u2019 health! univers california-davi recommend follow feed layer hens: chick starter: 2.9 lbs."} {"id": "9295", "contents": "babi chick eat starter feed.. age, eat much bodi needs; regulate. starter use week move onto grower; combin starter grower, need look feed inform details."} {"id": "9296", "contents": "last year, first babies, chicken ladi maven recommend 12 weeks, mix chick feed adult layer feed, 50-50, 16-17 week so, total adult feed. also suggest hold extra calcium 20 week so, right start lay. keep starter start lay, switch layer oyster shell. that to. asham gospel christ: power god unto salvat everi one believeth; jew first, also greek.. roman 1:16."} {"id": "9297", "contents": "keep mine starter 8-12 weeks, grower (16.5%) 5-6 months. reason folk keep young grower start lay sometim develop fast due high protein content, lay prematur damaging. keep starter start lay, switch layer oyster shell. that to. asham gospel christ: power god unto salvat everi one believeth; jew first, also greek.. roman 1:16."} {"id": "9298", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. feed starter week old. feed grower almost fulli grown, feathers, feather littl down. size go get, give lay mash hens. pullet remain chick starter month longer. gradual chang feed best accept healthi birds. layer pellet mash mix start anytim bird 12 week old long show sign malnutrit illness."} {"id": "9299", "contents": "hi-. usual recommend chick starter week old switch grower begin lay, around 18-20 week (assum layers). wise switch layer feed, extra calcium nice, strong egg shells. scratch complet food."} {"id": "9300", "contents": "richard nordquist. definition: attitud belief one varieti languag superior other promot such. ardent promot prescriptiv call prescriptivist stickler. key aspect tradit grammar, prescriptiv character concern good, proper, correct usage."} {"id": "9301", "contents": "descriptiv base view assign superior statu one varieti languag often arbitrari like result socio-econom factor intrin linguist factors.. keyword languag literacy."} {"id": "9302", "contents": "linguist prescript (or prescriptivism) practic elev one varieti manner languag use another. one problem prescript tendenc favour languag one particular region social class others, thu milit linguist diversity."} {"id": "9303", "contents": "definit descriptivist. 1. advoc descriptivism. 2. note inform display differ unabridged. access complet unabridg dictionary, addit 300,000 word free dictionary, start free trial."} {"id": "9304", "contents": "richard nordquist. definition: nonjudgment approach languag focus actual spoken written. contrast prescriptivism. see also: grammar"} {"id": "9305", "contents": "advertisement. word usual appear free dictionary, definit premium unabridg dictionari offer limit basis. note inform display differ unabridged. access complet unabridg dictionary, addit 300,000 word free dictionary, start free trial."} {"id": "9306", "contents": "studi language, descript descript linguist work object analyz describ languag actual use (or use past) group peopl speech community. depend speaker' intent, ambigu desir (a joke humor) not. linguist descript consid descript adequ achiev one follow goal descript linguistics: descript phonolog languag question. descript morpholog word belong languag"} {"id": "9307", "contents": "definit descriptivism. 1. theori ethic accord descript empir statement meaningful. 2. advocaci use method descript linguistics."} {"id": "9308", "contents": "michelet, renaiss develop scienc art culture. assert span period columbu copernicu galileo; is, end 15th centuri middl 17th century. renaiss mark period european histori close middl age rise modern world. repres cultur rebirth 14th middl 17th centuries."} {"id": "9309", "contents": "harlem renaissance. origin call new negro movement, harlem renaiss literari intellectu flower foster new black cultur ident began harlem, new york world war end around 1935 great depression."} {"id": "9310", "contents": "renaissance. renaiss period great creativ intellectu activity, artist broke away restrict byzantin art. throughout 15th century, artist studi natur world order perfect understand subject anatomi perspective."} {"id": "9311", "contents": "gener characterist renaiss renaiss liter mean rebirth.. refer especi rebirth learn began itali fourteenth century, spread north, includ england, sixteenth century, end north mid-seventeenth centuri (earlier italy). term use renaiss itself, human repres shift contempl life activ life.. middl ages, great valu often attach life contempl religi devotion, away world (though ideal appli small number people)."} {"id": "9312", "contents": "finally, develop renaissance, protest reform movement profound implications, modern world general, specif literari history. term use renaiss itself, human repres shift contempl life activ life.. middl ages, great valu often attach life contempl religi devotion, away world (though ideal appli small number people)."} {"id": "9313", "contents": "harlem renaiss movement span 1920s. harlem renaiss name given cultural, social, artist explos took place harlem, new york. time, known new negro movement name 1925 antholog alain locke. movement also includ new african-american cultur express across urban area northeast midwest unit state affect great migrat (african american) harlem largest. harlem renaiss consid rebirth african american arts."} {"id": "9314", "contents": "saylor url: www.saylor.org/courses/hist201/#2.2.5 saylor foundat saylor.orgpag leonardo da vinci renaiss transform period european histori roughlyth fourteenth seventeenth century. cultur movement began initali eventu spread throughout europe."} {"id": "9315", "contents": "renaiss cultur movement span roughli 14th 17th century, begin itali late middl age later spread rest europe. influenc affect literature, philosophy, art, politics, science, religion, aspect intellectu enquiry. although renaiss saw revolut mani intellectu pursuits, well social polit upheaval, perhap best known artist develop contribut polymath leonardo da vinci michelangelo, inspir term renaiss man."} {"id": "9316", "contents": "period european histori refer renaiss time great social cultur chang europe. gener speaking, renaiss span 14th 16th centuries, spread across europ birthplac italy. european renaiss began northern itali 14th century. tuscan citi florenc consid birthplac renaissance. gradually, movement spread itali part europe."} {"id": "9317", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. limnic erupt rare natur disaster. carbon dioxid suddenli erupt deep lake water, suffoc wildlife, livestock humans. limnic erupt may also caus tsunami lake rise carbon dioxid displac water."} {"id": "9318", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. lake nyos, silti limnic eruption. limnic eruption, also refer lake overturn, rare type natur disast dissolv carbon dioxid (co 2) suddenli erupt deep lake water, suffoc wildlife, livestock humans. erupt may also caus tsunami lake rise co displac water."} {"id": "9319", "contents": "limnic eruptions. februari 14th, 2013 default tag carbon dioxide, co2, eruptions, gas, lake, limnic, methan, volcanic. limnic erupt rare, potenti deadli class natur disaster, toxic gase rapidli expel satur lake."} {"id": "9320", "contents": "crater lake nyos. limnic erupt rare natur event, disastr effect record two times, time cameroon, 1984 lake monoun, caus death 37 persons, 1986 lake nyos, take live 1700-1800 people."} {"id": "9321", "contents": "lake nyo limnic erupt locat northwest region cameroon, africa. lake nyo activ crater lake form volcan erupt centuri ago. lake nyo roughli one squar mile surfac area, maximum depth 690 feet."} {"id": "9322", "contents": "melt sea level would affecte\u00add. signific amount ice cover greenland, would add anoth meter (20 feet) ocean melted. greenland closer equat antarctica, temperatur higher, ice like melt."} {"id": "9323", "contents": "download video multi-year sea ice, ice surviv least two melt season arctic, shrink rapidly. anim show multi-year sea ice area, estim total volum multi-year ice arctic ocean, evolv 1980 2012."} {"id": "9324", "contents": "part due addit water ocean either melt calv iceberg world' land ice. mani individu mountain glacier ice cap known retreating, contribut rise sea levels."} {"id": "9325", "contents": "polar ice sheet melt faster ever. polar ice cap melt faster last 20 year last 10,000. comprehens satellit studi confirm melt ice cap rais sea level acceler rate. greenland ice melt."} {"id": "9326", "contents": "main ice cover landmass antarctica south pole, 90 percent world' ice (and 70 percent fresh water). antarctica cover ice averag 2,133 meter (7,000 feet) thick. antarct ice melted, sea level around world would rise 61 meter (200 feet). averag temperatur antarctica -37\u00b0c, ice danger melting. fact part contin never get freezing."} {"id": "9327", "contents": "best answer: ideal temperatur chinchilla 60-70 degrees. sure, temperatur littl bit higher that, start becom uncomfort them. anyth higher 80 degre may caus chinchilla overheat, lead death."} {"id": "9328", "contents": "there, temperatur humid rel low, thing pretti quiet. much possible, tri duplic surround chinchilla captivity. temperature, humidity, cage location. temperature: wild, chinchilla normal live rel high altitude-ov 12,000 feet. normal environment temperatur cool dry. therefore, captivity, best hous temperatur 55 70\u00baf."} {"id": "9329", "contents": "optimum temperatur chinchilla 60 70 degre fahrenheit low humidity. gener speaking, temporarili toler 76 degrees, 72-73 highest recommend temperature. basically, comfort thick winter sweater, they'll comfortable."} {"id": "9330", "contents": "winter month kept draft-fre spot. ideal temperatur chinchilla 68\u00b0 f. one owner reports, keep mine constant 58 love it. find activ temperatur 60 higher. chang diet need done slowly, mix new food old. chinchilla heavi dish easili knock over. inch (5 cm.) high ceram bowl nicely. also use metal feeder attach side cage."} {"id": "9331", "contents": "chinchilla need kept temperatur less 70 degrees. air condit must summer month live place get hot. keep chinchilla cool enough get heat stroke die."} {"id": "9332", "contents": "chinchilla overheat easily. cannot surviv temperatur 75f 50f. keep cage cool room lot air flow. make sure cage spot sunlight directli land them, caus overheated."} {"id": "9333", "contents": "male chinchilla sexual matur around age month femal month year. mean chin cannot get pregnant time, however. femal month old start go heat everi 25 35 days. chang diet need done slowly, mix new food old. chinchilla heavi dish easili knock over. inch (5 cm.) high ceram bowl nicely. also use metal feeder attach side cage."} {"id": "9334", "contents": "chinchilla need: size/temperatur anywher they\u2019r left (includ vehicles) appropriate. keep chinchilla indoor well-ventilated/dry/draught-fre housing, ideal 10-18\u00bac. hot/wet/humid/draughty/dirti condit may caus suffering/illness. size/temperatur anywher they\u2019r left (includ vehicles) appropriate. keep chinchilla indoor well-ventilated/dry/draught-fre housing, ideal 10-18\u00bac."} {"id": "9335", "contents": "hous chinchilla. chinchilla kept indoor pet toler fluctuat temperature. keep quiet room home low activ day. chinchilla kept cool, draft-fre area home."} {"id": "9336", "contents": "uniqu aspect beet green give calcium:magnesium ratio 1.6:1, comparison ratio turnip green 6.2:1, ratio mustard green 9.2:1. beet green beet root provid outstand nourishment. substitut spinach spinach recip beet greens: poach egg spinach. poach egg spinach mushrooms. mediterranean babi spinach salad. warm spinach salad tuna."} {"id": "9337", "contents": "mani nutrients, vitamin miner found beet beet greens. beet particularli benefici women pregnant, vitamin iron benefici new growth cell pregnanc replenish iron woman\u2019 body. buy raw beets, stem, root all. remov stem leav save use (also high nutrients). gentli wash beet, slice quarter steam 15 minutes. let cool add one half blender along carrots, coconut water, kale, pinch ginger cube ice. blend smooth enjoy."} {"id": "9338", "contents": "beet green nutrit facts. beet green young, leafy-top beetroot plant. indeed, beet top carri minerals, vitamin health benefit pigment antioxid taproot, yet come one low calori leafy-greens. beet plant reach feet ground surfac height. depend upon cultivar type, long petiol leav may featur pink, light green, white crimson red vein broad, deep-green succul leaves. top sought leav young, tender crispy."} {"id": "9339", "contents": "whether like salad, saute ad soup, beet green boost nutrient dish they'r ad to. even though nutrients, especi vitamin c, lost green cooked, compar 1-cup serv raw cook beet greens, gain nutrient cook version."} {"id": "9340", "contents": "bone need vitamins, too. dark, leafi greens, includ beet leaves, best sourc vitamin k. vitamin need make protein stop bleed clot blood. also need vitamin keep bone strong prevent osteoporosis. even though nutrients, especi vitamin c, lost green cooked, compar 1-cup serv raw cook beet greens, gain nutrient cook version."} {"id": "9341", "contents": "leav also rich sourc miner like magnesium, copper, calcium, sodium, potassium, iron, manganese, phosphorus. potassium import compon cell bodi fluid help control heart rate blood pressur counter effect sodium. beet plant reach feet ground surfac height. depend upon cultivar type, long petiol leav may featur pink, light green, white crimson red vein broad, deep-green succul leaves. top sought leav young, tender crispy."} {"id": "9342", "contents": "beet green excel sourc vitamin k, vitamin (in form carotenoids), vitamin c, copper, potassium, manganese, vitamin b2, magnesium, vitamin e, fiber, calcium. good sourc iron, vitamin b1, b6, pantothen acid, well phosphoru protein. substitut spinach spinach recip beet greens: poach egg spinach. poach egg spinach mushrooms. mediterranean babi spinach salad. warm spinach salad tuna."} {"id": "9343", "contents": "health benefit beet greens. besid suppli good amount protein, phosphorus, zinc, beet green also great sourc fiber. pack antioxidants, they\u2019r high vitamin b6, magnesium, potassium, copper, manganese, low fat cholesterol. enjoy beet green salad leafi vegetables, saut saut\u00e9 bit oliv oil balsam vinegar salt delici side. dish\u2019her great: tip find mani beet, greens\u2019don throw them. away freez use soup. stock"} {"id": "9344", "contents": "beet top one versatil nutriti green leafi vegetables. green inde low calories; 100 hold 22 calories. nonetheless, one healthiest green recommend diet low fat, cholesterol health benefit vitamins, miner anti-oxidants. beet plant reach feet ground surfac height. depend upon cultivar type, long petiol leav may featur pink, light green, white crimson red vein broad, deep-green succul leaves. top sought leav young, tender crispy."} {"id": "9345", "contents": "addit nutrient highlight rate chart, in-depth nutrit profil beet green also available. profil includ inform full array nutrients, includ carbohydrates, sugar, solubl insolubl fiber, sodium, vitamins, minerals, fatti acids, amino acid more. substitut spinach spinach recip beet greens: poach egg spinach. poach egg spinach mushrooms. mediterranean babi spinach salad. warm spinach salad tuna."} {"id": "9346", "contents": "mauritian temporari worker visa, peopl work organis mauritius. spousal visa partner visa, given spouse, civil partner de facto partner resid mauritian citizen. mauritian busi visa, particip short term commerc mauritius. mauritian transit visa, valid day less, transfer port mauritiu third destination. on-arriv visa mauritiu given port entry."} {"id": "9347", "contents": "mauritian tourist visa grant short period leisur travel busi activ permitted. mauritian transit visa, valid day less, transfer port mauritiu third destination. on-arriv visa mauritiu given port entry. mauritian transit visa, valid day less, transfer port mauritiu third destination. on-arriv visa mauritiu given port entry."} {"id": "9348", "contents": "order know apply, pleas click here. may appli long stay visa visitor visa intend settl franc (for exampl retiree) live 90 day per semester. caution: visa allow work france. applic appli visa obtain his/her countri resid prior leav france. may appli french consul washington dc resid one follow state delaware, district columbia, maryland, pennsylvania, virginia, west virginia."} {"id": "9349", "contents": "type mauritian visas. mauritian tourist visa grant short period leisur travel busi activ permitted. mauritian transit visa, valid day less, transfer port mauritiu third destination. on-arriv visa mauritiu given port entry. mauritian transit visa, valid day less, transfer port mauritiu third destination. on-arriv visa mauritiu given port entry."} {"id": "9350", "contents": "elig resid permit retir non-citizen 50 year age, above, must undertak transfer, local bank account mauritius, least usd 40,000 annually, equival freeli convert foreign currency. law provid minimum number day per year stay mauritiu occup permit resid permit. however, consid \u2018resident\u2019 tax purposes, stay mauritiu minimum 183 day per calendar year."} {"id": "9351", "contents": "inform explain need appli temporari work (short stay activity) visa (subclass 400). anyon includ applic must outsid australia applic lodg visa decided. visa. temporari work (short stay activity) visa (subclass 400) temporari visa let enter australia to: short-term, highli specialised, non-ongo work. particip event event non-ongo basi invit australian organisation."} {"id": "9352", "contents": "appli visa want enter australia to: short-term, highli specialised, non-ongo work. particip cultur social event invit organis australia, or. limit circumstances, particip activ work relat australia\u2019 interests. visa. temporari work (short stay activity) visa (subclass 400) temporari visa let enter australia to: short-term, highli specialised, non-ongo work. particip event event non-ongo basi invit australian organisation."} {"id": "9353", "contents": "use membership reward point part flight, vacat cruis book hotel book paid advanc book american express travel. use pay points, must charg purchas american express travel membership rewards\u00ae program-enrol american express card. elig purchas exclud car reservations, non-prepaid hotels, fine hotel resort hotel collect bookings."} {"id": "9354", "contents": "use point statement credits. redeem membership reward point directli statement credit card account. use point 20,000-point increment get $100 credit card account. this, again, best ratio points, point worth 1/2 penni scenario. use pay points, link card account charg purchase, american express deduct point program account, american express appli accompani credit"} {"id": "9355", "contents": "get doubl star ecoin premium member. one short descript comet, get anoth medal! also go someon else' sticker parti too. desper stickers, hold sticker parti fantag room. one short descript comet, get anoth medal! also go someon else' sticker parti too. desper stickers, hold sticker parti fantag room. step requir premium member. better becom premium member fantage."} {"id": "9356", "contents": "head household manag point famili pool account. adult start famili pool account head household. trueblu member get started. adult anyon age 21. adult anyon age 21. child anyon 21. upon accept invit begin pooling, famili member select mani point contribut upfront (with zero transfer fees) percentag point want contribut ongo basi per transaction."} {"id": "9357", "contents": "requir premium member regular member least 30 days, model citizen fantage. also earn medal write least 15 short descript event fantage. write day though. one short descript comet, get anoth medal! also go someon else' sticker parti too. desper stickers, hold sticker parti fantag room. step requir premium member. better becom premium member fantage."} {"id": "9358", "contents": "limousin program. valid new book made american express platinum centurion travel service. get two extra membership reward point dollar spend, must charg limousin american express platinum centurion card enrol membership reward program. card member must travel itinerari booked. use pay points, must charg purchas american express travel membership rewards\u00ae program-enrol american express card. elig purchas exclud car reservations, non-prepaid hotels, fine hotel resort hotel collect bookings."} {"id": "9359", "contents": "minimum, must individu famili pool account. head household manag point famili pool account. adult start famili pool account head household. trueblu member get started. adult anyon age 21. child anyon 21. upon accept invit begin pooling, famili member select mani point contribut upfront (with zero transfer fees) percentag point want contribut ongo basi per transaction."} {"id": "9360", "contents": "member purchas mint fare earn extra three (3) bonu point per dollar total six (6) point per dollar, jetblu oper flight book directli www.jetblue.com. trueblu mosaic member earn addit three (3) trueblu point per dollar spent. point earn base fare flight only. point earn govern taxes/fe fee charg (e.g., travel insurance, change/cancel fees, etc.). trueblu point subject trueblu program term conditions. term conditions. seat jetblu flight avail book use trueblu points. even more\u00ae space seat also avail applic extra fee. member earn three (3) point per dollar spent individu flight oper jetblue."} {"id": "9361", "contents": "shrestha speak newari languag (nepal bhasa) mother tongu also shrestha outsid kathmandu valley speak nepali mother tongue. newari languag (nepal bhasa) simiar tibetian languag term write speaking. shrestha nativ peopl nepal consid nepali-gorkhali like nepali mongolian cast magar, gurung, rai limbu. although shrestha follow hindu cultur unlik hindu, shrestha wear janai."} {"id": "9362", "contents": "use censu record voter list see famili shrestha surnam live years. question censu record vari place place, year year, gener find inform like name household members, ages, birthplaces, residences, occupations, etc. find peopl famili name shrestha live come unit states. use ancestry, search passeng arriv records, natur records, border crossings, emigr records, passport applications, even convict transport records."} {"id": "9363", "contents": "web sites. shrestha genealogy. welcom best shrestha genealog resourc found web. hope particip shrestha forums, great place find post inform shrestha genealog complet free participate. shrestha genealog mail list correspond share inform pertain famili histori shrestha surnam variations."} {"id": "9364", "contents": "\u00a9copyright 2004 2015 meaning-of-names.com-pow swigity, llc mean shrestha last name-surname-famili name shrestha."} {"id": "9365", "contents": "list hindu babi names, hindu babi boy name (male), girl name (female) hindu name mean compil variou resources. pleas use list hindu babi name reference/idea name kid/child. databas babi name compil variou refer suggest provid web site visitor resourc partners. mean shrestha hindu origin/cultur girl name histori fame details."} {"id": "9366", "contents": "shrestha consid hybrid peopl mongolian aryan. shrestha consid high rank cast among newar caste. shrestha use meat local home made alcoh worship god. shrestha tridit distribut local home made alcoh weed ceremony. shrestha nativ peopl nepal consid nepali-gorkhali like nepali mongolian cast magar, gurung, rai limbu. although shrestha follow hindu cultur unlik hindu, shrestha wear janai."} {"id": "9367", "contents": "word shrestha deriv nepal bhasa (newari bhasa) word syasya believ deriv sanskrit term sista mean 'noble'. syasya also mean 'warrior' nepal bhasa. shrestha nativ peopl nepal consid nepali-gorkhali like nepali mongolian cast magar, gurung, rai limbu. although shrestha follow hindu cultur unlik hindu, shrestha wear janai."} {"id": "9368", "contents": "\u09b6\u09cd\u09b0\u09c7\u09b7\u09cd\u09a0\u09be; \u0a36\u0a4d\u0a30\u0a47\u0a36\u0a4d\u0a20\u0a3e; \u0d36\u0d4d\u0d30\u0d47\u0d37\u0d4d\u0d20\u0d3e; \u0cb6\u0ccd\u0cb0\u0cc7\u0cb7\u0ccd\u0ca0\u0cbe; \u0ab6\u0acd\u0ab0\u0ac7\u0ab7\u0acd\u0aa0\u0abe; \u0c36\u0c4d\u0c30\u0c47\u0c37\u0c4d\u0c20\u0c3e; \u0bb7\u0bcd\u0bb0\u0bc7\u0bb7\u0bcd\u0b9f\u0bbe. name shrestha gener mean perfection, indian origin, name shrestha feminin (or girl) name. person name shrestha mainli hindu religion. name shrestha belong rashi kumbh (aquarius) nakshatra (stars) sathabisham. find qualiti aquariu (kumbh) find numerology, lucki number, lucki days, lucki color, auspici stone shrestha find chines zodiac sign birthston birthday find compat kumbh (aquarius) zodiac signs."} {"id": "9369", "contents": "shrestha celebr maha festiv diwali time although none hindu celebr festival. shrestha nativ peopl nepal consid nepali-gorkhali like nepali mongolian cast magar, gurung, rai limbu. although shrestha follow hindu cultur unlik hindu, shrestha wear janai."} {"id": "9370", "contents": "contact hous inspector. hous inspector requir inspect apart upon request. request inspection, call local town citi hall. hous inspector often locat local board health office, also places. boston, cambridge, worcester, contact inspect servic department. inspector may tell call landlord get landlord fix problem. rule prohibit inspector call landlord. however, law still requir hous inspector inspect property."} {"id": "9371", "contents": "time go insid hous get petit file five residences, said wallner. accord wallner, citi build inspector would inspect insid hous question. ask warrant need inspector enter house, wallner first said, no. we'v sinc 1960s.. ask would happen homeown refus allow inspector hous without warrant, wallner replied, get administr search warrant."} {"id": "9372", "contents": "violat remedied, citat issu code complianc depart author fix problem send bill. learn code complianc depart austin common code violations, visit www.cityofaustin.org/code/compliance/default.htm. pleas submit column suggestions, questions, comment thecommonlaw@austinchronicle.com. submiss potenti topic creat attorney-cli relationship, inform submit subject includ futur columns. johns, marrs, ellis. hodg llp, www.jmehlaw.com"} {"id": "9373", "contents": "one simplest way avoid citi inspect inspect properti often make repair inspector see property. side benefit, tenant see make inspections, like keep place better avoid give hard time. citi inspector often complet random inspect rental properti make sure code. sometim suspect may violations; properti inspect time."} {"id": "9374", "contents": "tax assessor. i'm inspect insid house. course, fourth amend say let in, don't, lose right appeal inaccur assessment, oh, way, get warrant come back can't say no."} {"id": "9375", "contents": "give reason inspect property. citi inspector often complet random inspect rental properti make sure code. sometim suspect may violations; properti inspect time."} {"id": "9376", "contents": "recent inspect septic system pass inspection. addition, drain wash machin greywat goe 300 feet crush stone. inspector told must tie drain septic system. recent inspect septic system pass inspection. no. titl specif requir tie-in separ laundri discharg long discharg inspect pass titl"} {"id": "9377", "contents": "violat fall within three categories: properti mainten illeg dumping, zoning, danger build housing. complaint neighbor necessari citi code inspector inspect property. learn code complianc depart austin common code violations, visit www.cityofaustin.org/code/compliance/default.htm. pleas submit column suggestions, questions, comment thecommonlaw@austinchronicle.com."} {"id": "9378", "contents": "live one famili house. disabl vet ,mi son live disabl vet. mom 73 work two jobs. yesterday get knock door.from town build inspector.they said, annonam complaint. illeg apart basement.ther mother... citi never issu certif occup unit. inspector inspect place inspector would recommend suggest correct need correct complianc citi code without anyon moving."} {"id": "9379", "contents": "lawyer think let in. similar boat file permit town inspector see house. bought hous town apprais said would come see home summer. comes...tim upgrades. question let house, feel measur need taken plan filed. feel ploy assess hous tax could raised."} {"id": "9380", "contents": "jackshaft, also call countershaft, common mechan design compon use transfer synchron rotat forc machine. jackshaft often short stub support bear end two pulleys, gears, crank attach it. jackshaft [edit]. oldest use term jackshaft appear involv shaft intermedi water wheel stationari steam engin line shaft 19th centuri mills. earli sourc new england mill 1872 1880, term jack shaft alway appear quot"} {"id": "9381", "contents": "definit jackshaft. countershaft; specifically: intermedi drive shaft automobile. advertisement. word usual appear free dictionary, definit premium unabridg dictionari offer limit basis."} {"id": "9382", "contents": "one first use term jackshaft context railroad equip 1890 patent applic samuel mower. electric-motor driven railroad truck, motor gear jackshaft mount side frames. jackshaft [edit]. oldest use term jackshaft appear involv shaft intermedi water wheel stationari steam engin line shaft 19th centuri mills. earli sourc new england mill 1872 1880, term jack shaft alway appear quot"} {"id": "9383", "contents": "origin jackshaft. 1jack (someth smaller) shaft. word usual appear free dictionary, definit premium unabridg dictionari offer limit basis. note inform display differ unabridg"} {"id": "9384", "contents": "a: oper mechan control access gates, barrier arms, commerci residenti garag doors. may set oper keys, key pads, telephon entry, radio intercoms, timers, cards, readers, electron sensors, payment system more. dgo access system integr business. a: trolley oper typic use standard section door commonli look like standard residenti garag door rail mount parallel ceiling."} {"id": "9385", "contents": "glomerulu tuft small blood vessel call capillari locat within bowman' capsul within kidney. capillari bowman' capsul lie mesangium. blood enter capillari glomerulu singl arteriol call affer arteriol leav effer arteriole. capillari line layer cell (an endothelium) uniqu structure, allow blood compon filtered, result ultim format urine. glomerulu receiv blood singl arteri call affer artery. affer arteri branch interlobular arteri cortex"} {"id": "9386", "contents": "glomerulu network (tuft) capillari red. blood flow via affer arteriol via effer arteriol (arrows). round, double-wal structur white bowman' capsule. glomerulu receiv blood singl arteri call affer artery. affer arteri branch interlobular arteri cortex kidney."} {"id": "9387", "contents": "wall affer arteriol contain special smooth muscl cell synthes renin. juxtaglomerular cell play major role renin-angiotensin system, help regul blood volum pressure. glomerulu receiv blood singl arteri call affer artery. affer arteri branch interlobular arteri cortex kidney."} {"id": "9388", "contents": "fill blanks: junction ascend limb nephron loo distal tube find group dens pack cell call the_____. cell come contact portion affer arteriol contain cell call the______. together, two call the_______."} {"id": "9389", "contents": "term. junction ascend limb nephron loop distal tubul find grp dens pack cell call ________.these cell come contact portion affer arteriol contain cell call ________.together, call _______."} {"id": "9390", "contents": "nephron compos 10 part affer arteriol glomerulu bowman' capsul effer arteriol proxim convolut tubul (pct) descend limb loop henl loop henleascend limb loop henl distal convolut tubule(dct) collect duct (not part nephron)."} {"id": "9391", "contents": "compos glomerulu bowman' capsule, renal corpuscl (or malpighian corpuscle) begin nephron. nephron' initi filter component. glomerulu capillari tuft receiv blood suppli affer arteriol renal circulation. glomerular blood pressur provid drive forc water solut filter blood space made bowman' capsule. bowman' capsule, also call glomerular capsule, surround glomerulus. compos viscer inner layer form special cell call podocytes, pariet outer layer compos simpl squamou epithelium."} {"id": "9392", "contents": "affer arteriol region contain specialis secretori cell (smooth muscl cells) call juxtaglomerular cells, secret renin. cell two things: monitor blood pressure, measur much arteriol wall stretched."} {"id": "9393", "contents": "bowman' capsul expans close end renal tubule. kidney' renal corpuscl compos tangl cluster blood capillaries, call glomerulus, thin-walled, saclik structur call bowman' capsule, surround glomerulus."} {"id": "9394", "contents": "nephron serv blood affer arteriole. vessel bring blood capillari tuft call glomerulus. blood leav glomerulu flow effer arteriole. usual arteriol flow venule. case effer arteriol flow capillaries, peritubular capillaries, and, juxtamedullari neuron (see below), vasa recta. (see figur 26.7) special cell call podocyt (foot cells) process call pedicel interdigit interlac produc open call filtrat slits. capillari fenestr order allow larg amount filtration."} {"id": "9395", "contents": "averag benefit specialist salari job post nationwid 31% lower averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "9396", "contents": "bureau labor statist inform state benefit specialist salari median pay rang $52,690 per year 2010. benefit specialist also earn $25.33 hour job. typic need bachelor\u2019 degre obtain posit benefit specialist. total number job avail benefit specialist 2010 442,200 expect grow 21% 2010 2020. growth rate faster averag compar careers. benefit specialist salari state. googl trend graph benefit specialist show consist interest hr field, typic spike dip year 2005 2013. even though interest benefit specialist fell slightli may 2006, realli pick octob 2012."} {"id": "9397", "contents": "$37,000. averag benefit specialist salari job post florida 7% lower averag benefit specialist salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "9398", "contents": "employe benefit specialist unit state pull averag $48k per year. incom employe benefit specialist vari wide depend perform components; bonus profit share occasion exceed $5k caus paycheck spread $32k low end $65k high end. vast major employe benefit specialist (90 percent) particip survey women. figur overview provid individu took payscale' salari questionnaire."} {"id": "9399", "contents": "(unit states). benefit specialist earn averag salari $46,558 per year. skill adp benefit system associ high pay job. peopl move job 20 years' experi career. job descript benefit specialist. read more... compani larg number employe hold company-sponsor benefit may benefit specialist. much specialist' work involv administr organization\u2019 health plan provid inform employe relat benefits."} {"id": "9400", "contents": "benefit specialist salary. benefit specialist averag salari $48,680, median salari $45,000 salari rang $33,030 $75,000. benefit specialist salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position."} {"id": "9401", "contents": "benefit specialist salari benefit specialist averag salari 56025 median salari salari rang 38000 74050 benefit specialist salari collect govern agenc compani salari associ real job posit"} {"id": "9402", "contents": "$60,000. averag dental assist salari job post arkansa 2% higher averag dental assist salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "9403", "contents": "home best pay dental assistants, seattl offer except salaries, 24 percent nation average. dental assist also look forward larg paycheck citi like charlott (+17 percent), new york (+10 percent), atlanta (+6 percent), chicago (+2 percent). dental assist gener earn higher incom experi field. salari rel untri averag around $28k, survey particip five 10 year experi earn significantli higher median $33k."} {"id": "9404", "contents": "salari certification. payscale.com report januari 2014 dental assist certifi dental assist (cda) credenti earn salari rang $20,868 $40,699. regist dental assist (rda) credenti made $23,338 $43,063. salari overview. accord u.s. bureau labor statist (bls), dental assist earn averag hourli salari $16.86 may 2012 (www.bls.gov). result averag yearli salari $35,080."} {"id": "9405", "contents": "$65,000. averag regist dental assist salari job post arkansa 2% higher averag regist dental assist salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "9406", "contents": "averag dental assist salari unit state $35k expect increas depend mani year experience. dental assist perform varieti task rang help dentist treatment procedur take x-ray schedul appointments. averag salari dental assist $36k $17 hour. lowest percentil earn $24k year, top percentil earn twice much. biggest factor fall experience, expect start salari closer bottom percentiles."} {"id": "9407", "contents": "dental assist make decent live state arkansas. accord bureau labor statist (www.bls.gov), averag salari dental assist arkansa $42,000. follow list sampl averag dental assist salari arkansas. www.indeed.com."} {"id": "9408", "contents": "(unit states). dental assist littl rock, arkansa earn averag wage $13.82 per hour. peopl move job 10 years' experi field. $10.30 $17.34"} {"id": "9409", "contents": "new search arkansa dental assist salariesnew searchwithin arkansa lot variat dental assist salaries. variat depend wide rang factor popul gener competit market. assist oral surgeri procedur direct supervis dentist. prepar arrang need tool instrument schedul procedures. hand necessari tool equip dentist provid assist treatment."} {"id": "9410", "contents": "dental assist salari wage state. much dental assist make vari state state. due differ cost living, level demand dental assistants, factors. 10 highest-pay state dental assist salari hourli wage:"} {"id": "9411", "contents": "fresh polyurethan walk soon sign wet finish disappear. may abl walk floor soon two hour appli wbp eight hour appli wbp. wait two day move furnitur onto floor finish wbp -- four day obp."} {"id": "9412", "contents": "accord research, normal take 4-6 hour polyurethan finish dri normal conditions. screen coat important. go www.nofma.org techin manual finish wood floors. 04-09-05, 07:58 pm #6."} {"id": "9413", "contents": "a: typic 24 hour last coat appli floor dri enough walk place furnitur on. even though floor dri finish still soft therefor must wait 10 14 day place area rug down. ensur floor cure properly."} {"id": "9414", "contents": "stain day dry. put urethan (water oil modifi satin). white mark look like someth spill ran one time. thing floor took stain mark weren\u2019t noticeable. urethan mark obvious."} {"id": "9415", "contents": "floor done guy said put three coat one afternoon (approx. 3-4 hour probabl less). floor look fine month start fade. kitchen floor great start give that. said put three coats."} {"id": "9416", "contents": "say polyurethane, long take cure (dry). speed dri process, use fan extra heat room? future, never use oil base anything."} {"id": "9417", "contents": "oil base polyurethan take longer dri water base poly. 24 hr walk floors. hour 24-48, walk floor socks. avoid shoe bare feet. and, make sure pet (who usual bare feet) walk floor time. 48 hr walk shoes."} {"id": "9418", "contents": "water base polyurethan dri faster. 4-6 hr walk floors. hour 6-24, walk floor socks. avoid shoe bare feet. and, make sure pet walk floor interval. hr walk shoes. days, move furnitur back."} {"id": "9419", "contents": "show' format similar cb 's perri mason (with matlock later perri mason tv movi 1980 creat dean hargrove), matlock identifi perpetr confront dramat courtroom scenes. andi griffith ben matlock unoffici matlock website. ben matlock tv acr page dedic ben matlock, includ notabl case synops list simpson quotes."} {"id": "9420", "contents": "matlock american televis legal drama, star andi griffith, ran septemb 23, 1986 may 8, 1992 nbc novemb 5, 1992 may 7, 1995 abc. total season 194 episod produced. ben matlock (andi griffith) daughter charlen (lori lethin) defend tv journalist steve emerson (steve inwood) accus kill linda coolidg (katherin cannon), ex-wife."} {"id": "9421", "contents": "matlock appear open scene episode, film remaind pilot shot. season episod 1: vacation. cliff first meet matlock, matlock wonder they'v ever met before. probabl due fact daniel roebock, play cliff, alreadi play charact show before."} {"id": "9422", "contents": "matlock american televis legal drama, star andi griffith titl role criminal-defens attorney ben matlock. andi griffith ben matlock unoffici matlock website. ben matlock tv acr page dedic ben matlock, includ notabl case synops list simpson quotes."} {"id": "9423", "contents": "'matlock' quiz hunt party. episod film manteo, nc, resid andi griffith, featur mani local guest star themselves."} {"id": "9424", "contents": "success crime drama switch nbc abc 1993 shot last three season wilmington. (although griffith' character, ben matlock, supposedli live practic atlanta, virtual seri previous film univers studio lo angeles.). griffith main reason televis came wilmington, said bill vassar, head eue/screen gem studio complex port city. seri film wilmington 1993 1995. chet spier, video produc work propmast matlock, rememb griffith profession gener actor stood cast crew member join christma celebrations."} {"id": "9425", "contents": "wikipedia: matlock american televis legal drama, star andi griffith titl role ben matlock. show origin air septemb 23, 1986, may 8, 1992 nbc, replac a-team, novemb 5, 1992 may 7, 1995 abc. total 195 episod made. nbc era, product film lo angeles, california. show move abc 1992, product film wilmington, north carolina 's eue screen gem studios. griffith' home state north carolina."} {"id": "9426", "contents": "long description: ben matlock' hous season matlock move wilmington, nc. matlock houses. one california film there. 2nd south port, nc start season show move film north carolina. exterior hous wilmington, nc used. quick description: hous attorney ben matlock season andi griffith' matlock."} {"id": "9427", "contents": "mani area residents, though, andi griffith man save wilmington film industry. griffith, born rais mount airi die tuesday morn age 86 home near manteo, north carolina' outer banks. drawn manteo roanok island sinc play sir walter raleigh long-run outdoor drama \\the lost colony\\ 1949 1953. seri film wilmington 1993 1995. chet spier, video produc work propmast matlock, rememb griffith profession gener actor stood cast crew member join christma celebrations."} {"id": "9428", "contents": "one specul futur guantanamo bay histori suggests, util habit ever changing. erin mahaney, geographi intern. locat four hundr mile mainland unit states, guantanamo bay guantanamo provinc cuba oldest oversea american naval base. also naval base communist country, one polit affili unit states. 45 mile naval infrastructure, guantanamo bay often call pearl harbor atlantic.. 1898, spanish american war unit cuba unit states. aid u.s., cuba fought independ spain. year, u.s. captur guantanamo bay, spanish surrendered."} {"id": "9429", "contents": "guantanamo bay detent camp unit state militari prison locat within guantanamo bay naval base, also refer guantanamo, guant\u00e1namo-g bay (gtmo 'pronounced'), gitmo front guantanamo guant\u00e1namo bay. cuba facil oper joint task forc guantanamo (jtf-gtmo) unit state govern guantanamo bay naval base. detain area consist camp delta (includ camp echo), camp iguana, camp x-ray (which closed)."} {"id": "9430", "contents": "u.s. naval base guantanamo bay oldest u.s. base oversea one communist country. locat southeast corner cuba, orient province, base 400 air mile miami, florida. terrain climat guantanamo bay make iguana banana rats. decemb 1903, unit state leas 45 squar mile land water use coal station. airfield locat leeward side main base windward side. ferri servic provid transport across bay. primari mission guantanamo bay serv strateg logist base navy' atlant fleet support counter drug oper caribbean."} {"id": "9431", "contents": "facts: base, sometim refer gitmo, locat southeastern cuba, coast guantanamo guant\u00e1namo. bay the.u. leas 45 squar mile base sit since. 1903 base share a-17 mile border with. cuba insid guantanamo bay u.s. naval base guantanamo bay held terror suspect sinc januari 2002. earli war terror, bush administr argu detaine enemi combat protect accord prison war geneva conventions."} {"id": "9432", "contents": "locat southeastern end cuba, guantanamo bay site u.s. naval base cover approxim 45 squar miles. base establish 1898 unit state assum control cuba spain follow spanish-american war."} {"id": "9433", "contents": "unit state naval station, guantanamo bay locat southeastern coast cuba. us militari oper highli controversi detain interrog facility, guantanamo bay detent camp, within naval station."} {"id": "9434", "contents": "1903, cuba sign treati leas guantanamo bay unit state use naval station, understand would reduc militari footprint u.s. island. sinc 2002, naval base contain militari prison, guantanamo bay detent camp, unlaw combat captur afghanistan, iraq, place war terror."} {"id": "9435", "contents": "base, sometim refer gitmo, locat southeastern cuba, coast guantanamo guant\u00e1namo. bay the.u. leas 45 squar mile base sit since. 1903 base share a-17 mile border with. cuba the.u. pay cuban govern approximately4,085 4085 year the. leas insid guantanamo bay u.s. naval base guantanamo bay held terror suspect sinc januari 2002. earli war terror, bush administr argu detaine enemi combat protect accord prison war geneva conventions."} {"id": "9436", "contents": "location. locat orient provinc southeast corner cuba, naval station guantanamo bay (gtmo) 400 air mile miami, fla. base caribbean excel climate, rel short raini season, beach swimming, scuba diving, snorkeling, fishing, boat opportunities."} {"id": "9437", "contents": "wikipedia: unit state naval station guantanamo bay (also call gitmo gtmo) locat 45 squar mile (120 km2) land water guantanamo guant\u00e1namo, bay cuba unit state leas use (coaling) fuel station follow the-cuban american treati of. 1903"} {"id": "9438", "contents": "pregnant women, common caus adnex mass corpu luteum cyst. nonpregn patients, common etiolog function cyst leiomyomata. 10. adnex mass character ultrasonographi cystic, solid, complex."} {"id": "9439", "contents": "adnex cyst fact save later. 1. 31. adnex cyst condit tumor form adnexa region. adnexa refer area adjoin uterus, includ ovaries, fallopian tubes, blood vessels, ligaments, connect tissue. patholog chang adnexa may origin uterus, bowel retroperitoneum. develop tumor adnexa region known adnexa cyst. caus adnex cyst. normally, common part menstrual cycle, ovari produc follicular cyst year. benign cyst need treat sinc disappear own."} {"id": "9440", "contents": "premenopaus women, adnex mass includ ovarian cysts, ectop (tubal) pregnancies, benign (noncancerous) malign (cancerous) tumors, endometriomas, polycyst ovaries, tubo-ovarian abscess. femal reproduct age, adnex mass physiolog complex masses. one import factor use determin clinic suspicion malign adnex mass sonograph appear mass. indic mass higher risk malign include: presenc loculations, nodules, papillari structures, septations, size greater 10 cm."} {"id": "9441", "contents": "adnex cyst happen women. anatom speaking, adnexa lie adjac woman\u2019 uteru compris fallopian tube ovari associ ligaments, connect tissues, blood vessel like. accord statistics, adnex cyst found women varieti ages."} {"id": "9442", "contents": "adnex mass frequent found symptomat asymptomat women. premenopaus women, physiolog follicular cyst corpu luteum cyst common adnex masses, possibl ectop pregnanc must alway considered. time, incid germ cell tumor increases; common type benign cystic teratoma (dermoids) dysgerminomas. follow menarche, adnex mass like follicular corpu luteum cyst ovary. nonneoplast ovarian mass found age group includ endometriomas, polycyst ovari tubo-ovarian abscess"} {"id": "9443", "contents": "re: adnex cyst (right ovary). like adnex cyst ovarian cyst. there' realli noth els adnexa would cyst. worri ultrasound tech abl locat ovary. right adnex cyst ovarian cyst? anyhow doctor found 3.7cm fluid fill cyst right side, ita sinc october, least detect know still there, get weird pressur sensat area pinch feeling."} {"id": "9444", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. adnexa region woman' bodi adjac uteru compris ovari fallopian tubes, along associ blood vessels, ligaments, connect tissu etc. adnex cyst cyst uterus. code: 621.8 disord uterus, nec actually, adnex cyst often ovarian cyst, think 620.2 would make sense."} {"id": "9445", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. adnex mass lump tissu adnexa uteru (structur close relat structur function uteru ovaries, fallopian tubes, surround connect tissue). adnex mass benign cancerous, categor simpl complex. one import factor use determin clinic suspicion malign adnex mass sonograph appear mass. indic mass higher risk malign include: presenc loculations, nodules, papillari structures, septations, size greater 10 cm."} {"id": "9446", "contents": "loculi. loculi comun provinc nuoro italian region sardinia, locat 140 km northeast cagliari 25 km northeast nuoro. 31 decemb 2004, popul 538 area 38.2 km\u00b2. loculi border follow municipalities: galtelli, galtell\u00ec, irgoli. lula"} {"id": "9447", "contents": "loculation. definitions: 1. locul region organ tissue, locul structur form surfac organs, mucou serou membranes, on. 2. process result format loculu loculi. definit inform locul provid stedman's. search medic dictionari here."} {"id": "9448", "contents": "n. pl. loc\u00b7ul loc\u00b7u\u00b7li (-l\u012b\u2032). small caviti compart within organ part anim plant, caviti within plant ovary. [latin."} {"id": "9449", "contents": "hawaiian island mani major landforms. landform includ kilauea, mauna loa, mauna kea volcanoes. major landform includ waimea canyon mt lanaihal island lanai."} {"id": "9450", "contents": "hawaiian island part empor seamounts. chain underwat (most it) mountain ocean. caus two things. one, plume mantl continu well below. two, pacif plate ride plume. big island hawaii youngest hawaiian islands. mani 1000' year new island southeast big island form ocean' surface. present grow ocean surface. source(s):"} {"id": "9451", "contents": "big island. hawaii volcano nation park (nps.gov/havo) big island encompass two activ volcanoes: kilauea mauna loa. observ kilauea' lava flow town kalapana east park. moreover, big island' mauna kea, world' tallest sea mountain, optim spot stargazing. measur 32,000 feet ocean floor extend 13,796 feet sea level. consequently, six main island -- oahu, big island, maui, kauai, molokai lanai -- offer varieti sightse opportun conduct array outdoor activities."} {"id": "9452", "contents": "hawaiian shield volcano largest volcano earth (e.g. peterson moor 1987) rise km ocean floor (see image), volum 42,500 24,800 cubic kilomet (not count subsidence) mauna loa mauna kea, respectively. origin written nasa-sponsor workshop hawaiian volcanism. hope review gain better understand process landform associ hawaiian volcanoes. mani process featur also found basalt volcano earth."} {"id": "9453", "contents": "best answer: hawaii' land area shield volcanoes: mountain made rel fast-mov basalt lava. extrem broad, steep. reason, fact volcano underwater, massiv volcano earth."} {"id": "9454", "contents": "travel comfort style salt lake city, ut twin falls, id largest interc bu service. new buses, premium amen conveni board make greyhound best bu servic ut. save money book greyhound bu ticket onlin today! earn destin point time travel. sign receiv 10% next greyhound bu ticket purchas earn point ride."} {"id": "9455", "contents": "drive distanc twin falls, id salt lake city, ut. total drive distanc twin falls, id salt lake city, ut 223 mile 359 kilometers. trip begin twin falls, idaho. end salt lake city, utah."} {"id": "9456", "contents": "mani mile st loui salt lake city? distanc start locat destin 1,374mi, (2,212km), take approxim 19 hour 13 minut drive time. block mile. block label increment 100, i.e. 100 east, 800 south, etc. origin commun grid, grid cover entir salt lake valley."} {"id": "9457", "contents": "travel time import point know drive distance. henc might also want know travel time salt lake citi twin falls, id. help estim much time spend travel distanc salt lake citi twin falls. want check map salt lake citi twin falls, id!apart trip distance, need road drive directions? refer direct salt lake citi twin falls, id!how much would distanc one could fli salt lake citi twin fall like bird staight line?"} {"id": "9458", "contents": "i-15 pass idaho 196 mile (315 km). interst 15 cross utah state line oneida county. highway run pocatello, blackfoot, idaho falls, intersect interst 86. last counti idaho interst 15 pass clark county. i-15 continu utah 401 mile (645 km). main north\u2013south connect state. highway approxim follow old align u.s. highway 91 st. georg brigham city."} {"id": "9459", "contents": "travel comfort style twin falls, id salt lake city, ut largest interc bu service. new buses, premium amen conveni board make greyhound best bu servic id. save money book greyhound bu ticket onlin today! earn destin point time travel. sign receiv 10% next greyhound bu ticket purchas earn point rid"} {"id": "9460", "contents": "sam' taxi cab offer pick drop servic mani south east idaho town cities, including: american falls, idaho falls, blackfoot pocatello servic also twin fall salt lake citi everywher between. check rate card now! flat rate surroud airports, includ pocatello, slat lake, twin falls, idaho falls. flat rate nearbi area includ blackfoot fort hall casino. need food small packag pick pocatello, 5$."} {"id": "9461", "contents": "i-15 begin near mexican border san diego counti stretch north alberta, canada, pass state california, nevada, arizona, utah, idaho, montana. interst serv citi san diego, la vegas, st. george, salt lake city, pocatello butte. also pass close urban area orang county, california, lo angel county, california, ogden, utah, helena, montana. i-15 continu utah 401 mile (645 km). main north\u2013south connect state. highway approxim follow old align u.s. highway 91 st. georg brigham city."} {"id": "9462", "contents": "averag monthli temperatur vari \u00b0c (12.6\u00b0f). indic continent type hyperoceanic, subtyp bare hyperoceanic. total annual precipit averag 1395 mm (54.9 inches) equival 1395 litres/m (34.22 gallons/ft). averag 1282 hour sunshin per year."} {"id": "9463", "contents": "averag temperatur georgia september. averag temperatur septemb cities, towns, park throughout georgia list degre fahrenheit celsius."} {"id": "9464", "contents": "averag annual temperatur 1.7 degre celsiu (35 degre fahrenheit). see temperatur page monthli breakdown fix scale graph. averag monthli temperatur vari \u00b0c (12.6\u00b0f)."} {"id": "9465", "contents": "virginia averag 10 day frozen precipit year, north carolina averag six days. south carolina averag three georgia alabama least one day frozen precipit per year."} {"id": "9466", "contents": "southeast region climat center (sercc) includ virginia, florida, georgia, north carolina, alabama, south carolina state includ southeast. purpos inform provid below, state discussed."} {"id": "9467", "contents": "skink speci asia africa name johann gottlob schneider, german zoologist. perfectli smooth bodi lizard, found turkey, cyprus, israel, egypt, libya north african countri western asian countries. also commonli known berber skink."} {"id": "9468", "contents": "lizard crocodilian southeast asia. tiniest gecko inhabit people' hous huge monitor lizard metres, southeast asia' lizard evolv fill amaz rang ecolog niches. shapes, colour mode life region' lizard divers extreme."} {"id": "9469", "contents": "physic characteristics: skink smooth bodi lizard sleek scales, long point tails, short chubbi leg flat stubbi feet. skink seem true necks, head flow grace body. skink short snout small eyes."} {"id": "9470", "contents": "mani snake differ sizes, well chameleons, geckos, lizards, skinks, iguanas, spider huge tortoises. rodents, salamanders, lizards, geckos, skink shed tails. also eat small birds, snakes, lizards, skinks."} {"id": "9471", "contents": "divers group lizard smooth-bodi skinks: often overlooked, elus anim master quietli disappear view. exampl shown give snapshot introduct complex world southeast asia' lizard ..."} {"id": "9472", "contents": "exampl sentences. mani snake differ sizes, well chameleons, geckos, lizards, skinks, iguanas, spider huge tortoises. rodents, salamanders, lizards, geckos, skink shed tails. also eat small birds, snakes, lizards, skinks."} {"id": "9473", "contents": "taylor lautner what, who. actor well known role jacob black twilight seri movies. also play sharkboy sharkboy lavagirl, elliot murtaugh cheaper dozen 2. 28 peopl found useful."} {"id": "9474", "contents": "taylor daniel lautner born februari 11, 1992, grand rapids, michigan. one sibling: sister name makena. lautner best known actor role jacob black stepheni meyer' twilight movi series. synopsis. taylor lautner born februari 11, 1992, grand rapids, michigan. studi karat young age sever championships. lautner made film debut robert rodriguez' adventur sharkboy lavagirl."} {"id": "9475", "contents": "lautner born februari 11, 1992, grand rapids, michigan, deborah daniel lautner. mother work softwar develop company, father midwest airlin pilot. one younger sister name makena. rais roman catholic, lautner austrian, english, german, swiss-german, french, irish, dutch heritage, state distant nativ american ancestri (specif ottawa potawatomi), mother. taylor grew hudsonville, michigan, town near grand rapids."} {"id": "9476", "contents": "earli life edit. taylor daniel lautner born grand rapids, michigan parents, deborah, dan lautner februari 11, 1992. ask play nativ american charact jacob black 2008 film, twilight, reveal nativ ancestry, specif ottawa potawatomi. taylor daniel lautner (born februari 11, 1992) appear movi seri jacob black, best friend twilight 's protagonist, bella swan. jacob human boy turn werewolf film new moon, becom one main charact seri"} {"id": "9477", "contents": "mini bio (1). taylor daniel lautner born grand rapids, michigan parents, deborah, softwar compani worker, daniel lautner, pilot midwest airlines. he, younger sister makena, rais well-mannered, roman cathol household hudsonville, michigan. taylor' ancestri includ austrian, english, german, swiss-german, french, irish, dutch. taylor' patrilin ancestri trace back great-great-great-grandfather, edward m. lautner, born austria, c. 1848, wenzel lautner helen quiezer."} {"id": "9478", "contents": "taylor lautner american actor, model, martial artist. star 2008 film twilight four sequels/follow-up films. taylor\u2019 document ancestri includ austrian, english, german, swiss-german, french, dutch. pictur taylor parent sister seen here. clear nativ ancestri publicli verified/confirmed. taylor\u2019 patern grandfath loren joseph lautner (the son lavern franci lautner maxin w. draper). loren austrian, english, german, swiss-german ancestry."} {"id": "9479", "contents": "appli u.s. passport. depart homeland secur provid inform passport applic process, obtain visa, border cross documents, gener travel tips."} {"id": "9480", "contents": "util ds-11 form appli renew passport. minor appli renew passport book card pay applic fee $95 execut fee $25. look obtain minor book need pay $80 applic fee $25 execut fee. resid unit state america desir travel outsid countri need passport. appli first time need appli person passport agency, u.s. embassy, u.s. consulate, passport applic accept facility."} {"id": "9481", "contents": "cost passport vari depend type servic require, quickli need get applic process addit servic might need. applic fee servic rang $15 passport card minor $110 new passport renewal. execut fee $25 mandatori submit form ds-11. paid agent adjud application. fee option servic $60 expedit service, $14.85 overnight deliveri new passport $150 file search."} {"id": "9482", "contents": "need passport within next 20 days, need appli person one passport offic locations. mani locat also offer pick up, express urgent servic extra fee. alreadi passport, cancel must submit application. appli passport adult outsid canada unit states. submit applic nearest govern canada passport issu offic abroad. happen canada, appli person passport offic servic fee apply. appli passport must canadian citizen 16 year age"} {"id": "9483", "contents": "routin expedit passport fees. passport applic fee execut fee (new passport only) mandatori fees. sever option fee one expedit service, overnight deliveri file search. fee list below. relat link also provid inform passport applic process. import note total cost get passport sum fee paid u.s. government. addit expens"} {"id": "9484", "contents": "addit passport fees. accept agent fee: passport accept agent fee requir passport applic expect passport renewal. fee feder agent wit signatur passport application."} {"id": "9485", "contents": "passport fee payabl lodg application. fee appli provis australian passport (applic fees) act 2005 australian passport determin 2005. subject cpi adjust januari year. gst payabl passport fees."} {"id": "9486", "contents": "post offic locat accept passport applic offer product servic need first-tim passport renew passport application. locations, passport photo taken on-sit addit fee. schedul appoint depart state passport agency. get passport hurri prioriti mail express track applic mail mail applic prioriti mail express prioriti mail\u00ae services, usp tracking\u00ae includ free."} {"id": "9487", "contents": "note: appli region agenc travel within weeks, need foreign visa within weeks. either case, must schedul appoint visit call autom appoint system (877) 487-2778. extra fee make appointment."} {"id": "9488", "contents": "orcad 9.2 lite edit get start guid instal orcad pspice releas 9.2 lite edit 1. insert cadenc cd cd-rom drive 2. select product instal ue captur schemat entri applic must instal captur ci gray o. ut"} {"id": "9489", "contents": "cadenc orcad pcb design contain fulli integr design flow includ constraint manager, design captur technology, compon tools, pcb editor, auto/interact router, interfac manufactur mechan cad. extens featur set address wide rang design manufactur challenges. orcad pcb design orcad pcb design pspice includ cadenc specctra\u00ae orcad, market-lead pcb solut automat interact interconnect routing."} {"id": "9490", "contents": "orcad captur schemat captur application, part orcad circuit design suite. unlik ni multisim, captur contain in-built simul features, export netlist data simulator, orcad ee. found 1985 john durbetaki, ken keith seymour \u201corcad system corporation\u201d hillsboro, oregon, compani becam supplier desktop electron design autom (eda) software. 1984 durbetaki began design expans chassi ibm pc."} {"id": "9491", "contents": "orcad proprietari softwar tool suit use primarili electron design autom (eda). softwar use mainli electron design engin electron technician creat electron schemat electron print manufactur print circuit boards. found 1985 john durbetaki, ken keith seymour \u201corcad system corporation\u201d hillsboro, oregon, compani becam supplier desktop electron design autom (eda) software. 1984 durbetaki began design expans chassi ibm pc."} {"id": "9492", "contents": "orcad pcb design print circuit board design application, part orcad circuit design suite. pcb design includ variou autom featur pcb design, board-level analysi design rule check (drc). found 1985 john durbetaki, ken keith seymour \u201corcad system corporation\u201d hillsboro, oregon, compani becam supplier desktop electron design autom (eda) software. 1984 durbetaki began design expans chassi ibm pc."} {"id": "9493", "contents": "find orcad 10.3 entri click instal now, right. agre licens requir next screen. follow page, click step install. next file download page, choos either run save. basic idea run applic instal local drive use xweb interface. requir 750 mb disk space, log local system administr privileges. begin go xweb page: xweb.slac.stanford.edu."} {"id": "9494", "contents": "cadenc orcad pcb design pspice compris three main applications.captur use drawn circuit screen, known formal schemat capture. itoff great \ufb02exibl compar tradit pencil paper drawing, designchang incorpor error correct quickli easily. manual also instal pdf \ufb01les.som command use often button keyboard shortcut well.mani shortcut use unmodi\ufb01 letters, place part, need ctrlor alt key. function button bars, shown \ufb01gure next page.1."} {"id": "9495", "contents": "orcad ee pspice spice circuit simul applic simul verif analog mixed-sign circuits. orcad ee typic run simul circuit defin orcad capture, option integr matlab simulink, use simulink pspice interfac (slps). found 1985 john durbetaki, ken keith seymour \u201corcad system corporation\u201d hillsboro, oregon, compani becam supplier desktop electron design autom (eda) software. 1984 durbetaki began design expans chassi ibm pc."} {"id": "9496", "contents": "one popular one orcad. orcad power intuit tool design print circuit boards. demo version offer possibl evalu follow functions: orcad capture, orcad captur ci option, pspice a/d, pspice a/a, orcad pcb editor specctra. download orcad creat designs, gener netlist, pathways,..."} {"id": "9497", "contents": "set form secur agreement ppsa. accordingli typic fix float charg need minor chang word (reflecting, example, fact charg regist asic corpor act instead regist ppsr ppsa. section 339 ppsa remov need parti chang terminolog fix float charg agreement deal construct refer fix charg float charg law secur agreements, translat languag ppsa."} {"id": "9498", "contents": "essenti two type charg 'floating' 'fixed'. 'fix charge' substanti physic assets-most commonly, equip vehicl plant. float charg relat asset materi subject chang day-to-day basis, stock. import right fix float charg holder prioriti unsecur creditors. fix float charg holder secur creditor insolv compani fix element charg actual proprietari interest company\u2019 property."} {"id": "9499", "contents": "corpor act, new charg compani requir regist asic within 45 day creation. asic form 309, togeth charg instrument, asic form 350 certifi mortgag duti paid, must lodg asic within timeframe. import right fix float charg holder prioriti unsecur creditors. fix float charg holder secur creditor insolv compani fix element charg actual proprietari interest company\u2019 property."} {"id": "9500", "contents": "fix float charge. definition: fix float charg form secur interest usual taken lender compani secur repay loan. compani grant charg usual refer chargor person whose favour charg grant typic call charge form secur call fix float charge has: true ingenu fix float charg permit chargor deal sell stock etc ordinari cours busi without requir consent chargor."} {"id": "9501", "contents": "assum charg validli regist asic within 45 day creation, next issu consid whether charg holder prioriti entitl asset debtor compani event liquidation. import right fix float charg holder prioriti unsecur creditors. fix float charg holder secur creditor insolv compani fix element charg actual proprietari interest company\u2019 property."} {"id": "9502", "contents": "monday 30 januari 2012 charg regist maintain asic, transfer person properti secur (pps) register. new pp regist part reform affect way busi consum deal secur financ australia. compani searches. monday 30 januari 2012 charg satisfi prior new regist commenc avail search asic register. histor search contain detail histor charg record asic' regist compani charges."} {"id": "9503", "contents": "common form bank lender secur compani fix float charge. compani breach term loan, bank lender demand immedi repay default claus loan bank lender may enforc secur issu notic breach demand. import right fix float charg holder prioriti unsecur creditors. fix float charg holder secur creditor insolv compani fix element charg actual proprietari interest company\u2019 property."} {"id": "9504", "contents": "articl discuss use regist debentur asset protect purposes. \u201cdebenture\u201d mortgag \u201ccharge\u201d whole asset undertak company, secur moni owe debenture-hold \u201cchargee\u201d. debentur also often describ \u201cfix float charge\u201d: 1. corpor act, kind charge, includ debentures, must regist lodg special form asic within 45 days. fail regist registr charg render void liquid administrator. 2."} {"id": "9505", "contents": "gener defin surfac region male femal pubic symphysi coccyx. perineum region bodi inferior pelvic diaphragm legs. diamond-shap area inferior surfac trunk includ anu and, females, vagina. human anatomy, perineum (/p\u025br\u0259\u02c8ni\u02d0\u0259m/ late latin, greek \u03c0\u03b5\u03c1\u03af\u03bd\u03b5\u03bf\u03c2 perineos) region bodi includ perin /p\u025br\u0259\u02c8ni\u02d0\u0259l/ bodi surround structures. variabl boundari defin"} {"id": "9506", "contents": "perineum locat region anu bottom scrotum. perineum area sex organ anus. men, scrotum anu woman, vagina anus."} {"id": "9507", "contents": "perineum massag techniqu intern perineum massage. male perineum soft tissu area locat base peni rectum. insert finger prostat massag rectum reach male spot. place two finger area, you\u2019ll feel rope-lik nerv area."} {"id": "9508", "contents": "perineum area skin rich nerv end locat anu (the open bowel movements). women, perineum extend vagin opening; men extend base testicles."} {"id": "9509", "contents": "perineum region thigh inferior pelvic diaphragm. boundari region pelvic outlet, name pubic symphysis, ischiopub rami, sacrotuber ligaments, coccyx. male perineum includ penis, scrotum, perin muscl urogenit triangle, along anal triangle. scrotum fibromuscular sac hous testes."} {"id": "9510", "contents": "search. perineum refer design section pelvic region. section locat pelvic area determin anus, well extern genitalia. found distinct diamond like resembl look downward male genitalia."} {"id": "9511", "contents": "perineum: area anu scrotum male anu vulva (the labial open vagina) female. episiotomi surgic procedur widen outlet birth canal facilit deliveri babi avoid jag rip perineum."} {"id": "9512", "contents": "wonder get rid perineum irritation, help know problem is. perineum irrit caus rough sex foreplay, male, perineum locat anu scrotum. female, it\u2019 locat anu open vagina, known vulva. cases, treat get rid perineum irrit home. supplies: mild soap. calamin lotion. cotton underpants. counter ibuprofen acetaminophen."} {"id": "9513", "contents": "averag per-cours pay report adjunct ohio state univers $4,853, compar averag $6,500 report univers michigan ann arbor. harvard pay adjunct $11,037, average, accord data adjunct submit far. mani adjunct also indic essenti shut particip form governance. overal averag pay report adjunct $2,987 per three-credit course. adjunct 16 colleg report earn less $1,000. highest pay report $12,575, anthropolog depart harvard univers"} {"id": "9514", "contents": "surprisingly, commun colleges, adjunct said paid much less. houston commun college, adjunct report earn $1,200 $2,200 three-credit english course. departments, adjunct said anecdot pay depend degre held. one adjunct professor history, example, report works, instructor ph.d.' earn $800 master' degrees. mani adjunct also indic essenti shut particip form governance. overal averag pay report adjunct $2,987 per three-credit course. adjunct 16 colleg report earn less $1,000. highest pay report $12,575, anthropolog depart harvard univers"} {"id": "9515", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. depend school. know peopl get paid $1000 per semest hour... $3000 semest per cours taught."} {"id": "9516", "contents": "averag adjunct faculti instructor pay vari commun college. 2006 report modern languag associ note commun colleg averag adjunct faculti instructor pay rang $1,397 $3,000 per course. commun colleg gener offer academ vocat educ programs. mani commun colleg instructor adjunct faculti paid teach specif courses. adjunct faculti pay commun colleg usual per-class per-semester-hour basis."} {"id": "9517", "contents": "salari rang adjuncts, however, consider higher lower, depend institution, specialti term employment. adjunct professor work instructor averag $45,977, adjunct titl lectur earn $52,436. comparison, adjunct make almost half salari full-tim tenur professors, whose salari averag $108,749. earn fluctuat discipline, educ human pay less medicine, engineering, law business."} {"id": "9518", "contents": "40 month ago. appli posit adjunct professor development studi depart two year colleg community. currently, work part time write tutor colleg much enjoy esl development students; howev would like learn program."} {"id": "9519", "contents": "highli educated, badli paid, often abus adjunct professors. teacher. anthoni russo times. accord american assn. univers professors, median pay adjunct professor $2,700 per three-credit-hour course. accord american assn. univers professors, median pay adjunct professor $2,700 per three-credit-hour course. (anthoni russo times)"} {"id": "9520", "contents": "faculti get $100,000, other get $20,000. adjunct typic earn $20,000 $25,000 annually, npr reports. compar averag salari $84,303 full-tim instructor professors, accord american associ univers professors. make level full tenur professor, look six-figur income. adjunct professor would need teach four class per year cover cost groceri family. adjunct professor would need teach three four class afford care heart attack certain boston hospitals."} {"id": "9521", "contents": "accord 2008 articl small step big chang website, adjunct faculti pay commun colleg also depend educ instructor. generally, articl notes, commun colleg adjunct faculti instructor paid $2,200 $3,500 per course. relat reading: math adjunct jobs. commun colleg gener offer academ vocat educ programs. mani commun colleg instructor adjunct faculti paid teach specif courses. adjunct faculti pay commun colleg usual per-class per-semester-hour basis."} {"id": "9522", "contents": "purchas come nice jar kambo's-th bodum rang particularli nice, varieti size colours, 600ml would perfect!: https://www.kambos.com.au/\u2026/kitchenwa\u2026/containters-jars.html."} {"id": "9523", "contents": "stage kwinana supa centr commenc later year. \u201ckambo\u2019 decis ancho winana precinct imperat iv ,\u201d mr gi smondi said. \u201cthere signific lack electr homewar good offer primari secondari catchments."} {"id": "9524", "contents": "cap malaga. phone: (08) 9249 7776 location: trade road, malaga, wa web: http://www.caps.com.au. cap malaga, make easier one stop shop compress air needs. stock comprehens rang compressors, air power tools, dryers, light tower generators."} {"id": "9525", "contents": "commit kambo\u2019 mean approxim 86% circa 6,000sqm space stage leas ahead offici handov april. tenant includ autobahn, jetts, stateswim, muzz buzz, well centr veterinari clinic, negoti underway remain space."} {"id": "9526", "contents": "kambo\u2019 homemak superstor anchor perth\u2019 first hybrid centre. \u200b. perth, 04 februari 2015 famili own electr homewear busi kambo\u2019 homemak superstor secur 2,000sqm showroom kwinana supa centr expand wa footprint."} {"id": "9527", "contents": "saw kambo onlin websit product want sale @$250 friday 2/10/15. good deal order one straight away paid credit card day. monday 5/10/15, price revert back $350. check order statu wednesday 7/10/15 still show 'pending'."} {"id": "9528", "contents": "new leas see kambo\u2019 anchor first stage kwinana supa centre, set becom perth\u2019 first true hybrid retail complex, incorpor mix shop centr showroom tenants."} {"id": "9529", "contents": "major endocrin gland includ pineal gland, pituitari gland, pancreas, ovaries, testes, thyroid gland, parathyroid gland, hypothalamus, gastrointestin tract adren glands. endocrin system contrast exocrin system, secret hormon use ducts."} {"id": "9530", "contents": "pituitari gland size pea, locat base brain. control product hormon endocrin glands. acromegali condit pituitari gland secret growth hormon normal growth skeleton organ complete. almost cases, caus benign (non-cancerous) tumor pituitari gland. acromegali often caus benign (non-cancerous) tumor pituitari gland secret excess growth hormone. rare cases, acromegali caus tumor pancreas, lung adren glands."} {"id": "9531", "contents": "posterior lobe pituitari gland (or neurophpophysis) store releas hormon secret hypothalamu section brain including: adh (antidiuret hormone) stimul smooth muscles, blood vessel intestine. thyroid secret three main hormones: thyroxin contain iodin essenti body' normal growth, metabolism. thyroxin help control bodi size, regul growth tissu also differenti specialis tissues."} {"id": "9532", "contents": "hormon anterior lobe (adenohypophysis). growth hormon protein stimul growth bones, muscles, organ promot protein synthesis. hormon drastic affect appear individu influenc height."} {"id": "9533", "contents": "anterior lobe pituitari play 'master' role secret six major hormon affect body, includ endocrin glands: acth (adrenocorticotroph hormone) stimul adren gland secret hormones. thyroid secret three main hormones: thyroxin contain iodin essenti body' normal growth, metabolism. thyroxin help control bodi size, regul growth tissu also differenti specialis tissues."} {"id": "9534", "contents": "growth hormon (gh hgh), also known somatotropin somatropin, peptid hormon stimul growth, cell reproduct regener human animals. type mitogen specif certain kind cells. growth hormon 191- amino acid, single-chain polypeptid synthesized, stored, secret somatotrop cell within later wing anterior pituitari gland. gh stress hormon rais concentr glucos free fatti acids. also stimul product igf-1."} {"id": "9535", "contents": "2. hormon secret (hormon affect hormones): hormon also influenc releas hormones. hypothalamu make secret hormon act pituitari gland promot inhibit secret hormones."} {"id": "9536", "contents": "37.6]lu contain endocrin cell secret prolactin, growth hormone, sever trophic hormon stimul endocrin gland (see tabl 37.2). -hypothalamu secret releas release-inhibit hormon control anterior lobe pituitary. hypothalamu link nervou endocrin systems. hypothalam neuron secret hormon regul releas hormon anterior lobe pituitari gland. pituitari hormones, turn, control activ endocrin glands."} {"id": "9537", "contents": "test 2: molecul one chiral center, molecul chiral. molecul one chiral center, like chiral. except meso-compounds, chiral center chiral due presenc place symmetry. molecul singl chiral center (carbon 2). therefore, molecul chiral. (note depiction, specifi nh2 group down."} {"id": "9538", "contents": "system label chiral center molecul (and also extens chiral molecul involv chiral centers). thus, greater gener d/l system, label, example, (r, r) isom versu (r, s) diastereomers. pair enantiom often design right- left-handed. molecular chiral interest applic stereochemistri inorgan chemistry, organ chemistry, physic chemistry, biochemistry, supramolecular chemistry."} {"id": "9539", "contents": "exclus one-handed import consequ protein dna chiral, biolog pharmaceut activ mani molecul often directli relat chirality. figure: chiral amino-acid alanine. structur two mirror-imag forms. dramat crucial import chiral mani pharmacolog activ drug molecules. exampl well-known chiral drug instanc ibuprofen, anticoagul warfarin, sever antibiot (e.g. quinolon b-lactam), name few."} {"id": "9540", "contents": "conversely, achir object, atom, symmetric; mirror imag truli opposite, rather indistinguish original. chemistry, chiral usual refer molecules. two mirror imag chiral molecul call enantiom optic isomers. pair enantiom often design right- left-handed. molecular chiral interest applic stereochemistri inorgan chemistry, organ chemistry, physic chemistry, biochemistry, supramolecular chemistry."} {"id": "9541", "contents": "symmetri molecul (or object) determin whether chiral. molecul achir (not chiral) improp rotation, combin rotat reflect plane, perpendicular axi rotation, result molecule. tetrahedr molecules, molecul chiral four substitu different. pair enantiom often design right- left-handed. molecular chiral interest applic stereochemistri inorgan chemistry, organ chemistry, physic chemistry, biochemistry, supramolecular chemistry."} {"id": "9542", "contents": "call atom chiral center, chirality, center. two group carbon atom same, carbon chiral center. molecule, call 2-butanol, carbon two four differ groups: ethyl group, hydrogen atom, hydroxyl group, methyl group. let' compar 2-butanol butane, carbon two hydrogen atoms. first, look like mirror imag situation. look third image!"} {"id": "9543", "contents": "although 2-butanol chiral molecul therefor two enantiomers, similar molecul 2-propanol achir exist enantiomer pair. illustration, see slide onto correspond group superimpos perfectly. mani simpl molecul kind."} {"id": "9544", "contents": "achir object ident (superimpos on) mirror image. chiral object handedness, example, golf clubs, scissors, shoe corkscrew. thus, one buy right left-hand golf club scissors. likewise, glove shoe come pairs, right left. achir object handedness, example, basebal bat (no write logo it), plain round ball, pencil, t-shirt nail. chiral object relat symmetry, end use recogn certain symmetri element may associ given object."} {"id": "9545", "contents": "chiral molecul contain asymmetr carbon atom/stereogeniccentr achir molecul not. chiral molecul non-superimpos mirror imag achir molecul not. chiral molecul mirror imag consid two differ molecul call enantiomers, achir molecul mirror imag identical. chiral molecul variou prefix ad chemic name, achir molecul contain prefixes. molecul said chiral, molecul mirror imag non-superimpos ideal resembl case left right hand cannot superimpos respect mirror images."} {"id": "9546", "contents": "cole /cole/ [1 syll.] boys' name (also use less commonli girls' name cole) pronounc kohl. middl english old french origin, mean cole swarthy, coal-black, charcoal. surnam deriv mediev given name. also use short form nichola name begin cole-. given name, link songwriter-compos cole porter (20th century). outlaw cole younger"} {"id": "9547", "contents": "also note spell pronunci name cole check initi name last name discov look sounds. histori mean name cole fascinating, learn it."} {"id": "9548", "contents": "cole: gender: male meaning: name nichola origin: celtic/gael answer nichola greek mean victori people."} {"id": "9549", "contents": "greek meaning: name cole greek babi name. greek mean name cole is: people' victory. american meaning: name cole american babi name. american mean name cole is: people' victory. english meaning: name cole english babi name. english mean name cole is: triumphant people; young boy"} {"id": "9550", "contents": "cole variant name colbi (english). cole also variant (english) name colin (english, scottish, french). cole also short form (english) name colman (english irish). cole also variant name colter (english). cole also variant name colton (english). cole also short form (english) name nichola (english french). cole 19 variant"} {"id": "9551", "contents": "cole /ko\u028al/ surnam english origin, much less frequent given name. middl english origin, mean swarthy, coal-black, charcoal. cole famili origin cornwall, south west england. first record spell famili name shown randolphi cole, appear winton roll hampshir 1148. also american spell german name 'kohl', scottish irish name 'mccool'"} {"id": "9552", "contents": "name cole english origin, mean victori peopl name commonli given boys."} {"id": "9553", "contents": "cole gener use boy' name. consist letter syllabl pronounc cole. u.s. 2014, rank 116 babi name popular boy 3404 occurrences. rank 11080 popular babi name girl occurrences. view cole name popular page see popular trend cole chang sinc 1880, compar popular cole names. cole diminut (nickname) nicholas. variant name cole includ kole. famou bearer name include: cole porter, cole younger"} {"id": "9554", "contents": "origin name cole: transfer use surnam deriv old english col (coal). origin nicknam someon coal-black, swarthy, darkly-complexioned. world babi name teresa norman. mean histori name cole edit. old english appel mean coal, refer someon dark hair complexion; also nicknam nicholas."} {"id": "9555", "contents": "boast much look tone ice age movies, relentlessli cute trailer next snowi anim adventur here. disney' frozen center arendel kingdom, snow queen inadvert caus endur etern winter."} {"id": "9556", "contents": "freez (someone's) blood. affect terror dread; horrify: scream froze blood. [middl english. old english. see preus-in indo-european root .]. freez\u2032a\u00b7bl adj. word history: describ landscap hell book ii paradis lost, milton depict frozen contin ..."} {"id": "9557", "contents": "use field (definition) element defin work item field specifi rule condit appli it. attribut assign field determin data type whether avail inclus reports."} {"id": "9558", "contents": "use topic look syntax field element one child elements. specifi element field (definition) element container. add field work item type (wit) specifi field (definition) element within field (definition) element."} {"id": "9559", "contents": "nowadays, say plain english: set well defin collect objects. element member set anything: numbers, characters, words, names, letter alphabet, even sets, on. set usual denot capit letters. exact mathemat definition, good enough following."} {"id": "9560", "contents": "field (definition) contain element. use follow syntax defin data field type work item. exampl show format field (definition) element option child elements. information, see field (definition) element reference."} {"id": "9561", "contents": "data type set, collect type, part python sinc version 2.4. set contain unord collect uniqu immut objects. set data type is, name implies, python implement set known mathematics."} {"id": "9562", "contents": "method add element, immutable, set. course, element added, alreadi contain set. alreadi contained, method call effect."} {"id": "9563", "contents": "type lupus. peopl say lupus, usual mean system lupu erythematosu (sle), common seriou type. types. cutan lupu erythematosu -- also call discoid lupu -- limit skin caus organ damag sometim occur sle. common symptom circular rash. drug-induc system lupu caus temporari lupu symptom peopl take certain medications. tell-tal sign lupu butterfly-shap rash across cheek bridg nose. common skin problem includ sensit sun flaky, red spot scaly, purpl rash variou part body, includ face, neck, arms. peopl also develop mouth sores."} {"id": "9564", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. discoid lupu erythematosu (dle) chronic skin condit sore inflamm scar favor face, ears, scalp time bodi areas. lesion develop red, inflam patch scale crusti appearance. discoid lupu erythematosu divid localized, generalized, childhood discoid lupu erythematosus."} {"id": "9565", "contents": "discoid lupu erythematosu autoimmun disord affect skin. disord caus skin rash lesion usual appear scalp, nose cheeks. loss hair chang skin pigment also occur disorder. perman scar occur lesion regress. discoid lupu erythematosu common women men appear famili linkag"} {"id": "9566", "contents": "discoid lupu erythematosu eyelid harvey siy uy, md introduction: discoid lupu erythematosu (dle) benign, autoimmun disord skin. face, trunk extrem frequent affected, eyelid involv uncommon often present diagnost problem."} {"id": "9567", "contents": "cutan lupu erythematosu (also known chronic cutan lupus): cutan lupu first type lupu diagnosed. type affect skin caus thick, red, scali rash face, neck, scalp lead scarring. condit progress system lupu erythematosu 10% peopl discoid lupus. however, also possibl peopl alreadi sle discoid lesion first identifi symptom."} {"id": "9568", "contents": "approxim two-third peopl lupu develop type skin disease, call cutan lupu erythematosus. skin diseas lupu caus rash sore (lesions), appear sun-expos area face, ears, neck, arms, legs. 40-70 percent peopl lupu find diseas made wors exposur ultraviolet (uv) ray sunlight artifici light."} {"id": "9569", "contents": "discoid lupu erythematosu (dle) chronic skin condit sore inflamm scar favor face, ears, scalp time bodi areas. discoid lupu erythematosu divid localized, generalized, childhood discoid lupu erythematosus."} {"id": "9570", "contents": "local discoid lupu erythematosu typic present skin lesion local neck, favor site scalp, bridg nose, cheeks, itchi lip, ear arms. discoid lupu erythematosu divid localized, generalized, childhood discoid lupu erythematosus."} {"id": "9571", "contents": "cutan lupu erythematosus. lupu autoimmun disease, affect multipl organ system body. individual' immun system attack variou cell caus wide varieti sign symptoms. regard skin, lupus-specif skin lesion non-specif skin lesions."} {"id": "9572", "contents": "discoid lupus-pictures,symptoms,treatment. admin 1. discoid lupu erythematosu discoid rash chronic condit skin associ scar inflamm skin produc photosensit dermatosis. discoid rash appear due lupu disease. local discoid rash-onli head neck involved. widespread discoid rash-oth part bodi also affect regardless whether head neck involv not. type requir treatment like becom system lupu erythematosu (sle)."} {"id": "9573", "contents": "favorit choic term potato chip singl serv bag potato chip 10 gram fat. total fat, satur fat fat varieti type serv size potato chip shown below."} {"id": "9574", "contents": "tweet. view calori nutrit info per reg serving/400g chip shop chip see mani calori 100g chip shop chip nutrit information."} {"id": "9575", "contents": "much fat calori potato chip vari type serv size. one ounc serv plan potato chip 10 gram fat estim 15 calories. answered. comput memory."} {"id": "9576", "contents": "fish chip great british tradition, find mani calori them. high number calori fish chip due fri food oil, watch high fat content well! see list common item number calori fish chip below."} {"id": "9577", "contents": "fat. serv regular potato chips, equal cup, contain 10.32 gram fat, 1.13 gram saturated. 1-cup serv bake potato chip contain 6.19 gram fat, less gram"} {"id": "9578", "contents": "overal summary. fish chip less 10% fat properli cook averag size portion less 1000 calories. ad pea meal lower fat calori per 100 grams, pea contain approxim 100 calori per 100 grams, increas total calori consum meal."} {"id": "9579", "contents": "\u200e03-24-2008 09:44 pm. fico-newbie33 wrote: read fico site late payment stay report years....collect bankruptci stay years. impress negative, late payment otherwis stay year"} {"id": "9580", "contents": "late payment stay credit report seven years. standard time limit items. bankruptci stay longer -- 10 year cases. late payments, seven magic number. think credit report record previou debt payments. case, creditor macy's. reported, late payment stay credit report seven years. must remov accord fair credit report act, fcra. derogatori entri lot damag fico credit score."} {"id": "9581", "contents": "late payment black mark normal stay credit report years. that' true neg inform like foreclosures, chapter 13 bankruptcies, charge-off paid tax liens; chapter bankruptci stay around 10 year unpaid tax lien linger indefinitely. creditor usual report late payment credit bureau run 30 day past due. late payment serious damag credit score make difficult get credit, well saddl high interest rates."} {"id": "9582", "contents": "count seven year come credit report, neg inform typic stay report seven years. mean late credit card payment stay credit report seven year date payment missed."} {"id": "9583", "contents": "report abuse. late payment stay credit report years, however, mani lender take last 12 month mortgag histori consider refinanc home."} {"id": "9584", "contents": "considerations. 30-day late payment remain credit record seven years, neg impact credit rate decreas time. recent inform credit report greatest impact scores. 30-day late payment notat neg item credit. like neg items, 30-day late payment remain credit report seven years. seven years, fair credit report act dictat credit bureau must delet record"} {"id": "9585", "contents": "time frame. 30-day late payment notat neg item credit. like neg items, 30-day late payment remain credit report seven years. seven years, fair credit report act dictat credit bureau must delet record"} {"id": "9586", "contents": "\u200e03-24-2008 01:18 pm. read fico site late payment stay report years....collect bankruptci stay years. impress negative, late payment otherwis stay years. fico-newbie33 wrote: read fico site late payment stay report years....collect bankruptci stay years."} {"id": "9587", "contents": "school superintend earn averag salari $111,724 per year. pay job chang much experience, experienc earn bit least. highest pay skill associ job leadership, human resources, budgeting, peopl management."} {"id": "9588", "contents": "2014, averag salari cgc superintend five year experi approxim $255,000, averag salari one five year experi approxim $246,000, averag salari superintend one year less experi $223,000."} {"id": "9589", "contents": "aasa report school superintend mideastern state earn highest averag salari nation $156,880. $20,000 less new england region, superintend take home averag $135,180. school system leader southeast come averag $123,598. great lake region averag $116,532 school superintend salaries, plain state bottom list averag annual incom $108,596."} {"id": "9590", "contents": "studi aasa indic student enrol larg factor school superintend salari across nation. instance, school district 25,000 pupil pay superintend averag $211,867 district enrol rang 2,500 9,999 student averag $146,402."} {"id": "9591", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic school superintend unit state $148,007 50% peopl perform job school superintend unit state expect make less $148,007. source: hr report data octob 2015. medi"} {"id": "9592", "contents": "accord american associ school administrators, averag school superintendent\u2019 salari $125,096 2007-2008 school year. however, school superintend salari vari among geograph regions, district popul educ administr often factor."} {"id": "9593", "contents": "$61,000. averag superintend school salari job post nationwid 6% higher averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "9594", "contents": "calcul let analyz total cost ownership (tco) on-premis softwar system software-as-a-servic (saas) system. we\u2019v pre-popul exampl case. total cost ownership calculator. calcul let analyz total cost ownership (tco) on-premis softwar system software-as-a-servic (saas) system. we\u2019v pre-popul exampl case. adjust field base price detail receiv softwar vendors."} {"id": "9595", "contents": "guid total cost ownership estim cost benefit 1. product follow exampl agenc need buy fridg staff canteen. option buy second-hand new. assist decis make process quick tco done. assumptions: fridg use years. second-hand unit year old. second-hand unit come warranty. like break addit five year life. cost associ repair spare part"} {"id": "9596", "contents": "total cost ownership total cost own asset period time. real estat construct industri usual mean total cost designing, constructing, operating, maintain project throughout use life. industries, besid sector, adopt total cost ownership approach designing, building, oper assets. let\u2019 look commerci airlin industri use boe example. thirti year ago cost approxim $800 fli seattl europe."} {"id": "9597", "contents": "(august 2014). total cost ownership (tco) financi estim intend help buyer owner determin direct indirect cost product system. manag account concept use full cost account even ecolog econom includ social costs."} {"id": "9598", "contents": "want find cheapest applianc own, depend much energi water use well front cost. choos sort total cost get list applianc sort total cost ownership 10 years."} {"id": "9599", "contents": "tco analysi continu owner analyst identifi cost categori expect cost impact ownership. tco analysi success owner includ two major kind cost categori see cost impact across ownership life, obviou cost hidden costs. 1. tco analysi perform support budget planning, support strateg decis making, ownership life analysi normal taken complet length time ownership financi impact: ownership life begin acquisit begin caus costs."} {"id": "9600", "contents": "tco analysi attempt uncov obviou cost hidden cost ownership. total cost ownership (tco) analysi meant uncov lifetim cost follow own certain kind assets. reason, tco sometim call life cycl cost analysis. 1. tco analysi perform support budget planning, support strateg decis making, ownership life analysi normal taken complet length time ownership financi impact: ownership life begin acquisit begin caus costs."} {"id": "9601", "contents": "present valu cost $8,970,000 three years. obviou cost hardwar softwar initi purchases, item sum $3 million; much third total costs. new bill system good decision?"} {"id": "9602", "contents": "tco total cost ownership approach health organization\u2019 capit equip plan enabl effect boost bottom line plan-n lifecycl cost option relat capit equipment. end life manag rememb tco look total cost ownership acquisit costs, also installation, \ufb01nancing, energy, re-pair, maintenance, downtime, productiv-ity, train dispos cost across top grid you\u2019ll see \ufb01rst year costs, second year cost on."} {"id": "9603", "contents": "tip common mover run $3-$5 per hour 7-15% total move cost. insur move run 30 cent per pound. american move storag associ explain plan move get estimates. summer weekend price 20% higher. stairs, long difficult distanc truck door price higher. tip common mover run $3-$5 per hour 7-15% total move cost."} {"id": "9604", "contents": "servic 900-squar foot two-bedroom apart three mover take 4-6 hour cost $300-$450. price three-bedroom, 1,750-squar foot hous use four mover load, transport unload, run $600-$900 take 6-9 hours. summer weekend price 20% higher. stairs, long difficult distanc truck door price higher. tip common mover run $3-$5 per hour 7-15% total move cost. insur move run 30 cent per pound."} {"id": "9605", "contents": "make sure keep mind speak estim move costs. averag cost mover men truck $90 $120 per hour. decid hire mover labor (without move truck), profession charg $60 $80 per hour labor. use local move cost calcul form top page cost estim entir move. move 2-bedroom apart hous (approxim 1000 squar feet) probabl cost $375 $450 local mover complet local reloc job 5-6 hours."} {"id": "9606", "contents": "move studio apart help local mover cost around $150-$200 entir loading, transport unload oper complet within 3-4 hours. move 2-bedroom apart hous (approxim 1000 squar feet) probabl cost $375 $450 local mover complet local reloc job 5-6 hours."} {"id": "9607", "contents": "mover would cost $300 $350 initi afterward addit hour furnitur move cost $100 $110. mover expect furnitur move price $350 $420 initi $120 $130 everi addit hour work. ask sale repres estim furnitur move cost in-hom survey executed. canada, furnitur move rate come $70 two men truck $85 men truck averag per hour. order estim furnitur move costs, need provid detail move sale repres"} {"id": "9608", "contents": "cost per hour per mover $25 $30. mani hour work mover depend size home, much stuff you\u2019v got there, mover hire pack load/ unload. hire move labor could cost $50 $70 per hour."} {"id": "9609", "contents": "studio apart take two movers--at $25 per hour--an averag 2-4 hour load, transport unload price $100-$200. servic 900-squar foot two-bedroom apart three mover take 4-6 hour cost $300-$450. summer weekend price 20% higher. stairs, long difficult distanc truck door price higher. tip common mover run $3-$5 per hour 7-15% total move cost. insur move run 30 cent per pound."} {"id": "9610", "contents": "usually, furnitur mover charg per hour local moves, start initi fee hours. even mover work less, pay fee. hire two mover would cost $220 $250 addit hour, pay $80 per hour. ask sale repres estim furnitur move cost in-hom survey executed. canada, furnitur move rate come $70 two men truck $85 men truck averag per hour. order estim furnitur move costs, need provid detail move sale repres"} {"id": "9611", "contents": "goblin cave dungeon fill goblin locat east fish guild south hemenster."} {"id": "9612", "contents": "29,170 page onthi wiki. articl monster. cave goblin race itself, see dorgeshuun. cave goblin goblin ancient dorgeshuun tribe found underground citi dorgesh-kaan, locat far eastern area lumbridg swamp caves. friendli creatures, will give mani adventur tinderbox (if player one) spoken to. one attacked, nearbi cave goblin scream certain phrase nooo! eeek! back away. cave goblin similar drop surfac goblin counterparts, also includ item found dorgesh-kaan, cave goblin food, cave goblin wire, others."} {"id": "9613", "contents": "prossimi video saranno video sulla creazion personaggi, gli altri video saranno vari boss di vario livello. buona visione. ---. il mio pc: -cpu intel core i7-4790k. -vga zotac nvidia gtx 970 amp! omega edition. -8 gb ram. -hdd 2tb."} {"id": "9614", "contents": "29,168 page onthi wiki. goblin cave, current denot dungeon (with icon tool tip enabled) world map, dungeon fill goblin locat east fish guild south hemenster. aggress matter level player are. land goblin quest, plain mud sphere may use teleport here. secret goblin templ locat north part cave. stair lead guard goblin guard allow player pass goblin drink goblin potion."} {"id": "9615", "contents": "dorgesh-kaan cave goblin cannot attacked, pickpocket level 36 thieving, yield 40 thiev experience, well items. full list item obtain pickpocket cave goblin found below. one attacked, nearbi cave goblin scream certain phrase nooo! eeek! back away. cave goblin similar drop surfac goblin counterparts, also includ item found dorgesh-kaan, cave goblin food, cave goblin wire, others."} {"id": "9616", "contents": "cave goblin. 13,349 page wiki. cave goblin goblin dorgeshuun found lumbridg swamp cave citi dorgesh-kaan. friendli creatures, will give mani adventur tinderbox (if player one) spoken to. upon attacked, scream nooo!. dorgesh-kaan cave goblin pickpocket level 36 thieving, yield 40 thiev experi 28 coins."} {"id": "9617", "contents": "goblin cave [edit]. goblin cave one weakest dungeon area access via south adventur plains. surprisingly, area close low level area despit dungeon monster level 45+, new player tend wander get kill here."} {"id": "9618", "contents": "explor cave black desert world. post ike dec 7th, 2014. game day attempt lay content player access right front them, world black desert fill mani secret would miss unintentionally."} {"id": "9619", "contents": "object' distanc planet' center also important. escap veloc earth 11.3 kilomet (7 miles) per second. orbit veloc speed need stay orbit. altitud 242 kilomet (150 miles), 17,000 mile per hour. littl less full escap velocity."} {"id": "9620", "contents": "said order object projectil leav earth' gravit pull, must reach earth' escap velocity, mean reach speed mile per second (~11 km per second)."} {"id": "9621", "contents": "physics, escap veloc minimum speed need object break free gravit attract massiv body. escap veloc earth 40,270 km/h (25,020 mph). common usage, initi point surfac planet moon. surfac earth, escap veloc 11.2 kilomet per second (~6.96 mi/s), approxim 33 time speed sound (mach 33) sever time muzzl veloc rifl bullet (up 1.7 km/s)."} {"id": "9622", "contents": "order orbit around earth, satellit need go fast (greater 12,000 mile per hour), high (greater 125 mile up). ordinari airplan can\u2019t go high fast, even fastest jet ever built, sr\u201071, could go 2,200 mph 15 mile up."} {"id": "9623", "contents": "rocket launch surfac earth, need reach speed least 7.9 kilomet per second (4.9 mile per second) order reach space. speed 7.9 kilomet per second known orbit velocity, correspond 20 time speed sound. gfdl. however, orbit veloc refer speed earth revolv around sun: 30 kilomet per second multipli squar root equal 42 kilomet per second. \u2018fourth cosmic velocity\u2019 escap veloc galaxy-th milki way."} {"id": "9624", "contents": "earth' radiu 4000 miles. ath, get veloc 18,000 mile per hour. higher satellit orbit slower. geosynchron satellit (around 22,000 mile up) stationari respect earth' surface. moon, earth' natur satellite, orbit everi 27.3 days. satellit stay orbit due balanc two factors: order satellit success orbit earth, must travel horizont distanc 8000 meter fall vertic distanc meters."} {"id": "9625", "contents": "circular orbit need speed factor squar root get escap velocity. low earth orbit, orbit speed 17,500 mph, escap veloc squar root two (about 1.414) time fast, littl less 25,000 mph. good exampl differ orbit speed escap veloc apollo went moon. first saturn rocket boost astronaut near earth orbit requir speed 18,000 mph."} {"id": "9626", "contents": "need even higher veloc get beyond earth orbit. good exampl differ orbit speed escap veloc apollo went moon. first saturn rocket boost astronaut near earth orbit requir speed 18,000 mph."} {"id": "9627", "contents": "orbit veloc need maintain stabl low earth orbit 7.8 km/s, reduc increas orbit altitude. calcul circular orbit 200 km 7.79 km/ 1500 km 7.12 km/s. delta-v need achiev low earth orbit start around 9.4 km/s. atmospher graviti drag associ launch typic add 1.5\u20132.0 km/ launch vehicl delta-v requir reach normal leo orbit veloc around 7.8 km/ (28,080 km/h). equatori low earth orbit (eleo) subset leo."} {"id": "9628", "contents": "last name origin meaning: japanese: liter \u2018green tree\u2019. surnam mostli found central japan ry\u016bky\u016b islands. one family, descend takeda branch minamoto clan, take name aoki-mura kai (now yamanashi prefecture). other fujiwara connections."} {"id": "9629", "contents": "ishida-mean ishida. mean ishida stone rice field common kanji use name ishida \u77f3\u7530. name mean could vari altern kanji (japanes characters) used. ishida japanes last name. common kanji use name ishida \u77f3\u7530. name mean could vari altern kanji (japanes characters) used."} {"id": "9630", "contents": "ichihara japanese. surnam combin (ichi, itsu, hito-, hito.tsu) mean one (shi, ichi) mean city, market, town (gen, hara) mean field, meadow, original, plain, prairie, primitive, tundra, wilderness.... [more]. ichikawa japanese. (ichi) mean city, (kawa) mean river. mean field bush clovers, (hagi) mean bush clover, (hara) mean field meadow. hakury\u016b japanes (rare). surnam combin (haku, byaku, shira-, shiro, shiro.i) mean white (ryuu, ryou, rou, ise, tatsu) mean dragon, imperi (ryuu, yanagi) mean willow...."} {"id": "9631", "contents": "mean ishida stone rice field common kanji use name ishida \u77f3\u7530. name mean could vari altern kanji (japanes characters) used. ishida japanes last name. common kanji use name ishida \u77f3\u7530. name mean could vari altern kanji (japanes characters) used."} {"id": "9632", "contents": "1891 scotland censu data. ishida censu records. click place view ishida immigr records. click circl chart view ishida immigr records. click circl chart view ishida birth death records. unusu short lifespan might indic ancestor live harsh conditions. short lifespan might also indic health problem preval family."} {"id": "9633", "contents": "japanes name =. first thing need rememb japanes name surnam come first. first ashikaga shogun, sh\u00f4gun, takauji thu ashikaga, takauji takauji, ashikaga despit order sometim given name mani western. book name japanes relat to; mean lingua franca, english. even name like anthony, charles, edmund meanings; lost peopl dont know origin languag name origin forms. case japan."} {"id": "9634", "contents": "ishida (\u77f3\u7530 stone ricefield) japanes surnam former name town japan. name also sometim roman isida. may refer following: ishida, place name border citi isehara, kanagawa atsugi, kanagawa. ishida, nagasaki, former town merg neighbor form citi iki 2004. ishida station (disambiguation) sever stations."} {"id": "9635", "contents": "inform chart came u.s. immigr collect ancestry. find major ishida famili live immigr u. learn focu search foreign records. immigr record tell ancestor' name, ship name, port departure, port arrival, destination. new york passeng lists. click circl chart view ishida birth death records. unusu short lifespan might indic ancestor live harsh conditions. short lifespan might also indic health problem preval family."} {"id": "9636", "contents": "cat-scratch diseas bacteri diseas peopl may get bitten scratch cat. 40% cat carri bacteria time lives, although kitten younger year age like it. cat infect show sign illness. sporotrichosi fungal diseas affect anim people. usual acquir environ cut scrape skin acquir contact anim well. infect sporotrichosi cat rang sign ill seriou disease."} {"id": "9637", "contents": "toxoplasmosi (toxoplasma gondii). toxoplasmosi parasit diseas spread peopl anim contamin soil, water, meat, contact stool infect cat. cat main sourc infect anim rare appear sick. sporotrichosi fungal diseas affect anim people. usual acquir environ cut scrape skin acquir contact anim well. infect sporotrichosi cat rang sign ill seriou disease."} {"id": "9638", "contents": "known cat scratch fever cat scratch disease, bartonelli bacteri diseas transmit anim humans. cat usual get ingest flea fece grooming, infect ticks. human get tick scratch bitten infect cat. diseas pass cat humans. dr. ken greer/visu unlimited/corbis. greater risk contract ill person next cubicl get diseas cat."} {"id": "9639", "contents": "zoonot ill diseas human get animals. mani infecti diseas spread anim people, come pet."} {"id": "9640", "contents": "salmonellosi anoth bacteri infect may transmit cat humans. transmiss method feces. cat may get contamin eat raw meat, wild anim carrier bacteria eat fece contamin felines. infect occur scratch bitten cat infect bacteria. flea may also transmit infection. cat scratch diseas manifest symptom inflam lymph nodes, fever, muscl pain headaches."} {"id": "9641", "contents": "cat scratch fever. cat scratch fever bacteri diseas cat get flea bite flea drop get wound. cases, cat show symptom disease. symptom appear, usual severe. includ inflamm heart labor breathing."} {"id": "9642", "contents": "cat scratch diseas (bartonellosis). bacteri diseas spread cat cat fleas, peopl usual becom infect cat scratch bite. develop cat scratch disease, may develop mild infect flu-lik symptom seriou problem damag valv heart. reduc risk cat scratch disease:"} {"id": "9643", "contents": "minimum 39 import diseas peopl catch directli animals, 42 import diseas peopl get eat touch food water contamin anim feces, least 48 import diseas human get bite bug feast infect animal."} {"id": "9644", "contents": "bacteri infect cats. common zoonot diseas transmit cat human cat scratch disease, also known bartonellosis. infect occur scratch bitten cat infect bacteria. flea may also transmit infection. cat scratch diseas manifest symptom inflam lymph nodes, fever, muscl pain headaches."} {"id": "9645", "contents": "list criteria: vote tastiest italian foods. list best italian food, rank italians, profession chefs, food lovers. itali birth place amaz food dish planet. element delici italian food, flavor sauc way cook meat, uniqu cultur alway delicious. favorit italian meal dish greatest food itali list, make sure add them. list best italian food, rank italians, profession chefs, food lovers. itali birth place amaz food dish planet."} {"id": "9646", "contents": "common italian food dish includ type pasta, risotto pizza, soup (minestroni zuppe) delici meat fish dishes. pasta pasta subdivid accord composition, (onli wheat flour water wheat flour, water eggs), shelf-lif (fresh dri pasta), product method shape cut. see: type pasta 10 famou pasta dish italy. varieti thick soup made vegetables, bean pasta, rice potatoes. common ingredi includ beans, onions, celery, carrots, stock, tomatoes. serv primo altern pasta risotto plate"} {"id": "9647", "contents": "famou italian chees includ parmigiano, pecorino and, course, mozzarella di bufala. parmesan chees (parmigiano). meat fish dish (and secondi). itali (and rest europe) name parmesan protect design origin hard, granular chees parma. pasta pasta subdivid accord composition, (onli wheat flour water wheat flour, water eggs), shelf-lif (fresh dri pasta), product method shape cut. see: type pasta 10 famou pasta dish italy. varieti thick soup made vegetables, bean pasta, rice potatoes. common ingredi includ beans, onions, celery, carrots, stock, tomatoes. serv primo altern pasta risotto plate"} {"id": "9648", "contents": "list italian foods. let\u2019 start antipasti. food eat meal, american call, appetizer. italian love simple, tasti appetizers. you\u2019ll often see snack on: bruschetta small piec toast tomatoes, chees herbs. capicollo luncheon meat that\u2019 spicy. list italian foods: fish. fish anoth common type food. may see fish varieti eat italian restaurant. fritata di bianchetti. seppiolin umido. baccala. cacciucco. buridda"} {"id": "9649", "contents": "6. chicken saltimbocca -- saltimbocca combin italian term means, jump one' mouth.. dish combin meat, chicken, prosciutto ham, spinach, mozzarella cheese. luigi' italian restaur 15400 warwick blvd. newport news best saltimbocca dishes. 7. pasta primavera -- one well-known italian vegetarian dish"} {"id": "9650", "contents": "italian cuisin great varieti differ ingredi commonli used, rang fruits, vegetables, sauces, meats, etc. north italy, fish (such cod, baccala), baccal\u00e0, potatoes, rice (corn), maize, sausages, pork differ type chees common. ingredi among slovenian dish come directli italian cuisine, gnocchi type pasta especi popular, well dish like minestron (known mine\u0161tra slovene) frittata (known frtalja slovene)."} {"id": "9651", "contents": "list italian dish foods. italian cuisin develop centuri social polit changes, root far back 4th centuri bc. italian cuisin origin etruscan, ancient greek, ancient roman cuisines. signific chang occur discoveri new world introduct potatoes, tomatoes, bell pepper maize, central cuisin introduc quantiti 18th centuri"} {"id": "9652", "contents": "mollusk phylum invertebr anim defin distinct bodi structur -- head, viscer mass, mantl kind foot. bivalves. clams, limpets, mussels, oyster scallop common type bivalves, also mollusks. bivalv mean two shells, creatur instead bone structure. bivalv filter feeders."} {"id": "9653", "contents": "bodi often divid head, eye tentacles, muscular foot viscer mass hous organs. mollusk mantle, fold outer skin line shell, muscular foot use motion. mollusk mollusc larg divers phylum mollusca, includ varieti familiar creatur well-known decor shell seafood. rang tini snails, clams, abalon octopus, cuttlefish squid (which consid intellig invertebrates)"} {"id": "9654", "contents": "gas\u00b7tro\u00b7pod. variou mollusk head eye feelers, usual coil shell, muscular foot undersid bodi moves. gastropod includ land-dwel forms, like land snail slugs, aquat species, like conchs, cowries, whelks. gas\u2022tro\u2022pod. 1. numer mollusk class gastropoda, snails, whelks, slugs, singl shell, often coiled, reduced, undeveloped, move mean wide muscular foot. 2. also, gas\u2022trop\u2022o\u2022d (gae\u02c8str\u0252p g\u00e6\u02c8str\u0252p \u0259) d\u0259 belong pertain the. gastropod"} {"id": "9655", "contents": "gastropods. 70 percent mollusk speci gastropods. common gastropod includ snails, abalones, sea cucumb slugs. move rippl muscl stomach foot, gastropod means. bivalves. clams, limpets, mussels, oyster scallop common type bivalves, also mollusks. bivalv mean two shells, creatur instead bone structure. bivalv filter feeders."} {"id": "9656", "contents": "1. head contain brain sens organs. 2. viscer mass contain intern organs. 3. foot muscular part body. mollusk usually, always, shell, secret bodi wall call mantle. mani mollusk tongu sorts, call radula. radula rough like sandpaper. yet, categori anim known mollusk structur similar. mollusk well known invertebr sea creatur (there 50,000 species). rare found deep-water."} {"id": "9657", "contents": "general, mollusk bodi regions: head, viscer mass, foot.. head contain sens organ brain, viscer mass contain intern organs. foot muscular lower part bodi contact substrate. mollusk usual shell (although not). mollusk also extens bodi wall call mantle. 50,000 known speci mollusks, make second arthropod invertebr phylum size. among mollusk well known invertebr sea creatures, like snails, clams, mussels, squid, octopods."} {"id": "9658", "contents": "gastropoda gastropods, commonli known snail slugs, larg taxonom class within phylum mollusca. class gastropoda includ snail slug kind size microscop large. mani thousand speci sea snail sea slugs, well freshwat snails, freshwat limpets, land snail land slugs. class gastropoda contain vast total name species, second insect overal number. fossil histori class goe back late cambrian."} {"id": "9659", "contents": "class gastropoda (mean stomach-foot) contain 70% molluscan speci (around 35,000). familiar snails, limpets, nudibranch abalones. snails, limpet abalon shell slug nudibranch not. 50,000 known speci mollusks, make second arthropod invertebr phylum size. among mollusk well known invertebr sea creatures, like snails, clams, mussels, squid, octopods."} {"id": "9660", "contents": "$5.44. get instant estim cost refinish deck! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost deck refinish project. basic 120 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost refinish deck rang $2.69 $5.44 per squar foot* estim cost project:"} {"id": "9661", "contents": "small residenti project tend cost per squar foot may subject minimum charg $500-$1,000 more. resurfac averag 500-square-foot concret driveway typic cost $2,000-$5,000. resurfac averag 500-square-foot concret driveway typic cost $2,000-$5,000. do-it-yourselfers, resurfac product bucket bag purchas home improv hardwar stories. total diy cost $2-$5 squar foot, depend materi use"} {"id": "9662", "contents": "deck helmet\u2019 revolutionari resurfac system transform old worn deck beauti low mainten composit deck half cost deck replacement! deckhelmet.com provid 10 year warranti elimin yearli maintenance!"} {"id": "9663", "contents": "deck guardian ultim resurfac system transform old worn deck beauti low mainten composit deck half cost deck replac provid 10 year warranty! deck board unsalvag need replaced! deck guardian deck guardian."} {"id": "9664", "contents": "pool deck resurfac servic offer pool, landscaping, pave compani way restor look feel pool area. summer months, pool backyard huge asset home great place cool relax. reseal surfac vari weather have, affect pool\u2019 surface. want easier way clean pool\u2019 surface, need purchas high-qual sealer, cost $20 $80 per gallon."} {"id": "9665", "contents": "cost pool deck resurfac depend size pool deck, materi used, compani choose, factors. average, averag pool resurfac job go cost anywher $4 much $9 per squar foot. reseal surfac vari weather have, affect pool\u2019 surface. want easier way clean pool\u2019 surface, need purchas high-qual sealer, cost $20 $80 per gallon."} {"id": "9666", "contents": "thisoldhouse.com estim took two peopl five hour six bag ($150-$180) materi resurfac 9'x27' driveway 3'x18' walkway (about 300 squar feet). rent pressur washer clean exist concret resurfac add $40-$75 total diy costs. resurfac averag 500-square-foot concret driveway typic cost $2,000-$5,000. do-it-yourselfers, resurfac product bucket bag purchas home improv hardwar stories. total diy cost $2-$5 squar foot, depend materi use"} {"id": "9667", "contents": "expect pay resurfac contractor $3-$10 squar foot depend condit exist concrete, resurfac system use local rates. small residenti project tend cost per squar foot may subject minimum charg $500-$1,000 more. resurfac averag 500-square-foot concret driveway typic cost $2,000-$5,000. do-it-yourselfers, resurfac product bucket bag purchas home improv hardwar stories. total diy cost $2-$5 squar foot, depend materi use"} {"id": "9668", "contents": "average, averag pool resurfac job go cost anywher $4 much $9 per squar foot. price resurfac would also depend type cement, upgrad plaster, stone pebbl use, may expens usual plaster. reseal surfac vari weather have, affect pool\u2019 surface. want easier way clean pool\u2019 surface, need purchas high-qual sealer, cost $20 $80 per gallon."} {"id": "9669", "contents": "retain wall costs. cost retain wall depend materi chosen, overal height wall length wall. wood retain wall start $15 per squar foot, concret retain wall start $20 per squar foot."} {"id": "9670", "contents": "free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost concret block wall instal project. basic 120 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal concret block wall rang $8.59 $11.70 per squar foot* estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchased."} {"id": "9671", "contents": "find cost instal averag concret block wall depend upon length height wall, even access property, materi use reinforc measures, labor rate."} {"id": "9672", "contents": "cost ad new wall home depend materi used. brick wall often afford option, hollow brick wall cost around $25.40 per squar foot. manufactur stone block must sourc larg piec stone use special machin cut stone smaller blocks. natur stone wall cost around $8 $12 per squar foot base type stone chosen. concret block wall cost $6.10 $7.60 per linear foot. homeown also need pay materi needed, includ steel bars, sand keep stone rub mortar"} {"id": "9673", "contents": "free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost block retain wall instal project. basic 120 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal block retain wall rang $5.83 $7.89 per squar foot* estim cost project:"} {"id": "9674", "contents": "origin post rctfan2 averag price concret block i'm gonna shop around prices... wanna know good deal see it. info would appreciated. i'm work right now, ill check back thread later."} {"id": "9675", "contents": "instal concret block wall temecula expect pay rang $1,664.50 $1,844.26. use calcul temecula concret block wall instal estim averag materi costs, averag hourli labor wage labor product rates. 3. click calcul button. averag cost instal concret block wall temecula 2015 $8.32 $9.22 per squar foot. alway make sure make hire decis care make sure contractor fulli insured, bond licensed. good idea check refer verifi prior work qualiti"} {"id": "9676", "contents": "averag cost per squar foot concret block wall instal temecula. averag cost instal concret block wall temecula 2015 $8.32 $9.22 per squar foot. alway make sure make hire decis care make sure contractor fulli insured, bond licensed. good idea check refer verifi prior work quality. 3. click calcul button. averag cost instal concret block wall temecula 2015 $8.32 $9.22 per squar foot. alway make sure make hire decis care make sure contractor fulli insured, bond licensed."} {"id": "9677", "contents": "naloxon special narcot drug revers effect narcot medicines. naloxon use revers effect narcot drug use surgeri treat pain. naloxon may also use treat narcot drug overdos diagnos narcot drug addiction. naloxon may also use purpos list medic guid"} {"id": "9678", "contents": "article. medic call naloxon revers effect overdos heroin type painkillers. paramed emerg room doctor use year save lives. naloxon block effect drug made opium, opioids. include: heroin. morphine. oxycodone. methadone. fentanyl. hydrocodone. codeine. hydromorphone."} {"id": "9679", "contents": "naloxone, also known narcan among names, medic use revers effect opioid especi overdose. naloxon may combin within pill opioid decreas risk misuse. given intraven work within two minut inject muscl work within five minutes. medic may also use nose. effect naloxon last half hour hour."} {"id": "9680", "contents": "last review rxlist 4/29/2015. narcan (naloxone) opioid antagonist use complet partial revers opioid overdose, includ respiratori depression. also use diagnosi suspect known acut opioid overdos also blood pressur support septic shock. narcan (naloxone) opioid antagonist. physic depend associ use narcan (naloxone) reported. toler opioid antagonist effect narcan (naloxone) known occur."} {"id": "9681", "contents": "revers agent sed agents. advantag use narcot benzodiazapin specif revers agent class drugs. narcotics, revers agent naloxon narcan, benzodiazapin revers agent flumazin rumazicon."} {"id": "9682", "contents": "narcan avail gener term naloxone. common side effect narcan flushing, dizziness, tiredness, weakness, nervousness, restlessness, irritability, bodi aches, diarrhea, stomach pain, nausea, fever, chills, goosebumps, sneezing, short breath, runni nose. narcan (naloxone) opioid antagonist. physic depend associ use narcan (naloxone) reported. toler opioid antagonist effect narcan (naloxone) known occur."} {"id": "9683", "contents": "complet partial revers opioid depression. narcan (naloxone) prevent revers effect opioid includ respiratori depression, sedat hypotension. also, narcan (naloxone) revers psychotomimet dysphor effect agonist-antagonist pentazocine."} {"id": "9684", "contents": "naloxon pure opioid antagonist. work revers depress central nervou system respiratori system caus opioids. naloxon patent 1961 jack fishman, moze j. lewenstein, compani sankyo. drug approv opioid overdos food drug administr 1971. naloxon may combin within pill opioid decreas risk misuse. given intraven work within two minut inject muscl work within five minutes. medic may also use nose. effect naloxon last half hour hour."} {"id": "9685", "contents": "review. naloxon special narcot drug revers effect narcot medicines. naloxon use revers effect narcot drug use surgeri treat pain. naloxon may also use treat narcot drug overdos diagnos narcot drug addiction. naloxon may also use purpos list medic guide."} {"id": "9686", "contents": "narcan\u2122 (naloxone) opiat antidote. opioid includ heroin prescript pain pill like morphine, codeine, oxycodone, methadon vicodin. person overdos opioid, breath slow stop hard wake state. person taken opioid given narcan\u2122 (naloxone), opioid knock opiat receptor brain. narcan\u2122 (naloxone) help even opioid taken alcohol drugs."} {"id": "9687", "contents": "find gag reflex starts. done simpli use toothbrush brush tongue. point nearest front tongu make gag want concentrate. brush tongu right gag begins. first step sword swallow must take requir effort patienc time:"} {"id": "9688", "contents": "gag reflex reflex contract back throat, evok touch soft palate. prevent someth enter throat except part normal swallow help prevent choking. differ peopl differ sensit gag reflex. kaylamari year ago."} {"id": "9689", "contents": "reflex arc, seri physiolog step occur rapidli produc reflex. gener sensori receptor receiv environment stimulus, case object reach nerv back throat, send messag via affer nerv central nervou system (cns). third healthi adult gag reflex. however, certain cases, absenc gag reflex pharyng sensat symptom number sever medic conditions, damag glossopharyng nerve, vagu nerve, brain death."} {"id": "9690", "contents": "gag reflex elev soft palat retch elicit touch back tongu wall pharynx; call also pharyng reflex. area react gag reflex touched. gastrocol reflex increas intestin peristalsi food enter empti stomach. reflex built nervou system need intervent consciou thought take effect. knee jerk exampl simplest type reflex. knee tapped, nerv receiv stimulu send impuls spinal cord, relay motor nerve."} {"id": "9691", "contents": "1. numb soft palate. object touch soft palat (far back roof mouth), trigger gag reflex. use numb throat spray desensit soft palate, gel that' normal use reliev tooth pain. first step sword swallow must take requir effort patienc time: find gag reflex starts. done simpli use toothbrush brush tongue. point nearest front tongu make gag want concentrate."} {"id": "9692", "contents": "gag reflex: contract back throat trigger object touch roof mouth back tongu protect mechan help prevent choking."} {"id": "9693", "contents": "pharyng reflex. wikipedia, free encyclopedia. pharyng reflex gag reflex (also known laryng spasm) reflex contract back throat, evok touch roof mouth, back tongue, area around tonsil back throat. third healthi adult gag reflex. however, certain cases, absenc gag reflex pharyng sensat symptom number sever medic conditions, damag glossopharyng nerve, vagu nerve, brain death."} {"id": "9694", "contents": "start around 6- 7-month mark babies, gag reflex diminishes, allow babi swallow chunki solid foods. children adults, reflex usual trigger presenc unusu larg object back throat. often, suffer hgr gag eat sticki food tend get stuck mouth, banana mash potatoes; extrem cases, oversensit gag caus picki eat even malnourishment."} {"id": "9695", "contents": "gag reflex, also known pharyng reflex laryng spasm, contract back throat trigger object touch roof mouth, back tongue, area around tonsils, back throat. often, suffer hgr gag eat sticki food tend get stuck mouth, banana mash potatoes; extrem cases, oversensit gag caus picki eat even malnourishment."} {"id": "9696", "contents": "cicada flying, plant-feed insect famou power sing voic rare appearances. course, cicada speci dramat appear en mass regular interv 13 17 years. speci featur adult pop ho-hum annual basis."} {"id": "9697", "contents": "6) cicada provid reveal exampl work evolut natur selection. stray cicada appear outsid cycl brood (while stay underground 17 years, 13 years), chanc surviv basic nil."} {"id": "9698", "contents": "you\u2019v doubt heard larg brood 17-year cicada soon emerg new york citi beyond. garden, you\u2019v probabl wonder gigant insect might plants. good news adult cicada (magicicada species), though larg noisy, tend much damage. cicada grub eat plant root common underground pest, they\u2019r serious, harm brood done done previou years. damag adult cicada like caus plants, even heavi emergence, ovipositing."} {"id": "9699", "contents": "cicadoidea, cicada (/s\u026a\u02c8k\u0251\u02d0d\u0259/ /s\u026a\u02c8ke\u026ad\u0259/), superfamili insect order hemiptera, subord auchenorrhyncha (formerli part obsolet homoptera), along smaller jump bug leafhopp froghoppers. egg hatch, newli hatch nymph drop ground burrow. cicada live underground nymph live depth 2.5 metr (10 ft). nymph strong front leg dig excav chamber close proxim root feed xylem sap."} {"id": "9700", "contents": "cicada cryptic, sing night avoid predators. period cicada spend live underground nymphs, emerg 13 17 years, like reduc loss satiat predators. cicada featur literatur sinc time homer' iliad, motif art chines shang dynasty. egg hatch, newli hatch nymph drop ground burrow. cicada live underground nymph live depth 2.5 metr (10 ft). nymph strong front leg dig excav chamber close proxim root feed xylem sap."} {"id": "9701", "contents": "thing cicada do: thing cicada do: 1) don\u2019t seek shelter fall month (i.e. don\u2019t tri live insid house), unlik ladybug stinkbugs. 2) don\u2019t sting otherwis pass venom onto people. latin root word cicada, cicada look back bit farther, sanskrit word cicada \u091a\u093f\u0936\u094d\u091a\u093f\u0930, pronounc cizcira. big leap cizcira cicada. similar sanskrit latin words, instance, 17 sanskrit saptadaz, 17 latin septendecim."} {"id": "9702", "contents": "names: cicada also call 17 year locust, cicada insect period cicada. larg spring hatches, call broods, emerg 13 year 17 year cycles. 2015 cicada emerg two differ brood emerging. brood iv arriv ia,ks,mo,ne,ok, tx. brood 17 year cycle."} {"id": "9703", "contents": "cicada go life cycl last two five years. speci much longer life cycles, north american genus, magicicada, number distinct brood go either 17-year or, part world, 13-year life cycle. egg hatch, newli hatch nymph drop ground burrow. cicada live underground nymph live depth 2.5 metr (10 ft). nymph strong front leg dig excav chamber close proxim root feed xylem sap."} {"id": "9704", "contents": "cicada also famou penchant disappear entir mani years, reappear forc regular interval. 3,000 cicada species, share behavior (the 17-year cicada example)."} {"id": "9705", "contents": "magicicada genu 13-year 17-year period cicada eastern north america. although sometim call locust misnom cicada belong taxonom order hemiptera, subord auchenorrhyncha, locust belong orthoptera. generally, 17-year cicada distribut northern state eastern unit states, 13-year cicada occur southern states, may overlap slightly. example, brood iv (17 year cycle) xix (13 year cycle) overlap western missouri eastern oklahoma."} {"id": "9706", "contents": "place rib cooki sheet cover foil. leav rib one hour reach room temperature. preheat oven 250 degre fahrenheit (121 degre celsius). place rack oven bake rib 2\u00bdhours, they'r tender. place rack oven bake rib 2\u00bdhours, they'r tender. remov rib oven uncov them. let cool 15 minutes. appli barbecu sauc liber rib return back oven, leav uncov"} {"id": "9707", "contents": "place bake sheet bake 2-2 1/2 hour meat start shrink away end bone. remov oven. heat broiler. cut rib serv size portion ribs. arrang broiler pan, boni side up. brush sauce. broil minut sauc cook bubbly. lay rib two layer foil, shini side meati side down. lay two layer foil top rib roll crimp edg tightly, edg face seal. place bake sheet bake 2-2 1/2 hour meat start shrink away end bone."} {"id": "9708", "contents": "preheat oven 225 degrees. season rib dale' marinade, favorit rib rub, grill seasoning, simpli salt pepper. place ribs, meat side down, bake dishes. cover bake dish aluminum foil place oven. season rib dale' marinade, favorit rib rub, grill seasoning, simpli salt pepper. place ribs, meat side down, bake dishes. cover bake dish aluminum foil place oven. use small babi back ribs, take 3.5 hours."} {"id": "9709", "contents": "bake 300 degre oven hours. remov oven open foil. bast gener rest sauc top. return oven, leav foil open like this, anoth hour sauc nice thick. use knife, slice membran back rib (the white part) use hand pull off. place entir rack rib center foil brush bbq sauc sides. wrap well foil seal place bake sheet. bake 300 degre oven two hours."} {"id": "9710", "contents": "bake 300 degre oven two hours. remov oven open foil. bast top remain bbq sauc place back oven, foil still open, hour, sauc nice thick. use knife, slice membran back rib (the white part) use hand pull off. place entir rack rib center foil brush bbq sauc sides. wrap well foil seal place bake sheet."} {"id": "9711", "contents": "remov rib oven uncov them. let cool 15 minutes. appli barbecu sauc liber rib return back oven, leav uncovered. let bake anoth 30 minut [sources: babi back grill, mahalo ]. place rack oven bake rib 2\u00bdhours, they'r tender. remov rib oven uncov them. let cool 15 minutes. appli barbecu sauc liber rib return back oven, leav uncov"} {"id": "9712", "contents": "place ribs, meat side down, bake dishes. cover bake dish aluminum foil place oven. use small babi back ribs, take 3.5 hours. use regular babi back st. loui style ribs, take hours. season rib dale' marinade, favorit rib rub, grill seasoning, simpli salt pepper. place ribs, meat side down, bake dishes. cover bake dish aluminum foil place oven."} {"id": "9713", "contents": "broil rib minutes, sugar dri rub bubbl rib evenli browned. bake ribs: set oven 300\u00b0f. move rib oven rack middl oven. roast 1/2 hour spare rib 1/2 hour babi back ribs. halfway cooking, cover rib aluminum foil protect dri out."} {"id": "9714", "contents": "preheat oven 325 degrees. bowl combin ingredi except rib make sauce; season salt pepper. rack set roast pan season rib salt pepper brush thick layer sauce. roast ribs, bast everi 30 minutes, tender fall bone, 1/2 hours. slice individu rib serv potato salad. cup mayonnaise."} {"id": "9715", "contents": "full definit showcase. 1. glaze case, box, cabinet display protect ware store articl museum. 2. setting, occasion, medium exhibit someth someon especi attract favor aspect. see showcas defin english-languag learners. see showcas defin kids."} {"id": "9716", "contents": "show\u2022case. 1. glass case display protect articles. 2. exhibit display, usu. ideal repres model something. 3. setting, place, vehicl display someth trial basis: club showcas new comics. 4. exhibit display."} {"id": "9717", "contents": "wiktionari (0.00 votes) rate definition: showcas (noun). case display merchandis valuabl items. showcas (noun). setting, occasion, medium exhibit someth someone, especi attract favor aspect. showcas (verb). display, demonstrate, show, present."} {"id": "9718", "contents": "1. glass case display protect articles. 2. exhibit display, usu. ideal repres model something. 3. setting, place, vehicl display someth trial basis: club showcas new comics. 4. exhibit display."} {"id": "9719", "contents": "verb. definit showcas display case displaying. exampl showcas runway show latest fall fashions."} {"id": "9720", "contents": "tweet. box glass top side use display object store, museum, etc. event, occasion, etc., show abil good qualiti someon someth attract favor way."} {"id": "9721", "contents": "live former member u.s. hous repres minnesota [edit]. april 2015, sixteen former member u.s. hous repres u.s. state minnesota current live time. see also: unit state congression deleg minnesota. complet list peopl repres minnesota unit state hous repres start 113th congress, januari 2013."} {"id": "9722", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. minnesota hous repres lower hous minnesota legislatur u.s. state minnesota. 134 members, twice mani minnesota senate. floor session held north wing minnesota state capitol saint paul, minnesota. offic member locat state offic building, connect tunnel west capitol"} {"id": "9723", "contents": "435 repres house, compar 100 senat senate. number reach new seat ad 1913, number lock reapportion act 1929. 1959 1963, temporarili 437 seats. non-vot delegates. california current 53 hous members. sinc number repres state determin population, california natur most. meanwhil wyom ly one, due small popul"} {"id": "9724", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. see also: unit state congression deleg minnesota. complet list peopl repres minnesota unit state hous repres start 113th congress, januari 2013. chronolog list deleg senators, see unit state congression deleg minnesot"} {"id": "9725", "contents": "hous member inform 2015 2016. note: member minnesota hous repres elect two year terms. last elect 134 seat minnesota hous repres tuesday novemb 4, 2014. inform pleas visit minnesota secretari state' site elect information."} {"id": "9726", "contents": "compil minnesota hous representatives. ** contact senat inform offic current information. note: need adob acrobat reader view pdf format documents. instal system, may download free adob website. click here."} {"id": "9727", "contents": "435 repres us hous representatives, compar 100 senat us senate. also non-vot delegates, repres us te rritori district columbia. mani repres us hous representatives? 435 repres house, compar 100 senat senate. number reach new seat ad 1913, number lock reapportion act 1929. 1959 1963, temporarili 437 seats. non-vot deleg"} {"id": "9728", "contents": "second largest rainforest cat jaguar rang arizona unit state argentina, mostli limit forest area savanna orinoco amazon basins. besid great cats, rainforest also sever smaller speci like leopard cat (asia), margay (new world), ocelot (new world). gener rang size housecat dog. nocturn hunt forest floor canopy. jaguar colombian amazon."} {"id": "9729", "contents": "feed anoth live thing predator, partak predation. even herbivor predat sorts, although predat usual mean anim kill consum anim prey rel quickly. true predators, often dwell at, near, top food chain. food chain forest begin sun' energy, arriv fresh 93,000,000 mile, eight minut journey across solar system. larg predat also keep number medium-s predat fox (vulp vulpes) balance. turn reduc pressur fox ground-nest bird capercailli (tetrao urogallus)."} {"id": "9730", "contents": "center rain forest food web sit top, apex, predators. rainforests, central slot held big cats\u2014tigers, leopard jaguars\u2014th big snakes, big crocodilian largest bird prey. even among apex creatur never truce. spider fall victim insect form wasp armi ants. it\u2019 easi imagin rain forest bird eat spiders, also true least one speci spider rainforest food web\u2014th goliath trantula\u2014eat birds. (see short video goliath .)."} {"id": "9731", "contents": "amazon ground snake.. case amazon ground snake predator. amazon ground snake immun poison poison dart frog. immun mean poison dart frog' poison affect amazon ground snake. normal frog would predat one poiso frog live thing world predator, snake. snake rainforest kill frog actual eat frog."} {"id": "9732", "contents": "rain forest\u2019 food chain. complex rain forest web life, insect rainforest floor tend eat plants, fungi, decay materi insects, turn eaten spiders, among host creatures. spider fall victim insect form wasp armi ants. it\u2019 easi imagin rain forest bird eat spiders, also true least one speci spider rainforest food web\u2014th goliath trantula\u2014eat birds. (see short video goliath .)."} {"id": "9733", "contents": "red squirrel (sciuru vulgaris) prey anim pine marten (mart martes), squirrel supplement mainli herbivor diet insect young bird nest also predator. anim top food chain top predators. larg predat also keep number medium-s predat fox (vulp vulpes) balance. turn reduc pressur fox ground-nest bird capercailli (tetrao urogallus)."} {"id": "9734", "contents": "due scarciti larg prey, larger predat rel rare rainforest. mani carnivor adapt cope shortag larg ground-dwel prey hunt canopi supplement diet smaller anim like fish, rodents, birds, reptiles. largest group mammalian predat forest floor cats. forest region, except australasian realm forest cat species. largest rainforest cat speci tiger rang tropic india arctic siberia southeast asia. besid great cats, rainforest also sever smaller speci like leopard cat (asia), margay (new world), ocelot (new world). gener rang size housecat dog. nocturn hunt forest floor canopy. jaguar colombian amazon."} {"id": "9735", "contents": "photo:mila zinkova. rain forest\u2019 food chain. relationship among speci ecosystem often describ \u201cfood chain\u201d larger anim eat smaller. food-chain imag two-dimens one, fact pictur much complex. rain forest relationship better describ web\u2014a rainforest food web. spider fall victim insect form wasp armi ants. it\u2019 easi imagin rain forest bird eat spiders, also true least one speci spider rainforest food web\u2014th goliath trantula\u2014eat birds. (see short video goliath .)."} {"id": "9736", "contents": "1/2 hours. here' how: preheat oven 325, place ham rack bake dish littl water bottom. wrap foil, bake hours, th intern temperatur 135 140 degrees. can ham can ham cook 325 degre f, weight. 1/2 lb 23 25 min. per pound lb 21 23 min. per pound lb 17 20 min. per pound."} {"id": "9737", "contents": "bake preheat 325\u00b0f oven 10-14 minut per pound, meat thermomet regist 140\u00b0f. remov oven let sit 10 minut serving. ham came extra glaze, follow packag direct ad cook glaze. want glaze ham, place broiler pan cover glaze; broil 10 heat 10-15 minutes, watch carefully, glaze cooked. oven method. goal reheat ham without dri out. best way place ham rack roast pan."} {"id": "9738", "contents": "put ham, flat-sid down, rack roast pan. pour 1/4 inch water bottom pan. transfer oven roast thermomet insert thickest part ham regist 130 degre f, hours, 30 minut (about 15 minut per pound). increas oven temperatur 425 degre f. pour half glaze (see glazes) ham brush coat"} {"id": "9739", "contents": "best way place ham rack roast pan. add water bottom pan cover tightli aluminum foil (cover pan ham). cook approxim 12 15 minut per pound whole boneless ham approxim 18 20 minut per pound half ham. ad glaze: meat thermomet regist 135 degre f., unwrap ham appli favorit glaze. timet cook ham: set oven temperatur 325 degre f. cook-before- cure fresh ham cook 160 degre f. reheat fully-cook ham 140 degre f. use cook meat thermomet perfect ham christma dinner."} {"id": "9740", "contents": "need cook precook ham. duh question... need least bake put pit (indirect heat) 350 degre minut per pound. cook it, ham tender flavor released. can ham can ham cook 325 degre f, weight. 1/2 lb 23 25 min. per pound lb 21 23 min. per pound lb 17 20 min. per pound."} {"id": "9741", "contents": "ham complet roasting, take ham oven let stand 15 minut slicing. ham continu bake oven let ham stand 15 minut make easier carve. partial cook pork store refriger use later. must cook done. avoid dri ham, cook slowli 325\u00baf. allow 20 30 minut per pound ham precook (follow direct label precook hams). begin roast ham place fat side up, melt fat bast ham."} {"id": "9742", "contents": "cover cook low 5-8 hours, ham thoroughli heated. want glaze ham, place broiler pan cover glaze; broil 10 heat 10-15 minutes, watch carefully, glaze cooked. oven method. want glaze ham, place broiler pan cover glaze; broil 10 heat 10-15 minutes, watch carefully, glaze cooked. oven method. goal reheat ham without dri out. best way place ham rack roast pan."} {"id": "9743", "contents": "bake 325\u00b0f 18-20 minut per pound, meat thermomet regist 140\u00b0f. unwrap ham appli glaze; increas heat 400\u00b0f bake 15-20 minut longer glaze burnished. want glaze ham, place broiler pan cover glaze; broil 10 heat 10-15 minutes, watch carefully, glaze cooked. oven method. goal reheat ham without dri out. best way place ham rack roast pan."} {"id": "9744", "contents": "cook ham day, unattended, slow cooker. 5-1/2- 6-quart slow cooker, choos boneless ham 5-1/2 pounds, brush glaze, cook it, covered, hour low-heat setting. step 2: bake ham. place ham rack shallow roast pan. insert oven-saf thermomet center ham (it touch bone bone-in ham). bake, uncovered, preheat oven ham regist desir temperatur (140\u00b0f cook ham)."} {"id": "9745", "contents": "275\u00b0f-bake 20 minut per pound (about 1/2 hour total) 350\u00b0f-bake 10 minut per pound (about 1/2 hour total) ham readi reach intern temperatur 120\u00b0f 140\u00b0f. 1. heat oven 275\u00b0f line roast rack sever long piec foil."} {"id": "9746", "contents": "\\nhow much jame brown salary?\\nth late record artist perform jame brown, otherwis known godfath soul, estim net worth approxim $100 million died. go along net worth, respect admir million peer fans. earli days, jame brown eventu evolv solo performer, music continu grow change. span wide varieti genres, includ gospel rhythm blue earli days, incorpor element funk tradit african music work."} {"id": "9747", "contents": "jame brown net worth: $100 million. jame brown net worth: jame brown, otherwis known godfath soul, estim net worth approxim $100 million died; go along net worth, respect admir million peer fans. earli days, jame brown eventu evolv solo performer, music continu grow change. jame brown net worth. span wide varieti genres, includ gospel rhythm blue earli days, incorpor element funk tradit african music work."} {"id": "9748", "contents": "quot trivia. born on: 1st jan 70 born in: unit state marit status: deceas occupation: music industry. born jame joseph brown, jr. estim net worth $100 million. brown, often refer godfath soul american record artist musician. brown earn net worth work record artist musician span six decades. jame began gospel singer toccoa, georgia later join r&b vocal group call avon later evolv becom famou flame serv group' lead singer."} {"id": "9749", "contents": "south carolina suprem court wednesday overturn settlement divvi multimillion-dollar estat jame brown, say former attorney gener follow late soul singer' wish put togeth deal."} {"id": "9750", "contents": "73. bobbi byrd, longtim collabor jame brown co-found famou flames, die week home near atlanta. 73. byrd die wednesday, spokesman willi a. watkin funer home atlanta said. news account attribut death cancer."} {"id": "9751", "contents": "jame brown net worth $100 million. late record artist perform jame brown, otherwis known godfath soul, estim net worth approximately... [read more]. earli days, jame brown eventu evolv solo performer, music continu grow change. span wide varieti genres, includ gospel rhythm blue earli days, incorpor element funk tradit african music work."} {"id": "9752", "contents": "jame brown. american singer songwriter,jam joseph brown estim net worth $100 million. \u201csoul brother number one,\u201d \u201cthe godfath soul,\u201d \u201cthe hardest work man show business,\u201d \u201cmr. dynamite\u201d mighti titles, one question jame brown earn performer. brown\u2019 singl next two year flopped, sought establish style, record materi obvious deriv hero like roy brown, hank ballard, littl richard, ray charles."} {"id": "9753", "contents": "70s, jame brown cope chang trend music experi disco, effort fail match success earlier work, much popular disco today. mani tumultu later years, jame brown die christma day, 2006. earli days, jame brown eventu evolv solo performer, music continu grow change. jame brown net worth. span wide varieti genres, includ gospel rhythm blue earli days, incorpor element funk tradit african music work."} {"id": "9754", "contents": "basic description. vitamin b1, also known thiamin, classifi b-complex vitamin. small amount vitamin b1 found virtual foods, mani commonli eaten food contain substanti amounts. example, 50/100 whfood rank good, good, excel sourc b1."} {"id": "9755", "contents": "rich plant sourc thiamin (vitamin b1) sunflow seeds, peanuts, soybeans. good sourc whole wheat nuts. note thiamin extrem sensit alcohol sulfites. presenc either, thiamin destroy made useless."} {"id": "9756", "contents": "good dietari sourc thiamin includ whole-grain enrich cereal rice, wheat germ, bran, brewer' yeast, blackstrap molasses."} {"id": "9757", "contents": "natur sourc thiamin common includ meats, poultry, whole grain cereals, nuts, legumes, brewer' yeast."} {"id": "9758", "contents": "navi bean best sourc provid 0.24 mg 16% dv vitamin b1 100 gram serving. bean good sourc vitamin b1 includ pink bean (29% dv), black bean (28% dv) mung bean (22%)."} {"id": "9759", "contents": "squash avail sever varieti good sourc vitamin b1. instance, acorn squash best sourc provid 0.17 mg 11% dv vitamin b1 100 gram serving. varieti includ cook butternut hubbard squash contribut 10% dv vitamin b1 cup serving."} {"id": "9760", "contents": "breweri brewer\u00ed yeast richest sourc of. thiamin human, bodi vitamin b1 found the, liver, kidney, muscl and. heart thiamin found fortified, breads, cereals, pasta whole (grain especi wheat), germ lean (meat especially), pork, fish dried, beans, pea and. soybean"} {"id": "9761", "contents": "nut good sourc vitamin b1 includ pistachio (13% dv), brazil nut (12% dv), pecan (9% dv) cashew (7% dv). time give unhealthi process snack start munch nut nutrit boost."} {"id": "9762", "contents": "food ok eat pregnanc limit amounts: fish small amount mercury. mercuri metal harm baby. fish get mercuri water swim eat fish mercuri them."} {"id": "9763", "contents": "pregnant consid eat deli meats, make certain reheat meat steaming. fish mercury: fish contain high level mercuri avoided. mercuri consum pregnanc link development delay brain damage. sampl type fish include: shark, swordfish, king mackerel, tilefish. food avoid pregnancy. raw meat: uncook seafood rare undercook beef poultri avoid risk contamin coliform bacteria, toxoplasmosis, salmonella. deli meat: deli meat known contamin listeria, caus miscarriag"} {"id": "9764", "contents": "avoid seafood high mercury. seafood great sourc protein, omega-3 fatti acid mani fish promot baby' brain eye development. however, fish shellfish contain potenti danger level mercury. much mercuri could harm baby' develop nervou system. avoid raw, undercook contamin seafood. avoid harm bacteria virus seafood: avoid raw fish shellfish. exampl includ sushi, sashimi, raw oysters, scallop clams. avoid refrigerated, uncook seafood. exampl includ seafood label nova style, lox, kippered, smoke jerky."} {"id": "9765", "contents": "food avoid pregnancy. eat well balanc meal import times, even essenti pregnant. essenti nutrients, vitamins, miner develop babi needs. food safe; however, food avoid pregnancy. food avoid pregnancy. raw meat: uncook seafood rare undercook beef poultri avoid risk contamin coliform bacteria, toxoplasmosis, salmonella. deli meat: deli meat known contamin listeria, caus miscarriag"} {"id": "9766", "contents": "find healthi eat pregnancy, includ healthi snacks. food avoid take care pregnant, might make ill harm baby. make sure know import fact food avoid take precaut pregnant."} {"id": "9767", "contents": "food avoid eat pregnanc could caus food poisoning, possibl presenc bacteria, chemic parasit food could harm unborn baby."} {"id": "9768", "contents": "food avoid pregnancy. food avoid pregnanc could harm baby. lot common sense, worth look list know exactli what' menu. dairi products."} {"id": "9769", "contents": "and, probabl know, forget alcohol babi grow insid you. stay safe, also avoid food pregnancy. meats. cold cuts, deli meats, hot dogs, ready-to-eat meats. safe eat heat steam serv hot.). pre-stuffed, fresh, turkey chicken. steak tartar raw meat. rare cut meat undercook meats."} {"id": "9770", "contents": "everi expect mom know certain food avoid pregnanc protect health unborn baby. list, however, becom long controversi it\u2019 difficult know foods/drink actual pose health risk one actual safe consumption."} {"id": "9771", "contents": "averag paraleg salaries. averag salari paraleg job london, ky $40,000. averag paraleg salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term paraleg anywher job listing."} {"id": "9772", "contents": "averag paraleg salaries. averag salari paraleg job louisville, ky $44,000. averag paraleg salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term paraleg anywher job listing."} {"id": "9773", "contents": "ohio paraleg salaries. 2011, total 6,480 paraleg work ohio, mani note employ cleveland, elyria, mentor areas. averag salari among paraleg statewid $44,910, top ten percent earn $21,220 more, averag $66,130. work cincinnati area note highest paid throughout state $48,370, 90th percentil area earn substanti $71,520 average."} {"id": "9774", "contents": "within kentucki lot variat paraleg salaries. variat depend wide rang factor popul gener competit market. map display key citi kentucki surround states, click one find paraleg salari area."} {"id": "9775", "contents": "averag paraleg salari job post kentucki 14% lower averag paraleg salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "9776", "contents": "salari someon job titl paraleg louisville, ky vari depend number factors. may requir associate' degre equival 0-2 year experi field relat area. knowledg commonly-us concepts, practices, procedur within particular field. reli instruct pre-establish guidelin perform function job."} {"id": "9777", "contents": "averag paraleg salari job post bowl green, ky 9% lower averag paraleg salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "9778", "contents": "chart describ expect percentag peopl perform job paraleg louisville, ky make less salary. exampl 50% peopl perform job paraleg louisvil expect make less median. source: hr report data octob 2015. may requir associate' degre equival 0-2 year experi field relat area. knowledg commonly-us concepts, practices, procedur within particular field. reli instruct pre-establish guidelin perform function job."} {"id": "9779", "contents": "kentucki paraleg salaries. 2011, 3,240 paraleg work kentucky. averag salari paraleg $39,970 top ten percent earn averag $60,880. major found work west central nonmetropolitan area. employ area earn slightli averag salari $45,310 90th percentil earn $66,100"} {"id": "9780", "contents": "steroid hormon thyroid hormon lipid soluble. amino acid\u2013deriv hormon water soluble. hydrophob hormon abl diffus membran interact intracellular receptor. contrast, hydrophil hormon must interact cell membran receptors."} {"id": "9781", "contents": "steroid hormon pass cell membran target cell. steroid hormon bind specif receptor cytoplasm. receptor bound steroid hormon travel nucleu bind anoth specif receptor chromatin."} {"id": "9782", "contents": "intracellular hormon receptor locat within cell. hydrophob hormon diffus cell membran bind intracellular hormon receptor, may cytosol cell nucleus. hormone\u2013receptor complex bind segment dna."} {"id": "9783", "contents": "lipophil hormon (hydrophob hormones): \u2022hormon solubl aqueou medium, solubl lipid; \u2022they easili cross cell membrane, \u2022thus, enter target cell bind intracellular receptor carryout action; \u2022examples: thyroid hormones, steroid hormones;"} {"id": "9784", "contents": "except thyroid hormon receptor, receptor amino acid-deriv peptid hormon locat plasma membrane. receptor structur varied: receptor consist singl polypeptid chain domain either side membrane, connect membrane-span domain."} {"id": "9785", "contents": "hormon cholesterol-deriv hormone, freeli cross plasma nuclear membranes. within nucleus, need add signal receptor molecule. molecul interact hormon 2, shut transcript substanc y."} {"id": "9786", "contents": "steroid hormon caus chang within cell first pass cell membran target cell. steroid hormones, unlik non-steroid hormones, fat-soluble. cell membran compos phospholipid bilay prevent fat-insolubl molecul diffus cell."} {"id": "9787", "contents": "hormon bind type receptor must abl cross cell membrane. steroid hormon deriv cholesterol therefor readili diffus lipid bilay cell membran reach intracellular receptor ([link])."} {"id": "9788", "contents": "adrenaline, noradrenaline, peptid hormon enter target cell. instead, bind receptor membran surface. receptor extend membrane, outsid portion bind hormone, insid portion receptor undergo conform change."} {"id": "9789", "contents": "water humans. human bodi 60 percent water. blood 92 percent water, brain muscl 75 percent water, bone 22 percent water. human surviv month without eat food, week without drink water."} {"id": "9790", "contents": "weight, averag human adult male approxim 60% water. however, consider variat bodi water percentag base number factor like age, health, weight, sex."} {"id": "9791", "contents": "wikipedia: exampl cell escherichia coli contain 70% water, human bodi 60-70%, plant bodi 90% bodi adult jellyfish made 94\u201398% water. weight, averag human adult male approxim 65% water.however, consider variat bodi water percentag base number factor like age, health, weight, gender."} {"id": "9792", "contents": "signific percentag human bodi water. much water human body? percentag vari depend person\u2019 age, amount fat store one body. total percentag water make weight newborn babi high 75-78%."} {"id": "9793", "contents": "false:::::::: 60 percent human bodi water, brain compos 70 percent water, lung nearli 90 percent water. 83 percent blood water, help digest food, transport waste, control bodi temperature. weight, averag human adult male approxim 65% water.however, consider variat bodi water percentag base number factor like age, health, weight, gender."} {"id": "9794", "contents": "element composit human bodi look point view either mass composition, atom composition. illustr views, adult male human bodi approxim 57% water, water 11% hydrogen mass 67% count atom (i.e. 67 atom percent). thus, mass human bodi oxygen, atom human bodi hydrogen atoms."} {"id": "9795", "contents": "percentag water vari accord age gender. here' look much water insid you. answer: amount water human bodi rang 50-75%. averag adult human bodi 50-65% water, averag around 57-60%. percentag water infant much higher, typic around 75-78% water, drop 65% one year age. bodi composit vari accord gender fit level, fatti tissu contain less water lean tissue. averag adult male 60% water."} {"id": "9796", "contents": "adult men, 60% bodi water. however, fat tissu much water lean tissue. adult women, fat make bodi men, 55% bodi made water. thus: babi kid water (a percentage) adults."} {"id": "9797", "contents": "70 percent human bodi made water and, coincidentally, 70 percent earth cover water. water creat environ sustain nurtur plants, anim humans, make earth perfect match life general."} {"id": "9798", "contents": "water major import live things; organisms, 90 percent bodi weight come water. 60 percent human bodi water, brain compos 70 percent water, lung nearli 90 percent water. 83 percent blood water, help digest food, transport waste, control bodi temperature. weight, averag human adult male approxim 65% water.however, consider variat bodi water percentag base number factor like age, health, weight, gender."} {"id": "9799", "contents": "use term ydrodynam dispers denot spread (at macroscop level) result mechan dispers molecular diffusion. actually, separ two process rather artificial, inseparable. compon relat properti porou medium dispers component, veloc fluid, molecular diffusion, by. (4.19). magnitud averag velocity, pe peclet number, defin by."} {"id": "9800", "contents": "glossary. bibliography. biograph sketch. 4.1.3. hydrodynam dispersion. fluid veloc microscop level vari magnitud direct point point within fluid present void space. consequence, initi cloud close tracer particl spread out, gradual chang shape fluid volum occupi it. compon relat properti porou medium dispers component, veloc fluid, molecular diffusion, by. (4.19). magnitud averag velocity, pe peclet number, defin by."} {"id": "9801", "contents": "figur 3. solut transport advect hydrodynam dispers isotropic, homogen porou medium; (a) continu source, (b) point source. note concentr front shape error function continu sourc normal distribut point source. product longitudin dispers advect veloc known mechan dispers describ previou paragraph. 3.4. peclet number. low solut velocity, diffus import contributor hydrodynam dispersion. high velocity, hydrodynam dispers approxim consid mechan dispers term"} {"id": "9802", "contents": "hydrogeolog interdisciplinari subject; difficult account fulli chemical, physical, biolog even legal interact soil, water, natur society. studi interact groundwat movement geolog quit complex. field hydrogeolog matures, strong interact groundwater, surfac water, water chemistry, soil moistur even climat becom clear. example: aquif drawdown overdraft pump fossil water may contribut factor sea-level rise."} {"id": "9803", "contents": "creat transport equat solut describ process advect dispersion. concentration, cs concentr source/sink, dij hydrodynam dipserion coefficient, vi averag linear flow velocity, qs source/sink term, porosity. where. see figur 2-5 (zheng bennett). dispersion, assum that. mechan dispers describ fick' law. mechan dispers function averag linear flow velocity."} {"id": "9804", "contents": "contamin fate transport es062310081956sco/lw3335.doc/101760031 6-3 hydrodynam dispers combin mechan dispers molecular diffusion. dispers effect non-uniform distribut flow veloc pore scale also due aquif heterogeneities."} {"id": "9805", "contents": "dl longitudin hydrodynam dispers coefficient, dt transvers hydrodynam dispers coefficient, longitudin dispersivity, transvers dispersivity. shown zheng bennett two dimensions. low velocities, diffus dominates. high velocities, dispers dominates. see figur 2-5 (zheng bennett). dispersion, assum that. mechan dispers describ fick' law. mechan dispers function averag linear flow velocity."} {"id": "9806", "contents": "hydrodynam dispers includ mechan dispers molecular diffus spread solut direct flow (longitudin dispersion) perpendicular (transvers dispersion). hydrodynam dispers flow direct express eq. (2): (2). product longitudin dispers advect veloc known mechan dispers describ previou paragraph. 3.4. peclet number. low solut velocity, diffus import contributor hydrodynam dispersion. high velocity, hydrodynam dispers approxim consid mechan dispers term"} {"id": "9807", "contents": "hydrogeolog (hydro-mean water, and-geolog mean studi earth) area geolog deal distribut movement groundwat soil rock earth' crust (commonli aquifers). term geohydrolog often use interchangeably. field hydrogeolog matures, strong interact groundwater, surfac water, water chemistry, soil moistur even climat becom clear. example: aquif drawdown overdraft pump fossil water may contribut factor sea-level rise."} {"id": "9808", "contents": "noun. electr energi defin electr charg let work accomplished. exampl electr energi power plug outlet."} {"id": "9809", "contents": "definit electr kids. 1. import form energi found natur artifici produc rub togeth two unlik thing (a glass silk), action chemicals, mean generator. 2. electr current."} {"id": "9810", "contents": "electr energi type potenti energy, energi store object due posit object. case electr energy, object charg particle, posit within electr field."} {"id": "9811", "contents": "energi abil work, work done forc move object. need use energi everi day, energi avail differ forms. electr energi energi that' store charg particl within electr field. electr field simpli area surround charg particle."} {"id": "9812", "contents": "full definit electricity. 1. a: fundament form energi observ posit neg form occur natur (a lightning) produc (a generator) express term movement interact electron b: electr current power. 2."} {"id": "9813", "contents": "review, energi abil work. electr energi energi store charg particl within electr field. electr field area surround charg particl exert forc anoth charg particl within field."} {"id": "9814", "contents": "bail bond amount money cash sureti bond purpos make sure particular person attend requir court appearances. bail allow arrest person (defendant) releas jail case completed."} {"id": "9815", "contents": "gener agents. much stake back bail bond, easi new bail agent obtain support sureti company. bail agent acquir experi necessari establish relationship sureti company, might need depend support gener agent (ga)."} {"id": "9816", "contents": "ga licens bail agent well establish busi strong relationship sureti company. sureti compani qualifi ga, allow sell bond bail agents. ga act intermediari new agent. ga screen new bail agent sure trustworthi handl responsibility. ga work new agents."} {"id": "9817", "contents": "sureti bail bond agent person licens ohio depart insur sell sureti bond author conduct busi state ohio. agent insur compani sell sureti bonds. sureti bond agreement made one person bond agent bond agent agre post necessari bail defend releas jail."} {"id": "9818", "contents": "bail bond insur product guarante appear defend court. involv legal agreement bail agent, insur company, indemnitor court defend show court appear liabl full amount bond court."} {"id": "9819", "contents": "sureti bond agreement made person bondsman. bondsman agre post necessari bond defend releas jail. agreement back insur compani contract sign person bondsman behalf insur company."} {"id": "9820", "contents": "bail bond (in case, bail bond mean thing) amount money cash, property, sureti bond purpos make sure person attend requir court appearances. bond allow arrest person (defendant) releas jail case completed."} {"id": "9821", "contents": "parts: $31 $55. averag cost engin coolant temperatur sensor replac $119 $168. labor cost estim $88 $113 part price $31 $55. get person estim base locat specif car. estim includ tax fees. also, defect coolant sensor signal power train control modul (pcm) oper cool fans, may caus vehicl overheat. check engin light may illumin fault code set engin coolant temperatur sensor."} {"id": "9822", "contents": "then, myth coolant temp sensor pita replac let dealer charg $200+ it. cost $25 part 3-5 min time. okay, here' it. locat sensor first. near back engine, right front battery."} {"id": "9823", "contents": "fact, get brand-new oem coolant temperatur sensor low $5! variant though cost much $30, they'r still inexpens means. instal oem coolant temperatur sensor prove much challeng too, especi experi diyer. obviously, need get replac faulti coolant temperatur sensor. oem coolant temperatur sensor prove great choice-it' reliable, durable, fit vehicl nicely."} {"id": "9824", "contents": "take less hour front rear sensors. dealer cost sensor rang $220-$280. labor rate hr also vary. usual $105-$145. rang depend part countri in. aftermarket univers fit sensor rang $40-$80. much cost repair replac ab sensor depend sever factors. one whether front back. actual part cost anywher $50 $150."} {"id": "9825", "contents": "parts: $123 $216. averag cost oxygen sensor replac $201 $316. labor cost estim $78 $100 part price $123 $216. get person estim base locat specif car. estim includ tax fee"} {"id": "9826", "contents": "repair replac temperatur sensor. includ replacemet pins, connector housing, temperatur sensor. bmw temperatur sensor location. display instrument cluster read either -44 122 degre depend open wire short wires."} {"id": "9827", "contents": "1. determin age plant. hoya plant flower mature. hoya reach matur first year, other -- includ common wax plant (h. carnosa) -- matur five 10 year old. 5. keep plant pot constrict roots. hoya bloom best potbound. grow slowli never need pot larger inch diameter."} {"id": "9828", "contents": "tip. type hoya, bloom time depend matur plant. varieti may bloom readili first year, other produc bloom reach two three year age, sometim more. 1. place hoya bright, indirect light, singl import factor encourag plant bloom. bright, indirect light mean although plant bright light, foliag protect sun' harsh rays."} {"id": "9829", "contents": "tip. type hoya, bloom time depend matur plant. type hoya bloom year-round, varieti season bloomers. water hoya regularly, top half soil feel dri touch. 1. place hoya bright, indirect light, singl import factor encourag plant bloom. bright, indirect light mean although plant bright light, foliag protect sun' harsh rays."} {"id": "9830", "contents": "pot larg enough accommod plant' growth. place hoya plant brightli lit north face window. although hoya plant need sunlight, harsh afternoon sun burn leaves, best place hoya plant receiv earli morn late afternoon sun. water hoya plant deeply, allow soil becom fulli saturated. feed hoya plant monthli small amount 15-15-15 fertilizer. mix 15 drop liquid fertil quart water water pour content around base hoya plant."} {"id": "9831", "contents": "varieti may bloom readili first year, other produc bloom reach two three year age, sometim more. type hoya bloom year-round, varieti season bloomers. water hoya regularly, top half soil feel dri touch. 1. place hoya bright, indirect light, singl import factor encourag plant bloom. bright, indirect light mean although plant bright light, foliag protect sun' harsh rays."} {"id": "9832", "contents": "cooler temperatur may caus leaf loss discourag flowering. feed hoya plant monthli small amount 15-15-15 fertilizer. mix 15 drop liquid fertil quart water water pour content around base hoya plant. adequ fertil requir flower product"} {"id": "9833", "contents": "type hoya bloom year-round, varieti season bloomers. water hoya regularly, top half soil feel dri touch. winter months, water plant sparingly, moisten soil slightly. 1. place hoya bright, indirect light, singl import factor encourag plant bloom. bright, indirect light mean although plant bright light, foliag protect sun' harsh rays."} {"id": "9834", "contents": "grow hoya plant. [ezcol_1half]th hoya plant known thick leav characterist shape. climb clamber make interest sight home. hoya plant also known \u201cthe hindu rope\u201d \u201cwax plant\u201d. fertilizer: hoya plant benefit fertil spring. appli liquid food everi four weeks. feed appli 3-4 time grow season. help plant grow vigorously."} {"id": "9835", "contents": "make sure add perlite. it\u2019 great grow medium plants. water allow hoya plant grow moist soil spring summer. winter, soil dry, point shrivel foliage. keep mind frequent water might necessari dri climates. peopl choos mist leav frequently. fertilizer: hoya plant benefit fertil spring. appli liquid food everi four weeks. feed appli 3-4 time grow season. help plant grow vigorously."} {"id": "9836", "contents": "overview. hoya carnosa, also known wax plant wax vine, tropic flower vine succulent-typ leav shape like surfboard. commonli grown indoor plant free-bloom base conditions. round flower head made multipl floret nectar sweet fragrance. feed hoya complet fertil high potassium encourag flowering. look product guarante analysi 5-10-5 20-10-20 encourag blooms, appli accord product label dose directions."} {"id": "9837", "contents": "state florida author notari charg $10 notari act administ oath, take acknowledgment, attest photocopy, verifi vin, certifi content safe-deposit box. notari may charg $20 solemn marriag (perform marriag ceremony)."} {"id": "9838", "contents": "see \u00a7\u00a7 741.04 741.0405, fla. stat. thus, florida notari may perform marriag ceremoni two person sex. choos particip unoffici ceremoni unit two person sex, must offici capac notari public state florida. no. florida law prohibit same-sex marriages. notari public author person may perform marriag ceremoni without marriag licens issu accord requir set forth chapter 741 florida statut (\u00a7 741.08)."} {"id": "9839", "contents": "county/st fee obtain marriag license? florida law specifi marriag licens fee $88.50. allcoupl complet premarit prep arat course, isa reduct $32.50, make marriag licens cost $56.00 thesecouples."} {"id": "9840", "contents": "florida notari may perform marriag ceremoni provid coupl first obtain marriag licens author florida offici may perform ceremoni within geograph boundari florida. thus, florida notari could perform marriag ceremoni anoth state. no. florida law prohibit same-sex marriages. notari public author person may perform marriag ceremoni without marriag licens issu accord requir set forth chapter 741 florida statut (\u00a7 741.08)."} {"id": "9841", "contents": "florida author notari charg $10 notari act administ oath, take acknowledgment, attest photocopy, verifi vin, certifi content safe-deposit box. notari may charg $20 solemn marriag (perform marriag ceremony)."} {"id": "9842", "contents": "florida notari may charg follow notari act (maximum fee per notari act) 2012 oath /affirm $10.00 (each seal). vehicl identif number $10.00. protest $10.00. document two page two peopl sign it, charg $40.00 ($10. per signatur page). charg maximum legal prescrib fee notari act reason governor suspend notary\u2019 commission. f.s. 117.01[4][i])."} {"id": "9843", "contents": "perform marriag ceremoni state florida individu (includ famili members) valid florida marriag license. charg $10.00 per notari signatur document; charg $20.00 perform marriag ceremony. act notari anywher state florida. can:"} {"id": "9844", "contents": "florida notari public... perform marriag ceremoni state florida individu (includ famili members) valid florida marriag license. charg $10.00 per notari signatur document; charg $20.00 perform marriag ceremony. can:"} {"id": "9845", "contents": "fees: state florida allow notari charg $10.00 signatur notarize. addit this, however, frequent charg may caus fee higher. exampl thing caus fee increase:"} {"id": "9846", "contents": "outer portion meniscus, often refer \u201cred zone,\u201d good blood suppli sometim heal tear small. contrast, inner two third meniscus, known \u201cwhite zone,\u201d good blood supply. piec cartilag knee cushion stabil joint. protect bone wear tear. take good twist knee tear meniscus. cases, piec shred cartilag break loos catch knee joint, caus lock up."} {"id": "9847", "contents": "vb, tears, tearing, tore torn. 1. caus (material, paper, etc) come apart (of material, etc) come apart; rip. 2. (tr) make (a hole split) (something): tear hole dress. 3. (often foll by: along) hurri rush: tear along street. 4. (tr; usual foll away from) remov take force. 5."} {"id": "9848", "contents": "tear (noun). noun tear senses: 1. drop clear salti salin solut secret lacrim glands. 2. open made forcibl pull apart. 3. occas excess eat drinking. 4. act tearing. familiar information: tear use noun uncommon. tear (verb). verb tear senses: 1. separ caus separ abruptly. 2. separ separ force. 3. move quickli violently. 4. strip feathers. 5. fill tear shed tears. familiar information: tear use verb common."} {"id": "9849", "contents": "a. anterior cruciat ligament, acl, injuri tear one knee ligament join upper leg bone lower leg bone. acl keep knee stable. injuri rang mild, small tear, severe, ligament tear complet ligament part bone separ rest bone. without treatment, injur acl less abl control knee movement, bone like rub"} {"id": "9850", "contents": "definit tear. 1. a: drop clear salin fluid secret lacrim gland diffus eye eyelid moisten part facilit motion plural: secret profus tear overflow eyelid dampen face. 2. transpar drop fluid harden fluid matter (a resin). 3. synonym discuss tear. tear, rip, rend, split, cleave, rive mean separ forcibly. tear impli pull apart forc leav jag edges. rip impli pull apart one rapid uninterrupt motion often along line joint."} {"id": "9851", "contents": "topic overview. anterior cruciat ligament, acl, injuri tear one knee ligament join upper leg bone lower leg bone. acl keep knee stable. injuri rang mild, small tear, severe, ligament tear complet ligament part bone separ rest bone. without treatment, injur acl less abl control knee movement, bone like rub"} {"id": "9852", "contents": "torn. vb. 1. past participl tear 2. 2. that' torn brit unexpect event circumst upset one' plans. adj. 3. split cut. 4. divid undecided, preference: torn stay leaving."} {"id": "9853", "contents": "torn. torn song, origin altern rock band ednaswap debut album ednaswap. second singl album, glow. torn written scott cutler, ann preven, phil thornalley demo session 1993 ednaswap formed. lyric written preven. thornalley cutler produc session."} {"id": "9854", "contents": "drug description. activ ingredi daliresp tablet roflumilast. roflumilast activ metabolit (roflumilast noxide) select phosphodiesteras (pde4) inhibitors. chemic name roflumilast n-(3,5- dichloropyridin-4-yl)-3-cyclopropylmethoxy-4-difluoromethoxy-benzamide."} {"id": "9855", "contents": "\u2020for roflumilast n-oxide. strong induc cyp3a4 cyp1a2 enzym systems, includ rifampicin, phenobarbital, carbamazepine, phenytoin blood level effectiveness; concurr use avoided."} {"id": "9856", "contents": "indications. daliresp\u00ae indic treatment reduc risk copd exacerb patient sever copd associ chronic bronchiti histori exacerbations. dosag form strengths. daliresp suppli white off-white, round tablets, emboss \u201cd\u201d one side \u201c500\u201d side. tablet contain 500 mcg roflumilast. daliresp suppli white off-white, round tablets, emboss \u201cd\u201d one side \u201c500\u201d side."} {"id": "9857", "contents": "roflumilast reduc inflamm lung lead copd (chronic obstruct pulmonari disease). roflumilast use prevent worsen symptom peopl sever chronic obstruct pulmonari diseas (copd). roflumilast bronchodilator. treat bronchospasm attack alreadi begun. roflumilast may also use purpos list medic guide. use roflumilast allerg it, moder sever liver disease. make sure safe take roflumilast, tell doctor conditions: liver disease; histori depression, mental illness, suicid thought actions."} {"id": "9858", "contents": "enter email address. click learn emedtv.com. daliresp\u2122 (roflumilast) prescript medic use treat sever chronic obstruct pulmonari diseas (copd). unlik copd medic avail inhalers, daliresp come tablet form taken day. take it. daliresp come tablet form. usual taken mouth day. tri take dose time day keep even level blood. take medic without food. medicin work properly, must taken prescribed."} {"id": "9859", "contents": "daliresp caus seriou side effects. see daliresp precaut section. common side effect include: diarrhea. weight loss. nausea. headache. back pain. flu like symptoms. take daliresp exactli healthcar provid tell take it. daliresp taken without food. take prescrib dose daliresp, call healthcar provid go nearest hospit emerg room right away."} {"id": "9860", "contents": "gener information. daliresp (roflumilast) select phosphodiesteras (pde4) inhibitor. inhibit pde4 activ reduc releas inflamm mediat counteract damag tissue, allow respiratori muscl relax therefor potenti improv lung function. daliresp drug information. daliresp drug inform shown licens thomson centerwatch. inform provid gener educ purpos constitut medic pharmaceut advic sought qualifi medic pharmaceut advisers."} {"id": "9861", "contents": "introduct biochem industri definit biochem process aprocessthatuseslivingcellsora process use live cell biomolecul carri chemic transform lead product ultim recoveri valuabl products. biochem engin disciplin work team environ chemists, biochemists, microbiologists, chemic engineers. step develop new biochem process role profession play.\u20131. identifi desir reaction product (chemist, biochemist). \u20132."} {"id": "9862", "contents": "biochem convers process. biochem convers process. use live organ product convert organ materi fuels. pleas contribut project, inform term feel free edit page."} {"id": "9863", "contents": "biochemistri studi chemic substanc vital process occur live organisms. biochemist focu heavili role, function, structur biomolecules. studi chemistri behind biolog process synthesi biolog activ molecul exampl biochemistry. biochemist focu heavili role, function, structur biomolecules."} {"id": "9864", "contents": "biochemistry. scienc concern chiefli chemistri biolog processes; attempt util tool concept chemistry, particularli organ physic chemistry, elucid live system. scienc various refer physiolog chemistri biolog chemistry."} {"id": "9865", "contents": "bi\u00b7o\u00b7chem\u00b7is\u00b7try. n. 1. studi chemic substanc vital process occur live organisms; biolog chemistry; physiolog chemistry. 2. chemic composit particular live system biolog substance: viral biochemistry. noun. 1. biochemistry-th organ chemistri compound process occur organisms; effort understand biolog within context chemistry. antagon (biochemistry) interfer inhibit physiolog action chemic substanc anoth similar structure."} {"id": "9866", "contents": "biochemistri close relat molecular biology, studi molecular mechan genet inform encod dna abl result process life. biochemist focu heavili role, function, structur biomolecules. studi chemistri behind biolog process synthesi biolog activ molecul exampl biochemistry."} {"id": "9867", "contents": "metabol energi production. mani chemic step involv biolog breakdown sugars, lipid (fats), amino acid known. well establish live organ captur energi liber reaction form high-energi compound, adenosin triphosph (atp). scienc concern chiefli chemistri biolog processes; attempt util tool concept chemistry, particularli organ physic chemistry, elucid live system. scienc various refer physiolog chemistri biolog chemistry."} {"id": "9868", "contents": "studi chemistri behind biolog process synthesi biolog activ molecul exampl biochemistry. genet studi effect genet differ organisms. often infer absenc normal compon (e.g., one gene). biochemist focu heavili role, function, structur biomolecules."} {"id": "9869", "contents": "today, main focu pure biochemistri understand biolog molecul give rise process occur within live cells, turn relat greatli studi understand whole organisms. biochemist focu heavili role, function, structur biomolecules. studi chemistri behind biolog process synthesi biolog activ molecul exampl biochemistry."} {"id": "9870", "contents": "gener scientif use, thermal conduct quantiti heat watt (w) pass unit. time (usual per second) plate particular area (in squar meter (m^2)) thickness. (in meter (m)) opposit face differ temperatur one degre kelvin (k)."} {"id": "9871", "contents": "british thermal unit per hour squar foot degre fahrenheit [btu /(h*ft *8f)]. watt per squar meter kelvin [w/(m *k)]. 5.678263. british thermal unit th per hour squar foot degre fahrenheit [btu th /(h*ft f)]. watt per squar meter kelvin [w/(m *k)]. 5.674466. british thermal unit per second squar foot degre fahrenheit [btu /("} {"id": "9872", "contents": "watt per squar meter per degre celciu (w/m2-\u00b0c) unit categori thermal heat transfer coefficient. also known watt/squar meter-celcius. watt per squar meter per degre celciu (w/m -\u00b0c) dimens mt -1 -1 mass, time, temperatur. essenti correspond standard si unit w/m -k."} {"id": "9873", "contents": "watt per meter per celsiu degre (w/m-\u00b0c) unit categori thermal conductivity. also known watt per meter per celsiu degree, watt per metr per celsiu degree, watt per metr per celsiu degree. watt per meter per celsiu degre (w/m-\u00b0c) dimens mlt -3 -1 mass, length, time, temperatur. essenti correspond standard si unit w/m-k."} {"id": "9874", "contents": "greek languag use particular eras, see proto-greek, mycenaean greek, ancient greek, koin greek, mediev greek modern greek. greek hellen (modern greek: \u03b5\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ac [elini\u02c8ka] ellinika, ellinik\u00e1, greek \u03b5\u03bb\u03bb\u03b7\u03bd\u03b9\u03ba\u03ae [\u03b3\u03bb\u03ce\u03c3\u03c3\u03b1 elini\u02c8ci]. \u02c8\u0263losa modern greek (neo-hellenic): stem mediev greek, modern greek usag trace byzantin period, earli 11th century. languag use modern greeks, and, apart standard modern greek, sever dialect it."} {"id": "9875", "contents": "adj. 1. greek-of relat characterist greec greek greek language; greek mythology; grecian robe. grecian, hellenic. adj. 6. (placename) denoting, relat to, characterist greece, greeks, greek language; hellenic. 7. (languages) denoting, relat to, characterist greece, greeks, greek language; hellenic. 8. (peoples) denoting, relat to, characterist greece, greeks, greek language;"} {"id": "9876", "contents": "mani english word greek origin, varieti histories: vernacular borrowing, typic pass latin french; learn borrow directli greek; coinag post-class latin modern european languages; direct borrow modern greek. greek word modern deriv [edit]. citat form shown form commonli shown dictionaries, form often unrepres word use form compound word, henc root form also shown."} {"id": "9877", "contents": "greek (ancient) origin names. home names. list name origin greek (ancient) ancient greek languag spoken peopl ancient greec place hellen world. latin form greek name \u03b1\u03b3\u03b1\u03b8\u03b7 (agathe) deriv greek \u03b1\u03b3\u03b1\u03b8\u03bf\u03c2 (agathos) mean good ... [more]. agathangelo late greek. mean bearer good news, deriv greek \u03b1\u03b3\u03b1\u03b8\u03bf\u03c2 (agathos) good \u03b1\u03b3\u03b3\u03b5\u03bb\u03bf\u03c2 (angelos) messenger, angel ..."} {"id": "9878", "contents": "greek mytholog refer myth tale ancient greeks. legend myth pertain gods, natur heroes. also brief origin signific cult, variou practic follow them. greek mytholog also throw light origin world. also variou account live mani differ gods, goddess mytholog characters. greek mytholog speak age gods, age god men friendly, age heroes, presenc god becom limited. greek mytholog essenti part greek history, also part religion greeks."} {"id": "9879", "contents": "elliniki ellinik\u00ed, glossa gl\u00f3ssa) greek languag independ branch of-th indo european family, languag nativ the, southern balkan the, aegean island western, asia minor part northern eastern anatolia the, south caucasus, southern itali albania. cypru modern greek (neo-hellenic): stem mediev greek, modern greek usag trace byzantin period, earli 11th century. languag use modern greeks, and, apart standard modern greek, sever dialect it."} {"id": "9880", "contents": "greek. 1. pertain greece, greeks, language. 2. pertain greek orthodox church. 3. nativ inhabit greece. 4. indo-european languag greeks. abbr.: gk. 5. adj. 6. (placename) denoting, relat to, characterist greece, greeks, greek language; hellenic. 7. (languages) denoting, relat to, characterist greece, greeks, greek language; hellenic. 8. (peoples) denoting, relat to, characterist greece, greeks, greek language; hellen"} {"id": "9881", "contents": "modern form, greek languag offici languag two countries, greec cyprus, recogn minor languag seven countries, one 24 offici languag european union. modern greek (neo-hellenic): stem mediev greek, modern greek usag trace byzantin period, earli 11th century. languag use modern greeks, and, apart standard modern greek, sever dialect it."} {"id": "9882", "contents": "greek offici languag greece, spoken almost entir population. also offici languag cypru (nomin alongsid turkish). membership greec cypru european union, greek one organization' 24 offici languages. modern greek (neo-hellenic): stem mediev greek, modern greek usag trace byzantin period, earli 11th century. languag use modern greeks, and, apart standard modern greek, sever dialect it."} {"id": "9883", "contents": "test pork chop doneness. thick pork chop determin final cook time, regardless whether boneless bone-in. chop typic rang thick 3/4 inch 1-1/2 inches. chop bake 425 degre 20 minut chop reach intern temperatur 145 degre f. allow chop stand minut room temperatur serving. stuff, cut pocket side pork chop."} {"id": "9884", "contents": "read learn fri pork chop stove, bake oven grill, broil perfection. prep time: minutes. cook time (frying): 6-8 minutes. total time: 11-13 minutes. want make bread pork chops, mix cup flour, teaspoon salt, teaspoon black pepper 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder. separ dish, mix egg tablespoon water. dip pork chop egg mixture, dip flour mixtur coat."} {"id": "9885", "contents": "place pork chop shallow dish pour brine top. brine cover chop not, add addit water salt (1 cup water tablespoon salt) chop submerged. cover dish refriger 30 minut hours. heat oven skillet: posit rack middl oven preheat 400\u00b0f. place skillet oven preheat well. season pork chops: oven heats, prepar pork chops. step-by-step recip perfectli cooked, perfectli juici pork chops. 1-minut video: cook perfect pork chop! quick brine brine pork chop one best way way guarante juici cook pork chop. even quick 30-minut brine (or four hours) make big difference."} {"id": "9886", "contents": "dredg side pork chop flour mixture, set asid plate. heat canola oil medium medium-high heat. add butter. butter melt butter/oil mixtur hot, cook pork chop time, minut first side; minut side. (make sure pink juic remain.) remov plate repeat remain porch chops. delici simple! serv smash new potatoes."} {"id": "9887", "contents": "place pork chop bake pan. spread teaspoon butter chop, spread teaspoon mayonnais butter. season one season salt, pepper parsley. sprinkl 1/4 cup chees top pork chop. prep. cook. readi in. preheat oven 350 degre (180 degre c). place pork chop bake pan. spread teaspoon butter chop, spread teaspoon mayonnais butter. season one season salt, pepper parsley."} {"id": "9888", "contents": "preheat oven 350 degre (180 degre c). place pork chop bake pan. spread teaspoon butter chop, spread teaspoon mayonnais butter. season one season salt, pepper parsley. prep. cook. readi in. preheat oven 350 degre (180 degre c). place pork chop bake pan. spread teaspoon butter chop, spread teaspoon mayonnais butter. season one season salt, pepper parsley. sprinkl 1/4 cup chees top pork chop."} {"id": "9889", "contents": "2. heat tablespoon oil larg skillet. place skillet medium high heat let oil get nice hot. type oil do-ol oil, canola oil, grapese oil-you pick. could also use butter. fri pork chops, might need heat second pan well. want make bread pork chops, mix cup flour, teaspoon salt, teaspoon black pepper 1/2 teaspoon garlic powder. separ dish, mix egg tablespoon water. dip pork chop egg mixture, dip flour mixtur coat."} {"id": "9890", "contents": "saut chops. easiest way fri pork chop saut them, mean cook quickli littl oil skillet. boneless bone-in rib loin chops, cut 1/2 3/4 inch thick, work well this. four chops, heat teaspoon veget oil oliv oil larg skillet medium heat."} {"id": "9891", "contents": "heat canola oil medium medium-high heat. add butter. butter melt butter/oil mixtur hot, cook pork chop time, minut first side. flip cook chop golden brown side, minut (make sure pink juic remain). remov plate repeat remain pork chops. delici simple!"} {"id": "9892", "contents": "type chiari malform congenit anomali brain cerebellar tonsil elong push open base skull (see foramen magnum), block flow cerebrospin fluid (csf) exit medial later apertur fourth ventricle. flocculonodular lobe cerebellum also confus cerebellar tonsils, one three lobe make overal composit cerebellum. cerebellum consist three anatom function lobes: anterior lobe, posterior lobe, flocculonodular lobe."} {"id": "9893", "contents": "chiari malform type (cm) neurolog disord part brain, cerebellum (or specif cerebellar tonsils), descend skull spinal area."} {"id": "9894", "contents": "normal anatomi cerebellum (left). chiari malform (right). size posterior fossa small, cerebellar tonsil may herniat skull spinal canal. tonsil block flow csf (blue) may caus fluid buildup insid spinal cord, call syrinx. syringomyelia, hydrocephalus, complications. overview. chiari malform condit boni space enclos lower part brain smaller normal. crowd caus cerebellar tonsil push skull spinal canal. herniat tonsil block normal flow cerebrospin fluid (csf)"} {"id": "9895", "contents": "get help doctor \u203a. tonsils: cerebellar tonsil tonsils, part cerebellum. sometim patient dizzi due pressur portion cerebellum rest low skull, around foramen magnum. arnold chiari: low lie cerebellar tonsil refer presenc cerebellar tissu foramen magnum. usual refer arnold chiari type i, gener asymptomat seen incident find mri brain. best check doctor certain."} {"id": "9896", "contents": "chiari malformation, also known arnold-chiari malformation, rel common syndrom caus displac cerebellar tonsil level foramen magnum. associ chiari malform may hydrocephalus, spina bifida, syringomyelia. type chiari malform consist caudal displac cerebellar tonsil least mm upper cervic spinal canal. type herniat may asymptomatic. type ii chiari meningomyelocel (spinal opening). type iii encephalocele."} {"id": "9897", "contents": "chiari malform character herniat cerebellar tonsil foramen magnum cervic spinal canal (see imag below). cerebellar tonsil often elong peglike. note ectop cerebellar tonsil posit snugli posterolater subarachnoid space cervic spinal canal. chiari malform directli associ congenit brain malformations, specif myelomeningocele, featur chiari ii malformation."} {"id": "9898", "contents": "chiari malform (cms) structur defect cerebellum, part brain control balance. normal cerebellum part brain stem sit indent space lower rear skull, foramen magnum (a funnel-lik open spinal canal). part cerebellum locat foramen magnum, call chiari malformation."} {"id": "9899", "contents": "home price $55, $66, $72, $80, $84, $92, $110, $118, $328 per squar foot combin produc averag $112 per squar foot, probabl reason figur mani area country. however, differ lowest figur highest substantial."} {"id": "9900", "contents": "generally, turnkey cost start around $70 squar foot starter home ideal conditions. averag level finish like $90-100. $110-120 build custom finish. example, $5,000 well cost $1 per squar foot 5,000 s.f. hous $2 s.f. 2,500 s.f. house. sinc hous low squar footag finish space still tend garages, porches, site costs, cost per squar foot tend higher."} {"id": "9901", "contents": "common offic build size, two four stori tall, rang $140 per squar foot winston-salem $240 per squar foot new york note $10 per squar foot last year. data year indic $15-$30 per squar foot approxim 13% increas construct cost last year, depend region. note twenti stori start get uniqu build characterist drive cost variou way"} {"id": "9902", "contents": "take price home, deduct price land, divid amount squar footag home. example, home sell $230,000 land cost $30,000, construct cost around $200,000. home 2,000 squar feet, cost per squar foot $100. use sever new home area get approxim squar footag price. cost per squar foot often higher small home larger home. build larger home, cost expens item (such furnac kitchen) spread squar footage."} {"id": "9903", "contents": "averag commerci steel build cost $16 $20 per squar foot, includ build packag (i-beams, purlins, girt etc.) delivery, foundat cost construction. sinc mani retail commerci build requir addit finish like insul facad fa\u00e7ade, custom cost may rise to$ 30 or$ 40 per squar (foot). sf insul commerci steel build necessari expens also good. invest"} {"id": "9904", "contents": "rich, thank question. fairli small size offic building, put upward pressur price per squar foot. chart would suggest cost neighborhood $160 per squar foot, small squar footag could easili push $200 per square-foot range. data year indic $15-$30 per squar foot approxim 13% increas construct cost last year, depend region. note twenti stori start get uniqu build characterist drive cost variou way"} {"id": "9905", "contents": "words, foundation, might well basement climat suitabl one. cost basement $10 $15 basement crawl space, essenti get basement footag $10 $15 per squar foot."} {"id": "9906", "contents": "median cost commerci build type hover around $100 per squar foot. new trend fast food boutiqu less assembl line, cost typic fast food restaur rise. assum exist condit present code concern (ada, fire, egress, etc.), good core shell building, reason easi access necessari utilities, finish cost offic space rang $25-$50 per squar foot, depend level finish look for."} {"id": "9907", "contents": "dna polymerase. helicas respons unwind dna strand, dna polymeras respons replic strand unwind separates. dna made sugar-phosph ladder nucleotid base. dna strand separates, dna polymeras match nucleotid base miss strand separates. dna polymeras also abil correct error strand. one type helicase, also one type polymerase."} {"id": "9908", "contents": "deoxyribonucl acid basic molecul need form life. dna need help enzym order undergo complic time-consum replic process. helicas dna polymeras involv dna replication, enzym perform differ function within replic process. dna strand separates, dna polymeras match nucleotid base miss strand separates. dna polymeras also abil correct error strand. one type helicase, also one type polymerase."} {"id": "9909", "contents": "dna polymeras iii (not dna polymerase) enzym work associ enzym replic dna molecule. dna replic begin enz yme, known helicas unwind dna strand. helicas unwind dna strand, thus, process, separ two dna templates. polymeras enzym catalyz convers free nucleotid singl strand. dna polymeras differ rna polymeras two major respects: like enzymes, dna polymeras substrate-specific."} {"id": "9910", "contents": "hence, dna polymeras move along templat strand 3'-5' direction, daughter strand form 5'-3' direction. differ enabl result double-strand dna form compos two dna strand antiparallel other. function dna polymeras quit perfect, enzym make one mistak everi billion base pair copied. error correct properti some, all, dna polymerases. process correct mistak newli synthes dna."} {"id": "9911", "contents": "primas enzym synthes short rna sequenc call primers. primer serv start point dna synthesis. sinc primas produc rna molecules, enzym type rna polymerase. primas function synthes short rna sequenc complementari single-strand piec dna, serv template."} {"id": "9912", "contents": "answers. best answer: rna polymeras use transcript helicas use dna replication. rna polymeras enzym help unwind doubl strand dna break hydrogen bond complementari bases. basically, rna polymeras wonder enzym work break ad complementari rna nucleotides."} {"id": "9913", "contents": "basically, rna polymerase' role similar dna polymerase. rna polymeras enzym use transcript nucleus. similar dna polym rase, rna polymeras code complementari nucleotid dna strand. dna polymeras creat strand dna templat strand dna. use creat new copi dna. order begin dna synthesis, primer necessary. primer short oligo nucleotid fragment hybrid templat strand dna (the strand copied)."} {"id": "9914", "contents": "second two activ dna pol import replication, dna polymeras iii (pol iii) enzym perform 5'-3' polymeras function. primase-th requir free 3' hydroxyl group fulfil rna primer synthes initi site enzymes. remov 5' 3' exonucleas action polymeras i. 5. final product gap dna result remov rna primer. fill action dna"} {"id": "9915", "contents": "dna polymeras enzym creat dna molecul assembl nucleotides, build block dna. enzym essenti dna replic usual work pair creat two ident dna strand singl origin dna molecule. process, dna polymeras \u201creads\u201d exist dna strand creat two new strand match exist ones. function dna polymeras quit perfect, enzym make one mistak everi billion base pair copied. error correct properti some, all, dna polymerases. process correct mistak newli synthes dna."} {"id": "9916", "contents": "also possibl combin hepat typhoid jab. ideally, typhoid vaccin given least one month travel, given closer travel date necessary. booster vaccin recommend everi three year continu risk infection. vaccin usual given drink two separ doses, taken one six week apart (children age two six third dose taken one six week second dose). make sure final dose vaccin least week travel."} {"id": "9917", "contents": "children vaccin year age vaccin later visits. travelers, vaccin seri start least one month travel provid best protection. person get vaccin less one month travel also get shot call immun globulin (ig). ig give immediate, temporari protection. others, hepat vaccin seri may start whenev person risk infection. two dose vaccin need last protect"} {"id": "9918", "contents": "hepat vaccin recommend children age year, person increas risk infection, person increas risk complic hepat a, person wish obtain immunity. healthi person age 12 months\u201340 years, single-antigen hepat vaccin age-appropri dose prefer ig vaccine\u2019 advantages, includ long-term protect eas administration, well equival efficaci vaccin ig."} {"id": "9919", "contents": "singl dose hepat vaccin usual given primari vaccin booster dose given 6-12 month first vaccin prolong effect. ideally, vaccin given week travel. combin hepat hepat vaccin also avail australia. given cours dose vaccine: one vaccin given immediately, second given one month later, third given month that."} {"id": "9920", "contents": "vaccin full, two-dos seri hepat vaccin best way prevent hav infection. hepat vaccin licens unit state use person 12 month age older. healthi person age 12 months\u201340 years, single-antigen hepat vaccin age-appropri dose prefer ig vaccine\u2019 advantages, includ long-term protect eas administration, well equival efficaci vaccin ig."} {"id": "9921", "contents": "get hepat vaccin travel prevent disease. cdc recommend travel mexico area get vaccin hepat advanc travel. even travel restrict resort destinations, still possibl get infect hepat virus. ask doctor hepat vaccin travel. vaccin safe effect best way prevent infect virus. hepat vaccin typic given two dose initi vaccin follow anoth shot six month later. first dose hepat vaccin given soon travel plan"} {"id": "9922", "contents": "previously, hepat vaccin recommend administ least 2\u20134 week departur area intermedi high rate hepat a. travel depart less week recommend receiv receiv immun globulin (ig) short-term protection. healthi person age 12 months\u201340 years, single-antigen hepat vaccin age-appropri dose prefer ig vaccine\u2019 advantages, includ long-term protect eas administration, well equival efficaci vaccin ig."} {"id": "9923", "contents": "works. twinrix vaccin provid activ immun hepat hepat viruses. given seri inject schedul hepat vaccine: initi dose follow dose month months. get best protect travel, need dose twinrix departure. get dose, consid get hepat vaccin instead shot combin vaccine. may provid better protect hepat a."} {"id": "9924", "contents": "think about. twinrix given peopl allerg content vaccine. get best protect travel, need dose twinrix departure. get dose, consid get hepat vaccin instead shot combin vaccine. may provid better protect hepat a."} {"id": "9925", "contents": "copper wire increasingli expensive, materi alon rewir typic home start around $400-$1,000 might run $1,500-$3,000 extens upgrad (lot outlets, light fixtures) larger home. electrician rewir hous gener take 3-10 days, week averag older home. however, complex project take even longer. doityourself.com offer introduct home wiring, includ use term safeti tips."} {"id": "9926", "contents": "averag cost instal electr panel wiring. averag cost hire electrician instal electr panel wire $1,175. homeown pay $960 $1,395 type work completed, gener maximum around $2,220."} {"id": "9927", "contents": "although still low-cost area electrician work $30-$50 hour, typic charg $50-$100 hour depend local rate qualifications. electrician quot flat fee per job rather hourli rate, depend scope type work performed. may also minimum $50-$150 servic charg come hous evalu problem. total cost hire electrician depend type work done."} {"id": "9928", "contents": "averag total cost rewir hous start $3,500-$8,000 moderate-s home easi access crawlspac attic, cost $8,500-$30,000 rewir larg hous and/or one difficult access. may also minimum $50-$150 servic charg come hous evalu problem. total cost hire electrician depend type work done."} {"id": "9929", "contents": "outlet run larger 220-volt outlet requir larger wire. mean cost oper littl higher. combin outlet, wiring, box labor would around $100.00 $125.00. instal take less 30 minutes. wire, switch, cover plate box need installation. simpli chang switch out, we'd treat like servic call cost $50 $75. however, new installation, need box, wire, switch cover, like $85 $100 fee."} {"id": "9930", "contents": "upgrad electr panel typic cost $800-$1,200 chang exist panel 100 amps, $1,500-$2,000 new panel. cost $1,300-$3,000 upgrad 200 amp $2,000-$4,000 400 amps. expect pay $500-$1,000 instal new sub-panel. may also minimum $50-$150 servic charg come hous evalu problem. total cost hire electrician depend type work done."} {"id": "9931", "contents": "cost redo electr house. older homes, even chang outlet quickli requir major electr overhaul. updat electr wire hous way homeown want spend remodel budget. rewir entir hous rang anywher $3,000 $12,000. cost depend heavili age construct house, instead size home. hire electrician. licens electrician cost $30 $70 per hour. however, hourli rate alon import electrician' experi capabilities."} {"id": "9932", "contents": "electrician cost. although still low-cost area electrician work $30-$50 hour, typic charg $50-$100 hour depend local rate qualifications. may also minimum $50-$150 servic charg come hous evalu problem. total cost hire electrician depend type work done."} {"id": "9933", "contents": "however, new outlet switch need installed. asment above, replac outlet switch cost $70 $120 per outlet. copper wire use rewir hous expens cost around $1,000 averag home, $3,000 larger home. rewir home provid safeti piec mind. find cost rewir hous area-get free quot reliabl local electrician"} {"id": "9934", "contents": "averag total cost (materi labor) rewir hous start around $3,500-$8,000 moderate-s home easi access (at least 18-inch crawlspac home plu access attic) run $8,500-$20,000 even high $30,000 larg hous and/or one difficult access. electrician rewir hous gener take 3-10 days, week averag older home. however, complex project take even longer. doityourself.com offer introduct home wiring, includ use term safeti tips."} {"id": "9935", "contents": "vorticella transparent, rang 50 150 micromet length, easili cultur unicellular protist compon infusoria commonli util food fish fry. vorticella video #1. coloni ciliat move explos pulses; obliqu illumin play time 32 seconds. member phylum cilophora (ciliates), vorticella grow macroscop cluster stalk individu anim may mistaken coloni filament algae."} {"id": "9936", "contents": "protozoa also mean 'littl animal'. name mani speci act like small animals. search collect microb food. previously, protozoa specifi unicellular protist possess animal-lik characterist capabl move water. protist class eukaryot microorgan part kingdom protista. term 'protozoan' becom debatable. modern scienc shown protozoan refer complex group organ form clade monophylum. led scientist give term protozoa."} {"id": "9937", "contents": "stentor, sometim call trumpet animalcules, genu filter-feeding, heterotroph ciliat protists, repres heterotrichs. usual horn-shaped, reach length two millimeters; such, among biggest known extant unicellular organisms. stentor species, s. polymorphus, live symbiot certain speci green alga (chlorella). ingested, alga live host absorb nutrient produced, wherea algae, turn, absorb feed stentor \u200d\u200d\u200a'\u200b\u200d metabol wastes."} {"id": "9938", "contents": "u-shap macronucleu micronucleu ciliat visibl transpar cup. vorticella (famili vorticellidae) reproduce, relat unicellular ciliates, primarili asexu simpl fission, divid along length body. however, also capabl sexual conjugation. member phylum cilophora (ciliates), vorticella grow macroscop cluster stalk individu anim may mistaken coloni filament algae."} {"id": "9939", "contents": "return main ciliophora page. vorticella protist (protozoan) belong phyllum ciliophora. interesting, stalk ciliat invert bell shape. stalk contain contractil fibril call myoneme. stimulated, shortens, caus stalk coil like spring. left see close myonem action. taken phase contrast. above, see cilia circular pattern around tip well band shape nucleu (shape c) insid protist. vorticella protist (protozoan) belong phyllum ciliophora."} {"id": "9940", "contents": "vorticella (protozoa). member phylum cilophora (ciliates), vorticella grow macroscop cluster stalk individu anim may mistaken coloni filament algae."} {"id": "9941", "contents": "filament shorten stimulated, stalk coil like spring. earlier, filament call 'myoneme' (muscular filament), discov chemic system administ contract spasmonem differ system use true muscular fiber. vorticella sessil (perman attach substrate) organisms. however, young one seen free-swimming. adult also swim freeli stalk cut, detach substrat due unfavor conditions."} {"id": "9942", "contents": "also capabl reproduc conjugation, form sexual reproduction, two vorticella come together, attach oral groov exchang dna. vorticella first protozoan describ anthoni van leeuwenhoek, father microscopy. vorticella sessil (perman attach substrate) organisms. however, young one seen free-swimming. adult also swim freeli stalk cut, detach substrat due unfavor conditions."} {"id": "9943", "contents": "hundr differ speci vorticella, protist (protozoan) list phyllum ciliophora kingdom protoctista. cell microorgan stalk ciliat look like invert bell. vorticella sessil (perman attach substrate) organisms. however, young one seen free-swimming. adult also swim freeli stalk cut, detach substrat due unfavor conditions."} {"id": "9944", "contents": "bathroom exhaust fan alone, cost within $25 $65 range, depend upon featur brand want. accord one user forum dslreports.com, basic job cost $200, complic job requir contractor crawl attic cost upward $450. accord one user forum dslreports.com, basic job cost $200, complic job requir contractor crawl attic cost upward $450. redbeacon.com state averag job $152 $330 bathroom fan instal unit states."} {"id": "9945", "contents": "mani kitchen exhaust fan part rang hood, cost $30-$4,500, depend size, type cfm; instal add anoth $250-$1,500, depend whether project simpli connect hang rang hood, new metal ductwork must instal exhaust air outdoors. cost $150-$600 power quiet fan option -- decor light fixture, heater, nightlight, timer, humid sensor (turn fan whenev needed) energi star rating."} {"id": "9946", "contents": "depend handi are. cost $200 $400 electrician/handyman instal bathroom fan. fall cost spectrum depend mostli locat fan home difficult set exhaust vent. complic cost. 2015 costowl.com. cost $85 $125 replac bathroom exhaust fan. need hire electrician wire unit. need replac actual unit minor project take hour less. need perform minor construct vent cost more."} {"id": "9947", "contents": "heat/cool/insulate. cost instal exhaust fan. learn cost instal exhaust fan compar labor materi cost electrician charge. find step involv plan job. enter zip code adjust cost live. assum hous wood side there' electr line alreadi bathroom, electrician charg $268 instal exhaust fan, includ labor material. buy fan $90 instal it, save 66 percent. diy hassl alert."} {"id": "9948", "contents": "largest singl cost instal new bathroom fan price fan itself. much cost depend entir elabor want get. instal small simpl exhaust fan extra get job done adequ ventil bathroom. instal decor fan light combin match decor room."} {"id": "9949", "contents": "expect pay $30-$150 bathroom fan 50-130 cfm plu simpl light fixtur infrar heater (gener both), model rang may qualifi energi star effici rating. example, air king ak80 80 cfm 1.5 sone energi star-rat cost $88-$121. cost $150-$600 power quiet fan option -- decor light fixture, heater, nightlight, timer, humid sensor (turn fan whenev needed) energi star rating."} {"id": "9950", "contents": "instal add total cost. do-it-yourself instal possible: thisoldhouse.com provid instruct instal bathroom fan, estim take 6-8 hour $120-$175 (for fan ductwork). cost $150-$600 power quiet fan option -- decor light fixture, heater, nightlight, timer, humid sensor (turn fan whenev needed) energi star rating."} {"id": "9951", "contents": "bathroom fan typic cost $15-$50 basic 50-70 cfm model extra featur high nois level (3.0 8.0 sones). example, broan model 671 ceil wall mount bathroom fan 70 cfm 6.0 sone cost $25-$53. cost $150-$600 power quiet fan option -- decor light fixture, heater, nightlight, timer, humid sensor (turn fan whenev needed) energi star rating."} {"id": "9952", "contents": "locat fan. fan choos also impact cost instal attic fan. rang model roof wall installation. also need caulk, plywood fan instal electr items. control heat top home allow proper ventil great asset home. cost instal attic fan high, either. first want find profession help"} {"id": "9953", "contents": "fungi call decomposers. fungi util live organ food source. fungi parasites. parasit diseas caus organ pathogens. fungi caus human diseas swimmers' ear, athlete' foot, valley fever, yeast infections, ringworm, st. elmo' fire."} {"id": "9954", "contents": "fungi show great divers morpholog habitat. fungi heterotroph organisms, obtain nutrient absorption. cell wall fungi mostli made carbohydr chitin, cell wall plant made cellulose. carbohydr store fungi form glycogen. structur cell wall similar plant chemic fungi cell wall compos chitin. fungi heterotroph organisms. fungi digest food first ingest food, accomplish fungi produc exoenzymes. fungi store food starch."} {"id": "9955", "contents": "1. kingdom fungi includ mushrooms, molds, edibl fungi, poison fungi, pathogen fungi, benefici fungi certain type yeast. organ includ within kingdom commonli call fungi. singularli form fungus. organ kingdom fungi eukaryotes. fungi util live organ food source. fungi parasites. parasit diseas caus organ pathogens. fungi caus human diseas swimmers' ear, athlete' foot, valley fever, yeast infections, ringworm, st. elmo' fire."} {"id": "9956", "contents": "zygomycota, zygot fungi, phylum fungi. name come zygosporangia, resist spheric spore form sexual reproduction. approxim 1050 speci known. mostli terrestri habitat, live soil decay plant anim material."} {"id": "9957", "contents": "organ kingdom fungi includ mushrooms, yeasts, molds, rusts, smuts, puffballs, truffles, morels, molds. 70,000 speci fungi identified. fungi constitut independ group plant animals. structur cell wall similar plant chemic fungi cell wall compos chitin. fungi heterotroph organisms. fungi digest food first ingest food, accomplish fungi produc exoenzymes. fungi store food starch."} {"id": "9958", "contents": "also fruit bodi use place fungi categories: division, class, order, etc. 5. one type fungu peopl frequent encount black bread mold, rhizopus. fungu member zygospore-form fungi (divis zygomycota). fungi util live organ food source. fungi parasites. parasit diseas caus organ pathogens. fungi caus human diseas swimmers' ear, athlete' foot, valley fever, yeast infections, ringworm, st. elmo' fire."} {"id": "9959", "contents": "defin mushrooms. mushroom fungi, fungi mushrooms. fungi produc them, mushroom play similar role flower fruit plants. part matur mushroom produc microscop spore similar pollen seeds, sometim number trillion [1]."} {"id": "9960", "contents": "zygospor diploid reproduct stage life cycl mani fungi protists. zygospor creat nuclear fusion haploid cells. mani eukaryot algae, includ mani speci chlorophyta, zygospor form fusion unicellular gamet differ mate types. zygospor remain dormant wait environment cues, light, moisture, heat, chemic secret plants."} {"id": "9961", "contents": "1). fungi may next kin, close relat anim plants. also recogn organ tradit studi fungi belong three differ unrel groups: true fungi kingdom fungi (eumycota), oomycetes, slime mold (fig. 1). fungi heterotroph and, like animals, obtain carbon energi organisms. fungi obtain nutrient live host (plant animal) call biotrophs; other obtain nutrient dead plant anim call saprotroph (saprophytes, saprobes)."} {"id": "9962", "contents": "premi dda automat door toilet system avail residenti commerci use. ad featur allow user enter exit toilet without even touch door. free entri access control. swing door: leav door unlock state enabl manual assist entry. also encourag user locat \u201ctouch lock\u201d sensor therefor ensur system switch \u201cengaged\u201d mode use facility."} {"id": "9963", "contents": "disabl toilet systems. disabl toilet system design make easi disabl enter toilet lock unlock door. disabl toilet system instal entranc insid toilet physic challeng automat open close door"} {"id": "9964", "contents": "premi dda automat door toilet system visionari new product open close bathroom door toilet touch sensors. aesthet pleas featur use much energi instal simpl use. free entri access control. swing door: leav door unlock state enabl manual assist entry. also encourag user locat \u201ctouch lock\u201d sensor therefor ensur system switch \u201cengaged\u201d mode use facility."} {"id": "9965", "contents": "disabl toilets. access control door entri system disabl toilets, singl use commun bathroom areas. jw disabl person toilet system, dpts, fulli featur access system use disabl toilet design dda compliance. easili integr toilet exist door oper purchas sprint door oper jws. oper two jw touch sensor ultra-brit led control entri open lock door appropri time interfac automat door oper lock devic (maglock). disabl person toilet system. disabl toilet system use automat door operator."} {"id": "9966", "contents": "new automat bathroom door toilet flush system automat rais door flush toilet user finished. system includ hous secur ceil pair walls. hous open lower end thereof. door rotat dispos within... claims(6). 1. new automat bathroom door toilet flush system automat rais lower door flush toilet user finish comprising, combination: hous adapt secur ceil pair bathroom walls, hous open lower end thereof;"} {"id": "9967", "contents": "installation-maintenance. dda access ltd expert manufactur instal access control systems, automat doors, swing doors, disabl toilets, shop front secur more. offic olney sheffield, servic avail across uk. automat door manufactur consultants. suppli instal low energi low mainten system exist swing doors, also provid new aluminium shop-front swing/slid door set suit requirements. contact us today arrang free initi consult estimate."} {"id": "9968", "contents": "use right paint. furnitur intend outdoor use, pick spray paint meant outdoor wicker furniture. even furnitur use indoors, outdoor paint used. mani brand color market, hard find. start spraying. use short, fluid spray coat wicker. chang appear wicker furnitur easi take minut use spray paint. left instant gratif look fresh, new perfectli coordin surround decor. d\u00e9cor"} {"id": "9969", "contents": "paint wicker furniture, keep mind mani nook cranni furnitur need reach. this, use compressor sprayer pre-paint prepar post-paint finish extrem important. a\u20ac\u00a2 paint wicker furniture\u20ac\u201c use spray paint lead lot wastag not. done properli to, avoid use soft sure strokes\u20ac\u2122and dona don\u00e2 worri cover the. first coat, multipl coats, five might requir get the. entir job done"} {"id": "9970", "contents": "primer dries, appli two light coat oil-bas paint, use either compressor sprayer brush apply. prefer use indoor/outdoor oil-bas semi-gloss hous paint, appli compressor sprayer. protect surround area paint outdoor use spray method, spray paint windless day. best way paint wicker opinion, use compressor sprayer, use oil-bas hous paint."} {"id": "9971", "contents": "use good enamel paint suitabl wicker furnitur (most paint label list surfac product suitabl for). hold spray 10 away furniture, spray back forth even coverage. spray-paint indoors, use respirator-typ mask: fume fairli strong. use wire brush scraper remov old paint rust solid portion wicker furniture. wipe loos dirt, wash furnitur spong liquid detergent. keep spong damp rather wet, use much foam possible."} {"id": "9972", "contents": "use brush paint wicker furniture, paint drip end get jammed. finish even paint collected. so, use sprayer recommended. a\u20ac\u00a2 preparation\u20ac\u201c use lot newspap sheet spread around furnitur going. paint a\u20ac\u00a2 paint wicker furniture\u20ac\u201c use spray paint lead lot wastag not. done properli to, avoid use soft sure strokes\u20ac\u2122and dona don\u00e2 worri cover the. first coat, multipl coats, five might requir get the. entir job done"} {"id": "9973", "contents": "make sure spend time prepar new paint wicker furnitur good look longer. easi refresh wicker furnitur indoor outdoors. use rust-oleum 2x spray paint choic colour easiest way give grubbi wicker furnitur new life. wicker furnitur comfortable, durabl too, time wicker start look faded."} {"id": "9974", "contents": "rust-oleum 2x spray paint formul use cane wicker furnitur provid smooth, even finish. find wide select rust-oleum 2x colour option local builder warehouse, white alway favourite, especi outdoor pieces, also choos soft pastel shades. easi refresh wicker furnitur indoor outdoors. use rust-oleum 2x spray paint choic colour easiest way give grubbi wicker furnitur new life. wicker furnitur comfortable, durabl too, time wicker start look faded."} {"id": "9975", "contents": "best way paint wicker opinion, use compressor sprayer, use oil-bas hous paint. possible, one piec do, recommend use natur bristl brush appli paint, wish, use spray method. protect surround area paint outdoor use spray method, spray paint windless day. best way paint wicker opinion, use compressor sprayer, use oil-bas hous paint."} {"id": "9976", "contents": "part-tim student continu pay set cost per credit. student graduat program pay averag $142 per credit, increas 5.6 percent last year. (see attach file colleg univers tuition increases.). tweet @mnscu/mnscu-campuses. 36 colleg univers propos increase, averag increas 4.6 percent impact $97 per year full-tim student. chancellor morri j. anderson cite dramat enrol increas year one reason need boost tuition revenue."} {"id": "9977", "contents": "colleg often report combin tuition fee figure. accord colleg board, averag cost tuition fee 2014\u20132015 school year $31,231 privat colleges, $9,139 state resid public colleges, $22,958 out-of-st resid attend public universities. colleg board report averag cost room board 2014\u20132015 rang $9,804 four-year public school $11,188 privat schools. colleg also provid room board estim live campu base typic student costs."} {"id": "9978", "contents": "colleg unvers within system charg tuition fee consist minnesota statut policies. current tuition structur includes, limit to, resident/nonresid per credit, programmatic/course, band rates. mandatori option fee include; senior citizen, parking, student association, activity, athletic, health services, technology."} {"id": "9979", "contents": "type program. onlin university' averag cost tuition might depend type program enrol in. instance, cours onlin busi manag program capitol colleg cost $398 per credit hour accord school' websit 2013-2014 academ year. cost gener around $100 per credit hour. among school charg $100 per credit hour onlin graduat cours columbia colleg onlin bellevu university, privat non-profit schools."} {"id": "9980", "contents": "$38,105. cost minnesota state colleg univers averag full-tim tuition fee per year minnesota residents. colleg univers charg addit fees. fee vari program. exact tuition fees, contact admiss offic colleg univers interest"} {"id": "9981", "contents": "resid tuition. 2015 2016 school year, credit load 16 credit per semest approxim $2,873.30 plu book relat expenses. tuition fee schedul 2015-2016.pdf. $180.20 per credit. $161.30"} {"id": "9982", "contents": "sever colleg univers provid discount tuition rate resid state school located. hib commun college, example, charg minnesota resid $199.93 per credit hour onlin cours $239.33 non-resid 2013-2014. cost gener around $100 per credit hour. among school charg $100 per credit hour onlin graduat cours columbia colleg onlin bellevu university, privat non-profit schools."} {"id": "9983", "contents": "per-credit tuition onlin university. averag cost per credit hour columbia colleg online, onlin univers illinois-springfield, onlin univers wisconsin sever onlin univers $200 $300. however, mani factor impact cost complet onlin degre program. cost gener around $100 per credit hour. among school charg $100 per credit hour onlin graduat cours columbia colleg onlin bellevu university, privat non-profit schools."} {"id": "9984", "contents": "meat safe keep refriger certain length time, throw out. may costly, consum meat gone bad may caus becom ill. spoil meat may strang look smell. although taint meat may appear normal. photo credit ablestock.com/ablestock.com/getti images. keep beef roast steak refriger safe three five day store meat 40 degre fahrenheit, advis u.s. depart agriculture. sure consum ground beef, liver, kidney beef tongu within two day"} {"id": "9985", "contents": "refriger within two hour cook refrigerating, cut whole bird sever smaller pieces. cook chicken stuffed, remov stuf separ contain refriger freez leftovers."} {"id": "9986", "contents": "meat gravi sauces: day refriger month (freezer). rotisseri chicken: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). open packag hot dogs: week (refrigerator) month (freezer). open packag deli meat: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). rotisseri chicken: day (refrigerator) month (freezer). open packag hot dogs: week (refrigerator) month (freezer). open packag deli meat: day (refrigerator) month (freezer)."} {"id": "9987", "contents": "long 4lb chicken take cook rotisserie? cook pound chicken rotisseri temperatur 350 degre fahrenheit take nearli two hours. however, use meat thermomet check th intern temperatur chicken 165 degre fahrenheit. meat last long refrigerator. day raw. day longer cook place airtight container."} {"id": "9988", "contents": "trust result long rotisseri chicken keep refrigerator. make chicken stock-allrecipes. step-by-step tutori make chicken stock. ... freez stock refridger it, long keep fridge? amanda_h. jan. 10, 2010 7:10 ... *danamarie* recip reviewed-community-allrecipes. let marin pesto hour refrigerator. cook pan ... bought rotisseri chicken use instead. also substitut cherri ..."} {"id": "9989", "contents": "marin chicken refrigerator. marin poultri two day refrigerator. go bast bird marinad cooks, boil marinad first, avoid cross-contamination. throw away unus marinade. home cook like keep refriger four even five day risky. best use within three day freez immedi plan use soon."} {"id": "9990", "contents": "(also) feel like i\u2019m limit chicken cooked. thank help, ss. dear ss: accord foodsafety.gov, uncook poultri safe refriger 1-2 days, safe freezer month (for pieces) 12 month whole chicken turkey. cook poultri safe refriger 3-4 days."} {"id": "9991", "contents": "unakite. unakit metamorph rock form granit similar rock expos elev temperatur hydrotherm fluid emplac volcan dike overli lava flow. result rock contain epidote, orthoclas feldspar, quartz, green pink color."} {"id": "9992", "contents": "details. unakit type granit rock featur mottl pattern green epidote, white gray quartz, pink feldspar, occasion black veining. compact, hard gem often seen cabochon gems, carv bead sold tumbl rough. unakit gemopedia. unakit type granit rock featur mottl pattern green epidote, white gray quartz, pink feldspar, occasion black veining."} {"id": "9993", "contents": "ad rock_shop friday 30 january, 2009. unakit (metamorph rock). unakit metamorph rock compos primarili pink. red, orang feldspar, gray quartz dark green epidote. miner may occur minor amount includ apatite, biotite, magnetite, pumpellyit zircon. $8.00. unakit rock specimen-compos mainli epidote, feldspar quartz collect near rose river,near syria, madison county, virginia approxim size 1/2 1/2 1/2."} {"id": "9994", "contents": "rock call unakite. name unaka mountain north carolina first found. 300 million 400 million year ago, hot water contain dissolv iron calcium trickl ancient granit alter feldspar green epidote."} {"id": "9995", "contents": "unakit forms. case unakite, sand rock flood lava flow them, chang granit contact. time, granit also flood geotherm water, dissolv iron chang feldspar epidot green color. unakit (pronounc you-na-kite) beauti green salmon-pink metamorph stone. unakit alter form granite, classifi epidote."} {"id": "9996", "contents": "cleavage: irregular. unakit type granite. compos salmon-pink feldspar (feldspar import group rock-form miner make perhap much 60% earth' crust), green epidote, quartz. found particularli blue ridg mountains, also beach rock shore lake superior, river pebbles. unakit state stone virginia. outsid unit states, unakit mine south africa, brazil, china. unakit differ region vari amount quartz contain minerologist argu rock contain small amount quartz reffer unakite-lik rather real mccoy"} {"id": "9997", "contents": "name unakit appli bradley 1874 varieti granit unaka mountain north carolina, compos essenti miner yellow-green epidote, pink feldspar, quartz. $8.00. unakit rock specimen-compos mainli epidote, feldspar quartz collect near rose river,near syria, madison county, virginia approxim size 1/2 1/2 1/2."} {"id": "9998", "contents": "unakit metamorph rock compos primarili pink. red, orang feldspar, gray quartz dark green epidote. miner may occur minor amount includ apatite, biotite, magnetite, pumpellyit zircon. $8.00. unakit rock specimen-compos mainli epidote, feldspar quartz collect near rose river,near syria, madison county, virginia approxim size 1/2 1/2 1/2."} {"id": "9999", "contents": "averag desktop support technician salari job post nationwid 31% lower averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "10000", "contents": "desktop support technician salary. desktop support technician averag salari $46,196, median salari $37,200 salari rang $34,000 $85,000. desktop support technician salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position."} {"id": "10001", "contents": "survey result impli network support technician deploy deep pool skill job. notably, skill microsoft activ directory, window 2003 server, microsoft access, help desk desktop support correl pay average, boost percent percent."} {"id": "10002", "contents": "averag desktop support salari job post nationwid 22% lower averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "10003", "contents": "includ guid averag salari offer job cite desktop support technician job titl month octob 2015 comparison period previou years."} {"id": "10004", "contents": "desktop support technician earn averag wage $18.49 per hour. peopl move job 20 years' experi field."} {"id": "10005", "contents": "respons chaining. respons chain get name base student answer link chain togeth series. increas engag student must pay attent discuss order success particip chain"} {"id": "10006", "contents": "6.3 shape chaining. edit 44 \u2026. shape chain anoth aspect oper conditioning, reinforc use elicit certain desir behavior. however, shape chain complex simpli learn new stimulus-response."} {"id": "10007", "contents": "well individu learn behavior chain impact complet task analysis, length/complex chain, schedul reinforcement, schedul extinction, stimulu variation, respons variation."} {"id": "10008", "contents": "respons chaining. salli camden. respons chain quickli becom regularli use techniqu classroom\u2026now know is! first began research use question increas respons rates, mani techniqu one alreadi use students. respons chain get name base student answer link chain togeth series. increas engag student must pay attent discuss order success particip chain"} {"id": "10009", "contents": "backward chaining. backward chain secret complex anim perform movi anim shows. stimulu control use technique. name backward chain come fact train start last behavior to-be-learn sequenc behaviors. trainer work backward there."} {"id": "10010", "contents": "behavior never occurs, say person repertoire. shape way ad behavior person repertoire. shape use target behavior yet exist. shaping, reinforc approxim target behavior. chain defined: new behavior want build may seri chain behaviors. behavior chain seri relat behaviors, provid cue next last produc reinforcer."} {"id": "10011", "contents": "chain instruct procedur use behavior psychology, experiment analysi behavior appli behavior analysis. involv reinforc individu respons occur sequenc form complex behavior."} {"id": "10012", "contents": "use \u201crespons chaining\u201d exercis increas student engagement. part one two-part article. flip channel one raini saturday afternoon, happen scene movi legal blond ell (rees witherspoon) first law school class."} {"id": "10013", "contents": "chain instruct procedur use behavior psychology, experiment analysi behavior appli behavior analysis. involv reinforc individu respons occur sequenc form complex behavior."} {"id": "10014", "contents": "digit human area research teach intersect comput disciplin humanities. develop field human computing, humanist computing, digit human praxi () digit human embrac varieti topics, curat onlin collect data mine larg cultur data sets."} {"id": "10015", "contents": "description. digit human interdisciplinari academ field bring digit technolog bear studi human record. graduat certif program digit human unl allow graduat post-baccalaur student gain scholarli credenti digit humanities."} {"id": "10016", "contents": "digit human forc us think outsid box. doug bring mith strong skill programm work scholar digit humanities. past two years, endow made concert effort take leadership posit explor new frontier digit humanities. academ field concern applic comput tool method tradit human disciplin literature, history, philosophy: unit advanc scholarship classic studi digit humanities. exampl sentences."} {"id": "10017", "contents": "\u201cwhat \u2018digit humanities\u2019?\u201d that\u2019 question still get ask time. years, much discuss debat exactli term mean encompasses."} {"id": "10018", "contents": "essay, third becom unplan trilogy, explain why. avail full text essay publish differ 25.1 (2014) part special issu entitl shadow digit human edit ellen rooney elizabeth weed."} {"id": "10019", "contents": "palladio web-bas platform allow human scholar easili upload data explor varieti visualizations. watch video. stanford scholar har power new technolog array digit human endeavors."} {"id": "10020", "contents": "guide, begin introduct digit human (dh) below, includ inform link dh valu methods, tool resources, fund evaluation, project publications, dh@nu, section dedic dh activ northwestern university. make anything, less-than-three-minut opinion digit humanist.\u201d (2011). welcom guid digit humanities, guid center scholarli commun digit curat northwestern university."} {"id": "10021", "contents": "extent, intend document time time think digit human code work blog. welcom feedback, pleas write via email twitter comment and/or questions. copyright 2015. inform place public domain. that, think, \u201cwhy\u201d digiti humanities: digit human happen univers scholar longer isol practic methodolog cultur sea chang comput socioeconom revolut produced."} {"id": "10022", "contents": "definit 'currenc basket'. select group currenc weight averag use measur valu amount obligation. currenc basket function benchmark region currenc movements-it composit weight depend purpose. next up. currenc basket commonli use contract way avoid (or minimizing) risk currenc fluctuations. european currenc unit (which replac euro) asian currenc unit exampl currenc baskets. relat terms."} {"id": "10023", "contents": "thought laundri basket first conceiv moo man, man diagnos earliest form elephantitis, elephant testicula, birth. tough day hunt mountain ethiopia, blood-stain moo man return confin humbl hut night' rest."} {"id": "10024", "contents": "anoth type sieg weapon trebuchet, form catapult, power sourc different. trebuchet use graviti weight hurl projectile. catapult use middl age power one four differ sources. tension, torsion, traction, gravity."} {"id": "10025", "contents": "basket contain tradit construct stiff fibers, made rang materials, includ wood splints, runners, cane. basket made plant materials, materi horsehair, baleen, metal wire used. basket gener woven hand. basket fit lid, other left open. depend soil conditions, basket may may preserv archaeolog record. site middl east show weav techniqu use make mat possibl also baskets, circa 8000 bce."} {"id": "10026", "contents": "asid court baskets, basketbal piec equip necessari play game basketball. game, ball must bounc continu (dribbling), thrown air player (passing) toward basket (shooting). basketbal typic rang size small promot item inch diamet extra larg ball nearli foot diamet use train exercis increas skill players. standard size basketbal nba 9.5 9.85 inch (24.1 25.0 cm) diameter."} {"id": "10027", "contents": "definit 'market basket'. subset product secur design mimic perform overal market. market basket contain fix select items, use track thing inflation, price perform levels. next up."} {"id": "10028", "contents": "spald first compani produc basketbal offici use. compani founder a.g. spald made first dedic basketbal last year 19th centuri behest jame naismith. produc basketbal sinc time produc nba\u2019 offici game ball sinc 1983. basketbal typic rang size small promot item inch diamet extra larg ball nearli foot diamet use train exercis increas skill players. standard size basketbal nba 9.5 9.85 inch (24.1 25.0 cm) diameter."} {"id": "10029", "contents": "basketbal spheric inflat ball use game basketball. basketbal typic rang size small promot item inch diamet extra larg ball nearli foot diamet use train exercis increas skill players. standard size basketbal nba 9.5 9.85 inch (24.1 25.0 cm) diameter."} {"id": "10030", "contents": "--a--. ace: land disc basket first throw tee. air bounce: disc golf throw disc thrown suddenli \u201cbounces\u201d \u201crises\u201d air earli flight. throw often use go low lie branches."} {"id": "10031", "contents": "first review drug. nafcillin antibiot penicillin group drugs. fight bacteria body. nafcillin use treat mani differ type infections, especi caus staphylococcu bacteria (staph infections). nafcillin may also use purpos list medic guide. nafcillin interactions. antibiot medicin caus diarrhea, may sign new infection. diarrhea wateri bloody, stop take nafcillin call doctor. use anti-diarrhea medicin unless doctor tell to."} {"id": "10032", "contents": "delay allerg reaction nafcillin occur day mani week use medication. call doctor seriou side effects: diarrhea wateri bloody; fever, chills, bodi aches, flu symptoms, sore mouth throat; nafcillin interactions. antibiot medicin caus diarrhea, may sign new infection. diarrhea wateri bloody, stop take nafcillin call doctor. use anti-diarrhea medicin unless doctor tell to."} {"id": "10033", "contents": "bodi systems. bodi consist number biolog system carri specif function necessari everyday living. job circulatori system move blood, nutrients, oxygen, carbon dioxide, hormones, around body. consist heart, blood, blood vessels,arteri veins. immun system body' defens bacteria, virus pathogen may harmful. includ lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, lymphocyt (includ b-cell t-cells), thymu leukocytes, white blood cells."} {"id": "10034", "contents": "circulatori system. heart hollow, muscular organ maintain blood circul throughout body. learn circulatori system-your heart, blood vessel blood-br nutrient body. bodi pretti amazing. given point mani biolog process go -- circulatory, digestive, brain central nervou system more. learn bodi system well eye, ears, nose throat."} {"id": "10035", "contents": "context. level, children begin view bodi system, part thing part organ whole. use onlin interact activity, children learn concept separ compon work togeth build bodi system. addition, lesson focus activ help student learn bodi system work togeth build function human body. activ help teach student organ within system work togeth make system function, point turn system function togeth make human bodi function. point, ask student name bodi systems."} {"id": "10036", "contents": "nervou system made brain, spinal cord, nerves. one import system body, nervou system body' control system. sends, receives, process nerv impuls throughout body. nerv impuls tell muscl organ respond environment. sometimes, even though feel well happening, bodi fight illness. inflammatori respons fails, immun respons goe work. central part immun system made white blood cells, fight infect gobbl antigens."} {"id": "10037", "contents": "hormones, turn, travel differ tissu regul variou bodili functions, metabolism, growth sexual function. immun system body' defens bacteria, virus pathogen may harmful. includ lymph nodes, spleen, bone marrow, lymphocyt (includ b-cell t-cells), thymu leukocytes, white blood cells."} {"id": "10038", "contents": "peripher vascular diseas caus fat plaqu buildup along arteri walls. buildup harden restrict blood flow legs. risk factor includ histori diabetes, high cholesterol, heart disease, high blood pressure, kidney disease, smoke stroke."} {"id": "10039", "contents": "common caus peripher arteri diseas (p.a.d.) atherosclerosis. atherosclerosi diseas plaqu build arteries. exact caus atherosclerosi known. diseas may start certain factor damag inner layer arteries. factor include: smoking. high amount certain fat cholesterol blood. high blood pressur"} {"id": "10040", "contents": "usual happen arteri harden narrow. (that' call atherosclerosis). smoking, high blood pressure, high cholesterol, activ main causes. diabetes, like get wors case peripher arteri diseas improv less treatment."} {"id": "10041", "contents": "diseas may develop result atherosclerosi includ coronari heart disease, angina (chest pain), carotid arteri disease, peripher arteri diseas (pad) chronic kidney disease. two thing happen plaqu occur are: piec plaqu may break off. atherosclerosis, harden arteries, condit plaqu build insid arteries. plaqu made cholesterol, fatti substances, cellular wast products, calcium fibrin (a clot materi blood). atherosclerosi type arteriosclerosis."} {"id": "10042", "contents": "caus peripher vascular disease. common caus pvd peripher arteri disease, due atherosclerosis. fatti materi build insid arteri mix calcium, scar tissue, substances. mixtur harden slightly, form plaques. plaqu block, narrow, weaken arteri walls. peripher vascular diseas overview. peripher vascular disease, also call pvd, refer diseas disord circulatori system outsid brain heart. term includ disord affect blood vessels. is, though, often use synonym peripher arteri disease."} {"id": "10043", "contents": "peripher vascular diseas (pvds) circul disord affect blood vessel outsid heart brain. pvd typic strike vein arteri suppli arms, legs, organ locat stomach. blood vessel distant heart."} {"id": "10044", "contents": "heart diseas result plaqu buildup coronari arteri -- condit call atherosclerosi -- lead blockages. arteries, start smooth elastic, becom narrow rigid, restrict blood flow heart. heart diseas result plaqu buildup arteries, block blood flow heighten risk heart attack stroke."} {"id": "10045", "contents": "peripher arteri diseas due atherosclerosis. gradual process fatti materi build insid arteries. fatti materi mix calcium, scar tissues, substanc harden slightly, form plaqu arteriosclerosis. caus peripher vascular diseas includ following: blood clot: blood clot block blood vessel (thrombus/ emboli). diabetes: long term, high blood sugar level person diabet damag blood vessels. make blood vessel like becom narrow weakened."} {"id": "10046", "contents": "peripher arteri diseas (pad), also known peripher vascular diseas (pvd), peripher arteri occlus disease, peripher oblit arteriopathy, narrow arteri suppli heart brain."} {"id": "10047", "contents": "peripher arteri diseas (p.a.d.) diseas plaqu (plak) build arteri carri blood head, organs, limbs. plaqu made fat, cholesterol, calcium, fibrou tissue, substanc blood. plaqu build body' arteries, condit call atherosclerosi (ath-er-o-skler-o-sis). time, plaqu harden narrow arteries. limit flow oxygen-rich blood organ part body."} {"id": "10048", "contents": "dermatofibrosarcoma protuberan (dfsp) tumor skin. rare type sarcoma (soft tissu cancer). compris fewer 0.1% cancer 1% soft tissu sarcomas."} {"id": "10049", "contents": "dermatofibrosarcoma protuberan (dfsp) rare type cancer, soft tissu sarcoma develop deep layer skin. sometim describ tentacl grow surround fat, muscl even bone. bednar tumor (pigment dfsp) contain dark-color cell call melanin-contain dendrit cells. melanin substanc give skin color. result, type tumor may contain variou colors, includ red brown. bednar tumor account approxim 1%-5% dfsp cases."} {"id": "10050", "contents": "pathophysiology. dermatofibrosarcoma protuberan (dfsp) cutan malign aris dermi invad deeper tissu (eg, fat, fascia, muscle, bone). cellular origin dfsp clear. evid support cellular origin fibroblastic, histiocytic, neuroectodermal."} {"id": "10051", "contents": "dermatofibrosarcoma protuberan diagnos biopsy, portion tumor remov examination. order ensur enough tissu remov make accur diagnosis, initi biopsi suspect dfsp usual done core needl surgic incision. dermatofibrosarcoma protuberan begin minor firm area skin commonli cm diameter. slow grow tumor usual found torso also found arms, legs, head neck."} {"id": "10052", "contents": "myxoid dermatofibrosarcoma protuberan tumor contain abnorm type connect tissu known myxoid stroma. giant cell fibroblastoma, sometim refer juvenil dermatofibrosarcoma protuberan typic affect children adolescents, character giant cell tumor. dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, tumor tendenc return removed. however, often spread part bodi (metastasize). sever variant dermatofibrosarcoma protuberan differ cell type involv"} {"id": "10053", "contents": "dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: rare form slow grow tumor develop deep skin. metastati rare often regrow surgic removed. occur mostli trunk, shoulder chest. dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans: intermedi cutan fibrohistiocyt neoplasm, present nodular cutan mass, often trunk proxim extremities. tumor diffus infiltr dermi subcutan tissues."} {"id": "10054", "contents": "dermatofibrosarcoma protuberan (dfsp) rare tumor. rare neoplasm dermi layer skin, classifi sarcoma. one case per million per year. dfsp fibrosarcoma, precis cutan soft tissu sarcoma. dermatofibrosarcoma protuberan begin minor firm area skin commonli cm diameter. slow grow tumor usual found torso also found arms, legs, head neck."} {"id": "10055", "contents": "overview. dermatofibrosarcoma protuberan uncommon tumor aris skin. tumor firm often flesh-color although reddish, bluish, purplish. tumor often found chest shoulders, found part bodi"} {"id": "10056", "contents": "dermatofibrosarcoma protuberan rare soft tissu growth slow-growing, often metastas (less 4% total number cases), case spreading, lung common direction. frequent recur remains. enter muscl bone."} {"id": "10057", "contents": "condit type soft tissu sarcoma, cancer affect skin, fat, muscle, similar tissues. dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, tumor often start small, firm patch skin, usual centimet diameter, usual purplish, reddish, flesh-colored. tumor typic grow slowli becom rais nodule. dermatofibrosarcoma protuberans, tumor tendenc return removed. however, often spread part bodi (metastasize). sever variant dermatofibrosarcoma protuberan differ cell type involv tumor."} {"id": "10058", "contents": "full definit betrothal. 1. act betroth fact betrothed. 2. mutual promis contract futur marriage. see betroth defin english-languag learners."} {"id": "10059", "contents": "engagement, betrothal, fiancer promis wed, also period time marriag propos marriage. period, coupl said betrothed, intended, affianced, engag married, simpli engaged."} {"id": "10060", "contents": "betrothed. adj. 1. engag married: betroth her. n. 2. person one engaged; fianc fianc\u00e9 or. fiance fianc\u00e9"} {"id": "10061", "contents": "adjective. noun. woman betrothed. woman betrothed. definit betroth someon engag married. exampl betroth woman wear engag ring. betroth defin person anoth engag marry. exampl betroth person engag to."} {"id": "10062", "contents": "full definit betrothed. person one betrothed. see betroth defin english-languag learners. see betroth defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "10063", "contents": "1. engaged, promised, pledged, plighted, affianc betroth brother. noun. 1. fianc fianc\u00e9 or, fiancee, fianc\u00e9 intended, prospective-spous wife-or-husband, futur wife husband without. betroth"} {"id": "10064", "contents": "attach pvc tub drain kit tub. upper cover overflow plate drain assembl retrofit original. spread silicon gasket tighten plate screwdriver. screw tub drain basket pair screwdrivers, exactli opposit way came out."} {"id": "10065", "contents": "report abuse. pipe connect overflow hole drain (overflow kit), big problem. tub ever overflow go ceil left garage. strongli recommend repair caus major damag line."} {"id": "10066", "contents": "open access hole see pipe behind tub. typic locat wall back bathtub\u2019 pipes. access hole, locat stud wall use stud finder."} {"id": "10067", "contents": "6. replac old pipe pvc proper connectors. avail local hardwar store, get pvc pipe proper thread screw metal pipe. this, wrap thread teflon tape cover pipe dope tighten pvc pipe."} {"id": "10068", "contents": "easy-to-fit system cover expos pipe mm 22 mm. instal attach pipe clip wall, secur pipes, snap brilliant white three-sid pvc cover. method reduc chanc damag cover soldering, cover clip final operation."} {"id": "10069", "contents": "remov pipe connect overflow tub drain basket. overflow cover remov turn attach screw cover plate. drain basket remov insert one screwdriv side basket turn counterclockwis rotation."} {"id": "10070", "contents": "recent discov overflow drain suppos connect overflow outlet bathtub is...well, not. take cover overflow outlet, see pipe freestand disconnected, coupl inch away hole."} {"id": "10071", "contents": "in\u00b7au\u00b7di\u00b7ble. adj. imposs hear: inaud conversation. inaud creak joint stiffen knees, knelt bedside. hous seven gabl hawthorne, nathaniel view context. augustine, hundr fifti mile south, inaud two mile north still atmospher"} {"id": "10072", "contents": "fantastic-f bierce, ambros view context. inaud creak joint stiffen knees, knelt bedside. hous seven gabl hawthorne, nathaniel view context. augustine, hundr fifti mile south, inaud two mile north still atmospher"} {"id": "10073", "contents": "adjective. dog whistl inaud human ear. dog whistl inaud human ear. definit inaud someth can't heard. exampl someth inaud dog whistl human. audible; cannot heard distinctli heard."} {"id": "10074", "contents": "british english definit inaudible. view american english definit inaudible. chang default dictionari american english. view pronunci inaudible. 90% time, speaker english use 7,500 word speech writing. word appear red, grade stars. one-star word frequent, two-star word frequent, three-star word frequent."} {"id": "10075", "contents": "thesaurus. thesauru synonym relat word fulli integr dictionary. click thesauru categori head button entri see synonym relat word meaning. 90% time, speaker english use 7,500 word speech writing. word appear red, grade stars. one-star word frequent, two-star word frequent, three-star word frequent."} {"id": "10076", "contents": "definit unaudible. inaudible. advertisement. word usual appear free dictionary, definit premium unabridg dictionari offer limit basis. note inform display differ unabridg"} {"id": "10077", "contents": "blog. must anyon interest chang face language. macmillan dictionari blog explor english spoken around world today. definit synonym inaud onlin english dictionari macmillan publish limited. 90% time, speaker english use 7,500 word speech writing. word appear red, grade stars. one-star word frequent, two-star word frequent, three-star word frequent."} {"id": "10078", "contents": "1. inaudible-imposs hear; impercept ear; inaud conversation. unhearable. imperceptible, unperceivable-imposs difficult perceiv mind senses; impercept drop temperature; impercept nod; color unperceiv touch. inaud creak joint stiffen knees, knelt bedside. hous seven gabl hawthorne, nathaniel view context. augustine, hundr fifti mile south, inaud two mile north still atmospher"} {"id": "10079", "contents": "exampl sentenc includ 'inaudible'. look raw skin left scab fallen spoke voic nearli inaudible. light dove, soft grey, fill dining-hal inaud music. ran toward shadow tree edg clearing, footstep inaud"} {"id": "10080", "contents": "plant plan. choos sunni locat fastest flowering; marigold fine 20 percent shade, take longer bloom. use small garden rake break soil, remov weed rocks. place seed inch apart. cover 1/4 inch fine soil. tamp lightly, soak gentli seed displaced."} {"id": "10081", "contents": "depend variety, marigold grow 40 inch tall, develop bloom rang size inches. germin within five 10 days, start seed indoor six week last spring frost expos ideal conditions."} {"id": "10082", "contents": "marigold need lot sunshine. though grow almost soil, marigold thrive moder fertile, well-drain soil. sow directli garden soil warm, start seed indoor month week last spring-frost date."} {"id": "10083", "contents": "http://www.youtube.com/ehowgarden. length time take marigold flower seed commonli print right packaging. find long take marigold flower seed help longtim experienc garden free video clip. expert: kathi martin."} {"id": "10084", "contents": "marigold take around 45 50 day flower plant seeds, seed sown earli april flower may."} {"id": "10085", "contents": "improv soil drainag fertility. plant marigold seed soil 1/4 inch deep water area deeply. appropri space marigold depend matur size plant. french marigold (taget patula) smaller plant space inch apart."} {"id": "10086", "contents": "speci code: alal. look like: moos largest member deer famili one largest land mammal north america. adult may stand tall 2.3 high. huge bodi cover short dark brown fur. larg ear long squar face. moos shed antler fall earli winter follow end breed season. everi year male moos grow new set antler larger previou year' rack.. femal grow antler smaller males. mass: 270 600 kg; avg. 435 kg (594 1320 lbs; avg"} {"id": "10087", "contents": "currently, moos found canada, alaska, scandinavia, latvia, estonia, new england russia. diet consist terrestri aquat vegetation. common moos predat wolves, bear humans. unlik deer species, moos solitari anim form herds. north america, moos rang includ almost canada (exclud arctic vancouv island), alaska, northern new england upstat new york, upper rocki mountains, northern minnesota, michigan 's upper peninsula, isl royal lake superior."} {"id": "10088", "contents": "size. moos largest member deer family, accord alaska depart fish game. also tallest mammal north america. height, hoof shoulder, rang 6.5 feet (1.5 meters). moos larg ungul (hoof mammals) identifi long, round snouts; huge, flatten antlers; hump back; thin legs; massiv bodies. anim live northern unit states, canada europe. north america, call moose; europe, call eurasian elk."} {"id": "10089", "contents": "description. bull moos full spread antler impos beast north america. stand taller shoulder largest saddl horse. big bull weigh 600 kg canada; giant alaska-yukon subspeci weigh much 800 kg. moos found canadian forest alaska boundari eastern tip newfoundland labrador. estim 500 000 million moos canada. sinc begin settlement canada consider shift distribut moose."} {"id": "10090", "contents": "click imag larger view. moos largest member deer famili tallest mammal north america. stand six feet tall shoulder feet. femal weigh 800 1,300 pound male weigh 1,200 1,600 pounds. moos long, thick, light brown dark brown fur. europ moos known elk. north america, moos found alaska, canada, northeastern unit states, far south rocki mountain colorado. close rel moose, eurasian elk (alc alces) found northern europ asia."} {"id": "10091", "contents": "moos (north america) elk (eurasia), alc alces, largest extant speci deer family. moos distinguish palmat antler males; member famili antler dendrit (twig-like) configuration. moos typic inhabit boreal mix decidu forest northern hemispher temper subarct climates. north america, moos rang includ almost canada (exclud arctic vancouv island), alaska, northern new england upstat new york, upper rocki mountains, northern minnesota, michigan 's upper peninsula, isl royal lake superior."} {"id": "10092", "contents": "hemoglobin a1c normal range. major hemoglobin a1c test perform ascertain normal rang differ laboratori other. per opinion medic experts, hemoglobin a1c normal rang gener percent. thu hemoglobin a1c rang test use detect level blood sugar occur bodi almost past months."} {"id": "10093", "contents": "lower normal hemoglobin level indic anemia. normal hemoglobin rang gener defin 13.5 17.5 gram (g) hemoglobin per decilit (dl) blood men 12.0 15.5 g/dl women. normal rang children vari depend child' age sex. ferritin. hemoglobin. lower normal hemoglobin level indic anemia. normal hemoglobin rang gener defin 13.5 17.5 gram (g) hemoglobin per decilit (dl) blood men 12.0 15.5 g/dl women. normal rang children vari depend child' age sex. ferritin."} {"id": "10094", "contents": "anemia consid present hb hematocrit (hct) lower limit standard deviat (-2sd) 95% confid interv normal population. definit anemia result 2.5% normal individu classifi anemic. hemoglobin main compon red blood cell serv transport oxygen carbon dioxid blood. hemoglobin concentr (hb) usual report gram hemoglobin per decilit blood (g/dl)."} {"id": "10095", "contents": "normal rang hemoglobin is: men, 13.5 17.5 gram per deciliter. women, 12.0 15.5 gram per deciliter."} {"id": "10096", "contents": "find recent guidelines, pleas visit following: mmwr http://www.cdc.gov/mmwr/mmwrsrch.htm cdc web search http://www.cdc.gov/search.do. hemoglobin (hb) hematocrit (hct) measur laboratori test use commonli clinic public health set screen anemia."} {"id": "10097", "contents": "hemoglobin level express amount hemoglobin gram (gm) per decilit (dl) whole blood, decilit 100 milliliters. normal rang hemoglobin depend age and, begin adolescence, gender person. normal rang are: newborns: 17 22 gm/dl. one (1) week age: 15 20 gm/dl. one (1) month age: 11 15gm/dl. children: 11 13 gm/dl. adult males: 14 18 gm/dl. adult women: 12 16 gm/dl. men middl age: 12.4 14.9 gm/dl."} {"id": "10098", "contents": "proper anemia screen requir sound laboratori method procedur also appropri hb hct cutoff valu defin anemia. normal rang hb hct chang throughout childhood pregnancy, higher men women (1,2). thus, criteria anemia specif age, sex, stage pregnancy. hemoglobin (hb) hematocrit (hct) measur laboratori test use commonli clinic public health set screen anemia."} {"id": "10099", "contents": "proper anemia screen requir sound laboratori method procedur also appropri hb hct cutoff valu defin anemia. normal rang hb hct chang throughout childhood pregnancy, higher men women (1,2). thus, criteria anemia specif age, sex, stage pregnancy. anemia refer valu children, nonpregn women, men deriv current nation repres sample--th second nation health nutrit examin survey, 1976-1980 (nhane ii)."} {"id": "10100", "contents": "normal hemoglobin valu relat person' age sex. normal valu may vari slightli test systems, group doctor determin normal valu group patients; however, valu rang close (vari 0.5 g/dl) almost everi group. exampl normal rang wide accept famili practic physician follows: birth: 13.5 24.0 g/dl (mean 16.5 g/dl). age 1-2 months: 10.0 18.0 g/dl (mean 11.2 g/dl). age 2-6 months: 9.5 14.0 g/dl (mean 12.6 g/dl)."} {"id": "10101", "contents": "role alcohol progress liver diseas caus hepat viru infection. hepatolog 1998;27(6):1730-5. harri dr, gonin r, alter hj, et al. relationship acut transfusion-associ hepat develop cirrhosi presenc alcohol abuse. patient chronic hepat infect like drink alcohol. heavi alcohol use found multipl studi associ fibrosi progress cirrhosis. light moder alcohol consumpt also seem contribut liver disease."} {"id": "10102", "contents": "worldwide, viral hepat common caus liver inflammation. caus includ autoimmun diseas ingest toxic substanc (notabl alcohol), certain medic (such paracetamol), industri organ solvents, plants. acut hepat self-limit (heal own), progress chronic hepatitis, or, rarely, caus acut liver failure. chronic hepat may symptoms, may progress time fibrosi (scar liver) cirrhosi (chronic liver failure)."} {"id": "10103", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. alcohol hepat hepat (inflamm liver) due excess intak alcohol. usual found associ fatti liver, earli stage alcohol liver disease, may contribut progress fibrosis, lead cirrhosi"} {"id": "10104", "contents": "hepat numer causes, excess alcohol consumpt infect certain bacteria viruses. one common caus hepat infect one sever type virus (e.g., hepat a, b, viruses). develop new diagnost tools, infect hepat viru (hcv) receiv increas attent recent years."} {"id": "10105", "contents": "alcohol hepat inflamm liver. typic caus excess alcohol consumpt long period time. develop condition, must stop drink alcohol. continu drink lead addit health problems, cirrhosi (scarring) liver liver failure."} {"id": "10106", "contents": "caus viru hcv (hepat virus). liver swell becom damaged. hepat c, unlik hepat b, liver cancer risk increas peopl cirrhosi 20% hep patient get cirrhosis. person becom infect hepat viru (hev) drink contamin water. hepat cannot attribut one viral form diseas call hepat x. hepat anoth type hepat caus specif viru (hgv)."} {"id": "10107", "contents": "liver damag caus hepat viruses, call hepat a, c. however, hepat also caus alcohol toxin infections, well autoimmun process (the bodi attack itself). person becom infect hepat viru (hev) drink contamin water. hepat cannot attribut one viral form diseas call hepat x. hepat anoth type hepat caus specif viru (hgv)."} {"id": "10108", "contents": "name type viral hepat condit correspond viru caus it. example, hepat caus hepat viru (hav), hepat caus hepat viru (hbv), hepat caus hepat viru (hcv)."} {"id": "10109", "contents": "hepat infecti liver diseas caus hepat viru (hcv). virus, caus inflamm liver lead seriou illness, primarili spread intraven contact blood infect person. role alcohol progress liver diseas caus hepat viru infection. hepatolog 27:1730\u20131735, 1998. pessione, f.; degos, f.; marcellin, p.; et al. effect alcohol consumpt serum hepat viru rna histolog lesion chronic hepat c. hepatolog 27(6):1717\u20131722, 1998."} {"id": "10110", "contents": "process acquir immun basi vaccination. like innat system, adapt system includ humor immun compon cell-medi immun components. unlik innat immun system, adapt immun system highli specif specif pathogen. sometim adapt system unabl distinguish foreign molecules, effect may hayfever, asthma allergies. antigen substanc elicit adapt immun response. cell carri adapt immun respons white blood cell known lymphocyt"} {"id": "10111", "contents": "acquir respons call adapt prepar body' immun system futur challeng (though actual also maladapt result autoimmunity). sometim adapt system unabl distinguish foreign molecules, effect may hayfever, asthma allergies. antigen substanc elicit adapt immun response. cell carri adapt immun respons white blood cell known lymphocyt"} {"id": "10112", "contents": "adapt immun defenses. immun respons viral infect compris innat adapt defenses. innat response, discuss previously, function continu normal host without exposur virus. viral infect control innat immun system. key featur adapt immun system memory. repeat infect viru met immedi strong specif respons usual effect stop infect less relianc innat system. say immun infect virus, talk immun memory."} {"id": "10113", "contents": "adapt immun system one two main immun strategi found vertebr (the innat immun system). adapt immun creat immunolog memori initi respons specif pathogen, lead enhanc respons subsequ encount pathogen. sometim adapt system unabl distinguish foreign molecules, effect may hayfever, asthma allergies. antigen substanc elicit adapt immun response. cell carri adapt immun respons white blood cell known lymphocyt"} {"id": "10114", "contents": "adapt immun refer antigen-specif immun response. adapt immun respons complex innate. antigen first must process recognized. antigen recognized, adapt immun system creat armi immun cell specif design attack antigen. adapt immun also includ memori make futur respons specif antigen efficient."} {"id": "10115", "contents": "innat system first line respons infect happens. adapt system immun cell (like macrophages) show pathogen lymph node fr om cell make antibodi specif pathogen. innat system non specific, acquir specific."} {"id": "10116", "contents": "adapt immun specif immun respons consist antibodi respons cell-medi responses, carri differ lymphocyt cells, cell cells, respectively. adapt immun definition. adapt immun import part immun system. protect infecti diseas agent mediat b-and t-lymphocyt follow exposur specif antigen, character immunolog memory."} {"id": "10117", "contents": "featur immun response. immun respons gener divid innat adapt immunity. innat immun occur immediately, circul innat cell recogn problem. adapt immun occur later, reli coordin expans specif adapt immun cells. immunogen use activ adapt immun respons specif memori cell generated. bcr tcr unique, memori cell simpli better elimin pathogen."} {"id": "10118", "contents": "electr price select countri 2014 (in u.s. dollar cent per kilowatt hour). statist show electr price lead economi worldwid 2014. unit states, electr price stood 10 u.s. dollar cent per kilowatt hour."} {"id": "10119", "contents": "unit state example, averag residenti cost kilowatt hour wyom 6.2 cent goe way 25.12 cent hawaii. determin cost, mani kilowatt devic use multipli mani hour use get kwh, multipli price electr per kwh. watt 1,000 kwh kwh hour oper rate cost."} {"id": "10120", "contents": "high cost crude oil use gener state' electr drive price, eia energi economist tyler hodg told me. idaho lowest price, cent per kwh. typic us household would pay $73 electr month idaho. peopl hawaii pay electricity, 33 cent per kwh. hawaiian household whose electr use around nation averag would monthli electr bill $300."} {"id": "10121", "contents": "achiev goal, sunshot work lower price solar electr $0.06 per kilowatt hour (kwh) -- cost target make solar-gener power fulli cost-competit tradit energi sourc end decade."} {"id": "10122", "contents": "averag price peopl u.s. pay electr 12 cent per kilowatt-hour. (context: typic u.s. household use 908 kwh month electricity.). peopl hawaii pay electricity, 33 cent per kwh. hawaiian household whose electr use around nation averag would monthli electr bill $300."} {"id": "10123", "contents": "year ago, januari 2013, kwh cost 12.9 cents. increas price kwh januari 2013 januari 2014 3.9 percent. year, price kwh electr usual rise spring, peak summer, declin fall, lowest point winter. 2013, averag price kwh 12 month year set record particular month"} {"id": "10124", "contents": "averag residenti rate state rang 8.64 36.90 cent per kilowatt-hour (kwh). nation averag 12.56 cent per kwh. map show averag residenti rate investor-own util state."} {"id": "10125", "contents": "residenti electr price risen nation averag $0.0725 per kilowatt-hour start 2001 aforement $0.1284 per kilowatt-hour may 2014. would hawaii. state' electr price highest u.s. nearli three time higher nation averag $0.1284 per kilowatt-hour. hawaii' electr price $0.37 per kilowatt-hour equat $334 monthli electr bill averag consumer, accord calcul base eia data. come $4,000 per year spent electr"} {"id": "10126", "contents": "kilowatt-hour amount energi equival steadi power kilowatt run hour, 3.6 megajoules. energi cost illustr similar example: 100-watt (i.e. 0.1 kilowatt) light bulb turn hour use 800 w\u22c5h 0.8 kw\u22c5h. energi cost 25 cent per kilowatt-hour, would cost 0.1 kw $0.25/kw\u22c5h $0.20. wherea individu home pay kilowatt-hour consumed, commerci build institut also pay peak power consumpt (the greatest power record fairli short time, 15 minutes)."} {"id": "10127", "contents": "bougainvillea spectabili larg climber distinct curv thorns, hair stem leaves. bract crinkled, fairli large, egg-shaped, possess color rose, rusty-red, purple. flower cream color, slender, hairi tubes."} {"id": "10128", "contents": "yellow. yellow bougainvillea bloom usual deep golden color. thorni vine like move repotted. california gold larg climb plant long-last bloom grow 30 feet tall 15 feet wide. superstit gold smaller, usual 15 feet tall wide. comments. submit. bougainvillea hardy, heat-lov climber abundant, brilliantli color flowers. evergreen plant prefer full sun frost-tolerant, suit usda 10."} {"id": "10129", "contents": "grown shrub\u2026. pink bougainvillea. bougainvillea train vine, given support\u2026. archway frame bougainvillea. even train hedge\u2026. bougainvillea come varieti color pink, purple, orange, yellow white magenta common color. one favorit form bougainvillea call \u201ctorch glow\u201d (below). plant row father-in-law\u2019 garden help break bore block wall\u2026."} {"id": "10130", "contents": "bougainvillea come mani differ colours, popular seem pink pictur above. white, orange, purpl also common. varieti even grow two differ colour flower plant (and mean grafting)."} {"id": "10131", "contents": "yellows. hand bougainvillea varieti yellow blooms, rang vibrant yellow gold. afterglow, heavi bloomer littl foliage, yellow-orang bloom. california gold young-bloom plant golden yellow bracts. rosenka gold bract age pink. bougainvillea evergreen shrub vine offer vibrant color thrive zone 11, temperatur rare reach freezing. vine train grow along fenc pergolas, use hang plant ground cover."} {"id": "10132", "contents": "actual flower plant small gener white, cluster three flower surround three six bract bright colour associ plant, includ pink, magenta, purple, red, orange, white, yellow. thorn tip black, waxi substance. evergreen rainfal occur year, decidu dri season. leav alternate, simpl ovate-acuminate, 4\u201313 cm long 2\u20136 cm broad."} {"id": "10133", "contents": "bougainvillea spectabili reportedli identifi woolly, round leaves, larg curv thorn ovoid bract red purples. bougainvillea glabra smaller-branch leav plant less thorn less overal size, perhap less color option (usual magenta purples). leav hybrid beauti varieg make form even spectacular. bougainvillea aggress grower pretti easi plant form massiv hedges, espaliers, free-form shrub 'trees' well-manicur topiaries."} {"id": "10134", "contents": "bougainvillea (/\u02ccbu\u02d0\u0261\u0268n\u02c8v\u026ali\u0259/ /\u02ccbo\u028a\u0261\u0268n\u02c8v\u026ali\u0259/) genu thorni ornament vines, bushes, tree flower-lik spring leav near flowers. differ author accept four 18 speci genus. thorn tip black, waxi substance. evergreen rainfal occur year, decidu dri season. leav alternate, simpl ovate-acuminate, 4\u201313 cm long 2\u20136 cm broad."} {"id": "10135", "contents": "pink. common bougainvillea varieti pink, dark leav fuchsia blooms. pink pixi la jolla small, bushi varieti pot shaped. vera purpl darker, purplish bract often bloom year. comments. submit. bougainvillea hardy, heat-lov climber abundant, brilliantli color flowers. evergreen plant prefer full sun frost-tolerant, suit usda 10."} {"id": "10136", "contents": "alanin aminotransferas (alt). guide. alanin aminotransferas (alt) test measur amount enzym blood. alt found mainli liver, also smaller amount kidneys, heart, muscles, pancreas. alt formerli call serum glutam pyruv transaminas (sgpt). alanin aminotransferas (alt) test done to: identifi liver disease, especi cirrhosi hepat caus alcohol, drugs, viruses. help check liver damage. find whether jaundic caus blood disord liver disease. keep track effect medicin damag liver."} {"id": "10137", "contents": "sgpt blood test test use measur amount enzym glutam pyruv transaminas (gpt) blood. peopl reading."} {"id": "10138", "contents": "alanin aminotransferas (alt) test typic use detect liver injury. often order conjunct aspart aminotransferas (ast) part liver panel screen and/or help diagnos liver disease."} {"id": "10139", "contents": "individu suffer increas level sgpt due liver heart diseas must also strict diet restrict proper rest. initi damag liver detect simpl blood test. determin presenc alt relat sgpt blood. usual normal circumst enzym concentr within cell liver. liver suffer injuri enzym spill blood stream. increas level sgpt blood indic diseas relat liver. normal alt (sgpt) found liver larg quantity. can't say enzym locat exclus liver concentr larg quantiti"} {"id": "10140", "contents": "alkalin phosphatase: alkalin phosphatas enzym found bodi tissue, import site bone, liver, bile duct gut. high level alkalin phosphatas blood may indic bone, liver bile duct disease. certain drug may also caus high levels. transaminas (sgtp) (sgot): enzym primarili found liver. drink much alcohol, certain drugs, liver diseas bile duct diseas caus high level blood. hepat anoth problem rais levels. low level ggtp may indic magnesium deficiency."} {"id": "10141", "contents": "blood test measur enzym call alanin transaminas (alt). enzym chemic help cell bodi work. alt enzym made liver. releas blood tissu damaged. enzym also call serum glutamic-pyruv transaminase, sgpt. alt test check measur damag liver. also done check medic treatment may affect liver."} {"id": "10142", "contents": "sgot sgpt. liver function test one blood test commonli perform assess function liver injuri caus liver. liver damag detect initi perform simpl blood test determin level variou liver enzym present blood. regard sgot sgpt liver function test misnom commonli preval medic commun reflect function liver. detect type liver injuri damag done liver due type infect inflammatori changes."} {"id": "10143", "contents": "23 followers. a. sgpt abbrevi serum blood test enzym produc liver heart. sgpt enzym releas blood stream damag heart liver occur. elev sgpt level thu observ heart liver abnormalities."} {"id": "10144", "contents": "mineral, definition, natur occurring, inorgan substance, often addit character exact crystal structure. chemic structur exact, vari within limits. nativ element occur natur also consid minerals. anoth uniqu categori miner organ minerals. term technic oxymoron, sinc definit miner requir inorganic, sever natur occur rare organ substanc definit chemic formula."} {"id": "10145", "contents": "miner describ variou physic properti relat chemic structur composition. common distinguish characterist includ crystal structur habit, hardness, lustre, diaphaneity, colour, streak, tenacity, cleavage, fracture, parting, specif gravity. specif test miner includ magnetism, tast smell, radioact reaction acid."} {"id": "10146", "contents": "1. physic characterist miner includ trait use identifi describ miner species. trait includ color, streak, luster, density, hardness, cleavage, fracture, tenacity, crystal habit."} {"id": "10147", "contents": "physic characterist miner includ trait use identifi describ miner species. trait includ shape, color, streak, luster, density, hardness, cleavage, fracture, tenacity, crystal habit. moh hard scale rel scale use describ hard minerals. order defin scale, moh assembl set common refer miner vari hard labl order increas hard 10."