{"context_title": "Thousands attend anti-war protests in London and Glasgow", "context_date": "March 16, 2008", "context_left": "Yesterday, thousands of people attended anti-war protests in London and Glasgow organised by the Stop the War Coalition. The event marks nearly five years since the ", "context_right": " which begun the Iraq War. The main themes were \"Troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan\", \"Don’t attack Iran\", and \"End the siege of Gaza\". ", "mention": "2003 invasion of Iraq", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Merkel en Macron ontmoeten elkaar daags voor Wapenstilstandsdag op historische plek", "context_date": "10 november 2018", "context_left": "De Duitse bondskanselier en de Franse president hebben een ceremoniële ontmoeting gehad in Compiègne in Noord-Frankrijk, een dag voor Wapenstilstandsdag. Morgen wordt de ", "context_right": " herdacht. Het is dan exact 100 jaar geleden dat de werd beëindigd.", "mention": "Wapenstilstand van 11 november 1918", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "253224"} {"context_title": "Russland greift ISIS-Stellungen an", "context_date": "24.11.2015", "context_left": "Bisher richteten sich die meisten Angriffe gegen die Islamisten nicht darauf, diese gezielt zu schlagen. Vielmehr ging es darum, ihr Vordringen zu stoppen. Diese Strategie hat sich seit der ", "context_right": " geändert.", "mention": "Anschläge in Paris am 13. November", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "21479779"} {"context_title": "Chile knock out defending champions Uruguay from Copa America 2015", "context_date": "June 27, 2015", "context_left": "On Wednesday, Chile, the host nation, defeated the defending champions, Uruguay, in the first quarter final of the ", "context_right": " which was held in Estadio Nacional Julio Martínez Prádanos stadium in Santiago, Chile.", "mention": "2015", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1129985"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Περού νίκησε με σκορ 1-0 την Εθνική Μεξικού", "context_date": "10 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Περού νίκησε την Εθνική Μεξικού με σκορ 1:0, για τη δεύτερη αγωνιστική του Γ' Ομίλου του ", "context_right": ", το οποίο διεξάγεται στην Αργεντινή.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "President Bush tours Katrina affected region", "context_date": "January 12, 2006", "context_left": "President George W. Bush made a stop over in two of the worst hit cities by ", "context_right": " today. His stops included New Orleans, Louisiana, and Bay St. Louis, Mississippi.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "尼斯恐襲死傷眾 科技挺身助人", "context_date": "2016年7月15日", "context_left": "", "context_right": ",不少人擔心當地親友的安全,有社交網站提供協助,亦有用戶借助科技幫助他們。Facebook啟用「Safety Check」功能,詢問身處受恐襲地區的用戶是否安然無恙,並向用戶的親友通報。Twitter則有「#RechercheNice」、「#NiceFindPeople」等尋親標籤,用戶上載失聯者的個人資料,以便找尋親友下落;該網站也出現「#PortesOuvertesNice」標籤,讓需要棲身之所的人士與當地人聯絡。", "mention": "法國城市尼斯遭到恐怖襲擊", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "25893254"} {"context_title": "陳敏薰任內最後一次跨年晚會 精彩188秒後 林鴻明臨危接掌台北101董座", "context_date": "2009年1月1日", "context_left": "為了迎接", "context_right": "的到來,主辦的台北市政府,也在現場與負責轉播的TVBS合作,提供了手語同步即時翻譯的服務,服務所有聽障人士,也讓與會民眾提前感受到聽障奧運的接近。", "mention": "2009年聽障奧運", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "709910"} {"context_title": "Former Iranian president Hashemi Rafsanjani leads Friday prayers", "context_date": "July 17, 2009", "context_left": "In his first direct reference to current news events during the sermon, Rafsanjani called upon Chinese leaders to stop their ", "context_right": " among the largely-Muslim Uyghur people of Xinjiang.", "mention": "violent suppression of unrest", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "844505"} {"context_title": "Объявлены победители 69-го Венецианского кинофестиваля", "context_date": "9 сентября 2012", "context_left": "На острове Лидо в Венеции объявлены победители ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "69-го кинофестиваля", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "765586"} {"context_title": "Italië bereikt de finale van het EK voetbal 2012", "context_date": "28 juni 2012", "context_left": "Het Italiaanse voetbalelftal wint met 1-2 van Duitsland in de halve finale van het ", "context_right": ". In de eerste helft scoorde Mario Balotelli tweemaal. In de 92ste minuut benutte Mesut Özil een strafschop, waardoor het Duitse elftal weer hoop kreeg op een verlenging, maar een gelijkspel bleef uit. Italië zal aanstaande zondag (om 20.45 uur CEST) in de finale Spanje ontmoeten.", "mention": "EK 2012", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Kimi Räikkönen wins 2007 British Grand Prix", "context_date": "July 8, 2007", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Kimi Räikkönen won the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " Santander British Grand Prix on the Silverstone Circuit at Silverstone, Northamptonshire, England.", "mention": "2007", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "307172"} {"context_title": "ACLU President Strossen on religion, drugs, guns and impeaching George Bush", "context_date": "October 30, 2007", "context_left": "DS: How has the ", "context_right": " affected your world view?", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Na Guantánamu začal soud s údajnymi strůjci útoků z 11. září", "context_date": "5. červen 2008", "context_left": "Včera začal na vojenské základně Guantánamo jeden z nejsledovanějších soudních procesů. Bývá teké označován za nejdůležitější v americké historii. Obžalovanými jsou údajní organizátoři ", "context_right": ". Chálid Šajch Muhammad, Alí Ab al-Azíz, Ramzí bin Šibh, Mustafa Ahmad Havsáví a Válid Attaš jsou obžalováni za smrt nejméně tří tisíc lidí, kteří zahynuli v New Yorku, Wahsingtonu a v unesených letadle, a všem hrozí trest smrti. Včera si vyslechli obžalobu. Jako mozek operace byl označen Muhammad, který poté, co jej soudce upozornil na trest smrti, řekl, že chce být mučedníkem. Nechtěl také přijmout amerického právníka kvůli své víře a také proto, že se chce obhajovat sám. Ostatní čtyři obžalovaní byli označeni jako spoluorganizátoři. Právníka odmítl také Valíd Attaš a čeká se, že se podobně zachovají i ostatní obžalovaní.", "mention": "útoků 11. září", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Estados Unidos golea a Costa Rica 4 a 0 por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "8 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Estados Unidos se recuperó de la derrota en el debut y partido inaugural de la ", "context_right": " derrotando por goleada a Costa Rica en el Solder Field de Chicago, la venció por cuatro goles contra cero, resultado que le da esperanzas de seguir avanzando en el certamen. Un penal a los siete minutos de iniciado el partido le permitió la rápida apertura del marcador, y cuando se terminaba el primer tiempo convirtió dos goles más. Climp Dempsey, Jermaine Jones, Bobby Wood y Graham Zusi fueron los goleadores.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Familia de Gadafi demandaría a OTAN por vejaciones antes de su asesinato", "context_date": "27 de octubre de 2011", "context_left": "La familia de Muamar el Gadafi, analiza demandar a la Organización del Tratado del Atlántico Norte ante la Corte Penal Internacional, por los crímenes de guerra en que incurrió tras las repercusiones de la ", "context_right": " la semana anterior, según indicaciones del abogado francés Marcel Ceccaldi por las cuales declara que fue \"victima de una ejecución\" sin proceso penal alguno, \"violándose así el artículo 8 del Estatuto de Roma\".", "mention": "muerte del otrora líder libio", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "431888"} {"context_title": "Српски одбојкаши се вратили с медаљама", "context_date": "30. септембар 2013.", "context_left": "(Beta) - Селектор одбојкашке репрезентације Србије Игор Колаковић рекао је у понедељак да се преломни тренутак на ", "context_right": " догодио на мечу са Холандијом и да је младост и енергија одвела екипу до бронзане медаље.", "mention": "првенству Европе", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "181337"} {"context_title": "North and South Korean border guards exchange fire", "context_date": "August 1, 2006", "context_left": "The Democratic People's Republic of Korea (the North) and the Republic of Korea (the South) have been at war since 1950, the beginning of the ", "context_right": ", which had no peace treaty which was signed by the two parties. The United Nations Military Armistice Commission, which supervises the armistice that stopped major hostilities during the Korean War, will investigate the event and ask the North Koreans for an explanation.", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Felipe Massa wins 2008 European Grand Prix", "context_date": "August 24, 2008", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Felipe Massa won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Telefónica Grand Prix of Europe at the street circuit of Valencia, Spain on Sunday after his engine failed on a dying laps of the previous race. It became 10th win in Formula One for the Brazilian driver.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179346"} {"context_title": "Brasilianische Generalstaatsanwaltschaft klagt gegen Weltmeisterschaftsgesetz", "context_date": "24.06.2013", "context_left": " Die brasilianische Generalstaatsanwaltschaft (PGR) hat vor dem Obersten Gerichtshof des Landes Klage gegen einige Artikel der Gesetzesvorschriften zur Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 eingereicht. Das im Juni 2012 verabschiedete Gesetz regelt Grundlagen für den derzeit laufenden FIFA-Konföderationen-Pokal, die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 und den im Juli stattfindenden ", "context_right": ". Die von der früheren stellvertretenden Generalanwältin der Republik, Deborah Duprat, vorbereitete Klage richtet sich gegen die Verfassungswidrigkeit von drei Artikeln des Gesetzes, wobei zwei davon die FIFA begünstigen. „Es ist nicht möglich, einen Grund zu erkennen, der die unterschiedliche Behandlung der FIFA sowie ihrer Partner rechtfertigt“, so argumentieren die Kläger.", "mention": "Weltjugendtag 2013", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "478154"} {"context_title": "Australian Paralympian Janet Shaw dies aged 46", "context_date": "December 4, 2012", "context_left": "This is the second recent death of an Australian Paralympian. In late November, another Australian Paralympian, Peter Marsh of Queensland, died at the age of 64. He competed at the 1976 Summer Paralympics, ", "context_right": " and 1984 Summer Paralympics. Prior to his death, he was active in a project to document the history of the Paralympic movement in Australia on Wikipedia.", "mention": "1980 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "908341"} {"context_title": "US General invokes right against self-incrimination in Abu Ghraib case", "context_date": "January 12, 2006", "context_left": "Maj. Gen. Geoffrey Miller, a top US commander who supervised the detention and interrogation of detainees at Guantanomo Bay and Abu Ghraib facilities declined to testify in a court-martial proceeding, by invoking his right to not implicate himself, the \"Washington Post\" reports. This is believed to be the first time that the role of senior officers in the ", "context_right": " has formally surfaced. ", "mention": "prisoner abuse scandal", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "334720"} {"context_title": "Brasil impuso su juego y en ocho minutos envió a Italia a casa", "context_date": "22 de junio de 2009", "context_left": "La selección brasileña se dio un festín en la primera parte de su partido ante Italia y se aseguró la primera posición del Grupo B de la ", "context_right": ", con tres goles en ocho minutos que, además, en función del marcador del partido entre Egipto y Estados Unidos, dejó al equipo italiano fuera de la competición.", "mention": "Copa FIFA Confederaciones 2009", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "183674"} {"context_title": "Renault F1's team boss, top engineer quit as team accepts cheating claim", "context_date": "September 16, 2009", "context_left": "Fédération Internationale de l'Automobile (FIA) accused Renault of ordering Nelson Piquet, Jr. to crash during the ", "context_right": ". The wreck brought out the safety car and most other competitors made refueling stops while it was out. However, Renault's Fernando Alonso had pitted unusually early and was able to move up to take one of just two victories that year.", "mention": "2008 Singapore Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179338"} {"context_title": "Bush busca mejores lazos con México y Canadá", "context_date": "20 de agosto de 2007", "context_left": "La reunión en Quebec, apodada como \"Three Amigos summit\" (Cumbre de Tres Amigos), fue una reunión de dos días entre el Presidente de Estados Unidos, George W. Bush, el Primer Ministro de Canadá, Stephen Harper, y el Presidente de México, Felipe Calderón. Sin embargo, este último acortó su presencia debido al peligro que presenta el ", "context_right": " a la Península de Yucatán.", "mention": "Huracán Dean", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "695842"} {"context_title": "Declassified records show American inaction during South Korean mass killings", "context_date": "July 9, 2008", "context_left": "More than 50 years after the end of the ", "context_right": ", recently released documents provide more detail on the mass murder of around 100,000 South Koreans by their own government in the war's first weeks.", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Obamania au concert du prix Nobel de la paix", "context_date": "11 décembre 2009", "context_left": "Les autres artistes ont présenté des chansons de leurs répertoires en lien avec la paix tels le \"boys band\" irlandais Westlife, le couple malien Amadou Bagayoko et Mariam Doumbia, le vainqueur norvégien de l'", "context_right": " Alexander Rybak, et plusieurs artistes des États-Unis comme Donna Summer, le chanteur de country Toby Keith et Wyclef Jean.", "mention": "Eurovision 2009", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "10157"} {"context_title": "Британские ветеринары вылечили лысого ёжика", "context_date": "25 января 2014", "context_left": "О появлении в лесах Украины и Беларуси облысевших ежей сообщалось после ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Чернобыльской катастрофы", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Boris Johnson eleito líder conservador, previsto para ser o próximo primeiro-ministro britânico", "context_date": "24 de julho de 2019", "context_left": "Johnson competiu pelo cargo contra Jeremy Hunt, que o sucedeu como Secretário do Exterior, o principal diplomata do Reino Unido. Ele ganhou com 92.153 votos, de cerca de 160.000 membros do Partido Conservador que eram elegíveis para votar. Em seu discurso de vitória, Johnson enfatizou seu apoio ao movimento Brexit e reiterou que ele planeja deixar a União Europeia mesmo que não haja acordo sobre relações futuras. O Parlamento, no entanto, votou repetidamente contra um ", "context_right": " \"sem acordo\".", "mention": "Brexit", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "21812812"} {"context_title": "Kobe commemorates earthquake victims", "context_date": "February 10, 2005", "context_left": "Several commemoration ceremonies were recently held for victims of the ", "context_right": " of 1995, mainly in Kansai region. The municipality of Kobe and supporting organisations held one such ceremony in the early morning of January 17. It was the biggest ceremony held that day. Over 5,000 people gathered in the East Playground in the center of city. Participants included surviving citizens and volunteers from around the whole country who had helped out. At 5:43 a.m., just 10 years after the earthquake first occurred, people lit candles in honor of the 6,433 victims. The victims included 133 people who died in the aftermath of the disaster, due to physical or mental difficulties caused by the heavy changes in their life. ", "mention": "Great Hanshin earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "214866"} {"context_title": "Obama viestitti rauhaa arabitelevisiossa", "context_date": "27. tammikuuta 2009", "context_left": "Obama puhui myös Palestiinan ja Israelin väleistä, mutta ei ottanut puheeksi ", "context_right": ". Hän korosti, että Israel on yhä Yhdysvaltain vahva liittolainen. Obama sanoi, ettei Yhdysvallat voi sanella, mikä on Israelin ja Palestiinan parhaaksi. Hänestä aika olisi kuitenkin otollinen sille, että Israel ja palestiinalaiset huomaisivat nykymenon kestämättömyyden ja palaisivat neuvottelupöytään.", "mention": "Israelin taannoista hyökkäystä Gazan kaistalle", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "170682"} {"context_title": "Zemřel Lou Reed", "context_date": "27. říjen 2013", "context_left": "Lou Reed několikrát koncertoval i v Česku. Byl osobním přítelem Václava Havla a zúčastnil se například 14. listopadu 2009 v Pražské křižovatce jím pořádaného výročního koncertu na oslavy 20. výročí ", "context_right": ". Naposledy zde vystoupil 4. července 2012 v pražském Divadle Archa.", "mention": "sametové revoluce", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "182817"} {"context_title": "פודולסקי החזיר את גרמניה ליורו; 2-0 על פולין", "context_date": "8 ביוני 2008", "context_left": "ב", "context_right": " מלאו 12 שנים לנצחון האחרון של זכתה במשחק במסגרת הטורניר. אז, ב, היא נצחה את 2-1 בהארכה וזכתה בגביע, אך החגיגות הומרו בתריסר שנים של בצורת. ואז הגיע לוקאס פודולסקי, שחקנה של , ובמו רגליו כבש צמד שערים והוכיח כי לגרמניה יש סיבה לצפות למשהו אחר מטורניר זה, אחרי נצחון 2-0 על .", "mention": "יורו 2008", "context_lang": "he", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "В Бостоне вскрыли 220-летнюю временную капсулу отцов-основателей США", "context_date": "7 января 2015", "context_left": "На момент захоронения капсулы Сэмюэль Адамс был губернатором штата, а Ревир — героем войны, который прославился тем, что предупредил колонистов о приближении британских сил накануне сражений в Лексингтоне и Конкорде — первых вооруженных столкновений войны 1775—1783 годов (см. ", "context_right": ").", "mention": "Сражения при Лексингтоне и Конкорде", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "778010"} {"context_title": "L'Égypte remporte la Coupe d'Afrique des nations 2008 face au Cameroun", "context_date": "10 février 2008", "context_left": "La victoire de l'Égypte met fin ", "context_right": " qui avait débuté le 20 janvier 2008 et a été accueillie par le Ghana. L'équipe du Ghana de football obtient la troisième place, l'équipe de Côte d'Ivoire de football arrivant en quatrième position.", "mention": "à la 26 édition de la Coupe", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "276550"} {"context_title": "Beslan siege organiser speaks", "context_date": "February 3, 2005", "context_left": "The Beslan siege organiser, Chechen rebel Shamil Basayev, has spoken for the first time since declaring he was responsible for the hostage situation. The Beslan school siege last September resulted in 330 deaths, half of which were children. Basayev was also responsible for the ", "context_right": ", in which 130 people died after a military assault to free the hostages and overwhelm the terrorists.", "mention": "Moscow Theatre siege", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "4670"} {"context_title": "Pitkään karkuteillä olleesta natsitohtorista havaintoja", "context_date": "18. heinäkuuta 2008", "context_left": "Aribert Heim on ollut karkuteillä vuodesta 1962 lähtien. Hän syyllistyi hirmutekoihin Mauthausenin keskitysleirillä. Lisäksi hän työskenteli lyhyen ajan SS-joukkojen lääkärinä Pohjois-Suomessa ", "context_right": " aikana.", "mention": "jatkosodan", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "122100"} {"context_title": "Azerbaiyán gana el Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión", "context_date": "15 de mayo de 2011", "context_left": "Azerbaiyán ganó la ", "context_right": " del Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión, que se celebró ayer en el Esprit Arena de la ciudad de Düsseldorf, Alemania, con la canción \"Running scared\" (\"Corriendo asustado\" en inglés) interpretada por el dúo Ell & Nikki, conformado por los cantantes Eldar Gasimov y Nigar Jamal.", "mention": "LVI edición", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10160"} {"context_title": "Puerto Rico power company cancels US$300 million Whitefish contract", "context_date": "October 30, 2017", "context_left": "At the request of Puerto Rico Governor Ricardo Rosselló, the Puerto Rican Electric Power Authority (PREPA) yesterday announced it has cancelled a US$300 million contract with a Montana-based company called Whitefish Energy Holdings amid concerns it may have been awarded improperly and the prices may be unusually high. Whitefish was to have rebuilt parts of the United States commonwealth's energy infrastructure, which was recently destroyed when ", "context_right": " struck the island.", "mention": "Hurricane Maria", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "40178187"} {"context_title": "CNN journalist fired for controversial Twitter message", "context_date": "July 9, 2010", "context_left": "\"Salon\" reporter Glenn Greenwald has responded to these allegations of \"prejudice\" by pointing to similar cases in which no controversy arose: \"\"The Washington Post\" lavished editorial praise on the brutal, right-wing tyrant Augusto Pinochet, and that caused no controversy...Benjamin Netanyahu formally celebrates the ", "context_right": " that killed...78 civilians and nobody is stigmatized for supporting him. Erick Erickson sent around the most rancid and arguably racist tweets, only to thereafter be hired as a CNN contributor.\"", "mention": "Terrorist bombing of the King David Hotel", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1814446"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews RSL Australia for Remembrance Day 2021", "context_date": "November 10, 2021", "context_left": "\"Wikinews\" reporter J.J. Liu emailed the Returned and Services League of Australia (RSL) for comment on the coming 102nd observance of Remembrance Day, commemorating the ", "context_right": " that resulted, most notably, in the cessation of hostilities on the Western Front of World War I (WW1).", "mention": "Armistice of November 11, 1918", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "253224"} {"context_title": "Євромайдан переросте у єврореволюцію?", "context_date": "1 грудня 2013", "context_left": "Юрій Луценко наголошував, що акція протесту поступово перетворилася на революцію. Він підкреслив, що український народ повинен мати на меті не зміну влади чи президента, але й побудовану систему влади в країні. Луценко наголосив, що необхідно довести до логічного кінця те, що не вдалося завершити у ", "context_right": " та 2004 роках. Він сказав:", "mention": "1991", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "4391837"} {"context_title": "Voting ends in landmark Congo election", "context_date": "October 30, 2006", "context_left": "Following independence from Belgium, Congo underwent a turbulent political history, enduring a 32-year dictatorship under Mobutu Sese Seko. The 1994 Rwandan genocide sparked strife in neighbouring Congo, and Sese Seko was overthrown by Laurent Kabila in the ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "First Congo War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "838695"} {"context_title": "Milliarden für den Wiederaufbau im Gazastreifen", "context_date": "02.03.2009", "context_left": " Mit 4,5 Milliarden US-Dollar will die internationale Gemeinschaft den Wiederaufbau der zerstörten Infrastruktur, von Wohnungen, Schulen und Kindergärten im Gazastreifen unterstützen, die während der ", "context_right": " durch die Angriffe der israelischen Armee zerstört worden waren. Das ist das Ergebnis einer Geberkonferenz, die unter internationaler Beteiligung am heutigen Montag im ägyptischen Scharm el-Scheich stattfand. Vertreter von mehr als 70 Staaten waren zu der Konferenz angereist. Die Europäische Union sagte 436 Millionen Euro finanzielle Hilfen zu. Die arabischen Staaten am Persischen Golf wollen in den nächsten fünf Jahren 1,65 Milliarden US-Dollar zur Verfügung stellen. 900 Millionen US-Dollar werden von den Vereinigten Staaten für die Unterstützung der Palästinenser zur Verfügung gestellt, davon soll ein Drittel in den Gazastreifen gehen. Ägyptischen Angaben zufolge will das Königreich Saudi-Arabien eine Milliarde an Finanzhilfen für die Palästinenser bereitstellen.", "mention": "Operation Gegossenes Blei", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "170682"} {"context_title": "Truck bomb kills at least 80 in Afghan capital city center", "context_date": "May 31, 2017", "context_left": "Though an initial report by Interior Ministry spokesman Najib Danish claimed the site of the detonation as near one of the gates to the Afghan Presidential Palace, it was actually closer to the German embassy, which sustained considerable damage, according to NBC. Germany currently has more than 950 soldiers in Afghanistan as part of NATO's ", "context_right": " and helped the Afghan security personnel in their training. \"It was a car bomb near the German embassy, but there are several other important compounds and offices near there too. It is hard to say what the exact target is,\" said police spokesperson Basir Mujahid.", "mention": "Resolute Support Mission", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "18651204"} {"context_title": "Atentado contra un autobús turístico en Bulgaria deja varios israelitas muertos", "context_date": "18 de julio de 2012", "context_left": "Se cree que el atentado pudo haber estado relacionado con la conmemoración de los 18 años del ", "context_right": " a la Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA) en la ciudad de Buenos Aires y, que dejó 85 muertos el año 1994.", "mention": "atentado", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "322936"} {"context_title": "Dva lidé silně ozářeni v elektrárně Fukušima", "context_date": "24. březen 2011", "context_left": "Ředitel Lawrencovy národní laboratoře v Berkeley James Symons řekl, že katastrofa v elektrárně Fukušima je nyní podobná spíš nehodě na americké elektrárně Three Mile Island v roce 1979 než s ", "context_right": " v roce 1986. \"„Situace se hodně liší, i když se stále přibližují. Je určitě velmi nepravděpodobné, co se stalo v Černobylu, že vybouchl prakticky celý reaktor. Je to velmi vážné, ale pokud vím, tak se daří dostat vše pod kontrolu.“\"", "mention": "černobylskou katastrofou", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Wheelchair curling enters third day at 2014 Winter Paralympics", "context_date": "March 10, 2014", "context_left": "The United States has not medaled at the past two Paraympic Games, with their best finish a fourth at the 2010 Games. Of the United States's curling team, two are returning wheelchair curling Paralympic veterans. James Joseph, the second, competed at the 2006 Winter Paralympics and ", "context_right": ". The skip and Madison, Wisconsin native, Patrick McDonald, competed at the 2010 Games. Penny Greely, the lead, competed in sitting volleyball at the 2004 Summer Paralympics where she won a bronze medal. David Palmer, the third, is competing at his first games after having a fourth place finish at the 2013 World Championships in Russia and a fifth place finish at the 2012 World Championships in South Korea. Alternate and Cape Cod native Meghan Lino is also at her first Paralympic Games after taking up the sport in 2009.", "mention": "2010 Winter Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "641965"} {"context_title": "Jenson Button wins half of the 2009 Malaysian Grand Prix points", "context_date": "April 6, 2009", "context_left": "Brawn-Mercedes driver Jenson Button wins FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Petronas Malaysian Grand Prix at Sepang International Circuit, Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia. The race was suspended by red flag due to heavy rain after 33 laps and later stopped after more than half an hour of waiting the track to dry up. All drivers earned only half possible points counted after 31 laps.", "mention": "2009", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "171361"} {"context_title": "Публицист, блогер, просветитель Александр Майсурян", "context_date": "3 декабря 2018", "context_left": "Тот же самый «прогноз» мы получим, если обратимся к истории. Возьмите французскую Реставрацию, или английскую — чем они закончились? Обе закончились революциями, но уже не великими, а, так сказать, малыми: ", "context_right": " 1830 года во Франции и «славной революцией» в Англии. Которые отстранили от власти потерявших берега ретроградов. А вот когда это случится, сказать сложно. «Революцию нельзя учесть, революцию нельзя предсказать, она является сама собой», говорил Ленин.", "mention": "июльской революцией", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "214028"} {"context_title": "Слово года", "context_date": "16 декабря 2005", "context_left": "Словом 2005 года в США признано слово «беженец», в применении к людям, которые вынуждены были покинуть свои дома в результате опустошительного наводнения в Новом Орлеане, вызванном ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "ураганом «Катрина»", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "US presidential candidate Barack Obama has 50% support", "context_date": "October 9, 2008", "context_left": "United States presidential candidate Barack Obama now has 50% support in the polls. John McCain had a statistical lead over Barack Obama after the ", "context_right": ". However, since the middle of September, Barack Obama's polls have risen and he has recaptured the lead. Tuesday was the first day Obama received 50% or more support in the \"Day to Day Politics Poll Average\" since it began back in mid July. Barack Obama now has 50.1% support and John McCain has 43.6% support - a 6.5% difference with a margin of error of 0.70%. ", "mention": "Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Felipe Massa wins 2008 Turkish Grand Prix", "context_date": "May 11, 2008", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Felipe Massa for the third consecutive year won from pole the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Petrol Ofisi Turkish Grand Prix at Istanbul Racing Circuit, Istanbul, Turkey. Massa was also 2007 and 2006 year winner.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179425"} {"context_title": "Jenson Button gewinnt den "Großen Preis von Australien"", "context_date": "19.03.2012", "context_left": " Jenson Button gewann nach 58 Runden den ", "context_right": ". Schon beim Start überholte Jenson Button seinen Teamkollegen Lewis Hamilton und behielt die Führung bis zur letzten Runde. ", "mention": "Großen Preis von Australien", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "15073"} {"context_title": "Нађени скелет припада Ричарду III", "context_date": "4. фебруар 2013.", "context_left": "Ричард III био је на власти између 1483. и 1485. године, у време ", "context_right": " тј. грађанског рата који се водио око енглеског престола.", "mention": "Ратова ружа", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "127751"} {"context_title": "Jenson Button wins 2009 Spanish Grand Prix", "context_date": "May 12, 2009", "context_left": "On Sunday, Brawn-Mercedes driver Jenson Button won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Spanish Grand Prix at Circuit de Catalunya, Montmeló, Spain. This marks his fourth win this season.", "mention": "2009", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172912"} {"context_title": "Ядовитое облако над Екатеринбургом", "context_date": "13 октября 2017", "context_left": "Екатеринбургские СМИ также сообщают о том, что Роспотребнадзор организовал мониторинг радиационного фона в Челябинской области. Общественное сознание города Екатеринбурга будоражит возможность повторения ", "context_right": ". Все с нетерпением ждут брифинг МЧС Свердловской области, на котором спасатели пообещали подробнее рассказать о нависшем над городом смоге. Сейчас екатеринбургские синоптики продлили предупреждение об атмосферном загрязнении, смог над уральской столицей и областью продержится до вечера вторника, 17 октября.", "mention": "радиационной чрезвычайной ситуации 1957 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1349539"} {"context_title": "US Senate approves rules regulating detainee treatment", "context_date": "October 6, 2005", "context_left": "The United States Senate approved a proposal that imposes restrictions on the detention, interrogation, and treatment of prisoners held by the US military. The rules prohibit the use of \"cruel, inhuman or degrading treatment or punishment\" against anyone in US government custody, regardless of where they are held. The rules also require all US troops to use only interrogation techniques authorized in a new Army field manual, but does not cover techniques used by the Central Intelligence Agency. The rules follow alleged revelations of detainee abuse committed by US military and intelligence personnel in Guantanamo Bay and ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Abu Ghraib", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "334720"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews U.S. Constitution Party presidential candidate Max Riekse", "context_date": "March 1, 2008", "context_left": "Riekse is a retired decorated United States Lieutenant Colonel in the United States Army who served in both the Vietnam War and the ", "context_right": ". He is also a former public school teacher and Assistant Professor of Military Science at Western Michigan University. He has a B.A. in Political Science and International Relations from the University of South Florida as well as two M.A.s, one in Political Science and International Relations, the other in Eductaion and History. Both are from Western Michigan University. ", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Renault F1 team exclusion overturned", "context_date": "August 17, 2009", "context_left": "According to an FIA press release, the 1-race ban imposed on the Renault Formula One team following an incident at the ", "context_right": " has been overturned.", "mention": "Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172010"} {"context_title": "Israël wint Eurovisiesongfestival 2018", "context_date": "13 mei 2018", "context_left": " heeft vannacht het Eurovisiesongfestival 2018 in Lissabon gewonnen. Zangeres Netta Barzilai behaalde met haar liedje \"Toy\" 529 punten, wat genoeg was voor de eerste plaats. Op de tweede plaats eindigde de Cypriotische Eleni Foureira met \"Fuego\" en op de derde plaats de Oostenrijkse Cesár Sampson met \"Nobody but you\". Netta's feministische nummer is gebaseerd op de #metoo-beweging en haar eigen ervaringen. De vorige keer dat Israël het liedjesfestijn won was in ", "context_right": ", toen werd Dana International eerste met haar nummer \"Diva\".", "mention": "1998", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "202110"} {"context_title": "国际法庭交出米洛舍维奇尸体", "context_date": "2006年3月14日", "context_left": "据法医称,领导塞尔维亚度过1990年代", "context_right": "时期的米洛舍维奇死于心肌梗塞、终年64岁。关于其死因的调查正在进行。其律师称他病情恶化的原因是其医生不当的治疗方法,而法庭官员和两名荷兰毒理学家则怀疑他私自服用了未经批准的药物。", "mention": "巴尔干战争", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "165725"} {"context_title": "Vége az iraki háborúnak", "context_date": "2009. március 1.", "context_left": "Nem sokkal az afganisztáni csapatmegerősítések tervének közzététele után Barack Obama, az Amerikai Egyesült Államok elnöke bejelentette, hogy körülbelül másfél év múlva, azaz 2010 augusztus 31-én véget vet a 2003 óta tartó ", "context_right": " és megkezdi az iraki csapatkivonásokat. Jelenleg még mindig 142 000 ", "mention": "iraki háborúnak", "context_lang": "hu", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Governo de Zapatero proíbe manifestação da Associação Vítimas do Terrorismo em frente o Congresso", "context_date": "30 de junho de 2005", "context_left": "A AVT, que convocou a manifestação com a Associação de Ajuda às Vítimas de ", "context_right": ", opõe-se ao fechamento da chamada Comissão do 11 de março (que investiga as mortes ocasionadas pelo atentado) e à porta aberta pelo governo de Rodríguez Zapatero para uma eventual negociação com a organização terrorista vasca ETA.", "mention": "11 de março de 2004", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "213531"} {"context_title": "První volební data nahrávají Obamovi, McCain vytáhl strašidlo nukleární války", "context_date": "22. říjen 2008", "context_left": "McCain v takové situaci připomněl své zkušenosti z ", "context_right": ", která v roce 1962 hrozila přerůst v jaderný konflikt. Na shromáždění v Pensylvánii přesvědčoval voliče, že je na takové krizové situace lépe připraven než jeho protějšek.", "mention": "karibské krize", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "128160"} {"context_title": "Blair maakt plaats voor Gordon Brown", "context_date": "24 juni 2007", "context_left": "Dit alles hoeft geen verrassing te zijn. Blair gaf reeds begin mei aan wanneer zijn - langverwachte - ontslag zou volgen. De Britse deelname aan de ", "context_right": " verziekte de publieke opinie reeds lang en na een nipte overwinning bij de laatste parlementsverkiezingen kwam zijn positie meer dan ooit op de helling te staan.", "mention": "oorlog in Irak", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Gobierno de Haití confirma más de 150.000 muertos por el sismo", "context_date": "28 de enero de 2010", "context_left": "Sin embargo, este número es provisorio ya que las autoridades de Haití calculan las víctimas del ", "context_right": " en más de 200 mil personas, además de que este cálculo corresponde sólo a los fallecidos en la capital de Haití, Puerto Príncipe.", "mention": "terremoto", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "Michael Schumacher returns to Formula One to replace injured Massa", "context_date": "July 30, 2009", "context_left": "Massa was recently injured after a spring got loose from Rubens Barricello's car and hit his head in the ", "context_right": ". Schumacher is expected to replace Massa for at least one Formula One event until the recovery of the Brazilian driver. Schumacher will get ready for his return using a special training program, checking his recovery after he fell off a motorcycle.", "mention": "Hungarian GP", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172010"} {"context_title": "Таруса возвращает дореволюционные названия улиц", "context_date": "22 октября 2020", "context_left": "Предмет многолетней общественной дискуссии, которая началась ещё в 1990-х годах — использование в топонимике имени Петра Войкова, одного из организаторов ", "context_right": ". По данным «Новой газеты», на начало 2011 года в России имелась как минимум 131 улица, носящая его имя. В последующие годы некоторые из этих улиц были переименованы.", "mention": "расстрела царской семьи", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1356047"} {"context_title": "Testimony by John Travolta that son was autistic raises Scientology questions", "context_date": "September 24, 2009", "context_left": "\"Wikinews\" reported on views of representatives of Scientology on psychiatry in February 2009. Individuals affiliated with the Church of Scientology appeared on a program called \"The No Drug Show\", and blamed both the ", "context_right": " attacks in the United States and the attack on Pearl Harbor on psychiatrists. David Figueroa, a spokesperson for CCHR, erroneously claimed that Osama bin Laden's second in command, Ayman al-Zawahiri is a psychiatrist, as did former CCHR-International president Dennis H. Clarke. Zawahiri is actually a surgeon; he is not a psychiatrist or a psychologist.", "mention": "September 11, 2001", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Alinghi vince la XXXII America's Cup", "context_date": "3 luglio 2007", "context_left": "È Alinghi ad aggiudicarsi la ", "context_right": " di vela, disputatasi nelle acque spagnole di Valencia. Il consorzio svizzero difende quindi il titolo già vinto nel 2003 sul Team New Zealand, battendo nuovamente gli oceaniani con un punteggio di 5 regate a 2.", "mention": "trentaduesima edizione della America's Cup", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "225137"} {"context_title": "Hugo Chávez anuncia ley de amnistía e indulto", "context_date": "3 de enero de 2008", "context_left": "El presidente venezolano Hugo Chávez sorpresivamente anunció, justo antes de finalizar el 2007, un decreto de Ley sobre Amnistía e Indulto que favorece a un conjunto de personas acusadas de cometer delitos políticos durante el ", "context_right": " y el Paro petrolero de 2002-2003.", "mention": "Golpe de Estado de 2002", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "8807"} {"context_title": "Hurricane Gustav batters Caribbean, threatens US Gulf Coast", "context_date": "August 30, 2008", "context_left": "At 5:00 p.m. (eastern time), the National Hurricane Center stated that Gustav had sustained winds at least 150 miles per hour and was moving Northwest at 15 miles per hour. Watches and warnings have been posted from Eastern Texas all the way to Mississippi. It is scheduled to make landfall somewhere in Louisiana on Tuesday. As of 5pm, Gustav was stronger than the hurricane in 2005 ", "context_right": " which killed over 1,500 people in Louisiana.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Реакције светских лидера", "context_date": "2. мај 2011.", "context_left": "Бивши амерички председник Џорџ Буш назвао је смрт бин Ладена „огромном достигнућем“. Буш је био председник када је Ал-Каида напала Сједињене Државе, ", "context_right": ". Други бивши амерички председник Бил Клинтон, назвао је бин Ладенову смрт „дубоко значајним тренутком“.", "mention": "11. септембра 2001. године", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Australia announces levy bill to offset cost of Queensland floods", "context_date": "January 27, 2011", "context_left": "The Prime Minister of Australia, Julia Gillard, has today announced a new bill into Parliament to assist in the ", "context_right": " recovery. The proposed levy will be a once-off tax, given only to those with an annual income of above A$50,000. ", "mention": "Queensland floods", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "837833"} {"context_title": "В Лос-Анжелесе прошло вручение премии «Эмми»", "context_date": "19 сентября 2011", "context_left": "В Лос-Анджелесе в воскресенье 18 сентября прошла 63-я церемония вручения премий «", "context_right": "» за лучшие работы на телевидении. Вела церемонию актриса Джейн Линч.", "mention": "Эмми", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "259726"} {"context_title": "U.S. fighter jet crashes in Libya", "context_date": "March 22, 2011", "context_left": "A United States F-15E Strike Eagle fighter jet has crashed in Libya the U.S. military said. The U.S. Air Force jet, flying in support of the no-fly zone over Libya as part of ", "context_right": ", crashed somewhere outside of Benghazi last night around 10:30pm CET (9:30pm UTC), according to the \"Daily Telegraph\". \"Telegraph\" reporter Rob Crilly found the wreckage, saying on his Twitter feed: \"[J]ust found a crashed US warplane in a field. believe a mechanical failure brought it down[.]\"", "mention": "Operation Odyssey Dawn", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "878102"} {"context_title": "Barack Obama sweeps three state Democratic contests", "context_date": "February 10, 2008", "context_left": "Louisiana's Democratic primary was also won by Obama in a large margin, winning nearly 53% of the vote over Clinton's 39%. The state, which is still suffering from the effects of ", "context_right": " three years later could play a large role in the election this year.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Wat betekent de brexit voor Gibraltar en de 'mensen van The Rock'", "context_date": "18 januari 2019", "context_left": "\"The Rock\" – een kalkstenen knobbel met een grootte van ongeveer tweemaal het Central Park en een klein beetje hoger dan het Empire State Building – is al zo'n 300 jaar het toneel van een aanhoudende strijd tussen en . De inwoners van Gibraltar stemden er bijna unaniem vóór om onder Brits zeggenschap te blijven vallen, in 2002 en 1967. Ze stemden er niettemin ook bijna unaniem vóór om in de te blijven, tijdens het ", "context_right": " van juni 2016, terwijl de rest van hun landgenoten met een nipte meerderheid stemde voor het verlaten van de EU. Deze uitslag bracht twijfel over hun politieke en economische toekomst en manier van leven als mediterrane Britse burgers.", "mention": "brexitreferendum", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "21812812"} {"context_title": "ジャワ島近海でマグニチュード7.7の地震", "context_date": "2006年7月18日", "context_left": "ジャワ島では5月27日に", "context_right": "が発生したばかりだが、被災地ジョグジャカルタでも津波による被害が出ているという。地震発生後、津波発生の可能性について被災地への事前の警告がなかったことが問題視されており、当局への非難が高まっていると、19日の BBC News は伝えた。", "mention": "ジャワ島中部地震", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "867691"} {"context_title": "Hamas und Al-Fatah bilden Regierung der Nationalen Einheit", "context_date": "14.09.2006", "context_left": "Die Fatah ist eine 1959 von Jassir Arafat gegründete säkulare Bewegung und die stärkste Fraktion in der PLO. Auch die Fatah ist in mehrere Untergruppen gegliedert, von denen einige politisch, andere polizeilich und dritte terroristisch orientiert sind. Nach der ", "context_right": " trat Jassir Arafat deutlich für eine Verhandlungslösung im Konflikt mit Israel ein, die ihren Höhepunkt in den 1993 unterschriebenen Friedensverträgen von Oslo und der Gründung der Palästinensischen Autonomiebehörde fand.", "mention": "ersten Intifada", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "49105"} {"context_title": "Francia autoriza aplicar el toque de queda", "context_date": "8 de noviembre de 2005", "context_left": "El toque de queda, contemplado en una vieja ley de abril de 1955 sancionada durante la ", "context_right": " y nunca antes aplicada en la Francia continental, refrenda una decisión del primer ministro Dominique de Villepin, anunciada la noche del lunes.", "mention": "Guerra de Independencia de Argelia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "200790"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, September 2020", "context_date": "October 29, 2020", "context_left": "President Trump started the month visiting Kenosha, Wisconsin, where riots had broken out due to the police shooting of Jacob Blake in August. Trump referred to the riots as acts of \"domestic terror\" and placed further emphasis on maintaining \"law and order.\" His opponent, Biden, in a message to fundraisers, accused Trump of \"trying to scare the hell out of America.\" Biden himself visited Kenosha two days after Trump in what was his first campaign trip to the swing state of Wisconsin. During the appearance, Biden delivered a speech on racial inequality while wearing a mask, discussing the \"original sin\" of slavery. He also visited the family of Jacob Blake and spoke to Blake on the phone. The Trump campaign criticized Biden for not denouncing Antifa and for making the trip despite claiming previously that it was not safe to do so due to the coronavirus pandemic. Wisconsin governor Tony Evers, a Democrat, said he would have preferred that neither Trump nor Biden had made the stop. At least three unfavorable claims about Trump surfaced in early September. First, after CNN reporter and former Bill Clinton White House Press Secretary Joe Lockhart questioned whether the President's impromptu visit to Walter Reed Hospital last November was the result of a stroke, Trump alleged the media was falsely claiming he had suffered from \"mini-strokes.\" Thereafter, Matt Drudge posted a report from \"The Hill\" about Trump's \"mini-strokes\" tweet as the top story on the \"Drudge Report\". Trump attacked Drudge as a consistent Trump opponent and his campaign called for CNN to fire Lockhart. Next, \"The Atlantic\" claimed that during a 2018 trip to France, Trump refused to visit a cemetery of U.S. soldiers killed during the World War I ", "context_right": " and referred to the soldiers buried there as \"losers\" and \"suckers.\" Furthermore, Trump allegedly questioned whether the U.S. allied with the correct side during the war. Aides publicly denied the story as did Trump-critic and former National Security Advisor John Bolton. Nevertheless, others, including Fox News reporter Jennifer Griffin, confirmed key parts of the story. Trump called on Fox News to fire Griffin. Lastly, excerpts from Bob Woodward's book \"Rage\", for which Trump gave insider access, revealed Trump downplayed the coronavirus in February in order to avoid public panic. Trump confirmed the claim, arguing it was not in the national interest to stir up panic about the virus. Biden, while campaigning in Michigan, called Trump's action \"a life-and-death betrayal of the American people.\" He described it as \"beyond despicable\" and \"almost criminal.\" ", "mention": "Battle of Belleau Wood", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1474180"} {"context_title": "Прокуратура США расследует российский допинг", "context_date": "18 мая 2016", "context_left": "По данным New York Times, расследование изначально велось ФБР, а в настоящее время делом занимается тот же отдел прокуратуры Восточного округа в Бруклине, который в прошлом году ", "context_right": " десяткам функционеров ФИФА.", "mention": "предъявил обвинения в коррупции", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "19984977"} {"context_title": "Varios yihadistas que fueron detenidos en Barcelona son puestos en libertad", "context_date": "20 de octubre de 2008", "context_left": "Del resto, cinco deberán presentarse en comparecencias policiales cada semana o quince días, según los casos. Los doce detenidos estaban acusados de formar una célula islamista que colaboró en la huída de varios implicados en los ", "context_right": ". La decisión de poner a los detenidos en libertad se tomó tras prestar declaración diez de ellos.", "mention": "atentados del 11 de marzo de 2004 en Madrid", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "213531"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews former Congressman Virgil Goode, Constitution Party presidential candidate", "context_date": "February 27, 2012", "context_left": "Okay, let’s talk more about foreign policy. In 2002, you voted to authorize the ", "context_right": " and you supported the troop surge in 2007. However, the Constitution Party platform opposes undeclared wars, and supports a non-interventionist foreign policy. Do you stand by your previous votes?", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "México rinde homenaje a las víctimas de los terremotos de 1985 y 2017", "context_date": "19 de septiembre de 2018", "context_left": "Este miércoles (19 de septiembre), México rindió homenaje a las víctimas de los ", "context_right": ", que dejó diez mil víctimas, y en 2017, en el que fallecieron 369 personas. Por la mañana, a las 7:19, hora del primer siniestro de magnitud 8.1, el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto encabezó el izamiento a media asta de la bandera nacional en la Plaza de la Constitución de la Ciudad de México.", "mention": "terremotos ocurridos en 1985", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1798567"} {"context_title": "Geberkonferenz gewährt Haiti 5,3 Milliarden US-Dollar Aufbauhilfe", "context_date": "01.04.2010", "context_left": " Zwischen 217.000 und 230.000 Menschen hatten nach unterschiedlichen Schätzungen das ", "context_right": " in Haiti mit dem Leben bezahlt. Für die Überlebenden ist die Situation immer noch katastrophal: 1,2 Millionen Haitianer sind obdachlos und kampieren teilweise auf Straßen und Plätzen. Angesichts der bevorstehenden Regenzeit mit möglichen karibischen Stürmen und Überschwemmungen wird das koordinierte Handeln der internationalen Staatengemeinschaft immer dringlicher. Die Infrastruktur des Landes ist weitgehend zerstört. Die entstandenen Schäden werden auf rund 14 Milliarden US-Dollar geschätzt. Nun hat eine internationale Geberkonferenz in New York die finanzielle Hilfe für den Aufbau des Landes beraten und die Bereitschaft erklärt, insgesamt 5,3 Milliarden US-Dollar an Wiederaufbauhilfe zu leisten. Die Hälfte dieses Betrages soll in den nächsten zwei Jahren zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Langfristig sei sogar ein Finanzvolumen von knapp zehn Milliarden US-Dollar geplant, erklärte der UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-moon. Zum Abschluss der Geberkonferenz, an der 130 Staaten teilgenommen hatten, erklärte Ban: „Die Freunde Haitis haben unsere Erwartungen übertroffen.“", "mention": "Erdbeben vom 12. Januar 2010", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "La France officiellement candidate à l'organisation de l'Euro 2016", "context_date": "13 février 2009", "context_left": "La fédération française de football a confirmé vendredi que la France serait bien candidate à l'organisation du ", "context_right": ". Les autres candidatures officielles ont été déposées par la Grèce, la Turquie et le duo Écosse-Pays de Galles. D'autres pays, dont l'Italie, pourraient se présenter avant le 10 mars 2009, date limite pour introduire une candidature. Le résultat devrait être rendu le 10 mai 2010.", "mention": "championnat d'Europe de football 2016", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "189571"} {"context_title": "Из-за японского землетрясения день стал короче", "context_date": "15 марта 2011", "context_left": "", "context_right": ", произошедшее в пятницу в Японии, было настолько мощным, что, по словам экспертов, оно слегка изменило скорость вращения Земли, в результате чего день стал короче на какую-то долю секунды.", "mention": "Землетрясение силой 8,9 балла", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Екатеринбуржцы массово не явились на согласованные празднования освобождения Минска (видео)", "context_date": "4 июля 2018", "context_left": "3 июля 2018 года в Екатеринбурге ни один человек, включая организаторов, не стал участвовать в разрешённой властями уличной акции, посвящённой празднованию годовщины ", "context_right": " Минска от немецко-фашистских захватчиков. Мероприятие проигнорировали все, кроме оппозиционеров, которым под предлогом её проведения запретили в этот день митинг против повышения пенсионного возраста.", "mention": "освобождения", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "2465049"} {"context_title": "Холандија одговорна за смрт три Муслимана у Сребреници", "context_date": "5. јул 2011.", "context_left": "(Beta) - Холандска држава одговорна је за смрт три Муслимана у време ", "context_right": " 1995. године, одлучио је у уторак Апелациони суд у Хагу, на основу тужбе преживелих и чланова породица жртава, јавиле су агенције.", "mention": "масакра у Сребреници", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "170334"} {"context_title": "Hurricane Rita turns toward Texas-Louisiana border", "context_date": "September 23, 2005", "context_left": "The U.S. Corps of Engineers estimated that 6 inches of rainfall could breach the previously damaged levees. New Orleans' Ninth Ward, which saw as much as 20 feet of water during ", "context_right": ", is currently in waist high water as a nearby levee was overtopped. Water is spilling over the levee in a section 100 feet wide.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Regazzoni dies in road accident", "context_date": "December 15, 2006", "context_left": "His career ended in 1980 after crashing his Ensign during the ", "context_right": " due to a brake failure. The crash left the Swiss paralyzed from the waist down.", "mention": "United States Grand Prix West", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "171753"} {"context_title": "文化創意產業 力挺2009夏季聽障奧運 讓無聲更有聲", "context_date": "2008年2月25日", "context_left": "距離", "context_right": "尚有一年半的時間,地主台北市政府仍在積極籌建比賽場館的同時,文化創意產業的名人,也是知名導演賴聲川,在即日起,正式成為2009聽奧籌委會的創意總監。預計2009夏季聽奧的開閉幕與相關節目籌備及視覺設計,將由賴聲川主導。這項體育與文化創意產業的重要合作,將有可能讓單純的無聲文化,更具聲色。", "mention": "2009夏季聽障奧運", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "709910"} {"context_title": "Estonija izborila bod protiv Srbije u finišu meča", "context_date": "29. март 2011.", "context_left": "Talin / Estonija (Beta) - Fudbalska reprezentacija Srbije igrala je u utorak uveče nerešeno 1:1 u Talinu sa Estonijom u utakmici kvalifikacija za ", "context_right": " godine.", "mention": "Evropsko prvenstvo 2012.", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "«Ложь Матильды» сняли в Екатеринбурге", "context_date": "11 октября 2017", "context_left": "На щитах были черно-белые фото Николая II и членов его семьи, ", "context_right": ". Фото пересекала надпись:", "mention": "расстрелянных в Екатеринбурге в июле 1918 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1356047"} {"context_title": "Police in Britain uncover suspected terrorist plot", "context_date": "August 11, 2006", "context_left": "The bombs were to be smuggled onboard in passengers' hand luggage. The planned attacks might have been the biggest terrorist attacks since <a href=\"w%3ASeptember%2011%2C%202001%20attacks\">9/11</a>, government officials have said. Information gathered after recent arrests in Pakistan convinced British investigators they had to act urgently to stop the plot. The original information about the plan came from the Muslim community in Britain, according to a British intelligence official. The tip resulted from a person who had been concerned about the activities of an acquaintance after the ", "context_right": ", the official said.", "mention": "July 7, 2005 terror attacks in London", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Laurent Lamothe resigns as Haitian PM", "context_date": "December 15, 2014", "context_left": "Lamothe's resignation had been recommended on Friday by a commission set up by President Michel Martelly. Martelly appointed Lamothe in 2011, the year after ", "context_right": " caused widespread devastation. Elections to the Senate, Lower Chamber, and numerous municipal offices were also due in 2011.", "mention": "a major earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "Перший в історії російський пілот «Формули-1» піднявся на п'єдестал", "context_date": "27 березня 2011", "context_left": "На прес-конференції, яку дали призери ", "context_right": " Віталій Петров сказав наступне: «\"Я дуже щасливий сидіти тут з цими хлопцями. Вік-енд для нас пройшов непогано. Після тестів ми точно не знали, де знаходимося серед інших команд. Привезли сюди в Австралію новинки. Починаючи з вільних заїздів машина виглядала дуже добре, кваліфікація пройшла чудово. Я зберігав націленість на гонку. І команда відпрацювала здорово. Що стосується пресингу з боку Алонсо, то тут усе було спокійно. Я контролював машину, намагався берегти гуму — під кінець вона почала деградувати. Мені вдався непоганий старт, я намагався атакувати Фернандо, побачив Баттона попереду, відпустив гальма і спробував пройти їх разом. Ми продовжимо нашу боротьбу. Зараз мені треба подякувати стількох людей, які не опускали руки і вірили в мене, всю команду, яка плідно працювала всі тести. Коли ми тільки приїхали в Австралію ми сподівалися, що наша машина буде швидка — так що це їх результат. Хотів би подякувати всіх, хто працює на базі команди…\"»", "mention": "Гран-прі Австралії 2011", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "15072"} {"context_title": "Joseph Ratzinger élu pape", "context_date": "19 avril 2005", "context_left": "Le ", "context_right": " des 115 cardinaux avait commencé le processus d'élection le 18 avril. Il a fallu 4 tours de scrutin répartis sur un peu plus de 24 heures pour que la majorité des deux tiers nécessaire soit atteinte.", "mention": "conclave", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "666536"} {"context_title": "Max Verstappen zwycięzcą Grand Prix Hiszpanii", "context_date": "15 maja 2016", "context_left": "Max Verstappen został sensacyjnym zwycięzcą wyścigu Formuły 1 o ", "context_right": ". Kierowca Red Bull Racing zapisał się w kartach Formuły 1 jako pierwszy Holender, który wygrał wyścig, zostając także najmłodszym zwycięzcą wyścigu. Verstappen wyprzedził o 0,616 sek. Kimiego Räikkönena i o 5,581 sek. Sebastiana Vettela (obaj Ferrari).", "mention": "Grand Prix Hiszpanii", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "23045085"} {"context_title": "Malaysian culture minister pans documentary", "context_date": "May 25, 2006", "context_left": "The film has picked up controversy because it is inspired by the ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "Malayan Emergency", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2354629"} {"context_title": "Ανανεώνει με την εθνική Ουκρανίας ο Ολέγκ Μπλαχίν", "context_date": "16 Μαΐου 2012", "context_left": "Ο Ολέγκ Μπλαχίν ανακοίνωσε ότι θα ανανεώσει το συμβόλαιο του με την εθνική Ουκρανίας εν όψει του ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Euro 2012", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "FC Barcelona signs Chilean footballer Arturo Vidal from Bayern", "context_date": "August 5, 2018", "context_left": "31-year-old Vidal joined the German giants FC Bayern in 2015 from Italian side Juventus FC. Since joining Bayern, Vidal has scored 22 goals, in 124 matches in all competitions. He also provided eighteen assists. During his tenure at Allianz Arena, Vidal has won three consecutive German Bundesliga titles, two DFL Super Cups as well as one DFB-Pokal. Prior to moving to Bayern, Vidal won four consecutive Italian Serie A titles with Juventus. Internationally, Vidal has won the Copa América in 2015 as well as 2016's ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Last Ottoman dies, aged 91", "context_date": "April 5, 2012", "context_left": "When Neslişah was born on February 4, 1921, cannons were fired to spread the news and she was registered in the family records, the last child of the Ottoman line to be registered. She was born just two years before Mustafa Kemal Atatürk founded modern Turkey. The ", "context_right": " brought the formal end of the Ottoman dynasty. The Ottomans had ruled for 600 years. At the peak of the Empire, the family's rule stretched across the Middle East and North Africa, as well as to Eastern Europe. As a young girl, Neslişah left Turkey for exile with her relatives after the royal family was banished. ", "mention": "Turkish revolution", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "4298662"} {"context_title": "Талибан предостерёг Британию от отправки войск в Афганистан", "context_date": "22 мая 2018", "context_left": "Талибы рекомендуют британским официальным лицам вспомнить свои прошлые вторжения в Афганистан (", "context_right": ", 2-ая, 3-я англо-афганские войны) и исторические события, в частности, битву при Майванде.", "mention": "1-ая", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "989092"} {"context_title": "ダルフールで反政府勢力が停戦監視団を襲撃", "context_date": "2005年10月12日", "context_left": "9日土曜日、武装した男たちが18人のAU停戦監視部隊の隊員を誘拐した。誘拐された中には軍事監視員と警察官が含まれていた。AU委員会のアダム・ティアム報道官は、誘拐は反政府派組織「正義と平等運動」(JEM)から分離したグループによって行われたと述べた。JEMはイスラム系武装勢力で", "context_right": "に深くかかわっている。米ボイス・オブ・アメリカ放送は、武装勢力がその後この18人を救出にいった隊員をも捕らえたと伝えている。", "mention": "ダルフール紛争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "190758"} {"context_title": "அல் கைடா தலைவர் உசாமா பின் லாதின் கொல்லப்பட்டார்", "context_date": "மே 2, 2011", "context_left": "அமெரிக்காவின் மீது 2001 செப்டம்பர் 11ம் தேதி நடத்தப்பட்ட ", "context_right": ", மற்றும் 2002 பாலிக் குண்டுவெடிப்புகள் உட்படப் பல்வேறு தாக்குதல்களுக்கு காரணகர்த்தாவாக, சர்வதேசத் தீவிரவாதியாக பின் லாதின் அமெரிக்காவால் அறிவிக்கப்பட்டவர்.", "mention": "இரட்டைக் கோபுரத் தாக்குதல்", "context_lang": "ta", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Der Physiker Sebastian Pflugbeil berichtet aus Fukushima", "context_date": "08.02.2014", "context_left": " Ganz aktuell von der Situation in Japan - fast drei Jahre nach der Katastrophe in Fukushima - berichtete der Physiker Sebastian Pflugbeil im vollbesetzten Saal des Bremer Kulturzentrums \"Paradox\", das sich in der Bernhardstraße neben der Lila Eule befindet. Pflugbeil hatte bereits nach der Tschernobyl-Katastrophe 1986 im Auftrag des Bundes der Evangelischen Kirchen in der DDR an einer Studie über Probleme der Kernenergiepolitik in der DDR mitgearbeitet. In seinem gestrigen Vortrag beschrieb er die restrikte Informationspolitik der japanischen Regierung. Auch auf mehrmalige Nachfrage aus dem Publikum musste er betonen, dass es kaum Informationen gebe. Die Statistiken der Krankenhäuser über Missbildungen bei Kindern seien ab 2011 nicht weitergeführt worden, so dass es keine Erkenntnisse darüber gebe. Aus vergleichenden Studien nach der ", "context_right": " ließen sich Vermutungen über die Folgen für die japanische Bevölkerung herleiten. So gebe es Hinweise, dass die Zahl der Totgeburten und die Fälle von Schilddrüsenkrebs zunehmen würden. Leider sei auch in Deutschland die Datengrundlage unzureichend. In Bayern gebe es mehrere Statistiken nach der Katastrophe von Tschernobyl.", "mention": "Katastrophe von Tschernobyl", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Coup d'envoi de l'Euro 2016 au Stade de France", "context_date": "12 juin 2016", "context_left": "Le coup d'envoi de l'", "context_right": " de football a été donné vendredi 10 juin, à 21 h 00, au Stade de France (Saint-Denis, Seine-Saint-Denis). Le match opposait la France et la Roumanie.", "mention": "Euro 2016", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "189571"} {"context_title": "スーダン政府軍、国連機に偽装して住民を空爆か─ダルフール紛争", "context_date": "2007年4月19日", "context_left": "東京新聞などが報じたところによると、スーダン西部の", "context_right": "で、スーダン政府軍が軍用機を国際連合(国連)の航空機に偽装して、兵器の輸送や反政府派住民に対する爆撃などに使っていたことがわかった。18日の国際連合安全保障理事会スーダン制裁委員会の報告書で明らかになった。スーダン政府は否定している。", "mention": "ダルフール紛争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "190758"} {"context_title": "Australische Soldaten gehen mit Fahrrad auf Patrouille", "context_date": "15.05.2009", "context_left": " Das südostasiatische Land Timor-Leste (Osttimor) hat unruhige Zeiten hinter sich. Nach 24 Jahren indonesische Besatzung und drei Jahren UN-Verwaltung erhielt es 2002 seine Unabhängigkeit. Doch 2006 kam es zu schweren Unruhen, denen mindestens 37 Menschen zum Opfer fielen. 155.000 Menschen, 10 Prozent der Bevölkerung war auf der Flucht. Unter Führung der australischen Armee wurde eine internationale Eingreiftruppe, die ", "context_right": " ISF entsandt, um wieder für Ruhe und Ordnung zu sorgen. Die Vereinten Nationen setzten zudem eine internationale Polizeimission ein, die UNMIT. Eine Rebellenbewegung führte am 11. Februar 2008 einen Anschlag auf die Staats- und Regierungschefs aus. Präsident Ramos-Horta wurde dabei schwer verletzt. Da aber auch der Rebellenführer ums Leben kam, war dies das Ende der Bewegung. Auch wenn Bandenkämpfe immer noch für Opfer sorgen, hat sich die Lage in den letzten Monaten sehr beruhigt. Doch noch immer sorgen ausländisches Militär und Polizei für Sicherheit und Stabilität in Timor-Leste, darunter 650 australische Soldaten", "mention": "International Stabilization Force", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "1666929"} {"context_title": "Australian warship sunk as artificial reef", "context_date": "August 1, 2005", "context_left": "She saw service in the Vietnam and ", "context_right": " wars before decommissioning on 19 October 2001.", "mention": "Gulf", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "Яшин презентовал доклад «Угроза национальной безопасности»", "context_date": "23 февраля 2016", "context_left": "За день до презентации Илья Яшин пояснил выбор даты — 23 февраля — годовщиной начала ", "context_right": " в 1944 году и связанными событиями 2014 года:", "mention": "депортации чеченцев и ингушей", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "654363"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Κόστα Ρίκα νίκησε την Εθνική Βολιβίας με σκορ 2-0", "context_date": "9 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Κόστα Ρίκα νίκησε την Εθνική Βολιβίας με σκορ 2:0 στον αγώνα για τον Α' Όμιλο του ", "context_right": ". Στον άλλο αγώνα του ομίλου, η Εθνική Αργεντινής ήρθε ισόπαλη με σκορ 0:0 με τη Εθνική Κολομβίας.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "Líder da Al Qaeda incita muçulmanos a fazer Guerra Santa Mundial contra os judeus", "context_date": "28 de julho de 2006", "context_left": "Zawahiri, tendo ao fundo uma imagem do World Trade Centre em chamas durante os ", "context_right": ", conclamou todos os muçulmanos a se revoltar e tornarem-se mártires numa Jihad contra a coalizão cruzada e Israel: \"Oh, muçulmanos de todo lugar! Convido-os a lutar e a tornarem-se mártires na guerra contra os Sionistas e os cruzados\".", "mention": "ataques de 11 de setembro de 2001", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Dos muertos y cientos de heridos dejan las manifestaciones de Brasil", "context_date": "21 de junio de 2013", "context_left": "Este viernes, el Gobierno brasileño admitió la posibilidad de que las manifestaciones de Brasil puedan comprometer la visita que realizará el papa Francisco en el mes de julio para la celebración de la ", "context_right": " próxima a celebrarse en Río de Janeiro.", "mention": "Jornada Mundial de la Juventud 2013", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "478154"} {"context_title": "検察審査会、福島原発事故に関して東電元幹部を「起訴すべき」と議決", "context_date": "2014年8月1日", "context_left": "東京第五検察審査会は7月31日、2011年の", "context_right": "に関係する業務上過失致死傷罪で、東京電力の元幹部3人を「起訴相当」と議決したことを明らかにした。起訴相当としたのは元会長の勝俣恒久氏と元副社長の武藤栄氏・武黒一郎氏で、他に元常務の小森明生氏を不起訴不当、元副社長の2人を不起訴相当とした。議決書の日付は7月23日。", "mention": "福島第一原子力発電所事故", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews meteorological experts on Cyclone Phalin", "context_date": "October 14, 2013", "context_left": " Some forecasters have likened Cyclone Phailin's size and intensity to ", "context_right": " which devastated the US Gulf Coast in 2005, would you agree?", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Parlamentario japonés es sancionado por entregar carta al emperador", "context_date": "8 de noviembre de 2013", "context_left": "El diputado, que también es actor y activista antinuclear, aprovechó el momento en que saludaba al emperador para entregar una carta transmitiendo su preocupación por los efectos del ", "context_right": ". En ese momento, que fue captado en video, se muestra al emperador recibiendo la carta, mientras su esposa, la emperatriz Michiko se da cuenta de la salida de protocolo y uno de los mayordomos rápidamente toma la carta.", "mention": "accidente nuclear en Fukushima", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Гражданские войны в арабском мире", "context_date": "26 февраля 2011", "context_left": "", "context_right": " разгорается, страна поделена на запад и восток. Сын Каддафи на стороне оппозиции. Кто будет после Ливии? Либо Йемен или Бахрейн. Эксперты подсчитывают ущерб. Есть подозрения того что организовала революции Аль-Каида. Неизвестно будeт ли страны Ближнего Востока умеренными исламскими странами как Турция или радикальными как Иран никто не знает. Но из Ливии хотят сделать «вторую Сомали». А Египет борцом против США. Тунис — центром революции в Европе. Это уже начало отражаться на Европе. Нефть, небольшие протесты — отражение Ближнего востока. Аль-Каида, кстати, уже попыталась захватить один ливийский город и даже объявила о создании эмирата.", "mention": "Революция в Ливии", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "81545"} {"context_title": "Ukrainan kansallisen karsinnan voittanut Maruv ei osallistu Eurovision laulukilpailuun", "context_date": "26. helmikuuta 2019", "context_left": "Ukrainan kansallisen karsinnan Vidbirin finaalin viime lauantaina kappaleella ”Siren Song” voittanut Maruv ei osallistu Tel Avivissa toukokuussa 2019 järjestettävään ", "context_right": ". Maruv keräsi Vidbirissä maksimipisteet yleisöltä ja toiseksi parhaat pisteet tuomaristolta. Kokonaiskilpailussa toiseksi sijoittui Freedom Jazz -niminen yhtye. Ukrainan lopullista edustajaa Eurovision laulukilpailuun ei ole vielä lyöty lukkoon. Asiasta neuvotellaan tänään.", "mention": "Eurovision laulukilpailuun", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "9095390"} {"context_title": "Pobito rekord frekwencji na oficjalnym meczu tenisowym", "context_date": "23 listopada 2014", "context_left": "Konfrontacja finałowa Grupy Światowej Pucharu Davisa, największych na świecie międzynarodowych zawodów tenisowych drużyn męskich, w sezonie ", "context_right": " rozgrywana jest w dniach 21–23 listopada na kortach ceglanych w hali wielofunkcyjnego obiektu Stade Pierre-Mauroy w Lille we Francji. Gospodarze grają przeciwko Szwajcarom.", "mention": "2014", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "14916861"} {"context_title": "'Bloody Sunday Inquiry' publishes report into British Army killing of activists in Northern Ireland", "context_date": "June 17, 2010", "context_left": "The shootings lead to the strengthening of Irish republicans' anti-British army arguments in the Nationalist community and provided the Provisional Irish Republican Army (IRA) with queues of new recruits for its \"long war\", which resulted in 30 years of ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "The Troubles", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "815436"} {"context_title": "Dritte Welt hilft Japan", "context_date": "16.03.2011", "context_left": "Noch beeindruckender sind Hilfen die von Ländern kommen, die selbst wenig haben. Das kriegszerstörte Afghanistan spendete 50.000 US-Dollar, Kambodscha Hilfen im Wert von 100.000 US-Dollar und Vietnam 200.000 US-Dollar. Osttimor, Asiens ärmstes Land, kündigte an, dass es 100 Helfer nach Japan zur Trümmerbeseitigung schicken wolle. Die Malediven erlitten durch den ", "context_right": " schwere Schäden. Damals kamen zahlreiche Hilfslieferungen aus Japan zu dem Inselstaat im Indischen Ozean. Nun schickten die Malediven 90.000 Dosen Thunfisch nach Japan – zur Versorgung der Menschen in den am schlimmsten betroffenen Gebieten. Auch Sri Lanka, das ebenfalls 2004 vom Tsunami betroffen war, entsandte ein Rettungsteam und spendete eine Million US-Dollar. Thailand spendete gar 6,6 Millionen US-Dollar, 15.000 Tonnen Reis, Decken, Kleidung und Dosennahrung. Daneben wurde ein thailändisches Rettungsteam nach Japan geschickt. Indonesien, der Ausgangspunkt des Tsunamis von 2004, entsandte ein Rettungsteam und medizinisches Personal, ebenso Malaysia, Mexiko und die Philippinen. Indien schickt 22 Tonnen Decken nach Japan. Die Mongolei spendete eine Million US-Dollar und schickte ein Rettungsteam.", "mention": "großen Tsunami 2004", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "130754"} {"context_title": "Massa vence na França e lidera mundial de pilotos da F1 de 2008", "context_date": "23 de junho de 2008", "context_left": "O piloto brasileiro Felipe Massa, da , venceu o ", "context_right": " disputado neste domingo em . Seu companheiro de equipe, Kimi Räikkönen, chegou em segundo lugar e Jarno Trulli, da , completou o pódio. Com a vitória, o brasileiro assume a ponta do campeonato de pilotos.", "mention": "Grande Prêmio da França de 2008", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "179390"} {"context_title": "Rwandan businessmen sentenced for War Crimes", "context_date": "June 30, 2005", "context_left": "Two Rwandan businessmen were sentenced to 10 and 12 years for their role in the 1994 ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Rwandan genocide", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "131297"} {"context_title": "Ratko Mladić, el carnicero de los Balcanes, es condenado a cadena perpetua por genocidio", "context_date": "22 de noviembre de 2017", "context_left": "Ratko Mladić, exgeneral del Ejército de la República Srpska durante la ", "context_right": ", fue hallado culpable por el Tribunal Penal Internacional para la ex Yugoslavia (TPIY) de 10 de los 11 cargos en su contra, entre los que se incluyen genocidio, crímenes de guerra y de lesa humanidad.", "mention": "Guerra de Bosnia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "181533"} {"context_title": "Man arrested in Mississippi over Internet assassination threats against Barack Obama", "context_date": "January 17, 2009", "context_left": "In August 2008, Obama was subject of another alleged assassination plot at the ", "context_right": " in Denver, Colorado. The three men, Tharin Robert Gartrell, 28, Shawn Robert Adolf, 34, and Nathan Dwayne Johnson, 33, were arrested after Gartrell was stopped by Aurora police near East Hampden Avenue and Parker Road. On December 16, Johnson pleaded guilty to one count of possession of a weapon by a prohibited person. He faces 10 to 37 months in prison when he is sentenced in federal court on March 20, 2009. The others accused are awaiting trial.", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "Designierter Linzer Weihbischof Wagner verzichtet auf Amt", "context_date": "16.02.2009", "context_left": "Wagner war über die Grenzen seiner Diözese hinaus durch Äußerungen bekannt geworden, die auf Verwunderung gestoßen waren. So hatte er in den Harry-Potter-Romanen Tendenzen zum Satanismus wahrgenommen, vor denen Jugendliche geschützt werden müssten. Auch seine Äußerungen angesichts der katastrophalen Auswirkungen des Hurrikans „", "context_right": "“, in denen er eine Strafe Gottes sah, hatten auch überregional für Diskussionsstoff gesorgt. Zuletzt hatten seine Ausführungen zu Fragen der Homosexualität Widerspruch ausgelöst, in denen er diese sexuelle Orientierung als Krankheit bezeichnet hatte, die behandelt werden müsse ().", "mention": "Katrina", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Молодёжная сборная России по хоккею проиграла Швеции в полуфинале в Уфе", "context_date": "4 января 2013", "context_left": "Российские хоккеисты не смогли выйти в финал ", "context_right": ", который проходит в Уфе, проиграв полуфинальную встречу со счётом 2 — 3. В полуфинале их остановила сборная Швеции, которая в финале встретится с командой США. ", "mention": "молодёжного чемпионата мира 2013", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "46514"} {"context_title": "Иран запустил новую баллистическую ракету", "context_date": "23 сентября 2017", "context_left": "Ракета получила название в честь одноимённого города на юго-западе страны, который принял на себя тяжесть иракского вторжения во время ", "context_right": " в 1980-х годах.", "mention": "войны между Ираном и Ираком", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "82664"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Κολομβίας νίκησε την Εθνική Βολιβίας με σκορ 2-0", "context_date": "11 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Κολομβίας νίκησε την Εθνική Βολιβίας με σκορ 2:0 για τη τρίτη αγωνιστική του Α' Ομίλου του ", "context_right": ", το οποίο διεξάγεται στην Αργεντινή.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "Mayor of New Orleans tells residents to evacuate ahead of hurricane", "context_date": "August 31, 2008", "context_left": "In 2005, New Orleans was devastated when levees broke during ", "context_right": ". Nearly 2,000 people were killed when the storm made landfall along Louisiana's coast.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Death toll from London bombings rises to 37", "context_date": "July 8, 2005", "context_left": "Later Police statements have confirmed a rise in the death toll from the ", "context_right": ", which initial reports on July 7 had put at 33.", "mention": "London bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Кімі Ряйкконен виграв Гран-прі Австралії 2013", "context_date": "17 березня 2013", "context_left": "Стартувавши з сьомої позиції, Кімі Ряйкконен виграв ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Гран-прі Австралії 2013 року", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "1489615"} {"context_title": "Таруса возвращает дореволюционные названия улиц", "context_date": "22 октября 2020", "context_left": "Тарусским улицам вернут ", "context_right": " названия, написал на днях на своей странице в соцсети врио главы администрации МР «Тарусский район» Руслан Смоленский.", "mention": "дореволюционные", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "42976"} {"context_title": "Tsjechisch parlement stemt in voor verruiming van wapenbezit", "context_date": "28 juni 2017", "context_left": "Het EU-besluit voor strengere wapenwetten kwam na de aanslagen in Parijs van november 2015 en de ", "context_right": " van maart 2016. Tsjechië staat met plaats 6 juist hoog op de lijst met veilige landen in de wereld. Tegen de verzwaring van de wapenwet door de EU dient de Tsjechische regering op 17 augustus een klacht in bij het Europees Hof van Justitie.", "mention": "aanslagen in Brussel", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "23365300"} {"context_title": "Marskin ritari satavuotias", "context_date": "10. helmikuuta 2008", "context_left": "", "context_right": " Onni Määttänen palveli 11. Rajajääkäripataljoonassa Ilomantsin suunnalla. Talvisodassa Määttänen haavoittui 13. joulukuuta 1939. Jatkosodan alkamisen jälkeen hänet melko pian ylennettiin vääpeliksi ja tuolloin hän toimi partionjohtajana osasto Kuismasessa.", "mention": "Talvisodassa", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "134949"} {"context_title": "Se cumplió la cuarta jornada del torneo de rugby Seis Naciones 2009", "context_date": "16 de marzo de 2009", "context_left": "Ayer se cumplió la cuarta y penúltima jornada del ", "context_right": ", una edición del tradicional torneo disputado por las selecciones de las uniones de rugby de Escocia, Francia, Gales, Irlanda, Inglaterra e Italia. La jornada comenzó el sábado 14 con el partido en el que Italia mejorando notablemente su juego pierde con un Gales, luego Escocia pierde como local ante Irlanda quien se perfila como el meor candidato a ganar el título y el Grand Slam. Ayer Inglaterra apaleó a Francia.", "mention": "Torneo Seis Naciones 2009", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1520740"} {"context_title": "Ecuador rechaza la guerra fratricida en Libia apoyada por Occidente", "context_date": "10 de septiembre de 2011", "context_left": "El Presidente del Ecuador, Rafael Correa, denunció la situación de Libia como una clara intromisión en sus asuntos internos en marco de la conmemoración de los ataques terroristas a las ciudades estadounidenses en 2001 y ", "context_right": " en su programa de televisión \"Enlace Ciudadano\", comparando este último suceso con el conflicto en el país magrebí.", "mention": "del golpe militar derechista contra Salvador Allende en Chile de 1973", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "856670"} {"context_title": "Gay Iranian awaits decision on asylum", "context_date": "March 14, 2008", "context_left": "In a September 2007 speech at Columbia University, Iranian president Mahmoud Ahmadinejad was challenged by University president Lee Bollinger for Iran's treatment of gays. Ahmadinejad stated that \"In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country,\" drawing laughter from the audience. \"In Iran we do not have this phenomenon, I don't know who has told you that we have it.\" According to Iranian human rights activists, over 4,000 gay men and lesbians have been executed since the ", "context_right": " of 1979.", "mention": "Iranian Revolution", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "126065"} {"context_title": "Fischsterben in Nordrumänien", "context_date": "28.11.2005", "context_left": "Dieselbe Mine war für den ", "context_right": " vor vier Jahren verantwortlich, bei dem 20.000 Tonnen schwermetallhaltiger Schlamm in die Theiß gelangt waren. In der Umgebung wird Golderz verarbeitet.", "mention": "Baia-Mare-Dammbruch", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "803699"} {"context_title": "Klęczący Franciszek z Asyżu na placu św. Piotra?", "context_date": "15 marca 2013", "context_left": "W środę 13 marca 2013 roku kardynałowie zebrani na ", "context_right": " wybrali nowego 266. papieża, który przyjął imię Franciszek. ", "mention": "konklawe 2013", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "4422669"} {"context_title": "A magyar labdarúgó-válogatott 4–0-ra kikapott Hollandiától", "context_date": "2011. március 29.", "context_left": "A mérkőzést a budapesti ", "context_right": "ban rendezték meg. A jegyeket január 27-e óta lehetett megvásárolni, amiknek a fele rövid időn belül már elkelt. A találkozó előtt már biztossá vált, hogy telt ház lesz a Puskás Stadionban.", "mention": "Puskás Ferenc Stadion", "context_lang": "hu", "label_id": "594230"} {"context_title": "Las dos Coreas acuerdan retomar el diálogo", "context_date": "5 de octubre de 2014", "context_left": "Por meses, Corea del Sur ha reiterado su deseo de dialogar, luego de que en febrero se realizar la primera reunión formal entre ambos países desde hace siete años. La cita permitió que poco después se realizaran varios encuentros entre familias separadas por la ", "context_right": ". Tras este diálogo, Corea del Sur buscó la posibilidad de \"destensar\" las relaciones y continuar con el diálogo, pero el Norte se negó argumentando que no se trataba de un \"momento propicio”.", "mention": "Guerra de Corea", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "London bombing death toll rises to 'more than 50'", "context_date": "July 8, 2005", "context_left": "In a press conference this morning, the Metropolitan Police Service has announced that the death toll from yesterday's bombing has risen to \"more than 50\". (", "context_right": " had put it at 33, rising in later reports to 37.) Police are unable to give an exact figure at this moment due to the difficulty of removing bodies, and believe the figure is likely to rise. Some bodies have yet to be recovered from the Piccadilly line train caught between Kings Cross and Russell Square.", "mention": "Initial reports", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Judo round of sixteen underway at London 2012 Summer Paralympics", "context_date": "August 31, 2012", "context_left": "London, England — The third session of judo featuring the Single-elimination tournament|anchor=Nomenclature|round of sixteen at London's ExCeL North Arena 2 got underway today at the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2012 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Tausende demonstrieren in Berlin für Freiheit statt Angst", "context_date": "13.09.2010", "context_left": "Auf der Abschlusskundgebung am Potsdamer Platz erklärte der Künstler und Netzaktivist padeluun, dass er stolz auf die Teilnehmer der Demonstration sei, die begriffen hätten, dass man selbst zur Wahrung der Bürgerrechte aktiv werden müsse, und nicht abwarten dürfe, bis sich die Politik um alles kümmere. Patrick Breyer vom Arbeitskreis Vorratsdatenspeicherung forderte eine unabhängige und systematische Überprüfung aller bestehender Überwachungsgesetze. Unter den weiteren Rednern waren Rosmarie Will von der Humanistischen Union und Monty Cantsin von der Hedonistischen Internationale. Am Ende der Versammlung wurde eine Schweigeminute für die Opfer der ", "context_right": " eingelegt.", "mention": "Terroranschläge am 11. September 2001", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "500 Jahre Schweizergarde", "context_date": "22.01.2006", "context_left": "Während des ", "context_right": ", der Plünderung Roms im Jahre 1526, starben von den 189 Schweizern 147, als man Papst Clemens VII. vor den einfallenden Truppen in die Sicherheit der Engelsburg brachte. Unter den Gefallenen war auch der Garde-Hauptmann Kaspar von Silenen. Nach dem Fall Roms wurde die Schweizergarde aufgelöst. Papst Clemens blieben nur zwölf treue Gardisten zum eigenen Schutz. Erst 1548 wurde sie wieder neu aufgestellt. Heute gedenkt man dem Sacco di Roma jährlich am 6. Mai mit der Vereidigung der neuen Rekruten der Schweizergarde. Die Garde sagt auf ihrer Homepage selbst dazu: „1527 bedeutete dieses Datum Tod, heute bedeutet es Leben [...].“", "mention": "Sacco di Roma", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "465627"} {"context_title": "Brasil vence a Argentina por 2 a 0 e passa para final da Copa América", "context_date": "3 de julho de 2019", "context_left": "O jogo começou disputadíssimo, com carrinhos, faltas e muita marcação. A primeira chance foi um chute de longe de Paredes, que passou sobre o gol de Alisson. A ocorreu aos 18 minutos. Daniel Alves abriu na ponta para Roberto Firmino. Ele cruzou rasteiro e dentro da , Gabriel Jesus só escorou para o fundo das redes de Armani. A torcida foi à loucura! Era o primeiro gol do atacante do Manchester City na ", "context_right": ", era o gol que aliviava toda uma nação!", "mention": "Copa América de 2019", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "4630358"} {"context_title": "Italian President Sergio Mattarella re-elected for second term, ending successor row", "context_date": "January 29, 2022", "context_left": "Mattarella was praised for his role in ending the brief 2021 Italian government crisis by appointing the broad coalition of parties headed by Draghi. Draghi, an independent who was president of the European Central Bank during the ", "context_right": ", was tasked to remedy the worst economic disaster Italy has faced in decades. Wolfango Piccoli of advisory firm Teneo told Reuters: \"The overall political backdrop has become less supportive for Draghi's government, which is facing a daunting task in the year or so left before the next general election.\"", "mention": "European debt crisis", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "217197"} {"context_title": "Inyección de gas en las costas de Castellón, España estaría generando sismos; Fiscalía abre investigación penal", "context_date": "5 de octubre de 2013", "context_left": "No es la primera vez que se registra este tipo de eventos en el Mundo. El Servicio Geológico de los Estados Unidos afirmó que un sismo de magnitud 5,1 en Oklahoma fue causado por la inyección de desechos en pozos a grandes profundidades, también se conoce que el ", "context_right": ", Italia en 2009 y dejó 300 muertos fue causado por actividades humanas, así como el devastador terremoto de 8 grados que destruyó Sichuán en China en el 2008 y que dejó 70.000 muertos; ese terremoto fue causado por una planta hidroeléctrica que se construyó justo encima de una falla geológica la cual inyectó miles de millones de litros de agua a la falla, causando su colapso.", "mention": "terremoto de 6,3 grados que destruyó la ciudad de L'Aquila", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "207918"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Ουρουγουάης κατέκτησε το Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_date": "25 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Ουρουγουάης κατέκτησε το ", "context_right": ", το οποίο διεξήχθη στην Αργεντινή, αφού νίκησε στον Μεγάλο Τελικό την Εθνική Παραγουάης, με σκορ 3:0.