--- dataset_info: features: - name: text dtype: string - name: label dtype: string - name: sms length dtype: int64 splits: - name: train num_bytes: 95574.6 num_examples: 765 - name: validation num_bytes: 10619.4 num_examples: 85 download_size: 59882 dataset_size: 106194 task_categories: - text-classification - text-generation language: - tr --- # Dataset Card for "turkishSMS-ds" The dataset was utilized in the following study. It consists of Turkish SMS spam and legitimate data. Uysal, A. K., Gunal, S., Ergin, S., & Gunal, E. S. (2013). The impact of feature extraction and selection on SMS spam filtering. Elektronika ir Elektrotechnika, 19(5), 67-72. [More Information needed](https://github.com/huggingface/datasets/blob/main/CONTRIBUTING.md#how-to-contribute-to-the-dataset-cards)