} {"id": "10148", "contents": "mineral, definition, is. inorganic, mean made live organism. solid. regular crystal structure. made natur mean miner made, directli indirectly, human activity. predict chemic formula. mineral, definition, is. inorganic, mean made live organism. solid. one unusu exception. nativ mercuri miner metal liquid normal temperatures. regular crystal structure. crystal structur describ crystal systems."} {"id": "10149", "contents": "minerals. miner defin natur occurring, inorganic, solid definit chemic composit regular, intern crystallin structure. key definit chemic composit crystallin structure. differ chemic composit result differ minerals. good exampl miner plagioclase. determin actual chemic composit crystallin structur miner difficult without proper equipment. introductori level lab imposs us determin two aspect mineral. fortunately, two aspect determin mineral' physic properties."} {"id": "10150", "contents": "defin mineral. miner natur occur inorgan solid, definit chemic composition, order atom arrangement. may seem bit mouthful, break becom simpler. miner natur occurring. made humans. miner inorgan"} {"id": "10151", "contents": "miner natur occur substance, represent chemic formula, usual solid inorganic, crystal structure. differ rock, aggreg miner non-miner specif chemic composition. common distinguish characterist includ crystal structur habit, hardness, lustre, diaphaneity, colour, streak, tenacity, cleavage, fracture, parting, specif gravity. specif test miner includ magnetism, tast smell, radioact reaction acid."} {"id": "10152", "contents": "miner natur compound form geolog processes. miner need bodi small amount help function properli stay strong. iron, calcium, potassium, sodium essenti minerals. moh hard scale rel scale use describ hard minerals. order defin scale, moh assembl set common refer miner vari hard labl order increas hard 10."} {"id": "10153", "contents": "cost: $15.95+ monthly. everyth mention appli you. pay $15.95 monthli fee coach get sign fee waiv purchas challeng pack time sign up. total annual save $360 minu $191.40 coach fee come roughli $168 savings.). cost: $15.95 monthly. one time $39.95 fee sign coach. fee waiv choos buy challeng pack time sign up. first month $15.95 monthli fee coach. cover coach onlin office, websit"} {"id": "10154", "contents": "1. simpli want purchas beachbodi product wholesal opportun earn extra incom help friends, family, co-workers, etc. purchas beachbodi program via affili marketing. case, cost $39.95 sign-up $15.95 per month that. that\u2019 it. $39.95 activ fee, $15.95 monthli fee remain program. beachbodi refer busi servic fee. describ \u201ca monthli servic fee support onlin offic tool person web site."} {"id": "10155", "contents": "(however, buy challeng pack whilst coach sign process go on, requir pay $39.95 sign fee. cost everi challeng pack rang $160 $305. price depend workout choos food item choos eat). time $39.95 fee pay $15.95 month coach, save 25% products. peopl use shakeolog everi month end save $20 month. bad deal!"} {"id": "10156", "contents": "1. may want buy beachbodi product wholesal discount rate person use. beachbodi say major coach look 25% discount. need pay 39.95$ sign-up fee becom beachbodi coach. that, need pay $15.95 per month servic fees."} {"id": "10157", "contents": "case monthli cost would $15.95+12.95+$55.00=$83.90. see cost independ team beachbodi coach realli vari depend want do. also want let know need activ independ team beachbodi coach receiv commissions. want get custom pay $15.95 month that. realli decid do. want clear understand cost independ team beachbodi coach."} {"id": "10158", "contents": "buy beachbodi product 25% discount: choos option would cost $39.95 paid sign fee anoth $15.95 paid everi month follow initi sign fee. however, noth it. ad fee cost whatsoever. simplest sign process. time $39.95 fee pay $15.95 month coach, save 25% products. peopl use shakeolog everi month end save $20 month. bad deal!"} {"id": "10159", "contents": "yes, monthli recur fee becom beachbodi coach $15.95. fee access infrastructur beachbodi set up, access \u201csuccess\u201d library, goe toward websit mainten websit given sign beachbodi coach. best way get sign beachbodi coach purchas challeng pack signup process. challeng pack purchas signup process, $39.95 fee becom coach waived."} {"id": "10160", "contents": "arthropod largest phylum anim kingdom; type arthropod type anim combined. vari size microscop larger adult human. land arthropod usual less 15cm (approxim inches). great divers arthropod great divers behaviors. ecosystem role arthropod found consum s' role ecosystem, whether eat plant animals, import decomposers. import pollin flower plants."} {"id": "10161", "contents": "arthropod bodi plan consist segments, pair appendages. rigid cuticl inhibit growth, arthropod replac period moulting. versatil enabl becom species-rich member ecolog guild environments. arthropod hatchl vari miniatur adult grub caterpillar lack joint limb eventu undergo total metamorphosi produc adult form. level matern care hatchl vari nonexist prolong care provid scorpions."} {"id": "10162", "contents": "arthropod (from greek arthro- joint podos, foot) invertebr anim exoskeleton (extern skeleton), segment body, joint appendages. arthropod form phylum arthropoda, includ insects, arachnids, myriapods, crustaceans. arthropod hatchl vari miniatur adult grub caterpillar lack joint limb eventu undergo total metamorphosi produc adult form. level matern care hatchl vari nonexist prolong care provid scorpions."} {"id": "10163", "contents": "description: phylum arthropoda includ three subphyla chelicerata, crustacea, atelocerata, crustacia primarili found aquat environments. crustacia discuss playa sub-community, temporari pond lake. great divers arthropod great divers behaviors. ecosystem role arthropod found consum s' role ecosystem, whether eat plant animals, import decomposers. import pollin flower plants."} {"id": "10164", "contents": "through, pleas compar data inform found \u201carthropod refer guide\u201d determin class specimen belongs. place inform \u201cdata table\u201d and/or tabl below."} {"id": "10165", "contents": "success anim group. arthropod phylum anim includ insect spiders. invertebrates, mean intern skeleton backbone. instead, hard exoskeleton outside, top layer known cuticle."} {"id": "10166", "contents": "arthropod group anim two joint bodies, segmented, eight legs. similar insects. scorpion spider arthropods. found almost everywhere, land water, mostli found hide beneath leav rocks, dark mayb damp places. lolmaow year ago."} {"id": "10167", "contents": "phylum includ insect like butterfli beetles, crustacean like crab lobsters, chelicer like spider scorpions. arthropod found part world wide varieti environments, deep sea frozen arctic regions. arthropod' bodi three sections-th head, thorax, abdomen. thorax part bodi head abdomen. speci arthropods, head thorax one section call cephalothorax. arthropod open circulatori system"} {"id": "10168", "contents": "interview question answers: question ask interview prepar best answer interview questions. tough interview questions. difficult interview question may ask job interview."} {"id": "10169", "contents": "administr assist posit interview questions. administr assist question answer hand, face interview boldly. write-up, find relev interview question administr assist position."} {"id": "10170", "contents": "long list behavior base interview question execut level positions. execut level job seeker, read behavior base interview questions."} {"id": "10171", "contents": "abil whittl list best interview question often come year experience. fortunately, mani c-level execut alreadi share favorit interview question rest us learn from. origin provoc interview question use help steer toward candid passion commit work."} {"id": "10172", "contents": "execut assist interview questions. frequent ask question execut assistant, administr assist interview c-level executives. tell yourself. safe say almost alway sure shot question interviewer. great chanc sell yourself."} {"id": "10173", "contents": "----------------------------------------------------------------. opinion, best reveal interview questions. ad job industri specif question done forty-f minut interview."} {"id": "10174", "contents": "best way compar valu two solar cell measur dollars/watt ratio. current best deal solar cell $4.30 per watt. 50 watt solar panel, total cost $215. keep mind asesss cost purchas solar cell panels."} {"id": "10175", "contents": "latest us solar market insight report (from q3) put price $0.70/watt. report rec solar show price q2 bit higher $0.73/watt. still, price low compar 2008 2009, insan low compar 2000."} {"id": "10176", "contents": "bulk price go solar \u201csoft costs\u201d (installation, permitting, etc.) rather solar panel cost. referenc latest us solar market insight report, averag instal cost residenti solar panel system $4.72/watt. however, price vari tremend region."} {"id": "10177", "contents": "video: wholesal solar offer brand solar panel best prices. compar solar panel brand price, wattage, amps, volts, power tolerances, weight. want american-mad check solarworld. sure see solar panel pallet. best deal come buy complet systems."} {"id": "10178", "contents": "paralysi reach chest, death inabl breath result unless patient ventilated. symptom botul gener appear 12 72 hour eat contamin food. treatment, ill last 10 days. full recoveri botul poison take week months. peopl never fulli recover. general, symptom botul poison includ following: nausea. vomiting. fatigue. dizziness. doubl vision. dri skin, mouth throat. droop eyelids. difficulti swallowing. slur speech"} {"id": "10179", "contents": "foodborn botul happen food contain toxin eaten. infant botul happen bacteria develop intestin releas toxin. typic happen children less six month age protect mechan develop. cases, ill caus botulinum toxin produc bacterium c. botulinum anaerob condit bacterium itself. pattern damag occur toxin affect nerv fire (depolarise) higher frequenc first."} {"id": "10180", "contents": "neurotoxin, synthes secret clostridium botulinum bacteria (and clostridium species), caus botulism. toxin caus diseas block releas acetylcholin motor nerv endings. result produc symptom associ botulism. food-born botul especi danger mani peopl poison eat even small amount neurotoxin-contamin food. botul outbreak public-health emerg report u.s. government."} {"id": "10181", "contents": "botulinum spore surviv boil water, toxin heat-labile, mean destroy high temperatures. heat food typic cook temperatur 80\u00b0c (176\u00b0f) 10 minut consumpt greatli reduc risk foodborn illness. botulinum toxin neurotoxin caus botulism, seriou paralyt condit lead death. seven strain c. botulinum, distinguish product serolog distinct botulinum type (cdc 2014)."} {"id": "10182", "contents": "death occur within first two week botul often result pulmonari systemat infect failur recogn disease. often symptom foodborn botul mistaken symptom associ stroke, chemic intoxication, myasthenia gravis, guillain-barr syndrome. botulinum toxin neurotoxin caus botulism, seriou paralyt condit lead death. seven strain c. botulinum, distinguish product serolog distinct botulinum type (cdc 2014)."} {"id": "10183", "contents": "botul rare potenti life-threaten bacteri illness. clostridium botulinum bacteria grow food produc toxin that, ingested, caus paralysis. botul poison extrem rare, danger case consid public health emergency. peopl never fulli recover. general, symptom botul poison includ following: nausea. vomiting. fatigue. dizziness. doubl vision. dri skin, mouth throat. droop eyelids. difficulti swallowing. slur speech"} {"id": "10184", "contents": "botul seriou ill caus flaccid paralysi muscles. caus neurotoxin, gener call botulinum toxin, produc bacterium clostridium botulinum (and rare c. butyricum c. baratii). neurotoxin produc bacteria call clostridium botulinum. neurotoxin paralyz muscl deadly. three major type botul differ acquired: food-borne, wound, infant botulism. food-born botul usual caus eat contamin home-can foods."} {"id": "10185", "contents": "foodborn botul result ingest pre-form botulinum toxin food. toxin found food properli cooked, processed, handled, can often present can food vegetables, meat, seafood product (fda 2012). botulinum toxin neurotoxin caus botulism, seriou paralyt condit lead death. seven strain c. botulinum, distinguish product serolog distinct botulinum type (cdc 2014)."} {"id": "10186", "contents": "clostridium botulinum ubiquit nature, often found soil water. although bacteria spore alon caus disease, product botulinum toxin render pathogenic. botulinum toxin neurotoxin caus botulism, seriou paralyt condit lead death. seven strain c. botulinum, distinguish product serolog distinct botulinum type (cdc 2014)."} {"id": "10187", "contents": "ferment process food expos bacteria yeasts, either via inocul natur air. benefici microorgan beat kind kill you, eat carbohydr food. result interest flavors, textures, smells. ferment thing kind food peopl refer \u201cacquir tastes.\u201d common thing eat drink fermented. word age cure first clue."} {"id": "10188", "contents": "also known cultur dairi foods, cultur dairi products, cultur milk products, ferment milk product dairi food ferment lactic acid bacteria lactobacillus, lactococcus, leuconostoc. pictur matzoon, ferment milk product armenian origin. mesophil ferment milk product made ferment cow' milk varieti bacteria speci lactococcu lacti leuconostoc mesenteroides."} {"id": "10189", "contents": "believ 10 fact people. ferment chees food found around world. ferment process allow dairi product kept room temperatur long period time, essenti day refrigeration. process often call aging, actual type fermentation. chees ferment anywher week months. ad. historically, chees ferment caves. cave provid area cool, moist, away sun, could damag ferment chees render inedible."} {"id": "10190", "contents": "chees variat ferment cheese. cultur ad chees condit age account mani differ flavor textur cheese. bacteria ad chees ferment safe consume. process often call aging, actual type fermentation. chees ferment anywher week months. ad. historically, chees ferment caves. cave provid area cool, moist, away sun, could damag ferment chees render inedible."} {"id": "10191", "contents": "ferment food special group food gone ferment process, creat delici pickl strongli flavor condiment, food drink. commonli known food ferment includ wine, chees pickles."} {"id": "10192", "contents": "stapl middl eastern diet thousand years, yogurt ferment food hold level protein fat milk produced. also sourc calcium vitamin b2, b6 b12. kefir. kefir ferment yogurt-lik drink date back centuri shepherd caucasu mountains. word kefir deriv turkish word \u201ckeif,\u201d mean good feeling; benefit drink said provid consum it."} {"id": "10193", "contents": "chees ferment ad differ type bacteria dairi product allow bacteria eat lactose. hard soft chees made ferment milk ad live cultur it. two main type chees ferment non-fermented. process often call aging, actual type fermentation. chees ferment anywher week months. ad. historically, chees ferment caves. cave provid area cool, moist, away sun, could damag ferment chees render inedible."} {"id": "10194", "contents": "chees food deriv milk produc wide rang flavors, textures, form coagul milk protein casein."} {"id": "10195", "contents": "ferment process. process use turn milk differ ferment food involv ad lactic-acid-produc microorganisms, bacteria yeast, ingest lactose, milk sugar, releas lactic acid waste. kefir. kefir ferment yogurt-lik drink date back centuri shepherd caucasu mountains. word kefir deriv turkish word \u201ckeif,\u201d mean good feeling; benefit drink said provid consum it."} {"id": "10196", "contents": "hydroseed process use produc turf significantli short time cost lower sod. hydroseed applic same, rate use produc ideal seed germin vari mix blend factors."} {"id": "10197", "contents": "hydroseed cost. look hydroseed cost estimate, articl offer help matter. read know modern seed plant technique, wide use today."} {"id": "10198", "contents": "cost hydroseed alway green hydroseed depend seed choice. quick lawn, use perenni ryegrass, cost $0.10 per squar foot. athlet park, suitabl home lawns, park athlet fields, cost $0.12 per squar foot. tuff turf, seed mix heavi traffic, cost $0.14"} {"id": "10199", "contents": "first import note, hydroseed applic same. type seed, tackifiers, mulch, rate applied, impact final hydrose cost. sod qualiti results, recommend blend high qualiti grass seed, small amount tackifi (bond agent), rate 2,000 lb 100% wood fiber hydro-mulch/acre."} {"id": "10200", "contents": "hydroseed eros control servic serv residenti commerci client california. save money new lawn, hydrose fraction cost sod. beauti lawn three week grow new lawn even hot summer months!"} {"id": "10201", "contents": "hydroseed compani price cost hydroseed new lawn calcul squar feet area hydroseed (length width squar feet) less home, walks, drive, landscaping. example: lot 125 feet deep 80 feet wide would 10,000 squar feet."} {"id": "10202", "contents": "hydroseed fast, cost effect way new lawn sprout fantast results. hydroseed cost littl old fashion method use dri seed techniqu combin spray straw/cotton blend mulch."} {"id": "10203", "contents": "said, pull someth freezer that' older three month show sign freezer burn, probabl still good eat. food packaged, often open freezer (which quicken freezer burn), factor extend shelf life frozen food. gener rule thumb, frozen food keep three month standard home freezer start show sign freezer burn."} {"id": "10204", "contents": "colder keep product-abov 32 40 longer last. meat drawer refriger colder rest space fridg storag meat drawer help. long meat alreadi bad, cook extend life anoth day so. fact, fine eat six month frozen it, poultri deterior flavor rapidli that. year freezer, would rather tasteless cooked, 18 months, would unpleasantli tasteless, though still technic safe."} {"id": "10205", "contents": "freezer full food usual keep day door kept shut; half-ful freezer last day. freez compart refriger may keep food frozen long. freezer full, quickli group packag togeth retain cold effectively. freez leftov within 3-4 days. refreez food left outsid refriger longer hours; hour temperatur 90 \u00b0f. purchas previous frozen meat, poultri fish retail store, refreez handl properly."} {"id": "10206", "contents": "best taste, eat commerci frozen turkey within months. safe eat much longer sinc pathogen bacteria grow proper freezer temperatures-although may tender juicy. assum never defrosted. qualiti also depend well food wrapped. chemic changes-such rancidity-can also occur time freezer, make meat inedible. turkey could keep well longer month even year, point hang onto long. alternatively, look plastic bag turkey came tell"} {"id": "10207", "contents": "come quality, stori different: time, frozen food eventu start go downhil come texture, flavor taste. case whole frozen turkey, you\u2019ll experi best qualiti eat within one year, detail here. sinc you\u2019r right around one-year mark, expect good result cook turkey now."} {"id": "10208", "contents": "help keep turkey fresh longer store refriger immedi use. prepared, turkey store tightli close contain keep moistur contaminants. long-term option, freez turkey preserv tast use freezer safe contain origin wrapping. whole frozen bird, read faq find thaw time turkey. remember, turkey, like lot proteins, usual sell date use date expir date. distinction, may safe use even sell date laps long gone bad-read on."} {"id": "10209", "contents": "colder keep product-abov 32 40 longer last. meat drawer refriger colder rest space fridg storag meat drawer help. long meat alreadi bad, cook extend life anoth day so. qualiti also depend well food wrapped. chemic changes-such rancidity-can also occur time freezer, make meat inedible. turkey could keep well longer month even year, point hang onto long. alternatively, look plastic bag turkey came tell"} {"id": "10210", "contents": "qualiti also depend well food wrapped. chemic changes-such rancidity-can also occur time freezer, make meat inedible. turkey could keep well longer month even year, point hang onto long. alternatively, look plastic bag turkey came tell you. fact, fine eat six month frozen it, poultri deterior flavor rapidli that. year freezer, would rather tasteless cooked, 18 months, would unpleasantli tasteless, though still technic safe."} {"id": "10211", "contents": "genet inform carri linear sequenc nucleotid dna. molecul dna doubl helix form two complementari strand nucleotid held togeth hydrogen bond g-c a-t base pairs. duplic genet inform occur use one dna strand templat format complementari strand. dna known long polym compos four type subunits, resembl one anoth chemically. earli 1950s, dna first examin x-ray diffract analysis, techniqu determin three-dimension atom structur molecul (discuss chapter 8)."} {"id": "10212", "contents": "dna molecul consist two long polynucleotid chain compos four type nucleotid subunits. chain known dna chain, dna strand. hydrogen bond base portion nucleotid hold two chain togeth (figur 4-3). saw chapter (panel 2-6, pp. dna known long polym compos four type subunits, resembl one anoth chemically. earli 1950s, dna first examin x-ray diffract analysis, techniqu determin three-dimension atom structur molecul (discuss chapter 8)."} {"id": "10213", "contents": "watson crick describ structur dna1953. photo: model dna molecule. late nineteenth century, german biochemist found nucleic acids, long-chain polym nucleotides, made sugar, phosphor acid, sever nitrogen-contain bases."} {"id": "10214", "contents": "report abuse. dna structur dna structur first describ jame watson franci crick 1953. deoxyribonucl acid (dna) nucleic acid contain genet instruct develop function live organisms. live thing contain dna, except virus rna genomes. nucleotid join way form doubl helix like twist rope ladder. step ladder made pair nitrogen base oppos nucleotides. a-t c-g side ladder altern sugar phosphates."} {"id": "10215", "contents": "dna structure. dna made molecul call nucleotides. nucleotid contain phosphat group, sugar group nitrogen base. four type nitrogen base adenin (a), thymin (t), guanin (g) cytosin (c). order base determin dna' instructions, genet cod"} {"id": "10216", "contents": "nucleotid form hydrogen bond complementari base strand. two hydrogen bond form adenin thymine; three hydrogen bond form guanin cytosine. three form dna differ significantly. common, form, structur peopl heard of. molecul dna double-stranded. molecul shape doubl helix, typic right hand (b form dna). dna molecul consist two complementari strand orient antiparallel fashion. strand compos nucleotid"} {"id": "10217", "contents": "distinguish hip-hop form danc often freestyl (improvisational) natur hip-hop danc crew often engag freestyl danc competitions\u2014colloqui refer battles. crews, freestyling, battl identifi style. danc industri respond hip-hop danc creat commerci version it. studio hip-hop, sometim call new style, kind hip-hop danc seen rap, r&b, pop music video concerts."} {"id": "10218", "contents": "classic train dancer develop studio style order creat choreographi hip-hop danc perform street. development, hip-hop danc practic danc studio outdoor spaces. danc industri respond hip-hop danc creat commerci version it. studio hip-hop, sometim call new style, kind hip-hop danc seen rap, r&b, pop music video concerts."} {"id": "10219", "contents": "hip hop fun excit genr danc grow number children youth embrac today. type danc music born street new york back late 1970\u2019s, dancer often compet one another. essentially, hip hop danc evolv 1970\u2019 hip hop culture. music danc develop result rich urban cultur eventu becam one popular genr danc music."} {"id": "10220", "contents": "hip-hop danc refer danc style primarili danc hip-hop music evolv part hip-hop culture. includ wide rang style creat 1970 african americans. separ hip-hop danc form danc often freestyl (improvisational). studio hip-hop, often call new style, type hip-hop danc seen rap, r&b, pop music video concerts. technic aspect, hip-hop danc character hard-hit involv flexibl isolations\u2014mov certain bodi part independ others."} {"id": "10221", "contents": "commerci hip-hop danc continu 1990 2000 product sever televis show movi grind, planet b-boy, rize, streetdanc 3d, america' best danc crew, saigon electric, step film series, lxd, web series. danc industri respond hip-hop danc creat commerci version it. studio hip-hop, sometim call new style, kind hip-hop danc seen rap, r&b, pop music video concerts."} {"id": "10222", "contents": "hip hop danc danc hip hop music. differ type hip-hop dancing. are: style deveop 70' mainli african-american new york city. hip hop danc style express take lot rhythm attitude. danc hip hop, alway want make sure move impress energet tri best."} {"id": "10223", "contents": "hip hop danc style express take lot rhythm attitude. danc hip hop, alway want make sure move impress energet tri best. mani differ purpos hip hop dancing. hip hop danc move bodi rhythm song danc fast beat."} {"id": "10224", "contents": "hip hop danc one univers style danc today, evolv year incorpor number differ style keep one freshest danc genr there! often freestyl natur hip-hop danc crew often engag freestyl danc competitions."} {"id": "10225", "contents": "organ fall moneran kingdom consid prokaryotes. simplest earliest life form planet. bacteria part moneran kingdom. member kingdom monera nuclei cells. genet materi cell float around cytoplasm. plasmid dna. moneran reproduc sexual asexually. digest food outsid cell absorb nutrient"} {"id": "10226", "contents": "monera. taxonom kingdom compris prokaryot (bacteria bacteria[pl. bacterium], microscop unicellular prokaryot organ character lack membrane-bound nucleu membrane-bound organelles. click link information. ). prokaryot single-cel organ lack membrane-bound nucleu usual lack membrane-bound organel (mitochondria, chloroplasts; see cell cell,in biology, unit structur function plant anim composed."} {"id": "10227", "contents": "kingdom monera includ organ single-cel known bacteria. microorgan kingdom monera consid ancient live form earth. kingdom divid two group archaebacteria eubacteria. organ kingdom prokaryotes. cell nuclear membrane, chromosom singl circular, also lack membran bound cellular organelles. kingdom includ bacteria, cyanobacteria, mycoplasma etc. gener characterist kingdom monera follows: primit organisms. organ kingdom prokaryotes. present live non-liv environment. surviv harsh extrem climat condit like hot springs, acid soil etc."} {"id": "10228", "contents": "kingdom monera. moneran single-cel organ nucleu or. organelles, prokaryot mean contain cell membrane, cell wall, dna, plasmid (circular piec dna), ribosom cytoplasm contain enzymmes. eubacteria largest phyllum prokaryot organ character lack membran enclos nucleuse. unnicellular dna singl circular chromosomes, cell wall present."} {"id": "10229", "contents": "plasmids-circular dna molecul found prokaryotes. prokaryotes-organ whose cell lack intern organ organel whose genet materi contain within membrane-bound nucleus. prokaryot flagella-th type flagellum found prokaryotes. flagella cover cell membran move spiral motion."} {"id": "10230", "contents": "three-domain system taxonomy, introduc carl woes 1977, reflect evolutionari histori life, organ found kingdom monera divid two domains, archaea bacteria (with eukarya third domain). monera (/m\u0259\u02c8n\u026a\u0259r\u0259/ m\u0259-neer-\u0259) kingdom contain unicellular organ prokaryot cell organ (have nuclear membrane), bacteria. taxon monera first propos phylum ernst haeckel 1866"} {"id": "10231", "contents": "furthermore, taxon monera paraphylet (doe includ descend recent common ancestor), archaea eukarya current believ close relat either bacteria. monera (/m\u0259\u02c8n\u026a\u0259r\u0259/ m\u0259-neer-\u0259) kingdom contain unicellular organ prokaryot cell organ (have nuclear membrane), bacteria. taxon monera first propos phylum ernst haeckel 1866"} {"id": "10232", "contents": "monera vari way mostli singl celled. known prokaryot nucleu brain. mostli live microscop coloni monera mani thing like invadin organisms. sometim monera dormant right environ need right one. divid twin everi 20 minut grow million everi day."} {"id": "10233", "contents": "climat mount everest. mount everest extrem climate. none month temper atur mount everest freezing. page find inform climat everest may help trip mount everest. temperatur mt. everest. summit temperatur januari averag -33\u00b0 (-36\u00b0 c) drop -76\u00b0 (-60\u00b0 c), averag summit temperatur juli -2\u00b0 (-19\u00b0 c)."} {"id": "10234", "contents": "chimborazo ecuador altitud 6,310 meter (20,703 feet). mount everest higher altitud mauna kea taller. however, chimborazo distinct highest mountain earth' center. depend upon defin highest mountain, mount everest rivals! highest altitude: altitud 8,850 meter (29,035 feet) sea level make mount everest mountain earth highest altitude. highest altitud mean highest elev mean sea level."} {"id": "10235", "contents": "anim found everest. mani anim found near top mount everest high. condit cold isn\u2019t much oxygen anim adapt survive. bottom mount everest forest pine hemlock trees. forest live anim musk deer, pika (an anim littl bit like rabbit hare) himalayan tahrs."} {"id": "10236", "contents": "biom nepal: nepal southern asia. two biom evergreen forest mountain zone biomes. sourthen nepal find evergreen forest north found mountain zone. 50% nepal forest 25% mountains.rest 15% water 10% land."} {"id": "10237", "contents": "air also dri low precipit level. mountain rise plain northern india 1,000 feet sea level. plain mani mountain rise mile sea level; mount everest 29,028 feet sea level. mani peopl climb mount everest, right man attempt becom first blind man reach summit. patrick t. 2001 bibliographi hafner, jame a. ph.d., prof. geographi director, asian studies, univ. massachusetts."} {"id": "10238", "contents": "biotic thing mount everest plant animals.som exampl anim snow leopards,black bears,r pandas,wolves,d ibex,and hares.som exampl plant firs,junipers,blu pines,and bamboos."} {"id": "10239", "contents": "mount everest locat himalayas, mountain rang india china asia. mount everest border mountain countri nepal tibe t. 51 peopl found useful. measur height mount everest mount everest enjoy mythic place mind men mani years. straddl border china nepal, mountain offici 29,028 feet high. is\u2026."} {"id": "10240", "contents": "mount everest call world' highest mountain highest elev sea level could also say highest altitude. peak mount everest 8,850 meter (29,035 feet) sea level. mountain earth higher altitude. however, mountain might consid taller (with taller total vertic distanc base summit). depend upon defin highest mountain, mount everest rivals! highest altitude: altitud 8,850 meter (29,035 feet) sea level make mount everest mountain earth highest altitude. highest altitud mean highest elev mean"} {"id": "10241", "contents": "peopl alpin biome: you\u2019v probabl heard mount everest sherpa help peopl climb it. sherpa natur born mountaineers! live himalaya world\u2019 highest live population. physic adapt live alpin biome."} {"id": "10242", "contents": "back alpin biomes. himalayan alpin rang locat asia countri nepal, tibet (china), india, pakistan bhutan. rang make curv 1,500 mile southern asia. himalayan mountain rang high altitud air thin. mani peopl climb mount everest, right man attempt becom first blind man reach summit. patrick t. 2001 bibliographi hafner, jame a. ph.d., prof. geographi director, asian studies, univ. massachusetts."} {"id": "10243", "contents": "ancient near east, fertil crescent particular, gener seen birthplac agriculture. fourth millennium bc area temper today, bless fertil soil, two great river (the euphrat tigris), well hill mountain north."} {"id": "10244", "contents": "current usage, definit fertil crescent includ mesopotamia, land around tigri euphrat rivers; levant, eastern coast mediterranean sea. modern-day countri signific territori within fertil crescent iraq, kuwait, syria, lebanon, jordan, israel, palestine, cyprus, egypt, besid southeastern fring turkey western fring iran."} {"id": "10245", "contents": "term fertil crescent popular univers chicago archaeologist jame henri breasted, begin high school textbook outlin european histori 1914 ancient times, histori earli world 1916. breasted' 1916 textbook descript fertil crescent: modern-day countri signific territori within fertil crescent iraq, kuwait, syria, lebanon, jordan, israel, palestine, cyprus, egypt, besid southeastern fring turkey western fring iran."} {"id": "10246", "contents": "joshua j. mark. fertil crescent region middl east curves, like quarter-moon shape, persian gulf, modern-day southern iraq, syria, lebanon, jordan, israel northern egypt."} {"id": "10247", "contents": "follow world war ii (1939 1945), use term fertil crescent becam particularli popular field besid ancient near eastern studi archaeology. historian began refer arab countri (or previou mandates) syria, iraq, lebanon fertil crescent.bibliography. term fertil crescent refer part ancient near east consid princip center emerg agriculture, villages, cities, henc cradl civilization."} {"id": "10248", "contents": "cradl civilization. welcom mesopotamia! mesopotamia deriv name greek meso, mean 'between', greek potamos, mean 'river.' liter place two rivers-th tigri euphrates. fertil crescent prove ideal place form first civilizations."} {"id": "10249", "contents": "fertil crescent (also known cradl civilization) crescent-shap region contain compar moist fertil land otherwis arid semi-arid western asia, nile valley nile delta northeast africa. modern-day countri signific territori within fertil crescent iraq, kuwait, syria, lebanon, jordan, israel, palestine, cyprus, egypt, besid southeastern fring turkey western fring iran."} {"id": "10250", "contents": "fertil crescent refer area fertil soil near import river area. stretch nile river egypt tigri euphrat river modern iraq. also encompass sever countries, includ israel, lebanon, jordan syria. arabian desert lie south fertil crescent. archeologist jame henri breast first use term fertil crescent describ area. accord him, fertil crescent first area settl western asia."} {"id": "10251", "contents": "insur add waver caribbean cost $1000.00. don\u2019t forget close new boat, dockag marina fee bill you. marina run $100.00 per day, leav caribbean month run $3000.00. budget approxim $65.00 per linear foot, go buy 30 foot vessel, cost dockag $1950.00. insur run $800.00 per year, oper boat inland lake, coastal water major rivers."} {"id": "10252", "contents": "cost live narrow boat (updat decemb 2014). updat decemb 2014 afloat 45 52 week 2014 variabl costs*** coal, diesel ga divid 45 multipli 52 give annual figure."} {"id": "10253", "contents": "francesca spidalierith trains' 40' catalina two bedroom full kitchen board. year later, still think right choice. averag month, cost around $2,200 live boat. comparison, would spend $2,500 $3,000 rent apart similar area san diego, still pay boat' mortgag top that. francesca spidalierikeep boat marina largest expens besid mortgage. largest expens pay keep boat marina, cost $1,050 month, includ $250 live aboard fee."} {"id": "10254", "contents": "keep math, new boat plu startup cost easili run upward $75,000 front. annual recur cost run addit $4,000 $6,000 per year depend location, servic use. training: safeti first! expect spend $250 $300 on-the-wat training. boat lift: buy new fiberglass boat, don\u2019t want skimp boat lift. expect pay $6,000 $10,000 lift marina, installed."} {"id": "10255", "contents": "spend $1,700 per year catastroph polici family. annual cost boat liabil insur $550 per year\u2014though doubl time victoria marina request doubl coverag (i wrote thought insur boat)."} {"id": "10256", "contents": "42' sailboat done cruis north central american, portugal, spain canaries, caribbean. person take one cruis tour comfort 40 45 foot boat $2,500 $3,000 per month. one live aboard much less."} {"id": "10257", "contents": "size matter boat everi extra foot boat cost more. live aboard, get rid land bills, take bunch new differ costs, usual cheaper. so, smaller boat, less expens initi purchas ongo costs. peopl think isn\u2019t possibl live boat 30 feet. possible, it\u2019 prefer lone liveaboard couple. can\u2019t afford make big mistake, don\u2019t buy big boat."} {"id": "10258", "contents": "insurance. regard houseboat insurance, polici price vari accord compani polici condit stipulated. fortun get free oblig quot get idea cost. natur cost insur $10,000 boat less insur $200,000 boat. price vari depend locat services. marina fee gener calcul accord length houseboat. depend size houseboat, could spend $1000/yr no-fril slip, $8-10,000/yr full-servic high end marina slip."} {"id": "10259", "contents": "histor trend accept rate 2015 projection. histor trend chart show accept rate previou years, project accept rate 2015-2016 school year. overal accept rate trend endicott colleg get much higher past years."} {"id": "10260", "contents": "overal endicott colleg accept rate-fal 2013. 71.6%. overal accept rate endicott colleg report 71.6% fall 2013 3,680 colleg applic submit school. state state applic includ figures. data transfer accept rate currently."} {"id": "10261", "contents": "summary. appli endicott college, import note applic deadlin februari 15. score either act sat test due februari 15. applic fee endicott colleg $50. selective, accept rate 73.2 percent."} {"id": "10262", "contents": "appli endicott college, import note applic deadlin februari 15. score either act sat test due februari 15. applic fee endicott colleg $50. selective, accept rate 73.2 percent. inform tests, essays, interview admiss process, visit appli colleg knowledg center."} {"id": "10263", "contents": "ga turbin intern combust engin also possibl manufactur extern combust ga turbin is, effectively, turbin version hot air engine. upstream rotat compressor coupl downstream turbine, combust chamber between. basic oper ga turbin similar steam power plant except air use instead water. fresh atmospher air flow compressor bring higher pressure."} {"id": "10264", "contents": "1. ga turbin use make mechan energi combust fuel. ga turbin use make industrial/electr power mechan energi come form rotat shaft (a oppos pressur thrust ga turbin jet engine). shaft enorm amount power torque. works: ga turbin use make mechan energi combust fuel. ga turbin use make industrial/electr power mechan energi come form rotat shaft (a oppos pressur thrust ga turbin jet engine)."} {"id": "10265", "contents": "therefore, car engin intern combust engin -- combust take place internally. two thing note: differ kind intern combust engines. diesel engin one form ga turbin engin another. see also articl hemi engines, rotari engin two-strok engines. thing extern combust engine. steam engin old-fashion train steam boat best exampl extern combust engine. fuel (coal, wood, oil, whatever) steam engin burn outsid engin creat steam, steam creat motion insid engine."} {"id": "10266", "contents": "engin effici thermal engin relationship total energi contain fuel, amount energi use perform use work. two classif thermal engines-. intern combust (gasoline, diesel ga turbine, i.e., brayton cycl engines) and. extern combust engin (steam piston, steam turbine, stirl cycl engine)."} {"id": "10267", "contents": "intern combust engin quit differ extern combust engines, steam stirl engines, energi deliv work fluid consist of, mix with, contamin combust products. intern combust engin expans high-temperatur high-pressur gase produc combust appli direct forc compon engine."} {"id": "10268", "contents": "ga turbine, also call combust turbine, type intern combust engine. upstream rotat compressor coupl downstream turbine, combust chamber between. basic oper ga turbin similar steam power plant except air use instead water. fresh atmospher air flow compressor bring higher pressure."} {"id": "10269", "contents": "combust process increas intern energi gas, translat increas temperature, pressure, volum depend configuration. enclosure, exampl cylind reciproc engine, volum control combust creat increas pressure. combust chamber part intern combust engin (ice) fuel /air mix burned. diagram jet engin show combust chamber."} {"id": "10270", "contents": "term intern combust engin usual refer engin combust intermittent, familiar four-strok two-strok piston engines, along variants, six-strok piston engin wankel rotari engine. intern combust engin expans high-temperatur high-pressur gase produc combust appli direct forc compon engine."} {"id": "10271", "contents": "cultiv euphorbia plant. gener rule, spurg requir well-drain soil full sun. toler shadier conditions, none famili fussi soil condition. even thrive poor soil toler period drought."} {"id": "10272", "contents": "definit euphorbia. larg genu (euphorbia) herbs, shrubs, tree spurg famili milki juic flower lack calyx includ involucr surround group sever stamin flower central pistil flower 3-lobe pistils; broadly: spurge. advertisement. medic definit euphorbia. 1. larg genu plant spurg famili milki juic flower includ involucr surround group sever stamin flower central pistil flower includ number use medicinally."} {"id": "10273", "contents": "tweet. larg genu (euphorbia) herbs, shrubs, tree spurg famili milki juic flower lack calyx includ involucr surround group sever stamin flower central pistil flower 3-lobe pistils; broadly: spurge. advertisement. medic definit euphorbia. 1. larg genu plant spurg famili milki juic flower includ involucr surround group sever stamin flower central pistil flower includ number use medicinally."} {"id": "10274", "contents": "spurge. n. 1. (plants) variou euphorbiac plant genu euphorbia milki sap small flower typic surround conspicu bracts. spurge. n. numer herbs, shrubs, tree genu euphorbia, characterist milki juic cluster small unisexu flower surround cuplik structur compos fuse bracts. also call euphorbia. [middl english, old french"} {"id": "10275", "contents": "spurge. euphorbia. hundr differ spurg -- valu garden they'r drought-resist almost alway ignor deer rabbits. spurg surefir pick ad color garden. mani also turn gorgeou color fall, enliven fall garden."} {"id": "10276", "contents": "noxiou weeds-myrtl spurge. myrtl spurg (euphorbia myrsinites), also call donkey tail creep spurge, one colorado' list noxiou weeds, requir erad prevent propagating. myrtl spurg list noxiou weed colorado noxiou weed act (35-5.5 crs) must erad property. identifi myrtl spurge. myrtl spurg herbac plant fleshy, waxy, grayish-green leav spiral around spreading, prostrat stems."} {"id": "10277", "contents": "medic definit spurge. variou mostli shrubbi plant (famili euphorbiaceae, spurg family, especi genu euphorbia) bitter milki juic includ sever use medicinally\u2014se ipecac spurge."} {"id": "10278", "contents": "lawn weed identif control. prostrat spurge, also known spot spurg creep spurg (chamaesyc maculata euphorbia supina), low growing, mat-forming, summer annual."} {"id": "10279", "contents": "new search california restaur manag salariesnew searchwithin california lot variat restaur manag salaries. variat depend wide rang factor popul gener competit market. new search. respons overal oper restaurant, may includ overse staff, monitor inventory, purchas equip supplies, ensur qualiti custom servic complianc food beverag regulations."} {"id": "10280", "contents": "gener manager, restaur salari seattle. (unit states). averag pay gener manager, restaur seattle, washington $49,143 per year. skill financi analysi associ high pay job. total pay (?xtotal pay combin base annual salari hourli wage, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtim pay form cash earnings, applic job."} {"id": "10281", "contents": "job descript gener manager, restaurant. read more... gener manag restaur respons overse restaurant' operations, includ hire fire staff, purchas food, suppli equipment, deal supplier vendors. common career path gener manager, restaurant. add chart site: 640px 300px copi past html: plan career path. drag job titl investig particular path click link see particular career lead."} {"id": "10282", "contents": "total pay combin base annual salari hourli wage, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtim pay form cash earnings, applic job. total pay (?xtotal pay combin base annual salari hourli wage, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtim pay form cash earnings, applic job."} {"id": "10283", "contents": "salari someon job titl restaur manag seattl wa vari depend number factor job descript restaur manag respons overal oper restaur may includ overse staff monitor inventori purchas equip suppli ensur qualiti custom servic complianc food beverag regul"} {"id": "10284", "contents": "team certifi compens profession analyz survey data collect thousand hr depart employ size industri restaur manag salari construct rang describ distribut salari peopl job titl restaur manag seattl wa job descript restaur manag respons overal oper restaur may includ overse staff monitor inventori purchas equip suppli ensur qualiti custom servic complianc food beverag regul"} {"id": "10285", "contents": "$53,000. averag restaur gener manag salari job post seattle, wa 8% higher averag restaur gener manag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "10286", "contents": "chart describ expect percentag peopl perform job restaur manag seattl wa make less salari exampl 50 peopl perform job restaur manag seattl expect make less median sourc hr report data juli 2015 job descript restaur manag respons overal oper restaur may includ overse staff monitor inventori purchas equip suppli ensur qualiti custom servic complianc food beverag regul"} {"id": "10287", "contents": "ciprofloxacin good drug strep throat. heavi antibacteri treat simpl infection. take tablet penicillin 250 mg three time day ten days. must complet cours carefully. otherwis seriou rheumat fever make life famili miserable. actual bacteri strep throat sore throat viru like common cold flu, need see doctor order antibiotics. sore throat caus viral illness. antibiot get rid true"} {"id": "10288", "contents": "group strep (gbs) common bacteria present 25 30% women given time.it sexual transmit get sit toilet. bacteria gener colon gut intestin usual harmless otherwis healthi adults. actual bacteri strep throat sore throat viru like common cold flu, need see doctor order antibiotics. sore throat caus viral illness. antibiot get rid true strep throat."} {"id": "10289", "contents": "objectives: determin vitro resist group streptococcu (gbs) 12 antibiotics. determin decreas sensit penicillin antibiot current use gb chemoprophylaxi pregnant women. find suitabl altern antibiot penicillin. antibiot sensit determin use disk diffus microdilut method accord guidelin nation committe clinic laboratori standard (nccls). results: isol sensit vancomycin, ofloxacin, ampicillin, ciprofloxacin, nitrofurantoin"} {"id": "10290", "contents": "ciprofloxacin use treat wide varieti infections, includ infect bone joints, endocarditis, gastroenteritis, malign otiti externa, respiratori tract infections, cellulitis, urinari tract infections, prostatitis, anthrax, chancroid. ciprofloxacin treat bacteri infections; treat viral infect common cold. certain use includ acut sinusitis, lower respiratori tract infect uncompl gonorrhea, ciprofloxacin consid first-lin agent."} {"id": "10291", "contents": "ciprofloxacin antibiot use treat number bacteri infections. includ bone joint infections, intra abdomin infections, certain type infecti diarrhea, respiratori tract infections, skin infections, typhoid fever, urinari tract infections, among others. ciprofloxacin treat bacteri infections; treat viral infect common cold. certain use includ acut sinusitis, lower respiratori tract infect uncompl gonorrhea, ciprofloxacin consid first-lin agent."} {"id": "10292", "contents": "expert: rylee-rn,cnm repli year ago. ye cipro use treat mani bacteri infect strep. however, penicillin base anti-biot amoxicillin prefer treatment strep throat. cipro work long take full dose complet miss pills. treat fully, come back whole process start over."} {"id": "10293", "contents": "get help doctor \u203a. like not.: howev cipro antibiot choic strep. may caus ur throat infect like viral, fungal. follow ur dr improve. take care! http://m.wisegeek.com/how-effective-is-ciprofloxacin-for-strep-throat.htm. ...read more. cipro strep: it'll like take care infect recommend first even second line use. report increas resist group strep fluoroquinolon (cipro)."} {"id": "10294", "contents": "uses. medic use treat varieti bacteri infections. ciprofloxacin belong class drug call quinolon antibiotics. work stop growth bacteria. antibiot treat bacteri infect"} {"id": "10295", "contents": "best answer: rememb get vaccin elementari school. smallpox vaccin stop give think 70' diseas said eradicated. rememb press sort devic bunch littl tini needl arm."} {"id": "10296", "contents": "1971 year surgeon gener unit state public health service, redbook committe american academi pediatrics, territori health offic agre time come discontinu routin primari smallpox vaccin american children. ye earli 1700' dr. edward jenner discov cow cowpox got cow pox test local boy becam ill day ut becam immun smallpox! peopl found useful."} {"id": "10297", "contents": "no. smallpox vaccin contain smallpox viru cannot spread caus smallpox. however, vaccin contain anoth viru call vaccinia live vaccine. viru alive, spread part bodi peopl vaccin site. smallpox vaccin best protect get expos smallpox virus. peopl experi normal, usual mild reaction includ sore arm, fever, bodi aches."} {"id": "10298", "contents": "initially, term vaccin vaccin refer smallpox, 1881 loui pasteur propos honour jenner term widen cover new protect inocul introduced. public inquiri subsequ energet promulg jenner idea vaccin viru variola viru constitut watersh control smallpox he, anyon els deserv credit."} {"id": "10299", "contents": "smallpox vaccine, first success vaccin developed, introduc edward jenner 1798. follow observ milkmaid previous caught cowpox later catch smallpox show inocul cowpox protect inocul smallpox. public inquiri subsequ energet promulg jenner idea vaccin viru variola viru constitut watersh control smallpox he, anyon els deserv credit."} {"id": "10300", "contents": "smallpox vaccin contain live vaccinia virus-not dead viru like mani vaccines. reason, vaccin site must care care prevent viru spreading. also, vaccin side effects. vaccin contain smallpox viru cannot give smallpox. currently, unit state big enough stockpil smallpox vaccin vaccin everyon might need event emergency. product new vaccin underway."} {"id": "10301", "contents": "now. report abuse. smallpox vaccin still available, necessari vaccin gener public. given presum world-wid erad smallpox (except lab samples), benefit vaccin longer outweigh risk vaccin people. smallpox vaccin done live vaccinia viru (not smallpox itself, similar viru provid immun smallpox). small percentag vaccin develop diffus deadli infect (progress vaccinia), myocarditis, advers events."} {"id": "10302", "contents": "answer community. make world better, one answer time. end routin smallpox vaccin unit state == c. henri kemp m.d.1 depart pediatrics, univers colorado, medic center, 4200 east ninth avenue, denver, colorado 80220. ye earli 1700' dr. edward jenner discov cow cowpox got cow pox test local boy becam ill day ut becam immun smallpox! peopl found useful."} {"id": "10303", "contents": "china, powder smallpox scab blown nose healthy. patient would develop mild case diseas immun it. techniqu 0.5\u20132.0% mortal rate, consider less 20\u201330% mortal rate diseas itself. public inquiri subsequ energet promulg jenner idea vaccin viru variola viru constitut watersh control smallpox he, anyon els deserv credit."} {"id": "10304", "contents": "find parents' blood type. sometim possibl determin whether posit neg blood type simpli find parent blood type. however, work biolog parent rhesu factor. ask doctor blood type test. parent differ blood types, blood type unknown, ask doctor perform simpl blood type test find whether blood posit negative."} {"id": "10305", "contents": "result blood type determin person type a, b, ab, rh neg positive. result tell healthcar provid blood blood compon safe person receive. test. blood type use determin individual' blood group, establish whether person blood group a, b, ab, whether rh posit rh negative."} {"id": "10306", "contents": "everi person blood type (o, a, b, ab) rh factor, either posit negative. blood type rh factor simpli mean person' blood certain specif characteristics. blood type found protein red blood cell bodi fluids. rh factor protein found cover red blood cells. rh factor protein present cells, person rh positive. rh factor protein, person rh negative. babi may blood type rh factor either parent, combin parents. rh factor follow common pattern genet inheritance. rh posit gene domin (stronger), even pair rh neg gene, posit gene take over."} {"id": "10307", "contents": "blood type rh protein, positive. blood type rh protein, negative. example, blood type neg mean person type without rh protein surfac red blood cells. rh factor import mother second child."} {"id": "10308", "contents": "two major way distinguish blood types. first abo blood system, blood type defin either a, b, ab o. second rhesu (rh) blood group system, determin whether blood type neg positive. ask doctor blood type test. parent differ blood types, blood type unknown, ask doctor perform simpl blood type test find whether blood posit negative."} {"id": "10309", "contents": "parent negative, rh (-). parent posit one parent posit negative, get blood test look rhesu factor know blood type (+) (-). ask doctor blood type test. parent differ blood types, blood type unknown, ask doctor perform simpl blood type test find whether blood posit negative."} {"id": "10310", "contents": "rhesu (rh) factor inherit protein found surfac red blood cells. blood protein, rh positive. blood lack protein, rh negative. rh posit common blood type. rh neg blood type ill usual affect health. however, affect pregnancy. pregnanc need special care rh neg baby' father rh positive."} {"id": "10311", "contents": "a, b, ab, four main categori blood. blood type classifi neg positive, refer blood' rhesu factor. peopl antigen blood, rh factor, deem rh-positive. example, person blood type rhesu factor blood a-posit blood. estim 85 percent peopl throughout world rh-positive. peopl antigen, without rhesu factor, rh-negative. example, person blood type rhesu factor blood o-neg blood. whether person rh posit rh neg realli signific respect pregnancies."} {"id": "10312", "contents": "prune matur crepe myrtle, go need differ type prune tools. gather follow suppli garag hardwar store get started: hand pruner, prune small twig thin branches."} {"id": "10313", "contents": "wait appropri season prune crepe myrtle. plan prune late winter earli spring best summer blooms. prune leav sprout tree also help get clearer view branch cut."} {"id": "10314", "contents": "often crape myrtl cut back bare trunk belief abus yield flowers. realiti type sever prune result shorter bloom time, delay flowering, weaker branching, increas insect diseas problems."} {"id": "10315", "contents": "prune time remov branch health shrub. prune crape myrtl tree shape, remov sucker later branches, well. summer pass juli august, may want trim dead flowers."} {"id": "10316", "contents": "best month prune crape myrtl february, shrub fulli dormant branch leafless exposed. nake branch give view structur frame shrub. month prune interior plant, needed, improv air circulation."} {"id": "10317", "contents": "over-prun lop trunk close ground. asid guidelines, prune crepe myrtl shape size work yard. crepe myrtl grow feet (30-40 cm) per season, prune base desir tree height. keep mind sever new growth sprout prune areas."} {"id": "10318", "contents": "train crape myrtl tree shape, remov sucker base plant prune later branch lower trunk. cut made februari often develop new growth spring flower summer."} {"id": "10319", "contents": "two, crepe myrtl bloom new growth. prune winter won\u2019t reduc summer blooming. said that, produc second major flush bloom crepe myrtl prune round, green seed pod form first flower fade."} {"id": "10320", "contents": "blood test frequent use liver diseas aminotransferas (alanin aminotransferas alt aspart aminotransferas ast). normal level alt rang 7-56 units/liter, 10-40units/lit ast. elev level ast alt may signifi level liver damag person. common caus elev alt ast are. viral liver infections, alcohol abuse, cirrhosi (from chronic causes), hemochromatosi (iron overload), shock, and/or. heart failur"} {"id": "10321", "contents": "liver blood test commonli perform blood tests. test use assess liver function liver injury. initi step detect liver damag simpl blood test determin level certain liver enzym (proteins) blood. normal circumstances, enzym mostli resid within cell liver. liver injur reason, enzym spill blood stream."} {"id": "10322", "contents": "liver enzym tests, formerli call liver function test (lfts), group blood test detect inflamm damag liver. also check well liver working. often, liver test panel order routin lab test. mani doctor check liver new patient annual physicals. doctor may conduct liver enzym liver function test if: take medic harm liver. liver disease."} {"id": "10323", "contents": "liver function test blood test use help diagnos monitor liver diseas damage. test measur level certain enzym protein blood. test measur well liver perform normal function produc protein clear bilirubin, blood wast product. liver function test measur enzym liver cell releas respons damag disease. abnorm liver function test result alway indic liver disease. doctor explain result mean. done."} {"id": "10324", "contents": "liver function test (lft lfs) group blood test give inform state patient' liver. test includ prothrombin time (pt/inr), aptt, albumin, bilirubin (direct indirect), others. liver transaminas (ast sgot alt sgpt) use biomark liver injuri patient degre intact liver function."} {"id": "10325", "contents": "liver panel group blood test detect problem liver function, cannot diagnos particular diseas condition. although specif test includ liver panel vari one laboratori another, common test includ bilirubin, alt, ast, alp, albumin prothrombin time. determin caus liver damage, doctor may order blood test hepat hepat c, viral infect liver. blood hyaluron acid level may order help assess amount scar"} {"id": "10326", "contents": "liver test check blood two main liver enzymes: aspart aminotransferas (ast), formerli call sgot; ast enzym also found muscl mani tissu besid liver. alanin aminotransferas (alt), formerli call sgpt; alt almost exclus found liver. often, liver test panel order routin lab test. mani doctor check liver new patient annual physicals. doctor may conduct liver enzym liver function test if: take medic harm liver. liver disease."} {"id": "10327", "contents": "liver test (lts) blood test use assess gener state liver biliari system. test actual measur well liver biliari system functioning, rather reflect presenc damag inflammation."} {"id": "10328", "contents": "liver (hepatic) function panel blood test check well liver working. test measur blood level total protein, albumin, bilirubin, liver enzymes. high low level may mean liver damag diseas present. liver serv sever import function body, includ chang nutrient energi bodi break toxic substances."} {"id": "10329", "contents": "air-sourc heat pumps. air-sourc heat pump provid effici heat cool home. properli installed, air-sourc heat pump deliv one-and-a-half three time heat energi home electr energi consumes. possibl heat pump move heat rather convert fuel like combust heat system do."} {"id": "10330", "contents": "heat pump year round comfort seattle. there\u2019 noth like heat pump air condit seattl summer heat northwest winter. popular kind heat pump use seattle, air sourc duct heat pump ductless heat pump. we\u2019ll discuss both. heat pump energi efficient. heat pump manufactur say heat pump save 30% overal cost heat cool home. seattl util agre provid heat pump rebates. fact pse custom replac electr furnac forc air heat pump get $1000"} {"id": "10331", "contents": "type heat pumps. air sourc heat pump provid whole-hous heat cool fully-duct throughout home. system ideal new home construction, ad exist forced-air systems. ad heat pump forced-air furnac optim effici heat system. ductless heat pump (or mini-split system) make good retrofit home \u201cnon-ducted\u201d heat systems. sinc ducts, avoid energi loss associ ductwork central forc air systems."} {"id": "10332", "contents": "duct system instal new home tailor suit exist one, installed, controller, return air discharg grill visibl insid home. daikin duct heat pump consist indoor outdoor unit flexibl ducting. flexibility. flexibility. daikin duct air condition provid flexibl heat cool everi room home. home 'zoned' maximis energi effici customis air conditioner' oper suit lifestyle-how 'zone' home complet you."} {"id": "10333", "contents": "b. duct heat pump outdoor unit connect building\u2019 ductwork. like ductless heat pumps, duct heat pump heat cool buildings. ground-sourc heat pump \u201cgeothermal\u201d heat pump draw heat soil groundwat transfer duct air distribut system radiators. low-cost heat cost heat heat pump similar heat natur ga wood. typic half cost heat oil, kerosene, electr baseboard propane. click compar heat cost differ heat systems."} {"id": "10334", "contents": "ductless, mini-split heat pumps. ductless, mini-split-system heat pump (mini splits) make good retrofit add-on hous non-duct heat systems, hydron (hot water heat), radiant panels, space heater (wood, kerosene, propane). sure choos energi star\u00ae compliant unit hire instal familiar product installation. like standard air-sourc heat pumps, mini split two main compon -- outdoor compressor/condens indoor air-handl unit."} {"id": "10335", "contents": "duct heat pump replac current forc air furnac connect (often slight modifications) current duct work. like ductless mini split heat pump duct system still exterior unit instal outsid home. sinc heat pump aren\u2019t use electr actual creat heat, rather extract outsid blow duct work, cost home heat less stay oil. built backup: duct system gener built emerg heat backup system."} {"id": "10336", "contents": "duct heat pump deliv 1.5 time heat energi home electr energi consumes. possibl heat pump move heat air rather convert fuel, like combust heat systems. cycl revers summer cool home. mild pacif northwest climat provid ideal condit high-effici heat pumps. save energi money. heat electricity, heat pump reduc amount energi use heat much 30%-40%. save energi money. heat electricity, heat pump reduc amount energi use heat much 30%-40%. comfort. heat pump deliv constant, even temperatur also balanc humidity."} {"id": "10337", "contents": "pokedit scientist hard work brew finest pokemon concoctions. we'll continu updat section contain brew needs."} {"id": "10338", "contents": "everyon favorit pokemon. pok\u00e9mon, howev even fun creat amaz pokemon pok\u00e9mon combin anim element in. interest way 1. take animal/pl chose, give effect make seem like element(s). example, could choos mountain lion give fire powers, ad fire tail-tip, mane around neck, random fire strip back."} {"id": "10339", "contents": "pokemon fusion: automat fuse two pokemon creat entir differ creature."} {"id": "10340", "contents": "pokemon. pok\u00e9mon onlin pokedex pok\u00e9dex pokemon pok\u00e9mon creat cap. project. date process detail descript everi step process. for. creat pokemon pok\u00e9mon forum commun forum creat pokemon. pok\u00e9mon discuss project new cap project, pleas read proceed further: welcom create-a-pokemon: pok\u00e9mon guid newcom pokemon pok\u00e9mon onlin pokedex pok\u00e9dex pokemon pok\u00e9mon creat the. cap project date"} {"id": "10341", "contents": "pokemon pok\u00e9mon card left dynam updat fill below: form chose you\u2019creatur s, name hits, point use brows upload button replac the\u2019pokemon pok\u00e9mon imag (own imag picture). exampl set, your, attack weak resist and. retreat cost card completed, save (right-click save imag ...), insert imag word processor, ajust size (width 6.3 cm). print glue back real pokemon pok\u00e9mon. card"} {"id": "10342", "contents": "quick overview. basic process creat fake pokemon, pok\u00e9mon laid this, guid goe approxim like. amount detail put vari depend be, use last, one two even three step often omit part in. full whatev go with, first step get full list avail tms, hm move tutor move want list pokemon'pok\u00e9mon compatibility-for find a/tm hm list fifth generation, but, might also want put togeth own. list"} {"id": "10343", "contents": "week' top 3. month' top 3. pokemon pok\u00e9mon card left dynam updat fill below: form chose you\u2019creatur s, name hits, point use brows upload button replac the\u2019pokemon pok\u00e9mon imag (own imag picture). exampl card completed, save (right-click save imag ...), insert imag word processor, ajust size (width 6.3 cm). print glue back real pokemon pok\u00e9mon. card"} {"id": "10344", "contents": "basic process creat fake pokemon, pok\u00e9mon laid this, guid goe approxim like. amount detail put vari depend be, use last, one two even three step often omit part in. full: concept basic idea fake. pokemon pok\u00e9mon whatev go with, first step get full list avail tms, hm move tutor move want list pokemon'pok\u00e9mon compatibility-for find a/tm hm list fifth generation, but, might also want put togeth own. list"} {"id": "10345", "contents": "everyon favorit pokemon. pok\u00e9mon, howev even fun creat amaz pokemon pok\u00e9mon combin anim element in. interest way suggest are. explain 1. take animal/pl chose, give effect make seem like element(s). example, could choos mountain lion give fire powers, ad fire tail-tip, mane around neck, random fire strip back."} {"id": "10346", "contents": "pleas tri later. tutorial, show creat pokemon, show put game, battle, catch use creation! -download links- (all mediafire, surveys!). advanc map: http://adf.ly/rsseg. sprite editor: http://adf.ly/rssy1. sprite posit editor: http://adf.ly/rssrd."} {"id": "10347", "contents": "indoor tan harm way well. can: caus skin damage, includ wrinkl younger age normal. make immun system weaker. damag eyes. give rash, sensit sunlight. reason may valid. peopl may believ indoor tan give base tan protect get sunburn outdoors. tan skin respond injury-get tan sign skin alreadi damaged."} {"id": "10348", "contents": "recommend facebook tweet sharecompartir. use tan bed, booth, sunlamp get tan call indoor tanning. indoor tan caus skin cancer includ melanoma (the deadliest type skin cancer), basal cell carcinoma, squamou cell carcinoma. tan indoor safer tan sun. indoor tan tan outsid dangerous. although indoor tan devic oper timer, exposur uv ray vari base age type light bulbs. indoor tan design give high level uv radiat short time"} {"id": "10349", "contents": "understand tan works. tan process cell skin protect harm uva uvb ray come sun, simpli pretti glow get summer time. uva uvb ray type radiat link cancer."} {"id": "10350", "contents": "indoor tan moder safe tan short amount time tan regulated. lie sun extens hour get tan. save time minim risk tan indoors. still concerned, talk doctor risk tan pregnanc tan safely, tan bed self tan products. enjoy golden tan, tan safe without fear sunburn skin cancer follow certain precautions. first, know skin type."} {"id": "10351", "contents": "peopl may believ avoid sunburn use indoor tanning. stay artifici light long high intensity, get sunburn. peopl may say use indoor tan get vitamin winter, less sunlight. reason may valid. peopl may believ indoor tan give base tan protect get sunburn outdoors. tan skin respond injury-get tan sign skin alreadi damaged."} {"id": "10352", "contents": "peopl use tan bed booth sunlamp get tan, call indoor tanning. indoor tan use artifici ultraviolet (uva) ultraviolet (uvb) light, rather sunlight, tan skin. reason may valid. peopl may believ indoor tan give base tan protect get sunburn outdoors. tan skin respond injury-get tan sign skin alreadi damaged."} {"id": "10353", "contents": "print. million american use tan bed (sometim call sunbeds) sunlamp maintain year-round glow\u2014or, increasingly, get vitamin d, produc skin expos ultraviolet (uv) radiation, sunlight. sunlamp market specif vitamin production."} {"id": "10354", "contents": "even though indoor tan safe, peopl still use it. reason may valid. peopl may believ indoor tan give base tan protect get sunburn outdoors. tan skin respond injury-get tan sign skin alreadi damaged."} {"id": "10355", "contents": "base tan littl protect futur damag skin caus uv exposure. fact, peopl indoor tan like report get sunburned. best way protect skin sun use tip skin cancer prevention. tan indoor safer tan sun. indoor tan tan outsid dangerous. although indoor tan devic oper timer, exposur uv ray vari base age type light bulbs. indoor tan design give high level uv radiat short time"} {"id": "10356", "contents": "particl physics, kaon /\u02c8ke\u026a.\u0252n/ also call meson denot k, group four meson distinguish quantum number call strangeness. clear quark model assign kaon form two doublet isospin; is, belong fundament represent su(2) call 2. one doublet strang +1 contain k+ k0."} {"id": "10357", "contents": "made one quark (u) one strang antiquark (s line it). kaon specif type meson (meson particl made one quark one antiquark). make kaon uniqu made one quark quark, one strang quark. (one two quark make kaon must antiquark, must normal matter. made one quark, one strang antiquark. sinc antiparticl opposit charg counterpart (and sinc normal strang quark charg -1/3), 2/3 1/3 +1 charge, simpli charge."} {"id": "10358", "contents": "π+ consid made anti-down quark. neutral pion consid combin pion interact nuclei transform neutron proton vice versa: pion π+ π- spin zero neg intrins pariti (rohlf sec 17-2). energet charg pion decay meson diagramt meson"} {"id": "10359", "contents": "two version particl mass differ decay lifetimes! one call k-zero-short call k-zero-long. two particl consid combin down-antistrang antidown-strang quarks. particl decay pion quark mix lead combin involv exchang two bosons. one call k-zero-short. call k-zero-long. quark mix lead combin involv exchang two bosons. neutral kaon import histor part advanc understand quark processes."} {"id": "10360", "contents": "neutral pion \u03c00 combin quark anti-up quark quark anti-down quark. two combin ident quantum numbers, henc found superpositions. lowest-energi superposit \u03c00, antiparticle. together, pion form triplet isospin. pion isospin (i 1) third-compon isospin equal charg (i +1, \u22121). \u03c0\u00b1 meson mass 7002139600000000000\u2660139.6 mev/c2 mean lifetim 6992260000000000000\u26602.6\u00d710\u22128 s. decay due weak interaction. primari decay mode pion, probabl 0.999877, pure lepton decay anti-muon muon neutrino"} {"id": "10361", "contents": "π+e-νe. 1* neutral kaon repres symmetr antisymmetr mixtur quark combin down-antistrang antidown-strange. charg kaon meson quark composit up-antistrang posit kaon antiup-strang neg kaon. one call k-zero-short. call k-zero-long. quark mix lead combin involv exchang two bosons. neutral kaon import histor part advanc understand quark processes."} {"id": "10362", "contents": "quark model understood bound state strang quark (or antiquark) antiquark (or quark). kaon prove copiou sourc inform natur fundament interact sinc discoveri cosmic ray 1947. clear quark model assign kaon form two doublet isospin; is, belong fundament represent su(2) call 2. one doublet strang +1 contain k+ k0."} {"id": "10363", "contents": "k+ (antiparticl above) posit charg (contain quark strang antiquark) must (bi cpt invariance) mass lifetim equal k\u2212 mass differ 6985512696475839999\u26600.032\u00b10.090 mev, consist zero. differ lifetim 6991110000000000000\u2660(0.11\u00b10.09)\u00d710\u22128 s. clear quark model assign kaon form two doublet isospin; is, belong fundament represent su(2) call 2. one doublet strang +1 contain k+ k0."} {"id": "10364", "contents": "weak interactions: strang antiquark (s) kaon transmut antiquark (u) emiss w+ boson; w+ boson subsequ decay antiquark (d) quark (u). clear quark model assign kaon form two doublet isospin; is, belong fundament represent su(2) call 2. one doublet strang +1 contain k+ k0."} {"id": "10365", "contents": "popul 3,645,257 2011 estim popul 4,196,457 juli 1, 2015, canada' fourth-most popul provinc popul canada' three prairi provinces. alberta neighbour, saskatchewan, establish provinc septemb 1, 1905. alberta' capit city, edmonton, locat approxim geograph centr province. northerli major citi canada, serv gateway hub resourc develop northern canada."} {"id": "10366", "contents": "rocki mountain region: alberta, canada. locat southwestern edg alberta, rocki mountain perhap best known well visit alberta' six natur regions. rocki mountain compris percent province. banff, canada' first nation park, establish 1885. soon after, waterton lake nation park establish southern end jasper nation park northern end alberta' rocki mountain chain. and, 1959, govern alberta protect anoth signific mountain region, willmor wilder park, north jasper nation park. foresight set asid park ensur two three sub-region rocki mountains, alpin sub-alpine, well protect today."} {"id": "10367", "contents": "one 10 region offices, alberta region work close alberta' 45 first nation fund deliveri essenti program education, government, social assistance, child famili servic housing, amongst others. alberta home 45 first nation commun three treati areas. treati 6, consist combin 140 reserv spread 812,771 hectar land. region director gener alberta region jim sisson; associ director gener kevin murchie."} {"id": "10368", "contents": "calgari area. calgari known energi capit canada set stun locat confluenc two rivers, near foothil rocki mountains. citi bustl museums, theatres, art galleries, fine restaur shop"} {"id": "10369", "contents": "calgary-edmonton corridor urban region provinc one densest canada. region cover distanc roughli 400 kilometr north south. 2001, popul calgary-edmonton corridor 2.15 million (72% alberta' population). alberta' capit city, edmonton, locat approxim geograph centr province. northerli major citi canada, serv gateway hub resourc develop northern canada."} {"id": "10370", "contents": "citi [edit]. calgari largest citi alberta. edmonton second largest citi capital. edmonton-th capit citi alberta second largest citi popul (812,000 city; 1,159,000 metro region). edmonton largest urban parkland system largest shop mall north america. edmonton-th capit citi alberta second largest citi popul (812,000 city; 1,159,000 metro region). edmonton largest urban parkland system largest shop mall north america."} {"id": "10371", "contents": "edmonton, capit citi alberta, locat near geograph centr provinc primari suppli servic hub canada' crude oil, oil sand (athabasca oil sands) northern resourc industries. approxim 290 km (180 mi) south capit calgary, alberta' largest city. alberta' capit city, edmonton, locat approxim geograph centr province. northerli major citi canada, serv gateway hub resourc develop northern canada."} {"id": "10372", "contents": "biggest factor much earn horticulturist field decid enter. scienc research typic earn peopl work landscap similar professions. averag salari peopl agricultur $37,210 $48,750 per year. peopl get horticultur love plants. however, peopl field paid livabl wage. averag annual salari horticulturist rang $27,801 $44,752 2010. hourly, peopl paid averag $11.97 $17.37. horticulturist option work employ other"} {"id": "10373", "contents": "(unit states). littl half horticulturist unit state report 10 year experi field, area heavili weight toward experienc professionals. pay rang $23k $55k per year averag $41k annually. locat biggest factor affect pay group, follow year experience. worker field slightli less third award benefits. medic coverag report strong major dental plan enjoy littl less one-half. pay experi level for. median compens (includ tips, bonus, overtime) year experience. year relev experi necessarili translat higher paychecks."} {"id": "10374", "contents": "horticulturist averag salari $37,834, median salari $35,755 salari rang $20,800 $85,000. horticulturist salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. horticulturist salari statist exclus refer only. present updat regularly. horticulturist salari full-tim annual start salary."} {"id": "10375", "contents": "horticulturist salary. horticulturist person work plants. separ botanist farmer special research cultiv plant find use number industri includ govern agenc large-scal agricultur farms. peopl get horticultur love plants. however, peopl field paid livabl wage. averag annual salari horticulturist rang $27,801 $44,752 2010. hourly, peopl paid averag $11.97 $17.37. horticulturist option work employ"} {"id": "10376", "contents": "averag horticultur salaries. averag salari horticultur job $40,000. averag horticultur salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term horticultur anywher job listing."} {"id": "10377", "contents": "employer. payscale' data find self-employ horticulturist highest earn per year, salari reach $65,000. come close behind work foundat trusts, top salari around $58,000. nation averages. promin benefit career horticultur may piqu interest plant life, onlin compens report payscal show averag salari profess least enough make living. annual pay rang $27,801 $44,752, accord site' 2010 data"} {"id": "10378", "contents": "horticulturist sever year experi expect salari $40-75,000 per year, depend size company, respons performance. accord profession ground manag society, nation averag salari superintend manag $60,000 per year. horticultur graduat typic start salari $28-40,000 per year. extens experi gain internship part-tim jobs, often start higher."} {"id": "10379", "contents": "edit ingredients. basic ingredi modern ketchup tomatoes, vinegar, sugar, salt, allspice, cloves, cinnamon. onions, celery, veget frequent additions. catsup may made tomatoes, onions, cayenne, sugar, white vinegar, cloves, cinnamon, celeri seed salt. edit origin word. word deriv chines ke-tsiap, pickl fish sauce. made way malaysia becam kechap ketjap indonesia. catsup katchup accept spell use interchang ketchup, however, ketchup way popularli use today."} {"id": "10380", "contents": "cevich (. [se\u02c8\u03b2it\u0283e]) seafood dish popular coastal region latin america. dish typic made fresh raw fish cure citru juices, lemon lime, spice aji aj\u00ed chili. pepper additional, season chopped, onions, salt and, cilantro may also be. ad cevich (. [se\u02c8\u03b2it\u0283e]) seafood dish popular coastal region latin america. dish typic made fresh raw fish cure citru juices, lemon lime, spice aji aj\u00ed chili. pepper"} {"id": "10381", "contents": "palestinian cuisin consist food commonli eaten palestinian \u2014which includ live palestinian territories, israel, jordan, refuge camp nearbi countri well palestinian diaspora."} {"id": "10382", "contents": "simpl easi brine recip base alton browns. left candi ginger expens littl spice bottl it. easi add ton juici flavor turkey chicken (or probabl type bird) matter cook (smoking, oven, deep frying, etc). combin veget stock, salt, brown sugar, peppercorns, allspic berries, candi ginger larg stockpot medium-high heat. stir occasion dissolv solid bring boil. remov brine heat, cool room temperature, refrigerate."} {"id": "10383", "contents": "cup butter, softened. tsp. vanilla. tsp. almond extract. cup powder sugar. prepar directions: preheat oven 350 degrees. larg bowl, stir togeth cooki mix, allspice, cardamom cinnamon. stir butter, vanilla, almond extract mix well. shape dough 1-inch balls. place ball 2-inch apart ungreas cooki sheet. bake 12 14 minut set."} {"id": "10384", "contents": "larg bowl, beat pumpkin evapor milk, eggs, brown sugar, cinnamon, ginger, nutmeg salt electr mixer immers blender. mix well. pour prepar crust. bake 40 minut knife insert inch edg come clean. cut shorten flour; add cold water tablespoon time (you may need tablespoons, tablespoons). mix dough repeat dough moist enough hold together. lightli floured, hand shape dough ball."} {"id": "10385", "contents": "directions. prep. cook. readi in. small bowl, stir togeth garlic butter well combined. set aside. place chicken breast half work surfac thick side face right (if right-handed), place left hand chicken breast. readi in. small bowl, stir togeth garlic butter well combined. place flour shallow dish, dredg chicken breast side flour. cook stir mushroom skillet chicken mushroom absorb remain butter skillet begun turn brown ..."} {"id": "10386", "contents": "cybex seat leg press is, best describ follows: seat leg press plate-load selector strength station place user upright seat posit front larg movabl foot platform. particular cybex seat leg press vr3 seat leg press. lead model alreadi highly-sophist line workout machines, cybex vr3 equip would easili find home gym facility."} {"id": "10387", "contents": "tropic rhythm deep condition recip good exampl ripe papaya use fruit deep conditioner. use greener papaya get super soft hair use half cup half-rip papaya half cup regular penetr deep condition leav hour more. make sure papaya fine blend condition littl white residu left hair strands."} {"id": "10388", "contents": "hair riper papaya, use condit hair, hair hard unmanag unrip papaya wonder relax hair fibers. skin seed need remov papaya properli pure strain applied. use greener papaya get super soft hair use half cup half-rip papaya half cup regular penetr deep condition leav hour more. make sure papaya fine blend condition littl white residu left hair strands."} {"id": "10389", "contents": "nourish hair. papaya also benefici hair. rich sever minerals, vitamin enzymes, papaya boost hair growth strength. also help increas hair volum nourish hair shaft. papaya also use control dandruff. papaya sever healthi compon great skin. papaya use face pack enjoy maximum skin benefits. ripe papaya use face pack, help open clog skin pores, help treat acn prevent skin infections."} {"id": "10390", "contents": "papaya healthi hair. papaya fruit plant carica papaya. mostli found tropic countri like india, sri lanka, jamaica, indonesia, brazil vietnam. along benefit papaya said great hair. help hair by: maintain natur shine hair; keep hair soft; stimul hair growth; restrict dandruff; relax hair; make hair fuller stronger firm it. papaya rich proteins, vitamin b6, vitamin c, iron, magnesium, beta caroten etc. nutrient essenti proper growth hair. hence, papaya ad daili diet. besid this, follow papaya mask appli hair: take one raw papaya. remov seed skin."} {"id": "10391", "contents": "papaya also help creat volum nourish hair shaft. papaya benefit hair list below: rich nutrients, papaya may help prevent balding, thu help boost growth strength hair. papaya also use control dandruff. add papaya daili diet help reduc hair thinning. delici sweet tast soft butter like consistency. pear-shap fruit usual inch long. insid flesh rich orang colour slight shade pink yellow. papaya lot hidden benefit skin, health hair."} {"id": "10392", "contents": "ad. even without scientif proof, expert tout benefit papaya hair, skin overal good health. nourish hair abund vitamins, miner enzymes, papaya thought remov dirt oil, well chemic build hair harmless safe manner."} {"id": "10393", "contents": "papaya contain carotene, potassium vitamin a, vitamin c, essenti minerals, enzym like papain (digestion), arginin (male fertility) carpain (heart). papaya use mani skin-lighten creams, especi green papaya contain higher papain levels. papaya use skin make skin glow. enzym papain known break protein use skin dissolv dead skin. use facemask papaya skin help heal acne. papaya juic help reduc freckl brown spot due exposur sunlight."} {"id": "10394", "contents": "papaya nutrient powerhouse, benefici hair skin ripe green state. papaya rich proteins, vitamin c, vitamin b6, iron, magnesium, beta carotene, enzym like papain, break tough meat fiber mani ingredi healthi hair growth. use greener papaya get super soft hair use half cup half-rip papaya half cup regular penetr deep condition leav hour more. make sure papaya fine blend condition littl white residu left hair strands."} {"id": "10395", "contents": "papaya help prevent constipation, prematur aging, anti-inflammatori properties, anti-cancer properties. list good thing papaya pretti long. come skin hair, papaya pack big wallop. papaya use skin make skin glow. enzym papain known break protein use skin dissolv dead skin. use facemask papaya skin help heal acne. papaya juic help reduc freckl brown spot due exposur sunlight."} {"id": "10396", "contents": "6. papaya also benefici hair. rich sever minerals, vitamin enzymes, papaya boost hair growth strength. also help increas hair volum nourish hair shaft. papaya also use control dandruff. papaya sever healthi compon great skin. papaya use face pack enjoy maximum skin benefits. ripe papaya use face pack, help open clog skin pores, help treat acn prevent skin infections."} {"id": "10397", "contents": "pay attent sound come phone even call. hear sounds, indic phone may bugged. certain bug use amplifi other listen said rang phone. check locks. suddenli feel stick, possibl recent manipulated. look item home office. new item bug often place without victim awar it. common new item radios, clocks, sprinkler heads, pictur frames, lamp exit signs. also keep mind gift often contain eavesdrop devic"} {"id": "10398", "contents": "best answer: find hous bug phone tapped? would requir thorough search house. expens bug someone' house, suggest anoth q&a. go electron store buy simpl kit listen devices. (mi oldest son, use buy electron kits, things, 9yo)."} {"id": "10399", "contents": "key know look for. internet spi shop, find wide array eavesdrop devices. \u201cwiretap\u201d devic attach telephon telephon line either record side conversation, transmit convers listen post, recorded. wiretap alway involv telephone. \u201cbug\u201d listen devic place room vehicle."} {"id": "10400", "contents": "mani listen devic oper outsid fm band. check bug hous turn handheld fm radio \u201cquiet\u201d frequencies, walk around house. hear high pitch squeal, indic microphon instal somewhere. finally, obviou surefir way know bugged, eavesdropp send copi privat conversations. attempt terror blackmail victim affect psychologically."} {"id": "10401", "contents": "process get divorc separated, execut scientist larg company, employ government, run elect public office, simpli upper incom bracket, may justifi fear hous bugged. finally, obviou surefir way know bugged, eavesdropp send copi privat conversations. attempt terror blackmail victim affect psychologically."} {"id": "10402", "contents": "submit. now. report abuse. find hous bug take follow steps: 1) see phycologist case suffer extrem paranoia....dont worri suffer time time 2) buy sniffer dog see sniff bug out. think either paranoid watch much tv .. law bug someon hous unless done nation secur must court order .. lot thing interfer tv telephon signal .."} {"id": "10403", "contents": "strong reason believ phone tapped, ask phone carrier check use profession equipment. standard line analysi perform phone compani abl detect illeg wiretaps, listen devices, low frequenc devices, phone line splicing. convers within 20 feet (6 m) phone might heard. case landline, hear dial tone phone hook, anoth sign tap. verifi presenc nois extern amplifier."} {"id": "10404", "contents": "find hous bug phone tapped? expens bug someone' house, suggest anoth q&a. go electron store buy simpl kit listen devices. (mi oldest son, use buy electron kits, things, 9yo). anyhoo.....i mental ill relative, like stalk, harass torment."} {"id": "10405", "contents": "think hous may bug (i reason believ this) find been? equip buy interfer telephon tv signals? think either paranoid watch much tv .. law bug someon hous unless done nation secur must court order .. lot thing interfer tv telephon signal .."} {"id": "10406", "contents": "suspect might tap phone, walk radio televis next phone call. even audibl interfer phone itself, chanc interfer could occur stand next anoth electron device, caus static device. convers within 20 feet (6 m) phone might heard. case landline, hear dial tone phone hook, anoth sign tap. verifi presenc nois extern amplifier."} {"id": "10407", "contents": "want open control panel, search updat devic drivers, open that, display adapters, doubl click amd radeon hd 7340m. go driver tab, click updat driver, comput driver software. click let pick list devic driver computer. problem, fix it. go control panel, system security, power options. click select power plan chang plan settings. chang advanc power settings. scroll display, turn adapt brightness."} {"id": "10408", "contents": "lower bright toshiba satellit laptop. toshiba' screen make squint, time reduc brightness. polka dot images/polka dot/getti images. bright toshiba satellit laptop' display chang depend power source. right-click power icon window notif area select power options.. power icon look like batteri laptop run batteri power. icon look like batteri plug top connect extern"} {"id": "10409", "contents": "bright level chang depend power source, adjust bright plug run batteri power. step 1. hold fn key press arrow increas reduc bright dell laptops. step 2. hold fn key press f4 f5 adjust bright dell laptops, alienwar line laptops. relat reading: turn ambient light sensor dell. step 3. right-click power icon window system tray select adjust screen brightness.."} {"id": "10410", "contents": "hb33 ask april 26, 2013. hi, can't seem adjust bright screen. i'v use fn key, gone set icon give option power down, adjust volume, check wireless status, etc., even gone control panel tweak power options. none anyth help situatio"} {"id": "10411", "contents": "http://www.youtube.com/ehowtech. adjust bright toshiba laptop someth right system tray. adjust bright toshiba laptop help softwar engin free video clip."} {"id": "10412", "contents": "open control panel. click tap display option. look link option titl adjust brightness. option allow adjust laptop bright base power plan set used, whether laptop run ac power batteri power. adjust bright display settings. also adjust bright display set control panel follow steps. open control panel. click tap display option. look link option titl adjust bright"} {"id": "10413", "contents": "mani modern window laptop come light sensor automat adjust screen' bright base ambient lighting. featur work inconsist windows, make frustrat experience. bright switch drive crazy, here' disabl adapt brightness. click chang advanc power settings.. scroll display, enabl adapt brightness, switch batteri plug modes."} {"id": "10414", "contents": "adjust bright comput set charm window 8. use follow step adjust computer\u2019 bright window 8: press window key open charms.. select. click tap brightness, slide bar adjust brightness."} {"id": "10415", "contents": "monogram add person uniqu look embroideri projects. they'r found mani things-shirts, robes, tote bags, pillows, towel sets, even cuff socks! embroideri librari 100 alphabet wide varieti style sizes. three-lett monogram last name initi center; groom' first name initi left, bride' right. also accept (thought common) bride' initi left, groom'"} {"id": "10416", "contents": "2. decid place monogram. decid monogram design piec fabric use, need decid want monogram placed. mark area go place monogram tailor' chalk fabric mark tool. decid place monogram. mark center point monogram go tailor' chalk fabric mark tool. best make vertic line horizont line come center point design go."} {"id": "10417", "contents": "choos color thread would like use, make sure goe well color fabric embroid on. start embroid one edg design work way across. monogram tradit outlin back split stitch fill satin stitch. decid place monogram. mark center point monogram go tailor' chalk fabric mark tool. best make vertic line horizont line come center point design go."} {"id": "10418", "contents": "part 3: ad addit style monogram. 1. add shape around monogram. often, monogram enclos shape, circl rectangular plaqu shape. click insert menu, click shape. find shape like use, click drag onto word document. delet wordart text, type letter like largest monogram. 4. chang font type lucida handwriting. font includ standard system font window mac computers. use whatev font like step."} {"id": "10419", "contents": "tip consid creat monograms. font made monogram, font vertical, slanted, work better. mix lower case upper case letter modern take traditional. add smaller letter top other, third larger. read first two post find here: printabl monogram decor giving. creat monogram print use microsoft word. font found work well creat monogram print."} {"id": "10420", "contents": "machin embroideri tips! go deep 3-rd parti fonts, think import describ gener situat entir subject put text monogram projects. say 3-rd parti embroideri alphabets, relat digit font built machine, embroideri software. 3-rd parti machin embroideri font work like regular embroideri designs. least we'r awar options. letter come separ file (design). combin letter togeth creat text, monograms. join letters, may use embroidery-edit software."} {"id": "10421", "contents": "or, use edit softwar merg design together. help make three-lett monograms, use letter write name word. i'll demonstr edit program call embird. make 3-letter monogram, place letter k, j, folder computer. three-lett monogram last name initi center; groom' first name initi left, bride' right. also accept (thought common) bride' initi left, groom'"} {"id": "10422", "contents": "method 2: embroid monogram sew embroideri machine. 1. set sew embroideri machine. plug machin place somewher allow enough space move project around freely. program machin produc size shape monogram want. decid place monogram. mark center point monogram go tailor' chalk fabric mark tool. best make vertic line horizont line come center point design go."} {"id": "10423", "contents": "think item monogram, towel first thing come mind. monogram use mark towel decades. monogram towel bring classic look bath decor. project, winni ad letter set towel (and toilet paper, too!). three-lett monogram last name initi center; groom' first name initi left, bride' right. also accept (thought common) bride' initi left, groom'"} {"id": "10424", "contents": "import inform know metacam: metacam prescript medic fda approv use dogs. metacam avail 1.5mg/ml suspens 10 ml, 32 ml, 100 ml, 180 ml plastic squeez dropper bottl measur dose syring includ package. metacam work reduc hormon caus pain inflamm body. metacam use reduc pain, inflamm stiff result acut chronic musculoskelet disord osteoarthritis."} {"id": "10425", "contents": "current give dog metacam suspens 0.5 mg/ml metacam 1.5 mg/ml oral suspens 32 ml differ bottl 0.5 mg/ml bottl 1.5 mg/ml. metacam work reduc hormon caus pain inflamm body. metacam use reduc pain, inflamm stiff result acut chronic musculoskelet disord osteoarthritis."} {"id": "10426", "contents": "non-rebreath system introduct put small patient rebreath system, concern equip dead space resist breathing. overcom concerns, non-rebreath system developed. usual recommend weight switch rebreath system non-rebreath system 10 kilograms. vhup concern equip dead space resolv use smaller diamet breath hose smaller y-piece. smaller y-piec less dead space."} {"id": "10427", "contents": "highest flow rate adequ non-rebreath circumstances. requir flow rate time patient' respiratori minut volum system function properli non-rebreath apparatus. differ opinion weight non-rebreath system used. vhup use non-rebreath system anim less kilogram. non-rebreath system mani system special names. subdivid number valv use; example, none, one, two. basically, oper manner. requir certain fresh ga flow make function properly; requir vari system also depend whether breath spontan mechan"} {"id": "10428", "contents": "note: oxygen flow rate recommend oxygen flow rate patient non-rebreath system least 200-300 ml/kg/min, minimum flow rate l/min. patient semi-clos (circle) system run flow rate 20-50 ml/kg/min maximum l/min. general, oxygen flow rate 1-2 l/min appropri patients."} {"id": "10429", "contents": "bain circuit. co-axi modif basic t-piec system, develop facilit scaveng wast anesthet gases. construction. tube carri fresh ga (f) travel insid outer reservoir tube (r) endotrach tube connector (p). function. essentially, bain circuit function way t-piece, except tube suppli fresh ga patient locat insid reservoir tube. inspiration-th patient inspir fresh ga outer reservoir tube. high fresh ga flow requir larger animals. high ga flow rates, e.g. oxygen flush valv used, may caus lung barotrauma. co-axi systems, inner tube becom disconnect breaks, entir breath tube becom dead-space, lead sever alveolar hypoventilation."} {"id": "10430", "contents": "veterinari medicin branch medicin deal prevention, diagnosi treatment disease, disord injuri animals. scope veterinari medicin wide, cover anim species, domest wild, wide rang condit affect differ species. veterinari care manag usual led veterinari physician (usual call vet, veterinari surgeon veterinarian). role equival doctor human medicine, usual involv post-gradu studi qualification."} {"id": "10431", "contents": "cat lose excess ten percent normal bodi weight (when due fluid loss), concerned. mani thing caus weight loss, includ anorexia, cat' qualiti food, and/or chronic disease."} {"id": "10432", "contents": "metacam nonsteroid ant-inflammatori drug (nsaid). metacam work reduc hormon caus pain inflamm body. metacam use reduc pain, inflamm stiff result acut chronic musculoskelet disord osteoarthritis."} {"id": "10433", "contents": "make lye. lye, also known naoh, sodium hydroxide, caustic soda, use make soap biodiesel fuel production."} {"id": "10434", "contents": "pellet sodium hydroxide. lye liquid obtain leach ash (contain larg potassium carbon potash), strong alkali highli solubl water produc caustic basic solutions."} {"id": "10435", "contents": "make lye. drill lot hole bottom small wooden barrel, make sure waterproof drill holes! stand barrel block leav space beneath barrel container. use waterproof wood glass container. make lye water. go use larg barrel drum make lye water in, tap hole right, place kind filter insid barrel around opening. fill barrel white ash four inch (10 cm 0.1 metre) top."} {"id": "10436", "contents": "make lye wood ash. lye made wood ash potassium hydroxide, sodium hydroxid -- there' 10 time much potassium sodium wood ash. process make lye water. make lye water. go use larg barrel drum make lye water in, tap hole right, place kind filter insid barrel around opening. fill barrel white ash four inch (10 cm 0.1 metre) top."} {"id": "10437", "contents": "lye acid-bas chemistry. let us first tri understand lye acid-bas chemistry. lye common name sodium hydroxide, one strongest base nature, chemic compound dissolv fats."} {"id": "10438", "contents": "medic definit lye. 1. strong alkalin liquor rich potassium carbon leach wood ash use especi make soap washing; broadly: strong alkalin solut (a sodium hydroxid potassium hydroxide). 2. solid caustic (a sodium hydroxide). full definit lye. 1. strong alkalin liquor rich potassium carbon leach wood ash use especi make soap washing; broadly: strong alkalin solut (a sodium hydroxid potassium hydroxide). 2."} {"id": "10439", "contents": "handmad lye soap. pure lye soap made small batch hand cut. choos three varieties: old fashion lye soap, milk honey soap, oliv oil shea soap. bar weigh least four ounces. avail scent unscented."} {"id": "10440", "contents": "lye, also known sodium hydroxide, key ingredi soap make reaction call saponification. although chemic essenti produc mild handmad soaps, substanc unadulter form extrem alkalin caustic. ash use process must white ash only. buy lye. soap maker, buy lye best done bulk cost effectiveness. purchas sodium hydroxide, come dri form. proper amount water must ad readi use soap make reaction."} {"id": "10441", "contents": "writer person use written word variou style techniqu commun ideas. writer produc variou form literari art creativ write novels, short stories, poetry, plays, screenplay essay well variou utilitarian form report news articles. moral draw writer seek reward pleasur work releas burden thoughts; and, indiffer aught else, care noth prais censure, failur success."} {"id": "10442", "contents": "got wikipedia. hope helps: lyricist writer special song lyrics, usual paid band write custom song(s). singer write lyric song singer-lyricist. differenti singer-songwriter, also compos song' melodi addit lyric"} {"id": "10443", "contents": "peopl often write lyric write music match tone music stori word tell. simpl step write lyric are: 1. decid tone want song have. happy, sad, powerful, et cetera. 2. choos messag want convey. mani times, vocalist write lyric music composed. best way write lyric without music start think th em poetry. lyric rhyme, to. flow rel stabl syllabl count, eas fit line music."} {"id": "10444", "contents": "best answer: lyricist !!!!!!! writer special song lyrics, usual paid band write custom song(s). singer write lyric song singer-lyricist. differenti singer-songwriter, also compos song' melodi addit lyrics. source(s):"} {"id": "10445", "contents": "free thesauru definit peopl play music instrument write music macmillan english dictionary-a free english dictionari onlin thesauru pronunci macmillan publish limited."} {"id": "10446", "contents": "exist altern of. merg question into. split merg it. answer amoosagie. confid vote 131. person write music call music compos songwriter. singer-songwrit one writes, compos sing music material. person write literatur call writer (poet, novelist,mast short story,teller,scenarist movi make field). other found useful."} {"id": "10447", "contents": "lyricist, also call lyric writer wordsmith, someon write word origin piec music add word alreadi exist music. lyricist person way words, speak. abl come word effect suit particular type music keep mind genre, theme, length rhythm music. person sole write word music call lyricist; hand, person write music lyric call songwriter. person write word set music use opera call librettist"} {"id": "10448", "contents": "talk doctor risk take prednison thing decreas chanc develop osteoporosis. patient took prednison similar medic develop type cancer call kaposi' sarcoma. talk doctor risk take prednisone. prednison may caus side effects. call doctor unusu problem take medication."} {"id": "10449", "contents": "use cancer. prednison approv use reduc inflamm suppress (lower) body' immun response. use drug treat follow type cancer acut lymphoblast leukemia (all). chronic lymphocyt leukemia (cll). hodgkin lymphoma."} {"id": "10450", "contents": "prednison also sometim use treat symptom certain type cancer. prednison class medic call corticosteroids. work treat patient low level corticosteroid replac steroid normal produc natur body."} {"id": "10451", "contents": "prednison may recommend chemotherapi viabl treatment option. medic reduc symptom cancer, improv cat' life quality, effect improv cat' chanc survival."} {"id": "10452", "contents": "prednison use treatment type leukemia lymphoma, sever type cancer. prednison glucocorticosteroid, part class drug call corticosteroids. drug synthet version hormon natur produc body\u2019 adren glands."} {"id": "10453", "contents": "prednison cat may use differ diseas rang allergi cancer. use cancer, prednison effect reduc symptom cancer, increas cat' life expect cure cancer elimin tumor."} {"id": "10454", "contents": "veteran veteran' surviv spous patient nurs home, va automat allow 12 month worth nurs home cost appli medic expenses. patient also automat receiv aid attend allowance."} {"id": "10455", "contents": "1.5 million wartim servic veteran surviv spous elig billion dollar year va pension help pay long-term care assist living, nurs home home care. pension call aid attend housebound .."} {"id": "10456", "contents": "v.a. provid nurs home long-term care -- v.a. call extend care -- mani veterans. elig v.a. nurs home noninstitut long-term care include: veteran service-connect disabl rate (or combin disabl ratings) 70 percent higher."} {"id": "10457", "contents": "father elig va nurs home, va nurs home spot avail him, appli medicaid coverag nurs home care. whether he' elig medicaid nurs home coverag depend incom assets."} {"id": "10458", "contents": "joseph l. matthew caring.com expert, attorney, author long-term care: plan pay and... see full bio. 29% helpful. joseph l. matthew answered... possibl depart veteran affair (va) may provid nurs home care father."} {"id": "10459", "contents": "contract nurs home care. nurs home care public privat nurs home also avail veterans. stay nurs home limited, however, veteran rate less 70% veteran need care due service-connect disability. state veteran homes."} {"id": "10460", "contents": "va pay offset cost nurs home $2,120 month couple, $1,788 month singl veteran $1,149 month singl surviv spous veteran."} {"id": "10461", "contents": "virginia' medicaid program pay nurs home stay without lot incom need help activ daili living. nurs home expensive; 2011, averag daili cost privat room nurs home virginia $217."} {"id": "10462", "contents": "step 4. exercis muscl back rotat cuff upward row. stand bend waist, bend knee slightly. hold dumbbel one hand side. place hand stool bench steadi body. pull arm, muscl help pull string back bow. perform bicep curl dumbbells, start light one work heavier one -- two set 10 repetit per arm. dip parallel bar chin-up help build triceps."} {"id": "10463", "contents": "shoulder exercis archeri focu primarili muscl move stabil shoulder joint. archer particular risk rotat cuff injuries. rotat cuff shoulder consist infraspinatu tere muscles. rotat cuff help pull arm outward. rotat cuff strain tear occur archeri due pressur appli muscl group draw bow."} {"id": "10464", "contents": "hunt aproperli execut archeri shot recruit mani muscl theupper lower body. muscl shoulder back areth primari draw muscles. muscl arm chest areaccessori muscles. muscl abdomen, lower back, andleg provid stabil throughout draw sequence. archeri muscl ofth upper back latissimu dorsi, trapezius, rhomboids. accessori muscl tere major minor, scapularis, spinatus, serratus. majoroppos muscl pectorali (the muscl thechest)"} {"id": "10465", "contents": "share share tweet email. shoulder exercis archeri focu primarili muscl move stabil shoulder joint. archer particular risk rotat cuff injuries. sport specif strength train help reduc risk shoulder injuri associ pull bow. rotat cuff shoulder consist infraspinatu tere muscles. rotat cuff help pull arm outward. rotat cuff strain tear occur archeri due pressur appli muscl group draw bow."} {"id": "10466", "contents": "stronger archeri muscl allow use power bow, mean shoot arrow farther punch. archeri engag back shoulder much arms, work entir upper bodi strengthen muscl need archery. pull arm, muscl help pull string back bow. perform bicep curl dumbbells, start light one work heavier one -- two set 10 repetit per arm. dip parallel bar chin-up help build triceps."} {"id": "10467", "contents": "shoulder outward rotat bowfit brochure). accessori archeri muscl shoulder upper bodi bicep tricep (see figs. 10 11). bicep group respons flex bend elbow well help lift arm forward. assist posterior deltoid pull draw arm backward draw phase. (editor' note: muscl group cover upcom articles.). archeri muscl shoulder upper back obviou often overlook muscles. necessarili muscl use everi day one might work regularli gym."} {"id": "10468", "contents": "action archeri util sever main muscl group body, includ triceps, sit back upper arm, deltoid muscl shoulder latissimu dorsi muscl lower back. row, row, row muscles. spend time row machin well worth want improv muscl archery, work primari muscl use sport includ deltoids, latissimu dorsi triceps. sit seat feet strap securely."} {"id": "10469", "contents": "train archeri muscl work togeth produc smooth clean shot goal practice. addit strength training, teach athlet perform activ specif sport. call sport-specif training. (editor' note: muscl group cover upcom articles.). archeri muscl shoulder upper back obviou often overlook muscles. necessarili muscl use everi day one might work regularli gym."} {"id": "10470", "contents": "bowfit unique, compact exercis product design strengthen upper bodi archeri muscles. bowfit simul pull bow, practic anywhere, anytim increas draw weight hold longer steadier target."} {"id": "10471", "contents": "year college. year medic school. year gener pediatr train hospitals. &endash;3 year (usually) special pediatr train (call subspecialty). current 12 differ subspecialties. special train program pediatricians, too. year medic school. year gener pediatr train hospitals. &endash;3 year (usually) special pediatr train (call subspecialty)."} {"id": "10472", "contents": "train becom pediatrician requir four-year undergradu degree, four year medic school, three year hands-on resid training. graduat medic school, complet three year residency, train hands-on hospit clinic supervis experienc pediatricians. may also train pediatr specialty, surgeri orthopedics."} {"id": "10473", "contents": "mani year school becom pediatrician? becom pediatrician need: year colleg degre year medic school degre 3-4 year accredit resid program combin total 11-12 year train complet high school. peopl found useful. nicola. year colleg degree. year medic school degree. 3-4 year accredit resid program. combin total 11-12 year train complet high school."} {"id": "10474", "contents": "first step understand becom pediatrician accept career choic involv mani year schooling. first level school pediatrician, graduat high school, includ pursu four-year degree, also known bachelor degree, accredit university."} {"id": "10475", "contents": "order becom pediatrician, need complet 4-year colleg degre prior enter medic school. spend four year work toward doctor medicin (m.d.) doctor osteopathi (d.o.) degree."} {"id": "10476", "contents": "medic degree. accept medic school program, must take medic colleg admiss test (mcat) submit transcript letter recommend college. mani school also interview process. becom pediatrician, need train gener medicin throughout undergradu graduat education."} {"id": "10477", "contents": "educ general-a pediatrician, alway learning! high school, need year undergradu cours colleg univers (which get bs, ba, bachelor' degree). complet college, need attend year medic school (which get md degree). this, gener doctor. time, new doctor go learn specialti medicine, pediatrics. ultim goal pediatrician' training. bottom line: year colleg year medic school year resid 11 year (after high school). return top high school-thi realli begins."} {"id": "10478", "contents": "specialti pediatrician must finish high school does: year college. year medic school. year gener pediatr train hospitals. &endash;3 year (usually) special pediatr train (call subspecialty). year medic school. year gener pediatr train hospitals. &endash;3 year (usually) special pediatr train (call subspecialty). current 12 differ subspecialties."} {"id": "10479", "contents": "electrician rewir hous gener take 3-10 days, week averag older home. however, complex project take even longer. doityourself.com offer introduct home wiring, includ use term safeti tips. depend local rates, electrician rewir home run $65-$120 per devic (outlet, switch, light fixture), plu $800-$3,000 upgrad 100-200 amp electr panel."} {"id": "10480", "contents": "4. factor cost suppli estimate. accord networx, websit electr contractors, copper wire alon averag rewir job run $1,000. add number addit circuit desire. new circuit run approxim $175 install. need new electr panel servic home, cost $1,000 $3,000, depend number circuits."} {"id": "10481", "contents": "mani electrician recommend rewir done vacation, say project often cost continu live home work done. electrician rewir hous gener take 3-10 days, week averag older home. depend local rates, electrician rewir home run $65-$120 per devic (outlet, switch, light fixture), plu $800-$3,000 upgrad 100-200 amp electr panel."} {"id": "10482", "contents": "summari levittown. median sale price home levittown pa jul 15 sep 15 $208,500. repres increas 2.7%, $5,500, compar prior quarter increas 12.7% compar prior year. sale price appreci 6.9% last year levittown. ask local experts. median sale price home levittown pa jul 15 sep 15 $208,500. repres increas 2.7%, $5,500, compar prior quarter increas 12.7% compar prior year. sale price appreci 6.9% last year levittown."} {"id": "10483", "contents": "100. cost live levittown 17.6 greater pennsylvania average. cost live levittown 19 greater nation average. cost live index base nation averag 100."} {"id": "10484", "contents": "averag total cost (materi labor) rewir hous start around $3,500-$8,000 moderate-s home easi access (at least 18-inch crawlspac home plu access attic) run $8,500-$20,000 even high $30,000 larg hous and/or one difficult access. depend local rates, electrician rewir home run $65-$120 per devic (outlet, switch, light fixture), plu $800-$3,000 upgrad 100-200 amp electr panel."} {"id": "10485", "contents": "however, new outlet switch need installed. asment above, replac outlet switch cost $70 $120 per outlet. copper wire use rewir hous expens cost around $1,000 averag home, $3,000 larger home. rewir home provid safeti piec mind. find cost rewir hous area-get free quot reliabl local electricians."} {"id": "10486", "contents": "averag list price levittown home sale trulia $194,613 week end sep 30, repres increas 0.1%, $239, compar prior week increas 0.4%, $796, compar week end sep 09. ask local experts. median sale price home levittown pa jul 15 sep 15 $208,500. repres increas 2.7%, $5,500, compar prior quarter increas 12.7% compar prior year. sale price appreci 6.9% last year levittown."} {"id": "10487", "contents": "copper wire increasingli expensive, materi alon rewir typic home start around $400-$1,000 might run $1,500-$3,000 extens upgrad (lot outlets, light fixtures) larger home. depend local rates, electrician rewir home run $65-$120 per devic (outlet, switch, light fixture), plu $800-$3,000 upgrad 100-200 amp electr panel."} {"id": "10488", "contents": "often time peopl concern mother rabbit feed babies, sometim never seen them. normal behavior domest (or wild) rabbit mother rabbit lay offspr manner dog cats. mother rabbit feed babi even first day earli second day. close two day posit babi fed, veterinarian must seen immediately."} {"id": "10489", "contents": "sorry, someth gone wrong. best answer: babi rabbit nurs week mayb longer breed bigger seper mom week also. week go new home week shoulld start get nest box 2-3 week start eat grass food. hope help rais rabbits. source(s):"} {"id": "10490", "contents": "older babi bunni found outsid nest may orphan need assistance. babi cottontail born without fur develop full coat week. eye open 6-10 days, three week weaned. age, round banana, may explor world outsid nest return sleep. ignor mother stay famili group four five week age. (domest wean weeks; wild bunni wean 3-4 week cottontail 7-9 week jacks). bloat commonli associ frequent feedings. kmr made pet-ag. questions, phone 800/323-0877."} {"id": "10491", "contents": "ever confront question babi bunni care-domestic, wild rabbits-her guidelines. although rabbit build nests, chicken and, initi preparation, sit nests. also stay nest babi born. newborn babi bunni facts. hous rabbit societi volunt get countless call well-mean peopl find orphan abandon babi rabbit behind shed nearbi field. unknowingli break famili separ mother rabbit babi effort save them."} {"id": "10492", "contents": "hi stanz! respond anoth discuss newborn bunni assum mother bunny. thought wrong. sorry. tri research yet read anyth long babi bunni nurs independent. unit states. rais show rabbit 12 yrs, doe babies, nurs day probabl wont see it, wean hour morning. babi rabbit nurs wk old,they begin eat pellet wk old."} {"id": "10493", "contents": "answers. best answer: babi rabbit nurs week mayb longer breed bigger seper mom week also. week go new home week shoulld start get nest box 2-3 week start eat grass food. hope help rais rabbits. source(s):"} {"id": "10494", "contents": "rare mother rabbit nurs young right give birth. often first nurs occur night kindling. rabbit' rich milk sustain babi 24 hour time. prefer mealtim midnight 5:00 a.m. newborn babi bunni facts. hous rabbit societi volunt get countless call well-mean peopl find orphan abandon babi rabbit behind shed nearbi field. unknowingli break famili separ mother rabbit babi effort save them."} {"id": "10495", "contents": "long take rabbit baby? rabbit babyit take 28-31 day time got pregnant. depend breed femal readi around month male around month bred nd femal kindl litter 28-32 day after. depend breed, rabbit gener readi breed month age. babi mice (pups) stay mother week wean (separ mother). mice reach sexual 6-8 week ensur accidenta inbreed take place, separ male females."} {"id": "10496", "contents": "long take rabbit baby? rabbit babyit take 28-31 day time got pregnant. depend breed femal readi around month male around month bred nd femal kindl litter 28-32 day after. depend breed, rabbit gener readi breed month age. babi mice (pups) stay mother week wean (separ mother). mice reach sexual 6-8 week ensur accidenta inbreed take place, separ male females. even male sibbl tend fight carefull!! watch closely."} {"id": "10497", "contents": "process use mechan are: cellular respir atp gener oxid organ molecules, passag electron electron transport chain, chemiosmosis. final electron acceptor almost alway inorganic. aerob final electron acceptor 2."} {"id": "10498", "contents": "cellular respir 3. glycolysi glycolysi metabol pathway found cytoplasm cell live organ anaerobic(that is, oxygen required). process convert one molecul glucos two molecul pyruvate, itmak energi form two net molecul atp. although theoret yield 36-38 atp molecul per glucos cellular respiration, conditionsar gener realiz due loss cost move pyruv (from glycolysis), phosphate, adp(substr atp synthesis) mitochondria."} {"id": "10499", "contents": "although theoret yield 38 atp molecul per glucos cellular respiration, condit gener realiz due loss cost move pyruv (from glycolysis), phosphate, adp (substrat atp synthesis) mitochondria. start glucose, atp use donat phosphat glucos produc glucos 6-phosphate. glycogen convert glucos 6-phosphat well help glycogen phosphorylase. energi metabolism, glucos 6-phosphat becom fruct"} {"id": "10500", "contents": "oxid phosphoryl step cellular respir produc atp. process use energi store hydrogen ion gradient across membran drive atp synthas chemiosmosis. judi olmsted. electron transport process third process cell respiration, requir oxygen directly. electron transport chain seri electron carrier mbrane mitochondria. seri reactions, high energi electron pass oxygen"} {"id": "10501", "contents": "cellular respir process oxid food molecules, like glucose, carbon dioxid water. c6h12o6 6o2 6h2o 12h2o co2. energi releas trap form atp use energy-consum activ cell. glycolysis, breakdown glucos pyruv acid."} {"id": "10502", "contents": "potenti nadh fadh convert atp electron transport chain oxygen termin electron acceptor. atp produc aerob cellular respir made oxid phosphorylation. start glucose, atp use donat phosphat glucos produc glucos 6-phosphate. glycogen convert glucos 6-phosphat well help glycogen phosphorylase. energi metabolism, glucos 6-phosphat becom fruct"} {"id": "10503", "contents": "potenti use drive atp synthas produc atp adp phosphat group. biolog textbook often state 38 atp molecul made per oxidis glucos molecul cellular respir (2 glycolysis, kreb cycle, 34 electron transport system). start glucose, atp use donat phosphat glucos produc glucos 6-phosphate. glycogen convert glucos 6-phosphat well help glycogen phosphorylase. energi metabolism, glucos 6-phosphat becom fruct"} {"id": "10504", "contents": "enter amount convert box left currenc press convert button. show danish kroner one currenc click currency. danish krone currenc denmark (dk, dnk), faero islands, greenland (gl, grl). danish krone also known krones."} {"id": "10505", "contents": "select currency. nb rate provid inform only. currenc convert provid xe.com. xe.com owner shall liabl user third parti damag loss incurred, monetari otherwise, directli indirectly, result use xe.com xe.com code."} {"id": "10506", "contents": "kroner, euro foreign currenc denmark (scroll approxim exchang rates). although denmark member eu, countri part euro land. visitor therefor need danish currenc kroner shop expenses. also want transfer money denmark countri need money exchange. 20 kroner coin (left) kroner coin (right). exchang rate danish currenc kroner close connect european monetari system exchang rate stabl toward euro. toward dollar currenc danish kroner vari mor"} {"id": "10507", "contents": "krone currenc denmark, includ autonom provinc greenland faro islands. plural form 'kroner'. loos peg euro rate eur 7.46038 dkk allow fluctuat slightly."} {"id": "10508", "contents": "use currenc convert calcul current exchang rate citi copenhagen. currenc use copenhagen danish krone. copenhagen capit denmark. travel copenhagen, need exchang currenc danish krone. may exchang money danish krone copenhagen bank special store call foreign exchang bureaus."} {"id": "10509", "contents": "denmark use krone currenc use euro, negoti right opt-out particip maastricht treati 1992. danish krone part erm-ii mechanism, exchang rate tie within 2.25% euro. larg polit parti denmark favour introduct euro idea second referendum suggest sever time sinc 2000."} {"id": "10510", "contents": "dkk-danish krone. denmark, krone. danish krone currenc denmark. currenc rank show popular denmark krone exchang rate eur dkk rate. currenc code kroner dkk, currenc symbol kr. below, find danish krone rate currenc converter. also subscrib currenc newslett daili rate analysis, read xe currenc blog, take dkk rate go xe currenc app website. currenc denmark first came exist 1625 introduct danish rigsdaler. rigsdal complic currency, use three subunits: mark, skilling, pfenning. system lack decim continu use creation scandinavian monetari union 1873"} {"id": "10511", "contents": "cabl advertis lower cost altern advertis network television, usual 10 20% cost regular broadcast time. prime time spot network televis may cost $2,000 $3,000 per spot usual cost around $175 cable. 30-second spot suburban area, advertis may spend $25 per spot channel like cnn espn, $20 nickelodeon tnn, $15 channel vh-1."} {"id": "10512", "contents": "overall, cost produc commerci run littl $1,000 upward hundr thousand dollars. practic averag could $3000 $25,000. follow fundament tv advertis costs."} {"id": "10513", "contents": "accord entrepreneur, independ televis station produc ad free sign minimum three month commerci spots. local televis station typic charg $200 $1,500 creat 30-second commercial. nation commerci produc advertis agenc cost far more, averag $342,000 30-second spot 2008, accord american associ advertis agencies. rate vari depend time day year well location. target market like see ad local news noon, may pay anywher $200 $1,500 30-second spot time, say entrepreneur."} {"id": "10514", "contents": "longer technolog around, cheaper product get consumers. price 32-inch flat-panel television, instance, reach all-tim low averag $435 second quarter 2012, $546 period year ago. even so, overal averag price paid new tv actual risen lately. averag 32-inch lcd tv sold $435 second quarter 2012, $495 q1 $546 q2 2011. june, averag 42-inch lcd tv hit all-tim low $761, may averag $807."} {"id": "10515", "contents": "averag cost satellit tv depend upon packag want. dish network currenti packag start $24.99/mo (for 12 months). satellit alot programming, includ ton hd, international, etc. averag cost product tv seri 2-5 million dollar per episode, averag 24 episod season. total season averag 84 million dollar"} {"id": "10516", "contents": "averag cost plasma tv depend size. smaller model (42 46) start $600 go $1,300. larger plasma (65) start $2,700 go go high $5,000. averag cost product tv seri 2-5 million dollar per episode, averag 24 episod season. total season averag 84 million dollar"} {"id": "10517", "contents": "cabl television. cost produc commerci same, rate cabl televis spot somewhat less basic networks. averag rate 30-second spot top 15 cabl network $13,100 2011. networks, espn charg highest rate, averag $31,551. basic television. nation televis spot expens advertis campaign run. 2013, commerci cost anywher $50,000 $750,000 write, shoot produce, accord webpagefx, nation web develop market company."} {"id": "10518", "contents": "averag cost plasma tv depend size. smaller model (42 46) start $600 go $1,300. larger plasma (65) start $2,700 go go high $5,000. person found useful. 60 plasma tv cost vari depend sever factor includ specif number hdmi port brand tv. samsung ph60f5300 cost $850. panason tv p60st60 cost $1,500."} {"id": "10519", "contents": "(articl continu below). price televis commercial, need weigh cost two separ things: (1) cost produc commercial, (2) cost air it. estim averag cost produc 30-second nation tv commerci nearli $350,000. cost 30-second spot vari accord number viewer expect watch it. standard half-hour televis contain 22 minut program minut commerci minut nation advertis minut local."} {"id": "10520", "contents": "consist charcoal (carbon), saltpet (potassium nitrat sometim sodium nitrate), sulfur. typic modern gunpowd consist charcoal, saltpeter, sulfur 6:1:1 6:1.2:0.8 ratio."} {"id": "10521", "contents": "saltpet common food preserv additive, fertilizer, oxid firework rockets. one principl ingredi gunpowder. potassium nitrat use treat asthma topic formul sensit teeth. popular medic lower blood pressure. saltpet common chemical, use mani product scienc projects. here' look exactli saltpet is. answer: saltpet natur miner sourc chemic potassium nitrate, kno 3. depend live, may spell 'saltpetre' rather 'saltpeter'. systemat name chemicals, saltpet call nitrat potash. also call 'chines salt' 'chines snow'. pure saltpet potassium nitrat white crystallin solid, usual encount powder. potassium nitrat produc use chemic reaction nitric acid potassium salts, bat guano import histor natur sourc"} {"id": "10522", "contents": "potassium nitrat chemic compound chemic formula 3. ionic salt potassium ion nitrat ion occur miner niter natur solid sourc nitrogen. potassium nitrat one sever nitrogen-contain compound collect refer saltpet saltpetre. major use potassium nitrat fertilizers, tree stump removal, rocket propel firework"} {"id": "10523", "contents": "potassium nitrat ionic compound made equal number potassium ion nitrat ions. nitrat ions, turn, polyatom ion consist one nitrogen three oxygen atoms. therefore, potassium nitrat made potassium, nitrogen, oxygen. chemic formula kno3."} {"id": "10524", "contents": "greek word iodes, violet. discov courtoi 1811, iodine, halogen, occur sparingli form iodid sea water assimil seaweeds, chilean saltpeter, nitrate-bear earth (known caliche), brine old sea deposits, brackish water oil salt wells."} {"id": "10525", "contents": "element period tabl history. potassium salt form saltpetr (potassium nitrate, kno 3), alum (potassium aluminium sulfate, kal(so 4) 2), potash (potassium carbonate, co 3) known centuries. use gunpowder, dyeing, soap making."} {"id": "10526", "contents": "consequ ingredi gunpowder, especi sulfur saltpeter, strateg importance. sulfur mine underground deposits. saltpet mined, typic deposit caves, leach guano. nitrat compound among solubl compounds. solubl sodium, calcium, potassium nitrat boil water 952, 376, 247 100 ml. is, boil water dissolv nine time weight sodium nitrate."} {"id": "10527", "contents": "gunpowder, also known black powder, chemic explos \u2014the earliest known. mixtur sulfur, charcoal, potassium nitrat (saltpeter). sulfur charcoal act fuels, saltpet oxidizer."} {"id": "10528", "contents": "answer community. make world better, one answer time. potassium nitrat ionic compound made equal number potassium ion nitrat ions. nitrat ions, turn, polyatom ion consist one nitrogen three oxygen atoms. therefore, potassium nitrat made potassium, nitrogen, oxygen. chemic formula kno3."} {"id": "10529", "contents": "list sign symptom mention variou sourc serotonin toxic includ symptom list below: mental statu changes. muscl movement problems. high temperature. high blood pressure."} {"id": "10530", "contents": "symptoms. serotonin syndrom symptom usual occur within sever hour take new drug increas dose drug alreadi taking. sign symptom include: agit restlessness. confusion. rapid heart rate high blood pressure. dilat pupils. loss muscl coordin twitch muscles. muscl rigidity."} {"id": "10531", "contents": "excess accumul serotonin bodi creat symptom serotonin syndrome. normal circumstances, nerv cell brain spinal cord (central nervou system) produc serotonin help regul attention, behavior bodi temperature."} {"id": "10532", "contents": "serotonin syndrom potenti life-threaten set symptom caus serotonin toxicity, usual involv combin drug increas serotonerg transmission."} {"id": "10533", "contents": "serotonin toxicity: toxic reaction bodi substance, possibl via allerg reaction overdose. detail inform symptoms, causes, treatment serotonin toxic avail below."} {"id": "10534", "contents": "select serotonin reuptak inhibitor (ssris), wide prescrib medic treatment depression, obsessive-compuls disorder, bulimia, anorexia nervosa, panic disorder, anxiety, social phobia, high therapeut toxic ratio."} {"id": "10535", "contents": "serotonin syndrom symptom often begin within hour take new medic affect serotonin level excess increas dose one alreadi taking. symptom may include: confusion. agit restlessness. dilat pupils. headache. chang blood pressur and/or temperature."} {"id": "10536", "contents": "learn educ prepar need becom architect. get quick view requir well detail degre programs, job duti nation licensur requir find career you. view 10 popular school \u00bb. licens requirements. architect requir licens everi state. complet idp internship, individu must pass architect registr examin (are) becom licens architect. accord ncarb, seven divis test"} {"id": "10537", "contents": "educ need becom architect. learn educ prepar need becom architect. get quick view requir well detail degre programs, job duti licensur find career you. order licensed, prospect architect must complet internship administ nation council architectur registr board (ncarb). internship program requir complet minimum 5,600 hour training."} {"id": "10538", "contents": "profession requir architect vari place place, usual consist three elements: univers degre advanc education, period internship train office, examin registr jurisdiction."} {"id": "10539", "contents": "education. earn profession degre architectur typic path becom architect states. architect earn profession degre 5-year bachelor architectur degre program, intend student previou architectur training."} {"id": "10540", "contents": "architect train qualifications. three main step becom architect: complet profession degre architecture; gain work experi internship; attain licensur pass architect registr exam. educ training. states, architect must hold profession degre architectur one 117 school architectur degre program accredit nation architectur accredit board (naab). import visual orient abil understand spatial relationships. import qualiti anyon interest becom architect creativ abil work independ part team."} {"id": "10541", "contents": "internship requirements. order licensed, prospect architect must complet internship administ nation council architectur registr board (ncarb). internship program requir complet minimum 5,600 hour training."} {"id": "10542", "contents": "design structur peopl live work requir knowledg responsibility. accordingly, becom architect requir mani year postsecondari educ training. you\u2019ll need licens call profession architect, requir first earn architectur degree."} {"id": "10543", "contents": "three main step becom architect. first attain profession degre architecture. second work experi internship, third licensur pass architect registr exam. educ training. term length, one program studi take five year complet full-tim student provid student take degre prescrib colleg university. bachelor' architectur (barch) colleg degre requir"} {"id": "10544", "contents": "student alreadi earn bachelor' degre anoth field like architectur histori construct manag want pursu career architect may matricul master architectur (m.arch.) program. advanc program also open applic profession b.arch. order licensed, prospect architect must complet internship administ nation council architectur registr board (ncarb). internship program requir complet minimum 5,600 hour training."} {"id": "10545", "contents": "web site designed, park somewher web visible. number servic offer web host via server. price rang around $1 per month $4 $5 month popular site like yahoo.com."} {"id": "10546", "contents": "domain name. cases, regist one domain name website. domain registr (affili link) must renew annually, usual cost around $10.00 per year."} {"id": "10547", "contents": "hire company, usual charg hour offer variou monthli mainten plans, both. hourli rate vari anywher $60 $125 per hour. still cost updat websit yourself."} {"id": "10548", "contents": "example, may factor cost new logo design websit redesign, typic one-time-onli items. internet market compani perform task month month one two special task assignments, yearli cost rang anywher $1500 $15,000."} {"id": "10549", "contents": "everi web design compani charg differently. websit mainten servic often offer freelanc web design small web design compani work budget. prepar spend much $300 $500 per month websit maintenance."} {"id": "10550", "contents": "conclusion. i\u2019v list type mainten cost websit owner anticipate. clearly, websit one-tim expense. you\u2019r probabl look $85 per year domain registr hosting, requir assist keep site up-to-date."} {"id": "10551", "contents": "monthly, expect pay websit hosting, seo, ongo optimization, content creation, link build services, special design projects. may cost anywher $100 $1000 month."} {"id": "10552", "contents": "small web site may requir two hour mainten updat work month, medium-s site may requir five hour month. top end range, webmast may charg $75 hour. shop around, may find small web design compani charg $50 less."} {"id": "10553", "contents": "craic (pronoucn crack) gaelic term essenti translat good time.. term commonli use refer gather parti singing, dancing, drinking, gener joviality. good craic say lot fun."} {"id": "10554", "contents": "report abuse. craic actual irish form crack english use northern england scotland north ireland actually. bit trivia you. becam gaelicis back 60' actual becam integr part irish vocabulary. craic versatil word use mani contexts."} {"id": "10555", "contents": "craic actual irish form crack english use northern england scotland north ireland actually. bit trivia you. becam gaelicis back 60' actual becam integr part irish vocabulary. craic versatil word use mani contexts."} {"id": "10556", "contents": "craic. crack craic fun, enjoyment, abandonment, lightheart mischief; often context drink music. sens word crack found irish english, scottish english, geordi well mackem north east england. ireland spell craic common crack."} {"id": "10557", "contents": "christoph harris. report appear british tabloid media saturday morn liverpool fc owner john henri want sell prize asset \u00a3350million three year take anfield club. \u201cthey went make money club hasn\u2019t got europe, flop leagu spent well \u00a3100m transfers,\u201d say source. tonight\u2019 world soccer news headlines: premier league. john henri want sell liverpool \u00a3350m year take club mail. hull citi confirm arriv yannick sagbo evian sky sports. arsen prepar new bid lui suarez su\u00e1rez liverpool stay silent talk the. guardian"} {"id": "10558", "contents": "even club plan redevelop anfield 60,000 stadium improv corpor hospitality, don\u2019t expect reduc ticket price time soon, look arsen want lesson ticket price rise control. obviously, it\u2019 extrem emot subject, liverpool club it\u2019 support could much wors least involv discuss open idea. inform around safe stand visit footbal support federation."} {"id": "10559", "contents": "anfield wrap recent invit put question email owner john henry. cours ask stadium question here\u2019 answer: back real world, john henri say market lfc brand worldwid probabl draw nett cash vaniti project like new stadium. there\u2019 noth wrong anfield care develop plan wouldn\u2019t fix."} {"id": "10560", "contents": "jurgen klopp favourit liverpool job brendan rodger sack manag dramat merseysid derbi day. brendan rodger left liverpool difficult start new season despit big spending. anfield side 10th premier leagu three win drew everton sunday. comments. brendan rodger sack sunday liverpool\u2019 owner took \u2018the difficult decision\u2019 look new manager. jurgen klopp hot favourit succeed rodgers, told phone call mike gordon presid fenway sport group three-year reign over."} {"id": "10561", "contents": "there\u2019 quit bit fawn yet play footbal match england, never mind win one. jurgen klopp big task await anfield. liverpool need get belief confid back, feel actually, guy given responsibility, it\u2019 privilege. almost liverpool impress jurgen klopp. way round. would also pressur him. here, it\u2019 almost liverpool footbal club feel bless him-and i\u2019m uncomfort that. klopp' borussia dortmund side joy watch. i\u2019m optimism."} {"id": "10562", "contents": "\u201cthe allur new stadium and/or refurbish differ anfield anywher world. new stadium increas revenu primarili rais ticket price especi premium seating. \u201cin america, example, nfl (american football) club move new stadium past years. back real world, john henri say market lfc brand worldwid probabl draw nett cash vaniti project like new stadium. there\u2019 noth wrong anfield care develop plan wouldn\u2019t fix."} {"id": "10563", "contents": "john henri want sell liverpool \u00a3350m year take club mail. hull citi confirm arriv yannick sagbo evian sky sports. arsen prepar new bid lui suarez su\u00e1rez liverpool stay silent talk the. guardian \u201cthey went make money club hasn\u2019t got europe, flop leagu spent well \u00a3100m transfers,\u201d say source. tonight\u2019 world soccer news headlines: premier league. john henri want sell liverpool \u00a3350m year take club mail."} {"id": "10564", "contents": "first seri articl discuss safe standing; john ritchi explain liverpool fan least part discussion. cold novemb even anfield; hodgebal full swing merseysid napoli domin liverpool first half europa leagu game. obviously, it\u2019 extrem emot subject, liverpool club it\u2019 support could much wors least involv discuss open idea. inform around safe stand visit footbal support federation."} {"id": "10565", "contents": "liverpool owner john henri took decis sack rodger follow poor start season front anfield club. liverpool appoint caretak manag expect new man charg trip tottenham octob 17. comments. brendan rodger sack sunday liverpool\u2019 owner took \u2018the difficult decision\u2019 look new manager. jurgen klopp hot favourit succeed rodgers, told phone call mike gordon presid fenway sport group three-year reign over."} {"id": "10566", "contents": "lorelei name two theoriz etymologies. first, it\u2019 combin old german word \u201clureln\u201d mean \u201cmurmuring\u201d plu celtic word \u201cley\u201d mean \u201crock\u201d. second, could deriv german lauern (mean \u201cto lurk lie wait\u201d) along aforement celtic word rock."} {"id": "10567", "contents": "german meaning: name lorelei german babi name. german mean name lorelei is: temptress'; rocki cliff rhine river danger boat passage; lorelei whose sing lure men destruction. american meaning: name lorelei amer"} {"id": "10568", "contents": "lorelei /lore-lei/ [3 sylls.] girls' name pronounc lor-a-lye. german origin. place name: rocki cliff rhine river, danger boat passage, poetic personifi lorelei, whose sing lure men destruction. name aura riski allure."} {"id": "10569", "contents": "mean lorelei. german name. german, name lorelei means-alluring.th name lorelei origin german name. name lorelei often use girl name femal name. german name meaning-alluring. origin-germany."} {"id": "10570", "contents": "comment insight name lorelei: edit. place name. deriv name danger rock jut rhine. famou myth, siren supposedli perch atop rock, sing lure ship destruction."} {"id": "10571", "contents": "origin name lorelei: deriv lurlei, name rock ambush cliff, deriv middl high german luren (to watch) lei (a cliff, rock)."} {"id": "10572", "contents": "overview. carotid stenosi narrow carotid arteries, two major arteri carri oxygen-rich blood heart brain. also call carotid arteri disease, carotid stenosi caus buildup plaqu insid arteri wall reduc blood flow brain. process plaqu buildup call atherosclerosis. carotid stenosi major risk factor stroke lead brain damage. carotid stenosi progress narrow carotid arteri process call atherosclerosis. normal healthi arteri flexibl smooth inner walls. age, hypertens small injuri blood vessel wall allow plaqu build up."} {"id": "10573", "contents": "overview. carotid stenosi narrow blockag carotid arteries. locat side neck, left right carotid two larg arteri carri oxygen-rich blood brain. feel carotid pulsat place index finger right angl ja"} {"id": "10574", "contents": "intracrani stenosi narrow arteri insid brain. similar carotid stenosi neck, caus buildup plaqu inner wall blood vessels. intracrani stenosi narrow arteri insid brain lead stroke. stenosi caus buildup plaqu insid arteri wall reduc blood flow brain. process plaqu buildup call atherosclerosis."} {"id": "10575", "contents": "carotid arteri stenosi occur carotid arteri narrow. carotid arteri major arteri found side neck. suppli blood heart brain. condit major risk factor ischem stroke. ischem stroke blood flow brain block due blood clots."} {"id": "10576", "contents": "salli robertson, bsc. carotid arteri stenosi coronari arteri diseas refer narrow carotid arteries, major arteri neck suppli brain blood heart."} {"id": "10577", "contents": "narrow usual result atherosclerosis, build-up plaqu insid arteries. time, stenosi advanc complet blockag artery. risk factor carotid arteri stenosi includ age, smoking, high blood pressure, diabetes, obes inact lifestyle."} {"id": "10578", "contents": "article. carotid arteri diseas also call carotid arteri stenosis. term refer narrow carotid arteries. narrow usual caus buildup fatti substanc cholesterol deposits, call plaque. carotid arteri occlus refer complet blockag artery."} {"id": "10579", "contents": "carotid stenosi narrow constrict inner surfac (lumen) carotid artery, usual caus atherosclerosis."} {"id": "10580", "contents": "update: option hide last seen whatsapp go privaci setting. howev hide last seen whatsapp won\u2019t abl see person\u2019 last seen well. use simpl workaround. turn data connect phone. open whatsapp sent read message. turn internet connect close whatsapp"} {"id": "10581", "contents": "work tablets. 'last seen' option disabl whatsapp settings. upgrad app, need go set whatsapp. account set see option hide timestamp. choos hide \u2018last seen\u2019 select friend-list, one."} {"id": "10582", "contents": "onlin last seen tell contact online, last time use whatsapp. onlin mean contact whatsapp open connect internet. however, necessarili mean read chat. onlin mean contact whatsapp open connect internet. however, necessarili mean read chat. last seen refer last time contact use whatsapp."} {"id": "10583", "contents": "first option privaci set last seen visibility. drop-down last seen chang everyon (info visibl all) contact (will visibl peopl whatsapp contacts) nobodi (no one see info neither see last seen info). tap select want show information-everyon (info visibl all), contact (will visibl peopl whatsapp contacts) nobodi (no one see info neither see last seen info)"} {"id": "10584", "contents": "drop-down last seen chang everyon (info visibl all) contact (will visibl peopl whatsapp contacts) nobodi (no one see info neither see last seen info). tap select want show information-everyon (info visibl all), contact (will visibl peopl whatsapp contacts) nobodi (no one see info neither see last seen info)"} {"id": "10585", "contents": "reason may abl see contact' last seen: may set privaci set hide information. may set privaci set share last seen. share last seen, cannot see people' last seen. onlin mean contact whatsapp open connect internet. however, necessarili mean read chat. last seen refer last time contact use whatsapp."} {"id": "10586", "contents": "open whatsapp. whatsapp featur call last seen display last time online. user see information, turn off. turn off, abl see people' last seen times. toggl whatsapp settings. 3. open whatsapp set menu."} {"id": "10587", "contents": "remember, stop other see 'last seen' timestamp, abl see either. privaci menu, also see option restrict see profil photo status. featur avail whatsapp iphones. chang last seen statu whatsapp iphones, abl alter next 24 hours. hand, android restrict chang set mani time want day."} {"id": "10588", "contents": "whatsapp android. first launch whatsapp click menu it. menu user find settings. tap set find privaci option select. privacy, user see last seen option see person info. tap select want show information-everyon (info visibl all), contact (will visibl peopl whatsapp contacts) nobodi (no one see info neither see last seen info)"} {"id": "10589", "contents": "sprinkl roast gener salt pepper, place rack shallow roast pan. 2. roast meat hour 20 minut (or 14 minut per pound 130\u00b0f meat thermometer) rare meat. 2. roast meat hour 20 minut (or 14 minut per pound 130\u00b0f meat thermometer) rare meat. medium-rar meat, roast meat thermomet read 140\u00b0f-145\u00b0f. remov oven let rest 15 minut carv enough meat one dinner."} {"id": "10590", "contents": "set ribey roast room temperatur hour. season salt pepper. preheat oven 375 deg f. fat-sid up, place meat rack shallow roast pan. cover. add water. cook one hour. turn heat off. let meat rest oven. directions. set ribey roast room temperatur hour. season salt pepper. preheat oven 375 deg f. fat-sid up, place meat rack shallow roast pan. cover. add water. cook one hour. turn heat off."} {"id": "10591", "contents": "place roast (rib fat side up) roast pan. sear rib roast 15 minut 450\u00b0f, turn oven 325\u00b0f rest cook time. everi 1/2 hour, bast cut end roast fat accumul roast pan. directions. preheat oven 450\u00b0f. pat rib roast dri paper towel napkin. smear cut end roast butter. place roast (rib fat side up) roast pan."} {"id": "10592", "contents": "directions. set ribey roast room temperatur hour. season salt pepper. preheat oven 375 deg f. fat-sid up, place meat rack shallow roast pan. cook one hour. turn heat off. reheat oven 375 cook 30-40 minutes. done liking, repeat step 7. directions. set ribey roast room temperatur hour. season salt pepper. preheat oven 375 deg f. fat-sid up, place meat rack shallow roast pan. cover. add water. cook one hour. turn heat off. let meat rest oven"} {"id": "10593", "contents": "1. preheat oven 350\u00b0f. sprinkl roast gener salt pepper, place rack shallow roast pan. 2. roast meat hour 20 minut (or 14 minut per pound 130\u00b0f meat thermometer) rare meat. 2. roast meat hour 20 minut (or 14 minut per pound 130\u00b0f meat thermometer) rare meat. medium-rar meat, roast meat thermomet read 140\u00b0f-145\u00b0f. remov oven let rest 15 minut carv enough meat one dinner."} {"id": "10594", "contents": "sear rib roast (prime rib) 15 minut higher oven temperatur (450 degre f.), turn oven lower temperatur (325 degre f.) rest cook time. everi 1/2 hour, bast cut end roast fat accumul roast pan. cover roast."} {"id": "10595", "contents": "smear cut end roast butter. place roast (rib fat side up) roast pan. sear rib roast 15 minut 450\u00b0f, turn oven 325\u00b0f rest cook time. everi 1/2 hour, bast cut end roast fat accumul roast pan. directions. preheat oven 450\u00b0f. pat rib roast dri paper towel napkin. smear cut end roast butter. place roast (rib fat side up) roast pan."} {"id": "10596", "contents": "preparation. 1. preheat oven 350\u00b0f. sprinkl roast gener salt pepper, place rack shallow roast pan. 2. roast meat hour 20 minut (or 14 minut per pound 130\u00b0f meat thermometer) rare meat. 2. roast meat hour 20 minut (or 14 minut per pound 130\u00b0f meat thermometer) rare meat. medium-rar meat, roast meat thermomet read 140\u00b0f-145\u00b0f. remov oven let rest 15 minut carv enough meat one dinner."} {"id": "10597", "contents": "probiot bacteria help keep natur balanc organ (microflora) intestines. normal human digest tract contain 400 type probiot bacteria reduc growth harm bacteria promot healthi digest system."} {"id": "10598", "contents": "bodi need addit food supplement contain probiot healthy. however, food supplement contain probiot assist job good bacteria alreadi present gut. probiot may help keep healthi by:"} {"id": "10599", "contents": "probiot vitamin k. aid digest assimil vitamin popul intestin good guy make vitamin k, probiot key. best sourc probiot ferment food drinks. superfood build healthi inner ecosystem, boost immunity."} {"id": "10600", "contents": "probiot found food yogurt, prebiot found whole grains, bananas, onions, garlic, honey artichokes. addition, probiot prebiot ad food avail dietari supplements."} {"id": "10601", "contents": "probiot vitamins. probiot vitamin load numer type good bacteria aid digest process, prevent illness, suppress allergies. pick right probiot need increas health energi level healthier, happier you."} {"id": "10602", "contents": "necessarili need probiot type good bacteria healthy. however, microorgan may help digest offer protect harm bacteria, exist good bacteria bodi alreadi do. prebiot nondigest carbohydr act food probiotics."} {"id": "10603", "contents": "yeast also probiot substance. probiot also avail dietari supplements. suggest probiot use treat problem stomach intestines. certain type bacteria yeast (call strains) shown work digest tract."} {"id": "10604", "contents": "free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost concret block wall cap instal project. basic 25 feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal concret block wall cap rang $13.26 $16.36 per linear foot. estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchased. 2."} {"id": "10605", "contents": "cost eight foot tall brick fenc $7.50 linear foot. cost inclus materi only. alway best consult local build contractor get proper estim entir cost build foot tall brick fence. 49% cost paint 50 foot 100 foot 11 foot tall box room? 33% much cost build brick fenc 120 ft wide ft tall? 26% much per linear foot sand stain coat finish charged? step combin much total per linear foot?"} {"id": "10606", "contents": "but, go build wall ~$20 per linear foot, even fairli small lot need lot fenc block... lot 100 feet 50 feet, might three-hundr feet something... foot wall run $20-$25 per linear foot installed. figur $2500~ish haul away old fence."} {"id": "10607", "contents": "much would brick wall cost build? much would cost (materi only) build 50 linear foot brick wall that 10 feet high. follow."} {"id": "10608", "contents": "natur stone wall cost around $8 $12 per squar foot base type stone chosen. concret block wall cost $6.10 $7.60 per linear foot. homeown also need pay materi needed, includ steel bars, sand keep stone rub mortar. cost ad new wall home depend materi used. brick wall often afford option, hollow brick wall cost around $25.40 per squar foot. hollow brick featur uniqu design durabl shell hollow space center brick. tradit brick wall cost around $14.10 per squar foot"} {"id": "10609", "contents": "garden enclos stone wall cost $26 per linear foot. interior wall construct brick cost $8 per linear foot. need make quot garden wall. wall one brick thick, metr long 0.75 meter high ground level. ground area good qualiti top soil depth 500mm solid chalk."} {"id": "10610", "contents": "garden wish enclos rectangular garden brick wall along one side wood fenc along three sides. brick wall cost $80 per foot wood fenc cost $40 per squar foot. need make quot garden wall. wall one brick thick, metr long 0.75 meter high ground level. ground area good qualiti top soil depth 500mm solid chalk."} {"id": "10611", "contents": "assum fenc feet height would $15.00 $30.00.... 2. 0. averag cost stain cedar picket fenc assum fenc feet height would $15.00 $30.00 per foot depend upon materi depth hole dug. 49% cost paint 50 foot 100 foot 11 foot tall box room? 33% much cost build brick fenc 120 ft wide ft tall? 26% much per linear foot sand stain coat finish charged? step combin much total per linear foot?"} {"id": "10612", "contents": "first, though, let wood dri three six months, depend humid climate. cost: no-fril 6-foot-tal fence: southern pine, $10 $35 linear foot; cypress, $12 $13 linear foot; cedar, around $15.50 linear foot; redwood, $20 linear foot. color wall cost $33 linear ft single-sid design $39 linear ft double-sid design. instal cost vari depend height, design choice, color vs. non-color option price rang $15 $44 linear ft."} {"id": "10613", "contents": "third, present sever strategi design help clinician respond individu need children stutter data-based, comprehens manner focus minim advers impact stutter children' educ endeavors, live whole. stutter school-ag children: comprehens approach treatment. yaruss js(1), coleman ce, quesal rw. author information: (1)univers pittsburgh, pa, usa. jsyaruss@pitt.edu. comment lang speech hear serv sch. 2012 oct;43(4):549-51."} {"id": "10614", "contents": "problem affect ages, common children age two six, begin develop speech languag skills. boy three four time like stutter. children outgrow stuttering. one percent adult stutter."} {"id": "10615", "contents": "strategi treatingelementari school-ag children stutter: integr ap-proach. language, speech, hear servic schools, 26,151\u2013161.healey, e. c., scott trautman, l. a., susca, m. (2004).clinic applic multidimension model as-sess treatment stuttering. evidence-basedpractic school-ag stuttering: balanc exist researchwith clinic practice. ebp briefs, 2(4), 1\u20138.yaruss, j. s., pelczarski, k. m., quesal, r. w. (2010).comprehens treatment school-ag children stutter:tr entir disorder."} {"id": "10616", "contents": "group peopl impact self-concept peopl stutter help develop healthy, posit view themselves. first, parent play major role child' overal development. neg self-concept peopl stutter sometim have, present characterist associ personality. stutter person disord defin stutter personality.. however, mani peopl stutter share similar traits."} {"id": "10617", "contents": "stutter speech problem make hard children speak smoothly. children often stutter start sentences, stutter also happen throughout sentences. children might also nonverb thing stutter. parent percept impact stutter preschool themselves. journal commun disorders, 43, 407-423. reilly, s., onslow, m., packman, a., cini, e., conway, l., ukoumunne, o., bavin, e., prior, m., eadie, p., block, s., wake, m. (2013)."} {"id": "10618", "contents": "stutter affect friend famili person stutter well. moreover, famili friend' reaction feel stutter signific impact person stutters. follow give insight emot psychosoci ramif stutter individu around her. neg self-concept peopl stutter sometim have, present characterist associ personality. stutter person disord defin stutter personality.. however, mani peopl stutter share similar traits."} {"id": "10619", "contents": "purpose: letter, prepar close collabor author 100 colleagues, respond paper editor language, speech, hear servic school highlight need research treatment stutter school-ag children. stutter school-ag children: comprehens approach treatment. yaruss js(1), coleman ce, quesal rw. author information: (1)univers pittsburgh, pa, usa. jsyaruss@pitt.edu. comment lang speech hear serv sch. 2012 oct;43(4):549-51."} {"id": "10620", "contents": "clinician attitud to-ward stuttering: two decad change. journal fluencydisorders, 21, 119\u2013136.dell, c. w. (2000). treat school-ag child stutters(2nd ed.). memphis, tn: stutter foundat america.dilollo, a., neimeyer, r. a., manning, w. h. (2002). aperson construct psycholog view relapse: indic fora narr therapi compon stutter treatment. evidence-basedpractic school-ag stuttering: balanc exist researchwith clinic practice. ebp briefs, 2(4), 1\u20138.yaruss, j. s., pelczarski, k. m., quesal, r. w. (2010).comprehens treatment school-ag children stutter:tr entir disorder."} {"id": "10621", "contents": "involv slp help student speech disord stutter (or anyth else) f. creat posit (communication) environ 1. teacher administr establish cultur toler accept children class school 2. dell, c. (2000). treat school-ag child stutter (2nd ed.). memphis, tn: stutter foundation. donnellan, m. b., trzesniewski, k.h., robins, r. w., moffitt, t. e. caspi, a. (2005), low self-esteem relat aggression, antisoci behavior, delinqu psycholog science, 16 (4) 328-335."} {"id": "10622", "contents": "school-ag childwho stutters: work effect attitud emotions.memphis, tn: stutter foundat america.ciarrochi, j., bilich, l., godsell, c. (2010). psychologicalflex mechan chang accept yaruss et al.: letter editor 545. evidence-basedpractic school-ag stuttering: balanc exist researchwith clinic practice. ebp briefs, 2(4), 1\u20138.yaruss, j. s., pelczarski, k. m., quesal, r. w. (2010).comprehens treatment school-ag children stutter:tr entir disorder."} {"id": "10623", "contents": "advantag limit liabil company. limit liability: name implies, members\u2019 liabil debt oblig llc limit investment. one key advantag limit liabil company."} {"id": "10624", "contents": "consid advantag disadvantag limit liabil company, think llc right choic business, find attorney help form llc draft oper agreement."} {"id": "10625", "contents": "llc advantages. limit liabil compani (llc) mani advantag form busi entity: pass-through taxation-und default tax classification, profit tax member level, llc level (i.e., doubl taxation)."} {"id": "10626", "contents": "limit liabil compani (llc) offer mani advantag form busi entity, also disadvantages. drawback select llc anoth entiti are: earn member llc gener subject self-employ tax."} {"id": "10627", "contents": "limit liabil company, often refer llc, mani advantages. llc repres characterist corpor partnership combined, llc take best structur business."} {"id": "10628", "contents": "llc disadvantages. limit liabil compani (llc) offer mani advantag form busi entity, also disadvantages. drawback select llc anoth entiti are: earn member llc gener subject self-employ tax."} {"id": "10629", "contents": "shell accept instruct command english (mostly) valid command, pass kernel. shell user program environ provid user interaction. shell command languag interpret execut command read standard input devic (keyboard) file. shell part system kernel, use system kernel execut programs, creat file etc."} {"id": "10630", "contents": "(1) outermost layer program. shell anoth term user interface. oper system applic sometim provid altern shell make interact program easier. example, applic usual command driven, shell might menu-driven system translat user' select appropri commands. (2) sometim call command shell, shell command processor interface. command processor program execut oper system commands."} {"id": "10631", "contents": "creat merger royal dutch petroleum uk-bas shell transport trading, fourth largest compani world 2014, term revenue, one six oil ga supermajor shell also one world' valuabl companies. shell primari list london stock exchang constitu ftse 100 index. market capitalis \u00a3129.8 billion close trade 13 april 2015, largest compani list london stock exchange."} {"id": "10632", "contents": "shell. shell softwar interfac that' often command line interfac enabl user interact computer. exampl shell ms-do shell, command.com, csh, ksh, sh. pictur exampl termin window open shell. here: dictionari s-definitions. shell softwar interfac that' often command line interfac enabl user interact computer."} {"id": "10633", "contents": "unix, shell program interpret command act intermediari user inner work oper system. note: general, shell bourn shell class better script deriv shell. unix, shell anoth program. reason, program design login shell /etc/shells. example, emac user pride never need tradit shell prompt"} {"id": "10634", "contents": "provid command-lin interfac (i.e., shell prompt command prompt), shell analog do serv purpos similar graphic interfac like windows, mac os x, window system. unix systems, sever shell available. note: general, shell bourn shell class better script deriv shell. unix, shell anoth program. reason, program design login shell /etc/shells. example, emac user pride never need tradit shell prompt"} {"id": "10635", "contents": "zabbix. shell unix term interact user interfac oper system. shell layer program understand execut command user enters. systems, shell call command interpreter."} {"id": "10636", "contents": "program administr definit program administr individu respons planning, implementing, evalu earli care educ program. role administr cover leadership manag functions."} {"id": "10637", "contents": "definition. process manag multipl relat project once. project manag often use describ one project, program manag involv multipl project relat work toward goal result."} {"id": "10638", "contents": "program management. program manag programm manag process manag sever relat projects, often intent improv organization' performance. practic aim often close relat system engin industri engineering."} {"id": "10639", "contents": "program manag programm manag process manag sever relat projects, often intent improv organization' performance. practic aim often close relat system engin industri engineering."} {"id": "10640", "contents": "tend go definit made jame brown, within handbook program manag program manag first foremost leader. fact, program manager' main leadership duti turn chao clariti team."} {"id": "10641", "contents": "search. term program manag rel new one, introduc last sever year denot overal manag seri related, ongo project within organization. taken together, relat project make program."} {"id": "10642", "contents": "dr ananya mandal, md. adenoma type non-cancer tumor benign may affect variou organs. deriv word \u201cadeno\u201d mean 'pertain gland'. everi cell bodi tightli regul system dictat need grow, matur eventu die off. adenoma gener benign non cancer carri potenti becom adenocarcinoma malign cancerous. benign growth grow size press upon surround vital structur lead sever consequences."} {"id": "10643", "contents": "overview. adenoma adren gland non-cancer (benign) tumor adren gland. caus sign symptom rare requir treatment. however, may becom activ function mean produc hormones, often excess adren gland typic produce."} {"id": "10644", "contents": "adenoma cancer origin glandular tissue. tissu affect part larger tissu categori known epitheli tissues. epitheli tissu line skin, glands, caviti organ etc. adenoma gener benign non cancer carri potenti becom adenocarcinoma malign cancerous. benign growth grow size press upon surround vital structur lead sever consequences."} {"id": "10645", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. adenoma (from greek \u03b1\u03b4\u03ad\u03bd\u03b1\u03c2, adeno- gland -\u03ce\u03bc\u03b1, -oma, tumor) (/\u02ccaed\u0268\u02c8no\u028am\u0259/ \u02cc\u00e6d\u0268\u02c8no\u028am\u0259 plural adenoma /adenomata/) \u02ccaed\u0268\u02c8no\u028am\u0268t\u0259 \u02cc\u00e6d\u0268\u02c8no\u028am\u0268t\u0259 benign tumor epitheli tissu with, glandular origin, glandular characteristics. adenoma grow mani glandular organs, includ adren glands, pituitari gland, thyroid, prostate, others. adenoma grow epitheli tissu nonglandular area express glandular tissu structur (a happen famili polyposi coli)."} {"id": "10646", "contents": "parathyroid adenoma. parathyroid glands, four small gland locat near back thyroid gland, produc parathyroid hormon (pth). hormon help control amount calcium phosphoru blood. parathyroid adenoma benign tumor one glands."} {"id": "10647", "contents": "adenoma benign tumor glandular tissue, mucosa stomach, small intestine, colon, tumor cell form gland gland like structures. hollow organ (digest tract), adenoma grow lumen-adenomat polyp polypoid adenoma. adenoma grow mani glandular organs, includ adren glands, pituitari gland, thyroid, prostate, others. adenoma grow epitheli tissu nonglandular area express glandular tissu structur (a happen famili polyposi coli)."} {"id": "10648", "contents": "vote vote. articl mention refil fire extinguish metal valve, rather plastic one. may also want check local fire department-som refil free. cost trade $15 refill, $60-115 new one. (i can't tell that' 10 20 lb extinguish picture.). could take local fire equip servic shop abl servic refil it. i'm sure much would cost comparison buy new extinguisher. size one pictur would cost less $50 brand new."} {"id": "10649", "contents": "cost recharg fire extinguish depend size, type, well compani perform service. average, basic recharg cost anywher $10 $30. top charge, addit $2 $4 per pound chemic fee appli well. recharge, servic complet refil extinguish new agent. process take longer 10 20 minut commonli done local fire station privat services."} {"id": "10650", "contents": "extinguish old cannot recharged, new one cost anywher $12 $50 simpl household version. everi years, highli recommend mainten done ensur fire extinguish code. mainten run cost anywher $30 $50. recharge, servic complet refil extinguish new agent. process take longer 10 20 minut commonli done local fire station privat services."} {"id": "10651", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: typic recharg run $18 5lb. unit $25 10lb. unit, recharg type. (i work compani recharg time.) abc fire extinguish need pressur test recharg them."} {"id": "10652", "contents": "recharg fire extinguishers. fire extinguish use (no matter small amount) import recharg right away order keep oper time avoid potenti tragedy. need proper equipment, agent, air compressor basic train recharg fire extinguishers. find easier get profession compani job. compani necessari equipment, train know how."} {"id": "10653", "contents": "start. start process recharg fire extinguisher, must awar rating, type, extinguish have. class extinguishers, typic come silver cylinder, normal fill water. case class b, c, even combin abc extinguishers. fire extinguish used, even minutes, must recharg remain effect next fire. fire depart either equip avail site recharg extinguishers, may approach profession fire equip manufactur job"} {"id": "10654", "contents": "example, fire station fridley, minnesota, allow resid drop fire extinguish recharge. fee rang anywher $9 $19 depend size extinguisher. anoth compani reno, nv charg $15 charg well $2.35 per pound chemicals. recharge, servic complet refil extinguish new agent. process take longer 10 20 minut commonli done local fire station privat services."} {"id": "10655", "contents": "recharg fire extinguishers. recharg fire extinguish involv refil agent, cases, empti remain agent left unit refil it. number extinguish home business, may cost effect purchas recharg unit. need proper equipment, agent, air compressor basic train recharg fire extinguishers. find easier get profession compani job. compani necessari equipment, train know how."} {"id": "10656", "contents": "multipurpos extinguish also known abc fire extinguish work sever fire classes. abc fire extinguish label rate class fire class fires. abc fire extinguish also notat class a, class b, class fire multipurpos use. size five pound twenti pounds, abc fire extinguish contain monoammonium phosphate, fire retard powder."} {"id": "10657", "contents": "capex contract term capit expenditure, refer expenditur made busi add new fix assets, replac old fix assets, pay ongo maintenance. expenditur greater capit limit business, asset whose util use period time, record fix asset depreci use life asset."} {"id": "10658", "contents": "capit expenditur aka capex spend money buy fix assets. capex typic relat buildings, property, equipment. mani financi model built help determin growth expans plan requir spend money equip assets."} {"id": "10659", "contents": "capit expenditure, capex, fund use compani acquir upgrad physic asset property, industri build equipment. often use undertak new project invest firm. type outlay also made compani maintain increas scope operations. capit expenditur (capex) expenditur fund assumpt liabil order obtain physic asset ..."} {"id": "10660", "contents": "capit expenditur use fund assumpt liabil order obtain physic asset use product purpos least one year. type expenditur made order expand product competit postur business. capit expenditur record asset, rather charg immedi expense. fix asset charg expens use life asset, use depreciation. example, acquir $25,000 asset expect use life five years, charg $5,000 depreci expens next five year"} {"id": "10661", "contents": "part complianc glossary: capit expenditur (capex) money invest compani acquir upgrad fixed, physical, non-consum assets, build equip new business."} {"id": "10662", "contents": "definition. capit expenditur expenditur creat futur benefits. capit expenditur incur busi spend money either buy fix asset add valu exist asset use life extend beyond tax year. capit expenditur includ acquir fix asset (tangible, e.g. machineri intang e.g. patents), fix problem asset, prepar asset use business, restor properti valu added, adapt new differ use."} {"id": "10663", "contents": "(decemb 2010). capit expenditur (capex capex) expenditur alter futur business. capit expenditur incur busi spend money either buy fix asset add valu exist fix asset use life extend beyond taxabl year. accounting, capit expenditur ad asset account, thu increas asset' basi (the cost valu asset adjust tax purposes). capex commonli found cash flow statement invest plant, property, equip someth similar invest subsection."} {"id": "10664", "contents": "term accounting, expens consid capit expenditur asset newli purchas capit asset invest improv use life exist capit asset. expens capit expenditure, need capitalized. capit expenditur (capex) expenditur fund assumpt liabil order obtain physic asset ..."} {"id": "10665", "contents": "exampl asset upgrad ad garag onto house, sinc increas valu property, wherea repair dish washer mere keep machin operation. exampl capit expenditur fund paid buildings, comput equipment, machinery, offic equipment, vehicles, software. type expenditur made order expand product competit postur business. capit expenditur record asset, rather charg immedi expense. fix asset charg expens use life asset, use depreciation. example, acquir $25,000 asset expect use life five years, charg $5,000 depreci expens next five year"} {"id": "10666", "contents": "activ work part kidney tini structur call nephrons. normal nephron, generally, work day night get rid wast blood. kidney million tini filter units. two major part nephron renal corpuscl renal tubule. corpuscl glomerulu (see illustration). cleans blood occur part nephron. glomerulus, tuft small blood vessels, tini hole act filter."} {"id": "10667", "contents": "two part kidney nephron: renal corpuscle, renal tubule. (1) renal corpuscle. renal corpuscl part kidney nephron blood plasma filtered. term corpuscl mean tini small body."} {"id": "10668", "contents": "nephron compos two main structures: glomerulu renal (kidney) tubule. glomerulus. glomerulu tini blood vessel capillary, look like ball yarn. actual filter blood occur glomerulus."} {"id": "10669", "contents": "renal corpuscle. together, glomerulu surround bowman' capsul call renal corpuscle. structur locat renal cortex. also awar nephron compos two main parts: renal tubul renal corpuscle. renal corpuscle, essence, first structur involv nephron' format urine, renal tubul take thereafter."} {"id": "10670", "contents": "peopl think normal bodi temperatur oral temperatur 98.6\u00b0f (37\u00b0c) averag normal bodi temperatures. temperatur may actual 1\u00b0f (0.6\u00b0c) 98.6\u00b0f (37\u00b0c)"} {"id": "10671", "contents": "normal bodi temperatur rang 97.8 degre (or fahrenheit, equival 36.5 degre c, celsius) 99 degre (37.2 degre c) healthi adult. person' bodi temperatur taken follow ways: orally. strength pulse. normal puls healthi adult rang 60 100 beat per minute. puls rate may fluctuat increas exercise, illness, injury, emotions. femal age 12 older, general, tend faster heart rate males."} {"id": "10672", "contents": "grown adults, normal temperatur rang 97.8\u00b0f 99\u00b0f, 36.5\u00b0c 37.2\u00b0c. fevers. adult' bodi temperatur normal range, consid fever. medic speaking, fever present temperatur 98.6\u00b0f oral thermomet 99.8\u00b0f rectal thermometer."} {"id": "10673", "contents": "averag temperatur healthi dog 101 \u00b0f 38 \u00b0c. clarification: normal rang healthi dog' temperatur 100.0 102.5 f, although mani sma ller breeds, includ pugs, averag normal temperatur higher range. normal temperatur 98.6o fahrenheit (37o celsius) 97.3o uncommon complet normal bodi temperature. 97o-99o consid normal, safe temperatur rang humans."} {"id": "10674", "contents": "although commonli thought 98.6 degre fahrenheit averag oral temperatur adult, normal temperatur rang 97.1 degre 99.5 degre good idea determin normal bodi temperatur take temperatur feel well. normal temperatur 98.6o fahrenheit (37o celsius) 97.3o uncommon complet normal bodi temperature. 97o-99o consid normal, safe temperatur rang humans."} {"id": "10675", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. although commonli thought 98.6 degre fahrenheit averag oral temperatur adult, normal temperatur rang 97.1 degre 99.5 degrees. good idea determin normal bodi temperatur take temperatur feel well."} {"id": "10676", "contents": "temperatur core bodi temperature. normal rang oral measur temperatur adult 98.2\u00b0f, fluctuat 1.3\u00b0f higher lower. adult show oral temperatur 99.5\u00b0f, consid fever medic conditions. elderli people, temperatur lower. fall 96.8\u00b0f child low temperatur need immedi warm up. children, normal bodi temperatur rang 96.8\u00b0f 98.2\u00b0f. rang normal bodi temperatur adults. rectal temperatur children reach 100.4\u00b0f, need call immedi medic attent fev"} {"id": "10677", "contents": "98.6 degre fahrenheit (36.5 37.7 celsius) averag bodi temperature, person' normal temp low 97.0 high 99.0. normal temperatur fal ls within range, baselin temp, caus alarm. 28 peopl found useful. normal temperatur 98.6o fahrenheit (37o celsius) 97.3o uncommon complet normal bodi temperature. 97o-99o consid normal, safe temperatur rang humans."} {"id": "10678", "contents": "campaign, wilson denounc roosevelt' new nation paternalistic; would sap entrepreneuri initi potenti despotic. untrammel free enterpris remain basi american freedom, principl becam basi campaign platform. muckrakers. earli twentieth century, group journalist commit expos social, economic, polit ill industri life. 1906 given nicknam presid theodor roosevelt, describ rake filth rather look nobler things."} {"id": "10679", "contents": "roosevelt far outpol taft primari elect held progress states. taft work far harder tr control republican party' organiz oper mechan choos presidenti nominee, 1912 republican nation convention. so, despit roosevelt' last-minut attempt block taft' re-nomination, parti re-nomin taft june. final vote, roosevelt said would accept presidenti nomin new, honestli elected, convention."} {"id": "10680", "contents": "new nation theodor roosevelt' progress polit philosophi 1912 election. social sphere platform call for. nation health servic includ exist govern medic agencies. social insurance, provid elderly, unemployed, disabled. limit injunct strikes. minimum wage law women. eight hour workday. feder secur commission. farm relief. workers' ..."} {"id": "10681", "contents": "1940 typic historian saw progress era prelud new deal date 1901 (when roosevelt becam president) start world war 1914 1917. part tradit matern activism, progressive-era gener feder support rang caus pure food drug administr public health care mother children ban child labor, look state help implement vision social justice."} {"id": "10682", "contents": "book promis american life, written 1909 herbert croly, influenc theodor roosevelt. new nation direct contrast woodrow wilson 's polici new freedom, promot antitrust modification, tariff reduction, bank currenc reform. social sphere platform call for. nation health servic includ exist govern medic agencies. social insurance, provid elderly, unemployed, disabled. limit injunct strikes. minimum wage law women. eight hour workday. feder secur commission. farm relief. workers' ..."} {"id": "10683", "contents": "roosevelt made case call new nation speech osawatomie, kansas, august 31, 1910. central issu argu govern protect human welfar properti rights, also argu human welfar import properti rights. social sphere platform call for. nation health servic includ exist govern medic agencies. social insurance, provid elderly, unemployed, disabled. limit injunct strikes. minimum wage law women. eight hour workday. feder secur commission. farm relief. workers' ..."} {"id": "10684", "contents": "progress era (1890-1917), progress parti form tri reform american societi us government, believ control special interest big business. conserv america' natur beauti yet anoth way american usher period reform."} {"id": "10685", "contents": "want execut agenc (not courts) regul business. feder govern use protect labor men, women children exploitation. term policy, roosevelt' platform includ broad rang social polit reform advoc progressives. social sphere platform call for. nation health servic includ exist govern medic agencies. social insurance, provid elderly, unemployed, disabled. limit injunct strikes. minimum wage law women. eight hour workday. feder secur commission. farm relief. workers' ..."} {"id": "10686", "contents": "mani progress support prohibit unit state order destroy polit power local boss base saloons. time, women' suffrag promot bring purer femal vote arena. part tradit matern activism, progressive-era gener feder support rang caus pure food drug administr public health care mother children ban child labor, look state help implement vision social justice."} {"id": "10687", "contents": "progress era period widespread social activ polit reform across unit states, 1890 1920s. main object progress movement elimin corrupt government. movement primarili target polit machin bosses. take corrupt repres offic mean direct democraci would established. part tradit matern activism, progressive-era gener feder support rang caus pure food drug administr public health care mother children ban child labor, look state help implement vision social justice."} {"id": "10688", "contents": "related: lava rock grill fire pit lava rock fireplac lava rock aquarium lava rock larg lava rock volcan rock black lava rock quartz infrar heater."} {"id": "10689", "contents": "buri burner small piec lava rock drop grate. spread rock individu place larger one grate first, follow medium-s ones. throw 1/2 inch one away. thank good save old one go throw out."} {"id": "10690", "contents": "barrier typic made layer ceram briquett lava rock heat burner high temperature, would vapor drip fell it. problem was, barrier period replaced, accumul drip would caus flare-up issues."} {"id": "10691", "contents": "natur lava rock click pictur enlarg truth lava rock misunderstood name. lava molten(liquid) rock come erupt volcano. extrem hot, reach temperatur high 1,300 2,000 degrees. cools,it form igneou rock."} {"id": "10692", "contents": "make mistake, ga grill hot enough already, littl old side troubl get hot enough cook food, here' simpl way hack grill: pack lava rock around burners."} {"id": "10693", "contents": "red lava rock, technic call scoria color addit garden; supplier also sell black lava rock, garner visual impact texture, alone. red color form erupt due oxid iron."} {"id": "10694", "contents": "make manicur last. keep nail look polish best simple. good manicur habit also protect health nails. follow seven step manicur last seven 10 days."} {"id": "10695", "contents": "although gel manicur gener done salons, opi cnd push at-hom versions. polish expens (think $20 bottle) u.v. light use salon cost $600. (the at-hom version start around $40.) gel manicur last 20 days."} {"id": "10696", "contents": "basic manicur pedicur last one two weeks, depend lifestyl type servic had. if, example, work garden without gloves, manicur probabl last long."} {"id": "10697", "contents": "mani variabl affect durabl manicure. polish formula, example, age polish, color. dalla find salon matt color gener last long color glossi finish."} {"id": "10698", "contents": "webmd talk expert make manicur last longer. http://img.webmd.com/dtmcms/live/webmd/consumer_assets/site_images/article_thumbnails/features/_2012/11_2012/how_to_make_your_manicure_lastxml_features/69x75_how_to_make_your_manicure_lastxml_features.jpg. shelley levitt."} {"id": "10699", "contents": "get gel manicure; nail special polish get bake light. mine last least weeks; could easili last week like grow-out cuticle. hand water lot sinc dishwash still last."} {"id": "10700", "contents": "3. prep polish. vertic ridg nails, creat smooth surfac appli ridge-fil strengthener. or, buff away ridg fine side four-sid buffer. use restraint. buff aggressively, make problem wors thin nail plate."} {"id": "10701", "contents": "q. vacuum braze diamond blade cut? depend cut applic recommend manufacturer, cut applic rang concrete, brick, block, stone, asphalt, ductil iron, cast iron, plastic, stainless steel, harden steel, copper, brass, wood, glass, tile, porcelain."} {"id": "10702", "contents": "power twister(tm) diamond blade work especi well need cut materi auto bodies, motor blocks, steel guard rails, steel, iron, ductil iron, cast iron, rail road tracks, reinforc non-reinforc concret build materials."} {"id": "10703", "contents": "usar concret metal cut diamond blade. usar concret metal cut diamond blade diamond blade rescu team wait for. cut steel, concrete, cast iron incred speed. steel core design special heat-reduc hole reduct cut depth."} {"id": "10704", "contents": "edg diamond blade cut whole varieti materials. blade cut product fast. cut steel day last weeks. blade test mut5, mus5,mm50. education. standard youtub license."} {"id": "10705", "contents": "power twister(tm) diamond blade application-guarante cut equal well concret metal view-se turn blade observ work progress quality-long blade life. reduct cut depth."} {"id": "10706", "contents": "august 15, 2002 power twister(tm) diamond blade cut metal concret time. enabl user watch cut process either side blade. reduct cut depth occur use abras blades."} {"id": "10707", "contents": "11%. employ dental assist project grow 25 percent 2012 2022, much faster averag occupations. ongo research link oral health gener health like continu increas demand prevent dental services. dental assist abl listen patient healthcar workers. need follow direct dentist dental hygienist, help treat patient tasks, take ray. organiz skills. dental assist excel"} {"id": "10708", "contents": "job outlook: faster average. 21. dental hygienist project increas 2020: 37.7 percent number employ 2010: 181,800 median pay 2010: $68,250 education/training: dental hygienist must get state licens practice. degre dental hygien school also usual required. home health aid project increas 2020: 69.4 percent number employ 2010: 1.02 million median pay 2010: $20,560 education/training: home health aid requir high school diploma; receiv train job experienc aid nurses."} {"id": "10709", "contents": "high employ odds. accord report releas simpli hired, last six years, employ opportun dental assist radic increas whop 16 percent. impress figur go improv near future. overall, dental assist play import role dental offic provid clinic administr servic help support dentist. accord bls, potenti dental assist task include: clinic tasks. steril prepar patient trays. hand instrument"} {"id": "10710", "contents": "$25,550. median annual wage dental assist $34,500 may 2012. median wage wage half worker occup earn amount half earn less. lowest 10 percent earn less $23,550, top 10 percent earn $47,580. dental assist abl listen patient healthcar workers. need follow direct dentist dental hygienist, help treat patient tasks, take ray. organiz skills. dental assist excel"} {"id": "10711", "contents": "job outlook. employ dental assist project grow 25 percent 2012 2022, much faster averag occupations. ongo research link oral health gener health like continu increas demand prevent dental services."} {"id": "10712", "contents": "unfamiliar dental assistant\u2019 profession responsibilities, bureau labor statist (bls) offer great overview dental assisting, job outlook dental assist (excellent), kind task dental assist perform (clinic and/or administrative). overall, dental assist play import role dental offic provid clinic administr servic help support dentist. accord bls, potenti dental assist task include: clinic tasks. steril prepar patient trays. hand instrument"} {"id": "10713", "contents": "admit it: think everi scrub-wear worker dentist\u2019 offic either dentist dental hygienist. are, profession perform integr task run offic facilit care actual dental assistants. 2013, averag pay dental assist $35,640, median pay $34,900. highest salari live metropolitan area manchester, new hampshire; san francisco; haverhill, massachusetts."} {"id": "10714", "contents": "health sector employ project grow 14 million job 2010 nearli 18.3 million job 2020, increas 30%, compar 13% growth job employ sector (exhibit 6). execut summari studi analyz project nation growth health sector health occup base analysi feder bureau labor statist (bls) 10-year occup industri project employ unit states, releas everi two years."} {"id": "10715", "contents": "job outlook [about section] [to top]. employ dental assist project grow 25 percent 2012 2022, much faster averag occupations. ongo research link oral health gener health like continu increas demand prevent dental services."} {"id": "10716", "contents": "11%. employ dental assist project grow 25 percent 2012 2022, much faster averag occupations. ongo research link oral health gener health like continu increas demand prevent dental services. dental assist mani tasks, rang provid patient care take ray recordkeep schedul appointments. duti vari state dentists\u2019 offic work."} {"id": "10717", "contents": "appli florida marriag license. marriag licens issu counti appli licens counti clerk\u2019 offic state. need appli licens counti marriag take place licens good throughout state issu"} {"id": "10718", "contents": "becom notari public florida online. marriag licens issu florida valid florida. may use florida marriag licens florida county. get marri counti issuance, need get marri within state. florida marriag licens cost set amount ($93.50 februari 2015), may abl get discount show proof take pre-marit counsel class. class offer counti court system state-sanct providers, gener four-hour set lessons."} {"id": "10719", "contents": "florida notari may perform marriag ceremoni provid coupl first obtain marriag licens author florida offici may perform ceremoni within geograph boundari florida. thus, florida notari could perform marriag ceremoni anoth state. additionally, notari anoth state, includ south carolina maine, could perform marriag ceremoni florida. and, florida notari may marri coupl obtain marriag licens anoth state. mani factor determin valid marriage."} {"id": "10720", "contents": "marriag licens requir everi state. marriag licens provid proof coupl legal allow marri state wish married. general, coupl must provid document proof fact list marriage. requir coupl seek marriag licens differ everi state. however, state requir legal proof fact provid marriag licens application. mani state requir coupl util origin birth certif proof legal name age."} {"id": "10721", "contents": "appreci patience. coupl wish get marri florida may appli licens clerk comptrol locat throughout palm beach county. marriag licens issu clerk' circuit civil department. licens valid florida counti period 60 days."} {"id": "10722", "contents": "live in, example, georgia want wed ceremoni florida, need get marriag licens georgia georgia offici perform legal marriag process. hold wed ceremoni florida. florida marriag licens cost set amount ($93.50 februari 2015), may abl get discount show proof take pre-marit counsel class. class offer counti court system state-sanct providers, gener four-hour set lessons."} {"id": "10723", "contents": "best answer: get licens state get marri in. check washington laws. state day wait process. rate newest oldest. best answer: get licens state get marri in. check washington laws. state day wait process. marri hawaii 24 year ago abl get ny licens mail."} {"id": "10724", "contents": "florida marriag license. everi marriag licens issu counti court judg clerk circuit court hand seal. marriag licens issu counti appli licens counti clerk's. click clerk court contact inform county. get marri counti florida, regardless obtain marriag"} {"id": "10725", "contents": "marriag licenses. requir either parti resid georgia, appli marriag licens counti state georgia. neither parti resid georgia, appli counti go get marri in. licens allow marriag ceremoni take place state. cannot use georgia licens marri anoth state. however, state person author perform ceremonies, use licens ceremoni perform state georgia. applic marriag licens must least 16 year old."} {"id": "10726", "contents": "details: august 17, 1996, sixty-five-year-old jack robinson rosewood boat land olympia, south carolina, unidentifi man. argument allegedli money jack fatal stabbed."} {"id": "10727", "contents": "jack robinson son inc. gener contract firm serv central oregon last 62 years. 32 year experience, ron robinson jr., third gener robinson, help jack robinson son becom one respect construct compani central oregon area."} {"id": "10728", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. jack robinson name present common figur speech use indic period time, typic sarcast manner. normal usag is, (someth done) faster say jack robinson otherwis say jack robinson.. person quick catch decision. 1660 1679 offic command tower london one sir john robinson. may speed behead axe may basis, jack diminut form john."} {"id": "10729", "contents": "jack robinson experienc dwi, famili law, probat crimin law attorney serv client rockwall, kaufman, hunt, collin dalla counties. divorc attorney, jack robinson work ensur everi client inform divorc process know expect meet famili law attorney. protect texan rights. one texan time. count us! jack robinson experienc rockwal dwi, famili law, probat crimin law attorney. also serv client"} {"id": "10730", "contents": "jack robinson name present common figur speech use indic period time, typic sarcast manner. person quick catch decision. 1660 1679 offic command tower london one sir john robinson. may speed behead axe may basis, jack diminut form john."} {"id": "10731", "contents": "meet attorney jack robinson. attorney jack k. robinson veteran texa lawyer 25 year experi proven record result famili law, probat crimin defens lawyer. commit help client deal difficult pain time lives."} {"id": "10732", "contents": "jack roosevelt jacki robinson (januari 31, 1919 octob 24, 1972) american major leagu basebal (mlb) second baseman becam first african american play major leagu modern era. robinson born januari 31, 1919, famili sharecropp cairo, georgia. youngest five children born malli (mcgriff) jerri robinson, sibl edgar, frank, matthew (nicknam mack) willa mae."} {"id": "10733", "contents": "earli life. jack roosevelt robinson born januari 31, 1919, cairo, georgia. break color barrier, jacki robinson becam first african-american play baseball' major leagues. youngest five children, robinson rais rel poverti singl mother"} {"id": "10734", "contents": "food poison symptom usual go away one two days, symptom may last ten days. immedi contact health care provid experi high fever (a temperatur 101.5f more), bloodi stools, dehydration, diarrhea last three days. anywher hour day consum contamin food typic timefram experienc symptom food poisoning. although symptom may vari may mistaken symptom illnesses, cramping, wateri diarrhea, vomit may part ordeal"} {"id": "10735", "contents": "case food poisoning, symptom tend come within one three day eat contamin food. however, type food poisoning, 'incub period' long 90 days. main symptom diarrhoea, often sick (vomiting) well."} {"id": "10736", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: get one bite may take 48 hour symptoms. food poison common, usual mild, sometim deadli illness. typic symptom includ nausea, vomiting, abdomin cramping, diarrhea occur suddenli (within 48 hours) consum contamin food drink."} {"id": "10737", "contents": "recogn symptom chemic toxin food poisoning, vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, dizziness, tear eyes, excess salivation, mental confusion, stomach pain, begin 30 minut eat contamin food. vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, dizziness, tear eyes, excess salivation, mental confusion, stomach pain may symptom chemic toxin food poison poison mushrooms."} {"id": "10738", "contents": "symptom food poison usual begin within one two day eat contamin food, although may start point hour sever week later. main symptom include: feel sick (nausea). vomiting. diarrhoea, may contain blood mucus."} {"id": "10739", "contents": "depend type infection, peopl even die result food poisoning. 250 differ diseas caus food poisoning. common diseas infect caus bacteria, campylobacter, salmonella, shigella, e. coli o157:h7, listeria, botulism, norovirus."} {"id": "10740", "contents": "much depend type food poisoning. start soon hour consumption; others, 10 day later[1]. like abl idenifi thing like spoil seafood soon fact. wait week more?"} {"id": "10741", "contents": "confid vote 22.7k. depend fast bodi process food, gener averag around, hour mayb coupl less. take anywher hour 48 hour expos contamin food. inform mani caus foodborn illness. ingest toxin hit quickli within coupl hours. ingest microb take build effect-which mean day even weeks. see relat links."} {"id": "10742", "contents": "food poison symptoms, start within hour eat contamin food, often includ nausea, vomit diarrhea. often, food poison mild resolv without treatment. peopl need go hospital. symptoms."} {"id": "10743", "contents": "symptom last one day coupl month longer, depend type infection. vomiting, diarrhea, sweating, dizziness, tear eyes, excess salivation, mental confusion, stomach pain may symptom chemic toxin food poison poison mushrooms."} {"id": "10744", "contents": "wine littl rs, that' cool me.... interest toler spirit, let' explor whi how-comes. residu sugar, rs short, refer natur grape sugar leftov ferment ceas (whether purpos not). juic wine grape start intens sweet, ferment use sugar yeast feast upon it. winemak chill wine ferment stops, get rid yeast. yeast, fermentation. certain chemic compound snuff out, too. addit obviou sweeten power, sugar also bonu effect: help wine age well."} {"id": "10745", "contents": "imposs get residu sugar level zero (wine begin life sweet grape juice) gener threshold percept sweet around g/l, 0.2% fine red wine well this, often g/l, tast sweet."} {"id": "10746", "contents": "best answer: give exampl inform normal measur sugar wine gramm per liter, express g/l, teh abbrevi use rs mean residu sugar -- sugar left fermentation."} {"id": "10747", "contents": "half bottl sautern chateau ch\u00e2teau'd, yquem produc one the'world famou expens sweet. wine subject sweet wine determin interact several, factor includ amount sugar the, wine also rel level of, alcohol, acid and. tannin sweet wine vouvray actual tast dri due high level acidity. dri wine tast sweet alcohol level elevated. medium sweet wine percept among mani consum lower qualiti dri wines."} {"id": "10748", "contents": "subject sweet wine determin interact sever factors, includ amount sugar wine, also rel level alcohol, acids, tannins. briefly: sugar alcohol enhanc wine' sweetness; acid (sourness) bitter tannin counteract it. sweet wine vouvray actual tast dri due high level acidity. dri wine tast sweet alcohol level elevated. medium sweet wine percept among mani consum lower qualiti dri wines."} {"id": "10749", "contents": "port produc grape grown process demarc douro region. wine produc fortifi addit neutral grape spirit known aguardent order stop fermentation, leav residu sugar wine, boost alcohol content. fortif spirit sometim refer brandi bear littl resembl commerci brandies."} {"id": "10750", "contents": "broad pantheon etern wine lingo, perhap phrase carv sharper line drink ident word residu sugar. peopl tend defin drinker way react existence, usual track taster way, too. winemak chill wine ferment stops, get rid yeast. yeast, fermentation. certain chemic compound snuff out, too. addit obviou sweeten power, sugar also bonu effect: help wine age well."} {"id": "10751", "contents": "port wine (also known vinho porto, [\u02ccvi\u0272udu\u02c8po\u027etu] porto, usual simpli port) portugues fortifi wine produc exclus douro valley northern provinc portugal. typic sweet, red wine, often serv dessert wine, though also come dry, semi-dry, white varieties. fortifi wine style port also produc outsid portugal, notabl australia, france, south africa, canada, india, argentina, unit states. wine produc fortifi addit neutral grape spirit known aguardent order stop fermentation, leav residu sugar wine, boost alcohol content. fortif spirit sometim refer brandi bear littl resembl commerci brandies."} {"id": "10752", "contents": "whether bottl young elderly, think rs balanc relationship acidity. opposit side seesaw, wine sugar probabl want strong acidity, too\u2014otherwis wine feel cloying. winemak chill wine ferment stops, get rid yeast. yeast, fermentation. certain chemic compound snuff out, too. addit obviou sweeten power, sugar also bonu effect: help wine age well."} {"id": "10753", "contents": "residu sugar (rs) definit concentr sugar remain ferment allow \u201cfinish\u201d. \u201cdry\u201d tabl wine finish 0.1-0.3% rs it\u2019 consid \u201cdry\u201d residu sugar non-ferment (i.e., pentos sugars). risk referment bottl ferment sugar (~0.5% greater) yeast remain wine, second ferment like occur (unexpect fizzy, yeasti wine upon opening)."} {"id": "10754", "contents": "keep mind amount time take wbc return normal vari person person. specif food diet chang proven increas product white blood cells, low wbc (leukopenia), import practic good hygiene, hand-washing, food safeti practices. neutrophil cell fight bacteri infection."} {"id": "10755", "contents": "typic defin 2:1 ratio fruit veget meat fish. fruit vegetables. fruit figs, melons, orang strawberri veget like pumpkin, carrots, broccoli, asparagus, cauliflower, beet spinach known natur increas white blood cell count. green tea. determin weight kilograms. consum .8-1kg protein everi kilogram bodi weight increas white blood cell count. food like fish, lean meat, eggs, soy chees excel sourc dietari protein. omega-3 fatti acid."} {"id": "10756", "contents": "3. green tea. look best food increas white blood cells, pass green tea. green tea power sourc antioxid aid bodi fight infections. consum green tea help strengthen immun system rais wbcs."} {"id": "10757", "contents": "consum .8-1kg protein everi kilogram bodi weight increas white blood cell count. food like fish, lean meat, eggs, soy chees excel sourc dietari protein. omega-3 fatti acid. determin weight kilograms. consum .8-1kg protein everi kilogram bodi weight increas white blood cell count. food like fish, lean meat, eggs, soy chees excel sourc dietari protein. omega-3 fatti acid."} {"id": "10758", "contents": "step 1. eat food contain folic acid bodi produc white blood cells. folic acid type vitamin often ad ready-to-eat cereals. vitamin also present milk, oranges, grapefruit citru fruits, spinach beans. white blood cell import part immun system help us fight infection. peopl whose immun compromised, diseas aids, cancer hepatitis, may low white blood cell count."} {"id": "10759", "contents": "zinc. zinc increas aggress white blood cell fight infection, allow white cell produc antibodies, help bodi produc white blood cell increas number cell help bodi fight cancer. determin weight kilograms. consum .8-1kg protein everi kilogram bodi weight increas white blood cell count. food like fish, lean meat, eggs, soy chees excel sourc dietari protein. omega-3 fatti acid."} {"id": "10760", "contents": "without adequ amount protein, bodi cannot produc enough white blood cell fight antigens. high quantiti protein found lean meats, seafood, fish, skinless poultry. eggs, beans, lentil soy also good sourc protein. fotyma/istock/getti images."} {"id": "10761", "contents": "white blood cell import bodi enhanc immun system function help fight infections. low white blood cell count, may indic disease. anoth common reason low white blood cell go major treatment radiat chemotherapy. photo credit bo insogna/istock/getti images. cook turkey meat anoth zinc--rich food help increas white blood cell levels, accord dr. sears. recommend get 15 25 milligram zinc per day, three-ounc serv dark meat turkey 3.8 milligram zinc."} {"id": "10762", "contents": "auger effect. auger effect process electron characterist energi eject atom respons downward transit anoth electron atom. inner shell electron remov atom, electron higher level quickli make transit downward fill vacancy. sometim transit accompani emit photon whose quantum energi match energi gap upper lower level."} {"id": "10763", "contents": "electron energi analyz use measur energi emit auger electrons. kinet energi intens auger peak, element ident quantiti detect element determined."} {"id": "10764", "contents": "definit auger effect. process atom ioniz emiss electron energi x-ray rang undergo transit second electron emit rather x-ray photon \u2014call also auger process. advertisement. pierr v. auger \u20201993 french physicist."} {"id": "10765", "contents": "(2) electron emiss (the auger process). (3) analysi emit auger electrons. last stage simpli technic problem detect charg particl high sensitivity, addit requir kinet energi emit electron must determined. surfac specif techniqu utilis emiss low energi electron auger process one commonli employ surfac analyt techniqu determin composit surfac layer sample."} {"id": "10766", "contents": "auger electrons. 1. ionization: hole inner shell (here: shell) gener incid high-energi electron lose correspond energi transfer eject electron.* 2. auger-electron emission: hole shell fill electron outer shell (here: l2). superflu energi transfer anoth electron subsequ eject (here: l3 level) auger electron. sinc auger electron energi rang 100 ev kev, strongli absorb specimen. consequently, auger electron surfac measured, make auger spectroscopi surfac method. energi loss incid electron measur eels."} {"id": "10767", "contents": "auger electron spectroscopi (aes; pronounc [o\u0292e] french) common analyt techniqu use specif studi surfac and, generally, area materi science. auger electron energi calcul base measur valu variou compar peak secondari electron spectrum order identifi chemic species. techniqu use compil sever refer databas use analysi current ae setups."} {"id": "10768", "contents": "auger effect /o\u028a\u02c8\u0292\u0259r/ physic phenomenon fill inner-shel vacanc atom accompani emiss electron atom. electron 2s level fill 1s hole transit energi impart 2p electron emitted. final atom state thu two holes, one 2s orbit 2p orbital."} {"id": "10769", "contents": "two view auger process. (a) illustr sequenti step involv auger deexcitation. incid electron (or photon) creat core hole 1s level. electron 2s level fill 1s hole transit energi impart 2p electron emitted. final atom state thu two holes, one 2s orbit 2p orbital."} {"id": "10770", "contents": "auger spectrum surface. auger effect process electron characterist energi eject atom respons downward transit anoth electron atom. inner shell electron remov atom, electron higher level quickli make transit downward fill vacancy. sometim transit accompani emit photon whose quantum energi match energi gap upper lower level."} {"id": "10771", "contents": "inflammatori bowel diseas (ibd) broad term describ condit chronic recur immun respons inflamm gastrointestin tract. two common inflammatori bowel diseas ulcer coliti crohn\u2019 disease. inflamm affect entir digest tract crohn\u2019 diseas larg intestin ulcer colitis. ill character abnorm respons body\u2019 immun system."} {"id": "10772", "contents": "mainli digest system affect crohn disease. howev bodi system effect includ reproduct system, circulatori system, nervou system skelet system."} {"id": "10773", "contents": "scientist link immun system problem inflammatori bowel diseas (ibd), includ crohn's. usually, cell immun system defend bodi harm microb -- bacteria, viruses, fungi, foreign substanc -- enter it. bodi usual respond microbes, however."} {"id": "10774", "contents": "back top caus \u00bb. exact caus crohn' diseas unknown. condit occur body' immun system mistakenli attack destroy healthi bodi tissu (autoimmun disorder). peopl crohn' diseas ongo (chronic) inflamm gastrointestin tract (gi tract)."} {"id": "10775", "contents": "crohn' disease, body' immun system begin attack healthi cell gi tract, caus inflammation. diseas immun system, crohn' classifi medic autoimmun disorder. mean bodi produc antibodi work itself."} {"id": "10776", "contents": "exact caus crohn' diseas unknown. occur body' immun system mistakenli attack destroy healthi bodi tissu (autoimmun disorder). part digest tract remain swollen inflamed, wall intestin becom thickened."} {"id": "10777", "contents": "later play, tybalt, juliet' cousin, challeng romeo duel death. tybalt know alreadi late stop cousin marri enemi romeo, alreadi marri secret. mercutio think tybalt fool ridicul arriv duel romeo."} {"id": "10778", "contents": "tybalt hotheaded, loyal swordsman thought protect capulet name. end, tybalt' anger quick temper result death, death mercutio, ultim led suicid romeo juliet."} {"id": "10779", "contents": "tybalt, kinsman capulet, see benvolio\u2019 drawn sword draw own. benvolio explain mere tri keep peace, tybalt profess hatr peac strong hatr montagues, attacks."} {"id": "10780", "contents": "william shakespeare' romeo juliet, tybalt nephew lord capulet juliet' older cousin. accur describ skill swordsman tough, cocki aggress charact alway look fight."} {"id": "10781", "contents": "romeo, mercutio, tybalt share mani distinct characterist person story. learn romeo romant handsom son montagues. begin story, depressed, mood quickli chang stori went on."} {"id": "10782", "contents": "tybalt cousin juliet. refer princ cat skill fencer kill mice encounters. tybalt unwil toler romeo' presenc capulet parti seek revenge. final meet romeo street, romeo refus fight."} {"id": "10783", "contents": "tybalt mercutio trade insult romeo arriv scene. does, tybalt challeng romeo duel. course, romeo can't fight cousin, declines. mercutio, honor man, know romeo marri capulet. however, order honor montagu name, begin duel tybalt."} {"id": "10784", "contents": "tybalt, true nickname, find fight capulet' mask ball. romeo, mercutio benvolio decid crash parti order tri get romeo dump love rosalin goe unrequited."} {"id": "10785", "contents": "let positive: superb plant involv here, one recogn florida nurserymen grower associ plant year year 2000. plant one two grown unit state name ficu 'green island'."} {"id": "10786", "contents": "one favorit tree indoor bonsai chines banyan, scientif name ficu microcarpa. tropic foliag trade tree call ficu nitida microcarpa. articl refer ficu microcarpa chines banyan."} {"id": "10787", "contents": "description: ficu lyrata fiddl leaf fig call violin-shaped, pucker leaves. indoor plant, leav much 38cm (15 inch) long 22cm (9 inch) wide wavi edges."} {"id": "10788", "contents": "sycamor fig, sycomor fig, (ficu sycomorus), also known fig-mulberry. larg tree, grow 20 tall wide dens round crown spread branches."} {"id": "10789", "contents": "ficu pan-trop genu trees, shrub vines, nativ throughout tropic speci extend semi warm temper zones. fig tree speci occupi wide varieti ecolog niches, mostli specif rainforest canopi niches."} {"id": "10790", "contents": "ficu microcarpa var. crassifolia (ficu 'green mound' see note name) heavy-textur leav littl twice long wide-about four inch almost two inches. widest littl midpoint blade (that is, obovate) blunt obvious point tip."} {"id": "10791", "contents": "fruit green fig 3cm (1 inch) diameter. description: ficu lyrata fiddl leaf fig call violin-shaped, pucker leaves. indoor plant, leav much 38cm (15 inch) long 22cm (9 inch) wide wavi edges. plant tend remain singl stemmed."} {"id": "10792", "contents": "botan name: ficu lyrata. enorm leav shape like violin make fiddl leaf fig dramat accent. nativ habitat, fig tree moracea famili reach 40 ft (12 m) tall. fortunately, grow slowli stay much shorter grown indoors. control height easi do."} {"id": "10793", "contents": "four leav left differ varieti ficu microcarpa. leaf right ficu benjamina. round leaf varieti ficu microcarpa, often call green island fig taiwan view three differ clone ficu microcarpa leaf size vari small, medium, normal."} {"id": "10794", "contents": "common collect name ficu genu fig tree figs. 850 speci ficu genus, type compris trees, howev speci fig exhibit shrub, vine, epiphyte, hemiepiphyt growth types."} {"id": "10795", "contents": "new york democrat repres jose jos\u00e9 serrano propos constitut amend end presidenti term limit 15 year attempt pass the, measur would repeal 22nd amend the. constitut new york democrat repres jose jos\u00e9 serrano propos constitut amend end presidenti term limit 15 year attempt pass the, measur would repeal 22nd amend the. constitut hous joint resolut 15 read"} {"id": "10796", "contents": "although twenty-second amend clearli reaction franklin d. roosevelt' servic presid unpreced four terms, notion presidenti term limit long-stand root american politics."} {"id": "10797", "contents": "term limit. american presid elect four-year terms. 22nd amend limit presid two full term office, also allow serv two year anoth president' term. mean presid serv white hous 10 year"} {"id": "10798", "contents": "although twenty-second amend clearli reaction franklin d. roosevelt' servic presid unpreced four terms, notion presidenti term limit long-stand root american politics. person shall elect offic presid twice, person held offic president, act president, two year term person elect presid shall elect offic presid once."} {"id": "10799", "contents": "fdr first presid serv two terms. pass congress 1947, ratifi state februari 27, 1951, twenty-second amend limit elect presid two term office, total eight years. section 1. person shall elect offic presid twice, person held offic president, act president, two year term person elect presid shall elect offic presid once."} {"id": "10800", "contents": "section 1. person shall elect offic presid twice, person held offic president, act president, two year term person elect presid shall elect offic presid once."} {"id": "10801", "contents": "section 1. person shall elect offic presid twice, person held offic president, act president, two year term person elect presid shall elect offic presid once."} {"id": "10802", "contents": "twenty-second amend redirect here. uses, see twenty-second amend (disambiguation) twenty-second amend (amend xxii) unit state constitut set term limit elect overal time servic offic presid unit states. congress pass amend march 21, 1947. ratifi requisit 36 then-48 state februari 27, 1951."} {"id": "10803", "contents": "1. person shall elect offic presid twice, person held offic president, act president, two year term person elect presid shall elect offic presid once. 2. articl shall inop unless shall ratifi amend constitut legislatur three-fourth sever state within seven year date submiss state congress."} {"id": "10804", "contents": "languag spoken scandinavia call north german languages, includ danish, swedish, norwegian, icelandic, faroese. languag gener sort east- (danish, swedish) west-scandinavian (norwegian, icelandic) languages. finnish belong finno-ugr languag family."} {"id": "10805", "contents": "swedish belong northern german (or scandinavian) branch indo-european languag family, danish norwegian. close relat languag certain extent mutual intellig them. gothenburg, sweden."} {"id": "10806", "contents": "speak swedish. learn swedish much time commit (and hard) might think. babbel, learn swedish onlin easy, intuit control: learn pace, choos lesson want, review practic vocabulari go."} {"id": "10807", "contents": "swedish evolv old nors around 14th-15th century, historically, swedish dialect gener much differ today. sinc 20th centuri standard swedish prevail throughout country."} {"id": "10808", "contents": "swedish: swedish similar danish norwegian, north german languages. least million speaker swedish. swedish sweden' nation language, also one finland' two nation"} {"id": "10809", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. swedish offici languag sweden spoken vast major nine million inhabit country. north german languag quit similar sister scandinavian languages, danish norwegian."} {"id": "10810", "contents": "ask peopl whether speak particular language, say do. perhap kind question peopl might ask you, use abl understand answer prepared."} {"id": "10811", "contents": "kingdom sweden nation-st swedish people, such, nation languag held high regard. sweden' roughli nine million people, almost speak swedish least second language, major first languag (7,825,000, accord sil' ethnologue)."} {"id": "10812", "contents": "sep 9, '11 colesedwards. new nurs better start career hopkins. work bayview campu learn much. benefit good reasonable. make much money work hopkin work somewher els name get too. weekend option days, make $31 hour. unit bayview work either straight day straight nights, hourly, salaried...so 36 hour per week--al 12 hour shifts, anyth 40 hour paid time half."} {"id": "10813", "contents": "1199seiu unit healthcar worker east, union repres roughli 2,000 employe hopkin hospital, say 1,400 paid less $14.91 per hour rate qualifi famili four food stamps. wage hopkin rang $10.71 per hour $27.88 per hour. \u201cwe got fast food worker call $15 per hour minimum wage now, say employe america\u2019 best hospit can\u2019t better, outrageous,\u201d said jim mcneill spokesman union. latest offer, everi worker fifteen year servic hopkin would make least $15 hour end agreement. \u201cnobodi want strike. realiz process requir concessions, reasonable,\u201d mcneill said."} {"id": "10814", "contents": "said last night offer go $14 per hour four-year contract, still could reach agreement management. latest offer, everi worker fifteen year servic hopkin would make least $15 hour end agreement. \u201cnobodi want strike. realiz process requir concessions, reasonable,\u201d mcneill said."} {"id": "10815", "contents": "$12-per-hour 2018. accord mcneill, hospital\u2019 best offer last night \u201ca five-year contract would bring everyon [start pay $12 per hour 2018.\u201d. mcneill said accept close current pay polici leav mani employe poverti wages. latest offer, everi worker fifteen year servic hopkin would make least $15 hour end agreement. \u201cnobodi want strike. realiz process requir concessions, reasonable,\u201d mcneill said."} {"id": "10816", "contents": "look application. learn financ education. requir deadlin page, you\u2019ll see list requir compon application. piec tell us part story. admiss committe conduct holist review everi applic base accomplishments, goals, fit commun"} {"id": "10817", "contents": "john hopkin usa medic concierg help schedul medic appointments, assist transport accommod arrang prepar visit out-of-state. speak john hopkin usa repres person, call 1-855-695-4872 (monday friday, a.m. p.m. est). additionally, john hopkin commun physician offer primari care, includ intern medicine, obstetr gynecology, pediatr specialti care 35 conveni locat throughout maryland. information, pleas visit john hopkin commun physician website."} {"id": "10818", "contents": "cost vari depend type room meal plan. commut students' budget less residenti students' budgets. student spend estimates, other spend less. use standard budget financi aid purpos ensur equit distribut resources."} {"id": "10819", "contents": "class master educ health profess (mehp) post-master\u2019 certif evidence-bas teach health profess program $1,200 per credit, except john hopkin univers john hopkin hospit health system employees, pay $700 per credit. note: student full-tim doctor program (phd) take cours summer semest pay standard part-tim doctor credit tuition rate ($1,464 per credit) applic accept full-tim mat program 2015-2016 cohort award $10,000 scholarship school education."} {"id": "10820", "contents": "john hopkin salary. john hopkin averag salari $61,584, median salari $50,000 salari rang $21,450 $959,000. john hopkin salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position."} {"id": "10821", "contents": "space link apart evenli possible. 3. cook sausag preheat oven. place bake sheet middl rack oven ensur even cooking. bake 20 25 minutes. note thicker sausag may need bake longer. extrem larg thick link may need bake anywher 40 60 minutes. cook long, however, turn sausag least once."} {"id": "10822", "contents": "line 10x15 jelli roll pan parchment paper cooking/baking. place one packag sausag link jelli roll pan flat top parchment paper singl layer. oven come temperature, place pan sausag middl shelf oven bake 15 minutes. place one packag sausag link jelli roll pan flat top parchment paper singl layer."} {"id": "10823", "contents": "bake sausag simple. remov sausag refriger 10 15 minut cook remov chill meat. preheat oven 400 degre fahrenheit (200 degre celsius). layer bake pan aluminum foil parchment paper. place sausag evenli cook sheet. remov sausag refriger 10 15 minut cook remov chill meat. preheat oven 400 degre fahrenheit (200 degre celsius). layer bake pan aluminum foil parchment paper."} {"id": "10824", "contents": "preheat broiler. place link broiler pan foil-lin bake pan center oven rack (7-9 in. heat). broil 11-12 minut sausag intern temperatur reach 160\u00b0f, turn link everi minutes. skillet. spray skillet cook spray. add sausage. cook medium-high heat browned, minutes, turn link often. reduc heat medium-low. care add cup water skillet. cover simmer 12 minut intern link temperatur reach 160\u00b0f."} {"id": "10825", "contents": "place sausag veget pan bake 40 minut sausag cook veget nice soft. remov sausag slice thinly. place sausag back pan give everyth good stir. place good size serv onto sub roll enjoy! place pan oven bake 30 minutes, turn brown evenly. remov sausag form oven place platter rest five minut serv pipe hot juicy."} {"id": "10826", "contents": "cook sausag oven. pan slice sausag table. photo credit sanapadh/istock/getti images. close 200 varieti sausag worldwid histori 3,000 years, it\u2019 clear sausag unbeat appeal. come sausages, mani kind cook result juicy, flavor result. saut onions, pepper garlic tbsp. oliv oil sausag roast. cook veget medium heat minut tender. add salt, pepper, tomato sauc tbsp. water."} {"id": "10827", "contents": "oven come temperature, place pan sausag middl shelf oven bake 15 minutes. time goe remov sausag oven rotat side. place one packag sausag link jelli roll pan flat top parchment paper singl layer."} {"id": "10828", "contents": "steps: preheat oven 400 degrees. place veget bake dish coat oliv oil, stir everyth well. place sausag veget pan bake 40 minut sausag cook veget nice soft. remov sausag slice thinly. place pan oven bake 30 minutes, turn brown evenly. remov sausag form oven place platter rest five minut serv pipe hot juicy."} {"id": "10829", "contents": "foil. rim bake sheet. preheat oven 425 f. line bake sheet foil arrang patti sheet touch (use second sheet pan needed). bake sausag 10 minutes, flip patti rotat bake sheet back front. bake 10 minutes, broil 3-4 minut sausag brown preference."} {"id": "10830", "contents": "cost park univers studio hollywood amus park univers city, california $16."} {"id": "10831", "contents": "guest use 1-day ticket visit univers studio hollywood day park receiv 1/8\u2033 rainfal 2:00 p.m. request rain check guest relat offic day park closure. rain check good free return visit time within follow 30 days! inform exact oper hour call advance: 1-800-universal. group 10 peopl pleas call 1-800-959-9688 ext. group discount rate."} {"id": "10832", "contents": "one (1) day admiss one (1) univers orlando\u00ae resort theme park per day (univers studio florida\u00ae universal\u2019 island adventure\u00ae). note: valid hogwart tm express. applic sale tax ad ticket products. 4-day park-to-park ticket entitl one (1) guest admiss uor theme park day durat base ticket. ticket valid four (4) calendar day fourteen (14) consecut calendar day period includ first day portion ticket used."} {"id": "10833", "contents": "cost park univers orlando gain access univers studios, island adventur univers citywalk are; regular park $20.00. prefer park $25.00. rv/bu park $22.00. p.m 10 p.m $5 appli hhn. cost park seaworld orlando are; space avail car motorcycl $15.00. recreat vehicl $20.00. prefer park avail"} {"id": "10834", "contents": "much cost park disney world? park magic kingdom, epcot, disney\u2019 hollywood studio anim kingdom follow charg apply. cost park seaworld orlando are; space avail car motorcycl $15.00. recreat vehicl $20.00. prefer park avail"} {"id": "10835", "contents": "three (3) day admiss (2) univers orlando\u00ae resort theme park per day (univers studio florida\u00ae universal' island adventure\u00ae). third day free base onlin price 2-day park-to-park ticket $194.99, exclud taxes. 4-day park-to-park ticket entitl one (1) guest admiss uor theme park day durat base ticket. ticket valid four (4) calendar day fourteen (14) consecut calendar day period includ first day portion ticket used."} {"id": "10836", "contents": "three (3) day admiss one (1) univers orlando\u00ae resort theme park per day (univers studio florida\u00ae universal' island adventure\u00ae). third day free base onlin price 2-day base ticket $149.99, exclud taxes. 4-day park-to-park ticket entitl one (1) guest admiss uor theme park day durat base ticket. ticket valid four (4) calendar day fourteen (14) consecut calendar day period includ first day portion ticket used."} {"id": "10837", "contents": "much park univers studio florida amus park orlando, florida?"} {"id": "10838", "contents": "theme park ticket univers orlando resort. univers orlando\u00ae resort (uor) theme park includ univers studio florida\u00ae universal\u2019 island adventure\u00ae. admiss media non-refundable, non-transferable, must use person days. 4-day park-to-park ticket entitl one (1) guest admiss uor theme park day durat base ticket. ticket valid four (4) calendar day fourteen (14) consecut calendar day period includ first day portion ticket used."} {"id": "10839", "contents": "get one univers orlando\u2019 park areas, five park options: gener $17, gener park econom option allow park one two univers orlando park garages. good option, arriv early, get good spot near hub. first arriv univers orlando two huge park garag three venu (the univers hotel park lots, well rv/bu lots, valet lots), matter go day, won\u2019t move car leave."} {"id": "10840", "contents": "cases, coma induc day two weeks; induc coma longer month extrem rare. much depend individu circumstances, souter said. risk medic induc coma. like medic procedures, induc coma carri risks. one consequ know increas risk infection, souter said. chest infect particularli common, sinc coma greatli affect cough reflex, help clear secret lung"} {"id": "10841", "contents": "coma prolong state unconsciousness. coma, person unrespons environment. person aliv look like sleeping. however, unlik deep sleep, person cannot awaken stimulation, includ pain."} {"id": "10842", "contents": "medic induc coma patient receiv control dose anesthetic, typic propofol, pentobarbit thiopental, caus temporari coma deep state unconsciousness. physician medic induc coma? patient medic induc coma brain injuri swell respond treatments. brain swell life-threatening, constrict blood suppli destroy addit brain tissue."} {"id": "10843", "contents": "purpos medic induc coma, souter explained, ensur protect control pressur dynam brain.. high pressur caus brain swell starv area brain oxygen; swollen brain tissu also injur push insid skull. risk medic induc coma. like medic procedures, induc coma carri risks. one consequ know increas risk infection, souter said."} {"id": "10844", "contents": "one patient kept [a drug-induc coma] six months. obviously, that' tail end distribution. depend person progress natur injury. neurologist [intens care unit] doctor tri come soon possible. bodi usual decid enter coma. coma profound shutdown brain function. typic result profound trauma, brain injury, drug overdose, stroke\u2014som gross insult. natur analogu [a medic induc coma]."} {"id": "10845", "contents": "induc coma use treatment symptomat rabi milwauke protocol, first attempt 2004. random trial fail demonstr surviv morbid benefit induc coma divers condit neurosurg operations, head trauma, intracrani aneurysm rupture, intracrani hemorrhage, ischem stroke, statu epilepticus."} {"id": "10846", "contents": "coma induc patient high risk brain injury, either physic trauma (a case giffords, shot head 2011), drug overdose, diseas meningitis, rabi statu epilepticu (a long-last life-threaten seizure). risk medic induc coma. like medic procedures, induc coma carri risks. one consequ know increas risk infection, souter said."} {"id": "10847", "contents": "drug-induc coma quick facts. drug-induc coma medic state induc doctor. low control dose barbitur drug administ order maintain patient\u2019 coma state. brain benefit drug-induc coma. brain activ organ body. due activ dream, wake morning, continu breath experi regular heart beat matter focu activity."} {"id": "10848", "contents": "main thing drug-induc coma, oppos coma, reversible. someon normal brain, would come right remov drugs. use case peopl brain injuries. bodi usual decid enter coma. coma profound shutdown brain function. typic result profound trauma, brain injury, drug overdose, stroke\u2014som gross insult. natur analogu [a medic induc coma]."} {"id": "10849", "contents": "patient brain injuri coma similar pattern. pattern there, feel comfort patient drug-induc coma. hope protect brain. bodi usual decid enter coma. coma profound shutdown brain function. typic result profound trauma, brain injury, drug overdose, stroke\u2014som gross insult. natur analogu [a medic induc coma]."} {"id": "10850", "contents": "protein provid four calori per gram. human bodi three thing protein calories; put protein fat stores, use energi sourc use carri function vital life. protein calori use energi sourc bodi lack fat carbohydr calori fuel. bodi receiv suffici quantiti proteins, fat carbohydrates, protein carri specif function"} {"id": "10851", "contents": "need amount carbohydr because: carbohydr bodi main sourc fuel. carbohydr easili use bodi energy. tissu cell bodi use glucos energy. carbohydr need central nervou system, kidneys, brain, muscl (includ heart) function ... eat type foods, bodi break protein contain amino acid (the build block proteins). amino acid essenti mean need get diet, other nonessenti mean bodi make them."} {"id": "10852", "contents": "endur athlet familiar messag carbohydr import food eat. carbohydr fuel muscl like petrol car. muscl compris mani components: connective, nerves, blood capillaries, muscl cells. common build block: proteins. know dietari protein carbohydr intak import athletes, typic athlete' daili diet like suffici both. nevertheless, recent studi suggest time protein ingest may import total intake."} {"id": "10853", "contents": "fat. fat first macromolecul util bodi energy, provid calori per gram, wherea carbohydr protein provid calori per gram. balanc diet athletes: carbs, fats, protein. sourc calori import much eat. mar 5, 2013 10:11 am. by. by. inspiyr. jacki keller\u2014 human body, like machine, need high qualiti fuel order function best."} {"id": "10854", "contents": "food made carbohydrates, protein, fat. marathon runner athlet gener eat diet high carbohydrates, moder protein, low fat. anoth key nutrient must athlet water."} {"id": "10855", "contents": "0.8 gram protein per kilogram bodi weight like adequ muscl repair growth strength athlet 0.6 gram per kilogram bodi weight endurance, athletes, carbohydr main nutrit sourc recovery. specif breakdown macronutri (carbohydrates, protein, fat) requir build lean muscle, 3. time specif nutrient relat growth recoveri period and, 4. hydrat workouts."} {"id": "10856", "contents": "brain red blood cell need glucos energi source, sinc cannot use fat, protein, form energi purpose. reason glucos blood must constantli maintain optimum level. 1. introduction. carbohydr one three macronutri diet (fat protein others). exist mani form mainli found starchi food bread, pasta, rice, well beverages, e.g. fruit juic sugar-sweeten drinks."} {"id": "10857", "contents": "carbohydr ga athlete\u2019 tank provid major sourc fuel exercis muscle. carbohydr import control blood glucos level. especi import athlet exercis replac glycogen muscles. carbohydr provid essenti energy. amount carbohydr need exercis depend mani differ factors, includ type exercise, duration, individual.most athlet need 55 percent 65 percent calori come carbohydrates."} {"id": "10858", "contents": "carbohydrates, protein, fat three macromolecul provid calories, bodi util differ way depend chemic composit energet breakdown. balanc diet athletes: carbs, fats, protein. sourc calori import much eat. mar 5, 2013 10:11 am. by. by. inspiyr. jacki keller\u2014 human body, like machine, need high qualiti fuel order function best."} {"id": "10859", "contents": "treatment toe fractur depend injury\u2019 locat severity. doctor may need put fractur back place splint cast. open wound near injur toe, necessit tetanu shot antibiot medication. broken toe usual take six week heal."} {"id": "10860", "contents": "follow surgery, especi help cast, sever broken toe take 6-8 week heal, depend locat extent injury. long time cast, foot may need rehabilit describ below."} {"id": "10861", "contents": "dr. bradley dunlap, md, orthoped surgery, answer behalf northshor univers healthsystem. long take heal broken pinki toe depend break located. fractur small toe foot (not metatars bone foot) tend heal modifi activities."} {"id": "10862", "contents": "http://www.chacha.com/question/how-long-does-it-take-for-a-little-toe-to-heel-when-broken. pinki toe fractur normal person take week heal. pain gone part 2-3 weeks, however."} {"id": "10863", "contents": "2. wear splint. reduct broken toe, splint often put place support protect toe heal properly. alternatively, may wear support compress boot, either way, like need use crutch short term (2 week so)."} {"id": "10864", "contents": "broken toe heal well, usual within four six weeks. less commonly, depend precis locat sever injury, broken toe may becom infect vulner osteoarthr future."} {"id": "10865", "contents": "phone line open monday friday a.m. p.m. interact voic respons (ivr) toll free number 1-866-owcp-ivr 1-866-692-7487. ivr give inform case statu compens payments. autom inform avail 24 hour day."} {"id": "10866", "contents": "u.s. capitol visitor center. due special event, thursday, octob 22, tour u.s. capitol 11 a.m. emancip hall exhibit hall capitol visitor center unavail day. reserv prior 11 a.m. honored, same-day pass available."} {"id": "10867", "contents": "special activities. asid gener tour u.s. capitol offer monday saturday 8:50 a.m. 3:20 p.m., number special activ may take advantag of."} {"id": "10868", "contents": "headquart offic 1500 jefferson, capitol campu olympia, washington. de oper also locat throughout state. enterpris servic headquart 1500 jefferson building. enterpris servic locations."} {"id": "10869", "contents": "book tour: capitol visitor center open visitor 8:30 a.m. 4:30 p.m. monday saturday except thanksgiv day, christma day, new year' day inaugur day. tour u.s. capitol conduct 8:50 a.m. 3:20 p.m., monday saturday."} {"id": "10870", "contents": "put peopl first rosenort credit union creat work environ base trust, integrity, fun, dedication. refer member winner! congratul abe wieb whose name drawn refer member program rcu. receiv kindl fire hd6! inform refer member program click here."} {"id": "10871", "contents": "serv red river valley 50 years. locat 44 highway 205 rosenort, mb. special pre-own gm vehicl short-lin farm equipment. long-term commit serv custom genuin enthusiasm, honesty, integrity, competence, valu trust."} {"id": "10872", "contents": "largest commun within 50 mile [80 km] radiu winnipeg. locat 31 mile [49 km] north rosenort. winnipeg popul 633,000 people. next largest commun steinbach. locat 30 mile [48 km] east rosenort popul 11,100 people. follow larg commun also area. unawar tourism page specif rosenort, neighbor commun tourism pages. map commun found tripadvisor tourism map rosenort."} {"id": "10873", "contents": "welcom rosenort school. rosenort school learn commun learner activ engag education. teacher view educ process pursuit inquir attitude, develop critic skill readi embrac new idea technologies. encourag student becom involv school life embrac mani opportun place them."} {"id": "10874", "contents": "use cars, truck suv rosenort. rosenort motor maintain comprehens lineup domest use cars, truck suv gmc, chevrolet, pontiac, buick, cadillac, ford dodge. also carri import hyundai mazda. locat p.o. box 69 hwi #205 rosenort, mb, rosenort motor strive maintain best comprehens inventori pre-own vehicles."} {"id": "10875", "contents": "ottawa. releas march 13 2007 statist canada catalogu no. 98-316-xwe. ottawa. releas octob 24, 2012. data unoffici version materials, made without affili endors statist canada."} {"id": "10876", "contents": "week remc. 9:45am sunday school. 10:50am worship service. 7:00pm church prayer night. 7:00am men\u2019 prayer meet \u201cjake horton\u2019s\u201d. 7:30pm church council meeting. 9:45am morn moms. 6:50-8:35pm awana. 7:00pm \u201ctim glori boys\u201d concert. 9:00am prayer meet prayer room."} {"id": "10877", "contents": "rosenort commun locat 17 kilometr morris, manitoba 47 kilometr south winnipeg. locat rural municip morris. popul 572 inhabit 2011. locat name mennonit villag imperi russia. name mean villag rose place rose german. post offic locat 32-5-1e open 1899. rosenort school."} {"id": "10878", "contents": "190 second ave. rosenort industri park-rosenort, manitoba, canada phone: 204-746-6843. novid inc. north america\u2019 largest manufactur stainless steel liquid fertil storag tanks, highest standard quality. truli built endure."} {"id": "10879", "contents": "are, course, style middl eastern music use dancing. examples, would extrem offens danc perform use sacr islam music. articl focus type music like heard danc performances. word baladi often use refer improvis solo piec instrument music known tet baladi. term peopl use refer baladi taqsim baladi progression. today, style music often play accordion violin. term progress refer fact music open slow, introspect improvisation, gradual build speed intensity, finish joy climax. clip contain final 30 second tet baladi"} {"id": "10880", "contents": "percuss instrument play import role middl eastern music. complex rhythm music often play mani simpl percuss instruments. riq \u0627\u0644\u0631\u0642 (a type tambourine) finger cymbal add higher rhythmic line rhythm laid sticks, clappers, drums. often, tradit middl eastern music last one three hour length, build anxious awaited, much applaud climaxes, tarab, deriv arab term \u0637\u0631\u0628 tarraba."} {"id": "10881", "contents": "modern oud european lute descend common ancestor via diverg paths. one instrument suggest ancestr barbat. oud readili distinguish lute lack fret smaller neck. arabic: \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0648\u062f (al-\u02bf\u016bd) liter denot thin piec wood similar shape straw. may refer wooden plectrum tradit use play oud, thin strip wood use back, wooden soundboard distinguish similar instrument skin-fac bodies."} {"id": "10882", "contents": "tradit arab ensembl takht (liter bed arabic) consist main melod instruments: oud, nay, qanun violin, one main percuss instrument (riq). sometim riq supplemented/substitut tabla daff (frame drum). use western equal temper instrument arab music widespread nowadays. includ piano, electr piano, electr organ, synthesizer, accordion, guitar, electr guitar, electr (fretted) bass. instrument alter produc quarter tone (see inton arab music)."} {"id": "10883", "contents": "popular string instrument oud, pear-shap lute tradit four strings, although current instrument six cours consist one two string each. legend oud invent lamech, sixth grandson adam. often, tradit middl eastern music last one three hour length, build anxious awaited, much applaud climaxes, tarab, deriv arab term \u0637\u0631\u0628 tarraba."} {"id": "10884", "contents": "basics. theory. artists. makers. gallery. links. oud (or ud) one popular instrument middl eastern music. name deriv arab 'wood', refer strip wood use make round body. greec known outi iran barbat."} {"id": "10885", "contents": "oud one popular instrument arab music. name deriv arab 'a thin strip wood', refer strip wood use make round body. use western equal temper instrument arab music widespread nowadays. includ piano, electr piano, electr organ, synthesizer, accordion, guitar, electr guitar, electr (fretted) bass. instrument alter produc quarter tone (see inton arab music)."} {"id": "10886", "contents": "typic andal orchestra use rabab (fiddle), oud (lute), kamenjah (violin-styl instrument play vertic knee), qanun (zither), darbuka (metal potteri goblet drums) taarija (tambourine)."} {"id": "10887", "contents": "origin name oud (and etymolog cousin, lute) music instrument uncertain. arabic: \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0648\u062f (al-\u02bf\u016bd) liter denot thin piec wood similar shape straw. may refer wooden plectrum tradit use play oud, thin strip wood use back, wooden soundboard distinguish similar instrument skin-fac bodies."} {"id": "10888", "contents": "rememb flood insur earthquak damag cover standard homeown policy. buy hous flood-pron area, pay flood insur polici cost averag $400 year."} {"id": "10889", "contents": "condo townhous insur rate typic much lower rate homeown insur singl famili dwellings. condo association\u2019 master polici usual cover damag build itself, includ outdoor common areas. interior condominium, need condo (or ho-6) insur policy. primari factor affect polici cost include: much condo coverag need buy complet protection. condominium coverag option choose. chosen deduct whether master polici deduct coverage."} {"id": "10890", "contents": "ye no. homeown insur rate continu rise steadi rate throughout unit states, 50% last 10 year alone. market polici might look get idea part countri least expens"} {"id": "10891", "contents": "estimates. accord feder reserv bureau, averag cost annual premium homeown insur $300 $1,000. homeowners, annual cost homeown insur polici estim divid valu home 1,000, multipli result $3.50."} {"id": "10892", "contents": "basic condo insur polici cover damag person belong well walls, floors, ceil coverings, items. cost around $20 $100 month, depend valu condo unit well insur company. insureme.com great comparison tool give accur quote. quotescout.com give rough estim less $1,000 averag cost condominium insur per year. specif price condominium insurance, get quot estim differ insur companies."} {"id": "10893", "contents": "price condominium insur definit depend coverag insur want have. basic condo insur polici cover damag person belong well walls, floors, ceil coverings, items. insureme.com great comparison tool give accur quote. quotescout.com give rough estim less $1,000 averag cost condominium insur per year. specif price condominium insurance, get quot estim differ insur companies."} {"id": "10894", "contents": "first tabl we'v look homeown insur premium monthli annual basis. addit context we'v includ state stack averag annual premium $952. homeown insur rate continu rise steadi rate throughout unit states, 50% last 10 year alone."} {"id": "10895", "contents": "advertisements. i'll close soon 3/2 condo, ~1400 sqft, purchas 89103 $125,000. estim close cost agent plug cost condo owner' insur $40 per month annual premium $480."} {"id": "10896", "contents": "much cost? averag yearli premium cost u.s. homeown insur 2008 (a 2010, latest year data available) $791, accord nation associ insur commissioners, premium vari wide depend multipl factors. polici start rang $100,000 coverage, expert recommend least $300,000 worth coverag accord insur inform institute. extra protection, hundr dollar premium may buy extra $1 million umbrella coverage."} {"id": "10897", "contents": "anoth demonstr import famili greek cultur seen sophocles\u2019 play, antigone. play see antigon upset king creon decre polynic buri consid traitor thebes. even today famili remain vital aspect greek cultur ancient times. euripides\u2019 play medea, greek valu famili exemplifi scene helio save medea. play, medea\u2019 action would normal caus god smite her."} {"id": "10898", "contents": "antigon ancient figur even ancient greeks. specif play set front palac thebes. place sight much tragedi antigone' family. mother/grandmother, jocasta, commit suicide, brother/fath oedipu discov shame goug eyes. antigone, like oedipu king, set disaster-pron city-st known thebes. though greek playwright athens, play hardli ever set there. hometown pride. fact, allow set play athens."} {"id": "10899", "contents": "like, dishonor law god hold honor (antigon 85-92). look ancient greek literature, one see import famili play greek culture. see display greek work medea euripid antigon sophocles. throughout literari work see famili strong import cultur valu remain undiminish valu throughout greek history. even today famili remain vital aspect greek cultur ancient times. euripides\u2019 play medea, greek valu famili exemplifi scene helio save medea. play, medea\u2019 action would normal caus god smite her."} {"id": "10900", "contents": "ancient greece, antigon mostli relat myth told ancient greek playwright sophocles, although refer differ antigon ancient greek world. oedipu left kingdom thebes, kingdom entrust creon, oedipu son young ascend rule. antigon daughter king oedipu thebe jocasta. stori says, oedipus, son laiu jocasta kill father laiu becam king thebes. oedipu unknowingli marri mother jocasta children her. thus, antigon daughter sister oedipu"} {"id": "10901", "contents": "antigone. antigon daughter king oedipu thebe jocasta. stori says, oedipus, son laiu jocasta kill father laiu becam king thebes. oedipu unknowingli marri mother jocasta children her. thus, antigon daughter sister oedipu"} {"id": "10902", "contents": "buy studi guide. question pride, context antigon (and sophocl works), trait despis god punish without mercy. antigone, sophocl describ type pride allow men creat law substitut divin principles. 20th century, version antigon rewritten second world war becam one power text resist nazis. conflict individu power state press greek audienc modern ones."} {"id": "10903", "contents": "ancient greece-sophocles-antigon (tragedy, greek, c. 442 bce, 1,352 lines) introduct synopsi analysi resourc introduct back top page antigon tragedi ancient greek playwright sophocles, written around 442 bce."} {"id": "10904", "contents": "eurydic thebe queen thebe creon\u2019 wife. appear toward end hear confirm son haemon\u2019 death. grief, commit suicide, curs creon blame son\u2019 death. haemon son creon eurydice, betroth antigone. antigone, hubri creon revealed. creon' decre leav polyneic unburi make bold statement mean citizen, constitut abdic citizenship. firmli kept custom greek citi respons burial citizens."} {"id": "10905", "contents": "last issu sophocl comment antigon role power author culture. creon king essenti whatev chooses; play choos allow polyneic proper burial. true antigon intract creon; however, stubborn base famili pride rather person pride. women tradit part greek culture, woman speak act antigon may sophocles' way suggest women' voic add valu"} {"id": "10906", "contents": "cost expedit servic $20.00 per record addit usual $20.00 marriag certif search fee. search fee includ one copi certificate, found. addit copi certificate, request time first, $3.00 each. expedit in-person request uncertifi copi marriag certif complet within two hours. expedit request process 4:00 p.m. cost expedit servic $20.00 per record addit $20.00 marriag certif search fee. addit copi certificate, request time first, $3.00 each. cost whether request certifi uncertifi copi marriag certif"} {"id": "10907", "contents": "order birth, adoption, marriage, civil partnership death certif gener regist offic (. help research famili histori famili tree. the. record everi birth, marriag death regist england wales, start juli 1837. you\u2019ll need look parish record trace back further. order certif onlin gro \u00a39.25 each. it\u2019ll make order process faster know certificate\u2019s."} {"id": "10908", "contents": "search birth, death marriag certif ancestor must start indexes. hard copi ireland index avail consult research room gener regist office, locat werburgh street dublin citi (see map below). gro gener regist offic hold record births, death marriag regist ireland. civil registr ireland commenc 1864, becam compulsori regist events."} {"id": "10909", "contents": "prioriti servic certif despatch next day (exclud weekend bank holidays). incorrect gro refer suppli full refund credit card detail provided. full certif birth, marriag death (standard service): \u00a39.25 each. full certif birth, marriag death (prioriti service): \u00a323.40 each."} {"id": "10910", "contents": "order copi birth, death marriag certificate. you\u2019ll need regist gener regist offic (. websit order copi birth, adoption, death, marriag civil partnership certif england wales. certif cost \u00a39.25. use servic help research famili tree."} {"id": "10911", "contents": "in-person request uncertifi copi marriag certif may take three month complete. cost search, includ one copi certificate, found, $20.00. addit copi record, request time first, $3.00 each. expedit in-person request uncertifi copi marriag certif complet within two hours. expedit request process 4:00 p.m. cost expedit servic $20.00 per record addit $20.00 marriag certif search fee. addit copi certificate, request time first, $3.00 each. cost whether request certifi uncertifi copi marriag certif"} {"id": "10912", "contents": "fee includ search gro oversea index entri required. gener regist offic staff carri search. standard servic certif despatch within 15 day (exclud weekend bank holidays). full certif birth, marriag death (standard service): \u00a39.25 each. full certif birth, marriag death (prioriti service): \u00a323.40 each."} {"id": "10913", "contents": "reit compani owns, cases, oper income-produc real estate. reit mani type commerci real estate, rang offic apart build warehouses, hospitals, shop centers, hotel even timberlands. reit also engag financ real estate."} {"id": "10914", "contents": "bottom line. real estat invest trust (reit) compani own manag income-produc real estate. reit creat act congress 1960 enabl larg small investor alik enjoy rental incom commerci property."} {"id": "10915", "contents": "david harper februari 26, 2004 aaa |. real estat invest trust (reit) real estat compani offer common share public. way, reit stock similar stock repres ownership oper business. reit two uniqu features: primari busi manag group income-produc properti must distribut profit dividends. reit status. qualifi reit irs, real estat compani must agre pay least 90% taxabl profit dividend (and fulfil addit less import requirements). reit status, compani avoid corpor incom tax."} {"id": "10916", "contents": "real estat invest trust (reits). real estat invest trust (\u201creit\u201d), generally, compani own typic oper income-produc real estat real estate-rel assets. invest publicli trade reit, list major stock exchange, purchas share broker (a would publicli trade securities). generally, purchas common stock, prefer stock, debt secur publicli trade reit."} {"id": "10917", "contents": "real estat invest trust (reit) singl compani reit group reit own manag properti behalf shareholders. reit contain commerci and/or residenti properti exclud let owner-occupi buildings."} {"id": "10918", "contents": "definit 'real estat invest trust-reit'. reit type secur invest real estat properti mortgag often trade major exchang like stock. reit provid investor extrem liquid stake real estate. receiv special tax consider typic offer high dividend yields."} {"id": "10919", "contents": "reit, real estat invest trust, compani own financ income-produc real estate. model mutual funds, reit provid investor type regular incom streams, diversif long-term capit appreciation. reit typic pay taxabl incom dividend shareholders. turn, sharehold pay incom tax dividends. resourc"} {"id": "10920", "contents": "unit states, reit compani owns, case operates, income-produc real estate. reit financ real estate. reit, compani must distribut least 90 percent taxabl incom sharehold annual form dividends. reit mani type commerci real estate, rang offic apart build warehouses, hospitals, shop centers, hotel even timberlands. reit also engag finan"} {"id": "10921", "contents": "qualifi reit, compani must bulk asset incom connect real estat invest must distribut least 90 percent taxabl incom sharehold annual form dividends. invest publicli trade reit, list major stock exchange, purchas share broker (a would publicli trade securities). generally, purchas common stock, prefer stock, debt secur publicli trade reit."} {"id": "10922", "contents": "real estat invest trust (reit) compani owns, cases, oper income-produc real estate. reit mani type commerci real estate, rang offic apart build warehouses, hospitals, shop centers, hotel even timberlands. reit also engag finan"} {"id": "10923", "contents": "separ two singl strand dna creat \u2018y\u2019 shape call replic \u2018fork\u2019. two separ strand act templat make new strand dna. one strand orient 3\u2019 5\u2019 direct (toward replic fork), lead strand."} {"id": "10924", "contents": "dna replic process dna make copi cell division. first step dna replic \u2018unzip\u2019 doubl helix structur dna molecule."} {"id": "10925", "contents": "replication. dna replic crucial process; therefore, ensur mistakes, mutations, introduced, cell proofread newli synthes dna. dna cell replicated, cell divid two cells, ident copi origin dna. dna replic process double-strand dna molecul copi produc two ident dna molecules. replic essenti process because, whenev cell divides, two new daughter cell must contain genet information, dna, parent cell."} {"id": "10926", "contents": "newli form mrna copi gene serv blueprint protein synthesi process translation. transcript process inform strand dna copi new molecul messeng rna (mrna). dna safe stabli store genet materi nuclei cell reference, template."} {"id": "10927", "contents": "lambda express anonym function use creat deleg express tree types. use lambda expressions, write local function pass argument return valu function calls. also suppli lambda express argument type an, exampl standard queri oper defin system.linq.queryable. specifi argument, lambda compil express tree."} {"id": "10928", "contents": "refer lambda calculu formal system lambda expressions, repres function take function sole argument return function. function lambda calculu type, i.e., \u03bb: \u03bb. see snippet python, function adder take argument x, return anonym function, lambda, take anoth argument y. anonym function allow creat function functions. simpl example, convey power lambda closur have."} {"id": "10929", "contents": "part comput fundament glossary: lambda, 11th letter greek alphabet, symbol wavelength. optic fiber networking, word lambda use refer individu optic wavelength. last updat septemb 2005."} {"id": "10930", "contents": "lambda calculu conceptu simpl univers model comput (ture show 1937 ture machin equal lambda calculu expressiveness). name deriv greek letter lambda (\u03bb) use denot bind variabl function. letter arbitrari special meaning. lambda calculu taught use comput scienc use showcas function think iter reduction. example, lambda abstract function use term for. definit function lambda abstract mere set function invok it. abstract bind variabl term."} {"id": "10931", "contents": "aw lambda comput servic upload code aw lambda servic run code behalf use aw infrastructure. upload code creat call lambda function, aw lambda take care provis manag server use run code."} {"id": "10932", "contents": "lambda type function, defin inline. along lambda also usual kind variabl type hold refer function, lambda otherwise. instance, here' c# piec code use lambda: see snippet python, function adder take argument x, return anonym function, lambda, take anoth argument y. anonym function allow creat function functions. simpl example, convey power lambda closur have."} {"id": "10933", "contents": "lambda indic wavelength wave, especi physics, electron engineering, mathematics. lambda indic radioact decay constant nuclear physic radioactivity. constant simpli relat (bi multipl constant) half-lif radioact material. lambda occasion use graphic design repres stylis 'a'. exampl includ disney movi atlantis: lost empire, logo band angel airwaves, logo band dream theater, logo electron compani samsung, logo engin consult atkins."} {"id": "10934", "contents": "lambda (uppercas \u03bb, lowercas \u03bb; greek: \u03bb\u03ac\u03bc(\u03b2)\u03b4\u03b1 lam(b)da) 11th letter greek alphabet. system greek numer lambda valu 30. lambda relat phoenician letter lamed. letter alphabet stem lambda includ latin cyril letter el (\u043b, \u043b). lambda occasion use graphic design repres stylis 'a'. exampl includ disney movi atlantis: lost empire, logo band angel airwaves, logo band dream theater, logo electron compani samsung, logo engin consult atkins."} {"id": "10935", "contents": "definit lambda. 1. 11th letter greek alphabet see alphabet table. 2. uncharg unstabl elementari particl mass 2183 time electron decay typic nucleon pion. see lambda defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "10936", "contents": "word lambda lambda express often refer anonym functions. sens lambda kind function, everi function lambda (i.e. name function usual refer lambdas)."} {"id": "10937", "contents": "neutering, help dog cat live happier, healthier, longer life. spay elimin constant cri nervou pace femal cat heat. spay femal dog also elimin messi associ heat cycle. neuter male dog cat prevent certain undesir sexual behaviors, urin marking, humping, male aggress urg roam. neuter gener term use describ castrat male animal. however, neuter often use refer genders. surgic procedure, perform veterinarian, render anim incap reproducing."} {"id": "10938", "contents": "neuter male dog cat reduc urin mark house, aggress toward dogs, territori aggression. import realiz behavior becom habit continu neutering. spay neuter benefit pets\u2019 health behavior. veterinarian charli meynier jim stortz write spay femal dog cat reduc incid mammari cancer, elimin uterin ovarian cancer risk prevent pyometra, potenti life-threaten infect uterus."} {"id": "10939", "contents": "clinic anim hospit charg $200-$300 more, depend weight dog. cost neuter spay vari greatli geograph region, even veterinarian. vet: shelter. go shelter adopt, mani cases, pay adopt fee. mani includ spaying/neutering, microchip, vaccinations, test heartworm negative, dose heartworm meds, flea tick meds."} {"id": "10940", "contents": "state open section, neuter surgic remov male dog' testicles. procedure, dog' test testicular epididymi remov along section dog' testicular blood vessel spermat duct (va deferen ductu deferens). 5. neuter after-care-al need know care dog neuter surgery. includ inform feeding, bathing, exercising, wound care, pain relief, sutures-out time stop dog lick surgic wounds."} {"id": "10941", "contents": "cost spaying, complic surgery, usual rang $50 $175. clinic anim hospit charg $200-$300 more, depend weight dog. cost neuter spay vari greatli geograph region, even veterinarian. vet: shelter. go shelter adopt, mani cases, pay adopt fee. mani includ spaying/neutering, microchip, vaccinations, test heartworm negative, dose heartworm meds, flea tick meds."} {"id": "10942", "contents": "fact, cost spay neuter surgeri less cost one euthanasia public shelters. furthermore, over-suppli dog involv purebr well mix breeds. 25 30 percent dog shelter estim offspr purebr parents."} {"id": "10943", "contents": "spay/neut pet. curb pet overpopul make pet healthier. istockphoto. feral cat victim overpopulation. istockphoto. decis spay neuter pet import one pet owners. singl best decis make long-term welfare. get pet spay neuter can: reduc number homeless pet killed. improv pet' health. reduc unruli behavior. save cost pet care."} {"id": "10944", "contents": "dog spay/neut 100 lb need come doctor\u2019 exam get quot surgery. quot includ surgery, bloodwork, fluids, addit sed propoflo."} {"id": "10945", "contents": "lower cost sometim mean assembly-lin approach used, dog might get much attent recoveri time. spay/usa referr servic reduc cost spay neuter clinics. rare cases, program use veterinari students, spay neuter free. vet: shelter. go shelter adopt, mani cases, pay adopt fee. mani includ spaying/neutering, microchip, vaccinations, test heartworm negative, dose heartworm meds, flea tick meds."} {"id": "10946", "contents": "spay neutering. spay gener term use describ ovariohysterectomi femal animal. neuter gener term use describ castrat male animal. however, neuter often use refer genders. surgic procedure, perform veterinarian, render anim incap reproducing."} {"id": "10947", "contents": "senat minor leader act chief spokesperson respect party, respons coordin manag party' agenda senate. currently, senat minor leader republican mitch mcconnel kentucky."} {"id": "10948", "contents": "senat current compos 54 republicans, 44 democrats, independents, caucu democrats. current leader republican major leader mitch mcconnel kentucki democrat minor leader harri reid nevada. current assist major leader republican john cornyn texas. current assist minor leader democrat dick durbin illinois. democrat began practic elect floor leader 1920 minority. john worth kern (decemb 20, 1849 august 17, 1917) democrat unit state senat indiana."} {"id": "10949", "contents": "leader minor parti house, minor leader work democrat caucu set parti agenda, message, strategy. time time, minor leader appoint minor member task forc also statutori respons fill posit commissions. hous democrat caucu serv democrat member hous staff. caucu primari vehicl commun party\u2019 messag members."} {"id": "10950", "contents": "leader minor parti senate, minor leader work democrat caucu set democrat agenda, message, strategy. time time, minor leader appoint minor member task forc also statutori respons fill posit commissions. senat democrat confer secretari third rank leadership posit minor party. democrat confer secretari select vote democrat conference. senat democrat confer organiz vehicl democrat member senat staff"} {"id": "10951", "contents": "contrast, parti leader unit state senat often ascend posit despit rel year experi chamber, lyndon b. johnson, william f. knowland, bill frist. floor leader whip parti elect respect parti closed-door caucu secret ballot. speaker-elect also chosen closed-door session although formal instal posit public vote congress reconvenes."} {"id": "10952", "contents": "minor leader' parti take control house, parti offic re-elect seats, minor leader usual party' top choic speaker next congress, minor whip typic line becom major leader. floor leader whip parti elect respect parti closed-door caucu secret ballot. speaker-elect also chosen closed-door session although formal instal posit public vote congress reconvenes."} {"id": "10953", "contents": "assist major minor leader unit state senat (commonli call senat major minor whips) second-rank member parti leadership unit state senate. main function major minor whip gather vote major issues. current assist minor leader democrat dick durbin illinois. democrat began practic elect floor leader 1920 minority. john worth kern (decemb 20, 1849 august 17, 1917) democrat unit state senat indiana."} {"id": "10954", "contents": "parti leader whip unit state hous repres elect respect parti closed-door caucu secret ballot also known floor leaders. u.s. hous repres offici use term minor leader although media frequent does. floor leader whip parti elect respect parti closed-door caucu secret ballot. speaker-elect also chosen closed-door session although formal instal posit public vote congress reconvenes."} {"id": "10955", "contents": "senat assist minor leader. respons assist minor leader similar hous whip: persuad member support caucu posit vote project support caucu position. websit assist minor leader: senat dick durbin. senat democrat confer secretari third rank leadership posit minor party. democrat confer secretari select vote democrat conference. senat democrat confer organiz vehicl democrat member senat staff"} {"id": "10956", "contents": "although bacteria harmless often beneficial, sever pathogenic. one bacteri diseas highest diseas burden tuberculosis, caus bacterium mycobacterium tuberculosis, kill million peopl year, mostli sub-saharan africa. pathogen bacteria caus diseas certain conditions, entri skin via cut, sexual activ compromis immun function. streptococcu staphylococcu part normal skin microbiota typic resid healthi skin nasopharang region."} {"id": "10957", "contents": "pneumonia caus mani differ bacteria, viruses, even fungi. pneumococcu one common caus sever pneumonia. besid pneumonia, pneumococcu caus type infect too, as: ear infections. sinu infections. streptococcu pneumonia bacteria, pneumococcus, caus mani type illnesses. ill life-threatening. pneumococcu common caus bloodstream infections, pneumonia, meningitis, middl ear infect young children."} {"id": "10958", "contents": "gram-posit bacteria retain purple-color stain, gram-neg bacteria appear pinkish red. gram-neg bacteria caus mani type infect spread human varieti ways. sever species, includ escherichia coli, common caus food\u2013born disease. vibrio cholera \u2014the bacteria respons cholera\u2014i waterborn pathogen. gram-neg bacteria also caus respiratori infections, certain type pneumonia, sexual transmit diseases, includ gonorrhea. yersinia pestis, gram-neg bacterium respons plague, transmit peopl bite infect insect handl infect animal."} {"id": "10959", "contents": "microb disease. harm microbes, exampl less bacteria, invad bodi (the host) make us ill. microb caus infecti diseas flu measles. also strong evid microb may contribut mani non\u2013infecti chronic diseas form cancer coronari heart disease. differ diseas caus differ type micro-organisms."} {"id": "10960", "contents": "organ caus infecti diseas includ fungi, oomycetes, bacteria, viruses, viroids, virus-lik organisms, phytoplasmas, protozoa, nematod parasit plants. includ ectoparasit like insects, mites, vertebrate, pest affect plant health consumpt plant tissues."} {"id": "10961", "contents": "harm bacteria may also emit toxin damag body. common pathogen bacteria type bacteri diseas caus include: escherichia coli salmonella caus food poisoning. helicobact pylori caus gastriti ulcers. neisseria gonorrhoea caus sexual transmit diseas gonorrhea. neisseria meningitidi caus meningitis."} {"id": "10962", "contents": "infecti diseas caus microorgan viruses, bacteria, fungi parasit spread individuals. infecti diseas caus microorgan viruses, bacteria, fungi parasites. microorgan caus diseas collect call pathogens."} {"id": "10963", "contents": "microorganisms, microbes, caus diseas come differ forms. virus bacteria probabl familiar hear much them. fungi, protozoa, helminth also big player stori infecti disease."} {"id": "10964", "contents": "bacteri diseases: introduction. bacteri diseas includ type ill diseas caus bacteria, type microbe. microb tini organ cannot seen without microscop includ viruses, fungi, parasit well bacteria."} {"id": "10965", "contents": "diseas infections, caus varieti bacteria, viruses, parasit foodborne. diseas poisonings, caus harm toxin chemic contamin food, example, poison mushrooms."} {"id": "10966", "contents": "whoop cough treatment typic involv antibiot support care, refer provid relief symptom complic bodi fight whoop cough bacteria (bordetella pertussis)."} {"id": "10967", "contents": "sever antibiot (medic help treat diseas caus bacteria) avail treat pertussis. child diagnos pertussis, doctor explain treat infection. learn pertussi treatment recommend cdc. pertussi sometim serious, requir treatment hospital. babi greatest risk seriou complic pertussis. view photo babi treat pertussi hospital. child treat pertussi hospital. child may need help keep breath passag clear, may requir suction (draw out) mucus. breath monitor oxygen given, needed."} {"id": "10968", "contents": "whoop cough highli contagi diseas caus bacteri infect respiratori tract. whoop cough, also known pertussis, caus bacterium bordetella pertussis. hallmark symptom whoop cough violent cough fit follow whoop sound made person gasp air. whoop cough highli prevent vaccination."} {"id": "10969", "contents": "unfortunately, peopl whoop cough diagnos later condit second (paroxysmal) stage disease. treatment antibiot recommend anyon diseas less three four weeks. proven effect treatment paroxysm cough accompani whoop cough. antibiot also routin administ peopl close contact infect person, regardless vaccin status."} {"id": "10970", "contents": "timing. earli treatment pertussi important. earlier person, especi infant, start treatment better. treatment pertussi start earli cours illness, first week cough paroxysm occur, symptom may lessened."} {"id": "10971", "contents": "treatment may make infect less seriou start early, cough fit begin. treatment also help prevent spread diseas close contact (peopl spent lot time around infect person). child treat pertussi hospital. child may need help keep breath passag clear, may requir suction (draw out) mucus. breath monitor oxygen given, needed."} {"id": "10972", "contents": "(redirect whoop cough). pertussis, also known whoop cough 100-day cough, highli contagi bacteri disease. initially, symptom usual similar common cold runni nose, fever, mild cough. follow week sever cough fits. follow fit coughing, high-pitch whoop sound gasp may occur person breath in. cough may last 10 weeks, henc phrase 100-day cough."} {"id": "10973", "contents": "1930's, vaccine, whoop cough common -- 200,000 case per year us -- caus lot death babies. vaccin introduc 1940's, 1970' number case whoop cough decreas less 5,000 per year."} {"id": "10974", "contents": "treatment drugs. infant typic hospit treatment whoop cough danger age group. child can't keep liquid food, intraven fluid may necessary. child also isol other prevent infect spreading."} {"id": "10975", "contents": "end first world war, kaiser kick germany, 1919 weimar republ set up. 1914, govern germani militari autocracy; 1919, parliamentari democracy. januari 1919, elect held new reichstag februari 1919, town weimar, new govern agreed. freidrich ebert elect presid new republic. germani get new government. alli made sure germani got differ kind"} {"id": "10976", "contents": "weimar republ establish 1919. german govern ww1 ww2. face mani problem extremists, power reichstag economy. repar led hyperinfl later resolv daw plan. start treati versail weimar republ blame everyth happen result. blame caus lack trust german peopl began dislik government."} {"id": "10977", "contents": "peopl use term \u201cweimar republic\u201d refer period german histori 1919 1933 govern democrat republ govern constitut laid german citi weimar. however, even start, weimar republ deepli troubled. constitut first established, mani german highli suspici new government, extremist left right reject author republic, undermin effectiveness."} {"id": "10978", "contents": "hyperinfl weimar republ three-year period hyperinfl weimar republ (modern-day germany) june 1921 januari 1924. history. hyperinfl weimar republ three-year period hyperinfl weimar republ (modern-day germany) june 1921 januari 1924. contents."} {"id": "10979", "contents": "introduction. weimar republic, name german citi weimar, democrat republ govern germani 1919 1933. chapter explain economic, social polit factor led downfal weimar republ"} {"id": "10980", "contents": "weimar republ found end world war i, germani state near-anarchy. social democrat parti lead parti creation weimar republic. parti suffici credibl accept wilson negoti armistic agreement."} {"id": "10981", "contents": "new republ declared. januari 1919, elect held new reichstag februari 1919, town weimar, new govern agreed. freidrich ebert elect presid new republic. germani get new government. alli made sure germani got differ kind government."} {"id": "10982", "contents": "weimar republic, accept law conform constitut long support two-third parliament, major need chang constitut (verfassungsdurchbrechend gesetze). preced enabl act 1933. western border weimar republ accept germani influenc gustav stresemann german foreign minist locarno treaties, eastern border remain debat weimar german governments."} {"id": "10983", "contents": "1923, weimar republ verg collapse, but, surprisingly, crisi start period stabil success. period 1923-1929 time economi boom cultur life flourish germany."} {"id": "10984", "contents": "weimar republ found combin strain war resent govern result german novemb revolut (1918-1919), call abdic kaiser (emperor) wilhelm ii. weimar republic, name german citi weimar, democrat republ govern germani 1919 1933."} {"id": "10985", "contents": "(1) (maestro nt) earlier name schedul softwar window nt tivoli systems, inc. ibm acquir tivoli 1996, program renam ibm tivoli workload scheduler. (2) (budget maestro) busi plan analysi softwar window centag corporation, natick, (www.centage.com). (3) (nf maestro gateway) softwar hummingbird connectivity, divis open text corporation, toronto, ontario (www.hummingbird.com) let window client access file unix server via nfs."} {"id": "10986", "contents": "maestro. n, pl-tri (-tr\u026a) or-tros. 1. (classic music) distinguish music teacher, conductor, musician. 2. man regard master art: often use term address. 3. (classic music) see maestro di cappella."} {"id": "10987", "contents": "link cite add word list. noun. conductor orchestra maestro. conductor orchestra maestro. definit maestro master art. exampl maestro leader orchestra. (1) (maestro nt) earlier name schedul softwar window nt tivoli systems, inc. ibm acquir tivoli 1996, program renam ibm tivoli workload scheduler."} {"id": "10988", "contents": "sierra maestra mountain rang run westward across south old orient provinc guantanamo guant\u00e1namo provinc niquero southeast, cuba rise abruptli the. coast sierra maestra highest system cuba. rich minerals, especi copper, manganese, chromium, iron. 1,974 (6,476 ft), pico turquino range' highest point."} {"id": "10989", "contents": "full definit maestro. master usual art; especially: emin composer, conductor, teacher music. see maestro defin english-languag learners. see maestro defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "10990", "contents": "maestro. n, pl-tri (-tr\u026a) or-tros. 1. (classic music) distinguish music teacher, conductor, musician. 2. man regard master art: often use term address. 3. (classic music) see maestro di cappella. maestro. (m\u012bs\u2032tr\u014d). n. pl. maes\u00b7tro maes\u00b7tri (-tr\u0113). master art, especi composer, conductor, music teacher."} {"id": "10991", "contents": "follow descript taken source.maestra three dimension model forest canopi radiat absorption, photosynthesis, transpiration. radiat penetr grid point calcul three waveband (i.e. par, near infrar thermal radiation), includ consider direct, diffus scatter radiation. photosynthesi transpir grid point calcul absorb"} {"id": "10992", "contents": "(arquit) guid line. maestro. translat spanish-english collin dictionari  . see also: abeja maestra, canal maestra, llave maestra, obra maestra. ensur qualiti comments, need connected. it\u2019 easi take second sign up/login reverso account. viga maestra exp. main beam. entri relat to: maestro."} {"id": "10993", "contents": "shelley esaak. definition: (noun) italian word translat majesty, maesta maest\u00e0 use art describ particular type madonna paint found in-proto renaiss intern gothic. works'w see virgin, mari hold infant, christ certain. condit"} {"id": "10994", "contents": "monk parakeet, quaker parrot, (myiopsitta monachus) live argentina countri around south america. bird also known pass one tail feather bill reconnect barbules."} {"id": "10995", "contents": "background. monk parakeet, scientif name myiopsitta monachus, parrot averag size, reach length 29cm (11 inches) head tail. femal male bright green body, gray forehead, cheek breast, blue-black feathers, gray legs, rosy, pale orang yellow beak."} {"id": "10996", "contents": "monk parakeet small, stocki parrot, popular cage bird, consid beauti invader. monk parakeet mostli green pale grey whitish forehead, face, chin throat. breast whitish bar grey."} {"id": "10997", "contents": "nativ rang edit. monk parakeet nativ central north-east argentina, whole uruguay, state rio grand sul east mato grosso sul brazil, almost whole paraguay central south-east bolivia. [1]."} {"id": "10998", "contents": "monk parakeet small, stocki parrot, popular cage bird, consid beauti invader. monk parakeet mostli green pale grey whitish forehead, face, chin throat. breast whitish bar grey. belli vent yellow."} {"id": "10999", "contents": "monk parakeet. monk parakeet chunki parrot long tail .it total length 28-30 cm (11-12 in)). green gray face breast, buffi belli green tail."} {"id": "11000", "contents": "identification: monk parakeet parrot averag size, reach length 29cm (11 1/2 inches) head tip tail. femal male bright green body, gray forehead, cheek breast, blue-black flight feathers, gray leg rosy, pale orang yellow beak."} {"id": "11001", "contents": "salari someon job titl phlebotomist nashville, tn vari depend number factors."} {"id": "11002", "contents": "metropolitan comparison. averag wage medic clinic technicians, includ phlebotomists, vari metro area tennessee. chattanooga technician could expect mean $17.12 hour $35,600 annual knoxvil made mean $15.39 hour $32,010 year. technician nashvil averag highest wage $35,500 year $17.07 per hour. memphi medic clinic technician made closest tennesse state averag wage $33,910 per year $16.30 hour."} {"id": "11003", "contents": "averag phlebotomist salari job post nashville, tn 6% lower averag phlebotomist salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "11004", "contents": "data found american societi clinic pathologist (ascp), obvious phlebotomist salari play approxim $13 hour. tennessee, phlebotomist earn good sum cash play number $22,000 $30,000 year. phlebotomist salari reliant mainli follow factors: degre credentials, practic experience, type employer."} {"id": "11005", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic phlebotomist unit state $29,744 50% peopl perform job phlebotomist unit state expect make less $29,744. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary. bonus."} {"id": "11006", "contents": "treati fort larami (1868). wikipedia, free encyclopedia. 1851 treaty, see treati fort larami (1851) gener william t. sherman (third left) commission council chief headmen differ band sioux, includ arapaho indians, fort laramie, wyoming, 1868. treati sioux brule, brul\u00e9, oglala, miniconjou, yanktonai, hunkpapa, blackfeet, cuthead two, kettl sans, arc sante and, arapaho (1868 treati fort, laramie). 