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "Скончался последний участник группы Дятлова Юрий Юдин", "context_date": "28 апреля 2013", "context_left": "В субботу, 27 апреля 2013 года в Соликамске после тяжёлой продолжительной болезни скончался Юрий Юдин, ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "единственный выживший в 1959 году участник похода Дятлова", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "814484"} {"context_title": "Space Shuttle Endeavour enters history books after nineteen years following penultimate landing of program", "context_date": "June 4, 2011", "context_left": "Space Shuttle \"Endeavour\" began service after the Space Shuttle Challenger ", "context_right": " shortly after lifting off in 1986; all seven astronauts aboard died as a result of the disaster. \"Endeavour\" launched on its maiden flight, STS-49, in May 1992. During her career, \"Endeavour\" has orbited the planet 4,671 times, spent 299 days in space, and transported a total of 170 astronauts. The vehicle has traveled a total distance longer than 197.6 million kilometres (122.8 million miles). While in space, NASA's Michael Fincke set a space endurance record, spending the longest total time of any American in space at 382 days. STS-134 was Fincke's third spaceflight and first on the Space Shuttle. The spaceflight was the 25th and final flight of \"Endeavour\", as well as the 134th and second-to-last of the entire Space Shuttle Program.", "mention": "exploded", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "858145"} {"context_title": "18-year US media ban on covering return of fallen soldiers lifted", "context_date": "April 9, 2009", "context_left": "The ban had been enacted by President George H. W. Bush in 1991 during the ", "context_right": ", apparently as a way to shield grieving families. But critics claimed the ban was an attempt to hide the human cost of war. President Barack Obama had asked the United States Department of Defense for a review of the ban. Defense Secretary Robert Gates said he was \"never comfortable\" with the blanket restriction, according to USA Today.", "mention": "Persian Gulf War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2008 Australian Grand Prix", "context_date": "March 16, 2008", "context_left": "Vodafone McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton starting from pole wins the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " ING Australian Grand Prix on the Albert Park Circuit in Melbourne.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "15069"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, July 2016", "context_date": "August 23, 2016", "context_left": "Ahead of the ", "context_right": " in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, \"Wikileaks\" released nearly 20 thousand hacked Democratic National Committee (DNC) e-mails. The e-mails showed favoritism of Clinton within the DNC and revealed plans to diminish the Sanders campaign. DNC Chairwoman Debbie Wasserman Schultz resigned her position as a result. Initially, she was to gavel-in the convention, but after a highly negative reception from her home state Florida delegation before the convention, she was replaced with DNC Secretary Baltimore Mayor Stephanie Rawlings-Blake. Media reports and the Clinton campaign itself blamed Russia for the hacking and leaking of e-mails. The DNC issued an apology to Sanders. Sanders urged his supporters not to protest on the floor of the convention. He was booed upon reiterating his support for Clinton before a group of delegates. Presumptive Green Party presidential nominee Jill Stein invited Sanders to meet with her, but Sanders declined. Via Twitter, Trump said Sanders had \"sold out.\" ", "mention": "Democratic convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16156276"} {"context_title": "Obamania au concert du prix Nobel de la paix", "context_date": "11 décembre 2009", "context_left": "L'artiste chinois a également accompagné le rappeur Wyclef Jean dans le premier de ses trois morceaux. Le second, \"a cappella\", fut très politique : se demandant ce qui aurait pu changer le cours de l'histoire le jour des ", "context_right": " et du pasteur Martin Luther King, ou même éviter la guerre d'Irak décidée par le président George Walker Bush. Pour ensuite dérider les spectateurs, il est passé dans les tribunes les incitant à danser des bras avec lui. Wyclef Jean a salué le couple princier avant de rejoindre la scène en créant un « deux pas du président Obama » (\"President Obama two step\") pour descendre l'escalier, d'après l'habitude d'Obama de parler de plans en deux temps (\"two-step plan\") dans ses premiers discours.", "mention": "assassinats du président Kennedy", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "193484"} {"context_title": "Дан сећања на страдале у НАТО бомбардовању", "context_date": "24. март 2010.", "context_left": "Након минута ћутања, чиме је одата пошта жртвама ратова деведестих година и ", "context_right": ", о 78 дана агресије говорио је Радован Саковић начелник Одељења за ванредне ситуације града Крагујевца и начелник Окружног штаба цивилне заштите за Шумадијски управни округ. Први појектили погодили су Крагујевац у 20 сати 17 минута и пали су на касарну Милан Благојевић. За време агресије највише су страдали војни објекти, затим Застава, Пошта у насељу Аеродром, Радио и ТВ предајници, Хидрометеоролошка станица, али на сву срећу Крагујевац није имао људских жртава. ", "mention": "НАТО бомбардовања", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "155723"} {"context_title": "Měsíc bude nejblíž k Zemi za posledních 19 let", "context_date": "18. březen 2011", "context_left": "V minulosti se tzv. \"superměsíc\" objevil také v časové koincidenci s uragánem Tracy, který v roce 1974 zničil australské město Darwin a také k ", "context_right": " v roce 2004, které způsobilo katastrofální tsunami, došlo nedlouho před „supernovoluním“. V roce 1992 a při jiných případech tohoto jevu se naopak nic tragického nestalo.", "mention": "zemětřesení", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "130754"} {"context_title": "U.S. air strikes on Somalia confirmed", "context_date": "January 9, 2007", "context_left": "The Pentagon has confirmed that US forces began an on-going operation of airstrikes in southern Somalia on Monday, and that the attacks, targeted at Islamic militia, are continuing. Somalia's president had earlier said that the United States was pursuing suspects of the ", "context_right": ". It is believed that the militants are sheltering the suspects.", "mention": "1998 United States embassy bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "876206"} {"context_title": "Τραυματίες σε αναπάραστη μάχης του 1812 στην Ρωσία", "context_date": "17 Ιουλίου 2012", "context_left": "Τέσσερα άτομα τραυματίστηκαν κατά τη διάρκεια αναπαράστασης μάχης του ", "context_right": " στην Αγία Πετρούπολη.", "mention": "Πατριωτικού Πολέμου του 1812", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "179250"} {"context_title": "Brasil ultrapassa Reino Unido e se torna a sexta maior economia do mundo", "context_date": "26 de dezembro de 2011", "context_left": "A ", "context_right": " e a subsequente recessão foram as principais responsáveis pela queda do Reino Unido, aponta reportagem publicada no jornal britânico The Guardian. Por outro lado, o Brasil (que havia ultrapassado o Canadá e a Espanha em 2009 e em 2010 ficou como sétima maior economia do mundo depois de ultrapassar a Itália) se beneficiou pelo crescimento das exportações para os países do extremo oriente, principalmente a China.", "mention": "crise financeira iniciada em 2008", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "217197"} {"context_title": "Президент Аргентины просит Папу Римского помочь в споре из-за Фолклендов", "context_date": "19 марта 2013", "context_left": "Ранее в этом месяце ", "context_right": ", в ходе которого подавляющее большинство жителей проголосовало за то, чтобы остаться британской заморской территорией.", "mention": "на островах прошёл референдум", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "2359115"} {"context_title": "E-book sui temi di Expo 2015 elaborati dalle scuole della Lombardia", "context_date": "13 gennaio 2014", "context_left": "Come importante novità viene indicata l'estensione delle unità di apprendimento anche ai temi di ", "context_right": " e un concorso indetto in collaborazione con la Società EXPO 2015 S.p.A. e Padiglione Italia", "mention": "Expo 2015", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "210022"} {"context_title": "Перша українська віківідзнака", "context_date": "5 червня 2021", "context_left": "Вручення відзнаки та проведення Форуму ініціював Інститут Національного Розвитку. До складу журі, яке визначало лауреатів, окрім Миколи Кравченка (директора цього Інституту) входили також Олександр Алфьоров, координатор історико-меморіальної ініціативи «Пам'ять Нації», та Андрій Ромащенко, керівник ветеранського освітнього проєкту «Школа молодих лідерів ім. Аксьона і Хоми» (Школа названа на честь добровольців батальйону «Азов», загиблих в ", "context_right": " влітку 2014 р.).", "mention": "Іловайську", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "17627724"} {"context_title": "John McCain décroche l'investiture républicaine", "context_date": "5 mars 2008", "context_left": "Dans son discours, il a exposé les points principaux de sa campagne contre le futur candidat du parti démocrate : la conclusion ' de la ", "context_right": ", ' est sa principale priorité. Il s'est également engagé sur la relance de l'économie américaine et sur la création d'emplois en réduisant les impôts et en limitant l'ingérence gouvernementale.", "mention": "guerre en Irak", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "南部スーダンが独立し「南スーダン」に - アフリカ54番目の国家", "context_date": "2011年7月9日", "context_left": "朝日新聞によると、この日ジュバで式典が行われ、独立宣言が行われた。式典には、国連の潘基文事務総長や、スーダン西部における", "context_right": "を巡り国際刑事裁判所から逮捕状が出ている、スーダンのバシル大統領が出席。読売新聞によれば、南部スーダンで自治政府を率いてきたサルバ・キール大統領が、初代大統領に就任。近く国連加盟も認定され、193番目の加盟国となる見通しである。", "mention": "ダルフール紛争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "190758"} {"context_title": "米国のラムズフェルド国防長官が辞任—中間選挙での敗北を受け", "context_date": "2006年11月10日", "context_left": "ラムズフェルド氏は2001年の政権発足以来、長期にわたって国防長官を務め、アフガニスタン侵攻や", "context_right": "を推進してきた。日本経済新聞は、同氏の退任でイラク政策が修正される可能性が出てきたと報じた。", "mention": "イラク戦争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "ハリケーン・カトリーナ、米国に大きな被害", "context_date": "2005年9月1日", "context_left": "アメリカ合衆国東南部を8月末におそったハリケーン「", "context_right": "」の被害は日増しに広がり、深刻さを増している。ブッシュ米大統領は8月31日に閣僚会議を開いて、対応策をまとめ、「米国史上最悪の天災の一つ」と記者団に語った。", "mention": "カトリーナ", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Edmund White on writing, incest, life and Larry Kramer", "context_date": "November 8, 2007", "context_left": "DS: How has the ", "context_right": " affected you?’", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Predsednik Nigerije suspendovao reprezentaciju na dve godine", "context_date": "30. јун 2010.", "context_left": "„Super orlovi“ nisu zabeležili pobedu na svetskim prvenstvima od 1998. godine. Na ", "context_right": " godine zabeležili su dva poraza i remi, a nisu uspeli da se kvalifikuju na Mundijal 2006. godine u Nemačkoj.", "mention": "turniru u Južnoj Koreji 2002.", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "Italië bereikt de finale van het EK voetbal 2012", "context_date": "28 juni 2012", "context_left": "Het Italiaanse voetbalelftal wint met 1-2 van Duitsland in de halve finale van het EK 2012. In de eerste helft scoorde Mario Balotelli tweemaal. In de 92ste minuut benutte Mesut Özil een strafschop, waardoor het Duitse elftal weer hoop kreeg op een verlenging, maar een gelijkspel bleef uit. Italië zal aanstaande zondag (om 20.45 uur CEST) in ", "context_right": " Spanje ontmoeten.", "mention": "de finale", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "308607"} {"context_title": "Ученик устроил резню в школе Башкортостана", "context_date": "18 апреля 2018", "context_left": "Артём также публиковал во ВКонтакте фотографии с нацисткой свастикой и был активным участников «групп-колумбайнов» — последователей организаторов ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "массового убийства в американской школе «Колумбайн»", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "473845"} {"context_title": "На торги выставили одну из двух сохранившихся золотых монет с профилем Брута", "context_date": "10 октября 2020", "context_left": "Монету отчеканили в 42 году до нашей эры в память об ", "context_right": " Юлия Цезаря.", "mention": "убийстве", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1025466"} {"context_title": "Женская сборная России по волейболу начала чемпионат мира с трёх побед", "context_date": "31 октября 2010", "context_left": "29 октября в пяти городах Японии стартовал ", "context_right": ". Главными фаворитами турнира считаются бразильянки.", "mention": "Чемпионат мира по волейболу среди женщин 2010", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "224950"} {"context_title": "Les deux Corée annoncent leur second sommet bilatéral", "context_date": "8 août 2007", "context_left": "Bien que les deux pays soient techniquement en guerre depuis la fin de la ", "context_right": ", puisque seul un armistice a été conclu entre les parties en 1953 et que depuis aucun traité de paix n'ait été signé, une première rencontre s'était tenue en 2000 durant laquelle le Président sud-coréen de l'époque Kim Dae-Jung et Kim Jong-Il afin d'entamer des travaux de coopération économique. Cette réunion et les accords en découlant ont permis à Kim Dae-Jung de se voir octroyer le Prix Nobel de la Paix.", "mention": "Guerre de Corée", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Госдума РФ утвердила вину СССР в Катынской трагедии", "context_date": "26 ноября 2010", "context_left": "Сегодня, 26 ноября, Государственная Дума РФ приняла заявление «О ", "context_right": " и ее жертвах». Рассмотрение проекта этого политического документа было инициировано тремя думскими комитетами: по международным делам, по делам СНГ и по делам ветеранов. Заседание Госдумы транслировалось в прямом эфире по национальному телевидению.", "mention": "Катынской трагедии", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "134301"} {"context_title": "Londense burgemeester wil Trump niet ontvangen", "context_date": "6 juni 2017", "context_left": "Aanleiding hiervoor is een tweet die Trump verstuurde op de dag na de ", "context_right": ". Khan had gezegd dat er geen reden was om gealarmeerd te zijn. In de tweet van de Amerikaanse president stond als reactie: \"Minstens zeven doden en 48 gewonden bij een terreuraanslag en de burgemeester van Londen zegt dat er geen reden is om gealarmeerd te zijn\". Trump rukte hiermee Khans uitspraak geheel uit zijn verband, aangezien Khan specifiek had gedoeld op de extra politie die was ingezet.", "mention": "aanslagen in de stad van afgelopen weekend", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "30119692"} {"context_title": "Zwitserland gaat akkoord met plannen voor duurzame energie", "context_date": "21 mei 2017", "context_left": "De plannen om over te schakelen naar duurzame energie kwamen in Zwitserland (en in Duitsland) in een stroomversnelling na de ", "context_right": " van 2011.", "mention": "kernramp van Fukushima", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Irlanda gana el torneo de rugby Seis Naciones 2009", "context_date": "21 de marzo de 2009", "context_left": "Hoy se cumplió la quinta y última jornada del ", "context_right": ", una edición del tradicional torneo disputado por las selecciones de las uniones de rugby de Escocia, Francia, Gales, Irlanda, Inglaterra e Italia. La jornada comenzó con un show de tries por parte de Francia contra una débil Italia que se adjudicó el trofeo Cuchara de madera. Luego fue el turno de Inglaterra quien le ganó a Escocia. Por último se jugó la definición del Torneo, donde Irlanda le ganó a Gales en un partido vibrante.", "mention": "Torneo Seis Naciones 2009", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1520740"} {"context_title": "В Киеве убили журналиста Аркадия Бабченко", "context_date": "29 мая 2018", "context_left": "Аркадий Бабченко участвовал в обеих чеченских войнах (см. Первая чеченская война, ", "context_right": ").", "mention": "Вторая чеченская война", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "120843"} {"context_title": "España podría ser descalificada en Eurovisión", "context_date": "14 de mayo de 2009", "context_left": "La cadena de televisión española, Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE), está en peligro de descalificar indirectamente a su propia participante en ", "context_right": ", la finalista de \"Operación Triunfo\" Soraya Arnelas, de 26 años, que ya se encuentra en Moscú, Rusia esperando la última ronda que se llevará a cabo el próximo sábado.", "mention": "Eurovisión", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10157"} {"context_title": "Brussel geschrapt als gaststad voor Euro 2020", "context_date": "7 december 2017", "context_left": "Het EK wordt in 2020 voor het eerst in meerdere steden georganiseerd. In 2016 was Frankrijk ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "gastland", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "189571"} {"context_title": "エチオピア、ソマリアへ侵攻", "context_date": "2006年12月28日", "context_left": "一方、朝日新聞、BBCおよびケニアの英字紙『イースト・アフリカン』は、エチオピアと国境問題で対立関係(", "context_right": "参照)にあるエリトリアが、UICを支援していると伝える。", "mention": "エチオピア・エリトリア国境紛争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "832273"} {"context_title": "Aardbeving voor oostkust Japan", "context_date": "14 februari 2021", "context_left": "De beving had een kracht van 7,1 of 7,3 op de schaal van Richter (berichten over de precieze sterkte spreken elkaar tegen). De beving gebeurde in hetzelfde gebied waar zich in 2011 de zeer zware ", "context_right": " voordeed, die een tsunami veroorzaakte waardoor er meer dan tienduizend doden vielen. Volgens de Japanse meteorologische dienst is de huidige beving nog een naschok hiervan. De kerncentrale Fukushima I raakte deze keer niet beschadigd, ook is er geen tsunamiwaarschuwing afgegeven. ", "mention": "zeebeving bij Sendai", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Residentes en Fukushima siguen temerosos ante la radiación ambiental", "context_date": "9 de marzo de 2012", "context_left": "Tras el ", "context_right": " del 13 de marzo de 2011, consecuencia del terremoto y tsunami que destruyó la mayor parte de la región y provocó más de 15.800 fallecimientos, Fukushima ha estado tratando de sobrellevar la situación y hoy aún continúan los trabajos de limpieza de residuos tóxicos, reconstrucción y reparación de viviendas y caminos. Sin embargo, el desasosiego prevalece en la población que teme sufrir estragos en su salud a causa de la radiación en el ambiente.", "mention": "accidente en la central nuclear Fukushima I", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "South Korean President Roh Moo-hyun to meet with Kim Jong-il", "context_date": "October 2, 2007", "context_left": "South Korea's President Roh Moo-hyun left Seoul yesterday to meet with North Korea's leader Kim Jong-il to discuss the future of the divided peninsula. Although the 1950–1953 ", "context_right": " between the two sides has never formally ended, the meeting may prepare the ground for a permanent truce. The meeting is only the second summit between the two sides. The first summit took place in 2000, and led to former South Korean President Kim Dae-jung winning the Nobel Peace Prize for his Sunshine Policy of reconciliation with the North.", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Gündogan signs with Manchester City", "context_date": "June 2, 2016", "context_left": "Currently, he has an injured knee and is to miss ", "context_right": ". Gündogan joins Manchester City on July 1.", "mention": "UEFA Euro 2016", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "189571"} {"context_title": "Total evacuation of New Orleans planned", "context_date": "August 31, 2005", "context_left": "A state of emergency has been enacted in New Orleans in the U.S. state of Louisiana today, after the devastating ", "context_right": " made landfall on Monday. There were earlier erroneous reports by the news media that martial law had been imposed. Mayor Ray Nagin fears that there may be \"thousands\" of fatalities in his city alone.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Le jury présidé par Emir Kusturica dévoile le palmarès du 58e festival de Cannes", "context_date": "21 mai 2005", "context_left": "Le palmarès du 58 ", "context_right": " a été dévoilé samedi 21 mai entre 19h30 et 20h00 locales (entre 17:30 et 18:00 UTC). Le jury, présidé cette année par Emir Kusturica, cinéaste serbe (palmé en 1985 et 1995), a décerné la Palme d'or aux cinéastes belges Luc et Jean-Pierre Dardenne, pour leur film « L'Enfant ».", "mention": "Festival de Cannes", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "548316"} {"context_title": "U Murmanska pozorovali jasný meteorit", "context_date": "19. duben 2014", "context_left": "Média připomněla dva hlavní meteority z moderních ruských dějin - ", "context_right": ", který spadl u Čeljabinsku v únoru loňského roku, způsobil škody a asi 1200 zranění v osídlených oblastech, a Tunguský meteorit, který způsobil masivní výbuch v pustých lesích tajgy v roce 1908.", "mention": "čebarkulský meteorit", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "4661508"} {"context_title": "Former Yugoslavian president Slobodan Milosevic found dead in his cell", "context_date": "March 11, 2006", "context_left": "Milošević was on trial and charged with more than 60 counts of genocide and crimes against humanity for the role he played in the Balkan wars, which includes the massacre of 8,000 Muslims at ", "context_right": " in 1995 and emanating from the Bosnian conflict. ", "mention": "Srebrenica", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "170334"} {"context_title": "Con partido internacional se inaugurará el estadio de fútbol más grande de Venezuela", "context_date": "3 de mayo de 2007", "context_left": "Se espera que albergue 52.000 espectadores, por lo cual será el estadio de fútbol más grande de Venezuela. En él se tienen programados tres partidos de la ", "context_right": " que se realizará entre el 26 de junio y el 15 de julio.", "mention": "Copa América 2007", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "383272"} {"context_title": "Germany to host 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup", "context_date": "October 30, 2007", "context_left": "Germany has won the last two FIFA Women's World Cup and never gave up a goal in the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2007 FIFA Women's World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "367805"} {"context_title": "مواجهات في سيدي بوزيد بين الشرطة التونسية ومحتجين", "context_date": "27 يوليو 2012", "context_left": "حصلت في سيدي بوزيد مهد ", "context_right": " أمس الخميس مواجهات بين عشرات المتظاهرين من عمال البناء كانوا يحتجون على تأخير في صرف رواتبهم وقوات الأمن التونسية، بعد أن حاول المحتجون اقتحام مبنى الولاية فخلعوا أبوابه وألقوا بداخله إطار سيارة مشتعلاً، واقتحموا مقر حركة النهضة الحاكمة. واضطرت الشرطة إلى إطلاق عيارات نارية في الهواء واستخدمت الغاز المسيل للدموع لتفريق المحتجين.", "mention": "الثورة التونسية", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "46959"} {"context_title": "Experts raise serious questions over safety of U.S. oil industry and warn another spill may be 'unavoidable'", "context_date": "April 16, 2011", "context_left": "One year after the \"Deepwater Horizon\" disaster which caused the ", "context_right": " in the history of the petroleum industry and caused huge environmental damage in the Gulf of Mexico, experts have warned there are serious questions over the safety of deep water drilling as the United States government approves more exploration without improving safety measures.", "mention": "largest oil spill", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "4735638"} {"context_title": "Se está celebrando el Bicentenario de la Revolución de Mayo en Argentina", "context_date": "23 de mayo de 2010", "context_left": "Se inició en Argentina la serie de festejos por el Bicentenario de la ", "context_right": ". Empezó el viernes con un discurso de la Pesidenta Cristina Fernández.", "mention": "Revolución de Mayo", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "838980"} {"context_title": "Rubens Barrichello wins 2009 European Grand Prix", "context_date": "August 24, 2009", "context_left": "Brawn-Mercedes driver Rubens Barrichello won the FIA Formula One 2009 Telefónica Grand Prix of Europe at the street circuit, Valencia, Spain. It became his first victory since ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2004 Chinese GP", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "173192"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews three figures from Donald Trump's political past", "context_date": "March 13, 2016", "context_left": "\"Wikinews\" first contacted Roger Stone in October. In addition to his association with Trump, for whom he has worked as a lobbyist and advisor, Stone has a long history as a Republican Party operative, known for \"\". He worked on the infamous Committee for the Re-Election of the President for President Richard Nixon in 1972, during which he performed such tasks as planting a spy in the campaign of Democratic presidential candidate Hubert Humphrey, and sending a donation to a potential Republican primary opponent of Nixon under the name of a socialist organization. After Nixon's resignation, Stone served as Nixon's \"man in Washington.\" He has a tattoo of Nixon's face on his back. Among many campaigns, Stone worked on the 1980 presidential campaign of Ronald Reagan, for which he purportedly brought a suitcase, presumably filled with cash, to the office of an influential lawyer associated with the Liberal Party of New York in order to secure the party's nomination for Independent presidential candidate John B. Anderson, effectively splitting opposition to Reagan in the state. Stone has also worked for President George H. W. Bush, Congressman Jack Kemp, Senator Bob Dole, and was employed by the George W. Bush campaign to organize against the Florida recount during the disputed 2000 presidential election. In 2004, Stone volunteered for the presidential campaign of Democrat Al Sharpton. And, ahead of the 2008 presidential election, he founded an anti-Hillary Clinton group with the acronym C.U.N.T. Recently, Stone joined the Libertarian Party, and has authored a series of political books including one accusing President Lyndon Johnson of involvement in the ", "context_right": " of President John F. Kennedy. Stone served on Trump's current presidential campaign before a well-publicized split last August. He remains a supporter of the campaign and discusses his association with Trump and thoughts on the current campaign. ", "mention": "assassination", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "193484"} {"context_title": "Furacão Gustav chega no Caribe e ameaça a costa do golfo dos Estados Unidos", "context_date": "30 de agosto de 2008", "context_left": "Às 17hs (Horário do Leste), o Centro Nacional de Furacões declarou que Gustav tinha ventos sustentados pelo menos 150 milhas (241 kilômetros) por hora e estava movendo Noroeste a 15 milhas (24 km) por hora. Relógios e advertências, foram destacados a partir do Leste de Texas toda a forma do Mississippi. Ela está programada para fazer costa algures na Louisiana na terça-feira. Às 17hs, Gustav foi mais forte do que o furacão em 2005, o ", "context_right": ", que matou mais de 1500 pessoas na Louisiana.", "mention": "Furacão Katrina", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Welt-Naturkatastrophen-Bericht des Internationalen Roten Kreuzes veröffentlicht", "context_date": "05.10.2005", "context_left": " Der am 5. Oktober 2005 in Berlin vorgestellte 13. Welt-Katastrophen-Bericht des Internationalen Roten Kreuzes wertet auf rund 250 Seiten die Naturkatastrophen 2004 aus. Dabei wird eine Gesamtopferzahl von 250 000 Menschen genannt. Mehr als 200 000 Menschen kamen Ende des Jahres 2004 bei der ", "context_right": " ums Leben. Ohne diese Tragödie wäre die Opferzahl von Naturkatastrophen 2004 unter 25 000 geblieben, also auf dem niedrigsten Stand seit Beginn der Aufzeichnungen.", "mention": "Tsunami-Katastrophe in Südostasien", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "130754"} {"context_title": "Student kills teacher in Barcelona", "context_date": "April 22, 2015", "context_left": "Police said the motive for the attack has not been established. The attack happened on the sixteenth anniversary of the ", "context_right": " in the United States.", "mention": "Columbine High School massacre", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "473845"} {"context_title": "Renault F1 launch criminal complaint against former driver over race-fixing allegation", "context_date": "September 12, 2009", "context_left": "Piquet Jr. crashed in the 2008 Singapore Grand Prix just after an early pit stop for Fernando Alonso, bringing out the safety car. As the cars ahead of Alonso went in for fuel under the safety car, he moved up the pack to take victory. Piquet Jr. was sacked after the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2009 Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172010"} {"context_title": "Atac suïcida deixa almenys 50 morts en un partit de voleibol a l'Afganistan", "context_date": "24 de novembre del 2014", "context_left": "L'atac es va realitzar el mateix dia en què la cambra baixa del parlament de l'Afganistan va aprovar per majoria la prolongació fins 2024 de la presència de ", "context_right": ". Al 2010, un atemptat amb cotxe bomba durant un partit de voleibol va deixar 30 morts i 52 ferits.", "mention": "tropes nord-americanes al territori afganès", "context_lang": "ca", "label_id": "182865"} {"context_title": "В Москве состоялось открытие стадиона «Открытие Арена» и станции метро «Спартак»", "context_date": "27 августа 2014", "context_left": "«Открытие Арена» наконец-то станет домашним стадионом для 9-кратного чемпиона России по футболу. Стадион рассчитан на 42 тысячи болельщиков; он соответствует требованиям ФИФА в плане проведения соревнований международного уровня. Запланировано, что на данном стадионе будут проходить матчи чемпионата мира по футболу 2018 года, который впервые пройдёт в России. А в 2017 году стадион также примет матчи ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Кубка конфедераций", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "589997"} {"context_title": "Oslo får ikke skiskytter-VM i 2013 – går for 2015", "context_date": "6. september 2008", "context_left": "<onlyinclude>//Det blir tsjekkiske Nove Mesto som skal arrangere ", "context_right": ". De vant klart foran Oslo.</onlyinclude>", "mention": "skiskytter-VM i 2013", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "855881"} {"context_title": "Pierre Gasly nieoczekiwanym zwycięzcą Grand Prix Włoch", "context_date": "6 września 2020", "context_left": "Dla Pierre'a Gasly'ego jest to pierwsze zwycięstwo w Formule 1 i drugie podium w karierze. Jest to również pierwsze zwycięstwo ekipy Scuderia AlphaTauri – do tej pory najlepszym wynikiem włoskiej stajni było siódme miejsce, zdobywane przez Gasly'ego w wyścigach w ", "context_right": " i w pierwszym wyścigu w Wielkiej Brytanii. Zwycięstwo kierowcy zespołu z Faenzy jest pierwszym zwycięstwem francuskiego kierowcy od Grand Prix Monako 1996, kiedy zwycięzcą wyścigu wtedy został Olivier Panis, reprezentujący wówczas Ligiera.", "mention": "Austrii", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "67123914"} {"context_title": "南北朝鮮離散家族訪問再開 李政権下で初", "context_date": "2009年9月28日", "context_left": "毎日新聞によると、", "context_right": "(1950年から1953年)などで北朝鮮と韓国に生き別れになった離散家族の再会事業が、2年ぶり、韓国の李明博(イ・ミョンバク)大統領の政権下で初めて、9月26日( 韓国・北朝鮮時間=日本時間に同じ 以下同)に北朝鮮の金剛山で行われた。", "mention": "朝鮮戦争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, May 2016", "context_date": "June 13, 2016", "context_left": "Following a victory in the Washington Republican primary, Trump traveled to New Mexico, where the sitting Republican governor Susana Martinez snubbed his event. Trump attacked Martinez during the rally, later asking, \"If I have a Republican that’s not on my side, why should I be particularly nice to that person?\" Shortly thereafter, during a speech in California, he renewed attacks against Romney, Cruz, Kristol, and Jeb Bush. Former rival Marco Rubio announced he would release the delegates he won during the primary to support Trump and said he would be willing to go on the campaign trail for Trump, if asked. Rubio also apologized to Trump for derogatory comments he made earlier in the campaign. Trump mathematically secured the Republican nomination, when an uncommitted slate of delegates in North Dakota committed to supporting him. Meanwhile, the Libertarian Party commenced its ", "context_right": " and nominated for president, on the second ballot, former New Mexico Governor Gary Johnson, the party's 2012 presidential nominee. Also on the second ballot, for vice president, the party nominated Johnson's pre-selected running mate, former Massachusetts Governor William Weld, who had just left the Republican Party to become a Libertarian. Trump called Johnson a \"fringe candidate.\" Johnson was not the last such candidate introduced in late May. Seemingly ending his search for an alternative to Trump, Kristol tweeted that he had found an \"impressive\" independent candidate. Bloomberg reported the candidate was little-known writer David A. French of the \"National Review\". On the final day of May, Trump held a press conference in which he revealed the veterans charities he donated to after raising $5.6 million during a fundraiser he held in January in lieu of attending a debate. Trump excoriated the national press for its coverage of his campaign and referred to one reporter as \"sleaze.\" With the June 7 California primary ahead, Clinton received the endorsement of California Governor Jerry Brown. The latest polls showed her with a two point advantage over Sanders in the state. In the Real Clear Politics average, she led Trump in the general election nationally by 1.5%.", "mention": "National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "18151174"} {"context_title": "Kidnapped Spanish aid worker is released", "context_date": "March 13, 2010", "context_left": "A Frenchman, Pierre Camatte, captured in Mali in November by the same group was released last month, following a controversial decision to release four militants from a Malian jail. In the case of the Spanish aid workers, there have been reports that the kidnappers are demanding similar releases of detainees from Spanish custody, as well as a ransom. Spain currently holds dozens of convicted or suspected Islamic militants, including those convicted for the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2004 Madrid train bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "213531"} {"context_title": "Звернення Голови Української Асоціації «Чорнобиль» органів і військ МВС Василя Дурдинця з нагоди 35-х роковин Чорнобильської катастрофи", "context_date": "26 квітня 2021", "context_left": "З нагоди 35-х роковин Чорнобильської катастрофи до побратимів-чорнобильців та родин загиблих і померлих ліквідаторів звернувся Голова Української Асоціації «Чорнобиль» органів і військ МВС Василь Дурдинець, який у 1986-1989 роках очолював Оперативний штаб МВС України з організації ліквідації наслідків ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Чорнобильської катастрофи", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Australia and Netherlands win 2014 Hockey World Cup", "context_date": "June 16, 2014", "context_left": "In field hockey at The Hague, Netherlands, Australia defeated the Netherlands to win the 2014 Men's Hockey World Cup yesterday, and was defeated by the Netherlands in the ", "context_right": " on Saturday. Never before have the same two countries played in both Hockey World Cup finals in a single year.", "mention": "2014 Women's Hockey World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "4630268"} {"context_title": "Bush propone un acuerdo de paz con Corea del Norte", "context_date": "7 de septiembre de 2007", "context_left": "Técnicamente, la dos Coreas siguen en guerra ya que nunca se firmó un acuerdo de paz en la ", "context_right": ", en 1953.", "mention": "Guerra de Corea", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Tras nueve meses en coma muere el piloto Jules Bianchi", "context_date": "18 de julio de 2015", "context_left": "La muerte de Bianchi es la primera en 20 años causada por un accidente automovilístico en un Gran Premio de la F1. El 1 de mayo de 1994 Ayrton Senna, brasilero, ", "context_right": " en un accidente que desencadenó la implementación de una serie de medidas de seguridad que, hasta ahora, habían reducido a cero los accidentes fatales.", "mention": "había perecido en Imola", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "171552"} {"context_title": "Develan escultura de 'Rockdrigo' González en el Metro Balderas", "context_date": "20 de septiembre de 2011", "context_left": "El cantante \"Rockdrigo\" González será recordado de forma permanente en la estación Balderas del metro de la Ciudad de México, luego de que en el vigésimo primer aniversario de su fallecimiento fue develada una escultura suya que lo muestra como más es recordado, con una guitarra y lentes oscuros. González es una de las víctimas tristemente célebres del ", "context_right": ", y una de las figuras más conocidas de la escena contracultural de la década de los ochenta en la capital mexicana, y actualmente, una figura mítica para quienes gustan del género.", "mention": "sismo del 19 de septiembre de 1985", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1798567"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Βραζιλίας ηττήθηκε από την Εθνική Παραγουάης με σκορ 0-2 στα πέναλτι", "context_date": "18 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Βραζιλίας ηττήθηκε από την Εθνική Παραγουάης με σκορ 0:2 στα πέναλτι, στα προημιτελικά του ", "context_right": ", το οποίο διεξάγεται στην Αργεντινή.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "Tempers flare over New Orleans tragedy", "context_date": "September 4, 2005", "context_left": "The handling of the devastation left by ", "context_right": ", considered by many to be inadequate, has prompted scathing criticism of American politicians. President Bush was criticized for verbally \"pandering\" to public opinion, while little is done about the tragedy. In a WWL radio interview, New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin called for a \"moratorium on press conferences\" and said, \"[The government is] feeding the public a line of bull, and they are spinning, and people are dying.\" The mayor has since apologised for these remarks. However, the mayor did not address his own alleged failure to evacuate his citizens when he reportedly left hundreds of city-controlled buses idle.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Chile y Uruguay empataron 1-1 por la segunda fecha de la Copa América", "context_date": "9 de julio de 2011", "context_left": "En el estadio Malvinas Argentinas, las selecciones de fútbol de Chile y Uruguay empataron ayer en un tanto por la segunda fecha de la ", "context_right": ". Los goles los convirtieron Alexis Sánchez y Álvaro Pereira.", "mention": "Copa América", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "Китай потребовал от Индии вывести войска из спорного района в Гималаях", "context_date": "24 июля 2017", "context_left": "Пограничные споры между Китаем и Индией характеризуют их отношения на протяжении более полувека. Ранее между странами произошли три крупных военных конфликта: ", "context_right": ", китайско-индийская пограничная война в 1967 году, китайско-индийская пограничная война в 1987 году.", "mention": "китайско-индийская пограничная война в 1962 году", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "208694"} {"context_title": "Талибан предостерёг Британию от отправки войск в Афганистан", "context_date": "22 мая 2018", "context_left": "Талибы рекомендуют британским официальным лицам вспомнить свои прошлые вторжения в Афганистан (1-ая, 2-ая, ", "context_right": ") и исторические события, в частности, битву при Майванде.", "mention": "3-я англо-афганские войны", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1259237"} {"context_title": "الولايات المتحدة تجري تجربة نووية وإيران تستنكر", "context_date": "8 ديسمبر 2012", "context_left": "استنكرت وزارة الخارجية الإيرانية التجربة، وقال المتحدث باسمها رامين مهمانبرست أن استمرار الولايات المتحدة بإجراء مثل هذه التجارب «يبرهن على أن واشنطن تنتهج سياسة مبنية على استخدام أسلحة الدمار الشامل، وتتجاهل دعوات المجتمع الدولي لنزع السلاح النووي». وشدد على أن إيران، بصفتها واحدة من ضحايا استعمال أسلحة الدمار الشامل خلال ", "context_right": " لن تتراجع عن السعي إلى نزع أسلحة الدمار الشامل على مستوى العالم تحقيقاً لفتوى آية الله علي خامنئي التي تحرم إنتاج وتخزين واستخدام مثل هذه الأسلحة.", "mention": "الحرب مع العراق", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "82664"} {"context_title": "Kimi Räikkönen will start from pole of 2007 Australian GP", "context_date": "March 17, 2007", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Kimi Räikkönen won the pole on the FIA Formula-1 2007 ING Australian Grand Prix on the Albert Park Circuit in Melbourne. Felipe Massa, his teammate and the previous GP winner in ", "context_right": ", was out due to technical problems with his Ferrari.", "mention": "Brazil", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "54429"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Ιρλανδίας ήρθε ισόπαλη με την Εθνική Εσθονίας με σκορ 1-1", "context_date": "16 Νοεμβρίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Ιρλανδίας ήρθε ισόπαλη με την Εθνική Εσθονίας με σκορ 1:1 στους επαναληπτικούς αγώνες των μπαράζ των Προκριματικών του ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου 2012", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "El Comité Olímpico Internacional respalda a Sochi 2014 tras los atentados de Volgogrado", "context_date": "1 de enero de 2014", "context_left": "En julio pasado, extremistas islámicos de la región del Cáucaso Norte instaron a hacer uso de la \"fuerza máxima\" para evitar la celebración de los XXII Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno. Dokú Umárov líder de los extremistas, fue autor del ", "context_right": ", los Atentados del metro de Moscú de 2010 y es sospechoso de los Atentados de Volgogrado de diciembre de 2013.", "mention": "Atentado del Aeropuerto Internacional de Moscú-Domodédovo de 2011", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "207513"} {"context_title": "Jogos Mundiais Militares são lançados no Rio", "context_date": "18 de setembro de 2009", "context_left": "O ministro da Defesa do , , o governador do , , e o prefeito da , , participam hoje (18), às 10h, do lançamento oficial dos \"", "context_right": " – os Jogos da Paz\", que serão realizados pela primeira vez no continente americano. A solenidade ocorre no , na Urca.", "mention": "5º Jogos Mundiais Militares", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "2705462"} {"context_title": "El hijo de Benazir Bhutto es nombrado sucesor de su madre", "context_date": "30 de diciembre de 2007", "context_left": "Tras ", "context_right": ", Benazir Bhutto, el pasado martes, Bilawal Bhutto, de 19 años, fue nombrado sucesor de su madre como líder del Partido Popular de Pakistán (PPP).", "mention": "el asesinato de su madre", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1784968"} {"context_title": "Mark Esper durch US-Senat als Verteidigungsminister bestätigt", "context_date": "25.07.2019", "context_left": "Esper war zuvor Secretary of the Army und dem Verteidigungsminister direkt unterstellt. In seiner aktiven Dienstzeit als Army-Soldat wurde er im ", "context_right": " für seinen Einsatz ausgezeichnet. Er hatte breite Unterstützung unter Demokraten und Republikanern und wurde mit 90 von 98 Stimmen bestätigt. Während der Befragungen hatte nur die demokratische Senatorin Elizabeth Warren Zweifel an Esper. Warren kritisiert die Nähe zwischen Esper und dem Rüstungsunternehmen Raytheon. Gegen Esper stimmten außer Warren unter anderen Kirsten Gilliband, Kamala Harris, Cory Booker und Amy Klobuchard.", "mention": "Zweiten Golfkrieg", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "Three battalions of the Royal Irish Regiment to disband as part of NI peace process", "context_date": "August 1, 2005", "context_left": "The 'home service' battalions consist mostly of part-time volunteers who can only serve in Northern Ireland with the main objective of supporting the Police Service of Northern Ireland (PSNI). Their existence will end on the same day as ", "context_right": " — the Army's support of the PSNI. ", "mention": "Operation Banner", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "690413"} {"context_title": "2013 FIFA 20 Yaş Altı Dünya Kupası Fransa'nın oldu", "context_date": "2013/07/13", "context_left": "21 Haziran'da başlayan ve Türkiye'de organize edilen ilk FIFA organizasyonu olma özelliğini taşıyan ", "context_right": " 13 Temmuz'da sona erdi. Kupayı kazanan finalde Uruguay U-20 takımını penaltılar sonucu 4-1 mağlup eden Fransa oldu. Maçın normal süresi ve uzatma devreleri golsüz eşitlikle tamamlanınca, şampiyonu belirlemek için seri penaltı atışları uygulandı. Fransa takımı kullandığı penaltıların tümünü gole çevirirken, Uruguay ise sadece 1 penaltıyı gol yapabildi.", "mention": "2013 FIFA U-20 Dünya Kupası", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "4150"} {"context_title": "NASA issues survivability report on Columbia crash", "context_date": "January 2, 2009", "context_left": "The pressure suits the crew wore, introduced after the ", "context_right": ", were criticised as the crew could not keep their visors down throughout re-entry due to a design limitation that would have caused excess levels of oxygen to be present had they done so, leaving the suits unsealed. The gloves also made many tasks difficult or impossible. When the accident occurred, three people were not wearing gloves, one was not wearing a helmet, and none had their visors down. The helmets also did not conform to the heads of the wearers.", "mention": "Space Shuttle Challenger disaster", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "858145"} {"context_title": "État d'alerte maximale au Japon", "context_date": "31 mars 2011", "context_left": "Lake Barret est un ingénieur nucléaire qui a participé à l’opération de décontamination de Three Mile Island après l’", "context_right": " dans l’Etat de Pennsylvanie. ", "mention": "accident de 1979", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "840847"} {"context_title": "Ariel Sharón se debate entre la vida y la muerte", "context_date": "5 de enero de 2006", "context_left": "La inesperada condición de salud del primer ministro israelí sume a la región en la incertidumbre política, en un momento en que Sharón estaba logrando que la opinión europea tuviera una imagen más favorable de él, a raíz de su decisión de ", "context_right": " en la franja de Gaza y de haber abierto la frontera entre Egipto y Palestina.", "mention": "desmantelar los asentamientos judíos", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "196122"} {"context_title": "岩手県沖で地震 青森県で震度5弱 M5.6", "context_date": "2020年12月13日", "context_left": "12月12日16時19分頃、岩手県沖の深さ48kmを震源とするマグニチュード5.6(暫定値)の地震が発生し、青森県階上町で最大震度5弱を観測した。津波の心配はない。メカニズムは、東西に圧力軸をもつ逆断層型と推定されている。気象庁は、今後約1週間は震度5弱程度の余震に注意するよう、呼びかけている。また、今後約2、3日は同程度の地震に注意すべきだという。青森県で震度5弱を観測したのは2019年12月以来であり、この時も階上町で震度5弱を観測した。なおこの地震は、2011年3月の", "context_right": "(東日本大震災)の余震だとみられている。", "mention": "東北地方太平洋沖地震", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Κολομβίας ηττήθηκε από την Εθνική Περού με σκορ 0-2 στη παράταση", "context_date": "17 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Περού προκρίθηκε στο ", "context_right": ", αφού κατάφερε να νικήσει στη παράταση την Εθνική Κολομβίας με σκορ 2:0.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "Actor estadounidense Charlie Sheen pone en duda versión oficial de los ataques del 11-S", "context_date": "24 de marzo de 2006", "context_left": "Durante un entrevista por radio con el periodista Alex Jones, el actor estadounidense Charlie Sheen puso en duda la versión oficial de los ", "context_right": " y exigió una investigación verdaderamente independiente sobre el hecho y los sucesos que llevaron a él.", "mention": "ataques del 11 de septiembre", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Chip Ganassi makes American motor sports history", "context_date": "July 27, 2010", "context_left": "NASCAR and Indy team owners Chip Ganassi and Felix Sabates became the first team owners in history to sweep the three top races in American motor sports. In February, NASCAR driver Jamie McMurray took the checkered flag at the Daytona 500 followed by Scottish driver Dario Franchitti's win in the Indy open wheel series at the ", "context_right": " in May. Jamie McMurray helped make it a clean sweep when over the weekend he again took the top spot (and his second win of the season) by winning the Brickyard 400, also held at the Indianapolis Motor speedway.", "mention": "Indianapolis 500", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "780010"} {"context_title": "Petition fordert Auszeichnung für Timor-Leste", "context_date": "06.11.2009", "context_left": "Anfang August traten die Schwestern mit einem ungewöhnlichen Vorschlag an die australische Öffentlichkeit: Der Demokratischen Republik Timor-Leste soll der Honary Companion of the Order of Australia verliehen werden – als Dank für die Unterstützung der australischen Soldaten durch die Timoresen im Zweiten Weltkrieg. Trotz der Neutralität der damaligen Kolonie Portugiesisch-Timor geriet das Land damals in die Wirren des Pazifikkrieges. Vor allem australische Einheiten führten auf Timor einen Guerillakrieg gegen die Japaner, die die Insel 1942 besetzten. Viele Einheimische halfen den Australiern mit Lebensmittel und boten ihnen Unterschlupf, manche kämpften auch auf deren Seite in der sogenannten ", "context_right": " mit. Dadurch konnten wenige hundert australische Soldaten eine komplette japanische Division binden, die an anderen Kriegsschauplätzen fehlte. Folge waren Repressionen durch die japanischen Besatzer. Dazu kamen Zwangsarbeit, Zwangsprostitution und Internierungen, unter denen die timoresische Bevölkerung zu leiden hatte. Erst mit der japanischen Kapitulation 1945 endete die Besatzung. Insgesamt starben in dieser Zeit 40.000 Timoresen.", "mention": "Schlacht um Timor", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "1440764"} {"context_title": "Past Eurovision contestants give advice to this year's performers, speculate on who will win", "context_date": "May 10, 2009", "context_left": "This is the sixth and final interview set the English \"Wikinews\" will publish in the run-up to the semi-final and final rounds of the Eurovision Song Contest. conducted all interviews, and will conduct additional interviews after the Contest. The ", "context_right": " airs May 16 at 9 p.m. CET; check with your national broadcaster's website for possible delays. Where available, the Contest's final round will also be broadcast on national radio.", "mention": "final round", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10157"} {"context_title": "V Českých Budějovicích se diskutovalo o dostavbě 3. a 4. bloku Temelína", "context_date": "22. červen 2012", "context_left": "Z řad veřejnosti zaznívala kritika nejen směrem k bezpečnosti elektrárny a nakládání s vyhořelým palivem, ale také například k vynakládání prostředků na stavbu elektrárny v kontrastu s úspornými opatřeními vlády. Byly také vzpomenuty nehody a havárie v Jaslovských Bohunicích, ", "context_right": " a Fukušimě. Z řad zahraničních hostů vyjádřili své záporné stanovisko například rakouský spolkový ministr životního prostředí Nikolas Berlakovich nebo bavorský ministr životního prostředí Marcel Huber.", "mention": "Černobylu", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Российские власти хотят отключить YouTube из-за «Невинности мусульман»", "context_date": "19 сентября 2012", "context_left": "Напомним, что пылившийся на полках любительский фильм «Невинность мусульман» () в канун одиннадцатилетия террористических атак 11 сентября вызвал череду убийств, ", "context_right": " и скандалов по всему миру.", "mention": "погромов", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "29489"} {"context_title": "Mark Webber wins 2009 Brazilian Grand Prix, Jenson Button and Brawn win championship", "context_date": "October 19, 2009", "context_left": "Red Bull driver Mark Webber won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Petrobras do Brasil Saturday at Autódromo José Carlos Pace, São Paulo, Brazil. ", "mention": "2009 Grande Prêmio", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "54432"} {"context_title": "Kashmiri militant sentenced to death over 2001 attack on Indian Parliament", "context_date": "September 26, 2006", "context_left": "Additional Sessions Judge Ravinder Kaur confirmed today that Mohammed Afzal, a militant attached to the Pakistan-based outfit Jaish-e-Mohammed, would be executed on 20 October for his role in the ", "context_right": " on the Indian Parliament building in 2002. ", "mention": "attempted attack", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "3351820"} {"context_title": "Исламское государство выпустило нашид на английском", "context_date": "30 января 2018", "context_left": "Рассказчик призывает сторонников ИГ атаковать цели «в Европе, Америке, России, Австралии и повсюду». Речь звучит на фоне видеокадров последствий терактов, показан Анис Амри, который совершил ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "теракт на грузовике в Берлине", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "28036573"} {"context_title": "Heavy metal band Teräsbetoni to represent Finland at Eurovision 2008", "context_date": "March 2, 2008", "context_left": "Finland is to be represented at the Eurovision Song Contest ", "context_right": " by heavy metal band Teräsbetoni with their song \"Missä Miehet Ratsastaa\" (\"Where Men Ride\").", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10155"} {"context_title": "Korean family reunited after over three years of separation", "context_date": "August 19, 2013", "context_left": "Families who were divided by the ", "context_right": " between 1950-53 have only been granted opportunities for reunion since 2000, with the last meeting being scheduled in 2010. Due to the lack of direct mail and telephone lines connecting the North and South, over 80,000 South Koreans registered to take part in the previous reunion however not all were accepted into program.", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Геноцид армян вошёл в десятку запросов Yahoo", "context_date": "29 января 2015", "context_left": "Запрос «", "context_right": "» вошёл в десятку наиболее часто задаваемых в поисковике Yahoo! 28 января 2015 года. Об этом в своем микроблоге в Twitter сообщил исполнительный директор Армянского Национального Комитета Америки (ANKA) Арам Амбарян.", "mention": "Геноцид армян", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "バレーボール女子ワールドグランプリ、日本が初の準優勝で銀メダルを獲得", "context_date": "2014年8月25日", "context_left": "東京・有明コロシアムで開催されていた", "context_right": "決勝ラウンドの最終日である8月24日、日本代表はロンドンオリンピックの覇者ブラジル代表との試合に臨んだ。前日までの4連勝で日本代表が2位以上になることは確定しており、この日は0-3(15-25、18-25、25-27)の敗戦で初優勝はかなわなかったが、4勝1敗・勝ち点12で過去最高の2位・銀メダルとなった。優勝は4勝1敗・勝ち点13のブラジルで、2年連続10回目。", "mention": "バレーボール女子ワールドグランプリ", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "14078532"} {"context_title": "Former Sudanese rebel leader John Garang sworn in as vice president of Sudan", "context_date": "July 12, 2005", "context_left": "Former Sudanese rebel leader John Garang was sworn in as vice president of Sudan as part of the agreement ending the ", "context_right": ". He is the first vice president the country has had.", "mention": "Second Sudanese Civil War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "842380"} {"context_title": "Michael Schumacher wins Italian Grand Prix, announces plans to retire", "context_date": "September 10, 2006", "context_left": "Michael Schumacher began his career on 1991 Italian Grand Prix (he retired from the earlier ", "context_right": ").", "mention": "1991 Belgian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "20935"} {"context_title": "Российские биатлонисты взяли серебро эстафеты на чемпионате мира", "context_date": "12 марта 2011", "context_left": "На ", "context_right": " завершилась эстафетная мужская гонка. Золото досталось сборной Норвегии. Оле Эйнар Бьорндален, Александр Ус, Эмиль Хегле Свендсен и Тарьей Бё пришли к финишу первыми, несмотря на два штрафных круга, которые им пришлось пробежать.", "mention": "чемпионате мира по биатлону в Ханты-Мансийске", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "430935"} {"context_title": "الشاب النروجي ماغنوس كارلسن بطل العالم في الشطرنج", "context_date": "23 نوفمبر 2013", "context_left": "فاز يوم أمس الجمعة النروجي ماغنوس كارلسن ", "context_right": " التي أقيمت في مدينة تشينناي الهندية، وبجائزة مالية قدرها 1.53 مليون دولار أمريكي بعد فوزه على الهندي فيشفاناثان اناند حامل اللقب لأربع مرات على التوالي (2007, 2008, 2010 و 2012) الذي حل وصيفاً للبطولة وحصل على جائزة مالية قدرها 710 آلاف دولار أمريكي.", "mention": "ببطولة العالم لشطرنج", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "917629"} {"context_title": "Viaggio umanitario del C.I.S.S. in Georgia", "context_date": "6 giugno 2009", "context_left": "La ONLUS Cooperazione Internazionale Solidarietà Sanitaria (C.I.S.S.) ha effettuato una missione umanitaria che li ha portati da Canelli (AT) a Tbilisi, capitale della Georgia. Lo scopo era di portare aiuti umanitari, ovvero coperte, stufette elettriche e materiale sanitario, ai campi profughi dell'Ossezia del Sud attualmente stanziatisi in Georgia dopo la ", "context_right": " con la Russia, che da allora occupa militarmente la regione.", "mention": "guerra dell'agosto scorso", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Venäjä voitti Euroviisut", "context_date": "25. toukokuuta 2008", "context_left": "Vuoden 2008 ", "context_right": " on voittanut Venäjän edustaja Dima Bilan. Kisat järjestettiin Serbian pääkaupungissa Belgradissa. Suomen edustaja Teräsbetoni sijoittui 22. sijalle saaden 35 pistettä.", "mention": "Eurovisionin laulukilpailun", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "10155"} {"context_title": "Michael Schumacher calls off Formula 1 comeback due to injury", "context_date": "August 11, 2009", "context_left": "Schumacher who retired in 2006 after winning the Formula 1 championship seven times, was due to replace the injured Felipe Massa. The Brazilian suffered a serious head injury after a crash during the ", "context_right": ". Massa is due to be out for at least the rest of the 2009 season. ", "mention": "2009 Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172010"} {"context_title": "Científicos advierten que los terremotos en el Pacífico de Canadá pueden desatar grandes tsunamis", "context_date": "4 de julio de 2013", "context_left": "Con este nuevo descubrimiento, los científicos empezarán a analizar detenidamente la falla geológica que generó el ", "context_right": " en California en el año de 1989, el cual dejó al menos 63 muertos. Ese sismo tuvo una magnitud de 7,1 grados y también generó un desplazamiento de corteza oceánica hacia las costas.", "mention": "terremoto de Loma Prieta", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1053476"} {"context_title": "Peru defeats Paraguay 2-0 in Copa America 2015 third place playoff", "context_date": "July 4, 2015", "context_left": "Yesterday, Peru defeated Paraguay 2–0 in the third place playoff of the ", "context_right": " , which was held in Estadio Municipal de Concepción stadium in Concepción city of Chile, and won a bronze medal.", "mention": "2015", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1129985"} {"context_title": "В день защиты детей в Екатеринбурге посадили руководителя «Детей войны»", "context_date": "4 июня 2017", "context_left": "«Дети войны» Решетько — небольшая зарегистрированная общественная организация, не связанная напрямую ни с одной политической партией. Она получила известность в 2012 году, когда Решетько просил депутатов Законодательного собрания Свердловской области не принимать внесённый «Единой Россией» областной закон, предусматривающий предоставление льгот и ежемесячной выплаты в размере 600 рублей части «детей войны» — детям тех военнослужащих, которые погибли в ходе Советско-финской войны 1939—1940 годов, Великой Отечественной войны 1941—1945 годов, ", "context_right": " августа — сентября 1945 года. Со ссылкой на письмо Решетько в 2012 году депутаты от «Единой России» сняли с рассмотрения этот законопроект. Сам Решетько в прошлом был членом КПРФ, но вышел из партии. Один из бывших членов КПРФ пояснил корреспонденту Викиновостей, что антикоммунистическим его письмо назвать нельзя, так как на момент обращения Решетько в Законодательное собрание Свердловской области фракция КПРФ свой законопроект не внесла.", "mention": "советско-японской войны", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "220602"} {"context_title": "Преминуо Јиржи Динстбир", "context_date": "8. јануар 2011.", "context_left": "Због породичних веза близак бившој Југославији и Србији, Динстбир је радо и спремно прихватио да од 1998. до 2001. године буде известилац за људска права у бившој Југославији. Динстбир је енергично био против ", "context_right": ", као и против једностраног проглашавања независности Косова. Решење за сукобе на Балкану видео је у уласку западног Балкана у Европску унију.", "mention": "бомбардовања СР Југославије 1999. године", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "155723"} {"context_title": "Il presidente sudcoreano Roh Moo Hyun incontra Kim Jong Il, leader del Nord", "context_date": "2 ottobre 2007", "context_left": "Il presidente della Corea del Sud Roh Moo Hyun ha lasciato ieri Seoul per incontrare il leader della Corea del Nord Kim Jong Il e per discutere del futuro della penisola coreana, da decenni divisa in due. Sebbene la ", "context_right": " combattuta fra il 1950 e il 1953 tra le due parti non è mai formalmente terminata, l'incontro potrebbe preparare il terreno per una tregua permanente. L'incontro è soltanto un secondo summit fra le due parti. ", "mention": "Guerra di Corea", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "У Сімферополі відбулася прем'єра фільму про депортацію татар", "context_date": "21 травня 2013", "context_left": "У п'ятницю, , напередодні 69-ї річниці ", "context_right": ", в кінотеатрі імені Шевченка в Сімферополі відбувся прем'єрний показ першого кримськотатарського фільму «Хайтарма», режисера Ахтема Сеїтаблаєва, який розповідає про трагічні події 1944 року.", "mention": "депортації з Криму кримськотатарського народу", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "1775286"} {"context_title": "Srbija među nosiocima na žrebu za Evropsko prvenstvo", "context_date": "12. јануар 2011.", "context_left": "FIBA/Европа, (Beta) - Košarkaška reprezentacija Srbije biće među nosiocima na žrebu za sastav grupa na ovogodišnjem ", "context_right": ", saopštila je u sredu organizacija FIBA Evropa.", "mention": "Evropskom prvenstvu u Litvaniji", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "204133"} {"context_title": "Cincuenta años de la Revolución cubana", "context_date": "1 de enero de 2009", "context_left": "Para unos, cincuenta años de revolución. Para otros, cincuenta años sin libertad. Lo cierto es que hoy se conmemora medio siglo de la \"", "context_right": "\", que el 1 de enero de 1959 derrocó a Fulgencio Batista y estableció a Fidel Castro como jefe de Estado de la isla. El mundo se hace eco del aniversario, ya sea para celebrarlo o repudiarlo.", "mention": "Revolución cubana", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "11264"} {"context_title": "Con un Messi excepcional, Argentina venció 3 a 0 a Bolivia", "context_date": "9 de septiembre de 2021", "context_left": "En el marco de las Eliminatorias para la Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2022, la selección argentina de fútbol volvió a encontrarse con su público, luego de las restricciones por la emergencia sanitaria por COVID-19 y tras ganar la ", "context_right": " en Brasil.", "mention": "Copa América", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "58039558"} {"context_title": "Documental de la televisión alemana afirma que Cuba estuvo detrás del asesinato de Kennedy", "context_date": "5 de enero de 2006", "context_left": "El documental \"Cita con la muerte\", cuya transmisión está programada para este viernes (6) por la estatal televisiva alemana ARD, afirma que La Habana utilizó a Lee Harvey Oswald para asesinar al presidente John F. Kennedy, cuyo ", "context_right": " se produjo el 22 de noviembre de 1963. La producción costó 850.000 euros y fue producto de tres años de investigaciones en México y los Estados Unidos.", "mention": "deceso", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "193484"} {"context_title": "Hervé Renard nie będzie już selekcjonerem reprezentacji Maroka w piłce nożnej mężczyzn", "context_date": "21 lipca 2019", "context_left": "O swojej decyzji Francuz poinformował na Twitterze. Przyznał, że decyzję podjął jeszcze przed nieudanym dla Maroka ", "context_right": ". Jego drużyna odpadła w 1/8 finału po niespodziewanej porażce z Beninem.", "mention": "Pucharem Narodów Afryki 2019", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "11831154"} {"context_title": "Soviet human rights activist Yelena Bonner dies aged 88", "context_date": "June 21, 2011", "context_left": "When the ", "context_right": " two years after Sakharov's death in 1989, Bonner continued her human rights and political activities. She initially supported President Boris Yeltsin's government and served on his state human rights commission, but became critical of his government at the beginning of the war in Chechnya. She was also critical of Yeltin's successor, Vladimir Putin, and was the first person to sign a petition against him in March 2010. ", "mention": "Soviet Union collapsed", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "5167679"} {"context_title": "7 år siden terrorangrepet mot World Trade Center i New York", "context_date": "11. september 2008", "context_left": "<onlyinclude>I dag er det 7 år siden ", "context_right": " i New York, USA.</onlyinclude>", "mention": "terrorangrepet mot World Trade Center", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "El exdictador guatemalteco Efraín Ríos Montt es condenado a 80 años de prisión", "context_date": "10 de mayo de 2013", "context_left": "Montt obtuvo el poder por medio de un golpe de Estado, encabezando una junta militar mientras Guatemala vivía una dura ", "context_right": ". Esta guerra finalizó en 1996, con un total de aproximadamente 200 000 muertos.", "mention": "guerra civil", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1282732"} {"context_title": "Počinje Svetsko prvenstvo u rukometu", "context_date": "13. јануар 2011.", "context_left": "Малме / Шведска (Beta) - ", "context_right": " počinje u četvrtak u Švedskoj. Prvenstvo traje do 30. januara, učestvovaće 24 reprezentacije, a titulu će braniti selekcija Francuske.", "mention": "Svetsko prvenstvo za rukometaše", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "474530"} {"context_title": "L'Iran annonce le démantèlement d'un réseau d'espionnage", "context_date": "21 mai 2011", "context_left": "Depuis la ", "context_right": ", Téhéran accuse régulièrement les Etats-Unis de mener des activités d'espionnage en Iran ou de soutenir des groupes armés hostiles à la République islamique, empêchant notamment de développer le programme nucléaire du pays.", "mention": "révolution de 1979", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "126065"} {"context_title": "Canada wins gold at 2007 IIHF World Junior Ice Hockey Championship", "context_date": "January 5, 2007", "context_left": "For the third time in a row, Team Canada has won the gold medal at the IIHF World Junior Hockey Championship. ", "context_right": " took place in Leksand, Sweden. Canada clinched gold in a 4-2 victory over Russia. The Canadian team held a perfect 6-0-0 record for the third straight year.", "mention": "This year's tournament", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1317123"} {"context_title": "Venezuelan protests continue over closure of RCTV", "context_date": "June 1, 2007", "context_left": "Hugo Chavez's reasons for not renewing the TV station's broadcasting license include RCTV's support of ", "context_right": " in 2002. RCTV was not the only media station to support the coup but, they have been closed because many say that they are the most significant TV station of the opposition. Venevision which supported the coup at the time has recently had its license renewed for 5 more years, which many say is due for their change in their editorial stance. ", "mention": "a coup d'état attempt", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8807"} {"context_title": "Cuatro centrales nucleares en Japón se encuentran dañadas por el terremoto", "context_date": "13 de marzo de 2011", "context_left": "La primera central nuclear afectada por el terremoto del viernes fue la Fukushima Daiichi, quién debió liberar vapores radioactivos para tratar de evitar una explosión similar a la ocurrida en la ", "context_right": " en 1986. Un día después se reportó una explosión en el reactor número uno de la central donde murió un hombre y unas 14 peronas resultaron heridas. Desde entonces los cuerpos de emergencia intentan enfriar el reactor con agua de mar, algo que lo dañaría permanentemente.", "mention": "catástrofe de Chernóbil", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "El Monseñor Justo Laguna falleció ayer a los 82 años", "context_date": "4 de noviembre de 2011", "context_left": "Se lo recuerda por haber entablado vínculos de amistad con los judíos según recuerda el rabino Marío Rojzaman. En 1998 ambos religiosos se reunieron con el Papa Juan Pablo II para pedirle que apoyara los reclamos de las víctimas de los ", "context_right": " y a la AMIA ocurridos en Buenos Aires.", "mention": "atentados a la Embajada de Israel", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "569278"} {"context_title": "Obama se reunirá no próximo sábado com líderes da Unasul", "context_date": "15 de abril de 2009", "context_left": "Um dos temas polêmicos da Cúpula das Américas, que deve ser reiterado no encontro dos presidentes de países da Unasul com Obama, é a ausência de , único país do continente que não participará do evento. Cuba foi expulsa da (OEA) em , logo após a ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "revolução", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "11264"} {"context_title": "Американская Академия телеискусства объявила номинантов на «Эмми»", "context_date": "15 июля 2011", "context_left": "На премию «", "context_right": "» номинированы сериалы прошлого века: телеcериал времен Великой депрессии в США Mildred Pierce и мелодрама 1960-х Mad Men получили больше всего номинаций в этом году на премию Эмми, которой награждаются лучшие прайм-тайм фильмы американского телевидения.", "mention": "Эмми", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "259726"} {"context_title": "G8-Gegner klagen gegen Demonstrationsverbot am Zaun von Heiligendamm", "context_date": "18.05.2007", "context_left": "Eine 200 Meter breite Bannmeile vor dem Sicherheitszaun rund um das Gelände des ", "context_right": " bezeichnete Attac-Koordinierungsrat Peter Wahl als eine „Aushöhlung des Demonstrationsrechts“. ", "mention": "G8-Gipfels am 6. bis 8. Juni 2007", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "819346"} {"context_title": "Australian "terror laws" face backlash", "context_date": "October 19, 2005", "context_left": "Advocates of the proposed legislation claim that the laws are an extension of the existing criminal code. They also claim that Australia is in danger of a terrorist attack, such as the ", "context_right": ". Others have pointed out that the London bombers were not previously known to police and would not have been impacted by this legislation.", "mention": "7 July London bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Benedicto XVI se despide en su última audiencia general ante 150 000 fieles", "context_date": "27 de febrero de 2013", "context_left": "El papa reconoció algunos de los momentos difíciles de su papado en los que \"hubo momentos en que las aguas se agitaron y hubo fuertes vientos\", según dijo. Al terminar su discurso, la multitud, incluyendo algunos de los cardenales que ya se han hecho presentes en el Vaticano para participar en el ", "context_right": ", le ovacionaron de pie.", "mention": "cónclave que habrá de escoger a su sucesor", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "4422669"} {"context_title": "Akkoord in Duitsland over nieuw vluchtelingenbeleid", "context_date": "9 februari 2017", "context_left": "Na de ", "context_right": ", waarbij negen doden vielen, is in Duitsland de roep om asielzoekers sneller uit te kunnen zetten steeds sterker geworden. ", "mention": "aanslag op een kerstmarkt in Berlijn van afgelopen december", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "28036573"} {"context_title": "Jenson Button wins 2010 Australian Grand Prix", "context_date": "March 28, 2010", "context_left": "McLaren driver Jenson Button won yesterday's FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Qantas Australian Grand Prix on the Melbourne Grand Prix Circuit at Albert Park, Melbourne, Australia. Button placed fourth behind both Red Bull cars and Alonso's Ferrari, but took advantage from an earlier tyre change from intermediate to slick and won the Australian GP for the second time in his career.", "mention": "2010", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "15071"} {"context_title": "Российская фигуристка выиграла короткую программу командного турнира Олимпиады-2018 с мировым рекордом", "context_date": "11 февраля 2018", "context_left": "Спортсменка набрала 81,06 балла и обновила собственное мировое достижение, установленное на ", "context_right": " 2017 года в Токио (80,85). Второе место в короткой программе командного турнира заняла итальянка Каролина Костнер (75,10), третье — канадка Кэйтлин Осмонд (71,38).", "mention": "командном чемпионате мира", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "25388147"} {"context_title": "USA ziehen Kampftruppen aus Irak ab", "context_date": "23.08.2010", "context_left": " Die Vereinigten Staaten haben nach eigenen Angaben die letzte Kampfbrigade am 19. August aus dem Irak abgezogen. Präsident Obama hatte in seinem Wahlkampf versprochen, die Truppen abzuziehen, die in der seit Ende des ", "context_right": " 2003 währenden Besetzung des Landes dort stationiert waren. Mit dem Abzug liege der Präsident im Zeitplan, die Kampfmission „Iraqi Freedom“ (Irakische Freiheit) bis zum 31. August zu beenden.", "mention": "Irakkriegs", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "FIFA汚職事件 2人がアメリカへの身柄引き渡しを認める", "context_date": "2015年9月24日", "context_left": "", "context_right": "で逮捕された7人のうち、ジェフリー・ウェブFIFA前副会長に続いて、2人の被疑者がアメリカへの身柄引き渡しに同意した。", "mention": "FIFA汚職事件", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "19984977"} {"context_title": "Puerto Rico governor announces resignation following protests", "context_date": "July 28, 2019", "context_left": "Protesters called for Rosselló's resignation after revelations he and his staffers sent anti-homosexual and misogynistic comments using Telegram, a messaging app. The Puerto Rico Center for Investigative Journalism obtained the Telegram messages between Rosselló and eleven others and released them publicly on July 13. Messages disparaged a variety of public figures and ", "context_right": " victims. Since the release of the text messages, protests filled the San Juan streets daily.", "mention": "Hurricane Maria", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "40178187"} {"context_title": "Gipfeltreffen der Bewegung der blockfreien Staaten in Havanna eröffnet", "context_date": "11.09.2006", "context_left": "Die Bewegung der blockfreien Staaten wurde 1961 zur Zeit des Kalten Krieges gegründet. Die Mitglieder der Organisation wollten sich keinem der beiden Militärblöcke zuordnen, sich also weder an die Vereinigten Staaten binden noch an die Sowjetunion. Zu den Begründern der Organisation zählen Josip Broz Tito, Jawaharlal Nehru, Gamal Abdel Nasser und Sukarno, der erste indonesische Präsident. Auch nach 45 Jahren und dem Ende des Kalten Krieges ist die Organisation, die Kritiker als Überbleibsel des Kalten Krieges ohne diplomatische Bedeutung bezeichnen, laut Felipe Pérez Roque noch von Bedeutung. Der kubanische Außenministers sagte zur Eröffnung des Gipfels, dass die Bewegung in einer „ungerechten Welt“ mehr denn je benötigt werde. Dies versucht Felipe Pérez Roque damit zu begründen, dass kleinere Entwicklungsländer sich zusammenschließen müssten, um der Bedrohung durch andere Staaten zu entgehen. In diesem Jahr hat Kuba den Vorsitz der Organisation inne, den der Karibikstaat von Pakistan übernommen hat. Themen des Treffens, das voraussichtlich mit einer Abschlusserklärung enden wird, sind der ", "context_right": ", der Libanonkrieg, der Nahostkonflikt und die Reform der Vereinten Nationen. Auf Initiative Kubas soll auch über die von den USA verhängte Wirtschaftsblockade diskutiert werden. Unklar ist, ob Fidel Castro trotz seiner Krankheit an dem Treffen teilnehmen wird. Der offizielle Terminplan sieht vor, dass Fidel Castro am Freitag Gastgeber eines Abendessens sein soll, das im Rahmen des Gipfels stattfinden wird. In Miami lebende Exilkubaner hatten an Entwicklungsländer, die mit den USA verbündet sind, appelliert, nicht am Treffen in Havanna teilzunehmen.", "mention": "Irakkrieg", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Eurovision '09 competitor Chiara talks about her current song "What If We" and her past accolades", "context_date": "March 5, 2009", "context_left": "Since then, Malta's dependable \"shining star\" has been Chiara Siracusa, who goes by her first name in her music career. First competing in ", "context_right": " at the age of 21, she was pushed to the brink of victory until the votes from the final country that evening leveled her placement to third. Her rendition of the song \"The One That I Love,\" and the recognition she received not only for herself, but for her country, made her a star in Malta overnight, and helped her launch a singing career in Europe.", "mention": "1998", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "202110"} {"context_title": "Malaysia-Airlines-Flug 17 über dem Osten der Ukraine offenbar abgeschossen", "context_date": "18.07.2014", "context_left": "Beide Seiten im ukrainischen Bürgerkrieg beschuldigten sich gegenseitig und verdächtigten die jeweils andere Seite, das Flugzeug abgeschossen zu haben: Die Signale des Flugzeugs endeten Angaben von Flighttrackingseiten zufolge gegen 13:20 Uhr UTC(15:20 MESZ), die Fluglinie sprach hingegen von Kontaktverlust um „1415 (GMT)“. Die Verkehrsmaschine war in etwa 10.000 Metern Flughöhe unterwegs. An Bord waren nach letzten Meldungen 283 Passagiere und 15 Besatzungsmitglieder. Bei einer Pressekonferenz in Amsterdam gab die Fluggesellschaft bekannt, unter den Reisenden seien 154 Niederländer, 27 Australier, 23 Malaysier, elf Indonesier, sechs Briten, vier Belgier und vier Deutsche sowie drei Philippiner und ein Kanadier gewesen. Damit handelt es sich um die tödlichste Flugzeugkatastrophe seit dem ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "11. September 2001", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "EU will Internet und Mobiltelefone anzapfen", "context_date": "26.10.2009", "context_left": "Der EU-Bericht, auf den sich Katz bezieht, wurde sechs Tage vor den ", "context_right": " ratifiziert, bei denen die Zwillingstürme des World Trade Centers zum Einsturz gebracht wurden. In ihrer Analyse des US-Spionagesystems Echelon heißt es: „Im Prinzip fallen Aktivitäten und Schritte zum Zweck der Staatssicherheit oder Strafverfolgung nicht in den Bereich des EU-Vertrags.“ ", "mention": "Anschlägen vom 11. September 2001", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Felipe Massa wins 2008 French Grand Prix", "context_date": "June 22, 2008", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Felipe Massa won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Grand Prix de France at the Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours, France.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179390"} {"context_title": "Denuncian en Venezuela planes de desestabilización por parte de la derecha", "context_date": "3 de octubre de 2011", "context_left": "Precisamente, el mismo Chávez advirtió que no tolerará más actos desestabilizadores con pretextos que justifiquen su derrocamiento, tal como lo hicieron con el ", "context_right": ":", "mention": "golpe de 2002", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "8807"} {"context_title": "Kimi Räikkönen wins 2008 Spanish Grand Prix", "context_date": "April 29, 2008", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Kimi Räikkönen won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Gran Premio de España Telefónica at Circuit de Catalunya, Barcelona, Spain. Both Ferrari drivers were on the podium, with Ferrari's Felipe Massa finishing right after his teammate.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "171378"} {"context_title": "US candidate Barack Obama announces Joe Biden as his running mate via text message", "context_date": "August 23, 2008", "context_left": "Republican candidate John McCain of Arizona has not yet announced who his running mate will be. The ", "context_right": " begins September 1, 2008 in Saint Paul, Minnesota.", "mention": "2008 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Знайдено забутий твір Ігоря Стравінського", "context_date": "6 вересня 2015", "context_left": "Натомість в Росії 1917 вибухне ", "context_right": " і подальша громадянська війна, в ході якої будуть втрачені чимало культурних цінностей, в тому числі й «Погребальна пісня». Через 25 років Стравінський залишить згадку про свій ранній твір в автобіографії, але не зможе відновити по пам'яті музичній матеріал.", "mention": "Жовтневий переворот", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "42976"} {"context_title": "Sierra Leone sends lone athlete for the nation's second ever Paralympic Games", "context_date": "August 25, 2012", "context_left": "London, England — When Mohamed Kamara enters the Olympic Stadium during the 2012 Summer Paralympics Opening Ceremony on Wednesday night representing Sierra Leone, he will become only the second Paralympic competitor to ever represent his country. Sierra Leone's previous Paralympic appearance came at the ", "context_right": " when the country as represented by Marah Kelley, a javelin thrower who remains the only female to have ever represented the country at the Paralympics.", "mention": "1996 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "174397"} {"context_title": "Rusia acusa a Estados Unidos de no respetar la soberanía de los Estados", "context_date": "27 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Destacó además que la estabilidad internacional fue \"golpeada seriamente\", también puso como ejemplo los bombardeos a Yugoslavia, la invasión en Irak, los ", "context_right": " y el fracaso en Afganistán. Asimismo señaló que la crisis ucraniana fue producto de un golpe de Estado realizado gracias a la ayuda estadounidense y europea.", "mention": "ataques contra Libia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "Васкрс у Илиној води", "context_date": "31. март 2010.", "context_left": "Програм који се осми пут поводом Васкрса одржава у парку у Илиној води, према речима одборника Скупштине града Крагујевца Слађана Ракића, почиње уранком у 07:00 сати а посвећен је заштити животне средине, уређивању зелених површина, традицији и ослобођењу Крагујевца у ", "context_right": " и најрадоснијем хришћанском празнику Васкрсу. Почетак програма, симболичним пуцњем из трешњевог топа-кумбаре, извешће Завод за жигосање оружја, док ће манифестацију у 10:00 сати отворити градоначелник Крагујевца Верољуб Стевановић а у културно уметничком програму наступиће културно уметничка друштва и певачке групе из Крагујевца, Старе Пазове, Раче и Горњег Милановца док ће завршну тачку извести корисници услуга Завода за збрињавање одраслих из Малих Пчелица.", "mention": "Другом српском устанку", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "243585"} {"context_title": "Stephen Hawking se une a un boicot académico internacional contra Israel por su relación con Palestina", "context_date": "8 de mayo de 2013", "context_left": "Hawking, de 71 años, ya ha visitado Israel en años anteriores, siendo la última vez en 2006. En 2009 denunció el ", "context_right": ", afirmando que la respuesta de Israel al lanzamiento de cohetes desde Gaza era “claramente desproporcionada. La situación es equiparable a la de Sudáfrica antes de 1990 y no puede continuar”. La quinta entrega de la conferencia Frente al Mañana se realizará en Jerusalén del 18 al 20 de junio y celebrará además el 90.º cumpleaños de Peres.", "mention": "ataque de tres semanas de Israel contra la Franja de Gaza", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "170682"} {"context_title": "Milano, apre la linea "lilla"", "context_date": "10 febbraio 2013", "context_left": "Nel 2015, in tempo per l'", "context_right": ", la linea verrà completata giungendo fino alla fermata San Siro Stadio, per un totale di 19 stazioni e 12,8 chilometri di lunghezza, incrociando nuovamente le linee suburbane e regionali in corrispondenza della stazione di Domodossola-Fiera e la linea 1 (\"rossa\") nella stazione di Lotto.", "mention": "Expo 2015", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "210022"} {"context_title": "【熊本地震】オープンストリートマップが救援地図作り「クライシスマッピング」を開始", "context_date": "2016年4月20日", "context_left": "オープンストリートマップによる地図は無料につき、ボランティアセンターなどでクライシスマップとして被災者へ配布する形で情報提供を実現できる。また情報の精度に関しては、地図作成者(マッパー)によって山間部や過疎地域などの情報も提供してもらうことにより、きめ細かい内容更新が実現可能である。クライシスマッピングは2010年のハイチ地震や2011年の東日本大震災、2015年の", "context_right": "の際にも運用された実績がある。", "mention": "ネパール地震", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "19830062"} {"context_title": "Dr. Joseph Merlino on sexuality, insanity, Freud, fetishes and apathy", "context_date": "October 5, 2007", "context_left": "DS: Have you noticed any affect that the current political culture has had on your patients, in terms of the ", "context_right": "? Either in pathologies where the war is manifesting itself, or in just a general discomfort with the state of the culture and society as it is?", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Award show producers try Emmy Idol", "context_date": "September 7, 2005", "context_left": "The show will be again hosted by talk show host and comedienne Ellen DeGeneres. In honor of the victims of ", "context_right": ", all Emmy presenters and performers will be given magnolias, the state flower of both Louisiana and Mississippi. Information will be given out during the broadcast on how viewers can donate to relief efforts.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "תיקו 1-1 מותח ורב הפתעות בין רומניה ואיטליה", "context_date": "13 ביוני 2008", "context_left": "עברו ארבעה ימים וחזרנו לבית ג', שאמור להיות המלהיב ביותר ב", "context_right": ". בסיבוב הקודם, זה היה חצי נכון - אמנם לא התנהגה כאלופת עולם ואכזבה, אבל לפחות ניסתה. לעומת זאת הייתה שותפה לאחד המשחקים המחפירים ביותר עד כה, שהתאפיין ביכולת נמוכה, משחק הגנות שהתמקד בבזבוז זמן ובשעמום לצופים, אשר לבסוף אף שרקו בוז לשחקניהם. לפני כן זה היה יכול להיות מפגש מבטיח - איטליה החזקה מול רומניה התוססת, אך אחרי המחזור הראשון יכלו להרשות לעצמם האוהדים להנמיך ציפיות.", "mention": "יורו 2008", "context_lang": "he", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "Internationaler Strafgerichtshof ermittelt wegen Kriegsverbrechen gegen Nordkorea", "context_date": "15.12.2010", "context_left": " Der Internationale Strafgerichtshof führt Vorermittlungen wegen des Verdachts auf Kriegsverbrechen gegen Nordkorea durch. Das Verfahren steht im Zusammenhang mit dem ", "context_right": " durch nordkoreanische Einheiten am 23. November und der Versenkung des südkoreanischen Kriegsschiffes Cheonan am 26. März durch einen angeblich von Nordkorea aus abgeschossenen Torpedo. Das geht aus einer Mitteilung Luis Moreno Ocampos, Anklänger am UN-Kriegsverbrechertribunal, hervor.", "mention": "Mörserbeschuss der Insel Yeonpyeong", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "243987"} {"context_title": "12 декабря — День Конституции РФ. Разжалованный праздник", "context_date": "12 декабря 2012", "context_left": "Но если день 12 июня действительно фиксирует конъюнктурное политическое событие эпохи борьбы нового российского центра власти со старым союзным центром, то день 12 декабря — единственный российский праздник, имеющий прямое отношение к новой российской государственности. Именно конституция, принятая на ", "context_right": ", впервые в российской истории провозгласила такие принципы, как народный (а не партийный) суверенитет, политический плюрализм и многопартийность, федерализм и разделение властей. Именно декабрьская конституция завершила советский период истории страны, провозгласив Россию демократическим правовым государством с республиканской формой правления. В отличие от Конституции СССР, российская конституция запретила сецессию (право на выход из состава РФ).", "mention": "референдуме 12 декабря 1993 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "2783953"} {"context_title": "Sorteo de la Copa América 2015 es aplazado por retrasos en remodelación de estadio", "context_date": "28 de agosto de 2014", "context_left": "El día de ayer, el comité organizador de Chile y la CONMEBOL informaron que el sorteo de la próxima ", "context_right": " fue aplazado en un mes debido al retraso en la remodelación del estadio Ester Roa en Concepción. Este se desarrollará el 24 de noviembre en la ciudad de Viña del Mar.", "mention": "Copa América", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1129985"} {"context_title": "US and South Korea to conduct naval exercises in response to warship sinking", "context_date": "May 24, 2010", "context_left": "Following a report blaming North Korea for the sinking of a South Korean ", "context_right": " in March, the United States and South Korea plan to hold joint naval exercises \"in the near future.\"", "mention": "naval vessel", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "494058"} {"context_title": "В Южной Осетии прошли траурные мероприятия в память жертв трагедии в Ередви", "context_date": "20 марта 2017", "context_left": "В период ", "context_right": " село Ередви находилось в зоне контроля Грузии.", "mention": "войны 2008 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "У поплавама у Србији 57 мртвих", "context_date": "10. јул 2014.", "context_left": "(Бета),(Б92), (Танјуг) - За време ", "context_right": " које су у мају задесиле Србију умрло је 57 људи, од којих су се 23 особе утопиле, каже државни секретар у МУП-у Александар Николић.", "mention": "поплава", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "16879871"} {"context_title": "Bombenanschlag in Beirut fordert Tote und Verletzte", "context_date": "15.08.2013", "context_left": "Der Libanon ist spätestens seit dem zwischen 1975 und 1990 wütenden ", "context_right": " religiös stark zersplittert. Viele Libanesen befürchten, dass das Land in den Bürgerkrieg in Syrien im benachbarten Syrien hineingezogen wird. Hisbollah hat auf seiten des alawitischen syrischen Staatspräsidenten Baschar al-Assad in den syrischen Bürgerkrieg eingegriffen. Mehr als eine halbe Million Syrer sind vor dem Bürgerkrieg in den Libanon geflohen.", "mention": "libanesischen Bürgerkrieg", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "208484"} {"context_title": "Romania to host Junior Eurovision Song Contest in 2006", "context_date": "October 6, 2005", "context_left": "The three countries shortlisted for the Junior Eurovision 2006 were Romania, Croatia, and the Netherlands. On October 4, however, it was announced that TVR had won the bidding process and the event would be held in Romania. The Junior Eurovision 2006 is the first Eurovision event to be held in Romania, and comes after Romania's best ever result in the ", "context_right": ", where it was ranked third.", "mention": "Eurovision Song Contest 2005", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10151"} {"context_title": "Rubens Barrichello wins 2009 Italian Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 15, 2009", "context_left": "Brawn-Mercedes driver Rubens Barrichello won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Santander d'Italia at the Autodromo Nazionale Monza, Italy. His team-mate Jenson Button came second.", "mention": "2009 Gran Premio", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "173193"} {"context_title": "Il New York Times dice stop alla guerra in Iraq", "context_date": "8 luglio 2007", "context_left": "Oggi è stato pubblicato sul noto quotidiano statunitense New York Times un editoriale dal titolo \"The Road Home\" (La strada del ritorno), un duro attacco alla ", "context_right": " organizzata dal Presidente degli Stati Uniti George W. Bush.", "mention": "Guerra in Iraq", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Moscow Metro attack suspects killed by police", "context_date": "May 14, 2010", "context_left": "Three people suspected of involvement in a ", "context_right": " on the Moscow Metro system have been killed after a confrontation with police in the city. The attacks, carried out on March 29, killed at least 40 people and wounded over 100. ", "mention": "bomb attack", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "269893"} {"context_title": "孙政才涉嫌严重违纪被立案调查", "context_date": "2017年7月24日", "context_left": "孙政才1963年出生,被外界视为", "context_right": "晋升政治局常委的热门人选,甚至有分析认为孙将是中共未来领导人的潜在接班人。