{"context_title": "XVIII Commonwealth Games competition ends", "context_date": "March 26, 2006", "context_left": "The following is how the medal table looks after the final day of competition for the ", "context_right": ", in Melbourne, Australia.", "mention": "2006 Commonwealth Games", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "659207"} {"context_title": "Disposal of fracking wastewater poses potential environmental problems", "context_date": "April 25, 2012", "context_left": "\"The problem is that we have never, as a human society, engineered a hole to go four miles down in the Earth’s crust that we have complete confidence that it won’t leak,\" Doss said. \"A perfect case-in-point is the ", "context_right": " oil spill in 2010, that oil was being drilled at 18,000 feet but leaked at the surface. And that’s the concern because there’s no assurance that some of these unknown chemical cocktails won’t escape before it gets down to where they are trying to get rid of them.\"", "mention": "Gulf of Mexico", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "4735638"} {"context_title": "У нападу НАТО погинуло девет побуњеника", "context_date": "2. април 2011.", "context_left": ", (Beta-AFP) - У ", "context_right": " на област у близини Бреге на истоку Либије погинуло је девет побуњеника против либијског режима и четири цивила, изјавио је у суботу један званичник из града Аџдабије.", "mention": "ваздушном нападу НАТО-а", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "81545"} {"context_title": "12000 Commonwealth Games tickets remain unsold", "context_date": "March 11, 2006", "context_left": "With three days until the start of the ", "context_right": " in Melbourne, Australia, organisers still have some 12,000 tickets yet unsold after mailing out some 150,000 invitations to buy tickets to the Games' opening ceremony. At least 40 invitations were sent to the families of 40 deceased people. Organisers have since apologised for this mistake.", "mention": "2006 Commonwealth Games", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "659207"} {"context_title": "Michael Schumacher wins 2006 Chinese Grand Prix", "context_date": "October 1, 2006", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Michael Schumacher won the FIA Formula-1 2006 Sinopec ", "context_right": " on the Shanghai International Circuit. Although the wet weekend was more suitable for the Michelin-tyred cars, Schumacher overtook both Renault drivers to win the race.", "mention": "Chinese Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "220844"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2008 Australian Grand Prix", "context_date": "March 16, 2008", "context_left": "Vodafone McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton starting from pole wins the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " ING Australian Grand Prix on the Albert Park Circuit in Melbourne.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "15069"} {"context_title": "Fernando Alonso wins 2008 Singapore Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 28, 2008", "context_left": "This allowed Sebastian Vettel (STR-Ferrari), ", "context_right": " triumphant, to gain one position and finish fifth.", "mention": "the previous race", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179397"} {"context_title": "岩手県沖で地震 青森県で震度5弱 M5.6", "context_date": "2020年12月13日", "context_left": "12月12日16時19分頃、岩手県沖の深さ48kmを震源とするマグニチュード5.6(暫定値)の地震が発生し、青森県階上町で最大震度5弱を観測した。津波の心配はない。メカニズムは、東西に圧力軸をもつ逆断層型と推定されている。気象庁は、今後約1週間は震度5弱程度の余震に注意するよう、呼びかけている。また、今後約2、3日は同程度の地震に注意すべきだという。青森県で震度5弱を観測したのは2019年12月以来であり、この時も階上町で震度5弱を観測した。なおこの地震は、2011年3月の", "context_right": "(東日本大震災)の余震だとみられている。", "mention": "東北地方太平洋沖地震", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特发生爆炸,已造成数千人伤亡", "context_date": "2020年8月5日", "context_left": "当地时间8月4日下午6时8分左右,黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特的贝鲁特港发生一起", "context_right": ",截至发稿,爆炸已经导致80人死亡、四千余人受伤,受伤人员中包括联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队。", "mention": "爆炸事故", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "98073118"} {"context_title": "Осуђени генерали, акција Олуја - злочиначки подухват", "context_date": "15. април 2011.", "context_left": "Према пресуди, Готовина (53), који је заповедао ", "context_right": ", и Маркач (53), као командант специјалне полиције, били су чланови удруженог злочиначког подухвата, који је предводио тадашњи хрватски председник Фрањо Туђман, а чији је циљ било протеривање српског становништва из Книнске крајине, што је био навод оптужнице. Готовина и Маркач проглашени су кривим за прогон, депортацију, пљачку, убиства, безобзирно уништавање, нехумана дела и окрутни третман српског становништва у Крајини, од почетка августа до краја септембра 1995. године.", "mention": "Олујом", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "769377"} {"context_title": "Si Escocia se independiza "no habrá vuelta atrás", asegura Cameron", "context_date": "15 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Si Escocia se independiza \"no habrá vuelta atrás\", aseguró este lunes el primer ministro británico, David Cameron, en su último viaje al país antes del ", "context_right": ". Asimismo, pidió a los escoceses no dejarse llevar por el descontento de su gobierno a Londres y una vez más rogó que voten no a la independencia. Afirmó que la independencia, además de ser una decisión irreversible, sería \"un divorcio muy doloroso\" que conllevaría \"el final de Reino Unido tal y como lo conocemos y no tendría vuelta atrás”.", "mention": "referéndum secesionista del jueves", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "NATO holder krisemøte om Georgia", "context_date": "19. august 2008", "context_left": "<onlyinclude>/Utenriksministerne i NATO er i krisemøte om ", "context_right": ". USA ber Europa om å nedskalere relasjonene til Russland, og gjør det samtidig klart at de ikke vil akseptere et nytt jernteppe.</onlyinclude>", "mention": "konflikten i Georgia", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Welsh swimming squad named for 2006 Commonwealth Games", "context_date": "October 15, 2005", "context_left": "The Commonwealth Games Council for Wales has named the first group of swimmers in the swimming squad who will compete in the ", "context_right": " in Melbourne.", "mention": "2006 Commonwealth Games", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "659207"} {"context_title": "Schacholympiade startet in Dresden", "context_date": "12.11.2008", "context_left": "Goldmedaillenfavoriten sind Russland, China, Ukraine und Armenien. Ebenfalls auf die Medaillenränge können Ungarn und Aserbaidschan gelangen. Die deutsche Mannschaft ist auf Platz 11 gesetzt. Dass in Deutschland, das zuletzt ", "context_right": " eine Goldmedaille holte, dennoch Potenzial steckt, wurde 2000 bewiesen, als die Nationalmannschaft in Istanbul hinter dem russischem Team den zweiten Platz errang. Die letzten Goldmedaillensieger waren Armenien in Turin 2006, Ukraine 2004 in Calvià und Russland 2002 in Bled.", "mention": "1939", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "654995"} {"context_title": "IX. Winter-Paralympics in Turin beendet", "context_date": "20.03.2006", "context_left": " In Turin sind gestern die ", "context_right": " zu Ende gegangen. Die Olympischen Spiele der Behinderten liefen 2006 unter dem Motto „Geist in Bewegung“.", "mention": "IX. Winter-Paralympics", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "749605"} {"context_title": "Officials in Mexico claim leaked Dirty War report isn't final copy", "context_date": "March 2, 2006", "context_left": "The ", "context_right": " refers to the use of state terrorism in Latin America in a period from the 1960s to the 1980s, usually targeted at groups opposed to the government (usually leftist groups). Much controversy exists in the region about what is to be done with alleged offenders in the Dirty War.", "mention": "Dirty War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "75984"} {"context_title": "Крестный ход из Приднестровья в Южную Осетию", "context_date": "18 августа 2009", "context_left": "Маршрут проходил через Украину и Россию. В Южной Осетии крестный ход был встречен официальными лицами. Это произошло как раз перед годовщиной печальных траурных событий ", "context_right": "", "mention": "братоубийственного столкновения кавказских народов.", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Wikinoticias entrevista a Camila Colombo, estudiante y ajedrecista", "context_date": "19 de noviembre de 2014", "context_left": " ¿Cómo fue la experiencia de ser representante uruguaya en las Olimpíadas al Ajedrez en Alemania y ", "context_right": "? ", "mention": "Turquía", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "890313"} {"context_title": "Нема временског рока за операције у Либији", "context_date": "23. март 2011.", "context_left": ", (Beta-AFP) - Амерички министар одбране Роберт Гејтс изјавио је у среду у Каиру да не постоји временски рок за окончање ", "context_right": " у Либији.", "mention": "међународне операције", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "81545"} {"context_title": "Puerto Rico governor announces resignation following protests", "context_date": "July 28, 2019", "context_left": "Protesters called for Rosselló's resignation after revelations he and his staffers sent anti-homosexual and misogynistic comments using Telegram, a messaging app. The Puerto Rico Center for Investigative Journalism obtained the Telegram messages between Rosselló and eleven others and released them publicly on July 13. Messages disparaged a variety of public figures and ", "context_right": " victims. Since the release of the text messages, protests filled the San Juan streets daily.", "mention": "Hurricane Maria", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "40178187"} {"context_title": "FC Barcelona defeats Sevilla FC 5-4 to win UEFA Super Cup 2015", "context_date": "August 15, 2015", "context_left": "On Wednesday, Catalonia-based football club FC Barcelona defeated Seville-based football club Sevilla 5–4 to win the ", "context_right": " UEFA Super Cup. The match was held in Boris Paichadze Dinamo Arena in the city of Tbilisi, Georgia. Pedro, who may leave for Manchester United, scored the winning goal of the match in the 115th minute. This was the fifth UEFA Super cup won by Barcelona.", "mention": "2015", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "4630327"} {"context_title": "El ejército iraquí expulsa al Estado Islámico de Mosul", "context_date": "10 de julio de 2017", "context_left": "Aún se pueden evidenciar algunos focos de resistencia del Estado Islámico pero, según las autoridades iraquíes, estos se encuentran sin municiones y arrinconados entre el río Tigris y las fuerzas iraquíes. Estos habrían intentado cruzar el río pero el ejército se los habría impedido, además de que no han lanzado más ataques suicidas. La ciudad perdió prácticamente la mitad de su población desde la ocupación del ISIS sobre todo debido al ", "context_right": ". Todavía continúan atrapados entre tres y cuatro mil civiles en el fuego cruzado en la ciudad.", "mention": "éxodo", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "20857240"} {"context_title": "Erdbeben erschüttert amerikanisch-mexikanisches Grenzgebiet", "context_date": "06.04.2010", "context_left": "Bei dem Erdbeben handelte es sich um das stärkste Erdbeben in der Region seit 1892. Das Erdbeben ereignete sich vermutlich an der Laguna-Salada-Verwerfung, sagte die Seismologin Lucy Jones vom USGS. Dem Erdbeben folgten etliche Nachbeben. Südkalifornien ist häufig Schauplatz von Erdbeben, das letzte große Erdbeben war 1994 das ", "context_right": ", bei dem 59 Personen umkamen und 9.000 Menschen verletzt wurden. Jenes Beben hatte eine Sachschaden von über 20 Milliarden US-Dollar verursacht.", "mention": "Northridge-Erdbeben", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "1519015"} {"context_title": "Apoio à independência de Escócia cai a dias do referendo", "context_date": "12 de setembro de 2014", "context_left": "Uma nova sondagem publicada hoje pela revelou que novamente o \"não\" se impõe na intenção de voto dos escoceses, que em 18 de setembro decidiram se ser ", "context_right": ". A nova pesquisa sinaliza que os unionistas superam por quatro pontos percentuais aos separatistas, ou seja, 52% dos eleitores disseram \"não\" diante os 48% que querem uma Escócia independente (excluam-se os indecisos).", "mention": "independente ou permanecer no Reino Unido", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "В Петербурге открылась выставка в честь битвы за Ленинград", "context_date": "4 мая 2019", "context_left": "Битва за Ленинград продолжалась с 10 июля 1941 года по 9 августа 1944 года. С сентября 1941 года во время блокады Ленинграда продолжались попытки прорвать окружение, советские войска освободили город в результате операций «Искра» и «", "context_right": "».", "mention": "Январский гром", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "2033454"} {"context_title": "Ahmadinejad amenaza a Israel desde Líbano", "context_date": "14 de octubre de 2010", "context_left": "Israel desestimó las afirmaciones de Ahmadinejad, llamándolo \"pirómano obsesionado e incontrolado\" el portavoz del Ministerio israelí de Asuntos Exteriores, Igal Palmor. Benjamín Netanyahu afirmó que la mejor respuesta a ello fue la victoria de Israel en la ", "context_right": ", y dijo \"desde entonces miren que ejército, que nación\", en declaraciones citadas por Europa Press.", "mention": "Guerra árabe-israelí de 1948", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "49092"} {"context_title": "US regulators approve new nuclear reactors for first time in 34 years", "context_date": "February 11, 2012", "context_left": "The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approved Thursday, in a four to one vote, two new nuclear reactors at Southern Company's Plant Vogtle in Burke County, Georgia. This is the first time a new reactor has been approved since 1978, the year before the ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "Three Mile Island accident", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "840847"} {"context_title": "Seguidores de Berlusconi buscan que le sea concedido el Premio Nobel de la Paz 2010", "context_date": "4 de junio de 2009", "context_left": "El comité que defiende esta candidatura ha sostenido que Berlusconi, usando la estrecha amistad que tiene con el primer ministro ruso Vladimir Putin, ayudó a poner fin al ", "context_right": " en el 2008. Sus promotores también citan un tratado que Berlusconi ayudó a negociar con Libia el año pasado.", "mention": "conflicto entre Rusia y Georgia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Rusia solicita a la OTAN que aclare las muertes de civiles por bombardeos en el conflicto de Libia", "context_date": "20 de diciembre de 2011", "context_left": "Vitaly Churkin, representante de Rusia en Naciones Unidas indicó este lunes que se lleve una rigurosa investigación sobre la muerte indiscriminada de civiles efectuados en la ", "context_right": " de la OTAN en Libia, denunciando además la parcialización de informes de la organización militar atlántica:", "mention": "campaña de intervención", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "Vini nel tempo. Intervista ad Helmuth Köcher, fondatore del Merano WineFestival", "context_date": "15 novembre 2014", "context_left": "\"Incontro Köcher in sala stampa presso lo storico Biergarten Forsterbräu, nella giornata di domenica, mentre sono ospitato in città dalla società organizzatrice dell'evento, la Gourmet's International. Prima di rispondere alle domande Köcher ricorda quanto per lui sia importante in vista dell'", "context_right": " di Milano del prossimo anno rilanciare un messaggio unico da parte del sistema vitivinicolo italiano e delle sue eccellenze. Sempre venerdì si è tenuto in città il WineWorld Economic Forum, un workshop sugli obiettivi comuni per la sostenibilità del vino, fra i cui invitati spiccano ad esempio il presidente della Coldiretti Roberto Moncalvo, il fondatore di Eataly Oscar Farinetti e il presidente onorario dell'Organizzazione internazionale della vigna e del vino Mario Fregoni.\"", "mention": "EXPO", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "210022"} {"context_title": "Falleció última hija de Emiliano Zapata", "context_date": "1 de marzo de 2010", "context_left": "Ana María Zapata Portillo, hija de Emiliano Zapata -héroe de la ", "context_right": "- falleció a la edad de 95 años en su casa de Cuautla, en el estado de Morelos.", "mention": "Revolución mexicana", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "214426"} {"context_title": "Argentina es finalista de la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "22 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Argentina es uno de los finalistas de la ", "context_right": " al derrotar al anfitrión, Estados Unidos, por cuatro goles a cero. Los goles fueron de Ezequiel Lavezzi, de Lionel Messi y dos de Gonzalo Higuaín.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "2008 GOP convention to be in Minnesota", "context_date": "September 28, 2006", "context_left": "The Republican National Committee Site Selection Committee will recommend Minneapolis-St. Paul to host the ", "context_right": " (GOP), on September 1-4, 2008. RNC confirmation will be done in January, 2007. Cleveland, New York City, and Tampa-St. Petersburg had also submitted bids.", "mention": "2008 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Michael Schumacher returns to Formula One to replace injured Massa", "context_date": "July 30, 2009", "context_left": "Massa was recently injured after a spring got loose from Rubens Barricello's car and hit his head in the ", "context_right": ". Schumacher is expected to replace Massa for at least one Formula One event until the recovery of the Brazilian driver. Schumacher will get ready for his return using a special training program, checking his recovery after he fell off a motorcycle.", "mention": "Hungarian GP", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172010"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Australian Glider Amanda Carter", "context_date": "September 28, 2012", "context_left": "Melbourne, Australia — Monday, following her return from ", "context_right": ", \"Wikinews\" talked with Amanda Carter, the longest-serving member of Australia's national wheelchair basketball team (the Gliders).", "mention": "London", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Wikinews tours London Paralympic Village wheelchair repair workshop", "context_date": "September 1, 2012", "context_left": "London, England — Yesterday Wikinews had the opportunity to tour the Ottobrock wheelchair repair workshops at the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Paralympic Village in London", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Autoridades suizas detienen a altos cargos de la FIFA por corrupción", "context_date": "29 de mayo de 2015", "context_left": "Uno de los puntos en los que se ha centrado Loretta Lynch ha sido la concesión del Mundial de Sudáfrica. En ella, según afirma la fiscal, numerosos sobornos influyeron en la decisión del país anfitrión. El escándalo de corrupción ha salpicado también a los próximos mundiales de Rusia y ", "context_right": ". Las autoridades suizas han abierto un proceso contra una persona, cuya identidad no ha trascendido, por sospechas de gestión fraudulenta y blanqueo de dinero a la hora de llevar a cabo las concesiones para ambos proyectos. Al respecto se ha manifestado el Director de Comunicación de la FIFA Walter De Gregorio, afirmando que ambos países se mantienen oficialmente como organizadores pese a las sospechas.", "mention": "Qatar", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "Algerian rebel group claims kidnapping of two Austrians in Tunisia", "context_date": "March 11, 2008", "context_left": "Tunisia was also the scene of the 2002 ", "context_right": ", for which Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility. That attack left 14 Germans, six Tunisians, and one Frenchman dead and more than 30 others wounded.", "mention": "Ghriba synagogue bombing", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2869975"} {"context_title": "Patrick Shanahan gibt auf – Mark Esper neuer amtierender US-Verteidigungsminister", "context_date": "19.06.2019", "context_left": "Der Personalwechsel kommt in einer Phase der Spannungen zwischen den USA und Iran wegen des ", "context_right": ". Der Zwischenfall wird von Trump dem Iran angelastet, der jegliche Verantwortung dafür jedoch zurückwies. Präsident Trump hat wegen des Zwischenfalls die Verstärkung des amerikanischen Truppenkontingents in der Region um 1000 Mann angeordnet.", "mention": "Angriffs auf zwei Öltanker im Golf von Oman", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "64590471"} {"context_title": "Michael Schumacher wins Italian Grand Prix, announces plans to retire", "context_date": "September 10, 2006", "context_left": "Michael Schumacher won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " on the Autodromo Nazionale Monza racing track. The \"Red Baron\" passed the checkered flag and won the race, the 90th win in his long career. Kimi Räikkönen, the McLaren Mercedes driver started from pole, but was unable to keep up with Schumacher after the first pit-stop and finished second.", "mention": "Italian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "221461"} {"context_title": "Trial of former Argentine president Jorge Videla begins", "context_date": "July 3, 2010", "context_left": "Videla, aged 84, is on trial regarding the deaths of 31 prisoners who were killed soon after a 1976 coup, which saw Videla gain power and led to the so-called \"", "context_right": "\" soon after. Videla is considered to have been the main force behind the violence, which killed an estimated 30,000 people.", "mention": "Dirty War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "75984"} {"context_title": "Neuer Film von Al Gore in den deutschen Kinos", "context_date": "08.09.2017", "context_left": "Nunmehr hält er Rückblick auf die zwischenzeitliche Entwicklung, wobei er sich selbst dabei gerne in Pose setzt. Highlight ist diesmal sein Erfolg, bei der ", "context_right": " das Land Indien zum Einlenken bewegt zu haben. Eine Rolle spielte dabei auch das kalifornische Unternehmen SolarCit. Minutiös wird dargestellt, wie Al Gore mit einigen international maßgebenden Politikern persönlich verhandelt. Der Film zeigt Katastrophenszenarien aus den USA, wo der neue Präsident Donald Trump das mühsam verhandelte Klimaschutzabkommen wieder aufkündigen will. Al Gore, der außerdem 2007 den Friedensnobelpreis erhielt, kritisiert aber auch das politische System seines Landes.", "mention": "Klimakonferenz in Paris 2015", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "15715792"} {"context_title": "Ванредно стање продужено до 25. фебруара 2016.", "context_date": "19. новембар 2015.", "context_left": "Ванредно стање је веома ретка мера у Француској, која је први пут уведена 1955. године на почетку ", "context_right": " и касније само једном, током нереда у предграђима француских градова 2005. године.", "mention": "рата за независност Алжира", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "200790"} {"context_title": "Beslan siege organiser speaks", "context_date": "February 3, 2005", "context_left": "The Beslan siege organiser, Chechen rebel Shamil Basayev, has spoken for the first time since declaring he was responsible for the hostage situation. The ", "context_right": " last September resulted in 330 deaths, half of which were children. Basayev was also responsible for the Moscow Theatre siege, in which 130 people died after a military assault to free the hostages and overwhelm the terrorists.", "mention": "Beslan school siege", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "193733"} {"context_title": "El exdictador guatemalteco Efraín Ríos Montt es condenado a 80 años de prisión", "context_date": "10 de mayo de 2013", "context_left": "Montt obtuvo el poder por medio de un golpe de Estado, encabezando una junta militar mientras Guatemala vivía una dura ", "context_right": ". Esta guerra finalizó en 1996, con un total de aproximadamente 200 000 muertos.", "mention": "guerra civil", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1282732"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel wins 2008 Italian Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 14, 2008", "context_left": "Scuderia Toro Rosso–Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel won from the pole position the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Gran Premio Santander d'Italia race at Autodromo Nazionale Monza, Italy.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179397"} {"context_title": "El Vaticano denuncia la publicación de noticias falsas para condicionar el cónclave", "context_date": "23 de febrero de 2013", "context_left": " Tras la publicación por parte del diario italiano \"La Repubblica\" que unos supuestos escándalos sexuales y corrupción podrían estar detrás de la renuncia de Benedicto XVI por motivos de edad, el portavoz Federico Lombardi afirmó que eso eran \"meras fantasías y especulaciones\". Hoy, tres días más tarde de que la noticia saltase a la opinión pública, la Secretaría de Estado del Vaticano publica un comunicado afirmando que algunos medios están publicando noticias falsas para condicionar ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "el próximo cónclave, en el que se elegirá al sucesor de Joseph Ratzinger", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "4422669"} {"context_title": "Hervé Renard nie będzie już selekcjonerem reprezentacji Maroka w piłce nożnej mężczyzn", "context_date": "21 lipca 2019", "context_left": "O swojej decyzji Francuz poinformował na Twitterze. Przyznał, że decyzję podjął jeszcze przed nieudanym dla Maroka ", "context_right": ". Jego drużyna odpadła w 1/8 finału po niespodziewanej porażce z Beninem.", "mention": "Pucharem Narodów Afryki 2019", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "11831154"} {"context_title": "Презентации книги понтийского грека помешал коронавирус", "context_date": "23 апреля 2020", "context_left": "«Я в глубокой депрессии — презентация в Афинах греческой версии моей книги, назначенная на 23 апреля, сорвана карантином. Говорят, что это очень на долго, а мне уже перевалило за 85!» — написал нам Александр Дионисиади () и мы решили поговорить с автором книги, озаглавленной «Из ", "context_right": " в сталинское полымя».", "mention": "турецкого огня", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "911233"} {"context_title": "US Senator Joseph Lieberman speaks at Republican National Convention", "context_date": "September 3, 2008", "context_left": "United States Senator Joseph Lieberman (ID-CT) delivered an impassioned speech yesterday to Republicans at the ", "context_right": ". His choice to do so angered numerous congressional Democrats, and may lead to sanctions by the party.", "mention": "2008 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Најважнији догађаји у свету у 2011. години", "context_date": "24. децембар 2011.", "context_left": "3. КРАЈ ГАДАФИЈЕВЕ ЕРЕ - ", "context_right": " је почео након што су се антивладини протести претворили у оружану побуну, а затим и у грађански рат између државних и побуњеничких снага. Након вишенедељних сукоба, Савет безбедности Организације уједињених нација је 17. марта 2011. одобрио успостављање зоне забране лета изнад Либије, што је довело до вишемесечних ваздушних удара у овој земљи, најпре под вођством неколико западних земаља, а потом и НАТО-а. Упркос релативно неутралном тону резолуције, удари су били усмерени искључиво против снага под командом Гадафија. Дана 20. августа, побуњеници покрећу офанзиву, која се окончава освајањем Триполија. У наредна два месеца, Гадафијеве снаге пружају отпор из свега неколико енклава, са седиштем у Сирту. Дана 20. октобра, уследила је нова офанзива, која је довела до пада града, те хапшења и смрти вишедеценијског либијског вође, његовог сина Мутасима, као и неколико људи из његовог круга. Организација уједињених нација је званично затражила истрагу о Гадафијевој смрти, јер би она могла да буде ратни злочин.", "mention": "Рат у Либији", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "81545"} {"context_title": "Italia es campeón de la Eurocopa 2020", "context_date": "12 de julio de 2021", "context_left": "El partido empezó con un gol muy temprano de Luke Shaw en el segundo minuto, se trató del gol más tempranero de la competición superando a los seis minutos en ", "context_right": ", ante la URSS en el Bernabéu. Los ingleses dominaron gran parte de la primera parte, Italia estaba desbordada y sólo hasta el final de la primera parte empezó a mejorar el juego. En la segunda parte Italia despierta a pesar que los ingleses mantienen el buen juego pero no es hasta la última media hora que se dispara la tensión. Gracias a Chiellini, Bonucci marca el gol del empate en el minuto 67'. Los ingleses mantienen la presión pero no pasan de medio campo y los italianos presionan para buscar el segundo gol. Antes del fin de la segunda parte, en el minuto 86' salta un espontáneo al terreno de juego y el partido se para. Los de seguridad le detienen. Los ingleses ni los italianos consiguen el gol de la victoria, y pasan a la prórroga. La prórroga está muy igualada con claras ocasiones de ambos equipos. Un remate de John Stones evitado por el portero italiano Donnarumma fue la última gran ocasión de la prórroga.", "mention": "1964", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "182205"} {"context_title": "Overnight battle for Sri Lanka's Jaffna peninsula", "context_date": "August 17, 2006", "context_left": "The ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka is an ongoing conflict between the Government of Sri Lanka and the ethnic Sri Lankan Tamils on the island-nation of Sri Lanka. Since the ", "context_right": ", there has been on-and-off civil war, mostly between the government and the LTTE who want to create an independent state of called Tamil Eelam in the north and east of the island. It is estimated that the war has left 65,000 people dead since 1983 and caused great harm to the population and economy of the country. A cease-fire was declared in 2002, but hostilities renewed in late 2005 following military operations against Tiger-controlled territory in the east.", "mention": "1983 \"Black July\" pogrom", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2640918"} {"context_title": "Democratic Party reaches deal over Florida and Michigan", "context_date": "June 1, 2008", "context_left": "The Democratic Party of the United States has reached a deal to seat primary delegates from Florida and Michigan at the ", "context_right": " in Denver, Colorado this August. The Democrats will seat all of the pledged delegates from both of the states, but will give each delegate only a half a vote. Hillary Clinton, who won the majority of the delegates in both of these states, will receive an additional 87 votes at the convention while Barack Obama will net 63 more votes. Despite Senator Clinton's gains, Senator Obama still has 176 more pledged delegates supporting him.", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "Perú derrota a Haití en la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "4 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Por el debut de ambos equipos en la ", "context_right": ", Perú derrotó ayer a Haití por la mínima diferencia por un cabezazo de Paolo Guerrero que terminó dentro del arco en el segundo tiempo. El partido se disputó en el CenturyLink Field en Seattle.