1868 15. stat, 635. apr, 29. 1868"} {"id": "11007", "contents": "1871, feder govern stop sign treati nativ american replac treati system law give individu indian ownership land tribal property. indian homestead act, offici known daw act, way indian becom u.s. citizens. assimil becom new ideal. goal absorb tribe european-american cultur make nativ peopl like mainstream americans. second, hous repres angri voic policies."} {"id": "11008", "contents": "treati ft. larami sign 1868 relinquish bozeman trail exchang cessat indian raids. treati establish \u201cgreat sioux reserve\u201d give land west missouri river, includ sacr land sioux, black hill indians.. treati last gold discov black hill 1874. rush miner black hill start last plain wars, includ battl littl bighorn. sioux nation never acknowledg loss black hills."} {"id": "11009", "contents": "black hill dakota sacr sioux indians. 1868 treaty, sign fort larami militari post sioux country, unit state recogn black hill part great sioux reservation, set asid exclus use sioux people. spring 1868 confer held fort laramie, present day wyoming, result treati sioux. treati bring peac white sioux agre settl within black hill reserv dakota territory."} {"id": "11010", "contents": "nativ american gain centrail plain east rocki mountains. also arkansas, north canada. nativ believ land everybody' (o nobody's) although peopl could claim portion immedi use, winter camp, hunt grounds."} {"id": "11011", "contents": "use citat info. (on archives.gov). treaty, sign april 29, 1868, u.s. govern sioux nation, unit state recogn black hill part great sioux reservation, set asid exclus use sioux people. spring 1868 confer held fort laramie, present day wyoming, result treati sioux. treati bring peac white sioux agre settl within black hill reserv dakota territory."} {"id": "11012", "contents": "despit friendli natur american indians, settler still fear possibl attack. utes--chief sevara family, c1899. [image: librari congress]. calm fears, 1851 u.s. govern held confer sever local indian tribe establish treati fort laramie. nativ american tribe respond peac treaty; fact cheyenne, sioux, crow, arapaho, assinibione, mandan, gro ventr arikara tribe sign treaty, even agre end hostil amongst tribe order accept term treaty."} {"id": "11013", "contents": "1866 red cloud refus sign non-aggress treati ft laramie, declar war non-indian enter region. band oglala sioux made number attack u.s. settler miner travel oregon bozeman trails. treati last gold discov black hill 1874. rush miner black hill start last plain wars, includ battl littl bighorn. sioux nation never acknowledg loss black hills."} {"id": "11014", "contents": "ft. larami second fort built govern seri fort protect settler travel oregon trail. fort scene sever treati signings, signific ft. larami treati 1868. immigrants, miners, wagon train u.s. troop began enter area prime resourc buffalo hunt cheyenne, sioux arapaho. treati last gold discov black hill 1874. rush miner black hill start last plain wars, includ battl littl bighorn. sioux nation never acknowledg loss black hills."} {"id": "11015", "contents": "fort larami treati 1851 sign septemb 17 unit state treati commission repres cheyenne, sioux, arapaho, crow, assiniboine, mandan, hidatsa, arikara nations."} {"id": "11016", "contents": "clock timer save money electr bill activ engin block heater two hour normal used, save $70 electr per year. 120-volt block heater 1800 watt less, plug timer (often use pools) avail cost $20. block heater standard particular engine, after-market block heater available. block heater usual take hour warm engin starting."} {"id": "11017", "contents": "higher wattage, heat put engine. installation, you\u2019r look $100 $350 heater profession installation. again, it\u2019 go depend block heater, mechan make model car. block heater, also known coolant heater, devic use car protect engin cold. warm engin easi start compar cold engine."} {"id": "11018", "contents": "block heater 1800-watt heater oper 240-volts, timer cost $40 $60. case payback less one season. timer avail hardwar store build centers. timer outdoor weatherproof rate instal properli ground electr circuits. block heater standard particular engine, after-market block heater available. block heater usual take hour warm engin starting."} {"id": "11019", "contents": "north american block heater cord plug. block heater warm engin increas chanc engin start well warm vehicl faster normal would extrem cold weather. common type electr heat element cylind block, connect power cord often rout vehicle' grille. block heater may replac one engine' core plugs. fashion, heater element immers engine' coolant, keep engin warm. pump type heater. may also instal line one radiat heater hoses. block heater run vehicle' gasolin diesel fuel suppli also available; requir extern power source."} {"id": "11020", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: hi annett engin block frost plug heaters, lower radiat hose heater oil pan heaters. use lower radiat hose popular easiest install, (and replace)"} {"id": "11021", "contents": "best answer: one would find cord usual front bumper plug 110 volt extens cord. usual factori instal items. block heater cari price around $20 $50. also vari wattage. higher wattag heat put engine. usual 1000 1500 watts. instal also vari depend difficulti instal"} {"id": "11022", "contents": "common mount procedur block heater remov one freez plug engin replac use heat module. block heater design allow direct replac freez plug. block heater, also known coolant heater, devic use car protect engin cold. warm engin easi start compar cold engine."} {"id": "11023", "contents": "engin block heater make import part effici engine, caus engin fail develop fault. know replac heater enabl maintain engin properli keep good work order."} {"id": "11024", "contents": "block heater vari price $20 $80. addition, vari term wattage, usual rang 1,000 1,500 watts. block heater, also known coolant heater, devic use car protect engin cold. warm engin easi start compar cold engine."} {"id": "11025", "contents": "entry-level salari restrictions. player age 18 21 must sign entry-level contract first three nhl seasons. age 22-23 entry-level player two years, age 24 singl year. entry-level player earn maximum $850,000 per year."} {"id": "11026", "contents": "much entri level player make? entri level player subject maximum annual salari (plu sign game play bonuses) $850,000 2005 2006 draftees; $875,000 2007 2008 draftees; $900,000 2009 2010; $925,000 2011 draftees."} {"id": "11027", "contents": "definition: player age 18 21 must sign entry-level contract first three nhl seasons. age 22-23 entry-level player two years, age 24 singl year. entry-level player subject maximum salari bonuses. maximum entry-level salari rsie $925,000 per year time current collect agreement expir 2011."} {"id": "11028", "contents": "player sign nhl team entry-level contract. entry-level contract given player age 25 vari length depend player' age. entry-level contract usual first profession contract player 25 sign begin nhl career."} {"id": "11029", "contents": "entry-level player earn maximum $850,000 per year. limit rise throughout agreement, $925,000 2011. maximum entry-level salari 2004 $1.295 million. sign bonus cap 10 percent player' salary."} {"id": "11030", "contents": "minimum salari nhl rooki 875,00. however, earn set amount call schedul schedul bonus team league. correction: $875,000 maximum entry-level salary. (not count bonuses.) minumum salari rooki player; $500,000 09-10 10-11, $525,000 11-12 season."} {"id": "11031", "contents": "tiger live throughout asia live southeast asia. largest tiger popul india, popul number continu decreas everywhere. seem common misconcept tiger nativ africa. not."} {"id": "11032", "contents": "tiger larg speci cat famili differ subspecies. tiger speci identifi stripi coat fur felin like features. nation anim mani asian countri recogn strong, mighti creatures. tiger live mainli mountain hilli area forest. mani tiger hunt kill stock chines pharmacies. malayan tiger found southern part malayan peninsula. found forest area near kelantan, terengganu, pahang, johor."} {"id": "11033", "contents": "tiger live africa. tiger actual never live wild africa certainli found zoos, nation park special reserv they\u2019r kept captivity. sadli speaking, tiger run numbers. tiger never live africa; found altogeth differ continent, asia. although belong famili felida also includ lion leopards, also share common ancestor tiger never share habitat distribut big cats."} {"id": "11034", "contents": "siberian tiger live eastern russia, indochines tiger malayan tiger live southeastern asia, bengal tiger live india, south china tiger (from southern china), sumatran tiger live indonesian island sumatra, southeast mainland asia. also bengal tigers, live india, south china tigers, indochines malayan tigers, live southeast asia, sumatran tigers, live sumatra (an island indonesia, southeast asian mainland). tiger live jungl asian countri india, russia china. live throughout eastern asia bangladesh, bhutan, china, india, nepal, cambodia, laos, malaysia, myanmar, thailand vietnam, indonesia (sumatra), tiger habitat forest wild"} {"id": "11035", "contents": "well, wrong answer! tiger never live africa; found altogeth differ continent, asia. although belong famili felida also includ lion leopards, also share common ancestor tiger never share habitat distribut big cats."} {"id": "11036", "contents": "habitat. tiger live asia. larger subspecies, siberian tiger, tend live northern, colder areas, eastern russia northeastern china. smaller subspeci live southern, warmer countries, india, bangladesh, nepal, bhutan, myanmar, laos, cambodia, vietnam, malaysia indonesia."} {"id": "11037", "contents": "tiger (panthera tigris) largest cat species, reach total bodi length 3.38 (11.1 ft) curv except weigh 388.7 kg (857 lb) wild."} {"id": "11038", "contents": "distribut tiger. ever wonder tiger live! well... tiger live asia, specif throughout southeast asia, china, korea russia. tiger like live swamps, grasslands,and rain forests. usual tiger live trees, bushes, clump tall grass"} {"id": "11039", "contents": "gener vasoconstrict usual result increas system blood pressure, may also occur specif tissues, caus local reduct blood flow. extent vasoconstrict may slight sever depend substanc circumstance. example, vasoconstrict hypotherm prevent blood vessel constrict blood must move higher pressur activ prevent hypox reaction. atp use form energi increas pressur heat body."} {"id": "11040", "contents": "vasoconstriction: decreas amount blood flow. use retain heat cold. increas blood pressure. vasodilation: increas amount blood flow. use cool hot (ie exercise, peopl get realli red). decreas blood pressure."} {"id": "11041", "contents": "best answer: vasodil vasoconstrict occur order control blood pressur bodi temperature. vasoconstrict caus vessel reduc diameter, result rais pressur increas bodi temp caus friction blood pass intern wall vessel. report abuse. widen (vasodilation) narrow (vasoconstriction) blood vessels. vasodil caus reduct blood pressure, vasoconstriction, course, opposite. source(s): http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/vasodilatio... http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/vasoconstri.."} {"id": "11042", "contents": "vasoconstrict narrow blood vessel result contract muscular wall vessels, particular larg arteri small arterioles. process opposit vasodilation, widen blood vessels. example, vasoconstrict hypotherm prevent blood vessel constrict blood must move higher pressur activ prevent hypox reaction. atp use form energi increas pressur heat body."} {"id": "11043", "contents": "vasoconstriction. admin leav comment. vasoconstrict process constrict blood vessels, may result decreas flow blood. normal blood flow necessari carri oxygen blood part bodi normal flow disrupt may caus variou problems. doctor find underli factor caus vasoconstrict give treatment. may prescrib alpha adrenoreceptor antagonist (which vasodilator) reduc constrict blood vessel increas blood flow."} {"id": "11044", "contents": "definit vasodilation. vasodil (definition) increas intern diamet blood vessel caus relax smooth muscl within wall vessels, thu caus increas blood flow. opposit effect vasoconstriction."} {"id": "11045", "contents": "opposit phenomenon vasoconstriction. dilation, blood vessel dilat bold flow increas owe decreas vascular resistance. among arteri dilators, co2, natur dilat agent, power substance. healthi peopl experi vasodil effect due normal arteri co2 concentr body."} {"id": "11046", "contents": "vasoconstrict seen phenylephrin may caus vasoconstrict extracrani vessel without caus decreas cerebr oxygenation. (imag source: thinkstock). maintain cerebr perfus system hypotension, common clinic practic rais blood pressur use vasopressor."} {"id": "11047", "contents": "seal speci subspeci appear fairli healthy. mean everi seal safe. increasingly, small popul seal find isol risk, verg wipe out."} {"id": "11048", "contents": "speci subspeci bare hang on. four endang seal speci subspecies, face uncertain futures. 1. saimaa ring seals. seal get rarer saimaa ring seal (pusa hispida saimensis) finland."} {"id": "11049", "contents": "seal speci overview. 18 known speci true seal identified. characterist help scientist determin categori place into. two sub famili seal fall explore. monachina phocinae."} {"id": "11050", "contents": "32 speci seals. largest southern eleph seal, weigh ton (4,000 pounds) smallest galapago fur seal, weighs, comparison, mere 65 pounds. inform seal speci featur site-y click name find detail profil each."} {"id": "11051", "contents": "mediterranean monk seal critic endang speci sea anim fish human activities. total popul mammal 350 450. found east atlant ocean mediterranean sea. one endang speci marin animals."} {"id": "11052", "contents": "population: mediterranean monk seal endang pinnip speci world, estim total popul size 350-450 animals, 250-300 eastern mediterranean within largest subpopulation, 150-200 greec 100 turkey (guecluesoy g\u00fc\u00e7l\u00fcsoy). 2004"} {"id": "11053", "contents": "mediterranean monk seal world' endang seal species. scientist estim less 600 mediterranean monk seal remain. speci initi threaten hunting, face host threats, includ habitat disturbance, coastal development, marin pollution, hunt fishermen."} {"id": "11054", "contents": "hawaiian monk seal one rarest marin mammal world. part true seal famili (phocidae), one two remain monk seal species. mediterranean monk seal. third monk seal species--th caribbean monk seal --i extinct."} {"id": "11055", "contents": "highest iq ever score advanc iq test abdesselam jelloul. score adult iq 198 2012 test includ 13 dimens intellig (analytical, spatial, logical, memory, musical, linguistic, philosophical, moral, spiritual, interpersonal, intra-personal, bodili naturalist). kim list guin book world record highest iq; book estim boy' score 210. albert einstein consid iq 160."} {"id": "11056", "contents": "6. marilyn vo savant born 1946 st. louis, missouri, savant columnist, author, playwright made pinnacl fame get list five time guin book world record woman highest iq ever record (verifi 190) 1986 1989. gift amaz iq estim 220 230 davidson institute, terenc tao make list peopl highest iq world."} {"id": "11057", "contents": "marilyn vo savant (/\u02ccv\u0252 s\u0259\u02c8v\u0251\u02d0nt/ born august 11, 1946) american known highest record iq accord guin book records, competit categori public sinc retired. [v]o savant magazin columnist, author, lecturer, playwright.. marilyn vo savant born marilyn mach st. louis, missouri parents\u2014joseph mach marina vo savant. savant say one keep premarit surnames, son take fathers\u2019 daughter mothers\u2019."} {"id": "11058", "contents": "savant list guin book world record highest iq 1986 1989 enter guin book world record hall fame 1988. guin retir highest iq categori 1990 conclud iq test unreli design singl record holder. marilyn vo savant born marilyn mach st. louis, missouri parents\u2014joseph mach marina vo savant. savant say one keep premarit surnames, son take fathers\u2019 daughter mothers\u2019."} {"id": "11059", "contents": "marilyn vo savant score 190 iq test, becam \u2018highest iq\u2019 1980 accord guiness book world records. born 1946, marilyn vo savant achiev stardom mainli due iq, doesn\u2019t mean isn\u2019t accomplish individual."} {"id": "11060", "contents": "let us take look peopl highest iq ever record list below. 1. william jame sidis. born america 1898, william jame sidi wunderkind extraordinaire, gift astound iq estim 250 300. gift amaz iq estim 220 230 davidson institute, terenc tao make list peopl highest iq world."} {"id": "11061", "contents": "want know record holder highest iq world, right place. although mani peopl think steven hawk iq slightli 200, marilyn vo savant iq 228. want mention result iq vari test test age. kim list guin book world record highest iq; book estim boy' score 210. albert einstein consid iq 160."} {"id": "11062", "contents": "highest iq ever estim 300 iq william jame sidis. highest iq person aliv today record 228 iq marilyn vo savant. iq ratio iqs, mean calcul figur person' mental age base mani question answer use formula mental age/chronolog age 100. detail accur answer german polymath johann von goeth iq 210, ceil iq accord cox' 1926 book earli mental trait 300 geniuses. true highest ever record iq marilyn vo savant, iq 228. four year old ever record ever iq higher 170. also, cox' book obsolet date recent studi chang fact"} {"id": "11063", "contents": "check particip store partner nectar-redeem in-store/onlin partners. nectar uk' biggest loyalti programm 19 million collector earn nectar point diy, shop groceries, book holiday, pay household bills, buy petrol even get car serviced."} {"id": "11064", "contents": "nectar? lot partner choos collect spend point realli matter you. updat offer weekly, give choic points. offer tailor you, give want."} {"id": "11065", "contents": "also collect point onlin hundr retail shop nectar.com includ ebay sainsbury\u2019 entertain website. download nectar yahoo toolbar never forget use nectar card. also give bonu point everyday search too."} {"id": "11066", "contents": "visit currys' onlin store see huge rang applianc electron offer. also collect nectar point everi time make purchas currys' onlin store. need know. term conditions. point award home delivery, reserv collect pay collect. point award cost delivery. point award purchas made in-store."} {"id": "11067", "contents": "find place take nectar card ask one come pay make sure alway purs wallet. also collect point onlin 500 brand and, thankfully, they\u2019r everyday brand you\u2019ll actual use."} {"id": "11068", "contents": "think main problem loyalti program earn point go via nectar card websit first example, can\u2019t use nectar card topshop store go topshop websit directly."} {"id": "11069", "contents": "gateway point way redeem across wide rang partners. pick point brand like argos, bp, debenham mani more!"} {"id": "11070", "contents": "fandango' advertis play preview particip movie-theat chain featur lunch bag puppet tell variou one-or two-lin joke riddl center around company' name. prior 2012, fandango provid onlin ticket mani amc theaters. however, provid onlin ticket amc theater origin part loew cineplex entertain chain, due contractu oblig place prior 2005 merger two movi chains."} {"id": "11071", "contents": "select theater fandango, pick reserv exact seat buy ticket advance. find reserv seat theater, look... date updated: 05/21/2015. live chat contact. contact fandango live chat support, pleas click menu button above, select live chat."} {"id": "11072", "contents": "check theater accept fandango mobil tickets. scroll list movi theater find theater want go to. movi theater\u2019 name black bar. movi theater work fandango icon far right bar show fandango servic support. search movi theater accept fandango mobil ticket even quicker use io android phone. don\u2019t yet app, get phone\u2019 app store. open app store tap icon home screen app drawer. search fandango use search bar."} {"id": "11073", "contents": "come see fandango go-to destin 36 million moviego month. fandango help movi fan discover, buy ticket share passion movi engag interact way. fandango entertains, inform guid film fan must-se trailer movi clips, exclus origin content, insid news expert commentary. make easi find buy right movi right time, showtim ticket 26,000 screen nationwide. fandango avail online, award-win mobil connect televis app 46 million download counting. welcom movi fan facebook, twitter, instagram, tumblr, google+ pinterest."} {"id": "11074", "contents": "full definit fandango. 1. live spanish spanish-american danc tripl time usual perform man woman accompani guitar castanets; also: music dance. 2. tomfoolery. see fandango defin english-languag learners. see fandango defin kids."} {"id": "11075", "contents": "fandango section fandango/alegria present 2006 show madrid theatre: choreography: katerina tomas. tom\u00e1s: music stephen. dick: dancer lauren, santiago misuda, cohen micaela. castellano fandango section fandango/alegria present 2006 show madrid theatre: choreography: katerina tomas. tom\u00e1s: music stephen. dick: dancer lauren, santiago misuda, cohen micaela. castellanos: musician stephen, dick johnny, sandov paulo. gustavo"} {"id": "11076", "contents": "fandango charg premium use services, rang 75\u00a2 $2.50 (the addit surcharg phone orders), reserv ticket print upon arriv movi theater, therebi avoid lines. prior 2012, fandango provid onlin ticket mani amc theaters. however, provid onlin ticket amc theater origin part loew cineplex entertain chain, due contractu oblig place prior 2005 merger two movi chains."} {"id": "11077", "contents": "fandango live coupl danc spain, usual tripl metre, tradit accompani guitar castanet hand-clap (palma spanish). fandango sung danced. sung fandango usual bipartite: instrument introduct follow variaciones. sung fandango usual follow structur cant consist four five octosyllab vers (coplas) music phrase (tercios). occasionally, first copla repeated. meter fandango similar bolero seguidilla. origin notat 6/8 time, later 3/8 3/4."} {"id": "11078", "contents": "diabetes: research suggest caffein guarana may affect way peopl diabet process sugar (glucose) may complic blood sugar control. also interest research suggest caffein may enhanc warn symptom low blood sugar patient type diabetes. typic doses, caffein guarana caus insomnia, nervous restlessness, stomach irritation, nausea, vomiting, increas heart rate blood pressure, rapid breathing, tremors, delirium, diuresis, side effects."} {"id": "11079", "contents": "side effect depend dose. typic doses, caffein guarana caus insomnia, nervous restlessness, stomach irritation, nausea, vomiting, increas heart rate blood pressure, rapid breathing, tremors, delirium, diuresis, side effects."} {"id": "11080", "contents": "guarana contain caffeine. caffein stimul body. medic use depress also stimul body. take guarana medic use depress might caus seriou side effect includ fast heartbeat, high blood pressure, nervousness, others. typic doses, caffein guarana caus insomnia, nervous restlessness, stomach irritation, nausea, vomiting, increas heart rate blood pressure, rapid breathing, tremors, delirium, diuresis, side effects."} {"id": "11081", "contents": "guarana (paullinia cupana) sacr plant origin amazonian forest use 3,000 year indians. guarana becom well known highli effect tonic plant, thank small part fact contain 4-5 time caffein (guaranine) coffe itself. guarana plant use mani people, particularli brazil, case coffee, use million peopl throughout world, say necessarili good gener health."} {"id": "11082", "contents": "guarana (/\u02cc\u0261w\u0251r\u0259\u02c8n\u0251\u02d0/ portugues guarana [guaran\u00e1]), \u0261wa\u027e\u0250\u02c8na paullinia, cupana. syn. p, crysan. p) sorbili climb plant maple, family, sapindacea nativ amazon basin especi common in. brazil p. crysan, p. sorbilis) climb plant mapl family, sapindaceae, nativ amazon basin especi common brazil. guarana featur larg leav cluster flowers, best known seed fruit, size coffe bean."} {"id": "11083", "contents": "guarana (guaran\u00e1 pronounced-gwa-ra) naa berri grow amazon river drainag basin northern part of. brazil\u2019guarana guaran\u00e1 berri wide regard except sourc natur caffein use centuri nativ amazonian help maintain stamina increase. physic endur guarana guaran\u00e1 harvest sustain rainforest product the. amazon grown amongst natural, rainforest thu preserv natural. ecosystem harvest the\u2019 berri seed use produc powder quit rich caffeine. content"} {"id": "11084", "contents": "guarana plant name guarani tribe amazon, use seed brew drink. today, guarana seed still use medicine. guarana use weight loss, enhanc athlet performance, stimulant, reduc mental physic fatigue. typic doses, caffein guarana caus insomnia, nervous restlessness, stomach irritation, nausea, vomiting, increas heart rate blood pressure, rapid breathing, tremors, delirium, diuresis, side effects."} {"id": "11085", "contents": "it\u2019 use centuri tea guarani culture. tea tradit made grind shell seed past grate hot water sugar. guarana commonli use stimul contain twice caffein coffe bean. also contain theobromin theophylline, stimul affect central nervou system. nativ brazilian consid guarana gift gods. guarana berri sold nutrit supplement market athlet look obtain peak performance. guarana, paullinia cupana, plant mapl famili grow along amazon common brazil. seed look oddli similar eyebal use varieti reason"} {"id": "11086", "contents": "map averag weather maximum temperatur may cornwall. although cornwal southernmost part uk, temperatur may typic 2c cooler much southern england. due influenc cooler sea surround cornwal keep air cool."} {"id": "11087", "contents": "even heatwav rest uk, weather cornwal may rare get 20c. cornwal howev sunniest place uk may, point day may, there' 45-50% chanc sunny."} {"id": "11088", "contents": "cornwall: annual weather averages. juli hottest month cornwal averag temperatur 16\u00b0c (61\u00b0f) coldest februari 6\u00b0c (42\u00b0f) daili sunshin hour 13 july. wettest month decemb averag 120mm rain."} {"id": "11089", "contents": "current water temperatur cornwal 15 degre celsiu 19th warmest locat great britain. warmest water great britain isl portland sea surfac 16 \u00b0c. mean water degre colder isl portland."} {"id": "11090", "contents": "current water temperatur cornwal 16 degre celsiu 19th warmest locat great britain. warmest water great britain isl portland sea surfac 17 \u00b0c. mean water degre colder isl portland."} {"id": "11091", "contents": "sea temperatur cornwall. current water temperatur cornwal 16 degre celsiu 19th warmest locat great britain. warmest water great britain isl portland sea surfac 17 \u00b0c. mean water degre colder isl portland."} {"id": "11092", "contents": "part treaty, per treati sign pari peac conference, coven leagu nations, provid creation league, organ arbitr intern disputes. treati restor provinc alsace-lorrain franc rescind treati versail frankfurt 1871 pertain issue. sovereignti schleswig-holstein resolv plebiscit held futur time (see schleswig plebiscites)."} {"id": "11093", "contents": "made germani poor. term treati versailles: germani accept blame start war, term 'war guilt' cause. germani reduc armi 100,000 men. germani could battleship navy. treati versail treati attend victori nation great war (except russia middl civil war). sort wha would happen germani blame start great war."} {"id": "11094", "contents": "versail treaty, sign june 28, 1919, peac settlement germani alli power offici end world war i. post. share. detail versail treati debat final pari peac conference, open januari 18, 1919 two month fight western front ended. although mani diplomat alli power participated, germani invit conference."} {"id": "11095", "contents": "henri cabot lodge. treati versail satisfi parti concerned, time presid woodrow wilson return unit state juli 1919, u.s. public opinion overwhelmingli favor ratif treaty, includ coven leagu nations. treati versailles. negoti pari peac confer complicated. unit kingdom, france, itali fought togeth alli power first world war. unit states, enter war april 1917 associ power."} {"id": "11096", "contents": "treati versail one peac treati end world war i. end war germani alli powers. sign june 28, 1919, xactli five year assassin archduk franz ferdinand, one event trigger start war. treati versail treati attend victori nation great war (except russia middl civil war). sort wha would happen germani blame start great war."} {"id": "11097", "contents": "origin history. ilo creat 1919, part treati versail end world war i, reflect belief univers last peac accomplish base social justice."} {"id": "11098", "contents": "world war offici end sign treati versail june 28, 1919. negoti among alli power littl particip germany, 15 part 440 articl reassign german boundari assign liabil reparations."} {"id": "11099", "contents": "leagu nations. intern organ found 1919 promot world peac cooper greatli weaken refus unit state join. prove ineffectu stop aggress italy, japan, germani 1930s."} {"id": "11100", "contents": "intern organ found treati versail leagu nation intern labour organization."} {"id": "11101", "contents": "end state war germani alli powers. sign 28 june 1919, exactli five year assassin archduk franz ferdinand. central power german side world war dealt separ treaties. treati restor provinc alsace-lorrain franc rescind treati versail frankfurt 1871 pertain issue. sovereignti schleswig-holstein resolv plebiscit held futur time (see schleswig plebiscites)."} {"id": "11102", "contents": "full definit ampersand. charact typic stand word and. see ampersand defin english-languag learners. see ampersand defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "11103", "contents": "etymolog [edit]. roman ampersand left stylised, ital one right clearli similar et. mondegreen per se and, mean (the character) '&' itself, symbol (&) origin refer english."} {"id": "11104", "contents": "ampersand confus tironian et (\u204a), symbol similar numer 7. symbol root classic antiquity, sign use middl age represent latin word et (and). ampersand often appear letter end latin alphabet, exampl byrhtfer\u00f0' list letter 1011. similarly, regard 27th letter english alphabet, use children (in us)."} {"id": "11105", "contents": "next six centuri ampersand gradual becam elabor get form symbol use today: name symbol, \u201campersand\u201d, didn\u2019t commonli come use 19th century, \u201cand per se and\u201d, mean less: \u201cand [the symbol] and\u201d. today found ampersand symbol name came from. symbol \u201c&\u201d come combin letter latin \u201cand\u201d, \u201cet\u201d. specifically, old roman cursive, becam common combin e\u2019 t\u2019s, produc someth like this:"} {"id": "11106", "contents": "url example. within url ampersand use separ variables. example, exampl two differ variables, equal exampl search exampl equal test. variabl read search.cgi script use perform differ functions. ampersand. ampersand (&) symbol, also refer epershand symbol, found number key us qwerti keyboard. literatur english text, ampersand use shorthand mean and, john rob went basebal game"} {"id": "11107", "contents": "word ampersand corrupt phrase (&) per se and, mean (the symbol &) intrins (i word) ampersand often appear letter end latin alphabet, exampl byrhtfer\u00f0' list letter 1011. similarly, regard 27th letter english alphabet, use children (in us)."} {"id": "11108", "contents": "ampersand use indic list item part item' name separ (e.g. rock, pop, rhythm blues, hip hop). ampersand may still use abbrevi inform write regardless used. ampersand often appear letter end latin alphabet, exampl byrhtfer\u00f0' list letter 1011. similarly, regard 27th letter english alphabet, use children (in us)."} {"id": "11109", "contents": "word ampersand acronym. term use describ (&) symbol. ampersand usual use place word and.. example, fast food restaur a&w stand allen wright, compani two founders. symbol one sever use histori stand and. name come contract per se and, mean (the character) '&' 'and.' symbol base latin word et mean and."} {"id": "11110", "contents": "page meaning, origin characterist symbol, emblem, seal, sign, logo flag: ampersand. ampersand (or epershand; &) logogram repres conjunct word and. symbol ligatur letter et, latin and. graphic characteristics: asymmetric, open shape, monochrome, contain straight curv lines, cross lines."} {"id": "11111", "contents": "click littl arrow icon next download pdf file, get context menu follow options: open-display googl chrome. alway open file type-open pdf document automat moment on. open system viewer-load file default program pdf files."} {"id": "11112", "contents": "select googl chrome list click \u2018set default\u2019 button press \u2018close\u2019 button. back desktop locat pdf file reside. double-click pdf file open googl chrome browser. similarly, set googl chrome default pdf viewer mac."} {"id": "11113", "contents": "googl chrome use open pdf download hard drive use system' default pdf viewer default. recent version chrome use chrome' (inferior) built-in pdf viewer default even download files, onlin pdfs."} {"id": "11114", "contents": "open-display googl chrome. alway open file type-open pdf document automat moment on. open system viewer-load file default program pdf files. show folder-open folder file save to."} {"id": "11115", "contents": "add comment |. vote vote. anoth option use system viewer chrome. instal pdf xchang viewer plugin chrome disabl default chrome pdf viewer, abl use viewer normal chrome. share improv answer. answer nov 17 '14 15:42."} {"id": "11116", "contents": "revert adob reader, type about:plugin address bar (without quotes), hit enter, click detail (near top right), disabl chrome pdf viewer enabl adob one."} {"id": "11117", "contents": "find googl chrome capabl open pdf file head plugin page chrome browser (type about:plugin address bar hit enter key). make sure chrome pdf viewer enabled. done set googl chrome web browser default pdf viewer/reader."} {"id": "11118", "contents": "thyroid disord rang small, harmless goiter (enlarg gland) need treatment life-threaten cancer. common thyroid problem involv abnorm product thyroid hormones. much thyroid hormon result condit known hyperthyroidism. caus hypothyroid include: hashimoto' thyroiditis: autoimmun disorder, bodi attack thyroid tissue. tissu eventu die stop produc hormones."} {"id": "11119", "contents": "definition. hyperthyroid (overact thyroid) condit thyroid gland produc much hormon thyroxine. hyperthyroid acceler body' metabol significantly, caus sudden weight loss, rapid irregular heartbeat, sweating, nervous irritability."} {"id": "11120", "contents": "thyroid gland. hashimoto' diseas condit immun system attack thyroid, small gland base neck adam' apple. thyroid gland part endocrin system, produc hormon coordin mani body' activities. hashimoto' diseas common caus hypothyroid unit states. primarili affect middle-ag women also occur men women age children. doctor test thyroid function help detect hashimoto' disease."} {"id": "11121", "contents": "thyroid inflamm thyroid gland. lower amount hormon produced. hashimoto' thyroid painless diseas immun system hereditary. postpartum thyroid occur percent percent women give birth. follow condit caus hypothyroidism:"} {"id": "11122", "contents": "thyroid small gland base neck make thyroid hormone. thyroid hormon control mani activ body, includ fast burn calori fast heart beats. diseas thyroid caus make either much littl hormone. hyperthyroid hypothyroid make harder get pregnant. problem thyroid hormon upset balanc hormon caus ovulation. hypothyroid also caus bodi make prolactin, hormon tell bodi make breastmilk."} {"id": "11123", "contents": "imbal product thyroid hormon aris dysfunct thyroid gland itself, pituitari gland, produc thyroid-stimul hormon (tsh), hypothalamus, regul pituitari gland via thyrotropin-releas hormon (trh). thyroid diseas medic condit impair function thyroid. differ thyroid diseas includ hashimoto' thyroiditis, hyperthyroid hypothyroidism. diseas larg rang symptom affect age"} {"id": "11124", "contents": "thyroid diseas symptom signs. thyroid diseas common problem caus symptom over-or under-funct thyroid gland. thyroid gland essenti organ produc thyroid hormones, maintain bodi metabolism. thyroid gland locat front neck adam' apple."} {"id": "11125", "contents": "problem thyroid includ overact thyroid, hyperthyroidism, underact thyroid hypothyroidism. thyroid gland neck make hormon help regul body' metabol person' growth. type hyperthyroid due overproduct thyroid hormones, condit develop sever ways: graves' disease. auto-immun condit commonest caus overact thyroid gland."} {"id": "11126", "contents": "structure. ribosom made two parts, call subunits. larger two subunit amino acid get ad grow protein chain. small subunit mrna bind decoded. subunit made protein ribonucl acid (rna) components."} {"id": "11127", "contents": "ribosom differ type cell basic structur vari size. thus, ribosom compos two subunits. subunit contain characterist set rrna (ribosom rna) ribosom proteins. case eukaryot ribosome, two subunit call 40 (svedberg unit) 60 subunits."} {"id": "11128", "contents": "eukaryot ribosome, 80 ribosome, made 40 small subunit 60 larg subunit. prokaryot ribosom 70 made 50 larg subunit 30 small subunit. eukaryot chloroplast mitochondria contain prokaryote-lik 70 ribosomes."} {"id": "11129", "contents": "consist two subunit denot 30 (small subunit) 50 (large). joined, ribosom sediment coeffici 70 oppos 80 due tertiari structure. subunits' shape arrang illustr below."} {"id": "11130", "contents": "figur 2: larg (red) small (blue) subunit fit together. ribosom consist two major subunits\u2014th small ribosom subunit read mrna, larg subunit join amino acid form polypeptid chain. subunit compos one ribosom rna (rrna) molecul varieti proteins."} {"id": "11131", "contents": "prokaryotes, larg ribosom subunit contain two rrnas\u2014on larg one one small one\u2014and approxim thirty-on proteins. eukaryotes, larg subunit compos three rrnas\u2014on larg one two differ small ones\u2014and approxim forty-ni"} {"id": "11132", "contents": "otf like \u201cbetter\u201d font, support advanc typeset featur (smallcaps, alternates, ligatur actual insid font rather fiddli separ expert set fonts). don\u2019t agre say otf best format. ttf offer design possibl chang detail raster screen print (if design know it)."} {"id": "11133", "contents": "opentyp .otf font recogn render on-screen postscript rasterizer, adob type manag (atm \u00ae), either instal add-on system softwar compon built directli oper system. opentyp font peac co-exist current font format use document alongsid type truetyp fonts."} {"id": "11134", "contents": "link slang definition. link term web page blog, insert following. link term wiki wikipedia, insert following. wiki use differ format links, sure check documentation."} {"id": "11135", "contents": "opentyp format superset exist truetyp adob postscript type font formats. enabl improv cross-platform document portability, rich linguist support, power typograph capabilities, simplifi font manag requirements. opentyp font peac co-exist current font format use document alongsid type truetyp fonts."} {"id": "11136", "contents": "pleas use full sentenc decent languag avoid caught spam-filter. definit non-english language, move correct language-category. select custom locat look like describ someth relat to, tap add definition. includ definition. make easier peopl find definition. consult map verifi location. tap add definit without locat information, tap add locat button includ location. tip: tri type major citi name definition. display map zoom-level select. sign twitter-handl collect point get statist user-page."} {"id": "11137", "contents": "mac, i'm download font often given choic otf (opentyp format) ttf (truetyp format). don\u2019t agre say otf best format. ttf offer design possibl chang detail raster screen print (if design know it)."} {"id": "11138", "contents": "opentyp ps font (.otf) support window version start window 2000; adob type manag requir instal window 95/98/nt/me basic roman support (only) opentyp ps fonts. opentyp featur tediou defin use gui. consequently, adob standard text specif format featur files, typic name end .fea extension. file compil binari font contain (.ttf .otf) use adob fdk (afdko), fontlab fontforge."} {"id": "11139", "contents": "opentyp format scalabl comput fonts. built predecessor truetype, retain truetype' basic structur ad mani intric data structur prescrib typograph behavior. opentyp featur tediou defin use gui. consequently, adob standard text specif format featur files, typic name end .fea extension. file compil binari font contain (.ttf .otf) use adob fdk (afdko), fontlab fontforge."} {"id": "11140", "contents": "wombaroo food products. suz' sugar glider pleas offer wombaroo product formul specif sugar gliders. wombaroo high protein supplement shake-n-mak nectar part australian wombaroo diet (awd) fed glider captiv australia 30 years."} {"id": "11141", "contents": "either \u2018hpw\u2019 name similar diet contain wombaroo supplement. instant hpw. diet actual claim contain high protein wombaroo supplement powder it\u2019 repackag bit iffy, anyth could there, realistically. lot confus \u2018hpw diets\u2019 late mani new one avail sale. page littl bit info diet may either relat high protein wombaroo supplement(wher \u2018hpw\u2019 come from) easili confus similar diet"} {"id": "11142", "contents": "hpw diet calcium phosphor ratio 1.29:1. sugar glider diet alway maintain calcium:phosphor ratio 1.5-2 calcium:1 phosphorous. say cannot feed anyth ratio, maintain proper overal ratio combin food feed. diet purchas powder mixtur meant mix water, treat honey scrambl egg (depend mixture, may may need add australian bee pollen sinc formula come pre-mad it). hpw mixtur frozen last 3-4 month one sugar glider."} {"id": "11143", "contents": "leadbeater' diet wombaroo high protein supplement. start discuss leadbeater' diet, pml diet, hpw diet, wombaroo high protein supplement, want point discuss diet meant way put insult creator diets."} {"id": "11144", "contents": "sugar glider (petauru breviceps) small, omnivorous, arboreal, nocturn glide possum belong marsupi infraclass. common name refer prefer sugari nectar food abil glide air, much like fli squirrel."} {"id": "11145", "contents": "quick easy\\ninstant-hpw\\n. final avail ... easi way prepar offer popular\\nhpw\\nsugar glider diet plan low cost. sugar glider absolutely\\nlove\\nth pure vanilla bean flavor of\\ninstant-hpw\\n. contain ingredi original\\nhpw diet\\ninclud honey, eggs, origin zoopro high protein supplement, bee pollen, flax seed oil omega fatti acids. full ingredi list view link below."} {"id": "11146", "contents": "user rating. bml sugar glider diet version origin leadbeater' diet, well-known complet diet use feed sugar glider captivity. wide accepted, tri true, known diet sugar gliders. bml sugar glider diet use conjunct formul diets, brisky' sugar glider food, anyth chang substitut glider probabl eat it."} {"id": "11147", "contents": "final avail ... easi way offer popular hpw sugar glider diet plan low cost. sugar glider absolut love pure vanilla bean flavor hpw (both instant readi feed) contain ingredi origin hpw diet includ honey, eggs, origin zoopro high protein supplement, bee pollen, flax seed oil omega fatti acids."} {"id": "11148", "contents": "disney anim tv seri talespin, baloo (voic ed gilbert) main charact seri base primarili charact disney' jungl book, wear flight cap yellow shirt. also four-fing hand instead jungl book counterpart' claws. disney' baloo arguabl popular charact film version jungl book. made famou song bare necess sung phil harris, tell mowgli how, know tricks, live land still life leisure."} {"id": "11149", "contents": "baloo one mowgli 's mentor friends. baloo loyal, protective; weak he' ticklish. variat version charact appear three anim series: talespin (a pilot), jungl cub (a cub) disney' hous mous (a guest). disney' baloo arguabl popular charact film version jungl book. made famou song bare necess sung phil harris, tell mowgli how, know tricks, live land still life leisure."} {"id": "11150", "contents": "bagheera black panther (black indian leopard) fiction charact rudyard kipl 's mowgli stori jungl book (coll. 1894) second jungl book (coll. second film, reappear seriou bagheera. he, help colonel hathi 's troop tri prevent baloo reach man village. villag tri find mowgli, suspect baloo brought back (he right)."} {"id": "11151", "contents": "baloo deuteragonist 1967 disney anim featur film, jungl book 2003 sequel, protagonist 1990 92 tv series, talespin. sloth bear best friend mowgli. voic late phil harri origin film. bill murray, voic baloo upcom 2016 film, younger brother brian doyle-murray, also voic baloo jungl book: mowgli' story."} {"id": "11152", "contents": "shere khan, kaa, karnage. baloo popular disney charact deuteragonist 1967 film jungl book sequel, one main charact prequel tv seri jungl cub main protagonist seri talespin. sloth bear best friend mowgli"} {"id": "11153", "contents": "disney version baloo differ book charact he' based. contrast book, baloo wise old bear teach mowgli law jungle, disney' baloo jolly, fun-loving, lazi laid back. love danc play games. baloo popular disney charact deuteragonist 1967 film jungl book sequel, one main charact prequel tv seri jungl cub main protagonist seri talespin."} {"id": "11154", "contents": "baloo actual mean bear hindi, way, baloo name species. baloo bear strike resembl littl john disney' robin hood, voic phil harris, also gave voic thoma o'malley disney' aristocats. bill murray, voic baloo upcom 2016 film, younger brother brian doyle-murray, also voic baloo jungl book: mowgli' story."} {"id": "11155", "contents": "baloo main fiction charact featur rudyard kipl 's jungl book 1894 second jungl book 1895. baloo, bear, bagheera, panther, save mowgli shere khan tiger, endeavor teach mowgli law jungl mani stori jungl book. disney' baloo arguabl popular charact film version jungl book. made famou song bare necess sung phil harris, tell mowgli how, know tricks, live land still life leisure."} {"id": "11156", "contents": "baloo sloth bear, also call labiat bear. bear found india, course, film mowgli' best friend. baloo jungl book cear, peopl know type bear baloo actual is. baloo identifi sloth bear. add comment"} {"id": "11157", "contents": "latin name sabin means-history: sabin tribe ancient italy."} {"id": "11158", "contents": "name meaning: deriv latin sabina (sabin woman). sabin ancient tribe live apennin central itali conquer roman 3rd centuri b.c. name born three earli saint martyrs."} {"id": "11159", "contents": "etymolog histor origin-sabina. sabina femal name old roman famili name (sabinus) deriv latin word mean \u201csabines\u201d. sabin ancient ital tribe inhabit apennin mountain region central itali part latium."} {"id": "11160", "contents": "latin meaning: name sabin latin babi name. latin mean name sabin is: sabine. ancient roman tribe name, sabinus. soulurg number: 6. express number: 5. peopl name deep inner desir stable, love famili community, need work other appreciated."} {"id": "11161", "contents": "mean histori name sabine: edit. sabin mean woman sabin people, italian tribe which, accord legend, ancient roman kidnap wives-to-b order popul newly-found city. french german form sabina. person experi name sabine: edit. name daughter sabin arabella. love name heart like others, compromis husband could agre use world easili pronounc speakers."} {"id": "11162", "contents": "syll. sa-bi-ne, sab-in babi girl name sabin pronounc french sae-b iy german zae-b iy-nah \u2020. sabin origin latin language. use larg english, finnish, french, german, latvian languages. sabin form sabina. sabin frequent use babi girl name. rank within top 1000"} {"id": "11163", "contents": "sabin mean, popularity, numerolog more. name sabin french german origin. mean sabin sabine, sabin tribe (italy). french name similar origin old-world european nations. often deriv place name trade names, basi history, mythology, religion nature. may also creat names. popular hyphen name uniqu featur french given names."} {"id": "11164", "contents": "comment insight name sabine: edit. sabin pronounc sah-been english french, sah-been-eh german. extrem popular germani 1950 1960s; much less frequent use today. rank 579 british columbia. person experi name sabine: edit. name daughter sabin arabella. love name heart like others, compromis husband could agre use world easili pronounc speakers."} {"id": "11165", "contents": "mean history. feminin form sabinus, roman cognomen mean sabin latin. sabin ancient peopl live central italy, land eventu taken roman sever wars."} {"id": "11166", "contents": "acut viral infections. acut viral infect character rapid onset disease, rel brief period symptoms, resolut within days. usual accompani earli product infecti virion elimin infect host immun system"} {"id": "11167", "contents": "viral infect common name sever kind diseas caus viruses. diseas common, asid viruses, symptom like fever fatigue, make feel miserable. viral infect diseas caus differ kind viruses, influenza-viru best known."} {"id": "11168", "contents": "infect invas organism' bodi tissu disease-caus agents, multiplication, reaction host tissu organ toxin produce. infecti disease, also known transmiss diseas communic disease, ill result infection. bacteri viral infect caus kind symptoms. difficult distinguish caus specif infection. import distinguish, viral infect cannot cure antibiotics."} {"id": "11169", "contents": "viral diseas extrem widespread infect caus viruses, type microorganism. mani type virus caus wide varieti viral diseases. common type viral diseas common cold, caus viral infect upper respiratori tract (nose throat)."} {"id": "11170", "contents": "mechan natur resist viral infect poorli understood, suscept particular viru somehow species-specific; example, chickenpox, caus varicella zoster virus, seen humans. techniqu also use diagnosi caus viral infection, includ serolog tests, fluoresc antibodi microscop examination, microscop examination, skin tests. mani viral diseases, includ mumps, smallpox, measles, one attack confer perman immunity."} {"id": "11171", "contents": "viral infection, diseas caus one approxim 200 virus pathogen humans. communic danger diseas known; caus mild transient condit pass virtual unnoticed. cell damag viral attack, diseas exists. techniqu also use diagnosi caus viral infection, includ serolog tests, fluoresc antibodi microscop examination, microscop examination, skin tests. mani viral diseases, includ mumps, smallpox, measles, one attack confer perman immunity."} {"id": "11172", "contents": "viral infection: infect caus presenc viru body. depend viru person' state health, variou virus infect almost type bodi tissue, brain skin. viral infect cannot treat typic antibiot (antibacteri antibiotics); fact, case use antibacteri antibiot may caus side-effect complic viral infection."} {"id": "11173", "contents": "might think, bacteri infect caus bacteria, viral infect caus viruses. perhap import distinct bacteria virus antibiot drug usual kill bacteria, effect viruses."} {"id": "11174", "contents": "wiktionari (0.00 votes) rate definition: delug (noun). great flood rain. delug continu hours, drench land slow traffic halt. delug (noun). overwhelm amount something. rock concert delug sound. delug (verb). flood water."} {"id": "11175", "contents": "definit edit. data delug refer situat sheer volum new data gener overwhelm capac institut manag research make use it. abil gener vast quantiti data outpac develop infrastructur tool adequ support data-driven 21st centuri scienc technology."} {"id": "11176", "contents": "noun delug senses: 1. overwhelm number amount. 2. heavi rain. 3. rise bodi water overflow onto normal dri land. familiar information: delug use noun uncommon. delug (verb). verb delug senses: 1. fill quickli beyond capacity; liquid. 2. charg someon mani tasks. 3. fill cover completely, usual water. familiar information: delug use verb uncommon. hypernym (delug kind of...): geolog phenomenon (a natur phenomenon involv structur composit earth). hyponym (each follow kind deluge): debacl (flood caus tumultu breakup ice river spring summer). flash flood; flashflood (a sudden local flood great volum short duration)"} {"id": "11177", "contents": "larg amount rain suddenli fall area. situat larg area land becom complet cover water. larg amount thing come time."} {"id": "11178", "contents": "delug fire sprinkler system, unlik ordinari systems, mean sprinkler head individu heat-sensit valves. sprinkler head delug syst valv own, mean alway open water spray suppli valv turn on. make world better, one answer time. scarlet delug mean red flood (basic blood) scarlet delug mean red flood (basic mean alot blood)."} {"id": "11179", "contents": "big larg amount something. i.e-in came delug people. delugein french flood english-a lot water come down! fill quickli beyond capacity; liquid; basement inund storm; imag flood mind. flood: overwhelm number amount; flood requests; torrent abuse. overwhelm: charg someon mani tasks."} {"id": "11180", "contents": "delug fire sprinkler system, unlik ordinari systems, mean sprinkler head individu heat-sensit valves. fill quickli beyond capacity; liquid; basement inund storm; imag flood mind. flood: overwhelm number amount; flood requests; torrent abuse. overwhelm: charg someon mani tasks."} {"id": "11181", "contents": "synonyms. heaven opened, releas delug heavi rain three us scrambl first back house. game end delug rain sleet credit team continu play posit footbal end. 1.1 (the deluge) biblic flood (record genesi 6-8): world appear emerg still water deluge. exampl sentences. proper interpret rock arid fossil speak global, dynamic, wateri catastrophe: biblic deluge."} {"id": "11182", "contents": "tokyo history-tokyo histori 1457 modern times. tokyo' former name edo also spell yedo (archaic). 1457 order uesugi mochitomo, construct edo castl begin east garden kokyo imperi palace. ota dokan, uesugi' vassal, assign task."} {"id": "11183", "contents": "english /\u02c8to\u028aki.o\u028a/), offici tokyo metropoli (\u6771\u4eac\u90fd, t\u014dky\u014d-to) one 47 prefectur japan, capit largest citi japan. greater tokyo area popul metropolitan area world. seat emperor japan japanes government. tokyo origin known edo (\u6c5f\u6238) mean estuari name chang tokyo (\u6771\u4eac t\u014dky\u014d; t\u014d east, ky\u014d capital) becam imperi capit 1868, line east asian tradit includ word capit (\u4eac) name capit city."} {"id": "11184", "contents": "tokyo one world' extensive, fast, effici metro/subway system. complex network subway line oper two companies-th toei subway line (run tokyo metropolitan bureau transportation) four line tokyo metro (oper tokyo metro co. ltd.) nine lines. click metro/subway map right see tokyo metro/subway map. find tokyo hotel organ locat see complet list tokyo hotel repres visit tokyo hotel guid see hotel locat near specif metro/subway train station stops."} {"id": "11185", "contents": "two primari subway oper tokyo: tokyo metro formerli teito rapid transit author (trta), privat 2004. current oper 179 station nine line 195.1 kilomet (121.2 mi) route. two primari subway oper tokyo: tokyo metro formerli teito rapid transit author (trta), privat 2004. toei subway run tokyo metropolitan bureau transportation, agenc tokyo metropolitan government."} {"id": "11186", "contents": "tokyo metro rapid transit system serv capit citi japan. world' busiest subway 3.16 billion annual passeng ride (2010) daili ridership 6.31 million people. tokyo metro world' busiest subway daili ridership 6.31 million passengers. tokyo metro oper tokyo metro co. metro signal take place cab signalling-automat train control system."} {"id": "11187", "contents": "(move cursor subway line name highlight singl line). tokyo metro (formerli known eidan) one tokyo 's two subway operators. run nine metropolis' thirteen subway lines, toei oper four. nine tokyo metro line provid access mani tokyo 's citi center tourist attractions, alon provid perfect solut get around tokyo. instead, best use combin toei subway line urban jr lines, especi jr yamanot line."} {"id": "11188", "contents": "tokyo (, t\u014dky\u014d) japan' capit world' popul metropolis. also one japan' 47 prefectures, consist 23 central citi ward multipl cities, town villag west citi center. izu ogasawara island also part tokyo. prior 1868, tokyo known edo."} {"id": "11189", "contents": "tokyo metro. tokyo subway system one largest busiest world. 13 lines, oper tokyo metro (trta) teito rapid transit author (formerli eidan subways) line manag toei subway run tokyo metropolitan government."} {"id": "11190", "contents": "tokyo subway (\u6771\u4eac\u306e\u5730\u4e0b\u9244, t\u014dky\u014d chikatetsu) part extens rapid transit system consist tokyo metro toei subway greater tokyo area japan. two primari subway oper tokyo: tokyo metro formerli teito rapid transit author (trta), privat 2004. toei subway run tokyo metropolitan bureau transportation, agenc tokyo metropolitan government."} {"id": "11191", "contents": "it\u2019 normal get period earli year old late 15 year old. big time rang it\u2019 hard one first one last. girl activ sport thin may get period later age."} {"id": "11192", "contents": "length normal menstrual cycl 28 days, plus/minu days. is, period may occur day expect date period may normal delay day beyond expect date. but, delay 35 (28+7) days, caus delay need investigated."} {"id": "11193", "contents": "menstrual cycl time day menstrual period start time next period starts. averag menstrual cycl 28 day long. however, normal cycl shorter longer this. may anywher 21 35 day long. period last days, anywher day normal. menstrual cycl may happen around date everi month may irregular. menstrual period consid late hasn\u2019t start day day expect start."} {"id": "11194", "contents": "get period everi month. menstrual cycl 28 days. mean 28 day first day period first day next period. 28 day averag number, anywher 21 35 day normal. period usual last days. amount blood flow probabl differ day."} {"id": "11195", "contents": "scooby-dee: scoobi cousin scooby-dum compet affect canin movi star scooby-dee, also cousin. scooby-doo show: chiller diller movi thriller). sled dog: scoobi fall love sled dog. like scooby, capabl speech show leave, unlik scooby, speak like normal human. scooby-doo alien invaders). sandi duncan: scoobi fell sandi duncan studio, much shaggy' annoyance."} {"id": "11196", "contents": "addit eight new episod scooby-doo rerun 1969 show, scooby-doo also appear all-star block' laff-a-lymp series, featur 45 hanna-barbera charact compet battl network stars-esqu parodi olymp sport events. fred jones: frank welker alway perform voic anim version fred sinc 1969, except 1988\u201391 abc seri pup name scooby-doo, carl steven perform voic preteen fred."} {"id": "11197", "contents": "frumkin return voic velma recur basi new scooby-doo mysteri 1984, christina lang voic pre-teen velma pup name scooby-doo. b. j. ward voic velma 1997 2001, mindi cohn assum role 2002. fred jones: frank welker alway perform voic anim version fred sinc 1969, except 1988\u201391 abc seri pup name scooby-doo, carl steven perform voic preteen fred."} {"id": "11198", "contents": "scoobi store. scoobi doo toys, games, movies, much more. cute scoobi doo smile twin sheet set blue fit sheet, white flat sheet small scooby\u2019 revers pillowcase. cotton/polyest blend. desk clock perfect home, business, gift scoobi fan. measur 3.75\u2033 diameter, black metal frame glass face. scoobi doo charm certain make pair croc similar shoe whole lot fun."} {"id": "11199", "contents": "daphn blake 's famili own extravag mansion coolsville. scooby-doo 's doghous (when puppy) locat back garden roger home. insid doghous much larger appear outsid shown includ indoor pool, tenni court mani luxuri humong kitchen. fred, scoobi shaggy' home. gang grew split two hous boy girls. make stop come back coolsville. two hous close togeth sinc letter carrier route."} {"id": "11200", "contents": "cartoonnetworkshop.com oper licens cartoon network bolder road llc, sole respons site' content aspect purchase. 2015 right reserved. mysteri inc gang unit scooby-doo seatbelt belt featur fred, velma, daphne, scooby, shaggy."} {"id": "11201", "contents": "mysteri incorporated, air cartoon network 2010 2013, and, cool, scooby-doo! debut cartoon network 2015. repeat variou scooby-doo seri broadcast frequent cartoon network boomerang unit state well countries. fred jones: frank welker alway perform voic anim version fred sinc 1969, except 1988\u201391 abc seri pup name scooby-doo, carl steven perform voic preteen fred."} {"id": "11202", "contents": "origin series, scooby-doo, you! creat hanna-barbera product writer joe rubi ken spear 1969. fred jones: frank welker alway perform voic anim version fred sinc 1969, except 1988\u201391 abc seri pup name scooby-doo, carl steven perform voic preteen fred."} {"id": "11203", "contents": "scooby-doo' doghouse. scooby-doo 's doghous (when puppy) locat back garden roger home. insid doghous much larger appear outsid shown includ indoor pool, tenni court mani luxuri humong kitchen. fred, scoobi shaggy' home. gang grew split two hous boy girls. make stop come back coolsville. two hous close togeth sinc letter carrier route."} {"id": "11204", "contents": "mol express molair weight molecule, deriv weight hydrogen molecule, mol. hydrogen rel atom mass g/ mol oxygen rel atom mass 16 g/ mol. water consist one oxygen atom two hydrogen atoms. mean mass water molecul 1g 1g 16g 18 g/ mol. number mole water known, one calcul mani gram weight is, use molar weight water. densiti substanc mean weight kilogram cubic metr substance. two substanc mix dissolv one another, substanc lowest densiti float substance. case substanc ice, due decreas densiti water."} {"id": "11205", "contents": "southern, antarctic, ocean: southern ocean design part atlantic, pacif indian ocean 2000 intern hydrograph organization. fourth largest ocean, surround antarctica. bound north part south america, africa, australia. earth cover ocean. fact, almost three-quart (71%, 140 million squar miles) earth ocean. enorm area, there' argument healthi ocean vital healthi planet."} {"id": "11206", "contents": "ocean divid evenli northern hemispher southern hemispher earth. northern hemispher contain land ocean 39% land versu 19% land southern hemisphere. earth cover ocean. fact, almost three-quart (71%, 140 million squar miles) earth ocean. enorm area, there' argument healthi ocean vital healthi planet."} {"id": "11207", "contents": "atlant ocean: atlant ocean smaller shallow pacif ocean, bound north south america west, europ africa east, arctic ocean north southern ocean south. indian ocean: indian ocean third-largest ocean. earth cover ocean. fact, almost three-quart (71%, 140 million squar miles) earth ocean. enorm area, there' argument healthi ocean vital healthi planet."} {"id": "11208", "contents": "salin approxim equal weight, grams, salt dissolv 1000 seawater. would salt concentr part per thousand (). averag ocean water salin 35.0. mean 1000 averag seawat contain 965 water 35 salts. roughli 2/3 salt content regular seawater. ocean salin (express in-per mil) approxim equal weight, grams, salt dissolv 1000g seawater. would salt concentr parts-per-thousand (). averag ocean water salin 35g dissolv"} {"id": "11209", "contents": "one atom call hydrogen call oxygen. probabl know air breath also contain oxygen. one particl water call molecule. lot water molecul melt togeth see water drink use it, instanc flush toilet. densiti substanc mean weight kilogram cubic metr substance. two substanc mix dissolv one another, substanc lowest densiti float substance. case substanc ice, due decreas densiti water."} {"id": "11210", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. consist magnesium bromide, potassium chloride, calcium chloride, sodium chloride, magnesium chlorid cours water. 96.5% (bi weight) sea water water (h2o). remain 3.5% 3.2% sodium chlorid (nacl) 0.3% magnesium sulfat (mgso4). also present small quantit i calcium (ca), potassium (k) bicarbon (hco3), minuscul amount dozen compound elements."} {"id": "11211", "contents": "ocean' plant life consist microscop alga call phytoplankton float surfac photosynthesi produc half oxygen human terrestri creatur breathe. seawe kelp big alga easili visibl nake eye. nearli half ocean 9,800 feet (3,000 meters) deep. deepest reach ocean larg devoid life, biolog hotspot appear around place like hydrotherm vents."} {"id": "11212", "contents": "s, india. unlik sound wave ocean waves, radio wave travel material. radio wave class electromagnet wave consist noth electr magnet fields. sinc requir medium travel, go right empti space. that' we'r abl see stars, al"} {"id": "11213", "contents": "dr jona salk develop first vaccin polio injectable, inactiv (killed) polio vaccin (ipv). dr albert sabin develop live oral vaccin polio (opv), rapidli becom vaccin choic nation immun programm world."} {"id": "11214", "contents": "polio crippl potenti fatal infecti disease. cure, safe effect vaccines. therefore, strategi erad polio base prevent infect immun everi child stop transmiss ultim make world polio free. 1988, world health assembl adopt resolut worldwid erad polio."} {"id": "11215", "contents": "two polio vaccin use throughout world provid immun viru caus poliomyel (or polio). first develop jona salk use hela cell first test 1952. oral polio vaccin (opv) attenu vaccine, produc passag viru non-human cell sub-physiolog temperature, produc spontan mutat viral genome. oral polio vaccin develop sever groups, one led albert sabin."} {"id": "11216", "contents": "unbeknownst doctors, polio-vaccin histori involv massiv public health servic makeov era live, deadli strain polioviru infect salk polio vaccines, paralyz hundr children contacts. didn\u2019t know, polio vaccin creat cultur polioviru monkey testicl kidneys. polio vaccin later found contamin danger cancer caus sv40 (simian viru 40)."} {"id": "11217", "contents": "hello jeff-that interest articl polio vaccin posted. hidden histori polio vaccin http://www.henrymakow.com/hidden_history_of_vaccines.html one realiz time polio case began wane, first world improv sewag water systems. so, polio vaccin end polio outbreak first world? complet myth. also, littl ever said origin third world polio outbreaks, being, live attenu vaccin itself. time polio break vaccin program sabin live virus."} {"id": "11218", "contents": "who/sona bari. polio diseas fear worldwide, strike suddenli paralys mainli children life. partner global polio erad initiative, largest private-publ partnership health, reduc polio 99%."} {"id": "11219", "contents": "fact case polio caus oral polio vaccin (opv) reflect polio ensur india declar \u201cpolio free\u201d showcas success stori global polio erad initi launch 1988 world health assembly. 1923 1953,befor salk killed-viru vaccin introduced, polio death rate unit state england alreadi declin 47 percent 55 percent, respectively. sourc intern mortal statist (1981) michael alderson.."} {"id": "11220", "contents": "inactiv polio vaccin (ipv) prevent polio. 1916 polio epidem unit state kill 6,000 peopl paralyz 27,000 more. earli 1950' mor 25,000 case polio report year. polio vaccin begun 1955. mark launch global polio erad initiative, spearhead who, rotari international, us center diseas control prevent (cdc) unit nation children' fund (unicef)."} {"id": "11221", "contents": "polio incid drop 99 percent sinc launch global polio erad effort 1988. accord global polio surveil data septemb 30, 2015, 44 case wild polioviru report 2015: 32 pakistan 12 afghanistan."} {"id": "11222", "contents": "mean history. italian form late latin name aurea deriv latin aureu golden. name 3rd-centuri saint ostia (near rome), well 11th-centuri spanish saint."} {"id": "11223", "contents": "italian meaning: name oria italian babi name. italian mean name oria is: golden. latin meaning: name oria latin babi name. latin mean name oria is: golden. greek meaning: name oria greek babi name. greek mean name oria is: mountain."} {"id": "11224", "contents": "syll. o-ria, or-ia babi girl name oria pronounc ao-ryaa- \u2020. oria origin english, latin, old french languages, use larg basqu italian. latin roots, mean 'golden'. deriv element aurum mean 'gold'."} {"id": "11225", "contents": "search comprehens find name mean oria name origin name database. also note spell pronunci name oria check initi name last name discov look sounds."} {"id": "11226", "contents": "italian name oria mean golden origin name oria includ italian dominican name oria often use girl name femal name italian name mean golden"} {"id": "11227", "contents": "physician recruit earn averag salari $54,699 per year. peopl job gener 20 years' experience. physician recruit usual work recruit agency. recruit help fill physician posit need hospit medic office. develop strategi relat recruit may necessary, use recruit department."} {"id": "11228", "contents": "recruit often compens base salari employe recruiting, work highly-paid profession like physician mean close top recruit totem pole. titl suggests, physician recruit place doctor temporari perman positions. health insur compani hospit groups, well recruit firms, hire physician recruiters. foreign physician recruit growth area industry, make sure appli recruit firm crop fill niche."} {"id": "11229", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic physician recruit unit state $70,676 50% peopl perform job physician recruit unit state expect make less $70,676. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $70,676. recruit qualifi physician medic staff assist coordin develop strateg comprehens physician recruit plan accord need goal employ staff. perform initi interview determin candid suitabl placement."} {"id": "11230", "contents": "amount money physician recruit make vari depend mainli level experi employer. average, make $71,000. armi recruit get noth extra person enlist army, work compensation, bonus nothing. recruit receiv extra $450.00 month offset differ live militari instal live civilian economi recruiting."} {"id": "11231", "contents": "nation averages. november, 2010, payscal report averag annual amount earn physician recruit vari $43,281 $68,829. these, 87 percent receiv health benefit 81 percent receiv dental benefits. educ experi factor may affect amount physician recruit makes. bachelor' degre work experi often requirements. job pay salari commiss bonuses, accord payscale."} {"id": "11232", "contents": "salari someon job titl physician recruit dalla tx vari depend number factor chart describ expect percentag peopl perform job physician recruit dalla tx make less salari exampl 50 peopl perform job physician recruit dalla expect make less median sourc hr report data octob 2015"} {"id": "11233", "contents": "november, 2010, payscal report averag annual amount earn physician recruit vari $43,281 $68,829. educ experi factor may affect amount physician recruit makes. bachelor' degre work experi often requirements. job pay salari commiss bonuses, accord payscale."} {"id": "11234", "contents": "physician recruiters' salari vari accord employed. salari expert note novemb 2010, physician recruit earn much $113,963 annual new york, new york. lower salari includ indianapolis, indiana $71,798. educ experi factor may affect amount physician recruit makes. bachelor' degre work experi often requirements. job pay salari commiss bonuses, accord payscale."} {"id": "11235", "contents": "jennett born garden grove, california parent name debra mark mccurdy, three older brothers: marcus, dustin, scott. puerto rican irish decent. jennett michel fay mccurdi (born friday, june 26 th, 1992) american actress, producer, screenwrit singer-songwriter. use star sam puckett popular nickelodeon tv show, icarli show end 2012."} {"id": "11236", "contents": "mccurdi born long beach, california, rais garden grove, california, three older brothers: marcus, scott, dustin. gain interest act watch harrison ford star war episod iv: new hope right mother recov breast cancer. 28 page wiki. jennett michel fay mccurdi (born june 26, 1992) american film televis actress countri pop singer-songwriter. best known role sam puckett nickelodeon sitcom icarly."} {"id": "11237", "contents": "http://www.totallyjennette.com/. jennett michel fay mccurdi born june 26, 1992. known sam puckett tv show icarli long career actress. recent excel countri singer. despit comed antic fast talk delic dreami girl."} {"id": "11238", "contents": "earli life. mccurdi born long beach, california, rais garden grove, california, three older brothers: marcus, scott, dustin. gain interest act watch harrison ford star war episod iv: new hope right mother recov breast cancer."} {"id": "11239", "contents": "jennett american actress born 26th june 1992. 22 year old actress born long beach california rais garden grove. multi talent celebr combin singing, songwrit act skills. interest act came much later life get inspir harrison ford\u2019 role star wars."} {"id": "11240", "contents": "mccurdi born long beach, california grew garden grove, california. three older brother name marcus, scott, dustin. dutch, french, irish, italian, swedish heritage. mccurdi former icarli co-star close friend miranda cosgrov notic absent 2014 nickelodeon kids' choic award appar boycott; sam cat favorit show ariana grand best actress, categori mccurdi also nominated."} {"id": "11241", "contents": "jennett mccurdi born long beach, california rais garden grove, california. mccurdi christian, hasn\u2019t let us denomination. there\u2019 fair bit specul she\u2019 mormon, verifi sourc find."} {"id": "11242", "contents": "earli life edit. mccurdi born long beach, california, rais garden grove, california, three older brothers: marcus, scott, dustin. gain interest act watch harrison ford star war episod iv: new hope right mother recov breast cancer. jennett instagram account. jennett work new movi icarli co-star noah munck nickelodeon star ariana grande, chri o'neal, noah crawford, ciara bravo. second time, mccurdi work icarli co-star movie. first jerri trainor best player."} {"id": "11243", "contents": "one pound butter convert tablespoon equal 32.00 tbsp. mani tablespoon butter pound? answer is: chang lb (pound) unit butter measur equal 32.00 tbsp (tablespoon) per equival measur butter type."} {"id": "11244", "contents": "pound (lb) 92.02669617937662 teaspoon (tsp). pound (lb) unit weight use standard system. teaspoon (tsp) unit volum use cook system. pleas note weight volum conversion, convers valid pure water temperatur \u00b0c."} {"id": "11245", "contents": "toggle: tablespoon pound way around. convert: butter measur units-complet list. convers calcul webmasters. main butter convert page. convert butter culinari measur unit pound (lb) tablespoon (tbsp) butter direct tablespoon pounds."} {"id": "11246", "contents": "tablespoon (tbsp) 0.0325992361407005 pound (lb). tablespoon (tbsp) unit volum use cook system. pound (lb) unit weight use standard system. pleas note volum weight conversion, convers valid pure water temperatur \u00b0c."} {"id": "11247", "contents": "__cook measur convers calculator__ dri liquid measur temperature. handi food recip cook measurements. type question calcul much, mani one variable, anoth variable, liquid measur dry."} {"id": "11248", "contents": "toggle: pound tablespoon way around. convert: tabl salt measur units-complet list. convers calcul webmasters. bake view flour type convert tool page. convert tabl salt culinari measur unit tablespoon (tbsp) pound (lb) tabl salt direct pound tablespoons."} {"id": "11249", "contents": "average, wallpap \u201cfaux stone\u201d appear cost $23 $46 roll. standard roll cover around 35 40 squar feet. order online, option order sampl $5. chalk cost $19 $30. may also hire labor instal faux stone vari base contractor get. contractor go charg depend mani variou factors."} {"id": "11250", "contents": "home 1,500 exterior squar feet, total cost might $22,500 $45,000. stone veneer side cost $10 $15 per squar foot ($15,000 $22,500). engin stone side cost $7.50 $15 per squar foot ($11,250 $22,500). actual cost stone side may vari depend location, materials, complex installation, factors. natur stone side cost $15 $30 per squar foot. home 1,500 exterior squar feet, total cost might $22,500 $45,000"} {"id": "11251", "contents": "example, beig faux stone wallpap cost $20 $35 per roll. wallpap design also available. average, wallpap \u201cfaux stone\u201d appear cost $23 $46 roll. standard roll cover around 35 40 squar feet. chalk cost $19 $30. may also hire labor instal faux stone vari base contractor get. contractor go charg depend mani variou factors."} {"id": "11252", "contents": "example, stonewal faux stone panel interlock cost $50 $71 per panel. would like instal wallpaper, design also avail wallpap form. example, beig faux stone wallpap cost $20 $35 per roll. wallpap design also available. chalk cost $19 $30. may also hire labor instal faux stone vari base contractor get. contractor go charg depend mani variou factors."} {"id": "11253", "contents": "stone side averag costs. actual cost stone side may vari depend location, materials, complex installation, factors. natur stone side cost $15 $30 per squar foot. home 1,500 exterior squar feet, total cost might $22,500 $45,000"} {"id": "11254", "contents": "2. edit answer (for anoth -36 minute). cost instal veneer stone wide rang mani factors. rang around $9 $17 per squar foot. depend location, stone used, job access, skaffold needs, wall prep such. would think would lower end scale"} {"id": "11255", "contents": "stone one carat may retail $10,000/ct. stone 2.00 5.00 carat fetch $20,000/ct. fine larg alexandrit five six carat extrem rare top stone sell $200,000. section relev content publish time. see also. extern links."} {"id": "11256", "contents": "stone veneer side cost $10 $15 per squar foot ($15,000 $22,500). engin stone side cost $7.50 $15 per squar foot ($11,250 $22,500). remov dispos exist siding, includ initi estimate, might cost addit $3 per squar foot ($1,500 $4,500). actual cost stone side may vari depend location, materials, complex installation, factors. natur stone side cost $15 $30 per squar foot. home 1,500 exterior squar feet, total cost might $22,500 $45,000"} {"id": "11257", "contents": "introduction. aspergillosi name group condit caus fungal mould call aspergillus. usual affect respiratori system (windpipe, sinus lungs), spread anywher body."} {"id": "11258", "contents": "aspergillosi infection, allerg reaction, fungal growth caus aspergillu fungus. fungu usual grow decay veget dead leaves. expos fungu necessarili mean get aspergillosis; like infect peopl weak immun system. aspergilloma. tuberculosi anoth lung disease, expos fungu caus develop fungu growth. also call fungu ball, type growth usual consist fungus, clots, white blood cells."} {"id": "11259", "contents": "aspergillosi infect allerg reaction caus variou kind mold (a type fungus). mold often found outdoor plants, soil, rot veget matter. cases, aspergillosi caus type mold call aspergillu fumigatus. aspergillu mold often found dead leaves, compost pile decay veget matter, store grain, even food spices. mold spore may carri indoor shoe cloth grow carpeting."} {"id": "11260", "contents": "aspergillosi primarili infect lung caus inhal airborn spore fungu aspergillus. spore small particl fungi use reproduce. although virtual everyon expos fungu daili environment, rare caus disease. definition. aspergillosi refer sever form diseas caus fungu genu aspergillus. aspergillosi fungal infect occur ear canal, eyes, nose, sinu cavities, lungs. individuals, infect even invad bone membran enclos brain spinal cord (meningitis)"} {"id": "11261", "contents": "definition. aspergillosi infect caus type mold. ill result aspergillosi infect usual affect respiratori system, sign sever vari greatly. mold trigger illnesses, aspergillus, everywhere, indoor outdoors."} {"id": "11262", "contents": "aspergillosis. aspergillosi infect caus aspergillus, common mold (a type fungus) live indoor outdoors. peopl breath aspergillu spore everi day without get sick."} {"id": "11263", "contents": "back top causes. aspergillosi caus fungu aspergillus, commonli found natur rare caus ill people. invas pulmonari aspergillosi seriou type aspergillosi infection. affect organ, particularli heart, lungs, brain, kidneys. peopl weaken immun system (for example, chemotherapi hiv) like develop kind infect"} {"id": "11264", "contents": "aspergillosi infection, growth, allerg respons caus aspergillu fungus. fungu grow dead leaves, store grain, compost piles, decay vegetation. aspergillu speci includ 150 type mold occur wide indoor outdoor environment."} {"id": "11265", "contents": "origin name marie: french cognat mary, deriv hebrew miry\u0101m, name debat meaning. mani believ mean sea bitter sea sorrow.. however, sourc cite altern definit rebellion, wished-for child, mistress ladi sea.."} {"id": "11266", "contents": "mari czech, french, german form mary. mari also variant maria danish, english, icelandic, norwegian, swedish, although iceland sometim swedish borrow french, norwegian. also name deriv mari maria. one common femal name french language, use french men well (see below), pronounc way french word mari mean husband. also variant mari (latin) star sea."} {"id": "11267", "contents": "mari feminin given name, english form name maria, turn latin form greek name \u03bc\u03b1\u03c1\u03b9\u03b1\u03bc, mariam, \u03bc\u03b1\u03c1\u03b9\u03b1, maria, found new testament. new testament name form hebrew name \u05de\u05b4\u05e8\u05b0\u05d9\u05b8\u05dd miryam. name maria, mar\u00eda combin name titl virgin, mari popular in-spanish speaking, countri much mari popular combin name in-french speak countri mari popular combin name in-english speaking. countri"} {"id": "11268", "contents": "hebrew meaning: name mari hebrew babi name. hebrew mean name mari is: wished-for child; rebellion; bitter. famou bearers: virgin mary; mari magdalene; mary, queen scots. american meaning: name mari american babi name."} {"id": "11269", "contents": "mean histori name mari edit. mari feminin given name, english form name maria, turn latin form greek name mariam, and/or maria, found new testament. new testament name form hebrew name miryam. usual mean given variou sourc name hebrew bitterness.."} {"id": "11270", "contents": "mean history. french czech form maria. notabl bearer name mari antoinette, queen franc execut guillotin french revolution. anoth mari curi (1867-1934), physicist chemist studi radioact husband pierre."} {"id": "11271", "contents": "english meaning: name mari english babi name. english mean name mari is: bitter. french meaning: name mari french babi name. french mean name mari is: bitter. american meaning: name mari american babi name. american mean name mari is: bitter."} {"id": "11272", "contents": "mary/marie/maria standard middl name mani catholics, boy joseph girl mary, name parent jesu (marie/maria french/ spanish/ italian/ portugues origin/ cathol eastern europe), although less common past. french cognat mary, deriv hebrew miry\u0101m, name debat meaning. mani believ mean sea bitter sea sorrow.."} {"id": "11273", "contents": "mari /mar-ie/ [2 sylls.] girls' name french latin origin, mean mari star sea. variant mary. earliest english form name reviv 19th century. scientist mari curie; queen mari antoinett scots; singer mari osmond. mari popular first name women (#44 4276, top 1%) also popular surnam adult children (#11964 150436, top 8%). (2000 u.s. census). display birth name popular mari girls."} {"id": "11274", "contents": "long knee replac surgeri take also depend upon time patient brought oper theatr patient discharg oper theatr room. instance, take 60-90 minut complet knee replac surgery. mani patient given anesthesia knee replac surgeri would last 12-24 hour would make patient fall asleep well"} {"id": "11275", "contents": "averag short-term recoveri time total knee replac 12 weeks. long-term recoveri involv complet heal surgic wound intern soft tissues. patient return work activ daili living, way achiev full term recovery. still noted, however, recoveri time total knee replac differ vastli patient patient. patient may take six month recover; other may recov one month. *marigold*."} {"id": "11276", "contents": "gener speaking, knee replac patient take longer recov than, say, hip replac patients. still noted, however, recoveri time total knee replac differ vastli patient patient. patient may take six month recover; other may recov one month. *marigold*. source(s): http://www.orthogate.org/articles/hip-an.."} {"id": "11277", "contents": "usual longer heal process. time period usual year ..with surgeri physic rehabilitation. full recoveri knee (return previous, strong state) could even take longer. disloc may requir surgeri could take months. again, total recoveri could mean time. long take sprain knee heel depend upon sever injuri patient capac heal. could take anywher week coupl month heal occur."} {"id": "11278", "contents": "patient return work activ daili living, way achiev full term recovery. anoth indic patient final feel normal again. averag long-term recoveri total knee replac patient months. short-term recovery. short-term recoveri involv earli stage recovery, abil get hospit bed discharg hospital. day 2, total knee replac patient given walker stabil them."} {"id": "11279", "contents": "knee replac surgery, usual sent home rehabilit facility, depend condit time. sent facility, averag rehabilit stay approxim seven ten days."} {"id": "11280", "contents": "pain follow total knee replac come long way last 10-15 year increas use region nerv blocks, spinal blocks, variou modal use pain control. total hip replac gener consid less pain total knee replacement. common repli question total joint replac last 15-20 years. accur way think longev via annual failur rates. current data suggest hip knee replac annual failur rate 0.5-1.0%."} {"id": "11281", "contents": "2. final decid go ahead knee replacement, get bombard lot inform friends, family, hope surgeon. come friend family, inform get opinion though mean well get littl fact. time took knee heal vari unless knee oper within last 4-6 month inform get may inaccurate. total knee replac consid major surgeri advanc made surgeri shorten time frame week month some. key joint replac recoveri patience."} {"id": "11282", "contents": "patient undergo total knee replac surgeri want know they\u2019ll abl return normal life. question \u201crecoveri time\u201d common. mani factor affect recoveri time, typic patient return normal life activ within months. short-term recovery. short-term recoveri involv earli stage recovery, abil get hospit bed discharg hospital. day 2, total knee replac patient given walker stabil them."} {"id": "11283", "contents": "confid vote 261k. knee replac surgeri involv replac part knee lost bone mass. number differ knee replac typic take week discomfort goe away last 10 20 years. long take sprain knee heel depend upon sever injuri patient capac heal. could take anywher week coupl month heal occur."} {"id": "11284", "contents": "noun. 1. bleach agent-an agent make thing white colorless. blanch agent, whitener, bleach. benzoyl peroxide-a white crystallin peroxid use bleach (flour oil fats) catalyst free radic reactions. agent-a substanc exert forc effect. bleach powder, chlorid lime, chlorin lime-a white powder compris calcium hydroxid chlorid hypochlorit use bleach and/or disinfect. bleach liquor-a solut contain bleach agent use bleach textil paper pulp. calcium hypochlorite-ani hypochlorit calcium; use bleach agent. chlorin dioxide-an explos ga (clo2) use chiefli bleach paper starch soap flour water purification. chlorin water-an aqueou solut chlorin"} {"id": "11285", "contents": "agent make thing white colorless. classifi under: noun denot substances. synonyms: blanch agent; bleach agent; whitener; bleach. hypernym (bleach agent kind of...): agent (a substanc exert forc effect). hyponym (each follow kind bleach agent): benzoyl peroxid (a white crystallin peroxid use bleach (flour oil fats) catalyst free radic reactions). bleach agent (noun). noun bleach agent sense: 1. agent make thing white colorless. familiar information: bleach agent use noun rare."} {"id": "11286", "contents": "skin lighten treatments. skin lighten product -- also known bleach creams, whiteners, skin brighteners, fade -- work reduc pigment call melanin skin. peopl use lighten treat skin problem freckles, age spots, acn scars, discolor relat hormon"} {"id": "11287", "contents": "oxid bleach work break chemic bond make chromophore. chang molecul differ substanc either contain chromophore, contain chromophor absorb visibl light. mechan bleach base chlorine. color safe bleach chemic use hydrogen peroxid activ ingredi (to help remov stains) rather sodium hypochlorit chlorine. also chemic help brighten colors."} {"id": "11288", "contents": "bleach agents. gener info. purpos bleach agent bleach natur substanc cotton fibr cellulos fibr make fabric yellowish bleach spot remov launder process. bleach agent also bleach textil colour henc avoid colour textil"} {"id": "11289", "contents": "chlorin basi commonli use bleaches, example, solut sodium hypochlorite, ubiquit simpli call bleach, calcium hypochlorite, activ compound bleach powder. color safe bleach chemic use hydrogen peroxid activ ingredi (to help remov stains) rather sodium hypochlorit chlorine. also chemic help brighten colors."} {"id": "11290", "contents": "bleach agent substanc whiten decolor substances. color substanc gener contain group atoms, call chromophores, absorb visibl light specific, characterist wavelengths, reflect transmit part light absorbed."} {"id": "11291", "contents": "required, pay instal fee ($100) monthli rental fee approxim $50 $100 per month. averag time first offens month though mani state requir longer periods. figur cost $0 $325. increas insur costs."} {"id": "11292", "contents": "conclusion: estim averag cost non-injury, non-properti damag dui $5,000 $12,000. keep mind number conserv side."} {"id": "11293", "contents": "averag cost first time dui jurisdict state typic averag around $10,000, state california, accord california driver handbook warnings, cost like more."} {"id": "11294", "contents": "nation averag cost dui around $10,000, often much higher lower depend live. use map select state see averag cost associ dui near you."} {"id": "11295", "contents": "home dui/dwi texa dwi costs. addit lose license, expect owe state texa good deal money. fine texa dwi offens stiff: first offens cost $2,000. fine second offens reach $4,000, third offens land $10,000 hole."} {"id": "11296", "contents": "averag cost attorney defend dui case rang 5,000 10,000 dollars, although price may increas decreas depend upon actual charg complex individu case."} {"id": "11297", "contents": "increas insur costs. dui, categor insur compani high-risk driver. insur compani rais rate least $1,000 $1500 annually. high-risk requir typic continu three years, rate drop back down."} {"id": "11298", "contents": "exclus distribut agreement, supplier appoint distributor distributor particular marketplace. supplier agre distribut product market appoint third parti distribut product market."} {"id": "11299", "contents": "copyright. bundl intang right grant statut author origin certain literari artist productions, whereby, limit period, exclus privileg given person (or parti transfer ownership) make copi public sale. ownership copyright, ownership five exclus right afford copyright (discuss later article), transfer anoth regard person properti upon death copyright holder."} {"id": "11300", "contents": "copyright legal right creat law countri grant creator origin work exclus right use distribution. usual limit time. exclus right absolut limit limit except copyright law, includ fair use."} {"id": "11301", "contents": "setup arrang supplier exclus distribution, work details. peopl found helpful. exclus distribut agreement, rule peopl follow times. peopl found helpful. exclus distribut deal company, copi machin go sold them. peopl found helpful."} {"id": "11302", "contents": "definition. situat supplier distributor enter exclus agreement allow name distributor sell specif product. example, appl exclus distribut deal at&t provid iphon consumers. exclus distribut agreement, rule peopl follow times. peopl found helpful. exclus distribut deal company, copi machin go sold them."} {"id": "11303", "contents": "exclus distributor agreement, supplier wholesaler-distributor agre wholesaler-distributor deal exclus supplier certain products. agreement foreclos supplier' competitor access marketplac exclus distribut network."} {"id": "11304", "contents": "shut out; debar interfer participation; vest oneperson alone. exclus right one grante thereof exercise, andfrom other prohibit shut out. statut grant exclusiveprivileg franchise, unless shut exclud other enjoy similarprivileg franchise. union ferri co., 98 n. y. 151."} {"id": "11305", "contents": "exclus distribut agreement supplier retail grant retail exclus right within specif geograph area carri supplier' product. mani factor involv decid use exclus distribut strategy. let look word. word exclus use describ someth immedi pictur someth expens readili avail everyone. distribut method busi use move product warehous retail ultim you, customer."} {"id": "11306", "contents": "exclus distribut agreement supplier retail grant retail exclus right within specif geograph area carri supplier' product. let look word. word exclus use describ someth immedi pictur someth expens readili avail everyone. distribut method busi use move product warehous retail ultim you, customer."} {"id": "11307", "contents": "lay leg roast pan. roast uncov 1/2 hours, leg golden brown intern temperatur 180 degre (82 degre c) taken meat thermometer. add water need roasting, bast occasion juic butter. preheat oven 350 degre (175 degre c). rins turkey leg pat dry. stand turkey leg upright (a turkey standing). press knife downward deep tissue, creat long pockets. press piec celeri opening."} {"id": "11308", "contents": "turkey leg cook oven 190 degre celsiu ga mark two hours. countri use fahrenheit, would 375 degre fahrenhei t."} {"id": "11309", "contents": "long bake turkey legs---and temperature? actual turkey leg dinner tonight, someon could pleas answer pm octob 22nd. thank much. cooks.com-recipes-turkey leg marin turkey leg mixtur ... grill brown them. ... turkey leg mushroom gravy: place turkey leg roast pan."} {"id": "11310", "contents": "roast uncov 1/2 hours, leg golden brown intern temperatur 180 degre (82 degre c) taken meat thermometer. preheat oven 350 degre (175 degre c). rins turkey leg pat dry. stand turkey leg upright (a turkey standing). press knife downward deep tissue, creat long pockets. press piec celeri opening."} {"id": "11311", "contents": "add chicken broth pan. 8. place turkey leg pan. 9. roast leg 350 degre one hour twenti minutes. caution: bake sinc oven different, start check turkey leg temperatur one hour. turkey temperatur 175 degre take oven. 10."} {"id": "11312", "contents": "limon (optional). 7. heat oven 350 seasoning. 8. hour spare time (watch tv esc.). small updat here, want mix ingredi bowl (besid limon) spread evenli turkey legs."} {"id": "11313", "contents": "indoor cook alternative, roast turkey leg oven. cook turkey leg oven time consum grill usual take two hours. preheat oven 325 degre fahrenheit, coat season four six turkey leg desir flavor. grill turkey leg approxim five 10 minutes, uncov grill turn leg over. replac grill cover continu grill flip turkey leg everi five 10 minut golden brown. turkey leg gener requir 20 30 minut total grill time."} {"id": "11314", "contents": "bake turkey drumsticks. place preheat oven 45 minutes. turn cook anoth 45 minutes. insert meat thermomet thickest part meat. readi intern temperatur reach 180\u00baf/82\u00bac. ensur turkey stay juicy, bast everi 20 minut turkey baster spoon. ensur turkey stay juicy, bast everi 20 minut turkey baster spoon. use drip bast liquid, bast extra melt butter. larger drumstick may take total two hour finish cooking."} {"id": "11315", "contents": "grill one commonli use method prepar turkey legs. total prepar time grill turkey leg 30 40 minutes. plan soak turkey leg marinad beforehand, factor addit four 24 hour marin time. turkey leg marin season preference, heat grill \u201cmedium\u201d heat. grill turkey leg approxim five 10 minutes, uncov grill turn leg over. replac grill cover continu grill flip turkey leg everi five 10 minut golden brown. turkey leg gener requir 20 30 minut total grill time."} {"id": "11316", "contents": "re-warm mop mixtur low heat. transfer turkey leg smoker. cook leg tender juic run clear, 1/2 hours. mop leg 45-minut interv wood-burn pit, appropri style smoker. serv leg hot, eaten fingers, side barbecu sauce. dri rub:"} {"id": "11317", "contents": "esophagu muscular tube connect pharynx stomach. approxim 25.4 cm (10 in) length, locat posterior trachea, remain collaps form engag swallowing."} {"id": "11318", "contents": "now. report abuse. esophagus: food swallow take food mouth esophagus. esophagu tube connect mouth stomach. food move esophagu peristalsis, wave muscl contract push food tube. end esophagu lower esophag sphincter(les), close prevent food re-ent esophagus. sometimes, someth get stomach stomach doesn\u2019t like, stomach muscl contract forc anyth stomach lower esophag sphincter."} {"id": "11319", "contents": "esophagus. esophagu muscular tube connect pharynx stomach part upper gastrointestin tract. carri swallow mass chew food along length. inferior end esophagu muscular ring call lower esophag sphincter cardiac sphincter. digest system use main process move mix food: swallowing. swallow process use smooth skelet muscl mouth, tongue, pharynx push food mouth, pharynx, esophagus. peristalsis."} {"id": "11320", "contents": "aug. 2011. digestion, food chang organ sizabl form absorb body. food mouth mix saliva; saliva begin dissolv food teeth grind cut it. food forc back throat, pharynx, tongue. food pharynx stimul swallow reflex."} {"id": "11321", "contents": "esophagu (american english) oesophagu (british english), commonli known foodpip gullet, organ vertebr consist fibromuscular tube food passes, aid peristalt contractions, pharynx stomach. sever disord affect motil food travel esophagus. caus difficult swallowing, call dysphagia. achalasia refer failur lower esophag sphincter relax properly, gener develop later life."} {"id": "11322", "contents": "two type problem make hard food liquid travel esophagus: muscl nerv help move food throat esophagu work right. happen have: stroke brain spinal cord injury. stomach acid back regularli esophagus, caus ulcer esophagus, caus scar form. scar make esophagu narrower. esophagitis. inflamm esophagus."} {"id": "11323", "contents": "esophagu (or esophageal) cancer start esophagus. understand type cancer, help know normal esophagu does. esophagu esophagu muscular tube connect throat stomach. behind windpip (trachea) front spine. lower part esophagu connect stomach area call gastroesophag (ge) junction. here, sphincter muscl open allow food enter stomach. muscl also close person eat keep stomach acid juic back"} {"id": "11324", "contents": "much digest tract human gastrointestin tract, smooth muscl tissu contract sequenc produc peristalt wave, propel ball food (call bolu esophagu upper gastrointestin tract chyme stomach) along tract. primari peristalt wave forc bolu esophagu stomach wave last 8\u20139 seconds. wave travel stomach even bolu food descend greater rate wave itself, continu even reason bolu get stuck esophagus."} {"id": "11325", "contents": "food chew bolus, swallow move esophagus. smooth muscl contract behind bolu prevent squeez back mouth. rhythmic, unidirect wave contract work rapidli forc food stomach. primari peristalt wave forc bolu esophagu stomach wave last 8\u20139 seconds. wave travel stomach even bolu food descend greater rate wave itself, continu even reason bolu get stuck"} {"id": "11326", "contents": "food enter esophagus. esophagu muscular tube extend pharynx behind trachea stomach. food push esophagu stomach mean seri contract call peristalsis. open stomach import ring-shap muscl call lower esophag sphincter (les). sphincter open let food pass stomach close keep there. food' journey digest system continued... act swallow take place pharynx partli reflex partli voluntari control. tongu soft palat -- soft part roof mouth -- push food pharynx, close trachea."} {"id": "11327", "contents": "sinc 1882, lufkin integr part forest countri texa forest legaci propel us one progress commun central east texa region. #1 micropolitan commun texa hub popul base approach 400,000 nine counti region."} {"id": "11328", "contents": "november, 2014 accredit board u.s. chamber commerc design lufkin/angelina counti chamber accredit chamber 5-stars, one less 1% chamber nationwid achiev designation!"} {"id": "11329", "contents": "lufkin/angelina counti chamber commerc texa state forest festiv sweep award texa event summit. win dozen first place honors, includ prestigi lone star award recogn texa state forest festiv top divis festiv state."} {"id": "11330", "contents": "kltx video demand. lufkin, texas. lufkin, counti seat angelina county, intersect u.s. highway 59 69, mile northwest geograph center counti heart forest countri east texas."} {"id": "11331", "contents": "mission lufkin/angelina counti chamber commerc continu improv econom prosperity, busi environ qualiti life angelina county."} {"id": "11332", "contents": "cassel boykin park. cassels-boykin park locat mid-lak area lake sam rayburn. area known one best locat texa largemouth bass due flood timber, lili pads, channels, drop off lots..."} {"id": "11333", "contents": "angelina counti citi health district public health district form counti citi angelina counti 1967. health district signific role growth health care system east texas, locat lufkin."} {"id": "11334", "contents": "doctor treat wart with: cryotherapy. information, see treatment. medicines, retinoid cream, cantharidin, imiquimod. surgery, electrosurgeri curettag laser surgery. chemic peel glycol acid, tretinoin, stronger formula salicyl acid."} {"id": "11335", "contents": "plantar wart hard, graini growth usual appear heel ball feet, area feel pressure. pressur also may caus plantar wart grow inward beneath hard, thick layer skin (callus). plantar wart caus human papillomaviru (hpv)."} {"id": "11336", "contents": "wart plantar warts-treat overview. wart need treated. gener go away within month years. may because, time, immun system abl destroy human papillomaviru caus warts. may decid treat wart is:"} {"id": "11337", "contents": "type wart includ common warts, flat warts, plantar warts, periungu warts, filiform warts. wart typic disappear time, may take years. wart respond variabl varieti treatment measures."} {"id": "11338", "contents": "wart typic disappear time, may take years. wart respond variabl varieti treatment measures. over-the-count treatment wart includ salicylic-acid prepar freez kits. wart may recur follow treatment."} {"id": "11339", "contents": "common wart small, graini skin growth occur often finger hands. rough touch, common wart also often featur pattern tini black dot sometim call seed small, clot blood vessels."} {"id": "11340", "contents": "wart facts. wart small, self-limit tumor caus human papillomaviru (hpv) infection. type wart includ common warts, flat warts, plantar warts, periungu warts, filiform warts. wart typic disappear time, may take years."} {"id": "11341", "contents": "one import element treat wart home keep feet dry. accomplish this: dri feet, includ area toes, thoroughli bath showering. use over-the-count foot powder. sprinkl onto feet shoe absorb moisture. wear absorb socks."} {"id": "11342", "contents": "wart small, self-limit tumor caus human papillomaviru (hpv) infection. type wart includ common warts, flat warts, plantar warts, periungu warts, filiform warts. wart typic disappear time, may take years. wart respond variabl varieti treatment measures."} {"id": "11343", "contents": "3. cook temperature. vari opinion perfect temperatur cook roast beef experi start beef hot oven 425f/220c/ga first 30 min lower temperatur 375f/190c/gas5 remain cook time ...."} {"id": "11344", "contents": "1. preheat oven 220\u00b0c (ga mark 7). 2. roast 30 minut 220\u00b0c (ga mark 7). 3. reduc oven temperatur 160 \u00b0c (ga mark 3) continu roast for: rare 20 minut per kg (9 minut per pound). medium 30 minut per kg (14 minut per pound). well done 40 minut per kg (18 minut per pound)"} {"id": "11345", "contents": "3. place tray oven roast 1/2 hour. first half hour, beef cook higher temperature, give outsid beef good sear. make sure rememb come back oven 1/2 hour."} {"id": "11346", "contents": "place roast oven bake 15 minutes, reduc heat 375 (190 c). roast 13-15 minut per pound rare, 17-19 minut medium, 22-25 cook through. check meat thermomet make sure temperatur want it--145\u00b0f medium rare, 160\u00b0f medium. (bast roast coupl time cooking, keep eye vegetables."} {"id": "11347", "contents": "proper beef roast cook time correct beef cook oven temperatur extrem important. optimum flavor tender variou beef roast consist achiev care taken follow recommend time temperatur guidelin cook beef roasts. even beef roasts, especi tougher roast round chuck, best cook high heat start (to sear outsid meat seal juices) cook lower temperatur finish roast."} {"id": "11348", "contents": "place beef top vegetables. cook beef: place roast tray preheat oven. turn heat immedi 200\u00b0c/400\u00b0f/ga cook hour medium beef. prefer medium-rare, take 10 minut earlier. well done, leav anoth 10 15 minutes."} {"id": "11349", "contents": "oven temperatur use cook beef roast usual set somewher 300 degre 450 degre fahrenheit. recommend cook temperatur roast usual determin type beef cut plan roast. even beef roasts, especi tougher roast round chuck, best cook high heat start (to sear outsid meat seal juices) cook lower temperatur finish roast."} {"id": "11350", "contents": "cook roast initi 375\u00b0f (190\u00b0c) half hour, brown it. lower heat 225\u00b0f (107\u00b0c). roast take somewher 1/2 1/2 hour addit cook. shape roast affect cook time. roast long narrow, rather round shape, may take less time cook, keep eye it. juic start drip roast, brown outside, check roast' intern temperatur meat thermometer."} {"id": "11351", "contents": "4) place beef roast pan, put oven, uncovered. time everything. 1) cook roast 15 minut 500 degre f. 2) 15 minutes, turn temperatur 375 degre f. 3) continu cook 16 minut per pound (ex: roast pounds, would 48 minutes). 4) remov oven, place pan cool rack"} {"id": "11352", "contents": "data pay per use at&t. at&t charg $2 megabyt data mobil phone set pay per use. bad deal custom great deal at&t. yesterday go custom bill saw charg $2 everi month data pay per use. usag shown bill kilobyt data per month. ask custom web told hit web button mobil phone accident."} {"id": "11353", "contents": "note. may use refil gophon pay-as-you-go plan only. refil add dollar amount refil gophon account, chang current plan. unlimit data appli non-featur quick messag phone user only!"} {"id": "11354", "contents": "**data usag exceed 3g speed allow result reduc data speed 128 kp rest 30-day term. also avail basic messag phones: $2 daili pay day use unlimit talk text pay per use data 1\u00a2/5kb. 10\u00a2/minut nationwid calls, pay-per use data only, 1\u00a2/5kb, pay-per-us text (or add messag packag $19.99 unlimited, $9.99 1000 messag $4.99 200 messages). intern illustr use only. summari product and/or servic"} {"id": "11355", "contents": "100 dollar 1mb data. 200 dollar 2mb data. i\u2019m think someth um\u2026incorrect there. $2/mb, at&t drastic drop pay per use data rate. dime/kb rate, 1.2mb, 1200kb download would cost $120, wherea $2/mb, download would cost $4. i\u2019m think may gotten initi rate wrong. last bill (after fire at&t) slap $2.00 data pay per use fee. dawn march 17, 2010 12:28 pm permalink. say this: att sprint. att charg cent per kb,2 dollar per mb, sprint charg cent per kb,30.72 per mb."} {"id": "11356", "contents": "pay per use $0.01/ 5kb. addit details. *all gophon monthli plan includ unlimit text messag mexico, canada 100 countries. data devic high speed; thereaft speed 128kbp rest 30-day term."} {"id": "11357", "contents": "basic phone options. $45/month plan includ unlimit data, first gb 3g speeds. $25 plan come data purchas 50mb packag $5, pay-per-us rate $0.01/kb. per day plan 10 cents/minut plan allow pay-per-us data rate $0.01/kb. data plan littl complicated, realli hing know much data need."} {"id": "11358", "contents": "gophon nation\u2019 reliabl 4g lte network 1. at&t\u2019 network nation\u2019 strongest lte signal.2. gophon can: choos varieti 4g 4g lte phone devices. get mobil hotspot connect wi-fi devices. bring tablet phone. help. learn gophon essentials, use device, get service. compat devic activ servic requir use. servic provid at&t mobility. claim base analysi independ third-parti data regard nationwid carriers\u2019 4g lte"} {"id": "11359", "contents": "use gophon at&t iphon now! pick differ plans! even choos pay go like 10 cent per minute. link need: buy micro sim card here: http://amzn.to/okdiyk. buy nano sim card here: http://amzn.to/vz5pcy. activ sim card here: http://bit.ly/pmqdd3."} {"id": "11360", "contents": "yucca like safe consum amount normal found foods. yucca possibl safe taken mouth short-term. caus side effect stomach upset, bitter taste, nausea, vomiting. enough known safeti take yucca mouth long-term appli skin. peopl appli yucca directli skin sores, skin diseases, bleeding, sprains, joint pain, baldness, dandruff. manufacturing, yucca extract use foam flavor agent carbon beverages. mani compound yucca use manufactur new drugs."} {"id": "11361", "contents": "yuca root goe mani names. yuca often call cassava manioc woodi shrub type plant. plant nativ south america found mani subtrop tropic regions. although plant nativ north america, grown southwestern part unit states."} {"id": "11362", "contents": "human use, import speci spineless yucca (yucca elephantipes). leav (3.3 ft) long, chubbi woodi stem, fibrou structure, gray-brown colored, look like front feet elephant."} {"id": "11363", "contents": "root yucca plant load nutrients. tuber root plant yucca famili 40 speci strong long provid carbohydrate-rich food sourc indigen peopl arid area americas. starchi root yucca rich carbohydr also contain healthi mix vitamins, miner plant-bas nutrients. research find yucca root\u2019 phytonutrients, includ steroid saponin resveratrol, endow signific health benefit"} {"id": "11364", "contents": "yucca common name 40 speci plant yucca genus. root non-flow plant use make medicine. yucca use osteoarthritis, high blood pressure, migrain headaches, inflamm intestin (colitis), high cholesterol, stomach disorders, diabetes, poor circulation, liver gallbladd disorders. peopl appli yucca directli skin sores, skin diseases, bleeding, sprains, joint pain, baldness, dandruff. manufacturing, yucca extract use foam flavor agent carbon beverages. mani compound yucca use manufactur new drugs."} {"id": "11365", "contents": "yucca. yucca. yucca bloom showstopper. produc impos spire large, bird-attract white flower summer fall. evergreen rosett stiff, sharpli point leaves, often varieg cream white, striking."} {"id": "11366", "contents": "full definit yucca. 1. genu (yucca) sometim arboresc plant agav famili occur warm region chiefli western north america long sword-shap often stiff fibrous-margin leav usual woodi base bear larg panicl white blossoms. 2. cassava."} {"id": "11367", "contents": "yucca genu perenni shrub tree famili asparagaceae, subfamili agavoideae. 40-50 speci notabl rosett evergreen, tough, sword-shap leav larg termin panicl white whitish flowers. natur distribut rang genu yucca (49 speci 24 subspecies) cover vast area north central america. baja california west, northward southwestern unit states, drier central state far north alberta canada (yucca glauca ssp. albertana)."} {"id": "11368", "contents": "basebal player get paid much. think basebal player paid way much do. compar football, sacrific bodies, basebal gentler sport less risk injuries."} {"id": "11369", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. sinc pro basebal player paid much less back 1900's... mani peopl think paid much. averag pro basebal salari 12 million dollars, acord u.s. baseball. answer yes."} {"id": "11370", "contents": "highest paid player major leagu basebal (mlb) 2012 season new york yanke third baseman alex rodriguez annual salari $30,000,000, nearli $6 million higher second-highest paid player, vernon wells."} {"id": "11371", "contents": "2010 averag salari major leagu basebal surpass $3 million first time. 912 player big leagu roster expand septemb 2010 averag $3,014,572. averag rose 0.6 percent previou year\u2019 $2,996,106, smallest increas sinc 2.5 percent drop 2004."} {"id": "11372", "contents": "sinc pro basebal player paid much less back 1900's... mani peopl think paid much. averag pro basebal salari 12 million dollars, acord u.s. baseball. answer yes."} {"id": "11373", "contents": "answer sinc pro basebal player paid much less back 1900's... mani peopl think paid much. averag pro basebal salari 12 million dollars, acord u.s. baseball. answer yes."} {"id": "11374", "contents": "19. 2010 averag salari major leagu basebal surpass $3 million first time. 912 player big leagu roster expand septemb 2010 averag $3,014,572. averag rose 0.6 percent previou year\u2019 $2,996,106, smallest increas sinc 2.5 percent drop 2004."} {"id": "11375", "contents": "peopl different. plain simple. psychograph segment divid buyer market group base social class, lifestyle, person characteristics. exampl found demonstr psychograph segment precisely,"} {"id": "11376", "contents": "psychograph market demograph method use analyz market segmentation. (the popul demographi specif market) relat lifestyles, attitudes, beliefs, buy motivation, product usag requirements, product perceptions."} {"id": "11377", "contents": "lesson summary. psychograph segment involv divid market segment base upon differ person traits, values, attitudes, interests, lifestyl consumers. segment advantag allow engag product design market focus manner."} {"id": "11378", "contents": "plain simple. psychograph segment divid buyer market group base social class, lifestyle, person characteristics. exampl found demonstr psychograph segment precisely,"} {"id": "11379", "contents": "psychographics. psychograph lifestyl segment becom increasingli common compani look identifi consum base interest activ lieu demographics. exampl strategy' benefits, consid lifestyl outdoor adventurer."} {"id": "11380", "contents": "psychograph segment divid market group base social class, lifestyl person characteristics. base assumpt type product brand individu purchas reflect person characterist pattern living."} {"id": "11381", "contents": "segment use mainli target certain group within population. psychograph segment one use peopl lifestyle, activities, interest well opinion defin market segment."} {"id": "11382", "contents": "psychograph segment psychograph segment divid market group base social class, lifestyle, interests, consum person traits, valu attitudes."} {"id": "11383", "contents": "psychograph segment divid market base upon consum person traits, values, attitudes, interests, lifestyles. segment allow better develop market product precis match product segment' need wants."} {"id": "11384", "contents": "inform solubl ionic compound water. if. solid solubl liquid, usual get solubl the. temperatur rises. solubl high temperatur is. larger anoth one, low temperature. temperature. affect solubility. method: 1. put potassium chlorat test tube, put 4g. distil water. 2. solut (which salt) dissolv water (the. solvent) heating. solut made, dissolv solute. solvent."} {"id": "11385", "contents": "solubl rule solubl ionic compound aqueou solut wide varied. compound highli solubl (e.g. nacl), compound moder solubl (e.g. sni2) compound highli insolubl (e.g., agcl). determin compound solubl solubl water medium simpl task. however, set rule help regard stated. rule known solubl rules. set solubl rules."} {"id": "11386", "contents": "ionic compound solubl water polar compound. ionic compound also polar thu soluble. water solvat ion ionic comp ound. neg ion ionic compound surround water molecul hydrogen atom closest. ionic compound usual solubl polar substanc water. chemistri class current work chemic bond teacher avoid inform us abo ut subject actual test. yes, ionic compound extrem soluble."} {"id": "11387", "contents": "order find solubility, start experi grind fine 2g kclo3 salt mortar. need grind kclo3 salt increas surfac area kclo3 salt dissolv easili distil water. 5. solubl sensit temperature. 6. generally, increas temperatur solut increas solubl solid solute. solid solutes, however, less solubl warmer solutions. gases, solubl decreas temperatur solut rises."} {"id": "11388", "contents": "potassium chlorat compound contain potassium, chlorin oxygen atoms, molecular formula kclo 3. pure form, white crystallin substance. common chlorat industri use. used."} {"id": "11389", "contents": "kclo3 also known potassium chlorate. potassium chlorat compound contain potassium, chlorin oxygen atoms. kclo3 molecular formula use denot potassium chlorat chemic equations. white crystallin substanc pure form. molecular mass compound 122.55g/mol, melt point 356\u2019c, boil point 400\u2019c, densiti 2.34g/cm3. solubl water 7.19 g/100 ml (20 \u00b0c), 8.61 g/100 m: (25 \u00b0c) 57 g/100 ml (100 \u00b0c). solubl glycerol neglig solubl aceton liquid ammonia. refract index kclo3 1.40835 (n d)"} {"id": "11390", "contents": "solubility(g/100g)= (solut solvent) 100. experi prove find solubl potassium. chlorate, ionic solid. apparatus: 2g potassium chlorates, distil water, stand, clamp, two. beakers, thermometer, test tube, measur cylinder. method: 1. method: 1. put potassium chlorat test tube, put 4g. distil water. 2. solut (which salt) dissolv water (the. solvent) heating. solut made, dissolv solute. solvent."} {"id": "11391", "contents": "determin solubl kclo3 salt. appar solubl higher compris ioniz neutral forms. exist solubl neutral form affected. dom increas appar water solubl sparingli solubl (hydrophobic) compounds. solubility: solubl solut solvent given temperatur number gram solut dissolv 100g solvent produc satur solut temperature. ...read more."} {"id": "11392", "contents": "4. solubl kclo3 solut 80 oc 30.00g/100ml. 5. solubl sensit temperature. 6. generally, increas temperatur solut increas solubl solid solute. solid solutes, however, less solubl warmer solutions. gases, solubl decreas temperatur solut rises."} {"id": "11393", "contents": "surviv landslid debri flow (mudslide) depend awak time occurrence, awar happening. find midst landslide, thing increas chanc survival, outlin follow steps. danger landslid pass through. may landslide, lot damag left wake landslid present hazards. number thing minim danger."} {"id": "11394", "contents": "stay safe. much done prevent mudslide, peopl pay attent land play safe. peopl live hilli mountain areas, especi one prone wildfires, earthquak heavi rainfal extra cautious. know hazard slope area! mudslid caus excess rain, loosen soil start wash downhill. caus too. ground movement (earthquak volcanoes) trigger slide. also occur area lot altern freez thaw ground."} {"id": "11395", "contents": "answers. best answer: way prevent mudslid growth plant such. usual problem plant burnt away brushfir caus root system rot let water satur ground expand ground point weight becom much bear ground gives."} {"id": "11396", "contents": "short erect enorm wall around home, nearli imposs stop mudslid damag home home mudslide' path. take precaut ensur home coverag mudslid hits, number way keep famili safe. protect famili best way protect famili form mudslid landslid emerg evacu plan place."} {"id": "11397", "contents": "sign possibl mudslid look for: protect famili best way protect famili form mudslid landslid emerg evacu plan place."} {"id": "11398", "contents": "suspect mudslid landslid immin area, get touch immedi emerg offici alert potenti danger. evacu home find car, extra alert lookout collaps roads, mud flow sign debris. protect famili best way protect famili form mudslid landslid emerg evacu plan place."} {"id": "11399", "contents": "mudslide, also call debri flow, type fast-mov landslid follow channel, river. landslide, turn, simpli rock, earth, debri move slope. (see photo mudslid video landslid .)."} {"id": "11400", "contents": "mudslid occur earthquak happen slope hill. water earth' surfac come surfac form mud mud slide slope lead lot damage. peopl found useful. could also find way know mudslid coming, new crack tile, brick, plaster, tree begin tilt, walls, stair pull away structures."} {"id": "11401", "contents": "construct wall berm reinforc bottom slope. confin divers it\u2019 possibl prevent avoid landslide, sever way physic confin divert landslide, notably: contain dam confin basin retain debri water. artifici canal divert debris."} {"id": "11402", "contents": "landslid mudslid differ usual caus rain collaps hillsides. specif mudslide, landslid earth movement polici exist, hard come by, especi live hillsid area prone mudslides. protect famili best way protect famili form mudslid landslid emerg evacu plan place."} {"id": "11403", "contents": "reality, pre-qual pre-approv last long credit/job situat stay stabl mortgag market same. right now, much less 120 days....or even 30 cases."} {"id": "11404", "contents": "marc paolella, agent, succasunna, nj. pre-approv often last 30 days, re-issu reprint 10 minut whatev mortgag pro gave first place. long fico deteriorated, problem. bring anoth point. corey grushin, agent, east brunswick, nj. length time mortgag pre-approv good base loan program used, time pre-approv worthless."} {"id": "11405", "contents": "provid requir document get pre-approv letter bank lender, typic valid 60-90 days. note thing chang time, credit score, it\u2019 100% guaranteed."} {"id": "11406", "contents": "auto loan approv good 60 days. end 60-day approv period applic expir need submit new loan application. time approv period, may request autodraft, purchas vehicl licens auto dealer."} {"id": "11407", "contents": "get car loan bank instead dealer save money. loan approv set limit amount spend, protect buy car that' expensive. also simplifi negoti process dealer, loan, need negoti price."} {"id": "11408", "contents": "reason, often best get car loan pre-approv bank, credit union, onlin lender set foot dealership lot. banks, credit unions, lender pre-approv borrow financ requir minimum monthli pre-tax incom $1500, well debt-to-incom ratio (dti) 45% less."} {"id": "11409", "contents": "get pre approv car loan. major consum day financ vehicl purchases, mani dealership f&i (financ insurance) depart purchas new use car. banks, credit unions, lender pre-approv borrow financ requir minimum monthli pre-tax incom $1500, well debt-to-incom ratio (dti) 45% less."} {"id": "11410", "contents": "pull credit pre-approv harm score, necessity. score get hurt appear search credit line multipl channels-i.e. credit cards, auto loan, mortgag once. get pre-approv loan hurt credit sinc one inquiri advers mani peopl lead believe. long criteria use pre-approv stay same, real expir date pre-approval."} {"id": "11411", "contents": "typic pre-approv good 90 days. lender' standpoint want make sure oblig put paper would still valid. lot chang 90 days. so, think it, updat benefit you, seller, agent work deal know pre-approv strong one. get pre-approv loan hurt credit sinc one inquiri advers mani peopl lead believe. long criteria use pre-approv stay same, real expir date pre-approval."} {"id": "11412", "contents": "get pre-approv car loan. plan purchas car, would good idea get pre approv car loan. process auto loan pre-approv basic outlin below. need proof incom show capabl repay loan. incom employ sourc import"} {"id": "11413", "contents": "lawmak weigh in. even hospit would bsn-nurses-onli new york lawmakers. state legislatur held hear propos \u201cb 10\u201d law, would requir nurs don\u2019t alreadi bachelor\u2019 degre earn within first 10 year practice. notion mani nurs bsn-credenti gain momentum nation health-car policymak circles. research institut medicin robert wood johnson foundat jointli call increas u.s. nurs hold bsn 80% 2020."} {"id": "11414", "contents": "mani hospit prefer hire degrees. shift contribut surg enrol nurs cours four-year colleges, particularli 600 school open \u201cr.n. b.s.n.\u201d programs, peopl alreadi regist nurs earn bachelor\u2019 degrees."} {"id": "11415", "contents": "mayb you! perfectli wonder nurs career rn bsn degree, msn-prepar nurs addit opportun earn power."} {"id": "11416", "contents": "current licens regist nurs master\u2019 degre nursing, higher, addit least two year experi execut nurs role. rn bachelor scienc nurs (bsn) addit four year experi execut nurs role. advanc practic regist nurs (also call advanc practic nurses, apns) nurs state-approv master\u2019 degre nursing, minimum, success fulfil state\u2019 requir term clinic hour complet advanc practic certif exam."} {"id": "11417", "contents": "futur associ degre nurs program. associate\u2019 degre nurs (adn) benchmark credenti get nurs job past 40 years, chang afoot. small grow number u.s. hospit hire nurs bachelor\u2019 degre nurs (bsn) higher. notion mani nurs bsn-credenti gain momentum nation health-car policymak circles. research institut medicin robert wood johnson foundat jointli call increas u.s. nurs hold bsn 80% 2020."} {"id": "11418", "contents": "goldmark report 1923 first recommend entri level educ profession practic regist nurs bachelor scienc nurs degre (bsn), heat debat rage among nurs issu ever since. sara elli rn, bsn 20 year experi nicu, icu, er nursing. learn nurs visit medi-smart.com, site offer nurs career resources, onlin nurs degrees, continu educ nurses."} {"id": "11419", "contents": "bsn nurs prepar broad role. unlik graduat diploma associate-degre nurs programs, nurs baccalaur degre prepar practic health care settings-crit care, outpati care, public health, mental health. bsn nurs preferred. 1980, almost 55 percent regist nurs held hospit diploma highest educ credential, 22 percent held bsn, 18 percent associ degree."} {"id": "11420", "contents": "like nurs master' degrees, nurs doctor degre expect tremend job demand next ten years. program prepar nurs career health administr (a phd prefer degre nurs executives), clinic research advanc clinic practice. rn associate' degre option enrol rn-to-msn program, allow earn msn immedi earn bsn. direct entri msn programs, sometim call graduat entri master' entri programs, perfect non-nurs hold bachelor' degre anoth field."} {"id": "11421", "contents": "comment insight name marissa: edit. mean sea. anoth spell marisa. technic marisa would pronounc mah-ree-sa vowel, consonant, vowel pattern. mine name great name. realli good friend name marissa. like name want chang it, think gorgeou strong name. also fit last name well. name marissa grown me, although hate little."} {"id": "11422", "contents": "marissa femal name typic use western civilization. variat maris, latin 'of sea'. also spell marrisa, merissa marisa. marissa also mean littl mari refer virgin mary."} {"id": "11423", "contents": "babi name mean search results: name marissa babi girl name. name marissa come hebrew origin. hebrew mean name marissa is: variant mary: wished-for child. similar names: marissa (hebrew)"} {"id": "11424", "contents": "origin name marissa: modern elabor maria, form ad suffix-isa, -issa, name louisa (light) clarissa (famous, bright). world babi name teresa norman. mine name great name. realli good friend name marissa. like name want chang it, think gorgeou strong name. also fit last name well. name marissa grown me, although hate little."} {"id": "11425", "contents": "search comprehens find name mean marissa name origin name database. also note spell pronunci name marissa check initi name last name discov look sounds. marissa name meaning. mean marissa \u201cof sea\u201d. keep mind mani name may differ mean countri languages, care name choos doesn\u2019t mean someth bad unpleasant."} {"id": "11426", "contents": "marissa /mar-is-sa/ [3 sylls.] girls' name pronounc ma-riss-ah. latin origin, mean marissa sea. graph analysi popular marissa associ names. popular altern form marissa (#473 2014) rate top 1000 mari (#120 2014) marisa maritza. form like marri uncommon."} {"id": "11427", "contents": "marisa feminin given name. like given name marissa, name deriv latin maris, mean sea.. name also spanish italian contract familiar nicknam maria isabel (mari elizabeth) maria luisa (mari louise, 'mary-lou')."} {"id": "11428", "contents": "8. marissa. marissa uniqu name, especi spell it. name marissa mean 'of sea'.. sea beautiful, mysteri place. girl name marissa. beauti mysterious."} {"id": "11429", "contents": "next, take sell price subtract per soda cost realiz gross profit. sell 20 oz soda $1.25 make $1.03 gross profit attribut na/bev cost soda $0.22 $1.25 17.6% (18% 20% common soda). refil let assum see 60% soda-buy guest get refil"} {"id": "11430", "contents": "14.5k views. bottle/can plastic wrapper make cost cents. coke syrup carbon add 10 cent cost ship handl cost increas cost 25c. approxim 40 50 cent per can. cost vari everi country, estim usa"} {"id": "11431", "contents": "order make 60 liters, you\u2019d need them, would cost $25 dollars. add cost one co2 cartridg ($15), need spend $40 make 60 liters. divid those, cost per liter flavor sodastream drink come roughli 0.67 cent per liter. comparatively, silverstein found averag liter bottl gener cola cost $0.89, save $0.22 per liter make flavor drink sodastream ($0.89-$0.67=$0.22)."} {"id": "11432", "contents": "devic cost $80 $200 depend model. one co2 cartridg cost $17 cole valley hardwar sf. $17 cartridg produc 60 liter water ($0.28 per liter). buy carbon come bundl cartridge, \u201cdevic only\u201d upfront cost carbon realli $63 $183 (purchas price less co2 cartridge). one neat thing sodastream add flavor carbon water make soda. soda expens sure save money way! bottl flavor syrup cost $5 make 12 liter soda. add carbon costs, make soda $0.70 per liter"} {"id": "11433", "contents": "figur soda cost need uncov cost per ounc appli soda size offer. use 20 oz beverag calculation. know get 3,782.4 oz gallon bib divid quantiti 3,782.4 oz $50 bib cost. sell 20 oz soda $1.25 make $1.03 gross profit attribut na/bev cost soda $0.22 $1.25 17.6% (18% 20% common soda)."} {"id": "11434", "contents": "60-75cent 60-75cent 60-75cent soda pop might cost 50-1.00 accord size. cost soda pop 1955 10 cents. today singl soda pop cost dollar depend bought."} {"id": "11435", "contents": "directions. heat oven 400\u00b0 f. pierc sweet potato sever time tine fork. place sweet potato rim bake sheet line foil. bake tender, 45 minutes. make slit top sweet potato. top tablespoon butter season salt pepper. place sweet potato rim bake sheet line foil. bake tender, 45 minutes. make slit top sweet potato."} {"id": "11436", "contents": "preheat oven 450 degre (250 degre c). place potato larg roast pan toss oil, salt, pepper, rosemari evenli coated. spread potato singl layer. bake preheat oven 20 minutes, stir occasionally. serv immediately. readi in. preheat oven 450 degre (250 degre c). place potato larg roast pan toss oil, salt, pepper, rosemari evenli coated. bake preheat oven 20 minutes, stir occasionally."} {"id": "11437", "contents": "sprinkl salt pepper covered. place baker cold oven turn temp. 450 degrees. bake cover 1/2 hour skin brown chicken done. alway let stand least 15 minut carv (or picking). wonder moist juici roast chicken one pot meal."} {"id": "11438", "contents": "bake potatoes: bake potato directli oven rack, place inch apart foil-lin bake sheet. bake potato 50 60 minutes. flip everi 20 minut check done pierc fork."} {"id": "11439", "contents": "heat oven 400\u00b0 f. pierc sweet potato sever time tine fork. place sweet potato rim bake sheet line foil. bake tender, 45 minutes. make slit top sweet potato. place sweet potato rim bake sheet line foil. bake tender, 45 minutes. make slit top sweet potato. top tablespoon butter season salt pepper."} {"id": "11440", "contents": "preheat oven 400 degre f. cut potato half quarter place bowl oliv oil, salt, pepper, garlic; toss potato well coated. transfer potato sheet pan spread layer. roast oven 45 minut hour brown crisp. flip twice spatula cook order ensur even browning. remov potato oven, toss parsley, season taste, serv hot."} {"id": "11441", "contents": "adjust oven rack lowest posit heat oven 450 degrees. toss potato oil, salt pepper. arrange, cut side down, larg lip cooki sheet jellyrol pan. roast tender golden brown, 30 minut (check 20 minutes). transfer serv dish."} {"id": "11442", "contents": "serv gravi meat vegetables. make pot roast -- oven directions. preheat oven 325 degre f. prepar direct above, except step 3, bake pot roast, covered, hour. add veget potato directed. cover bake 45 60 minut meat tender. prepar gravi saucepan direct step 7. follow recipe, make-it-min pot roast, provid basic formula brais pot roast use choic liquid seasoning, dri herbs, potatoes, vegetables. hands-on prep time 30 minut (and cook time hour 45 minutes), recip make servings."} {"id": "11443", "contents": "(alway use bake sheet side roast vegetables.). place bake sheet oven. roast potato 20 minutes. turn use spatula pair tongs. roast addit 20-30 minutes, depend brown crispi like them. sometim leav oven even longer."} {"id": "11444", "contents": "general, slice bread, cup ready-to-eat cereal, cup cook rice, cook pasta, cook cereal consid ounc equival grain group. chart list specif amount count ounc equival grain toward daili recommend intake."} {"id": "11445", "contents": "count ounc equival grains? general, slice bread, cup ready-to-eat cereal, cup cook rice, cook pasta, cook cereal consid ounc equival grain group. chart list specif amount count ounc equival grain toward daili recommend intake."} {"id": "11446", "contents": "general, slice bread, cup ready-to-eat cereal, cup cook rice, cook pasta, cook cereal consid 1-ounc equival grain group. chart list specif amount count 1-ounc equival grain toward daili recommend intake. mini bagel."} {"id": "11447", "contents": "amount count ounc equival grain popcorn. wg varieti cups, pop ready-to-eat breakfast cereal cup wg toast oat, whole wheat flakesrg corn flakes, puf rice cup flake roundspuf rice rice wg brown, wild."} {"id": "11448", "contents": "count ounc equival (oz eq) grain? food item must meet oz eq requir grain compon defin exhibit a: school lunch breakfast ounc equival chart (page 4-5 handout)"} {"id": "11449", "contents": "one ounc grain equival defin cup cook form cereals. case uncook rice, dri pasta, dri cereal (e.g., oatmeal) use ingredi recipes, ounc grain equival defin 28.35 grams."} {"id": "11450", "contents": "get marri state new york must first appli wed licens in-stat counti clerk office. offices, refer marriag licens bureau, usual locat counti probat court circuit court."} {"id": "11451", "contents": "introduction. person intend get marri new york state must obtain marriag license. page explain procedur obtain marriag licens offic new york citi clerk."} {"id": "11452", "contents": "new york state marriag licens may use within new york state only. pleas note go new york state married, new york state marriag licens ile new york state."} {"id": "11453", "contents": "new york state marriag licens may use within new york state only. pleas note go new york state married, new york state marriag licens file new york state."} {"id": "11454", "contents": "get marri state new york take prior planning. get marriag licens day appli it. however, cannot hold new york wed least 24 hour file marriag licens unless get judici waiver."} {"id": "11455", "contents": "coupl intend marri new york state must appli person marriag licens town citi clerk state. applic licens must sign applic presenc town citi clerk. repres cannot appli licens behalf applicants."} {"id": "11456", "contents": "esoter christianity, sunflow symbol god' love. sunflow symbol also repres unwav faith guid soul highest spiritu attunement. year ago, activ member local spiritualist church."} {"id": "11457", "contents": "sunflow move direct posit front sun get maximum sun rays. symbol spiritu faith, worship follow belief system sunflow move face life-giv ray sun."} {"id": "11458", "contents": "sunflow also symbol daphn (anoth greek nymph). chines symbolism, sunflow (and sunflow meaning) deal long life, good luck consid auspicious. yellow color signifi vital intelligence. symbol happi too."} {"id": "11459", "contents": "sunflow also symbol daphn (anoth greek nymph). chines symbolism, sunflow (and sunflow meaning) deal long life, good luck consid auspicious. yellow color signifi vital intelligence. symbol happi too. esoter christianity, sunflow symbol god' love."} {"id": "11460", "contents": "could also incorpor color orang symbol sunflow meanings. refer back chakra system, orang associ sacral chakra (swadhisthana), link area creativity, expansion, fertility, reproduct (of types)."} {"id": "11461", "contents": "sunflow symbol adoration, loyalti longevity. much mean sunflow stem namesake, sun itself. flower uniqu abil provid energi form nourish vibrancy\u2014attribut mirror sun energi provid heat light."} {"id": "11462", "contents": "sunflow mean vari base cultur religi roots, mani aspect sunflow symbol remain constant legend mythology. explor botan name annual flower, helianthu annuus, learn deriv greek \u201chelios\u201d (mean sun) \u201canthos\u201d (mean flower)."} {"id": "11463", "contents": "flower lift someone\u2019 spirit quit like sunflowers. bright cheery, warm invit sweet summer sun. brilliant yellow petals, also known \u201crays,\u201d sunflow unmistak sun-lik appear made crowd favorite, especi summer months."} {"id": "11464", "contents": "simpl alkyl group function group made entir carbon hydrogen carbon atom chain togeth singl bonds. gener molecular formula simpl alkyl group is-c 2n+1 number carbon atom group."} {"id": "11465", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: alkyl group substitu one less (hydrogen atom) correspond alkane. eg, -ch3 (methyl) group one less hydrogen correspond alkane, ch4 (methane)"} {"id": "11466", "contents": "alkyl group. (\u0103l`k\u012dl) chemistry, group carbon hydrogen atom deriv alkan alkane, group aliphat hydrocarbon whose molecul contain singl bond (see chemic bond). alkan gener chemic formula cnh2n+2......"} {"id": "11467", "contents": "alkyl group (\u0103l\u02c8k\u012dl) key ], chemistry, group carbon hydrogen atom deriv alkan molecul remov one hydrogen atom (see radical). name alkyl group deriv name alkan replac the-an suffix with-yl, e.g., methyl, ch. columbia electron encyclopedia, 6th ed. copyright 2012, columbia univers press. right reserv"} {"id": "11468", "contents": "vocabulari alkan alkyl group hydrocarbon alkyl group piec molecul gener formula cnh2n+1, integer. example, methyl group (ch3) fragment methan molecul (ch4); case. the-yl end mean fragment alkan form remov hydrogen. alkyl group piec molecul gener formula 2n+1, integer. example, methyl group (ch 3) fragment methan molecul (ch 4); case. the-yl end mean fragment alkan form remov hydrogen. vocabulari"} {"id": "11469", "contents": "alkyl group unival radic consist carbon hydrogen atoms, one atom less alkan counterparts. form homolog seri gener formula cnh2n+1, gener formula alkan cnh2n+2. best answer: alkyl group substitu one less (hydrogen atom) correspond alkane. eg, -ch3 (methyl) group one less hydrogen correspond alkane, ch4 (methane)"} {"id": "11470", "contents": "alkyl group. definition: alkyl function group organ chemic contain carbon hydrogen atoms, arrang chain. gener formula 2n+1. exampl includ methyl ch (deriv methane) butyl (deriv butane). alkyl function group organ chemic contain carbon hydrogen atoms, arrang chain. gener formula 2n+1."} {"id": "11471", "contents": "one recogniz landmark puerto rico parqu de bombas, locat plaza la delicia municip ponce. one recogniz landmark puerto rico"} {"id": "11472", "contents": "parqu de bomba de ponc ponce, pr. one recogniz landmark puerto rico, locat plaza la delicia municip ponce."} {"id": "11473", "contents": "parqu de bombas. parqu de bombas, locat downtown ponc puerto rico, current museum well main tourist inform center. locat next ladi guadalup cathedr plaza de la delicias. two stori tall paint distinct black red quit eye-catching. one year later, 1883, build convert firehous city. serv firehous 100 years, final convert museum tourist inform center today 1990. parqu de bomba free tour tour provid spanish english."} {"id": "11474", "contents": "today, parqu de bomba serv museum well local tourism center ponce. build locat plaza la delicia (ponce\u2019 town square) directli behind cathedr ponce. build impress landmark ponc make great photo opportunity. plaza la delicias, don\u2019t forget check ponc cathedral, casa alcaldia (citi hall), near museo de la masacr de ponc short drive away castillo seralles. what: parqu de bombas."} {"id": "11475", "contents": "brian leav comment. parqu de bomba one recogn build ponc probabl el morro fort come landmark puerto rico. build design built 1882 exhibit trade fair 1885 becom known ponce\u2019 offici fire station. build impress landmark ponc make great photo opportunity. plaza la delicias, don\u2019t forget check ponc cathedral, casa alcaldia (citi hall), near museo de la masacr de ponc short drive away castillo seralles. what: parqu de bombas."} {"id": "11476", "contents": "parqu de bomba build locat known puerto rico, spain, latin america town plaza. town plaza' layout usual includ water fountains, trees, benches, walkway flank cathol church. parqu de bomba adjac ponce' roman cathol cathedral. nowadays, photo 1883 firefight hang wall parqu de bomba building. 1983, 100th anniversari brigade' victori infam fire commemor station. variou artifact use 1882 fire brigad display current museum."} {"id": "11477", "contents": "herald histor architectur role puerto rican society. parqu de bomba one recogn build ponc probabl el morro fort come landmark puerto rico. architect charg restor pablo ojeda o\u2019neill. parqu de bomba serv ponc ass main fire station 1990 decommissioned. build locat city\u2019 central \u201cla delicia plaza\u201d attach cathedr ponc rear boundary."} {"id": "11478", "contents": "remark structure, ponce' renown parqu de bombas, old ponc fire station. unusu paint build subject mani photograph taken fascin visitor puerto rican citi ponce. join us find parqu de bomba de ponce. interest landmark ponc built back 1882 accord design fine architect maximo meana. complet time host puerto rican agricultur confer exposition."} {"id": "11479", "contents": "although roman numer came written letter roman alphabet, origin independ symbols. etruscans, example, use i, v, x, l, c, m, happen letter alphabet. roman numerals, numer system use ancient rome, employ combin letter latin alphabet signifi values."} {"id": "11480", "contents": "roman numer consist combin i, v, x, l, c, letters. posit letter relationship determin valu actual roman numeral. example: translat roman numerals. roman numer consist combin i, v, x, l, c, letters. posit letter relationship determin valu actual roman numeral. example: smaller number follow larger numbers, number added."} {"id": "11481", "contents": "rule write number roman numerals. repeat numer three time repres addit number. example, iii repres 3. i, x, c, repeated; v, l, cannot be, need so."} {"id": "11482", "contents": "roman numerals. roman numer system numer notat use romans. addit (and subtractive) system letter use denot certain base numbers, arbitrari number denot use combin symbols. number charact roman numer 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, ... (i.e., i, ii, iii, iv, v, vi, vii, viii, ix, x, ...) 1, 2, 3, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, 2, 1, 2, 3, 4, ... (oei a006968). lead scale-invari fractal-lik stairstep pattern rise step fall abruptli"} {"id": "11483", "contents": "1,000. see lot ms roman numer use lot indic dates. instance, page written year nova roma' founding, 1998 ce (common era; christian use ad anno domini, year lord). year written mcmxcviii. wait! big differ roman arab numer (the one use today) roman symbol zero, numer placement within number sometim indic subtract rather addition."} {"id": "11484", "contents": "sever european countri roman numer use floor numbering. instance, apart central amsterdam indic 138-iii, hindu-arab numer (number block house) roman numer (floor number). roman numerals, numer system use ancient rome, employ combin letter latin alphabet signifi values."} {"id": "11485", "contents": "lie state king' hall old parliament house, unknown australian soldier inter hall memori memori 11 novemb 1993. buri bayonet sprig wattl tasmanian blackwood coffin, soil pozier pozi\u00e8r battlefield scatter his. tomb"} {"id": "11486", "contents": "march 4, 1921, unit state congress approv burial unidentifi american serviceman world war plaza new memori amphitheater. novemb 11, 1921, unknown soldier brought back franc inter three-level marbl tomb. also known tomb unknown soldier, never offici named. locat arlington nation cemeteri virginia, unit state america. world war unknown recipi medal honor, victoria cross, sever foreign nations' highest servic awards."} {"id": "11487", "contents": "inscrib back tomb words: rest honor glori american soldier known god. tomb sarcophagu place grave unknown soldier world war i. west world war unknown crypt unknown world war ii, korea vietnam. three grave mark white marbl slab flush plaza. unknown vietnam. memori bridg lead washington, d.c., virginia line joint-servic cordon remain vietnam war unknown taken motor escort arlington nation cemeteri inter tomb unknowns."} {"id": "11488", "contents": "front view tomb unknown soldiers. tomb unknown arlington nation cemeteri arlington, va., also known tomb unknown soldier, never offici named. unknown vietnam. memori bridg lead washington, d.c., virginia line joint-servic cordon remain vietnam war unknown taken motor escort arlington nation cemeteri inter tomb unknowns."} {"id": "11489", "contents": "tomb unknowns. word inscrib tomb unknown soldier arlington nation cemetery. tomb unknown symbol america gave live world war i, world war ii, korean war defens nation\u2019 integrity, honor, tranquility."} {"id": "11490", "contents": "tomb unkown soldier. front view tomb unknown soldiers. tomb unknown arlington nation cemeteri arlington, va., also known tomb unknown soldier, never offici named. tomb unknown stand atop hill overlook washington, d.c. unknown vietnam. memori bridg lead washington, d.c., virginia line joint-servic cordon remain vietnam war unknown taken motor escort arlington nation cemeteri inter tomb unknowns."} {"id": "11491", "contents": "tomb unknown soldier arlington nation cemetery. tomb unknown soldier arlington nation cemeteri stand atop hill overlook washington, d.c. march 4, 1921, congress approv burial unidentifi american soldier world war plaza new memori amphitheater. rest honor glori american soldier known god. tomb sarcophagu place grave unknown soldier world war i. west world war unknown crypt unknown world war ii, korea vietnam."} {"id": "11492", "contents": "unknowns, tomb the, nation memori unrecov dead unit state arm forc world war ii korean war. origin name tomb unknown soldier, sinc 1958 call tomb unknown or, unofficially, tomb unknown soldiers. tomb arlington nation cemetery, virginia, across potomac river washington, d.c. inscript tomb unknown soldier say rest honor glori american soldier unknown god'. inscript western panel monument date back 1921."} {"id": "11493", "contents": "sentinel tomb unknown soldier. tomb unknown soldier guard 24 hour day, 365 day year, weather tomb guard sentinels. sentinels, volunteers, consid best elit 3rd u.s. infantri regiment (the old guard), headquart fort myer, va. guard honor tomb unknown soldier highli motiv proud honor american servic member known god."} {"id": "11494", "contents": "span lath batten feet apart. span 1-bi feet apart, feet better; 1-by-2-inch stock laid edge\u2014or 2s\u2014you span feet without objection sagging, board may warp curv bit. span materi feet. stock 1/2 1/8 inch thick, make space 3/4 inch. space 2s inch apart certain circumstances, space 1/2 inch make patio comfort cases."} {"id": "11495", "contents": "tradit louver roof system louver rafter 1\u201d instead 2\u2019 like pergola style louver roof make necessari case order extra rafter support. 90 degre prefabr corner come system. louver roof american louver roof system calcul qualifi miami-dad counti wind requir toughest country. american louver roof system engin specif state avail purchas wet stamp gener copi site specific."} {"id": "11496", "contents": "measur cut rafter board 2-by-4 lumber. rafter attach ridg board interv 16 24 inch (41 61 cm) sit top walls. length rafter depend rise (height) roof far past wall want rafter extend. use miter box miter saw cut rafter board attach ridg board correct angle."} {"id": "11497", "contents": "engineering. manufactur entir u.s.a. use recycl aluminum stainless steel compon low maintenance, long-last product. arcadia system engin withstand high wind heavi snow loads. arcadia' louver roof system ideal outdoor live area patios, decks, lanais, verandas, entri ways, courtyards, outdoor kitchens, swim pool spas. varieti colors, materi finish avail compliment architectur style. louver close postition, creat rain channels. slight pitch, rainwat direct built-in gutter system. pattent gutter corner piec make instal snap, give system distinct eleg look."} {"id": "11498", "contents": "measur length shingl lie across roof. help determin shingl lay roof width. asphalt shingl feet (91.4 centimeters) length. roof' width even multipl shingle' length, partial piec one end row. use tab shingles, put nail 3/4 inch (1.8 centimeters) cutouts, near tab meet upper part shingle. also place nail inch end shingle, line two. all, use four nail 3-tab shingl make secure."} {"id": "11499", "contents": "maximum span tabl horizont distanc rafter span (not diagon distanc actual length rafter). hous 26 feet wide roof ridg beam center house, need rafter span 13 feet. let' use exampl find size rafter work. look center table, find coupl options."} {"id": "11500", "contents": "chri http://www.icreatables.com/sheds/shed... teach build roof rafter shed outbuilding. video walk step build roof rafter including: cut rafter board length. cut birdsmouth. build jig shed floor make sure rafter exactli same."} {"id": "11501", "contents": "sun, shade, shelter. complet control outdoor environment. arcadia louver roof help maxim use outdoor space. shade touch button still abl let sunshin preferred. built gutter system, shelter rain well."} {"id": "11502", "contents": "part residenti structur design tutorial. page explain design roof rafter span tabl read type joist roof span tabl residenti framing. page part design hous onlin tutorial. hous 26 feet wide roof ridg beam center house, need rafter span 13 feet. let' use exampl find size rafter work. look center table, find coupl options."} {"id": "11503", "contents": "cancer syndrom famili cancer syndrom genet disord inherit genet mutat one gene predispos affect individu develop cancer may also caus earli onset cancers. less often, syndrom may transmit autosom recess trait. allel gene must mutat autosom recess disord individu predisposit cancer. person two recess allel known homozyg recessive."} {"id": "11504", "contents": "cancer common diseas surpris mani famili least member cancer. sometimes, certain type cancer seem run families. sometimes, famili member certain risk factor common, smoking, caus mani type cancer. breast cancer rare men, men cancer often offer genet counsel test brca mutations. although mutat doesn\u2019t affect man\u2019 futur health care like woman\u2019s, help rel know mutat risk."} {"id": "11505", "contents": "chang mani genes, small effect, may underli suscept mani common diseases, includ cancer, obesity, diabetes, heart disease, mental illness. peopl genet predisposition, risk diseas depend multipl factor addit identifi genet change. includ genet factor (sometim call modifiers) well lifestyl environment factors. genet variat larg small effect likelihood develop particular disease. example, certain mutat brca1 brca2 gene greatli increas person\u2019 risk develop breast cancer ovarian cancer."} {"id": "11506", "contents": "genet predisposit lung cancer. wherea tobacco smoke predomin risk factor lung cancer, sever line evid suggest genet suscept modul risk."} {"id": "11507", "contents": "one first-degre rel relat tumor one individu featur listed. two first-degre rel tumor site. two first-degre rel tumor type belong known famili cancer syndrome. two first-degre rel rare tumors. prefer citat pdq summari is: http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/genetics/overview-pdq. imag summari use permiss author(s), artist, and/or publish use within pdq summari only."} {"id": "11508", "contents": "genet predisposit (sometim also call genet susceptibility) increas likelihood develop particular diseas base person\u2019 genet makeup. genet predisposit result specif genet variat often inherit parent. genet variat larg small effect likelihood develop particular disease. example, certain mutat brca1 brca2 gene greatli increas person\u2019 risk develop breast cancer ovarian cancer."} {"id": "11509", "contents": "patient\u2019 family: one first-degre rel relat tumor one individu featur listed. two first-degre rel tumor site. two first-degre rel tumor type belong known famili cancer syndrome. prefer citat pdq summari is: http://www.cancer.gov/about-cancer/causes-prevention/genetics/overview-pdq. imag summari use permiss author(s), artist, and/or publish use within pdq summari only."} {"id": "11510", "contents": "world health organ offer inform genet predisposit sever common diseases, includ cancer, diabetes, cardiovascular disease, asthma. genet allianc uk offer fact sheet genet predisposit common genet diseases. genet variat larg small effect likelihood develop particular disease. example, certain mutat brca1 brca2 gene greatli increas person\u2019 risk develop breast cancer ovarian cancer."} {"id": "11511", "contents": "cancer syndrom transmit mendelian autosom domin manner. cases, one faulti allel present individu predisposit cancer. individu one normal allel one faulti allel known heterozygous. less often, syndrom may transmit autosom recess trait. allel gene must mutat autosom recess disord individu predisposit cancer. person two recess allel known homozyg recessive."} {"id": "11512", "contents": "common inherit syndrom increas person' risk colon cancer call hereditari non-polyposi colorect cancer (hnpcc), lynch syndrome. peopl syndrom high risk colorect cancer. cancer occur age 50. breast cancer rare men, men cancer often offer genet counsel test brca mutations. although mutat doesn\u2019t affect man\u2019 futur health care like woman\u2019s, help rel know mutat risk."} {"id": "11513", "contents": "istanbul hostels. currenc istanbul. new turkish lira current currenc turkey de facto state turkish republ northern cyprus. introduc januari 2005, equival 1,000,000 turkish old lira (which remain valid circul end 2005) divid 100 new kuru\u015f"} {"id": "11514", "contents": "turkey' currenc tuerk t\u00fcrk (liras\u0131 turkish; \u20ba). lira lira come note of, five, 10, 20, 50 100 and, 200 coin of, one, five, 10 25 50 kuru\u015f one. lira yeni tuerk (t\u00fcrk liras\u0131 new; turkish) lira ytl use 2005 2008 as-an anti. inflationari measur"} {"id": "11515", "contents": "turkish lira (currenc sign turkish: tuerk t\u00fcrk) liras\u0131 currenc turkey turkish republ northern (cypru recognis by). turkey turkish lira subdivid 100. kuru\u015f period lira peg british pound french franc, peg 2.8 turkish lira u.s. dollar adopt 1946 maintain 1960, currenc devalu turkish lira dollar."} {"id": "11516", "contents": "we'v got here. offici currenc turkey turkish lira (tl), although money call turkish pound ottoman turkey. 100 kurush everi unit turkish currenc (tl) inflat high turkey kurush rare used. metal currenc turkey consist coin money come 500, 1000, 2500 5000 turkish lira. best take currenc countri exchang turkish currenc turkey rate better there. go exchang currenc turkish money make sure take passport form identif may accepted."} {"id": "11517", "contents": "offici currenc republ turkey turkish lira. turkish lira divid subunit call kuru\u015f. keywords: use info, travel tips, city, country, information, money, lira, kurus, currenc turkey, istanbul, offici currenc republ turkey turkish lira. turkish lira divid subunit call kuru\u015f. paper currenc come 5, 10, 20, 50, 100 200 tri money note metal currenc come 5, 10, 25, 50 kuru\u015f lira coins. apart turkish lira, strong currenc u.s. dollar euro wide accept larg shop centers, hotel restaurants. euro approxim tri dolar approxim 2.3 try. istanbul, atm 's everywhere!"} {"id": "11518", "contents": "currenc turkey turkish lira (abbreviation: try). turkish:tuerk t\u00fcrk (liras\u0131). tl"} {"id": "11519", "contents": "try-turkish lira. turkey, lira. turkish lira currenc turkey. currenc rank show popular turkey lira exchang rate tri eur rate. currenc code lira try, currenc symbol is. below, find turkish lira rate currenc converter."} {"id": "11520", "contents": "turkish lira (currenc sign turkish: tuerk t\u00fcrk) liras\u0131 currenc turkey turkish republ northern (cypru recognis by). turkey period lira peg british pound french franc, peg 2.8 turkish lira u.s. dollar adopt 1946 maintain 1960, currenc devalu turkish lira dollar."} {"id": "11521", "contents": "istanbul currenc exchange. istanbul\u2019 currenc turkish lira (tl). turkish lira divid 100 kurus. coin use frequent five, ten, 25, 50 kuru one lira. note use 5, 10, 20, 50 lira bills. 100 200 lira note uncommon. inflat tremend problem turkey, govern recent revamp lira system stem tide. find money longer refer \u201cnew turkish lira\u201d ytl, instead \u201cturkish lira\u201d tl."} {"id": "11522", "contents": "background cranberri uniqu fruit. grow surviv special combin factors. factor includ acid peat soil, adequ fresh water supply, grow season extend april november."} {"id": "11523", "contents": "cranberri grown 21,000 acr across 20 counti wisconsin. sand peat marsh central northern wisconsin creat perfect grow condit cranberries. earli 1890s, center wisconsin cranberri industri shift cranmoor area, west wisconsin rapids."} {"id": "11524", "contents": "grow harvest cranberries. contrari popular belief, cranberri grow water. perenni plant, cranberri grow low run vine sandi bog marshes. wisconsin, cranberri marsh flood water aid harvesting."} {"id": "11525", "contents": "vine cape cod 150 year old still bear fruit. locat cranberri grown northern part unit states. major product area new jersey, massachusetts, oregon, washington, wisconsin canadian provinc british columbia quebec."} {"id": "11526", "contents": "region grow cranberri well, vari extent, includ delaware, maine, michigan, new york, rhode island, well provinc new brunswick, nova scotia ontario. cranberri also commerci grown chile."} {"id": "11527", "contents": "cranberri massachusetts. nestl among town villag southeastern massachusett 14,000 acr cranberri bogs. bog workplac nearli 400 cranberri grow famili commonwealth."} {"id": "11528", "contents": "averag size cranberri plot foot (1.2 m) foot (2.4 m). however, grow singl plant, foot (0.6 m) foot (0.6 m) squar fine. dig exist soil cranberri plot, depth inch (15.2 20.3 cm)."} {"id": "11529", "contents": "solid form, use dri ice. carbon dioxid found natur spring water releas volcano erupt tree cut down. peopl breathe, exhal carbon dioxide. carbon dioxid also produc burn fossil fuels, coal, oil, gasoline, natur gas, diesel fuel. chemic formula carbon dioxid co2. everyon expos low level carbon dioxid ga form breath indoor outdoor air. home, expos low level carbon dioxid drink carbon beverages, burn fossil fuel heat cooking, use dri ice, use vehicl use gasoline."} {"id": "11530", "contents": "linear molecul consist carbon atom doubli bond two oxygen atoms, o=c=o. although carbon dioxid mainli consist gaseou form, also solid liquid form. solid temperatur -78 oc. made bicarbon ion dissolv carbon dioxide, carbon acid. carbon acid neutral hydroxid ions, would increas ph blood added. bicarbon ion neutral hydrogen ions, would caus decreas"} {"id": "11531", "contents": "carbon dioxid produc plant respiration. carbon dioxid (co 2) product respir aerob organisms. return water via gill fish air via lung air-breath land animals, includ humans. combust fossil fuel deforest caus atmospher concentr carbon dioxid increas 43% sinc begin age industrialization. carbon dioxid human activ releas burn coal fossil fuels."} {"id": "11532", "contents": "although carbon dioxid mainli consist gaseou form, also solid liquid form. solid temperatur -78 c. liquid carbon dioxid mainli exist carbon dioxid dissolv water. carbon dioxid water-soluble, pressur maintained. made bicarbon ion dissolv carbon dioxide, carbon acid. carbon acid neutral hydroxid ions, would increas ph blood added. bicarbon ion neutral hydrogen ions, would caus decreas"} {"id": "11533", "contents": "however, hydrogen emit industri processes. human contribut hydrogen amount air, chang natur hydrolog cycle, result caus global warming. increas carbon dioxid emiss caus 50-60% global warming. made bicarbon ion dissolv carbon dioxide, carbon acid. carbon acid neutral hydroxid ions, would increas ph blood added. bicarbon ion neutral hydrogen ions, would caus decreas"} {"id": "11534", "contents": "co2 major caus global warming. global warm caus emiss greenhous gases. 72% total emit greenhous gase carbon dioxid (co2), 18% methan 9% nitrou oxid (nox). carbon dioxid emiss therefor import"} {"id": "11535", "contents": "carbon dioxid greenhous gas; much caus global warming. also increas acid oceans, sinc form carbon acid dissolv wat er, bad effect sea life. carbon dioxid one greenhous gases. burn fossil fuel (coal, oil natur gas) industry, transport gener electr (which releas carbon dioxide) man caus global warm climat change."} {"id": "11536", "contents": "co2 otherwis call carbon dioxid effect climat mani differ ways. way work basic certain 'greenhous gases' can't escap atmospher get trapped. co2 plant need creat oxygen etc. carbon dioxid one greenhous gases. burn fossil fuel (coal, oil natur gas) industry, transport gener electr (which releas carbon dioxide) man caus global warm climat change."} {"id": "11537", "contents": "carbon dioxid ga form asphyxiant, cut oxygen suppli breathing, especi confin spaces. exposur concentr 10 percent carbon dioxid caus death, unconsciousness, convulsions. exposur may damag develop fetus. everyon expos low level carbon dioxid ga form breath indoor outdoor air. home, expos low level carbon dioxid drink carbon beverages, burn fossil fuel heat cooking, use dri ice, use vehicl use gasoline."} {"id": "11538", "contents": "second amend well regul militia, necessari secur free state, right peopl keep bear arms, shall infringed."} {"id": "11539", "contents": "second amend u.s. constitut reads: well regul militia, necessari secur free state, right peopl keep bear arms, shall infringed. subject matter unusu phrase amend led much controversi analysis, especi last half twentieth century."} {"id": "11540", "contents": "second amend provid well regul militia, necessari secur free state, right peopl keep bear arms, shall infringed.. issu turn whether right bear arm repres individu collect right."} {"id": "11541", "contents": "unit state v. miller, court held second amend right keep bear arm applic absenc reason relationship well regul militia provis second amendment."} {"id": "11542", "contents": "recent amend adopt 27th amendment. may refer number suggest 28th amendments. instance, one would requir tha law enact congress appli equal congress citizen unit states."} {"id": "11543", "contents": "second amendment. well regul militia, necessari secur free state, right peopl keep bear arms, shall infringed. miller subject two possibl interpretations."} {"id": "11544", "contents": "first amendment, sometim call amend 1, first amend unit state constitut also one ten amend bill rights."} {"id": "11545", "contents": "suboxon prescript medic combin buprenorphin naloxone. use treat opioid addiction. (heroin narcot painkil common opioid drugs.). buprenorphin belong class drug call opioid partial agonists, help reliev symptom opiat withdrawal. naloxon class drug call opioid antagonists, revers effect narcotics. a: suboxon (buprenorphine/naloxone) sublingu tablet indic treatment opioid dependence. buprenorphin partial agonist mu-opioid receptor antagonist kappa-opioid receptor."} {"id": "11546", "contents": "12 -24 hour last opiat depend type usage. insur cover cost though without it, quit expensive. believ goe name, though med suboxon buprenorphin naloxone. given 8mg suboxon want use get vicodin. doctor app suboxon 180 visit cost script cant afford it. lost job husband work slow considerably."} {"id": "11547", "contents": "state xxxxxx prescript price list note target pharmaci cheapest suboxon $6.99/suboxon pill, 8mg-2mg, qty. 30. start get prescript fill target."} {"id": "11548", "contents": "overal cost take suboxon year easili reach $4000 $5000. however, insur compani cover certain aspect treatment, depend state live in, covered. therefore, cost drug rang anywher $180 $720 month, depend much suboxon need day. mg size often use taper down, much expens per milligram mg size."} {"id": "11549", "contents": "next step induction, first treatment suboxone, rang anywher $200 $400. this, follow appoint made interv doctor choice, cost anywher $125 $250 per visit. therefore, cost drug rang anywher $180 $720 month, depend much suboxon need day. mg size often use taper down, much expens per milligram mg size."} {"id": "11550", "contents": "a. medic costs: suboxon come two sizes, mg mg dissolv tablet filmstrips. mg size cost $3-$4 mg size cost $6-$8 each. usual daili dose tablet mg size. therefore, cost per month $180-$720. smaller suppli suboxon written beginning. first visit usual give two three day suppli"} {"id": "11551", "contents": "patient health insur expect pay around $500 per month buprenorphin treatment, includ cost medic plu cost doctor' visits. estim base averag dose 16mg/day ($12 30 day $360) plu $100-$200 fee office-visits. course, rate vari base factor geograph locat proxim providers. varieti prescript discount avail low-incom patients."} {"id": "11552", "contents": "cost suboxone. suboxon come two sizes, mg mg dissolv tablets, filmstrips. mg tablet cost around $3-$4 piece, mg size cost around $6-$8 each. therefore, cost drug rang anywher $180 $720 month, depend much suboxon need day. mg size often use taper down, much expens per milligram mg size."} {"id": "11553", "contents": "got prescript suboxone. found dr. www.turntohelp.com. offic visit cover insur cost copay $35.00. fill prescription, cover insurance, cost $25.00. go www.turntohelp.com websit call around dr.' area find cheapest one. given 8mg suboxon want use get vicodin. doctor app suboxon 180 visit cost script cant afford it. lost job husband work slow considerably."} {"id": "11554", "contents": "brand ambassador choos repres compani and/or brands, individu transpar way.. self-brand effect way help new busi save hassl hire brand ambassadors, train realiz good enough company. testimoni advertis product freeli unlik role brand ambassador. brand ambassador perform function testimoni testimoni brand ambassador. simpli provid testimoni product/service, one need ambassador same."} {"id": "11555", "contents": "despit risk challeng grant employe cart blanch repres compani (a pr anxieti attack making) brand strategist contend compet cutthroat world social media marketing, brand ambassador crucial extend visibl company. survey 1,000 bloggers, compani found 10 percent blog health\u2014mak them, howev indirectli informally\u2014potenti brand ambassador humana. becam question execut team, much want social media\u2014but social media, said."} {"id": "11556", "contents": "theory, brand ambassador understand product well person creat person own company. brand ambassador extrem friendli outgoing, alway show desir perform get name product gener public."} {"id": "11557", "contents": "ambassador emot engag company\u2019 brand promis espous brand valu promis deliv customer, fabric person want share information, solv problem help others. social media brand ambassador (or smba like call them) someon compani facebook, twitter linkedin, gold company."} {"id": "11558", "contents": "full definit ambassador. 1. offici envoy; especially: diplomat agent highest rank accredit foreign govern sovereign resid repres govern sovereign appoint special often temporari diplomat assignment."} {"id": "11559", "contents": "ambassador repres home countri work live countri they\u2019v appointed. u.s. ambassadors, govern experi familiar country\u2019 polici two import requirements; abil adapt cultur also important. aren\u2019t offici educ requirements, undergradu advanc degre common. critic unit nation ambassador report frequent u.s. state depart also make recommend base u.n. activities. example, ambassador u.n. lend withdraw support budgetari matters, resolut confirm secretaries-general, head u.n."} {"id": "11560", "contents": "\u201ca brand ambassador basic spokesperson compani onlin off,\u201d say ladonna dennis, founder/own mom blog society, #1 mom blogger u.s. accord cision. even compani connect brand ambassadors. compani may pricier work directli one brand ambassador, often provid addit services, analyt team blogger campaign."} {"id": "11561", "contents": "brand ambassador market jargon celebr endors spokesmodel, person employ organ compani promot product services. brand ambassador meant embodi corpor ident appearance, demeanor, valu ethics. testimoni advertis product freeli unlik role brand ambassador. brand ambassador perform function testimoni testimoni brand ambassador. simpli provid testimoni product/service, one need ambassador same."} {"id": "11562", "contents": "brand ambassador simpli peopl repres talk compani posit way, prefer front lot potenti custom (i.e. friend family). brand ambassador someon embodi brand endorsing. social media brand ambassador (or smba like call them) someon compani facebook, twitter linkedin, gold company."} {"id": "11563", "contents": "www.marriagemax.com. famili marriag counsel cost vari widely. rate vari $75 $200 per hour, mani therapist offer slide scale fee base income, accept insur not. averag cost marriag famili counsel $100 per session. may seem like fortune, cost divorc often mani time figure. help put cost marriag counsel perspective, there' noth buy $10,000 give qualiti life healthi marriag provides."} {"id": "11564", "contents": "much it? average, marriag counsel session go charg per session. counsel session may less hour, 30 45 minutes. 30 minut session rang $30 $190 per hour. therapist may work base incom level. check insur compani insur ... session gener last around hour. averag cost $45 $300 per hour. overall, averag counsel durat 10 15 sessions. result final cost $1,200 $2,500"} {"id": "11565", "contents": "marriag counsel costs. marriag counsel cost rang $75 singl one-hour session $200 more. live, experi therapist, type set play factor much counsel costs. join program get 20 hour audio learn system, 10 hour teleconferences, workbook. it\u2019 compar 6-12 month marriag counseling, it\u2019 fraction cost."} {"id": "11566", "contents": "averag $95. sinc marriag counselor see coupl one session week first three months, expect pay $1200 period time $95/hr. may seem like fortune, cost divorc often mani time figure. help put cost marriag counsel perspective, there' noth buy $10,000 give qualiti life healthi marriag provides."} {"id": "11567", "contents": "first thing first, much marriag counsel cost? 90% profession marriag counselors, one session equal one hour, hourli rate also per-sess cost. recent data say marriag counselor charg $75 $150 hour average. counselor recommend least three month therapi (12 weeks) one session per week. counselor drop $50 hour other may go $200 hour, $75-$150 average. then, may recommend extra individu group session depend learn first sessions. so, averag cost marriag counsel ~$1,500 12 week therapy, could end anyth $600 $2,000+."} {"id": "11568", "contents": "averag cost $45 $300 per hour. overall, averag counsel durat 10 15 sessions. result final cost $1,200 $2,500. extrem cases, session last year total $12,000 more. session gener last around hour. averag cost $45 $300 per hour. overall, averag counsel durat 10 15 sessions. result final cost $1,200 $2,500"} {"id": "11569", "contents": "mani session need marriag counselor. marriag counselor charg specif hourli rate, rang anywher $75 $200 per hour. meet marriag counselor week, becom lot expens meet marriag counselor month. especi true area cost marriag counselor. varieti factor influenc amount need pay marriag counselor. include: geograph location. cost servic cost substanti less area another."} {"id": "11570", "contents": "much marriag counselor charge? rate vari $45 $200 per session. averag $95. sinc marriag counselor see coupl one session week first three months, expect pay $1200 period time $95/hr. client paid $1200 time they'v complet therapi"} {"id": "11571", "contents": "pocket cost (befor factor insur benefits, certainli use): work masters-level therapist cost $50 $105 per session. work doctoral-level therapist cost $80-150 per session. coupl colorado spend averag $25,000 wedding. much money coupl invest health marriage, qualiti relationship?"} {"id": "11572", "contents": "symbol arctic, polar bear world\u2019 largest land predat biggest member bear family. heavi fur, blubber four inch thick black skin absorb heat sun, polar bear amazingli well adapt arctic climate."} {"id": "11573", "contents": "complet fact inform polar bears, includ size, feed habits, cubs, snow dens, adapt arctic, popul status. daniel j. cox/natur exposures. complet fact inform polar bears, includ size, feed habits, cubs, snow dens, adapt arctic, popul status. plu gorgeou photos, videos, fun educ materials."} {"id": "11574", "contents": "polar bear habitat. polar bear' latin name, ursu maritimus, mean 'sea bear-an apt name amaz speci spend much life in, around, ocean. polar bear found throughout circumpolar arctic. they'r frequent seen along near coast islands, spend major live sea ice. sea ice vital polar bears. provid platform hunt, live, breed, cases, creat matern den"} {"id": "11575", "contents": "polar bear (ursu maritimus) carnivor bear whose nativ rang lie larg within arctic circle, encompass arctic ocean, surround sea surround land masses. larg bear, approxim size omnivor kodiak bear (ursu arcto middendorffi). polar bear classifi vulner species, eight nineteen polar bear subpopul decline. decades, larg scale hunt rais intern concern futur speci popul rebound control quota began take effect."} {"id": "11576", "contents": "global warm polar bears. chief threat polar bear loss sea ice habitat due global warming. suggest specif scientif name (ursu maritimus), polar bear actual marin mammal spend far time sea land."} {"id": "11577", "contents": "polar bear habitat distribution. find natur habitat polar bear cold area world. live arctic region temperatur low, water cold, abl move around thick sheet ice. polar bear wide rang roam area resid in. believ rang larg size carnivor world. plenti polar bear zoo around world well. seem quit well captivity."} {"id": "11578", "contents": "polar bear habitat. prefer habitat polar bear annual ice near coastlin contin islands, larg number ring seal (phoca hispida), bear feed."} {"id": "11579", "contents": "polar bear largest land carnivor world, rival kodiak brown bear southwestern alaska. polar bear marin mammals, spend much time arctic sea ice. mani adapt make polar bear uniqu suit life ici habitats. polar bear sit top food chain biolog rich arctic"} {"id": "11580", "contents": "polar bear habitat. polar bear habitat encompass entir circumpolar arctic region. polar bear adapt abl live water land. unlik bear species, polar bear excel swimmers, spot 100 mile away land ice. polar bear habitat entir arctic region. found cold time unforgiv land. polar bear found swim frigid ocean waters, adrift ice. polar bear main habitat offshor pack ice, along cost island arctic region. 40 per cent polar bear live today live northern canada, pack ice along shore mani island"} {"id": "11581", "contents": "ribonucl acid, rna (noun). (biochemistry) long linear polym nucleotid found nucleu mainli cytoplasm cell associ microsomes; transmit genet inform dna cytoplasm control certain chemic process cell."} {"id": "11582", "contents": "rna stand ribonucl acid, similar dna. found sever locat insid cell play integr role format proteins. slide 2. rna dna nucleic acids. whilst dna bask spotlight get attention, rna less well known."} {"id": "11583", "contents": "rna. ribonucl acid: class single-strand nucleic acid molecul ribos uracil, found chiefli cytoplasm cell certain viruses; import protein synthesi transmiss genet inform transcrib dna. compar messeng rna, ribosom rna, transfer rna."} {"id": "11584", "contents": "rna. definition. noun. abbrevi ribonucl acid: nucleic acid gener singl strand (doubl strand viruses) play role transfer inform dna protein-form system cell."} {"id": "11585", "contents": "short ribonucl acid. nucleic acid determin protein synthesi live cell genet makeup mani viruses. rna consist singl strand nucleotid varieti length shape mainli produc cell nucleus."} {"id": "11586", "contents": "adnex mass catch phrase abnorm pelvic area outsid uterus. common adnex mass ovarian cysts. ovarian cyst caus benign simpl cyst occur ovulation, benign ovarian tumors, ovarian cancers."} {"id": "11587", "contents": "adnexa: gynecology, appendag uterus, name ovaries, fallopian tubes, ligament hold uteru place."} {"id": "11588", "contents": "term adnex sometim use describ inflamm adnexa. context, replac term oophor salpingitis. term adnex mass sometim use locat mass yet precis known. 63% ectop pregnanc present adnex mass."} {"id": "11589", "contents": "synonym(s): accessori organ (1) adnexa, annexa. /ad\u00b7nexa/ (ad-nek\u00b4sah) [l., pl.] appendag accessori structur organ, appendag eye (a. o\u00b4culi), includ eyelid lacrim apparatus, uteru (a. u\u00b4teri), includ uterin tube ligament ovaries."} {"id": "11590", "contents": "adnexa region pelvic caviti adjac uterus, side uterus. read detail it. right side adnexa show small cystic (fluid filled) sac. caus natur cyst investigated."} {"id": "11591", "contents": "adnexa uteru includ ovaries, fallopian tubes, structur broad ligament. frequently, adnex mass refer ovarian mass cysts; however, paratub cysts, hydrosalpinx, nonovarian mass also includ within broader definit adnex masses."} {"id": "11592", "contents": "ancillari structur main structure. among health professionals, adnexa usual refer fallopian tubes, broad round uterin ligament ovaries, consid together."} {"id": "11593", "contents": "medic definit adnexa. 1. latin word (in plural) use medicin refer appendages. example, gynecolog adnexa appendag uterus, name ovaries, fallopian tube ligament hold uteru place."} {"id": "11594", "contents": "adnexa uteru (or uterin appendages) structur close relat structur function uterus."} {"id": "11595", "contents": "nilagang baka easi cook, thing time consum simmer beef bone beef brisket. filipino tend eat nilagang baka soup drizzl top steam rice. me, defin good nilagang baka possess rich flavour beef broth, melt mouth beef piec cook vegetables. don\u2019t like veget unrecogniz overcooking."} {"id": "11596", "contents": "descript edit. nilaga (liter mean 'boiled') either pork beef long use boney part meat bit vegetables. easi make throw everyth pot let meat cook tender. nilagang baka"} {"id": "11597", "contents": "instructions: 1. big casserole, heat oil saut saut\u00e9 garlic and. onions. add, water the, beef black pepper and. pati bring boil simmer for-1 hour beef is. tender. add the. potato continu simmer potato are. cooked. add cabbag the. pechay"} {"id": "11598", "contents": "nilagang baboy. nilagang baboy pork nilaga translat boil pork filipino. soup dish commonli serv lunch dinner regular days. nilagang baboy eaten steam white rice best serv pati (fish sauce) sile labuyo (bird eye chili). cook filipino recip while, chanc know prepar pork nilaga. prefer nilagang baboy less oily, start let broth (beef pork) boil. add onion, peppercorn, pork boil pork becom tender. also omit salt. instead, add fish sauc directli toward end."} {"id": "11599", "contents": "1. big casserole, heat oil saut saut\u00e9 garlic and. onions. add, water the, beef black pepper and. pati bring boil simmer for-1 hour beef is. tender. add the. potato big casserole, heat oil saut saut\u00e9 garlic and. onions. add, water the, beef black pepper and. pati bring boil simmer for-1 hour beef is. tender. add the. potato continu simmer potato are. cooked. add cabbag the. pechay"} {"id": "11600", "contents": "1. big casserole, heat oil saut saut\u00e9 garlic and. onions. add, water the, beef black pepper and. pati bring boil simmer for-1 hour beef is. tender. add the. potato continu simmer potato are. cooked. add cabbag the. pechay cook the. veget big casserole, heat oil saut saut\u00e9 garlic and. onions. add, water the, beef black pepper and. pati bring boil simmer for-1 hour beef is. tender. add the. potato continu simmer potato are. cooked. add cabbag the. pechay"} {"id": "11601", "contents": "big casserole, heat oil saut garlic onions. add water, beef, black pepper patis. bring boil simmer hour beef tender. add potatoes. continu simmer potato cooked. add cabbag pechay. cook vegetables. salt pepper tast"} {"id": "11602", "contents": "although northern southern hemispher water land, ocean domin southern hemisphere. much greater percentag earth land area northern hemisphere. 2. four main ocean basin pacif ocean, atlant ocean, indian ocean, arctic ocean. (a) pacif ocean largest area; indian ocean smallest. (b) pacif ocean deepest; arctic ocean shallowest. (c) indian ocean almost entir southern hemisphere. (d) arctic ocean exclus northern hemisphere."} {"id": "11603", "contents": "five largest river basin (bi area), largest smallest, basin amazon, rio r\u00edo de la, plata the, congo the, nile the. mississippi three river drain most, water to, least the, amazon, ganga congo. river five largest river basin (bi area), largest smallest, basin amazon, rio r\u00edo de la, plata the, congo the, nile the. mississippi"} {"id": "11604", "contents": "arctic ocean smallest world' five ocean basins. polar bear walk frozen surfac arctic ocean. freez environ provid home divers rang creatures. area about. arctic ocean 1.5 time big unit states."} {"id": "11605", "contents": "southern ocean complet surround antarctica. southern ocean extend coast antarctica north 60 degre south latitude. southern ocean fourth largest world' five ocean (after pacif ocean, atlant ocean, indian ocean, larger arctic ocean). time, geograph circl debat whether four five ocean earth."} {"id": "11606", "contents": "four main ocean basin pacific, atlantic, indian, arctic oceans. pacif ocean, occupi one-third earth' surface, largest basin. basin also greatest averag depth approxim 14,000 feet (4,300 meters)."} {"id": "11607", "contents": "1. pacif ocean. pacif ocean far world' largest ocean 60,060,700 squar mile (155,557,000 sq km). accord cia world factbook, cover 28% earth equal size nearli land area earth. ocean major compon earth' hydrospher cover 71% earth' surface. although ocean earth connect truli one world ocean, often world divid five differ oceans. follow list world' oceans, arrang size."} {"id": "11608", "contents": "pacif ocean largest deepest world ocean basins. ring fire defin nearli continu seri ocean trenches, island arcs, volcan mountain rang and/or boundari sever plates. encircl peripheri pacif ocean basin. contain half free water earth, pacif far largest world\u2019 ocean basins. world\u2019 contin could fit pacif basin. pacif oldest exist ocean basins. oldest rock date 200 million year"} {"id": "11609", "contents": "four ocean earth pacif ocean, atlant ocean, indian ocean, arctic ocean. four ocean earth pacif ocean atlant ocean indian ocean artic ocean atlant ocean realli ocean because, antarct oce circl globe surround southern contin antarctica. antarct ocean also call southern"} {"id": "11610", "contents": "go http://www.thesquirrelboard.com help babi squirrel find rehabber. forum join ask question help rais babi rehabb found. rehabb cannot found, squirrel board help rais babi releas back wild."} {"id": "11611", "contents": "feed babi anything, rehydr first. feed babi formula without rehydr first kill baby.pour pedialyt small contain (onli use one feeding) warm microwave, heat it."} {"id": "11612", "contents": "feed babi squirrel, make sure feed natur posit stomach head up. babi squirrel may nurs male genit hous together. watch see genit area get swollen."} {"id": "11613", "contents": "get babi warm tri give young squirrel anyth eat, must first get warm. make sure warm slowli make sure monitor warm overheat him. normal temperatur squirrel 99 degrees, close temperatur 98.6 degrees."} {"id": "11614", "contents": "advertisement. attent inform contain web page design take place wildlif rehabilit veterinarian design give guidanc help babi squirrel(s) found reach rehabilitator."} {"id": "11615", "contents": "feed babi squirrel eye open. attent inform contain web page design take place wildlif rehabilit veterinarian design give guidanc help squirrel(s) found reach rehabilitator."} {"id": "11616", "contents": "found babi squirrel take care weeks. found week old dehydr found it. great! first week (new born- week old) feed squirrel kitten puppi formula 7cc every2 hours. feed (him/her) (3-6 week old) 7cc everi hours. squirrel week old abl eat small slice avocado bit fruit."} {"id": "11617", "contents": "babi squirrel need company. tri find wildlif rehabilit take squirrel friends. learn other, imprint other, need compani thrive. begin offer newfound friend dri nut sure wash salt."} {"id": "11618", "contents": "get small box. get need warm babi squirrel, small box, basket larg tupperwar foot squar (without lid on) anoth similar contain needed. place heat devic one side. way get hot, babi squirrel simpli crawl away pad."} {"id": "11619", "contents": "let share truth, yes, eyelash grow back take time, effort right qualiti product get longer, fuller beauti eyelashes. gone phase sometim ago believ depressing. sinc lost eyelash due bad lifestyle, unhealthi food habits, use heavi makeup, low qualiti makeup products, diseas etc. need eyelash growth product fill gaps. product avail market food"} {"id": "11620", "contents": "like normal hair, eyelash grow back month six depend lifestyl eat habits. however, use eyelash growth serum enhanc minim cycle. sinc lost eyelash due bad lifestyle, unhealthi food habits, use heavi makeup, low qualiti makeup products, diseas etc. need eyelash growth product fill gaps. product avail market food eyelashes."} {"id": "11621", "contents": "fast eyelash grow. usually, eyelash come back span two eight weeks, especi pull deliber accidentally. however, you\u2019r suffer illness, may never abl get back unless someth it, get treated."} {"id": "11622", "contents": "eye lash fall pluck out, grow back. eyelash growth cycl take four eight week fulli replac eyelash. lose larg clump eyelashes, like take longer replac take four week replac come fully. realistically, eyelash extens last weeks, give take coupl weeks, fall natur lash. lost within coupl week part natur cycle, common get touch refil weeks. cases, eyelash extens last weeks."} {"id": "11623", "contents": "better normal would longer, lusciou eyelash dream made of. time growth purpos differ depend method use grow back eyelashes: loss eyelash due natur caus might take anywher month grow back. eyelash trim anoth option left weak fall hair. eyelash growth product like eyelash enhancers, eyelash growth stimul best cosmet world help grow back eyelashes."} {"id": "11624", "contents": "ye do, might take coupl month see especi interrupt natur growth cycl way. example, pull eyelash out, without visibl eyelash grow back get rest phase (telogen). realistically, eyelash extens last weeks, give take coupl weeks, fall natur lash. lost within coupl week part natur cycle, common get touch refil weeks. cases, eyelash extens last weeks."} {"id": "11625", "contents": "silica chemic compound silicon dioxid (sio2). compos element silicon oxygen. silica commonli found natur sand quartz. princip compon type glass substanc concrete."} {"id": "11626", "contents": "chemic compound silicon dioxide, also known silica silox (from latin silex), oxid silicon, chemic formula sio2, known hardn ess sinc 9th century. silica commonli found natur sand quartz. princip compon type glass substanc concrete."} {"id": "11627", "contents": "chemic compound silicon dioxide, also known silica silox (from latin silex), oxid silicon, chemic formula sio2, known hardn ess sinc 9th century. silica commonli found natur sand quartz. princip compon type glass substanc concrete."} {"id": "11628", "contents": "silicon dioxide, also known silica (from latin silex), chemic compound oxid silicon chemic formula si 2. known sinc ancient times. silica commonli found natur quartz, well variou live organisms."} {"id": "11629", "contents": "silica gel granular, vitreous, porou form silicon dioxid made synthet sodium silicate. silica gel tough hard; solid common household gel like gelatin agar. natur occur miner purifi process either granular bead form. form, use desicc control local humid avoid spoilag degrad goods. silica gel ad chemic indic (see below) adsorb moistur well, silica gel packet usual bear warn user eat contents."} {"id": "11630", "contents": "raw materials. silicon metal made reaction silica (silicon dioxide, sio2) carbon materi like coke, coal wood chips. silica typic receiv form metallurg grade gravel. gravel 99.5% silica, (8 cm 15 cm) size."} {"id": "11631", "contents": "silica (quartz) silica, sio 2, white colorless crystallin compound found mainli quartz, sand, flint, mani minerals. silica import ingredi manufactur wide varieti materials. quartz; quartz abund silica mineral. pure quartz colorless transparent. silica, sa,i compon glass concrete. form silica commonli known quartz, silica tetrahedra, second common miner earth' crust, come mani differ forms. silica compound silicon oxygen. earth' outer crust contain 59% material."} {"id": "11632", "contents": "answers. best answer: silica, short silicon dioxid compound made element silicon oxygen: sio2 common form silica quartz. source(s):"} {"id": "11633", "contents": "silica may one overlook miner term health benefits. silica commonli found natur sand quartz. human body, chemic compound hold us togeth key element format collagen."} {"id": "11634", "contents": "silica silicon dioxid (sio 2) chemic compound consist one silicon two oxygen atoms. quartz common miner chemic composit quartz silica synonyms. quartz made silica also cristobalite, tridymit miner (polymorph silica). collect refer silica minerals. silic devonian sandston estonia. quartz common sand-form mineral."} {"id": "11635", "contents": "3. inher power specif list constitution, grow exist nation government. example, unit state power acquir territori explor and/or occupancy, primarili govern gener claim right. all, constitut deleg 27 power specif feder government. 2. impli power specif state constitution, may infer elast (or necessari proper) claus (articl i, section 8)."} {"id": "11636", "contents": "articl i, section u.s. constitut author feder govern issu central currenc states. form currenc chang mani time years. constitut also identifi reserv powers, set asid states. all, constitut deleg 27 power specif feder government. 2. impli power specif state constitution, may infer elast (or necessari proper) claus (articl i, section 8)."} {"id": "11637", "contents": "introduction. u.s. constitut establish america\u2019 nation govern fundament laws, guarante certain basic right citizens. sign septemb 17, 1787, deleg constitut convent philadelphia, presid georg washington."} {"id": "11638", "contents": "federalism. feder system govern power divid nation (federal) govern variou state governments. unit states, u.s. constitut give certain power feder government, power state governments, yet power both. state empow pass, enforce, interpret laws, long violat constitution. feder govern determin foreign policy, exclus power make treaties, declar war, control import exports."} {"id": "11639", "contents": "found father establish constitut two things: establish feder govern unit state america. deleg feder govern certain, limit (and enumerated) powers. constitut written thirteen origin states. feder govern creat states, via constitution, exist serv states. state deleg power new feder government, power belong"} {"id": "11640", "contents": "third major system feder system. feder system, nation govern hold signific power, smaller polit subdivis also hold signific power. unit states, canada, australia, brazil exampl feder systems. regardless kind feder current constitut provid specif power state feder government. power tradit divid three categories."} {"id": "11641", "contents": "unit state government, creat constitut limit government, statut contrari law. case, constitut statutori law appli particular time. amend unit state constitution, unlik one made mani constitut world-wide, append end document. seven articl twenty-seven amendments, shortest written constitut force. five page origin u.s. constitut written parchment."} {"id": "11642", "contents": "govern unit state america feder govern republ fifti state constitut unit states, well one capit district, sever territories. charl t. schenck v. unit states). term govern unit state america unit state govern often use offici document repres feder govern distinct state collectively."} {"id": "11643", "contents": "1. deleg (sometim call enumer expressed) power specif grant feder govern articl i, section constitution. includ power coin money, regul commerce, declar war, rais maintain arm forces, establish post office. all, constitut deleg 27 power specif feder government. 2. impli power specif state constitution, may infer elast (or necessari proper) claus (articl i, section 8)."} {"id": "11644", "contents": "preamble. relationship author state feder govern govern u.s. constitution. feder govern deleg certain enumer power power otherwis prohibit constitut reserv states."} {"id": "11645", "contents": "green mile 1999 american fantasi crime drama film direct frank darabont adapt 1996 stephen king novel name. last request night execution, john watch film top hat. john put electr chair, he, shed tears, ask paul put tradit black hood head afraid dark. paul agrees, shake hand goodbye, john executed."} {"id": "11646", "contents": "duncan born chicago, illinois, grew single-par household sister, judy, mother, jean duncan (a hous cleaner), father left. alway want act, drop commun program alcorn state univers support famili mother becam ill. 2005, duncan appear two promin action films, island (hi second michael bay film) sin citi (again alongsid bruce willis) play manute, power mobster."} {"id": "11647", "contents": "michael clark duncan (decemb 10, 1957 septemb 3, 2012) american actor, best known breakout role john coffey green mile, nomin academi award golden globe. 2005, duncan appear two promin action films, island (hi second michael bay film) sin citi (again alongsid bruce willis) play manute, power mobster."} {"id": "11648", "contents": "2013, manigault appear cast all-star celebr apprentic play duncan' honor favorit chariti one benefit himself, sue duncan children' center. 2005, duncan appear two promin action films, island (hi second michael bay film) sin citi (again alongsid bruce willis) play manute, power mobster."} {"id": "11649", "contents": "edit. film flip action first two instal novel. first book, two dead girls, begin john coffey arriv mile, point arlen bitterbuck alreadi execut eduard delacroix alreadi mouse. second book goe back john' arriv tell bitterbuck' fate origin mouse. see \u00bb."} {"id": "11650", "contents": "$136.8 million (usa). green mile 1999 film, direct frank darabont, base stephen king novel green mile. film star tom hank paul edgecomb michael clark duncan john coffey. movi primarili paul edgecomb life prison guard death row 1930s. movieglimpse.com green mile (show parallel jesu christ john coffey). hollywoodjesu green mile (thi websit offer commentari frank darabont (director screenwrit 'the green mile') christ parallel within book/film)."} {"id": "11651", "contents": "film told flashback format star tom hank paul edgecomb michael clark duncan john coffey support role david morse, bonni hunt, jame cromwell. film also featur dabb greer, final film, old paul edgecomb. last request night execution, john watch film top hat. john put electr chair, he, shed tears, ask paul put tradit black hood head afraid dark. paul agrees, shake hand goodbye, john executed."} {"id": "11652", "contents": "actor soundtrack producer. michael clark duncan born decemb 10, 1957 chicago, illinois. rais singl mother, jean, hous cleaner, chicago' south side, duncan grew resist drug alcohol, instead concentr school. [on green mile (1999)] think toughest scene film two dead girls, simpli lot cri do, lot howl do, realli drain me."} {"id": "11653", "contents": "begun career sever bit part play bouncer film bulworth night roxbury, duncan first came promin cast bear blockbust michael bay action film armageddon (1998). 2005, duncan appear two promin action films, island (hi second michael bay film) sin citi (again alongsid bruce willis) play manute, power mobster."} {"id": "11654", "contents": "among higher plants, gymnosperm (nake seed), angiosperms. flower plant, rose, apple, lili angiosperms. general, produc se ed enclos ovary."} {"id": "11655", "contents": "plant flower produc seed enclos within carpel. angiosperm larg group includ herbac plants, shrubs, grasses, trees."} {"id": "11656", "contents": "angiosperm (a plant whose ovul enclos ovary) commonli refer flower plants, oppos gymnosperms, cone bear plants. angiosperm form phylum, phylum anthophyta."} {"id": "11657", "contents": "submit. term angiosperm use identifi flower plant world. flower plant, water lili (nymphaeaceae) angiosperm. 80 percent plant earth angiosperms. keywords: flower plants, angiosperms, water lilies."} {"id": "11658", "contents": "differ angiosperm gymnosperm angiosperm flower plant gymnosperm not. a. includ plant use flower reproduce. inform topic research onlin biolog book. strongli recommend dale layman' biolog demystifi info."} {"id": "11659", "contents": "lipitor (atorvastatin) hmg-coa reductas inhibitor statin, lower level cholesterol triglycerid blood. statin may also reduc risk heart attack stroke patient risk factor heart disease. lipitor avail gener atorvastatin."} {"id": "11660", "contents": "typic statin regimen. drug taken pill (tablets) pharmaci carri formul differ dosages. dosag milligram level-roughli 10 mg 100 mg per day, depend type statin need patient. patient begin statin drug regimen gener prescrib low doses, although increas dosag may given suffer heart attack."} {"id": "11661", "contents": "monday, feb. 10, 2014 (healthday news) -- new analysi suggest peopl high risk heart diseas can't take high-dos statin drug lower cholesterol might benefit treatment combin includ take low-dos statin."} {"id": "11662", "contents": "drug use treat high blood pressur chest pain often prescrib simvastatin, fear combin caus unpleas side effects. thousand peopl take common statin dose reduc due fear side effects. medicin regul warn patient take one particular type-simvastatin-at time drug use reduc high blood pressur like suffer muscl ach pains."} {"id": "11663", "contents": "zocor (simvastatin) hmg-coa reductas inhibitor statin, lower level cholesterol triglycerid blood. statin may also reduc risk heart attack stroke patient risk factor heart disease. zocor avail gener simvastatin. juvisync, combin januvia (sitagliptin, diabet medication) simvastatin, treat diabet high cholesterol."} {"id": "11664", "contents": "pot inch wide inch deep. nice size move band plant into. but, particularli deep, make sure root fit container. pot produc averag plant feet tall. grow lot palm pots."} {"id": "11665", "contents": "speci agav shown 1, 15 gallon pots, differ price achiev size maturity. specialti plant topiari may cost averag contain price due time labor achiev precis forms. tip #1 reduc plant sizes: everi plant speci use landscap today matur specif height diameter. contain size industri price nurseri plants. optim size shrub plant plan gallon container. herbac perenni gallon containers. tree usual 15 gallon containers, next size consid specimen grown 24 inch squar wood box."} {"id": "11666", "contents": "total cost returns. total cost garden mum product contain market ad $1.42 per pot, tabl 4. base typic wholesal price $2.25 per pot, gross revenu 8,200 plant would $18,450. net profit $7,120. assum 75% plant deliv load 250 plants. expens includ hour labor ($8.00 per hour) 10 gallon gasolin ($1.00 per gallon). market cost nearli $0.17 per pot 12% product costs."} {"id": "11667", "contents": "determin product cost per plant take amount soil need fill singl pot. first take soil volum convert inches. cubic feet soil 12 x12 x12 give us 3456 cubic inch soil. divid cost soil 128. give us much cost fill pot exampl $4 128 equal $0.03 per pot. next need know much pot costs."} {"id": "11668", "contents": "much known: legal pot mean higher-pr pot -- long shot. accord priceofweed.com, crowdsourc internet archiv black market pot price across country, nation averag cost ounc high-qual black market marijuana roughli $350. great pot, report consumers, expens north dakota, ounc goe $400. still, medic pot continu sell, competit prices. colorado, medic cannabi half price recreat cannabis. denver dispensari charg medic custom around $10 per gram; price per gram retail stuff rang $15 $25."} {"id": "11669", "contents": "found median plant densiti 15 plant per squar meter, 1.4 plant per squar foot, averag yield 1.2 ounc saleabl materi per plant per harvest. translat 0.105 pound per squar foot per harvest 2.625 pound per 25 squar feet per harvest."} {"id": "11670", "contents": "profit per pot base variat number plant deliv price (tabl 5). net profit margin analysi garden mum present tabl 6. base price $2.25 per pot, deliv plant profit margin 36.8% non-deliv plant 44.2% profit margin. assum 75% plant deliv load 250 plants. expens includ hour labor ($8.00 per hour) 10 gallon gasolin ($1.00 per gallon). market cost nearli $0.17 per pot 12% product costs."} {"id": "11671", "contents": "figur fill 128 pots. divid cost soil 128. give us much cost fill pot exampl $4 128 equal $0.03 per pot. next need know much pot costs."} {"id": "11672", "contents": "map u.s. time zone april 2, 2006, march 11, 2007. current situat differ sever indiana counti eastern time zone instead central time zone. unit state minor outli island outsid time zone defin 15 u.s.c. \u00a7260 exist water defin nautic time. practice, militari crew may simpli use zulu time (utc\u00b10) islands. baker island howland island utc\u221212, wake island utc+12"} {"id": "11673", "contents": "best answer: 5. eastern, central, mountain, pacif alaska standard time. alaska contin 48 states. said contigu instead continental, would arizona mountain time zone, daylight save time. source(s): stolsai year ago."} {"id": "11674", "contents": "mani time zone sign us? five time zone continent unit state west east: pacific, mountain, central, eastern, atlantic."} {"id": "11675", "contents": "time zone names. name eastern, central, mountain, pacif use four time zone 48 contigu state sinc begin standard time unit states. alaska use four time zones: pacific, yukon, alaska, bering."} {"id": "11676", "contents": "chamorro standard time utc+10. unit state divid four time zone novemb 18, 1883, jurisdict zone given interst commerc commiss (icc). place keep time within time zone. zone unit state intend repres mean time four differ meridian (not includ daylight save time): eastern standard time (est). central standard time (cst). mountain standard time (mst). pacif standard time (pst)."} {"id": "11677", "contents": "note: arizona go daylight save time, want get trivial technical, save time, zones, sense, arizona time california' daylight save time."} {"id": "11678", "contents": "contermin unit state compos four time zones-eastern, central, mountain, pacific. counti assign one four time zones. four time zone 48 contermin unit state (boundari indic red line). counti boundari shown gray state boundari dark blue. alaska alaskan time zone portion aleutian island hawaii-aleutian time zone."} {"id": "11679", "contents": "alaska hawaii time zones: alaska standard time (akst) hawaii standard time (hst) respectively. daylight save time began unit state a.m. second sunday march. time revert standard time a.m. first sunday november. see daylight-saving-time.com details."} {"id": "11680", "contents": "vote vote answer. exist sub time zone well. arizona observ daylight save time. mean arizona never chang clock like rest countri does. area u.s. observ daylight save time hawaii, american samoa, guam, puerto rico, virgin islands. arizona, need anoth hour sunlight!"} {"id": "11681", "contents": "example, common find golf cart dimens 7.6\u2032 length 4\u2032 width 5.6\u2032 height. interest cart variant four-seat golf cart dimens 3,190mm 1,210mm 1,945mm ground clearanc 100mm. you\u2019ll abl find ga power electr power variant four-seat golf car. standard golf cart dimensions. today find golf cart variou type format dimensions. nevertheless, idea still same, abl convey two individu speed exceed 24 kilomet per hour. origin standard stamp golf car manufactured."} {"id": "11682", "contents": "golf car 119cm wide (47 in) length 240cm (94.5 in)."} {"id": "11683", "contents": "standard golf cart dimens follows: width set four feet, length eight feet, height six feet. standard golf cart dimensions. today find golf cart variou type format dimensions. nevertheless, idea still same, abl convey two individu speed exceed 24 kilomet per hour. origin standard stamp golf car manufactured."} {"id": "11684", "contents": "load golf cart trailer. standard golf cart fit 5x10 util trailer without problems, matter lift rear seat back. smaller trailer, may load golf cart backward rear seat foot tray overhang front trailer. golf cart transport. load golf cart truck bed trailer follow steps. face golf cart direct haul vehicle, flip windshield fasten sting around windshield."} {"id": "11685", "contents": "trailer golf cart alway good precaut check greas wheel bear haul. low greas wheel bear major caus trailer failure. golf cart trailer length width. comment closed. golf cart transport. load golf cart truck bed trailer follow steps. face golf cart direct haul vehicle, flip windshield fasten sting around windshield."} {"id": "11686", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. length club car golf car 94.5 inch width 47 inches. centimeters, length 240cm width 119cm."} {"id": "11687", "contents": "standard golf cart tire (factory) measur 18\u2033 tall (outer diameter) 8.5\u2033 wide (across tread) 8\u2033 bead (inner diameter). written 18 8.5 first number overal diamet golf car tire, second width tread third diamet golf cart wheel. pleas see illustr left. golf cart tires, design \u2018nhs\u2019 mean non highway service. proper tire pressur usual indic sidewal vari brand model golf cart tires. golf car tire use somewher 15 25 psi (pound per squar inch) averag 20-22 psi."} {"id": "11688", "contents": "given aforement golf cart dimens ordinari golf cart weigh 410 450 kilogram 900 1,000 pounds. model golf car find four stroke engin hood. standard golf cart dimensions. today find golf cart variou type format dimensions. nevertheless, idea still same, abl convey two individu speed exceed 24 kilomet per hour. origin standard stamp golf car manufactured."} {"id": "11689", "contents": "golf car trailer. golf cart fit 10 util trailer without problems, matter lift rear seat back. golf car transporting. load golf cart truck bed trailer follow steps. face golf cart direct haul vehicle, flip windshield fasten sting around windshield."} {"id": "11690", "contents": "person trainer averag full-tim incom $25.71 per hour $53,323 per year, accord 2010 salari survey american council exercise. compar $17.38 per hour $36,150 per year made fit trainer may 2011, accord bureau labor statistics."} {"id": "11691", "contents": "person trainer gain experience, expos bigger varieti exercis wider base clients. thus, pay increas pass years, accord payscale. example, new trainer make $8.78 $16.48 per hour, one four year work get $10.97 $23.47."} {"id": "11692", "contents": "short answer much person trainer make $53,323/year person trainer work full-time. however, much trainer make depend entir number factor include; location, level certification, education, experience."} {"id": "11693", "contents": "bl note person trainers\u2019 salari vari work set industry. work civic social organ earn lowest averag annual salari $33,020 2013. local govern provid employ 10,830 person trainers, averag salari $34,140."} {"id": "11694", "contents": "education. salari person trainer increas education, high school diploma make lowest wages. averag $22.14 per hour, $45,516 per year full-time; $22.79 per hour, $19,011 per year part-time, almost 17 hour work per week."} {"id": "11695", "contents": "basics. person trainer make base hourli rate $12.06 $29.70 per hour, $14.18 $25.81 per hour overtime, $1.19 $4.86 per hour tips, accord payscal report januari 2011."} {"id": "11696", "contents": "averag full time person trainer make $50,000/year potenti make upward $130,000/year. choos person trainer, expect career satisfact immedi job growth within first year. hourli salari person trainers."} {"id": "11697", "contents": "free erythrocyt protoporphyrin (fep) test measur zpp, account 90% protoporphyrin red blood cells, free protoporphyrin, bound zinc. zpp/heme ratio give proport zpp compar normal iron-contain heme red blood cells. zpp substanc normal found small amount red blood cells. protoporphyrin red blood cell combin iron form heme, molecul hemoglobin carri oxygen."} {"id": "11698", "contents": "free erythrocyt protoporphyrin (fep) test measur zpp, account 90% protoporphyrin red blood cells, free protoporphyrin, bound zinc. zpp/heme ratio give proport zpp compar normal iron-contain heme red blood cells. zinc protoporphyrin (zpp) normal present red blood cell small amounts, level may increas peopl lead poison iron deficiency."} {"id": "11699", "contents": "zinc protoporphyrin (zpp) compound found red blood cell heme product inhibit lead and/or lack iron. measur zinc protoporphyrin red cell use screen test lead poisoning. iron deficiency. number specif clinic situat measur found use"} {"id": "11700", "contents": "two type test avail measur zpp: free erythrocyt protoporphyrin (fep) test measur zpp, account 90% protoporphyrin red blood cells, free protoporphyrin, bound zinc. zpp substanc normal found small amount red blood cells. protoporphyrin red blood cell combin iron form heme, molecul hemoglobin carri oxygen."} {"id": "11701", "contents": "zpp serv use purpos red blood cell sinc cannot bind oxygen. zpp may measur one two ways: free erythrocyt protoporphyrin (fep) test measur zpp, account 90% protoporphyrin red blood cells, free protoporphyrin, bound zinc. zinc protoporphyrin (zpp) normal present red blood cell small amounts, level may increas peopl lead poison iron deficiency."} {"id": "11702", "contents": "77 content 1. introduct 782. free erythrocyt protoporphyrin, erythrocyt protoporphyrin zinc protoporphyrin 78 2.1 pregnanc 79 2.2 infanc 79 2.3 childhood 80 2.4 respons iron therapi complic 81 2.5 measurement, confound factors, unit measur 823. turn, fep zpp interchang term \u201cerythrocyt protoporphyrin\u201d (ep).th concentr ep express either \u00b5g/dl whole blood \u00b5g/dl red blood cells. convers valu reli accur measur pack cell volume."} {"id": "11703", "contents": "erythrocyt protoporphyrin test ep test; screen test lead toxicity; erythrocyt protoporphyrin level determin direct fluorometri whole blood fluoresc analysi whole blood extracts. level increas either lead poison iron deficiency."} {"id": "11704", "contents": "routin hemoglobinopathy. free erythrocyt protoporphyrin (feo) test measur non-complexed, non-hem protoporphyrin concentr blood. test alon sensit enough diagnos iron deficiency, elev fep conjunct low mcv suggestive."} {"id": "11705", "contents": "abstract. erythrocyt zinc protoporphyrin. iron defici lead poisoning, enzym ferrochelatas catalyz incorpor zinc, instead iron, protoporphyrin ix, result format zinc protoporphyrin (zpp). healthi blood donors, good invers correl serum ferritin zpp levels."} {"id": "11706", "contents": "cases, trauma nose caus nose sores. exampl happen due blow nose hard sneez wherebi blood capillari nasal line ruptur lead small ulcers. bacteri infect also caus nasal sores."} {"id": "11707", "contents": "bacteria: staphylococcu bacteria blame sore nose. normal nose habitat bacteria, least 50 percent human harbor nose, rest present skin surface. howev caus harm. constant pick nose lead cut breakag hair follicles."} {"id": "11708", "contents": "anoth like caus sore insid nose allergi chemic fumes, nose piercing, nasal sprays. typic manifest itching, red irrit insid nose. common cold, nasal polyp lupu caus sore insid nose."} {"id": "11709", "contents": "cold sore nose caus number reasons. cold flu common caus cold sore nose dri winter month peopl like develop cold flu-lik symptoms. dri weather affect inner line nasal passag make suscept infection."} {"id": "11710", "contents": "sore nose, nasal sore like, pretti unattract may make feel uncomfortable. red inflamm nasal line often associ sore nose. sore insid nose also typic painful. nasal herp one common caus nose sores. caus herp simplex virus, hsv, character blister sore insid around nose."} {"id": "11711", "contents": "pain, redness, inflamm swell cardin featur nasal sores. sever reason nasal sores, common bacteri infect result boil furuncle. blister herp simplex viru around nose also caus lot discomfort pain. sometim nasal sore heal without treatment; occasion come again."} {"id": "11712", "contents": "avoid nasal spray chemic fume caus nasal sores. boil furuncl nose, take prescrib antibiotics. besid eat nutriti well balanc diet ensur strong immun system. import sore recur frequently."} {"id": "11713", "contents": "medic definit endoplasm reticulum. system interconnect vesicular lamellar cytoplasm membran function especi transport materi within cell stud ribosom places\u2014se rough endoplasm reticulum. system interconnect vesicular lamellar cytoplasm membran function especi transport materi within cell stud ribosom place see cell illustration. see endoplasm reticulum defin kids."} {"id": "11714", "contents": "definit endoplasm reticulum kids. system caviti tini connect canal occupi much cytoplasm cell function especi movement materi within cell. system interconnect vesicular lamellar cytoplasm membran function especi transport materi within cell stud ribosom place see cell illustration. see endoplasm reticulum defin kids."} {"id": "11715", "contents": "endoplasm reticulum. system fold membranes, channels, flatten sac cytoplasm eukaryot cells, involv synthesis, storage, transport variou substanc necessari cell function: point attach ribosomes, especi associ protein synthesis. link cite add word list. noun. endoplasm reticulum defin seri fold membran cell associ protein synthesis, storag movement cellular materials. exampl endoplasm reticulum place steroid store cell later use"} {"id": "11716", "contents": "gener structur endoplasm reticulum network membran call cisternae. sac-lik structur held togeth cytoskeleton. phospholipid membran enclos space, cistern space (or lumen), continu perinuclear space separ cytosol. two type endoplasm reticulum, rough smooth. outer (cytosolic) face rough endoplasm reticulum stud ribosom site protein synthesis. rough endoplasm reticulum especi promin cell hepatocytes."} {"id": "11717", "contents": "definit endoplasm reticulum. system interconnect vesicular lamellar cytoplasm membran function especi transport materi within cell stud ribosom place see cell illustration. see endoplasm reticulum defin kids."} {"id": "11718", "contents": "en\u00b7do\u00b7plas\u00b7m reticulum. network membran within cytoplasm mani cell import protein synthesi involv transport cellular materials. organ except bacteria least one endoplasm reticulum cells. see cell. endoplas\u2032m retic\u2032ulum. network tubular membran within cytoplasm cell, occur either smooth surfac (smooth endoplasm reticulum) stud ribosom (rough endoplasm reticulum), involv transport materials.. [1945\u201350]."} {"id": "11719", "contents": "organel consist network membran within cytoplasm eukaryot cell import protein synthesi fold involv transport cellular materials. endoplasm reticulum continu place membran cell nucleus. endoplasm reticulum-noun cell biology. network tubular membran within cytoplasm cell, occur either smooth surfac (smooth endoplasm reticulum) stud ribosom (rough endoplasm reticulum), involv transport"} {"id": "11720", "contents": "anoth organel cell endoplasm reticulum (er). function nucleu act cell brain, er function manufactur packag system. work close golgi apparatus, ribososmes, mrna, trna. structurally, endoplasm reticulum network membran found throughout cell connect nucleus. membran slightli differ cell cell cell\u2019 function determin size structur er."} {"id": "11721", "contents": "aleutian island group 300 small volcan island form part aleutian arc northern pacif ocean, occupi area 6,821 sq mi (17,666 km\u00b2) extend 1,200 mi (1,931 km) westward alaska peninsula toward kamchatka peninsula. aleutian island chain part state alaska, is, therefore, part north american continent. edit. share to: william galloway. 22,671 contributions. gi brat former member us army. avid militari histori buff reader. former water treatment operator. former boy scout leader."} {"id": "11722", "contents": "(januari 2013). aleutian island campaign struggl aleutian islands, part alaska territory, american theater pacif theater world war ii start june 1942."} {"id": "11723", "contents": "chain small island make aleutian island separ bere sea main part pacif ocean. form part state alaska unit states. almost 70 island form arc extend 1,100 mile (1,800 kilometers) tip alaska peninsula attu island north pacific. occupi land area 6,821 squar miles. aleutian islands.."} {"id": "11724", "contents": "aleutian island part alaska unit states. unit state northern hemisphere, aleutian island occur northern hemi phere. answered. travel places. aleutian island chain part state alaska, is, therefore, part north american continent. edit. share to: william galloway. 22,671 contributions. gi brat former member us army. avid militari histori buff reader. former water treatment operator. former boy scout leader."} {"id": "11725", "contents": "aleutian island chain part state alaska, is, therefore, part north american continent. edit. share to: william galloway. 22,671 contributions. gi brat former member us army. avid militari histori buff reader. former water treatment operator. former boy scout leader. hawaii statehood hawaii 50th state union, long controversi path statehood. visitor island go enjoy warm climate, sandi surf beaches, \u2026. honeymoon island state park florida honeymoon island state park locat along gulf coast florida dunedin."} {"id": "11726", "contents": "nearli archipelago part alaska usual consid alaskan bush extrem western end small, geologically-related, remot command island russia. islands, 57 volcanoes, northern part pacif ring fire. islands, known 1867 catherin archipelago, compris five group (east west): fox, island four mountains, andreanof, rat, near island group (with buldir island halfway favian diana islands, part neither group)."} {"id": "11727", "contents": "aleutian island wilderness. unit state congress design aleutian island wilder (map) 1980 total 1,300,000 acres. wilder locat alaska manag fish wildlif service."} {"id": "11728", "contents": "aleutian island spectacular place visit. alaska peninsula aleutian island compris bleak, stark land tree spars wildlife. born chain volcanoes, aleutian still experi volcan upheav regular basis."} {"id": "11729", "contents": "aleutian island part alaska unit states. unit state northern hemisphere, aleutian island occur northern hemi phere. answered. travel places. hawaii statehood hawaii 50th state union, long controversi path statehood. visitor island go enjoy warm climate, sandi surf beaches, \u2026. honeymoon island state park florida honeymoon island state park locat along gulf coast florida dunedin."} {"id": "11730", "contents": "aleutian island (possibl chukchi aliat, island) chain 300 small volcan island form island arc northern pacif ocean, occupi area 6,821 sq mi (17,666 km\u00b2) extend 1,200 mi (1,900 km) westward alaska peninsula toward kamchatka peninsula. group island northern pacif ocean, westward alaska peninsula toward kamchatka peninsula. cross longitud 180\u00b0, westernmost part unit states. scamper year ago."} {"id": "11731", "contents": "minecart craftabl item make ride minecart track faster. equip minecart equip slot dy (the default dy well, without item slot). second tier minecart, wors mechan cart, better default minecart. minecart max speed 48.4 block per second, 66 mph."} {"id": "11732", "contents": "perpetu move minecart track. work underwat above. upvot this! http://redd.it/m9zrx. use survival, make sure air bubbl along way (such signs) breath. song: raini day paris: http://www.newgrounds.com/audio/liste..."} {"id": "11733", "contents": "minecart great way travel place minecraft without running! everi big mine use minecart track help move equip mine. minecart use well, includ creativ use train rollercoasters."} {"id": "11734", "contents": "place ingot like mine cart. you\u2019v made enough rails, get start build mine cart track first, it\u2019 import understand coupl rules, coupl law mine cart track work minecraft."} {"id": "11735", "contents": "costs. addit cost mosaic glass tile backsplash, consum need wari expens involv instal type design kitchen. mani suppli need instal item includ primer, sealant construct adhesive."} {"id": "11736", "contents": "suppli grout tile adhes add averag $1.48 per finish squar foot backsplash. averag hourli cost labor experienc tile instal cut place tile $71.50. instal cost basic squar rectangular layout backsplash."} {"id": "11737", "contents": "we\u2019r kitchen now. want tile kitchen work surfac wall cabinet above, use 6\u201d (150mm 150mm) tiles, along one 8\u2019 (2400mm) wall, two electr socket take replace. price labour, adhes grout. tile included. let assum 8\u2019 6\u2019 bathroom, one window reveal, wall readi tiling, bath etc situ, tile 8\u201d (200mm) squar tiling. job 1. tile bathroom, floor ceiling, appli grout, silicon around bath."} {"id": "11738", "contents": "get instant estim cost instal tile floor! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost tile floor instal project. basic 120 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal tile floor rang $10.02 $14.22 per squar foot* estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchas"} {"id": "11739", "contents": "profession instal also need instal type backsplash instal involv heavi duti equipment. averag cost one hour labor mosaic glass tile backsplash $38 $50. instal complet 10 15 hour depend size kitchen. addit cost mosaic glass tile backsplash, consum need wari expens involv instal type design kitchen. mani suppli need instal item includ primer, sealant construct adhesive."} {"id": "11740", "contents": "job 1. want tile kitchen work surfac wall cabinet above, use 6\u201d (150mm 150mm) tiles, along one 8\u2019 (2400mm) wall, two electr socket take off, cut round replace. nice leisur day one man plu small amount materials\u2026\u2026.. \u00a3180.00. averag labour cost/pric tile kitchen splashback. clarifi follow price recommend read articl inform box prices\u2026. (these price base tradesman\u2019 rate \u00a3150.00 per day labour requir \u00a3100.00 per day."} {"id": "11741", "contents": "instal charg start around $5-10 squar foot ($500-$1,000 10x10-feet) rise sharpli custom work. odd room layout cost more. there' usual fee move furnitur tear old floor. natur stone tile marble, granite, slate start $2 squar foot, $200 10x10-feet, cost climb rapidli custom design special orders."} {"id": "11742", "contents": "free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost kitchen backsplash instal project. basic 120 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal kitchen backsplash rang $18.28 $32.43 per squar foot* estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchased."} {"id": "11743", "contents": "under-til warm system cost $1,100 10x10-foot bathroom; details, visit ceramic-tile-floor.info. world floor cover associ provid directori retail floor store zip code. natur stone tile marble, granite, slate start $2 squar foot, $200 10x10-feet, cost climb rapidli custom design special orders."} {"id": "11744", "contents": "terracotta tile $1-$2.50 squar foot, $100-$250 10x10 fee t; european terracotta may cost more. natur stone tile marble, granite, slate start $2 squar foot, $200 10x10-feet, cost climb rapidli custom design special orders."} {"id": "11745", "contents": "program language: data analysi write script function program language. complete, interactive, object-ori language: design statisticians, statisticians. languag provid objects, oper function make process exploring, modeling, visual data natur one."} {"id": "11746", "contents": "languag often vehicl choic research statist methodology, provid open sourc rout particip activity. one r\u2019 strength eas well-design publication-qu plot produced, includ mathemat symbol formula needed."} {"id": "11747", "contents": "program languag softwar environ statist comput graphics. languag wide use among statistician data miner develop statist softwar data analysis. polls, survey data miners, studi scholarli literatur databas show r' popular increas substanti recent years."} {"id": "11748", "contents": "dialect language, come far domin dialect. start research project bell lab decad ago, languag develop data analysis, statist modeling, simul graphics."} {"id": "11749", "contents": "r, like s, design around true comput language, allow user add addit function defin new functions. much system written dialect s, make easi user follow algorithm choic made."} {"id": "11750", "contents": "environ statist analysis: avail languag function virtual everi data manipulation, statist model, chart data analyst could ever need."} {"id": "11751", "contents": "introduct r. languag environ statist comput graphics. gnu project similar languag environ develop bell laboratori (formerli at&t, lucent technologies) john chamber colleagues."} {"id": "11752", "contents": "back top causes. tay-sach diseas occur bodi lack hexosaminidas a, protein help break chemic found nerv tissu call gangliosides. without protein, gangliosides, particularli gangliosid gm2, build cells, especi nerv cell brain. tay-sach diseas caus defect gene chromosom 15. parent carri defect tay-sach gene, child 25% chanc develop disease. child must receiv two copi defect gene -- one parent -- order becom sick"} {"id": "11753", "contents": "gener discussion. tay-sach diseas rare, neurodegen disord defici enzym (hexosaminidas a) result excess accumul certain fat (lipids) known gangliosid brain nerv cells. tay-sach diseas inherit autosom recess trait. disord result chang (mutations) gene known hexa gene, regul product hexosaminidas enzyme. hexa gene map long arm (q) chromosom 15 (15q23-q24)."} {"id": "11754", "contents": "tay-sach diseas (the sever form hexosaminidas deficiency) progressive, fatal genet condit affect nerv cell brain. although anyon carrier tay-sach disease, diseas much common among peopl ashkenazi (eastern european) jewish descent. one everi 30 peopl ashkenazi jewish descent carrier."} {"id": "11755", "contents": "caus tay-sach diseas genet defect (mutation) pass parent child. genet defect locat hexa gene, found chromosom 15. hexa gene make part enzym call beta-hexosaminidas a, play critic role nervou system."} {"id": "11756", "contents": "defect gene chromosom 15 caus tay-sach disease. defect gene caus bodi make protein call hexosaminidas a. without protein, chemic call gangliosid build nerv cell brain, destroy brain cells. diseas hereditary, mean pass families. chronic form tay-sach develop symptom age 10, diseas progress slowly. symptom may includ slur speech, muscl cramps, tremors. life expect vari form disease, individu normal lifespan."} {"id": "11757", "contents": "research late 20th centuri demonstr tay\u2013sach diseas caus genet mutat hexa gene (human) chromosom 15. larg number hexa mutat discovered, new one still reported. rare form disease, known adult-onset late-onset tay\u2013sach disease, usual first symptom 30 40s. contrast forms, late-onset tay\u2013sach diseas usual fatal effect stop progressing."} {"id": "11758", "contents": "tay-sach diseas central nervou system; neurodegen disorder. tay-sach commonli affect infants. infants, progress diseas unfortun alway fatal. rarely, tay-sach occur teen adults, caus less sever symptoms. chronic form tay-sach develop symptom age 10, diseas progress slowly. symptom may includ slur speech, muscl cramps, tremors. life expect vari form disease, individu normal lifespan."} {"id": "11759", "contents": "caus tay-sach disease. tay-sach diseas caus genet mutat hexa gene. mutat affect product enzym call hexosaminidase-a (hex-a). enzym protein bodi use chemic reactions. hex-a enzym play vital role help remov fatti substanc call gangliosid nerv cells. without hex-a enzyme, gangliosid build insid cell gradual stop functioning. case tay-sach disease, enzym complet absent."} {"id": "11760", "contents": "peopl tay-sach lack specif protein (enzyme) call hexosaminidas a. enzym defici caus fatti substance, gm2 ganglioside, build brain. accumul caus symptom tay-sachs. although anyon carrier tay-sach disease, diseas much common among peopl ashkenazi (eastern european) jewish descent. one everi 30 peopl ashkenazi jewish descent carrier."} {"id": "11761", "contents": "mean frequenc (mnf) median frequenc (mdf) use popular frequency-domain featur (phinyomark et al., 2009) frequent use assess muscl fatigu surfac emg signal (cifrek et al., 2009)."} {"id": "11762", "contents": "noisi charact surfac emg record make statist signal analysi appropri- techniqu obtain quantit descript signal. frequenc domain, power spectral densiti function (power spectrum) often used, one explor paramet median frequenc (mf)."} {"id": "11763", "contents": "figur 5a: median frequenc bicep emg data function time.figur 5b: median frequenc bicep emg data function time along curvefit quantifi decreas median frequency. import applic spectral analysi studi muscl fatigue."} {"id": "11764", "contents": "spectral variabl appli analysi emg signal total power (ttp), mean power (mnp), peak frequenc (pkf), spectral moment (sm), frequenc ratio (fr), power spectrum ratio (psr), varianc central frequenc (vcf) (phinyomark et al., 2012a)."} {"id": "11765", "contents": "tri use matlab find median frequenc emg signal. code use below, signal. frequenc valu tri find z=p."} {"id": "11766", "contents": "definit mean median frequencies. mnf averag frequenc calcul sum product emg power spectrum frequenc divid total sum power spectrum (e.g. oskoei hu, 2008; phinyomark et al., 2012a)."} {"id": "11767", "contents": "arendt-nielsen l, mill kr. model behaviour surfac emg signal fatigu assum linear relationship mean power frequenc emg spectrum muscl fibr conduct velocity. attribut fall mean power frequenc fatigu proportion fall fibr velocity."} {"id": "11768", "contents": "arctic tundra, averag temperatur 10 20 degre fahrenheit (-12 -6 degre celsius), support varieti anim species, includ arctic foxes, polar bears, gray wolves, caribou, snow gees musk-oxen. photograph rich reid. tundra among earth' coldest, harshest biomes. tundra ecosystem treeless region found arctic top mountains, climat cold windi rainfal scant. tundra land snow-cov much year, summer bring burst wildflowers."} {"id": "11769", "contents": "find inform climat tundra. tundra landscape. winter temperatur averag -30 throughout true arctic includ north pole. coldest weather occur northeastern siberia. juli temperatur averag around 60 f. weather station record temperatur 90 regions. winter storm develop chiefli two area barometr pressur remain low. one areas, call aleutian low, extend eastern siberia gulf alaska."} {"id": "11770", "contents": "littl precipit year long tundra. averag yearli total 136 mm, 83.3 mm snow. low amount due fact littl evaporation. sinc averag temperatur freezing, give littl time snow and/or ice melt."} {"id": "11771", "contents": "tundra unusu cold dri climate. precipit total 6-10 inch rain year, includ melt snow. almost littl world' driest deserts. tundra climat (e). tundra freez almost year tradit seasons, long winter. winter condit tundra exist year, except short mild season pass summer."} {"id": "11772", "contents": "averag precipit per year 18 inches, fall snow. averag precipit per season 4.5 inches. type precipit fall climat mostli snow winter, summer rain, occasion snow. tundra climat (e). tundra freez almost year tradit seasons, long winter. winter condit tundra exist year, except short mild season pass summer."} {"id": "11773", "contents": "arctic known cold, desert-lik conditions. grow season rang 50 60 days. averag winter temperatur -34 (-30 f), averag summer temperatur 3-12 (37-54 f) enabl biom sustain life. rainfal may vari differ region arctic. yearli precipitation, includ melt snow, 15 25 cm (6 10 inches). soil form slowly. tundra biome. tundra coldest biomes. tundra come finnish word tunturi, mean treeless plain. note frost-mold landscapes, extrem low temperatures, littl precipitation, poor nutrients, short grow seasons. dead organ materi function nutrient pool."} {"id": "11774", "contents": "spring fall short period winter summer. tundra world' coldest driest biomes. averag annual temperatur -18\u00b0 (-28\u00b0 c). night last week sun bare rise month winter, temperatur drop -94\u00b0 (-70\u00b0 c). tundra basic like desert come precipitation. 10 inch precipit (mostli snow) fall year. soil tundra' permafrost, perman frozen layer earth."} {"id": "11775", "contents": "condit right true tundra form. averag annual temperatur -70\u00b0f (-56\u00b0c). tundra come finnish word tunturia, mean barren land. ground perman frozen 10 inch feet (25 100 cm) tree can't grow there. tundra basic like desert come precipitation. 10 inch precipit (mostli snow) fall year. soil tundra' permafrost, perman frozen layer earth."} {"id": "11776", "contents": "winter season, averag temperatur -34\u00b0 (-30\u00b0 f), summer season, temperatur 3-12\u00b0 (37-54\u00b0 f), wildlif seen. yearli precipit mere."} {"id": "11777", "contents": "alpin climat averag weather (climate) alpin tundra. climat becom colder high elev \u2014thi characterist describ laps rate air: air tend get colder rises, sinc expands. alpin tundra north-western transbaikalia. alpin tundra type natur region biom contain tree high altitude. high altitud caus advers climate, cold windi support tree growth."} {"id": "11778", "contents": "sourdough bread fermentation. sourdough bread fermentation. process. sourdough bread made process ferment use natur occur lactobacilli yeast. lactic acid ferment alcohol ferment occur sourdough bread. pyruvate, produc glycolysis, substrat lactic acid alcohol fermentation. sourdough bread sour tast lactic acid produc lactobacilli. substrat products. substrates: pyruvate. products: carbon dioxid bread leavening, lactic acid give bread sour taste, ethanol bacteria use food."} {"id": "11779", "contents": "microb bread make use yeast. class practical. yeast use make bread. yeast microb feed sugar. enzym yeast ferment sugar form carbon dioxid ethanol. carbon dioxid make bread rise. ethanol evapor bread baked. experi investig temperatur affect expans bread dough"} {"id": "11780", "contents": "refer ambient yeast bacteri microorgan alreadi present flour, water, air, hand anyth els come contact dough. bacteri growth, like yeast, affect moisture, ph, temperature, food supply, salt, sugar, oxygen suppli light. bacteria thrive ph around neutral (6.5- 8.0). chemic kill bacteria. sinc bacteria grow medium larg amount salt, salt play contribut factor leaven sourdough bread."} {"id": "11781", "contents": "sour dough tradit continu propag (such san francisco french bread sour dough process, german rye sour dough sour dough employ pannetton product italy), heterofer lactobacilli, especi l. sanfrancisco, domin fermentation. yeast produc appreci amount either lactic acet acids, main metabolit ethanol co2. acidif dough desir requir (e.g. rye flour used), lactic acid bacteria organ acid (most commonli lactic citric acids) added."} {"id": "11782", "contents": "benefit sourdough. \u200bsourdough cultur yeast benefici bacteria occur natur bread flour dough. yeast vari less concentr baker\u2019 yeast, rais dough slowly. lactic acid bacteria (lab) also requir mani hour ferment work wonders."} {"id": "11783", "contents": "sourdough batard, b\u00e2tard other, hand product natur ferment involv wild yeast and. bacteria almost bacteria are, lactobacilli cousin bacteria curdl milk yogurt and. chees lactobacilli outnumb yeast sourdough mani 100 to, one sugihara. say sourdough begin flour water, left ferment. result starter (a) thick wild yeast bacteria. littl starter set asid next batch, flour ad form dough (b). microorgan feed sugars, form carbon dioxide, acids, ethanol."} {"id": "11784", "contents": "ferment process control microb (bacteria, yeast, moulds) modifi food, produc desir product. often talk neg issu caus microorgan food food spoilage. #1. ferment process control microb (bacteria, yeast, moulds) modifi food, produc desir product. often talk neg issu caus microorgan food food spoilage. use effici live factori produc health benefici food."} {"id": "11785", "contents": "sourdough bread made ferment dough use naturally-occur lactobacilli yeast. sourdough bread mildli sour tast present bread made baker' yeast, due lactic acid produc lactobacilli. sourdough dough contain lactobacillu cultur symbiot combin yeasts. one princip mean biolog leaven bread baking, other use cultiv form yeast. import bake rye-bas breads, yeast produc compar result"} {"id": "11786", "contents": "recently, ipilimumab approv us food drug administr treatment metastat melanoma. review literatur manag advers effect kinet tumor regress ipilimumab provid guidelin management. treatment antibodies, uniqu set advers effect may occur, call immune-rel advers event (iraes). hypophysitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, iridocyclitis, lymphadenopathy, neuropathies, nephriti also report ipilimumab. earli recognit ira initi treatment critic reduc risk sequelae. interestingly, ira correl treatment respons studies."} {"id": "11787", "contents": "mani advers drug reaction mediat immun system. therapeut effect drug target immun system. example, immunosuppress drug increas risk infections. paradox immunosuppress drug lead autoimmun reactions. anoth mechan drug caus advers reaction involv idiosyncrat respons drug immune-medi skin rash. idiosyncrat drug reaction (idrs) difficult studi pauciti valid anim model unpredict natur"} {"id": "11788", "contents": "ipilimumab gener well toler associ host novel side effects, presum due immun system activ ctla-4 blockade. collect spectrum side effect describ immune-rel advers event (iraes)."} {"id": "11789", "contents": "monoclon antibodi direct immun checkpoint protein cytotox t-lymphocyt antigen-4 (ctla-4; cd152)-ipilimumab tremelimumab-hav investig metastat melanoma cancer shown promis results. hypophysitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, iridocyclitis, lymphadenopathy, neuropathies, nephriti also report ipilimumab. earli recognit ira initi treatment critic reduc risk sequelae. interestingly, ira correl treatment respons studies."} {"id": "11790", "contents": "recently, ipilimumab approv us food drug administr treatment metastat melanoma. review literatur manag advers effect kinet tumor regress ipilimumab provid guidelin management. treatment antibodies, uniqu set advers effect may occur, call immune-rel advers event (iraes). abstract. monoclon antibodi direct immun checkpoint protein cytotox t-lymphocyt antigen-4 (ctla-4; cd152)\u2014ipilimumab tremelimumab\u2014hav investig metastat melanoma cancer shown promis results."} {"id": "11791", "contents": "term \u201cdrug allergy,\u201d \u201cdrug hypersensitivity,\u201d \u201cdrug reaction\u201d often use interchangeably. drug reaction encompass advers event relat drug administration, regardless etiology. drug hypersensit defin immune-medi respons drug agent sensit patient. advers drug reaction caus immun nonimmun mechan major caus morbid mortal worldwide. common iatrogen illness, complic 15 percent therapeut drug courses."} {"id": "11792", "contents": "rang autoimmun effect \u201cimmune-rel advers events\u201d describ patient undergo treatment ipilimumab: enterocolitis, hypophysitis, hepatitis, dermatitis, myopathy, pancreatitis, nephriti 11 ]. sarcoidosislik reaction also report 12 ]. conclusion. novel immune-rel tumor respons criteria appli patient undergo therapi ipilimumab advanc melanoma. ipilimumab also produc spectrum immune-rel advers effect recogn radiologically."} {"id": "11793", "contents": "manag immune-rel advers event kinet respons ipilimumab. weber js(1), kaehler k\u00e4hler, kc hauschild. author: (information)1. lee moffitt cancer center research, institut 12902 magnolia, drive, tampa fl, 33612. usa.jeffreyweber@.moffitt. org hypophysitis, hepatitis, pancreatitis, iridocyclitis, lymphadenopathy, neuropathies, nephriti also report ipilimumab. earli recognit ira initi treatment critic reduc risk sequelae. interestingly, ira correl treatment respons studies."} {"id": "11794", "contents": "objective. object articl illustr exampl radiolog immune-rel respons criteria toxic patient advanc melanoma treat immunotherapeut agent ipilimumab. conclusion. conclusion. novel immune-rel tumor respons criteria appli patient undergo therapi ipilimumab advanc melanoma. ipilimumab also produc spectrum immune-rel advers effect recogn radiologically."} {"id": "11795", "contents": "guidelin manag immune-rel advers event associ ipilimumab therapi also presented. stress vigilance, prompt intervention, use corticosteroid appropriate. variou ipilimumab-associ immune-rel advers events, common (enterocolitis, dermatitis) less frequent (hepatitis, hypophysitis), illustr case studies. object review provid inform administration, treatment responses, expect outcom treatment metastat melanoma new immunotherapeut agent, ipilimumab, drug uniqu mechan action differenti current treatments."} {"id": "11796", "contents": "paradigm provid start place help understand wit day-to-day life experiments. imagin paradigm like lens pair eyeglasses, sever differ len style worn sociologist symbol interaction one them. symbol interaction tend focu languag symbol help us give mean experi life. notic interact world, chang way behav base mean give social interact"} {"id": "11797", "contents": "symbol interactionism. commun symbol base upon interact meaning. histori orientation. symbol interactionism, formul blumer (1969) process interact format mean individuals. inspir theori came dewey (1981), believ human be best understood practical, interact relat environment."} {"id": "11798", "contents": "herbert blumer, student interpret mead, coin term symbol interaction put forward influenti summari perspective: peopl act toward thing base mean thing them, mean deriv social interact modifi interpretation. symbol interaction often relat connect social structure. concept suggest symbol interaction construct people\u2019 social reality. also impli realist point view, interpret made make much difference."} {"id": "11799", "contents": "(januari 2008). sociology, interaction theoret perspect deriv social process (such conflict, cooperation, ident formation) human interaction. studi individu act within society."} {"id": "11800", "contents": "symbol interaction school thought sociolog explain social behavior term peopl interact via symbols; view, social structur best understood term individu interactions. symbol interaction develop thinker georg herbert mead herbert blumer 20th century. mead believ one' self develop soci"} {"id": "11801", "contents": "symbol interact theori analyz societi address subject mean peopl impos objects, events, behaviors. subject mean given primaci believ peopl behav base believ object true. fundament aspect social experi identities, like race gender, understood symbol interactionist lens. biolog base all, race gender social construct function base believ true people, given look like."} {"id": "11802", "contents": "symbol interactionism. symbol interaction sociolog perspect self societi base idea georg h. mead (1934), charl h. cooley (1902), w. i. thoma (1931), pragmatist associated, primarily, univers chicago earli twentieth century. symbol interactionism. dictionari sociolog 1998 |. dictionari sociolog 1998, origin publish oxford univers press 1998. symbol interaction lead american social psycholog theori focus upon way mean emerg interaction."} {"id": "11803", "contents": "symbol interaction sociolog perspect influenti mani area sociolog discipline. particularli import microsociolog social psychology. symbol interaction deriv american pragmat particularli work georg herbert mead. symbol interaction often relat connect social structure. concept suggest symbol interaction construct people\u2019 social reality. also impli realist point view, interpret made make much difference."} {"id": "11804", "contents": "photo credit: rich kid instagram tumblr. symbol interact theory, symbol interactionism, one import perspect field sociology, provid key theoret foundat much research conduct sociologists."} {"id": "11805", "contents": "symbol interactionism. (noun) theori societi possibl share mean social pattern creat social interactions. audio pronunciation: (sym\u00b7bo\u00b7l in\u00b7ter\u00b7act\u00b7ion\u00b7ism). download audio pronunciation: symbol interactionism.mp3. usag notes: herbert blumer (1900\u20131986) credit coin ter"} {"id": "11806", "contents": "xanax rel short-act drug compar valium. average-s person, would expect xanax stay urin 1-4 day last use. safe, wait least week. note depend much long take it."} {"id": "11807", "contents": "liter addict valium drugs. benzodiazapin (such valium) stay system longer period time patient take long time. chronic usag cases-valium detect 30 days. good luck. note verifi last statement, valium stay system long time, take 2-3 day period, test post 1.5-2 wk later. 35 yr old v. activ male, normal drink lot fluids...so care test come up."} {"id": "11808", "contents": "note verifi last statement, valium stay system long time, take 2-3 day period, test post 1.5-2 wk later. 35 yr old v. activ male, normal drink lot fluids...so care test come up. good luck. note verifi last statement, valium stay system long time, take 2-3 day period, test post 1.5-2 wk later. 35 yr old v. activ male, normal drink lot fluids...so care test come up."} {"id": "11809", "contents": "182. valium stay system detect urin 5-7 day therapeut use. chronic use (over one year) valium, however, detect much longer. detect window valium urin screen 4-6 weeks. detect window drug test valium. invit question valium drug screen end. valium half life: long valium stay system. half life drug, medic substanc period time necessari 1/2 drug elimin disintegr natur process body. half life valium particularli long, 20-80 hours."} {"id": "11810", "contents": "report abuse. valium half life 36 100 hours, whatev metabol determines, time, concentr would half peak. anoth half life, one fourth origin level, etc. would say would probabl safe 3-4 days. finaldx year ago. report abuse. ya, diazepam long half life... longest benzodiazepin think. youd much better zolpidem/zapelon. half still ur system 50 hours. major drug test look this.."} {"id": "11811", "contents": "liter addict valium drugs. benzodiazapin (such valium) stay system longer period time patient take long time. chronic usag cases-valium detect 30 days. valium detect urin 25 day usually. length time take drug leav bodi depend person age, height, weight."} {"id": "11812", "contents": "answers. relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: ask question \u201chow long valium stay system\u201d seem want know long take valium husband pass drug test. answer is: one time, one two pill use: 48 72 hrs."} {"id": "11813", "contents": "get urin test, could long 21 days. depend type test do. least seen valium show panel tip cup test day singl dose mg. valium (diazapam) come mg doses. good luck. note verifi last statement, valium stay system long time, take 2-3 day period, test post 1.5-2 wk later. 35 yr old v. activ male, normal drink lot fluids...so care test come up."} {"id": "11814", "contents": "hebrew meaning: name kyla hebrew babi name. hebrew mean name kyla is: victorious. american meaning: name kyla american babi name. american"} {"id": "11815", "contents": "kylah spell variant yiddish english kyla. kylah somewhat popular babi name girls. name grow popular sinc 2000s. usag peak modestli 2009 0.014% babi girl name kylah."} {"id": "11816", "contents": "kylah name invent therefor specif etymolog meaning. it\u2019 fanci version kyla, anoth newli coin name american femal charts. american parent penchant creat new name blue kylah except modern-day rule."} {"id": "11817", "contents": "mean kylah. gaelic name. gaelic, name kylah means-feminin kyle.. origin name kylah include-gaelic, scottish.th name kylah often use girl name femal name. gaelic name mean"} {"id": "11818", "contents": "kylah uncommon given name women. kylah also uniqu last name adult children. (2000 u.s. census). shown birth name popular kylah girls. kylah first list 2007 reach peak posit #922 u.s. year 2009, present #972."} {"id": "11819", "contents": "gener charge-charg product electricity. kwh (kilowatt-hour) basic unit electr energi custom charged. amount electr use ten 100-watt light left hour. custom usual charg electr cent per kilowatt-hour. \u201cprice compare\u201d? price compar (ptc) price per kilowatt hour (kwh) electr distribut compani charge.when asked, competit supplier also provid ptc, allow make apples-to-appl comparison price gener portion bill."} {"id": "11820", "contents": "(publish friday, march 22, 2013). hike peco\u2019 way balanc actual cost energi costum actual paid last quarter, said armstrong. greatest cost power -- cost per kilowatt hour current 8.69 cents. cost jump 9.61 cent per kwh april. exampl peco\u2019 price actual drop januari similar good news could horizon. peco current project chang quarter system use util state june price actual drop 8.82 cent per kwh june august."} {"id": "11821", "contents": "peco electr savings. electr rate peco energi area increas $0.0992 cent per kilowatt hour januari 1, 2011 rate cap expired. rate estim increas $0.1014 april high $0.1140 start june (source: www.peco.com). peco fulli competit deregul electr market, peco custom save electr find lower electr rate high default electr rate peco offers. peco energi respons gener transmiss compon electr bill."} {"id": "11822", "contents": "specifically, peco rate class gs (gener service) custom demand 100 kw (small businesses), electr price compar increas 10.87 cent per kilowatt-hour (kwh), current rate 10.32 cents."} {"id": "11823", "contents": "peco primary-distribut power (rate pd) custom demand 100 kw, june price compar 8.12 cent per kwh. rate pd custom demand 100 kw less 500 kw, price compar 7.74 cent per kwh. peco high-tens power (rate ht) custom demand 100 kw, june price compar 7.84 cent per kwh. rate ht custom demand 100 kw 500 kw, price compar 7.44"} {"id": "11824", "contents": "price compar averag cost per kilowatt-hour (kwh) gener transmiss service, base rate classification, allow compar standard offer servic (sos) rate offer compet electr suppliers."} {"id": "11825", "contents": "price compare. price compar (\u201cptc\u201d) averag cost per kilowatt-hour (kwh) gener transmiss service, base rate classification. calcul individu price compar (rather use averag price compar rate class), total summer winter kwh kw applic multipli gener transmiss rate shown rate schedule."} {"id": "11826", "contents": "custom enrol altern electr supplier decemb see increas peco bill. current price receiv sourc energi peco go charg 8.25 cent per kwh 9.07 cent per kwh, 10% increase. new rate effect februari 28, 2015"} {"id": "11827", "contents": "much peco charg per kilowatt? 81% much peco charg per kwh? 82% much pge chare per kilowatt? 40% mani kilowatt hour apt use? 49% price per kilowatt va? 69% much pay per kilowatt hour uk? 62% much kilowatt london? 52% much kilowatt electr ..."} {"id": "11828", "contents": "peco small medium busi customers, price compar vari base demand rate class. peco gener servic (rate gs) custom demand 100 kw, june price compar 8.80 cent per kwh. rate gs custom demand 100 kw fewer 500 kw, price compar 8.3 cent per kwh. rate pd custom demand 100 kw less 500 kw, price compar 7.74 cent per kwh. peco high-tens power (rate ht) custom demand 100 kw, june price compar 7.8"} {"id": "11829", "contents": "dopamin norepinephrin two critic neurotransmitt regul mood behavior. dopamin norepinephrin tricycl antidepress medic use treat depression. however, neither dopamin norepinephrin cross blood-brain barrier, protect brain, precursor need order increas level neurotransmitt brain."} {"id": "11830", "contents": "lesson summary. norepinephrin neurotransmitt secret neuron sympathet nervou system. chemic secret respons stress, trigger 'fight flight response.' releas norepinephrin caus sever chang help bodi work efficiently. classifi neurotransmitter, chemic releas neurons. releas norepinephrin affect organ body, also refer stress hormone."} {"id": "11831", "contents": "sympathet nervou system norepinephrin use neurotransmitt sympathet ganglia locat near spinal cord abdomen, also releas directli bloodstream adren glands. basic terms, function norepinephrin mobil brain bodi action. norepinephrin releas lowest sleep, rise wakefulness, reach much higher level situat stress danger, call fight-or-flight response."} {"id": "11832", "contents": "area bodi produc affect norepinephrin refer everywher noradrenergic. norepinephrin synthes releas central nervou system also divis autonom nervou system call sympathet nervou system. basic terms, function norepinephrin mobil brain bodi action. norepinephrin releas lowest sleep, rise wakefulness, reach much higher level situat stress danger, call fight-or-flight response."} {"id": "11833", "contents": "first review drug. norepinephrin gener form brand-nam prescript drug levophed, use treat life-threaten condit shock low blood pressur (also known hypotension). norepinephrin commonli use cardio-pulmonari resuscit (cpr). medic work similar adrenaline-it constrict blood vessel increas blood pressur heart rate. norepinephrin inject vein iv."} {"id": "11834", "contents": "caus releas norepinephrin body. norepinephrin chemic releas sympathet nervou system respons stress. classifi neurotransmitter, chemic releas neurons. releas norepinephrin affect organ body, also refer stress hormone."} {"id": "11835", "contents": "snri also sometim use treat condit anxieti nerv pain. serotonin (ser-o-toe-nin) norepinephrin (nor-ep-ih-nef-rin) reuptak inhibitor eas depress affect chemic messeng (neurotransmitters) use commun brain cells. like antidepressants, snri work chang level one natur occur brain chemicals."} {"id": "11836", "contents": "identification. norepinephrin classifi catecholamin chemic play signific role bodi respond stress. body' fight-or-flight respons coordin epinephrin (adrenaline) norepinephrin (noradrenaline). neurotransmitt hormon chemic control everi system process within body. norepinephrin neurotransmitt hormone. result, role within bodi essenti normal bodi brain function."} {"id": "11837", "contents": "norepinephrine, also call noradrenaline, organ chemic catecholamin famili function human brain bodi hormon neurotransmitter. basic terms, function norepinephrin mobil brain bodi action. norepinephrin releas lowest sleep, rise wakefulness, reach much higher level situat stress danger, call fight-or-flight response."} {"id": "11838", "contents": "zebra one million herbivor migrat search food everi year. 1.5 million wildebeest account bulk migrat animals, hundr thousand zebras, antelop elk compris rest migration. migrat actual larg circle, zebra, wildebeest anim move clockwis southeast. time depend environment conditions, includ avail water."} {"id": "11839", "contents": "serengeti migration. largest zebra migrat annual migrat two million serengeti kenya. trip 500 mile includ larg circl includ zebras, wildebeests, mani anim move clockwis southeast. tough journey zebras. larg predat leopards, lions, hyena cheetahs. predat attract mass easi prey. migrat loop also cross mara grumeti rivers, home nile crocodiles."} {"id": "11840", "contents": "zebra single-hoof anim nativ africa. zebra close relat hors donkeys; fact, genus, equus. promin featur zebra bold pattern coats. plain zebra live treeless grassland woodland eastern southern africa. grevy' zebra live arid grassland ethiopia northern kenya. mountain zebra found south africa, namibia angola."} {"id": "11841", "contents": "year thousand zebra migrat search greener graze pastures. zebra migrat -- small part million anim make annual trek better food water suppli graze land dri season drought. migrat actual larg circle, zebra, wildebeest anim move clockwis southeast. time depend environment conditions, includ avail water."} {"id": "11842", "contents": "flood drought often dictat next migrat occur herd zebra wander anim rush find food shelter. migrat way life zebra wildlif depend environ survival. even predat like lion hyena follow migrat trail way life wild. zebra travel long harsh terrain forag graze food. one uniqu behavior migrat baffl scientist beginning. zebra speci known expert delv mysteri action. migrat defin move one place without intent stay transienc"} {"id": "11843", "contents": "domest anim aside, zebra perhap recogniz anim human being. uniqu stripe dead giveaway docil behavior despit wild earn affect people. zebra travel long harsh terrain forag graze food. one uniqu behavior migrat baffl scientist beginning. zebra speci known expert delv mysteri action. migrat defin move one place without intent stay transienc"} {"id": "11844", "contents": "though live africa, speci zebra home area. plain zebra live treeless grassland woodland eastern southern africa. grevy' zebra live arid grassland ethiopia northern kenya. mountain zebra found south africa, namibia angola."} {"id": "11845", "contents": "zebra migration. everi year, thousand zebra migrat search better graze pastures. zebra one mani herbivor migrat search food everi year. tough journey zebras. larg predat leopards, lions, hyena cheetahs. predat attract mass easi prey. migrat loop also cross mara grumeti rivers, home nile crocodiles."} {"id": "11846", "contents": "plain zebra (equu quagga, formerli equu burchellii), also known common zebra burchell' zebra, common geograph widespread speci zebra. rang south ethiopia east africa far south botswana eastern south africa."} {"id": "11847", "contents": "mission san miguel arcangel arc\u00e1ngel found 25 juli (1797 16 th in) order padr fermin francisco de. lasuen lasu\u00e9n mission name saint michael. archangel indian name (was), vahia vahi\u00e1 (vatica). chulam cholam mani origin decor paint mission have. surviv today mission san miguel arcangel arc\u00e1ngel found 25 juli (1797 16 th in) order padr fermin francisco de."} {"id": "11848", "contents": "mission san miguel arcangel arc\u00e1ngel found 25 juli (1797 16 th in) order padr fermin francisco de. lasuen lasu\u00e9n mission name saint michael. archangel indian name (was), vahia vahi\u00e1 (vatica). chulam cholam mission san miguel arcangel arc\u00e1ngel found 25 juli (1797 16 th in) order padr fermin francisco de."} {"id": "11849", "contents": "mission san miguel arcangel arc\u00e1ngel found 25 juli (1797 16 th in) order padr fermin francisco de. lasuen lasu\u00e9n mission name saint michael. archangel mission san miguel arcangel arc\u00e1ngel found 25 juli (1797 16 th in) order padr fermin francisco de."} {"id": "11850", "contents": "mission san miguel arc ngel found juli 25, 1797 father fermin de lasu n, president california mission chain. name saint michael arcangel, sixteenth mission found 21 mission chain alta california, third mission found summer 1797. mission san miguel arcangel busi activ mission. economi mission san miguel arcangel similar mission plant crop wheat corn. also plant vineyards, rais cattl sheep."} {"id": "11851", "contents": "mission san miguel arcangel arc\u00e1ngel spanish mission san, miguel san lui obispo, county. california establish july, 25 1797 franciscan, order site chosen specif due larg number salinan indian inhabit the, area spanish priest want to. evangel articl spanish mission present-day california. spanish mission present-day baja california, see mision misi\u00f3n san miguel arcangel arc\u00e1ngel de. la frontera"} {"id": "11852", "contents": "mission san miguel arcangel arc\u00e1ngel locat on.u. 101 town san, miguel nine mile north paso, robl halfway san francisco los. angel"} {"id": "11853", "contents": "also contact parish offic (805) 467-2131 direct latest information. mission san miguel arcangel found juli 25, 1797 father fermin lasuen, president california mission chain. name saint michael arcangel, 16th mission found 21 mission chain alta california. mission san miguel' appear much founded."} {"id": "11854", "contents": "articl spanish mission present-day california. spanish mission present-day baja california, see mision misi\u00f3n san miguel arcangel arc\u00e1ngel de. la frontera mission san miguel arcangel arc\u00e1ngel spanish mission, san miguel san, luis. obispo counti california articl spanish mission present-day california. spanish mission present-day baja california, see mision misi\u00f3n san miguel arcangel arc\u00e1ngel de. la frontera"} {"id": "11855", "contents": "mission south end san miguel, small town eight mile north paso robl u.s. 101. address 775 mission street (california landmark 326). mission san miguel arcangel arc\u00e1ngel found 25 juli (1797 16 th in) order padr fermin francisco de. lasuen lasu\u00e9n"} {"id": "11856", "contents": "mission san miguel775 mission streetsan miguel, camiss websit current hours. mission san miguel arcangel sixteenth one built california, found juli 25, 1797 father fermin lasuen. name san miguel come saint michael, captain armi god. mission san miguel locat us highway 101 215 mile north lo angeles."} {"id": "11857", "contents": "raccoon habitat. traditionally, raccoon prefer heavili wood area access trees, water abund vegetation. there, make den hollow part tree well abandon burrows, travel 18 mile forag food. raccoon extrem adapt"} {"id": "11858", "contents": "raccoon (/r\u0259\u02c8ku\u02d0n/ us /rae\u02c8ku\u02d0n/ r\u00e6\u02c8ku\u02d0n procyon), lotor sometim spelled, racoon also known common, raccoon north american, raccoon northern raccoon colloqui as, coon a-medium size mammal nativ north. america bodi weight adult raccoon vari consider habitat, make raccoon one variabl size mammals. rang 14 kilogram (4 30 lb), usual 3.5 kilogram (8 20 lb)."} {"id": "11859", "contents": "origin habitat raccoon decidu mix forests, due adapt extend rang mountain areas, coastal marshes, urban areas, homeown consid pests. bodi weight adult raccoon vari consider habitat, make raccoon one variabl size mammals. rang 14 kilogram (4 30 lb), usual 3.5 kilogram (8 20 lb)."} {"id": "11860", "contents": "home. home raccoon depend habitat. raccoon prefer dark, dri warm area offer protect predat pack dog coyotes. tree caviti hollow log fine rest place, rocki cavern. hard avoid see raccoons, habitat expand time. want poke home, secur trash can limit access food, includ garden, yard."} {"id": "11861", "contents": "raccoon life habitat. raccoon found across north america, number rang grown consider cours last 50 years, raccoon hunt abated, farm suburban habitat expand dens forest areas. home rang popul densiti raccoon vary, depend sex, age, season, food availability, popul density. home rang 75 acr male 20 acr femal average, suitabl edg habitat expect find one raccoon everi 40 acr so."} {"id": "11862", "contents": "raccoon habitat, anim may use sleep hole once, 10 time more. raccoon habitat access water usual support raccoon drier habitat feed crab crustaceans. marsh also make good raccoon habitat food provid animals. interest fact raccoon habitat. raccoon habitat constantli changing, thank ever-grow urban sprawl appar across much world. raccoon comfort wood area near water, although peopl citi also difficult time keep garbag"} {"id": "11863", "contents": "species: procyon lotor. size weight: adult raccoon medium-s mammal largest procyonida family. averag 24 38 inch length weigh 14 23 lbs., more, depend upon habitat avail food. male raccoon, boar, slightli larger female, also refer sow. life span: wild, raccoon life expect years, captiv raccoon live 20 years. diet: raccoon omnivor opportunist eater, diet determin heavili environment."} {"id": "11864", "contents": "food. habitat influenc raccoon' diet. wild, guy dine worms, frogs, fish, nuts, insects, birds, grubs, eggs, snake fruit. they'r farm-dwellers, they'll take advantag what' avail farm, eat corn, orchard fruit poultry. hard avoid see raccoons, habitat expand time. want poke home, secur trash can limit access food, includ garden, yard."} {"id": "11865", "contents": "raccoon habitat. raccoon habitat vari contin found. raccoon adapt requir essentials. access water is, course, import also close proxim humans."} {"id": "11866", "contents": "list johannesburg secur exchange. wbho construct spectrum divis four oper namely: build construction, civil engin road earthworks. compani consecut award best construct compani year sinc 2009."} {"id": "11867", "contents": "wbho infrastructur nation diversifi engin infrastructur provid experi numer sector includ road bridg construction, mine infrastructure, telecommun concessions."} {"id": "11868", "contents": "wbho construct (pty) ltd. formerli known wilson bayli holm (pty) limit chang name wbho construct (pty) ltd. januari 1994. compani found 1970 base johannesburg, south africa. wbho construct (pty) ltd. oper subsidiari wilson bayli holmes-ovcon ltd."} {"id": "11869", "contents": "compani overview. wbho construct (pty) ltd., construct company, provid build construction, civil engineering, road earthwork servic southern africa. portfolio includ road highways, dam earthworks, bridg interchanges, canals, pipelin buildings."} {"id": "11870", "contents": "parent compani wbho construct pti ltd south africa-bas contractor market leader across numer sector includ road bridges, airports, water infrastructure, mine infrastructur building."} {"id": "11871", "contents": "wbho origin 1970 group current one largest construct compani southern africa, list johannesburg stock exchange."} {"id": "11872", "contents": "start explor mani benefit herbal supplements, puritan' pride help sort options. whole herb made ground plant may includ roots, leav and/or stem plant natur ingredients."} {"id": "11873", "contents": "peopl use dietari supplement mani health conditions. historically, peopl use herbal medicin prevent illness, cure infection, reliev fever, heal wounds. herbal medicin also treat constipation, eas pain, act relax stimulants."} {"id": "11874", "contents": "herbal supplement product made plant use treatment manag certain diseas medic conditions. herbal supplement commonli address specif medic concerns, common cold, menopause, memori loss."} {"id": "11875", "contents": "herb glanc dhhs. nih. nation center complementari integr health. find fact sheet inform specif herb botanicals\u2014common names, scienc says, potenti side effect cautions, resourc information."} {"id": "11876", "contents": "find evidence-bas inform individu ingredi herbs, vitamins, minerals, dietari supplements. supplement monograph rxlist includ description, review effectiveness, works, safeti concerns, interact medications."} {"id": "11877", "contents": "vitamin nutrit herbal supplement frequent use peopl cfs. clinic trial nutrit supplement vitamins, product unregulated, inform potenc side effect frequent unknown."} {"id": "11878", "contents": "use herbal supplements, best guidanc medic profession properli train herbal medicine. especi import herb part altern medic system, tradit medicin china, japan, india."} {"id": "11879", "contents": "herbal supplement type dietari supplement contain herbs, either singli mixtures. herb (also call botanical) plant plant part use scent, flavor, and/or therapeut properties."} {"id": "11880", "contents": "use herbal supplement increas dramat past 30 years. herbal supplement classifi dietari supplement u.s. dietari supplement health educ act (dshea) 1994."} {"id": "11881", "contents": "peopl commonli take health-rel reasons. common dietari supplement includ vitamin miner (such vitamin multivitamin), botan (herb plant products, st. john' wort), substanc come natur sourc (such omega-3 fatti acids)."} {"id": "11882", "contents": "septemb 9, 2000 tropic depress nine make landfal near texa louisiana border tropic depress wind 30 mph (48 km/h). although depress make landfal texas, rain associ system affect louisiana, rainfal peak 6.70 (17.0 cm). septemb 5, 2002 tropic storm fay develop offshor louisiana coast make landfal texa moder tropic storm. west cameron, fay caus storm surg high 2.5 ft (0.76 m), result minor beach eros coastal highway flooding."} {"id": "11883", "contents": "august 6-10 th, 1940: hurrican sustain wind 80 mph creat path damag travel slowli offshor coast louisiana southeast texas. hurricane-forc wind extend ten mile either side storm. septemb th, 1977 (babe): babe develop gulf mexico subtrop storm becam vertic stack upper level low caus formation. move northward southeast louisiana briefli reach hurrican statu prior landfall."} {"id": "11884", "contents": "hurricanes: history. barbara mccarragher. hurrican katrina may memor storm new orlean history, trajectori across pelican state far unique. louisiana hit 49 273 hurrican made landfal american atlant coast 1851 2004. addition, eighteen ninety-two major hurrican saffir-simpson rate categori struck state (u.s. mainland hurrican strike state, 1851-2004)."} {"id": "11885", "contents": "septemb 4th, 1766: hurrican strike texa coast near galveston, yet also play role earli louisiana history. ship constant lost storm 45 mile east calcasieu pass. nearbi bayou name bayu del constante, constanc bayou (morgan). octob 1-3rd, 1868: hurrican pass offshor southeastern tip louisiana, hit apalachicola next day. first, cloudi set fresh breeze, associ showers, develop new orleans. gale heavi rain develop 3rd citi becam flooded."} {"id": "11886", "contents": "last 50 plu years, dozen name storm impact louisiana. list basic descript storm sinc nation weather servic start name 1953. inform gather nation weather servic nation hurrican center. \u201cstorm surges\u201d feet seen along mississippi delta 7.6 feet cameron. total damag louisiana reach $25 million. six peopl lost live storm. see texa hurrican histori detail major hurricane."} {"id": "11887", "contents": "although hurrican humberto offici made landfal high island, texas, becam tropic depress louisiana. hurrican system shower thunderstorm organ tropic depress 10:00 a.m. wednesday, sept. 12, 2007. \u201cstorm surges\u201d feet seen along mississippi delta 7.6 feet cameron. total damag louisiana reach $25 million. six peopl lost live storm. see texa hurrican histori detail major hurricane."} {"id": "11888", "contents": "june 27 th, 1957 (audrey): destruct hurrican strike southwest louisiana audrey. form southwest gulf mexico move due north, becom strongest hurrican ever form june. warn issu 24 hour landfall. septemb th, 1977 (babe): babe develop gulf mexico subtrop storm becam vertic stack upper level low caus formation. move northward southeast louisiana briefli reach hurrican statu prior landfall."} {"id": "11889", "contents": "sinc first european settl louisiana hurrican import part history. 1900 1996, 25 hurricanes,includ 12 wind faster 111 mph, hit louisiana, say nation hurrican center. mani storm hit neighbor state texa mississippi. sever well-known hurrican hit louisiana. includ andrew, audrey, betsy, camil addit unnam august hurrican 1940, septemb hurrican 1915, chenier caminanda hurrican 1893, isl dernier hurrican 1856, racer' storm 1837."} {"id": "11890", "contents": "hurrican 1900 1950: time, area gulf mexico, like atlant coast, experienc intens hurrican century. 1900: known galveston hurricane, deadliest hurrican disast u.s. histori occur septemb 8. leav florida, huge hurrican took northwesterli cours gulf mexico onto mississippi louisiana coasts. tide rose 12 feet biloxi,bay st. louis, gulfport, ms. eye storm pass directli new orleans, la, estim 25 mile diameter."} {"id": "11891", "contents": "back top hurrican katrina 2005 katrina one devast hurrican histori unit states. deadliest hurrican strike unit state sinc palm beach-lak okeechobe hurrican septemb 1928. galveston hurrican 1900 killer weather system first detect tropic atlant august 27. histori track intens fulli known, system reach cuba tropic storm septemb move southeastern gulf mexico 5th."} {"id": "11892", "contents": "squalen hydrocarbon triterpene, natur vital part synthesi plant anim sterols, includ cholesterol, steroid hormones, vitamin human body. squalen use cosmetics, recent immunolog adjuv vaccines. squalen propos import part mediterranean diet may chemoprevent substanc protect peopl cancer."} {"id": "11893", "contents": "squalen also found varieti foods, cosmetics, over-the-count medications, health supplements. squalen commerci extract fish oil, particular shark liver oil. squalen use pharmaceut product vaccin purifi source. squalene? squalen natur occur substanc found plants, animals, humans. squalen also found varieti foods, cosmetics, over-the-count medications, health supplements."} {"id": "11894", "contents": "squalen natur occur substanc found plants, animals, humans. manufactur liver everi human bodi circul bloodstream. squalen also found varieti foods, cosmetics, over-the-count medications, health supplements. squalene? squalen natur occur substanc found plants, animals, humans. squalen also found varieti foods, cosmetics, over-the-count medications, health supplements. squalen commerci extract fish oil, particular shark liver oil."} {"id": "11895", "contents": "squalen oil. without it, new vaccin work better old one. fact, intent purposes, without squalen new vaccin old one. make squalen import it\u2019 proven abil stimul strong respons immun system. canada order 50.4 million h1n1 (swine flu) vaccin doses-on dose enough, because: glaxosmithklin use addit (as03 squalen based) known adjuvant. adjuv use boost immun respons vaccin [italics, cap info as03 mine]."} {"id": "11896", "contents": "viru inject bodi vaccine, especi combin immun adjuv like squalene, iga immun system bypass body' immun system kick high gear respons vaccination. immun system recogn squalen oil molecul nativ body. found throughout nervou system brain. fact, consum squalen oliv oil immun system recogn it, also reap benefit antioxid properties."} {"id": "11897", "contents": "adjuv ingredi vaccin help creat stronger immun respons patient\u2019 body. words, adjuv help vaccin work better. vaccin made weaken dead germ contain natur occur adjuv help bodi produc strong protect immun response. vaccin adjuv improv body' immun respons often allow smaller amount inactiv viru bacteria use vaccine."} {"id": "11898", "contents": "squalen compon adjuv ad vaccin enhanc immun response. mf59, adjuv produc novarti ad fluad flu vaccine, example. squalen adjuvant, emuls squalen surfact enhanc immun response. squalene? squalen natur occur substanc found plants, animals, humans. squalen also found varieti foods, cosmetics, over-the-count medications, health supplements. squalen commerci extract fish oil, particular shark liver oil."