本月15日,孙政才突然被免去重庆市委书记职务,由原中共贵州省委书记陈敏尔接任,而之后的官方报道又有意回避孙政才,引发外界诸多猜测。針對此調查,《》引用北京時事評論作家和前清華大學政治學講師吳強的評論,「孫政才是犧牲品,(習近平)是要藉此向全黨發出信息:他不受前一代領導人決定的提升順序的約束」。", "mention": "中共十九大", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "23791320"} {"context_title": "Sandra Fluke gives keynote speech at Nebraska women's health event", "context_date": "December 6, 2012", "context_left": "Fluke was a featured speaker on September 5 at the ", "context_right": " in Charlotte, North Carolina. Fluke spoke to attendees at the convention about the consequences for women of electing Republican candidate for U.S. President, Mitt Romney, over incumbent President Barack Obama. Fluke has campaigned with President Obama in his bid for re-election.", "mention": "2012 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2104713"} {"context_title": "McLaren Mercedes drivers snatch the front row for 2007 Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_date": "August 4, 2007", "context_left": "McLaren Mercedes drivers Fernando Alonso and Lewis Hamilton will start from top of FIA Formula-1 2007 ", "context_right": " race tomorrow at the Hungaroring, Budapest, Hungary.", "mention": "Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "611403"} {"context_title": "קרואטיה עמדה בפרץ וניצחה 1-0 את אוסטריה", "context_date": "8 ביוני 2008", "context_left": "מערכות ", "context_right": " לא מצליחות להתרומם. לאחר שאמש ספגה תבוסה 1-0 ל במשחק הפתיחה של הטורניר, הפעם גם נצחה באותה תוצאה את המארחת השנייה - . עם זאת, אוסטריה, המדורגת סביב מקום ה-100 בדירוג של , הצליחה להציב אתגר ראוי לקרואטיה, אשר מצאה עצמה תחת מתקפה ארוכה ובלתי נגמרת במהלך המחצית השנייה.", "mention": "יורו 2008", "context_lang": "he", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel wins wet 2009 Chinese Grand Prix", "context_date": "April 19, 2009", "context_left": "Red Bull Racing driver Sebastian Vettel won the rainy 2009 ", "context_right": " at Shanghai International Circuit, Shanghai, China. His teammate Mark Webber came second with a substantial gap of more than 10 seconds. Vettel's first win for Toro Rosso was the wet race at Monza last year.", "mention": "Chinese Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172012"} {"context_title": "Argentina le gana a Bolivia 3 a cero por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "15 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Argentina goleó ayer a Bolivia por la última presentación de la primer ronda de la ", "context_right": " en el Century Field de Seattle y clasificó primero en su grupo, el equipo boliviano ya estaba eliminado. Los goles fueron de Erik Lamela, Ezequiel Lavezzi y Víctor Cuesta en los primeros 32 minutos de juego.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Молодёжная сборная России по хоккею разгромила сборную Канады на МЧМ в Чехии", "context_date": "29 декабря 2019", "context_left": "28 декабря молодёжная сборная России по хоккею с шайбой разгромила сборную Канады со счётом 6:0 на ", "context_right": ", проходящем в Чехии. Конкретно этот матч между сборными России и Канады был сыгран в Остраве.", "mention": "молодёжном чемпионате мира", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "47091432"} {"context_title": "Выпущена первая абхазская банкнота", "context_date": "3 октября 2018", "context_left": "29 сентября 2018 года Национальный банк Республики Абхазия выпустил в обращение первую абхазскую банкноту. Банкнота в 500 апсаров является памятной и посвящена 25-летию победы в ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Отечественной войне народа Абхазии (1992—1993 гг.)", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1209169"} {"context_title": "Soldado dos Estados Unidos mata cinco após tiroteio no Iraque", "context_date": "13 de maio de 2009", "context_left": "Se trata um dos eventos mais violentos para as tropas estado-unidenses desde último 10 de abril, quando cinco soldados morreram em resultado de um <a href=\"w%3Acarro-bomba\">carro armadilhado/bomba</a> em Mossul, 400 quilômetros ao norte de Bagdá. O ataque também é um incidente anterior, em que um sargento americano convertido ao islã matou 2 oficiais e feriu 14 companheiros com uma granada em uma base no Kuwait, um pouco antes da ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "invasão que iniciaria em 2003", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel wins 2009 British Grand Prix", "context_date": "June 21, 2009", "context_left": "Red Bull Racing driver, Sebastian Vettel won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Santander British Grand Prix from pole at the Silverstone Circuit, Northamptonshire, England. His teammate, Mark Webber, came second.", "mention": "2009", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172934"} {"context_title": "தார்பூர் போர் முடிவுக்கு வந்துள்ளதாக ஐநா அறிவிப்பு", "context_date": "ஆகத்து 27, 2009", "context_left": "ஆறு ஆண்டுகள் நடைபெற்ற மோதல்களுக்கு பிறகு ", "context_right": " இடம்பெற்ற போர் முடிவுக்கு வந்துவிட்டதாக, சூடானின் தார்ஃபூர் பகுதியில் இருக்கும் ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் அமைதி காக்கும் படையின் தலைமைப் பொறுப்பிலிருந்து விலகிச் செல்லும் தளபதி கூறியுள்ளார்.", "mention": "தார்பூரில்", "context_lang": "ta", "label_id": "190758"} {"context_title": "Bombenanschläge auf Bali fordern viele Tote", "context_date": "01.10.2005", "context_left": "Über die Anzahl der Opfer gibt es zur Zeit noch unterschiedliche Angaben. Diplomatenkreise sprechen von mindestens 32 Toten. Nach offiziellen Angaben wurden außerdem 85 Menschen bei den Explosionen verletzt. Die Polizei macht die Terrororganisation Jemaah Islamiyah für die Anschlagsserie verantwortlich. Bei einem ", "context_right": " auf Nachtclubs in Kuta kamen vor drei Jahren 202 Menschen ums Leben.", "mention": "Anschlag", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "86584"} {"context_title": "Sai o ranking da FIFA de 2007", "context_date": "17 de dezembro de 2007", "context_left": "Portugal, que conseguiu classificação para a ", "context_right": ", ficou em oitavo lugar. A seleção que apresentou maior crescimento em 2007 foi Moçambique, que está agora em 75º lugar.", "mention": "Eurocopa 2008", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "John Cale odehrál v Paříži speciální koncert", "context_date": "3. duben 2016", "context_left": "Koncert byl natáčen francouzsko-německou televizní stanicí ", "context_right": ", která jej bude vysílat 11. června 2016 (0:35). Již od 21. května bude záznam dostupný na k online zhlédnutí na webu stanice. Producentkou koncertu byla Caleova manažerka Nita Scott.", "mention": "ARTE", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "8073"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Περού ηττήθηκε από την Εθνική Ουρουγουάης με σκορ 0-2", "context_date": "20 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Περού ηττήθηκε από την Εθνική Ουρουγουάης με σκορ 0:2 στον Α' Ημιτελικό του ", "context_right": ", το οποίο διεξάγεται στην Αργεντινή.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "Major magnitude 6.3 earthquake strikes central Italy", "context_date": "April 6, 2009", "context_left": "This is the deadliest quake in Italy since November 23, 1980, when nearly 3,000 people were killed in a ", "context_right": " in the Irpinia region. At least 10,000 were injured with over 300,000 being left homeless.", "mention": "magnitude 6.8 earthquake that struck Southern Italy", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1348884"} {"context_title": "美国人民抗议活动波及全球", "context_date": "2020年6月2日", "context_left": "", "context_right": "一事引发的抗议活动不仅在美国多地持续,而且也波及到世界多国。", "mention": "乔治·弗洛伊德遭暴力执法死亡", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "95579249"} {"context_title": "Česko má už třetí medaili, biatlonista Moravec ve stíhačce stříbrný", "context_date": "10. únor 2014", "context_left": "Pro Moravce je to první velká medaile v individuálním závodě. Na loňském ", "context_right": " se dvakrát umístil jako čtvrtý a bronz si odvezl ze závodu ve smíšené štafetě.", "mention": "mistrovství světa v Novém Městě na Moravě", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "855881"} {"context_title": "Rudi Völler kehrt als Sportchef zu Bayer Leverkusen zurück", "context_date": "18.01.2005", "context_left": "Der 44-Jährige, der seinen größten Erfolg bei der ", "context_right": " in Japan und Südkorea feierte, als er die deutsche Nationalmannschaft ins Finale führte, soll nach seinem kurzem Gastspiel beim italienischen Verein AS Rom den Geschäftsführer von Bayer 04 Leverkusen, Wolfgang Holzhäuser, in sportlichen Fragen zur Seite stehen und ist dabei mit großen Kompetenzen ausgestattet.", "mention": "Weltmeisterschaft 2002", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "Max Verstappen zwycięzcą Grand Prix 70-lecia Formuły 1", "context_date": "10 sierpnia 2020", "context_left": "Za tydzień odbędzie się szósta runda tegorocznego sezonu, Grand Prix Hiszpanii Formuły 1 na torze ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "171404"} {"context_title": "Несправедливость мотивировала Ивана Наумова написать «Балканский рубеж»", "context_date": "25 апреля 2019", "context_left": "[04:35, 13.4.2019] Иван Наумов: Такой связкой стало Косово. ", "context_right": " оставили во мне след, борозду, и я жаждал вернуться в творчестве к косовской тематике. Я многократно объяснял, что фантастика — не жанр, а метод. Из чего следует, что от фантастики до боевика не столь существенная дистанция.", "mention": "События 99-го года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "155723"} {"context_title": "Military presence increased in Melbourne for 2006 Commonwealth Games", "context_date": "February 8, 2006", "context_left": "Police Chief Commissioner Christine Nixon has warned of an increase in police and military activity in Melbourne, Australia, in preparation for the ", "context_right": ". Officials say a major security sweep of Melbourne is underway at the athletes' village.", "mention": "Commonwealth Games", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "659207"} {"context_title": "Philippine prisoners repeat performance of Thriller in tribute to Michael Jackson", "context_date": "June 28, 2009", "context_left": "Prisoners at Cebu Provincial Detention and Rehabilitation Center prison in the Philippines yesterday repeated their mass dance performance to \"Thriller\" in tribute to Michael Jackson, who ", "context_right": ". The YouTube video of one of their previous performances gained popularity and widespread attention for the prison, and its warden Byron F. Garcia, in April 2007.", "mention": "died on Thursday", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "761887"} {"context_title": "Обама у зони између две Кореје", "context_date": "25. март 2012.", "context_left": "Обама је посетио демилитаризовану зону дужине око 300 километара која дели корејско полустрво на два дела од краја ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Корејског рата (1950-1953)", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Spain's most decorated Paralympian, Teresa Perales", "context_date": "January 19, 2013", "context_left": "So, are you confident that Madrid is going to get ", "context_right": ", and are you going to stay around?", "mention": "the 2020", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "14856650"} {"context_title": "Verlegung von Kriegsschiffen der Vereinigten Staaten nach Korea beginnt", "context_date": "09.04.2017", "context_left": "Donald Trump, Präsident der Vereinigten Staaten, kündigte an, die USA werde notfalls im Alleingang militärisch ohne die Einwilligung von der Volksrepublik China gegen Nordkorea vorgehen, wenn diese weitere Raketentests durchführe. Die USA befürchten, Nordkorea sei in Zukunft in der Lage, atomare Raketen auf amerikanisches Festland abzuschießen. Nach einem ", "context_right": " kritisierte Nordkorea das Vorgehen der USA und kündigten an, das eigene Militär zu vergrößern. In Teilen Nordkoreas wird der Angriff der USA in Syrien als Bedrohung gesehen. Nordkorea geht davon aus, dass Südkorea und die Vereinigten Staaten einen gemeinsamen Angriff gegen Nordkorea vorbereiten. Dies wird von diesen Ländern bestritten.", "mention": "Militärschlag auf einen Luftwaffenstützpunkt der syrischen Armee", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "29197866"} {"context_title": "2018・2022年のサッカーワールドカップの招致不正疑惑の調査報告書を提出", "context_date": "2014年9月30日", "context_left": "FIFA(国際サッカー連盟)は2014年9月5日付けをもって、2018年と", "context_right": "のサッカーワールドカップの招致不正疑惑の調査報告書をまとめ、倫理委員会の調査部門のトップのガルシア氏らが倫理委員会の審査部門に提出した。", "mention": "2022年", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "1915 ஆர்மேனிய இனப்படுகொலை குறித்த பிரெஞ்சு சட்டமூலத்திற்கு துருக்கி எதிர்ப்பு", "context_date": "ஜனவரி 24, 2012", "context_left": "முதலாம் உலகப் போரின் போது ஒட்டோமான் துருக்கியரினால் நிகழ்த்தப்பட்ட ", "context_right": " மறுப்பது ஒரு குற்றம் என பிரெஞ்சு மேலவை அண்மையில் சட்டம் ஒன்றை நிறைவேற்றியது குறித்து துருக்கி தனது ஆட்சேபத்தைத் தெரிவித்திருக்கிறது.", "mention": "ஆர்மேனிய இனப்படுகொலைகளை", "context_lang": "ta", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "Památník po zřícených věžích WTC se otevřel pro veřejnost", "context_date": "12. září 2011", "context_left": "Návštěvníci si tak mohli poprvé prohlédnout bazény vody nacházející se na místě někdejších základů obou budov a obklopené bronzovými panely, v nichž jsou vyryta jména obětí útoku z 11. září 2001 a také ", "context_right": ". Bazény jsou vybudované z tmavé žuly, mají půdorys čtverce velkého zhruba půl hektaru. Proudící voda z nich dělá největší umělé vodopády v Severní Americe.", "mention": "bombového útoku z roku 1993", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "11240"} {"context_title": "German intelligence participated in U.S. bombing of Iraq, media alleges", "context_date": "January 13, 2006", "context_left": "The Bundesnachrichtendienst (BND) helped the U.S. military during the ", "context_right": ", the daily \"Süddeutsche Zeitung\", ARD's \"Panorama\" magazine and the \"Los Angeles Times\" concordantly reported on Thursday.", "mention": "2003 invasion of Iraq", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Coulthard says Piquet should have been punished for F1 cheating", "context_date": "October 9, 2009", "context_left": "Renault ordered Piquet to crash his car during the ", "context_right": ", which he did. This benefited team-mate Fernando Alonso's race strategy, and he went on to win the event. After being fired midway through the current season, Piquet told the FIA, who oversee F1, that the team had been cheating.", "mention": "2008 Singapore Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179338"} {"context_title": "Overnight battle for Sri Lanka's Jaffna peninsula", "context_date": "August 17, 2006", "context_left": "The ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka is an ongoing conflict between the Government of Sri Lanka and the ethnic Sri Lankan Tamils on the island-nation of Sri Lanka. Since the ", "context_right": ", there has been on-and-off civil war, mostly between the government and the LTTE who want to create an independent state of called Tamil Eelam in the north and east of the island. It is estimated that the war has left 65,000 people dead since 1983 and caused great harm to the population and economy of the country. A cease-fire was declared in 2002, but hostilities renewed in late 2005 following military operations against Tiger-controlled territory in the east.", "mention": "1983 \"Black July\" pogrom", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2640918"} {"context_title": "Hurrikan „Rita“ tobt über Texas und Teilen Louisianas", "context_date": "24.09.2005", "context_left": "In weiten Landesteilen fiel der Strom aus. Allein in Texas sollen 55.000 Haushalte vom Stromausfall betroffen sein. Einer unmittelbaren Gefahr für Leib und Leben konnten die meisten Menschen jedoch dank der größten Evakuierungsaktion aller Zeiten entrinnen. Der Sturm traf auf fast menschenleere Gebiete. Aus den verheerenden Folgen des Hurrikans „", "context_right": "“ wurden offenbar Konsequenzen gezogen.", "mention": "Katrina", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Irans ehemaliger Präsident Rafsandschani ist tot", "context_date": "08.01.2017", "context_left": " Rafsandschani, der von 1989 bis 1997 Staatspräsident des Iran war, ist am Sonntag, 8. Januar, im Alter von 82 Jahren gestorben. Er war ein Schüler des Ajatollah Chomeini und gehörte zu den führenden religiösen Revolutionären, die unter anderem die Abdankung des Schahs und den ", "context_right": " im Iran herbeiführten. Er war 1980 bis 1989 Präsident des iranischen Parlaments und galt schon damals als „heimlicher Regierungschef“. Nach seiner Wahl zum Staatspräsidenten 1989 wurde er zum Ajatollah ernannt. Er gilt als einer der reichsten Männer des Landes. ", "mention": "Umsturz 1979", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "126065"} {"context_title": "Asesinan a dos periodistas sirios cerca del Año Nuevo 2012", "context_date": "3 de enero de 2012", "context_left": "El camarógrafo de 24 años de edad era un periodista ciudadano que subió sus vídeos a servicios de alojamiento para difundir información sobre las protestas. Los periodistas fotográficos y camarógrafos han sido algunos de los que presentan más riesgo durante las revueltas árabes en ", "context_right": " y . Ferzat Jarban, el primer periodista asesinado en Siria, fue un camarógrafo independiente detenido el 19 de noviembre mientras filmaba las protestas en Al Qusayr, la Gobernación de Homs. Fue hallado muerto al día siguiente. En Siria, los periodistas ciudadanos como Al Sayed, y profesionales independientes como Jarban, han arriesgado sus vidas al grabar abiertamente vídeos de las protestas que puedan servir como prueba documental de las violaciones de los .", "mention": "Túnez", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "46959"} {"context_title": "Se inaugura un museo en recuerdo a las víctimas del atentado contra las Torres Gemelas", "context_date": "17 de mayo de 2014", "context_left": "El Presidente de los Estados Unidos, Barack Obama, fue el encargado de abrir la ceremonia de inauguración del museo en Nueva York. Esto se realizó en conmemoración a los fallecidos, sobrevivientes y héroes del ", "context_right": ", en el que dos aviones impactaron contra las Torres ubicadas en el complejo denominado World Trade Center.", "mention": "atentado terrorista del 11 de septiembre de 2001", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Kammergericht stärkt Pressefreiheit", "context_date": "20.03.2007", "context_left": " Das Berliner Kammergericht hat am Montag die namentliche Nennung eines früheren Offiziers der DDR-Grenztruppen für zulässig erklärt und ein anders lautendes Urteil des Berliner Landesgerichts vom 2. Februar 2006 aufgehoben. Hintergrund ist die Klage des Vorsitzenden des Hauptpersonalrats der Bundespolizei, Sven Hüber, gegen den Journalisten Roman Grafe, der 2004 in seinem Buch „Deutsche Gerechtigkeit. Prozesse gegen DDR-Grenzschützen und ihre Befehlsgeber“ erwähnt hat, dass Hüber 1989 als Politoffizier im Berliner Grenzregiment 33 (Treptow) diente. In dem Abschnitt über Hüber wurde von der Erschießung Chris Gueffroys am 6. Februar 1989 berichtet. Gueffroy war das letzte Opfer, das durch Waffeneinsatz an der ", "context_right": " ums Leben kam.", "mention": "innerdeutschen Grenze", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "700754"} {"context_title": "Перестрілка між Кореями", "context_date": "10 листопада 2009", "context_left": "Морський кордон між КНДР і Республікою Корея в Жовтому морі була проведена після ", "context_right": " 1950-1953 років в одноосібному порядку американськими генералами і не визнається Пхеньяном. В зв’язку з цим у минулому там неодноразово виникали збройні інциденти.", "mention": "Корейської війни", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Nuovo video di Osama bin Laden", "context_date": "7 settembre 2007", "context_left": "L'emittente televisiva Al Jazeera ha trasmesso il nuovo video di Osama bin Laden, della durata di circa 30 minuti, di cui il sito \"Al- Sahab\" aveva precedentemente mostrato in rete un fotogramma. Il video è stato diffuso in vista del sesto anniversario degli ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "attentati delll'11 settembre 2001", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Льюис Хэмилтон побеждает на Гран-при Турции", "context_date": "30 мая 2010", "context_left": "Льюис Хэмилтон одержал победу на ", "context_right": ". Другой пилот Макларен, Дженсон Баттон, финишировал вторым. Лидер чемпионата, Марк Уэббер, третий.", "mention": "Гран-при Турции", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "172910"} {"context_title": "Colin McRae feared dead in helicopter crash", "context_date": "September 16, 2007", "context_left": "David Richards and his wife survived a helicopter crash in Essex whilst returning from the Formula 1 ", "context_right": ", the day after Colin McRae's helicopter crash, who was his former employee.", "mention": "Belgian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "20992"} {"context_title": "Nordkorea beschießt südkoreanische Insel", "context_date": "24.11.2010", "context_left": "UN-Generalsekretär Ban Ki-moon bezeichnete den Zwischenfall als den schwersten seit Ende des ", "context_right": " und rief die Konfliktpartner zu einer friedlichen Beilegung ihrer Differenzen auf. Erst im März dieses Jahres hatte Nordkorea ein südkoreanisches Kriegsschiff versenkt.", "mention": "Koreakriegs", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Irish 1901 census goes online", "context_date": "June 4, 2010", "context_left": "The majority of 19th century Irish census records are now lost for a variety of reasons, including a fire at the Public Records Office during the 1922 ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Irish Civil War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "748042"} {"context_title": "Iconic American newscaster Walter Cronkite dies at 92", "context_date": "July 18, 2009", "context_left": "Cronkite's career began in radio in the 1930s in Houston, Texas. Joining UPI in 1939 as a war correspondent, he covered the Nuremberg war crimes trials following World War II. Cronkite's rise to television prominence began with the ", "context_right": ". The term \"news anchor\" was coined to describe his role in the coverage.", "mention": "1952 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "4567526"} {"context_title": "Fear and loathing on the campaign trail, August 2008", "context_date": "September 4, 2008", "context_left": "August 2008 in the United States presidential election saw the emergence of two politicians selected to serve as their party's vice presidential nominees. The month was full of speculation as pundits argued on the merits of who they felt were the possible \"choices\" for the candidates. The Democratic National Convention was held and campaign activities increased until a looming storm caused Republicans to delay and reshuffle their ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Олімпійські ігри у Сочі відкрито", "context_date": "7 лютого 2014", "context_left": "У п'ятницю, , у російському Сочі відбулася ", "context_right": " ХХІІ зимових Олімпійських ігор. Урочиста церемонія відбулася на олімпійському стадіоні «Фішт», на якому зібралося близько 40 тисяч глядачів, серед яких чимало лідерів держав світу. Олімпійський вогонь запалили легендарні російські спортсмени — фігуристка Ірина Родніна та хокеїст Владислав Третьяк.", "mention": "церемонія відкриття", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "15708702"} {"context_title": "Serbischer Kriegsverbrecher Vlastimir Djordjevic vor dem UN-Tribunal", "context_date": "02.02.2009", "context_left": " Der mutmaßliche serbische Kriegsverbrecher Vlastimir Djordjevic muss sich seit dem 27. Januar vor dem UN-Tribunal in Den Haag verantworten. Ihm werden als stellvertretendem serbischen Innenminister und Polizeikommandeur „Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit“ vorgeworfen. Er soll an der Tötung und Vertreibung albanischer Zivilisten im ", "context_right": " von 1999 beteiligt gewesen sein. Nach der Entdeckung von Massengräbern mit den sterblichen Überresten von hunderten Kosovo-Albanern im Jahre 2001 habe er sich Medienberichten zufolge nach Russland abgesetzt, sei dann aber 2007 in Montenegro festgenommen worden. ", "mention": "Kosovokrieg", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "190029"} {"context_title": "Российская сборная уступила титул чемпиона", "context_date": "6 января 2012", "context_left": "Сборная России на проходящем в канадском Калгари ", "context_right": " в овертайме финальной встречи сложила чемпионские полномочия, уступив шведской «молодежке» со счетом 0:1.", "mention": "молодежном чемпионате мира по хоккею", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "327084"} {"context_title": "Фолкленды хотят остаться в составе Великобритании", "context_date": "12 марта 2013", "context_left": "Результаты ", "context_right": " добавили напряженности в территориальный спор Великобритании и Аргентины, которая также претендует на этот архипелаг.", "mention": "прошедшего в воскресенье и понедельник референдума", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "2359115"} {"context_title": "Из всех видов самоубийств Роспотребнадзор беспокоит самосожжение", "context_date": "8 апреля 2013", "context_left": "Согласно статье в Википедии: \"«Публичное самосожжение имеет целью выражение протеста против чего-либо, к примеру оккупации или преследований»\". В статье приведены примеры известных случаев протестного самосожжения. Люди, совершившие акт самосожжения, часто становятся символами борьбы против угнетения. Так произошло с буддийским монахом по имени Тхить Куанг Дык и польским бухгалтером Рышардом Сивецом. В середине декабря 2010 года торговец овощами Мохаммед Буазизи совершил акт самосожжения, положивший начало ", "context_right": " в Тунисе. Через 10 дней после смерти Буазизи в больнице, режим президента Зин эль-Абидина Бен Али пал.", "mention": "Жасминовой революции", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "46959"} {"context_title": "Жертвы терактов в Беслане и на Дубровке требуют присвоить им особый статус", "context_date": "26 января 2011", "context_left": "Пострадавшие во время жестоких терактов настаивают на разработке и принятии властями специального закона, который бы устанавливал особые отношения этой категории граждан и государства. «Более 10 лет Россию потрясают теракты. Гибнут невинные люди. Тысячи людей ранены в терактах. К сожалению, после терактов государство ограничивается только выплатой единовременной компенсации. Однако государство не несёт ответственности за дальнейшую судьбу пострадавших в терактах, которые спустя годы по-прежнему нуждаются в медицинской помощи и реабилитации», — говорится в тексте заявления, размещённом на сайте организации «Голос Беслана», которая объединяет родственников погибших и раненных во время ", "context_right": ". К инициативе присоединились представители пострадавших при терактах в Волгодонске и театральном центре на Дубровке.", "mention": "захвата школы", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "193733"} {"context_title": "Российское историческое общество и Кремль предложили создать wiki-учебник русской истории", "context_date": "27 февраля 2013", "context_left": "Совет Российского исторического общества в среду 27 февраля провёл в Патриарших палатах Московского Кремля заседание, посвящённое празднуемому в этом году 400-летнему юбилею царствовавшего в России до ", "context_right": " Дома Романовых. На заседании обсуждалась подготовка к праздничным мероприятиям и вопросы переосмысления российской истории. В преддверии заседания председатель правления общества Сергей Шахрай опубликовал в «Газете.ру» статью «Напишем историю вместе», в которой заявил о необходимости «создать не просто единый, но принципиально новый учебник истории по технологии глобального проекта Wikiрedia».", "mention": "революции 1917 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "42976"} {"context_title": "Maduro informó firma con Rusia de nuevos acuerdos petroleros y para explotar oro en Venezuela", "context_date": "7 de diciembre de 2018", "context_left": "El presidente de Venezuela, Nicolás Maduro, dijo el jueves en Moscú que en su visita de tres días a Rusia consiguió firmar nuevos acuerdos petroleros y para la explotación de oro que involucrarán más de 6000 millones de dólares en inversiones. El mandatario venezolano no aclaró en un breve video en su cuenta de Twitter los detalles de los contratos. \"Rusia y Venezuela están más unidas que nunca\", comentó Maduro, en compañía de varios de sus ministros, tras hacer un corto balance del sorpresivo viaje y la reunión con su par ruso, Vladímir Putin, a pocos días del regreso del mandatario ruso de la reunión del ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "G-20 en Argentina", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "24036383"} {"context_title": "Seven sentenced to death for Jordanian suicide attacks", "context_date": "September 22, 2006", "context_left": "Jordan's State Security Court has sentenced seven people to be executed for their involvement in the ", "context_right": ", on Thursday, September 21. A failed female suicide bomber was the only defendant in custody, all others were tried \"in-absentia\".", "mention": "2005 Amman bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2474047"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wygrywa Grand Prix Bahrajnu", "context_date": "28 marca 2021", "context_left": "Wyścig o Grand Prix Bahrajnu po raz trzeci (po ", "context_right": " i 2010) inauguruje sezon Formuły 1. Sytuacja taka nastąpiła ze względu na przełożenie wyścigu o Grand Prix Australii na termin listopadowy. Przed rozpoczęciem sezonu nastąpiło do kilku zmian. Daniel Ricciardo zastąpił Carlosa Sainza w McLarenie. Hiszpan zaś zastąpił Sebastiana Vettela w Ferrari. Vettel trafił do ekipy Aston Martin, zastępując Sergio Péreza, który z kolei został kierowcą Red Bull Racing, na miejsce Aleksandra Albona. W zespole AlphaTauri, Yuki Tsunoda zastąpił Daniiła Kwiata. Zespół Haas postanowił na nowy skład kierowców – reprezentantami amerykańskiej stajni zostali Nikita Mazepin i Mick Schumacher. W stawce pojawił się Aston Martin, co jest powrotem konstruktora po 61 latach oraz Alpine, powstały na bazie zespołu Renault. Ponadto McLaren powrócił do korzystania z silników Mercedes.", "mention": "2006", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "17320"} {"context_title": "Trois ressortissants de Guantánamo sur le point d'être réinstallés aux Palaos", "context_date": "11 septembre 2009", "context_left": "Le président Barack Obama envisage de fermer la prison de Guantánamo d'ici janvier prochain. Ce centre de détention avait été ouvert sous l'ancien président George W. Bush après les ", "context_right": " pour détenir les terroristes présumés.", "mention": "attentats du 11 septembre 2001", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Гран-прі Австралії 2011. Феттель виграв першу гонку сезону", "context_date": "27 березня 2011", "context_left": "Старт ", "context_right": " сезону виграв Себастьян Феттель. Чемпіон світу з перших же метрів почав відриватися від суперників і вже через два кола у нього була перевага в три секунди. А ось позаду відбулися серйозні зміни. ", "mention": "першої гонки", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "15072"} {"context_title": "Salzburger Weihbischof provoziert mit Aussagen über Opfer des Loveparade-Unglücks", "context_date": "10.08.2010", "context_left": " Auf dem Online-Portal kath.net veröffentlichte Aussagen des Salzburger Weihbischofes Andreas Laun über die Opfer des ", "context_right": " in Zusammenhang mit der „Strafe Gottes“ haben ein negatives Presseecho nach sich gezogen. Der Kommentar auf der katholisch-konservativen Seite, die in der Vergangenheit offen homophobe Texte publizierte, bezeichnet die Loveparade als „Aufstand gegen die Schöpfung und gegen die Ordnung Gottes“ und kritisiert die verbreitete Ablehnung, „das Unglück mit \"Strafe Gottes\" in Verbindung zu bringen“. Zahlreiche Medien sahen in den Äußerungen Launs Spielraum für Spekulationen über den tatsächlichen Hintergrund seiner Aussagen; diese bezeichnete er in einer daraufhin erschienen „Klarstellung“ als „Macher dieses \"Aufregungs-Journalismus\"“.", "mention": "Unglücks bei der Loveparade 2010", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "309578"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Ελλάδας ήρθε ισόπαλη με την Εθνική Ρωσίας με σκορ 1-1", "context_date": "12 Νοεμβρίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Ελλάδας ήρθε ισόπαλη με την Εθνική Ρωσίας με σκορ 1:1 σε φιλικό αγώνα προετοιμασίας εν όψει του ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου 2012", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Francia elegirá a su abanderado en Eurovisión 2019 a través de Destination Eurovision", "context_date": "21 de junio de 2018", "context_left": "France 2, uno de los canales que forman parte del ente público de radiodifusión francés, ha confirmado hace unas horas que volverá a confiar en su proceso de selección \"Destination Eurovision\" para seleccionar a su representante en el ", "context_right": ", cuya sede es todavía un misterio. La cadena ya ha abierto el plazo para que artistas, compositores y discográficas envíen sus propuestas de cara al evento, cuyo ganador representará a Francia en la cita europea del año que viene. Los interesados podrán hacerlo hasta el 3 de noviembre de este mismo año y como requisito principal han de haber cumplido los 16 años para el 1 de enero del próximo año y reunir las condiciones requeridas por la Unión Europea de Radiodifusión.", "mention": "Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión 2019", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "9095390"} {"context_title": "India and China to develop friendly relations", "context_date": "January 18, 2012", "context_left": "Relations between the two countries have not been good since the ", "context_right": " of 1962. The relations lapsed in 2011 due to visa rows and exploration of oil in South China Sea. Further, the Dalai Lama's refuge in India has caused friction with China. China also claims 90,000 square kilometers of land governed by India in the Tibetan region and India claims 38,000 square kilometers of Kashmir held by China.", "mention": "Sino-Indian War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "208694"} {"context_title": "Ryanair launches more Shannon Airport routes", "context_date": "July 11, 2005", "context_left": "Despite the positive announcement of the new routes on Thursday, Ryanair's share price plunged by 10% on the same day due to the ", "context_right": " that morning. However the share price recovered substantially on Friday.", "mention": "London bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Tiroteo en Denver, Estados Unidos deja más de una decena de muertos", "context_date": "20 de julio de 2012", "context_left": " ", "context_right": " tuvo lugar cuando se estrenaba el esperado film de Batman:The Dark Knight Rises, en Aurora. El ataque ocurrió en el cine Century 16 que dejó alrededor de 14 muertos y más de 50 heridos aproximadamente.", "mention": "La masacre", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "202512"} {"context_title": "Neuer Film von Al Gore in den deutschen Kinos", "context_date": "08.09.2017", "context_left": "Nunmehr hält er Rückblick auf die zwischenzeitliche Entwicklung, wobei er sich selbst dabei gerne in Pose setzt. Highlight ist diesmal sein Erfolg, bei der ", "context_right": " das Land Indien zum Einlenken bewegt zu haben. Eine Rolle spielte dabei auch das kalifornische Unternehmen SolarCit. Minutiös wird dargestellt, wie Al Gore mit einigen international maßgebenden Politikern persönlich verhandelt. Der Film zeigt Katastrophenszenarien aus den USA, wo der neue Präsident Donald Trump das mühsam verhandelte Klimaschutzabkommen wieder aufkündigen will. Al Gore, der außerdem 2007 den Friedensnobelpreis erhielt, kritisiert aber auch das politische System seines Landes.", "mention": "Klimakonferenz in Paris 2015", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "15715792"} {"context_title": "Israeli bombardment spills 35,000 tons of heavy fuel oil", "context_date": "August 1, 2006", "context_left": "Resulting from the Israeli bombings on July 13 and 15, 2006 of the Jiyeh power station, located on the coast 30 kilometers south of Beirut, Lebanon, approximately 35,000 tons of heavy fuel oil have spilled into the Mediterranean Sea. The Lebanese Ministry of Environment expects additional tonnage to flow into the sea as a result of the damage. For comparison, the ", "context_right": " released nearly 40,000 tons.", "mention": "Exxon Valdez oil spill", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1196587"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2008 British Grand Prix", "context_date": "July 6, 2008", "context_left": "Vodafone McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton has won the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " Santander British Grand Prix on the Silverstone Circuit, Northamptonshire and Buckinghamshire, England. It became the first home win in the 23 year old Briton's career in F1. Last year, he finished in third place after his former teammate Fernando Alonso. In this race Alonso finished on a 6th place in his Renault car, one lap after the winner. The last British winner here was David Coulthard in 2000 driving for McLaren.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179354"} {"context_title": "Француска суспендује Шенген", "context_date": "14. јул 2005.", "context_left": "Париз, (Француска) - Реаговајући на ", "context_right": " и повећан ризик таквих напада и на континенталном делу Европе, Француска је \"из сигурносних разлога\", на неодређено време суспендовала примену шенгенског споразума на својој територији. Од данас Франсуска може на својим границама да ванредно контролише пасоше и евентуално. забрани улаз у Француску \"сумњивим\" путницима.", "mention": "терористичке нападе у Енглеској", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Rumsfeld Skips Munich Security Conference", "context_date": "January 25, 2005", "context_left": "Rumsfeld previously stated that he would not attend the conference unless Germany voided a complaint from the New York-based Center for Constitutional Rights, asking German authorities to prosecute him for war crimes. The group filed the complaint last December with the Federal German Prosecutor's Office, accusing Rumsfeld of war crimes and torture in connection with Iraq's ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Abu Ghraib prisoner abuse", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "334720"} {"context_title": "Début du Championnat du monde d'échecs 2013", "context_date": "7 novembre 2013", "context_left": "La cérémonie d'ouverture du ", "context_right": " a eu lieu à Chennai en Inde. ", "mention": "Championnat du monde d'échecs 2013", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "917629"} {"context_title": "Schweden siegt beim Eurovision Song Contest 2015 in Wien", "context_date": "24.05.2015", "context_left": " Am gestrigen Samstag fand das Finale des ", "context_right": " in Wien statt. Aus 40 Teilnehmerländern der European Broadcasting Union waren zuvor in zwei Halbfinalshows 27 Finalisten ermittelt worden. Anlässlich des 60jähigen Jubiläums der Veranstaltung nahm einmalig auch Australien am Wettbewerb teil. Zu den Beiträgen mit historischen Bezügen gehörte Frankreichs Lied \"N'oubliez pas\", das an den Ersten Weltkrieg vor 100 Jahren erinnert. Auch Armenien versuchte an ein historisches Ereignis anzuknüpfen: Mit \"Face the Shadow\" wurde eine Komposition vorgestellt, die den Völkermord in den Jahren 1915 und 1916 ins Gedächtnis rufen soll.", "mention": "\"Eurovision Song Contest\" 2015", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "15215081"} {"context_title": "Barack Obama rindió homenaje a 15 años del 11/S", "context_date": "10 de septiembre de 2016", "context_left": "El presidente Barack Obama rindió este sábado un homenaje a las casi 3.000 almas que se perdieron en los ", "context_right": " del 11 de septiembre de 2001, al exaltar los valores y la fortaleza que definen y sostienen a los estadounidenses.", "mention": "ataques terroristas", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Дженсон Баттон побеждает на Гран-при Австралии", "context_date": "29 марта 2010", "context_left": "Дженсон Баттон одержал победу на ", "context_right": ". Вторым финишировал Роберт Кубица. Фелипе Масса - третий.", "mention": "Гран-при Австралии 2010 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "15071"} {"context_title": "アメリカ・オバマ大統領がイラク戦争の終結を宣言", "context_date": "2011年12月15日", "context_left": "時事通信によると、演説でオバマ大統領は、「イラクの将来はイラク国民の手に委ねられ、", "context_right": "は終結する」と宣言した。また、読売新聞がオバマ大統領の演説内容として伝えたところによると、現在、約5,500人に減少したイラク駐留米軍が、12月15日(UTC+3)にバグダッドで解散式を実施し、任務は正式完了する。", "mention": "イラク戦争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2008 Monaco Grand Prix", "context_date": "May 28, 2008", "context_left": "Vodafone McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton has won the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " Grand Prix de Monaco on the Circuit de Monaco in Monte Carlo, Monaco on May 25. It became the first time in the 23 year old Briton's career in F1. Last year, he finished in second place after his former teammate Fernando Alonso. In this race Alonso finished on a distant 10th place in his Renault car. The last British winner at Monaco was Graham Hill in 1969. Rain over the weekend causes a wet start to the Sunday race, causing driver mistakes, however no rain fell during the race or qualifying.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179417"} {"context_title": "Brasil assume comando da Rio+20 decidido a acabar com controvérsias", "context_date": "16 de junho de 2012", "context_left": "No comando da Conferência das Nações Unidas sobre Sustentabilidade (", "context_right": ") que assumirá no final da noite de hoje (15), o Brasil pretende estabelecer uma nova ordem de trabalho para as delegações dos 193 países representados nas reuniões. O objetivo é fechar o documento final até o dia 19 para evitar constrangimentos aos 115 chefes de Estado e de Governo, nos próximos dias 20 a 22.", "mention": "Rio+20", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "729280"} {"context_title": "Graves heridos por disturbios en Alemania contra el G-8", "context_date": "3 de junio de 2007", "context_left": "La marcha fue encabezada por distintas personas que manifestaban sus ideales; entre ellos destacaban ambientalistas, anti-imperialistas, manifestadores de su descontento con la ", "context_right": ", anti-globalistas del grupo Attac, anti-capitalistas, e incluso se encontraban militantes izquierdistas.", "mention": "guerra de Iraq", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Los precandidatos liberales a la presidencia colombiana tendrán que jurar que se oponen a Uribe", "context_date": "21 de marzo de 2009", "context_left": "El documento está firmado por el director nacional del movimiento, César Gaviria y reglamenta el proceso de realización de la consulta popular para la selección de su candidato a la jefatura de Estado del país para las ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "elecciones presidenciales de 2010", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1124504"} {"context_title": "Blair is first public official to apologize for Hurricane Katrina response", "context_date": "September 8, 2005", "context_left": "British nationals living and vacationing in New Orleans reported that U.S. authorities had refused to evacuate them as ", "context_right": " approached the city, leaving them stranded in their hotels. President George W. Bush has been criticized for refusing material aid from France and Britain in rescuing people trapped in New Orleans.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Ted Koppel to step down from 'Nightline'", "context_date": "April 2, 2005", "context_left": "Koppel began working for ABC in 1963, serving as a foreign correspondent for the network. He started working for the Nightline program in March 1980. The program, started in 1979, was created to provide nightly news updates on the ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "Iran hostage crisis", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "589673"} {"context_title": "Schüler und Lehrer kehren in das Gutenberg-Gymnasium in Erfurt zurück", "context_date": "06.07.2005", "context_left": "Erfurt (Deutschland), 06.07.2005 – Mehr als drei Jahre nach dem ", "context_right": " am Gutenberg-Gymnasium in Erfurt kehrten Schüler und Lehrer heute in ihr altes Schulgebäude zurück. ", "mention": "Schulmassaker", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "473877"} {"context_title": "Закончился чемпионат мира по хоккею с мячом", "context_date": "2 февраля 2019", "context_left": "Сборная России по хоккею с мячом смогла защитить титул чемпионов мира на завершившемся в Венесборге ", "context_right": " по хоккею с мячом. В финальном матче команда России в овертайме обыграла шведскую команду со счетом 6:5 (1:3, 5:5). ", "mention": "39-м чемпионате мира", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "28681095"} {"context_title": "Reino Unido e EUA em alerta por causa de ameaça de atentado terrorista", "context_date": "10 de agosto de 2006", "context_left": "As autoridades britânicas informaram nesta quinta-feira (10) que descobriram um plano de atentado terrorista que seria levado a cabo contra companhias aéreas. De acordo com as autoridades, o atentado seria de grandes proporções, maior ou igual ao ", "context_right": ". Autoridades dos EUA e do Reino Unido estão em alerta.", "mention": "atentado de 11 de setembro nos EUA", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Japanese nuclear plant operators ordered to compensate affected families amid calls for prime minister to resign", "context_date": "April 16, 2011", "context_left": "The operators of the stricken Fukushima I nuclear power plant in northeast Japan have been ordered to pay compensation to families affected by the ongoing crisis at the site, amid calls for the resignation of the Japanese prime minister over how he is handling the crisis, which has now been designated on par with the ", "context_right": " in 1986.", "mention": "Chernobyl disaster", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Osetia del Sur celebra elecciones parlamentarias", "context_date": "1 de junio de 2009", "context_left": "Estas son las primeras elecciones que se celebran desde la ", "context_right": ". Actualmente sólo Nicaragua y Rusia lo han reconocido oficialmente como un Estado independiente.", "mention": "guerra de Osetia del Sur con Georgia en agosto de 2008", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Beppe Grillo lancia la sfida politica", "context_date": "24 gennaio 2008", "context_left": "Scrive: «\"Ve ne sarete accorti. Ogni giorno esce una notizia di distrazione di massa. Contrada, la legge sull’aborto, il Papa alla Sapienza. Le prime pagine dei giornali sono solo per loro. I giornalisti servi discutono solo di aria fritta. Sono titoli di copertura, nascondono la realtà. Servono per lavorare nell’ombra. Per evitare ogni cambiamento. Come è avvenuto dopo l’omicidio Moro nel 1978, dopo le stragi di ", "context_right": " e di via D'Amelio nel 1992 con le morti di Falcone e Borsellino. In seguito sono diventati presidenti del Consiglio i prescritti Andreotti e Berlusconi\"».", "mention": "Capaci", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "3975713"} {"context_title": "Korean leaders Moon and Kim meet days after NK-US summit cancellation", "context_date": "May 28, 2018", "context_left": "The meeting lasted roughly two hours. It was the second major meeting between Moon and Kim in as many months. In April, they met to discuss denuclearization of the Korean Peninsula and plans for a formal peace treaty to replace the cease-fire that ended the ", "context_right": " on July 27, 1953, a measure that would require involving the US and China.", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Zmarł Papa Boupa Diop", "context_date": "28 grudnia 2020", "context_left": "29 listopada 2020 zmarł Papa Bouba Diop, były piłkarz reprezentacji Senegalu, z którą grał na ", "context_right": " w Korei Południowej i Japonii.", "mention": "mistrzostwach świata w 2002 roku", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "Hamilton voitti F1-mestaruuden", "context_date": "3. marraskuuta 2008", "context_left": "Britti Lewis Hamilton on voittanut Formula 1:n maailmanmestaruuden. Hamilton sijoittui viimeisessä ", "context_right": ":ssä viidenneksi, mikä riitti mestaruuteen siitä huolimatta, että hänen pahin vastustajansa, brasilialainen Felipe Massa, voitti kilpailun. Kimi Räikkönen oli kisan kolmas.", "mention": "Brasilian GP", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "54431"} {"context_title": "Estados Unidos es finalista del Mundial Femenino de Fútbol por tercera vez consecutiva tras ganar a Inglaterra por 1 a 2", "context_date": "2 de julio de 2019", "context_left": "Este martes, 2 de julio, la selección de Estados Unidos ha ganado por 1-2 a Inglaterra siendo la primera selección clasificada para la final de la ", "context_right": " que se disputará el próximo domingo, 7 de julio, en el Parc Olympique Lyonnais. La selección de Inglaterra se enfrentará a la que pierda la segunda semifinal (Países Bajos-Suecia) en el partido por el tercer puesto, un día antes de la final en el Allianz Riviera. La selección de Estados Unidos ha logrado llegar a su quinta final en un Mundial, la tercera consecutiva y en todos los Mundiales ha llegado al menos a las semifinales. El partido se disputó en el Parc Olympique Lyonnais ante espectadores y la árbitra principal fue la brasileña Edina Batista Alves. ", "mention": "Copa Mundial Femenina de la FIFA Francia 2019", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "4630361"} {"context_title": "Holocausto Ucraniano é lembrado no Congresso Nacional", "context_date": "24 de setembro de 2007", "context_left": "As vítimas da grande violação dos direitos humanos cometida contra a população da Ucrânia, durante o ", "context_right": " foram lembradas, na última semana, no Congresso Nacional Brasileiro. ", "mention": "“Holodomor”", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "165058"} {"context_title": "Duitse showmaster en schlagerzanger Dieter Thomas Heck (80) overleden", "context_date": "25 augustus 2018", "context_left": "Heckscher werd in 1937 in het uiterste noorden in de stad Flensburg () geboren en groeide op in . Hij werd bekend van het Duitse popprogramma \"ZDF-Hitparade\" dat hij 183 keer presenteerde in de periode van 1969 tot 1984. Hij werd bekend als \"Schnellsprecher der Nation\" (\"snelspreker van het land\"), ondanks dat hij door de ", "context_right": " in de begon met stotteren. Hij wilde eerst schlagerzanger worden en leerde door het zangonderwijs het stotteren weer de baas te worden.", "mention": "bombardementen op Hamburg", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "316868"} {"context_title": "US trade deficit hits new record", "context_date": "November 11, 2005", "context_left": "A large part of the deficit is attributed to Hurricanes ", "context_right": " and Rita.", "mention": "Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Masovni ubica koristio dum-dum metke", "context_date": "24. јул 2011.", "context_left": "((Beta) - ", "context_right": " i Radovan Karadžić se pominju u tekstu na 1.518 stranica čiji je autor masovni ubica iz omladinskog kampa u Norveškoj, osumnjičen i za bombaški napad u petak u Oslu.", "mention": "Rat za Kosovo", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "190029"} {"context_title": "Eurovision '04 winner Ruslana discusses her paths as singer, spokesmodel, stateswoman and source of inspiration", "context_date": "March 30, 2009", "context_left": "First becoming famous in her native Ukraine in the 1990s, long-haired self-described \"Amazon\" Ruslana gained international recognition for winning the ", "context_right": " with her song \"Wild Dances,\" inspired by the musical traditions of the Hutsul people of the Ukrainian Carpathian Mountains.", "mention": "2004 Eurovision Song Contest", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10150"} {"context_title": "Кубански комунисти изабрали стару генерацију", "context_date": "19. април 2011.", "context_left": " (Beta) - Председник Кубе Раул Кастро изабран је у уторак за првог секретара кубанске Комунистичке партије, док његов старији брат и ", "context_right": " Фидел Кастро није у вођству партије први пут од њеног настанка пре 46 година.", "mention": "вођа револуције", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "11264"} {"context_title": "Australia defeats Sri Lanka in 2007 Cricket World Cup Final", "context_date": "April 28, 2007", "context_left": "Australia have defeated Sri Lanka by 53 runs (DL method) in the Final of the ", "context_right": " at the Kensington Oval, Bridgetown, Barbados, giving them their third successive title.", "mention": "World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1127675"} {"context_title": "Autoridades suizas detienen a altos cargos de la FIFA por corrupción", "context_date": "29 de mayo de 2015", "context_left": "Además, se investiga la próxima Copa América, que se celebrará en ", "context_right": " en 2016, la cual pudo haber sido utilizada como vehículo para la obtención de ganancias ilícitas por parte de varios directivos, según fuentes de la investigación.", "mention": "Estados Unidos", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Australian telecomms firm Telstra offers rebates to those affected by bombings", "context_date": "July 13, 2005", "context_left": "Australian telecommunications giant Telstra has announced that it will be offering a rebate to those customers who placed calls to the United Kingdom to check on relatives in the wake of the recent ", "context_right": ". Of the approximately 700 people wounded in the attacks, only 7 were Australians, however there are many more Aussies spread throughout England and Europe at any time.", "mention": "bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Nagin, Landrieu advance to runoff in New Orleans mayoral election", "context_date": "April 23, 2006", "context_left": "Nagin, 49, was first elected in 2002 on a platform of fighting government corruption, but he has since become better known for leading the recovery effort in New Orleans after ", "context_right": ". At the same time, he has come under criticism for certain remarks, such as asserting that New Orleans would remain a \"chocolate city\" with an African-American majority.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail, September 2012", "context_date": "October 9, 2012", "context_left": "In this month's edition on the campaign trail: \"Wikinews\" chronicles three of the lesser-known speakers at the ", "context_right": ", a controversial pastor and write-in candidate talks to \"Wikinews\" about the unrest in the Middle East, and the ballot-qualified American Third Position Party (A3P) presidential nominee travels to Iran to meet President Mahmoud Ahmadinejad.", "mention": "2012 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2104713"} {"context_title": "Lashkar-e-Toiba implicated in Mumbai attacks", "context_date": "December 4, 2008", "context_left": "Meanwhile, John Michael McConnell, the United States Director of National Intelligence, indirectly implicated LeT. In a speech at Harvard University, he said that the same group responsible for the 2006 Mumbai train bombings was behind last week's attacks. LeT has also been blamed for the ", "context_right": " on the Parliament of India in late 2001", "mention": "attack", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "3351820"} {"context_title": "Слобода изражавања на делу", "context_date": "24. април 2011.", "context_left": "Дерек Фентон, 40-годишњи надзорник у транзитном систему државе Њу Џерси, запалио је три странице свете исламске књиге 11. септембра прошле године, на девету годишњицу ", "context_right": ". На тај начин желео је да изрази протест због плана да се муслимански културни центра и џамија изграде две улице од места на коме су некад стајале Куле близнакиње Светског трговинског центра.", "mention": "терористичких напада на САД", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "La NASCAR vieta la bandiera degli Stati Confederati d'America", "context_date": "11 giugno 2020", "context_left": "La NASCAR ha ufficialmente vietato l'uso della bandiera degli Stati Confederati d'America agli eventi. La categoria automobilistica statunitense, una delle più seguite nel paese, ha preso la decisione alla luce dei recenti avvenimenti che sono seguiti alla ", "context_right": " lo scorso 27 maggio. La decisione è arrivata cinque anni dopo il divieto ai fan di sventolare bandiere durante le giornate di gara e due giorni dopo le dichiarazioni del pilota Bubba Wallace, in cui sosteneva che la bandiera confederata fosse da vietare.", "mention": "morte di George Floyd", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "95579249"} {"context_title": "Јордан признао независно Косово", "context_date": "8. јул 2009.", "context_left": "Република Србија је након ", "context_right": " 1999. године потписала декларацију којом се дозвоља Уједињеним нацијама да привремено управљају њеном јужном покрајином. Резолуција 1244 између осталог гарантује и суверенитет Србије. 17. фебруара 2008. органи привремене самоуправе на Косову и Метохији, уз политичку и организациону подршку ЕУ и САД, донели су једнострану одлуку о проглашењу независности Косова и Метохије од Србије.", "mention": "НАТО бомбардовања", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "155723"} {"context_title": "Las mascotas de los Juegos Olimpicos de 2016 se nombran Vinícius y Tom", "context_date": "16 de diciembre de 2014", "context_left": "Vinícius y Tom son los nombres elegidos para las mascotas de los Juegos Olímpicos y ", "context_right": ", que se celebrarán en la ciudad de Río de Janeiro. Recibieron 323 mil votos, el 44% del total.", "mention": "Paralímpicos de 2016", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1142161"} {"context_title": "Orhan Pamuk erhält Literaturnobelpreis 2006", "context_date": "13.10.2006", "context_left": "In seinem Heimatland ist Orhan Pamuk sehr umstritten, da er Kritik an der türkischen Haltung zu dem ", "context_right": " während des Ersten Weltkrieges geäußert hatte und sich deshalb 2005 vor Gericht wegen „Öffentlicher Herabsetzung des Türkentums“ verantworten musste. In einem Interview mit dem Tages-Anzeiger, einer überregionalen Tageszeitung, die in Zürich aufgelegt wird, hatte er zu dem Völkermord an den Armeniern Stellung genommen: „Man hat hier 30.000 Kurden umgebracht und eine Million Armenier. Und fast niemand traut sich, das zu erwähnen. Also mache ich es. Und dafür hassen sie mich.“ Das Gerichtsverfahren hatte europaweit für Aufsehen gesorgt, drohte dem Autor doch eine mehrjährige Haftstrafe. Pamuk stellte den Prozess selbst in den Zusammenhang der Aufnahme der Türkei in die Europäische Union und sprach in diesem Zusammenhang von einer neuen Dimension: „Und diese Dimension bedeutet, dass in der Türkei die Freiheit des Gedankens und des Wortes herrschen muss, und dass die Menschenrechte gelten müssen.“ Der von der Europäischen Union kritisierte Prozess wurde Anfang 2006 eingestellt.", "mention": "Völkermord an den Armeniern", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "Germany wins 2009 Race of Champions in Beijing, Sebastian Vettel wins 2009 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix", "context_date": "November 8, 2009", "context_left": "Vettel's teammate and winner of the ", "context_right": " Mark Webber came second and the current season champion Jenson Button won the third place on the podium for Brawn GP after pushing Webber very hard on the dying laps of the race with a gap of about half a second at the finish line.", "mention": "previous Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "54432"} {"context_title": "Sind jetzt Atomkraftwerke das Ziel von Terroristen?", "context_date": "29.03.2016", "context_left": "   ", "context_right": " (28.03.2016)", "mention": "Islamistischer Terroranschlag in Belgien", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "23365300"} {"context_title": "Arsenal defeats Chelsea 1-0 to win Community Shield 2015", "context_date": "August 4, 2015", "context_left": "On Sunday, London-based football club Arsenal, winners of the 2015 FA Cup, defeated 2015 Premier League Champions Chelsea 1–0 in the ", "context_right": " Community Shield trophy which was played in the Wembley Stadium.", "mention": "2015", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "20018429"} {"context_title": "Herdenking van de decembermoorden, 36 jaar geleden", "context_date": "8 december 2018", "context_left": "Vandaag wordt herdacht dat 36 jaar geleden, in de nacht van 7 op 8 december 1982, vijftien tegenstanders van werden vermoord. De herdenkingen vinden in Nederland en Suriname plaats. Bouterse was tijdens de moorden legerleider en had twee jaar eerder met de ", "context_right": " de macht over naar zich toegetrokken. Sinds 2010 is hij gekozen president van Suriname.", "mention": "Sergeantencoup", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "967981"} {"context_title": "人気女優・藤原紀香さんとお笑いタレント・陣内智則さん結婚へ", "context_date": "2006年11月16日", "context_left": "2人はいずれも兵庫県出身。藤原さんはミス日本グランプリ受賞後、芸能界入りし、女優としてドラマやバラエティーなど多方面で活躍。また戦争や紛争などで荒廃した国々を訪れたり、2002年の", "context_right": "開催をきっかけとした日韓親善大使など国際貢献活動にも取り組んでいる。一方の陣内さんは吉本興業のお笑いタレントで、ピン芸人として活動。自らの演技に映像や音声で突っ込みを入れる一人コントで人気を集めている。", "mention": "ワールドカップ日韓大会", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "Bush sai da convenção republicana para acompanhar Gustav", "context_date": "1 de setembro de 2008", "context_left": " George W. Bush, presidente dos Estados Unidos, disse que ele não irá participar na ", "context_right": ", devido ao Furacão Gustav.", "mention": "Convenção Nacional Republicana de 2008", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Two teenagers charged in alleged school attack plot", "context_date": "July 14, 2007", "context_left": "Two Long Island, New York teenagers, aged 15 and 17, have been charged for their alleged involvement in a suspected plot to attack their school next April, on the ninth anniversary of the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Columbine High School shooting massacre", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "473845"} {"context_title": "Пионер оштрафовали за Сталина два раза", "context_date": "23 февраля 2018", "context_left": "Однако накануне премьеры у фильма спешно было отозвано прокатное удостоверение по требованию Общественного совета при министерстве культуры якобы из-за совпадения с празднованием 75-й годовщины окончания ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Сталинградской битвы", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "38789"} {"context_title": "СК России возбудил уголовное дело против литовских судей и прокуроров, расследующих события в Вильнюсе 1991 года", "context_date": "29 июля 2018", "context_left": "Следственный комитет России возбудил уголовное дело против литовских прокуроров и судей, ведущих процесс по делу о ", "context_right": " 13 января 1991 года. Тогда в результате попытки со стороны Москвы подавления мирного митинга сторонников независимости Литовской Республики погибли 14 человек и более 700 получили ранения.", "mention": "событиях у вильнюсского телецентра", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1540695"} {"context_title": "Ratko Mladić arrested for war crimes", "context_date": "May 28, 2011", "context_left": ", otherwise known as \"The Butcher of Bosnia,\" has been arrested after being sought for over a decade. The 69-year-old former Serbian general and war crimes suspect was arrested on May 26 by Serbian special police in Lazarevo, Serbia. Mladić was accused of war crimes shortly after the 1992–1995 ", "context_right": ". He was wanted for genocide and crimes against humanity, including the orchestration of a massacre of over 8000 Muslim Bosniak men and boys in Srebrenica.", "mention": "Bosnian War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "181533"} {"context_title": "Christina Obergföll wint alsnog zilver op de Olympische Spelen van 2008", "context_date": "14 augustus 2019", "context_left": "De Duitse speerwerpster Christina Obergföll rondde haar sportcarrière als speerwerpster in 2016 af tijdens het Internationales Stadionfest in Berlijn. Op 24 augustus aanstaande zal ze echter nog met terugwerkende kracht de ", "context_right": " van de Olympische Spelen in Peking ontvangen. Dat deelde het Duitse Olympische Comité mee.", "mention": "zilveren medaille uit 2008", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "288549"} {"context_title": "Пепео из Гримсветена може захватити и Британију", "context_date": "23. мај 2011.", "context_left": "", "context_right": ", такође на Исланду, у априлу 2010. године је проузроковало блокаду авио-саобраћаја када је због вулканске прашине отказано 100.000 летова, а осам милиона путника је било спречено да дође на своје одредиште.", "mention": "Избацивањење лаве вулкана Ејафјајајокул", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "269442"} {"context_title": "Кошаркаши Србије победили Италију", "context_date": "31. август 2011.", "context_left": "(Beta) - Кошаркашка репрезентација Србије победом је почела такмичење на ", "context_right": ", пошто је у среду у граду Шјауљај победила Италију са 80:68 (10:18, 25:11, 22:24, 23:15).", "mention": "Европском првенству у Литванији", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "204133"} {"context_title": "New Zealand mosque murder suspect appears in court at Christchurch", "context_date": "March 17, 2019", "context_left": "An Australian, Brenton Tarrant, aged 28, appeared in Christchurch District Court, New Zealand yesterday, charged with one count of murder pertaining to a ", "context_right": " on Friday, which caused the death of at least 50 people. Judge Paul Kellar ordered the accused remain in custody until his next court appearance on April 5.", "mention": "mass shooting in Christchurch", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "62066211"} {"context_title": "Alleged 9-11 conspirators withdraw offer of guilty pleas", "context_date": "December 10, 2008", "context_left": "All five of the alleged ", "context_right": " conspirators, including the self-professed ringleader and mastermind Khalid Sheikh Mohammed, have withdrawn their offer of guilty pleas after questions were raised on whether by pleading guilty they can receive the death penalty.", "mention": "9-11", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Президент Грузии Георгий Маргвелашвили об отношениях с США, НАТО и российской угрозе", "context_date": "5 августа 2018", "context_left": "Спустя десять лет после ", "context_right": ", восстановление территориальной целостности Грузии остаётся одним из самых актуальных вопросов, которые волнуют население страны. Тбилисский корреспондент Русской службы «Голоса Америки» Нестан Чарквиани попросила президента Республики Грузия Георгия Маргвелашвили рассказать о том, что изменилось за прошедшие годы.", "mention": "российско-грузинской войны", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Incalza resta in carcere dopo le dimissioni del ministro Lupi", "context_date": "26 marzo 2015", "context_left": "Lunedì il ministro Maurizio Lupi si era dimesso proprio in seguito alle pressioni politiche seguite alle indagini giudiziarie che hanno coinvolto il ministero da lui guidato, a causa delle tangenti pagate dagli imprenditori per corrompere i dirigenti statali responsabili delle grandi opere, cioè MOSE, ", "context_right": " e TAV.", "mention": "Expo", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "210022"} {"context_title": "Fußball-Europameisterschaft 2016 findet in Frankreich statt", "context_date": "28.05.2010", "context_left": " Frankreich wird die ", "context_right": " ausrichten. Das gab die UEFA bekannt. Frankreich setzte sich gegen Mitbewerber Italien und Türkei durch. Frankreichs Regierung will 1,7 Milliarden Euro in den Bau und Ausbau der zwölf Spielstätten und der Infrastruktur investieren. Gespielt wird in Bordeaux, Lens, Lille, Lyon, Marseille, Nizza, Paris, St-Denis, St-Etienne, Straßburg, Toulouse und Nancy. Die Stadien in Bordeaux, Lille, Lyon und Nizza sollen neugebaut werden.", "mention": "Fußball-Europameisterschaft 2016", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "189571"} {"context_title": "At least 41 killed in bombings in Iraq", "context_date": "April 29, 2009", "context_left": "Sadr City is a predominantly Shiite Muslim-populated area located in Eastern Baghdad, and is home to about two and a half million people. It has been the target of a series of attacks by suspected Sunni insurgents. In November 2006, five car bombings killed 215 people in the city in one of the most deadly attacks in the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "ongoing war", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Confira o perfil dos brasileiros convocados para a Copa do Mundo", "context_date": "14 de maio de 2018", "context_left": "Fred esteve no elenco da seleção que disputou a ", "context_right": ", no Chile, quando o time foi desclassificado pelo Paraguai nas quartas-de-final.", "mention": "Copa América de 2015", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "1129985"} {"context_title": "Vzácná dřevěná brána v Soulu lehla popelem", "context_date": "11. únor 2008", "context_left": "Sungnjemun, která byla často nazývána také Namdaemun (\"Velká jižní brána\"), byla postavena v roce 1398 za vlády dynastie Čo-sunů a dlouhou dobu sloužila jako hlavní vstup do Soulu, který se tehdy stal hlavním městem Koreje. V roce 1447 byla přebudována a často byla rekonstruována, nicméně některé pilíře stále pocházely z původní stavby. Jako jedna z mála soulských památek přežila japonskou okupaci v letech 1910-45 a ", "context_right": " v letech 1950-53. V roce 1962 byla prohlášena za hlavní národní poklad a v roce 2006 zpřístupněna veřejnosti. Byla to nejstarší dřevěná stavba v Soulu.", "mention": "korejskou válku", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "В Лос-Анджелесе в 64 раз вручили премию «Эмми»", "context_date": "24 сентября 2012", "context_left": "23 сентября 2012 года в Nokia Theatre в Лос-Анджелесе состоялась ", "context_right": " Прайм-тайм премии «Эмми».", "mention": "64-я церемония вручения", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1338977"} {"context_title": "Abschlussbericht zum Flugzeugabsturz der Maschine des polnischen Präsidenten Kaczyński vorgelegt", "context_date": "12.01.2011", "context_left": "Alle 96 Passagiere der Tupolew Tu-154, darunter viele hochrangige Vertreter des öffentlichen Lebens Polens, waren bei dem Absturz ums Leben gekommen. Die polnische Delegation war auf dem Weg zu einer gemeinsamen polnisch-russischen Gedenkfeier in Katyn (20 Kilometer westlich von Smolensk in Westrussland gelegen), wo während des 2. Weltkriegs ein ", "context_right": " der sowjetischen Armee an 22.000 Polen verübt worden war.", "mention": "Massaker", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "134301"} {"context_title": "Il nuovo rettore della Università Statale di Milano prevede di mantenere a Città Studi un polo di dipartimenti scientifici", "context_date": "11 febbraio 2019", "context_left": "Il prof. Franzini si era sempre opposto in Senato Accademico a tutte le delibere relative allo spostamento dell'Università in area ", "context_right": ". Nella campagna elettorale era stato fortemente sostenuto dai dipendenti e dagli studenti contrari al trasferimento ed era stato eletto a sorpresa per pochi voti di scarto. Il suo programma prevedeva di non perdere il finanziamento statale di 138 milioni di euro per il trasferimento utilizzandolo per i dipartimenti che non si erano opposti come Chimica, Biologia, Agraria, Farmacia, Biotecnologie, Medicina, Scienze della Terra e di consentire ai dipartimenti che si erano opposti come Matematica, Informatica di rimanere a Città Studi. ", "mention": "Expo 2015", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "210022"} {"context_title": "Negato l'ingresso in Ucraina a Julija Samojlova", "context_date": "22 marzo 2017", "context_left": "Le autorità ucraine hanno vietato l'ingresso per tre anni nel territorio ucraino a Julija Samojlova, scelta dalla rete televisiva pubblica russa \"Channel One\" per rappresentare il relativo Stato all'", "context_right": "; la decisione è stata presa in quanto nel 2015 la cantante si sarebbe esibita, secondo le autorità locali, in Crimea entrando dal territorio russo e senza le autorizzazioni necessarie da parte delle autorità ucraine.", "mention": "Eurovision Song Contest 2017", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "23055386"} {"context_title": "На ЧМ-2016 сборная России по хоккею проиграла свой первый матч", "context_date": "7 мая 2016", "context_left": "Сборная России по хоккею с шайбой неудачно начала домашний ", "context_right": ", проиграв в первом матче сборной Чехии со счётом 0:3. Встреча проходила 6 мая в Москве, в комплексе «ВТБ Ледовый дворец».", "mention": "чемпионат мира", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "13361239"} {"context_title": "Interview with Sue Gardner of the Wikimedia Foundation", "context_date": "October 24, 2007", "context_left": "Brian: We got great cooperation on some big stories like the UK attacks, did big media notice? (Major explosions at UK oil depot, ", "context_right": ")", "mention": "Coordinated terrorist attack hits London", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "La FIFA designa las ocho cabezas de serie para el sorteo de los grupos del Mundial de 2006", "context_date": "6 de diciembre de 2005", "context_left": "Sobre las representaciones nacionales seleccionadas, se tuvieron en cuenta los progresos de cada equipo en los dos últimos mundiales (1998 y ", "context_right": ") y los promedios en la Tabla de Clasificación del ente rector del fútbol durante los tres últimos años.", "mention": "2002", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "Профессор Зубов восстановлен в должности", "context_date": "11 апреля 2014", "context_left": "Напомним, что предпосылкой к увольнению послужила статья А. Б. Зубова, опубликованная в газете «Ведомости» 1 марта 2014 года под заголовком «Это уже было» и вызвавшая большой общественный резонанс. В ней автор подверг критике действия российских властей в Крыму и сравнил их с ", "context_right": " в 1938 году.", "mention": "присоединением Австрии к Третьему Рейху", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "154681"} {"context_title": "Gliders defeat USA in 2012 Paralympic semifinals", "context_date": "September 8, 2012", "context_left": "This semifinal victory advances the Gliders into the final, where they are to meet the winner of the day's match between the Netherlands and Germany. They are guaranteed at least silver. The Gliders won silver in Sydney ", "context_right": " and Athens in 2004 and bronze in Beijing in 2008, but have never won the gold. The USA team is to meet the loser of that match to contest the bronze.", "mention": "in 2000", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "855688"} {"context_title": "Rozebrano nielegalnie zbudowaną cerkiew w Bośni i Hercegowinie", "context_date": "6 czerwca 2021", "context_left": "Cerkiew została zbudowana w roku 1998 na ziemiach należących do Faty Orlović, muzułmanki, która razem z rodziną została wysiedlona z tamtych terenów w czasie bałkańskiej wojny domowej. Większość jej rodziny zginęło w ", "context_right": ", 20 kilometrów od Konjevic Polje. W 2019 roku Europejski Trybunał Praw Człowieka zarządził rozbiórkę kościoła oraz odszkodowanie w wysokości 31 tysięcy euro (około 140 tysięcy złotych) dla rodziny. Córka Faty, Hurija Karić, stwierdziła w wywiadzie, że ta rozbiórka to „zwycięstwo dla jej matki, dla jej rodziny i dla całej Bośni i Hercegowiny”.", "mention": "Srebrenicy", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "170334"} {"context_title": "Απεβίωσε ο Νιλ Άρμστρονγκ", "context_date": "26 Αυγούστου 2012", "context_left": "Ο Νιλ Άρμστρονγκ γεννήθηκε στις 5 Αυγούστου 1930 στο Οχάιο. Πριν γίνει αστροναύτης, ο Νιλ Άρμστρονγκ πολέμησε ως πιλότος μαχητικού αεροσκάφους στον ", "context_right": ". Κατά τη διάρκεια της αποστολής του Απόλλων 11, ο Νιλ Άρμστρονγκ έγινε ο πρώτος άνθρωπος που πάτησε το πόδι του στη Σελήνη και έγινε γνωστός με τη φράση ().", "mention": "Πόλεμο της Κορέας", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Ida pode ser o 5º furacão mais forte a atingir os Estados Unidos, aponta NASA", "context_date": "1 de setembro de 2021", "context_left": "\"Para mim, o aspecto mais atraente do Ida foi sua rápida intensificação até tocar terra. A tempestade foi muito semelhante ao furacão Opala e ao ", "context_right": ", no sentido de que sofreram uma rápida intensificação em uma região, ou redemoinho, de águas quentes e profundas conhecidas como \"Gulf Loop Current\". Além de fornecer água quente como combustível, esses redemoinhos impedem a chegada de água mais fria à superfície. Esse resfriamento normalmente levaria ao enfraquecimento da tempestade ou, pelo menos, ao fim do fortalecimento. Tanto o Opala quanto o Katrina enfraqueceram antes de tocar terra, mitigando os impactos das tempestades até certo ponto, embora eles obviamente ainda fossem intensos. No Ida, o enfraquecimento próximo à costa realmente não ocorreu\", disse Scott Braun, especialista em furacões no \"Goddard Space Flight Center\" da NASA.", "mention": "furacão Katrina", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Chinese President signs multiple trade deals with India", "context_date": "September 18, 2014", "context_left": "China would set up two industrial parks in India, one in Gujarat and one in Maharashtra. The deals encompass Chinese investment of US$20 billion in infrastructure projects, modernisation of the Indian Railways, and agreements on trade, space exploration, and civil nuclear energy. China has also committed itself to opening its markets to Indian pharmaceuticals and farm products. A final settlement of the unresolved dispute over the Chinese–Indian border in the Himalayas is also to be sought; the dispute, over which the ", "context_right": " of 1962 was fought, arises over where the border should be.", "mention": "Sino-Indian War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "208694"} {"context_title": "Italia presentó su candidatura para la Eurocopa de 2016", "context_date": "30 de septiembre de 2009", "context_left": "La Federación Italiana de Fútbol (FIGC) anunció que presentará una candidatura para ser los organizadores del torneo de la ", "context_right": " en el viejo continente. Según la federación, las ciudades italianas de Roma, Turín y Milán serían las principales propuestas para albergar la final del torneo, en caso que fuera seleccionado el país para realizar el evento.", "mention": "Eurocopa 2016", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "189571"} {"context_title": "Sales of Jackson songs and memorabilia rise after his death", "context_date": "June 27, 2009", "context_left": "The ", "context_right": " on Thursday has caused retail demand for his songs and for memorabilia to increase.", "mention": "death of Michael Jackson", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "761887"} {"context_title": "토고 축구 국가대표팀, 앙골라에서 피격", "context_date": "2010년 1월 9일", "context_left": "토고 대표팀은 10일 앙골라에서 개최되는 ", "context_right": "에 참가하기 위해 버스로 이동하던 중이었으며, 아프리카 축구 연맹은 이번 불상사에도 불구하고, 토고 대표팀은 예정대로 대회에 참가해야 한다고 밝혔다. 하지만, 토고 대표팀의 미드필더 알라이시스 로마오는 이번 대회에 참가하지 말아야 한다고 주장하였으며, 토고 대표팀의 주장 에마뉘엘 아데바요르는 확실한 안전이 보장되지 않는다면 이 곳을 떠날 것이라고 덧붙였다.", "mention": "2010년 아프리카 네이션스컵", "context_lang": "ko", "label_id": "83157"} {"context_title": "Brazil wins FIFA Confederations Cup final, defeats USA 3–2", "context_date": "June 29, 2009", "context_left": "After being down 2–0 at halftime, Brazil defeated the United States 3–2 in the final round of the ", "context_right": ", claiming their third FIFA Confederations Cup finals victory.", "mention": "2009 FIFA Confederations Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "183674"} {"context_title": "Ten dead on Minnesota Indian reservation after school shooting", "context_date": "March 22, 2005", "context_left": "Today's incident marks the highest death toll yet in US school shootings since the ", "context_right": " in April 1999. There were 15 people shot in Jefferson County, near Littleton, Colorado, in the Columbine shooting.", "mention": "Columbine High School massacre", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "473845"} {"context_title": "John Reed on Orwell, God, self-destruction and the future of writing", "context_date": "October 18, 2007", "context_left": "DS: If you were forced to choose, which war would you prefer to fight in, ", "context_right": " or Afghanistan?", "mention": "Iraq", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Gaddafi loyalists allegedly using Red Cross helicopters to bomb rebel held city", "context_date": "May 8, 2011", "context_left": "The helicopters reportedly flew over Misrata, the third largest city in the country and located on the northwest coast of Libya, on Thursday and Friday, disguised as aid workers from the Red Cross to circumvent the ", "context_right": ", which was approved unanimously by the U.N. Security Council in March. The no-fly zone aims at making it impossible for Gaddafi loyalists to perform airstrikes on the rebels. ", "mention": "no-fly zone", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "US army whistleblowers allege widespread torture of Iraqi detainees", "context_date": "September 24, 2005", "context_left": "According to the Los Angeles Times, the investigation was opened following a referral from the Senate Armed Services Committee. Captain Fishback is the first officer to make such allegations publicly since the ", "context_right": " came to light last year, says the newspaper, quoting an unnamed Capitol Hill aide as saying that the allegations are \"very credible\". ", "mention": "Abu Ghraib prison scandal", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "334720"} {"context_title": "Musharraf orders strong action against rioters in Pakistan", "context_date": "December 29, 2007", "context_left": "Pakistan President Pervez Musharraf has ordered security forces to take firm action against rioters following the ", "context_right": " of opposition leader Benazir Bhutto. The violence has left at least 44 people dead and dozens injured. Mr. Musharraf insisted the measures were to protect people. VOA's Ayaz Gul reports from Islamabad that a bitter dispute has also erupted over how the 54-year-old politician died and who was behind her assassination.", "mention": "assassination", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1784968"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Rocky De La Fuente, U.S. Democratic Party presidential candidate", "context_date": "March 31, 2016", "context_left": "While receiving only minimal media coverage, he has campaigned actively, and according to the latest Federal Election Commission filing, loaned almost US$ 4 million of his own money to the campaign. He has qualified for 48 primary and caucus ballots, but has not yet obtained any delegates to the ", "context_right": ". Thus far, according to the count at \"The Green Papers\", De La Fuente has received 35,406 votes, or 0.23% of the total votes cast. He leads among the many lesser-known candidates but trails both Senator Bernie Sanders who has received nearly 6.5 million votes and front-runner Hillary Clinton who has just shy of 9 million votes.", "mention": "2016 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16156276"} {"context_title": "Јапан одлаже демонтирање Фукушиме", "context_date": "12. јун 2015.", "context_left": " (Beta) - Јапанска влада данас је одобрила нове рокове за санацију ", "context_right": ", и прихватила да се за две до три године одложи уклањање употребљеног нуклеарног горива из подземних базена због комплексности операција.", "mention": "оштећене нуклеарне централе Фукушима", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Greenhouse-gas emission targets may come later says Ban Ki-moon", "context_date": "December 12, 2007", "context_left": "The United Nations secretary-general, Ban Ki-moon says setting greenhouse-gas emission targets may have to wait until after the ", "context_right": " being held in Bali.", "mention": "U.N. Climate Change Conference", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1633080"} {"context_title": "Pakistan's judicial crisis deepens as police attack and seal private news channel", "context_date": "March 18, 2007", "context_left": "General Musharraf came to power after a blood-less ", "context_right": " by overthrowing the democratically elected government of Nawaz Sharif, charging the government with corruption.", "mention": "coup in 1999", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2352036"} {"context_title": "Transcript of 9/11 confession by Khalid Sheikh Mohammed released", "context_date": "March 15, 2007", "context_left": "The transcript contains a list of 31 items Mohammed wholly or partially confesses to. These include alleged Al-Qaeda attacks such as the ", "context_right": " in and the attempt by Richard Colvin Reid to use a shoe bomb to bring down a U.S. airplane. According to the document, Mohammed also confesses to planning attacks against the Panama Canal, suspension bridges in New York, former U.S. President Jimmy Carter, the Sears Tower, Big Ben, Heathrow Airport and more.", "mention": "bombing of a night club", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "86584"} {"context_title": "FIFA vergibt Fußball-Weltmeisterschaften nach Deutschland und Brasilien", "context_date": "30.10.2007", "context_left": "Ein weiterer Punkt, der für Deutschland als Austragungsort sprach, war die Möglichkeit, die Spiele in zwölf Stadien auszutragen. Ausgehend von den Zuschauerquoten der Fernsehübertragungen der dieses Jahr in ", "context_right": " kann in Deutschland zudem mit einer großen Resonanz von Seiten der Bevölkerung ausgegangen werden. Das Finale zwischen Brasilien und Deutschland brachte der berichtenden Sendeanstalt teilweise bis zu 50 Prozent an Marktanteil ein. Laut einer Umfrage würden sich 94 Prozent der sportlich Interessierten in Deutschland eine Weltmeisterschaft im eigenen Land wünschen.", "mention": "China ausgetragenen Weltmeisterschaft", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "367805"} {"context_title": "El ejército iraquí expulsa al Estado Islámico de Mosul", "context_date": "10 de julio de 2017", "context_left": "Aún se pueden evidenciar algunos focos de resistencia del Estado Islámico pero, según las autoridades iraquíes, estos se encuentran sin municiones y arrinconados entre el río Tigris y las fuerzas iraquíes. Estos habrían intentado cruzar el río pero el ejército se los habría impedido, además de que no han lanzado más ataques suicidas. La ciudad perdió prácticamente la mitad de su población desde la ocupación del ISIS sobre todo debido al ", "context_right": ". Todavía continúan atrapados entre tres y cuatro mil civiles en el fuego cruzado en la ciudad.", "mention": "éxodo", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "20857240"} {"context_title": "Fernando Alonso wins 2007 Italian Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 9, 2007", "context_left": "Fernando Alonso wins the ", "context_right": " FIA Formula-1 Italian Grand Prix at the Autodromo Nazionale Monza, Monza, Italy, with his teammate, Vodafone McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton second. The pair won the top two places of the 78th Grand Prix held in Monza, starting from the front line. This win became the first for Fernando Alonso on this track and his another hat-trick.", "mention": "2007", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "363365"} {"context_title": "Nizozemský Concertgebouworkest uvedl cyklus Má vlast", "context_date": "16. duben 2010", "context_left": "Uvádění Mé vlasti jako cyklu je v zahraničí neobvyklé, v Česku má tradici především jako program zahajovacího koncertu festivalu ", "context_right": ". Letos ho provede Symfonický orchestr hlavního města Prahy FOK za řízení dirigenta Jakuba Hrůši.", "mention": "Pražské jaro", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "162401"} {"context_title": "Netta wins Eurovision Song Contest for Israel", "context_date": "May 15, 2018", "context_left": "On Saturday, Israel won its fourth victory, first since 1998, at the ", "context_right": ", held at Lisbon's Altice Arena in Portugal. Netta Barzilai's song \"Toy\" won 529 points from public and professional judges. Cyprus and Austria finished second and third respectively with 436 and 342 points.", "mention": "Eurovision Song Contest", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "25408640"} {"context_title": "Гібралтар став членом УЄФА", "context_date": "24 травня 2013", "context_left": "У відборі до ", "context_right": " участь візьме і збірна Гібралтару. Футбольні клуби з Гібралтару братимуть участь в єврокубках, починаючи з сезону 2014/2015 років.", "mention": "чемпіонат Європи з футболу 2016", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "189571"} {"context_title": "Unabhängigkeitserklärung des Kosovos am 17. Februar 2008 erwartet", "context_date": "15.02.2008", "context_left": "Das Kosovo wird von Serbien als serbische Provinz angesehen. Seit dem ", "context_right": " vom 24. März 1999 bis zum 10. Juni 1999 steht das Kosovo unter Verwaltung der Vereinten Nationen im Rahmen der United Nations Interim Administration Mission in Kosovo (UNMIK) - Mission. Die Europäische Union und die Vereinigten Staaten unterstützen die Unabhängigkeitsbestrebungen der albanischstämmigen Bevölkerungsmehrheit im Kosovo.", "mention": "Kosovo-Krieg", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "190029"} {"context_title": "George Bush discusses Iraq 5 years after invasion", "context_date": "March 19, 2008", "context_left": "George W. Bush, the President of the United States delivered today a speech regarding Iraq and the \"global war on terror.\" Bush claimed that the war in Iraq had been successful. He said that \"removing Saddam Hussein from power was the right decision — and this is a fight America can and must win.