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "España cae ante Italia en la Eurocopa 2020", "context_date": "6 de julio de 2021", "context_left": "Después de mucho esfuerzo, dice adiós a la ", "context_right": ". consiguió pasar adelante. El equipo de Luis Enrique hizo pasar mal al rival, pero aun así pudo escaparse del yugo español. Fue la tercera prórroga seguida para España. ", "mention": "Eurocopa 2020", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "373501"} {"context_title": "11th suspect arrested in Laos overthrow plot; indictments handed down", "context_date": "June 15, 2007", "context_left": "During the 1960s and '70s, Vang Pao led a covert army of Hmong people, backed by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, against communist forces in the ", "context_right": ", or \"Secret War\", which paralleled the U.S. war in Vietnam.", "mention": "Laotian Civil War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "877450"} {"context_title": "E-book sui temi di Expo 2015 elaborati dalle scuole della Lombardia", "context_date": "13 gennaio 2014", "context_left": "Come importante novità viene indicata l'estensione delle unità di apprendimento anche ai temi di ", "context_right": " e un concorso indetto in collaborazione con la Società EXPO 2015 S.p.A. e Padiglione Italia", "mention": "Expo 2015", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "210022"} {"context_title": "Japón rehabilitará tres centrales en Fukushima", "context_date": "10 de marzo de 2014", "context_left": "El gobierno japonés ha informado que volverán a encender tres reactores de la planta nuclear de Fukushima. El anuncio fue realizado por Shinzo Abe, primer ministro nipón se realizó en las vísperas de las ceremonias que recuerdan a las víctimas del ", "context_right": " que afectó el país en 2011.", "mention": "terremoto y tsunami", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "フランス・パリで同時多発テロ 120人以上が犠牲", "context_date": "2015年11月15日", "context_left": "フランスのオランド大統領は、「前例のないテロが起きた」として、1962年の", "context_right": "終結以来となる、非常事態宣言を発令、フランスとの国境を封鎖すると発表し、国民に対しても冷静な対応と結束をするように呼びかけた。", "mention": "アルジェリア戦争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "200790"} {"context_title": "Former Iranian president Hashemi Rafsanjani leads Friday prayers", "context_date": "July 17, 2009", "context_left": "In his first direct reference to current news events during the sermon, Rafsanjani called upon Chinese leaders to stop their ", "context_right": " among the largely-Muslim Uyghur people of Xinjiang.", "mention": "violent suppression of unrest", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "844505"} {"context_title": "Katy Perry ve Robbie Williams, Japon afetzedelere yardım ediyor", "context_date": "2011/04/07", "context_left": "Ünlü iki şarkıcı; Katy Perry ve Robbie Williams, ", "context_right": " mağdurlarına yardım elini uzatıyor. ", "mention": "2011 Tōhoku depremi ve tsunamisi", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Kimi Räikkönen wins 2008 Spanish Grand Prix", "context_date": "April 29, 2008", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Kimi Räikkönen won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Gran Premio de España Telefónica at Circuit de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. Both Ferrari drivers were on the podium, with Ferrari's Felipe Massa finishing right after his teammate.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "171378"} {"context_title": "Großbritannien stimmt für den Brexit", "context_date": "24.06.2016", "context_left": "Die schottische Regionalregierung begann mit den Vorbereitungen für ein zweites ", "context_right": ". In Schottland stimmte die Mehrheit für einen Verbleib Großbritanniens in der EU.", "mention": "Referendum über die Unabhängigkeit Schottlands", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "Sri Lanka bombs LTTE, aid workers seek access", "context_date": "August 19, 2006", "context_left": "The ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka is an ongoing conflict between the Government of Sri Lanka and the ethnic Sri Lankan Tamils on the island-nation of Sri Lanka. Since the ", "context_right": ", there has been on-and-off civil war, mostly between the government and the LTTE who want to create an independent state of called Tamil Eelam in the north and east of the island. It is estimated that the war has left 65,000 people dead since 1983 and caused great harm to the population and economy of the country. A cease-fire was declared in 2002, but hostilities renewed in late 2005 following military operations against Tiger-controlled territory in the east.", "mention": "1983 \"Black July\" pogrom", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2640918"} {"context_title": "Israele riapre temporaneamente i valichi per Gaza. Primarie per il Likud", "context_date": "9 dicembre 2008", "context_left": "Contemporaneamente si sono tenute le primarie del partito conservatore Likud, guidato da Benjamin Netanyahu. Il voto ha premiato soggetti delineati come \"falchi\" , ad esempio Ghilad Erdan, Reuven Rivlin e Benyamin Begin, avversi alla politica di Ariel Sharon nel 2005 e contrari al ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Piano di disimpegno unilaterale israeliano", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "196122"} {"context_title": "L'OTAN annonce la fin de sa mission en Libye", "context_date": "21 octobre 2011", "context_left": "Le secrétaire général de l'Alliance Atlantique, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, a annoncé vendredi que l'OTAN mettrait fin à son ", "context_right": " le 31 octobre, conséquence de la mort du l'ex-dictateur Mouammar Kadhafi. Cette annonce a été faite lors d'une réunion des 28 ambassadeurs de l'Alliance à Bruxelles, où ils ont conclu pour terminer l'opération maritime et arienne entamée le 31 mars dernier.", "mention": "opération militaire en Libye", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "Sierra Leone sends lone athlete for the nation's second ever Paralympic Games", "context_date": "August 25, 2012", "context_left": "London, England — When Mohamed Kamara enters the Olympic Stadium during the 2012 Summer Paralympics Opening Ceremony on Wednesday night representing Sierra Leone, he will become only the second Paralympic competitor to ever represent his country. Sierra Leone's previous Paralympic appearance came at the ", "context_right": " when the country as represented by Marah Kelley, a javelin thrower who remains the only female to have ever represented the country at the Paralympics.", "mention": "1996 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "174397"} {"context_title": "Renault F1 team exclusion overturned", "context_date": "August 17, 2009", "context_left": "According to an FIA press release, the 1-race ban imposed on the Renault Formula One team following an incident at the ", "context_right": " has been overturned.", "mention": "Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172010"} {"context_title": "Kardynał Jorge Bergoglio został wybrany 266. papieżem i przyjął imię Franciszek", "context_date": "13 marca 2013", "context_left": "Franciszek został wybrany drugiego dnia konklawe w prawdopodobnie 5. głosowaniu. Przed rozpoczęciem obrad kardynałów-elektorów nie znajdował się on w gronie faworytów, jednak z informacji jakie przedostały się do mediów po ", "context_right": " roku już wtedy w głosowaniu, po którym papieżem został Benedykt XVI kardynał Jorge Bergoglio zajął drugie miejsce. ", "mention": "Konklawe w 2005", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "666536"} {"context_title": "Israel invade la Franja de Gaza", "context_date": "28 de junio de 2006", "context_left": "Israel había ", "context_right": " en agosto pasado. \"No hay una razón más allá, la pelota está en el campo palestino. Cuando lo liberen, de nuestro lado, se termina\", declaró Hernan Jeverowich, portavoz del ejército de Israel.", "mention": "abandonado unilateralmente la Franja de Gaza", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "196122"} {"context_title": "Francia autoriza aplicar el toque de queda", "context_date": "8 de noviembre de 2005", "context_left": "El toque de queda, contemplado en una vieja ley de abril de 1955 sancionada durante la ", "context_right": " y nunca antes aplicada en la Francia continental, refrenda una decisión del primer ministro Dominique de Villepin, anunciada la noche del lunes.", "mention": "Guerra de Independencia de Argelia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "200790"} {"context_title": "Lidé v Praze si připomněli 9. výročí úmrtí Václava Havla", "context_date": "18. prosinec 2020", "context_left": "Lidé začali zapalovat svíčky na Jungmanově náměstí, kde bylo vytvořeno srdce ze svíček, ale i opodál. Prahou pak prošel již 6. ročník průvodu Srdce na Hrad, letos pod názvem Srdce na Hrad 2020, v jehož čele srdce nesli aktéři ", "context_right": ", hudební skladatel a zpěvák Michael Kocáb a textař Michal Horáček. Průvod vyšel v šest hodin večer z Nové scény Národního divadla a před cílem začali skandovat Havlovo jméno a symbolicky zvonit klíči. U sochy T. G. Masaryka pak měli hosté proslov.", "mention": "sametové revoluce", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "182817"} {"context_title": "Nichtregierungsorganisationen kritisieren Afrikapolitik der G8", "context_date": "29.05.2007", "context_left": " Vertreter der Nichtregierungsorganisationen Oxfam Deutschland, Attac Deutschland und des Bündnisses Gerechtigkeit jetzt! übten heute in Berlin Kritik an der Afrikapolitik der G8. In einer gemeinsamen Presseerklärung werden verschiedene Kritikpunkte dargelegt. Laut tagesschau.de bezeichneten Vertreter der NGOs die beim ", "context_right": " angestrebten Ziele als „wohlfeile Rhetorik“ und „Ablenkungsmanöver“.", "mention": "G8-Gipfel in Heiligendamm 2007", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "819346"} {"context_title": "G8-Gegner klagen gegen Demonstrationsverbot am Zaun von Heiligendamm", "context_date": "18.05.2007", "context_left": "Eine 200 Meter breite Bannmeile vor dem Sicherheitszaun rund um das Gelände des ", "context_right": " bezeichnete Attac-Koordinierungsrat Peter Wahl als eine „Aushöhlung des Demonstrationsrechts“. ", "mention": "G8-Gipfels am 6. bis 8. Juni 2007", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "819346"} {"context_title": "В Ясиноватой открыли мемориальный знак защитникам и погибшим жителям города", "context_date": "22 августа 2017", "context_left": "В мероприятии приняли участие и. о. главы администрации Ясиноватой Олег Моргун, и. о. главы администрации Горловки Иван Приходько и более 200 жителей и гостей города, в том числе ветераны Великой Отечественной войны, среди которых был участник ", "context_right": " Алексей Кужильный.", "mention": "парада Победы на Красной площади", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "2001685"} {"context_title": "Bush to skip Republican convention to monitor Gustav", "context_date": "September 1, 2008", "context_left": "George W. Bush, the President of the United States, has said that he will not attend the ", "context_right": " as a result of Hurricane Gustav.", "mention": "2008 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Duitse showmaster en schlagerzanger Dieter Thomas Heck (80) overleden", "context_date": "25 augustus 2018", "context_left": "Heckscher werd in 1937 in het uiterste noorden in de stad Flensburg () geboren en groeide op in . Hij werd bekend van het Duitse popprogramma \"ZDF-Hitparade\" dat hij 183 keer presenteerde in de periode van 1969 tot 1984. Hij werd bekend als \"Schnellsprecher der Nation\" (\"snelspreker van het land\"), ondanks dat hij door de ", "context_right": " in de begon met stotteren. Hij wilde eerst schlagerzanger worden en leerde door het zangonderwijs het stotteren weer de baas te worden.", "mention": "bombardementen op Hamburg", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "316868"} {"context_title": "Scientist demands end to US 'addiction to oil'", "context_date": "October 21, 2010", "context_left": "Inkley said incidents in the past showed there can be far-reaching effects. \"The Exxon Valdez disaster was not simply one ecosystem earthquake – the aftershocks have continued to this day,\" he said, citing ", "context_right": " which occurred when an oil tanker ran aground in the Gulf of Alaska.", "mention": "the 1989 disaster", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1196587"} {"context_title": "Bush busca mejores lazos con México y Canadá", "context_date": "20 de agosto de 2007", "context_left": "La reunión en Quebec, apodada como \"Three Amigos summit\" (Cumbre de Tres Amigos), fue una reunión de dos días entre el Presidente de Estados Unidos, George W. Bush, el Primer Ministro de Canadá, Stephen Harper, y el Presidente de México, Felipe Calderón. Sin embargo, este último acortó su presencia debido al peligro que presenta el ", "context_right": " a la Península de Yucatán.", "mention": "Huracán Dean", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "695842"} {"context_title": "Leonel Álvarez designado como director técnico de la selección colombiana de fútbol", "context_date": "8 de septiembre de 2011", "context_left": "Álvarez, quién conoce todo el proceso con la selección, fue una de las glorias futbolísticas, en el que participó como jugador en los tres últimos mundiales (1990, 1994 y 1998) y las torneos continentales de ", "context_right": " y 1995. Como entrenador, ya antes dirigió al Deportivo Independiente Medellín, del cual quedó campeón en 2009. Su última labor fue de asistente técnico de la selección de mayores.", "mention": "1987", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "831699"} {"context_title": "Fred Karger officially ends 2012 presidential campaign", "context_date": "June 30, 2012", "context_left": "In 2012, Karger appeared on the primary ballots in New Hampshire, Michigan, Puerto Rico, Maryland, California, and Utah. He had his strongest showing in Puerto Rico, edging Congressman Ron Paul in votes and claiming over one percent of the total. He received his largest vote total in his home state of California, winning 8,268. In the June 26 Utah primary, the final contest before the ", "context_right": ", Karger finished in fifth place with 0.25 percent, behind former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, former Senator Rick Santorum, Paul, and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee who won with 93 percent of the vote.", "mention": "2012 National convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8462432"} {"context_title": "Bush sai da convenção republicana para acompanhar Gustav", "context_date": "1 de setembro de 2008", "context_left": " George W. Bush, presidente dos Estados Unidos, disse que ele não irá participar na ", "context_right": ", devido ao Furacão Gustav.", "mention": "Convenção Nacional Republicana de 2008", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Record number of viewers watched McCain's acceptance speech", "context_date": "September 5, 2008", "context_left": "According to numbers released Friday by the Nielsen Media Research company, a record 38.9 million Americans watched John McCain accept the nomination for President of the United States from the Republican Party on Thursday at the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2008 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Cae la libra esterlina por incertidumbre sobre Escocia", "context_date": "8 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Según los expertos, este retroceso muestra la \"inquietud sobre el futuro de Escocia\" en caso de una eventual victoria del sí en el ", "context_right": ". La última encuesta publicada sobre el plebiscito reveló que, por vez primera desde el inicio de la campaña independentista, el sí se posicionó a la cabeza con 51% de apoyo, frente al 49% de apoyo al no.", "mention": "referéndum que celebrará el próximo 18 de septiembre", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "Hong Kong police move to open roads in Mong Kok", "context_date": "October 17, 2014", "context_left": "The Mong Kok site is one of the three main protest sites of the wider ", "context_right": ". Protesters have been demonstrating in a bid for the right by the public at large to have a role in the nomination of candidates to stand for the post of Chief Executive of the territory.", "mention": "2014 Hong Kong protests", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "18145420"} {"context_title": "Finaliza la votación del referéndum de Escocia", "context_date": "18 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Los colegios electorales en Escocia cerraron a las 22 hora local, luego de que millones de escoceses dieran su voto ", "context_right": " en el Reino Unido. Se reportó el inicio del conteo de papeletas. No obstante, el resultado final se dará a conocer a las 6 hora local del viernes, luego de que los 32 consejos administrativos finalicen el escrutinio.", "mention": "para decidir si el país continúa", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "Details emerge of Honda's withdrawal from Formula One", "context_date": "December 8, 2008", "context_left": "Though Honda has committed to providing a budget for the team until March, the budget is lower than that which had been expected and so the team has had to pull out of the crucial winter tests at Jerez. This has denied Formula One hopeful Bruno Senna another test with the team and has combined with the engine implications of Honda's withdrawal to push the new car's final testing from January to March, just weeks before the first ", "context_right": ". Ross Brawn however remains confident of competing with new Formula One frontrunners BMW Sauber and Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone has tipped the team as a great buy, saying \"I've no doubt Honda would have been in top four next year without any problems. They've spent a lot of money to put themselves in that position so if anyone does want to be in F1 this is a team they should look to buy. It's a big opportunity for any company that's run efficiently to benefit\".", "mention": "Grand Prix in Australia", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "15070"} {"context_title": "DGB Nord ruft seine Mitglieder zu Protesten gegen den G8-Gipfel auf", "context_date": "11.05.2007", "context_left": " Der DGB Bezirk Nord ruft seine Mitglieder in einer Pressemitteilung dazu auf, „sich aktiv in der Globalisierungsbewegung zu engagieren und an den Veranstaltungen rund um den ", "context_right": " teilzunehmen“. Dies betreffe insbesondere die Kundgebung in Rostock am 2. Juni.", "mention": "G8-Gipfel im Heiligendamm", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "819346"} {"context_title": "US presidential candidate Barack Obama has 50% support", "context_date": "October 9, 2008", "context_left": "United States presidential candidate Barack Obama now has 50% support in the polls. John McCain had a statistical lead over Barack Obama after the ", "context_right": ". However, since the middle of September, Barack Obama's polls have risen and he has recaptured the lead. Tuesday was the first day Obama received 50% or more support in the \"Day to Day Politics Poll Average\" since it began back in mid July. Barack Obama now has 50.1% support and John McCain has 43.6% support - a 6.5% difference with a margin of error of 0.70%. ", "mention": "Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "「七警案」終院拒批上訴許可", "context_date": "2020年4月7日", "context_left": "2014年", "context_right": "期間,七警案當中五名警員罪成,他們向終審法院申請終極上訴被拒絕,但三位法官今早聽罷陳詞後拒絕受理,法院押後頒發判決理據。", "mention": "佔領運動", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "18145420"} {"context_title": "東日本大震災 岩手県宮古市で37.9mの大津波 - 東大地震研究所調査", "context_date": "2011年4月4日", "context_left": "読売新聞によると、3月11日の", "context_right": "で、岩手県宮古市・田老(たろう)地区で、津波が37.9mの高さまで山中を駆け上がったことが、東京大学地震研究所が行った調査で明らかになった。これは今回の津波調査の中では最高値であり、1896年に起きた明治三陸大地震において記録された同県大船渡市(おおふなとし)の38.2mの日本国内最高値に匹敵する巨大津波であったことがわかった。", "mention": "東日本大震災", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Умер бывший диктатор Гватемалы Эфраин Риос Монтт", "context_date": "2 апреля 2018", "context_left": "Бывший диктатор Гватемалы Хосе Эфраин Риос Монтт, правивший страной в один из самых кровавых периодов ", "context_right": ", скончался в возрасте 91 года в воскресенье, 1 апреля 2018 года.", "mention": "гражданской войны", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1282732"} {"context_title": "Países suben restricciones ante variante delta del COVID-19", "context_date": "26 de junio de 2021", "context_left": "En Australia la ciudad de Sidney irá a una nueva cuarentena, en tanto en Indonesia enfrenta un próximo colapso del sistema hospitalario que está a unas tres cuartas partes de su capacidad. Por ello, se han creado hospitales improvisados en tiendas para dar cabida a las personas que enferman gravemente con la variante delta del virus. Israel, un país que ha inoculado casi a toda su población, volvió al uso de mascarilla en lugares públicos. En Rusia, donde se han disputado algunos encuentros de la ", "context_right": " en la ciudad de San Petersburgo, se han cerrado los espacios públicos de comida para fans de la justa deportiva. En Finlandia, en tanto, se registraron trazas de la variante presente en Rusia y se han confirmado 120 contagios de personas que asistieron a la Eurocopa 2020.", "mention": "Eurocopa 2020", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "373501"} {"context_title": "智利捧走百年美洲盃", "context_date": "2016年6月28日", "context_left": "", "context_right": "決賽在當地時間6月26日在美國新澤西州東盧瑟福的大都會人壽運動場舉行,智利和阿根廷在開賽90分鐘及加時期間仍沒有入球記錄,最後智利透過互射十二碼以4-2的比數擊敗阿根廷勝出,取得百年美洲盃。", "mention": "百年美洲盃", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Названы столицы Зимней и Летней Универсиад 2019", "context_date": "9 ноября 2013", "context_left": "На исполкоме Международной федерации университетского спорта (FISU), проходящем в Брюсселе (Бельгия) принято решение о проведении 29-й ", "context_right": " 2019 года в Красноярске. Таким образом впервые в истории зимняя Универсиада пройдет в России (ни в СССР, ни в России зимняя Универсиада не проходила). В программу Универсиады на правах хозяев предлагается включить дополнительные виды спорта хоккей с мячом и зимнее ориентирование.", "mention": "Зимней Универсиады", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "4192064"} {"context_title": "Soviet Storysta tutkintapyyntö", "context_date": "28. toukokuuta 2009", "context_left": "Huhtikuussa Bäckman järjesti Yövartio-liikkeen kanssa mielenosoituksen Tampereella elokuvaa vastaan. Mielenosoitus keräsi parikymmentä henkilöä, kun vastaavasti itse elokuvaa tuli seuraamaan satakunta katsojaa. Elokuvan esittäminen oli osa seminaaria, jonka järjestivät Pro Karelia ja Tampereen Seudun Tykistökilta. Seminaarissa käsiteltiin muun muassa ", "context_right": " ja Lenin-museon tehtävää.", "mention": "sotasyyllisyyskysymystä", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "3116400"} {"context_title": "Benedicto XVI se despide en su última audiencia general ante 150 000 fieles", "context_date": "27 de febrero de 2013", "context_left": "El papa reconoció algunos de los momentos difíciles de su papado en los que \"hubo momentos en que las aguas se agitaron y hubo fuertes vientos\", según dijo. Al terminar su discurso, la multitud, incluyendo algunos de los cardenales que ya se han hecho presentes en el Vaticano para participar en el ", "context_right": ", le ovacionaron de pie.", "mention": "cónclave que habrá de escoger a su sucesor", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "4422669"} {"context_title": "US presidential candidate John McCain now leads slightly in the polls", "context_date": "September 9, 2008", "context_left": "Obama had a 6.0 percent lead in the \"Day to Day Politics Poll Average\" after the Democratic National Convention, but now is trailing after the ", "context_right": " and the announcement of Sarah Palin as McCain's running mate. This is the first time McCain has led Obama in the poll average since the two candidates emerged as their party's presumptive nominees after the primaries. ", "mention": "Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "НАТО преузима поморску блокаду Либије", "context_date": "22. март 2011.", "context_left": ", (Beta) - Командант НАТО-а за ", "context_right": " Либије, италијански вицеадмирал Риналдо Вери рекао је у четвртак у Напуљу да је уверен да ће имати довољно бродова да спречи улазак наоружања и плаћеника у Либију.", "mention": "поморску блокаду", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "81545"} {"context_title": "Pierre Gasly nieoczekiwanym zwycięzcą Grand Prix Włoch", "context_date": "6 września 2020", "context_left": "Dla Pierre'a Gasly'ego jest to pierwsze zwycięstwo w Formule 1 i drugie podium w karierze. Jest to również pierwsze zwycięstwo ekipy Scuderia AlphaTauri – do tej pory najlepszym wynikiem włoskiej stajni było siódme miejsce, zdobywane przez Gasly'ego w wyścigach w Austrii i w pierwszym wyścigu w ", "context_right": ". Zwycięstwo kierowcy zespołu z Faenzy jest pierwszym zwycięstwem francuskiego kierowcy od Grand Prix Monako 1996, kiedy zwycięzcą wyścigu wtedy został Olivier Panis, reprezentujący wówczas Ligiera.", "mention": "Wielkiej Brytanii", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "67123915"} {"context_title": "США не збираються визнавати незалежність Абхазії та Південної Осетії", "context_date": "23 вересня 2009", "context_left": "На даний момент незалежність Південної Осетії і Абхазії, крім Росії, яка брала участь у ", "context_right": ", визнали Нікарагуа та Венесуела. 99% інших країн світу підтримують територіальну цілісність Грузії і не визнають ці самопроголошені республіки. ", "mention": "збройному конфлікті в серпні 2008 року", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "2010年の今年の漢字は「暑」 記録的猛暑やチリの落盤事故を反映", "context_date": "2010年12月11日", "context_left": "2位は、", "context_right": "の開催や尖閣諸島をめぐる諸問題などで中国に注目が集まったことを反映した「中」、3位以下は「不」「乱」「異」「国」「高」「嵐」「熱」「変」と続き、政治・経済や天候の不安定さを反映した字が多く見られた。", "mention": "上海万博", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "192452"} {"context_title": "Inicia gira multimedia por Bicentenario de México", "context_date": "5 de mayo de 2010", "context_left": "El evento se realizó en el Campo Marte, al que acudieron invitados del gobierno federal. La proyección narró mediante una combinación de técnicas de cine, animación y video la historia de México, combinando además pirotecnia, luces y fuego. La narrativa inició en las culturas de Mesoamérica, pasando por la Conquista de México, la independencia, la ", "context_right": " y escenas representativas del siglo XX como el movimiento estudiantil de 1968, el sismo de 1985 o el levantamiento zapatista de 1994. La parte final, la de 2010, mostró fotografías y videos de los mexicanos de la actualidad, concluyendo con la interpretación de la canción típica México lindo y querido por el cantante Pepe Aguilar.", "mention": "revolución mexicana", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "214426"} {"context_title": "Израиль разбомбил штаб-квартиру Хамас в секторе Газа", "context_date": "17 ноября 2012", "context_left": "17 ноября 2012 года, около 03:30 по местному времени (05:30 по Москве), в рамках ", "context_right": " беспилотники ВВС Израиля поразили штаб-квартиру движения ХАМАС в секторе Газа.", "mention": "операции «Облачный столп»", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "53692"} {"context_title": "Chile es campeón de la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "27 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Por segunda vez consecutiva se repiten rivales y resultado en la final de la Copa América. Tras empatar cero a cero, Chile derrotó a Argentina por penales, en los cuales Lionel Messi la mandó por arriba del travesaño y el arquero chileno le contuvo el remate a Lucas Biglia, mientras que el equipo chileno solo falló el primer penal ejecutado por Arturo Vidal y atajado por el guardameta argentino. En consecuencia Chile, en el MetLife Stadium de Nueva Jersey, logró ser campeón de la ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2008 Monaco Grand Prix", "context_date": "May 28, 2008", "context_left": "Vodafone McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton has won the FIA Formula-1 2008 Grand Prix de Monaco on the Circuit de Monaco in Monte Carlo, Monaco on May 25. It became the first time in the 23 year old Briton's career in F1. Last year, he finished in second place after his former teammate Fernando Alonso. In this race Alonso finished on a distant 10th place in his Renault car. The last British winner at Monaco was Graham Hill in ", "context_right": ". Rain over the weekend causes a wet start to the Sunday race, causing driver mistakes, however no rain fell during the race or qualifying.", "mention": "1969", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "171929"} {"context_title": "México derrota a Uruguay 2 a 1 por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "5 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "En el primer partido de la ", "context_right": " de ambas selecciones, ayer México superó a Uruguay por 3 tantos contra uno, con goles de Álvaro Pereira en contra, Diego Godín, Márquez y Herrera. Los dos últimos goles en los 5 minutos finales del encuentro. Fue disputado en el estadio de la Universidad de Phoenix", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, September 2020", "context_date": "October 29, 2020", "context_left": "President Trump started the month visiting Kenosha, Wisconsin, where riots had broken out due to the police shooting of Jacob Blake in August. Trump referred to the riots as acts of \"domestic terror\" and placed further emphasis on maintaining \"law and order.\" His opponent, Biden, in a message to fundraisers, accused Trump of \"trying to scare the hell out of America.\" Biden himself visited Kenosha two days after Trump in what was his first campaign trip to the swing state of Wisconsin. During the appearance, Biden delivered a speech on racial inequality while wearing a mask, discussing the \"original sin\" of slavery. He also visited the family of Jacob Blake and spoke to Blake on the phone. The Trump campaign criticized Biden for not denouncing Antifa and for making the trip despite claiming previously that it was not safe to do so due to the coronavirus pandemic. Wisconsin governor Tony Evers, a Democrat, said he would have preferred that neither Trump nor Biden had made the stop. At least three unfavorable claims about Trump surfaced in early September. First, after CNN reporter and former Bill Clinton White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart questioned whether the President's impromptu visit to Walter Reed Hospital last November was the result of a stroke, Trump alleged the media was falsely claiming he had suffered from \"mini-strokes.\" Thereafter, Matt Drudge posted a report from \"The Hill\" about Trump's \"mini-strokes\" tweet as the top story on the \"Drudge Report\". Trump attacked Drudge as a consistent Trump opponent and his campaign called for CNN to fire Lockhart. Next, \"The Atlantic\" claimed that during a 2018 trip to France, Trump refused to visit a cemetery of U.S. soldiers killed during the World War I ", "context_right": " and referred to the soldiers buried there as \"losers\" and \"suckers.