--- language: en pretty_name: "pictures of dogs and babies selected from flickr30k dataset" task_categories: [image-to-text] --- ## Flickr30k dogs and babies selection The data set was created for an image-to-text/text-to-image tutorial of the Advanced Natural Language Processing (KEN4259) course at Maastricht University. To make a good demo, but limit the data size and required training time, we selected only images where the caption has a term for dog or a small child. Images were also cropped to squares and compressed to 128 x 128 pixels to fit into our SWIN transformer. ## Authors and acknowledgment Aki Härmä, Department of Advances Computing Sciences, Faculty of Science and Engineering, Maastricht University, The Netherlands ## License The Flickr30k data can be used for research and education use. See [Flickr30k data set](https://www.kaggle.com/datasets/eeshawn/flickr30k) for the original license and citatation info. ## Project status First draft