\" The speech marked five years since the start of the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "В Великобритании обнаружен редкий экземпляр Декларации независимости США", "context_date": "24 апреля 2017", "context_left": "Двое учёных из Гарвардского университета обнаружили в Англии редкий документ — пергаментный текст ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Декларации независимости США", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "127912"} {"context_title": "USA leaving Abu Ghraib", "context_date": "March 10, 2006", "context_left": "Pictures of ", "context_right": " in Abu Ghraib taken inside the prison in November 2003 had been released earlier this year. In January 2005, a United States Army court martial proceeding found Army Spc. Charles Graner guilty of abusing prisoners at the Abu Ghraib prison. The jury sentenced Graner to ten years in prison. A total of nine other American soldiers were found guilty in allegations stemming from the Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal.", "mention": "extensive detainee abuse", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "334720"} {"context_title": "Fernando Alonso wins 2006 Canadian Grand Prix", "context_date": "June 25, 2006", "context_left": "For the first time in his career, Fernando Alonso won the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " on the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve on an island in the St. Lawrence River.", "mention": "Canadian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "66038"} {"context_title": "İran Havayolları'nın ana binasının çatısında bulunan Davud'un Yıldızı'nın çıkarılmasına talimat verildi", "context_date": "2010/12/03", "context_left": "Yıldızın varlığı uydudan çekilen fotoğraflar sayesinde tespit edildi. İnternet arama motoru şirketi Google'ın tespit ettiği sembol 1979 yılında ", "context_right": "'nden önce İran'da çalışan İsrailli mühendis tarafından yapıldığı bildiriliyor. Yıldızı \"Siyonist sembolü\" olarak adlandıran İran sitelerinde bu resmin devrimden 30 yıl sonra hâlâ mevcut olmasının ilginç olduğu bildiriliyor. ", "mention": "İran İslam Devrimi", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "126065"} {"context_title": "ブッシュ米大統領に靴を投げるネットゲームが登場", "context_date": "2008年12月18日", "context_left": "ゲームのタイトルは「sock and awe」(靴下と恐怖)。2003年の", "context_right": "直後、米英軍がとった「shock and awe」(衝撃と恐怖)という作戦をもじっているという。", "mention": "イラク開戦", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Canada denies visa for Africa's top biosafety negotiator", "context_date": "July 28, 2005", "context_left": "Dr. Tewolde Berhan Gebre Egziabher, the Ethiopian government's chief scientist and its representative to the Montreal-based UN ", "context_right": " (CBD) had his passport returned without the requested Canadian visa, and without explanation. Dr. Tewolde is Africa's chief negotiator for the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety. ", "mention": "Convention on Biological Diversity", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "152805"} {"context_title": "Lula se reúne com Fidel Castro", "context_date": "15 de janeiro de 2008", "context_left": "Antes do encontro, o presidente Lula elogiou o presidente e demonstrou seu apreço pela ", "context_right": ": \"Eu sou da geração que é apaixonada pela revolução cubana. Eu tenho carinho especial pelo Fidel. Visito Cuba desde 1985 e eu estou torcendo para o Fidel ter uma recuperação extraordinária\".", "mention": "Revolução Cubana", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "11264"} {"context_title": "Mecz futbolu amerykańskiego Panthers Wrocław vs Swarco Raiders zainaugurował otwarcie Stadionu Olimpijskiego we Wrocławiu po remoncie", "context_date": "22 kwietnia 2017", "context_left": "W dniu 22 kwietnia 2017 roku na Stadionie Olimpijskim został rozegrany mecz futbolu amerykańskiego pomiędzy wrocławską drużyną mistrzem Polski i Europy Panthers Wrocław a austriacką drużyną Swarco Raiders Tirol. Mecz został zorganizowany na inaugurację Stadionu Olimpijskiego po trwającym w latach 2015-2017 remoncie kapitalnym przed ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "World Games 2017", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "3083264"} {"context_title": "Srbija pobedila Australiju, plasirala se u osminu finala", "context_date": "1. септембар 2010.", "context_left": "Kajzeri, (Beta) - Košarkaška reprezentacija plasirala se u sredu u osminu finala ", "context_right": ", pošto je pobedila Australiju sa 94:79 (16:12, 27:25, 26:24, 25:18) u četvrtom kolu Grupe A.", "mention": "Svetskog prvenstva u Turskoj", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "211438"} {"context_title": "Türkischer Hochschulratspräsident gab französische Auszeichnung zurück", "context_date": "17.10.2006", "context_left": " Der türkische Hochschulratspräsident, Dr. Erdoğan Teziç, hat die Auszeichnung „Commandeur de la Légion d'Honneur“, die ihm am 17. Juli 2004 vom französischen Präsidenten Jacques Chirac erteilt wurde, zurückgegeben. Als Grund für die Rückgabe nannte Erdoğan Teziç die Verabschiedung des Gesetzes, das die Leugnung des ", "context_right": " unter Strafe stellt (ein Jahr Haft, 45.000 Euro Strafzahlung).", "mention": "armenischen Genozides", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "ラドヴァン・カラジッチ被告を逮捕。ボスニア紛争中の虐殺を指揮したセルビア人勢力の最高指導者", "context_date": "2008年7月22日", "context_left": "ラドヴァン・カラジッチ被告は1992年から1995年にかけてのボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ紛争中のセルビア人勢力スルプスカ共和国の最高指導者であり、紛争中に各地で発生したボシュニャク人などの他民族に対する虐殺、特に7500人以上が殺害された", "context_right": "を指示したことによりジェノサイドの容疑で旧ユーゴスラヴィア国際戦犯法廷から訴追されている人物である。カラジッチは1996年以来、姿をくらませていた。", "mention": "スレブレニツァの虐殺", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "170334"} {"context_title": "Michael Schumacher wins Italian Grand Prix, announces plans to retire", "context_date": "September 10, 2006", "context_left": "Michael Schumacher began his career on ", "context_right": " (he retired from the earlier 1991 Belgian Grand Prix).", "mention": "1991 Italian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "362773"} {"context_title": "Obnovený Surp Giragos bude opět sloužit věřícím", "context_date": "22. říjen 2011", "context_left": "Kostel byl uzavřen v letech 1915-1916 během ", "context_right": " na tureckém území. Za první světové války sloužil jako německý vojenský štáb a do roku 1960 jako skladiště. Církvi byl navrácen v 60. letech 20. století. Rekonstrukce objektu, který je považován za největší svého druhu na Středním východě, trvala dva roky a byla financována z darů Arménů po celém světě.", "mention": "arménské genocidy", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "Crew of Discovery inspect Shuttle for launch damage", "context_date": "July 27, 2005", "context_left": "They are checking for any damage that may have occurred during take-off – the \"Columbia\" ", "context_right": " after a piece of foam falling from the external fuel tank split open a wing, allowing super-heated gas to enter the craft upon reentry, leading to its break-up.", "mention": "was destroyed", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "580867"} {"context_title": "Russell za Hamiltona, Aitken za Russella w Grand Prix Sakhiru", "context_date": "2 grudnia 2020", "context_left": "Wczoraj zespół poinformował, że w:Lewis Hamilton nie wystartuje w drugim wyścigu w Bahrajnie ze względu na pozytywny wynik testu na obecność koronawirusa. Niemiecka stajnia postanowiła skontaktować się z Williamsem, jako że George Russell jest od kilku lat juniorem Mercedesa. Brytyjski zespół porozumiał się z Mercedesem i Russell będzie partnerem zespołowym Valtteriego Bottasa w Grand Prix Sakhiru. Natomiast kolegą zespołowym Nicholasa Latifiego w Williamsie będzie Jack Aitken. Brytyjczyk wcześniej był kierowcą testowym i rezerwowym w zespole Renault, a od kilku miesięcy związany jest z Williamsem. Kierowca jeździł w pierwszej sesji treningowej przed ", "context_right": ", przejmując kokpit od George'a Russella.", "mention": "Grand Prix Styrii", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "95994243"} {"context_title": "Maradona no será el técnico de la selección de fútbol de Palestina", "context_date": "2 de octubre de 2014", "context_left": "El combinado palestino nunca ha clasificado a un mundial de la FIFA, pero sí está en la ronda final de la ", "context_right": ", donde compartirá grupo con Jordania, Iraq y Japón.", "mention": "Copa Asiática 2015", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "876301"} {"context_title": "„It is good to have a choice“ – Schweden ist Sieger beim Eurovision Song Contest in Aserbaidschan", "context_date": "27.05.2012", "context_left": " Die schwedische Sängerin Loreen hat mit dem Song „Euphoria“ den ersten Platz beim diesjährigen ", "context_right": " (ESC) errungen, der im aserbaidschanischen Baku ausgetragen wurde. Die 28-Jährige ist keine Unbekannte in Schweden, 2004 wurde sie Vierte bei der Castingshow „Idol“, einer schwedischen Variante von „Deutschland sucht den Superstar“, damals mit dem Künstlernamen Lorén Talhaoui. Im Jahr 2005 wurde sie Moderatorin einer schwedischen Fernsehshow. Auf Platz 2 kam die russische Gruppe Buranowskije Babuschki, die schon seit mehr als 40 Jahren besteht. Die sechs Sängerinnen traten zu ihrem Lied „Party For Everybody“ als russische Großmütter verkleidet auf, die älteste Teilnehmerin war 76 Jahre alt.", "mention": "Eurovision Song Contest", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10161"} {"context_title": "Perú derrota a Brasil por la mínima diferencia en la Copa América Centenario y lo elimina", "context_date": "13 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "En un resultado sorpresivo y con gol polémico por ser convertido con la mano, Perú eliminó a Brasil de la ", "context_right": ". El tanto de la polémica fue convertido por Raúl Ruidíaz. El estadio fue el Gillete de Foxborough, Massachusetts.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "El huracán Katrina amenaza la Florida", "context_date": "25 de agosto de 2005", "context_left": "", "context_right": ", el 12o. sistema tropical de la temporada -contando depresiones, tomentas y huracanes-, se convirtió en huracán para el informe de las 17:00 hora local, con vientos de Categoría 1 (más de 74 mph ó 119 km/h). A las 17:00 el centro del Huracán Katrina estaba en latitud 26,1 Norte, longitud 79,9 Oeste, a unas 15 millas al Este-Noreste de Fort Lauderdale y a 25 millas al Este-Sureste de Boca Ratón, Florida. Katrina se está moviendo hacia el oeste a 6 millas por hora. Se espera que este movimiento continúe con mayor lentitud en las próximas 24 horas. A esta velocidad y trayectoria, el centro estaría en la costa de la Florida más tarde en la noche.", "mention": "Katrina", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "FEMA employees pose as fake reporters during press conference", "context_date": "October 26, 2007", "context_left": "This is not the first time that the Bush administration has come under fire for planting reporters at press conferences. In February of 2005, White House reporter Jeff Gannon was accused of being planted to ask softball questions to President Bush. FEMA itself had earlier undergone criticism during ", "context_right": " for using disaster workers for public relations in 2005.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Polish President Lech Kaczyński dies as his plane crashes in Russia", "context_date": "April 10, 2010", "context_left": "The Polish Central Bank governor, Slawomir Skrzypek, and other members of the Polish government were amongst those onboard. The crash was near Smolensk airport in western Russia. Kaczyński's wife was killed along with him when the Tupolev Tu-154 went down; the trip to Russia was to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the ", "context_right": ", when thousands of Polish prisoners of war and civilians were killed by the Soviets.", "mention": "Katyn massacre", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "134301"} {"context_title": "Church of Scientology falsely accuses internet group 'Anonymous' of 2007 school shooting", "context_date": "October 20, 2008", "context_left": "The Church, on October 18, 2008 accused \"Anonymous\" of being involved in the November 2007 shooting at ", "context_right": ", in which a man named Pekka-Eric Auvinen shot and killed nine people, including himself.", "mention": "Jokela High School", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "600836"} {"context_title": "Корреспондент «Новой газеты» получила награду из рук Госсекретаря США", "context_date": "9 марта 2013", "context_left": "Не обошлось без скандала. В последний момент из списка награждённых была вычеркнута египетская активистка Самира Ибрагим, проявившая смелость во время протестов на площади Тахрир. Пресс-секретарь Госдепартамента Виктория Нуланд пояснила, что причиной исключения Ибрагим стали некоторые её публичные заявления. Вероятно, речь идёт об антиизраильских и антиамериканских высказываниях, которые Ибрагим позволяла себе в социальных сетях. Так, в день 11-й годовщины ", "context_right": " Ибрагим оставила запись: «Пусть Америка горит каждый год». Кроме того, она назвала «славным днём» теракт в болгарском Бургасе, когда погибли пятеро израильских туристов.", "mention": "терактов 11 сентября 2001 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Wheelchair curling enters third day at 2014 Winter Paralympics", "context_date": "March 10, 2014", "context_left": "The United States has not medaled at the past two Paraympic Games, with their best finish a fourth at the 2010 Games. Of the United States's curling team, two are returning wheelchair curling Paralympic veterans. James Joseph, the second, competed at the ", "context_right": " and 2010 Winter Paralympics. The skip and Madison, Wisconsin native, Patrick McDonald, competed at the 2010 Games. Penny Greely, the lead, competed in sitting volleyball at the 2004 Summer Paralympics where she won a bronze medal. David Palmer, the third, is competing at his first games after having a fourth place finish at the 2013 World Championships in Russia and a fifth place finish at the 2012 World Championships in South Korea. Alternate and Cape Cod native Meghan Lino is also at her first Paralympic Games after taking up the sport in 2009.", "mention": "2006 Winter Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "749605"} {"context_title": "Glasgow Climate Pact deal struck; nations to reduce coal usage", "context_date": "November 16, 2021", "context_left": "The ", "context_right": " (often abbreviated to COP26) has concluded with the signing of the Glasgow Climate Pact. The pact is the first ever deal struck to explicitly plan to reduce coal usage internationally. Coal accounts for around 40% of the world's annual greenhouse gas emissions and is the highest-emitting fossil fuel in terms of greenhouse gases.", "mention": "2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "68580968"} {"context_title": "Munteziri, toprağa verildi", "context_date": "2009/12/21", "context_left": "İran'da dün ölen , törenle toprağa verildi. Munteziri, İran'ın Kum şehrinde doğmuştu ve bu şehirde toprağa verildi. Yapılan törende, on binden fazla kişi geldiği sanılıyor. İsfahan'daki Necefabad kentinde doğan Munteziri, Kum'daki evinde 87 yaşında ölmüştü. İran dini lideri Humeyni, de başsağlığı mesajı yayınladı. Muntezeri 1979 ", "context_right": "'ni desteklemişti. Ancak, 1997 yılında Hamaney'in kurduğu hükümete muhalif durmuştu. Bunun üzerine 2003 yılına kadar ev hapsi yaşamıştı. 2009 seçimlerinde muhalefetin itirazını desteklemişti.", "mention": "İran İslam Devrimi", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "126065"} {"context_title": "Удовичић саопштио списак за сусрет с Македонцима", "context_date": "11. новембар 2010.", "context_left": "Београд / Србија — Селектор ватерполо репрезентације Србије Дејан Удовичић објавио је у четвртак списак играча за сусрет са Македонијом у првом колу квалификационе групе Светске лиге у коме ће се ослонити на проверени тим са ", "context_right": " у Загребу.", "mention": "Европског првенства", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "935700"} {"context_title": "British Prime Minister Tony Blair suffers defeat in vote on terror laws", "context_date": "November 9, 2005", "context_left": "The police called for new powers after the ", "context_right": " in London on July 7, 2005. They argued that because anti-terrorist investigations can take considerable time, the new powers would have been justified. Critics are sceptical of these claims. Opponents believe that by effectively giving the government the right to imprison for up to three months anyone who it alleged to have been involved in terrorism, without having to present any charges in court to justify the detention, the bill could have led to abuses of power. ", "mention": "bomb attacks", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "「もったいない」に東電1万人登録", "context_date": "2005年7月20日", "context_left": "1992年、ブラジル連邦共和国リオデジャネイロ州で開かれた", "context_right": "(地球サミット)は「環境と開発に関するリオ宣言」を採択し、宣言実現のための行動計画「アジェンダ21」を定めた。「アジェンダ21かながわ」は「アジェンダ21」の地域版で、かながわ地球環境保全推進会議が1993年に採択した。現在は「新アジェンダ21かながわ」を策定し、個人が地球環境配慮に向けて自主的に取り組む内容についての登録を受け付けている。", "mention": "環境と開発に関する国際連合会議", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "751149"} {"context_title": "東日本大震災 岩手県宮古市で37.9mの大津波 - 東大地震研究所調査", "context_date": "2011年4月4日", "context_left": "読売新聞によると、3月11日の", "context_right": "で、岩手県宮古市・田老(たろう)地区で、津波が37.9mの高さまで山中を駆け上がったことが、東京大学地震研究所が行った調査で明らかになった。これは今回の津波調査の中では最高値であり、1896年に起きた明治三陸大地震において記録された同県大船渡市(おおふなとし)の38.2mの日本国内最高値に匹敵する巨大津波であったことがわかった。", "mention": "東日本大震災", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Falleció última hija de Emiliano Zapata", "context_date": "1 de marzo de 2010", "context_left": "Ana María Zapata Portillo, hija de Emiliano Zapata -héroe de la ", "context_right": "- falleció a la edad de 95 años en su casa de Cuautla, en el estado de Morelos.", "mention": "Revolución mexicana", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "214426"} {"context_title": "前経産相オフレコ発言の報道は問題? - 民主党・政府", "context_date": "2011年9月12日", "context_left": "中国新聞によると、フジテレビ側が「取材の結果、報道する必要があると判断した」と説明、共同通信側が「『死の町』発言で、", "context_right": "対策を担う閣僚としての鉢呂経産相の資質に疑義が生じたことで、前夜の囲み取材での言動についても報道するべきだと判断した」という。", "mention": "原発事故", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "North Korean military leader Jo Myong Rok dies at age 82", "context_date": "November 7, 2010", "context_left": "A former fighter pilot for the North Korean army, Jo served in the ", "context_right": " from 1950 to 1953. After rising through the ranks he became the first vice marshal in 1995. In 2000 he became the first ever North Korean military official to enter the Pentagon when he met with then Defense Secretary William Cohen, and President Bill Clinton.", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Россия и Грузия — грядут перемены?", "context_date": "7 октября 2012", "context_left": "Напомним, Грузия разорвала дипломатические отношения с Россией в результате ", "context_right": ". На сегодняшний день Россия оккупирует около 20 процентов территорий Грузии. В то же время российская сторона заявляет, что военные силы РФ легитимно находятся в отколовшихся регионах Грузии на основе договоренностей с властями Абхазии и Южной Осетии, которые РФ признает независимыми государствами.", "mention": "российско-грузинской войны в августе 2008 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Србија у четвртфиналу ЕП у Мађарској", "context_date": "21. јул 2014.", "context_left": "(Бета) - Ватерполо репрезентација Србије пласирала се у понедељак у четвртфинале ", "context_right": ", пошто је у последњем мечу прве фазе такмичења победила Шпанију са 8:6 (2:2, 1:0, 1:1, 4:3).", "mention": "Европског првенства у Мађарској", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "2756061"} {"context_title": "Сукоби снага Судана и Јужног Судана", "context_date": "27. март 2012.", "context_left": "", "context_right": " у којем је погинуло два милиона људи. Рат је окончан 2005. године мировним споразумом на основу којег је Јужни Судан у јулу 2011. године стекао независност.", "mention": "Северни и јужни део Судана водили су 20 година грађански рат", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "842380"} {"context_title": "Бывшего президента Аргентины Кристину Киршнер обвиняют в измене Родине", "context_date": "7 декабря 2017", "context_left": "Напомним, что между правительством Аргентины и Ираном в 2013 году был подписан меморандум. Документ включал в себя вопросы о взаимной помощи по делу о ", "context_right": " в Буэнос-Айресе (АМИА) 18 июля 1994 года, в результате которого погибло 85 человек, свыше 200 получили ранения.", "mention": "взрыве еврейского культурного центра", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "322936"} {"context_title": "Juan Manuel Santos es el nuevo Presidente de Colombia", "context_date": "20 de junio de 2010", "context_left": " El candidato presidencial Juan Manuel Santos obtuvo 9 millones de votos en la segunda vuelta ", "context_right": ", lo cual representa cerca de un 69% de la votación, imponiéndose sobre el candidato Antanas Mockus del Partido Verde.", "mention": "electoral para la presidencia de Colombia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1124504"} {"context_title": "Perú derrota a Haití en la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "4 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Por el debut de ambos equipos en la ", "context_right": ", Perú derrotó ayer a Haití por la mínima diferencia por un cabezazo de Paolo Guerrero que terminó dentro del arco en el segundo tiempo. El partido se disputó en el CenturyLink Field en Seattle.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "After Eurovision win, Norwegians show their patriotism on Constitution Day", "context_date": "May 17, 2009", "context_left": "Alexander Rybak's win for Norway in the ", "context_right": " on Saturday evening was well-timed; it was on the eve of Norway's Constitution Day. ", "mention": "Eurovision Song Contest", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10157"} {"context_title": "Estados Unidos es uno de los semifinalistas de la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "17 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "El equipo anfitrión sigue en la ", "context_right": " al derrotar a Ecuador dos tantos contra uno, Clint Dempsey, Gyasi Zardes convirtieron para el equipo local, Michel Arroyo descontó para el equipo ecuatoriano.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Dinara Safina ogłosiła zakończenie kariery zawodowej", "context_date": "12 maja 2014", "context_left": "Najlepszy okres w grze Safiny przypadł na lata 2008-2009. Na 29. Letnich Igrzyskach Olimpijskich wywalczyła srebrny medal w ", "context_right": ". Prócz tego awansowała do finałów wielkoszlemowych: w French Open w 2008 i 2009 roku, a także Australian Open w sezonie 2009. 20 kwietnia 2009 została liderką rankingu WTA.", "mention": "singlu", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "752413"} {"context_title": "Juventus multata per i cori offensivi dei bambini allo stadio", "context_date": "3 dicembre 2013", "context_left": "Nell'incontro di ", "context_right": " giocato domenica scorsa tra Juventus e Udinese gli spalti dello Juventus Stadium sono stati gremiti da circa 12 500 bambini. Entrambe le curve dello stadio torinese erano infatti state squalificate a causa dei cori razzisti contro i tifosi del Napoli nella precedente partita di campionato: hanno così preso posto in Curva Nord gli studenti degli istituti elementari e delle scuole medie, mentre in Curva Sud si sono accomodati i giovani delle scuole calcio nati tra il 2000 e il 2007.", "mention": "Serie A", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "9076286"} {"context_title": "Manchester City loans Joe Hart to Torino", "context_date": "September 3, 2016", "context_left": "Hart debuted for England at the age of 21, and has represented the country at ", "context_right": " and 2016 and FIFA World Cup 2014. ", "mention": "UEFA Euro 2012", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Two bomb blasts kill at least 17 in Istanbul, Turkey", "context_date": "July 28, 2008", "context_left": "This bombing was the worst terrorist attack in Istanbul since the ", "context_right": ", in which truck bombs exploded outside two Istanbul synagogues, killing 23 and wounding more than 300. Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility for the 2003 attack.", "mention": "2003 Istanbul Bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1254917"} {"context_title": "Reports suggest probe into Formula One race-fixing allegations", "context_date": "August 31, 2009", "context_left": "According to Brazil's Globo TV, Renault racer Nelson Piquet Jr. was told to crash his car during the ", "context_right": ", which was the sport's first night race. By accident or design, Piquet did indeed crash during the race, which benefited teamate Fernando Alonso, who had just pitted early for fuel. Alonso went on to win the race.", "mention": "2008 Singapore Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179338"} {"context_title": "„Joker” otrzymał Złotego Lwa", "context_date": "7 września 2019", "context_left": "Zakończył się ", "context_right": ". Złotego Lwa, czyli główną nagrodę festiwalu, zdobył „Joker” w reżyserii Todda Phillipsa.", "mention": "76. Międzynarodowy Festiwal Filmowy w Wenecji", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "60789719"} {"context_title": "Resolution of Inquiry into pre-Iraq war U.S.-U.K. correspondance fails by one vote", "context_date": "September 16, 2005", "context_left": "The U.S. House Committee on International Relations voted Wednesday on a Resolution of Inquiry that would have required the White House and State Department to \"transmit all information relating to communication with officials of the United Kingdom between January 1, 2002, and October 16, 2002, relating to the policy of the United States with respect to Iraq.\" The resolution comes in response to questions that have been raised by senior intelligence officials and information revealed in leaked U.K. documents such as the Downing Street Memo, regarding the handling of pre-war intelligence by the Bush administration, and the planning and execution of the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Iraq war", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "USA und Kuba verhandeln über Wiederaufnahme des Postverkehrs", "context_date": "18.09.2009", "context_left": " Am Donnerstag, den 17. September haben sich Regierungsvertreter der USA und Kubas in Havanna getroffen, um die Möglichkeiten einer Wiederaufnahme des direkten Postverkehrs zwischen beiden Ländern zu diskutieren. Zum ersten Mal seit 1963 wird nun über dieses Thema verhandelt. Damals, vier Jahre nach der ", "context_right": ", hatten die USA den direkten Postverkehr auf die Karibikinsel unterbunden. Diese Maßnahme war Teil einer Kampagne, mit der die kommunistische Regierung von Fidel Castro geschwächt werden sollte. Die aktuellen Gespräche werden in den Medien als weiterer Schritt zur Normalisierung der Beziehungen zwischen beiden Staaten bewertet. Nach dem Gespräch am gestrigen Donnerstag einigten sich die Parteien laut „Reuters“ darauf, die Verhandlungen über die nächsten Monate hinweg fortzuführen. ", "mention": "Kubanischen Revolution", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "11264"} {"context_title": "BBC Foreign correspondent Brian Hanrahan dies aged 61", "context_date": "December 20, 2010", "context_left": "During his career with the BBC, Hanrahan had travelled almost the whole of the world, covering such news events as ", "context_right": " of the Indian Prime Minister, Indira Gandhi, the fall of the Berlin Wall in 1989, the massacre by Chinese troops in Tienanmen Square, Beijing, and the coming to power of Mikhail Gorbachev and the subsequent rise of the \"Glasnost\" era in Russia.", "mention": "the assassination", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "3347903"} {"context_title": "Iraqi archbishop from Mosul kidnapped, three aides killed", "context_date": "March 1, 2008", "context_left": "Rahhu is the latest in an long line of clerics that have been kidnapped since the ", "context_right": " led by the United States. Rahhu's predecessor, the Syrian-Catholic Archbishop of Mosul, Monsignor Basil Georges Casmoussa, was kidnapped in January of 2005 and was held for one day before he was released.", "mention": "2003 Iraq invasion", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Thousands demand climate change action", "context_date": "December 3, 2005", "context_left": "Across the planet, protests are being held in locations from Helsinki to Seoul. In Washington, drivers of fuel-efficient hybrid cars will rally around the White House. In New Orleans - devastated by ", "context_right": " in August - there will be a \"Stop Global Warming\" street party in the French Quarter.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "China urges Obama to cancel Dalai Lama visit", "context_date": "February 2, 2010", "context_left": "The Dalai Lama fled Tibet after an ", "context_right": " rebelling against China failed in 1959. The talks between the exiled supporters & China follow a conference last month, held by Chinese leaders, to review Tibet policies.", "mention": "uprising", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "508258"} {"context_title": "Federal government begins employing strategies to repair New Orleans", "context_date": "September 3, 2005", "context_left": "When ", "context_right": " flooded most of New Orleans in up to thirty feet of water, an engineering nightmare was created. Now, the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers seems to have found a solution.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Voting ends in landmark Congo election", "context_date": "October 30, 2006", "context_left": "Following independence from Belgium, Congo underwent a turbulent political history, enduring a 32-year dictatorship under Mobutu Sese Seko. The 1994 ", "context_right": " sparked strife in neighbouring Congo, and Sese Seko was overthrown by Laurent Kabila in the First Congo War. ", "mention": "Rwandan genocide", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "131297"} {"context_title": "Space Shuttle Discovery launches on mission STS-124", "context_date": "May 31, 2008", "context_left": "Fueling of \"Discovery's\" External Tank in preparation for launch began at 11:50 GMT. By 12:50, it had been confirmed that initial tests on Engine Cutoff (ECO) sensors in the External Tank had been conducted successfully. ECO sensor failures had caused a number of delays to recent Shuttle launch attempts, and STS-124 is the first mission to use a modified tank, which is intended to eliminate such faults. At the time at which tanking began, weather forecasters predicted an 80 percent chance of acceptable conditions at the scheduled launch time. Fuelling was completed, and topping up of cryogenic propellant began, at 15:36. In addition to the ECO sensor modifications, this was the first mission to use an External Tank manufactured after the ", "context_right": " in 2003, and therefore the first tank to have all safety enhancements built into it, rather than retrofitted.", "mention": "\"Columbia\" accident", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "580867"} {"context_title": "1964 Australian Paralympic medalist Trevor French dies", "context_date": "August 23, 2012", "context_left": "Yesterday, ", "context_right": " swimmer Trevor French died. News of his death was shared with \"Wikinews\" through the Australian Tax Office and Tony Naar of the Australian Paralympic Committee.", "mention": "1964 Summer Paralympic", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "748663"} {"context_title": "USA upsets Spain, wins 2–0 in FIFA Confederations Cup semifinal", "context_date": "June 24, 2009", "context_left": "The United States defeated Spain in the semifinal round of the ", "context_right": ", claiming their first berth in the tournament's final. The United States, ranked #14 in FIFA World Rankings, snapped Spain's 35-match unbeaten streak heading into the game.", "mention": "2009 FIFA Confederations Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "183674"} {"context_title": "НАТО преузима поморску блокаду Либије", "context_date": "22. март 2011.", "context_left": ", (Beta) - Командант НАТО-а за ", "context_right": " Либије, италијански вицеадмирал Риналдо Вери рекао је у четвртак у Напуљу да је уверен да ће имати довољно бродова да спречи улазак наоружања и плаћеника у Либију.", "mention": "поморску блокаду", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "81545"} {"context_title": "Таганка победила Scopus", "context_date": "9 ноября 2018", "context_left": "Одна из задач «", "context_right": "», на который потрачено более двух млрд рублей, заключается в повышении индекса цитирования научных статей сотрудников вузов. Это напрямую связано с тем, чтобы отечественные журналы присутствовали в международных реферативных базах.", "mention": "Проекта 5-100", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "18397758"} {"context_title": "Una historieta revive la tensión entre Japón y Corea del Sur", "context_date": "4 de septiembre de 2005", "context_left": "Este manga relata la historia de un joven que se interesa por las relaciones de ambos países a través de una contienda de fútbol del ", "context_right": ". El joven posterioremnte se une a un club de historia de su universidad, en el que discute y cuestiona de manera seria las relaciones binacionales con un grupo de japoneses y surcoreanos.", "mention": "mundial de 2002", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "Noord-Brabant staat stukje grond af aan Limburg", "context_date": "11 juli 2017", "context_left": "De beide provincies hebben ook een erfpachtregeling getroffen voor een monument op het betreffende terrein, dat is opgericht voor alle gevallen Limburgse Jagers sinds de ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Slag bij Waterloo", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "48314"} {"context_title": "Trial of former Argentine president Jorge Videla begins", "context_date": "July 3, 2010", "context_left": "Videla, aged 84, is on trial regarding the deaths of 31 prisoners who were killed soon after a 1976 coup, which saw Videla gain power and led to the so-called \"", "context_right": "\" soon after. Videla is considered to have been the main force behind the violence, which killed an estimated 30,000 people.", "mention": "Dirty War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "75984"} {"context_title": "Se fija fecha para sorteo de la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "19 de enero de 2016", "context_left": "El comité organizador de la ", "context_right": " anunció la fecha en la que se realizará el sorteo de dicho torneo, la cual fue fijada para el 21 de febrero próximo en la ciudad de Nueva York, Estados Unidos. El torneo internacional se desarrollará entre el 3 y el 26 de junio de este año y conmemorará los 100 años de creación de la Copa América, cuya primera edición fue en 1916.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Scottish Criminal Cases Review Commission to review Pan Am Flight 103 conviction", "context_date": "June 25, 2007", "context_left": "Today's \"Scotsman\" reported that documents leaked from Megrahi's legal team include allegations that evidence used to convict him 'was subject to deliberate destruction and manipulation for political reasons'. Officials in both the United States and the United Kingdom are accused of \"a co-ordinated effort to mislead the court\" in order to divert attention from other suspects with links to Iran or Syria, whose support was needed at the time of the first ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Gulf War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "Итоги конкурса «Статьи года проекта „Футбол“ — 2015»", "context_date": "24 декабря 2015", "context_left": "В номинации «Статьи о турнирах, трофеях и командах» победу с 16 голосами «За» одержала статья Сборная Германии по футболу. Она же победила в абсолютной номинации, установив рекорд конкурса по итоговой разнице голосов (+16). Основными авторами этой статьи стали участники Mark Ekimov (примерно 2/3 текста) и AleUst. У первого из них в конкурсе участвовали ещё две самостоятельно написанные статьи и один список. Второе место в номинации заняла статья Кубок Футбольной ассоциации (трофей) (7 «за», 1 «против», +6), основной автор — участник Truelz. Замкнула призовую тройку статья ", "context_right": " (3 голоса «за»), написанная EKBCitizen.", "mention": "Финал Лиги чемпионов УЕФА 2007", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "521119"} {"context_title": "Kimi Räikkönen wins 2007 French Grand Prix", "context_date": "July 1, 2007", "context_left": "Both BMWs classified 4th and 5th, Robert Kubica, who fully recovered from ", "context_right": ", and Nick Heidfeld respectively.", "mention": "Montreal crash", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "66053"} {"context_title": "Пјонгјанг одбацио нове санкције УН", "context_date": "9. март 2013.", "context_left": "Северна Кореја је саопштила да одустаје од примирја из 1953. којим је прекинут ", "context_right": ", а непосредно пре усвајања резолуције УН упозорила САД да ће против њих извести нуклеарни напад из предострожности.", "mention": "Корејски рат", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "German football goalkeeper Robert Enke is dead", "context_date": "November 11, 2009", "context_left": "Enke started his career in Jena and first represented his country in 1998 whilst playing for Borussia Mönchengladbach. He won eight full international caps for the German national team since 2007 and was part of the squad which finished as runners-up in ", "context_right": ". He was widely considered to be a strong contender for the number one spot at the 2010 World Cup.", "mention": "UEFA Euro 2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "Israel sigue atacando y Hamas convoca operaciones suicidas", "context_date": "28 de diciembre de 2008", "context_left": "Según informa la cadena Al Jazeera, el último ataque suicida del grupo musulmán contra Israel ocurrió en 2005. Hasta ahora, hubo dos intifadas. La ", "context_right": " fue en 1987 y terminó en 1993, con el acuerdo de Oslo. La Segunda Intifada, de 2000, finalizó en 2005.", "mention": "Primera Intifada", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "49105"} {"context_title": "Srbové chytili Mladiće, půjde před tribunál v Haagu", "context_date": "26. květen 2011", "context_left": "Mladić je obviňován z rozhodujícího podílu na válečných zločinech v roce 1995 při obléhání bosenského Sarajeva a při tzv. ", "context_right": ", velel prý zabití zhruba osmi tisíc zajatců bosenské národnosti. Podle haagského tribunálu šlo genocidu.", "mention": "Srebrenickém masakru", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "170334"} {"context_title": "Harlan Ellison sues CBS-Paramount, WGA over Star Trek royalties", "context_date": "March 19, 2009", "context_left": "Ellison's suit against the WGA West, meanwhile, is for the symbolic amount of one dollar. He asserts he is seeking \"a judicial determination as to whether the WGA is doing what its stated purpose has been since day-one! To fight and negotiate for him and other writers. To obtain misappropriated, withheld, hidden earnings, no matter how minuscule or difficult to retrieve – but HIS, nonetheless.\" Ellison took part in picketing during the ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1046794"} {"context_title": "Најважнији догађаји у свету у 2011. години", "context_date": "24. децембар 2011.", "context_left": "3. КРАЈ ГАДАФИЈЕВЕ ЕРЕ - ", "context_right": " је почео након што су се антивладини протести претворили у оружану побуну, а затим и у грађански рат између државних и побуњеничких снага. Након вишенедељних сукоба, Савет безбедности Организације уједињених нација је 17. марта 2011. одобрио успостављање зоне забране лета изнад Либије, што је довело до вишемесечних ваздушних удара у овој земљи, најпре под вођством неколико западних земаља, а потом и НАТО-а. Упркос релативно неутралном тону резолуције, удари су били усмерени искључиво против снага под командом Гадафија. Дана 20. августа, побуњеници покрећу офанзиву, која се окончава освајањем Триполија. У наредна два месеца, Гадафијеве снаге пружају отпор из свега неколико енклава, са седиштем у Сирту. Дана 20. октобра, уследила је нова офанзива, која је довела до пада града, те хапшења и смрти вишедеценијског либијског вође, његовог сина Мутасима, као и неколико људи из његовог круга. Организација уједињених нација је званично затражила истрагу о Гадафијевој смрти, јер би она могла да буде ратни злочин.", "mention": "Рат у Либији", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "81545"} {"context_title": "Al via il MIND Festival, il più grande evento musicale marchigiano", "context_date": "24 luglio 2019", "context_left": "Al via il MIND Festival, il più grande evento musicale marchigiano ad ingresso totalmente gratuito, organizzato dalla Mind Studios. Il festival inzierà il 24 luglio con gli Ex-Otago, e terminerà il 29 luglio con il concerto di Mahmood, vincitore del ", "context_right": " con il brano \"Soldi\".", "mention": "Festival di Sanremo 2019", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "60011821"} {"context_title": "Bush approval rating sinks to 38%", "context_date": "September 12, 2005", "context_left": "A new Newsweek poll shows that President Bush's approval rating has fallen to an all-time low of 38%. The drop comes largely in response to the Bush Administration's -- and in particular, FEMA's -- inability to handle the recent rescue and recovery efforts after ", "context_right": " hit New Orleans, Louisiana.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Lendületben a B68", "context_date": "2009. július 26.", "context_left": "A ", "context_right": " során stabilizálódott a csapat pozíciója, és a nehéz kezdés után egy erős őszi hajrával a hatodik helyet szerezték meg. Kevesen számítottak azonban rá, hogy a jó forma 2009-ben is kitart: a Toftir 15 forduló után a második helyen áll, hat ponttal lemaradva a HB Tórshavn mögött.", "mention": "2008-as bajnokság", "context_lang": "hu", "label_id": "287150"} {"context_title": "Soviet Storysta tutkintapyyntö", "context_date": "28. toukokuuta 2009", "context_left": "Huhtikuussa Bäckman järjesti Yövartio-liikkeen kanssa mielenosoituksen Tampereella elokuvaa vastaan. Mielenosoitus keräsi parikymmentä henkilöä, kun vastaavasti itse elokuvaa tuli seuraamaan satakunta katsojaa. Elokuvan esittäminen oli osa seminaaria, jonka järjestivät Pro Karelia ja Tampereen Seudun Tykistökilta. Seminaarissa käsiteltiin muun muassa ", "context_right": " ja Lenin-museon tehtävää.", "mention": "sotasyyllisyyskysymystä", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "3116400"} {"context_title": "Argentina le gana a Chile 2 a 1 por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "7 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "En el debut de ambas selecciones en la ", "context_right": ", Argentina derrotó ayer, en el Levi Stadium en Santa Clara, a Chile por dos tantos contra uno, no pudo contar por estar lesionado con Lionel Messi, que fichó como suplente pero entró a la cancha vestido con jeans y zapatillas dando muestras que no iba a ser parte del juego. Los goles fueron de Ángel Di María y Ever Banega, el descuento de Chile sobre el final lo marcó José Fuenzalida.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Mixed reactions to G8 summit", "context_date": "July 10, 2005", "context_left": "On Friday, the annual meeting of the leaders of the world's eight most powerful countries, the Group of Eight (G8), ended ahead of schedule with few resolutions to the disappointment of many. The G8 meeting ended early Friday to accommodate Tony Blair, who requested to return to London in response to ", "context_right": " in London. At the conclusion of the meeting, the leaders , however $30 billion had already been pledged previously.", "mention": "Thursday's bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "「横田めぐみさんはもうとっくに亡くなっている」 元国会議員・石井一氏が発言", "context_date": "2014年8月30日", "context_left": "石井氏は衆議院に11回、参議院に1回当選しており、", "context_right": "で落選していた。今回のパーティーは民主党現代表の海江田万里(かいえだ・ばんり)氏が発起人代表となり、海江田氏や井戸敏三兵庫県知事らが祝辞を述べた。", "mention": "昨年(2013年)の参議院選挙", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "1156325"} {"context_title": "Fernando Alonso wins 2006 Japanese Grand Prix", "context_date": "October 8, 2006", "context_left": "The situation in the drivers' championship became almost critical for Schumacher, who lost 10 points this week-end. Only one chance remains for Schumacher to win his eighth champion's title - if he wins the final ", "context_right": " and Alonso doesn't score any points. \"I have to say clearly I don't really believe in the championship anymore,\" was Schumacher's reaction. ", "mention": "2006 Brazilian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "54429"} {"context_title": "Sergio Pérez zwycięzcą Grand Prix Sakhiru", "context_date": "7 grudnia 2020", "context_left": "Dla Sergio Péreza była to pierwsza wygrana w Formule 1, do tej pory najlepszy wynik notował w ", "context_right": ", Grand Prix Włoch 2012 i Grand Prix Turcji 2020, gdzie zajął drugie miejsce. Na swoje pierwsze zwycięstwo Meksykanin czekał aż 190 wyścigów, co czyni go kierowcą, który najdłużej czekał na wygranie swojego pierwszego wyścigu (do tej pory rekord ten dzierżył Mark Webber, który dopiero w 130. starcie wygrał pierwszy wyścig Formuły 1 w karierze). Jest też pierwszym meksykańskim kierowcą od Grand Prix Belgii 1970, kiedy to triumfował Pedro Rodríguez. Dla Racing Point to pierwsza wygrana pod dotychczasową nazwą – licząc poprzednie wcielenia (Jordan Grand Prix, MF1 Racing, Spyker i Force India) jest to piąte zwycięstwo zespołu z Silverstone.", "mention": "Grand Prix Malezji 2012", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "173010"} {"context_title": "Felipe Massa wins 2008 Turkish Grand Prix", "context_date": "May 11, 2008", "context_left": "In other related news this week, Super Aguri-Honda withdrew from the Formula-1 after participatng in four races this season. The team principal Aguri Suzuki claimed in the press release it all started when SS United Group defaulted it's payment previous years and the absence of support from Honda. The team was put into external administration. Thus the race featured only 10 teams and 20 cars for the first time since the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2005 Chinese Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "220824"} {"context_title": "Rwandan army officer sentenced to 25 years for genocide", "context_date": "February 26, 2010", "context_left": "Lt Colonel Ephrem Setako — a former Rwandan army officer — has been sentenced to 25 years in prison for ordering the killing of between 30 and 40 people during the 1994 ", "context_right": ". He was found guilty on Thursday of genocide, crimes against humanity, and murder.", "mention": "Rwandan genocide", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "131297"} {"context_title": "At least 3 police officers killed in Pittsburgh shootings", "context_date": "April 4, 2009", "context_left": "Two weeks ago four police officers were killed in a fatal shooting in Oakland, Calif., in what was the deadliest day for U.S. law enforcement since ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Sept. 11, 2001", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Polen lammet etter at den politiske eliten dør i flykrasj", "context_date": "10. april 2010", "context_left": "Flyet skulle levere politikerene i Smolensk i anledning en minnesmarkering for ", "context_right": ". Polens statsminister, Donald Tusk har innkalt til et ekstraordinært krisemøte.", "mention": "Katyn-massakren", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "134301"} {"context_title": "Mark Webber wins 2012 British Grand Prix", "context_date": "July 9, 2012", "context_left": "Red Bull Racing's Mark Webber won the ", "context_right": " yesterday at Silverstone, having started second on the grid behind Alonso's Ferrari.", "mention": "2012 British Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "173155"} {"context_title": "English town wants to move to Scotland", "context_date": "February 17, 2008", "context_left": "Located 57 miles from Edinburgh, Scotland and over 300 miles from London, Berwick was a frequent bone of contention in the border wars between the independent kingdoms of England and Scotland, changing hands at least 13 times between 1147 and 1482. Under the Treaty of Perpetual Peace agreed in 1502 by the English King Henry VII and the Scottish King James IV, Berwick was declared to be \"of the Kingdom of England but not in it\". This resulted in Berwick having to be named individually in legislation until the British Parliament passed the Wales and Berwick Act in 1746 which stated that unless specially specified otherwise, the term \"England\" in laws included Berwick and Wales; in 1853 the declaration of ", "context_right": " specifically mentioned Berwick, but the 1856 Treaty of Paris did not, leading to the urban legend that the town was still at war with Russia until the Mayor signed a peace treaty with a Soviet diplomat in 1966.", "mention": "war on Russia", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "254106"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Παραγουάης νίκησε την Εθνική Βενεζουέλας με σκορ 5-3 στα πέναλτι", "context_date": "21 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Παραγουάης νίκησε με σκορ 5:3 στα πέναλτι την Εθνική Βενεζουέλας, για τον Β' Ημιτελικό του ", "context_right": ", το οποίο διεξάγεται στην Αργεντινή.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "Las autoridades electorales de Colombia dan luz verde a las elecciones del Congreso", "context_date": "12 de marzo de 2010", "context_left": "El domingo, el Consejo Nacional Electoral y el de Colombia avanzaron en la agenda para las elecciones en la rama legislativa, y proyectar a su vez, ", "context_right": " para el 30 de mayo.", "mention": "la elección de Presidente", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1124504"} {"context_title": "Reus wird Europameisterschaft wegen einer Verletzung verpassen", "context_date": "11.06.2016", "context_left": " Joachim Löw, Geschäftsführer der Deutschen Fußballnationalmannschaft, nahm Borussia Dortmunds Mittelfeldspieler Marco Reus aus dem ", "context_right": "-Kader. Marco Reus, der am 31. Mai 27 Jahre alt wurde, leidet an einer Leistenverletzung. Er verpasste auch die Fußball-Weltmeisterschaft 2014 mit einer Knöchelverletzung.", "mention": "Euro-2016", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "189571"} {"context_title": "Gewalt gegen Muslime rasant angestiegen", "context_date": "03.08.2005", "context_left": "Seit den Anschlägen vom ", "context_right": " soll Scotland Yard bereits 269 Fälle von Körperverletzungen, Beleidigungen oder Sachbeschädigungen an Moscheen registriert haben.", "mention": "7. Juli 2005", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "El apoyo a la independencia de Escocia continúa por debajo en las encuestas", "context_date": "16 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "A dos días del ", "context_right": ", las encuestas de intención de voto revelan que el \"no\" a la independencia de Escocia se mantiene cuatro puntos por encima del \"sí\". Son dos sondeos, publicados a última hora este martes y encargados por los periódicos \"The Telegraph\" y \"Scotsman\", los que muestran estos resultados. La encuesta de Opinium publicada por \"The Telegraph\", que se basó en las respuestas de 1500 escoceses, asegura que el 52% de los encuestados apoyo la unión ante el 48% que desea la independencia. Mientras que la encuesta, realizada a 1000 escoceses por \"Scotsman\", da los mismos resultados.", "mention": "referéndum secesionista del jueves", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "FEMA accused of misusing trained disaster workers as public-relations workers", "context_date": "September 12, 2005", "context_left": "The Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) is being criticized for misallocation of personnel in the wake of ", "context_right": ". FEMA representatives said they requested volunteers from fire departments around the U.S., to handle its community relations campaign. However, a document FEMA sent to local fire departments asked for firefighters with very specific skills and who were capable of working in \"austere conditions\". Fire departments around the nation responded by sending crews to the FEMA staging ground in Atlanta. Some of these crews were unaware that they were only going to be used for public relations work. Others, however, merely hoped that FEMA would allocate them to rescue and damage control operations once it saw their qualifications.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Barack Obama anuncia fim da missão no Iraque até 2010", "context_date": "27 de fevereiro de 2009", "context_left": "O fim da ", "context_right": " é uma das prinicipais bandeiras de campanha de Obama.", "mention": "Guerra do Iraque", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Fearing protests, Israel seals off West Bank", "context_date": "March 13, 2010", "context_left": "The Al-Aqsa mosque is a holy site for both Muslims and Jews, however Muslims fear that along with the rest of Jerusalem, Al-Aqsa is to be annexed and claimed by Israel. It has been a flash point for conflict during the Israeli–Palestinian conflict, sparking the ", "context_right": " in 2000. Only worshipers with an Israeli identity card and age 50 or over were allowed to pray today at the mosque. In response, Palestinian youths have reportedly thrown rocks at Israeli soldiers, and several Palestinians have been badly wounded.", "mention": "Second Intifada", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "49106"} {"context_title": "Jenson Button wins 2006 Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_date": "August 6, 2006", "context_left": "A rainy weekend turned out to be a great show for the spectators of the 13th round of the FIA Formula-1 championship. The ", "context_right": " held on Hungaroring, Budapest provided an entertaining race with a few upsets.", "mention": "Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "507730"} {"context_title": "Trump begint met ontmantelen klimaatakkoord", "context_date": "28 maart 2017", "context_left": "Klimaatwetenschappers reageren zeer bezorgd. Het halen van de doelstellingen in het ", "context_right": " (niet meer dan 2 °C opwarming ten opzichte van de industriële revolutie) was al moeilijk, maar lijkt vrijwel onmogelijk te worden nu Trump (die zelf niet gelooft in de opwarming van de aarde) met dit decreet weer volop groen licht geeft voor het winnen van fossiele brandstoffen. Ze wijzen er wel op dat Trumps beslissing niet zomaar uitgevoerd zal kunnen worden; alleen al binnen de VS zijn er verschillende deelstaten die er heel anders dan Trump tegenaan kijken.", "mention": "in 2015 gesloten klimaatakkoord", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "15715792"} {"context_title": "United States Senator Lieberman to speak at Republican party convention", "context_date": "August 20, 2008", "context_left": "United States (U.S.) Senator Joe Lieberman is scheduled to speak at the ", "context_right": ", according to a member of the McCain campaign who wishes to remain anonymous. Lieberman, who was the Democratic vice presidential candidate in the 2000 presidential election, has been one of Republican party candidate, John McCain's, staunchest supporters. ", "mention": "Republican party convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "シラク仏大統領、視覚障害で入院", "context_date": "2005年9月4日", "context_left": "3日、首相はアメリカ合衆国のブッシュ大統領を訪問し、アメリカのハリケーン「", "context_right": "」の被災支援を申し出ている件など、緊急の案件について意見を交換した。", "mention": "カトリーナ", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "В Казахстане накажут за сословную рознь", "context_date": "15 января 2015", "context_left": "По сходной статье о разжигании социальной розни была осуждена активный участник ", "context_right": " в 2011 году Роза Тулетаева.", "mention": "Протестов в Мангистау", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1087721"} {"context_title": "Памятнику русской архитектуры в Ташкенте угрожает снос", "context_date": "13 июля 2017", "context_left": "Памятник архитектуры построен в 1913—1916 годах и проработал в качестве приюта до ", "context_right": ". С 1918 по 1931 год в бывшем приюте размещалась образцовая трудовая школа-коммуна имени Карла Либкнехта для сирот и беспризорников, возглавляемая местным педагогом В. Ф. Лубенцовым. В 1931 году, когда Ташкент стал столицей Узбекской ССР, здание отошло под правительственные нужды, а с 1941 года приняло эвакуированных из Ленинграда учёных-энергетиков. На протяжении 75 лет здесь функционировал научный центр, большую часть времени именовавшийся Институтом энергетики и автоматики. Согласно интервью с сотрудником института, проведённом «Газетой.уз», здесь были смонтированы уникальные установки — каскадный трансформатор, линия электропередачи, вдвое более эффективная, чем обычная. С 2006 года бывший Кауфманский приют официально является памятником архитектуры.", "mention": "Октябрьской революции", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "42976"} {"context_title": "Colombia obtiene el tercer puesto de la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "27 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Colombia clasificó tercero en esta ", "context_right": " al derrotar al anfitrión, Estados Unidos por la mínima diferencia. El autor del gol en la Universidad de Phoenix en Glendale, Arizona fue Carlos Bacca en el minuto 31.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Леонардо Ди Каприо открыл 66-ой Каннский кинофестиваль", "context_date": "16 мая 2013", "context_left": "Вечером в среду, 15 мая 2013 года, на французской Ривьере открылся ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "66-ой Каннский кинофестиваль", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "2891443"} {"context_title": "中国代表团痛失首金 孙扬受委屈赛后痛哭", "context_date": "2016年8月8日", "context_left": "在", "context_right": "决赛中,美国选手维珍尼亚·卓华舒雅以208.0环创奥运会决赛纪录夺得本届奥运会的首枚金牌,而杜丽则以207.0环夺得银牌,易思玲以185.4环屈居第三。而男子10米空气手枪比赛方面,越南41岁老将黄春荣以202.5环的决赛夺得越南奥运史上首枚金牌,中国选手庞伟以108.4环的成绩获得铜牌。", "mention": "女子10米空气步枪", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "26218171"} {"context_title": "Mar del Plata festejó su aniversario número 136", "context_date": "11 de febrero de 2010", "context_left": "La ciudad argentina de Mar del Plata, principal centro turístico del país, festejo su 136º aniversario en un acto. Éste es el primero de la serie de eventos programados en conmemoración del Bicentenario de la ", "context_right": ", el primer gobierno argentino.", "mention": "Revolución de Mayo", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "838980"} {"context_title": "DeLay declares 'victory' in war on U.S. budget fat", "context_date": "September 19, 2005", "context_left": "The debate was sparked by controversy over spending on relief and reconstruction in the wake ", "context_right": "; which some fiscal conservatives have humorously labeled \"Bush's New Orleans Deal.\" Liberal criticism of the reconstruction effort has focused on the awarding of reconstruction contracts to perceived Washington insiders.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Un terremoto de 7,2 grados sacude China", "context_date": "21 de marzo de 2008", "context_left": "De acuerdo al geofísico Dale Grant del USGS, este es el mayor terremoto del que se tenga constancia que jamás haya ocurrido en la región. El ", "context_right": " en Shaanxi habría tenido una magnitud estimada de por lo menos 8,0, y se saldó con 830.000 muertes.", "mention": "terremoto de 1556", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "191293"} {"context_title": "Ecuador y Perú empatan en dos tantos por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "9 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Ecuador y Perú empataron en dos goles en el segundo partido de la ", "context_right": ". El conjunto ecuatoriano debió recuperarse de una desventaja de dos goles que su rival consiguió en los primeros quince minutos. Christian Cueva y Edisón Flores fueron los autores de los goles peruanos y Enner Valencia y Miler Bolaños los goleadores ecuatorianos.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "US candidate Barack Obama announces Joe Biden as his running mate via text message", "context_date": "August 23, 2008", "context_left": "The ", "context_right": " in Denver, Colorado begins on August 25, 2008. Biden will reportedly speak on the third night of the convention. ", "mention": "2008 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "Презентации книги понтийского грека помешал коронавирус", "context_date": "23 апреля 2020", "context_left": "«Я в глубокой депрессии — презентация в Афинах греческой версии моей книги, назначенная на 23 апреля, сорвана карантином. Говорят, что это очень на долго, а мне уже перевалило за 85!» — написал нам Александр Дионисиади () и мы решили поговорить с автором книги, озаглавленной «Из ", "context_right": " в сталинское полымя».", "mention": "турецкого огня", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "911233"} {"context_title": "US Senate postpones vote on Libya conflict to focus on national debt", "context_date": "July 6, 2011", "context_left": "The resolution would have authorized a supporting role in the ", "context_right": " for up to a year. It specifically prohibited the deployment of US ground forces, and the use of US resources in reconstruction efforts. The administration of President Barack Obama has argued that congressional authorization is not needed, but welcomes a statement of support from the legislature. Last month, several US congressmen filed a lawsuit against the Obama administration, claiming its military operations in Libya are illegal because they did not have legislative approval.", "mention": "Libya conflict", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "Си Цзиньпин назначен генеральным секретарём XVIII съезда КПК", "context_date": "7 ноября 2012", "context_left": "Си Цзиньпин назначен генеральным секретарём ", "context_right": " Коммунистической партии Китая.", "mention": "XVIII съезда", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "137566"} {"context_title": "Terremoto de 6,4 grados en la región de la India", "context_date": "30 de marzo de 2010", "context_left": "El terremoto tuvo una profundidad de 45,4 kilómetros, el epicentro se ubico a 215 kilómetros (135 millas) al norte de Puerto Blair. La zona también fue afectada por el ", "context_right": " que afectó a la zona del Oceáno Índico.", "mention": "gran tsunami de 2004", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "130754"} {"context_title": "Presidente de Polonia muere en accidente aéreo", "context_date": "10 de abril de 2010", "context_left": "El avión, un Tupolev Tu-154 que partió de Varsovia, se disponía a aterrizar en una zona de difíciles condiciones de visibilidad en la ciudad rusa de Smolensk cuando sufrió un accidente en el cual no se registran sobrevivientes. La aeronave viajaba con 96 personas quienes se disponían a conmemorar los 70 años de la ", "context_right": ". Las causas del accidente se encuentran bajo investigación.", "mention": "Masacre de Katyn", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "134301"} {"context_title": "Скончался бывший президент Польши Войцех Ярузельский", "context_date": "25 мая 2014", "context_left": "В июле 1943 года Войцех вступил в 1-ю польскую пехотную дивизию им. Тадеуша Костюшко, сформированную на территории СССР. В том же году окончил Рязанское пехотное училище, куда принимали и поляков. В чине поручика сражался в составе второй пехотной дивизии им. Генрика Домбровского. С 1943 года — командир взвода автоматчиков, с весны 1944 — командир взвода конной разведки, с января 1945 — помощник начальника штаба 5-го пехотного полка по разведке. Принимал участие в военных операциях на Висле, на Магнушевском плацдарме, в ", "context_right": ", штурме Поморского вала, в боях на Балтийском побережье, Одере и Эльбе (Лабе). За отвагу в боях награждён многими польскими боевыми медалями и орденами, в том числе и высшей военной наградой Польши орденом «Virtuti Militari» (WiN).", "mention": "освобождении Варшавы", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "159065"} {"context_title": "Operação do Rio para Copa América dá destaque ao Chile e Equador", "context_date": "13 de junho de 2019", "context_left": "A prefeitura do Rio expôs hoje (13) o esquema de operação da para o período da ", "context_right": ". O planejamento é principalmente na região do Maracanã e no entorno da Praça Mauá, centro onde será realizada a Fan Fest. Também fazem parte do esquema os pontos turísticos, , , entre outros locais.", "mention": "Copa América de 2019", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "4630358"} {"context_title": "Aereo da turismo precipita su Manhattan", "context_date": "11 ottobre 2006", "context_left": "L'incendio conseguente all'impatto ha coinvolto i 2 piani superiori dell'edificio. Sul posto sono intervenuti i Vigili del Fuoco. Ricordando gli ", "context_right": ", l'FBI esclude per il momento l'ipotesi terroristica.", "mention": "Attentati dell'11 settembre 2001", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Впервые за шесть лет на Северный Кавказ вновь ввели войска", "context_date": "8 октября 2012", "context_left": "Напомним, что армейские подразделения вошли в Дагестан и Чечню в составе Объединенной группировки войск в 1999 году (см. ", "context_right": ").", "mention": "Вторая чеченская война", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "120843"} {"context_title": "George Clooney auf der 56. Berlinale", "context_date": "10.02.2006", "context_left": " Gestern Abend wurde in Berlin im Beisein von rund 2.000 Ehrengästen feierlich die Berlinale eröffnet. Es handelt sich um die ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "„56. Internationalen Filmfestspiele Berlin“", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "81800"} {"context_title": "Израиль разбомбил штаб-квартиру Хамас в секторе Газа", "context_date": "17 ноября 2012", "context_left": "17 ноября 2012 года, около 03:30 по местному времени (05:30 по Москве), в рамках ", "context_right": " беспилотники ВВС Израиля поразили штаб-квартиру движения ХАМАС в секторе Газа.", "mention": "операции «Облачный столп»", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "53692"} {"context_title": "バージニアの銃乱射容疑者がテレビ局にビデオ送付", "context_date": "2007年4月19日", "context_left": "ビデオの中で容疑者は「おまえたちが私を追い込んだ」などと語っているほか、富裕層をののしる場面もあった。実際に録画された時期は不明。写真には、ナイフや銃を手にした姿が写されていた。また、時事通信によると文書の中で1999年の", "context_right": "に言及し、2名の少年犯を「殉教者」と呼んだ。", "mention": "コロンバイン高校銃乱射事件", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "473845"} {"context_title": "Fernando Alonso wins 2008 Singapore Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 28, 2008", "context_left": "This allowed Sebastian Vettel (STR-Ferrari), ", "context_right": " triumphant, to gain one position and finish fifth.", "mention": "the previous race", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179397"} {"context_title": "IMF head remains in New York prison; charged over alleged hotel sex attack", "context_date": "May 15, 2011", "context_left": "Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund, remained in jail last night after being charged with sexually attacking a chambermaid at a New York City hotel. Strauss-Kahn has agreed to undergo forensic screening before he appears in court, and has vowed to \"vigorously\" defend himself against the charges, which are likely to create a leadership void at the IMF, disrupt emergency talks over the ", "context_right": ", and spell the end of his political career.", "mention": "European debt crisis", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "217197"} {"context_title": "На чемпіонаті світу з біатлону українка Олена Підгрушна здобула золоту медаль", "context_date": "9 лютого 2013", "context_left": "На ", "context_right": " у Новому Месті-на-Мораві українка Олена Підгрушна здобула золоту медаль, Віта Семеренко — бронзу.", "mention": "чемпіонат світу з біатлону", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "855881"} {"context_title": "22 killed as heavy rain hits Panzhihua, China", "context_date": "July 28, 2009", "context_left": "Last spring the province was hit by a 7.9 ", "context_right": " which left 68,636 dead and nearly 375,000 injured. ", "mention": "earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "152033"} {"context_title": "Death of 4000th U.S. soldier in Iraq shines spotlight on gays in the military", "context_date": "April 9, 2008", "context_left": "The January occasion of the death of the 4,000th member of the United States military in the ", "context_right": " brought renewed focus on the military's \"Don't ask, don't tell\" (DADT) policy towards LGBT service members, according to the \"Washington Post\" and other media sources. ", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Sáblíková obhájila zlato z Vancouveru na pětikilometrové trati", "context_date": "19. únor 2014", "context_left": "Poté přišla na řadu Olga Grafová, která letos získala ", "context_right": " bronz. Ruské publikum ji hlasitě hnalo k nejlepšímu ruskému výsledku a průběžně také k druhému nejlepšímu času, 6:55,77.", "mention": "na třech kilometrech", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "15132121"} {"context_title": "Hallan cadáveres y explosivos dentro de vehículos en la región rusa de Stávropol", "context_date": "9 de enero de 2014", "context_left": "En julio pasado, extremistas islámicos de la región del Cáucaso Norte instaron a hacer uso de la \"fuerza máxima\" para evitar la celebración de los XXII Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno. Dokú Umárov líder de los extremistas, fue autor del ", "context_right": ", los Atentados del metro de Moscú de 2010 y es sospechoso de los Atentados de Volgogrado de diciembre pasado.", "mention": "Atentado del Aeropuerto Internacional de Moscú-Domodédovo de 2011", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "207513"} {"context_title": "Papua New Guinea represented by two Paralympians in London", "context_date": "August 24, 2012", "context_left": "The 2012 Games will be the fourth time the country has participated, with the three other appearances happening at the ", "context_right": ", 2000 Summer Paralympics and 2008 Summer Paralympics. Other members of the Papua New Guinea 2012 Paralympic delegation include PNG Paralympic Committee President Bernard Chan; Chef de Mission Dr. Kefu Ma; team manager Rosemary Mawe; Davina Chan, the president's wife; coach William McKenny; and official Jeffrey Robby.", "mention": "1984 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "599707"} {"context_title": "Blair is first public official to apologize for Hurricane Katrina response", "context_date": "September 8, 2005", "context_left": "British Prime Minister Tony Blair has apologised to Britons affected by ", "context_right": ". Many British citizens who were trapped in the New Orleans have complained to the British Foreign Office about the lack of response from their government after the hurricane destabilized almost 200 miles of the United States gulf coast.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Fallece el historiador mexicano Miguel León-Portilla a los 93 años", "context_date": "2 de octubre de 2019", "context_left": "Nacido el 22 de febrero de 1926 en la Ciudad de México el académico fue un estudioso y defensor de las culturas originarias del país. Fue autor de obras como \"La filosofía náhuatl estudiada en sus fuentes\", su tesis doctoral, publicada por la UNAM en 1959. Por su parte, la \"Visión de los vencidos\", un compilado de textos escritos en náhuatl que reflejaban la visión indígena de la ", "context_right": ", que se tradujo a más de veinte idiomas. El académico decía que la obra recibió ese título «para contradecir la idea de que solo los vencedores escriben la historia».", "mention": "Conquista de México", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "828435"} {"context_title": "En diversas zonas de Japón el agua y la comida están contaminadas con radiación", "context_date": "19 de marzo de 2011", "context_left": "Edano informó además que analizarán otros alimentos en busca de rastros radioactivos en el que se considera el peor accidente nuclear desde la ", "context_right": " en Ucrania", "mention": "catástrofe de Chenóbil", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Gliders defeat USA in 2012 Paralympic semifinals", "context_date": "September 8, 2012", "context_left": "This semifinal victory advances the Gliders into the final, where they are to meet the winner of the day's match between the Netherlands and Germany. They are guaranteed at least silver. The Gliders won silver in Sydney in 2000 and Athens ", "context_right": " and bronze in Beijing in 2008, but have never won the gold. The USA team is to meet the loser of that match to contest the bronze.", "mention": "in 2004", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "840654"} {"context_title": "Julian Assange presenta el Proyecto K, “la publicación geopolítica más importante que haya existido”", "context_date": "9 de abril de 2013", "context_left": "El Proyecto K contiene 1,7 millones de archivos, los cuales constan de comunicaciones diplomáticas del Departamento de Estado de EE. UU. La presentación fue realizada por videoconferencia desde la embajada ecuatoriana a varios periodistas en el National Press Club en Washington D. C. En ese mismo lugar hace casi tres años, Assange habló sobre \"", "context_right": "\", un vídeo filtrado que muestra soldados estadounidenses disparando contra 12 civiles iraquíes (incluyendo a Saeed Chmagh y Namir Noor-Eldeen, empleados de la agencia de noticias Reuters) el cual ha sido considerado uno de los mayores aportes de WikiLeaks al periodismo. Este vídeo también fue la causa de muchas investigaciones gubernamentales en relación al sitio web y al propio Assange, quien ha esperado durante casi un año un salvoconducto que le permita ingresar a Ecuador, donde se le otorgó asilo político.", "mention": "Asesinato colateral", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1788040"} {"context_title": "다국적군, 리비아에서 오디세이 새벽 작전 개시", "context_date": "2011년 3월 20일", "context_left": "영국, 미국, 프랑스가 주축이 된 다국적군이 19일 리비아에 대한 \"", "context_right": "\"을 개시했다. 다국적군은 전투기로 수도 트리폴리를 공습했고, 미국과 영국의 함정이 리비아의 대공망을 표적으로 크루즈 미사일을 발사했다. 이번 작전은 17일 UN에서 결의된 \"비행 금지 구역\" 설정에 따른 것이다. 카다피 국가 원수는 이번 공습에 대해 \"식민지화를 위한 공격\"이라며 결사 항전의 의지를 밝혔다.", "mention": "오디세이 새벽 작전", "context_lang": "ko", "label_id": "878102"} {"context_title": "Angela Merkel dal 2021 non assumerà più incarichi politici", "context_date": "30 ottobre 2018", "context_left": "Il suo ritiro avviene dopo le elezioni di land in Assia e Baviera, dove la CDU e l'alleato CSU hanno avuto un calo vistoso delle percentuali rispetto alle elezioni precedenti, e il ", "context_right": ", che ha orientato una parte degli elettori contro il governo in carica, considerato in merito troppo prono agli interessi delle aziende; la decisione, però, ha dichiarato la Merkel, è maturata durante la pausa estiva e va in contrasto con la sua dichiarazione passata che presidenza del partito e governo debbano essere entrambi in mano alla stessa persona.", "mention": "dieselgate", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "21000630"} {"context_title": "Человек, 35 лет назад стрелявший в президента Рейгана, выходит из психиатрической клиники", "context_date": "11 сентября 2016", "context_left": "Джон-Хинкли-младший, 35 лет назад совершивший ", "context_right": " на жизнь президента Рональда Рейгана, в субботу, 10 сентября 2016 года, вышел из психиатрической больницы в Вашингтоне. Решение об освобождении Джона Хинкли было принято после того, как в июле федеральный судья вынес постановление, согласно которому Хинкли не представляет опасности для себя и для общества.", "mention": "покушение", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "757979"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel wins 2009 Japanese Grand Prix", "context_date": "October 4, 2009", "context_left": "Red Bull driver Sebastian Vettel won from pole position the Formula One ", "context_right": " at Suzuka Circuit, Japan.", "mention": "2009 Japanese Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172930"} {"context_title": "Ahmadinejad amenaza a Israel desde Líbano", "context_date": "14 de octubre de 2010", "context_left": "Mahmud Ahmadinejad, presidente de Irán, amenazó a Israel con el vaticinio de la \"desaparición del sionismo\", en un acto masivo ocurrido en Bint Jbeil, Líbano. A ello Benjamín Netanyahu respondió irónicamente \"miren que ejército\", refiriéndose a las tropas israelitas que ganaron la ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Guerra árabe-israelí de 1948", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "49092"} {"context_title": "Soldados ejecutan un golpe de estado en Níger", "context_date": "18 de febrero de 2010", "context_left": "Un grupo de soldados rebeldes irrumpieron hoy en el palacio presidencial de Níger, un país ubicado en el África subsahariana, y ", "context_right": " Tandja Mamadou y a su gabinete, que se encontraban reunidos en ese momento. El golpe fue guiado por el mayor Adamou Harouna, según varias fuentes militares. Por el momento se ha oficializado la muerte de entre 3 y 4 soldados.", "mention": "han logrado retener al presidente", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "924625"} {"context_title": "جريدة فرنسية تنشر رسوماً كاريكاتورية للنبي محمد", "context_date": "19 سبتمبر 2012", "context_left": "نشرت صحيفة شارلي إبدو الفرنسية الأسبوعية الهزلية في عددها الذي يصدر اليوم الأربعاء مجموعة رسوم كاريكاتورية موضوعها النبي محمد. وقد تعطل موقع المحلة على الإنترنت اليوم ولم يعد متاحاً إلا بصعوبة. ويأتي نشر الكاريكاتير في فترة ", "context_right": " مقطع من فيلم «براءة المسلمين» بداعي أنه يسيء إلى شخص محمد. وعلق مسؤولون سياسيون فرنسيون على هذا قرار النشر المعلن في وقت سابق مؤكدين على مبدأ حرية التعبير في فرنسا، وداعين في نفس الوقت أن يتحلى الجميع بالمسؤولية عن أفعالهم. كما أعلنت فرنسا عن إغلاق سفاراتها ومدارسها في 20 بلداً يوم الجمعة القادم.", "mention": "احتجاجات على نشر", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "29489"} {"context_title": "Fire nordmenn på topp i sprinten under VM i skiskyting", "context_date": "14. februar 2009", "context_left": "<onlyinclude>De fire nordmennene som var med i dagens skiskyttersprint under ", "context_right": " i Pyeongchang i Sør-Korea tok alle de fire øverste plassene.</onlyinclude>", "mention": "VM i skiskyting", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "494824"} {"context_title": "Verdacht pakket op kerstmarkt Potsdam was chantagemiddel", "context_date": "4 december 2017", "context_left": "Berlijn is extra alert op mogelijke terreurdreiging sinds de ", "context_right": ", waarbij 12 doden vielen. ", "mention": "aanslag op een kerstmarkt vorig jaar", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "28036573"} {"context_title": "Canadian teams vie for spot at the World Curling Championship", "context_date": "March 9, 2009", "context_left": "Jennifer Jones' Team Canada from Winnipeg, Manitoba became repeat Canadian champions during the 2009 Scotties Tournament of Hearts held from February 21 to March 1 at the Save-On-Foods Memorial Centre in Victoria British Columbia. They will now proceed to the ", "context_right": " at Gangneung, South Korea from March 21 to 29, 2009. They are also guaranteed a spot in the 2009 Canadian Olympic Curling Trials.", "mention": "2009 World Womens Curling Championship", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "562850"} {"context_title": "Confirman participación de Costa Rica en la Copa América 2011", "context_date": "17 de mayo de 2011", "context_left": "La Federación Costarricense de Fútbol de Costa Rica, confirmó que la selección nacional de este país participará en la ", "context_right": " que se dará del 1° al 24 de julio de 2011, en Argentina; en sustitución de Japón, quien confirmó que no jugaría por los problemas que en este momento el país asiático está enfrentando, en un informe dado por el Comité Organizador de la Copa América 2011 a Costa Rica.", "mention": "Copa América 2011", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "У нападу НАТО погинуло девет побуњеника", "context_date": "2. април 2011.", "context_left": ", (Beta-AFP) - У ", "context_right": " на област у близини Бреге на истоку Либије погинуло је девет побуњеника против либијског режима и четири цивила, изјавио је у суботу један званичник из града Аџдабије.", "mention": "ваздушном нападу НАТО-а", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "81545"} {"context_title": "United States military death toll in Iraq reaches 4,000", "context_date": "March 24, 2008", "context_left": "The milestone was reached just days after the fifth anniversary of the start of the ", "context_right": " on March 19, 2003 when the United States and the United Kingdom invaded Iraq \"to disarm Iraq of weapons of mass destruction (WMD), to end Saddam Hussein's support for terrorism, and to free the Iraqi people.\" However, no weapons of mass destruction have been located yet.", "mention": "war", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "El Vaticano denuncia la publicación de noticias falsas para condicionar el cónclave", "context_date": "23 de febrero de 2013", "context_left": " Tras la publicación por parte del diario italiano \"La Repubblica\" que unos supuestos escándalos sexuales y corrupción podrían estar detrás de la renuncia de Benedicto XVI por motivos de edad, el portavoz Federico Lombardi afirmó que eso eran \"meras fantasías y especulaciones\". Hoy, tres días más tarde de que la noticia saltase a la opinión pública, la Secretaría de Estado del Vaticano publica un comunicado afirmando que algunos medios están publicando noticias falsas para condicionar ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "el próximo cónclave, en el que se elegirá al sucesor de Joseph Ratzinger", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "4422669"} {"context_title": "Más de 30 muertos deja en México el terremoto de magnitud 8.2", "context_date": "8 de septiembre de 2017", "context_left": "Por su parte, \"El País\" señala que más de 50 millones de mexicanos fueron afectados por el sismo. El Sismológico Nacional Mexicano realizó tres revisiones de su intensidad y señaló que se trata del sismo más intenso registrado en México en casi un siglo, superando al ", "context_right": ", que dejó más de 10 mil muertos.", "mention": "terremoto del 19 de septiembre de 1985", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1798567"} {"context_title": "Congressista e ativista de direitos humanos John Lewis morre nos EUA", "context_date": "18 de julho de 2020", "context_left": "Em 1986, ele se tornou membro do Congresso. Ele passou cerca de 23 anos neste cargo, abordando ativamente questões de igualdade racial e opondo-se ao envolvimento dos EUA em conflitos militares (em particular, a ", "context_right": " e Iraque).", "mention": "Guerra do Golfo", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "Australian Paralympian Janet Shaw dies aged 46", "context_date": "December 4, 2012", "context_left": "This is the second recent death of an Australian Paralympian. In late November, another Australian Paralympian, Peter Marsh of Queensland, died at the age of 64. He competed at the ", "context_right": ", 1980 Summer Paralympics and 1984 Summer Paralympics. Prior to his death, he was active in a project to document the history of the Paralympic movement in Australia on Wikipedia.", "mention": "1976 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "654689"} {"context_title": "Japanese emperor makes live television appearance after earthquake", "context_date": "March 16, 2011", "context_left": "A statement by the Imperial household said Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko want to visit the area affected by the tsunami, but the important thing now is rescuing the victims. In 1995 the emperor and empress visited Kobe after an ", "context_right": " struck and killed 6,400 people.", "mention": "earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "214866"} {"context_title": "170 ciudades de Estados Unidos registran protestas por caso Michael Brown", "context_date": "26 de noviembre de 2014", "context_left": "La muerte del joven desencadenó ", "context_right": ", que provocaron saqueos y destrozos. Durante las manifestaciones en Minneapolis, una mujer fue atropelleda por un auto. \"The Star Tribune\" informó que el conductor del automóvil tocó la bocina a los manifestantes antes de golpear a varias personas y aparentemente pasar con su vehículo sobre las piernas de la mujer, quien fue hospitalizada por \"heridas menores\".", "mention": "fuertes disturbios en Ferguson", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "17560945"} {"context_title": "Китай потребовал от Индии вывести войска из спорного района в Гималаях", "context_date": "24 июля 2017", "context_left": "Хотя до сих пор стороны проявляют сдержанность, ожесточенная риторика, звучащая из Пекина и Дели, вызывает опасения по поводу возможного возобновления боевых действий, которые привели к короткой, но ", "context_right": " в 1962 году.", "mention": "кровавой войне на границе между двумя странами", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "208694"} {"context_title": "Larry King hält seine letzte Talkshow", "context_date": "18.12.2010", "context_left": "Von 1978 bis 1994 wurde King mit seiner Radioshow „The Larry King Show“ bekannt. Die Fernsehshow „Larry King Live“ auf CNN moderierte er seit 1985. Sie wurde jeden Werktagabend gesendet. Zu wichtigen Ereignissen, wie der Invasion des Irak 2003 oder dem ", "context_right": ", sendete er auch über mehrere Wochen hinweg jeden Tag. Von seinen Interviewpartnern wurde King wegen seiner freundlichen Art geschätzt, was ihm aber auch die Kritik einbrachte, bei den Interviews zu nachsichtig zu sein. Die Sendung litt zuletzt unter einem Rückgang der Zuschauerquote; allein im letzten Jahr war die Quote um 40 Prozent gesunken.", "mention": "Hurrikan Katrina", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Πρεμιέρα για το Ευρωμπάσκετ Γυναικών 2011", "context_date": "18 Ιουνίου 2011", "context_left": "Έναρξη για το ", "context_right": ", το οποίο και θα αποτελέσει την 33η διοργάνωση στην ιστορία του θεσμού, με υπεύθυνο φορέα τη FIBA Europe. Η χώρα που θα φιλοξενήσει τους αγώνες ανάμεσα στις ευρωπαϊκές εθνικές ομάδες είναι η Πολωνία, που στο παρελθόν έχει αναλάβει παρόμοιο καθήκον τρεις ακόμη φορές. Τρεις πόλεις επιλέχθηκαν για τη διοργάνωση: οι Μπιντγκός, Κατοβίτσε και Λοτζ. Οι αγώνες θα λάβουν χώρα κατά το διάστημα από τις 18 Ιουνίου μέχρι 3 Ιουλίου 2011. ", "mention": "Ευρωπαϊκό Πρωτάθλημα Καλαθοσφαίρισης Γυναικών 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "810329"} {"context_title": "Roze Zaterdag 2007 in Bergen op Zoom", "context_date": "30 juni 2007", "context_left": "Deze laatste zaterdag van juni is ook de herdenking van de ", "context_right": " naar aanleiding van het optreden tegen homo's in 1969 van de New Yorkse politie in Christopher Street (Manhattan)|Christopher Street|en, waar in andere landen Gay Pride of Christopher Street Day|Christopher Street (Liberation) Day|en (CSD) hun namen aan ontlenen danwel equivalenten van 'Roze Zaterdag' zijn.", "mention": "Stonewall-rellen", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "51402"} {"context_title": "Ратко Младич приговорён к пожизненному заключению", "context_date": "22 ноября 2017", "context_left": "В 1996 году Младич наряду с другими руководителями Республики Сербской был обвинён Гаагским Международным трибуналом в совершении военных преступлений и геноциде в связи с ", "context_right": ", а также в связи с резнёй в Сребренице. ", "mention": "осадой Сараева", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "175653"} {"context_title": "Suspected 'mastermind' of London bombings no longer a suspect", "context_date": "July 19, 2005", "context_left": "The Egyptian chemist arrested in Cairo last week has no links with the ", "context_right": ", officials have said. The Egyptian interior ministry published a report which \"made clear there was no link between Magdi Asdi el-Nashar and Al Qaeda or the bombings\". Mr Nashar has still not been named a suspect by British police. ", "mention": "London bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Suomalaisia jäänmurtajia Shellin koeporauksiin arktisille merialueille", "context_date": "10. maaliskuuta 2012", "context_left": "Yhdysvaltain viranomaiset ovat vakuuttaneet valvovansa, että Shell toteuttaa poraushankkeensa vastuullisesti ja turvallisesti. Öljynporauksen sääntelyä on tiukennettu ", "context_right": " seurauksena. Obaman hallinnolla on poliittiset intressit sallia hanke polttoaineen hinnannousun ja työttömyyden torjumiseksi.", "mention": "Meksikonlahden öljyonnettomuuden", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "4735638"} {"context_title": "FDA recalls foreign meat used in aid for victims of Hurricane Katrina", "context_date": "September 26, 2005", "context_left": "The American Food and Drug Administration has recalled operational rations (MREs) donated by Britain to help survivors of ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Suspected assassin of Turkish-Armenian journalist arrested", "context_date": "January 21, 2007", "context_left": "A suspect has been arrested in the case of Hrant Dink, the Turkish-Armenian journalist who was assassinated yesterday. Dink was known for writing about the controversial issue of ", "context_right": ", the mass killings of Armenians by Turks under the rule of the Ottoman Empire. ", "mention": "Armenian genocide", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "El Comité Olímpico Internacional respalda a Sochi 2014 tras los atentados de Volgogrado", "context_date": "1 de enero de 2014", "context_left": "En julio pasado, extremistas islámicos de la región del Cáucaso Norte instaron a hacer uso de la \"fuerza máxima\" para evitar la celebración de los XXII Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno. Dokú Umárov líder de los extremistas, fue autor del Atentado del Aeropuerto Internacional de Moscú-Domodédovo de 2011, los ", "context_right": " y es sospechoso de los Atentados de Volgogrado de diciembre de 2013.", "mention": "Atentados del metro de Moscú de 2010", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "269893"} {"context_title": "Denmark convicts three in terror plot case", "context_date": "November 24, 2007", "context_left": "On Friday, the High Court of Eastern Denmark (\"Østre Landsret\") convicted three of four defendants of planning a terrorist attack against Denmark. The three were found guilty of acquiring triacetone triperoxide (TATP) in order to make bombs. TATP is believed to have been the explosive used in the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "London bombings of July 7, 2005", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "67th Annual Golden Globe Award highlights", "context_date": "January 21, 2010", "context_left": "In the midst of the festivities, the ", "context_right": " in Haiti was still on the minds of many attendees. For instance, some wore lapel ribbons to honor the victims, while others noted how strange it was for them to be enjoying something like an award ceremony in the midst of such tragedy.", "mention": "earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "Екатеринбургский Сенат доложил о первой победе над чиновниками", "context_date": "2 июля 2014", "context_left": "Антон же Баков, лидер Монархической партии РФ, рассказал сенаторам о своём последнем достижении в области государственного строительства — как уже ранее сообщали Викиновости, накануне он преобразовал виртуальное государство «Российская империя» в суверенное государство Императорский Престол Домен ЦарьГрад во главе с прямым наследником царствующего дома Романовых Николаем III (наследником Николая II). В перспективе в государстве предполагается работа своего Сената, аналогичного екатеринбургскому — как ранее сообщалось, подобные Сенаты также готовятся к работе и в нескольких других городах России. Для размещения Императорского Престола Баковым был приобретён участок площадью 80 га («в 2 раза больше Ватикана») в Черногории, с властями которой ведутся переговоры о признании нового государства. Участок расположен вблизи Царского моста через реку Зета, построенного русским императором Александром III, а также вблизи монастыря Острог, где хранятся мощи святого Василия-чудотворца. На участке планируется создать туристическую инфраструктуру, центральным элементом которой будет императорский дворец — как сообщалось, курируемый Баковым Дворцовый фонд уже строит один такой дворец в Белоярском районе Свердловской области вблизи Екатеринбурга — знакового места для русской монархии. В докладе Баков подчеркнул, что во множестве церквей Черногории присутствуют иконы царской семьи ", "context_right": ", причисленной церковью к лику святых.", "mention": "расстрелянного в Екатеринбурге Николая II", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1356047"} {"context_title": "Una explosión en Iraq mata docenas de aficionados del fútbol", "context_date": "25 de julio de 2007", "context_left": "Luego de que Iraq ganara por penales a Corea del Sur y se colocara en la final de la ", "context_right": ", docenas de aficionados del fútbol salieron a las calles a festejar; sin embargo, dos autos-bomba estallaron en Bagdad, la capital de Iraq, matando a al menos 50 personas y hiriendo otras 130.", "mention": "Copa Asiática 2007", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "334192"} {"context_title": "Wikinews holds a follow-up interview with Max Riekse, Constitution Party candidate for the 2008 U.S. presidential election", "context_date": "April 25, 2008", "context_left": "Riekse is a retired decorated Lieutenant Colonel in the U.S. Army who served in both the Vietnam War and the ", "context_right": ". He is also a former public school teacher and Assistant Professor of Military Science at Western Michigan University. He has a B.A. in Political Science and International Relations from the University of South Florida as well as two M.A.s, one in Political Science and International Relations, the other in Education and History. Both are from Western Michigan University.", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Florida Keys evacuated in preparation for Rita", "context_date": "September 21, 2005", "context_left": "Rita could affect New Orleans and other places recovering from ", "context_right": " — it may cause a great deal of water to be dumped on the region — worrying officials. Daniel Brown, a hurricane meteorologist, said \"This is something everyone should be paying attention to.