\" Furthermore, Trump allegedly questioned whether the U.S. allied with the correct side during the war. Aides publicly denied the story as did Trump-critic and former National Security Advisor John Bolton. Nevertheless, others, including Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin, confirmed key parts of the story. Trump called on Fox News to fire Griffin. Lastly, excerpts from Bob Woodward's book \"Rage\", for which Trump gave insider access, revealed Trump downplayed the coronavirus in February in order to avoid public panic. Trump confirmed the claim, arguing it was not in the national interest to stir up panic about the virus. Biden, while campaigning in Michigan, called Trump's action \"a life-and-death betrayal of the American people.\" He described it as \"beyond despicable\" and \"almost criminal.\" ", "mention": "Battle of Belleau Wood", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1474180"} {"context_title": "В Стамбуле закончилась 40-я шахматная олимпиада", "context_date": "11 сентября 2012", "context_left": "В Стамбуле завершилась ", "context_right": " по шахматам, которая проходила с 27 августа по 10 сентября 2012 года при участии 157 стран.", "mention": "40-я олимпиада", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "890313"} {"context_title": "Orkaan Maria over Guadeloupe getrokken, nu op weg naar Bovenwindse Eilanden", "context_date": "19 september 2017", "context_left": "", "context_right": ", een orkaan van categorie 5, bereikte gisteren het Caribisch gebied en is vannacht over het eiland Guadeloupe heen getrokken. Hier is ten minste één dode gevallen, twee andere personen worden nog vermist. Ook het eiland Dominica is door de orkaan getroffen, over de situatie aldaar is nog weinig bekend.", "mention": "Maria", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "40178187"} {"context_title": "Truck bomb kills at least 80 in Afghan capital city center", "context_date": "May 31, 2017", "context_left": "Though an initial report by Interior Ministry spokesman Najib Danish claimed the site of the detonation as near one of the gates to the Afghan Presidential Palace, it was actually closer to the German embassy, which sustained considerable damage, according to NBC. Germany currently has more than 950 soldiers in Afghanistan as part of NATO's ", "context_right": " and helped the Afghan security personnel in their training. \"It was a car bomb near the German embassy, but there are several other important compounds and offices near there too. It is hard to say what the exact target is,\" said police spokesperson Basir Mujahid.", "mention": "Resolute Support Mission", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "18651204"} {"context_title": "Селектор одредио 17 рукометашица за ЕП", "context_date": "17. новембар 2010.", "context_left": "Београд / Србија (Beta) - Селектор женске рукометне репрезентације Србије Душко Милић одредио је у среду списак играчица за завршне припреме за ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Европско првенство у Данској и Новешкој", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "482592"} {"context_title": "Five United States ex-presidents raise relief funds at hurricane event", "context_date": "October 24, 2017", "context_left": "The event, called \"Deep from the Heart: The One America Appeal\", part of the One America Appeal charity effort, featured country music and gospel performers such as Lyle Lovett and Yolanda Adams, and an appearance by singer Lady Gaga. The funds raised are meant to aid victims of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and ", "context_right": ", which struck U.S. soil in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.", "mention": "Maria", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "40178187"} {"context_title": "Folgt auf Amoklauf ein PC-Spiele-Verbot?", "context_date": "25.11.2006", "context_left": "Durch die Diskussion fühlten sich viele an einen ähnlichen Fall erinnert: das ", "context_right": ". Zwar fand es in einem anderen Bundesland und auch an einer anderen Schulform statt, dennoch waren auch damals Ego-Shooter mit im Spiel gewesen, und es wurde nach einem Verbot dieser Spiele gerufen. Auch der damalige Täter hatte Ego-Shooter gespielt und war auch im realen Leben ein Waffennarr. Er hatte Probleme, die Schule geschwänzt und wurde deshalb von ihr verwiesen. Er war jedoch nicht sozial isoliert gewesen. Kontakte innerhalb der Familie und auch zu Freunden bestanden. Er konnte jedoch seine Probleme, noch nicht einmal seinen nicht erreichbaren schulischen Ausschluss, niemandem anvertrauen. Er gaukelte bis zum Schluss seinen Eltern vor, er würde die Abiturprüfung ablegen und später eine schon bestätigte Zivildienststelle antreten. Im Gegensatz zur Tat in Emsdetten scheint die Tat in Erfurt aber nicht geplant gewesen zu sein, denn es gab zuvor keine Ankündigungen. Darin zeigt das Attentat in Emsdetten eine neue Dimension. Denn hier wurde der Amoklauf nicht nur vorher angekündigt, der Täter bereitete sogar Sprengladungen vor, die er sich um den Körper schnallte.", "mention": "Massaker am 26. April 2002 am Gutenberggymnasium in Erfurt", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "473877"} {"context_title": "アルカーイダメンバーら脱獄、イエメンの刑務所で", "context_date": "2006年2月6日", "context_left": "朝日新聞によると、脱獄したアルカーイダメンバーには、2000年にイエメン沖で発生した", "context_right": "で服役していたジャマル・バダウィ服役囚も含まれている。また、英語版ウィキニュース、読売新聞によると、2002年のフランス国籍のタンカー・ランブール号爆破事件に関与したファワズ・アルラベイエ服役囚も含まれている。", "mention": "アメリカ軍駆逐艦コール襲撃爆破事件", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "612086"} {"context_title": "Chile le gana a Panamá cuatro a dos por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "15 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Chile le ganó ayer a Panamá por cuatro tantos contra dos en el Lincoln Financial Field de Filadelfia, empezó el encuentro perdiendo casi desde el principio pero pudo acomodar su juego y revertir el resultado que le permite continuar en carrera en esta ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Fernando Alonso wins 2007 European Grand Prix", "context_date": "July 22, 2007", "context_left": "This was the first wet race since the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2006 Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "507730"} {"context_title": "Gaddafi loyalists allegedly using Red Cross helicopters to bomb rebel held city", "context_date": "May 8, 2011", "context_left": "The helicopters reportedly flew over Misrata, the third largest city in the country and located on the northwest coast of Libya, on Thursday and Friday, disguised as aid workers from the Red Cross to circumvent the ", "context_right": ", which was approved unanimously by the U.N. Security Council in March. The no-fly zone aims at making it impossible for Gaddafi loyalists to perform airstrikes on the rebels. ", "mention": "no-fly zone", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "Grace Bowman withdraws from 2012 Paralympic Dressage Individual Championship Test - Grade II event", "context_date": "September 1, 2012", "context_left": "London, England — Earlier today at the Greenwich Park, riding third in the ", "context_right": " Dressage Individual Championship Test - Grade II, Grace Bowman withdrew mid-ride after a series of low scores during the event. Bowman was Australia's only rider in this event.", "mention": "Paralympic", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Молодёжная сборная России по хоккею уступила сборной Швеции по буллитам", "context_date": "1 января 2018", "context_left": "Молодёжная сборная России по хоккею уступила сборной Швеции по буллитам (3:4) в заключительном матче группового этапа ", "context_right": ", который проходит в США.", "mention": "чемпионата мира по хоккею среди молодёжных команд", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "15715388"} {"context_title": "Timor-Leste eröffnet seinen ersten Nationalpark", "context_date": "04.08.2008", "context_left": "Geschützt werden sollen Natur, und das kulturelle und historische Erbe in der Region. Dazu gehören Korallenriffe und der größte verbliebene intakte tropische Flachland- und Monsunregenwald der Region. Außerdem hat das Gebiet mythologische Bedeutung für die Bevölkerung. Seit über 40.000 Jahren leben Menschen in dieser Region, weswegen auch aus Sicht der Archäologie der Nationalpark interessant ist. Außerdem gibt es historisch wichtige Orte aus der portugiesischen Kolonialzeit und der ", "context_right": " während des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Die Regierung wird beim Nationalpark unterstützt von BirdLife International und dem Department of Environment and Climate Change der Regierung von New South Wales/Australien.", "mention": "Zeit der japanischen Besatzung", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "1440764"} {"context_title": "John Edwards endorses Barack Obama", "context_date": "May 14, 2008", "context_left": "Edwards, meanwhile, has 19 total pledged delegates who may or may not pledge their support for Obama at the Democratic National Committee's August ", "context_right": " in Denver, Colorado.", "mention": "convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "Australia grants temporary asylum to 12 Commonwealth Games athletes", "context_date": "March 28, 2006", "context_left": "Twelve athletes from Sierra Leone, who disappeared from the ", "context_right": " in Melbourne last week, have been granted bridging visas by Australia's Department of Immigration. The group have been released into the Sydney community. Three of the Sierra Leoneans say they face forced female circumcision if they go back.", "mention": "Commonwealth Games", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "659207"} {"context_title": "Malaysian culture minister pans documentary", "context_date": "May 25, 2006", "context_left": "The film has picked up controversy because it is inspired by the ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "Malayan Emergency", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2354629"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews three figures from Donald Trump's political past", "context_date": "March 13, 2016", "context_left": "In Trump's highly publicized 2016 campaign, he has run under the banner of Make America Great Again, advocating a Mexican-funded wall along the U.S.–Mexico border, renegotiation of trade terms with other nations, and a temporary halt on the immigration of Muslims to the United States. He holds a considerable lead in ", "context_right": " delegates over his opponents, winning 15 of the first 24 primary and caucus contests. Though this is Trump's most visible campaign, it is not his first foray into electoral politics. He flirted with Republican presidential runs: first in 1987, when he purchased newspaper advertisements on foreign policy and delivered a campaign-like speech in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire; and then in 2011, when he briefly led nationwide opinion polls for the presidential nomination after questioning the citizenship of President Barack Obama. Trump's most extensive campaign before now came during the 2000 presidential election when he opened an exploratory committee to consider seeking the presidential nomination of the Reform Party. ", "mention": "Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16156282"} {"context_title": "Estados Unidos es uno de los semifinalistas de la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "17 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "El equipo anfitrión sigue en la ", "context_right": " al derrotar a Ecuador dos tantos contra uno, Clint Dempsey, Gyasi Zardes convirtieron para el equipo local, Michel Arroyo descontó para el equipo ecuatoriano.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Bouw Eurostadion opnieuw vertraagd", "context_date": "28 maart 2017", "context_left": "Door het euvel wordt de bouw naar alle waarschijnlijkheid opnieuw uitgesteld. Daarmee komen de geplande opening in 2020 en de openingsmatch van het ", "context_right": " in gevaar.", "mention": "EK voetbal", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "373501"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2008 Monaco Grand Prix", "context_date": "May 28, 2008", "context_left": "Vodafone McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton has won the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " Grand Prix de Monaco on the Circuit de Monaco in Monte Carlo, Monaco on May 25. It became the first time in the 23 year old Briton's career in F1. Last year, he finished in second place after his former teammate Fernando Alonso. In this race Alonso finished on a distant 10th place in his Renault car. The last British winner at Monaco was Graham Hill in 1969. Rain over the weekend causes a wet start to the Sunday race, causing driver mistakes, however no rain fell during the race or qualifying.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179417"} {"context_title": "Bush calls for US offshore oil exploration", "context_date": "June 19, 2008", "context_left": "The Congress issued its moratorium in 1981. In 1989, President George H.W. Bush issued an executive order in the wake of the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Exxon Valdez oil spill", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1196587"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Spain's most decorated Paralympian, Teresa Perales", "context_date": "January 19, 2013", "context_left": "You first competed in 2000. Has there been a big change from 2000 to ", "context_right": " that you've noticed like in terms of the atmosphere, or even the level of sport and issues of classification?", "mention": "London", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Ritrovato l'HMS Sidney", "context_date": "16 marzo 2008", "context_left": "L'unica altra nave che ebbe una sorte simile fu l'HMS Neptune, perso in Mediterraneo con un solo superstite durante la ", "context_right": " contro gli italiani. In questo caso la dinamica fu chiara, essendo questo incrociatore leggero (molto simile al Sydney) finito su 4 mine durante una missione notturna; la prima venne fatta detonare dal paramine prodiero, la seconda colpì la nave danneggiandola, la terza mentre cercava di uscire in retromarcia dalla zona minata e la quarta mentre era alla deriva priva di controllo, tanto da rovesciarsi e affondare rapidamente, rovesciandosi di lato. I soccorsi ai naufraghi furono insufficienti anche perché contemporaneamente altre navi inglesi finirono sulle mine, riportando vari danni. Pochi si salvarono su di una scialuppa, ma solo uno era ancora vivo quando venne ritrovato.", "mention": "Prima battaglia della Sirte", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "1362319"} {"context_title": "Formula One driver Jules Bianchi dies aged 25", "context_date": "July 19, 2015", "context_left": "This is the first F1 race-related driver death since the ", "context_right": ", when Ayrton Senna was killed.", "mention": "1994 San Marino Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "171552"} {"context_title": "Fire nordmenn på topp i sprinten under VM i skiskyting", "context_date": "14. februar 2009", "context_left": "<onlyinclude>De fire nordmennene som var med i dagens skiskyttersprint under ", "context_right": " i Pyeongchang i Sør-Korea tok alle de fire øverste plassene.</onlyinclude>", "mention": "VM i skiskyting", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "494824"} {"context_title": "Malaysia bans film "The Last Communist"", "context_date": "May 29, 2006", "context_left": "The film is described as a \"semi-musical documentary\" and is inspired by the leader of the disbanded Malayan Communist Party, Chin Peng and the ", "context_right": " during which over ten thousand Malayan and British troops and civilians lost their lives.", "mention": "Malayan Emergency", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2354629"} {"context_title": "Weakening Dean makes landfall on Mexican coast", "context_date": "August 21, 2007", "context_left": "After gaining strength in the western Caribbean last night, ", "context_right": " made landfall as a Category 5 storm on Mexico's Yucatán coast at about 4:30 a.m. this morning (EDT). ", "mention": "Hurricane Dean", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "695842"} {"context_title": "Tras nueve meses en coma muere el piloto Jules Bianchi", "context_date": "18 de julio de 2015", "context_left": "La muerte de Bianchi es la primera en 20 años causada por un accidente automovilístico en un Gran Premio de la F1. El 1 de mayo de 1994 Ayrton Senna, brasilero, ", "context_right": " en un accidente que desencadenó la implementación de una serie de medidas de seguridad que, hasta ahora, habían reducido a cero los accidentes fatales.", "mention": "había perecido en Imola", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "171552"} {"context_title": "Escocia rechaza la independencia", "context_date": "19 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "En el histórico ", "context_right": ", Escocia se decidió por permanecer en el Reino Unido. El rechazo a la independencia significa un gran alivio para los británicos, pues el secesionismo amenazaba con dividir el Reino y sembrar confusión en los mercados financieros, señala \"Reuters\".", "mention": "referéndum independentista", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "Crece el apoyo a la independencia de Escocia", "context_date": "2 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Un sondeo sobre intención de voto mostró que el apoyo a la independencia de Escocia aumentó, informaron diversas fuentes internacionales. De acuerdo a la encuesta de YouGov, 47% de los encuestados votarían \"Sí\", mientras que un 53% darían el \"No\". No obstante, el gobierno británico restó valor a estos datos al afirmar que confía en que triunfará el \"No\", el próximo 18 de septiembre, cuando ", "context_right": " si continúan siendo parte del Reino Unido.", "mention": "Escocia decida en referéndum", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "Comedian Jon Stewart to host 78th Academy Awards", "context_date": "January 6, 2006", "context_left": "\"The Daily Show\" has become influental in politics and pop culture. Stewart has interviewed many guests from both sides of the political spectrum, including 2004 presidential candidate John Kerry, Bill O'Reilly, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and has asked for President George W. Bush to come on the show, going so far as publish an invitation in a full page newspaper ad during the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2004 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "359662"} {"context_title": "70. годишњица бомбардовања Београда", "context_date": "6. април 2011.", "context_left": ", (Beta) - Данас, 6. априла, навршава се 70. годишњица ", "context_right": ", којим је почео напад нацистичке Немачке на Краљевину Југославију у Другом светском рату.", "mention": "бомбардовања Београда", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "472100"} {"context_title": "Toiseksi viimeinen Mannerheim-ristin ritari on kuollut", "context_date": "8. joulukuuta 2011", "context_left": "Heikki Nykänen syntyi Helsingissä 19. syyskuuta 1920. Hänet nimitettiin Mannerheim-ristin ritariksi 1.8.1943, kun hän palveli ", "context_right": " 3. divisioonassa kaukopartio-osaston johtajana. Tuolloin hän oli luutnantti, myöhemmin hän yleni majurin arvoon asti.", "mention": "jatkosodassa", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "122100"} {"context_title": "Dodental door orkaan Maria op Puerto Rico opgelopen tot 34", "context_date": "3 oktober 2017", "context_left": "Het dodental op Puerto Rico als gevolg van orkaan ", "context_right": " is opgelopen van 16 naar 34. Dit heeft gouverneur Rosselló bekendgemaakt tijdens een nieuwsconferentie. De gouverneur zei ook dat er voor 90 miljard dollar schade is aangericht op het eiland.", "mention": "Maria", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "40178187"} {"context_title": "Milano, apre la linea "lilla"", "context_date": "10 febbraio 2013", "context_left": "Nel 2015, in tempo per l'", "context_right": ", la linea verrà completata giungendo fino alla fermata San Siro Stadio, per un totale di 19 stazioni e 12,8 chilometri di lunghezza, incrociando nuovamente le linee suburbane e regionali in corrispondenza della stazione di Domodossola-Fiera e la linea 1 (\"rossa\") nella stazione di Lotto.", "mention": "Expo 2015", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "210022"} {"context_title": "EE.UU. lanzó "la madre de todas las bombas" en cuevas usadas por el Estado Islámico en Afganistán", "context_date": "13 de abril de 2017", "context_left": "Este suceso se da en un momento en el que Estados Unidos cambió su estrategia militar desde la asunción de Trump con el ", "context_right": " en represalia por el incidente con armas químicas en Siria que Estados Unidos atribuyó al gobierno de Bashar al-Ásad, la movilización de buques de guerra hacia la península de Corea para intimidar a Corea del Norte ante un eventual sexto ensayo nuclear, y los recientes ataques aéreos mal dirigidos que accidentalmente mataron a civiles y combatientes rebeldes de Siria.", "mention": "bombardeo a una base aérea siria", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "29197866"} {"context_title": "Michael Schumacher wins Italian Grand Prix, announces plans to retire", "context_date": "September 10, 2006", "context_left": "Michael Schumacher began his career on 1991 Italian Grand Prix (he retired from the earlier ", "context_right": ").", "mention": "1991 Belgian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "20935"} {"context_title": "Mitt Romney officially nominated at Republican National Convention", "context_date": "August 29, 2012", "context_left": "Mitt Romney, the former Governor of Massachusetts, was officially nominated yesterday evening by the Republican Party as its candidate for the President of the United States at the party's ", "context_right": " in Tampa, Florida.", "mention": "National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8462432"} {"context_title": "U.S. Senator Obama announces presidential candidacy", "context_date": "February 10, 2007", "context_left": "Obama broke onto the national scene with his popular speech at the ", "context_right": ". Born in Hawaii, Obama graduated from Columbia University before receiving his JD from Harvard Law School. In 1996, Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate, before rising to his current position in the US Senate in 2004.", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "359657"} {"context_title": "Schacholympiade startet in Dresden", "context_date": "12.11.2008", "context_left": " Die ", "context_right": " beginnt am 12. November 2008 im Internationalen Kongresszentrum in Dresden.", "mention": "Schacholympiade 2008", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "637844"} {"context_title": "Belgian men's goalball team departs for Finland for World Championships", "context_date": "June 26, 2014", "context_left": "This morning European time, the Belgium men's national goalball team departed for Espoo, Finland for the 2014 IBSA Goalball World Championships. The championship is the biggest competition since the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2012 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "U.S. air strikes on Somalia confirmed", "context_date": "January 9, 2007", "context_left": "The Pentagon has confirmed that US forces began an on-going operation of airstrikes in southern Somalia on Monday, and that the attacks, targeted at Islamic militia, are continuing. Somalia's president had earlier said that the United States was pursuing suspects of the ", "context_right": ". It is believed that the militants are sheltering the suspects.", "mention": "1998 United States embassy bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "876206"} {"context_title": "Мнения американцев об операции в Ливии разделились", "context_date": "29 марта 2011", "context_left": "Проведенный независимой американской исследовательской организацией опрос показал, что 47 процентов американцев считают, что США поступили правильно, приняв решение о ", "context_right": ". 36 процентов полагают, что это было неверное решение, а 17 процентов затруднились ответить.", "mention": "воздушных ударах по Ливии", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "Siste norske journalist forlater Iran", "context_date": "22. juni 2009", "context_left": "Urolighetene etter ", "context_right": " fortsetter, og lørdag skal 457 demonstranter ha blitt arrestert. Tidligere forrige uke skal over 200 ha blitt arrestert. Ti personer skal ha blitt drept under demonstrasjoner i Teheran lørdag. Dermed er totalt 19 mennekser blitt drept siden urolighetene startet.", "mention": "presidentvalget i Iran", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "143304"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Andy Martin, U.S. Republican Party presidential candidate", "context_date": "August 8, 2011", "context_left": "According to \"The New York Times\", Martin first spread the 'Obama is a Muslim' rumor via press release following then-Senate candidate Obama's 2004 keynote address to the ", "context_right": ". Amid the 2008 presidential election, Martin traveled to Hawaii to investigate Obama, who was at the time, the Democratic Party nominee for president. In October 2008, he filed a lawsuit against the state to release Obama's birth certificate, but it was dismissed by the courts. After returning from the trip, Martin announced that he believed Frank Marshall Davis was Obama's biological father.", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "359657"} {"context_title": "Indian Army celebrates Victory Day on 35th Anniversary of Bangladeshi Liberation", "context_date": "December 17, 2006", "context_left": "The Indian Army observed \"Vijay Diwas\", marking the defeat of the Pakistani military and the formation of the independent state of Bangladesh (then called East Pakistan) in the ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "1971 Indo-Pakistan War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1922071"} {"context_title": "Three FIFA officials suspended for ninety days", "context_date": "October 9, 2015", "context_left": "The suspensions have been issued by FIFA's Independent Ethics Committee, in the wake of the decision of Swiss authorities to investigate possible criminal charges against Blatter. The authorities are looking into an \"unfavourable\" contract signed by Blatter and a \"disloyal payment\" involving Platini. Valcke was already suspended from his job, allegedly involved in a controversy about FIFA World Cup tickets. These followed a US investigation in May 2015, which implicated fourteen FIFA employees in bribery and racketeering, and a Swiss inquiry about the conduct of the 2018 and ", "context_right": " bidding process.", "mention": "2022 FIFA World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "Wheelchair Rugby Tri-Nations Series begins in Sydney", "context_date": "September 20, 2013", "context_left": "All three teams are highly ranked internationally. The United States team is ranked number one in the world. It won bronze at the 2004 Summer Paralympics in Athens, gold at the 2008 Summer Paralympics in Beijing, and bronze at the ", "context_right": " in London, and is the current world champion. This is its first visit to Australia since the 2000 Summer Paralympics. ", "mention": "2012 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Trump begint met ontmantelen klimaatakkoord", "context_date": "28 maart 2017", "context_left": "Klimaatwetenschappers reageren zeer bezorgd. Het halen van de doelstellingen in het ", "context_right": " (niet meer dan 2 °C opwarming ten opzichte van de industriële revolutie) was al moeilijk, maar lijkt vrijwel onmogelijk te worden nu Trump (die zelf niet gelooft in de opwarming van de aarde) met dit decreet weer volop groen licht geeft voor het winnen van fossiele brandstoffen. Ze wijzen er wel op dat Trumps beslissing niet zomaar uitgevoerd zal kunnen worden; alleen al binnen de VS zijn er verschillende deelstaten die er heel anders dan Trump tegenaan kijken.", "mention": "in 2015 gesloten klimaatakkoord", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "15715792"} {"context_title": "செருமனியில் உலக சாதனை, சூரிய ஆற்றலில் இருந்து 22 கிகாவாட்டு மின்திறன்", "context_date": "மே 28, 2012", "context_left": "சப்பானில் சென்ற ஆண்டு மார்ச் மாதத்தில் இடம்பெற்ற ", "context_right": " புக்குசீமா அணு உலை விபத்துக்குள்ளானதை அடுத்து செர்மானிய அரசு 2022 ஆம் ஆண்டுக்குள் அனைத்து அணுஉலைகளையும் மூடிவிடத் திட்டமிட்டுள்ளது. ஏற்கனவே 8 அணு உலைகள் மூடப்பட்டு விட்டன. மேலும் 9 உலைகள் எஞ்சியுள்ளன. இவை அனைத்தும் வளி, சூரிய ஆற்றல், மற்றும் உயிர்க்கூள ஆற்றல் போன்ற புதுப்பிக்கப்படக் கூடிய எரிசக்திகளைப் பயன்படுத்தப்போவதாக செர்மனிய அரசு அறிவித்துள்ளது.", "mention": "நிலநடுக்கத்தில்", "context_lang": "ta", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Canal de televisión emite una falsa invasión rusa en Georgia", "context_date": "14 de marzo de 2010", "context_left": "En 2008, Georgia y Rusia ", "context_right": " por los territorios pro-rusos de Osetia del Sur y Abjasia, que Georgia reclamaba como propios. Tras menos de un mes de guerra, Rusia reconoció la independencia de ambas como países independientes.", "mention": "se enfrentaron militarmente", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Il nuovo rettore della Università Statale di Milano prevede di mantenere a Città Studi un polo di dipartimenti scientifici", "context_date": "11 febbraio 2019", "context_left": "Il prof. Franzini si era sempre opposto in Senato Accademico a tutte le delibere relative allo spostamento dell'Università in area ", "context_right": ". Nella campagna elettorale era stato fortemente sostenuto dai dipendenti e dagli studenti contrari al trasferimento ed era stato eletto a sorpresa per pochi voti di scarto. Il suo programma prevedeva di non perdere il finanziamento statale di 138 milioni di euro per il trasferimento utilizzandolo per i dipartimenti che non si erano opposti come Chimica, Biologia, Agraria, Farmacia, Biotecnologie, Medicina, Scienze della Terra e di consentire ai dipartimenti che si erano opposti come Matematica, Informatica di rimanere a Città Studi. ", "mention": "Expo 2015", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "210022"} {"context_title": "Renault F1 launch criminal complaint against former driver over race-fixing allegation", "context_date": "September 12, 2009", "context_left": "Piquet Jr. crashed in the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix just after an early pit stop for Fernando Alonso, bringing out the safety car. As the cars ahead of Alonso went in for fuel under the safety car, he moved up the pack to take victory. Piquet Jr. was sacked after the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2009 Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172010"} {"context_title": "Un año después de su elección, Tokio pasa apuros por los Juegos Olímpicos", "context_date": "8 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "En su presentación ante el COI el día de la elección, Tokio garantizó que la situación de Fukushima no afectaría los Juegos, apelaron a la vida interna del COI afirmando que un eventual Tokio 2020 conllevaría una mejora a los valores olímpicos y expusieron la solidaridad y la recuperación de Japón tras el catastrófico ", "context_right": ". Esto y los informes sobre las ciudades fueron más que suficientes para decidir a los miembros del COI.", "mention": "terremoto y tsunami de 2011", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Nieuwe paus als opvolger van Johannes Paulus II", "context_date": "19 april 2005", "context_left": "De kardinalen hebben in een ", "context_right": " van één dag besloten dat de achtenzeventigjarige Duitse kardinaal Joseph Ratzinger de nieuwe paus wordt. Even voor 18:00 steeg er grijze rook op uit het Vaticaanse schoorsteentje − het was dus onduidelijk of het zwarte (wat zou betekenen dat de kardinalen nog eens hebben gestemd en er nog geen nieuwe paus is) of witte (wat zou betekenen dat er een nieuwe paus is verkozen) was − en enkele minuten later bleek het witte rook voor te stellen en te zijn. Dit werd iets na zes uur bevestigd doordat de klokken luidden, om 18:45 werd na de legendarische Latijnse woorden \"Habemus papam\" (Wij hebben een paus) de naam van kardinaal die de nieuwe paus is, uitgesproken. ", "mention": "erg kort conclaaf", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "666536"} {"context_title": "Pakistan coach's death 'suspicious'", "context_date": "March 21, 2007", "context_left": "The death of Bob Woolmer, Pakistan's cricket coach at the ", "context_right": " in the West Indies, has been officially labelled \"suspicious\" by the deputy commissioner of police, Mark Shields, in Jamaica today. ", "mention": "2007 Cricket World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1127675"} {"context_title": "8 centrali nucleari francesi non superano test", "context_date": "19 settembre 2011", "context_left": "Su 19 impianti nucleari attivi in Francia 8 non hanno superato il test per i controlli fatto dall'ASN, dopo il disastro di Fukushima, causato dal ", "context_right": " che si abbatterono sulla centrale l'11 marzo 2011. Secondo il settimanale \"Le Journal du Dimanche\", il test valutava anche le reazioni ad ipotetiche catastrofi naturali, all'interruzione dell'alimentazione e quindi del raffreddamento dell'impianto e la gestione delle situazioni d'emergenza. Secondo Martial Jorel, direttore della sicurezza dei reattori, «i rischi sismici non sono stati percepiti nel loro giusto valore in , un Paese in cui i movimenti tellurici sono poco frequenti».", "mention": "terremoto e dallo tsunami", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Человек, 35 лет назад стрелявший в президента Рейгана, выходит из психиатрической клиники", "context_date": "11 сентября 2016", "context_left": "Джон-Хинкли-младший, 35 лет назад совершивший ", "context_right": " на жизнь президента Рональда Рейгана, в субботу, 10 сентября 2016 года, вышел из психиатрической больницы в Вашингтоне. Решение об освобождении Джона Хинкли было принято после того, как в июле федеральный судья вынес постановление, согласно которому Хинкли не представляет опасности для себя и для общества.", "mention": "покушение", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "757979"} {"context_title": "Senat bestätigt Wählbarkeit John McCains", "context_date": "03.05.2008", "context_left": " Der Senat der Vereinigten Staaten hat am 30. April 2008 die Wählbarkeit des Präsidentschaftskandidaten John McCain bestätigt. Voraussetzung zur Wahl als Präsident ist die Geburt in den Vereinigten Staaten. Dies war bei McCain umstritten, da er auf der Basis Coco Solo, in der ", "context_right": " geboren wurde. Die New York Times und Blogger hatten daher die Frage aufgeworfen, ob McCain diese Voraussetzung erfülle. Mit dem Beschluss Nr. 511 bestätigte der Senat das Vorliegen dieser Voraussetzung.", "mention": "Panamakanalzone", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "498979"} {"context_title": "Glenn Ford est décédé", "context_date": "31 août 2006", "context_left": " L'acteur canadien Glenn Ford est décédé le 30 août à Los Angeles, à l'âge de 90 ans à la suite de problèmes circulatoires cardiaques. L'acteur s'est fait remarquer dans de nombreux films comme dans Gilda, Superman ou dans ", "context_right": " entre autres. Sa dernière apparition au cinéma remonte à 1993 dans Tombstone.", "mention": "La Bataille de Midway", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "173034"} {"context_title": "Colin McRae feared dead in helicopter crash", "context_date": "September 16, 2007", "context_left": "David Richards and his wife survived a helicopter crash in Essex whilst returning from the Formula 1 ", "context_right": ", the day after Colin McRae's helicopter crash, who was his former employee.", "mention": "Belgian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "20992"} {"context_title": "Brasil golea a Haití por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "9 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Brasil goleó a Haiti en la segunda presentación por la ", "context_right": ". y Augusto en dos ocasiones, Jonas, Alves y Lucas Lima para Brasil y el descuento, en un gol anécdotico, lo logró James Marcelín. El partido se disputó en el Camping World, en Orlando.