} {"id": "11899", "contents": "adjuv substanc ad vaccin increas body' immun respons vaccine. vaccin contain adjuv test safeti clinic trial licens use unit states, continu monitor cdc fda. vaccin adjuv improv body' immun respons often allow smaller amount inactiv viru bacteria use vaccine."} {"id": "11900", "contents": "squalen compon adjuv ad vaccin enhanc immun response. natur occur substanc found plants, anim humans, squalen synthes liver circul human bloodstream. squalen commerci extract fish oil particular shark-liv oil purifi sourc use pharmaceut product vaccines. squalen alon adjuvant, emuls squalen surfact enhanc immun respons ad antigens."} {"id": "11901", "contents": "miner wool insul made molten glass, stone slag (industri waste) spun fibre-lik structur creat combin properti insul materi match. two type miner wool product: glass wool insul stone wool insulation. inorgan rock slag main compon (typic 98%) stone wool. remain 2% organ content gener thermoset resin binder (an adhesive) littl oil."} {"id": "11902", "contents": "fiberglass rock wool consist fine fiber made stone glass. proper insul cut energi costs, reduc impact environ keep famili comfort throughout seasons. fiberglass rock wool help block noise, rock wool' greater densiti weight make slightli better sound blocker fiberglass. doe report densiti fiberglass insul 0.5 1.0 pound per cubic foot, compar 1.7 pound per cubic foot rock wool."} {"id": "11903", "contents": "glass wool product usual contain 95% 96% inorgan material. stone wool made volcan rock, typic basalt dolomite, increas proport recycl materi form briquettes. miner wool made blast furnac slag (waste) sometim known slag wool. two type miner wool product: glass wool insul stone wool insulation. inorgan rock slag main compon (typic 98%) stone wool. remain 2% organ content gener thermoset resin binder (an adhesive) littl oil."} {"id": "11904", "contents": "origin properti stone wool. stone wool (or miner wool) discov island hawaii begin century. occur natur byproduct volcan activity. manufactur state, stone wool combin power rock characterist typic insul wool. and, thank non-direct fiber orientation, also exhibit uniqu valuabl characteristics."} {"id": "11905", "contents": "applic miner wool includ thermal insul (a structur insul pipe insulation, though fire-resist high-temperatur insul wool), filtration, soundproofing, hydropon growth medium. due mechan effect fibres, miner wool product may caus temporari skin itching. diminish avoid unnecessari exposur miner wool dust, inform good practic avail packag miner wool product pictogram sentences."} {"id": "11906", "contents": "rockwool, also known miner wool stone wool type insul made actual stone. excel insulator, sound baffl possess high melt point, rockwool use wide array product applications."} {"id": "11907", "contents": "miner wool, also known miner fiber, miner cotton, miner fibre, man-mad miner fibr (mmmf), man-mad vitreou fiber (mmvf), gener name fiber materi form spin draw molten miner (or synthet miner slag ceramics). due mechan effect fibres, miner wool product may caus temporari skin itching. diminish avoid unnecessari exposur miner wool dust, inform good practic avail packag miner wool product pictogram sentences."} {"id": "11908", "contents": "top 10 fact world. rockwool insul refer type insul made actual rock minerals. also goe name stone wool insulation, miner wool insulation, slag wool insulation. wide rang product made rockwool, due excel abil block sound heat. type insul commonli use build construction, industri plants, automot applications."} {"id": "11909", "contents": "myth stone wool. idea produc stone wool came hawaii. volcan erupt island nativ found soft strand melt stone lie ground. thought hair goddess, madam pele, temperament ladi torn rage. minor amount binder oil added, wool collect belt conveyor spin chamber. structur densiti wool adjust enter cure oven. properti maintain binder cured."} {"id": "11910", "contents": "stone wool made. today\u2019 miner wool insul product high-tech version predecessor use build generations. glass stone wool insul fibre-bas product deliv outstand thermal performance. made plentiful, locally-sourced, renew natur resourc sand basalt rock basic raw materi miner wool. eurima members\u2019 respons approach product make miner wool insul essenti compon europe\u2019 move sustain construct sector."} {"id": "11911", "contents": "government-award monopoly, right provid electr natur ga region country, exempt antitrust laws. govern agenc regul industri set reason rate compani may charge. sometim industri natur monopoly. owner monopoli power, group, set prices, exclud competitors, control market relev geograph area."} {"id": "11912", "contents": "(decemb 2008). economics, govern monopoli (or public monopoly) form coerciv monopoli govern agenc govern corpor sole provid particular good servic competit prohibit law. monopoli creat government. promin exampl state monopoli law legitim use physic force. mani countries, postal system run govern competit forbidden law services."} {"id": "11913", "contents": "monopoli enterpris seller good service. absenc govern intervention, monopoli free set price choos usual set price yield largest possibl profit. main kind monopoli persist caus govern economist call \u201cnatural\u201d monopoly. natur monopoli come due economi scale-that is, due unit cost fall firm\u2019 product increases."} {"id": "11914", "contents": "monopoli creat barrier entri market govern creator barriers, includ explicit grant monopoli status, industri deem \u201cpublic utilities\u201d \u201cnatur monopolies\u201d, patents, licens requirements, economi scale."} {"id": "11915", "contents": "monopoli term use economist refer situat singl seller product (i.e., good service) close substitutes. word deriv greek word mono (mean one) polein (mean sell). (5) receiv govern grant monopoli status, i.e., becom government-gr monopoly. today usual accomplish acquisit license, patent, copyright, trademark franchise."} {"id": "11916", "contents": "monopoli power compani product commonli thought term market share product. however, also measur abil compani set price product. (5) receiv govern grant monopoli status, i.e., becom government-gr monopoly. today usual accomplish acquisit license, patent, copyright, trademark franchise."} {"id": "11917", "contents": "close substitut good service, mean competit market. competit market mean market cannot monopoli definition. exampl monopoly: water suppli local public utility. monopoly. monopoli industri produc good servic close substitut exist one suppli protect competit barrier prevent entri new firms."} {"id": "11918", "contents": "usual distinguish government-gr monopoly, govern grant monopoli privat individu company. govern monopoli may run level government-national, regional, local; level national, local monopoly. promin exampl state monopoli law legitim use physic force. mani countries, postal system run govern competit forbidden law services."} {"id": "11919", "contents": "report abuse. actual got nice slab rare prime rib, reheat pretti simple. throw oven 350 around 10 minutes.. hard gage long without know thick cut. alreadi cook medium well, probabl end leather anyway"} {"id": "11920", "contents": "reheat boneless prime reheat boneless prime rib take patienc want prevent dri out. reheat prime rib use heat source, safeti best outcome, use oven microwave. howev decid reheat prime rib, rush use high heat long periods."} {"id": "11921", "contents": "want retain juic flavor origin steak. perfectli reheat leftov steak prime rib: place leftov steak prime rib piec foil. then, use au ju steak came with, beef broth, use cover steak 2-3 tbsp worth. hint: restaur provid au ju prime rib ask \u201cto-go\u201d cup it. place leftov steak prime rib piec foil. then, use au ju steak came with, beef broth, use cover steak 2-3 tbsp worth."} {"id": "11922", "contents": "undo. trixietx. like prime rib rare also best way found reheat slice let sit counter littl ice cold reheat hot au jus. like bookmark decemb 26, 2009 12:55pm. thank report comment."} {"id": "11923", "contents": "method 3: heat prime rib microwave. 1. place meat microwave-saf bowl lid. add tablespoon broth au ju cover it. 2. heat meat minutes. step depend strength microwave. 3. let meat becom hot. want overcook it. keep rare, medium rare, medium"} {"id": "11924", "contents": "cover tightli foil lid, put oven. 3. cook meat reach desir doneness. take 10 minut so, depend rare like it. check doneness, use meat thermometer. meat rare intern temperatur reach 120 125 degre fahrenheit. place meat microwave-saf bowl lid. add tablespoon broth au ju cover it. 2. heat meat minutes. step depend strength microwave. 3. let meat becom hot. want overcook it."} {"id": "11925", "contents": "reheat boneless prime rib take patienc want prevent dri out. reheat prime rib use heat source, safeti best outcome, use oven microwave. howev decid reheat prime rib, don\u2019t rush use high heat long periods. step 2. photo credit sarah vantassel/demand media. place roast pan center rack oven let meat cook 15 minut want rare prime rib. cook 30 minut medium, 45 minut well. use higher temperatur cook rare medium rare prime rib, sinc cook le"} {"id": "11926", "contents": "himalaya larg mountain rang south central asia, roughli india tibetan plateau southwest china. small countri within mountain nepal bhutan, tibet (which claim occupi region china). himalaya pass countri india, pakistan, afghanistan, china, bhutan, nepal burma. himalaya locat nepal, bhutan state jammu kashmir, himach pradesh, uttarakhand, sikkim arunach pradesh india. outli part rang lie tibet, pakistan (some disput territories) burma. 18 peopl found useful."} {"id": "11927", "contents": "himalayas. himalaya mountain locat southern asia. part nepal, india, pakistan, tibet bhutan. mountain highest world, reach almost 9,000 meter sea level. himalaya separ indian subcontin inner part asia."} {"id": "11928", "contents": "report abuse. himalaya locat northern part india, southern part nepal, region call tibet (tibet part china). part himalaya also go eastern region pakistan. lesser himalayas, locat northwestern india state himach pradesh uttar pradesh, north-centr india state sikkim, northeastern india state arunach pradesh, rang 1,500 5,000 meter height."} {"id": "11929", "contents": "nepal' himalaya also contain nine fourteen highest peak world, includ highest peak ever recorded-mount everest. himalaya found locat south asia cross larg geographi land cover distanc 1550 mile 2500 kilomet total. part himalaya found situat afghanistan, nepal, china, bhutan, pakistan, tibetan plateau cover number state india. himalaya broken three parts, western himalayas, inner central himalaya eastern himalayas."} {"id": "11930", "contents": "mountain rang asia refer himalaya cross countries: bhutan, china, india, nepal, pakistan, kashmir afghanistan. locat south center ia himalaya pass india, pakistan, afghanistan, china, bhutan nepal burma. india stretch across five states: jammu kashmir, himach pradesh, uttar pradesh, sikkim, china tibet."} {"id": "11931", "contents": "himalaya locat nepal, bhutan state jammu kashmir, himach pradesh, uttarakhand, sikkim arunach pradesh india. outli part rang lie tibet, pakistan (some disput territories) burma. locat south center ia himalaya pass india, pakistan, afghanistan, china, bhutan nepal burma. india stretch across five states: jammu kashmir, himach pradesh, uttar pradesh, sikkim, china tibet."} {"id": "11932", "contents": "small countri within mountain nepal bhutan, tibet (which claim occupi region china). himalaya pass countri india, pakistan, afghanistan, china, bhutan, nepal burma. locat south center ia himalaya pass india, pakistan, afghanistan, china, bhutan nepal burma. india stretch across five states: jammu kashmir, himach pradesh, uttar pradesh, sikkim, china tibet."} {"id": "11933", "contents": "himalaya border north tibetan plateau, south indo-ganget plain, northwest karakoram hindu kush ranges, east indian state assam arunach pradesh. lift collis indian tecton plate eurasian plate, himalayan rang run northwest southeast 2,400 kilometr (1,500 mi) long arc. rang vari width 400 kilometr (250 mi) west 150 kilometr (93 mi) east."} {"id": "11934", "contents": "himalaya span five countries: india, nepal, bhutan, china (tibet), pakistan, first three countri sovereignti range. lift collis indian tecton plate eurasian plate, himalayan rang run northwest southeast 2,400 kilometr (1,500 mi) long arc. rang vari width 400 kilometr (250 mi) west 150 kilometr (93 mi) east."} {"id": "11935", "contents": "predic adject subject complement, word group word follow link verb verb phrase is, am, were, smell, feel, taste, look, sound, been, seem."} {"id": "11936", "contents": "definition. predic adject adject use predic attribut subject."} {"id": "11937", "contents": "predic adject examples. predic adjectives. alreadi know verb call link verbs, link subject sentenc word inform renam describ subject."} {"id": "11938", "contents": "(with examples). predic adject adject follow link verb modifi (i.e., refer back to) subject link verb. predic adject contrast attribut adjective, typic sit immedi noun modifies. example: exampl predic adjectives. examples, predic adject shade subject modifi bold."} {"id": "11939", "contents": "predic adjective, subject complement adject follow link verb; normal adject noun renam defin way subject. verb 'was' follow predic noun predic adjective. verbs, adjectives, noun differ part speech. link verb connect subject predic adject predic nomin (subject complements). easi identifi link verb act equal sign. happy."} {"id": "11940", "contents": "subject sentenc he. verb link verb. noun husband predic nomin adject content predic adjective. type subject complement follow singl link verb. noun husband predic nomin adject content predic adjective. type subject complement follow singl link verb. contemporari grammarian view entir phrase hous husband quit content singl subject complement"} {"id": "11941", "contents": "predic noun (or predic nominative) noun pronoun follow link verb restat stand subject. predic adject adject follow link verb modifi (describes) subject sentence. call subject complements. link verb verb act equal sign, object form subject. verbs, adjectives, noun differ part speech. link verb connect subject predic adject predic nomin (subject complements). easi identifi link verb act equal sign. happy."} {"id": "11942", "contents": "adject function predic adjectives, mean follow link verb provid inform describ subject sentence. predic adject singl adjective, phrase includ adject modifiers. alreadi know verb call link verbs, link subject sentenc word inform renam describ subject."} {"id": "11943", "contents": "link verb predic adject predic noun (predic nominative). verbs, adjectives, noun differ part speech. link verb connect subject predic adject predic nomin (subject complements). easi identifi link verb act equal sign. happy."} {"id": "11944", "contents": "i'm blame here, matter-of-fact. i'v there, too: ate sugar white flour mid 20's. that, effect, answer question. realli want get blood sugar down, time chang diet. remember, health outcom hands. person alter blood sugar perman basis, way make new choic type food beverag consume."} {"id": "11945", "contents": "take everyon way long get down. i'm type get 100' 250 350 4-6 hours. morn running, take lot less humalog (instant) insulin correct sugar go lower faster treadmill. hello diagnos type week ago 15.7 glucos level around 110%. put netformin 500 twice day. start walk per day strict diet low carb veget drink litr water."} {"id": "11946", "contents": "long take blood sugar come back eat meal? i'v told test hour mark, gener still around !40-170. sparkpag send privat messag reply. normal folks, blood sugar level rise rapidli eat peak 30 minutes, decreas gradual back normal fast level (less 100) within hours. reason test hour eating."} {"id": "11947", "contents": "sparkpag send privat messag reply. long take blood sugar come back eat meal? i'v told test hour mark, gener still around !40-170. test half hour may 100. sparkpag send privat messag reply. normal folks, blood sugar level rise rapidli eat peak 30 minutes, decreas gradual back normal fast level (less 100) within hours. reason test hour eating."} {"id": "11948", "contents": "fact normal blood glucos rise eating. glucos level typic peak approxim hour eat although individu variat variat day day. post-meal blood sugar (postprandial) independ eat, blood sugar truli normal person is: 120 mg/dl (6.6 mmol/l) one two hour meal. normal peopl 100 mg/dl (5.5 mmol/l) two hour eating. take care tin. source(s): tin year ago."} {"id": "11949", "contents": "diagnos type diabet week ago a1c 11. sinc then, count carbohydr daili target 45 meal. also take 500mg metformin twice day. hello diagnos type week ago 15.7 glucos level around 110%. put netformin 500 twice day. start walk per day strict diet low carb veget drink litr water."} {"id": "11950", "contents": "tell long took bring blood glucos (bg) number normal level diagnosi (dx) may experience. said, took month bg level came normal levels. hello diagnos type week ago 15.7 glucos level around 110%. put netformin 500 twice day. start walk per day strict diet low carb veget drink litr water."} {"id": "11951", "contents": "best answer: normal fast blood sugar normal fast blood sugar (which also blood sugar normal person see right meal) is: 83 mg/dl (4.6 mmol/l) less. mani normal peopl fast blood sugar mid high 70 mg/dl (3.9 mmol/l) range. post-meal blood sugar (postprandial) independ eat, blood sugar truli normal person is: 120 mg/dl (6.6 mmol/l) one two hour meal. normal peopl 100 mg/dl (5.5 mmol/l) two hour eating. take care tin. source(s): tin year ago."} {"id": "11952", "contents": "trim back limb get close power lines. rent pole saw home depot. echo ppt-260. first time ever use pole saw. work pretti well. might look huski stihl pole saw. father said might want get one, mayb will."} {"id": "11953", "contents": "chain saw rental kauai, hi: kauai counti tool equip suppli store offer varieti stihl chainsaw rentals. electr chainsaw avail 16- 20 blade lengths, ga chainsaw avail blade length rang 14-28. chain saw rental greenville, sc: bluelin rental offer stihl chainsaw anyon look take monument task trim remov unwant tree limb slice right half. manufactur stihl, volvo rent offer electr chainsaw ga chainsaw customers."} {"id": "11954", "contents": "description. echo power power provid extra long reach fast, easi safe tree prune hard-to-get-at applications. light-weight design comfort control ensur maximum oper comfort. new, heavy-duti gearbox featur dual-seal bearings, spiral cut steel gear manual greas port maximum lubrication, durabl cut performance. adjust oiler deliv right amount oil, everi time, except chain lubrication."} {"id": "11955", "contents": "pleas contact nearest home depot tool rental find information. find tool available. home depot celebr birthday! 2010 mark 15 anniversari tool rental department. aboveaveragejo home depot store highlight sometim need right tool home improv project rent it, still get job done without commit buy it."} {"id": "11956", "contents": "i'm told work look like would pain do. cost $40 still packag unopened. recent saw buy ga power chainsaw pole cut high branches, cost $100, abil detach littl chainsaw use independ pole. however, chainsaw appear good handl it, ie, look bit awkward use"} {"id": "11957", "contents": "bought remington 1.5 peak hp 10 in. electr polesaw model ps1510apk4 $99.00 home depot... found saw profession landscap use one. work great pole. reach 15 feet think far realli control prune saw. take look one, may need. cost $40 still packag unopened. recent saw buy ga power chainsaw pole cut high branches, cost $100, abil detach littl chainsaw use independ"} {"id": "11958", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: sometim find home depot low rent tabl saws. person found one use onlin use two year odd projects. probabl price rent one. good site go discount tabl saws. now. report abuse. home depot canada rent tabl saw accord site: http://www.homedepot.ca/webapp/wcs/store... call local store check avail anyway (not store rent everi tool), might well ask store directli price."} {"id": "11959", "contents": "best answer: sometim find home depot low rent tabl saws. person found one use onlin use two year odd projects. probabl price rent one. now. report abuse. home depot canada rent tabl saw accord site: http://www.homedepot.ca/webapp/wcs/store... call local store check avail anyway (not store rent everi tool), might well ask store directli price."} {"id": "11960", "contents": "cut trim tall branch difficult chore, right tool. time chain saw safe used, pole pruner ideal quickli easili cut out-of-reach branches. click information."} {"id": "11961", "contents": "linq extens librari collect extens written c# help common program task relat arrays, collect type enumerable. librari organ follow sections: operators: extens unit test includ functionality. librari linq extens statist analysis, sequenc gener manipulation, pattern detection, pivot transform more."} {"id": "11962", "contents": "extens method implement live new system.linq namespace, defin standard queri oper extens method use .net develop easili queri xml, relat databases, .net object implement ienumerable, and/or type data structure. hi sahil, extens method actual implement entir compiler-no new il instruct within clr requir support them. mean use vs orca c# compil write code use extens methods, use multi-target featur run vanilla .net 2.0 box."} {"id": "11963", "contents": "extens incud linq support c++/cli languag simplifi syntax write common type databas queries. clinq project librari make possibl use linq technolog c++/cli language. linq includ extens c# vb.net, plan support linq c++/cli."} {"id": "11964", "contents": "extens method enabl add method exist type without creat new deriv type, recompiling, otherwis modifi origin type. extens method special kind static method, call instanc method extend type. client code written c# visual basic, appar differ call extens method method actual defin type. class librari implemented, use extens method avoid increment version number assembly. want add signific function librari sourc code, follow standard .net framework guidelin assembl versioning."} {"id": "11965", "contents": "remarks. linq xml extens method axi method use linq queries. method class oper collect return collections. method enumer sourc collection, call appropri axi method item collection, concaten results. two remov extens method axi methods, however. method remov attribut node xml tree. note anoth categori axi methods, implement xelement, xdocument, xnode classes."} {"id": "11966", "contents": "languag integr queri (linq, pronounc link) microsoft .net framework compon add nativ data queri capabl .net languages, although port exist java, php, javascript actionscript. linq primarili implement librari .net framework 3.5, also defin option languag extens make queri first-class languag construct provid syntact sugar write queries."} {"id": "11967", "contents": "ix.net (includ repository) interact extens (ix) .net librari extend linq object provid mani oper avail rx target ienumerable. rxpy: reactiv extens python (rx.py) set librari compos asynchron event-bas program use observ collect linq-styl queri oper python 3."} {"id": "11968", "contents": "interact extensions. ix.net (includ repository) interact extens (ix) .net librari extend linq object provid mani oper avail rx target ienumerable. ixjs: implement linq object interact extens (ix) javascript. rxpy: reactiv extens python (rx.py) set librari compos asynchron event-bas program use observ collect linq-styl queri oper python 3."} {"id": "11969", "contents": "close. preview linq, code name set extens .net framework encompass language-integr data query, set, transform operations."} {"id": "11970", "contents": "use linq where() extens method use previous object xml retriev sequenc strongly-typ person object databas whose first name start letter s: note queri syntax object xml. hi sahil, extens method actual implement entir compiler-no new il instruct within clr requir support them. mean use vs orca c# compil write code use extens methods, use multi-target featur run vanilla .net 2.0 box."} {"id": "11971", "contents": "seismologist use two main devic measur earthquake: seismograph seismoscope. seismograph instrument measur seismic wave caus earthquake. seismograph three main devices, richter magnitud scale, modifi mercal intens scale, moment-magnitud scale."} {"id": "11972", "contents": "weegy: newton' first law motion state object rest remain rest unless act unbalanc force. object motion continu motion speed direct unless act upon unbalanc force.thi law often call law inertia."} {"id": "11973", "contents": "no, quite. two way scientist quantifi size earthquakes: magnitud intensity. probabl heard richter scale still use small earthquakes, larg earthquak commonli report use moment magnitud scale (see below)"} {"id": "11974", "contents": "seismomet detect measur earthquak vibrat shock wave seismograph records. scale use measur strength earthqauk com monli richter scale. seismograph seismogram call seismograph two instruments, basic thing."} {"id": "11975", "contents": "seismometers-instru measur motion ground. visual output, either monitor paper call seismograph seismomet part use measur intens earthquakes. scale use measur earthquak intens known modifi mercal scale."} {"id": "11976", "contents": "seismomet scientif instrument use detect earthquakes. signal receiv seismomet record allow scientist calcul size (amount energi released) earthquake, is, magnitude."} {"id": "11977", "contents": "graduat study, travel, work make expert benthics, european languages, wildlif mapping, world fauna flora. strainmeter, seismomet compon detect vibrat shock wave seismograph records, scientif instrument that' use predict measur earthquakes."} {"id": "11978", "contents": "element compounds. magnesium oxid (mgo) compound form oxygen (a ga non-metal) air react magnesium (a metal) form white powder known magnesium oxid e, non-metal. usually, heat make two element (magnesium oxygen) react. well, first would heat magnesium crucibl bunsen burner, caus magnesium react oxygen nitrogen air followi \u2026. 10 other found useful."} {"id": "11979", "contents": "magnesium oxid (mgo), also call magnesia, use stomach antacids. magnesium also use make epsom salts, use treat minor skin abrasions. magnesium also use construction. known one lightest metal use construction. magnesium pure metal found nature, common ion variou compounds. magnesium common earth seawater. magnesium found green vegetables, especi darker green ones. chlorophyll, green pigment plants, contain magnesium."} {"id": "11980", "contents": "magnesium oxid use medic condit heartburn acid indigestion. properti base ph 10.4 help reduc acid level intestin tract. also highli effect laxative. magnesium oxid affect absorpt react medications, use regular basi antacid two week unless instruct doctor. use laxative, maximum time one week unless doctor provid differ instructions."} {"id": "11981", "contents": "overview. magnesium oxide, known chemic mgo, natur occur miner appear solid white powder. varieti health-rel commerci industri applications. despit usefulness, unwant effects. magnesium oxid affect absorpt react medications, use regular basi antacid two week unless instruct doctor. use laxative, maximum time one week unless doctor provid differ instructions."} {"id": "11982", "contents": "breath magnesium oxid irrit eye nose. exposur magnesium oxid caus metal fume fever .\u201d flu-lik ill symptom metal tast mouth, headache, fever chills, aches, chest tight cough. identif magnesium oxid white powder. fine divid magnesium oxid dispers air call magnesium oxid fume. use metal refin industry, electr insul material, supplement anim feed."} {"id": "11983", "contents": "magnesium oxide? magnesium oxid (mgo) compound form oxygen (a ga non-metal) air react magnesium (a metal) form white powder known magnesium oxid e, non-metal. usually, heat make two element (magnesium oxygen) react. well, first would heat magnesium crucibl bunsen burner, caus magnesium react oxygen nitrogen air followi \u2026. 10 other found useful."} {"id": "11984", "contents": "magnesium oxide, known chemic mgo, natur occur miner appear solid white powder. varieti health-rel commerci industri applications. magnesium oxid affect absorpt react medications, use regular basi antacid two week unless instruct doctor. use laxative, maximum time one week unless doctor provid differ instructions."} {"id": "11985", "contents": "medic miner supplement use prevent treat low amount magnesium blood. magnesium import normal function cells, nerves, muscles, bones, heart. best take magnesium supplement meal reduc stomach upset diarrhea unless otherwis direct product instruct doctor. take dose full glass (8 ounc 240 milliliters) water unless doctor direct otherwise. swallow extended-releas capsul whole."} {"id": "11986", "contents": "small piec magnesium. magnesium metal silver-whit lightweight. pictur stick, also come powder form. surprisingly, bought averag person, usual medic reasons. magnesium pure metal found nature, common ion variou compounds. magnesium common earth seawater. magnesium found green vegetables, especi darker green ones. chlorophyll, green pigment plants, contain"} {"id": "11987", "contents": "magnesium oxid miner supplement use treat prevent low level magnesium blood. magnesium import mani system body, especi vital healthi muscl bones. peopl use magnesium oxid reliev heartburn indigestion. supplement may also use short-term laxative. supplement avail over-the-count (otc) without prescription. magnesium oxid warnings. take magnesium oxid doctor product label recommends. much magnesium blood caus seriou side effects. take magnesium oxide, tell doctor allerg it, antacids, laxatives, drugs."} {"id": "11988", "contents": "tire you, again, necessarili someth worri about-unless think might get enough milk. breast milk easili digest baby' system quit normal, example, breast-f babi feed often formula-f baby. mani theori breastfeed one could blame new mom littl confused. doctors, health expert mother differ opinion often, much, babi feed."} {"id": "11989", "contents": "often breastfe babi depend whether choos feed demand (namely, babi let know hungry), decid tri establish babi feed routin earli on. mani theori breastfeed one could blame new mom littl confused. doctors, health expert mother differ opinion often, much, babi feed."} {"id": "11990", "contents": "baby\u2019 appetit vari day day month month, tri let set pace. babi feed often need to, long learn spot cue respond them. babi newborn, need feed littl often, offer bottl everi two hour three hours. let feed long want to. enough bottle, don\u2019t forc drink more. babi grows, abl manag larger feed longer break bottles. plan formula-fe baby, plenti think about. start, need learn sterilis equip make bottle. also need know give babi bottle, often, cope about."} {"id": "11991", "contents": "2. newborn need eight 12 feed day one feed everi two three hours. look earli sign hunger, stir stretching, suck motion lip movements. fuss cri later cues. sooner begin feeding, less like need sooth frantic baby. feed newborn demand. newborn need eight 12 feed day one feed everi two three hours. look earli sign hunger, stir stretching, suck motion lip movements."} {"id": "11992", "contents": "much feed vari greatli breed rabbit feeding, big kit is, basic guidelin daili amount feed domest rabbit approxim 5-6 pound adult (averag rabbit size). increas amount need larger breeds."} {"id": "11993", "contents": "doctor say first month life, babi probabl feed six 12 time day. natur let babi know good her; frequent feeds, stimul milk production, ensur she'll alway readi suppli need it. mani theori breastfeed one could blame new mom littl confused. doctors, health expert mother differ opinion often, much, babi feed."} {"id": "11994", "contents": "ye thank you! month age begin solid foods. day plenti practice. around month age increas twice day around 10 month age time day. alway nurs prior feed solid food (or give bottle) sinc solid food primari sourc nutrit age earliest."} {"id": "11995", "contents": "babi one two months... babi reach one two months, expect number feed reduc slightli per day. somewher seven nine daili feed consid normal.. mani theori breastfeed one could blame new mom littl confused. doctors, health expert mother differ opinion often, much, babi feed."} {"id": "11996", "contents": "midwife. earli weeks, babi wake feed frequently, day night. probabl find baby' feed space unevenly, baby' appetit vari much does. first days, young babi feed least eight time day, sometim more. babi could ask feed often everi 90 minut two hours. breastfeed often, babi build supply, feeds, milk produce. however, check latch well."} {"id": "11997", "contents": "design pasadena architect myron hunt, ambassador hotel' coconut grove restaur nightclub frequent hollywood person luminari world, take residence. 1930 1943, six academi award ceremoni held coconut grove. perhap mani seven u.s. presid stay ambassador hotel, hover nixon, along head state around world."} {"id": "11998", "contents": "ambassador hotel once-fam coconut grove nightclub lo angel scene protract litig save structur hotel closed."} {"id": "11999", "contents": "1989, 68 year operation, ambassador hotel\u2019 door close good. sadly, build demolish 2006 make way public high school. though longer exists, cocoanut grove continu rememb hollywood histori lover alike."} {"id": "12000", "contents": "interior illustr cocoanut grove. peopl rememb ambassador hotel site robert kennedy\u2019 tragic assassination. however, mani decad hollywood oasi includ lo angeles\u2019 premier nightclub, celebr hang hot spot,"} {"id": "12001", "contents": "cocoanut grove, supper club rich famou dine danced, open month ambassador hotel, april 1921. design moorish style."} {"id": "12002", "contents": "decades, hotel' fame cocoanut grove nightclub host biggest name entertainment, frank sinatra, barbara streisand, judi garland, lena horne, bing crosby, lisa minnelli, martin lewis, supremes, mervin griffin, dorothi dandridge, evelyn knight, perri como, richard pryor."} {"id": "12003", "contents": "roar twenties, ambassador hotel' cocoanut grove nightclub hotspot peopl like loui b. mayer, charl chaplin, douglw fairbanks, mari pickford, howard hughes, clara bow, rudolph valentino, gloria swanson, anna may wong, others."} {"id": "12004", "contents": "us light rail costsnear $70 million per mile. nation survey light rail system plan (a reflect feder new start report publish 1999 2000) show averag $68.91 million per mile (tabl #1). 24 percent 1999. nation survey light rail line planning: 1999 2000 line capit cost (millions) mile cost per mile (millions) note dalla $517 12.5 $41.38 2000 data yet avail san diego-miss valley $431 5.9 $73.05 cost per mile 19 percent 1999. denver $883 19.0 $46.45 cost per mile"} {"id": "12005", "contents": "figur less half light rail transit (lrt), $26.4 million one-tenth metro rail transit (mrt), $128.2 million. however, situat brt expens per mile lrt, lrt system exceed per-mil cost mrt projects. compar lrt systems, bu rapid transit associ greater land-acquisit cost ($3.018 million per mile, versu $1.52 million). addition, dedic brt guideway averag $6.459 million per mile versu $4.289 million light rail. station cost also slightli higher brt lrt"} {"id": "12006", "contents": "anoth way compar cost per mile monorail light rail transit project use data project includ feder new start report 2002 feder transit administr (fta). data use present cost roughli compar year expenditur (yoe) dollars."} {"id": "12007", "contents": "cost light rail construct vari widely, larg depend amount tunnel elev structur required. survey north american light rail project show cost lrt system rang $15 million $100 million per mile. end scale, four system (baltimore, maryland; camden, new jersey; sacramento, california; salt lake city, utah) incur construct cost less $20 million per mile. us whole, exclud seattle, new light rail construct cost averag $35 million per mile. comparison, freeway lane expans typic cost $1.0 million $8.5 million per lane mile (a lane mile mile-long lane) two directions, averag $2.3 million"} {"id": "12008", "contents": "metro system cost less lrt system per vehicl revenu mile, $6.5; per vehicl revenu hour, $152; least per thousand place mile thousand passeng mile, $49.2 $282, respectively. buse lowest averag line capac per hour, 3,800 7,200. compar lrt systems, bu rapid transit associ greater land-acquisit cost ($3.018 million per mile, versu $1.52 million). addition, dedic brt guideway averag $6.459 million per mile versu $4.289 million light rail. station cost also slightli higher brt lrt"} {"id": "12009", "contents": "way justifi cost buse much less expensive. even worse, citi pay heavy-rail price light-rail capacities, get worst both. honolulu build elev line cost $250 million per mile whose capac littl greater light rail. seattl build underground light-rail line $600 million mile abl carri peopl san diego\u2019 original, $17 million-per-mil lin"} {"id": "12010", "contents": "average, bu rapid transit (brt) cost $10.24 million 1990 dollar per mile build. figur less half light rail transit (lrt), $26.4 million one-tenth metro rail transit (mrt), $128.2 million. compar lrt systems, bu rapid transit associ greater land-acquisit cost ($3.018 million per mile, versu $1.52 million). addition, dedic brt guideway averag $6.459 million per mile versu $4.289 million light rail. station cost also slightli higher brt lrt"} {"id": "12011", "contents": "cost recent surfac light rail line rang low $43 million per mile norfolk, va high $204 million per mile new milwauki line portland. lo angeles' crenshaw line, includ short subway sections, clock $165 million per mile. unit states, cost recent project rang $20 million per mile one track extens exist st. loui rail system $50 million per mile streetcar first hill area seattl connect downtown tucson univers arizona campus."} {"id": "12012", "contents": "doctor health care industri make $172,928, doctor ob/gyn\u2019 offic make around $167,151. doctor work medic offic earn $162,435, work hospit make $160,310, health clinic take home $148,715 per year. turn male doctor make annual salari $179,215, femal doctor earn $163,356. experi doctor field, higher doctor\u2019 salari becomes."} {"id": "12013", "contents": "femal doctor earn averag $63, 346, provid 4.7 servic 320 patient (1504 servic provid total) averag per servic fee $42.11. women doctor earn $1.49 per servic render men."} {"id": "12014", "contents": "result, male doctor earn 24 percent per patient medicar femal physicians\u2014$262 per patient male md versu $211 per patient femal mds."} {"id": "12015", "contents": "1980s, male doctor made 20 percent femal counterparts, number balloon 25 percent, make gap real dollar $50,000 year."} {"id": "12016", "contents": "doctor special femal reproduct system pregnancy, call obstetrician gynecologists, make annual salari $216,760 averag mean hourli wage top $104.21."} {"id": "12017", "contents": "despit account almost half medic profession, femal doctor still earn less male counterparts. abi rimmer examin gender pay gap continu long. women practis medicin 100 years, yet femal doctor still earn 29%"} {"id": "12018", "contents": "averag doctor salari work offic vari base whether primari care physician medic specialists. accord payscale, gener practition earn around $125,568 year, famili doctor make $150,321 lowest earn doctors."} {"id": "12019", "contents": "fact, gap male femal doctors\u2019 pay widen recent years. 2004 male doctor earn 21% femal colleagues, 2013 earn 40% more, accord figur median pay offic nation statist (figure)."} {"id": "12020", "contents": "catena soil scienc (pedology) sequenc type soil hill slope. soil type facet differ somewhat neighbours, occur climat underli material. matur catena equilibrium process deposit eros balance."} {"id": "12021", "contents": "noun. 1. catena-a chain connect idea passag object arrang member close relat preced follow member (especi seri patrist comment elucid christian dogma)."} {"id": "12022", "contents": "origin catena concept. catena concept soil scienc come latin word \u201ccatena\u201d mean chain. chain soil link topography. also refer sequenc soil differ posit landscape."} {"id": "12023", "contents": "catena (latin: chain) chain relat soil types, known facets, uniform slope. term introduc soil scientist g. miln 1935, work africa, sequenc soil ran crest hill floor swamp valley it."} {"id": "12024", "contents": "soil catenas. soil catena sequenc differ soil profil occur slope. occur hill slope geolog uniform mark differ climat top bottom slope."} {"id": "12025", "contents": "definit catena. connect seri relat things. advertisement."} {"id": "12026", "contents": "heat index measur hot feel rel humid ad actual air temperature. comfort level calcul provid categori heat condit might advers affect someone. comfort levels: given averag maximum temperatur humid level expect danger heat conditions. sunstroke, muscl cramp heat exhaust likely."} {"id": "12027", "contents": "weather widget site. weather bangkok-thailand. 24\u00b0c. cloudy. humid 84%. wind calm m/s. visibl 10 km. pressur 1011 mbar. peopl widget. ...."} {"id": "12028", "contents": "bangkok yearli weather summary. bangkok tropic monsoon climat highest averag temperatur citi world. temperatur bangkok regularli stay well 30\u00b0c throughout year. humid level also remain high period expect short spell raini weather, frequent afternoon showers, monsoon spell thunder times. although temperatur bare vari month month, experienc tourist believ octob februari probabl best time travel bangkok. time, temperatur high, stand 25\u00b0c 28\u00b0c."} {"id": "12029", "contents": "bangkok climat temperature. bangkok, thailand 13 43'n, 100 33'e, (14 ft). see map. bangkok tropic wet dry/ savanna climat (k ppen-geig classification: aw) pronounc dri season low-sun months, cold season, wet season high-sun months. see map."} {"id": "12030", "contents": "bangkok: annual weather averages. april hottest month bangkok averag temperatur 31\u00b0c (87\u00b0f) coldest decemb 26\u00b0c (79\u00b0f) daili sunshin hour december. wettest month septemb averag 220mm rain. best month swim sea april averag sea temperatur 30\u00b0c (86\u00b0f)."} {"id": "12031", "contents": "averag annual rel humid 79.9% averag monthli rel humid rang 74% januari 85% september. nakhon sawan, thailand 221.1 km (137.4 miles) nnw. suphan buri, thailand 94.8 km (58.9"} {"id": "12032", "contents": "autumn. although temperatur bare vari month month, experienc tourist believ octob februari probabl best time travel bangkok. time, temperatur high, stand 25\u00b0c 28\u00b0c."} {"id": "12033", "contents": "averag monthli temperatur vari 4.1 \u00b0c (7.4\u00b0f). indic continent type hyperoceanic, subtyp truli hyperoceanic. total annual precipit averag 1498 mm (59 inches) equival 1498 litres/m (36.74 gallons/ft). see map. bangkok tropic wet dry/ savanna climat (k ppen-geig classification: aw) pronounc dri season low-sun months, cold season, wet season high-sun months."} {"id": "12034", "contents": "rel humid bangkok, thailand. averag annual rel humid 79.9% averag monthli rel humid rang 74% januari 85% september. nakhon sawan, thailand 221.1 km (137.4 miles) nnw. suphan buri, thailand 94.8 km (58.9"} {"id": "12035", "contents": "total annual precipit averag 1498 mm (59 inches) equival 1498 litres/m (36.74 gallons/ft). burrow centr earth bangkok would pop nearest climat station lima, peru would find subtrop desert climate. see map. bangkok tropic wet dry/ savanna climat (k ppen-geig classification: aw) pronounc dri season low-sun months, cold season, wet season high-sun months."} {"id": "12036", "contents": "arteri heart becom narrow, blood flow heart slow stop. caus chest pain (stabl angina), short breath, symptoms. narrow block arteri may also caus problem symptom intestines, kidneys, legs, brain."} {"id": "12037", "contents": "blame bad fat. medic term clog arteri atherosclerosis, it\u2019 major risk factor heart attack stroke, clog harden arteri may restrict blood flow part brain heart. sometim plaqu buildup hereditary, often, it\u2019 relat diet."} {"id": "12038", "contents": "a. a. coronari arteri disease, also call coronari heart disease, simply, heart disease, no. killer america, affect 13 million americans. heart diseas result plaqu buildup arteries, block blood flow heighten risk heart attack stroke. heart diseas result plaqu buildup coronari arteri -- condit call atherosclerosi -- lead blockages. arteries, start smooth elastic, becom narrow rigid, restrict blood flow heart"} {"id": "12039", "contents": "arteri leg feet get blocked, like arteri heart. happens, less blood flow legs. call peripher arteri diseas (pad)."} {"id": "12040", "contents": "coronari arteri diseas overview. arteri clog harden cholesterol fatti buildup restrict blood flow heart muscle. chest pain (angina) occur heart depriv oxygen nutrients. blood suppli cut entirely, heart attack result."} {"id": "12041", "contents": "heart attack. heart attack occur one coronari arteri becom blocked. time, coronari arteri narrow buildup variou substances, includ cholesterol (atherosclerosis). condition, known coronari arteri disease, caus heart attacks. anoth caus heart attack spasm coronari arteri shut blood flow part heart muscle. use tobacco illicit drugs, cocaine, caus life-threaten spasm. heart attack also occur due tear heart arteri (spontan coronari arteri dissection)."} {"id": "12042", "contents": "(cancer number two list.). atherosclerosi diseas arteries, blood vessel carri oxygen nutrient organ tissu (includ heart muscl tissue)."} {"id": "12043", "contents": "ton coal cost $36 $0.006 per kwh. barrel oil cost $70 $0.05 per kwh. cubic foot ga $0.008 $0.03 per kwh. comparison solar energy, hydrocarbon fuel cost significantli lower without rebates, tax benefit cost carbon emissions. two\u2013kilowatt (kw) solar energi system cost $45,000 cover roughli half typic american household\u2019 energi needs. averag solar energi system cost $8.95 per watt. order compar solar energi cost convent hydrocarbon fuels, must covert $8.95 per kwh. let\u2019 make two calcul measur total electr energi output lifespan solar energi system."} {"id": "12044", "contents": "base assumptions, level cost solar today without incent vari around $0.19 per kilowatt-hour (kwh) lo angel $0.29 per kwh seattle. discuss cost solar, see appendix context, see sensit analysis. level cost solar calcul follow assumptions. first, use instal cost residenti solar power $4.00 per watt. number may seem low, averag cost residenti solar instal mid-2011 $6.40."} {"id": "12045", "contents": "$45,000, solar energi system equat $9,000 kilowatt. $9,000 per kw solar help compar electr gener cost fuel like coal gas. sinc coal, oil, ga measur cost per kwh, measur solar cost kwh basis. averag solar energi system cost $8.95 per watt. order compar solar energi cost convent hydrocarbon fuels, must covert $8.95 per kwh. let\u2019 make two calcul measur total electr energi output lifespan solar energi system."} {"id": "12046", "contents": "so, example, use 10 kilowatt-hour day, cost power 10 cent per kilowatt-hour, electr cost would $1 per day (ten time 10 cents), $30 per month. also, need know long sun shine day average. let denot tsun, specifi energi unit kilowatt-hours: energi power (in kilowatts) time (in hours) kilowatt-hours. good target eus energi effici home 10 kilowatt-hours. electr energi grid unit state typic cost 12 cent per kilowatt-hour."} {"id": "12047", "contents": "chart compar cost residenti solar instal cost electr residenti property. number nation averages, reflect wide variat cost electr (from $0.067 per kwh seattl $0.170 per kwh new york city, example). level cost solar calcul follow assumptions. first, use instal cost residenti solar power $4.00 per watt. number may seem low, averag cost residenti solar instal mid-2011 $6.40."} {"id": "12048", "contents": "achiev goal, sunshot work lower price solar electr $0.06 per kilowatt hour (kwh) -- cost target make solar-gener power fulli cost-competit tradit energi sourc end decade. sinc sunshot\u2019 inception, averag price per kwh utility-scal pv project drop $0.21 $0.11. take look interact graph above, break fall cost utility-scal pv past three years."} {"id": "12049", "contents": "$18,000 system ($12,600 tax credit) produc 3800 kwh year windi place 12mph avg. windspe produc 76,000 kwh 20-year life, cost $0.17 per kwh. that' much grid energy, way solar. wind power resources: here' quieter wind turbine, sinc mani model fairli loud. averag wind speed city, wind map u.s. need avg. windspe 12mph (5.5 meter per second) make wind power approach cost-effective."} {"id": "12050", "contents": "measur coal cost less than$0.01 per kwh. comparison, barrel oil $70/barrel produc 1,700 kwh cost approxim $0.05 per kwh. let\u2019 provid measur understand energi costs. averag solar energi system cost $8.95 per watt. order compar solar energi cost convent hydrocarbon fuels, must covert $8.95 per kwh. let\u2019 make two calcul measur total electr energi output lifespan solar energi system."} {"id": "12051", "contents": "chart left show averag cost electr 2014 consum group per eia (the us energi inform administration). 2014 averag residenti cost 12.50 cent per kilo-watt hour 3.1% 2013. commerci 10.75 cent industri 7.01 cents. assum averag 2015 residenti electr price az $.125 per kwh (exclud tax fees) yield yearli save $1,006.25 (8,050 $.125 count futur inflation). monthli save would $83.85 ($1,006.25 divid 12). round $84.00 even."} {"id": "12052", "contents": "abyssinian lively, athlet inquisit cat. (thi beauti abyssinian cat quiomme' gustav belong karin langner-bahmann.). abyssinian cat breed. burmese. burmes cat one common cat breeds, also one intellig breeds. list common cat breed world. criteria appear categori differ greatly, two thing essential: easi find particular breed cat locat breeder, easi find inform specif breed. abyssinian."} {"id": "12053", "contents": "top dog breed vari looks, size personalities, top 10 cat breed u.s. differ other. 90 million pet cat u.s. accord censu data. top ten cat breed u.s. vari american owners: 1. persian: breed number one sinc cfa first start keep record 1871. persian affection loyal need long fur groom everi day."} {"id": "12054", "contents": "hous cats. surprisingly, hous cat actual common cat \u201cbreed\u201d all. 10% cat offici breed call pedigre purebr cats. \u201cmoggies\u201d, affection called, one like meet"} {"id": "12055", "contents": "10 popular cat breeds. anim lover know labrador retriev popular dog breed u.s. long time. follow close german shepherd, yorkie, golden retriever. top ten cat breed u.s. vari american owners: 1. persian: breed number one sinc cfa first start keep record 1871. persian affection loyal need long fur groom everi day."} {"id": "12056", "contents": "mani cat identifi domest longhair domest shorthair 3-5% purebred. list cat breed large-most registri recogn around 40 breed cat least one new breed ad yearly. top ten cat breed u.s. vari american owners: 1. persian: breed number one sinc cfa first start keep record 1871. persian affection loyal need long fur groom everi day."} {"id": "12057", "contents": "although rank among variou cat breed popular vari year-to-year, breed appear year year cfa (cat fancier association) list 10 popular cat breeds. ad one breed, shown popular site. all, domest cats' ancestor around long today' recogn cat breed even known. domest cats, also known moggies, mix breed sometim plain alley cats, rich history, one-size-fits-al descript them."} {"id": "12058", "contents": "hand, lot time devot new cat, short-haired, independ cat may fill void. regardless trait desir cat, popular cat breeds: abyssinian, american shorthair, birman, main coon, oriental, persian, ragdoll, siamese, sphynx. popular cat breeds. whether you\u2019r choos cat base looks, size temperament, breed everyone. best cat match family\u2019 lifestyle. high-energi cat suitabl active, outgo peopl"} {"id": "12059", "contents": "autonom nervou system two branches: sympathet nervou system parasympathet nervou system. sympathet nervou system often consid fight flight system, parasympathet nervou system often consid rest digest feed breed system. autonom nervou system divid sympathet nervou system parasympathet nervou system. sympathet divis emerg spinal cord thorac lumbar areas, termin around l2-3."} {"id": "12060", "contents": "gener sympathet activ occur case stress, trigger call fight flight respons sympathico-adren response."} {"id": "12061", "contents": "branch autonom nervou system, sympathet parasympathetic, exert control lung function. multipl site tissu involv lung function:"} {"id": "12062", "contents": "parasympathet nervou system (usual abbrevi psns, pns, avoid confus peripher nervou system [pns]) one two divis autonom nervou system, sympathet nervou system. parasympathet divis function action requir immedi reaction. use mnemon summar function parasympathet nervou system sludd (salivation, lacrimation, urination, digest defecation)."} {"id": "12063", "contents": "balanc sympathet parasympathet nervou system keep autom bodi function work properly. autonom nervou system receptor act on/off button control variou sympathet parasympathet effect body. button turn off, thing happen body."} {"id": "12064", "contents": "parasympathet nervou system (pns) control homeostasi bodi rest respons body' rest digest function. sympathet nervou system (sns) control body' respons perceiv threat respons fight flight response. sympathet nervou system (sns) one two main divis autonom nervou system (ans). gener action mobil body' fight-or-"} {"id": "12065", "contents": "parasympathet nervou system one two main divis autonom nervou system (ans). gener function control homeostasi body' rest-and-digest response. sympathet nervou system (sns) one two main divis autonom nervou system (ans). gener action mobil body' fight-or-flight response. function. control body' respons rest"} {"id": "12066", "contents": "(januari 2009). sympathet nervou system one two main divis autonom nervou system, parasympathet nervou system. autonom nervou system function regul body' unconsci actions. sympathet nervou system' primari process stimul body' fight-or-flight response. is, however, constantli activ basic level maintain homeostasi"} {"id": "12067", "contents": "lesson, learn two subdivis autonom nervou system-th sympathet parasympathet nervou systems. watch hiker, phil, run away terrifi bear see system react impend danger! together, epinephrin norepinephrin secret adren gland basic effect nerv sympathet nervou system increas heart rate, increas bronchiol dilation, increas glucos releas liver. addition, norepinephrin also known increas alertness."} {"id": "12068", "contents": "diverg boundari boundari plate pull away other, form mild earthquak volcano magma come surface. converg boundari boundari two plate push other. happen converg boundary. converg boundari boundari two separ plate push other. two kind surfac featur associ converg boundary. first deep ocean trench form line two collid plates."} {"id": "12069", "contents": "plate meet, rel motion determin type boundary: convergent, divergent, transform. earthquakes, volcan activity, mountain-building, ocean trench format occur along plate boundaries. later rel movement plate typic rang zero 100 mm annually. converg boundari (destructive) (or activ margins) occur two plate slide toward form either subduct zone (one plate move underneath other) continent collision."} {"id": "12070", "contents": "plate tectonics, converg boundary, also known destruct plate boundari (becaus subduction), activ deform region two (or more) tecton plate fragment lithospher move toward one anoth collide. subduct zone form converg plate boundari one tecton plate compos ocean crust. denser plate, made ocean crust, subduct underneath less dens plate, either continent"} {"id": "12071", "contents": "converg plate boundaries. converg boundari form two plate collide. boundari often form major mountain chains. boundari identifi high mountains, volcan island arc chains, deep earthquakes. ocean plate converg continent plate. diverg plate boundaries. diverg boundari mid-ocean ridg continent rift valleys. boundaries, two neighbor plate move away other. continent rift valley character normal fault basalt-rich volcanoes."} {"id": "12072", "contents": "subduct zone deep trench form ocean floor. ocean ocean plate converg result format volcano chains. crust pull subduct melt form magma. magma rise top overrid ocean plate erupt ocean floor. subduct zone ocean crust sink beneath continent crust deep ocean trench valley created. mani thousand kilometr long 10 kilometr deep make deepest part"} {"id": "12073", "contents": "form two plate collide, either crumpl form mountain push one plate back mantl melt. converg boundari form strong earthquakes, well volcan mountain islands, sink ocean plate melts. third type transform boundaries, boundari plate slide past other, form strong earthquakes. happen converg boundary. converg boundari boundari two separ plate push other. two kind surfac featur associ converg boundary. first deep ocean trench form line two collid plates."} {"id": "12074", "contents": "subduct zone, subduct plate, normal plate ocean crust, move beneath plate, made either ocean continent crust. collis two continent plates, larg mountain ranges, himalaya formed. oceanic-continental. subduct zone form converg plate boundari one tecton plate compos ocean crust. denser plate, made ocean crust, subduct underneath less dens plate, either continent"} {"id": "12075", "contents": "converg boundari two plate move other, neither subduct other, push crust. strike slip boundari occur plate collid angle. tension build releas form earthquake. now. report abuse. divergent= move away convergent= converg togeth strike-slip= brush past diverg boundari occur point two plate move away each, creat crust point separation."} {"id": "12076", "contents": "theori plate tectonics, earth' crust broken plate move around rel other. result movement, three type plate boundari formed: divergent, convergent, transform boundaries. happen converg boundary. converg boundari boundari two separ plate push other. two kind surfac featur associ converg boundary. first deep ocean trench form line two collid plates."} {"id": "12077", "contents": "result pressure, friction, plate materi melt mantle, earthquak volcano common near converg boundaries. two plate move toward one another, form either subduct zone continent collision. depend natur plate involved. subduct zone form converg plate boundari one tecton plate compos ocean crust. denser plate, made ocean crust, subduct underneath less dens plate, either continent"} {"id": "12078", "contents": "refer document voluntari code practic simpli code. wherea mandatori set rule run risk invit disput divis hope voluntari code provid basi self regul community. set 'benchmark', hope deter bogu imitators."} {"id": "12079", "contents": "opinions. voluntari code, code practice, code conduct, defin as: set voluntari commitments-agre one parties-design influenc control behaviour-to appli consist manner."} {"id": "12080", "contents": "care tag clothing, example, part familiar standard adopt voluntarili garment industry. voluntari code go sever names, includ code conduct, code practice, voluntari initiatives, guidelin non-regulatori agreements. code voluntari (they legisl requir commitments), oper within legal environ includ consumer, competition, health safety, labour environment legisl regulations, contract tort (person injuries) law. sometim code supplement legislation."} {"id": "12081", "contents": "voluntary. adj. 1. performed, undertaken, brought free choice, willingly, without asked: voluntari donation. 2. (of persons) serv act specifi function one' accord without compuls promis remuneration: voluntari social worker. 1. done undertaken one' free will: voluntari decis leav job. 2. act done willingli without constraint expect reward: voluntari hostage; voluntari commun work. 3."} {"id": "12082", "contents": "also serv sign consum organization' product, servic activ meet certain standards. voluntari code exist rang industries, product services, address mani aspect marketplac behaviour. code voluntari (they legisl requir commitments), oper within legal environ includ consumer, competition, health safety, labour environment legisl regulations, contract tort (person injuries) law. sometim code supplement legislation."} {"id": "12083", "contents": "core busi practices, term suggests, day-to-day regular activ polici compani fundament guid compani whole. exampl core busi practic might thorough qualiti check least two separ employe shipment leav factory."} {"id": "12084", "contents": "voluntari code code practic arrang influence, shape, control set benchmark behaviour marketplace. encourag compani organ conduct way benefit community. code voluntari (they legisl requir commitments), oper within legal environ includ consumer, competition, health safety, labour environment legisl regulations, contract tort (person injuries) law. sometim code supplement legislation."} {"id": "12085", "contents": "voluntari benefits. employ often provid benefit requir law, refer voluntari benefits. let' look voluntari benefit michael provided: michael get paid time off, sick leave, vacat time. words, get paid even he' working."} {"id": "12086", "contents": "simpl live encompass number differ voluntari practic simplifi one' lifestyle. may includ reduc one' possessions, gener refer minimalism, increas self-sufficiency, example."} {"id": "12087", "contents": "synonym discuss voluntary. voluntary, intentional, deliber mean done brought choice. voluntari use act result freedom will. also use act control will. intent use someth done reason thought. deliber use act done purpos full understand like results. done given want forc to: done given choice. provid support peopl work without paid."} {"id": "12088", "contents": "vers 10 says, \u201cto know power resurrect fellowship sufferings, conform death.\u201d paul wrote epistl philippians, experienti knowledg christ experienc power resurrection."} {"id": "12089", "contents": "power resurrect sermon #2080 www.spurgeongems.org volum 35 want observe, outset, paul desir know alway connect lord, himself. says, \u201cthat may know power resurrection.\u201d jesu first,"} {"id": "12090", "contents": "power resurrect highest realm power, access knowledge. philippian 3:10 says: may know him, power resurrection, fellowship sufferings, made conform unto death. recogn power degre anoint levels. ezekiel 47:1-10 paint graphic pictur realm power level anointing. note river scriptur symbol power god, highest realm power power resurrection."} {"id": "12091", "contents": "power resurrection. resurrect demonstr son god power (ro 1:4). mighti power work resurrect work saint (1) resurrect spiritu death new life (col 2:13 eph 1:19-23). therefor present power."} {"id": "12092", "contents": "life god you. here: home god articl resurrect power you. buri (jesus) baptism death, christ rais dead glori father, even also walk new life (roman 6:4)."} {"id": "12093", "contents": "power resurrection. resurrect christ gloriou manifest divin power (roman 1:4). resurrect power spiritu life christians: stimul spiritu resurrection, resurrect death sin unto life righteous (comp."} {"id": "12094", "contents": "may know yeshua power resurrection, may share suffer conform death, god' word\u00ae translation. know christ. faith know power come back life give mean share suffering."} {"id": "12095", "contents": "want know christ--yes, know power resurrect particip sufferings, becom like death, new live translation. want know christ experi mighti power rais dead."} {"id": "12096", "contents": "adult rest heart rate 60-100 beat per minut (bpm). fitter are, lower rest heart rate like be. example, athlet may rest heart rate 40-60 bpm lower."} {"id": "12097", "contents": "normal rest heart rate adult rang 60 100 beat minute. generally, lower heart rate rest impli effici heart function better cardiovascular fitness. example, well-train athlet might normal rest heart rate closer 40 beat minute. measur heart rate, simpli check pulse. place index third finger neck side windpipe."} {"id": "12098", "contents": "slow heartbeat (heart rate), call bradycardia, arrhythmia, disord heart\u2019 rhythm. day, normal heart beat 100,000 times, rate any\u00adwher 60 100 time minute. chang heart rate caus activity, diet, medications, age normal common."} {"id": "12099", "contents": "adult 18 older, normal rest heart rate 60 100 beat per minut (bpm), depend person\u2019 physic condit age. children age 15, normal rest heart rate 70 100 bpm, accord aha."} {"id": "12100", "contents": "heart rate, also known pulse, number time person' heart beat per minute. normal heart rate depend individual, age, bodi size, heart conditions, whether person sit moving, medic use even air temperature. even emot impact heart rate."} {"id": "12101", "contents": "consult doctor rest heart rate consist 100 beat minut (tachycardia) train athlet rest heart rate 60 beat minut (bradycardia) especi sign symptoms, fainting, dizzi short breath."} {"id": "12102", "contents": "normal rest heart rate rang anywher 40 100 beat per minute. chart relat rest heart rate fit level. seen chart, rest heart rate vari fit level age fitter are, gener lower rest heart rate."} {"id": "12103", "contents": "heart rate 38 beat per minut (bpm) normal well-train endur runner age 60. heart rate normal lower rest. distanc run four year could caus reduct rest heart rate 60 bpm 38 bpm."} {"id": "12104", "contents": "time warner cable-tim warner' custom servic new york bad. time warner' custom servic new york unfathom bad."} {"id": "12105", "contents": "bundl time warner cabl home phone time warner cabl tv. see caller id display tv screen call come in! search cordless phone glass read caller id display everi time phone rings. call screen never easier!"} {"id": "12106", "contents": "list phone number time warner cabl customers. contact twc (questions, login issues, etc.) 1-800-twc-help (1-800-892-4357). welcom time warner cable. call may monitor recorded."} {"id": "12107", "contents": "welcom time warner cable. call may monitor recorded. para espanol marqu cinco]. respond system use voic touch tone keypad. switch touch tone press star nine nine (*99) time."} {"id": "12108", "contents": "pleas enter zip code: servic may avail ${twcprofile/zipcode}. zip code, pleas enter zip code here. correct, visit cablemover.com contact cabl provid serv area call 1-855-394-6832. cooki enabled."} {"id": "12109", "contents": "1.yadah-yaw-daw-to worship extend hand. give oneself worship adoration. lift hand unto lord. carri mean absoulut surrend young child parent pick up, i'm yours. scriptures: gen. 29:35, chron."} {"id": "12110", "contents": "tehilla /te-hil-la/ [3 sylls.] girls' name hebrew origin, mean tehilla prais song. tehilla variant transcript tehila (hebrew). compar last name tesillo. kreatif forms: tahilla, tehilna, tehilta. tehilla rare given name females. tehilla rare surnam adult children. (2000 u.s. census). shown birth name popular tehilla girls."} {"id": "12111", "contents": "pictur peopl name tehila. help us put face name upload pictur babynames.com!"} {"id": "12112", "contents": "tehila gener use girl' name. consist letter syllabl pronounc te-hi-la. u.s. 2014, rank 4975 babi name popular girl 28 occurrences. less boy given name. neither ashkenazi sephard jew name babi one parents. child born, father given aliyah (religi honor bless read torah). bless said health mother child. babi girl, name time."} {"id": "12113", "contents": "local languag version biblic name hebrew origin hannah david still wide intern popular today. modern hebrew name often deriv hebrew vocabulary, exampl aviva (spring) dov (bear). neither ashkenazi sephard jew name babi one parents. child born, father given aliyah (religi honor bless read torah). bless said health mother child. babi girl, name time."} {"id": "12114", "contents": "tehila /tehi-la/ [3 sylls.] girls' name hebrew origin, mean tehila prais song. tehila rare first name females. tehila equival uniqu last name people. (2000 u.s. census). chart birth name popular tehila girls. tehila rank list far"} {"id": "12115", "contents": "follow diagram below. fun, see name tehila hieroglyphics, learn ancient egyptian hieroglyph write hieroglyph message. learn nautic flag see name messag written nautic flags, tehila nautic flag page. neither ashkenazi sephard jew name babi one parents. child born, father given aliyah (religi honor bless read torah). bless said health mother child. babi girl, name time."} {"id": "12116", "contents": "tweet. syll. te-hi-la, teh-ila babi girl name tehila pronounc ey hhihlah \u2020. tehila' origin, well use, hebrew language. tehila mean praiseworthy. name tehilla (hebrew) variant transcript tehila. tehila uncommon babi name girls. list within top 1000 name"} {"id": "12117", "contents": "englewood, fl air qualiti index 6.6% less florida averag 33.6% less nation average. englewood, fl pollut index sum hazard air pollut display pounds."} {"id": "12118", "contents": "highest averag temperatur englewood august 82.1 degrees. coldest averag temperatur englewood februari 61.8 degrees. monthli precipit englewood occur januari inches. englewood weather inform base averag previou 3-7 year data. loading..."} {"id": "12119", "contents": "snowfal inches. averag us citi get 25 inch snow per year. number day measur precipit 102. average, 257 sunni day per year englewood, florida. juli high around 91 degrees."} {"id": "12120", "contents": "least educ citi fl. averag temperatur englewood 73.24\u00b0f, higher florida averag temperatur 71.80\u00b0f much higher nation averag temperatur 54.45\u00b0f."} {"id": "12121", "contents": "englewood, florida, get 49 inch rain per year. us averag 37. snowfal inches. averag us citi get 25 inch snow per year. number day measur precipit 102. average, 257 sunni day per year englewood, florida. juli high around 91 degrees."} {"id": "12122", "contents": "fermentation. process live cell abl obtain energi breakdown glucos glucose, dextrose,or grape sugar,monosaccharid sugar empir formula c6h12o6. carbohydr occur sap plant juic grape fruits...... alcohol fermentation, first reaction convers glucos addit glucos phosphor acid group adenosin triphosph (atp) influenc enzym glucokinase. adenosin diphosph (adp) glucose-6-phosph form process."} {"id": "12123", "contents": "gener sense, ferment convers carbohydr sugar acid alcohol. specifically, refer use yeast chang sugar alcohol use bacteria creat lactic acid certain foods. wine creat use similar method also involv fermentation. grape crush releas sugar-rich juices, either transfer quickli away skin left rest time absorb flavor, tannins, color skins."} {"id": "12124", "contents": "fermentation-a process agent caus organ substanc break simpler substances; especially, anaerob breakdown sugar alcohol. fermenting, zymolysis, zymosis, ferment. fermentation. n. 1. (biochemistry) chemic reaction ferment caus organ molecul split simpler substances, esp anaerob convers sugar ethyl alcohol yeast. also called: ferment."} {"id": "12125", "contents": "ferment process use produc wine, beer, yogurt products. here' look chemic process occur fermentation. answer: ferment metabol process organ convert carbohydrate, starch sugar, alcohol acid. example, yeast perform ferment obtain energi convert sugar alcohol. bacteria perform fermentation, convert carbohydr lactic acid"} {"id": "12126", "contents": "term ferment sometim use specif refer chemic convers sugar ethanol, process use produc alcohol beverag wine, beer, cider. beer ferment brewery. ferment food process convers carbohydr alcohol carbon dioxid organ acid use yeasts, bacteria, combin thereof, anaerob conditions. ferment usual impli action microorgan desir"} {"id": "12127", "contents": "best-known exampl alcohol fermentation, sugar convert alcohol carbon dioxide. ferment organ matter decompos absenc air (oxygen); hence, alway accumul reduct products, incomplet oxid products. alcohol fermentation, first reaction convers glucos addit glucos phosphor acid group adenosin triphosph (atp) influenc enzym glucokinase. adenosin diphosph (adp) glucose-6-phosph form process."} {"id": "12128", "contents": "ferment progress: bubbl co2 form froth top ferment mixture. overview ethanol fermentation. one glucos molecul break two pyruv molecul (1). energi exotherm reaction use bind inorgan phosphat atp convert nad+ nadh. acetaldehyd reduc ethanol use energi hydrogen nadh; process nadh oxid nad+ cycl may repeat (3). ferment metabol process convert sugar acids, gase alcohol."} {"id": "12129", "contents": "best answer: days, warm moist conditions. soil cool-it take weeks. last year, tri sow corn three waves, stagger harvest. plant first batch two week normal do. two week later, plant second batch, normal time area. first two batch emerg within day other-despit first group ground much longer."} {"id": "12130", "contents": "germin longer-season corn help ensur good harvest. heart\u2019 desir grow popcorn make flavor-pack cornmeal harvest, germin corn seed you. sweet corn matur littl 70 days, longer-season flour popcorn take 120 day reach maturity."} {"id": "12131", "contents": "best answer: warm damp soil corn germin day less...if seed dries, cool, take twice long... source(s): 40 year experience. rj year ago. thumb up. time need reach transplant size: 2-4 weeks. transplant garden: week last spring frost outdoor sowing... sow outdoors: week last spring frost sow guidelines... approx. germin time: 4-12 days."} {"id": "12132", "contents": "corn warm-season annual best plant soil temperatur reach 60\u00b0f, usual two three week last frost spring. corn plant cold, wet soil unlik germinate. corn grow best air temperatur 60\u00b0 95\u00b0f. corn take 60 100 day reach harvest depend upon varieti amount heat grow season. corn seed germin 10 14 day 75\u00b0f, rate germin may reach 75 percent. start corn indoor week last frost spring transplant week last frost. season long enough, plant success crop everi two three weeks. plant spacing."} {"id": "12133", "contents": "fresh sweet corn worth wait. garden usual plant corn (zea mays) 10 day two week last spring frost, soil temperatur begin warm. corn plant soil temperatur 60 f, corn sprout typic break soil surfac 10 day two weeks. plant sweet corn two week pass without sight first green shoot, sever factor may caus delay. soil temperatur one best predictor long take corn break ground' surface. soil temperatur usual 10 degre cooler air temperature, soil temperatur increas slower air temperatur spring."} {"id": "12134", "contents": "might wondering, \u201chow long take corn grow?\u201d mani differ varieti corn coupl differ method corn planting, plant 60-day, 70-day 90-day corn. peopl think grow corn, think term privat stash corn. otherwise, crop sparse. think grow corn seed, rule follow. first, make sure make row 24-30 inch apart other. plant corn one two inch deep soil nine twelv inch apart row."} {"id": "12135", "contents": "corn tender, warm-season annual best plant soil temperatur reach 60\u00b0f, usual week last frost spring. corn requir 60 100 frost-fre day reach harvest depend upon varieti amount heat grow season. corn seed germin 10 14 day 75\u00b0f, rate germin may reach 75 percent. start corn indoor week last frost spring transplant week last frost. season long enough, plant success crop everi two three weeks. plant spacing."} {"id": "12136", "contents": "mayb log email, find inbox suddenli empti contact deleted. matter tip off, email hack (notic say when, if, here), impact disastrous. wizard hack account forgot chang password still log immedi chang password."} {"id": "12137", "contents": "email account compromised, thing do. bonora expert say smart step take: recogn signs. occasionally, sender\u2019 address (and part header) alter hide true sourc email. call spoofing.. you\u2019ll want proceed comput viru malici softwar place person data risk, bonora says. notifi friends. use differ email address anoth form contact warn friend contact open anyth compromis email address."} {"id": "12138", "contents": "chang yahoo password yahoo account hacked. sign yahoo click chang password.. type new password confirm it. click continu twice. chang outlook.com password hotmail outlook.com account hacked. log microsoft account click secur password.. microsoft need send secur code, select email address first drop-down menu type email address next fiel"} {"id": "12139", "contents": "think e-mail list compromis harvest e-mail previous sent chang password confirm e-mail sent third parti without knowledge."} {"id": "12140", "contents": "mayb log email, find inbox suddenli empti contact deleted. matter tip off, email hack (notic say when, if, here), impact disastrous. check email folders. folk tendenc send financi person identifi inform other via email archiv offend email file system. so, immedi go whatev account identifi chang user id password."} {"id": "12141", "contents": "// rant technology. (important: get story, yahoo! email hack recommend immedi chang password, updat secur question ensur yahoo! mobil y! messeng up-to-date. also, hack recov account, go email account set make sure addit accounts, forward accounts, vacat replies, differ repli address created. seen differ customer\u2019 accounts."} {"id": "12142", "contents": "chang gmail password gmail account hacked. log gmail, click arrow account name, click account link, click secur tab click chang password.. type current password. type new password twice click chang password.. sign yahoo click chang password.. type new password confirm it. click continu twice. chang outlook.com password hotmail outlook.com"} {"id": "12143", "contents": "you\u2019r lucky, hacker chang password too, lock account. that\u2019 case, you\u2019ll need reclaim account, usual matter use \u201cforgot password\u201d link answer secur question use backup email address. check specif recommend reclaim possess account gmail, outlook.com hotmail, yahoo! aol."} {"id": "12144", "contents": "sinc set standard qualiti market, best hear aid come six manufacturers. compani altern brands. example, audibel divis starkey, unitron divis phonak rexton divis siemens. sinc time post origin written, numer chang hear instrument technology. find best hear aid brand mean keep chang find brand realli up game."} {"id": "12145", "contents": "best answer: mani hear aid market, believ cochlear hear aid implant best. hear aid amplifi sound. cochlear implant compens damag non-work part inner ear. hear function normally, complic part inner ear convert sound wave air electr impulses."} {"id": "12146", "contents": "find right hear aid mean decid featur style want compar model hear healthcar professional. http://www.healthyhearing.com/uploads/images/hearing-aid-pricing.jpg. find right hear aid personal, like find right run shoes. find right hear aid bit like find right pair run shoes."} {"id": "12147", "contents": "prefer starkey, altern brand audibel phonak. starkey american compani phonak swiss company. believ two compani make best hear instrument world. everi hear aid masterpiec design function. sinc time post origin written, numer chang hear instrument technology. find best hear aid brand mean keep chang find brand realli up game."} {"id": "12148", "contents": "today, hear aid market boast six major hear aid brands. brand includ starkey, phonak, resound, oticon, siemen widex. six compani lead hear aid industry, invest consider time money research develop new, innov products. sinc time post origin written, numer chang hear instrument technology. find best hear aid brand mean keep chang find brand realli up game."} {"id": "12149", "contents": "digit technolog fit digit hear aids, hear test store hopkin hear database. audiologist connect hear aid comput program devic read degre pattern hear loss individu ear."} {"id": "12150", "contents": "hear aid small digit commun devic worn near around person\u2019 ear one common way peopl battl hear loss. today, peopl live longer modern life necessit use loud electron devic often, need hear aid growing. oticon hear aid compani busi 104 years. found denmark, compani offer wide rang hear aid custom age across globe."} {"id": "12151", "contents": "noth import manufactur hear aid hear healthcar profession satisfact product services. like smart professional, know satisfi client lead repeat busi posit word-of-mouth advertis products. patient yourself. best hear aid hear loss lifestyle, hang there. make sure comfort advic given. ask questions. remember, provid advocate."} {"id": "12152", "contents": "behind-the-ear (bte) hear aid hook top ear rest behind ear. tube connect hear aid custom earpiec call earmold fit ear canal. type appropri peopl age almost type hear loss. open-fit hear aid: less visible. plug ear like small in-the-can hear aid do, make voic sound better you. may difficult handl adjust due small parts."} {"id": "12153", "contents": "answer best hear aid devic one ear best help address hear impairment. hear aid industri interest delight you, meet need find best hear aid you. patient yourself. best hear aid hear loss lifestyle, hang there. make sure comfort advic given. ask questions. remember, provid advocate."} {"id": "12154", "contents": "(25 reviews). typic condo floor unit townhom multipl stori unit usual deed properti underneath see post consist way relay zillow. joseph domino correct, true townhom one land unit (includ yard) titl owner shared.. land owner ship differ townhouse' condo."} {"id": "12155", "contents": "purchas price may lower condo townhome, also associ fee restrictions. reality, differ way assum respons homeownership. can, however, bear mortgag amount qualifi way live. associ fee buy townhom condominium becom part common interest commun (cic) plan unit develop (pud), share respons cost"} {"id": "12156", "contents": "main differ condo vs. townhom condo, unit sometim percentag common areas. usual build similar apart building. write review. main differ condo vs. townhom condo, unit sometim percentag common areas. usual build similar apart building. one main entranc common area lobbi hallways."} {"id": "12157", "contents": "townhouse, town hous use north america, asia, australia, south africa part europe, type terrac housing. modern town hous often one small footprint multipl floors. townhous continu roof foundat singl wall divid adjac townhouses, doubl wall inches-wid air space common foundation. rowhous gener smaller less luxuri dwell call townhouse."} {"id": "12158", "contents": "townhome. townhom kind living, offer best singl home live well condominium living. townhom attach homes, land sit own owner townhome. point, townhom complet differ condominium. condominium often attach other, owner possess land located."} {"id": "12159", "contents": "townhous condominium insur polici cover differ aspect buildings. differ townhous condo insur deal properti owned. townhous legal differ condo way owner hold titl land beneath units. typically, townhous owner land beneath units, condominium owner air space unit land collect condo owner complex. townhous insurance. townhous owner buy townhous insurance, cover unit outdoor area owner titl to. includ exterior, interior, patio balconi areas. polici cover fire damag storm damage."} {"id": "12160", "contents": "name townhous townhom later use describ non-uniform unit suburban area design mimic detach semi-detach homes. today, term, townhouse, use describ unit mimick detach home attach multi-unit complex. townhous continu roof foundat singl wall divid adjac townhouses, doubl wall inches-wid air space common foundation. rowhous gener smaller less luxuri dwell call townhouse."} {"id": "12161", "contents": "condominium, condo, type hous wherein specif part larger properti almost alway apart within complex privat own homeowner, connect area complex commun own condo residents. purchas condo townhouse, potenti buyer ask copi hoa' meet minutes, financi statements, rule regulations, latter often known cc&r (covenants, conditions, restrictions), go varieti names."} {"id": "12162", "contents": "differ townhous condo (of size) form ownership. condominium, homeown insid home\u2014but exterior, land common area own association. condo look like apartment, also look like attach one-stori villa multi-level townhouse. areas, townhome-styl condo popular, offer owner feel live townhous without respons exterior mainten"} {"id": "12163", "contents": "(2 reviews). true townhom one land unit (includ yard) titl owner shared. common area share amongst commun owners. even adjac common walls. condo get fraction share land unit common areas. joseph domino correct, true townhom one land unit (includ yard) titl owner shared.. land owner ship differ townhouse' condo."} {"id": "12164", "contents": "floreat park primari school extend special welcom family. floreat park primari independ public school provid student sens belonging, purpos community. found 1951, floreat park primari school establish reput excel school. commun support school educ program strong parent citizens\u2019 associ (p&c) dynam forc within school."} {"id": "12165", "contents": "floreat. floreat cater effortlessli artistic, trend-bend globetrotter. affect embellishments, label\u2019 signatur mix femm style streetwis silhouett come life sheer fabric structur shapes."} {"id": "12166", "contents": "floreat campu newman college, multi-campu cathol k-12 school, locat peebl road, cater student kindergarten year 3, student must shift school' senior campus nearbi churchlands. demograph [edit]. floreat popul 7,230 2011 census, increas 205 2006 census, 277 2001 census."} {"id": "12167", "contents": "boulevard centre, locat heart floreat, multi-purpos facil avail hire corpor use, commun events, meet functions."} {"id": "12168", "contents": "drive floreat forum easy. car park entranc conveni access howtre place, boulevard floreat avenue. drive perth cbd subiaco simpli drive west along either grantham street, boulevard cambridg street ocean drive, get here."} {"id": "12169", "contents": "spring race season near! race one floreat forum' 90 specialti store get outfit sorted! visit us www.floreatforum.com.au #springrac #melbournecup #floreatforum ... see morese less."} {"id": "12170", "contents": "follow floreat get e-mail alert updat ebay feed. unfollow floreat stop get updat ebay feed. yay! follow floreat ebay feed. median price base sale product condit list ebay.com past 14 days, insuffici number list meaning calculation, past 90 days."} {"id": "12171", "contents": "result revamp floreat tavern, renam boulevard hotel. formerli insular look pub open tree-lin namesak street, aesthet inject pure hayward meet taylor robinson. tunnel lead past kitchen, brisban head chef anthoni schell love new dig (food similar menu brisbane, lean toward italian). carpet pool room carolin christie, pippa mcmanu leon krasenstein artworks."} {"id": "12172", "contents": "floreat residenti suburb kilometr (5 mi) west-northwest central busi district perth, capit western australia. border underwood avenue, selbi street, cromarti road durston road. demograph [edit]. floreat popul 7,230 2011 census, increas 205 2006 census, 277 2001 census."} {"id": "12173", "contents": "get accur idea much cost leas offic copier, fill request leas rate form. provid estim copier leas rate below. sharp mx-m450n 45 cpm, 2,500 paper capacity, network print 40 gb hd leas $208 per month 39 months. new ricoh aficio3035 copier fax, 35 ppm document feeder $224 per month. sharp ar-m277 leas $177/month."} {"id": "12174", "contents": "make sure look laser all-in-on copier rather inkjet copier, inkjet ink expens laser toner. inkjet printer price per page around 20 cents, compar laser printer page cost cent page. also consid buy use copier."} {"id": "12175", "contents": "ideal small busi requir occasion use, mono-digit copier offer averag print speed 30 140 ppm paper capac includ 100 sheet tray 550 cassette. cost rang $2,300 $16,000 above."} {"id": "12176", "contents": "make sure look laser all-in-on copier rather inkjet copier, inkjet ink expens laser toner. inkjet printer price per page around 20 cents, compar laser printer page cost cent page."} {"id": "12177", "contents": "plu $1 cent b&w $6 cent color cost per copy. includ parts, labor mainten well deliveri installation. low volum copier 20 30 ppm typic leas minimum $70 per month."} {"id": "12178", "contents": "copier peopl tell desktop printer averag $0.05 $0.06 impress could right. cours printer could easili cost $0.01 impress copier could $0.10 impression. depend util total cost."} {"id": "12179", "contents": "mid-rang model cost anywher $2,000 $8,000 usual digit technology. super fast high-end machin go $50,000 more. lexmark x864dhe mono laser printer/scanner/copier/fax $11,000 new."} {"id": "12180", "contents": "sharp mx-3501n color copier $309 per month 60 month\u2019 minimum. plu $1 cent b&w $6 cent color cost per copy. includ parts, labor mainten well deliveri installation. low volum copier 20 30 ppm typic leas minimum $70 per month."} {"id": "12181", "contents": "definit save quit bit money front. averag cost use new copiers: midrang copier use model go $400 $2,000, mani model avail around $750; new model start around $2,300 go high $23,000."} {"id": "12182", "contents": "medicare. program social secur administr provid fund medic care age certain others. /med\u00b7i\u00b7care/ (med\u00b4\u012d-k\u0101r) program social secur administr provid medic care aged."} {"id": "12183", "contents": "overview. medicar feder health insur program cover million americans. general, elig medicar 65 older, younger 65 meet criteria certain disabilities, end-stag renal diseas (esrd). medicar basic four main components. medicar cost plans. plan altern medicar advantage. cost plan avail certain area countri give member option see provid outsid approv network."} {"id": "12184", "contents": "sure kind coverag have? check red, white, blue medicar card. check insur card use. check medicar health drug plan enrollment. call 1-800-medicar (1-800-633-4227). medicar part (medicar advantag plans). type medicar health plan offer privat compani contract medicar provid part part benefits."} {"id": "12185", "contents": "medicaid. eligible: medicaid cover low-incom financi needi people, includ 65 also medicare. administ program: medicaid administ 50 states; rule differ state."} {"id": "12186", "contents": "medicar feder health insur program cover peopl age 65 older. younger peopl disabl end-stag renal diseas (perman kidney failure) also elig coverage."} {"id": "12187", "contents": "medicar benefits. medicar country\u2019 health insur program peopl age 65 older. certain peopl younger age 65 qualifi medicare, too, includ disabl perman kidney failure."} {"id": "12188", "contents": "medicar program-gener information. medicar health insur program for: peopl age 65 older, peopl age 65 certain disabilities, and. peopl age end-stag renal diseas (perman kidney failur requir dialysi kidney transplant)."} {"id": "12189", "contents": "medicare. peopl medicare, famili members, caregiv visit medicare.gov, offici u.s. govern site peopl medicare, latest inform medicar enrollment, benefits, help tools."} {"id": "12190", "contents": "definit medicare. medicare: us government' nation health insur program peopl age 65 older work least 10 year medicare-cov employment, citizen perman resid us."} {"id": "12191", "contents": "alcohol withdraw symptom begin earli two hour last drink, persist weeks, rang mild anxieti shaki sever complications, seizur delirium tremen (also call dts)."} {"id": "12192", "contents": "people, worst symptom occur around two four day last drink. individu experi withdraw symptom around week, though depend individual. let\u2019 take look typic alcohol withdraw timelin long-time, heavi alcohol abuser: note: peopl experi symptoms. sever symptom depend number factors, includ durat sever drink problem."} {"id": "12193", "contents": "may necessarili sign alcohol withdrawal, symptom also warn sign take tenormin. withdraw last anywher coupl week coupl months, depend much often drank. think typic 30 50 day peopl worst it. alcohol withdraw caus interrupt constant exposur alcohol central nervou system. sometimes, withdraw confus hangover, especi hangov durat last coupl days."} {"id": "12194", "contents": "withdraw begin anywher hour last drink way span months, although withdraw symptom consist sever throughout entir span time. long withdraw last vari one person another, symptom may overlap. length sever withdraw depend factors: person' toler alcohol. long individu depend alcohol. strong depend alcohol person."} {"id": "12195", "contents": "alcohol withdraw symptom gener begin individu stop consum alcohol. depend much alcohol consume, often drink alcohol long drinking; withdraw symptom may begin within hour last alcohol use, may begin days. may comfort know peopl never experi withdraw symptom"} {"id": "12196", "contents": "delirium tremen typic occur within 2-3 days, may take long week manifest. worst gener full forc 4-5 day last drink. make condit particularli danger natur physiolog symptoms. let\u2019 take look typic alcohol withdraw timelin long-time, heavi alcohol abuser: note: peopl experi symptoms. sever symptom depend number factors, includ durat sever drink problem."} {"id": "12197", "contents": "alcohol hallucinosi develop 12 24 hours, could well last days, heavi drink stop suddenly. involv auditori visual hallucinations, commonli accusatori threaten voices. alcohol hallucinosi (or alcohol-rel psychosi alcohol-induc psychot disorder) complic alcohol withdraw alcoholics. descript condit date back least 1907. occur acut intox withdraw potenti delirium tremen"} {"id": "12198", "contents": "long alcohol withdraw last depend sever factors, especi long person use alcohol extent person develop chemic depend upon particular drug. length sever withdraw depend factors: person' toler alcohol. long individu depend alcohol. strong depend alcohol person."} {"id": "12199", "contents": "withdraw usual begin hour follow reduct alcohol use, peak 24 28 hour last drink, last days. withdraw alcohol, however, may experi disrupt sleep pattern chang attent concentr day month last drink. alcohol withdraw caus interrupt constant exposur alcohol central nervou system. sometimes, withdraw confus hangover, especi hangov durat last coupl days."} {"id": "12200", "contents": "concept 25 virus store genet inform rna. dna believ sole medium genet inform storage. furthermore, watson crick' central dogma assum inform flow one-way dna rna protein. came surpris 1971, discov virus shift genet inform rna dna. infection, rna code first transcrib back dna rna protein, accord accept scheme. initi convers rna dna go revers central dogma call revers transcription, virus use mechan classifi retroviruses."} {"id": "12201", "contents": "three differ type rna exist, mrna messeng rna, trna transfer rna, rrna ribosom rna. protein synthesi cell store use code information. genet inform store dna use direct synthesi thousand protein cell requires. chemic structur properti dna basi genet inform underli heredity. dna encod sequenc nitrogen base direct format protein cell."} {"id": "12202", "contents": "rna encod genet inform translat amino acid sequenc proteins, evidenc messeng rna molecul present within everi cell, rna genom larg number viruses. hand, sequenc inform protein molecul use cell function encod genet information. dna three primari attribut allow far better rna encod"} {"id": "12203", "contents": "nucleu cell contain chromosom carri genet information. chromosom made long, coil molecul dna. gene shorter region dna ca rri genet code particular characteristic. answered."} {"id": "12204", "contents": "thus, cell division, pair strand unravel strand serv templat synthesi new complementari strand. multicellular organisms, everi cell carri dna, genet inform use vari way differ type cells. words, cell within organ dictat gene expressed."} {"id": "12205", "contents": "encod dna compris gene sit chromosom cell nucleus. genet inform cell store nucleus. nucleu contr ol cell like littl dot. 15 peopl found useful. stage mitosis: understand prophas one wide discuss topic introductori biolog class cellular division, mitosis. dna chromosomes, nucleu cell, genet information. 24 other found useful. leiha spence. edit. share to: jeff acklin. 351,349 contributions. maintain power peopl long give something."} {"id": "12206", "contents": "dna rna protein. order synthes protein, genet inform dna must convert amino acid sequence. similar way someon need read recip mix correct ingredi together. step 1- transcript involv synthesi mrna templat dna."} {"id": "12207", "contents": "gene contain inform need make function molecul call proteins. (a gene produc molecul help cell assembl proteins.) journey gene protein complex tightli control within cell. consist two major steps: transcript translation. together, transcript translat known gene expression. process transcription, inform store gene\u2019 dna transfer similar molecul call rna (ribonucl acid) cell nucleus. rna dna made chain nucleotid bases, slightli differ chemic properti"} {"id": "12208", "contents": "chromosom cell contain genet inform sinc dna found chromosom hold genet onformation. dna chromosomes, nucleu cell, genet information. 24 other found useful. leiha spence. edit. share to: jeff acklin. 351,349 contributions. maintain power peopl long give something."} {"id": "12209", "contents": "elev movement levels. move well give freedom live fulfil lifestyle. three distinct platforms, perform matrix\u2019 comprehens movement analysi retrain system offer unparallel choic improv extend movement health. elit movement management. deliv consultancy, elit sport\u2019 injuri prevent perform insurance-our advanc movement manag system design implement within pro sport environments."} {"id": "12210", "contents": "perform matrix exist serv individu organ tap potenti maxim effect realiz full potential\u2014through authent full expression. believ enorm untap potenti everi organ capabl provid defin differ organization. potenti lie deep within individu organization."} {"id": "12211", "contents": "2. need focu actual pay, versu percentag point increase. mean use merit-based, pay-for-perform matrix, percentag points, salari increas template. normal would classifi three four pay-for-perform categories. first thing creat merit matrix understand employe fall performance. second thing take look employe fall compa-ratio (or market-ratio)."} {"id": "12212", "contents": "creat merit-bas perform matrix. first thing creat merit matrix understand employe fall performance. second thing take look employe fall compa-ratio (or market-ratio). normal would classifi three four pay-for-perform categori"} {"id": "12213", "contents": "matrix perform manag manag challeng matrix environ modern organ form matrix implemented.from everi perspective, matrix structur complex -- creat signific challeng levels. everi matrix organ face five critic challenges... design principl tm tm strateg solut drive result matrix organ matrix perform management\u2122. matrix perform manag matrix perform management\u2122 model mpm enabl simultan plan organizationalhierarchi matrix relationships."} {"id": "12214", "contents": "perform matrix world' effect comprehens movement screening, analysi train system avail individu athlet want improv movement efficiency, optimis musculoskelet health, focu injuri prevent enhanc performance."} {"id": "12215", "contents": "even though pay-for-perform matrix provid salari increas template, must establish merit budget ultim limit. therefore, matter matrix shows, manag abl exceed budget without extraordinari authorization. normal would classifi three four pay-for-perform categories. first thing creat merit matrix understand employe fall performance. second thing take look employe fall compa-ratio (or market-ratio)."} {"id": "12216", "contents": "perform measur matrix assist salari increas template, but, again, want make sure decision-mak convers base actual result pay. 3. analyz histor rate distribut see reason rate may shift future. normal would classifi three four pay-for-perform categories. first thing creat merit matrix understand employe fall performance. second thing take look employe fall compa-ratio (or market-ratio)."} {"id": "12217", "contents": "glomerulu network (a tuft) capillari locat begin nephron kidney. serv first stage filter process blood carri nephron format urine. glomerulu surround cup-lik sac known bowman' capsule. blood plasma filter capillari glomerulu capsule. bowman' capsul empti filtrat proxim tubul also part nephron. glomerulu receiv blood suppli affer arteriol renal circulation."} {"id": "12218", "contents": "625 ml/min plasma goe glomerulus, 125 ml/min filter bowman' capsul form filtrat (thi known glomerular filtrat rate). remain 500 ml/min remain blood enter peritubular capillaries."} {"id": "12219", "contents": "renal corpuscle. together, glomerulu surround bowman' capsul call renal corpuscle. structur locat renal cortex. also awar nephron compos two main parts: renal tubul renal corpuscle. glomerulus. blood pump heart, pass aorta reach kidney. blood enter kidneys, eventu enter first part nephron. part network capillari respons filtrat blood call glomerulus."} {"id": "12220", "contents": "glomerular filtrat process kidney filter blood, remov excess wast fluids. glomerular filtrat rate (gfr) calcul determin well blood filter kidneys, one way measur remain kidney function."} {"id": "12221", "contents": "glomerulu associ renal tubul make unit known nephron, human million nephron kidney. normally, glomerular filtrat rate effici whole blood volum pass kidney within five minutes. glomerulus, plural glomeruli, knot extrem tini blood vessel involv filter blood form urine. mani glomeruli insid kidney, contain within capsul known bowman' capsule."} {"id": "12222", "contents": "together, glomerulu bowman' capsul make renal corpuscl nephron. part nephron filter blood vital body' survival. glomerulus. blood pump heart, pass aorta reach kidney. blood enter kidneys, eventu enter first part nephron. part network capillari respons filtrat blood call glomerulus."} {"id": "12223", "contents": "filtrat glomerulus. 1. one capillari network part renal corpuscl nephron kidney. surround bowman' capsule, site renal (glomerular) filtration, first step format urine. glomerulu integr part nephron, basic unit kidney. nephron capabl form urin itself, kidney mani nephrons. specif function glomerulu bring blood (and wast product carries) nephron."} {"id": "12224", "contents": "glomerular filtration, renal process wherebi fluid blood filter across capillari glomerulu urinari space bowman' capsule."} {"id": "12225", "contents": "glomerular filtration. first step renal process involv filtrat plasma glomerulus. glomerular filtrat process bulk flow: water low molecular weight substanc move lumen capillary, across filtrat membrane, bowman space."} {"id": "12226", "contents": "glomerulu /\u0261l\u0252\u02c8m\u025br\u0259l\u0259s/ common term use anatomi describ globular structur entwin vessels, fibers, neurons. glomerulu diminut latin glomus, mean ball yarn. glomerulu may refer to: filter unit kidney; see glomerulu (kidney) structur olfactori bulb; see glomerulu (olfaction) contact specif cell cerebellum; see glomerulu (cerebellum)"} {"id": "12227", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: generally, want keep mushroom longer week. however, gener method check mushroom still fresh feel them. feel slimi look darker normal, time throw away. would say store origin contain package. use green bag, kept long three weeks-i'm absolut serious. green bag, muslin bag cloth work nearli well."} {"id": "12228", "contents": "store mushroom extend shelf life? extend shelf life best store whole un-peel seal plastic bag fridge. longer term option, mushroom may frozen 6-8 months, cook first place freezer safe containers. *an import note expir dates... although mushroom shelf life inform eat date gener reliable, pleas rememb individu case vari advic taken opinion replac health care professional."} {"id": "12229", "contents": "meat kept better freezer. meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airt ight container. 11 peopl found useful. yogurt last long fridge! even expir day still eat it(if fridg time)! yogurt usual last etween 1-2 weeks. long expir date says. peopl found useful."} {"id": "12230", "contents": "shelf life mushrooms, like fresh veget may sell date, use date, best date go purchas date cases. *an import note expir dates... although mushroom shelf life inform eat date gener reliable, pleas rememb individu case vari advic taken opinion replac health care professional."} {"id": "12231", "contents": "tips. extend shelf life, refriger fresh mushroom paper bag; wrap plastic store airtight container, speed spoilage."} {"id": "12232", "contents": "report abuse. week, mushroom must store brown paper bag crisper fridge..becaus mushroom 90% water sweat insid plastic bag becom watery.. would say store origin contain package. use green bag, kept long three weeks-i'm absolut serious. green bag, muslin bag cloth work nearli well."} {"id": "12233", "contents": "clear consensus. conserv answer mushroom eaten within two day purchase. however, expert maintain mushroom keep week purchase, particularli store cool, dry, dark places. pre-slic mushroom shorten shelf life. sliced, mushroom quickli oxidate."} {"id": "12234", "contents": "nine 10 day packag date. accord mountain view mushrooms, fresh mushroom store 34 40 degre 10 day date packaging. purchas store-bought mushrooms, packag date print storag contain plastic wrap. artem kononenko/demand media"} {"id": "12235", "contents": "melon last long becom ripe. whole uncut melon stay good days. melon cut last days. yogurt last long fridge! even expir day still eat it(if fridg time)! yogurt usual last etween 1-2 weeks. long expir date says. peopl found useful."} {"id": "12236", "contents": "base experi field, pack cost similar move cost itself. bedroom hous take 12h move one town another. case averag move cost around $1800 $2500 without includ packing. accur move estim calcul use fast easi free move calculator."} {"id": "12237", "contents": "averag profession household move cost whop $12,230, accord 2010 report worldwid erc, associ track mobil costs. however, cost full-servic profession move, move compani pack belong essenti handl entir move you."} {"id": "12238", "contents": "open wallet. accord american move storag association, averag cost intrast move $1,170, averag move state cost $5,630."} {"id": "12239", "contents": "base locat men would cost averag $60 per hour travel time. also don\u2019t forget pack suppli move pad furniture. move blanket rent place like u-haul pensk $15 per 12 move pad bought $10 per pad. bedroom hous take 12h move one town another. case averag move cost around $1800 $2500 without includ packing. accur move estim calcul use fast easi free move calculator."} {"id": "12240", "contents": "may also decid hire addit help move pack, load unload move truck things. base averag cost per hour $90 peopl hour would pay $320. one highest cost cost along hire truck pay fuel. also includ calcul cost hotel. especi move bigger distanc state, certainli spend least one night out. depend price area approxim cost one night hotel would averag $80."} {"id": "12241", "contents": "let' compar cost sampl move differ diy move companies. cost 17\u2019 u-haul truck $1,365. then, factor $322 fuel (use rental truck fuel calculator), $90 option safemov coverag $5 environment fee, total come $1,782. let' explor differ move option normal expect term cost. compar move compani costs, got onlin estim sever compani move 2-bedroom home pittsburgh, pa kansa citi mo (840 miles)."} {"id": "12242", "contents": "averag move cost hire truck take northern virginia boston exampl would cost approxim $650 $750. decid hire truck moving, would cost averag $650 $750 price includ fuel cost. also includ calcul cost hotel. especi move bigger distanc state, certainli spend least one night out. depend price area approxim cost one night hotel would averag $80."} {"id": "12243", "contents": "may also charg pack materials. make sure keep mind speak estim move costs. averag cost mover men truck $90 $120 per hour. decid hire mover labor (without move truck), profession charg $60 $80 per hour labor. use local move cost calcul form top page cost estim entir move."} {"id": "12244", "contents": "exampl you\u2019r move chicago boston, live bedroom house, averag move cost full servic move compani go $10000. move local within 100 mile old place, cost base hourli rate vari compani company. bedroom hous take 12h move one town another. case averag move cost around $1800 $2500 without includ packing. accur move estim calcul use fast easi free move calculator."} {"id": "12245", "contents": "studio apart take two movers--at $25 per hour--an averag 2-4 hour load, transport unload price $100-$200. servic 900-squar foot two-bedroom apart three mover take 4-6 hour cost $300-$450. servic 900-squar foot two-bedroom apart three mover take 4-6 hour cost $300-$450. price three-bedroom, 1,750-squar foot hous use four mover load, transport unload, run $600-$900 take 6-9 hours."} {"id": "12246", "contents": "switzerland well known alp south south east. north alps, swiss plateau run along east-west axi country. popul switzerland live roll hill plain plateau. distribut popul shape topographi country, plateau popul area includ major citi switzerland. popul densiti 450 inhabit per km2, one dens popul region europe."} {"id": "12247", "contents": "switzerland landlock mountain countri south central europe, border austria, france, germany, italy, liechtenstein. area 41,285 km\u00b2, countri slightli smaller netherland slightli less twice size us state new jersey. border germany, north, austria princip liechtenstein, east, italy, south france, west. switzerland' independ neutral long honor major european power switzerland involv either two world wars."} {"id": "12248", "contents": "10 12 days. austria, germany, switzerland. feel grandeur vienna\u2019 scho\u0308nbrunn palac charm marienplatz munich. alpin hills, along black forest roads, turret neuschwanstein castle, imageri forg connect region\u2019 rich literari heritage."} {"id": "12249", "contents": "first austrian republ establish 1919. 1938 anschluss, austria occupi annex nazi germany. last end world war ii 1945, germani occupi alli austria' former democrat constitut restored. 1867, empir reform austria-hungary. defeat franc 1870 franco-prussian war, austria left format new german empire, although follow decad politics, foreign policy, increasingli converg prussian-l empire."} {"id": "12250", "contents": "four villag aros saas-of four saa fee, also known pearl of... main region basel region basel region describ basel one word far simple. label cultur capit switzerland univers citi seen attempt give city,... southern switzerland ticino ticino italian flair switzerland. mediterranean region seem begin southern side alps. feel italy, palm tree clean beaches..."} {"id": "12251", "contents": "austria (/\u02c8\u0252\u02d0stri\u0259/ german: \u00f6sterreich [\u00f6sterreich]. ), \u02c8oe\u02d0st\u0250\u02cc\u0281a\u026ac \u02c8\u00f8\u02d0st\u0250\u02cc\u0281a\u026a\u00e7 offici republ (of: austria \u00f6sterreich, republik (oesterreich\u00b7\u00f6sterreich)), listen help info feder republ landlock country.of million people. central europ 1867, empir reform austria-hungary. defeat franc 1870 franco-prussian war, austria left format new german empire, although follow decad politics, foreign policy, increasingli converg prussian-l empire."} {"id": "12252", "contents": "germany, austria switzerland. call \u201cdach\u201d region germani (d), austria (a) switzerland (ch), heart central europe. germani popul around 82 million inhabitants, austria switzerland million inhabit each. germani known worldwid engin skill support renew energi belong econom driver eu."} {"id": "12253", "contents": "geographi switzerland encompass geograph featur switzerland, mountain landlock countri locat western central europe. surround countries: austria liechtenstein east, franc west, itali south germani north. distribut popul shape topographi country, plateau popul area includ major citi switzerland. popul densiti 450 inhabit per km2, one dens popul region europe."} {"id": "12254", "contents": "much northern border germani follow rhine river, though rhine enter switzerland near schaffhausen. eastern border germani portion austria drawn lake constanc (german: bodensee). distribut popul shape topographi country, plateau popul area includ major citi switzerland. popul densiti 450 inhabit per km2, one dens popul region europe."} {"id": "12255", "contents": "today switzerland feder state central europe. border germany, north, austria princip liechtenstein, east, italy, south france, west. switzerland' independ neutral long honor major european power switzerland involv either two world wars."} {"id": "12256", "contents": "sandra annett bullock born arlington, virginia suburb washington, d.c. mother, helga bullock (nee n\u00e9e helga mathilde), meyer german opera. singer father, john w. bullock, american voic teacher, born alabama, irish, english, french, german descent. sandra grew road parent ... see full bio \u00bb."} {"id": "12257", "contents": "bullock' father birmingham, alabama, english, irish, german, french ancestry, bullock' mother german. bullock' matern grandfath rocket scientist nuremberg, germany. breakthrough role demolit man (1993), star sever success film includ speed (1994), sleep (1995), net (1995), hope float (1998), practic magic (1998), time kill (1996)."} {"id": "12258", "contents": "bullock born arlington, virginia, suburb washington, d.c. father, john w. bullock (born 1925), unit state armi employe part-tim voic coach; mother, helga mathild meyer (1942\u20132000), opera singer voic teacher. breakthrough role demolit man (1993), star sever success film includ speed (1994), sleep (1995), net (1995), hope float (1998), practic magic (1998), time kill (1996)."} {"id": "12259", "contents": "father, john w. bullock (born 1925), voic coach, born birmingham, alabama, usa, jess burch bullock mari lablanch wilson, english, irish, german, swiss-german, french descent. father, john w. bullock, american voic teacher, born alabama, irish, english, french, german descent. sandra grew road parent younger sister, spent much childhood nuremberg, germany."} {"id": "12260", "contents": "bullock surname. notabl peopl surnam include: bullock family. alan bullock (1914\u20132004), historian academic. albert bullock (1884\u20131951), english footballer. alexand h. bullock, governor massachusett 1866 1868."} {"id": "12261", "contents": "offici photo \u00bb. sandra annett bullock born arlington, virginia suburb washington, d.c. mother, helga bullock (nee n\u00e9e helga mathilde), meyer german opera. singer her, father john. w, bullock american voice, teacher born in, alabama of, irish, english, french german. descent father, john w. bullock, american voic teacher, born alabama, irish, english, french, german descent. sandra grew road parent ... see full bio \u00bb."} {"id": "12262", "contents": "sandra bullock ethnic white-german, irish, english, french. sandra annett bullock born arlington, virginia, u. juli 26, 1964."} {"id": "12263", "contents": "sandra bullock american actress producer. father, john w. bullock, born alabama, english, irish, german, swiss-german, french ancestry. mother, helga bullock (born helga mathild meyer), german. sandra retain german citizenship speak german fluently. sandra\u2019 sister said twitter:"} {"id": "12264", "contents": "sandra bullock. ==introduction== sandra bullock (33b-24-34) make lot girli romant comedies, everi make good movi too. bad actress maintain hot pretti well years."} {"id": "12265", "contents": "sandra annett bullock born arlington, virginia suburb washington, d.c. mother, helga bullock (nee n\u00e9e helga mathilde), meyer german opera. singer father, john w. bullock, american voic teacher, born alabama, irish, english, french, german descent. sandra grew road parent younger sister, spent much childhood nuremberg, germany."} {"id": "12266", "contents": "right side pictur show muscl involv expir (breath out). see, quiet breathing, muscl activ expiration. expiration, caption says, result passive, elast recoil lungs, rib cage diaphragm.. note sounder sleep system, breath quiet breath only. activ breathing, certain muscl activ exhalation."} {"id": "12267", "contents": "muscl use anaerob aerob respir depend intens exercising. accord center diseas control prevention, healthi adult get 150 minut moder aerob exercis 75 minut intens aerob exercis per week maintain good health. anaerob respiration. anaerob respir occur high-intens exercis bodi work hard shortag oxygen energi consumption. due shortag oxygen, bodi break glucos phosphat store muscl energy."} {"id": "12268", "contents": "muscl respiration. pleas look close illustr great anatom illustr netter, see learn it. note muscl mark blue arrow left side imag muscl involv inspir (breath in). expiration, caption says, result passive, elast recoil lungs, rib cage diaphragm.. note sounder sleep system, breath quiet breath only. activ breathing, certain muscl activ exhalation."} {"id": "12269", "contents": "anaerob respiration, use oxygen, suppli muscl energi much quickli aerob respiration, serv primari energi sourc sprint. sprinter' muscl make use two anaerob pathways: alact lactic acid systems."} {"id": "12270", "contents": "breath activ process-requir contract skelet muscles. primari muscl respir includ extern intercost muscl (locat ribs) diaphragm (a sheet muscl locat thorac abdomin cavities). extern intercost diaphragm contract, lung expand. expans lung caus pressur lung (and alveoli) becom slightli neg rel atmospher pressure. result, air move area higher pressur (the air) area lower pressur (our lung alveoli)."} {"id": "12271", "contents": "muscl respiration. quiet breathing, predomin muscl respir diaphragm. contracts, pleural pressur drops, lower alveolar pressure, draw air pressur gradient mouth alveoli. expir quiet breath predominantli passiv phenomenon, respiratori muscl relax elast lung chest wall return passiv rest volume, function residu capacity."} {"id": "12272", "contents": "8. last compon respiratori system muscl structur known muscl respiration. muscl surround lung allow inhal exhal air. main muscl system known diaphragm, thin sheet muscl constitut bottom thorax. fact, system compos follow biolog structures: nose nasal cavity, mouth, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi bronchioles, lung muscl respiration. (1). properli function respiratori system vital part good health."} {"id": "12273", "contents": "human physiology, muscl respir muscl contribut inhal exhalation, aid expans contract thorac cavity. diaphragm and, lesser extent, intercost muscl drive respir quiet breathing. addit 'accessori muscl respiration' typic use condit high metabol demand (e.g. exercise) respiratori dysfunct (e.g. asthma attack). muscl attach rib import manipul width rib cage. three layer intercost muscles. extern intercost muscl signific respiration. fibr angl obliqu downward forward rib rib."} {"id": "12274", "contents": "however, exercise, mani muscl becom import respiration. inspiration, extern intercost rais lower rib out, increas later anteroposterior dimens thorax. expir quiet breath predominantli passiv phenomenon, respiratori muscl relax elast lung chest wall return passiv rest volume, function residu capacity."} {"id": "12275", "contents": "nematod infect usual asymptomat subclinical. strongyloidosi may fatal immunocompromis patient newborns. intestin nematod caus gi problem (eg, abdomin pain, diarrhea, anorexia, weight loss, malaise). hookworm caus seriou anemia. nematod infect transmit directli infect uninfect people; others, nematod egg must undergo process matur outsid host. third category, parasit may spend part life cycl soil becom infect humans."} {"id": "12276", "contents": "parasit infections, definit diagnosi nematod infect depend demonstr stage life cycl host. nematodes, worm infecti humans, almost never complet entir life cycl human host. nematod infect transmit directli infect uninfect people; others, nematod egg must undergo process matur outsid host. third category, parasit may spend part life cycl soil becom infect humans."} {"id": "12277", "contents": "humans. well-known exampl transfer nematod humans. cases, incid infect rel low due regulatori inspect food products, public education, cook food. exampl trichinosi caus nematod trichinella spirali"} {"id": "12278", "contents": "words, roundworm common name one type parasit worm known nematodes. worm elongated, larg bodi caviti intestin system. roundworm parasit human live gut. type roundworms. number differ speci roundworm common one infect human include: ascari lumbricoid (most common roundworm infect humans). hookworm (ancylostoma duodenal necat americanus). guinea worm (dracunculu medinensis)."} {"id": "12279", "contents": "mani parasit form includ pathogen plant anim (includ humans). nematod undergo cryptobiosis. one group carnivor fungi, nematophag fungi, predat soil nematodes. set entic nematod form lasso adhes structures. nematod speci difficult distinguish, although 25,000 described, half parasitic, total number nematod speci estim million."} {"id": "12280", "contents": "intestin roundworm, ascari lumbricoides. egg eaten contamin food. infect common rural area us 60% popul infected. common southern usa area world. said much one sixth world' human popul infect ascari sp. alone. much shock believ came bodies. ascari infect easili clear modern medicin treat promptly. common caus infect affluent world eat contamin food exot vacations, eat egg uncook vegetables."} {"id": "12281", "contents": "nematod infect human includ ascariasis, trichuriasis, hookworm, enterobiasis, strongyloidiasis, filariasis, trichinosis, among others. phylum nematoda, also known roundworms, second largest phylum anim kingdom, encompass 500,000 species. nematod infect transmit directli infect uninfect people; others, nematod egg must undergo process matur outsid host. third category, parasit may spend part life cycl soil becom infect humans."} {"id": "12282", "contents": "pinworms, hookworms, roundworm extrem common intestin helminth infect humans; worldwide, roundworm probabl common, u.s., pinworm predominate. pinworm transmitt gener occur ingest fecal-contamin material, infect occur commonli children. well-known exampl transfer nematod humans. cases, incid infect rel low due regulatori inspect food products, public education, cook food."} {"id": "12283", "contents": "ascariasis: ascaris, roundworm, infect common helminth infect humans, estim worldwid preval billion. caus organism, lumbricoides, cosmopolitan distribution, abund tropic countries. nematod infect transmit directli infect uninfect people; others, nematod egg must undergo process matur outsid host. third category, parasit may spend part life cycl soil becom infect humans."} {"id": "12284", "contents": "e. vermicularis, commonli refer pinworm seatworm, nematode, roundworm, largest geograph rang helminth. preval nematod unit states. human known host, 209 million person worldwid infected. g. lamblia. g. lamblia pear-shaped, flagel protozoan (figur 2) caus wide varieti gastrointestin complaints. giardia arguabl common parasit infect human worldwide, second common unit state pin-worm."} {"id": "12285", "contents": "diuret constitut larg famili medic increas urin flow induc urinari sodium loss wide use therapi hypertension, congest heart failure, edemat states."} {"id": "12286", "contents": "diuret may use treat number heart-r elat conditions, includ high blood pressure, heart failure, kidney liver problems, glaucoma. thiazid diuretics, esidrix zaroxolyn, use lower blood pressure, treat edema heart failure."} {"id": "12287", "contents": "quinazolin diuret similar thiazid diuretics, use certain peopl kidney problem diuret worked. loop diuret prescrib peopl also heart failure, kidney problems, swell leg (edema)."} {"id": "12288", "contents": "electrolyt abnorm -- blood test monitor blood chemistri electrolytes, potassium, sodium, kidney function, import drug use. extrem tired weakness. effect decreas bodi adjust medication. call doctor symptom persist."} {"id": "12289", "contents": "diuret caus kidney remov sodium water body, help relax blood vessel walls, therebi lower blood pressure. diuret often combin high blood pressur medicines. brand name list combin diuret anoth medicine."} {"id": "12290", "contents": "thiazid commonli use oral diuret wide use therapi hypertens congest heart failure, well treatment edema due local, renal hepat causes."} {"id": "12291", "contents": "a. high blood pressure, diuretics, commonli known water pills, help bodi get rid unneed water salt urine. get rid excess salt fluid help lower blood pressur make easier heart pump."} {"id": "12292", "contents": "thiazid thiazide-lik diuret use treat high blood pressur well fluid retention. work differ part kidney inher weaker loop diuretics. potassium spare diuretics: triamterine, amiloride, spironolactone."} {"id": "12293", "contents": "case definit infecti condit consid nation notifi also includ report. condit may nation report may becom so; definit includ facilit interpret data diseas (table_2). confirmed: case meet clinic case definit isol group streptococcu normal steril site (e.g., blood cerebrospin fluid or, less commonly, joint, pleural, pericardi fluid). comment see also streptococc disease, invasive, group toxic-shock syndrome."} {"id": "12294", "contents": "infecti diseas communic contact one it, bodili discharg patient, object touch patient bodili discharges\u2014compar communic disease."} {"id": "12295", "contents": "sexual transmit disease, social disease, std, vd, vener disease, vener infection, venus' curse, cupid' disease, cupid' itch, dose-a communic infect transmit sexual intercours genit contact."} {"id": "12296", "contents": "local health depart requir report 80 communic diseas california depart public health part diseas surveil investig efforts. diseas among them."} {"id": "12297", "contents": "contagi disease. see communic diseas (above). diseas control. reduc preval diseas population, includ eradication, chemical, pharmaceutical, quarantine, manag includ culling, mean combin means. definit long sinc widen embrac subclin diseas tangibl clinic syndrom identifi chemical, hematological, biophysical, microbiolog immunolog means."} {"id": "12298", "contents": "(of disease) spread one person organ another, typic direct contact: contagi diseas rel new diseas contagious. exampl sentences. person contagi day symptom appear. treatment, person still contagi 2-4 hours. person contagi day salivari gland swell, least anoth day swell began."} {"id": "12299", "contents": "medic definit communic disease. infecti diseas transmiss (a person person) direct contact affect individu individual' discharg indirect mean (a vector)\u2014compar contagi disease."} {"id": "12300", "contents": "diseas transmiss overview. infecti diseas transmit person person direct indirect contact. viruses, bacteria, parasites, fungi caus infecti disease. malaria, measles, respiratori ill exampl infecti diseases. infecti diseas commonli transmit direct person-to-person contact. transmiss occur infect person touch exchang bodi fluid someon else. happen person awar ill."} {"id": "12301", "contents": "non-communic diseas (ncd) medic condit diseas non-infecti non-transmissible. ncd refer chronic diseas last long period time progress slowly."} {"id": "12302", "contents": "boundari contagi non-contagi infecti diseas perfectli drawn, illustr classic tuberculosis, clearli transmiss person person, classic consid contagi disease. non-contagi categori infect usual requir special mode transmiss person hosts. includ need intermedi vector speci (mosquito caus malaria) non-casu transfer bodili fluid (such transfusions, needl share sexual contact)."} {"id": "12303", "contents": "brain one largest complex organ human body. made 100 billion nerv commun trillion connect call synapses. brain made mani special area work together: cortex outermost layer brain cells."} {"id": "12304", "contents": "also use branch social psycholog call social cognit explain attitudes, attribution, group dynamics. cognit psycholog cognit engineering, cognit typic assum inform process participant\u2019 operator\u2019 mind brain. differ approach analysi cognit synthesis develop field cognit science, progress autonom academ discipline. within psycholog philosophy, concept cognit close relat abstract concept mind intellig"} {"id": "12305", "contents": "cerebellum: cerebellum, littl brain, similar cerebrum two hemispher highli fold surfac cortex. structur associ regul coordin movement, posture, balance. hindbrain made cerebellum, pon medulla. often midbrain, pons, medulla refer togeth brainstem. cerebrum: cerebrum cortex largest part human brain, associ higher brain function thought action. cerebr cortex divid four sections, call lobes: frontal lobe, pariet lobe, occipit lobe, tempor lob"} {"id": "12306", "contents": "damag right hemispher brain may lead disrupt cognit processes, result uniqu cognit commun problems. mani cases, person right brain damag awar problem experienc (anosognosia). right hemispher brain damag (rhd) damag right side brain. brain made two side hemispheres. hemispher respons differ bodi function skills. people, left side brain contain person' languag functions."} {"id": "12307", "contents": "cognit function defin cerebr activ lead knowledge, includ mean mechan acquir information. cognit function encompass reasoning, memory, attention, languag lead directli attain inform and, thus, knowledge. nevertheless, cognit perform directli link functions, endogen factors, mood physic health, impact tremendously."} {"id": "12308", "contents": "daili life. memori cognit function call upon. use store type information, e.g. phone number, last week-end, appointment, left keys, name thing person met, histor date... essenti creat develop personality, direct wit past (episod memory), also histori common knowledg (semant memory). memori therefor one essenti cognit function person' life."} {"id": "12309", "contents": "thus, term' usag vari across disciplines; example, psycholog cognit science, cognit usual refer inform process view individual' psycholog functions. differ approach analysi cognit synthesis develop field cognit science, progress autonom academ discipline. within psycholog philosophy, concept cognit close relat abstract concept mind intellig"} {"id": "12310", "contents": "cognit set mental abil process relat knowledge, attention, memori work memory, judgment evaluation, reason comput problem solv decis making, comprehens product language, etc. differ approach analysi cognit synthesis develop field cognit science, progress autonom academ discipline. within psycholog philosophy, concept cognit close relat abstract concept mind intellig"} {"id": "12311", "contents": "primers: syntheic nucleotid strand insert pair parent templat dna; usual instal opposit end strand, zip back togeth dna polymerase. primari use primer build recombint dna."} {"id": "12312", "contents": "primer. primer short nucleic acid sequenc provid start point dna synthesis. live organisms, primer short strand rna. primer must synthes enzym call primase, type rna polymerase, dna replic occur."} {"id": "12313", "contents": "primer therefor serv prime lay foundat dna synthesis. primer remov dna replic complete, gap sequenc fill dna dna polymerases."} {"id": "12314", "contents": "primer. [pr\u012b\u2032m\u0259r]. short piec dna rna complementari given dna sequenc act point replic proceed, polymeras chain reaction. molecule, small polymer, induc synthesi larger molecule."} {"id": "12315", "contents": "primer short nucleic acid sequenc provid start point dna synthesis. live organisms, primer short strand rna. primer must synthes enzym call primase, type rna polymerase, dna replic occur."} {"id": "12316", "contents": "polymeras start replic 3'-end primer, copi opposit strand. case natur dna replication, primer dna synthesi replic short strand rna (which made de novo)."} {"id": "12317", "contents": "airsplat' retail store locat airsplat retail store everyth need get field, cqb milsim style airsoft. airsplat' inventori avail purchas retail store-from m4 rifl tactic airsoft vests. uniqu retail setup allow airsoft shopper view, touch, even shoot products. which, guns, apparel, accessori display visitor touch, feel, experience, tri on, play with. airsplat' uniqu exclus touch feel airsoft wall give opportun touch, feel, hold experi airsoft gun vast inventory."} {"id": "12318", "contents": "airsoft megastor headquart sunni southern california. oper fully-stock 50,000 sq. ft, warehous adjac offic complex, strateg locat less half mile central up packag distribution/process hub southern california. whenev need help, pleas tri contact him. advice, buy airsoft megastore, coupon widest varieti airsoft products. randyloy, usa order gun sling coupl week ago. unfortunately, one clip broke."} {"id": "12319", "contents": "fastest-grow airsoft retail nation, we'r extrem proud say we'v grown trust sourc airsoft gun in-stat out-of-st law enforc agencies, coast coast. whenev need help, pleas tri contact him. advice, buy airsoft megastore, coupon widest varieti airsoft products. randyloy, usa order gun sling coupl week ago. unfortunately, one clip broke."} {"id": "12320", "contents": "store amazing. found item could find store make best. made question inquir product custom servic respond super fast accur answers. product arriv excel condit spite stores. last product came late reschedul up fault think."} {"id": "12321", "contents": "airsoft megastore. divers select airsoft guns, ammo, accessori airsoft equipment, airsoft megastor stand trust onlin retailer. featur comprehens 45-day warranti industry-lead ship speeds, airsoft megastor largest supplier airsoft gun accessori unit states."} {"id": "12322", "contents": "evike.com superstor world' largest airsoft showroom occupi 100,000 squar feet unmatch inventori selections. find unbeat pricing, selection, friendli knowledg staff servic airsoft needs! reach evike.com superstore, pleas call us 626-407-0561. question relat onlin orders, pleas call custom servic team 626-286-0360 (monday fridays)."} {"id": "12323", "contents": "even law enforc officer, shop confid airsoft megastor know choos airsoft retail mani police, sheriff, feder agent count deliv best airsoft, best prices, best service. whenev need help, pleas tri contact him. advice, buy airsoft megastore, coupon widest varieti airsoft products. randyloy, usa order gun sling coupl week ago. unfortunately, one clip broke."} {"id": "12324", "contents": "cordial invit shop us, experi airsoft megastor difference. airsoft megastore, highli consciou busi affect ecosystem transcend us all. everi ton paper recycled, 17 tree live; statement take lightly. whenev need help, pleas tri contact him. advice, buy airsoft megastore, coupon widest varieti airsoft products. randyloy, usa order gun sling coupl week ago. unfortunately, one clip broke."} {"id": "12325", "contents": "airsoft megastor number one fastest-grow retail airsoft product industry. compani offer full line-up air soft gun (electric, ga spring guns), gear, accessori (optics, scopes, lasers, intern extern upgrades/parts, etc)."} {"id": "12326", "contents": "look great airsoft retail southern california, look airsoft gi walk store. locat lo angel county, california, store great place meet airsoft enthusiast chat sale floor representatives. new airsoft player view test airsoft gun new them. airsoft gi' first walk-in store small 600 sq ft storefront locat hacienda heights, ca. combin friendli servic knowledg employees, also airsoft players, quickli earn airsoft gi lot popularity."} {"id": "12327", "contents": "50 year equal pay act, pariti elud us. aauw member minni mile (front row, fourth right) reps. edith green (left president, white suit), martha griffith (second right), julia hansen (far right) presid john f. kennedi sign equal pay act law june 10, 1963. fifti year ago, presid john f. kennedi sign equal pay act, requir employ give women men equal pay equal work. surround top women leaders, includ sever aauw members, presid john f. kennedi sign"} {"id": "12328", "contents": "). 1960 women began organ around issu civil right (see feminism). feder equal pay act pass 1963, earli 1970 40 state pass equal pay laws. 1972 senat pass equal right amend (era) intend prohibit discrimin base sex, fail win ratif suffici number states, era abandoned."} {"id": "12329", "contents": "feder law, equal pay act (epa), requir employ pay men women equal work -- equal pay equal work. equal pay act pass 1963 amend fair labor standard act found 29 u.s.c. 206. although equal pay act protect women men sex discrimin pay rates, pass help rectifi wage dispar experienc women workers, practice, law almost alway appli situat women paid less men similar jobs."} {"id": "12330", "contents": "1964 congress pass public law 88-352 (78 stat. 241). provis civil right act forbad discrimin basi sex well race hiring, promoting, firing. word sex ad last moment."} {"id": "12331", "contents": "despit continu inact era congress, women made progress toward equality. 1963, congress pass equal pay act. alic paul led success lobbi effort includ ban sex discrimin civil right act 1964. 1972, feder legisl prohibit practic limit admiss women colleg particip school sport programs. averag earn male femal worker gotten closer years. women\u2019 advoc argu \u201cwage gap\u201d still persists. equal pay act pass 1963, women earn averag 59 cent everi dollar earn men."} {"id": "12332", "contents": "epa pass one year titl vii civil right act. law prohibit wage discrimin base gender, titl vii goe beyond ensur equal pay bar discrimin aspect employment, includ hiring, firing, promotion, more. although equal pay act protect women men sex discrimin pay rates, pass help rectifi wage dispar experienc women workers, practice, law almost alway appli situat women paid less men similar jobs."} {"id": "12333", "contents": "prohibit discrimin account sex payment wage employ engag commerc product good commerce. enact senat hous repres unit state america congress assembled, act may cite equal pay act 1963.."} {"id": "12334", "contents": "month holdout settlement met women offer 90% male counterparts. impact equal pay act 1963. one year pass equal pay act, congress pass 1964 civil right act. titl vii act, make unlaw discrimin base person\u2019 race, religion, color, sex. equal pay act 1963 feder law aim abolish wage discrimin work forc base gender classifications. sign law presid john kennedi june 10, 1963."} {"id": "12335", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. equal pay act 1963 unit state feder law amend fair labor standard act, aim abolish wage dispar base sex (see gender pay gap). sign law june 10, 1963, john f. kennedi part new frontier program."} {"id": "12336", "contents": "bant refer diet plan popular man name william bant back 1862. said mr. bant sought help dr. william harvey regard obes problems. need medic advic could lose weight becom healthier. dr. harvey first made suggest bant take low-carbohydr approach dieting. later on, dr. harvey william bant found new diet plan actual work term control weight problems. banting\u2019 origin diet plan involv four meal day includ consumpt red meat, fish, poultri along glass wine, fruit dri toast."} {"id": "12337", "contents": "bant simpl guide. sleekgeek tri recommend one specif type diet strongli believ place health movement provid community-bas support resources. great mani differ veget green list. make sure varieti diet. don\u2019t snack. first week banting, is, go carb-cold-turkey, may need snack periodically, keep sanity."} {"id": "12338", "contents": "1923 bant john jame rickard macleod receiv nobel prize medicine. bant share award money colleague, dr. charl best. septemb 2011, banting, receiv nobel prize age 32, remain youngest nobel laureat area physiology/medicine. bant appoint senior demonstr medicin univers toronto 1922. follow year elect new bant best chair medic research, endow legislatur provinc ontario."} {"id": "12339", "contents": "frederick g. banting-biographical. frederick grant bant born novemb 14, 1891, alliston, ont., canada. youngest five children william thompson bant margaret grant. 1922 bant appoint senior demonstr medicin univers toronto, 1923 elect bant best chair medic research, endow legislatur provinc ontario."} {"id": "12340", "contents": "bant (right) charl h. best, ca. 1924. articl read pancrea piqu banting' interest diabetes. bant give talk pancrea one class western univers novemb 1, 1920, therefor read report scientist written. bant appoint senior demonstr medicin univers toronto 1922. follow year elect new bant best chair medic research, endow legislatur provinc ontario."} {"id": "12341", "contents": "canadian scientist. born allison, ontario, educ univers toronto, bant undertook research intern secret pancreas, 1921, charl herbert best, discov insulin. bant j. j. r. macleod share nobel prize medicin 1923."} {"id": "12342", "contents": "william bant (c. decemb 1796 16 march 1878) notabl english undertaker. formerli obese, also known first popularis weight loss diet base limit intak refin easili digest carbohydrates. banting\u2019 pamphlet popular year come, would use model modern diets. initially, publish booklet person expense. self-publish edit popular determin sell gener public. third later edit publish harrison, london."} {"id": "12343", "contents": "bant low-carbohydrate, high-fat (lchf) diet, name william banting, first person it. it\u2019 recent made popular professor tim noak book real meal revolution. idea way eat make bodi switch burn carb energi burn fat. 2."} {"id": "12344", "contents": "believ tim noake\u2019 real meal revolut bant approach truli people\u2019 best interest heart accord latest high-qual research topic sugar carbohydr overconsumption, satur fat, cholesterol, diabetes, metabol syndrome, on. great mani differ veget green list. make sure varieti diet. don\u2019t snack. first week banting, is, go carb-cold-turkey, may need snack periodically, keep sanity."} {"id": "12345", "contents": "bant support discuss group facebook safe place engag like-mind individu topic banting, real meal revolution, low-carb high-fat nutrit general. great mani differ veget green list. make sure varieti diet. don\u2019t snack. first week banting, is, go carb-cold-turkey, may need snack periodically, keep sanity."} {"id": "12346", "contents": "judici branch decid amend unconstitut well act president. however, judici branch declar act presid unconstitutional, would mean congress agre act."} {"id": "12347", "contents": "within separ powers, three branch govern \u201ccheck balances\u201d two. instance, congress make laws, presid veto suprem court declar unconstitutional."} {"id": "12348", "contents": "judici branch decid amend unconstitut well act president. however, judici branch declar act presid unco nstitutional, would mean congress agre act."} {"id": "12349", "contents": "judici branch declar execut order (a presidenti order) unconstitut present court part case controversy."} {"id": "12350", "contents": "judici branch declar presidenti order (call execut order) unconstitutional. us suprem court final arbit constitutionality, even us district court overturn execut order, case presid obama' moratorium deep water drill gulf."} {"id": "12351", "contents": "u.s. constitut separ u.s. govern legislative, execut judici branches. branch set power responsibilities. legisl branch pass laws; execut branch -- head presid unit state -- either sign veto law pass congress."} {"id": "12352", "contents": "check balances. u.s. govern design three branch feder govern number built-in check balances. judici branch declar law pass congress execut act presid unit state unconstitutional, thu legal void them. however, feder judg nomin presid approv senate. additionally, congress remov feder judg offic impeachment."} {"id": "12353", "contents": "judici branch power declar unconstitut law enact congress. suprem court u.s. head judici branch."} {"id": "12354", "contents": "oklahoma. oklahoma u.s. state two senat unit state senat five repres unit state hous representatives. unit state divid 435 congression district oklahoma popul 710,000 individuals. district elect repres hous two-year term. repres also call congressmen/congresswomen."} {"id": "12355", "contents": "lankford win u.s. senat bid. immedi releas novemb 4, 2014 oklahoma city\u2014 tonight,congressman jame lankford name oklahoma\u2019 next unit state senator, win major vote. fill unexpir term retir senator, dr. tom coburn. novemb 5, 2014 (no comments)."} {"id": "12356", "contents": "oklahoma admit union novemb 16, 1907, elect senat class class 3. current senat republican jame inhof jame lankford."} {"id": "12357", "contents": "join jame fight win countri back sign newsletter! immedi releas novemb 4, 2014 oklahoma city\u2014 tonight,congressman jame lankford name oklahoma\u2019 next unit state senator, win major vote. fill unexpir term retir senator, dr. tom coburn. novemb 5, 2014 (no comments)."} {"id": "12358", "contents": "serum cortisol test may help diagnosi two fairli uncommon medic conditions: cushing' syndrom addison' disease. test also screen diseas affect pituitari adren glands. measur blood level stress hormon call cortisol. cortisol steroid hormon made adren glands. help bodi respond stress, regul blood sugar, fight infections. people, cortisol level highest morn wake lowest around midnight. besid blood test cortisol, healthcar provid may test cortisol level urin saliva. doctor like order blood test measur body' respons certain hormon help determin caus abnorm cortisol levels."} {"id": "12359", "contents": "share. stress hormone, cortisol, public health enemi number one. scientist known year elev cortisol levels: interfer learn memory, lower immun function bone density, increas weight gain, blood pressure, cholesterol, heart disease... list goe on."} {"id": "12360", "contents": "cortisol steroid hormon produc adren gland. releas respons acth (adrenocorticotrop hormone), produc pituitari gland near brain. adrenocorticotrop hormon stimul secret hormon adren cortex. certain diseases, addison\u2019 diseas cushing\u2019 disease, affect amount cortisol produc adren gland. test use diagnosi diseas way assess function adren pituitari glands."} {"id": "12361", "contents": "overview. cortisol level test use blood sampl measur level cortisol present blood. cortisol steroid hormon releas adren gland. adren gland sit atop kidneys. certain diseases, addison\u2019 diseas cushing\u2019 disease, affect amount cortisol produc adren gland. test use diagnosi diseas way assess function adren pituitari glands."} {"id": "12362", "contents": "cortisol hormon play role metabol proteins, lipids, carbohydrates. affect blood glucos levels, help maintain blood pressure, help regul immun system."} {"id": "12363", "contents": "cortisol adren function. cortisol life sustain adren hormon essenti mainten homeostasis. call \u201cthe stress hormone,\u201d cortisol influences, regul modul mani chang occur bodi respons stress including, limit to: blood sugar (glucose) levels."} {"id": "12364", "contents": "cortisol produc secret adren glands. product hormon regul hypothalamu brain pituitari gland, tini organ locat brain. blood cortisol level falls, hypothalamu releas corticotropin-releas hormon (crh), direct pituitari gland produc acth (adrenocorticotrop hormone). adren gland function normally, cortisol level rise acth stimulation. damag function properly, cortisol level low. longer version test (1-3 days) may perform help distinguish adren pituitari insufficiency."} {"id": "12365", "contents": "low level cortisol blood caus by: problem affect adren gland directly, addison' diseas tuberculosi infect adren glands. problem pituitari gland affect adren glands, cancer head injury."} {"id": "12366", "contents": "cortisol blood. guide. cortisol test done measur level hormon cortisol blood. cortisol level may show problem adren gland pituitari gland. cortisol made adren glands. cortisol level go pituitari gland releas anoth hormon call adrenocorticotrop hormon (acth). cortisol mani functions. help bodi use sugar (glucose) fat energi (metabolism), help bodi manag stress."} {"id": "12367", "contents": "cortisol level test done check cortisol product level either high low. certain diseases, addison\u2019 diseas cushing\u2019 disease, affect amount cortisol produc adren gland. test use diagnosi diseas way assess function adren pituitari glands."} {"id": "12368", "contents": "uranu orbit sun everi 84 year averag distanc 1.8 billion mile (2.9 billion km) spin axi everi 17 hour compar 24 hour earth. uranu coldest atmospher temperatur planet solar system, around -224c (-371f). temperatur interior lower found outer planets, possibl less 4500c (8132f)"} {"id": "12369", "contents": "uranu seventh planet sun third largest solar system. diamet 31,763 mile (51,118 km) four time larger earth. planet categor ice giant due high level ici element composition. uranu coldest atmospher temperatur planet solar system, around -224c (-371f). temperatur interior lower found outer planets, possibl less 4500c (8132f)"} {"id": "12370", "contents": "uranu hit coldest temperatur planet: minimum atmospher temperatur -224\u00b0c uranu nearli coldest planet solar system. neptun doesn\u2019t get cold uranu averag colder. uranu seventh planet sun. it\u2019 visibl nake eye, becam first planet discov use telescope. uranu tip side axial tilt 98 degrees."} {"id": "12371", "contents": "uranu temperature. taken 1986 voyag (notic uranus' continu dark coldness). effect temperatur uranu -216\u00b0c -357\u00b0f. bar pressur planet temperatur -197\u00b0c -322.6\u00b0f .1 bar pressur planet temperatur -220\u00b0c -364\u00b0f. although uranu furthest planet sun definit coldest planet solar system. also least warm core 4,727\u00b0c 8,540.6\u00b0f ga planet (jupiter, saturn, neptune)"} {"id": "12372", "contents": "weather.gov sioux falls, sd. uranu third ga giant planet four proxim sun. overall, uranu seventh planet solar system, resid averag distanc 1.8 billion mile sun (twice far saturn). rotat quick, 18 hours, enough flatten planet pole (a characterist ga giants). coldest temperatur found uranus' lower atmospher far -371 degre f., rival neptune' frigid temperatures. find hubbl reveal cloud circl uranu 300 mph."} {"id": "12373", "contents": "seventh planet sun, uranu coldest atmospher planet solar system, even though distant. despit fact equat face away sun, temperatur distribut uranu much like planets, warmer equat cooler poles. weather uranu function much ga giants. like jupit saturn, planet band zone belt orbit parallel equator, warmer poles. warm temperatur drive planet' weather come interior planet, rather sun."} {"id": "12374", "contents": "recent found wind speed uranu rang 90 360 mph planet' averag temperatur frigid -353 degre f. coldest temperatur found uranus' lower atmospher far -371 degre f., rival neptune' frigid temperatures. find hubbl reveal cloud circl uranu 300 mph."} {"id": "12375", "contents": "averag temperatur uranu 60 kelvin (- 350 degre fahrenheit). minimum near tropopaus 52 (-366 f) 0.1-bar pressur level."} {"id": "12376", "contents": "atmospher uranu compos 83% helium, 15% methan 2% methan plu trace amount gase ethane. averag temperatur surfac uranu 49\u00b0 kelvin -224\u00b0 celsius. make planet cold low intern temperature. uranu 14.5 time bigger earth, make third largest planet solar system jupit saturn; uranus\u2019 core alon larg planet."} {"id": "12377", "contents": "how\u2019 temperatur uranus? cold. fact, temperatur uranu make coldest planet solar system. averag temperatur cloud top uranu 49 (?224 \u00b0c)."} {"id": "12378", "contents": "mercuri take 58.646 earth day rotat once. that' call sider day. earth rotat 23 hour 56 minut seconds. there' also solar day depend appar movement sun sky. depend planet' orbit motion around sun, well rotat period. sider day venu 243 earth days. year venu 224.7 earth days, make venus' day longer year. venu planet solar system feature."} {"id": "12379", "contents": "one day venu longer one year. due slow rotat axis, take 243 earth-day complet one rotation. orbit planet take 225 earth-day make year venu shorter day venus."} {"id": "12380", "contents": "wherea earth rotat 24 hour venu rotat contrari sens (retrograd rotation) 243 days. orbit period venu 225 day venu year take less full day. combin two period result sun appear west dissapear east day-night cycl 117 days. atmospher venu 90 time dens earth made 96.5% co2 3% nitrogen."} {"id": "12381", "contents": "earth rotat 23 hour 56 minutes. that' call sider day. sider day venu 243 earth days. year venu 224.7 earth days, make venus' day longer year. venu planet solar system feature."} {"id": "12382", "contents": "stranger still fact day venu longer year! orbit period around sun 225 days. accord venusian calendar, ww ii end 56 day ago! venu one two planet rotat opposit direction, call retrograd motion."} {"id": "12383", "contents": "planet' day time take planet rotat spin axis. venu rotat much slowli earth does, day venu much longer day earth. day venu last 243 earth day 5,832 hours! day earth 23.943 hours. venu also rotat backward compar earth planets. javascript must enabl use cool cosmo"} {"id": "12384", "contents": "firstli axi rotat inclin 177.36 degre (compar 23.5 degre earth). mean venu rotat retrograd direct east west, make sun rise west set east. rotat slow: sider day venu last 243 earth days. even longer venusian year 224.7 earth days. despit sever mission venu still much unknown celesti neighbour."} {"id": "12385", "contents": "venu earth compar venus, second planet sun, lies, average, 108 million km sun, 30% closer earth. venu often refer sister planet similar size, mass, densiti volume. rotat slow: sider day venu last 243 earth days. even longer venusian year 224.7 earth days. despit sever mission venu still much unknown celesti neighbour."} {"id": "12386", "contents": "venu take 224.7 earth day complet one orbit around sun. year venu 0.62 long earth year. one interest fact venu day venu actual longer year venus. venusian day last 243 days, year 224 days. mean day venu 19 day longer year. anoth interest fact venu rotat backward compar planet solar system. venus, sun rise west, set east"} {"id": "12387", "contents": "venu take 224.65 day complet orbit. littl less year earth. instead similar rotat period earth\u2019 24 hours, venu take 243 day rotat once. words, day venu longer year. longest day entir solar system. even stranger, venu rotat backward compar planet solar system"} {"id": "12388", "contents": "(latin, ramu branch) cutan branch dorsal primari rami innerv skin back head upper buttocks, far later rib angles, approximately. rest trunk, skin limbs, suppli branch ventral primari rami spinal nerves."} {"id": "12389", "contents": "interspinal muscl innerv dorsal rami spinal nerves. we\u2019r go look differ interspinal muscles, specif see interspinal cervic differ origin insert see here. now, semispinal innerv dorsal rami spinal nerves, also, split differ muscl differ segment known capitis, cervices, thoracis."} {"id": "12390", "contents": "posterior ramu spinal nerv (or posterior primari division) refer posterior divis spinal nerve. ramu also known number names, posterior (or dorsal) rami (or branch divisions) spinal nerves. posterior ramu one two major branch spinal nerv emerg nerv emerg intervertebr foramen. posterior ramu carri inform suppli muscl sensat human back. spinal nerv carri sensori motor information, spinal nerv refer \u201cmix nerves.. posterior rami carri viscer motor, somat motor, sensori inform skin deep muscl back. posterior rami remain distinct other, innerv narrow strip skin muscl along back, less level ramu leav spinal nerv"} {"id": "12391", "contents": "anterior ramu (pl. rami) (latin branch) (ventral ramus), anterior divis spinal nerve. anterior rami suppli antero-later part trunk limbs. mainli larger posterior rami. shortli spinal nerv exit intervertebr foramen, branch dorsal ramus, ventral ramus, rami communicantes. latter three structur carri sensori motor information."} {"id": "12392", "contents": "branch cervic plexus, includ phrenic nerve, innerv muscl neck, diaphragm, skin neck upper chest. brachial plexu contain anterior rami spinal nerv c5-t1. plexu innerv pector girdl upper limb. shortli spinal nerv exit intervertebr foramen, branch dorsal ramus, ventral ramus, rami communicantes. latter three structur carri sensori motor information."} {"id": "12393", "contents": "innerv back mening branch dorsal rami spinal nerves. spinal nerv give mening branch (or sinuvertebr nerve), reenter vertebr canal suppli vasomotor sensori fiber dura, ligaments, periosteum, blood vessels. muscl back includ (1) superfici trapeziu latissimu dorsi; (2) levat scapulae, rhomboids, serrati posteriores; (3) deep muscl back, mostli suppli dorsal rami."} {"id": "12394", "contents": "wall abdomin caviti innerv ventral rami last thorac nerv ilioinguin iliohypogastr nerves, expect diaphragm, roof abdomin cavity, innerv phrenic nerv cervic plexus. note: common peron nerv tibial nerv togeth make sciatic nerve. head neck. muscl structur head neck innerv either cranial nerv brainstem nerv ari"} {"id": "12395", "contents": "thorac wall innerv ventral rami spinal nerves. refer intercost nerves. except diaphragm, floor thorax, innerv phrenic nerv cervic plexus. note: common peron nerv tibial nerv togeth make sciatic nerve. head neck. muscl structur head neck innerv either cranial nerv brainstem nerv ari"} {"id": "12396", "contents": "t1 t2 hyperintens lesion left aspect t2 vertebr body, lose signal invers recoveri imag felt reflect hemangioma. 3. get help doctor \u203a. hemangioma vs. cyst: bunny: t2 lesion liver typic cancer repres usual hemangioma liver cysts. say complet fill contrast, hint think hemangiomas."} {"id": "12397", "contents": "hyperintens lesion bright, white spot show certain type mri scans. hyperintens lesion certain part brain sign dementia. multipl sclerosi one common caus hyperintens lesions. radiologist technician view hyperintens lesion t2 mri imag real time observ room. basic presentation. case hyperintens lesion bright, glow patch mri scans. invis surface, aren\u2019t often detect surgery, don\u2019t usual show x-ray comput tomographi (ct) scans, either."} {"id": "12398", "contents": "(a, b) focal lesion (arrow) left liver lobe show low si (a) t2-weight fse imag (1800/93) (b) t1-weight imag (680/6). lesion central hypointens scar sequences, owe fibrot content calcification. (a, b) small nodul right liver lobe (arrow) (a) hypointens t2-weight (1800/93) imag (b) hyperintens t1-weight (100/5.2) image. low si dysplast nodul t2-weight imag may relat deposit paramagnet substanc iron."} {"id": "12399", "contents": "figur 28c angiomyolipoma 66-year-old man. (a\u2013c) lesion (arrow) (a) hypointens t2-weight fse imag (1800/93) (b) hyperintens subcutan fat in-phas t1-weight imag (100/5.2). (a, b) small nodul right liver lobe (arrow) (a) hypointens t2-weight (1800/93) imag (b) hyperintens t1-weight (100/5.2) image. low si dysplast nodul t2-weight imag may relat deposit paramagnet substanc iron."} {"id": "12400", "contents": "hyperintens lesion patch damag cell tissu show bright, white spot certain type special magnet reson imag (mri) scans. basic presentation. case hyperintens lesion bright, glow patch mri scans. invis surface, aren\u2019t often detect surgery, don\u2019t usual show x-ray comput tomographi (ct) scans, either."} {"id": "12401", "contents": "anoth uniqu featur mri abil identifi mass atyp signal intens t1- t2-weight imaging. major focal hepat lesion visibl mri hypointens t1-weight imag hyperintens t2-weight images. atyp signal intens liver lesion (increas t1-weight mri decreas t2-weight images) rare may import diagnost clue. lesion character ultrasound ct term tissu charact resectability. multislic ct, superb demonstr vascular structures, especi suitabl determin resectability. cases, however, tissu charact lesion remain problematic."} {"id": "12402", "contents": "presenc hyperintens hypointens lesion fast flair imag patient ms (25) suggest sequenc potenti providing, singl image, inform usual obtain two separ acquisit (ie, t1- t2-weight sequences). first, hypointens lesion volum fast flair imag were, average, 1% 2% volum obtain correspond pd-weight images, concern approach use detect chang ms lesion burden time."} {"id": "12403", "contents": "hypointens liver lesion t2-weight mr imag means. curvo-semedo l, brito jb, seco mf, costa jf, marqu cb, caseiro-alv f. vast major focal liver lesion hyperintens t2-weight magnet reson (mr) images. rarely, however, hepat nodul may appear total partial hypointens images. aim work discuss caus mechan hypointens liver lesion t2-weight imag propos algorithm classif may use quick remind interest reader. [pubmed-index medline]."} {"id": "12404", "contents": "total lesion load hyperintens lesion pd-weight fast flair imag hypointens lesion t1-weight fast flair imag measur singl train technician unawar patients' clinic characteristics. first, hypointens lesion volum fast flair imag were, average, 1% 2% volum obtain correspond pd-weight images, concern approach use detect chang ms lesion burden time."} {"id": "12405", "contents": "garnet deep-r burgundi gem similar stone palms. gem-ston mytho garnet known stone provid protect user evil. garnet seen talk much. garnet wear shade cover third eyebal forehead. appearance. garnet tallest crystal gems. dark skin curli black hair style cube-shap afro. eye alway cover futurist shade reveal three eyes. wear black red bodysuit cube shoulder pad pink star chest."} {"id": "12406", "contents": "trivia. garnet deep-r burgundi gem similar stone palms. gem-ston mytho garnet known stone provid protect user evil. garnet seen talk much. garnet wear shade cover third eyebal forehead. appearance. garnet tallest crystal gems. dark skin curli black hair style cube-shap afro. eye alway cover futurist shade reveal three eyes. wear black red bodysuit cube shoulder pad pink star chest."} {"id": "12407", "contents": "steven imprison starship two short star-cross lesbians. steven univers belong rebecca sugar. xajathembo belong nick dodge. end music belong studio ghibli/disney/jo hisaishi, (howl' move castle)."} {"id": "12408", "contents": "amethyst main protagonist steven universe. one gem manufactur earth part gem homeworld' kindergarten project last known, amethyst one last surviv gem earth join crystal gems."} {"id": "12409", "contents": "amethyst must accid construct beach hous time steven move in, evidenc fact outfit longer sleev strap steven' song, welcom steven hous garnet pearl, outfit gem glow one gem manufactur earth part gem homeworld' kindergarten project last known, amethyst one last surviv gem earth join crystal gems."} {"id": "12410", "contents": "\u201e. garnet one main four protagonist steven universe. leader crystal gems. appearance. garnet tallest crystal gems. dark skin curli black hair style cube-shap afro. eye alway cover futurist shade reveal three eyes. wear black red bodysuit cube shoulder pad pink star chest."} {"id": "12411", "contents": "also first gem regener season 2, peridot second. amethyst gem retreat gemston corrupt gem. pearl stab holo-pearl, garnet hit gem destabil jasper. one gem manufactur earth part gem homeworld' kindergarten project last known, amethyst one last surviv gem earth join crystal gems."} {"id": "12412", "contents": "accord jeff liu, storyboard artist steven univers anim sequenc episode, garnet\u2019 final move inspir tengen toppa gurren-lagann. steven steven bombs! ask garnet day, tell tell thought done day. steven proce tell stori did."} {"id": "12413", "contents": "steven, half-gem, goe adventur human friend help gem protect world kind. sugar develop seri work anim adventur time, premier novemb 4, 2013 cartoon network' first seri creat woman. pilot episod steven univers releas cartoon network' video platform may 21, 2013, edit version juli 20. pilot also exhibit 2013 san diego comic-con, rebecca sugar host 30-minut panel steven univers 2013 new york comic con octob 13."} {"id": "12414", "contents": "erythrocytes, red blood cells, abund form element blood. form element leukocyt (white blood cells) thrombocyt (platelets). erythrocyt (red blood cells) erythrocyt (red blood cell rbcs) platelets, 250,000-500,000 per mm3 blood. medic terminolog book, say smallet form element found blood platelets. although sometim call thrombocytes, true cells, term erron suggests, mere fragment cells.. 13 other found useful."} {"id": "12415", "contents": "blood cell (which also call corpuscl form element consist erythrocyt (red blood cells, rbcs), leukocyt (white blood cells), thrombocyt (platelets). volume, red blood cell constitut 45% whole blood, plasma 54.3%, white cell 0.7%. blood cell mainli red blood cell (also call rbc erythrocytes), white blood cell (also call wbc leukocytes) platelets. abund cell vertebr blood red blood cells."} {"id": "12416", "contents": "medic definit form element. one red blood cells, white blood cells, blood platelet contrast fluid portion blood. made want look form element?"} {"id": "12417", "contents": "blood form elements. form element cells, cell remnants, cell fragment blood. red blood cell (rbc erythrocytes) make 95% form elements. lack nucleu organelles, rbc blood stream fulli function cells. dissolv solut proteins. remain solut mixtur nutrients, electrolytes, nitrogen wastes, respiratori gases, regulatori compounds. also includ form element five type white blood cell (wbc leukocytes). part immun system help protect bodi foreign invaders. wbc identifi classifi base stain appear"} {"id": "12418", "contents": "solid fraction blood, consist erythrocytes, leukocytes, thrombocytes. form element constitut 40 percent volum blood lower vertebr (fishes, amphibians, reptiles) 54 percent higher vertebr (bird mammals, includ man). numer among form element blood erythrocytes, contain hemoglobin. transfer oxygen respiratori organ tissu help transfer carbon dioxid opposit direction. respons blood\u2019 red color"} {"id": "12419", "contents": "erythrocyt one form element blood. carri gase throughout body. form element blood red blood cell (erythrocytes), white blood cell (leukocytes), platelet (thrombocytes). medic terminolog book, say smallet form element found blood platelets. although sometim call thrombocytes, true cells, term erron suggests, mere fragment cells.. 13 other found useful."} {"id": "12420", "contents": "erythrocytes, red blood cells, numer form elements. erythrocyt tini biconcav disks, thin middl thicker around periphery. shape provid combin flexibl move tini capillari maximum surfac area diffus gases. form element heavier liquid matrix, pack bottom tube centrifug force. light yellow color liquid top plasma, account 55 percent blood volum red blood cell call hematocrit ,or pack cell volum (pcv)."} {"id": "12421", "contents": "blood cell lineage. product form elements, blood cells, call hemopoiesis. birth, hemopoiesi occur primarili liver spleen, cell develop thymus, lymph nodes, red bone marrow. birth, product limit red bone marrow specif regions, white blood cell produc lymphoid tissue. type form element develop singl cell type stem cell (pleuripotenti cell hemocytoblasts)."} {"id": "12422", "contents": "form element cell cell fragment suspend plasma. three class form element erythrocyt (red blood cells), leukocyt (white blood cells), thrombocyt (platelets). form element heavier liquid matrix, pack bottom tube centrifug force. light yellow color liquid top plasma, account 55 percent blood volum red blood cell call hematocrit ,or pack cell volum (pcv)."} {"id": "12423", "contents": "trap preserv within high mountain region altitud 10,000 18,000 feet, shilajit predominantli sourc locat himalaya' (tibet bhutan) also found part mongolia, russia, china, india pakistan. effect well known ayurved medicin (call yoga vahi) shilajit common ingredi use mani herbal preparations. also rang fulvic acid molecul abil react cell uniqu produc new miner compounds."} {"id": "12424", "contents": "shilajit come sanskrit compound word shilajatu mean rock-invincible, regular ayurveda term. also spell shilajeet (hindi: \u0936\u093f\u0932\u093e\u091c\u0940\u0924) salajeet (urdu: \u0633\u0644\u0627\u062c\u06cc\u062a \u200e). clean impur extracted, shilajit homogen brown-black paste-lik substance, glossi surface, peculiar smell bitter taste. dri shilajit densiti rang 1.1 1.8 g/cm 3."} {"id": "12425", "contents": "http://supermanherbs.com/shilajits/ shilajit power herb famou ayurved medicine. known destroy weakness. name translat conqueror mountains. standard dosag shilajit 250mg 500mg per day. note side effect gram per kilogram weight rats. real contraind seem gout. superman herb commit great herb."} {"id": "12426", "contents": "mineral-rich superfood adaptogen. shilajit (sheela-jeet) dark brown miner substanc classifi adaptogen deepli nourish energ effect body. effect well known ayurved medicin (call yoga vahi) shilajit common ingredi use mani herbal preparations. also rang fulvic acid molecul abil react cell uniqu produc new miner compounds."} {"id": "12427", "contents": "rudramani shilajit-speci formula shilajit plant anti-ag energy. raw shilajit harvest himalayan mountain purifi process per patent process conform iso 9002 good manufactur procedur (wh0-gmp) norms. close guard secret indian yogis."} {"id": "12428", "contents": "thousand year ago, ancient sanskrit holi text made refer mysteri substanc call shilajit, describ \u201cthe destroy weakness.\u201d text refer power health spiritu benefit posit chang experienc use it. shilajit unmatch power arrest revers age process. shilajit, also known mumijo, fulvic humic acid. humic substanc consid nature' best medicin plants, animals, humans, earth herself."} {"id": "12429", "contents": "shilajit describ 'miner oil', 'stone oil' 'rock sweat', seep crack mountain due mostli warmth sun. mani local legend stori origin, use properties, often wildli exaggerated. clean impur extracted, shilajit homogen brown-black paste-lik substance, glossi surface, peculiar smell bitter taste. dri shilajit densiti rang 1.1 1.8 g/cm 3."} {"id": "12430", "contents": "review write review. descript review (0). shilajit powder. shilajit thick, sticki tar-lik substanc color rang white dark brown (the latter common), sometim found caucasu mountains, altai mountains, tibet mountain mountain gilgit baltistan pakistan. (source: wikipedia.org). origin:"} {"id": "12431", "contents": "221. shilajit ancient miner substanc preserv mountain himalayan region tibet, nepal, bhutan, specif rock cliffs. offer array incred health benefit includ sexual prowess, longevity, memory, overal wellbeing."} {"id": "12432", "contents": "need avoid exposur sun least 24 hours. additionally, use make up, sun block, work 24 hour follow treatment. specif instruct may vari base skin type, topic solut used, condit treated."} {"id": "12433", "contents": "dark patch skin melasma, actual good news you. skin lighten realpeel specif design treat melasma, much differ type hyperpigmentation. after. skin lighten realpeel-her 49 year old want get rid hormon pigment appear last year cheek nose despit wear daili sunscreen. pictur two week peel."} {"id": "12434", "contents": "long treatment take? treatment rel quick 10 minut singl lesion 45 minut full face. long result last? immedi treatment thread vein disappear may re-occur day later, less visible. cours laser treatment usual requir weekli interv follow hair growth cycle. treatment leav skin feel smooth, soft free pain in-grow hairs. treatment if: unwant facial bodi hair affect self confidence."} {"id": "12435", "contents": "connective-tissu grafts. common method use treat root exposure. procedure, flap skin cut roof mouth (palate) tissu flap, call subepitheli connect tissue, remov stitch gum tissu surround expos root. procedure, instead take tissu palate, graft gum around near tooth need repair. flap, call pedicle, partial cut away one edg remain attached. gum pull cover expos root sewn place."} {"id": "12436", "contents": "someon full-fac dermabrasion, example, longer recoveri time someon small area skin treated. deeper abras take longer heal. general, regrowth skin occur days. new skin pink red color, usual fade 12 weeks. then, normal skin tone achiev use makeup. mani peopl littl pain get back regular activ soon procedure."} {"id": "12437", "contents": "red occur treatment day minim swelling. result use fraxel take month see, although differentpati differ timefram see final results, two patient alike. anoth option hyperpigment smartxide."} {"id": "12438", "contents": "answer doctors. year ago rejuv take usual 3-6 day face stop peel face normalize. take usual 3-6 day face stop peel face normalize. year ago rejuv (view profile). take usual 3-6 day face stop peel face normalize. dark splotch forehead well upper lip. look like larg freckl seem melasma. done research i'm wonder vi peel best effect treatment problem."} {"id": "12439", "contents": "hyperpigment vs melasma. tags: age spots, chemic peel, fraxel, hyperpigmentation, ipl, lasers, melasma, smartxide, women' health. hyperpigment melasma skin condit gener affect face. hyperpigment area skin darker surround area. result use fraxel take month see, although differentpati differ timefram see final results, two patient alike. anoth option hyperpigment smartxide."} {"id": "12440", "contents": "vi peel year ago. receiv peel face look sunburned. got nervou wash 1/2 hour peel, still red tender. dark splotch forehead well upper lip. look like larg freckl seem melasma. done research i'm wonder vi peel best effect treatment problem."} {"id": "12441", "contents": "first 24 hour treatment, skin may feel though sunburned. ice packs/frozen pea use 5-10 minut per hour first 5-6 hour treatment. skin peel 2-7 day pink weeks. heal depend deep treatment is. week so, wear make-up cover pink. rarely, bruis may develop, take two week resolve. allow 2-4 week weddings, reunions, famili pictures, etc safe."} {"id": "12442", "contents": "hantaviru pulmonari syndrom (hps) sever ill caus exposur drop urin deer mice carri virus. 1- hantaviru case report year washington state one third case fatal."} {"id": "12443", "contents": "hantaviru name hantan river area south korea earli outbreak observed. viru isol late 1970 karl m. johnson ho-wang lee. hantavirus single-stranded, enveloped, neg sens rna virus bunyavirida family. normal infect rodent caus diseas hosts. human may becom infect hantavirus contact rodent urine, saliva, feces."} {"id": "12444", "contents": "hantaviru pulmonari syndrom (hps). sever hps. imag courtesi d. loren ketai, m.d. hantaviru pulmonari syndrom (hps) severe, sometim fatal, respiratori diseas human caus infect hantavirus. anyon come contact rodent carri hantaviru risk hps. rodent infest around home remain primari risk hantaviru exposure. even healthi individu risk hp infect expos virus. fact, studi health care worker expos either patient specimen infect relat type hantavirus (which caus differ diseas humans), none worker show evid infect illness. hantaviru pulmonari syndrom (hps) topics."} {"id": "12445", "contents": "hantaviru viru found urine, saliva, drop infect deer mice wild rodent (cotton rats, rice rat southeastern unit state white-foot mous red-back vole). caus rare seriou lung diseas call hantaviru pulmonari syndrom (hps)."} {"id": "12446", "contents": "droppings, urine, saliva, blood infect anim chock-ful viru particles. deer mice carri sin nombr strain hantavirus. cotton rat rice rat carri hantaviru southeast, white-foot mice carri hantaviru northeast. although possibl get hantaviru infect mous rat bite, infect rare."} {"id": "12447", "contents": "viral caus diseas found week later call sin nombr viru (snv, spanish, viru sin nombr nameless virus). host first identifi deer mous (peromyscu maniculatus) terri yates, professor univers new mexico. hantavirus single-stranded, enveloped, neg sens rna virus bunyavirida family. normal infect rodent caus diseas hosts. human may becom infect hantavirus contact rodent urine, saliva, feces."} {"id": "12448", "contents": "hantavirus group virus carri rodents. one them, sin nombr virus, found deer mice north america. sin nombr viru caus hantaviru pulmonari syndrom (hps) people. washington, 14% 1,100 test deer mice infect sin nombr virus. sinc infect deer mice live throughout state, human case hantaviru pulmonari syndrom occur part washington. typic one five case report year."} {"id": "12449", "contents": "often fatal pulmonari disease. unit states, caus agent sin nombr viru carri deer mice. prodrom symptom includ flu-lik symptom fever, cough, myalgia, headache, lethargy. hantavirus single-stranded, enveloped, neg sens rna virus bunyavirida family. normal infect rodent caus diseas hosts. human may becom infect hantavirus contact rodent urine, saliva, feces."} {"id": "12450", "contents": "description: viral diseas may contract direct contact with, inhal of, aerosol infect rodent urine, saliva, droppings. cause: diseas caus viru found saliva, urin drop speci wild rodents, especi deer mice. incubation: period weeks. cause: diseas caus viru found saliva, urin drop speci wild rodents, especi deer mice. incubation: period weeks. symptoms: fever, sever muscl aches, fatigue. days, difficulti breathing, dizziness, chills, vomiting, diarrhea stomach pain."} {"id": "12451", "contents": "accord websit call payscal salari survey; median salari cardiovascular technologist experi 1to year rang around $41,000 $61,000 per annum year 2009. cardiovascular technologist experi year expect earn anyth $61,000 $79,000."} {"id": "12452", "contents": "cardiovascular technician salari canada. averag yearli salari cardiovascular technician canada rang $24,000 cad $36,700 cad averag hourli wage rang 30.57 cad 42.87 cad per hour. median hourli wage cardiovascular technician averag $31.65"} {"id": "12453", "contents": "cardiovascular technologist salari depend lot level experience. per american medic associ (ama) start salari technologist $36,000 $45,000 year 2006."} {"id": "12454", "contents": "cardiovascular technologist salari usa. averag incom cardiovascular technologist per year us $27,342 $65,419 annualy. median salari occupation\u2019 technologist around $42,081 per annum. hourli rate rang $13.22 $30, overtim rate $17.15 $46.12 per hour."} {"id": "12455", "contents": "averag cardiovascular technologist salary. mean annual wage cardiovascular technologist $53,050, hourli wage $25.51. lowest 10% earn around $27,430 per year $13.19 per hour, rest earn $79,290 per annum $38.12 per hour."} {"id": "12456", "contents": "cardiovascular technician salari usa. yearli salari upper 10 percent cardiovascular technician $76,220 hourli wage $36.65 per hour. annual salari lowest 10 percent less $25,940 hourli wage less $12.47 per hour."} {"id": "12457", "contents": "kelp one fastest growth rate marin plant (up 60 cm per day kg dri weight per squar metr habitat per day record giant kelp) make import primari produc suppli food nearshor intertid marin habitats. long frond bull kelp, often pack tightli around lower shore, absorb much energi wave crash coast, creat lower energi environ marin life abounds."} {"id": "12458", "contents": "cool facts. giant kelp harvest sourc algin, emulsifi bind agent use product mani food cosmetics, like ice cream, toothpast cereals. piec decompos kelp (detritus) sink depth ocean, provid food deep sea creatures."} {"id": "12459", "contents": "bull kelp annual seaweed\u2014mean grow spore matur within singl year. grow quickly, sometim 10 inch (25 cm) one day. bull kelp reproduc spore spore patch (sori), heavi enough fall ocean floor. ensur spore settl close parent plant suitabl substrate. winter storm wash spent bull kelp onto beach plant dri turn brown"} {"id": "12460", "contents": "bull kelp giant kelp buoyant frond capabl support whole plant sea consider period time. bull kelp, particular, except buoyant document carri boulder weigh 75 kg lower upper shore macquari island. long frond bull kelp, often pack tightli around lower shore, absorb much energi wave crash coast, creat lower energi environ marin life abounds."} {"id": "12461", "contents": "kelp forests. 4. speci composition-producers. major speci alga form tallest kelp forest tasmanian victorian coast giant kelp, macrocysti pyrifera, speci found california, new zealand south america. sea floor. number speci alga also form forest like southern australia. common kelp, (ecklonia radiata) speci often found larg quantiti storm pile along beach found w.a. n.s.w."} {"id": "12462", "contents": "bull kelp forest offer protect shelter young fish mani invertebrates, sea urchins, sea stars, snail crabs. sea otter thrive kelp forest too. grow quickly, sometim 10 inch (25 cm) one day. bull kelp reproduc spore spore patch (sori), heavi enough fall ocean floor."} {"id": "12463", "contents": "kangaroo consumer, grazers. produc organ would creat food. e.g., plant. consum organ consum another. .g. kangaroo lion. decompos organ would consum decay matter anoth organism. includ saprotrophs, live"} {"id": "12464", "contents": "kelp zone heard island, one squar metr rocki shore may support 47 kelp plants, 200 kg plant tissue. bull kelp durvillaea antarctica thought strongest kelp world abl withstand massiv sea characterist southern ocean. long frond bull kelp, often pack tightli around lower shore, absorb much energi wave crash coast, creat lower energi environ marin life abounds."} {"id": "12465", "contents": "although kelp plant strong root system, known holdfast, attach substrate, wave strength southern ocean plant often torn bottom flung onto adjac beaches. long frond bull kelp, often pack tightli around lower shore, absorb much energi wave crash coast, creat lower energi environ marin life abounds."} {"id": "12466", "contents": "plant, animal. kelp eat sunlight, kelp plant. kelp make food process call photosynthesis. kelp protist fro kingdom protista, plant good grief-kelp seaweed, protist. one brown algae, inde use sunlight energi sourc make food. actually, protist get nutrient"} {"id": "12467", "contents": "send invit eight ten week wedding. sinc kind trip typic includ event ceremoni reception, probabl want ask rsvp three four week departur date. destin wedding, typic send save date six month before, give guest time budget hunt travel deals."} {"id": "12468", "contents": "report abuse. send invit 1/2 month wed reception. example: get marri august 30th 2007 send invit end june. educ year ago. thumb up."} {"id": "12469", "contents": "send invit week advance, likelihood come. estim 85% attend. don\u2019t forget account plu ones, you\u2019v invit them. town accept rate around 85% famili 40% friends. (# town guest 65%) (# local guest 90%) total estim attend. it\u2019 good idea make list list. send list invit week advance. start get accept declines, start invit peopl list."} {"id": "12470", "contents": "bridezilla. hi claire-i send save date cards, put remind everyone' christma card instead (thought would kill two bird one stone!) wed octob (21st) i'm send invit probabl late june. lot magazin say send six eight week before, honest think that' rather late. guest come countri outsid uk day peopl lead busi live date get book far advance."} {"id": "12471", "contents": "wed 25th august year. sent save date card christma cards, realli want send invit now!!!!! good wait til april think, month before. may seem bit far advance, bank hol weekend, school hols, peopl go away etc! x. lot magazin say send six eight week before, honest think that' rather late. guest come countri outsid uk day peopl lead busi live date get book far advance."} {"id": "12472", "contents": "far advanc send save-the-d invit destin wedding? word hostess circuit send save-the-d card eight month prior, invit eight week big day."} {"id": "12473", "contents": "a: ideally, invit go eight week wed -- give guest plenti time clear schedul day make travel arrang out-of-towners. time invit also let make rsvp date earlier -- three week wed -- get final head count start make seat chart (if one) week-before-the-wed crunch begins."} {"id": "12474", "contents": "make sure also ask cater they'll need final head counts. typically, ask rsvp date week wedding, sent time. minimum, send six week advance, set rsvp date week wedding. destin wedding, typic send save date six month before, give guest time budget hunt travel deals."} {"id": "12475", "contents": "chicks, known peachicks, anywher $10 $30. hatch egg cost anywher $45 $85. breeder requir minimum egg purchas once. peacocksnmore.com sell birds, chicks, egg price tag rang $10 littl $300. example, current 2005 india blue peacock retail $250."} {"id": "12476", "contents": "coupl month ago bought peacocks, i'v feed chicken scratch leyena (which also chickens) daili basis. mix like 30% scratch 70% leyena (somehow like scratch leyena!!! pick bowl food leav leyena there!!!)."} {"id": "12477", "contents": "much it? average, adult peacock cost anywher $35 much $275. chicks, known peachicks, anywher $10 $30. hatch egg cost anywher $45 $85. peacocksnmore.com sell birds, chicks, egg price tag rang $10 littl $300. peacocksnmore.com sell birds, chicks, egg price tag rang $10 littl $300. example, current 2005 india blue peacock retail $250."} {"id": "12478", "contents": "average, adult peacock cost anywher $35 much $275. bird straight toe defect go toward higher end, bird defect bad color spot bad toe near $35 $55 end. chicks, known peachicks, anywher $10 $30. peacocksnmore.com sell birds, chicks, egg price tag rang $10 littl $300. example, current 2005 india blue peacock retail $250."} {"id": "12479", "contents": "best answer: pet peacock 'pet' tain young. howev peacock trainabl dont bug me' type. color peacock $35.- $75, white peacock rang $100. up.. also, dont buy peacock auction, make sure breeder clean pens, dont want buy sick live dirti fece pens... birdologist bird potenti hazard rest flock bird them. caution word you.."} {"id": "12480", "contents": "report abuse. www.mcmurrayhatchery.com peacock sale spring rang $25.30 $35.50 depend color choose. order minimum ship day old babies. need kept warm first coupl months, fed chick starter feed. fun. also, dont buy peacock auction, make sure breeder clean pens, dont want buy sick live dirti fece pens... birdologist bird potenti hazard rest flock bird them. caution word you.."} {"id": "12481", "contents": "jordan siemens/ stone/ getti images. food cost. food cost refer menu price certain dish comparison cost food use prepar dish. words, much pay food determin much need charg it. generally, food cost around 30-35%"} {"id": "12482", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: younger are, cheaper are. breed also play part, well close breed standard. murray mcmurray sell rare unusu assort peafowl chick $400, assort chick common breed $234.64. however, probabl cheaper elsewhere-mcmurray reput price littl odds, excel custom servic"} {"id": "12483", "contents": "sarcomer contractil unit. space two disc contain one group myosin fillament two group actin fillaments, one group end myosin fillaments. disc join sarcomer togeth end-to-end form myofibrils."} {"id": "12484", "contents": "motor unit consist motor neuron group skelet muscl fiber innervates. three type motor unit found skelet muscle. largest type motor units, character high contractil speed power."} {"id": "12485", "contents": "function anatomi skelet muscl muscl fibers. think muscles, visual muscl whole, is, singl unit. natur skelet muscl seem act singl entity."} {"id": "12486", "contents": "two types: myosin-thick filament actin-thin filaments. structur sarcomer (function unit muscle). actin myosin filament arrang overlap pattern light (i bands) dark (a bands). middl band line call line. section myofibril one z-line next z-line sarcomere. i. muscl muscl fiber structure: muscl compos mani muscl fiber (muscl fiber muscl cell). individu muscl separ held place cover call fascia."} {"id": "12487", "contents": "skelet muscl form striat muscl tissu voluntari control somat nervou system. one three major muscl types, other cardiac muscl smooth muscle. skelet muscl attach bone bundl collagen fiber known tendons. skelet muscl made individu muscl cell myocytes, known muscl fibers. form fusion development myoblast (a type embryon progenitor cell give rise muscl cell) process known myogenesis."} {"id": "12488", "contents": "muscle, muscl fibers, myofibrils, sarcomeres, thick thin filaments. muscle, myofibrils, muscl fibers, sarcomeres, thick thin filaments. muscle, sarcomeres, muscl fibers, myofibrils, thick thin filaments. ____________________ is/ar function unit muscle."} {"id": "12489", "contents": "sarcomere. sarcomeres. function unit skelet muscl call sarcomere. hole' anatomi 12th edition, pg 287 states: muscl fibers, way muscl themselves, basic collect sarcomeres, discuss later chapter function unit muscl contraction.. sarcomere. call sacromer smallest function 'contractil unit' muscl cell includ myofibilaments, actin myosin. yes, answer correct: particular question myofibril answer!!"} {"id": "12490", "contents": "muscl fiber turn compos myofibrils. myofibril compos actin myosin filaments, repeat unit call sarcomeres, basic function unit muscl fiber. sarcomer respons striat appear skelet muscle, form basic machineri necessari muscl contraction. skelet muscl made individu muscl cell myocytes, known muscl fibers. form fusion development myoblast (a type embryon progenitor cell give rise muscl cell) process known myogenesis."} {"id": "12491", "contents": "chapter summary. conting contract specifi conting relationship complet specifi behavior access specif reinforcer. contract describ task reward, record progress. chapter objectives. defin identifi compon conting contract. defin identifi compon token economy. explain consider must made implement token economy. defin identifi differ type group contingencies."} {"id": "12492", "contents": "definition. conting contract posit intervent specifi behavioral, social, academ expect complet order access reinforcement. contract typic develop client(s) individu provid treatment. clear definit task(s), complet client(s), outlined, criterion established, reinforc identified. contract must also monitor individu group progress obtain baselin level performance."} {"id": "12493", "contents": "behavior contract therapeut techniqu agreement reach client, usual form written, sign contract. would make clear consequ would follow certain identifi behaviors. agreement make clear schedul reinforc appli sign agreement understood might motiv client cooper program. contract may seen adjunct behavior modif program behavior therapi intervention."} {"id": "12494", "contents": "exampl conting contract token economi system specifi target behavior increase, token delivered, reinforc secondari exhibit target behavior also specifi varieti highli prefer reinforc earn exchang tokens. clear definit task(s), complet client(s), outlined, criterion established, reinforc identified. contract must also monitor individu group progress obtain baselin level performance."} {"id": "12495", "contents": "collect agreed-upon account educ pupil, mother father kid, patient therapi profession concern develop enhanc wish for, usual indic behavior benefici unfavor impacts."} {"id": "12496", "contents": "n. possibl may may relationship individual' specif respons frequenc regular respons reinforced. already, expect consequ behav certain way these, turn, shape behavior. behavior contingency: way, behavior conting 'dictates' that, come expect peopl fashion late party, condit show earli either. relat posts."} {"id": "12497", "contents": "introduct conting contract agreement student teacher state behavior academ goalsfor student reinforc reward student receiv conting upon achiev thesegoals."} {"id": "12498", "contents": "19 jul, 2012 0. basement membran layer fiber locat epithelium endothelium. epithelium tissu line surfac caviti organs, wherea endothelium line insid blood vessels. exampl skin, basement membran keep layer skin attach one another. basement membran also provid barrier tissu line surfac organ intern tissues. abl prevent foreign materi malign (tumor cancer) cell penetr deeper tissu"} {"id": "12499", "contents": "basement membran attach layer tissu body. learn basement membran help skin counteract effect graviti explor variou function lesson. skin three layers. outer layer, call epidermis, compos epitheli cells. part skin that' visibl eye probabl peel sheet much fun sun. middl layer dermi compos connect tissue."} {"id": "12500", "contents": "basement membran thin, fibrous, extracellular matrix tissu separ epithelium (skin, respiratori tract, gastrointestin tract, etc), mesothelium (pleural cavity, periton cavity, pericardi cavity, etc) endothelium (blood vessels, lymph vessels, etc) underli connect tissue. two layer togeth collect refer basement membrane. basal lamina layer divid two layers. clear layer closer epithelium call lamina lucida, dens layer closer connect tissu call lamina densa."} {"id": "12501", "contents": "basal surfac epitheli cell located: basement membrane, thin non-cellular layer, interven epithelium connect tissue. hemidesmosom variant intercellular desmosom anchor cell basement membrane."} {"id": "12502", "contents": "epithelia usual separ underli tissu extra cellular fibrou basement membrane. line mouth, lung alveoli kidney tubul made epitheli tissue. line blood lymphat vessel specialis form epithelium call endothelium. epitheli tissu line caviti surfac blood vessel organ throughout body. three princip shape epitheli cells: squamous, columnar, cuboidal."} {"id": "12503", "contents": "epitheli tissue. epitheli tissu widespread throughout body. form cover bodi surfaces, line bodi caviti hollow organs, major tissu glands. perform varieti function includ protection, secretion, absorption, excretion, filtration, diffusion, sensori reception."} {"id": "12504", "contents": "basement membran fusion two cell layers, basal lamina underli layer reticular connect tissue. two layer togeth collect refer basement membrane. basal lamina layer divid two layers. clear layer closer epithelium call lamina lucida, dens layer closer connect tissu call lamina densa."} {"id": "12505", "contents": "composit [edit]. basement membran fusion two cell layers, basal lamina underli layer reticular connect tissue. underli connect tissu attach basal lamina collagen vii anchor fibril fibrillin microfibrils. two layer togeth collect refer basement membrane. basal lamina layer divid two layers. clear layer closer epithelium call lamina lucida, dens layer closer connect tissu call lamina densa."} {"id": "12506", "contents": "answer: basement membran separ epitheli cell blood vessel lymphat vessels, conduit carcinoma metastas organ tissues. intact basement membran prevent carcinoma gain access blood vessel lymphat vessels. list junction complex hold epitheli cell togeth primari functions. list function basement membran epitheli cell attach basement membrane."} {"id": "12507", "contents": "origin post dwj469 question regard put peak roof flat roof mobil home. owneer park requir flat roof mobil home peak roof put within certain time period. want float roof 4x4' go ground."} {"id": "12508", "contents": "question regard put peak roof flat roof mobil home. owneer park requir flat roof mobil home peak roof put within certain time period. want float roof 4x4' go ground."} {"id": "12509", "contents": "thank replies. roof basic flat present. way put kind rafter system mount outsid perimet mobil home fasten metal roof it. season trailer use summer."} {"id": "12510", "contents": "famili discov put new mobil home roof insul place old mobil home pay way one. estim typic mobil home give 15% 22% heat ceiling."} {"id": "12511", "contents": "report abuse. go truss builder area, probabl find one thru home depot lowe's. would need length trailer pitch want roof be, determin mani truss need. ((the pitch mani inch roof goe one foot length."} {"id": "12512", "contents": "babi born mother infect hepat need given dose hepat vaccin born. given within 24 hour birth follow dose vaccin one, two twelv month birth. gp may charg vaccin want travel vaccine, may refer travel clinic get vaccin privately. current cost vaccin (in 2013) around \u00a330 dose."} {"id": "12513", "contents": "need yellow fever vaccin least 10 day travel. given certif last 10 years. booster 10 year you\u2019r still risk get yellow fever. booster dose six 12 month first. it\u2019 best first inject two week travel, it\u2019 possibl day leave. vaccin (if booster dose given) give 30 year protection."} {"id": "12514", "contents": "5. consid immunis hepat travel certain countries, indian subcontinent. check practic nurs least two week travel see immunisation. hepat ill caus hepat virus. viru mainli caus inflamm liver."} {"id": "12515", "contents": "singl dose hepat vaccin usual given primari vaccin booster dose given 6-12 month first vaccin prolong effect. ideally, vaccin given week travel. combin hepat hepat vaccin also avail australia. given cours dose vaccine: one vaccin given immediately, second given one month later, third given month that. need discuss doctor risk start immunis programme, requir seri inject start least 60 day travel, prefer month before."} {"id": "12516", "contents": "vaccin two week travel. adult children year old need one injection. children one year old need two injections. first given two month travel, second given one month first. booster dose six 12 month first. it\u2019 best first inject two week travel, it\u2019 possibl day leave. vaccin (if booster dose given) give 30 year protection."} {"id": "12517", "contents": "full protection, need three inject hepat vaccin four six months. healthcar worker kidney failur follow see respond vaccine. gp may charg vaccin want travel vaccine, may refer travel clinic get vaccin privately. current cost vaccin (in 2013) around \u00a330 dose."} {"id": "12518", "contents": "thus, travel immedi get vaccination, may still vulner infections. case hepat vaccin protect afford last 10 years. get bit sooner week prior travel non-issue. i'v never heard vaccin afford least year protect"} {"id": "12519", "contents": "introduction. plan travel outsid uk, may need vaccin seriou diseas found part world. vaccin avail protect infect yellow fever, typhoid hepat a. possible, see gp least eight week due travel. vaccin need given well advanc allow bodi develop immunity. also involv multipl dose spread sever weeks."} {"id": "12520", "contents": "ideally, inject least two week travel allow immun develop. however, vaccin may still advis even less two week travel. second dose vaccin 6-12 month first give protect 20 years. check practic nurs least two week travel see immunisation. hepat ill caus hepat virus. viru mainli caus inflamm liver."} {"id": "12521", "contents": "uses. hydroxyzin use treat itch caus allergies. antihistamin work block certain natur substanc (histamine) bodi make allerg reaction. hydroxyzin may also use short-term treat anxieti help feel sleepy/relax surgery. take hydroxyzine, tell doctor pharmacist allerg it; cetirizine; levocetirizine; allergies. product may contain inact ingredients, caus allerg reaction problems. talk pharmacist details."} {"id": "12522", "contents": "hydroxyzin hcl first-gener (sedating) antihistamin work itch block histamin receptors. anti-anxieti activ probabl due effect certain part brain. medicin also caus relax skelet muscles."} {"id": "12523", "contents": "hydroxyzin come capsules, tablets, syrup, suspens take mouth. usual taken three four time day. follow direct prescript label carefully, ask doctor pharmacist explain part understand. take hydroxyzin exactli directed. take hydroxyzine, tell doctor pharmacist allerg hydroxyzine, medications, ingredi hydroxyzin tablets, capsules, syrup, suspension. ask doctor pharmacist list ingredients."} {"id": "12524", "contents": "hydroxyzin (/ha\u026a\u02c8dr\u0252ks\u0268zi\u02d0n/ sold vistaril, atarax) first-gener antihistamin diphenylmethan piperazin class. first synthes union chimiqu belg 1956 market pfizer unit state later year, still widespread use today. cases, usag hydroxyzin form non-barbitur tranquil use pre-op sedat treatment neurolog disorders, psychoneurosi form anxieti tension states."} {"id": "12525", "contents": "indic usage. hydroxyzin sold brand name atarax vistaril. hydroxyzin use antihistamin help reduc occurr sneez runni nose. unlik antihistamin use hydroxyzin hcl treat allerg reaction skin hive contact dermatitis. case medic also use conjunct substanc anesthesia control nausea vomiting."} {"id": "12526", "contents": "precautions. take hydroxyzine, tell doctor pharmacist allerg it; cetirizine; levocetirizine; allergies. product may contain inact ingredients, caus allerg reaction problems. talk pharmacist details."} {"id": "12527", "contents": "use hydroxyzin hcl. take medic mouth without food direct doctor, usual three four time daily. use liquid form medication, care measur dose use special measur device/spoon. take hydroxyzine, tell doctor pharmacist allerg it; cetirizine; levocetirizine; allergies. product may contain inact ingredients, caus allerg reaction problems. talk pharmacist details."} {"id": "12528", "contents": "hydroxyzin hcl oral uses. use hydroxyzin hcl oral. hydroxyzin use treat itch caus allergies. antihistamin work block certain natur substanc (histamine) bodi make allerg reaction. hydroxyzin may also use short-term treat anxieti help feel sleepy/relax surgery. hydroxyzin hcl oral precautions. take hydroxyzine, tell doctor pharmacist allerg it; cetirizine; levocetirizine; allergies. product may contain inact ingredients, caus allerg reaction problems."} {"id": "12529", "contents": "side effect hydroxyzin hcl includ dri mouth, drowsi shakiness. side effect consid bothersome, necessarili dangerous. known percentag popul suffer side effects. unlik antihistamin use hydroxyzin hcl treat allerg reaction skin hive contact dermatitis. case medic also use conjunct substanc anesthesia control nausea vomiting."} {"id": "12530", "contents": "hydroxyzin hcl use decreas activ central nervou system, also use antihistamin reduc allerg reaction similar symptoms. unlik antihistamin use hydroxyzin hcl treat allerg reaction skin hive contact dermatitis. case medic also use conjunct substanc anesthesia control nausea vomiting."} {"id": "12531", "contents": "deep-sea mountain rang caught attention. alfr wegener' fulli develop theori continent drift attempt point evid contin join singl contin call pangaea. wegener' theori hypothes contin abl push rock seafloor present positions. peopl found useful. land bridg theori continent drift land bridg theori began effort counter alfr wegener' theori continent drift (which ultim proven correct anyway), yet surviv modifi form as\u2026."} {"id": "12532", "contents": "evidence. alfr wegen collect divers piec evid support theory, includ geolog \u201cfit\u201d fossil evidence. import know follow specif fossil evid brought wegen support theory."} {"id": "12533", "contents": "alfr wegen (1880 1930). alfr wegen propos theori continent drift begin 20th century. idea earth' contin join together, gradual move apart million years. wegener\u2019 evid continent drift that: type fossilis anim plant found south america africa. shape east coast south america fit west coast africa, like piec jigsaw puzzle."} {"id": "12534", "contents": "wegen also use fossil support argument continent drift. fossil trace ancient organ preserv rock. example, glossopteri (glaw sahp tuh ris) fernlik plant live 250 million year ago. wegen gather evid differ scientif field support idea continent drift. studi land features, fossils, evid climat change. 1915, wegen publish evid continent drift book call origin contin oceans."} {"id": "12535", "contents": "richard stockton colleg new jersey. earli develop plate tectonics: 1900's, german meteorologist name alfr wegen first present argument support continent drift. propos contin stationary, actual move drift away one another. later evid given support wegener' ideas. one sourc evid paleomagnetism. hot magma rise earth' surfac cools, miner (especi magnetite) becom magnet align earth' magnet field."} {"id": "12536", "contents": "reaction alfr wegener' continent drift theori demonstr new idea threaten establishment, regardless century. alfr wegen scientist propos continent drift theori earli twentieth century. simpli put, hypothesi propos contin joined, time drift apart. wegen even present continent drift proven theory. knew would need support convinc others. immedi goal concept openli discussed. modest goal spare him."} {"id": "12537", "contents": "land bridg theori continent drift land bridg theori began effort counter alfr wegener' theori continent drift (which ultim proven correct anyway), yet surviv modifi form as\u2026. period tabl element life sustain number chemic elements. peopl found useful. land bridg theori continent drift land bridg theori began effort counter alfr wegener' theori continent drift (which ultim proven correct anyway), yet surviv modifi form as\u2026."} {"id": "12538", "contents": "click return search form. alfr wegen brought togeth sever line evid support theori continent drift. one quit simpl -- contin look like could fit together, much like puzzl piec drift apart."} {"id": "12539", "contents": "per diem breakdown gsa break busi trip per diem rate two categori first lodg second meal incident expens incident part meal incident expens per diem per day matter travel meal broken daili per diem broken meal plu incident rate tier per diem breakfast 11 lunch 23 dinner tier per diem breakfast 12 lunch 26 dinner tier provid breakfast 13 lunch 29 dinner"} {"id": "12540", "contents": "per diem latin per day day daili allow expens specif amount money organ give individu often employe per day cover live expens travel work"} {"id": "12541", "contents": "per diem rate daili allow lodg meal set gsa govern servic administr gsa polici relat agenc feder govern overse mani travel relat function per diem meal rate govern travel paid flat reimburs rate regardless much spent meal unlik lodg travel pocket differ spend less author"} {"id": "12542", "contents": "per diem fix amount daili reimburs paid employe lodg meal incident expens incur travel busi paid lieu actual travel expens per diem rate vari destin case travel base area cost live ie per diem shown right side tabl rate remain static entir fiscal year note standard rate 46 day meal incident expens 83 day lodg appli locat specifi rate gsa tabl"} {"id": "12543", "contents": "locat amount per diem elig pleas follow gsa link follow step choos travel locat us map link take osc websit next review list citi counti per diem meal incident expens ie allow must reduc meal provid confer train meet copi agenda must attach travel expens voucher per diem rate outsid countri pleas visit depart state"} {"id": "12544", "contents": "per diem lodg meal gsa govern travel rate includ lodg separ author meal incident rate two per diem rate categori lodg ie meal incident expens combin maximum per diem rate specif tdi locat exampl per diem lodg rate 100 night travel spend 75 night govern reimburs travel 75 night meal travel make money explain per diem meal rate"} {"id": "12545", "contents": "feder per diem rate set gener servic administr gsa use govern employe well mani privat sector employe travel compani per diem amount issu meal lodg depend locat travel almost 400 destin across unit state special per diem rate specifi"} {"id": "12546", "contents": "person travel state shall receiv reimburs meal feder gsa per diem rate list local trip 24 hour less employe must 75 mile duti station receiv reimburs meal lodg claim travel incur lodg expens gsa survey list area nevada except allow gsa feder per diem lodg rate gsa non survey list area nevada except may made 150 feder per diem lodg rate specif destin employe state travel statu may claim per diem meal reimburs follow timefram"} {"id": "12547", "contents": "per diem categori gsa break per diem rate two categori meal incident expens ie includ meal room servic laundri dri clean press cloth fee tip peopl provid servic food server luggag handler lodg ie per diem shown right side tabl rate remain static entir fiscal year note standard rate 46 day meal incident expens 83 day lodg appli locat specifi rate gsa tabl"} {"id": "12548", "contents": "tip uteru occasion lead difficulti sexual intercours pain difficult. case, hamper abil get pregnant understand partner, problem."} {"id": "12549", "contents": "carolyn kubik. fertil specialist. no. abil sperm get uteru sperm' abil swim, consist cervic mucu sperm released, factors. fact, tilt uteru normal anatom variation, like eye hair color."} {"id": "12550", "contents": "tilt uterus, also call tip uteru retrovert uterus, normal anatom variation. interfer abil conceive. women, uteru tip forward cervix. women, however, uteru lean backward, tilts,"} {"id": "12551", "contents": "usual 10th -12th week pregnancy, uteru longer tip \u201cbackwards.\u201d caus difficulti pregnanc labor birth. uteru move \u201cmiddle\u201d position, miscarriag occur, rare."} {"id": "12552", "contents": "said, occasionally, uteru tilt sign condit endometriosi pelvic inflammatori diseas (pid). make harder get pregnant. however, condit affect conception, angl uterus."} {"id": "12553", "contents": "quit simpli tilt uteru affect pregnancy. posit uteru anyth chanc get pregnant fertile. fertil base abil ovul qualiti sperm time sexual intercourse."} {"id": "12554", "contents": "rating: 3.8/ (13 vote cast). uteru tip position, may wonder affect chanc get pregnant. find get pregnant tilt uterus. normal posit uteru straight position."} {"id": "12555", "contents": "full text execut order 9981 harri s. truman presidenti librari museum. integr arm forces, 1940-1965 (defens studi series) morri j. macgregor, jr., unit state armi center militari history. actual enforc order accomplish presid dwight d. eisenhower' administr (1953-1961), includ desegreg militari schools, hospitals, bases. last all-black unit unit state militari abolish septemb 1954."} {"id": "12556", "contents": "presid truman examin issu segreg arm forc sinc least 1947, appoint president' committe civil rights. januari 1948, intern white hous memo indic presid determin end militari segreg execut order. day truman histori juli 26, 1948 presid truman issu execut order no. 9981 desegreg military."} {"id": "12557", "contents": "primari resources: desegreg arm forces, 1948. truman make desegreg arm forc offici govern policy. execut order. establish president' committe equal treatment opportun arm services."} {"id": "12558", "contents": "although african american serv frontlin combat u.s. sinc revolutionari war, took presid harri truman\u2019 1948 execut order address order end racial discrimin within rank everi branch u.s. arm forces. desegreg us military. \u201cthere shall equal treatment opportun person arm servic without regard race, color, religion nation origin\u2026\u201d execut order 9981."} {"id": "12559", "contents": "execut order 9981 execut order issu juli 26, 1948, presid harri s. truman. actual enforc order accomplish presid dwight d. eisenhower' administr (1953-1961), includ desegreg militari schools, hospitals, bases. last all-black unit unit state militari abolish septemb 1954."} {"id": "12560", "contents": "execut order 9981: desegreg arm forc (1948). 1940 u.s. popul 131 million, 12.6 million african american, 10 percent total population. world war ii, armi becom nation' largest minor employer."} {"id": "12561", "contents": "april 26, 1948: sixteen african-american leader tell secretari defens jame v. forrest african-american react strongli unless arm forc end segregation. may 1948: presid truman' staff consid advis presid creat committe overse integr arm forces. june 26, 1948: a. philip randolph announc format leagu non-viol civil disobedi militari segregation. septemb 18, 1948: white hous announc name member president' committe equal treatment opportun arm servic (call fahi committee, chairman, charl fahy)."} {"id": "12562", "contents": "presid harri truman sign execut order juli 26, 1948, call desegreg military, beginning, end, fight african-american fight alongsid white troops. octob 1947 avoid polit backlash fail act discrimin feder government, presid truman\u2019 polit advisor decid best move issu execut order \u201csecur civil right civilian govern employe member arm forces.\u201d."} {"id": "12563", "contents": "instead, truman use execut order end militari segregation. execut order 9981, sign juli 26, 1948, forbad discrimin militari personnel race, color, religion, nation origin. significance. sources. desegreg arm forces.. truman library. though number white militari resist racism continu exist within arm forces, execut order 9981 first major blow segregation, give hope african-american activist chang possible."} {"id": "12564", "contents": "presid harri truman wipe militari segreg main idea? object descript probe execut order-- presid truman wipe segreg arm forces. harri s. truman first presid issu execut order enforc civil right issue; although execut order issued, process desegreg militari happen slowly."} {"id": "12565", "contents": "modif basic passiv treatment wall may involv funnel-and-g system iron treatment wall. funnel-and-g system situ treatment contamin plume consist low hydraul conduct (e.g., 1e-6 cm/s) cutoff wall (the funnel) gate contain situ reaction zones. limitations: passiv treatment wall may lose reactiv capacity, requir replac reactiv medium. passiv treatment wall permeabl may decreas due precipit metal salts. depth width barrier. limit subsurfac litholog contin aquitard depth within vertic limit ... vo"} {"id": "12566", "contents": "usual ad bioremedi system useabl form (e.g., ammonium nitrogen phosphat phosphorous). phosphat caus soil plug result reaction minerals, iron calcium, form stabl precipit fill pore soil aquifer. bioremedi applic treatment inorgan contaminants. rate microorgan degrad contamin influenc specif contamin present concentrations, oxygen supply, moisture, temperature, ph, nutrient supply, bioaugmentation, cometabolism. situ biolog treatment technolog sensit certain soil paramet"} {"id": "12567", "contents": "edit book appli bioremediation-act passiv approach contain mix interest chapter certainli add advanc knowledg provid requir valuabl resourc stimulu research worldwide."} {"id": "12568", "contents": "bioremedi system oper today reli microorgan nativ contamin sites, encourag work suppli optimum level nutrient chemic essenti metabolism. princip concern determin whether site environ appropri situ bioremedi type bioremedi implemented. bioremedi group two broad types: intrins engineered."} {"id": "12569", "contents": "bioremedi wast manag techniqu involv use organ remov neutral pollut contamin site. bioremedi may occur (natur attenu intrins bioremediation) may effect occur addit fertilizers, oxygen, etc., help encourag growth pollution- microb within medium (biostimulation)."} {"id": "12570", "contents": "bioremedi use microorgan degrad organ contamin soil, groundwater, sludge, solids. microorgan break contamin use energi sourc cometabol energi source. specifically, bioremedi involv product energi redox reaction within microbi cells. anaerob metabolism, nitrate, sulfate, carbon dioxide, oxid materials, organ compound may replac oxygen electron acceptor. cometabol bioremediation, microb gain energi carbon degrad contaminant. instead, contamin degrad via side reaction (epa 2006)."} {"id": "12571", "contents": "accord epa, bioremedi \u201ctreatment use natur occur organ break hazard substanc less toxic non toxic substances\u201d. bioremedi may occur (natur attenu intrins bioremediation) may effect occur addit fertilizers, oxygen, etc., help encourag growth pollution- microb within medium (biostimulation)."} {"id": "12572", "contents": "mycoremedi form bioremedi fungi use decontamin area. term mycoremedi refer specif use fungal mycelia bioremediation. one primari role fungi ecosystem decomposition, perform mycelium. bioremedi may occur (natur attenu intrins bioremediation) may effect occur addit fertilizers, oxygen, etc., help encourag growth pollution- microb within medium (biostimulation)."} {"id": "12573", "contents": "soil vapor extraction, known sve, frequent select method treatment contamin soil superfund sites, brown-fields, refineries, ga stations, dri cleaners, grain elevators. rel simpl process physic separ contamin soil. use alone, soil vapor extract cannot remov contamin satur zone subsurface, water-soak soil lie water table. site contamin satur zone, process call air sparg may use along sve system."} {"id": "12574", "contents": "turquois opaque, blue-to-green miner hydrou phosphat copper aluminium, chemic formula cu al (p 4) (o h) h2o. rare valuabl finer grade prize gem ornament stone thousand year owe uniqu hue. turquois /\u02c8t\u025crk\u0254\u026az/ /\u02c8t\u025crkw\u0254\u026az/ name greenish blue color, base gem name. word turquois come french turkish, gem origin import turkey. first record use turquois color name english 1573."} {"id": "12575", "contents": "import use manufactur jewelri ornament objects. however, use extrem popular-so popular english languag use word turquois name blue-green color match stone. earliest record turquois use jewelri ornament egypt. turquois found royal burial 6000 year old. 4000 year ago, miner persia produc blue varieti turquois sky blue robin' egg blue color."} {"id": "12576", "contents": "turquoise, robin' egg blue gemston worn pharaoh aztec kings, probabl one oldest gemston known. yet, prize blue color, color distinct name use describ color resembl it, result use gemstone."} {"id": "12577", "contents": "ancient egyptian probabl first cultur take advantag turquoise. use stone jewelri decoration. egyptian turquois note almost transluc color, unlik turquois rock anywher els world. persia (now modern-day iran turkey), turquois mine 2000 years. consid protect wearer harm unnatur death, often use shield knife hilts. turquois rock area world tend intense, pure blue color"} {"id": "12578", "contents": "substanc known mani names, word turquoise, date 17th century, deriv french turqu turks, miner first brought europ turkey, mine histor khorasan provinc persia. rare valuabl finer grade prize gem ornament stone thousand year owe uniqu hue. recent times, turquoise, like opaqu gems, devalu introduct treatments, imitations, synthet onto market."} {"id": "12579", "contents": "turquois traditionallynan opaque, blue-to-green miner hydrou phosphat copper aluminium, chemic formula cual6(po4)4(oh)8\u00b74h2o. rare nd valuabl finer grade prize gem ornament stone thousand years."} {"id": "12580", "contents": "top 10 unbeliev histor concurrencies. turquois blue-green mineral, copper aluminum phosphate, valu rariti uniqu hue, wide use ornament stone. popular 16th centuri adorn place worship turkey, eventu trade turkish bazaar brought europ merchant travelers."} {"id": "12581", "contents": "turquois opaque, blue-to-green miner hydrat phosphat copper aluminium, chemic formula cu al (po 4) (oh) \u00b74 2o. rare valuabl finer grade prize gem ornament stone thousand year owe uniqu hue. recent times, turquoise, like opaqu gems, devalu introduct treatments, imitations, synthet onto market."} {"id": "12582", "contents": "turquois rare found well-form crystals. instead usual aggreg microcrystals. microcryst pack close together, turquois lower porosity, greater durability, polish higher luster. earliest record turquois use jewelri ornament egypt. turquois found royal burial 6000 year old. 4000 year ago, miner persia produc blue varieti turquois sky blue robin' egg blue color."} {"id": "12583", "contents": "[t\u0250j\u02c8\u0261a] turkic) also known boreal forest snow forest, biom character conifer forest consist mostli pines, spruce larches. taiga world' largest terrestri biome. conifer tree domin plant taiga biome. speci four main genera found: evergreen spruce, fir pine, decidu larch. north america, one two speci fir one two speci spruce dominant."} {"id": "12584", "contents": "taiga terrestri biom lowest annual averag temperatur tundra perman ice caps. extrem winter minimum northern taiga typic lower tundra. conifer tree domin plant taiga biome. speci four main genera found: evergreen spruce, fir pine, decidu larch. north america, one two speci fir one two speci spruce dominant."} {"id": "12585", "contents": "biom /\u02c8ba\u026ao\u028am/ format plant anim common characterist due similar climat found rang continents. biom defin climat regim biogeography. 1978 studi north american grassland found posit logist correl evapotranspir mm/yr above-ground net primari product g/m /yr."} {"id": "12586", "contents": "biom region world similar climat (weather, temperature) anim plants. terrestri biom (land) aquat biomes, freshwat marine. would like know weather like differ biom around world?"} {"id": "12587", "contents": "terrestri biomes: tropic forest savanna desert extrem desert chaparr grassland decidu forest taiga tundra biom often name predomin vegetation, certain characterist microorganisms, fungi, anim adapt particular environment. terrestri biom land biom rain forest, decidu forests, tundra way, extra terrestri outer space, like e.t. ;). green phoenix year ago. thumb up. 0."} {"id": "12588", "contents": "terrestri biomes. tundra-a terrestri biom low, shrubbi mat-lik veget found extrem high latitud elevations, near limit plant growth. soil usual subject permafrost. plant divers typic low grow season short. temper forest-forest occur temper latitud (>23.5 degre latitude). terrestri biom character moder larg season chang temperature; rainfall, however, usual evenli distributed. leav decidu tree drop autumn winter."} {"id": "12589", "contents": "scrub forest-scrub forest develop area experi dri seasons. tropic scrub forest-a terrestri biom similar tropic decidu forest, tree small, dri season prolonged, mani plant speci bear thorns. temper forest-forest occur temper latitud (>23.5 degre latitude). terrestri biom character moder larg season chang temperature; rainfall, however, usual evenli distributed. leav decidu tree drop autumn winter."} {"id": "12590", "contents": "tropic decidu forest-a terrestri biom similar tropic rainforest found latitudes, raini dri season distinct total amount rainfal usual less. tree decidu drop leav dri season. thorni veget sometim prominent. temper forest-forest occur temper latitud (>23.5 degre latitude). terrestri biom character moder larg season chang temperature; rainfall, however, usual evenli distributed. leav decidu tree drop autumn winter."} {"id": "12591", "contents": "best answer: terrestri biom abiot factors, climate, import determin particular biom located. longtitud pattern climat earth\u2019 surface, therefore, also longtitud pattern biom distribut earth\u2019 surface. terrestri biom land biom rain forest, decidu forests, tundra way, extra terrestri outer space, like e.t. ;). green phoenix year ago. thumb up. 0."} {"id": "12592", "contents": "first grade. accord arizona educ code 15-821 (c), \u201ca child elig first grade child six year age. child deem six year age child reach age six septemb current school year."} {"id": "12593", "contents": "children must five year old septemb start kindergarten georgia. must six year old septemb start first grade georgia. state later cut-off dates, allow children start kindergarten age four."} {"id": "12594", "contents": "florida law (section 1003.21(1)(a)2, florida statutes) specifi children attain age five year septemb school year elig admiss public kindergarten school year base rule prescrib school board."} {"id": "12595", "contents": "accord ec 48000[a], child shall admit kindergarten maintain school district begin school year, later time year child fifth birthday septemb 2014-15 school year thereafter."} {"id": "12596", "contents": "year old start kindergarten happen start birthday begin septemb turn yea rs old begin septemb wait whole year start kindergarten."} {"id": "12597", "contents": "child age-elig kindergarten (that is, child turn five septemb 2014-15 school year thereafter) attend california privat school kindergarten year view cde legal enrol kindergarten, pursuant ec section 48000 requirements."} {"id": "12598", "contents": "children go form daycar start kindergarten age 6. year get children use concept start real school longer hour work year (at seven year age)."} {"id": "12599", "contents": "ar 15-821c sourc inform kindergarten entri age. state children must five (5) year age septemb enter kindergarten. mean child must turn five august 31, septemb 1. kindergarten requir state arizona."} {"id": "12600", "contents": "short-term treatment activ duoden ulcer. adult patient heal within weeks; rare reason use pepcid full dosag longer weeks. studi assess safeti famotidin uncompl activ duoden ulcer period eight weeks."} {"id": "12601", "contents": "esophag (inflamm esophagus), dose usual 20 40 mg twice daili 12 weeks. children year age gerd, usual start dose 0.5 mg everi kilogram (2.2 pounds) bodi weight oral pepcid weeks."} {"id": "12602", "contents": "typic dose famotidin administ 0.25 0.5 mg per pound (0.5 1.0 mg/kg) everi 12 24 hours. durat administr depend condit treated, respons medic develop advers effects."} {"id": "12603", "contents": "however, children age 16, recommend famotidin dose treat gerd 0.5 mg per kg (about 0.23 mg per pound), taken twice daily, maximum 40 mg twice day. dose famotidin (pepcid \u00ae) healthcar provid recommend vari depend number factors, including:"} {"id": "12604", "contents": "medic never administ without first consult veterinarian. typic dose famotidin administ 0.25 0.5 mg per pound (0.5 1.0 mg/kg) everi 12 24 hours."} {"id": "12605", "contents": "also, recommend pepcid dosag treat ulcer adult 40 mg daily, pepcid dosag treat ulcer children age 16 0.5 mg per kg per day (about 0.23 mg per pound per day)."} {"id": "12606", "contents": "dose prescript pepcid depend condit treated. recommend dose common uses: duoden ulcer, usual dose 40 mg daili bedtim 20 mg twice day weeks, follow mainten dose 20 mg bedtime."} {"id": "12607", "contents": "recommend famotidin dose treat duoden ulcer (upper intestin ulcers) famotidin 40 mg, taken bedtime; famotidin 20 mg, taken twice daily."} {"id": "12608", "contents": "reflux diseas (gerd) typic start dose 20 mg twice day weeks. may increas maximum 40 mg twice day 12 week depend sever condition."} {"id": "12609", "contents": "major wed guest friend bride groom spent less $100 gift, accord 2010 survey theknot.com. rel shell averag $146 wed gift twice like spend $100 compar friend couple. expert theknot.com recommend use 60-20-20 split you\u2019r tri budget sever event one couple. spend 20% budget engag parti gift, 20% gift bridal shower pre-wed occasion, reserv 60% wed gift itself. \u201coutlin budget ahead time see doabl you,\u201d say theknot.com editor jami miles."} {"id": "12610", "contents": "peopl spend $100 wed gifts, accord recent american express survey, mani wed guest also spend nearli $600 attend wedding. best gift someth coupl treasur year come someth really, realli need. \u201ci gener recommend spend $50 $250 wed gift, depend budget relationship bride groom.\u201d absolut money, year. ultim presenc biggest gift give"} {"id": "12611", "contents": "share averag amount spent wed gift 2014 registryfinder.com $120. choos buy couple' wed registry, recommend purchas early, best select gift price ranges. know much expect spend wed gift. unfortunately, there' simpl answer set amount spend (or amount give gift cash). amount spend depend upon budget relationship wed coupl (or parents)."} {"id": "12612", "contents": "step 2: portion total sum event. figur want spend couple' gift overall, break percentag wed gift get bulk cash. spend: 20% total engag present. 20% total shower gift. 60% total wed gift."} {"id": "12613", "contents": "despit increas costs, attende actual spend littl less gift, $106, compar averag $109 2014. recipi famili member, guest indic would spend $142, $150 last year. \u201cguest spend anywher $500 $1,000 attend wedding. it\u2019 destin wedding, cost even more,\u201d said jami miles, manag editor knot.com. \u201cbut, come gift, gener estim spend base relationship couple.\u201d."} {"id": "12614", "contents": "averag friend coupl spend $79 wed gift, accord theknot.com. famili member spend nearli twice that: $146. knot advis wed guest consid follow formula: co-work distant famili friend relative: $75-$100. thank \u201csave date\u201d cards, budget advanc wed gift, say hill. know wed three month away, figur much put asid month event."} {"id": "12615", "contents": "coupl spent averag $220 per guest wed 2013, accord theknot.com, includ $66 food alone. expert agre base cost gift much think coupl spend food entertain antiqu notion. expert theknot.com recommend use 60-20-20 split you\u2019r tri budget sever event one couple. spend 20% budget engag parti gift, 20% gift bridal shower pre-wed occasion, reserv 60% wed gift itself. \u201coutlin budget ahead time see doabl you,\u201d say theknot.com editor jami miles."} {"id": "12616", "contents": "radioisotope. radioact form element, consist atom unstabl nuclei, undergo radioact decay stabl forms, emit characterist alpha, beta, gamma radiation. may occur naturally, case radium uranium, may creat artificially. radioisotop consist unstabl atom undergo radioact decay emit alpha, beta gamma radiation. radioisotop"} {"id": "12617", "contents": "definit radioisotope. radioact isotope. ra\u00b7dio\u00b7iso\u00b7to\u00b7p \\-\u02cc\u012b-s\u0259-\u02c8tae-\u02c8t\u00e4, -pik-\\ \u02c8t\u014d. adjective\u00b7ra\u00b7dio\u00b7iso\u00b7to\u00b7pi\u00b7c \\-ly-pi(k-)\u0259\\ l\u0113. adverb see radioisotop defin for. kid medic definit radioisotope. radioact isotope\u2014compar radioelement. ra\u00b7dio\u00b7iso\u00b7to\u00b7p \\-\u02cc\u012b-s\u0259-\u02c8taep-\u02c8t\u00e4p, -ik-\u02c8t\u014dp\\ ik. adjective\u00b7ra\u00b7dio\u00b7iso\u00b7to\u00b7pi\u00b7c \\-ly-i(k-)\u0259\\ l\u0113. adverb"} {"id": "12618", "contents": "radionuclid (radioact nuclide, radioisotop radioact isotope) atom excess nuclear energy, make unstable. however, collect atom singl element decay rate, thu half-lif (t1/2) collect calcul measur decay constants. durat half-liv radioact atom known limits; time rang 55 order magnitude."} {"id": "12619", "contents": "1. radioisotope-a radioact isotop element; produc either natur artificially. tracer (radiology) radioact isotop introduc bodi studi metabol biolog processes. isotope-on two atom atom number differ number neutrons."} {"id": "12620", "contents": "radioact decay, also known nuclear decay radioactivity, process nucleu unstabl atom lose energi emit radiation. materi spontan emit radiat includ alpha particles, beta particles, gamma ray convers electron consid radioactive. decay, loss energi nucleus, result atom one type nucleus, call parent radionuclid (or parent radioisotope), transform atom nucleu differ state, nucleu contain differ number proton neutrons."} {"id": "12621", "contents": "radioisotope. radioact form element. radioisotop consist unstabl atom undergo radioact decay emit alpha, beta gamma radiation. radioisotop occur naturally, case radium uranium, may creat artificially. see also radionuclid"} {"id": "12622", "contents": "radioisotope. see radioact isotop radioact isotopeor radioisotope,natur artifici creat isotop chemic element unstabl nucleu decays, emit alpha, beta, gamma ray stabil reached...... click link information. term radioisotop also loos use refer radioact atom species. wherea approxim dozen radioisotop found natur appreci amounts, hundr differ radioisotop artifici produc bombard stabl nuclei variou atom projectiles."} {"id": "12623", "contents": "definit radioisotope. radioact isotope. ra\u00b7dio\u00b7iso\u00b7to\u00b7p \\-\u02cc\u012b-s\u0259-\u02c8tae-\u02c8t\u00e4, -pik-\\ \u02c8t\u014d. adjective\u00b7ra\u00b7dio\u00b7iso\u00b7to\u00b7pi\u00b7c \\-ly-pi(k-)\u0259\\ l\u0113. adverb medic definit radioisotope. radioact isotope\u2014compar radioelement. ra\u00b7dio\u00b7iso\u00b7to\u00b7p \\-\u02cc\u012b-s\u0259-\u02c8taep-\u02c8t\u00e4p, -ik-\u02c8t\u014dp\\ ik. adjective\u00b7ra\u00b7dio\u00b7iso\u00b7to\u00b7pi\u00b7c \\-ly-i(k-)\u0259\\ l\u0113. adverb"} {"id": "12624", "contents": "radioisotope: version chemic element unstabl nucleu emit radiat decay stabl form."} {"id": "12625", "contents": "nation polic checks. verita check crimtrac accredit agenc authoris access nation polic check servic (npcs) issu polic checks. accredit agenc australian state territori polic (includ australian feder police) access npc obtain polic check results. employ organis wish verifi authent verita check issu polic check may utilis onlin verif tool."} {"id": "12626", "contents": "releas record obtain anoth australian polic jurisdict may govern legisl and/or releas polici within jurisdiction. follow brief outlin may appear polic histori record check. inform pleas refer releas guidelines. choic individu organis requir information. due level inform released, tasmania polic recommend tasmania polic record check employ purposes."} {"id": "12627", "contents": "victoria polic conduct polic check applic resid overseas. obtain nation polic certif must appli australian feder police. may visit website: www.afp.gov.au direct link is: http://www.afp.gov.au/what-we-do/police-checks.aspx 6. applic form nation name check must forward mail public enquiri servic address specifi applic form. victoria polic accept fax applic fax email certif applicant."} {"id": "12628", "contents": "process time nation polic check issu australian feder polic approxim 15 20 busi days. pleas awar australian feder polic may need seek inform polic jurisdictions, result longer process time. pleas allow suffici time polic check process return post make enquiri regard application."} {"id": "12629", "contents": "period time actual cover feder crimin histori report vari base state feder law appli specif background check, feder court maintain records, record researched. feder crimin record check search specif feder district court\u2019 records. feder case includ crime involv feder law, crime cross state boundaries, crime commit feder property."} {"id": "12630", "contents": "live overseas, must appli australian feder polic (afp) nation polic certificate. contact afp crimin records, lock bag 8550, canberra city, act, 2601 (02) 6140 6502 (02) 6131 3000. live interstate, must appli polic state territori want copi crimin record place. live interst want copi wa crimin record, appli nation polic certif state territory."} {"id": "12631", "contents": "victoria polic websit contain inform appli nation polic check includ detail explain releas policy. access inform visit www.police.vic.gov.au side menu bar servic click polic record check \u201d. 2. applic form nation name check must forward mail public enquiri servic address specifi applic form. victoria polic accept fax applic fax email certif applicant."} {"id": "12632", "contents": "back top long polic check kept for. polic histori inform kept months. feder govern requirement, polic histori inform destroy months. abl obtain copi polic check within months. this, new polic check applic required. address detail last years; enter number year and/or month even zero (i.e. year month year months); ensur countri field address provid selected."} {"id": "12633", "contents": "noun. 1. altruism-th qualiti unselfish concern welfar others. selflessness. unselfishness-th qualiti put first will give time money effort etc. others; rural peopl show devot unselfish urban cousins."} {"id": "12634", "contents": "altruism noun [u]. \u200battitud \u200bcare \u200bother \u200bact \u200bhelp \u200balthough get anyth \u200bacts: nobodi \u200bbeliev \u200bpeopl \u200bdonat \u200bmoney president\u2019 \u200bparti \u200bpure altruism. altruist adject us /\u02ccael\u00b7\u02cc\u00e6l\u00b7tru\u02c8\u026as/ t\u026ak \u200baltruistic. motiv"} {"id": "12635", "contents": "altruism. n. 1. principl practic unselfish concern welfar others. 2. (philosophy) philosoph doctrin right action produc greatest benefit others. 1. altruism-th qualiti unselfish concern welfar others. selflessness. unselfishness-th qualiti put first will give time money effort etc. others; rural peopl show devot unselfish urban cousins."} {"id": "12636", "contents": "translat 'altruism'. british english: altruism altruism unselfish concern people' happi welfare. nounfortunately, volunt motiv self-interest, altruism. translat 'altruism'. british english: altruism altruism unselfish concern people' happi welfare. brazilian portuguese: altruismo. altru\u00edsmo: chines \u5229\u4ed6\u4e3b\u4e49. \u5229\u4ed6\u4e3b\u4e49\u7fa9 european: spanish. altruismo: french. altruisme: german. altruismus: italian. altruismo: japanese. \u5229\u4ed6\u4e3b\u7fa9: korean. 10 \uc774\ud0c0\uc2ec: portuguese. 11 altruismo: altru\u00edsmo. spanish altruismo"} {"id": "12637", "contents": "definition. origin use concept altruism trace august comte, french mathematician philosoph first half 1800s. french word later translat altruism, adject meant, others, another's, somebodi else.. webster' dictionari english languag defin altruism as, consider peopl without thought self principl conduct.. injunct thought self, distinguish definit today."} {"id": "12638", "contents": "altruism group selection. ever sinc darwin creat theori evolut nineteenth century, especi sinc nineteen sixties, scientist philosoph scienc intens debat whether select occur level group."} {"id": "12639", "contents": "exampl altruism. skimpi corpor pension paid, offer much departur incent design promot busi effici express altruism. w. andrew achenbaum, wilson quarterly, spring 2006."} {"id": "12640", "contents": "altruism. n. 1. principl practic unselfish concern welfar others. 2. (philosophy) philosoph doctrin right action produc greatest benefit others. [c19: french altruisme, italian altrui others, latin alter\u012b, plural alter other]. 1. altruism-th qualiti unselfish concern welfar others. selflessness. unselfishness-th qualiti put first will give time money effort etc. others; rural peopl show devot unselfish urban cousins."} {"id": "12641", "contents": "disinterest selfless concern well-b others: may choos work vulner elderli peopl altruism. exampl sentences. synonyms. health profession motiv altruism concern patients' best interests. exampl sentences. doctor longer regard white-co altruist move heal; becom shrewd aggress sharehold investors."} {"id": "12642", "contents": "understand altruism. act unselfish regard other alway come naturally, even though mani psychologist believ we'r hard-wir empathi sinc cooper behavior allow ancestor surviv harsh conditions."} {"id": "12643", "contents": "find circul flux field around across close semicircular path consist semicircular arch. follow line segment. is. got far..."} {"id": "12644", "contents": "\u00b7d compon flux pass though surface, multipli area surfac (see dot product). reason flux repres physic flow per unit area. variou subfield physics, exist two common usag term flux, rigor mathemat frameworks. area requir calcul flux real imaginary, flat curved, either cross-sect area surface. vector area combin magnitud area mass pass through, a, unit vector normal area, relat is."} {"id": "12645", "contents": "flux surface, differenti vector area element, unit normal surface. left: flux pass surface, maximum amount flow normal surface. area requir calcul flux real imaginary, flat curved, either cross-sect area surface. vector area combin magnitud area mass pass through, a, unit vector normal area, relat is."} {"id": "12646", "contents": "sense, line integr measur much vector field align curve. curv $\\dlc$ close curve, line integr indic much vector field tend circul around curv $\\dlc$. circul vector calculus. circul play import role vector calculus. circul defin line integr form basi \u201cmicroscop circulation\u201d curl vector field."} {"id": "12647", "contents": "vector line integr introduct explain line integr $\\dlint$ vector field $\\dlvf$ orient curv $\\dlc$ \u201cadd up\u201d compon vector field tangent curve. circul vector calculus. circul play import role vector calculus. circul defin line integr form basi \u201cmicroscop circulation\u201d curl vector field."} {"id": "12648", "contents": "question, words, circul withdrawal. term \u201ccirculation\u201d usual use specif way employ context magazin culture: indic number copi edit distribut upon publication. public discours contemporary, orient future, contemporan futur question circulation. \u2014michael warner. noth less passiv act fleeing, exiting."} {"id": "12649", "contents": "circul withdrawal, part i: circulation. circul organ time vice versa. public discours contemporary, orient future, contemporan futur question circulation. \u2014michael warner. noth less passiv act fleeing, exiting."} {"id": "12650", "contents": "fluid dynamics, circul line integr around close curv veloc field. circul normal denot (greek uppercas gamma). lift forc act per unit span bodi two-dimension inviscid flow field express product circul body, fluid densiti \u03c1, speed bodi rel free-stream v. thus,"} {"id": "12651", "contents": "case fluxes, take integral, surface, flux everi element surface. result oper call surfac integr flux. repres quantiti pass surface. area requir calcul flux real imaginary, flat curved, either cross-sect area surface. vector area combin magnitud area mass pass through, a, unit vector normal area, relat is."} {"id": "12652", "contents": "unicellular organisms, singl cell perform basic function respiration, movement, excretion, digestion, etc. multicellular organisms, cell gr oup form tissues. tissu specialis carri particular function definit place body. multi cellular mean organ made mani cells. anoth organ call uni cellular similar multi cellular. uni cellular mean organ made one cell howev multi mean mani mean organ"} {"id": "12653", "contents": "organ consist one cell known multicellular organisms. multicellular organ made one cell. cell identifi attach form multicellular organism. multicellular organ visibl nake eye. reproduct multicelluar organ sexual means. anatomi multicellular organ complex due variou type cell control function organism. process cell divis well coordin mutlicellular organ prevent abnorm cell divis cell growth."} {"id": "12654", "contents": "confid vote 22. unicellular organ organ one cell also known single-cel organism. example: amoeba, bacteria, euglena, paramecium, cyanobacteria etc. multicellular organ organ consist one cell. exampl man, bird, panda, parrot etc"} {"id": "12655", "contents": "coloni multipl organ live together, multi-or unicellular. multicellular organ individu organ one cell. good ex ampl would imagin pile un-cook rice, grain rice repres bacterium. multi cellular mean organ made mani cells. anoth organ call uni cellular similar multi cellular. uni cellular mean organ made one cell howev multi mean mani mean organ"} {"id": "12656", "contents": "multicellular. definition. adjective. consist mani cell one cell perform vital functions. supplement. exampl organ multicellular humans, anim plants. word origin: l, comb. form multu much, mani nl cellul\u0101ris, equiv. cellul(a) live cell"} {"id": "12657", "contents": "vast major plant animals, bodi made numer cells. call multicellular organisms. multicellular organ actual aggreg cells. group cell function way form tissu organ (example: xylem vessels, cork cells, cell skin). multicellular organ great capac surviv un"} {"id": "12658", "contents": "simpl organ may unicellular, consist one cell, complex organ multicellular. two type cell division. mitosi use growth repair produc diploid cell ident parent cell. ameoba, simpl unicellular organism. organ consist one cell mani cells: simpl organ may unicellular (consist one cell). complex organ multicellular (consist mani cells)."} {"id": "12659", "contents": "multicellular organ organ one cell, unlik unicellular organism, one cell. multicellular organ includ plants, anim uman beings. unicellular organ includ protozoan specif alga like brown algae. peopl found useful. answer publisher. multi cellular mean organ made mani cells. anoth organ call uni cellular similar multi cellular. uni cellular mean organ made one cell howev multi mean mani mean organ"} {"id": "12660", "contents": "joint bear weight -- knees, hips, feet, spine-ar common place affects. often come gradual month years. caus pain affect joint. peopl don\u2019t feel sick fatigu come type arthritis. osteoarthritis. is: peopl condit form arthritis. it\u2019 \u201cwear tear\u201d happen joint overused. usual happen age, also result joint injuri obes (which put extra stress joints)."} {"id": "12661", "contents": "arthriti types. mani differ type arthriti severity, joint affect progress arthriti vari enorm one person another, gener symptom includ pain stiff joints. common form arthriti are: osteoarthritis; rheumatoid arthritis;"} {"id": "12662", "contents": "form arthritis, rheumatoid arthritis, joint line becom inflam part diseas process affect entir body. type arthriti are: seroneg spondyloarthropathies, crytallin deposit diseases, septic arthritis. common type arthriti osteoarthritis. result overuse, trauma, degener joint cartilag take place age. osteoarthr often pain joint bear weight, knee, hip, spine, rather wrist, elbow, shoulder joints."} {"id": "12663", "contents": "type arthritis. 100 differ type arthritis. common type include: osteoarthritis. common type arthritis. occur cartilag cover end bone gradual wear away. without protect cartilage, bone begin rub result friction lead pain swelling. common type include: osteoarthritis. rheumatoid arthritis. gout."} {"id": "12664", "contents": "100 differ form arthritis. common form arthriti osteoarthr (degen joint disease), result trauma joint, infect joint, age. arthriti form rheumatoid arthritis, psoriat arthritis, relat autoimmun diseases."} {"id": "12665", "contents": "osteoarthr common type noninflammatori arthritis. arthriti (which liter mean joint inflammation) word healthcar provid use talk painful, stiff, swollen joints. fact, term use refer group 100 rheumat diseases. 100 differ arthriti types. arthriti (which liter mean joint inflammation) word healthcar provid use talk painful, stiff, swollen joints. fact, term use refer group 100 rheumat diseases."} {"id": "12666", "contents": "common categori arthriti includ infecti arthritis, noninflammatori arthritis, inflammatori arthritis. arthriti (which liter mean joint inflammation) word healthcar provid use talk painful, stiff, swollen joints. 100 differ arthriti types. arthriti (which liter mean joint inflammation) word healthcar provid use talk painful, stiff, swollen joints. fact, term use refer group 100 rheumat diseases."} {"id": "12667", "contents": "rheumatoid arthriti (ra) autoimmun diseas caus inflamm joints. mani symptom ra similar varieti diseases, diagnosi difficult. correct diagnosi requir clinic evaluation, x-rays, seri laboratori tests."} {"id": "12668", "contents": "averag may temperatur citi california. averag daili high low temperatur may dozen citi throughout california list degre fahrenheit celsius. jump separ tabl citi southern california northern california. tabl give normal maximum minimum temperatur base weather data collect 1981 2010 us nation climat data center."} {"id": "12669", "contents": "may bakersfield weather-bakersfield record record high temperatur 107 may and, averag high 84. bakersfield record record low temperatur 37 and, low temperatur averag 57. bakersfield normal see .24 inch precipit may. may fresno weather-in month may, fresno record record high temperatur 107 and, averag high 83. fresno measur record low 36 and, normal low 55. long beach normal experi .23 inch precipit may. may lo angel weather-lo angel may record record high temperatur 97 and, typic high 69. lo angel record record low 43 and, daili low averag 57. lo angel averag .24 inch precipit may."} {"id": "12670", "contents": "san francisco, california mediterranean climat dri warm summer mild winters. area within 25 mi station cover ocean sea (48%), built-up area (16%), grassland (14%), forest (13%), shrubland (8%). averag fraction time spent variou temperatur bands: frigid (below 15a\u00b015\u00e2), (freezing\u00b015a 15\u00e2 f\u00b0to), 32a (32\u00e2\u00b0f cold 32a\u00b032\u00e2), (to\u00b050a 50\u00e2 f\u00b0cool), 50a (50\u00e2\u00b0f 65a\u00b065\u00e2), (comfortable\u00b065a 65\u00e2 f\u00b0to), 75a (75\u00e2\u00b0f warm 75a\u00b075\u00e2) (85a 85\u00e2\u00b0f). hot 85a 85\u00e2 100a 100\u00e2 swelter"} {"id": "12671", "contents": "weather seasons. much california mediterranean-lik climat warm, dri summer mild, wet winters. coast, averag daili high temperatur hover around 70\u00b0f/21\u00b0c up), occasion spike 80\u00b0f 27\u00b0 hottest summer days; freez temperatur rare, even winter."} {"id": "12672", "contents": "red averag 1.66 inch precipit may. may sacramento weather-sacramento record record high 105 month may and, high temperatur averag 80. sacramento record record low temperatur 36 and, normal low 51. long beach normal experi .23 inch precipit may. may lo angel weather-lo angel may record record high temperatur 97 and, typic high 69. lo angel record record low 43 and, daili low averag 57. lo angel averag .24 inch precipit may."} {"id": "12673", "contents": "may san diego weather-san diego may record record high temperatur 96 and, typic high 69. san diego measur record low 48 and, normal low temperatur 60. san diego normal see .20 inch precipit may. long beach normal experi .23 inch precipit may. may lo angel weather-lo angel may record record high temperatur 97 and, typic high 69. lo angel record record low 43 and, daili low averag 57. lo angel averag .24 inch precipit may."} {"id": "12674", "contents": "check california weather may book next holiday. give best indic weather may includ figur temperature, sunshin rainfall. california may weather guid shown lo angeles. 23\u00b0c max day temperatur"} {"id": "12675", "contents": "typic temperatur beach along pacif ocean california month may list below. fact, fort ross state park may achiev coldest averag ocean temperatur state' entir coast, water usual drop 49 degre fahrenheit (9 degre celsius)."} {"id": "12676", "contents": "temperatur california beach may. typic temperatur beach along pacif ocean california month may list below. tabl give monthli averag daili maximum minimum air temperatur locat and, available, month' averag ocean temperature. fact, fort ross state park may achiev coldest averag ocean temperatur state' entir coast, water usual drop 49 degre fahrenheit (9 degre celsius)."} {"id": "12677", "contents": "slow move gnat house. fungu gnat relat fruit fli drawn yourhom welcom environment. also known vinegar flies, thesegnat love smell rotten food, vinegar overwat plants."} {"id": "12678", "contents": "gnat fruit fli attract smell vinegar. place vinegar sugar (dish wash deterg vinegar also works) jar screw cap. punch hole cap like childhood firefli jar larg enough gnat enter."} {"id": "12679", "contents": "make homemad gnat trap. one easi way rid gnat infest easi cheap do-it-yourself gnat trap. find use jar (mason jar work especi well) fill appl cider vinegar. gnat extrem attract scent vinegar."} {"id": "12680", "contents": "i'm scientist, suspect fli attract protein urine. probabl learn associ smell benefit. can't find research this, that' best guess. think sign diabet sugar excret urin attract flies."} {"id": "12681", "contents": "trap kill indoor fungu gnat relat fruit fli simpl homemad vinegar trap. import lay eggs. also elim decay rotten food check area food may accumulate."} {"id": "12682", "contents": "vinegar soap. great trick attract elimin gnats. fill small dish vinegar add littl dish soap. gnat natur attract smell vinegar pull right in. residu soap trap dish, end day annoy you. host party, guests, make sure replac bowl often fresh solution."} {"id": "12683", "contents": "grain size-th size grain igneou rock indic fast rock cooled. consid coars grain rock ruff exterior grain 10 cm. also fine grain rock often grain less 1mm hard see nake eye."} {"id": "12684", "contents": "properti use identifi igneou rock includ miner composition, texture, color. four differ miner compositions; felsic, intermediate, mafic, ultramafic. textur igneou rock determin grain size. sinc cool process slow intrus igneou rock larg crystal (coars grained). instanc also third type igneou rock. technic extrus rock, resembl glass. glass type igneou rock form magma/lava instantli cooled."} {"id": "12685", "contents": "igneou rock product cool solidifi magma/lava. magma/lava cool goe process crystal turn igneou rock. amount time take igneou rock form depend locat composition. sinc cool process slow intrus igneou rock larg crystal (coars grained). instanc also third type igneou rock. technic extrus rock, resembl glass. glass type igneou rock form magma/lava instantli cooled."} {"id": "12686", "contents": "rockhound. two major properti use classifi igneou rock are: crystal size/textur --small crystal indic rapid ground cool lava classifi extrus igneou rock basalt, obsidian, rhyolite."} {"id": "12687", "contents": "magma cool form igneou rock either surfac earth-in case produc volcan extrus igneou rock, beneath surfac earth, case produc pluton intrus igneou rock."} {"id": "12688", "contents": "report abuse. fact form magma, physic properti constant rock family. colour, density, hardness, luster, chemic composition,...can vari drastic one igneou rock another. best answer: kind overview: igneou rock textures: granular consist crystal grain larg enough easili seen nake eye, grain vari size 0.5 mm (1/32 in) andesit mm (1/4 in) granites."} {"id": "12689", "contents": "hand intrus igneou rock cool slowli beneath surfac creat magma. sinc cool process slow intrus igneou rock larg crystal (coars grained). instanc also third type igneou rock. technic extrus rock, resembl glass. glass type igneou rock form magma/lava instantli cooled."} {"id": "12690", "contents": "igneou rocks. igneou rock rock solidifi molten materi (magma). cool magma occur beneath surfac (plutonic) surfac (volcanic). igneou rock identifi determin composit textur rock. two characterist identified, igneou rock identif chart use identifi rock name."} {"id": "12691", "contents": "igneou rock form cool solidif magma lava. igneou rock may form without crystallization, either surfac intrus (plutonic) rock surfac extrus (volcanic) rocks. magma deriv partial melt pre-exist rock either planet' mantl crust."} {"id": "12692", "contents": "share pvgi ideal free onlin tool estim solar electr product photovolta (pv) system. give annual output power solar photovolta panels. photovolta geograph inform system propos googlemap applic make easi use. pvgi provid larg accur solar radiat free databas europe, africa mediterranean basin south-west asia: solar radiat interact maps. furthermor possibl dowload free map radiat differ countri region"} {"id": "12693", "contents": "link pvgi photovolta calcul europe: pvgi europe. link pvgi photovolta calcul africa, mediterranean basin asia: pvgi africa asia. africa/asia map europ map possibl calcul solar energi gener stand-alon pv system (right-top menu). pvgi provid larg accur solar radiat free databas europe, africa mediterranean basin south-west asia: solar radiat interact maps. furthermor possibl dowload free map radiat differ countri region"} {"id": "12694", "contents": "pv stand 'photovoltaic', mean light and. refer to. unit electr force. put simply, photovolta creation voltag materi expos light."} {"id": "12695", "contents": "pertain materi devic electr gener result exposur light.real life: add sun get electricity!th physic applic light photovolta materi caus photon light excit electron material."} {"id": "12696", "contents": "june 25, 2013 ozgur comment. pvgi onlin solar panel calcul fund european commiss develop joint research centr italy. pvgi use determin expect perform grid-connect off-grid photovolta systems. map-driven user interfac enabl user select locat interest. pvgi use calcul alreadi master basic solar energy. level technic detail myriad option render power tool hand solar industri pro."} {"id": "12697", "contents": "pv panel photovolta convers tool use convert sun' ray usabl electr via excit proton electron solar cell. ty pical 3ftx6ft size."} {"id": "12698", "contents": "photovolta (pv) name method convert solar energi direct current electr use semiconduct materi exhibit photovolta effect, phenomenon commonli studi physics, photochemistri electrochemistry."} {"id": "12699", "contents": "pvgi solar radiat databas built european commission. solar radiat databas develop climatolog data homogen europ avail european solar radiat atlas. view noabl wind map pvgi solar map uk free googl applic googl earth. charg fee \u00a350 per year use service. one week free trial rensmart member."} {"id": "12700", "contents": "simpl stand alon pv system automat solar system produc electr power charg bank batteri day use night sun energi unavailable. stand alon small scale pv system employ recharg batteri store electr energi suppli pv panel array. batteri import element heart stand alon solar power system. batteri need fluctuat natur output deliv pv panel array. also convert electr energi store chemic energi use solar array produc power."} {"id": "12701", "contents": "burdock goe long way within oil ga sector. effort professionals, project director specialist, ensur (inter)n project carri successfully, safe profitably."} {"id": "12702", "contents": "burdock root oil-natur hair care oil tradit hair loss prevent treatment. burdock (arctium lappa) favorit medicin herb centuries. burdock root oil extract, also call bur oil, use promot healthi hair, help reliev scalp irrit improv scalp conditions. natur hair oil appli get rid scalp itching, red dandruff, improv hair strength, shine body. moistur hair prevent oil spread hair hair becom oily. gentli massag burdock oil scalp. case sever itch flaking, use ointment balmflow begin treatment; continu burdock oil condit improve."} {"id": "12703", "contents": "directions. gentli massag burdock root oil scalp. use regularly. appli bed time let work overnight hair wash help moistur nourish scalp. tradit bur oil use daili scalp hair oil. moistur hair prevent oil spread hair hair becom oily. gentli massag burdock oil scalp. case sever itch flaking, use ointment balmflow begin treatment; continu burdock oil condit improve."} {"id": "12704", "contents": "regular use burdock oil help restor maintain healthi scalp hair. burdock oil floralead gr obtain direct cold extract virgin oliv oil, method use centuri produc burdock herbal medicines. moistur hair prevent oil spread hair hair becom oily. gentli massag burdock oil scalp. case sever itch flaking, use ointment balmflow begin treatment; continu burdock oil condit improve."} {"id": "12705", "contents": "burdock root oil extract popular europ scalp treatment appli improv hair strength, shine body, help revers scalp conditions, combat hair loss. quick overview. burdock favorit medicin herb centuri taken mani ailments. modern studi indic burdock root oil extract rich phytosterol essenti fatti acid, nutrient requir healthi scalp natur hair growth."} {"id": "12706", "contents": "effect healthi hair growth treatment highli porous, thick natur curli hair. suitabl eczema, psoriasis, dri skin, acne. organ burdock oil macer creat infus organ burdock root camellia kissi oil months. ensur cell membran organ burdock ruptured, releas burdock root properti oil. vegetarian vegan friendly. organ burdock oil absorb instantly, leav oily, greasi residue. skin: provid optimum hydrat skin without leav greasi feel. brilliant treat acne, dri sensit skin types."} {"id": "12707", "contents": "burdock root oil extract, also call bur oil, current use europ belief use scalp treatment. modern studi indic burdock root oil extract rich phytosterol essenti fatti acid (includ rare long-chain efas). leav also eaten spring japan plant young leav soft. a. lappa cultivar special purpose. popular japanes dish kinpira gob\u014d (\u91d1\u5e73\u725b\u84a1), julien shred burdock root carrot, brais soy sauce, sugar, mirin and/or sake, sesam oil."} {"id": "12708", "contents": "burdock also use high blood pressure, \u201charden arteri (arteriosclerosis), liver disease. peopl use burdock increas sex drive. burdock appli skin dri skin (ichthyosis), acne, psoriasis, eczema. burdock associ poison product contamin root belladonna deadli nightshade. herb contain poison chemic call atropine. there' enough inform know burdock safe taken medicin doses. burdock may caus allerg reaction peopl sensit certain flower herbs. appli skin, caus rash."} {"id": "12709", "contents": "intra-vascular volum drops, peripher vessel squeez down, shunt blood central/larg vessel effort preserv vital function (brain, heart, lungs). heart rate increas trigger 1) baro-receptor sens decreas pressur 2) chemo-receptor sens chang oxygenation. increas respir trigger ph chang (decreas peripher circulation) decreas oxygen."} {"id": "12710", "contents": "respiratori rate vital sign least often record frequent complet omit hospit documentation. rais respiratori rate strong specif predictor seriou advers event cardiac arrest unplan intens care unit admission."} {"id": "12711", "contents": "level document vital sign mani hospit extrem poor, respiratori rate, particular, often recorded. substanti evid abnorm respiratori rate predictor potenti seriou clinic events."} {"id": "12712", "contents": "acidosis. 1. accumul acid hydrogen ion deplet alkalin reserv (bicarbon content) blood bodi tissues, result decreas ph. 2. patholog condit result process, character increas hydrogen ion concentr (decreas ph)."} {"id": "12713", "contents": "3.1.2 patient vital sign (respiratori rate, pulse, blood pressure, temperatur level consciousness) record admiss three times/day (tds) minimum (exclud patient outlin 3.2.6)."} {"id": "12714", "contents": "respir rate number breath person take per minute. rate usual measur person rest simpli involv count number breath one minut count mani time chest rises."} {"id": "12715", "contents": "import note caus hypoxia hypercarbia result increas tidal volum respiratori rate. medic opiates, commonli use hospitals, depress respiratori drive respiratori respons hypoxia hypercarbia."} {"id": "12716", "contents": "respiratori acidosi primari increas co without compensatori increas hco ph usual low may near normal. caus decreas respiratori rate, volum (hypoventilation), due cns, pulmonary, iatrogen conditions."} {"id": "12717", "contents": "system help rais sustain awar import vital signs. ecord full set vital sign (puls rate, blood pressure, respiratori rate temperature) least daili consid standard monitor patient acut hospit wards."} {"id": "12718", "contents": "genu romalea larg grasshopp common southeastern unit states. insect three bodi region (head, thorax, abdomen), pair leg attach thorax, singl pair antenna attach head, mouthpart adapt chew sucking, two pair wings."} {"id": "12719", "contents": "region insect'sbodi special movement ...49-2404v anatomi grasshopper-carolinahttp://www.carolina.com/pdf/activities-articles/anatomy-grasshopper.pdfth abdomen clearli demonstr grasshopper\u2019 bodi ..."} {"id": "12720", "contents": "thorax pair walk legs, pair jump leg, fore wing, hind wing attach region. http://wiki.answers.com/q/which_region_of_the_insects_body_is_specialized_for_movement_..."} {"id": "12721", "contents": "explain answer. 2. region insect'sbodi special movement ...49-2404v anatomi grasshopper-carolinahttp://www.carolina.com/pdf/activities-articles/anatomy-grasshopper.pdfth abdomen clearli demonstr grasshopper\u2019 bodi ... part circulatori system fuse ..."} {"id": "12722", "contents": "specifically, term design region grasshopper' (subord caelifera) head grasshopper' abdomen."} {"id": "12723", "contents": "head because: antenna-a pair joint appendag locat head insect mouthparts. antenna someth like nose sens inform han nose. perceiv odours, touch, humidity, vibration, wind veloc direction. ocelli-also known simpl eyes."} {"id": "12724", "contents": "graduat study, travel, work make expert benthics, european languages, wildlif mapping, world fauna flora. thorax region grasshopp special movement."} {"id": "12725", "contents": "region grasshopper' three set leg attached, walk case first two jump term third."} {"id": "12726", "contents": "averag medic offic manager\u2019 salari us $98,460 per year, hourli wage roughli $47.34 per hour, accord bls\u2019 occup employ wage report. median salary, accord payscale, $41,763. basic salari around $31,551 $63,578, employ give bonu $4,498 profit share $200.89 $8,081. medic offic manag less year experi around $30,201 $51,521 per year."} {"id": "12727", "contents": "averag offic manag hourli salaries. averag salari offic manag hourli job $37,000. averag offic manag hourli salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term offic manag hourli anywher job listing."} {"id": "12728", "contents": "averag offic manag salari job post nationwid 12% lower averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "12729", "contents": "annual salari someon job titl offic manag may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education. exampl median expect annual pay typic offic manag unit state $69,718, 50% peopl perform job offic manag unit state expect make less $69,718. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary. salari bonus. benefit"} {"id": "12730", "contents": "us, averag medic offic manager\u2019 salari rang $28,066 $61,907 per year. median salary, accord payscale, $41,763. basic salari around $31,551 $63,578, employ give bonu $4,498 profit share $200.89 $8,081. medic offic manag less year experi around $30,201 $51,521 per year."} {"id": "12731", "contents": "averag medic offic manag salari job post nationwid 14% lower averag salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "12732", "contents": "administr servic managers, sometim call offic manag busi offic managers, earn averag $88,660 per year 2012. administr servic manag employ texa earn slightli nation averag 2012, mean salari $89,920 per year. legal secretari work lubbock report compar averag $29,060 per year, far lower report nation averag $44,380 per year. execut administr assist work lubbock area earn averag $43,510, much less nation averag salari $50,2"} {"id": "12733", "contents": "offic manag salary. offic manag averag salari $45,097, median salari $41,538 salari rang $20,000 $435,000. offic manag salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. offic manag salari statist exclus refer onl"} {"id": "12734", "contents": "texa becam independ nation, republ texas. attract rich land cotton plantat ranching, ten thousand immigr arriv u.s. germani well. 1845, texa join unit states, becom 28th state. texa declar secess unit state 1861 join confeder state america. battl american civil war fought texas; texa regiment serv east. ancestor thousand years. period 1519 1848, part texa claim five countries: france, spain, mexico, republ texas, unit state america \u2014a well confeder state america 1861\u201365."} {"id": "12735", "contents": "alaska latest state incorpor larger texas. despit second largest state; texa still thing texa style. year ago texa adopt new motto mess texas. texa becam well known oil production. oil boom may passed; texa leader petrochem industry."} {"id": "12736", "contents": "similar funtrivia question answers. mani year ago someon told texa state town name eight planets, exclud earth. found two texas, jupit mars. similar funtrivia question answer mani year ago someon told texa state town name eight planets, exclud earth. found two texas, jupit mars. mayb one nice peopl come put rest all."} {"id": "12737", "contents": "texa declar independ mexico march 2, 1836, becom republ texas. texa admit union decemb 29, 1845, 28th state. texa state govern divid executive, legislative, judici branches. 90 percent texas' anglo immigr south, elect abraham lincoln president, secessionist ammunition. februari 1st, 1861, exactli 25 year texa proclaim independ mexico, state seced union."} {"id": "12738", "contents": "februari 28, 1845, u.s. congress pass bill would author unit state annex republ texa march u.s. presid john tyler sign bill. legisl set date annex decemb 29 year. hawaii becam part unit state offici sign presid eisenhow august 21, 1959. hawai'i becam annex 1898, us territori 1900, us state 1959."} {"id": "12739", "contents": "spanish, translat came tejas. eventually, teja becam texas. texa also known lone star state, refer state flag. flag display single, five-point white star field blue upper white horizont stripe lower red horizont stripe. 90 percent texas' anglo immigr south, elect abraham lincoln president, secessionist ammunition. februari 1st, 1861, exactli 25 year texa proclaim independ mexico, state seced union."} {"id": "12740", "contents": "texa join union decemb 29, 1845, 28th state. texa becam state union 29th decemb 1845. texa becam 28th us state 1845. hawaii becam part unit state offici sign presid eisenhow august 21, 1959. hawai'i becam annex 1898, us territori 1900, us state 1959."} {"id": "12741", "contents": "dec. 29 u.s. congress approves, presid jame k. polk signs, 'joint resolut admiss state texa union.' texa becom 28th state. feb. 19 although texa offici becam state dec. 29, 1845, formal transfer govern take place date. similar funtrivia question answer mani year ago someon told texa state town name eight planets, exclud earth. found two texas, jupit mars. mayb one nice peopl come put rest all."} {"id": "12742", "contents": "soviet union built berlin wall block section (east berlin) us/french/british control section west berlin. appear german communist walter ulbricht, concern german escap west germani convinc russian build wall. despit defens reason given wall separ east west berlin, wall foremost built prevent resid east berlin leav live we berlin (part west germany)."} {"id": "12743", "contents": "berlin wall (german: berlin mauer) separ citi berlin germani 1961 1989. separ eastern half western half. mani peopl thought symbol cold war. berlin wall taken novemb 9, 1989. berlin wall 168 km (104 miles) long. built prevent peopl escap eastern half berlin."} {"id": "12744", "contents": "travel west germani becam difficult close border east west germani 1952. wall erect 1961 2.6 million east german escap west berlin west germani 1949 1961 (total popul east germani 17 million!). berlin wall built alli wwii. part peac treaty, germani divid east west, east germani auspic ussr west germani overseen uk us."} {"id": "12745", "contents": "built (or rather, started) 13 august 1961. berlin wall construct berlin wall start 13 august 1961. separ east west berlin nd plug last 'gap' iron curtain divid europ two blocs. remain place till novemb 1989. berlin wall built alli wwii. part peac treaty, germani divid east west, east germani auspic ussr west germani overseen uk us."} {"id": "12746", "contents": "construct german democrat republ (gdr, east germany), start 13 august 1961, wall complet cut (bi land) west berlin surround east germani east berlin open novemb 1989. wall' erection, 3.5 million east german circumv eastern bloc emigr restrict defect gdr, mani cross border east berlin west berlin; could travel west germani western european countries."} {"id": "12747", "contents": "berlin wall. earli year cold war, west berlin geograph loophol thousand east german fled democrat west. response, communist east german author built wall total encircl west berlin. thrown overnight, 13 august 1961. construct german democrat republ (gdr, east germany), start 13 august 1961, wall complet cut (bi land) west berlin surround east germani east berlin open novemb 1989. demolit offici began 13 june 1990 complet 1992."} {"id": "12748", "contents": "built (or rather, started) 13 august 1961. berlin wall construct berlin wall start 13 august 1961. separ east west berlin nd plug last 'gap' iron curtain divid europ two blocs. remain place till novemb 1989. despit defens reason given wall separ east west berlin, wall foremost built prevent resid east berlin leav live we berlin (part west germany)."} {"id": "12749", "contents": "1961, east germani close border built wall divid west berlin east berlin. area east berlin sovjet zone, west berlin compound french, british u.s. zones. eastern bloc, control ussr, fell 1989, infam wall. berlin wall built alli wwii. part peac treaty, germani divid east west, east germani auspic ussr west germani overseen uk us."} {"id": "12750", "contents": "1961, east germani close border built wall divid west berlin east berlin. area east berlin sovjet zone, west berlin compound french, british u.s. zones. despit defens reason given wall separ east west berlin, wall foremost built prevent resid east berlin leav live we berlin (part west germany)."} {"id": "12751", "contents": "delici smoke pork loin use ga masterbuilt smokehouse: season meat (salt, pepper, garlic powder. readi smoker appl anoth wood. insert thermomet probe pork loin; place pork loin directli smoker grate/grill. cook 220-250 intern temp pork reach least 140 (let mine go 152), take hour 45 min. remov heat let stand least 10 minut carving. good!"} {"id": "12752", "contents": "rub pound pork loin morning. simpl rub-salt, pepper, onion powder, garlic powder, thyme, etc. go smoke use mapl wood masterbuilt electric. want get opinion cook loin. smoke one before."} {"id": "12753", "contents": "cook pork. by: bestpeople. cook pork loin ga smoker 200-230 degrees, meat thermomet insert center, thermomet read 135-140 degre wrap foil let set 10-15 minutes. safe american pork longer parasit it."} {"id": "12754", "contents": "smoke cook thermomet 145 degre intern temp. pull smoker wrap foil 10 15 minutes. juici pork loin/roast everi time. finish grill."} {"id": "12755", "contents": "luggag size individu airlines. intern airlin differ size, pound piec restrict base fare class and/or travel zones. overall, averag weight size check bag 50 pound 62 inches. averag maximum size carry-on luggag 45 inches. carry-on luggage. intern flight alway allow carry-on luggage, airlin restrict quantity, size weight. intern carry-on polici restrict bag weight 11 lbs. less, domest flight rare weight limit."} {"id": "12756", "contents": "check luggage. airlin allow check one bag one carry-on bag. normal maximum weight limit 50 pound per check bag well size restriction. common maximum size bag allow 62 linear (total) inches. common size bag check is: 27 21 14"} {"id": "12757", "contents": "size weight limit apply. piec baggag excess free baggag allow specifi excess 62 inch (l+w+h) 50 lbs. less accept charg $75.00 per item one-way. flight depart aruba, minimum checkin time passeng (with without check baggage) least 75 minut schedul departure. intern flights, passeng baggag must check 60 minut prior th"} {"id": "12758", "contents": "custom travel infants. custom class servic travel infant permit one extra piec checked-in baggag may exceed 22 15 inch (55 38 20cm) size 22lb (10kg) weight concept appli 50lb (23kg) piec concept applies. see liquid restrictions. custom class servic travel infant permit one extra piec checked-in baggag may exceed 22 15 inch (55 38 20cm) size 22lb (10kg) weight concept appli 50lb (23kg) piec concept applies."} {"id": "12759", "contents": "airlin allow two check bag weigh 50 70 lbs., depend airline, fli unit states. countries, airlin use weight system might add weight carry-on check baggage. carry-on luggage. intern flight alway allow carry-on luggage, airlin restrict quantity, size weight. intern carry-on polici restrict bag weight 11 lbs. less, domest flight rare weight limit."} {"id": "12760", "contents": "weight size allowance. southwest accept first two check bag free provid bag exceed 50 lb 62 inch (l+w+h). overweight item 51 100 pound overs item excess 62 inch 80 inch accept charg $75.00 per item one-way. flight depart aruba, minimum checkin time passeng (with without check baggage) least 75 minut schedul departure. intern flights, passeng baggag must check 60 minut prior th"} {"id": "12761", "contents": "baggag exceed size, sum dimens (length breadth height) excess 45 inch 115 centimeters, cannot treat hand baggag check in. note: infant entitl collaps stroller/carrycot/inf car seat."} {"id": "12762", "contents": "check luggage. size popular size luggag check. ideal trip days, longer, depend pack. larg capac multipl outfits, shoes, toiletries. 25 27"} {"id": "12763", "contents": "borderlin high triglycerid 150 199 mg/dl. high triglycerid 200 499 mg/dl. high triglycerid 500 mg/dl higher. high triglycerid level may lead heart disease, especi peopl low level good cholesterol high level bad cholesterol, peopl type diabetes."