\" President Bush adds: \"There is deep concern about this storm causing more flooding in New Orleans.\"", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Александра Воробьёва стала победительницей третьего сезона шоу «Голос»", "context_date": "29 декабря 2014", "context_left": "В прошлом году победил Сергей Волчков, а в позапрошлом победа в «Голосе» досталась участнице команды Градского — Дине Гариповой, которая впоследствии заняла на «", "context_right": "» пятое место.", "mention": "Евровидении-2013", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "10162"} {"context_title": "Oranje maakt vrije val op wereldranglijst", "context_date": "4 juli 2012", "context_left": "Door de vroege uitschakeling op het ", "context_right": " in Polen en Oekraïne heeft het Nederlands elftal een vrije val gemaakt op de FIFA-wereldranglijst. Doordat Nederland 155 punten verliest zakt het land van plaats vier naar plaats acht. Vorig jaar stond Nederland nog op de hoogste plaats. Dit is voor Nederland de laagste positie in vier jaar tijd.", "mention": "EK-voetbal", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "朝鲜废除朝韩间停止政治军事对抗协议", "context_date": "2009年1月31日", "context_left": "朝鲜和韩国在法律意义上仍然处于战争状态,因为他们在1950年到1953年的", "context_right": "后一直没有签署和平协议。", "mention": "朝鲜战争", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Michael Schumacher returns to Formula One to replace injured Massa", "context_date": "July 30, 2009", "context_left": "Seven-time world Formula One racing champion Michael Schumacher announced his plans to replace Felipe Massa in the second Ferrari car in the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " in Valencia, Spain.", "mention": "2009 European Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172932"} {"context_title": "Cuatro años después, persisten las dudas y continúa la exigencia de justicia por el caso Ayotzinapa", "context_date": "26 de septiembre de 2018", "context_left": "Este miércoles se cumplen cuatro años de la ", "context_right": " de la Escuela Normal Rural de Ayotzinapa, en Guerrero, al sur de México. Padres y compañeros de los jóvenes desaparecidos persisten en sus exigencias de \"justicia y verdad\", luego de un año marcado por las batallas jurídicas en torno a la creación de una Comisión de la Verdad para investigar el caso y detenciones infructuosas llevadas a cabo por las autoridades.", "mention": "desaparición forzada de los 43 estudiantes", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "18327329"} {"context_title": "77-я годовщина разгрома немецко-фашистских войск в Заполярье", "context_date": "24 октября 2021", "context_left": "Участники военно-исторической клубов из Мурманской, Архангельской, Московской и других областей реконструировали бой между советскими и немецкими войсками, имитирующий эпизод ", "context_right": " войск Карельского фронта и сил Северного флота периода октября 1944 года. В ходе военно-исторической реконструкции под названием «Прорыв» были использованы средства имитации разрывов авиабомб, снарядов, мин и ручных гранат.", "mention": "Петсамо-Киркенесской наступательной операции", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "705222"} {"context_title": "Medal-seeking Spanish men arrive at 2014 Goalball World Championships", "context_date": "June 29, 2014", "context_left": "Spain's men's national goalball team arrived in Espoo, Finland Friday for the start of the 2014 IBSA Goalball World Championships. The team comes into the tournament with the goal of securing a medal, which would qualify them for the ", "context_right": " in Rio de Janeiro. The team missed the 2012 Summer Paralympics.", "mention": "2016 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1142161"} {"context_title": "Consejo Nacional de Transición declara liberada Libia y convoca a elecciones en junio de 2012", "context_date": "25 de octubre de 2011", "context_left": "Tras ocho meses por los cuales una protesta producto de la primavera árabe se transformó en un conflicto interno para Libia; líderes del Consejo Nacional de Transición de Libia declararon el domingo pasado en la plaza Tahir de Bengasi (que fue capital provisional del país hasta la toma de Trípoli el 22 de agosto pasado), la libertad de Libia tras ", "context_right": " de la Yamahiriya, por lo que ésta queda oficialmente abolida.", "mention": "42 años de gobierno", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "431888"} {"context_title": "Space Shuttle Endeavour launches for final time", "context_date": "May 18, 2011", "context_left": "STS-134 is the 25th and final mission of the Space Shuttle \"Endeavour\", and the 134th and penultimate mission of the Space Shuttle Program. \"Endeavour\", NASA's youngest space shuttle, was originally built to replace the Space Shuttle \"Challenger\" after the 1986 ", "context_right": " that killed its seven crewmembers during the ill-fated launch of the STS-51-L mission. \"Endeavour\"'s first flight was STS-49 in May 1992.", "mention": "disaster", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "858145"} {"context_title": "Indian Army celebrates Victory Day on 35th Anniversary of Bangladeshi Liberation", "context_date": "December 17, 2006", "context_left": "The Indian Army observed \"Vijay Diwas\", marking the defeat of the Pakistani military and the formation of the independent state of Bangladesh (then called East Pakistan) in the ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "1971 Indo-Pakistan War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1922071"} {"context_title": "Исламское государство взяло ответственность за атаку на мечеть в Кабуле", "context_date": "28 августа 2017", "context_left": "Исламское государство возникло в Ираке на основе повстанческих организаций, появившихся после ", "context_right": " в 2003 году. В России признано «запрещённой организацией».", "mention": "вторжения США и их союзников", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Thousands attend anti-war protests in London and Glasgow", "context_date": "March 16, 2008", "context_left": "Yesterday, thousands of people attended anti-war protests in London and Glasgow organised by the Stop the War Coalition. The event marks nearly five years since the 2003 invasion of Iraq which begun the ", "context_right": ". The main themes were \"Troops out of Iraq and Afghanistan\", \"Don’t attack Iran\", and \"End the siege of Gaza\". ", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "孙政才涉嫌严重违纪被立案调查", "context_date": "2017年7月24日", "context_left": "中共中央纪律检查委员会发布消息称,中共中央政治局委员、曾任中共重庆市委书记的孙政才因涉嫌严重违纪,被立案调查,成为2012年", "context_right": "以来第一位被调查的在任中央政治局委员。", "mention": "中共十八大", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "137566"} {"context_title": "New Orleans police officer commits suicide", "context_date": "September 6, 2005", "context_left": "\"Paul was a stellar guy. A perfectionist. Everything had to be just right,\" said Sgt. Joe Narcisse, who worked with Sgt. Accardo. Working 20-hour days after ", "context_right": " rolled through, seeing the dead and injured, hearing the cries of helpless families, and being unable to help them got to Accardo, said Capt. Marlon Defillo.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "初代EU大統領にベルギーのファン・ロンパウ首相が選出", "context_date": "2009年11月23日", "context_left": "イギリスはブレア前首相を大統領候補に推していたが、ブレア氏の首相在任中の", "context_right": "参加や、イギリスがユーロ圏に入っていないことなどが響き、最終的にファン・ロンパウ氏に同意することとなった。", "mention": "イラク戦争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Chile es campeón de la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "27 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "La ronda de penales fue lo más emocionante del partido, ya que salvo en el minuto 100 —cuando Claudio Bravo puso en juego sus dotes de guardameta para contener un cabezazo del Kun Agüero— y otra de Higuaín que quedó mano a mano con el arquero pero desvió el remate, no hubo jugadas de mayor peligro. El partido fue a tiempo suplementario de 30 minutos que terminó sin goles también y en la definición por penales fallaron las máximas figuras de ambos equipos; a Arturo Vidal le atajaron el penal y Messi la tiró lejos del arco. Además fue atajado el penal ejecutado por Biglia. Chile es el campeón de la Copa América y Argentina debe esperar a la ", "context_right": " para tener revancha.", "mention": "Copa América 2019", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "4630358"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Katie Hill, Australian Paralympic wheelchair basketball medallist", "context_date": "September 5, 2012", "context_left": " Do you plan to continue on to ", "context_right": "? Or are you going to be like other Paralympians and retire on top?", "mention": "Rio", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1142161"} {"context_title": "Expedition 26 crew returns to Earth safely", "context_date": "March 17, 2011", "context_left": "Scott Kelly was in space at the time of the ", "context_right": " during which his twin brother's wife, U.S. Rep. Gabrielle Giffords, was shot. He and brother Mark Kelly are the only twins to have both flown into space.", "mention": "Tucson shooting", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "757986"} {"context_title": "President Obama easily wins Texas primary; Romney secures Republican nomination", "context_date": "May 31, 2012", "context_left": "The end of the contested primaries on the Democratic side does not conclude the legal actions of Wolfe and others trying to prevent the unanimous nomination of Obama at September's ", "context_right": ". Wolfe filed suit against the Arkansas Democratic Party for refusing to grant delegates after he won 42 percent in the state. Prison inmate Keith Russell Judd has accused the West Virginia Democratic Party of fraud following his 41 percent showing there and is calling for an investigation.", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2104713"} {"context_title": "衆参ダブル選挙の判断 6月1日に表明 安倍首相", "context_date": "2016年5月28日", "context_left": "衆議院の議席をかえって大幅に減らしてしまう見立てがあるという。なお、", "context_right": "の被害が甚大だったこともあり、衆参ダブル選挙をいま敢行するのは負担が大きいとフジテレビの報道では伝えている。", "mention": "熊本地震", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "23825118"} {"context_title": "Před 50 lety vznikl Institut tropů a subtropů", "context_date": "1. prosinec 2011", "context_left": "To byly počátky současného Institutu tropů a subtropů, který byl nakonec založen v roce 1967 jako \"Institut tropického a subtropického zemědělství\". V komunistické éře plnil úlohu vzdělávání zahraničních studentů. Vše se změnilo po ", "context_right": " v roce 1989, kdy výrazně ubylo zahraničních studentů z rozvojových zemí a institut se otevřel i českým studentům. Dnes má Institut tropů a subtropů čtyři katedry, nabízí dva bakalářské, pět magisterských a dva doktorské programy. Magisterské a doktorské programy jsou vyučovány v angličtině. Institut tropů a subtropů se od svého vzniku podílí na řadě rozvojových projektů v tropech a subtropech.", "mention": "sametové revoluci", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "182817"} {"context_title": "Vierter schwerer Hurrikan in US-Saison ist der stärkste aller Zeiten", "context_date": "20.10.2005", "context_left": " Nach den Hurrikans ", "context_right": ", Dennis und Rita steuert nun Hurrikan Wilma auf die US-Küste zu. Er ist stärker als jeder je gemessene Hurrikan der Geschichte und wird am Samstag auf die US-Küste bei Florida treffen. ", "mention": "Katrina", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Zemřel Fidel Castro", "context_date": "26. listopad 2016", "context_left": "Vláda Fidela Castra na Kubě překonala i USA vedenou invazi v Zátoce sviní, ", "context_right": ", vražedné spiknutí a desetiletí trvající ekonomické sankce. Ale Castro se dožil i oznámení obnovení diplomatických vztahů Washingtonu s Havanou a následné návštěvy prezidenta USA Baracka Obamy v březnu letošního roku.", "mention": "Karibskou krizi", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "128160"} {"context_title": "«Бавария» впервые завоевала Суперкубок УЕФА", "context_date": "31 августа 2013", "context_left": "", "context_right": " прошёл 30 августа 2013 года в 20:45 по центральноевропейскому летнему времени в Праге на стадионе «Эден Арена» (\"на верхней илл.\"). Встречу обслуживал шведский арбитр Юнас Эрикссон.", "mention": "Матч", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "603975"} {"context_title": "North Korea agrees to disable its main nuclear reactor", "context_date": "October 4, 2007", "context_left": "North Korea's announcement came amid an historic summit between South Korea's President Roh Moo-hyun and North Korean leader Kim Jong-il, only the second such meeting since the end of the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Selektor Estonije želi dobar rezultat", "context_date": "7. октобар 2010.", "context_left": "Beograd / Srbija, (Beta) - Selektor reprezentacije Estonije Tarmo Rutli rekao je u četvrtak da će njegova ekipa pokušati da iskoristi pritisak pod kojim se nalaze fudbaleri Srbije i ostvari pozitivan rezultat u predstojećoj utakmici u kvalifikacijama za ", "context_right": " godine.", "mention": "Evropsko prvenstvo 2012.", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Fernsehjournalist Lothar Loewe gestorben", "context_date": "24.08.2010", "context_left": "Als ARD-Korrespondent in Washington berichtete er auch über die ", "context_right": " sowie die Ermordung John F. Kennedys. 1976 wurde er, nachdem er erst zwei Jahre zuvor die Akkreditierung erhalten hatte, von der DDR-Führung ausgewiesen. Hintergrund war sein Auftritt in der Tagesschau, bei dem er den berühmten Satz sprach: „Hier in der DDR weiß jedes Kind, dass die Grenztruppen den strikten Befehl haben, auf Menschen zu schießen wie auf Hasen.“ Seine Erfahrungen in der DDR veröffentlichte er 1977 in dem Buch „Abends kommt der Klassenfeind. Eindrücke zwischen Elbe und Oder“.", "mention": "Kubakrise", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "128160"} {"context_title": "Televised press conference Sunday to announce Golden Globes winners", "context_date": "January 11, 2008", "context_left": "This weekend's ", "context_right": " ceremonies in Los Angeles are the latest victim of the ongoing labour strike by American entertainment writers. On Sunday, the awards will be presented during a news conference at the Hilton hotel in Beverly Hills, California instead of the traditional annual televised event. The broadcast will include interview clips of the celebrities.", "mention": "65th Golden Globe Awards", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "333006"} {"context_title": "Eurovision '09 competitor Chiara talks about her current song "What If We" and her past accolades", "context_date": "March 5, 2009", "context_left": "She would later return to the Contest in ", "context_right": " with \"Angel,\" an anthem she penned herself, and achieved second place. Now, in 2009, she will be going back to Eurovision for a third try, hoping for the \"3-2-1\" charm and a victory — something that has eluded her thus far. Her entry, the ballad \"What If We,\" has special memories for Chiara; it is dedicated to her father, who is recently deceased. ", "mention": "2005", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10151"} {"context_title": "Parteienstreit um die Einführung des Betreuungsgelds", "context_date": "23.04.2012", "context_left": "Diskutiert werden nun mehrere Varianten zur Aufstockung der Kindererziehungszeiten. Damit könnte auch die Ungleichbehandlung der Erziehung von Kindern, die vor bzw. nach 1992 geboren worden waren, beseitigt werden. Seitdem werden für die Kindererziehung bei der Berechnung des monatlichen Rentenzahlbetrags dreimal so viele Entgeltpunkte in die Rentenformel eingestellt wie bei einem Kind, das vor dem 1. Januar 1992 geboren wurde, was sich im Ergebnis, bezogen auf eine Leistungsdauer von zwei Jahren, in einer Erhöhung der Rente um ungefähr zehn Euro je Kind niederschlagen würde. Offen ist bisher, um welchen Betrag das Betreuungsgeld zugunsten der späteren Rentenzahlung gesenkt werden soll. Die CSU lehnt dies strikt ab, weil sie sich, so die Süddeutsche Zeitung, dadurch Vorteile bei der ", "context_right": " verspricht, wenn die neue Leistung eingeführt werden soll. Nicht näher bezeichnete „Landespolitiker“ hätten sich für eine Kürzung des Betreuungsgelds um die Hälfte zugunsten der Berücksichtigung bei der Rente ausgesprochen, schreibt die Zeitung. Aber auch die völlige Umwandlung in Rentenanwartschaften werde erwogen.", "mention": "bayerischen Landtagswahl im Jahr 2013", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "1250713"} {"context_title": "Verdetto di colpevolezza per Derek Chauvin", "context_date": "20 aprile 2021", "context_left": "Il presidente Joe Biden ha tenuto un discorso nel quale ha commentato che l'", "context_right": ", avvenuto in piena luce del giorno, ha strappato i paraocchi al mondo intero.", "mention": "omicidio di George Floyd", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "95579249"} {"context_title": "Felipe Massa wins 2008 Belgian Grand Prix, Hamilton first to cross the finish line", "context_date": "September 10, 2008", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Felipe Massa won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " ING Belgian Grand Prix at Spa-Francorchamps Circuit, Spa, Belgium.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "20997"} {"context_title": "ロンドンオリンピック 柔道女子57キロ級で松本薫選手が日本勢初の金メダル", "context_date": "2012年7月31日", "context_left": "ロンドンオリンピック4日目となる7月30日()、柔道女子57キロ級の競技が行われ、", "context_right": "金メダリストの松本薫(まつもと・かおり)選手(フォーリーフジャパン所属)が優勝し、本大会日本勢初の金メダルを獲得した。", "mention": "2010年世界柔道選手権", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "1458163"} {"context_title": "Marc Wilmots wordt bondscoach van Ivoorkust", "context_date": "21 maart 2017", "context_left": "De voormalige voetbaltrainer van België moest in augustus een stap opzij zetten na teleurstellende resultaten tijdens het ", "context_right": ". De Rode Duivels kwamen toen niet verder dan de 1/8 ste finales.", "mention": "EK 2016", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "189571"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Περού νίκησε την Εθνική Βενεζουέλας με σκορ 4-1", "context_date": "24 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Περού νίκησε την Εθνική Βενεζουέλας με σκορ 4:1, στον Μικρό Τελικό του ", "context_right": ", το οποίο διεξάγεται στην Αργεντινή.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "В Норвегии выступили за отмену санкций против России", "context_date": "3 ноября 2019", "context_left": "Вассвик несколько дней назад выступала за снятие санкций с России во время двухдневной конференции с Россией, которая проходила в Киркенесе в честь 75-летнего юбилея ", "context_right": " она выступила с теми же идеями, но тогда соотечественники её раскритиковали.", "mention": "освобождение Восточного Финнмарка", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "705222"} {"context_title": "Višvanatan Anand odbranio titulu svetskog prvaka", "context_date": "11. мај 2010.", "context_left": "Meč je počeo 24. aprila, dan kasnije nego što je planirano, zato što je Anandov let u Sofiju bio odložen zbog ", "context_right": " sa Islanda.", "mention": "oblaka vulkanskog pepela", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "269442"} {"context_title": "XVIII Commonwealth Games competition ends", "context_date": "March 26, 2006", "context_left": "The following is how the medal table looks after the final day of competition for the ", "context_right": ", in Melbourne, Australia.", "mention": "2006 Commonwealth Games", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "659207"} {"context_title": "USA upsets Spain, wins 2–0 in FIFA Confederations Cup semifinal", "context_date": "June 24, 2009", "context_left": "Spain was ranked #1 heading into the match and were deemed heavy favorites. They had won their group games with ease and were expected to do so again against the United States, who barely qualified for the semifinal rounds over Italy. Just days ago, the United States was on the verge of elimination after losing their first two matches of the tournament. The United States had been 1–7–1 against top ranked teams heading into the match and lost its three previous matches against Spain in 1950, 1992, and 2008. The United States qualified for the tournament by winning the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2007 CONCACAF Gold Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "753115"} {"context_title": "Первый в истории российский пилот «Формулы-1» поднялся на пьедестал", "context_date": "27 марта 2011", "context_left": "На пресс-конференции, которую дали призёры ", "context_right": " Виталий Петров сказал следующее: «\"Я очень счастлив сидеть здесь с этими ребятами. Уикенд для нас прошел неплохо. После тестов мы точно не знали, где находимся среди других команд. Привезли сюда в Австралию новинки. Начиная со свободных заездов машина выглядела очень хорошо, квалификация прошла здорово. Я сохранял нацеленность на гонку. И команда отработала здорово. Что касается прессинга со стороны Алонсо, то тут все было спокойно. Я контролировал машину, старался беречь резину — под конец она начала деградировать. Мне удался неплохой старт, я пытался атаковать Фернандо, увидел Баттона впереди, отпустил тормоза и попробовал пройти их вместе. Мы продолжим нашу борьбу. Сейчас мне нужно поблагодарить стольких людей, которые не опускали руки и верили в меня, всю команду, которая плодотворно работала все тесты. Когда мы только приехали в Австралию мы надеялись, что наша машина будет быстра — так что это их результат. Хотел бы поблагодарить всех, кто работает на базе команды...\"»", "mention": "Гран-при Австралии 2011 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "15072"} {"context_title": "Weißes Haus setzt Inhalte seiner Website unter Creative-Commons-Lizenz", "context_date": "24.01.2009", "context_left": "Auch ein Memorandum zum \"Freedom of Information Act\" hat der Demokrat veröffentlicht, in dem er von der Linie von Staatsanwalt John Ashcroft nach den ", "context_right": " abweichend Behörden anwies, Informationen im Zweifelsfall offenzulegen und mit den Informationssuchenden zusammenzuarbeiten. Darüber hinaus sollen Behörden selbsttätig Bürger über ihre Aktivitäten informieren.", "mention": "Terroranschlägen am 11. September 2001", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Ankvab gana las elecciones presidenciales en Abjasia", "context_date": "28 de agosto de 2011", "context_left": "Por su parte en Occidente, la OTAN no reconoce este evento democrático al argumentar de que carece de válidez para la resolución de ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "los problemas entre Abjasia y Georgia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Hotpoint-koelkast oorzaak van brand in Grenfell Tower", "context_date": "23 juni 2017", "context_left": "Een koelkast van het type Hotpoint FF175BP heeft de ", "context_right": ", waarbij minstens 79 doden (vermoedelijk meer) vielen, veroorzaakt. Dat heeft de Britse politie vandaag bevestigd. ", "mention": "brand in de Londense Grenfell Tower eerder deze maand", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "30274958"} {"context_title": "Putin calls US troops in Poland 'a threat'", "context_date": "January 13, 2017", "context_left": "A Polish probe concluded the Polish pilots put safety second in their determination to get their passengers through dense fog. It also placed blame on Russian controllers for failing to divert the aircraft. Russian investigators blamed the pilots alone. The flight was carrying high-profile political figures to attend a ceremony commemorating the 70th anniversary of the ", "context_right": ", when thousands of Polish prisoners of war and civilians were killed by the Soviets.", "mention": "Katyn massacre", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "134301"} {"context_title": "Eurovision '82 winner Nicole talks about 'Ein bißchen Frieden', her success and the Contest today", "context_date": "February 2, 2009", "context_left": "It has been nearly 27 years since Nicole, then a high school student from the Saarland in extreme western Germany, sang a heartfelt plea for world peace on the stage at the ", "context_right": " held in Harrogate, North Yorkshire in the United Kingdom. That simple message was wrapped with success; she became the first German in Contest history to take home the grand prize. The song was a brainchild of her former record producer, Ralph Siegel, and would be their greatest achievement in their nearly three-decade partnership.", "mention": "Eurovision Song Contest", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "211469"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews candidate for New York City mayor Vitaly Filipchenko", "context_date": "June 16, 2021", "context_left": " What was it like growing up under perestroika and the ", "context_right": "?", "mention": "Soviet Union's dissolution", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "5167679"} {"context_title": "Vidmar nepovede americký olympijský tým do Londýna kvůli názorům na manželství homosexuálů", "context_date": "7. květen 2011", "context_left": "Jeho nominace a odhalené postoje vůči homosexuálům pobouřily řadu olympioniků. Mezi těmi, kteří vystoupili proti jeho účinkování v této funkci, byl například krasobruslař Johnny Weir. Kritiky se dočkal také od bývalé předsedkyně americké Nadace ženského sportu Aimee Mullinsové, která je jmenovaná do stejné funkce pro ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Letní paralympijské hry 2012", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Chavez says planted demolitions in World Trade Center 'plausible'", "context_date": "September 14, 2006", "context_left": "Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez stated the U.S. government may have planned the ", "context_right": ". He said the attacks have been used to justify U.S. \"aggression\" throughout the Middle East and also that <a href=\"w%3A9/11%20conspiracy%20theories\">9/11 conspiracy theories</a> are plausible.", "mention": "September 11, 2001 attacks", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "訃報 ニール・アームストロング氏 - アポロ11号船長 人類初の月面着陸", "context_date": "2012年8月27日", "context_left": "オハイオ州生まれ。幼少時より飛行機に憧れ、車の運転免許よりも飛行機の操縦免許を先に取得していたという。海軍在籍中には", "context_right": "に従事。1955年に大学を卒業後、現在のアメリカ航空宇宙局(NASA)に入り、1962年宇宙飛行士になった。", "mention": "朝鮮戦争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Argentina celebrates its independence day covered in white", "context_date": "July 10, 2007", "context_left": "Yesterday, amid the celebration of the ", "context_right": ", snow and sleet surprised many in the greater area of Buenos Aires and other parts of Argentina. It was the first snowfall there since June 22, 1918. The National Weather Service even doubted to announce the predicted snowfall, because it is a phenomenon that occurs only about every hundred years.", "mention": "Argentinian Independence Day", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "3248484"} {"context_title": "Guttenberg besucht Truppen in Afghanistan", "context_date": "14.12.2010", "context_left": "Guttenberg hat in der Vergangenheit bereits sechsmal im Abstand von zwei Monaten die am ", "context_right": " teilnehmenden deutschen Truppen besucht. Es war aber das erste Mal, dass er von seiner Frau und einem Fernsehmoderator begleitet wurde. Dabei zeichnete Johannes B. Kerner bei einem Zwischenstopp in Mazar-e-Sharif eine Talkshow auf, die am 16. Dezember von SAT.1 ausgestrahlt werden wird.", "mention": "Afghanistankrieg", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "182865"} {"context_title": "Rusia vetará cualquier intervención de Occidente si ésta no respeta la autodeterminación de Siria", "context_date": "9 de octubre de 2011", "context_left": "Medveded criticó el viernes pasado las acciones de la OTAN por ", "context_right": " en la guerra civil de Libia al extralimitarse del mandato de la ONU, organismo por el cual solicitó Rusia no hacer una nueva aventura militar con destino a Siria.", "mention": "haberse permitido que ésta se inmiscuyera", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "Manifestantes apóiam o Hizbollah dentro dos EUA", "context_date": "20 de julho de 2006", "context_left": "Elahi repetidamente vezes disse que Israel era quem estava por trás dos ", "context_right": ", visto que, segundo ele, muitos judeus não teriam comparecido ao trabalho no dia em que o World Trade Center foi destruído.", "mention": "Ataques de 11 de setembro de 2001", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Βραζιλίας νίκησε την Εθνική Εκουαδόρ με σκορ 4-2", "context_date": "14 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Βραζιλίας νίκησε την Εθνική Εκουαδόρ με σκορ 4:2, για τη τελευταία αγωνιστική του Β' Ομίλου του ", "context_right": ", το οποίο διεξάγεται στην Αργεντινή.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "US Senator Joseph Lieberman speaks at Republican National Convention", "context_date": "September 3, 2008", "context_left": "United States Senator Joseph Lieberman (ID-CT) delivered an impassioned speech yesterday to Republicans at the ", "context_right": ". His choice to do so angered numerous congressional Democrats, and may lead to sanctions by the party.", "mention": "2008 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel wins 2010 Japanese Grand Prix", "context_date": "October 10, 2010", "context_left": "Red Bull drivers Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber made a one-two finish from the front line of the starting grid of the Formula One ", "context_right": " at Suzuka Circuit, Japan.", "mention": "2010 Japanese Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172915"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wygrywa Grand Prix Turcji i zapewnia sobie siódme mistrzostwo", "context_date": "15 listopada 2020", "context_left": "W piątek, George Russell z zespołu Williams został ukarany cofnięciem na starcie o pięć pozycji za wymianę elementów jednostki napędowej. W kwalifikacjach dość niespodziewanie pierwsze pole position zdobył Lance Stroll (Racing Point) stając się pierwszym kanadyjskim kierowcą od ", "context_right": ", kiedy to Jacques Villeneuve startował do finałowej rundy sezonu 1997 z pierwszego pola . Po sesji kwalifikacyjnej nałożono kilka kar – Carlos Sainz Jr. (McLaren) otrzymał karę cofnięcia o trzy pozycje za blokowanie Sergio Péreza i jeden punkt karny. Lando Norris i George Russell dostali karę cofnięcia o pięć pozycji i trzy punkty karne za naruszenie przepisów dot. jazdy w czasie obowiązywania żółtych flag. Po sesji także analizowano, czy Lance Stroll również dopuścił się zignorowania żółtych flag, jednak Kanadyjczyk został oczyszczony z zarzutów. Przed wyścigiem, Pierre Gasly (Scuderia AlphaTauri) został ukarany startem z alei serwisowej za złamanie przepisów dot. wymiany komponentów jednostki napędowej.", "mention": "Grand Prix Europy 1997", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "220996"} {"context_title": "Arrestato per frode un membro del CIO", "context_date": "17 agosto 2016", "context_left": "L'accusa per Hickey è infatti di aver approfittato di una quantità di biglietti messi a sua disposizione, avendoli passati ad un'agenzia che si occupava di rivenderglieli a prezzo molto maggiorato, mettendo in atto un traffico illecito; in particolare si è arrivati a vendere a ben i biglietti per la ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "cerimonia d'apertura", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "18377832"} {"context_title": "訃報 江畑謙介氏 - 軍事評論家", "context_date": "2009年10月18日", "context_left": "時事通信によると、江畑氏は千葉県出身。上智大学理工学部卒業後、軍事や日本の安全保障について研究し、1991年に発生した", "context_right": "において、テレビ報道番組の解説者として出演した。その後2005年4月に拓殖大学海外事情研究所客員教授となった。著書多数。", "mention": "湾岸戦争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "Feared toll of Indonesian floods, landslides up to 130; dozens missing as bridge swept away", "context_date": "December 27, 2007", "context_left": "Islamic cleric Abu Bakar Bashir toured a Karanganyar village, at which time he commented that he felt the disaster had been caused as a form of divine revenge, saying \"This was likely caused by immoral acts going on here,\" and \"This could be a lesson to be learned.\" The 69-year-old served two years after being linked to the ", "context_right": ", before having his conviction overturned last year.", "mention": "2002 Bali bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "86584"} {"context_title": "El déficit fiscal enfrenta al Congreso y al gobierno de los Estados Unidos", "context_date": "19 de marzo de 2006", "context_left": "En medio de tan reñido tema, la Cámara de Representantes aprobó US$91.000 millones adicionales para financiar la guerra en Iraq, dar alivio a las víctimas de los huracanes del 2005 y proveer fondos para la atención médica de los jubilados, entre otros programas federales, sin que se establecieran medidas para el aumento de impuestos. Hasta ahora, el Congreso ha aprobado alrededor de US$337.000 millones para guerras desde el ", "context_right": " de 2001. Para terminar el año fiscal que va hasta el 31 de septiembre de 2006, el Congreso debió aprobar el giro de US$50.000 millones en recursos adicionales para la guerra en Iraq, conflicto en el cual han perdido la vida 2.310 soldados. En otro punto adicional, la Cámara Baja autorizó con carácter de urgencia U$72.000 millones para gastos militares y casi 20.000 millones de dólares de ayuda por los daños de los huracanes, los cuales se tramitaron con carácter de urgencia.", "mention": "11 de septiembre", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Großbritannien stimmt für den Brexit", "context_date": "24.06.2016", "context_left": "Die schottische Regionalregierung begann mit den Vorbereitungen für ein zweites ", "context_right": ". In Schottland stimmte die Mehrheit für einen Verbleib Großbritanniens in der EU.", "mention": "Referendum über die Unabhängigkeit Schottlands", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, July 2016", "context_date": "August 23, 2016", "context_left": "On July 7, Trump arrived in Washington D.C. and met with Republican members from the House of Representatives and Senate. During the meeting, Trump reportedly told the attendees if they did not support his candidacy, they were, in effect, supporting Clinton. Trump agreed to allow his former rival, Senator Ted Cruz, to speak at the convention, but he did not secure an endorsement from Cruz. The next day, both Trump and Clinton canceled campaign events as an African American shooter in Dallas ", "context_right": " five police officers. Trump's state chairman in Virginia blamed the shooting on Clinton and others \"who label police as racists.\" In the aftermath, Trump proclaimed himself the \"law and order candidate.\" Ahead of its convention, the GOP platform committee approved a socially conservative platform that opposed same-sex marriage and identified pornography as a \"public health crisis.\" The convention's host, Ohio governor John Kasich, a former presidential rival of Trump, would not endorse Trump and claimed through a spokesman that Trump had asked Kasich join the presidential ticket in May, but Kasich had declined. Trump's spokesman denied the claim. Another former rival, former Florida governor Jeb Bush, said he might vote for Libertarian Party presidential nominee Gary Johnson instead of Trump. On the other side, Hillary Clinton's principal rival, Senator Bernie Sanders, dropped his campaign and officially endorsed Clinton. Clinton also seemingly received support from Supreme Court Justice Ruth Bader Ginsburg who called Trump \"a faker\" and wondered why he has \"gotten away\" with not releasing his tax returns. Democratic Senator Chris Murphy questioned whether the country was \"well served\" with a Supreme Court justice openly discussing her political views. Trump referred to Ginsburg's comments as \"highly inappropriate.\" Ginsburg later apologized.", "mention": "killed", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "25631175"} {"context_title": "Помер футболіст Максим Іванович Білий", "context_date": "15 вересня 2013", "context_left": "Футбольні експерти відмічали, що Максим Білий був одним з найталановитіших молодих українських футболістів. Білий неодноразово запрошувався до лав молодіжних та юніорських збірних України, за які провів загалом 28 матчів, забивши 4 голи. У складі молодіжної збірної України (U-21) брав участь у ", "context_right": ", на якому забив єдиного м'яча українців у ворота чеської молодіжки.", "mention": "Чемпіонаті Європи серед молодіжних команд 2011 року", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "737637"} {"context_title": "Georgian defense ministry announces return of military units from Afghanistan", "context_date": "July 1, 2021", "context_left": "Over 20 thousand Georgian servicemen had participated in international missions in Afghanistan since 2004. They served as a part of the 107 rotations at various levels like International Security Assistance Force and ", "context_right": ". , the statement said.", "mention": "Resolute Support Mission", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "18651204"} {"context_title": "セシウム、99%で不検出 福島の内部被曝2万人調査で", "context_date": "2013年4月11日", "context_left": "時事通信によると、東京電力福島第一原発事故によって土壌が汚染された、福島県・茨城県の住民約2万2千人の内部被ばく調査をした結果、99%でセシウム137が検出されなかったことが判明した。この調査の結果、", "context_right": "で土壌が同程度に汚染された地域に比べ、内部被ばくの度合いが100分の1程度であることも判明した。東京大学の早野龍五教授らが日本学士院紀要に発表した。", "mention": "チェルノブイリ原発事故", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "British police detain 2005 London bombings suspects", "context_date": "March 23, 2007", "context_left": "Three men suspected of involvement in the ", "context_right": " in London have been detained by terrorist police, in the first major arrests in the case following the attacks following a lengthy police investigation.", "mention": "July 7 suicide bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Palmarès du Festival de Cannes 2011", "context_date": "23 mai 2011", "context_left": "La 64 édition du Festival international du film s'est clôturée hier, récompensant de la Palme d'or le dernier film du mystérieux Terrence Malick. Le réalisateur américain de 67 ans, récompensé à Cannes pour \"Les Moissons du ciel\" en ", "context_right": ", n'a pas monté les marches la semaine dernière pour présenter \"The Tree of Life\". Il n'était d'ailleurs pas là pour recevoir sa récompense, que les producteurs Dede Gardner et Bill Pohlad sont allés chercher pour lui auprès de Jane Fonda.", "mention": "1979", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "897870"} {"context_title": "Schachweltmeisterschaft 2008 beginnt mit Remis", "context_date": "15.10.2008", "context_left": " Die ", "context_right": " zwischen Wladimir Kramnik (33, Russland) und V. Anand (39, Indien) begann am Dienstagnachmittag mit einem Remis. Kramnik, der die weißen Steine führte und zwischendurch einen Mehrbauern besaß, einigte sich nach einer mit der slawischen Verteidigung des Damengambits eröffneten Partie mit Titelverteidiger Anand nach 32 Zügen auf ein Remis im Läuferendspiel mit sogenannten ungleichfarbigen Läufern. Kramnik gab an, alles versucht zu haben. Am Ende habe die Stellung ein Remis erfordert. Die dreistündige Partie war die erste Weltmeisterschaftspartie in Deutschland seit 1934.", "mention": "Schachweltmeisterschaft 2008", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "634297"} {"context_title": "Экологи обвиняют власти Венгрии в преуменьшении масштабов угрозы от разлива красного шлама", "context_date": "8 октября 2010", "context_left": "Активисты-экологи обвиняют власти Венгрии в преуменьшении масштабов угрозы от ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "аварийного разлива красного шлама", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "386799"} {"context_title": "No bomb threat, hijacking of plane in China's Xinjiang region according to Afghan officials", "context_date": "August 9, 2009", "context_left": "The Xinjiang region was the scene of a ", "context_right": " by its Uyghur population last month.", "mention": "violent uprising", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "844505"} {"context_title": "Japan plant jetzt Atomausstieg", "context_date": "07.09.2011", "context_left": " Nach der diesjährigen ", "context_right": ", deren Folgen noch immer nicht abzusehen sind, plant die japanische Regierung jetzt den Atomausstieg. Wie Japans neuer Minister für Wirtschaft, Handel und Industrie, Hachiro am Montag erklärte, wolle das Land von atomarer Energie unabhängig werden. Das berichteten die japanischen Nachrichtenagenturen Kyodo und Jiji. ", "mention": "Atomkatastrophe", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "«Гремио» в третий раз завоевал Кубок Либертадорес", "context_date": "30 ноября 2017", "context_left": "12 декабря 2017 года «Гремио» сыграет в полуфинале ", "context_right": ". В случае победы команда из штата Риу-Гранди-ду-Сул сможет поспорить за звание сильнейшей команды мира с мадридским «Реалом» (если испанцы, в свою очередь, выиграют в своём полуфинале).", "mention": "Клубного чемпионата мира", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "16839200"} {"context_title": "Deutsches Bundeskabinett beschließt Tornadoeinsatz in Afghanistan", "context_date": "08.02.2007", "context_left": "Geplant ist ein Einsatz der Kampfflugzeuge für Aufklärungszwecke. Soweit bekannt sollen Stellungen der Taliban aus der Luft ausfindig gemacht werden und die Erkenntnisse den alliierten Bodentruppen zur Verfügung gestellt werden. Unklarheiten gab es noch über die Frage, in welcher Weise die gewonnenen Aufklärungsdaten weitergegeben würden. Die Vorsitzende der Grünen, Claudia Roth, forderte, es dürfe keinen „Blankoscheck“ für die Verwendung der gewonnenen Informationen geben; die Bundeswehr müsse darauf Einfluss nehmen können, wie diese Aufklärungsdaten verwendet würden. Der SPD-Fraktionsvorsitzende im Deutschen Bundestag, Peter Struck, betonte, die Aufklärungsergebnisse der deutschen Tornados dürften „nur sehr begrenzt“ an die Truppen des Antiterrorkampfes weitergegeben werden. Es gebe eine klare Trennung der Mandate von „", "context_right": "“ und dem Mandat des ISAF-Kommandos.", "mention": "Enduring Freedom", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "326668"} {"context_title": "Стивен Спилберг возглавит жюри 66-го Каннского кинофестиваля", "context_date": "28 февраля 2013", "context_left": "В 2012 году главой жюри ", "context_right": " был известный итальянский режиссер, актёр, продюсер и сценарист Нанни Моретти.", "mention": "основного конкурса", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "841363"} {"context_title": "Kimi Räikkönen wins 2007 Brazilian Grand Prix and the 2007 Championship", "context_date": "October 21, 2007", "context_left": "The weekend starts by Felipe Massa won the pole position, proving himself able to win his home race for the second time since ", "context_right": ". McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton showed second result aiming to secure his first place in the championship.", "mention": "2006", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "54429"} {"context_title": "Sind Kernkraftwerke in Deutschland sicher?", "context_date": "17.05.2011", "context_left": "Im Ergebnis ordnete die Kommission die 17 deutschen Atommeiler verschiedenen, neu definierten Sicherheitslevels zu. Geprüft wurde die „Robustheit“ der Anlagen im Hinblick auf die Herausforderungen, die sich aus Naturereignissen ergeben. Damit sind Erdbeben, Überschwemmungen und Wetterereignisse wie anhaltende Trockenheit gemeint. Ein weiterer Bereich war die Gewährleistung der Sicherheit im Falle eines terroristischen Angriffs oder eines Verkehrsunfalls durch den Absturz von kleineren oder größeren Flugzeugen auf Kernkraftwerke sowie sogenannte Cyberattacken aus dem Internet. Die höchste Anforderungsstufe im Hinblick auf die Sicherheit erfüllt keines der deutschen Kernkraftwerke vollständig. Trotzdem resümiert der Leiter des RSK, Rudolf Wieland: „In der Summe kann ich sagen: Es gibt einen großen Robustheitsgrad.“ Die deutschen Kernkraftwerke verfügen demnach über ausreichende Sicherheitsreserven im Falle von Erdbeben und Überschwemmungen. Mängel zeigten sich insbesondere bei Ereignissen, die bisher dem vielzitierten Restrisiko zugerechnet wurden, wie Flugzeugabstürzen. Die älteren Atommeiler Biblis A und B, Brunsbüttel und Philippsburg 1 würden einen Flugzeugabsturz nicht unbeschadet überstehen. Neuere Anlagen könnten beispielsweise noch dem Absturz eines Kampfflugzeugs vom Typ Phantom widerstehen. Kein KKW in Deutschland ist jedoch dafür ausgelegt, den Absturz einer großen Verkehrsmaschine zu verkraften. Das ist allerdings keine neue Erkenntnis. Neu ist die Bewertung dieser Restrisiken im Angesicht der ", "context_right": ". Politische Beobachter gehen davon aus, dass die Beauftragung des sogenannten Stresstests vor allem dem Ziel dient, die Glaubwürdigkeit der energiepolitischen Wende und des noch zu planenden Ausstiegsszenarions aus der Kernenergie in Deutschland durch die schwarz-gelbe Regierungskoalition zu erhöhen.", "mention": "Ereignisse von Fukushima", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Ликвидирован эмиссар «Аль-Кайды» Догер Севдет", "context_date": "4 мая 2011", "context_left": "Незадолго до этого, ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "американский спецназ уничтожил скрывавшегося в Пакистане главу «Аль-Кайды» Усаму бин Ладена", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "19085"} {"context_title": "Thousands march to demonstrate opposition to U.S.-led wars", "context_date": "September 24, 2005", "context_left": "Washington D.C. saw the largest demonstration with hundreds of thousands of people marching. Organisers put the figure as high as 250,000 though police put the number at 150,000. Many speakers linked the massive deployment of US troops in Iraq and the inability of the federal government to respond adequately to the needs of people displaced by ", "context_right": ", and others linked the Iraq war to the occupation of Palestine and the oil crisis. The mobilisations were united around the slogan \"Bring the Troops Home Now!\" San Francisco, and Los Angeles also had demonstrations.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Robert Kubica podpisał kontrakt z Williamsem", "context_date": "22 listopada 2018", "context_left": "W tym sezonie, Robert Kubica pełnił w brytyjskiej ekipie rolę kierowcy rezerwowego i rozwojowego, jeżdżąc w testach przedsezonowych w Barcelonie, w testach w trakcie sezonu na torach Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya i Hungaroring oraz w pierwszych sesjach treningowych do Grand Prix Hiszpanii i ", "context_right": ". Polak posiadał także miał ofertę objęcia stanowiska kierowcy rozwojowego Ferrari, które zwolnił Daniił Kwiat, który powróci do startów z zespołem Scuderia Toro Rosso.", "mention": "Grand Prix Austrii", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "48311199"} {"context_title": "2011 sur Wikinews", "context_date": "31 décembre 2011", "context_left": "2 mai 2011 : ", "context_right": "", "mention": "Oussama ben Laden tué lors d'un raid près d'Islamabad", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "19085"} {"context_title": "中国・上海地下鉄で追突事故、日本人含む271人が負傷", "context_date": "2011年9月28日", "context_left": "時事通信によると、今回の事故は、2011年7月に浙江省温州市で40人が死亡した高速鉄道の衝突・脱線事故(", "context_right": ")と同様の原因で発生しており、信号などのシステム納入業者も、事故のあった高速鉄道と同一であり、中国の鉄道の危険性が改めて浮き彫りになった。10号線は、同日午後7時過ぎには、減速することで一旦運転を再開したものの、同日設置された同市の事故調査チームからの指示を受け、翌28日から事故現場を含む一部区間で当面運行を停止することを決めた。", "mention": "2011年温州市鉄道衝突脱線事故", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "129811"} {"context_title": "Mensen in Manchester staan in de rij voor een tatoeage van een bij", "context_date": "27 mei 2017", "context_left": "In Manchester is het lang geleden dat mensen in de rij stonden voor een winkel. Sinds de ", "context_right": " is dit echter het geval bij tattoo shops, waar honderden inwoners een tatoeage laten zetten van een bij.", "mention": "aanslag van 22 mei 2017", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "30015850"} {"context_title": "Termin des nächsten Shuttle-Starts weiter unklar", "context_date": "09.09.2005", "context_left": " Die Raumfähre „Discovery“ wird wegen des ", "context_right": " eventuell nicht wie vorgesehen im März 2006 zur Internationalen Raumstation ISS fliegen können. Die Zeitung „USA Today“ berichtet unter Berufung auf ein internes Schreiben, Verantwortliche der NASA könnten die Auswirkungen des Hurrikans auf das Spaceshuttle-Programm zum jetzigen Zeitpunkt noch nicht beurteilen. Die technischen Anlagen wurden frühzeitig vor dem Hurrikan in Sicherheit gebracht und sind wieder einsatzbereit. Nur die Stromversorgung für zwei Fabriken, in denen der Außentank der Raumfähre hergestellt wird, wurde noch nicht repariert. Diese Arbeiten könnten nun zu Verzögerungen bei der Startvorbereitung führen.", "mention": "Hurrikan Katrina", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Over 100 dead and hundreds missing in Indonesia after tsunami destroys island villages", "context_date": "October 26, 2010", "context_left": "Indonesia sits on the Pacific Ring of Fire, an area prone to seismic shifts that spark earthquakes and volcanic activity. A ", "context_right": " caused a tsunami that killed more than 230,000 people across the Indian Ocean. After that disaster Indonesia worked to establish early warning systems and disaster management programs to help deal with future quakes.", "mention": "massive earthquake in 2004", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "130754"} {"context_title": "Hospitalizado el presidente francés Jacques Chirac", "context_date": "3 de septiembre de 2005", "context_left": "El primer ministro Dominique de Villepin visitó al presidente para atender asuntos de urgencia, entre los que citó: \"en particular la propuesta de ayuda, asistencia, a nuestos amigos americanos enfrentados al terrible drama que ha sacudido el sur del país\" —en referencia a los efectos del ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Huracán Katrina", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Crisis at stricken Japan nuclear plant escalates to level of Chernobyl; six killed in aftershock", "context_date": "April 12, 2011", "context_left": "The crisis at a stricken nuclear plant on the northeast coast of Japan is now as severe as the ", "context_right": " in 1986, officials have said. Radiation is continuing to leak from the plant, which was damaged during the devastating magnitude 9.0 earthquake and tsunami last month, which left thousands dead. Japanese authorities have warned the crisis is now a \"major accident\" with \"wider consequences\" than previously thought.", "mention": "disaster at Chernobyl", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Felipe Massa wins 2006 Turkish Grand Prix", "context_date": "August 27, 2006", "context_left": "Brazilian driver Felipe Massa, driving for Ferrari, won the Turkey ", "context_right": " at Istanbul Park on Sunday, marking his first victory. Fernando Alonso and Michael Schumacher placed second and third respectively in a close finish. ", "mention": "Grand prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "664771"} {"context_title": "Escocia se mantiene dividida a horas del referéndum", "context_date": "17 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "A horas de que dé inicio el ", "context_right": ", el hasta ahora país del Reino Unido se mantiene dividido. En las encuestas de intención de voto, el \"no\" continúa por encima del \"sí\", el de ICM muestra un 45% a 41% en favor del no, con 14% de indecisos. Mientras que el Instituto Opinium habla de un 49% a 45% también mayoría del no y con 6% de indecisos, señala \"La Nación\".", "mention": "referéndum secesionista de Escocia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "Maria Riesch sorgt für den zweiten deutschen Weltmeistertitel im Slalom", "context_date": "16.02.2009", "context_left": " Die ", "context_right": " verlief in den ersten Rennen wenig erfreulich für die DSV-Athletin Maria Riesch. In Super-G, Abfahrt sowie Kombination erreichte sie zwar regelmäßig die Top-10, eine – fast erwartete – Medaille gewann sie jedoch nicht. Dann, im Riesenslalom am Donnerstag, gelang nicht ihr, die als stärkste Deutsche angesehen wurde, der erste WM-Titel für ihr Land, sondern Kathrin Hölzl (Wikinews berichtete). Im Slalom aber, ihrer derzeit stärksten Disziplin, zeigte die 24-Jährige ihr Können und wies mit Laufbestzeit im zweiten Durchgang sämtliche Konkurrentinnen in die Schranken. Dabei lag sie vor der Entscheidung nur auf dem sechsten Rang.", "mention": "Alpine Ski-WM 2009", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "754506"} {"context_title": "Πρεμιέρα για το Ευρωμπάσκετ Γυναικών 2011", "context_date": "18 Ιουνίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Πολωνία θα λάβει μέρος στο θεσμό εφόσον πρόκειται για τη διοργανώτρια χώρα. Ύστερα θα συμμετέχουν δικαιωματικά οι έξι ευρωπαϊκές χώρες που διαγωνίστηκαν στο ", "context_right": " στην Τσεχία. Οκτώ επιπλέον ομάδες κέρδισαν δικαίωμα συμμετοχής μέσω γύρου προκριματικών αγώνων κατά το καλοκαίρι του 2010. Η δέκατη έκτη ομάδα οριστικοποιήθηκε σε νέο κύκλο προκριματικών αγώνων που θα έλαβε χώρα τον Ιούνιο του 2011.", "mention": "Παγκόσμιο Πρωτάθλημα 2010", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "678881"} {"context_title": "Czarnobylska Elektrownia Atomowa zdobyta przez Rosjan", "context_date": "26 lutego 2022", "context_left": "Strona ukraińska poprzez Ministra Spraw Zagranicznych wyraziła zaniepokojenie o mogącą się powtórzyć ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "katastrofę w Czarnobylskiej Elektrowni Jądrowej", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews U.S. Libertarian Party potential presidential candidate R.J. Harris", "context_date": "June 17, 2011", "context_left": "\"In every stage of these Oppressions we have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble Terms [by begging for the cessation of: bailouts (TARP), social welfares (Obama Care), undeclared foreign Wars (", "context_right": ", Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq and Libya), taxation without representation and the devaluation of our Wealth (deficit spending and the over-printing of a declining and unconstitutional paper currency), the theft and destruction of our Property (Eminent Domain) along with the killing and incarceration of our People (the Civil War on Drugs), the sexual assault of our Women and Children in the name of security (TSA), the gross infringements of our Privacy (the Patriot Act) ]: ", "mention": "Korea", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Стивен Спилберг возглавит жюри 66-го Каннского кинофестиваля", "context_date": "28 февраля 2013", "context_left": "В 2011 году ", "context_right": " Роберт Де Ниро, а годом ранее на кинофоруме председательствовал Тим Бёртон.", "mention": "этот пост занимал", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "510527"} {"context_title": "Chiquita finanzierte rechte Terroristen in Kolumbien", "context_date": "20.09.2007", "context_left": " Der Konzern Chiquita Brands International wurde von einem US-amerikanischen Gericht wegen der Unterstützung einer terroristischen Vereinigung zu einer Geldbuße in Höhe 25 Millionen Dollar verurteilt. Vor Gericht gab der Konzern zu, zwischen 1997 und 2004 insgesamt 1,7 Millionen Dollar an die Vereinigten Selbstverteidigungskräfte von Kolumbien (AUC) gezahlt zu haben, besteht allerdings darauf, daß die Zahlungen bis zum 11. September 2001 aufgrund der anderen Rechtslage legal gewesen seien. Nach den ", "context_right": " erweiterte die US-Regierung die Liste der Organisationen, die sie als terroristisch betrachtet, und nahm unter anderem die AUC auf.", "mention": "Terroranschlägen am 11. September 2001", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Beslan siege organiser speaks", "context_date": "February 3, 2005", "context_left": "The Beslan siege organiser, Chechen rebel Shamil Basayev, has spoken for the first time since declaring he was responsible for the hostage situation. The ", "context_right": " last September resulted in 330 deaths, half of which were children. Basayev was also responsible for the Moscow Theatre siege, in which 130 people died after a military assault to free the hostages and overwhelm the terrorists.", "mention": "Beslan school siege", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "193733"} {"context_title": "Last WWII Comanche 'code talker' dies", "context_date": "July 26, 2005", "context_left": "Mr.Chibitty served with the rank of a Corporal in the 4th Infantry Division that engaged in the breakthrough of the Siegfried line in Hurtgen Forest. His division also saw action in the ", "context_right": " and the rescue of the \"Lost Battalion\". His division was among the first to undertake the liberation of Paris. Then later, the 4th Infantry was the first to enter Germany.", "mention": "Battle of the Bulge", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "151018"} {"context_title": "沖縄県宮古島市のサニツ浜で第24回目の「サニツ浜カーニバル」が開催 - 岡部幸雄氏も参加", "context_date": "2014年8月7日", "context_left": "7月27日に沖縄県宮古島市下地与那覇湾(通称:サニツ浜)で、第24回目となる「サニツ浜カーニバル」が開催された。「サニツ浜カーニバル」は宮古島市ならびに沖縄タイムスによる主催で行われた。与那覇湾は干潮時になると、700ヘクタールもの広大な砂地の干潟が出現しており、2012年7月には水鳥などの生息地として認められ、与那覇湾が「", "context_right": "」に登録された経緯もある。「サニツ浜カーニバル」は干潟という自然を生かしたイベントとして開催が続けられてきた。", "mention": "ラムサール条約", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "170170"} {"context_title": "Schwere Vorwürfe gegen Religionsbehörde der Türkei", "context_date": "07.04.2017", "context_left": "Jetzt wird gegen Halife Keskin wegen Spionage ermittelt. Der ", "context_right": " und die bevorstehende Volksabstimmung in der Türkei am 16. April 2017 sind offenbar der Grund dafür, dass gezielt gegen regierungskritische Türken vorgegangen wird. Dazu werden auch geheimdienstliche Methoden eingesetzt, was in Deutschland und in fast allen anderen Staaten strafbar ist. Bei diesen Methoden wirkt die staatlichen Religionsbehörde tatkräftig mit. Besonders die Gülen-Bewegung wird vom türkischen Staat ins Visier genommen, da sie nicht der Leitlinie der Religionsbehörde folgt. Sie wird sogar verdächtigte, den Putsch organisiert zu haben. ", "mention": "Putschversuch in der Türkei im Juli 2016", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "25906338"} {"context_title": "London Knights trade Steve Mason to Kitchener Rangers", "context_date": "January 6, 2008", "context_left": "On the morning of January 4, 2008, while at the ", "context_right": ", 19-year-old goalie Steve Mason received a phone call from Canada informing him that he was traded by the Ontario Hockey League's London Knights to the Kitchener Rangers.", "mention": "2008 World Junior Ice Hockey Championships", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1317137"} {"context_title": "John Edwards endorses Barack Obama", "context_date": "May 14, 2008", "context_left": "Edwards, meanwhile, has 19 total pledged delegates who may or may not pledge their support for Obama at the Democratic National Committee's August ", "context_right": " in Denver, Colorado.", "mention": "convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "Former Beatle set for Quebec City concert amid protests", "context_date": "July 19, 2008", "context_left": "The controversy began when Quebec artist Luc Archambault released an open letter last week criticising the concert as a \"British invasion\". The letter was also signed by some other separatists including a few Parti Québécois politicians. The concert is located at the site of the 1759 ", "context_right": " on which British and French troops battled. Quebec premier Jean Charest dismissed the letter, noting that Quebec superstar Celine Dion does not face criticism when she sings in various nations.", "mention": "Battle of the Plains of Abraham", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "311726"} {"context_title": "El apoyo a la independencia de Escocia cae a días del referéndum", "context_date": "12 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Un nuevo sondeo publicado este viernes por YouGov reveló que nuevamente el \"no\" se impone en la intención de voto de los escoceses, que el día 18 de septiembre decidirán si se ", "context_right": ". La nueva encuesta señala que los unionistas superan por cuatro puntos porcentuales a los separatistas, es decir, un 52% de los votantes dijo \"no\" ante el 48% que quiere una Escocia independiente (se excluyó a los indecisos).", "mention": "independizan o continúan en el Reino Unido", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "100 лет Великой Октябрьской социалистической революции", "context_date": "7 ноября 2017", "context_left": "В честь 24-й годовщины Октябрьской революции 7 ноября 1941 года — во время Московской битвы Великой Отечественной войны, по Красной площади ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "прошёл военный парад", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "2893329"} {"context_title": "Пакистан и Индия сбивают самолёты друг друга", "context_date": "27 февраля 2019", "context_left": "Ранее территориальный спор оборачивался тремя войнами. См.: Первая индо-пакистанская война (21 октября 1947 года — 31 декабря 1948 года), Вторая индо-пакистанская война (август — сентябрь 1965 года), ", "context_right": " (декабрь 1971 года).", "mention": "Третья индо-пакистанская война", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1922071"} {"context_title": "Thousands protest over alleged Russian election fraud", "context_date": "December 11, 2011", "context_left": "The exact number of protesters present is unknown; estimates for the Moscow protest vary from twenty thousand to one hundred thousand, and rallies on a more minor scale also took place in other Russian cities—including Saint Petersburg. \"Voice of America\" (VoA) reported the demonstrations as the largest pro-democracy protests since Vladimir Putin came to power eleven years ago. Other reports describe the demonstrations as the greatest since the ", "context_right": ". Police estimated that ten thousand people were present at demonstrations in St. Petersburg. Corruption and a rejection of Putin were the most commonly-cited grievances from questioned protesters.", "mention": "dissolution of the Soviet Union", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "5167679"} {"context_title": "Κληρώθηκαν οι όμιλοι του Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου 2012", "context_date": "3 Δεκεμβρίου 2011", "context_left": "Χθες, στο Κίεβο της Ουκρανίας, διεξήχθη η κλήρωση για τους ομίλους τους ", "context_right": ", το οποίο θα διεξαχθεί στην Ουκρανία και στην Πολωνία.", "mention": "Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου 2012", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "165 osób nie żyje, nowy bilans ofiar eksplozji w Tiencinie", "context_date": "12 września 2015", "context_left": "Liczba ofiar ", "context_right": " z 12 sierpnia 2015 roku wzrosła do 165 osób.", "mention": "eksplozji w Tiencinie", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "20816071"} {"context_title": "Verstimmung der Türkei über Völkermord-Resolution des US-Kongresses", "context_date": "05.03.2010", "context_left": " Der außenpolitische Ausschuss des US-Kongresses beschloss am Freitag, den Massenmord an den Armeniern in den Jahren 1915/16 künftig als „Genozid“ einzustufen. Der Vorgang liegt inzwischen rund 95 Jahre zurück. Die Einordnung des Massakers an den Armeniern während des 1. Weltkrieges zur Zeit des Osmanischen Reiches als ", "context_right": " löst in der Türkei von heute aber noch immer heftige Reaktionen aus. Erst im vergangenen Jahr hatten die Türkei und Armenien wieder diplomatische Beziehungen untereinander aufgenommen. ", "mention": "Völkermord", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "セルビア、NATO空爆で壊れた橋が再建される", "context_date": "2005年10月14日", "context_left": "セルビア・モンテネグロ共和国内セルビア共和国ノヴィ・サド()で、ドナウ川にかかる橋がこのほど開通した。1999年の", "context_right": "で北大西洋条約機構(NATO)の空爆により破壊された橋のひとつ。6年ぶりに交通が回復することになった。", "mention": "コソボ紛争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "190029"} {"context_title": "台灣台北市進入聽障奧運年 郝龍斌:要以聽奧向世界發聲", "context_date": "2009年1月1日", "context_left": "", "context_right": ",即將於9月5日在台灣台北市的各大場館登場,主辦方台北市政府,在今(1)日正式宣布2009年為「台北聽障奧運年」,並且進行官方網站的大翻新,與公佈五項由知名漫畫家蕭言中設計之形象公仔。", "mention": "2009年夏季聽障奧林匹克運動會", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "709910"} {"context_title": "Idaho meterologist promotes Hurricane Katrina conspiracy theory", "context_date": "September 19, 2005", "context_left": "Scott Stevens, weatherman at KPVI-TV in Pocatello, Idaho claims that someone used Russian KGB technology to create ", "context_right": ". According to a brief article published September 8, 2005 on Flashnews.com, Stevens blames the Japanese Yakuza mafia, who he says were attempting to manipulate futures markets via the natural disaster.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "في أول زيارة له خارج مصر مرسي يزور السعودية", "context_date": "7 يوليو 2012", "context_left": "إن العلاقات السعودية المصرية كانت على خير ما يرام إبان عهد الرئيس السابق محمد حسني مبارك الذي تنحى عن الرئاسة في 11 شباط / فبراير 2011 عقب ثورة شعبية أطلق عليها اسم ", "context_right": ". ولكن شابت العلاقات بين البلدين أزمة دبلوماسية في 28 نيسان / أبريل 2012 حيث أغلقت السعودية سفارتها في القاهرة وقنصليتيها في الإسكندرية والسويس عقب مظاهرات ومطالبات جماهيرية بالإفراج عن ناشط حقوقي مصري اعتقل في السعودية بتهمة تهريب المخدرات والأدوية المحظورة.", "mention": "ثورة 25 يناير", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "29198"} {"context_title": "Southern California hit by 5.1 earthquake", "context_date": "December 6, 2008", "context_left": "Recently, a magnitude 5.4 earthquake struck downtown Los Angeles, but caused no damage or injuries. The earthquake's epicenter was located near a golf course in an upscale community 3 km (2 miles) Southwest from Chino Hills, or 47 km (29 miles) East, Southeast of Los Angeles (). The most recent damaging quake to hit Southern California was the January 17, ", "context_right": " in Reseda. That quake had a magnitude of 6.7, and killed 72 people and injured over 9,000.", "mention": "1994 Northridge quake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1519015"} {"context_title": "FIFA Ballon d'Or 2015 goes to Lionel Messi", "context_date": "January 12, 2016", "context_left": "Messi along with his Barcelona teammate Neymar and Portuguese star Cristiano Ronaldo were shortlisted by FIFA back in November. Having won five major trophies in the 2015 calendar year, which included the ", "context_right": " FIFA Club World Cup in December in Japan against Argentine club River Plate in which he scored the first goal, Messi won 41.33% of the votes.", "mention": "2015", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "15293558"} {"context_title": "Акция-реквием «Зажги огонёк в своём сердце» в Киеве", "context_date": "18 мая 2014", "context_left": "Вечером 17 мая 2014 года, на Михайловской площади Киева несколько сотен волонтеров провели акцию-реквием «Зажги огонёк в своем сердце», посвящённую судьбе крымских татар и 70-летию их ", "context_right": " из Крыма.", "mention": "депортации", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1775286"} {"context_title": "Perhe teki tukihuijauksen Ruotsissa – mies esitti kuolleensa Irakissa", "context_date": "29. syyskuuta 2020", "context_left": "Ruotsissa asuvalle perheelle on maksettu yli puoli miljoonaa kruunua tukea, joka on tarkoitettu lapsille, joiden vanhempi on kuollut. Perhe oli hakenut kyseistä tukea vuonna 2007. Heidän hakemuksensa mukaan lapsien isä olisi kuollut ", "context_right": " vuonna 2005 – perhe toimitti myös kuolintodistuksen maahanmuuttovirastolle. Tukirahat menivät lasten äidin uuden aviomiehen pankkitilille.", "mention": "Irakin sodassa", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "US congressman causes controversy by comparing Bush to Hitler", "context_date": "July 15, 2007", "context_left": "Speaking to a group of atheists in his home district in Minnesota, Ellison equated the 9/11 attacks and aftermath to the 1933 ", "context_right": " in Germany, which helped cement Hitler's power.", "mention": "Reichstag fire", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "153992"} {"context_title": "Deutschland verteidigt Weltmeistertitel im Frauenfußball", "context_date": "30.09.2007", "context_left": " Die Deutsche Fußballnationalmannschaft der Frauen hat bei der ", "context_right": " den Weltmeistertitel verteidigt. Sie besiegte im Finale im Shanghai-Hongkou-Fußballstadion die brasilianische Auswahl mit einem 2:0. Die Tore erzielten Birgit Prinz in der 52. Minute und Simone Laudehr in der 87. Minute. Bei der letzten WM im Jahr 2003 hatte die deutsche Mannschaft den Titel zum ersten Mal gewonnen. Zuvor war es noch keiner Nationalmannschaft gelungen, den Titel zu verteidigen.", "mention": "WM 2007", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "367805"} {"context_title": "Référendum sur les accords bilatéraux « Schengen-Dublin »", "context_date": "5 juin 2005", "context_left": "Au-dela du double référendum national, différents cantons et communes consultent leur population sur des questions locales. Le Canton de Zurich propose ainsi au vote une initative de gestion du paysage ; les Zurichois eux-mêmes pourront se prononcer sur le financement d'un stade pour le ", "context_right": ". Les habitants de Berne se décideront quant à eux sur l'aménagement de leur gare.", "mention": "Championnat d'Europe de football 2008", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "維基新聞2008年大事回顧", "context_date": "2008年12月31日", "context_left": "今年傷亡最慘重的兩場自然災害是發生在緬甸的大型風災和發生在中國的", "context_right": ",兩次災害加起來造成超過20萬人死亡,大自然充分向人類顯示了其力量。此外,美國中西部大洪水、越南水災、巴西水災等也造成大量的人員傷亡和財產損失。", "mention": "汶川大地震", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "152033"} {"context_title": "Вице-спикер Госдумы РФ Пётр Толстой выступил с антисемитским заявлением", "context_date": "24 января 2017", "context_left": "Русская Википедия до настоящего времени давала следующее определение упомянутого чиновником термина «", "context_right": "»:", "mention": "черта оседлости", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "569868"} {"context_title": "Sabonis ambasador EP u Litvaniji 2011", "context_date": "23. октобар 2010.", "context_left": "Viljnus / Литванија (Beta) - Najbolji litvanski košarkaš svih vremena Arvidas Sabonis imenovan je za zvaničnog ambasadora ", "context_right": " za muškarce koji će biti održan sledeće godine u Litvaniji.", "mention": "šampionata Evrope u košarci", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "204133"} {"context_title": "フランス・パリで同時多発テロ 120人以上が犠牲", "context_date": "2015年11月15日", "context_left": "フランスのオランド大統領は、「前例のないテロが起きた」として、1962年の", "context_right": "終結以来となる、非常事態宣言を発令、フランスとの国境を封鎖すると発表し、国民に対しても冷静な対応と結束をするように呼びかけた。", "mention": "アルジェリア戦争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "200790"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel zwycięzcą Grand Prix Bahrajnu", "context_date": "9 kwietnia 2018", "context_left": "Sebastian Vettel wygrał drugi wyścig sezonu 2018, ", "context_right": ". Czterokrotny mistrz świata wyprzedził o 0,699 sek. Valtteriego Bottasa i o 6,512 sek. Lewisa Hamiltona (obaj Mercedes).", "mention": "Grand Prix Bahrajnu", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "47005221"} {"context_title": "Grote klimaatdemonstraties in Europese steden voorafgaand aan top", "context_date": "2 december 2018", "context_left": "In aanloop naar de ", "context_right": " die vandaag begint in de Poolse stad Katowice, zijn dit weekend in diverse grote steden in en vele tienduizenden betogers op de been om te protesteren tegen de wereldwijde opwarming. Gisteren demonstreerden in totaal 36.000 mensen in en tegen met name het stoken met steen- en bruinkool. Vandaag waren er in zelfs nog meer betogers op de been, ca. 65.000. ", "mention": "24e VN-klimaattop", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "27887990"} {"context_title": "Magnitude 5.4 earthquake shakes Pakistan", "context_date": "February 20, 2009", "context_left": "There are reports of several injuries in Bagh, Kashmir, but the extent of those injuries are not known. No deaths have yet been reported. An ", "context_right": " with a magnitude of 7.7 devastated the same town and area in 2005, killing nearly 80,000 people.", "mention": "earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "210137"} {"context_title": "Lendületben a B68", "context_date": "2009. július 26.", "context_left": "<onlyinclude>Toftir, Feröer: Meglepetésre a B68 Toftir második helyen áll a ", "context_right": "ban. Korábban ez nem lett volna meglepetés, de az elmúlt évek nem bővelkedtek a sikerekben.</onlyinclude>", "mention": "feröeri labdarúgó-bajnokság", "context_lang": "hu", "label_id": "1081981"} {"context_title": "Поклонская раскритиковала показ «Матильды» во Владивостоке", "context_date": "8 сентября 2017", "context_left": "Депутат Госдумы Наталья Поклонская негативно отозвалась о планируемом на 11 сентября 2017 года показе фильма «Матильда» во Владивостоке. По её мнению, целью фильма является «посягательство на духовную суть и память России». Поклонская также предположила, что это «продолжение ритуала, начатого 100 лет назад», когда ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "расстреляли семью Николая Романова", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1356047"} {"context_title": "Krisendiplomatie will Waffenstillstand im Gazakonflikt erreichen", "context_date": "03.01.2009", "context_left": " Ungeachtet der von der Europäischen Union und dem Generalsekretär der Vereinten Nationen geforderten sofortigen Waffenruhe setzten die israelische Luftwaffe und die Hamas ihre gegenseitigen Angriffe auch am achten Tag nach dem Beginn der israelischen ", "context_right": " fort. Obwohl seit dem Jahreswechsel nicht mehr in der Funktion als EU-Ratsvorsitzender, brach der französische Staatspräsident Nicolas Sarkozy zusammen mit seinem Außenminister Bernard Kouchner heute zu einer diplomatischen Mission in den Nahen Osten auf. Der amtierende tschechische EU-Ratsvorsitzende Mirek Topolanek ist nach französischen Angaben darüber informiert. Ein tschechischer Diplomat kommentierte den Vorgang mit den Worten: „Eine echte Chance, Einfluss zu nehmen, haben eigentlich nur die großen Länder der EU.“ Zeitgleich mit der französischen Delegation machte sich auch die so genannte EU-Troika, bestehend aus dem tschechischen Außenminister Karel Schwarzenberg in seiner Funktion als Vorsitzender des EU-Ministerrates, EU-Chefdiplomat Javier Solana und EU-Außenkommissarin Benita Ferrero-Waldner auf den Weg in den Nahen Osten. Geplant sind Kontakte mit führenden politischen Repräsentanten in Ägypten, Israel, den Palästinensischen Autonomiegebieten im Westjordanland und Jordanien. Die Chancen zu substantiellen Fortschritten bei der Beilegung des aktuellen Konflikts zu kommen, sind ungewiss. Am vergangenen Donnerstag hatte die israelische Außenministerin Tzipi Livni bei einem Besuch in Paris die EU-Forderung nach einem Waffenstillstand noch zurückgewiesen. Israel verlangt das Ende des Raketenbeschusses durch die Hamas, bevor es über einen Waffenstillstand nachzudenken bereit ist. Zu einem solchen Schritt ist die Hamas gegenwärtig ebenfalls nicht bereit. Die Krisendiplomatie versucht nach Ansicht von politischen Beobachtern die arabischen Nachbarn Israels dazu zu bewegen, den Druck auf die Hamas zu erhöhen, den Raketenbeschuss israelischer Siedlungen im Süden Israels einzustellen. Eine weitere Hoffnung auf diplomatische Fortschritte in dieser Richtung richtet sich auf die Bemühungen des türkischen Ministerpräsidenten Tayyip Erdoğan, der schon mehrfach zwischen Syrien und Israel vermittelt hat. Syrien gehört zu den wichtigsten Unterstützern der Hamas.", "mention": "Luftoffensive gegen Ziele im Gazastreifen", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "170682"} {"context_title": "Em protesto Steven Spielberg desiste das Olimpíadas de Pequim", "context_date": "13 de fevereiro de 2008", "context_left": "Na região de Darfur, no oeste do Sudão ocorre um ", "context_right": " que vitimou pelo menos 50 000 pessoas segundo a Organização Mundial da Saúde (setembro de 2004). Acredita-se que o governo sudanês forneça armas e assistência além de participar de ataques junto a grupo de milicianos, embora negue isso publicamente.", "mention": "conflito armado", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "190758"} {"context_title": "הולנד ברבע הגמר לאחר נצחון מרשים נוסף - 4-1 על צרפת", "context_date": "13 ביוני 2008", "context_left": " ממשיכה להיות ככל הנראה המלהיבה ביותר ב", "context_right": ". ההולנדים, שבפעם הקודמת הגיעו עד חצי הגמר בלבד, הדהימו כבר במשחקם הראשון מול אלופת העולם איטליה כאשר זכו לנצחון מוחץ 3-0. עתה נצחו גם את סגניתה - , 4-1 הרבה בזכות שני שחקנים שבתחילת הטורניר עוד ישבו פצועים על הספסל. נבחרת האוראנז' נראית מצוין וספק אם תעצר בקלות במשחקים הבאים.", "mention": "יורו 2008", "context_lang": "he", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "México derrota a Uruguay 2 a 1 por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "5 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "En el primer partido de la ", "context_right": " de ambas selecciones, ayer México superó a Uruguay por 3 tantos contra uno, con goles de Álvaro Pereira en contra, Diego Godín, Márquez y Herrera. Los dos últimos goles en los 5 minutos finales del encuentro. Fue disputado en el estadio de la Universidad de Phoenix", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "சூரியனில் இருந்து கடும் தீச்சுடர் 2012 இல் பூமியை அடையும் அபாயம், அறிவியலாளர்கள் எச்சரிக்கை", "context_date": "சூன் 12, 2010", "context_left": "அதிதொழிநுட்பத்தைக் கொண்டுள்ள வளர்ச்சியடைந்த நாடுகளின் நகரங்களில் இதனால் மின்சாரத் தடை எற்ற்படக்கூடிய சாத்தியக்கூறுகள் உள்ளதாகத் தெரிவிக்கப்படுகிறது. இது ", "context_right": "யினால் ஏற்பட்ட பொருளாதாரப் பாதிப்பை விட 20 மடங்கு அதிகமாக இருக்கும் என அறிவியலாளர்கள் கருதுகிறார்கள்.", "mention": "கத்ரீனா சூறாவளி", "context_lang": "ta", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "A cinco años del caso Ayotzinapa, el nuevo gobierno replantea las investigaciones; «La única verdad es que no hay verdad alguna», dice subsecretario de Derechos Humanos", "context_date": "26 de septiembre de 2019", "context_left": "A cinco años de la ", "context_right": " normalistas de la Escuela Normal Raúl Isidro Burgos, en Iguala de la Independencia, Guerrero, Alejandro Encinas Rodríguez, subsecretario de Derechos Humanos, Población y Migración de la Secretaría de Gobernación, presentó durante la conferencia matutina del presidente, Andrés Manuel López Obrador, un informe sobre las investigaciones del conocido como caso Ayotzinapa.", "mention": "desaparición forzada de 43 estudiantes", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "18327329"} {"context_title": "„Endeavour“-Flug wegen Hurrican „Dean“ verkürzt", "context_date": "22.08.2007", "context_left": " Nicht nur irdische Touristen werden wegen ", "context_right": " von den Reiseveranstaltern evakuiert, auch die NASA holte ihre zur Internationalen Raumstation entsandten Astronauten und Gäste der Endeavour-Mission STS-118, etwa die Lehrerin Barbara Morgan, vorzeitig zurück nach Cape Canaveral. Insgesamt wurde der Flug um einen Tag gekürzt; auch der letzte von insgesamt vier Außeneinsätzen der Astronauten fand nur in verkürzter Form statt. Das Shuttle landete um 18:32 Uhr MESZ auf einer Landebahn des John F. Kennedy Space Centers (KSC).", "mention": "Hurrikan Dean", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "695842"} {"context_title": "Arquero chileno entra en la historia de los mundiales juveniles", "context_date": "16 de julio de 2007", "context_left": "El arquero de la selección chilena que se encuentra disputando el ", "context_right": ", Cristopher Toselli, batió el récord de mayor cantidad de minutos sin recibir goles en la valla. Toselli, rompió la marca del uruguayo Fernando Alvez quien poseía esta distinción desde el año 1979.", "mention": "Mundial de Fútbol Sub-20 de Canadá", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "831688"} {"context_title": "Iraqi provincial elections relatively peaceful", "context_date": "January 31, 2009", "context_left": "Iraq was a one-party state following a revolution in 1968. Former dictator Saddam Hussein came to power in an internal coup in 1979. He was removed from power in 2003 following the controversial American-led ", "context_right": ". After the invasion, the economy and civil structure of the country collapsed but now appears to be stabilising, with more areas being returned to local control and plans by new U.S. President Barack Obama for American troops to withdraw.", "mention": "invasion of the country", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Суд признал виновным врача, лечившего Майкла Джексона, в его смерти", "context_date": "8 ноября 2011", "context_left": "Суд присяжных заседателей в Лос-Анджелесе, штат Калифорния, признал доктора Конрада Мюррея виновным в непреднамеренном ", "context_right": " поп-звезды Майкла Джексона в 2009 году.", "mention": "убийстве", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "761887"} {"context_title": "Şili'de 8.8 büyüklüğünde deprem", "context_date": "2010/02/27", "context_left": "Deprem Arjantin'de de hissedildi. Depremin ardından Şili, Peru, Kolombiya, Panama, Kosta Rika, Antartika, Güney Amerika, Hawaii,Avustralya, Yeni Zelanda, Japonya, Filipinler ve Rusya için tsunami uyarısı verildiyse de, Japonya haricinde birçok devlet uyarısı sonradan geri çekildi. Şili Devlet Başkanı Michele Bachelet, depremin ardından oluşan dev bir dalganın Şili kıyılarının 660 kilometre açığındaki Robinson Crusoe Adası'na ulaştığını açıkladı. Şili'de 22 Mayıs 1960'da aynı bölgede meydana gelen 9.5 büyüklüğündeki ", "context_right": " 1655 kişi ölmüş, yaklaşık 2 milyon kişi evsiz kalmıştı. Deprem, Haiti'de yaşanan depremin 1000, Gölcük'te yaşanan depremin ise yaklaşık 100 katı olduğu belirtildi.", "mention": "depremde", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "212618"} {"context_title": "Klinsmann es el nuevo entrenador de la selección de fútbol de Estados Unidos", "context_date": "30 de julio de 2011", "context_left": "Fue figura clave de la selección alemana campeona mundial de 1990 y capitaneó a su selección campeona de la ", "context_right": " además de en los mundiales de 1994 y 1998. Tras su retiro en 1998 se radicó en Estados Unidos.", "mention": "Eurocopa 1996", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "180563"} {"context_title": "День АНЗАК в Уорике", "context_date": "27 апреля 2017", "context_left": "25 апреля 1915 года, во время Первой мировой войны, силы Антанты (британцы, австралийцы, новозеландцы, ньюфаундлендцы, индийцы, французы) начали десантирование на полуострове Галлиполи (Турция). В последовавших затяжных и кровопролитных сражениях десант не смог развить наступление с захваченных плацдармов и в конце года был эвакуирован. В ходе этой неудачной операции, получившей название ", "context_right": ", особо отличились войска Австралийско-новозеландского армейского корпуса ().", "mention": "Дарданелльской", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "164983"} {"context_title": "Former chief of Czechoslovak constitutional court murdered", "context_date": "November 9, 2010", "context_left": "Valko was a member of the Czechoslovakia parliament after the ", "context_right": ", serving as a deputy speaker of the lower house between 1990 and 1991. He made important contributions to key laws including the preamble of the Charter of Fundamental Rights and Basic Freedoms. ", "mention": "Velvet Revolution", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182817"} {"context_title": "Chile es finalista de la Copa América 2015", "context_date": "30 de junio de 2015", "context_left": "Chile es uno de los semifinalista en la ", "context_right": ", disputada en su país. Le ganó, no sin dificultad, a Perú por dos tantos contra uno, con los goles marcados por Vargas, el gol peruano fue hecho en contra por Gary Medel. El partido se disputó en el Estadio Nacional de Santiago de Chile.", "mention": "Copa América 2015", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1129985"} {"context_title": "Alleged war criminal Radovan Karadžić caught in Serbia", "context_date": "July 22, 2008", "context_left": "Karadžić has been accused by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity during the ", "context_right": " from 1992 to 1995. The Srebrenica massacre, in which about 8,000 Muslims were killed, is among the most serious of his alleged crimes. The massacre was categorised as genocide by both the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.", "mention": "Bosnian War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "181533"} {"context_title": "Gujarat quota protests turn violent", "context_date": "August 28, 2015", "context_left": "Amongst those calling for an end to the violence was Prime Minister Narendra Modi, who said \"each and every issue can be resolved through talks\" during a televised broadcast. He was elected last year and was previously the Chief Minister of Gujarat for more than twelve years. He was in power in Gujurat during ", "context_right": " which resulted in about a thousand deaths.", "mention": "sectarian violence in 2002", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1747156"} {"context_title": "En diversas zonas de Japón el agua y la comida están contaminadas con radiación", "context_date": "19 de marzo de 2011", "context_left": "La ", "context_right": " generada desde la ocurrencia del terremoto de 9.0 grados en la escala de Richter que estremeció a Japón y ha generado más de 8.000 muertos, ya afecta a los alimentos y el agua. La accidentada central nuclear de Fukushima Daiichi ubicada a más de 250 kilómetros de Tokio, ha contaminado el agua de esa ciudad y las tierras de cultivo, además de las ganaderías circundantes.", "mention": "emergencia nuclear", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Mandatory evacuation declared in New Orleans, US", "context_date": "August 28, 2005", "context_left": "With ", "context_right": " likely to strike the city of New Orleans, its mayor, along with the governor of Louisiana, has officially enforced a mandatory evacuation for the city. All citizens, with the exception of a few individuals essential to the operation of a handful of organizations (such as hotels and the media), should immediately leave the city and head for higher ground. The mayor has stated that rising waters from the Category 5 storm are likely to overtake the city's system of levees, which are designed to prevent flooding in the city. Later predictions by NOAA downgraded the hurricane to a strong Category 4 at the time of landfall.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Rusové porazili ve finále hokejového mistrovství světa domácí Kanadu", "context_date": "19. květen 2008", "context_left": "Mistrovství světa se v Kanadě konalo poprvé jako součást oslav 100 let historie mezinárodní federace IIHF. Ta vyhlásila nejlepší formaci historie, v níž jsou brankář Vladislav Treťjak (Rus.), obránci Vjačeslav Fetisov (Rus.) a Börje Salming (Švéd.) a útočníci Wayne Gretzky (Kan.) s ruskými křídly Valerijem Charlamovem a Sergejem Makarovem. Největší událostí historie IIHF byl vyhlášen triumf amerických hokejistů na ZOH 1980, do první desítky takových \"zázraků na ledě\", na které se odvolává ve svém článku i Sovetskij sport, se vešly také dva úspěchy československého a českého hokeje (zlato na ", "context_right": " a na ZOH 1998).", "mention": "MS 1972", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "1315896"} {"context_title": "Weakening Dean makes landfall on Mexican coast", "context_date": "August 21, 2007", "context_left": "After gaining strength in the western Caribbean last night, ", "context_right": " made landfall as a Category 5 storm on Mexico's Yucatán coast at about 4:30 a.m. this morning (EDT). ", "mention": "Hurricane Dean", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "695842"} {"context_title": "조선일보 칼럼 '친일파 장사' 아직도 재미 좀 보십니까' 팩트체크, 근거가 있는 주장인가?", "context_date": "2020년 10월 2일", "context_left": "제 2차 세계 대전 이후 독일의 나치 전범을 처벌하기 위해 열린 뉘른베르크 국제군사재판에서 기소된 인원과 일본의 전범을 처벌하기 위해 열린 ", "context_right": " (International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 도쿄 전범재판)에서 기소된 인원 각각을 이승만 정부가 기소한 221명의 10분의 1이라고 설명하고 있는 부분이다. 타국 사례와 비교해서 이승만 정부의 친일 청산이 상대적으로 잘 이뤄졌음을 밝히고 있다. 이는 사실인지 기소된 사람 수부터 통계에 대한 비교가 적절한지 여부를 기준으로 검증해보고자 한다.", "mention": "극동국제군사재판", "context_lang": "ko", "label_id": "320680"} {"context_title": "2010 Eurosivion Şarkı Yarışması'nda Türkiye'yi Manga temsil edecek", "context_date": "2010/01/13", "context_left": "", "context_right": " Türkiye'yi temsil edecek olan grup, Türkiye Radyo ve Televizyon Kurumu (TRT) tarafından açıklandı. 55. Eurovision Şarkı Yarışması'nda Türkiye'yi Norveç'in başkenti Oslo'da Manga grubunun temsil edeceği açıklandı. Yarışma için yine sipariş yöntemini tercih eden TRT, Manga'dan üç şarkı istedi. Şubat ayında belirlenecek olan şarkı, daha sonra kamuoyuna açıklanacak.", "mention": "2010 Eurovision Şarkı Yarışması'nda", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "10158"} {"context_title": "2010年の今年の漢字は「暑」 記録的猛暑やチリの落盤事故を反映", "context_date": "2010年12月11日", "context_left": "今年の応募総数は過去最多となる28万5406票で、「暑」はこのうち1万4537票を獲得した。今年夏は平均気温が観測史上最高を記録する猛暑で、健康・生活面や自然環境などに多くの影響を及ぼしたことが反映された。