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Arkadiusz Milik może nie pojechać na mecz eliminacji Mistrzostw Świata w Piłce Nożnej 2022", "context_date": "18 marca 2021", "context_left": "Arkadiusz Milik może nie pojechać na mecz eliminacji do ", "context_right": " - poinformowały władze Ligue 1. Powodem trudna sytuacja pandemiczna na świecie.", "mention": "Mistrzostw Świata w Piłce Nożnej 2022", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "Перша українська віківідзнака", "context_date": "5 червня 2021", "context_left": "Вручення відзнаки та проведення Форуму ініціював Інститут Національного Розвитку. До складу журі, яке визначало лауреатів, окрім Миколи Кравченка (директора цього Інституту) входили також Олександр Алфьоров, координатор історико-меморіальної ініціативи «Пам'ять Нації», та Андрій Ромащенко, керівник ветеранського освітнього проєкту «Школа молодих лідерів ім. Аксьона і Хоми» (Школа названа на честь добровольців батальйону «Азов», загиблих в ", "context_right": " влітку 2014 р.).", "mention": "Іловайську", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "17627724"} {"context_title": "Record number of viewers watched McCain's acceptance speech", "context_date": "September 5, 2008", "context_left": "Thursday's audience was 41 percent larger than the fourth day of the ", "context_right": ", when 27.5 million people watched George W. Bush accept the nomination of his party for a second time.", "mention": "2004 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "359662"} {"context_title": "No oil spillage after platform explodes in the Gulf of Mexico", "context_date": "September 2, 2010", "context_left": "The explosion comes only four months after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig run by BP exploded in April, resulting in a massive ", "context_right": ". The platform is located about 200 miles west of the Deepwater incident.", "mention": "oil spill", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "4735638"} {"context_title": "Телевізійний сюжет про напад на Грузію призвів до паніки та скандалу", "context_date": "15 березня 2010", "context_left": "Репортаж грузинської телекомпанії «Імеді», що містив моделювання можливого вторгнення Росії до Грузії схожого на ", "context_right": " викликав паніку серед населення, протести грузинської опозиції та осуд світової спільноти. ", "mention": "війну 2008 року", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "В Лондоне завершились летние Паралимпийские игры 2012 года", "context_date": "10 сентября 2012", "context_left": "«Фестивалем огней» завершились в Лондоне ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "летние Паралимпийские игры 2012 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Chile es semifinalista de la Copa América Centenario, goleando a México 7-0", "context_date": "19 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Chile es semifinalista de la ", "context_right": ", metiéndole siete goles a México en el Levis Stadium de Santa Clara. Eduardo Vargas metió cuatro de los tantos, Edson Puch hizó doblete y Alexis Sánchez marcó el restante.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Kimi Räikkönen wins 2007 Brazilian Grand Prix and the 2007 Championship", "context_date": "October 21, 2007", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Kimi Räikkönen wins the FIA Formula-1 2007 Grande Prêmio do Brasil at Autódromo José Carlos Pace, São Paulo, Brazil. \"Iceman\" smiled on the first place of the podium as the 2007 Championship in full went to his team. Finally, the highly controversial and enthralling 2007 season came to an unexpected close. It was Ferrari who catched the Constructors' championship at ", "context_right": " from McLaren team and now ended their drivers domination.", "mention": "Belgian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "20992"} {"context_title": "Скончался Ариэль Шарон", "context_date": "11 января 2014", "context_left": "Ариэль Шарон получил офицерское звание лишь в 1953 году, однако являлся ветераном всех войн, которые вёл Израиль: Войны за Независимость (1947—1949), ", "context_right": ", в Шестидневной войны (1967) и войны Судного дня (1973).", "mention": "операции «Кадеш» (1956—1957)", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "49101"} {"context_title": "Explorers find shipwreck thought to be massive WWII battleship Musashi", "context_date": "March 4, 2015", "context_left": "The wreck was discovered yesterday local time under a kilometre of water in the Sibuyan Sea, off the Filipino coast. Together with sister ship \"Yamato\" the \"Musashi\" fought in the ", "context_right": ", one of the war's biggest sea fights.", "mention": "Battle of Leyte Gulf", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "308999"} {"context_title": "Porkala udde fri för 50 år sen", "context_date": "26 januari 2006", "context_left": "Det är exakt 50 år sedan Sovjetunionen den 26 januari 1956 oväntat lämnade Porkala udde, som man i fredsslutet efter ", "context_right": " fått på arrende i 50 år. Detta uppmärksammades idag på många håll i Finland med högtidsfester, bland annat i Kyrkslätt och Esbo.", "mention": "Fortsättningskriget", "context_lang": "sv", "label_id": "122100"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2007 Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_date": "August 5, 2007", "context_left": "BMW Sauber driver Nick Heidfeld started second from the dirty side of the track allowing Kimi to pass him easily enough. German driver made a clear race upon the near finish where he was under heavy pressure from Alonso, but remained in his third place while Alonso himself jumped to the fourth from the 6th starting place. This became the second podium finish for Nick on Hungarian Grand Prix since ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2006", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "507730"} {"context_title": "Stoletý stíhací pluk v Buturlinovce oslavili, brzy ho i obnoví", "context_date": "13. červen 2014", "context_left": "Pluk, plným názvem 899. gardový útočný letecký pluk Oršanský Felixe Dzeržinského, dvojnásobný nositel Řádu rudého praporu a nositel Řádu Suvorova III. stupně, byl založen 18. června 1914. Jeho členové se zúčastnili bojů ve španělské občanské válce, ", "context_right": " v roce 1940, na východní frontě během Druhé světové války a později bojovali v dalších konfliktech, až po boje v Jižní Osetii v roce 2008.", "mention": "sovětsko-finské války", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "134949"} {"context_title": "Southern California hit by 5.1 earthquake", "context_date": "December 6, 2008", "context_left": "Recently, a magnitude 5.4 earthquake struck downtown Los Angeles, but caused no damage or injuries. The earthquake's epicenter was located near a golf course in an upscale community 3 km (2 miles) Southwest from Chino Hills, or 47 km (29 miles) East, Southeast of Los Angeles (). The most recent damaging quake to hit Southern California was the January 17, ", "context_right": " in Reseda. That quake had a magnitude of 6.7, and killed 72 people and injured over 9,000.", "mention": "1994 Northridge quake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1519015"} {"context_title": "US presidential candidate John McCain now leads slightly in the polls", "context_date": "September 9, 2008", "context_left": "After McCain chose Palin, the current Governor of Alaska, as his vice presidential candidate and the ", "context_right": ", a \"Gallup poll\" had shown that the percentage of Republicans who are enthusiastic about voting has increased by 18%. The Democrats enthusiasm has only increased by 10% since the addition of Joe Biden to the nomination ticket and after the Democratic National Convention. ", "mention": "Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Россия выиграла чемпионат мира по бенди", "context_date": "3 февраля 2013", "context_left": "Сборная России по хоккею с мячом завоевала титул чемпионов мира на завершившемся в шведском Венерсборге ", "context_right": " по хоккею с мячом. В финальном матче наша команда в упорной борьбе переиграла команду Швеции со счетом 4:3 (2:1).", "mention": "33-м чемпионате мира", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "2358266"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, July 2016", "context_date": "August 23, 2016", "context_left": "As the ", "context_right": " began in Cleveland, Ohio, Trump trailed Clinton in the July 18 Real Clear Politics average 40.6% to 43.8%. Although Ohio was hosting the convention, the state's delegates were not placed in the front as is tradition. This was believed to be punishment for Governor Kasich's refusal to endorse Trump or attend the convention. Manafort called Kasich's absence a \"big mistake\" and \"embarrassing [to] his state.\" With the release of the lineup of speakers showing many members of Trump's family, former RNC chairman Michael Steele called the convention \"a [Trump] family affair.\"", "mention": "GOP convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16156282"} {"context_title": "Britischer Außenminister Miliband empört über „Mossad-Affäre“", "context_date": "19.02.2010", "context_left": "Mabhuh war am 20. Januar in einem Luxushotel in Dubai tot aufgefunden worden. Er war ein hochrangiger Anführer der Qassam-Brigaden, dem militärischen Arm der Hamas. Mabhuh soll nach israelischen Angaben 1989 während der ", "context_right": " die Entführung und Ermordung von zwei israelischen Soldaten organisiert haben. Außerdem sei Mabhuh einer der Hauptorganisatoren des Waffenschmuggels in den Gazastreifen gewesen.", "mention": "Ersten Intifada", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "49105"} {"context_title": "Iranian International Master Dorsa Derakhshani discusses her chess career with Wikinews", "context_date": "April 14, 2020", "context_left": " I am looking forward to participating in them; I haven't represented any country because I didn't want to represent Iran, previously, and I did tell you that I was there working as press in 2016, ", "context_right": ". But I refused to participate for Iranian Federation. But I hope that some day I will be able to represent US in Olympiads.", "mention": "Baku Olympiad", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2109886"} {"context_title": "அணு உலைகளை முற்றாக மூடிவிட செருமனி முடிவு", "context_date": "மே 30, 2011", "context_left": "சப்பானில் சென்ற மார்ச் மாதத்தில் இடம்பெற்ற ", "context_right": " அடுத்து புக்குசீமா அணு உலை விபத்துக்குள்ளானது. இவ்விபத்தை அடுத்து உலகெங்கும் அணு உலைகளைப் பயன்படுத்தும் நாடுகள் தமது அணு உலைகளின் பாதுகாப்புக் குறித்து விளிப்படைந்தன. செருமனியின் அரசுத்தலைவர் அங்கிலா மெர்க்கெல் நாட்டின் அணு உலைகள் குறித்து ஆராய்வதற்காக உயர் மட்டக் குழு ஒன்றை நியமித்திருந்தார்.", "mention": "நிலநடுக்கத்தை", "context_lang": "ta", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "United States Senator Lieberman to speak at Republican party convention", "context_date": "August 20, 2008", "context_left": "United States (U.S.) Senator Joe Lieberman is scheduled to speak at the ", "context_right": ", according to a member of the McCain campaign who wishes to remain anonymous. Lieberman, who was the Democratic vice presidential candidate in the 2000 presidential election, has been one of Republican party candidate, John McCain's, staunchest supporters. ", "mention": "Republican party convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "European Union to reduce carbon emissions by 55% of 1990 levels by 2030", "context_date": "April 23, 2021", "context_left": "A September 2020 press release by the European Commission (EC) promised \"[f]ollowing broad public consultation and thorough impact assessments, the Commission will come forward with the corresponding legislative proposals by June 2021\", including, according to the BBC News a limit on CO2 removal that counts toward the target, encouraging member states to actually reduce carbon emissions instead of merely removing them. \"Adopting the new target in time would allow the EU to communicate its higher ambition to international partners well ahead of the ", "context_right": " in Glasgow and set the bar for others to follow\", the press release read.", "mention": "2021 UN Climate Conference (COP26)", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "68580968"} {"context_title": "Grote klimaatdemonstraties in Europese steden voorafgaand aan top", "context_date": "2 december 2018", "context_left": "In aanloop naar de ", "context_right": " die vandaag begint in de Poolse stad Katowice, zijn dit weekend in diverse grote steden in en vele tienduizenden betogers op de been om te protesteren tegen de wereldwijde opwarming. Gisteren demonstreerden in totaal 36.000 mensen in en tegen met name het stoken met steen- en bruinkool. Vandaag waren er in zelfs nog meer betogers op de been, ca. 65.000. ", "mention": "24e VN-klimaattop", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "27887990"} {"context_title": "US candidate Barack Obama announces Joe Biden as his running mate via text message", "context_date": "August 23, 2008", "context_left": "Republican candidate John McCain of Arizona has not yet announced who his running mate will be. The ", "context_right": " begins September 1, 2008 in Saint Paul, Minnesota.", "mention": "2008 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Londense burgemeester wil Trump niet ontvangen", "context_date": "6 juni 2017", "context_left": "Aanleiding hiervoor is een tweet die Trump verstuurde op de dag na de ", "context_right": ". Khan had gezegd dat er geen reden was om gealarmeerd te zijn. In de tweet van de Amerikaanse president stond als reactie: \"Minstens zeven doden en 48 gewonden bij een terreuraanslag en de burgemeester van Londen zegt dat er geen reden is om gealarmeerd te zijn\". Trump rukte hiermee Khans uitspraak geheel uit zijn verband, aangezien Khan specifiek had gedoeld op de extra politie die was ingezet.", "mention": "aanslagen in de stad van afgelopen weekend", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "30119692"} {"context_title": "Конгресмени туже Обаму због Либије", "context_date": "16. јун 2011.", "context_left": "(Beta-AFP) - Десет чланова Представничког дома америчког Конгреса из обе партије поднело је савезном суду тужбу против председника Барака Обаме због предузимања ", "context_right": " без одобрења Конгреса.", "mention": "војне акције у Либији", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "81545"} {"context_title": "Questions raised about McCain's choice of Palin, aides insist "thorough vetting" process", "context_date": "September 3, 2008", "context_left": "There is no sign that Palin's formal nomination this week at the ", "context_right": " was in jeopardy. The controversy adds anxiety to Republicans who are worried that Democrats would use the selection of Palin to question McCain's judgment. Republicans were quick to note that Palin has \"more executive experience\" in elected office than does Obama and have gone on the offensive.", "mention": "Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Man arrested in Mississippi over Internet assassination threats against Barack Obama", "context_date": "January 17, 2009", "context_left": "In August 2008, Obama was subject of another alleged assassination plot at the ", "context_right": " in Denver, Colorado. The three men, Tharin Robert Gartrell, 28, Shawn Robert Adolf, 34, and Nathan Dwayne Johnson, 33, were arrested after Gartrell was stopped by Aurora police near East Hampden Avenue and Parker Road. On December 16, Johnson pleaded guilty to one count of possession of a weapon by a prohibited person. He faces 10 to 37 months in prison when he is sentenced in federal court on March 20, 2009. The others accused are awaiting trial.", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "Estados Unidos golea a Costa Rica 4 a 0 por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "8 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Estados Unidos se recuperó de la derrota en el debut y partido inaugural de la ", "context_right": " derrotando por goleada a Costa Rica en el Solder Field de Chicago, la venció por cuatro goles contra cero, resultado que le da esperanzas de seguir avanzando en el certamen. Un penal a los siete minutos de iniciado el partido le permitió la rápida apertura del marcador, y cuando se terminaba el primer tiempo convirtió dos goles más. Climp Dempsey, Jermaine Jones, Bobby Wood y Graham Zusi fueron los goleadores.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Aardbeving voor oostkust Japan", "context_date": "14 februari 2021", "context_left": "De beving had een kracht van 7,1 of 7,3 op de schaal van Richter (berichten over de precieze sterkte spreken elkaar tegen). De beving gebeurde in hetzelfde gebied waar zich in 2011 de zeer zware ", "context_right": " voordeed, die een tsunami veroorzaakte waardoor er meer dan tienduizend doden vielen. Volgens de Japanse meteorologische dienst is de huidige beving nog een naschok hiervan. De kerncentrale Fukushima I raakte deze keer niet beschadigd, ook is er geen tsunamiwaarschuwing afgegeven. ", "mention": "zeebeving bij Sendai", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Zemřel Lou Reed", "context_date": "27. říjen 2013", "context_left": "Lou Reed několikrát koncertoval i v Česku. Byl osobním přítelem Václava Havla a zúčastnil se například 14. listopadu 2009 v Pražské křižovatce jím pořádaného výročního koncertu na oslavy 20. výročí ", "context_right": ". Naposledy zde vystoupil 4. července 2012 v pražském Divadle Archa.", "mention": "sametové revoluce", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "182817"} {"context_title": "L'Expo 2015 assegnato a Milano", "context_date": "31 marzo 2008", "context_left": "Sarà Milano ad ospitare l'", "context_right": ". La notizia è appena giunta da Parigi, sede del \"Bureau International des Expositions\", nel quale si è tenuta l'attesa votazione. I voti per Milano sono stati 86, quelli per la città turca di Smirne 65.", "mention": "Expo 2015", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "210022"} {"context_title": "Гражданские войны в арабском мире", "context_date": "26 февраля 2011", "context_left": "", "context_right": " разгорается, страна поделена на запад и восток. Сын Каддафи на стороне оппозиции. Кто будет после Ливии? Либо Йемен или Бахрейн. Эксперты подсчитывают ущерб. Есть подозрения того что организовала революции Аль-Каида. Неизвестно будeт ли страны Ближнего Востока умеренными исламскими странами как Турция или радикальными как Иран никто не знает. Но из Ливии хотят сделать «вторую Сомали». А Египет борцом против США. Тунис — центром революции в Европе. Это уже начало отражаться на Европе. Нефть, небольшие протесты — отражение Ближнего востока. Аль-Каида, кстати, уже попыталась захватить один ливийский город и даже объявила о создании эмирата.", "mention": "Революция в Ливии", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "81545"} {"context_title": "Ariel Sharón se debate entre la vida y la muerte", "context_date": "5 de enero de 2006", "context_left": "La inesperada condición de salud del primer ministro israelí sume a la región en la incertidumbre política, en un momento en que Sharón estaba logrando que la opinión europea tuviera una imagen más favorable de él, a raíz de su decisión de ", "context_right": " en la franja de Gaza y de haber abierto la frontera entre Egipto y Palestina.", "mention": "desmantelar los asentamientos judíos", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "196122"} {"context_title": "Barack Obama accepts US presidential nomination from the Democratic Party", "context_date": "August 30, 2008", "context_left": "Obama is the first African-American nominee for President by a major political party. The speech concluded the fourth and final night of the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2008 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel wins 2010 Japanese Grand Prix", "context_date": "October 10, 2010", "context_left": "Red Bull drivers Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber made a one-two finish from the front line of the starting grid of the Formula One ", "context_right": " at Suzuka Circuit, Japan.", "mention": "2010 Japanese Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172915"} {"context_title": "Puerto Rico power company cancels US$300 million Whitefish contract", "context_date": "October 30, 2017", "context_left": "At the request of Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló, the Puerto Rican Electric Power Authority (PREPA) yesterday announced it has cancelled a US$300 million contract with a Montana-based company called Whitefish Energy Holdings amid concerns it may have been awarded improperly and the prices may be unusually high. Whitefish was to have rebuilt parts of the United States commonwealth's energy infrastructure, which was recently destroyed when ", "context_right": " struck the island.", "mention": "Hurricane Maria", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "40178187"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail, June 2012", "context_date": "July 5, 2012", "context_left": "According to North Star Opinion Research strategist Dan Judy, the endorsement was simply Paul's \"way of supporting the Republican team and hoping to curry some favor with the Romney folks in hopes of getting his dad a speaking slot at the ", "context_right": "\". Though Judy held that the pick would help Romney with those concerned about Romney's conservatism such as the \"hard core Tea Party base\", he sees Paul's political inexperience, questionable appeal to political independents and moderates, and the lack of any geographic advantage for the ticket as reasons that the scenario has \"virtually no shot\".", "mention": "convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8462432"} {"context_title": "Россия и Грузия — грядут перемены?", "context_date": "7 октября 2012", "context_left": "Напомним, Грузия разорвала дипломатические отношения с Россией в результате ", "context_right": ". На сегодняшний день Россия оккупирует около 20 процентов территорий Грузии. В то же время российская сторона заявляет, что военные силы РФ легитимно находятся в отколовшихся регионах Грузии на основе договоренностей с властями Абхазии и Южной Осетии, которые РФ признает независимыми государствами.", "mention": "российско-грузинской войны в августе 2008 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "G8-Demonstranten offenbar unter menschenunwürdigen Bedingungen inhaftiert", "context_date": "14.06.2007", "context_left": " Die Polizeikräfte, die den ", "context_right": " absicherten, haben nach Medienberichten inhaftierte Demonstranten in „Käfigen“ zusammengepfercht und unter menschenunwürdigen Bedingungen festgehalten. Die Beleuchtung sei auch in der Nacht nicht ausgeschaltet worden, viele G8-Demonstranten hätten ohne Iso-Matte auf dem Boden schlafen müssen und seien ohne Unterlass durch Videokameras gefilmt worden. Weder habe die Polizei Decken ausgeteilt noch hätten die Inhaftierten die Möglichkeit gehabt, zu duschen. Unterdessen ist eine Klage wegen Freiheitsberaubung und Rechtsbeugung gegen die verantwortlichen Sicherheitskräfte anhängig. Der Republikanische Anwälteverein (RAV) klagt nun gegen die Justiz.", "mention": "G8-Gipfel rund um Heiligendamm", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "819346"} {"context_title": "12º aniversário da guerra russo-georgiana foi comemorado na Geórgia", "context_date": "8 de agosto de 2020", "context_left": "“A ", "context_right": " de 2008 tirou a vida de centenas de nossos cidadãos, incluindo civis. Perdemos nossos soldados heróis, territórios. Foram dias trágicos, após os quais permaneceram grandes dores e graves consequências. Jamais aceitaremos a ocupação”, escreveu o primeiro-ministro georgiano Giorgi Gakharia na rede social Facebook.", "mention": "Guerra Russo-Georgiana", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "US presidential candidate John McCain now leads slightly in the polls", "context_date": "September 9, 2008", "context_left": "Obama had a 6.0 percent lead in the \"Day to Day Politics Poll Average\" after the ", "context_right": ", but now is trailing after the Republican National Convention and the announcement of Sarah Palin as McCain's running mate. This is the first time McCain has led Obama in the poll average since the two candidates emerged as their party's presumptive nominees after the primaries. ", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "别斯兰惨案惟一生擒嫌犯恐怖罪行成立", "context_date": "2006年5月16日", "context_left": "在", "context_right": "中,惟一被生擒的嫌犯库拉耶夫,今日被判决恐怖主义绑架、谋杀等多项罪名成立。俄罗斯南部北奥塞提亚共和国法院今日宣布了这一判决。", "mention": "别斯兰人质惨案", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "193733"} {"context_title": "118. rocznica śmierci pisarza i dramaturga Ignacego Maciejowskiego", "context_date": "22 września 2019", "context_left": "Ignacy Sewer Maciejowski urodził się 27 lipca 1835 roku w Kobiernikach położonych na terenach zaboru austriackiego. Jego życie i działalność przypadły na trzy epoki literackie romantyzm, pozytywizm oraz Młodą Polskę. W młodości uczestniczył w ", "context_right": " m.in. pełnił funkcję komisarza województwa sandomierskiego. Po powstaniu początkowo początkowo więziony przez władze austriackie, następnie przebywał na emigracji w Anglii, skąd pisał do polskich gazet i czasopism pod pseudonimem „Sewer”. Po powrocie do kraju, po nieudanej próbie, jakbyśmy to określili obecnie, podjęcia działalności gospodarczej poświęcił się działalności literackiej. W 1893 roku udało mu się na stałe przenieść do Krakowa. W Krakowie był jedną z najistotniejszych postaci w świecie literackim, wraz z żoną Marią z domu Schwarzburg-Günther prowadził otwarty dom o charakterze salonu literackiego. W 1901 roku po jego śmierci nekrologi ukazały się w nieomal wszystkich najważniejszych czasopismach Krakowa, Lwowa i Warszawy, oraz w rekordowym tempie została wydana księga pamiątkowa, jednakże w ciągu kilku lat został praktycznie zapomniany. ", "mention": "powstaniu styczniowym", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "473670"} {"context_title": "Американци се повлаче из акција у Либији", "context_date": "1. април 2011.", "context_left": ", (Beta-AP) - Сједињење Америчке Државе ће до суботе повући своје ратне авионе из ", "context_right": " у Либији, којим сада руководи НАТО, најављено је у петак из Пентагона.", "mention": "ваздушних операција", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "81545"} {"context_title": "Las encuestas auguran un resultado ajustado en el referéndum de Escocia", "context_date": "14 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Las encuestas sobre intención de voto del próximo ", "context_right": " predicen un resultado estrecho. Ambos bandos, independentistas y unionistas, ultiman los esfuerzos antes de que se celebre la votación el jueves, al mismo tiempo que cuatro encuestas publicadas este fin de semana dan la victoria al no; sin embargo, en todos los casos por un pequeño margen.", "mention": "referéndum sobre la independencia de Escocia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "Bøkko tok sølv i allround-VM", "context_date": "10. februar 2008", "context_left": "<onlyinclude>Håvard Bøkko tok sølv under ", "context_right": " i Berlin i helgen, etter å ha gått en forrykende 10.000 meter.