} {"id": "12764", "contents": "triglycerid ranges. triglycerid level less 150 mg/dl consid ideal adults, accord nation cholesterol educ program. triglycerid level 150 200 mg/dl borderlin high. triglycerid result 200 499 mg/dl high, level 500 mg/dl high."} {"id": "12765", "contents": "triglycerid one type fat bodi level measur blood test. test accur done fast food drink 12 hours. normal rang triglycerid level adult less 150 mg/dl. triglycerid level less 150 mg/dl consid ideal adults, accord nation cholesterol educ program. triglycerid level 150 200 mg/dl borderlin high. triglycerid result 200 499 mg/dl high, level 500 mg/dl high."} {"id": "12766", "contents": "test results. blood triglycerid level normal, test result less 150 milligram per deciliter. rang borderlin high triglycerid 150 199 milligram per deciliter. rang high 200 499 milligram per deciliter. level 499 consid high."} {"id": "12767", "contents": "pole broken enigma 1932, encod machin undergo trial german army. pole broke enigma, cipher alter everi months. advent war, chang least day, give 159 million million million possibl set choos from."} {"id": "12768", "contents": "enigma invent german engin arthur scherbiu end world war i. earli model use commerci earli 1920s, adopt militari govern servic sever countries, notabl nazi germani world war ii. chiffriermaschinen ag began advertis rotor machine\u2014 enigma model \u2014which exhibit congress intern postal union 1923\u20131924. machin heavi bulky, incorpor typewriter."} {"id": "12769", "contents": "german militari text enciph enigma machin first broken polish cipher bureau, begin decemb 1932. success result effort three polish cryptologists, marian rejewski, jerzi ro\u017cycki r\u00f3\u017cycki henryk, zygalski work polish military. intellig like rotor machines, enigma machin combin mechan electr subsystems. mechan subsystem consist keyboard; set rotat disk call rotor arrang adjac along spindle; one variou step compon turn one rotor key press."} {"id": "12770", "contents": "enigma machin seri electro-mechan rotor cipher machin develop use earli mid twentieth centuri commerci militari usage. chiffriermaschinen ag began advertis rotor machine\u2014 enigma model \u2014which exhibit congress intern postal union 1923\u20131924. machin heavi bulky, incorpor typewriter."} {"id": "12771", "contents": "german militari messag enciph enigma machin first broken polish cipher bureau, begin decemb 1932. success result effort three polish cryptologists, marian rejewski, jerzi ro\u017cycki r\u00f3\u017cycki henryk, zygalski work polish military. intellig chiffriermaschinen ag began advertis rotor machine\u2014 enigma model \u2014which exhibit congress intern postal union 1923\u20131924. machin heavi bulky, incorpor typewriter."} {"id": "12772", "contents": "template:enigmaseries. enigma machin famili relat electro-mechan rotor cipher machin use twentieth centuri enciph deciph secret messages. enigma invent german engin arthur scherbiu end world war i. like rotor machines, enigma machin combin mechan electr subsystems. mechan subsystem consist keyboard; set rotat disk call rotor arrang adjac along spindle; one variou step compon turn one rotor key press."} {"id": "12773", "contents": "enigma mean cipher machin use german wwii. fact enigma, 20,000 unit produced, mainli use tactic level, whilst german high command use machines, siemen t-52 geheimschreib lorenz sz-40/42 teleprint add-on. histori enigma machin extrem complex. mani differ model variations, use mani differ customers. war, mixtur militari commerci enigma machin use differ branch war machine."} {"id": "12774", "contents": "bohnett said purchas enigma machin part fascin turing' life. like turing, bohnett devot career comput technolog gay. young man, bohnett help found internet site geocities, later sold yahoo. enigma machine, kept beverli hill office, purchas 15 year ago sotheby' london. machine, bohnett estim paid around 12,000 pound ($18,000), believ use german u-boat."} {"id": "12775", "contents": "enigma. enigma machin piec spook hardwar invent german use britain' codebreak way deciph german signal traffic world war two. photo: four-rotor german enigma cipher machin made ww2. rare machin thought use post-war year code swiss diplomat traffic. (sspl/getti images)."} {"id": "12776", "contents": "$20,710. $30,900. *reflect tampa campu rates: undergradu tuition 30 credit hours; graduat tuition 24 credit hours. **other expenses-includ transport miscellan person expens (such as; laundry, toiletries, healthcare, clothing, entertainment, etc.)"} {"id": "12777", "contents": "tuition fee current tuition rate pleas visit http://usfweb2.usf.edu/uco/studentaccounting/current_tuition.asp view current tuition rates. note: state florida employe enrol credit hour cours per term space-avail basis. usf colleg public health honor tuition waiver florida state employe seat avail basi courses."} {"id": "12778", "contents": "total list price in-stat florida resid go usf main campu $16,810 2014/2015 academ year. out-of-st student possess florida resid expect one year cost $27,724. cost $9,402 67% cheaper averag florida tuition $13,961 year colleges. tuition rank 28th florida amongst year colleg afford 106th expens year colleg state. attend out-of-state, tuition $15,473 repres 239% premium."} {"id": "12779", "contents": "fee audit cours in-stat tuition fee provid above. (4) registr zero hour registr zero hour provid examinations, graduations, use facilities, etc., deem appropri usf system. tuition defin basic fee assess student enrol credit cours within usf system. out-of-st tuition includ basic fee out-of-st fee"} {"id": "12780", "contents": "tuition univers san francisco $40,996 2014/2015 academ year. 62% expens nation averag privat non-profit four year colleg tuition $25,240. cost $20,362 99% expens averag california tuition $20,634 year colleges. tuition rank 161st california amongst year colleg afford 21st expens year colleg state."} {"id": "12781", "contents": "$4,100. $4,100. total. $25,910. $36,100. *reflect tampa campu rates: undergradu tuition 30 credit hours; graduat tuition 24 credit hours. **other expenses-includ transport miscellan person expens (such as; laundry, toiletries, healthcare, clothing, entertainment, etc.)"} {"id": "12782", "contents": "undergradu tuition. univers south florida main campu tuition $4,559 per year in-stat residents. 29% cheaper nation averag public four year tuition $6,429. cost $9,402 67% cheaper averag florida tuition $13,961 year colleges. tuition rank 28th florida amongst year colleg afford 106th expens year colleg state. attend out-of-state, tuition $15,473 repres 239% premium."} {"id": "12783", "contents": "reduc rate program allow out-of-st students, take onlin cours colleg public health, take advantag reduc tuition rate. reduc rate program, student pay rate $525.00 per credit hour plu $90 per cours onlin fee (execut mph $600 per credit hour). note: state florida employe enrol credit hour cours per term space-avail basis. usf colleg public health honor tuition waiver florida state employe seat avail basi courses."} {"id": "12784", "contents": "estim expenses. total cost attend includ tuition, student fee expens housing, dining, supplies. learn cost attend use cost calcul estim expenses. 2014-2015 cost attendance. cost calculator."} {"id": "12785", "contents": "day blastocyst (5dt) implant usual occur test would positive, late implant unheard would wait next pregnanc test day#9. next one neg result. futur information, home pregnanc test term posit bhcg hormon reach certain level. meant done period missed, 14 days. reason, often show earli blood pregnanc test done follow ivf."} {"id": "12786", "contents": "medications-som drug like methadone, chlordiazepoxide, promethazin give fals posit pregnanc test. phantom-hcg import though rare fals posit blood test woman low posit blood pregnanc test, urin test negative, pregnant. import though rare fals posit blood test woman low posit blood pregnanc test, urin test negative, pregnant. defect pregnanc test-expir test faulti home pregnanc test also lead fals posit results."} {"id": "12787", "contents": "blood pregnanc test. outcom cycl known sure blood pregnanc test 11 12 day day transfer 13 14 day day transfer. blood pregnanc test negative, may stop medic expect period start within next days, may come two weeks. doesn\u2019t come weeks, pleas call nurse. period may heavier one normal you."} {"id": "12788", "contents": "1. test early. one common reason fals neg result test early. order pregnanc test show accur results, give bodi time produc level hcg (pregnanc hormone) pregnanc test need order trigger posit result. typically, get posit pregnanc test, pregnant. fals posit pretti rare. littl late, could system hasn\u2019t time build high enough level hcg urin continu basis."} {"id": "12789", "contents": "ivf. outcom cycl known sure blood pregnanc test 11 12 day day transfer 13 14 day day transfer. blood pregnanc test negative, may stop medic expect period start within next days, may come two weeks. doesn\u2019t come weeks, pleas call nurse. period may heavier one normal you."} {"id": "12790", "contents": "fertil treatment: receiv shot hcg gonadotropin (for example, pregynl, profasi, pergonal, apl) ovul posibl posit urin blood pregnanc test two three week shot pregnant. import though rare fals posit blood test woman low posit blood pregnanc test, urin test negative, pregnant. defect pregnanc test-expir test faulti home pregnanc test also lead fals posit results."} {"id": "12791", "contents": "practice, patient serum beta-hcg level 200 miu/ml nevertheless neg urin pregnanc test. advis patient obtain blood pregnanc test 12 14 day ivf embryo transfer avoid home pregnanc testing. in-offic blood pregnanc test provid reliabl accur result."} {"id": "12792", "contents": "neg result home pregnanc test could mean pregnant, test perform early, problem techniqu timing. suspect pregnant receiv fals negative, wait day test again. typically, get posit pregnanc test, pregnant. fals posit pretti rare. littl late, could system hasn\u2019t time build high enough level hcg urin continu basis."} {"id": "12793", "contents": "blood test use measur woman' product hcg hormon pregnancy. home pregnanc test show posit neg results. ivf, woman actual pregnant receiv accur result testing. neg pregnanc test ivf period reason tri anoth test days. pregnanc test read ten minut passed, like indic fals positive. blood test test exact level hcg woman\u2019 system accur right nearli 100% time. pregnanc test ivf negative, menstrual period come sever weeks, second test may given. fals neg fairli common use urin test usual result test earli"} {"id": "12794", "contents": "layman would reject order would think order lead loss $100 per unit assum total cost per unit $800 (fix cost $300,000/1,000 variabl cost $500 compar revenu $700). effectively, addit cost compani would incur variabl cost $500 per unit. hence, order yield $200 per unit ($700 minu $500 variabl cost)."} {"id": "12795", "contents": "safeti decid make part conditions, total relev cost be: a) $127,500 b) $102,500 c) $107,500 d) $122,500."} {"id": "12796", "contents": "example. compani manufactur bicycles. produc 1,000 unit month fix cost $300,000 variabl cost $500 per unit. current demand 600 unit sell $1,000 per unit. approach compani order 200 unit $700 per unit. effectively, addit cost compani would incur variabl cost $500 per unit. hence, order yield $200 per unit ($700 minu $500 variabl cost)."} {"id": "12797", "contents": "500 dlh $3.00 per dlh 1,500. total relev cost special order $23,200. 2. part, calcul price recur order 20,000 pound (20 lots) use company\u2019 rule mark full manufactur cost."} {"id": "12798", "contents": "instructions. make list cost relat futur decision. you'r decid use train car long-dist trip, list would includ cost gasoline, auto insurance, park expenses, reduct resal valu due wear tear, cost train ticket. futur cost relevant. cost go occur regardless decis examined, relev cost. decis alway involv least two alternatives, examin relev cost tool aid process."} {"id": "12799", "contents": "calcul total cost product. read more. calcul total variabl cost per unit q&a wiki. calcul unit sell price total sale revenu 400000 total fix cost 76000 unit variabl cost 15 contribut accounting, taxation, banking. recommend look financi account cost account see fit best. import build block microeconom analysi cost account character cost total fabric cost $10; two pair made, total fabric cost within relev range. however, fix cost per unit decreas read"} {"id": "12800", "contents": "cost relevant. calcul expens associ relev cost. past cost relevant, use estim futur cost relevant. example, may know past trip cost food servic station highway trains. futur cost relevant. cost go occur regardless decis examined, relev cost. decis alway involv least two alternatives, examin relev cost tool aid process."} {"id": "12801", "contents": "http://www.chacha.com/question/what-is-considered-processed-meat. process meat includ breakfast sausage, hot dogs, jerkies, bacon, lunch meat, even meat can soup products. process meat caus cancer contain sodium nitrit precursor highli carcinogen nitrosamine.."} {"id": "12802", "contents": "often come box jar, high ad sugars, low fiber whole grains, process sodium, high fat includ tran fat lot satur fat. snack foods, candy, cooki cracker certainli consid process foods, \u201chealthy\u201d food fall categori too. list common process food easili make healthier homemad version of: hilari meyer, associ food editor. next: 1. salad dress \u00bb. 1. 2. 3."} {"id": "12803", "contents": "choos natur chees instead chees food chees products. *process meat defin meat preserv smoking, cure salting, addit chemic preservatives; exampl includ bacon, salami, sausages, hot dog process deli lunch-eon meats."} {"id": "12804", "contents": "aicr/wcrf\u2019 expert report updat defin process meat \u201cmeat preserv smoking, cure salting, addit chemic preservatives.\u201d ham, bacon, sausages, hot dog yes, deli meats, consid process meat. research suggest regularli eat even small amount cold cuts, bacon, sausag hot dog increas colorect cancer risk, aicr recommend avoid foods, except special occasions. risk continu rise process meat consumpt increases."} {"id": "12805", "contents": "list process foods. list process food type (not brand). complet list. mani new food product market everi year. evalu process food read label' ingredi list see names, number, type ingredients. larg number ingredients, name recognize, indic highli process food. generally, virtual everi food label processed. virtual everi food come box, bag, jar, processed. inform see page process food whole foods."} {"id": "12806", "contents": "bacon, ham, cold cut get question process meat type food. it\u2019 surpris sinc headlin chang everi new study. put togeth answer most-ask questions. research suggest regularli eat even small amount cold cuts, bacon, sausag hot dog increas colorect cancer risk, aicr recommend avoid foods, except special occasions. risk continu rise process meat consumpt increases."} {"id": "12807", "contents": "breakfast cereal commerci orang juic consid process foods. definit constitut process food vari slightly, usual refer food packag boxes, can bags. food need process extens edibl found nature. oils, food contain them, highli processed. tran fat, result hydrogen veget oils, also process food."} {"id": "12808", "contents": "amount salt/sodium typic ad fresh meat enough consid process meats. consider less salt luncheon meats. example, \u201cenhanced\u201d chicken breast meat would contain 150 mg sodium per oz, wherea oz deli chicken contain 700 mg. meat can soups, plain chicken beef, exampl would consid process meat, process go soup like sausage, ham bacon would consid process meat."} {"id": "12809", "contents": "evid specif relat process meat address process plant-bas burger like soy burgers. vegetarian burger less like contain ad nitrit (you check label) wouldn\u2019t contain heme iron (found meat). meat can soups, plain chicken beef, exampl would consid process meat, process go soup like sausage, ham bacon would consid process meat."} {"id": "12810", "contents": "1998, result alleg lie grand juri testimoni regard sexual relationship monica lewinsky, young femal white hous intern, clinton second u.s. presid impeach hous repres (the andrew johnson)."} {"id": "12811", "contents": "two impeach articles, second perjuri charg charg abus power, fail house, acquit senat februari 12, 1999. independ counsel ken starr turn document hous judiciari committee. two-third vote (67 senators) requir remov clinton office. fifti senat vote remov clinton obstruct justic charg 45 vote remov perjuri charge; democrat vote guilti either charge."} {"id": "12812", "contents": "requir two-third vote senat remov impeach president. presid clinton impeach hous (on two counts) remov senate. ditto presid andrew johnson (who surviv one vote). bill clinton acquitted. senat reach 2/3' major need fulli process impeachment. break down. clinton impeach hous two charges. first perjury, second obstruct justice."} {"id": "12813", "contents": "bill clinton impeach trial u.s. senat 1999 ~. trial u.s. senat convict remov presid clinton offic end acquitt crimin charg him. senat unabl reach 2/3 major vote convict clinton finish remaind term."} {"id": "12814", "contents": "bill clinton, 42nd presid unit states, impeach hous repres two charges, one perjuri one obstruct justice, decemb 19, 1998. two-third vote (67 senators) requir remov clinton office. fifti senat vote remov clinton obstruct justic charg 45 vote remov perjuri charge; democrat vote guilti either charge."} {"id": "12815", "contents": "however, emerg monica lewinski affair high popular rate second term.futur histori book may well begin note bill clinton second presid impeach u.s. hous representatives."} {"id": "12816", "contents": "administr william jefferson clinton, u.s. enjoy peac econom well time history. first democrat presid sinc franklin d. roosevelt win second term."} {"id": "12817", "contents": "u.s. washington, dec. 19\u2014 william jefferson clinton impeach charg perjuri obstruct justic today divid hous representatives, recommend virtual along parti line senat remov nation' 42d presid office."} {"id": "12818", "contents": "that\u2019 quit right. presid bill clinton impeach two charges: perjuri obstruct justice. mr. clinton lie oath affair monica lewinsky, ground impeachment."} {"id": "12819", "contents": "upon passag h. res. 611, clinton impeach decemb 19, 1998, hous repres ground perjuri grand juri (bi 228\u2013206 vote) obstruct justic (bi 221\u2013212 vote). two-third vote (67 senators) requir remov clinton office. fifti senat vote remov clinton obstruct justic charg 45 vote remov perjuri charge; democrat vote guilti either charge."} {"id": "12820", "contents": "extens expensive: ric give guid cost \u00a31,260 \u00a31,680 per squar metr extens plaster finish. 20-squar metr single-storey extens rang \u00a325,200 \u00a333,600 put floor instal kitchen."} {"id": "12821", "contents": "come addition, extens renov like know want big question costs. tell \u201ccost per \u201ccost per room\u201d build new home half \u201ccost per addition, extens renovation."} {"id": "12822", "contents": "doubl storey extens cost \u00a3500 \u00a31500 per meter square. plan cost cost \u00a31000 \u00a327000, although averag price around \u00a35100. basic conservatori cost around \u00a3500 per squar metr suppli fit. ground need level price increase. price rough guidelin expect pay. rang differ factor affect final quote. difficult give exact price expect pay extens home. price vari dramat depend number factors."} {"id": "12823", "contents": "rough idea typic say cost least \u00a31000 per 93 per ft includ basic plumb electrician work. price per unit area intern floor space 5x4m singl floor extens total floor area 20m doubl storey 40m 2. basic cost increas much size henc cost per squar metr decreas floor area increases. price home extens depend sever factors. country. busi appropri trade are."} {"id": "12824", "contents": "builder give idea extens cost per squar foot metre. example, basic singl storey extens would typic cost around \u00a31,000 per squar metr could \u00a31,600 premium two storey extension. metr extens would cost \u00a315,000 \u00a350,000 two storey, premium extension."} {"id": "12825", "contents": "hous extens cost calculator. current uncertainti hous market caus upsurg number hous extens built. ad bedroom hous almost certain way increas valu properti beyond cost work done. whatpric provid use cost calcul (below), better still use free quotat servic get accur cost build extension. extens cost calcul get quick, free, rough estim least cost involv build extra room(s) house."} {"id": "12826", "contents": "price per squar metr also depend size property. basic cost increas much size henc cost per squar metr decreas floor area increases. price home extens depend sever factors. country. busi appropri trade are."} {"id": "12827", "contents": "best way find cost build extens area post enquiri home extens costs. get four hous extens price compar oblig whatsoev accept them. find cost build extens good start point also get load advic differ extens design extens ideas. larg proport cost extens goe groundwork\u2019 foundat roof. add requir cours block brick second storey fit huge increas cost."} {"id": "12828", "contents": "calcul assist estim approxim cost build home extens ireland. order use home extens price calcul extens project-y know floor area plan hous extens also floor area associ hous renov works. press \u201ccalculate\u201d button estim hous extens cost: hous extens cost calcul valid extens 12 squar metr upwards. pleas note extens cost indic budget reli upon, price vari significantli individu project."} {"id": "12829", "contents": "dietari fiber found fiber rich food kind substanc plant eat. found fruits, veget grains. part plant bodi cannot digest."} {"id": "12830", "contents": "women get 25 gram day men least 35 40, averag person get 15 gram day. eat fiber-rich whole food -- food tout ad fiber -- best way increas fiber intake, say carolyn brown, r.d., nutritionist foodtrainers, new york city."} {"id": "12831", "contents": "women get 25 gram day men least 35 40, averag person get 15 gram day. eat fiber-rich whole foodsnot food tout ad fiberi best way increas fiber intake, say carolyn brown, rd, nutritionist foodtrainers, new york city. list high-fib foodsand tasti recip contain them. watch video: way get fiber. next: corn."} {"id": "12832", "contents": "bran mani grain rich dietari fiber. oat bran high solubl fiber, shown lower blood cholesterol levels. wheat, corn, rice bran high insolubl fiber, help prevent constipation."} {"id": "12833", "contents": "current daili valu (dv) dietari fiber 25 grams. list high fiber foods, more, see extend list high high fiber food nutrient density, fiber rich foods, veget high fiber, fruit high fiber, bean high fiber, grain high fiber."} {"id": "12834", "contents": "broken three distinct areas, holiday albufeira could see stay western, central eastern albufeira. mani resort found around centr town, right besid long sandi beach, top attract live restaurants."} {"id": "12835", "contents": "albufeira hotels. albufeira one popular liveliest resort algarve. well mani great beach offer, beauti church pretti cobbl street well worth visit. larg select bar restaur suit tastes."} {"id": "12836", "contents": "small famili run hotel situat live centr albufeira, pedestrian precinct 100m beach. due location, suitabl seek quiet holiday...."} {"id": "12837", "contents": "modern albufeira sol hotel spa portug fun live complex studio apart full board option extens amen relax carefre ... continu reading."} {"id": "12838", "contents": "fort sao joao pleasant small holiday resort algarv good sandi beach, resort praia d'oura albufeira."} {"id": "12839", "contents": "nightlife. albufeira live resort sure give families, group coupl entertain nights. old town fill boutiqu cafes, caf\u00e9 restaur bar deliv excel food entertain early. hour"} {"id": "12840", "contents": "quinta pedra do bico found popular beach resort albufeira algarve, short walk oura beach. mile long strip bar restaur 200 metr quinta pedra do bicos."} {"id": "12841", "contents": "modern albufeira sol hotel spa portug fun live complex studio apart full board option extens amen relax carefre holiday popular portugues resort albufeira."} {"id": "12842", "contents": "rich varieti thing albufeira, hotel realli gear make stay comfort fun possible. whether look small boutiqu hotel quiet corner, central locat explor town nightlif from, someth you."} {"id": "12843", "contents": "mantl world\u2019 biggest viru pass mimiviru megavirus. case, size doesn\u2019t matter. it\u2019 gene virus share share make stori important. discoveri mimiviru french cool tower amaz virologists."} {"id": "12844", "contents": "specifically, mimiviru genom contain number orf show strong homolog gene encod aminoacyl-trna synthetases, enzym link amino acid appropri trna molecules."} {"id": "12845", "contents": "discoveri mimiviru largest, complex viru current known assumpt may need reevaluated. giant viru much larger size bigger genom known virus."} {"id": "12846", "contents": "discoveri giant mimiviru certainli forc us rethink assumpt virus small. analysi viru also may caus us rethink assumpt tree life. first observ 1992, acanthamoeba polyphaga mimiviru (apmv) present interest stori scientif inquiry."} {"id": "12847", "contents": "virus often filter genet materi remain bacteria/archaea/eukarya isolated. structur mimiviru similar parasit bacterium particl identifi viru 2003, 11 year discoveri 1992 (claveri et al, 2009)."} {"id": "12848", "contents": "however, exact constel gene mimiviru genom match known ncldvs. result led investig postul mimiviru probabl repres first identifi member new class ncldv (raoult et al. 2004)."} {"id": "12849", "contents": "author studi note, mimiviru genom includ mani gene never identifi viral genom (raoult et al. 2004). specifically, mimiviru genom appear contain mani gene need process thought hallmark life: protein translat metabolism."} {"id": "12850", "contents": "mimivirus, viru infect acanthamoeba polyphaga, largest dna viru yet isol (claveri et al, 2006)."} {"id": "12851", "contents": "recent discoveri virophag associ mimiviru stimul debat classif cellular microorgan virus. fact smaller virus infect mimiviru true testament size rel viruses. depend virophag lifecycl success infect amoeboid host mimiviru strengthen notion long-stand parasit relationship mimiviru host."} {"id": "12852", "contents": "mental age concept relat intelligence. look specif child, specif age--usu today, now--perform intellectually, compar averag intellectu perform physic age, measur years. iq intellig quotient, score deriv one sever differ standard test design assess intelligence. mental age age group score result average."} {"id": "12853", "contents": "emot quotient (eq) product look person\u2019 emot intelligence, abil sense, understand effect appli power acumen emot facilit higher level collabor productivity. report consist one science: eq. assess use worldwid for:"} {"id": "12854", "contents": "stanford-binet yield score term intellig quotients. intellig quotient (iq) mental age divid chronolog age multipli 100. iq score allow children differ age compared. example: ten-year-old whose perform resembl typic twelve-year-old iq 120 (12 divid 10 time 100)."} {"id": "12855", "contents": "stanford-binet first test use concept iq. 5th edit report intellig four scores: verbal reasoning, abstract/visual, quantitative, short-term memory. stanford-binet cover rang age 2.5 young adult. intellig testing. iq test method use psychologist measur gener consid intelligence. concept iq, intellig quotient first introduc french psychologist alfr binet 1904. quotient refer binet' definit iq (mental age) divid (chronolog age) m.a./c.a"} {"id": "12856", "contents": "five year old took test, mental age three year old, school would work harder rais intelligence. loui terman, stanford professor, brought idea unit state creat stanford-binet iq test. iq stand intellig quotient. person' iq score comput divid person' mental age chronolog age multipli 100. year old take iq test score mental age year old; 7/7=1 time 100= iq 100. thu averag iq would 100."} {"id": "12857", "contents": "histor reasons, term iq often use describ score test intelligence. origin refer intellig quotient form divid so-cal mental age chronolog age, procedur longer used."} {"id": "12858", "contents": "intellig quotient (iq) score deriv one sever standard test design assess human intelligence. abbrevi iq coin psychologist william stern german term intelligenz-quotient, term score method intellig test advoc 1912 book. definition, approxim two-third popul score iq 85 iq 115, percent popul score 125. iq score shown associ factor morbid mortality, parent social status, and, substanti degree, biolog parent iq."} {"id": "12859", "contents": "intellig test given individu group people. best-known individu intellig test binet-simon scale, stanford-binet intellig scale, wechsler adult intellig scale. intellig quotient (iq) mental age divid chronolog age multipli 100. iq score allow children differ age compared. example: ten-year-old whose perform resembl typic twelve-year-old iq 120 (12 divid 10 time 100)."} {"id": "12860", "contents": "howev mental age vari accord kind intellig measured. child' intellectu age averag physic age child' emot intellig immatur physic age. psychologist often remark girl emot matur boy tween years. iq intellig quotient, score deriv one sever differ standard test design assess intelligence. mental age age group score result average."} {"id": "12861", "contents": "(eight boehner name john.) one obama. reinc rare first name, although immigr flemish belgium brought reinc unit state last name. forty-on peopl last name reinc die unit state sinc 1962. pass on, chairman priebu could becom person first name reinc death index. clear reinc is, fact, given name. name sometim appear reinc r. priebus, time reinhold r. priebus. fred priebus, famili patriarch, came unit state near turn 20 th century."} {"id": "12862", "contents": "find reinc famili immigr unit states. focu search immigr record date era. immigr record tell ancestor' name, ship name, port departure, port arriv destination. social secur death index (ssdi)."} {"id": "12863", "contents": "think northern europe. campaign materi priebus' fail 2004 wisconsin state senat bid note first name rhyme 'heinz .' that' somewhat misleading, though, sinc american realli stretch end favorit ketchup, reinc conclud harder, german-sound tz."} {"id": "12864", "contents": "origin priebu surname. quit possibl two peopl priebu last name given surnam entir differ reasons. discov countri priebu ancestor origin often yield addit clue mean surname."} {"id": "12865", "contents": "reinc rare first name, although immigr flemish belgium brought reinc unit state last name."} {"id": "12866", "contents": "find major reinc famili live immigr u. learn focu search foreign records. immigr record tell ancestor' name, ship name, port departure, port arrival, destination."} {"id": "12867", "contents": "noun. 1. spirits-an alcohol beverag distil rather fermented. booze, hard drink, hard liquor, john barleycorn, liquor, strong drink. alcohol, alcohol beverage, alcohol drink, inebriant, intoxicant-a liquor brew contain alcohol activ agent; alcohol (or drink) ruin him."} {"id": "12868", "contents": "henc spirit volatil substance; sens narrow strong alcohol liquor 1670s. also sens spirit level (1768). also mid-14c. character, disposition; way think feeling, state mind; sourc human desire; middl english freedom spirit meant freedom choice.."} {"id": "12869", "contents": "spirit gin-a colorless alcohol beverag made distil redistil rye grain spirit ad junip berri aromat anise, caraway seeds, angelica root flavoring. vodka-origin distil ferment wheat mash also made mash rye, corn, potatoes."} {"id": "12870", "contents": "alcohol beverag drink contain substanti amount psychoact drug ethanol (inform call alcohol). drink alcohol play import social role mani cultures. alcohol potenti abus physic dependence."} {"id": "12871", "contents": "spirit one main ingredi mix drinks, along alcohol beverages, mixer garnishes. prepar distil ferment substanc fruit, vegetables, grain, sugar cane, cactu juice, etc."} {"id": "12872", "contents": "alcohol spirits. spirit power alcohol beverages, mani boast alcohol content 30% 40%. popular drink world spiritu liquors, cultur world develop materi hand."} {"id": "12873", "contents": "varieti alcohol types, differ brands, mix ingredi sometim overwhelming. syrup magazin make easi gain clear understand type alcohol mix ingredi break basic classes: spirits, liqueurs, wine champagnes, beers, mixers."} {"id": "12874", "contents": "gin spirit, strong alcohol beverage. made distil white grain spirit junip berries, provid distinct flavor. tast ordinari gin dry, frequent mix beverages."} {"id": "12875", "contents": "adt puls wireless home secur servic come differ monthli plans, rang $47.99 $57.99. custom must also pay instal fee upfront, exact amount depend number type compon wish includ wireless secur system."} {"id": "12876", "contents": "adt monitor secur system add valu home, also save 20% homeowner\u2019 insur base premium insur companies. adt provid certif send insur company, show home monitor secur protection. basic packag start $36.99 per month. packag perfect mani price-consci household want keep famili safe adt\u2019 \u201cround clock\u201d 24 hour monitoring."} {"id": "12877", "contents": "depends. adt offer sever monitor packages, one differ priced. adt monitor monthli fee essenti packag $36.99, come littl $9 per week. put cost perspective, might spend much daili cup coffee. go monitor packag offer features, monthli rate vary."} {"id": "12878", "contents": "purchas adt monitor home secur system, receiv equip free. equip adt monitor secur system valu $850. upfront cost pay custom instal charge. adt instal faqs. purchas adt monitor security, train profession instal new secur system home. unlik self-instal diy secur solutions, profession instal quick hassle-fre process."} {"id": "12879", "contents": "obviou benefit instal adt monitor system help make home safer family. adt monitor home protect system alway on, dedic monitor center readi respond immedi intrusion, 24 hour day. basic packag start $36.99 per month. packag perfect mani price-consci household want keep famili safe adt\u2019 \u201cround clock\u201d 24 hour monitoring."} {"id": "12880", "contents": "adt puls start $40 per month $50 per month? it\u2019 hard say\u2026but dig forum post zip07264, custom adt puls list $48 adt puls monthli monitor fee (but year ago, post back august 2011). guess closer $50 per month. it\u2019 pack interact featur offer adt\u2019 puls \u201cselect\u201d system. interact monitor cost $24.99/month. curiou see compar adt\u2019 price service."} {"id": "12881", "contents": "adt monthli monitor secur cost vari depend packag select. basic packag start $36.99 per month. packag perfect mani price-consci household want keep famili safe adt\u2019 \u201cround clock\u201d 24 hour monitoring."} {"id": "12882", "contents": "you\u2019r lucky, may run compani terrif sale point well. throw addit sensor secur features. case adt, even get entir secur system 100% free pay $99 instal fee. instal someth certainli need taken consider quit pricey companies."} {"id": "12883", "contents": "standard custom instal charg adt monitor secur system one-tim expense. custom instal charg may vari depend monitor packag choose. adt instal faqs. purchas adt monitor security, train profession instal new secur system home. unlik self-instal diy secur solutions, profession instal quick hassle-fre process."} {"id": "12884", "contents": "q. much adt monitor home secur equip cost? purchas adt monitor home secur system, receiv equip free. equip adt monitor secur system valu $850. upfront cost pay custom instal charge. adt instal faqs. purchas adt monitor security, train profession instal new secur system home. unlik self-instal diy secur solutions, profession instal quick hassle-fre process."} {"id": "12885", "contents": "two type camel world: bactrian arabian. bactrian camel two hump found desert eastern northern asia, specif gobi. arabian, name suggests, found arabian deserts, one hump variety. bactrian camel two hump found desert eastern northern asia, specif gobi. arabian, name suggests, found arabian deserts, one hump variety. anim either varieti found wild longer."} {"id": "12886", "contents": "two type camel world: bactrian arabian. bactrian camel two hump found desert eastern northern asia, specif gobi. arabian, name suggests, found arabian deserts, one hump variety. anim either varieti found wild longer. dromedari camel live north western india lowland afghanistan. dromedari camel live outsid part arabian peninsula sonila south westwood across african deserts. larg amount dromedari camel also live african desert call sahara desert, largest desert world. 11 peopl found use"} {"id": "12887", "contents": "camel drink lot water go without day it. feed desert grass cacti live desert. cacti grass survive, waxi mixtur them, rain, savour water like camels. hump camel store water commonli believed, reservoir fatti tissue. concentr fatti tissu one area bodi minim heat-trap insul throughout rest body, allow live hot climates."} {"id": "12888", "contents": "post answer question, also tell interest thing camels. camel live. camel nativ asia live desert regions. today, found asia, africa, europe, middl east australia. biggest popul camel found somalia, provid milk, transport food somalian people. also camel live unit states."} {"id": "12889", "contents": "camel live deserts, hot dry. camel adapt help live deserts. thick coat hair protect sun. wide, soft feet, walk long time hot sand. sever adapt help camel save water. larg feet spread weight sand walking."} {"id": "12890", "contents": "camel go day even week littl food water. desert peopl feed camel dates, grass, grain wheat oats. zoos, anim eat hay dri grains--about 3.5 kilogram everi day. camel travel across desert, food may hard find."} {"id": "12891", "contents": "camel use draft saddl anim desert region africa, arabia, asia. adapt windblown desert includ doubl row eyelashes, abil close nostrils, wide-spread soft feet. hump camel store water commonli believed, reservoir fatti tissue. concentr fatti tissu one area bodi minim heat-trap insul throughout rest body, allow live hot climates."} {"id": "12892", "contents": "camel mammal long legs, big-lip snout hump back. two type camels: dromedari camels, one hump, bactrian camels, two humps. camels' hump consist store fat, metabol food water scarce. matter type, camel usual found desert, prairi steppe. though mani peopl think camel live hot climates, well temperatur rang 20 degre (minu 29 degre c) 120 degre (49 degre c)."} {"id": "12893", "contents": "compar quot receiv close assur get pay for. spring lawn cleanup 1/3 1/2 acr lawn typic cost $200 $500, includ extrem circumst larg tree remov excess water damage. larger lawn 1+ acr easili exceed $1,000. often times, however, compani pro-rat tree remov right wood (if burnabl quality). profession landscap charg $30 $50 per person, per hour. averag crew consist men cost $90 $150 per hour."} {"id": "12894", "contents": "spring lawn cleanup 1/3 1/2 acr lawn typic cost $200 $500, includ extrem circumst larg tree remov excess water damage. larger lawn 1+ acr easili exceed $1,000. remov small lake larg fallen tree properti easili doubl total cleanup cost. often times, however, compani pro-rat tree remov right wood (if burnabl quality). profession landscap charg $30 $50 per person, per hour. averag crew consist men cost $90 $150 per hour."} {"id": "12895", "contents": "answer:thi experi kick in. lawn mess want full cleanup. go bust a$$ charg full day. labor rate number guy mani hour work day. big lot. multipli $60/hr hrs, come $240. base that, give custom estim range\u2026in case i\u2019d say cost $225 $325, depend tough job is. put write want. btw, minimum $200 clean-up"} {"id": "12896", "contents": "fall cleanup 1/3 1/2 acr lawn might cost anywher $200 $1,200, although $250 $500 typical. 3-man crew, example, might cost $90 $150 per hour. compani might charg $200 $300 minimum depend size lot. servic far beyond gener maintenance-address drainag issues, example-wil rais total project cost significantly."} {"id": "12897", "contents": "cost profession yard cleanup depend size property, number trees, whether leav debri left curbsid must haul away. half-acr lawn fair amount trees, budget anywher $200 $500."} {"id": "12898", "contents": "one time/first clean hour; alway spring clean pkg) $30.00 per labor hour send 2-3 people, $60-$90 hour-includ tax. charg $5.00 pre-treat stain traffic areas, let know guarante come tri best. residenti tile cleaning, charg $0.50 squar foot, minimum $100.00 per visit."} {"id": "12899", "contents": "landscap compani usual charg $30 $50 per person per hour. 3-man crew, example, might cost $90 $150 per hour. compani might charg $200 $300 minimum depend size lot. 3-man crew, example, might cost $90 $150 per hour. compani might charg $200 $300 minimum depend size lot. servic far beyond gener maintenance-address drainag issues, example-wil rais total project cost significantly."} {"id": "12900", "contents": "decid show charg is: set $90.00, ie. clean hous less $90.00 remember, buy supplies, insurance, pay taxes, pay gas, 941s. usual price right around $110.00 $120.00 cleaning. charg $5.00 pre-treat stain traffic areas, let know guarante come tri best. residenti tile cleaning, charg $0.50 squar foot, minimum $100.00 per visit."} {"id": "12901", "contents": "fourteen patient parkinson' diseas without dopaminerg treatment 13 control subject included. twenti millisecond peripher electr tactil stimuli contralater thumb, paired-puls transcrani magnet stimul right primari somatosensori cortex delivered. find suggest primari somatosensori cortex excit could involv chang somatosensori integr parkinson' diseas dopaminerg treatment. copyright 2011 movement disord society."} {"id": "12902", "contents": "evalu percept peripher electr tactil stimuli condit stimulu intensities, set 70% 90% right rest motor threshold, use differ interstimulu intervals. find suggest primari somatosensori cortex excit could involv chang somatosensori integr parkinson' diseas dopaminerg treatment. copyright 2011 movement disord society."} {"id": "12903", "contents": "sensori nervou system part nervou system respons process sensori information. sensori system consist sensori receptors, neural pathways, part brain involv sensori perception. visual area 1, v1, use vision, via visual system primari visual cortex. sens sight vision enabl us see extern environment. provid richest detail sourc"} {"id": "12904", "contents": "somatosensori area 1, s1, touch propriocept somatosensori system. somatosensori system feed brodmann area 3, primari somatosensori cortex. also pathway propriocept (via cerebellum), motor control (via brodmann area 4). visual area 1, v1, use vision, via visual system primari visual cortex. sens sight vision enabl us see extern environment. provid richest detail sourc sensori information."} {"id": "12905", "contents": "somatosensori system part sensori system concern consciou percept touch, pressure, pain, temperature, position, movement, vibration, aris muscles, joints, skin, fascia. third-ord neurons. third-ord neuron project, via posterior limb intern capsule, primari somatosensori cortex, locat postcentr gyru (also known brodmann area 1, 2, 3) pariet lobe, posterior paracentr lobule."} {"id": "12906", "contents": "process primarili occur primari somatosensori area pariet lobe cerebr cortex: inform sent receptor via sensori nerves, tract spinal cord final brain. somatosensori system spread major part mammal 's bodi (and vertebrates). consist sensori receptor sensori (afferent) neuron peripheri (skin, muscl organ example), deeper neuron within central nervou system."} {"id": "12907", "contents": "somatosensori cortex integr sensori inform body, produc map similar primari motor cortex. transcript: somatosensori cortex (postcentr gyrus) receiv tactil inform body. sensori inform carri brain neural pathway spinal cord, brainstem, thalamus, project somatosensori cortex (which turn numer connect brain areas). integr sensori inform (e.g. touch, pressure, temperature, pain, spatial attention), produc 'homunculu map', similar primari motor cortex. sensori inform feet, example, map medial somatosensori cortex."} {"id": "12908", "contents": "sensori percept chang induc transcrani magnet stimul primari somatosensori cortex parkinson' disease. palomar fj, diaz-d\u00edaz corrales, carrillo, f-fernandez-fern\u00e1ndez del, olmo m, koch g. mir find suggest primari somatosensori cortex excit could involv chang somatosensori integr parkinson' diseas dopaminerg treatment. copyright 2011 movement disord society."} {"id": "12909", "contents": "breakdown cost basic match com subscript tell bit save big money price month 35 99 month 59 97 19 99 per month month 107 94 17 99 per month come guarante"} {"id": "12910", "contents": "match com cost structur allow user pay per month sever month time option includ pay monthli 34 99 per month pay three month time 59 85 equal 19 99 per month pay six month time 101 94 equal 16"} {"id": "12911", "contents": "ask much match com cost simpl answer latest match subscript price current match com subscript price month 29 99 month 59 97 19 99 month 33 month 77 94 12 99 month 56"} {"id": "12912", "contents": "price differ site follow match com cost 35 99 one month standard servic choos standard premium packag ring 19 99 per month three month standard packag 23 99 per month premium three month packag"} {"id": "12913", "contents": "well match com two price structur basic plan bundl plan basic plan typic membership match com go run anywher 16 20 month depend length membership get choos tri one month membership go cost around 35"} {"id": "12914", "contents": "common freezer-top side-by-sid model last 17 14 years, respectively. small repair thing like fail door gasket malfunct ice maker expected, broken compressor usual signal end fridge. small repair thing like fail door gasket malfunct ice maker expected, broken compressor usual signal end fridge. washer, 10-14 years, dryer, 10-13 years: life laundri machin complet depend often it\u2019 run."} {"id": "12915", "contents": "averag lifespan refrigerator? even though refriger classifi durabl goods, last forev gener lifespan 8-14 years. whether make sens repair replac old model depend good is, new is."} {"id": "12916", "contents": "refrigerator, 13-19 years: top end life expect rang belong exclus increasingli rare single-door refriger units. common freezer-top side-by-sid model last 17 14 years, respectively. small repair thing like fail door gasket malfunct ice maker expected, broken compressor usual signal end fridge. washer, 10-14 years, dryer, 10-13 years: life laundri machin complet depend often it\u2019 run."} {"id": "12917", "contents": "averag life expectancy. refriger freezer averag lifespan 14 17 years, accord nation associ realtors. freezer last averag 16 years."} {"id": "12918", "contents": "know microwav go die 10 years, need budget replac ga rang 20, help plan inevit expense. buy use appliances, it\u00b4 good indic long expect five-year-old top-load washer last. applianc small electr product fairli predict life expectancies. depend origin cost, manufactur quality, heavili it\u00b4 used, applianc may last longer shorter period shown follow table."} {"id": "12919", "contents": "averag life expectancy. averag life expect properli maintain refriger 14 17 years, depend model size. compact refriger typic run 14 year average, standard refriger run 17 years. life expect refriger affect well care construction. model may last 10 years, other may run 19 years."} {"id": "12920", "contents": "averag length ownership current own refriger 8.5 year averag use lifetim refriger 14 year (nfo 1996; aham 2001). appear rare household full-siz refriger full durat product\u2019 physic lifetim 20 years. accord report 2001 associ home applianc manufactur (aham), averag length ownership current own full-siz refriger 8.8 year new unit 8.2 year use units."} {"id": "12921", "contents": "washer, 10-14 years, dryer, 10-13 years: life laundri machin complet depend often it\u2019 run. famili averag eight load week yield averag (low) double-digit life. type doesn\u2019t huge effect \u2013front-load top-load problems. small repair thing like fail door gasket malfunct ice maker expected, broken compressor usual signal end fridge. washer, 10-14 years, dryer, 10-13 years: life laundri machin complet depend often it\u2019 run."} {"id": "12922", "contents": "noun. 1. tributary-a branch flow main stream. confluent, affluent, feeder. branch-a stream river connect larger one. distributary-a branch river flow away main stream rejoin it."} {"id": "12923", "contents": "tributari affluent stream river flow larger stream river main stem (or parent) river lake. tributari flow directli sea ocean."} {"id": "12924", "contents": "tributari affluent stream river flow main stem river lake. tributari flow directli sea ocean. tributari main stem river serv drain surround drainag basin surfac water groundwat lead water ocean sea."} {"id": "12925", "contents": "tributari small stream bodi water flow larger bodi water. note tributari could also river, example, missouri ohio river low mississippi river. small river stream. 96 other found useful."} {"id": "12926", "contents": "familiar information: tributari use noun rare. tributari (adjective). adject tributari senses: 1. stream; flow larger stream. 2. pay tribute. 3. tend bring about; partli respons for. familiar information: tributari use adject uncommon."} {"id": "12927", "contents": "tributari stream river flow join main river. flow directli sea. place tributari main river meet call confluence. origin tributari call source."} {"id": "12928", "contents": "becom import tool biochemistry, molecular biolog medicine. use medications, non-proprietari drug name end in-mab (see nomenclatur monoclon antibodi ), mani immunotherapi specialist use word mab anacronymically. idea magic bullet first propos paul ehrlich, who, begin 20th century, postul that, compound could made select target disease-caus organism, toxin organ could deliv along agent selectivity."} {"id": "12929", "contents": "mab. mab, uranu xxvi, inner satellit uranus. discov mark r. showalt jack j. lissauer 2003 use hubbl space telescope. name queen mab, fairi queen english folklor mention william shakespeare' play romeo juliet. however, brighter anoth moon, perdita, discov voyager' photo 1997. led scientist re-examin old photo again, satellit final found images. size mab known exactly. dark puck, 24 km diameter."} {"id": "12930", "contents": "queen mab fairi refer shakespeare' play romeo juliet. later appear poetri literature, variou guis drama cinema. although connect origin sourc material, queen mab featur media seri featur merlin. portray miranda richardson 1998 tv miniseri merlin, serv promin antagonist titl character; dark twin ladi lake."} {"id": "12931", "contents": "mab: mab. abbrevi monoclon antibody. end gener drug name, -mab indic drug monoclon antibody. adalimumab, bevacizumab, infliximab, rituximab, trastuzumab."} {"id": "12932", "contents": "hate indoors, without mab suppos i'd sick dead long ago. burn daylight london, jack view context. leav barton form establish last home, queen mab shall receiv you."} {"id": "12933", "contents": "mab. mab queen faeri shakespeare' romeo juliette. girl name mab beautiful, clever, uniqu usual artistic. also, one uranus' moon name mab, discov 2003. wow look amaz painting!. mab acronym mid afternoon butt sweats. mab moist, slightli unpleas feel underwear warm day physic activity. mab frequent preceed (the mabs). brisk walk gave mabs."} {"id": "12934", "contents": "hate indoors, without mab suppos i'd sick dead long ago. burn daylight london, jack view context. leav barton form establish last home, queen mab shall receiv you. sens sensibl austen, jane view context. -- taken queen mab titania companion."} {"id": "12935", "contents": "hate indoors, without mab suppos i'd sick dead long ago. burn daylight london, jack view context. leav barton form establish last home, queen mab shall receiv you. highli specif antibodi form clone lymphocytes, either natur (e.g., cold haemagglutinin) produc synthet fuse immort cell (mous myeloma) cell produc antibodi desir antigen."} {"id": "12936", "contents": "definit mab. queen fairi english literature. advertis"} {"id": "12937", "contents": "despit fact, dog can\u2019t get pregnant first day heat, problem aris need defin \u201cfirst days\u201d. phase dog get pregnant heat may short three days. it\u2019 easi miss begin heat. sperm may surviv seven day insid uterus."} {"id": "12938", "contents": "femal dog becom pregnant mate heat cycle. pregnanc last roughli 63 day date breeding, give take sever days."} {"id": "12939", "contents": "heat cycl dogs, also known estru time femal dog mate get pregnant. first heat cycl typic occur femal dog reach sexual maturity, approxim 12 month old. however, larger breed matur later (at 18 months)."} {"id": "12940", "contents": "dog pregnanc time line-in heat. understand dog pregnancy, first get gener comprehens bodi works. dog experi heat cycl abl get pregnant. veterinarian suggest breed first heat period unless happen year old. earlier would stunt growth young female. dog go heat time year, common skip one occasion."} {"id": "12941", "contents": "heat abl breed one male. heat week cycl arriv everi 6-9 months. first thing recogn dog goe heat swollen vulva bloodi discharge. egg releas yet phase heat cycle. male dog chemic drawn ever before."} {"id": "12942", "contents": "femal dog recept mating, stage reproduct cycl known \u201cheat.\u201d expect happen twice year begin six month one year age. time dog goe heat, cycl last 21 28 days."} {"id": "12943", "contents": "100% lipscomb univers student receiv grant aid 2013/2014. averag total aid amount $15,044. 26 percent student receiv aid form pell grant u.s. feder government. averag pell grant award 2013/2014 $3,976."} {"id": "12944", "contents": "tuition lipscomb univers $25,290 2014/2015 academ year. 0% expens nation averag privat non-profit four year colleg tuition $25,224. cost $7,982 46% expens averag tennesse tuition $17,308 year colleges. tuition rank 57th tennesse amongst year colleg afford 11th expens year colleg state."} {"id": "12945", "contents": "look five, ten, fifteen eighteen years, collegecalc' estim much could expect pay year degre assum tuition increas nation averag rate. estim futur price base current year cost $156,960.00."} {"id": "12946", "contents": "tuition cost. estim cost student attend lipscomb $39,000 year. estim cost typic undergradu student live campu 2015-2016:"} {"id": "12947", "contents": "tuition financi aid. know first question might ask afford attend lipscomb. answer yes! mani scholarship opportun financi aid option make lipscomb perfect fit. we'll walk all, answer question help get here!"} {"id": "12948", "contents": "right now, talk energi storag lithium-ion, specif tesla, appear close announc new home batteri product appear price around $300 kwh. $150 kwh battery: 17 cent kwh electr storage. $100 kwh battery: 11 cent kwh electr storage. batteri costs, way, function ultim buyer pays, includ instal maintenance. comparison, wholesal grid electr us \u2018baseload\u2019 hour middl night averag 6-7 cent"} {"id": "12949", "contents": "see qualify. mysolarc app, monitor batteri backup system 24/7 see state charge. check much power solar system producing, batteri store home consum minute. day, solar energi charg batteri power home. day transit night, batteri backup system keep thing run smoothly, grid goe down, essenti devic home not."} {"id": "12950", "contents": "sign solarc system batteri backup, make decis secur home\u2019 energi need today, also invest futur everi home particip gener clean, renew power contribut stabil electr grid. day, solar energi charg batteri power home. day transit night, batteri backup system keep thing run smoothly, grid goe down, essenti devic home not."} {"id": "12951", "contents": "averag $500-700/kwh typic batteri probabl closer $2,000-3,000/kw includ balanc system cost (around $400-500/kw), trend toward around $1,500/kw within next 3-years. cost batteri ~10-20% higher bill materi suggest potenti long-term competit price lithium ion batteri could approach ~$100 per kwh. tesla current pay panason $180/kw batteries, although convent system still sell $500-700/kwh."} {"id": "12952", "contents": "event held tesla' hawthorne, california, design studio april 30 p.m. pt. tesla talk releas home batteri storag product year, musk announc confer call analyst februari tesla would unveil home batteri fairli soon.. home batteri power overnight, energi compani typic charg less electricity. then, turn day power home. though home batteri cost thousand dollars, mani util compani offer rebates."} {"id": "12953", "contents": "author estim ev batteri 2014 cost $310 $400 per kwh. it\u2019 realm possibl we\u2019ll see $100 kwh lithium-ion batteri electr vehicl 2020, specul tesla\u2019 \u2018gigafactory\u2019 push suffici scale achiev that. $150 kwh battery: 17 cent kwh electr storage. $100 kwh battery: 11 cent kwh electr storage. batteri costs, way, function ultim buyer pays, includ instal maintenance. comparison, wholesal grid electr us \u2018baseload\u2019 hour middl night averag 6-7 cent kwh"} {"id": "12954", "contents": "tesla home batteri way. februari 21st, 2015 zachari shahan. one biggest statement tesla\u2019 last quarterli confer call would unveil batteri storag system home use within 1\u20132 months. we\u2019r gonna unveil tesla home battery, consum battery, use people\u2019 hous businesses, fairli soon. design done, start go product probabl six month so."} {"id": "12955", "contents": "california current offer advanc energi storag rebat $1.62 per watt. system size less 30 kwh paid front 10 kwh li-ion batteri pack would qualifi cash rebat $16,200. rebat would go owner system case leas would solarcity. also 30% feder tax credit would also go solarc solar system may even appli batteri leas system."} {"id": "12956", "contents": "downsid system remain pricey. averag home, batteri storag system run $10,000 $25,000. long-term financ option declin solar photovolta prices, cost end pencil price that' competit electr heco, said saturnia."} {"id": "12957", "contents": "victoria (sometim call port victoria) capit citi seychel situat north-eastern side mahe mah\u00e9, island the'archipelago main. island citi first establish seat british colonial. govern victoria market local hotspot seychelloi peopl brightli colour fish fruit market missed. also nearbi galleri renown local artist georg camille. citi home nation stadium, intern school seychel polytechnic. victoria serv seychel intern airport, complet 1971. inner harbour lie immedi east town, tuna fish canning form major local industry."} {"id": "12958", "contents": "victoria, capit citi seychelles. victoria main commercial, economic, cultur polit hub seychelles, capit retain charm provinci atmosphere. victoria locat northeastern peninsula island mahe. mah\u00e9 popul victoria 25,000. 25000"} {"id": "12959", "contents": "name: seychelles. long form) republ seychelles. capit city: victoria (24,970 pop.). seychel population: 90,846 (2013 est. seychel fast facts. name: seychelles. long form) republ seychelles. capit city: victoria (24,970 pop.). seychel population: 90,846 (2013 est."} {"id": "12960", "contents": "plenti space famili 4. nice kitchen. easi check-in/check-out process. jocelyn, unit state america. beachfront panama city, florida, resort mile saint andrew state park. guest seychel condominium resortquest enjoy outdoor pool spa health club. accommod featur full kitchen, wire internet, in-suit laundromat."} {"id": "12961", "contents": "brief visit victoria-th capit citi seychel whilst stay berjaya beau vallon beach resort. travel events. standard youtub license."} {"id": "12962", "contents": "victoria (sometim call port victoria) capit citi seychel situat north-eastern side mahe mah\u00e9, island the'archipelago main. island victoria market local hotspot seychelloi peopl brightli colour fish fruit market missed. also nearbi galleri renown local artist georg camille. citi home nation stadium, intern school seychel polytechnic. victoria serv seychel intern airport, complet 1971. inner harbour lie immedi east town, tuna fish canning form major local industry."} {"id": "12963", "contents": "citi victoria, name queen victoria england, capit seychelles. popul 25,000 trade center well princip port archipelago. majorli deal export vanilla, tortois shells, soaps, coconuts, etc."} {"id": "12964", "contents": "reach (transport) victoria serv seychel intern airport locat distanc 11 km city. oper flight citi like bangkok, frankfurt, dubai, rome, paris, nairobi milan. buse taxi citi readili avail outsid airport. victoria, name queen victoria england, capit seychelles. popul 25,000 trade center well princip port archipelago. majorli deal export vanilla, tortois shells, soaps, coconuts, etc."} {"id": "12965", "contents": "total cost year physic therapist assist program includ tuition, fees, book core cours gener educ cours approxim $12,000. up-to-d cost go ccri bursar' tuition fee page."} {"id": "12966", "contents": "averag salari physic therapist assistant? accord apta (american physic therapi association) median incom pta $70,000 depend position, year experience, degre education, geograph location, practic setting."} {"id": "12967", "contents": "physic therapist' assist treat patient limit abil move perform daili activities, walk driving. work supervis licens physic therapists, pta employ method exercises, electr stimul massage."} {"id": "12968", "contents": "physic therapist assist member apta least five year work experience, 60 hour continu educ credits, letter recommend demonstr leadership abil may qualifi credential."} {"id": "12969", "contents": "accord american physic therapi association, 233 accredit physic therapist assist program unit state 2006. accredit program usual last years, semesters, culmin associ degree."} {"id": "12970", "contents": "salari rang physic therapist assist vari accord experi type employ setting. new graduat physic therapist assist make approxim $40,000 $50,000 per year. experienc physic therapist assist make $66"} {"id": "12971", "contents": "correct term physic therapist assist must license. term assist physic therapist. p.t.a. must earn appli scienc associ degre (2 year) accredit colleg (www.apta.org show colleges) pass boards."} {"id": "12972", "contents": "privaci winner free privaci tool window delet internet activ trace program activ instantly. tool easili remov complet internet history, search history, window histori chat history. support internet explorer, netscape, opera, firefox web browsers."} {"id": "12973", "contents": "delet internet track could tri use firefox close delet everyth use clear privat data. could tri put thing desktop everi time download things. way deletable."} {"id": "12974", "contents": "secur eras trace internet comput activity. extrem easi use softwar premium secur features. free-up space drive maintain privacy. remov unwant histori tracks, includ list recent visit sites, view pictur videos."} {"id": "12975", "contents": "instructions. first thing delet web browser history. internet explorer, go tool menu select delet brows history.... press delet button bottom popup window."} {"id": "12976", "contents": "ever want remov trace onlin activ didn\u2019t know start? wipe handy, easi use program let that. wipe eras passwords, internet history, cookies, cach more."} {"id": "12977", "contents": "perman delet trace list programs, click delet all. remov junk temporari file differ browsers, 3rd parti applications, random activities. select junk left sidebar choos place would like scan."} {"id": "12978", "contents": "free program remov trace internet comput activities? update: want secur delet thing thing i'v delet past i'm sure it."} {"id": "12979", "contents": "delet brows history. internet cleaner allow clear trace browser activity. privaci tool perman delet internet histori information, eras browser address bar history, clean browser cache, remov temporari internet files, cookies, more."} {"id": "12980", "contents": "citizenship. applic u.s. senat must u.s. citizen nine year prior appli senate. 9-year rule help ensur foreign-born senat show loyalti unit state countri birth."} {"id": "12981", "contents": "us senat 1. least 30 year old 2. citizen us past years. 3. must live state seek represent. 11 peopl found useful."} {"id": "12982", "contents": "1) senat must least 30 year old 2) must citizen unit state least past nine year 3) must (at time election) inhabit state seek/want represent."} {"id": "12983", "contents": "gener speaking, person becom u.s. citizen one four ways. first, born unit state one territories. second, born parent u.s. citizens, may u.s. citizen yourself. process call acquisit citizenship."} {"id": "12984", "contents": "order becom unit state citizen one would born unit states. also becom unit state citizen take citizenship cours unit state citizenship test."} {"id": "12985", "contents": "becom citizen birth, must: born u. certain territori outli possess unit states, subject jurisdict unit states. parent parent citizen time birth."} {"id": "12986", "contents": "person must first becom green card holder, order appli us citizenship must age 18. similarly, must held green card least five year must file natur applic american state live past three months."} {"id": "12987", "contents": "localis scleroderma. localis scleroderma mildest form diseas occur age. diseas affect skin, caus one hard patches. intern organ affected. exactli skin affect depend type localis scleroderma. two types: morphoea: small oval skin patches. usual itchy. affect skin anywher body. patch may hairless and/or lighter/dark normal skin. patch may fade years. scleroderma uncommon diseas result hard, thicken area skin sometim problem intern organ blood vessels. there' cure, peopl lead full, product life. scleroderma autoimmun condition, mean bodi attack tissues."} {"id": "12988", "contents": "scleroderma\u2019 main type local systemic. local mean diseas affect certain part body. system mean affect whole body. local type often affect skin tissues. harm major organs. may get better go away without help. sever peopl leav skin damage."} {"id": "12989", "contents": "back top symptoms. type scleroderma affect skin, other affect whole body. local scleroderma. often affect skin hand face. develop slowly, rare spread bodi caus seriou problems. system scleroderma, sclerosis."} {"id": "12990", "contents": "scleroderma group diseas affect connect tissu body. tissu support skin intern organs. scleroderma involv tissu get hard thick. also caus swell pain muscl joints. type scleroderma lead hard, tight skin. local mean diseas affect certain part body. system mean affect whole body. local type often affect skin tissues. harm major organs. may get better go away without help. sever peopl leav skin damage."} {"id": "12991", "contents": "scleroderma involv tissu get hard thick. also caus swell pain muscl joints. type scleroderma lead hard, tight skin. type affect blood vessel major organ (such heart, lungs, kidneys)."} {"id": "12992", "contents": "three type system scleroderma, defin tissu affect disorder. one type system scleroderma, known limit cutan system scleroderma, fibrosi usual affect hands, arms, face. third type system scleroderma, call system sclerosi sine scleroderma (sine mean without latin), fibrosi affect one intern organ skin."} {"id": "12993", "contents": "number treatment avail address variou condit associ scleroderma. none cure design treat symptom disease. differ class drug list current approved, either us europe, treat condition. side effects: side effect octreotid common, though pain burn inject site may last 15 minutes. tell physician symptom sever go away: upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, bloating, flatulence, loss appetit increas hunger."} {"id": "12994", "contents": "nonsteroid anti-inflammatori drug (nsaids) use reliev symptom caus arthriti (rheumatism), inflammation, swelling, stiff joint pain. peopl certain medic conditions, nsaid lead develop stomach bleed kidney disease. side effects: side effect octreotid common, though pain burn inject site may last 15 minutes. tell physician symptom sever go away: upset stomach, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain, bloating, flatulence, loss appetit increas hunger."} {"id": "12995", "contents": "medications. sever type medic help eas sign symptom limit scleroderma, including: topic antibiotics. skin ulcer becom infected, may need appli topic antibiot bandag area. topic treatment work, may need oral intraven antibiotics. antacid drugs. skin ulcer becom infected, may need appli topic antibiot bandag area. topic treatment work, may need oral intraven antibiotics. antacid drugs. limit scleroderma give heartburn, doctor may suggest drug reduc product stomach acid."} {"id": "12996", "contents": "anoth type system scleroderma, known diffus cutan system scleroderma, fibrosi affect larg area skin, includ torso upper arm legs, often involv intern organs. third type system scleroderma, call system sclerosi sine scleroderma (sine mean without latin), fibrosi affect one intern organ skin."} {"id": "12997", "contents": "natur brown hardwood mulch (red oak) premium doubl hammered, all-natur hardwood bark great groundcovers. shred materi allow excel compaction, ideal slope area drainag eros may problem."} {"id": "12998", "contents": "live earth elit provid comprehens line mulch types, hardwood pine color mulch. live earth product process ensur consistent, high-qual mulch, make deliv anyone. larg inventori varieti second none."} {"id": "12999", "contents": "premium. product made 100% hardwood bark consist textur allow easi spreading. size rang under. mulch one top seller rich natur dark brown color."} {"id": "13000", "contents": "black diamond mulch made pine bark hardwood mulch. combin qualiti both, black diamond fine textur hardwood color smell pine. long-last mulch dark, rich color."} {"id": "13001", "contents": "black mulch. $33.50. premium hardwood bark mulch fine shredded, natur enhanc charcoal rich black color. all-natur chemic free product dyes. prefer black mulch landscap professionals. pine bark mulch. $37.00. premium shred pine bark, reddish brown color."} {"id": "13002", "contents": "red chocol brown hardwood mulch use age process brown hardwood mulch, color enhanced. unlik mani color enhanc softwood mulch lose color quickly, hardwood mulch retain dark rich color. pleas see inform color loss mulches."} {"id": "13003", "contents": "varieti natur wood mulches, color enhanc mulches, stone mulch immedi avail stock item mulch express super center."} {"id": "13004", "contents": "singapor daisi introduc garden plant extens plant road rail embank stabilis variou northern region australia. seriou competitor nativ ground covers. mat-form herbac perenni grow height 0.7 produc stem length. oval leav dark green upper surfac paler beneath tooth margins. good local alternative. popular nativ creep vine tropic one common wide distribut salt toler plants. sprawl runner spread woodi rootstock sparse, heart-shap round leaves. flower purple, 2\u20135 cm long freeli produced."} {"id": "13005", "contents": "sphagneticola trilobata, commonli known singapor daisy, creeping-oxeye, trail daisy, wedelia. plant helianthea tribe asteracea (sunflower) family."} {"id": "13006", "contents": "return rainforest canopyorreturn rainforest plants\\trees. commonli encount speci famili daintree. small herb serrat leav small round, daisi like flower top plant."} {"id": "13007", "contents": "neighbour singapor daisi creeper encroach onto properti start take part garden. someon told realli hard get rid of, infact indic it-you cannot get rid it. help would much appreciated."} {"id": "13008", "contents": "name: singapor daisy. scientif name: sphagneticola trilobata. identifi weed: vigor ground cover form mat, usual disturb areas. glossi green leav grow opposit stem leav usual three-lob tooth margins. yellow-orang daisi flower approxim 2-3cm across 8-13 petal fine tooth tip. flower promin year round."} {"id": "13009", "contents": "singapor daisi plant type: class declar pest common name singapor daisi botan name sphagneticola trilobata famili asteracea origin nativ mexico argentina habitat invas weed riparian areas, drains, road sides, wetlands, rainforest edges. also garden escape forest types. cut, scrape paint larger node rate 1:1 meltsulfuron methyl water mix. hand pull effect waterway small isol patch ensur root node remov provid area subject erosion, bag dispose."} {"id": "13010", "contents": "singapore, also known republ singapore, locat southeast asia. island state southern tip malaysia peninsula. one remain city-st world smallest countri southeast asia. countri approxim million people, govern parti name pap (people' action party) took singapor govern 1965."} {"id": "13011", "contents": "i\u2019v diagnos round-up system. upset this. neighbour say singapor daisy, grow boundary: even herbicid round-up brush-off, like singapor daisi come back. kill singapor daisy, would recommend cut ground level paint remain stem concentr round up. directli flow plant\u2019 vascular system far greater success rate. find shoot futur continu method"} {"id": "13012", "contents": "singapor daisi highli invas rapidli spread seed dissemin mean spread aboveground stem form root everi node. good local alternative. popular nativ creep vine tropic one common wide distribut salt toler plants. sprawl runner spread woodi rootstock sparse, heart-shap round leaves. flower purple, 2\u20135 cm long freeli produced."} {"id": "13013", "contents": "structur cell wall similar plant chemic fungi cell wall compos chitin.fungi heterotroph organisms.they fungi digest food first ingest food, accomplish fungi produc exoenzymes."} {"id": "13014", "contents": "eukaryot organ complex cell featur mitochondria nuclei, domain eukaryota evolv member consist mani cell (although eukaryotes, amoeba paramecium, single-celled). mani fungi superfici plant-lik organisms. grow visibl structur resembl plant plant parts. microscop level, plant fungi cell walls, featur metazoan (animal) cell lack. studi cladistics, however, result phylogeni tree fungi close relat anim plants."} {"id": "13015", "contents": "unicellular pluricellular fungi. fungi eukaryot heterotrophs. fungi cell whose cell wall made chitin, substanc compos exoskeleton arthropods. fungi, like animals, character storag glucos form polym glycogen."} {"id": "13016", "contents": "organ kingdom fungi includ mushrooms, yeasts, molds, rusts, smuts, puffballs, truffles, morels, molds. 70,000 speci fungi identified. fungi constitut independ group plant animals."} {"id": "13017", "contents": "characterist fungi plants. plant fungu kingdom common characteristics. first, eukaryotic, mean belong eukarya domain cell contain nucleu membrane-bound organelles."} {"id": "13018", "contents": "plants, trees, flowers, ferns, eukaryotic, non-motil organ use photosynthesi get energy. rememb photosynthesi process convert sunlight carbon dioxid oxygen sugar. plant fungi cell walls, cell wall plant made cellulose."} {"id": "13019", "contents": "structur cell wall similar plant chemic fungi cell wall compos chitin. fungi heterotroph organisms. fungi digest food first ingest food, accomplish fungi produc exoenzymes. fungi store food starch."} {"id": "13020", "contents": "meat part: meat part bigger dish, like pasta curry, plan 1/4 1/3 pound (four six ounces) per person."} {"id": "13021", "contents": "1/2 lb per person footbal team. 1/3 lb per person-adult teens. 1/4 lb per person-kids. gener prepar 1/2 lb cook meat per person, regardless crowd. state above, like play conservative. i\u2019d much rather send folk home leftov run food."} {"id": "13022", "contents": "season salt pepper sprinkl littl dri thyme. place oven roast 20 minut turn heat ga mark 5, 190c, place next coolest aga oven continu cook 10 minut everi 450g. like beef rare, take oven now."} {"id": "13023", "contents": "reduc serv per meat, ultim end cook singl meat serving. example, one meat setting, would factor 1/2 pound per person. two meat scenario, i\u2019m actual prepar 2/3 pound per person. 1/4 lb per person-kids. gener prepar 1/2 lb cook meat per person, regardless crowd. state above, like play conservative. i\u2019d much rather send folk home leftov run food."} {"id": "13024", "contents": "supermarket typic sell corn beef dish roughli three pound amounts, prepackaged, $3 per pound. around st. patrick' day market typic put head cabbag sale also, often 39 cent 49 cent per pound. add potato carrot voila!"} {"id": "13025", "contents": "1.5. 4. 4. 4. 5. 6. inform buy pork, see pork shop guide. turkey buy guide. unsur quantiti turkey purchas accord number guest serving, alway good idea allow pound uncook turkey per person purchas whole turkey."} {"id": "13026", "contents": "q. cook part come fairli easi quantiti troubl with. much roast beef, mash potato gravi would need serv 55 people. a. boneless cut meat, figur half-pound slightli per person. plan three-quart cup mash potato per person three ounc gravy. would 30 pound meat, gallon mash potatoes, littl quart gravy."} {"id": "13027", "contents": "big serving? ounc cooked, size deck play card palm hand. amount uncook meat you\u2019ll actual need per person depend cut. boneless meat (ground meat, stew meat, boneless roast chops) 1/4 1/3 pound per serving."} {"id": "13028", "contents": "weigh joint order calcul cook time. like rare beef cook joint 20 minut per 450g plu 20 minutes, medium result cook meat 25 minut per 450g plu 25 minut well done joint cook 30 minut per 450g plu 30 minutes. joint cook allow stand 10 minut make easier carve. like rare beef cook joint 20 minut per 450g plu 20 minutes, medium result cook meat 25 minut per 450g plu 25 minut well done joint cook 30 minut per 450g plu 30 minutes. bast meat regularli cooking."} {"id": "13029", "contents": "weigh joint (with stuffing, using) order calcul cook time. like rare beef cook joint 20 minut per 450g plu 20 minutes, medium result cook meat 25 minut per 450g plu 25 minut well done joint cook 30 minut per 450g plu 30 minutes. joint cook allow stand 10 minut make easier carve. like rare beef cook joint 20 minut per 450g plu 20 minutes, medium result cook meat 25 minut per 450g plu 25 minut well done joint cook 30 minut per 450g plu 30 minutes. bast meat regularli cooking."} {"id": "13030", "contents": "olap-comput definition. (o ine nalyt rocessing) decis support softwar allow user quickli analyz inform summar multidimension view hierarchies. olap tool use perform trend analysi sale financi information."} {"id": "13031", "contents": "olap. stand onlin analyt processing.. olap allow user analyz databas inform multipl databas system one time. relat databas consid two-dimensional, olap data multidimensional, mean inform compar mani differ ways. order process databas inform use olap, olap server requir organ compar information. client analyz differ set data use function built olap server. popular olap server softwar program includ oracl express server hyperion solut essbase."} {"id": "13032", "contents": "computing, onlin analyt processing, olap (/\u02c8o\u028alaep/), \u02c8o\u028al\u00e6p approach answering-multi dimension (analytical) mda queries. swiftli olap part broader categori business, intellig also encompass relational, databas report write data. mine olap tool enabl user analyz multidimension data interact multipl perspectives. olap consist three basic analyt operations: consolid (roll-up), drill-down, slice dicing."} {"id": "13033", "contents": "olap acronym onlin analyt processing. olap perform multidimension analysi busi data provid capabl complex calculations, trend analysis, sophist data modeling. olap power technolog data discovery, includ capabl limitless report viewing, complex analyt calculations, predict \u201cwhat if\u201d scenario (budget, forecast) planning."} {"id": "13034", "contents": "short onlin analyt processing, categori softwar tool provid analysi data store database. olap tool enabl user analyz differ dimens multidimension data. example, provid time seri trend analysi views. olap often use data mining."} {"id": "13035", "contents": "exampl olap cube. olap cube term typic refer multi-dimension array data. olap acronym onlin analyt processing, computer-bas techniqu analyz data look insights. term cube refer multi-dimension dataset, also sometim call hypercub number dimens greater 3."} {"id": "13036", "contents": "olap (onlin analyt processing) technolog behind mani busi intellig (bi) applications. olap power technolog data discovery, includ capabl limitless report viewing, complex analyt calculations, predict \u201cwhat if\u201d scenario (budget, forecast) planning."} {"id": "13037", "contents": "olap cube definition. olap cube data structur allow fast analysi data accord multipl dimens defin busi problem."} {"id": "13038", "contents": "studi requir student nurses' experi roster servic supernumerari status. conclusions: staff nurs part system within work, need modifi role includ activ student teach legitim compon role. data suggest roster statu student gener favour staff nurs supernumerari statu because, unlik supernumerari students, roster student disrupt exist social structur within clinic setting."} {"id": "13039", "contents": "supernumerari status. posit statement. definit supernumerari statu student nurs remain broadli similar sinc incept project 2000 curriculum 1989, supernumerari statu becam norm student nurses. \u201cstudent placement experi programm extra establish number practic areas\u201d (uw 2004). recognis practic experi vari staf level may also alter across sectors, unit even within one unit/ward department."} {"id": "13040", "contents": "supernumerari adject mean exceed usual number. use noun, supernumerari mean temporari employee, addit societi member, extra manpower, usual function temporari contract. aeronaut context, flight deck may contain supernumerari seat. place someon anyth take off, flying, land aircraft. place extra bodi observe."} {"id": "13041", "contents": "supernumerari status: definition, operationalis effect practice. mcgowan b, mccormack b. univers ulster, jordanstown, newtownabbey, uk. brian.mcgowan@ulster.ac.uk. paper present evalu implement supernumerari statu intens care unit greater belfast area. evalu focus three questions, staff understand term supernumerari statu"} {"id": "13042", "contents": "definit supernumerary. 1. b: enumer among regular compon group especi militari organization. 2. exceed necessary, required, desired."} {"id": "13043", "contents": "profess [edit]. supernumerari accountants. supernumerari member council royal academi engineering. supernumerari judg magistrates. student nurs class supernumerary, present placement shadow mentor staff member, supervis carri clinic practic ... aeronaut context, flight deck may contain supernumerari seat. place someon anyth take off, flying, land aircraft. place extra bodi observe."} {"id": "13044", "contents": "staff nurses' percept supernumerari statu compar roster servic diploma nurs students. hyde a(1), bradi d. author information: (1)school nurs midwifery, univers colleg dublin, nation univers ireland, dublin, ireland. data suggest roster statu student gener favour staff nurs supernumerari statu because, unlik supernumerari students, roster student disrupt exist social structur within clinic setting."} {"id": "13045", "contents": "term supernumerari numerari long commonli use spanish latin american academi government; also use countri world, includ france, great britain, italy, us. aeronaut context, flight deck may contain supernumerari seat. place someon anyth take off, flying, land aircraft. place extra bodi observe."} {"id": "13046", "contents": "abstract. supernumerari status, pre-registr student nurses, fundament chang way learn practice. research suggests, however, mani student apprenticeship model still exist supernumerari statu creat new challeng learn practice."} {"id": "13047", "contents": "general, concept supernumerari statu well receiv support involv believ goal produc adequ train skill practition intens care environ worthwhil exercis benefit staff patients. univers ulster, jordanstown, newtownabbey, uk. brian.mcgowan@ulster.ac.uk. paper present evalu implement supernumerari statu intens care unit greater belfast area."} {"id": "13048", "contents": "worm caus ringworm. rather, superfici skin infection, also known tinea, caus fungi call dermatophytes. fungi microscop organ live dead tissu skin, hair, nails, much like mushroom grow bark tree."} {"id": "13049", "contents": "ringworm often spread direct, skin-to-skin contact infect person. anim human. contract ringworm touch anim ringworm. ringworm spread pet groom dog cats. also fairli common cows. object human."} {"id": "13050", "contents": "ringworm (dermatophytosis) fungal infect affect hair, skin nail cats, dog humans. common contagi skin infect cats. humans, infect often caus classic ring-lik lesions, seen less commonli cat dogs."} {"id": "13051", "contents": "although name suggest otherwise, ringworm isn\u2019t caus worm all-but fungu infect skin, hair nails. uncommon cats, highli contagi diseas lead patchy, circular area hair loss central red rings."} {"id": "13052", "contents": "red round patch skin. ringworm skin scalp diseas caus fungi. get name characterist ring-lik rash skin. diseas spread touch infect person animal."} {"id": "13053", "contents": "human human. ringworm often spread direct, skin-to-skin contact infect person. anim human. contract ringworm touch anim ringworm. ringworm spread pet groom dog cats."} {"id": "13054", "contents": "ringworm contagious. spread skin-to-skin contact person anim it. also spread share thing like towels, clothing, sport gear. also get ringworm touch infect dog cat, although form ringworm common."} {"id": "13055", "contents": "spread follow ways: human human. ringworm often spread direct, skin-to-skin contact infect person. anim human. contract ringworm touch anim ringworm. ringworm spread pet groom dog cats. also fairli common cows."} {"id": "13056", "contents": "add-in microsoft excel. free download excel 2016 (32- 64-bit), 2013, 2010, 2007, 2003; desktop version offic 365. add-in find page are, fact, accumul 11 year experi microsoft excel development."} {"id": "13057", "contents": "remov com add-ins. com add-in compil add-ins. creat outsid excel special program design work within excel. excel frequent run memori problem com add-in installed. caus regular add-in work correctly, excel run memory."} {"id": "13058", "contents": "instal excel add-in. instal add-in typic instal excel, solver analysi toolpak, run setup program excel microsoft offic choos chang option instal add-in. restart excel, add-in appear add-in avail box. excel add-in locat comput instal activ click brows (in add-in dialog box) locat add-in, click ok. excel add-in requir run instal package."} {"id": "13059", "contents": "activ excel add-in. click file tab, click options, click add-in category. manag box, click excel add-ins, click go. add-in dialog box appears. add-in avail box, select check box next add-in want activate, click ok."} {"id": "13060", "contents": "lot use add-in excel 2013-2003: find remov duplicates, merg workbooks, combin duplic rows, join cells, more. click categori see relat add-ins, see list add-in excel add-in tab."} {"id": "13061", "contents": "inactiv excel add-in. click file tab, click options, click add-in category. manag box, click excel add-ins, click go. add-in avail box, clear check box next add-in want inactivate, click ok."} {"id": "13062", "contents": "control panel, click program featur (window window vista) add/remov program (window xp). one following: instal excel part microsoft office, click microsoft offic list instal programs, click chang button."} {"id": "13063", "contents": "mani definit available. scholar rhetoric, offer current definition. rhetor studi practic commun persuades, informs, inspires, entertain target audienc order chang reinforc beliefs, values, habit actions. read article, better understand definit rhetoric. see rhetor way commun persuad inform target audience. rhetor also studi commun others."} {"id": "13064", "contents": "brief, \u201crhetoric\u201d commun use modifi perspect others. broad definit call explanation. owl\u2019 introduct rhetor vidcast explain rhetor rhetor relat writing. vidcast defin rhetor \u201cprimarili awar languag choic make.\u201d give brief histori origin rhetor ancient greece. download free microsoft powerpoint viewer. understand abl analyz rhetor situat help contribut strong, audience-focused, organ writing. powerpoint present media box suitabl classroom write task."} {"id": "13065", "contents": "rhetorical. adject rhe\u00b7tor\u00b7i\u00b7c \\ri-\u02c8to\u0307r-i-k\u0259l, -\u02c8taer-\\. \u02c8t\u00e4r. tweet, relating, concern art speak write formal effect especi way persuad influence. peopl full definit rhetorical. 1. a: of, relat to, concern rhetoric. 2. a: given rhetoric: grandiloqu b: verbal. rhe\u00b7tor\u00b7i\u00b7cal\u00b7li \\-i-k(\u0259-)l\u0113\\ adverb. see rhetor defin english-languag learners. see rhetor defin kids."} {"id": "13066", "contents": "someth strike mani definit rhetor is. rhetor use select word creat argument persuad reader something. manipul word produc certain thought reaction readers. read article, better understand definit rhetoric. see rhetor way commun persuad inform target audience. rhetor also studi commun others."} {"id": "13067", "contents": "rhetor refer art persuas care craft words. rhetor use pejor term suggest speaker (or writer) use word falsely, instead use plain talk convey something. hand, craft word fals words. literature, rhetor convinc feel certain way topic. art convey point convincing, eloquent, effect way."} {"id": "13068", "contents": "exampl rhetorical. question rhetorical. realli expect answer. rhetorical. mckinney made name georgia polit rhetor bomb-thrower. colleagu statehous dub \u201chanoi cynthia\u201d 1991 speech denounc persian gulf war. full definit rhetorical. 1. a: of, relat to, concern rhetoric. 2. a: given rhetoric: grandiloqu b: verbal. rhe\u00b7tor\u00b7i\u00b7cal\u00b7li \\-i-k(\u0259-)l\u0113\\ adverb. see rhetor defin english-languag learners. see rhetor defin kid"} {"id": "13069", "contents": "definition. focus criterion rhetor analysi read articl keep mind impact produc audience. henc kind analysi call understand repres view masses."} {"id": "13070", "contents": "rhetor studi effect speak writing. art persuasion. mani things. long vigor histori rhetor enjoy mani definitions, accommod differ purposes, vari wide included."} {"id": "13071", "contents": "rhetor (pronounc /\u02c8r\u025bt\u0259r\u026ak/) art discourse, art aim improv capabl writer speaker inform, persuade, motiv particular audienc specif situations. scholar debat scope rhetor sinc ancient times. although limit rhetor specif realm polit discourse, mani modern scholar liber encompass everi aspect culture."} {"id": "13072", "contents": "upvc sash windows. upvc sash window available, third cheaper wooden sash equivalents. advantag upvc cours less mainten required, gener come lengthi guarantees, lifespan like less well maintain wooden sash windows."} {"id": "13073", "contents": "sash windows, tradit wooden box sash model costli upvc sash window need bespok design match exist properti kind plan requir cost definit top end range."} {"id": "13074", "contents": "tweet. averag cost doubl glaze window bedroom flat window \u00a31,400 bedroom properti 15 window expect pay around \u00a35,000 average. doubl glaze reduc energi bill \u00a3175 year averag increas property' value."} {"id": "13075", "contents": "sash window don\u2019t hard work! see, don\u2019t need fret sash windows, plenti option avail you, rang costs. think hard complet chang windows, like expens option."} {"id": "13076", "contents": "look \u201caverag cost per window\u201d \u201cdoubl glaze cost estimate\u201d figur could use basic doubl glaze price guide."} {"id": "13077", "contents": "sash window made upvc start around \u00a3300, although cost depend specif compani use."} {"id": "13078", "contents": "averag cost doubl glaze window bedroom flat window \u00a31,400 bedroom properti 15 window expect pay around \u00a35,000 average."} {"id": "13079", "contents": "give idea cost, wooden sash window cost around \u00a31,300 each, whilst upvc tend cheaper \u00a3700 per window. sash doubl glaze window still much expens get tradit doubl glazing, work \u00a3300 per window average. mention elsewhere, never cost effect term energi effici switch doubl glazing, even older properti larg sash windows."} {"id": "13080", "contents": "compani overview. joseph ribkoff, inc. designs, sews, produces, export dress women. compani offer sportswear, day even wear, well dress variou occasions."} {"id": "13081", "contents": "joseph ribkoff. joseph ribkoff offer timeless design dress separates. season season, women flock joseph ribkoff design look alway style fit consistent. joseph ribkoff cloth make feel sexi classi time. joseph ribkoff line appeal women age style vast degre design. joseph ribkoff sponsor miss america, numer spokeswomen world!"} {"id": "13082", "contents": "worn sympli go-to tank ($92) joseph ribkoff soft knit cardigan ($150). lisa wear sympli shrug ($143) sympli tank tunic ($92) sympli pure pant ($118). picture, beam lisa\u2019 look almost perfect. want share glimps come 2015. maxi dress strong pink coral aplenty. here, primal model beauti joseph ribkoff number, perfect piec (lucky) ladi spend holiday warmer climates."} {"id": "13083", "contents": "everi custom buy joseph ribkoff attest longev cloth qualiti timeless style. design made special sourc fabric handpick quality. joseph ribkoff line appeal women age style vast degre design. joseph ribkoff sponsor miss america, numer spokeswomen world!"} {"id": "13084", "contents": "joseph ribkoff faux fur jacket. ultra-soft, plush gray coat ruffl front closur cuffs. two hook close jacket. 100% polyester. mark size us 12. bust measur 40 inch (measur across front armpit armpit doubled). length measur 22.5 inch center back. shoulder measur 18.5 inch. excel condit origin tag"} {"id": "13085", "contents": "mr. joseph ribkoff founder joseph ribkoff inc., serv presid chairman board. --. --. mr. joseph ribkoff founder joseph ribkoff inc., serv presid chairman board. 2375 de l\u2019aviation. dorval, quebec h9p 2x6. canada. founder, chairman presid"} {"id": "13086", "contents": "becom fan joseph ribkoff page. stay touch style latest joseph ribkoff."} {"id": "13087", "contents": "diatom may occur larg number well preserv enough form sediment compos almost entir diatom frustul (diatomites), deposit econom benefit use filters, paints, toothpaste, mani applications."} {"id": "13088", "contents": "pete sweigard comment. false-colour scan electron micrograph (sem) show diatom frustule. diatom unicellular organ major group algae. diatom encas within hard cell wall made silica, known frustul compos two halves. frustul varieti patterns, pores, spine ridges, use determin genera species."} {"id": "13089", "contents": "diatom live glass hous (frustules), often domin ocean estuari (along dinoflagellates) freshwat lake streams. global scale estim produc 50% photosynthesis."} {"id": "13090", "contents": "diatoms. cell wall diatom made silica form characterist pillbox shape. diatom compos two valv frustules, one top other, within live matter diatom found. diatom either found singli individu live singl box, found chains."} {"id": "13091", "contents": "instructions. cook spaghetti pasta larg pot salt boil water accord packag direct al dente. drain pasta reserv cup cook water. pasta cooking, combin garlic clove pine nut food processor blender puls chopped. drain pasta reserv cup cook water. pasta cooking, combin garlic clove pine nut food processor blender puls chopped. add basil oliv oil puls past forms."} {"id": "13092", "contents": "bring larg pot salt water boil pasta. combin basil, pine nuts, garlic, oliv oil blender blend puree. add cheese, salt pepper, blend again. cook pasta boiling, salt water al dente, minutes. drain transfer larg bowl. add pesto toss. tast salt pepper, add drizzl oil, like."} {"id": "13093", "contents": "list pasta dishes. pasta stapl food tradit italian cuisine, first refer date 1154 sicily. also commonli use refer varieti pasta dishes. pasta is, typic noodl made unleaven dough durum wheat flour mix water form sheet variou shapes, cook serv number dishes. made flour cereal grains, egg may use instead water."} {"id": "13094", "contents": "find recipes, tip techniqu cook pasta giada, elli food network chefs. best lasagna veggi bolognese, pasta favorit covered. find recipes, tip techniqu cook pasta giada, elli food network chefs. giada' pasta picks."} {"id": "13095", "contents": "cook spaghetti pasta larg pot salt boil water accord packag direct al dente. drain pasta reserv cup cook water. pasta cooking, combin garlic clove pine nut food processor blender puls chopped. drain pasta reserv cup cook water. pasta cooking, combin garlic clove pine nut food processor blender puls chopped. add basil oliv oil puls past forms."} {"id": "13096", "contents": "typically, pasta noodl made unleaven dough durum wheat flour mix water egg form sheet variou shapes, cook serv number dishes. made flour cereal grains, egg may use instead water. common form pasta includ long shapes, short shapes, tubes, flat shape sheets, miniatur soup shapes, fill stuffed, specialti decor shapes. categori italian cuisine, fresh dri pasta classic use one three kind prepar dishes. pasta asciutta (or pastasciutta) cook pasta plate serv complementari sauc condiment"} {"id": "13097", "contents": "know pasta recip normal dinner recip rotation, hope spark inspir new ideas. pasta supper like noodl bowl creami pasta weeknight! bake pasta casserol casual party. (don\u2019t forget king pasta casseroles: lasagna .) pasta recip start. we\u2019v got entir collect favorites\u2014from asparagu pasta pasta salad recip healthi live pasta mac cheese."} {"id": "13098", "contents": "[\u02c8pasta]) stapl food tradit italian cuisine, first refer date 1154 sicily. also commonli use refer varieti pasta dishes. common form pasta includ long shapes, short shapes, tubes, flat shape sheets, miniatur soup shapes, fill stuffed, specialti decor shapes. categori italian cuisine, fresh dri pasta classic use one three kind prepar dishes. pasta asciutta (or pastasciutta) cook pasta plate serv complementari sauc condiment"} {"id": "13099", "contents": "brain tumor symptom vari patient patient, symptom also found peopl brain tumors. therefore, sure way tell brain tumor see doctor get brain scan."} {"id": "13100", "contents": "excess sweat shaking. webmd symptom checker help find common medic condit indic symptom excess sweat shake includ parkinson disease, medic reaction side-effect, panic attack. 25 condit associ excess sweat shaking. link provid detail inform medic condit webmd symptom checker help provid better understand caus treatment relat conditions. parkinson disease."} {"id": "13101", "contents": "hot flash and/or night sweat interf daili activities, don\u2019t hesit seek relief. practic step tri eas hot flash and/or night sweats: sleep cool room. dress layers, remov start hot flash. drink cold water juic feel hot flash come on. use sheet cloth let skin \u201cbreathe.\u201d. don\u2019t smoke."} {"id": "13102", "contents": "afib never comfort condition, time becom frightening, debilit even dangerous. dizzi faint rel common complaint gener won\u2019t caus damage, symptom could also point seriou complications."} {"id": "13103", "contents": "link provid detail inform medic condit webmd symptom checker help provid better understand caus treatment relat conditions. middl ear infection."} {"id": "13104", "contents": "automot machin shop charg separ inspect crankshaft ground. however, inspect crankshaft determin beyond repair, bill may cost approxim $40.00 check crankshaft straight journal size. example, shop\u2019 labor rate $80.00 per hour, crankshaft take fifteen minut straighten cost $20.00. passeng car crankshaft straighten within fifteen minutes, larg industri crankshaft often take longer straighten larger journal radii."} {"id": "13105", "contents": "tape polish equipment, comparison, cancost $13,000 aftermarket polish $50,000 ormor oem type unit. high volum crank usuallyneed justifi invest tape polisher. polish cast iron crank groundfinish 12 ra 15 second 15 micron tape, example,can improv finish ra better. one advantag claim tape polishingi reduc risk oper error."} {"id": "13106", "contents": "took crank carquest polish $45.00 grind would run $85.00 shipe took week though. use new 50 thousand dollar machin polish cranks. toller much closer get hand polish result less chanc bear failures."} {"id": "13107", "contents": "footnot crankshaft rebuilders. anoth search crankshaft rebuilders. use new 50 thousand dollar machin polish cranks. toller much closer get hand polish result less chanc bear failures. money would buy crankshaft rebuil crank advanc"} {"id": "13108", "contents": "abrasiveon tape fine. 15 micron tape abras similarto #600 belt grit. polish cast iron crank groundfinish 12 ra 15 second 15 micron tape, example,can improv finish ra better. one advantag claim tape polishingi reduc risk oper error."} {"id": "13109", "contents": "oem use tape polish virtuallyal crankshaft today, said barton. typicallygrind new crank 25 30 ra, polish finish specificationswhich may 12 ra automot crankshaft 7ra diesel crankshaft.. polish cast iron crank groundfinish 12 ra 15 second 15 micron tape, example,can improv finish ra better. one advantag claim tape polishingi reduc risk oper error."} {"id": "13110", "contents": "mani peopl erron refer glass bead sand blasting, although process use compress air particl act abrasive. cost glass bead crankshaft approxim $50.00, also may combin hot tank total clean fee $80.00. crankshaft ground, first inspect micromet measur main rod journals. example, shop\u2019 labor rate $80.00 per hour, crankshaft take fifteen minut straighten cost $20.00. passeng car crankshaft straighten within fifteen minutes, larg industri crankshaft often take longer straighten larger journal radii."} {"id": "13111", "contents": "polish belt normal sold quantiti ten per box. depend type belt purchased, averag cost rang $2.50 $4.00 per belt. ordinarily, polish belt maintain properli use polish fifti crankshaft more. use appropri belt operation, polish remov .0002\u201d material. import note less experienc engin builder attempt cleanup crankshaft\u2019 journal 200 grit belt."} {"id": "13112", "contents": "extrem damag crankshaft must repaired, may need thrust journal welded. weld singl journal thrust cost approxim $90.00, process must perform crankshaft receiv finish grind. example, shop\u2019 labor rate $80.00 per hour, crankshaft take fifteen minut straighten cost $20.00. passeng car crankshaft straighten within fifteen minutes, larg industri crankshaft often take longer straighten larger journal radii."} {"id": "13113", "contents": "metalloid element properti between, mixtur of, metal nonmetals, therefor hard classifi either metal nonmetal. gener definit draw metalloid attribut consist cite literature. halogen, astatin tend classifi nonmetal. mark metal properti sometim instead classifi either metalloid (less often) metal. immedi follow product 1940, earli investig consid metal."} {"id": "13114", "contents": "stair element known metalloids. boron (b), silicon (si), germanium (ge), arsen (as), antimoni (sb), tellurium (te) metalloids. anyth left element consid metal anyth right consid nonmetals. element group (or 13) period tabl boron, aluminum, gallium, indium thallium. among them, boron metalloid remain element lie left diagon line refer above, metals. basis, indium safe classifi metal. sources:"} {"id": "13115", "contents": "metalloid term use chemistri classifi chemic elements. basi gener physic chemic properties, nearli everi element period tabl term either metal nonmetal-howev element intermedi properti refer metalloids. (in greek metallon metal eido sort). allotrop element exhibit pronounc metal, metalloid non-met behavior others. example, element carbon, diamond allotrop clearli non-metallic, howev graphit allotrop display limit electr conduct characterist metalloid."} {"id": "13116", "contents": "metalloid. nonmetal. element classifi metals, nonmetals, metalloids. metal good conductor heat electricity, malleabl (they hammer sheets) ductil (they drawn wire). metal left line (except hydrogen, nonmetal), nonmet right line, element immedi adjac line metalloids."} {"id": "13117", "contents": "recognit status, metalloids, element p-block period table. percentag median appear frequenc list metalloid lists. staircase-shap line typic exampl arbitrari metal\u2013nonmet divid line found period tables. halogen, astatin tend classifi nonmetal. mark metal properti sometim instead classifi either metalloid (less often) metal. immedi follow product 1940, earli investig consid metal."} {"id": "13118", "contents": "element group period tabl boron, aluminum, gallium, indium thallium. element classifi metal non-metals. explain, use posit period table, weather indium metal non-metal. element group (or 13) period tabl boron, aluminum, gallium, indium thallium. among them, boron metalloid remain element lie left diagon line refer above, metals. basis, indium safe classifi metal. sources:"} {"id": "13119", "contents": "metalloid chemic element properti between, mixtur of, metal nonmetals. standard definit metalloid, complet agreement element appropri classifi such. halogen, astatin tend classifi nonmetal. mark metal properti sometim instead classifi either metalloid (less often) metal. immedi follow product 1940, earli investig consid metal."} {"id": "13120", "contents": "scandium metal transit metal section period table. nonmet locat near right period tabl metalloid right next metal nonmetals. metalloids. peopl found useful. lead poor metal (or) metalloid: amphoter properti well, like bismuth arsenic. fine metal properti though. 10"} {"id": "13121", "contents": "(juli 2011). buttercream (also known butter cream, butter icing, mock cream) type ice fill use insid cakes, coating, decoration. simplest form, made cream butter powder sugar, although fat used, margarin lard."} {"id": "13122", "contents": "type frosting, either italian meringu (hot sugar beaten egg whites) swiss meringu (egg white sugar heat togeth beaten) prepar cooled, gener amount butter beaten frost glossy."} {"id": "13123", "contents": "less well known buttercream includ french buttercream, prepar similar way meringu buttercream use egg yolk beaten light instead egg whites. type buttercream tend trickiest make."} {"id": "13124", "contents": "recip type: buttercream frostng 101 yields: batch buttercream frost prep time: 30 min ingredients: frost use frost cake cooki well border art work cakes. also make good tast fill layer cake fondant frosting."} {"id": "13125", "contents": "simpl buttercream (also known american buttercream, decorator' buttercream, decorator' frosting) made cream togeth fat (butter, margarine, veget shortening) powder sugar desir consist lightness. typic twice much sugar (bi weight) butter used."} {"id": "13126", "contents": "common cover cake either fondant buttercream. type ice choos cover confectionari masterpiec person decis pro con either choice. simpli consid style finish cake."} {"id": "13127", "contents": "simpl buttercream, also call american buttercream, probabl common buttercream variation. frost made cream togeth butter, confectioners\u2019 sugar, milk cream, kind flavor everyth smooth fluffy."} {"id": "13128", "contents": "chief execut offic (ceo american english) manag director (md british english) describ posit senior corpor officer, executive, administr charg manag non-profit for-profit organization. us, term chief execut offic use primarili business, wherea term execut director use primarili not-for-profit sector. term gener mutual exclus refer distinct legal duti respons incompatible."} {"id": "13129", "contents": "ceo corpor compani typic report board director charg maxim valu entity. titl also often given holder ceo posit includ presid chief execut (ce). us, term chief execut offic use primarili business, wherea term execut director use primarili not-for-profit sector. term gener mutual exclus refer distinct legal duti respons incompatible."} {"id": "13130", "contents": "respons [edit]. respons organization' ceo set organization' board director authority, depend organization' legal structure. far-reach quit limit typic enshrin formal deleg authority. us, term chief execut offic use primarili business, wherea term execut director use primarili not-for-profit sector. term gener mutual exclus refer distinct legal duti respons incompatible."} {"id": "13131", "contents": "ceo (chief execut officer) top-rank corpor position, respons overse operations. often company' president, ceo report chairman board board members."} {"id": "13132", "contents": "noun. 1. ceo-th corpor execut respons oper firm; report board directors; may appoint manag (includ president). chief execut officer, chief oper officer. busi executive, corpor executive-an execut busi corporation. translations."} {"id": "13133", "contents": "organ board directors, chief execut offic (usually) singular organiz posit primarili respons carri strateg plan polici establish board directors. case, chief execut report board directors. definit chief execut offic (almost always) depend whether busi corpor not, is, whether (usually) board director not."} {"id": "13134", "contents": "respons organization' ceo set organization' board director authority, depend organization' legal structure. us, term chief execut offic use primarili business, wherea term execut director use primarili not-for-profit sector. term gener mutual exclus refer distinct legal duti respons incompatible."} {"id": "13135", "contents": "top 10 unbeliev histor concurrencies. ceo stand chief execut officer, often titl person hold highest posit compani board. relat titl president, may use instead, often suggest level democraci that' common businesses. ceo highest rank manag company. chief executive, ceo ultim respons company' long term strategies. ceo need abl deleg overwork themselves. chief execut offic top busi execut respons make import decis behalf stockhold"} {"id": "13136", "contents": "chief execut offic (ceo). top execut respons firm' overal oper performance. leader firm, serv main link board director (the board) firm' variou part levels, held sole respons firm' success failure. definit"} {"id": "13137", "contents": "\u201cthe 1966 batmobil georg barri one famou hollywood car histori becom true icon carri gener gener batmobil follow,\u201d said craig jackson, chairman ceo barrett-jackson."} {"id": "13138", "contents": "man paid $1 origin batmobil sell auction $4.6m. legendari hollywood car custom design georg barri transform lincoln futura legendari film tv seri 1966 own ever since. 'most valuabl car world': georg barri (pictured) auction origin batmobil 47 year built old lincoln futura."} {"id": "13139", "contents": "mid 1960's, georg barri barri kustom citi acquir car $1 directli ford. fast forward august 1965, batman tv show produc approach georg build new batmobil upcom show. barri crew pull mold #1 batmobil creat fiberglass copies. replica display car show dragstrip also made appear countless fan could see them. 45 year later 1966 tv batmobil still one icon popular car world. 1955, lincoln divis ford motor compani design built futurist concept car call lincoln futura. built entir hand turin, itali cost $250,000, like mani concept cars, never put product"} {"id": "13140", "contents": "vehicl built nonfunct 1955 ford lincoln futura concept car cost $250,000. car custom georg barri bought concept car $1 three week $15,000 turn batmobile, includ ad ford galaxi chassis. origin 1966 batmobil go auction, spoke creator batmobil use everi one batman movi get secret never knew vehicles. five display friday, nov. 30 friday, dec. 14 l.a. live."} {"id": "13141", "contents": "history. first batmobile. familiar bat-fin cars, titl batmobil first use red convert detect comic #48 februari 1941. design base 1936 cord, though nose car look like lincoln similar car."} {"id": "13142", "contents": "novemb 2012 barri kustom georg barri announc sale batmobil barrett-jackson car show auction held scottsdale, arizona. vehicl fetch $4.2 million januari 19, 2013. first car ever publicli tour batmobil sever year barri batmobil tv series. inspir dc comic creat 1960 forrest robinson westmoreland, n.h. use 1956 oldsmobil rocket 88 chassi build handmad custom body."} {"id": "13143", "contents": "barri built two fiberglass copi origin batmobil exhibit car show circuit third exhibit drag racing. eventually, three copi (and screen-us metal futura batmobile) cover black velvet fuzz paint, presum hide stress crack fiberglass bodies. first car ever publicli tour batmobil sever year barri batmobil tv series. inspir dc comic creat 1960 forrest robinson westmoreland, n.h. use 1956 oldsmobil rocket 88 chassi build handmad custom body."} {"id": "13144", "contents": "1949 mercuri use 1949 serial batman robin. origin tv seri (1964 1968) 1966 film batman use modifi version lincoln futura concept car-a car never put mass production. car use batman batman return built chassi chevrolet impala. origin tv seri (1964 1968) 1966 film batman use modifi version lincoln futura concept car-a car never put mass production."} {"id": "13145", "contents": "pregnanc full term narrow two-week window start 39 weeks, new definit publish journal obstetr gynecolog endors american colleg obstetrician gynecologist societi maternal-fet medicine. full term: 39 week 40 weeks, six days. late term: 41 week 41 weeks, six days. post term: 42 week beyond. definit develop workshop 2012 includ repres nation institut child health human develop medic groups."} {"id": "13146", "contents": "gener mothers-to-b heard babi born time 37 42 week pregnanc term neither earli late. offici outdat wisdom, two lead medic group said tuesday. full term: 39 week 40 weeks, six days. late term: 41 week 41 weeks, six days. post term: 42 week beyond. definit develop workshop 2012 includ repres nation institut child health human develop medic groups."} {"id": "13147", "contents": "exactli mean pregnanc reach full term changing, doctor say. two lead group doctor announc today label term pregnanc tradit refer pregnanc 37 42 week gestat discouraged. instead, doctor use four separ name discuss time period: earli term, full term, late term post-term."} {"id": "13148", "contents": "say full-term pregnanc 39 week 40 week six days. \u2018earli term\u2019 prematur babi would born 37 week 38 week six days. late term pregnanc reach 41st week 42 week babi \u2018post term\u2019 words, long overdue."} {"id": "13149", "contents": "light recent research show week gestat affect newborn health, lead doctors' group redefin pregnanc consid term.. previously, pregnanc consid full term time 37 42 week gestation. average, single-fetu pregnanc last 40 week date woman' last menstrual period. fewer mom c-section 39 weeks. new definitions, period 37 week 38 weeks, six day gestat consid earli term.. thirty-nin week 40 weeks, six day consid full term; 41 week day 41 weeks, six day late term; 42 week beyond consid postterm.."} {"id": "13150", "contents": "'full-term' pregnanc get new, narrow definition. gener mothers-to-b heard babi born time 37 42 week pregnanc term mean neither earli late. offici outdat wisdom, two lead medic group said tuesday. full term: 39 week 40 weeks, six days. late term: 41 week 41 weeks, six days. post term: 42 week beyond. definit develop workshop 2012 includ repres nation institut child health human develop medic groups."} {"id": "13151", "contents": "previous thought infant mortal risk similar babi born 37 41 weeks. new studi show risk increas babi born 37 39 week gestation, risk decreas addit week pregnancy. review laura j. martin, md. may 23, 2011 -- babi born 39 41 week pregnanc fare better infant born week 37 38, studi shows. term birth consid 37 41 weeks, new studi suggest continuum. find appear obstetr gynecology."} {"id": "13152", "contents": "term pregnanc 37 week 41 weeks, earli term 37 38 weeks, full term 39 40 weeks, late term 41 weeks."} {"id": "13153", "contents": "due date date provid think baby. acog smfm defin full-term pregnanc pregnanc last 39 weeks, day 40 week days. babi born full term best chanc healthy, compar babi born earlier later. definit are: earli term: babi born 37 weeks, day 38 weeks, days."} {"id": "13154", "contents": "upass 44142 316book 277room board 19 500person 020transport 2884 health fee 205 total 71344 non resid 4th year tuition 84238 quarter 2015 2016 univers washington tuition ratessumm find univers tuition credit rate main uw websit summer tuition fee select link appropri year scroll pdf medic profession md appear upper right corner separ page resid nonresid upass 44142 316book step cs ck 038room board 19 500person 020transportationhealth fee 2884 205 total 73105 non resid 3rd year tuition 84238 quarter step cost includ spring budget"} {"id": "13155", "contents": "918 student current enrol uw school medicin roughli 65 averag medic school 235 new student matricul recent first year medic school class extrem high tuition increas 2004 2014 state tuition uw school medicin increas 143 extrem high rate tuition increas compar medic school state tuition rose 93 high rate tuition increas"} {"id": "13156", "contents": "applic fee univers washington 35 tuition full time 31992 state full time 60978 state faculti student ratio univers washington school medicin 3502 full part time faculti staff"} {"id": "13157", "contents": "state tuition higher averag state tuition state tuition uw school medicin current 59175 school cheaper applic resid washington tuition cost 30186 thu pay 28989 less non resid extrem high tuition increas 2004 2014 state tuition uw school medicin increas 143 extrem high rate tuition increas compar medic school state tuition rose 93 high rate tuition increas"} {"id": "13158", "contents": "follow student budget provid guid estim expens expect uw law school year cours live expens vari student student depend hous arrang person expens travel cost live expens may increas year depend rate inflat"} {"id": "13159", "contents": "medic school cost attend although cost attend uw madison vari among student univers base financi aid award budget 2015 16 academ year cost attend tuition fee estim cost"} {"id": "13160", "contents": "although cost attend uw madison vari among student univers base financi aid award budget 2015 16 academ year cost attend tuition fee estim cost addit fee 275 new freshmen addit fee 200 new transfer student undergradu busi school tuition wisconsin resid non resid addit 1000 80"} {"id": "13161", "contents": "regist cours univers washington oblig pay associ tuition relat fee class unless offici drop class end first week quarter bill tuition base number credit hour includ"} {"id": "13162", "contents": "terribl problem flinch firearm shoot. know why. know scope hit hold tight, still flinch. deer wound without kill it, would feel aw run risk find it. report abuse. breathe, relax, aim, squeeze, fire.* lot dri firing.* concentr total target shoot at, break bad habit flinching.* shoot 22 long rifl help overcom quicker.*. source(s): run like deer.*...........fli like eagle.*~~."} {"id": "13163", "contents": "way stop gun flinch found internet research stop flinch problem. dri fire gun front mirror. dri fire gun alway good practic found flinch dri fire guns. peopl tri stop flinch concentr front sight say squeez trigger front sight...front sight...front sight.... concentr front sight. tri help little. repeat word head work tri shout word head."} {"id": "13164", "contents": "gentli squeez trigger. can't flinch know go go suppos know. increas accuraci acquir target, take three deep breath let half third breath gentli squeez trigger concentr aim. hope helps. dave year ago. report abuse. breathe, relax, aim, squeeze, fire.* lot dri firing.* concentr total target shoot at, break bad habit flinching.* shoot 22 long rifl help overcom quicker.*. source(s): run like deer.*...........fli like eagle.*~~."} {"id": "13165", "contents": "thing rival flinch shoot jinx carelessness. better stop shoot fire one shot carelessly. one troubl wish get good score without becom careless. mani recommend .22 calib weapon cure flinch good, heavi .22 revolv market one use arm use actual shooting."} {"id": "13166", "contents": "recogn head. flinch shoot almost entir mental anticip respons someth unpleas recoil gun shot noise. neither two thing hurt you. fire gun. peopl tri stop flinch concentr front sight say squeez trigger front sight...front sight...front sight.... concentr front sight. tri help little. repeat word head work tri shout word head."} {"id": "13167", "contents": "realiz flinch problem overcom it. tri shoot slowly. point gun target forget aim it. concentr hold barrel still pull trigger. peopl tri stop flinch concentr front sight say squeez trigger front sight...front sight...front sight.... concentr front sight. tri help little. repeat word head work tri shout word head."} {"id": "13168", "contents": "flinch pronounc lighter model arm shoot power cartridge, easili overcom proper grip thumb pressure. anoth caus flinch much backlash trigger, caus unnecessari chang posit trigger finger shot fired. mani recommend .22 calib weapon cure flinch good, heavi .22 revolv market one use arm use actual shooting."} {"id": "13169", "contents": "flinch. flinch happen muscl clench suddenli anticip shot firing, yank muzzl gun downward off-target last possibl moment. next step fire gun. line sight target, focu front sight, steadili increas pressur trigger shot fire bang. get snap cap, instead bang hear click."} {"id": "13170", "contents": "flinch learn response. watch beginn shoot firearm, particularli handgun, (other .22 rimfire), first time first shot gener good. session goe on, gener see beginn begin flinch shoot anticip shot come. pastim shoot pleasant one peopl shoot, physic report recoil someth peopl accustom to. louder report harder recoil, greater tendenc flinch."} {"id": "13171", "contents": "sensori innerv muscl spindl aris group ia group ii affer fibers. shown figur 11-3, single, larg group ia fiber coil around equatori region nuclear bag nuclear chain fibers, form annulospir end primari muscl spindl receptors. spindl receptor sens muscl length rate chang muscl length, wherea golgi tendon organ sens muscl tension rate chang muscl tension. alreadi seen receptor joint signal angl joint."} {"id": "13172", "contents": "sever type sensori receptor lie within skelet muscles. (1) sensit muscl spindl monitor muscl length send inform cn via fastest conduct affer nerv fiber body. central nervou system (cns) obtain inform whatev occur muscl (i.e., mechan chemic changes) sensori receptor locat within muscl joints, well portion skin deform motion."} {"id": "13173", "contents": "skelet muscl reflex sensori receptors: proprioceptors. figur 13-3: sensori receptor muscle. long description: muscl spindl embed around noncontractil intrafus fiber deep within contractil extrafus fibers. outer portion intrafus fiber contract"} {"id": "13174", "contents": "motor system requir sensori input order function properly. addit sensori inform extern environment, motor system also requir sensori inform current state muscl limb themselves. propriocept sens body\u2019 posit space base special receptor resid muscl tendons."} {"id": "13175", "contents": "sensori system, sensori receptor sensori nerv end respond stimulu intern extern environ organism. respons stimuli, sensori receptor initi sensori transduct creat grade potenti action potenti cell adjac one. sensori receptor respond specif stimulu modalities. stimulu modal sensori receptor respond determin sensori receptor' adequ stimulus."} {"id": "13176", "contents": "sensori receptor involv tast smell contain receptor molecul bind specif chemicals. odor receptor olfactori receptor neurons, example, activ interact molecular structur odor molecule. sensori receptor respond specif stimulu modalities. stimulu modal sensori receptor respond determin sensori receptor' adequ stimulus."} {"id": "13177", "contents": "receptor. sensori nerv structur perceiv transform stimuli organism\u2019 extern intern environ transmit inform agent stimulu nervou system. receptor vari structur function. proprioceptors, type interoceptor, locat muscles, tendons, ligaments. transmit inform static condit dynam muscles. mechanoreceptors, photoreceptors, chemoreceptors, thermoreceptor respond differ type stimuli."} {"id": "13178", "contents": "muscl spindl sensori receptor within belli muscl primarili detect chang length muscle. convey length inform central nervou system via sensori neurons. inform process brain determin posit bodi parts. spindl stretch receptor motor suppli consist sever intrafus muscl fibres. sensori end primari (group ia) affer secondari (group ii) affer coil around non-contractil central portion intrafus fibres."} {"id": "13179", "contents": "sourc calcium. food. milk, yogurt, chees rich natur sourc calcium major food contributor nutrient peopl unit state ]. nondairi sourc includ vegetables, chines cabbage, kale, broccoli. spinach provid calcium, bioavail poor."} {"id": "13180", "contents": "good sourc calcium. good sourc calcium include: milk, chees dairi foods. green leafi veget broccoli, cabbag okra, spinach. soya beans. tofu. soya drink ad calcium. nuts. bread anyth made fortifi flour. fish eat bone sardin pilchards."} {"id": "13181", "contents": "get calcium two ways: food eat supplements. calcium found mani foods. get recommend amount calcium eat varieti foods, describ section. milk, yogurt, chees main food sourc calcium major people. milk also ad vitamin d, import help bodi better absorb calcium. calcium also found leafy, green vegetables. kale, broccoli, chines cabbag good veget sourc calcium."} {"id": "13182", "contents": "good sourc calcium include: milk, chees dairi foods. green leafi veget broccoli, cabbag okra, spinach. soya beans. tofu. soya drink ad calcium. nuts. bread anyth made fortifi flour. fish eat bone sardin pilchards."} {"id": "13183", "contents": "fifth fourteenth amend constitution, guarante person shall \u201cbe depriv life, liberty, property, without due process law,\u201d incorpor model rule law english american lawyer associ close magna carta centuries. defens amend congress, bingham argu fulfil constitution\u2019 promis enjoy life, liberty, property. enlarge. john armor bingham. one country, one constitution, one peopl [speech hon. john a. bingham, ohio, hous representatives]."} {"id": "13184", "contents": "due process clause. ....nor shall state depriv person life, liberty, property, without due process law.... fifth amend fourteenth amend unit state constitut prohibit government depriv life, liberty, property, without due process law.. doctrin procedur due process amendments, well definit life, liberty, properti rang interest protect respect due process clauses, address detail entri due process fifth amendment."} {"id": "13185", "contents": "guarante due process citizen requir govern respect rights, guarantees, protect afford u.s. constitut applic statut govern depriv person life, liberty, property."} {"id": "13186", "contents": "due process clause. provis fifth fourteenth amend constitut guarante person shall depriv life, liberty, properti without due process law. similar claus found state constitutions. due process. fifth fourteenth amend provid person shall depriv life, liberty. property, without due process law.. procedur due process requir govern decis take life, liberty, properti muct made fairly, use fair procedures."} {"id": "13187", "contents": "among fourteenth amendment, prohibit state depriv \u201cani person life, liberty, property, without due process law.\u201d. adopted, claus understood mean govern could depriv person right accord law appli court. due process claus fourteenth amend echo fifth amendment. fifth amendment, however, appli feder government. civil war, congress adopt number measur protect individu right interfer states."} {"id": "13188", "contents": "amend restrict power feder govern appli action it. due process claus fourteenth amendment, ratifi 1868, declares,[n]or shall state depriv person life, liberty, property, without due process law (\u00a7 1). procedur due process. phrase procedur due process refer aspect due process claus appli procedur arrest tri person accus crime govern action depriv individu life, liberty, property."} {"id": "13189", "contents": "fifth fourteenth amend unit state constitut contain due process clause. due process deal administr justic thu due process claus act safeguard arbitrari denial life, liberty, properti govern outsid sanction law. constitut philippin states, person shall depriv life, liberty, properti without due process law, shall person deni equal protect laws.."} {"id": "13190", "contents": "new york ratifi u.s. constitut propos follow amend 1788: [n]o person ought taken imprison disseis freehold, exil depriv privileges, franchises, life, liberti properti due process law.. constitut philippin states, person shall depriv life, liberty, properti without due process law, shall person deni equal protect laws.."} {"id": "13191", "contents": "great britain: parliament-th declaratori act; march 18, 1766. act better secur depend majesty' dominion america upon crown parliament great britain."} {"id": "13192", "contents": "along repeal stamp act, british parliament simultan pass declaratori act, declar british author make pass law colonies."} {"id": "13193", "contents": "act relat ireland, see declaratori act 2015. american coloni act 1766 (6 geo 12), commonli known declaratori act, act parliament great britain, accompani repeal stamp act 1765 chang lessen sugar act."} {"id": "13194", "contents": "draw hous common british parliament, c.1765. noth drastic immedi threaten declaratori act, pass british parliament immedi stamp act repeal 1766."} {"id": "13195", "contents": "coat arm britain. declaratori act copi irish declaratori act, won\u2019t take geniu learn parliament would want america, like irish, continu bondag crown. outcri outrag follow suit."} {"id": "13196", "contents": "declaratori act gestur british parliament reassert author pass tax law colonies, even though lack representation. stamp act 1765 backfir british crown."} {"id": "13197", "contents": "american coloni act 1766, commonli known declaratori act, act parliament great britain, accompani repeal stamp act 1765 chang lessen sugar act."} {"id": "13198", "contents": "declaratori act proclam strengthen lawmak author parliament american colonies. creat clarifi rule po lici relationship britain america."} {"id": "13199", "contents": "ceramid one natur occur lipid aka fatti materi found hair\u2019 cuticle. confus sebum found surfac cuticle, ceramides\u2019 function cuticl act binder keep cuticl layer place."} {"id": "13200", "contents": "method ceramid synthes endoplasm reticulum, transfer golgi apparatus, special part cell organism. salvag pathway: salvag pathway, complex sphingolipid broken form sphingosine, turn use produc ceramide. de novo method: seri enzym creat ceramid number simpler molecules."} {"id": "13201", "contents": "young, bodi manufactur ampl ceramid molecul keep skin healthy. 1-3. ceramid major compon skin' surface. protect moistur loss keep skin youth supple. functionally, ceramid support skin' matrix, keep firm. 2,4. age caus loss ceramid natur found skin. result thin skin' outer layer weaken skin' moisture-retent properties. 4. obviou solut replac ceramides."} {"id": "13202", "contents": "ceramid famili waxi lipid molecules. ceramid compos sphingosin fatti acid. ceramid found high concentr within cell membran cells. one compon lipid make sphingomyelin, one major lipid lipid bilayer. de novo synthesi ceramid begin condens palmit serin form 3-keto-dihydrosphingosine. reaction catalyz enzym serin palmitoyl transferas rate-limit step pathway."} {"id": "13203", "contents": "program cell death. ceramid proapoptot molecule, mean apoptosi inducing. apoptosi form program cell death, death cell caus program within cell. process fundament function develop tissue. appli beauti product skin regular basi may heard word ceramid pop twice. becom vital ingredi skin care cream help moisturize, soften gener revit skin."} {"id": "13204", "contents": "ceramid explained. ceramid lipid molecule, natur occur molecul sterol fats. lipid' one three function -- make part structur cell' membrane, store energi signal action cells. ceramid structur signal molecule. appli beauti product skin regular basi may heard word ceramid pop twice. becom vital ingredi skin care cream help moisturize, soften gener revit skin."} {"id": "13205", "contents": "ceramide. basic unit sphingolipids, consist sphingosin relat base attach via amino group long-chain fatti acid anion. ceramid accumul abnorm farber' disease. ceramid glucosid major sphingolipid accumul gaucher' disease. ceramid lactosidosi sphingolipidosi ceramid lactosid accumul neural viscer tissu owe defici \u03b2-galactosidase. ceramid trihexosid major sphingolipid accumul fabry' disease."} {"id": "13206", "contents": "nine differ type ceramid occur stratum corneum. viscou mixtur extracellular ceramides, fatti acids, cholesterol bath skin layer, compris stratifi sheet dead cell 0.4 1.2 inch (10 30 mm) thick. ceramid cream special formul restor fatti acid skin sun exposure. skin condit eczema psoriasi link low ceramid levels."} {"id": "13207", "contents": "anyth 700 749 gener consid good score, best score rang 750 higher. sinc averag bottom 686 2009, gener trend upward, return pre-recess high 690 april 2012. credit.com. averag fico score among american consum hit all-tim high april 692, one point time last year six point higher low point 686 octob 2009."} {"id": "13208", "contents": "credit score compani track averag consum fico score sinc octob 2005, releas updat averag everi months. far fico score go, 692 high end average, scale rang 300 850. credit.com. averag fico score among american consum hit all-tim high april 692, one point time last year six point higher low point 686 octob 2009."} {"id": "13209", "contents": "compar credit averag fico score help gaug stand financially. fico scores, rang 300 850, commonli use lender make credit decisions. lender evalu credit report decid whether extend loan credit card, determin interest rate set credit limits. however, averag credit score data use score evenli symmetr distributed, fico score not. mani peopl pay bill time, mani credit score higher score rang rather lower range."} {"id": "13210", "contents": "far fico score go, 692 high end average, scale rang 300 850. anyth 700 749 gener consid good score, best score rang 750 higher. sinc averag bottom 686 2009, gener trend upward, return pre-recess high 690 april 2012."} {"id": "13211", "contents": "600, 15% popul lower score yours. 723 median fico score. middl distribution, half popul lower half higher (that averag statist fair isaac releas public). score 800 above, 13% population. weighted-averag fico score loan pool 745, approxim 74.88% 2.70% mortgag loan possess fico score greater equal 720 less 660, respectively.. weighted-averag fico score loan 752."} {"id": "13212", "contents": "fico score look inform credit report. credit score calcul credit report. however, lender look mani thing make credit decis income, long work present job kind credit requesting. fico score calcul mani differ piec credit data credit report. data group five categori outlin below. percentag chart reflect import categori determin fico score calculated."} {"id": "13213", "contents": "credit report compani experian compil averag credit score state sampl three million credit profiles, score rang scale 330 830. minnesota' averag score 718 top experian' recent list. u.s. averag 687, southern state typic report lower scores. similarly, mortgag marvel, mortgage-shop website, analyz 330,000 mortgag applic receiv 2011 comput averag fico scores. california (754), oregon (750) wisconsin (749) led countri highest mortgag marvel averag fico scores, base scale 300 850. note neither credit agency' report sampl repres entir population."} {"id": "13214", "contents": "octob 2014, averag fico score unit state around 630, median score closer 720. reminder, median score midpoint data, mean half score valu half below."} {"id": "13215", "contents": "ppi usual cover loan credit repay limit period time, typic twelv months. mani polici pay block 30 days. mean return work 28 days, wouldn\u2019t get payment. usual 30-day delay make claim."} {"id": "13216", "contents": "right reserv regist chariti no: 279057 compani no: 1436945 england adviceguid advic make differ payment protect insur payment protect insur take loan, credit store card, often ask take insur polici time."} {"id": "13217", "contents": "payment protect insur (ppi), design help keep loan credit repay you\u2019r unabl work you\u2019r ill, accid made redundant. peopl use ppi cover financi commit mortgage, credit card payment loan repayments."} {"id": "13218", "contents": "buy payment protect insurance. often offer payment protect insur (ppi) take mortgage, store credit card, person loan. sometim lender won\u2019t agre give credit loan unless take ppi."} {"id": "13219", "contents": "insur compani pay monthli repay (or portion them) fix period time. credit cards, insur usual cover minimum repay amount (2% 5% full amount owe) limit"} {"id": "13220", "contents": "think need ppi, make sure understand polici details. read polici document ask insur compani independ financi advis insur broker explain anyth isn\u2019t clear. find buy payment protect insurance."} {"id": "13221", "contents": "type insur call \u2018payment protect insurance\u2019 (ppi). ppi cover repay car finance, person loans, credit store cards, catalogu debt mortgages. often, payment ppi includ loan repayments."} {"id": "13222", "contents": "ppi stand 'payment protect insurance'. design cover loan credit card repay year event accident, sick unemployment, sometim accid sickness."} {"id": "13223", "contents": "payment protect insur (ppi), design help keep payment loan credit card case illness, accident, redund death mis-sold million people. however, good news may abl claim compensation."} {"id": "13224", "contents": "servic advisor paid sell labor parts. servic advisor paid percentag total depart labor gener less polici adjustments. advisor specif percentag base skill time job. paid percentag part sales. posts: 603. servic advisor store paid base salari 40% total annual pay. 60% commiss base total hour turn (custom pay, warranti internal.) also paid $2.00 everi chrysler oil chang contract sell."} {"id": "13225", "contents": "re: servic advisor salary. region, gener salari run $400-$500/week, monthli bonu 1.5% gross labor sales. monthli averag ~$100-125k gross labor, math. easi may seem"} {"id": "13226", "contents": "popular skill automobil servic advisor. chart show popular skill job effect skill pay. chart show popular skill job effect skill pay. total pay combin base annual salari hourli wage, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtim pay form cash earnings, applic job. includ equiti (stock) compensation, cash valu retir benefits, valu non-cash benefit (e.g. healthcare)."} {"id": "13227", "contents": "averag salari automobil servic advisor $38,401 per year. skill adp associ high pay job. total pay combin base annual salari hourli wage, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtim pay form cash earnings, applic job. includ equiti (stock) compensation, cash valu retir benefits, valu non-cash benefit (e.g. healthcare)."} {"id": "13228", "contents": "job descript automobil servic advisor. read more... automobil servic advisor requir wide rang skills. usual greet new current client drive servic area, work directli client automobil serviced, work close automobil technicians. total pay combin base annual salari hourli wage, bonuses, profit sharing, tips, commissions, overtim pay form cash earnings, applic job. includ equiti (stock) compensation, cash valu retir benefits, valu non-cash benefit (e.g. healthcare)."} {"id": "13229", "contents": "know merced benz specifically, servic advisor... albeit chevrolet/geo/hyundai store (note 1995). pay plan part salary, part hourli flat-rate. specific, paid $2.50 everi hour labor sold four technicians. imagin typic mb servic advisor make $50k-$80k depend good is, that' educ guess part. all, get job servic advisor right dealership, (and critical), pretti cool job."} {"id": "13230", "contents": "meant tech broke even earn 40 hour each, would get paid $900 gross (40 hour tech 160 hour $2.50 $400 $500 salary) week. note break even, well. imagin typic mb servic advisor make $50k-$80k depend good is, that' educ guess part. all, get job servic advisor right dealership, (and critical), pretti cool job."} {"id": "13231", "contents": "re: servic advisor salari (gti2pointslow). think depend live, believ start around mid 30's. tri salary.com final interview last week servic advisor posit one local dealers. i'm hope get offer week. region, gener salari run $400-$500/week, monthli bonu 1.5% gross labor sales. monthli averag ~$100-125k gross labor, math."} {"id": "13232", "contents": "$81,000. averag merced benz servic advisor salari job post sarasota, fl 7% lower averag merced benz servic advisor salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "13233", "contents": "darjeel town municip indian state west bengal. locat mahabharat rang lesser himalaya elev 6,700 ft (2,042.2 m). note tea industri darjeel himalayan railway, unesco world heritag site. locat elev 6,700 ft (2,000 m) darjeel himalayan hill region darjeeling-jalapahar rang origin south ghum. rang y-shape base rest katapahar jalapahar two arm diverg north observatori hill."} {"id": "13234", "contents": "locat high altitudes, darjeel india west bengal' coolest destination. temperatur summer remain rang 15-20 degrees. winter cold chanc temperatur fall degre also. heavi rain june-septemb monsoon period sometim result landslid also. road: direct bu jeep servic darjeel new jalpaiguri destin sikkim. terrain hilly, reach darjeel normal take time. stay accommod problem darjeel india."} {"id": "13235", "contents": "darjeel one scenic huge popular hill resort india. 2,134 meter mean sea level, 686 km kolkata west bengal. amidst backdrop mighti snow-clad himalayan peaks, darjeel popular tourist beauti pleasant climate. home darjeel himalayan railway (dhr), world heritag site. tourist enjoy leisur walk town\u2019 quaint streets, watch laidback life locals."} {"id": "13236", "contents": "darjeel tea tea darjeel district west bengal, india. avail black, green, white oolong. properli brewed, yield thin-bodied, light-colour infus floral aroma. tea plant indian district darjeel began 1841 arthur campbell, civil surgeon indian medic service. campbel transfer darjeel 1839 kathmandu, nepal."} {"id": "13237", "contents": "split merg it. answer cazort. confid vote 3.3k. darjeel locat india, foothil himalayan mountain range, indian state west bengal. darjeel border nepal west, share small border bhutan bangladesh. also border sikkim jalpaiguri district india."} {"id": "13238", "contents": "darjeeling, india, locat northern part west bengal state. come kolkata, hard believ darjeel actual state, vastli differ place."} {"id": "13239", "contents": "darjeel main town sadar subdivis also headquart district. locat elev 6,700 ft (2,000 m) darjeel himalayan hill region darjeeling-jalapahar rang origin south ghum. rang y-shape base rest katapahar jalapahar two arm diverg north observatori hill."} {"id": "13240", "contents": "darjeel district lie north state west bengal, foothil eastern himalayas. district touch three intern boundaries-with nepal, bhutan bangladesh. boundari also touch north eastern state sikkim jalpaiguri district west bengal. locat latitud 27\u00b0 13' 26\u00b0 27' longitud 88\u00b053' 87\u00b059' e, darjeel district spread 3149 squar kilometers. terrain district hilli plain. himalayan darjeel railway connect siliguri darjeel world heritag site tourist attract district. railway station ghum town highest country."} {"id": "13241", "contents": "tourism darjeeling. darjeel locat state west bengal situat attitud 6,710 ft lesser himalaya. unesco world heritag site note darjeel himalayan railway famou tea industry. location. darjeel lie north state west bengal situat foothil eastern himalayas. district darjeel share boundari countri like bangladesh, bhutan nepal."} {"id": "13242", "contents": "upper motor neuron lower motor neurons, cell type describ lower motor neuron. upper motor neuron cortico-spin interneuron aris motor cortex descend spinal cord activ lower motor neuron synapses."} {"id": "13243", "contents": "motor neuron (or motoneuron) nerv cell (neuron) whose cell bodi locat spinal cord whose fiber (axon) project outsid spinal cord directli indirectli control effector organs, mainli muscl glands. upper motor neuron cortico-spin interneuron aris motor cortex descend spinal cord activ lower motor neuron synapses."} {"id": "13244", "contents": "(may 2010). upper motor neuron motor neuron origin either motor region cerebr cortex brain stem carri motor inform lower motor neurons. fiber upper motor neuron project precentr gyru end brainstem, decuss (intersect) within lower medulla oblongata form later corticospin tract side spinal cord."} {"id": "13245", "contents": "recal upper motor neuron project via corticospin tract lower motor neuron locat anterior horn spinal cord. sign lower motor neuron lesion includ weakness, atrophy, fasciculations, hyporeflexia (reduc reflexes)."} {"id": "13246", "contents": "i. lower upper motor neurons. lower motor neuron neuron directli innerv skelet muscle. cell bodi neuron locat within ventral horn spinal cord within brainstem motor nuclei."} {"id": "13247", "contents": "5.upper motor neuron first-ord neuron whilst lower motor neuron second-ord neurons. 6.the cell bodi upper motor neuron locat cortex brain cell bodi lower motor neuron locat grey matter spinal cord brain stem. cell bodi lower motor neuron locat neuraxis, axon leav synaps muscl body. hand, upper motor neuron synaps lower motor neuron unabl leav central nervou system."} {"id": "13248", "contents": "neuron connect brain appropri level spinal cord, point nerv signal continu muscl mean lower motor neurons. neurotransmitt glutam transmit nerv impuls upper lower motor neurons, detect glutamaterg receptors. fiber upper motor neuron project precentr gyru end brainstem, decuss (intersect) within lower medulla oblongata form later corticospin tract side spinal cord."} {"id": "13249", "contents": "lower motor neurons, second order neuron cranial spinal nerves. cell bodi neuron locat brain stem, axon leav central nervou system synaps muscl body. order reach muscles, motor command gener central nervou system must travel upper motor neuron synaps lower motor neurons. upper motor neuron (umn) type first order neuron. unabl leav central nervou system."} {"id": "13250", "contents": "summary, upper motor neuron left motor cortex innerv lower motor neuron right body. stroke lesion involv corticospin fiber left cerebr cortex produc weak right upper lower limb (right hemiparesis). lower motor neuron neuron directli innerv skelet muscle. cell bodi neuron locat within ventral horn spinal cord within brainstem motor nuclei."} {"id": "13251", "contents": "upper motor neuron: neuron start motor cortex brain termin within medulla (anoth part brain) within spinal cord. damag upper motor neuron result spastic exagger reflexes. standard laboratori test upper motor neuron disease."} {"id": "13252", "contents": "note mani colleg holist admiss specif cours requir admission. yale univers admiss website, example, states, yale specif entranc requir (for example, foreign languag requir admiss yale)."} {"id": "13253", "contents": "view state cours credit requirements, look section match student enter ninth grade first time. school counselor avail answer question may need reach goal high school graduation."} {"id": "13254", "contents": "state board educ adopt chang high school graduat requir januari 2014. new requir effect begin student enter grade 2014-15 school year. student enter 9th grade begin 2014-15 new foundat curriculum plan least one endors requir admiss consideration."} {"id": "13255", "contents": "cours without degre credit. cours math:0100 basic algebra math:0300 basic geometri carri degre credit. student take courses, cours equival anoth colleg university, may count semest hour cours toward 120 semest hour requir graduation."} {"id": "13256", "contents": "credit hour requir policies. earn degre colleg liber art sciences, must earn minimum 120 semest hour (s.h.) credit toward graduation. may find need earn minimum 120 semest hour you."} {"id": "13257", "contents": "note cadr admiss standard cadr reflect minimum number credit requir six subject area student must earn elig routin admiss consider four-year public baccalaur institutions."} {"id": "13258", "contents": "math requirements. math anoth subject absolut need get 4-year college. similar english, colleg admiss board want see least year math; however, year may necessarili disqualifi admission."} {"id": "13259", "contents": "minimum two credit laboratori scienc required. least one two credit must biology, chemistry, physics. student typic take full credit cours two success high school semesters."} {"id": "13260", "contents": "new7wond nature. angel fall highest waterfal world, 1,002 m, locat canaima nation park bolivar state, along venezuela\u2019 border brazil. descript"} {"id": "13261", "contents": "angel falls, venezuela [2]. indigen pemon languag angel fall call kerepakupai meru mer\u00fa mean waterfal deepest. place fall sometim refer as-churun, meru an, error sinc name correspond anoth waterfal canaima national. park"} {"id": "13262", "contents": "angel fall highest waterfal world. canaima nation park (spanish: parqu nacion canaima) 30,000 km (12,000 sq mi) park south-eastern venezuela border brazil guyana. locat bolivar bol\u00edvar, state roughli occupi area gran sabana. region"} {"id": "13263", "contents": "fact angel falls: angel fall highest uninterrupt waterfal world 807 metr high. waterfal hundr fifti metr wide base, feed river known kerep."} {"id": "13264", "contents": "locat beautiful. wow beautiful! geographi project saw pictur angel falls. thought beauti thought would chang curent idea project onangl falls."} {"id": "13265", "contents": "name-angel falls, churun-chur\u00fan, vena-ven\u00e1, kerepacupai meru-salto angel\u2019th world s, 3,212 waterfal (3212 feet). 979. m/k. angel jahp, perhap plant anim geolog featur are. never, discov instead knowledg exist gain recognit by, larger more. divers audienc one thing certain \u201cdiscovery\u201d angel falls; exist becam known world jimmi angel\u2019 explorations. 1933: jimmi angel first saw angel fall 18 novemb 1933 fli solo aviator-guid santa ana mine compani tulsa, oklahoma."} {"id": "13266", "contents": "angel falls. angel fall world' highest uninterrupt waterfall. locat canaima nation park, second largest nation park venezuela, waterfal tumbl cleft near summit tabl top mountain auyan-auy\u00e1n tepu known as\u2019devil s, canyon 3212 (feet) 979m."} {"id": "13267", "contents": "answer community. make world better, one answer time. look up, pretti sure angel fall locat canaima, venezuela. look map notic canaima locat near angel falls."} {"id": "13268", "contents": "name-angel falls, churun-chur\u00fan, vena-ven\u00e1, kerepacupai meru-salto angel\u2019th world s, 3,212 waterfal (3212 feet). 979. m/k. angel jahp, perhap plant anim geolog featur are. never discov one thing certain \u201cdiscovery\u201d angel falls; exist becam known world jimmi angel\u2019 explorations. 1933: jimmi angel first saw angel fall 18 novemb 1933 fli solo aviator-guid santa ana mine compani tulsa, oklahoma."} {"id": "13269", "contents": "pay state. surveyor california earn 2011, report averag annual salari $82,370. nevada rank second $73,180 per year, follow alaska $73,100, massachusett $70,920 delawar $70,360."} {"id": "13270", "contents": "assist surveyor respons measur dimens given section land. assist surveyor often work privat properti commercial, industrial, govern own land parcel well. trigonometri skill use surveyors."} {"id": "13271", "contents": "1) perform follow duti assist survey land: hold level stadia rod design point assist determin elev lay stake mapmaking, construction, mining, land, surveys. 2) call read write station number read notebook."} {"id": "13272", "contents": "example, toy company, kind question pose (and way phrase them) 7-year-old boy differ one ask 40-year-old women\u2014and way get kid fill survey differ way would get mom so."} {"id": "13273", "contents": "job description: 1) perform follow duti assist survey land: hold level stadia rod design point assist determin elev lay stake mapmaking, construction, mining, land, surveys. 2) call read write station number read notebook."} {"id": "13274", "contents": "job assist surveyor measur dimens given section land. take account natur man-mad obstacl boundaries, assist land surveyor use instrument theodolit total station determin angl distances."} {"id": "13275", "contents": "govern surveyor tend make significantli more: local worker averag $64,450 year, state worker averag $71,310 feder surveyor made averag $82,540 year. surveyor work coal mine industri report one lowest averag salari $47,330 year."} {"id": "13276", "contents": "2011, averag wage earn surveyor work unit state $28.24 hour, averag salari surveyor $58,740 year. median-earn half surveyor made $19.61 $35.34 hour $40,790 $73,510 year."} {"id": "13277", "contents": "car radiat repair. radiat vehicl design remov heat gener engin air order regul engin temperatur prevent overheating. engin block cylind head contain passageway fill coolant (usual mixtur water glycols)"} {"id": "13278", "contents": "water pump might need replac time radiator. water pump typic cost $50-$100 part; labor bring total addit cost $200-$750, depend make model vehicle. costhelp reader purchas radiat onlin hire local mechan instal (usual work done reader' garag driveway) report total cost $174-$400, averag $259. radiat stop leak product seal small hole avail $5-$15"} {"id": "13279", "contents": "car radiat replac cost $150-$900 depend age, make model vehicle; type coolant used; whether new radiat made origin vehicl manufactur (call oem) aftermarket (manufactur anoth company); work done. costhelp reader purchas radiat onlin hire local mechan instal (usual work done reader' garag driveway) report total cost $174-$400, averag $259. radiat stop leak product seal small hole avail $5-$15"} {"id": "13280", "contents": "replac radiator, best also replac radiat cap thermostat. radiat replaced, best check leaks, assur everyth work order. radiat replaced, entir cool system checked, especi radiat hoses. depend type car drive auto repair shop go to. mechan mobile, mean overhead repair shop have. provid conveni come home office."} {"id": "13281", "contents": "parts: $120 $185. averag cost radiat replac $307 $422. labor cost estim $187 $237 part price $120 $185. get person estim base locat specif car. estim includ tax fee"} {"id": "13282", "contents": "averag radiat repair cost tend $400 $600. however, cost vari depend standard price labor automot profession area. consider well, includ cost radiat itself, must factor in."} {"id": "13283", "contents": "happens, import know associ cost repair get scammed. follow estim base minor repair work might decid home. radiat hose cost $15 $50 replacement, water pump could cost anywher $35 $75. small hole radiat usual fill solut call bar leak avail automot part store. product seal small hole radiat cool system. replac radiat rang $45 part yard $200 new one. mechanic' garage, cost would broken follow categories."} {"id": "13284", "contents": "running, engin produc heat. coolant flow system absorb remov extra heat engine. coolant pass radiat cool later circul back engin absorb heat again. depend type car drive auto repair shop go to. mechan mobile, mean overhead repair shop have. provid conveni come home office."} {"id": "13285", "contents": "discounts: water pump might need replac time radiator. water pump typic cost $50-$100 part; labor bring total addit cost $200-$750, depend make model vehicle. costhelp reader purchas radiat onlin hire local mechan instal (usual work done reader' garag driveway) report total cost $174-$400, averag $259. radiat stop leak product seal small hole avail $5-$15"} {"id": "13286", "contents": "see morrison\u2019 boyfriend list, like hook co-star hollywood. jennif engag actor jess spencer. coupl obvious met set hous m.d. tv series. even went romant trip pari together, jess jennifer."} {"id": "13287", "contents": "date less year, upon time costar jennif morrison sebastian stan offici broken up, multipl sourc tell us weekli credit: john sciulli/getti images. seem fairytal ended!"} {"id": "13288", "contents": "follow footstep ginnif goodwin josh dalla whose relationship becam public april fellow costar jennif morrison, 33, sebastian stan, 28, item, too. met set exclusive, sourc tell people. start date three month ago."} {"id": "13289", "contents": "jennif morrison. might surpris jennif morrison current singl 2014. appear last split sebastian stan, morrison want short break relationships. jennif met last boyfriend sebastian seri upon time."} {"id": "13290", "contents": "long paint ladi butterfli live for? paint butterfly' live approximetli 54 days, (that whole lifespan, egg-butterfly) butterfli 14 days, (2 weeks). male femal paint ladi butterfli similar looks. way determin gender paint ladi butterfli male smaller abdomen."} {"id": "13291", "contents": "take paint ladi butterfli day hatch caterpillar order on-lin cocoon took day hatch nswer take day paint ladi butterfli hatch love butterfli :-). peopl found useful. male femal paint ladi butterfli similar looks. way determin gender paint ladi butterfli male smaller abdomen."} {"id": "13292", "contents": "everi year, paint ladi butterfli make huge migrat africa europ back again. also north america, mexico northern unit state canada back again. migrat 15000 km long. egg paint ladi appear pale green color. caterpillar grayish brown darker ends. yellow stripe run back body, spike along back side body. pupa varieti color includ metal green, brown, bluish-white."} {"id": "13293", "contents": "long take paint ladi butterfli come chrysalis? take 11 day chrysali turn butterfly. male femal paint ladi butterfli similar looks. way determin gender paint ladi butterfli male smaller abdomen."} {"id": "13294", "contents": "egg (3-5 days). adult femal butterfli lay egg plant paint ladi caterpillar like eat, like thistl hollyhock. egg size pin head, one contain caterpillar begin grow. butterfli emerges! (2 weeks). butterfli first emerg chrysalis, wing soft crumpled. tire butterfli rests, slowli unfold wing dry. hours, butterfli readi fly. paint ladi butterfli 2-week life span."} {"id": "13295", "contents": "remov cup plastic bag. caterpillar cup, inch long. least becom healthi butterflies. remov lid. food bottom cup caterpillar need. allow caterpillar least 24 hour becom active. start grow quickli within day"} {"id": "13296", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. paint butterfly' live approximetli 54 days, (that whole lifespan, egg-butterfly) butterfli 14 days, (2 weeks). male femal paint ladi butterfli similar looks. way determin gender paint ladi butterfli male smaller abdomen."} {"id": "13297", "contents": "life cycle: paint ladi butterfli undergo complet metamorphosi four stages: egg, larva, pupa, adult. egg-mint green, barrel-shap egg laid singli leav host plants, hatch 3-5 days. larva-th caterpillar five instar 12-18 days. pupa-th chrysali stage last 10 days. adult-butterfli live two weeks. special adapt defenses: paint lady' mottl color look much like militari camouflage, provid effect cover potenti predators."} {"id": "13298", "contents": "room temperatur paint ladi butterfli remain egg stage 4-5 days, larval stage 12 18 days, pupa stage 8-10 days. paint ladi butterfli may begin lay egg within day emerge."} {"id": "13299", "contents": "greek music histori extend far back ancient greece, sinc music major part ancient greek theater. later influenc roman empire, eastern europ byzantin empir chang form style greek music. skyladiko. [skyl\u00e1diko] (sci\u02c8la\u00f0iko or) (skyladika: skyl\u00e1dika, greek \u03c3\u03ba\u03c5\u03bb\u03ac\u03b4\u03b9\u03ba\u03bf mean deriv greek), word doghous derogatori term describ laiko music current nightclub greec form popular greek music. perform"} {"id": "13300", "contents": "greek klaritzid also play klarino differ style sound use classic musician europ america. klarino key (do) favorit old folk klaritzid (clarinet players), although albert bb becom popular clarinet recent years. santouri type hammer dulcimer. probabl evolv harp-lik instrument lyra ancient greeks. form psalterion byzantin times, ethnomusicologist attribut name, santouri, word psalterion."} {"id": "13301", "contents": "klarino greek call greek clarinet, popular lead melodi instrument mainland region greece. albert (or simple) system clarinet older, primit version clarinet common classic popular music europ america. santouri type hammer dulcimer. probabl evolv harp-lik instrument lyra ancient greeks. form psalterion byzantin times, ethnomusicologist attribut name, santouri, word psalterion."} {"id": "13302", "contents": "popular music smyrna poli, often play along violi (violin), kanoni, hand drum like toumbeleki. sometim play along klarino santouri also. baglamas. baglamas; peiraieus, circa 1950. santouri type hammer dulcimer. probabl evolv harp-lik instrument lyra ancient greeks. form psalterion byzantin times, ethnomusicologist attribut name, santouri, word psalterion."} {"id": "13303", "contents": "albert system klarino fewer key differ tone modern clarinet. greek klaritzid also play klarino differ style sound use classic musician europ america. klarino key (do) favorit old folk klaritzides. rang size small, approxim inch zournadi larg approxim 20 inch long zourna common greek makedonia. peloponniso roumeli, pipiz karamoudz usual 12 inch long. daouli two head drum."} {"id": "13304", "contents": "01 moiroloi stroto pagonisio. 02 arvanitiko. 03 potamia. 04 zagorisio. 05 mirka. 06 olympia. 07 old uncl apostoli. 08 lissavo. 09 eleni. 10 katsamba. 11 orlingas."} {"id": "13305", "contents": "follow common instrument group found greek folk music. click jump link learn variou groups. see pictur variou instruments, click instrument name link within category. rang size small, approxim inch zournadi larg approxim 20 inch long zourna common greek makedonia. peloponniso roumeli, pipiz karamoudz usual 12 inch long. daouli two head drum."} {"id": "13306", "contents": "main accompani instrument music greek mainland islands. lavoutieri play chord rhythmic accompani melodi instrument group. mainland lead instrument would klarino (along violi perhap santouri). rang size small, approxim inch zournadi larg approxim 20 inch long zourna common greek makedonia. peloponniso roumeli, pipiz karamoudz usual 12 inch long. daouli two head drum."} {"id": "13307", "contents": "klarino greek clarinet, popular lead melodi instrument mainland region greece. albert system clarinet older, primit version clarinet common classic popular music europ america. rang size small, approxim inch zournadi larg approxim 20 inch long zourna common greek makedonia. peloponniso roumeli, pipiz karamoudz usual 12 inch long. daouli two head drum."} {"id": "13308", "contents": "cerebellum region brain critic balance, learn motor skill coordin movements. outer layer cerebellum, individu 'purkinje' cell integr input brain stem ..."} {"id": "13309", "contents": "cerebellum: latin, word cerebellum mean littl brain. cerebellum area hindbrain control motor movement coordination, balance, equilibrium muscl tone. like cerebr cortex, cerebellum compris white matter thin, outer layer dens fold gray matter."} {"id": "13310", "contents": "cerebellum back brain, cerebrum. it\u2019 lot smaller cerebrum, import part brain. cerebellum control balance, movement, coordination. cerebellum, stand upright, muscl coordin move around."} {"id": "13311", "contents": "cerebellum portion brain control coordination, balance, voluntari motor movements, sens posit differ part body, equilibrium, muscl tone. also play import role memory."} {"id": "13312", "contents": "split merg it. answer cat kluss. confid vote 51.8k. cerebellum portion brain control coordination, balance, voluntari motor movements, sens posit differ part body, equilibrium, muscl tone. also play import role memory."} {"id": "13313", "contents": "cerebellum (latin littl brain) region brain play import role motor control. may also involv cognit function attent language, regul fear pleasur responses, movement-rel function solidli established."} {"id": "13314", "contents": "chines warti newts, chines fire belli newts, eastern newts, paddletail newts, emperor newts, spanish rib newt (leucist gene exist), red-tail knobbi newt commonli seen newt pet trade. adult newt lizard-lik bodi may either fulli aquatic, live perman water, semiaquatic, live terrestrially, return water everi year breed."} {"id": "13315", "contents": "newton leroy newt gingrich (/\u02c8nu\u02d0t \u02c8\u0261\u026a\u014b\u0261r\u026at\u0283/ born newton leroy mcpherson; june 17, 1943) american politician, historian, author polit consultant. 1946, mother marri armi offic robert gingrich (1925\u20131996), adopt newt. father, career officer, serv tour korea vietnam. 1956 famili move europ live period orleans, franc stuttgart, germany."} {"id": "13316", "contents": "newt metamorphos three distinct development life stages: aquat larva, terrestri juvenil (call eft), adult. adult newt lizard-lik bodi may either fulli aquatic, live perman water, semiaquatic, live terrestrially, return water everi year breed."} {"id": "13317", "contents": "newt small amphibian averag newt tend grow around 15cm long, newt howev bigger smaller depend speci newt. newt found natur north america, europ asia newt thought subspeci salamander. peopl commonli keep fire-belli newts, paddle-tail newt crocodil newt pets. newt seen good pet keep newt small quiet speci newt, like great crest newt nativ europ get 27 year old."} {"id": "13318", "contents": "salamand common name order caudata includ families, found north america. newt common name appli certain member famili rel small salamanders. also order caudata siren aquat salamanders, hind limbs. newt siren realli salamanders."} {"id": "13319", "contents": "full definit newt. variou small salamand (famili salamandridae) usual semiaquat adults. see newt defin english-languag learners. see newt defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "13320", "contents": "newt semiaquat amphibian famili salamandridae, although aquat salamand consid newts. adult newt lizard-lik bodi may either fulli aquatic, live perman water, semiaquatic, live terrestrially, return water everi year breed."} {"id": "13321", "contents": "newt gener solitari anim speci newt known hibern groups. newt gener come togeth mate season tend take place earli spring. peopl commonli keep fire-belli newts, paddle-tail newt crocodil newt pets. newt seen good pet keep newt small quiet speci newt, like great crest newt nativ europ get 27 year old."} {"id": "13322", "contents": "newt' skin, however, smooth salamanders. aquat larva true teeth upper lower jaws, extern gills. abil regener limbs, eyes, spinal cords, hearts, intestines, upper lower jaws. adult newt lizard-lik bodi may either fulli aquatic, live perman water, semiaquatic, live terrestrially, return water everi year breed."} {"id": "13323", "contents": "word salamand name entir group, scientif order, amphibian tail adults. includ anim commonli known newt sirens. anim salamand order look like cross lizard frog. moist, smooth skin like frog long tail like lizards. term newt sometim use salamand spend year live land. bold color tell predat newt safe eat. mani salamand gland back neck tail. gland secret poison bad-tast liquid. speci even shed tail attack grow new one later."} {"id": "13324", "contents": "viru caus polio infect person, treatment cure polio. earli diagnosi support treatment bed rest, pain control, good nutrition, physic therapi prevent deform occur time help reduc long-term symptom due muscl loss."} {"id": "13325", "contents": "polio treatment. polio non curabl polio treatment available, bed rest acut stage avoid injections, correct surgeri physiotherapi along rehabilit help patient. physiotherapi cornerston manag polio post polio syndrome."} {"id": "13326", "contents": "two type vaccin protect polio: oral polioviru vaccin (opv) inactiv polioviru vaccin (ipv) (given inject leg arm, depend patient' age). polio, poliomyelitis, crippl potenti deadli infecti disease. caus poliovirus. viru spread person person invad infect person\u2019 brain spinal cord, caus paralysi (can\u2019t move part body)."} {"id": "13327", "contents": "currently, treatment polio kill poliovirus. antibiot medic polio effect polio caus virus. therefore, treatment polio focus provid relief polio symptom bodi fight poliovirus. call support care. support care treatment polio depend symptom polio person experiences. mild symptom asept meningitis, support care may include: fluids. medic (such acetaminophen ibuprofen) control fever pain. rest fever improves."} {"id": "13328", "contents": "95 percent peopl infect polio symptoms. however, infect person without symptom still spread viru caus other develop polio. four five percent infect peopl minor symptom fever, muscl weakness, headache, nausea vomiting. polio viral diseas may affect spinal cord caus muscl weak paralysis. polio viru enter bodi mouth, usual hand contamin stool infect person."} {"id": "13329", "contents": "poliomyelitis, often call polio infantil paralysis, infecti diseas caus poliovirus. approxim 90% 95% infect caus symptoms. poliomyel exist thousand years, depict diseas ancient art. diseas first recogn distinct condit michael underwood 1789 viru caus first identifi 1908 karl landsteiner."} {"id": "13330", "contents": "polio (also known poliomyelitis) highli contagi diseas caus viru attack nervou system. children younger year old like contract viru group."} {"id": "13331", "contents": "overview treat polio. currently, treatment kill poliovirus. antibiot medic polio effect polio caus virus. therefore, treatment focus provid relief symptom bodi fight poliovirus. call support care."} {"id": "13332", "contents": "-captain pabst (comment offer buyout british syndicate). histori pabst brew compani trace 1842 jacob best, jr. brother charl best immigr america mettenheim, germany. 1864, pabst purchas half interest brew compani $21,057.05 becam vice president. marriag best\u2019 second daughter, lisett 1866, husband, emil schandein also purchas remain half interest phillip best. product beer reach 14,139 barrel 1866"} {"id": "13333", "contents": "novemb 13, 2014, pabst announc complet sale blue ribbon intermedi holdings, llc. blue ribbon partnership american beer entrepreneur eugen kashper tsg consum partners, san francisco\u2013bas privat equiti firm. sale pabst peak 18 million barrel 1977. 1980 1981, compani four differ ceos, 1982 fifth beer sale u.s., drop third 1980. 1996, pabst headquart left milwaukee, compani end beer product main complex there. 2001, brand' sale million barrels. year, compani got new ceo, brian kovalchuk, formerli cfo benetton, major chang company' market depart made"} {"id": "13334", "contents": "compani found august krug 1849 acquir joseph schlitz 1858. schlitz bought stroh breweri compani 1982 subsequ sold along rest stroh' asset pabst brew compani 1999. pabst produc recent relaunch schlitz gusto beer old milwaukee. 1999 pabst brew compani gain control schlitz brand acquisit stroh breweri company. reformul period earli 1970s, origin schlitz beer formula lost never includ subsequ sale company."} {"id": "13335", "contents": "30 country\u2019 cherish nation region beers, pabst brew compani one divers american beer portfolios. check portfolio section learn stori brands. \u00a92015 pabst brew compani right reserved."} {"id": "13336", "contents": "red white blue brand beer produc sold pabst prohibit mid-1980s. pre-prohibit advertis laud mellow tast drinkability. year averag sales, brand saw signific growth earli 1980 due creativ market campaigns. paul kalmanovitz, self-mad beer real-est baron, purchas pabst brew compani 1985 $63 million hostil takeov auspic hold compani s&p co.; s&p' first breweri maier brew company, purchas 1958."} {"id": "13337", "contents": "pabst blue ribbon beer sold pabst brew company, establish milwaukee, wisconsin 1844 current base lo angeles. sale pabst peak 18 million barrel 1977. 1980 1981, compani four differ ceos, 1982 fifth beer sale u.s., drop third 1980. 1996, pabst headquart left milwaukee, compani end beer product main complex there. 2001, brand' sale million barrels. year, compani got new ceo, brian kovalchuk, formerli cfo benetton, major chang company' market depart made"} {"id": "13338", "contents": "1996, pabst' entir beer product contract stroh breweri company, util excess capac former flaship breweri g. heileman brew compani la crosse, wisconsin absorb earlier year. paul kalmanovitz, self-mad beer real-est baron, purchas pabst brew compani 1985 $63 million hostil takeov auspic hold compani s&p co.; s&p' first breweri maier brew company, purchas 1958."} {"id": "13339", "contents": "expect pay $2 $7 per squar foot materials, includ instal costs. middl price rang porcelain ceram tiles. durabl suitabl wet environments, run anywher $5 $10 per squar foot includ cost installation."} {"id": "13340", "contents": "contractor charg small tile instal project higher rate. example, price instal 45 sq. ft. porcelain floor tile small hallway around $450 $550, make $11.25 $12.30 per squar foot."} {"id": "13341", "contents": "$7.53 per squar foot (includ labor mid-grad tile) (range: $6.56 $8.49). $3.18 per squar foot (new sub-floor instal only) (range: $2.07 $4.28). $4.56 per squar foot (new wall back instal only) (range: $2.86 $6.25)."} {"id": "13342", "contents": "free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost bathroom ceram tile instal project. basic 120 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal bathroom ceram tile rang $10.41 $15.13 per squar foot*"} {"id": "13343", "contents": "free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost ceram floor tile instal project. basic 120 squar feet project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal ceram floor tile rang $9.83 $13.74 per squar foot* estim cost project:"} {"id": "13344", "contents": "ceram tile found less $1 per squar foot $5.50 per squar foot. size tile durabl among factor determin price. installation, expect spend $4-$8 per squar foot. natur stone flooring, you\u2019ll pay $5-$10 per squar foot material."} {"id": "13345", "contents": "averag price range. averag price ceram tile floor $2.50-$3.00 per squar foot range.for natur stone flooring, expect pay averag $7.50/sq foot. ceram tile found less $1 per squar foot $5.50 per squar foot."} {"id": "13346", "contents": "bleed tubal ligat severe, transfus blood blood product may need done. blood blood product activ screen variou diseas problems, includ aid hepat (among others), blood transfus gener safe. expect small amount bleed tubal ligation. advertisement. small amount bleed tubal ligat normal. sever caus bleeding, treatment vari depend caus individu situation. cases, bleed stop easili taken care laparoscop surgeri"} {"id": "13347", "contents": "also tell miss period. though seem tha bleed long period time tubal ligat surgery, accompani fever, nausea, pain. indic infection, case antibiot necessary. heavi bleed long birth, much. climb bed baby, anyth day nurs rest. stay hydrated, eat well (lot protein). keep feet, ask friend rel help household chore coupl weeks."} {"id": "13348", "contents": "postpartum tubal ligation. usual done mini-laparotomi childbirth. fallopian tube higher abdomen right pregnancy, incis made belli button (navel). procedur often done within 24 36 hour babi delivered. ectop pregnanc risk. tubal ligat implant fail becom pregnant, increas risk ectop pregnancy. ectop pregnanc occur year tubal ligat like year procedure. learn more, see topic ectop pregnancy."} {"id": "13349", "contents": "year ago person choic tubal revers women report chang menstrual period includ symptom heavi bleeding, longer bleeding, pain tubal ligation. normal usual, affect unknown percentag women post tubal ligation. year ago person choic tubal revers (view profile). women report chang menstrual period includ symptom heavi bleeding, longer bleeding, pain tubal ligation. normal usual, affect."} {"id": "13350", "contents": "tubal ligation, like go home day. surgeon give instruct expect call surgery. may slight vagin bleed caus movement uteru surgery. ectop pregnanc risk. tubal ligat implant fail becom pregnant, increas risk ectop pregnancy. ectop pregnanc occur year tubal ligat like year procedure. learn more, see topic ectop pregnancy."} {"id": "13351", "contents": "heavi vagin bleed first day post-surgery, tell doctor. also tell miss period. though seem bleed long period time tubal ligat surgery, accompani fever, nausea, pain. indic infection, case antibiot necessary. ignor treatment infect lead perman seriou complic"} {"id": "13352", "contents": "bleed tubal ligation: overview. seriou bleed seriou damag major blood vessel, tubal ligat may need chang open surgeri control bleed prevent loss life. mean larger incis made abdomen doctor view insid abdomen better. expect small amount bleed tubal ligation. advertisement. small amount bleed tubal ligat normal. sever caus bleeding, treatment vari depend caus individu situation. cases, bleed stop easili taken care laparoscop surgeri"} {"id": "13353", "contents": "use rule thumb time taken bone regain full strength usual time take fractur heal. is, you\u2019v plaster six weeks, take six week regain full strength. import get plaster cast wet. typic take six eight week heal adults, less time children. doctor refer break crack bone fractures. go nearest accid emerg (a&e) depart think child broken bone."} {"id": "13354", "contents": "dalia mosseri. take 6-8 week heal, depend type injuri sustained. (keep finger still !!!!) broken place hand ice cold water min. take wrap whole hand soft wrap (anyth soft colth)"} {"id": "13355", "contents": "introduction. broken arm wrist usual caus fall onto outstretch arm. typic take six eight week heal adults, less time children. doctor refer break crack bone fractures. go nearest accid emerg (a&e) depart think child broken bone."} {"id": "13356", "contents": "broken arm caus extrem pain, also keep person use arm week sometim month time. generally, amount recoveri time depend sever break, site break well patient follow physician' order treatment."} {"id": "13357", "contents": "adult dog cats, broken bone heal time 12 weeks. puppi kittens, broken bone heal time weeks. complic fractur take much 16 weeks. delay union non-union fractures."} {"id": "13358", "contents": "length time take heal depend type fracture, whether damag surround tissues, person' age. example, young child who' crack wrist need wear cast remov splint two three weeks. typic take six eight week heal adults, less time children. doctor refer break crack bone fractures. go nearest accid emerg (a&e) depart think child broken bone."} {"id": "13359", "contents": "now. report abuse. take good 6-8 week break heal properly. compound fracture, spiral fractur complet break would take closer weeks. greenstick fractur could heal littl 4-6. report abuse. broken bone begin heal within 48 hour howev depend type sever break could take anywher week complet heal."} {"id": "13360", "contents": "length time taken heal depend fractur sever break is. example, simpl buckl fractur need plaster cast week almost complet heal weeks. children heal half time take adult heal similar injury."} {"id": "13361", "contents": "percent patients, bone heal treatment; known non-heal fracture. patient may requir bone graft surgeri heal fractur properly. six week take bone heal, still adjust period. patient resum strenuou physic activities, contact sport skiing, three six month injury."} {"id": "13362", "contents": "definit shofar. ram's-horn trumpet blown ancient hebrew battl religi observ use modern judaism especi rosh hashanah end yom kippur. advertisement. hebrew sh\u014dph\u0101r. first known use: 1833."} {"id": "13363", "contents": "shofar ram' horn blown somewhat like trumpet. one import observ holiday hear sound shofar synagogue."} {"id": "13364", "contents": "shofar (\u05e9\u05d5\u05e4\u05e8\u200e) jewish instrument often made ram\u2019 horn, though also made horn sheep goat. make trumpet-lik sound tradit blown rosh hashanah, jewish new year."} {"id": "13365", "contents": "shofar ram\u2019 horn blown like trumpet rosh hashanah services, everi day except shabbat preced month elul, end yom kippur. four sound shofar\u2013 tekiah, shevarim, teruah, tekiah gedolah \u2013remind mani peopl cri voice."} {"id": "13366", "contents": "share. ariela pelaia. shofar (\u05e9\u05d5\u05e4\u05e8\u200e) jewish instrument often made ram\u2019 horn, though also made horn sheep goat. make trumpet-lik sound tradit blown rosh hashanah, jewish new year."} {"id": "13367", "contents": "australia constitut monarchi base mixtur us uk system hm queen elizabeth ii head state. 1999, australia vote abolish th monarchy. accord atlapedia online, feder multiparti parliamentari state sovereign monarchy."} {"id": "13368", "contents": "govern australia, feder parliamentari democracy, independ self-govern state member commonwealth nations. constitut australia, becam effect 1901, base british parliamentari traditions, includ element unit state system."} {"id": "13369", "contents": "like australian states, victoria enjoy polit stabl democrat form government. australian govern system base british westminst style government. three level govern australia:"} {"id": "13370", "contents": "61 australia\u2019 system govern australia federation, constitut monarchi parliamentari democracy. mean australia: queen, resid unit kingdom repres australia governor-general. govern ministri head prime minister."} {"id": "13371", "contents": "australian democracy. australian system govern begin two great democrat traditions. follow british settlement 1788, westminst model use basi govern six separ coloni establish across contin 19th century."} {"id": "13372", "contents": "australia\u2019 polit system australia' polit system australia' system govern base liber democrat tradition, includ religi toler freedom speech association. institut practic reflect british north american model uniqu australian."} {"id": "13373", "contents": "australian system government. australia feder six state which, togeth three self-govern territories, constitutions, parliaments, govern laws."} {"id": "13374", "contents": "parliamentari democraci constitut defin parliament australia queen, senat hous representatives. parliament basi australia\u2019 tradit respons government."} {"id": "13375", "contents": "australia' govern feder parliamentari democracy, head govern given titl prime minister. australia constitut monarchi ba ed uk system hm queen elizabeth ii head state."} {"id": "13376", "contents": "sheep brain mani ridg contour compar human brains, consider number ridg contour give appar much larger area sheep\u2019 brain. however, sever differ human sheep brains, almost mammal brain similar. human brain adult weigh 1,300 1,400 grams, length almost 15 cm long. sheep\u2019 brain elong shape, wherea human brain rounded. human brain stem toward backbon downwards, human bodi backbon vertical; compar sheep\u2019 backbon horizontal, brain direct outwards. human brain, compar sheep\u2019 brain, much larger frontal lobe. summary: 1. human brain heavier longer sheep\u2019 brain. 2. sheep\u2019 brain develop olfactori bulb compar human brain. 3."} {"id": "13377", "contents": "differ sheep human mammillari bodi brain human two lobe sheep one lobe. sheep' brain smaller cerebellum (lesser motor control/less complex learn motor behaviors). larger pineal gland sheep (relat circadian rhythms/season reproduction)."} {"id": "13378", "contents": "sheep mammal structur function brain similar human brain. compar human cortex-th outer layer brain-, sheep brain smaller cortex. sheep brain small weigh less. and, elong shape. human brain, complic brains, certainli differ brain animals. sheep anim whose brain notic similar human brain, yet distinct differ two. one, sheep abil think, simpli make brain less effici human brain"} {"id": "13379", "contents": "human brain larger. posit hind brain different, due erect posit humans. convolut increas human (increas surfac area). sheep' brain smaller cerebellum (lesser motor control/less complex learn motor behaviors). larger pineal gland sheep (relat circadian rhythms/season reproduction)"} {"id": "13380", "contents": "differ sheep human mammillari bodi brain human two lobe sheep one lobe. person found useful. posit hind brain different, due erect posit humans. convolut increas human (increas surfac area). sheep' brain smaller cerebellum (lesser motor control/less complex learn motor behaviors)."} {"id": "13381", "contents": "human brain divid two hemispher sheep brain not. further, human brain divid four lobe base function lobe seen sheep brain. speak function brain, human brain broader capac function sheep brain. human brain, complic brains, certainli differ brain animals. sheep anim whose brain notic similar human brain, yet distinct differ two. one, sheep abil think, simpli make brain less effici human"} {"id": "13382", "contents": "convolut increas human (inc reas surfac area). sheep' brain smaller cerebellum (lesser motor control/less complex learn motor behaviors). larger pineal gland sheep (relat circadian rhythms/season reproduction)."} {"id": "13383", "contents": "similarities: two hemispheres, two brain stems, two optic nerves, two pon differences: size, functions, ridg surfac area, human brain round sheep brain elogn shape, human' brain think, write, bend, invent, create. lobe different/similar size compar human brain. sheep' brain long wide human brain wide long. view human pariet side appear condens longer sheep' would look like."} {"id": "13384", "contents": "inhal droplet cough sneez common way catch flu. symptom appear day later (usual days). symptom (except cough) usual disappear within days. sometim second wave fever time. cough tired usual last week rest ill over."} {"id": "13385", "contents": "cold vs. flu. experi faster onset symptoms, may flu instead cold. example, may feel significantli wors within three four hour flu. flu-lik symptom may includ pain sore throat, deep cough, extrem fatigue, sudden fever. usual treat home."} {"id": "13386", "contents": "cold symptom usual begin sore throat, usual goe away day two. nasal symptoms, runni nose, congest follow, along cough fourth fifth days. fever uncommon adults, slight fever possible. children like fever cold. cold milder respiratori ill flu. cold symptom make feel bad days, flu symptom make feel quit ill day weeks. flu also result seriou health problem pneumonia hospitalizations."} {"id": "13387", "contents": "flu symptom usual sever cold symptom come quickly. symptom flu includ sore throat, fever, headache, muscl ach soreness, congestion, cough. swine flu particular also associ vomit diarrhea. cold milder respiratori ill flu. cold symptom make feel bad days, flu symptom make feel quit ill day weeks. flu also result seriou health problem pneumonia hospitalizations."} {"id": "13388", "contents": "honor societi nurs (stti) answered. first symptom influenza (flu), includ fever, chills, headache, bodi aches, often begin go away days. cases, symptom last day longer. respiratori symptom influenza, coughing, throat irritation, congest may last day weeks. however, peopl contagi week begin symptoms."} {"id": "13389", "contents": "flu symptom usual sever symptom common cold. symptom typic develop one day seven day exposure, last day two weeks. may includ following: fever (usual 100\u00b0f warmer, last sever days), often chills."} {"id": "13390", "contents": "symptom flu usual gone 10 days, although sometim cough last coupl week symptom gone. answer d4est. confid vote 40.4k. usual high fever last day normal bout flu without secondari infections, perhap day most, although low grade fever accompani flu symptom slightli longer."} {"id": "13391", "contents": "usual take around 4-5 day fever mellow later take week symptom go away altogether. long process lot virus involv without proper care low degre influenza turn terribl mess. even do, goe pretti quickly. peopl get flu fever often stay head bent question long fever last flu. case peopl need know fever mostli stay till entir viru fought away."} {"id": "13392", "contents": "fertil fertilis (in british english) materi natur synthet origin (other lime materials) appli soil plant tissu (usual leaves) suppli one plant nutrient essenti growth plants. use phosphat fertil also increas million tonn per year 1960 40 million tonn per year 2000. maiz crop yield 6\u20139 tonn grain per hectar requir 31\u201350 kg phosphat fertil applied, soybean requir 20\u201325 kg per hectare."} {"id": "13393", "contents": "organ chemistry, phosphate, organophosphate, ester phosphor acid. variou phosphor acid phosphates, organ phosphat import biochemistri biogeochemistri (ecology), inorgan phosphat mine obtain phosphoru use agricultur industry. phosphat ion polyatom ion empir formula po 3\u2212 molar mass 94.97 g/mol. consist one central phosphoru atom surround four oxygen atom tetrahedr arrangement."} {"id": "13394", "contents": "figur 1. phosphoru cycle. phosphat taken plant soils, util anim consum plants, return soil organ residu decay soil (figur 1) much phosphat use live organ becom incorpor organ compounds. phosphoru (p) essenti element classifi macronutri rel larg amount requir plants. phosphoru one three nutrient gener ad soil fertilizers."} {"id": "13395", "contents": "phosphat rock raw materi use commerci fertil production. phosphat rock extract earth mani countries. phosphat rock use fertil production, smaller amount go variou industri uses. made two common constitu fertil industri popular rel high nutrient content excel physic properties. monoammonium phosphat (map) wide use sourc n, made two constitu common fertil industry."} {"id": "13396", "contents": "phosphoru come mani places. might think biggest sourc phosphoru obviou ones\u2014sewag treatment plants, chemic factories, like. fact, identifi sourc contribut less 20% phosphoru river. phosphoru stay put it. cling soil. soil wash away, carri phosphoru it. st. croix river, especi lake st. croix, collect water entir basin, concentr phosphoru one place."} {"id": "13397", "contents": "simpli put, fertil combin nutrient plant need grow potassium, nitrogen, phosphorus, sulphur\u2013 form digest. think plant food. crop grow, absorb, mine, nutrient soil. crop harvested, nutrient absorb plants. farmer use fertil replenish nutrient drawn soil, plant need grow. crop goe market, potassium, phosphorus, nitrogen absorb"} {"id": "13398", "contents": "uses: phosphat rock process recov element phosphorus. pure phosphoru use make chemic use industry. import use phosphat rock, though, product phosphat fertil agriculture. use make calcium phosphat nutrit supplement animals. substitut altern sources: phosphoru import life, substitut agriculture. phosphoru import piec dna rna molecul life formed. also import develop teeth bones. name phosphoru come greek word phosphoros, mean bringer light. phosphoru mine form phosphat rock."} {"id": "13399", "contents": "common fertil include: diammonium phosphat (dap) dap world\u2019 wide use fertilizer. made two common constitu fertil industri popular rel high nutrient content excel physic properties. monoammonium phosphat (map) wide use sourc n, made two constitu common fertil industry."} {"id": "13400", "contents": "mainten adequ phosphat suppli soil essenti sustain global food supplies. mani soil need addit sourc phosphat supplement nativ suppli order meet minimum requirement. crop remov rel larg amount phosphat soil harvest portion. made two common constitu fertil industri popular rel high nutrient content excel physic properties. monoammonium phosphat (map) wide use sourc n, made two constitu common fertil industry."} {"id": "13401", "contents": "phosphat present, alga grows.... phosphat main ingredi fertilizer. phosphat plant food, alga plants. persist troubl algae, everi year-and alway seem come back, may phosphat problem pool."} {"id": "13402", "contents": "krabb diseas inherit condit affect nervou system. sign symptom condit diseas sever differ type."} {"id": "13403", "contents": "krabb diseas genet disorder, mean person inherit diseas parents. caus genet mutation\u2014a perman chang dna sequenc make certain gene. mutat affect messag gene send cell body. krabb diseas rare. accord mayo clinic, diseas affect one everi 100,000 peopl unit state (mayo clinis, 2011). occur frequent peopl scandinavian descent. child one four chanc develop disord parent defect gene."} {"id": "13404", "contents": "krabb diseas (also call globoid cell leukodystrophy) degen disord affect nervou system. caus shortag (deficiency) enzym call galactosylceramidase. krabb diseas part group disord known leukodystrophies, result loss myelin (demyelination). disord also character abnorm presenc globoid cells, globe-shap cell usual one nucleus."} {"id": "13405", "contents": "krabb diseas occur one 100,000 births. higher incidence, six 1,000, report certain commun israel. scandinavian countri compar high rate disease, report one 50,000 births. diseas name danish neurologist knud haraldsen krabb (1885-1965). illinois, kentucki pennsylvania law test krabb diseas birth. movement main state adopt regulations."} {"id": "13406", "contents": "krabb diseas (also known globoid cell leukodystrophi galactosylceramid lipidosis) rare, often fatal degen disord affect myelin sheath nervou system. form sphingolipidosis, involv dysfunct metabol sphingolipids. diseas name danish neurologist knud haraldsen krabb (1885-1965). illinois, kentucki pennsylvania law test krabb diseas birth. movement main state adopt regulations."} {"id": "13407", "contents": "leukodystrophi affect one (and one) substances. krabb diseas caus defici galactocerebrosidase, essenti enzym myelin metabolism. diseas often affect infants, onset age months, occur adolesc adulthood. character presenc globoid cell (cell one nucleus), breakdown nerve\u2019 protect myelin coating, destruct brain cells. krabb diseas one group genet disord call leukodystrophies."} {"id": "13408", "contents": "krabb diseas rare usual deadli disord nervou system. inherit genet disease, mean pass families. krabb diseas rare. accord mayo clinic, diseas affect one everi 100,000 peopl unit state (mayo clinis, 2011). occur frequent peopl scandinavian descent. child one four chanc develop disord parent defect gene."} {"id": "13409", "contents": "definition. krabb (krah-buh) diseas inherit disord destroy protect coat (myelin) nerv cell brain throughout nervou system. cases, sign symptom krabb diseas develop babi month age, diseas usual result death age 2. develop older children adults, cours diseas vari greatly."} {"id": "13410", "contents": "symptom krabb diseas usual begin age year (the infantil form). initi sign symptom typic includ irritability, muscl weakness, feed difficulties, episod fever without sign infection, stiff posture, slow mental physic development. krabb diseas part group disord known leukodystrophies, result loss myelin (demyelination). disord also character abnorm presenc globoid cells, globe-shap cell usual one nucleus."} {"id": "13411", "contents": "krabb diseas rare, inherit degen disord central peripher nervou systems. character presenc globoid cell (cell one nucleus), breakdown nerve\u2019 protect myelin coating, destruct brain cells. krabb diseas one group genet disord call leukodystrophies. disord impair growth develop myelin sheath, fatti cover act insul around nerv fibers, caus sever deterior mental motor skill"} {"id": "13412", "contents": "averag salari chiropractor $57,719 per year. highest pay skill associ job nutrit support patient education. experi moder effect incom job."} {"id": "13413", "contents": "averag salary. averag salari chiropractor employ unit state $103,000 year accord salari data report indeed, $132,988 year accord salary.com, $70,629 year accord jobstat, $57,540 year accord payscale. salary.com report 10% chiropractor earn $94,817 year, 10% higher end pay scale make $229,159 annually. jobstat report highest annual salari record chiropractor $108,421 lowest, $32,837."} {"id": "13414", "contents": "averag hourli wage annual salari chiropractor unit state around $38.25 per hour $79,550 per year. chiropractor salari usa. averag start hourli wage chiropractor unit state rang $16 $45 per hour gradual increas $24.57 $61.6 overtime. averag annual salari chiropractor rang $30,612 $101,100 per annum yearli bonu around $19,987 included. yearli profit share around $31,943, commiss rang $1,500 $18,000"} {"id": "13415", "contents": "assumpt made chiropractor reflect work averag 40 hour per week total 2080 hour per year. hourly. averag chiropractor salari $31.81. lowest 10% earn slightli less $15 per hour upper 10% earn $68.70 per hour. annually. annual basi averag (mean) chiropractor wage $66,160. lowest 10% earn $31,030 per year upper 10% earn $142,000 per year. salari calcul mean average."} {"id": "13416", "contents": "bureau labor statist (bls) reveal top pay state chiropractor alaska, profession earn $157,420 year average, follow ohio, median annual salari occup $126,060, north carolina, chiropractor earn around $113,330 year. salary.com report 10% chiropractor earn $94,817 year, 10% higher end pay scale make $229,159 annually. jobstat report highest annual salari record chiropractor $108,421 lowest, $32,837."} {"id": "13417", "contents": "example, accord salary.com, median expect salari typic chiropractor unit state $78,994. accord data collegegrad.com, median annual earn salari chiropractor $65,330 2002 middl 50 percent earn $44,140 $102,400 year."} {"id": "13418", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic chiropractor unit state $136,731 50% peopl perform job chiropractor unit state expect make less $136,731. source: hr report data octob 2015. median $136,731. annual salari someon job titl chiropractor may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "13419", "contents": "chiropractor salary. chiropractor\u2019 salari unit state accord bl salari report around $132,388 per annum. annual salari upper 10 percent chiropractor around $228,140 per year, lower 10 percent earn less $31,030 per year. chiropractor salari usa. averag start hourli wage chiropractor unit state rang $16 $45 per hour gradual increas $24.57 $61.6 overtime. averag annual salari chiropractor rang $30,612 $101,100 per annum yearli bonu around $19,987 included. yearli profit share around $31,943, commiss rang $1,500 $18,000"} {"id": "13420", "contents": "atm surcharg extra charg levi bank use atm machine. could come bank person affili (the bank issu card). alternately, may come differ bank atm machin charg use."} {"id": "13421", "contents": "top 10 u.s. banks, averag out-of-network atm fee $2.45, $2.25 november. then, don\u2019t forget atm oper also right slap surcharge, usual around $3 $5."} {"id": "13422", "contents": "first megabank -- atm owner exampl -- impos $1.50 surcharge, $20 withdraw appear receipt $21.50, even though get $20."} {"id": "13423", "contents": "a. atm surcharg fee owner atm machin charg \u201cforeign\u201d cardhold (ie. someon custom institut own atm) typic rang anywher $1.50 $3.00 per transaction."} {"id": "13424", "contents": "atm surcharg hit new high 2015 bankrat check survey. averag atm surcharg -- fee use bank' atm check account holder bank -- jump 4% $2.88. thesecities, fee even higher. data come survey 10 bank thrift 25 larg u.s. market juli aug. 5, 2015. share story."} {"id": "13425", "contents": "bank atm charg addit surcharg fee use atm. avoid atm surcharg fee use atm locat show brand marks. alway read atm messag carefully. press cancel key wish avoid fee."} {"id": "13426", "contents": "popular type build wire thermoplast high heat-resist nylon coat (thhn) wire. build wire, defin nation electr code, use construction. engin also commonli use thhn machin tools, control circuit appliances. thhn wire come varieti types. wire come two type conductor depend size: strand solid."} {"id": "13427", "contents": "thhn vs thwn wire. thhn wire type electr wire commonli use conduit cabl tray services, feeder branch circuit commerci applications. use outdoor water, ga solvent resist thank pvc/nylon insulation. thhn dual rating. thhn electr wire dual rate thwn wire they'r manufactur similar almost cost difference. standard type electr wire market use singl condutor electr wire also use electr cabl well."} {"id": "13428", "contents": "applic type thhn build wire intend gener purpos applic defin nation electr code (nec). type thhn permit new construct rewir 600-volt applications."} {"id": "13429", "contents": "thwn electr wire dual rate thhn wire they'r manufactur similar almost cost difference. standard type electr wire market use singl condutor electr wire also use electr cabl well. wire simpli thhn rate would water resistant, howev singl conductor thhn electr wire tri-rat thhn, thwn mtw. strand solid bare copper wire pvc insul it."} {"id": "13430", "contents": "thhn rate describ insul around electr wire. includ rate materi used, hot safe becom break easi wire install. nation fire protect associ (nfpa) publish safeti rate electr products. whether wire copper aluminum, strand solid, meant carri electr power one place another. thhn descript protect insul cover"} {"id": "13431", "contents": "thhn electr wire dual rate thwn wire they'r manufactur similar almost cost difference. standard type electr wire market use singl condutor electr wire also use electr cabl well. thhn dual rating. thhn electr wire dual rate thwn wire they'r manufactur similar almost cost difference. standard type electr wire market use singl condutor electr wire also use electr cabl well."} {"id": "13432", "contents": "thwn dual rating. thwn electr wire dual rate thhn wire they'r manufactur similar almost cost difference. standard type electr wire market use singl condutor electr wire also use electr cabl well. wire simpli thhn rate would water resistant, howev singl conductor thhn electr wire tri-rat thhn, thwn mtw. strand solid bare copper wire pvc insul it."} {"id": "13433", "contents": "thhn wire. thhn wire commonli use commerci wire residenti wire applications. thhn wire rate 600v, 90c coat nylon insul allow easi pull wire conduit. thhn wire avail variou wire gaug sizes, color lengths. thhn wire also use mtw wire thwn wire. wire purchas small larg quantities. solid thhn avail 14 gaug 12 gaug wire sizes."} {"id": "13434", "contents": "thwn electr wire. thwn wire type electr wire commonli use conduit cabl tray services, feeder branch circuit commerci applications. use outdoor water, ga solvent resist thank pvc/nylon insulation. wire simpli thhn rate would water resistant, howev singl conductor thhn electr wire tri-rat thhn, thwn mtw. strand solid bare copper wire pvc insul it."} {"id": "13435", "contents": "money main factor wed formalwear decision. rent cost 10% 30% price new tuxedo, tuxedo price begin $300 $500 range. attend three four formal event per year, buy tux may worthwhile. look invest -- wear year never go style"} {"id": "13436", "contents": "tuxedo rental avail major men' wearhous men' wearhous tux store locations. find store near featur rental service, visit store locator."} {"id": "13437", "contents": "2. overspend tuxedo. averag cost rent tuxedo $141, accord weddingstats.org. cut price order delux packag includ thing pocket squar vest. prom expensive, realiz much read stori usa today estim averag prom outing cost $1,078. teenag live northeast, cost close $2,000! however, possibl shrink prom cost manag level."} {"id": "13438", "contents": "tuxedo suit cost vary, depend whether groom rent buys. low end, tuxedo rental start $50 $100 rental basic wool tuxedo vest. mid-range, groom buy nice suit $300 $800. averag groom spend $116 accessories, accord bridal associ america. rent tuxedo fit perfectly, groom buy suit tuxedo might need alterations, cost $30 $100 more, depend complex alteration."} {"id": "13439", "contents": "discounts: rent tuxedo, vest, tie shoe shirt typic cost extra. and, course, buy suit, need buy shirt, tie cufflinks, add $100 cost. averag groom spend $116 accessories, accord bridal associ america. averag groom spend $116 accessories, accord bridal associ america. rent tuxedo fit perfectly, groom buy suit tuxedo might need alterations, cost $30 $100 more, depend complex alteration."} {"id": "13440", "contents": "depend store prom tuxedo rented, cost tuxedo rental rang anywher littl $45 much $150. menswearhouse.com, discount prom tuxedo price start $69. hand, alsformalwear.com offer tuxedo rental $57.99 alreadi discounted. also offer packag inclus black tie afford price $39."} {"id": "13441", "contents": "accord knot, new tuxedo typic cost $300 $500 buy, rent tux cost 10 percent 30 percent price. such, expect pay $30 $150 rent tux. high-end shops, course, price higher. price wed venu possibl honeymoon locat quickli becom overwhelming. consid budget rental tuxedo. tuxedo rental rang dramatically, depend brand store shop. general, however, tux cost nearli much bride' dress."} {"id": "13442", "contents": "want rent, plan spend anywher $125 much $400 complet suit tux. menswearhouse.com, discount prom tuxedo price start $69. hand, alsformalwear.com offer tuxedo rental $57.99 alreadi discounted. menswearhouse.com, discount prom tuxedo price start $69. hand, alsformalwear.com offer tuxedo rental $57.99 alreadi discounted. also offer packag inclus black tie afford price $39."} {"id": "13443", "contents": "low end, tuxedo rental start $50 $100 rental basic wool tuxedo vest. mid-range, groom buy nice suit $300 $800. averag groom spend $116 accessories, accord bridal associ america. rent tuxedo fit perfectly, groom buy suit tuxedo might need alterations, cost $30 $100 more, depend complex alteration."} {"id": "13444", "contents": "pseudomona aeruginosa: versatil blue-green pu bacteria opportunist infect people, especi immunocompromised. pseudomona rare caus infect healthi individu major caus hospit acquir (nosocomial) infections."} {"id": "13445", "contents": "p. aeruginosa often preliminarili identifi pearlesc appear grape-lik tortilla-lik odor vitro. definit clinic identif p. aeruginosa often includ identifi product pyocyanin fluorescein, well abil grow 42\u00b0c. gram-negative, aerobic, bacillu bacterium unipolar motility. opportunist human pathogen, p. aeruginosa also opportunist pathogen plants. p. aeruginosa type speci genu pseudomona (migula)."} {"id": "13446", "contents": "pseudomona aeruginosa opportunist bacteria live soil, water, even environ like hot tubs. healthi people, bacteria seldom pose problem."} {"id": "13447", "contents": "a. pseudomona infect caus common type bacteria call pseudomona aeruginosa (say soo-duh-moh-nuss ay-roo-jee-noh-suh). healthi peopl often carri bacteria around without know without problems. topic overview. pseudomona infect caus common type bacteria call pseudomona aeruginosa (say soo-duh-moh-nuss ay-roo-jee-noh-suh)."} {"id": "13448", "contents": "practic essentials. pseudomona aeruginosa becom import caus infection, especi patient compromis host defens mechanisms. common pathogen isol patient hospit longer week, frequent caus nosocomi infections. pathophysiology. aeruginosa opportunist pathogen. rare caus diseas healthi persons. case infection, integr physic barrier infect (eg, skin, mucou membrane) lost underli immun defici (eg, neutropenia, immunosuppression) present."} {"id": "13449", "contents": "pseudomona infect diseas caus bacterium genu pseudomonas. bacteria found wide environment, soil, water, plants. usual caus infect healthi people. infect occur healthi person, gener mild. pseudomona infect caus free-liv bacterium genu pseudomonas. pseudomona gram-neg bacteria. found wide soil water. favor moist areas."} {"id": "13450", "contents": "seriou pseudomona infect usual occur peopl hospit and/or weaken immun systems. infect blood, pneumonia, infect follow surgeri lead sever ill death people. pseudomona infect caus strain bacteria found wide environment; common type caus infect human call pseudomona aeruginosa. imag bacterium, search public health imag library."} {"id": "13451", "contents": "easi afritada. easi afritada anoth version pork afritada. recip guid prepar favorit pork afritada eas confidence. secret good afritada recipe, meat recipes, qualiti meat. see use freshest possibl meat avail"} {"id": "13452", "contents": "warm remain tablespoon oil pan medium heat. add onion garlic cook 1-2 minutes. add chicken brown slightly. add tomato puree, pineappl syrup, soy sauce, bay leaves. bring boil, cover simmer 20 minutes, chicken almost tender. instructions. big pan medium heat, heat tablespoon oil. warm remain tablespoon oil pan medium heat. add potatoes, yellow bell pepper, carrots, pineappl chunk continu cook 5-6 minutes, potato cooked."} {"id": "13453", "contents": "afritada afritada basic filipino tomato base stew. that\u2019 chicken tomato sauc potato, carrot bell pepper. mechado mechado usual beef stew cook thick layer fat meat soy sauc tomato sauce."} {"id": "13454", "contents": "pot, heat tablespoon oil medium heat. add onion garlic cook, stir regularly, aromatic. add tomato cook, mash regularli back spoon, soften releas juices. add fish sauc cook minutes. add chicken water bring boil. add chicken cook, turn side twice, lightli brown cook through. remov pan drain paper towels. pot, heat tablespoon oil medium heat."} {"id": "13455", "contents": "philippin cuisin sever dish use tomato sauc base ingredi afritada definit one them. chicken afritada. two type afritada, pork chicken, chicken easier version cook. often prepar dish rather pork counterpart."} {"id": "13456", "contents": "add onion garlic cook 1-2 minutes. add chicken brown slightly. add tomato puree, pineappl syrup, soy sauce, bay leaves. bring boil, cover simmer 20 minutes, chicken almost tender. stir occasionally. instructions. big pan medium heat, heat tablespoon oil. warm remain tablespoon oil pan medium heat. add potatoes, yellow bell pepper, carrots, pineappl chunk continu cook 5-6 minutes, potato cooked."} {"id": "13457", "contents": "*** also boil chicken use chicken stock instead water.***. heat cook oil pan wok. saut potatoes, carrot bell pepper. use pan, saut garlic onion. add chicken***. add fish sauc cook minutes. add water start dri up. add tomato sauce. add vegetables. remov use pan, saut garlic onion. add chicken***. simmer 10-15 minut tender. requir occasion stirring). add fish sauc cook minutes. add water start dri up. bring boil."} {"id": "13458", "contents": "also pork afritada, combin chicken pork. consist recip potatoes, bell pepper, tomato sauce. tomato sauc make dish special, great favorit many-so get best tomato sauc cook afritada."} {"id": "13459", "contents": "chicken afritada stew pan-fri chicken piec tomato sauc potato bellpeppers. probabl adapt spanish/latin dish call pollo guisado (saute chicken) oliv it. also compar italian\u2019 pollo alla cacciator chicken cacciatore."} {"id": "13460", "contents": "trochanter fossa. definitions: 1. depress root neck femur beneath curv tip great trochanter; give attach tendon obtur externus. synonyms: fossa trochanterica, digit fossa1. definit inform trochanter fossa provid stedman's. search medic dictionari here. stedman's, part lippincott william wilkins, provid comprehens line health-scienc public healthcar profession medic student"} {"id": "13461", "contents": "ansari moein cm, gerrit pd, ten dui hj. piriform fossa, trochanter fossa greater trochanter tip describ entri point antegrad femor nailing. however, terminolog use entri point confus"} {"id": "13462", "contents": "trochanter fossa. proxim end femur, irregular recess along upper inner (proxim medial) surfac great trochanter, medial edg greater trochant overhang neck femur. see also: fossa. tempor fossa. area side cranium bound tempor line zygomat arch, lodg tempor muscle. trochanter fossa. deep fossa proxim end femur greater lesser trochanters."} {"id": "13463", "contents": "mammal includ humans, medial surfac greater trochant base deep depress bound posteriorli intertrochanter crest, call trochanter fossa. fossa point insert four muscles. move inferior-most superior-most, are: tendon obtur externu muscle, obtur internus, superior gemellu inferior gemellus. width depth trochanter fossa vari taxonomically. reptiliomorph seymouria diadect basal reptil pareiasaurus, trochanter fossa (also known intertrochanter fossa) larg depress ventral/posterior side femur"} {"id": "13464", "contents": "trochanter fossa, deep depress base femor neck indic 'piriform fossa' vast major publications. public indic insert site tendon piriformi muscl greater trochanter tip 'piriform fossa'. piriform fossa, trochanter fossa greater trochanter tip describ entri point antegrad femor nailing."} {"id": "13465", "contents": "medic definit trochanter fossa. depress base intern surfac greater trochant femur attach tendon obtur externus. made want look trochanter fossa? tweet. depress base intern surfac greater trochant femur attach tendon obtur externus."} {"id": "13466", "contents": "fossa, largest predat island madagascar, massiv bodi rel long, thick extrem semiretractil claws. somewhat resembl cat, head longer. fur short, smooth, reddish brown. fossa. carnivor mammal, cryptoprocta ferox, madagascar. island' largest carnivore, fossa resembl puma pumaor cougar, new world member cat family, puma concolor. also known mountain lion, catamount, panther, painter, rang british columbia southern tip south america."} {"id": "13467", "contents": "uncommonli use term jag furrow medial intertrochanter crest femur continu trochanter fossa superiorly."} {"id": "13468", "contents": "step 2: choos topic explain student go learn write paragraph use traffic light system. point chart discuss student three part paragraph-- begin (topic sentence), middl (support sentences), end (end sentence)."} {"id": "13469", "contents": "teach kid write complet sentenc challenging, especi great deal common speech consist sentenc fragments. spite this, techniqu shown work."} {"id": "13470", "contents": "student need circl sentenc complete. then, bottom, student need complet sentenc circled. sentenc strips, write phrase sentenc incomplet sentences. board pocket chart, two column head sentenc sentence."} {"id": "13471", "contents": "learn write sentenc gradual process kid mani step stages. child first need understand sentenc seri word form statement, question, command exclamation."} {"id": "13472", "contents": "teach sentenc writing. teacher, you\u2019ll find teach student write sentenc doesn\u2019t happen primari grades. although starts, student often need practic guidanc throughout school year sentenc get complicated."} {"id": "13473", "contents": "save. sentenc backbon writing, especi essays. teach basic sentenc form involv make sure student understand sentenc part must includ make complet sentence. also import explain type error occur write sentences. use step teach student write basic sentence."} {"id": "13474", "contents": "learn write sentenc earli on, basic skill, one must learn expand write sentenc becom increasingli complex. learn write impact sentenc import skill take practice."} {"id": "13475", "contents": "name offens come t\u1ebft holiday, vietnames new year, first major attack took place. communist launch wave attack late night hour 30 januari ii corp tactic zone south vietnam. earli attack lead widespread defens measures. main communist oper began next morn offens countrywid well coordinated, eventu 80,000 communist troop strike 100 town cities, includ 36 44 provinci capitals, five six autonom cities, 72 245 district towns, southern capital."} {"id": "13476", "contents": "battl saigon first fought tet offens vietnam war coordin attack communist forces, includ north vietnames armi viet cong, saigon, capit south vietnam. year 1968 saw major develop vietnam war. militari oper start attack us base vietnam people' armi (nva) viet cong januari 1, end truce declar pope agre upon sides."} {"id": "13477", "contents": "meanwhile, u.s. south vietnames attent focus khe sanh, north vietnames viet cong forc launch tet offensive, seri coordin surpris attack citi town throughout south vietnam. battl khe sanh began januari 21, 1968, forc people\u2019 armi north vietnam (pavn) carri massiv artilleri bombard u.s. marin garrison khe sanh, locat northwest south vietnam near laotian border."} {"id": "13478", "contents": "late january, 1968, lunar new year (or \u201ctet\u201d) holiday, north vietnames communist viet cong forc launch coordin attack number target south vietnam. u.s. south vietnames militari sustain heavi loss final repel communist assault. tet offens play import role weaken u.s. public support war vietnam."} {"id": "13479", "contents": "although tet offens militari disast viet cong north vietnames armi (nlf) reinforcements, prove public relat masterstroke. although vietnam conflict would drag anoth seven years, tet 1968 repres true turn point war. coordin attack: viet cong, support north vietnames army, began seri attack would strike 100 southern citi januari 30 februari 3, 1968."} {"id": "13480", "contents": "tet offens turn point vietnam war (1954-75). assault began tet, festiv lunar new year, januari 30, 1968. tet offens larg scale offens campaign made communist vietcong forc vietnam war. despit victori unit state america alli battlefield prove turn point war. peopl found useful."} {"id": "13481", "contents": "tet offensive, 1968, seri crucial battl vietnam war. jan. 31, 1968, first day celebr lunar new year, vietnam' import holiday, vietnames communist launch major offens throughout south vietnam. north vietnames viet cong troop launch attack numer town citi south vietnam. although littl strateg effect, offens discredit us militari report victori north vietnam imminent."} {"id": "13482", "contents": "tet offens militari campaign vietnam war began januari 31, 1968 forc nation liber front south vietnam. purpos displac invad armi present station south vietnam regain control countri vietnamese. tet offens larg scale offens campaign made communist vietcong forc vietnam war. despit victori unit state america alli battlefield prove turn point war. peopl found useful."} {"id": "13483", "contents": "ankh. christian symbol definit mean christian symbol icon earli religi art forms. cathol sign icon, ankh, object, character, figure, color use repres abstract idea concepts-a pictur repres idea."} {"id": "13484", "contents": "symbol also ancient egyptian hieroglyph repres hieroglyph \u00b4nh (ankh) mean life breath life. glyph appear incred number inscript often use decor device."} {"id": "13485", "contents": "ankh ancient egyptian symbol. look rather like key. ankh symbol use hieroglyph designs. one artifact care place king tut' tomb ankh. ankh must meant someth import ancient egyptians, we'r sure quit was."} {"id": "13486", "contents": "ankh egyptian symbol life, also reffer key life. somehow also becom goth/vampir symbol. this, peopl awar part egyptian culture, wear ankh, proudli proclaim obsess dark."} {"id": "13487", "contents": "catherin beyer. ankh well known symbol come ancient egypt. hieroglyph system write ankh repres concept etern life, gener mean symbol. construct image: ankh oval point-down teardrop set atop shape."} {"id": "13488", "contents": "best answer: ankh ancient egyptian symbol life. also known ansata cross, visual represent sandal strap. horizont vertic bar lower tau cross repres feminin masculin energy, respectively."} {"id": "13489", "contents": "lay pork lightli oil roast tin place hot oven (220\u00b0c ga mark 7). high temperatur \u201csizzle\u201d maintain 30 minut turn oven temperatur 160 \u00b0c (ga mark 3) remaind cook time, shown roast summari below: 2. roast 30 minut 220\u00b0c (ga mark 7). 3. reduc oven temperatur 160 \u00b0c (ga mark 3) continu roast 50 minut per kg (23 minut per pound). 4. remov joint oven check juic run clear."} {"id": "13490", "contents": "place pork loin oven, turn bast pan liquids. cook pork longer pink center, hour. instant-read thermomet insert center read 145 degre (63 degre c). remov roast platter. cook pork longer pink center, hour. instant-read thermomet insert center read 145 degre (63 degre c). remov roast platter. heat wine pan stir loosen brown bit food bottom. serv pan juices."} {"id": "13491", "contents": "cook pork roast oven 325 degre fahrenheit (163 degre celsius). cook time 35 minut per lb. (0.45kg) meat. pork roast bone cook faster boneless roast. result crispier surfac textur less moisture. cook pork roast slow cooker, tender roast. place brown roast slow cooker approxim hour low. roast extrem large, may want cut pieces."} {"id": "13492", "contents": "place pork high shelf oven roast 25 minutes. turn heat 190c/375f/ga 5, calcul total cook time allow 35 minut pound, deduct initi 25 minut cook time. case would 2\u00bd hours."} {"id": "13493", "contents": "take 30-45 minut per pound, but, depend intern temperatur pork roast, amount time. use 165f peopl say long past rare; 185f dri stringy. temperatur long per pound cook pork roast? co-work want daughter(13) put roast oven get home, did't know temp long tell leav in. said small lb pork roast."} {"id": "13494", "contents": "roast. roasting, similar baking, method cook pork oven shallow, uncov pan, without ad liquid pan. cut pork roasted, roast 350\u00b0 unless otherwis noted. chart help decid long need roast cut pork"} {"id": "13495", "contents": "swirl coat bottom. roast pork 10 minutes: set pork pan. (it' fine pork tenderloin littl long pan; bend fit here.) return pan oven. roast 10 minutes. flip pork, reduc heat, roast anoth 10 15 minutes: flip pork side. reduc oven temperatur 400\u00b0f continu roast anoth 10 15 minutes. pork done intern temperatur regist 140\u00b0f 145\u00b0f thickest part meat (20 25 minut total)"} {"id": "13496", "contents": "alway posit pork roast pan fat side top. measur one tablespoon oliv oil small dish. add tablespoon dri spice oil. use rosemary, sage, thyme, oregano; combin equal tablespoon. cook loin roast: mani differ way cook roast. (googl list million options!) accord joy cooking, cook roast 10 minut 450 f. degre reduc temperatur 250 f. ensur tender, moist, flavor roast."} {"id": "13497", "contents": "remov roast oven set cut board. cover meat tin foil let rest 15 minut slice it. temperatur roast continu rise anoth degrees. cook loin roast: mani differ way cook roast. (googl list million options!) accord joy cooking, cook roast 10 minut 450 f. degre reduc temperatur 250 f. ensur tender, moist, flavor roast."} {"id": "13498", "contents": "introduction. juli 21, 1861, union confeder armi clash near manassa junction, virginia, first major land battl american civil war. prelud first battl bull run (manassas). juli 1861, two month confeder troop open fire fort sumter begin civil war, northern press public eager union armi make advanc richmond ahead plan meet confeder congress juli 20."} {"id": "13499", "contents": "first battl bull run (also known first battl manassas, juli 21, 1861) first battl bull run major wake call north. battl 2nd bull run, 2nd manassa confeder terminology, import number reasons. first, far strateg concerns, essenti forc conclus union foray virginia 1862."} {"id": "13500", "contents": "a+e networks. juli 21, 1861, union confeder armi clash near manassa junction, virginia, first major land battl american civil war. prelud first battl bull run (manassas). juli 1861, two month confeder troop open fire fort sumter begin civil war, northern press public eager union armi make advanc richmond ahead plan meet confeder congress juli 20."} {"id": "13501", "contents": "first battl bull run one first major battl result larg armi face one anoth seriou bloodshed. shatter union' hope winnin civil war quickli easily. battl 2nd bull run, 2nd manassa confeder terminology, import number reasons. first, far strateg concerns, essenti forc conclus union foray virginia 1862."} {"id": "13502", "contents": "first battl bull run (also known first manassas) fought juli 21, 1861. first major battl civil war result confeder victory. first battl bull run known first true battl american civil war. occur juli 21, 1861, 30 mile outsid washington, d.c., result nearli 5,000 casualties."} {"id": "13503", "contents": "confid vote 42. first battl bull run one first major battl result larg armi face one anoth seriou bloodshed. shatter union' hope win civil war quickli easily. first battl bull run (also known first battl manassas, juli 21, 1861) first battl bull run major wake call north. union forc rout beuregard forces. battl 2nd bull run, 2nd manassa confeder terminology, import number reasons. first, far strateg concerns, essenti forc conclus union foray virginia 1862."} {"id": "13504", "contents": "first battl bull run, also known first manassa (the name use confeder forces), fought juli 21, 1861, princ william county, virginia, near citi manassas, far citi washington, d.c. first major battl american civil war. union 's forc slow posit themselves, allow confeder reinforc time arriv rail. side 18,000 poorli train poorli led troop first battle."} {"id": "13505", "contents": "two first battl bull run, also known first battl manassa (the name use confeder forc still often use southern unit states), fo ught juli 21, 1861, princ william county, virginia, near citi manassas. battl 2nd bull run, 2nd manassa confeder terminology, import number reasons. first, far strateg concerns, essenti forc conclus union foray virginia 1862."} {"id": "13506", "contents": "english, greek latin origin, mean nora light; woman honor. short form eleanora (greek) light, honora (latin) woman honor, leonora. also use independ name. scotland, nora often use feminin form norman. nora heroin ibsen' doll' house."} {"id": "13507", "contents": "notes: norah name english origin deriv name honora eleanora. mean name norah honor. common variat name norah nora. nicknam includ nor, nory, no-no, rah. norah #186 2013 accord social secur administration."} {"id": "13508", "contents": "norah /no-rah/ [2 sylls.] name girl latin, old french, old german, greek english derivation, mean name norah honor; other, foreign; woman honor; compassion; light; light; woman honor. norah altern spell annora (latin)."} {"id": "13509", "contents": "nora name english origin deriv name honora eleanora. mean name nora honor. common variat name nora norah. nicknam includ nor, nory, no-no, rah."} {"id": "13510", "contents": "norah name english origin deriv name honora eleanora. mean name norah honor. common variat name norah nora. nicknam includ nor, nory, no-no, rah. norah #186 2013 accord social secur administration."} {"id": "13511", "contents": "everyone' bodi different, there' one-size-fits-al answer long take see chang bodi start work out."} {"id": "13512", "contents": "answer bdaniel. confid vote 97. expect see physic result week remember, take least week someth becom habit forming, quit matter what. tri worri scale says, take great notic cloth start hang differently."} {"id": "13513", "contents": "general, bodi make chang soon start work out, though take week regular, consist workout actual gain strength, stamina long week start see result us look term drop size shed pounds."} {"id": "13514", "contents": "long take see results? i'v there! actually, gym rat like (workout 5-6x week) actual experienc weight gain beleiv it! matter much scale say feel subtl differ way cloth fit."} {"id": "13515", "contents": "plan safe weight loss rate one two pound per week, calcul much need lose long take. muscl tone, endurance, weight loss work togeth realli make differ bodi gym, take anywher 12 week six months."} {"id": "13516", "contents": "take diet serious along proper rest plan workout schedule..i would say take 3-4 month see notic change. say goe take week see changes, 8week friend see changes, 12 week rest world see change."} {"id": "13517", "contents": "mani peopl want know long result p90x start program. amount time take start see result cours go vari person person-but best blanket, one-size-fits-al answer would weeks."} {"id": "13518", "contents": "answer long take see result p90x go differ everi person... keep push play see results, amaz improv made. mani peopl feel littl intimid think start p90x because, well, look hard!"} {"id": "13519", "contents": "pairs, creat perspect idea \u201cmandat heaven.\u201d \u201cmandat heaven\u201d use ancient china? explain still use world around today. creat thesi prove whether \u201cmandat heaven\u201d justifi action."} {"id": "13520", "contents": "dynasti rule differ period histori employ differ polici idea howev dynasti bound tianming, mandat heaven doctrine. mandat heaven asian variat european principl \u2018divin right kings\u2019. mediev europe, ancient egypt civilisations, emperor claim author rule govern bestow gods."} {"id": "13521", "contents": "zhou dynasti use idea mandat heaven justifi overthrow shang dynasti (c. 1600-1046 bce). zhou leader claim shang emperor becom corrupt unfit, heaven demand removal. rebellion success overthrow emperor, sign lost mandat heaven rebel leader gain it. addition, unlik hereditari divin right kings, mandat heaven depend upon royal even nobl birth."} {"id": "13522", "contents": "concept mandat heaven first use support rule king zhou dynasty, overthrow earlier shang dynasty. mandat heaven requir legitim ruler nobl birth, dynasti often found peopl common birth (such han dynasti ming dynasty). mandat heaven time limitations, depend instead abl perform ruler heirs."} {"id": "13523", "contents": "mandat heaven well-accept popular idea among peopl china, sinc argu remov incompet despot rulers, provid incent ruler rule well justly. mandat heaven requir legitim ruler nobl birth, dynasti often found peopl common birth (such han dynasti ming dynasty). mandat heaven time limitations, depend instead abl perform ruler heirs."} {"id": "13524", "contents": "accord belief, heaven bestow mandat ruler, son heaven. mandat heaven determin whether emperor china suffici virtuou rule; fulfil oblig emperor, lose mandat thu right emperor. mandat heaven requir legitim ruler nobl birth, dynasti often found peopl common birth (such han dynasti ming dynasty). mandat heaven time limitations, depend instead abl perform ruler heirs."} {"id": "13525", "contents": "concept mandat heaven first use support rule king zhou dynasti subject much debat war state period followed. later use support rule emperor china. mandat heaven also first era name qing dynasty. briefli explain idea chines \u201cmandat heaven,\u201d first appear chou dynasty. add answer. source. submit cancel."} {"id": "13526", "contents": "oracl bone oldest exampl chines writing. zhou dynasti 1027-256 bce zhou overthrew shang setup dynasti 1027 bce. explain action claim mandat heaven, divin right rule. mandat heaven later use explain dynast cycle."} {"id": "13527", "contents": "mandat heaven ancient chines philosoph concept, origin zhou dynasti (1046-256 bce). mandat determin whether emperor china suffici virtuou rule; fulfil oblig emperor, lose mandat thu right emperor. rebellion success overthrow emperor, sign lost mandat heaven rebel leader gain it. addition, unlik hereditari divin right kings, mandat heaven depend upon royal even nobl birth."} {"id": "13528", "contents": "energi creat catabol reaction use bodi drive anabol reactions. specif ingredi use store energi atp adenosin tri-phosphate. third phosphat found atp use leav store energi adp adenosin diphosphate. anabol reaction take place live creatur mean build-up growth structur organ call anabolism. anabol reaction refer specif chemic reaction take place combin simpler substanc form complex substanc"} {"id": "13529", "contents": "catabol reaction usual releas energi use drive chemic reactions. anabol refer chemic reaction simpler substanc combin form complex molecules. anabol reaction usual requir energy. anabol reaction build new molecul and/or store energy. energi catabol reaction use drive anabol reactions. energi chemic reaction store atp. often ask student atp answer give energy."} {"id": "13530", "contents": "best answer: anabol reaction involv make big molecul smaller ones, consum energy. common anabol reaction translat rna make protein: amino acid strung togeth form larger molecule. catabol reaction break larg molecul smaller one releas energy, glycolysis."} {"id": "13531", "contents": "anabol reaction one make complex molecul smaller one, exampl protein synthesis, photosynthesi etc. known construct metabolism. catabol reaction one break larger molecul smaller one releas energy. obviou exampl respiration, break larg molecul (glucose) smaller molecul releas energi it."} {"id": "13532", "contents": "reaction requir energy. one way categor metabol processes, whether cellular, organ organ level, anabolic, catabol opposite. anabol power catabolism, larg molecul broken smaller part use respiration. mani anabol process power hydrolysi adenosin triphosph (atp)."} {"id": "13533", "contents": "best answer: anabol reaction store energy, exampl would photosynthesi energi store high energi bond save later. catabol reaction break high energi bond releas energi power cell, exampl would cellular respiration."} {"id": "13534", "contents": "catabol anabol reaction metabol processes. captur use energi organ involv seri thousand reaction (metabolism). cat abol reaction one break larg molecul produc energy; exampl digestion. anabol reaction one involv creat larg molecul smaller molecules; exampl bodi make fat extra nutrient eat."} {"id": "13535", "contents": "catabol anabol reaction metabol processes. captur use energi organ involv seri thousand reaction (metabolism). cat abol reaction one break larg molecul produc energy; exampl digestion. known construct metabolism. catabol reaction one break larger molecul smaller one releas energy. obviou exampl respiration, break larg molecul (glucose) smaller molecul releas energi it."} {"id": "13536", "contents": "best exampl catabol reaction cellular respir glucos broken order creat energi by-product catabol process. process breath requir energi perform catabol reaction creat energy. anabol reaction take place live creatur mean build-up growth structur organ call anabolism. anabol reaction refer specif chemic reaction take place combin simpler substanc form complex substanc"} {"id": "13537", "contents": "inhal sedation, laugh gas, rel analgesia, ra, happi gas, ga air, nitrous, nitrou oxide, n2o-o2\u2026 one name sedat technique! deservedli so. sound like fun!! extract pretti much summar effect nitrou oxide: kill pain induc pleasur feeling. minut breath gas, feel euphor feel spread throughout body. realli kind feel like \u2018happi drunk\u2019 feeling."} {"id": "13538", "contents": "nitrou oxid (n2o) simpli ga breath in. color, smell, doesn\u2019t irritate. discov 1772. humphrey davi (1778-1829), one pioneer n2o experimentation, describ effect n2o follow self-administr toothach gum infect follows: sound like fun!! extract pretti much summar effect nitrou oxide: kill pain induc pleasur feeling. minut breath gas, feel euphor feel spread throughout body. realli kind feel like \u2018happi drunk\u2019 feeling."} {"id": "13539", "contents": "nitrou oxide, commonli known laugh gas, nitrous, nitro, no chemic compound formula 2o. oxid nitrogen. room temperature, colourless, non-flamm gas, slightli sweet odour taste. use surgeri dentistri anaesthet analges effects. nitrou oxid give rise nitric oxid (no) reaction oxygen atoms, turn react ozone. result, main natur occur regul stratospher ozon"} {"id": "13540", "contents": "richard. sunland. nitric oxid ga natur found body; function convey inform cells. one main job increas blood flow dilat blood vessels, that' sometim given supplement form heart patients, oral intravenously."} {"id": "13541", "contents": "user nitrou oxid often obtain whip cream dispens use nitrou oxid propel (see section), recreat use euphoria-induc inhal drug. harm small doses, risk due lack oxygen exist (see recreat use below). nitrou oxid give rise nitric oxid (no) reaction oxygen atoms, turn react ozone. result, main natur occur regul stratospher ozon"} {"id": "13542", "contents": "hence, \u201claugh gas\u201d use call n2o-o2, contain least 30% oxygen (that\u2019 machin use nowaday permit). usually, mix 70% oxygen 30% nitrou oxide. medicine, sometim mix 50% oxygen 50% nitrou oxid used. known entonox or, commonly, \u201cga air\u201d. depend concentr length administr laugh gas, four level sedat experienc (after initi feel light-headedness): sound like fun!! extract pretti much summar effect nitrou oxide: kill pain induc pleasur feeling. minut breath gas, feel euphor feel spread throughout body. realli kind feel like \u2018happi drunk\u2019 feeling."} {"id": "13543", "contents": "\u00adnitrou oxid anoth effect improv perform even more. vaporizes, nitrou oxid provid signific cool effect intak air. reduc intak air temperature, increas air' density, provid even oxygen insid cylinder. inject nitrou oxid engin mean oxygen avail combustion. oxygen, also inject fuel, allow engin produc power. nitrou oxid one simplest way provid signific horsepow boost gasolin engine."} {"id": "13544", "contents": "nitrou faq. nitrou oxid ga liquid. compress bottl liquid inject air intak system becom ga caus reduct air/fuel temperature, increas air densiti amount fuel burned, result power."} {"id": "13545", "contents": "ehlers-danlo syndrome. ehlers-danlo syndrom group genet connect tissu disord character unstable, hypermobil joints, loose, \u201cstretchy\u201d skin, fragil tissues. character loos joint chronic (long-term) joint pain. form ehlers-danlo syndrom involv seriou potenti life-threaten complications. include: vascular ehlers-danlo syndrome, caus blood vessel tear (rupture) unpredictably."} {"id": "13546", "contents": "ehlers-danlo syndrom (eds) group hereditari connect tissu disord character defect major structur protein bodi (collagen). collagen, tough, fibrou protein, play essenti role hold together, strengthening, provid elast bodili cell tissues."} {"id": "13547", "contents": "classic ehlers-danlo syndrom herit connect tissu disord character skin hyperextensibility, fragil soft skin, delay wound heal format atroph scars, easi bruising, gener joint hypermobility. preval clinic diagnosis. classic ehlers-danlo syndrom (eds) herit connect tissu disord character mainli skin hyperextensibility, abnorm wound healing, joint hypermobility. preval classic ed estim 1:20,000."} {"id": "13548", "contents": "ehlers-danlo syndrom group disord affect connect tissues, tissu support skin, bones, blood vessels, organs. defect connect tissu caus sign symptom ehlers-danlo syndrome, vari mildli loos joint life-threaten complications. dermatosparaxi kyphoscoliosi type ehlers-danlo syndrome, case classic hypermobl forms, inherit autosom recess pattern. autosom recess inheritance, two copi gene cell altered."} {"id": "13549", "contents": "ehlers-danlo syndrom facts. ehlers-danlo syndrom group disord share common featur includ easi bruising, joint hypermobl (loos joints), skin stretch easili (skin hyperelast laxity), weak tissues. 2001, research discov new form ehlers-danlo syndrom caus inherit abnorm protein collagen also normal play role bind togeth cell tissu (includ skin, tendons, muscle, blood vessels)."} {"id": "13550", "contents": "5. 9. ehlers-danlo syndrom (eds) rare inherit condit disrupt integr structur protein skin, ligaments, cartilag blood vessels, lead fragil connect tissues."} {"id": "13551", "contents": "mayo clinic minnesota recogn best neurolog neurosurgeri hospit nation 2015-2016 u.s. news world report. ehlers-danlo syndrom group inherit disord affect connect tissu primarili skin, joint blood vessel walls. connect tissu complex mixtur protein substanc provid strength elast underli structur body. sever form disorder, call vascular ehlers-danlo syndrome, caus wall blood vessels, intestin uteru rupture. vascular ehlers-danlo syndrome, may want talk genet counselor start family. symptoms."} {"id": "13552", "contents": "ehlers-danlo syndrom (eds) compris group inherit heterogen disord share common decreas tensil strength integr skin, joints, connect tissues. major type ehlers-danlo syndrom classifi villefranch nosology, male femal equal affected, genet code caus differ phenotyp locat autosom (chromosom 1-22) sex chromosom (x y)."} {"id": "13553", "contents": "ehlers-danlo syndrom group disord share common featur includ easi bruising, joint hypermobl (loos joints), skin stretch easili (skin hyperelast laxity), weak tissues. 2001, research discov new form ehlers-danlo syndrom caus inherit abnorm protein collagen also normal play role bind togeth cell tissu (includ skin, tendons, muscle, blood vessels)."} {"id": "13554", "contents": "noun. studi earth featur distribut life earth, includ human life effect human activity. physic characteristics, especi surfac features, area."} {"id": "13555", "contents": "noun. geographi studi earth. geographi studi earth. definit geographi studi earth. exampl geographi studi state located. exampl geographi climat natur resourc land."} {"id": "13556", "contents": "exampl geographi studi state located. exampl geographi climat natur resourc land."} {"id": "13557", "contents": "full definit geography. 1. scienc deal description, distribution, interact divers physical, biological, cultur featur earth' surface. 2. geograph featur area. 3. treatis geography. 4. a: delin systemat arrang constitu elements: configuration."} {"id": "13558", "contents": "hemangioma benign (noncancerous) tumor made blood vessels. mani type hemangiomas, occur throughout body, includ skin, muscle, bone, intern organs. hemangioma occur surfac skin beneath it."} {"id": "13559", "contents": "muscl tumor myoma. smooth muscle-benign leiomyoma, malign leiomyosarcoma skelet muscle-benign rhabdomyoma, malign rhabdomyosarcoma myoma umor origin muscl tissu call myoma (bening) myosarcoma (malignant). myocytoma. leiomyoma. root word relat muscl my(o), oma suffix tumor. therefore, myoma muscl tumor. prefix rhabd(o) mean striat rod shaped, my(o) root word relat muscl"} {"id": "13560", "contents": "pecoma famili tumor made abnorm cell call perivascular epitheli cells. although tumor benign, rare pecoma malign (cancer). common tumor angiomyolipoma lymphangioleiomyoma. angiomyolipoma benign tumor often affect kidney. hibernomas, benign tumor fat tissue. lipomas, common benign tumor fat tissue. leiomyomas, benign tumor smooth muscl found anywher bodi common wall uteru known fibroids."} {"id": "13561", "contents": "lymphangiomas, benign tumor lymph vessels. myxoma benign tumor usual locat muscl start muscl cells. neurofibromas, tumor nerv tissu usual benign. neurofibroma larg nerves, upper arm neck becom cancerous. hibernomas, benign tumor fat tissue. lipomas, common benign tumor fat tissue. leiomyomas, benign tumor smooth muscl found anywher bodi common wall uteru known fibroids."} {"id": "13562", "contents": "lipoma. lipoma benign tumor compos adipos tissu (bodi fat). common benign form soft tissu tumor. lipoma soft touch, usual movable, gener painless. mani lipoma small (under one centimet diameter) enlarg size greater six centimet"} {"id": "13563", "contents": "fibroid non-cancer growth (tumor) made mostli fibrou tissue, like muscle. fibroid grow around uteru (womb). common type growth woman' pelvic area (the pelvi boni structur bottom spine). fibroids. uterin fibroid common non-cancer (benign) tumor uteru frequent reason recommend hysterectomy. grow muscular wall uteru made muscl fibrou tissue. mani women 35 fibroids, usual symptoms."} {"id": "13564", "contents": "sarcoma type cancer develop certain tissues, like bone muscle. bone soft tissu sarcoma main type sarcoma. soft tissu sarcoma develop soft tissu like fat, muscle, nerves, fibrou tissues, blood vessels, deep skin tissues. hibernomas, benign tumor fat tissue. lipomas, common benign tumor fat tissue. leiomyomas, benign tumor smooth muscl found anywher bodi common wall uteru known fibroids."} {"id": "13565", "contents": "benign tumor cancerous. malign mean made cancer cells.a benign tumor abnorm growth cancer natur cannot spread. mani condit caus lump growth cancer. although benign tumor cancer cells, still present problem depend locat"} {"id": "13566", "contents": "support robust u.s. manufactur economy. abundant, reason price energi make critic contribut econom success. moreover, unit state invest new energi economy, build industri capabl export rest world."} {"id": "13567", "contents": "geotherm clean renew energi source. almost 70 percent countri geotherm util record develop transit countries. potenti geotherm energi use improv live standard countri thu high. strong intern cooper support industri countries, geotherm energi play great part help develop nation achiev mdg simultan battl climat chang improv live standards."} {"id": "13568", "contents": "renew energi devop promot invest u.s. economy. 2012, wind power made 42 percent new u.s. electr capac additions, repres $25 billion invest u.s. economy. map: renew electr standard state."} {"id": "13569", "contents": "we'v got work do! u.s. crack top 10 world' energy-effici economies: http://www.fastcoexist.com/3033186/the-worlds-most-energy-efficient-countries. germani energy-effici major economy, accord new report. number 2: italy. 3. use less energi amount work\u2014i.e. energi efficiency\u2014remain massiv underutil energi resource, accord new report. american council energy-effici economi analyz 16 major economi 16 categori relat public polici performance."} {"id": "13570", "contents": "campaign like aim spread awar potenti renew energy. mani countri throughout world alreadi made switch, and, result, seen immedi impact renew energi have. example, 2050, germani could use 100 percent renew energy. result, countri save billion import energy."} {"id": "13571", "contents": "renew energi econom benefit increas adopt strong polici make smart invest electr system. togeth smart complementari policies, state re polici help maintain nation' momentum toward clean prosper clean energi economy. map: renew electr standard state. renew energi devop promot invest u.s. economy. 2012, wind power made 42 percent new u.s. electr capac additions, repres $25 billion invest"} {"id": "13572", "contents": "today renew technolog econom solut new capac grow number countri regions, typic econom solut new grid-connect capac good resourc available. citigroup: age renew energi beginning. given incred renew energi potenti world has, million job could creat million live could save air pollut hazard current energi system, benefit clean energi futur undisputable."} {"id": "13573", "contents": "energi sector. u.s. energi infrastructur fuel economi 21st century. without stabl energi supply, health welfar threatened, u.s. economi cannot function."} {"id": "13574", "contents": "estim total valu good servic produc country, gdp aim best captur true monetari valu economy. defin on sum total final output economi produces.. example, headlin gdp number often quot indic whether countri grow much. total output increas rate population, like result rise materi well-being. exactli seem happen uk."} {"id": "13575", "contents": "economi (greek \u03bf\u03af\u03ba\u03bf\u03c2-household \u03bd\u03ad\u03bco\u03bc\u03b1\u03b9 manage) econom system consist production, distribut trade, consumpt limit good servic differ agent given geograph location."} {"id": "13576", "contents": "mill park. relat point interest: chimney rock park, locat 1/2 hour gatlinburg, tn, perfect place hiker ventur through, experienc hiker find challeng trail like skylin trail, leisur hiker find easier trail like hickori nut fall trail. park fill natur wonder outdoor lover get excit about. there' chimney, 315 ft. monolith rock park name for. chimney locat edg blue ridg mountain elev 2,280 ft, view 75 miles."} {"id": "13577", "contents": "chimney rock 2009. chimney rock promin geolog rock format morril counti western nebraska. rise nearli 300 feet (91 m) surround north platt river valley, peak chimney rock 4,226 feet (1,288 m) sea level. middl 19th centuri serv landmark along oregon trail, california trail, mormon trail, ran along north side rock"} {"id": "13578", "contents": "chimney rock nation monument. featur ancient pueblo indian ruins, guid educ tours, full moon programs, nativ american festivals, chimney rock nation monument locat 17 mile west pagosa spring hwi 151. chimney rock nation monument mile south hwi 160 hwi 151; 17 mile west pagosa view website. discov mysteri ancient puebloans. design nation monument 2012, chimney rock lie 4,726 acr san juan nation forest land surround southern ute indian reservation."} {"id": "13579", "contents": "locat unique: chimney rock villag situat center histor hickori nut gorge, lie directli famou vista chimney rock mountain contain almost three mile scenic rocki broad river, prime sourc renown pristin water picturesqu lake lure."} {"id": "13580", "contents": "chimney rock. natur fulfil trip north carolina mountains. take deep breath refresh mountain air, becom invigor hike trails, let care fade away cool mist hickori nut falls. perfect place reconnect natur spend time famili friends."} {"id": "13581", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. chimney rock state park north carolina state park chimney rock, rutherford county, north carolina unit states. 6,270-acr (25.4 km 2) park locat 25 mile (40 km) southeast asheville, north carolina, own state north carolina. offer hike trail skill levels, spectacular views, devil' head balanc rock 404-foot (123 m) waterfall, hickori nut falls. juli 2007, north carolina gener assembl recogn former chimney rock park centerpiec larger state park ad formal approv renam hickori nut gorg state park chimney rock state park."} {"id": "13582", "contents": "chimney rock chimney rock state park proud part blue ridg nation heritag area locat 25 mile southeast asheville, nc 20 mile blue ridg parkway. learn more. natur fulfil trip north carolina mountains. take deep breath refresh mountain air, becom invigor hike trails, let care fade away cool mist hickori nut falls. perfect place reconnect natur spend time famili friends."} {"id": "13583", "contents": "locat twelv mile west courthous jailhous rock, chimney rock one picturesqu landmark along oregon trail. signal end prairi trail becam steep rug head west toward rocki mountains."} {"id": "13584", "contents": "chimney rock independ rock west probabl famou featur along oregon trail. locat 20 mile southeast scott bluff nation monument, nebraska rout 92. rise nearli 300 feet (91 m) surround north platt river valley, peak chimney rock 4,226 feet (1,288 m) sea level."} {"id": "13585", "contents": "late effect side effect occur month year cancer treatment. mani peopl receiv treatment cancer risk develop long-term side effects. fact, evalu treatment late effect import part survivorship care."} {"id": "13586", "contents": "tired weak common side effect chemotherapy. may continu month treatment ends. side effect includ feel sick sick, hair loss thinning, sore mouth, diarrhoea constipation, chang periods, sore eyes."} {"id": "13587", "contents": "mani differ chemotherapi drug differ side effects. worri long term effect treatment, ask doctor specialist nurs drug having. inform side effect cancer drug main treatment section."} {"id": "13588", "contents": "heart condition, may chemotherapi drug doctor use. doctor also check effect year treatment. long term side effect drug risk get anoth cancer future. call second cancer."} {"id": "13589", "contents": "cancer treatment over, treatment may save life may also continu caus side effects. peopl live longer cancer treatment, becom known late side effect cancer treatment."} {"id": "13590", "contents": "chemotherapi side effect ceas treatment. although uncommon, treatment may produc long-term effects. follow list chemotherapi side effect categories, symptom within category, link addit side effect information."} {"id": "13591", "contents": "late long-term side effects: chemo drug long-last side effects, might occur month year treatment ended. example: doxorubicin damag heart, doctor may order test check heart function treatment drug."} {"id": "13592", "contents": "symptom thing happen direct result cancer noth drug. differ chemotherapi drug differ short term long term side effect certainli chemotherapi drug caus everi side effect."} {"id": "13593", "contents": "brain, spinal cord, nerv problems. chemotherapi radiat therapi caus long-term side effect brain, spinal cord, nerves. late effect include: hear loss high dose chemotherapy, especi drug like cisplatin (platinol)."} {"id": "13594", "contents": "averag nation tree remov cost $650, though homeown spend anywher $75 $1,500 expenditure. tree beautifi yard whole neighborhood, time time variou reason might need cut down."} {"id": "13595", "contents": "tree place near util line, obstacle, increas cost tree remov much 50 percent. mean averag size tree could end cost upward 500 dollar remov hang power lines."} {"id": "13596", "contents": "tree sizes. size tree question play larg role much you\u2019ll pay removed. example: small tree 30 feet height $125 $450. medium tree 30 60 feet height $175 $950. larg tree 60 80 feet height $400 $1,100."} {"id": "13597", "contents": "averag price remov pine tree around $200 tree 40 feet tall, 80-foot pine tree cost $1,500 work potenti danger involved. depend breed pine tree have, could addit work involv remov branch cones."} {"id": "13598", "contents": "one way determin much would cost remov tree find larg tree is. cost smaller tree go around 125 dollar taller tree run 900-1400 dollar cut down. stabil tree also import factor price tree, taller tree tend less stabl partial attribut higher costs."} {"id": "13599", "contents": "cost cut tree depend varieti differ factors. spend littl $125, could end spend around $1,500 more. learn main factor affect tree cut cost below. get free tree servic quotes."} {"id": "13600", "contents": "adjust suggest get involv contractor program. anyon done work them, better yet contractor program? i'v done lot insur work know side business, state farm specifically. re: state farm insur work. start first estim public adjuster, went field start silvertre construct fire water restor company. differ differ way get profits, never let adjust tell job pays."} {"id": "13601", "contents": "coverage: state farm\u2019 homeown insur polici limits, cover busi pursuit home. busi owner work home sure get commerci real estat polici cover space use home work belongings. state farm polici holder 50 year homeowner\u2019 polici hous 20 year without claim, file claim damag roof. polici replac value. first thing state farm pay estimate, propos roof contractor."} {"id": "13602", "contents": "hire farm labor contractor, flc meet legal obligations, may liabl unpaid wages, damages, workers\u2019 compens premiums. hire farm labor contractor (flc) bring worker farm land, need know could liabl unpaid workers\u2019 compens premiums, unpaid wages, damag civil penalties."} {"id": "13603", "contents": "profession liabil insur avail state farm limit number professions. coverag describ materi relat profession liabil insurance. medic offic insur avail massachusett rhode island. sever distinct featur avail artisan servic contractor insur policy: properti help protect busi build structures, landscaping, equip accident direct physic loss."} {"id": "13604", "contents": "note: state farm warrant guarante perform contractor whose inform provid contractor locat application. question contractor locat application, contact state farm agent claim representative. contractor locat application. search gener contractor near use address, zip/post code, contractor' name."} {"id": "13605", "contents": "contractor locat applic onlin resourc use identifi potenti gener contractor area whether loss not. contractor locat application. search gener contractor near use address, zip/post code, contractor' name. abl view contractor profil review servic warranti contractor repres will provid"} {"id": "13606", "contents": "contractor insur coverag tailor meet specif needs. state farm artisan servic contractor policy, get properti and/or liabil protect that' right you. sever distinct featur avail artisan servic contractor insur policy: properti help protect busi build structures, landscaping, equip accident direct physic loss."} {"id": "13607", "contents": "note: farm labor contractor includ commerci pack hous engag harvest pack citru fruit soft fruit client. law consid follow individu organ farm labor contractors\u201d: person/leg entiti who, fee, employ peopl perform work connect product farm product to, for, direct third person."} {"id": "13608", "contents": "indiana court appeal affirm $14.5 million dollar defam verdict state farm state farm fire casualti compani v. radcliff. state farm found guilti defam roof contractor follow hail storm indiana 2006. state farm\u2019 handl hailstorm claim led event case. hailstorm, indiana depart insur receiv 425 complaint state farm policyholders, march 2007, depart insur initi market conduct examination."} {"id": "13609", "contents": "state farm agent independ contractor hire employees. posit state farm independ contractor agent, state farm... easili apply. day ago-sav job-email-more... state farm agent independ contractor hire employees. posit state farm independ contractor agent, state farm... easili apply."} {"id": "13610", "contents": "example, chemic energi batteri convert electr energy. electr energy, involv motion electr charg currents, use power everyday devic like comput flashlights. mechan energi also transform electr energy. example, hydroelectr plant use mechan energi flow water gener electr energy. wind energi anoth mechan electr energi transformation. mani energi transform useful. instance, convert mechan energi waterfal electr energi convert nuclear energi electr energi power citi useful. harmful, however, releas nuclear energi destroy small city."} {"id": "13611", "contents": "devic transform electr energi mechan energi a) generat. physic astronomi start einsteindud views: 119 last post bsharp (10 month ago). store energi ________ energy, energi motion ________ energy."} {"id": "13612", "contents": "process, chemic energi transform mechan energy, use move, we'll cover detail moment. also transform thermal energy, creat metabol process bodi gener heat. mani energi transform useful. instance, convert mechan energi waterfal electr energi convert nuclear energi electr energi power citi useful. harmful, however, releas nuclear energi destroy small city."} {"id": "13613", "contents": "electr energy. bulb battery. batteri transfer store chemic energi electr energi move charg wires. example, electr energi transfer surround lamp light energi thermal energy."} {"id": "13614", "contents": "electr energi form energi occur result either store move charg particles. energi store call electr potenti energi move electr current form kinet energy. common form electr energi found wall outlets. thermal energi energi result move atom molecul commonli refer heat. 5. electr stove plug wall outlet use electr energi flow burner stove top electr charg pass burner electr energi convert thermal energy. 6."} {"id": "13615", "contents": "report abuse. motor/ car, motor convert electr energi batteri convert mechan energi (aka spin wheels). motor radio. take electr wall plug (or batteries) convert make spin. scott year ago. motor, course. motor electr energi well chemic energi turn mechan energey suppli power."} {"id": "13616", "contents": "use inject filler part full spectrum option facial rejuvenation. believ graduat approach facial rejuvenation, start non-surg techniques, includ botox\u2122, dysport\u2122, inject fillers, medical-grad skin care first-lin treatment. combin inject filler muscl immobil product (botox dysport) util assist soften fold fine lines, restor lost volume, creat rest energet appearance, well restor natur curv facial contours."} {"id": "13617", "contents": "botox filler even use around mouth, filler break fastest. think it: mouth constant movement everi wake moment, movement is, faster filler break down. debra jaliman, md. debra jaliman, md. everi day peopl come offic consult whether need botox inject filler look younger. first thing care observ new patient\u2019 face see move look repose."} {"id": "13618", "contents": "botox\u00ae filler injectibles. botox\u00ae filler inject skin rejuven cosmet procedur design reduc sign aging, offer expert physician uw health transform madison, wisconsin. almost anyon may good candid inject treatment botox\u00ae restylane\u00ae. cosmet inject help temporarili revers sign age diminish frown lines, forehead creas facial lines. studi show botox\u00ae may also help reliev migrain headaches, excess sweat muscl spasm neck eye"} {"id": "13619", "contents": "forehead, example, inject botox lines, follow immedi fillers. instead usual five six month smooth forehead filler alon used, combin treatment last nine ten months. debra jaliman, md. debra jaliman, md. everi day peopl come offic consult whether need botox inject filler look younger. first thing care observ new patient\u2019 face see move look repose."} {"id": "13620", "contents": "effect inject deep wrinkles, scar sunken skin. hyaluron acid filler consist substanc human skin inject sunken skin wrinkl portions. botox filler wonder deep wrinkl improv botox. line botox filler side effect use natur ingredi filler materi bodi botox maintain 3-6 month semi-permanently."} {"id": "13621", "contents": "botox dermal fillers. botox administ directli muscl respons frown line brows, enabl relax. effect local affect abil smile, laugh, otherwis show expression."} {"id": "13622", "contents": "line appear time everyday muscl activ face. botox inject soften relax wrinkl prevent facial muscl contracting. restylane\u00ae cosmet dermal filler correct moder sever facial fold wrinkles. almost anyon may good candid inject treatment botox\u00ae restylane\u00ae. cosmet inject help temporarili revers sign age diminish frown lines, forehead creas facial lines. studi show botox\u00ae may also help reliev migrain headaches, excess sweat muscl spasm neck ey"} {"id": "13623", "contents": "botox cosmet fillers. smiling, frowning, squinting, even chew eventu lead one common sign aging: wrinkles. botox\u00ae cosmet filler quickest safest way remov wrinkles."} {"id": "13624", "contents": "botox. botox kind toxin call botulinum famou can bacteria. botox act make muscl unabl move, weaken strength muscl inhibit secret neurosecretori substanc contract muscl emit junction nerv muscl area. line botox filler side effect use natur ingredi filler materi bodi botox maintain 3-6 month semi-permanently."} {"id": "13625", "contents": "natur help lower cholesterol (ldl). cholesterol fatti substance, also call lipid, that' produc liver. also found food high satur fat, like fatti meats, egg yolks, shellfish, whole-milk dairi products. it\u2019 vital part structur function cells."} {"id": "13626", "contents": "bissex advis sever approach low-cholesterol cooking: use less fat oil recipes. substitut healthier option fat recip call for, swap canola oil shortening. choos healthier option use less, use 1/4 cup oliv oil instead 1/2 cup butter."} {"id": "13627", "contents": "suggest tri topic applic circul essenti oil blend cholesterol. appli oil twice day, usual insid arm neck. month blood test cholesterol 20 points."} {"id": "13628", "contents": "study, laboratori anim consum either 10 mg 100 mg per kilogram bodi weight lemongrass essenti oil 21 days. result show higher dose, similar dose use tradit herbal medicine, significantli reduc cholesterol levels."} {"id": "13629", "contents": "slash fat unhealthy, unlik stick eat plan lack fat require.. bissex say fat oil provid essenti fatti acid well-being, -- name omega-3 fatti acid -- actual good heart."} {"id": "13630", "contents": "lower cholesterol essenti oil alway easy. lower cholesterol essenti oil alway easi thing. reason way process get cannot done ourselves. realli need good steril manufactur process it."} {"id": "13631", "contents": "curb cholesterol levels, import limit fat intak without go extremes. also import choos right fat oil prepar meal snacks. fat found butter, margarine, soft spreads, veget oil consid either good (unsaturated) bad (satur tran fat)."} {"id": "13632", "contents": "top three blend purchas heritag essenti oil support balanc cholesterol level are: circul dilut appli puls point arteri close surfac wrists, insid elbow base throat, 2-3 time daily. appli along spine"} {"id": "13633", "contents": "hdl known good cholesterol. high densiti lipoprotein good body. lower cholesterol essenti oil basil give good respons cinnamon."} {"id": "13634", "contents": "i\u00b4v got answer kia song noth without singer slizzi bob germany. i\u00b4v listen can\u00b4t find titl record don\u00b4t think sing it. make world better, one answer time. hello! i\u00b4v got answer kia song noth without singer slizzi bob germany. i\u00b4v listen can\u00b4t find titl record don\u00b4t think sing it. hope find right song."} {"id": "13635", "contents": "without song written pete ham tom evan british rock group badfinger, first releas 1970 album dice. song record 180 artists, version releas singl harri nilsson (1971) mariah carey (1994) becam intern best-sellers. nilsson' version without use open tune 1979 featur film porridge. film casino, nilsson version play one ginger' manic episodes. film rule attraction, colleg girl commit suicid bathtub song play soundtrack."} {"id": "13636", "contents": "first record rock group badfinger, song compos two members. two streams, refer real event songwriters' live flow togeth creat song. pete ham written song origin titl love lack strong chorus. nilsson' version without use open tune 1979 featur film porridge. film casino, nilsson version play one ginger' manic episodes. film rule attraction, colleg girl commit suicid bathtub song play soundtrack."} {"id": "13637", "contents": "music video. without track #5 album noth beat [explicit]. written tuinfort, giorgio cruz, taio butler, richard raymond, usher riesterer, freder guetta, david. lost, vain, never without you, without you. without you. songwriters. tuinfort, giorgio cruz, taio butler, richard raymond, usher riesterer, freder guetta, david. publish by. lyric sony/atv music publish llc, shapiro bernstein co."} {"id": "13638", "contents": "[chorus]. lost, vain, never without you, without you. without you. songwriters. tuinfort, giorgio cruz, taio butler, richard raymond, usher riesterer, freder guetta, david. publish by. lyric sony/atv music publish llc, shapiro bernstein co."} {"id": "13639", "contents": "without song french dj david guetta, featur vocal american record artist usher. releas third singl guetta' fifth studio album, noth beat septemb 27, 2011. lyrically, song lament heavi kundy: life without someon mean world you. ami sciarretto pop crush wrote choru invit lot dancing, much clubbi rager."} {"id": "13640", "contents": "first listen lyric thought new song keith urban self written. surprise, without you, written keith, lyric still seem fit life perfectli i\u2019m sure that\u2019 chose record song. without love woman that\u2019 stood narrator\u2019 side. case keith sing traveling, singing, great thing come life, acknowledg mean noth without family. it\u2019 wife two kids. without actual seem quit simpl music background."} {"id": "13641", "contents": "without song written pete ham tom evan british rock group badfinger, first releas 1970 album dice. nilsson' version without use open tune 1979 featur film porridge. film casino, nilsson version play one ginger' manic episodes. film rule attraction, colleg girl commit suicid bathtub song play soundtrack."} {"id": "13642", "contents": "composit [edit]. without written usher raymond, rico love, taio cruz, david guetta, giorgio tuinfort freder fr\u00e9d\u00e9ric, riester produc by, guetta tuinfort and. riesterer, lyric song lament heavy: kundi life without someon mean world to. lyrically, song lament heavi kundy: life without someon mean world you. ami sciarretto pop crush wrote choru invit lot dancing, much clubbi rager."} {"id": "13643", "contents": "xo sauc use condiment side main dish use cook enhanc flavour fish, meats, vegetables, otherwis bland food tofu noodles. home cook often use sauc chief flavor fri rice. addition, term xo often use popular cultur hong kong denot high quality, prestig luxury. fact, xo sauc market manner french liquor, use packag similar colour schemes. hong kong english, xo pronounc exactli same."} {"id": "13644", "contents": "yum. leviton' homemad xo sauce, salty-savory-sweet chines condiment made caramel dri seafood sausage, great match pork belly, scallop rang chines dishes."} {"id": "13645", "contents": "develop 1980 hong kong cantones cuisine, xo sauc made roughli chop dri seafoods, includ scallops, dri fish shrimp, subsequ cook chili peppers, onions, garlic. dri seafood-bas sauc bear similar fujianes shacha sauce. addition, term xo often use popular cultur hong kong denot high quality, prestig luxury. fact, xo sauc market manner french liquor, use packag similar colour schemes. hong kong english, xo pronounc exactli same."} {"id": "13646", "contents": "directions. place dri shrimp medium bowl; add enough water cover least inch. repeat process scallops; let stand overnight. drain dri shrimp scallops; discard liquid coars chop each. transfer shrimp bowl food processor; puls fine chopped. set aside. repeat process scallops, bacon, sausage; set aside. heat cup canola oil larg heavy-bottom skillet medium-high heat."} {"id": "13647", "contents": "xo sauc seafood-bas salty, sweet, spici time. call caviar orient, multiflavor sauc also contain ingredi like shallots, garlic, chillies. cook use sauc condiment, relish, way boost flavor dish. xo sauc decept complex sweet. xo shrimp one favorit dish offer mani differ flavor one dish. need make sure server know keep water glass filled. stuff realli spicy."} {"id": "13648", "contents": "name xo sauc come fine xo (extra-old) cognac, popular western liquor hong kong consid mani chic product there. addition, term xo often use popular cultur hong kong denot high quality, prestig luxury. fact, xo sauc market manner french liquor, use packag similar colour schemes. hong kong english, xo pronounc exactli same."} {"id": "13649", "contents": "xo sauc appar invent cantones restaur hong kong 1980s. made dri seafood, mostli dri scallops, recal intrigu first saw sold lee kum kee bottles. soon enough, cantones stall start sell veg, tofu meat dish fri xo sauce."} {"id": "13650", "contents": "oooooh yes. you\u2019v never heard \u201cxo sauce,\u201d basic world\u2019 power ingredient. condiment like ammunition, xo nuclear bomb. seriously, never life tast anyth pack flavor drop xo sauce. xo sauce\u2019 fabl histori start hong kong 1980\u2019 develop add extra punch cantones cuisine. ever since, fascin \u201ccaviar east\u201d continu spread. traditionally, ultra-pricey xo made dri scallop yunnan ham"} {"id": "13651", "contents": "xo sauc goldmin ingredi boil way, way down: dri scallops, dri scallops, dri fish, dri cure ham, chili peppers, onions, garlic, among things. sauc get name cognac marking, even though drop cognac anywhere. (clever marketing, accounts.) cognac no, xo sauc still one tasti concoction, hodgepodg everyth umami-laden. price, better deal buy jar yourself."} {"id": "13652", "contents": "schedul day two make gener enough portion leftov reheat eaten parts. rice shred chicken recycl dishes. 9. print post weekli menu keep track. creat list folder go-to recip famili favorit rotat regularly. 6. look cookbooks, recip flagged, magazin onlin sourc inspir night want tri someth new. magazin weekli menu plan includ complet shop list"} {"id": "13653", "contents": "take coupons. sure place restaur coupon receiv binder folder along correspond menu. way you\u2019r sure see you\u2019r look order restaur save extra money! keep updated. sure go menu coupon periodically. put take menu plastic cover sheet put appropri divid sections. want abl put two menu singl sheet protector save space, place plain piec paper sheet protector."} {"id": "13654", "contents": "organ take menus. like order all, restaur take menu home favorit restaurants. might even coupon favorit place too. toss everyth singl drawer fair start organ menus. put take menu plastic cover sheet put appropri divid sections. want abl put two menu singl sheet protector save space, place plain piec paper sheet protector."} {"id": "13655", "contents": "match menu style restaur style. make list menu need. restaur separ menu servic (breakfast, lunch, dinner) plu drink menus, happi hour, kid menus, dessert. give menu look enhanc flavor. menu extens restaur brand. someon see menu window online, get accur sens establish like, too."} {"id": "13656", "contents": "big thank cindi skip lou me! great organ project head 2012: take-out menu binder. simpli binder menu local eateri restaurants, along coupon restaur info. know, kind come mail-2 six dollar burger $6.00 free beef \u2018n chedder purchas 1! love good deal! also snugli place insid sheet protector. that\u2019 organ take-out menu!"} {"id": "13657", "contents": "organ home: take menu binder {guest post}. hello everyone! name kim recent start tale tip real-lif housewif share household tips-lik clean shower head best time buy linen is. also write adventur new mom. know, kind come mail-2 six dollar burger $6.00 free beef \u2018n chedder purchas 1! love good deal! also snugli place insid sheet protector. that\u2019 organ take-out menu!"} {"id": "13658", "contents": "sort menu see have. make label food categori type. put take menu plastic cover sheet put appropri divid sections. want abl put two menu singl sheet protector save space, place plain piec paper sheet protector."} {"id": "13659", "contents": "5. 2. might best food town, custom don\u2019t order it, restaur doomed. that\u2019 it\u2019 import make sure menu best be. take simpl step plan, organize, design menu make world differ restaurant\u2019 success. 20 idea help take restaur menu next level. 6. simpli put, one restaur can\u2019t possibl excel everi dish ten page menu. it\u2019 better keep menu shorter side spotlight strong points. custom would rather choos 10 amaz dish 100 so-so ones."} {"id": "13660", "contents": "drink menu organ around alcohol beverages, non-alcohol beverages, hot drink tea coffe hous specialti drinks. plan account practices. despit delici food drink, restaur busi need organ reliabl account money manag systems. restaur run themselves, need develop organ mainten routin business. restaur employe familiar side work, may involv sweep floor, sort silverwar tidi bathroom shifts."} {"id": "13661", "contents": "car insur cost affect sever factors, drive record, live (state regul well neighborhood crime rates), age, car (sport car cost insure), however, nation averag $1,837 per year $153 monthly. answer accord data nation associ insur commission (naic), averag cost car insur u.s. $795 2007. compar averag cost state, however, clear locat make big difference."} {"id": "13662", "contents": "premium averag also vari state. insur websit survey current time public indic michigan highest state averag $2,551 per year, $212.58 month. west virginia amount monthli premium $209.83. ohio boast lowest state averag $926, $77.17 per month."} {"id": "13663", "contents": "nation averag cost car insur vari base who' study. march 2013 forb articl indic annual cost $1,510, equat $125.83 per month. amount full coverage. buy liability-onli protection, much lower premiums. insur websit survey current time public indic michigan highest state averag $2,551 per year, $212.58 month. west virginia amount monthli premium $209.83. ohio boast lowest state averag $926, $77.17"} {"id": "13664", "contents": "low auto insur rates. average, switch auto insur state farm lower cost $489 per year. discounts. good driver, studi hard, choos car common safeti featur way lower cost even more. average, switch auto insur state farm lower cost $489 per year. discounts. good driver, studi hard, choos car common safeti featur way lower cost even more."