また、チリで発生した", "context_right": "で、地下の暑い中に閉じ込められた作業員らが生き延びたことも理由として挙げられた。", "mention": "鉱山落盤事故", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "214790"} {"context_title": "Bekleding Grenfell Tower was ook in Engeland verboden", "context_date": "18 juni 2017", "context_left": "De brandbare gevelbekleding die bij de renovatie van de ", "context_right": " werd gebruikt, had volgens de Britse wet bij een gebouw van deze hoogte niet gebruikt mogen worden. Dat zegt de Britse minister van Financiën, Philip Hammond. Het gebruik van het betreffende materiaal is in het VK niet toegestaan voor gebouwen hoger dan 18 meter. In veel andere landen is het betreffende materiaal überhaupt niet toegestaan voor isolatie van gebouwen.", "mention": "afgelopen week geheel uitgebrande Grenfell Tower", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "30274958"} {"context_title": "Israel invade la Franja de Gaza", "context_date": "28 de junio de 2006", "context_left": "Israel había ", "context_right": " en agosto pasado. \"No hay una razón más allá, la pelota está en el campo palestino. Cuando lo liberen, de nuestro lado, se termina\", declaró Hernan Jeverowich, portavoz del ejército de Israel.", "mention": "abandonado unilateralmente la Franja de Gaza", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "196122"} {"context_title": "Bomb blast in Delhi kills 12, injures 62", "context_date": "September 7, 2011", "context_left": "According to home secretary RK Singh, the explosives were hidden in a briefcase placed in the reception of the high court. At that moment hundreds of people were present on the site to get passes to attend court cases. Islamic fundamentalist organization Harkat-ul-Jihad al-Islami claimed the responsibility for these blasts. In an email sent to the media, the group demanded immediate repeal of the the death penalty given to Mohammed Afzal Guru, a terrorist involved in the attack on the ", "context_right": ". They also warned that they could target other high courts and the Supreme Court of India.", "mention": "Indian Parliament in 2001", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "3351820"} {"context_title": "Shots reported during Superdome evacuation", "context_date": "September 1, 2005", "context_left": "Evacuations by bus continue, despite an early news report to the contrary. Thousands of people taking temporary shelter in the Superdome and nearby areas in New Orleans are being evacuated after Mayor Ray Nagin ordered a complete evacuation of the city, in the wake of ", "context_right": ". Evacuees will be taken to the Astrodome in Houston, Texas.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "New UN Secretary General assumes post", "context_date": "January 1, 2007", "context_left": "Ban, 62, grew up on the Korean peninsula in the midst of the ", "context_right": " that divided the region. He promises to bring peace to the North Korean nuclear conflict. ", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Eurovision '04-Siegerin Ruslana über ihre Schritte als inspirierende Sängerin, Sprecherin für Models und Staatsfrau", "context_date": "31.03.2009", "context_left": "Dieses Interview ist der fünfte Teil einer Serie von Interviews mit früheren Eurovision-Teilnehmern, die bis zum ", "context_right": " Mitte Mai in Moskau von Zeit zu Zeit an dieser Stelle erscheinen werden. Es ist das zweite Interview, das bis jetzt ins Deutsche übertragen wurde.", "mention": "diesjährigen Wettbewerb", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10157"} {"context_title": "Panamá derrota Bolivia 2 a 1 por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "7 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "En el debut en la ", "context_right": ", Panamá le ganó ayer a Bolivia con dos goles de Blas Pérez, el descuento boliviano fue de Juan Arce. El encuentro fue en Orlando en el Estadio Cytrus Bowl.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Christoph Bals of the NGO Germanwatch after conclusion of climate conference", "context_date": "December 27, 2007", "context_left": "With the ", "context_right": " in Bali having come to a successful conclusion, \"Wikinews\" journalist interviewed Christoph Bals from the German NGO Germanwatch on his opinion of the outcome, and an outlook on the future negotiations. Christoph is the Senior Political Executive of Germanwatch, Co-Author of the Climate protection-Index and did lobby work on Bali.", "mention": "Climate Conference", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1633080"} {"context_title": "القضاء التونسي يحكم بالغرامة على مدير قناة بسمة", "context_date": "4 مايو 2012", "context_left": "تزامن الحكم القضائي مع فعاليات تسليم جائزة اليونسكو لحرية الصحافة في تونس للصحافي والناشط الأذربيجاني عين الله فتح اللايف، ولأول مرة يجري تسليم هذه الجائزة في بلد عربي، وذلك تكريماً ", "context_right": "، ومع صدور التقرير السنوي للنقابة الوطنية للصحفيين التونسيين الذي يعبر عن القلق بسبب تراجع حرية الصحافة في تونس والموقف السلبي الصامت للسلطات تجاه الاعتداءات ضد الإعلاميين ومحاولة تذليلهم.", "mention": "للثورة التونسية", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "46959"} {"context_title": "செருமனியில் உலக சாதனை, சூரிய ஆற்றலில் இருந்து 22 கிகாவாட்டு மின்திறன்", "context_date": "மே 28, 2012", "context_left": "சப்பானில் சென்ற ஆண்டு மார்ச் மாதத்தில் இடம்பெற்ற ", "context_right": " புக்குசீமா அணு உலை விபத்துக்குள்ளானதை அடுத்து செர்மானிய அரசு 2022 ஆம் ஆண்டுக்குள் அனைத்து அணுஉலைகளையும் மூடிவிடத் திட்டமிட்டுள்ளது. ஏற்கனவே 8 அணு உலைகள் மூடப்பட்டு விட்டன. மேலும் 9 உலைகள் எஞ்சியுள்ளன. இவை அனைத்தும் வளி, சூரிய ஆற்றல், மற்றும் உயிர்க்கூள ஆற்றல் போன்ற புதுப்பிக்கப்படக் கூடிய எரிசக்திகளைப் பயன்படுத்தப்போவதாக செர்மனிய அரசு அறிவித்துள்ளது.", "mention": "நிலநடுக்கத்தில்", "context_lang": "ta", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "다국적군, 리비아에서 오디세이 새벽 작전 개시", "context_date": "2011년 3월 20일", "context_left": "영국, 미국, 프랑스가 주축이 된 다국적군이 19일 리비아에 대한 \"오디세이 새벽 작전\"을 개시했다. 다국적군은 전투기로 수도 트리폴리를 공습했고, 미국과 영국의 함정이 리비아의 대공망을 표적으로 크루즈 미사일을 발사했다. 이번 작전은 17일 UN에서 결의된 \"", "context_right": "\" 설정에 따른 것이다. 카다피 국가 원수는 이번 공습에 대해 \"식민지화를 위한 공격\"이라며 결사 항전의 의지를 밝혔다.", "mention": "비행 금지 구역", "context_lang": "ko", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "Iranian International Master Dorsa Derakhshani discusses her chess career with Wikinews", "context_date": "April 14, 2020", "context_left": " Oh yeah. Yeah, well, that's been kind of... interesting. Well, it wasn't right after that. It was, I played another tournament in Portugal right after, which I got sick during and I couldn't really play to my best. But I did get the best woman, anyways. Anyways, after that, I went for a vacation for about a week. And after that I went to play in tournaments in Austria right after. And that's when, I remember I didn't have Internet connection for a few hours because I was in a train ride from [...] I don't remember, a city in Germany to Austria. And during that time, during that hours I was offline, the whole hell broke lose. Well, yeah it did. And my phone started to blow up when I got Internet connection again. Just with Instagram followers and my friends messaging me where am I, if I were in Iran, if I am in Iran I should get out, and I was like, I am not in Iran, I haven't been back in Iran since I moved out in 2016 to live in Spain. But okay, I am not there and I start to follow news. And the next morning, my mom and my brother got to the hotel that we were staying at. And I explained to them what was going on and we were all extremely shocked. Because it's the timing of it, was extremely suspicious. Because the tournament [Gibraltar] happened weeks before and I was a resident of another country for more than six months. So the timing of it was extremely suspicious because the ", "context_right": " was happening in Iran at that time, and all of the Iranian female players who were playing in that tournament got eliminated and the Federation was under huge scrutiny from the Iranian government and the people. And they were like, \"Well, if you don't have good enough players to actually win this thing, why did you host it and why did you make us spend so much money on it?\" And because a lot of the best women chess players in the world refused to play in that tournament because of their values. And they didn't want to go to a country where they are required to have a certain dress code and they wanted to be comfortable when they were playing the tournament. So that was a whole big mess. And when the story about me broke out that I was not wearing a scarf and I was representing, whatever they were saying, all of the attention shifted to me and my brother instead of the Iranian Chess Federation mistakes in hosting the tournament.", "mention": "Women World [Chess] Championship", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "22992136"} {"context_title": "Huracán Tomas azota Haití", "context_date": "5 de noviembre de 2010", "context_left": "El gobierno de la isla, que fue devastada por un ", "context_right": " el pasado 12 de enero, emitió una alerta por huracán para todo el país. El Centro Nacional de Huracanes de Miami prevé que Tomas afectará el territorio haitiano con lluvias de más de 250 mm, lo que podría agravar la enorme catástrofe que sufre el país, seriamente afectado por una epidemia de cólera que ya ha dejado más de 300 fallecidos y casi 5.000 infectados.", "mention": "terremoto", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Αρμενίας νίκησε την Εθνική Σλοβακίας με σκορ 4-0", "context_date": "7 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Αρμενίας νίκησε την Εθνική Σλοβακίας με σκορ 4:0 για τον Β' Όμιλο των Προκριματικών του ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου 2012", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Alleged war criminal Radovan Karadžić caught in Serbia", "context_date": "July 22, 2008", "context_left": "Karadžić has been accused by the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia of genocide, war crimes and crimes against humanity during the Bosnian War from 1992 to 1995. The ", "context_right": ", in which about 8,000 Muslims were killed, is among the most serious of his alleged crimes. The massacre was categorised as genocide by both the International Court of Justice and the International Criminal Tribunal for the former Yugoslavia.", "mention": "Srebrenica massacre", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "170334"} {"context_title": "American TV personality and "Tonight Show" sidekick Ed McMahon dies at 86", "context_date": "June 24, 2009", "context_left": "McMahon was a Marine Corps fighter pilot in World War II and returned to the United States after the war. He graduated college and became a television producer in Philadelphia. He later served in the ", "context_right": ", completing another tour of duty, then was selected as the announcer for ABC daytime program \"Who Do You Trust?\" This was the first time McMahon worked alongside Johnny Carson. The two were paired up again four years later as McMahon replaced Hugh Downs as the announcer on \"The Tonight Show\". McMahon earned a reported US$1 million a year working with Carson. ", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Дарья Домрачева выиграла гонку преследования на Олимпиаде в Сочи", "context_date": "12 февраля 2014", "context_left": "На Олимпийских играх в Сочи в ", "context_right": " убедительную победу одержала представительница Белоруссии — Дарья Домрачева. Дистанцию белорусская спортсменка прошла за 29 минут и 30,7 секунд. Это первая золотая медаль в карьере Дарьи Домрачевой.", "mention": "гонке преследования на 10 км среди женщин в биатлоне", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "14643199"} {"context_title": "«Адмирал Эссен» атаковал позиции ИГ в Сирии", "context_date": "6 сентября 2017", "context_left": "ИГ возникло в Ираке на основе повстанческих организаций, появившихся после ", "context_right": " в 2003 году. В России признано «запрещённой организацией». Россия начала операцию в Сирии в сентябре 2015 года по решению верховного главнокомандующего Владимира Путина после обращения президента Сирии Башара Асада об оказании военной помощи в борьбе с международным терроризмом.", "mention": "вторжения США и их союзников", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Daði Freyr oraz Ásdís wydali singel „Feel The Love”", "context_date": "8 stycznia 2021", "context_left": "Pierwszy utwór wydany we współpracy Daðiego Freyrera (reprezentanta Islandii w ", "context_right": " i 2021) oraz Ásdís (znanej w Polsce z gościnnego udziału w singlu polskiego DJ Gromeego pt. „Worth It”) pod tytułem „Náum Aðeins Andanum” ukazał się na debiutanckim albumie pierwszego artysty wydanym w 2019 roku \"& Co.\"", "mention": "Konkursie Piosenki Eurowizji 2020", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "30973589"} {"context_title": "Space Shuttle Discovery lands for final time", "context_date": "March 10, 2011", "context_left": "STS-133 is \"Discovery\"'s 39th and final mission into space, the 35th shuttle mission to the ISS, and the 133rd flight in the entire shuttle program. \"Discovery\" has docked with two different space stations, \"Mir\" and the ISS, and was the first shuttle to fly after both the ", "context_right": " and \"Columbia\" disasters. \"Discovery\" made its maiden flight on STS-41-D in 1984, having since become the most experienced and oldest surviving space shuttle, and delivering payloads to orbit such as the Hubble Space Telescope and becoming the first shuttle to fly a Russian cosmonaut into space.", "mention": "\"Challenger\"", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "858145"} {"context_title": "野田内閣正式発足 藤村官房長官、安住財務相など新任", "context_date": "2011年9月2日", "context_left": "時事通信によると、9月2日午後、皇居で野田佳彦首相の任命式と閣僚の認証式が行われ、野田内閣が正式に発足した。野田首相は第95代、62人目の首相に当たる。同首相は、同日夕、首相官邸で記者会見し、東日本大震災の復興と", "context_right": "収束に最優先で取り組む決意を表明し、また、衆議院解散については、少なくとも年内の実施を否定した。さらに、「(党内融和に配慮し)自分なりに心を砕いて組閣した」と説明した。", "mention": "福島第一原子力発電所事故", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Скончался Эдуард Шеварднадзе", "context_date": "7 июля 2014", "context_left": "В декабре 1991 года Шеварднадзе одним из первых среди руководителей СССР признал ", "context_right": " и предстоящее прекращение существования СССР.", "mention": "Беловежские соглашения", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "76986"} {"context_title": "Felipe Massa wins 2007 Bahrain Grand Prix", "context_date": "April 15, 2007", "context_left": "Felipe Massa, driving for Ferrari, won the 2007 FIA Formula One Gulf Air ", "context_right": " at Bahrain International Circuit, Sakhir, Bahrain. Starting from pole, the Brazilian controlled the whole race losing the lead only due to pit-stops.", "mention": "Bahrain Grand prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "17323"} {"context_title": "Ayman al-Zawahiri choisi comme nouveau chef d'Al-Qaida", "context_date": "16 juin 2011", "context_left": "Le chef spirituel d'Al-Qaida, Oussama ben Laden, ", "context_right": " lors d'une opération des forces spéciales américaines Navy Seals dans la nuit du 1 au 2 mai dernier. L'inspirateur des attentats du 11 septembre 2001 se cachait dans un complexe de la ville garnison d'Abbottabad, dans le nord-est du Pakistan. Sa dépouille a été immergée dans l'océan.", "mention": "a été tué", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "19085"} {"context_title": "Three cities submit bids for 2020 Summer Olympics", "context_date": "January 8, 2013", "context_left": "Bookmakers have given Tokyo best odds to receive the Games at 4/6 compared to 5/2 for Istanbul and 3/1 for Madrid. Tokyo's bid delegation included a member of the women's FIFA World Cup champions Homare Sawa, 2008 Summer Paralympics swimming gold medalist Takayuki Suzuki, President of Tokyo 2020 and Japanese Olympic Committee Tsunekazu Takeda, bid chief executive Masato Mizuno, senior director for planning for sports at Tokyo 2020 Katsura Enyo, and a member of the Executive Board for Tokyo's bid Yasuhiro Nakamori. Tokyo last hosted the Olympics in 1964 and had previously won the rights to host the later canceled ", "context_right": ". This is their second consecutive bid, having lost to Rio de Janeiro for the 2016 Summer Olympics. Bid organizers believe the Games would be an uplifting force for a country still recovering from a natural disaster in 2011. A possible complication to Tokyo's bid is territorial disputes with China. ", "mention": "1940 Summer Olympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8368"} {"context_title": "Michael Schumacher wins 2006 United States Grand Prix", "context_date": "July 2, 2006", "context_left": "The race ended with only nine cars finished, much better though, than a year before, when ", "context_right": " broke.", "mention": "Michelin's tyre scandal", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "173161"} {"context_title": "Global premiere of Lordi horror movie Dark Floors next month in Oulu, Finland", "context_date": "January 9, 2008", "context_left": "The concept for Lordi was conceived in 1992, however, the band wasn't officially formed until 1996 by Tomi Putaansuu. Lordi won the ", "context_right": " with a record 292 points, giving Finland its first ever victory.", "mention": "2006 Eurovision Song Contest", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10152"} {"context_title": "2006年サッカーW杯、ライプツィヒでグループリーグ組み合わせ抽選会行われる", "context_date": "2005年12月10日", "context_left": "開催国ドイツはコスタリカ、エクアドル、ポーランドとともにAグループに入ったほか、前回の", "context_right": "優勝国ブラジルは、オーストラリア、クロアチア、日本とともにFグループに入った。", "mention": "日韓大会", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "Újabb magyar katona halt meg Afganisztánban", "context_date": "2008. július 14.", "context_left": "Az ", "context_right": " kapcsán két hónap alatt két magyar katona vesztette életét. Mindkét esetben bomba hatástalanítása közben történt a robbanás. Kovács Gyula után Nemes Krisztián az afganisztáni misszió második magyar halálos áldozata. Szekeres Imre Kovács Gyulát hősi halottá nyilvánította. Nemes Krisztián Kovács Gyula munkáját végezte. A két tragédia \"kísértetiesen hasonlít\" egymásra.", "mention": "Afganisztáni háború", "context_lang": "hu", "label_id": "182865"} {"context_title": "白宫遭群众围堵 特朗普躲进地下掩体避难", "context_date": "2020年6月1日", "context_left": "美国黑人", "context_right": "引发的全美游行暴动进行至第6日。在美国首都华盛顿哥伦比亚特区,示威群众对白宫进行包围。美国总统唐纳德·特朗普也因此被带到地下碉堡避难。据白宫内部人员描述,特朗普在特勤人员的护送下,在地下掩体待了不到一个小时。", "mention": "乔治·弗洛伊德之死", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "95579249"} {"context_title": "López Obrador rinde su Primer Informe de Gobierno; destaca lucha contra la corrupción y reconoce que México aún sufre crisis de violencia e inseguridad", "context_date": "1 de septiembre de 2019", "context_left": "Reportó el despliegue de 58 600 elementos de la nueva Guardia Nacional en 150 coordinaciones territoriales, con el objetivo de alcanzar los 140 000 miembros en las 266 regiones en que se dividió, en esta material, al país. También aseguró que «el estado ha dejado de ser el principal violador de los derechos» y que se trabajará para esclarecer qué sucedió con los ", "context_right": ". El presidente concluyó su mensaje, al que acudieron legisladores, gobernadores y representantes del poder judicial, con gritos de «Viva México» y el Himno Nacional.", "mention": "43 estudiantes de Ayotzinapa", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "18327329"} {"context_title": "Русија кажњена са 120.000 евра због дивљања навијача", "context_date": "13. јун 2012.", "context_left": "(Beta-AP) - Дисциплинска комисија Европске фудбалске асоцијације казнила је у среду Фудбалски савез Русије са 120.000 евра, због дивљања њихових навијача првог дана ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Европског првенства", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Welsh swimming squad named for 2006 Commonwealth Games", "context_date": "October 15, 2005", "context_left": "The Commonwealth Games Council for Wales has named the first group of swimmers in the swimming squad who will compete in the ", "context_right": " in Melbourne.", "mention": "2006 Commonwealth Games", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "659207"} {"context_title": "Sáblíková obhájila zlato z Vancouveru na pětikilometrové trati", "context_date": "19. únor 2014", "context_left": "Trať 5000 m jí skutečně vyhovuje a málokdy najde soupeře, za posledních sedm let na velkých akcích ho nenašla. Drží na ní světový rekord a titul mistryně světa na ní slavila už šestkrát. I proto byla jasnou favoritkou a závodu obětovala i předchozí ", "context_right": " z minulého týdne, kde ve Vancouveru obsadila třetí místo. Nenastoupila, aby se šetřila na dnešek.", "mention": "závod na 1500 metrů", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "15130791"} {"context_title": "Activistas lakota declaran su independencia de los Estados Unidos", "context_date": "21 de diciembre de 2007", "context_left": "El movimiento para la independencia de los lakota comenzó en 1974, cuando unos activistas redactaron un bosquejo de su declaración de independencia, basada en la ", "context_right": ", en la cual dicho país declaró su libertad de Inglaterra.", "mention": "Declaración de Independencia de los Estados Unidos", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "127912"} {"context_title": "В Киеве убили журналиста Аркадия Бабченко", "context_date": "29 мая 2018", "context_left": "Аркадий Бабченко участвовал в обеих чеченских войнах (см. ", "context_right": ", Вторая чеченская война).", "mention": "Первая чеченская война", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "29269"} {"context_title": "Србија у финалу ЕП, после преокрета против Црне Горе", "context_date": "25. јул 2014.", "context_left": "(Бета) - Ватерполо репрезентација Србије пласирала се у петак увече у финале ", "context_right": ", пошто је у полуфиналној утакмици у Будимпешти савладала Црну Гору са 10:9 (3:5, 1:2, 3:2, 3:0).", "mention": "Европског првенства у Мађарској", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "2756061"} {"context_title": "Gbagbo detained by opposition forces and taken to meet Ouattara in Ivory Coast hotel", "context_date": "April 11, 2011", "context_left": "Fighting ", "context_right": " in the African state since a disputed election in November last year. Supporters of Ouattara claim he won the poll and is the rightful president, but Gbagbo has refused to stand down.", "mention": "has been continuing", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "909819"} {"context_title": "Millonarios rusos planean iniciar la construcción de su propia ciudad en 2006", "context_date": "27 de octubre de 2005", "context_left": "La futura ciudad tendrá un estilo de construcción histórica similar al de las ciudades europeas como Amsterdam, Münich y Praga, pero manteniendo el estilo urbanístico de Moscú antes de la ", "context_right": " (la que dio lugar al régimen comunista y a la hoy extinta Unión Soviética).", "mention": "Revolución de Octubre", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "42976"} {"context_title": "Jenson Button wins 2009 Turkish Grand Prix", "context_date": "June 8, 2009", "context_left": "Brawn GP driver Jenson Button won yesterday's FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " ING Turkish Grand Prix at the Istanbul Racing Circuit in Istanbul, Turkey. This became his sixth win in the season after seven races and became only the fifth driver to do so in history, after Alberto Ascari, Juan Manuel Fangio, Jim Clark and Michael Schumacher (twice). This is Buttons' forth race win in a row.", "mention": "2009", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172015"} {"context_title": "Argentyna i Niemcy w finale Mistrzostw Świata w Piłce Nożnej 2014", "context_date": "10 lipca 2014", "context_left": "13 lipca na Maracanie w Rio de Janeiro o godzinie 16:00 czasu lokalnego (21:00 czasu środkowoeuropejskiego letniego UTC+2) rozpocznie się ", "context_right": ". Trofeum zawodów, Puchar Świata FIFA, wygra drużyna, która w przeszłości była już mistrzem globu – Niemcy triumfowali w mistrzostwach trzy razy, a Argentyńczycy – dwa.", "mention": "finał Mistrzostw Świata w Piłce Nożnej 2014", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "15926885"} {"context_title": "В Жёлтом море произошла перестрелка между Южной и Северной Кореей", "context_date": "23 ноября 2010", "context_left": "Это крупнейший вооруженный конфликт между КНДР и Южной Кореей со времен ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Корейской войны", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "パキスタン東北部地震、犠牲者数、刻々と増加", "context_date": "2005年10月9日", "context_left": "8日に", "context_right": "の死者は、時間を追うごとに新たに判明した死者が伝えられている。パキスタン・インド・アフガニスタンで死者がでている。9日協定標準時7時(現地時間で12時、日本時間16時)のロイター通信の報道ではパキスタンだけで死者1万8千人という報道がなされた。ロイターはまたインドで300人以上が死亡したと伝えている。", "mention": "パキスタンで起きた地震", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "210137"} {"context_title": "Costa Rica le gana a Colombia tres tantos contra dos por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "12 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Costa Rica le ganó a Colombia tres goles a dos en la última presentación por la primer rueda de la ", "context_right": ", que ya tenía a los cafeteros clasificados y a los caribeños eliminados, con esta expectativa Pekermán dispuso una formación suplente en el NRG Stadium de Houston. Johan Venegas, Frank Fabra (en contra) y Celso Borges anotaron para Costa Rica, Frank Fabra y Marcos Moreno para Colombia.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Hurrikan „Rita“ entwickelt sich zur Katastrophe", "context_date": "22.09.2005", "context_left": "Mittlerweile ist er in die Kategorie fünf eingestuft worden und zieht momentan mit einer Windgeschwindigkeit von 260 Kilometern pro Stunde über den Golf von Mexiko direkt auf die Küstenregion zu. Vorsorglich wurden über 100.000 Menschen aus den bereits von Hurrikan „", "context_right": "“ Anfang September zerstörten Regionen evakuiert. Es besteht die begründete Sorge, dass die aufgeweichten und notdürftig reparierten Dämme in New Orleans nicht halten. Die NASA-Bodenstation in Houston traf ebenfalls entsprechende Vorkehrungen und schloss die Basis.", "mention": "Katrina", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "US unemployment fell to four-year low before Katrina", "context_date": "September 3, 2005", "context_left": "The United States Department of Labor announced that the country's unemployment rate fell to a four-year low of 4.9%. American employers created about 169,000 new jobs in August. However, this trend is projected to end due to ", "context_right": " (the data was collected prior to the hurricane).", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Милошевич мёртв", "context_date": "11 марта 2006", "context_left": "С 2001 года Милошевич находится под судом международного трибунала в Гааге (Нидерланды), как военный преступник. Милошевич обвинялся в преступлениях против человечности во время ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Балканской войны", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "181533"} {"context_title": "Brazil defeats China in 5-a-side football in group play at London Paralympics", "context_date": "September 5, 2012", "context_left": "Brazil won gold in 5-a-side football at both past Paralympic Games where it was included — Athens ", "context_right": ", and Beijing in 2008 where they defeated China 2–1 in the final. China won silver in Beijing even though they had no national team prior to hosting the Games there.", "mention": "in 2004", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "840654"} {"context_title": "Fernando Alonso wins 2006 Japanese Grand Prix", "context_date": "October 8, 2006", "context_left": "Renault driver Fernando Alonso won the FIA Formula-1 2006 Fuji Television ", "context_right": " on the Suzuka International Racing Course. Though Ferrari drivers Felipe Massa and Michael Schumacher started the race from the first row, Alonso managed to overtake both Toyotas on the first part of the race and Massa after the pit stops. Then Alonso started to push on Michael Schumacher and closed the gap to about 5 seconds. An engine failure forced Schumacher to park his car after the tunnel on lap 36 and the Spaniard rushed to his seventh victory in this season. ", "mention": "Japanese Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "305847"} {"context_title": "Metropolitan Police Commissioner Cressida Dick resigns amid criticism", "context_date": "February 12, 2022", "context_left": "Dick joined the force as a constable in 1983, and headed the anti-gang Operation Trident in 2003. As head of Operation Kratos following the ", "context_right": ", Dick was investigated but cleared of \"personal culpability\". She became the first female commissioner on February 22, 2017 after working in the Foreign & Commonwealth Office from 2011, earning a salary of GBP230 thousand.", "mention": "July 7, 2005 London bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Скончалась Джанет Рено — первая женщина-генпрокурор США", "context_date": "7 ноября 2016", "context_left": "Одна из самых узнаваемых и противоречивых фигур в администрации Клинтона, Рено уже в самом начале работы в качестве генпрокурора столкнулась с критикой в связи со ", "context_right": " в Уэйко, штат Техас, где находились члены секты «Ветвь Давидова» во главе с её лидером Дэвидом Корешом. Во время штурма Кореш и около 80 его последователей погибли.", "mention": "штурмом поместья", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "258873"} {"context_title": "Jon Lujan named United States flag bearer for 2014 Winter Paralympics opening ceremony", "context_date": "March 6, 2014", "context_left": "In Sochi, Lujan is rooming with Heath Calhoun, the ", "context_right": " United States flag bearer. Like Lujan, Calhoun is also a veteran, having served in the army.", "mention": "2010 Winter Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "641965"} {"context_title": "San Marino y Montenegro se clasifican por primera vez para la final de Eurovisión", "context_date": "7 de mayo de 2014", "context_left": "El Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión ya tiene los primeros países clasificados para su ", "context_right": " cuya final tendrá lugar el próximo sábado 10 de mayo.", "mention": "edición número 59", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "5354210"} {"context_title": "Ya se conocen las canciones de Chipre y Suiza en Eurovisión 2008", "context_date": "13 de enero de 2008", "context_left": "Ya se conocen las canciones que representarán a Chipre y Suiza en el ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión 2008", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10155"} {"context_title": "Виновные в разливе нефти в Мексиканском заливе заплатят 1,4 миллиарда долларов США", "context_date": "4 января 2013", "context_left": "Владелец буровой платформы, которая ", "context_right": ", что стало причиной самого крупномасштабного разлива нефти в истории США, заплатит более 1 миллиард долларов США в виде штрафов.", "mention": "взорвалась в Мексиканском заливе в 2010 году", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "3656148"} {"context_title": "Rush Limbaugh and Pat Robertson under fire for remarks about earthquake in Haiti", "context_date": "January 15, 2010", "context_left": "American radio host and conservative political commentator Rush Limbaugh and televangelist Pat Robertson have drawn criticism from the White House for comments made on Thursday criticizing the relief efforts for Haiti following Tuesday's ", "context_right": " there. ", "mention": "earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "Uruguay eliminó por penales a Argentina de la Copa América", "context_date": "17 de julio de 2011", "context_left": "En la definición por penales luego de haber igualado 1-1 en un emocionante partido, elminó a , en un encuentro por los cuartos de final de la ", "context_right": ". El arquero Muslera, figura destacada de todo el encuentro, le atajó a Tévez su penal lo que marcó al no errar el equipo uruguayo ninguno de sus tiros el pase a semifinales del equipo oriental.", "mention": "Copa América 2011", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "US regulators approve new nuclear reactors for first time in 34 years", "context_date": "February 11, 2012", "context_left": "The CEO of Southern Company, Thomas Fanning, said the approval was a \"monumental accomplishment.\" In a conference call after the approval, he told reporters, \"Anything that we learn from Fukushima, I assure you we will bring to bear\", referring to the ", "context_right": ". In an interview, he also said regulatory oversight \"has been thorough, it has been thoughtful and it is complete.\" ", "mention": "Fukushima Daiichi nuclear disaster", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Poland announces Olympians for the 2008 Summer Olympics in Beijing", "context_date": "July 10, 2008", "context_left": "When asked about the protests over China's ", "context_right": " in Tibet, Nurowski said: \"Demonstrating one's political views at the venues as well as in the Olympic Village is forbidden. It is a violation of the Olympic Oath. It means that the IOC may even expel one from the Village and take away the medals. I have talked a lot about it with our sportsmen. They have answered that politics is not interesting for them in Beijing. They are concentrating on sports.\" ", "mention": "violation of human rights", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545068"} {"context_title": "Ahmadinejad amenaza a Israel desde Líbano", "context_date": "14 de octubre de 2010", "context_left": "Israel desestimó las afirmaciones de Ahmadinejad, llamándolo \"pirómano obsesionado e incontrolado\" el portavoz del Ministerio israelí de Asuntos Exteriores, Igal Palmor. Benjamín Netanyahu afirmó que la mejor respuesta a ello fue la victoria de Israel en la ", "context_right": ", y dijo \"desde entonces miren que ejército, que nación\", en declaraciones citadas por Europa Press.", "mention": "Guerra árabe-israelí de 1948", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "49092"} {"context_title": "Кастро ограничава мандате функционера", "context_date": "17. април 2011.", "context_left": "Предлог о ограниченом мандату који је изнесен на кључном састанку Комунистичке партије учиниће готово немогућим понављање династије Кастро која је управљала Кубом од ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "револуције 1959. године", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "11264"} {"context_title": "7 ноября в Екатеринбурге отметили фейерверком и выступлением 103-летнего ветерана", "context_date": "9 ноября 2016", "context_left": "7 ноября 2016 года в Екатеринбурге состоялись демонстрация и митинг, посвящённые 99-летней годовщине ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Октябрьской революции", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "42976"} {"context_title": "U.S. Coast Guard investigation finds 'poor safety culture' contributed to Deepwater Horizon disaster", "context_date": "April 24, 2011", "context_left": "The report squarely blames Transocean, which managed the \"Deepwater Horizon\", for being largely responsible for the ", "context_right": " that claimed eleven lives. The rig had \"serious safety management system failures and a poor safety culture,\" the report says. Transocean fiercely rejected allegations that crews aboard the rig were badly trained and equipment was poorly maintained.", "mention": "explosion", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "3656148"} {"context_title": "Čeští biatlonisté zažívají žně, ve smíšené štafetě stříbrní", "context_date": "19. únor 2014", "context_left": "Stejný biatlonový tým jako dnes vyhrál loni bronz na ", "context_right": ". Olympijské medaile v Soči se tím dočkala i Vítková. Česko tak získalo už osmou olympijskou medaili na těchto hrách, což je rekordní výsledek. Překonalo tím výsledek z minulých her ve Vancouveru o dvě medaile.", "mention": "mistrovství světa v Novém Městě na Moravě", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "855881"} {"context_title": "Schweden siegt beim Eurovision Song Contest 2015 in Wien", "context_date": "24.05.2015", "context_left": " Am gestrigen Samstag fand das Finale des \"Eurovision Song Contest\" 2015 in Wien statt. Aus 40 Teilnehmerländern der European Broadcasting Union waren zuvor in zwei Halbfinalshows 27 Finalisten ermittelt worden. Anlässlich des 60jähigen Jubiläums der Veranstaltung nahm einmalig auch Australien am Wettbewerb teil. Zu den Beiträgen mit historischen Bezügen gehörte Frankreichs Lied \"N'oubliez pas\", das an den Ersten Weltkrieg vor 100 Jahren erinnert. Auch Armenien versuchte an ein historisches Ereignis anzuknüpfen: Mit \"Face the Shadow\" wurde eine Komposition vorgestellt, die den ", "context_right": " ins Gedächtnis rufen soll.", "mention": "Völkermord in den Jahren 1915 und 1916", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "Oud-legerleider Arthy Gorré (68) overleden", "context_date": "9 april 2018", "context_left": "Oud-legerleider Arthy Gorré is vandaag op 68-jarige leeftijd overleden. Hij was een van de plegers van de ", "context_right": " van februari 1982 en werd daarna bevorderd tot kapiteit van de Echocompagnie. Vanwege zijn vermeende deelname aan de van 1982 werd onlangs de strafeis van 20 jaar gevangenisstraf tegen hem geëist. Zelf heeft hij altijd beweerd onschuldig te zijn. Naar eigen zeggen zou hij uit rancune als verdachte zijn aangemerkt omdat hij toen niet zou hebben uitgeschakeld. Gorré was al geruime tijd ziek.", "mention": "Sergeantencoup", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "967981"} {"context_title": "Bomb blast kills Iraqi police, army recruits", "context_date": "March 1, 2005", "context_left": "al Hilla was the scene of a major battle in the ", "context_right": ", with several hundred Iraqi forces reported to have been killed in fierce fighting. The city is now included in the Polish military zone under the occupation of Iraq.", "mention": "2003 invasion of Iraq", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Verfahren gegen argentinische Präsidentin eingestellt", "context_date": "25.04.2015", "context_left": " Die argentinische Präsidentin Cristina Fernández de Kirchner wird sich nicht vor Gericht wegen eines ", "context_right": " im Jahr 1994 zu verantworten haben. Das entschied der Staatsanwalt Javier de Luca. „Es hat keine Straftat gegeben“, erklärte er. ", "mention": "Attentats in Buenos Aires", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "322936"} {"context_title": "Polish president and first lady lie in state ahead of funeral", "context_date": "April 13, 2010", "context_left": "The couple were travelling to Russia to mark the 70th anniversary of the ", "context_right": " when their plane clipped trees and crashed in Smolensk, Russia. The couple died along with many other senior politicians and military commanders. Other victims included the president of the central bank of Poland, the head of the Polish Olympic Committee and last President of Poland, from the Polish government-in-exile which existed in London during the Nazi and Communist period, Ryszard Kaczorowski. ", "mention": "Katyn massacre", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "134301"} {"context_title": "Arbeitet der spanische Geheimdienst mit Islamisten zusammen?", "context_date": "03.12.2017", "context_left": " Ein bizarres Bild ergibt sich aus den jüngsten Ermittlungen zu Terroranschlägen in Spanien. Offenbar hat der spanische Geheimdienst Centro Nacional de Inteligencia (CNI) mit radikalen Islamisten zusammengearbeitet und diese auch finanziell unterstützt. Als Beispiel wird Abdelbaki Es Satty, der Imam in der katalanischen Stadt Ripoll, genannt. Nach den ", "context_right": " gab der CNI zu, dass es in der Vergangenheit einschlägige Kontakte gegeben hat. Es Satty wiederum stand seit mehr als einem Jahrzehnt mit Dschihadisten in Katalonien und in Brüssel in Verbindung, darunter auch mit Terroristen, die an den Madrider Zuganschlägen von 2004 beteiligt waren. Als Imam indoktrinierte er nach spanischen Berichten rund 80 junge Menschen. Er sollte im Anschluss an eine vierjährige Freiheitsstrafe, die er wegen Drogenhandels verbüßt hatte, im März 2015 nach Marokko abgeschoben werden. Er predigte seitdem in mehreren Moscheen und gilt als Anführer der Anschläge im August, bei dessen Vorbereitung er offenbar selbst ums Leben kam.", "mention": "Terroranschlägen von Barcelona und Cambrils im August 2017", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "37001445"} {"context_title": "California student arrested in criminal threats made on Wikipedia", "context_date": "April 19, 2008", "context_left": "All students' backpacks were searched before classes began Thursday. At the time Hacienda La Puente Unified School District police told the \"Pasadena Star-News\" that the random checks were a precautionary measure related to the upcoming anniversary of the ", "context_right": ", which took place April 20, 1999. Eric Harris and Dylan Klebold killed 12 students and a teacher and wounded many others in Columbine High School in Colorado before committing suicide.", "mention": "Columbine High School massacre", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "473845"} {"context_title": "I nuovi giudici di X Factor 2020", "context_date": "9 giugno 2020", "context_left": "Anche per Mika è la quarta volta nel talent: la popstar libanese ha partecipato alle edizioni dal 2013 al 2015. La sua ultima apparizione nella televisione italiana c'è stata durante una serata del ", "context_right": ", dove ha raggiunto il 60% di share. ", "mention": "Festival di Sanremo 2020", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "66120489"} {"context_title": "Goelijev wint de 200 meter, geen hoofdrol voor Makwala", "context_date": "11 augustus 2017", "context_left": "De Turks-Azerbeidzjaanse atleet Ramil Goelijev is op de Wereldkampioenschappen atletiek de verrassende winnaar geworden in de finale van de 200 meter sprint. Hij liep deze afstand in 20,09 seconden. Het was zijn beste prestatie tot nu toe. De hoogste titel die hij tot dit toernooi wist te winnen, was een zilveren medaille tijdens de ", "context_right": " ", "mention": "Europese kampioenschappen atletiek van 2016", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "1523290"} {"context_title": "Comissão europeia reconhece necessidade de tomar ações mais incisivas contra a crise da zona do euro", "context_date": "6 de dezembro de 2011", "context_left": "Muitos consideraram que essa decisão foi uma maneira de pressionar os líderes europeus para que tomem ações mais incisivas contra a ", "context_right": " na reunião do Conselho Europeu que será realizada na quinta (8) e sexta-feira (9) em Bruxelas.", "mention": "crise financeira", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "217197"} {"context_title": "Mitt Romney officially nominated at Republican National Convention", "context_date": "August 29, 2012", "context_left": "Mitt Romney and Paul Ryan, the now-official Republican ticket, will face the nominees of the Democratic Party, which will be selected at the ", "context_right": " next week. The presumptive Democratic nominees are incumbent President Barack Obama and incumbent Vice President Joe Biden.", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2104713"} {"context_title": "Kimi Räikkönen wins 2008 Malaysian Grand Prix", "context_date": "March 23, 2008", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Kimi Räikkönen won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Petronas Malaysian Grand Prix at Sepang International Circuit, Sepang, Selangor, Malaysia. Both Ferrari drivers, started from the front row of the grid, confidently facing up to their McLaren rivals, but the pole-sitter Felipe Massa first lost his place to Kimi and then went out because of a driving error.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "171372"} {"context_title": "Human remains in mass grave confirm Argentina secret death camp", "context_date": "December 12, 2008", "context_left": "During a seven-month search, the Argentine Forensic Anthropology Team (EAAF) on Tuesday, confirmed more than 10,000 charred human bone fragments were unearthed between February and September, in a pit at Pozo de Arana, a former La Plata, Argentina secret government detention center. The Arana prison or police station was used to torture prisoners during the so-called Argentina \"", "context_right": ",\" and was one of 300 used to interrogate Argentine prisoners.", "mention": "Dirty War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "75984"} {"context_title": "מעל ל-100 אוהדי גרמניה נעצרו לאחר שקראו קריאות גזעניות ואנטישמיות אל עבר אוהדי פולין", "context_date": "9 ביוני 2008", "context_left": "משטרת עצרה אמש (ראשון) מעל ל-100 אוהדי , לאחר שתגרות וקטטות התפתחו בינם לבין אוהדי מעט לפני המשחק בין שתי הנבחרות במסגרת שלב הבתים של ", "context_right": ". האירוע התרחש ב\"אזורי האוהדים\", מקומות אשר הוקצו ברחבי העיר קלגנפורט שאירחה המשחק, כמו גם בערים האחרות המארחות הטורניר, בהם יכולים אוהדים לצפות במשחק בשידור ישיר במידה ולא השיגו כרטיסים לאצטדיונים.", "mention": "יורו 2008", "context_lang": "he", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "Larry King hält seine letzte Talkshow", "context_date": "18.12.2010", "context_left": "Von 1978 bis 1994 wurde King mit seiner Radioshow „The Larry King Show“ bekannt. Die Fernsehshow „Larry King Live“ auf CNN moderierte er seit 1985. Sie wurde jeden Werktagabend gesendet. Zu wichtigen Ereignissen, wie der ", "context_right": " oder dem Hurrikan Katrina, sendete er auch über mehrere Wochen hinweg jeden Tag. Von seinen Interviewpartnern wurde King wegen seiner freundlichen Art geschätzt, was ihm aber auch die Kritik einbrachte, bei den Interviews zu nachsichtig zu sein. Die Sendung litt zuletzt unter einem Rückgang der Zuschauerquote; allein im letzten Jahr war die Quote um 40 Prozent gesunken.", "mention": "Invasion des Irak 2003", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Potężne trzęsienie ziemi w Japonii, tsunami pustoszy wybrzeże", "context_date": "11 marca 2011", "context_left": "To najtragiczniejsze trzęsienie ziemi w Japonii od 88 lat. W 1923 w trzęsieniu zginęło 142 807 ludzi. Zniszczeniu uległo wówczas 2/3 Tokio i niemal cała Jokohama. Japońskie trzęsienie ziemi było z kolei siódmym największym odnotowanym wstrząsem w historii. W obecnym wieku silniejsze było jedynie ", "context_right": " (9,1 stopni w skali Richtera). Najsilniejsze odnotowane w historii trzęsienie ziemi miało miejsce w 1960 w Chile. Wówczas kataklizm miał siłę 9,5 stopni w skali Richtera.", "mention": "trzęsienie na Oceanie Indyjskim z grudnia 2004", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "130754"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel gewann den Großen Preis von Bahrain", "context_date": "27.04.2012", "context_left": " Sebastian Vettel ist der Gewinner des ", "context_right": ". Der Heppenheimer, der sich am Samstag die Pole Position sicherte, fuhr einen Start-Ziel-Sieg ein. Für Vettel ist das der erste Sieg in diesem Jahr. Zweiter wurde Rückkehrer Kimi Räikkönen, der sich 2009 aus der Formel 1 zurück zog und erst seit diesem Jahr wieder in der Formel 1 mitfährt, im Lotus-Renault. Sein Teamkollege Romain Grosjean wurde Dritter. Nico Rosberg wurde Fünfter. Teamkollege Michael Schumacher, der nach einer verpatzten Qualifikation und wegen Getriebewechsels nur als 23. ins Rennen gehen konnte, arbeitete sich zunächst bis auf den elften Rang vor und wurde durch den Ausfall von Jenson Button in der 56. Runde noch Zehnter.", "mention": "Großen Preis von Bahrain 2012", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "17334"} {"context_title": "Indiana Democrats block session to halt labor bill", "context_date": "January 6, 2012", "context_left": "While the Indiana legislature was stalled in 2011, Wisconsin passed a controversial measure to limit the collective bargaining rights of government employees, which led to large-scale ", "context_right": " there. Wisconsin Democrats have since organized recall elections, including an effort to recall Governor Scott Walker.", "mention": "protests", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1935930"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, July 2016", "context_date": "August 23, 2016", "context_left": "On the opening day, on the floor of the convention at Quicken Loans Arena, anti-Trump delegates unsuccessfully attempted to force a roll call vote on the convention rules. Protests outside were relatively minor with only 24 arrests throughout the entire convention. During the convention speeches, delegates frequently chanted \"Lock her up!\" in reference to Hillary Clinton. Patricia Smith, mother of diplomat Sean Smith who died in the 2012 Benghazi attack, blamed Clinton for her son's death and exclaimed, \"Hillary belongs in prison. She deserves to be in stripes.\" In his speech, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani commented Clinton \"would go to jail\" if he were allowed to prosecute her. In the prime-time opening-night speech, Trump's wife Melania delivered a speech that initially received acclaim. However, this changed once the media pointed out some lines were nearly identical to those from the speech of First Lady Michelle Obama at the ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "2008 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "تسليم جائزة اليونسكو لحرية الصحافة في تونس", "context_date": "4 مايو 2012", "context_left": "تقام في تونس اعتباراً من يوم أمس الخميس 3 مايو فعاليات اليوم العالمي لحرية الصحافة. وقد تقرر إجراء الاحتفال في تونس في هذه السنة تكريماً ", "context_right": " التي أنهت حكم زين العابدين بن علي الموصوف بـ«عدو الصحافة» وأطلقت الربيع العربي، وتستمر الفعاليات ثلاثة أيام يجري خلالها تسليم <a href=\"w%3A%D8%AC%D8%A7%D8%A6%D8%B2%D8%A9%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%8A%D9%88%D9%86%D8%B3%D9%83%D9%88/%D8%BA%D9%8A%D9%8A%D8%B1%D9%85%D9%88%20%D9%83%D8%A7%D9%86%D9%88%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B9%D8%A7%D9%84%D9%85%D9%8A%D8%A9%20%D9%84%D8%AD%D8%B1%D9%8A%D8%A9%20%D8%A7%D9%84%D8%B5%D8%AD%D8%A7%D9%81%D8%A9\">جائزة اليونسكو/غييرمو كانو العالمية لحرية الصحافة</a> وتقام في الرابع والخامس من مايو ندوة برعاية الرئيس المؤقت للحكومة التونسية حمادي الجبالي، وشعارها «الأصوات الجديدة… حرية الصحافة ومساهمتها في تغيير المجتمعات». وهذه أول مرة يقام فيها الاحتفال باليوم العالمي لحرية الصحافة في بلد عربي. وتصادف حفل تسليم الجائزة مع صدور حكم قضائي ضد مدير قناة نسمة نبيل القروي بعد بثه لفيلم رسوم متحركة برسبوليس، ومع التقرير السنوي للنقابة الوطنية للصحفيين التونسيين، صرحت فيه بوجود «تراجع كبير في حجم الحريات (الصحفية) التي فرضتها ثورة الحرية والكرامة».", "mention": "للثورة التونسية", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "46959"} {"context_title": "四川省大地震から1週間 中国全土で追悼", "context_date": "2008年5月20日", "context_left": "CNNによると、中華人民共和国四川省で", "context_right": "が発生してから1週間目の19日午後2時28分 ()、中国全土で犠牲者のために黙祷が捧げられた。中国では19日から21日までの3日間を「哀悼日」とし、聖火リレーも一時中断される。", "mention": "大地震", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "152033"} {"context_title": "Space Shuttle Endeavour to return to Earth on Tuesday", "context_date": "August 21, 2007", "context_left": "The shuttle will pass above ", "context_right": " on the approach to Florida, but the shuttle will be too high to be affected. The threat of Dean heading toward Texas earlier last week prompted NASA to cut the mission a few days short in the case that Dean tracked north toward Houston's Mission Control Center, potentially disabling operations.", "mention": "Hurricane Dean", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "695842"} {"context_title": "Two new schools open in Beslan", "context_date": "August 17, 2005", "context_left": "Two new schools have opened in the North Ossetian town of Beslan to replace \"School Number One\" that was destroyed in the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Beslan school siege", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "193733"} {"context_title": "Jenson Button wins 2009 Monaco Grand Prix", "context_date": "May 24, 2009", "context_left": "Brawn Mercedes driver Jenson Button won today's FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Grand Prix de Monaco on the Circuit de Monaco at Monte Carlo, Monaco. This became his fifth win this season.", "mention": "2009", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172908"} {"context_title": "Koning Willem-Alexander vliegt al meer dan 20 jaar op commerciële vluchten", "context_date": "21 mei 2017", "context_left": "Hij vertelde meestal niet herkend te worden als hij in zijn uniform op de luchthaven Schiphol loopt. Zijn stem werd weleens herkend als hij de passagiers welkom heette namens de captain en de bemanning. Contact is er sinds ", "context_right": " vrijwel niet meer met de passagiers.", "mention": "11 september 2001", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Србија подноси допунске аргументе против Хрватске", "context_date": "30. октобар 2011.", "context_left": "У обимном поднеску који ће у петак предати Међународном суду правде, Србија ће се, како сазнаје Бета, између осталог, позвати на пресуду којом је Хашки трибунал у априлу ове године осудио хрватског генерала Анту Готовину на 24 године затвора због прогона српског становништва из Книнске крајине, током и после ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "операције Олуја 1995", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "769377"} {"context_title": "Van Jones environmental jobs adviser to US President Barack Obama resigns", "context_date": "September 6, 2009", "context_left": "It had recently been brought to light that Jones had signed a petition in 2004 that stated the U.S. government was behind the <a href=\"w%3ASeptember%2011%20attacks\">9/11</a> attacks and that only \"white suburban boys\" shot up schools like Columbine High school where in ", "context_right": " 13 people, then themselves while injuring a dozen others.", "mention": "1999, two boys shot and killed", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "473845"} {"context_title": "Uruguay le gana a Jamaica 3-0 por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "14 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "En el último partido en esta ", "context_right": ", Uruguay le ganó a Jamaica por tres tantos contra cero, ambos equipos ya estaban eliminados del torneo. Pero los aficionados especulaban que en el Levi´s Stadium de Santa Clara iba a reaparecer Luis Suárez, cosa que no ocurrió, lo que si se notó a pesar de que no jugaban por nada es el juego fuerte de los jamaiquinos.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Former Ukraine PM Yulia Tymoshenko to end hunger strike, daughter announces", "context_date": "May 9, 2012", "context_left": "Ukrainian ", "context_right": " matches scheduled for June may also be boycotted by leaders, according to \"BBC News Online\". The European Commission has stated its commissioners will refuse to attend Ukraine-hosted Euro 2012 matches. The German government has clarified that what happens to Tymoshenko will influence whether or not its representatives will appear at the matches. ", "mention": "UEFA Euro 2012", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Caribou plays the Bowery Ballroom", "context_date": "November 6, 2007", "context_left": "DS: How has the ", "context_right": " affected you as an artist?", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Qatar becomes first Arab country to fly fighter jets over Libya", "context_date": "March 26, 2011", "context_left": "France, the United Kingdom and the United States are among thirteen states which have so far joined the no-fly mission over Libya. The ", "context_right": " was established by the UN Security Council on March 17.", "mention": "no-fly zone over Libya", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "Bert van Marwijk stopt als bondscoach", "context_date": "27 juni 2012", "context_left": "Hij was sinds 2008 bondscoach en wist in 2010 de finale van het wereldkampioenschap te halen. In december 2011 verlengde hij zijn contract bij de KNVB tot de zomer van 2016, maar na een teleurstellend verlopen ", "context_right": " besloot Van Marwijk alsnog op te stappen. Op dit toernooi strandde Oranje na drie nederlagen in de poulefase, waarna de positie van Van Marwijk ter discussie werd gesteld. Hij voerde twee evaluatiegesprekken met een commissie van de KNVB, bestaande uit onder anderen directeur Bert van Oostveen. Naar verwachting zou pas in juli 2012 een beslissing genomen worden. Twee dagen geleden, op 25 juni 2012, liet het Algemeen Dagblad nog weten dat de KNVB geen heil zag in een voortijdig vertrek van Van Marwijk.", "mention": "Europees kampioenschap", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Argentine footballer Mascherano announces international retirement", "context_date": "July 1, 2018", "context_left": "In the last four years, Mascherano has won the silver medal at the 2014 FIFA World Cup, 2015 and 2016's ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "中田英寿選手、現役引退公表", "context_date": "2006年7月4日", "context_left": "また日本代表としてもワールドカップ選手権に1998年フランスから", "context_right": "、そして今回のドイツ大会の3大会連続で出場するなど、合計77試合に出場し11点を挙げた。また1996年に行われたアトランタ五輪における代表メンバーとしても出場し、ブラジルを下す大金星「マイアミの奇跡」を起こす原動力ともなった。", "mention": "2002年日韓大会", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "EU-Justizminister beschließen Speicherung von Telekommunikationsdaten", "context_date": "02.12.2005", "context_left": "Die Diskussion über die Speicherung von telefonischen Verbindungsdaten war durch die terroristischen Anschläge der letzten Jahre und Monate ausgelöst worden. Der britische Innenminister und EU-Ratsvorsitzende Charles Clarke hatte dieses Thema nach den ", "context_right": " des Jahres zum Schwerpunkt seiner Präsidentschaft erklärt. Auf der anderen Seite kam Kritik an den diesbezüglichen Plänen vor allem von Datenschützern, die eine Ausforschung des so genannten „gläsernen Telefonkunden“ befürchten. Dies ist eine Kritik, die von der deutschen Justizministerin prinzipiell geteilt wird. Sie sagte, der jetzige Beschluss sei ein Minimalkonsens, der auch Datenschutzbelange berücksichtige. So würden keine Gesprächsinhalte gespeichert, sondern nur so genannte Kontaktstrukturen: „Es geht darum, wie sieht der Briefumschlag aus. Es geht nicht um die Frage, was ist in dem Briefumschlag für ein Inhalt.“", "mention": "Anschlägen in London vom 7. Juli", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, June 2016", "context_date": "July 17, 2016", "context_left": "Cuban addressed the vice presidency on the May 22 edition of \"Meet the Press\", proclaiming that, if offered, he would join Clinton's ticket on the condition she \"go more to the center\" politically. He explained, \"I like the fact that Senator Clinton has thought-out proposals.\" Nevertheless, he has criticized Clinton for having \"no personality\", \"no charisma\", and for making \"horrible mistakes\" as Secretary of State, mentioning the 2012 ", "context_right": " on the American consulate in Benghazi, Libya. Nevertheless, Cuban says he is willing to look past all that, believing the main issue is \"whether or not I can add value and whether or not I can impact any perspective and hopefully have a positive impact on the country\". ", "mention": "attack", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "199416"} {"context_title": "Le prix Nobel de la paix attribué au président colombien Juan Manuel Santos", "context_date": "7 octobre 2016", "context_left": "Président de la Colombie depuis 2010, il a mené à bien le processus de paix avec les FARC, jusqu'à un cessez-le-feu définitif en août 2016. Néanmoins, l'accord de paix a été rejeté par ", "context_right": " en début de semaine, ce qui devrait déboucher sur de nouveaux pourparlers.", "mention": "référendum", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "26840027"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Αργεντινής νίκησε την Εθνική Κόστα Ρίκα με σκορ 3-0", "context_date": "12 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Αργεντινής νίκησε την Εθνική Κόστα Ρίκα με σκορ 3:0 στον τελευταίο αγώνα της 3ης αγωνιστικής του Α' Ομίλου του ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "Vychází kniha o brankáři Lvu Jašinovi", "context_date": "11. duben 2014", "context_left": "Jašin byl významný protagonista „zlaté éry“ sovětského fotbalu. S národním týmem získal olympijské zlato v roce 1956 a doposud jediný ", "context_right": ". Mezinárodní fotbalová federace ho jmenovala nejlepším brankářem světa v celé historii. Ale hrál také hokej a v něm vyhrál sovětský pohár s Dynamem Moskva.", "mention": "evropský titul pro Rusko v roce 1960", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "172831"} {"context_title": "Denunciations of Scandals Threaten UN", "context_date": "April 19, 2005", "context_left": "The declared intention of the program was to help the Iraqi government guarantee the basic needs of the common Iraqi citizens, injured by imposed, international economic sanctions to the government in the mat of the first one ", "context_right": ", after the Iraq invaded the Kuwait in August of 1990, however, without permission that the country reconstructed its military forces. ", "mention": "Gulf War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "スーダン南部の独立が決定、アフリカ54番目の国家に", "context_date": "2011年2月8日", "context_left": "朝日新聞によると、スーダンでは、イスラム教徒を主体に構成された北部中央政府が、住民の大半を非イスラム教徒が占める南部に対し、イスラム化政策を強要したことが原因で、20年以上に亘り内戦(", "context_right": ")が続き、200万人以上が死亡したと言われている。 その後、2005年の包括和平合意(CPA)によって内戦は終結した。今回の住民投票は、CPAに盛り込まれた規定に沿う形で実施された。和平合意の後も、バシル政権は南部の復興には力を入れてこなかったため、南部住民の中央政府不信は消えることは無く、今回の圧倒的な独立支持に繋がる形となった。", "mention": "第二次スーダン内戦", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "842380"} {"context_title": "V Českých Budějovicích se diskutovalo o dostavbě 3. a 4. bloku Temelína", "context_date": "22. červen 2012", "context_left": "Z řad veřejnosti zaznívala kritika nejen směrem k bezpečnosti elektrárny a nakládání s vyhořelým palivem, ale také například k vynakládání prostředků na stavbu elektrárny v kontrastu s úspornými opatřeními vlády. Byly také vzpomenuty nehody a havárie v Jaslovských Bohunicích, Černobylu a ", "context_right": ". Z řad zahraničních hostů vyjádřili své záporné stanovisko například rakouský spolkový ministr životního prostředí Nikolas Berlakovich nebo bavorský ministr životního prostředí Marcel Huber.", "mention": "Fukušimě", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Американци се повлаче из акција у Либији", "context_date": "1. април 2011.", "context_left": ", (Beta-AP) - Сједињење Америчке Државе ће до суботе повући своје ратне авионе из ", "context_right": " у Либији, којим сада руководи НАТО, најављено је у петак из Пентагона.", "mention": "ваздушних операција", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "81545"} {"context_title": "McCain and Obama participate in Saddleback Church forum", "context_date": "August 18, 2008", "context_left": "In response to being questioned about their toughest decisions in life, Obama answered that deciding to oppose the ", "context_right": " in 2002 was his toughest, while McCain cited his refusal to leave his men behind in a POW camp in Vietnam when given the chance.", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Battle of the Bulge reenacted in Belgium", "context_date": "December 19, 2004", "context_left": "A celebration held here today marked the 60th anniversary of the ", "context_right": " — a key battle for American forces during World War II. With thousands—including King Albert II of Belgium—in attendance at the Mardasson monument, the festivities included a parade of military vehicles, soldiers that participated in the battle, as well as a light show.", "mention": "Battle of the Bulge", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "151018"} {"context_title": "Le président Nikolic présente les excuses de la Serbie pour le massacre de Srebrenica", "context_date": "26 avril 2013", "context_left": "Tomislav Nikolic, président de la Serbie, a franchit jeudi 25 avril un nouveau pas vers la réconciliation dans la région d'ex-Yougoslavie et l'adhésion de son pays à l'Union européenne. Après avoir normalisé les relations entre la Serbie et le Kosovo voisin la semaine dernière, M. Nikolic a présenté, lors d'un entretien à la télévision bosnienne BHT, les excuses de la Serbie pour le ", "context_right": " perpétré par les troupes serbes à Srebrenica, en juillet 1995 : C'est vers la fin de la guerre inter-communautaire en Bosnie que l'armée serbe massacre pas moins de hommes et adolescents musulmans, constituant la pire tuerie en Europe depuis la fin de la Seconde guerre mondiale.", "mention": "massacre", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "170334"} {"context_title": "Todesstrafe für Saddam Hussein", "context_date": "05.11.2006", "context_left": "Gestern hatte der Sprecher des iranischen Außenministeriums, Mohammad-Ali Hosseini, auf seiner wöchentlichen Pressekonferenz in Erwartung des Urteilsspruches des irakischen Sondergerichts ein mögliches Todesurteil als „Mindeststrafe“ für Saddam Hussein bezeichnet. Der Iran hatte 2005 eine Anklage gegen Saddam Hussein wegen des ", "context_right": " an das zuständige Gericht im Irak weitergeleitet. Darin werden dem Diktator Völkermord, Verletzung der Menschenrechte sowie der Einsatz nicht-konventioneller Waffen vorgeworfen. Der Krieg zwischen Iran und Irak hatte acht Jahre gedauert (1980-1988) und über eine Million Todesopfer gefordert. Seitdem galt Saddam Hussein im Iran als die am meisten gehasste Person.", "mention": "Iran-Irak-Krieges", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "82664"} {"context_title": "Helicopter carrying quake survivors crashes in China", "context_date": "June 1, 2008", "context_left": "A military transport helicopter carrying a crew of four and ten injured ", "context_right": " survivors has crashed in China, it was reported by state news agency . There are no indications on what casualties if any occurred as a result.", "mention": "earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "152033"} {"context_title": "Robert Kubica wins 2008 Canadian Grand Prix", "context_date": "June 8, 2008", "context_left": "Pole Robert Kubica won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Grand Prix du Canada at Circuit Gilles Villeneuve, Ile Notre Dame, Montreal, Canada. He and his teammate Nick Heidfeld made a double for BMW Sauber team for the first time in history of this sport.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "66064"} {"context_title": "«Ловца покемонов» в храме признали виновным и осудили на 3,5 года условно", "context_date": "11 мая 2017", "context_left": "В августе 2016 года блогер Руслан Соколовский разместил на своём канале на YouTube видео, на котором он играет в приложение Pokémon Go во время службы в Храме на Крови в Екатеринбурге, построенном на месте ", "context_right": ", которая была канонизирована Русской православной церковью (РПЦ).", "mention": "расстрела царской семьи", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1356047"} {"context_title": "Murió el "cerebro" de la Revolución de los Claveles en Portugal, Otelo Saraiva de Carvalho", "context_date": "25 de julio de 2021", "context_left": "El “Capitán de Abril”, como se le conoció, fue responsable del sector operativo de la Coordinadora del Movimiento de las Fuerzas Armadas (MFA), que lideró la “", "context_right": "”, al elaborar el plan de operaciones militares y dirigir las acciones golpistas desde el puesto de mando instalado en el Pontinha Quartel, en Lisboa.", "mention": "Revolución de los Claveles", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "193245"} {"context_title": "Angolan police arrest two after attack on Togo football team", "context_date": "January 11, 2010", "context_left": "The Togolese team pulled out of the ", "context_right": " football tournament, which opened yesterday, due to the ambush.", "mention": "2010 Africa Cup of Nations", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "83157"} {"context_title": "Arbeitslosenquote in den USA fällt auf ein Vierjahrestief", "context_date": "03.09.2005", "context_left": " Nach einer Veröffentlichung des US-amerikanischen Arbeitsamtes fiel die landesweite Arbeitslosenquote auf ein Vierjahrestief von 4,9 Prozent. Im August seien 169.000 neue Arbeitsplätze geschaffen worden. Angesichts der Auswirkungen des ", "context_right": " geht man nicht davon aus, dass sich dieser Trend fortsetzen wird.", "mention": "Hurrikans Katrina", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Raúl Castro est le nouveau président de Cuba", "context_date": "25 février 2008", "context_left": "Affublé par la presse francophone du surnom de \"Lider minimo\", Raúl Castro est aux côtés de son frère lors de la ", "context_right": " et devient rapidement général, vice-président du conseil des ministres et ministre de la Défense. Depuis 19 mois, il assurait l'intérim à la suite d'un retrait progressif de son frère dû à son état de santé.", "mention": "révolution de 1959", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "11264"} {"context_title": "Letters regarding Times Square bombing sent to Congress", "context_date": "March 7, 2008", "context_left": "The letters arrived at Capitol Hill Thursday in manila envelopes, according to an anonymous Democratic aide who is investigating the matter. The picture was accompanied by what seemed to be a 10 page manifesto against the ", "context_right": ". Also included was a booklet, which the aide says he cannot identify.", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton on top for 2007 British Grand Prix", "context_date": "July 7, 2007", "context_left": "Vodafone McLaren-Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton won the pole position on his home soil at FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " Santander British Grand Prix on the Silverstone Circuit at Silverstone, Northamptonshire, England.", "mention": "2007", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "307172"} {"context_title": "US government 'can continue' eavesdropping", "context_date": "October 5, 2006", "context_left": "The Terrorist Surveillance Program, as the program is known, was approved by President Bush after the ", "context_right": ". It allows the monitoring of telephone and email traffic in and out of the US.", "mention": "September 11 attacks", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Russia ends "counterterrorism operation" in Chechnya", "context_date": "April 25, 2009", "context_left": "The republic of Chechnya has undergone two separatist wars in the past 15 years. The first one started in 1994 and was ended after about 21 months with the withdrawal of the Russian army. The ", "context_right": " started in October 1999 with the heaviest battles in 2002. Still, there is a conflict between the two parties concerning the independence of the republic from Russia. More than 100,000 people were killed in both wars, which makes about 10 per cent of the population of Chechnya. The announcement of the withdrawal of the Russian forces is seen as an official ending of the second war.", "mention": "second one", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "120843"} {"context_title": "Uruguay derrota a Jamaica por la mínima diferencia en la Copa América 2015", "context_date": "14 de junio de 2015", "context_left": "En su primer partido en Chile por la ", "context_right": ", Uruguay derrotó a Jamaica por un tanto contra cero, con el hecho significativo que es la primera vez que gana un primer partido de un torneo en la era de Oscar Washington Tabarez. El tanto lo convirtió Cristian \"Cebolla\" Rodríguez en el minuto 51 del encuentro.", "mention": "Copa América 2015", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1129985"} {"context_title": "Quebec to appeal long-gun registry destruction to the Supreme Court", "context_date": "June 29, 2013", "context_left": "The registry was originally created in the aftermath of the ", "context_right": " in Montreal, but there had been opposition to it ever since, namely because of concerns that it may have cost several billion dollars in total.", "mention": "1989 Polytechnique massacre", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "473834"} {"context_title": "Leonel Álvarez designado como director técnico de la selección colombiana de fútbol", "context_date": "8 de septiembre de 2011", "context_left": "Álvarez, quién conoce todo el proceso con la selección, fue una de las glorias futbolísticas, en el que participó como jugador en los tres últimos mundiales (1990, 1994 y 1998) y las torneos continentales de 1987 y ", "context_right": ". Como entrenador, ya antes dirigió al Deportivo Independiente Medellín, del cual quedó campeón en 2009. Su última labor fue de asistente técnico de la selección de mayores.", "mention": "1995", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "532089"} {"context_title": "Генсеком КПК стал «супруг известной певицы» — Си Цзиньпин. В Политбюро вошли также «поклонник чучхе» и «Враг Интернета №1»", "context_date": "15 ноября 2012", "context_left": "Напомним, что открывая ", "context_right": " Си Цзиньпин назвал главными проблемами Китая коррупцию, социальное расслоение и несоблюдение принципов внутрипартийной демократии.", "mention": "XVIII съезд КПК", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "137566"} {"context_title": "愛知万博、目標の1500万人を突破", "context_date": "2005年8月18日", "context_left": "愛知万博は、6,472万人を動員した", "context_right": "(大阪万博、1970年)に比べると、パビリオン等の建設可能面積が狭く、大量輸送できる交通手段の確保も困難だったことから、入場者数の目標を低めに設定していた。開幕当初から悪天候に見舞われるなどし、想定を下回る人出だったが、5月の大型連休を過ぎたあたりから平日でも10万人を越える日が多くなっていった。一日の入場人員の過去最高は7月17日の21万6,000人。", "mention": "日本万国博覧会", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "1119956"} {"context_title": "US regulators approve new nuclear reactors for first time in 34 years", "context_date": "February 11, 2012", "context_left": "The United States Nuclear Regulatory Commission (NRC) approved Thursday, in a four to one vote, two new nuclear reactors at Southern Company's Plant Vogtle in Burke County, Georgia. This is the first time a new reactor has been approved since 1978, the year before the ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "Three Mile Island accident", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "840847"} {"context_title": "Mutmaßlicher Täter der Bombenanschläge von Madrid in Marokko gefasst", "context_date": "31.01.2008", "context_left": " Nach fast vier Jahren ist einer der mutmaßlichen Attentäter der ", "context_right": " mit 191 Toten und mehr als 1800 Verletzten in Marokko festgenommen worden. Die spanische Justiz wirft dem international gesuchten 29-jährigem Abdelilah Ahriz vor, einer der Attentätern gewesen zu sein. Man habe DNA-Spuren von ihm an zwei Orten in Madrid gefunden, die mit den Anschlägen in Zusammenhang standen.", "mention": "Terroranschläge vom 11. März 2004 in Madrid", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "213531"} {"context_title": "訃報 長沼健氏", "context_date": "2008年6月3日", "context_left": "その後日本サッカー協会の専務理事、会長の要職を務め、2002年の", "context_right": "では日本組織委員会副会長を担当。その後も日本サッカー協会最高顧問、日本体育協会副会長も担当していた。", "mention": "W杯日韓大会", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, October 2020", "context_date": "November 2, 2020", "context_left": "Like the previous debate, there was much agreement among the candidates. Pierce and Hawkins both argued for using ballot access as an inclusion standard for debates.  La Riva disagreed, stating that the Electoral College should be eliminated. She criticized the Top Two election policy in California and called for the \"Citizens United\" decision to be overturned. Carroll also backed the overturn of \"Citizens United\".  Hawkins attacked the \"macho culture\" that idolizes the military while it fights to protect the interests of the upper class. Carroll recalled someone who went to fight in the Vietnam War and returned changed. He wondered how the US can train people to be racist killers and then expect them to return to society. La Riva described the military as a \"horrible\" use of the working class.  She called the ", "context_right": " a \"genocidal war.\"  Pierce then explained he was an honorary ambassador in Korea. He longed for the reopening of the border between North and South Korea.  Pierce emphasized big tech censorship as a problem more than military propaganda. He argued that tech companies should either decide to be publishers or platforms. La Riva regarded technology under capitalism as problematic but said it would be beneficial under socialism. Pierce countered that technology is amoral and can be good or bad based on how it is used.  Hawkins argued that big tech is moving the nation in a democratic socialist direction.  Carroll argued for checks and balances for big tech and for a new level of government to regulate big tech.  La Riva then called for the expropriation of big tech companies and to let the US people decide how to use the parts.  Concerning national sovereignty, Pierce said he favored treaties over war and endorsed an audit of the Federal Reserve.  Hawkins called for the nationalization of the Federal Reserve and expressed concern about the nation losing its sovereignty to corporations rather than other nations. La Riva agreed with the nationalization of the Federal Reserve.  Carroll argued that trade deals like NAFTA have unforeseen consequences like pushing Mexican corn growers north of the border. Carroll also said he wanted to edit the 14th Amendment to remove corporations from its protection.  Whereas Pierce and Hawkins all felt parties should decide the procedures for their own primaries, La Riva favored the open primary system, arguing it is more democratic than Top Two.  Pierce claimed Abraham Lincoln was the last third party candidate to be elected president and that he appointed a cabinet of rivals.  Pierce said he was embarrassed about the questions politicians asked to tech leaders, and argued the nation needs \"visionary leadership.\"  La Riva argued against Universal Basic Income (UBI), proposing minimum wage be increased to US$20 an hour.  Carroll agreed with La Riva, saying that jobs are more important than UBI.  He named his economic view as distributism, which he said was an extreme form of capitalism.  Hawkins claimed that as a currency issuers rather than a currency user, the US government has enough money to spend and that the debt and deficit does not matter. La Riva agreed, claiming there was enough wealth in the nation to pay for everyone's needs. Carroll called on the US to end its involvement in foreign wars worldwide and to stop paying for wars on a credit card.  Pierce viewed the debt as an issue and that government has run out of control and tax reform is necessary.", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "El exfutbolista George Weah gana las elecciones presidenciales de Liberia", "context_date": "29 de diciembre de 2017", "context_left": "Estas elecciones marcan la primera transición democrática en el país desde 1944. También son las primeras elecciones realizadas independientemente por Liberia, sin la ayuda de la Organización de las Naciones Unidas, desde el final de la ", "context_right": " en 2003.", "mention": "guerra civil en el país", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1960733"} {"context_title": "Јапан одлаже демонтирање Фукушиме", "context_date": "12. јун 2015.", "context_left": "Нуклеарна електрана Фукушима Даичи (Један) која има шест реактора тешко је оштећена поплавом после цунамија од земљотреса марта 2011., што се сматра најтежом нуклеарном катастрофом у свету од ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Чернобила 1986", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Kuwait donates US$500 million to Katrina relief efforts", "context_date": "September 4, 2005", "context_left": "On Sunday, the country of Kuwait pledged US$500 million in oil products and other aid to United States ", "context_right": " relief efforts. It is the single largest donation given to help the victims of hurricane Katrina. ", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Mozambique and Zimbabwe struck by earthquake", "context_date": "February 22, 2006", "context_left": "Earlier USGS reports had estimated the magnitude at 6.9. In comparison, the recent ", "context_right": " in Pakistan had a magnitude of 7.6.", "mention": "2005 Kashmir quake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "210137"} {"context_title": "Dzhokhar Tsarnaev es condenado a muerte", "context_date": "16 de mayo de 2015", "context_left": "La sentencia queda ahora pendiente de apelación, en un proceso que podría demorarse durante años. De fracasar ésta, Tsarnaev se convertiría en la cuarta persona en ser ejecutada por el gobierno federal durante los últimos 50 años, y la primera desde el ", "context_right": ". El caso más cercano es el de Timothy McVeigh, ejecutado en junio de 2001 como consecuencia del Atentado de Oklahoma City.", "mention": "11-S", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Japón rehabilitará tres centrales en Fukushima", "context_date": "10 de marzo de 2014", "context_left": "El gobierno japonés ha informado que volverán a encender tres reactores de la planta nuclear de Fukushima. El anuncio fue realizado por Shinzo Abe, primer ministro nipón se realizó en las vísperas de las ceremonias que recuerdan a las víctimas del ", "context_right": " que afectó el país en 2011.", "mention": "terremoto y tsunami", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Παραγουάης ήρθε ισόπαλη με σκορ 3-3 με την Εθνική Βενεζουέλας", "context_date": "14 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Οι εθνικές Παραγουάης και Βενεζουέλας ήρθαν ισόπαλες με σκορ 3:3, για τη τελευταία αγωνιστική του Β' Ομίλου του ", "context_right": ", το οποίο διεξάγεται στην Αργεντινή.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "Исламское государство угрожает Италии и Папе Римскому", "context_date": "29 августа 2017", "context_left": "В декабре 2016 года недалеко от Милана был застрелен тунисец, совершивший под влиянием ИГ ", "context_right": ". Он сбежал из Германии в Италию через Францию, но был остановлен ночным патрулём. Тогда многие итальянские евроскептики выразили негодование из-за того, что террорист так легко пробрался в их страну.", "mention": "теракт в Берлине", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "28036573"} {"context_title": "EE.UU. lanzó "la madre de todas las bombas" en cuevas usadas por el Estado Islámico en Afganistán", "context_date": "13 de abril de 2017", "context_left": "Este suceso se da en un momento en el que Estados Unidos cambió su estrategia militar desde la asunción de Trump con el ", "context_right": " en represalia por el incidente con armas químicas en Siria que Estados Unidos atribuyó al gobierno de Bashar al-Ásad, la movilización de buques de guerra hacia la península de Corea para intimidar a Corea del Norte ante un eventual sexto ensayo nuclear, y los recientes ataques aéreos mal dirigidos que accidentalmente mataron a civiles y combatientes rebeldes de Siria.", "mention": "bombardeo a una base aérea siria", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "29197866"} {"context_title": "Российские власти хотят отключить YouTube из-за «Невинности мусульман»", "context_date": "19 сентября 2012", "context_left": "Напомним, что пылившийся на полках любительский фильм «Невинность мусульман» () в канун одиннадцатилетия ", "context_right": " вызвал череду убийств, погромов и скандалов по всему миру.", "mention": "террористических атак 11 сентября", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Названы столицы Зимней и Летней Универсиад 2019", "context_date": "9 ноября 2013", "context_left": "На исполкоме Международной федерации университетского спорта (FISU), проходящем в Брюсселе (Бельгия) принято решение о проведении 29-й ", "context_right": " 2019 года в Красноярске. Таким образом впервые в истории зимняя Универсиада пройдет в России (ни в СССР, ни в России зимняя Универсиада не проходила). В программу Универсиады на правах хозяев предлагается включить дополнительные виды спорта хоккей с мячом и зимнее ориентирование.", "mention": "Зимней Универсиады", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "4192064"} {"context_title": "Al-Qaida claims responsibility for London 7/7 bombings", "context_date": "September 1, 2005", "context_left": "Al Jazeera has aired two video tapes by Al Qaida on Thursday evening. In one of them, the terror group's second in command Ayman al-Zawahiri has claimed responsibility for the ", "context_right": " and threatened further attacks. The alleged leader of the London bombers, Mohammad Sidique Khan, appeared on a separate recording and outlined his reasons for the bombings.", "mention": "July 7 London bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Americanas conquistam quarto Mundial de Futebol", "context_date": "7 de julho de 2019", "context_left": "Os Estados Unidos conquistaram o quarto Campeonato da ", "context_right": " ao derrotar, neste 7 de julho, a Holanda, por dois gols sem , em Lyon, França.", "mention": "Copa do Mundo de Futebol Feminino de 2019", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "4630361"} {"context_title": "Canal de televisión emite una falsa invasión rusa en Georgia", "context_date": "14 de marzo de 2010", "context_left": "En 2008, Georgia y Rusia ", "context_right": " por los territorios pro-rusos de Osetia del Sur y Abjasia, que Georgia reclamaba como propios. Tras menos de un mes de guerra, Rusia reconoció la independencia de ambas como países independientes.", "mention": "se enfrentaron militarmente", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "UN Security Council approves peacekeepers for Sudan", "context_date": "March 25, 2005", "context_left": "The United Nations Security Council approved the deployment of 10,000 peacekeeping troops and 715 civilian police to southern Sudan. They will monitor a peace plan that ended the country's 21 year long ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "civil war", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "842380"} {"context_title": "«Бавария» впервые завоевала Суперкубок УЕФА", "context_date": "31 августа 2013", "context_left": "Мюнхенский клуб поздравила с победой и канцлер ФРГ Ангела Меркель. Это первый трофей, который «Бавария» завоевала при новом главном тренере, Хосепе Гвардиоле. Интересно, что данные клубы уже встречались между собой в ", "context_right": " в 2012 году и тогда на стадионе «Альянс Арена» в Мюнхене победу одержал «Челси» также по послематчевым пенальти (1:1 — в основное время, 4:3 по пенальти). ", "mention": "финале Лиги чемпионов УЕФА", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "719820"} {"context_title": "15-ю годовщину Бесланских событий вспомнили на мосту в центре Екатеринбурга", "context_date": "6 сентября 2019", "context_left": "На главном мосту Екатеринбурга появился импровизированный мемориал памяти жертвам ", "context_right": ". Корреспондент Викиновостей зафиксировал этот мемориал 6 сентября 2019 года.", "mention": "захвата школы в Беслане", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "193733"} {"context_title": "Chile es campeón de la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "27 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Por segunda vez consecutiva se repiten rivales y resultado en la final de la Copa América. Tras empatar cero a cero, Chile derrotó a Argentina por penales, en los cuales Lionel Messi la mandó por arriba del travesaño y el arquero chileno le contuvo el remate a Lucas Biglia, mientras que el equipo chileno solo falló el primer penal ejecutado por Arturo Vidal y atajado por el guardameta argentino. En consecuencia Chile, en el MetLife Stadium de Nueva Jersey, logró ser campeón de la ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Исполнилось 80 лет Еврейской автономной области", "context_date": "7 мая 2014", "context_left": "Однако процесс переселения евреев на Дальний Восток сразу пошел туго. Отдаленность региона, неразвитость инфраструктуры и трудности освоения дикого края делали его малопривлекательным для восточно-европейских евреев, которые предпочитали из бывшей ", "context_right": " переезжать в Москву и другие крупные города обжитой центральной России. До 1920-х годов евреи на Дальнем Востоке России никогда не жили и их ничто не связывало с этой землей (можно даже сказать, что местоположение республики было выбрано исходя из стратегических интересов правительства СССР, а не еврейского народа). Это невыгодно отличало планируемую Еврейскую республику от других национальных республик СССР, где титульные нации жили на данных территориях сотни, а то и тысячи лет. Как писал Юрий Ларин в 1929 году:", "mention": "черты оседлости", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "569868"} {"context_title": "Bósnia-Herzegóvina lembra os mortos no dia de aniversário de 20 anos do início da Guerra da Bósnia", "context_date": "6 de abril de 2012", "context_left": "Mais de 200 mil pessoas foram mortas e mais da metade da população teve que fugir do país em quase quatro anos. O conflito só teve fim depois que o chocante ", "context_right": ", ocorrida em 11 de julho de 1995, fez com que acontecesse intervenção militar da OTAN no mês seguinte e derrotas dos sérvios até o Acordo de Dayton que pôs fim à guerra em 14 de dezembro do mesmo ano.", "mention": "Massacre de Srebrenica", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "170334"} {"context_title": "Elizabeth II begins state visit to Ireland amid protests, security fears", "context_date": "May 18, 2011", "context_left": "The visit is to last four days, during which time Elizabeth is to visit Croke Park, a football stadium where British forces fired on football supporters in 1920 during the ", "context_right": ", killing 14 players and spectators. She is also to travel to County Tipperary to see the Rock of Cashel and will see the Irish National Stud in County Kildare. Although there have been small demonstrations, journalists in Ireland say the mood is largely supportive of the visit. \"It was one small step for the Queen—one huge moment in British-Irish history. It is 100 years since a British monarch has been in Ireland. Many thought a king or queen would never be welcomed back,\" Mark Simpson, a BBC reporter, said. \"Whatever the security concerns, this has been a landmark moment in Dublin. In truth, it's one that most people living in Ireland today thought they would never see.\"", "mention": "Irish War of Independence", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "208297"} {"context_title": "பதற்றத்திற்கு நடுவில் 9/11 தாக்குதல் நினைவு கூரப்பட்டது", "context_date": "செப்டம்பர் 12, 2010", "context_left": "நியூயோர்க்கின் மையப் பகுதியில் இசுலாமிய மையம் ஒன்று அமைக்கும் திட்டம் குறித்த சர்ச்சை, மற்றும் குரான் நூலெரிப்பு அச்சுறுத்தல் போன்ற பதற்றங்களுக்கு மத்தியில் ", "context_right": " 9வது ஆண்டு நினைகூரல் நிகழ்வை ஐக்கிய அமெரிக்கா நேற்று நடத்தியது.", "mention": "2001, செப்டம்பர் 11 தாக்குதலின்", "context_lang": "ta", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "TVNZ wins court battle to screen Rainbow Warrior court footage", "context_date": "September 27, 2006", "context_left": "New Zealand broadcast company, Television New Zealand (TVNZ), has won a 20 year court battle to show court footage of Alain Mafart and Dominique Prieur pleading guilty to the manslaughter of photographer, Fernando Pereira during the ", "context_right": " of Greenpeace ship the Rainbow Warrior. The Supreme Court dismissed the pair's request of appeal and has ordered that they pay NZ$2,500 to TVNZ.", "mention": "1985 bombing", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "460731"} {"context_title": "Померла баба Параска", "context_date": "28 листопада 2010", "context_left": "Баба Параска 1939 року народження, довгий час працювала дояркою в Тернопільські області, мала лише сім класів освіти. Напередодні ", "context_right": " активно включилася у політичне життя країни, багато їздила по селах Центральної і Західної України, агітуючи за кандидата в президенти Віктора Ющенка.", "mention": "президентських виборів 2004", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "568458"} {"context_title": "中共十九大於2017年10月18日在北京召開", "context_date": "2017年8月31日", "context_left": "新華社北京8月31日電 中共中央政治局2017年8月31日召開會議,研究召開中國共產黨第十八屆中央委員會第七次全體會議和", "context_right": "的籌備工作。