<onlyinclude>", "mention": "allround-VM på skøyter", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "663325"} {"context_title": "United States wins CONCACAF Gold Cup", "context_date": "June 25, 2007", "context_left": "The United States men's soccer team have won the ", "context_right": " by defeating Mexico 2-1 at Soldier Field in Chicago.", "mention": "2007 CONCACAF Gold Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "753115"} {"context_title": "Себастьян Феттель выиграл Гран-при Малайзии", "context_date": "4 апреля 2010", "context_left": "Победа в ", "context_right": ", прошедшем в эти выходные на международном автодроме Сепанг, досталась Себастьяну Феттелю. Другой пилот команды «Ред Булл», Марк Веббер, финишировал вторым, принеся команде дубль. Третьим к финишу пришёл Нико Росберг.", "mention": "Гран-при Малайзии", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "172938"} {"context_title": "Chinese chef Peng Chang-kuei's death announced", "context_date": "December 3, 2016", "context_left": "Peng conceived the famed dish, which is unknown in China, as unfried. Garlic and soy sauce provided flavour, as did chillies. Today the chicken is served across the US as fried chicken in a sweet, sticky sauce. The chillies remain, with broccoli also appearing. Peng named it after Zuo Zongtang from his native Hunan Province; Zongtang assisted in suppressing the 19th-century ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Taiping Rebellion", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "192408"} {"context_title": "Jenson Button wins 2006 Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_date": "August 6, 2006", "context_left": "A rainy weekend turned out to be a great show for the spectators of the 13th round of the FIA Formula-1 championship. The ", "context_right": " held on Hungaroring, Budapest provided an entertaining race with a few upsets.", "mention": "Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "507730"} {"context_title": "Petition fordert Auszeichnung für Timor-Leste", "context_date": "06.11.2009", "context_left": "Anfang August traten die Schwestern mit einem ungewöhnlichen Vorschlag an die australische Öffentlichkeit: Der Demokratischen Republik Timor-Leste soll der Honary Companion of the Order of Australia verliehen werden – als Dank für die Unterstützung der australischen Soldaten durch die Timoresen im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Trotz der Neutralität der damaligen Kolonie Portugiesisch-Timor geriet das Land damals in die Wirren des Pazifikkrieges. Vor allem australische Einheiten führten auf Timor einen Guerillakrieg gegen die Japaner, die die Insel 1942 besetzten. Viele Einheimische halfen den Australiern mit Lebensmittel und boten ihnen Unterschlupf, manche kämpften auch auf deren Seite in der sogenannten ", "context_right": " mit. Dadurch konnten wenige hundert australische Soldaten eine komplette japanische Division binden, die an anderen Kriegsschauplätzen fehlte. Folge waren Repressionen durch die japanischen Besatzer. Dazu kamen Zwangsarbeit, Zwangsprostitution und Internierungen, unter denen die timoresische Bevölkerung zu leiden hatte. Erst mit der japanischen Kapitulation 1945 endete die Besatzung. Insgesamt starben in dieser Zeit 40.000 Timoresen.", "mention": "Schlacht um Timor", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "1440764"} {"context_title": "Ankvab gana las elecciones presidenciales en Abjasia", "context_date": "28 de agosto de 2011", "context_left": "Por su parte en Occidente, la OTAN no reconoce este evento democrático al argumentar de que carece de válidez para la resolución de ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "los problemas entre Abjasia y Georgia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "У Либији погинуло 10.000 људи", "context_date": "19. април 2011.", "context_left": " (Beta-AFP) -У ", "context_right": " до сада је погинуло око 10.000 људи, а њих 55.000 је повређено, изјавио је у уторак у Риму италијански министар спољних послова Франко Фратини, након сусрета са шефом либијског Националног савета за транзицију Мустафом Абдел Џалилом.", "mention": "сукобима у Либији", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "81545"} {"context_title": "Госдеп поручил «восстановить демократию» в Венесуэле фигуранту «Иран-контрас»", "context_date": "26 января 2019", "context_left": "В 1982 году Абрамс прилагал усилия, чтобы скрыть резню в Мосоте — массовое убийство в ходе ", "context_right": ". Тогда, в декабре 1981 года батальон «Атлакатль» правительства Сальвадора, поддерживаемого США, устроил бойню в деревне Мосоте — бойцы насиловали женщин и девочек, резали детей, а затем расстреляли всех жителей.", "mention": "сальвадорской гражданской войны", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1783607"} {"context_title": "Корреспондент «Новой газеты» получила награду из рук Госсекретаря США", "context_date": "9 марта 2013", "context_left": "Журналистка-правозащитница известна своими работами над наиболее острыми темами, в том числе в «горячих точках». Можно выделить её сюжеты о нарушении прав человека на Северном Кавказе, расследование причин ", "context_right": ", расследование убийства в 2006 году её коллеги Анны Политковской.", "mention": "Бесланской трагедии", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "193733"} {"context_title": "Verlegung von Kriegsschiffen der Vereinigten Staaten nach Korea beginnt", "context_date": "09.04.2017", "context_left": "Donald Trump, Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten, kündigte an, die USA werde notfalls im Alleingang militärisch ohne die Einwilligung von der Volksrepublik China gegen Nordkorea vorgehen, wenn diese weitere Raketentests durchführe. Die USA befürchten, Nordkorea sei in Zukunft in der Lage, atomare Raketen auf amerikanisches Festland abzuschießen. Nach einem ", "context_right": " kritisierte Nordkorea das Vorgehen der USA und kündigten an, das eigene Militär zu vergrößern. In Teilen Nordkoreas wird der Angriff der USA in Syrien als Bedrohung gesehen. Nordkorea geht davon aus, dass Südkorea und die Vereinigten Staaten einen gemeinsamen Angriff gegen Nordkorea vorbereiten. Dies wird von diesen Ländern bestritten.", "mention": "Militärschlag auf einen Luftwaffenstützpunkt der syrischen Armee", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "29197866"} {"context_title": "Viaggio umanitario del C.I.S.S. in Georgia", "context_date": "6 giugno 2009", "context_left": "La ONLUS Cooperazione Internazionale Solidarietà Sanitaria (C.I.S.S.) ha effettuato una missione umanitaria che li ha portati da Canelli (AT) a Tbilisi, capitale della Georgia. Lo scopo era di portare aiuti umanitari, ovvero coperte, stufette elettriche e materiale sanitario, ai campi profughi dell'Ossezia del Sud attualmente stanziatisi in Georgia dopo la ", "context_right": " con la Russia, che da allora occupa militarmente la regione.", "mention": "guerra dell'agosto scorso", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Italië wint Europees kampioenschap voetbal", "context_date": "12 juli 2021", "context_left": "Italië heeft het ", "context_right": " gewonnen. Na een strafschoppenserie wisten ze zondagavond in het Wembley-stadion in Londen te ", "mention": "Europees kampioenschap voetbal 2020", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "373501"} {"context_title": "France invokes emergency law in response to riots", "context_date": "November 9, 2005", "context_left": "The 1955 law invoked by the cabinet Tuesday morning will allow local officials throughout the country to impose curfews. In French terminology, the government invoked the law through a presidential \"décret\" (decree), which corresponds to an executive order in American terminology. The law originates from the ", "context_right": " and has never been used in Metropolitan France until now. Villepin said that more than 9,500 police have been called up to help bring the riots under control.", "mention": "Algerian War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "200790"} {"context_title": "Eurostadion krijgt geen milieuvergunning", "context_date": "9 juni 2017", "context_left": "Met het niet toekennen van de milieuvergunning loopt de bouw van het stadion opnieuw vertraging op. De overheid heeft vijf maanden de tijd om een uitspraak te formuleren op het beroep. Ghelamco verklaart dat het stadion alsnog af kan zijn in 2020. Dan zouden er enkele matches van ", "context_right": " worden gespeeld. ", "mention": "Euro 2020", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "373501"} {"context_title": "Vidmar nepovede americký olympijský tým do Londýna kvůli názorům na manželství homosexuálů", "context_date": "7. květen 2011", "context_left": "Jeho nominace a odhalené postoje vůči homosexuálům pobouřily řadu olympioniků. Mezi těmi, kteří vystoupili proti jeho účinkování v této funkci, byl například krasobruslař Johnny Weir. Kritiky se dočkal také od bývalé předsedkyně americké Nadace ženského sportu Aimee Mullinsové, která je jmenovaná do stejné funkce pro ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Letní paralympijské hry 2012", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "No bomb threat, hijacking of plane in China's Xinjiang region according to Afghan officials", "context_date": "August 9, 2009", "context_left": "The Xinjiang region was the scene of a ", "context_right": " by its Uyghur population last month.", "mention": "violent uprising", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "844505"} {"context_title": "German journalists detained in Qatar while investigating controversial 2022 FIFA World Cup hosting win", "context_date": "May 5, 2015", "context_left": "Qatar's controversial win of the 2022 World Cup hosting rights has been surrounded with claims of corruption among FIFA's leadership. FIFA held an investigation into the allegations relating to the 2018 and ", "context_right": " bids which found no major Qatari corruption, however the leader of the investigation, former US Attorney , later claimed FIFA whitewashed the investigation's findings.", "mention": "2022 World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "Habemus Papam!", "context_date": "19.04.2005", "context_left": "Vatikan (Vatikanstaat), 19.04.2005 – Rom jubelt: Um 17:55 Uhr MESZ stieg weißer Rauch aus dem Kamin der sixtinischen Kapelle. Ab 18:04 Uhr MESZ begannen die Glocken von St. Peter zu läuten. Die ", "context_right": " des Papstes war damit durch den Vatikan bestätigt worden. Hunderttausende Menschen warteten auf dem Petersplatz auf das Erscheinen des 265. Papstes.", "mention": "Wahl", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "666536"} {"context_title": "Россия реконструирует ТрансКАМ", "context_date": "5 сентября 2009", "context_left": "Прошло чуть более года после ", "context_right": " между Южной Осетией и Грузией и время показало, что Транскавказская автомагисталь по своим техническим параметрам уже не соответствует реалиям времени. Построенная ещё Советским Союзом (стройка закончилась в 1985 году), дорога и её инженерная инфраструктура физически устарела и её уже давно нужно было реконструировать, как мосты и тоннели, так и само полотно.", "mention": "военного конфликта", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Rusia vetará cualquier intervención de Occidente si ésta no respeta la autodeterminación de Siria", "context_date": "9 de octubre de 2011", "context_left": "Medveded criticó el viernes pasado las acciones de la OTAN por ", "context_right": " en la guerra civil de Libia al extralimitarse del mandato de la ONU, organismo por el cual solicitó Rusia no hacer una nueva aventura militar con destino a Siria.", "mention": "haberse permitido que ésta se inmiscuyera", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "Osetia del Sur celebra elecciones parlamentarias", "context_date": "1 de junio de 2009", "context_left": "Estas son las primeras elecciones que se celebran desde la ", "context_right": ". Actualmente sólo Nicaragua y Rusia lo han reconocido oficialmente como un Estado independiente.", "mention": "guerra de Osetia del Sur con Georgia en agosto de 2008", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Soviet statue returns to Moscow", "context_date": "November 30, 2009", "context_left": "On Saturday, Worker and Kolkhoznitsa, a giant statue of Soviet times, was returned to a pedestal in Moscow, Russia. It was done after a long five-year restoration process since the monument was dismantled in 2003. The statue was initially expected to return in 2005, but when the ", "context_right": " was awarded to Shanghai instead of Moscow the restoration process was stalled due to a shortage of funds.", "mention": "Expo 2010", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "192452"} {"context_title": "Australia announces levy bill to offset cost of Queensland floods", "context_date": "January 27, 2011", "context_left": "The Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, has today announced a new bill into Parliament to assist in the ", "context_right": " recovery. The proposed levy will be a once-off tax, given only to those with an annual income of above A$50,000. ", "mention": "Queensland floods", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "837833"} {"context_title": "Panamá derrota Bolivia 2 a 1 por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "7 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "En el debut en la ", "context_right": ", Panamá le ganó ayer a Bolivia con dos goles de Blas Pérez, el descuento boliviano fue de Juan Arce. El encuentro fue en Orlando en el Estadio Cytrus Bowl.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Rischio squalifica per i calciatori del Genoa", "context_date": "24 aprile 2012", "context_left": "Ma per i calciatori del Genoa, in una situazione difficile visto che la squadra è a un solo punto dalla zona retrocessione quando mancano cinque partite alla fine del ", "context_right": ", arrivano notizie non positive: chi domenica si è tolto la maglia, assecondando la volontà degli ultras che hanno bloccato la partita per quasi un'ora quando la squadra era sotto di quattro gol contro il Siena, rischia una squalifica. Secondo le leggi dello sport, infatti, rimanere senza la maglia per volontà altrui può essere un reato. Gli \"007\" della FIGC hanno quindi rallentato le indagini sul calcioscommesse e hanno aperto un'inchiesta sugli eventi accaduti allo Stadio Luigi Ferraris. Il fatto contestato alla squadra è la violazione dell'articolo 1, ovvero «l'obbligo di lealtà sportiva, correttezza, probità». Le sanzioni possono andare da una multa fino a una squalifica (a tempo) per i tesserati, o a un'inibizione per il presidente Enrico Preziosi.", "mention": "campionato", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "240669"} {"context_title": "Encerra o leilão de objetos pessoais dos franceses, o falecido estilista Yves Saint Laurent e o empresário Pierre Bergé", "context_date": "26 de fevereiro de 2009", "context_left": "Durante a ", "context_right": ", em outubro de 1860, as tropas francesas e britânicas invadiram Pequim, depois da negativa da corte imperial chinês de autorizar a abertura de embaixadas como estabelecia o Tratado de Tianjin, assinado dois anos antes.", "mention": "Segunda Guerra do Ópio", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "418151"} {"context_title": "Парастос и комеморација Србима страдалим у акцији Олуја", "context_date": "4. август 2009.", "context_left": "Београд / Србија (Глас Америке) - У Хрватској се данас обележава и слави државни празник Дан победе и домовинске захвалности и Дан хрватских бранитеља. У Београду, служен је парастос и одржана је комеморација Србима страдалим у ", "context_right": ", која је започела на данашњи дан пре 14 година. Као симболички гест, избегли Срби из Хрватске окачили су кључеве својих станова у које не могу да се врате.", "mention": "акцији Олуја", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "769377"} {"context_title": "В Южной Осетии прошли траурные мероприятия в память жертв трагедии в Ередви", "context_date": "20 марта 2017", "context_left": "В период ", "context_right": " село Ередви находилось в зоне контроля Грузии.", "mention": "войны 2008 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Осуђени генерали, акција Олуја - злочиначки подухват", "context_date": "15. април 2011.", "context_left": " (Бета) - Хашки трибунал осудио је у петак хрватског генерала Анту Готовину на 24 године, а Младена Маркача на 18 затвора због злочина над спрским становништвом Книнске крајине током и после ", "context_right": " године.", "mention": "операције Олуја 1995.", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "769377"} {"context_title": "Kimi Räikkönen on the pole of 2006 Italian Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 9, 2006", "context_left": "Kimi Räikkönen won the qualification on the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " on the Autodromo Nazionale Monza racing track. Michael Schumacher, who will declare his future in Formula-1 on Sunday after the race, came second. BMW Sauber's Nick Heidfeld placed third, one of his best results so far. ", "mention": "Italian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "221461"} {"context_title": "Polska nie zagra z Rosją w ramach baraży o udział w Mistrzostwach Świata w Piłce Nożnej 2022", "context_date": "26 lutego 2022", "context_left": "Prezes Polskiego Związku Piłki Nożnej Cezary Kulesza poinformował 26 lutego 2022 na Twitterze, że reprezentacja Polski nie rozegra meczu barażowego przeciwko Rosji o udział w ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Mistrzostwach Świata w Piłce Nożnej 2022", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "Businessman Álvaro Colom wins Guatemalan Presidency", "context_date": "November 5, 2007", "context_left": "Álvaro Colom Caballeros of the National Unity of Hope has assumed the title of President-Elect following the run off phase of the 2007 Guatemalan General Election, the second election since the end of the country's violent ", "context_right": ". Colom, runner up in the previous election, won the Presidency with 52.23% of the second round vote after having come in first with 28.23% in the first round, defeating runner up former General Otto Perez Molina of the Patriotic Partywho claimed 23.51% in the first round and 47.24 in the second.", "mention": "36 year civil war", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1282732"} {"context_title": "Miles de unionistas marchan contra la independencia de Escocia", "context_date": "13 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Este sábado, alrededor de 12 000 militantes de la Orden de Orange, un grupo unionista protestante de Irlanda del Norte y Escocia, marcharon en Edimburgo en contra de la independencia escocesa, es decir, salieron a las calles a defender el \"no\" en el ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "referéndum que Escocia celebrará el próximo 18 de septiembre", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "Скончался последний участник группы Дятлова Юрий Юдин", "context_date": "28 апреля 2013", "context_left": "В субботу, 27 апреля 2013 года в Соликамске после тяжёлой продолжительной болезни скончался Юрий Юдин, ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "единственный выживший в 1959 году участник похода Дятлова", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "814484"} {"context_title": "Perú derrota a Brasil por la mínima diferencia en la Copa América Centenario y lo elimina", "context_date": "13 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "En un resultado sorpresivo y con gol polémico por ser convertido con la mano, Perú eliminó a Brasil de la ", "context_right": ". El tanto de la polémica fue convertido por Raúl Ruidíaz. El estadio fue el Gillete de Foxborough, Massachusetts.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Marskin ritari satavuotias", "context_date": "10. helmikuuta 2008", "context_left": "", "context_right": " Onni Määttänen palveli 11. Rajajääkäripataljoonassa Ilomantsin suunnalla. Talvisodassa Määttänen haavoittui 13. joulukuuta 1939. Jatkosodan alkamisen jälkeen hänet melko pian ylennettiin vääpeliksi ja tuolloin hän toimi partionjohtajana osasto Kuismasessa.", "mention": "Talvisodassa", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "134949"} {"context_title": "Fear and loathing on the campaign trail, August 2008", "context_date": "September 4, 2008", "context_left": "August 2008 in the United States presidential election saw the emergence of two politicians selected to serve as their party's vice presidential nominees. The month was full of speculation as pundits argued on the merits of who they felt were the possible \"choices\" for the candidates. The ", "context_right": " was held and campaign activities increased until a looming storm caused Republicans to delay and reshuffle their convention.", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "Report claims that Pakistani cricket coach Bob Woolmer was poisoned", "context_date": "April 30, 2007", "context_left": "Pakistani cricket coach Bob Woolmer, who was found dead in his hotel room after the shock loss of the Pakistani cricket team to lowly-ranked Ireland during the ", "context_right": ", was poisoned before being strangled, according to a TV report due to be broadcast on the BBC News programme \"Panorama\".", "mention": "Cricket World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1127675"} {"context_title": "Europese klimaatdoelstellingen voor Sint Eustatius geen probleem", "context_date": "4 november 2017", "context_left": "Terwijl het nieuwe Kabinet-Rutte III alle zeilen bijstelt om de ", "context_right": " te halen, zal deze maand voor het eerst alle elektriciteit voor overdag uit zonne-energie halen. Voorwaarde is wel dat de zon schijnt, maar dat is op het eiland meestal het geval. Voor tijden dat er te weinig zonne-energie wordt opgewekt, worden er dieselaggregaten gebruikt.", "mention": "klimaatdoelstellingen van Parijs", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "15715792"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews U.S. Libertarian Party potential presidential candidate R.J. Harris", "context_date": "June 17, 2011", "context_left": "\"In every stage of these Oppressions we have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble Terms [by begging for the cessation of: bailouts (TARP), social welfares (Obama Care), undeclared foreign Wars (Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq and ", "context_right": "), taxation without representation and the devaluation of our Wealth (deficit spending and the over-printing of a declining and unconstitutional paper currency), the theft and destruction of our Property (Eminent Domain) along with the killing and incarceration of our People (the Civil War on Drugs), the sexual assault of our Women and Children in the name of security (TSA), the gross infringements of our Privacy (the Patriot Act) ]: ", "mention": "Libya", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "Hamas und Al-Fatah bilden Regierung der Nationalen Einheit", "context_date": "14.09.2006", "context_left": "Die Fatah ist eine 1959 von Jassir Arafat gegründete säkulare Bewegung und die stärkste Fraktion in der PLO. Auch die Fatah ist in mehrere Untergruppen gegliedert, von denen einige politisch, andere polizeilich und dritte terroristisch orientiert sind. Nach der ", "context_right": " trat Jassir Arafat deutlich für eine Verhandlungslösung im Konflikt mit Israel ein, die ihren Höhepunkt in den 1993 unterschriebenen Friedensverträgen von Oslo und der Gründung der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde fand.", "mention": "ersten Intifada", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "49105"} {"context_title": "Space Shuttle Endeavour to return to Earth on Tuesday", "context_date": "August 21, 2007", "context_left": "The shuttle will pass above ", "context_right": " on the approach to Florida, but the shuttle will be too high to be affected. The threat of Dean heading toward Texas earlier last week prompted NASA to cut the mission a few days short in the case that Dean tracked north toward Houston's Mission Control Center, potentially disabling operations.", "mention": "Hurricane Dean", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "695842"} {"context_title": "Chip Ganassi makes American motor sports history", "context_date": "July 27, 2010", "context_left": "NASCAR and Indy team owners Chip Ganassi and Felix Sabates became the first team owners in history to sweep the three top races in American motor sports. In February, NASCAR driver Jamie McMurray took the checkered flag at the Daytona 500 followed by Scottish driver Dario Franchitti's win in the Indy open wheel series at the ", "context_right": " in May. Jamie McMurray helped make it a clean sweep when over the weekend he again took the top spot (and his second win of the season) by winning the Brickyard 400, also held at the Indianapolis Motor speedway.", "mention": "Indianapolis 500", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "780010"} {"context_title": "Benedetto XVI annuncia il suo ritiro dal pontificato", "context_date": "11 febbraio 2013", "context_left": "A seguito della morte proprio di Giovanni Paolo II si era tenuto il ", "context_right": ": nel pomeriggio del secondo giorno, il 19 aprile 2005, al quarto scrutinio, Ratzinger venne eletto pontefice. Alle 17:56 venne dato l'annuncio con la tradizionale fumata bianca del comignolo della Cappella Sistina. Dopo la sua elezione, Ratzinger scelse il nome di papa \"Benedetto XVI\".", "mention": "conclave del 2005", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "666536"} {"context_title": "Francia cuestiona el compromiso de Rusia en el alto el fuego con Georgia", "context_date": "10 de octubre de 2008", "context_left": "En agosto, las la Federación Rusa se unió a la ", "context_right": " para apoyar a los surosetios respuesta a la movilización de tropas georgianas para tomar control de la región. Rusia también había movilizado tropas a Abjasia y a las áreas cercanas. Estas zonas de transición fueron desocupadas esta semana en virtud del llamado acuerdo \"Medvédev - Sarkozy\" (los presidentes de Rusia y Francia respectivamente), y hoy Rusia terminaría completamente su retirada de Georgia.", "mention": "Guerra de Osetia del Sur de 2008", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, July 2016", "context_date": "August 23, 2016", "context_left": "On the opening day, on the floor of the convention at Quicken Loans Arena, anti-Trump delegates unsuccessfully attempted to force a roll call vote on the convention rules. Protests outside were relatively minor with only 24 arrests throughout the entire convention. During the convention speeches, delegates frequently chanted \"Lock her up!\" in reference to Hillary Clinton. Patricia Smith, mother of diplomat Sean Smith who died in the 2012 Benghazi attack, blamed Clinton for her son's death and exclaimed, \"Hillary belongs in prison. She deserves to be in stripes.\" In his speech, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani commented Clinton \"would go to jail\" if he were allowed to prosecute her. In the prime-time opening-night speech, Trump's wife Melania delivered a speech that initially received acclaim. However, this changed once the media pointed out some lines were nearly identical to those from the speech of First Lady Michelle Obama at the ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "2008 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "Venezuela derrota a Uruguay por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "10 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Venezuela sorprende a todos los aficionados en esta ", "context_right": ", al pasar por primera vez en la historia del torneo a la segunda rueda. Fue en el Rose Bowl de Pasadena, California. El triunfo fue ante Uruguay por la mínima diferencia, y Salomón Rondón el autor del tanto en el minuto 37.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "«Бавария» впервые завоевала Суперкубок УЕФА", "context_date": "31 августа 2013", "context_left": "", "context_right": " прошёл 30 августа 2013 года в 20:45 по центральноевропейскому летнему времени в Праге на стадионе «Эден Арена» (\"на верхней илл.\"). Встречу обслуживал шведский арбитр Юнас Эрикссон.", "mention": "Матч", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "603975"} {"context_title": "Жертвы терактов в Беслане и на Дубровке требуют присвоить им особый статус", "context_date": "26 января 2011", "context_left": "Пострадавшие во время жестоких терактов настаивают на разработке и принятии властями специального закона, который бы устанавливал особые отношения этой категории граждан и государства. «Более 10 лет Россию потрясают теракты. Гибнут невинные люди. Тысячи людей ранены в терактах. К сожалению, после терактов государство ограничивается только выплатой единовременной компенсации. Однако государство не несёт ответственности за дальнейшую судьбу пострадавших в терактах, которые спустя годы по-прежнему нуждаются в медицинской помощи и реабилитации», — говорится в тексте заявления, размещённом на сайте организации «Голос Беслана», которая объединяет родственников погибших и раненных во время ", "context_right": ". К инициативе присоединились представители пострадавших при терактах в Волгодонске и театральном центре на Дубровке.", "mention": "захвата школы", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "193733"} {"context_title": "NENT si aggiudica i diritti di Euro 2020 in Danimarca", "context_date": "18 settembre 2018", "context_left": "Il gruppo \"Nordic Entertainment Group\" (NENT) si è aggiudicato i diritti esclusivi per il territorio danese delle 51 partite dei campionati dei ", "context_right": ", che si terranno in varie città d'Europa nel 2020, e le trasmetterà nel proprio servizio in streaming \"Viaplay\"; una parte di esse sarà trasmessa, tramite sotto-licenza, da DR, l'ente radio-televisivo di Stato danese, comprese quelle della locale nazionale se si qualificherà.", "mention": "prossimi campionati europei di calcio maschile", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "373501"} {"context_title": "Colombia obtiene el tercer puesto de la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "27 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Colombia clasificó tercero en esta ", "context_right": " al derrotar al anfitrión, Estados Unidos por la mínima diferencia. El autor del gol en la Universidad de Phoenix en Glendale, Arizona fue Carlos Bacca en el minuto 31.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Fear and loathing on the campaign trail, August 2008", "context_date": "September 4, 2008", "context_left": "August 2008 in the United States presidential election saw the emergence of two politicians selected to serve as their party's vice presidential nominees. The month was full of speculation as pundits argued on the merits of who they felt were the possible \"choices\" for the candidates. The Democratic National Convention was held and campaign activities increased until a looming storm caused Republicans to delay and reshuffle their ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Svět smutní nad úmrtím Věry Čáslavské", "context_date": "31. srpen 2016", "context_left": "Věra Čáslavská vyhrála na olympijských hrách v Tokiu a Mexiku v letech 1964 a 1968 celkem sedm zlatých medailí. Čtyřikrát byla mistryní světa a jedenáctkrát mistryní Evropy. V následujících letech ale byla odstavena komunistickým režimem kvůli podpisu výzvy \"Dva tisíce slov\" a vrátila se až po ", "context_right": ", kdy se stala jednou z nejbližších spolupracovnic Václava Havla. Znovu se stáhla do ústraní po rodinné tragédii, v posledních letech se ale navzdory boji s rakovinou znovu", "mention": "Sametové revoluci", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "182817"} {"context_title": "美國參議員盧比奧指香港人對普選合法訴求仍未實現", "context_date": "2017年3月30日", "context_left": "盧比奧在聲明當中說:「中華人民共和國政府明顯干預這次行政長官選舉,是香港長期以來自主權不斷萎縮的另一個明顯的例子。 