} {"id": "13665", "contents": "respons accid indiana destroy car send three peopl hospital, avail insur cover first two peopl file claim, total $25,000 medic payment liabil costs, $10,000 properti damag costs. price car insur depend mani factors, includ age experi driver, credit record whether marri home."} {"id": "13666", "contents": "/insurance-fact-book/property-casualty-insurance-by-line/auto/costs-expenditures.html. aaa\u2019 2015 drive cost studi found averag cost oper averag sedan $8,698 2014, almost percent $8,876 2013."} {"id": "13667", "contents": "averag cost car insur around 1500 dollar year. cost vari depend drive record, make model car factors. answer accord data nation associ insur commission (naic), averag cost car insur u.s. $795 2007. compar averag cost state, however, clear locat make big difference."} {"id": "13668", "contents": "averag cost health insurance. health insur import invest make oneself, famili members, love ones. accord ehealthinsurance' 2011 annual insur survey, averag monthli premium individu unit state $183 (or $2,196 per year). furthermore, averag monthli premium famili $414 (or $4,968 per year). 2010 2011, averag premium increas 9.6% individu polici 5.6% families. averag cost health insur rang $119 iowa $382 new york."} {"id": "13669", "contents": "product contain poly(ethylen glycol) (peg) poly(propylen glycol) (ppg) impurities, form synthesi presenc water. impur would affect product properties. work develop hplc meth od allow quantif byproducts. poly(ethylen glycol) standard purchas american polym standard corporation. poly(propylen glycol) standard aldrich. number-averag molecular weight peg ppg 700 1000 g/mol, respectively."} {"id": "13670", "contents": "propylen glycol, also call propane-1,2-diol, organ compound chemic formula 2. viscou colourless liquid nearli odourless possess faintli sweet taste. like ethylen glycol, propylen glycol abl lower freez point water, use aircraft de-ic fluid. water-propylen glycol mixtur dy pink indic mixtur rel nontox sold name rv marin antifreeze."} {"id": "13671", "contents": "stabil lamellar phase form anion surfact sodium 4-(1\u2032-heptylnonyl)benzenesulfonate, cation surfact didodecyldimethylammonium bromide, nonion surfact pentaethylen glycol mono-n -dodecyl ether (c 12 5) report water gradual replac propylen glycol. stabil lamellar phase function period repeat distanc surfact head group area measur small angl x-ray scattering, result discuss term inter-and intra-bilay interactions."} {"id": "13672", "contents": "propylen glycol clear, colorless hygroscop liquid. propylen glycol contain asymmetr carbon atom, exist two enantiomers. commerci product racem mixture. pure optic isom obtain hydrat optic pure propylen oxide. like ethylen glycol, propylen glycol abl lower freez point water, use aircraft de-ic fluid. water-propylen glycol mixtur dy pink indic mixtur rel nontox sold name rv marin antifreeze."} {"id": "13673", "contents": "monopropylen glycol product stewardship summari octob 2011 monopropylen glycol (mpg) product stewardship summari ca number: 57-55-6 chemic formula: c3h8o2 monopropylen glycol? monopropylen glycol deriv propylen oxid (po) produc two-step process. monopropylen glycol product stewardship summari octob 2011 extens exposur substanc given wide spectrum profession consum uses. monopropylen glycol consid carcinogen genotoxic, effect fertil reproduction."} {"id": "13674", "contents": "propylen glycol use initi synthesi nonion surfact made polymer ethylen oxid oxid propylen butylen oxides. propylen glycol also use start materi synthesi propylen glycol ester sorbitol and/or fatti acids. dust suppression. dust format associ housekeep issues, plu danger dust explosions, make dust suppress import mine cement grind applications."} {"id": "13675", "contents": "specif graviti pg (\u201cx\u201d\u00b0f)/(\u201dy\u201d\u00b0f) (densiti pg \u201cx\u201d\u00b0f) /(densiti water \u201cy\u201d\u00b0f). \u201cx\u201d \u201cy\u201d may differ numbers. weight per gallon glycol aqueou glycol solut determin follows: densiti g/ml t\u00b0c 8.345 lb/gal t\u00b0c. pound per gallon 77\u00b0f (25\u00b0c). although graph show densiti glycol glycol-wat solutions, may sometim desir know specif graviti certain temperatures. specif graviti obtain divid densiti glycol glycol-wat solut densiti water. densities, therefor specif gravities, vari temperature; henc necessari indic temperatur glycol water"} {"id": "13676", "contents": "coval bond chemic bond two nonmet (two metal cannot coval bond) electron shared, ionic bond chemic bond tal non metal due attract opposit charg ions. ionic bond one electron gained/lost, ion formed, attract, form ionic compound (e.g., hcl, h2so4,li2o) coval bond one lectron shared, depend size atom involved, could polar (h2o) nonpolar (n2)."} {"id": "13677", "contents": "definition. addict persistent, compuls depend behavior substance. term partial replac word depend substanc abuse. addict extended, however, includ mood-alt behavior activ"} {"id": "13678", "contents": "2. abnorm strong craving. 3. (roman law) formal award magistr thing person anoth person (a award debtor creditor); surrend master. familiar information: addict use noun uncommon. dictionari entri details. addict (noun)"} {"id": "13679", "contents": "1. 2. compuls need use habit-form substanc (a heroin, nicotine, alcohol) character toler well-defin physiolog symptom upon withdrawal; broadly: persist compuls use substanc known user harmful. see addict defin english-languag learners."} {"id": "13680", "contents": "essentially, addict behavior one engag compulsively, individu unabl control despit desir so, caus neg consequ within one' life. purest form addiction, drug alcohol use, easi see multipl aspect issue. addict term use often society. seem everi week news stori discuss newli recogn addict plagu"} {"id": "13681", "contents": "addict habitu psycholog physiolog depend substanc practic beyond voluntari control. withdraw mani meanings, one psycholog and/or physic syndrom caus abrupt cessat use drug habitu person. addiction-ther psychological/phys component; person unabl control aspect addict without help mental physic condit involved. habit-it done choice."} {"id": "13682", "contents": "addiction. addict continu use mood alter substanc behavior despit advers consequences, neurolog impair lead behaviors. addict include, limit to, drug abuse, exercis addiction, food addiction, sexual addiction, comput addiction, gambling. classic hallmark addict includ impair control substanc behavior, preoccup substanc behavior, continu use despit consequences, denial."} {"id": "13683", "contents": "first, fact addict brain diseas mean patient hapless victim responsibilities. addict begin decis use drugs, patient must activ involv treatment work. addict begin voluntari decis use drugs. one start hope becom addict, one use drug repeatedli time, control use decreas dramatically. individu initi voluntari user becom compuls drug user, addict."} {"id": "13684", "contents": "blue green color-a green blue color gener result copper water supply, copper pipe corros water (1). copper caus stain fixtur laundry. copper regul drink water epa 1.3 ppm."} {"id": "13685", "contents": "earli age learn color water lakes, river pond blue, expect water drink glass clear. homeown discov home drink water slight blue tint, it\u2019 caus concern. blue blue-green water like mean contain copper."} {"id": "13686", "contents": "share saves. save. well home, keep close eye color water, may tell plenti might go under. well water turn eeri blue blue-greenish color, problem relat either copper zinc bronz fixtures. kind phenomenon happen rarely, must resolv soon notic differ prevent poison water supply."} {"id": "13687", "contents": "blue blue-green stain sinks, bath porcelain, indic probabl copper water supply. copper usual corros copper plumbing. amount copper found send water sampl lab testing."} {"id": "13688", "contents": "water may reflect color blue sky (or red sunset, gray clouds), intrins blue color caus refract scatterin visibl light water. differ water qualiti depth chang particular hue blue."} {"id": "13689", "contents": "osteoporosi low bone density, caffein limit less 300 mg per day (approxim 2-3 cup coffee). also good idea get extra calcium make amount may lost urine. caffein possibl unsaf taken mouth long time fairli high doses. caffein caus insomnia, nervous restlessness, stomach irritation, nausea vomiting, increas heart rate respiration, side effects."} {"id": "13690", "contents": "higher risk undesir side effect caffein 500 600 milligram caffein per day, contain cup brew coffee. long term, drink lot caffein throughout day might lead viciou cycl insomnia fatigue, wherein consist lose sleep caffeine\u2019 effects, need drink caffein alert day."} {"id": "13691", "contents": "mani things, benefit risks. caffeine, main ingredi found coffe stimulant. caus heart rate increase, pupil dilate, muscl tighten up. caffein inject adrenalin system give boost make feel good"} {"id": "13692", "contents": "medicin dietari supplement weight loss also includ dose caffeine. coke even plan roll new neg calori carbon green tea beverag fall call enviga combin caffein ingredi -- accord compani -- increas calori burning. caffein boost blood pressure. repeat elev blood pressur increas reaction daili stress occur caffein intak could boost risk heart disease. boost blood glucos level accompani caffein intak also health risk."} {"id": "13693", "contents": "caffein cheap effect supplement bodybuild endur athlet alike. caffein come differ form surprisingly, coffe best way! sever studi shown anhydr caffein pill form effect improv perform caffein coffee. make caffein unlik mani supplements. so, much take? research show benefit take 6mg/kg sport activity, would recommend start half 3mg/kg 150lb person that\u2019 200mg."} {"id": "13694", "contents": "weight loss. take caffein combin ephedrin seem help reduc weight, short-term. take 192 mg caffein combin 90 mg ephedra daili month seem caus modest weight reduct (5.3 kg 11.66 pounds) overweight people. caffein possibl unsaf taken mouth long time fairli high doses. caffein caus insomnia, nervous restlessness, stomach irritation, nausea vomiting, increas heart rate respiration, side effects."} {"id": "13695", "contents": "take caffein pill pure caffein powder, take care consum recommend dose more. concern side effect contraind drug supplement taking, sure check doctor determin right option health needs. unabl consum caffein tradit form (coffee, tea, soda), caffein pill powder offer conveni fix potenti health-boost substance."} {"id": "13696", "contents": "caffein bitter substanc stimul central nervou system. mean help boost alert elimin drowsiness, accord medlineplus.com. chanc consum caffein regular basi drink coffe tea, drink soda eat chocolate. long term, drink lot caffein throughout day might lead viciou cycl insomnia fatigue, wherein consist lose sleep caffeine\u2019 effects, need drink caffein alert day."} {"id": "13697", "contents": "technician work laptop instal screen replacement, cost repair ad top initi cost screen. technician usual charg anywher $40 $120 instal screen completely. lenovo replac screen sold anywher $85 $99. laptopscreen.com authent laptop screen retail onlin offer offici screen make model online. accord site, screen start littl $49 go much $200+ depend brand computer."} {"id": "13698", "contents": "replac lcd, abl buy one either laptop manufacturer' author part dealer third-parti supplier. depend screen, usual cost $50 $250 dollars—mor high-end display buy oem replacement. regardless, want buy new screen match broken one exactly."} {"id": "13699", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: lcd screen one expens part laptop quit intens repair. figur spend sever hundr dollar ($250 $500+ depend screen type size) screen alone. probabl add anoth $100 $200 labor cannot instal yourself."} {"id": "13700", "contents": "much it? average, laptop screen go cost anywher $80 $125 depend brand, size, whether new used. example, lcd screen laptop acer brand price anywher $85 $97. lenovo replac screen sold anywher $85 $99. laptopscreen.com authent laptop screen retail onlin offer offici screen make model online. accord site, screen start littl $49 go much $200+ depend brand computer."} {"id": "13701", "contents": "average, laptop screen go cost anywher $80 $125 depend brand, size, whether new used. example, lcd screen laptop acer brand price anywher $85 $97. appl laptop screen one in-demand item sold market. lenovo replac screen sold anywher $85 $99. laptopscreen.com authent laptop screen retail onlin offer offici screen make model online. accord site, screen start littl $49 go much $200+ depend brand computer."} {"id": "13702", "contents": "find replac lcd typic easy\u2014and don\u2019t pay crazi price manufactur usual wants. search ebay, amazon, googl laptop model number word lcd screen. you\u2019ll find regular screen low $50 $80. you\u2019r diyer, replac broken laptop screen great way save cash, comput repair shop quot $150 $300 job. step-by-step instruct replac broken laptop' lcd."} {"id": "13703", "contents": "laptop comput screen broken, lost. typic comput screen current cost $60 $100 labor cost repair comput display usual $90 $120 depend difficulti repair. labor cost includ find perfect match replac screen well instal it."} {"id": "13704", "contents": "die crack display doesn\u2019t mean laptop paperweight. laptops, screen replac take $80 hour time most. you\u2019r diyer, replac broken laptop screen great way save cash, comput repair shop quot $150 $300 job. step-by-step instruct replac broken laptop' lcd."} {"id": "13705", "contents": "price lcd screen rang anywher $87 $99. one popular laptop brand hp brand. hp laptop replac screen often easili avail market. price hp replac screen anywher $90 $139. lenovo replac screen sold anywher $85 $99. laptopscreen.com authent laptop screen retail onlin offer offici screen make model online. accord site, screen start littl $49 go much $200+ depend brand computer."} {"id": "13706", "contents": "molecular clone set methods, use insert recombin dna vector-a carrier dna molecul replic recombin dna fragment host organisms. dna fragment, may gene, isol prokaryot eukaryot specimen."} {"id": "13707", "contents": "clone debate, however, term \u2018cloning\u2019 typic refer techniqu call somat cell nuclear transfer (scnt). scnt involv transfer nucleu somat cell oocyt nucleu thu dna removed."} {"id": "13708", "contents": "molecular clone allow scientist discov protein present function, also explor happen cell protein changed. studi cell division, specifically, scientist look protein control begin end division."} {"id": "13709", "contents": "2. somat cell nuclear transfer (scnt), also call nuclear transfer, use differ approach artifici embryo twinning, produc result: exact genet copy, clone, individual. method use creat dolli sheep."} {"id": "13710", "contents": "therapeut clone hold promis valuabl medic advancement. therapeut clone process person' dna use grow embryon clone. however, instead insert embryo surrog mother, cell use grow stem cells. stem cell could becom basi custom human repair kits."} {"id": "13711", "contents": "(courtesi bruce fouke). term recombin dna technology, dna cloning, molecular cloning, gene clone refer process: transfer dna fragment interest one organ self-repl genet element bacteri plasmid (clone vector)."} {"id": "13712", "contents": "mani peopl first heard clone dolli sheep show scene 1997. artifici clone technolog around much longer dolly, though. two way make exact genet copi organ lab: artifici embryo twin somat cell nuclear transfer."} {"id": "13713", "contents": "experience, secret simpli patience. long grill bratwurst depend grill them. throw straight grill take 25-30 minut boil brat beer, wine water 20 minutes. boiling, grill 4-6 minutes."} {"id": "13714", "contents": "photo credit john wiley/demand media. bring liquid surround brat strong simmer, reduc heat medium. simmer 10 20 minutes, center brat hot steaming. avoid bring liquid full boil, caus sausag burst open dri out."} {"id": "13715", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: place brat pan add water. bring boil, cover, turn heat, 10 minut perfect plump. otherwis put paper towel plate, place brat singl layer, add anoth layer paper towel zap microwav one minute-turn zap one minute. done perfectli plump. hope help"} {"id": "13716", "contents": "pour beer brat (about ounces) let simmer grill lid 15 minutes. check intern temperatur brat meat thermometer. 160 \u00b0f (71 \u00b0c). remov brat place directli grill 5-7 minutes. minut passed, open oven use oven mitt hold onto broiler pan. use tong turn brat. put pan back oven anoth minutes, turn brat again. cook bratwurst total 15-20 minutes."} {"id": "13717", "contents": "simmer beer 10 minutes. 10 minutes, remov bratwurst cut slice place back dutch oven. add sauerkraut option vegetables, chicken stock, onion, garlic spices. cover lid place back oven 15 30 minut veget tender."} {"id": "13718", "contents": "pour beer pasta pot medium-high heat bring boil. slice onion rings, quarter them. add onion slices, garlic, salt black pepper pot. pierc case brat sever times, add pot. allow beer boil again, adjust heat medium simmer 15 minutes. pre-heat indoor outdoor grill medium heat. care remov brat beer pat dry. reserv onion beer well"} {"id": "13719", "contents": "reduc heat medium cook anoth 10 12 minutes. remov bratwurst beer mixture; reduc heat low, continu cook onions. cook bratwurst preheat grill, turn once, 10 minutes. serv beer mixtur top side. directions. prep. cook. readi in. preheat outdoor grill medium-high heat. hot, lightli oil grate. combin beer onion larg pot; bring boil. submerg bratwurst beer; add red pepper flakes, garlic powder, salt, pepper."} {"id": "13720", "contents": "best answer: boil brat 20 minut throw grill. slice onion water brat littl extra flavor. wa."} {"id": "13721", "contents": "oat hay extrem nutriti primarili consum hors animals. kentucki colleg agricultur say oat hay especi recommend older hors high protein energi content, make good choic matur hors pregnant mares. peopl eat oat hay, whole oat commonli consum people, usual breakfast. good-qual oat hay contain lot fulli intact seed heads. hors anim like crunch chew seed head mouths, make meal pleasant them. nutrient also found"} {"id": "13722", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: oat hay good horses, high protein alfalfa less chanc develop problem much protein. also bulkier hay take hors longer finish meal graze anim good forag longer. report abuse. oat hay great horses, especi compete, work hors hard. similar effect feed oats. ride hors day week (minimum) put her/him solid oat hay diet. give much energi unused."} {"id": "13723", "contents": "energi protein content good oat hay make suitabl forag matur hors mainten earli gestat mares.. however, effect nutrit program older horses.. coleman recommend cut oat grain soft dough stage leav stem still green. oat hay stage matur energi protein content similar grass hay, said."} {"id": "13724", "contents": "cereal hay made oats, barley wheat also use feed horses. oat hay green feed common forag hors mani part north america. often oat hay avail oat crop matur harvest grain."} {"id": "13725", "contents": "simpli put, oat hay hay made oat crop harvest grain. oat hay commonli use forag hors ration, bob coleman, equin specialist univers kentucki colleg agriculture, said. however, effect nutrit program older horses.. coleman recommend cut oat grain soft dough stage leav stem still green. oat hay stage matur energi protein content similar grass hay, said."} {"id": "13726", "contents": "oat hay excel feed horses. choic alfalfa oat hay depend price per unit energi protein type hors fed. depend area countri grown, oat hay low protein contain margin calcium, phosphorus, carotene."} {"id": "13727", "contents": "so, oat hay useabl hors rations, hors rations. feed oat hay restrict matur hors produc make sure hay qualiti meet nutrit requir high nitrate. however, effect nutrit program older horses.. coleman recommend cut oat grain soft dough stage leav stem still green. oat hay stage matur energi protein content similar grass hay, said."} {"id": "13728", "contents": "oat hay. addit feed oat grain ration, oat hay make good forag horses. oat hay high fiber oat alreadi includ feeding. oat grass. oat grass common forag western unit states. region, oat dry-farm use cattl hors feed. also great hay find it. oats/alfalfa mix much richer higher protein, great grow hors brood mares. also work well bedding, straw does.. goodnight caution barley hay look like oat hay often grown areas."} {"id": "13729", "contents": "directions. heat oven 425 degre fahrenheit. rins pat dri drumsticks. bake 20 minutes, turn chicken, bake anoth 20 25 minut instant read thermomet insert thickest part chicken read 165 degre fahrenheit. bake drumstick 425 degre oven 20 minut use tong rotat drumstick bake done. that\u2019 it, told easy. left moist juici bake chicken drumstick crispi skin best. may also like."} {"id": "13730", "contents": "pour mixtur chicken coat thoroughly. leav marin 30 min room temperatur overnight fridge. heat oven 200c/fan 180c/ga 6. tip chicken shallow roast tray cook 35 mins, turn occasionally, chicken tender glisten marinade. make slash drumsticks. mix togeth soy, honey, oil, tomato pure pur\u00e9 and. mustard pour mixtur chicken coat. thoroughli leav marin 30 min room temperatur overnight the. fridg heat oven to/200c fan/180c gas."} {"id": "13731", "contents": "marinade, put marinad ingredi larg bowl stir combine. add chicken allow marin preheat oven 200c/180c fan/ga 6. put chicken drumstick roast tray roast 20-30 minutes, skin golden chicken cook through. (to check, pierc drumstick thickest part, next bone. juic run clear.)."} {"id": "13732", "contents": "goe oven, chicken room temperature, take fridg (1 hour whole chicken; 30 minut cut) cooking. roast 200c/180c fan/ga mark (whole chicken: 25 minut per 500g, plu extra 25 minutes; breasts, 15 minutes; thigh wings, 40 minutes). grill barbecu (breast, 7-10 minutes; cube strips, 5-7 minutes; drumstick thighs, 25-30 minutes; wings, 40 minutes). stir fri (cube strips, 5-7 minutes)."} {"id": "13733", "contents": "rais chicken allow heat oven evenli bake drumsticks. don\u2019t bake sheet fit rack insid it, use regular bake sheet. bake drumstick 425 degre oven 20 minut use tong rotat drumstick bake done. that\u2019 it, told easy. left moist juici bake chicken drumstick crispi skin best. may also like."} {"id": "13734", "contents": "bake chicken legs... preheat oven 400\u00b0f. bake chicken, uncovered, 35 40 minut chicken longer pink inside. bake chicken leg 375\u00b0f. oven, desired. increas bake time 45 50 minut"} {"id": "13735", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: 220 would zap leather. use alway chicken 200 non fan oven. gener recommend drop 20' fan assist sinc somewhat fiercer, keep cook time"} {"id": "13736", "contents": "place chicken skin side pan. put thigh center, breast leg around edg pan. oil come half way pan. cook chicken golden brown side, approxim 10 12 minut per side. importantly, intern temperatur right around 180 degrees."} {"id": "13737", "contents": "pour sauc chicken bake 180 deg 30 min, turn drumstick over, cook anoth 30 min. person found useful. ground chicken 165\u00b0 f. govern say cook whole chicken temperatur measur thigh 180\u00b0f (82\u00b0c)."} {"id": "13738", "contents": "statu liberti symbol represent american independ franc gift dedic us declar independ thu statu made aptli depict roman goddess freedom liberta statu way also repres friendship liberti open"} {"id": "13739", "contents": "statu offici name repres import symbol liberti enlighten world gift friendship peopl franc peopl unit state univers symbol freedom democraci torch symbol enlighten"} {"id": "13740", "contents": "histori statu whose formal name liberti enlighten world dedic 1886 presid grover cleveland gift franc design sculptor freder august bartholdi celebr 100 year anniversari declar independ"} {"id": "13741", "contents": "result statu liberti come symbol freedom liberti statu liberti fact statu liberti 151 feet inch tall base tip torch entir structur includ base pedest upon stand whop 305 feet ground tallest structur new york built"} {"id": "13742", "contents": "statu seen symbol gestur repres liberti friendship foreign nation hold like belief true mean torch hidden fold histori rest mind architect freder bartholdi"} {"id": "13743", "contents": "statu liberti tower structur given 151 feet height ladi moreov one look face roman robe figur one sens feel pride statu encourag everyon look hold head high pride self respect"} {"id": "13744", "contents": "icon structur america pride statu liberti actual gift franc american built dedic unit state french engin freder bartholdi 28th octob 1886 statu robber femal figur hold torch one hand tablet anoth"} {"id": "13745", "contents": "plate surfac cover metal deposit conduct surface. plate done hundr years; also critic modern technology. one method, solid surfac cover metal sheet, heat pressur appli fuse (a version sheffield plate). plate techniqu includ vapor deposit vacuum sputter deposition. recently, plate often refer use liquid"} {"id": "13746", "contents": "in-lin galvanis coatings. in-lin galvanis coat appli manufactur process hollow open section, clean steel section exit mill pass galvan bath. process appli coat zinc surfac control thickness. coat usual measur coat mass gram per squar metr rang minimum 100 g/m upwards, averag around 175 g/m 2. acceler weather test coat tradit done salt spray cabinets."} {"id": "13747", "contents": "gold plate method deposit thin layer gold surfac glass metal, often copper silver. gold plate often use electronics, provid corrosion-resist electr conduct layer copper, typic electr connector print circuit boards. one method, solid surfac cover metal sheet, heat pressur appli fuse (a version sheffield plate). plate techniqu includ vapor deposit vacuum sputter deposition. recently, plate often refer use liqui"} {"id": "13748", "contents": "electrochem protect provid steel zinc coat vital element effect galvan coat protect steel corrosion. pre-galvan product reli cathod protect provid zinc prevent corros expos steel cut edges. webmaster. hot dip galvan process appli zinc coat fabric iron steel materi immers materi bath consist primarili molten zinc."} {"id": "13749", "contents": "powder coat offer high qualiti finish singl coat process and, cool stoving, addit wait time handl component. polyest powder offer superior protect uv damag item use outdoors. powder coat process wherebi paint, form dri powder, spray onto component. static charg stick powder place compon heat order melt cure powder."} {"id": "13750", "contents": "galvanizing. hot dip galvan process appli zinc coat fabric iron steel materi immers materi bath consist primarili molten zinc. simplic galvan process distinct advantag method provid corros protection. webmaster. hot dip galvan process appli zinc coat fabric iron steel materi immers materi bath consist primarili molten zinc."} {"id": "13751", "contents": "80,000 squar feet product space devot protect coat machin components, assembl fabrications, metal coat corp. equip respons applic protective, non-stick, lubricant, chemic resist anti-corros coatings."} {"id": "13752", "contents": "temperatur long per pound cook pork roast? co-work want daughter(13) put roast oven get home, did't know temp long tell leav in. said small lb pork roast. take 30-45 minut per pound, but, depend intern temperatur pork roast, amount time. use 165f peopl say long past rare; 185f dri stringy."} {"id": "13753", "contents": "cut lean, tenderloin cook quickly. cut tenderloin round medallions, cook minut dual-contact indoor grill. tenderloin usual weigh 1-1/4 pounds. pork cook minut per pound. roast tenderloin 425 degre 15-20 minut per pound grill medium coal 15-25 minut per pound. intern temperatur minimum 145 degre (the usda lower safe temperatur pork summer 2011)."} {"id": "13754", "contents": "barbecu involv cook roast low, indirect heat. cook time consist temperatur approxim 325 f. cut: minut per pound. boneless: new york top loin, pounds: 20 26. new york top loin, pounds: 12 15. pork loin, center cut, pounds: 20 26. temperatur leav meat slightli pink tender, medium-rare, cook higher temperatur 160 prefer well-don piec pork. pork rest minut cook serving. rest, larg roast increas temperatur 10 degrees."} {"id": "13755", "contents": "rule thumb pork roast cook 25 minut per pound meat 350 degre (175 degre c)."} {"id": "13756", "contents": "coat loin well, cover refriger overnight. preheat oven 325 degre (165 degre c). bake preheat oven 25 minut per pound, intern temperatur reach 145 degre (63 degre c). bast pork occasion cooking. readi in. rub meat mustard powder thyme taste. preheat oven 325 degre (165 degre c). bake preheat oven 25 minut per pound, intern temperatur reach 145 degre (63 degre c). meanwhile, heat appl jelli small saucepan medium heat."} {"id": "13757", "contents": "you\u2019r cook pork loin, 30 minut per pound. temperatur around 350 f. also cook thermomet goe 155 165 f. intern temperatur import oven temperatur itself. brown pre cook preparations. intern temperatur 160. mean cook 155 degre let pork rest. caus temperatur go right level. also remov roast around 145 degre rest minutes. differ higher temperatur pork juicer."} {"id": "13758", "contents": "bake preheat oven 25 minut per pound, intern temperatur reach 145 degre (63 degre c). bast pork occasion cooking. meanwhile, heat appl jelli small saucepan medium heat. readi in. rub meat mustard powder thyme taste. preheat oven 325 degre (165 degre c). bake preheat oven 25 minut per pound, intern temperatur reach 145 degre (63 degre c)."} {"id": "13759", "contents": "preheat oven 325 degre (165 degre c). bake preheat oven 25 minut per pound, intern temperatur reach 145 degre (63 degre c). bast pork occasion cooking. meanwhile, heat appl jelli small saucepan medium heat. readi in. rub meat mustard powder thyme taste. preheat oven 325 degre (165 degre c). bake preheat oven 25 minut per pound, intern temperatur reach 145 degre (63 degre c)"} {"id": "13760", "contents": "initi escrow deposit cannot exceed amount would keep escrow account fall two month' worth escrow payment year. words, safe figur deposit close two month worth payments, mayb littl thrown cushion."} {"id": "13761", "contents": "fee requir establish escrow account, howev deposit creat initi balanc escrow account may required. deposit gener equal month escrow payment, subject state limitations."} {"id": "13762", "contents": "0. fee requir establish escrow account, howev deposit creat initi balanc escrow account may required. deposit gener equal two month escrow payment, subject state limitations."} {"id": "13763", "contents": "amount escrow deposit varies. experi initi deposit usual $1,000 $5,000. besid initi deposit homebuy may put addit deposit within 7-15 day effect date contract."} {"id": "13764", "contents": "calcul escrow deposit requir closing. add annual tax insur premium divid 12. amount includ mortgag payment ad escrow account everi month. calcul maximum initi deposit use worksheet column 12 rows. *column month begin month first monthli payment due."} {"id": "13765", "contents": "initi escrow deposit amount pay close start escrow account, requir lender. initi amount may differ pay monthli maintain escrow account. initi amount list section page loan estimate."} {"id": "13766", "contents": "sale manag earn almost doubl profession work busi job earn. example, sale repres made $64,670 2013, insur sale agent earn averag salari $63,610 real estat sale agent pull $53,140."} {"id": "13767", "contents": "sale manag earn median salari $108,540 2013, accord bls. best-paid made $187,199, worst-paid made $53,770."} {"id": "13768", "contents": "sale manag play vital role everi type organization, regardless size, earn lucr salary. accord bureau labor statistics, averag salari report nation sale manag $110,390 per year, averag $53.70 per hour. averag take account salari report nation, rang low $41,320 high $119,220."} {"id": "13769", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic region sale manag unit state $103,211, 50% peopl perform job region sale manag unit state expect make less $103,211. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary."} {"id": "13770", "contents": "sale manag normal receiv averag salari scale 88000 132000 depend level education. sale manag normal receiv averag salari one hundr fourteen thousand two hundr dollar annual basis. sale manag best averag pay new york, get averag salari rate approxim $156800. peopl career receiv best pay financ insurance, earn job pay $137940. nation wage distribut shown below."} {"id": "13771", "contents": "eat poor diet affect develop pregnancy, could also neg effect futur health well-b baby. vitamin minerals. also extrem import get enough vitamin miner pregnanc help ensur normal fetal development. although difficult associ particular vitamin defici fetal problem humans, laboratori studi anim given mani clue importance."} {"id": "13772", "contents": "pancrea make insulin littl insulin bodi can\u2019t use blood sugar energy. type diabet must control daili insulin. diabet often diagnos women childbear year affect health mother unborn child. poor control diabet pregnanc increas chanc birth defect problem baby. caus seriou complic woman, also"} {"id": "13773", "contents": "fact diet pregnanc affect newborn' health. new news eat next nine month impact baby' health, well own, decad come. easi nutrit tip help both. that' old news. fact diet pregnanc affect newborn' health. new news eat next nine month impact baby' health, well own, decad come. easi nutrit tip help both. 1. get enough folic acid."} {"id": "13774", "contents": "eat. that' old news. fact diet pregnanc affect newborn' health. new news eat next nine month impact baby' health, well own, decad come. easi nutrit tip help both. 1. get enough folic acid."} {"id": "13775", "contents": "effect poor nutrit fetus. give birth healthi babi increas healthi eat pregnancy. fetal develop depend matern hormones, genet code environment factors, nutrit suppli within bodi mother well. unless consum balanc healthi diet proteins, fluids, whole grains, fresh fruits, veget polyunsatur fat avoid alcohol caffeine, even prior conception, put risk cardiovascular health baby."} {"id": "13776", "contents": "develop growth fetu depend diet expect mother. food caus damag unborn child and, similarly, poor eat habit imbalanc diet also retard growth fetu make infant prone diseas birth. slide 6."} {"id": "13777", "contents": "there' old phrase expect mother eat two. new studi indic apt known. bad diet actual alter baby' genes. mother rat eat well, offspr exhibit genet chang affect they'll become. gene cellular mechan involv studi similar humans, research think studi relev us"} {"id": "13778", "contents": "smart food choic pregnanc affect physic mental develop child year come. eat lot food high unhealthi fat sugar make babi like diabetes. eat diet junk food, child born tast it. alcohol. expert say even one drink might damag baby' health; other say light drink pregnanc okay.. agre chronic alcohol abus lead fetal alcohol syndrom disorder."} {"id": "13779", "contents": "also consum 13 gram healthi fat oil deriv plants, along moder amount fats. diet poor protein especi damag fetal brain development, accord mani research studi animals. vitamin minerals. also extrem import get enough vitamin miner pregnanc help ensur normal fetal development. although difficult associ particular vitamin defici fetal problem humans, laboratori studi anim given mani clue importance."} {"id": "13780", "contents": "woman' diet pregnanc caus chang unborn child' dna may significantli increas risk obes make like develop type diabet lifetime, accord new research univers southampton. mother also survey diet pregnancy. result show women ate poor diet pregnant like children greater degre epigenet changes, dna alter affect function certain genes."} {"id": "13781", "contents": "form poisonous, even small doses. don\u2019t take arsen supplements. take 10 mcg/kg/day period time produc symptom arsen poisoning. take mg arsenic, sometim less, caus digest tract symptoms. higher dose caus sever poison death."} {"id": "13782", "contents": "exposur arsen drink water great threat human health. arsen carcinogen consumpt neg affect gastrointestin tract cardiac, vascular central nervou systems."} {"id": "13783", "contents": "cranial nerv rare affected, even sever poisoning. mechan arsen neuropathi may similar neuropathi thiamin defici [sexton gowdi 1963], wherebi arsen inhibit convers pyruv acetyl coenzym thu block kreb cycle."} {"id": "13784", "contents": "kidney sensit target organ chronic arsen toxic organ system may affect lower doses. limit strength associ chronic arsen exposur renal cancer [iarc 2004; nrc 2000]."} {"id": "13785", "contents": "solubl inorgan arsen immedi toxic effects. ingest larg amount lead gastrointestin symptom sever vomiting, disturb blood circulation, damag nervou system, eventu death."} {"id": "13786", "contents": "arsen affect intestin health disrupt barrier function induc inflammatori responses. process involv transit arsen gastrointestin tract affect toxicity. toxic arsen speci ingest may form intestin lumen result interact arsen food compon consequ enterocyt microbiota metabolism."} {"id": "13787", "contents": "increas risk skin cancer human associ chronic exposur inorgan arsen contamin water workplace. arsenic-induc skin cancer frequent character lesion entir body, mostli unexpos area the. palms, soles, and. trunk."} {"id": "13788", "contents": "human may expos arsen food, water air. exposur may also occur skin contact soil water contain arsenic. level arsen food fairli low, ad due toxicity."} {"id": "13789", "contents": "acut chronic exposur high level arsen may result wide rang advers cardiovascular effects. limit strength associ chronic arsen exposur peripher vascular disease, hypertension, cardiovascular diseas [iarc 2004]."} {"id": "13790", "contents": "speci name organ come second, must also written underlin italic can't capitalization. euglena actual genu name well common name organism. find exact speci difficult, genu euglena dozen speci it. see relat link inform genu euglena well list speci genus."} {"id": "13791", "contents": "answer community. make world better, one answer time. genu name organ must written first underlin italicized, first letter name must capitalized. euglena actual genu name well common name organism. find exact speci difficult, genu euglena dozen speci it. see relat link inform genu euglena well list speci genus."} {"id": "13792", "contents": "system nomenclatur use today base binomi system nomenclature, develop linnaeu late 1700's. binomi system nomenclatur structur scientif name plant consist two names: (1) genu gener name, (2) specif epithet speci name. rule follow write scientif name. genu name genu name written first."} {"id": "13793", "contents": "genu name organ must written first underlin italicized, first letter name must capitalized. speci name organ com es second, must also written underlin italic can't capitalization. peopl found useful. confid vote 6.2k. unlik speci name, genu name organ stand own. written alone, must start capit letter must underlin handwritten italic typed."} {"id": "13794", "contents": "1. name two parts; first, genu name speci trivial name. email come correctly, scientif name italics. scientif name, genu capitalized, specif trivial name non capitalized, whole name underlin italicized. 2. genu name noun, speci trivial name usual adject (a describ word)."} {"id": "13795", "contents": "latin name individu speci written use system term binomi nomenclatur develop origin linnaeus. quit literally, speci identifi combin two names: genu name specif epithet. familiar exampl human beings, homo sapiens."} {"id": "13796", "contents": "scienc write editing: write scientif names. latin scientif name species, plant, animal, bacterium, fungus, etc., two-part name consist genu name first (bi way: one genus, two genera) speci name second. example, domest cat known feli catus. introduc name anoth speci genus, use abbrevi genu name new species: domest cat speci feli catus. f. catu wild relative, f. silvestris."} {"id": "13797", "contents": "answers. best answer: genu name alway written speci name. first letter genu name alway capitalized, rest lowercase. speci name alway written entir lowercase. name usual italic"} {"id": "13798", "contents": "inoth words, problem! rdw refer variat size red blood cells. low rdw mean cell roughli size. high rdw mean isa high variat size cell usual mean defici iron and/or b12. rdw level increas mcv level normal. caus begin stage decreas vitamin b12 folic acid (a type vitamin) body. also caus begin stage iron defici anemia"} {"id": "13799", "contents": "rdw abbrevi red blood cell distribut width.. accord lab test online, rdw calcul vari size red blood cell (rbc) volum blood sample. rdw test usual perform part cbc, complet blood count. virtual imposs discuss rdw aspect blood test without includ mcv, mean corpuscl value. mcv goe hand hand red blood cell distribut width (rdw) term anemia hematolog disorders, valu influenc other."} {"id": "13800", "contents": "red cell distribut width (rdw) laboratori test part standard complet blood count (cbc), use along rbc indices, especi mean corpuscular volum (mcv) help determin caus anemia. red cell distribut width (rdw) paramet measur variat red blood cell size red blood cell volume."} {"id": "13801", "contents": "77 followers. a. rdw stand red blood cell distribut width. standard report measur complet blood count (cbc) lab test. measur variabl red blood cell size. normal state, red blood cell continu produc remov blood steadi rate"} {"id": "13802", "contents": "red blood cell distribut width (\u201crdw\u201d) test normal done complet blood count order health practitioner. rdw test measur variat size red blood cells. use mcv (mean corpuscular volume) test result better determin type anemia. normal red blood cell six eight micromet diamet (a micromet one millionth meter symbol \u03bcm)."} {"id": "13803", "contents": "105347. red cell distribut width clinic measur use assess size red blood cell calcul volum red blood cells. form part complet blood count i.e. cbc analysis."} {"id": "13804", "contents": "equal right amend (era) propos amend unit state constitut design guarante equal right women. era origin written alic paul crystal eastman. 1923, introduc congress first time."} {"id": "13805", "contents": "section 1. equal right law shall deni abridg unit state state account sex. section 2. congress shall power enforce, appropri legislation, provis article. section 3."} {"id": "13806", "contents": "1923, alic paul wrote lucretia mott amendment, said, men women shall equal right throughout unit state everi place subject jurisdiction.. introduc annual congress mani years. 1940s, rewrot amendment."} {"id": "13807", "contents": "equal right amend yet u.s. constitution. era, affirm equal applic constitut person regardless sex, written 1923 alic paul, suffragist leader founder nation woman' party."} {"id": "13808", "contents": "section 1. equal right law shall deni abridg unit state state account sex. section 2. congress shall power enforce, appropri legislation, provis article."} {"id": "13809", "contents": "equal right amend (era) propos amend u.s. constitut would guarante equal law women. introduc 1923."} {"id": "13810", "contents": "major american mistakenli believ women men equal right u.s. constitution. 14th amend constitut explicitli state men guarante equal law poignantli silent women."} {"id": "13811", "contents": "nation council women' organizations. section 1. equal right law shall deni abridg unit state state account sex. section 2. congress shall power enforce, appropri legislation, provis article."} {"id": "13812", "contents": "salari someon job titl phlebotomist atlanta, ga vari depend number factors. team certifi compens profession analyz survey data collect thousand hr depart employ size industri phlebotomist salari construct rang describ distribut salari peopl job titl phlebotomist atlanta, ga."} {"id": "13813", "contents": "variat depend wide rang factor popul gener competit market. map display key citi georgia surround states, click one find phlebotomist salari area. may conduct interviews, take vital signs, draw test blood sampl screen donor blood bank. requir high school diploma and/or certif nation recogn body."} {"id": "13814", "contents": "averag phlebotomist salari job post georgia 14% higher averag phlebotomist salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "13815", "contents": "wondering, phlebotomist salari approxim $13 per hour reveal record american societi clinic pathologist (ascp). technician live georgia area, usual get annual salari rang $22,000 $30,000 taxes. calcul phlebotomist salari depend mani variables: work experience, qualifications, kind employer. technician move tenure, wage also like increas $28,000 $33,000 (5-9 year time spent) make $38,000 servic 10-19 years. exampl rate offer technician georgia area."} {"id": "13816", "contents": "draw collect blood sampl patients, verifi record prepar specimen laboratori analysis. may prick finger draw blood. may conduct interviews, take vital signs, draw test blood sampl screen donor blood bank. requir high school diploma and/or certif nation recogn body. knowledg commonli use concepts, practices, procedur within particular fiel"} {"id": "13817", "contents": "similar job titles: chart describ expect percentag peopl perform job phlebotomist atlanta, ga make less salary. exampl 50% peopl perform job phlebotomist atlanta expect make less median. source: hr report data octob 2015. team certifi compens profession analyz survey data collect thousand hr depart employ size industri phlebotomist salari construct rang describ distribut salari peopl job titl phlebotomist atlanta, ga."} {"id": "13818", "contents": "averag phlebotomist salaries. averag salari phlebotomist job atlanta, ga $28,000. averag phlebotomist salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits. salari calcul use averag salari job term phlebotomist anywher job listing."} {"id": "13819", "contents": "phlebotomi technician atlanta, ga. averag phlebotomi technician salari job post atlanta, ga 25% higher averag phlebotomi technician salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "13820", "contents": "phlebotomi salari georgia. phlebotomi technician vital member laboratori workforc whose key function would obtain liquid blood sampl patient numer techniqu like arteri puncture, venipuncture, capillari puncture. technician move tenure, wage also like increas $28,000 $33,000 (5-9 year time spent) make $38,000 servic 10-19 years. exampl rate offer technician georgia area."} {"id": "13821", "contents": "northern part beliz mostli low-li swampi dens tropic rainforest. maya mountain locat southern beliz highest point victoria peak 1122m. mayan mountain form watersh thousand stream river beliz honda rivers. popul beliz district one third popul resides. belizean population, earli 1900 unevenli divided, men outnumb women everi age group. 40 50 emigr male, however, sinc 1980 major turn women."} {"id": "13822", "contents": "belize, south america? question peopl ask first hear belize. contrari peopl think, beliz south america, africa. is, however, situat heart central america."} {"id": "13823", "contents": "get back topic, let briefli explain find belize: beliz locat central america, also part north america. central america narrow piec land border pacif ocean west caribbean sea east, connect north america south america. you\u2019r you\u2019v heard beliz aren\u2019t sure located. good news, you\u2019r alone; almost two million peopl around world search phrase: beliz monthli basis, googl alone."} {"id": "13824", "contents": "beliz border mexico north guatemala west south. beliz consist land area 8,867 squar mile known longest live barrier reef world stretch along eastern coast belize. popul beliz district one third popul resides. belizean population, earli 1900 unevenli divided, men outnumb women everi age group. 40 50 emigr male, however, sinc 1980 major turn women."} {"id": "13825", "contents": "caribbean sea east, beliz locat south mexico, east guatemala, short two hour flight either miami houston."} {"id": "13826", "contents": "beliz (/b\u0259\u02c8li\u02d0z/) countri eastern coast central america. countri central america whose offici languag english, though belizean creol (kriol) spanish also commonli spoken. beliz border north mexico, south west guatemala, east caribbean sea. mainland 290 km (180 mi) long 110 km (68 mi) wide"} {"id": "13827", "contents": "cayo take western belize. beliz district (beliz city) island beliz (cay caulker, ambergri caye) east. southern beliz consist stann creek (placencia, hopkins) toledo. ye it\u2019 small countri terrain divers there\u2019 much explore. you\u2019r you\u2019v heard beliz aren\u2019t sure located. good news, you\u2019r alone; almost two million peopl around world search phrase: beliz monthli basis, googl alone."} {"id": "13828", "contents": "beliz locat east coast northern central america. beliz share border north mexico state quintana roo, south guatemalan depart izabal, east caribbean west guatemalan depart peten. see map belize. flight beliz gateway citi us make beliz easili access non-stop flight hour miami, houston dallas-ft. worth. beliz also serv atlanta, charlotte, lo angeles, new york washington, dc, well toronto, canada ... more."} {"id": "13829", "contents": "geography. beliz locat central america border north mexico, south west guatemala east caribbean sea. divers countri variou cultur languages."} {"id": "13830", "contents": "beliz citi largest citi central american countri beliz capit former british honduras. accord 2010 census, beliz citi popul 57,169 peopl 16,162 households. locat mouth haulov creek, tributari beliz river."} {"id": "13831", "contents": "interneuron found central nervou system connect neuron neuron. structur neuron direct nerv messag transmission. imag purv et al., 4th edition, sinauer associ (www.sinauer.com) wh freeman (www.whfreeman.com), use permission. vertebr nervou system divid number parts. central nervou system includ brain spinal cord. peripher nervou system consist bodi nerves. motor neuron pathway two types: somat (skeletal) autonom (smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands)."} {"id": "13832", "contents": "peripher nervou system, bundl nerv \ufb01ber axon conduct inform central nervou system. autonom nervou system part nervou system concern innerv involuntari structures, heart, smooth muscle, gland within body. sensori neuron somewhat unique, axon extend peripheri anoth axon extend central nervou system via posterior root. cell bodi neuron locat posterior root ganglion one sensori ganglia sensori cranial nerves."} {"id": "13833", "contents": "schwann cells, peripher nervou system, oligodendrocytes, central nervou system, wrap around axon neuron form myelin sheaths. myelin sheath electr insul prevent current leav axons. nerv fiber found peripher nervou system central nervou system. peripher nervou system, schwann cell form sheath around axons, schwann cell form sheath one neuron."} {"id": "13834", "contents": "peripher nervou system (pns)contain nerv connect brain spinal cord (cns) rest body. axon dendrit surround white myelin sheath. cell bodi central nervou system (cns) ganglia. vertebr nervou system divid number parts. central nervou system includ brain spinal cord. peripher nervou system consist bodi nerves. motor neuron pathway two types: somat (skeletal) autonom (smooth muscle, cardiac muscle, glands)."} {"id": "13835", "contents": "function peripher nervou system connect central nervou system limb organs. peripher nervou system includ nerv ganglia outsid brain spinal cord. peripher nervou system includ nerv ganglia part brain spinal cord. peripher nervou system connect central nervou system part body. somat nervou system, autonom nervou system nerv branch central nervou sstem."} {"id": "13836", "contents": "peripher nervou system. photo by: alila. peripher nervou system (pns) refer neuron (and support cells, glia) bodi outsid brain spinal cord (central nervou system [cns]). brain organ decid person respond happen surround world."} {"id": "13837", "contents": "sympathet parasympathet portion autonom nervou system 2-neuron pathway central nervou system peripher organ. therefore, ganglion interpos pathways, except sympathet pathway supraren (adrenal) medulla. sensori neuron somewhat unique, axon extend peripheri anoth axon extend central nervou system via posterior root. cell bodi neuron locat posterior root ganglion one sensori ganglia sensori cranial nerves."} {"id": "13838", "contents": "neuron nervou system. human nervou system consist billion nerv cell (or neurons)plu support (neuroglial) cells. neuron abl respond stimuli (such touch, sound, light, on), conduct impulses, commun (and type cell like muscl cells)."} {"id": "13839", "contents": "brain send messag spinal cord nerv peripher nervou system control movement muscl function intern organs. basic work unit nervou system cell call neuron. human brain contain 100 billion neurons. central nervou system made brain spinal cord. peripher nervou system made nerv fiber branch spinal cord extend part body, includ neck arms, torso, legs, skelet muscl"} {"id": "13840", "contents": "commonli use make boots, glove fashion accessories, sued kind leather smooth, velvet-lik surface. term origin use franc indic particular type soft glove import sweden. time, word came refer leather materi smooth nap finish. although sued made split hide, also possibl produc sued full-grain piec leather. nappi finish achiev abrad surfac leather, usual emeri wheel."} {"id": "13841", "contents": "sued leather, oppos sued fabric, made soft inner layer cow, deer pig hide. sued garments, shoes, handbag accessori delic beautiful, easi scuff stain. articl provid inform everyday care sued remov dirt stains. sued brush usual wire-bristl side brush debri rubber-bristl side buf nap suede. gentli brush sued jacket, shoe accessories, first soft side, wire-bristl side."} {"id": "13842", "contents": "method 3: everyday sued care. 1. use sued brush. sued brush usual wire-bristl side brush debri rubber-bristl side buf nap suede. gentli brush sued jacket, shoe accessories, first soft side, wire-bristl side."} {"id": "13843", "contents": "thing rememb case sued made inner side skin animals. reason sued soft touch outer layer anim hide tough. nubuck. nubuck leather product made cow hide. mani type product made nubuck avail market though shoe common product made type leather. leather made outer side skin cattl consid tough durabl"} {"id": "13844", "contents": "clean nubuck. one methods: rubbing/sand tough stains. nubuck type leather made cowhide. like suede, sand creat nap. sued made insid hide, nubuck made outside, stronger durable. 1. wipe entir surfac nubuck item nubuck cloth nubuck spong (also call eraser). regularli remov light soil shini spot keep nubuck look good."} {"id": "13845", "contents": "nubuck sued word often encount peopl look leather product market. fact, shoe made sued quit popular among people. peopl becom confus find differ product look similar sued refer nubuck. reason sued soft touch outer layer anim hide tough. nubuck. nubuck leather product made cow hide. mani type product made nubuck avail market though shoe common product made type leather."} {"id": "13846", "contents": "noun. 1. sued leather-leath nap surface. suede. leather-an anim skin made smooth flexibl remov hair tanning."} {"id": "13847", "contents": "noun (plural helic \u02c8hi\u02d0l\u026asi\u02d0z\u02c8h\u025bl\u026asi\u02d0z). object three-dimension shape like wire wound uniformli singl layer around cylind cone, corkscrew spiral staircase."} {"id": "13848", "contents": "common helix curv form thread ordinari screw. distinguish spiral, convolut plane. helix (noun). caulicul littl volut abacu corinthian capital. helix (noun). incurv margin rim extern ear."} {"id": "13849", "contents": "(mathematics) curv surfac cylind cone angl plane perpendicular axi constant; three-dimension curv seen screw spiral staircase. architecture) small volut abacu corinthian capital. anatomy) incurv rim extern ear."} {"id": "13850", "contents": "doubl helix. definition: biology, doubl helix term use describ structur dna. dna doubl helix consist two spiral chain deoxyribonucl acid. shape similar spiral staircase."} {"id": "13851", "contents": "helix (pl: helix helices) type smooth space curve, i.e. curv three-dimension space. properti tangent line point make constant angl fix line call axis. exampl helic coil spring handrail spiral staircases."} {"id": "13852", "contents": "wiktionari (0.00 votes) rate definition: helix (noun). curv surfac cylind cone angl plane perpendicular axi constant; three-dimension curv seen screw spiral staircase. helix (noun). small volut abacu corinthian capital."} {"id": "13853", "contents": "he\u00b7lix. 1. three-dimension spiral curve. mathemat terms, helix describ curv turn axi surfac cylind cone rise constant upward angl base."} {"id": "13854", "contents": "(plural helix helices). mathematics) curv surfac cylind cone angl plane perpendicular axi constant; three-dimension curv seen screw spiral staircase."} {"id": "13855", "contents": "world' famou equation, realli mean? energi equal mass time speed light squared.. basic level, equat say energi mass (matter) interchangeable; differ form thing. would multipli mass walnut speed light determin much energi bound insid it? reason whenev convert part walnut piec matter pure energy, result energi definit move speed light."} {"id": "13856", "contents": "words, energi equal planck constant (the 'h' symbol) time frequenc (the 'f' symbol). einstein discov energy=mc^2. words, energi equal mass time speed light squared. sinc energy=hf energy=mc^2, equal energi therefor equal other. or, hf=mc^2, words, planck constant time frequenc equal mass time speed light squared."} {"id": "13857", "contents": "physics, mass\u2013energi equival concept mass energi thing, everi mass energi equival vice versa. relationship express use formula. energi physic system, mass system, speed light vacuum (about 7008300000000000000\u26603\u00d7108 m/s). words, energi equal mass multipli speed light squared. speed light larg number everyday units, formula impli small amount matter contain larg amount energy. energi may releas heat light nuclear transformations."} {"id": "13858", "contents": "speed light squar come einstein e=mc^2 (in words, energi equal mass time speed light squared). half equat need find mass. sinc energy=hf energy=mc^2, equal energi therefor equal other. or, hf=mc^2, words, planck constant time frequenc equal mass time speed light squared."} {"id": "13859", "contents": "speed light, actual constant roughli equal 3.00x10 meter per second. squar basic properti energy: object move twice fast anoth object actual four time energy. energi object mass object time squar velocity. case, object' veloc speed light travels."} {"id": "13860", "contents": "speed light squar coloss number, illustr much energi even tini amount matter. common exampl gram water -- whole mass convert pure energi via e=mc\u00b2 -- contain much energi 20,000 ton (18,143 metric tons) tnt exploding. we'r get c\u00b2 part equation, serv purpos star-on star-off machin sneetches.. stand speed light, univers constant, whole equat break this: energi equal matter multipli speed light squared."} {"id": "13861", "contents": "1. defin variabl equation. first step understand equat know variabl stand for. case, energy, mass, speed light. speed light, actual constant roughli equal 3.00x10 meter per second. squar basic properti energy: object move twice fast anoth object actual four time energy. energi object mass object time squar velocity. case, object' veloc speed light travels."} {"id": "13862", "contents": "result definition, valu speed light vacuum exactli 7008299792458000000\u2660299792458 m/ becom defin constant si system units. accord special relativity, maximum speed matter inform univers travel. speed massless particl chang associ field (includ electromagnet radiat light gravit waves) travel vacuum."} {"id": "13863", "contents": "far, einstein' best-known equat e=mc energi equal mass time veloc light squared.. accord equation, given amount mass equival certain amount energy, vice versa."} {"id": "13864", "contents": "speed light squar convers factor decid much energi lie within walnut chunk matter. speed light squar huge number\u201490,000,000,000 (km/sec) \u2014the amount energi bound even smallest mass truli mind-boggling. would multipli mass walnut speed light determin much energi bound insid it? reason whenev convert part walnut piec matter pure energy, result energi definit move speed light."} {"id": "13865", "contents": "however, feel headach brain hurt -- plenti area head neck nociceptor perceiv pain, liter caus headaches. brain pain receptor somewhat drift corpu gener knowledge, perpetu pamphlets, book documentaries. question caus look wikipedia. cite headach cephalalgia pain anywher region head neck."} {"id": "13866", "contents": "(if pain head, nerv fiber connect directli brain.) spinal cord, incom messag amplified, dampen block altogether. pain signal reach differ part brain. signal reach part brain control spatial awareness. pain signal also reach hypothalamus, part brain control sleep temperatur regulation. pain feel modifi chemic signal spinal cord brain. know them, probabl other haven\u2019t discov yet."} {"id": "13867", "contents": "i'v read mani year ago books, brain nerv it, someon touch brain, feel thing. two day now, bad migraine, due cold. brain pain receptor somewhat drift corpu gener knowledge, perpetu pamphlets, book documentaries. question caus look wikipedia. cite headach cephalalgia pain anywher region head neck."} {"id": "13868", "contents": "pain suppos warning. hand get close stove, nerv send pain signal brain -- pull back burn yourself. nerv damage, system working. damag nerv may send fals signal -- feel real pain, often without cause. peopl nerv pain feel differ ways. some, stab pain middl night. others, symptom includ chronic prickling, tingling, burn feel day. uncontrol nerv pain hard bear."} {"id": "13869", "contents": "structur surround brain feel pain. matter fact, insid brain, surgeon oper brain without anesthesia. one techniqu known brain mapping, surgeon probe brain tissu monitor reaction like muscl movement speech patient awake."} {"id": "13870", "contents": "pain receptor brain itself. mening (cover around brain), periosteum (cover bones), scalp pain receptors. surgeri done brain technic brain feel pain. said, brain tool use detect pain. let\u2019 say you\u2019r beach step sharp shell"} {"id": "13871", "contents": "brain. pain signal reach brain, number thing happen. certain part brain stem (which connect brain spinal cord) inhibit muffl incom pain signal product endorphins, morphine-lik substanc occur natur human body. gate control theori propos gate bundl nerv fiber spinal cord peripher nerv brain. spinal nerv gate control flow pain messag peripher nerv"} {"id": "13872", "contents": "spinal cord also charg reflexes. brain tell foot move away shell, spinal cord alreadi sent message. pain signal continu brain. mening (cover around brain), periosteum (cover bones), scalp pain receptors. surgeri done brain technic brain feel pain."} {"id": "13873", "contents": "signal travel part brain gener control emotion. pain signal also reach hypothalamus, part brain control sleep temperatur regulation. pain feel modifi chemic signal spinal cord brain. know them, probabl other haven\u2019t discov yet."} {"id": "13874", "contents": "correct neuron sens pain. however, brain contain layer coverings, blood vessels, scalp muscles. structur pain receptors. cover brain call mening consist dura, arachnoid pia. dura particular lot pain receptor may respons mani headaches. brain pain receptor somewhat drift corpu gener knowledge, perpetu pamphlets, book documentaries. question caus look wikipedia. cite headach cephalalgia pain anywher region head neck."} {"id": "13875", "contents": "third-parti logist provid (abbrevi 3pl, sometim tpl) firm provid servic custom outsourc (or third party) logist servic part, suppli chain manag functions. integr occurs, provid call third-parti suppli chain manag provid (3pscm) suppli chain manag servic provid (scmsp)."} {"id": "13876", "contents": "want find new logist technolog best effici choic operation. implement new suppli chain system logist technology, project manag suppli chain integr experi need in-house. lynn 20 year experi technic oper role within logist management. last fourteen year logist partner assist retailers, wholesalers, manufactur logist provid maximis return invest suppli chain system logist technology."} {"id": "13877", "contents": "logist (busi definition) logist defin busi plan framework manag material, service, inform capit flows."} {"id": "13878", "contents": "logist partner also guid increas choic logist technolog includ rf, voice, barcod scanning, telematics, cloud solutions, saa solut make sure choic improv current oper give real return invest (roi). lynn 20 year experi technic oper role within logist management. last fourteen year logist partner assist retailers, wholesalers, manufactur logist provid maximis return invest suppli chain system logist technology."} {"id": "13879", "contents": "add comment... project netherland enter new phase: logist capit partner develop new distribut centr 80,000 sqm roosenda lead fashion retailer. andrea benvenuti join logist capit partner highli experienc development, project construct manag amazon, specialis distribut logist facilities, andrea benvenuti chosen join major new player europ."} {"id": "13880", "contents": "75 year experi logist busi current oper million squar feet midwest region. dedic serv customer\u2019 needs, goal 100% custom satisfaction. strive bring best qualiti service. 75 year industri expertise, solut design lower cost, increas effici deliv results!"} {"id": "13881", "contents": "learn differ third parti logist (3pl) fourth parti logist (4pl) well 1pl 2pl, rise even fifth parti logist (5pls) confus highli debat among suppli chain industry."} {"id": "13882", "contents": "logist partner found local ltl carrier serv houston, austin, san antonio south texas. logist partner provid dedic courier service, fleet management, distribut servic small mid-siz business, banks, servic relat industry, airlin throughout texa louisiana. focus time-crit deliveries, wareh distribut servic throughout texa louisiana, logist partner becom carrier choic mani busi southern u.s. vision: continu 1st class leader market serve."} {"id": "13883", "contents": "full servic logist provider, partner logist inc. team compani ensur wareh distribut need met surpassed."} {"id": "13884", "contents": "logist mean right thing, right place, right time.. logist (busi definition) logist defin busi plan framework manag material, service, inform capit flows. includ increasingli complex information, commun control system requir today' busi environment. logist ...the process planning, implementing, control efficient, effect flow storag goods, services, relat inform point origin point consumpt purpos conform custom requirements.."} {"id": "13885", "contents": "report abuse. suit gener term refer group relat instrument pieces. baroqu danc suit movement usual key follow certain sequenc danc piec described. see: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/baroque_mus... baroqu suit collect styliz dances, mean compos danc to, listen to. basic form baroqu suit consist of: 1. prelud 2. allemand 3. courant 4. saraband 5. gigu addit danc includ bouree, minuet, passapied, double. danc tend binari form often chang key within dance, time return origin key"} {"id": "13886", "contents": "baroqu suit type instrument danc music consist sever movement short piec key function danc music. suit usual set something, like suit furniture. comput terms, suit refer group applic come togeth one set."} {"id": "13887", "contents": "espi estrella. suit type instrument danc music emerg renaiss develop baroqu period. consist sever movement short piec key function danc music dinner music social gatherings. four main movement base danc form anoth country. thus, movement characterist sound vari rhythm meter. instrument use play suit includ cello, harpsichord, lute violin. suit perform either solo instrument group instruments."} {"id": "13888", "contents": "baroqu era suit import music form, also known suit de danses, ordr (the term favor francoi fran\u00e7ois), couperin partita (ouvertur theatric overtur often includ seri of) danc orchestr suit of.j. s. bach suite, music, order set instrument orchestr concert band pieces. origin late 14th centuri pair danc tune grew scope compris five dances, sometim prelude, earli 17th century."} {"id": "13889", "contents": "entre (entr\u00e9e) ballet sometim entre entr\u00e9 compos part of; suit pure instrument music dance. perform is, introduction-a march like piec play entranc a, danc group play before. ballet usually/in 4. time suite, music, order set instrument orchestr concert band pieces. origin late 14th centuri pair danc tune grew scope compris five dances, sometim prelude, earli 17th century."} {"id": "13890", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. suit type instrument danc music emerg renaiss develop baroqu period. time js bach, suit compos four main movements: allemande, courante, saraband gigue. option movement include: air, bourre (live dance), gavott (moder fast dance), minuet, polonaise, prelude. four main movement base danc form anoth country."} {"id": "13891", "contents": "baroqu suit type instrument danc music consist sever movement short piec key function danc music. time js bach, suit compos four main movements: allemande, courante, saraband gigue. option movement include: air, bourre (live dance), gavott (moder fast dance), minuet, polonaise, prelude. four main movement base danc form anoth country."} {"id": "13892", "contents": "least educ citi co. averag temperatur costilla counti 43.26\u00b0f, lower colorado averag temperatur 46.26\u00b0f much lower nation averag temperatur 54.45\u00b0f."} {"id": "13893", "contents": "averag us citi get 25 inch snow per year. number day measur precipit 56. average, 285 sunni day per year costilla county, colorado. juli high around 81 degrees. januari low 3. comfort index, base humid hot months, 74 100, higher comfortable. us averag comfort index 44."} {"id": "13894", "contents": "costilla county, colorado, get inch rain per year. us averag 37. snowfal 21 inches. averag us citi get 25 inch snow per year. number day measur precipit 56. average, 285 sunni day per year costilla county, colorado. juli high around 81 degrees. januari low 3. comfort index, base humid hot months, 74 100, higher comfortable. us averag comfort index 44."} {"id": "13895", "contents": "state-wid averag annual temperatur rang high 70.7 degre fahrenheit (21.5 degre celsius) florida low 26.6 \u00b0f (-3.0 \u00b0c) alaska. entir unit states, exclud hawaii alaska, year averag 52.7 \u00b0f (11.5 \u00b0c)."} {"id": "13896", "contents": "least educ citi co. averag temperatur san lui 43.21\u00b0f, lower colorado averag temperatur 46.26\u00b0f much lower nation averag temperatur 54.45\u00b0f."} {"id": "13897", "contents": "weather climat gener area:th sun shine 330 day year part colorado. approxim moistur fall per year averag winter temperatur 14.8 degrees."} {"id": "13898", "contents": "mica, known invalu mineral, made aluminum silic alkali hydroxyl. form mica also contain lithium, iron, magnesium, rare mica contain manganese, vanadium, barium, fluorine."} {"id": "13899", "contents": "manufactur mica mean mica-bas product manufactur natur mica, as, micanit built-up mica, mica paper, mica heat elements, mica capacitors, mica flake powder, mica bricks, etc. qualiti grade mica qualiti classif mica, base visual tests, depend individu opinion."} {"id": "13900", "contents": "mica powder add sparkl pearl luster color fuse glass projects. also add depth dimens otherwis flat piec artwork. powder mix paint project, sprinkl straight onto glass, sprinkl onto stamp imag piec glass."} {"id": "13901", "contents": "mica miner consist shiny, transparent, platelik chemic crystals. mica powder shiny, color pearli metal sheen them. sever major brand market."} {"id": "13902", "contents": "jupiterimages/photos.com/getti images. mica powder made miner mica, compos small particl glitter light strike them. mica powder use wide rang art projects, add subtl glimmer bodi lotion makeup. purchas mica powder, also make use mica flakes, cheaper wide available."} {"id": "13903", "contents": "mica miner come group silic miner known mica group. addition, mica flexible, absorb water easili (otherwis known hydrophilic), dielectr (a non-conductor electricity), reflective, platy, insulating."} {"id": "13904", "contents": "mica powder. mica miner consist shiny, transparent, platelik chemic crystals. mica powder shiny, color pearli metal sheen them. sever major brand market."} {"id": "13905", "contents": "definition: margin cost increas total cost result one unit increas output. defin as: cost result one unit chang product rate. differ total cost 6th unit total cost the, 5th unit forth. margin cost govern variabl cost chang chang output. margin cost realli increment cost express symbols."} {"id": "13906", "contents": "practic definit margin cost chang total cost result increas output one unit inconsist differenti definit margin cost virtual non-linear functions. thu cost produc margin unit output two components: cost associ produc margin unit increas averag cost unit produc due \u201cdamage\u201d entir product process (\u2202ac/\u2202q)q. first compon per unit averag cost."} {"id": "13907", "contents": "margin cost. cost buy produc one unit good service. includ vale altern given produc unit (opportun cost) margin cost= direct cost (out pocket) indirect cost (opportun cost)."} {"id": "13908", "contents": "margin cost second unit differ total cost second unit total cost first unit. margin cost 5th unit $5. differ total cost 6th unit total cost the, 5th unit forth. margin cost govern variabl cost chang chang output. margin cost realli increment cost express symbols."} {"id": "13909", "contents": "margin cost (mc) indic much total cost chang given chang quantiti output. chang total cost match chang total variabl cost short run (total fix cost fixed), margin cost chang either total cost total variabl cost."} {"id": "13910", "contents": "economics, margin cost chang total cost aris quantiti produc increment one unit. is, cost produc one unit good. gener terms, margin cost level product includ addit cost requir produc next unit. thu cost produc margin unit output two components: cost associ produc margin unit increas averag cost unit produc due \u201cdamage\u201d entir product process (\u2202ac/\u2202q)q. first compon per unit averag cost."} {"id": "13911", "contents": "example: example, total cost produc one pen $5 total cost produc two pen $9, margin cost expand output one unit $4 (9 4). differ total cost 6th unit total cost the, 5th unit forth. margin cost govern variabl cost chang chang output. margin cost realli increment cost express symbols."} {"id": "13912", "contents": "margin cost amount take produc one unit, includ labor materi cost cost associ unit\u2019 production. metric estim reason accuracy. labor time cost measurable, materi costs."} {"id": "13913", "contents": "chang total cost come make produc one addit item. purpos analyz margin cost determin point organ achiev economi scale. calcul often use among manufactur mean isol optimum product level. next"} {"id": "13914", "contents": "magnitud endothelium-depend contract acetylcholin (0.1\u201310 \u03bcm) similar aorta wt mice treat vitro l-name eno \u2212/\u2212 mice. addition, found acetylcholin (10 \u03bcm) also caus endothelium-depend contract carotid femor arteri"} {"id": "13915", "contents": "rat blood vessels, endothelium-depend contract acetylcholin observ normal physiolog condit observ patholog conditions, example, hypertens diabet (4, 15, 17, 21, 24, 28, 32)."} {"id": "13916", "contents": "endothelin (et-1) 21 amino acid peptid produc vascular endothelium 39 amino acid precursor, big et-1, action endothelin convert enzym (ece) found endotheli cell membrane."} {"id": "13917", "contents": "\u201cendotheli cell contract lead intercellular gap venules. common form increas vascular permeability, endotheli cell contract revers process elicit histamine, bradykinin, leukotrien mani class chemic mediators."} {"id": "13918", "contents": "contract brain microvessel endotheli cells, observ action number thrombogen fibrinolyt factors, phenomenon consid possibl factor focal open bbb case brain thrombosi fibrinolysis."} {"id": "13919", "contents": "email. print. endothelium thin membran line insid heart blood vessels. endotheli cell releas substanc control vascular relax contract well enzym control blood clotting, immun function platelet (a colorless substanc blood) adhesion."} {"id": "13920", "contents": "result injuri smooth muscl cell contract (60 mm) reduc procedur (fig. 3). result indic contract acetylcholin mediat endothelium rather direct action agonist vascular smooth muscle."} {"id": "13921", "contents": "heparin u/ml 0.2 u/ml concentr induc endotheli cell contract 40 50 minut treatment, wherea lower concentr heparin (0.02 u/ml) affect ratio cell perimet surfac area. protamin sulfat induc endotheli cell contract initi 30 minutes."} {"id": "13922", "contents": "jon bon jovi. founder lead singer bon jovi,ha estim net worth $300 million 2014. gain fame mid-1980 lead singer hard-rock band bon jovi, whose album slipperi wet new jersey becam multi-platinum sellers."} {"id": "13923", "contents": "random. jon bon jovi net worthcelebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/rock-stars/jon-bon-jovi... jon bon jovi net worth: jon bon jovi new jersey-born rock star net worth $300 million. jon bon jovi born john franci bongiovi, jr., march 2, 1962."} {"id": "13924", "contents": "jon bon jovi net worth: $300 million. jon bon jovi net worth: jon bon jovi new jersey-born rock star net worth $300 million. jon bon jovi born john franci bongiovi, jr., march 2, 1962. bon jovi' interest music spark earli age."} {"id": "13925", "contents": "jon bon jovi. estim jon bon jovi net worth reach 125 million dollar make one wealthiest musician entertain business. huge part net worth come career singer, song writer, performer, composer, record produc actor."} {"id": "13926", "contents": "jon bon jovi net worth. celebritynetworth.com/richest-celebrities/rock-stars/jon-bon-jovi... jon bon jovi net worth: jon bon jovi new jersey-born rock star net worth $300 million. jon bon jovi born john franci bongiovi, jr., march 2, 1962."} {"id": "13927", "contents": "born john franci bongiovi, jr. estim net worth $275 million march 2014. better known stage name jon bon jovi emin singer, song writer, actor, care husband gener philanthropist."} {"id": "13928", "contents": "jon bon jovi net worth: jon bon jovi new jersey-born rock star net worth $300 million. jon bon jovi born john franci bongiovi, jr., march 2, 1962. bon jovi' interest music spark earli age."} {"id": "13929", "contents": "155 lbs. person burn 372 calori 30 minut jump rope. would take 155 lbs. person 40 45 minut jump rope burn 500 calori workout."} {"id": "13930", "contents": "abl skip 10 minut want exercis 30 minut day, tri 10 minut jump rope morning, afternoon even reach goal."} {"id": "13931", "contents": "exercise, collect burn fat. minut minut break. time amount exercis jump rope 30 minutes. burn 100 calori first minutes, it'll add next time jump rope. mark year ago. thumb up."} {"id": "13932", "contents": "calori goals. much jump also depend mani calori want burn. want burn 100 200 calori day, jump comfort hard pace 10 minutes. wish burn 350 calori per day, jump rope challeng pace 20 minutes."} {"id": "13933", "contents": "begin jump rope, focu improv coordin skill focu durat workout sessions. begin 20 second sets. build endur coordination, progress increas time spend jump sets."} {"id": "13934", "contents": "take pill hour late, take soon rememb even mean take pill one day. use anoth method birth control next 48 hour prevent pregnancy. consid use emerg contracept sex past days."} {"id": "13935", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: depend amount weight would like lose. 3500 calori make one pound. find mani calori would burn go websit below. recommend 30 minutes, divid 30 minut jump rope minutes, time day."} {"id": "13936", "contents": "inland salt marsh creat maintain seawat tides, see inland salt marsh. domin dens stand salt-toler plant herbs, grasses, low shrubs. plant terrestri origin essenti stabil salt marsh trap bind sediments. salt marsh play larg role aquat food web deliveri nutrient coastal waters. also support terrestri anim provid coastal protect"} {"id": "13937", "contents": "salt marsh plant cannot grow wave strong, thrive along low-energi coasts. also occur area call estuaries, freshwat land mix sea water. distinct featur salt marsh color-th plant variou shade gray, brown, green. salt marsh compos varieti plants: rushes, sedges, grasses. alga also import food sourc salt marshes. florida salt marsh salt marsh form along margin mani north florida estuaries. gulf coast salt marsh occur along low energi shorelines, mouth rivers, bays, bayous, sounds."} {"id": "13938", "contents": "toler salt sea spray. salt marsh import mani reasons. hidden within tangl salt marsh plant anim variou stage life. anim hide predat marsh vegetation, shallow brackish area physic exclud larger fish. alga also import food sourc salt marshes. florida salt marsh salt marsh form along margin mani north florida estuaries. gulf coast salt marsh occur along low energi shorelines, mouth rivers, bays, bayous, sounds."} {"id": "13939", "contents": "salt marsh area land brackish water known flood. salt marsh collect sediment nutrient vital ecosystem. salt marsh type marsh land salti water. shallow water get lot sunlight."} {"id": "13940", "contents": "wmb-cp-07 2004 function valu salt marsh salt marsh import transit habitat ocean land; estuari fresh salt water mix. salt marsh plant (halophytes) salt toler adapt water level fluctuat tide. thus, salt marsh provid food larger fish import new england fish industry. past decade, fisheri stock new england serious declined. evid restor marshes, along improv fish management, help restor fish stocks."} {"id": "13941", "contents": "salt marsh low tide, mean low tide, high tide high tide (spring tide). domin dens stand salt-toler plant herbs, grasses, low shrubs. plant terrestri origin essenti stabil salt marsh trap bind sediments. salt marsh play larg role aquat food web deliveri nutrient coastal waters. also support terrestri anim provid coastal protect"} {"id": "13942", "contents": "salt marsh import provid flood control critic habitat fish, migratori birds, wildlife. activ student teacher part include: monitor growth common reed salt marshes."} {"id": "13943", "contents": "coast wetland call salt marshes. contain varieti fo plant includ rushes, cord grasses, sawgrass, sea lavendar, sea mallow, salt marsh aster, fr esh water speci adapt salt environment. shrub includ marsh elder mangrov trees. answered. salt marsh type marsh land salti water. shallow water get lot sunlight."} {"id": "13944", "contents": "savanna mean, popularity, numerolog more. name savanna spanish origin. mean savanna treeless plain. also english origin, mean savannah."} {"id": "13945", "contents": "form savannah use languag latin sabana. savannah popular babi name girls. name increas popular 1980 1990s. height usag 1996, 0.365% babi girl name savannah. rank #43. babi name sinc experienc fall frequency."} {"id": "13946", "contents": "follow diagram below. fun, see name savannah hieroglyphics, learn ancient egyptian hieroglyph write hieroglyph message. learn nautic flag see name messag written nautic flags, savannah nautic flag page. view savannah name popular page see popular trend savannah chang sinc 1880, compar popular savannah names."} {"id": "13947", "contents": "savannah /sa-van-nah/ [3 sylls.] girls' name pronounc sa-van-ah. spanish origin, mean savannah treeless plain place name: citi savannah, georgia. kreatif forms: sanvannah, savania, sevannah. relat girl names: mesa sierra. savannah popular first name femal (#906 4276, top 21%) also popular surnam peopl (#39378 150436, top 26%). (2000 u.s. census). display babi name popular savannah girl"} {"id": "13948", "contents": "savannah gener use girl' name. consist letter syllabl pronounc sa-va-nnah. u.s. 2014, rank 39 babi name popular girl 5433 occurrences. less boy given name. view savannah name popular page see popular trend savannah chang sinc 1880, compar popular savannah names."} {"id": "13949", "contents": "syll. sa-van-nah, sav-ann-ah babi girl name savannah pronounc saa-v aa-naa- \u2020. savannah primarili use english languag origin also english. element 'savannah' 'zabana' mean savannah. name deriv common english word flat grassland; word nativ american origin. savannah popular babi name girls. name increas popular 1980 1990s. height usag 1996, 0.365% babi girl name savannah. rank #43. babi name sinc experienc fall frequency."} {"id": "13950", "contents": "savannah mean, popularity, numerolog more. name savannah spanish origin. mean savannah treeless plain. also english origin, mean savannah. view savannah name popular page see popular trend savannah chang sinc 1880, compar popular savannah names."} {"id": "13951", "contents": "spanish meaning: name savannah spanish babi name. spanish mean name savannah is: open plain. american meaning: name savannah american babi name. american mean name savannah is: open plain. soulurg number: 3. express number: 8. peopl name deep inner desir creat express themselves, often public speaking, acting, write sing"} {"id": "13952", "contents": "here\u2019 took fireplac this: this: mention previou entry, paint brick facad trim paint. use 6\u2033 fuzzi roller (thin, white, orang stripe) paintbrush took four coats. may need: sandpap wire brush, lead paint-block mask, screw driver, needle-nos pliers. look fireplac see door frame attaches. us, simpl metal bracket (attach top, rear door) hook top fireplace\u2019 opening."} {"id": "13953", "contents": "video give step step instruct along visual demonstr perform inexpens makeov fireplace. brick fireplac previous paint red wooden mantl attach it."} {"id": "13954", "contents": "fireplac finish varieti ways. fireplac provid lifetim warmth, comfort beauty. however, time peopl decid want spruce thing bit remodel aspect home. work exist fireplac brick stone surround, surfac repainted. you\u2019ll first need clean thoroughly, decid want paint entir surfac mere trim."} {"id": "13955", "contents": "paint. work exist fireplac brick stone surround, surfac repainted. you\u2019ll first need clean thoroughly, decid want paint entir surfac mere trim."} {"id": "13956", "contents": "rub degloss paint three coat white primer. two coat aspen white paint. scrap barn wood\u2026. cut barn wood size use wood glue attach it. 24 hour remov clamp fill side crack wood fill make board look seamless. sand wood fill gave top two thick coat polyurethane. mr. wright built box base give fireplac height. electr fireplac dinki size. box paint dark brown, prime paint color fireplac"} {"id": "13957", "contents": "exampl tradit enclos live room chicago beig walls, standard fireplace, brick fireplac surround tv. houzz. beginning: soar cathedr ceil room flood light arch window view wood beyond. hhm concept: refresh dark, dated, brick fireplace; add much-need architectur detail visual impact; creat cozy, welcom style within expans space."} {"id": "13958", "contents": "extensions. if, process refinishing, need extend beyond vertic limit exist fireplac exist surround made fire-proof materials, drywal need remov replac cement board. work exist fireplac brick stone surround, surfac repainted. you\u2019ll first need clean thoroughly, decid want paint entir surfac mere trim."} {"id": "13959", "contents": "sunken great room captur light french doors, ceiling-high window majestic\u00ae fireplace. mudroom custom accommod famili dogs. upstairs, master bedroom featur sunni window seat, second fireplac warm bubbl \u201cairbath\u201d master bathroom. shower glow autom led light natur stone vaniti sparkl quartzite. beginning: soar cathedr ceil room flood light arch window view wood beyond. hhm concept: refresh dark, dated, brick fireplace; add much-need architectur detail visual impact; creat cozy, welcom style within expans space."} {"id": "13960", "contents": "one way creat new look feel room refinish exist fireplac new type finish material. allow avoid cost full fireplac remov time transform room someth new. work exist fireplac brick stone surround, surfac repainted. you\u2019ll first need clean thoroughly, decid want paint entir surfac mere trim."} {"id": "13961", "contents": "dampen spong water, wring full flexibl drippy. pour small amount accent paint (we use valspar smoke oyster) paint tray. import use small, even amount paint sponge. this, brush paint onto rib surfac paint tray. set spong paint absorb small amount."} {"id": "13962", "contents": "thyroid diseas gluten intolerance. research determin autoimmun thyroid diseas (atd), especi hashimoto\u2019 (hypothyroidism) grave\u2019 (hyperthyroidism) disease, regularli screen celiac diseas gluten intolerance. digest health suffer peopl celiac diseas intolerance/sensit particip prolong gluten consumption, thyroid health also drastic degrades."} {"id": "13963", "contents": "gluten thyroid. gluten protein found wheat, rye, barley. unless diagnos celiac disease, probabl won\u2019t affect thyroid. gluten damag small intestin peopl celiac disease."} {"id": "13964", "contents": "1. clearli demonstr celiac diseas associ sever autoimmun diseases, among autoimmun thyroid disease, undiagnos celiac diseas gluten sensit may potenti precipit autoimmunities. short, gluten-fre diet may provid relief ill-effect gluten itself, provid relief individu autoimmun diseases, gluten-fre diet seem deter progress autoimmun thyroid diseas process alreadi begun."} {"id": "13965", "contents": "well, quick guid way might affect bodi particularli thyroid. read gener inform gluten intoler here. happen gluten intoler (1) is: perhap greatest import thyroid patients, research found variou antibodi indic celiac diseas organ-specif autoantibodi (i.e., thyroid antibodies) disappear month gluten-fre diet.1."} {"id": "13966", "contents": "gluten affect bodi absorb medicin like synthroid affect thyroid\u2019 function. wife tri gluten free thing effect symptom told gluten free affect thyroid function. short, gluten-fre diet may provid relief ill-effect gluten itself, provid relief individu autoimmun diseases, gluten-fre diet seem deter progress autoimmun thyroid diseas process alreadi begun."} {"id": "13967", "contents": "mani probabl heard link body\u2019 thyroid gland, it\u2019 issues, gluten (a protein found wheat) dairy. week\u2019 blog may eye-open struggl deal hypothyroidism. thyroid gland sensitive, mean much thyroid stimul hormon (tsh) littl tsh caus detriment effect throughout body. see, hypothalamu brain (a small gland big deal) produc thyroid releas hormon (or trh)."} {"id": "13968", "contents": "posted. report post. yes, yes, ye gluten affect thyroid function! symptom could caus chang thyroid. symptom classic hypothyroid symptom period of: list hyperthyroid. may time gluten alter thyroid function trigger autoimmunity."} {"id": "13969", "contents": "one final thought. autoimmun thyroid disorder, imper complet avoid gluten. suffer gluten sensitivity, avoid gluten may best choic protect thyroid overal health. digest health suffer peopl celiac diseas intolerance/sensit particip prolong gluten consumption, thyroid health also drastic degrades."} {"id": "13970", "contents": "gluten protein found stapl grains, wheat, barley, rye oats, trigger digest problem well fatigue, joint pain autoimmun conditions. go gluten way manag symptom stay healthi celiac diseas gluten intolerant."} {"id": "13971", "contents": "processor. processor, microprocessor, small chip resid comput electron devices. basic job receiv input provid appropri output. may seem like simpl task, modern processor handl trillion calcul per second. central processor comput also known cpu, central process unit.. processor handl basic system instructions, process mous keyboard input run applications."} {"id": "13972", "contents": "exist altern of. merg question into. split merg it. answer vjain1008. confid vote 13. process instanc run program. if, example, three peopl run program simultaneously, three process there, one."} {"id": "13973", "contents": "process. 1. process refer set instruct current process comput processor. example, window see process run open process tab task manager. window process window servic background program normal see run computer."} {"id": "13974", "contents": "process. process program run computer. anyth small background task, spell-check system event handler full-blown applic like internet explor microsoft word. process compos one threads."} {"id": "13975", "contents": "process management-comput definition. execut monitor repeat busi process defin set formal procedures. see bpm knowledge-driven process management."} {"id": "13976", "contents": "part microprocessor glossary: processor logic circuitri respond process basic instruct drive computer. term processor gener replac term central process unit (cpu). processor person comput embed small devic often call microprocessor. quad-cor processor. quad-cor processor chip four independ unit call core read execut central process unit (cpu) instruct add, move data, branch."} {"id": "13977", "contents": "definition. microchip implant cpu' hard drive process instruct sent comput softwar programs. processor come number size manufactur corpor intel advanc micro devices."} {"id": "13978", "contents": "link cite add word list. noun. definit process action happen someth happen done. exampl process step taken someon clean kitchen. exampl process collect action item decid govern committees."} {"id": "13979", "contents": "here: home ach payment definition. ach payment definit move money electronically. essenti commun network use feder reserv bank system transfer money checking/sav accounts. autom clear hous name given system accomplish transfers. ach payment definit allow typic busi collect recur payment without wait custom mail physic check. custom author electron debit account transfer fund accomplish electron"} {"id": "13980", "contents": "definit 'payment'. transfer one form good, servic financi asset exchang anoth form good, servic financi asset proport previous agre upon parti involved. payment made form funds, asset services. next"} {"id": "13981", "contents": "use payment sentence. show usag examples... busi expect payment upfront servic ensur provid product servic free also ensur custom provid payment correct form. definit (2). 1.compensation, discharg perform obligation, reimbursement, give someth satisfactori valu recipient, money. 2.an amount paid payable."} {"id": "13982", "contents": "full definit payment. 1. act paying. 2. someth paid: pay. 3. requital. see payment defin english-languag learners. see payment defin kids. advertisement. prompt payment bill ensur pay addit fees. requir payment advanc good purchased. payment plan reduc debt. cash, credit cards, method payment. record show receiv payment $215.36 may."} {"id": "13983", "contents": "payment system system use settl financi transact transfer monetari value, includ institutions, instruments, people, rules, procedures, standards, technolog make exchang possible."} {"id": "13984", "contents": "payment. 1.compensation, discharg perform obligation, reimbursement, give someth satisfactori valu recipient, money. definit (2). 1.compensation, discharg perform obligation, reimbursement, give someth satisfactori valu recipient, money. 2.an amount paid payable."} {"id": "13985", "contents": "definit payment kids. 1. act give money someth bought servic used. 2. prompt payment bill ensur pay addit fees. requir payment advanc good purchased. payment plan reduc debt. cash, credit cards, method payment. record show receiv payment $215.36 may."} {"id": "13986", "contents": "payment due first everi month. prompt payment bill ensur pay addit fees. requir payment advanc good purchased. payment plan reduc debt. prompt payment bill ensur pay addit fees. requir payment advanc good purchased. payment plan reduc debt. cash, credit cards, method payment. record show receiv payment $215.36 may."} {"id": "13987", "contents": "definit 'balanc payment (bop)'. statement summar economy\u2019 transact rest world specifi time period. balanc payments, also known balanc intern payments, encompass transact country\u2019 resid nonresid involv goods, servic income; financi claim liabil rest world; transfer gifts."} {"id": "13988", "contents": "corneal topographer. corneal topographi also refer photokeratoscopi videokeratoscopy, techniqu use map curv surfac cornea. help measur qualiti vision well assist lasik surgeri fit contact lenses. procedur non-invas painless patient."} {"id": "13989", "contents": "develop keratoscopy, corneal topographi extend measur rang four point millimet apart offer keratometri grid thousand point cover entir cornea. procedur carri second complet painless. sinc cornea normal respons 70% eye' refract power, topographi critic import determin qualiti vision corneal health."} {"id": "13990", "contents": "corneal topography. corneal topography, also known photokeratoscopi videokeratography, non-invas medic imag techniqu map surfac curvatur cornea, outer structur eye."} {"id": "13991", "contents": "keratoconu cornea topographi particularli import featur must map analyz part process diagnosis. current topographi system scan surfac eye standard point develop map use look corneal problem keratoconus."} {"id": "13992", "contents": "corneal topography: also known videokeratographi corneal mapping, corneal topographi method computer-assist examin cornea, clear front portion eye transmit focus light eye. test result gener topograph map cornea. corneal topographi use identifi curvatur cornea identifi distort (such keratoconus) scar cornea. also use aid fit contact lens evalu patient undergo lasik surgeri"} {"id": "13993", "contents": "corneal topography. corneal topographi process map surfac curvatur cornea, similar make contour map land. purpos corneal topographi produc detail descript shape power cornea. use computer imag technology, 3-dimension map produc corneal topograph aid ophthalmologist diagnosis, monitoring, treatment variou visual conditions."} {"id": "13994", "contents": "also known videokeratography, corneal topographi process map surfac curvatur cornea, similar make contour map land. cornea clear membran cover front eye (see anatomi eye) respons 70 percent eye' focus power. corneal topographi use diagnosi manag variou corneal curvatur abnorm diseas as: keratoconus, degen condit caus thin cornea. corneal transplants. corneal scar opacities. corneal deformities. fit contact lenses."} {"id": "13995", "contents": "corneal topography, also known photokeratoscopi videokeratography, non-invas medic imag techniqu map surfac curvatur cornea, outer structur eye. sinc cornea normal respons 70% eye' refract power, topographi critic import determin qualiti vision corneal health."} {"id": "13996", "contents": "global contact len specialist procedur known corneal topographi though may refer photokeratoscopi videokeratography. process around centuri use provid qualit quantit evalu outer surfac cornea."} {"id": "13997", "contents": "china first mechan clock. china first mechan clock mechan clock invent use today. accord histor research, world' first clock invent yi xing, buddhist monk, made first model mechan clock 725 ad"} {"id": "13998", "contents": "first mechan clock made 723 a.d. monk mathematician i-hsing. answer community. make world better, one answer time. first mechan clock made 723 a.d. monk mathematician i-hsing. astronom clock call water driven spheric birds-eye-view map heavens."} {"id": "13999", "contents": "mechan clock invent middl ages. made first one known around end 13th century. 1309 clock record church italy. oldest work clock world salisburi cathedral."} {"id": "14000", "contents": "confid vote 8. world' first mechan clock invent tell time. invent regul sex life emperor china. ancient china tang dynasty, 8th centuri ad, emperor' heir necessarili firstborn son. first mechan alarm clock invent levi hutchins, new hampshire, unit states, 1787. devic made however, rang am, order wake job. answered."} {"id": "14001", "contents": "first mechan clocks, employ verg escap mechan foliot balanc wheel timekeeper, invent europ around start 14th century, becam standard timekeep devic pendulum clock invent 1656."} {"id": "14002", "contents": "alarm clocks. first mechan alarm clock invent levi hutchin concord, new hampshire, 1787. however, ring bell alarm clock could ring am. octob 24, 1876 mechan wind-up alarm clock could set time patent (#183,725) seth thomas."} {"id": "14003", "contents": "clock first mechan clock invent earli 1300's. invent time began measur hour (24 hour equal day). galileo, italian scientist, discov pendulum 1581."} {"id": "14004", "contents": "world' first mechan clock invent tell time. invent regul sex life emperor china. ancient china tang dynast y, 8th centuri ad, emperor' heir necessarili firstborn son. answer community. make world better, one answer time. first mechan clock made 723 a.d. monk mathematician i-hsing. astronom clock call water driven spheric birds-eye-view map heavens."} {"id": "14005", "contents": "bayberry, also known wax myrtle, waxberry, candelberry, shrub tree. member bayberri famili classifi botan myricaceae, mani varieti found world, includ japan, south america, west indies, unit kingdom, unit states. american bayberri (myrica cerifera) shrub grow ft (1 2.4 m) high. found eastern north america, marsh bog near sandi atlant coastal areas, well similar area along shore great lakes. american bayberri varieti often mention herbalist"} {"id": "14006", "contents": "description. scientif name bayberri tree bayberri root bark gather myrica cerifera common name american bayberry, bayberri wax tree, candleberry, wax myrtle, katphala, myrtle, wax berry. bayberri tree crude, firm, slender grow three eight feet tall."} {"id": "14007", "contents": "definit bayberry. 1. sever wax myrtles; especially: hardi shrub (myrica pensylvanica) coastal eastern north america bear dens cluster small berri cover grayish-whit wax. 2. fruit bayberry. see bayberri defin kids. a: sever wax myrtles; especially: hardi shrub (myrica pensylvanica) coastal eastern north america bear dens cluster small globular nut cover grayish white wax"} {"id": "14008", "contents": "myrica /m\u026a\u02c8ra\u026ak\u0259/ genu 35\u201350 speci small tree shrub famili myricaceae, order fagales. genu wide distribution, includ africa, asia, europe, north america south america, miss australia."} {"id": "14009", "contents": "myricitrin act antibiotic, tannin enclos bayberri work astringents. generally, bayberri use either form decoct tincture. cases, peopl also use infus past prepar herb' root bark remedi purposes. bark bayberri trigger exasper action stomach, taken larg doses, work emetic. herbal medic also use augment discharg nasal mucu peopl suffer head colds."} {"id": "14010", "contents": "plant taxonomi bayberri shrubs: northern bayberri shrub, deal articl (hereafter, simpli bayberri shrub), common name bush plant taxonomi call myrica pensylvanica. southern cousin sometim refer southern bayberri shrub; other call wax-myrtle, deceiving, sinc myrica pensylvanica also refer way (both waxmyrtl family). purpos clarity, stick scientif name. plant type:"} {"id": "14011", "contents": "bayberri shrub grow texa eastern us. root bark berri use make medicine. despit safeti concerns, peopl take bayberri head colds, pain swollen intestin (colitis), diarrhea, nausea. larg amounts, bayberri use caus vomiting. peopl also use stimul circulatori system. bayberri sometim use gargl sore throat, douch vagin discharge, ointment skin ulcer wounds. manufacturing, wax extract taken berri use fragranc candl"} {"id": "14012", "contents": "2. bayberry-decidu aromat shrub eastern north america grey-green wax-coat berries. candleberry, myrica pensylvanica, swamp candleberry, waxberry. wax myrtle-ani shrub small tree genu myrica aromat foliag small wax-coat berries."} {"id": "14013", "contents": "research discov presenc three triterpenes-myricadiol, taraxeron taraxerol, bayberri root bark. addition, flavonoid glycosid call myricitrin also found present root bark herb. among compounds, myricadiol said possess miner corticoid actions. bark bayberri trigger exasper action stomach, taken larg doses, work emetic. herbal medic also use augment discharg nasal mucu peopl suffer head colds."} {"id": "14014", "contents": "photosynthesis. process use plant autotroph captur light energi use power chemic reaction convert carbon dioxid water oxygen energy-rich carbohydr sugar starches."} {"id": "14015", "contents": "wikiversity. live organ use two major type energi storage. energy-rich molecul glycogen triglycerid store energi form coval chemic bonds. cell synthes molecul store later releas energy."} {"id": "14016", "contents": "wonder photosynthesis. autotroph (auto self troph feeding) organ captur energi store chemic bond organ molecul manufactur inorgan molecules. also known produc primari producers. process live organ use releas energi store sugar call cellular respiration, chemic equat exactli opposit photosynthesis: burn releas store energi well wast product of. no."} {"id": "14017", "contents": "1) energi captur sunlight light absorb molecules. energi transfer electron enter electron transport chain 2) water molecul broken h+ ions, electrons, oxygen molecules. 3) energ electron functions. main function captur transfer energi 1) co2 ad cycl chemic reaction build larger molecules.energi light depend reaction use reaction 2) molecul simpl sugar formed."} {"id": "14018", "contents": "dri wood store chemic energy. burn fireplace, chemic energi releas convert thermal energi (heat) light energy. notic wood turn ash (a new substance). food also good exampl store chemic energy. energi releas digestion. molecul food broken smaller pieces. bond atom loosen break, chemic reaction occur, new compound created."} {"id": "14019", "contents": "chemic energi chemic substanc transform form energi chemic reaction. example, fuel burn chemic energi convert heat, case digest food metabol biolog organism. energi releas (or absorbed) reaction set chemic substanc equal differ energi content product reactants."} {"id": "14020", "contents": "cell captur light energy. sourc energi almost organ ultim come sunlight. plant chang energi sunlight form energi cell use\u2014th chemic energi glucose. anim benefit abil plant convert sunlight food energy. anim either eat plants, eat anim eaten plants."} {"id": "14021", "contents": "photosynthesi process green plant certain organ transform light energi chemic energy. photosynthesi green plant har energi sunlight convert carbon dioxide, water, miner organ compound gaseou oxygen."} {"id": "14022", "contents": "chemic energy. chemic energi energi store bond chemic compound (atom molecules). releas chemic reaction, often produc heat product (exotherm reaction) food also good exampl store chemic energy. energi releas digestion. molecul food broken smaller pieces. bond atom loosen break, chemic reaction occur, new compound created."} {"id": "14023", "contents": "recommend lessons: chemic energy. chemic energi energi store bond chemic compound (atom molecules). releas chemic reaction, often produc heat product (exotherm reaction) batteries, biomass, petroleum, natur gas, coal exampl store chemic energy. food also good exampl store chemic energy. energi releas digestion. molecul food broken smaller pieces. bond atom loosen break, chemic reaction occur, new compound created."} {"id": "14024", "contents": "plant seed potatoes. plant seed potato soon ground work spring, make sure choos sunni location. tuber need room grow, plant inch deep 12 inch apart within rows, leav feet space rows. planting, make sure soil moist. want late season crop, plant seed potato mid-jun potato winter. potato fairli easi grow offer garden choic 500 varieties. tuber also produc good yield, plant pound seed potato produc 50 pound potato eat."} {"id": "14025", "contents": "potato spacing. seed potato requir loose, moist soil, never plant water puddles. plant individu seed potato 1/2 feet apart rows. mani garden build mound row plant ensur good drainag around potato"} {"id": "14026", "contents": "dad plant potato 18 inch apart row feet apart plant closer get small potatoes. also start hill plant soon got two three inch high. hill import plant produc potato eye. put seed potato week due get last frost year. tuber buri inch deep, 12 16 inch apart plant rows. though plant pretti close together, root underneath spread sever feet."} {"id": "14027", "contents": "potato set plant whole cut section contain least one two buds, thu increas potenti yield singl set. whether use whole set pieces, plant done leav least feet space rows. unlik root crop beet turnips, root part potato eaten. plant them, import keep mind root need plenti space develop grow, mean leav enough distanc newli plant row sets."} {"id": "14028", "contents": "space potato set row least feet apart assur plenti space weeding, mulching, cultiv subsequ applic compost, manur fertilizers. unlik root crop beet turnips, root part potato eaten. plant them, import keep mind root need plenti space develop grow, mean leav enough distanc newli plant row sets."} {"id": "14029", "contents": "field growing: convent way potato grown. generally, seed potato plant 12 inch apart row space feet apart. seed pieces' plant inch deep, cover addit soil sprout develop. straw: centuries, scandinavian grown potato stack straw mulch material. spacing-potato grown mani differ ways. lot room cut piec space foot apart row space two three feet apart. cover inch soil."} {"id": "14030", "contents": "tomatoes, peppers, beans, squash melon requir 12 36 inch plants. potatoes, turnip onion need 18 inch plants. space row least 24 inch apart. melon pumpkin least 48 60 inch rows. keywords: veget plant spacing, grow healthi vegetables, type veget"} {"id": "14031", "contents": "plant two seed potatoes, whole halved, inch deep. potato develop inch foliag growth, second tire put top first, fill soil, alway leav least inch leaf growth soil level. continu fill plant grow. spacing-potato grown mani differ ways. lot room cut piec space foot apart row space two three feet apart. cover inch soil."} {"id": "14032", "contents": "row spacing. potato success crop, mani garden plant row row seed potatoes. row space feet, give vine plant plenti room grow expand. seed potato requir loose, moist soil, never plant water puddles. plant individu seed potato 1/2 feet apart rows. mani garden build mound row plant ensur good drainag around potato"} {"id": "14033", "contents": "go pan fri stir-fri tofu, simpli coat cornstarch marin it. medium/light coat best put marin tofu big plastic zipper bag, add cup cornstarch, close shake well. like dump coland sink shake excess. tofu love marinated. marin it, tast like nothing. tofu hate marinad contain oil. tofu lot water it, even press it, oil water mix. use oil marinad actual creat oil slick tofu flavor never sink in. skip oil marinad replac extra vinegar, soy sauce, citru juic stock"} {"id": "14034", "contents": "use: silken. it\u2019 simple: blueberri (or fruit choice), tofu, pomegran juice, agave. result protein-and antioxidant-packed, beauti bright-blu smoothi that\u2019 great breakfast, post-workout snack, time you\u2019r mood someth light delicious. use: extra firm. here\u2019 basic bake tofu recip pair well virtual marinad act substitut meat bake meat dishes. simpli grab soy sauc (or favorit marinade) block extra firm tofu, drain it, cube it, marin it, bake right oven. 17."} {"id": "14035", "contents": "nutrit highlights. tofu good sourc protein contain eight essenti amino acids. also excel sourc iron calcium miner manganese, selenium phosphorous. addition, tofu good sourc magnesium, copper, zinc vitamin b1. tofu excel food nutrit health perspective. thought provid sort protect cancer heart diseas soya bean"} {"id": "14036", "contents": "tofu low calori count rel larg amount protein. high iron, depend coagul use manufactur (e.g. calcium chloride, calcium sulfate, magnesium sulfate), higher calcium magnesium content. tofu littl flavor smell own. consequently, tofu prepar either savori sweet dishes, act bland background present flavor ingredi used. method flavor often marin soy sauce, chilis, sesam oil, etc."} {"id": "14037", "contents": "tofu, also known bean curd, food made coagul soy milk press result curd soft white blocks. compon east asian southeast asian cuisines. mani differ varieti tofu, includ fresh tofu tofu process way. tofu littl flavor smell own. consequently, tofu prepar either savori sweet dishes, act bland background present flavor ingredi used. method flavor often marin soy sauce, chilis, sesam oil, etc."} {"id": "14038", "contents": "good news find ferment soy milk tofu look (and groceri store often start carri ask). tempeh chewy, nutty, meati type soy product load isoflavones, recommend this. think it\u2019 lot tastier tofu, too."} {"id": "14039", "contents": "tofu lot recommend it. it\u2019 good sourc lean plant-bas protein. half-cup tofu deliv 10 gram protein 88 calori (that\u2019 half much protein, 45 fewer calori amount roasted, skinless chicken). tofu good vegetarian protein sourc one part health diet. mix protein eggs, lean meat poultry, fish, beans, dairy, etc. you\u2019r get overload one thing."} {"id": "14040", "contents": "introduct tofu. tofu, bean curd, popular food deriv soya. made curdl fresh soya milk, press solid block cool much way tradit dairi chees made curdl solidifi milk. also excel sourc iron calcium miner manganese, selenium phosphorous. addition, tofu good sourc magnesium, copper, zinc vitamin b1. tofu excel food nutrit health perspective."} {"id": "14041", "contents": "term tofu extens use similarli textur curdl dish use soy product all, almond tofu (almond jelly), tamago-d\u014dfu (ja) (egg), goma-d\u014dfu (ja) (sesame), peanut tofu (chines \u843d\u82b1\u751f\u8c46\u8150 luohu\u0101sh\u0113ng lu\u00f2hu\u0101sh\u0113ng doufu d\u00f2ufu and-okinawan (j\u012bm\u0101mi)). d\u014dfu ja tofu littl flavor smell own. consequently, tofu prepar either savori sweet dishes, act bland background present flavor ingredi used. method flavor often marin soy sauce, chilis, sesam oil, etc."} {"id": "14042", "contents": "taurin overview information. taurin amino sulfon acid, often refer amino acid, chemic requir build block protein. taurin found larg amount brain, retina, heart, blood cell call platelets. best food sourc meat fish."} {"id": "14043", "contents": "taurin second common amino acid muscles, next glutamine. taurin good plenti literatur support posit effect cardiovascular diseas antioxid function."} {"id": "14044", "contents": "dietari sourc taurine. taurin nonessenti amino acid, mean manufactur amino acid liver. taurin found mostli meat fish. good sourc taurin includ brewer' yeast, egg dairi products, fish red meat."} {"id": "14045", "contents": "taurine, organ acid found mani energi drinks, believ safe given current scientif data available. fact, compound sometim use medic treatment supervis physician diseas vari congest heart failur epilepsy."} {"id": "14046", "contents": "taurin list ingredi mani energi drinks. taurin amino acid support neurolog develop help regul level water miner blood. taurin also thought antioxid properties."} {"id": "14047", "contents": "taurin free form amino acid contain food manufactur bodi amino acid cysteine. first discov bile bulls, produc synthet truckload. sinc taurin creat natur human body, good diet suppli need."} {"id": "14048", "contents": "koumbi saleh. centuries, sahel boast africa' influenti civilizations. anarrow band semi-arid land south sahara, sahel attract arab look gold sudan european look slave west africa."} {"id": "14049", "contents": "timbuktu. djenne. djenn\u00e9 koumbi. saleh for, centuri sahel boast of'africa influential. civil anarrow band of-semi arid land south the, sahara sahel attract arab look gold sudan european look slave west. africa"} {"id": "14050", "contents": "sahel news, often million peopl risk go hungry. humanitarian crisi usual unfold back food crisis. 2012, live 18 million peopl put risk follow major food crisi region."} {"id": "14051", "contents": "region: sahel region eco-clim zone locat southern edg sahara desert. region span across nigeria, sudan, senegal, mauritania, mali, burkina faso, niger, chad (ethiopia somalia sometim includ sahel region)."} {"id": "14052", "contents": "sahel stretch atlant ocean west, eastward northern senegal, southern mauritania, great bend niger river mali, burkina faso, southern niger, northeastern nigeria, south-centr chad, nation sudan red sea coast."} {"id": "14053", "contents": "sahel region africa run 3862 kilomet (2,400 mi) atlant ocean west red sea east, belt vari sever hundr thousand kilomet (620 miles) width, cover area 3,053,200 squar kilomet (1,178,847 sq mi)."} {"id": "14054", "contents": "sahel (/s\u0259\u02c8h\u025bl/) ecoclimat biogeograph zone transit africa sahara desert north sudanian savanna south. semi-arid climate, stretch across south-centr latitud northern africa atlant ocean red sea."} {"id": "14055", "contents": "sahel span 5,400 km (3,360 mi) atlant ocean west red sea east, belt vari sever hundr thousand kilomet (620 miles) width, cover area 3,053,200 squar kilomet (1,178,850 sq mi)."} {"id": "14056", "contents": "practic licens sale agent must arrang texa real estat broker hold activ licens sponsor sale agent. applic inact sale agent author act real estat licens holder. follow educ requir sale agent license: principl real estat [60 classroom hours]. law agenc (30 classroom hours). law contract (30 classroom hours). promulg contract form (30 classroom hours). real estat financ"} {"id": "14057", "contents": "appli broker' license, must submit origin proof 75-hour salesperson cours 45-hour broker course, copi expir broker' license. real estat license mani years. renew license, cannot conduct real estat activ requir new york state real estat licens accord articl 12-a real properti law. grace period allow continu work licensed."} {"id": "14058", "contents": "obtain real estat salesperson license, must first qualifi pass written examination. pass examin provid licens applic must submit approv calbre."} {"id": "14059", "contents": "requir appli real estat broker license. obtain real estat broker license, must first qualifi pass written examination. pass examin provid licens applic must submit approv calbre. applic real estat broker licens examin must success complet follow eight statutorili requir college-level courses: real estat practice; and. legal aspect real estate; and. real estat finance; and. real estat appraisal;"} {"id": "14060", "contents": "2. consid get colleg degree. real estat agent, need degre four-year university, keyword need. however, import know degre becom common, good one cover bases. quit make real estat agent. need work broker that. right hold inact real estat license. soon get employ (or sponsor texa would call it), file get licens move activ status."} {"id": "14061", "contents": "2. choos brokerag real estat brokerag agenc offic real estat agent broker work. sinc work broker requir order practic real estat agent, need contact broker graduat train course. 5. make realtor/r estat agent decis order util titl realtor, must join nation associ realtor (nar)."} {"id": "14062", "contents": "though internet made easier sell home without agent, 93 percent home sale still done type real estat agent ref ]. agent work independ compani act broker. broker sign agreement seller."} {"id": "14063", "contents": "not, includ california real estat broker licens requir below. inform directli depart real estat (dre) includ everyth need start real estat broker career-al one conveni place."} {"id": "14064", "contents": "real estat broker shall never offer properti sale leas without author owner. therefore, prior list market client\u2019 real property, incumb upon real estat broker client mutual agre reason rate compensation. renew license, cannot conduct real estat activ requir new york state real estat licens accord articl 12-a real properti law. grace period allow continu work licensed."} {"id": "14065", "contents": "wild rabbit habitat rang prairi meadows, thicket farmland woods, forest taiga, grassland moorlands."} {"id": "14066", "contents": "rabbit' rang depend speci typic wild rabbit found everi contin world. far wild rabbit go, place found antarctica. also nativ australia. habitat. wild rabbit habitat rang prairi meadows, thicket farmland woods, forest taiga, grassland moorlands. rabbit durabl adapt weather condit too."} {"id": "14067", "contents": "habitat wild rabbit larg depend speci type adapt to. habitat domest rabbit (our pets) chang dramat prefer wild rabbit ancestors."} {"id": "14068", "contents": "fall popul good habitat rang 1-2 rabbit per acre. home rang swamp rabbit vari 4-17 acres. densiti rang rabbit per 1/2-18 acres. home rang marsh rabbit report less one acr densiti may exceed two"} {"id": "14069", "contents": "size. mani peopl think rabbit size cat, rabbit species, jackrabbit, grow big small child. small rabbit speci littl inches(20 centimeters) length weigh less pound. larger rabbit grow 20 inch (50 cm) pounds(1.8 kilograms). world' largest rabbit clock feet inch (129.54 cm) 49 pound (22 kg)."} {"id": "14070", "contents": "13 speci cottontail rabbit (genu sylvilagus), nine found variou section north america north mexico. nine similar gener appear behavior, differ size, range, habitat."} {"id": "14071", "contents": "rabbit mean differ thing differ people. hunters, cottontail rabbit abundant, sporting, tasti game animal. however, veget flower gardeners, farmers, homeown suffer damag may littl say favor cottontails."} {"id": "14072", "contents": "sandwiches. burger king\u2019 signatur menu item, whopper, serv 1/4 pound beef patti top tomatoes, lettuce, mayonnaise, ketchup, pickl onion sesam seed bun. whopper run 670 calori 40 gram fat. you\u2019r look lighter select tri whopper junior. sides. burger king offer variou side item addit fast food classic french fries. value-s order fri run 220 calori 11 gram fat larg order run 540 calori 27 gram fat, also choos onion rings, side salad, chicken tender chicken fries."} {"id": "14073", "contents": "flame broil burger nutrit facts. match item found. a.1. bacon cheeseburger. bacon cheeseburg deluxe. big king. cheeseburger. doubl bacon cheeseburger. doubl cheeseburger. doubl hamburger. 10 extra long bbq cheeseburger. 11 hamburger. 12 king jr. 13 rodeo burger. warning: medic nutrit advice, reli site. pleas consult dietician medic doctor instead. copyright trademark inform properti respect owners."} {"id": "14074", "contents": "click see complet list burger king nutrit facts. bottom line: burger king doesn\u2019t mani healthi choic choos from. one last fast food chain embrac healthi chang elimin tran fat offer healthi menu options. bk breakfast muffin sandwich: egg cheese: 220 calories, fat, satur fat, 650 mg sodium. *burger king post nutrit fact list ingredients, great commend transparency."} {"id": "14075", "contents": "nutrit valu complet standard product served. data display follow food drug act regul regard round nutrit data. nutrit ingredi inform appli burger king restaur canada. kraft regist trademark kraft food holdings, inc. \u00a9mott\u2019 fruitsat trademark, use licens canada dri mott\u2019 inc. regist trademark lassond industri inc. nutrit inform current public (march 2014), inform subject change."} {"id": "14076", "contents": "discov nutrit content popular burger king menu item breakfast, lunch dinner. ever wonder mani calori burger king' food continu read answer more. sides. burger king offer variou side item addit fast food classic french fries. value-s order fri run 220 calori 11 gram fat larg order run 540 calori 27 gram fat, also choos onion rings, side salad, chicken tender chicken fries."} {"id": "14077", "contents": "-product fri share fryer includ may limit to:fish filet, pork sausage, crispi chicken patty, chicken nuggets, origin chicken patty, spici chicken patty, hash browns, french fries, french toast sticks, onion rings. fryer oil contains: corn, canola, soy or/cottonse oils. import information: tm 2012 burger king corporation. right reserved. 2012 coca-cola company. coca-cola, coca-cola classic, diet coke, sprite ice minut maid regist trademark"} {"id": "14078", "contents": "gluten-fre food includ burger patti without buns, grill chicken filets, bacon, vegetables, cheeses, ice cream. vegetarian may opt veggi burger salads, though veggi burger contain dairi egg avail may vari location. look burger king calori counter online? well, chart help find nutrit inform burger king food. usual meal found burger king menu combin food options, choic sandwiches, fri onion rings, soft drink"} {"id": "14079", "contents": "whopper. whopper one big hamburg order burger king menu. beef, buns, lettuce, cheese, sauc much much more!"} {"id": "14080", "contents": "burger king nutrit facts. 2008, burger king made pledg elimin tran fat food [1] analyz bk\u2019 list nutrit fact ingredients, shock see follow food still contain partial hydrogen oil (which anoth name tran fat): 1. tendergril chicken filet. 2. bread origin chicken patty. 3. bk fish filet. 4. biscuit. 5. chocol fudg topping. 6. bk breakfast muffin sandwich: egg cheese: 220 calories, fat, satur fat, 650 mg sodium. *burger king post nutrit fact list ingredients, great commend transparency."} {"id": "14081", "contents": "buy 10 $41.25 each. stock number: ss50b. hog ring design use ringer. ring 15 gaug open ring size 9/16 in. close ring size 3/16 in. load capad 50 ring per strip. box hold 50 strip total 2,500 rings. $45.40. learn \u00bb. qty. hrp automat feed hand plier effici tool appli hog rings, hang curtains, fasten cord rope (up 1/2 in.) attach fabric frames. insid diamet complet close stapl approxim 1/4 in."} {"id": "14082", "contents": "hog ring made sturdi metal, allow bent maintain ring integrity. ring come u-shap design. open end ring place around object fabric wish fasten together. ring bent circular shape, thu creat secur connection. hog ring call resembl ring place farm hogs' nose keep dig snouts. hog ring easi conveni method fastening, especi work upholsteri fabrics."} {"id": "14083", "contents": "hog ring pliers. convent plier use bend hog rings, also special hog-r plier available. hog ring plier featur tong center hold hog ring place, allow easi installation. hog ring call resembl ring place farm hogs' nose keep dig snouts. hog ring easi conveni method fastening, especi work upholsteri fabrics."} {"id": "14084", "contents": "yardgard galvan hog ring plier eas instal hog ring secur tension wire bottom chain-link fence. use hog ring plier free hand posit tension wire needed. tension wire secur hog ring increas rigid bottom fenc keep anyth push through. special design hold hog ring secur place. handl made steel. free hand posit tension wire chain-link fabric."} {"id": "14085", "contents": "stainless steel hog ring (type 304). stainless hog ring use mani industri wide varieti applications, wire cages, fencing, lobster crab traps, gardening, floral arrangements, netting, insul blanket, etc."} {"id": "14086", "contents": "shape hog ring make love garden repairing. style hog ring manufactur galvan wire, aluminum alloy wire stainless steel 304 wire provid corros resist weather rains. sturdi easi reinforc wire fence, wire cages, upholsteri gabion basket mattress. copper plate vinyl coat suppli request."} {"id": "14087", "contents": "chain link hog ring use varieti applications. use frequent secur bottom tension wire bottom chain link fenc fabric. also use secur type fenc sign fabric."} {"id": "14088", "contents": "hog rings. use hog ring plier tighten small metal ring (hog rings) around anyth need binding, gathering, connecting. great connect wires, back small knots. hog ring heavi wire loop use secur spring coil webbing. also small steel open end ring clench fix materi pad spring edg units."} {"id": "14089", "contents": "hog ring commonli use repair upholstery, less like tear free thin nail staples. hog ring use varieti fabric project well, shower curtain costum designs. hog ring design use meat packaging, sausag casings. hog ring call resembl ring place farm hogs' nose keep dig snouts. hog ring easi conveni method fastening, especi work upholsteri fabrics."} {"id": "14090", "contents": "hog ring basic shape shape sharp blunt points. bent circular triangl format hog ring plier order fasten two object together. thank easi operation, hog ring broadli use instal repair fencing, wire cages, razor wire, barb wire, car upholstery, trellis, gardening, rebar on."} {"id": "14091", "contents": "sixth scale figure. toni stark, belov hero billionair genius, face challeng iron man 3; terrorist badli injur dearest friend, blown house, kidnap girlfriend, almost destroy newest iron man suit. toni stark, mechanic, turn one figur can't put down. set down, look again. mani great detail one. great job! chesley bondcolorado 2015-03-11 hamilton,oh first figur i'm total happi it.."} {"id": "14092", "contents": "anthoni edward toni stark, simpli known toni stark, also known famou super-hero name iron man, charact appear iron man trilog film aveng movie. toni sever occup well life. main one super-hero known iron man. save world crime evil, toni famou well known occup normal self. toni famou industri work, industri busi man entrepreneur."} {"id": "14093", "contents": "paramout pictures. iron man 3, robert downey jr. repris role toni stark (aka iron man), gwyneth paltrow repris girlfriend, pepper potts. third time might charm things, number three movi titl typic shorthand deal devil. robert downey jr.' billionair industrialist toni stark spend much time computer-gener iron man suit, mean fewer cut-in downey' littl head insid it, react battl know matter much want believ actual human compon whatsoever."} {"id": "14094", "contents": "anthoni toni stark billionair industrialist inventor. former ceo stark industries, conglomer origin start father, howard stark. afghanistan, stark captur ten rings, order build jericho missil them. because, obadiah stane stole arc reactor, need use old one, teach toni valu keep older technology. toni stark' rington origin iron man theme song 1966 tv series. tony' screen time aveng 37:01."} {"id": "14095", "contents": "toni stark appear game. iron man offici game, toni appear main character, use armor player play. toni play role narrat stori game progresses, player advanc harder part game. toni sever occup well life. main one super-hero known iron man. save world crime evil, toni famou well known occup normal self. toni famou industri work, industri busi man entrepreneur."} {"id": "14096", "contents": "iron man attempt answer\u2014and find precis separ toni stark superhero ilk. spoiler iron man follow. spoiler-fre review found here. mon may 6, 2013 9:00am 22 comments. end avengers, watch toni stark prove captain america wrong\u2014aft get torn unwil make sacrific others, iron man sped black hole save earth certain destruction."} {"id": "14097", "contents": "sixth scale figure. toni stark, belov hero billionair genius, face challeng iron man 3; terrorist badli injur dearest friend, blown house, kidnap girlfriend, almost destroy newest iron man suit. despit downward spiral, toni resolv take mandarin wavered. sideshow collect proud present hot toys' toni stark (the mechanic) sixth scale collect figure, deck toni homemad weapon gadget use infiltr mandarin' mansion."} {"id": "14098", "contents": "averag salari teacher california determin mani differ factors. therefore, best view state averag entry-level, mid-point, salari offerings. entry-level teacher\u2019 salari start averag $39,972, midpoint $59,193."} {"id": "14099", "contents": "teach salari california. april 04, 2012 sarah fudin. state public school system, teacher salari california determin individu school districts. accord sacramento bee, averag teacher salari 2011 $67,871. district highest averag teacher salari california locat near santa barbara, san francisco lo angeles."} {"id": "14100", "contents": "$73,000. averag teacher salari job post san francisco bay area, ca 33% higher averag teacher salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "14101", "contents": "$57,000. averag elementari teacher salari job post california 7% higher averag elementari teacher salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "14102", "contents": "salari rais last year: 1.0 %. salari rais 10 years: 25.0 %. california 4th top state averag salari teacher fooled. fact, california singl import place stress get higher degre reason."} {"id": "14103", "contents": "accord edsource, start teacher earn $45,637 lo angel $38,347 san diego. california teach job also includ number non-salari benefit also consid seek employ teacher."} {"id": "14104", "contents": "chantilli cdp popul 23,039 2010 census. chantilli name early-19th-centuri mansion farm, turn took name 18th-centuri plantat locat westmoreland county, virginia. name chantilli origin franc chateau ch\u00e2teau de, chantilli north of. pari stuart husband charl calvert stuart, marri 1816, construct chantilli plantat name westmoreland county, va plantat own grandfather, richard henri lee\u2014a signer declar independence."} {"id": "14105", "contents": "centrevil census-design place (cdp) fairfax county, virginia, unit state suburb washington, d.c. boundari recogn u.s. censu bureau encompass popul 71,135 2010 censu centrevil approxim 20 mile (32 km) west washington, dc."} {"id": "14106", "contents": "chantilli unincorpor commun census-design place (cdp) western fairfax counti northern virginia. portion chantilli locat within south riding, virginia cdp locat immedi west, within loudoun county, virginia. stuart husband charl calvert stuart, marri 1816, construct chantilli plantat name westmoreland county, va plantat own grandfather, richard henri lee\u2014a signer declar independence."} {"id": "14107", "contents": "chantilly. chantilli locat western fairfax counti northern virginia region virginia. civil war, battl chantilli took place nearby. approxim 24 mile washington d.c. home dull intern airport. region: northern virginia. local fairfax. locat chantilly, sulli histor site, home richard bland lee, northern virginia\u2019 first repres congress robert e. lee\u2019 uncle, give visitor peek life like eighteenth century. see all."} {"id": "14108", "contents": "chantilli censu design place popul 23,697 juli 1, 2015. chantilli rank upper quartil popul densiti divers index compar cities, town censu design place (cdps) virginia. see peer rank below. primari coordin point chantilli locat latitud 38.8906 longitud -77.4409 fairfax county. formal boundari chantilli censu design place (see map below) encompass land area 12 sq. mile water area 0.13 sq. miles. fairfax counti eastern time zone (gmt -5). elev 325 feet. chantilli censu design place (gni id: 2389302) u1 censu class code indic censu design place offici feder recogn name"} {"id": "14109", "contents": "commun except marburi deserv locat extraordinari chantilly, va. part northern virginia\u2019 acclaim loudoun county, chantilli regard one washington, dc, metropolitan area\u2019 finest communities. additionally, loudoun counti home numer busi opportun fortun 500 compani defense, aeronaut technolog fields. it\u2019 set within northern virginia\u2019 beauti landscap you\u2019ll find dozen golf cours countri club along numer parks."} {"id": "14110", "contents": "food substanc consum provid nutrit support body. usual plant anim origin, contain essenti nutrients, fats, proteins, vitamins, minerals. seed plant good sourc food animals, includ humans, contain nutrient necessari plant' initi growth, includ mani health fats, omega fats. fact, major food consum human be seed-bas food"} {"id": "14111", "contents": "least plant cell contain photosynthet organel (plastids) enabl make food themselves. sunlight, water, carbon dioxide, plastid make sugars, basic molecul need plant. free oxygen (o 2) produc by-product photosynthesis. leaf thought food factory. leav plant vari shape size, alway plant organ best suit captur solar energy. food made leaf, transport part plant stem roots."} {"id": "14112", "contents": "vascular system extend root stem continu leaves. leav clearli seen pattern veins. water miner transport root upward xylem tubes. phloem transport synthes food leav rest plant body. transport water, nutrient substanc one part plant anoth call translocation."} {"id": "14113", "contents": "food anim plant sourc includ variou edibl fungi, especi mushrooms. fungi ambient bacteria use prepar ferment pickl food like leaven bread, alcohol drinks, cheese, pickles, kombucha, yogurt. anoth exampl blue-green alga spirulina. seed plant good sourc food animals, includ humans, contain nutrient necessari plant' initi growth, includ mani health fats, omega fats. fact, major food consum human be seed-bas food"} {"id": "14114", "contents": "cellulos nonliv substanc made plant grape sugar. complex carbohydr chemic formula (c6h10o5)n cell wall variabl size appearance. wall heavili thickened, call sclerenchyma cells. mixtur resins, gums, hydrocarbons, food substanc form special call vessel usual bark leaves. use plant clear may involv protection."} {"id": "14115", "contents": "plant use water make food. water also provid plant support. plant lack water becom limp stem cannot support leaves. plant specialis desert area call xerophyt phreatophytes, depend type root growth. leaf thought food factory. leav plant vari shape size, alway plant organ best suit captur solar energy. food made leaf, transport part plant stem roots."} {"id": "14116", "contents": "plant make food leaves. leav contain pigment call chlorophyll, color leav green. chlorophyl make food plant use carbon dioxide, water, nutrients, energi sunlight. process call photosynthesis. process photosynthesis, plant releas oxygen air. peopl anim need oxygen breath"} {"id": "14117", "contents": "plant need sunlight, carbon dioxide, miner water make food. green substanc plant call chlorophyl trap energi sun need make food. chlorophyl mostli found leaves, insid plastids, insid leaf cells. leaf thought food factory. leav plant vari shape size, alway plant organ best suit captur solar energy. food made leaf, transport part plant stem roots."} {"id": "14118", "contents": "salari veterinari technician (vet tech salary) vari base profession qualification. fact, veterinari technician earn $9 $18.25 per hour overtim receiv $14.50 $29.25 per hour. annual salari $19,028 39,704 bonu may rang $98.25 $2,000."} {"id": "14119", "contents": "salari certifi veterinari technician $10 $18.50 per hour overtim hourli rate increas $14.50 $26. annual salari $22,330 $40,681 bonu may rang $99 $2,000."} {"id": "14120", "contents": "social advocaci organ anim shelter pay vet tech averag hourli wage $15.88. highest averag hourli wages, $23.09 per hour, earn vet tech work feder government. vet tech employ state govern earn averag $21.53 per hour."} {"id": "14121", "contents": "median annual salari veterinari technician $28,900. however, 10 percent receiv highest salari $41,490 even that. 50 percent receiv $23,580 $34,960 per year 10 percent receiv less $19,770."} {"id": "14122", "contents": "may 2011, bl report vet tech alaska earn averag hourli wage $18.36, higher state. vet tech employ new york earn second-highest averag wage, $18.01 per hour, connecticut report averag hourli earn $17.62."} {"id": "14123", "contents": "nation wage statistics. accord bls, vet tech earn averag hourli wage $15.18 may 2011, repres annual salari $31,570. lowest 10 percent earner report hourli wage $10.04 less, 25 percent vet tech earn $12.02 less hour."} {"id": "14124", "contents": "averag annual salari vet tech $31,070, equival $14.94 per hour. lower 10% earn annual averag salari $21,390, upper 10% earn averag $45,710."} {"id": "14125", "contents": "takao: mountain villag takao one kyoto\u2019 famou foliag destin year good reason: mountainsid festoon maples. okochi-sanso villa: one kyoto\u2019 best garden it\u2019 particularli love autumn. leav start chang kyoto sometim october. peak fall foliag usual come mid-november, usual see color tree mid-december. thus, averag year, foliag season kyoto last 15 octob 15 december, peak around 15 novemb"} {"id": "14126", "contents": "hachimantai earli late octob japan' spectacular autumn color found hachimantai mountains. good spot includ summit mount hachimantai, goshogak onsen nearbi onuma pond, tamagawa onsen nyuto onsen."} {"id": "14127", "contents": "here\u2019 guid see autumn color kyoto it\u2019 best. cherri blossom peak almost excess lovely, even tawdri obviou appeal, fall foliag restrain beauti grow look it. leav start chang kyoto sometim october. peak fall foliag usual come mid-november, usual see color tree mid-december. thus, averag year, foliag season kyoto last 15 octob 15 december, peak around 15 novemb"} {"id": "14128", "contents": "open: 9:00-17:00; 500 yen; tel: 075-781-2954; http://www.kyoto-shisendo.com/ enko-ji templ enko-ji templ short walk north shisen-do temple. templ found 1601 ieyasu tokugawa fushimi, southern part kyoto, place studi promot confucianism. short hour visitor see terraced, open fields, old farm villas, quiet countri lane wonder view north west kyoto. highlight special area shisen-do temple, enko-ji temple, manshu-in temple."} {"id": "14129", "contents": "come autumn leav kyoto, eikan hall place be. it\u2019 famou beauti fall foliag also goe name \u201ceikan hall autumn leaves.\u201d buddhist templ head templ seizen sect pure land buddhism hold famou statu amida buddha. cost admitt 500 yen, find shrine 59 shimogamo izumigawa-cho, sakyo-ku, kyoto-shi, kyoto. daitoku temple. probabl tell pictur above, buddhist templ overflow trees, make stun display autumn."} {"id": "14130", "contents": "kyoto one popular destin fall foliages. mani beauti spot visit late fall. mid novemb earli december, citi tend crowd tourists. list popular places."} {"id": "14131", "contents": "eikando late novemb earli decemb illumin 2015: 11/6 12/3, 17:30 20:30, 600 yen abund autumn colors, templ ground eikando anoth kyoto' popular koyo spots. one sever templ offer special illumin open hour evenings. late novemb earli december. illumin 2015: 11/6 12/3, 17:30 20:30, 600 yen. abund autumn colors, templ ground eikando anoth kyoto' popular koyo spots. one sever templ offer special illumin open hour evenings."} {"id": "14132", "contents": "visit kyoto osaka last year november, near peak autumn season leav turn wonder palett red, yellows, brown greens, make fantast experience. four favorit place visit kyoto osaka, japan autumn season."} {"id": "14133", "contents": "yesterday, stool color bright green. stool come rang colors. shade brown even green consid normal. rare stool color indic potenti seriou intestin condition. stool color gener influenc eat well amount bile yellow-green fluid digest fat stool. bile pigment travel gastrointestin tract, chemic alter enzym chang pigment green brown."} {"id": "14134", "contents": "human fece (or faec british english; latin: faex) f\u00e6x (fece solid waste) product human digestive, system including. bacteria vari significantli (appearance.i. e, size, colour), textur accord state digestive, system diet general. health vari significantli appear (i.e. size, colour, texture), accord state digest system, diet gener health. normal stool semisolid, mucu coating. small piec harder, less moist fece sometim seen impact distal (leading) end. normal occurr prior bowel movement incomplete, fece return rectum intestine, water absorbed."} {"id": "14135", "contents": "usual result bad absorption. stool red bloodi may sign colon disease, intern hemorrhoids, intestin parasites. eat certain food red color, beets, may also add color stool urine. dark stool usual result diet high iron food dark greens, iron supplements, meat. yet stool may indic underli dysfunct colon. stool shape color may provid better guid health intestines. read learn stool shape, form, color may say health\u2026."} {"id": "14136", "contents": "chang stool color may due diarrhea; bleed intestine; diseas intestines, liver, pancreas; medications. diagnosi stool color chang depend process suspect caus change, example, gastrointestin (gi) endoscopi bleed supsected. cases, stool color chang symptom disease. chang stool color may due to: diarrhea may caus green yellow stools. food (beets, jell-o, licorice). otc prescript medications. diseas affect liver, pancreas, intestin"} {"id": "14137", "contents": "stool pale grey may caus insuffici bile output due condit cholecystitis, gallstones, giardia parasit infection, hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis, cirrhosis. bile salt liver give stool brownish color. decreas bile output, stool much lighter color. vari significantli appear (i.e. size, colour, texture), accord state digest system, diet gener health. normal stool semisolid, mucu coating. small piec harder, less moist fece sometim seen impact distal (leading) end. normal occurr prior bowel movement incomplete, fece return rectum intestine, water absorb"} {"id": "14138", "contents": "report abuse. brown. fece mostli shade brown yellow also made orange-yellow substanc call bilirubin present throughout bodi particularli intestine. iron combin bilirubin, give brown color."} {"id": "14139", "contents": "come frequency, color, shape, size, gener rule thumb normal bowel movement defin what\u2019 comfort you. knowledg digest process help identifi normal goe awry. color red flag it\u2019 drastic change, aserkoff says. \u201cif stool black, mean bleed internally, possibl result ulcer cancer ,\u201d says. stool black due bleed also sticki (tarry) smell bad."} {"id": "14140", "contents": "color \u201cbowel movement gener brown color bile, produc liver import digest process,\u201d aserkoff tell webmd. food eat typic take three day time eat finish journey toilet, aserkoff says. color red flag it\u2019 drastic change, aserkoff says. \u201cif stool black, mean bleed internally, possibl result ulcer cancer ,\u201d says. stool black due bleed also sticki (tarry) smell bad."} {"id": "14141", "contents": "san francisco bay area one wealthiest region unit states, due, primarily, econom power engin san francisco, oakland san jose. pleasanton second-highest household incom countri new canaan, ct. bay area' nine counti alameda, contra costa, marin, napa, san francisco, san mateo, santa clara, solano, sonoma."} {"id": "14142", "contents": "welcom region 20 nation labor relat board. conduct elect investig charg unfair labor practic employ labor unions, serv part california state hawaii offic san francisco honolulu."} {"id": "14143", "contents": "san francisco tradit focal point san francisco bay area form part five-counti san francisco\u2013oakland\u2013fremont, ca metropolitan statist area, region 4.5 million people. san francisco (spanish saint francis) found june 29, 1776, colonist spain establish presidio san francisco golden gate mission san francisco de asi as\u00ed name for. st franci assisi miles. away"} {"id": "14144", "contents": "come visit explor bay area. san francisco, citi bay offer beauti view san francisco bay, abundance... discover. special feature. shop hot spots. releas inner fashionista. shop art form california. start trip visit one icon span world. tower soar 746 feet/227 meter sky, span arc across mouth san francisco bay, paint fire-engin red, golden gate bridg make dramat destination, great way to..."} {"id": "14145", "contents": "san francisco (/saen s\u00e6n/), fr\u0259n\u02c8s\u026asko\u028a offici citi counti san, francisco the, cultural, commerci financi center northern california consolidated-c counti in. california san francisco (spanish saint francis) found june 29, 1776, colonist spain establish presidio san francisco golden gate mission san francisco de asi as\u00ed name for. st franci assisi miles. away"} {"id": "14146", "contents": "major corpor san francisco, san jose, oakland, surround citi help make region second nation concentr fortun 500 companies, new york. region' northern counti encompass california' famou wine country, home hundr vineyard wineries. bay area' nine counti alameda, contra costa, marin, napa, san francisco, san mateo, santa clara, solano, sonoma."} {"id": "14147", "contents": "san francisco fourth-most popul citi california, lo angeles, san diego san jose, 13th-most popul citi unit states\u2014with census-estim 2014 popul 852,469. san francisco (spanish saint francis) found june 29, 1776, colonist spain establish presidio san francisco golden gate mission san francisco de asi as\u00ed name for. st franci assisi miles. away"} {"id": "14148", "contents": "sf region commissioner. welcom san francisco region social secur administration. serv peopl arizona, california, nevada, hawaii, guam, american samoa commonwealth northern mariana islands. goal san francisco region provid best servic use divers strength, valu foundation, commit excel guide. highli divers workforc 6,500 employe spread six time zones. 43% us bilingu multilingu speak 70 languages. pay almost $100 billion annual 8.3 million peopl social secur supplement secur incom programs."} {"id": "14149", "contents": "san francisco bay area popul region surround san francisco san pablo estuari northern california. region encompass major citi metropolitan area san francisco, oakland, san jose, along smaller urban rural areas. bay area' nine counti alameda, contra costa, marin, napa, san francisco, san mateo, santa clara, solano, sonoma."} {"id": "14150", "contents": "autocross competit class championship series. tracksid staf profession amateur race northern california tracks. san francisco region sport car club america organ oper amateur road race autocross event northern california. volunteer-driven organ provid true grassroot particip members."} {"id": "14151", "contents": "periton cancer rare cancer. develop thin layer tissu line abdomen. also cover uterus, bladder, rectum. made epitheli cells, structur call peritoneum."} {"id": "14152", "contents": "primari periton cancer cancer peritoneum, sheet tissu cover organ abdomin cavity. primari periton cancer rare. detail information, visit women\u2019 cancer network."} {"id": "14153", "contents": "primari periton cancer (ppc) rare cancer peritoneum. similar common type ovarian cancer call epitheli cancer. line abdomen surfac ovari come tissu develop embryo womb."} {"id": "14154", "contents": "primari periton cancer. primari periton cancer (ppc) rare cancer start peritoneum. peritoneum membran line insid abdomen, cling cover organ abdomen exampl intestines, liver stomach."} {"id": "14155", "contents": "caus periton cancer. known caus case periton cancer. due chang gene: chang gene also put peopl risk breast cancer ovarian cancer. however, chang gene rare."} {"id": "14156", "contents": "periton cancer cancer begin peritoneum. periton cancer develop similar way epitheli cancer, common type ovarian cancer. line abdomen ovari similar type tissue."} {"id": "14157", "contents": "periton cancer rare type cancer develop peritoneum. peritoneum locat abdomen. fine sheath cover insid wall"} {"id": "14158", "contents": "periton cancer rare cancer develop peritoneum, thin, delic sheet line insid wall abdomen cover uteru extend bladder rectum. peritoneum made epitheli cells."} {"id": "14159", "contents": "etymologically, semest mean six months. (there also term trimest three months, usual use relat pregnancy.) semest univers necessarili six month long, suffici close durat therefor two semest year. term length time standard cours lasts. length term depend number term school offer courses. term may semest (at school two terms: fall spring), trimester, quarter. colleg term"} {"id": "14160", "contents": "term word use britain semest word common us educ institutions. durat semest month thu semest year. school trimesters, even quarters, term per year. term semest indic durat time period session educ institution."} {"id": "14161", "contents": "...the summer term. 2. 'semester'. british colleg university, year also divid three terms. american colleg university, divid two semesters, three trimesters, four quarters. first semest start three weeks. semester-on two divis academ year. academ year, school year-th period time year school open peopl studying. academ session, academ term, school term, session-th time school hold classes; shorten school term."} {"id": "14162", "contents": "compress format, fall spring schedul divid shorter term within semester. example, instead take four semester-long courses, student take two seven-week cours time. student still complet four cours semest juggl two term."} {"id": "14163", "contents": "semester. semest english world mean half year time period six months. academ term colleg may semest mean two term singl year, academ session divid two equal semesters. colleges, trimest pattern follow divid year three part month duration. durat semest month thu semest year. school trimesters, even quarters, term per year. term semest indic durat time period session educ institution."} {"id": "14164", "contents": "cambodia school year kindergarten sector public school consist 10 month two-month vacation, primary, secondari sectors, divid two semest semest divid quarters. first novemb start academ term. 1st semester, small vacat school halt end second semester, 2-month vacat start new year. universities, divid years."} {"id": "14165", "contents": "semest (from latin mean six-monthly) come mean either two academ terms, gener exclud summer januari terms, any, 12 20 week long. word semest sometim use synonym term, summer semester. first novemb start academ term. 1st semester, small vacat school halt end second semester, 2-month vacat start new year. universities, divid years."} {"id": "14166", "contents": "answers. best answer: term gener word mean period time. educ period semest quarter, amount time, depend educ program. us school semest system, two semest constitut one school year. colleg use quarter system three quarter school year. school one term quarter. semest last anywher 13 16 weeks. school regist advis"} {"id": "14167", "contents": "academ term (or simpli term) portion academ year, time educ institut hold classes. schedul adopt vari widely. trimest system divid academ year three term short eight week long 16 week each. first novemb start academ term. 1st semester, small vacat school halt end second semester, 2-month vacat start new year. universities, divid years."} {"id": "14168", "contents": "bryan cranston (born 07.03.1956). bryan cranston american actor known role tv show 'malcolm middle' 'break bad'. childhood: bryan cranston born canoga park, california. parent radio actress peggi sell actor produc joseph l. cranston."} {"id": "14169", "contents": "younger years. bryan lee cranston born canoga park, california, march 7, 1956. son aspir actor, cranston spent much earli childhood watch father, joe, live disappoint life fail achiev movie-star statu long for."} {"id": "14170", "contents": "congratul deepest respect. truli great, great actor. best regard toni hopkins. anthoni hopkin break bad fan week ago, marathon session bring episod one series' conclusion, he' becom simpli stun it."} {"id": "14171", "contents": "break bad: sir anthoni hopkin tell bryan cranston 'you best actor ever'. veteran actor said felt 'compelled' write cranston congratul cast crew qualiti series. tim walker."} {"id": "14172", "contents": "tmz' one big 'break bad' ass post! celebr moment everyon freak we'v compil awesom 'break bad' stuff tweak on!first ... meth cook winnebago walter and\u2026. 757 day ago."} {"id": "14173", "contents": "around web. bryan cranston: break bad actor past future-cb ... break bad' bryan cranston reveal aaron paul ... 'break bad' q&a: bryan cranston walter white' morality. celeb marri 'regular people' divorc fellow celebr ... real life, bryan cranston, emmi award-win actor play walter, told roll stone couple' therapi someth wife robin dearden attend regularly. see [therapist] l.a. time time, i'm feel edgi anxiety-ridden, told magazin recently."} {"id": "14174", "contents": "view. comments. semin role televis histori transform bryan cranston' career-so understand 57-year-old would want someth help rememb time emmy-award win seri break bad. tattoo: show' logo bryan ink right finger. actor, play chemistri teacher gone bad walter white hit show, decid upon smallish design break bad logo right finger."} {"id": "14175", "contents": "2014 bryan cranston help ask girl prom (video short). walter white (uncredited). 2014 famili guy (tv series). himself. herpe, love sore (2014) ... himself. 2013-2014 charli rose (tv series). himself-guest. episod date april 2014 (2014) ..."} {"id": "14176", "contents": "averag cost pet vaccinations. cost vaccin puppi pet first year rang $20 $200. cost immun adult dog rang $60 $100 annually. canin vaccin cost differ due dog' age vari vet charges. sinc puppi high risk exposur disease, puppi vaccin recommend earli week age. along cost immunizations, pet owner requir pay addit cost toward laboratori tests, physic examin routin parasit treatment control. cost veterinari care puppi rang $100 $200. veterinari care older dog cost nearli $150 $25"} {"id": "14177", "contents": "averag cost dog shots. first year, cost vaccin puppi rang $20-$200 cost immun adult dog averag $60 $100. gap $60 $100 explain age dog vet charg variations."} {"id": "14178", "contents": "checkup like includ vaccinations. average, plan set asid least $100 $200 dog\u2019 first year vaccinations. afterwards, cost $20 $100 addit year. common, regular booster rang $50 $100. vaccin boratella, rabies, dhpp rang $50 $125. common vaccin given dogs. breed may receiv parvo vaccination. rang vaccin vari $50 $150."} {"id": "14179", "contents": "unvaccin adult dog receiv two round vaccin three week apart. that, dog usual receiv booster annually. basic shot -- distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza sometim leptospirosi coronaviru -- usual administ togeth combin vaccine. cost vari base vaccin given whether done veterinarian' offic low-cost vaccin clinic run local govern human organization."} {"id": "14180", "contents": "averag cost dog vaccin rang $20 $150 first year, $10 $100 per year afterward. cost vari base vaccin given whether done veterinarian' offic low-cost vaccin clinic run local govern human organization."} {"id": "14181", "contents": "common vaccinations, dog vaccin cost rang anywher $15 much $175. year, dog requir get annual checkups. checkup like includ vaccinations. vaccin boratella, rabies, dhpp rang $50 $125. common vaccin given dogs. breed may receiv parvo vaccination. rang vaccin vari $50 $150."} {"id": "14182", "contents": "year, dog requir get annual checkups. checkup like includ vaccinations. average, plan set asid least $100 $200 dog\u2019 first year vaccinations. afterwards, cost $20 $100 addit year. vaccin boratella, rabies, dhpp rang $50 $125. common vaccin given dogs. breed may receiv parvo vaccination. rang vaccin vari $50 $150."} {"id": "14183", "contents": "like dog vaccinations, price bordetella vaccin much higher first year dog decreas bit follow years. vaccin rang $20 $150 first year, $10 $100 per year afterward. vaccin rang $20 $150 first year, $10 $100 per year afterward. exact price vari one vet clinic another. price also differ depend size dog, sinc larger dog requir higher dosag vaccine."} {"id": "14184", "contents": "average, plan set asid least $100 $200 dog\u2019 first year vaccinations. afterwards, cost $20 $100 addit year. common, regular booster rang $50 $100. vaccin boratella, rabies, dhpp rang $50 $125. common vaccin given dogs. breed may receiv parvo vaccination. rang vaccin vari $50 $150."} {"id": "14185", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic custom servic manag unit state $81,093, 50% peopl perform job custom servic manag unit state expect make less $81,093. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary. salari bonus."} {"id": "14186", "contents": "averag automot servic manag salaries. averag salari automot servic manag job $53,000. averag automot servic manag salari vari greatli due company, location, industry, experi benefits."} {"id": "14187", "contents": "servic manag salary. servic manag averag salari $57,240, median salari $51,200 salari rang $22,000 $164,832. servic manag salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. servic manag salari statist exclus refer only."} {"id": "14188", "contents": "annual salari someon job titl field servic manag may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "14189", "contents": "annual salari someon job titl custom servic manag may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "14190", "contents": "rocco use chiefli english italian languages, deriv german origins. name either deriv roho (germanic), short form obsolet rochbert ultim element 'rohon' (mean roar, battl cry), els old german 'hrok' (rest, repose)."} {"id": "14191", "contents": "german name deriv element hrok mean rest. name 14th-centuri french saint nurs victim plagu eventu contract diseas himself. patron saint sick."} {"id": "14192", "contents": "rocco /roc-co/ [2 sylls.] boys' name german italian origin, mean rocco rest. common form name popular saint cure plagu victims. especi vener italy."} {"id": "14193", "contents": "name rochel (english) femal form rocco. rocco 19 variant use english languages. variant use english includ rocca, roche, rocio, rock, rocke, rockea, rockee, rockey, rocki, rockie, rocko, rokee, rokko. pet form rocki anoth english variant."} {"id": "14194", "contents": "shown birth name popular rocco boys. rocco enter list 1890-1899 reach apex posit #337 u.s. 1910s, #449 currently. (top 1000 babi name statistics, 2014). graph analysi usag rocco associ names."} {"id": "14195", "contents": "name meaning: mean rock.. name theatric impresario rocco landesman st. rocco, came montpelli work itali help reliev suffer plagu victims."} {"id": "14196", "contents": "compress strength. studi strength materials, compress strength capac materi structur withstand load tend reduc size. measur plot appli forc deform test machine. compres strengh key valu design structures. compress strength often measur univers test machine; rang small tabl top system one 53 mn capacity. measur compress strength affect specif test method condit measurement."} {"id": "14197", "contents": "compress strength concret given term characterist compress strength 150 mm size cube test 28 day (fck)- per indian standard (aci standard use cylind diamet 150 mm height 300 mm). characterist strength defin strength concret 5% test result expect fall. concept assum normal distribut strength sampl concrete. normal distribut curv test specimen determin compress strength."} {"id": "14198", "contents": "averag valu compress strength (mean strength) graph 40 mpa. characterist strength (fck) valu x-axi 5% total area curv falls. graph clearli say 30 mpa characterist strength given concret mix. characterist strength defin strength concret 5% test result expect fall. concept assum normal distribut strength sampl concrete. normal distribut curv test specimen determin compress strength."} {"id": "14199", "contents": "compress strength. compress strength defin maximum compress load bodi bear prior failure, divid cross section area. ceram typic good tensil strength use compress e.g. concrete. yield strength defin stress materi chang elast deform plastic deformation. point, known yield point exceeded, materi longer return origin dimens remov stress."} {"id": "14200", "contents": "resist materi break compression. compar tensil strength. exampl sentences. compress strength materi calcul pound per squar inch requir ruptur specimen deform given percentag height. high compress strength fair resist eros scratch abras"} {"id": "14201", "contents": "best answer: concret structur materi consist portland cement, aggreg (sand rock), water (to make chemic reaction call hydrat occur.) concret sometim contain substances, fli ash industri smoke stacks, chang properties. usual batch concret order job site specifi specif compress strength -- 4000 psi, instance. concret come job site ready-mix truck, contractor place batch cylind inch diamet 12 inch height."} {"id": "14202", "contents": "compress strength measur materials, components, structures. definition, ultim compress strength materi valu uniaxi compress stress reach materi fail completely. compress strength usual obtain experiment mean compress test. materi fractur compress strength limit; other deform irreversibly, given amount deform may consid limit compress load. compress strength key valu design structures."} {"id": "14203", "contents": "studi strength materials, compress strength capac materi structur withstand load tend reduc size. compres strengh key valu design structures. compress strength often measur univers test machine; rang small tabl top system one 53 mn capacity. measur compress strength affect specif test method condit measurement."} {"id": "14204", "contents": "compress strength materi would correspond stress red point shown curve. compress test, linear region materi follow hooke' law. henc region time refer young' modulu compression. materi fractur compress strength limit; other deform irreversibly, given amount deform may consid limit compress load. compress strength key valu design structures."} {"id": "14205", "contents": "noun. variou predominantli aquat arthropod subphylum (or class) crustacea, includ lobsters, crabs, shrimps, barnacles, characterist segment body, chitin exoskeleton, pair joint limbs, two pair antennae. subphylum (crustacea) arthropods, includ shrimps, crabs, barnacles, lobsters, usual live water breath gills: hard outer shell joint appendages. modern latin crustacea; crustaceus, crust shell; classic latin crusta, crust."} {"id": "14206", "contents": "definit crustacean arthropod hard outer shell joint limb usual live aquat environments. lobster exampl crustacean.ani subphylum (crustacea) arthropods, includ shrimps, crabs, barnacles, lobsters, usual live water breath gills: hard outer shell joint appendages. modern latin crustacea; crustaceus, crust shell; classic latin crusta, crust."} {"id": "14207", "contents": "larg class (crustacea) mostli aquat mandibul arthropod chitin calcar chitin exoskeleton, pair often much modifi appendag segment, two pair antenna includ lobsters, shrimps, crabs, wood lice, water fleas, barnacles. definit crustacean kids. larg group mostli water anim (a crabs, lobsters, shrimps) bodi made segments, tough outer shell, two pair antennae, limb jointed."} {"id": "14208", "contents": "crus\u2022ta\u2022cean. 1. chiefli aquat arthropod class crustacea, typic bodi cover hard shell, includ lobsters, shrimps, crabs, barnacles, wood lice. 2. belong pertain crustacea."} {"id": "14209", "contents": "1. capitalized: larg class mostli aquat arthropod chitin calcar chitin exoskeleton, pair often much modifi appendag segment, two pair antenna includ lobsters, shrimps, crabs, wood lice, water fleas, barnacles.2.efinit crustacea. arthropod crustaceans. advertisement."} {"id": "14210", "contents": "crustacean anim usual hard covering, exoskeleton, two pair antennas, feelers. peopl around world eat mani type crustaceanfor example, crabs, lobsters, shrimp (or prawns), crayfish. barnacles, water fleas, pill bug also crustaceans. crustacean arthropods."} {"id": "14211", "contents": "crustacean includ crabs, lobsters, shrimp, barnacles. insect, spider, crustacean-on major differ insects, spiders, crustacean antennae; insect one pair, spider none, crustacean two pairs. see also relat term spider.rus\u2022ta\u2022cean. 1. chiefli aquat arthropod class crustacea, typic bodi cover hard shell, includ lobsters, shrimps, crabs, barnacles, wood lice. 2. belong pertain crustacea."} {"id": "14212", "contents": "variou predominantli aquat arthropod subphylum (or class) crustacea, includ lobsters, crabs, shrimps, barnacles, characterist segment body, chitin exoskeleton, pair joint limbs, two pair antennae.rus\u2022ta\u2022cean. 1. chiefli aquat arthropod class crustacea, typic bodi cover hard shell, includ lobsters, shrimps, crabs, barnacles, wood lice. 2. belong pertain crustacea."} {"id": "14213", "contents": "radiotelephon communications, call three repetit pan-pan use signifi urgenc board boat, ship, aircraft, vehicl that, time least, immedi danger anyone' life vessel itself. refer state urgency."} {"id": "14214", "contents": "pan-pan. pan-pan deriv french word panne, mean failur breakdown. pan-pan often refer mechan failur breakdown kind. pan-pan. intern radio-telephoni urgenc signal."} {"id": "14215", "contents": "mayday use passeng board danger need immedi assistance. pan-pan use safeti problem exists, might necessarili relat plane (eg see anoth aircraft/vehicl danger exampl notic fire ground)."} {"id": "14216", "contents": "urgenc condition, word pan-pan use manner. faao jo 7110.65, \u00a710-1-1 state pan-pan use indic state urgency: a. emerg either distress urgenc condit defin pilot/control glossary.. b."} {"id": "14217", "contents": "three call pan-pan use radiotelephon commun signifi urgenc board boat, ship, aircraft, vehicl that, time least, immedi danger anyone' life vessel itself."} {"id": "14218", "contents": "use variou maritim aeronaut radio commun cours aide-m moir radio/commun operators, specif reaffirm import differ mayday pan-pan emerg communications."} {"id": "14219", "contents": "optim level nac determined. amount use studi vari 250 1,500 mg daily. suggest nac may increas excret trace minerals; evidence, however, suggest effect minim make real difference."} {"id": "14220", "contents": "overview. cystein amino acid, build block protein use throughout body. taken supplement, usual form n-acetyl-l-cystein (nac). bodi make cystein glutathione, power antioxidant."} {"id": "14221", "contents": "acetylcysteine. acetylcystein nac use sinc mid 90\u2019 treat neurodegen condit (nerv relat health relat problems). long use treatment cystic fibrosi upper respiratori combin drugs."} {"id": "14222", "contents": "acetylcystein also known n-acetylcystein n-acetyl-l-cystein (abbrevi nac) deriv amino acid l-cysteine. health benefit come fact amino acid help bodi build protein."} {"id": "14223", "contents": "article. n-acetyl cystein (nac) use bodi build antioxidants. antioxid vitamins, minerals, nutrient protect repair cell damage. get nac supplement prescript drug."} {"id": "14224", "contents": "cystein amino acid, build block protein use throughout body. taken supplement, usual form n-acetyl-l-cystein (nac). bodi make cystein glutathione, power antioxidant."} {"id": "14225", "contents": "acetaminophen toxicity: strong scientif evid support use n-acetylcystein (nac) antidot acetaminophen overdose. bronchiol (sulfur mustard-induced): nac commonli use lung infect sputum (phlegm mucus) clearance."} {"id": "14226", "contents": "welcome. physician prescrib cardionet monitoring, special servic use rapidli diagnos patient may heart rhythm problems. import begin monitor soon possibl diagnos receiv treatment necessari"} {"id": "14227", "contents": "mobil cardiac outpati telemetry. cardiotest offer patient wireless electrocardiogram (ecg) arrhythmia detect known mobil cardiac outpati telemetri (mcot). mcot diagnost devic provid real-time, beat-to-beat analysi auto-detection/auto-transmiss ecg data. cardionet, compani suppli device, monitor patient 24 hour day, seven day week, 21 day per prescript use sophist algorithm."} {"id": "14228", "contents": "cardionet world' lead supplier mobil cardiac outpati telemetry\u2122 (mcot\u2122). cardionet provid next-gener ambulatori cardiac monitor servic beat-to-beat, real time analysis, automat arrhythmia detect wireless ecg transmission."} {"id": "14229", "contents": "physician select patient-specif monitor threshold respons parameters. cardionet' mcot system compris sensor, monitor, base: patient wear three lead attach lightweight sensor worn neck strap belt clip continu transmit two channel ecg data monitor."} {"id": "14230", "contents": "mani question appropri order tradit patient activ event monitor mobil cardiac telemetri (mct). mobil cardiac telemetri remain rel new form ambulatori monitor substanti technolog advantag tradit loop event monitors. keep mind, medicar pay much mobil cardiac telemetri compar event monitor. case, import substanti evid would order mct form tradit event monitors."} {"id": "14231", "contents": "event monitor mcot. event monitor: devic monitor heart rhythm rate one month. test, patient wear devic wrist around waist. symptom experienced, patient press button devic make record heart activ occurred. mobil continu outpati telemetri (mcot): devic measur record heart rhythm 10-30 days. test may done ecg/ev record show arrhythmia still suspect caus symptoms."} {"id": "14232", "contents": "holter monitor continuous, 24 48 hour electrocardiograph (ecg) record heart' rhythm. electrod place chest area lead attach small recorder. patient keep 24-48 hour diari record daili activ symptom experienced."} {"id": "14233", "contents": "enrol cardionet, physician prescrib cardionet mcot\u2122 patient 30 day monitoring. cardionet monitor patient 24 hour day via small sensor monitor patient wear continu normal daili routine. event occur, patient activ automat transmit cardionet monitor center analysi response. cardionet monitor center provid physician succinct, integr inform need diagnosi therapi management. physician select event monitored, level time respons cardionet center-from routin daili report stat reports."} {"id": "14234", "contents": "mct versu mcot\u00ae versu act\u00ae. mobil cardiac telemetri (mct) industri term (name) describ long term, real time, outpati ecg monitor technolog capabl automat detect transmit relev ecg inform diagnost laboratory. confus marketplac call refer technolog larg part mani compani creat acronym individu products. example, cardionet first compani introduc technolog trademark acronym mcot\u2122. mcot\u2122 trademark version (or name) cardionet stand mobil cardiac outpati telemetry. mcot common use acronym cardionet major sponsor variou clinic literatur document diagnost util model mct monitor call mcot\u2122"} {"id": "14235", "contents": "polyp gener thought increas risk colorect cancer. benign polyp sometim refer \u201cpre-cancerous.\u201d polyp malignant, themselves, chanc becom cancer removed. exampl includ adenomat hamartomat polyps. adenomat polyp tubular villou characterist higher chanc becom cancerous. adenomat hamartomat polyp also type polyp usual associ hereditari colorect cancer syndromes."} {"id": "14236", "contents": "hyperplasia consid physiolog (normal) respons specif stimulus, cell hyperplast growth remain subject normal regulatori control mechanisms. (may 2015). hyperplasia (from ancient greek \u1f51\u03c0\u03ad\u03c1 huper, \u03c0\u03bb\u03ac\u03c3\u03b9\u03c2 plasis, formation), hypergenesis, increas amount organ tissu result cell proliferation. may lead gross enlarg organ term sometim confus benign neoplasia benign tumor. hyperplasia common preneoplast respons stimulus. microscopically, cell resembl normal cell increas numbers. sometim cell may also increas size (hypertrophy)"} {"id": "14237", "contents": "hyperplast polyp benign tumor small bowel, case grow slowli remain asymptomatic. rarely, tumor might grow rapid rate grow larger normal, caus symptom pain digest problems. endoscopi commonli identifi hyperplast polyps. remov polyp may achiev endoscopy. rare cases, hyperplast polyp caus intestin pain. presenc multipl hyperplast polyp may increas one' risk colon cancer."} {"id": "14238", "contents": "hyperplast polyp refer benign tumor small bowel. endoscopi commonli identifi hyperplast polyps. remov polyp may achiev endoscopy. rare cases, hyperplast polyp caus intestin pain. presenc multipl hyperplast polyp may increas one' risk colon cancer."} {"id": "14239", "contents": "polyp project (growth) tissu inner line colon lumen (hollow center) colon. differ type polyp look differ microscope. polyp benign (non-cancerous) growths, cancer start type polyps."} {"id": "14240", "contents": "colorect polyp polyp (fleshi growth) occur line colon rectum. untreat colorect polyp develop colorect cancer. colorect polyp often classifi behaviour (i.e. benign vs. malignant) and/or etiolog (e.g. consequ inflammatori bowel disease). although thought exhibit malign potenti shown hyperplast polyp right side colon exhibit malign potential. occur multipl mutat affect dna-mismatch-repair pathways."} {"id": "14241", "contents": "hyperplast polyp. n. benign small sessil polyp larg bowel lengthen cystic dilat mucos glands. also call metaplast polyp."} {"id": "14242", "contents": "may benign (e.g. hyperplast polyp), pre-malign (e.g. tubular adenoma) malign (e.g. colorect adenocarcinoma). although thought exhibit malign potenti shown hyperplast polyp right side colon exhibit malign potential. occur multipl mutat affect dna-mismatch-repair pathways."} {"id": "14243", "contents": "adenomat polyp two-third colon polyp adenomas. polyp develop cancer, although potenti becom cancerous. adenoma classifi size, gener appearance, specif featur seen microscope. tissu cover polyp may look normal colon tissue, or, may tissu chang rang subtl color chang ulcer bleeding. polyp flat (sessile) other extend stalk (pedunculated). colonoscopi best test follow-up examin polyps."} {"id": "14244", "contents": "recreat use (or misuse) tobacco use tobacco non-tradit way. example, smoke cigarettes, chew tobacco snuff, smoke non-tradit tobacco non-sacr pipe smoke cigars. tobacco. smoke major public health issu lead caus prematur death affect smoker non-smok canada. tobacco-rel ill diseas urgent issu first nation inuit communities, smoke rate tripl rate rest canada."} {"id": "14245", "contents": "mother earth tobacco, manufactur ceremoni tobacco hand. certifi organ tobacco leaves. mother earth tobacco use certifi organ tobacco leaves. leaf manufactur ceremoni tobacco without additives, without preservatives."} {"id": "14246", "contents": "use tobacco play import role tradit cultur practices. mother earth tobacco proud offer 100% pure, authent tobacco ceremoni use. environ import dedic provid product environment respons ways."} {"id": "14247", "contents": "rise smoke tobacco method talk creator. american indian tradit belief use tobacco today ceremoni purposes.on average, 30%-50% nativ (both urban reservation) take part ceremoni use tobacco tradit ways."} {"id": "14248", "contents": "benefici pests. mapacho tobacco wide known use ceremoni special occas south america, vietnam elsewhere. compar type tobacco, significantli higher nicotin content-often high 9% versu 1-3% found types. partial attribut rich grow condit found rainforest south america southeast asia."} {"id": "14249", "contents": "sotoya lakota word \u2018sacr smoke\u2019 honor tradit grow tobacco prayer respect accord ceremoni procedures. 2005 ad grandad\u2019 tobacco websit introduc custom concept cut blend tobacco home. tobacco central nativ american prayer ceremony. offer smoke mean commun spirit. alfr savinelli\u2019 1993 treatis \u2018plant power\u2019 [2] relates, \u201cit said, ancestor rememb pleasur smoke leav dri blossoms."} {"id": "14250", "contents": "tobacco tobacco ties. tobacco one sacr medicin people. tobacco tie simpli make small sacr bundl hold tobacco. tobacco tie made small squar 100% cotton (usual red) cloth tie either narrow strip 100% cotton cloth narrow piec red ribbon."} {"id": "14251", "contents": "blend leaves, root tobacco reminisc smoke indian ceremoni fires. use smoke sacr bless offering. contain approxim 1.75 oz."} {"id": "14252", "contents": "hopi ceremoni tobacco potent varieti tobacco. high concentr nicotin leav make use creat organ pesticides. use extens ritual religi ceremoni also use cramps, sharp pain headaches."} {"id": "14253", "contents": "ceremoni use vs. habitu use \u201cwhen conduct sacr pipe ceremoni fill pipe sacr tobacco offer grandfather, great spirit, spirit east, south, west north final earth mother. american indian tradit belief use tobacco today ceremoni purposes.on average, 30%-50% nativ (both urban reservation) take part ceremoni use tobacco tradit ways."} {"id": "14254", "contents": "major climat zone follw (there 5): tropic zone, dri zone, temper zone, polar zone, highland climat zone. follow link see map climat zone earth(cold thing highland) http://www.blueplanetbiomes.org/images/climate_map.gif. peopl found useful. climat import abiot factor affect organ live there. instanc climat antarctica extrem harsh cold. climat tropic hot wet. palm tree live tropic live antarctica."} {"id": "14255", "contents": "aquat ecosystem ecosystem bodi water. commun organ depend environ live aquat ecosystems. two main type aquat ecosystem marin ecosystem freshwat ecosystems. import abiot environment factor aquat ecosystem includ substrat type, water depth, nutrient levels, temperature, salinity, flow. often difficult determin rel import factor without rather larg experiments."} {"id": "14256", "contents": "major climat zone polar, temperate, tropical. one tropic zone, two polar temper zones-north south equator. climat import abiot factor affect organ live there. instanc climat antarctica extrem harsh cold. climat tropic hot wet. palm tree live tropic live antarctica."} {"id": "14257", "contents": "scienc lovers: describ major abiot factor produc earth' main climat zones. add answer. source. submit cancel. upload file type png, jpg, jpeg. upload file type 3gp, 3gpp, mp4, mov, avi, mpg, mpeg, rm. upload photo smaller mb. upload video smaller 600mb."} {"id": "14258", "contents": "africa proportion larger area arid, desert, climat zone contin except australia. areas-th sahara north, horn east, kalahari namib desert southwest-ha less 250 mm (less 10 in) rainfal annually. away equator, north south, savanna climat zone grade drier stepp climat zone. averag annual rainfal vari 250 500 mm (10 20 in) concentr one season."} {"id": "14259", "contents": "greenhous effect trap heat gase atmosphere. earth\u2019 curvatur caus differ latitud receiv less intens solar energy. unequ distribut sun\u2019 heat earth\u2019 surfac result three main climat zones: polar, temperate, tropical. unequ heat earth\u2019 surfac also caus wind ocean currents. wind current move heat moistur biosphere. weather climat 1. know sampl answer: global climat affect much sunlight reach earth. sampl answer: global climat shape mani factors, includ solar energy, latitude, transport heat wind ocean currents. sampl answer: organ predators. other prey."} {"id": "14260", "contents": "three major climat zone earth. polar zone, temper zone, tropic zone. latitud play huge role polar zone higher la titud zone extrem close middl earth tropical. peopl found useful. climat import abiot factor affect organ live there. instanc climat antarctica extrem harsh cold. climat tropic hot wet. palm tree live tropic live antarctica."} {"id": "14261", "contents": "five major climat zone planet earth. includ polar, temperate, dry, tropical, subtropical. unit state dri temperatur regions. climat import abiot factor affect organ live there. instanc climat antarctica extrem harsh cold. climat tropic hot wet. palm tree live tropic live antarctica."} {"id": "14262", "contents": "corn believ introduc across unit states-mexico border thousand year ago. origin corn plant known teosint still grown mexico size (ear corn) substanti increas due effort american indian scientif research. corn product (also maiz production) play major role economi unit states. countri one worldwid corn leader 96,000,000 acr (39,000,000 ha) land reserv corn production. corn growth domin west/north central iowa east central illinoi"} {"id": "14263", "contents": "corn grown u.s. states, product concentr heartland region (includ illinois, iowa, indiana, eastern portion south dakota nebraska, western kentucki ohio, northern two-third missouri)."} {"id": "14264", "contents": "corn geography. iowa, illinois, nebraska minnesota account 50 percent corn grown u.s. major corn grow state indiana, ohio, wisconsin, south dakota, michigan, missouri, kansa kentucky. corn belt includ state iowa, illinois, nebraska, minnesota, indiana, ohio, wisconsin, south dakota, michigan, missouri, kansa kentucky. corn produc everi contin world except antarctica"} {"id": "14265", "contents": "see all. corn wide produc feed grain unit states, crop provid main energi ingredi livestock feed. corn also process wide rang food industri product includ fuel ethano"} {"id": "14266", "contents": "corn. corn grown unit state produc corn belt, includ iowa, illinois, minnesota, indiana, nebraska, ohio, missouri south dakota. within usa, michigan sit ne extrem corn belt. map show corn belt lie"} {"id": "14267", "contents": "2008, top four corn-produc state iowa, illinois, nebraska minnesota, togeth account half corn grown unit states. corn belt also sometim defin includ part south dakota, north dakota, indiana, ohio, wisconsin, michigan, kentucky."} {"id": "14268", "contents": "corn belt region midwestern unit state corn (maize) has, sinc 1850s, predomin crop, replac nativ tall grasses. 1950, 99% corn grown hybrids. corn fed livestock, especi hog poultry. corn belt also sometim defin includ part south dakota, north dakota, indiana, ohio, wisconsin, michigan, kentucky."} {"id": "14269", "contents": "know you\u2019ll achiev best weight loss result don\u2019t drink alcohol, mean you\u2019ll never abl enjoy it\u2026 ever. often quot say st augustu said \u201ci find total abstin far easier perfect moderation.\u201d. differ strategi work best differ people. alcohol consum (mainli weekends) weight loss stop, weight increased. net effect weight loss journey far slower longer would abstained. we\u2019v seen mani case alcohol stop weight loss."} {"id": "14270", "contents": "20 gram alcohol 5.7 calori total amount carbs, end drink contain 150 calories. rang calor intak beer rang 64-250+. wine shot also averag amount calories. brain seemingli wire desir cold refresh alcohol beverag tough day work. but, truth alcohol, consum moder (1-2 drink time per week) neg effect weight loss."} {"id": "14271", "contents": "travel km everi hour. it\u2019 slow, may tempt throw towel! member, lesson learn absolut clear. drink (alcohol) weight goe day take rest week get weight loss back track. articl moral, legal health issu drinking. come weight loss, sometim care self talk. alcohol consum (mainli weekends) weight loss stop, weight increased. net effect weight loss journey far slower longer would abstained. we\u2019v seen mani case alcohol stop weight loss."} {"id": "14272", "contents": "67 thought lesson learnt give alcohol lose weight \u201d. fantast advic here, i\u2019m two week alcohol abstin healthi eat new lifestyle. like say within coupl day notic posit effect. however, beer two everi night home got work. part routin idea routin broken scary, crutch needed. however, i\u2019d found motiv lose weight give alcohol, abl overcom fear."} {"id": "14273", "contents": "order lose weight, stop drinking. tri lose weight mani time before, refus give booze, unsuccessful. one day, decid sit add calori consum alcohol daily, weekly, monthli basis."} {"id": "14274", "contents": "lesson #6 alcohol epicent you\u2019v put weight on. say lose weight 80% diet 20% exercise. never believ years, alway tri lose weight hardcor exercise. however, gave booz realli understood 80/20 thing true. however, beer two everi night home got work. part routin idea routin broken scary, crutch needed. however, i\u2019d found motiv lose weight give alcohol, abl overcom fear."} {"id": "14275", "contents": "abstinance: period time alcohol benefici way one. festiv season associ over-indulging, some, month follow abstinence, whether dri januari febfast, thousand australian take part."} {"id": "14276", "contents": "wrong. idea alcohol convert fat myth. want lose weight lean fit life need fact alcohol weight loss, need understand alcohol consumpt weight loss seem problem people. first, let\u2019 address alcohol weight gain weight loss. alcohol convert fat."} {"id": "14277", "contents": "research consid alcohol drink 15 gram ethanol alcohol. fifteen gram alcohol found ounc wine, 1/2 ounc 80 proof/40% drink vodka whiskey, 12 ounc beer. gener guidelines, clearli drink may stronger others. brain seemingli wire desir cold refresh alcohol beverag tough day work. but, truth alcohol, consum moder (1-2 drink time per week) neg effect weight loss."} {"id": "14278", "contents": "solar cell, photovolta cell, electr devic convert energi light directli electr photovolta effect, physic chemic phenomenon. assembl solar cell use make solar modul gener electr power sunlight, distinguish solar thermal modul solar hot water panel. solar array gener solar power use solar energy."} {"id": "14279", "contents": "meaning: cell convert solar energi electr energy. classifi under: noun denot man-mad objects. synonyms: photovolta cell; solar cell. hypernym (solar cell kind of...): cell; electr cell (a devic deliv electr current result chemic reaction). holonym (solar cell part of...): solar array; solar battery; solar panel (electr devic consist larg array connect solar cells). solar cell (noun). noun solar cell sense: 1. cell convert solar energi electr energy. familiar information: solar cell use noun rare."} {"id": "14280", "contents": "photovolta cell (pv cell) special semiconductor diod convert visibl light direct current (dc). pv cell also convert infrar (ir) ultraviolet (uv) radiat dc electricity."} {"id": "14281", "contents": "find simpl introduct technolog uninitiated. solar cell photovolta cell devic gener electr directli visibl light mean photovolta effect. order gener use power, necessari connect number cell togeth form solar panel, also known photovolta module. amount power gener solar cell determin amount light fall them, turn determin weather time day. major case form energi storag necessary. matter what, sometim much power. time enough."} {"id": "14282", "contents": "solar cell. electr cell convert visibl light electr energy. solar cell use power suppli calculators, satellites, devices, prime sourc electr remot locations. also call photovolta cell. excit electron break free atoms. solar cell upper layer neg charg silicon, free-flow electrons, lower layer posit charg silicon, atom miss electrons."} {"id": "14283", "contents": "photovolta (pv) name method convert solar energi direct current electr use semiconduct materi exhibit photovolta effect, phenomenon commonli studi physics, photochemistri electrochemistry. one major caus ineffici cell overheating. effici solar cell declin 0.5% everi degre celsiu increas temperature. would mean 100 degre increas surfac temperatur could decreas effici solar cell half."} {"id": "14284", "contents": "solar cell photovolta cell devic convert light energi electr energy. sometim term solar cell reserv devic intend specif captur energi sunlight, term photovolta cell use light sourc unspecified."} {"id": "14285", "contents": "silicon known semi-conductor, mean share properti metal electr insulator, make key ingredi solar cells. let\u2019 take closer look happen sun shine onto solar cell. solar (or photovoltaic) cell convert sun\u2019 energi electricity. whether they\u2019r adorn calcul orbit planet satellites, reli photoelectr effect: abil matter emit electron light shone it."} {"id": "14286", "contents": "solar cell. solar cell electr devic convert energi light directli electr photovolta effect. form photoelectr cell which, expos light, gener support electr current without attach extern voltag source."} {"id": "14287", "contents": "photoelectrolyt cell (photoelectrochem cell), hand, refer either type photovolta cell (like develop edmond becquerel modern dye-sensit solar cells), devic split water directli hydrogen oxygen use solar illumination. assembl solar cell use make solar modul gener electr power sunlight, distinguish solar thermal modul solar hot water panel. solar array gener solar power use solar energy."} {"id": "14288", "contents": "high court decid unanim separate... editor' note: may 17, 1954, hush crowd spectat pack suprem court, await word brown vs. board education, combin five lawsuit brought naacp' legal arm challeng racial segreg public schools."} {"id": "14289", "contents": "brown v. board education, 347 us 483 (1954) us suprem court hand decis declar segreg public school unconstitut may 17, 1954."} {"id": "14290", "contents": "educ segreg us prior brown. brown v. board educ topeka, 347 u.s. 483 (1954), landmark unit state suprem court case court declar state law establish separ public school black white student unconstitutional."} {"id": "14291", "contents": "brown v. board education, (1954), landmark case us suprem court declar segreg public school unconstitutional, origin topeka, kansas."} {"id": "14292", "contents": "check local listings. brown v. board educ (1954). brown v. board educ (1954), acknowledg one greatest suprem court decis 20th century, unanim held racial segreg children public school violat equal protect claus fourteenth amendment."} {"id": "14293", "contents": "brown v. board educ (1954, 1955). case came known brown v. board educ actual name given five separ case heard u.s. suprem court concern issu segreg public schools."} {"id": "14294", "contents": "linda brown daughter oliv brown, one petition brown v. board education, (1954), landmark us suprem court case declar segreg pu blic school unconstitutional."} {"id": "14295", "contents": "kingda ka steel acceler roller coaster locat six flag great adventur jackson, new jersey, unit states. world' tallest roller coaster, world' second fastest roller coaster, second strata coaster ever built. built stakotra, subcontractor intamin."} {"id": "14296", "contents": "built 2003, first full circuit roller coaster exceed 400 feet (120 m) height, tallest roller coaster world, surpass kingda ka six flag great adventur may 2005. top thrill dragster, along kingda ka, strata coaster existence."} {"id": "14297", "contents": "coaster information: top thrill dragster steel hydraulically-launch high speed roller coaster locat cedar point theme park sandusky, ohio, unit states. top thrill dragster design built intamin debut public may 4, 2003. top thrill dragster one stratacoast existence, six flag theme park. top thrill dragster also second tallest roller coaster entir world, also second hydraulically-launch roller coaster built intamin team."} {"id": "14298", "contents": "top thrill dragster steel acceler roller coaster built intamin cedar point sandusky, ohio, unit states. top thrill dragster, along kingda ka, strata coaster existence."} {"id": "14299", "contents": "help this, pleas visit page. top thrill dragster intamin ag strata roller coaster locat cedar point sandusky, ohio. open 2003 first complet circuit roller coaster exceed 400 feet (121.9 meters) height. plan top thrill dragster began 2000, year millennium forc built. footer start lay out. 2002, construct tower began. cedar point use 480 foot crane, one four usa."} {"id": "14300", "contents": "top thrill dragster steel accelerator. top thrill dragster steel acceler roller coaster built intamin cedar point sandusky, ohio, unit states. sixteenth roller coaster built park sinc blue streak 1964."} {"id": "14301", "contents": "govern mean state polici enforced, well mechan determin polici state. form government, form state governance, refer set polit system institut make organis specif government. govern kind current affect everi human activ mani import ways."} {"id": "14302", "contents": "faction mischief madison call fragment power throughout govern feder developed. certainli make law presum better seek remedi right ignored. example: effectic govern power enforc law has. example2: effect govern protect right people/states. add answer. source. submit cancel."} {"id": "14303", "contents": "example: effectic govern power enforc law example2: effect govern protect right people/states. example: effectic govern power enforc law has. example2: effect govern protect right people/states. add answer. source. submit cancel."} {"id": "14304", "contents": "commonwealth nations, word govern also use narrowli refer collect group peopl exercis execut author state. usag analog call administr american english. form government, form state governance, refer set polit system institut make organis specif government. govern kind current affect everi human activ mani import ways."} {"id": "14305", "contents": "description. indic measur qualiti public services, qualiti civil servic independ polit pressures, qualiti polici formul implementation, credibl government\u2019 commit state policies."} {"id": "14306", "contents": "one answer govern take multiag enterpris approach way handles, natur disasters, major public polici goal like reduc joblessness, improv educ secur cyberspace. work 50 current former civil servants, pp booz allen identifi follow nine enterpris strategi help make govern effici effective. \u201cstrategi develop enterpris perform plan senior-level commit drive cross-ag goal mission.\u201d."} {"id": "14307", "contents": "one challeng feder govern face time crisis, hurrican sandy, coordin effort multipl agencies, share overlap responsibilities, respond problem efficient, appropri econom manner. work 50 current former civil servants, pp booz allen identifi follow nine enterpris strategi help make govern effici effective. \u201cstrategi develop enterpris perform plan senior-level commit drive cross-ag goal mission.\u201d."} {"id": "14308", "contents": "ensur separ powers, u.s. feder govern made three branches: legislative, execut judicial. ensur govern effect citizens\u2019 right protected, branch power responsibilities, includ work branches."} {"id": "14309", "contents": "hmmmm. look govern judg inabl effective, however, job tri pleas masses. (to lesser greater extent) but, submit make govern effect inabl central format power. example: effectic govern power enforc law has. example2: effect govern protect right people/states. add answer. source. submit cancel."} {"id": "14310", "contents": "ruy texeira argu someth near dear heart, effect government: make mistake: effect govern public\u2019 priority, smaller government. effect isn\u2019t function size even done. resid well match done term needed. yardstick govern isn\u2019t effect all. unfortunately, smaller govern guarante effectiveness."} {"id": "14311", "contents": "name feldspar deriv german feldspat, compound word feld, field, spat, rock contain ore chang spat to-spar influenc english word spar, synonym mineral. feldspath refer materi contain feldspar. feldspar common raw materi use glassmaking, ceramics, extent filler extend paint, plastics, rubber. glassmaking, alumina feldspar improv product hardness, durability, resist chemic corrosion."} {"id": "14312", "contents": "feldspar. feldspar miner name given group miner distinguish presenc aluminum (al) silica ion (sio4) chemistry. group includ aluminum silic soda (sodium oxide), potassium (potassium oxide), lime (calcium oxide)."} {"id": "14313", "contents": "feldspar compris group miner common rock form minerals. lkab miner suppli sodium feldspar (also refer soda feldspar) use extens glass industry. feldspar miner name given group miner distinguish presenc aluminum (al) silica (sio 4) chemistry. form varieti thermal environments, crystal liquid rock (magma), metamorph rock deep earth, sedimentari processes."} {"id": "14314", "contents": "feldspar mineral, commonli found natur form rocks. use make tile home plate eat of. formula actual blend rang sodium (albite) potassium (microcline), albit also one endpoint plagioclas seri classifi albit there. miner often call potassium feldspar k-feldspar, definit potassium alway exce sodium formula."} {"id": "14315", "contents": "click download feldspar factsheet. feldspar far abund group miner earth' crust, form 60% terrestri rocks. european deposit offer potassium feldspar well sodium feldspar mix feldspars. feldspar primarili use industri applic alumina alkali content. product use daili basi made feldspar: glass drinking, glass protection, glass wool insulation, floor tile shower basin bathroom, tablewar eat, feldspar part daili life."} {"id": "14316", "contents": "glass industri also, potash feldspar use vari proportions. may contain 10 15% batch. feldspar, industry, valu two purposes, firstly, act flux secondly, alumina content. feldspar compris group miner contain potassium, sodium, calcium aluminium silicates. common rock-form minerals. common feldspar potassium feldspar, namely, orthoclas (k o, al 3, 6sio 2)."} {"id": "14317", "contents": "main reason sodium feldspar use applic due alumina content miner abil act flux. alumina content sodium feldspar 19%; provid glass impact thermal shock resistance. feldspar miner name given group miner distinguish presenc aluminum (al) silica (sio 4) chemistry. form varieti thermal environments, crystal liquid rock (magma), metamorph rock deep earth, sedimentari processes."} {"id": "14318", "contents": "feldspar far abund group miner earth' crust, form 60% terrestri rocks. deposit offer sodium feldspar well potassium feldspar mix feldspars. feldspar primarili use industri applic alumina alkali content. product use daili basi made feldspar: glass drinking, glass protection, fiberglass insulation, floor tile shower basin bathrooms, tablewar eat. feldspar part daili life."} {"id": "14319", "contents": "feldspar. feldspar one abund miner earth' crust. feldspar includ rang composit gener chemic formula xal(al,si) sodium (na) and/or calcium (ca) and/or potassium (k). primarili use glass ceram making."} {"id": "14320", "contents": "type: mineral_group. description: feldspar name given group miner distinguish presenc alumina silica (sio 2) chemistry. group includ aluminum silic soda, potassium, lime. singl abund miner group earth."} {"id": "14321", "contents": "gouach may paint color paper, work best light color white. mix gouach much water use thinli wash. watercolor used, differ gouach opaqu transpar like watercolors. unlik watercolors, gouach come white paint need mix achiev lighter shades. use gouach under-lay pastels. sketch pictur lightli pencil, fill block gouach underton chalk oil pastels."} {"id": "14322", "contents": "surfaces. gouach use varieti surfaces. water-based, good idea pick surfac accept water. watercolor paper excel choice, howev illustr board gesso masonit also produc excel results. varieti brush use gouache. use white. one major differ gouach use white. watercolor artist reli white paper produc lighter values. gouache, case. artist mix color much like acryl oils, use white mix tints. mean gouach use tone paper, unlik watercolor"} {"id": "14323", "contents": "warnings. use brush water base paint (watercolor, acrylic, gouache) oil base paint (oil painting, oil pastels, anyth thinner.) brush use oil once, oil brush. label handl tape know difference. 5. dip brush watercolor liquid palette, lift small amount color onto brush. next, paint insid shape drawn paper. paint thick, stay one place, dip brush water add littl water paint paper."} {"id": "14324", "contents": "gouach [p] (/\u0261u\u02d0\u02c8ae\u0283/ [\u0261u\u02d0\u02c8\u00e6\u0283]), \u02c8\u0261wa\u0283 also spelled, guach type paint categori watermedia consist of, pigment bind (agent usual gum), arab sometim ad inert, materi design use opaque. method also refer paint use opaque. method"} {"id": "14325", "contents": "paint gouache. gouach type paint, main appeal water-based. that, similar acrylics. however, fact water-bas render differ use acrylics. could also describ concentr watercolors, make heavier opaque. regardless whether mix color, alway put gouach palett first. start small brush, test thick paint. add water, drop, mix. test alway using."} {"id": "14326", "contents": "opaqu watercolor. gouach uniqu paint medium. water-bas paint use like watercolor thin washes, opaqu enough use like acrylic. characterist allow gouach use varieti differ way varieti differ surfaces. gouach reactiv water added, layer reactiv color underneath bit. use watercolor, transpar wash used. although, even coverag pigment bit harder achiev gouache. suspect due larger particl pigment gouache."} {"id": "14327", "contents": "first use gouach lazy! paint watercolor, usual save white paper coat desir white area resist material. then, paint area near complete, resist rub leav white paper show through. also, word use describ paint produc gouache. term gouach use interchang bodi color, although latter made slightli differ way. paint render heavi opaqu addit white pigment (chalk, chines white, etc.) gum arab mixture."} {"id": "14328", "contents": "gouach uniqu paint medium. water-bas paint use like watercolor thin washes, opaqu enough use like acrylic. gouach reactiv water added, layer reactiv color underneath bit. use watercolor, transpar wash used. although, even coverag pigment bit harder achiev gouache. suspect due larger particl pigment gouache."} {"id": "14329", "contents": "summari flint. averag list price flint home sale trulia $52,726 week end sep 30, repres increas 0.3%, $136, compar prior week declin 2.4%, $1,278, compar week end sep 09. buy hous flint, research real estat trulia. understand flint real estat market first step buy home flint, michigan."} {"id": "14330", "contents": "cost live flint, michigan (mi) lower averag cost live state michigan lower nationwid citi average. averag annual pay flint $40,317.00, $6,814.00 lower salari averag michigan lower u.s. averag yearli wage $9,491.00."} {"id": "14331", "contents": "34.5%. median home valu flint 60.7% less michigan averag 72.2% less nation average. median rental rate flint 13.8% less michigan averag 26.8% less nation average. flint offer mani differ type apart rental mani differ apart communities."} {"id": "14332", "contents": "flint michigan residenti rent rental statistics. median monthli gross residenti rent flint, mi (the flint metro area) $705 2013 accord censu ac survey. averag gross rent flint $693 2013. median rent accur depict rental rate middl distribut rent thu prefer analysi below. 2014 flint median averag rent data releas septemb 2015. trend flint, mi rent fraction income. fraction median flint household incom requir pay median monthli gross rent peak 2010 (rel 2005 seri origin) 21.05%. sinc fallen 0.54% 20.51%."} {"id": "14333", "contents": "download .xls. cost live indic base us averag 100. amount 100 mean flint, michigan cheaper us average. cost live index 100 mean flint, michigan expensive. overall, flint, michigan cost live 72.50."} {"id": "14334", "contents": "median home valu michigan $120,000. michigan home valu gone 3.3% past year zillow predict rise 2.1% within next year. median rent price michigan $958. read more. mortgag delinqu first step foreclosur process"} {"id": "14335", "contents": "ask local experts. averag list price flint home sale trulia $52,726 week end sep 30, repres increas 0.3%, $136, compar prior week declin 2.4%, $1,278, compar week end sep 09. buy hous flint, research real estat trulia. understand flint real estat market first step buy home flint, michigan."} {"id": "14336", "contents": "averag list price home sale flint mi $52,726 week end sep 30, repres increas 0.3%, $136, compar prior week. school flint. buy hous flint, research real estat trulia. understand flint real estat market first step buy home flint, michigan."} {"id": "14337", "contents": "record post sign item postoffic valuabl content, put labl liabl deliv care. regist sign someth arrives."} {"id": "14338", "contents": "believ regist record same. special deliveri guarante next day registered/record isn't, could take three days. sign receiver. wbarob1 year ago."} {"id": "14339", "contents": "answers. best answer: record deliveri servic similar certifi mail. big differ certifi mail use domest mail, record deliveri avail intern mail. record deliveri avail countries."} {"id": "14340", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: differ record still get mix normal post sign end address. regist post kept separ way system."} {"id": "14341", "contents": "transact record journals, post summari transact journal gener ledger, contain company' accounts. account separate, detail record associ specif asset, liability, equity, revenue, expens item."} {"id": "14342", "contents": "best answer: much confus record delivery. item cannot post letter box must hand po counter. travel ordinari mail outsort far end deliveri postman obtain signature."} {"id": "14343", "contents": "egg lay australian beard dragon excerpt egg lay incub beard dragon (bd beardies) other written pogona list, internet discuss list dedic topic beard dragon (pogona vitticeps)."} {"id": "14344", "contents": "egg often felt female' stomach close laying. soon see breed behavior good idea lay area place incub prepared. good lay area imper ensur beard dragon egg bind. lay area may consist larg area fill one foot mixtur moist, somewhat pack sand soil, peat moss, bed-a-beast. go section info use info..lol... breeding: *note: beard dragon femal may cycl infertil egg without breeding. breed often requir period hibern brumat prior breed season (see section hibernation)."} {"id": "14345", "contents": "egg bind beard dragons. egg bind (dystocia) beard dragon fairli common, femal develop egg even without presenc mate. egg bind occur lizard unabl lay egg whether infertil"} {"id": "14346", "contents": "rememb beard dragon need special care, especi babies. and, femal lay batch egg one encount male, hous togeth may want keep hous separ put togeth want breed. go section info use info..lol... breeding: *note: beard dragon femal may cycl infertil egg without breeding. breed often requir period hibern brumat prior breed season (see section hibernation)."} {"id": "14347", "contents": "incub fertil beard dragon eggs. dig egg lay bin make sure get all, thorough! worry, okay turn them, start develop yet! however, turn week handl weeks. tell egg fertil infertile. infertil egg usual dent slightli yellow color. clutch infertil eggs. fertil egg full, dented, white color, candl led flashlight, see vein circl pinkish color insid egg."} {"id": "14348", "contents": "fiona clearli show egg stomach. one worri femal may becom egg bound. happen femal mate earli big enough pass eggs. beard dragon also becom egg bound nowher appropri lay eggs, tri hang onto instead. certain femal gravid put contain vivarium fill deep sand. need fairli large, deep enough dig tunnel it."} {"id": "14349", "contents": "femal beard dragon start scratch dig constantli around cage look fatter usual, chanc lay clutch eggs. around male dragon, still possibl cycl egg lay infertil clutch. tell egg fertil infertile. infertil egg usual dent slightli yellow color. clutch infertil eggs. fertil egg full, dented, white color, candl led flashlight, see vein circl pinkish color insid egg."} {"id": "14350", "contents": "around male dragon, like fertil decid want hatch not. first, must provid place dig lay eggs. beard dragon like tunnel need least inch sand dig in. tell egg fertil infertile. infertil egg usual dent slightli yellow color. clutch infertil eggs. fertil egg full, dented, white color, candl led flashlight, see vein circl pinkish color insid egg."} {"id": "14351", "contents": "emergency, like dragon lay egg know gravid, thing tri save eggs. must work quickli though, 24 hour get right. tell egg fertil infertile. infertil egg usual dent slightli yellow color. clutch infertil eggs. fertil egg full, dented, white color, candl led flashlight, see vein circl pinkish color insid egg."} {"id": "14352", "contents": "veda (/\u02c8ve\u026ad\u0259z, \u02c8vi\u02d0-/ sanskrit: \u0935\u0947\u0926 veda, v\u00e9da knowledg larg bodi text origin ancient. india compos vedic, sanskrit text constitut oldest layer sanskrit literatur oldest scriptur of. hinduism veda, orthodox indian theologians, consid revel seen ancient sage intens meditation, text care preserv sinc ancient times. hindu epic mahabharata, creation veda credit brahma."} {"id": "14353", "contents": "veda among oldest sacr texts. samhita date roughli 1700\u20131100 bce, circum-ved texts, well redact samhitas, date c. 1000-500 bce, result vedic period, span mid 2nd mid 1st millennium bce, late bronz age iron age. veda, orthodox indian theologians, consid revel seen ancient sage intens meditation, text care preserv sinc ancient times. hindu epic mahabharata, creation veda credit brahma."} {"id": "14354", "contents": "veda collect religi text form foundat hindu theology. word veda sanskrit (\u0935\u0947\u0926) knowledge. hindu believ veda text divin origin term \u015bruti (what heard) refer this. hindu belief cosmo eternal; creat alway exist, also appli hindu view vedas. veda integr life hindus, though mani hindu never read it. vedic mantra recit hindu prayers, religi function auspici occasions...... variou indian religi sect differ idea"} {"id": "14355", "contents": "rig veda. rigveda oldest import veda richli contribut vedas. hymn call riks. rigveda also import sourc vedic histori contain mani import hymns, purusha sukta, creation hymns. vedanta. vedanta mean end vedas, refer upanishad knowledg contain. vedanta deal existenti truth sourc existence, natur process creation, natur reality, mortality, delusion, bondage, liber soul samsara."} {"id": "14356", "contents": "veda primari text hinduism. also vast influenc buddhism, jainism, sikhism. tradit text veda coeval universe. scholar determin rig veda, oldest four vedas, compos 1500 b.c., codifi 600 b.c."} {"id": "14357", "contents": "four samhita (also call vedas): rig veda, sama veda, yajur veda, atharva veda. compos earli 1500 bc, rig veda rg veda (wisdom verses) oldest four vedic collect one oldest surviv sacr text world. later texts, especi upanishads, polyth earlier veda evolv pantheism focus brahman, suprem realiti universe. concept remain key featur hindu philosophi today."} {"id": "14358", "contents": "veda (includ brahmana upanishads) constitut sacr text hinduism. hinduism consid text sruti, word mean heard.. veda written rishi (holi men mythic founder hinduism) heard deep meditation. plural term veda two relat mean hinduism. first, refer four veda texts: rig veda, yajur veda, sama veda atharva veda."} {"id": "14359", "contents": "vedas. ancient religi text defin truth hindus. got present form 1200-200 bce introduc india aryans. hindu believ text receiv scholar direct god pass next gener word mouth. content vedas. veda made four compositions, veda turn four part arrang chronologically. samhita ancient part vedas, consist hymn prais god."} {"id": "14360", "contents": "sacr scriptur hinduism veda (book knowledge), collect text written sanskrit 1200 bce 100 ce. later texts, especi upanishads, polyth earlier veda evolv pantheism focus brahman, suprem realiti universe. concept remain key featur hindu philosophi today."} {"id": "14361", "contents": "time frequenc domain signal. fast fourier transform (fft) algorithm comput discret fourier transform (dft) sequence, inverse. fourier analysi convert signal origin domain (often time space) represent frequenc domain vice versa."} {"id": "14362", "contents": "fft() function calcul one-dimension fft input argument. input argument vector, oper pretti simpl understand; output result effici calcul discret fourier transform input. fft2() function calcul two-dimension fft matrix. one way envis oper take standard one-dimension fft column input matrix $a$ yield temporari result $b$."} {"id": "14363", "contents": "description. example. fft(x) comput discret fourier transform (dft) use fast fourier transform (fft) algorithm. vector, fft(x) return fourier transform vector. matrix, fft(x) treat column vector return fourier transform column. input array, specifi vector, matrix, multidimension array. input array 8-bit 16-bit unsign integ cast doubl prior comput fourier transform. empti 0-by-0 matrix, fft(x) return empti 0-by-0 matrix."} {"id": "14364", "contents": "input matrix, then, mani matlab function do, column treat separ one-dimension signal transform separately. therefore, $n$-th column output matrix correspond dft $n$-th column input matrix. fft2() function calcul two-dimension fft matrix. one way envis oper take standard one-dimension fft column input matrix $a$ yield temporari result $b$."} {"id": "14365", "contents": "use fft algorithms, distinct made window length transform length. window length length input data vector. determin by, example, size extern buffer. transform length length output, comput dft. call fft, window length length(x) transform length length(y) same. transform length specifi option second argument: call fft, transform length n."} {"id": "14366", "contents": "plot puls time domain. use fft function convert signal frequenc domain, first identifi new input length next power origin signal length. pad signal trail zero order improv perform fft. input array, specifi vector, matrix, multidimension array. input array 8-bit 16-bit unsign integ cast doubl prior comput fourier transform. empti 0-by-0 matrix, fft(x) return empti 0-by-0 matrix."} {"id": "14367", "contents": "symmetry: region fs examined, seen even symmetri around center point, 0.5fs. 4. matlab fft matlab' fft function effect tool comput discret fourier transform signal. follow code exampl help understand detail use fft function."} {"id": "14368", "contents": "matlab fft function return dft input vector use fast fourier transform algorithm: call fft, window length length(x) transform length length(y) same. transform length specifi option second argument: call fft, transform length n. length less n, pad trail zero increas length comput dft. length greater n, first element use comput transform."} {"id": "14369", "contents": "*. last question: understand convolut matlab? example: two functions: x(t) y(t), 1:1:10, want get z(t) x(t)*y(t). obviously, length z(t) t, x(t) y(t), i.e. 10. use 'conv' function, get result length 2*10-1 19; use 'ifft(fft)', get result length 10 length y; use 'ifft(fft(x,n))', result length n-the number assigned. hi, i'm tri obtain convolut two vector use 'conv' 'fft' function matlab. example: con_xy1 =. con_xy2 =. obviously, first six valu con_xy1 ident con_xy2."} {"id": "14370", "contents": "averag cost dog vaccin rang $20 $150 first year, $10 $100 per year afterward. shop dog vaccination: human societi shelter includ first round vaccin adopt fee. tip: possibl order vaccin onlin vaccin dog yourself, sure order reliabl company. drsfostersmith.com guid vaccin pet."} {"id": "14371", "contents": "common vaccinations, dog vaccin cost rang anywher $15 much $175. year, dog requir get annual checkups. checkup like includ vaccinations. afterwards, cost $20 $100 addit year. common, regular booster rang $50 $100. vaccin boratella, rabies, dhpp rang $50 $125. common vaccin given dogs."} {"id": "14372", "contents": "checkup like includ vaccinations. average, plan set asid least $100 $200 dog\u2019 first year vaccinations. afterwards, cost $20 $100 addit year. common, regular booster rang $50 $100. afterwards, cost $20 $100 addit year. common, regular booster rang $50 $100. vaccin boratella, rabies, dhpp rang $50 $125. common vaccin given dogs."} {"id": "14373", "contents": "average, plan set asid least $100 $200 dog\u2019 first year vaccinations. afterwards, cost $20 $100 addit year. common, regular booster rang $50 $100. afterwards, cost $20 $100 addit year. common, regular booster rang $50 $100. vaccin boratella, rabies, dhpp rang $50 $125. common vaccin given dogs."} {"id": "14374", "contents": "unvaccin adult dog receiv two round vaccin three week apart. that, dog usual receiv booster annually. basic shot -- distemper, hepatitis, parvovirus, parainfluenza sometim leptospirosi coronaviru -- usual administ togeth combin vaccine. shop dog vaccination: human societi shelter includ first round vaccin adopt fee. tip: possibl order vaccin onlin vaccin dog yourself, sure order reliabl company. drsfostersmith.com guid vaccin pet."} {"id": "14375", "contents": "dog daycar facil kennel requir vaccin includ standard round shots, bordatella, known kennel cough. certain part country, veterinarian recommend extra vaccinations, lyme disease. extra vaccin usual cost $10 $15 each. shop dog vaccination: human societi shelter includ first round vaccin adopt fee. tip: possibl order vaccin onlin vaccin dog yourself, sure order reliabl company. drsfostersmith.com guid vaccin pet."} {"id": "14376", "contents": "year, dog requir get annual checkups. checkup like includ vaccinations. average, plan set asid least $100 $200 dog\u2019 first year vaccinations. afterwards, cost $20 $100 addit year. afterwards, cost $20 $100 addit year. common, regular booster rang $50 $100. vaccin boratella, rabies, dhpp rang $50 $125. common vaccin given dogs."} {"id": "14377", "contents": "puppi usual vaccin two, three, four month age. unvaccin adult dog receiv two round vaccin three week apart. that, dog usual receiv booster annually. shop dog vaccination: human societi shelter includ first round vaccin adopt fee. tip: possibl order vaccin onlin vaccin dog yourself, sure order reliabl company. drsfostersmith.com guid vaccin pet."} {"id": "14378", "contents": "averag cost pet vaccinations. cost vaccin puppi pet first year rang $20 $200. cost immun adult dog rang $60 $100 annually. canin vaccin cost differ due dog' age vari vet charges. sinc puppi high risk exposur disease, puppi vaccin recommend earli week age. cost veterinari care puppi rang $100 $200. veterinari care older dog cost nearli $150 $250 annually. medic home care expens canin general, higher puppi dog year age."} {"id": "14379", "contents": "see also: cabinet algeria. head state presid republic, elect 5-year term, renew (chang 2008 constitut infinit mandate). algeria univers suffrage. presid head council minist high secur council. appoint prime minist also head government. prime minist appoint council minist"} {"id": "14380", "contents": "overview. algeria democrat republ whose current leader chief execut abdelaziz bouteflika. chief execut algeria typic term length years. algeria' legislatur 389 seats, last legisl elect 2007."} {"id": "14381", "contents": "sonatrach, nation oil company, largest compani africa. algeria one largest militari africa largest defenc budget continent; algeria' weapon import russia, close ally. capit popul citi algiers. area 2,381,741 squar kilometr (919,595 sq mi), algeria tenth-largest countri world, largest africa arab world."} {"id": "14382", "contents": "polit algeria take place framework constitut presidenti republic, wherebi presid algeria head state prime minist algeria head government. execut power exercis government. algeria univers suffrage. presid head council minist high secur council. appoint prime minist also"} {"id": "14383", "contents": "geography. nearli four time size texa largest countri continent, algeria border west morocco western sahara east tunisia libya. mediterranean sea north, south mauritania, mali, niger. saharan region, 85% country, almost complet uninhabited. highest point mount tahat sahara, rise 9,850 ft (3,000 m)."} {"id": "14384", "contents": "algeria border northeast tunisia, east libya, west morocco, southwest western sahara, mauritania, mali, southeast niger, north mediterranean sea. countri semi-presidenti republ consist 48 provinc 1,541 communes. capit popul citi algiers. area 2,381,741 squar kilometr (919,595 sq mi), algeria tenth-largest countri world, largest africa arab world."} {"id": "14385", "contents": "executive. presid head council minist high secur council. prime minist serv head council minist also head govern joint president. presid elect absolut major vote two-round system. prime minist appoint president."} {"id": "14386", "contents": "algeria (arabic: \u0627\u0644\u062c\u0632\u0627\u0626\u0631 al-jaz\u0101'ir), offici people' democrat republ algeria, countri north africa mediterranean coast. capit popul citi algiers. area 2,381,741 squar kilometr (919,595 sq mi), algeria tenth-largest countri world, largest africa arab world."} {"id": "14387", "contents": "government. algeria govern constitut 1976 amended. execut branch head president, popularli elect five-year term may reelected."} {"id": "14388", "contents": "neighbor countri includ libya, mali, mauritania, morocco, niger, tunisia, western sahara. algeria mostli desert mountain narrow coastal plain. govern system republic. chief state head govern president. algeria mix econom system economi includ varieti privat freedom, combin central econom planning, govern regulation. algeria member african union (au)."} {"id": "14389", "contents": "cornu florida inflorescence, show four larg white bract central flower cluster. flower dogwood small decidu tree grow 10 (33 ft) high, often wider tall mature, trunk diamet 30 cm (1 ft). 10-year-old tree stand (16 ft) tall"} {"id": "14390", "contents": "speci dogwood tree peopl familiar cornu florida white flower dogwood tree. sun. import factor dogwood growth sunlight. dogwood grown full sun shorter often branches, result fuller, wider tree often wider tall."} {"id": "14391", "contents": "mani dogwood tree speci avail and, although height speci limit 40 feet, spread, width, tree vari wide accord species, light location. sun. import factor dogwood growth sunlight. dogwood grown full sun shorter often branches, result fuller, wider tree often wider tall."} {"id": "14392", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. cornu kousa (also benthamidia kousa), kousa dogwood, small decidu tree 8\u201312 (26\u201339 ft) tall, dogwood famili cornaceae. nativ korea, much china, japan, korea, taiwan, sikkim, bhutan ryukyu islands. report natur hawaii, connecticut new york state."} {"id": "14393", "contents": "dogwood grown full sun tend produc flowers. flower dogwood (cornu florida) nativ eastern half u.s. averag dogwood tree grow moder rate, reach matur height around 20 30 feet. natur habitat, dogwood tree often grow understori tree partial shade. landscap specimen, dogwood well full sun partial shade. tree grow full sun often requir water tree grow shadi spots."} {"id": "14394", "contents": "select area garden pink dogwood. unless plan prune tree limit size, space larg enough accommod tree' matur size: 15-to-30 feet tall wide. dogwood grow full sun prefer site dappl shade."} {"id": "14395", "contents": "averag ghana funer costs. advertisement. accord last year\u2019 funer price survey, averag ghana funer cost adult funer $7,775. base commonli select item tradit funer includ casket vault. however, includ cemeteri cost ghana."} {"id": "14396", "contents": "live accra year now, cost live three time detroit, home town. yet, comparison calcul show 70-75% cost live compar home town. food two adult cost 800 1000 cedi includ shop shoprite,th marina mall, local markets, go chop bar restaurants. rent nice place 400 cedi per month one year. unfortunately, power current bad power went frequently. madina"} {"id": "14397", "contents": "averag annual cost educ high school student unit state $7,750. kenya, uganda, tanzania combined, averag cost per year $650. thus, 12 girl go school east africa price one student us. area girl attend high school littl $50"} {"id": "14398", "contents": "rest ghana, hous price remain cheap, averag ghs280,000 (us$77,295) period. kumasi, averag price hous stood ghs220,000 (us$60,732) mid-2013. ghana complic titl system. total round-trip transact costs, i.e., cost buy sell property, rang wide 8.25% 16% properti price, due multipl land titl issues. seller pay 5% real estat agent commission."} {"id": "14399", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. averag wed ghana cost 150million cedis. cost hire place recept food drink cost most. averag cost wed food depend number guest have. exampl 200 guest $10,000, 150 guest $7,000. tri wed budget calcul link question averag wed costs. person found useful."} {"id": "14400", "contents": "cost live countri cities: accra. news newslett blog api. copyright 2009-2015 numbeo."} {"id": "14401", "contents": "contain ship ghana works. need cost ship contain ghana, need 1) locat good 2) pallet contain 3) shipping. way works. send trucker empti contain warehouse. back truck warehous worker load contain"} {"id": "14402", "contents": "2010, averag effect electr tariff africa us $0.14 per kilowatt-hour (kwh) averag us $0.18 per kwh product costs. consumpt effect subsidized, signific dispar among african countries."} {"id": "14403", "contents": "come surprised, pizza, pronounc 'peet-za,' job brown.. term pie might first use new york italian immigr settl second half 19th century. idea american rightli call 'pie'. sinc italian told name pizza, 'pizza pie' natur way call"} {"id": "14404", "contents": "o record pizza pie 1939, also first citat pizza non-italian (i.e., american) context there\u2019 also tomato pie, anoth old name pizza, common new york, new jersey, connecticut, pennsylvania, dare record 1942. term pie might first use new york italian immigr settl second half 19th century. idea american rightli call 'pie'."} {"id": "14405", "contents": "modern pizza, know today, origin itali neapolitan pie tomato chees ad 1889. pizza italy, develop cultiv tomato, brought back spain central america 1500's. iron cheese, basil tomato pizza alreadi popular naples, quit impact annal pizza history. baker' shop pompeii show evid flat bread could amongst world' first pizzas."} {"id": "14406", "contents": "confid vote 9. one know ate first slice, pie form around sinc ancient egyptian made first pastry-lik crusts. first pie probabl made earli roman probabl learn greeks. roman, cato censor, publish first written pie receipt recipe: rye-crusted, goat chees honey pie."} {"id": "14407", "contents": "august 13, 2014 by: dictionary.com comments. word pizza italian pie, word wound italian boggl etymologists. may come latin pix mean \u201cpitch\u201d greek pitta, other say origin langobard word bizzo mean \u201cbite.\u201d. italy\u2019 version dish, especi naples, one familiar with, though pissaladier pissaladi\u00e8r from, provenc coca from, catalan lahma bi ajeen middl east bear remark resembl to. pizza"} {"id": "14408", "contents": "origin word pizza uncertain. term pizza first appear latin text southern italian town gaeta 997 ad, state tenant certain properti give bishop gaeta duodecim pizz (twelv pizzas) everi christma day, anoth twelv everi easter sunday. ancient greek cover bread oils, herb cheese. modern pizza evolv similar flatbread dish naples, itali 18th earli 19th century. prior time, flatbread often top ingredi garlic, salt, lard, cheese, basil."} {"id": "14409", "contents": "word pizza first document 997 ad gaeta, italy, success differ part central southern italy. precursor pizza probabl focaccia, flat bread known roman pani focacius, top added. food similar pizza made sinc neolith age. record peopl ad ingredi bread make flavor found throughout ancient history. sardinia, french italian archaeologist found bread bake 7,000 year ago."} {"id": "14410", "contents": "yes, pizza pie simpli pizza. use common, gotten rarer decades, although you\u2019ll still hear it, standalon pie common unit pizza. o record pizza pie 1939, also first citat pizza non-italian (i.e., american) context. term pie might first use new york italian immigr settl second half 19th century. idea american rightli call 'pie'."} {"id": "14411", "contents": "articl linda stradley, copyright 2004. pizza bake pie italian origin consist shallow bread-lik crust cover season tomato sauce, cheese, often top sausag olive."} {"id": "14412", "contents": "eisenhow doctrin sign put effect one heat time cold war. creat event occur suez canal 1956. soviet union push way egypt, increas hostil northeastern african govern u.s. felt someth need done. doctrin put tabl presid eisenhow january, congress gave nod march 1957"} {"id": "14413", "contents": "presid dwight d. eisenhow announc eisenhow doctrin januari 1957, congress approv march year. eisenhow administration\u2019 decis issu doctrin motiv part increas arab hostil toward west, grow soviet influenc egypt syria follow suez crisi 1956."} {"id": "14414", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. term eisenhow doctrin refer speech presid dwight david eisenhow januari 1957, within special messag congress situat middl east militari action provis doctrin appli lebanon crisi follow year, unit state interven respons request country' presid camil chamoun."} {"id": "14415", "contents": "januari 5, 1957, respons increasingli tens situat middl east, presid dwight eisenhow (1890-1969) deliv propos joint session u.s. congress call new proactiv american polici region. eisenhow doctrin receiv first call action summer 1958, civil strife lebanon led nation\u2019 presid request american assistance. nearli 15,000 u.s. troop sent help quell disturbances."} {"id": "14416", "contents": "dwight d. eisenhower. special messag congress, eisenhow proclaim sovereignti middl eastern nation unit state ensur forc use aggress purpos world."} {"id": "14417", "contents": "eisenhow doctrine, 1957. presid dwight d. eisenhow announc eisenhow doctrin januari 1957, congress approv march year. eisenhow doctrine, countri could request american econom assist and/or aid u.s. militari forc threaten arm aggress anoth state."} {"id": "14418", "contents": "eisenhow doctrine, middl eastern countri could request american econom assist aid u.s. militari forc threaten arm aggress anoth state. militari action provis doctrin appli lebanon crisi follow year, unit state interven respons request country' presid camil chamoun."} {"id": "14419", "contents": "eisenhow doctrine. order suppress grow soviet influenc middl east follow suez crisi 1956, presid dwight d. eisenhow appear joint session congress januari 5, 1957, present polici becom known eisenhow doctrine."} {"id": "14420", "contents": "global polit context, doctrin made respons possibl gener war, threaten result latent threat soviet union becom involv egypt suez crisis. militari action provis doctrin appli lebanon crisi follow year, unit state interven respons request country' presid camil chamoun."} {"id": "14421", "contents": "case financi institutions, invest bank posit citi see compens number swell bonuses. base salari invest bank associate, example, stand averag $116,984. nearli doubl bonuses, vault $210,869. here' combin compens annual salari bonu 15 posit citi, accord glassdoor: justin sullivan/getti still make bank citi. name citibank call lot bad memori financi world. one stand chuck prince, citi' former head, tell financi time summer 2007 emerg financi crisi go upset bank' business."} {"id": "14422", "contents": "infopleas also creat page summar presidenti vice presidenti salari 1789 present. presid georg washington, example, offer salari $25,000/year. presidenti salari information. recent salari increase, $400,000/year $200,000/year, took effect georg w. bush becam president. presid also receiv $50,000 non-tax expens account."} {"id": "14423", "contents": "senior vice presid citigroup, vice presid citigroup, vice presid citi, vice presid citi, year 2000 project manager... senior vice presid citigroup, senior vice president-emea surveil team citi. past. senior vice president-emea market secur servic (fxlm sale trade advisory) citi, resid vice president-fixed..."} {"id": "14424", "contents": "citigroup vice presid project manag salari citigroup vice presid project manag averag salari 98000 median salari 100000 salari rang 80000 105000 citigroup vice presid project manag salari collect govern agenc compani salari associ real job posit citigroup vice presid project manag salari statist exclus refer present updat regularli"} {"id": "14425", "contents": "averag senior vice presid salari job post new york, ny 36% higher averag senior vice presid salari job post nationwide."} {"id": "14426", "contents": "citigroup inc. (nyse: c) citi american multin financi servic corpor headquart manhattan, new york city, new york, unit states."} {"id": "14427", "contents": "former presid act, former presid paid lifetime, taxabl pension equal annual rate basic pay head execut feder depart -- $201,700 2015 -- annual salari paid secretari cabinet agencies. increas approv part treasuri gener govern appropri act (public law 106-58), pass close day 106th congress. salari vice presid current (2015) $230,700."} {"id": "14428", "contents": "case big banks, bonus gigant jpmorgan. instance, invest bank vice presid salari report $172,902, bonus nearli doubl annual compens sizeabl $337,121."} {"id": "14429", "contents": "best answer: miner classifi class (groups) base chemic composit 1. non-sil miner 2. silic miner need info fall type, check link: http://courses.missouristate.edu/emantei..."} {"id": "14430", "contents": "olivin alway silicon oxygen well iron magnesium both, (mg, fe)2sio4. physic properti miner include: physic properti use identifi miner describ lesson miner formation. mineralogist divid miner group base chemic composition. miner form natur process definit chemic composition. miner identifi characterist physic properti crystallin structure, hardness, density, flammability, color. miner crystallin solids."} {"id": "14431", "contents": "best answer: d. miner classifi group carbonates, sulfides, silicates, etc... base anion within chemic formula."} {"id": "14432", "contents": "sedimentari rock classifi two group base form. clastic chemical. clastic sedimentari rock form bit weather rock becom cement together."} {"id": "14433", "contents": "miner groups. one first step studi group, minerals, subdivid accord similar may one another. call classification. miner classifi accord chemic composition. seven major chemic groups. also sever minor groups. include: sulfosalts, nitrates, borates, tungstat molybdates, phosphates, arsenates, vanad"} {"id": "14434", "contents": "scientif classif miner groups. scientif classification. **miner gemston classifi accord chemic compositions. eight classes, along ninth class non-minerals, may non-crystallin organ combin and/or rocks. nine class list exampl individu speci within groups. group miner compound one metal element associ phosphat radical. classifi togeth arsen vanadates. usual brittl occur small crystal compact aggregates."} {"id": "14435", "contents": "miner classifi distinct group base upon similar atom structur and/or chemic composition. miner naturally-occur inorgan solid specif chemic composit characterist regular, geometr arrang constitu atoms. miner classifi distinct group base upon similar atom structur and/or chemic composit (which mainli base anions)."} {"id": "14436", "contents": "main classif criterion chemic composition. miner classifi oxides, sulfides, halides, sulfates, silicates, carbonates. element also classifi minerals. there' also metal non-metal miner classification. 37 other found useful."} {"id": "14437", "contents": "miner natur occur substance, represent chemic formula, usual solid inorganic, crystal structure. differ rock, aggreg miner non-miner specif chemic composition. miner describ variou physic properti relat chemic structur composition. common distinguish characterist includ crystal structur habit, hardness, lustre, diaphaneity, colour, streak, tenacity, cleavage, fracture, parting, specif gravity."} {"id": "14438", "contents": "skordalia, greek garlic dip, made walnuts. skordalia, greek garlic dip, belong grand tradit mediterranean garlic past like them, almost never serv alone; instead, play accompani role fri fish seafood classic like boil beets."} {"id": "14439", "contents": "skordalia usual serv batter-fri fish (notabl salt cod, \u03bc\u03c0\u03b1\u03ba\u03b1\u03bb\u03b9\u03ac\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2), fri veget (notabl eggplant zucchini), poach fish, boil veget (notabl beets). sometim use dip. skordalia modern equival ancient skorothalmi."} {"id": "14440", "contents": "skordalia (skor-thal-yah) tasti garlic dip delici accompani fri fish vegetables. also stand alon dip pita bread. mani variat recip make potatoes, other add ground almond texture."} {"id": "14441", "contents": "ador anim famili make aww. skordalia dish made primarili soften garlic cloves. garlic gener combin starchi ingredient, act binder give thick texture. skordalia tradit food greek cuisin often serv side dish condiment."} {"id": "14442", "contents": "(for skordalia recip potato need boil, tender.) drain coland keep 1/2 cup boil water. food processor add 1/2 cup boil water, garlic, red wine vinegar season salt. blend garlic diluted."} {"id": "14443", "contents": "copi process call transcript copi mrna. transcript take place cytoplasm (prokaryote) nucleu (eukaryote). transcript perform enzym call rna polymerase. make mrna, rna polymerase: bind dna strand specif sequenc gene call promoter. unwind unlink two strand dna."} {"id": "14444", "contents": "transcription-from dna rna page take simpl look structur rna inform dna use make messeng rna. design 16 18 year old chemistri students, biolog biochemistry, probabl need detail page gives."} {"id": "14445", "contents": "transcript process wherebi one strand dna copi complementari strand rna enzym rna polymerase. rna use nitrogen base uracil place thymine. transcript first step process lead manufactur protein non-cod rna."} {"id": "14446", "contents": "rate prokaryot dna transcript 40 nucleotid per second. base pair present region, one nucleotide. thus, order solv problem, simpli need divid total number nucleotid transcrib (400) rate transcript nucleotid per second (40)."} {"id": "14447", "contents": "length. rna much shorter dna. dna contain code make lot lot differ proteins. messeng rna contain inform make one singl polypeptid chain-in word one protein, even part protein made one polypeptid chain."} {"id": "14448", "contents": "transcript process dna copi (transcribed) mrna, carri inform need protein synthesis. transcript take place two broad steps. first, pre-messeng rna formed, involv rna polymeras enzymes."} {"id": "14449", "contents": "transcription: nucleus, dna unzip dna helicase. dna copi dna polymeras iii form new copi rna."} {"id": "14450", "contents": "transcript dna mrna complete, translat read mrna make protein begins. recal mrna molecul singl stranded, order base a, u, c, complementari specif portion cell' dna."} {"id": "14451", "contents": "bolivia activ sought foster econom connect south america long reli unit state primari trade partner. balanc trade currenc bolivia estim trade surplu us$340 million 2004. mine industry, especi extract natur ga zinc, current domin bolivia\u2019 export economy. bolivia' 2002 gross domest product (gdp) total $7.9 billion. econom growth 2.5% year inflat expect 3% 4% 2002 (it 1% 2001)."} {"id": "14452", "contents": "south-american countri bolivia struggl poorest countri south america. wealth inequ critic issu countri 10 million. 65 percent popul resid poverty, \u201cnearli 40 percent\u201d popul extrem poverty."} {"id": "14453", "contents": "bolivia: introduction. bolivia landlock countri south america border countri argentina, brazil, chile, paraguay, peru. bolivia locat rug and mountain highland plateau lowland plain amazon basin. bolivia share control lago titicaca, world\u2019 highest navig lake."} {"id": "14454", "contents": "follow money. bolivia landlock countri south america. border brazil north east, paraguay argentina south, chile peru west. bolivia popul million."} {"id": "14455", "contents": "economi bolivia 95th largest economi world nomin term 87th economi term purchas power parity. classifi world bank lower middl incom country. human develop index 0,675, rank 108th (medium human development). one time 1985, bolivia experienc inflat rate 20,000 percent. fiscal monetari reform reduc inflat rate singl digit 1990s, 2004 bolivia experienc manag 4.9 percent rate inflation."} {"id": "14456", "contents": "u.s.-bolivia relations. unit state establish diplomat relat bolivia 1849 follow independ spain. bolivia one poorest countri western hemisphere, much popul live poverty, face seriou econom social challenges."} {"id": "14457", "contents": "bolivia mix econom system economi includ varieti privat freedom, combin central econom plan govern regulation. bolivia member andean commun (can) latin american integr associ (laia). bolivia locat rug and mountain highland plateau lowland plain amazon basin. bolivia share control lago titicaca, world\u2019 highest navig lake."} {"id": "14458", "contents": "bolivian economi histor pattern single-commod focus. silver tin coca, bolivia enjoy occasion period econom diversification. polit instabl difficult topographi constrain effort modern agricultur sector. one time 1985, bolivia experienc inflat rate 20,000 percent. fiscal monetari reform reduc inflat rate singl digit 1990s, 2004 bolivia experienc manag 4.9 percent rate inflation."} {"id": "14459", "contents": "mechan digest occur mouth stomach, segment back fourth mix food stomach. chemic digest occur stomach hcl pepsin form chyme, mouth salivari amylas break starch form bolus, small intestin specif duodenum."} {"id": "14460", "contents": "larg intestin mechan digestion; absorb water involv peristalsis. noth enzymes, chemic digestion. major digest occur small intestin nu trient also absorb body. digest occur stomach mostli use decompos food form small intestin digest. other found useful."} {"id": "14461", "contents": "digest breakdown larg insolubl food molecul small water-solubl food molecul absorb wateri blood plasma. certain organisms, smaller substanc absorb small intestin blood stream. digest form catabol often divid two process base food broken down: mechan chemic digestion. chyme fulli digested, absorb blood. 95% absorpt nutrient occur small intestine. water miner reabsorb back blood colon (larg intestine) ph slightli acid 5.6 6.9."} {"id": "14462", "contents": "larg intestin take 32 hour finish remain process digest system. food longer broken stage digestion. larg intestin simpli absorb vitamin creat bacteria inhabit colon. digest take place larg intestine. (: absorpt miner salt water undigest food occur"} {"id": "14463", "contents": "mechan digest break food small pieces. chemic digest chemic chang food form use cells. 4. medic condit make necessari remov portion larg intestine. mechan digest involv physic break food smaller pieces. mechan digest begin mouth food chewed. chemic digest involv break food simpler nutrient"} {"id": "14464", "contents": "term mechan digest refer physic breakdown larg piec food smaller piec subsequ access digest enzymes. chemic digestion, enzym break food small molecul bodi use. chyme fulli digested, absorb blood. 95% absorpt nutrient occur small intestine. water miner reabsorb back blood colon (larg intestine) ph slightli acid 5.6 6.9."} {"id": "14465", "contents": "function small intestine. small intestin part intestin 90% digest absorpt food occurs, 10% take place stomach larg intestine. main function small intestin absorpt nutrient miner food. digest involv two distinct parts. small intestin tubular structur within abdomin caviti carri food continu stomach colon larg intestin carri rectum bodi via anus. main function organ aid digest"} {"id": "14466", "contents": "larg intestin digest food. simpli use absorb water compact stool. major digest occur small intestin nu trient also absorb body. digest occur stomach mostli use decompos food form small intestin digest. other found useful."} {"id": "14467", "contents": "small intestine: small intestin chemic digest occurs. stomach empti food juic mixtur small intestine, juic two digest organ mix food continu process digestion. one organ pancreas. digest involv mix food, movement digest tract, chemic breakdown larg molecul food smaller molecules. digest begin mouth, chew swallow, complet small intestine."} {"id": "14468", "contents": "refer range. microalbuminuria defin excret 30\u2013300 mg albumin per 24 hour (or 20\u2013200 mcg/min 30\u2013300 mcg/mg creatinine) urin collections. detect low level albumin excret (microalbuminuria) link identif incipi diabet kidney disease."} {"id": "14469", "contents": "albumin protein made liver. serum albumin test measur amount protein clear liquid portion blood."} {"id": "14470", "contents": "albumin test check urin protein call albumin. albumin normal found blood filter kidneys. kidney work should, may small amount albumin urine."} {"id": "14471", "contents": "albumin test check urin presenc protein call albumin. call albuminuria. often caus kidney damag diabetes. mani condit lead kidney damage. number guide. rang normal vari lab lab."} {"id": "14472", "contents": "caus low albumin level plasma-hypoalbuminemia. normal rang albumin concentr blood plasma 3.5 5.4 gram per deciliter. low blood plasma albumin level also refer hypoalbuminemia may occur result condit like liver diseas includ cirrhosi hepatitis."} {"id": "14473", "contents": "refer range. refer rang albumin test follows: normal rang 3.5 5.5 g/dl 35-55 g/liter. rang may vari slightli differ laboratories. albumin compos 50%-60% blood plasma proteins. imag depict human serum albumin seen below. structur human serum albumin."} {"id": "14474", "contents": "rubeola (measles): rubeola ordinari measles, acut highli contagi viral diseas fever, runni nose, cough, red eyes, spread skin rash. rubeola (measles) potenti disastr disease."} {"id": "14475", "contents": "first sign measl infect fever, extrem runni nose, red, runni eyes, cough. day later, rash appear mouth, particularli mucou membran line cheeks. rash consist tini white dot (like grain salt sand) reddish bump."} {"id": "14476", "contents": "measl (rubeola). highli contagi viral infect caus measl virus. symptom appear 8-12 day exposur includ rash, cough, fever muscl pain last 4-7 days."} {"id": "14477", "contents": "measl diseas caus respiratori viru produc telltal red spot body. addit spots, symptom includ fever, runni nose, cough. measl childhood diseas rare occur adults. measl also known rubeola."} {"id": "14478", "contents": "measles. measl childhood infect caus virus. quit common, measl almost alway prevent vaccine. sign symptom measl includ cough, runni nose, inflam eyes, sore throat, fever red, blotchi skin rash. also call rubeola, measl seriou even fatal small children."} {"id": "14479", "contents": "treati paris. treati paris, sign septemb 3, 1783, end american revolutionari war great britain american colonies. peac negoti began april 1782 hotel d'york involv american repres benjamin franklin, john jay, henri laurens, john adam"} {"id": "14480", "contents": "treati paris, 1783. treati pari sign u.s. british repres septemb 3, 1783, end war american revolution. base a1782 preliminari treaty, agreement recogn u.s. independ grant u.s. signific western territory. 1783 treati one seri treati sign pari 1783 also establish peac great britain alli nation france, spain, netherlands."} {"id": "14481", "contents": "treati pari sign u.s. british repres septemb 3, 1783, end war american revolution. base a1782 preliminari treaty, agreement recogn u.s. independ grant u.s. signific western territory."} {"id": "14482", "contents": "treati paris, see treati pari (disambiguation) treati paris, sign pari repres king georg iii great britain repres unit state america septemb 3, 1783, end american revolutionari war. benjamin west 's paint deleg treati paris: john jay, john adams, benjamin franklin, henri laurens, william templ franklin. british deleg refus pose, paint never completed. peac negoti began april 1782, continu summer."} {"id": "14483", "contents": "treati sign deleg unit state great britain, well franc spain, pari septemb 3, 1783. congress assent requir treati take effect, deleg call conven annapolis, serv nation' capital, november, 1783. ratif treati paris. januari 14, 1784, treati pari ratifi congress unit states, met senat chamber maryland state house. treati formal end revolutionari war establish unit state free independ nation"} {"id": "14484", "contents": "new map north america produc follow treati paris. treati paris, also known treati 1763, sign 10 februari 1763 kingdom great britain, franc spain, portug agreement, britain' victori franc spain seven years' war."} {"id": "14485", "contents": "april 15, 1783 congress ratifi preliminari articl peac end revolutionari war great britain april 15, 1783. septemb 3, 1783 septemb 3, 1783, treati pari signed, bring revolutionari war final conclusion. januari 14, 1784 congress ratifi treati pari januari 14, 1784, offici establish unit state independ sovereign nation. treati paris, formal end war, sign septemb 3, 1783. continent congress, temporarili situat annapolis, maryland, time, ratifi treati pari januari 14, 1784. librari congress web site extern web site select bibliography."} {"id": "14486", "contents": "introduction. treati pari 1783, negoti unit state great britain, end revolutionari war recogn american independence. continent congress name five-memb commiss negoti treaty\u2013john adams, benjamin franklin, john jay, thoma jefferson, henri laurens."} {"id": "14487", "contents": "filox-r superior high effici media remov iron, hydrogen sulfid manganese. product popular highest flow rate standard iron remov media, excel filtrat media outperform tradit greensand birm."} {"id": "14488", "contents": "filox-r\u2122 use remov iron, hydrogen sulfide, manganes water supplies. media util oxidation-reduct reaction filtrat process similar greensand, much higher level performance."} {"id": "14489", "contents": "filox filter control old reliable, tough fleck 2510 filter valve. easi program\u2014y chang backwash cycle, example, simpli open hing face move pin two\u2014and last forever."} {"id": "14490", "contents": "filox. filox water filter filter medium specif creat lower level manganese, iron hydrogen sulfid well water. filox filter superior perform filter media due product\u2019 notabl high manganes dioxid percentage. manganes dioxid content."} {"id": "14491", "contents": "particular filox iron filter use air charger control valv keep head air top filter tank. water enter tank, fall air trap insid top filter tank. add oxygen water help filox iron filter media work correctly. iron filter back-wash everi night strong backwash well pump. however, water ppm iron, 0.5 ppm manganes high hydrogen sulfid odors."} {"id": "14492", "contents": "filox-r\u2122 filter iron, manganes hydrogen sulfid removal. advanc high-perform unit featur fleck 2510 control, vortech advanc design miner tank, filox-r\u2122 best iron/manganese/hydrogen sulfid treatment medium market. above: two view 48 filter."} {"id": "14493", "contents": "help patient get instant progress save retail pharmaci \u2020. offer patient save retail pharmaci contrav complet card. contrav complet card allow commerci insur cash-pay patient elig save prescript contrave."} {"id": "14494", "contents": "fill contrav prescript twice higher introductori price, manufactur coupon card mean cost contrav without insur $45 $60 respectively. click link manufacturer' websit find request activ contrav coupon card. save 75% 1000 medications. get now. much like coupon, discount card internet drug coupon help save much 75% cost contrave."} {"id": "14495", "contents": "yes, folk took contrav lost 10% bodi weight. 200 pound that\u2019 180. studies, averag weight loss 28 pounds. work see get best price, it\u2019 much hassl alway get local pharmaci (check goodrx coupons). contrav get deliv home \u201csign up\u201d contrav .com enroll."} {"id": "14496", "contents": "contrav tablet alway taken whole, usual taken morn evening. averag retail price contrav upward $200, howev provid coupon contrav help cost. inform offer manufactur coupon, read contrav articl below. save 75% 1000 medications. get now. much like coupon, discount card internet drug coupon help save much 75% cost contrave."} {"id": "14497", "contents": "jan. 1, 2014, exclud medic shown cover express script drug list.* cases, fill prescript one drug jan. 1, pay full retail price. take action avoid pay full price."} {"id": "14498", "contents": "contrave. bupropion; naltrexon combin product use promot maintain weight loss obes adult overweight adult also weight relat medic problems. medicin use reduc calori diet increas physic activity. copyright \u00a92015 goodrx, inc. goodrx sponsor affili pharmaci identifi price comparisons. trademarks, brands, logo copyright imag properti respect owner right holder use sole repres product right holders."} {"id": "14499", "contents": "goodrx' cash price base multipl sources, includ publish price lists, purchases, claim records, data provid pharmacies. discount coupon price base contract pharmaci (or pharmaci purchas group) pharmaci benefit manag (pbm), provid price us. copyright \u00a92015 goodrx, inc. goodrx sponsor affili pharmaci identifi price comparisons. trademarks, brands, logo copyright imag properti respect owner right holder use sole repres product right holders."} {"id": "14500", "contents": "contrav newest weight loss medic avail prescript look promising. 7,000 prescript written contrav debut week i\u2019m guess mani want know it. work see get best price, it\u2019 much hassl alway get local pharmaci (check goodrx coupons). contrav get deliv home \u201csign up\u201d contrav .com enroll."} {"id": "14501", "contents": "doctor write prescript it. but, take advantag lowest cost avail you, certain pharmaci mail contrav discount price. contrav .com websit help enrol save program. work see get best price, it\u2019 much hassl alway get local pharmaci (check goodrx coupons). contrav get deliv home \u201csign up\u201d contrav .com enroll."} {"id": "14502", "contents": "great news! expect pay anywher $35 $45 per month (depend choic instal furnac model size) rental carrier furnac carrier air conditioner."} {"id": "14503", "contents": "origin post aqnd yes, further: op, can't afford/don't avail credit maintain house, head. case, probabl rent differ place sell one got, rent furnace."} {"id": "14504", "contents": "rent furnac air condit system greater toronto area becom popular hvac rental market gradual steadili growing."} {"id": "14505", "contents": "minimum year commit rental furnac air condition program. mean can't get contract; mean would need buyout equip want end program period. period call contract term."} {"id": "14506", "contents": "part video discuss impact buyout consumers, rental compani give straight answer put write contract! alreadi sign one rental contract go like hear! (mi apolog advance)."} {"id": "14507", "contents": "cost propan natur ga furnac rental rent financ sometim called, vari somewhat depend differ factors, includ length term compani choose."} {"id": "14508", "contents": "specific, example: much rang turkey cover? .... individu turkey known live long life wild. male wild turkey grow four feet long, includ tail. wild turkey wish fli away, wing need domest turkey bred food consumpt bred live one year."} {"id": "14509", "contents": "0. turkey rather moderately-liv bird compar long-liv speci hawks, gulls, waterfowl. overall, mortal rate turkey first week life 70%, though longev increas critic time period. averag turkey probabl live 11/2 year age. individu may live longer, turkey year old definit old-timer. base band bird, oldest known eastern turkey (coincident massachusetts) least 15 year old death. rio grand turkey live 14, florida turkey 13, merriam' turkey 91/2 year age."} {"id": "14510", "contents": "turkey surviv first two week life, expect live 1-3 years. trukey live 10 year longer. domest turkey live 26 week (thanksgiv turkeys) :) hope helps."} {"id": "14511", "contents": "turkey live averag two three years; however, upon reach matur life expect increas substantially. mortal occur poult (young-of-the-year) yearlings. bird known live long 10 years."} {"id": "14512", "contents": "maximum record lifespan turkey captiv twelv year four months. turkey live wild, maximum less ten years, averag life expect male turkey year year females."} {"id": "14513", "contents": "wild turkey polygam birds, mean mate life. male turkey mate mani femal within season unlik femal mate one male. rare occas first nest egg fails, femal lay another. nest laid, male go court females. turkey usual seen famili units. mother turkey sit egg even weather bad. best protect egg predat snake bird prey. incub period, poult hatch walk within 12 24 hours."} {"id": "14514", "contents": "wild turkey found 49 50 state (all except alaska). seen southern canada southern mexico. mani speci also introduc europ new zealand. turkey abl live mani differ areas, includ forest edg suburban areas."} {"id": "14515", "contents": "howstuffwork turkey wild turkey potenti live long thirteen year so, (and do) run fast long legs, take wing fly. wild turkey. maximum record lifespan turkey captiv twelv year four months. male wild turkey grow four feet long, includ tail. wild turkey wish fli away, wing need domest turkey bred food consumpt bred live one year."} {"id": "14516", "contents": "domest turkey (meleagri gallopavo) larg poultri bird, one two speci genu meleagri wild turkey. domest indigen peopl mesoamerica least 2,000 year ago, evid point today central region mexico."} {"id": "14517", "contents": "turkey cindi 2015-04-21t07:23:35+00:00. long turkey last? shelf life turkey depend varieti factors, sell date, prepar method stored. turkey far largest bird open forest live."} {"id": "14518", "contents": "price usual vari accord ipl treatment size/area. averag cost photofacial/ipl $450.00 treatment, depend bodi part. consult one board certifi cosmet surgeon number treatment need determin ipl treatment cost."} {"id": "14519", "contents": "much photorejuven treatment cost? singl full face treatment cost $300 $500 depend live doctor. seri 3-5 treatment usual $1,000 $2,500."} {"id": "14520", "contents": "price usual vari accord ipl treatment size. averag cost fotofacial/ipl $350 $600 treatment, depend bodi part. consult fotofaci specialist number treatment need determin ipl treatment cost."} {"id": "14521", "contents": "ipl cost. average, ipl cost $300 $600 dollar per treatment. purchas packag sever treatment visits, reduc total costs. make sure clear price point begin ipl treatment series."} {"id": "14522", "contents": "cost. ipl\u2122 photorejuven gener costli procedur like microdermabras chemic peels, less expens cosmet surgeri laser skin treatment. still, price singl photofacial/fotofaci session high $500 $600."} {"id": "14523", "contents": "ipl\u2122 photofaci price breakdown. cost singl ipl\u2122 photorejuven treatment usual fall $300 $600, depend area countri procedur performed. cost photorejuven treatment may also depend area bodi treated."} {"id": "14524", "contents": "laser surgeon advis type, number, cost treatment skin require. laser treatment gener cost $300 $500 singl session, multipl session usual required."} {"id": "14525", "contents": "video games, movies, television--post-apocalypt literatur right noses, might even realiz it! connect pre-apocalypt world cultur lost, younger gener even start rever 'the americans' gods. sort mytholog event peopl prior cataclysm common post-apocalypt literature."} {"id": "14526", "contents": "apocalypt literatur genr prophet write develop post-exil jewish cultur popular among millennialist earli christians. imageri apocalypt literatur realist reflect physic world was, rather surreal fantastic, invok sens wonder complet new new order come."} {"id": "14527", "contents": "word apocalyptic, deriv greek word apokalypsis, mean \u201crevelation\u201d \u201cunveiling,\u201d appli write contain alleg revel secret purpos god, end world, establish god\u2019 kingdom earth."} {"id": "14528", "contents": "apocalyps (\u1f00\u03c0\u03bf\u03ba\u03ac\u03bb\u03c5\u03c8\u03b9\u03c2) greek word mean revelation, unveil unfold thing previous known could known apart unveiling.. genre, apocalypt literatur detail authors' vision end time reveal angel heavenli messenger. imageri apocalypt literatur realist reflect physic world was, rather surreal fantastic, invok sens wonder complet new new order come."} {"id": "14529", "contents": "henc name. apocalypt literatur often use prophet vision formula see future, \u201cand saw...\u201d phrase appear mani time revelation. earliest exampl genre, however. literatur use mysteri symbol language. stage histori apocalypt literature. first biblic stage genre. first known record apocalypt literatur isaiah 24:40. continu sporad throughout book end isaiah contain apocalypt vision new city."} {"id": "14530", "contents": "apocalypt element (\u03b1\u03c0\u03bf\u03ba\u03b1\u03bb\u03c5\u03c0\u03c4\u03b5\u03b9\u03bd, reveal someth hidden) detect prophet book joel zechariah, isaiah chapter 24\u201327 33 present well-develop apocalypses. book daniel offer fulli matur classic exampl genr literature. imageri apocalypt literatur realist reflect physic world was, rather surreal fantastic, invok sens wonder complet new new order come."} {"id": "14531", "contents": "book revel belong class chiefli jewish (and later christian) literatur call \u201capocalyptic.\u201d word \u201capocalypse\u201d borrow book revel appli writings. apocalypt refers, broad sense, group book written 200 b.c. a.d. 100."} {"id": "14532", "contents": "gener overviews. collin 1998a repres standard introduct ancient jewish apocalypt literature, provid survey apocalypt literature\u2019 histor develop consensu definit literari apocalypse. nickelsburg 2005 interpret jewish apocalypt text context histor developments."} {"id": "14533", "contents": "apocalypt literatur often use prophet vision formula see future, \u201cand saw...\u201d phrase appear mani time revelation. earliest exampl genre, however. literatur use mysteri symbol language. stage histori apocalypt literature. first biblic stage genre. first known record apocalypt literatur isaiah 24:40. continu sporad throughout book end isaiah contain apocalypt vision new city."} {"id": "14534", "contents": "replac done differ part enzyme. dna polymeras use singl strand dna templat complet doubl strand continu interact enzym synthesi number error dna replic would much higher."} {"id": "14535", "contents": "dna polymeras iii holoenzym compos 10 subunits. core polymeras contain catalyt polymeras subunit, \u03b1, proofread 3\u2032 5\u2032 exonuclease, \u03b5, subunit unknown function, \u03b8."} {"id": "14536", "contents": "report consid contribut three subunit polymeras core replic fork function. \u03b1, \u03b5, purifi tight 1:1:1 complex polymeras activ score by, e.g. use nick salmon sperm dna templat (11)."} {"id": "14537", "contents": "dna polymeras dnap. dna polymeras (dnap) type enzym respons form new copi dna, form nucleic acid molecules. nucleic acid polymers, larg molecul made smaller, repeat unit chemic connect one another."} {"id": "14538", "contents": "pol iii compos 10 subunit (8). \u03b1, catalyt polymeras subunit (9), \u03b5, 3\u2032 5\u2032 proofread exonucleas (10), \u03b8, subunit unknown function, associ form polymeras core (11). bind \u03b8, wherea bind (12), suggest linear array \u03b1\u03b5\u03b8."} {"id": "14539", "contents": "function dna polymerase. first thing' first: dna polymeras start copi dna access nucleotid base compos dna. dna made two strand dna connect hydrogen bonds."} {"id": "14540", "contents": "dna polymeras readi go work. dna polymeras use templat strand guid attach base complementari newli synthes strand dna. nucleotid ad 3'oh end previou nucleotide."} {"id": "14541", "contents": "dna polymeras add nucleotid onto 3'oh end preced nucleotid carri synthesi 5' 3' direct length dna. result dna polymeras function two copi dna contain one origin one newli synthes strand dna."} {"id": "14542", "contents": "employ state wisconsin must keep time payrol record employees. requir record must includ time time daili basis, total number hour work per day per week, time meal period time deduct hour worked. non-exempt salari employees, employ must pay overtim employe work 40 hours. may pay addit amount specifi agreement salari meant compens 45 hours."} {"id": "14543", "contents": "long employ keep payrol time cards/time. long employ keep payrol time cards/tim sheet terminated."} {"id": "14544", "contents": "use direct deposit, get wisconsin eppic debit mastercard trust fund process first support payment. safer paper checks. trip bank wait long lines. avoid check cash fees. monthli statement show support payment purchases."} {"id": "14545", "contents": "now. report abuse. accord irs, employe record kept minimum years, suggest feder guidelin that' long realli need keep records. check state' worker' compens l&i depart get minimums."} {"id": "14546", "contents": "question wisconsin eppic debit mastercard, call eppic custom servic 1-877-253-3686. question chase visa child support debit card, call chase custom servic 1-866-817-0761. appropri number print back card. eppic creat mail u.s. mail, address provid child support program, new wisconsin eppic debit mastercard issu comerica bank. wisconsin eppic debit mastercard arriv 10 days."} {"id": "14547", "contents": "question parent ask new wisconsin eppic debit mastercard. wisconsin child support program chang debit card vendor februari 7, 2013. child support debit card one way receiv child support payment electronically. chang chase visa debit card new wisconsin eppic debit mastercard, issu comerica bank manag eppic. eppic creat mail u.s. mail, address provid child support program, new wisconsin eppic debit mastercard issu comerica bank. wisconsin eppic debit mastercard arriv 10 days."} {"id": "14548", "contents": "loan period fines. find long keep materials, much pay us keep stuff long. get librari card. wisconsin resid properti owners. live wisconsin properti within state, also elig free card. must provid document ownership (properti tax bill, mortgage, etc.) time application. children age 16 must parent guardian sign approv applications."} {"id": "14549", "contents": "even though employ requir keep record actual hour work employe exempt overtim requirements, employ system record sick days, float holidays, vacat time, juri duty, bereav leave, absences. nation summary. feder fair labor standard act (flsa) law state requir employ keep accur record hour work wage paid nonexempt employees."} {"id": "14550", "contents": "5. qualit research primarili subject approach seek understand human behavior reason govern behavior. research tendenc becom subject immers subject matter type research method. present data qualit research form word (from interviews) imag (videos) object (such artifacts)."} {"id": "14551", "contents": "controversi surround valu quantit research method oppos qualit approach mean increas knowledg understand human behaviour health illness, contest nurs scholar sever decades. thus, nurs research often need captur individual' interpret experi mean attribut experi order interpret synthesis data alway respons quantit research method (munhall, 2001; pullen, 2000)."} {"id": "14552", "contents": "result data often consid qualitative. however, rate scale design captur opinions, per se, rather design captur estim magnitude. rate scale produc qualit data, irrespect end-point label may be. data likert scale continu (e.g. 1-10) rate scale quantitative. scale assum equal interv points."} {"id": "14553", "contents": "term 'quantitative' 'qualitative' refer kind data. definit term uncontroversi found standard statist text book. witt witt (2009), example, present distinct concisely, defin quantit data follows: rate scale produc qualit data, irrespect end-point label may be. data likert scale continu (e.g. 1-10) rate scale quantitative. scale assum equal interv points."} {"id": "14554", "contents": "measur data gather analyz quantit research. qualit research focus gather mainli verbal data rather measurements. gather inform analyz interpret manner, subjective, impressionist even diagnostic. present data qualit research form word (from interviews) imag (videos) object (such artifacts)."} {"id": "14555", "contents": "example, design gener idea new product might want studi people\u2019 habit preferences, make sure product commerci viable. quantit research use assess whether complet design popular not. qualit research often regard precursor quantit research, often use gener possibl lead idea use formul realist testabl hypothesis. qualit research method depend upon sampl size quantit methods; case study, example, gener meaning result small sampl group."} {"id": "14556", "contents": "peopl often throw around term 'objective' 'subjective' talk result research study. term frequent equat statist term 'quantitative' 'qualitative'. rate scale produc qualit data, irrespect end-point label may be. data likert scale continu (e.g. 1-10) rate scale quantitative. scale assum equal interv points."} {"id": "14557", "contents": "quantitative. definitions. systemat subject approach use describ life experi give meaning. formal, objective, systemat process obtain inform world. method use describe, test relationships, examin caus effect relationships. goals. gain insight; explor depth, richness, complex inher phenomenon."} {"id": "14558", "contents": "qualit research tri understand subject' viewpoint, quantit research count measur behavior scales, tools, interventions. see, approach method different. research design two vary, well. method also way sampling. random sampl prefer quantit research. allow research pick represent larger group result gener larger group. qualit research, sampl random."} {"id": "14559", "contents": "controlled, exact approach research. quantit research method origin develop natur scienc studi natur phenomena (myers,1997). type research use mani differ fields, insurance, medicine, government, education, psychology, law. method also way sampling. random sampl prefer quantit research. allow research pick represent larger group result gener larger group. qualit research, sampl random."} {"id": "14560", "contents": "reduce: cook much need find cup bowl that\u2019 perfect portion size use measur time. reuse: store cook rice fridg use bulk soups, stuff pepper veg, make fri rice. recycle: plain cook rice compost put wormery."} {"id": "14561", "contents": "safe keep rice fridge-prefer airtight plastic container-for four days. readi use rice, cook thoroughly, either oven microwave, fri hot oil. make sure pipe hot serv it."} {"id": "14562", "contents": "yes, yes, thousand time yes! absolut pre-cook brown rice refriger later use. jeff make rice, alway soak cup rice, make cup cook rice. cool completely, pop fridg contain lid. readi go are."} {"id": "14563", "contents": "yes. get food poison eat reheat rice. however, reheat caus problem way rice store reheated."} {"id": "14564", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: paul would reheat cold rice danger get food poison make sick. believ know reheat rice age back got bad food poison bad thougth go die. would chuck rice get soemth els eat."} {"id": "14565", "contents": "reheat eat cold must refriger soon cook cool must eat within 24 hours. cook rice goe bad quickly."} {"id": "14566", "contents": "add bunch water cook rice cook again, add thing like left chicken, spinach, eggs, realli whatev lay around fridg make nice porridg especi warm cold months."} {"id": "14567", "contents": "refriger rice, want eat cold, perfectli fine. peopl eat cold rice salad time. cold rice pud fine. sit around room temperatur problem."} {"id": "14568", "contents": "indu civilization, center indu valley western india, flourish 2500 bc 1700 bc. civil cover larger area modern pakistan. two larg cities, modern-day harappa mohenjo-daro pakistan, held perhap 35,000 peopl height."} {"id": "14569", "contents": "indu valley civil (ivc) bronz age civilis (3300\u20131300 bce; matur period 2600\u20131900 bce, pre-harappan cultur start c.7500 bce) northwest indian subcontin (includ present day pakistan, northwest india) also region northeast afghanistan. matur phase harappan civilis last c. 2600 1900 bce. inclus predecessor successor cultur earli harappan late harappan, respect entir indu valley civil may taken last 33rd 14th centuri bce."} {"id": "14570", "contents": "indu valley civil spread flourish northwestern part indian subcontin c. 3300 1300 bce present-day pakistan northwest india, first major civil south asia."} {"id": "14571", "contents": "among settlement major urban centr harappa, mohenjo-daro (unesco world heritag site), dholavira, ganeriwala cholistan rakhigarhi, rakhigarhi haryana, india, largest indu valley civil site 350-hectar (3.5 km 2) area. matur phase harappan civilis last c. 2600 1900 bce. inclus predecessor successor cultur earli harappan late harappan, respect entir indu valley civil may taken last 33rd 14th centuri bce."} {"id": "14572", "contents": "ruin two ancient cities, harappa mohenjo-daro (both modern-day pakistan), remnant mani settlements, reveal great clue mystery. harappa was, fact, rich discoveri indu valley civil also call harappan civilization. first artifact uncov harappa uniqu stone seal carv unicorn inscription."} {"id": "14573", "contents": "roughli 3000 1500 b.c.e. complex, urban civil exist along indu river today northern india. ancient indu river valley civil domin sever larg cities, includ harappa mohenjo-daro, today known name former."