--- license: cc-by-4.0 task_categories: - audio-classification tags: - audio dataset_info: features: - name: video_id dtype: string - name: audio dtype: audio - name: labels sequence: string - name: human_labels sequence: string splits: - name: train num_bytes: 26016210987 num_examples: 18685 - name: test num_bytes: 23763682278 num_examples: 17142 download_size: 49805654900 dataset_size: 49779893265 --- # AudioSet data This repository contains the balanced training set and evaluation set of the [AudioSet data]( https://research.google.com/audioset/dataset/index.html). The YouTube videos were downloaded in March 2023, so not all of the original audios are available. The distribuion of audio clips is as follows. In parentheses is the dict key used for HugginFace `datasets`: - `bal_train` (`train`): 18685 audio clips out of 22160 originally. - `eval` (`test`): 17142 audio clips out of 20371 originally. You can use the `datasets` library to load this dataset, in which case the raw audio will be returned along with a sequence of one or more labels. Note that the raw audio is returned without further processing, so you will need to decode and possibly downsample the audio for model training. Example instance from the `train` subset: ```python { 'video_id': '--PJHxphWEs', 'audio': { 'path': 'audio/bal_train/--PJHxphWEs.flac', 'array': array([-0.04364824, -0.05268681, -0.0568949 , ..., 0.11446512, 0.14912748, 0.13409865]), 'sampling_rate': 48000 }, 'labels': ['/m/09x0r', '/t/dd00088'], 'human_labels': ['Speech', 'Gush'] } ``` Most audio is sampled at 48 kHz 24 bit, but about 10% is sampled at 44.1 kHz 24 bit. Audio files are stored in the FLAC format. ## Citation ```bibtex @inproceedings{jort_audioset_2017, title = {Audio Set: An ontology and human-labeled dataset for audio events}, author = {Jort F. Gemmeke and Daniel P. W. Ellis and Dylan Freedman and Aren Jansen and Wade Lawrence and R. Channing Moore and Manoj Plakal and Marvin Ritter}, year = {2017}, booktitle = {Proc. IEEE ICASSP 2017}, address = {New Orleans, LA} } ```