特別是選舉結果宣布後幾個小時, 幾名香港", "context_right": "領袖正在面臨香港政府對參與民主運動抗議者的新一輪指控。 候任香港行政長官林鄭月娥有責任為符合香港人民的民主願望,需要推動在2014年『雨傘運動』的願景而邁向有意義的步伐,因為嚮往民主的願景在今天仍然非常活躍。」", "mention": "雨傘運動", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "18145420"} {"context_title": "Qatar becomes first Arab country to fly fighter jets over Libya", "context_date": "March 26, 2011", "context_left": "France, the United Kingdom and the United States are among thirteen states which have so far joined the no-fly mission over Libya. The ", "context_right": " was established by the UN Security Council on March 17.", "mention": "no-fly zone over Libya", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "Rússia sediará a Copa do Mundo FIFA 2018 e Catar, a de 2022", "context_date": "3 de dezembro de 2010", "context_left": " e , dois países tidos como sem tradição no futebol, irão sediar as próximas edições da de . A Rússia ganhou o direito de sediar a e o Catar sediará o torneio em ", "context_right": ". Será a primeira vez que a copa se realizará no e no , assim como num país árabe.", "mention": "2022", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "2018년과 2022년 FIFA 월드컵 개최지로 러시아와 카타르를 선정", "context_date": "2010년 12월 3일", "context_left": "스위스 취리히에서 열린 집행위원회에서 FIFA는 2018년 FIFA 월드컵을 러시아에서, ", "context_right": "은 카타르에서 개최하기로 발표하였다. 두 대회를 한 집행위원회에서 한꺼번에 결정하는 것은 이번이 처음이며, 두 나라 모두 FIFA 월드컵 유치가 이번이 처음이다.", "mention": "2022년 FIFA 월드컵", "context_lang": "ko", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "Israel sigue atacando y Hamas convoca operaciones suicidas", "context_date": "28 de diciembre de 2008", "context_left": "Según informa la cadena Al Jazeera, el último ataque suicida del grupo musulmán contra Israel ocurrió en 2005. Hasta ahora, hubo dos intifadas. La ", "context_right": " fue en 1987 y terminó en 1993, con el acuerdo de Oslo. La Segunda Intifada, de 2000, finalizó en 2005.", "mention": "Primera Intifada", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "49105"} {"context_title": "Georgian defense ministry announces return of military units from Afghanistan", "context_date": "July 1, 2021", "context_left": "Over 20 thousand Georgian servicemen had participated in international missions in Afghanistan since 2004. They served as a part of the 107 rotations at various levels like International Security Assistance Force and ", "context_right": ". , the statement said.", "mention": "Resolute Support Mission", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "18651204"} {"context_title": "Erdoğan, Büyükelçiler Konferansı'nda açıklamalarda bulundu", "context_date": "2010/01/08", "context_left": "Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan \"İkinci Büyükelçiler Konferansı\"'nda açıklamalarda bulundu. Erdoğan, 2009 yılındaki Davos'taki Dünya Ekonomik Forumu'nda İsrail Cumhurbaşkanı Peres ile yaptığı tartışmayla ilgili olarak ise \"Tavrımız eksen kayması değil, insani olanın, samimi olanın, vicdani olanın tezahür etmesi...\" diye konuştu. Erdoğan, sadece bu durumu \"Gazze'de yapmadığını, Gürcistan'daki ", "context_right": ", Bosna-Hersek'de Darfur'da da aynı tutumu sergilediğini\" belirtti. Mısır'daki yardım konvoylarının Gazze'ye geçişi ile ilgili olarak da \"Gazze'ye yardım ulaştırılmasana izin verilmiyor.\" diyerek değindi. Ayrıca Erdoğan, ABD'deki Yahudi kesimin \"Terör örgütüne ev mi yapalım\" dediğini iddia etti. Türkiye Başbakanı, Türk basını arasında \"Demokratik Açılım\" anılan süreçten ve Kuzey Irak'taki gelişmelerden de bahsetti.", "mention": "savaştada", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Fernando Alonso takes pole at 2009 Hungarian Grand Prix, Felipe Massa badly injured", "context_date": "July 25, 2009", "context_left": "Renault driver Fernando Alonso takes pole in a qualification session on Saturday for tomorrow's ", "context_right": " ING Magyar Nagydij at Hungaroring, Budapest, Hungary.", "mention": "2009", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172010"} {"context_title": "70. годишњица антифашистичког пуча 27. марта 1941.", "context_date": "27. март 2011.", "context_left": "Промена власти у Београду практично је значила улазак Југославије у Други светски рат. Хитлерова нацистичка Немачка је већ ", "context_right": ", чиме је почела напад на Југославију, у коме су учествовале и снаге Италије, Мађарске и Бугарске.", "mention": "6. априла бомбардовала Београд", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "472100"} {"context_title": "Czechs and Slovaks celebrate twenty years since Velvet Revolution", "context_date": "November 18, 2009", "context_left": "Czechs and Slovaks yesterday celebrated the twenty-year anniversary of the so-called \"", "context_right": "\", which brought down the then Czechoslovakian Communist regime, with thousands re-enacting the demonstration that followed the fall of the Berlin Wall, and elections in Poland and Hungary.", "mention": "Velvet Revolution", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182817"} {"context_title": "Incalza resta in carcere dopo le dimissioni del ministro Lupi", "context_date": "26 marzo 2015", "context_left": "Lunedì il ministro Maurizio Lupi si era dimesso proprio in seguito alle pressioni politiche seguite alle indagini giudiziarie che hanno coinvolto il ministero da lui guidato, a causa delle tangenti pagate dagli imprenditori per corrompere i dirigenti statali responsabili delle grandi opere, cioè MOSE, ", "context_right": " e TAV.", "mention": "Expo", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "210022"} {"context_title": "Day two of Paralympic judo underway in London", "context_date": "August 31, 2012", "context_left": "London, England — The third session of judo featuring preliminary Single-elimination tournament|anchor=Nomenclature|round of sixteens in the men's and quarterfinals in the women's judo got underway today before a large crowd of spectators at London's ExCeL North Arena 2 at the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2012 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Rússia solicita à OTAN que esclareça as mortes de civis por bombardeios no conflito da Líbia", "context_date": "20 de dezembro de 2011", "context_left": "Vitaly Churkin, representante da Rússia na Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) disse na segunda-feira (19) que se leve uma rigorosa investigação sobre a morte indiscriminada de civis efeituados na ", "context_right": " da OTAN (ou NATO) na Líbia, denunciando ademais a parcialização de relatórios da organização militar atlântica:", "mention": "campanha intervenção", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "Ecuador le gana Haití 4-0 y clasifica en la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "13 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Ecuador necesitaba una diferencia de más de dos goles para clasificar en la ", "context_right": " y lo logró, le metió cuatro goles a Haití y después de 19 años pasó a cuartos de final de esta competencia. Enner Valencia, Jaime Ayoví, Christian Noboa y Antonio Valencia anotaron los goles de su equipo en el estadio Metlife en East Rutherford, Nueva Jersey.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "尼斯恐襲死傷眾 科技挺身助人", "context_date": "2016年7月15日", "context_left": "", "context_right": ",不少人擔心當地親友的安全,有社交網站提供協助,亦有用戶借助科技幫助他們。Facebook啟用「Safety Check」功能,詢問身處受恐襲地區的用戶是否安然無恙,並向用戶的親友通報。Twitter則有「#RechercheNice」、「#NiceFindPeople」等尋親標籤,用戶上載失聯者的個人資料,以便找尋親友下落;該網站也出現「#PortesOuvertesNice」標籤,讓需要棲身之所的人士與當地人聯絡。", "mention": "法國城市尼斯遭到恐怖襲擊", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "25893254"} {"context_title": "Experts raise serious questions over safety of U.S. oil industry and warn another spill may be 'unavoidable'", "context_date": "April 16, 2011", "context_left": "One year after the \"Deepwater Horizon\" disaster which caused the ", "context_right": " in the history of the petroleum industry and caused huge environmental damage in the Gulf of Mexico, experts have warned there are serious questions over the safety of deep water drilling as the United States government approves more exploration without improving safety measures.", "mention": "largest oil spill", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "4735638"} {"context_title": "2006 Commonwealth Games open in Melbourne", "context_date": "March 15, 2006", "context_left": "The ", "context_right": " were opened officially by Queen Elizabeth II tonight, in Melbourne, Australia in a two-and-a-half hour spectacular Opening Ceremony held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. About 80,000 spectators were in attendance, and hundreds of thousands lined the riverbank of the nearby Yarra River, watching as the Queen's baton made its way to the stadium. ", "mention": "XVIIIth Commonwealth Games", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "659207"} {"context_title": "Ahmadinejad amenaza a Israel desde Líbano", "context_date": "14 de octubre de 2010", "context_left": "Mahmud Ahmadinejad, presidente de Irán, amenazó a Israel con el vaticinio de la \"desaparición del sionismo\", en un acto masivo ocurrido en Bint Jbeil, Líbano. A ello Benjamín Netanyahu respondió irónicamente \"miren que ejército\", refiriéndose a las tropas israelitas que ganaron la ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Guerra árabe-israelí de 1948", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "49092"} {"context_title": "Российские сапёры разминируют 40 гектаров в Южной Осетии", "context_date": "16 апреля 2017", "context_left": "По данным пресс-службы МЧС, данные мероприятия являются вторым этапом плана по разминированию территории Южной Осетии. В 2016 году группой сапёров МЧС России было очищено от взрывоопасных предметов, оставшихся после ", "context_right": ", около 50 гектаров площади республики.", "mention": "боевых действий в 1991—2008 годах", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Expo 2015, la fame del pianeta al centro dell'attenzione", "context_date": "7 febbraio 2011", "context_left": "L'", "context_right": " archivia (nonostante le nubi ancora non diradate sulla questione dei terreni di Rho) la fase delle polemiche e dei contrasti e inizia ad affrontare il suo tema centrale: \"Nutrire il pianeta\". ", "mention": "Expo 2015", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "210022"} {"context_title": "Australia and Netherlands win 2014 Hockey World Cup", "context_date": "June 16, 2014", "context_left": "In field hockey at The Hague, Netherlands, Australia defeated the Netherlands to win the ", "context_right": " yesterday, and was defeated by the Netherlands in the 2014 Women's Hockey World Cup on Saturday. Never before have the same two countries played in both Hockey World Cup finals in a single year.", "mention": "2014 Men's Hockey World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "4630241"} {"context_title": "Paralympic swim world records tumble at Australian championships", "context_date": "March 24, 2012", "context_left": "Thirteen world records were broken by disability swimmers at this week's Australian Swimming Championships in Adelaide, which also acts as the national selection trials for the forthcoming London Olympics and ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Survivors gather to remember 1906 San Francisco quake", "context_date": "April 18, 2005", "context_left": "Monday marks the 99th anniversary of the \"", "context_right": "\" of 1906. Survivors are becoming harder to find, but about a half-dozen of them gathered at Lotta's Fountain for a wreath-laying ceremony. Lotta's Fountain was the spot used after the earthquake as a collection point for information about victims, both family and friends.", "mention": "Great San Francisco Earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "211386"} {"context_title": "Ураган «Сэнди», наводнение в Крымске и реакция властей", "context_date": "4 ноября 2012", "context_left": "Российская оппозиция не преминула воспользоваться возможностью сравнить оперативность действий служб США и России на примере ", "context_right": ", причем сравнение было сделано не в пользу отечественных спасателей. «Ничтожное количество погибших в США связано с тем же фактором, что и огромное количество погибших в Крымске.", "mention": "нынешнего бедствия и трагедии в Крымске", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1434437"} {"context_title": "Paška käväisi Suomessa", "context_date": "24. huhtikuuta 2008", "context_left": "Paška avasi tiistaina Helsingin yliopistossa ", "context_right": " käsittelevän valokuvanäyttelyn.", "mention": "Tšekkoslovakian vuoden 1968 tapahtumia", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "1773668"} {"context_title": "Публицист, блогер, просветитель Александр Майсурян", "context_date": "3 декабря 2018", "context_left": "Тот же самый «прогноз» мы получим, если обратимся к истории. Возьмите французскую Реставрацию, или английскую — чем они закончились? Обе закончились революциями, но уже не великими, а, так сказать, малыми: ", "context_right": " 1830 года во Франции и «славной революцией» в Англии. Которые отстранили от власти потерявших берега ретроградов. А вот когда это случится, сказать сложно. «Революцию нельзя учесть, революцию нельзя предсказать, она является сама собой», говорил Ленин.", "mention": "июльской революцией", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "214028"} {"context_title": "Tokom Oluje počinjeno 24 ratna zločina", "context_date": "25. април 2011.", "context_left": "(Beta) - Državno tužilaštvo Hrvatske (DORH) evidentiralo je da su tokom i neposredno posle akcije ", "context_right": " 1995. počinjena 24 ratna zločina u kojima je ubijeno 156 osoba, a za te zločine procesuirano je samo 10 bivših pripadnika hrvatske vojske i policije.", "mention": "„Oluja“", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "769377"} {"context_title": "„Endeavour“-Flug wegen Hurrican „Dean“ verkürzt", "context_date": "22.08.2007", "context_left": " Nicht nur irdische Touristen werden wegen ", "context_right": " von den Reiseveranstaltern evakuiert, auch die NASA holte ihre zur Internationalen Raumstation entsandten Astronauten und Gäste der Endeavour-Mission STS-118, etwa die Lehrerin Barbara Morgan, vorzeitig zurück nach Cape Canaveral. Insgesamt wurde der Flug um einen Tag gekürzt; auch der letzte von insgesamt vier Außeneinsätzen der Astronauten fand nur in verkürzter Form statt. Das Shuttle landete um 18:32 Uhr MESZ auf einer Landebahn des John F. Kennedy Space Centers (KSC).", "mention": "Hurrikan Dean", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "695842"} {"context_title": "Venezuela derrota a Jamaica por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "6 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "En el primer partido de ambas selecciones en la ", "context_right": ", Venezuela le ganó a Jamaica por la mínima diferencia. El partido se disputó en Chicago, en el Solder Field. El tanto lo anotó a los quince minutos Josef Martínez. El partido no tuvo demasiadas jugadas de importancia excepto el gol y la expulsión de Rodolf Austin a los 23 minutos.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Scott Dixon vence as 500 milhas de Indianápolis", "context_date": "26 de maio de 2008", "context_left": "O neozelandês venceu neste domingo a ", "context_right": " das , uma das provas mais tradicionais do automobilismo mundial. A segunda colocação ficou com o brasileiro , seguido pelo americano e do também brasileiro .", "mention": "92ª edição", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "173546"} {"context_title": "Policías detienen a 80 manifestantes en Hong Kong durante desalojo del distrito de Mong Kok", "context_date": "25 de octubre de 2014", "context_left": "La policía de Hong Kong detuvo esta mañana a 80 personas durante el desalojo parcial del distrito de Mong Kok, principal área de ", "context_right": ", lo que desencadenó enfrentamientos entre los manifestantes y la policía. Desde hace casi dos meses, el área estuvo ocupada por el movimiento Occupy Central with Love and Peace. Aproximadamente a las 15:00 hora local, las fuerzas policiales avanzaron por la calle Argyle, previamente despejada de barreras y otros objetos, momento en el que se produjo el arresto de las 80 personas.", "mention": "protesta prodemocracia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "18145420"} {"context_title": "Wheelchair curling enters third day at 2014 Winter Paralympics", "context_date": "March 10, 2014", "context_left": "Sweden's team has three team members who competed at the 2010 Games in Vancouver, Canada: Jalle Jungnell, Glenn Ikonen, and Patrik Kallin. 60 year old Jungnell has the team's most Paralympic experience, having competed at the 1988, 1992, and ", "context_right": " in wheelchair basketball, as well as competing at the 2006 and 2010 Winter Paralympics in wheelchair curling. Finnish born Ikonen had been suspended for six months following the Vancouver Games following a positive doping test. He claimed metroprolol was a drug he had been using for 4 or 5 years, and was unhappy that his doctor prescribed the blood pressure reducing drug because he would not have intentionally taken a banned substance. ", "mention": "1996 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "174397"} {"context_title": "Staffs for US presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama caught making questionable edits to Wikipedia", "context_date": "August 26, 2008", "context_left": "This discovery occurred at the beginning of the ", "context_right": " which began on Monday in Denver, Colorado where Obama is accepting his nomination for the presidential bid.", "mention": "2008 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "«Боржоми» разрешили вернуться на российский рынок", "context_date": "11 апреля 2013", "context_left": "Конфликт между двумя государствами достиг пика во время ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "войны в Южной Осетии 2008 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Australian wheelchair basketball player Tina McKenzie", "context_date": "January 3, 2014", "context_left": "On Saturday, \"Wikinews\" interviewed Tina McKenzie, a former member of the Australia women's national wheelchair basketball team, known as the Gliders. McKenzie, a silver and bronze Paralympic medalist in wheelchair basketball, retired from the game after the ", "context_right": " in London. \"Wikinews\" caught up with her in a cafe in the leafy Melbourne suburb of Preston. ", "mention": "2012 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Leonel Álvarez designado como director técnico de la selección colombiana de fútbol", "context_date": "8 de septiembre de 2011", "context_left": "Álvarez, quién conoce todo el proceso con la selección, fue una de las glorias futbolísticas, en el que participó como jugador en los tres últimos mundiales (1990, 1994 y 1998) y las torneos continentales de 1987 y ", "context_right": ". Como entrenador, ya antes dirigió al Deportivo Independiente Medellín, del cual quedó campeón en 2009. Su última labor fue de asistente técnico de la selección de mayores.", "mention": "1995", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "532089"} {"context_title": "Harlan Ellison sues CBS-Paramount, WGA over Star Trek royalties", "context_date": "March 19, 2009", "context_left": "Ellison's suit against the WGA West, meanwhile, is for the symbolic amount of one dollar. He asserts he is seeking \"a judicial determination as to whether the WGA is doing what its stated purpose has been since day-one! To fight and negotiate for him and other writers. To obtain misappropriated, withheld, hidden earnings, no matter how minuscule or difficult to retrieve – but HIS, nonetheless.\" Ellison took part in picketing during the ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1046794"} {"context_title": "Na poznańskiej Cytadeli inscenizacja bitwy o Poznań z 1945 roku", "context_date": "19 lutego 2012", "context_left": "Na poznańskiej Cytadeli w miejscu dawnego pruskiego Fortu Winiary została zorganizowana inscenizacja ", "context_right": " z 1945 roku. W inscenizacji wzięło udział około stu osób z grup rekonstrukcyjnych. Jednym z organizatorów jest pan Przemysław Maćkowiak, Prezes Zarządu Twierdza i Dawny Garnizon Poznań. W czasie rekonstrukcji zostały wykorzystane zabytkowe pojazdy mechaniczne, pirotechnika i broń palna. Jednak największą atrakcją był, w inscenizacji udział, czołgu T-34/85, który pojawi się na terenie Cytadeli pierwszy raz od 1945 roku. Wykorzystanie czołgu T-34/85 stało się możliwe dzięki wsparciu Komendanta CSWL płk. dypl. Zbigniewa Grzesiczaka i kustosza Muzeum Broni Pancernej CSWL mjr. Tomasza Ogrodniczuka. Przedstawienie ukaże, jak Niemcy przygotowywali się do obrony twierdzy Poznań, a także jak Festung Posen szturmowała Armia Czerwona.", "mention": "bitwy o Poznań", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "821041"} {"context_title": "Президент Грузии Георгий Маргвелашвили об отношениях с США, НАТО и российской угрозе", "context_date": "5 августа 2018", "context_left": "Спустя десять лет после ", "context_right": ", восстановление территориальной целостности Грузии остаётся одним из самых актуальных вопросов, которые волнуют население страны. Тбилисский корреспондент Русской службы «Голоса Америки» Нестан Чарквиани попросила президента Республики Грузия Георгия Маргвелашвили рассказать о том, что изменилось за прошедшие годы.", "mention": "российско-грузинской войны", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "В Мальмё завершился молодёжный чемпионат мира по хоккею", "context_date": "6 января 2014", "context_left": "В Мальмё (Швеция) завершился ", "context_right": ", который проходил с 26 декабря 2013 года по 5 января 2014 года.", "mention": "чемпионат мира по хоккею среди молодёжных команд", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "2328673"} {"context_title": "US presidential candidate Barack Obama's lead increases after Democratic National Convention", "context_date": "September 1, 2008", "context_left": "United States presidential candidate Barack Obama's lead in the polls has increased by 3.3% over John McCain since the ", "context_right": ". Last week, the two candidates were statistically tied. Now, Barack Obama is polling at 49.0% and John McCain is polling at 44.1%, a 4.9% lead, according to the latest \"Day to Day Politics Poll Average\". The margin of error for the poll average is at 0.93%. ", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "中国代表团痛失首金 孙扬受委屈赛后痛哭", "context_date": "2016年8月8日", "context_left": "在", "context_right": "决赛中,美国选手维珍尼亚·卓华舒雅以208.0环创奥运会决赛纪录夺得本届奥运会的首枚金牌,而杜丽则以207.0环夺得银牌,易思玲以185.4环屈居第三。而男子10米空气手枪比赛方面,越南41岁老将黄春荣以202.5环的决赛夺得越南奥运史上首枚金牌,中国选手庞伟以108.4环的成绩获得铜牌。", "mention": "女子10米空气步枪", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "26218171"} {"context_title": "Glasgow Climate Pact deal struck; nations to reduce coal usage", "context_date": "November 16, 2021", "context_left": "The ", "context_right": " (often abbreviated to COP26) has concluded with the signing of the Glasgow Climate Pact. The pact is the first ever deal struck to explicitly plan to reduce coal usage internationally. Coal accounts for around 40% of the world's annual greenhouse gas emissions and is the highest-emitting fossil fuel in terms of greenhouse gases.", "mention": "2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "68580968"} {"context_title": "Judo round of sixteen underway at London 2012 Summer Paralympics", "context_date": "August 31, 2012", "context_left": "London, England — The third session of judo featuring the Single-elimination tournament|anchor=Nomenclature|round of sixteen at London's ExCeL North Arena 2 got underway today at the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2012 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "EUA ficam atrás da China e Rússia no desenvolvimento de mísseis hipersônicos", "context_date": "12 de julho de 2020", "context_left": "Billingsley está tentando mediar a renovação do ", "context_right": ". Oficiais do governo indicaram que permitirão que o tratado expire se a China se recusar a participar das negociações e fechar um acordo trilateral, porque Pequim está agora expandindo rapidamente seu arsenal de mísseis balísticos e armas nucleares.", "mention": "novo tratado de armas", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "1889748"} {"context_title": "Скончался Эдуард Шеварднадзе", "context_date": "7 июля 2014", "context_left": "После ", "context_right": " выступил с осуждением действий армии.", "mention": "тбилисских событий апреля 1989 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1194400"} {"context_title": "Dutch Football Association appoints Ronald Koeman manager of men's national team", "context_date": "February 7, 2018", "context_left": "Featuring in 78 matches for the Dutch national team, Koeman won the Euro 1988. KNVB also appointed 49-year-old Nico-Jan Hoogma as the director. After signing the contract, Koeman tweeted, \"I am proud to finally announce that I am the new manager of the Dutch national team. Happy to be here and serve the country in our road to ", "context_right": "\".", "mention": "UEFA Euro 2020", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "373501"} {"context_title": "Русија тражи истрагу о цивилним жртвама у Либији", "context_date": "20. децембар 2011.", "context_left": "(Beta-AP) - Русија, која овог месеца председава Савету безбедности УН, позвала је у уторак рано ујутро НАТО да истражи случајеве погибија цивила од бомби које су авиони тог ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "војног савеза бацали у Либији", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "81545"} {"context_title": "Autoridades suizas detienen a altos cargos de la FIFA por corrupción", "context_date": "29 de mayo de 2015", "context_left": "Además, se investiga la próxima Copa América, que se celebrará en ", "context_right": " en 2016, la cual pudo haber sido utilizada como vehículo para la obtención de ganancias ilícitas por parte de varios directivos, según fuentes de la investigación.", "mention": "Estados Unidos", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Hamas ends truce with Israel", "context_date": "December 23, 2008", "context_left": "In the week leading up to the end of the truce, tens of thousands of Hamas supporters rallied in a Gaza City stadium to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the group's founding during the ", "context_right": ". Mahmoud Zahar, a senior Hamas official, commented that \"Hamas has gone from stone-throwing to guns and rockets, from a support base of a few thousand people to a backing of millions in Arab countries and around the world.\" During the rally a Hamas activist dressed as Gilad Shalit and begged for his life, asking to come home. \"I miss my mother and father,\" he said in Hebrew. The Israeli UN envoy, Professor Gabriela Shalev, decried the Hamas play mocking Gilad Shalit and voiced Israel's outrage.", "mention": "First Intifada", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "49105"} {"context_title": "Geórgia critica declaração do Ministério das Relações Exteriores da Rússia", "context_date": "17 de julho de 2020", "context_left": "Ao mesmo tempo, o Ministério das Relações Exteriores da Rússia questiona o papel dos Estados Unidos nas discussões de Genebra, convocadas após a ", "context_right": " de 2008, para resolver conflitos territoriais na Geórgia.", "mention": "Guerra Russo-Georgiana", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "2018・2022年のサッカーワールドカップの招致不正疑惑の調査報告書を提出", "context_date": "2014年9月30日", "context_left": "FIFA(国際サッカー連盟)は2014年9月5日付けをもって、2018年と", "context_right": "のサッカーワールドカップの招致不正疑惑の調査報告書をまとめ、倫理委員会の調査部門のトップのガルシア氏らが倫理委員会の審査部門に提出した。", "mention": "2022年", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel surpreende e vence o Grande Prêmio da Itália de Fórmula 1 de 2008", "context_date": "15 de setembro de 2008", "context_left": "O alemão , da , surpreendeu desde o treino classificatório para o ", "context_right": ", quando se tornou o mais jovem \"pole position\" da história da competição. Neste domingo, sob forte chuva, também fez história ao tornar-se no mais jovem vencedor de um GP.", "mention": "Grande Prêmio da Itália de 2008", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "179397"} {"context_title": "La selección de fútbol de Togo fue suspendida por dos años de la Copa África", "context_date": "30 de enero de 2010", "context_left": "El ", "context_right": " lo realizó un grupo separatista de Cabinda en la frontera entre la República del Congo y Cabinda, un enclave de Angola. Aunque el equipo quería continuar compitiendo para homenajear a los fallecidos, el gobierno les ordenó retirarse.", "mention": "ataque", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "472278"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail, September 2012", "context_date": "October 9, 2012", "context_left": "September opened with the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina. On the convention's first night, San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro delivered the keynote address, the first Hispanic-American to do so. He discussed the communitarian spirit of the United States and reflected on how his mother \"fought hard for civil rights so that instead of a mop, I could hold this microphone.\" The speech was compared to Barack Obama's keynote address at the ", "context_right": ", and garnered speculation that he would seek higher political office. First Lady Michelle Obama also spoke that night, discussing her husband on a personal level. On the second day, a ruckus ensued as Democrats moved to re-include \"God\" and support of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital in the party's official platform after removal of the items drew criticism leading up to the convention. That night, women's health advocate Sandra Fluke and Massachusetts U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren each spoke before former President Bill Clinton took the stage to deliver a lengthy, policy-filled speech. In it, Clinton defended Obama's economic policies, arguing that no previous president, including himself, could have fostered complete recovery this soon in the same economic climate. He concluded that the election was ultimately a choice between the \"winner-take-all, you're-on-your-own society\" of the Republicans and the \"we're-all-in-this-together society\" of Obama. On the final night, Vice president Joe Biden spoke before President Obama addressed the convention to officially accept the party's nomination. In his acceptance speech, Obama asked voters to allow his administration to \"finish what we started\", arguing \"it will take more than a few years for us to solve challenges that have built up over decades\" and Republicans offer only policies that have previously failed. ", "mention": "2004 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "359657"} {"context_title": "Розпочато 7-й Одеський міжнародний кінофестиваль", "context_date": "15 липня 2016", "context_left": "15 липня 2016 року відкрився 7-й Одеський міжнародний кінофестиваль. Прес-конференція з нагоди відкриття почалася з оголошення співчуття всім жертвам та постраждалим від ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "нічного теракту в Ніцці", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "25893254"} {"context_title": "Colombia derrota 2-0 a Estados Unidos en el partido inaugural de la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "4 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "En el partido inaugural de la ", "context_right": ", el anfitrión Estados Unidos no pudo terminar bien los festejos de la inauguración porque su rival en el primer partido, Colombia la derrotó por dos tantos contra cero.