} {"id": "14574", "contents": "azes. name two indo-scythian king major dynasti rule empir base punjab indu valley 50 b.c. a.d. 30. azes, name two indo-scythian king major dynasti rule empir base punjab indu valley 50 b.c. a.d."} {"id": "14575", "contents": "overview. indu valley civil ancient india one earliest civil world history. locat north-western region indian subcontinent, rise fall form first great chapter histori ancient india."} {"id": "14576", "contents": "indu valley civil ancient civil locat pakistan northwest india today, fertil flood plain indu river vicinity. evid religi practic area date back approxim 5500 bce. life indu valley civilization. two cities, particular, excav site mohenjo-daro lower indus, harappa, upstream."} {"id": "14577", "contents": "future, group would use pass invad india. two major citi indu valley civil discovered: harappa mohenjo-daro. two citi develop time egypt mesopotamia, much larger. togeth might contain 100,000 peopl civil may larg million."} {"id": "14578", "contents": "herbert hoover born august 10, 1874, west branch, iowa, first presid born west mississippi river. hoover six year old, father died. three year later mother also died, hoover rais oregon matern aunt uncle. move post u.s. secretari commerc spearhead construct st. lawrenc seaway hoover dam. 1928, hoover elect president, eight month later stock market crash 1929 occurred, usher great depression. hoover\u2019 polici could overcom econom destruct despair resulted, lost reelect bid 1932"} {"id": "14579", "contents": "serv america' 31st presid 1929 1933, herbert hoover achiev intern success mine engin worldwid gratitud great humanitarian fed war-torn europ world war i. 1947 presid truman appoint hoover commission, elect chairman, reorgan execut departments. appoint chairman similar commiss presid eisenhow 1953."} {"id": "14580", "contents": "six week committe help 120,000 american return unit states. next hoover turn far difficult task, feed belgium, overrun german army. unit state enter war, presid wilson appoint hoover head food administration. 1947 presid truman appoint hoover commission, elect chairman, reorgan execut departments. appoint chairman similar commiss presid eisenhow 1953."} {"id": "14581", "contents": "introduction. herbert hoover (1874-1964), america\u2019 31st president, took offic 1929, year u.s. economi plummet great depression. although predecessors\u2019 polici undoubtedli contribut crisis, last decade, hoover bore much blame mind american people."} {"id": "14582", "contents": "herbert hoover born august 10, 1874 west branch, iowa die octob 20, 1964 new york, new york thirty-first presid unit state herbert hoover. ap/wid world photo. herbert hoover born august 10, 1874 (west branch, iowa)di octob 20, 1964 (new york, new york) u.s. presid herbert hoover began roar twenti secretari commerc presid warr... read more."} {"id": "14583", "contents": "herbert clark hoover (august 10, 1874 octob 20, 1964) 31st presid unit state (1929\u20131933). profession mine engin rais quaker. hoover recent cabinet secretari elect presid unit states, well one two presid (along william howard taft) elect without elector experi high militari rank."} {"id": "14584", "contents": "herbert hoover articles. explor articl histori net archiv herbert hoover. see herbert hoover articles. herbert hoover summary: herbert hoover 31st presid unit state america. born iowa 1874 parent quakers. 1900, hoover china boxer rebellion, led relief effort trap there."} {"id": "14585", "contents": "born: august 10, 1874 west branch, iowa... hoover last presid whose term end march 3. thereaft presidenti term began end januari 20. hoover' presid began amidst grand optim prosper 1920 carri office. time favor, however."} {"id": "14586", "contents": "1. pack vitamin minerals. pineappl load vitamin miner includ vitamin a, vitamin c, calcium, phosphorus, potassium. also rich fiber calories. top all, fruit low fat cholesterol. nutrient contain promot good health."} {"id": "14587", "contents": "vitamin pineappl especi high vitamin b1 thiamin (6% total daili dietari requir per 100 grams) vitamin b6 (8% total daili dietari requir per 100 grams). thiamin need bodi effici oxygen transport increas blood circulation."} {"id": "14588", "contents": "delici fruit full nutrient promot good health\u2014 raw pineappl load vitamins, enzym miner includ vitamin a, vitamin c, calcium, phosphorus, manganes potassium, import health. also rich fiber calories, low fat cholesterol."} {"id": "14589", "contents": "carbohydr body' main sourc energy. broken glucose, sugar provid energi body. glucos used, store fat. carbohydr bad you, fact, essential."} {"id": "14590", "contents": "everyth fatten eat much it, no. pineappl actual acidic. eat pineapple, would worri bad breath width stomach afterward."} {"id": "14591", "contents": "sweetness, one cup pineappl chunk contain 82 calories. pineappl also fat-free, cholesterol-fre low sodium. surprisingly, contain sugar, 16 gram per cup."} {"id": "14592", "contents": "pineappl popular tropic fruit banana consum world over. would expect, like fruits, pack vitamins, miner essenti nutrient make highli accept addit diet offer mani health benefits."} {"id": "14593", "contents": "let\u2019 find pineappl fatten help weight loss food. fiber pineappl good sourc digest dietari fiber, contain 9% total daili need 165 grams, essenti good intestin bowel function."} {"id": "14594", "contents": "kevin scott, presid ceo electrolux major applianc north america said, \u201ccharlott consist rank one best citi live work u.s., provid great access road, rail air transportation. follow extens site search, new electrolux north american headquart locat 10200 david taylor drive univers area northeast charlotte."} {"id": "14595", "contents": "\u201ci would say opportun charlott got better.\u201d. acquisit electrolux\u2019 largest-ev deal. swedish appliance-mak move north american headquart charlott 2010, lure part $27 million state local incent package. december, electrolux announc $85 million expans facil univers citi area, support $34 million incent package. charlott center u.s. applianc market electrolux complet plan $3.3 billion acquisit gener electric\u2019 applianc business. rick rothacker, eli portillo steve lyttle-rrothacker@charlotteobserver.com elyportillo@charlotteobserver.com."} {"id": "14596", "contents": "1937, american-own electrolux corp debut electrolux model xxx (30). first american electrolux. model xxx sold 1937-1954, make longest made vacuum time span 14 million sold. 2000, north american right electrolux brand name sold electrolux group sweden, previous unaffili sinc 1968. corpor origin manufactur electrolux vacuum known aeru sinc 2001."} {"id": "14597", "contents": "usa, manufactur vacuum cleaners, carpet cleaner air purifiers. headquart dallas, texas, 500 independ own franchis u.s. canada. aeru successor electrolux usa, icon manufactur vacuum cleaners. however, electrolux name use u.s. electrolux group sweden, also manufactur eureka vacuum cleaners. 2000, north american right electrolux brand name sold electrolux group sweden, previous unaffili sinc 1968. corpor origin manufactur electrolux vacuum known aeru sinc 2001."} {"id": "14598", "contents": "american electrolux today charl richard lester 78 year (a 2002), electrolux-usa more. begin end foreshadow may 31, 1985, electrolux corpor close red-brick mill old greenwich, connecticut which, time, employ 830 workers. electrolux group sold right electrolux trademark north america group own sarah lee back 60s. swedish compani focus grow busi part world -- grow electrolux trademark make strateg acquisitions."} {"id": "14599", "contents": "ab electrolux (commonli known electrolux) multin applianc manufacturer, headquart stockholm, sweden. consist rank world' second-largest applianc maker unit sold (after whirlpool). electrolux product sell varieti brand name (includ own), primarili major applianc vacuum cleaner intend consum use. compani also make applianc profession use. 1919: lux vacuum first product electrolux sells. 1925: d, electrolux' first refrigerator, absorpt model. 1937: electrolux model 30 vacuum unveiled. 1940: assist (swedish spell assistant) company' wartim consum product, mixer food processor."} {"id": "14600", "contents": "applianc maker move north american headquart charlott augusta, ga., 2010, lure partial $27 million incent package. 2013, electrolux announc $85 million expans facil univers citi area, support $34 million incent package. wednesday, however, electrolux said expect first-quart earn north american major applianc busi \u201csignificantli lower anticipated\u201d compani adapt new feder energi standard refriger freezer put place second half last year."} {"id": "14601", "contents": "newsroom. electrolux plan consolid north american cook manufactur build new manufactur facil memphis, tennessee, usa."} {"id": "14602", "contents": "links. charlotte, nc select locat new electrolux north american headquart number u.s. corpor offic oper support function combin singl location. consolid multipl entiti new site begin summer 2010. follow extens site search, new electrolux north american headquart locat 10200 david taylor drive univers area northeast charlotte."} {"id": "14603", "contents": "along common chimpanzee, bonobo closest extant rel humans. two speci profici swimmers, format congo river 1.5\u20132 million year ago possibl led speciat bonobo. although larg male chimpanze exceed bonobo bulk weight, two speci actual broadli overlap bodi size. adult femal bonobo somewhat smaller adult males. bodi mass male rang 34 60 kg (75 132 lb), averag 30 kg (66 lb) females."} {"id": "14604", "contents": "basic entor insid pig similar human, proport smaller. heart place lungs, liver gal bladder similiar, whole digest system extrem similiar. still, human govern biolog rule life form life style ge\u2026. first time dog owners: neuter dog, like heard admonit spay neuter pet."} {"id": "14605", "contents": "pig ah hooves, human not. skin similar human too. pig bodi hair too. pig. mani similarites, dissect fetal pig anatomi class prove this. basic entor insid pig similar human, proport smaller. heart place lungs, liver gal bladder similiar, whole digest system extrem similiar"} {"id": "14606", "contents": "ape resembl human close refer anthropoid (humanlike). ape larg brain among intellig animals. ape' skeleton si milar human. still, human govern biolog rule life form life style ge\u2026. first time dog owners: neuter dog, like heard admonit spay neuter pet."} {"id": "14607", "contents": "chimpanze closest live rel humans. chimp best similar human beings.they show great abil close resembl human movements. himp also featur physic mental trait close resembl homo erectus. still, human govern biolog rule life form life style ge\u2026. first time dog owners: neuter dog, like heard admonit spay neuter pet."} {"id": "14608", "contents": "bonobo (/b\u0259\u02c8no\u028abo\u028a/ /\u02c8b\u0252n\u0259bo\u028a/) (pan paniscus), formerli call pygmi chimpanze less often, dwarf gracil chimpanzee, endang great ape one two speci make genu pan; pan troglodytes, common chimpanzee. although larg male chimpanze exceed bonobo bulk weight, two speci actual broadli overlap bodi size. adult femal bonobo somewhat smaller adult males. bodi mass male rang 34 60 kg (75 132 lb), averag 30 kg (66 lb) females."} {"id": "14609", "contents": "confid vote 70. close relat extant anim human chimpanze bonobos. equal close relat us, share common ancestor togeth recent (~1 million year ago) share common ancestor human (~6-7 million year ago). still, human govern biolog rule life form life style ge\u2026. first time dog owners: neuter dog, like heard admonit spay neuter pet."} {"id": "14610", "contents": "right reserved. everybodi know humans' closest anim rel chimpanzees. least, that' accept wisdom among scientist 30 years. two biologist argu orangutans, chimps, closest cousins."} {"id": "14611", "contents": "bonobo found 500,000 km (190,000 sq mi) area congo basin democrat republ congo, central africa. speci omnivor inhabit primari secondari forests, includ season inund swamp forests. although larg male chimpanze exceed bonobo bulk weight, two speci actual broadli overlap bodi size. adult femal bonobo somewhat smaller adult males. bodi mass male rang 34 60 kg (75 132 lb), averag 30 kg (66 lb) females."} {"id": "14612", "contents": "cryptographi close relat disciplin cryptolog cryptanalysis. cryptographi includ techniqu microdots, merg word images, way hide inform storag transit. however, today' computer-centr world, cryptographi often associ scrambl plaintext (ordinari text, sometim refer cleartext) ciphertext (a process call encryption), back (known decryption). individu practic field known cryptographers."} {"id": "14613", "contents": "definit cryptographer. specialist cryptography: a: clerk enciph deciph messag b: one devis cryptograph method system c: cryptanalyst."} {"id": "14614", "contents": "cryptographi scienc enabl secur commun sender one recipients. centuries-old disciplin document exampl date back time juliu caesar. today, mani highli sophist evolv techniqu cryptographer' toolbox; intent provid one services: data confidenti concern read understand messag exchang sender receiver."} {"id": "14615", "contents": "short version. cryptograph develop algorithms, cipher secur system encrypt sensit information. cryptanalyst analyz decrypt type hidden inform (e.g. encrypt data, cipher texts, telecommun protocols) cryptograph secur systems."} {"id": "14616", "contents": "cryptographi scienc provid secur information. use histor mean provid secur commun individuals, govern agencies, militari forces. today, cryptographi cornerston modern secur technolog use protect inform resourc open close networks. top page."} {"id": "14617", "contents": "jurisdict use cryptographi legal, law permit investig compel disclosur encrypt key document relev investigation. asymmetr system use public key encrypt messag privat key decrypt it. use asymmetr system enhanc secur communication. colloqui use, term code often use mean method encrypt conceal meaning."} {"id": "14618", "contents": "cryptographi network inform security. cryptographi cornerston modern electron secur technolog use today protect valuabl inform resourc intranets, extranets, internet."} {"id": "14619", "contents": "full definit cryptography. 1. secret writing. 2. enciph deciph messag secret code cipher; also: computer encod decod information. 3. cryptanalysis. see cryptographi defin english-languag learners. see cryptographi defin kids. advertisement."} {"id": "14620", "contents": "cryptographi introduction. cryptographi encrypt scienc chang data unrecognis useless unauthoris person. decrypt chang back origin form. secur techniqu use mathemat algorithm variabl valu known 'key'."} {"id": "14621", "contents": "modern cryptographi heavili base mathemat theori comput scienc practice; cryptograph algorithm design around comput hard assumptions, make algorithm hard break practic adversary. asymmetr system use public key encrypt messag privat key decrypt it. use asymmetr system enhanc secur communication. colloqui use, term code often use mean method encrypt conceal meaning."} {"id": "14622", "contents": "three way thaw frozen lamb safely: refrigerator, cold water, microwave. refrigerator. frozen lamb thaw refrigerator, roasts, steak chop store safe refriger day ground lamb safe days. decid use time period, may refreez lamb without cook first. cold water."} {"id": "14623", "contents": "meat kept better freezer. meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airt ight container. 42 other found useful. meat last long refrigerator. day raw. day longer cook place airtight container. alway cover meat store fridg"} {"id": "14624", "contents": "{h3}freezer refrigerator?{/h3] lamb store either refriger freezer, depend used. lamb use day two store refrigerator, kept origin packaging, coldest area refrigerator."} {"id": "14625", "contents": "refriger freezer. cut lamb safe store refriger temperatur 33\u00b0f 40\u00b0f days. store freezer temperatur 0\u00b0f less months. refriger ground lamb use within day store freezer month"} {"id": "14626", "contents": "meat kept better freezer. meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airt ight container. butter keep long time refrigerated. weeks. also freez product keep year. hi-i access question ave tri butter fridge. sunday 14th june 2009."} {"id": "14627", "contents": "meat last long refrigerator. day raw. day longer cook place airtight container. butter keep long time refrigerated. weeks. also freez product keep year. hi-i access question ave tri butter fridge. sunday 14th june 2009."} {"id": "14628", "contents": "storing. refrigeration: packag whole cut fresh lamb may refriger origin wrap coldest part refriger four five day purchase. ground lamb store refriger two days; cook lamb best refriger longer four days. use applianc thermomet maintain temperatur 34 38 f."} {"id": "14629", "contents": "meat kept better freezer. meat kept refriger day raw day longer cooked. alway place cook meat airtight container. butter keep long time refrigerated. weeks. also freez product keep year. hi-i access question ave tri butter fridge. sunday 14th june 2009."} {"id": "14630", "contents": "leftov cook lamb refriger use within day frozen months. lamb store coldest part refriger readi use. lamb use within day store freezer. cut lamb safe store refriger temperatur 33\u00b0f 40\u00b0f days. store freezer temperatur 0\u00b0f less months."} {"id": "14631", "contents": "yellow fever deadli diseas yellow fever vaccin effect safe vaccine. plane travel argentina, brazil, peru, ecuador, columbia south america, need yellow fever vaccin yellow card."} {"id": "14632", "contents": "unit states, vaccin given design yellow fever vaccin centers. intern regul requir proof yellow fever vaccin travel certain countries. peopl get vaccin given intern certif vaccination."} {"id": "14633", "contents": "travel clinic nyc. intern travel health consult lead travel vaccin clinic new york. yellow fever center nyc travel shot administ experienc medic staff. get proper travel immun expert advice. think us plan travel."} {"id": "14634", "contents": "travel abroad, particularli develop countries, need travel vaccines, come statcar urgent care hicksville, long island, astoria, queens, ny, brooklyn, nyc bronx, nyc. statcar design yellow fever vaccin center."} {"id": "14635", "contents": "however, requir yellow fever vaccin affect risk. mandatori get yellow fever vaccin travel argentina, brazil, peru, ecuador columbia south america."} {"id": "14636", "contents": "yellow fever prevent vaccination. travel also take precaut mosquito bite area yellow fever transmission. travel get vaccin yellow fever visit area yellow fever found."} {"id": "14637", "contents": "symptom yellow fever begin fever, headache, chills, nausea/vomiting, progress jaundic (yellow skin eyes), liver, kidney, respiratori failure, death. yellow fever occur mainli certain part africa tropic south america."} {"id": "14638", "contents": "canada: becom nation independ make us differ others. someth uniqu special maintain. canada' independ britain defin moment. pass british north act 1867, canada becam dominion british commonwealth mean fulli independ country. canada evolv year becom one best countries."} {"id": "14639", "contents": "process canada becom independ nation gradual one. hundr year canada continu assert independ britain action build navy. canada offici becam countri 1982. peopl found useful. make world better, one answer time. happen gradual time. 1867 canada offici becom countri british crown still coloni status."} {"id": "14640", "contents": "happen time. canada patient time gain independence. even though canada independ nation king queen england still like figur head canada. pay him/her respect anyting."} {"id": "14641", "contents": "number event contribut canada' full independence. british north america act (1867) creat self-govern dominion. britain continu manag canada' intern affairs. mani agre canada becam nation right contribut world war i. canada automat enter war britain declar war germany. end war canada sign treati versail (1919) nation, becam member leagu nations. statut westminst (1931) larg contributor canada' independ"} {"id": "14642", "contents": "canada becam countri 1867, stori peopl land would becom canada much older. mani event last five hundr year shape way canada look time confederation. 1500 explor europ came north america claim lands."} {"id": "14643", "contents": "world war one help canada becom independ nation world war definitli shape canada' identity. canadian troop battl ypres. injur canadian troop battl somme. thank look presentation!!!!! canada start becom independ nation ww1."} {"id": "14644", "contents": "histori canada date back arriv paleo-indians, territori inhabit aborigin peopl millennia. however, 1867 canada becam unifi nation name dominion canada. canada british rule period 1763 1867. treati pari sign 1763 it, franc cede larg portion territori present day canada. british ruler protect political, religious, social cultur properti french-speak habit"} {"id": "14645", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. process canada becom independ nation gradual one. hundr year canada continu assert independ britain action build navy. canada offici becam countri 1982. canada, first countri creat legislation, form independ nation juli 1, 1867, union nova scotia, new brunswick, pre-conf derat provinc canada. answered. histori canada."} {"id": "14646", "contents": "nebula (latin cloud; pl. nebulae, nebulae, nebul\u00e6 or) nebula interstellar cloud of, dust, hydrogen helium ionized. gases, origin nebula name diffus astronomical, object includ galaxi beyond milky. way exampl type nebula rosett nebula pelican nebula. size nebulae, known hii regions, vari depend size origin cloud gas. new star form nebulae."} {"id": "14647", "contents": "nebula (latin cloud; pl. nebulae, nebulae, nebul\u00e6 or) nebula interstellar cloud of, dust, hydrogen helium ionized. gase exampl type nebula rosett nebula pelican nebula. size nebulae, known hii regions, vari depend size origin cloud gas. new star form nebulae."} {"id": "14648", "contents": "nebula interstellar cloud outer space made dust, hydrogen helium gas, plasma. form portion interstellar medium collaps clump togeth due gravit attract particl compris them. releas matter form known planetari nebula. planetari nebula one four major type nebulae. three ii regions, supernova remnant, dark nebula. promin nebula crab, eagle, orion, pelican, ring, rosett nebula"} {"id": "14649", "contents": "fine exampl emiss nebula orion nebula (m42). reflect nebula-a reflect nebula differ emiss nebula emit radiat own. cloud dust ga reflect light energi nearbi star group stars. reflect nebula frequent site star formation. color result differ element within nebula. nebula compos 90% hydrogen, 10% helium, 0.1% heavi element carbon, nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron."} {"id": "14650", "contents": "word nebula latin mist cloud term planetari nebula misnom origin 1780 astronom william herschel view telescope, object appear resembl round shape planets. mechan format planetari nebula thought following: end star' life, red giant phase, outer layer star expel strong stellar winds."} {"id": "14651", "contents": "type nebulae. emiss nebula-an emiss nebula cloud high temperatur gas. within type nebula, star energ atom cloud ultraviolet radiation. atom fall back lower energi states, emit radiation. color result differ element within nebula. nebula compos 90% hydrogen, 10% helium, 0.1% heavi element carbon, nitrogen, magnesium, potassium, calcium, iron."} {"id": "14652", "contents": "nebula form planet call protoplanetari disk nebula start star' life. planetari nebula end star' life. planetari nebula noth planets, except resembl uranu neptun telescope. fact discard outer layer star less time mass sun they'v exhaust suppli helium core."} {"id": "14653", "contents": "one best exampl crab nebula, taurus. supernova event record year 1054 label sn 1054. compact object creat explos lie center crab nebula neutron star. nebula may form planetari nebulae. exampl type nebula rosett nebula pelican nebula. size nebulae, known hii regions, vari depend size origin cloud gas. new star form nebulae."} {"id": "14654", "contents": "so, dispers matter eventu collaps form nebula. nebulae, like orion nebula, often favorit astronom object scientist want learn stellar planetari formation. releas matter form known planetari nebula. planetari nebula one four major type nebulae. three ii regions, supernova remnant, dark nebula. promin nebula crab, eagle, orion, pelican, ring, rosett nebula"} {"id": "14655", "contents": "radial pulse. definitions: 1. puls appreci radial arteri usual wrist. definit inform radial puls provid stedman's. search medic dictionari here. stedman's, part lippincott william wilkins, provid comprehens line health-scienc public healthcar profession medic students."} {"id": "14656", "contents": "rate heartbeat equival puls rate. usual puls rate determin count pulsat per minut radial arteri wrist. may also determin arteri point near surfac body."} {"id": "14657", "contents": "radial pulse-puls radial arteri (felt wrist). heart rate, puls rate, pulse-th rate heart beats; usual measur obtain quick evalu person' health."} {"id": "14658", "contents": "radial puls (noun). noun radial puls sense: 1. puls radial arteri (felt wrist). familiar information: radial puls use noun rare."} {"id": "14659", "contents": "differ apic puls radial pulse. obtain count apic beat heard stethoscop heart count arteri puls time."} {"id": "14660", "contents": "puls usual felt insid wrist thumb place two three finger lightli upon radial artery. examiner' thumb never use take puls puls like confus patient."} {"id": "14661", "contents": "patient\u2019 lung cancer life expect depend type diagnosed, stage cancer diagnos cours treatment followed. small-cell. variat cancer affect nearli fifteen percent patients. spread quickli difficult detect."} {"id": "14662", "contents": "life expectancy. life expect lung cancer patient depend cancer stage well earli detected. five year surviv rate stage lung cancer 60-80%, although recent studi show earli detect increas rate 90% more. surviv rate stage 40-50%."} {"id": "14663", "contents": "life expect peopl lung cancer depend sever factors, includ type lung cancer, stage disease, race gender. discuss life expect numbers, keep mind recent statist may take consider newest treatment options."} {"id": "14664", "contents": "life expect statistics. life expect describ differ statistics. surviv rate percentag peopl surviv given period. example, 5-year surviv rate 25 percent mean years, 25 everi 100 peopl lung cancer alive."} {"id": "14665", "contents": "overal life expectancy. life expect peopl lung cancer improv past 40 years, although long-term surviv remain low. mid-1970s, 12.2 percent peopl lung cancer live least year diagnosis. 2010, 17.3"} {"id": "14666", "contents": "general, tumor spread part body, lower life expectancy. peopl small cell lung cancer lung spread part body, 5-year surviv rate 23.3 percent, accord nation cancer institut data 2010."} {"id": "14667", "contents": "averag life expect someon stage non small cell cancer, 50% lived, rang 13-15 months. percentag patient surviv year diagnosi 23% stage 3a 10%."} {"id": "14668", "contents": "pay experi level assist controller. median compens (includ tips, bonus, overtime) year experience. although individu less five years' experi earn $56k average, peopl five 10 year benefit notabl larger averag $69k. cash earn assist control occasion includ $15k bonus $10k profit share stretch around $44k approxim $105k."} {"id": "14669", "contents": "depend upon entity\u2019 size, assist control provid varieti duti responsibilities. include: assist control must also knowledg gaap, irc, fasb, accrual base accounting, organiz auditing, fix asset accounting, tax file requirements. financi control resume. get feel inform resum control position, sampl taken jobbankusa.com: ami smith123 main streetatlanta, georgia 30339home: (555) 555-1234cell: (555) 555-1235."} {"id": "14670", "contents": "employ seek qualifi job seeker assist control position, read sampl job descript revis meet company' specif job duti requirements."} {"id": "14671", "contents": "assist controllers, 10 20 year experi job amount averag salari $75k. assist control rack two decad experi report lower incom overall; averag sum crowd come $74k. cash earn assist control occasion includ $15k bonus $10k profit share stretch around $44k approxim $105k."} {"id": "14672", "contents": "assist control salary. (unit states). assist control unit state often veteran line work, close one-half bring 10 year experi table. salari slide $67k annual averag rang $44k $105k per year. cash earn assist control occasion includ $15k bonus $10k profit share stretch around $44k approxim $105k."} {"id": "14673", "contents": "description. job purpose/summary. assist cost control respons assist cost control monitoring, analyzing, control record the. variou cot transact activ addax petroleum cameroon company. key accountabilities/responsibilities."} {"id": "14674", "contents": "cost controller-fit out. cost control fit out. look fit cost control lead fit contractor qatar. plu year cost control uae.... gotogulf 20 day ago-sav job-email-more..."} {"id": "14675", "contents": "assist controller. assist control lafayett posit report locat control strateg busi partner locat manag lafayette... day ago-sav job-email-more... view alcoa job lafayette, in-lafayett jobs. assist control respons assign deleg control may include, limit to, month-end year-end closing..."} {"id": "14676", "contents": "term origin may sever differ meanings. example, talk 'origin' house, may refer to:"} {"id": "14677", "contents": "countri orign mean countri cultur background deriv either birth threw reloc parents, extend famili grandpar etc. could born differ country, decid reloc state countri born countri origin. hope exampl help better understand mean phrase countri origin. g.o.d.i.v.a. .:circa:. 1983 year ago."} {"id": "14678", "contents": "(redirect origin name windi city). use term windi city, see windi citi (disambiguation) newspap articl publish cleveland gazett 1885. citi chicago known mani nicknames, wide recogn windi citi term windi citi popular came common usag sun editor, charl dana, bid 1893 columbian exposition. popular nicknam endured, long cincinnati rivalri columbian exposit ended."} {"id": "14679", "contents": "report abuse. countri origin mean came from. like countri origin word _________ __________ peopl countri made word, start there. :(\u00b7 year ago. thumb up."} {"id": "14680", "contents": "within context basketbal world, portland commonli refer \u201crip city\u201d mani longtim trail blazer fan know origin term (not all), younger fans, newer fans, fan team may awar history."} {"id": "14681", "contents": "toronto-th origin. offici proclam nation aborigin heritag day 2013, citi toronto acknowledg aborigin peopl origin inhabit land known toronto. name toronto aborigin origin. word toronto deriv iroquoi term mean 'where tree water.' mohawk use phrase describ 'the narrows', fast-mov water present day lake couchich simcoe. huron nativ group drove stake water creat fish weir"} {"id": "14682", "contents": "answer ssarve2. confid vote 130. origin means: beginning: place someth begins, spring being; italian begin renaissance; jupit origin radiation; pittsburgh sourc ohio river; communism' russian root. word pagan deriv latin word paganus, mean rural, rustic.. cognat english heathen, origin meant thing. pagan term refer varieti differ religion rang wicca, ancient egypt even hinduism, among mani others."} {"id": "14683", "contents": "definition. initi fob stand either free board freight board.. either way, definition. use term business, buyer seller attach fob begin locat show point freight chang hand seller buyer. instance, buyer purchas freight fob columbu receiv freight seller columbu"} {"id": "14684", "contents": "beginning: place someth begins, spring being; italian begin renaissance; jupit origin radiation; pittsburgh sourc ohio river; communism' russian root. word pagan deriv latin word paganus, mean rural, rustic.. cognat english heathen, origin meant thing. pagan term refer varieti differ religion rang wicca, ancient egypt even hinduism, among mani others."} {"id": "14685", "contents": "subconjunctiv hemorrhag facts. conjunctiva thin tissu cover sclera. outermost protect coat eyeball. small blood vessel within conjunctiva may break spontan injury, caus red area sclera, result subconjunctiv hemorrhage. conjunctiva clear tissu cover white eye (the sclera) line insid eyelids. subconjunctiv hemorrhag blood locat conjunctiva underli sclera."} {"id": "14686", "contents": "medic term subconjunctiv hemorrhage. eye red spot blood sclera (the white part eye). occur ruptur small blood vessel surfac eye. area red may fairli large, appear sometim alarming. ruptur blood vessel sclera (white part) eye produc blood spot. occur variou reasons, fairli rare, like resolv own."} {"id": "14687", "contents": "eye red spot blood sclera (the white part eye). occur ruptur small blood vessel surfac eye. ruptur blood vessel sclera (white part) eye produc blood spot. occur variou reasons, fairli rare, like resolv own."} {"id": "14688", "contents": "obviou sign subconjunctiv hemorrhag bright red patch white (sclera) eye. despit bloodi appearance, subconjunctiv hemorrhag caus chang vision, discharg eye pain."} {"id": "14689", "contents": "small blood vessel within conjunctiva may break spontan injury, caus red area sclera, result subconjunctiv hemorrhage. subconjunctiv hemorrhag appear bright red dark red patch white eye. conjunctiva clear tissu cover white eye (the sclera) line insid eyelids. subconjunctiv hemorrhag blood locat conjunctiva underli sclera."} {"id": "14690", "contents": "eye problem blood eye. sometim small blood vessel white eye break caus red spot speck. call subconjunctiv hemorrhage. blood vessel may break sneezing, coughing, vomiting, straining, bend over, sometim clear cause. seriou bleed occur white eye. may mild pain pain all. eye injury, blood usual appear immediately. injuri mild, blood may appear day later."} {"id": "14691", "contents": "outermost protect coat eyeball. small blood vessel within conjunctiva may break spontan injury, caus red area sclera, result subconjunctiv hemorrhage. subconjunctiv hemorrhag appear bright red dark red patch white eye. conjunctiva clear tissu cover white eye (the sclera) line insid eyelids. subconjunctiv hemorrhag blood locat conjunctiva underli sclera."} {"id": "14692", "contents": "conjunctiva thin tissu cover sclera. outermost protect coat eyeball. small blood vessel within conjunctiva may break spontan injury, caus red area sclera, result subconjunctiv hemorrhage. conjunctiva clear tissu cover white eye (the sclera) line insid eyelids. subconjunctiv hemorrhag blood locat conjunctiva underli sclera."} {"id": "14693", "contents": "oklahoma state univers main campu tuition $4,425 per year in-stat residents. 31% cheaper nation averag public four year tuition $6,429. annual total cost. total list price in-stat oklahoma resid go oklahoma state university-main campu $17,182 2014/2015 academ year. out-of-st student possess oklahoma resid expect one year cost $29,767."} {"id": "14694", "contents": "cost $7,040 61% cheaper averag oklahoma tuition $11,465 year colleges. tuition rank 10th oklahoma amongst year colleg afford 27th expens year colleg state. attend out-of-state, tuition $17,010 repres 284% premium. annual total cost. total list price in-stat oklahoma resid go oklahoma state university-main campu $17,182 2014/2015 academ year. out-of-st student possess oklahoma resid expect one year cost $29,767."} {"id": "14695", "contents": "estim cost per semest full-tim student osuit $5,370.00 in-stat tuition $8,175.00 out-of-st tuition, figur includ tuition, fees, room board, textbooks, supplies. addit fee materi may charg requir depend cours program. waiver appli toward residenti tuition portion tuition fees. variou tuition waiver avail oklahoma state univers institut technology, pleas contact scholarship servic information."} {"id": "14696", "contents": "start fall 2014, osu implement new block rate includ tuition university-wid fee undergradu student take 12 18 credit hours. \u201cblock\u201d rate one osu\u2019 strategi help student stay target finish colleg years."} {"id": "14697", "contents": "figur follow osu-oklahoma citi 2015-2016 academ year. fee subject chang without notice, provid univers board regent oklahoma state regent higher educ polices. 40.00. follow figur reflect cost attend osu-oklahoma citi two semest one year (fall spring). cost base averag 12 hour per semest osu-oklahoma city' resid rate $118.60 per credit hour lower level class $145.20 upper level classes.*."} {"id": "14698", "contents": "block rate allow full-tim undergradu student take 12 18 hour pay set per semest rate tuition university-wid fees."} {"id": "14699", "contents": "cost tuition fee reduc dramat resid oklahoma. tuition student set $3,957 2013 2014 year, discount 62.4%. fee $3,384, bring total yearli cost full-tim undergrad $7,341. tuition fee discount base residency. full-tim undergradu student resid oklahoma paid $19,530 tuition fee 2013 2014 school year prior adjust financi need. amount, $16,146 cost tuition $3,384 cost fee"} {"id": "14700", "contents": "port wine (also known vinho porto, [\u02ccvi\u0272udu\u02c8po\u027etu] porto, usual simpli port) portugues fortifi wine produc exclus douro valley northern provinc portugal. typic sweet, red wine, often serv dessert wine, though also come dry, semi-dry, white varieties. port douro wine institut offici bodi belong ministri agricultur portug key institut promot industri knowledg make port wine. previous known instituto vinho porto."} {"id": "14701", "contents": "one portugal' intern famou exports, port wine, name porto, sinc metropolitan area, particular cave vila nova de gaia, respons packaging, transport export fortifi wine. 14th 15th centuries, porto' shipyard contribut develop portugues shipbuilding. also port porto that, 1415, princ henri navig (son john portugal) embark conquest moorish port ceuta, northern morocco."} {"id": "14702", "contents": "find major porto famili live immigr u. learn focu search foreign records. immigr record tell ancestor' name, ship name, port departure, port arrival, destination. click circl chart view porto birth death records. unusu short lifespan might indic ancestor live harsh conditions. short lifespan might also indic health problem preval family. ssdi searchabl databas 70 million names."} {"id": "14703", "contents": "porto (. [\u02c8po\u027etu]), also known oporto english, second-largest citi portugal, lisbon, one major urban area southwestern europe. urban area porto, extend beyond administr limit city, popul 1.4 million. 14th 15th centuries, porto' shipyard contribut develop portugues shipbuilding. also port porto that, 1415, princ henri navig (son john portugal) embark conquest moorish port ceuta, northern morocco."} {"id": "14704", "contents": "combin celtic-latin name, portu cale, refer origin name portugal, base transliter oral evolut latin. portuguese, name citi spell definit articl (o porto; english: port). 14th 15th centuries, porto' shipyard contribut develop portugues shipbuilding. also port porto that, 1415, princ henri navig (son john portugal) embark conquest moorish port ceuta, northern morocco."} {"id": "14705", "contents": "portuguese: habit name porto (oporto). spanish: habit name numer places, especi galicia, name porto, usual sens \u2018mountain pass\u2019. italian: habit name numer minor place name name porto, porto \u2018port\u2019, \u2018harbor\u2019. spanish: habit name numer places, especi galicia, name porto, usual sens \u2018mountain pass\u2019. italian: habit name numer minor place name name porto, porto \u2018port\u2019, \u2018harbor\u2019."} {"id": "14706", "contents": "oporto; porto. instanc hypernyms: city; metropolis; urban center (a larg dens popul urban area; may includ sever independ administr districts). port (a place (seaport airport) peopl merchandis enter leav country)."} {"id": "14707", "contents": "last name origin meanings: portuguese: habit name porto (oporto). spanish: habit name numer places, especi galicia, name porto, usual sens \u2018mountain pass\u2019. spanish: habit name numer places, especi galicia, name porto, usual sens \u2018mountain pass\u2019. italian: habit name numer minor place name name porto, porto \u2018port\u2019, \u2018harbor\u2019."} {"id": "14708", "contents": "portuguese: habit name porto (oporto).spanish: habit name numer places, especi galicia, name porto, usual sens \u2018mountain pass\u2019.italian: habit name numer minor place name name porto, porto \u2018port\u2019, \u2018harbor\u2019. click circl chart view porto birth death records. unusu short lifespan might indic ancestor live harsh conditions. short lifespan might also indic health problem preval family. ssdi searchabl databas 70 million names."} {"id": "14709", "contents": "variou type wheat mill wide rang flour use specif purposes: hard wheat varieties, includ hard white, hard red winter, hard red spring wheat high protein content (rang 10 14 percent), mean gluten form capac also higher. farina type flour meal made almost type grain, nut, starchi root, often made wheat. usual boil water creat bland tast hot breakfast cereal use ingredi dishes."} {"id": "14710", "contents": "type flour: flour use bake come mainli wheat, although mill corn, rice, nuts, legumes, fruit vegetables. type flour flour use vital get product right. make yeast bread recipes, enough gluten barley flour properli develop bread, recommend swap one quarter all-purpos flour barley flour yeast bread recipes. great quick bread pancakes. bread flour white flour made hard, high-protein wheat."} {"id": "14711", "contents": "type 45 often call pastri flour, gener softer wheat (thi correspond older french text call farin de gruau). recip use type 45 croissants, instance, although mani french baker use type 55 combin type 45 55. flour leaven agent call plain all-purpos flour. appropri bread pizza bases. biscuit also prepar use type flour. bread flour high gluten protein, 12.5-14% protein compar 10-12% protein"} {"id": "14712", "contents": "pastri flour also made soft wheat fall somewher all-purpos cake flour term protein content bake properties. pastri flour (also known cooki flour) protein (gluten) 9% 10%. use pastri flour make biscuits, pie crusts, brownies, cooki quick breads. make yeast bread recipes, enough gluten barley flour properli develop bread, recommend swap one quarter all-purpos flour barley flour yeast bread recipes. great quick bread pancakes. bread flour white flour made hard, high-protein wheat."} {"id": "14713", "contents": "flour also use replac corn starch (use tablespoon tapioca flour tablespoon corn starch). teff flour. whole-wheat flour (low gluten) also call graham flour. made whole kernel wheat higher dietari fiber overal nutrient content white flours. make yeast bread recipes, enough gluten barley flour properli develop bread, recommend swap one quarter all-purpos flour barley flour yeast bread recipes. great quick bread pancakes. bread flour white flour made hard, high-protein wheat."} {"id": "14714", "contents": "type flour. specialti flours: specialti flours, whole wheat graham, rye, oat, buckwheat, soy, gener combin all-purpos flour bake product none suffici gluten provid right amount elast own. wheat flour refer flour, peopl mean wheat flour, unless say otherwise. flour made food includ amaranth, barley, buckwheat, millet, oats, soy, quinoa, rice, rye, triticale. wheat flour classifi amount protein contai"} {"id": "14715", "contents": "standard wheat flour rang type 405 normal white wheat flour baking, strong bread flour type 550, 812, darker type 1050 1700 wholegrain breads. also type 1600 fit white wheat flour whole wheat flour, give darker white bread."} {"id": "14716", "contents": "type flour. us would describ flour fine powder, made wheat, use cooking. however, depend wheat blend process use millers, possibl buy differ type flour, differ purpose."} {"id": "14717", "contents": "tortilla flour. tortilla flour type wheat flour often use quick breads, muffins, biscuits, dumplings, flatbread chapati tortillas. whole-wheat flour. whole-wheat flour produc grind full wheat berri (kernel). farina type flour meal made almost type grain, nut, starchi root, often made wheat. usual boil water creat bland tast hot breakfast cereal use ingredi dishes."} {"id": "14718", "contents": "oldest dog. bluey, australian cattl dog, hold world record oldest dog 29 year month age. le hall victoria, australia, got bluey puppi 1910, dog work cattl sheep nearli 20 year put sleep nov. 14, 1939. relat topics: mnn lists, pets. bluey, australian cattl dog, hold world record oldest dog 29 year month age. le hall victoria, australia, got bluey puppi 1910, dog work cattl sheep nearli 20 year put sleep nov. 14, 1939"} {"id": "14719", "contents": "friend neighbour fond her,' added. guin world record say recent record oldest dog held butch, 28-year-old america die 2003. oldest ever dog bluey, sheepdog australia, also live 29. mr richardson' claim could never prove rspca hold detail record stretch back bought bella guin world record say bella could includ documentation. world' oldest dog die age 203 (in canin years). bella bought david richardson rspca 26 year ago three year old. sinc then, labrador cross enjoy comfi life derbyshir home 76-year-old mr richardson partner daisi cooper, 81."} {"id": "14720", "contents": "decid get clue nutrit oldest dog record. oldest document dog australian cattl dog name \u201cbluie\u201d australia live 29 year month age. also found info anoth australian dog, bull terrier mix, head 28th birthday. dog ate mostli fresh kangaroo meat, emu, tabl scraps."} {"id": "14721", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. bluey (7 june 1910 14 novemb 1939) australian cattl dog own le esma hall rochester, victoria, australia, which, accord anecdot report, live 29 years, month 12 days, record unverified."} {"id": "14722", "contents": "oldest dog ever live 199 year dog year 18 year peopl year think definit dog live longer that! (that anoth guy answer im improv it!) becas that' long oldest guinea pig live so. 39, beat creme puff year. oldest cat ever live 29 oldest cat moment 27. 28 8th decemb 2009. old st cat far ever live 34 human year call grampa oldest cat born 1977 still living."} {"id": "14723", "contents": "posted: 12/06/2011 6:44 pm est updated: 12/08/2011 3:56 pm est. oldest dog ever live reportedli 29-year-old sheepdog live australia. world' oldest dog pass away monday afternoon home sakura, japan."} {"id": "14724", "contents": "born april 1985, pusuk recogn last decemb world' oldest-liv dog. oldest-known dog record, accord guinness, australian cattl dog name bluey, live ripe old age 29 year five month put novemb 1939. relat topics: guin world records. pusuke, list guin book world record world' oldest-liv dog, die japan monday. 26 year old-or somewher 117 185 human years, accord variou calculations. offici method convert dog year human year"} {"id": "14725", "contents": "stop claim child turn 19, unless goe becom full-tim student. case, keep claim exempt 24, long meet qualifying-child tests. child reach age 24, claim complet total disabled. marri start file joint return, even 19, lose right claim taxes."} {"id": "14726", "contents": "may abl get child tax credit qualifi children age 17. credit intend offset cost rais children. maximum amount get child $1,000 tax year 2014. credit worth 35% expens paid care provider, base yearli incom number children. maximum credit 2014 $2,100. find inform child depend care expenses."} {"id": "14727", "contents": "qualifi child. depend must either qualifi child qualifi relative.. qualifi children age test. qualifi child must 19 end year. child full-tim student, claim exempt 24 year old. becom perman total disabled, potenti claim depend age"} {"id": "14728", "contents": "reduc total tax owe claim child depend incom tax return. children qualifi age factor. cases, claim child age 19. instances, claim child age 24. child student disabled, claim depend long child age 24. otherwise, child must 19 year old. however, test allow claim depend exempt child. follows:"} {"id": "14729", "contents": "may abl claim tax deduct $4,000 qualifi tuition fee paid you, spouse, dependent. may deduct qualifi expens $4,000, even paid tuition fee loan. credit worth 35% expens paid care provider, base yearli incom number children. maximum credit 2014 $2,100. find inform child depend care expenses."} {"id": "14730", "contents": "mention above, age factor determin whether child qualifi child tax return. child student disabled, claim depend long child age 24. otherwise, child must 19 year old. however, test allow claim depend exempt child. follows:"} {"id": "14731", "contents": "payment care cannot go spouse, parent qualifi person someon claim depend return. payment also go child age 19, even child dependent. credit worth 35 percent qualifi cost care, depend upon income. figur amount credit, claim $3,000 total cost one qualifi individual."} {"id": "14732", "contents": "two qualifi individu claim $6,000 costs. employ provid depend care benefits, special rule apply. see form 2441, child depend care expens rule appli you. credit worth 35 percent qualifi cost care, depend upon income. figur amount credit, claim $3,000 total cost one qualifi individual."} {"id": "14733", "contents": "age limit. child meet requir qualifi child, child qualifi relative. age limit qualifi relative. requir claim depend (a qualifi child relative), read: http://taxipay.blogspot.com/2008/03/requ... jss year ago"} {"id": "14734", "contents": "claim qualifying-child exempt child live least half year. ir offer number except test. 20-year-old colleg eight month year, still claim him; stay rel militari duty, still qualifies. child reach age 24, claim complet total disabled. marri start file joint return, even 19, lose right claim taxes."} {"id": "14735", "contents": "case goldman, averag rang $8,630 oper analyst $90,512 vice presid $8.25 million top trader. accord glassdoor, averag salari 15 posit goldman sachs, ascend order: 1."} {"id": "14736", "contents": "goldman sach salary. goldman sach averag salari $100,445, median salari $90,000 salari rang $35,000 $1,320,000. goldman sach salari collect govern agenc companies. salari associ real job position. goldman sach salari statist exclus refer only."} {"id": "14737", "contents": "staff goldman sach cours earn averag \u00a3340,000 year \u00a3100,000 2011. project base \u00a385,000 head paid invest bank salari bonus first three month year. averag full-tim annual salari uk worker \u00a326,000."} {"id": "14738", "contents": "averag goldman sach salari rang approxim $29,000 per year administr assist $258,333 per year senior vice president. salari inform come 161 data point collect directli employees, users, job indeed."} {"id": "14739", "contents": "barrel vault. vault arch brick stone ceil roof building. barrel vault type vault continu arch surface, resembl insid barrel tunnel. one disadvantag barrel vault form seri continu arch time deep cover three-dimension space. make interior structur extrem dark provid littl intrus light."} {"id": "14740", "contents": "simplest kind vault barrel vault (also call wagon tunnel vault) gener semicircular shape. barrel vault continu arch, length greater diameter. build arch, temporari support need ring voussoir construct ring place position. topmost voussoir, keystone, positioned, vault self-supporting. however, vault built ground, variou replac employ suppli need resistance. exampl thicker wall use case barrel continu vaults. buttress use suppli resist intersect vault employed."} {"id": "14741", "contents": "barrel vault simplest form vault resembl barrel tunnel cut lengthwis half. effect structur compos continu semicircular point sections. however, vault built ground, variou replac employ suppli need resistance. exampl thicker wall use case barrel continu vaults. buttress use suppli resist intersect vault employed."} {"id": "14742", "contents": "cloisters, new york city. barrel vault, also known tunnel vault wagon vault, architectur element form extrus singl curv (or pair curves, case point barrel vault) along given distance. curv typic circular shape, lend semi-cylindr appear total design. barrel vault simplest form vault: effect seri arch place side side, i.e., one another. form barrel roof."} {"id": "14743", "contents": "barrel vault type vault semi-cylindr arch surfac allong form barrel tunnel shape structure. barrel vault integr part ancient architectur seen sever church cathedrals. slide 3. one disadvantag barrel vault form seri continu arch time deep cover three-dimension space. make interior structur extrem dark provid littl intrus light."} {"id": "14744", "contents": "exampl sentences. entranc north facad barrel vault open, hard paved, ellipt piazza. externally, barrel vault cover patin zinc, emerg ground glaze facad south while, within, precast vault roof expressed. entranc north facad barrel vault open, hard paved, ellipt piazza."} {"id": "14745", "contents": "barrel vault specialti ceil treatment use foyers, entrances, hallways. barrel vault radius, elliptical, keyston style. stanton homes, believ everi home includ except architectur flare, ceil detail like barrel vaults. stanton home"} {"id": "14746", "contents": "glossari mediev art architecture. barrel vault tunnel vault: simplest form vault, consist continu surfac semicircular point sections. resembl barrel tunnel cut half lengthwis compar with:groin vault. type barrel vault: longitudinal. click pronounciation."} {"id": "14747", "contents": "polish concret price basic depend upon mani level grind requir get floor suitabl smooth surface. cost polish concret go depend upon decor effect appli stain scoring, etc. basic cost polish concret floor requir level grinding, accord greg demmert demmert assoc. lo angeles. $3-$8/ sq ft. concret floor requir in-depth grind includ color stain dyes, accord demmert. denver area"} {"id": "14748", "contents": "concret floor la vegas. add beauti polish concret floor home interior, garage, office, exterior concret surfaces. polish concret uniqu way transform almost surfac home eleg natur look."} {"id": "14749", "contents": "economical. cost concret floor low, $2 $6 per squar foot polish plain gray slab, give lustrou sheen. concrete' tonal differences, subtl crack aggreg take stonelike, natur feel."} {"id": "14750", "contents": "polish concret cost tend econom larg spaces. john buteyn, senior technic manag colorado hardscap denver say smaller residenti floor tend bit higher price requir smaller equip get smaller spaces. basic cost polish concret floor requir level grinding, accord greg demmert demmert assoc. lo angeles. $3-$8/ sq ft. concret floor requir in-depth grind includ color stain dyes, accord demmert. denver area"} {"id": "14751", "contents": "video cost concret floors. depend level complexity, concret floor cost littl $2 $6 squar foot expens $15 $30 squar foot. typic instal put seri product includ waterproofing, metal lathe, concret overlay final finish seal coats. applic add anoth $2 $3 per squar foot cost floor."} {"id": "14752", "contents": "greg demmert, demmert assoc. lo angeles, instal polish concret along west coast residenti commerci locations. fairli smooth floor, requir level grinding, demmert say $3 sq. ft. basic cost polish concret floor. \u201cit\u2019 difficult get consist look use smaller machine,\u201d explain residenti floors, \u201cso typic cost rang $6-$12 sq. ft.\u201d. area country, along contractor like offer differ price point variou level design polish concrete."} {"id": "14753", "contents": "extens surfac preparation, grinding, crack repair, spall repair, add much $2 per squar foot overal cost floor. full resurfac needed, expect tack anoth $2 $3 per squar foot (for $4 $5 per squar foot increase). typic instal put seri product includ waterproofing, metal lathe, concret overlay final finish seal coats. applic add anoth $2 $3 per squar foot"} {"id": "14754", "contents": "price usual commerci floor includ stain score floors, accord john buteyn colorado hardscapes. $6-$12/ sq ft. typic cost polish concret residenti floor difficult get consist look use smaller machine, accord buteyn. basic cost polish concret floor requir level grinding, accord greg demmert demmert assoc. lo angeles. $3-$8/ sq ft. concret floor requir in-depth grind includ color stain dyes, accord demmert. denver area"} {"id": "14755", "contents": "estradiol produc especi within follicl femal ovaries, also endocrin (i.e., hormone-producing) non-endocrin tissu (e.g., includ fat, liver, adrenal, breast, neural tissues). estradiol oestradiol (american british english usages), deriv estra- gk. \u03bf\u1f36\u03c3\u03c4\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2 (oistros, liter mean verv inspiration) and-diol, chemic name suffix indic form steroid sex hormon type alcohol bear two hydroxyl groups."} {"id": "14756", "contents": "estradiol, precisely, 17\u03b2-estradiol, steroid estrogen sex hormone, primari femal sex hormone. name import regul estrou menstrual femal reproduct cycles. estradiol oestradiol (american british english usages), deriv estra- gk. \u03bf\u1f36\u03c3\u03c4\u03c1\u03bf\u03c2 (oistros, liter mean verv inspiration) and-diol, chemic name suffix indic form steroid sex hormon type alcohol bear two hydroxyl groups."} {"id": "14757", "contents": "estradiol type estrogen, major sex hormon women. secret ovarian follicles. follicl grow develop month, produc estradiol. set rest reproduct cycl motion. could also mean estradiol suppress fsh. either thing could mean troubl get pregnant, troubl ovul (even treatment) reduc success ivf. rare cases, high level estradiol could indic ovarian tumor hyperthyroidism."} {"id": "14758", "contents": "noun estradiol sense: 1. power femal hormon occur naturally; synthes use treat estrogen defici breast cancer. familiar information: estradiol use noun rare."} {"id": "14759", "contents": "estradiol femal sex hormon produc ovaries, adren gland also placenta pregnancy. estradiol import hormon female\u2019 reproduct years, requir reproduct sexual function well impact health organ tissues. estradiol need maintain egg insid female\u2019 ovaries. menstrual cycle, follicl ovari secret estradiol, trigger seri event lead surg lutein hormon and, turn, induc ovulation."} {"id": "14760", "contents": "blood test check estradiol level one common fertil tests. one reason estradiol level check determin ovaries\u2019 abil produc egg (which known ovarian reserve). also help determin follicl stimul hormon (fsh) test accur not. could also mean estradiol suppress fsh. either thing could mean troubl get pregnant, troubl ovul (even treatment) reduc success ivf. rare cases, high level estradiol could indic ovarian tumor hyperthyroidism."} {"id": "14761", "contents": "test measur amount estradiol (e2), form estrogen made mainli ovaries. e2 play key role femal reproduct system. necessari develop uterus, fallopian tubes, vagina, breasts."} {"id": "14762", "contents": "fsh level normal estradiol level high, indic estradiol artifici suppress fsh levels. alreadi begun fertil treatment, estradiol level may check see ovari respond stimulation. could also mean estradiol suppress fsh. either thing could mean troubl get pregnant, troubl ovul (even treatment) reduc success ivf. rare cases, high level estradiol could indic ovarian tumor hyperthyroidism."} {"id": "14763", "contents": "estradiol form estrogen, femal sex hormon that' produc ovaries. estradiol come oral form, transderm skin patch, vagin ring, topic gel, spray, emulsion. estradiol use treat prevent hot flush women experienc menopause. estradiol gel also use treat vagin dryness, itching, burn menopaus women."} {"id": "14764", "contents": "pay fine, point may show dmv record unless go traffic school. court allow attend traffic school receiv complet class deadline, point show record. plead guilti pay fine, get point drive record car insur payment go up. go court pay fine, licens suspend court charg misdemeanor issu warrant arrest. ellig traffic school, may get penalti reduc pay court fee traffic school fee"} {"id": "14765", "contents": "pay traffic ticket california. pay ticket attend traffic school, may need go court. cases, pay fine onlin mail; inform print ticket. receiv traffic ticket move violation, may, court' discretion, option enrol traffic school point reduct cours remov point drive record. court let know option"} {"id": "14766", "contents": "receiv ticket, inform pay well deadlin so. tickets, everyth need complet mail online. receiv ticket misdemeanor, go court. notic appear found ticket includ name court decid case, deadlin pay ticket go court, must respond ticket."} {"id": "14767", "contents": "get traffic ticket florida. million traffic citat issu 2003 florida-that' million tickets. bulk traffic ticket speed improp lane change, careless driving, run red lights, move violat common well. complet state approv traffic school cours submit certif complet clerk court counti receiv ticket specifi deadlin adjud withheld, mean deem guilti receiv points."} {"id": "14768", "contents": "get traffic ticket, can: plead guilti pay traffic fine. this, send payment copi citat courtesi notic courthouse. court receiv payment, case closed. must go court date shown ticket unless court send notic tell differ date hearing. seriou misdemeanors, like drive influenc (dui) alcohol drugs, could pay $4,160 more."} {"id": "14769", "contents": "get stop traffic violation, may want fight ticket pay make go away, think twice that. situations, go traffic school, avoid stiff fine increas insur rates, keep record clean. money -- fines. fine traffic violat run mild seemingli excessive, depend state' law drive record. often peopl want make fine go away, sign ticket pay fee, goe record (for years) could continu pay infract while. alway check see whether option go traffic school lieu of, conjunct with, pay fine."} {"id": "14770", "contents": "generally, elig attend traffic school citat dismiss record upon complet class attend traffic school state california past 18 months. courtesi notic indic whether elig traffic school program. plead guilti pay fine, get point drive record car insur payment go up. go court pay fine, licens suspend court charg misdemeanor issu warrant arrest. ellig traffic school, may get penalti reduc pay court fee traffic school fee"} {"id": "14771", "contents": "a: pay fine, point may show dmv record unless go traffic school. court let go traffic school turn proof complet traffic school court deadline, point show record. a: go traffic court without lawyer. want lawyer traffic infract (like speed run red light), hire one. court give one. misdemeanor, like drive influenc alcohol drugs, good idea lawyer."} {"id": "14772", "contents": "type kidney stone include: calcium stones. kidney stone calcium stones, usual form calcium oxalate. oxal natur occur substanc found food. fruit vegetables, well nut chocolate, high oxal levels. liver also produc oxalate. kidney stone calcium stones, usual form calcium oxalate. oxal natur occur substanc found food. fruit vegetables, well nut chocolate, high oxal levels. liver also produc oxalate."} {"id": "14773", "contents": "symptom kidney stones. may know kidney stone unless caus pain, larg block flow urin passed. common symptom severe, fluctuat pain lower back side ribs. symptoms, call doctor. take care kidney stone earli prevent seriou complications, chronic kidney diseas or, extrem cases, renal failur would requir dialysi kidney transplant replac function kidneys."} {"id": "14774", "contents": "formed, stone may stay kidney travel urinari tract ureter. sometimes, tini stone move bodi urin without caus much pain. stone move may caus back-up urin kidney, ureter, bladder, urethra. caus pain. possibl caus includ drink littl water, exercis (too much little), obesity, weight loss surgery, eat food much salt sugar. four main type stones: calcium oxalate: common type kidney stone creat calcium combin oxal urine. inadequ calcium fluid intake, well conditions, may contribut formation."} {"id": "14775", "contents": "calcium stones. kidney stone calcium stones, usual form calcium oxalate. oxal natur occur substanc found food. fruit vegetables, well nut chocolate, high oxal levels. kidney stone calcium stones, usual form calcium oxalate. oxal natur occur substanc found food. fruit vegetables, well nut chocolate, high oxal levels. liver also produc oxalate."} {"id": "14776", "contents": "calcium oxalate: common type kidney stone creat calcium combin oxal urine. inadequ calcium fluid intake, well conditions, may contribut formation. uric acid: anoth common type kidney stone. four main type stones:"} {"id": "14777", "contents": "cases, kidney stone form littl fluid (from dehydr due lack drink excess exercise), overabund crystal-form miner urine, and/or lower-than-norm level chemic breakdown miner urine. symptoms, call doctor. take care kidney stone earli prevent seriou complications, chronic kidney diseas or, extrem cases, renal failur would requir dialysi kidney transplant replac function kidneys."} {"id": "14778", "contents": "kidney stone format harden miner kidney urinari system. cases, kidney stone form decreas urin volum increas miner form stone urine. everi 20 peopl kidney stone lifetime. symptoms, call doctor. take care kidney stone earli prevent seriou complications, chronic kidney diseas or, extrem cases, renal failur would requir dialysi kidney transplant replac function kidneys."} {"id": "14779", "contents": "kidney stone, also known renal calculu nephrolith, solid piec materi form kidney miner urine. kidney stone typic leav bodi urin stream, small stone may pass without caus symptoms. associ symptom include: nausea, vomiting, fever, blood urine, pu urine, pain urination. blockag uret caus decreas kidney function dilat kidney. stone form due combin genet environment factors."} {"id": "14780", "contents": "stone diseas pain common condit affect 5% adult us. it\u2019 estim nearli million patient visit doctor local emerg room kidney stone everi year. 2."} {"id": "14781", "contents": "cnidaria phylum contain 9,000 speci found aquat mostli marin environments. cnidarian radial symmetrical. two major bodi form among cnidaria-th polyp medusa. sea anemon coral polyp form, jellyfish typic medusae. look them, see bodi form except one upsid"} {"id": "14782", "contents": "cnidarian mobil point lifetime. most, larval stage. jellyfish start mobil larva, becom sessile, becom mobil jellyfish familiar with. others, like corals, start mobil larva, settl remain sessil rest adult life. adults, hydra mobil sessile, choose, swim far."} {"id": "14783", "contents": "two bodi form characterist cnidarian -- polyp medusa. exceptions, columnar polyp sedentary, attach burrow substratum end opposit mouth. exclus aquat phylum cnidaria repres polyp sea anemon corals, medusa jellyfish. polypoid medusoid cnidarian radial biradi symmetrical, unceph anim singl bodi opening,"} {"id": "14784", "contents": "anim phylum cnidaria phylum cnidaria includ anim corals, jellyfish, sea anemones. cnidarian aquat carnivorous, occur two basic bodi shapes: polyps,\u2026. others, like corals, start mobil larva, settl remain sessil rest adult life. adults, hydra mobil sessile, choose, swim far."} {"id": "14785", "contents": "form singl orific bodi caviti use digest respiration. mani cnidarian speci produc coloni singl organ compos medusa-lik polyp-lik zooids, both. cnidarians' activ coordin decentr nerv net simpl receptors. sever free-swim cubozoa scyphozoa possess balance-sens statocysts, simpl eyes. cnidarian prey organ rang size plankton anim sever time larger themselves, mani obtain much nutrit endosymbiot algae, parasites. mani prey anim includ starfish, sea slugs, fish turtles."} {"id": "14786", "contents": "cnidarian classifi four main groups: non-mov (sessile) anthozoa (sea anemones, corals, sea pens); cubozoa (box jellies);swim scyphozoa (jellyfish); hydrozoa, broad group includ freshwat cnidarian well mani marin forms. 10, 000 speci cnidarians. cnidarian radial symmetrical. two major bodi form among cnidaria-th polyp medusa. sea anemon coral polyp form, jellyfish typic medusae."} {"id": "14787", "contents": "stauromedusae, although usual classifi jellyfish, stalked, sessil anim live cool arctic waters. cnidarian rang size hydra, 5\u201320 mm (0.20\u20130.79 in) long, lion' mane jellyfish, may exceed (6.6 ft) diamet 75 (246 ft) length. cnidarian prey organ rang size plankton anim sever time larger themselves, mani obtain much nutrit endosymbiot algae, parasites. mani prey anim includ starfish, sea slugs, fish turtles."} {"id": "14788", "contents": "cnidaria phylum compris sea anemones, jellyfish, corals, known late precambrian. cnidarian basic radial symmetr tentacles. bodi contain gastrovascular caviti bodi wall diploblastic. cnidaria. cnidaria one primit anim phyla. includ aquat organ jellyfish, sea anemones, corals, hydras. cnidarian marine, although few, well-known hydra, freshwat species."} {"id": "14789", "contents": "longest time thought buffalo mozzarella bocconcini thing (just differ sizes) that\u2019 case. actual two differ things. however, nowaday find made cow\u2019 milk well. mozzarella di bufula. buffalo mozzarella (aka mozzarella di bufula) soft, unripen mozzarella chees made milk domest water buffalo."} {"id": "14790", "contents": "liter mean \u2018littl mouthfuls\u2019 italian, bocconcini moist chewi textur mild sweet flavour. keep moist, bocconcini store natur whey brine. fresh bocconcini white colour sign yellow keep fridg three week ripen time close resembl mozzarella. bocconcini tast great salad tomato basil leav drizzl littl oliv oil. back top."} {"id": "14791", "contents": "bocconcini. bocconcini, mean littl bite italian, egg size mozzarella chees origin napl made milk water buffaloes. semi-soft, white rindless, unripen mild chees avail delicatessen plastic tub fill whey water. now-a-days, bocconcini\u2019 usual made mixtur water buffalo cow\u2019 milk. sinc delici chees perishable, best consum fresh. bocconcini, use tradit method chees make water buffalo\u2019 milk, still made provinc naples, caserta salerno, bocconcini alla panna di bufala. process involv use freshli made mozzarella di bufala campana dop mix fresh cream"} {"id": "14792", "contents": "bocconcini whole cow\u2019 milk also manufactured, higher liquid content, comparison standard mozzarella, lend soft consist fior di latte. bocconcini bought italian supermarket often use tomato basil salad accompani pasta italian water biscuits."} {"id": "14793", "contents": "bocconcini. bocconcini small mozzarella chees size egg. like mozzarellas, semi-soft, white rindless unripen mild chees origin napl made milk water buffaloes."} {"id": "14794", "contents": "bocconcini (mozzarella fresca). bocconcini [bohk-kohn-chee-nee] 1. small nugget (about inch diameter) fresh mozzarella. bocconcini gener sold pack whey water. 2. italian mouthful, refer size, appet appeal dish describ manner"} {"id": "14795", "contents": "directions: thread tomatoes, bocconcini, basil leav onto bamboo skewer, altern ingredients. repeat remain ingredients; 10 skewers. arrang skewer larg platter season salt pepper. sprinkl red pepper flake top drizzl oliv oil."} {"id": "14796", "contents": "bocconcini water buffalo\u2019 milk still produc provinc naples, caserta salerno, bocconcini alla panna di bufala, process involv mix freshli made mozzarella di bufala campana dop fresh cream. bocconcini bought italian supermarket often use tomato basil salad accompani pasta italian water biscuits."} {"id": "14797", "contents": "less rich, equal tempting, dish bocconcini fiorentinapiec veal beef saute saut\u00e9 with, garlic onion and, herb sometim addit of. tomato food'lov s, companion fourth edit sharon tyler herbst ron. herbst"} {"id": "14798", "contents": "tax-fre save account (tfsa) account provid tax benefit save canada. invest income, includ capit gain dividends, earn tfsa taxed, even withdrawn. maximum annual contribut room year prior 2013 $5,000 per year. begin 2013 increas $5,500 per year. $5,500 annual contribut limit index consum price index (cpi), $500 increments, order account inflation."} {"id": "14799", "contents": "example, account holder deposit $5,000 tax-fre save account april. 2009 withdraw $1,000 septemb 2009, $1,000 ad back their. contribut room 2010. incom earn within tax-fre save account time death (includ interest save capit gain dividend investments) tax government."} {"id": "14800", "contents": "tax-fre save account (tfsa), account save invest $10,000 year. unlik type savings, you\u2019r tax incom earn. it\u2019 great way save short long-term goals; let save grow tax-free. tax-fre save account (tfsa) regist save account regul feder government. tfsa, put save elig invest pay tax invest"} {"id": "14801", "contents": "a: tax-fre save account (tfsa) regist account let canadian earn money tax-free. tfsa, put save elig invest pay tax invest incom earn. a: idea behind tfsa make benefit tax-fre save avail mani canadian possible. reason, tfsa avail everi canadian resid 18 year age older social insur number (sin)."} {"id": "14802", "contents": "withdraw money tfsa, annual contribut limit increas amount withdrawn follow calendar year. example, withdraw $1000 tfsa 2012, 2013, $1000 ad contribut room."} {"id": "14803", "contents": "example, say contribut $5,000 tfsa januari 2012 anoth $5,500 januari 2013. then, summer 2013, withdraw $3,000 pay repair home. can\u2019t recontribut $3,000 2013, 2014 ad contribut room again. a: idea behind tfsa make benefit tax-fre save avail mani canadian possible. reason, tfsa avail everi canadian resid 18 year age older social insur number (sin)."} {"id": "14804", "contents": "amount new contribut room alloc year determin index $5,000 inflat round nearest $500. amount calcul announc feder govern year. no. money tax-fre save account use time purpose. incom earn within tax-fre save account time death (includ interest save capit gain dividend investments) tax government."} {"id": "14805", "contents": "$5,500 unus contribut per year carri 2013-2014 $5,000 per year 2009-2012. take money tax-fre save account, lose contribut room. special offer: earn tripl interest 2.40%** tangerin tax-fre save account six month becom new tangerin client open first save account. plu get $50 bonuses."} {"id": "14806", "contents": "q: much contribute? a: tfsa contribut limit 2015 $10,000. also carri forward unus contribut room previou years, $5,000 annual 2009 2012 $5,500 annual 2013 2014. annual tfsa contribut limit subject chang feder government. a: idea behind tfsa make benefit tax-fre save avail mani canadian possible. reason, tfsa avail everi canadian resid 18 year age older social insur number (sin)."} {"id": "14807", "contents": "flamenco history-flamenco roots-flamenco art-th name flamenco-flamenco palos. origin flamenco music cannot trace back specif time, moment place. flamenco music ongo evolut influenc varieti music cultures, root go back ancient times."} {"id": "14808", "contents": "flamenco tradit music danc andalusia south spain. root flamenco came differ cultur countri morocco, egypt, india; first trace flamenco spain date 1760."} {"id": "14809", "contents": "flamenco danc popular region southern spain mani 50 differ forms, project differ mood person. mood reflect natur danc set melod paramet cultur backdrop."} {"id": "14810", "contents": "mani detail develop flamenco lost spanish history. sever reason lack histor evidence: 1. flamenco sprang lower level andalucian society, thu lack prestig art form among middl higher classes. flamenco music also slip fashion sever time existence."} {"id": "14811", "contents": "flamenco danc began andalucia region spain, sinc then, sp\u2026. six flamenco tablao madrid flamenco style spanish folk music danc specif andalusian, southern region spain known andalusia."} {"id": "14812", "contents": "confid vote 1.2k. although peopl think spain, realli came berber invad northwest africa. folk music mali still sound like flamenco. come gypsi india, mere becam major propon performers."} {"id": "14813", "contents": "tweet. flamenco' origin subject much debat document past two hundr years, word flamenco, appli song, danc guitar, come use 18th century."} {"id": "14814", "contents": "averag wedding: averag cost flower wed $1,000-$2,000, includ reception. recept flower spend much littl want, depend much floral decor d\u00e9cor'you looking."} {"id": "14815", "contents": "averag wed cost unit state $26,444. coupl typic spend $19,833 $33,055 but, coupl spend less $10,000. includ cost honeymoon. understand wed cost help wed budget later."} {"id": "14816", "contents": "bride aim spend 8-10% total wed budget flowers. averag cost wed flower 2011 ballpark $2,000. averag rang wed flower cost anywher $150 upward $8,000."} {"id": "14817", "contents": "i\u2019v seen bride spend littl $200 wed flower much $20,000, cost vari depend tast number flower you\u2019ll need. give better idea expect spend, averag cost type wed arrang below: bridal bouquet $100-150/each. bridesmaid bouquet $50-90/each. flower girl petal $30-60. corsag $15-20/each. boutonnier $10-15/each. altar arrang $5"} {"id": "14818", "contents": "remember, flower arrang usual cost around valentine' day mother' day florist busi make mani differ type arrangements. $2,061. 2015, averag cost wed flower $1,921-$2,101. overal cost vari region, season style, coupl tend stay $2k mark."} {"id": "14819", "contents": "bride aim spend 8-10% total wed budget flowersth averag cost wed flower 2011 ballpark $2,000the averag rang wed flower cost anywher $150 upward $8,000."} {"id": "14820", "contents": "average, course, vari depend live. coupl busi metropolitan area like spend wed cake coupl rural area. dessert bar\u2019 cost vari depend dessert choose. plate dessert buffet could cost $15 per plate, self-serv dessert bar go low dollar per guest. dessert cater price averag $63 per person 2012, menu item certainli impact much you\u2019ll spend"} {"id": "14821", "contents": "averag wed cater cost, includ food food service, drink drink servic cake cake cut fee $12,790, accord bridal associ america, treat three separ categories. averag number guest 150, work $85 per person."} {"id": "14822", "contents": "plu dessert table. includ total differ product make tabl (start $7 per person, choic per guest, 50 guest minimum). choos basic list above, may includ following: buttercream-fil meringues, candi apples, cake pops, chocol dip strawberries."} {"id": "14823", "contents": "especi days, dessert (and dessert tables) major trend. (the nation averag cost wed cake dessert $451 2013, jump $466 2014, 2012\u2019 $437. area like new york citi napa, calif. cake run high $1,200-plus.). worries! we\u2019v gather load way slice costs. site charg fee bring outsid baker\u2019 cake, charg even cake they\u2019v provided. sinc $3 per slice 150 guest equal $450, one charg alway tri negoti agreement."} {"id": "14824", "contents": "averag cost cupcak tower wed 100 guest would approxim $264. price would consist nine dozen cupcakes, 6\u2033 cake cut cupcak tower rental standard delivery. charg may apply. follow guid give exampl averag cost tier cake wed guest list 100. three tier base 12\u2033, middl tier 9\u2033 6\u2033 topper. cake round square. round cake feed 102 guest start price $408"} {"id": "14825", "contents": "there\u2019 sugar coat it; cost confect perfect soar. especi days, dessert (and dessert tables) major trend. (the nation averag cost wed cake dessert $451 2013, jump $466 2014, 2012\u2019 $437. area like new york citi napa, ca cake run high $1,200-plus.). worries! we\u2019v gather load way slice costs."} {"id": "14826", "contents": "averag cost dessert tabl wed 100 guest would rang $1.75 $3.00 per serving. price depend upon dessert choos base base pricing. charg may apply. follow guid give exampl averag cost tier cake wed guest list 100. three tier base 12\u2033, middl tier 9\u2033 6\u2033 topper. cake round square. round cake feed 102 guest start price $408"} {"id": "14827", "contents": "$5/person would profit use pre-mad dessert gf sysco, make yourself, take least $6.00-$6.50. peopl use plate dessert bar piec cake. food, pc per person fine. we'v done dessert bars, usual plan per person price usual break $5-6 per person. i'm illinois, too, hour south say chicago alway higher here."} {"id": "14828", "contents": "usual see $7 person dessert bar, addit full cater menu. labellaflor post jan 2010, 7:50pm. post #7 13. know, seen dessert bar order anywher $12 $20 dollar per person, depeng type desserts. we'v done dessert bars, usual plan per person price usual break $5-6 per person. i'm illinois, too, hour south say chicago alway higher here."} {"id": "14829", "contents": "urinari organ includ kidneys, ureters, bladder, urethra. urinari system work system bodi help maintain homeostasis. kidney main organ homeostasi maintain acid base balanc water salt balanc blood. urinari system: group organ bodi concern filter excess fluid substanc bloodstream. graaff, van de (2002). mader, sylvia s. (2004). smith, peter (1998). mccance, katherin l., heuther, sue e. (1994)."} {"id": "14830", "contents": "decreas water intak increas exercis decreas urin output. body\u2019 nervou system commun endocrin system. water balanc regul antidiuret hormon (adh). adh regul osmot pressur bodi fluid caus kidney increas water reabsorption. bodi adjust to: increas water intak increas urin output. decreas water intak increas exercis decreas urin output."} {"id": "14831", "contents": "renal (kidney) failur result kidney abl regul water chemic bodi remov wast product blood. acut renal failur (arf) sudden onset kidney failure. kidneys, urin travel two thin tube call uret bladder. uret 10 inch long. muscl uret wall constantli tighten relax forc urin downward away kidneys. urin allow stand still, back up, kidney infect develop."} {"id": "14832", "contents": "decreas cardiac output. state blood pump heart inadequ meet metabol demand body. cardiac output tissu perfus interrelated. cardiac output decreased, tissu perfus problem develop. normal valu liter per minute. decreas cardiac output nurs diagnosi accept north american nurs diagnosi association, defin state inadequ blood pump heart"} {"id": "14833", "contents": "kidney failur patient alway experi seri urin chang like frequent urin night, decreas urin output, bubbl urine, blood urin urgent urin on. symptom relat urinari system. also, realiz strong smell urine. kidney failur life-threaten medic condition. asid affect patient\u2019 urinari system, also affect patient\u2019 digest system, nerv system, respiratori system cardiovascular system"} {"id": "14834", "contents": "certain type medic also affect amount urin eliminated. urinari system remov type wast call urea blood. urea produc food contain protein, meat, poultry, certain vegetables, broken body. kidneys, urin travel two thin tube call uret bladder. uret 10 inch long. muscl uret wall constantli tighten relax forc urin downward away kidneys. urin allow stand still, back up, kidney infect develop."} {"id": "14835", "contents": "organs, tubes, muscles, nerv work togeth create, store, carri urin urinari system. urinari system includ two kidneys, two ureters, bladder, two sphincter muscles, urethra. kidneys, urin travel two thin tube call uret bladder. uret 10 inch long. muscl uret wall constantli tighten relax forc urin downward away kidneys. urin allow stand still, back up, kidney infect develop."} {"id": "14836", "contents": "introduction. urinari system group organ bodi concern filter excess fluid substanc bloodstream. substanc filter bodi form urine. urin liquid produc kidneys, collect bladder excret urethra. urinari system: group organ bodi concern filter excess fluid substanc bloodstream. graaff, van de (2002). mader, sylvia s. (2004). smith, peter (1998). mccance, katherin l., heuther, sue e. (1994)."} {"id": "14837", "contents": "accord washington state depart health unit state environment protect agency, bring water boil keep roll one minut purifi it. altitud one mile, 2,000 meters, increas roll time three minutes. purifi water, need check whether cloudi first. cloudi water need filter boil ingest debris."} {"id": "14838", "contents": "4. turn stove water pot come boil, let simmer; allow water glass bowl come bowl; does, lower temperature. keep ad water, ice, icepack lid turn warm/hot, collect amount distil water. due dissolv carbon-dioxide, acid distil water may becom absorbent; may absorb toxin nutrient bodi ingest it. like written directions: 1. fill stainless steel pot 1/4 tap water."} {"id": "14839", "contents": "5. boil water pot. water continu boil, caus steam rise condens pot' lid. condens drip bowl. allow distil process continu enough distil water bowl needs. three methods: distil tap water glass bowl distil tap water glass bottl convert rainwat drink water. distil water easi make, sever method use make home."} {"id": "14840", "contents": "distil water need boiled. ask make distil water, boil water make distil water. update: vari hard water hous would like make bit softer aquarium instead carri bottl water home store. long boil hard water distil remov hardness. tap water 22dh."} {"id": "14841", "contents": "impur left behind pot water boiled. hand, interest make water safe drinking, boil water 15 minutes. enough kill microb water. update: vari hard water hous would like make bit softer aquarium instead carri bottl water home store. long boil hard water distil remov hardness. tap water 22dh."} {"id": "14842", "contents": "features. first step distil water boil it. boil point water import factor determin long take distil water. thus, factor chang amount time take boil water affect amount time take distil water. size apparatu use distil water factor length time take distil water. small contain water boil quickli larger one, therefor distil quickly. water boil differ temperatur depend altitude."} {"id": "14843", "contents": "contain hot heat sourc boil (and distill) quickly. size apparatu use distil water factor length time take distil water. small contain water boil quickli larger one, therefor distil quickly. water boil differ temperatur depend altitude."} {"id": "14844", "contents": "fear tap water may ideal drinking, great outdoor run low clean drink water, instruct you! learn distil water kitchen pot ice. laboratori fanci equip required. amount vari depend outsid temperatur much water boiled. however, access ice, fine too. condens process take longer, still distil water."} {"id": "14845", "contents": "boil water distil it. does, however, caus chlorin vapor ga come solution. turn right come boil let cool room temperature, okay. update: vari hard water hous would like make bit softer aquarium instead carri bottl water home store. long boil hard water distil remov hardness. tap water 22dh."} {"id": "14846", "contents": "enlist sailor' rate similar conceptu naval officer' rank. naval offic carri term rank navy. word rate refer enlist sailor' pay grade, word rate refer one' area occup special within enlist navy."} {"id": "14847", "contents": "9.0%. overal accept rate unit state militari academi report 9.0% fall 2013 15,400 applic submit unit state militari academy. state state applic includ figures."} {"id": "14848", "contents": "singl digit accept rate, unit state naval academi one country' select colleges. success applic need grade standard test score average. graph above, blue green dot repres accept students."} {"id": "14849", "contents": "top 100 lowest accept rates. mani student aim admiss prestigi colleg university, suppli open seat often meet demand applicants. earn admiss school list especi difficult."} {"id": "14850", "contents": "overal usna accept rate-fal 2013. 7.4%. overal accept rate unit state naval academi report 7.4% fall 2013 19,100 applic submit unit state naval academy. state state applic includ figures. data transfer accept rate currently."} {"id": "14851", "contents": "istanbul\u2019 currenc turkish lira (tl). turkish lira divid 100 kurus. coin use frequent five, ten, 25, 50 kuru one lira. note use 5, 10, 20, 50 lira bills. 100 200 lira note uncommon. inflat tremend problem turkey, govern recent revamp lira system stem tide. find money longer refer \u201cnew turkish lira\u201d ytl, instead \u201cturkish lira\u201d tl. atm locat throughout citi istanbul. may use card take turkish lira, exchang rate figur automatically. ensur card works, look back cirru plu logos. istanbul, look symbol atms."} {"id": "14852", "contents": "exchang rate [edit]. period lira peg british pound french franc, peg 2.8 turkish lira u.s. dollar adopt 1946 maintain 1960, currenc devalu turkish lira dollar."} {"id": "14853", "contents": "nb rate provid inform only. currenc convert provid xe.com. xe.com owner shall liabl user third parti damag loss incurred, monetari otherwise, directli indirectly, result use xe.com xe.com code. websit shall liabl loss damag incur connect site. share bookmark."} {"id": "14854", "contents": "enter amount convert box left turkish lira. use swap currenc make unit state dollar default currency. click unit state dollar turkish lira convert currenc currencies. unit state dollar divid 100 cents. exchang rate turkish lira last updat octob 2, 2015 bloomberg. exchang rate unit state dollar last updat octob 6, 2015 intern monetari fund."} {"id": "14855", "contents": "currenc simpli call turkish lira, although intern 3-letter sign (iso 4217) continu try. here' 2009-seri notes/bil look. italian plural lira lire, italian, turkish. (in turkish, former italian currenc liret, lee-reht.). english, usag lira liras: tl1 one lira; tl5 five liras."} {"id": "14856", "contents": "try-turkish lira. turkey, lira. turkish lira currenc turkey. currenc rank show popular turkey lira exchang rate tri eur rate. currenc code lira try, currenc symbol is. below, find turkish lira rate currenc converter. also subscrib currenc newslett daili rate analysis, read xe currenc blog, take tri rate go xe currenc app websit"} {"id": "14857", "contents": "possibl find school throughout countri offer program earli intervent specialists, part earli childhood degre cases. goal becom earli intervent specialist make sure take cours deal issu as:"} {"id": "14858", "contents": "mani earli intervent specialists, extens experi lead significantli money. averag beginn posit make around $35k, folk around five 10 year see markedli higher median salari $38k. earli intervent specialist see median salari $41k reach one two decad job."} {"id": "14859", "contents": "pay child\u2019 servic two ways:1. use child\u2019 privat and/or public insur (for exampl medicaid, chip, tricare) and/or2. make payment eci monthli maximum charge.your payment eci cover cost servic paid insurance."} {"id": "14860", "contents": "texa earli childhood intervent (eci) program serv famili children birth 36 month development delay disabilities. eci provid famili support special servic strengthen family\u2019 abil access resourc improv child\u2019 develop daili activities."} {"id": "14861", "contents": "(unit states). earli intervent specialist unit state larg female. averag salari entir group approxim $35k per year. bottom pay rang sit near $25k, top verg $60k per year. resid career durat impact pay group, former largest influence."} {"id": "14862", "contents": "earli childhood intervention. earli childhood intervent (eci) provid servic famili children (birth 36 months) development delay disabl eleven counties: denton, ellis, erath, hood, johnson, navarro, palo pinto, parker, somervell, tarrant wise. help with:"} {"id": "14863", "contents": "rank badg royal air force. rank structur commiss rank royal air force. rank shown ascend order. mani cases, royal air forc rank junior three services, royal navi senior armi raf. rank insignia commiss rank worn lower arm dress uniform."} {"id": "14864", "contents": "air forc offic rank name armi marin abbrevi differently. abbreviations, lowest highest, follows: 2d lt, 1st lt, cpt, maj, ltcol, col, briggen, majgen, ltgen gen. air forc also top spot gener air force. call warrant offic rang pay grade w-1 w-5. except air force, everi branch militari warrant officers. pay grade consist across branch military, rank abbrevi associ varies."} {"id": "14865", "contents": "due ambigu creat common use captain offic differ grade army, navy, air force, marin corps, coast guard, equival confer offic use ident pay grade rather titl rank. unit state uniform services, captain commiss offic rank. keep tradit militari nations, rank vari services, senior rank naval servic junior rank ground air forc"} {"id": "14866", "contents": "capt. capt, capt., abbrevi rank captain unit state air force. captain commiss offic pay grade o-3. captain fall first tier commiss officers, also known compani grade officers. captain may serv command small unit execut staff group wing level."} {"id": "14867", "contents": "cpt captain dr. doctor. gener address format: cpt john crunch 1234 air forc ave. hellhol afb, tx 66666 use rank instead title."} {"id": "14868", "contents": "higher grade, higher rank officer. example, army, air force, marin captain equival rank, responsibilities, grade navi coast guard lieutenant, third offic grade, o-3. unit state uniform services, captain commiss offic rank. keep tradit militari nations, rank vari services, senior rank naval servic junior rank ground air forc"} {"id": "14869", "contents": "chart display unit state air forc offic rank insignia. rank divid three sections: compani grade, field grade, gener officers. compani grade offic offic grade o-1 o-3. current air forc offic rank name insignia borrow armi upon establish air forc separ servic 1947."} {"id": "14870", "contents": "flight cap solid air forc blue enlist personnel, featur solid silver edg braid gener officers, edg braid silver blue diamond pattern officers. offic wear bright metal rank insignia toward front edg (wearer's) left side flight cap. current air forc offic rank name insignia borrow armi upon establish air forc separ servic 1947."} {"id": "14871", "contents": "7. million peopl diabet take human insulin produc bacteria yeast (biosynthet insulin) genet compat bodies, like perfect insulin produc natur body. insulin protein help control much sugar bloodstream. million diabet need take insulin. insulin cow pig use sinc earli 1900 treat diabetes. human insulin protein mass-produc genet engin processes."} {"id": "14872", "contents": "plasmid multiply. mani plasmid insulin gene insert mani bacteri cells. cell need nutrient order grow, divide, live. live, bacteri cell process turn gene human insulin insulin produc cell. insulin protein help control much sugar bloodstream. million diabet need take insulin. insulin cow pig use sinc earli 1900 treat diabetes. human insulin protein mass-produc genet engin processes."} {"id": "14873", "contents": "south san francisco, calif. -- septemb 6, 1978 --. insulin protein hormon produc pancrea use metabol sugar carbohydrates. synthesi human insulin done use process similar ferment process use make antibiotics."} {"id": "14874", "contents": "insulin first protein drug produc commerci bacteria. 1978, version human gene encod insulin clone introduc e. coli. bacteria shown produc form human insulin. within years, bacteria-produc insulin commerci avail treatment diabetes."} {"id": "14875", "contents": "cell produc proteins. million peopl diabet take human insulin produc bacteria yeast (biosynthet insulin) genet compat bodies, like perfect insulin produc natur body. insulin protein help control much sugar bloodstream. million diabet need take insulin. insulin cow pig use sinc earli 1900 treat diabetes. human insulin protein mass-produc genet engin processes."} {"id": "14876", "contents": "human insulin produc control clean environment. genetically-engin bacteria grown larg stainless steel ferment vessels. vessel contain nutrient need growth. ferment complete, mixtur contain bacteria harvested."} {"id": "14877", "contents": "prior 1980s, insulin diabet came pig expensive. creat insulin inexpensively, gene produc human insulin ad gene normal e. coli bacteria. gene place, normal cellular machineri produc like enzyme. understand techniqu use biotechnology, let look bacteria modifi produc human insulin. insulin simpl protein normal produc pancreas. peopl diabetes, pancrea damag cannot produc insulin."} {"id": "14878", "contents": "answers. best answer: human recombin insulin produc insert insulin gene suitabl vector. readili amen non-pathogen weaken strain common bacterium escherichia coli. bacteria produc insulin chemic ident natur produc counterpart. human insulin anim protein made bacteria way structur absolut ident natur molecule. reduc possibl complic result antibodi product"} {"id": "14879", "contents": "i\u2019m wonder manufactur taken number consider result take effort make sure applianc last long. imagin return custom 10 15 year :/. longest major applianc last except dishwash garbag dispos 7-8 years."} {"id": "14880", "contents": "particular model may last longer shorter durat averag expectancy, good idea averag time expect applianc last. give idea dishwash need replac help budget accordingly."} {"id": "14881", "contents": "life expect numbers. typic dishwash expect last seven 12 years, averag work expect nine 10 years. certain factors, cost, quality, brand, care, mainten frequenc usage, affect life expect dishwasher."} {"id": "14882", "contents": "accord results, averag lifespan modern dishwash nine years. although maytag work well accident, purchas back 2001 appear bump expir date."} {"id": "14883", "contents": "life expect typic applianc depend great extent use receives. moreover, applianc often replac long worn chang styling, technolog consum prefer make newer product desirable. major applianc home, ga rang longest life expectancy: 15 years. dryer refriger last 13 years. applianc shortest lifespan are: compactor (6 years), dishwash (9 years) microwav oven (9 years)."} {"id": "14884", "contents": "typic dishwash expect last seven 12 years, averag work expect nine 10 years. certain factors, cost, quality, brand, care, mainten frequenc usage, affect life expect dishwasher."} {"id": "14885", "contents": "structur formula fructos (left) glucos (right). high fructos corn syrup (hfcs) (also call glucose-fructose, isoglucos glucose-fructos syrup) sweeten made corn starch process glucos isomeras convert glucos fructose. corn syrups, includ hfcs, made corn starch. commerci product corn syrup began 1864. late 1950 scientist clinton corn process compani iowa tri turn glucos corn starch fructose, process scalable."} {"id": "14886", "contents": "sucrose, common tabl sugar, disaccharid made glucos fructose. here, unlik solution, fructos exist 100% furanos form. anomer configur pyranos form glucos furanos form fructose. levorotatori sugar empir formula glucos (c6h12o6) differ structure. glucos six carbon aldehyd wherea fructos ketone. monosaccharid exist equilibrium mixtur cyclic open form solution."} {"id": "14887", "contents": "tabl sugar substitut fructose, actual contain fructose, use pure glucos substitut fructose. cell burn fructos provid immedi energy, store later use form either glycogen, carbohydr store liver muscles, fat."} {"id": "14888", "contents": "hfc 24% water, rest mainli fructos glucos 0\u20135% unprocess glucos oligomers, hfc 55 (\u224855% fructos water removed) mostli use soft drinks; hfc 42 use beverages, process foods, cereals, bake goods. hfcs-90 nich use mainli mix hfc 42 make hfc 55. corn syrups, includ hfcs, made corn starch. commerci product corn syrup began 1864. late 1950 scientist clinton corn process compani iowa tri turn glucos corn starch fructose, process scalable."} {"id": "14889", "contents": "glucose. tabl sugar substitut fructose, actual contain fructose, use pure glucos substitut fructose. unfortunately, fructos glucos contain ident number calori per unit mass, fructos sweeter glucose. cell burn fructos provid immedi energy, store later use form either glycogen, carbohydr store liver muscles, fat."} {"id": "14890", "contents": "sucralos highli heat-stabl non-nutrit sweetener, allow use mani recip littl sugar. avail granul form allow same-volum substitut sugar. mix granul sucralos includ fillers, rapidli dissolv liquids. sucralos 320 1,000 time sweeter sucrose, twice sweet saccharin, three time sweet aspartame. stabl heat broad rang ph conditions. therefore, use bake product requir longer shelf life. commerci success sucralose-bas product stem favor comparison low-calori sweeten term taste, stability, safeti"} {"id": "14891", "contents": "high fructos corn syrup known danger inflammatory. creat inflamm bodies. think sweeten sugar. chemic fructos actual aldehyd famili digest like glucose. fructos cheaper. fructos sweeter, stabl it\u2019 easier transport. consider well-b it\u2019 put sweeten beverage. food polit worst."} {"id": "14892", "contents": "photo credit jupiterimages/brand pictures/getti images. fructose, like tabl sugar, energy-contain compound sweet taste. cell burn fructos provid immedi energy, store later use form either glycogen, carbohydr store liver muscles, fat."} {"id": "14893", "contents": "classif dead letter one instanc postal personnel allow violat secreci correspondence, ostens search clue letter' origin destination. increas collect studi postal mark origin offices, bodi literatur obscur topic may grow. mani countries, includ canada unit states, issu special label envelop travel dead letter office."} {"id": "14894", "contents": "update: tri recov lost mail usp dead letter office, inform help you. two dead letter office/mail recoveri center locat us-atlanta, georgia st. paul, minnesota. put phone number receiv track updates, call file claim, call number given over. still one answer part packag dead letter offic reach them."} {"id": "14895", "contents": "dead-lett queue system-gener queue use store messag could delivered. messag queu creat transact nontransact dead-lett queue comput setup. store undeliv messag sourc comput call neg sourc journaling. messag place dead-lett queue, messag queu chang class properti messag (propid_m_class msmqmessage.msgclass) reflect last known statu message."} {"id": "14896", "contents": "note. one copi messag store comput one time. messag reach comput successfully, store intern queue computer. messag cannot deliv next computer, store current computer' dead-lett queue. messag place dead-lett queue, messag queu chang class properti messag (propid_m_class msmqmessage.msgclass) reflect last known statu message."} {"id": "14897", "contents": "term 'dead mail' perhap misnomer, sever jurisdict opt use term 'undeliver mail' clearli repres statu item whose transmiss impeded. increas collect studi postal mark origin offices, bodi literatur obscur topic may grow. mani countries, includ canada unit states, issu special label envelop travel dead letter office."} {"id": "14898", "contents": "add response. cotaproduct 9:44 pm may 9, 2011 edt. sent packag client weekend check deliveri confirm numbers. delivered, except one weird messag says: dead mail, could contact buyer cannot return sender. packag sent distribut center."} {"id": "14899", "contents": "septemb 1922. dead letter offic (dlo) facil within postal system undeliver mail dealt with. mail consid undeliver address invalid cannot deliv addressee, return address cannot return sender. malta, undeliver mail sort gener post offic valletta. facil initi known return letter branch, later also refer return letter offic dead letter office. variou postal mark use facil 1889 onwards."} {"id": "14900", "contents": "show tri recov lost mail usp dead letter office, inform help you. two dead letter office/mail recoveri center locat us-atlanta, georgia st. paul, minnesota. put phone number receiv track updates, call file claim, call number given over. still one answer part packag dead letter offic reach them."} {"id": "14901", "contents": "dead letter mail undeliver mail mail cannot deliv addresse return sender. increas collect studi postal mark origin offices, bodi literatur obscur topic may grow. mani countries, includ canada unit states, issu special label envelop travel dead letter office."} {"id": "14902", "contents": "op, scan dead mail zip code start 551, 303, mean packag mail recoveri center return deliv unless pack slip insid one addresses, (usp allow open packag mrc's)."} {"id": "14903", "contents": "popular name kayla. find popular babi name kayla display annually, 1880 present day name popular chart. hover click dot repres year see mani babi given name year, genders, available. also note spell pronunci name kayla check initi name last name discov look sounds. histori mean name kayla fascinating, learn it."} {"id": "14904", "contents": "greek meaning: name kayla greek babi name. greek mean name kayla is: pure. american meaning: name kayla american babi name. american mean name kayla is: pure. english meaning: name kayla english babi name. english mean name kayla is: variant kay: keeper keys; pure. famou bearer: kayla charact daytim tv seri 'day live"} {"id": "14905", "contents": "search comprehens find name mean kyla name origin name database. also note spell pronunci name kyla check initi name last name discov look sounds."} {"id": "14906", "contents": "kayla femal given name, mean puriti greek. popular unit state attribut charact kayla bradi soap opera day lives. kayla name one goddess ancient egypt. kayla mean puriti greek. kayla also one name beta israel commun among neighbours, kayla languag named. kayla (pronounc k-la) name one goddess ancient egypt."} {"id": "14907", "contents": "often use girl (female) name. peopl name kayla gener origin france, ireland, israel, new zealand, south korea, unit kingdom, unit state america. anoth variant name kayla across world, see michaela. name kayla rank 256th posit use names. mean name frequent used. estim least 2361700 person world name around 0.033% population. name kayla five characters."} {"id": "14908", "contents": "hebrew meaning: name kyla hebrew babi name. hebrew mean name kyla is: victorious. american meaning: name kyla american babi name. american mean name kyla is: victorious. gaelic meaning: name kyla gaelic babi name. gaelic mean name kyla is: feminin kyle."} {"id": "14909", "contents": "differ mean name kayla are: mean name \u201ckayla\u201d differ sever languages, countri cultur one possibl differ mean available. also note spell pronunci name kayla check initi name last name discov look sounds. histori mean name kayla fascinating, learn it."} {"id": "14910", "contents": "kayla /kay-la/ [2 sylls.] girls' name pronounc kay-la. irish gaelic origin, mean kayla slim fair caoilainn. also use modern variant kayley katherine, diminut michaela. also possibl yiddish name kelila, mean crown laurel initi popular name due charact name kayla daytim tv drama day lives. see also kaylee."} {"id": "14911", "contents": "origin name kayla: transfer use anglic irish surname, gaelic mac caollaidh (son caollaidhe) o'caollaidh (descend caollaidhe). name deriv caol (slender). world babi name teresa norman."} {"id": "14912", "contents": "defit kayla chang dramat time rest definition. word kayla actual deriv greek mytholog femal deiti would prey innoc men way dinner whore. deiti one fatal weakness: hyster male deiti name ross speak name suppress kayla' allur powers."} {"id": "14913", "contents": "distanc dfw dca total distanc dfw dca 1192 mile equival 918 kilomet 1036 nautic mile trip begin dalla fort worth intern airport dalla texa end ronald reagan washington nation airport washington district columbia flight direct dfw dca northeast 64 degre north distanc calcul help figur far fli dfw dca comput straight line fli distanc crow fli use great circl formula comput total travel mileag"} {"id": "14914", "contents": "distanc dca dfw. total distanc dca dfw 1,192 miles. equival 1\u2009918 kilomet 1,036 nautic miles. trip begin ronald reagan washington nation airport washington, district columbia. end dallas/fort worth intern airport dallas, texas. flight direct dca dfw west (-104 degre north). distanc calcul help figur far fli dca dfw. comput straight line fli distanc (a crow flies). use great circl formula comput total travel mileage."} {"id": "14915", "contents": "non-stop flight time dallas, tx washington, dc hr hr depend aircraft' cruis speed, technic condit weather/wind speed.. fastest one-stop flight dallas, tx washington, dc take close hours. however, airlin could take long 16 hour base stopov destin wait duration. averag non-stop flight time dallas, tx either major airport serv washington, dc."} {"id": "14916", "contents": "find flights. flight distanc ronald reagan washington nation airport (dca) dalla fort worth intern airport (dfw) mile (kilometers, nautic miles). time difference. time differ washington d.c. dalla -1 hour. current local time washington d.c. 2015-10-13, 06:05 edt time dalla 2015-10-13, 05:05 cdt. pleas fill field calcul distance. search iata airport code, citi airport name."} {"id": "14917", "contents": "flight time dallas, tx washington, dc via charlott dfw dca via clt. flight durat dallas/fort worth intern airport ronald reagan washington nation airport via charlott dougla airport, unit state us airway flight hour minutes. however, airlin could take long 16 hour base stopov destin wait duration. averag non-stop flight time dallas, tx either major airport serv washington, dc."} {"id": "14918", "contents": "find flights. flight distanc dalla fort worth intern airport (dfw) ronald reagan washington nation airport (dca) mile (kilometers, nautic miles). time difference. time differ dalla washington d.c. hour. current local time dalla 2015-10-14, 05:01 cdt time washington d.c. 2015-10-14, 06:01 edt. pleas fill field calcul distance. search iata airport code, citi airport name"} {"id": "14919", "contents": "lower stratosphere, 25 mile ground (10 40 km). also ozon present lower troposphere, ozon layer stratospher contain help ozon block much sun' ultraviolet radiation. without layer, life earth would difficult. layer atmospher contain ozone. ozon layer contain bottom stratospher (thi area also call tropopause). concentr roughli 10 ppm (normal) ppm (hole)."} {"id": "14920", "contents": "arctic ozon hole. ozon layer ozon layer layer earth' atmospher contain rel high concentr ozon (o3). layer absorb 97-99% sun' high frequenc ultraviolet light, potenti damag life earth"} {"id": "14921", "contents": "layer atmospher contain ozone. ozon layer contain bottom stratospher (thi area also call tropopause). concentr roughli 10 ppm (normal) ppm (hole). ozon also contain tropospher (0.08 ppm less usually), call smog."} {"id": "14922", "contents": "ozon layer contain less 10 part per million ozone, averag ozon concentr earth' atmospher whole 0.3 part per million. ozon layer mainli found lower portion stratosphere, approxim 20 30 kilometr (12 19 mi) earth, though thick vari season geographically."} {"id": "14923", "contents": "also ozon present lower troposphere, ozon layer stratosph contain help ozon block much sun' ultraviolet radiation. without layer, life earth would difficult. 49 other found useful. valeria alcantar. ozon layer contain bottom stratospher (thi area also call tropopause). concentr roughli 10 ppm (normal) ppm (hole). ozon also contain tropospher (0.08 ppm less usually), call smog."} {"id": "14924", "contents": "ozon found atmosphere? ozon mainli found two region earth' atmosphere. ozon (about 90%) resid layer begin 10 mile (10 17 kilometers) earth' surfac extend 30 mile (50 kilometers). region atmospher call stratosphere. ozon rare atmosphere, averag three molecul ozon everi 10 million air molecules. spite small amount, ozon play vital role atmosphere. inform below, present basic import compon earth' atmosphere."} {"id": "14925", "contents": "layer atmospher contain ozone. lower part stratospher contain highest concentration, dub ozon layer. mesospher dens enough stop much uv-c sun, consequ much ozon form there. ozon layer contain bottom stratospher (thi area also call tropopause). concentr roughli 10 ppm (normal) ppm (hole). ozon also contain tropospher (0.08 ppm less usually), call smog."} {"id": "14926", "contents": "first thing know consid aldemar baby' name countri world name aldemar boy name. name aldemar german origin, use mostli german speak countri also countri languag world."} {"id": "14927", "contents": "baldemar /bal-de-mar/ [3 sylls.] boys' name old german origin, mean baldemar bold renowned; famou ruler. saint baldomar blacksmith becam monk, patron saint blacksmiths, profess much less common use be. baldomero spanish form."} {"id": "14928", "contents": "tweet. syll. al-de-mar, ald-em-ar babi boy name aldemar pronounc aa-ldiymaa-r \u2020. origin aldemar german language. name' mean famou experience. aldemar infrequ use babi name boys. list top 1000 names."} {"id": "14929", "contents": "keep mind mani name may differ mean countri languages, care name choos doesn\u2019t mean someth bad unpleasant. search comprehens find name mean aldemar name origin name database. also note spell pronunci name aldemar check initi name last name discov look sounds."} {"id": "14930", "contents": "syll. al-de-mar, ald-em-ar babi boy name aldemar pronounc aa-ldiymaa-r \u2020. origin aldemar german language. name' mean famou experience. aldemar infrequ use babi name boys. list top 1000 names."} {"id": "14931", "contents": "neptun 8th planet sun outermost major planet solar system. neptun slightli smaller massiv (dense) uranus. surfac neptun solid neptun ga planet. interior planet extrem hot wind blow excess 500 kilomet per hour."} {"id": "14932", "contents": "ga giant. neptun classifi one solar system' ga giant planets, mean solid surfac larg collect swirl cloud gas. blue surfac see pictur neptun fact top perman cloud cover. planet almost four time size earth, composition, almost 17 time heavier. take neptun 165 earth year orbit sun day planet last around 16 hours."} {"id": "14933", "contents": "neptun ga giant, mean compos almost entir gasses. neptun compos helium, hydrogen methan atmosphere. expos core olten rock molten ammonia. neptun also windy, storm wind reach around 2,000mph. surfac neptun solid neptun ga planet. interior planet extrem hot wind blow excess 500 kilomet per hour."} {"id": "14934", "contents": "largest, triton, orbit neptun direct opposit direct planet' rotation. triton coldest bodi yet visit solar system\u2014temperatur surfac -391 degre fahrenheit (-235 degre celsius)."} {"id": "14935", "contents": "atmospher composition. neptune' atmospher made predomin hydrogen helium, methane. methan part give neptun brilliant blue tint, absorb red light reflect bluer colors. uranu also methan atmosphere, duller shading."} {"id": "14936", "contents": "neptun eighth farthest planet sun solar system. fourth-largest planet diamet third-largest mass. among giant planet solar system, neptun dense. neptun 17 time mass earth slightli massiv near-twin uranus, 15 time mass earth, dens neptune. great distanc sun, neptune' outer atmospher one coldest place solar system, temperatur cloud top approach 55 (\u2212218 \u00b0c). temperatur planet' centr approxim 5,400 (5,100 \u00b0c)."} {"id": "14937", "contents": "neptun ga planet, terrain like earth. ga layer center planet increas heat depth increases. could stand surfac neptune. answered. oceanic! sinc neptun ga giant would made mostli gas. (85% hydrogen, 13% helium, 2% methane)."} {"id": "14938", "contents": "neptun eighth planet sun solar system one two invis nake eye. planet almost four time size earth, composition, almost 17 time heavier. take neptun 165 earth year orbit sun day planet last around 16 hours."} {"id": "14939", "contents": "neptun ga planet, terrain like earth. ga layer center planet increas heat depth increases. could stand surfac neptune. surfac neptun solid neptun ga planet. interior planet extrem hot wind blow excess 500 kilomet per hour."} {"id": "14940", "contents": "neptun eighth planet sun solar system one two invis nake eye. planet almost four time size earth, composition, i... averag surfac temperatur neptun -200 degre c, make one coldest place solar system. accord nasa, neptun 30 time farther sun eart..."} {"id": "14941", "contents": "fast blood sugar 99 mg/dl less consid within normal range. person prediabet fast blood sugar 100 125 mg/dl. diabet diagnos 126 mg/dl greater. import note one high blood sugar automat make diabetic."} {"id": "14942", "contents": "person without diabetes, normal glucos level rang 70 120 mg/dl. accord american diabet association, normal glucos rang diabet alway less 154 mg/dl. normal glucos rang children breakfast rang 70 99 mg/dl."} {"id": "14943", "contents": "independ eat, blood sugar truli normal person is: 120 mg/dl (6.6 mmol/l) one two hour meal. normal peopl 100 mg/dl (5.5 mmol/l) two hour eating. blood sugar 70 mg/dl (3.9 mmol/l) consid hypoglycem avoided."} {"id": "14944", "contents": "normal blood sugar vari person person, normal rang fast blood sugar (the amount glucos blood six eight hour meal) 70 100 milligram per deciliter. individuals, level glucos blood rise meals."} {"id": "14945", "contents": "person prediabet fast blood glucos level 100 125 mg/dl. blood glucos level rise 126 mg/dl above, person diabetes." "\u2022an a1c 5.6% normal. prediabetes, a1c level rang 5.7%-6.4%."} {"id": "14946", "contents": "call fast blood sugar blood glucos level usual done six eight hour last meal. commonli done breakfast morning; normal rang 70 100 milligram per deciliter."} {"id": "14947", "contents": "normal fast blood glucos target rang individu without diabet 70-100 mg/dl (3.9-5.6 mmol/l). american diabet associ recommend fast plasma glucos level 70\u2013130 mg/dl (3.9-7.2 mmol/l) meal less 180 mg/dl (10 mmol/l)."} {"id": "14948", "contents": "even epa said teflon\u2122 brand pfoa. fact, teflon\u2122 nonstick coat cookwar consum bakewar made without pfoa. 7. myth: can't store food refriger nonstick pan.. fact: oh ye can, problem whatsoever. 3. myth: nonstick-co pan cannot put dishwasher.. fact: nonstick pan teflon\u2122 nonstick coat reput manufacturer, put dishwasher. still, alway make sure follow manufacturer\u2019 care instructions."} {"id": "14949", "contents": "best answer: can't scratch coating---that would expos wick chemic use fuse teflon raw aluminum pan. want food, you, kids."} {"id": "14950", "contents": "nonstick technolog cookwar bakewar becom common sinc first hit store shelves. free cook use copiou amount oil fat prevent food stick pan surface, nonstick technolog use chemic compound teflon releas food pan surface. danger damag nonstick. ptfe toxic human rather fume emit ptfe heat high temperatures. therefore, teflon pan scratched, danger sinc flake solid ptfe chemic inert."} {"id": "14951", "contents": "modern non-stick pan use teflon; non-stick coat becom available. example, mixtur titanium ceram sandblast onto pan surface, fire 2,000 \u00b0c (3,630 \u00b0f). non-stick cookwar common application, non-stick coat allow food brown without stick pan. non-stick often use refer surfac coat polytetrafluoroethylen (ptfe) sold brand name teflon.."} {"id": "14952", "contents": "mani skillet fri pan teflon coating. coat teflon polytetrafluoroethylen cookwar produc nonstick surface. avail 60 years, teflon help prevent egg pancak stick skillet. unfortunately, teflon coat chip scratch rough-edg kitchen utensil abras scour pads. proper use teflon cookware. use low medium heat teflon skillet pans. teflon-co cookwar overheated, cookwar releas fume may caus flu-lik symptom humans. differ respiratori tract, bird much suscept fume humans."} {"id": "14953", "contents": "by: gregr. scratch metal non-stick (teflon) pan fine. scratch non-stick (teflon) pan use like regular metal pan. non-stick (teflon) materiel start flake use brillo pad take rest non-stick off. want eat this...ever. coat ever scratched, mean there breach safety. think pothol street. small one turn bigger one....but teflon/non-stick pan, bet ingest stuff."} {"id": "14954", "contents": "scratch metal non-stick (teflon) pan fine. scratch non-stick (teflon) pan use like regular metal pan. want eat this...ever. coat ever scratched, mean there breach safety. think pothol street. small one turn bigger one....but teflon/non-stick pan, bet ingest stuff."} {"id": "14955", "contents": "\u201cteflon\u201d thing pfoa. 7. can't store food refriger nonstick pan. 8. nonstick pan seriou cook chefs. 9. cook techniques, deglazing, sear browning, don\u2019t work nonstick pan. 10. 3. myth: nonstick-co pan cannot put dishwasher.. fact: nonstick pan teflon\u2122 nonstick coat reput manufacturer, put dishwasher. still, alway make sure follow manufacturer\u2019 care instructions."} {"id": "14956", "contents": "food non-stick pan. non-stick surfac surfac engin reduc abil materi stick it. non-stick cookwar common application, non-stick coat allow food brown without stick pan. non-stick often use refer surfac coat polytetrafluoroethylen (ptfe) sold brand name teflon.."} {"id": "14957", "contents": "mani peopl also tri supplement help treat depression. st. john' wort, omega fatti acid s-adenosylmethionin (same) common supplement taken deal depression. may posit effects, good idea ask doctor start supplement treatments."} {"id": "14958", "contents": "depress make feel helpless. not. along therapi sometim medication, there' lot fight back. chang behavior -- physic activity, lifestyle, even way think -- natur depress treatments. tip help feel better -- start right now."} {"id": "14959", "contents": "prefer fight depress without drugs, however, mani simple, effect strategi try, especi you\u2019r deal pass case blue situat depress trigger life circumstances. step also help use along medic seriou depression."} {"id": "14960", "contents": "engag use therapies. underestim power therapi come deal depression. talk profession one best way treat depress without use medication. depress symptom start serious interfer daili life, next step contact counselor psychologist."} {"id": "14961", "contents": "2009: obama bow queen england. one much bow head nod (note: president, solid 6'1, taller mani world leaders). appar trip london saudi bow, first g-20 summit president. classic obama bow thing like moment, one launch thousand fox news segments. white hous aid attempt deni move king abdullah saudi arabia g-20 meet bow, tell politico bow."} {"id": "14962", "contents": "white hous brief room grew bit chilli thursday cnn report dan lothian ask press secretari robert gibb explain current caus celebr c\u00e9l\u00e8bre conservative: movement whether presid obama bow king abdullah saudi. arabia stun hour apolog european audienc last week, said america arrog dismissive, presid obama paid fealti saudi king abdullah bow g-20 summit london."} {"id": "14963", "contents": "2. [obama] bow muslim king, british queen england, bow show world subservient, bow muslim king.. someth presid done saudi arabia. [5:26]. video, make follow claim, air fox news: [obama] bow muslim king, british queen england, bow show world subservient, bow muslim king.. someth presid done saudi arabia."} {"id": "14964", "contents": "http://barrysoetoro.com/. obama bow saudi king. 'american bow foreign monarch act signifi monarch' power subjects.'. quit certain protocol, unbecom presid unit states.. http://michellemalkin.com/2009/04/02/..."} {"id": "14965", "contents": "11:59pm bst 08 apr 2009. white hous deni presid bow meet sidelin london conference, though photograph show mr obama least stoop significantli 84-year-old monarch. bow."} {"id": "14966", "contents": "white house: bow saudi. white hous deni presid bow king abdullah saudi arabia g-20 meet london, scene drew critic right prais arab outlets. bow. blog: obama' appar bow king saudi arabia london drawn fire right -- respons request comment least -- sil."} {"id": "14967", "contents": "state depart protocol inde decre presid bow one, deal similar controversi before, presid bill clinton semi-bow japan' emperor akihito. muhammah diyab, comment saudi paper, approv mr obama' gesture, saw clear bow. white hous deni presid bow meet sidelin london conference, though photograph show mr obama least stoop significantli 84-year-old monarch. bow."} {"id": "14968", "contents": "2009: obama bow saudi king. classic obama bow thing like moment, one launch thousand fox news segments. white hous aid attempt deni move king abdullah saudi arabia g-20 meet bow, tell politico bow."} {"id": "14969", "contents": "there\u2019 21 congressmen senat convict feloni still get retirement, even jail, ventura said interview mycentraljersey.com, ahead sept. 16 appear rutger univers new brunswick. don\u2019t wait they\u2019r 65.. quit congressmen senat convict felonies, multipl public databas conflict inform number convict feder lawmak make imposs assess exact number."} {"id": "14970", "contents": "albani former major leader state senat convict thursday tri bribe way new york citi mayor ballot, mark latest corrupt convict new york."} {"id": "14971", "contents": "congressmen senat lose pension convict nation secur offens crime relat public corrupt abus one\u2019 offici position, accord 2008 congression research servic report statu senat indict convict felony.."} {"id": "14972", "contents": "statu senat indict convict feloni congression research servic summari feder statut rule senat directli affect statu senat indict crime constitut felony."} {"id": "14973", "contents": "former sen. malcolm smith, d-queens, convict thursday bribery, extort wire fraud 2013 scheme, arrang pay ten thousand dollar republican leader new york citi attempt get gop ballot line."} {"id": "14974", "contents": "member hous must least 25 year old, member senat must least 30 year old. member hous must u.s. citizen least seven years, member senat must u.s. citizen least nine years."} {"id": "14975", "contents": "alaska sen. ted steven convict seven feloni count corrupt late october. steven ran reelect nov. democrat mark begich, two await offici results, vote still counted. begich\u2019 lead increas 1,000 vote nov. 15, however."} {"id": "14976", "contents": "complet list see: list american feder politician convict crime list feder polit scandal unit states. dozen high-level unit state feder offici convict public corrupt offens conduct office."} {"id": "14977", "contents": "first claus independ clause. jim subject, read action, book object.th second claus independ clause. subject, enjoy action book object. independ claus related, join creat complex sentence."} {"id": "14978", "contents": "definition. independ claus group word made subject predicate. independ claus (unlik depend clause) stand alon sentence. independ claus also known main claus superordin clause. two independ claus join coordin conjunct (such and) form compound sentence."} {"id": "14979", "contents": "independ claus claus stand alon sentenc (i.e., express complet thought). independ clause, like clauses, subject verb. depend claus sentenc independ clause, independ claus simpl sentence. example:"} {"id": "14980", "contents": "independ claus group word made subject predicate. independ claus (unlik depend clause) stand alon sentence. independ claus also known main claus superordin clause. two independ claus join coordin conjunct (such and) form compound sentence."} {"id": "14981", "contents": "depend claus group word subject verb (unlik independ clause) cannot stand alon sentence. also known subordin clause. depend claus includ adverb clauses, adject clauses, noun clauses."} {"id": "14982", "contents": "search. independ claus claus stand alon sentenc (i.e., express complet thought). independ clause, like clauses, subject verb. depend claus sentenc independ clause, independ claus simpl sentence. example:"} {"id": "14983", "contents": "exampl observations. claus group word [contains] subject verb. two major types: independ claus depend clauses. independ claus stand alon sentence, begin capit letter end termin punctuat period."} {"id": "14984", "contents": "salari variabl depend year experi employer' salari scale. medic offic assist (medic secretaries) alberta current earn $30,000 $52,000 per year averag $40,900/year. (2011 alberta wage salari survey, www.alis.gov.ab.ca/occinfo.)."} {"id": "14985", "contents": "accord latest figures, highest hourli averag wage earn calgary, alberta $20.50 per hour lowest averag wage earn montreal, quebec $15.00 per hour. typic full-tim annual salari occup region $27,000 $35,000."} {"id": "14986", "contents": "medic offic assist earn averag wage c$15.81 per hour. peopl job gener 20 years' experience."} {"id": "14987", "contents": "accord latest figures, highest hourli averag (median) wage earn calgary, alberta $22.00 per hour lowest averag (median) wage earn montreal, quebec $18 per hour. typic full-tim annual salari occup region $30,000 $40,000."} {"id": "14988", "contents": "medic offic assist calgary, alberta earn averag wage c$16.23 per hour. highest pay skill associ job transcript offic administration. peopl job move posit 10 year career. c$29,054 c$50,167."} {"id": "14989", "contents": "(canada). medic offic assist calgary, alberta earn averag wage c$16.23 per hour. highest pay skill associ job transcript offic administration. peopl job move posit 10 year career. c$29,054 c$50,167."} {"id": "14990", "contents": "work colleagu rewrit learn outcom student languag student understand. engag colleagu discuss strategi use help student self-assess qualiti work. articl help student understand assess educ leadership jan chappui provid overview form assess step take classroom help student assess work."} {"id": "14991", "contents": "955 shares. self-reflect self-assessment, one signific learn tool model students. ultimately, want children adolesc self-assessor work, dispositions, goal"} {"id": "14992", "contents": "provid afford student self assess abil creat potenti student becom much awar actual perform level soon enough work toward achiev need competencies. use student self assess appear below."} {"id": "14993", "contents": "is,stud construct meaning, part, self-assess prior duringlearning. student organize, evaluate, intern learning, andself-assess part process. must connect new knowl-edge, understandings, skill alreadi store andused. student involv determin self-assess particu-larli valuable. enhanc student motiv provid sens ofownership responsibility. engag also increas intrins moti-v base perform compet less rewardsfor performance."} {"id": "14994", "contents": "student self-assessment. assess import part learn process teacher learners. assess students, teacher mani tool disposal. teacher limited, however, assess own. student particip process mani ways; student assess take form self-assess peer assess take differ form serv varieti purposes."} {"id": "14995", "contents": "student share self-assess peer small group, instruct compar impress criteria test scores, teacher evaluations, peers' opinions. kind practic help student awar learning. kind reflection, student step back learn process think languag learn strategi progress languag learners. self assess encourag student becom independ learner increas motivation."} {"id": "14996", "contents": "let\u2019 look exampl \u201ci can\u201d statements: \u201ci can\u201d statement type self-assessment. end class, chapter, unit, theme, etc., student ask complet certain number \u201ci can\u201d statement explain feel abl do. example, grammar lesson past tense, possibl \u201ci can\u201d statement might be: student particip process mani ways; student assess take form self-assess peer assess take differ form serv varieti purposes."} {"id": "14997", "contents": "make self-assess success. order self-assess effectively, student must understand criteria gaug perform order abl evalu make piec work good poor."} {"id": "14998", "contents": "involv student assess qualiti work give clearer sens learn outcom toward work motiv learn. student assess qualiti work, must abl answer three questions: articl help student understand assess educ leadership jan chappui provid overview form assess step take classroom help student assess work."} {"id": "14999", "contents": "vitro fertil one assist reproduct technolog (art) commonli refer ivf. ivf process fertil manual combin egg sperm laboratori dish, transfer embryo uterus."} {"id": "15000", "contents": "simpli put, definit human fertil union join egg sperm, result fertil egg, otherwis known zygote. process human fertil complic compris mani step compon necessari achiev ultim result human life."} {"id": "15001", "contents": "fertilization. fertilization, union sperm egg, occur deep within flower pollination. pollen grain land stigma, gener tini tube tip sperm. tube fit conduit call style femal pistil."} {"id": "15002", "contents": "illustr depict ovul fertilization. human fertil union human egg sperm, usual occur ampulla uterin tube. result union product zygot cell, fertil egg, initi prenat development. scientist discov dynam human fertil nineteenth century. process fertil involv sperm fuse ovum. fertil occur nucleu sperm egg fuse form diploid cell, known zygote. success fusion gamet form new organism."} {"id": "15003", "contents": "medic definit fertilization. act process make fertile: a: act process fecundation, insemination, impregn b: process union two gamet wherebi somat chromosom number restor develop new individu initiated."} {"id": "15004", "contents": "10 hilari insight foreign words. fertil process egg sperm cell come togeth form zygote, begin seri event result pregnancy. mammals, includ human beings, egg releas femal ovary, sperm male penis."} {"id": "15005", "contents": "fertilis (also known conception, fecund syngamy) fusion gamet initi develop new individu organism. animals, process involv fusion ovum sperm, first creat zygot lead develop embryo. allogamy, also known cross-fertilization, refer fertil egg cell one individu male gamet another. autogami also known self-fertilization, occur hermaphrodit organ plant flatworms; therein, two gamet one individu fuse."} {"id": "15006", "contents": "fertil act process initi biolog reproduct insemin pollin union male femal reproduct cell (gametes) produc fertil reproduct cell (zygote). mean fertil plants. union male' sperm female' egg. also a. fertil process fusion male femal cell .in fertil ovari turn fruit ovul seed. 11 peopl found useful."} {"id": "15007", "contents": "stone varieti orang colors. jewelri orang gem stone come varieti differ shades, includ coral, maroon, wine. shown pictur common uncommon orang stone includ fire opal, coral, zircon, citrine, ammolit sapphire. link provid inform specif gemstone, pictur jewelri made stone, correspond birthston fact"} {"id": "15008", "contents": "find gem color often difficult, sinc websit tend organ inventori around gem varieti rather colors. want know option particular colors, list gem type organ color. sinc hundr color variat color gems, organ list around base color color families. red-orang gem would fall orang categori blue-green stone would green categori"} {"id": "15009", "contents": "orang topaz. besid yellow blue, topaz also occur orang stones. orang gemston come two varieti topaz, namely, preciou topaz imperi topaz, pinkish orang valuabl two. topaz tradit modern birthston november. known emerald green aquamarin blue, beryl also occur orang stones. orang gemston come varieti beryl call morganite, though latter popularli known pink."} {"id": "15010", "contents": "orange. spessartit garnet famou orang gem number option well. orang sapphir produc heat treatment, finer fire opal occur hue yellow-orang red-orange. want know option particular colors, list gem type organ color. sinc hundr color variat color gems, organ list around base color color families."} {"id": "15011", "contents": "confid vote 134. mani differ type orang gems, famou spessartit garnet. but, also zircon, fire opal, sapphir (when given heat treatment), tourmaline, imperi topaz, moonstone, star moonstone, citrine, andesine. idaho. idaho known 'gem' state nearli everi known gem stone found state idaho. addition, two place world 'star garnets' found, idaho one himalayan mountain india."} {"id": "15012", "contents": "though commonli red, garnet also occur orang stones. orang gemston come sever speci garnet, includ spessartin grossular. orang varieti call malaya garnet combin spessartin pyrop garnet. known emerald green aquamarin blue, beryl also occur orang stones. orang gemston come varieti beryl call morganite, though latter popularli known pink."} {"id": "15013", "contents": "varieti yellow orang colors. jewelri yellow golden color gem stone come varieti differ shades, includ amber, canary, champagne, gold, lemon, mustard, ochr saffron. shown pictur common uncommon yellow stone includ citrine, yellow sapphire, amber stone canyon jasper. pictur yellow gemstones. jewelri yellow golden color gem stone come varieti differ shades, includ amber, canary, champagne, gold, lemon, mustard, ochr saffron."} {"id": "15014", "contents": "orang gemston bright, sunni color wear jewelry. orang mixtur red yellow. look ablaz sun vivid autumn indeed, orang gem give outfit truli brilliant sparkl fieri end spectrum. known emerald green aquamarin blue, beryl also occur orang stones. orang gemston come varieti beryl call morganite, though latter popularli known pink."} {"id": "15015", "contents": "red gemston actual quit rare, mainli occur ruby, spinel garnet. fine red tourmalin (sometim call rubellite), often found. mani peopl purchas gem type-for example, want buy sapphire, tourmalin amethyst. want know option particular colors, list gem type organ color. sinc hundr color variat color gems, organ list around base color color families."} {"id": "15016", "contents": "follow complet earli childhood educ diploma, mani student also pursu interest work children special need enrol humber\u2019 earli childhood educ advanc studi special need graduat certif program 07901. earli childhood educ program profession prepar program, recogn ontario colleg earli childhood educators. such, program demand term academ work expect profession behaviour."} {"id": "15017", "contents": "program. humber\u2019 earli childhood educ (ece) diploma prepar work children (birth 12 years) famili program recogn ontario colleg earli childhood educators. earli childhood educ program profession prepar program, recogn ontario colleg earli childhood educators. such, program demand term academ work expect profession behaviour."} {"id": "15018", "contents": "provinci registration. order practic ontario earli childhood educ regist earli childhood educator, graduat must appli registr colleg earli childhood educ (cece). graduat ece program meet educ requir registration. field placement central learn experience, place field two day week. order practic ontario earli childhood educ regist earli childhood educator, graduat must appli registr colleg earli childhood educ (cece)."} {"id": "15019", "contents": "mani earli childhood educ teacher degre college-level education? 2004, 70% teacher administr work center-bas earli childhood educ college-level education; one-third bachelor\u2019 degree. 2004, 70% teacher administr work center-bas earli childhood educ college-level education; one-third bachelor\u2019 degree. overall, 2004, 58% earli childhood educ college-level educ higher"} {"id": "15020", "contents": "mani peopl earli childhood field deepli believ women natur predispos care young children, men (neugebauer, 1999; sanders, 2002; nelson sheppard, n.d.; cunningham dorsey, 2004). also indic certain level tension men women exist earli childhood program due partli number singl mother field resent lack support children\u2019 father (fagan, 1996)."} {"id": "15021", "contents": "return top. 2004, 70% teacher administr work center-bas earli childhood educ college-level education; one-third bachelor\u2019 degree. overall, 2004, 58% earli childhood educ college-level educ higher. 2004, 70% teacher administr work center-bas earli childhood educ college-level education; one-third bachelor\u2019 degree."} {"id": "15022", "contents": "guid help get started. page earli childhood educ plan career earli childhood educ (ece) prepar new adventure, start beginning, decid want go, get there, need along way."} {"id": "15023", "contents": "career map intern educ earli childhood educ (eces). earli childhood educ regul profess ontario. must regist member colleg earli childhood educ (cece) work earli childhood educ ontario. pleas visit websit colleg earli childhood educ up-to-d inform appli membership. copyright career map held jointli queen\u2019 printer ontario colleg earli childhood educators, (cece) 2014."} {"id": "15024", "contents": "uluru one australia' recognis natur landmarks. sandston format stand 348 (1,142 ft) high, rise 863 (2,831 ft) sea level bulk lie underground, total circumfer 9.4 km (5.8 mi). kata tjuta uluru two major featur ulu\u1e5fu-kata tju\u1e6fa nation park. uluru sacr anangu, aborigin peopl area. area around format home plethora springs, waterholes, rock caves, ancient paintings. uluru list unesco world heritag site"} {"id": "15025", "contents": "uluru. uluru tradit anangu name perhap australia\u2019 famou landform, ayer rock. loom sandston monolith, along nearbi cobbl format kata tjuta mount olga, origin deriv sediment wash mountain rang sinc erod away geologist say."} {"id": "15026", "contents": "australia landforms. note: australia extrem dry, 35 percent countri receiv littl rain (if any). almost 20 percent avail land form desert. ayer rock (uluru)."} {"id": "15027", "contents": "uluru easili icon natur landform australia, format equal special. creation uluru kata tjuta form time began 500 million year ago. time big crustal block form australian contin come together."} {"id": "15028", "contents": "uluru. one australia' famou natur landform uluru, use call ayer rock. locat northern territory, uluru biggest rock world. special place aborigin peopl live near it. also popular place tourist visit. imag twelv apostl one australia' uniqu beauti natur landforms. imag uluru locat northern territory. imag island part great barrier reef. imag three sister anoth famou australian landform."} {"id": "15029", "contents": "uluru consid world' largest monolith. monolith large, singl block stone. uluru also aborigin sacr site australia' famou natur landmark. oxid iron sandston give uluru rusty-r colour. surfac weather eros hole form heavi flow desert rain mani million years."} {"id": "15030", "contents": "geograph position. uluru, formerli known ayer rock, larg rock locat northern territory. ayer rock name 19th centuri premier south australia, sir henri ayers. locat uluru-kata tjuta nation park, 350 kilometr southwest alic spring northern territory. monolith large, singl block stone. uluru also aborigin sacr site australia' famou natur landmark. oxid iron sandston give uluru rusty-r colour. surfac weather eros hole form heavi flow desert rain mani million years."} {"id": "15031", "contents": "signific rock features. australia oldest geolog featur world oldest known rock date 3000 million year ago rare zircon crystal date back 4400 million year locat much younger rocks."} {"id": "15032", "contents": "precook ham cooked, tast better heat thoroughli intern temperatur 140\u00b0f (60\u00b0c) so. place ham 325\u00b0f oven (163\u00b0c). take 12 15 minut per pound whole boneless ham 18 20 minut per pound half ham. also let rest 20 minut oven serv it."} {"id": "15033", "contents": "ham complet roasting, take ham oven let stand 15 minut slicing. ham continu bake oven let ham stand 15 minut make easier carve. partial cook pork store refriger use later. must cook done."} {"id": "15034", "contents": "preheat oven 325\u00b0f. place ham rack shallow roast pan. whole 10- 15-pound ham, allow 18 20 minut per pound; half--5 pounds--about 20 minut per pound; shank butt portion weigh pounds, 35 minut pound."} {"id": "15035", "contents": "preheat oven 325\u00b0f. heat ham, place rack shallow roast pan, bake uncovered. whole ham, allow 15 18 minut pound; half, 18 24 minut per pound. ham readi intern temperatur reach 140\u00b0f."} {"id": "15036", "contents": "best way place ham rack roast pan. add water bottom pan cover tightli aluminum foil (cover pan ham). cook approxim 12 15 minut per pound whole boneless ham approxim 18 20 minut per pound half ham."} {"id": "15037", "contents": "want glaze ham, place broiler pan cover glaze; broil 10 heat 10-15 minutes, watch carefully, glaze cooked. oven method. goal reheat ham without dri out. best way place ham rack roast pan."} {"id": "15038", "contents": "place ham preheat oven baking. amount cook time depend size ham whether pre-cook not. follow guidelin cook times: bake partially-or fully-cook preserv ham 10 minut per pound (0.5 kg) reheat ham complet through."} {"id": "15039", "contents": "275\u00b0f-bake 20 minut per pound (about 1/2 hour total) 350\u00b0f-bake 10 minut per pound (about 1/2 hour total) ham readi reach intern temperatur 120\u00b0f 140\u00b0f. 1. heat oven 275\u00b0f line roast rack sever long piec foil."} {"id": "15040", "contents": "metamorph rock start type rock, substanti chang origin igneous, sedimentary, earlier metamorph form. metamorph rock form rock subject high heat, high pressure, hot, mineral-rich fluid or, commonly, combin factors."} {"id": "15041", "contents": "format metamorph rock metamorph rock creat physic chemic alter heat pressur exist igneou sedimentari materi denser form."} {"id": "15042", "contents": "marbl anoth exampl metamorph rock. form limestone. metamorph rock sometim contain fossil form sedimentari rock, fossil usual squash shape. metamorph rock form type rock-sedimentari igneous. rememb two exampl common metamorhp rock come from: slate form shale. marbl form limestone. page. 1. 2. 3. 4."} {"id": "15043", "contents": "marbl slate exampl metamorph rock. metamorph rock form extrem pressur combin heat time. metamorph rock call alway begin anoth type rock. slate forms, clay origin rock replac miner mica. marbl type metamorph rock origin limestone. schist type metamorph rock origin slate anoth type metamorph rock. word metamorph liter mean chang form. slate, metamorph rock, form shale, clay mudstone."} {"id": "15044", "contents": "major concepts. metamorph rock form rock type: igneous, sedimentary, exist metamorph rocks. involv recrystal solid state, often littl chang overal chemic composition. drive forc chang temperature, pressure, pore fluids."} {"id": "15045", "contents": "metamorph rocks. rock (igneous, sedimentary, metamorphic) becom metamorph rock. rock buri deep earth high temperatur pressures, form new miner textur without melting. melt occurs, magma formed, start rock cycl again. temperatur pressur condit (metamorph environment) rock formed. composit parent, origin unmetamorphosed, rock. aid interpret platetecton set metamorph took place. aid reconstruct geolog histori area."} {"id": "15046", "contents": "information. metamorph rock result transform pre-exist rock. origin rock subject high heat pressure, caus obviou physic and/or chemic changes. exampl rock type includ marble, slate, gneiss, schist."} {"id": "15047", "contents": "protolith may sedimentari rock, igneou rock anoth older metamorph rock. metamorph rock make larg part earth 's crust classifi textur chemic miner assemblag (metamorph facies). metamorph miner form high temperatur pressur associ process metamorphism. minerals, known index minerals, includ sillimanite, kyanite, staurolite, andalusite, garnet."} {"id": "15048", "contents": "marbl metamorph rock form sedimentari rock limestone. quartzit metamorph rock form sedimentari rock sandstone. slate metamorph rock form sedimentari rock mudstone. granulit metamorph rock form igneou rock basalt. learn sedimentari rocks, igneou rocks, rock miner fossils. make fossil cast check rock sort lesson plan. uplift eros help bring metamorph rock earth' surface. exampl metamorph rock includ anthracite, quartzite, marble, slate, granulite, gneiss schist. anthracit type coal high carbon count, impur high luster (mean look shiny)."} {"id": "15049", "contents": "equat roughli $12,800 $14,970 per child per year two-par famili median annual incom $61,530 $106,540. annual cost vari base factor like child' age, number children famili family' incom location."} {"id": "15050", "contents": "report found geograph variat cost rais child. highest urban northeast $282,480, follow urban west $261,330 urban midwest $240,570, includ iowa south dakota. urban south came lowest $230,610 child."} {"id": "15051", "contents": "rais child born 2013 age 18, cost middle-incom coupl $245,000, accord newli releas estim u.s. depart agriculture. that' $4,260, almost 2%, year before. estim vari wide depend live much earn."} {"id": "15052", "contents": "child care cost soar dramat sinc first report 53 year ago. back then, middle-incom famili could expect spend $25,230 ($198,560 2013 dollars) rais child age 18. hous top cost parent back then, too."} {"id": "15053", "contents": "day care monthli groceri bill, cost rais child climb rate mani famili can't keep with. cost estim $241,080 middle-incom coupl rais child born last year 18 years, accord u.s. depart agricultur report releas wednesday. that' almost 3% 2011 even includ cost college. time, wage keep up."} {"id": "15054", "contents": "averag cost rais child born 2013 age 18 middle-incom famili u.s. approxim $245,340 (or $304,480, adjust project inflation), accord latest annual cost rais child report u.s. depart agriculture."} {"id": "15055", "contents": "long typic employe stay job? median number year wage salari worker current employ current 4.6 years, accord econom news releas bureau labor statistics."} {"id": "15056", "contents": "hand, stay long job also hinder employ prospects. lengthi tenur one compani give impress interest grow career. also lead employ think may flexibl success new role."} {"id": "15057", "contents": "could short month long 24 months. -- borrow self-employed, autom underwrit system tell us long need job, paid commission. could anywher month 24 months. -- borrow employ part-tim second job, again, autom underwrit system tell us long need job. anyth less 24 month second job gener unacceptable."} {"id": "15058", "contents": "fha specif time requir job career all. again, first job three week need realli good qualifications--lik medic degre perhaps."} {"id": "15059", "contents": "(they want loan $200,000 buy hous that' worth $150,000.) might pay front, otherwis ad close costs. besid pay front that' required, involv step process."} {"id": "15060", "contents": "look one year guidelin stay job, work job (or even two), work sever job year creat job hop work histori resum go impress hire manager."} {"id": "15061", "contents": "boreal (taiga) forest. location: northern forest type found 50 60 degre latitude. boreal forest found canada, northern asia, siberia scandinavia (denmark, norway, sweden, finland). two-third world' boreal forest found scandinavia. climate: boreal forest character long winter short summers. soil: soil forest fertile. plants: forest floor temper decidu forest support mosses, fern wildflow understori support varieti shrub ferns. maple, oak birch tree exampl decidu tree domin forests."} {"id": "15062", "contents": "temper forest found eastern unit states, canada, europe, china japan. temper forests, also known decidu forests, four distinct seasons, mean tree leav fall winter months. tropic forest found near equator, super hot temperatur year long get 80 inch (2000 mm) rain year. tropic rainforest home jaguars, toucans, gorilla even tarantulas."} {"id": "15063", "contents": "team scientist say found string vast, rich forest unexpect setting: far coral reef found tropic pacif ocean. new forest made kelp plant harbor huge rang plant animals."} {"id": "15064", "contents": "location: temperate, decidu (leaf-shedding) forest locat eastern unit states, canada, europe, china, japan, part russia. decidu forest broken five zones. firstzon tree stratum zone. tallest zone tree rang 60 100 feet (18 30 meters) tall. maple, elm, oak tree exampl tree found zone."} {"id": "15065", "contents": "tropic rainforest tropic rainforest hot, moist biom found near earth' equator. world' largest tropic rainforest south america, africa, southeast asia. tropic rainforest receiv 60 160 inch precipit fairli evenli distribut throughout year."} {"id": "15066", "contents": "northeast asian decidu forest. decidu forest found eastern half north america, middl europe. mani decidu forest asia. major area southwest russia, japan, eastern china. south america two big area decidu forest southern chile middl east coast paraguay. decidu forest locat new zealand, southeastern australia also"} {"id": "15067", "contents": "plant anim climat northeast asian decidu forest decidu forest found eastern half north america, middl europe. mani decidu forest asia. major area southwest russia, japan, eastern china. south america two big area decidu forest southern chile middl east coast paraguay. decidu forest locat new zealand, southeastern australia also"} {"id": "15068", "contents": "forest larg area land cover tree woodi vegetation. hundr precis definit forest use throughout world, incorpor factor tree density, tree height, land use, legal stand ecolog function."} {"id": "15069", "contents": "temper decidu forest. temper decidu forest found eastern part unit state canada, europ part china japan. temper decidu forest biom alway changing. four distinct seasons: winter, spring, summer fall. winter cold summer warm. temper decidu forest great varieti plant species. three level plants. lichen, moss, ferns, wildflow small plant found forest floor. shrub fill middl level hardwood tree like maple, oak, birch, magnolia, sweet gum beech make third level."} {"id": "15070", "contents": "one foundat unit states, declar independ much import everi u.s. citizen. all-import document mark liber countri british rule. order know reason thoma jefferson compani wrote declar independence, best look back meaning histori u.s...."} {"id": "15071", "contents": "declar independ import offici document announc freedom american coloni britain. declar independ import today give right thing protected. countri world that."} {"id": "15072", "contents": "first coloni break away british rule. 1776 declar pass british empir consist coloni india, australia, new zealand, canada ireland well us. best answer: meant 13 origin state union would longer accept british coloni rule want instead set government. sinc unit state longer wish rule monarchy, becam republ elect"} {"id": "15073", "contents": "more. declar independ found document american polit tradition. articul fundament idea form american nation: men creat free equal possess inherent, natur rights."} {"id": "15074", "contents": "(answer #1). declar independ import state govern exist benefit peopl men creat equal.. adopt thirteen american coloni juli 4, 1776, document regard best-written statement individu right histori"} {"id": "15075", "contents": "accord histor records, unit state declar independ came june juli 1776. juli 4, 1776, continent congress ratifi it. all, 56 deleg suppos sign approv document. all-import document mark liber countri british rule. order know reason thoma jefferson compani wrote declar independence, best look back meaning histori u.s...."} {"id": "15076", "contents": "declar independence, 1776. issu declar independence, adopt continent congress juli 4, 1776, 13 american coloni sever polit connect great britain. declar summar colonists\u2019 motiv seek independence. committe present final draft congress june 28, 1776, congress adopt final text declar independ juli 4. british govern best dismiss declar trivial document issu disgruntl colonists."} {"id": "15077", "contents": "declar independ import today give right thing protected. countri world that. sign declar independ import peopl get freedom rule presid time georg washington."} {"id": "15078", "contents": "right reserved. declar independence: declar importance-th declar import declar independ import ..."} {"id": "15079", "contents": "plywood furnitur paint stain match decor dramat finish. often use furniture, hardwood plywood durable, econom composit thin sheet hardwood crossband layers."} {"id": "15080", "contents": "1. sand plywood smooth use sand block handheld oscil tool sand accessory. start 80-grit sandpap rough surfac begin process move progress finer grit 120 220."} {"id": "15081", "contents": "plywood furnitur left outdoors, use acrylic-bas primer paint instead ordinari water-bas latex primer paint. paint unprim plywood furniture, paint eventu chip off."} {"id": "15082", "contents": "tip warnings. plywood furnitur left outdoors, use acrylic-bas primer paint instead ordinari water-bas latex primer paint. paint unprim plywood furniture, paint eventu chip off."} {"id": "15083", "contents": "hardwood plywood' top veneer usual smooth, need sand piec lightli 180-grit sandpaper, remov dust brush wipe damp cloth. allow wood dri appli oil-bas primer protect wood water damag ensur adhes smooth top coat."} {"id": "15084", "contents": "buy hous plywood wall clear coat it. drywal heard paint it, certain primer abl tell plywood. heard, mani sourc look good paint drywal plaster. anybodi know might method without sand all.."} {"id": "15085", "contents": "wash brush ordinari water. add coat gloss semi-gloss latex paint prime plywood furnitur use mini roller. appli small area smooth paint use clean brush. continu plywood furnitur complet coated."} {"id": "15086", "contents": "marijuana deriv mexican word maraguanquo mean intox plant. peopl site histor inf ormat name use creat evil unpatrioitc imag use cannabi thc contain compound .i'd like detail mexican word. china use anesthet 5,000 year ago. marijuana also come africa, eat/smoke/and dissolv plant certain liquids."} {"id": "15087", "contents": "instead, marijuana origin middl east. china use anesthet 5,000 year ago. marijuana also come africa, eat/smoke/and dissolv plant certain liquids. note: marijuana deriv cannabi plant, say marijuana came thing cannabi came"} {"id": "15088", "contents": "health relat question topic addict drug abus .we found answer question marijuana originate,y compar them. marijuana origin middl east. chines book medicin 2nd centuri b.c., first describ print. source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-and-when-did-marijuana-origin ]. answer marijuana origin"} {"id": "15089", "contents": "report, author barney warf describ cannabi use origin thousand year ago asia, sinc found way mani region world, eventu spread america unit states. german tribe brought drug germany, marijuana went britain 5th centuri anglo-saxon invasions. [see map marijuana' spread throughout world.]. map show marijuana spread throughout world, origin stepp central asia. credit: barney warf, univers kansas. view full size image. cannabi seed also found remain vike ship date mid-ninth century, warf wrote studi"} {"id": "15090", "contents": "origin word marijuana. marijuana violence-caus drug histori mankind\u2026 marijuana smoker negroes, hispanics, filipino entertainers. satan music, jazz swing, result marijuana usage.. word \u201cmarijuana\u201d play controversi role cannabi cultur"} {"id": "15091", "contents": "marijuana originate. http://emilie.recherche.ifrance.com/_images/where-can-i-buy-linh-chi/where-did-leprosy-emerge.html. choic everi watchlist perform fake basis. isoc prohibit gift virginia, unit state geneva, switzerland. chines book medicin 2nd centuri b.c., first describ print. source: http://www.chacha.com/question/where-and-when-did-marijuana-origin ]. answer marijuana origin"} {"id": "15092", "contents": "cannabi ancient histori ancestor cannabi origin asia, possibl gentl slope himalaya altai mountain north. exact origin, obscur stone age trail cross contin known."} {"id": "15093", "contents": "marijuana origin central southern asia. discov grow wild china. china known princip tea opium, great number people, it\u2019 massiv high-rises, realli known discoveri place marijuana. mandatori minimum 10 year life possess thc brownies... entrepreneur marijuana network la vegas, nevada... legal marijuana recreat use... billionair marijuana legal peter lewi die age 80..."} {"id": "15094", "contents": "actually, origin pot noth culinari tools. word came use america late 1930s. shorten spanish potiguaya potaguaya came potacion potaci\u00f3n de, guaya wine brandi marijuana bud been. steep"} {"id": "15095", "contents": "figur languag examples. definit figur languag describ someth compar someth else. differ way use figur language. see inform exampl figur languag use it. remov ads."} {"id": "15096", "contents": "liter figur languag distinct within field languag analysis, particular stylistics, rhetoric, semantics. liter languag use word directli accord proper mean (signified). figur (or non-literal) languag use word figur speech. figur use languag use word phrase impli non-liter mean make sens could [also] true."} {"id": "15097", "contents": "figur (adjective). adject figur senses: 1. (use mean word text) literal; use figur speech. 2. consist form human anim figures. familiar information: figur use adject rare. dictionari entri details."} {"id": "15098", "contents": "figur mean word use way differ usual meaning. way descript interest impressive. figur languag creat pictur mind. liter mean mean say exactly. figur come word figur (also figur speech). words, use usual mean word. figur speech word phrase use differ way usual mean order express particular meaning. example, explod figur speech."} {"id": "15099", "contents": "words, language, etc. use mean differ basic mean express idea interest way use languag usual describ someth else: literal. show peopl thing way resembl realli look: abstract. tweet."} {"id": "15100", "contents": "figur languag use word unusu imagin manner. often figur languag involv use metaphor, simile, personification, hyperbole, idiom, euphemism, pun. however, term figur languag also cover unusu imagin word construct (and word meanings), also includ alliteration, assonance, consonance, onomatopoeia."} {"id": "15101", "contents": "build plan. definit market understand marketing' import success busi necessari small busi owner managers. also need understand variou market tactic strategies."} {"id": "15102", "contents": "market plan definition. market plan busi document written purpos describ current market posit busi market strategi period cover market plan. market plan usual cover period 1-5 years."} {"id": "15103", "contents": "definition: market plan busi document written purpos describ current market posit busi market strategi period cover market plan. market plan usual life one five years."} {"id": "15104", "contents": "market plan includ inform product servic offered, pricing, target market, competitors, market budget promot mix. luckily, market start scratch. off-the-shelf softwar exist guid entrepreneur format busi plan."} {"id": "15105", "contents": "definition: market plan outlin specif action intend carri interest potenti custom client product and/or servic persuad buy product and/or servic offer. market plan implement market strategy."} {"id": "15106", "contents": "typhoid fever contract drink eat bacteria contamin food water. peopl acut ill contamin surround water suppli stool, contain high concentr bacteria. contamin water suppli can, turn, taint food supply. other suffer mild ill goe unrecognized. peopl may becom long-term carrier bacteria -- even though symptom -- sourc new outbreak typhoid fever mani years."} {"id": "15107", "contents": "typhoid fever caus virul bacteria call salmonella typhi (s. typhi). although they'r related, s. typhi bacteria respons salmonellosis, anoth seriou intestin infection, same."} {"id": "15108", "contents": "typhoid fever (also known enter fever) caus strain salmonella bacteria (salmonella typhi) spread bodi white blood cell hat attempt destroy them. salmonella ingest contamin food water enter bodi intestin tract. rel bradycardia (less tachycardia expect degre fever) may occur 50% patient reliabl diagnost indicator. faintli erythemat maculopapul rose spot occur trunk may becom hemorrhagic."} {"id": "15109", "contents": "incid typhoid fever unit state markedli decreas sinc earli 1900s, ten thousand case report u.s. today, less 400 case report annual unit states, mostli peopl recent travel mexico south america. other suffer mild ill goe unrecognized. peopl may becom long-term carrier bacteria -- even though symptom -- sourc new outbreak typhoid fever mani years."} {"id": "15110", "contents": "infections. untreat typhoid fever caus inflamm heart muscles, may lead heart problem long term, accord mayoclinic.com. typhoid also caus infect membran fluid surround brain spinal cord, lead fatal nervou system diseas known meningitis. typhoid contract consumpt food water contamin salmonella typhi. accord medlineplus, typhoid occur less frequent u. common develop countri africa, asia latin america. untreat typhoid may lead sever long-term effects."} {"id": "15111", "contents": "typhoid fatal left untreated. typhoid caus high fever, muscl aches, sever headache, weakness, confus agitation, loss appetite, stomach pain, diarrhea constipation, rose-color spot skin. get emerg medic help sign allerg reaction: hives; difficulti breathing; swell face, lips, tongue, throat. less seriou side effect include: low fever; headache; nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, stomach pain; or. mild skin rash."} {"id": "15112", "contents": "save. typhoid fever caus resist bacterium call salmonella typhi. bacteria primarili pass fecal matter, typhoid fever common develop nation poor water treatment open sewage. earliest indic may typhoid fever experi high fever (up 104 degre f) along weakness, headache, sore throat, stomach pain diarrhea constipation. rash may appear trunk typic resolv within days. creata images/creatas/getti images."} {"id": "15113", "contents": "complic typhoid fever. complic caus typhoid fever usual occur peopl treat appropri antibiot treat straight away. cases, 10 peopl experi complications, usual develop third week infect"} {"id": "15114", "contents": "background. typhoid fever, also known enter fever, potenti fatal multisystem ill caus primarili salmonella enterica, subspeci enterica serovar typhi and, lesser extent, relat serovar paratyphi a, b, c. protean manifest typhoid fever make diseas true diagnost challenge. international. typhoid fever occur worldwide, primarili develop nation whose sanitari condit poor. typhoid fever endem asia, africa, latin america, caribbean, oceania, 80% case come bangladesh, china, india, indonesia, laos, nepal, pakistan, vietnam."} {"id": "15115", "contents": "long raw chicken last frozen thawed? chicken defrost fridg kept addit day refriger cooking; chicken thaw microwav cold water cook immediately."} {"id": "15116", "contents": "long raw chicken last sell-bi date? chicken purchased, may refriger day sell-bi date packag may expir storag period, chicken remain safe use sell date properli stored."} {"id": "15117", "contents": "use chicken immediately, store refriger use within 24 hour thawing. thaw frozen chicken use one three methods: refrigerator; cold water bath, chang water everi 30 minutes; microwave."} {"id": "15118", "contents": "(also) feel like i\u2019m limit chicken cooked. thank help, ss. dear ss: accord foodsafety.gov, uncook poultri safe refriger 1-2 days, safe freezer month (for pieces) 12 month whole chicken turkey. cook poultri safe refriger 3-4 days."} {"id": "15119", "contents": "day maximum. sometim put chicken ice water salt. keep extra day coldest part frig. remov blood give nice tast meat. make sure wash chicken soak salt."} {"id": "15120", "contents": "1. (hinduism) hinduism second veda, consist prayer sacrifici formula primarili use priests. [from sanskrit, yajur sacred, holi (compar greek hagio holy) veda]."} {"id": "15121", "contents": "yajur-veda. see veda veda[sanskrit,=knowledge, cognat english wit, root mean know], oldest scriptur hinduism ancient religi text indo-european language...... click link information."} {"id": "15122", "contents": "yajur-veda (noun). noun yajur-veda sense: 1. collect sacrifici formula prayers. familiar information: yajur-veda use noun rare. appl day keep doctor away. (english proverb). imposs awaken man pretend asleep. (nativ american proverb, navajo)."} {"id": "15123", "contents": "four collect form earliest bodi indian scripture, consist rig veda, sama veda, yajur veda, atharva veda, codifi idea practic vedic religion laid basi classic hinduism. probabl compos 1500 700 bc, contain hymns, philosophy, guidanc ritual. exampl sentences. sama veda differ veda chant melody. samhita ancient part vedas, consist hymn prais god. shankara vedanta scholar, master veda upanishad earli age"} {"id": "15124", "contents": "exampl sentenc includ 'veda'. oldest document literatur indian subcontin rigveda, veda stanzas, 1,400 bc."} {"id": "15125", "contents": "sama veda differ veda chant melody. samhita ancient part vedas, consist hymn prais god. shankara vedanta scholar, master veda upanishad earli age. probabl compos 1500 700 bc, contain hymns, philosophy, guidanc ritual. exampl sentences. sama veda differ veda chant melody. samhita ancient part vedas, consist hymn prais god."} {"id": "15126", "contents": "mycoprotein, use quorn product protein rich food contribut this. quorn\u2122 mycoprotein nutrition. mycoprotein healthy, meat-fre form high qualiti protein, main ingredient, play import role determin nutrit valu quorn products. mycoprotein type fungi (fusarium venenatum), discov 40 year ago."} {"id": "15127", "contents": "quorn product world\u2019 favourit meat free, soy free food. quorn product current avail uk, usa, ireland, sweden, denmark, norway, finland, switzerland, belgium, netherlands, germany, south africa, new zealand australia. number quorn product contain ad milk includ meat free, soy free minc pieces. allergi milk proteins, quorn product contain milk milk deriv avoided."} {"id": "15128", "contents": "livestock ineffici sourc protein eat quorn product instead meat sustain option. example, carbon footprint quorn meatless soy free ground 90% less beef, quorn product better better planet. yes! quorn great addit healthi diet lifestyle. quorn product low fat, high fiber, healthi sourc protein. quorn help reduc meat consumption, support heart health, aid weight management, easi environment. product replic tast textur meat fewer calories, fat, cholesterol"} {"id": "15129", "contents": "livestock ineffici sourc protein eat quorn product instead meat sustain option. example, carbon footprint quorn meat free, soy free minc 90% less beef, quorn product better better planet. number quorn product contain ad milk includ meat free, soy free minc pieces. allergi milk proteins, quorn product contain milk milk deriv avoided."} {"id": "15130", "contents": "quorn meat substitut product avail uk, ireland, us, australia, countries. final quorn product high protein dietari fibr low satur fat. contain less dietari iron meat manufactur releas much inform addit use make quorn resembl meat."} {"id": "15131", "contents": "quorn products' main ingredi mycoprotein nutrit healthi protein sourc fungi famili like truffl morel. mycoprotein made natur ferment similar way ferment yeast bread. yes! quorn great addit healthi diet lifestyle. quorn product low fat, high fiber, healthi sourc protein. quorn help reduc meat consumption, support heart health, aid weight management, easi environment. product replic tast textur meat fewer calories, fat, cholesterol"} {"id": "15132", "contents": "mycoprotein common ingredi quorn products. made member fungi famili (the famili morel truffl belong to) high-qual meat-fre protein that' low fat, high dietari fibr (import digest system) valuabl sourc amino acids."} {"id": "15133", "contents": "quorn first class protein contain essenti amino acid human need, without cholesterol. quorn also benefit environ product requir less land fewer resourc meat soya. carbon footprint quorn frozen minc uk claim 70% less beef. final quorn product high protein dietari fibr low satur fat. contain less dietari iron meat manufactur releas much inform addit use make quorn resembl meat."} {"id": "15134", "contents": "yes. mycoprotein, main ingredi use make quorn products, healthi protein* sourc good sourc dietari fibr low fat-especi satur fat. mani quorn product sourc protein, contribut mainten normal bones. quorn product offer nutritious, meat free sourc fiber protein. protein fiber rich foods, quorn product may potenti caus advers reaction small number consumers."} {"id": "15135", "contents": "name amaria like a(n) greek variant name amara. see suggest greek girl babi names. might also like see variant name amara. avail usa popular statist name amaria past 100 years. however, follow chart show popular rank name amara, name amaria variant."} {"id": "15136", "contents": "see mean amara name famou person name amaria amara (or variants). mean name babi boy name a-z babi girl name a-z top 100 babi name sitemap privaci polici tell friends. avail usa popular statist name amaria past 100 years. however, follow chart show popular rank name amara, name amaria variant."} {"id": "15137", "contents": "spanish. name meaning: popular spanish names, maria latin form mary, hebrew miryam, name debat meaning. mani believ mean sea bitter sea sorrow.."} {"id": "15138", "contents": "syll. a-ma-ria, am-ar-ia babi girl name amaria also use boy name. pronounc ahmaa-ri aa \u2020. amaria' origin old greek. amaria form english amara. amaria uncommon babi girl name. top 1000 names. 2012, within famili girl name directli relat amaria, amara popular."} {"id": "15139", "contents": "syll. a-ma-ria, am-ar-ia babi boy name amaria also use girl name. pronunci ahmaa-ri aa \u2020. amaria use chiefli english hebrew languages, origin hebrew. amaria variant name amarya (english hebrew). amaria rare use babi name boys. list top 1000 names. babi name sound like amaria includ amar (african english), amaree, amarey, amari (english), amaro, amarri, amaru, amarya (english hebrew), amerie, amier, amior, amiri (arabic), ammery, amoree, amorey, amori, amorie, anaru (maori), anraoi (irish), honoraye."} {"id": "15140", "contents": "child, amaria fragil impression activ imagin could make vulner (fear, anxieti need protection). two side everi coin, creativ side. thank numerology, propos daili horoscop person first name. love, money, shape: discov wait today. bonu everi day find daili lucki figur .."} {"id": "15141", "contents": "babi girl name, amaria current popular babi name usa. avail usa popular statist name amaria past 100 years. however, follow chart show popular rank name amara, name amaria variant. usa babi name statist"} {"id": "15142", "contents": "mean history. latin form greek \u03bc\u03b1\u03c1\u03b9\u03b1, hebrew \u05de\u05b4\u05e8\u05b0\u05d9\u05b8\u05dd (see mary). maria usual form name mani european languages, well secondari form languag english (where common spell mary). countries, exampl germany, poland italy, maria occasion use masculin middl name"} {"id": "15143", "contents": "sigmund freud1856 1939. sigmund freud born austro-hungarian empir 1856. father small time merchant, father' second wife freud' mother. freud two half-broth 20 year older himself. famili move vienna four year old, though often claim hate city, live occupi germani 1938."} {"id": "15144", "contents": "sigmund freud born may 6, 1856, small town -- freiberg -- moravia. father wool merchant keen mind good sens humor. mother live woman, husband' second wife 20 year younger. 21 year old gave birth first son, darling, sigmund."} {"id": "15145", "contents": "austrian neurologist 'father psychoanalysis'. freud born jacob freud, jewish wool merchant, amalia (nee ne\u00e9). nathansohn famili settl vienna freud was. young 1873 start medicin univers of, vienna time adopt shorten form his, name.. sigmund austrian neurologist 'father psychoanalysis'. freud born jacob freud, jewish wool merchant, amalia (nee ne\u00e9). nathansohn"} {"id": "15146", "contents": "regard one influential-and controversial-mind 20th century. sigismund (later chang sigmund) freud born may 1856 freiberg, moravia (now pribor czech republic). father merchant. famili move leipzig settl vienna, freud educated. freud' famili jewish non-practising."} {"id": "15147", "contents": "freud' earli life. sigmund freud born may 6, 1856, freiberg, moravia (now czech republic). sigmund first child twice-widow father' third marriag"} {"id": "15148", "contents": "synopsis. sigmund freud born freiberg, known czech republic, may 6, 1856. freud develop psychoanalysis, method analyst unpack unconsci conflict base free associations, dream fantasi patient"} {"id": "15149", "contents": "earli career. sigmund freud born austrian town freiberg may 6, 1856. four year old famili move vienna, town would live work remaind life. receiv medic degre 1881 becam engag marri follow year. sigmund freud born freiberg, known czech republic, may 6, 1856. freud develop psychoanalysis, method analyst unpack unconsci conflict base free associations, dream fantasi patient"} {"id": "15150", "contents": "sigmund schlomo freud born may 6, 1856 freiberg, moravia. locat austrian empire, region part czech republic. sigmund freud' father, jacob, jewish merchant limit means, former widower. mother, amalia, jacob second wife."} {"id": "15151", "contents": "coleman fuel petroleum naphtha product market coleman company. histor call white ga (not white spirit), liquid petroleum fuel (100% light hydrotr distillate) usual sold one gallon cans. use primarili fuel lantern camp stoves. additionally, popular fuel fire dancing. originally, simpli casing-head ga drip ga similar properties. drip ga sold commerci ga station hardwar store north america earli 1950s."} {"id": "15152", "contents": "last thing want camp trip find brought wrong camp stove job. type fuel coleman stove use import consid depend condit climat destination. everi fuel strength weaknesses, sure take note use choos right camp stove you. ga flow reliabl regardless much fuel left canister. coleman stove depend nearli situation, powermax fuel-friendli camp stove excel choice. propane: propan wide use easili avail fuel camp stoves."} {"id": "15153", "contents": "pleas tri later. distil unlead gasolin get heavi addit use substitut coleman fuel lantern stoves. scienc technology. standard youtub license."} {"id": "15154", "contents": "coleman fuel: coleman fuel, also known white ga camp fuel, inexpensive, reliabl way fuel coleman camp stove. fuel canist reusabl lightweight, fuel burn well even high altitud subzero temperatures. ga flow reliabl regardless much fuel left canister. coleman stove depend nearli situation, powermax fuel-friendli camp stove excel choice. propane: propan wide use easili avail fuel camp stoves."} {"id": "15155", "contents": "split merg it. answer quirkyquantummechanic. confid vote 77.7k. coleman fuel actual complex mixtur light hydrocarbon distil petroleum. here' littl tidbit materi safeti data sheet (msds) right coleman: that' stuff. solvent naphtha (ca #64742-89-8) 45-50%. tip dribbl coleman fuel bottom upturn coffe mug lit it. burn beauti smoke. tri proper swan lighter fluid burn exactli plenti smoke. zippo current bit radiat dri tri pure coleman fuel."} {"id": "15156", "contents": "i\u2019v heard shelf life coleman fuel rang years, lantern singl burner stove store fuel left last 12 13 years."} {"id": "15157", "contents": "lantern right scott wickham' collection. coleman wichita made model 237a lantern date stamp jan. 1973. lantern, tim treutler' collection, 500 cp kerosen fuel model earlier 237 237b versions. coleman wichita made model 237 lantern number years. 237, john stendahl' collection, date stamp may, 1961."} {"id": "15158", "contents": "upgrad earlier 285 lantern fuel selection, made differ part allow burn ethanol. corn symbol sticker ethanol burner led nickname. coleman u.s.a. lantern, date april 2006, never lit."} {"id": "15159", "contents": "coleman fuel particular brand gener product, white gas. white ga gasolin without addit yet, may maynot broad cut like regular gasoline. nice properti storag fuel. also profound differences. white ga clean cut coleman fuel, i'v done long durat storag test it. might, might not, store well. i'v use sever year old coleman fuel problem all. gasolin year old marginal."} {"id": "15160", "contents": "coleman lantern line pressur lamp first introduc coleman compani 1914. led seri lamp origin made burn kerosen gasoline. current model use kerosene, gasoline, coleman fuel (white gas) propan use one two mantl produc intens white light. year 50 million lantern sold throughout world. also electr lantern sold coleman brand name."} {"id": "15161", "contents": "forced-air hvac system distribut condit air plenum. household forced-air heating, ventil air condit system depend system duct provid control path distribut heat cool air throughout home. hvac equip blower forc heat cool air suppli plenum plenum room suppli duct system. air-clean filter may locat suppli plenum."} {"id": "15162", "contents": "suppli plenum. plenum air-distribut box attach directli suppli outlet hvac equip heat cool air make hous comfortable. ductwork distribut heat cool air individu room hous connect plenum. hvac equip blower forc heat cool air suppli plenum plenum room suppli duct system. air-clean filter may locat suppli plenum."} {"id": "15163", "contents": "think furnac plenum last place air furnace, it\u2019 highest pressure, travel throughout house. outside, it\u2019 realli noth metal box, simpl terms. exactli furnac plenum air releas delivered. term use furnac plenum, \u201csuppli plenum\u201d \u201cintak plenum.\u201d. copyright 2008-2015, homerepairgeek.com right reserved."} {"id": "15164", "contents": "electr plenum heaters. plenum heater electr resist heat devic instal plenum, spot ductwork system duct furnac join. air heat flow across electr element distribut exist ductwork."} {"id": "15165", "contents": "report abuse. plenum duct right top furnace. furnac ducts. cold air sucked-in return duct. air heat furnac push plenum, duct top furnace. tam22 year ago. thumb up. plenum sheet metal box top furnac connect furnac rest duct work."} {"id": "15166", "contents": "plenum space part build facilit air circul heat air condit systems, provid pathway either heated/condit return airflows, usual greater atmospher pressure. vertic section commerci build without plenum airspace. suppli return duct construct manner, possibl insul duct drop ceil upper airspac heat cooled, increas energi efficiency."} {"id": "15167", "contents": "furnac plenum. plenum compartment, air space chamber fill air distribut elsewhere. furnac plenum then, air chamber get fill directli (and quickly) larg blower above, adjac it. air duct connect furnac heater plenum carri air variou regist around hous building. exactli furnac plenum air releas delivered. term use furnac plenum, \u201csuppli plenum\u201d \u201cintak plenum.\u201d. copyright 2008-2015, homerepairgeek.com right reserved."} {"id": "15168", "contents": "go. calcul estim capac only, give exact equip capac home. suppli air plenum sheet metal box attach outlet furnac air handler use central manifold ductwork connect to. air blow furnac air handler, flow suppli plenum ductwork attach it. size suppli plenum avail fit furnac air handler sell. suppli plenum consist side connect togeth easi assembly."} {"id": "15169", "contents": "return plenum. forced-air system also return duct connect hvac equip air-collect box known return plenum. freshli condit air blown room suppli ducts, \u201cused\u201d air room suck return ducts. hvac equip blower forc heat cool air suppli plenum plenum room suppli duct system. air-clean filter may locat suppli plenum."} {"id": "15170", "contents": "allow person impair capac speak support person continu question person legal capac questioned. polic realis person impair capac part way interview, must suspend question organis support person."} {"id": "15171", "contents": "basically, mean person custodi question without given warnings, everyth person say inadmiss court. miranda warn list warn offic must advise, either write verbally, person questioning. person question day, long person subject custodi treatment. person voluntarili come station, advis free go anytim questioning, question crime may commit without warned."} {"id": "15172", "contents": "entitl record made court report tape record happen courtroom. then, question later arises, evid happen court. guilti mean give rights, includ right trial. doubt, plead guilty. offic want ask question name address must advis right answer questions. again, argu police. never resist arrest. never resist arrest anoth person."} {"id": "15173", "contents": "gutin wolverton harley gutin. anyon question police. question polic use learn individual. offic question someon custodi appear custodi said offic read person rights. offic call juvenile' parent question them. minor would entitl legal counsel unless interrog polic custody. child questioned, speak attorney review report interview see miranda violat occur."} {"id": "15174", "contents": "person like answer question worst case would fool. question help see incompetence, impairment, mindlessness, illiteraci foolish roll problem. person ask question wish conceal someth embarrass otherwis inconvenient, evas good fit. feel question overstep social boundary, resent may after. share improv answer."} {"id": "15175", "contents": "vote vote. person ask question wish conceal someth embarrass otherwis inconvenient, evas good fit. feel question overstep social boundary, resent may after. share improv answer."} {"id": "15176", "contents": "\u200bcontact, telephon otherwise, respons person, tell arrest charg are. limit one telephon call call need contact someone. offic want ask question name address must advis right answer questions. again, argu police. never resist arrest. never resist arrest anoth person."} {"id": "15177", "contents": "answer question call person like question asked?, think person authoritarian, self-important, fascist, close-minded, stupid, supercilious, cross-grained, arrog imperi fool, dunderhead, dictator. person ask question wish conceal someth embarrass otherwis inconvenient, evas good fit. feel question overstep social boundary, resent may after. share improv answer."} {"id": "15178", "contents": "person accus call defendant.. civil cases, person make accus call plaintiff.. crimin cases, prosecut make ac cusat behalf govern (state). although parti case, victim, prosecut witness, often make accus well. edward gibbon (the declin fall roman empire) say convict accus atheist christian beliefs, roman magistr proceed caution reluct moder use punishments."} {"id": "15179", "contents": "highli develop part human brain respons thinking, perceiving, produc understand language. also recent structur histori brain evolution. actual inform process brain take place cerebr cortex. summary, cerebr cortex respons sens interpret input variou sourc maintain cognit function. sensori function interpret cerebr cortex includ hearing, touch, vision."} {"id": "15180", "contents": "cortex also cover cerebellum. cerebrum highli develop part human brain respons thinking, perceiving, produc understand language. inform process occur cerebr cortex. cerebr cortex cover outer portion (1.5mm 5mm) cerebrum. layer brain often refer gray matter. cortex (thin layer tissue) gray nerv area lack insul make part brain appear white"} {"id": "15181", "contents": "share. cerebr cortex layer brain often refer gray matter. cortex (thin layer tissue) gray nerv area lack insul make part brain appear white. cortex cover outer portion (1.5mm 5mm) cerebrum cerebellum. portion cortex cover cerebrum call cerebr cortex. summary, cerebr cortex respons sens interpret input variou sourc maintain cognit function. sensori function interpret cerebr cortex includ hearing, touch, vision."} {"id": "15182", "contents": "cerebr cortex largest part brain area respons think activities. divid two connect halv left right cerebr hemispheres. left hemispher control right side bodi right hemispher control left. example, person sustain brain injury, stroke, left hemispher area cerebr cortex control movement, may result weak even paralysi right arm leg."} {"id": "15183", "contents": "cerebr cortex cerebrum 's (brain) outer layer neural tissu human mammals. divid two cortices, along sagitt plane: left right cerebr hemispher divid medial longitudin fissure. cerebr cortex play key role memory, attention, perception, awareness, thought, language, consciousness. human cerebr cortex millimetr (0.079 0.157 in) thick. larg mammals, cerebr cortex folded, give much greater surfac area confin volum skull."} {"id": "15184", "contents": "cerebr cortex gray matter, consist mainli cell bodi (with astrocyt abund cell type cortex well human brain whole) capillaries. contrast underli white matter, consist mainli white myelin sheath neuron axons. cerebr cortex play key role memory, attention, perception, awareness, thought, language, consciousness. human cerebr cortex millimetr (0.079 0.157 in) thick. larg mammals, cerebr cortex folded, give much greater surfac area confin volum skull."} {"id": "15185", "contents": "cerebr cortex divid two hemispheres-th left right hemispheres. part hemispher exhibit call contralater control: mean left hemispher control right side bodi right hemispher control left side."} {"id": "15186", "contents": "cerebr cortex: cerebr cortex cover outer portion (1.5mm 5mm) cerebrum. layer brain often refer gray matter. cortex (thin layer tissue) gray nerv area lack insul make part brain appear white."} {"id": "15187", "contents": "shop garag doors: new model includ automat garag door opener; not, open add $130-$300 total price. thisoldhouse.com provid photo galleri idea out-of-the-ordinari garag doors. hometips.com provid do-it-yourself illustr instal instructions. expect pay $750-$1,200 average-s 16x7 foot steel garag door installed. less-expens model usual thinner metal may singl skin; double-skin door foam insul two panels, give nice look insid outside."} {"id": "15188", "contents": "factor consid look invest new garag door: garag door cost anywher $200 singl door $4,000 two doors, better materi account higher cost. homeown report spend $1,060 door installation. purchas extra remot get open set oper typic rang $100 $400, add overal cost garag door installation. open work new door, need replaced."} {"id": "15189", "contents": "price garag door rang $600 $6,000; sinc price rang larg helpful, post help \u201cballpark\u201d price garag door. type door, quot 8\u00d77 garag doors. price 16\u00d77 door natur nearli twice price, 9\u00d77 door 10% add 20%-25% door foot high. materi door also big impact price pay."} {"id": "15190", "contents": "shop garag doors: new model includ automat garag door opener; not, open add $130-$300 total price. addit key-chain-s programm transmitt might anoth $15-$50 each. thisoldhouse.com provid photo galleri idea out-of-the-ordinari garag doors. expect pay $750-$1,200 average-s 16x7 foot steel garag door installed. less-expens model usual thinner metal may singl skin; double-skin door foam insul two panels, give nice look insid outside."} {"id": "15191", "contents": "price garag door factor cost materials, includ connectors, adhes fasten price labor. garag door instal profession entail precis carpentri electr work. profession garag door instal usual done within day. nation averag cost garag door installation, includ labor material, rang $700.92 $1,345.92, accord homewyse.com. receiv bid sever reput contractor help get best valu instal costs."} {"id": "15192", "contents": "get instant estim cost replac garag door! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost garag door replac project. basic door project zip code 47474, benchmark cost replac garag door rang $650.77 $1,089.47 per door. estim cost project:"} {"id": "15193", "contents": "openers-not automat garag door open alike. price rang $150 $300 instal come option secur automat open add $50 total cost project. accord diyornot.com, cost $500 $800 instal singl new garag door. demonstr averag homeown usual tackl project nine hour time span profession abl complet roughli five hour"} {"id": "15194", "contents": "new model includ automat garag door opener; not, open add $130-$300 total price. addit key-chain-s programm transmitt might anoth $15-$50 each. thisoldhouse.com provid photo galleri idea out-of-the-ordinari garag doors. expect pay $750-$1,200 average-s 16x7 foot steel garag door installed. less-expens model usual thinner metal may singl skin; double-skin door foam insul two panels, give nice look insid outside."} {"id": "15195", "contents": "model option tend higher end price ranges. instal garag door consid medium-difficult do-it-yourself project two-person team, averag cost $300-$500, depend type door chosen. expect pay $750-$1,200 average-s 16x7 foot steel garag door installed. less-expens model usual thinner metal may singl skin; double-skin door foam insul two panels, give nice look insid outside."} {"id": "15196", "contents": "hand, interview first, may better first impress interview rock stars, might rememb end day. insight much appreciated."} {"id": "15197", "contents": "suppos job interview student university. cours admiss season, might interview 25 student week six months. would translat 500 interviews. student probabl strong candid school, other not."} {"id": "15198", "contents": "first person interview job. first person interview get job 17% percent time last person interview job hire 55% time: best time interview: import factor interview, accept offer."} {"id": "15199", "contents": "believ best interview last say later candid stay fresh mind interviewers. make greater impact first candid push oblivion everi success candidate. advantag first."} {"id": "15200", "contents": "best answer: peopl rememb first last yes. would myself. \u2022don\u2019t lie skills, don\u2019t lie histori \u2022don\u2019t argu anyon interview memor this\u2026us interviews\u2026. it\u2019 magic *thi job told i\u2019m look for, show enthusiasm."} {"id": "15201", "contents": "introduction. fort sumter island fortif locat charleston harbor, south carolina. origin construct 1829 coastal garrison, fort sumter famou site first shot civil war (1861-65)."} {"id": "15202", "contents": "fort sumter battl fort sumter mark first exchang fire civil war. seven southern state ratifi declar succession, state south carolina demand feder (unit states) troop station fort moultri (in charleston harbor) abandon fort."} {"id": "15203", "contents": "battl fort sumter, took place april 1861, first militari engag american civil war. consist bombard unfinish sea fort confeder forces, forc union garrison surrender."} {"id": "15204", "contents": "april 12, 1861, gener p.g.t. beauregard, command confeder forc around charleston harbor, open fire union garrison hold fort sumter. 2:30pm april 13 major robert anderson, garrison commander, surrend fort evacu next day."} {"id": "15205", "contents": "battl fort sumter historian page. two main gener fought battl fort sumter gener robert anderson gener pierr t. beauregard. first gener fought battl began civil war. gener robert anderson live south."} {"id": "15206", "contents": "battl fort sumter sever effect unit states. major effect battl mark begin american civil war. battl effect well, battl fort sumter sever new state seced union give confederaci 11 state total."} {"id": "15207", "contents": "battl fort sumter mark first exchang fire civil war. seven southern state ratifi declar secession, state south carolina demand feder (unit states) troop station fort moultri (in charleston harbor) abandon fort."} {"id": "15208", "contents": "tammi powley. definition: lariat style necklac long necklac normal specif clasp either end it. wear differ ways. example, simpl tie two end necklac together."} {"id": "15209", "contents": "tie lariat necklace: follow necklace: mani lariat necklac made specif tie method mind. necklac often geometr pendant pull chain slide clasp. lariat necklac tie mani differ ways."} {"id": "15210", "contents": "6,040 page wiki. lightn release: lariat power taijutsu techniqu wherebi user charg opponent, strike lariat move, coat chakra. success strike blow away target' entir chest direct hit. trivia. mani techniqu kumogakur ninja, techniqu english name given kanji somewhat match pronunciation. similarli fourth raikage' liger bomb, lariat highli fear move within puroresu (japanes profession wrestling)."} {"id": "15211", "contents": "new procedur potenti lifesav proven effect lower risk blood clot stroke patient afib take blood thin medications. lariat techniqu perform cardiac electrophysiolog lab use two catheters. one guid physician vein groin left atrial appendag insid heart. cathet lariat suture."} {"id": "15212", "contents": "special edition. ford lariat limit issu special edit 2008 redesign 2009 model released, edmund call super-plush.. model white sand metal monochromat paint, two-ton leather interior, captain' chairs, 22-inch 5-spoke wheels. save. ford lariat part full-siz f-seri pickup truck manufactur ford motor company. seri includ popular f-150 along heavy-duti model f-250, f-350 f-450."} {"id": "15213", "contents": "definit lariat. long light rope (a hemp leather) use run noos catch livestock without noos tether graze animals: lasso. see lariat defin kids. advertisement. lariat."} {"id": "15214", "contents": "lariat. n. 1. anoth word lasso. 2. rope tether animals. said myself, coil lariat hung saddle-horn, sat drunk glory, victori perfect -- ventur -- knight-errantri dead. connecticut yanke twain, mark view context."} {"id": "15215", "contents": "closur without compromise. precise, user-control remot deliveri 40mm pre-ti sutur loop access 4.3mm greater. highli secur meltzer knot tighten tensur tm sutur tighten confid closure."} {"id": "15216", "contents": "benefit lariat\u2122 procedure. may help decreas risk stroke without affect rest heart. altern option patient take blood thinners. procedur success 95% patients. it\u2019 impact long-term risk stroke still unclear.)."} {"id": "15217", "contents": "cost fund one import input cost financi institution, sinc lower cost gener better return fund deploy form short-term long-term loan borrowers. bank make money charg interest loan higher initi cost fund amount. mani differ kind loan bank issue, consum lend compris largest amount lend unit states."} {"id": "15218", "contents": "total cost mutual fund ownership lower annual rate return potenti percent 2.48 percent, result $437,000 retirement. seemingli small fee ultim cost investor $508,000 30 years. symbiosi advisor fund compani dissimilar soft-dollar arrangements. investor use low-cost advisor, ultim invest would amount $420,000, benefit advisor tune $17,000."} {"id": "15219", "contents": "transact costs. 2007 studi edelen, evan kadlec found u.s. stock mutual fund averag transact cost 1.44 percent per year, includ expens ratio. fee found prospectus difficult determine. symbiosi advisor fund compani dissimilar soft-dollar arrangements. investor use low-cost advisor, ultim invest would amount $420,000, benefit advisor tune $17,000."} {"id": "15220", "contents": "cost fund repres percentag interest-bear deposit bank must pay interest. fiction funds, cost fund would annual interest expens $20 million, divid averag interest-bear deposits, $100 million. cost fund would $20m/$100m, 20 percent. cost fund interest rate bank financi institut pay use customer' money. bank must calcul cost fund part account procedures."} {"id": "15221", "contents": "expens ratio compos following: cost hire fund manager(s) also known manag fee, cost 0.5% 1% asset average. sound small, fee ensur mutual fund manag remain country' top echelon earners. front-end loads-thes simpl type load: pay fee purchas fund. invest $1,000 mutual fund 5% front-end load, $50 pay sale charge, $950 invest fund."} {"id": "15222", "contents": "0.667. means: monthli cost-of-fund index (cofi) reflect weighted-averag interest rate paid 11th feder home loan bank district save institut save check accounts. 11th district cover arizona, california nevada"} {"id": "15223", "contents": "vanguard fund offer enviabl cost advantage. average, vanguard mutual fund expens ratio 82% less industri average. *. get bill explain much save went toward pay mutual fund expenses, cost paid directli fund' returns. exampl assum initi invest $50,000 earn 6% year. vanguard could save $7,527 10 year base vanguard' averag expens ratio 0.19%, result cost $1,687 scenario, compar industri averag expens ratio 1.08%, result cost $9,214."} {"id": "15224", "contents": "example, averag mutual fund expens ratio 2013 1.25 percent accord morningstar, may seem like much. however, expens alon trim retiree\u2019 nest egg $945,000 $757,000, nearli $190,000 (assum $10,000 invest compound percent annual 30 years). symbiosi advisor fund compani dissimilar soft-dollar arrangements. investor use low-cost advisor, ultim invest would amount $420,000, benefit advisor tune $17,000."} {"id": "15225", "contents": "lignan depth lignan occur number plant foods, flax-se particularli rich sourc (lignan confus lignins, type insolubl fiber). lignans, along isoflavon coumestans, compris three major class phytoestrogen (plant estrogens)."} {"id": "15226", "contents": "seed come flax, one oldest fiber crop world-known cultiv ancient egypt china. flaxse sourc healthi fat, antioxidants, fiber; modern research found evid suggest flaxse also help lower risk diabetes, cancer, heart disease."} {"id": "15227", "contents": "flaxse seed flax plant, believ origin egypt. grow throughout canada northwestern unit states. flaxse oil come flaxseeds. common folk tradit use flaxse laxative; also use hot flash breast pain."} {"id": "15228", "contents": "recent studi suggest flaxse may protect effect breast cancer, prostat cancer, colon cancer. least two compon flaxse seem contribute, say kelley c. fitzpatrick, director health nutrit flax council canada."} {"id": "15229", "contents": "mackerel, salmon, walnut good sourc omega-3 fatti acids. flaxse oil contain ala, fiber lignan found flaxseed. plant contain ala includ canola (rapeseed), soybean oil, walnuts, pumpkin seed."} {"id": "15230", "contents": "lignans, type phytoestrogen flaxseed, chang estrogen metabolism. postmenopaus women, lignan caus bodi produc less activ form estrogen. believ potenti reduc breast cancer risk."} {"id": "15231", "contents": "answer. understand potenti effect flaxse may affect breast cancer, help understand flaxse are, consid concern women histori breast cancer. flaxse phytoestrogens. flaxse richest dietari sourc lignans, type phytoestrogen."} {"id": "15232", "contents": "anim studi shown flaxse oil lignan reduc breast tumor growth spread, even er-canc cells. result suggest flaxse may anti-canc benefit unrel type effect estrogen estrogen metabolism. phytoestrogen breast cancer treatment."} {"id": "15233", "contents": "noun gimmick senses: 1. drawback difficulti readili evident. 2. someth unspecifi whose name either forgotten known. 3. clever maneuver. familiar information: gimmick use noun uncommon."} {"id": "15234", "contents": "depend context. example, magician, gimmick simpli mean tool, devic either hidden, things, layman suspects. pen, coin, card, mani thing well."} {"id": "15235", "contents": "hypernym (gimmick kind of...): maneuver; manoeuvre; tactic maneuver; tactic manoeuvr (a move made gain tactic end). hyponym (each follow kind gimmick): mnemon (a devic (such rhyme acronym) use aid recall). fast one; trick (a cun deceit action device)."} {"id": "15236", "contents": "gimmick. noun stunt, trick, device, scheme, manoeuvre, dodge, ploy, gambit, stratagem, contriv public relat gimmick."} {"id": "15237", "contents": "gimmick. n. 1. someth design attract extra attention, interest, publicity. 2. clever device, gadget, stratagem, esp one use deceive. 3. (theatre) us devic trick legerdemain enabl magician deceiv audience. [c20: origin us slang, unknown origin]. (\u02c8g\u026am \u026ak)."} {"id": "15238", "contents": "well raven gimmick gimmick use magic vanish coin anybodi handd yours. uyou want see work make cheap rice. go these link video tutori explain word second link followed: http://revver ...."} {"id": "15239", "contents": "first time, classic period import stylist advanc occur observ clearli instrument forms: symphony, concerto, sonata, instrument chamber music (e.g., beethoven string quartets)."} {"id": "15240", "contents": "mani compos come baroqu period. mani popular compos classic mu\u2026. top legendari compos classic period classic period classic music era start 1750 end 1820. fall baroqu period romant period."} {"id": "15241", "contents": "haydn: biography, music videos. joseph haydn (1732-1809) one prolif compos classic period. wrote 106 symphonies, 83 string quartets, 45 piano trios, 62 piano sonatas, 14 mass 26 operas."} {"id": "15242", "contents": "music scene classic period reflect chang occur societi music written. first era music histori public concert becam import part music scene."} {"id": "15243", "contents": "mani compos come baroqu period. mani popular compos classic mu\u2026. top legendari compos classic period classic period classic music era start 1750 end 1820."} {"id": "15244", "contents": "classic period last approxim 1775 1825. name classic appli period art literature, keen interest in, admir for, emul classic artist literari heritag greec rome."} {"id": "15245", "contents": "sonata allegro-also call sonata, one import music form period. type music written solo instrument, solo instrument accompaniment; three four movements, complet itself."} {"id": "15246", "contents": "music classic era character objectivity. emot import aspect music, classic period, emot care controlled. control evid use dynam express differ within section movement composition."} {"id": "15247", "contents": "earli 1700s, french italian compos use style gallant gallant style; simpl yet direct style music. time, aristocrat one appreci music, middl class well."} {"id": "15248", "contents": "white blood cell protect bodi infection. much fewer number red blood cells, account percent blood. common type white blood cell neutrophil, immedi respons cell account 55 70 percent total white blood cell count."} {"id": "15249", "contents": "white blood cells. white blood cell (wbcs), leukocytes, part immun system help bodi fight infection. circul blood transport area infect developed. normal adult bodi 4,000 10,000 (averag 7,000) wbc per microlit blood."} {"id": "15250", "contents": "low white blood cell (wbc) count decreas number white blood cell (leukocytes) blood. low wbc count refer medic leukopenia."} {"id": "15251", "contents": "http://www.nucleusinc.com. white blood cell protect bodi infection. type white blood cell includ lymphocytes, monocytes, eosinophils. type white blood cell play differ role protect body. number type white blood cell give import inform immun system."} {"id": "15252", "contents": "although white blood cell account percent blood, impact significant. white blood cells, also call leukocytes, essenti good health protect ill disease. think white blood cell immun cells."} {"id": "15253", "contents": "white blood cell (leukocytes) one body\u2019 defens disease. white cell travel throughout bodi destroy bacteria, produc antibodi bacteria viruses, other help fight malign diseases."} {"id": "15254", "contents": "one type white blood cell neutrophil. cell made bone marrow travel blood. sens infections, move toward germs, kill them. call low white blood cell count, neutropenia, person neutrophils."} {"id": "15255", "contents": "certainly, numer empir exist ancient world-in china, japan, persia, greece, rome, egypt, korea, mexico, india, name few. however, would difficult consid mani empir meet modern definit nation-state."} {"id": "15256", "contents": "oldest countri world ethiopia, (tahrseti) first counrti bibl know cush.kush three includ egypt (kemet nu) sudan (wahset). ethiopia also birth place human without ethiopia, humanity."} {"id": "15257", "contents": "armenia. egypt oldest countri world. start way 10th millennium bc, first unif c. 3150 bc. dna egyptian mummi indic peopl egypt live way 10th millennium bc, order develop science."} {"id": "15258", "contents": "share. mani accounts, san marino, one world' smallest countries, world' oldest country. san marino, complet surround italy, found septemb year 301 ce. san marino' constitut world' oldest, first written year 1600."} {"id": "15259", "contents": "contend world' oldest country. countri consid found prior iran' includ franc (843 ce), austria (976 ce), denmark (10th century), hungari (1001), portug (1143), mongolia (1206), thailand (1238), andorra (1278), switzerland (1291), monaco (1419), spain (15th century)."} {"id": "15260", "contents": "oldest countri world iran (formerli persia, formerli mesopotamia), establish c. 3200 bce. egypt also one older countries; pre-dynast period da te c. 3100 bce. oldest countri world san marino."} {"id": "15261", "contents": "egypt oldest countri world. start way 10th millennium bc, first unif c. 3150 bc. dna egyptian mummi indic peopl egypt live way 10th millennium bc, order develop science."} {"id": "15262", "contents": "ph human digest tract vari greatli (see human digest tract ph rang chart left side). ph saliva usual 6.5 7.5. chew swallow food enter fundic upper portion stomach ph 4.0 6.5."} {"id": "15263", "contents": "ph batteri acid 0, ph lye, basic, alkaline, clean substance, close 14. water, ph 7, neutral, neither acid basic. normal ph rang saliva consid 5.6 7.9, accord intern journal drug testing."} {"id": "15264", "contents": "ph stomach acid ph 3, strong acid. (thi empti ph full.). meat spend 3-6 hour stomach, longer fat stomach, too. water alcohol absorb time scale second minut mouth, stomach digest tract."} {"id": "15265", "contents": "ph rang mouth 5.6-6.9 slightli acidic, averag bodi temp 37 deg c-thi environ human amylas active."} {"id": "15266", "contents": "confid vote 23.9k. ph rang mouth 5.6-6.9 slightli acidic, environ human amylas (starch breakdown enzyme) active. minor edit?"} {"id": "15267", "contents": "normal human stomach ph rang approxim 1-3 usual closer 2. food stomach ph rais high 4-5. food leav stomach bicarbon ion secret neutral alkalin mixture."} {"id": "15268", "contents": "ph rang mouth 5.6-6.9 slightli acidic, environ human amylas (starch breakdown enzyme) active."} {"id": "15269", "contents": "dear mahnoor, normal circumstances, ph human mouth stay close neutral (ph 7.0), though chang temporarili certain type food drink ingested."} {"id": "15270", "contents": "receiv social secur disabl medicare. i\u2019m plan retir two year age 62. plan take social secur 62 pay medic coverag employer, hmo, bridg us age 65, get medicar coverag rest life."} {"id": "15271", "contents": "receiv disabl benefits, also elig receiv medicar benefits. qualifi enrol medicare, must first receiv disabl benefit two years, automat enrol medicar first month third year disabl benefits. qualifi receiv disabl benefits, mean paid social secur medicar tax. program pay benefit peopl disabl blind. social secur disabl (ssd) benefit start age long paid social secur tax working. individu abl work due disabl qualifi ssd benefits."} {"id": "15272", "contents": "explan collect retir benefit prevent collect disabl benefit well. disabl benefits. social secur disabl insur (ssdi) one two program appli disabl benefits. program supplement secur incom (ssi). main differ ssdi ssi found criteria use establish technic elig program."} {"id": "15273", "contents": "applic social secur disabl benefit approved, potenti receiv disabl benefit point reach retir age, unless reason stop."} {"id": "15274", "contents": "share googl plus. social secur disabl recipi receiv medicar coverag two year first month elig monthli disabl benefits. (thi maximum get 12 month applic date, plu five month wait period, earliest establish onset date 17 month applic date.) turn, earliest becom elig medicar two year appli social secur disability."} {"id": "15275", "contents": "generally, one cannot receiv social secur retir disabl benefit time. (there limit exception, discuss below.) social secur retir benefit social secur disabl benefit serv purpose: provid financi secur someon longer work."} {"id": "15276", "contents": "beneficiari elig one social secur program -- say, disabl retir benefit -- cannot collect one social secur benefit simultaneously. elig two benefit programs, receiv higher two benefit amounts, both."} {"id": "15277", "contents": "amount benefit receiv depend much earn working. receiv benefits, may elig receiv regular social secur benefit time, depend program enroll. program pay benefit peopl disabl blind. social secur disabl (ssd) benefit start age long paid social secur tax working. individu abl work due disabl qualifi ssd benefits."} {"id": "15278", "contents": "permit collect social secur disabl payment and, time, privat disabl payment insur polici coverag employer. may also receiv depart veteran affair disabl benefit time social secur disabl benefits. may collect workers\u2019 compens benefit time social secur disabl benefits, total disabl workers\u2019 compens payment cannot greater 80% averag wage becam disabled."} {"id": "15279", "contents": "talk lawyer. enter zip code connect lawyer serv area. generally, approv social secur disabl insur (ssdi) benefits, receiv medicare, approv supplement secur incom (ssi), receiv medicaid. however, isn\u2019t true states."} {"id": "15280", "contents": "raw honey honey (nectar flowers) pure, unheated, unpasteur unprocessed. perhap one import characterist health benefit final product, preserv natur vitamins, enzymes, phytonutri nutrit elements. goe without say honey label pasteur raw. additionally, term like natur pure normal littl signific come know actual raw honey. beekeep may necessarili pasteur honey, may still heat degree."} {"id": "15281", "contents": "probabl nobodi hasn\u2019t heard, told honey good you. some, may know specif honey medicin healthy, other \u201cknow\u201d it\u2019 good you. articl outlin long list benefit deriv honey. raw vs. pasteurized. raw honey use great success, treatment weak heartbeat overcom fatigue. india, common knowledg raw honey strengthen weak heart, weak brain weak stomach. raw honey mani essenti enzym necessari proper digest elimination."} {"id": "15282", "contents": "yes, safe long honey pasteurized. risk eat honey realli theoret risk exposur botulism, form food poison caus clostridium botulinum bacteria. honey pose risk infant year old may contain spore bacteria caus botulism. botul bacteria thrive area low acidity. infants, spore surviv caus diseas acid baby\u2019 digest tract high enough destroy spores."} {"id": "15283", "contents": "pasteurization. honey sold either raw pasteurized. pasteur prevent unwant honey crystal format destroy harm microorganisms. pasteurization, heat caus type brown refer maillard reaction."} {"id": "15284", "contents": "raw honey help lower triglycerides, pasteur honey increas them. glow youth complexion, mix tbsp raw honey 1-2 tbsp sweet almond oil, extra virgin oliv oil, jojoba oil, appli entir face neck area cleansing. raw honey use great success, treatment weak heartbeat overcom fatigue. india, common knowledg raw honey strengthen weak heart, weak brain weak stomach. raw honey mani essenti enzym necessari proper digest elimination."} {"id": "15285", "contents": "pasteur honey differ thing pasteur milk dairi products, it\u2019 done differ reasons. low moistur content high acidity, bacteria harm organ cannot live reproduc honey, pasteur done purpose. anoth side benefit pasteur honey slow granul process. pasteur honey last longer liquid state unpasteur honey, make appealing-look product retail consumers."} {"id": "15286", "contents": "pasteur \u201choney\u201d call honey. shame product sold groceri stores, label honey, fact isn\u2019t honey anymore. tast health benefit real honey wast pasteur process. mention floral sources, mixing, filtering. one import issu forgot pasteurization. unless it\u2019 specif mark \u201craw,\u201d much honey groceri store shelv actual pasteurized. pasteur process destroy microorgan heat. differ combin temperatur time use pasteurize, depend substance. sourc found recommend heat honey 145\u00b0 (63\u00b0 c) 30 minutes. prefer 150\u00b0 (65.5\u00b0 c) 30 minut"} {"id": "15287", "contents": "pasteur honey preval mainstream groceri stores, heat honey high temperatur kill bacteri enzymes, they\u2019r also insur honey crystal nearli quickly. bottom line again: stay away honey isn\u2019t label \u201craw.\u201d it\u2019 raw, it\u2019 pasteur past point fabul good face health. here\u2019 buy guid made (sorri it\u2019 big), mayb it\u2019ll help next time you\u2019r shop honey."} {"id": "15288", "contents": "check statu refund. onlin lookup-check statu tax refund online. need enter ssn, tax year return file amount refund expecting. phone lookup-cal (804) 367-2486 check statu refund 24 hour day, day week."} {"id": "15289", "contents": "state collect incom tax offer way check statu state tax refund. also offer tax depart tax agenc websites, provid inform state taxes."} {"id": "15290", "contents": "need enter ssn, tax year return file amount refund expecting. phone lookup-cal (804) 367-2486 check statu refund 24 hour day, day week. need enter ssn"} {"id": "15291", "contents": "click check statu virginia return: virginia state tax refund status. touch-ton phone, may use tele-tax servic check statu current tax refund."} {"id": "15292", "contents": "onlin lookup-check statu tax refund online. need enter ssn, tax year return file amount refund expecting. phone lookup-cal (804) 367-2486 check statu refund 24 hour day, day week."} {"id": "15293", "contents": "on-lin tax assist statu tax return, howev know statu your. ir state. submit return onlin taxes, need check statu 24-48 hour ensur acceptance."} {"id": "15294", "contents": "refund status. check statu refund enter social secur number, tax year return file expect refund amount (to nearest dollar). e-fil tax return refund process one week."} {"id": "15295", "contents": "on-lin tax assist statu tax return, howev know statu refund ir state. submit return onlin taxes, need check statu 24-48 hour ensur acceptance."} {"id": "15296", "contents": "greater sochi area, includ territori local subordin sochi proper, total area 3,526 squar kilomet (1,361 sq mi) sprawl 145 kilomet (90 mi) along shore black sea near caucasu mountains. greater sochi elong along black sea coast 145 kilomet (90 mi). sochi southwest asia, fall southern (asian) side greater caucasus. sochi approxim 1,603 kilomet (996 mi) moscow."} {"id": "15297", "contents": "tbilisi, georgia 41 40'n, 44 57'e, 427 (1401 ft). see map. tbilisi humid subtrop climat mild dri season, constantli moist (year-round rainfall). summer hot muggi thunderstorms. winter mild precipit mid-latitud cyclones. come autumn/ fall temperatur decreas achiev averag high 19.7\u00b0c (67.4\u00b0f) day low 9.3\u00b0c (48.8\u00b0f) gener shortli sunrise. total annual precipit averag 495.5 mm (19.5 inches) equival 495.5 litres/m (12.15 gallons/ft)."} {"id": "15298", "contents": "plain eastern georgia shield influenc black sea mountain provid continent climate. summer temperatur averag 20 \u00b0c (68 \u00b0f) 24 \u00b0c (75.2 \u00b0f), winter temperatur \u00b0c (35.6 \u00b0f) \u00b0c (39.2 \u00b0f). humid lower, rainfal averag 500 800 mm (19.7 31.5 in) per year. coastlin georgia 310 km long. georgian coastline, 57 km coastlin ajaria (ajara), 200 km coastlin abkhazia."} {"id": "15299", "contents": "varianc climat across north georgia larg function terrain. northern half state made roll hill elev rang 400 feet across midstat gener 800 1100 feet across rest area. winter high temperatur averag mid 50 lower 60s. low averag mid 30s. low 32 degre lower expect 40 50 days. spring autumn season character much variabl day day year year."} {"id": "15300", "contents": "georgian climat notabl humid, warm, pleasant black sea coast. greater caucasu mountain north protect area truli cold weather. even midwinter, averag temperatur 5\u00b0c (41\u00b0f). averag summer temperatur along coast 22\u00b0c (72\u00b0f)."} {"id": "15301", "contents": "averag annual temperatur georgia. averag annual temperatur cities, town park throughout georgia list degre fahrenheit celsius. tabl give normal maximum minimum yearli temperatur base weather data collect 1981 2010. jump separ tabl region state: north georgia, central georgia south coastal georgia."} {"id": "15302", "contents": "climat region fairli uniform. notabl except northeast corner state occupi appalachian mountains. although averag elev northeast georgia mountain less 2000 feet, mountain reach elev 4000 5000 feet. climat differ significantli rest north georgia. winter high temperatur averag mid 50 lower 60s. low averag mid 30s. low 32 degre lower expect 40 50 days. spring autumn season character much variabl day day year year."} {"id": "15303", "contents": "tbilisi climat temperature. tbilisi, georgia 41 40'n, 44 57'e, 427 (1401 ft). see map. tbilisi humid subtrop climat mild dri season, constantli moist (year-round rainfall). summer hot muggi thunderstorms. come autumn/ fall temperatur decreas achiev averag high 19.7\u00b0c (67.4\u00b0f) day low 9.3\u00b0c (48.8\u00b0f) gener shortli sunrise. total annual precipit averag 495.5 mm (19.5 inches) equival 495.5 litres/m (12.15 gallons/ft)."} {"id": "15304", "contents": "winter high temperatur averag 50s. low averag mid lower 30s. low 32 degre lower expect 50 70 days. spring autumn season character much variabl day day year year. averag date first freez autumn late october. winter high temperatur averag mid 50 lower 60s. low averag mid 30s. low 32 degre lower expect 40"} {"id": "15305", "contents": "psycholog disorders, also refer mental disorders, abnorm mind result persist behavior pattern serious affect day-to-day function life. disorders, borderlin person depression, occur frequent women. others, intermitt explos disord substanc abuse, common men."} {"id": "15306", "contents": "mental disorder, also call mental illness, psycholog disord psychiatr disorder, mental behavior pattern caus either suffer poor abil function ordinari life. mani disord described. condit exclud includ social norms. somatoform disord may diagnos problem appear origin bodi thought manifest mental disorder. includ somat disord convers disorder. also disord person perceiv body, bodi dysmorph disorder."} {"id": "15307", "contents": "multipl psycholog disord may exist one person. specif caus psycholog disord known, contribut factor may includ chemic imbal brain, childhood experiences, heredity, illnesses, prenat exposures, stress. disorders, borderlin person depression, occur frequent women. others, intermitt explos disord substanc abuse, common men. still disorders, bipolar disord schizophrenia, affect men women roughli equal proport"} {"id": "15308", "contents": "psychopatholog scientif studi mental disorders, includ effort understand genetic, biological, psychological, social causes; effect classif scheme (nosology); cours across stage development; manifestations; treatment. exampl disord classifi within dsm include: major depress disord mood disord defin symptom loss motivation, decreas mood, lack energi thought suicide. bipolar disord mood disord character depress manic episod vari length degrees."} {"id": "15309", "contents": "definit psychopathology. studi psycholog behavior dysfunct occur mental disord social disorganization; also: dysfunction. psy\u00b7cho\u00b7path\u00b7o\u00b7log\u00b7i\u00b7c \\-\u02ccpa-th\u0259-\u02c8lae-\u02c8l\u00e4-ji\\ k\u0259l also\u00b7psy\u00b7cho\u00b7path\u00b7o\u00b7log \\-ic\\ jik. adject studi psycholog behavior dysfunct occur mental disord social disorganization; also: dysfunction. psy\u00b7cho\u00b7path\u00b7o\u00b7log\u00b7i\u00b7c \\-\u02ccpa-th\u0259-\u02c8lae-\u02c8l\u00e4-ji\\ k\u0259l also\u00b7psy\u00b7cho\u00b7path\u00b7o\u00b7log \\-ic\\ jik. adjective\u00b7psy\u00b7cho\u00b7path\u00b7o\u00b7log\u00b7i\u00b7c \\-ly-ji(k-)\u0259\\ l\u0113. adverb"} {"id": "15310", "contents": "medic definit psychopathology. 1. studi psycholog behavior dysfunct occur mental disord social disorganization. 2. studi psycholog behavior dysfunct occur mental disord social disorganization; also: dysfunction. psy\u00b7cho\u00b7path\u00b7o\u00b7log\u00b7i\u00b7c \\-\u02ccpa-th\u0259-\u02c8lae-\u02c8l\u00e4-ji\\ k\u0259l also\u00b7psy\u00b7cho\u00b7path\u00b7o\u00b7log \\-ic\\ jik. adjective\u00b7psy\u00b7cho\u00b7path\u00b7o\u00b7log\u00b7i\u00b7c \\-ly-ji(k-)\u0259\\ l\u0113. adverb"} {"id": "15311", "contents": "psychopathology. 1. branch medicin deal caus process mental disorders. 2. abnormal, maladapt behavior mental activity. psychopathology. [-p\u0259thol\u2032\u0259j\u0113]. studi causes, processes, manifest mental disorders. behavior manifest mental disorder. see also psychiatr"} {"id": "15312", "contents": "wholly, psychopatholog defin origin mental disorders, develop, symptom might produc person. exampl disord classifi within dsm include: major depress disord mood disord defin symptom loss motivation, decreas mood, lack energi thought suicide. bipolar disord mood disord character depress manic episod vari length degrees."} {"id": "15313", "contents": "definit psychopathology. studi psycholog behavior dysfunct occur mental disord social disorganization; also: dysfunction. psy\u00b7cho\u00b7path\u00b7o\u00b7log\u00b7i\u00b7c \\-\u02ccpa-th\u0259-\u02c8lae-\u02c8l\u00e4-ji\\ k\u0259l also\u00b7psy\u00b7cho\u00b7path\u00b7o\u00b7log \\-ic\\ jik. adjective\u00b7psy\u00b7cho\u00b7path\u00b7o\u00b7log\u00b7i\u00b7c \\-ly-ji(k-)\u0259\\ l\u0113. adverb"} {"id": "15314", "contents": "audio spectrum audibl frequenc rang human hear. rang span 20 hz 20,000 hz effect broken seven differ frequenc bands, differ impact total sound. seven frequenc band are:"} {"id": "15315", "contents": "rang human hear young approxim 20 hz 20 khzthe higher number tend decreas age (a mani things). may quit normal 60-year-old hear maximum 16,000 hz. 5. number cycl per unit time call frequency. convenience, frequenc often measur cycl per second (cps) interchang hertz (hz) (60 cp 60 hz), name 19 th c. physicist. 1000 hz often refer khz (kilohertz) simpli '1k' studio parlance."} {"id": "15316", "contents": "frequenc lower 20 hz beyond frequenc hear range: low frequenc respons test-which start low 10 hz-should remain inaud reach 20 hz. hear frequenc 20 hz, suspect test corrupt harmon distort gener speaker subwoofer. human hear frequenc 20 hz 20,000 hz. lowest bound, 20 hz, wavelength nearli 20 meters, frequenc feel rather actual hear. test help benchmark lowest limit audio system' frequenc extens"} {"id": "15317", "contents": "peopl first visual frequenc rang 20 hz 20,000 hz, imagin nice, linear, tape-measur span measurement, mark increment equal inch centimet mark ruler."} {"id": "15318", "contents": "frequenc respons frequenc rang versu amplitude. words, 20 hz, certain input signal level may produc 100 db output. khz, input level may produc 102 db output. 10 khz, 95 db, on. graph frequenc plot versu level frequenc respons curv (frc) monitor."} {"id": "15319", "contents": "frequenc measur hertz (hz). person hear within normal rang hear sound frequenc 20 20,000 hz. import sound hear everi day 250 6,000 hz range. speech includ mix low high frequenc sounds:"} {"id": "15320", "contents": "top bottom: light flash frequenc 0.5 hz (hertz) 1.0 hz 2.0 hz, i.e. 0.5, 1.0 2.0 flash per second, respectively. time flash period given 1\u2044f (the reciproc \u200d), i.e. 2, 0.5 seconds, respectively. hertz (symbol hz) unit frequenc intern system unit (si) defin one cycl per second. name heinrich rudolf hertz, first person provid conclus proof exist electromagnet waves."} {"id": "15321", "contents": "frequenc ear hear limit specif rang frequencies. audibl frequenc rang human typic given 20 hz 20,000 hz (20 khz), though high frequenc limit usual reduc age. speci differ hear ranges."} {"id": "15322", "contents": "risks: raccoon predat though anim known attack cougars, bobcats, coyotes. disease, infection, run-in car gener primari risk species. diseases, includ roundworm, trichinosi rabies, also place peopl pet risk."} {"id": "15323", "contents": "origin habitat raccoon decidu mix forests, due adapt extend rang mountain areas, coastal marshes, urban areas, homeown consid pests. four smallest raccoon subspecies, typic weight 1.8 2.7 kg (4.0 6.0 lb), found along southern coast florida adjac islands; exampl ten thousand island raccoon (procyon lotor marinus)."} {"id": "15324", "contents": "raccoon power swimmers. dog often drown pursu raccoon water. even young raccoon usual swim 150 meter (480 feet) across river lake, older raccoon difficulti swim 1.5 kilomet (about mile). tree provid shelter weather predat speci raccoons. northern unit state canada, raccoon often live hollow spot tree trunk provid wind break small amount addit warmth."} {"id": "15325", "contents": "bat fli roost high way places, bat mani predators. snakes, raccoons,opossums, skunk even tarantula prey bat roost tree crevices. owl hawk known snatch one midair dinner. (like great mani animals) raccoon eat smaller anim like fish mice, also nice dinner coyotes, wolves, cougars, forth. peopl found useful. edit."} {"id": "15326", "contents": "raccoon' natur predat includ cougars, bobcats, coyotes, foxes, wolves, great horn owls, water moccasins, bears, mountain lion (pumas), fishers. (like great mani animals) raccoon eat smaller anim like fish mice, also nice dinner coyotes, wolves, cougars, forth. peopl found useful. edit."} {"id": "15327", "contents": "pacif northwest, raccoon also eaten wolves, rural reach georgia, young raccoon make diet alligators. raccoon live environ alligators, wolves, bobcats, coyotes, owls, fox natur enemi irat homeowners. tree provid shelter weather predat speci raccoons. northern unit state canada, raccoon often live hollow spot tree trunk provid wind break small amount addit warmth."} {"id": "15328", "contents": "raccoon (/r\u0259\u02c8ku\u02d0n/ us /rae\u02c8ku\u02d0n/ r\u00e6\u02c8ku\u02d0n procyon), lotor sometim spelled, racoon also known common, raccoon north american, raccoon northern raccoon colloqui as, coon a-medium size mammal nativ north. america four smallest raccoon subspecies, typic weight 1.8 2.7 kg (4.0 6.0 lb), found along southern coast florida adjac islands; exampl ten thousand island raccoon (procyon lotor marinus)."} {"id": "15329", "contents": "raccoon note intelligence, studi show abl rememb solut task three years. diet omnivor raccoon, usual nocturnal, consist 40% invertebrates, 33% plant foods, 27% vertebrates. four smallest raccoon subspecies, typic weight 1.8 2.7 kg (4.0 6.0 lb), found along southern coast florida adjac islands; exampl ten thousand island raccoon (procyon lotor marinus)."} {"id": "15330", "contents": "raccoon natur enemies. cougars, bobcats, coyot wolv sometim kill eat raccoons. tropic subtrop region north america central america, caiman crocodilian sometim grab raccoon near water."} {"id": "15331", "contents": "raccoon prey chicken carri rabies, deadli dog humans. peopl use dog tree raccoons, also shoot raccoons, trap poison them. peopl hunt raccoon necessity, peopl hunt sport, competitions."} {"id": "15332", "contents": "medicare, feder health insur program 55 million peopl age 65 peopl perman disabilities, help pay hospit physician visits, prescript drugs, acut post-acut services. 2014, spend medicar account 14% feder budget (figur 1)"} {"id": "15333", "contents": "former presid truman issu first medicar card ceremony. 1965, budget medicar around $10 billion 19 million individu sign medicar first year."} {"id": "15334", "contents": "1965, budget medicar around $10 billion 19 million individu sign medicar first year. 1966, medicare\u2019 coverag took effect, american age 65 older enrol part million senior sign part b."} {"id": "15335", "contents": "meet need age given top prioriti presid lyndon b. johnson' administration, year half took offic object achiev new program, medicare, establish 1965 amend social secur program."} {"id": "15336", "contents": "today, medicar continu provid health care need. end 2014, 49,435,610 peopl receiv health coverag medicar program. benefit paid 2013 amount $583, 14 percent feder budget."} {"id": "15337", "contents": "medicare' first beneficiari paid $40 annual deduct part a. monthli premium part truman enrol $3. today medicar cost $1,184 annual part deduct premium roughli $105 month part b, plu $147 annual deductible."} {"id": "15338", "contents": "(on archives.gov). act sign law presid lyndon johnson juli 30, 1965, independence, mo. establish medicare, health insur program elderly, medicaid, health insur program poor."} {"id": "15339", "contents": "medicar per capita spend growth expect slower first five year project period (3.3% 2014 2019) last five year (5.0% 2019 2024). spend growth also project part medicar program."} {"id": "15340", "contents": "1965, passag social secur act amendments, popularli known medicare, result basic program hospit insur person age 65 older, supplementari medic insur program aid elderli pay doctor bill health care bills."} {"id": "15341", "contents": "\u201960s. juli 30, 1965 presid lyndon b. johnson made medicar law sign h.r. 6675 independence, missouri. 1966, medicare\u2019 coverag took effect, american age 65 older enrol part million senior sign part b."} {"id": "15342", "contents": "put anemomet wind read scale. anemomet divid two classes: measur wind' speed, measur wind' pressu re; close connect pressur speed, anemomet design one give inform both. there' thing call beaufort scale realli units, base water wave action given wind velocity. beaufort dead calm beaufort 12 hurricane. knot (nautic mile per hour) wind usual measured."} {"id": "15343", "contents": "saffir-simpson hurrican wind scale rate base hurricane' sustain wind speed. scale estim potenti properti damage. hurrican reach categori higher consid major hurrican potenti signific loss life damage."} {"id": "15344", "contents": "beaufort scale /\u02c8bo\u028af\u0259rt/ empir measur relat wind speed observ condit sea land. full name beaufort wind forc scale, although measur wind speed forc scientif senses. equival wind speed 10 metr sea surfac beaufort scale number. example, 9.5 relat 24.5 m/ equal lower limit 10 beaufort. use formula highest wind hurrican would 23 scale"} {"id": "15345", "contents": "make use anemomet measur wind speed overview wind horizont movement air. instrument use measur wind speed call anemometer, indic spin wind. anemomet rotat speed wind. give direct measur speed wind. wind speed measur use beaufort wind scale scale 0-12 base visual clues. depend abil students, probabl suffici recogn calm air, gentle, moderate, strong breezes."} {"id": "15346", "contents": "saffir-simpson hurrican wind scale measur amount wind damag caus hurricanes. speed wind determin categori storm. categori rang 5. currently, saffir-simpson hurrican wind scale take account wind speed. sinc develop 1971, gone modifications. earlier version use storm surg central pressur well wind speed determin damage. scale known saffir-simpson hurrican scale"} {"id": "15347", "contents": "measur wind speed import weather forecasting, particular forecast hurrican tornadoes. beaufort scale use illustr speed wind particular time term knots."} {"id": "15348", "contents": "beaufort scale scale measur wind speeds. base observ rather accur measurement. wide use system measur wind speed today. scale develop 1805 sir franci beaufort. twelv levels, plu wind. 1946 1970, also beaufort level 13 17."} {"id": "15349", "contents": "saffir-simpson scale measur intens hurricane. wind speed measur scale 1-5 give estim potenti properti damag flood along coast. categori follows: categori one hurricane: wind 74-95 mph. categori two hurricane: wind 96-110 mph"} {"id": "15350", "contents": "pleas give us feedback guid help you? transfer contact pc companion august 2013 transfer contact use pc companion googl account guid show transfer contact old phone without android new xperia\u2122 devic use pc companion googl account. success upload contact googl account access contact xperia\u2122 device, comput via http://www.google.com/contacts, devic servic use googl account. data googl account save secur online."} {"id": "15351", "contents": "transfer contact iphone. three methods: ad account sync contact comput import contact sim card. contact one essenti set data device, make sure know get phone snap. transfer contact onto iphon comput access via sim card old phone. tips. use import sim contact option need first store contact sim card use old phone. friend share contact select share view contact iphon address book send detail e-mail message."} {"id": "15352", "contents": "wish transfer contact without use googl account, pleas see \u201ctransfer contact use pc companion without use googl account\u201d page work pc companion pc applic help upload contact old mobil phone new xperia\u2122 device. success upload contact googl account access contact xperia\u2122 device, comput via http://www.google.com/contacts, devic servic use googl account. data googl account save secur online."} {"id": "15353", "contents": "step connect android phone pc. start with, run android transfer pc plug android phone pc. step select phone number transfer. phone success connected, select contact left menu bar. click import/export top interface. select export select contact comput export contact comput"} {"id": "15354", "contents": "however, unlik pictures, song movies, can't transfer android contact pc open disk folder add file it. panic. profession android devic manag android data transfer solv problem. step 1. launch program pc. set android phone. get started, download, instal run android data transfer program pc. connect android phone pc via usb cabl wi-fi. program automat detect device, see primari window. note: android data transfer fulli compat android phone tablets, like samsung/htc/motorola/soni ericsson"} {"id": "15355", "contents": "upload contact memori card old phone googl account use pc companion application. 3. new xperia\u2122 device, log googl account sync account latest contact inform get download device. success upload contact googl account access contact xperia\u2122 device, comput via http://www.google.com/contacts, devic servic use googl account. data googl account save secur online."} {"id": "15356", "contents": "transfer contact save comput new iphone, import .csv file ms outlook sync itun use sync contact (outlook) option. 4. select contact want transfer computer. click \u201cexport check file local\u201d button choos destin folder save contact computer. select iphon contact transfer comput text .csv file format"} {"id": "15357", "contents": "copi phone number old phone\u2019 memori sim card, insert sim card new phone copi phone number new phone\u2019 memory. here\u2019 detail guid transfer contact nokia iphon use sim. 3. transfer phone book \u201cover air\u201d. internet enabl phone, easili copi contact old phone new phone over-the-air without even requir computer. onlin servic call mobic free work mobil phone nokia, motorola, soni ericsson on."} {"id": "15358", "contents": "first, determin averag home price fairfax counti previou month. base ml statistics, averag fairfax counti real estat sold price august 2012 $520,511*. simplifi search, select \u201caround $500,000\u2033. next, log fairfax counti map, search detach home around $500,000 price-range."} {"id": "15359", "contents": "2500 singl famili home sale fairfax counti averag price $1,027,000. averag price differ town fairfax counti below. alexandria home sale, averag price $775,000. home alexandria fairfax county, south washington beltway along rout rout 95 price well offer easi access d.c., pentagon ft. belvoir, annandal home sale, averag price $542,000. averag home price differ town fairfax county. tour home prefer area price range, contact lenn harley, broker, homefinders.com, 800-711-7988."} {"id": "15360", "contents": "compil fairfax counti depart manag budget. averag home sale price averag sale price home sold june 2014 fairfax counti $570,434, increas 2.9 percent june 2013 averag sale price $554,117. compar annual 2013 averag home sale price $531,136, june price increas 7.4 percent. averag sale price detach home sold june 2014 $729,298, increas 4.7 percent june 2013 averag $696,629."} {"id": "15361", "contents": "sellers' market. median home valu fairfax $492,200. fairfax home valu declin -1.3% past year zillow predict fall -1.5% within next year. median rent price fairfax $2,250, higher washington metro median $2,025. read more. foreclosur factor impact home valu next sever years."} {"id": "15362", "contents": "averag age home sale culpep counti 374,109. averag age 29 year old. culpep offer mani home construct past 10 years. fairfax county, virginia offer varieti style price home buyers. averag list price home sale fairfax counti $1,134,967. averag age 30 year old. highli rank public school popular. alexandria citi averag list price home alexandria $1,216,770. averag age 64 year old. known resid \u201cold town\u201d, mani histor properti old town. carolin county, averag list price 232,313."} {"id": "15363", "contents": "clifton home sale, averag price $933,000. clifton offer home estat lot acr area fairfax counti highli rank public schools. rout 66 commut rout employ center fairfax, arlington, pentagon, d.c. alexandria. averag home price differ town fairfax county. tour home prefer area price range, contact lenn harley, broker, homefinders.com, 800-711-7988."} {"id": "15364", "contents": "(see page 2) june 2014, averag sale price home sold fairfax counti increas 2.9 percent compar averag sale price june 2013. (see page 3) number activ list home sale counti increas 52.3 percent june year ago. compar annual 2013 averag home sale price $531,136, june price increas 7.4 percent. averag sale price detach home sold june 2014 $729,298, increas 4.7 percent june 2013 averag $696,629."} {"id": "15365", "contents": "median home valu fairfax counti $490,900. fairfax counti home valu declin -0.8% past year. median rent price fairfax counti $2,200, higher washington metro median $2,025. read more. foreclosur factor impact home valu next sever years. fairfax counti 1.3 home foreclos (per 10,000). lower washington metro valu 2.5 also lower nation valu 3.5. mortgag delinqu first step foreclosur process."} {"id": "15366", "contents": "summari fairfax. averag price per squar foot fairfax va $278, decreas 1.8% compar period last year. median sale price home fairfax va jul 15 oct 15 $500,000 base 326 home sales. compar period one year ago, median home sale price increas 3.2%, $15,556, number home sale decreas 33.5%."} {"id": "15367", "contents": "term typic rang baby, outlin aap, anywher 97.5\u00b0 (36.4\u00b0 c) 99.5\u00b0 (37.5\u00b0 c) total normal. temperatur read 100.4\u00b0 (38\u00b0 c) consid begin fever typic accompani symptoms."} {"id": "15368", "contents": "normal temperatur 98.6\u00b0f (37\u00b0c) taken oral (in child\u2019 mouth) 99.6\u00b0f (37.5\u00b0c) taken rectal (in child\u2019 bottom). mani doctor defin fever oral temperatur 99.5\u00b0f (37.5\u00b0c) rectal temperatur 100.4\u00b0f (38\u00b0c)."} {"id": "15369", "contents": "baby\u2019 temperatur different. accord american academi pediatrics, normal bodi temperatur health babi rang 97 degre 100.4 degre fahrenheit (36 degre 38 degre celsius). rectal temperatur read rang indic fever"} {"id": "15370", "contents": "doctor american academi pediatr (aap) agre normal bodi temperatur healthi babi 97 100.3 degre fahrenheit. baby' rectal temperatur 100.4 degre higher, fever. symptom seriou fever. temperatur read indic whether fever serious. age factor: fever seriou babi months. behavior anoth factor: high fever stop babi play feed normal may caus alarm."} {"id": "15371", "contents": "higher-than-norm bodi temperatur call fever. fever usual sign bodi wage war infection. take baby' temperatur confirm suspicion help child' doctor figur best way get babi back road health. symptom seriou fever. temperatur read indic whether fever serious. age factor: fever seriou babi months. behavior anoth factor: high fever stop babi play feed normal may caus alarm."} {"id": "15372", "contents": "babi age month fever, take doctor. least first month life, call doctor anytim fever. baby\u2019 next checkup ask doctor \u201cfever policy.\u201d give better idea need call. doctor say babi fever temperatur rise 100.4 above. it\u2019 best take temperatur rectally. take read infant well get sens normal temperatur is."} {"id": "15373", "contents": "temperatur fever. normal axillari (under arm) temperatur rang 97.5 99.3 degre fahrenheit (36.5 37.4 degre celsius)*. take rectal temperature. normal rectal temperatur 100.2 degre fahrenheit less (37.9 degre celsiu less)*. *these american academi pediatr recommend ranges. suggest discuss baby' health care provider. need take baby\u2019 temperatur regular basi"} {"id": "15374", "contents": "infant birth month old, abnorm temperature--eith low high--can sign someth serious. babi low bodi temperatur may seriou infection, accord medlineplus.com, infant fever requir immedi call doctor. photo credit babi imag dron fotolia.com. infant month old normal bodi temperatur rang 97 100.4 degre fahrenheit, 36 38 degre celsius, accord american academi pediatrics. temperatur higher lower rang caus concern"} {"id": "15375", "contents": "babi month old temperatur 100.4 degre (38 degre c) higher, call doctor immediately. babi young need check seriou infect disease. babi month old older, import thing look acts."} {"id": "15376", "contents": "confid vote 85. 40 differ languag spoken uganda. offici languag english swahili approv second offici languag 2005. wide use local languag luganda, lusoga, runyankor bantu use extens areas."} {"id": "15377", "contents": "speak english say word hawaiian mostli english mani languag peopl speak pigeon -- english slang ativ hawaiian language, famou limit alphabet, peopl today speak english (and spanish)."} {"id": "15378", "contents": "non, je ne parl pa francais. fran\u00e7ai offici languag franc is. french86 french (adult age) 18 said french primari languag spoken the, home age one to. five, due immigr sever languag spoken substanti percentag the. popul"} {"id": "15379", "contents": "upon uganda' independ 1962, english maintain offici language, alreadi root deepli administration, media, education. also, uganda' ethnolinguist divers made difficult choos anoth languag offici languag uganda."} {"id": "15380", "contents": "40 differ languag spoken uganda. offici languag english swahili approv second offici languag 2005."} {"id": "15381", "contents": "fact uganda. page find fact uganda, population, languag spoken much more... uganda landlock countri east africa, stretch along equat democrat republ congo kenya."} {"id": "15382", "contents": "sinc nation languag uganda english, fine say hello case travel countri sub-saharan africa elsewher world, help word uganda greet category: fine, thank you."} {"id": "15383", "contents": "swahili also wide spoken use trade languag throughout east african region. thank uganda' import econom bond kenya tanzania, swahili grown popularity, design 2005 ugandan parliament country' second offici language."} {"id": "15384", "contents": "children' stories. belong mani ethnic groups, ugandan speak 30 differ african languages. english swahili country\u2019 offici languages. swahili use commun link country\u2019 eastern neighbour kenya tanzania, also spoken."} {"id": "15385", "contents": "glossary. calcitonin hormon known particip calcium phosphoru metabolism. mammals, major sourc calcitonin parafollicular cell thyroid gland, also synthes wide varieti tissues, includ lung intestin tract. birds, fish amphibians, calcitonin secret ultimobrachi glands."} {"id": "15386", "contents": "calcitonin. calcitonin hormon known particip calcium phosphoru metabolism. mammals, major sourc calcitonin parafollicular cell thyroid gland, also synthes wide varieti tissues, includ lung intestin tract. birds, fish amphibians, calcitonin secret ultimobrachi glands."} {"id": "15387", "contents": "calcitonin. polypeptid hormon secret parafollicular cell thyroid gland; involv plasma calcium homeostasi act decreas rate bone resorption. peptid hormone, eight form known; produc parathyroid, thyroid, thymu glands; action opposit parathyroid hormon calcitonin increas deposit calcium phosphat bone lower level calcium blood."} {"id": "15388", "contents": "dr ananya mandal, md. calcitonin hormon secret thyroid gland reduc concentr blood calcium level risen normal level. polypeptid hormon made 32 amino acid produc mainli parafollicular cell (also known cells) thyroid gland."} {"id": "15389", "contents": "calcitonin. polypeptid hormon secret parafollicular cell thyroid gland, involv plasma calcium homeostasis. act decreas rate bone resorption. peptid hormone, eight form known; produc parathyroid, thyroid, thymu glands; action opposit parathyroid hormon calcitonin increas deposit calcium phosphat bone lower level calcium blood."} {"id": "15390", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. calcitonin (also known thyrocalcitonin) 32-amino acid linear polypeptid hormon produc human primarili parafollicular cell (also known c-cells) thyroid, mani anim ultimobranchi body. calc1 gene belong superfamili relat protein hormon precursor includ islet amyloid precursor protein, calcitonin gene-rel peptide, precursor adrenomedullin. secret calcitonin stimul by: increas serum [ca 2+ ]. gastrin pentagastrin."} {"id": "15391", "contents": "calcitonin hormon produc releas c-cell thyroid gland. biolog function human unclear. altern name calcitonin ct; thyrocalcitonin. calcitonin? calcitonin hormon produc human parafollicular cell (commonli known c-cells) thyroid gland. calcitonin involv help regul level calcium phosphat blood, oppos action parathyroid hormone. secret calcitonin also inhibit hormon somatostatin also releas c-cell thyroid gland. happen much calcitonin? seem effect bodi result much"} {"id": "15392", "contents": "calcitonin. calcitonin peptid hormon produc cell within thyroid gland. calcitonin secret stimul high blood calcium concentrations, act physiolog antagonist pth. osteoclast receptor calcitonin, effect transient. growth hormone. growth hormon (gh) growth promot hormon produc pituitari gland. anabolic, mean stimul bone formation. growth hormon also: stimul product insulin-lik growth factor (igf-1) skeleton. import stimul longitudin growth"} {"id": "15393", "contents": "calcitonin 32-amino acid linear polypeptid hormon secret human be primarili parafollicular cell (also known c-cells) thyroid, regul calcium level body."} {"id": "15394", "contents": "everybodi know goe up, must come univers theori gravity, newton also show color inher white light, studi speed sound, advanc heliocentr view solar system, postul origin stars."} {"id": "15395", "contents": "10 fact space blow mind. essentially, graviti attract forc objects. peopl familiar graviti reason behind thing stay earth' surface, goe up, must come down, graviti actual much vaster significance."} {"id": "15396", "contents": "attract forc f, attract force-f. observ forc come pair newton' third law motion. denomin mean attract get weaker proport squar separation."} {"id": "15397", "contents": "albert einstein, nobel prize physic 1921, contribut altern theori graviti earli 1900s. part famou gener theori relativity, offer differ explan newton' law univers gravitation."} {"id": "15398", "contents": "d. law gravity. einstein spent good deal time sever years, help number collaborators, tri work mathemat law would account graviti term spacetim curvature, publish variou specul find along way."} {"id": "15399", "contents": "graviton gravitons, know goe must come down. perhap someday, we'll know exactli why. then, satisfi know planet earth go hurdl sun anytim soon. graviti keep safe orbit."} {"id": "15400", "contents": "neither. absenc suffici graviti goe continu go forever. call inertia, detail newton' first law motion. goe must come much scientif rather gener lucki streak.."} {"id": "15401", "contents": "graviti name associ reason goe up, must come down, whether basebal hit neighborhood sandlot game child happili jump backyard mini-trampoline. know word gravity-it thing caus object fall earth."} {"id": "15402", "contents": "add comment |. vote vote. tug (or 'pull') one' heartstr establish idiom. tug one' heart, not, though perfectli valid expression, right meaning. question slightli ambiguous, word make: clear, thing elicit compass (which might person, action, event) tug heartstrings."} {"id": "15403", "contents": "definit heartstr express strong feel connect heart. exampl heartstr puppy\u2019 sad face anim shelter might make feel sad."} {"id": "15404", "contents": "heart\u00b7string. n. 1. heartstr deepest feel affections: tug heartstrings. 2. one nerv tendon formerli believ brace sustain heart."} {"id": "15405", "contents": "1. heartstrings-your deepest feel love compassion; mani adopt case tug heartstrings. love-a strong posit emot regard affection; love work; children need lot love."} {"id": "15406", "contents": "tug heartstrings. caus strong feel affect sympathi look son' smile eye felt tug heartstrings. usag notes: sometim use verbs: stori told pluck heartstrings. see also: at, heartstring, tug."} {"id": "15407", "contents": "measur replac glass ceil fan. light. replac glass ceil fan light commonli known globe. globe appearance, function pieces, valu lie aesthet -- without them, room look half finished. real estate, tacki unprofession way show property. 3. measur fixtur cup size globe tape measure. start center diamet cup measur outsid edg outsid edge. diamet replac globe"} {"id": "15408", "contents": "instal replac ceil fan. ceil fan great way keep home comfort year-round. learn replac exist fan light fixtur new ceil fan. room measur 76 144 squar feet, choos fan blade diamet 36 42 inches. room size 144 225 squar feet, select fan 44-inch blade diameter. room 225 400 squar feet, use fan blade diamet 50 54 inches."} {"id": "15409", "contents": "also want measur height, get kind lower profil 1/2 feet, get lower profil fan, way hang much ceiling. today talk measur ceil fan. thank watching. good luck project. i'm joshua clement lighti contractors, today i'm go talk measur ceil fan. come measur ceil fan, want make sure adequ height"} {"id": "15410", "contents": "see more: http://thd.co/1lf6fbp. watch easi replac ceil fan nearli room home. new fan, fan light, help cool house, add person decor touch increas home' resal value. howto style."} {"id": "15411", "contents": "shop ceil fans, awar ceil fan differ blade option chang size blade span fan. sometimes, blade length attribut consum may think actual blade span actual length blade. best answer: size ceil fan state ceil fan manufactur gener consid overal diamet blade sweep call blade span. best way measur blade span measur center fan tip one blades, give radius. multipli size blade span fan. measur blade tip blade tip work fan even number blades. sinc fan nowaday either blades, radiu measur often necessari"} {"id": "15412", "contents": "ceil fan instal right size room: room measur 75 squar feet need fan 29- 36-inch blade diameter. room measur 76 144 squar feet, choos fan blade diamet 36 42 inches. room measur 76 144 squar feet, choos fan blade diamet 36 42 inches. room size 144 225 squar feet, select fan 44-inch blade diameter. room 225 400 squar feet, use fan blade diamet 50 54 inches."} {"id": "15413", "contents": "measur insid diamet bulb fixtur tape measure. measur insid one side insid opposit side. measur fixtur manufactur use place measur globe. measur replac glass ceil fan light, might want purchas set globe instead one match."} {"id": "15414", "contents": "hayek born salma hayek jimenez jim\u00e9nez coatzacoalco veracruz mexico younger brother sami born 1972 furnitur design daughter diana jimenez jim\u00e9nez medina opera singer talent scout 1991 hayek move hollywood came promin role hollywood movi desperado 1995 dogma 1999 wild wild west 1999"} {"id": "15415", "contents": "salma hayek salma hayek bodi measur gorgeou exampl hourglass bodi type full natur bust slim waist wide hip salma love curv figur petit tall hayek wear 32d bra size weigh 117 pound check also measur celebr kim kardashian kate upton kati perri"} {"id": "15416", "contents": "5ft nice height latina women even smaller uk women whole averag wise say uk averag 5ft4 dont ask everi woman uk thne get averag tohusand never get true averag id say 5ft 5ft6 averag see 5ft 5ft ppl uk salma 46 year old think would shrunk littl lot sinc 20 even earli mid 30 think 40 year old women gener lose origin height due age whilst men gener lose"} {"id": "15417", "contents": "salma hayek height 5ft 5in 156 cm mexican actress best known appear movi like frida desperado dusk till dawn said regard height act tall look short even act tall five two salma 46 year old think would shrunk littl lot sinc 20 even earli mid 30 think 40 year old women gener lose origin height due age whilst men gener lose"} {"id": "15418", "contents": "think see salma hayek sexi salma hayek bodi measur 36c 25 37 beauti woman mexico bodi measur 48 year old actress look gorgeou nice see doubt act skill"} {"id": "15419", "contents": "salma hayek height feet inch 157 48 centimet salma hayek normal weight 51 56 kg 112 44 123 46 lb salma hayek actress director film produc first name salma arab term mean safe full name salma valgarma hayek jimenez jim\u00e9nez"} {"id": "15420", "contents": "salma hayek jimenez jim\u00e9nez born septemb 1966 coatzacoalco veracruz mexico daughter spanish mother lebanes father rais well cathol home hayek attend convent school louisiana age 12 live aunt houston texa teen synopsi born mexico 1966 salma hayek drop school becom actress got big break hollywood role robert rodriguez desperado eventu ascend pinnacl industri academi award nomin turn frida"} {"id": "15421", "contents": "salma hayek pinault born septemb 1966 mexican american film actress director produc began career mexico star telenovela teresa went star film el callejon callej\u00f3n de lo milagro miracl alley nomin ariel award 1991 hayek move hollywood came promin role hollywood movi desperado 1995 dogma 1999 wild wild west 1999"} {"id": "15422", "contents": "salma born name salma hayek jimenez nick name salma hayek given nicknam huevo penelop cruz age salma hayek born septemb 1966 make 47 year old sun sign virgo birth place 1966 hayek born coatzacoalco mexico"} {"id": "15423", "contents": "world trade center harrisburg member world trade center association. world trade center association, headquart new york city, umbrella organ 330 world trade center 100 countries."} {"id": "15424", "contents": "best offic address world. 1,776 feet tall, one world trade center tallest build western hemisphere. develop port author new york new jersey, build set new standard design, construction, prestige, herald renaiss downtown manhattan."} {"id": "15425", "contents": "one world trade center: tallest build western hemisphere, one world trade center icon landmark lower manhattan. start earli 2015, visitor abl experi state art observ deck offer spectacular view new york surround region. learn more."} {"id": "15426", "contents": "explor histori world trade center glimps futur development. world' largest financi center offic complex came symbol wealth power world' financi capit fell victim brutal terrorist attack 9/11/2001."} {"id": "15427", "contents": "\u00adthe origin idea world trade center new york gener credit david rockefeller, one industrialist john d. rockefeller' mani grandsons. fact, idea propos soon world war ii, decad rockefel ever got involved, one actual got ball rolling."} {"id": "15428", "contents": "world trade center creat vision of, financ by, power rockefel family. ground zero learn origin world trade center histori tragic event 9/11. horrend event came uplift stori hero rick rescorla, willi rodriguez, pat tillman."} {"id": "15429", "contents": "build 47-stori skyscrap part world trade center complex. built 1984, would tallest high-ris 33 state unit states. collaps 5:20 pm septemb 11, 2001."} {"id": "15430", "contents": "mani associ world trade center building, licens world trade center actual real estat component. point, wtc harrisburg concentr deliveri trade assist servic global trade promot physic building."} {"id": "15431", "contents": "peopl first fleet establish first settlement australia. convict first fleet put work immedi build projects, particularli roads, farming. clear land nativ plants, prepar ground till planting. convict sent first fleet australia allevi difficulti great britain. condit england 18th centuri tough: industri revolutio made harder peopl earn honest wage simpler task replac machin labour."} {"id": "15432", "contents": "first fleet name given 11 ship left great britain 13 may 1787 found penal coloni becam first european settlement australia. ship first fleet mostli remain colony. return england, other left ports. remain servic governor coloni months: sent norfolk island second penal coloni established."} {"id": "15433", "contents": "first fleet stay australia. not, however, stay botani bay, instead move port jackson. due lack fresh water supply; absenc good soil crops; safe harbour; timber grew area suitabl building. convict sent first fleet australia allevi difficulti great britain. condit england 18th centuri tough: industri revolutio made harder peopl earn honest wage simpler task replac machin labour."} {"id": "15434", "contents": "1788 1850 english sent 162,000 convict australia 806 ships. first eleven ship today known first fleet contain convict marin acknowledg founder australia. story. 1788, australia popul 300,000 aborigines."} {"id": "15435", "contents": "1788, first fleet british convict arrived, around 500,000 aborigin peopl live australia. today around 270,000; live citi towns. eora peopl live around sydney. word eora simpli meant \u2018here\u2019 \u2018from place\u2019."} {"id": "15436", "contents": "first fleet left england 13th may 1787 \u2018land beyond seas\u2019 australia, stop tenerife, rio de janeiro cape town, food suppli replenished. fleet arriv botani bay 18th 20th januari 1788. first eleven ship today known first fleet contain convict marin acknowledg founder australia. story. captain jame cook discov east coast new holland 1770 name new south wales."} {"id": "15437", "contents": "first fleet choos come australia. british govern decid establish coloni australia sent 11 ship load people, includ convicts, it. convict sent first fleet australia allevi difficulti great britain. condit england 18th centuri tough: industri revolutio made harder peopl earn honest wage simpler task replac machin labour."} {"id": "15438", "contents": "ship sail botani bay. first fleet name given 11 ship sail great britain 13 may 1787, start first european coloni new south wales. convict settlement, start plan transport thousand prison australia."} {"id": "15439", "contents": "australia\u2019 first fleet 1788 cathi dunn. 1788 1850 english sent 162,000 convict australia 806 ships. first eleven ship today known first fleet contain convict marin acknowledg founder australia. story. captain jame cook discov east coast new holland 1770 name new south wales."} {"id": "15440", "contents": "first fleet left england 13th may 1787 'land beyond seas' australia, stop tenerife, rio de janeiro cape town, food suppli replenished. fleet arriv botani bay 18th 20th januari 1788. first eleven ship today known first fleet contain convict marin acknowledg founder australia. story. 1788, australia popul 300,000 aborigines."} {"id": "15441", "contents": "abusive, violent, coercive, forceful, threaten act word inflict one member famili household anoth constitut domest violence. domest violence, consid one underreport crimes, becam wide recogn 1980 1990s. domest violence. n. continu crime problem physic beat wife, girlfriend children, usual woman' male partner (although may femal violenc male). recogn anti-soci mental illness."} {"id": "15442", "contents": "better understand way abus use power control victim, check call power control wheel.. domest violenc happen peopl ages, races, ethnicities, religions. occur opposite-sex same-sex relationships. person' gender, gender identity, sexual orient determin whether s/he victim domest violenc abuser. evid show boy grow domest violenc home may becom abus adults; however, mani abus non-viol homes, mani boy violent home grow abusive."} {"id": "15443", "contents": "reality: domest violenc affect us all. commun issue, outsid support one vital resourc survivor. domest violenc also crime. myth: domest violenc uncommon problem. reality: domest violenc blind ethnicity, race, social class educ levels. abus victim walk life. abus respect member community, seen mani outsid charm amiabl people. myth: domest violenc woman' fault."} {"id": "15444", "contents": "definit domest violence. accord unit state depart justic offic violenc women, definit domest violenc pattern abus behavior relationship use one partner gain maintain control anoth intim partner."} {"id": "15445", "contents": "definition. domest violenc emot abus behavior use one person relationship control other. partner may marri married; heterosexual, gay, lesbian; live together, separ dating. exampl abus include: name-cal putdowns."} {"id": "15446", "contents": "studi domest violenc believ usual occur cycl three gener stages. first, abus use word threats, perhap humili ridicule. next, abus explod perceiv infract person, abuser' rage manifest physic violence. domest violence. n. continu crime problem physic beat wife, girlfriend children, usual woman' male partner (although may femal violenc male). recogn anti-soci mental illness."} {"id": "15447", "contents": "share saves. save. domest violenc occur one person intim relationship tri hoard control use destruct behavior may includ physic assaults, sexual abuse, stalk emot abuse. victim may either male female, victim domest violenc women. dominance. accord violenc wheel creat domest violenc project, abus often act like need complet power, expect partner obey demand without question. may dictat order treat partner servants."} {"id": "15448", "contents": "captain senior pilot call captain earn consider first offic accord 2009 fltop salari survey averag maximum pay captain across airlin industri 165278 jetblu lowest maximum captain salari 123400 bureau labor statist bl report airlin pilot earn averag 118070 per year 2011 major employ schedul air transport industri averag 119180 per year"} {"id": "15449", "contents": "congress express shock dismay learn region airlin pilot start low salari ntsb said co pilot colgan air commut plane crash near buffalo feb 12 earn 16000 year compani later said earn 23900 1966 major airlin recruit new pilot replac wwii pilot come retir start salari 654 00 per month even time work nation averag incom"} {"id": "15450", "contents": "pilot fli american airlin earn flight hour fli 72 hour per month averag feder aviat administr also limit commerci airlin pilot 100 flight hour 28 day period contract american airlin stipul rel low start pay new pilot 10 year senior need reach maximum pay exampl american airlin pilot 10 year senior aircraft captain statu make 123420 per year ten year captain fli delta airlin tend make 204636 annual"} {"id": "15451", "contents": "pay vari wide compani experi level rang anywher 28000 per year sever hundr thousand per year bureau labor statist report median pay airlin pilot 114200 show rang salari payscal com show median 100191 rang 37774 273010 number give us glimps much pilot earn earn chang career new hire pilot unit airlin make 73360 first year employ second year pay jump dramat 110080 pay vari depend upon equip pilot fifth year first offic unit earn least 131500"} {"id": "15452", "contents": "2012 recent pilot contract sign delta adjust pretax incom billion 2014 adjust pretax incom soar billion thank signific drop fuel price past year analyst expect pretax profit easili surpass billion next year"} {"id": "15453", "contents": "region airlin pay much less pilot also fli smaller aircraft island air first offic make 26 hour first year 40 hour fifth year 43 hour year 10 captain airlin earn 59 first year 66 year five 78 tenth year salari increas airlin schedul nearli offer standard rais annual thank steadi increas airlin commerci pilot expect work way median annual wage 98410 pilot experi biggest salari increas first five year"} {"id": "15454", "contents": "experienc pilot airlin largest aircraft paid annual averag 213800 38000 less peer delta air line inc accord data compil darbi delta highest averag experienc pilot salari major carrier accept union member pilot would get 23 percent pay rais retroact dec percent rais jan 2015 follow subsequ percent increas jan 2016 2017 2018 2019 contract would cover 15000 pilot american merger partner us airway"} {"id": "15455", "contents": "deal cut pay 32 percent would reduc salari highest paid delta pilot 90000 185000 year end era luxuri pilot pay airlin industri end delta problem pilot delta air line overwhelmingli approv new five year contract yesterday billion annual concess sought airlin threaten file bankruptci pilot acquiesc"} {"id": "15456", "contents": "total cost barn determin cost materi labor. term labor, hire gener contractor build barn one expens options. pay contractor construct crew make cost labor larg percentag total cost barn. straight wall barn cost $7 $25 per squar foot. total cost depend size (the larger barn, lower squar foot cost is), well stall accessori necessary. quonset style barn hand, less expens build. will."} {"id": "15457", "contents": "tradit construct barn typic cost least $45 per squar foot. contrast, prefab metal barn rang price $7 $25 per squar foot. save avail prefab barn immedi apparent. straight wall barn cost $7 $25 per squar foot. total cost depend size (the larger barn, lower squar foot cost is), well stall accessori necessary. quonset style barn hand, less expens build. will."} {"id": "15458", "contents": "accord craftsman book company, averag cost build barn type describ averag $45,000. resal valu updat would hold $34,690, approxim 77% return investment. figur place cost barn $37.55 per squar foot. discuss assess cost build sturdi tradit english-styl hay barn 1200 squar feet (30'x40') serv hous livestock form gener storage."} {"id": "15459", "contents": "particularli true shed wire light electr supplies. accord craftsman nation build cost estim program, price custom-built structur would around $2745, $22.85 per squar foot. fee schedul assum carpent receiv $70 per hour electrician demand $65 $85 per hour. wall roof would cost roughli $930, roof would run $12 $15 per 24x16' length panel total cost $108. strictli materi requir includ labor expenses."} {"id": "15460", "contents": "cost breakdown. construct barn type, typic cost include: accord craftsman book company, averag cost build barn type describ averag $45,000. resal valu updat would hold $34,690, approxim 77% return investment. discuss assess cost build sturdi tradit english-styl hay barn 1200 squar feet (30'x40') serv hous livestock form gener storage."} {"id": "15461", "contents": "do-it-yourself pole barn built $2,000-$3,000 materials. details, see much pole barn cost. price usual basic pole barn structure. ad hors stall pole barn could add $100-$1,000 per stall, depend materi pre-fabr stall used. build barn do-it-yourself project, uncl howard' gorgeou wood barn recommend get insur rider cover construct project, say state low $15 cover one-tim barn build project."} {"id": "15462", "contents": "larger pole barn kit (30x60-foot 40x80-foot larger, 12- 14-foot walls) run $8,000-$30,000, also depend size options. kit typic includ floor (cement pour build built). do-it-yourself pole barn without kit cut cost significantly, especi inexpens recycl materi used. univers tennesse extens program post free plans, pole barn plan avail $10-$70, site like familyhomeplans.com easiplans.com."} {"id": "15463", "contents": "kit typic includ floor (cement pour build built). diypolebarns.com offer metal pole barn kit rang 24x33x10-foot 40x80x14-foot $4,700-$15,000 (plu ship cost outsid deliveri area). do-it-yourself pole barn without kit cut cost significantly, especi inexpens recycl materi used. univers tennesse extens program post free plans, pole barn plan avail $10-$70, site like familyhomeplans.com easiplans.com."} {"id": "15464", "contents": "menu. public sector equal duti equal act 2010 came forc april 2011 often refer gener duty. scottish public author must 'due regard' need elimin unlaw discrimination, advanc equal opportun foster good relations. scottish ministers\u2019 propos enabl better perform public sector equal duti 2013-2017. report set scottish ministers' propos action improv perform gener equal duty."} {"id": "15465", "contents": "scottish govern issu letter confirm commit implement legisl (extern link). equal act 2010 (specif duties) (scotland) regul 2012 (extern link), came forc sunday 27 may 2012 place specif equal duti name public author scotland. new public sector equal duti equal act 2010 came forc april 2011. duti place oblig public author (includ nh boards) take action to: elimin unlaw discrimination, harass victimisation. advanc equal opportun differ groups."} {"id": "15466", "contents": "equality. one deni opportun race ethnicity, disability, gender sexual orientation, age religion. principl underpin work scottish government. 2013, scottish govern publish set equal outcom expect make progress toward 2017. equal outcom mainstream report 2015 describ activ underway around outcom progress made date"} {"id": "15467", "contents": "confus equal act 2006. equal act 2010 act parliament unit kingdom, goal four major eu equal treatment directives, whose provis mirror implements. case disability, employ servic provid duti make reason adjust workplac overcom barrier experienc disabl people. regard, equal act 2010 chang law."} {"id": "15468", "contents": "implement public sector equal duty. public sector equal duti equal act 2010 came forc april 2011 often refer gener duty. scottish public author must 'due regard' need elimin unlaw discrimination, advanc equal opportun foster good relations. scottish ministers\u2019 propos enabl better perform public sector equal duti 2013-2017. report set scottish ministers' propos action improv perform gener equal duty."} {"id": "15469", "contents": "equal act (2010). equal act 2010 bring togeth number exist law one place easier use. set person characterist protect law behaviour unlawful."} {"id": "15470", "contents": "forc marriag etc. (protect jurisdiction) (scotland) act pass scottish parliament came forc 28 novemb 2011. purpos provid specif civil remedi individu threaten with, alreadi in, forc marriage."} {"id": "15471", "contents": "also equal human right commiss (ehrc) dedic page equal act 2010 (extern link). public sector equal duty. new public sector equal duti equal act 2010 came forc april 2011. duti place oblig public author (includ nh boards) take action to: elimin unlaw discrimination, harass victimisation. advanc equal opportun differ groups."} {"id": "15472", "contents": "draft item legislation. draft sinc made scottish statutori instrument: equal act 2010 (specif duties) (scotland) regul 2012 no. 162. introductori text. 1. citat commencement. 2. duti publish manner accessible, etc. 11. duti consid matters. 12. duti scottish minist publish propos enabl better performance. signature. schedule. list public authorities. scottish administration. keeper record scotland."} {"id": "15473", "contents": "corpor compani group peopl author act singl entiti (legal person) recogn law. earli incorpor entiti establish charter (i.e. ad hoc act grant monarch pass parliament legislature). joint-stock compani member known sharehold share ownership, control profit corpor determin portion share compani own."} {"id": "15474", "contents": "differ school thought legal own corporation. mani peopl argue, late economist milton friedman believed, sharehold corpor owners, express stake corporation, vote right ownership-lik rights. shareholders. shareholder, also call stockholder, individu own share corporation. sale stock corpor may public private, corpor thousand sharehold other may few."} {"id": "15475", "contents": "us person own foreign corpor us citizen resid abroad sharehold foreign corpor must file form 5471. us person officer, director sharehold certain foreign corpor must file form 5471. us person fail file form subject $10,000 penalty. us person own foreign corporation. us citizen resid abroad sharehold foreign corpor must file form 5471. us person officer, director sharehold certain foreign corpor must file form 5471."} {"id": "15476", "contents": "formation. corpor form law state articl incorpor filed. state corpor law determin own corporation. states, ownership corpor entiti vest share stock. number share corpor initi author detail articl incorporation. sharehold legal owner corporation, give right involv day-to-day manag company. sharehold right vote member board directors. board run compani benefit shareholders."