會議由中共中央總書記習近平主持,李克強、張德江、俞正聲、劉雲山、王岐山、張高麗等黨和國家領導人也出席了會議。", "mention": "中國共產黨第十九次全國代表大會", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "23791320"} {"context_title": "Умер латышский легионер и политик Висвалдис Лацис", "context_date": "19 апреля 2020", "context_left": "В годы Второй мировой войны, с 1943 года служил в Латышском легионе СС, в 19-й ваффен-гренадерской дивизии, стал лейтенантом. Воевал в ", "context_right": ", дважды ранен. После войны попал в фильтрационный лагерь, но не был репрессирован.", "mention": "Курляндском котле", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "697172"} {"context_title": "Los refugiados ruandeses en Burundi son repatriados a la fuerza según informe de la ONU", "context_date": "16 de junio de 2005", "context_left": "Los refugiados ruandeses empezaron a llegar a Burundi en marzo pasado. Su principal preocupación son las llamadas cortes de Gacaca, tribunales provinciales establecidos para acelerar la persecución de los perpetradores del ", "context_right": " de 1994. El ACNUR ha informado también que algunos refugiados \"... dijeron que huían de las amenazas, la intimidación, la persecución y los rumores de venganza y baños de sangre\".", "mention": "Genocidio de Ruanda", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "131297"} {"context_title": "Das Ende des „Großen Krieges“ jährt sich zum 90. Mal", "context_date": "18.11.2008", "context_left": "Der österreich-ungarische Thronfolger Franz Ferdinand bereiste gemeinsam mit seiner Gemahlin die Stadt Sarajevo, die damals zum österreich-ungarischen Machtbereich gehörte. Bei ihrem Besuch wurde am 28. Juni 1914 ein Attentat durch den bosnisch-serbischen Gavrilo Princip auf sie verübt, das mit ihrem Tod endete. Durch dieses Attentat entwickelte sich die sogenannte ", "context_right": ", welche als der Beginn des „Großen Krieges“ gewertet werden kann. Österreich-Ungarn stellte drei Wochen nach dem Tod des Thronfolgers ein Ultimatum an Serbien. Dieses Ultimatum enthielt nicht nur Forderungen zur Bekämpfung von gegen Österreich-Ungarn agierenden Organisationen, sondern umfasste zudem Bedingungen, welche die serbische Souveränität bei ihrer Erfüllung eingeschränkt hätten. Die Stimmung in Europa war zu diesem Zeitpunkt eher gegen Serbien gerichtet: Man vermutete eine Beteiligung des serbischen Geheimdienstes an dem Mord. Da Serbien allerdings keine Einschränkung seiner Souveränität zulassen wollte, erfüllte es nur die Punkte, die diese nicht betrafen. Das Ultimatum, das eine 48-Stunden Frist angesetzt hatte, verstrich, ohne vollständig erfüllt zu werden.", "mention": "Julikrise", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "917435"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Australian Paralympic assistant coach David Gould", "context_date": "July 25, 2013", "context_left": "He is acutely aware the Gliders have never won a World Championship or a Paralympics. But he has won a gold medal, with the men's team, the Rollers, in ", "context_right": ". \"We went on a tour of the United States beforehand\", he recalled. Facing the United States in the United States was daunting. There was a huge crowd. So how did they do it? \"We had confidence in ourselves, and stuck to our plan,\" he recalled.", "mention": "Atlanta in 1996", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "174397"} {"context_title": "Wall dividing island of Cyprus torn down but divisions still stand", "context_date": "March 9, 2007", "context_left": "The wall has stood in the Cyprus capital of Nicosia for more than 40 years. It has been a constant reminder of the political situation of the Mediterranean island (given independence from Britain in 1960) that has suffered divisions since communal violence in 1963 that was only prevented by establishing a United Nations Peacekeeping Force there in 1964. These divisions only deepened when Cyprus was ", "context_right": " in mid-July 1974 after right-wing Greek Cypriots (backed by the military junta ruling Greece at the time) attempted a coup with the intent of joining the island to Greece. The result was a split between the internationally recognized Greek Cypriot government in the south and the Turkish Cypriot north (only recognized by Turkey). The division at Nicosia has become a curiosity to tourists who look over it to see the buffer zone between the two factions (a no man’s land with abandoned homes and businesses where no civilians are allowed). The destruction of the wall also brought out curious Cypriots.", "mention": "invaded by Turkey’s military", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1050999"} {"context_title": "Arrestato l'ex arbitro Moreno per droga", "context_date": "22 settembre 2010", "context_left": "Moreno divenne famoso nel ", "context_right": " per l'arbitraggio della partita degli ottavi di finale tra Corea del Sud e Italia, partita in cui gli azzurri vennero eliminati dopo il golden goal. In Italia si fece subito ricadere la colpa della sconfitta sull'arbitro, poiché nei tempi supplementari espulse Francesco Totti ed annullò un gol a Damiano Tommasi, sempre nei tempi supplementari. Attualmente era commentatore sportivo in una radio e in un canale tv del suo paese.", "mention": "Campionato mondiale di calcio 2002", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "Vettel wins 2010 Brazilian Grand Prix, securing Constructors' Championship for Red Bull", "context_date": "November 9, 2010", "context_left": "Red Bull drivers Sebastian Vettel and Mark Webber took the top two podium places in the Brazilian Formula One Grand Prix at the Autódromo José Carlos Pace in São Paulo on Sunday. This secures victory for their two-car Red Bull team in the 2010 Constructors' Cup, with one race left. However, the Drivers' Championship is yet to be decided. The ", "context_right": " will be the decider in a season of close competition.", "mention": "Abu Dhabi GP", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "11914"} {"context_title": "Orkaan Maria over Guadeloupe getrokken, nu op weg naar Bovenwindse Eilanden", "context_date": "19 september 2017", "context_left": "", "context_right": ", een orkaan van categorie 5, bereikte gisteren het Caribisch gebied en is vannacht over het eiland Guadeloupe heen getrokken. Hier is ten minste één dode gevallen, twee andere personen worden nog vermist. Ook het eiland Dominica is door de orkaan getroffen, over de situatie aldaar is nog weinig bekend.", "mention": "Maria", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "40178187"} {"context_title": "Iraqi based war video game pulled by publisher", "context_date": "April 29, 2009", "context_left": "The game publisher Konami stated today in a Japanese newspaper that they will not be releasing the game \"Six Days in Fallujah\". The game is based on the ", "context_right": ", a vicious battle between American and Iraqi forces.", "mention": "Second Battle of Fallujah", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1330136"} {"context_title": "UEFA president Platini confirms Euro 2012 to be hosted in Poland and Ukraine", "context_date": "June 28, 2008", "context_left": "The UEFA president Michel Platini has confirmed once more the ", "context_right": " to be hosted in Poland and Ukraine. ", "mention": "UEFA Euro 2012", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Tausende Tote nach verheerendem Erdbeben in Haiti", "context_date": "14.01.2010", "context_left": " Auf der Karibikinsel Hispaniola werden nach dem ", "context_right": ", das sich am Dienstagnachmittag ereignete, tausende Tote befürchtet. Das Rote Kreuz Haitis schätzt, dass die Zahl der Toten auf bis zu 50.000 ansteigen könnte. Etwa drei Millionen Menschen sind verletzt oder obdachlos. Das Erdbeben ereignete sich laut dem United States Geological Survey (USGS) am Dienstag um 16:53 Uhr Ortszeit, (22:53 Uhr MEZ) 15 Kilometer südwestlich der haitianischen Hauptstadt Port-au-Prince mit einer Stärke von 7,0 auf der Momenten-Magnituden-Skala in einer Tiefe von etwa 10 Kilometern. In der Hauptstadt Haitis wurden neben den Elendsvierteln auch der Präsidentenpalast sowie das Gebäude der UN-Vertretung dem Erdboden gleichgemacht. Es folgten mehrere Nachbeben mit einer Stärke von 5,9. Für die gesamte Inselregion Kuba, Haiti, die Bahamas und die Domikanische Republik wurde vorsorglich höchster Tsunami-Alarm ausgerufen, nach einigen Stunden aber wieder aufgehoben. Unter den Opfern sind auch Mitglieder der UN-Friedensmission MINUSTAH aus Brasilien, China und Jordanien. Am Abend des 13. Januars wurden noch viele Mitglieder der UN-Mission vermisst, darunter auch UN-Botschafter in Haiti, der Tunesier Hédi Annabi. René Préval, der Präsident des Staates im Westen der Insel Hispaniola sagte vor der Presse, Annabi sei tot, doch UN-Pressesprecher Nicholas Birnback erklärte, den Tod Annabis bislang nicht bestätigen zu können. Préval selbst überlebte die Zerstörung seines Amtssitzes.", "mention": "schwersten Erdbeben in der Region seit über 200 Jahren", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "Ferdinand Piëch ist gestorben", "context_date": "28.08.2019", "context_left": "Kurz zuvör hatte Piëch seine letzte Konzernbilanz gezogen. 2014 hatte der Konzern über zehn Millionen Fahrzeuge verkauft, über 200 Milliarden Euro Umsatz erreicht und einen Gewinn von 12,7 Milliarden Euro realisiert. Fünf Monate nach seinem Abschied wurde der ", "context_right": " öffentlich bekannt. Wann Piëch von den Unregelmäßigkeiten erfuhr, liegt im Nebel. Er habe den Aufsichtsrat frühzeitig über die Softwaremauschelei informiert, sagte er selbst. In seine Zeit bei Volkswagen fiel auch die Abwehr des Übernahmeversuchs des Konzerns durch Porsche, der 2012 mit der Übernahme des Sportwagenherstellers durch Volkswagen endete.", "mention": "VW-Abgasskandal", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "21000630"} {"context_title": "Mount Everest 86 Zentimeter höher als bisher angenommen", "context_date": "09.01.2021", "context_left": "Geologen hatten zuvor spekuliert, ob das ", "context_right": " den Everest zum Schrumpfen gebracht haben könnte. Nun wurde bestätigt, dass dies nicht der Fall ist.", "mention": "Erdbeben in Nepal im Jahr 2015", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "19830062"} {"context_title": "Opening positions spark debate at Global Climate Change Conference", "context_date": "December 5, 2007", "context_left": "At the U.N. ", "context_right": " on Global Climate change in Bali, the early talk has focused on whether some of the major developed countries will commit to cutting greenhouse gas emissions in the coming years. European states are pushing for steep reductions in emissions, but environmentalists accuse some others of dragging their feet. ", "mention": "conference", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1633080"} {"context_title": "Le Conseil des Droits de l'Homme se munit d'outils contraignants contre les multinationales", "context_date": "26 juin 2014", "context_left": " Lors de sa 26 session, le Conseil des Droits de l'Homme des Nations Unies s'est prononcé sur le texte Ce texte, proposé par l'Équateur et l'Afrique du Sud, a été adopté par 20 voix pour, 13 contre et 14 abstentions. Pendant la présentation, les proposants rappellent l'urgente nécessité d'un tel cadre juridique en citant certains abus des multinationales comme l'affaire Chevron-Équateur ou l'", "context_right": " au Bangladesh.", "mention": "effondrement du Rana Plaza", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "11838739"} {"context_title": "Путин и Порошенко пожали друг другу руки", "context_date": "6 июня 2014", "context_left": "Российский президент Владимир Путин и избранный президентом Украины Пётр Порошенко в пятницу, 6 июня 2014 года, провели первую личную встречу на полях церемонии празднования 70-й годовщины дня ", "context_right": " во Франции и обсудили возможность заключения соглашения о прекращении огня в Украине.", "mention": "высадки союзных войск", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "8641370"} {"context_title": "«Ulovlig fiendtlig kjempende» til høyesterett", "context_date": "6. desember 2008", "context_left": "al-Marri kom til USA dagen før ", "context_right": ", og ble arrestert tre måneder etter, siktet for kredittkort-svindel og falsk forklaring.", "mention": "terrorangrepet 11. september 2001", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": ""7th Heaven" television series comes to an end", "context_date": "November 29, 2005", "context_left": "\"7th Heaven\" dealt with several social aspects of real life situation/issues ranging from \"teen suicide and sibling rivalry to violence in schools\". Episodes also touched on subject matters of the ", "context_right": " and the death of \"real-life American serviceman who was killed in Afghanistan\". \"7th Heaven\" also achieved over a dozen honors and awards from various organizations. ", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Balin ilmastokokouksessa sovittiin "tiekartasta"", "context_date": "15. joulukuuta 2007", "context_left": "Yhdistyneiden kansakuntien ", "context_right": " (United Nations Climate Change Conference 2007) päästiin 14.12 sopimukseen \"tiekartasta\" ilmastonmuutosta vastaan. Tiekartalla on tarkoitus saada sovittua jatko Kioton ilmastosopimukselle, ja sen mukaiset jatkoneuvottelut on tarkoitus saada päätökseen vuonna 2009 Köpenhaminan kokouksessa sekä ratifioiduksi ennen Kioton sopimuksen päättymistä 2012.", "mention": "Balin ilmastokokouksessa", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "1633080"} {"context_title": "意大利強震 全國進入緊急狀態", "context_date": "2009年4月6日", "context_left": "歐洲中部時間4月6日凌晨3:32,意大利中部地區發生", "context_right": ",意大利官方公佈為黎克特制5.8級,而美國地質調查局(USGS)則測得為黎克特制6.3級。震中位於阿布魯佐大區首府拉奎拉,離首都羅馬僅有90多公里,羅馬震感強烈。而震央深度又只有不到10公里,因而造成了大量的平民傷亡。目前已經確認至少207人在地震中罹難,超過70,000人無家可歸,預計死傷人數還會繼續上升。", "mention": "強烈地震", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "207918"} {"context_title": "Ден на демокрацията и националното единство в Турция", "context_date": "Новини от 15 юли 2019 г.", "context_left": "На 15 юли 2019 г. се навършват 3 години от ", "context_right": " през 2016 г.", "mention": "опита за военен преврат в Турция", "context_lang": "bg", "label_id": "25906338"} {"context_title": "Civilians testify to Halliburton fraud, coercion", "context_date": "June 28, 2005", "context_left": "Allegations of fraud by Halliburton, specifically with regard to its operations in Iraq, have persisted since before the ", "context_right": ". The associations between U.S. Vice President Dick Cheney and Halliburton, have been the basis for repeated speculation over possible political improprieties and business profiteering from the war.", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Rubens Barrichello wins 2009 European Grand Prix", "context_date": "August 24, 2009", "context_left": "Brawn-Mercedes driver Rubens Barrichello won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Telefónica Grand Prix of Europe at the street circuit, Valencia, Spain. It became his first victory since 2004 Chinese GP.", "mention": "2009", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172932"} {"context_title": "伊朗發射首枚人造衛星", "context_date": "2009年2月3日", "context_left": "伊朗國營媒體說,德黑蘭已經將第一顆國產衛星送入軌道。媒體今天(星期二)報道說,這顆被命名為「希望」的衛星星期一晚間由伊朗研製的「使者」運載火箭送入軌道。這顆衛星的發射正值這個月伊朗慶祝", "context_right": "30週年。伊朗一直有發展太空項目的計劃,這使得世界各國領導人感到不安。他們已經對伊朗核項目和彈道導彈項目感到擔憂。西方國家擔心太空火箭發射技術可以被轉而用到發展可以裝載核彈頭的遠程彈道導彈上。西方領導人曾表示,伊朗正在研製核武器。伊朗則說,它的核能力將僅僅用於和平目的。", "mention": "伊斯蘭革命", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "126065"} {"context_title": "Крестный ход из Приднестровья в Южную Осетию", "context_date": "18 августа 2009", "context_left": "Маршрут проходил через Украину и Россию. В Южной Осетии крестный ход был встречен официальными лицами. Это произошло как раз перед годовщиной печальных траурных событий ", "context_right": "", "mention": "братоубийственного столкновения кавказских народов.", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Самое мощное в третьем тысячелетии землетрясение в Турции", "context_date": "25 октября 2011", "context_left": "", "context_right": " был зарегистрирован в воскресенье в юго-восточной Турции у границы с Ираном.", "mention": "Подземный толчок магнитудой 7,2 по шкале Рихтера", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "189079"} {"context_title": "El ejército iraquí expulsa al Estado Islámico de Mosul", "context_date": "10 de julio de 2017", "context_left": "Este lunes (10) se anunció por parte del Ejército de Irak la liberación completa de la ciudad de Mosul que estaba en manos del Estado Islámico. La ", "context_right": " fue iniciada en 2016 y contó con el apoyo de Irán y de la Coalición Internacional.", "mention": "batalla", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "27429856"} {"context_title": "Italia es campeón de la Eurocopa 2020", "context_date": "12 de julio de 2021", "context_left": "El partido empezó con un gol muy temprano de Luke Shaw en el segundo minuto, se trató del gol más tempranero de la competición superando a los seis minutos en ", "context_right": ", ante la URSS en el Bernabéu. Los ingleses dominaron gran parte de la primera parte, Italia estaba desbordada y sólo hasta el final de la primera parte empezó a mejorar el juego. En la segunda parte Italia despierta a pesar que los ingleses mantienen el buen juego pero no es hasta la última media hora que se dispara la tensión. Gracias a Chiellini, Bonucci marca el gol del empate en el minuto 67'. Los ingleses mantienen la presión pero no pasan de medio campo y los italianos presionan para buscar el segundo gol. Antes del fin de la segunda parte, en el minuto 86' salta un espontáneo al terreno de juego y el partido se para. Los de seguridad le detienen. Los ingleses ni los italianos consiguen el gol de la victoria, y pasan a la prórroga. La prórroga está muy igualada con claras ocasiones de ambos equipos. Un remate de John Stones evitado por el portero italiano Donnarumma fue la última gran ocasión de la prórroga.", "mention": "1964", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "182205"} {"context_title": "Escocia celebraría un referéndum en el 2014 en busca en la independencia", "context_date": "11 de enero de 2012", "context_left": "Escocia esta unida con Inglaterra, Gales y Irlanda del Norte desde la llamada Acta de Unión de 1707 y es semi-autónomo desde 1999, cuando Donald Dewar se convirtió en el primer Ministro Principal de Escocia. Ahora, a 15 años del ", "context_right": " que tuvo como resultado el Parlamento escocés, Escocia, buscará volverse totalmente independiente.", "mention": "Referéndum escocés", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "2690249"} {"context_title": "Secret Downing Street Memo leaked", "context_date": "May 14, 2005", "context_left": "The document, known popularly as the \"Downing Street memo\", is a document purporting to contain the minutes taken during a meeting among United Kingdom government and political figures on July 23, 2002 discussing the build-up to the ", "context_right": ". Its authenticity has not been officially confirmed nor denied by the government, though Downing Street has stated that the document contains \"nothing new.\" There have been repeated media and congressional requests for clarification.", "mention": "2003 invasion of Iraq", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Inundações no México prejudicam mais de 1 milhão de pessoas", "context_date": "3 de novembro de 2007", "context_left": "O governador ainda comparou o dano das inundações com o ", "context_right": ", alegando que Nova Orleãs foi \"pouco comparado com isto\".", "mention": "Furacão Katrina de 2005", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "El sospechoso del tiroteo en Pittsburgh es procesado por 44 cargos", "context_date": "31 de octubre de 2018", "context_left": "Un gran jurado federal procesa a Robert Bowers, ", "context_right": ", por un total de 44 cargos, incluidos crímenes de odio, según una acusación federal presentada el miércoles. El ataque en la sinagoga Tree of Life, en el vecindario de Squirrel Hill, el sábado 27 de octubre, dejó 11 feligreses muertos, y un total de 6 heridos, entre ellos 4 agentes de policía que respondieron a las llamadas de emergencia. Los cargos contra Robert Bowers, supuesto autor de lo se cree que es el ataque más mortal contra los judíos en los Estados Unidos en la historia reciente, incluyen además de crímenes religiosos de odio, cargos de armas de fuego y lesiones a oficiales de policía.", "mention": "el sospechoso del tiroteo masivo en una sinagoga de Pittsburgh, Pensilvania", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "57830735"} {"context_title": "Умер бывший диктатор Гватемалы Эфраин Риос Монтт", "context_date": "2 апреля 2018", "context_left": "Бывший диктатор Гватемалы Хосе Эфраин Риос Монтт, правивший страной в один из самых кровавых периодов ", "context_right": ", скончался в возрасте 91 года в воскресенье, 1 апреля 2018 года.", "mention": "гражданской войны", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1282732"} {"context_title": "Papst Benedikt XVI. beginnt Polen-Reise", "context_date": "26.05.2006", "context_left": "Als eine bedeutsame Geste wurde der Besuch des Papstes am Denkmal für den ", "context_right": " im Jahre 1943 gewertet. ", "mention": "Aufstand im Warschauer Ghetto", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "160161"} {"context_title": "NASA announces Shuttle delay due to Hurricane Katrina", "context_date": "September 9, 2005", "context_left": "There will be a delay in future Shuttle flights until at least the fall of 2006, due to damaged NASA facilities that house and manufacture parts for the Shuttle program. ", "context_right": " has damaged several NASA facilities, including not only the Kennedy Space Center, but more importantly the Michoud Assembly Facility in New Orleans itself and the Stennis Space Center on the gulf coast of Mississippi, both major worksites of NASA subcontractors that help with the servicing of parts for the shuttle. ", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Northern Ireland's Ian Paisley to resign and retire", "context_date": "March 4, 2008", "context_left": "The announcement comes one month before the tenth anniversary of Good Friday Agreement which ended the thirty year-long period of conflict know as the \"", "context_right": "\" in which violence occurred between the nationalist and republican and the unionist and loyalist communities of Northern Ireland in the form of bombings, assassinations and gang violence.", "mention": "The Troubles", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "815436"} {"context_title": "Más de 23 mil estudiantes mexicanos conmemoran los cincuenta años de la Marcha del Silencio", "context_date": "14 de septiembre de 2018", "context_left": "El Comité 68, creado para exigir justicia y castigo a los responsables de la matanza de Tlatelolco y ", "context_right": ", también pidió a Andrés Manuel López Obrador, presidente electo, abrir \"los archivos militares para conocer a los agresores de hace 50 años\". Asimismo, para David Roura, uno los exlíderes estudiantiles, el rector de la UNAM, Enrique Graue Wiechers, debe dejar su cargo por los hechos violentos, \"si tiene cinco centavos de vergüenza debería renunciar\". ", "mention": "del Jueves de Corpus", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "2304343"} {"context_title": "La OMS afirma que la radiación de la central nuclear Fukushima Daiichi cubrirá a todo el mundo", "context_date": "25 de marzo de 2011", "context_left": "La Organización Mundial de la Salud (OMS) informó que en unas dos semanas la radiación que emana de la dañada ", "context_right": " (o también llamada Fukushima I) cubrirá a todo el planeta aunque los niveles de esta serán muy bajos y no tendrían efectos notables en la salud.", "mention": "central nuclear Fukushima Daiichi", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Premierminister Narendra Modi beschuldigt Pakistan des Krieges gegen Indien", "context_date": "14.08.2014", "context_left": "Anders hingegen verlief der Besuch im 230 km entfernten Kargil. Der Ort, in dessen Nähe sich eines der beiden neuen Wasserkraftwerke befindet, hat für Indien große Bedeutung in den jüngeren Beziehungen zu Pakistan. 1999 führten die beiden Länder hier ihren vierten Krieg, den ", "context_right": ", gegeneinander. 2013 hatte es in dieser Gegend zwischen regulären indischen Truppen und bewaffneten pakistanischen Kämpfern gegeben, die in der indischen Presse für erhebliches Aufsehen sorgte. Modis Besuch war nun der erste Besuch eines indischen Premierministers in diesem Gebiet seit 1999.", "mention": "Kargil-Krieg", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "404517"} {"context_title": "Obama administration drops use of term "enemy combatant"", "context_date": "March 13, 2009", "context_left": "The Justice Department said it would only seek to detain those who \"substantially supported\" the Taliban, Al Qaeda or associated groups that participated in the ", "context_right": ". The term \"substantially supported\" was not defined, but that classification would not include groups who \"provide unwitting or insignificant support\" to terror groups, according to court papers.", "mention": "September 11 terrorist attacks", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Eurovisión 2018 ya cuenta con sus primeros 10 finalistas", "context_date": "9 de mayo de 2018", "context_left": "Diez países ya han conseguido el pase a la gran final del ", "context_right": " tras la celebración de la primera semifinal la pasada noche. Las 10 naciones que volverán a interpretar sus temas el sábado son: Austria, Estonia, Chipre, Lituania, Israel, República Checa, Bulgaria, Albania, Finlandia e Irlanda.", "mention": "Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión 2018", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "25408640"} {"context_title": "Fernando Alonso gewinnt den „Großen Preis von Malaysia“", "context_date": "26.03.2012", "context_left": " Fernando Alonso hat den ", "context_right": " nach 56 Runden gewonnen. ", "mention": "Großen Preis von Malaysia", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "173010"} {"context_title": "Midget car racer Bryan Clauson dies aged 27", "context_date": "August 10, 2016", "context_left": "The race was the 116th of the year for Clauson as part of a campaign known as the Circular Insanity Tour, in which he attempted to run 200 races in 2016. Entering the Belleville Nationals, he had won 27 feature races. He was a three-time USAC National Midget and two-time USAC National Sprint Car champion with over 170 wins in USAC-sanctioned events, including a Chili Bowl Nationals win in 2014. He competed in stock car racing, driving in NASCAR and the ARCA Racing Series, winning a race in the latter. He ran 26 Busch Series (now Xfinity Series) races in 2007 and 2008 for Chip Ganassi Racing, recording a best finish of fifth at Kentucky Speedway in 2008. In 2008, he attempted three Sprint Cup Series races for Ganassi, but failed to qualify for all three. Clauson also ran three Indianapolis 500 events, one of which included the ", "context_right": ", where he finished 23rd.", "mention": "100th running in 2016", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "20015859"} {"context_title": "Стивен Спилберг возглавит жюри 66-го Каннского кинофестиваля", "context_date": "28 февраля 2013", "context_left": "В 2011 году этот пост занимал Роберт Де Ниро, а годом ранее ", "context_right": " Тим Бёртон.", "mention": "на кинофоруме председательствовал", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "553210"} {"context_title": "Zwangsevakuierung von New Orleans", "context_date": "07.09.2005", "context_left": " Für die durch den Hurrikan ", "context_right": " zerstörte Stadt wurde von Bürgermeister Ray Nagin die Zwangsevakuierung verfügt.", "mention": "Hurrikan Katrina", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Iranian police arrest 109 in protests", "context_date": "November 7, 2009", "context_left": "Iranian police arrested 109 people in Tehran during opposition protests which took place alongside an official demonstration to mark thirty years of the storming of the United States embassy during the ", "context_right": " in 1979, according to the capital's police chief.", "mention": "Iranian Revolution", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "126065"} {"context_title": "Vaterpolisti Srbije pobedili Rusiju", "context_date": "1. септембар 2010.", "context_left": "Zagreb, (Beta) - Vaterpolo reprezentacija Srbije pobedila je u sredu u Zagrebu selekciju Rusije sa 16:10 (7:2, 3:3, 1:1, 5:4), u utakmici trećeg kola Grupe B na ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Evropskom prvenstvu", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "935700"} {"context_title": "وفاة إسحاق شامير رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي السابق", "context_date": "1 يوليو 2012", "context_left": "شغل شامير مناصب عالية في دولة إسرائيل، حيث تولى رئاسة الوزراء مرتين، وقبل ذلك كان رئيس الكنيست ووزيراً للخارجية. وكان آخر ظهور دولي له في ", "context_right": " في سنة 1991. ومن سنة 1996 ترك شامير العمل السياسي تماماً.", "mention": "مؤتمر مدريد", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "1343802"} {"context_title": "Moldovában újraszámolják a szavazatokat", "context_date": "2009. április 8.", "context_left": "Újraszámlálják Moldovában a 2009. április 5-i parlamenti választások során leadott szavazatokat. Ezt tegnap közölte a moldovai \"Központi Választási Bizottság\" (CEC) képviselője. A választásokat követően a fővárosban, Chişinăuban ", "context_right": " került sor. A tüntetők április 7-én megrohamozták, majd elfoglalták a parlament és az elnöki palota alsóbb szintjeit.", "mention": "erőszakos megmozdulásokra", "context_lang": "hu", "label_id": "385065"} {"context_title": "2009世界陸上 やり投げの村上幸史選手が銅メダル 同種目で日本人初のメダル獲得", "context_date": "2009年8月25日", "context_left": "この種目の過去の成績は", "context_right": "で溝口和洋選手が記録した6位が最高順位で、日本勢の同種目でのメダル獲得はオリンピック・世界選手権を通じて初となる。投てき競技でのメダル獲得は、男子ハンマー投げ競技で2001年大会銀メダル、2003年大会銅メダルの室伏広治選手に次いで2人目となる。", "mention": "1987年大会", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "249365"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews winner of 55 Paralympic medals, Trischa Zorn", "context_date": "September 3, 2012", "context_left": "This year Zorn was inducted into the International Paralympic Hall of Fame at a ceremony in London. Having last competed in the ", "context_right": ", if she was swimming today, she would be classified as an S12 swimmer. She currently works for the United States Department of Veterans Affairs, helping returning soldiers adjust to life as civilians.", "mention": "2004 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "840654"} {"context_title": "Former Bosnian Serb leader Radovan Karadžić boycotts genocide trial", "context_date": "October 26, 2009", "context_left": "Karadžić faces 11 charges, including genocide, war crimes, and crimes against humanity, which relate to the ", "context_right": " of the 1990s. He denies all of the charges.", "mention": "Bosnian War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "181533"} {"context_title": "'점쟁이 문어' 파울, 스페인의 FIFA 월드컵 우승 예언", "context_date": "2010년 7월 9일", "context_left": "2010년 FIFA 월드컵에서 경기 승리팀을 정확히 맞혀 '점쟁이 문어'라는 별명을 얻은 문어 파울이 스페인의 FIFA 월드컵 우승을 예언하였다. 독일 오버하우젠 해양생물박물관에서 살고 있는 파울은 ", "context_right": "에서 스페인과의 결승전을 제외한 독일이 치른 모든 경기의 승패를 정확히 점쳤으며, 2010년 월드컵에서는 독일이 치른 모든 경기의 승패를 정확히 예고하였다. 또한, 파울은 월드컵 3, 4위전에서 우루과이를 꺾고 독일이 승리할 것을 예견하였다.", "mention": "UEFA 유로 2008", "context_lang": "ko", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "U.S. military denies reports helicopter opened fire on Libyan civilians during rescue mission", "context_date": "March 22, 2011", "context_left": "The pilot of the fighter aircraft was extracted during the rescue mission, while the weapons officer was found and cared for by Libyan rebels before later being retrieved by American forces. Both crew members suffered only minor injuries, the military said. The fighter aircraft was deployed over Libya in support of the no-fly zone approved by the United Nations Security Council over Libya as part of ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Operation Odyssey Dawn", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "878102"} {"context_title": "Tymošenko ja Janukovytš toiselle kierrokselle", "context_date": "18. tammikuuta 2010", "context_left": "Veteraanipoliitikko Viktor Janukovytš on saanut uutta kansansuosiota. ", "context_right": " uusitulla toisella kierroksella hän hävisi presidenttiyden oranssin vallankumouksen mainingeissa. Nyt osa kansasta on pettynyt oransseihin poliitikkoihin.", "mention": "Edellisten vaalien", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "568458"} {"context_title": "2006 Commonwealth Games open in Melbourne", "context_date": "March 15, 2006", "context_left": "The ", "context_right": " were opened officially by Queen Elizabeth II tonight, in Melbourne, Australia in a two-and-a-half hour spectacular Opening Ceremony held at the Melbourne Cricket Ground. About 80,000 spectators were in attendance, and hundreds of thousands lined the riverbank of the nearby Yarra River, watching as the Queen's baton made its way to the stadium. ", "mention": "XVIIIth Commonwealth Games", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "659207"} {"context_title": "Jury convicts former aide to Dick Cheney in Plame case", "context_date": "March 6, 2007", "context_left": "\"It’s sad that we had a situation where a high-level official person who worked in the office of the vice president obstructed justice and lied under oath. We wish that it had not happened, but it did.\" said Fitzgerald according to \"MSNBC\". What effect the verdict will have on the United States Congress and the credibility of the Bush administration's run-up to the ", "context_right": " is unclear.", "mention": "war in Iraq", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Iconic American newscaster Walter Cronkite dies at 92", "context_date": "July 18, 2009", "context_left": "From 1962 to 1981, Cronkite anchored the CBS \"Evening News\", and in that capacity reported the ", "context_right": " in 1963, the 1969 landing of the Apollo 11 astronauts on the Moon, and the 1974 Resignation of Richard Nixon to millions of Americans. As an editorial journalist, Cronkite's powerful criticisms of the Vietnam War reportedly moved then-president Lyndon Johnson to say, \"If I've lost Cronkite, I've lost Middle America.\" He will be remembered by some for his customary signoff, \"and that's the way it is...\", which ended most of his broadcasts. Also, his addition of \"day...\" counting up the days of the Iranian hostage crisis inspired a similar practice on \"Countdown with Keith Olbermann\".", "mention": "Kennedy assassination", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "193484"} {"context_title": "Bolívia rompe relações diplomáticas com Israel", "context_date": "15 de janeiro de 2009", "context_left": "O presidente boliviano Evo Morales, anunciou ontem o rompimento de relações diplomáticas com Israel ", "context_right": ", seguindo o passo do aliado presidente venezuelano Hugo Chávez, que na semana passada, dia 6, ordenou a expulsão do embaixador israelense em Caracas. O presidente boliviano alegou sobre o rompimento foi em solidariedade com o povo palestino.", "mention": "por causa dos ataques à Faixa de Gaza", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "170682"} {"context_title": "Polska nie zagra z Rosją w ramach baraży o udział w Mistrzostwach Świata w Piłce Nożnej 2022", "context_date": "26 lutego 2022", "context_left": "Prezes Polskiego Związku Piłki Nożnej Cezary Kulesza poinformował 26 lutego 2022 na Twitterze, że reprezentacja Polski nie rozegra meczu barażowego przeciwko Rosji o udział w ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Mistrzostwach Świata w Piłce Nożnej 2022", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "رئيس المكسيك يقترح تغيير الاسم الرسمي للبلد", "context_date": "23 نوفمبر 2012", "context_left": "تقرر الاسم الرسمي «الولايات المتحدة المكسيكية» بعد ", "context_right": " في القرن التاسع عشر تيمناً بالولايات المتحدة الأمريكية، حيث اعتبر مؤسسو الدولة المستقلة الحديثة الولايات المتحدة مثلاً يحتذى به للحرية والديمقراطية. وقال كالديرون بهذا الصدد: «لم يعد اسم بلدنا يحتاج إلى محاكاة أسماء بلدان أخرى. سامحوني على هذا التعبير، لكن اسم المكسيك هو «المكسيك».»", "mention": "حرب الاستقلال المكسيكية", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "68750"} {"context_title": "Two-time Eurovision entrant Edsilia Rombley discusses music, love, and her contrasting Contest experiences", "context_date": "March 3, 2009", "context_left": "After the accolades died down, Rombley set her sights on promoting her vision and passion through her music. Partnering with producer Tjeerd Oosterhuis became a double blessing; eventually they became husband and wife. Even a return to Eurovision at the ", "context_right": ", with less than favorable results, didn't keep her discouraged for long. Today she has finished recording a live CD of her favorite English songs, and a live DVD of selections in Dutch, and is currently touring in singing engagements this spring in theaters across the Netherlands.", "mention": "2007 Contest", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10153"} {"context_title": "Se clasifican los últimos finalistas de Eurovisión 2014", "context_date": "9 de mayo de 2014", "context_left": "Tras la segunda semifinal del Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión, todos los países que participarán en la final de su ", "context_right": " ya se encuentran clasificados.", "mention": "edición número 59", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "5354210"} {"context_title": "Un terremoto de 6,4 grados sacudió la provincia de San Juan, Argentina", "context_date": "19 de enero de 2021", "context_left": "El desastre más fuerte del lugar fue el ", "context_right": " y el último terremoto argentino fue en San Luis el 19 de noviembre de 2019.", "mention": "Terremoto de San Juan de 1944", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "3505891"} {"context_title": "Suecia logra el bronce en el Mundial Femenino de la FIFA ganando a Inglaterra por 1 a 2", "context_date": "8 de julio de 2019", "context_left": "El pasado sábado, 6 de julio, la selección de Suecia venció por 1 a 2 a la selección de Inglaterra consiguiendo su tercer bronce en una Copa Mundial Femenina de la FIFA tras los conseguidos en las ediciones de 1991 y 2011. La selección inglesa no logró repetir el tercer puesto que había conseguido en la edición pasada, ", "context_right": ". El partido se disputó en el Allianz Riviera ante espectadores y fue arbitrado por la rusa Anastasia Pustovoytova. ", "mention": "Canadá 2015", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "911847"} {"context_title": "Cachorro ganha fama por participação em protestos na Grécia", "context_date": "6 de outubro de 2011", "context_left": "Durante manifestações contra cortes em gastos públicos na Grécia, que atualmente presencia uma ", "context_right": ", um cachorro denominado Loukanikos (\"salsicha\" em português) ganhou fama após participação nas manifestações. Além de ter aparecido em praticamente todos os jornais gregos, o cão chegou a ganhar um perfil no Twitter e no Facebook, onde são divulgados fotos e informações sobre o andamento dos protestos.", "mention": "crise financeira", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "217197"} {"context_title": "КНДР предложила Южной Корее заключить мирный договор", "context_date": "29 мая 2013", "context_left": "КНДР призвала Южную Корею заключить мирный договор вместо соглашения о перемирии, подписанного по итогам ", "context_right": " 1950—1953 годов.", "mention": "Корейской войны", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "China's consumer prices rise to a three-year high in June as food prices soar 14.4 percent", "context_date": "July 11, 2011", "context_left": "As markets worried about the news of Chinese inflation as well as concerns about the ", "context_right": ", oil dropped below US$95 a barrel today. ", "mention": "European debt crisis", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "217197"} {"context_title": "Parts of New Orleans flood again", "context_date": "September 23, 2005", "context_left": "The U.S. Corps of Engineers estimated that 6 inches of rainfall could breach the previously damaged levees. The Ninth Ward, which saw flooding as high as 20 feet during ", "context_right": ", is currently in waist-high water as the nearby levee was overtopped. Water is spilling over the levee in a section 100 feet wide.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "President Erdoğan herkozen", "context_date": "25 juni 2018", "context_left": "Nu Erdoğan aanblijft als president, wordt ook zijn machtspositie nog veel sterker dan deze al was. Dit is het gevolg van een grondwetswijziging in Turkije, die vorig jaar tijdens een ", "context_right": " met een kleine meerderheid werd aangenomen. De president krijgt met dit nieuwe systeem veel meer bevoegdheden. Het systeem zou in werking treden na de volgende presidentsverkiezingen, nu dus.", "mention": "referendum", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "28062036"} {"context_title": "López Obrador asume la presidencia de México", "context_date": "1 de diciembre de 2018", "context_left": "Posteriormente intervinieron, hasta por diez minutos, legisladores en representación de los grupo parlamentario del Congreso. Raúl Bolaños Cacho Cué, del Partido Verde Ecologista de México, indicó que \"Es tiempo de actuar en unidad en beneficio del país. [...] Está en nuestras manos consolidar esta cuarta transformación\", esto último en referencia la cuarta transformación que promete López Obrador, un profundo cambio del país precedido por la ", "context_right": ", la Guerra de Reforma y la Independencia.", "mention": "Revolución", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "214426"} {"context_title": "Первый игровой день чемпионата мира по шахматам 2018", "context_date": "10 ноября 2018", "context_left": "9 ноября в Лондоне прошёл первый игровой день ", "context_right": ", в котором встречались действующий чемпионат мира — норвежский гроссмейстер Магнус Карлсен и победитель Турнира претендентов 2018 года — американский гроссмейстер Фабиано Каруана.", "mention": "матча за звание чемпиона мира по шахматам 2018", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "27956034"} {"context_title": "Stoletý stíhací pluk v Buturlinovce oslavili, brzy ho i obnoví", "context_date": "13. červen 2014", "context_left": "Pluk, plným názvem 899. gardový útočný letecký pluk Oršanský Felixe Dzeržinského, dvojnásobný nositel Řádu rudého praporu a nositel Řádu Suvorova III. stupně, byl založen 18. června 1914. Jeho členové se zúčastnili bojů ve španělské občanské válce, sovětsko-finské války v roce 1940, na východní frontě během Druhé světové války a později bojovali v dalších konfliktech, až po ", "context_right": " v roce 2008.", "mention": "boje v Jižní Osetii", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Nuovo record del deficit commerciale USA 2005", "context_date": "11 novembre 2005", "context_left": "Gran parte del deficit è da attribuire agli effetti provocati dagli uragani ", "context_right": " e Rita.", "mention": "Katrina", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Costa Rica celebró 189 años de independencia", "context_date": "15 de septiembre de 2010", "context_left": "La presidenta Laura Chinchilla recordó a los costarricenses lo ocurrido en la ", "context_right": " en la lucha contra el filibustero William Walker, cuando el estadounidense pretendía esclavizar Centroamérica.", "mention": "Campaña Nacional de 1856-1857", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "5027839"} {"context_title": "Labour politician Tony Benn dies aged 88", "context_date": "March 14, 2014", "context_left": "Tony Benn became an MP in November of 1950 and was a member of the cabinets of Harold Wilson and James Callaghan. In 1981, Benn ran for deputy leadership of the Labour Party but lost. He also had a role in shaping the 1983 Labour manifesto. He went on to become a diarist and speaker, as well as joining in the anti-war movement and speaking out strongly against the ", "context_right": ". \"The Sun\" newspaper once referred to him as \"the most dangerous man in Britain\" because of his strong left-wing political views.", "mention": "Iraq war", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Wikileaks cable disclosure shows Arab fears of Iranian ambitions", "context_date": "November 30, 2010", "context_left": "The Prince was keen to stress that those in power are the same people who, ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "in 1979, seized the US embassy in Tehran", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "589673"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, October 2016", "context_date": "November 6, 2016", "context_left": "As the October 19 debate approached, Trump questioned the fairness of the election process, the legitimacy of opinion polls, and asked supporters to \"forget the press, read the internet.\" To the final debate, he invited President Obama's half-brother Malik Obama, who had endorsed Trump, as well as Patricia Smith, mother of diplomat Sean Smith who died in the ", "context_right": ". She had previously spoken at the Republican National Convention. Clinton invited businesswoman Meg Whitman, billionaire Mark Cuban, and former basketball player Kareem Abdul-Jabbar, all of whom had endorsed Clinton. The third and final debate took place in Las Vegas and was moderated by Fox News host Chris Wallace. As in the second debate, there was no handshake between the candidates before. Unlike the second, there was no handshake afterward. During the debate, Trump stated he would appoint pro-life justices to the Supreme Court and that the likely result would be the overturning of \"Roe v. Wade\". Clinton countered she would nominate justices to uphold \"Roe\". Trump received criticism for referring to illegal immigrants as \"bad \"hombres\".\" After Trump spoke about having a closer relationship with Russia, Clinton implied Trump was a \"puppet\" of Russian President Vladimir Putin to which Trump repeatedly interrupted, \"No. You're the puppet!\" Trump referred to the Clinton Foundation as a \"criminal enterprise\" and accused Clinton of encouraging violence at his rallies based on the Project Veritas video. His most controversial comments came when he refused to say whether he would accept the results of the election and near the close of the debate when he interrupted Clinton to refer to her as \"such a nasty woman.\" The \"nasty woman\" comment became a rallying call for Clinton supporters with Senator Elizabeth Warren later commenting, \"We nasty women are going to march our nasty feet to cast our nasty votes to get [Trump] out of our lives forever\". According to CNN's poll, Clinton won the debate 52% to 39%. However, according to CNN's 15 member focus group, Trump won 10 to 5. Frank Luntz's focus group likewise showed Trump winning, by a margin of 14 to 12. A day after the debate, Trump held a rally and announced \"I will totally accept the results of this great and historic presidential election — if I win.\" He and Clinton both attended the traditional Alfred E. Smith Memorial Foundation Dinner with Archbishop of New York Cardinal Timothy M. Dolan seated between them. Although the event was meant to feature lighthearted and often self-deprecating statements from the candidates, Trump received boos when the crowd felt he was too harsh on Clinton. Nevertheless, Clinton and Trump shook hands at the conclusion. Back on the campaign trail, Trump began using the phrase \"Drain the Swamp\" to describe the defeat of the establishment in Washington, D.C. In an October 22 speech in Gettysburg, he laid out a plan for the first 100 days of his administration and unveiled a \"Contract for the American Voter,\" which included such policy proposals as a Constitutional amendment to impose term limits on Congress, a federal employee hiring freeze, and a ban on fundraising by foreign lobbyists in US elections. He received his first major newspaper endorsement from the \"Las Vegas Review-Journal\", owned by billionaire Trump supporter Sheldon Adelson. For the Clinton campaign, surrogates such as First Lady Michelle Obama, President Obama, and Bernie Sanders traveled about to spread the campaign's message; entertainers such as Miley Cyrus, Katy Perry and Jennifer Lopez also played a role. As most opinion polls continued to show Clinton ahead of Trump, Trump's campaign manager Kellyanne Conway admitted the campaign was behind and that Clinton \"has tremendous advantages.\" Meanwhile, Trump began arguing Democrats were creating \"phony polls\" to suppress the turnout of his supporters. He also argued the media was ignoring polls such as those from Rasmussen Reports and the \"Los Angeles Times\", which regularly showed him tied or slightly ahead of Clinton. Still, he acknowledged, \"I guess I’m somewhat behind in the polls, but not by much.\" As October drew to a close, three additional surprises threatened to change the course of the election. First, Obamacare rates were announced to be rising significantly for 2017 throughout the nation; over 50% in some states and by an average of 25% nationally. One in five users would have only one plan from which to choose. Second, more revelations from \"WikiLeaks\" including a release showing how an adviser used President Bill Clinton's status, what he referred to as \"Bill Clinton, Inc.,\" to secure donations to the Clinton Foundation from certain corporations as well as speaking fees, traveling expenses, and vacations in exchange for access, leading to accusations of pay-to-play. Third, FBI director James Comey wrote a letter to certain Congressional committee chairs stating the FBI discovered new evidence and was re-opening the investigation into Hillary Clinton's e-mail server. According to reports, the relevant e-mails were discovered on a device of former Congressman Anthony Weiner, who was under investigation for sexting with an under-aged girl. Weiner allegedly shared the device with his wife Huma Abedin, a top aide to Clinton. The Clinton campaign demanded to see the evidence. Senator Harry Reid argued Comey's letter may have violated the Hatch Act and accused the FBI of not releasing information about connections between the Trump campaign and the Russian government. Commenting on the matter, Trump said, \"Clinton’s corruption on a scale we have never seen before. We must not let her take her criminal scheme into the Oval Office.\" Clinton said, \"No matter what they throw at us these last few days, we're not going to back down.\" In the RealClearPolitics average for October 31, Clinton led Trump 48.0% to 44.9% in the head-to-head matchup, but her lead dwindled in the four-way race, 45.6% to 42.7% with Johnson at 4.7% and Stein at 2.1%.", "mention": "2012 Benghazi attack", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "199416"} {"context_title": "Chile es semifinalista de la Copa América Centenario, goleando a México 7-0", "context_date": "19 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Chile es semifinalista de la ", "context_right": ", metiéndole siete goles a México en el Levis Stadium de Santa Clara. Eduardo Vargas metió cuatro de los tantos, Edson Puch hizó doblete y Alexis Sánchez marcó el restante.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Zwycięstwo polskiej pary w Pucharze Hopmana 2015", "context_date": "10 stycznia 2015", "context_left": "Awans do finału rozgrywek o ", "context_right": " drużyna Stanów Zjednoczonych i Polski zapewniła sobie po udziale w fazie grupowej, w której obie reprezentacje wygrały po dwie konfrontacje.", "mention": "Puchar Hopmana 2015", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "17515596"} {"context_title": "EU may see no reason to go to next major emitters meeting", "context_date": "December 13, 2007", "context_left": "Stavros Dimas at a press conference today stated that the European Union would not view it as necessary to attend the major emitters meeting (MEM) if no substantial agreement was reached at the ", "context_right": " in Bali. His statement was made after being asked about rumours of the EU boycotting the US held MEM. He said that he had mentioned the preceding point of view in the presence of an under-secretary of the US government at a business breakfast this morning. He answered to a later question that he felt disappointed at the current stance of the US government, and wished clarity for the moment.", "mention": "climate change conference", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1633080"} {"context_title": "Hubschrauber für die Friedenstruppe in Darfur", "context_date": "18.02.2010", "context_left": "Die UN-Friedenstruppe UNAMID, die unter dem gemeinsamen Kommando der Vereinten Nationen und der Afrikanischen Union steht, war 2008 in den Sudan entsendet worden, um den Frieden in der seit 2003 vom ", "context_right": " betroffenen Region zu sichern. Nichtregierungsorganisationen bescheinigen dem bisherigen Einsatz eine schlechte Bilanz, welche insbesondere auf den gravierenden, seit Beginn bestehenden Mangel an Soldaten und Ausrüstung zurückzuführen sei. Besonders die westlichen Nationen wurden für ihre fehlende Unterstützung trotz vorhandener Mittel vielfach scharf kritisiert. Die Gesellschaft für bedrohte Völker (GfbV) kritisiert bereits seit Jahren, dass die Maßnahmen der internationalen Staatengemeinschaft mit den Problemen in der Region nicht Schritt hielten. ", "mention": "Darfur-Konflikt", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "190758"} {"context_title": "Chile derrota a Uruguay y clasifica a las semifinales de la Copa América 2015", "context_date": "25 de junio de 2015", "context_left": "Chile clasificó a las semifinales de la ", "context_right": ", al derrotar a Uruguay por uno a cero en un partido polémico. El gol fue de Mauricio Isla a los 81 minutos. El partido se disputó en el Estadio Nacional de Santiago de Chile.", "mention": "copa que alberga en su país", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1129985"} {"context_title": "Черногория официально стала 29-м членом НАТО", "context_date": "5 июня 2017", "context_left": "Черногория, в то время союзница Сербии, в 1999 году подверглась ", "context_right": ", которая наносила авиаудары с целью прекратить наступление на косовских сепаратистов. После отделения от Сербии по итогам референдума 2006 года Черногория решительно пошла по пути евроатлантической интеграции.", "mention": "бомбардировке НАТО", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "155723"} {"context_title": "وفاة رائد الفضاء الأمريكي نيل آرمسترونغ عن 82 سنة", "context_date": "26 أغسطس 2012", "context_left": "ولد آرمسترونغ في ولاية أوهايو، وكان الطيران يجذبه منذ الصغر، وحصل على رخصة قيادة طائرة في عمر مبكر. وشارك لاحقاً في ", "context_right": "، ثم صار طيار اختبار وبدأ العمل في ناسا.", "mention": "الحرب الكورية", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Победителями Евро-2012 стали испанцы", "context_date": "2 июля 2012", "context_left": "На завершившемся сегодня чемпионате Европы по футболу сборная Испании в ", "context_right": " «разгромила» итальянцев со счетом 4:0 и отстояла завоеванный в 2008-м году европейский титул. ", "mention": "финальном матче", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "308607"} {"context_title": "Бразилия взяла Кубок Конфедераций", "context_date": "1 июля 2013", "context_left": "1 июля 2013 года Сборная Бразилии по футболу взяла ", "context_right": ", обыграв сборную Испании со счётом 3:0.", "mention": "Кубок конфедераций по футболу", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "220231"} {"context_title": "Wikinoticias entrevista a Camila Colombo, estudiante y ajedrecista", "context_date": "19 de noviembre de 2014", "context_left": " ¿Cómo fue la experiencia de ser representante uruguaya en las Olimpíadas al Ajedrez en Alemania y ", "context_right": "? ", "mention": "Turquía", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "890313"} {"context_title": "Senador brasileño propone partidos amistosos de fútbol por la paz de Corea", "context_date": "25 de noviembre de 2011", "context_left": "Según Colin, la idea nació de experiencias anteriores como la diplomacia del ping-pong de la década de 1970, que contribuyó al acercamiento entre Estados Unidos y la República Popular de China y el partido realizado en Puerto Príncipe, cuando en 2004, la selección brasileña hizo un amistoso benéfico con Haití. También mencionó la admiración en Asia por los jugadores de la verdeamarela al obtener el título en la ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Copa Mundial de 2002", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "Nepalese monarchy to become republic", "context_date": "December 24, 2007", "context_left": "The Maoists, a military group who want a socialist republic, left the government in September demanding the end of the monarchy. They had only joined since the peace agreement at the end of the 1996-2006 ", "context_right": ". An agreement has now been reached after they signed a 23-point pact with the 6 main Nepalese political parties. ", "mention": "Nepalese Civil War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2002975"} {"context_title": "IPCC claims about Himalayan glaciers were not based on science", "context_date": "January 22, 2010", "context_left": "The IPCC had recently come under fire during the ", "context_right": ", when selectively leaked e-mails, hacked from the University of East Anglia, reportedly showed that some scientists were attempting to suppress findings by other climatologists that did not agree with their own findings.", "mention": "2009 United Nations Climate Change Conference", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "244444"} {"context_title": "Tokom Oluje počinjeno 24 ratna zločina", "context_date": "25. април 2011.", "context_left": "(Beta) - Državno tužilaštvo Hrvatske (DORH) evidentiralo je da su tokom i neposredno posle akcije ", "context_right": " 1995. počinjena 24 ratna zločina u kojima je ubijeno 156 osoba, a za te zločine procesuirano je samo 10 bivših pripadnika hrvatske vojske i policije.", "mention": "„Oluja“", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "769377"} {"context_title": "186 millones de personas conectaron con Eurovisión 2018", "context_date": "23 de mayo de 2018", "context_left": "La Unión Europea de Radiodifusión ha revelado hoy las cifras que conciernen al número de televidentes que consiguió reunir el ", "context_right": " celebrado hace dos semanas en la capital portuguesa. Los números alcanzados se traducen en 185 millones de personas, alrededor de los 42 países participantes en la edición de Lisboa, tras los tres shows celebrados por la RTP portuguesa: la primera y segunda semifinal, celebradas el 8 y 10 de mayo respectivamente, además de la gran final que tuvo lugar el 12 de mayo.", "mention": "Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión 2018", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "25408640"} {"context_title": "NATO and Iran talk for first time in 30 years", "context_date": "March 26, 2009", "context_left": "The visit to Brussels by the Iranian diplomat was the first \"since the regime of the Shah\" collapsed in the ", "context_right": " led by Ayatollah Khomeini in 1979.", "mention": "Iranian Revolution", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "126065"} {"context_title": "Documents show U.S. knew of Guatemalan human rights abuses", "context_date": "March 20, 2009", "context_left": "The United States State Department knew that members of Guatemala's military government were responsible for the disappearance of thousands of people during the country's 36-year ", "context_right": ", according to declassified documents obtained by the Washington D.C.-based National Security Archive, a non-governmental, non-profit research organization.", "mention": "civil war", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1282732"} {"context_title": "Massa wins 2006 Brazilian Grand Prix, Alonso and Renault win championships", "context_date": "October 22, 2006", "context_left": "Brazilian driver Filipe Massa, driving for Ferrari, won the Brazilian Grand Prix at Autódromo José Carlos Pace in Interlagos, São Paulo. This is his second Grand Prix victory. Massa became the first Brazilian to win on home soil since Ayrton Senna in ", "context_right": ". Massa started from pole and controlled the race from start to the finish line.", "mention": "1993", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "54415"} {"context_title": "Nie żyje Zajn al-Abidin ibn Ali", "context_date": "20 września 2019", "context_left": "Rządy ibn Aliego krytykowane były jako łamiące prawa człowieka, zdelegalizował opozycyjną Partię Odrodzenia. W 2011 roku uciekł z kraju pod wpływem \"", "context_right": "\", znajdując schronienie w Arabii Saudyjskiej.", "mention": "jaśminowej rewolucji", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "46959"} {"context_title": "Felipe Massa will start from pole of 2007 Malaysian Grand Prix", "context_date": "April 7, 2007", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Felipe Massa won the pole on the FIA Formula-1 2007 Malaysian Grand Prix on Sepang International Circuit. This occurred at the last possible moment. McLaren-Mercedes driver Fernando Alonso stayed in the lead for the most part of the third qualifying session, but was closely pursued by his rivals from Ferrari and by his teammate Lewis Hamilton who, after the fantastic debut in the ", "context_right": ", surely has ambitions for the World Champion title.", "mention": "previous race", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "15068"} {"context_title": "US TV host Conan O'Brien leads in late night ratings", "context_date": "January 17, 2010", "context_left": "Polone emphasized in a statement that O'Brien paid his own writers during the ", "context_right": " and was attempting to have a say with regard to the severance packages of his employees. He noted that many of O'Brien's staff members moved from New York to California when the TV host began working on \"The Tonight Show\".", "mention": "2007–2008 Writers Guild of America strike", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1046794"} {"context_title": "Japón sufre el peor desastre nuclear desde la catástrofe de Chernóbil", "context_date": "12 de marzo de 2011", "context_left": "Unas 50 mil personas han sido evacuados en un radio de más de 40 kilómetros alrededor de la Planta Nuclear de Fukushima 1, dañada por el fuerte sismo de 9.0 grados en la escala de Richter que estremeció el archipiélago de Japón en horas de la tarde de este viernes. El incidente de Fukushima es considerado el peor desde el ", "context_right": " el 26 de abril de 1986.", "mention": "accidente de la planta nuclear Chernobyl", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "U.S. Senator Obama announces presidential candidacy", "context_date": "February 10, 2007", "context_left": "Obama broke onto the national scene with his popular speech at the ", "context_right": ". Born in Hawaii, Obama graduated from Columbia University before receiving his JD from Harvard Law School. In 1996, Obama was elected to the Illinois Senate, before rising to his current position in the US Senate in 2004.", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "359657"} {"context_title": "賓拉登之子誓言為父死報復美國", "context_date": "2016年7月10日", "context_left": "哈姆紮的父親奥萨马·本·拉登,是在2011年被", "context_right": "的。", "mention": "美國海豹部隊暗殺", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "19085"} {"context_title": "Suecia logra el bronce en el Mundial Femenino de la FIFA ganando a Inglaterra por 1 a 2", "context_date": "8 de julio de 2019", "context_left": "El pasado sábado, 6 de julio, la selección de Suecia venció por 1 a 2 a la selección de Inglaterra consiguiendo su tercer bronce en una Copa Mundial Femenina de la FIFA tras los conseguidos en las ediciones de 1991 y ", "context_right": ". La selección inglesa no logró repetir el tercer puesto que había conseguido en la edición pasada, Canadá 2015. El partido se disputó en el Allianz Riviera ante espectadores y fue arbitrado por la rusa Anastasia Pustovoytova. ", "mention": "2011", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "108183"} {"context_title": "Chechen leader killed by Russian Special Forces", "context_date": "March 8, 2005", "context_left": "Aslan Alivitch Maskhadov, born 21 September, 1951, was the leader of the separatist movement in the Russian republic of Chechnya. He was credited by many with the Chechen victory in the First Chechen War, which secured temporary \"de facto\" independence for Chechnya. In January 1997, Maskhadov was elected President of Chechnya on a platform including demands for independence from Moscow. Following the start of the ", "context_right": " in 1999, he returned to leading the guerrilla movement against the Russian army.", "mention": "Second Chechen War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "120843"} {"context_title": "Тринаест година од почетка НАТО бомбардовања", "context_date": "24. март 2012.", "context_left": "(Beta) - Данас се навршава 13 година од ", "context_right": " на Савезну Републику Југославију (СРЈ). Напади су трајали 11 недеља и у њима је, према проценама из различитих извора, погинуло између 1.200 и 2.500 људи.", "mention": "почетка ваздушних напада НАТО-а", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "155723"} {"context_title": "サッカーW杯・日本代表が2大会 (8年) ぶりの決勝トーナメント進出 - 自国開催以外初", "context_date": "2010年6月26日", "context_left": "毎日新聞(以下毎日)によると、ワールドカップサッカー選手権南アフリカ大会の予選E組の最終戦が6月24日()開催され、日本はデンマークに3-1で勝利して勝ち点6(2勝1敗)の2位で、", "context_right": "以来2度目、かつ日本国外で行われる同選手権で初のベスト16(決勝トーナメント)進出を決めた。アジアのチームがベスト16にコマを進めたのは韓国に次いで2カ国目である。", "mention": "2002年日韓大会", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "ブラジル自国開催での優勝を逃す ドイツに大敗 - 2014W杯サッカー", "context_date": "2014年7月9日", "context_left": "ホスト国のブラジルは、エースのネイマール選手の負傷、さらにチアゴシウバ主将も出場停止と、2人の主力選手を欠く状態で臨んだが、特にチアゴシウバ主将の欠場により組織的な守備が崩壊し、ドイツにその弱みを付け込まれた形で、W杯史上に残る大敗を喫してしまった。ブラジルは前回の自国開催だった1950年にも、ウルグアイに逆転負けを喫して優勝を逃し、この時の試合会場から「", "context_right": "」とまで呼ばれたことがあったが、今回の大敗は「少なくとも悲劇ではない。ドラマチックな起承転結は皆無、必然にも思える一方的な大敗だった」と現地で取材する日経新聞の記者は報じている。", "mention": "マラカナンの悲劇", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "754483"} {"context_title": "Brazil wins FIFA Confederations Cup final, defeats USA 3–2", "context_date": "June 29, 2009", "context_left": "The United States, the ", "context_right": " champions, qualified for the match by defeating Spain in the semifinal round by a score of 2–0, just days after nearly being eliminated from the tournament. Brazil qualified for the match by defeating South Africa 1–0 last Thursday in the second semifinal match. Brazil was the defending Confederations Cup champion having won in 2005 and winners of five World Cups.", "mention": "CONCACAF Gold Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "753115"} {"context_title": "La Luna realiza su mayor aproximación a la Tierra este domingo", "context_date": "10 de agosto de 2014", "context_left": "El satélite natural ya realizó su primer perigeo el 12 de julio pasado y ocurrirá un tercero para el 9 de septiembre próximo, según informes de la NASA, y tal cercanía será una de las más brillantes, siendo estos tres momentos únicos cuando su distancia es de cada 20 años, cuyas consecuencias naturales son el aumento de las mareas en los océanos, aunque también se atribuye ser la precedente de catástrofes naturales como volcanes y sismos, como el que azotó a las ", "context_right": ", por lo que el astro se verá 30% más luminoso y 14% más grande de lo habitual.", "mention": "costas del Indico a fines de 2004", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "130754"} {"context_title": "Attorney John Wolfe wins 42% against President Obama in Arkansas primary", "context_date": "May 24, 2012", "context_left": "Attorney John Wolfe, Jr. of Chattanooga, Tennessee won 68,105 votes for 42 percent of the total in Tuesday's Arkansas Democratic Party presidential primary. He came in first in 36 counties and finished only 16 points behind President Barack Obama, who won the primary with 95,382 votes for 58 percent. The result tops prison inmate Keith Russell Judd's 41 percent West Virginia primary showing against Obama two weeks ago as the strongest outing for a Democratic challenger thus far. According to \"The Green Papers\", Wolfe qualified for 19 ", "context_right": " delegates, which the party has already announced they will deny.", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2104713"} {"context_title": "Presidente Chávez informa de saqueo a la embajada venezolana en Trípoli", "context_date": "24 de agosto de 2011", "context_left": "Además, comparó estos sucesos con ", "context_right": " y dijo que este hecho será denunciado ante Naciones Unidas, para la cual la cancillería venezolana hará la diligencia respectiva.", "mention": "el golpe de estado que sufrió en 2002", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "8807"} {"context_title": "Iranian International Master Dorsa Derakhshani discusses her chess career with Wikinews", "context_date": "April 14, 2020", "context_left": " Back in 2017, the World Rapid and Blitz Championship was held in Riyadh [in Saudi Arabia‍] and Israeli chess players were denied visa. Iran hosted the ", "context_right": " and it was boycotted by [WGM] Nazí Paikidze due to the mandatory hijab. What is your say in organising events in these countries where players are either forced to adhere to a dress code, or denied visa altogether because of their nationality?", "mention": "2017 Women's World Championship", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "22992136"} {"context_title": "Colombia clasifica a semifinales de la Copa América Centenario por penales", "context_date": "18 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Colombia es otro de los semifinalistas de la ", "context_right": " al derrotar por penales a Perú. El partido terminó en el Metlife Stadium de New Jersey terminó sin goles.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Inicia gira multimedia por Bicentenario de México", "context_date": "5 de mayo de 2010", "context_left": "El evento se realizó en el Campo Marte, al que acudieron invitados del gobierno federal. La proyección narró mediante una combinación de técnicas de cine, animación y video la historia de México, combinando además pirotecnia, luces y fuego. La narrativa inició en las culturas de Mesoamérica, pasando por la Conquista de México, la ", "context_right": ", la revolución mexicana y escenas representativas del siglo XX como el movimiento estudiantil de 1968, el sismo de 1985 o el levantamiento zapatista de 1994. La parte final, la de 2010, mostró fotografías y videos de los mexicanos de la actualidad, concluyendo con la interpretación de la canción típica México lindo y querido por el cantante Pepe Aguilar.", "mention": "independencia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "68750"} {"context_title": "BBC verfilmt die Nürnberger Prozesse", "context_date": "27.08.2006", "context_left": " Anlässlich des 60. Jahrestages der Vollstreckung der Todesurteile gegen nationalsozialistische Kriegsverbrecher und dem Ende des ", "context_right": " produziert die BBC einen zweiteiligen Spielfilm, dessen Titel im US-Original „The Nuremberg Trial: Inside the Nazi Mind“ lautet und sich des historischen Themas annimmt. Im Mittelpunkt des Films stehen die Schicksale der drei Angeklagten Albert Speer, Rudolf Heß und Hermann Göring. Göring war am 1. Oktober 1946 zum Tod durch Erhängen verurteilt worden, beging aber kurz vor Verstreckung des Urteils Selbstmord. Bereits jetzt sind auch die Hauptdarsteller gecastet worden. Speer wird von Nathaniel Parker verkörpert, Heß von Ben Cross und Hermann Göring von Robert Pugh. ", "mention": "Nürnberger Prozesses gegen die Hauptkriegsverbrecher", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "80130"} {"context_title": "Folgt auf Amoklauf ein PC-Spiele-Verbot?", "context_date": "25.11.2006", "context_left": "Durch die Diskussion fühlten sich viele an einen ähnlichen Fall erinnert: das ", "context_right": ". Zwar fand es in einem anderen Bundesland und auch an einer anderen Schulform statt, dennoch waren auch damals Ego-Shooter mit im Spiel gewesen, und es wurde nach einem Verbot dieser Spiele gerufen. Auch der damalige Täter hatte Ego-Shooter gespielt und war auch im realen Leben ein Waffennarr. Er hatte Probleme, die Schule geschwänzt und wurde deshalb von ihr verwiesen. Er war jedoch nicht sozial isoliert gewesen. Kontakte innerhalb der Familie und auch zu Freunden bestanden. Er konnte jedoch seine Probleme, noch nicht einmal seinen nicht erreichbaren schulischen Ausschluss, niemandem anvertrauen. Er gaukelte bis zum Schluss seinen Eltern vor, er würde die Abiturprüfung ablegen und später eine schon bestätigte Zivildienststelle antreten. Im Gegensatz zur Tat in Emsdetten scheint die Tat in Erfurt aber nicht geplant gewesen zu sein, denn es gab zuvor keine Ankündigungen. Darin zeigt das Attentat in Emsdetten eine neue Dimension. Denn hier wurde der Amoklauf nicht nur vorher angekündigt, der Täter bereitete sogar Sprengladungen vor, die er sich um den Körper schnallte.", "mention": "Massaker am 26. April 2002 am Gutenberggymnasium in Erfurt", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "473877"} {"context_title": "Malaysia bans film "The Last Communist"", "context_date": "May 29, 2006", "context_left": "The film is described as a \"semi-musical documentary\" and is inspired by the leader of the disbanded Malayan Communist Party, Chin Peng and the ", "context_right": " during which over ten thousand Malayan and British troops and civilians lost their lives.", "mention": "Malayan Emergency", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2354629"} {"context_title": "Two-time Eurovision entrant Edsilia Rombley discusses music, love, and her contrasting Contest experiences", "context_date": "March 3, 2009", "context_left": "Edsilia Rombley granted \"Wikinews\"' an interview; she reflected on her career, her inspirations, what a day is like in her life, and what she would love to do in the future. This is the third in a series of interviews with past Eurovision contestants, which will be published sporadically in the lead-up to mid-May's ", "context_right": " in Moscow.", "mention": "next contest", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10157"} {"context_title": "Sandra Fluke declares candidacy for California State Senate", "context_date": "February 6, 2014", "context_left": "Fluke was a featured speaker on September 5, 2012 at the ", "context_right": " in Charlotte, North Carolina. Fluke spoke to attendees at the convention about the consequences for women of electing Republican candidate for U.S. President Mitt Romney over incumbent President Barack Obama. Fluke campaigned with President Obama in his bid for re-election.", "mention": "2012 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2104713"} {"context_title": "VS gooit GBU-43 bom op IS in Afghanistan", "context_date": "13 april 2017", "context_left": "Amerikaanse vliegtuigen hebben vanavond een MOAB (\"Massive Ordnance Air Blast\") of GBU-43, ook wel bekend als de \"moeder van alle bommen\", afgeworpen op een tunnelcomplex van . Dit type bom – ontwikkeld tijdens de ", "context_right": " van 2003 – bevat 11 ton explosieven en is daarmee de zwaarste bom in het hele Amerikaanse wapenarsenaal, afgezien van de atoombom. Het is de eerste keer ooit dat deze bom wordt gebruikt. ", "mention": "Irakoorlog", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "2018년과 2022년 FIFA 월드컵 개최지로 러시아와 카타르를 선정", "context_date": "2010년 12월 3일", "context_left": "스위스 취리히에서 열린 집행위원회에서 FIFA는 2018년 FIFA 월드컵을 러시아에서, ", "context_right": "은 카타르에서 개최하기로 발표하였다. 두 대회를 한 집행위원회에서 한꺼번에 결정하는 것은 이번이 처음이며, 두 나라 모두 FIFA 월드컵 유치가 이번이 처음이다.", "mention": "2022년 FIFA 월드컵", "context_lang": "ko", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "Forest preservation plan debated at climate talks", "context_date": "December 8, 2007", "context_left": "Delegates at the ", "context_right": " in Indonesia are wrestling with a proposal that would allow developing nations to earn billions of dollars through carbon trading by leaving idle forests such as those in Borneo, the Amazon and Congo basins. ", "mention": "United Nations Climate Change Conference", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1633080"} {"context_title": "Gordon Brown officieel aangesteld als premier", "context_date": "27 juni 2007", "context_left": "Gordon Brown is 56 en van Schotse afkomst. Hij was samen met Tony Blair de voortrekker van de modernisering van de Labourpartij in de jaren 90, maar de goede verhouding tussen de twee werd de laatste jaren - o.m. door de ", "context_right": ", grondig verstoord. Hij wordt omschreven als intelligent en hardwerkend, maar ook als koppig en nors. Een echte Schot dus.", "mention": "Irakoorlog", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Dublin unionist march turns violent", "context_date": "February 25, 2006", "context_left": "However, an on-looker stated \"They have no right to be coming down here and rubbing our noses in it.\" He added that many Catholics also suffered during the conflict known as the \"", "context_right": "\". Kelly Ann Moore, 20, a republican protester said \"Loyalist protesters knew what was going to happen if they tried to do this. They were trying to provoke this violence.\"", "mention": "The Troubles", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "815436"} {"context_title": "Raadgevend referendum in Nederland definitief afgeschaft", "context_date": "10 juli 2018", "context_left": "Er zijn in totaal twee van dergelijke referenda gehouden: het ", "context_right": " (2016) en het referendum over de Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten in maart dit jaar. Er stond nog een derde raadgevend referendum gepland over de donorwet, maar daarvoor wist men vorige maand uiteindelijk niet voldoende handtekeningen te verzamelen.", "mention": "referendum over de Associatieovereenkomst tussen de Europese Unie en Oekraïne", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "21117876"} {"context_title": "Caso George Floyd, le proteste continuano in più di 48 città", "context_date": "31 maggio 2020", "context_left": "Ieri è stato il quinto giorno di proteste per il caso ", "context_right": ", l'afroamericano ucciso a Minneapolis da un agente di polizia. Le manifestazioni si sono espanse in più di 48 città statunitensi con delle proteste pacifiche, accompagnate da una da parte delle forze dell'ordine. Molti scontri sono stati ripresi e poi pubblicati nei social media, mentre sempre più giornalisti riportano di essere stati aggrediti dalla polizia. In tutto il paese le rivolte sono diventate sempre più violente, con continui saccheggi e vandalismi da parte dei manifestanti.", "mention": "George Floyd", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "95579249"} {"context_title": "Professor dos EUA alega que governo americano está por trás de atentados terroristas", "context_date": "14 de julho de 2006", "context_left": "Esta não é a primeira vez que as declarações de um professor universitário causa polêmica nos EUA. O Professor Ward Churchill, que dá aulas sobre estudos étnicos na Universidade de Colorado Boulder (UCB), é até hoje bastante criticado porque disse em 2001 que as vítimas dos ", "context_right": " eram \"tecnocratas\" e \"pequenos Eichmanns\" (em alusão a Adolf Eichmann, oficial de alto ranking na Alemanha Nazi).", "mention": "Ataques de 11 de setembro", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Onrust in VS na besluit Trump tot uitzetten 200.000 Salvadoranen", "context_date": "9 januari 2018", "context_left": "Een paar weken geleden verloren 45.000 Haïtianen in de VS, die na de ", "context_right": " hun land waren ontvlucht, ook al hun beschermde status. Ook zij zullen de VS moeten verlaten.", "mention": "aardbeving van 2010", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "Britischer Außenminister Miliband empört über „Mossad-Affäre“", "context_date": "19.02.2010", "context_left": "Mabhuh war am 20. Januar in einem Luxushotel in Dubai tot aufgefunden worden. Er war ein hochrangiger Anführer der Qassam-Brigaden, dem militärischen Arm der Hamas. Mabhuh soll nach israelischen Angaben 1989 während der ", "context_right": " die Entführung und Ermordung von zwei israelischen Soldaten organisiert haben. Außerdem sei Mabhuh einer der Hauptorganisatoren des Waffenschmuggels in den Gazastreifen gewesen.", "mention": "Ersten Intifada", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "49105"} {"context_title": "Inijesta doneo Španiji titulu svetskog šampiona", "context_date": "11. јул 2010.", "context_left": "(Beta) - Fudbalska reprezentacija Španije osvojila je večeras titulu svetskog prvaka, pošto je u ", "context_right": " u Johanesburgu posle produžetaka pobedila Holandiju sa 1:0.", "mention": "finalu Mundijala", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "208401"} {"context_title": "Рок-музыканты из Владимира рассказали в Москве про немецких вампиров", "context_date": "28 марта 2018", "context_left": "«Кабинет Доктора Калигари» — один из главных фильмов немецкого ", "context_right": ", тоже не обойдён вниманием рокеров — от Rainbow и Rob Zombie до Red Hot Chili Peppers и «Умки и Броневичка».", "mention": "киноэкспрессионизма", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "160476"} {"context_title": "Wizyta prezydenta Andrzeja Dudy w Estonii", "context_date": "23 sierpnia 2015", "context_left": "W Tallinnie prezydent Polski spotkał się z prezydentem Estonii Toomasem Hendrikem. W swoim przemówieniu Hendrik zaznaczył, jak ważne są pozytywne stosunki polsko-estońskie. Wskazał na podobną politykę bezpieczeństwa obu państw. Poruszył też temat pokoju w Europie i roli Polski w jego utrzymaniu. Nawiązał również do obchodzonej tego samego dnia 76. rocznicy podpisania ", "context_right": ", a datę uznał za symboliczną. Przypomniał, że nie tylko Niemcy, ale także Rosjanie, brali udział w zniewalaniu Polski. Stwierdził, że jego zdaniem Europa Wschodnia wciąż jest zagrożona, jako dowód przedstawił rosyjski atak na Ukrainę. Wiązał nadzieje z rozbudową baz NATO w regionie, inwestycjami militarnymi i współpracą międzynarodową. Uznał również, że w związku z nieprzewidywalnością sytuacji niezbędne są długoterminowe działania.", "mention": "paktu Ribbentrop-Mołotow", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "130796"} {"context_title": "UK cabinet minister Jack Straw ignored advice that Iraq invasion was illegal", "context_date": "January 27, 2010", "context_left": "Instead of following Wood's advice, government ministers used the advice of Lord Goldsmith, who was then the Attorney General for England and Wales. Goldsmith—who is scheduled to appear before the Inquiry this Wednesday—advised Straw that a second UN resolution would not be required to invade, based on a series of UN resolutions reaching back to the end of the ", "context_right": ", despite having told the prime minister—only then days before—to wait for another UN resolution, the passing of which they had pushed other Security Council members for in the weeks running up to the invasion. Wood makes it clear, however, that the final decision regarding the legality of war lay with the Attorney General, rather than with himself.", "mention": "Gulf War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "Brand im Regierungsgebäude in Warschau ausgebrochen", "context_date": "07.07.2005", "context_left": " Im Warschauer Regierungsgebäude ist in einem Flügel, in dem sich auch das Büro des Ministerpräsidenten Marek Belka befindet, ein Feuer ausgebrochen. Es gab zunächst noch keine Informationen, ob der Brand mit den ", "context_right": " zusammenhängt. Es konnte jeodch nicht vollkommen ausgeschlossen werden. ", "mention": "Anschlägen in London", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Победителями Евро-2012 стали испанцы", "context_date": "2 июля 2012", "context_left": "Сборная Италии, выигрывавшая в прошлом чемпионат мира четыре раза, вот уже 44 года не может завоевать европейский трофей. Единственный раз, когда представители «Скуадры адзурры» (букв. «Голубой эскадры») стали обладателями европейского кубка, был в далеком 1968-м году, когда ", "context_right": ", что, безусловно, давало итальянцем некоторое преимущество над соперниками.", "mention": "ЧЕ проходил у них на Родине", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "182201"} {"context_title": "Space Shuttle Discovery lands for final time", "context_date": "March 10, 2011", "context_left": "STS-133 is \"Discovery\"'s 39th and final mission into space, the 35th shuttle mission to the ISS, and the 133rd flight in the entire shuttle program. \"Discovery\" has docked with two different space stations, \"Mir\" and the ISS, and was the first shuttle to fly after both the \"Challenger\" and ", "context_right": ". \"Discovery\" made its maiden flight on STS-41-D in 1984, having since become the most experienced and oldest surviving space shuttle, and delivering payloads to orbit such as the Hubble Space Telescope and becoming the first shuttle to fly a Russian cosmonaut into space.", "mention": "\"Columbia\" disasters", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "580867"} {"context_title": "インド亜大陸地震に各国から援助表明", "context_date": "2005年10月10日", "context_left": "", "context_right": "の犠牲者数が3万を超えたと報道されている。被災各国に対し、世界中の国が援助を表明している。 救援の詳細は以下の通り。", "mention": "パキスタン北東部の地震", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "210137"} {"context_title": "Antje Duvekot on life as a folk singer, her family and her music", "context_date": "November 11, 2007", "context_left": "DS: Has the ", "context_right": " affected you as an artist?", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Nuevo terremoto de 7 grados sacude Japón", "context_date": "15 de abril de 2016", "context_left": "Este es el primer terremoto en alcanzar un nível 7 en la escala de terremotos de Japón desde el ", "context_right": " que dejó 18.000 muertos y un desastre nuclear en la central de Fukushima.", "mention": "terremoto de 2011", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Шведска влада о ослобађању Биљане Плавшић", "context_date": "21. октобар 2009.", "context_left": "Бивша председница Републике Српске признала је у октобру 2002. кривицу за прогон Муслимана и Хрвата у 37 општина у БиХ у време ", "context_right": " 1992. Трибунал је Плавшићеву у фебруару 2003. осудио на 11 година затвора.", "mention": "рата у тој земљи", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "181533"} {"context_title": "La Copa Mundial de la FIFA de 2026 se celebrará en Canadá, Estados Unidos y México", "context_date": "13 de junio de 2018", "context_left": "El siguiente Congreso de la FIFA se celebrará el 5 de junio de 2019 en París, dos días antes del primer partido de la ", "context_right": " que se disputará en Francia.", "mention": "Copa Mundial Femenina de Fútbol de 2019", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "4630361"} {"context_title": "ポルトガル勝利も決勝トーナメント進出ならず - 2014W杯サッカー", "context_date": "2014年6月27日", "context_left": "試合は前半31分にポルトガルがガーナの選手によるオウン・ゴールで先制点を挙げるが、後半の12分にガーナのジャン選手のヘディングシュートで同点に。その後、35分にロナウド選手がガーナのゴールキーパーが弾いたこぼれ球を左足で押し込んで再び勝ち越しに成功する。この後も再三ゴールを狙おうとするも得点には至らず、2-1でポルトガルが勝利をしたが、得失点差でアメリカに及ばずに、", "context_right": "以来となる1次予選敗退となった。", "mention": "2002年日韓大会", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, July 2016", "context_date": "August 23, 2016", "context_left": "Trump announced he would officially name his running mate on July 15. Though Pence was the favorite to receive the nod, Trump met with Senator Jeff Sessions, and had additional meetings with Christie and Gingrich. According to multiple news reports, Trump's daughter Ivanka, her husband Jared Kushner, and financier Sheldon Adelson all tried to convince Trump to select Gingrich, while campaign manager Paul Manafort favored Pence, and pollster Tony Fabrizio wanted Flynn. CNN reported Trump had offered the position to Pence, who accepted. According to NBC, the purported leak of the news had left Trump \"seething.