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Human remains in mass grave confirm Argentina secret death camp", "context_date": "December 12, 2008", "context_left": "During a seven-month search, the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (EAAF) on Tuesday, confirmed more than 10,000 charred human bone fragments were unearthed between February and September, in a pit at Pozo de Arana, a former La Plata, Argentina secret government detention center. The Arana prison or police station was used to torture prisoners during the so-called Argentina \"", "context_right": ",\" and was one of 300 used to interrogate Argentine prisoners.", "mention": "Dirty War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "75984"} {"context_title": "López Obrador asume la presidencia de México", "context_date": "1 de diciembre de 2018", "context_left": "Posteriormente intervinieron, hasta por diez minutos, legisladores en representación de los grupo parlamentario del Congreso. Raúl Bolaños Cacho Cué, del Partido Verde Ecologista de México, indicó que \"Es tiempo de actuar en unidad en beneficio del país. [...] Está en nuestras manos consolidar esta cuarta transformación\", esto último en referencia la cuarta transformación que promete López Obrador, un profundo cambio del país precedido por la ", "context_right": ", la Guerra de Reforma y la Independencia.", "mention": "Revolución", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "214426"} {"context_title": "Dean se convertirá en una "catastrófica" tormenta de Categoría 5", "context_date": "18 de agosto de 2007", "context_left": "El Centro Nacional de Huracanes en Miami ha dicho que el ", "context_right": " es \"extremadamente peligroso\", y dijo que la tormenta está ganando fuerzas y probablemente será un Huracán de Categoría 5. Los vientos de la tormenta están registrados en 150 mph, clasificándolo actualmente como un Huracán de Categoría 4. Un huracán de categoría 5 significa que los vientos son de más de 155 mph y tiene el potencial para causar daños \"catastróficos\".", "mention": "Huracán Dean", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "695842"} {"context_title": "Military presence increased in Melbourne for 2006 Commonwealth Games", "context_date": "February 8, 2006", "context_left": "Police Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon has warned of an increase in police and military activity in Melbourne, Australia, in preparation for the ", "context_right": ". Officials say a major security sweep of Melbourne is underway at the athletes' village.", "mention": "Commonwealth Games", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "659207"} {"context_title": "Stoletý stíhací pluk v Buturlinovce oslavili, brzy ho i obnoví", "context_date": "13. červen 2014", "context_left": "Pluk, plným názvem 899. gardový útočný letecký pluk Oršanský Felixe Dzeržinského, dvojnásobný nositel Řádu rudého praporu a nositel Řádu Suvorova III. stupně, byl založen 18. června 1914. Jeho členové se zúčastnili bojů ve španělské občanské válce, sovětsko-finské války v roce 1940, na východní frontě během Druhé světové války a později bojovali v dalších konfliktech, až po ", "context_right": " v roce 2008.", "mention": "boje v Jižní Osetii", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Acteur Roy Scheider (75) overleden", "context_date": "10 februari 2008", "context_left": "Hij deed ook 'serieuze' rollen, zoals die van de Argentijnse journalist en ", "context_right": "slachtoffer Jacobo Timerman in \"Jacobo Timerman: Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number\".", "mention": "junta", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "75984"} {"context_title": "El apoyo a la independencia de Escocia cae a días del referéndum", "context_date": "12 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Un nuevo sondeo publicado este viernes por YouGov reveló que nuevamente el \"no\" se impone en la intención de voto de los escoceses, que el día 18 de septiembre decidirán si se ", "context_right": ". La nueva encuesta señala que los unionistas superan por cuatro puntos porcentuales a los separatistas, es decir, un 52% de los votantes dijo \"no\" ante el 48% que quiere una Escocia independiente (se excluyó a los indecisos).", "mention": "independizan o continúan en el Reino Unido", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "Gobierno de Cuba no reconoce al CNT de Libia mientras haya conflicto en ese país", "context_date": "6 de septiembre de 2011", "context_left": "El Gobierno cubano, por medio de su Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, dejó en claro el sábado pasado que no reconoce al Consejo Nacional de Transición de Libia por considerar la forma como los rebeldes se impusieron en el poder en ese país y la ayuda que recibieron de la OTAN. Con ello, procedió a evacuar el personal diplomático de la isla caribeña y se suma a los países que se oponen a la ", "context_right": " en el país magrebí.", "mention": "intervención occidental", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "وفاة إسحاق شامير رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي السابق", "context_date": "1 يوليو 2012", "context_left": "شغل شامير مناصب عالية في دولة إسرائيل، حيث تولى رئاسة الوزراء مرتين، وقبل ذلك كان رئيس الكنيست ووزيراً للخارجية. وكان آخر ظهور دولي له في ", "context_right": " في سنة 1991. ومن سنة 1996 ترك شامير العمل السياسي تماماً.", "mention": "مؤتمر مدريد", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "1343802"} {"context_title": "Zwycięstwo polskiej pary w Pucharze Hopmana 2015", "context_date": "10 stycznia 2015", "context_left": "Awans do finału rozgrywek o ", "context_right": " drużyna Stanów Zjednoczonych i Polski zapewniła sobie po udziale w fazie grupowej, w której obie reprezentacje wygrały po dwie konfrontacje.", "mention": "Puchar Hopmana 2015", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "17515596"} {"context_title": "Историки геологии встретились в Санкт-Петербурге", "context_date": "3 ноября 2019", "context_left": "Игорь Викторович Борисов, из краеведческого музея карельского города Сортавала, рассказал о широком использовании природного камня в этом городе, который раньше назывался Сердоболь. Финские строители начали использовать 15 разновидностей гранитов и другого строительного камня для мостовых, домов (в основном цоколи деревянных строений и здания банков) и мостов. Наиболее красивым считался сердобольский гранит, его добывали в каменоломнях на соседних островах Ладожского озера. Например, Атланты Эрмитажа сделаны из этого камня (гранито-гнейс), поэтому «иногда считается», что «Атлантида» находится в Карелии. В облицовке домов, <a href=\"%D0%91%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B9%20%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8C\">бордюрах/поребриках</a> и лестницах широко использовались розоватые порфиробластические граниты, знаменитый рапакиви. Рускеала известна своим мрамором, сейчас там знаменитый природный горный парк. Каменоломни чёрного габбро производили мемориальный камень, известный на старых финских кладбищах. В 1910 году закончились разработки карьеров для строительства в Санкт-Петербурге, а в 1939 году, в связи с ", "context_right": ", другие разработки были заброшены. Сегодня каменоломни привлекают туристов и служат геологическим музеем под открытым небом.", "mention": "финской войной", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "134949"} {"context_title": "Kimi Räikkönen wins 2007 Belgian Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 16, 2007", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Kimi Räikkönen won the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " ING Belgian Grand Prix on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps at Spa, Belgium. He and his teammate, Felipe Massa, showed the fastest times during most of the pre-race sessions, taking the front line as a result.", "mention": "2007", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "20992"} {"context_title": "Australia defeats Sri Lanka in 2007 Cricket World Cup Final", "context_date": "April 28, 2007", "context_left": "Australia have defeated Sri Lanka by 53 runs (DL method) in the Final of the ", "context_right": " at the Kensington Oval, Bridgetown, Barbados, giving them their third successive title.", "mention": "World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1127675"} {"context_title": "Friedensnobelpreisträger Muhammad Yunus an der Universität Karlsruhe", "context_date": "06.06.2007", "context_left": "Muhammad Yunus kritisierte eine Form des Kapitalismus, deren einziges Prinzip die Profitmaximierung sei. Dies werde an Hochschulen gelehrt, wodurch sich das System verfestige. Als Alternative schlug Yunus ein soziales Unternehmertum vor, bei dem es darum gehen solle, Gutes zu tun und nicht unbedingt Geld anzuhäufen. Beide Formen des Unternehmertums schlössen sich aber nicht aus, sondern könnten kombiniert werden, sagte Yunus. Der Friedensnobelpreisträger zeigte sich optimistisch, was die Entwicklung seines Heimatlandes betrifft. So sei das Land bei der Erreichung von sechs der acht Hauptziele des Millennium-Gipfels im Plan. Bei den anderen Zielen wird das Land nach Meinung von Muhammad Yunus noch aufholen. In einigen Jahren könne man in Bangladesch Armutsmuseen bauen, da die Kinder nicht mehr wüssten, was Armut sei, da es keine Armut mehr geben werde. Nach der Veranstaltung in Karlsruhe wird Yunus nach Rostock fahren, wo er im Rahmen des Konzerts „Deine Stimme gegen Armut“ anlässlich des ", "context_right": " auftreten wird.", "mention": "G8-Gipfels in Heiligendamm", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "819346"} {"context_title": "Schüler und Lehrer kehren in das Gutenberg-Gymnasium in Erfurt zurück", "context_date": "06.07.2005", "context_left": "Erfurt (Deutschland), 06.07.2005 – Mehr als drei Jahre nach dem ", "context_right": " am Gutenberg-Gymnasium in Erfurt kehrten Schüler und Lehrer heute in ihr altes Schulgebäude zurück. ", "mention": "Schulmassaker", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "473877"} {"context_title": "Regazzoni dies in road accident", "context_date": "December 15, 2006", "context_left": "His career ended in 1980 after crashing his Ensign during the ", "context_right": " due to a brake failure. The crash left the Swiss paralyzed from the waist down.", "mention": "United States Grand Prix West", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "171753"} {"context_title": "姚開陽對學生分享上海世博文創經驗", "context_date": "2011年6月1日", "context_left": "", "context_right": "中國館、台灣館創意總監姚開陽本日在國立宜蘭大學的創意講座對學生分享他的文創經驗。", "mention": "上海世博", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "192452"} {"context_title": "Documents show U.S. knew of Guatemalan human rights abuses", "context_date": "March 20, 2009", "context_left": "The United States State Department knew that members of Guatemala's military government were responsible for the disappearance of thousands of people during the country's 36-year ", "context_right": ", according to declassified documents obtained by the Washington D.C.-based National Security Archive, a non-governmental, non-profit research organization.", "mention": "civil war", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1282732"} {"context_title": "Србија подноси допунске аргументе против Хрватске", "context_date": "30. октобар 2011.", "context_left": "У обимном поднеску који ће у петак предати Међународном суду правде, Србија ће се, како сазнаје Бета, између осталог, позвати на пресуду којом је Хашки трибунал у априлу ове године осудио хрватског генерала Анту Готовину на 24 године затвора због прогона српског становништва из Книнске крајине, током и после ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "операције Олуја 1995", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "769377"} {"context_title": "Atentado en Osetia del Sur mata a siete militares rusos", "context_date": "3 de octubre de 2008", "context_left": "El atentado se produjo a las 16.45, hora local, con 20 kg de TNT, junto al edificio en el que se encuentra el Estado Mayor de las tropas de paz rusas desplegadas después de la ", "context_right": ". Las autoridades rusas afirmaron haber detenido a otros dos vehículos con cuatro georgianos que portaban armamento ligero y 20 kilos de explosivo.", "mention": "guerra con Georgia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Conspirator of USS Cole attack freed from prison", "context_date": "October 27, 2007", "context_left": "Jamal al-Bedawi, one of the planners of the ", "context_right": " in 2000 that killed 17 American Navy personnel and injured 39 others in Yemen, has been freed from a prison in Sanaá, the capital of Yemen after he \"pleaded allegiance\" to the president of the country, and will be kept under house arrest with extreme security.", "mention": "USS Cole bombing", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "612086"} {"context_title": "FC Barcelona signs Chilean footballer Arturo Vidal from Bayern", "context_date": "August 5, 2018", "context_left": "31-year-old Vidal joined the German giants FC Bayern in 2015 from Italian side Juventus FC. Since joining Bayern, Vidal has scored 22 goals, in 124 matches in all competitions. He also provided eighteen assists. During his tenure at Allianz Arena, Vidal has won three consecutive German Bundesliga titles, two DFL Super Cups as well as one DFB-Pokal. Prior to moving to Bayern, Vidal won four consecutive Italian Serie A titles with Juventus. Internationally, Vidal has won the Copa América in 2015 as well as 2016's ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Argentina le gana a Bolivia 3 a cero por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "15 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Argentina goleó ayer a Bolivia por la última presentación de la primer ronda de la ", "context_right": " en el Century Field de Seattle y clasificó primero en su grupo, el equipo boliviano ya estaba eliminado. Los goles fueron de Erik Lamela, Ezequiel Lavezzi y Víctor Cuesta en los primeros 32 minutos de juego.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Papst Franziskus und der Richtungswechsel", "context_date": "31.03.2013", "context_left": "Dass Franziskus mit einigen der bisherigen Traditionen brechen würde, hatte sich schon angekündigt. Jorge Mario Bergoglio scheint damit als Papst den Stil fortzusetzen, den er schon in Argentinien gepflegt hatte. Anstatt in der Bischofsresidenz wohnte er in einem schlichten Apartment. Er besuchte Gefängnisse und Krankenhäuser, er ging auf Leute am Rand unserer Gesellschaft zu. Wenige Tage vor dem Konklave hatte er vor dem Kardinalskollegium eine kurze Rede gehalten, die für einiges Aufsehen unter den Kardinälen gesorgt hat. Die Rede soll dazu beigetragen haben, dass der Mann, der schon beim ", "context_right": " die zweitmeisten Stimmen erhalten hatte, diesmal in wenigen Wahlgängen zum Papst gewählt wurde. Das handgeschriebene Manuskript der Rede wurde jetzt vom kubanischen Kardinal Jaime Ortega in der erst seit dem dortigen Papstbesuch 2011 wieder zugelassenen Zeitung „Palabra NUEVA“ veröffentlicht. ", "mention": "Konklave 2005", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "666536"} {"context_title": "Präsident Trump und der Hurrikan", "context_date": "16.09.2019", "context_left": "Tatsächlich war Hurrikan Dorian der vierte Kategorie-5-Hurrikan, der amerikanisches Staatsgebiet gefährdete, seitdem Trump im Amt ist. Im September 2017 war Hurrikan Irma auf die Ostküste getroffen und hat das Leben in neun Bundesstaaten beeinträchtigt. Nur wenige Tage später verwüstete ", "context_right": " das Überseegebiet Puerto Rico derart, dass die Bewohner noch heute mit den Folgen zu kämpfen haben. Hurrikan Michael traf im Oktober 2018 auf Florida.", "mention": "Hurrikan Maria", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "40178187"} {"context_title": "El Real Madrid se convirtió por undécima vez en campeón de la UEFA Champions League", "context_date": "30 de mayo de 2016", "context_left": "Por undécima vez, Real Madrid se convirtió es el campeón de la UEFA Champions League. Luego de empatar a un gol en el estadio San Siro de Milán, el equipo blanco venció por definición desde el punto penal al Atlético de Madrid. Con esto también se aseguró su pasaje al ", "context_right": " que se disputará en Japón en Diciembre.", "mention": "Mundial de Clubes", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "16839196"} {"context_title": "Pitkään karkuteillä olleesta natsitohtorista havaintoja", "context_date": "18. heinäkuuta 2008", "context_left": "Aribert Heim on ollut karkuteillä vuodesta 1962 lähtien. Hän syyllistyi hirmutekoihin Mauthausenin keskitysleirillä. Lisäksi hän työskenteli lyhyen ajan SS-joukkojen lääkärinä Pohjois-Suomessa ", "context_right": " aikana.", "mention": "jatkosodan", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "122100"} {"context_title": "Suomalaisia jäänmurtajia Shellin koeporauksiin arktisille merialueille", "context_date": "10. maaliskuuta 2012", "context_left": "Yhdysvaltain viranomaiset ovat vakuuttaneet valvovansa, että Shell toteuttaa poraushankkeensa vastuullisesti ja turvallisesti. Öljynporauksen sääntelyä on tiukennettu ", "context_right": " seurauksena. Obaman hallinnolla on poliittiset intressit sallia hanke polttoaineen hinnannousun ja työttömyyden torjumiseksi.", "mention": "Meksikonlahden öljyonnettomuuden", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "4735638"} {"context_title": "Нађени скелет припада Ричарду III", "context_date": "4. фебруар 2013.", "context_left": "Ричард III био је на власти између 1483. и 1485. године, у време ", "context_right": " тј. грађанског рата који се водио око енглеског престола.", "mention": "Ратова ружа", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "127751"} {"context_title": "Argentine footballer Mascherano announces international retirement", "context_date": "July 1, 2018", "context_left": "In the last four years, Mascherano has won the silver medal at the 2014 FIFA World Cup, 2015 and 2016's ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "American poker player Chip Reese dies at age 56", "context_date": "December 5, 2007", "context_left": "Reese is generally considered a legend in the world of poker. In 1991, he became the youngest living player to be inducted into the Poker Hall of Fame. His last major win came at the ", "context_right": ", where he won US$1,784,640 in the HORSE event.", "mention": "2006 World Series of Poker", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2000240"} {"context_title": "São Petersburgo registra recorde de mortalidade em 10 anos", "context_date": "11 de julho de 2020", "context_left": "Desde o início de junho, São Petersburgo começou a suspender as restrições impostas devido à pandemia. Moradores da cidade foram autorizados a andar pelas ruas sem máscaras e luvas, e lojas foram abertas. A incidência de coronavírus havia reduzido antes da ", "context_right": " e da votação de emendas constitucionais, mas voltou a subir novamente.", "mention": "Parada da Vitória", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "2001685"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel takes pole for 2008 Italian Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 13, 2008", "context_left": "Scuderia Toro Rosso–Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel won the pole position for the Sunday FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Gran Premio Santander d'Italia race at Autodromo Nazionale Monza, Italy.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179397"} {"context_title": "Argentina le gana a Chile 2 a 1 por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "7 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "En el debut de ambas selecciones en la ", "context_right": ", Argentina derrotó ayer, en el Levi Stadium en Santa Clara, a Chile por dos tantos contra uno, no pudo contar por estar lesionado con Lionel Messi, que fichó como suplente pero entró a la cancha vestido con jeans y zapatillas dando muestras que no iba a ser parte del juego. Los goles fueron de Ángel Di María y Ever Banega, el descuento de Chile sobre el final lo marcó José Fuenzalida.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Costa Rica le gana a Colombia tres tantos contra dos por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "12 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Costa Rica le ganó a Colombia tres goles a dos en la última presentación por la primer rueda de la ", "context_right": ", que ya tenía a los cafeteros clasificados y a los caribeños eliminados, con esta expectativa Pekermán dispuso una formación suplente en el NRG Stadium de Houston. Johan Venegas, Frank Fabra (en contra) y Celso Borges anotaron para Costa Rica, Frank Fabra y Marcos Moreno para Colombia.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Papst Franziskus und der Richtungswechsel", "context_date": "31.03.2013", "context_left": "Dass Franziskus mit einigen der bisherigen Traditionen brechen würde, hatte sich schon angekündigt. Jorge Mario Bergoglio scheint damit als Papst den Stil fortzusetzen, den er schon in Argentinien gepflegt hatte. Anstatt in der Bischofsresidenz wohnte er in einem schlichten Apartment. Er besuchte Gefängnisse und Krankenhäuser, er ging auf Leute am Rand unserer Gesellschaft zu. Wenige Tage vor dem ", "context_right": " hatte er vor dem Kardinalskollegium eine kurze Rede gehalten, die für einiges Aufsehen unter den Kardinälen gesorgt hat. Die Rede soll dazu beigetragen haben, dass der Mann, der schon beim Konklave 2005 die zweitmeisten Stimmen erhalten hatte, diesmal in wenigen Wahlgängen zum Papst gewählt wurde. Das handgeschriebene Manuskript der Rede wurde jetzt vom kubanischen Kardinal Jaime Ortega in der erst seit dem dortigen Papstbesuch 2011 wieder zugelassenen Zeitung „Palabra NUEVA“ veröffentlicht. ", "mention": "Konklave", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "4422669"} {"context_title": "U.S. Coast Guard investigation finds 'poor safety culture' contributed to Deepwater Horizon disaster", "context_date": "April 24, 2011", "context_left": "An investigation by the United States Coast Guard has concluded the ", "context_right": " in the history of the petroleum industry was partly the result of a \"poor safety culture\" aboard the \"Deepwater Horizon\" oil rig. The April 2010 explosion aboard the rig, which is located in the Gulf of Mexico, triggered a disaster that led to widespread environmental damage.", "mention": "largest oil spill", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "4735638"} {"context_title": "В США произошло мощное землетрясение", "context_date": "23 августа 2011", "context_left": "", "context_right": " магнитудой 5,9 баллов зафиксировано в штате Виргиния, в районе городка Минерал, приблизительно в 140—160 км к юго-западу от Вашингтона. При этом, подземные толчки ощущались не только в американской столице и окрестностях, но даже в таких далеких от эпицентра городах, как Бостон на севере восточного побережья США и Детройт на западе. Землетрясение почувствовали и жители канадского города Торонто.", "mention": "Землетрясение", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "32610"} {"context_title": "US candidate Barack Obama announces Joe Biden as his running mate via text message", "context_date": "August 23, 2008", "context_left": "The ", "context_right": " in Denver, Colorado begins on August 25, 2008. Biden will reportedly speak on the third night of the convention. ", "mention": "2008 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "Thailand begins repatriation of Hmong migrants to Laos", "context_date": "December 28, 2009", "context_left": "The U.S. government called for a suspension of the operation, saying Thailand has violated international humanitarian principles by forcibly returning the Hmong. The United States recruited the Hmong back during the Vietnam War to help the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency in their ", "context_right": " in Laos.", "mention": "\"Secret War\"", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "877450"} {"context_title": "Marskin ritari satavuotias", "context_date": "10. helmikuuta 2008", "context_left": "", "context_right": " päättyessä Onni Määttäsen partio oli kaukana rintamalinjojen takana vihollisen selustassa. Tällöin saatiin viesti rauhanteosta radion välityksellä. ", "mention": "Jatkosodan", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "122100"} {"context_title": "Joseph Ratzinger élu pape", "context_date": "19 avril 2005", "context_left": "Le ", "context_right": " des 115 cardinaux avait commencé le processus d'élection le 18 avril. Il a fallu 4 tours de scrutin répartis sur un peu plus de 24 heures pour que la majorité des deux tiers nécessaire soit atteinte.", "mention": "conclave", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "666536"} {"context_title": "Sorge um Gedenktafel für abgestürzten „Rosinenbomber“", "context_date": "18.12.2005", "context_left": " Ein Berliner Bürger machte sich Sorgen um eine Gedenktafel an dem Haus Handjerystraße 2 in Berlin-Friedenau. Mit dieser Tafel gedachte man am 11. Mai 1979 zwei US-amerikanischen Piloten, die nach einem Absturz eines so genannten „Rosinenbombers“ am 25. Juli 1948 ums Leben kamen. Rosinenbomber nannte man Flugzeuge, die mittels einer Luftbrücke die Versorgung der Stadt während der ", "context_right": " der Sowjetunion aufrecht erhielten. Nachdem das Haus renoviert wurde, kehrte die Tafel nicht an den angestammten Platz zurück. Die Hausverwaltung versicherte, dass die Gedenktafel noch existiere und wieder an den alten Platz zurückkehre. Eine „offene architektonische Frage“ sei der Grund für die verzögerte Wiederanbringung.", "mention": "Berlin-Blockade", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "151349"} {"context_title": "2008 GOP convention to be in Minnesota", "context_date": "September 28, 2006", "context_left": "The Twin Cities area was also under consideration for the ", "context_right": " four days earlier. The first day of the Republican convention will be Labor Day, the last day of the Minnesota State Fair. ", "mention": "2008 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Australian Paralympic assistant coach David Gould", "context_date": "July 25, 2013", "context_left": "He is acutely aware the Gliders have never won a World Championship or a Paralympics. But he has won a gold medal, with the men's team, the Rollers, in ", "context_right": ". \"We went on a tour of the United States beforehand\", he recalled. Facing the United States in the United States was daunting. There was a huge crowd. So how did they do it? \"We had confidence in ourselves, and stuck to our plan,\" he recalled.", "mention": "Atlanta in 1996", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "174397"} {"context_title": "Escocia celebraría un referéndum en el 2014 en busca en la independencia", "context_date": "11 de enero de 2012", "context_left": "Escocia esta unida con Inglaterra, Gales y Irlanda del Norte desde la llamada Acta de Unión de 1707 y es semi-autónomo desde 1999, cuando Donald Dewar se convirtió en el primer Ministro Principal de Escocia. Ahora, a 15 años del ", "context_right": " que tuvo como resultado el Parlamento escocés, Escocia, buscará volverse totalmente independiente.", "mention": "Referéndum escocés", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "2690249"} {"context_title": "US presidential candidate Barack Obama has 50% support", "context_date": "October 9, 2008", "context_left": "This is the largest lead Barack Obama has had in the past three months. The last time Obama's lead was near this high was September 1, 2008 when it was 6.0% after the ", "context_right": ". For the past three weeks, the \"Gallup\" and \"Rasmussen\" three day tracking polls have held a lead for Obama. ", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "Из-за японского землетрясения день стал короче", "context_date": "15 марта 2011", "context_left": "", "context_right": ", произошедшее в пятницу в Японии, было настолько мощным, что, по словам экспертов, оно слегка изменило скорость вращения Земли, в результате чего день стал короче на какую-то долю секунды.", "mention": "Землетрясение силой 8,9 балла", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Hurricane Nate weakens as it reaches United States", "context_date": "October 9, 2017", "context_left": "This is the fourth major hurricane to hit U.S. territory since summer, after Harvey, , and ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Maria", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "40178187"} {"context_title": "Пакистан и Индия сбивают самолёты друг друга", "context_date": "27 февраля 2019", "context_left": "Ранее территориальный спор оборачивался тремя войнами. См.: Первая индо-пакистанская война (21 октября 1947 года — 31 декабря 1948 года), Вторая индо-пакистанская война (август — сентябрь 1965 года), ", "context_right": " (декабрь 1971 года).", "mention": "Третья индо-пакистанская война", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1922071"} {"context_title": "Hurrikan Dorian trifft Jungferninseln und Puerto Rico, gefährdet Florida", "context_date": "29.08.2019", "context_left": "Das betroffene Gebiet hat noch mit den Zerstörungen durch die Hurrikane ", "context_right": " und Irma des Jahres 2017 zu tun. Es ist besonders durch Windbruch, Starkregen, Erdrutsche und Sturzfluten gefährdet.", "mention": "Maria", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "40178187"} {"context_title": "USA upsets Spain, wins 2–0 in FIFA Confederations Cup semifinal", "context_date": "June 24, 2009", "context_left": "Spain was ranked #1 heading into the match and were deemed heavy favorites. They had won their group games with ease and were expected to do so again against the United States, who barely qualified for the semifinal rounds over Italy. Just days ago, the United States was on the verge of elimination after losing their first two matches of the tournament. The United States had been 1–7–1 against top ranked teams heading into the match and lost its three previous matches against Spain in 1950, 1992, and 2008. The United States qualified for the tournament by winning the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2007 CONCACAF Gold Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "753115"} {"context_title": "Post-Kyoto agreement is subject of G8 debate", "context_date": "June 7, 2007", "context_left": "Leaders from the 7 richest industrialised countries and Russia will have to deal with climate issues at the ", "context_right": " in Heiligendamm, Germany. While France and Germany are calling for quantifiable greenhouse gas emission cuts, the U.S. and Japan believe that growing economies such as India and China would need to join in on such efforts.", "mention": "33rd G8 summit", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "819346"} {"context_title": "Perro es rescatado en Japón a más de tres semanas del terremoto", "context_date": "3 de abril de 2011", "context_left": "A más de tres semanas del fatídico ", "context_right": " que arrasaron con la ciudad de Sendai, en Japón, un perro que permaneció flotando sobre el techo de una casa fue rescatado por los socorristas cerca de la costa de Miyagi.", "mention": "terremoto y posterior tsunami", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": ""Massive" oil spill in Alaska", "context_date": "March 13, 2006", "context_left": "BBC News is reporting \"up to 267,000 gallons (one million litres)\" of crude oil has leaked from a pipeline in the Prudhoe Bay oilfield. Although not as large as the ", "context_right": " in 1989, this is thought to be the largest spill on record affecting the Alaska North Slope.", "mention": "Exxon Valdez oil spill", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1196587"} {"context_title": "El apoyo a la independencia de Escocia continúa por debajo en las encuestas", "context_date": "16 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "A dos días del ", "context_right": ", las encuestas de intención de voto revelan que el \"no\" a la independencia de Escocia se mantiene cuatro puntos por encima del \"sí\". Son dos sondeos, publicados a última hora este martes y encargados por los periódicos \"The Telegraph\" y \"Scotsman\", los que muestran estos resultados. La encuesta de Opinium publicada por \"The Telegraph\", que se basó en las respuestas de 1500 escoceses, asegura que el 52% de los encuestados apoyo la unión ante el 48% que desea la independencia. Mientras que la encuesta, realizada a 1000 escoceses por \"Scotsman\", da los mismos resultados.", "mention": "referéndum secesionista del jueves", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "Se fija fecha para sorteo de la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "19 de enero de 2016", "context_left": "El comité organizador de la ", "context_right": " anunció la fecha en la que se realizará el sorteo de dicho torneo, la cual fue fijada para el 21 de febrero próximo en la ciudad de Nueva York, Estados Unidos. El torneo internacional se desarrollará entre el 3 y el 26 de junio de este año y conmemorará los 100 años de creación de la Copa América, cuya primera edición fue en 1916.