} {"id": "15477", "contents": "shareholders. corpor form file articl incorporation, peopl entiti involv compani issu share stock exchang capit contributions, contribut cash services. sharehold legal owner corporation, give right involv day-to-day manag company. sharehold right vote member board directors. board run compani benefit"} {"id": "15478", "contents": "shareholders. sharehold person own stock corporation. often, multipl sharehold singl corporation. especi true publicli trade compani (like appl google), hundr thousand owners. share share tweet email. law recogn corpor wholli separ legal entity. mean busi actual view separ distinct individu run corpor (the board directors). board run corporation, sharehold corpor"} {"id": "15479", "contents": "put addit home larg project larg invest well mani differ kind addit ad differ place home although vari price still expect pay thousand dollar materi labor cost"} {"id": "15480", "contents": "figur place cost addit 124 per squar foot price structur assum carpent charg averag 70 per hour electrician 65 85 per hour painter 20 35 per hour ad home whether expans exist footprint entir new level complex project discuss examin requir gener cost associ ad singl stori 192 squar foot 12 x16 room"} {"id": "15481", "contents": "cost vari wide nation estim room addit cost vari 80 250 squar foot simpl room addit basic foundat plumb gener cost least 100 squar foot typic intern finish expans heat cool unit minim structur changesth cost per squar foot decreas size addit increasesddit cost vari wide region size type addit cheaper build build ad room foundat costli expand attic second stori get specif estim start project"} {"id": "15482", "contents": "porch past christma porch view decor front porch christma cost add porch home octob 2007 7999 76 1975 cost remov rebuild old brick stoop ad porch use old stoop avoid costthat figur also includ allow 250 light metal roof allow 800"} {"id": "15483", "contents": "unless simpl convers exist space need blueprint addit hire architect creat set plan draw could cost flat fee 700 10000 depend size complex architect may charg 15 percent project costsbook plan surviv home addit run 10 35 may avail local librari"} {"id": "15484", "contents": "much spend cost addit vari wide depend type room live give sens much might cost costhelp com estim ad bathroom bedroom could run 25000 50000a bedroom could easili cost muc"} {"id": "15485", "contents": "room addit cost estim vari dramat due number factor chief amongst specifi room addit plan exampl room addit cost estim 80 130 per squar foot basic famili room addit commonif room addit includ bathroom kitchen room addit cost easili escal 200 250 per squar footo exampl room addit plan specifi construct 400 squar feet famili room live space without type bathroom kitchen area expect pay 32000 52000 complet addit"} {"id": "15486", "contents": "typic cheaper build addit buy new home equal space exist hous plu addit least close cost involv sell old hous buy new hous would push option top"} {"id": "15487", "contents": "decid squar footag room ad home room addit cost 50 percent higher 80 130 per squar foot consid wire plumb room construct rest hous accord home addit plu websit"} {"id": "15488", "contents": "rental bond secur deposit tenant pay start tenancy. lodg rta use bond lodgement (form 2) mail, person online. properti manager/own cannot take payment tenant. take payments, exampl secur linen deposit, must part bond must compli maximum bond rules. properti manager/own cannot charg applic fee prospect tenant. rental bond."} {"id": "15489", "contents": "sure deposit-a risk mitig tool provid resid options. suredeposit risk manag tool enhanc tradit secur deposit offer sureti bond residents. suredeposit market leader, hundr thousand unit agreement commun nationwide."} {"id": "15490", "contents": "fund place deposit bond usual cannot withdrawn prior matur perhap withdrawn advanc notic and/or penalti assessed. bond also debt instrument issuer agre pay certain rate interest princip return matur date. also, term bond common usag certif deposit unit kingdom, also known term deposit countri like australia, canada new zealand, time deposit unit states, fix deposit india countries."} {"id": "15491", "contents": "bond meaning: british deposit terminology, term bond refer save account certif deposit made u.k. financi institut pay fix rate interest given matur date. also, term bond common usag certif deposit unit kingdom, also known term deposit countri like australia, canada new zealand, time deposit unit states, fix deposit india countries."} {"id": "15492", "contents": "deposit protect bond conveni inexpens way help stay properti market even cash isn\u2019t immedi available. works. deposit protect bond act substitut cash deposit home invest property. deposit protect bond act substitut cash deposit home invest property. evalu financi situat application, bond guarante vendor you\u2019ll pay deposit money part full purchas price settlement."} {"id": "15493", "contents": "no. deposit bond guarante deposit paid futur date. deposit bond underwritten insur guarante vendor deposit paid full settlement. purchas still requir pay deposit full. conveni way purchas properti without need arrang larg cash deposit immedi cash sell invest may matur point future. deposit bond issu insur vendor part deposit required."} {"id": "15494", "contents": "rental bond deposits. rental bond secur deposit tenant pay start tenancy. lodg rta use bond lodgement (form 2) mail, person online. properti manager/own cannot take payment tenant. take payments, exampl secur linen deposit, must part bond must compli maximum bond rules. properti manager/own cannot charg applic fee prospect tenant. rental bond."} {"id": "15495", "contents": "deposit protect bond guarante you\u2019ll pay deposit money settlement, instead upfront. conveni altern deposit money isn\u2019t immedi avail e.g. tie current home, term deposit investments, form govern grant. deposit protect bond act substitut cash deposit home invest property. evalu financi situat application, bond guarante vendor you\u2019ll pay deposit money part full purchas price settlement."} {"id": "15496", "contents": "sureti bond altern secur deposit pay small upfront premium, often littl 10-15% equival secur deposit. depend financi resources, bond may good solut you. way determin they\u2019r right you. 2. sureti bond offer coverag fix period, typic years. secur deposit typic good life lease. you\u2019r look larger apart building, option gener remain effect, owe amount proport increas rent."} {"id": "15497", "contents": "anz deposit bond act substitut cash use bond exchang contracts, includ auctions. give freedom concentr find right property-and keep save earn interest right day settlement. anz deposit bond. buy home stress experience, offer anz deposit bond help make home buy process easier, help save time money."} {"id": "15498", "contents": "syll. i-nas, in-a babi girl name ina pronounc ih-nah-z \u2020. ina use mostli arab also arab origin. ina mean sociability. name inasa, inass, inassa, inass deriv inas. ina popular babi name girls. top 1000 names."} {"id": "15499", "contents": "home names. arab name use arab world, well muslim regions. necessarili arab origin, though fact are. compar also iranian name turkish names. see also arab names. refin search. first part compound arab name begin \u0639\u0628\u062f \u0627\u0644 ('abd al) mean servant (such \u0639\u0628\u062f \u0627\u0644\u0639\u0632\u064a\u0632 ('abd al-'aziz) servant powerful)."} {"id": "15500", "contents": "ina /ina/ [2 sylls.] girls' name pronounc eye-nah, ee-nah. diminut end name end with-ina like georgina regina, use independ name. also variant ena. ireland saint 's name, also found aghna, may irish form agnes. cookbook author ina garten"} {"id": "15501", "contents": "also find ina mean translat urdu, hindi, arabic, spanish, french languages. find best onlin english arab dictionari arab english translat arab keyboard. search word mean along definit synonym details."} {"id": "15502", "contents": "search english word ina mean arab \u0625\u0646\u0639\u062f\u0627\u0645 \u0627\u0644\u0642\u0627\u0628\u0644\u064a\u0627\u062a. ina mean search 402 (four hundr two) time till 10/17/2015. also find ina mean translat urdu, hindi, arabic, spanish, french languag find best onlin english arab dictionari arab english translat arab keyboard. search word mean along definit synonym details."} {"id": "15503", "contents": "name ina origin latin. thia name use feminin name mean 'mother'. ina pronounc eye-nah. use short name name end word 'ina'."} {"id": "15504", "contents": "muslim meaning: name ina muslim babi name. muslim mean name ina is: sociability. soulurg number: 1. express number: 7. peopl name deep inner desir use abil leadership, person independence. would rather focu large, import issues, deleg details."} {"id": "15505", "contents": "last year name rank one top 1000 popular name within gender. keep mind popular name is. child may feel fit popular name. hand, may feel special name less popular uniqu own. u.s. 2014, rank 12265 babi name popular girl occurrences. less boy given name. view ina name popular page see popular trend ina chang sinc 1880, compar popular ina names."} {"id": "15506", "contents": "ina gener use girl' name. consist letter syllabl pronounc i-nas. u.s. 2014, rank 12265 babi name popular girl occurrences. less boy given name. view ina name popular page see popular trend ina chang sinc 1880, compar popular ina names."} {"id": "15507", "contents": "nativ american pueblo indian would pay homag feather sun symbol cosmo center existence. anoth symbol mean feather also revolv around prayer, pueblo use feather stick danc prayer rain solstic rituals. celtic symbol meaning, feather worn druid form ornat feather robes. celtic druid don robe ceremoni invok sky god gain knowledg celesti realm."} {"id": "15508", "contents": "ancient cultur tradit nativ american mean feather inextric tie belief birds, spirit guides, walk differ stage life person, teach guid them, instanc protect them. discov fact inform mean feather cultur north american nativ indians. mean feather belief cultur nativ american indian tribes."} {"id": "15509", "contents": "mean headdress feather imag feather headdress war bonnet instantli associ cultur nativ indians. differ type headdress feather worn nativ american indian specif mean symbolism. way feather cut color great signific repres histori deed warrior. addit fact refer mean headdress feathers. discov fact inform mean feather cultur north american nativ indians. mean feather belief cultur nativ american indian tribes."} {"id": "15510", "contents": "nativ american mean feather chart follow chart describ mean feather provid inform signific bird togeth meaning, attributes, characterist symbolism. discov fact inform mean feather cultur north american nativ indians. mean feather belief cultur nativ american indian tribes."} {"id": "15511", "contents": "nativ american feather given sign respect honor. nativ american person accomplish achiev someth great tribe often given feather chief elder symbol strength. eagl import nativ american feathers, suppos superior speci bird. nativ american feather given tribesman must display proudly. hung home, attach articl clothing."} {"id": "15512", "contents": "nativ american clothing-mean headdress feather histori tradit ceremoni dress regalia worn nativ american indian fascin subject. follow fact sheet contain interest fact inform headdress feathers."} {"id": "15513", "contents": "nativ american feather import symbol indian way life. use repres freedom, power, wisdom, honor, trust, strength, much more. feather seen wardrobes, headpieces, adorn homes, tattoo bodies. eagl import nativ american feathers, suppos superior speci bird. nativ american feather given tribesman must display proudly. hung home, attach articl clothing."} {"id": "15514", "contents": "symbol mean feathers. symbol mean feathers. symbol mean feather deal ascens spiritu evolut higher plane. feather worn nativ american chief symbol commun spirit, express celesti wisdom. also nativ american indian culture, feather repres power thunder gods, along power air wind. celtic symbol meaning, feather worn druid form ornat feather robes. celtic druid don robe ceremoni invok sky god gain knowledg celesti realm."} {"id": "15515", "contents": "feather mean lot nativ american tribes. feather isn\u2019t someth fall bird, mean much more. feather symbol trust, honor, strength, wisdom, power, freedom mani things. given one hand pick rest men tribe-it\u2019 like get gift high official."} {"id": "15516", "contents": "mean ena irish name irish name ena mean bright shine origin name ena includ irish celtic english name ena often use girl name femal name irish name mean"} {"id": "15517", "contents": "american meaning: name ena american babi name. american mean name ena is: passion fiery. english meaning: name ena english babi name. english mean name ena is: name end 'ina' 'ena' use nickname. famou bearer: 1906 queen victoria' granddaught victoria eugeni julia ena, known princess ena, becam queen spain."} {"id": "15518", "contents": "english name. english, name ena means-vari ina: diminut name end ina ena use nickname. famou bearer: 1906 queen victoria granddaught victoria eugeni julia ena, known princess ena, becam queen spain.."} {"id": "15519", "contents": "greek mean name ena is: nobility, well born. feminin form eugene. irish meaning: name ena irish babi name. irish mean name ena is: ardent, graceful. littl fire, irish gaelic. also feminin form aidan: fire."} {"id": "15520", "contents": "maximum peopl per room lodg double, peopl room types. rate base doubl occupancy. addit charg $50.00 third person. rate includ 5% good servic tax, 4% tourism levi 2% banff lake louis tourism improv fee. cancel subject $50.00 administr fee. cancel receiv within 14 day arriv held toward one year credit morain lake lodge. balanc stay due upon arriv earli check-out room(s) reimbursed."} {"id": "15521", "contents": "top pass, 11 km morain lake road, anoth 10 km road trail back morain lake anoth km lake louis trail. eiffel lake. first part trail larch valley trail. left hand fork larch valley trail junction (km 2.4) lead eiffel lake, 3.2 km away, follow top later morain well trees."} {"id": "15522", "contents": "conveni learn distanc lake louis morain lake help traveling, is, 14 km (9.00 miles) along this, becom awar travel time lake louis morain lake hour(s) 17 min(s); without much hassle. journey custom ad stop food may stay overnight case long journeys. step step navig avail help reach place without disturbance. drive direct elucid well support journey. detail road map lake louis morain lake compliant far-reach expedition."} {"id": "15523", "contents": "type lake, see moraine-dam lake. morain lake glacially-f lake banff nation park, 14 kilometr (8.7 mi) outsid villag lake louise, alberta, canada. situat valley ten peaks, elev approxim 6,183 feet (1,885 m). lake surfac area .5 squar kilometr (0.19 sq mi). lake, glacial fed, reach crest mid late june."} {"id": "15524", "contents": "sister lake lake louise, set encircl mountains, scene familiar mani back canadian $20 bill. turnoff lake louis drive, 12.5 km drive, close winter, take lake number viewpoint along way. great divid run across top jag peak behind lake. stoney indian name origin given 10 peak 19th centuri mountaineers. first part trail larch valley trail. left hand fork larch valley trail junction (km 2.4) lead eiffel lake, 3.2 km away, follow top later morain well trees."} {"id": "15525", "contents": "sightse tour visit jewel canadian rockies, lake louise, world renown morain lake, part unesco world heritag site. time take photo explor shorelines. castl mountain: learn local landmark got name. lake louise: take stroll lake shore visit famou chateau. morain lake: walk rock pile stroll shoreline."} {"id": "15526", "contents": "tell us! situat lake, romant lodg mi (0 km) morain lake within 12 mi (20 km) lake louis mountain resort plain six glacier teahouse. lake louis gondola 10.7 mi (17.3 km) away. get overview hotel romant lodg restaur free breakfast. situat lake, romant lodg mi (0 km) morain lake within 12 mi (20 km) lake louis mountain resort plain six glacier teahouse."} {"id": "15527", "contents": "lake louis known jewel canadian rockies. tour lake louis world renown morain lake, part unesco world heritag site. castl mountain: learn local landmark got name. lake louise: take stroll lake shore visit famou chateau. morain lake: walk rock pile stroll shoreline."} {"id": "15528", "contents": "rate includ 5% good servic tax, 4% tourism levi 2% banff lake louis tourism improv fee. deposit equal room rate plu tax due upon book appli last night visit. cancel receiv 14 day date arriv subject $50 administr fee. cancel subject $50.00 administr fee. cancel receiv within 14 day arriv held toward one year credit morain lake lodge. balanc stay due upon arriv earli check-out room(s) reimbursed."} {"id": "15529", "contents": "medic care cost obes unit state high. 2008 dollars, cost estim $147 billion. 15. annual nationwid product cost obes obesity-rel absente rang $3.38 billion ($79 per obes individual) $6.38 billion ($132 per obes individual) 16. addit costs, data show implic obes recruit arm forc"} {"id": "15530", "contents": "medicare, cost obes 72 percent greater prescript drugs, finkelstein said. obes person medicar go pay $1,400 drug cost year normal-weight person, said. peopl medicare, averag expens normal-weight person averag $4,700 year, cost obes person rang $6,400 annually, finkelstein said. biggest driver excess cost"} {"id": "15531", "contents": "42 percent higher cost peopl obese. cdc studi found medicare, medicaid privat insur increas spend due obes 6.5 percent 1998 9.1 percent 2006. figur includ prescript drug costs. anoth 2009 studi journal health affair conclud cost hospit relat childhood obes rose $125.9 million 2001 $237.6 million 2005."} {"id": "15532", "contents": "(404) 639-3286. health cost obes unit state high $147 billion annually, base new studi rti center diseas control prevention. studi appear onlin today journal health affairs, releas cdc\u2019 weight nation confer washington, dc. proport annual medic cost due obes increas 6.5 percent 1998 9.1 percent 2006, studi said. new commun recommend show way reduc burden. health cost obes unit state high $147 billion annually, base new studi rti center diseas control prevention."} {"id": "15533", "contents": "by. obes account almost 21 percent u.s. health care cost -- twice previou estimates, report new cornel study. cornel studi report obes person incur medic cost $2,741 higher (in 2005 dollars) obese. nationwide, translat $190.2 billion per year, 20.6 percent nation health expenditures."} {"id": "15534", "contents": "new research show medic spend averag $1,400 year obes person someon who' normal weight. overal obesity-rel health spend reach $147 billion, doubl nearli decad ago, say studi publish monday journal health affairs. diet nutrition. new health affair studi found obesity-rel condit account 9.1 percent medic spending, 6.5 percent 1998. time, obes rate rose 37 percent."} {"id": "15535", "contents": "monday, juli 27 (healthday news) -- obes unit state carri hefti price tag $147 billion per year direct medic costs, percent medic spending, expert report. peopl medicare, averag expens normal-weight person averag $4,700 year, cost obes person rang $6,400 annually, finkelstein said. biggest driver excess cost prescript drug"} {"id": "15536", "contents": "1998 2006, obes rate unit state increas 37 percent one three adult countri obese. expert long known toll overweight take health, new report, publish juli 27 onlin edit health affairs, outlin financi cost obesity. peopl medicare, averag expens normal-weight person averag $4,700 year, cost obes person rang $6,400 annually, finkelstein said. biggest driver excess cost prescript drug"} {"id": "15537", "contents": "average, health bill normal-weight person $3,400 year, rise $4,870 someon who' obese, finkelstein said. prescript drug biggest driver costs: medicar spend $600 per year medic obes beneficiari normal-weight one. health economist long warn obes drive forc behind rise health spending. new health affair studi found obesity-rel condit account 9.1 percent medic spending, 6.5 percent 1998. time, obes rate rose 37 percent."} {"id": "15538", "contents": "pleas tri later. fix broken petcock motorcycle. motorcycle' petcock leaki flow fuel, either buy petcock rebuild kit, replac whole petcock assembl new one. chose replac whole petcock. work japanes motorcycles, need fix harley petcock, watch video: http://youtu.be/u7w897jcfls."} {"id": "15539", "contents": "rebuilt kit avail stock klr petcock (k&l suppli fuel petcock repair kit 18-2723), however, cost $30 still spend time recondit old petcock. also, chanc fuel filter long gone, haven\u2019t abl sourc separately."} {"id": "15540", "contents": "comment k& fuel petcock repair kit petcock rebuild kit match perfectli stock petcock 1981kawasaki 305 csr. took five minut pull apart original, instal brand new gaskets, replac screw shini new ones."} {"id": "15541", "contents": "want share everyon k&l make fuel petcock rebuild kit xs11's. part number 79sf 185100 come o-r gasket plu vacuum diaphram. kit rebuild petcock cost $32.00."} {"id": "15542", "contents": "solution. rebuilt kit avail stock klr petcock (k&l suppli fuel petcock repair kit 18-2723), however, cost $30 still spend time recondit old petcock. also, chanc fuel filter long gone, haven\u2019t abl sourc separately."} {"id": "15543", "contents": "american 4th july; french bastil day. juli 14, 1789, outrag group parisian storm bastille, fortress prison franc prison influenc held, hope captur ammunition."} {"id": "15544", "contents": "bastil day french holiday celebr juli 14th. countri offici observ holiday includ france, belgium, unit states, czech republic, hungary, new zealand, south africa, uk. peopl found useful. username: yourspam. french, born bred france. franc celebr bastil day. bastil jail polit prisoners. storm parisian juli 14, 1789 mark begin french revolut eventu led abolit monarchi creation french republic."} {"id": "15545", "contents": "french nation day commemor storm bastil 14 juli 1789, culmin pari violent revolut begun two day earlier, well fete f\u00eate de la feder f\u00e9d\u00e9ration celebr uniti french peopl 14. juli 1790 celebr held. throughout franc new york citi numer bastil day celebr july, includ bastil day 60th street host french institut allianc francais fran\u00e7ais fifth lexington avenu upper east side of, manhattan bastil day smith street in, brooklyn bastil day in. tribeca"} {"id": "15546", "contents": "bastil day name given english-speak countri french nation day, celebr 14 juli year. france, formal call la fete f\u00eate (. national new york citi numer bastil day celebr july, includ bastil day 60th street host french institut allianc francais fran\u00e7ais fifth lexington avenu upper east side of, manhattan bastil day smith street in, brooklyn bastil day in. tribeca"} {"id": "15547", "contents": "french nation day commemor storm bastil 14 juli 1789, culmin pari violent revolut begun two day earlier, well fete f\u00eate de la feder f\u00e9d\u00e9ration celebr uniti french peopl 14. juli 1790 new york citi numer bastil day celebr july, includ bastil day 60th street host french institut allianc francais fran\u00e7ais fifth lexington avenu upper east side of, manhattan bastil day smith street in, brooklyn bastil day in. tribeca"} {"id": "15548", "contents": "select anoth year-range: bastil day day celebr french culture. mani large-scal public event held, includ militari parad paris, well commun meals, dances, parti fireworks. militari airshow held pari bastil day. militari airshow held pari bastil day."} {"id": "15549", "contents": "bastil day celebr held french commun institut de franc around world. event unit state held milwaukee, minneapolis, new york city, philadelphia, san francisco seattle. festiv french cultur franschhoek, south africa, hungary. bastil day day celebr french culture. mani large-scal public event held, includ militari parad paris, well commun meals, dances, parti fireworks. militari airshow held pari bastil day."} {"id": "15550", "contents": "bastil day french holiday celebr juli 14th. countri offici observ holiday includ france, belgium, unit states, czech republic, hungary, new zealand, south africa, uk. peopl found useful. note french celebr bastil day, name use english speaker only, celebr fete f\u00eate (national national), day known sinc promulg law in, 1880 simpli known le quatorz (juillet fourteenth of.). juli"} {"id": "15551", "contents": "bastil day observ juli 14 everi year sinc 1790, regardless day week. bastil day french nation holiday. juli 14, 1789, bastil rison storm mob paris, defi author french king loui xvi mark start french revolution. note french celebr bastil day, name use english speaker only, celebr fete f\u00eate (national national), day known sinc promulg law in, 1880 simpli known le quatorz (juillet fourteenth of.). juli"} {"id": "15552", "contents": "bastil day, french nation holiday, commemor storm bastille, took place 14 juli 1789 mark begin french revolution. bastil day declar french nation holiday juli 1880, benjamin raspail' recommendation, new republ firmli entrenched. bastil day strong signif french holiday symbol birth republic."} {"id": "15553", "contents": "easili extens customiz via user-defin function written octave' language, use dynam load modul written c++, c, fortran, languages. octav websit octav high-level language, primarili intend numer computations. provid conveni command line interfac solv linear nonlinear problem numerically, perform numer experi use languag mostli compat matlab."} {"id": "15554", "contents": "exampl octave, g4 g5. example, one note frequenc 440 hz, note octav 880 hz, note octav 220 hz. ratio frequenc two note octav apart therefor 2:1"} {"id": "15555", "contents": "part network secur glossary: octav (oper critic threat, asset, vulner evaluation) secur framework determin risk level plan defens cyber assaults. octav design leverag experi expertis peopl within organization. first step construct profil threat base rel risk pose. process goe conduct vulner assess specif"} {"id": "15556", "contents": "octav two sens christian liturg usage. first sense, eighth day feast, reckon inclusively, alway fall day week feast itself. word deriv latin octava (eighth), die (day) understood."} {"id": "15557", "contents": "gnu octav high-level interpret language, primarili intend numer computations. provid capabl numer solut linear nonlinear problems, perform numer experiments. also provid extens graphic capabl data visual manipulation."} {"id": "15558", "contents": "noun. piano key repres octave. piano key repres octave. definit octav progress eight note music scale, note begin end progression. two music note eight tone apart scale exampl octav"} {"id": "15559", "contents": "music, octav (latin: octavu eighth) perfect octav interv one music pitch anoth half doubl frequency. defin ansi unit frequenc level base logarithm two. example, one note frequenc 440 hz, note octav 880 hz, note octav 220 hz. ratio frequenc two note octav apart therefor 2:1"} {"id": "15560", "contents": "gnu octav high-level interpret language, primarili intend numer computations. provid capabl numer solut linear nonlinear problems, perform numer experiments. also provid extens graphic capabl data visual manipulation. octav normal use interact command line interface, also use write non-interact programs. octav languag quit similar matlab program easili portable."} {"id": "15561", "contents": "granit shower tile avail averag $3.49 per squar foot $6.99 per squar foot. polish stone wall tile come mani choices, includ pebbl stone cost $10 per squar foot $12 per squar foot smooth surfac polish stone tile. price differ stone wall tile list below: limeston averag $5 per squar foot. slate wall tile cost $3.78 per squar foot. marbl varieti floor tile readili avail averag $6 per squar foot, polish marbl wall tile found $10.90"} {"id": "15562", "contents": "nation averag new shower instal project, perform capabl contractor, $2,689. low-end normal cost range, homeown pay $1,109, high end averag rang they\u2019r spend $2,459. luxuri shower cost excess $10,000 install. cost tile shower goe $744 low-end $1,006 high-end typic range; however, note higher-end tile project known go north $2,500 without consid unreason extravagant."} {"id": "15563", "contents": "cost materi go vary. tile made differ materi come differ shapes, sizes, designs. average, budget anywher $1 much $15 per squar foot. uncommon see higher-end tile cost much $25 per tile squar foot. standard floor cost around $150 $350, tile factor overal squar footag cost. extra featur ad within shower well. featur includ steam functions, multipl shower heads, even lights."} {"id": "15564", "contents": "higher-end tile granit marbl go cost standard ceram tile. average, plan spend anywher $2,500 much $5,000 standard 3\u2032 5\u2032 shower. shower wide vari size, time cost within price range. standard floor cost around $150 $350, tile factor overal squar footag cost. extra featur ad within shower well. featur includ steam functions, multipl shower heads, even lights."} {"id": "15565", "contents": "remodel cost small bathroom. cost typic small bathroom remodel rang $4,000 $12,000 averag cost $8,000. let\u2019 look cost breakout start basic remodel includ new toilet, shower, vaniti sink tile. also compar cost lower cost bathroom remodel use less expens materi higher qualiti option. small bathroom photos. cost typic small bathroom remodel rang $4,000 $12,000 averag cost $8,000."} {"id": "15566", "contents": "pricier grade metal wall tile high $57 per squar foot. regard tile instal costs, consum expect pay averag $25 per squar foot, depend grade materi used. medium-s shower, price cost $2,000. tile instal materi include: price differ stone wall tile list below: limeston averag $5 per squar foot. slate wall tile cost $3.78 per squar foot. marbl varieti floor tile readili avail averag $6 per squar foot, polish marbl wall tile found $10.90"} {"id": "15567", "contents": "depend tile selected, do-it-yourself tile floor typic bathroom cost $100-$1,500 more. tile alon $1-$40 squar foot; replac backer board add $2 squar foot; do-it-yourself tool materi $60-$200 more. total cost (materi labor) profession instal bathroom tile floor averag $10-$40 squar foot, cost custom tiles, detail pattern unusu room layouts."} {"id": "15568", "contents": "known magic mushrooms, shrooms, mushies, psychedel mushrooms, psychotrop mushroom psilocybin, mushroom caus differ mood, percept behavior commonli known tripping.. type mushroom belong genu psilocybe. psilocyb mushroom caus hallucin contain psychotrop tryptamin psilocybin psilocin (some speci also contain other, weaker psychotrop compound like baeocystin norbaeocystin). singl mushroom contain anywher 0.2 0.4 percent psilocybin."} {"id": "15569", "contents": "parasit mushroom colon live plants; saprophyt mushroom live decay organ matter. mushroom kind fungi, major group live things, origin consid plant treat separ kingdom fungi. occur environ planet includ import decompos parasites. mushrooms. mushroom product button mushroom portobello mushroom shiitak mushroom wild mushrooms. first mushroom thought cultiv southeast asia. ancient time believ mushroom creat thunderbolt wild mushroom appear storms. mushroom spread natur spores, much way seed spread plants. broadcast spore colon grow condit right"} {"id": "15570", "contents": "standard mushroom design amanita muscaria mushroom, iron poisonous. idea super mushroom origin believ inspir cake alic eat alice' adventur wonderland make grow shrunk potion. inform paper mario seri item, see here. inform mario luigi seri item, see here. super mushroom (also known power-up mushroom origin known magic mushroom) red mushroom serv particular function depend game found."} {"id": "15571", "contents": "categories: mushroom. though origin japan korea, delici shiitak mushroom cultiv unit state (where often call golden oak) number state includ california, pennsylvania, vermont, washington virginia."} {"id": "15572", "contents": "question, however, grain grown pesach.]. type mushroom-produc fungi grow decay wood. shiitak mushroom (from japanes shi oak take mushroom) origin grown oak logs, today grown oak sawdust."} {"id": "15573", "contents": "agaricu bisporu edibl basidiomycet mushroom nativ grassland europ north america. two color state immatur \u2014white brown\u2014both variou names. mature, known portobello mushroom, often shorten portobello. immatur white, mushroom may known common mushroom, button mushroom, white mushroom, cultiv mushroom, tabl mushroom, champignon mushroom."} {"id": "15574", "contents": "mushroom ketchup style ketchup (also spell catsup) prepar edibl mushroom primari ingredient. originally, ketchup unit kingdom prepar mushroom primari ingredient, instead tomato, main ingredi contemporari preparations. histori [edit]. unit kingdom, ketchup histor made mushroom primari ingredient. result sometim refer mushroom ketchup. contemporari times, ketchup' primari ingredi typic tomato. mushroom ketchup appear origin great britain"} {"id": "15575", "contents": "today' commerci varieti button mushroom origin light brown color. 1926, pennsylvanian mushroom farmer found clump button mushroom white cap mushroom bed. mushrooms. mushroom product button mushroom portobello mushroom shiitak mushroom wild mushrooms. first mushroom thought cultiv southeast asia. ancient time believ mushroom creat thunderbolt wild mushroom appear storms. mushroom spread natur spores, much way seed spread plants. broadcast spore colon grow condit right"} {"id": "15576", "contents": "home inspector salari accord us govern statistics: median annual earn construct build inspector $43,670 may 2004. middl 50 percent earn $34,620 $54,970. lowest 10 percent earn less $27,760, highest 10 percent earn $67,380."} {"id": "15577", "contents": "one four years. home inspector one four year work experi field earn annual salari $32,759 $51,887 juli 2009. juli 2009, mani home inspector receiv addit benefit increas overal compens packages, includ 1.8 2.6 week paid vacat time annual bonus $1021 $1983."} {"id": "15578", "contents": "home inspector achiev 20 year work experi more, averag salari rang $48,796 $76,302 juli 2009. juli 2009, self-employ home inspector highest paid, earn averag maximum salari $108,655. nonprofit organ lowest pay employ hous inspector maximum salari averag $46,500. juli 2009, mani home inspector receiv addit benefit increas overal compens packages, includ 1.8 2.6 week paid vacat time annual bonus $1021 $1983."} {"id": "15579", "contents": "salari state. hous inspector earn highest annual salari district columbia, $81,930, accord bls. also earn consider high incom california state washington: $71,300 $64,230 per year, respectively. profession inspector earn $65,440 per year work feder government. 46 percent hous inspector work municip governments. annual salari $55,250 per year, middl compar employers. hous inspector employ architectural, engin construct firm earn salari $53,460 annual"} {"id": "15580", "contents": "salari experience. accord januari 2014 payscale.com report, home inspector less year experi made salari $29,479-$51,613. earn increas $24,083-$60,820 1-4 year experience, inspector 5-9 year experi earn $18,246-$123,291"} {"id": "15581", "contents": "averag salari rang home inspector five nine year experi $36,358 $54,982 juli 2009. incom home inspector 10 19 year experi field $40,521 $76,257 juli 2009. juli 2009, mani home inspector receiv addit benefit increas overal compens packages, includ 1.8 2.6 week paid vacat time annual bonus $1021 $1983."} {"id": "15582", "contents": "hous inspector earn averag annual salari $54,970, accord bls. pay larg base experience, employ size geograph area work. middl half made $41,050 $67,640 per year, lowest 10 percent earn less $32,080 annually. profession inspector earn $65,440 per year work feder government. 46 percent hous inspector work municip governments. annual salari $55,250 per year, middl compar employers. hous inspector employ architectural, engin construct firm earn salari $53,46"} {"id": "15583", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. indpend home inspector make 225.00-300.00 per inspection. inspector work larg compani make consider less line pocket employer. dice inspector earn less $600 annual dice inspect alone. obvious steadi job. casino dealer, certif dice inspector certai nli help perform services."} {"id": "15584", "contents": "caus muscl twitch include: pregnancy. stress anxiety. excess caffeine. hypothyroidism. bug bite stings. mono. parkinson' disease. side-effect certain drug medic (such diuretics, corticosteroids, estrogens). dehydration. twitch often go unnoticed, feel them, tend feel wors notic actual are. twitches, also known fasciculations, occur arms, feet, fingers, hands, head, legs, stomach, part body. twitch also occur eye muscles. muscl twitch usual harmless irrit caus concer"} {"id": "15585", "contents": "mono usual come days. begin flu-lik symptom -- fever, headache, gener malais lethargy. days, lymph gland begin swell, although symptom notic everyone. swollen gland neck especi typic mono. peopl develop sore throat, severe, inflam tonsils. fever -- usual higher 104 degre -- also develop may last three weeks. mononucleosis, often refer mono, common viral illness. 90% peopl 35 infect it, probabl earli childhood, antibodi viru blood."} {"id": "15586", "contents": "webmd symptom checker help find common medic condit indic symptom fatigue, joint pain (shoulder), joint pain (fingers) muscl stiff (rigidity) includ exercis physic activity, rheumatoid arthritis, multipl sclerosis."} {"id": "15587", "contents": "enlarg swollen gland muscl twitch (painless). webmd symptom checker help find common medic condit indic symptom enlarg swollen gland muscl twitch (painless) includ tonsillitis, mononucleosis, viral pharyngitis. 15 condit associ enlarg swollen gland muscl twitch (painless). link provid detail inform medic condit webmd symptom checker help provid better understand caus treatment relat condit"} {"id": "15588", "contents": "muscl twitch body-neck, arms, legs. spasm painful. start week ago becom frequent morn almost non-stop. diagnos mono 3-4 month ago still recovering."} {"id": "15589", "contents": "month also develop pin needl left foot hand well twitch left calf. intermittend. month attempt exercise, found twitching, dizzi pin needl got wors activity. start dizziness, backache, headaches, malais chil low grade fever. week got joint muscl ach stiff last quit while."} {"id": "15590", "contents": "myoclonu brief, involuntari twitch muscl group muscles. describ medic sign and, generally, diagnosi disease. myoclon twitches, jerks, seizur usual caus sudden muscl contract (posit myoclonus) brief laps contract (neg myoclonus)."} {"id": "15591", "contents": "diagnos mono around month ago. main symptom muscl ach pain weakness. extrem worri go doctor could bare stand 30 minutes, knee elbow ach terribly. felt need stretch leg sever time day."} {"id": "15592", "contents": "hi everyone, diagnos cmv mono month ago. start dizziness, backache, headaches, malais chil low grade fever. week got joint muscl ach stiff last quit while."} {"id": "15593", "contents": "re: custom servic phone number. kbr046 wrote:if need contact custom servic use blackberri devic without convent telephon keypad extrem difficult determin correspond number 1-800-xfinity. pleas post real digit well 1-800-934-6489."} {"id": "15594", "contents": "blame comcast make number easier rememb non-tradit phone. need contact custom servic use blackberri devic without convent telephon keypad extrem difficult determin correspond number 1-800-xfinity. pleas post real digit well 1-800-934-6489."} {"id": "15595", "contents": "comcast customer, prioriti number one. dedic team employe across countri work hard everi day make sure deliv superior experi deserve. you. question concern service, numer way reach us."} {"id": "15596", "contents": "custom servic phone number. need contact custom servic use blackberri devic without convent telephon keypad extrem difficult determin correspond number 1-800-xfinity. pleas post real digit well 1-800-934-6489."} {"id": "15597", "contents": "verif last four number account phone number xxxx press 1. press 2. okay got account take second pull information. main menu troubl servic press 1."} {"id": "15598", "contents": "list toll free 800 number comcast cable. custom service/billing/moving: 1-800-comcast (1-800-266-2278). thank call comcast home xfiniti [para continua en espanol marti nueba] qualiti train purpos call mayb monitor recorded. thank pleas hold process call."} {"id": "15599", "contents": "contact comcast: 1-800-xfiniti (1-800-934-6489). thank call comcast home xfiniti [para continua en espanol marqui nueba] qualiti train purpos call mayb monitor recorded."} {"id": "15600", "contents": "block tear duct. block tear duct, tube normal drain tear eye nose may becom obstruct don\u2019t open properly. blockag doesn\u2019t clear, water build eye duct becom swollen, narrow inflamed. sometim result infection. adults, block tear duct may caus by: infection. age-rel changes, thicken tear duct lining. facial injuri trauma bone tissu near eyes, cheekbones. nasal sinu issues."} {"id": "15601", "contents": "nasolacrim duct (sometim call tear duct) carri tear lacrim sac nasal cavity. open nasolacrim duct inferior nasal meatu partial cover mucos fold (valv hasner plica lacrimalis)."} {"id": "15602", "contents": "infect tear duct. inflam tear ducts, dacryocystitis, inflamm tear drainag system one eye caus excess tearing, sometim red discharg despit presenc allergies, cold, concerns."} {"id": "15603", "contents": "failur thin tissu end tear duct open normally. common cause. infections. abnorm growth nasal bone put pressur tear duct close off. close undevelop open corner eye tear drain tear ducts. tear duct becom block fail open, tear cannot drain eye properly. duct may fill fluid becom swollen, inflamed, sometim infected. block tear duct happen often babies, though may occur age. affect 100 newborns."} {"id": "15604", "contents": "24. water eye common problem, particularli older people. block tear duct common cause, number causes. may need treatment symptom mild. oper usual cure block tear duct. treatment depend cause. 1."} {"id": "15605", "contents": "punctal plug tiny, biocompat devic insert tear duct block drainage. increas eye' tear film surfac moistur reliev dri eyes. also known punctum plugs, lacrim plug occluders, devic often larger grain rice. punctal plug usual consid non-prescript prescript eye drop fail reliev dri eye condition. two gener type tear duct plug are: semi-permanent, typic made long-last materi silicone."} {"id": "15606", "contents": "tear normal drain eye small tube call tear ducts, stretch eye nose. tear duct becom block fail open, tear cannot drain eye properly. duct may fill fluid becom swollen, inflamed, sometim infected. block tear duct happen often babies, though may occur age. affect 100 newborns."} {"id": "15607", "contents": "caus block tear duct children include: failur thin tissu end tear duct open normally. infections. abnorm growth nasal bone put pressur tear duct close off. close undevelop open corner eye tear drain tear ducts. tear duct becom block fail open, tear cannot drain eye properly. duct may fill fluid becom swollen, inflamed, sometim infected. block tear duct happen often babies, though may occur age. affect 100 newborns."} {"id": "15608", "contents": "children, block tear duct may caus by: congenit blockage-known congenit nasolacrim duct obstruction-when infant born close undevelop open inner corner eye). infect inflammation. abnorm growth nasal bone appli pressur tear ducts. adults, block tear duct may caus by: infection. age-rel changes, thicken tear duct lining. facial injuri trauma bone tissu near eyes, cheekbones. nasal sinu issues."} {"id": "15609", "contents": "tear duct anatomy. eye blinks, lid push tear across eye drain (puncta) inner corner. drain empti channel (canaliculi) connect eye nose. channel drain tear sac (lacrim sac) lie besid nose. sac narrow tear duct (lacrim duct), drain nasal bone nostril. healthwis staff."} {"id": "15610", "contents": "see also warn section. promethazin use prevent treat nausea vomit relat certain condit (such before/aft surgery, motion sickness). also use treat allergi symptom rash, itching, runni nose. see also warn section. take promethazine, tell doctor pharmacist allerg it; phenothiazin (such prochlorperazine); allergies. product may contain inact ingredients, caus allerg reaction problems."} {"id": "15611", "contents": "promethazin neurolept medic first-gener antihistamin phenothiazin family. drug strong sed weak antipsychot effects. also reduc motion sick antiemet anticholinerg properties. countri prescrib insomnia benzodiazepin contraindicated. avail mani countri mani brand names."} {"id": "15612", "contents": "instead, prevent histamin bind stimul cells. promethazin also block action acetylcholin (anticholinerg effect), may explain benefit reduc nausea motion sickness. use sed caus drowsi side effect. fda approv promethazin 1951. prescrib for: promethazin prescrib treat nausea vomiting, motion sickness, allerg reaction sedat prior surgery."} {"id": "15613", "contents": "antihistamin promethazin compet histamin one receptor histamin (the h1 receptor) cells; however, antihistamin bind receptor stimul cells. instead, prevent histamin bind stimul cells. promethazin also block action acetylcholine, neurotransmitt nerv use commun one another, receptor (anticholinerg effect), may explain benefit reduc nausea motion sickness. use sed caus drowsi side effect."} {"id": "15614", "contents": "diana levine, woman suffer migraine, administ wyeth 's phenergan via iv push. drug inject improperly, result gangren subsequ amput right forearm elbow. also reduc motion sick antiemet anticholinerg properties. countri prescrib insomnia benzodiazepin contraindicated. avail mani countri mani brand names."} {"id": "15615", "contents": "sedat antihistamin belong group medic known phenothiazines. brand-nam phenergan tablets, syrup, suppositori made wyeth pharmaceuticals, inc. longer manufactured. brand-nam phenergan inject made baxter healthcar corporation. gener version made variou manufacturers. gener phenergan product come form tablets, rectal suppositories, syrup, injection, made number differ drug companies."} {"id": "15616", "contents": "drug description. tablet phenergan contain 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg promethazin hcl. inact ingredi present lactose, magnesium stearate, methylcellulose. dosag strength also contain following: 12.5 mg-fd&c yellow saccharin sodium; 25 mg-saccharin sodium; 50 mg-fd&c red 40."} {"id": "15617", "contents": "rectal suppositori phenergan contain 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg promethazin hcl ascorbyl palmitate, silicon dioxide, white wax, cocoa butter. phenergan (promethazine) suppositori rectal administr only. tablet phenergan contain 12.5 mg, 25 mg, 50 mg promethazin hcl. inact ingredi present lactose, magnesium stearate, methylcellulose. dosag strength also contain following: 12.5 mg-fd&c yellow saccharin sodium; 25 mg-saccharin sodium; 50 mg-fd&c red 40."} {"id": "15618", "contents": "combat moder sever morn sick hyperemesi gravidarum: uk, promethazin drug first choice, prefer older drug greater experi use pregnanc (second line metoclopramid prochlorperazine). also reduc motion sick antiemet anticholinerg properties. countri prescrib insomnia benzodiazepin contraindicated. avail mani countri mani brand names."} {"id": "15619", "contents": "drug class mechanism: promethazin phenothiazin drug class chlorpromazin (thorazine) trifluoperazin (stelazine). however, unlik drug class, promethazin use anti-psychotic. use anti-histamine, sedative, antiemet (anti-nausea). fda approv promethazin 1951. prescrib for: promethazin prescrib treat nausea vomiting, motion sickness, allerg reaction sedat prior surgery."} {"id": "15620", "contents": "abiot oil; abiogen petroleum origin; origin natur hydrocarbon (oil gas); inorgan petroleum origin; primordi hydrocarbon origem de hidrocaboneto naturai (petroleo petr\u00f3leo e). ga g\u00e1 accord abiogen (abiotic) theory, hydrocarbon abund planet search discoveri commerci accumul simpl must pass understand geolog favor area especi understand real natur oil natur gas."} {"id": "15621", "contents": "ecosystem two basic compon i) abiot compon ii) biotic compon relationship abiot compon biotic compon ecosystem term 'holocoenosis'. aquat ecosystem consum protozoans, crustaceans, etc. carnivor anim prey feed animals. second order consum primari carnivor includ anim feed herbivor animals. example, fox, frog, smaller fishes, predatori birds, snakes, etc. third order consum secondari carnivor anim feed primari carnivores. example, wolf, owl, peacock, etc"} {"id": "15622", "contents": "adjective. light abiotic. light abiotic. definit abiot ecolog term anyth chemic physic lack life. exampl someth abiot light. nonliv substanc environment factors. a- (sense) biotic. origin abiotic."} {"id": "15623", "contents": "inorgan origin petroleum. theori inorgan origin petroleum (synonyms: abiogenic, abiotic, abyssal, endogenous, juvenile, mineral, primordial) state petroleum natur ga form non-biolog process deep earth, crust mantle. accord abiogen (abiotic) theory, hydrocarbon abund planet search discoveri commerci accumul simpl must pass understand geolog favor area especi understand real natur oil natur gas."} {"id": "15624", "contents": "abiogenic: coal (black only) materi may contain presenc organ compounds, fill inorgan hydrocarbon migrat continu upwel come great depth reach deposit surfac preserv fine debri cellular tissu plants. accord abiogen (abiotic) theory, hydrocarbon abund planet search discoveri commerci accumul simpl must pass understand geolog favor area especi understand real natur oil natur gas."} {"id": "15625", "contents": "biotic compon includ producers, consum decomposers. produc autotroph (=self-nourishing), gener chlorophyl bear organisms, produc food (high energi organ compounds) fix light energi presenc simpl inorgan abiot substances. unit 3: ecosystem ecosystem part natur live organ interact amongst physic environment. term ecosystem coin sir arthur tansley 1935."} {"id": "15626", "contents": "conduct experi design simul hydrotherm abiot organ formation. main object experi assess reaction pathway rel high temperatur pressur condit character organ product intermediates, along carbon isotop compositions. abstract. experi perform better understand role environment factor reaction pathway correspond carbon isotop fraction abiot hydrotherm synthesi organ compound use piston cylind apparatu 750 \u00b0c 5.5 kbars."} {"id": "15627", "contents": "glossari follow assum definit ecology--th studi interact organ environment--much wider fit field' habitu statist persona. ecofemin ecopsycholog mentioned, example, term organ garden permaculture. companion planting: plant plant well togeth near other. some: arigold around tomato pepper plants. asparagu parsley. bean potatoes, carrots, cucumbers, kohlrabi, spinach, strawberries. basil near tomatoes, eggplant, peppers. carrot near beats, radishes."} {"id": "15628", "contents": "report abuse. pixie.. group as: abiot components. compris inorgan materi (e.g., carbon, nitrogen, oxygen, co, water, etc.) dead organ matter contain proteins, carbohydrates, lipids, humic substances, etc. abiot substanc present soil, water air. best answer: abiotic=s rock/sand, climate, nutrient dissolv water (nitrogen, oxygen, element thing living)."} {"id": "15629", "contents": "scurvi diseas result defici vitamin c. scurvi often present initi fatigue, follow format spot skin, spongi gums, bleed mucou membranes. chemic name vitamin c, ascorb acid, deriv latin name scurvy, scorbutus, also provid adject scorbut (of, character scurvy). treatment fresh food, particularli citru fruit, period implemented, sinc antiquity."} {"id": "15630", "contents": "editor #1 say word vitamin capit whenev use part name vitamin, vitamin c. matter locat sentence; capit must. editor tell word vitamin capit first word sentence. time, spell lower case, vitamin c. editor requir text written us english, languag differ cultur appear factor."} {"id": "15631", "contents": "studi supplement vitamin c, combin antioxid vitamin minerals, demonstr prevent recurr intestin polyp (adenomas), precursor seriou colorect cancers. 34,35 similar find report esophag cancer well. 5. shorten time ingest peak levels, bodi reap benefit given dose vitamin longer time. given import vitamin thousand biochem reactions, appar slight advantag may make larg differ health outcomes."} {"id": "15632", "contents": "inconsist attribut lack vitamin distinct concept, inabl reliabl link differ food (notabl present fresh citrus, watercress, organ meat) scurvy. chemic name vitamin c, ascorb acid, deriv latin name scurvy, scorbutus, also provid adject scorbut (of, character scurvy). treatment fresh food, particularli citru fruit, period implemented, sinc antiquity."} {"id": "15633", "contents": "would be-vitamin a-in sentenc a. broccoli vitamin vitamin c. b. broccoli vitamin vitamin c."} {"id": "15634", "contents": "scurvi prevent diet includ certain citru fruit orang lemons. sourc rich vitamin fruit blackcurrants, guava, kiwifruit, papaya, tomatoes, bell peppers, strawberries. chemic name vitamin c, ascorb acid, deriv latin name scurvy, scorbutus, also provid adject scorbut (of, character scurvy). treatment fresh food, particularli citru fruit, period implemented, sinc antiquity."} {"id": "15635", "contents": "today scurvi known caus nutrit deficiency, isol vitamin direct evid link scurvi 1932, numer theori treatment proposed, often littl experiment data. chemic name vitamin c, ascorb acid, deriv latin name scurvy, scorbutus, also provid adject scorbut (of, character scurvy). treatment fresh food, particularli citru fruit, period implemented, sinc antiquity."} {"id": "15636", "contents": "neither wrong. capit 500 mg vitamin editor want that, lowercas editor want 500 mg vitamin c.. i'v seen both, neither incorrect. someon stuff 20+ years, let encourag never argu editor hous style. editor tell word vitamin capit first word sentence. time, spell lower case, vitamin c. editor requir text written us english, languag differ cultur appear factor."} {"id": "15637", "contents": "brand name capitalized. like vitamin substanc capit word brand name product chewabl vitamin vick vitamin drop capitalized. editor tell word vitamin capit first word sentence. time, spell lower case, vitamin c. editor requir text written us english, languag differ cultur appear factor."} {"id": "15638", "contents": "capit vitamin c?"} {"id": "15639", "contents": "rabbit spay virtual prone cancer ovarian, uterin other mammarian. accord rabbits.org, spay rabbit calmer, it\u2019 go love tend dependable. cost spay rabbit go greatli vari differ factors. less popul area cost live rel low, price rang anywher $85 $200. average, typic clinic go charg anywher $150 $300."} {"id": "15640", "contents": "live higher, popul metro area, rabbit neuter cost anywher $175 $475 due higher rent cost cost living. neuter procedur today rabbit rel safe. everi 1,000 rabbit neutered, approxim .1% mortal rate, wide due anesthesia. price neuter go vari differ factor"} {"id": "15641", "contents": "low end surgeri go cost anywher $100 much $275. live higher, popul metro area, rabbit neuter cost anywher $175 $475 due higher rent cost cost living. montana example, price vari $80 $125. neuter procedur today rabbit rel safe. everi 1,000 rabbit neutered, approxim .1% mortal rate, wide due anesthesia. price neuter go vari differ factor"} {"id": "15642", "contents": "rabbit neuter yet, alway advis keep separated. averag cost neuter rabbit. neuter femal rabbit expens expens usual depend veterinarian. low end procedur alon cost somewher $150 high $300. live superior, popul metro area, procedur cost $200 $500 higher cost living."} {"id": "15643", "contents": "neck wood cost $140 $230 vet. typical. howev clinic shelter low-cost spay/neut rabbit may pay littl $50. rare worth research find one. i'd suggest make sure male actual male femal female. six week old abl tell"} {"id": "15644", "contents": "best answer: realli depend live. go websit http://www.rabbit.org give list vet call get rate. adopt shelter cost spay/neut usual includ adopt fee."} {"id": "15645", "contents": "surgeri cost? spay/neut cost vari tremend differ area country. low end rang inexpens $50-75 (often spay/neut clinics), vet major metropolitan areas, rent labor cost high, often charg sever hundr dollars. knowledg rabbit veterinarian spay neuter rabbit littl risk healthi rabbit. don\u2019t allow veterinarian littl experi rabbit spay neuter rabbit."} {"id": "15646", "contents": "spay neuter rabbit becom safe procedur perform experienc rabbit veterinarians. hous rabbit societi 1000 rabbit spay neuter approxim .1% mortal due anesthesia. knowledg rabbit veterinarian spay neuter rabbit littl risk healthi rabbit. don\u2019t allow veterinarian littl experi rabbit spay neuter rabbit."} {"id": "15647", "contents": "cost felin neuter avail citi low cost spay neuter clinic cost anywher $15.00 25.00. regular payment approx. $40.00 anoth answ er: usual around $40-60, depend get done. varieti options, no-to low-cost. cost neuter male cat vari fifti hundr bucks, depend vet go to. also organ depend state wi sometim certain period time year free discount."} {"id": "15648", "contents": "women expect go number test might include: ovul hormon testing: test done variou method determin whether hormon imbal ovul issu lead infertility. but, get point, barrag test done answer question 'how know infertile'. reason infertil involv myriad factors, prepar take lot tests. often, get recommend fertil clinic doctor gener practitioner."} {"id": "15649", "contents": "women born finit number eggs. thus, reproduct year progress, number qualiti egg diminish. chanc babi decreas 3% 5% per year age 30. reduct fertil note much greater extent age 40. hormon causes. women problem ovulation. synchron hormon chang lead releas egg ovari thicken endometrium (line uterus) prepar fertil egg occur."} {"id": "15650", "contents": "women, chang menstrual cycl ovul may symptom diseas relat infertility. symptom include: abnorm periods. bleed heavier lighter usual. irregular periods. number day period vari month. periods."} {"id": "15651", "contents": "best way determin infertil (if alreadi meet year tri unsuccessfully), see ob/gyn like order lab test refer fertil specialist. note above, sperm count motil test done. infertil usual defin inabl becom pregnant year tri get pregnant without form birth control. sever caus infertility. includ femal male factors."} {"id": "15652", "contents": "fianc tri baby. got birth control two month ago far luck. know way soon jump conclus i'v alway fear could reproduce. young problem me. (i'm 10 yrs... source(s): infertile: https://shortly.im/awqsf."} {"id": "15653", "contents": "get test way stop wonder know sure infertile. ami hoover. wonder fertil think yourself, know infertile, alone. but, get point, barrag test done answer question 'how know infertile'. reason infertil involv myriad factors, prepar take lot tests. often, get recommend fertil clinic doctor gener practitioner."} {"id": "15654", "contents": "infertil medic problem. approxim 30% infertil due femal factor 30% due male factor. balanc cases, infertil result problem partner caus infertil unexplained. 35 tri months, consult physician. 30 histori pelvic inflammatori disease, pain periods, miscarriage, irregular cycles, know partner low sperm count, wait one year. consult ob/gyn."} {"id": "15655", "contents": "doctor think fertil problem tri activ get pregnant years. (and get pregnant time) ok, understand want wait year see doc. that' ok. know way soon jump conclus i'v alway fear could reproduce. young problem me. (i'm 10 yrs... source(s): infertile: https://shortly.im/awqsf."} {"id": "15656", "contents": "ovul normal part femal reproduct cycle. ovul process ovari releas egg cell (or oocyte), pick featheri project lie end fallopian tube. egg readi fertil next 12-24 hours. know way soon jump conclus i'v alway fear could reproduce. young problem me. (i'm 10 yrs... source(s): infertile: https://shortly.im/awqsf."} {"id": "15657", "contents": "pelvic inflammatori diseas infect woman\u2019 reproduct organs. complic often caus stds, like chlamydia gonorrhea. infect sexual transmit also caus pid. untreat sexual transmit diseas (stds) caus pelvic inflammatori diseas (pid), seriou condition, women. basic fact sheet detail version. basic fact sheet present plain languag individu gener question sexual transmit diseases."} {"id": "15658", "contents": "pid control reli measur process variable, knowledg underli process, broadli use controller. tune three paramet model, one design pid control specif process requirements. pid control paramet (the gain proportional, integr deriv terms) chosen incorrectly, control process input unstable, i.e., output diverges, without oscillation, limit satur mechan breakage."} {"id": "15659", "contents": "short process identifier, pid uniqu number identifi run process oper system linux, unix, mac os x, microsoft windows. output, exampl process run window associ pid' list pid column. pid. 1. short product identif product id, pid uniqu number help identifi hardwar product regist softwar product. example, case comput mouse, pid often found bottom mous case wireless mous insid batteri compartment."} {"id": "15660", "contents": "pelvic inflammatori diseas (pid) infect woman' pelvic organs. pelvic organ includ uteru (womb), fallopian tube (fuh-loh-pee-uhn toobs), ovaries, cervix."} {"id": "15661", "contents": "pelvic inflammatori diseas (pid) infect woman' pelvic organ includ uteru (womb), fallopian tube (tubes), ovaries, cervix. pelvic inflammatori diseas develop result spread sexual transmit disease. *pelvic inflammatori fact medic author: melissa conrad stoeppler, st\u00f6ppler. md pelvic inflammatori (disease) pid infect a'woman pelvic organ includ (uterus), womb fallopian (tubes), tubes, ovari and. cervix pelvic inflammatori diseas develop result spread sexual transmitted. diseas"} {"id": "15662", "contents": "may heard pelvic inflammatori disease, pid, mani peopl sure is. pid seriou infect harm woman' reproduct organs. develop infect spread vagina cervix fallopian tubes, uterus, ovaries. time woman pid, greater chanc becom infertile. pelvic inflammatori diseas often difficult identifi symptom seem like conditions, appendicitis, urinari tract infections, ovarian cysts, endometriosis."} {"id": "15663", "contents": "pelvic inflammatori diseas (pid) infect woman' pelvic organs. pelvic organ includ uteru (womb), fallopian (fuh-loh-pee-uhn) tube (tubes), ovaries, cervix. *pelvic inflammatori fact medic author: melissa conrad stoeppler, st\u00f6ppler. md pelvic inflammatori (disease) pid infect a'woman pelvic organ includ (uterus), womb fallopian (tubes), tubes, ovari and. cervix pelvic inflammatori diseas develop result spread sexual transmitted. diseas"} {"id": "15664", "contents": "proportional-integral-deriv control (pid controller) control loop feedback mechan (controller) commonli use industri control systems. pid control continu calcul error valu differ measur process variabl desir setpoint. pid control paramet (the gain proportional, integr deriv terms) chosen incorrectly, control process input unstable, i.e., output diverges, without oscillation, limit satur mechan breakage."} {"id": "15665", "contents": "cervix expos sexual transmit diseas -- gonorrhea and/or chlamydia -- cervix becom infect less abl prevent spread organ intern organs. pid occur disease-caus organ travel cervix upper genit tract. untreat gonorrhea chlamydia caus 90% case pid. caus includ abortion, childbirth, pelvic procedures. symptom pid vary, may includ following: dull pain tender stomach lower abdomin area, pain right upper abdomen. abnorm vagin discharg yellow green color unusu odor."} {"id": "15666", "contents": "threshold verg develop action: actor cusp becom star. 2. divid line border two condit categories: artist cusp victorian modernism. cusp. 1. point point end. 2. anatom point prominence, crown tooth valv heart."} {"id": "15667", "contents": "mathemat theori singular cusp type singular point curve. cusp local singular form self intersect point curve. plane curv cusp diffeomorph one follow forms: 0, integer. ordinari cusp given 0, i.e. zero-level-set type -singularity. let (x, y) smooth function assume, simplicity, (0,0) 0. type -singular (0,0) characteris by:"} {"id": "15668", "contents": "cusp point two branch curv meet tangent branch equal. plot show semicub parabola curve, cusp origin."} {"id": "15669", "contents": "(decemb 2007). astrology, cusp (from latin spear point) imaginari line separ pair consecut sign zodiac hous horoscope. point view may consid sun cusp even centr much two degre away sign boundary. may also call object (much less half degre diameter) cusp despit part object adjac sign."} {"id": "15670", "contents": "similar debat appli cusp houses. major astrolog treat sun alway exactli one sign, consid sun signs, two interpret cusp misinterpretation. point view may consid sun cusp even centr much two degre away sign boundary. may also call object (much less half degre diameter) cusp despit part object adjac sign."} {"id": "15671", "contents": "medic definit cusp. 1. point grind surfac tooth. 2. fold flap cardiac valve."} {"id": "15672", "contents": "ordinari cusp occur caustic light ray bottom teacup. ordinari cusp given 0, i.e. zero-level-set type -singularity. let (x, y) smooth function assume, simplicity, (0,0) 0. ordinari cusp given 0, i.e. zero-level-set type -singularity. let (x, y) smooth function assume, simplicity, (0,0) 0. type -singular (0,0) characteris by:"} {"id": "15673", "contents": "cusp combin evidence-bas clinic intervent proven dramat reduc clabsi. powerful, flexibl model safeti improv sustainable, use prevent harm multipl areas. cusp compris five basic steps: educ staff scienc safety."} {"id": "15674", "contents": "cusp. cusp atrioventricular (tricuspid) valve. semilunar cusp semilunar segment aortic valv (have posterior, right, left cusps) pulmonari valv (have anterior, right, left cusps). (k\u016dsp). cusp. point round projection, crown tooth, segment cardiac valve. see also valvula. carabelli cusp accessori fifth cusp lingual surfac mani maxillari first molars; may unilater bilater vari size person person."} {"id": "15675", "contents": "point transit two differ states: cusp adulthood. exampl sentences. also black man coming-of-ag cusp two shockingli differ decades, 1950 1960s. one rapid change, cusp someth new, different, exciting. exampl sentences. measur northern southern cusp moon direct unlit part moon. 10x50 binoculars, abl see saber' bead lower cusp moon. moon' cusp point toward star pollux castor."} {"id": "15676", "contents": "exampl median expect annual pay typic physician-generalist unit state $186,321, 50% peopl perform job physician-generalist unit state expect make less $186,321. source: hr report data octob 2015. salary. salari bonus. benefits. annual salari someon job titl physician-generalist may vari depend number factor includ industry, compani size, location, year experi level education."} {"id": "15677", "contents": "averag physician pay vs. best jobs. doctor paid well. fact, physician\u2019 averag salari $188,440 2013, higher salari best health care job list. dentists, made averag salari $164,570 next highest salary. pharmacists, comparison, made approxim $116,500 2013. regist nurses, often work close doctors, made averag salari $68,910 2013, $119,530 less physician"} {"id": "15678", "contents": "south african payscal report say averag hourli wage physician 20 year work experi around 225 per hour. averag annual salari bonu includ rang 70,467 958,477 18,372 respectively. averag annual salari bonu includ rang a 70,438 a 735,565 a 186,406 respectively. hence, total annual salari physician dubai rang a 70,857 a 840,000 per annum. physician salaries."} {"id": "15679", "contents": "physician\u2019 averag salari varies. 2013, gener internist made median salari $186,850, accord bls. area countri pay physician particularli well includ wilmington, north carolina; wichita, kansas; tallahassee, florida. fact, physician\u2019 averag salari $188,440 2013, higher salari best health care job list. dentists, made averag salari $164,570 next highest salary. pharmacists, comparison, made approxim $116,500 2013. regist nurses, often work close doctors, made averag salari $68,910 2013, $119,530 less physician"} {"id": "15680", "contents": "(unit states). physician assist (pa) earn averag salari $86,619 per year. peopl job gener 20 years' experience. skill emerg medicin associ high pay job"} {"id": "15681", "contents": "modern healthcar report averag salari rang $315,000 $457,000 per year oncologists, urologists' averag salari start $347,500 rose $453,000 per year. gastroenterologists, rang averag salari low $355,484 high $468,571, depend survey. anesthesiologist earn averag salari $341,853 $520,000, averag report invas cardiologist start $373,500 went high $532,000 per year."} {"id": "15682", "contents": "salari outlook. physician assist rake median annual salari $92,970 2013, accord bls. top-earn 10 percent profess made approxim $130,620, lowest 10 percent pay spectrum brought $62,030. one might expect, doctors\u2019 offices, gener medic surgic facil outpati care center employ physician assist 2013."} {"id": "15683", "contents": "hence, total annual salari physician south africa rang 146,807 958,477 per annum. accord middl east reports, especi dubai payscal reports, averag hourli wage physician around a 135.33 per hour. averag annual salari bonu includ rang a 70,438 a 735,565 a 186,406 respectively. hence, total annual salari physician dubai rang a 70,857 a 840,000 per annum. physician salaries."} {"id": "15684", "contents": "cathol answerth cathol bibl translation, old testament, sep tuagint, bibl use bless lord, himself, new testament written first gener catholics, assembl fifth century, today."} {"id": "15685", "contents": "unit state confer cathol bishop approv number differ translat bibl privat use english-speak cathol unit states, new american bibl english-languag version author use mass."} {"id": "15686", "contents": "order fulli appreci cathol church' understand bible, one must first grasp church' view divin revel whole. cathol church teach old testament god reveal increas measur people."} {"id": "15687", "contents": "cathol church use lectionari base new vulgat bibl use mass services. cathol free use translat want long imprimatur nilhi obstat."} {"id": "15688", "contents": "accept cathol versions. english-speak cathol use douay-rheim translat cathol bibl 1960s. 1943, pope piu xii call renew studi origin scriptur text creat newer accur translations."} {"id": "15689", "contents": "today mani still believ cathol church endeavor keep bibl people. demonstr church' dismal perform public relat past 500 years, noth could farther truth."} {"id": "15690", "contents": "greek cathol church use bibl edit cathol church use (i.e. church communion see rome -roman catholic, syrian cath olic, ruthenian catholic, maronite, etc.)."} {"id": "15691", "contents": "roman cathol church teach origin church built jesu non-cathol church departur catholicism. new testament often warn us danger fals teach apostasi (act 20:28-30; tim. 4:2-4; tim."} {"id": "15692", "contents": "summary, cathol bibl version bibl promot roman cathol church use major world catholics. asid inclus apocrypha, cathol bibl ident protest bibl term canon (the book belong bible)."} {"id": "15693", "contents": "orchid food nativ habitat, orchid scaveng nutrient whatev happen nearby: decompos leaves, bird anim droppings, miner born rainwater. help orchid grow faster bloom sooner feed right fertilizers."} {"id": "15694", "contents": "orchid bloom year, realli happy, may bloom often. want orchid bloom particular season, best bet purchas plant bloom time. orchid flower usual remain bloom six ten weeks."} {"id": "15695", "contents": "orchid pot media provid support littl food value. plant food use depend type orchid type grow media. need fertil product suitabl media. plant bark, need high nitrogen food (such 30-10-10)."} {"id": "15696", "contents": "differ mere good orchid spectacular specimen plant usual fertilizer. like plant, orchid need fertil thrive. true need less plants\u2014and much fertil quickli burn orchid\u2019 sensit roots\u2014but doubt well-f orchid healthier, hold leav longer bear flowers."} {"id": "15697", "contents": "first foremost, orchid grow dirt, smother root kill plant. orchid requir special media grow. best media orchid one best match type orchid condit growing."} {"id": "15698", "contents": "orchid need constantli moist, never soggy, medium grow. paphiopedilum cymbidium examples. epiphyt orchid live branch plant -- usual trees. parasit -- obtain food tree grow."} {"id": "15699", "contents": "a: sure use orchid food formul orchid follow instruct label. general, orchid fertil recommend usag month. less frequent fertil may stunt growth inhibit flowering; frequent fertil may burn root leav inhibit flowering."} {"id": "15700", "contents": "presenc nucleu give eukaryot name, come greek \u03b5\u03c5 (eu, well) \u03ba\u03ac\u03c1\u03c5\u03bf\u03bd (karyon, nut kernel). eukaryot cell also contain membrane-bound organel mitochondria golgi apparatus. addition, plant alga contain chloroplasts. eukaryot organ may unicellular, multicellular. eukaryot mani kind tissu made differ cell types."} {"id": "15701", "contents": "cell chang earth. oldest cell earth single-cel organ call bacteria. fossil record indic mound bacteria cover young earth. began make food use carbon dioxid atmospher energi harvest sun. mitochondria chloroplast strike similar bacteria cells. dna, separ dna found nucleu cell. organel use dna produc mani protein enzym requir function."} {"id": "15702", "contents": "origin eukaryotes\uf097 origin eukaryot cell consid mileston evolut life, sinc includ complex cell almost multicellular organisms. time seri event hard determine; knoll (2006) suggest develop approxim 1.6\u20132.1 billion year ago. eukaryot cell also contain membrane-bound organel mitochondria, chloroplast golgi apparatus. larg complex organ eukaryotes, includ animals, plant fungi."} {"id": "15703", "contents": "endosymbiot theori evolut eukaryot cells. diagram chloroplast. diagram mitochondrion. theory: mitochondria chloroplast eukaryot cell aros symbiot incorpor prokaryot cell proto-eukaryot cell. eukaryot cell origin 0.6 billion year ago. mitochondria (and plastids) extant eukaryot cell remark similar suggest aerob bacteria (or cyanobacteria) incorpor one occas each."} {"id": "15704", "contents": "eukaryot cell typic much larger prokaryotes. varieti intern membrane-bound structures, call organelles, cytoskeleton compos microtubules, microfilaments, intermedi filaments, play import role defin cell' organ shape. eukaryot cell also contain membrane-bound organel mitochondria golgi apparatus. addition, plant alga contain chloroplasts. eukaryot organ may unicellular, multicellular. eukaryot mani kind tissu made differ cell types."} {"id": "15705", "contents": "symbiogenesis, endosymbiot theory, evolutionari theori explain origin eukaryot cell prokaryotes. state sever key organel eukaryot origin symbiosi separ single-cel organisms."} {"id": "15706", "contents": "complex life, includ plants, anim fungi, consist eukaryot cells, cell nucleus, transport mechan often organel like mitochondria perform function organ need stay aliv healthy. remain one giant problem new idea origin eukaryot cells: occam' razor scant fossil record. come individu cells, fossil record rare helpful, explain david baum. even hard tell eukaryot cell prokaryot cell."} {"id": "15707", "contents": "origin eukaryot cell consid mileston evolut life, sinc eukaryot includ complex cell almost multicellular organisms. time seri event hard determine; knoll (2006) suggest develop approxim 1.6\u20132.1 billion year ago. eukaryot cell also contain membrane-bound organel mitochondria golgi apparatus. addition, plant alga contain chloroplasts. eukaryot organ may unicellular, multicellular. eukaryot mani kind tissu made differ cell types."} {"id": "15708", "contents": "live thing evolv three larg cluster close relat organisms, call domains: archaea, bacteria, eukaryota. archaea bacteria small, rel simpl cell surround membran cell wall, circular strand dna contain genes. call prokaryotes."} {"id": "15709", "contents": "prague: capit czech republ prague, capit citi czech republic, home 1.3 million people. make one larger citi eastern europe. pragu also continu extrem\u2026. fortunately, head europ near futur take advantag free walk tour offe\u2026."} {"id": "15710", "contents": "capit pragu often call heart europ locat middl continent. 10,5 million peopl czech republ 1,3 million peopl prague. western part czech republ call bohemia, eastern moravia, north eastern part silesia. arriv slav 6th centuri area inhabit german celtic tribes. lot ruler king rule peopl bohemia 7th 19th centuri"} {"id": "15711", "contents": "i'm realli sure, probabl czechoslovakian. countri use call czechoslovakia 1993 broken czech republ slovakia. long that, however, call land bohemian crown. i'd guess call bohemian time."} {"id": "15712", "contents": "share common culture, histori speak czech language. ethnic czech call bohemian english earli 20th century, refer late iron age tribe celtic boii land bohemia."} {"id": "15713", "contents": "words, languag peopl czech republ speak? languag peopl speak czech republ czech. okay, know peopl czech republ call know languag speak, may want learn peopl czech republic. inform countri czech republic."} {"id": "15714", "contents": "prague: capit czech republ prague, capit citi czech republic, home 1.3 million people. make one larger citi eastern europe. pragu also continu extrem\u2026. czech republ rich. middl european ranking, 13 27 capital, pragu fifth wealthiest region eu. (accord eurostat, 009.) definit answer slightli complex."} {"id": "15715", "contents": "landlock countri central europ border germani west, austria south, slovakia east poland northeast. capit largest city, prague, 1.2 million residents. czech republ includ histor territori bohemia, moravia, czech silesia."} {"id": "15716", "contents": "czech peopl live czech republ wherea peopl inhabit slovakia known slovaks. historically, region known czech republ part austrian empir wherea slovak area part kingdom hungary."} {"id": "15717", "contents": "call someon czech republic? words, peopl czech republ called? person czech republ and/or citizen czech republ call czech. may also interest peopl czech republ speak? okay, know peopl czech republ call know languag speak, may want learn peopl czech republic. inform countri"} {"id": "15718", "contents": "czech czech peopl (czech: \u010de\u0161i, [\u02c8t\u0283\u025b\u0283\u026a]) nation ethnic group nativ czech republ central europe. ethnic czech call bohemian english earli 20th century, refer late iron age tribe celtic boii land bohemia."} {"id": "15719", "contents": "2015 sep ira contribut limit $53,000 (2014 limit $52,000). contribut sep ira gener 100% tax deduct invest earn sep ira grow tax deferred. withdraw age 59 tax ordinari income. withdraw prior age 59 may incur 10% ir penalti well incom taxes. situation, annual sep ira contribut 0% 25% owner' w-2 salari sep ira contribut limit. sep ira contribut gener 100% tax deduct busi expense. busi owner receiv compens person income."} {"id": "15720", "contents": "sep plan faqs. simplifi employe pension (sep) plan provid busi owner simplifi method contribut toward employees\u2019 retir well retir savings. contribut made individu retir account annuiti (ira) set plan particip (a sep-ira)."} {"id": "15721", "contents": "contribut (ira pension plans). deduct contribut employee' sep-ira lesser follow amounts. 2015, amount (2) $265,000 $53,000, respectively. contribut (includ excess contribut carryover). figur deduct contribut made sep-ira, compens net earn self-employ (defin chapter 1), take account follow deductions. deduct deduct part self-employ tax."} {"id": "15722", "contents": "receiv employ contribut sep-ira make regular, annual contribut tradit roth ira. employ contribut made sep plan affect amount contribut ira behalf. sep-ira permit non-sep contributions, make regular ira contribut (includ ira catch-up contribut age 50 older) sep-ira, maximum annual limit."} {"id": "15723", "contents": "deduct sep-ira contribution: deduct contribut form 1040, line 28 (tax year 2008). deduct contribut make behalf employe schedul c, line 19 (or schedul unincorpor farm business). employees: figur sep-ira contribut made behalf employe straight forward: multipli employee' compens (e.g., gross wage salary) contribut rate state plan."} {"id": "15724", "contents": "sep ira contribut 20% adjust earn incom made annually. 2015 annual compens $265,000 cannot taken consider determin contributions. contribut sep ira gener 100% tax deduct invest earn sep ira grow tax deferred. withdraw age 59 tax ordinari income. withdraw prior age 59 may incur 10% ir penalti well incom taxes."} {"id": "15725", "contents": "deduct contribut sep-ira net earn depend other. reason, determin deduct contribut sep-ira indirectli reduc contribut rate call plan. figur deduct contribut made sep-ira, compens net earn self-employ (defin chapter 1), take account follow deductions. deduct deduct part self-employ tax."} {"id": "15726", "contents": "sep-ira fund tax ordinari incom tax rate qualifi withdraw taken age 59 1/2 (a tradit iras). contribut sep plan deductible, lower taxpayer' incom tax liabil contribut year. sep-ira contribut treat part profit-shar plan. employees, employ may contribut 25% employee' wage employee' sep-ira account. example, employe earn $40,000 wages, employ could contribut $10,000"} {"id": "15727", "contents": "much sep contribut deductible? deduct business\u2019 tax return contribut employees\u2019 sep-ira lesser contribut 25% compensation. (compens consid employe limit subject annual cost-of-liv adjustments). sep-ira permit non-sep contributions, make regular ira contribut (includ ira catch-up contribut age 50 older) sep-ira, maximum annual limit."} {"id": "15728", "contents": "storyline. edina monsoon best friend patsi drive eddie' sensibl daughter, saffron, wall constant drug abus outrag selfishness. numer in-jok heavi dose cruel humour made seri cult hit uk abroad. reviews: 49 user 13 critic. edina monsoon best friend patsi drive eddie' sensibl daughter, saffron, wall constant drug abus outrag selfishness."} {"id": "15729", "contents": "origin back togeth still truli absolut fabul new adventur edina, patsy, saffy, bubbl mother, plu surpris guests, real treat viewers.. saunder announc novemb 2011 begun work film version series. absolut fabul inspir french featur film, call absolu fabuleux, 2001. written direct gabriel aghion, star josian balasko eddi nathali bay patsy. saunder small cameo alongsid catherin deneuv spectat fashion show."} {"id": "15730", "contents": "patsi describ sister, jacki ]. patsy: there, behind rich powerful... besid rich powerful... *under* rich powerful. patsy: eddy, know stomach' like dog know go fed next. hang around want kick it. patsy: want put two piec elastroplast shove dental floss call outfit... wanna whap fanni prim! slither tit back taxi, mean they'r mags, sweetheart. they'r mags. they'r receycl snaps."} {"id": "15731", "contents": "absolut fabul evolv french saunder sketch call modern mother daughter (from seri episod 6), star saunder mother (name 'adrianna') french daughter, alreadi name saffron. absolut fabul inspir french featur film, call absolu fabuleux, 2001. written direct gabriel aghion, star josian balasko eddi nathali bay patsy. saunder small cameo alongsid catherin deneuv spectat fashion show."} {"id": "15732", "contents": "stoli-bolli. stoli-bolli cocktail came episod absolut fabulous, patsi edina kind make fly. it\u2019 extrem simpl vodka-spik champagne. come mind patsi edina, it\u2019 brands."} {"id": "15733", "contents": "now, 20 years, absolut fabul come back darlings! well, sort of. jennif saunder confirm complet ab fab film script, call edina patsy. movi see return joanna lumley jennif saunder hilari on-screen characters, eddi pats. saunder (who play eddy) told sunday peopl year: finish first draft."} {"id": "15734", "contents": "thing is, someon back want scoff absolut fabul watch absolut fabulous, would repeat. origin triumphant three seri run ab fab end four year earlier, 1995. it\u2019 entir possibl eddi use bolli mouthwash breakfast cereal."} {"id": "15735", "contents": "patsi born 30 october, although actual age never clearli divulged; often state 39 43. one episod (cold turkey) nurs guess around 65 year old. patsi also sister name jackie, eddi abhor twice tri kill patsi drug overdoses. jacki intimid patsi state patsi elder two."} {"id": "15736", "contents": "although ab fab produc saunder french' product company, dawn french appear show once, cameo first-seri episod magazine. three new special announc celebr show' 20th anniversari first special, ident air 25 decemb 2011. absolut fabul inspir french featur film, call absolu fabuleux, 2001. written direct gabriel aghion, star josian balasko eddi nathali bay patsy. saunder small cameo alongsid catherin deneuv spectat fashion show."} {"id": "15737", "contents": "relevance. rate newest oldest. best answer: get metro pc phone record need call request addedc feature. get month entir month pay bill onlin it."} {"id": "15738", "contents": "contact metropc custom servic 1-888-863-8768 dial *611 phone. follow prompt metropc phone pull phone records. visit metropc store provid account inform pull metropc phone records. may need pay fee get print copi records."} {"id": "15739", "contents": "answer pachinko. confid vote 59. get metro pc phone record need call request ad featur call e-bill. get month entir month pay bill onlin go metro corp. (not dealer store) and/or also phone."} {"id": "15740", "contents": "get metro pc phone record need call request ad featur call e-bill. get month entir month pay bill onlin go metro corp. (not dealer store) and/or also phone."} {"id": "15741", "contents": "get metro pc phone record need call request ad featur call e-bill. get month entir month pay bill onlin go metro corp. (not dealer store) and/or also phone."} {"id": "15742", "contents": "800 breed cattl recogn worldwide, adapt local climate, other bred human special uses. breed fall two main types, regard either two close relat species, two subspeci one species. bo indicu (or bo tauru indicus) cattle, also call zebu, adapt hot climates."} {"id": "15743", "contents": "may 2007 primefact 623 cattl breed type brian cum livestock offic (beef products), alburi far breed cattl world avail australia, although close 100 repres australian herds. mani breed similar biolog properties."} {"id": "15744", "contents": "group dairi breed north america. remain domest cattl date 6,500 b.c. found turkey site near east approach age also. author date domest cattl earli 10,000 year ago, other almost half amount time."} {"id": "15745", "contents": "worldwid 250 breed beef cattle. 60 breed present unit states. however, rel small number breed (less 20) constitut major genet util u.s. commerci beef production."} {"id": "15746", "contents": "10 anim fact amaz you. peopl think cows, large, amiabl black white anim probabl come mind, fact wide number type cattle, almost thousand cattl breed rais world varieti purposes."} {"id": "15747", "contents": "cattl \u2014colloqui cow \u2014are common type larg domest ungulates. promin modern member subfamili bovinae, widespread speci genu bos, commonli classifi collect bo taurus. cattl two kind color receptor cone cell retinas. mean cattl dichromatic, non-prim land mammals. two three rod per cone fovea centrali five six near optic papilla."} {"id": "15748", "contents": "north american cattl produc criteria differenti differ type beef breeds. four type beef breed remember: continentals, british-type, composites, exotics. larg number beef breed origin great britain (or uk, may call it), mani beef breed origin european countri like germany, france, switzerland, spain, italy, netherlands."} {"id": "15749", "contents": "main type dairy: holstein, jersey, guernsey, brown swiss, milk shorthorn, ayrshire. uncommon breed milk cow like dutch belted, canadienne, randall, lineback, milk devon, etc. lots...here' site differ breed cattle, dairy, beef multipurpose. six major breed unit state that. http://www.ansi.okstate.edu/breeds/cattle/. peopl found useful."} {"id": "15750", "contents": "50 mg sertralin weeks. reduc dose 25 mg week came off. day start get brain zaps, ring ears, swoosh move head insomnia. went back 50 mg coupl day reliev symptoms. went back 25 mg weeks. i\u2019v zoloft 26 months, 22 month 200mg daili never gone off\u2026until day ago. back 2012 heart attack age 33, caus high cholesterol lot anxieti (self induced)."} {"id": "15751", "contents": "sertralin (zoloft) withdraw 100 mg 125 mg 15 year found system work get tapering, physic activity, meditation, praying, journal healthi eat work best get drug. i\u2019v zoloft 26 months, 22 month 200mg daili never gone off\u2026until day ago. back 2012 heart attack age 33, caus high cholesterol lot anxieti (self induced)."} {"id": "15752", "contents": "sertralin total 3.5 month 3.5 weeks. i'v heard averag withdraw symptom around week much longer. given extrem sensit medication, i'm afraid may one unlucki ones. much better took meds. took last sertralin week ago. top dose 100mg go nuts. drop 50mg weeks, 25mg week 25mg everi day week. sinc (and titration) brain zap day everi day everi time move eyes."} {"id": "15753", "contents": "guest. zoloft 100 mg years, due pregnanc doctor decid best stop take zoloft. began wean zploft start 50 mg two week 25 mg two week day sinc taken any. feel horrible. guest. zoloft (sertraline) eight years, peak 200mg dose years. last month wean stuff taken month half."} {"id": "15754", "contents": "deal alcohol withdraw symptom month 100 day (on thursday) move next thing. sever 100 day plans, call them. 1) effexor. 2) lose belli 3) stop smoke 4) becom ruler world ... withdrawl last quit long time zoloft, everi time cut dosag could tell go withdrawl atleast week. hope help identifi may go on. read more. convinc symptom codeine/hydrocodon withdrawal."} {"id": "15755", "contents": "dont think necessarili matter long subs, long youv abus substance. sub months, abus pill 1/2 years. 34 day clean back would call normal.. but, here' thing. can't focu 30 day 70 days. withdrawl last quit long time zoloft, everi time cut dosag could tell go withdrawl atleast week. hope help identifi may go on. read more. convinc symptom codeine/hydrocodon withdrawal."} {"id": "15756", "contents": "among symptom may experienc nausea, tremors, lightheadedness, muscl pains, weakness, insomnia, anxiety. withdraw symptom usual last 1-2 week instanc may gradual decreas period long month. gener recommend one taper medic gradual doctor' supervision. withdrawl last quit long time zoloft, everi time cut dosag could tell go withdrawl atleast week. hope help identifi may go on. read more. convinc symptom codeine/hydrocodon withdrawal."} {"id": "15757", "contents": "common withdraw symptom sertralin typic last weeks, case could slowli decreas interv weeks. it\u2019 normal advis taper antidepress progress alway profession supervision. so, 1-2 week elimin drug body, reason consid addict antidepressant, bewar stop take ssri drug quickli sever withdraw symptom zoloft appear."} {"id": "15758", "contents": "album also earn #1 spot billboard\u2019 indi chart blue chart. bonamassa\u2019 13 th #1 blue album artist. bonamassa\u2019 top 10 debut engin j&r adventures, label bonamassa found longtim manager, roy weisman. divis publishing, management, memorabilia brand disrupt independ entiti music business."} {"id": "15759", "contents": "allmus review al campbell. joe bonamassa 's first solo releas 2000, new day yesterday, paid homag classic '70 blues/hard rock. three year later, releas blue deluxe, young guitarist root blues."} {"id": "15760", "contents": "joe bonamassa (born may 8, 1977) american blue rock musician, singer songwriter. bonamassa open b.b. king 12 year old. last 13 year bonamassa put 15 solo album independ record label, j&r adventures. eleven solo album reach #1 billboard blue charts. 12 year old, band call smokin' joe bonamassa. band gig around western new york pennsylvania, citi scranton buffalo, weekend sinc joe school weekdays."} {"id": "15761", "contents": "songfact state joe bonamassa (born may 8, 1977) born rais new hartford, new york. parent own ran guitar shop interview credit mother father foster appreci music life earli remember."} {"id": "15762", "contents": "biography. guitar mastermind joe bonamassa, young player childhood dream play music similar legend like stevi ray vaughan, eric clapton, jimi hendrix, 22 ink deal epic. hail utica, new york, bonamassa could play blue could drive car. soon thereaft bonamassa hook band bloodline, featur musicians' sons: waylon krieger (robbi krieger' son), erin davi (mile davis' drummer kid), berri oakley, jr. (son allman brother bassist)."} {"id": "15763", "contents": "joe bonamassa studio footag song stop! 2009 cd entitl ballad john henry. can, video made seen hd video sound. music. standard youtub license."} {"id": "15764", "contents": "play joe bonamassa \u201cdiffer shade blue\u201d guitar back track new interact bona-jam track video series, featur exclus guitar lesson award-win guitarist joe bonamassa."} {"id": "15765", "contents": "joe bonamassa. joe bonamassa grow reput one world\u2019 greatest guitar players, also evolv charismat blues-rock star singer-songwrit stylist depth emot resonance. he\u2019 one kind.\u201d age 12, bonamassa open show blue icon went tour vener act includ buddi guy, foreigner, robert cray, stephen stills, joe cocker gregg allman."} {"id": "15766", "contents": "biographi music guide. music guide: guitar mastermind joe bonamassa, young player childhood dream play music similar legend like stevi ray vaughan, eric clapton, jimi hendrix, 22 ink deal epic. hail utica, new york, bonamassa could play blue could drive car."} {"id": "15767", "contents": "addit music career, joe bonamassa run nonprofit organ call keep blue aliv foundat whose mission music educ fund scholarship provid music educ resourc school need. 12 year old, band call smokin' joe bonamassa. band gig around western new york pennsylvania, citi scranton buffalo, weekend sinc joe school weekdays."} {"id": "15768", "contents": "$17.26. consult cost attend tabl student financi affair websit estim total cost full-tim student. fee consist $5.25 financi aid fee, $5.25 technolog fee $6.76 capit improv fee per credit hour."} {"id": "15769", "contents": "tuition fees. averag cost tuition fee typic student base enrol 21 credit hour per academ year includ hour summer semester. actual cost student incur vari depend student' degre certif program."} {"id": "15770", "contents": "$21,668.00. averag cost tuition fee typic student base enrol 21 credit hour per academ year includ hour summer semester."} {"id": "15771", "contents": "physic therapi major fee $50.00 per semest declar major physic therapy. addit requir fees. graduat student servic fee cours held graduat busi center $125 per semest credit hour cours section offer utep' graduat busi center. intern student servic fee $25.00 per student per term*. *appli intern students."} {"id": "15772", "contents": "tuition fee averag cost tuition fee typic student base enrol 30 credit hour per academ year includ hour summer semester."} {"id": "15773", "contents": "$4.00 per semest credit hour (undergraduate). profession liabil insur fee-a fee $10.00 $80.00 assess defray cost insur student work clinic set cours health science, nursing, speech-languag pathology, social work."} {"id": "15774", "contents": "scienc fair project examin pollut level differ urban locales. specially, air qualiti differ part citi like? sampl air collect citi park, school, market, citi bu station, citi hall, hospital, build top home. level carbon monoxid emiss age cars. scienc fair project perform compar amount carbon monoxid ga releas car differ ages. test done compar emiss level new car, 5-year-old car, 10-year-old car 20-year-old car."} {"id": "15775", "contents": "measur air pollut scienc fair project. pollut one among major problem today\u2019 world air pollut one root caus mani environment issues. use magnifi glass purpos dust particl tini seen neck eye. count number dust particl care stuck vaselin squar note note book. use number dust particl stick squar proof air pollution."} {"id": "15776", "contents": "harm particl come pollut air like dust, smog, soot, smoke, chemicals. import clean air health, citi keep track air pollut issu smog warn day high level air pollution. introduction. air breath lot health. breath fresh air, lung absorb oxygen air pass blood stream transport throughout bodies. oxygen import whole bodi energi need survive."} {"id": "15777", "contents": "conduct scienc fair project earn good grades. measur air pollut air pollut sever neg impact life live things. select idea scienc fair project let peopl know air pollut affect life. effect deterg plant growth deterg combin harsh chemic affect growth plants. conduct experi order proof fact. high school student, scienc fair project golden opportun put skill show learn throughout school year. lot variat avail field science. conduct scienc fair project numer field"} {"id": "15778", "contents": "year year breath particl tar smoke caus lung tissu develop cancer, even caus death. breath clean air import keep lung nice healthy. tini particl dust soot air enter lung breathe, block movement oxygen. introduction. air breath lot health. breath fresh air, lung absorb oxygen air pass blood stream transport throughout bodies. oxygen import whole bodi energi need survive."} {"id": "15779", "contents": "chang air filter 1996 audi a4. scienc project effect temperatur evapor of... measur humidity. scienc fair project air temperatur affect bounc a... leav enough room make loop hang poster board, tie knot. draw medium-s squar middl poster board squares. must exactli size make experi fair. cover insid medium squar petroleum jelly."} {"id": "15780", "contents": "step-by-step procedure. 1. find area hang sever cut piec posterboard. home you\u2019d like find clean air home is, hang cut piec posterboard outsid yard anoth area. 2. 3. draw squar marker cut piec posterboard, littl smaller squar itself. 4. punch hole top piec posterboard tie piec string hole hang cut out variou areas. 5."} {"id": "15781", "contents": "air pollut becom big problem. children understand effect air pollut unless physic see it. measur air pollut certain area help children recogn amount dirt particl breath lung enter areas. leav enough room make loop hang poster board, tie knot. draw medium-s squar middl poster board squares. must exactli size make experi fair. cover insid medium squar petroleum jelly."} {"id": "15782", "contents": "toxic sourc part air form tini invis particles. air pollut lead major health issu like, heart problems, breath problems, lung cancer etc. use magnifi glass purpos dust particl tini seen neck eye. count number dust particl care stuck vaselin squar note note book. use number dust particl stick squar proof air pollution."} {"id": "15783", "contents": "6. choos right place experiment. now, final area hand piec posterboard. choos intern area home purpos case realli want find proport dust particl air house. use magnifi glass purpos dust particl tini seen neck eye. count number dust particl care stuck vaselin squar note note book. use number dust particl stick squar proof air pollution."} {"id": "15784", "contents": "mesenchym stem cell (mscs) exampl tissu 'adult' stem cells. \u2018multipotent\u2019, mean produc one type special cell body, types. among blood stem cell (also call hematopoiet stem cells; hscs) varieti differ type cell belong group call \u2018mesenchymal\u2019 cells. 0.001-0.01% cell bone marrow mesenchym"} {"id": "15785", "contents": "lineag marker schematic. view interact pathway. mesenchym stem cell (mscs) adult stem cell tradit found bone marrow. however, mesenchym stem cell also isol tissu includ cord blood, peripher blood, fallopian tube, fetal liver lung. multipot stem cells, msc differenti form adipocytes, cartilage, bone, tendons, muscle, skin. mesenchym stem cell distinct entiti mesenchyme, embryon connect tissu deriv mesoderm differenti form hematopoiet stem cells."} {"id": "15786", "contents": "adult stem cell identifi mani organ tissues, includ brain, bone marrow, peripher blood, blood vessels, skelet muscle, skin, teeth, heart, gut, liver, ovarian epithelium, testis. thought resid specif area tissu (call stem cell niche). normal differenti pathway adult stem cells. live animal, adult stem cell avail divid long period, needed, give rise matur cell type characterist shape special structur function particular tissue."} {"id": "15787", "contents": "adult stem cell also found mani tissu brain, skelet muscle, blood vessels, skin, liver, teeth heart. regardless source, adult stem cell multipotent-they develop limit number cell types."} {"id": "15788", "contents": "iv. adult stem cell thought undifferenti cell, found among differenti cell tissu organ. adult stem cell renew differenti yield major special cell type tissu organ. primari role adult stem cell live organ maintain repair tissu found. normal differenti pathway adult stem cells. live animal, adult stem cell avail divid long period, needed, give rise matur cell type characterist shape special structur function particular tissue."} {"id": "15789", "contents": "1) bodi itself: scientist discov mani tissu organ contain small number adult stem cell help maintain them. adult stem cell found brain, bone marrow, blood vessels, skelet muscle, skin, teeth, heart, gut, liver, (although all) organ tissues. mesenchym stem cells, make bone, cartilage, fat, fibrou connect tissue, cell support format blood also isol bone marrow. neural stem cell (which form brain\u2019 three major cell types) isol brain spinal cord."} {"id": "15790", "contents": "wikipedia, free encyclopedia. mesenchym stem cells, mscs, multipot stromal cell differenti varieti cell types, including: osteoblast (bone cells), chondrocyt (cartilag cells), myocyt (muscl cells) adipocyt (fat cells). mesenchym stem cell shown contribut cancer progress number differ cancers, particularli hematolog malign contact transform blood cell bone marrow."} {"id": "15791", "contents": "bone marrow contain mani differ type cells. among blood stem cell (also call hematopoiet stem cells; hscs) varieti differ type cell belong group call \u2018mesenchymal\u2019 cells. 0.001-0.01% cell bone marrow mesenchym stem cells."} {"id": "15792", "contents": "abstract. mesenchym stem cell (mscs), major stem cell cell therapy, use clinic approxim 10 years. anim model clinic trials, msc afford promis treatment numer diseases, mainli tissu injuri immun disorders."} {"id": "15793", "contents": "mesenchym stem cell (mscs) presum includ subpopul pluripotent-lik cell differenti mesodermal-lineag cell also ectodermal-and endodermal-lineag cell exert tissu regen effect wide varieti tissues."} {"id": "15794", "contents": "advertisement. bush\u2019 repres return request hill clarifi whether bush meant feder govern shouldn\u2019t rais wage set minimum wage altogether. feder law set minimum wage $7.25, state leeway rais state. former florida gov. jeb bush said tuesday feder govern involv rais minimum wage campaign stop south carolina. \u201cwe need leav privat sector,\u201d said ask whether rais minimum wage good idea, accord video event youtube."} {"id": "15795", "contents": "warn flag #2 cruz. minimum wage increas hurt small busi question ask him. focus young people, \u201chispan african americans\u201d. think cruz pro-amnesti buddi rubio, slowli inform public feeling. bunch biliou bunk. warn flag #1 must\u2019v doozie."} {"id": "15796", "contents": "sen. ted cruz' (r-tx) father said african american need educ democrats, ad averag black know minimum wage bad. rafael cruz, junior senat texas' father, made comment western williamson republican club' august meet aug. 21."} {"id": "15797", "contents": "rand paul, marco rubio ted cruz ask rais minimum wage koch forum january, none support rais it. also safe say entir democrat field support rais minimum wage. that' rick santorum' posit issu could import part 2016 gop debate."} {"id": "15798", "contents": "(cnsnews.com) presid barack obama\u2019 propos rais minimum wage $9 hour current $7.25 would harm economy, republican said tuesday state union address. presid obama way, minimum wage would rais 50 cent $2 wouldn\u2019t abl hire dad,\u201d cruz said."} {"id": "15799", "contents": "senat rand paul, ted cruz marco rubio oppos president' plan rais minimum wage $10.10 $7.25 now. feder govern set minimum wage all? one chart said $0.00 real obama minimum wage mani peopl would lose job plan. anoth chart number $46.98, said, averag hourli wage oil ga worker north dakota."} {"id": "15800", "contents": "\u201cbut need creat grow economi drive wage -- $9 hour, $15, $18, $20 hour. that\u2019 kind thing need look at, come econom growth, unwis minimum wage may even damage.\u201d. presid obama way, minimum wage would rais 50 cent $2 wouldn\u2019t abl hire dad,\u201d cruz said."} {"id": "15801", "contents": "texa highest number minimum wage worker country. recent poll indic 55 percent texa voter support increas minimum wage $10 hour. texa voter get texa republican senat john cornyn ted cruz don\u2019t: texan deserv make live wage. april 30, us senat republican block bill would rais feder minimum wage $10.10 hour. even though major senat support bill\u201454 total\u2014republican use procedur move call filibust block bill come vote."} {"id": "15802", "contents": "0. shares. ted cruz: so, example, last time debat minimum wage presid obama want rais it, congression budget office, nonpartisan cbo, said cost one million jobs, predominantli young teenag african american hispan kid working. tuesday night saw someth rare pbs, conserv voice. senat ted cruz appear liber tavi smiley' program hit back host' pro-democrat questions. smiley demanded, well, can't rais minimum wage live wage? fight that?."} {"id": "15803", "contents": "known caus seizur (for example, brain injuri type known brain condition), twice like anoth seizure. two seizures, there' 80% chanc more. advertisement. seizur sudden surg electr activ brain. seizur usual affect person appear act short time. mani differ thing occur seizure."} {"id": "15804", "contents": "convuls person' bodi shake rapidli uncontrollably. convulsions, person' muscl contract relax repeatedly. term convuls often use interchang seizure, although mani type seizures, subtl mild symptom instead convulsions. seizur type caus disorgan sudden electr activ brain. convuls unsettl watch. despit appearance, seizur rel harmless. usual last 30 second minutes. however, seizur prolonged, multipl seizur happen person awaken between, medic emergency."} {"id": "15805", "contents": "mani differ type seizures. last seconds, other may last minutes. specif type seizur person depend brain seizur starts, seizur spread much (and part) brain involved. seizur might include: loss consciousness. convuls (whole bodi shaking). confusion. brief period staring. sudden feel fear panic."} {"id": "15806", "contents": "convulsion: abnormal, involuntari contract muscl typic seen certain seizur disorders. term convuls sometim use synonym seizure, seizur character convulsions. person convuls appear shake rapidli without control."} {"id": "15807", "contents": "tweet. medical: sudden violent shake muscl bodi unabl control. sudden experi someth (such laughter) shake move body. sudden chang disturb affect country, organization, etc"} {"id": "15808", "contents": "causes. convuls happen sudden, abnorm electr activ brain. febril convulsions. febril convuls seizur occur fever, temperatur higher 38\u00b0c. high fever might come infection. don\u2019t know why, cases, rapid rise temperatur caus abnorm electr discharg brain."} {"id": "15809", "contents": "convuls medic condit bodi muscl contract relax rapidli repeatedly, result uncontrol shake body. convuls often symptom epilept seizure, term convuls sometim use synonym seizure. however, epilept seizur lead convulsions, convuls caus epilept seizures. common type seizur call gener seizure, also known gener convulsion. character loss conscious may lead person collapsing. bodi stiffen minut jerk uncontrol next minute."} {"id": "15810", "contents": "convulsions, also sometim call seizures, medic condit person\u2019 bodi appear shake uncontrol manner. person experi them, muscl quickli contract relax repeatedly. caus appear rapid shake movements."} {"id": "15811", "contents": "protist tradit subdivid sever group base similar higher kingdoms: unicellular animal-lik protozoa, plant-lik protophyta (mostli unicellular algae), fungus-lik slime mold water molds. mani protist flagellate, example, filter feed take place flagella find prey. protist engulf bacteria food particles, extend cell membran around form food vacuol digest internally, process term phagocytosis."} {"id": "15812", "contents": "plant like protist eukaryot organ live wet moist environment. cell wall contain green pigment, chlorophyll. chloropyl help plan like protist produc food photosynthesis. plant like protist autotrophs, partli heterotrophs. known algae. exampl plant like protist dinoflagellates, euglenoids, diatoms, red algae, brown algae, green algae. 25 peopl found useful."} {"id": "15813", "contents": "plant-lik protist also call protophyta ,' mean 'first plants.'. third group, fungus-lik protists, also heterotroph get nutrient absorb food. now, may seem bit unusual, fungi get nutrient energy. plant-lik protist use nanotechnology-which basic manipul item molecular level-becaus complex structur cell wall incred small size."} {"id": "15814", "contents": "plant-lik protist commonli refer alga either single-or multi-celled. alga contain chlorophyl carri process photosynthesis. diatom single-cel alga excret cell wall made silica. kingdom protista contain protists, organ fit kingdom life. protist heterotroph autotrophic, mobil immobile, single-cel multi-celled, solo member colony. categor three main categori base obtain nutrients."} {"id": "15815", "contents": "plant-lik protist autotroph get nutrient perform photosynthesis, process use sunlight make sugar oxygen also perform plant make nutrient energy. plant-lik protist use nanotechnology-which basic manipul item molecular level-becaus complex structur cell wall incred small size."} {"id": "15816", "contents": "characterist protists. protist eukaryot organ cannot classifi plant, animal, fungus. mostli unicellular, some, like algae, multicellular. kelp, 'seaweed,' larg multicellular protist provid food, shelter, oxygen numer underwat ecosystems. kingdom protista contain protists, organ fit kingdom life. protist heterotroph autotrophic, mobil immobile, single-cel multi-celled, solo member colony. categor three main categori base obtain nutrients."} {"id": "15817", "contents": "protist organ part biolog kingdom call protista. organ plants, animals, bacteria, fungi. protist divers group organisms. basic organ fit groups. one major type protist algae. alga protist perform photosynthesis. alga similar plants. chlorophyl produc food use oxygen energi sun. however, consid plant special organ tissues."} {"id": "15818", "contents": "may occur unicellular, multicellular, coenocytic, coloni organisms. protist include: (1) protozoa, animal-lik protists, (2) algae, plant-lik protists, (3) slime mould water moulds, fungus-lik protists. word origin: greek protiston-a mean (most) first ones."} {"id": "15819", "contents": "10 hilari insight foreign words. protist catch-al term use describ eukaryot organ mean cell nuclei besid animals, plants, fungi. exampl includ unicellular animal-lik protozoa, fungus-lik slime molds, plant-lik protophyta. green alga resembl member plant kingdom use form chlorophyll. are, fact, thought ancestor green plants. vari singl cell multicellular types, found varieti aquat moist environments."} {"id": "15820", "contents": "seaweed, eukaryot organism, protist. paramecia one type protist. algae, type protist, seen microscope. plant-lik form protist includ algae. green alga resembl member plant kingdom use form chlorophyll. are, fact, thought ancestor green plants. vari singl cell multicellular types, found varieti aquat moist environments."} {"id": "15821", "contents": "eagl begin breeding? eagl sexual matur readi breed year age. bald eagles, complet white head tail sign sexual maturity. golden eagl also attain adult plumag 4-5 year age, sexual matur typic begin breeding. averag bald eagl nest feet diamet feet deep. year adult pair add 1-2 feet new materi nest. largest record bald eagl nest, locat st. petersburg, florida, 9.5 feet diameter, 20 feet deep weigh almost tons. golden eagl nests, large, gener smaller flatter bald eagl nest"} {"id": "15822", "contents": "bald eagle' scientif name signifi sea (halo) eagl (aeetos) white (leukos) head. one time, word bald meant white, hairless. bald eagl found throughout north america, alaska canada northern mexico. half world' 70,000 bald eagl live alaska. examples: patch white feather pale feathers. bald eagl eagl confin north america. larg blackish-brown bird white head tail north american. skeleton-it weigh half pound (250 300 grams), percent total weight."} {"id": "15823", "contents": "egg laid day apart consequ hatch order laid. femal eaglet tend larger male counterparts. like bird prey, femal adult also larger male. adult eagl rang 33-35 inch long male 35-37 inch females."} {"id": "15824", "contents": "diet: bald eagl love fish! fish available, bald eagl eat whatev catch includ small birds, rodents, dead meat. bald eagl problem steal food birds! typic lifespan: bald eagl live 20-30 year age wild. live even longer captivity. young eagl five year old. juvenil years, go sever color chang molts. year age, they'll look mate."} {"id": "15825", "contents": "q. long take bald eagle' egg hatch long fly? a. take 35 day hatch, young nest 10-12 week unti lthey fledg (fli nest). q. old young eagl fly? a. 10-12 weeks, leav nest. q. twenti eaglets, mani live adults? a. vari popul question. work releas eagl new york, 2.5 adult would surviv everi 20 (1 8). mortal highest eagl first year life, especi first six months."} {"id": "15826", "contents": "bald eagl larg bird. usual tall 70 102 centimetr (28 40 in) wingspan 2.44 metr (96 in). femal eagl 25 percent larger males. adult femal weigh 5.8 kilogram (13 lb), male weigh 4.1 kilogram (9.0 lb). adult bald eagl brown body, head tail white."} {"id": "15827", "contents": "true bird prey, femal almost alway larger male. femal bald eagl may stand much 107 centimet (42 inches) high, wingspan 240 centimet (8 feet). male stand 90 centimet (35 inches) high, wingspan nearli 200 centimet (6 1/2 feet). typic bald eagl nest (eyrie) rang 1.8 meter (6-10 feet) diamet 1.8 meter (6 10 feet) high. nest cavity, egg laid, 30 40 centimet (12 16 inches) diamet 10 centimet (4 inches) deep."} {"id": "15828", "contents": "length bald eagle? size vari geographi gender femal larger male northern bird larger southern birds. averag femal bald eagl 35 38 inch (89cm-96.5 cm) length approxim 25% larger male. generally, male weigh approxim 25% less femal area. averag weight femal bald eagl 10-14 pounds, howev exist great variat depend eagl from."} {"id": "15829", "contents": "long eagl live? wild, eagl make adulthood might live 20-25 years. 70-80% eagl die reach adulthood five year age. captivity, eagl known live much longer 40+ 50 years, due control environment, nutrient rich diet veterinari care. generally, male weigh approxim 25% less femal area. averag weight femal bald eagl 10-14 pounds, howev exist great variat depend eagl from."} {"id": "15830", "contents": "choos suitabl spot. want grow tall tree magnolia, ensur plenti space grow. magnolia grow sun part-shade. want smaller version, plant varieti known littl gem grow meter (16.4 26.2 ft) height meter (13.1 ft) width. grow magnolia tree. magnolia tree magnific full bloom. space one garden, get beauti shade. toler citi environments, pollution, ideal choic right garden."} {"id": "15831", "contents": "magnolia tree. origin magnolia tree varieti grow 25 feet tall rate 24 inch per grow season. \u201cgalaxy\u201d decidu tree blossom spring grow u.s. depart agricultur plant hardi zone 9. magnolia tree bear flower varieti colors, includ white, pink yellow. fast magnolia tree grow depend kind have. tree well-known beauti flowers, actual varieti bear inconspicu blossoms. landscape, magnolia tree provid dens shade make attract privaci screen"} {"id": "15832", "contents": "fast-grow cultivars. fast grow tree grow 24 inch year. \u201csamuel sommer\u201d (magnolia grandiflora \u201csamuel sommer\u201d) fast-grow cultivar bronz green leav 14 inch wide, grow 30 40 feet tall 30 feet wide. widely-pl \u201cclaudia wannamaker\u201d (magnolia grandiflora \u201cclaudia wannamaker\u201d) fast grower broad pyramid form. rate slow-to-medium rate growth, fast tree grow vari cultivar grow conditions. southern magnolia found everi major plantat old south flank club hous augusta nation golf cours augusta, georgia."} {"id": "15833", "contents": "larg trees. fast-grow magnolia suitabl shade tree magnolia acuminata, also known cucumbertre cucumb magnolia cucumber-shap fruit. cucumb magnolia grow 60 80 feet tall 30 feet wide, though flower quit small. cultivar fame magnolia grandiflora southern magnolia, samuel sommer, vigor fast growing. umbrella magnolia magnolia tripetala small medium size multi-stem decidu magnolia often found grow shade eastern north american hardwood forests. leav 20 inch long 10 inch across emerg foul-smel 8-inch flowers."} {"id": "15834", "contents": "rate magnolia tree growth depend specif species. magnolia tree grow slow-to-medium rate, averag feet year. keywords: growing, rate, slow. author. karen carter spent three year technolog specialist public school system write appear willapa harbor herald rogu colleg byline.. associ art rogu commun colleg certif comput inform systems."} {"id": "15835", "contents": "small medium trees. hybrid magnolia todd gresham fast-grow decidu magnolia name santa cruz, california plant breeder d. todd gresham. flower tulip-shap 10 inch wide, red-purpl outsid white inside. umbrella magnolia magnolia tripetala small medium size multi-stem decidu magnolia often found grow shade eastern north american hardwood forests. leav 20 inch long 10 inch across emerg foul-smel 8-inch flowers."} {"id": "15836", "contents": "southern magnolia grow feet year, reach 60 80 feet tall canopi spread 30 50 feet wide. rate slow-to-medium rate growth, fast tree grow vari cultivar grow conditions. southern magnolia found everi major plantat old south flank club hous augusta nation golf cours augusta, georgia."} {"id": "15837", "contents": "magnolia grandiflora, commonli known southern magnolia bull bay, tree famili magnoliacea nativ southeastern unit states, south virginia central florida, west east texa oklahoma. magnolia grandiflora medium larg evergreen tree may grow 120 ft (37 m) tall. typic singl stem (or trunk) pyramid shape. leav simpl broadli ovate, 12\u201320 cm (4.7\u20137.9 in) long 6\u201312 cm (2.4\u20134.7 in) broad, smooth margins."} {"id": "15838", "contents": "trash. although mani apart apart complex trash deposit garbage, you\u2019r still like bill pickup. complex follow averag util costs, could expect pay $10 $40 month trash pickup."} {"id": "15839", "contents": "averag price per kilowatt-hour repres total bill divid kilowatt-hour usage. total bill sum item appear electr bill fix costs, variabl rate per kwh, taxes, surcharges, late fees, even credit rebates. (price last updat 09/10/2015.)."} {"id": "15840", "contents": "depend mean averag hotel. hotel area 70-120 rooms, though one work 247 (some thousand rooms). power bill summer excess $25,000 month."} {"id": "15841", "contents": "live small apart use 550 kw/h per month, average, pay $0.10 per kw/h, average, receiv bill month $55."} {"id": "15842", "contents": "consid size apart gener climate. averag electr bill may low $30 per month high $100. ga may cost, average, anywher $40 $150 fluctuat depend season."} {"id": "15843", "contents": "averag bill fall $10 $30 month, although may bill flat rate cost $20 $60. although mani apart apart complex trash deposit garbage, you\u2019r still like bill pickup. complex follow averag util costs, could expect pay $10 $40 month trash pickup."} {"id": "15844", "contents": "hotel util depart expens consist mainli energi relat expenditur (i.e., electricity, gas, steam), along water sewer charges. 2010, util cost hotel trends\u00ae sampl averag $2,251 per avail room, 4.4 percent total revenue."} {"id": "15845", "contents": "know average, actual cost incur per occupi guestroom enabl manag make prudent price market decis monitor expenses. variabl cost may rang $12 per room night budget properti $75 per room night world-class hotel."} {"id": "15846", "contents": "brain surgeon\u2019 yearli incom bonu year experi follows: brain surgeon work less year collect $98,264 $308,368 plu around $17,500 bonus. start hourli rate new brain surgeon around $17.00 gradual increas brain surgeon gain experience. fact, brain surgeon collect top hourli pay $165.45. brain surgeon\u2019 salari one highest compar other surgeons."} {"id": "15847", "contents": "highest paid physician. salari neurosurgeon command u.s. rang $350,000 $850,000, averag incom 568,000 dollar per year. figur may may reflect bonuses. neurosurgeon highest paid physician make hundr thousand doctor includ gener surgeons. highest paid gener surgeon make 300,000 dollar still fifti thousand dollar less lowest paid neurosurgeon. slide 5."} {"id": "15848", "contents": "brain surgeon salary. brain surgeon us receiv annual incom rang $108,004 $729,606. start hourli rate new brain surgeon around $17.00 gradual increas brain surgeon gain experience. fact, brain surgeon collect top hourli pay $165.45. brain surgeon\u2019 salari one highest compar other surgeons."} {"id": "15849", "contents": "incom base experience. experi neurosurgeon career field, incom generate. surgeon less year experi report earn much $265,000 year, surgeon practic five nine year report earn $415,000 year. surgeon practic 20 year longer report earn high $508,000 year. profit share add much $44,000 year, commiss add much $59,000 surgeon' annual salary."} {"id": "15850", "contents": "much brain surgeon make india. india, brain surgeon usual make rs714,948 rs4,954,215 total salary. base payscal reports, also show base salari rang rs704,674 rs4,852,055 bonus much rs250,00 per year. median pay report rs1,728,335 per year. start hourli rate new brain surgeon around $17.00 gradual increas brain surgeon gain experience. fact, brain surgeon collect top hourli pay $165.45. brain surgeon\u2019 salari one highest compar other surgeons."} {"id": "15851", "contents": "annual incom range. 2010, neurosurgeon report wide earn range, $156,000 $460,000 year, accord payscale, base report 419 respondents. incom includ bonus littl $5,000 much $41,000 year. profit share add much $44,000 year, commiss add much $59,000 surgeon' annual salary."} {"id": "15852", "contents": "averag hourli rate. neurosurgeon new field industri less one year expect make $17 $107 hour, accord payscal 2010. $17 like reflect resident' pay, paid full salari complet residency."} {"id": "15853", "contents": "averag yearli salari neurosurgeon less year work experi $411,038 neurosurgeon work experi rang 10 19 year receiv annual salari $501,276. averag salari neurosurgeon base uk \u00a384,464 median annual salari \u00a3100,000. neurosurgeon\u2019 salari vari base age one 20 earn \u00a363,348, 30 earn \u00a382,775, 40 50 earn \u00a397,979."} {"id": "15854", "contents": "annual incom location. 2010, neurosurgeon pennsylvania report averag annual salari $413,000, accord payscale. new york, neurosurgeon made 436,000 year, neurosurgeon texa florida report earn $490's. neurosurgeon new field industri less one year expect make $17 $107 hour, accord payscal 2010. $17 like reflect resident' pay, paid full salari complet residency."} {"id": "15855", "contents": "accord payscale, neurosurgeon mexico make median salari mxn347,586, septemb 2012. site also show surgeons, includ neurosurgeons, receiv median salari mxn288,000 first four year field mxn305,882 20 th year onwards. averag salari neurosurgeon base uk \u00a384,464 median annual salari \u00a3100,000. neurosurgeon\u2019 salari vari base age one 20 earn \u00a363,348, 30 earn \u00a382,775, 40 50 earn \u00a397,979."} {"id": "15856", "contents": "commonli charbroil seri long evenli space metal rib larg combust chamber fill array burner may deflector, briquett radiant burner cook surface. typic charbroil construct involv three primari characterist commerci charbroil (burner, radiant grate) rang aspect affect perform overal unit."} {"id": "15857", "contents": "charbroil (also refer chargrill, char-broil simpli broiler) commonli use cook devic consist seri grate rib heat use varieti means, use residenti commerci applic varieti cook operations. typic charbroil construct involv three primari characterist commerci charbroil (burner, radiant grate) rang aspect affect perform overal unit."} {"id": "15858", "contents": "differ char grill grill grill use prepar varieti dish breakfast plate meats. char grill mainli use prepar meat give appear tast cook outdoor barbecu grill. tip experts: commerci griddl bread butter someth use occasionally? you\u2019r short order cook, you\u2019r go outgrow 24\u2019 griddl real quick."} {"id": "15859", "contents": "term charbroil typic associ commerci kitchen applications, though construct cook process nearli ident light-duti residenti product refer grills. typic charbroil construct involv three primari characterist commerci charbroil (burner, radiant grate) rang aspect affect perform overal unit."} {"id": "15860", "contents": "commerci griddl charbroilers. depend oper repeat results. griddle. flat top. countertop grill. matter call industri products, vulcan lead industri innov exclus technologies. increas product commerci kitchen even heat quick recoveri featur found vulcan griddl"} {"id": "15861", "contents": "charbroil grill defin process use item cook grate surfac sear flavor impart degre char give product light charcoal smoke flavor.. charbroil expos food temperatur often excess 260 \u00b0c (500 \u00b0f). typic charbroil construct involv three primari characterist commerci charbroil (burner, radiant grate) rang aspect affect perform overal unit."} {"id": "15862", "contents": "commerci charbroil applianc frequent use restaur serv grill food custom patrons. diner fast food restaur usual food establish util commerci char broiler kitchens. lava rock charbroiler, hand, use bed lava rock place burner order catch radiat heat toward food grill above. porou lava rock catch hold drip which, heated, give aroma associ grill meat."} {"id": "15863", "contents": "also find ga charbroil made compact footprint occasion use, equip built wider cook multipl food one time. even ga charbroil nsf list fast easi cleaning. filters. ga charbroil made fit avail countertop space supplement cook equip restaur offer custom favorit burgers, chicken, concess stand."} {"id": "15864", "contents": "acyclovir use treat symptom chickenpox, shingles, herp viru infect genit (sex organs), skin, brain, mucou membran (lip mouth), widespread herp viru infect newborns. acyclovir also use prevent recurr genit herp infections. although acyclovir cure herpes, help reliev pain discomfort help sore (if any) heal faster. acyclovir may also use viru infect determin doctor. however, work treat certain viru infections, common cold. acyclovir avail doctor' prescript"} {"id": "15865", "contents": "uses: acyclovir use treat infect caus certain type viruses. treat cold sore around mouth (caus herp simplex), shingl (caus herp zoster), chickenpox. medic also use treat outbreak genit herpes. peopl frequent outbreaks, acyclovir use help reduc number futur episodes. acyclovir antivir drug"} {"id": "15866", "contents": "uses. acyclovir use treat infect caus certain type viruses. treat cold sore around mouth (caus herp simplex), shingl (caus herp zoster), chickenpox. medic also use treat outbreak genit herpes. peopl frequent outbreaks, acyclovir use help reduc number futur episodes."} {"id": "15867", "contents": "indications. herp zoster infections: zovirax (acyclovir) indic acut treatment herp zoster (shingles). genit herpes: zovirax (acyclovir) indic treatment initi episod manag recurr episod genit herpes. chickenpox: zovirax (acyclovir) indic tr eatment chickenpox (varicella)."} {"id": "15868", "contents": "a. view sources. acyclovir use treat infect caus certain type viruses. treat cold sore around mouth (caus herp simplex), shingl (caus herp zoster), chickenpox. medic also use treat outbreak genit herpes. peopl frequent outbreaks, acyclovir use help reduc number futur episodes. acyclovir antivir drug."} {"id": "15869", "contents": "treat cold sore around mouth (caus herp simplex), shingl (caus herp zoster), chickenpox .thi medic also use treat outbreak genit herpes. peopl frequent outbreaks, acyclovir use help reduc number futur episodes.acyclovir antivir drug."} {"id": "15870", "contents": "acyclovir gener name zovirax, prescript medic use treat certain viru infections. food drug administr (fda) approv acyclovir treat viral infect varicella viru caus chicken pox shingles, well infect viru caus genit herpes. acyclovir one oldest drug use treat herp simplex virus remain first line treatment infections. however, research show acyclovir effect use be."} {"id": "15871", "contents": "a: acyclovir (zovirax) http://www.everydayhealth.com/drugs/acyclovir medic use treat viral infections. common side effect associ oral form acyclovir diarrhea, nausea, vomiting, headache, feel tire (malaise). acyclovir cream ointment caus skin irritation. acyclovir one oldest drug use treat herp simplex virus remain first line treatment infections. however, research show acyclovir effect use be."} {"id": "15872", "contents": "a: acyclovir (zovirax) antivir medic use treatment herp virus, includ genit herpes, cold sores, shingles. acyclovir also use help chicken pox virus. acyclovir one oldest drug use treat herp simplex virus remain first line treatment infections. however, research show acyclovir effect use be."} {"id": "15873", "contents": "group allig call congregation. largest american allig ever observ measur 19.8 feet (6 meters) littl evid support argument. allig gener solitari territori species. inform american allig fact american allig diet, habitat, reproduction, behavior. american allig (allig mississippiensis) also known common alligator, larg crocodilian reptil nativ southeastern unit states."} {"id": "15874", "contents": "male allig known bull, femal allig call cow, babi allig refer hatchlings. larg male allig prefer live alon defens territories."} {"id": "15875", "contents": "allig crocodilian genu allig famili alligatoridae. two live speci american allig (a. mississippiensis) chines allig (a. sinensis). addition, sever extinct speci allig known fossil remains. largest ever recorded, found louisiana, measur 5.84 (19.2 ft). chines allig smaller, rare exceed 2.1 (6.9 ft) length. addition, weigh consider less, male rare 45 kg. averag lifespan allig measured."} {"id": "15876", "contents": "averag lifespan american allig 35 50 years. group allig call congregation. largest american allig ever observ measur 19.8 feet (6 meters) littl evid support argument. allig gener solitari territori species. inform american allig fact american allig diet, habitat, reproduction, behavior. american allig (allig mississippiensis) also known common alligator, larg crocodilian reptil nativ southeastern unit states."} {"id": "15877", "contents": "averag adult american alligator' weight length 360 kg (790 lb) 4.0 (13.1 ft), sometim grow 4.4 (14 ft) long weigh 450 kg (990 lb). largest ever recorded, found louisiana, measur 5.84 (19.2 ft). chines allig smaller, rare exceed 2.1 (6.9 ft) length. addition, weigh consider less, male rare 45 kg. averag lifespan allig measured."} {"id": "15878", "contents": "american allig (allig mississippiensis), sometim refer colloqui gator common alligator, larg crocodilian reptil endem southeastern unit states. american allig less vulner cold american crocodiles. unlik crocodile, would immedi succumb cold drown water 45 \u00b0f (7.2 \u00b0c), allig surviv temperatur time without display sign discomfort."} {"id": "15879", "contents": "zoo, american allig fed rat occasion chicken rabbits. american allig may live 50 year wild. four feet long, allig safe predat except human occasion alligators. part inform provid anim divers web museum zoolog univers michigan. two three years, leav area search food, driven larger alligators. one interest aspect allig biolog undergo period dormanc weather cold. excav depress call \u201cgator hole\u201d along waterway use dormancy."} {"id": "15880", "contents": "one two live speci genu allig within famili alligatoridae; larger extant allig species, chines alligator. adult male american allig measur 3.4 4.6 (11 15 ft) length, weigh 453 kg (999 lb). american allig less vulner cold american crocodiles. unlik crocodile, would immedi succumb cold drown water 45 \u00b0f (7.2 \u00b0c), allig surviv temperatur time without display sign discomfort."} {"id": "15881", "contents": "taxonomy. averag size adult femal american allig 8.2 feet (2.6 m), averag size male 11.2 feet (3.4 m). except larg male reach weight nearli half ton 1,000 pounds. two three years, leav area search food, driven larger alligators. one interest aspect allig biolog undergo period dormanc weather cold. excav depress call \u201cgator hole\u201d along waterway use dormancy."} {"id": "15882", "contents": "largest american allig ever report supposedli 19.8 ft (6 m) long, although doubt claim. size rel 6-ft (2-m) man: american allig rare success stori endang anim save extinct thriving."} {"id": "15883", "contents": "need replac teeth, dentur clearli cheaper alternative, cost around $2,500 set (upper lower jaws). implant won\u2019t move around, interfer sens taste, dentur might. advantages, implant expensive. insur coverag usual minimal, patient often surpris high out-of-pocket costs. implant replac singl tooth cost $3,000 $4,500, depend live. implant replac full partial set teeth run $20,000 much $45,000"} {"id": "15884", "contents": "much would cost get full set (top bottom) dental implants. realli matter locat new york california."} {"id": "15885", "contents": "example, cost dental implant cupertino, california 6,500, dentist cleveland, ohio said singl tooth implant procedur includ surgeri restor cost $3,000 $4000. account almost 100% save dental implant cleveland. complet mouth restor dental implant, could cost 36 000 (2 dental bridg implant 18 000) 90 000 (2 time 45 000)\u2026."} {"id": "15886", "contents": "dentur medic necessary, insur might pay 15%-50% cost (up plan' annual limit, one). basic dentur start $300-$500 per plate, $600-$1,000 full set upper lower teeth. two six dental implant support remov dentur plate cost $3,500-$30,000 depend number type implant (mini-impl less expensive), dentur materi (in case exist dentur plate adapt use implants) procedur needed."} {"id": "15887", "contents": "even full mouth dentures, usual find implant arch (upper lower). complet mouth restor dental implant, could cost 36 000 (2 dental bridg implant 18 000) 90 000 (2 time 45 000)\u2026."} {"id": "15888", "contents": "tooth extract typic cost $75-$450 per tooth simpl extract $150-$650 per tooth surgic extraction. depend number teeth pulled, total cost get dentur $1,500-$20,000 full set (upper lowers). two six dental implant support remov dentur plate cost $3,500-$30,000 depend number type implant (mini-impl less expensive), dentur materi (in case exist dentur plate adapt use implants) procedur needed."} {"id": "15889", "contents": "survey reveal 96% gener dental practic offer dentures. respond dentist report charg averag $2,900 full set upper lower dentures. however, great variat cost dentures. gener dentist report charg $1,000, one prosthodontist defend $10,000 fee dentures. dentur fee rais least $6,000 full set upper lower, said one dentist. hardli surpris learn prosthodontist charg dentur gener dentist average, $500 more."} {"id": "15890", "contents": "cost. aboutcosmeticdentistry.com say averag price singl dental implant rang $1,250 $3,000. price depend factor includ bone regeneration, sinu elevation, wide-or narrow-diamet implants, dental profession perform procedure. averag cost upper-or lower-jaw replac $15,000 $30,000."} {"id": "15891", "contents": "teeth (full arch). tradit replac complet set upper lower teeth (arch) use dental implant complet multipl visits: consult planning, includ initi exam, imag teeth, question dental medic history, discuss treatment options."} {"id": "15892", "contents": "juvederm\u2019juv\u00e9derm (manufacturer) allergan use \u201cchemical-cross\u201d link process call hylacross bind individu chain hyaluron acid a-long last gel smooth. consist factor includ area injected, amount used, formul receiv (voluma xc \u201cthicker\u201d may littl expensive). price similar popular dermal filler like cost around $500 $700."} {"id": "15893", "contents": "wrinkl treatment cost calculator. gener price inform almost alway inaccur rang $100-$2000. cost much lower base person detail live. use calcul get better estim per session. factor includ area injected, amount used, formul receiv (voluma xc \u201cthicker\u201d may littl expensive). price similar popular dermal filler like cost around $500 $700."} {"id": "15894", "contents": "cost juvederm. juvederm cost typic rang $800 $1,300 per syringe, depend formula use factors. case second syring may need fulli satisfactori outcome. practic may offer reduc rate second syring cases. juvederm ultra regular filler juvederm ultra plu use treat deeper facial folds; effect latter may last longer. newli develop juvederm voluma help restor volum cheek chin."} {"id": "15895", "contents": "averag cost juvederm voluma may $500\u2013$600. cost depend variou factor like area treatment, quantiti juvederm voluma requir physician perform treatment. in: health news. tags: hyaluron acid, juvederm voluma. juvederm voluma price around $500-$600 per cc. juvederm voluma indic deep volum restor re-contour face, cheek bone chin region inject deepli deep dermis, subcutan upper periostea."} {"id": "15896", "contents": "juvederm hyaluron acid base gel. hyaluron acid found skin serv mani function includ ad plump volum skin. age come natur loss fatti tissu volum skin. wrinkl fine line brought effect treat juvederm."} {"id": "15897", "contents": "juvederm juv\u00e9derm smooth inject gel restor the\u2019skin volum smooth away facial wrinkl and, fold includ highli visibl one around mouth nose the. forehead factor includ area injected, amount used, formul receiv (voluma xc \u201cthicker\u201d may littl expensive). price similar popular dermal filler like cost around $500 $700."} {"id": "15898", "contents": "averag cost juvederm treatment approxim $300 $800. price depend upon geograph region, doctor chosen, area skin treated, factors. cost also depend volum need achiev desir result. juvederm\u00ae inject gel. juvederm cosmet filler intend fill facial wrinkl folds. hyaluronic-acid base filler replac hyaluron acid lost bodi part age process. hyaluron acid natur found body\u2019 connect tissue."} {"id": "15899", "contents": "juvederm juv\u00e9derm xc inject gel inject area facial tissu moder sever facial wrinkl fold occur temporarili add volum the, skin especi around nose and. mouth juvederm juv\u00e9derm voluma, xc side effect (moderate), uncomfort gener last 4. week common side effect includ temporari reaction treatment site as, tenderness, swelling, firmness/lumps, bumps, bruising, pain, redness, discolor and. itch"} {"id": "15900", "contents": "juvederm smooth, inject gel repres \u201cnext generation\u201d dermal fillers. like restylane, juvederm\u2019 secret weapon hyaluron acid\u2014a complex sugar occur natur bodi develop volum elast skin. sinc receiv fda approv 2006, juvederm becom one popular inject filler market. juvederm result typic last four six months, depend patient. result juvederm' sister products, juvederm ultra juvederm ultra plus, may last year. inject need repeat period order maintain result longer time."} {"id": "15901", "contents": "price juvederm restylan dermal filler vari greatli base geograph area well. rang anywher $300 $1000 per syringe. mani syring doctor use depend deep wrinkl are, facial area want treat desir outcom is. gener price inform almost alway inaccur rang $100-$2000. cost much lower base person detail live. use calcul get better estim per session."} {"id": "15902", "contents": "bacteria import microorgan food processor. harmless, mani highli beneficial, indic probabl presenc filth, diseas organisms, spoilag caus disease. pasteurization, destruct veget cell disease-produc microorganisms, consist temperatur 140\u00b0f 30 minutes, 161\u00b0f 16 seconds. yeasts, molds, veget cell spoilag bacteria also die pasteur temperatures."} {"id": "15903", "contents": "definition: disease-caus organ micro-organ make sick eat it, inhal it, come contact (get skin, ears, etc). standard disease-caus organ louisiana base group bacteria call fecal coliform bacteria. bacteria use detect level disease-caus organ untreat sewag water. fecal coliform bacteria come intestin warm-blood animals."} {"id": "15904", "contents": "bacteria call resid flora, microbiome. mani resid flora actual help people\u2014for exampl help digest food prevent growth other, danger bacteria. kind bacteria caus disease. call pathogens. sometim bacteria normal resid harmlessli bodi caus disease. bacteria caus diseas produc harm substanc (toxins), invad tissues, both."} {"id": "15905", "contents": "kind e. coli caus diseas make toxin call shiga toxin. bacteria make toxin call \u201cshiga toxin-producing\u201d e. coli, stec short. might hear bacteria call verocytotox e. coli (vtec) enterohemorrhag e. coli (ehec); refer gener group bacteria. strain shiga toxin-produc e. coli o104:h4 caus larg outbreak europ 2011 frequent refer ehec."} {"id": "15906", "contents": "escherichia coli (e. coli) bacteria normal live intestin peopl animals. e. coli harmless actual import part healthi human intestin tract. however, e. coli pathogenic, mean caus illness, either diarrhea ill outsid intestin tract. might hear bacteria call verocytotox e. coli (vtec) enterohemorrhag e. coli (ehec); refer gener group bacteria. strain shiga toxin-produc e. coli o104:h4 caus larg outbreak europ 2011 frequent refer ehec."} {"id": "15907", "contents": "term 'germ' actual refer microorganism, especi microorgan caus disease. includ categori certain viruses, bacteria, fungi."} {"id": "15908", "contents": "patholog commonli use term mean disease-producing. example, bacterium caus diseas commonli call patholog bacterium. pathogenesi condit produc disease."} {"id": "15909", "contents": "example, bacteria use benefici make chees yogurt. bacteria caus diseas call \u201cpathogens.\u201d certain pathogen enter food supply, caus food-born illness. type caus million case food-born ill year. ironically, case food-born ill prevented. food-born ill often show flu-lik symptom nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, fever, mani peopl may recogn ill caus bacteria pathogen food. thousand type bacteria natur present environment. bacteria caus diseas humans."} {"id": "15910", "contents": "microb disease. harm microbes, exampl less bacteria, invad bodi (the host) make us ill. microb caus infecti diseas flu measles. also strong evid microb may contribut mani non\u2013infecti chronic diseas form cancer coronari heart disease. differ diseas caus differ type micro-organ"} {"id": "15911", "contents": "lymphat system basic channel carri clear whitish fluid call lymph. lymph aid clear tissu infect organisms, toxin etc. basic structur function lymphat system broken lymph channels."} {"id": "15912", "contents": "vessel direct lymph toward lymph node. lymph enter node, space channel call sinus collect carri lymph toward area call hilum. hilum concav area node lead effer lymphat vessel. effer lymphat vessel take lymph away"} {"id": "15913", "contents": "b-cell t-cell lymphocyt found lymph node lymph tissues. b-cell lymphocyt becom activ due presenc particular antigen, creat antibodi specif specif antigen. antigen tag intrud label destruct immun cells."} {"id": "15914", "contents": "lymphat system includ system lymphat capillaries, vessels, nodes, duct collect transport lymph, clear slightli yellowish fluid, similar plasma blood. lymphat system import maintain body\u2019 fluid balance, help transport fats."} {"id": "15915", "contents": "lymph convey lymphat system vessel call lymph capillaries. compar capillari found within circulatori system, larger circumfer uniqu one-way structure, mean lymph cannot pass vessel way entered."} {"id": "15916", "contents": "affer vessel transport fluid lymph nodes, effer vessel carri filter lymph away lymph nodes. white blood cell call lymphocyt major part lymphat system. lymph node may becom swollen person get sick."} {"id": "15917", "contents": "lymphat vessel carri lymph toward lymph node call affer lymphat vessels. one carri lymph away lymph node call effer lymphat vessels. lymphat vessel similar veins, bumpier appear due larg number valv found vessels."} {"id": "15918", "contents": "lymphat vessel structur lymphat system transport fluid away tissues. lymphat vessel similar blood vessels, carri blood. fluid transport lymphat vessel call lymph. lymph clear fluid come blood plasma exit blood vessel capillari beds."} {"id": "15919", "contents": "mrsa-methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureus, nick name specif subtyp bacteria staph bacteria family, found resist mani common antibiot use today."} {"id": "15920", "contents": "methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureu (mrsa) overview. methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureu (mrsa) type staphylococcu staph bacterium resist mani antibiotics. staph bacteria, like kind bacteria, normal live skin nose, usual without caus problems."} {"id": "15921", "contents": "mrsa, (methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureus), form bacteri infect resist numer antibiot includ methicillin, amoxicillin, penicillin oxacillin, thu make challeng treat infect successfully.1. mrsa, full name methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureus, form bacteri infect resist numer antibiot includ methicillin, amoxicillin, penicillin oxacillin."} {"id": "15922", "contents": "definition. methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureu (mrsa) infect caus type staph bacteria that' becom resist mani antibiot use treat ordinari staph infections."} {"id": "15923", "contents": "however, staph bacteria also caus seriou infect (such skin soft tissu wound infections, bloodstream infections, pneumonia). methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureu (mrsa) refer type staph resist type antibiot methicillin. mrsa often resist antibiotics, well."} {"id": "15924", "contents": "staph bacteria develop resist penicillin-rel antibiotics, includ methicillin-thes resist bacteria call methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureus, mrsa. staphylococcu aureu (s. aureus) refer often harm bacterium, commonli found nose skin humans. mrsa, full name methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureus, form bacteri infect resist numer antibiot includ methicillin, amoxicillin, penicillin oxacillin."} {"id": "15925", "contents": "article. methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureu (mrsa) bacterium caus infect differ part body. tougher treat strain staphylococcu aureu -- staph -- resist commonli use antibiotics. symptom mrsa depend infected. often, caus mild infect skin, like sore boils."} {"id": "15926", "contents": "mrsa kind staphylococcu aureu (staph) bacteria, resist kind antibiotics. resist famili antibiot relat penicillin includ antibiot call methicillin oxacillin, often resist mani antibiot well. mrsa type staph, symptom mrsa infect symptom infect due staph same. pimples, rashes, pus-fil boils, especi warm, painful, red swollen, mean staph skin infection."} {"id": "15927", "contents": "methicillin-resist staphylococcu aureu (mrsa) (/\u025bm\u0251r\u025bse\u026a/ /\u02c8m\u025crs\u0259/) bacterium respons sever difficult-to-treat infect humans. also call oxacillin-resist staphylococcu aureu (orsa). mrsa strain staphylococcu aureu developed, process natur selection, resist beta-lactam antibiotics, includ penicillin (methicillin, dicloxacillin, nafcillin, oxacillin, etc.) cephalosporins."} {"id": "15928", "contents": "smartkey baldwin technology, one prestig product line features. featur allow consum re-key lock without replac entir lock mechanism."} {"id": "15929", "contents": "smartkey pick-resist pass highest test standard lock picking\u2014ul 437. smartkey provid flexibl re-key locks, yourself, seconds, frequent wish. lose key loan key get back, re-key lock secur home seconds. q: smartkey easi re-key, prevent someon abl re-key locks? a: smartkey lock re-key current function key smartkey learn tool."} {"id": "15930", "contents": "purchas smart dumb key forc tool http://mrlocksmithtraining.com/mr-pro... weiser smart key kwikset smart key lock open almost quick put key lock. sever manufactur sell tool open smart key lock seconds. major problem littl train open smart key lock visibl damag lock. sever year ago youtub video pick open brand bike lock bic pen."} {"id": "15931", "contents": "smart key electron access author system avail option standard sever cars. vehicl smart key system disengag immobilis activ ignit without insert key ignition, provid driver key insid car. vehicles, done press starter button twist ignit switch."} {"id": "15932", "contents": "smart key allow driver keep key fob pocket unlocking, lock start vehicle. key identifi via one sever antenna car' bodywork radio puls gener key housing. vehicl smart key system disengag immobilis activ ignit without insert key ignition, provid driver key insid car. vehicles, done press starter button twist ignit switch."} {"id": "15933", "contents": "re-key door lock requir lock installation, allow quickli easili reset lock' cylind work new differ kwikset key. click tab step-by-step re-key instruct great inform smartkey."} {"id": "15934", "contents": "smartkey advanc secur breakthrough allow rekey lock seconds. rekey lock entir new key, simpli insert function key, turn quarter turn clockwise, insert learn tool, remov exist key, insert new key. that\u2019 it! easili rekey lock."} {"id": "15935", "contents": "side smartkey also hide tradit mercedes-benz key pull releas top. metal key use valet purpos lock glovebox and/or trunk smartkey turn park attendant. vehicl smart key system disengag immobilis activ ignit without insert key ignition, provid driver key insid car. vehicles, done press starter button twist ignit switch."} {"id": "15936", "contents": "a: yes, smartkey re-key technolog provid addit security: smartkey avail ansi grade deadbolt-certifi highest level residenti security. smartkey offer bumpguard\u2122 protection, protect lock bumping, attack techniqu defeat convent pin tumbler locks. q: smartkey easi re-key, prevent someon abl re-key locks? a: smartkey lock re-key current function key smartkey learn tool."} {"id": "15937", "contents": "key control deadbolt faq work smartkey re-key technology, fast conveni re-key weiser' smartkey re-key technolog provid flexibl re-key lock quickli easili without remov door. top reason re-key. 11.6 top smartkey work re-key easi 1-2-3 must function key learn tool work insert function key turn 1/4 turn clockwis insert remov smartkey learn tool. remov function key."} {"id": "15938", "contents": "much confus vegetarian isn't, definit term ever includ fish sea food. 100% clear, vegetarian diet exclud animals; fish animals. therefore, diet includ fish, person consum fish cannot properli call vegetarian."} {"id": "15939", "contents": "full definit vegan. strict vegetarian consum anim food dairi products; also: one abstain use anim product (a leather). vegan adjective. veg\u00b7an\u00b7 \\\u02c8v\u0113-g\u0259-\u02ccni-z\u0259m, \u02c8v\u0101-g\u0259-, \u02c8ve-j\u0259-\\ noun. see vegan defin english-languag learners. see vegan defin kid"} {"id": "15940", "contents": "person eat food plant origin, includ fruits, grains, nuts. mani vegetarian eat egg milk product avoid anim flesh. kind vegetarian lacto-ovo-vegetarian, ovo-vegetarian, strict vegetarian. adject refer diet devoid meat."} {"id": "15941", "contents": "number vegetarian diets, exclud includ variou foods. ovo vegetarian includ egg dairi products. lacto vegetarian includ dairi product eggs. ovo-lacto vegetarian (or lacto-ovo vegetarianism) includ animal/dairi product eggs, milk, honey. varieti vegan vegetarian deli foods. vegetarian /\u02c8v\u025bd\u0292\u0259t\u025b\u0259ri\u0259n\u026az\u0259m/ practic abstain consumpt meat (red meat, poultry, seafood flesh animal), may also includ abstent by-product anim slaughter."} {"id": "15942", "contents": "noun. 1. vegetarian-eat fruit grain nuts; someon eat meat fish (often) anim products. eater, feeder-someon consum food nourishment. vegan-a strict vegetarian; someon eat anim dairi product all. translations. [\u02ccved\u0292\u026a\u02c8t\u025b\u0259r\u026a\u0259n]."} {"id": "15943", "contents": "noun. person eat meat fish, sometim anim products, especi moral, religious, health reasons. exampl sentences. potenti mani reason becom vegetarian vegetarian world."} {"id": "15944", "contents": "definit vegetarian: someon live diet grains, pulses, nuts, seeds, veget fruit with, without, use dairi product eggs. vegetarian eat meat, poultry, game, fish, shellfish* by-product slaughter."} {"id": "15945", "contents": "vegan type vegetarian diet exclud meat, eggs, dairi product animal-deriv ingredients. mani vegan also eat food process use anim products, refin white sugar wines."} {"id": "15946", "contents": "varieti diet well: ovo-vegetarian diet includ egg dairi products, lacto-vegetarian diet includ dairi product eggs, ovo-lacto vegetarian diet includ egg dairi products. vegan diet exclud anim products, includ eggs, dairy, beeswax honey. varieti vegan vegetarian deli foods. vegetarian /\u02c8v\u025bd\u0292\u0259t\u025b\u0259ri\u0259n\u026az\u0259m/ practic abstain consumpt meat (red meat, poultry, seafood flesh animal), may also includ abstent by-product anim slaughter."} {"id": "15947", "contents": "lacto-vegetarian consum dairi products, eggs; ovo-vegetarian eat eggs, dairi products; lacto-ovo-vegetarian eat egg well dairi products. also pescetarianism, vegetarian-lik diet avoid meat poultri includ fish. however, vegetarian tend consum dairi product eggs, vegan avoid anim products, includ egg dairy, often ined animal-bas products, leather, wool, silk. vegetarian usual diet, vegan lifestyle."} {"id": "15948", "contents": "mexican food alway consid spicy. well, partial true. mexican food histori show mexico given chocol world, well sever specialties, includ peanuts, vanilla, beans, coconut tomatoes. tradit mexican cook make use nativ element produc tast meals. corn flour main compon involv prepar mexican food, corn also use mani form wide varieti meals, includ candy. anoth typic ingredi chili, strong, hot flavor."} {"id": "15949", "contents": "new mexican cuisin region cuisin us state new mexico. part broader southwestern cuisine, new mexico food cultur fusion spanish mediterranean, mexican, pueblo nativ american, cowboy chuckwagon influences. new mexican food mexican tex-mex food prefer texa arizona. new mexico state offici question\u2014r green?\u2014ref choic red green chile. combin red green chile often refer christmas."} {"id": "15950", "contents": "histori food. european arriv mexico 1517, mexico' indigen (native) peopl includ aztec central interior, maya yucatan peninsula, zapotec south. diet consist mainli corn, beans, peppers, tomatoes, sweet potatoes, squash, herbs. food mexicans. corn basi mexican diet, thousand years. found almost everi meal, usual form tortilla (flatbread). corn also boil produc pozole, hearti corn stew."} {"id": "15951", "contents": "mexican cook cours still practic southwest unit state mexican\u2013american war, diana kennedy, book cuisin mexico (publish 1972), drew sharp distinct mexican food tex-mex. cuisin veracruz mix indigenous, afro-mexican spanish. indigen contribut use corn stapl well vanilla (nativ state), herb call acuyo hoja santa."} {"id": "15952", "contents": "mexican street food one vari part cuisine. includ tacos, quesadillas, pambazos, tamales, huaraches, alambr food suitabl cook home includ barbacoa, carnita and, sinc mani home mexico make use ovens, roast chicken. cuisin veracruz mix indigenous, afro-mexican spanish. indigen contribut use corn stapl well vanilla (nativ state), herb call acuyo hoja santa."} {"id": "15953", "contents": "chile new mexico' largest agricultur crop. within new mexico, green chile popular ingredi wide rang food includ enchilada burritos, cheeseburgers, french fries, bagels, pizzas, ad standard menu offer off-menu mani nation american food chains. new mexican food mexican tex-mex food prefer texa arizona. new mexico state offici question\u2014r green?\u2014ref choic red green chile. combin red green chile often refer christmas."} {"id": "15954", "contents": "regardless foreign element present mexico\u2019 nouvel cuisine, main ingredi remain recip recipe. common ingredi use mexican food corn. like ancient civil live region, mexican learn cook almost everi meal corn. corn flour main compon involv prepar mexican food, corn also use mani form wide varieti meals, includ candy. anoth typic ingredi chili, strong, hot flavor."} {"id": "15955", "contents": "mexican cuisin import aspect culture, social structur popular tradit mexico. import exampl connect use mole special occas holidays, particularli south center region country. cuisin veracruz mix indigenous, afro-mexican spanish. indigen contribut use corn stapl well vanilla (nativ state), herb call acuyo hoja santa."} {"id": "15956", "contents": "mexican cuisin primarili fusion indigen mesoamerican cook european, especi spanish, element ad spanish conquest aztec empir 16th century. basic stapl nativ food corn, bean chili peppers. cuisin veracruz mix indigenous, afro-mexican spanish. indigen contribut use corn stapl well vanilla (nativ state), herb call acuyo hoja santa."} {"id": "15957", "contents": "quick flush rate often lead heavi smoking, smoker keep go next hit. however, nicotin pump blood stream, end stick throughout body. take hour get one full cigarett body. however, heavi smoker, much nicotin body. year smoking, nicotin end fat cell throughout rest body. quit smoking, major nicotin bodi metabol bodi 48 72 hours. however, nicotin stick fat cell part body, take longer flush entirely."} {"id": "15958", "contents": "system next days, complet abstain till then. long nicotine/cotinin stay detect blood, urine, mouth swab test. 24 hours. alcohol: urin days, blood 12 hours. nicotin urin day blood days, test done cotinin nicotin metabolit much longer 10 days."} {"id": "15959", "contents": "nicotin get elimin urine. 48-72 hour long take store nicotin metabol leav body. 20-30 day long nicotin by-product cotinin continu circul bloodstream. key stay away tobacco form flush toxic nicotin body."} {"id": "15960", "contents": "regard nicotin store body, take 48-72 20-30 day nicotine\u2019 by-product cotinin leav body. food drink vs. nicotine. 1. water hydrat bodi nicotin dehydr help sweat nicotin system. 2. vegetables, egg-plants, beans, cucumb celeri influenc cigarett taste, decreas nicotin dependence."} {"id": "15961", "contents": "report share this:how long nicotin system?nicotin half-lif human bodi hour (although rang hour differ individuals). averag smoker blood nicotin concentr 40 ng/ml even cigarette."} {"id": "15962", "contents": "blood test. test nicotin show nicotin detect days. common test cotinin instead nicotine, cotinin detect system 10 day nicotin remov system. smoke occasion limit nicotin intake, nicotin clear days. regular smoker, may take 1-2 weeks; long time heavi smoker, may take 20 day clean urinalysi test."} {"id": "15963", "contents": "48-72 hour long take store nicotin metabol leav body. 20-30 day long nicotin by-product cotinin continu circul bloodstream."} {"id": "15964", "contents": "long alcohol tobacco stay bodi urin blood test? depend test. alcohol: urin days, blood 12 hours. nicotin urin day blood days, test done cotinin nicotin metabolit much longer 10 days."} {"id": "15965", "contents": "length time nicotin stay bodi cotinin reliabl indic nicotin use depend amount tobacco smoked, number year smoke tobacco, type nicotin test performed. short days, long months."} {"id": "15966", "contents": "example, roughli $120 million budget cut lo angel polic department, saddl lapd $41-million shortfal offici say yet know close. depart saw budget reduc $80 million thank council' elimin overtim pay cops."} {"id": "15967", "contents": "fire chief. lo angel fire depart oper number bureau report directli fire chief. chief (formerli call chief engineer) senior administr polici manag department."} {"id": "15968", "contents": "lafd propos budget, 2014-15. ben welsh. bid roll back cut fol\u00adlow eco\u00adnom\u00ad down\u00adturn five year ago, lo angel fire de\u00adpart\u00ad con\u00adsid\u00ader\u00ad re\u00adquest boost budget nearli 10% next year, push\u00ad an\u00adnu\u00ad spend\u00ad high $600 mil\u00adlion."} {"id": "15969", "contents": "lo angel face $95.28 million shortfal year mostli due underfund polic overtim deficit fire department, citi offici said thursday."} {"id": "15970", "contents": "lo angel counti fire station non-emerg telephon number citi covina are: station 152, locat 807 west cypress avenue; (626) 974-8361. station 153, locat 1577 east cypress avenue; (626) 974-8362. station 154, locat 401 north second avenue."} {"id": "15971", "contents": "everi 36 seconds, unit roll out. twenty-four hour day, 365 day year, firefight paramed lo angel fire depart must prepar anything. structur fires. brush fires. auto accidents."} {"id": "15972", "contents": "three-quart american predict clinton win democrat nomin run white house, two-third say like next presid party\u2019 standard-bear 2016, accord new cnn/orc intern poll."} {"id": "15973", "contents": "reuter built comput model predict polit parti win presid next year\u2019 election, result in: republican like move white hous 2017."} {"id": "15974", "contents": "presid 2016 presid obama bar constitut term limit seek re-elect 2016. larg crowd candid like compet democrat republican nominations. plu lot like third parti independ p2016 hopefuls. so, person running, think run -- regardless party, ballot status, chanc win -- list below."} {"id": "15975", "contents": "presid obama bar constitut term limit seek re-elect 2016. larg crowd candid like compet democrat republican nominations. plu lot like third parti independ p2016 hopefuls. so, person running, think run -- regardless party, ballot status, chanc win -- list below."} {"id": "15976", "contents": "add expect see mani 15 legitim candid presidenti contest point next two years. rank 10 best chanc wind republican nominee. candid rank no. like winner."} {"id": "15977", "contents": "there\u2019 one thing say 2016 republican presidenti field, this: go huge. mani 23 name long (long) list potenti candidates. that\u2019 twice(!) mani peopl run gop nomin previou campaign."} {"id": "15978", "contents": "hillari clinton democrat party' nominee, win 2016 election. analyz object condit republican parti today like next two year compar clinton' strengths, hard make predict confidence."} {"id": "15979", "contents": "pam key feb 2015 0. sunday abc\u2019 \u201cthi week,\u201d bloomberg\u2019 mark halperin said hillari clinton \u201cfar away like next presid unit states.\u201d. halperin said, \u201cthey peopl could step falters."} {"id": "15980", "contents": "way domitian could get rid way got rid wife-exile. island apostol john wrote revel (apokalypsis.) john, exil patmo lodg grotto today' name apokalypsis. emperor domitian' death 97 ad john return ephesu live ripe old age. name patmos, gener believed, deriv word latmos, name mountain caria, countri situat across island asia minor goddess dian (artemis), particularli adored. patmo time colon dorien thereaft follow ionians."} {"id": "15981", "contents": "settlement grikou kampos. church commun patmo eastern orthodox tradition. 1999, island' histor center chora, along monasteri saint john theologian cave apocalypse, declar world heritag site unesco. monasteri found saint christodulos."} {"id": "15982", "contents": "famou religi past, island saint john wrote book revelation. also known jerusalem aegean, patmo formal declar holi island 1983 greek government. town villag patmos. skala. main harbour patmos, skala popul town island. skala stand today start develop 19th centuri prior suscept pirat raids."} {"id": "15983", "contents": "suppos prehistor inhabit cariens. name patmos, gener believed, deriv word latmos, name mountain caria, countri situat across island asia minor goddess dian (artemis), particularli adored. patmo time colon dorien thereaft follow ionians."} {"id": "15984", "contents": "patmo (greek, \u03c0\u03ac\u03c4\u03bc\u03bf\u03c2; italian: patmo) small greek island aegean sea. one northernmost island dodecanes complex,) popul 2,998 area 34.05 km (13.15 sq mi). highest point profiti ilias, 269 metr (883 ft) sea level. church commun patmo eastern orthodox tradition. 1999, island' histor center chora, along monasteri saint john theologian cave apocalypse, declar world heritag site unesco. monasteri found saint christodulos."} {"id": "15985", "contents": "patmo place saint john wrote book revel (apocalypse) uniqu pilgrimag site cathol orthodox. today, island domin castle-monasteri saint john creat great antithesi typic whitewash charact chora."} {"id": "15986", "contents": "), wrote gospel john (john 21:24), found exil patmos. there, one import job do. island patmo today part greece. locat among sporad group island aegean sea near west coast turkey. rel small member group, measur 10 mile 10 16 kilometers, irregular coastline. john, also brother, companion tribul [see also great tribul ], kingdom patienc jesu christ, isl call patmos, word god, testimoni jesu christ."} {"id": "15987", "contents": "john island call patmo toward end first centuri (rev. 1:9). photo ferrel jenkin 2003. john, writer book revelation, island call patmos, word god testimoni jesu (rev 1:9). convinc apostl john. becauseof (greek dia, account of) word god"} {"id": "15988", "contents": "gener inform patmo big island, one best known. st. john vision wrote apocalypse, patmo sometim call jerusalem aegean. monasteri st. john tower capital, chora, whole island breath faith devotion. nevertheless, island christian reputation."} {"id": "15989", "contents": "boat ride isl patmos, greec john wrote book revelation. see cave entranc monasteri st. john beauti view isl patmos."} {"id": "15990", "contents": "virtu fortun prince. prince, written machiavelli concern issu politics, rule state ruler leader be."} {"id": "15991", "contents": "virtu 5: machiavelli examin two way princ attain power. franceso sforza exampl princ rose power abilities. cesar borgia exampl princ inherit power father. chapter 18. virtu 13: machiavelli argu ideal world men honest, would virtuou princ keep pledges. sinc men dishonest, necessari princ use decept benefit. princ must characterist fox lion."} {"id": "15992", "contents": "virtu 17: machiavelli challeng prince, lorenzo de' medici, save itali barbarians. cesar borgia thought qualiti necessari accomplish task, fail due unexpect turn fortune. itali wait anoth princ abil fortun succeed. chapter 18. virtu 13: machiavelli argu ideal world men honest, would virtuou princ keep pledges. sinc men dishonest, necessari princ use decept benefit. princ must characterist fox lion."} {"id": "15993", "contents": "prince, machiavelli' concept virtu depart convent mean associ word, indic moral excellence. machiavelli use italian word virtu, virt\u00f9 exact english. equival seem closer mean latin word virtu or. manli princ must get peopl expect worst; then, virtu appear bring relief contrast. chapter xvii, machiavelli tackl whether better princ 'love fear fear loved'."} {"id": "15994", "contents": "chapter 6. virtu 4: machiavelli write privat citizen becom prince, need fortun ability. among becam princ ability, machiavelli cite moses, cyrus, romulus, theseus. chapter 18. virtu 13: machiavelli argu ideal world men honest, would virtuou princ keep pledges. sinc men dishonest, necessari princ use decept benefit. princ must characterist fox lion."} {"id": "15995", "contents": "make world better, one answer time. machiavelli' definit differ definit virtu ascrib nobl possession. instead, defin virtu mere qualiti make person possess admir others. believ virtu good other prais it."} {"id": "15996", "contents": "virtu 6: here, machiavelli make clear virtu abil relat statecraft morality. princ come power evil mean said neither fortun ability. princ may gain power, glory. chapter 18. virtu 13: machiavelli argu ideal world men honest, would virtuou princ keep pledges. sinc men dishonest, necessari princ use decept benefit. princ must characterist fox lion."} {"id": "15997", "contents": "accord harvey clafin mansfield book titl machiavelli' virtue, phrase verita effettual prince, appli virtu say virtu get one. princ must get peopl expect worst; then, virtu appear bring relief contrast. chapter xvii, machiavelli tackl whether better princ 'love fear fear loved'."} {"id": "15998", "contents": "princ (italian: il princip [il \u02c8print\u0283ipe]) 16th-centuri polit treatis italian diplomat polit theorist niccolo niccol\u00f2. machiavelli correspond version appear distribut in, 1513 use latin, titl de (principatibu about). princip princ sometim claim one first work modern philosophy, especi modern polit philosophy, effect truth taken import abstract ideal."} {"id": "15999", "contents": "place beef filet mignon unheat rack broiler pan. use follow timings, broil meat, turn halfway broil time: 1-inch filet cut, broil 12 14 minut medium rare (145 degre f) 15 18 minut medium (160 degre f). grill filet mignon. charcoal grill, place meat grill rack directli medium coals; grill uncovered. ga grill, preheat grill; reduc heat medium. place filet grill rack heat. cover grill"} {"id": "16000", "contents": "less grill filet mignon. tri less expens cut meat next time. pay lot money get real fanci grill steak, focu technique. also rememb throw grill chicken guest famili member eat red meat. minut (for medium-rare, littl medium), lift, turn steak 90 degre set back anoth minut (again, medium-rare, littl done)."} {"id": "16001", "contents": "filet mignon cook time chart best results, cook steak use accur meat thermomet instead timetable. steak allow rest 10 minut serving. rest period allow juic distribut meat. keep mind meat continu cook resting, adjust grill time accordingli (temperatur meat rais 10 degrees)."} {"id": "16002", "contents": "\u2022wrap strip bacon (secur toothpick that\u2019 soak water least 30 minutes) add great flavor keep filet mignon steak dri out. grill time filet mignon steaks: approxim 12 minutes, (6 minut per side) high heat. order onlin steak today, grill mouth-wat feast tomorrow. ____________________________________________________________________"} {"id": "16003", "contents": "place filet grill rack heat. cover grill. use follow time grill filet mignon, turn halfway grill time: 1-inch cut, grill 10 12 minut medium rare (145 degre f) 12 15 minut medium (160 degre f). grill filet mignon. charcoal grill, place meat grill rack directli medium coals; grill uncovered. ga grill, preheat grill; reduc heat medium. place filet grill rack heat. cover grill"} {"id": "16004", "contents": "less more\u2026. grill filet mignon (and almost grill steak matter), less definit more. less seasoning, less grill time, less flipping, less poke prodding...y get point. minut (for medium-rare, littl medium), lift, turn steak 90 degre set back anoth minut (again, medium-rare, littl done)."} {"id": "16005", "contents": "grill next. need know grill. go use direct heat grill surfac temperatur 450 500. grill (which hot) 50%. normal grill 75% get $10 grill surfac thermomet get know grill."} {"id": "16006", "contents": "cover grill. use follow time grill filet mignon, turn halfway grill time: 1-inch cut, grill 10 12 minut medium rare (145 degre f) 12 15 minut medium (160 degre f). grill filet mignon. charcoal grill, place meat grill rack directli medium coals; grill uncovered. ga grill, preheat grill; reduc heat medium. place filet grill rack heat. cover grill"} {"id": "16007", "contents": "prepar fire charcoal grill. wrap strip bacon around steak, secur toothpick kitchen twine. grill steak hot coal minut per side (5 minut per side rare). bast mixtur steak sauc water. perfect steaks, turn once."} {"id": "16008", "contents": "dian warren albert hammond wrote song, singer plead lover walk him. origin b-side tina turner' typic male single. dian warren explain 1000 uk #1 hit jon kutner spencer leigh, wrote 'don't turn around' rock ballad."} {"id": "16009", "contents": "answer. hello michelle, song call turn around. hit 1964 dick dee dee, also record harri belafont (who co-wrot it), perri como, kingston trio, brother four, charli louvin, rosemari clooney. must confess that, father four grandfath six, song alway bring littl tear eye. turn around."} {"id": "16010", "contents": "turn around song british singer conor maynard debut studio album, contrast. song featur vocal american singer ne-yo. releas album' third singl digit download 11 octob 2012. song produc stargat benni blanco, also co-wrot ne-yo. music video [edit]. music video accompani releas turn around first releas onto youtub septemb 2012 total length four minut three seconds. film lo angeles, california, direct colin tilley"} {"id": "16011", "contents": "\\nlook someon (look someone) realli love you, \\nyeah, realli love you. turn around, look me. someon walk behind you, \\nturn around, look me. \\nthere someon watch footsteps, \\nturn around, look me. \\nthere someon realli need you, \\nhere' heart hand."} {"id": "16012", "contents": "turn around everi know alway boy want way am. turn around everi know there' one univers magic wondrou you. turn around everi know there' noth better, there' noth do. turn around everi get littl bit nervou best year gone turn around everi get littl bit terrifi see look eyes."} {"id": "16013", "contents": "malvina reynolds: song lyric poem lyric lyric lyric lyric word word word song song song turn around notes: harri belafonte, malvina reynold alan greene. publish clara music publish corpor (ascap). administ next decad entertainment, inc. right reserved."} {"id": "16014", "contents": "album vogues, see turn around, look (album) turn around, look song written jerri capehart. 1961, glen campbel releas version single. first song chart unit states, hit #62 billboard hot 100. version includ session drummer earl palmer drums. also fifth single, credit barri gibb bee gees. also includ group' 1967 mop-up compil turn around, look us 1998 antholog australian record brilliant birth."} {"id": "16015", "contents": "zoonos (/\u02cczo\u028a.\u0259\u02c8no\u028as\u0268s/ plural /\u02c8no\u028asiz/ also spell zooenoses; zo\u00f6nos singular (zoonosi or); zooenosi zo\u00f6nosis: greek \u03b6\u1ff7\u03bf\u03bd zoon anim \u03bd\u03cc\u03c3\u03bf\u03c2) noso ailment infecti diseas (of animals), usual vertebr natur transmitted. human direct zoonosi diseas directli transmit anim human media air (influenza) bite saliva (rabies). contrast, transmiss also occur via intermedi speci (refer vector), carri diseas pathogen without get infected."} {"id": "16016", "contents": "dermacentor varia\u00b4bili chief vector rocki mountain spot fever central eastern unit states, dog princip host adult forms, also parasit cattle, horses, rabbits, humans. dermacentor albipictus. one-host tick transmit anaplasmosi possibl rocki mountain spot fever. parasit moos mostli also wild rumin pastur livestock. call also moos tick, winter tick."} {"id": "16017", "contents": "these, four speci account nearli 90 percent submiss penn state identification. four tick are: 1) american dog tick, dermacentor variablis; 2) blackleg tick, ixod scapularis; 3) lone star tick, amblyomma americanum; 4) ground hog tick, ixod cookei. american dog tick dermacentor variabilis. imag american dog tick female. ticks, 500 speci world-wide, parasit arthropod close relat mites. tick feed blood warm-blood mammal speci also feed birds, reptil even amphibians. fish appar vertebr plagu littl blood-suckers."} {"id": "16018", "contents": "dermacentor nigrolineatus. one-host tick occur mostli white-tail deer, also pastur livestock. call also brown winter tick. dermacentor nitens. one-host tick parasit hors mostli vector equin piroplasmosis; predispos anim screw-worm attack. dermacentor albipictus. one-host tick transmit anaplasmosi possibl rocki mountain spot fever. parasit moos mostli also wild rumin pastur livestock. call also moos tick, winter tick."} {"id": "16019", "contents": "medic definit dermacentor. larg wide distribut genu ornat tick famili ixodida includ number attack human mammal sever vector import diseas (a rocki mountain spot fever)."} {"id": "16020", "contents": "dermacentor andersoni. speci tick common western usa, parasit numer wild mammals, domest animals, humans. vector rocki mountain spot fever, tularemia, colorado tick fever, fever usa, one caus tick paralysi usa. dermacentor albipictus. one-host tick transmit anaplasmosi possibl rocki mountain spot fever. parasit moos mostli also wild rumin pastur livestock. call also moos tick, winter tick."} {"id": "16021", "contents": "dermacentor anderso\u00b4ni speci tick common western unit states, parasit numer wild mammals, domest animals, humans. vector rocki mountain spot fever, tularemia, colorado tick fever, fever unit states, caus tick paralysis. dermacentor albipictus. one-host tick transmit anaplasmosi possibl rocki mountain spot fever. parasit moos mostli also wild rumin pastur livestock. call also moos tick, winter tick."} {"id": "16022", "contents": "iseases: american dog tick major carrier rocki mountain spot fever, less common lyme disease, potenti seriou illness. tick also known transmit tularemia, caus tick paralysis. cannot transmit spirochet respons lyme disease. ticks, 500 speci world-wide, parasit arthropod close relat mites. tick feed blood warm-blood mammal speci also feed birds, reptil even amphibians. fish appar vertebr plagu littl blood-suckers."} {"id": "16023", "contents": "introduct (back top). dermacentor variabili (say), also known american dog tick wood tick, found predominantli unit states, east rocki mountains, name suggests, commonli found dog adult. figur 6. dorsal view head region american dog tick, dermacentor variabili (say). even closer look mouthpart left image, seen slightli lower line drawn center image, click here."} {"id": "16024", "contents": "overview. johann gutenberg' invent print press wide thought origin mass communication-- mark western culture' first viabl method dissemin idea inform singl sourc larg far-rang audience."} {"id": "16025", "contents": "johann gutenberg\u2019 invent print press around 1448 signific impact spread idea europ beyond. print technolog travel quickli across europ and, time great religi change, play key role success protest reformation. invent print press remov control written materi cathol church made difficult church inhibit spread regard heret ideas."} {"id": "16026", "contents": "econom impact. print press great effect economy. print press invent led flourish trade throughout europ due increas demands.thi caus stronger economy."} {"id": "16027", "contents": "peopl abl read. print press direct impact loosen cathol church' power (sinc peopl could read bibl language) rise modern scienc (sinc data could easili record transmitted. invent print press, artist began inform wave new ideas-and new techniques-that deepli influenc works. also open commun one anoth far deeper levels."} {"id": "16028", "contents": "print press introduc west holi roman empir johann gutenberg, around 1440. gutenberg, goldsmith profession, devis hand mould creat metal movabl type, adapt screw press exist technologies, creat print system. invent print press led huge increas print activ across europ within decades. singl print shop mainz, germany, print spread less around 270 citi central, western eastern europ end 15th century."} {"id": "16029", "contents": "read think chang renaissance. gutenberg invent print press 1445, forev chang live peopl europ and, eventually, world. previously, bookmak entail copi word illustr hand."} {"id": "16030", "contents": "renaissance, began well invent print press. historian credit petrarch origin mid-fourteenth centuri northern italy. renaissance, rebirth, refer return human classic greeks."} {"id": "16031", "contents": "print press drastic cut cost produc book print materials. prior gutenberg\u2019 invention, way make multipl copi book copi text hand, labori intens time-consum occup usual perform monks. invent print press remov control written materi cathol church made difficult church inhibit spread regard heret ideas."} {"id": "16032", "contents": "difficult establish impact print press first centuri especi conserv religi society. scribal cultur rever ancient closer uncorrupt knowledge, yet corrupt process scribal transmiss (dewar, 2000). respons effect print press renaiss 15th century, italy. says: novemb 14, 2010 9:25 am. interest idea print press, mechan product books, symptom chang thought scholarship \u2018agent change\u2019 itself."} {"id": "16033", "contents": "centuri later, changed. like invention, print press came along impact right condit exist right time place. case, europ mid 1400's."} {"id": "16034", "contents": "administr cost process disclosur applic met employer, either staff time regist body, fee charged, use regist umbrella organisation. exactli atlant data ltd. operate? umbrella body? regist use ..."} {"id": "16035", "contents": "long take get disclosure? disclosur scotland servic level agreement produc 90% disclosur within 14 calendar day (although consider longer intern disclosures). measur day receiv applic day despatch. disclosur must seen steer co-ordin repres refer number record evid disclosur check completed. current fee basic disclosur \u00a325 (payabl disclosur scotland) must paid disclosur check undertaken."} {"id": "16036", "contents": "aviation, crimin record check (basic disclosure) certif need renew time airport identif card renewed. airport manag decid long perman airport identif card valid for, cannot longer years. oversea crimin record certif 10 week old person return countri sinc date issu (the date issu 10 week prior date departure) certif deem valid."} {"id": "16037", "contents": "disclosur scotland work within servic level agreement produc 90% type disclosure, correctli complet applic enquiries, within 14 calendar days. measur day receiv applic day dispatch. legisl come forc chang content higher level disclosur (that is, standard disclosure, enhanc disclosur pvg scheme record). law relat convict inform individu self-disclos employ also changed."} {"id": "16038", "contents": "depart transport (. advis disclosur certif includ issu overseas, consid valid 10 week date issue. includ period that. consid applic certif disregard subsequ appeal. oversea crimin record certif 10 week old person return countri sinc date issu (the date issu 10 week prior date departure) certif deem valid."} {"id": "16039", "contents": "one hard-copi basic disclosur certif produc post current home address (a provid applic form), royal mail standard deliveri (for uk applications) royal mail airmail deliveri (for non-uk applications). complet onlin basic disclosur application, need provide: note: inform must suppli indic asterisk(*). name/ (includ previou name/ date use them)."} {"id": "16040", "contents": "basic disclosur need obtain basic disclosur steer (unless submit disclosur stirl univers previous cours study, recent disclosur date within one month steer train member pvg scheme provid update). disclosur must seen steer co-ordin repres refer number record evid disclosur check completed. current fee basic disclosur \u00a325 (payabl disclosur scotland) must paid disclosur check undertaken."} {"id": "16041", "contents": "disclosur contain date disclosur produced. disclosur accur date valid period month. receipt basic disclosure, month submit steer team. disclosur must seen steer co-ordin repres refer number record evid disclosur check completed. current fee basic disclosur \u00a325 (payabl disclosur scotland) must paid disclosur check undertaken."} {"id": "16042", "contents": "although basic disclosur period valid clearli would meaningless obtain far advanc pass issue. therefor basic disclosur certif date 10 week pass application. answers. 0. disclosur contain information, valid day issue. disclosur carri pre-determin period valid convict matter could record subject disclosur time issu e.g. follow day."} {"id": "16043", "contents": "case steer undertaken mentor/buddi training, howev cost disclosur reimburs univers train complet mentoring/buddi undertaken. individu volunt appli disclosur scotland disclosure. disclosur must seen steer co-ordin repres refer number record evid disclosur check completed. current fee basic disclosur \u00a325 (payabl disclosur scotland) must paid disclosur check"} {"id": "16044", "contents": "add 20 gram salt five litr water, instead boil 100\u00b0 c, it\u2019ll boil 100.04\u00b0 c. big spoon salt pot water increas boil point four hundredth degree! ad salt water cook pasta faster unless watch calibr microseconds."} {"id": "16045", "contents": "boil point salt water rise half degre celsiu everi 30 gram salt dissolv per kilogram (litre) water. boil pan water salt it, boil point higher depend amount salt dissolv water."} {"id": "16046", "contents": "boil point water rise add salt it, (4 f) 102 (216 f). remember, water boil 100 (212 f). insignific chang ad larg amount salt."} {"id": "16047", "contents": "saltwater, boi ling point raised, melt point lowered. much depend much salt is. boil point salt water rise half degre celsiu everi 30 gram salt dissolv per kilogram (litre) water."} {"id": "16048", "contents": "a: boil point salt water depend percentag salt. water 20 percent salt boil 216 degre fahrenheit, oppos 212 degre fahrenheit pure water. ad small amount salt pot boil water make boil significantli faster."} {"id": "16049", "contents": "quick answer. boil point salt water depend percentag salt. water 20 percent salt boil 216 degre fahrenheit, oppos 212 degre fahrenheit pure water. ad small amount salt pot boil water make boil significantli faster."} {"id": "16050", "contents": "boil point saltwat normal 100 degre celsius, (212 fahrenheit)."} {"id": "16051", "contents": "river gang import follow hinduism. believ river brought earth mat lock lord shiva request ba gheeratha. hindu india, ganga river mother, goddess, tradition, cultur much more. hindu also believ life incomplet without bath ganga least one' lifetime."} {"id": "16052", "contents": "reason gang river import hindu religion believ lord shiva' hair. besid irrigation, food tourism, long consid holi river hindu worship goddess ganga hinduism.. gang basin fertil soil instrument agricultur economi india bangladesh. gang tributari provid perenni sourc irrig larg area. chief crop cultiv area includ rice, sugarcane, lentils, oil seeds, potatoes, wheat."} {"id": "16053", "contents": "2. ganges: gang import sacr river india. indian cultur treat goddess. approxim 2528 km length flow india. second largest tributari gang river join gang allahabad. total length 1376 km play major role indian economi ecosystem. mani import cite situat bank river yamuna like delhi agra. ton river largest tributari yamuna."} {"id": "16054", "contents": "gang river, also call ganga, river locat northern india flow toward border bangladesh (map). longest river india flow around 1,569 mile (2,525 km) himalayan mountain bay bengal. such, city' cultur also close tie river sacr river hinduism. gang river flow india bangladesh main branch known padma river. padma river join downstream larg river like jamuna meghna rivers."} {"id": "16055", "contents": "reason gang river import hindu religion believ lord shiva' hair. besid irrigation, food tourism, long consid holi river hindu worship goddess ganga hinduism.. hindu india, ganga river mother, goddess, tradition, cultur much more. hindu also believ life incomplet without bath ganga least one' lifetime."} {"id": "16056", "contents": "despit pollut however, gang river remain import indian peopl well differ speci plant anim gang river dolphin, rare speci freshwat dolphin nativ area. such, city' cultur also close tie river sacr river hinduism. gang river flow india bangladesh main branch known padma river. padma river join downstream larg river like jamuna meghna rivers."} {"id": "16057", "contents": "river gang supposedli holiest holi triniti river india.(th indus,th brahmaputra ganges..).. ye even though bank river complet fill pile garbag hundr mutil bodi float it... gang basin fertil soil instrument agricultur economi india bangladesh. gang tributari provid perenni sourc irrig larg area. chief crop cultiv area includ rice, sugarcane, lentils, oil seeds, potatoes, wheat."} {"id": "16058", "contents": "gang river import cultur aspect hindu population, howev research found gang water clean actual contain mani harm bacteria. river consid holi hindu (the major popul india) quit pilgrimag site along bank ganga (ganges, english). consid holi sustain life huge fertil delta ancient indian worship nature. clara year ago."} {"id": "16059", "contents": "pollut gang river. despit religi signific daili import gang river peopl india, one pollut river world. pollut gang caus human industri wast due india' rapid growth well religi events. such, city' cultur also close tie river sacr river hinduism. gang river flow india bangladesh main branch known padma river. padma river join downstream larg river like jamuna meghna rivers."} {"id": "16060", "contents": "river known gang offici popularli known hindu name, ganga. river sourc himalayas, gaumakh southern himalaya indian side tibetan border. 560 mile (2 510 km) long flow china, india, nepal bangladesh."} {"id": "16061", "contents": "hepat b. hepat viru (hbv) found blood, semen, vagin secretions, bodi fluid peopl hepat b. infect occur contact fluid -- example, sex infect person exposur contamin needl person items. u.s., main threat hepat a, hepat b, hepat c. caus similar symptoms, includ fever, fatigue, loss appetite, nausea, vomiting, abdomin pain, joint pain, clay-color bowel movements, jaundic (yellow skin eyes)."} {"id": "16062", "contents": "incub period (the time initi contact viru onset disease) hepat rang 45 180 day averag 60 90 days. length incub period depend amount viru person exposed. direct contact infect blood transmit hepat viru through: punctur skin blood-contamin needles, lancets, scalpels, sharps. splash skin bear minut scratches, abrasions, burns, even minor rashes. splash mucou membran mouth, nose, eyes."} {"id": "16063", "contents": "key facts. hepat viral liver diseas caus mild sever illness. hepat viru transmit ingest contamin food water direct contact infecti person. hepat viru transmit ingest contamin food water direct contact infecti person. almost everyon recov fulli hepat a, small proport die fulmin hepatitis."} {"id": "16064", "contents": "hepat viral liver diseas caus mild sever illness. hepat viru transmit ingest contamin food water direct contact infecti person. hepat viru transmit ingest contamin food water direct contact infecti person. almost everyon recov fulli hepat a, small proport die fulmin hepatitis."} {"id": "16065", "contents": "hepat a. hepat caus hepat viru (hav), 27-nm ribonucl acid (rna) agent classifi picornavirus. patient ill caus hav characterist abrupt onset symptom includ fever, malaise, anorexia, nausea, abdomin discomfort, dark urine, jaundice. hepat prophylaxis. two type product avail prophylaxi hepat b. hepat vaccines, first licens 1981, provid activ immun hbv infection, use recommend preexposur postexposur prophylaxis."} {"id": "16066", "contents": "kind viral hepat hepat a, hepat b, hepat d, hepat e. diseas virus caus relat hepat even though also affect liver. may other, differ symptom differ mode transmission."} {"id": "16067", "contents": "hepat infecti liver disease. caus hepat viru (hbv). infect hepat occur viru abl enter blood stream reach liver. liver, viru reproduc releas larg number new virus bloodstream. combat disease, bodi sever defenses. direct contact infect blood transmit hepat viru through: punctur skin blood-contamin needles, lancets, scalpels, sharps. splash skin bear minut scratches, abrasions, burns, even minor rashes. splash mucou membran mouth, nose, eyes."} {"id": "16068", "contents": "hepat b. hepat infect caus hepat viru (hbv), 42-nm, double-shel deoxyribonucl acid (dna) viru class hepadnaviridae. sever well-defin antigen-antibodi system associ hbv infect (table_1). hepat prophylaxis. two type product avail prophylaxi hepat b. hepat vaccines, first licens 1981, provid activ immun hbv infection, use recommend preexposur postexposur prophylaxis."} {"id": "16069", "contents": "hepat liver diseas caus hepat virus. viru primarili spread uninfect (and unvaccinated) person ingest food water contamin faec infect person. hepat viru transmit ingest contamin food water direct contact infecti person. almost everyon recov fulli hepat a, small proport die fulmin hepatitis."} {"id": "16070", "contents": "rate newest oldest. best answer: keyhold posit retail store. keyhold charg stores' opening, closing, oper procedur manag present. liter sense, keyhold actual store key (and usual overrid code alarm system code) allow act front line supervisors. keyhold make higher hourli wage regular sale associate, industri averag would $.50 $1.00 ad responsibilities. source(s): yr retail store manager, hire train keyholders."} {"id": "16071", "contents": "report abuse. key holder posit trust. person key store secur code needed. normal mean person enter leav store outsid normal hours, possibl open close store. keyhold may also like night stockman, come store close stock shelves. put applic place mall manag said hire key holder position. clue is. look intellig answer holder key. thank advance."} {"id": "16072", "contents": "certif serv electron passport establish onlin entity' credenti busi web. internet user attempt send confidenti inform web server, user' browser access server' digit certif establish secur connection. actual encrypt strength secur connect use digit certif determin level encrypt support user' browser server web site resid on."} {"id": "16073", "contents": "256 bit. actual encrypt strength secur connect use digit certif determin level encrypt support user' browser server web site resid on."} {"id": "16074", "contents": "deal key holder, circumst varied; orgasm quota time (which usual equal 15 1; fifteen her, one me) later whole month without releas space-ag plastic cell. term someon hold key(s) another' chastiti device. commonly, man place devic lover (be male female, commonli female) teases, caresses, drive crazi gener test shockingli abus power control someone' abil orgasm."} {"id": "16075", "contents": "fob, commonli call key fob, small secur hardwar devic built-in authent use control secur access network servic data. key fob display randomli gener access code, chang periodically, usual everi 30 60 seconds. user first authent key fob person identif number (pin), follow current code display device. key fob also word use describ key chain sever similar item devices."} {"id": "16076", "contents": "best answer: key holder someon consid trustworthi enough key compani door capabl open &/or closing. put applic place mall manag said hire key holder position. clue is. look intellig answer holder key. thank advance."} {"id": "16077", "contents": "actual encrypt strength secur connect use digit certif determin level encrypt support user' browser server web site resid on. actual encrypt strength secur connect use digit certif determin level encrypt support user' browser server"} {"id": "16078", "contents": "averag salari forens anthropolog job 54000 averag forens anthropolog salari vari greatli due compani locat industri experi benefit salari calcul use averag salari job term forens anthropolog anywher job list"} {"id": "16079", "contents": "typic forens scientist salari best pay job make 65000 72000 per year accord 2012 data bl new forens scientist typic forens scientist salari 48000 60"} {"id": "16080", "contents": "career forens anthropolog reward pay scale job vari averag salari job anywher 35000 50000 start enter world academia expect much higher salari professor doctor degre forens anthropolog earn start salari around 50000 earn upward 100000"} {"id": "16081", "contents": "anthropologist gener earn annual incom somewher 45000 55000 year start salari significantli lower rang 30000 40000 annual depend area countri forens anthropologist work"} {"id": "16082", "contents": "forens anthropolog salari said forens anthropologist work job fulltim rather act consult whenev need howev get job one could expect anywher 37 000 70 000 per year depend locat experi degre etc"} {"id": "16083", "contents": "averag annual salari forens anthropologist 59994 base statist 2015 highest salari record 117446 lowest salari report 23367 figur vari state state basi averag across 50 state"} {"id": "16084", "contents": "salari forens anthropologist salari rang career wide vari enter field salari lectur assist professor univers approxim 35000 50000 annual"} {"id": "16085", "contents": "accord inde averag annual salari forens anthropologist work new york 68000 salari person work washington 58000 june 2015 thu salari vari significantli accord locat firm compani"} {"id": "16086", "contents": "mean elora. hebrew name. hebrew, name elora means-god light.. origin name elora include-hebrew, french, english.th name elora often use girl name femal name. hebrew name meaning-god light. origin-hebrew. altern origins-french english"} {"id": "16087", "contents": "search comprehens find name mean elora name origin name database. also note spell pronunci name elora check initi name last name discov look sounds. first thing know consid elora baby' name countri world name elora girl name. name elora english origin, use mostli english speak countri also countri languag world."} {"id": "16088", "contents": "syll. e-lo-ra, el-ora babi girl name elora pronounc eh-l ao r-aa- \u2020. elora old provenc proven\u00e7 origin predominantli use english. languag elora diminut (eleanor). english elora unusu babi girl. name elora diminut eleanor (english). elora unusu babi girl name. list outsid top 1000. 2012, within famili girl name directli link elora, eleanor frequent used."} {"id": "16089", "contents": "greek meaning: name elora greek babi name. greek mean name elora is: light. hebrew meaning: name elora hebrew babi name. hebrew mean name elora is: god light. english meaning: name elora english babi name."} {"id": "16090", "contents": "comment insight name elora: edit. elora name picturesqu town ontario, canada, found 1832 captain william gilkison. gilkison name town brother' ship elora, name honour ellora cave india. elora use long movi willow."} {"id": "16091", "contents": "elora name meaning. mean elora \u201cgod light\u201d. keep mind mani name may differ mean countri languages, care name choos doesn\u2019t mean someth bad unpleasant. first thing know consid elora baby' name countri world name elora girl name. name elora english origin, use mostli english speak countri also countri languag world."} {"id": "16092", "contents": "elora old provenc proven\u00e7 origin predominantli use english. languag elora diminut (eleanor). english elora unusu babi girl. name list outsid top. 1000 elora diminut eleanor (english). elora unusu babi girl name. list outsid top 1000. 2012, within famili girl name directli link elora, eleanor frequent used."} {"id": "16093", "contents": "mean elora. english name. english, name elora means-modern blend el-and lora mean god give laurel; crown victory.. origin name elora include-english, french, hebrew.th name elora often use girl name femal name. english name meaning-modern blend el-and lora mean god give laurel; crown victory. origin-english. altern origins-french hebrew. express num 6."} {"id": "16094", "contents": "babi name mean search results: name elora babi girl name. name elora come hebrew origin. hebrew mean name elora is: god light."} {"id": "16095", "contents": "14 team particip new zealand' itm cup current face salari cap lesser $nz 1.35 million 36% union' commerci revenue. maximum player salari $55,000, minimum salari $18,000. salari cap, known offici total player payments, a$10,070,000 2015 season salari floor $9,566,500 except greater western sydney, whose salari cap $10,500,000 floor $9,996,500."} {"id": "16096", "contents": "2005\u201306 nhl season, salari cap set us$ 39 million per team, maximum $7.8 million (20% team' cap) player. cba also mandat payment salari u.s. dollars, codifi univers practic decade. salari cap, known offici total player payments, a$10,070,000 2015 season salari floor $9,566,500 except greater western sydney, whose salari cap $10,500,000 floor $9,996,500."} {"id": "16097", "contents": "salari cap exist earli day nation hockey leagu (nhl). great depression, leagu financi pressur lower salari cap $62,500 per team $7,000 per player, forc team trade away well-paid star player order fit cap. salari cap, known offici total player payments, a$10,070,000 2015 season salari floor $9,566,500 except greater western sydney, whose salari cap $10,500,000 floor $9,996,500."} {"id": "16098", "contents": "cba also contain salari floor formal titl lower limit payrol range, minimum team must pay player salaries. lower limit origin set 55% cap, defin $16 million cap, therefor 2011\u201312 minimum $48.3 million. salari cap, known offici total player payments, a$10,070,000 2015 season salari floor $9,566,500 except greater western sydney, whose salari cap $10,500,000 floor $9,996,500."} {"id": "16099", "contents": "educ experience. common compani pay employe accord scale. example, classifi list may state job pay $10 $15 per hour. qualifi candid greater amount educ and/or experi one meet basic job requir like earn money."} {"id": "16100", "contents": "term minimum salari team, salari floor 89% cap. becam effect 2013, requir by-pass 2011 2012. hence, essenc salari floor 2011 2012. 2011, team may design highest paid player (who must least accru season make least $1 leagu minimum salari year), toward team receiv $1 cap credit. repay credit appli toward 2014-2017 leagu years."} {"id": "16101", "contents": "salari flatten nurs posit 10 years. nurs work posit 11 15 year report salari $56,000; hold posit 15 year made $56,700. previou years, men nurs made money women. averag salari male respond $54,600, compar $50,600 women-an 8% difference."} {"id": "16102", "contents": "accord sport illustrated, garnett make $10 million year court adidas; anta, chines sportswear brand; gatorade; wheati addit $21 million salary. catchings, make leagu maximum $105,500 per season, one measur qualiti life dollars. today, estim median salari half player make $2.5 million. leagu minimum $473,604. salari cap entir wnba team 11 player $878,000. even prorat 34-game season, less median nba salari"} {"id": "16103", "contents": "butterfli tail, brush butter oliv oil, place tail dish, add cup water dish preheat 400 degre oven bake 8oz lobster tail 10 minutes."} {"id": "16104", "contents": "broil anoth 2-3 minut check again. overcook lobster-th meat could becom bit rubbery. sure check 10-12 minut see lobster done. gener rule, broil lobster requir minut per ounc meat cook properly. flesh still look littl translucent, lobster tail readi yet. broil anoth 2-3 minut check again. overcook lobster-th meat could becom bit rubbery."} {"id": "16105", "contents": "figur minut per ounc ounc tail take approxim minut again, depend close broiler, room temperatur start effici oven. answer depend sever factor size lobster tails, distanc broiler, ga electr broiler contribut long take cook. tell take exactli minut broiler cook may find cooked."} {"id": "16106", "contents": "add cup water pan. rins lobster tail open butterfli form. sprinkl tail salt pepper. put lobster tail fri pan cover. cook tail eight minut serv melt butter [source: food network ]. directions: thaw lobster tail overnight. best way let defrost refriger eight 10 hours. cut top shell scissors, leav tail fan intact."} {"id": "16107", "contents": "directions: heat fri pan. add cup water pan. rins lobster tail open butterfli form. sprinkl tail salt pepper. put lobster tail fri pan cover. cook tail eight minut serv melt butter [source: food network ]. directions: thaw lobster tail overnight. best way let defrost refriger eight 10 hours. cut top shell scissors, leav tail fan intact."} {"id": "16108", "contents": "learn broil lobster tail. broil lobster tail method use get golden brown top often see lobster tail serv restaurants. mani oven home may abl achiev get work, tail look beauti come oven. lobser tail use demostr 5oz south african lobster tail. start defrost lobster tail place cut board. set oven medium broil 500 degrees. begin creat lobster marinade."} {"id": "16109", "contents": "heat fri pan. add cup water pan. rins lobster tail open butterfli form. sprinkl tail salt pepper. put lobster tail fri pan cover. cook tail eight minut serv melt butter [source: food network ]. directions: thaw lobster tail overnight. best way let defrost refriger eight 10 hours. cut top shell scissors, leav tail fan intact."} {"id": "16110", "contents": "cook lobster tail oven lobster tail bake broil oven. cook thaw lobster oven,set oven 400 degre f. brush tail butter bake 10 minutes. broiling, place tail inch heat broil minutes. broil keep close eye don\u2019t burn tops. cook lobster tail grill oil grill keep lobster sticking. put grill medium heat"} {"id": "16111", "contents": "instruct broil lobster tail. lobser tail use demostr 5oz south african lobster tail. start defrost lobster tail place cut board. set oven medium broil 500 degrees. begin creat lobster marinade. combin half stick clarifi butter, tsp lemon juice, 1/4 tsp white pepper, 1/4 tsp sea salt 1/4 tsp garlic powder"} {"id": "16112", "contents": "broil lobster tails. put bake pan broil cook lobster tail 10-12 minutes. lobster tail readi flesh opaqu middl butter browned. remov oven. flesh still look littl translucent, lobster tail readi yet. broil anoth 2-3 minut check again. overcook lobster-th meat could becom bit rubbery. sure check 10-12 minut see lobster done."} {"id": "16113", "contents": "general, lower grade tumor, less aggress behavior. grade astrocytoma grow slowli often cure surgeri alone. common type grade astrocytoma call juvenil pilocyt astrocytoma (jpa). grade astrocytoma grow faster grade astrocytomas, still rel slow growing. tumor may also call fibrillari astrocytoma. grade astrocytoma also call anaplast astrocytoma. grow faster grade tumor progress grade tumor. grade astrocytoma also call glioblastoma multiform (gbm). one fastest grow brain tumor spread part brain."} {"id": "16114", "contents": "jpa: relat diseases. jpa: jpa list type (or associ with) follow medic condit database: cancer. neurolog system tumors. nervou system conditions. brain conditions. benign tumors. eye vision conditions."} {"id": "16115", "contents": "juvenil pilocyt astrocytoma (jpa) slow-grow brain tumor develop usual children adolesc cell call astrocytes. juvenil pilocyt astrocytoma cystic (fluid-filled) tumor, solid mass. world health organization\u2019 grade scale, jpa grade tumor, highli unlik grow spread areas. type glioma children include: fibrillari astrocytoma."} {"id": "16116", "contents": "grade iii astrocytoma also call anaplast (malignant) astrocytoma tumor grow quickli grade ii astrocytoma. anaplast astrocytoma occur often adult age 30 50, account 4% brain tumors. grade iv astrocytoma also call glioblastoma gbm aggress type nervou system tumor. also refer glioblastoma multiform wide varieti appear microscope."} {"id": "16117", "contents": "juvenil pilocyt astrocytoma defined: juvenil pilocyt astrocytoma (jpa) common childhood brain tumor, appear children adults."} {"id": "16118", "contents": "gener discussion. juvenil pilocyt astrocytoma (jpa) rare childhood brain tumor. cases, tumor benign, slow grow tumor usual spread surround brain tissue. symptom jpa vari depend upon size locat tumor. symptom result increas pressur brain includ headaches, nausea, vomiting, balanc problem vision abnormalities. jpa develop certain star-shap brain cell call astrocytes."} {"id": "16119", "contents": "gener discussion. juvenil pilocyt astrocytoma (jpa) rare childhood brain tumor. cases, tumor benign, slow grow tumor usual spread surround brain tissue. symptom jpa vari depend upon size locat tumor. jpa common cerebellar tumor children. astrocytoma whole common brain tumor childhood account half primari childhood tumor central nervou system. incid rate estim 14 new case per million children younger 15 year age."} {"id": "16120", "contents": "prefer examin mri (demonstr imag below). juvenil pilocyt astrocytoma (jpa). axial t1-weight mri without intraven gadolinium contrast enhanc show cystic jpa right cerebellar hemispher (same patient tumor next imag below)."} {"id": "16121", "contents": "pediatr astrocytoma (sometim call glioma) one common type brain tumor develop children. aris specif type cell brain, call astrocyte. grade astrocytoma also call anaplast astrocytoma. grow faster grade tumor progress grade tumor. grade astrocytoma also call glioblastoma multiform (gbm). one fastest grow brain tumor spread part brain."} {"id": "16122", "contents": "expens car jam road saw arriv traffic light rel recently. littl liechtenstein--th mini-country, fondli describ itself--ha grown up. fast. tini princip 32,000 peopl rich rule princ want abolish incom tax. extract report, shown swiss television, alleg one central figur han brunhart--liechtenstein' prime minist 1978 1993 board presid one littl country' biggest banks, verwaltung und privatbank ag."} {"id": "16123", "contents": "constitut monarchi rank principality, head princ liechtenstein. liechtenstein border switzerland west south austria east north. area 160 squar kilometr (62 squar miles) estim popul 37,000. divid 11 municipalities, capit vaduz largest town schaan. countri strong financi sector center vaduz. liechtenstein member european free trade association, member european union, countri particip schengen area european econom area."} {"id": "16124", "contents": "liechtenstein small countri locat switzerland australia. population: littl 300,000. liechtenstein militari completey depent swit zerland. get liechtenstein, one must follow switzerland' custom two countri unified. monaco, although small, rich country. citizen one highest incom world. countri also hot casino spot, mont carlo, much like vega"} {"id": "16125", "contents": "princ liechtenstein net worth: hans-adam ii reign princ liechtenstein net worth $3.5 billion dollars. princ liechtenstein (johann adam ferdinand aloi josef maria marko d'aviano piu von und zu liechtenstein) reign 21 years. hans-adam ii still legal head state. princ own lgt bank group. europe' wealthiest monarch one world' richest head state. also own art collect larg display liechtenstein museum vienna. speak german, english, french."} {"id": "16126", "contents": "liechtenstein king. princip (fuerstentum) f\u00fcrstentum (prince). fuerst f\u00fcrst (current fuerst) f\u00fcrst since-1989 is. han adam: ii full name johann ad ferdinand aloi josef'maria marko aviano piu von. und zu liechtenstein yes. liechtenstein countri principality, mean rule prince. countri may principality, kingdom, monarchi republic."} {"id": "16127", "contents": "[\u02c8l\u026actn\u0329\u0283ta\u026an]), \u02c8l\u026a\u00e7tn\u0329\u0283ta\u026an offici princip (liechtenstein: german fuerstentum), f\u00fcrstentum liechtenstein doubly-landlock german speak microst in. central europ constitut monarchi rank, princip head prince. liechtenstein countri strong financi sector center vaduz. liechtenstein member european free trade association, member european union, countri particip schengen area european econom area."} {"id": "16128", "contents": "7. so\u2026i end liechtenstein. yes, it\u2019 countri sixth smallest countri world. liechtenstein mountain princip sandwich switzerland austria. intrigu liechtenstein quit long time, sinc knew would spend time not-that-far-away innsbruck, seem like perfect opportun visit!"} {"id": "16129", "contents": "economically, liechtenstein third highest gross domest product per person world adjust purchas power parity, qatar luxembourg, highest adjust purchas power parity. unemploy rate one lowest world 1.5%. countri strong financi sector center vaduz. liechtenstein member european free trade association, member european union, countri particip schengen area european econom area."} {"id": "16130", "contents": "liechtenstein. liechtenstein small alpin country, lock switzerland austria. world famou magic mountain sceneri singularli stamps, among sought valu philatelist worldwide. liechtenstein countri highest live standard world. liechtenstein wealthiest countri world. sound incredible, true fact incom small alpin princip come manufactur sell expens postag stamps."} {"id": "16131", "contents": "black rhinocero hook-lip rhinocero (dicero bicornis) speci rhinoceros, nativ eastern central africa includ kenya, tanzania, cameroon, south africa, namibia, zimbabwe, angola. although rhinocero refer black, color vari brown grey. south-centr black rhinocero (d. b. minor) wide distribut subspecies, characteris compact body, proport larg head promin skin-folds. rang north-eastern south africa (kwazulu-natal) northeastern tanzania southeastern kenya."} {"id": "16132", "contents": "rhino may look like prehistor creatures, date back million year miocen era, also mammal like us. two speci african rhinos, white rhino black rhino, distinct way. white, square-lipped, rhino deriv name dutch word \u201cweit,\u201d mean wide. actual gray color hump neck long face."} {"id": "16133", "contents": "except femal offspring, black rhino solitary. femal reproduc everi two half five years. singl calf live three year old. black rhino feed night gloam hour dawn dusk. hot african sun, take cover lie shade"} {"id": "16134", "contents": "rhino tend live like eat. black rhino browser. triangular-shap upper lip, end grasp point, use eat larg varieti vegetation\u2014includ leaves; buds; shoot plants, bushes, trees. found variou habitat dense, woodi vegetation. two speci african rhinos, white rhino black rhino, distinct way. white, square-lipped, rhino deriv name dutch word \u201cweit,\u201d mean wide. actual gray color hump neck long face."} {"id": "16135", "contents": "african rhino divid two species, black rhino white rhino. white rhino mainli live south africa, also reintroduc botswana, namibia, swaziland, zimbabwe. southern white rhino introduc kenya, zambia, cote d\u2019ivoire. two speci african rhinos, white rhino black rhino, distinct way. white, square-lipped, rhino deriv name dutch word \u201cweit,\u201d mean wide. actual gray color hump neck long face."} {"id": "16136", "contents": "black rhino-dicero bicornis. black rhinocero herbivor browser belong order perissodactyla. one two speci rhino nativ africa current rang includ southern eastern area africa."} {"id": "16137", "contents": "habitat: white rhino savanna dwell grazers, black rhino browser live forest thorn scrub. status: black rhino endangered, white rhino vulnerable. diet wild: water grass leav diet zoo: hay, lucern chaff, hors cubes, carrot banana treat."} {"id": "16138", "contents": "black rhinocero characteristics. black rhinocero (dicero bicornis), sometim call \u2018hooked-lip rhino\u2019. rhinocero mammal order perissodactyla nativ eastern central area africa includ kenya, tanzania, cameroon, south africa, namibia zimbabwe. black rhinocero life span. overal life span black rhino 25 40 years, captiv live littl longer protect usual 45 year old."} {"id": "16139", "contents": "habitat. white rhino black rhino live grassland floodplain eastern southern africa. greater one-horn rhino found swamp rain forest northern india southern nepal."} {"id": "16140", "contents": "dicero bicornis. black rhino live savanna forest southern africa somalia south africa. herbivores. black rhinocero skin dull, dark gray, rhino often take color soil due fond mud dust baths. bath cool mud dust form barrier bite insects."} {"id": "16141", "contents": "refer abil cell electr excit result gener action potentials. neurons, muscl cell (skeletal, cardiac, smooth), endocrin cell (e.g., insulin-releas pancreat cells) excit cells."} {"id": "16142", "contents": "1. acetylcholin (ach) realeas motorneuron pass sarcolemma. 2. ach spread entir sarcolemma 3. na+ ion spread cell via t-tube result ach 4. t-tube spread action potenti cell 5. 1. contractil organ directli indirectli attach bone skeleton 2. striation form myofibril arrang 3. abil regenerate. 1. contractil organ directli indirectli attach bone skeleton. 2."} {"id": "16143", "contents": "action potenti occur sever type anim cells, call excit cells, includ neurons, muscl cells, endocrin cells, well plant cells. neurons, play central role cell-to-cel communication. action potenti result depolar cell membran (the sarcolemma), open voltage-sensit sodium channels; becom inactiv membran repolar outward current potassium ions."} {"id": "16144", "contents": "sever type cell support action potential, plant cells, muscl cells, special cell heart (in occur cardiac action potential). however, main excit cell neuron, also simplest mechan action potential. action potenti result depolar cell membran (the sarcolemma), open voltage-sensit sodium channels; becom inactiv membran repolar outward current potassium ions."} {"id": "16145", "contents": "vagina sex organ part femal genit tract. muscular tubular structure. humans, vagina extend vulva uterus. outer vagin open may partli cover membran call hymen."} {"id": "16146", "contents": "microfold cell, cell gastrointestin epithelium cover patch lymphoid tissue. cell transport antigen intestin lumen underli lymphoid tissu recognit processing. fat cell connect tissu cell special synthesi storag fat; cell bloat globul triglycerides, nucleu displac one side cytoplasm seen thin line around fat droplet."} {"id": "16147", "contents": "1. type cell found peripheri islet langerhan secret glucagon. 2. acidophil (2). alveolar cell pneumonocyte; cell wall pulmonari alveoli; often restrict cell alveolar epithelium (squamou alveolar cell great alveolar cells) alveolar phagocytes. fat cell connect tissu cell special synthesi storag fat; cell bloat globul triglycerides, nucleu displac one side cytoplasm seen thin line around fat droplet."} {"id": "16148", "contents": "action potenti travel axon, chang polar across membrane. na gate ion channel open close membran reach threshold potential, respons signal anoth neuron. action potenti result depolar cell membran (the sarcolemma), open voltage-sensit sodium channels; becom inactiv membran repolar outward current potassium ions."} {"id": "16149", "contents": "multipolar neurons, e.g. neuron cerebrum cerebellum. golgi type neurons, long axon golgi type ii neuron (microneurons), short axon. nervou tissu compos two distinct type cells: excit non excitable. excit cell nervou system known neurons. form structur function unit nervou system respons activities."} {"id": "16150", "contents": "instance, time commit warm rel level involv particular sport. so, peopl look increas gener level health fitness, minimum five ten minut would enough. 1.) gener warm up: gener warm consist light physic activity, like walking, jogging, easi swimming, stationari bike, skip easi aerobics. intens durat gener warm (or hard long), govern fit level particip athlete."} {"id": "16151", "contents": "make warm-up specific. long warm-up take depend age fit level dancer. 5-year old would exhaust jump around coupl minutes, full-tim student would need take 10-15 minut fulli warmed."} {"id": "16152", "contents": "limit threat injuri extrem benefici overal flexibility. part warm up, static stretch includ major muscl groups, entir part last five ten minutes. static stretch perform place bodi posit wherebi muscl group muscl stretch tension. 1.) gener warm up: gener warm consist light physic activity, like walking, jogging, easi swimming, stationari bike, skip easi aerobics. intens durat gener warm (or hard long), govern fit level particip athlete."} {"id": "16153", "contents": "research work mcnair (2000) knudson (2001) suggest use dynam stretches-slow control movement full rang motion-ar appropri exercis warm up. contrast, static stretch appropri cool down. muscl stiff thought directli relat muscl injuri therefor warm aim reduc muscl stiffness. warm least consist following: 10 minut jogging-to increas bodi temperature. 10 15 minut dynam stretch exercises-reduc muscl stiffness. 10 15 minut gener event specif drills-prepar session competition. e.g. runner"} {"id": "16154", "contents": "workout kind, need thorough warm-up. warm-up portion workout help get muscl readi action. thoroughli warm help prevent injuri improv perform workout. long warm-up depend kind workout doing. long. bare minimum, warm-up period five minut long. practic intric sport like gymnast ballet, need much longer five minut properli warm up. also, muscl extrem sore previou workout, need take time warm up. general, aim five 10 minut warm-up period workout. flex time frame needed, never skip it. also, abbrevi warm-up less five minut"} {"id": "16155", "contents": "side step/shuffl step side, 10 20 meter right, 10 20 meter left. walk gradual progress jog. muscl start warm up, build intens you\u2019r tri cover much ground possibl step possible."} {"id": "16156", "contents": "warm exercis form mental preparation. give bodi 10 minut good warm up, walk jog place example, gradual increas blood circul throughout muscles, tendon ligaments. much like oil squeaki wheel. good warm gradual increas heart rate, increas circul muscles, tendon ligaments, mental prepar workout. although warm up stretch gener occur begin workout session, two differ concepts."} {"id": "16157", "contents": "10 minut jogging-to increas bodi temperature. 10 15 minut dynam stretch exercises-reduc muscl stiffness. 10 15 minut gener event specif drills-prepar session competition. e.g. runner. lower leg drills. muscl stiff thought directli relat muscl injuri therefor warm aim reduc muscl stiffness. warm least consist following: 10 minut jogging-to increas bodi temperature. 10 15 minut dynam stretch exercises-reduc muscl stiffness. 10 15 minut gener event specif drills-prepar session competition. e.g. runner"} {"id": "16158", "contents": "$906.05. get instant estim cost instal ceil fan! free calcul use recent, trust data estim cost ceil fan instal project. basic fan project zip code 47474, benchmark cost instal ceil fan rang $468.74 $906.05 per fan. estim cost project: 1. set project zip code enter zip code locat labor hire materi purchased. 2."} {"id": "16159", "contents": "major homeown spent around $238-$330 ceil fan installations, averag report cost $284. sever websit provid cost calcul help determin averag price rang specif locat project. accord variou home remodel cost estimators, 2013 nation averag price new ceil fan instal u.s. rang $95-$215, done diy project."} {"id": "16160", "contents": "ceil fan instal right size room: room measur 75 squar feet need fan 29- 36-inch blade diameter. room measur 76 144 squar feet, choos fan blade diamet 36 42 inches."} {"id": "16161", "contents": "average, electrician go charg anyhwer $75 $220 instal ceil fan exist light box. light alreadi place want place ceil fan, electrician simpli take old light replac fan choice. ceil fan remot cost anywher $25 $60. junction box attach ceil need reinforc replaced, may cost addit $20 $40 replac it."} {"id": "16162", "contents": "wire need well new outlet box, cost anywher $275 much $650 depend complex job. mani major home improv store home depot lowe\u2019 run ceil fan instal special rang $75 $120 purchas fan them. ceil fan remot cost anywher $25 $60. junction box attach ceil need reinforc replaced, may cost addit $20 $40 replac it."} {"id": "16163", "contents": "lowe' ceil fan install. find ceil fan everi room home. use lowe' profession instal save 30% instal multipl fan installed. use 2013 ceil fan guid choos ceil fan suit tast lifestyle. get inspired. brows ceil fan lowes.com local lowe' store. work lowe' sale associ plan instal project select right ceil fan home budget. 2. get started. get in-stor instal quote."} {"id": "16164", "contents": "it` instal fan/light place exist fixture, requir box support, would charg $75. reply. hourli rate $55 per hour. charg $55 assembl instal new standard one exist wire ceiling. bedroom condo need get wire setup ceil fan installed. run light switch wall. exist wire new install. don`t need fan instal wire mount."} {"id": "16165", "contents": "moreover, ceil fan less expens oper air conditioners. nation averag cost ceil fan installation. accord variou home remodel cost estimators, 2013 nation averag price new ceil fan instal u.s. rang $95-$215, done diy project. averag diyer spend around $143 project"} {"id": "16166", "contents": "tweet cost instal ceil fan typic rang 440 970 includ fan suppli labor ceil fan practic energi effici devic increas interior air circul home reduc hvac cost summer winter cost breakdown cost instal ceil fan normal includ ceil fan cost vari accord blade materi hardwood tend expens blade length finish motor qualiti light fixtur option light fixtur may built ceil fan model choos"} {"id": "16167", "contents": "one major event ancient greec reign alexand great. 333 323 bc, greatli expand territori greec mainland greec way present day afghanistan conquest assimilation. written by: percila jackson edit by: noreen gunnel updated: 3/10/2014. event ancient greec vari import histori world. mani cultural, intellectu government achievements, well major wars. event occur time ancient greec greatli influenc develop western civiliz"} {"id": "16168", "contents": "began rome 753 bc. rome control two million squar mile stretch rhine river egypt britain asia minor. timelin highlight major event histori ancient rome. timelin goe 753 bc 27 bc 64 ad 1453 ad. date event 753 bc rome found rome found romulus. romulu first seven roman kings. origin name rome roma. 509 bc rome becom republ last king expel rome rule senators."} {"id": "16169", "contents": "rome found 753 bce romulu remu locat along mediterranean sea. rome expand vastli becam largest empir ancient era popul 50 80 million population. rome start iron age hunt villag mid 8th countri bc. although juliu caesar rule rome emperor never consid emperor. titl \u201cdictator\u201d. augustu rule roman empir 31 bce 14 bce. time made mani remark chang rome."} {"id": "16170", "contents": "see also: timelin rome histori timelin roman empire. timelin event concern ancient rome, citi foundat last attempt eastern roman empir re-conqu rome."} {"id": "16171", "contents": "page date major event ancient histori fine place start explor ancient world: would wast time tri read ancient histori without idea timelin major events. use timeline. may use major event timelin one two ways: may consult it, prefer often enough know sequenc events, may memor date names."} {"id": "16172", "contents": "rome histori divid three differ era-befor rise rome, roman republic, roman empire. list tri cover import event occur roman histori begin a.d. although juliu caesar rule rome emperor never consid emperor. titl \u201cdictator\u201d. augustu rule roman empir 31 bce 14 bce. time made mani remark chang rome."} {"id": "16173", "contents": "alexand great expand greece. one major event ancient greec reign alexand great. 333 323 bc, greatli expand territori greec mainland greec way present day afghanistan conquest assimilation. die age 32. written by: percila jackson edit by: noreen gunnel updated: 3/10/2014. event ancient greec vari import histori world. mani cultural, intellectu government achievements, well major wars. event occur time ancient greec greatli influenc develop western civil"} {"id": "16174", "contents": "roman empir one greatest influenti civil world history. began citi rome 753 bc last well 1000 years. time rome grew rule much europe, western asia, northern africa. timelin major event histori ancient rome. 753 bc-the citi rome founded. 476 ad-th end western roman empir fall ancient rome. last roman emperor romulu augustu defeat german goth odoacer. signal start dark age europe."} {"id": "16175", "contents": "student begin firm basis.~ histori greece: earliest time roman conquest, sir william smith, georg washington greene; p.ix timelin show mani major event ancient history. n.s. use timeline. may use major event timelin one two ways: may consult it, prefer often enough know sequenc events, may memor date names."} {"id": "16176", "contents": "benefit rose hip arthriti may also link antioxid anti-inflammatori effect rose hip flavonoid polyphenols, accord 2011 studi publish complementari altern medicine.. rose hip may work vitamin help prevent arthritis. vitamin supplement reportedli prevent contract common cold virus, although remain contenti issue."} {"id": "16177", "contents": "fresh wild rose hip rich vitamin c, vitamin e, vitamin k, flavonoid polyphenols, essenti fatti acid carotenoid lycopene, beta-carotene, beta-cryptoxanthin, lutein zeaxanthin. rose hip may work vitamin help prevent arthritis. vitamin supplement reportedli prevent contract common cold virus, although remain contenti issue."} {"id": "16178", "contents": "rose hip overview information. rose hip round portion rose flower petals. rose hip contain seed rose plant. dri rose hip seed use togeth make medicine. fresh rose hip contain lot vitamin c, share mani use vitamin includ prevent treat colds, flu, vitamin deficiencies. however, much vitamin rose hip destroy dri process also declin rapidli storage. rose hip possibl safe appli skin appropriately, short-term. rose hip caus side effect nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, stomach cramps, fatigue, headache, inabl sleep, others. inhal rose hip dust caus allerg reaction people."} {"id": "16179", "contents": "drink rose hip tea daili also benefit skin. rose hip high vitamin content. vitamin commonli refer skin vitamin. help regener skin cells, heal wound scars. also help keep skin elast nourished. fruit acid pectin rose hip tea mild diuret laxative. use improve, reliev symptom kidney disorders, help case mild constipation."} {"id": "16180", "contents": "rose hip fruit rose. also known rose haw rose hep. wild dog rose type rose often cultiv hips. fruit acid pectin rose hip tea mild diuret laxative. use improve, reliev symptom kidney disorders, help case mild constipation."} {"id": "16181", "contents": "rose hip like safe adult taken mouth appropriately. rose hip possibl safe appli skin appropriately, short-term. rose hip caus side effect nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, constipation, heartburn, stomach cramps, fatigue, headache, inabl sleep, others. inhal rose hip dust caus allerg reaction people."} {"id": "16182", "contents": "rose hip tea: use fresh dri rose hips, simpl rose hip tea. you\u2019ll need twice mani hips, use fresh. fresh rose hip tea, steep 4-8 hip cup boil water 10 15 minutes. shortcut: rose hip tea wide avail stores. cook tip: about\u2019 home cook guid advis use aluminum pan utensil could discolor hips."} {"id": "16183", "contents": "rose hip bright orange-r fruit contain seeds, gener form late summer fall. rich vitamin use make herbal tea, jam, jelly, syrup soup. mani type rose blooms, rose hip vari shape size."} {"id": "16184", "contents": "rose hip jam bread roll. rose hip use herbal teas, jam, jelly, syrup, rose hip soup, beverages, pies, bread, wine, marmalade. also eaten raw, like berry, care use avoid hair insid fruit. rose speci sometim grown ornament valu hips, rosa moyesii, promin larg red bottle-shap fruits. rose hip commonli use herbal tea, often blend hibiscus, also oil."} {"id": "16185", "contents": "annual gift tax exclus amount $14,000 2015. words, give $14,000 $14,000 worth properti mani peopl want year' time, without need file gift tax return order report gift irs."} {"id": "16186", "contents": "also, anoth way parent avoid gift tax rememb parent entitl individu $14,000 exclusion. mean mother father could give $14,000 year total $28,000 without tax gift."} {"id": "16187", "contents": "annual gift tax exemption. given year, give $13,000 per child, without incur kind report requirement, without gift tax liability. married, spous give amount, $26,000 total."} {"id": "16188", "contents": "2015, taxpay give $14,000 per person per year without tax gift. example, year could give friend $14,000, friend $14,000, sister $14,000 tax gifts."} {"id": "16189", "contents": "give gift jointli spouse. sinc spous annual gift tax exemption, give gift twice much one person year, give gift jointli spouse. example, 2015, spous $14,000 per person exemption."} {"id": "16190", "contents": "child married, also give $14,000 spouse. you\u2019r married, spous make gifts, mean maximum gift one coupl gift anoth coupl without file gift tax $56,000. amount per calendar year, roll year year."} {"id": "16191", "contents": "gift subject gift tax. instance, give annual exclus amount ($14,000 2014) number peopl everi year, without face gift taxes. recipi gener never owe incom tax gifts."} {"id": "16192", "contents": "allow give away total 3,000 year, without tax implic death. bear mind total annual amount give away, total amount give beneficiary, year."} {"id": "16193", "contents": "sure much money give without pay tax fees. 2013 ir gift tax exclus $14,000 per donor per recipient. effectively, marri coupl togeth provid cash gift $28,000 per recipi without trigger gift tax."} {"id": "16194", "contents": "due weight pinbal machine, ship cost wide vari depend upon far travel. plan budget $400 $1,000 one ship within unit states. older pinbal machin often restored. use machin rather old show lot wear tear cost lot less one newer blemish all. average, expect pay anywher $300 much $6,000 pinbal machine."} {"id": "16195", "contents": "shortcom couldn\u2019t corrected, replac playfield cost $600 nearli 40 hour labor, replac set pop bumper top cost much $40 $20 drop targets. would valu machin pictur $350 rang work order."} {"id": "16196", "contents": "average, expect pay anywher $300 much $6,000 pinbal machine. use machin lot wear tear part miss $300 $1,000 range, brand new machin fresh box retail $1,800 much $6,000. use machin rather old show lot wear tear cost lot less one newer blemish all. average, expect pay anywher $300 much $6,000 pinbal machine."} {"id": "16197", "contents": "averag cost new machin cost anywher $4,700 $6,000. due weight pinbal machine, ship cost wide vari depend upon far travel. plan budget $400 $1,000 one ship within unit states. use machin rather old show lot wear tear cost lot less one newer blemish all. average, expect pay anywher $300 much $6,000 pinbal machine."} {"id": "16198", "contents": "report abuse. ask new machine, price around $3500 $6000, depend hard look seller motiv give deal. depend whether refurbish not. rang $300.00 $1000.00 older models. talk new one expect pay $2000.00 $5000.00. source(s): dad older ones."} {"id": "16199", "contents": "handi websit call bargain pinbal machin organ ebay auction base price rang decade. example, $500-$1000 rang $1000-$2000 rang websit good spot start look good deal. peopl know fix inspect game. experi repair machines, get good deal fixer upper pinbal machin typic $500. also good onlin forum allow collector publish classifi ad games."} {"id": "16200", "contents": "instance, new stern pinbal avatar machin straight factori retail $4,500 much $6,000. thepinballcompany.com onlin retail sell varieti pinbal machin rang new used. averag cost new machin cost anywher $4,700 $6,000. use machin rather old show lot wear tear cost lot less one newer blemish all. average, expect pay anywher $300 much $6,000 pinbal machine."} {"id": "16201", "contents": "depend type machin much work will machin littl $200 $500 older machine. typic price rang $500 $2000 reliabl use machine. new machin warranti run $4500-$6000. machin tend hold valu well. said, put $200 repair $200 machin typic result $400 machine. premium restor mani machin consist sell $8000 more. mani peopl list machin rare, truli rare pinbal machin"} {"id": "16202", "contents": "use north american van line ship pinbal machin anywher unit states. offer door door ship home. averag cost ship pinbal machin around $350-$400. pleas call navl 1-800-959-8880 x9465 exact quot cincinnati ohio 45251. charg $50 (option highli recommended) pack machin cardboard heavi stretch wrap. game may pick person"} {"id": "16203", "contents": "averag cost per yard. retail sell topsoil 40-pound bags, rang $2 $5 per bag. 40-pound bag contain three-quart cubic foot topsoil, depend moistur content type organ material. 27 cubic feet cubic yard, bag topsoil cost $54 $180 per cubic yard. rate, purchas topsoil bag suitabl small areas. example, cover 1,000 squar feet depth inch new garden lawn, need 12 cubic yard topsoil. price bulk topsoil vari across country, rang $18 $55 per cubic yard, includ delivery. price per cubic yard usual decreas larger quantiti"} {"id": "16204", "contents": "compani sell clean screen fill dirt $8-$15 cubic yard, $40-$75 five yard spread 3+ inch deep 500-square-foot area (20x25 feet). cost topsoil depend lot location. typic lower-qu topsoil lower end scale, yard order less cost per cubic yard. topsoil also sold bags, $2-$5 bag. take roughli 18-20 bag make cubic yard, $36-$100"} {"id": "16205", "contents": "cost deliv soil. soil usual rang price $10-$60 per cubic yard (27 squar feet), includ deliveri spreading. rough wood chip fall low end range, high-qual wood like cedar fall high end. bark soil wood chip fall cost $20-$30 per cubic yard. deliveri labor often doubl cost, you\u2019r buy soil around $30 per cubic yard, expect total bill $60 per cubic yard. however, compani drop per-cub yard deliveri price larg order"} {"id": "16206", "contents": "$15 per yard tax deliveri pricing: screen topsoil: base price deliveri full dump truck load (approx. 16 yards) screen topsoil $265, includ tax freight deliveri (includ prairi creek east side rogers). #2 topsoil-spoil screen ......... $15 per yard tax. deliveri pricing: screen topsoil: base price deliveri full dump truck load (approx. 16 yards) screen topsoil $265, includ tax freight deliveri (includ prairi creek east side rogers)."} {"id": "16207", "contents": "larg quantiti soil usual sold cubic yard. one cubic yard spread inch thick cover 324 squar feet. cover 500 squar feet three inch soil, need 4.52 cubic yards. typic lower-qu topsoil lower end scale, yard order less cost per cubic yard. topsoil also sold bags, $2-$5 bag. take roughli 18-20 bag make cubic yard, $36-$100"} {"id": "16208", "contents": "pick per cubic yard $20.50 deliv per cubic yard 15 yards\u2026\u2026\u2026...$20.75 12 yards\u2026\u2026.. \u2026$22.00 10 yards\u2026\u2026\u2026..$ 23.25 yards\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026.$26.25 yards\u2026\u2026\u2026\u2026 $29.50 3-way mix topsoil loam soil, peat, co mpost process throu gh 1/2\u201d screen. excel seed lawns, sod flower beds. 3-way topsoil mix slinger per cubic yard 15+ yards\u2026.$ 40.00 12 yards\u2026.....$44.50 10 yards\u2026\u2026$49.00 yards\u2026\u2026..$56.00 yards\u2026\u2026..$67.50 suprem mix topsoil slinger per cubic yard 15+ yards\u2026..$41.50 12 yards\u2026\u2026$46.00 10 yards\u2026..."} {"id": "16209", "contents": "common caus swollen lymph node infection, particularli viral infection, common cold. however, type infections, includ parasit bacterial, possibl caus swollen lymph nodes."} {"id": "16210", "contents": "lymph node small gland filter lymph, clear fluid circul lymphat system. becom swollen respons infect tumors. lymphat fluid circul lymphat system, made channel throughout bodi similar blood vessels."} {"id": "16211", "contents": "lymph node import part body\u2019 immun system. swollen neck lymph node result infection, malign autoimmun disorders. swollen neck lymph node also known lymphadenitis, lymphadenopathy, swollen nodes, swollen glands."} {"id": "16212", "contents": "lymph node small cluster immun cell function part body\u2019 immun system. 600 lymph node throughout body, one frequent enlarg swollen lymph node neck, chin, armpits, groin."} {"id": "16213", "contents": "swollen lymph node caus infection, known lymphaden (lim-fad-uh-nie-tis). rarely, swollen lymph node caus cancer. lymph nodes, also call lymph glands, play vital role body' abil fight viruses, bacteria caus illnesses. common area might notic swollen lymph node includ neck, chin, armpit groin."} {"id": "16214", "contents": "lymph node small, bean-shap gland throughout body. part lymph system, carri fluid (lymph fluid), nutrients, wast materi bodi tissu bloodstream. lymph system import part immun system, body' defens system disease."} {"id": "16215", "contents": "june 27, 2012 5:46 am. drug differ reaction person. hydrocodon strong painkil could caus feel sick more: http://www.chacha.com/question/why-does-hydrocodone-make-me-feel-sick-and-not-relieve-my-pain."} {"id": "16216", "contents": "yes, vicodin caus mild nausea. sever nausea vomit sign overdose, treat seriously. source: http://www.chacha.com/question/does-vicodin-make-you-naus ]."} {"id": "16217", "contents": "best answer: side effect vicodin (hydrocodon tylenol). ye side effect normal...except headache. headach may due wisdom teeth come in. altern make sick plain tylenol motrin aleve, counter (u dont need script)."} {"id": "16218", "contents": "vicodin (hydrocodone/acetaminophen) combin narcot hydrocodon non-narcot pain reliev acetaminophen use relief moder moder sever pain."} {"id": "16219", "contents": "common side effect vicodin vomiting. take vicodin food may help reduc risk nausea vomiting. also, mani case vomit nausea goe away person continu use vicodin. thank use"} {"id": "16220", "contents": "tags: vomit comments. common side effect vicodin vomiting. take vicodin food may help reduc risk nausea vomiting. also, mani case vomit nausea goe away person continu use vicodin. thank use"} {"id": "16221", "contents": "vicodin narcot pain medic mix hydrocodon acetaminophen variou doses. common type vicodin 5/500, 5mg hydrocodon 500mg acetaminophen."} {"id": "16222", "contents": "amendment! hydrocodon gener name vicodin. name one two activ ingredi found vicodin alway consist hydrocodon acetaminophen. acetaminophen gener name tylenol. gener name vicodin hydrocodone/"} {"id": "16223", "contents": "vipera berus, common european adder common european viper, venom snake extrem widespread found throughout western europ far east asia."} {"id": "16224", "contents": "common adder venom snakes, small true vipers, common throughout much europe, vipera beru poison snake found unit kingdom. common adder known short temper may strike without warn startl handled."} {"id": "16225", "contents": "adder. adder venom snake found britain, although absent ireland. use venom immobilis prey lizards, amphibians, nestl small mammals. strike prey, leav venom take effect follow victim\u2019 scent find body. although adder\u2019 venom pose littl danger healthi adult human, bite pain requir urgent medic attention. adder northerli distribut snake speci found insid arctic circle."} {"id": "16226", "contents": "common adder facts. common adder type poison snake. three subspeci adder found western europe, east asia throughout arctic circle. adder poison snake england. adder may surviv differ habitat climates. usual seen grasslands, forests, swamps, wetlands, rocki slope semi-deserts."} {"id": "16227", "contents": "adder venom snake nativ britain. adder highli develop venom inject mechan snakes, aggress animals. adder use venom last mean defence, usual caught trodden on. one die adder bite britain 20 years."} {"id": "16228", "contents": "confid vote 132. adder viper poison snake found great britain; prefer heathland rocki area bask sun day, also sometim found woodland habitats."} {"id": "16229", "contents": "snake sometim bite self-def disturb provoked. snake venom inject venom (toxin) bite. bite venom snake medic emerg deadli treat quickly. uk, adder venom snake found wild. peopl also keep foreign (exotic) venom snakes, sometim illegally."} {"id": "16230", "contents": "adder snake venoum snake harmli affect you. death adder dustinuish snake australia. highli venoum found mainland australia, southern offshor island includ tamsmania. death adder also found new guinea island western indonesia. ^^ true facts. cassi thomas. adder also venom snake mean bite could possibl fatal, although must said adder gener well behav snake would prefer flee rather attack. hope helps, cornsnak kid."} {"id": "16231", "contents": "greek meaning: name ari greek babi name. greek mean name ari is: ram. latin meaning: name ari latin babi name. latin mean name ari is: ram."} {"id": "16232", "contents": "ari /ar-ies/ [2 sylls.] boys' name latin origin, mean ari ram."} {"id": "16233", "contents": "ari unusu given name male promin last name peopl (#39678 150436, top 26%). (2000 u.s. census). popular variat form ari (not ranked) appear top 1000 are (#781 2014) boy name top popular present (usag 0.219%)."} {"id": "16234", "contents": "ari origin latin languag use larg english. name ari mean 'ram'. variant form ari includ name arees, name ares, name arese, greek arie, name ariese, name aryes. ari popular babi boy name. top 1000 names."} {"id": "16235", "contents": "paul anka heard origin 1967 french pop song, comm d'habitud (a usual) perform claud francois, fran\u00e7oi holiday south of. franc flew pari negoti right the. song 2007, interview he, said thought bad, record someth in.. articl song popular frank sinatra. french song melodi way based, see comm d'habitude. fetti wap song, see way (fetti wap song) limp bizkit song, see way (limp bizkit song)"} {"id": "16236", "contents": "way song popular frank sinatra. lyric written paul anka set music base french song comm d'habitud co-composed, co-written perform 1967 claud francois. fran\u00e7ois'anka english lyric unrel origin french. song articl song popular frank sinatra. french song melodi way based, see comm d'habitude. fetti wap song, see way (fetti wap song) limp bizkit song, see way (limp bizkit song)"} {"id": "16237", "contents": "paul anka discov song visit franc re-wrot lyric way return new york. anka say a.m. raini night word came him. gipsi king record spanish version song call mi manera.. paul anka wrote english lyrics, young david bowi took shot write come anyth happi with. way licens sparingly, especi sinatra version."} {"id": "16238", "contents": "written paul anka, base music french song \u201ccomm d\u2019habitude\u201d, frank sinatra record song \u201cmi way\u201d 30th december, 1968. way worldwid hit first came out, frank sinatra got older, sinatra\u2019 fan got older, way becam much important. way consid popular song frank sinatra, like stranger night be. way actual english version french song \u201ccomm d\u2019habitude\u201d, french english lyric relat though."} {"id": "16239", "contents": "frank sinatra: song never leav out, written paul anka, orchestr uh tom mix. don\u2019t know orchestr song. hugipt costa orchestration. way consid popular song frank sinatra, like stranger night be. way actual english version french song \u201ccomm d\u2019habitude\u201d, french english lyric relat though."} {"id": "16240", "contents": "way song popular frank sinatra. lyric written paul anka set music base french song comm d'habitud co-composed, co-written perform 1967 claud francois. fran\u00e7oi articl song popular frank sinatra. french song melodi way based, see comm d'habitude. fetti wap song, see way (fetti wap song) limp bizkit song, see way (limp bizkit song)"} {"id": "16241", "contents": "origin french song call comm d'habitud (translation: usual), written compos jacqu revaux gill thibault. took french pop star claud francois, tweak bit (earn co-writ credit) record song 1967, hit part europe. gipsi king record spanish version song call mi manera.. paul anka wrote english lyrics, young david bowi took shot write come anyth happi with. way licens sparingly, especi sinatra version."} {"id": "16242", "contents": "song way old friend written benni andersson bjorn ulvaeu abba. song first show 1980 album super trouper. lyric 2009 version releas faryl smith partial rewritten bjorn ulvaeus. wrote song 'i write songs'? write song written bruce johnston beach boy 1975, record album captain tennille, david cassidy, barri manilow."} {"id": "16243", "contents": "old blue eyes: frank grew hate icon song. forti year ago week frank sinatra releas way. although peak number five remain uk chart best part two half year becom song defin sinatra himself. frank, one else.\u201d. anka right. way\u2019 success lyric melodi man first sang it. way simpli perfect swansong perfect swansong frank sinatra."} {"id": "16244", "contents": "soy (if) hoy es jueves, manana es viernes, soy (if) hoy (today) es (is) juev (thursday), ma& ntilde;ana (tomorrow) es (is) viern (friday) rememb spanish speak coun tries, week begin monday (lunes). day week spanish capitalized."} {"id": "16245", "contents": "el juev (spanish thursday spanish satir weekli magazin publish barcelona. complet titl el jueves, la revista que sale lo miercol mi\u00e9rcoles, thursday magazin come ). wednesday"} {"id": "16246", "contents": "pleas tri later. ***one favorit song recent spanish group (van gogh' ear). song call jueves, 11 de marzo (thursday, march 11). storylin song pretti self-explanatori watch video (btw, fan-mad video), lyrics."} {"id": "16247", "contents": "letter alphabet. mean and. sound spanish, ee sound. call griega, greek i. sometim refer latina, latin i. i'm sure meant singular person pronoun i, like phrase like pizza. spanish word yo."} {"id": "16248", "contents": "leukopenia (also known leukocytopenia leucopenia, greek \u03bb\u03b5\u03c5\u03ba\u03cc\u03c2 white \u03c0\u03b5\u03bd\u03af\u03b1 deficiency) decreas number white blood cell (leukocytes) found blood, place individu increas risk infection. hiv aid also threat white cells. caus low white blood cell count includ system lupu erythematosus, hodgkin' lymphoma, type cancer, typhoid, malaria, tuberculosis, dengue, rickettsi infections, enlarg spleen, folat deficiencies, psittacosis, sepsi lyme disease."} {"id": "16249", "contents": "white blood cells, wbc, produc bone marrow disease-fight cell body. accord medlineplus, low wbc count, also call leukopenia neutropenia, concentr white blood cell bodi less 4,500 cell per microlit blood."} {"id": "16250", "contents": "someone' white blood cell count low, immun system strong usual he' increas risk infection, condit known neutropenia. lower white blood cell count -- longer stay low -- higher risk he'll get sick contract type infection. (normal white blood cell count rang 4,500 11,000 wbc per cubic millimet blood. information, see understand low white blood cell counts. medic call growth factor use prevent chemotherapi boost white blood cell count, also use increas product white blood cell level drop low. contain cytokines, type protein, stimul bone marrow produc white blood cells."} {"id": "16251", "contents": "white blood cell count lower what' consid normal, suffer condit known leucopenia, weaken body' abil fight infection. accord steadyhealth.com article, normal level white blood cell 4,300 10,000 per cubic millimet blood. sometim manag patient' low blood cell count due cancer treatments, doctor order inject treatment one given intraven (iv). treatment involv particular protein enabl blood marrow produc white blood cells, well red blood cell platelets."} {"id": "16252", "contents": "low white blood cell count (low wbc). leukopenia-a decreas total number white blood cells, may lead low white blood cell count. neutropenia-a decreas number neutrophils, may lead low white blood count. granulocytopenia-som peopl use term place neutropenia. low blood counts. includes: low red blood cell count, low white blood cell count, low platelet count, infection-prevent guidelin immunosuppress patients. word may hear: myelosuppression-a decreas product blood cells, may lead low blood count."} {"id": "16253", "contents": "leukopenia-a decreas total number white blood cell (wbc), may lead low white blood cell count. neutropenia-a decreas number neutrophils, one type white blood cell, may lead low white blood cell count. low blood counts. includes: low red blood cell count, low white blood cell count, low platelet count, infection-prevent guidelin immunosuppress patients. word may hear: myelosuppression-a decreas product blood cells, may lead low blood count."} {"id": "16254", "contents": "check blood cell count, doctor look number type of: white blood cells. cell help bodi fight infection. low white blood cell count (leukopenia) leav bodi open infection. infect develop, bodi may unabl fight off. doctor may monitor blood cell count care cancer treatment. there' good reason blood drawn often low blood cell count put risk seriou complications."} {"id": "16255", "contents": "neutropenia, subtyp leukopenia, refer decreas number circul neutrophil granulocytes, abund white blood cells. term leukopenia neutropenia may occasion use interchangeably, neutrophil count import indic infect risk. hiv aid also threat white cells. caus low white blood cell count includ system lupu erythematosus, hodgkin' lymphoma, type cancer, typhoid, malaria, tuberculosis, dengue, rickettsi infections, enlarg spleen, folat deficiencies, psittacosis, sepsi lyme disease."} {"id": "16256", "contents": "low white blood cell (wbc) count decreas number white blood cell (leukocytes) blood. low wbc count refer medic leukopenia. low wbc count often link problem bone marrow inabl make enough white blood cells. autoimmun diseas attack white blood cell also lead low wbc count. sever differ prescrib drugs, includ chemotherapy, known decreas wbc product destroy wbcs."} {"id": "16257", "contents": "juli 1948 nh born. health secretari aneurin bevan open park hospit manchest (imag right), climax huge ambiti plan bring good healthcar all. prescript charg one shill (5p) introduc flat rate \u00a31 ordinari dental treatment also brought june 1952. prescript charg abolish 1965 prescript remain free june 1968, charg reintroduced."} {"id": "16258", "contents": "nation health servic (nhs). nh launch 1948. born long-held ideal good healthcar avail all, regardless wealth principl remain core. except charges, prescript optic dental services, nh england remain free point use anyon uk resident. current 64.1 million peopl uk 53.9 million peopl england alone."} {"id": "16259", "contents": "creation nation health service. nh found juli 1948, bring togeth hospitals, gps, opticians, dentist servic integr organis healthcar servic whole population."} {"id": "16260", "contents": "nation health servic england creat nation health servic act 1946. respons nh wale pass secretari state wale 1969, leav secretari state social servic respons nh england alone. nh guarante equal health care britons. begin 1950s, spend nh exceed expectations, lead 1952 introduct one-shil charg prescript charg dental treatment; except nh free point use."} {"id": "16261", "contents": "histori nh england. health secretari aneurin bevan open park hospit manchest (imag right), climax huge ambiti plan bring good healthcar all. prescript charg one shill (5p) introduc flat rate \u00a31 ordinari dental treatment also brought june 1952. prescript charg abolish 1965 prescript remain free june 1968, charg reintroduced."} {"id": "16262", "contents": "principl free health servic all, paid gener taxation, won. peopl come love free nh much one could take away. now: histori nhs. life expectancy. nh found 1948, life expect men 66, women, 71. today figur 77.2 81.5. deaths. past 60 years, proport death caus cancer risen, 16.9 27 per cent."} {"id": "16263", "contents": "nh found juli 1948, follow offici unveil park hospit (now trafford gener hospital) manchester. 1,143 voluntari hospit 90,000 bed 1,545 municip hospit 390,000 bed subsum within new nhs. interact timelin bring 70 year reform nation health servic life, chart evolut public institut incept post-war year present day."} {"id": "16264", "contents": "histori nh organis establish century' discuss provis health servic meet long recognis need. appear time britain saw health care crucial one five giant beveridg declar slain post-war reconstruction. one option nh move care hospit commun setting. commun nurs examin govern establish two reviews, gener practic nurs primari health care (cumberlege)."} {"id": "16265", "contents": "servic often refer nhs, although english nh offici call nation health service. servic found 1948, base legisl pass 1946, 1947 1948. four publicli fund health care system countri unit kingdom refer nation health servic (nhs)."} {"id": "16266", "contents": "introduct polio diphtheria vaccin key part nh plans. programme, case polio could climb high 8,000 epidem years, case diphtheria high 70,000, lead 5,000 deaths. prescript charg one shill (5p) introduc flat rate \u00a31 ordinari dental treatment also brought june 1952. prescript charg abolish 1965 prescript remain free june 1968, charg reintroduced."} {"id": "16267", "contents": "time definit come, here' why: mention above, think justifi pay $120 year lumos (a long actual use it). lot money pay one shot, buy two new video game year it'll cost same. but, opinion, lumos realli good one year. that, lose worth (and worth definit alreadi subjective; see below). and, realli money, it. lot thing could spend $120 on."} {"id": "16268", "contents": "person find 'side-effect' brain train make program worth stick with. intellig increas gravy. lumos cost $14.95/month bill monthly, $6.70/month pre-pay year $4.99/month pre-pay two years. there' 30 day money-back guarante annual plans. there' also $299.95 lifetim membership"} {"id": "16269", "contents": "mani may familiar lumos (it even commerci tv now). san francisco-bas compani provid onlin brain train program, subscrib play nearli 40 differ game improv attention, flexibility, memori problem solving. experiment group stanford studi play lumos game four time week 12 weeks, result show improv word finding, execut function process speed control group."} {"id": "16270", "contents": "mani may familiar lumos (it even commerci tv now). san francisco-bas compani provid onlin brain train program, subscrib play nearli 40 differ game improv attention, flexibility, memori problem solving."} {"id": "16271", "contents": "money definit use site least sever time week, 'yes'. would like spend $120 year video game puzzl book such, definit worth give lumos tri skip stuff year. but, opinion, lumos realli good one year. that, lose worth (and worth definit alreadi subjective; see below). and, realli money, it. lot thing could spend $120 on."} {"id": "16272", "contents": "compani make easi sign lumosity. start brain train day trial program. that, decid whether want pay full program, costs: $14.95 per month (bill month-to-month). $6.95 per month (bill annually, $83.40 year). $4.99 per month (two year commitment, $119.76 full two years)."} {"id": "16273", "contents": "pay $6.95/month commit full year, $4.99/month two-year commit one-tim payment $299.95 lifetim subscription. experiment group stanford studi play lumos game four time week 12 weeks, result show improv word finding, execut function process speed control group."} {"id": "16274", "contents": "lumos subscript made onlin lumosity.com except monthli plan (e.g., yearly, two-year, lifetim plans) offer 30 day, 100% money back guarantee. may receiv refund contact custom servic team within 30 day purchase. 30 day window, provid refund. annual two-year subscriptions, refund renew payment contact custom servic team within 30 day renew occurs. offer refund renew payment monthli subscriptions. sign promotion, renew rate may higher initi rate."} {"id": "16275", "contents": "toni hoffman lumos best known cognitive-train web site\u2014it present seri game exercis design help improv one\u2019 mental abilities. games, develop neuroscientists, challeng and\u2014for part\u2014fun. view 11 photo galleri lumosity' game base around gener cognit areas: speed, memory, attention, flexibility, problem solving. register, you\u2019r ask choos particular aspect area you\u2019d like improve."} {"id": "16276", "contents": "payment polici incorpor lumos term service, appli user purchas lumos subscript plan access lumos onlin mobil application, individu whose payment detail use purchas lumos services. annual two-year subscriptions, refund renew payment contact custom servic team within 30 day renew occurs. offer refund renew payment monthli subscriptions. sign promotion, renew rate may higher initi rate."} {"id": "16277", "contents": "subway franchise need less money sandwich chain' restaur cheaper open. subway' startup costs, includ construct equip leas expenses, rang $116,200 $262,850, accord company."} {"id": "16278", "contents": "seed money. initi franchis fee $15,000. accord subway, may 2013, need estim $116,200 $262,850 open traditional-loc store, shop center street corner."} {"id": "16279", "contents": "tim boyle/getti images. subway one cheapest major fast-food restaur franchise. open one restaurant, compani requir potenti franchise liquid asset least $30,000 net worth $80,000 $310,000, accord entrepreneur. comparison, mcdonald' requir franchise least $750,000 liquid assets."} {"id": "16280", "contents": "cost start subway franchise. usual take anywher $115,000 $220,000 start subway franchise. occasionally, larger restaurants, cost run $250,000. one first expens initi franchis fee $15,000. fee cover cost use subway name gener non-refundable."} {"id": "16281", "contents": "obtain franchis kit subway visit websit www.subway.com fill form request information. initi franchis fee subway restaur $15,000. total start-up cost vary, low $78,000. must gener busi experi approv franchise."} {"id": "16282", "contents": "averag cost one day futil treatment icu $4,004 per patient. cost care 123 patient whose treatment perceiv futile, icu, $2.6 million, research found."} {"id": "16283", "contents": "depend servic patient requires, length stay, patient expect pay roughli $3000 $5000 typic stay. stay prolonged, requir care, expect pay roughli $50,000 one week service. +. purchas guide."} {"id": "16284", "contents": "limit memori tell cost first two day icu averag 10k per day. start decease,such case last day icu 2k so. search googl scholar abl find paper. 9."} {"id": "16285", "contents": "daili cost intens care unit day: contribut mechan ventilation. dasta jf(1), mclaughlin tp, modi sh, piech ct. author information: (1)the ohio state university, columbus, oh, usa. comment crit care med."} {"id": "16286", "contents": "averag cost day futil treatment icu $4,000, research found. 123 patient perceiv receiv futil icu care, total cost three month studi amount $2.6 million five icus."} {"id": "16287", "contents": "-mean hospit cost $34,257 dollar (+/- $40,559 dollars) lower averag cost rural small hospitals. discontinu mechan ventil continu one challeng event icu management, signific portion time spent ventil (40%) dedic weaning.. -a total 44.6% least one major co-morbid condition; common co-morbid includ diabet (13.2 %) pulmonari diseas (13.2%). -daili increment cost mechan ventil icu patient estim $600 $1500 per day."} {"id": "16288", "contents": "averag cost privat health care insur depend countri one live in. us, averag cost paid employe annual $4,130 employ pay $11,000. round amounts."} {"id": "16289", "contents": "cost savings. 2000 2005, annual critic care medicin cost increas $56.6 $81.7 billion, repres 13.4% hospit costs, 4.1% nation health expenditures, 0.66% gross domest product. acut care hospit least one icu, approxim 55,000 critic ill patient care day. 2007, number adult critic care bed (medical, surgical, coronari care, neurological, burn unit beds) total 67,357."} {"id": "16290", "contents": "averag cost per day per patient icu calcul $2,401. rise concern increas health cost country. particularli seen termin ill patients, whose death seem imminent. patient often admit icu despit know termin illness. us hospitals, averag cost per day critic care unit $2,000 3,000. therefore, physician probabl think palli measures."} {"id": "16291", "contents": "instance, $2-trillion health care economy, total econom cost preterm birth estim $26 billion (between percent total health care expenditures) [10]. nonetheless, $26 billion substanti amount money."} {"id": "16292", "contents": "ribosom cell locat two region cytoplasm. found scatter cytoplasm attach endoplasm reticulum. ribosom bound er known rough"} {"id": "16293", "contents": "ribosom found eukaryot cell tiny, round organel gener protein mrna. ribosom compos protein ribosom rna. structur ribosom compos two subunits. one subunit larger other."} {"id": "16294", "contents": "ribosom found \u2018free\u2019 cytoplasm bound endoplasm reticulum (er) form rough er. mammalian cell mani 10 million ribosomes. sever ribosom attach mrna strand, structur call polysome. ribosom temporari existence."} {"id": "16295", "contents": "ribosom mainli found bound endoplasm reticulum nuclear envelope, well freeli scatter throughout cytoplasm, depend upon whether cell plant, animal, bacteria."} {"id": "16296", "contents": "locat free bound ribosomes. place ribosom locat one differ free bound ribosomes. free ribosom locat cytoplasm cell. attach structure, may group togeth ribosom form polysomes."} {"id": "16297", "contents": "ribosom come two types, free attached. free ribosom found throughout cytoplasm attach ribosom connect directli endoplasm reticulum."} {"id": "16298", "contents": "confid vote 45. ribosom creat insid nucleolus, insid nucleus, anim cell. frequent move endoplasm reticulum, attach walls, get destinations. often found golgi apparatu float freeli cell' cytoplasm well."} {"id": "16299", "contents": "free ribosom locat cytoplasm, bound ribosom attach endoplasm reticulum. free ribosom produc protein cell, bound ribosom produc protein transport cell."} {"id": "16300", "contents": "typic salin valu 33.5 34.7, poleward 65\u00b0s. temperature-salin signatur due combin water mass meet southern ocean mix redistribut antarct circumpolar current. tremend cross-sect area allow current' larg volum transport. antarct circumpolar current' eastward flow driven strong westerli winds. averag wind speed 40\u00b0 60\u00b0 15 24 knot strongest wind typic 45\u00b0 55\u00b0s."} {"id": "16301", "contents": "depth tutori information. antarct circumpolar current (acc), also known west wind drift, current flow complet around globe, unimped continents. antarct circumpolar current (global warming)"} {"id": "16302", "contents": "antarct circumpolar current (acc) import current southern ocean, current flow complet around globe. tremend cross-sect area allow current' larg volum transport. antarct circumpolar current' eastward flow driven strong westerli winds. averag wind speed 40\u00b0 60\u00b0 15 24 knot strongest wind typic 45\u00b0 55\u00b0s."} {"id": "16303", "contents": "southern boundari acc defin westward flow antarct coastal current surfac temperatur around 30 degre (minu degre c). mean acc temperatur rang 41-30 degre (5 minu degre c). antarct circumpolar current (global warming). antarct circumpolar current (acc), also known west wind drift, current flow complet around globe, unimped continents."} {"id": "16304", "contents": "2. abstract review examin oper antarct circumpolar ocean current, role so-cal \u2018great ocean conveyor belt\u2019 worldwid ocean current influenc climate, particularli northern europe. differ acc major current acc singl flow consist two jet run larg parallel ocean ridg system surround antarctica. acc antarctica two signific gyre systems, ross weddel sea gyres."} {"id": "16305", "contents": "circumpolar current domin featur southern ocean, import flow north-south direct vertic plane. averag depth ocean rang 2,000 4,000 metres. temperatur water southern ocean power influenc climat much earth. current alway stable. develop disturb call wave eddi involv entir water column."} {"id": "16306", "contents": "current flow rate km/h (2.5 mph) macquari ridg south new zealand. acc vari time. evid antarct circumpolar wave, period oscil affect climat much southern hemisphere. antarct circumpolar current strongest current system world ocean ocean current link major oceans: atlantic, indian pacif oceans. seawat densiti front orsi, whitworth nowlin 1995."} {"id": "16307", "contents": "antarct circumpolar ocean current review influenc global ocean current climat within antarctica europ jame s. b. mason gca class 2006-7 depart antarct studi research univers canterbury. 2. differ acc major current acc singl flow consist two jet run larg parallel ocean ridg system surround antarctica. acc antarctica two signific gyre systems, ross weddel sea gyres."} {"id": "16308", "contents": "antarct circumpolar current (acc) ocean current flow clockwis west east around antarctica. altern name acc west wind drift. acc domin circul featur southern ocean mean transport 100-150 sverdrup (sv, million m\u00b3/s), make largest ocean current. antarct circumpolar current strongest current system world ocean ocean current link major oceans: atlantic, indian pacif oceans. seawat densiti front orsi, whitworth nowlin 1995."} {"id": "16309", "contents": "current circumpolar due lack landmass connect antarctica keep warm ocean water away antarctica, enabl contin maintain huge ice sheet. antarct circumpolar current strongest current system world ocean ocean current link major oceans: atlantic, indian pacif oceans. seawat densiti front orsi, whitworth nowlin 1995."} {"id": "16310", "contents": "eyam one best-preserv villag vicin famou 'plagu village', went voluntari quarantin plagu import london 1665. eyam museum plagu village, eyam, give histori tragic 1665-6 visit bubon plagu villag derbyshir peak district."} {"id": "16311", "contents": "parish church st lawrenc locat villag eyam derbyshire\u2019 beauti peak district. eyam note histor realiti plagu 1665-66, commemor villag church itself. eyam church museum look past. lively, worship commun god activ today. church ages, look serv god bible."} {"id": "16312", "contents": "eyam great plagu 1665. eyam, villag derbyshire, also badli affect great plagu 1665 even though diseas associ impact london. sacrific made villag eyam may well save citi northern england worst plague."} {"id": "16313", "contents": "eyam north centr england amongst foothil pennin mountain counti derbyshire. map eyam' posit relat pennin big citi part england. local road around eyam. pleas see visitor information."} {"id": "16314", "contents": "details. popular visitors, eyam famou plagu village. fascinating, histor place live feel it. mile north bakewell, villag lot offer. walk around eyam like step back time, especi event 1665-66 plagu brought form london tini peakland commun"} {"id": "16315", "contents": "eyam derbyshire-fam plagu village. eyam, famou plagu village, beauti setting, 800 feet sea level, lie heart derbyshir peak district. eyam owe locat readi availab water"} {"id": "16316", "contents": "eyam /\u02c8i\u02d0m/ english villag derbyshir dale district lie within peak district nation park. histori [edit]. lead mine seem continu histori eyam district sinc least roman era evid habit earlier."} {"id": "16317", "contents": "eyam museum plagu village. eyam museum plagu village, eyam, give histori tragic 1665-6 visit bubon plagu villag derbyshir peak district."} {"id": "16318", "contents": "detail map eyam near places. welcom eyam googl satellit map! place situat derbyshir county, east midlands, england, unit kingdom, geograph coordin 53\u00b0 17' north, 1\u00b0 40' west origin name (with diacritics) eyam."} {"id": "16319", "contents": "eyam villag great plague. hard imagin quiet villag eyam, a623 derbyshire, could fascinating, yet tragic stori tell. .... end august 1665 bubon plagu arriv hous villag tailor georg viccars, via parcel cloth london."} {"id": "16320", "contents": "combin muscl tendon keep arm bone center shoulder socket. tissu call rotat cuff. cover head upper arm bone attach shoulder blade. upper end bicep muscl two tendon attach bone shoulder. anatomy. two attach bicep tendon shoulder joint. shoulder ball-and-socket joint made three bones: upper arm bone (humerus), shoulder blade (scapula), collarbon (clavicle). head upper arm bone fit round socket"} {"id": "16321", "contents": "rotat cuff tendon one key reason shoulder useful. tendon subject consider amount wear tear, degeneration, use arms, especi overhead activities. wear tear lead weaken rotat cuff tendons, condit know impingement. rotat cuff tendon also subject degener age. injuri tendon result weak painful, shoulder due tear rotat cuff tendons."} {"id": "16322", "contents": "shoulder tendon (or tendinitis) inflamm injuri tendon shoulder' rotat cuff. inflamm alway present injuri shoulder tendons, group injuri medic known rotat cuff tendinopathi tendinopathies."} {"id": "16323", "contents": "muscl abl move bone pull tendons. larg tendon call rotat cuff connect humeru scapula (shoulder blade) help rais rotat arm. arm raised, rotat cuff also keep humeru tightli socket (glenoid) scapula. wear tear lead weaken rotat cuff tendons, condit know impingement. rotat cuff tendon also subject degener age. injuri tendon result weak painful, shoulder due tear rotat cuff tendons."} {"id": "16324", "contents": "also help keep shoulder stable. tendon attach muscl bones. bicep tendon attach bicep muscl bone shoulder elbow. tear bicep tendon shoulder, may lose strength arm unabl forc turn arm palm palm up. anatomy. two attach bicep tendon shoulder joint. shoulder ball-and-socket joint made three bones: upper arm bone (humerus), shoulder blade (scapula), collarbon (clavicle). head upper arm bone fit round socket shoulder blade."} {"id": "16325", "contents": "muscl attach bone tendons. tendon rotat cuff allow muscl move arm. tendon tear, humeru can't move easili socket. make hard move arm away body. peopl age less active, tendon start degener lose strength."} {"id": "16326", "contents": "socket call glenoid. combin muscl tendon keep arm bone center shoulder socket. tissu call rotat cuff. cover head upper arm bone attach shoulder blade. common type arthriti shoulder osteoarthritis, also known wear tear arthritis. symptoms, swelling, pain, stiffness, typic begin middl age. osteoarthr develop slowli pain caus worsen time."} {"id": "16327", "contents": "autism spectrum disord (asd) rang complex neurodevelop disorders, character social impairments, commun difficulties, restricted, repetitive, stereotyp pattern behavior."} {"id": "16328", "contents": "it\u2019 import know three quit differ type autism spectrum disorders: autist disord call classic autism, asperg syndrom pervas development disord otherwis specifi (atyp autism). common form autism spectrum disord classic autism."} {"id": "16329", "contents": "autism spectrum disord impact child perceiv social others, caus problem crucial area develop social interaction, commun behavior."} {"id": "16330", "contents": "autism common autism spectrum disorder. peopl autism differ develop thinking, language, behavior social skills. differ appear age three, diagnos 18 months."} {"id": "16331", "contents": "autist disorder, sometim call autism classic asd, sever form asd, condit along spectrum includ milder form known asperg syndrome, childhood disintegr disord pervas development disord otherwis specifi (usual refer pdd-nos)."} {"id": "16332", "contents": "children autism, also known autism spectrum disord asd, social, commun languag problems. also restrict repetit pattern behavior, interests, activities, flip objects, echolalia, excess smell touch objects."} {"id": "16333", "contents": "autism complex neurobehavior disord includ impair social interact development languag commun skill combin rigid, repetit behaviors. disord cover larg spectrum symptoms, skills, level impairment."} {"id": "16334", "contents": "understand autism -- basics. autism complex neurobehavior disord includ impair social interact development languag commun skill combin rigid, repetit behaviors. disord cover larg spectrum symptoms, skills, level impairment."} {"id": "16335", "contents": "autism spectrum disord (asd) autism gener term group complex disord brain development. disord characterized, vari degrees, difficulti social interaction, verbal nonverb commun repetit behaviors."}