--- license: mit --- # Foundation Tactile (FoTa) - a multi-sensor multi-task large dataset for tactile sensing This repository stores the FoTa dataset and the pretrained checkpoints of Transferable Tactile Transformers (T3). Paper Code Colab [[Project Website]](https://t3.alanz.info/) [Jialiang (Alan) Zhao](https://alanz.info/), [Yuxiang Ma](https://yuxiang-ma.github.io/), [Lirui Wang](https://liruiw.github.io/), and [Edward H. Adelson](https://persci.mit.edu/people/adelson/) MIT CSAIL ## Overview FoTa was released with Transferable Tactile Transformers (T3) as a large dataset for tactile representation learning. It aggregates some of the largest open-source tactile datasets, and it is released in a unified [WebDataset](https://webdataset.github.io/webdataset/) format. Fota contains over 3 million tactile images collected from 13 camera-based tactile sensors and 11 tasks. ## File structure After downloading and unzipping, the file structure of FoTa looks like: ``` dataset_1 |---- train |---- count.txt |---- data_000000.tar |---- data_000001.tar |---- ... |---- val |---- count.txt |---- data_000000.tar |---- ... dataset_2 : dataset_n ``` Each `.tar` file is one sharded dataset. At runtime, wds (WebDataset) api automatically loads, shuffles, and unpacks all shards on demand. The nicest part of having a `.tar` file, instead of saving all raw data into matrices (e.g. `.npz` for zarr), is that `.tar` is easy to visualize without the need of any code. Simply double click on any `.tar` file to check its content. Although you will never need to unpack a `.tar` manually (wds does that automatically), it helps to understand the logic and file structure. ``` data_000000.tar |---- file_name_1.jpg |---- file_name_1.json : |---- file_name_n.jpg |---- file_name_n.json ``` The `.jpg` files are tactile images, and the `.json` files store task-specific labels. For more details on operations of the paper, checkout our GitHub repository and Colab tutorial. ## Getting started Checkout our [Colab](https://colab.research.google.com/drive/1MmO9w1y59Gy6ds0iKlW04olszGko56Vf?usp=sharing) for a step-by-step tutorial! ## Download and unpack Download either with the web interface or using the python interface: ```sh pip install huggingface_hub ``` then inside a python script or in ipython, run the following: ```python from huggingface_hub import snapshot_download snapshot_download(repo_id="alanz-mit/FoundationTactile", repo_type="dataset", local_dir=".", local_dir_use_symlinks=False) ``` To unpack the dataset which has been split into many `.zip` files: ```sh cd dataset zip -s 0 FoTa_dataset.zip --out unsplit_FoTa_dataset.zip unzip unsplit_FoTa_dataset.zip ``` ## Citation ``` @article{zhao2024transferable, title={Transferable Tactile Transformers for Representation Learning Across Diverse Sensors and Tasks}, author={Jialiang Zhao and Yuxiang Ma and Lirui Wang and Edward H. Adelson}, year={2024}, eprint={2406.13640}, archivePrefix={arXiv}, } ``` MIT License.