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Презентации книги понтийского грека помешал коронавирус", "context_date": "23 апреля 2020", "context_left": "23 апреля в Греции, в Афинах, должна была состояться презентация второго издания, добавленное новыми главами и названное — «Из ", "context_right": " в сталинское полымя».", "mention": "турецкого огня", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "911233"} {"context_title": "Ecuador y Perú empatan en dos tantos por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "9 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Ecuador y Perú empataron en dos goles en el segundo partido de la ", "context_right": ". El conjunto ecuatoriano debió recuperarse de una desventaja de dos goles que su rival consiguió en los primeros quince minutos. Christian Cueva y Edisón Flores fueron los autores de los goles peruanos y Enner Valencia y Miler Bolaños los goleadores ecuatorianos.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Former chief of Czechoslovak constitutional court murdered", "context_date": "November 9, 2010", "context_left": "Valko was a member of the Czechoslovakia parliament after the ", "context_right": ", serving as a deputy speaker of the lower house between 1990 and 1991. He made important contributions to key laws including the preamble of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Basic Freedoms. ", "mention": "Velvet Revolution", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182817"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2007 Japanese Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 30, 2007", "context_left": "Vodafone McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton starting from pole wins the FIA Formula-1 2007 Japanese Grand Prix at the Fuji Speedway, Oyama, Japan. It was the first race on this circuit since ", "context_right": ", when James Hunt won the race for McLaren-Ford.", "mention": "1977", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "171646"} {"context_title": "Swedish nuclear reactors shut down over safety concerns", "context_date": "August 5, 2006", "context_left": "However, Lars-Olov Höglund, who was responsible for the nuclear plant Forsmark for many years, said the incident was the most dangerous one since Chernobyl and ", "context_right": ", and that a meltdown was avoided only by pure luck. His views have however been questioned as he is involved in litigation with the Swedish nuclear industry and is known as an outspoken nuclear critic. Researchers at the Royal Institute of Technology as well as the personnel at the power plant were critical of Höglunds' view.", "mention": "Three Mile island", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "840847"} {"context_title": "다국적군, 리비아에서 오디세이 새벽 작전 개시", "context_date": "2011년 3월 20일", "context_left": "영국, 미국, 프랑스가 주축이 된 다국적군이 19일 리비아에 대한 \"오디세이 새벽 작전\"을 개시했다. 다국적군은 전투기로 수도 트리폴리를 공습했고, 미국과 영국의 함정이 리비아의 대공망을 표적으로 크루즈 미사일을 발사했다. 이번 작전은 17일 UN에서 결의된 \"", "context_right": "\" 설정에 따른 것이다. 카다피 국가 원수는 이번 공습에 대해 \"식민지화를 위한 공격\"이라며 결사 항전의 의지를 밝혔다.", "mention": "비행 금지 구역", "context_lang": "ko", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "US Senate postpones vote on Libya conflict to focus on national debt", "context_date": "July 6, 2011", "context_left": "The resolution would have authorized a supporting role in the ", "context_right": " for up to a year. It specifically prohibited the deployment of US ground forces, and the use of US resources in reconstruction efforts. The administration of President Barack Obama has argued that congressional authorization is not needed, but welcomes a statement of support from the legislature. Last month, several US congressmen filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration, claiming its military operations in Libya are illegal because they did not have legislative approval.", "mention": "Libya conflict", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "More than 100 die in riots in Ürümqi, China", "context_date": "July 8, 2009", "context_left": "Uyghurs are involved in China's largest ", "context_right": " since March 2008, involving at first perhaps 1,000 and up to 3,000 protestors. Xinhua, the official news agency, reports that 156 people were killed and 1,080 other people are injured.", "mention": "ethnic clash", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "844505"} {"context_title": "Colombia clasifica a semifinales de la Copa América Centenario por penales", "context_date": "18 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Colombia es otro de los semifinalistas de la ", "context_right": " al derrotar por penales a Perú. El partido terminó en el Metlife Stadium de New Jersey terminó sin goles.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Artistas Visual kei participan en sencillo para ayudar a las víctimas del terremoto en Japón", "context_date": "27 de agosto de 2011", "context_left": "«\"Hitotsudake ~We Are The One~\"» (ひとつだけ〜We Are The One〜), se titula el sencillo que han preparado varios artistas de la escena Visual kei en cooperación con Blue Planet Japan para ayudar a las víctimas del ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "terremoto y tsunami en Japón", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Патриарх Кирилл вспоминал о трагедии Южной Осетии", "context_date": "8 августа 2009", "context_left": "Сегодня в России, Грузии и Южной осетии прошли траурные митинги и заупокойные церковные службы по погибшим в ", "context_right": ". Ровно год назад армия Грузии решила своими силами справиться с многолетним конфликтом, тлевшим в регионе Южной Осетии.", "mention": "боях за Южную Осетию в начале первой половине августа 2008 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Klęczący Franciszek z Asyżu na placu św. Piotra?", "context_date": "15 marca 2013", "context_left": "W środę 13 marca 2013 roku kardynałowie zebrani na ", "context_right": " wybrali nowego 266. papieża, który przyjął imię Franciszek. ", "mention": "konklawe 2013", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "4422669"} {"context_title": "US TV host Conan O'Brien leads in late night ratings", "context_date": "January 17, 2010", "context_left": "Polone emphasized in a statement that O'Brien paid his own writers during the ", "context_right": " and was attempting to have a say with regard to the severance packages of his employees. He noted that many of O'Brien's staff members moved from New York to California when the TV host began working on \"The Tonight Show\".", "mention": "2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1046794"} {"context_title": "Ruský ministr zahraničí vyhrožuje Ukrajině válkou", "context_date": "23. duben 2014", "context_left": "Situaci na Ukrajině ministr přirovnal k situaci v Jižní Osetii, kde Ruská federace vyslala pozemní jednotky do Gruzie a v ", "context_right": " obsadila část území jiného státu. Gruzie sice není jediná země, s kterou vedlo Rusko v posledních několika letech válku, avšak jde o příklad jasného vítězství tankových jednotek Ruské armády.", "mention": "krátké válce", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Nuevo terremoto de 7 grados sacude Japón", "context_date": "15 de abril de 2016", "context_left": "Este es el primer terremoto en alcanzar un nível 7 en la escala de terremotos de Japón desde el ", "context_right": " que dejó 18.000 muertos y un desastre nuclear en la central de Fukushima.", "mention": "terremoto de 2011", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "107. rocznica śmierci bajkopisarza Juliana Wieniawskiego", "context_date": "23 września 2019", "context_left": "Julian Wieniawski urodził się 5 lutego 1834 roku w Lublinie położonego na terenach zaboru rosyjskiego. Julian Wieniawski był starszym bratem najsłynniejszego polskiego skrzypka i zawarzem kompozytowa Henryka Wieniawskiego. W młodości uczestniczył w ", "context_right": ", po jego upadku wyemigrował za granicę, gdzie studiował ekonomię i prawo. Po powrocie do kraju w 1865 roku został aresztowany i więziony w Cytadeli Warszawskiej. Był jednym z założycieli i dyrektorem od 1872 roku Towarzystwa Wzajemnego Kredytu w Warszawie. W 1872 roku opublikował zbiór szkiców „Wędrówki delegata”. W swoich utworach nawiązywał do tradycji gawędy szlacheckiej. Zmarł 23 września 1912 roku w Warszawie i jego twórczość po II wojnie światowej popadła w zapomnienie. ", "mention": "powstaniu styczniowym", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "473670"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail, December 2011", "context_date": "January 1, 2012", "context_left": "Supreme says that he had previously met Terry at the ", "context_right": ", and \"was given the distinct impression that he (Terry) wanted to perform fellatio on me.\" He says that prior to the forum, he offered \"to have 'homosexual gay sex' in the lavatory stall\", but Terry declined. During the forum, Supreme said that he planned to write-in Terry, but said afterwards that his support \"depends how gay he [Terry] gets.\" ", "mention": "2004 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "359657"} {"context_title": "12 декабря — День Конституции РФ. Разжалованный праздник", "context_date": "12 декабря 2012", "context_left": "Но если день 12 июня действительно фиксирует конъюнктурное политическое событие эпохи борьбы нового российского центра власти со старым союзным центром, то день 12 декабря — единственный российский праздник, имеющий прямое отношение к новой российской государственности. Именно конституция, принятая на ", "context_right": ", впервые в российской истории провозгласила такие принципы, как народный (а не партийный) суверенитет, политический плюрализм и многопартийность, федерализм и разделение властей. Именно декабрьская конституция завершила советский период истории страны, провозгласив Россию демократическим правовым государством с республиканской формой правления. В отличие от Конституции СССР, российская конституция запретила сецессию (право на выход из состава РФ).", "mention": "референдуме 12 декабря 1993 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "2783953"} {"context_title": "Mitt Romney suspends his United States presidential campaign, McCain and Huckabee remain fighting for GOP nomination", "context_date": "February 7, 2008", "context_left": "With Romney's departure, most say that the Republican Party will nominate Senator John McCain at the ", "context_right": " in St. Paul, Minnesota. McCain currently leads in delegate count. There is also speculation that McCain will pick Mike Huckabee, who remains in the race, as his running mate.", "mention": "2008 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Суд в Аргентине признал церковь пособницей диктатуры", "context_date": "14 февраля 2013", "context_left": "Период с 1976 года по 1983 в Аргентине известен как «", "context_right": "» () — общее название для мер государственного терроризма (массовые похищения, пытки, бессудные казни), предпринимавшихся аргентинскими военными диктатурами и достигших наивысшей точки во время правления последней в XX веке военной хунты в 1976—1983 гг. Являлась частью операции «Кондор».", "mention": "Грязная война", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "75984"} {"context_title": "Paraguay y Costa Rica igualan sin goles por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "4 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Un espectáculo aburrido presentaron en Orlando las selecciones de Paraguay y Costa Rica, por el primer encuentro de la ", "context_right": " en el estadio Citrus Bowl donde empataron sin goles.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Před 50 lety vznikl Institut tropů a subtropů", "context_date": "1. prosinec 2011", "context_left": "To byly počátky současného Institutu tropů a subtropů, který byl nakonec založen v roce 1967 jako \"Institut tropického a subtropického zemědělství\". V komunistické éře plnil úlohu vzdělávání zahraničních studentů. Vše se změnilo po ", "context_right": " v roce 1989, kdy výrazně ubylo zahraničních studentů z rozvojových zemí a institut se otevřel i českým studentům. Dnes má Institut tropů a subtropů čtyři katedry, nabízí dva bakalářské, pět magisterských a dva doktorské programy. Magisterské a doktorské programy jsou vyučovány v angličtině. Institut tropů a subtropů se od svého vzniku podílí na řadě rozvojových projektů v tropech a subtropech.", "mention": "sametové revoluci", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "182817"} {"context_title": "«Атлетико Насьональ» вышел в 1/8 финала Южноамериканского кубка", "context_date": "14 сентября 2016", "context_left": "Напомним, действующий обладатель Кубка Либертадорес «Атлетико Насьональ», для которого победа 2016 года стала второй в истории клуба после триумфа 1989 года, в декабре станет участником ", "context_right": " в Японии. Как и победитель Лиги чемпионов УЕФА, «Реал Мадрид», южноамериканцы начнут турнир сразу с полуфинала.", "mention": "Клубного чемпионата мира", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "16839196"} {"context_title": "Jenson Button wins 2009 Spanish Grand Prix", "context_date": "May 12, 2009", "context_left": "On Sunday, Brawn-Mercedes driver Jenson Button won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Spanish Grand Prix at Circuit de Catalunya, Montmeló, Spain. This marks his fourth win this season.", "mention": "2009", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172912"} {"context_title": "タイでクーデター宣言 1932年以後では通算19回目", "context_date": "2014年5月23日", "context_left": "NHKによると、タイの軍の司令官が、現地5月22日午後5時過ぎ、テレビ放送を通して「今日(22日)午後4時半、国の全権を掌握した」とするクーデター宣言を発表し、現在の憲法の効力を停止し、タイ全国に対し夜間外出禁止令を発令した。その上で、", "context_right": "は、秩序回復のためとしており、タイの国民には「通常通りの生活を送るように求める」としてクーデターに対するパニックに陥らないように呼びかけている。", "mention": "今回のクーデター", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "16914766"} {"context_title": "Israeli bombardment spills 35,000 tons of heavy fuel oil", "context_date": "August 1, 2006", "context_left": "Resulting from the Israeli bombings on July 13 and 15, 2006 of the Jiyeh power station, located on the coast 30 kilometers south of Beirut, Lebanon, approximately 35,000 tons of heavy fuel oil have spilled into the Mediterranean Sea. The Lebanese Ministry of Environment expects additional tonnage to flow into the sea as a result of the damage. For comparison, the ", "context_right": " released nearly 40,000 tons.", "mention": "Exxon Valdez oil spill", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1196587"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2009 Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_date": "July 26, 2009", "context_left": "McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " ING Magyar Nagydij at the Hungaroring, just outside of Budapest, Hungary.", "mention": "2009", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172010"} {"context_title": "15-ю годовщину Бесланских событий вспомнили на мосту в центре Екатеринбурга", "context_date": "6 сентября 2019", "context_left": "На главном мосту Екатеринбурга появился импровизированный мемориал памяти жертвам ", "context_right": ". Корреспондент Викиновостей зафиксировал этот мемориал 6 сентября 2019 года.", "mention": "захвата школы в Беслане", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "193733"} {"context_title": "État d'alerte maximale au Japon", "context_date": "31 mars 2011", "context_left": "Lake Barret est un ingénieur nucléaire qui a participé à l’opération de décontamination de Three Mile Island après l’", "context_right": " dans l’Etat de Pennsylvanie. ", "mention": "accident de 1979", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "840847"} {"context_title": "Льюис Хэмилтон побеждает на Гран-при Турции", "context_date": "30 мая 2010", "context_left": "Льюис Хэмилтон одержал победу на ", "context_right": ". Другой пилот Макларен, Дженсон Баттон, финишировал вторым. Лидер чемпионата, Марк Уэббер, третий.", "mention": "Гран-при Турции", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "172910"} {"context_title": "Michael Schumacher calls off Formula 1 comeback due to injury", "context_date": "August 11, 2009", "context_left": "Schumacher who retired in 2006 after winning the Formula 1 championship seven times, was due to replace the injured Felipe Massa. The Brazilian suffered a serious head injury after a crash during the ", "context_right": ". Massa is due to be out for at least the rest of the 2009 season. ", "mention": "2009 Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172010"} {"context_title": "Two new schools open in Beslan", "context_date": "August 17, 2005", "context_left": "Two new schools have opened in the North Ossetian town of Beslan to replace \"School Number One\" that was destroyed in the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Beslan school siege", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "193733"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Australian Paralympic assistant coach David Gould", "context_date": "July 25, 2013", "context_left": "He considered video of other teams is an important training tool. He noted the Gliders had to play Brazil in the first match of the ", "context_right": ", which was very tough, because so little was known about them. As it turned out, Brazil has a great program, and he thinks it could be a contender in front of a home crowd in Rio in 2016.", "mention": "Paralympics in London", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "As shipping exemption expires, hurricane-torn Puerto Rico may face changes in relief from mainland United States", "context_date": "October 12, 2017", "context_left": "According to the United States Department of Homeland Security on Monday, Puerto Rico's exemption from the Jones Act, which temporarily lifted the rule requiring that only U.S.-owned ships might carry goods between U.S. ports, was allowed to expire on Sunday rather than being renewed. The island commonwealth had been given a temporary exemption from this law to allow foreign ships to aid the delivery of relief supplies after ", "context_right": ", which struck Puerto Rico last month. Puerto Ricans and lawmakers had asked for an extension of the waiver in light of the island's current difficulties.", "mention": "Hurricane Maria", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "40178187"} {"context_title": "2018년과 2022년 FIFA 월드컵 유치 후보 확정", "context_date": "2009년 3월 17일", "context_left": "FIFA는 입찰 등록 마감시한이었던 3월 17일까지 2018년 FIFA 월드컵과 ", "context_right": "의 11개 개최 후보의 유치 신청서를 받았다. FIFA 월드컵 유치 신청 후보는 대한민국, 러시아, 멕시코, 미국, 오스트레일리아, 인도네시아, 일본, 잉글랜드, 카타르와 공동 개최를 신청한 네덜란드 - 벨기에, 스페인 - 포르투갈이다.", "mention": "2022년 FIFA 월드컵", "context_lang": "ko", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "Израиль разбомбил штаб-квартиру Хамас в секторе Газа", "context_date": "17 ноября 2012", "context_left": "", "context_right": " в палестинском анклаве продолжается с 14 ноября 2012 года.", "mention": "Военная операция Израиля", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "53692"} {"context_title": "Grace Bowman withdraws from 2012 Paralympic Dressage Individual Championship Test - Grade II event", "context_date": "September 1, 2012", "context_left": "Bowman's ", "context_right": " campaign has come to an end without a medal, after having finished 21st Thursday in the Team Test - Grade II event.", "mention": "London Paralympic", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Escocia aplaza su segundo referendo sobre la salida de la unión británica", "context_date": "27 de junio de 2017", "context_left": "El ", "context_right": " obtuvo 55,3% de votos en contra y 44,7% a favor lo que fue en todo efecto, una derrota. Después de este referendo, la primera ministra convocó uno nuevo el 13 de marzo que se debería celebrar entre el otoño de 2018 y la primavera de 2019 a consecuencia del resultado en el referendo del Brexit.", "mention": "último referendo", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "Wheelchair curling enters third day at 2014 Winter Paralympics", "context_date": "March 10, 2014", "context_left": "The United States has not medaled at the past two Paraympic Games, with their best finish a fourth at the 2010 Games. Of the United States's curling team, two are returning wheelchair curling Paralympic veterans. James Joseph, the second, competed at the ", "context_right": " and 2010 Winter Paralympics. The skip and Madison, Wisconsin native, Patrick McDonald, competed at the 2010 Games. Penny Greely, the lead, competed in sitting volleyball at the 2004 Summer Paralympics where she won a bronze medal. David Palmer, the third, is competing at his first games after having a fourth place finish at the 2013 World Championships in Russia and a fifth place finish at the 2012 World Championships in South Korea. Alternate and Cape Cod native Meghan Lino is also at her first Paralympic Games after taking up the sport in 2009.", "mention": "2006 Winter Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "749605"} {"context_title": "Frankrijk wint de wereldbeker voetbal", "context_date": "15 juli 2018", "context_left": "Het is gewonnen door Frankrijk. In een doelpuntenrijke wedstrijd wisten de Fransen met een stand van 4-2 te winnen van Kroatië, ondanks het sterke begin van de Balten. De laatste keer dat Frankrijk wist te winnen was 20 jaar geleden in 1998. Het volgende WK ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "wordt gespeeld in Qatar", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "Escocia se mantiene dividida a horas del referéndum", "context_date": "17 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "A horas de que dé inicio el ", "context_right": ", el hasta ahora país del Reino Unido se mantiene dividido. En las encuestas de intención de voto, el \"no\" continúa por encima del \"sí\", el de ICM muestra un 45% a 41% en favor del no, con 14% de indecisos. Mientras que el Instituto Opinium habla de un 49% a 45% también mayoría del no y con 6% de indecisos, señala \"La Nación\".", "mention": "referéndum secesionista de Escocia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "Rusia acusa a Estados Unidos de no respetar la soberanía de los Estados", "context_date": "27 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Destacó además que la estabilidad internacional fue \"golpeada seriamente\", también puso como ejemplo los bombardeos a Yugoslavia, la invasión en Irak, los ", "context_right": " y el fracaso en Afganistán. Asimismo señaló que la crisis ucraniana fue producto de un golpe de Estado realizado gracias a la ayuda estadounidense y europea.", "mention": "ataques contra Libia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "German migrant rescue charity renames ship after drowned Syrian toddler", "context_date": "February 12, 2019", "context_left": "Kurdi, his brother, and his mother were among eleven migrants who died in a storm on the Mediterranean Sea in 2015; they had, his surviving father says, paid people smugglers to take them from Turkey to Greece in a small inflatable boat. A photograph of his remains on a Turkish beach drew widespread attention. The accident happened during the height of the ", "context_right": ", which saw a large spike in immigration to the continent.", "mention": "European migrant crisis", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "20857240"} {"context_title": "Brazil wins FIFA Confederations Cup final, defeats USA 3–2", "context_date": "June 29, 2009", "context_left": "The United States, the ", "context_right": " champions, qualified for the match by defeating Spain in the semifinal round by a score of 2–0, just days after nearly being eliminated from the tournament. Brazil qualified for the match by defeating South Africa 1–0 last Thursday in the second semifinal match. Brazil was the defending Confederations Cup champion having won in 2005 and winners of five World Cups.", "mention": "CONCACAF Gold Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "753115"} {"context_title": "Rick Santorum drops U.S. presidential bid", "context_date": "April 11, 2012", "context_left": "Nevertheless, Newt Gingrich is vying for Santorum's supporters. In a statement, he announced his plans to remain in the race until the August ", "context_right": " in Tampa, Florida, and asked Santorum supporters \"to visit Newt.org to review my conservative record and join us as we bring these values to Tampa.\"", "mention": "2012 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8462432"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, July 2016", "context_date": "August 23, 2016", "context_left": "Trump announced he would officially name his running mate on July 15. Though Pence was the favorite to receive the nod, Trump met with Senator Jeff Sessions, and had additional meetings with Christie and Gingrich. According to multiple news reports, Trump's daughter Ivanka, her husband Jared Kushner, and financier Sheldon Adelson all tried to convince Trump to select Gingrich, while campaign manager Paul Manafort favored Pence, and pollster Tony Fabrizio wanted Flynn. CNN reported Trump had offered the position to Pence, who accepted. According to NBC, the purported leak of the news had left Trump \"seething.\" Due to the ", "context_right": " in Nice, France, Trump postponed the planned announcement. Both CNN and NBC reported Trump was looking for ways to get out of the selection of Pence. The campaign denied the report. \"The New York Times\" alleged the Pence selection was revisited because Christie had begged the campaign to reconsider its decision and replace Pence with himself. On July 15, Trump officially announced via Twitter that he had selected Pence. Through the selection, Trump said he hoped to unify the party. Manafort said the ticket would appeal to former supporters of Sanders. As the GOP convention approached, Manafort declared the #NeverTrump movement \"gone,\" as the GOP rules committee voted not to unbind delegates. Clinton announced she would reveal her vice presidential selection after the GOP convention. \"The Washington Post\" tapped Vilsack as the favorite.", "mention": "July 14 attack", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "25893254"} {"context_title": "Klimaatconferentie in Bonn van start gegaan, talrijke klimaatdemonstraties in het centrum", "context_date": "6 november 2017", "context_left": "In de Duitse stad Bonn is vandaag de 23ste klimaatconferentie geopend met een voorstelling door Fiji-krijgers. De conferentie in Bonn heeft als doel de afspraken rond de ", "context_right": " verder te concretiseren. Syrië en de Verenigde Staten zijn niet aanwezig dit jaar. Eerder dit jaar is aangekondigd dat de VS in 2020 zelfs in zijn geheel uit het klimaatakkoord stapt. ", "mention": "klimaatconferentie van Parijs in 2015", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "15715792"} {"context_title": "Uruguay le gana a Jamaica 3-0 por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "14 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "En el último partido en esta ", "context_right": ", Uruguay le ganó a Jamaica por tres tantos contra cero, ambos equipos ya estaban eliminados del torneo. Pero los aficionados especulaban que en el Levi´s Stadium de Santa Clara iba a reaparecer Luis Suárez, cosa que no ocurrió, lo que si se notó a pesar de que no jugaban por nada es el juego fuerte de los jamaiquinos.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Felipe Massa wins 2008 Turkish Grand Prix", "context_date": "May 11, 2008", "context_left": "In other related news this week, Super Aguri-Honda withdrew from the Formula-1 after participatng in four races this season. The team principal Aguri Suzuki claimed in the press release it all started when SS United Group defaulted it's payment previous years and the absence of support from Honda. The team was put into external administration. Thus the race featured only 10 teams and 20 cars for the first time since the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2005 Chinese Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "220824"} {"context_title": "伊斯蘭國承認發動尼斯恐襲", "context_date": "2016年7月16日", "context_left": "恐怖組織伊斯蘭國宣佈為法國尼斯當地時間昨天", "context_right": "負上責任,以回應法國對伊斯蘭國的打擊。", "mention": "造成逾80死、50傷的恐襲", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "25893254"} {"context_title": "President Obama easily wins Texas primary; Romney secures Republican nomination", "context_date": "May 31, 2012", "context_left": "Despite the less favorable results in West Virginia and Arkansas, U.S. President Barack Obama easily carried Texas with 88 percent support from that state's Democratic Party primary voters. On the Republican side, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney surpassed the required 1,144 delegates to clinch his party's presidential nomination ahead of the August ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8462432"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wygrywa Grand Prix Bahrajnu", "context_date": "28 marca 2021", "context_left": "Wyścig o Grand Prix Bahrajnu po raz trzeci (po ", "context_right": " i 2010) inauguruje sezon Formuły 1. Sytuacja taka nastąpiła ze względu na przełożenie wyścigu o Grand Prix Australii na termin listopadowy. Przed rozpoczęciem sezonu nastąpiło do kilku zmian. Daniel Ricciardo zastąpił Carlosa Sainza w McLarenie. Hiszpan zaś zastąpił Sebastiana Vettela w Ferrari. Vettel trafił do ekipy Aston Martin, zastępując Sergio Péreza, który z kolei został kierowcą Red Bull Racing, na miejsce Aleksandra Albona. W zespole AlphaTauri, Yuki Tsunoda zastąpił Daniiła Kwiata. Zespół Haas postanowił na nowy skład kierowców – reprezentantami amerykańskiej stajni zostali Nikita Mazepin i Mick Schumacher. W stawce pojawił się Aston Martin, co jest powrotem konstruktora po 61 latach oraz Alpine, powstały na bazie zespołu Renault. Ponadto McLaren powrócił do korzystania z silników Mercedes.", "mention": "2006", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "17320"}