\" Due to the ", "context_right": " in Nice, France, Trump postponed the planned announcement. Both CNN and NBC reported Trump was looking for ways to get out of the selection of Pence. The campaign denied the report. \"The New York Times\" alleged the Pence selection was revisited because Christie had begged the campaign to reconsider its decision and replace Pence with himself. On July 15, Trump officially announced via Twitter that he had selected Pence. Through the selection, Trump said he hoped to unify the party. Manafort said the ticket would appeal to former supporters of Sanders. As the GOP convention approached, Manafort declared the #NeverTrump movement \"gone,\" as the GOP rules committee voted not to unbind delegates. Clinton announced she would reveal her vice presidential selection after the GOP convention. \"The Washington Post\" tapped Vilsack as the favorite.", "mention": "July 14 attack", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "25893254"} {"context_title": "Библиотека Конгресса США отмечает 216-й день рождения", "context_date": "25 апреля 2016", "context_left": "Библиотекa перенесла несколько пожаров. Оригинальная коллекция из 3 тысяч томов была в значительной степени уничтожена в 1814 году, когда британские войска захватили Вашингтон во время ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "войны с Соединенными Штатами", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "26013"} {"context_title": "US, South Korean special envoys explore reopening talks with North Korea at Seoul meeting", "context_date": "October 27, 2021", "context_left": "On Sunday, United States and South Korean envoys met in Seoul, South Korea to discuss ways to reopen diplomatic talks with North Korea and sending humanitarian aid there. Earlier, the United Nations warned the country faces starvation due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Envoys also discussed a Southern proposal to formally end the ", "context_right": ", which was not closed since the last Armistice Talks in July 1953.", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Obama comienza una gira por Oriente Medio y Europa", "context_date": "3 de junio de 2009", "context_left": "Obama viajará después a Europa en su última escala de cinco días de gira para participar en la conmemoración del sexagésimo quinto aniversario del \"Día D\", ", "context_right": " durante la Segunda Guerra Mundial.", "mention": "el desembarco a Normandía", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "8641370"} {"context_title": "Spotkanie z Aleksandrą Ziółkowską-Boehm autorką książki „Druga bitwa o Monte Cassino i inne opowieści”", "context_date": "30 maja 2014", "context_left": "Najnowsza książka to 9 opowiadań związanych z różnymi wydarzeniami II wojny światowej, takimi jak: ", "context_right": ", powstanie warszawskie, rzeź wołyńska czy wokół lotów generała Władysława Sikorskiego. ", "mention": "bitwa pod Monte Cassino", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "335288"} {"context_title": "Up to 18 arrested, police injured in APEC rally", "context_date": "September 8, 2007", "context_left": "The mostly peaceful demonstration marched from Sydney's Town Hall to Hyde Park where they were greeted with a carnival atmosphere. The demonstrators protested against the ", "context_right": ", climate change, workers' rights and globalisation with many blowing whistles, yelling chants and beating drums.", "mention": "2003 Iraq invasion", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Tropensturm „Irene“ wütet an der Ostküste der USA", "context_date": "28.08.2011", "context_left": "Der Sturm traf am Samstag zuerst auf die Küste des US-Bundesstaates North Carolina. Durch Schäden an Stromleitungen, die der Sturm verursachte, fiel für hunderttausende Wohnungen der Strom aus. In der Millionenstadt New York kam es jedoch nicht zur befürchteten Katastrophe wie 2005, als der ", "context_right": " die Küstenstadt New Orleans heimsuchte. Damals waren 1.800 Menschen ums Leben gekommen. In New York wurden jetzt lediglich einige Randbezirke überschwemmt. Trotzdem gehen Schätzungen davon aus, dass der Sturm Schäden in Milliardenhöhe verursachen wird.", "mention": "Hurrikan Katrina", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Chile le gana a Panamá cuatro a dos por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "15 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Chile le ganó ayer a Panamá por cuatro tantos contra dos en el Lincoln Financial Field de Filadelfia, empezó el encuentro perdiendo casi desde el principio pero pudo acomodar su juego y revertir el resultado que le permite continuar en carrera en esta ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική ΠΓΔΜ νίκησε την Εθνική Ανδόρρας με σκορ 1-0", "context_date": "7 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Μακεδονίας νίκησε την Εθνική Ανδόρρας με σκορ 1:0 για τον Β' Όμιλο των Προκριματικών του ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου 2012", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "פורטוגל מצהירה כוונות; 2-0 על טורקיה", "context_date": "7 ביוני 2008", "context_left": "ביורו הקודם הייתה הנבחרת שכמעט הצליחה. הפורטוגזים הגיעו עד הגמר, שם נכנעו לבונקר של ושל . הפעם, החליטו הפורטוגזים שלא עוד - וכמו שבטורניר הקודם הם היו מועמדים לזכות, כך הם מתכוונים להיות גם הזוכים של ", "context_right": ". פתיחה של 2-0 נגד , הרי מדובר בהתחלה טובה.", "mention": "יורו 2008", "context_lang": "he", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "Japanese tsunami impacts California coastal town", "context_date": "March 13, 2011", "context_left": "The tsunami caused by Japan's magnitude 8.9 quake on Friday destroyed the commercial fishing harbor of Crescent City, California, a coastal town still recovering from a devastating ", "context_right": ". Although most of the fishing boats were removed in advance, the 198 docking slips that the harbor had provided for boats, enabling the livelihoods of the fishing crews, were lost. ", "mention": "tsunami in 1964", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "749610"} {"context_title": "Ya son 147 muertos por el terremoto en Chile", "context_date": "27 de febrero de 2010", "context_left": "El terremoto más grande de la historia de Chile ", "context_right": " del país. Con una intensidad de 9,5 grados en la escala Richter, causó 1.655 muertos.", "mention": "ocurrió en 1960 en la misma región", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "212618"} {"context_title": "Former US Secretary of State Alexander Haig dies at age 85", "context_date": "February 20, 2010", "context_left": "A West Point graduate and decorated veteran of both the ", "context_right": " and Vietnam wars, Haig served as commander of US forces stationed in Europe and Supreme Allied Commander of NATO. He also held top advisory posts in the Nixon, Ford, and Reagan administrations. Haig furthermore unsuccessfully sought the Republican presidential nomination in 1988. ", "mention": "Korean", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Bayern Monachium wygrał Klubowe Mistrzostwa Świata w piłce nożnej 2020", "context_date": "15 lutego 2021", "context_left": "Piłkarze Bayernu Monachium zwyciężyli w ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Klubowych Mistrzostwach Świata 2020", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "61082445"} {"context_title": "Сборная Польши по футболу выиграла у немцев в отборочном матче Евро-2016", "context_date": "12 октября 2014", "context_left": "Интересно то, что выиграв данный матч, поляки не только набрали 6 очков в 2 играх и возглавили турнирную таблицу в группе D. Они также прервали 18-матчевую беспроигрышную серию немцев в официальных (не товарищеских) матчах. Кроме того, впервые с квалификации ", "context_right": ", сборная Германии потерпела поражение в гостях в отборе на крупный турнир.", "mention": "Евро-2000", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "131239"} {"context_title": "Претходна деценија најтоплија од 1850. године", "context_date": "24. март 2012.", "context_left": "Око 1.800 људи погинуло је током ", "context_right": " који је 2005. године погодио САД, а у тропском циклону Наргис на југозападу Мјанмара је 2008. године живот изгубило више од 70.000 људи.", "mention": "урагана Катрина", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Молодёжная сборная России по хоккею уступила сборной Швеции по буллитам", "context_date": "1 января 2018", "context_left": "Молодёжная сборная России по хоккею уступила сборной Швеции по буллитам (3:4) в заключительном матче группового этапа ", "context_right": ", который проходит в США.", "mention": "чемпионата мира по хоккею среди молодёжных команд", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "15715388"} {"context_title": "Популярные статьи о шахматных гроссмейстерах за 2016 год по просмотрам в Википедии", "context_date": "23 января 2017", "context_left": "Третье и четвёртое место в рейтинге заняли статьи про участников ", "context_right": " — Сергея Карякина и Магнуса Карлсена (1062,5 и 986,7 просмотров в день соответственно). На пятом месте расположилась статья про Анатолия Карпова (540,6 просмотров в день).", "mention": "матча за звание чемпиона мира по шахматам 2016 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "18342495"} {"context_title": "訃報 ジョン・ケネス・ガルブレイス氏", "context_date": "2006年5月4日", "context_left": "ヴェトナム戦争や1990年代の株式バブル、", "context_right": "を批判し、経済学以外の分野でも積極的に発言を行った。1960年から63年にかけて、米国のインド大使を務めた。日経によれば、2000年に自由勲章を受章した。", "mention": "イラク戦争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Germany wins Hockey World Cup", "context_date": "September 18, 2006", "context_left": "Germany won the ", "context_right": " on Sunday in Mönchengladbach, Germany in a 4-3 defeat of Australia. Germany came behind from a 1-3 deficit to score 3 unanswered goals. Christopher Zeller of Germany was named Most Promosing Player and Jamie Dwyer of Australia was named Player of the Tournament. Spain defeated South Korea 3-2 after extra time for 3rd and in the match for 11th between India defeated South Africa 1-0. South Africa is now relegated from the top tier of Men's Hockey.", "mention": "2006 Men's Hockey World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "705930"} {"context_title": "Green Day dominates at MTV's 2005 Video Music Awards", "context_date": "August 30, 2005", "context_left": "The event was hosted by Sean \"Diddy\" Combs at the American Airlines Arena in Miami, Florida, USA, which was unaffected by the passing of ", "context_right": " through the area or by the shooting of rap producer \"Suge\" Knight.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "智利捧走百年美洲盃", "context_date": "2016年6月28日", "context_left": "", "context_right": "決賽在當地時間6月26日在美國新澤西州東盧瑟福的大都會人壽運動場舉行,智利和阿根廷在開賽90分鐘及加時期間仍沒有入球記錄,最後智利透過互射十二碼以4-2的比數擊敗阿根廷勝出,取得百年美洲盃。", "mention": "百年美洲盃", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "2009年夏季聽障奧運進入倒數 新口號上路 邀請賽打通關", "context_date": "2008年9月5日", "context_left": "將於明(2009)年9月5日在台灣台北市正式登場的「", "context_right": "」,地主台北市政府,特別在今(5)日上午,舉辦了萬人手語的慶祝會,宣布了新口號「我的力量」(Power In Me),正式宣告2009年聽障奧運進入倒數365日。", "mention": "2009年夏季聽障奧林匹克運動會", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "709910"} {"context_title": "Eurovision '82 winner Nicole talks about 'Ein bißchen Frieden', her success and the Contest today", "context_date": "February 2, 2009", "context_left": "Now off the road, Nicole spoke with \"Wikinews'\" about her past success, her life and career today, and her overall impressions of the Eurovision Song Contest, both past and present. This is the first in a series of interviews with past Eurovision contestants, which will be published sporadically in the lead-up to mid-May's ", "context_right": " in Moscow.", "mention": "next contest", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10157"} {"context_title": "Россия выиграла чемпионат мира по бенди", "context_date": "3 февраля 2013", "context_left": "Сборная России по хоккею с мячом завоевала титул чемпионов мира на завершившемся в шведском Венерсборге ", "context_right": " по хоккею с мячом. В финальном матче наша команда в упорной борьбе переиграла команду Швеции со счетом 4:3 (2:1).", "mention": "33-м чемпионате мира", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "2358266"} {"context_title": "De man met het hoedje was in Manchester", "context_date": "24 mei 2017", "context_left": "Mohamed Abrini, ook wel de \"man met het hoedje\" genoemd, is volgens de Franse krant \"Le Parisien\" in juli 2015 in Manchester geweest. Abrini wordt ook in verband gebracht met de aanslagen van ", "context_right": " en van Parijs van november 2015.", "mention": "Brussel van 22 maart 2016", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "23365300"} {"context_title": "Gay Talese on the state of journalism, Iraq and his life", "context_date": "October 27, 2007", "context_left": "DS: After ", "context_right": " there was a lot of debate on whether we would rebuild one of our own cities as we were over in Iraq demolishing their cities. How did you feel about that?", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Россия реконструирует ТрансКАМ", "context_date": "5 сентября 2009", "context_left": "Прошло чуть более года после ", "context_right": " между Южной Осетией и Грузией и время показало, что Транскавказская автомагисталь по своим техническим параметрам уже не соответствует реалиям времени. Построенная ещё Советским Союзом (стройка закончилась в 1985 году), дорога и её инженерная инфраструктура физически устарела и её уже давно нужно было реконструировать, как мосты и тоннели, так и само полотно.", "mention": "военного конфликта", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Day two of Paralympic judo underway in London", "context_date": "August 31, 2012", "context_left": "London, England — The third session of judo featuring preliminary Single-elimination tournament|anchor=Nomenclature|round of sixteens in the men's and quarterfinals in the women's judo got underway today before a large crowd of spectators at London's ExCeL North Arena 2 at the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2012 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Na poznańskiej Cytadeli inscenizacja bitwy o Poznań z 1945 roku", "context_date": "19 lutego 2012", "context_left": "Na poznańskiej Cytadeli w miejscu dawnego pruskiego Fortu Winiary została zorganizowana inscenizacja ", "context_right": " z 1945 roku. W inscenizacji wzięło udział około stu osób z grup rekonstrukcyjnych. Jednym z organizatorów jest pan Przemysław Maćkowiak, Prezes Zarządu Twierdza i Dawny Garnizon Poznań. W czasie rekonstrukcji zostały wykorzystane zabytkowe pojazdy mechaniczne, pirotechnika i broń palna. Jednak największą atrakcją był, w inscenizacji udział, czołgu T-34/85, który pojawi się na terenie Cytadeli pierwszy raz od 1945 roku. Wykorzystanie czołgu T-34/85 stało się możliwe dzięki wsparciu Komendanta CSWL płk. dypl. Zbigniewa Grzesiczaka i kustosza Muzeum Broni Pancernej CSWL mjr. Tomasza Ogrodniczuka. Przedstawienie ukaże, jak Niemcy przygotowywali się do obrony twierdzy Poznań, a także jak Festung Posen szturmowała Armia Czerwona.", "mention": "bitwy o Poznań", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "821041"} {"context_title": "Erdbeben in China – mindestens 150 Tote", "context_date": "21.04.2013", "context_left": "Aufgrund vieler Nachbeben besteht die Gefahr, dass weitere Häuser einstürzen. Viele Menschen halten sich deswegen im Freien auf. In der Region sind noch die Erinnerungen an das schwere ", "context_right": " wach, bei dem nach amtlichen Angaben rund 87.000 Menschen gestorben waren. Dessen Epizentrum lag nur etwa 85 Kilometer entfernt vom Epizentrum des jetzigen Erdbebens, beide im Bereich der seismisch aktiven Longmenshan-Verwerfung.", "mention": "Erdbeben vom 12. Mai 2008", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "152033"} {"context_title": "Минобороны сравнило авиаудары США по Ракке с бомбардировкой Дрездена", "context_date": "22 октября 2017", "context_left": "Министерство обороны России сравнило сирийскую Ракку после штурма западной коалицией с немецким Дрезденом после ", "context_right": " во время Второй мировой войны. Соответствующее заявление опубликовано в социальной сети ВКонтакте 22 октября.", "mention": "англо-американских бомбардировок", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "152142"} {"context_title": "Libios hacen fila para ver cuerpo de Gadafi en Misrata", "context_date": "22 de octubre de 2011", "context_left": "De ahí, fue conducido en una ambulancia hacia un hospital, pero al llegar ya había ", "context_right": ". El cuerpo ha sido reclamado ya por miembros de la tribu Qadhadhfa en Sirte, a lo que se han negado los milicianos, quienes han propuesto enterrar a Gadafi en un lugar secreto.", "mention": "fallecido", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "431888"} {"context_title": "Kritik an Bundesaußenminister Frank-Walter Steinmeier", "context_date": "01.05.2015", "context_left": "Allerdings werden auch andere Massenmorde in diesem Zusammenhang erwähnt. Dazu gehört die Dezimierung der Bevölkerung des Belgisch-Kongo zwischen 1880 und 1920 um von schätzungsweise 20 Millionen Einwohnern auf 10 Millionen durch koloniale Gewaltverbrechen, Hunger, Entkräftung durch Überarbeitung und Krankheiten. Der Tod von sechs Millionen Juden in Europa unter der Herrschaft des Nationalsozialismus hat in der deutschen Geschichte einen symbolischen Stellenwert bekommen. Über das Ausmaß der vom Sowjetsystem verursachten Hungersnot in der Ukraine in den Jahren 1932 und 1933, die oft als ", "context_right": " bezeichnet wird, gibt es widersprüchliche Angaben.", "mention": "Holodomor", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "165058"} {"context_title": "Two Syrian journalists killed around New Year's Day", "context_date": "January 3, 2012", "context_left": "Basil Al-Sayed became the last journalist to die in 2011, shot on December 29 by a sniper in the city of Homs. The Arab League has confirmed that the Syrian government have been seen using snipers against protesters elsewhere in Daraa. The shooting of Al-Sayed took place in the Bab Amr section of Homs. The city has been one of the ", "context_right": " for protests against Bashar al-Assad's government during 2011. In the last week of the year, the Bab Amr neighbourhood was attacked by the Syrian military and experienced heavy violence.", "mention": "hot spots", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1071119"} {"context_title": "Colombia derrota 2-0 a Estados Unidos en el partido inaugural de la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "4 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "En el partido inaugural de la ", "context_right": ", el anfitrión Estados Unidos no pudo terminar bien los festejos de la inauguración porque su rival en el primer partido, Colombia la derrotó por dos tantos contra cero.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Rules may be bent to launch Discovery", "context_date": "July 25, 2005", "context_left": "Discovery and the crew of 7 are set to blast-off for the International Space Station at 10:39 a.m. Tuesday morning. This will be the first launch since the ", "context_right": " two and a half years ago. ", "mention": "Space Shuttle Columbia disaster", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "580867"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel wins 2010 Japanese Grand Prix", "context_date": "October 10, 2010", "context_left": "After Robert Kubica lost a rear wheel from his Renault car and retired from the race, it was Fernando Alonso who owned the third place on the podium for Ferrari, to follow his floodlit win at ", "context_right": "", "mention": "Singapore", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172939"} {"context_title": "Патриарх Кирилл вспоминал о трагедии Южной Осетии", "context_date": "8 августа 2009", "context_left": "Сегодня в России, Грузии и Южной осетии прошли траурные митинги и заупокойные церковные службы по погибшим в ", "context_right": ". Ровно год назад армия Грузии решила своими силами справиться с многолетним конфликтом, тлевшим в регионе Южной Осетии.", "mention": "боях за Южную Осетию в начале первой половине августа 2008 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Erro grosseiro do The New York Times alimenta polêmica sobre as fotos da guerra", "context_date": "10 de agosto de 2006", "context_left": "Pela lógica e à primeira vista, na suposição de que a vítima feriu-se no desabamento de um prédio durante o bombardeio israelense, seria de se esperar que ela estivesse totalmente coberta de poeira (veja por exemplo as fotografias das ", "context_right": " ao World Trade Center ). No entanto, a suposta vítima do bombardeio está livre de poeira, inclusive nos cabelos, e apresenta sinais de transpiração na testa e nos ombros.", "mention": "vítimas do ataque", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Sri Lanka bombs LTTE, aid workers seek access", "context_date": "August 19, 2006", "context_left": "The ethnic conflict in Sri Lanka is an ongoing conflict between the Government of Sri Lanka and the ethnic Sri Lankan Tamils on the island-nation of Sri Lanka. Since the ", "context_right": ", there has been on-and-off civil war, mostly between the government and the LTTE who want to create an independent state of called Tamil Eelam in the north and east of the island. It is estimated that the war has left 65,000 people dead since 1983 and caused great harm to the population and economy of the country. A cease-fire was declared in 2002, but hostilities renewed in late 2005 following military operations against Tiger-controlled territory in the east.", "mention": "1983 \"Black July\" pogrom", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2640918"} {"context_title": "יוון כבשה שער ראשון, אך השניים הבאים היו של ספרד - סוף עגום לאלופת אירופה", "context_date": "18 ביוני 2008", "context_left": "על אף שכביכול היה זה משחק רק לפרוטוקול, לא ניתן להגיד ש ניגשה למשחקה האחרון ב", "context_right": " נגד בלי שום דבר להשיג. הם יכלו להשיג שני דברים - מעט כבוד והצגת תכלית אחרונה, או תבוסה מבישה. ריהאגל לא הפנים הלקחים, הנבחרת המשיכה לשחק הגנתי ועל אף יתרון מוקדם מהשער היחיד שלהם בטורניר - יוון התקפלה למול ספרד ב' ויצאה עם ידיים ריקות, פנים נפולות, ויש שיאמרו בשן ועין.", "mention": "יורו 2008", "context_lang": "he", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "Zeebeving voor Sumatra op Tweede Paasdag", "context_date": "28 maart 2005", "context_left": "Op 28 maart 2005 werd om 7 uur 's avonds Nederlandse tijd melding gemaakt van een zeebeving voor de kust van Sumatra. De beving had een kracht van rond de 8.2 op de schaal van Richter. Gevreesd wordt voor een tsunami, net als de ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "tsunami op Tweede Kerstdag in 2004", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "130754"} {"context_title": "Tropical Storm Zeta becomes second cross-season tropical storm in history", "context_date": "January 1, 2006", "context_left": "The most notable of the three Category 5 hurricanes was ", "context_right": ". Katrina caused over $100 billion (USD) in damage and 1,383 deaths, especially along Mississippi and Alabama coastlines which suffered catastrophic damage. The storm also caused levees to break in New Orleans leading to the flooding of the city which is located below sea-level. The United States government, the city government of New Orleans, and the government of the State of Louisiana were all severely criticized for their handling of the storms aftermath. Hurricane Katrina, although not yet certified, is most likely the costliest hurricane in U.S. history. ", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Las dos Coreas firman una declaración de paz", "context_date": "4 de octubre de 2007", "context_left": "El tratado invita a todas las naciones \"concernientes\", particularmente Estados Unidos y China, a la Península de Corea para observar el fin de la guerra 1959–1953, también conocida como la ", "context_right": ". El pacto además establece que las dos naciones se reunirán en distintas cumbres regularmente.", "mention": "Guerra de Corea", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Un sitio web brinda espacio para la voz de los londinenses luego de los atentados", "context_date": "12 de julio de 2005", "context_left": "Alfie Dennen, un diseñador de páginas web, publicó en su blog la primera imagen que mostraba personas atrapadas en el metro ", "context_right": ". En la foto, obtenida por Dennen gracias a un amigo que la capturó con un teléfono celular de última generación (3G) y se la envió, aparece un joven tapándose la boca frente a un vagón, con una gran cantidad de humo a su alrededor.", "mention": "el mismo día de los atentados en Londres", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Formula One driver Jules Bianchi dies aged 25", "context_date": "July 19, 2015", "context_left": "Bianchi, the 2007 French Formula Renault and 2009 Formula 3 Euro Series champion, was the inaugural member of the Ferrari Driver Academy. He joined F1 team Force India in 2012. In 2013, he joined Marussia F1; the following year, at the ", "context_right": ", he scored his and Marussia's first points with a ninth-place finish.", "mention": "2014 Monaco Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "15978620"} {"context_title": "FEMA head Michael Brown recalled to Washington", "context_date": "September 9, 2005", "context_left": "US Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) Director Michael Brown has been recalled to Washington after criticism of his role in managing the ", "context_right": " crisis. US Coast Guard Vice Admiral Thad W. Allen replaces him as the direct head of operations. ", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "В авіакатастрофі під Смоленськом загинув президент Польщі Лех Качинський", "context_date": "10 квітня 2010", "context_left": "Разом з презедентом Польщі на облавку літака знаходилося декілька інших високопосадових членів польського уряду. Дружина Леха Качинського та інші члени екіпажу літака загинули під час офіційних відвідин Смоленської області, де з нагоди 70-річчя ", "context_right": " тисяч польських військовополонених мали відбутися офіційні жалобні заходи. Жоден з пасажирів літака не вижив. Із загибеллю президента Польщі, згідно польського законодавства, спікер нижньої палати парламенту Броніслав Комаровський, буде виконувати обов'язки глави держави. ", "mention": "розстрілу під Катинню", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "134301"} {"context_title": "Hugo Chávez promete "hacer las maletas" si pierde el referendo", "context_date": "24 de diciembre de 2008", "context_left": "\"A Estados Unidos le interesa mucho salir del presidente Hugo Chávez y están buscando por cualquier vía un golpe de Estado, ", "context_right": " y 2003 acabar con las navidades y sabotear el gas –señaló el legislador–. El propósito de los autores de la campaña es frenar el liderazgo y apoyo que siente el pueblo venezolano por Chávez.\"", "mention": "ya intentaron en 2002", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "8807"} {"context_title": "Papua New Guinea represented by two Paralympians in London", "context_date": "August 24, 2012", "context_left": "The 2012 Games will be the fourth time the country has participated, with the three other appearances happening at the 1984 Summer Paralympics, ", "context_right": " and 2008 Summer Paralympics. Other members of the Papua New Guinea 2012 Paralympic delegation include PNG Paralympic Committee President Bernard Chan; Chef de Mission Dr. Kefu Ma; team manager Rosemary Mawe; Davina Chan, the president's wife; coach William McKenny; and official Jeffrey Robby.", "mention": "2000 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "855688"} {"context_title": "2008台灣觀光博覽會 力圖振興觀光業 以掃四川大地震陰霾", "context_date": "2008年5月16日", "context_left": "2008年第二屆台灣觀光博覽會,今(16)日於台北世界貿易中心展覽三館登場,各國觀光單位、台灣的政府機關與旅遊業,都希望藉由這次的展覽,重振台灣觀光產業,藉以掃除日前", "context_right": ",帶來的陰霾。", "mention": "四川大地震", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "152033"} {"context_title": "Ванредно стање продужено до 25. фебруара 2016.", "context_date": "19. новембар 2015.", "context_left": "Ванредно стање је веома ретка мера у Француској, која је први пут уведена 1955. године на почетку ", "context_right": " и касније само једном, током нереда у предграђима француских градова 2005. године.", "mention": "рата за независност Алжира", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "200790"} {"context_title": "Ofrecen un millón de dólares a quien demuestre que las Torres Gemelas de Nueva York no fueron demolidas de manera controlada", "context_date": "22 de noviembre de 2005", "context_left": "Según Jimmy Walter, autor de la página de internet reopen911.org, las Torres Gemelas del Centro de Comercio Mundial de Nueva York no cayeron debido a los aviones que las chocaron, sino por el uso de cargas explosivas. \"Si usted le da un detallado vistazo al video se dará cuenta de que unos explosivos salen de todos los lados de los edificios a medida que se derrumban\", dice un aviso de publicidad que se ha estado transmitiendo en Nueva York por varios meses y que solicita la reapertura de la investigación y se les dé respuesta a todas las preguntas todavía no contestadas sobre el ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "11 de septiembre", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Brasil golea a Haití por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "9 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Brasil goleó a Haiti en la segunda presentación por la ", "context_right": ". y Augusto en dos ocasiones, Jonas, Alves y Lucas Lima para Brasil y el descuento, en un gol anécdotico, lo logró James Marcelín. El partido se disputó en el Camping World, en Orlando.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Iran, mandato di arresto per il presidente statunitense Donald Trump", "context_date": "29 giugno 2020", "context_left": "La procura di Teheran ha emesso un mandato d'arresto per il presidente degli Stati Uniti d'America, Donald Trump, e per altri 36 alti funzionari dell'amministrazione americana, per l'uccisione del generale iraniano e leader dei Guardiani della rivoluzione, Qasem Soleimani, durante l'", "context_right": ".", "mention": "attacco aereo dell'aeroporto di Baghdad del 3 gennaio 2020", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "80754846"} {"context_title": "Bombendrohungen in mehreren Städten", "context_date": "31.12.2015", "context_left": "In letzter Zeit kommt es immer wieder zu Situationen, bei denen nicht klar ist, ob und welche Drohungen im Einzelfall ernst zu nehmen sind. So hatte es am 20. November in Dortmund einen Großeinsatz von Polizei und Feuerwehr gegeben, nachdem ein 41-jähriger offenbar geistesgestörter Mann die Zündung einer Bombe angekündigt hatte. Seit den ", "context_right": " im November 2015 ist die Sensibilität bei solchen Angelegenheiten sehr hoch.", "mention": "Attentaten in Paris", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "21479779"} {"context_title": "Suspect in 2001 anthrax attack dies of apparent suicide", "context_date": "August 1, 2008", "context_left": "Ivins, who worked at the biodefense laboratories in Fort Detrick, Maryland for 18 years, was about to be charged by the Justice Department in connection with the ", "context_right": ", which killed five people and infected 17 others.", "mention": "2001 anthrax attacks", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "574341"} {"context_title": "Three cities submit bids for 2020 Summer Olympics", "context_date": "January 8, 2013", "context_left": "Yesterday in Lausanne, Switzerland, three cities, Tokyo, Istanbul and Madrid, submitted their official bid books to the International Olympic Committee (IOC) as part of their efforts to secure the 2020 Summer Olympics and ", "context_right": " for their cities.", "mention": "Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "14856650"} {"context_title": "DeLay declares 'victory' in war on U.S. budget fat", "context_date": "September 19, 2005", "context_left": "Republican House Majority Leader Rep. Tom DeLay has declared an \"ongoing victory\" in spending cuts. He stated that the federal government was running at peak efficiency and that there was nothing left to cut from the U.S. federal budget. DeLay supports additional deficit spending for ", "context_right": " relief efforts, on top of the this year's existing $331 billion federal budget deficit.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Ратко Младич приговорён к пожизненному заключению", "context_date": "22 ноября 2017", "context_left": "В 1996 году Младич наряду с другими руководителями Республики Сербской был обвинён Гаагским Международным трибуналом в совершении военных преступлений и геноциде в связи с осадой Сараева, а также в связи с ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "резнёй в Сребренице", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "170334"} {"context_title": "Pastor Maldonado gewinnt den Großen Preis von Spanien", "context_date": "15.05.2012", "context_left": "Beim Start konnte Alonso schon in der ersten Kurve den zum ersten Mal von der Pole Position gestarteten Maldonado überholen. In der 13. Runde krachte Michael Schumacher ins Heck von Bruno Senna und schied danach aus. Senna schied nach einigen weitergefahrenen Metern ebenfalls aus. Eine spätere Untersuchung der Stewards ergab, dass Schumacher beim ", "context_right": " fünf Plätze nach hinten strafversetzt wird. Sebastian Vettel, der vor dem Aufprall von Schumacher Sechster war, reagierte zu spät auf die Gelben Flaggen, bekam anschließend eine Durchfahrtsstrafe und fiel auf Platz 10 zurück. Auch Felipe Massa bekam wegen Nichtbeachtung der Gelben Flagge eine Durchfahrtsstrafe. Alonso behielt die Führung bis zum ersten Boxenstopp. Diese übernahm dann Maldonado und gab sie außer einer kurzen Zeit um den zweiten und den dritten Boxenstopp nicht mehr ab. Alonso konnte zwar seinen Rückstand auf Maldonado bis auf eine halbe Sekunde verkürzen, jedoch schaffte er es nicht mehr ihn zu überholen. Am Ende betrug der Vorsprung von Maldonado auf Alonso drei Sekunden. Auf Platz 4 schaffte es Romain Grosjean im Lotus. Vettel wurde am Ende noch Sechster. Hamilton schaffte es auf Platz 8 vor Teamkollege Button, der Neunter wurde.", "mention": "Großen Preis von Monaco", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "172856"} {"context_title": "Verteidigung bezweifelt die Rechtmäßigkeit des El-Motassadeq-Prozesses", "context_date": "08.01.2007", "context_left": " Der 32-jährige marokkanische mutmaßliche Terrorhelfer Mounir El Motassadeq, dem vorgeworfen wurde, die Piloten der ", "context_right": " auf das Pentagon und das World Trade Center unterstützt zu haben, hat nach Ansicht seines Anwalts Ladislav Anisic einen verfassungswidrigen Prozess erhalten. Ladislav Anisic und El Motassadeqs zweiter Verteidiger, Udo Jacob, beantragten deshalb die Aussetzung des Verfahrens. El Motassadeq wurde zuletzt für die Beihilfe zum Mord an 246 Flugzeuginsassen und Mitgliedschaft in einer terroristischen Vereinigung verurteilt. Eine Beteiligung an den Anschlägen auf das World Trade Center und das Pentagon wurde hingegen nicht nachgewiesen. Die Verteidigung ist der Ansicht, die Zusammensetzung des siebten Strafsenats des Hanseatischen Oberlandesgerichts habe gegen das Grundgesetz verstoßen, da er willkürlich und übereilt nur für diesen einen Prozess zusammengestellt worden sei. Deshalb müsse der Haftbefehl aufgehoben und das Verfahren bis zur Entscheidung in dieser Sache unterbrochen werden. Die Verteidiger kündigten auch die Erwägung eines Antrags auf Verfahrenswiederaufnahme an.", "mention": "Angriffe am 11. September 2001", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Chechen leader killed by Russian Special Forces", "context_date": "March 8, 2005", "context_left": "Aslan Alivitch Maskhadov, born 21 September, 1951, was the leader of the separatist movement in the Russian republic of Chechnya. He was credited by many with the Chechen victory in the ", "context_right": ", which secured temporary \"de facto\" independence for Chechnya. In January 1997, Maskhadov was elected President of Chechnya on a platform including demands for independence from Moscow. Following the start of the Second Chechen War in 1999, he returned to leading the guerrilla movement against the Russian army.", "mention": "First Chechen War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "29269"} {"context_title": "Iranian International Master Dorsa Derakhshani discusses her chess career with Wikinews", "context_date": "April 14, 2020", "context_left": " I am looking forward to participating in them; I haven't represented any country because I didn't want to represent Iran, previously, and I did tell you that I was there working as press in 2016, ", "context_right": ". But I refused to participate for Iranian Federation. But I hope that some day I will be able to represent US in Olympiads.", "mention": "Baku Olympiad", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2109886"} {"context_title": "World War One veteran becomes world's oldest man", "context_date": "June 19, 2009", "context_left": "He joined the Royal Naval Air Service in 1915, before transferring to the RAF at its inception in 1918. Along with being the sole living survivor of the ", "context_right": ", an honorary member of the Royal Naval Association, a recipient of the Legion d'Honneur and a doctorate in engineering from Southampton Solent University, an honorary freeman of Brighton and Hove and the \"oldest scout\", Mr Allingham has also published his life story.", "mention": "Battle of Jutland", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "156554"} {"context_title": "US government points to dead scientist as 'lone anthrax attacker'", "context_date": "August 8, 2008", "context_left": "The United States Federal Bureau of Investigation (FBI) has alleged that Bruce Ivins, a government bioweapons scientist, was the sole person responsible for the ", "context_right": " which came shortly after the September 11, 2001 attacks. Ivins committed suicide July 29, 2008.", "mention": "biological terrorism attacks in the USA in 2001", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "574341"} {"context_title": "Former U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski dies aged 89", "context_date": "May 27, 2017", "context_left": "Throughout 1960s, Brzezinski worked for John F. Kennedy as his advisor and then the Lyndon B. Johnson administration. During the 1976 selections he advised Carter on foreign policy, then served as National Security Advisor (NSA) from 1977 to 1981, succeeding Henry Kissinger. As NSA, he assisted Carter in diplomatically handling world affairs, such as the Camp David Accords, 1978; normalizing US–China relations thought the late 1970s; the ", "context_right": ", which led to the Iran hostage crisis, 1979; and the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan, 1979.", "mention": "Iranian Revolution", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "126065"} {"context_title": "España cae ante Italia en la Eurocopa 2020", "context_date": "6 de julio de 2021", "context_left": "Después de mucho esfuerzo, dice adiós a la ", "context_right": ". consiguió pasar adelante. El equipo de Luis Enrique hizo pasar mal al rival, pero aun así pudo escaparse del yugo español. Fue la tercera prórroga seguida para España. ", "mention": "Eurocopa 2020", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "373501"} {"context_title": "Hungarian police disperse rally against Prime Minister Gyurcsany", "context_date": "October 23, 2006", "context_left": "Amid the official celebrations of the 50th anniversary of the anti-stalinist Hungarian ", "context_right": ", a group of about three thousand people who are calling for the resignation of the Prime Minister, Mr. Ferenc Gyurcsány, are being blocked from entering Kossuth square. ", "mention": "uprising of 1956", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "164348"} {"context_title": "No evidence against London Bombing suspects says cleric", "context_date": "July 21, 2005", "context_left": "Oma Bakri Mohammed, a controversial Muslim cleric living in Britain under political asylum since 1985, has said he does not believe the July 7th ", "context_right": " were Muslims. ", "mention": "London bombers", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Kimi Räikkönen wins 2007 Belgian Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 16, 2007", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Kimi Räikkönen won the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " ING Belgian Grand Prix on the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps at Spa, Belgium. He and his teammate, Felipe Massa, showed the fastest times during most of the pre-race sessions, taking the front line as a result.", "mention": "2007", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "20992"} {"context_title": "Procesan al jefe de Gobierno de Buenos Aires por espionaje", "context_date": "15 de mayo de 2010", "context_left": "Entre las víctimas del espionaje se encuentran el empresario de medios Carlos Ávila y Sergio Burstein, familiar de víctimas del ", "context_right": " a la Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina (AMIA) de 1994. \"No tenemos ninguna duda de que (Macri) es el responsable\", señaló Burstein.", "mention": "atentado", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "322936"} {"context_title": "زلزالان متتاليان يضربان تبريز في شمال غرب إيران", "context_date": "12 أغسطس 2012", "context_left": "تقع إيران في منطقة شروخ جيولوجية مما يؤهبها لحدوث زلازل شديدة، وقد تعرضت سابقاً لعدد من الزلازل المدمرة، أحدها ", "context_right": " في سنة 2003 الذي دمر هذه المدينة الأثرية وأدى إلى مقتل أكثر من 40 ألفاً من سكانها.", "mention": "زلزال بم", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "1990627"} {"context_title": "Педесет година од неуспеле инвазије у Заливу свиња", "context_date": "13. април 2011.", "context_left": " (Beta) - Односи Кубе и САД у последње време можда доживљавају благо отопљавање, али ипак, и 50 година након пропале ", "context_right": ", Хавана и Вашингтон и даље изгледају непомирљиво.", "mention": "инвазије у Заливу свиња", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "191721"} {"context_title": "Las dos Coreas anuncian su segunda cumbre bilateral", "context_date": "8 de agosto de 2007", "context_left": "Aunque los dos países técnicamente se encuentran en guerra desde el final de la ", "context_right": ", que solamente concluyó con un armisticio entre las partes en 1953 y hasta la fecha no se ha firmado un tratado de paz, en el año 2000 se realizó una primera cumbre bilateral en la cual los entonces líderes, el surcoreano Kim Dae-Jung y el actual norcoreano Kim Jong-il se comprometieron a adelantar labores de cooperación económica. Esta reunión y sus compromisos le permitieron a Dae-Jung ser galardonado con el Premio Nobel de la Paz.", "mention": "Guerra de Corea", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Εσθονίας ηττήθηκε από την Εθνική Ιρλανδίας με σκορ 0-4", "context_date": "12 Νοεμβρίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Εσθονίας ηττήθηκε από την Εθνική Ιρλανδίας με σκορ 0:4 στον πρώτο αγώνα μπαράζ των Προκριματικών του ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου 2012", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "La organización de Río 2016 es la peor de la historia, afirma el COI", "context_date": "29 de abril de 2014", "context_left": "Brasil también enfrenta los preparativos para la Copa Mundial de Fútbol, a iniciarse el próximo 12 de junio. Por su parte, la FIFA ha señalado que desconoce la cantidad de entradas disponibles para el evento, además de que \"esperaba que los 12 recintos estuvieran listos en diciembre de 2013, sin embargo, solo los seis utilizados en la ", "context_right": " fueron completados dentro del periodo\".", "mention": "Copa FIFA Confederaciones 2013", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "220231"} {"context_title": "Record number of viewers watched McCain's acceptance speech", "context_date": "September 5, 2008", "context_left": "According to numbers released Friday by the Nielsen Media Research company, a record 38.9 million Americans watched John McCain accept the nomination for President of the United States from the Republican Party on Thursday at the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2008 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Oil prices fall as reserves are released", "context_date": "September 2, 2005", "context_left": "The International Energy Agency announced that its member states will release 60 million oil barrels from their strategic reserves next month. \"All 26 member countries will take collective action\", said the agency in its statement. The announcement was in response to the crude price surge after disruption of oil supply in the Gulf of Mexico caused by ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "2008 GOP convention to be in Minnesota", "context_date": "September 28, 2006", "context_left": "The Twin Cities area was also under consideration for the ", "context_right": " four days earlier. The first day of the Republican convention will be Labor Day, the last day of the Minnesota State Fair. ", "mention": "2008 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "Brasil faz dobradinha no Prêmio Melhor Jogador da FIFA", "context_date": "18 de dezembro de 2007", "context_left": "Entre as mulheres, destaque para a inédita final do Mundial de Futebol Feminino, vencido pela Alemanha e o título nos Jogos Pan-Americanos de 2007, no Rio de janeiro. O futebol de areia este ano conquistou o título na ", "context_right": ", realizado no Rio de janeiro.", "mention": "Copa do Mundo de Futebol de Areia", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "673964"} {"context_title": "1915 இனப்படுகொலையை ஆர்மீனியா நினைவு கூர்ந்தது", "context_date": "ஏப்ரல் 24, 2012", "context_left": "20 ஆம் நூற்றாண்டின் முதலாவது பெரும் இனப்படுகொலை என வர்ணிக்கப்படும் ", "context_right": " முதன் முதலில் 1965 ஆம் ஆண்டில் உருகுவாய் அங்கீகரித்தது. அதன் பின்னர் பல நாடுகள் அங்கீகரித்தன. உருசியா 1995 ஆம் ஆண்டில் அங்கீகரித்தது.", "mention": "ஆர்மேனிய இனப்படுகொலைகளை", "context_lang": "ta", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "NASA-Vertreter spricht offiziell vom Mai 2006 als nächstem Starttermin für einen Spaceshuttle", "context_date": "03.10.2005", "context_left": "Zuletzt hatten die Auswirkungen des ", "context_right": " für weitere Verzögerungen bei der Überprüfung des Außentanks der Raumfähre gesorgt. Schaumstoffteile dieses Tanks hatte sich beim letzten Start unmittelbar nach dem Abheben gelöst. Die NASA hatte daraufhin erklärt, erst wieder zu starten, wenn dieses Problem gelöst sei. Ausgerechnet in Lousiana stand eine der Fabriken, die eine solche Überprüfung durchführen kann. Sie wurde bei dem Sturm in Mitleidenschaft gezogen und fiel dadurch kurzzeitig aus.", "mention": "Hurrikans Katrina", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική ΠΓΔΜ ήρθε ισόπαλη με την Εθνική Σλοβακίας με σκορ 1-1", "context_date": "12 Οκτωβρίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική ΠΓΔΜ ήρθε ισόπαλη με την Εθνική Σλοβακίας με σκορ 1:1 στην τελευταία αγωνιστική του Β' Ομίλου των Προκριματικών του ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου 2012", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "George HW Bush, ex-presidente dos EUA, morre aos 94 anos", "context_date": "1 de dezembro de 2018", "context_left": "Filho de um senador e pai de um presidente, Bush era o homem com o currículo que subiu nas fileiras políticas: de congressista a embaixador da Organização das Nações Unidas, presidente do Partido Republicano a enviado à China, diretor da CIA a vice-presidente de dois mandatos de Ronald Reagan. A ", "context_right": " de 1991 alimentou sua popularidade. ", "mention": "Guerra do Golfo", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "Nederland wint Eurovisiesongfestival voor de vijfde keer", "context_date": "19 mei 2019", "context_left": "Duncan Laurence kreeg na afloop de prijs persoonlijk uitgereikt van Netta Barzilai, de winnares van het Songfestival ", "context_right": ". Hij is gefeliciteerd door en en ook door premier , die afgelopen nacht een minuut lang met de zanger heeft gebeld.", "mention": "van afgelopen jaar", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "25408640"} {"context_title": "«Правое дело» собирается легализовать проституцию", "context_date": "26 ноября 2012", "context_left": "До ", "context_right": " 1917 года проституция в России была разрешена.", "mention": "Октябрьской революции", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "42976"} {"context_title": "Gobierno de Colombia y las FARC firman nuevo acuerdo de paz", "context_date": "24 de noviembre de 2016", "context_left": "El gobierno de Colombia firmó un segundo acuerdo de paz con la guerrilla de las FARC. Este acuerdo fue firmado en el teatro Colón, 53 días después del ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "plebiscito", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "26840027"} {"context_title": "Vini nel tempo. Intervista ad Helmuth Köcher, fondatore del Merano WineFestival", "context_date": "15 novembre 2014", "context_left": "\"Incontro Köcher in sala stampa presso lo storico Biergarten Forsterbräu, nella giornata di domenica, mentre sono ospitato in città dalla società organizzatrice dell'evento, la Gourmet's International. Prima di rispondere alle domande Köcher ricorda quanto per lui sia importante in vista dell'", "context_right": " di Milano del prossimo anno rilanciare un messaggio unico da parte del sistema vitivinicolo italiano e delle sue eccellenze. Sempre venerdì si è tenuto in città il WineWorld Economic Forum, un workshop sugli obiettivi comuni per la sostenibilità del vino, fra i cui invitati spiccano ad esempio il presidente della Coldiretti Roberto Moncalvo, il fondatore di Eataly Oscar Farinetti e il presidente onorario dell'Organizzazione internazionale della vigna e del vino Mario Fregoni.\"", "mention": "EXPO", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "210022"} {"context_title": "Эдвард Радзинский предложил вернуть Волгограду название Царицын... на 6 дней", "context_date": "24 февраля 2013", "context_left": "Комментируя тему возможного возвращения Волгограду имени Сталинград, Радзинский посетовал на неоправданную политизированность этого вопроса, при отсутствии общественного интереса к самой ", "context_right": " и сохранении грифа «секретно» на документах, проливающих свет на это величайшее в истории сражение. В заключение Радзинский сказал:", "mention": "Сталинградской битве", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "38789"} {"context_title": "Native Hawaiian sovereignty bill to be debated in U.S. Senate in June", "context_date": "May 13, 2006", "context_left": "Kyl had placed a block on the bill when it was originally placed on the Senate schedule in July 2005, but has since agreed to allow the bill to come to a floor vote. The bill was later deferred indefinitely due in part to ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "அணு உலைகளை முற்றாக மூடிவிட செருமனி முடிவு", "context_date": "மே 30, 2011", "context_left": "சப்பானில் சென்ற மார்ச் மாதத்தில் இடம்பெற்ற ", "context_right": " அடுத்து புக்குசீமா அணு உலை விபத்துக்குள்ளானது. இவ்விபத்தை அடுத்து உலகெங்கும் அணு உலைகளைப் பயன்படுத்தும் நாடுகள் தமது அணு உலைகளின் பாதுகாப்புக் குறித்து விளிப்படைந்தன. செருமனியின் அரசுத்தலைவர் அங்கிலா மெர்க்கெல் நாட்டின் அணு உலைகள் குறித்து ஆராய்வதற்காக உயர் மட்டக் குழு ஒன்றை நியமித்திருந்தார்.", "mention": "நிலநடுக்கத்தை", "context_lang": "ta", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Magnitude 6.0 earthquake in China kills three, injures dozens", "context_date": "August 6, 2008", "context_left": "The United States Geological Survey (USGS) recorded the quake at 9:49 hours UTC (5:49 a.m. at the epicenter). The China Earthquake Networks Centre considers it an aftershock from the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "May 12 Sichuan earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "152033"} {"context_title": "Nafi Thiam behaalt eerste gouden medaille ooit voor België op het WK atletiek-zevenkamp", "context_date": "6 augustus 2017", "context_left": "Vorig jaar was de Brusselse voor het eerst te zien in de atletiektop. Ze was toen de verrassing tijdens de ", "context_right": " waar ze ook een gouden medaille behaalde op de zevenkamp. Dit seizoen weet ze haar plaats in de top te bestendigen.", "mention": "Olympische Spelen in Rio de Janeiro", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "26234145"} {"context_title": "U.S. Coast Guard investigation finds 'poor safety culture' contributed to Deepwater Horizon disaster", "context_date": "April 24, 2011", "context_left": "An investigation by the United States Coast Guard has concluded the ", "context_right": " in the history of the petroleum industry was partly the result of a \"poor safety culture\" aboard the \"Deepwater Horizon\" oil rig. The April 2010 explosion aboard the rig, which is located in the Gulf of Mexico, triggered a disaster that led to widespread environmental damage.", "mention": "largest oil spill", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "4735638"} {"context_title": "Закрытие фестиваля «Docudays UA»", "context_date": "31 марта 2013", "context_left": "Фильм-закрытие — документальная лента, смонтированная из кадров советской кинохроники 1920-х годов. Это первое произведение Вертова-режиссера на Украине, которое, по словам самого художника, \"«(…) написано непосредственно киноаппаратом, не по сценарию»\". В фильме рассказывается об одиннадцатом годе ", "context_right": " — активно строится социализм, сумасшедшие темпы индустриализации, электрификации, возведения Днепровской ГЭС, огромных заводов. Основной акцент — постоянный труд, стремление к утверждению новой социалистической действительности страны. Почти отсутствуют статичные планы, камера фиксирует согласованные движения людей, машин, неутомимость и настойчивость целого народа. Музыкальное сопровождение подчёркивает эту неустанность и помогает воспринимать разрозненные кадры как единое целое. Композитору удалось уловить ритм картины и донести его до зрителя.", "mention": "советской власти", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "42976"} {"context_title": "عودة العلاقات بين إسرائيل وتركيا بعد اعتذار نتنياهو لإردوغان على الهجوم على أسطول الحرية", "context_date": "23 مارس 2013", "context_left": "اتفقت إسرائيل وتركيا أمس الجمعة على إعادة العلاقات الطبيعية بينهما بعد ما يقارب ثلاث سنوات من التوتر التالي ", "context_right": "، بعد أن قدم رئيس الوزراء الإسرائيلي بنيامين نتنياهو خلال مكالمة هاتفية اعتذاراً رسميا لنظيره التركي رجب طيب أردوغان، وأعلن أردوغان عن قبوله الاعتذار رسمياً. ووعد نتنياهو رفع الحصار عن غزة ودفع تعويضات لأسر المتضررين من الهجوم مقابل عدم ملاحقة أي من المسؤولين المحتملين عن الهجوم قانونياً.", "mention": "للهجوم الإسرائيلي على أسطول الحرية", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "205512"} {"context_title": "ハリケーン・リタ接近に、ルイジアナ州非常事態宣言", "context_date": "2005年9月21日", "context_left": "", "context_right": "から一月を経過せぬうちに、アメリカ合衆国南東部ではあらたなハリケーンを迎えることになった。ハリケーン・リタがメキシコ湾に入り、朝日新聞によれば21日朝(現地時間、日本時間21日夜)にはカテゴリー4の勢力に発達したと、米国ハリケーンセンターが発表した。", "mention": "ハリケーン・カトリーナ", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Eurovision Song Contest 2020 cancellato, arrivata la conferma dall'UER", "context_date": "18 marzo 2020", "context_left": "Oggi 18 marzo l'Unione europea di radiodiffusione (UER) ha diramato un comunicato confermando la cancellazione dell'", "context_right": " alla luce dei provvedimenti presi dai vari governi europei a causa della pandemia di COVID-19.", "mention": "Eurovision Song Contest 2020", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "30973589"} {"context_title": "Будет ли 10-летие атаки башен Всемирного торгового центра отмечено новым терактом?", "context_date": "9 сентября 2011", "context_left": "Вечером в четверг 8 сентября чиновники США заявили, что располагают «конкретной, надежной, но не подтверженной» информацией об угрозе террористического нападения в США в годовщину ", "context_right": ". Отказавшись сообщить детали, официальные лица назвали города Нью-Йорк и Вашингтон в качестве возможных целей террористов.", "mention": "событий 11 сентября", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Сегодня стартует чемпионат мира по биатлону", "context_date": "3 марта 2011", "context_left": "С 3 по 13 марта стреляющие лыжники выступят в 11 видах программы на ", "context_right": " в Ханты-Мансийске. И, конечно же, российские болельщики рассчитывают на то, что наши биатлонисты на своём домашнем чемпионате выступят достойно. Однако результаты российской сборной в целом, показываемые в течение нынешнего сезона, особого оптимизма не вселяют. Остаётся надеяться, что пика формы наши биатлонисты достигли именно к чемпионату.", "mention": "чемпионате мира", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "430935"} {"context_title": "В Петербурге открылась выставка в честь битвы за Ленинград", "context_date": "4 мая 2019", "context_left": "Битва за Ленинград продолжалась с 10 июля 1941 года по 9 августа 1944 года. С сентября 1941 года во время блокады Ленинграда продолжались попытки прорвать окружение, советские войска освободили город в результате операций «Искра» и «", "context_right": "».", "mention": "Январский гром", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "2033454"} {"context_title": "Стал известен победитель чемпионта мира по бенди", "context_date": "4 февраля 2018", "context_left": "Сборная Швеции по хоккею с мячом не смогла защитить титул чемпионов мира на завершившемся в Хабаровске ", "context_right": " по хоккею с мячом. В финальном матче шведская команда проиграла команде России со счетом 4:5 (1:3).", "mention": "38-м чемпионате мира", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "28545324"} {"context_title": "В Кракове установили памятник писающему Ленину", "context_date": "11 июня 2014", "context_left": "Реакция у жителей Кракова на установление памятника Ленину была неоднозначная. Многим памятник показался забавным, другие считают, что лучше было бы не возвращать памятник вообще. Есть и те, кто считает насмешки над «лидером ", "context_right": "» недопустимыми.", "mention": "Октябрьской революции", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "42976"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Βενεζουέλας νίκησε την Εθνική Εκουαδόρ με σκορ 1-0", "context_date": "10 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Βενεζουέλας νίκησε την Εθνική Εκουαδόρ με σκορ 1:0, για τη δεύτερη αγωνιστική του Β' Ομίλου του ", "context_right": ", το οποίο διεξάγεται στην Αργεντινή.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "Wikileaks pubblica nuovi documenti sulla guerra in Iraq", "context_date": "23 ottobre 2010", "context_left": "Il 22 ottobre Wikileaks ha pubblicato circa 400 000 rapporti di soldati americani riguardanti gli eventi della ", "context_right": " tra il 2004 e il 2009. ", "mention": "Guerra d'Iraq", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Iran stands firmly against nuclear agency resolution", "context_date": "August 12, 2005", "context_left": "The Bush administration probe into whether Ahmadinejad was connected to the 1979-1981 ", "context_right": " is looking like it was a case of mistaken identity. The decision remains tentative as intelligence reports within the administration continue to circulate, according to \"The Washington Post\" citing U.S. officials.", "mention": "Iranian hostage crisis", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "589673"} {"context_title": "Angelina Jolie háborús filmet forgat Fóton", "context_date": "2010. október 4.", "context_left": "Megkezdték Angelina Jolie új filmjének a mintegy kéthetes filmforgatását Fóton. Ezt megelőzően Szerbiában filmeztek. Szarajevó a film fő helyszíne a Reuters forrásai szerint. Az 1992 és 1995 között lezajlott ", "context_right": "t viszi film vászonra, várhatóan sajnos kevesebb vér fog folyni benne mint az Ellenség a kapuknál vagy a Ryan közlegény megmentése című filmben, viszont nem lesz olyan nyálas mint a Pearl Harbor.", "mention": "Boszniai háború", "context_lang": "hu", "label_id": "181533"} {"context_title": "Ratko Mladić said to be too ill to face trial", "context_date": "June 1, 2011", "context_left": "Mladić is being indicted for crimes against humanity, war crimes and genocide, notably the ", "context_right": " during the Bosnian war.", "mention": "Srebrenica massacre", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "170334"} {"context_title": "Disposal of fracking wastewater poses potential environmental problems", "context_date": "April 25, 2012", "context_left": "\"The problem is that we have never, as a human society, engineered a hole to go four miles down in the Earth’s crust that we have complete confidence that it won’t leak,\" Doss said. \"A perfect case-in-point is the ", "context_right": " oil spill in 2010, that oil was being drilled at 18,000 feet but leaked at the surface. And that’s the concern because there’s no assurance that some of these unknown chemical cocktails won’t escape before it gets down to where they are trying to get rid of them.\"", "mention": "Gulf of Mexico", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "4735638"} {"context_title": "Explosions rock New Delhi marketplace", "context_date": "October 30, 2005", "context_left": "The bombings came just as India and Pakistan were beginning to recover from the shock of this month's ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Kashmir earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "210137"} {"context_title": "Bósnia-Herzegóvina lembra os mortos no dia de aniversário de 20 anos do início da Guerra da Bósnia", "context_date": "6 de abril de 2012", "context_left": "Hoje, exatamente 20 anos atrás, iniciava a ", "context_right": ", uns dos conflitos mais violentos desde final da II Guerra Mundial (1939 a 1945), quando uma passeata em favor da paz em Sarajevo (leia-se \"Saraiêvo\") foi atacada a tiros por sérvios e a cidade começou ser cercada.", "mention": "Guerra da Bósnia", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "181533"} {"context_title": "Ceremony takes place for decommissioned Royal Navy flagship", "context_date": "August 3, 2005", "context_left": "Last month, Invincible undertook a UK tour to celebrate the ship's silver jubilee. In June, the carrier acted as flagship for the International Fleet Review to mark the 200th anniversary of the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Battle of Trafalgar", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "171416"} {"context_title": "Space Shuttle Discovery to return to Earth", "context_date": "November 5, 2007", "context_left": "The space shuttle Discovery is coming back to Earth after 11 days in orbit. The a scan of the Shuttle's heat shield (now routine since the ", "context_right": ") showed no cause for concern and Discovery was cleared for the voyage home.", "mention": "Space Shuttle Columbia disaster", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "580867"} {"context_title": "New Orleans entgeht einer größeren Katastrophe", "context_date": "29.08.2005", "context_left": " Das Zentrum des ", "context_right": " hat die US-amerikanische Millionenstadt New Orleans verschont.", "mention": "Hurrikans „Katrina“", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Hackers target Westboro Baptist Church website, Twitter account", "context_date": "December 18, 2012", "context_left": "Hackers claiming to be associated with the internet activist group Anonymous have attacked the website belonging to the Westboro Baptist Church (WBC) and hacked into the Twitter account belonging to Shirley Phelps-Roper, the Church's spokeswoman. The attacks are part of an operation dubbed '#OpWestBor' on Twitter and is in response to the Church's decision to picket funerals of victims of the December 14 shooting at ", "context_right": " in Newtown, Connecticut.", "mention": "Sandy Hook Elementary School", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "906933"} {"context_title": "Crimea vota por su anexión a Rusia", "context_date": "17 de marzo de 2014", "context_left": "Este domingo, el 96,77% de los habitantes de Crimea ", "context_right": ". En Simferópol y Sebastopol las banderas rusas ondearon en edificios gubernamentales y plazas públicas. A pesar de que Estados Unidos amenazó a Rusia con sanciones, funcionarios crimeos reportaron una alta participación ciudadana.", "mention": "votaron por la anexión de la provincia a la Federación Rusa", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "15838763"} {"context_title": "Senate publish report on CIA torture and misinformation", "context_date": "December 10, 2014", "context_left": "A report released by the US Senate Intelligence Committee yesterday concluded that the CIA misinformed the White House and Congress about its imprisonment and interrogation of suspected terrorists during the years after the ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "September 11 attacks", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Acteur Roy Scheider (75) overleden", "context_date": "10 februari 2008", "context_left": "Hij deed ook 'serieuze' rollen, zoals die van de Argentijnse journalist en ", "context_right": "slachtoffer Jacobo Timerman in \"Jacobo Timerman: Prisoner Without a Name, Cell Without a Number\".", "mention": "junta", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "75984"} {"context_title": "Papst Franziskus und der Richtungswechsel", "context_date": "31.03.2013", "context_left": "Dass Franziskus mit einigen der bisherigen Traditionen brechen würde, hatte sich schon angekündigt. Jorge Mario Bergoglio scheint damit als Papst den Stil fortzusetzen, den er schon in Argentinien gepflegt hatte. Anstatt in der Bischofsresidenz wohnte er in einem schlichten Apartment. Er besuchte Gefängnisse und Krankenhäuser, er ging auf Leute am Rand unserer Gesellschaft zu. Wenige Tage vor dem ", "context_right": " hatte er vor dem Kardinalskollegium eine kurze Rede gehalten, die für einiges Aufsehen unter den Kardinälen gesorgt hat. Die Rede soll dazu beigetragen haben, dass der Mann, der schon beim Konklave 2005 die zweitmeisten Stimmen erhalten hatte, diesmal in wenigen Wahlgängen zum Papst gewählt wurde. Das handgeschriebene Manuskript der Rede wurde jetzt vom kubanischen Kardinal Jaime Ortega in der erst seit dem dortigen Papstbesuch 2011 wieder zugelassenen Zeitung „Palabra NUEVA“ veröffentlicht. ", "mention": "Konklave", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "4422669"} {"context_title": "El primer ministro de Etiopía, Abiy Ahmed Ali, recibe el Nobel de la Paz", "context_date": "11 de octubre de 2019", "context_left": "El tratado comprometió a Etiopía a respetar las fronteras pactadas y devolver el territorio disputado. El 8 de julio de 2018 se establecieron las relaciones diplomáticas entre ambos países. De acuerdo con \"El Mundo\", sus «detractores le acusan de no haber cumplido sus promesas y señalan que las tensiones políticas siguen ahí». En este sentido, enfrentó un golpe de Estado en junio pasado. Sin embargo, «nadie duda en reconocerle su labor en la firma del acuerdo de paz». Se ha destacado también su papel en la mediación del de la ", "context_right": " en la vecina Sudán del Sur.", "mention": "guerra civil persistente", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "15353665"} {"context_title": "Sismo de 6,5 en Guerrero, México deja 2 muertos confirmados", "context_date": "12 de diciembre de 2011", "context_left": "Según declaraciones de personas que sintieron el sismo, el movimiento telúrico se prolongó por casi un minuto, aunque otras reportaron haberlo sentido durante tres minutos. Finalmente, el Servicio de Sismología Nacional de México reportó que el sismo duró 40 segundos, pero por el tipo de terreno en varias zonas de México se prolongó por mucho más tiempo. La misma situación ocurrió con el ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "terremoto de 1985", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1798567"} {"context_title": "Canadians express optimism regarding medal potential at 2012 Summer Paralympics", "context_date": "August 29, 2012", "context_left": "Tuesday, the Canadian Paralympic Committee held its first press conference for the Games, with the Chef de Mission, flag bearer, a first time Paralympian, and a four time wheelchair racer talking about where Canada is likely to earn medals. The Canadians also discussed how the movement in the country has grown since the ", "context_right": " and increases in government spending on Paralympic sport.", "mention": "2010 Winter Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "641965"} {"context_title": "Fernando Alonso wins 2007 European Grand Prix", "context_date": "July 22, 2007", "context_left": "This was the first wet race since the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2006 Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "507730"} {"context_title": "Osama bin Laden hätte 2001 durch einen Militäreinsatz festgenommen werden können", "context_date": "01.12.2009", "context_left": "Gegen Osama bin Laden wurde am 15. April 1998 in Libyen Haftbefehl erlassen, da er an den Morden an zwei deutschen Geheimdienstmitarbeitern in Libyen beteiligt gewesen sein soll. Die Vereinigten Staaten fahnden per am 16. Dezember 1998 von der New Yorker Justizbehörde im Zusammenhang mit Terroranschlägen gegen US-Botschaften in Afrika am 7. August 1998 erlassenen internationalen Haftbefehl wegen mindestens 200 Morden nach bin Laden. Seine dezentrale Terrororganisation al-Qaida gilt als verantwortlich für viele weitere Anschläge, darunter die ", "context_right": ", bei denen ungefähr dreitausend Menschen ums Leben kamen.", "mention": "Terroranschläge am 11. September 2001", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Earthquakes hit Dominican Republic, Ryukyu Islands and Tonga", "context_date": "April 4, 2010", "context_left": "The depth of the aftershock was located , and no damage or injuries were reported. It has been reported as a ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Haiti aftershock", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "Το Αζερμπαϊτζάν κέρδισε τον διαγωνισμό Eurovision 2011", "context_date": "15 Μαΐου 2011", "context_left": "Το Αζερμπαϊτζάν κέρδισε για πρώτη φορά στην ιστορία του τον διαγωνισμό της ", "context_right": " (συμμετέχει από το 2008), χάρη στο ζευγάρι Ell & Nikki και το τραγούδι Running Scared, που συγκέντρωσαν συνολικά 221 βαθμούς, στον φετινό διαγωνισμό που διεξήχθη στο Ντίσελντορφ της Γερμανίας. ", "mention": "Eurovision", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "10160"} {"context_title": "Mourning ceremonies for earthquake begin throughout China", "context_date": "May 19, 2008", "context_left": "China began mourning ceremonies for the ", "context_right": " throughout the country, including its major cities and diplomatic missions outside the country. The government's State Council previously ordered a three-day period of mourning starting Monday. All Chinese flags were also ordered to half-mast in China and its missions. ", "mention": "major earthquake that struck Sichaun a week ago", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "152033"} {"context_title": "Norway wins the Eurovision Song Contest 2009", "context_date": "May 16, 2009", "context_left": "Norway has won the ", "context_right": ", held Saturday evening in Moscow, Russia, by the largest margin in the Contest's history. Alexander Rybak's song \"Fairytale\" received 387 points, 169 points more than the second place entrant, Yohanna, who represented Iceland with the song \"Is It True?\"", "mention": "Eurovision Song Contest 2009", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10157"} {"context_title": "US Republicans elect first African-American chairman", "context_date": "January 31, 2009", "context_left": "When campaigning for the United States Senate in 2006, Steele had been a vocal critic of then-President George W. Bush. In an off-the-record press lunch, which within 24 hours had his name attached to it, he had loudly criticized Bush's handling of the ", "context_right": " and the Hurricane Katrina rescue effort. He told reporters that standing as a Republican at that time was like being branded, saying \"I've got an R here, a scarlet letter.\"", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Con un discreto festejo, Rusia conmemora los 100 años de la Revolución", "context_date": "7 de noviembre de 2017", "context_left": "Rusia celebró el 100 aniversario de la ", "context_right": " con un bajo perfil y el Kremlin ha preferido directamente no celebrarlo. En la capital rusa, Moscú, miles de comunistas rusos y de otras naciones desfilaron por las céntricas calles y al igual que en otros aniversarios las personas portaban la bandera roja de la hoz y el martillo y retratos de Vladímir Lenin, líder de la Revolución y fundador de la Unión Soviética (URSS), y de Iósif Stalin, su sucesor.", "mention": "Revolución de Octubre", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "42976"} {"context_title": "Equador rechaça a guerra fratrícida na Líbia apoiado pelo Ocidente", "context_date": "10 de setembro de 2011", "context_left": "O presidente do Equador, Rafael Correa, denunciou a situação da Líbia como uma clara intromissão em seus assuntos internos em marco da comemoração dos ", "context_right": " e do golpe militar direitista contra Salvador Allende no Chile de 1973 em seu programa de televisão \"Enlace Ciudadano\", comparando este último evento com o conflito no país magrebe.", "mention": "ataques terroristas nas cidades estadounidenses em 2001", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Con un discreto festejo, Rusia conmemora los 100 años de la Revolución", "context_date": "7 de noviembre de 2017", "context_left": "El presidente ruso, Vladímir Putin, ha señalado que no quiere que de idealice ni demonice lo sucedido. Su portavoz, Dmitri Peskov, incluso indicó que para Putin este será como cualquier otro día de trabajo. El mandatario considera el ", "context_right": " como \"la mayor catástrofe geopolítica del siglo XX\". En Rusia este día ya no es festivo. Los manifestantes que celebraban el aniversario tuvieron que caminar por la acera y vigilados por los antidisturbios.", "mention": "colapso de la URSS", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "5167679"} {"context_title": "Felipe Massa takes pole for the first night Formula One race at Singapore", "context_date": "September 27, 2008", "context_left": " Ferrari driver Felipe Massa won the second session and the pole position for the Sunday FIA ", "context_right": " Formula One SingTel Singapore Grand Prix on the street circuit at Marina Bay, Singapore.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179338"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Joe Schriner, Independent U.S. presidential candidate", "context_date": "April 17, 2010", "context_left": "Mixed. Given, for instance, my stance on abortion (last answer), I find Mr. Obama's strong backing of abortion extremely troubling. Conversely, I find his efforts toward scaling back nuclear weapons, cutting down on greenhouse gases, getting more access to healthcare for individuals... as commendable (and in line with the Consistent Life Ethic I espouse). I would, however, push for much stronger action on each of these fronts. (Granted President Obama might have as well in some of these categories, but, as has been the case with healthcare, he has been hamstrung to a degree by Congress.) I do disagree with the president's troop surge strategy in Afghanistan. I believe this will lead to a situation analogous to what essentially devolved into the '", "context_right": ".' And I believe the stepped up drone attacks in the mountain region between Pakistan and Afghanistan is a mistake, considering all the civilians being killed. (What we so often refer to as a war's “inevitable collateral damage,” is: children, moms, dads...) Admittedly however, when it comes to both Afghanistan and Iraq, Mr. Obama inherited tremendous dilemmas, with no easy solutions. On the environmental/energy front, I strongly disagree with Mr. Obama's plans for more drilling offshore in the Atlantic, and promoting a new generation of nuclear energy plants... For more on our energy policy, see: In regard to personal characteristics, I do admire Mr. Obama's tenacity, which was demonstrated graphically in the last election process and with his relentless pursuit of the healthcare bill. An addendum: There has been much written about Mr. Obama's oratory skills and negotiating skills. Yet I believe this has to be weighed in the context of: Is he saying the right stuff? Is he negotiating for the right stuff? In my opinion, not always.", "mention": "Iraq quagmire", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Președintele Poloniei Lech Kaczyński moare după ce avionul său s-a prăbușit în Rusia", "context_date": "10 aprilie 2010", "context_left": "Guvernatorul băncii centrale poloneze Slawomir Skrzypek și alți membri ai guvernului polonez se aflau în același avion. Accidentul a avut loc aproape de aeroportul din Smolensk, vestul Rusiei. Soția lui Kaczynski se afla și ea în avion cu el când avionul Tupolev Tu-154 a început să piardă altitudine; drumul spre Rusia era pentru a comemora a 70-a aniversare de la ", "context_right": ", când mii de prizonieri de război și civili erau uciși de sovietici.", "mention": "Masacrul de la Katyn", "context_lang": "ro", "label_id": "134301"} {"context_title": "Марк Уэббер побеждает на Гран-при Испании", "context_date": "9 мая 2010", "context_left": "Марк Уэббер одержал победу на ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "Гран-при Испании", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "172943"} {"context_title": "Mitt Romney officially nominated at Republican National Convention", "context_date": "August 29, 2012", "context_left": "Mitt Romney, the former Governor of Massachusetts, was officially nominated yesterday evening by the Republican Party as its candidate for the President of the United States at the party's ", "context_right": " in Tampa, Florida.", "mention": "National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8462432"} {"context_title": "Former Serbian president Milutinovic acquitted of war crimes", "context_date": "February 27, 2009", "context_left": "Milutinović, aged 66, was the president of Serbia from December 1997 to December 2002, but was widely seen as a figurehead president during the ", "context_right": " in the 1990s. The court concluded that he did not have any direct control over the army, and was released from custody.", "mention": "Kosovo conflict", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "190029"} {"context_title": "UK lawyer comments on court case against Boeing over London jet crash", "context_date": "November 20, 2009", "context_left": "US courts decide international jurisdictional issues under the Jones Act, passed as a result of ", "context_right": ", \"which makes it much more difficult for a foreigner to sue in the US if the accident did not happen there... My restricted understanding of that is that it is likely that it would be difficult to remove an action from a US court where the aircraft was made in the US.\" He further pointed out that the court would require there to be an alternative court with jurisdiction over the issue. \"It may well be that the relevant part of the Boeing group is not subject to the jurisdiction of the English courts... I have seen cases where it was made a condition of the grant of an order under the Jones Act that the defendants would submit to the jurisdiction of a court in Scotland and that they would not take a plea of time bar in the even that an action was raised within three months of the court order.\"", "mention": "Bhopal litigation", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "129029"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Australian Paralympic assistant coach David Gould", "context_date": "July 25, 2013", "context_left": "He considered video of other teams is an important training tool. He noted the Gliders had to play Brazil in the first match of the ", "context_right": ", which was very tough, because so little was known about them. As it turned out, Brazil has a great program, and he thinks it could be a contender in front of a home crowd in Rio in 2016.", "mention": "Paralympics in London", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Χιλής νίκησε την Εθνική Περού με σκορ 1-0", "context_date": "13 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Χιλής νίκησε την Εθνική Περού με σκορ 1:0, για τη τελευταία αγωνιστική του Γ' Ομίλου του ", "context_right": ", το οποίο διεξάγεται στην Αργεντινή.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμερικά 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "Atlantis departs hangar ahead of August 28 launch", "context_date": "July 24, 2006", "context_left": "This will be the third mission since the ", "context_right": " on mission STS-107, and the first ISS assembly mission in four years. It will also be the first time Atlantis has flown since 2002.", "mention": "loss of the Space Shuttle Columbia", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "580867"} {"context_title": "Norway beats Czech Republic in sledge hockey overtime win in first match at Winter Paralympics", "context_date": "March 8, 2014", "context_left": "These Games are only the second ones that the Czech sledge hockey team have participated in, making their debut at the 2010 Winter Paralympics. In contrast, Norway has medalled at every Paralympic Games since the sport was added as a medal sport to the Paralympic program at the ", "context_right": ". They are the only country to have this accomplishment.", "mention": "1994 Winter Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "876785"} {"context_title": "Radovan Karadžić è stato arrestato", "context_date": "22 luglio 2008", "context_left": "Diventò presto il ricercato numero uno del Tribunale dell'Aja, in quanto responsabile e mandante di numerose operazioni di pulizia etnica condotte contro bosniaci e croati durante la Guerra in Bosnia-Erzegovina. Il più grave di questi atti è il ", "context_right": ", una serie di esecuzioni di massa in cui morirono circa 8.000 civili bosniaci di fede musulmana.", "mention": "massacro di Srebrenica", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "170334"} {"context_title": "Magnus Carlsen est le nouveau champion du monde d'échecs", "context_date": "22 novembre 2013", "context_left": "Le jeune Norvégien Magnus Carlsen est le nouveau champion du monde d'échecs. Challenger dans le ", "context_right": " il a en effet fait nulle aujourd'hui contre l'Indien Viswanathan Anand, champion en titre depuis 2007 et ne peut plus être rattrapé par son adversaire. Depuis sa troisième victoire qui a eu lieu hier, on savait que qu'Anand aurait beaucoup de mal à refaire son retard. Il faut en effet 6,5 point pour être déclaré champion du monde, et avec trois victoires et six nulles, Carlsen menait par 6 à 3. Il lui suffisait donc d'une seule nulle sur les trois dernières rondes pour être déclaré champion, et c'est sur ce résultat que s'est conclue la partie d'aujourd'hui. ", "mention": "Championnat du monde", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "917629"} {"context_title": "RuPaul speaks about society and the state of drag as performance art", "context_date": "October 6, 2007", "context_left": "DS: Has the ", "context_right": " affected you at all?", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Конспирологи отвергают официальную версию расстрела в Керчи", "context_date": "22 октября 2018", "context_left": "Стример Карина Козырева по просьбе зрителя оценила один из роликов Иванова на своей трансляции в Twitch. Она не стала поддерживать ни одну из версий, хотя нашла странным, что одиночка смог взорвать бомбу и убить больше людей, чем в ", "context_right": " с двумя стрелками. На требование зрителей «не смотреть шизика» и доверять официальным источникам она ответила, что не стоит отбрасывать аргументы оппонента из-за личной неприязни к нему, а официальные СМИ не всегда правдивы. Она отметила, что и противник Иванова — блогер Анатолий Шарий тоже нашёл нестыковки.", "mention": "случае в школе «Колумбайн»", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "473845"} {"context_title": "South Sudan gains independence", "context_date": "July 10, 2011", "context_left": "Two million individuals died in the ", "context_right": " between the two territories of Sudan and Southern Sudan and four million more exiled, a war that was waged for decades. Control of south Sudan's oil rich reserves was the primary reason for the fighting. An agreement of peace was signed in 2005, effectively bringing the war to an end, and Sudan became one of the first countries to recognise South Sudan. Under the regulations of the Comprehensive Peace Agreement, Sudan held an independence referendum. In excess of 99% of those participating in the vote agreed to the concept of independence for South Sudan. ", "mention": "civil war", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "842380"} {"context_title": "All Ferrari front row on 2006 United States Grand Prix", "context_date": "July 1, 2006", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Michael Schumacher and his teammate Felipe Massa won the front row on the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. ", "mention": "United States Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "596935"} {"context_title": "López Obrador asume la presidencia de México", "context_date": "1 de diciembre de 2018", "context_left": "\"El distintivo del neoliberalismo es la corrupción. Privatización ha sido en México sinónimo de corrupción. Lo sucedido en el período neoliberal no tiene precedente. Se ha implantado como \"modus operandi\" el robo de los bienes del pueblo\". Por otra parte, resumió el nuevo gobierno en la frase: \"Acabar con la corrupción y la impunidad\". \"Pero esta nueva etapa la iniciaremos sin perseguir a nadie, porque no le apostamos al circo y a la simulación\", añadió. \"Pongamos un punto final a esta historia y empecemos de nuevo. Que no haya persecución a las autoridades del pasado\" e informó la constitución de una Comisión de la Verdad para atender el caso de los ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "43 estudiantes desaparecidos de Ayotzinapa", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "18327329"} {"context_title": "Formula 1, Button campione del mondo 2009", "context_date": "18 ottobre 2009", "context_left": "Nel ", "context_right": " di Interlagos la vittoria è andata all'australiano Mark Webber con l'inglese della Brawn quinto.", "mention": "Gran Premio del Brasile", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "54432"} {"context_title": "Bush to skip Republican convention to monitor Gustav", "context_date": "September 1, 2008", "context_left": "George W. Bush, the President of the United States, has said that he will not attend the ", "context_right": " as a result of Hurricane Gustav.", "mention": "2008 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Casa de subastas alemana pone a la venta pertenencias de Adolf Hitler", "context_date": "4 de octubre de 2011", "context_left": "El conjunto consta de una lámpara de pie (con un precio de 5,000 euros), un par de gafas de lectura (€ 4,800), joyas, un reloj de bolsillo (€ 10,000), artículos de mesa y una edición especial de su obra \"Mein Kampf\" con dedicatoria a su compañero político Rudolf Hess, que estuvieron juntos en prisión después del ", "context_right": " contra el gobierno de Baviera en 1923.", "mention": "golpe de estado", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "36749"} {"context_title": "Grand jury indicts former White House advisor Steve Bannon for contempt of Congress", "context_date": "November 14, 2021", "context_left": "Steve Bannon, a former political strategist for former US President Donald Trump, has been indicted by a federal grand jury for contempt of Congress. Bannon had been refusing to comply with subpoenas issued by the US House of Representatives committee investigating the ", "context_right": ". This comes after the House voted to refer the matter to the Department of Justice last month for consideration.", "mention": "2021 US Capitol attack", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "104705419"} {"context_title": "Генштаб подвёл итоги операции в Сирии", "context_date": "27 августа 2017", "context_left": "Исламское государство возникло в Ираке на основе повстанческих организаций, появившихся после ", "context_right": " в 2003 году. В России признано «запрещённой организацией».", "mention": "вторжения США и их союзников", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Glenn Ford est décédé", "context_date": "31 août 2006", "context_left": " L'acteur canadien Glenn Ford est décédé le 30 août à Los Angeles, à l'âge de 90 ans à la suite de problèmes circulatoires cardiaques. L'acteur s'est fait remarquer dans de nombreux films comme dans Gilda, Superman ou dans ", "context_right": " entre autres. Sa dernière apparition au cinéma remonte à 1993 dans Tombstone.", "mention": "La Bataille de Midway", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "173034"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Χιλής ήρθε ισόπαλη με σκορ 1-1 με την Εθνική Ουρουγουάης", "context_date": "10 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Χιλής και η Εθνική Ουρουγουάη ήρθαν ισόπαλες με σκορ 1:1, για τη δεύτερη αγωνιστική του Γ' Ομίλου του ", "context_right": ", το οποιο διεξάγεται στην Αργεντινή.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "Michael Brown, Director of FEMA resigns", "context_date": "September 12, 2005", "context_left": "Michael Brown, head of the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) has announced his resignation as Director. Brown had come under criticism for FEMA's slow reaction and handling of the devastation in New Orleans caused by ", "context_right": ". Last week Michael Chertoff, head of the Department of Homeland Security, relieved Brown as leader of the relief efforts in New Orleans and appointed Coast Guard Admiral Thad W. Allen in his place.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Mark Webber gewinnt den Großen Preis von Monaco", "context_date": "01.06.2012", "context_left": "Am Samstag fuhr Michael Schumacher auf Pole Position. Jedoch musste Schumacher von Platz 6 starten, da er beim ", "context_right": " einen Unfall verursachte und als Strafe eine Versetzung von fünf Plätzen beim nächsten Grand Prix bekam. Somit durfte Webber von Platz 1 starten.", "mention": "Großen Preis von Spanien", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "173004"} {"context_title": "독일 축구 국가대표팀 골키퍼 로베르트 엔케 사망", "context_date": "2009년 11월 11일", "context_left": "엔케는 1985년 지역 클럽인 카를차이스 예나에서 프로 축구에 데뷔했으며, 1998년 보루시아 묀헨글라트바흐에서 활약할 당시에 청소년 대표팀에 처음으로 발탁되었다. 이후 그는 SL 벤피카, FC 바르셀로나, 페네르바체 SK, CD 테네리페를 거쳐 2004년부터 하노버 96의 주전 골키퍼로 활약해왔으며, 2007년부터 독일 대표팀에서 A매치 8경기에 출장하였다. 그는 ", "context_right": " 당시 대표팀 선수 명단에 포함되었으며, 2010년 FIFA 월드컵에서 대표팀 주전 수문장을 맡을 1순위 후보로 꼽혔다.", "mention": "UEFA 유로 2008", "context_lang": "ko", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "Senat bestätigt Wählbarkeit John McCains", "context_date": "03.05.2008", "context_left": " Der Senat der Vereinigten Staaten hat am 30. April 2008 die Wählbarkeit des Präsidentschaftskandidaten John McCain bestätigt. Voraussetzung zur Wahl als Präsident ist die Geburt in den Vereinigten Staaten. Dies war bei McCain umstritten, da er auf der Basis Coco Solo, in der ", "context_right": " geboren wurde. Die New York Times und Blogger hatten daher die Frage aufgeworfen, ob McCain diese Voraussetzung erfülle. Mit dem Beschluss Nr. 511 bestätigte der Senat das Vorliegen dieser Voraussetzung.", "mention": "Panamakanalzone", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "498979"} {"context_title": "Себастьян Феттель выиграл Гран-при Малайзии", "context_date": "4 апреля 2010", "context_left": "Победа в ", "context_right": ", прошедшем в эти выходные на международном автодроме Сепанг, досталась Себастьяну Феттелю. Другой пилот команды «Ред Булл», Марк Веббер, финишировал вторым, принеся команде дубль. Третьим к финишу пришёл Нико Росберг.", "mention": "Гран-при Малайзии", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "172938"} {"context_title": "Sixteen killed in Marrakech, Morocco bomb blast", "context_date": "April 30, 2011", "context_left": "This is the first major attack on Morocco since the ", "context_right": ", which killed 45 and injured more than 100.", "mention": "2003 Casablanca bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "569394"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wygrywa Grand Prix Bahrajnu", "context_date": "28 marca 2021", "context_left": "Wyścig o Grand Prix Bahrajnu po raz trzeci (po 2006 i ", "context_right": ") inauguruje sezon Formuły 1. Sytuacja taka nastąpiła ze względu na przełożenie wyścigu o Grand Prix Australii na termin listopadowy. Przed rozpoczęciem sezonu nastąpiło do kilku zmian. Daniel Ricciardo zastąpił Carlosa Sainza w McLarenie. Hiszpan zaś zastąpił Sebastiana Vettela w Ferrari. Vettel trafił do ekipy Aston Martin, zastępując Sergio Péreza, który z kolei został kierowcą Red Bull Racing, na miejsce Aleksandra Albona. W zespole AlphaTauri, Yuki Tsunoda zastąpił Daniiła Kwiata. Zespół Haas postanowił na nowy skład kierowców – reprezentantami amerykańskiej stajni zostali Nikita Mazepin i Mick Schumacher. W stawce pojawił się Aston Martin, co jest powrotem konstruktora po 61 latach oraz Alpine, powstały na bazie zespołu Renault. Ponadto McLaren powrócił do korzystania z silników Mercedes.", "mention": "2010", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "17332"} {"context_title": "Mindestens 150 Zivilisten im Osten der Demokratischen Republik Kongo getötet", "context_date": "15.05.2009", "context_left": "Die FDRL-Rebellen operieren im Osten der Demokratischen Republik Kongo seit dem ", "context_right": " 1994. Etliche ihrer Angehörigen werden der Täterschaft bei den Massakern an den Tutsi und gemäßigten Hutu beschuldigt.", "mention": "Völkermord in Ruanda", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "131297"} {"context_title": "V Pompejích se zřítil Dům gladiátorů z přelomu tisíciletí", "context_date": "6. listopad 2010", "context_left": "Pompeje jsou světově významné archeologické naleziště z období Římské říše. Město se zachovalo poté, co bylo naráz pohřbeno pod horkým popelem při ", "context_right": " sopky Vesuv. Dům gladiátorů v nich byl postaven nedlouho před katastrofou a sloužil k výcviku mladých obyvatel města i profesionálních gladiátorů a také k výrobě zbraní.", "mention": "erupci", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "2411998"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews India's first female Paralympic medalist Deepa Malik", "context_date": "September 14, 2016", "context_left": " Will you and your daughter both be trying to represent India at the ", "context_right": " in Tokyo?", "mention": "2020 Games", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "14856650"} {"context_title": "ジャワ島中部地震、死者3,000人超す", "context_date": "2006年5月28日", "context_left": "読売新聞によれば、今回の地震はインド・オーストラリアプレートとほかのプレートとの境界付近で起きたことで、2004年のスマトラ島沖地震や2005年の", "context_right": "と共通である。長野市の気象庁精密地震観測室の石川有三室長は、境界付近が1928年-52年以来の「活動期」に入っていると述べた。神戸新聞によると、溝上恵東京大学名誉教授は、この地震は震源が浅いため、プレート境界が滑ったことによる地震ではなく、上側のプレートの内部の断層が動いたことによる地震である可能性が高いと述べた。朝日新聞によれば、都司嘉宣東京大学助教授は、プレートが沈み込むときに地殻を圧縮されたために起きた地殻内の地震とみられると述べた。日本経済新聞によれば、東京大学地震研究所の山岡耕春教授は、震源がプレート境界から離れた、典型的な直下型地震であると述べた。", "mention": "パキスタン地震", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "210137"} {"context_title": "Verdachte en hoofdgetuige in het Decembermoordenproces, Ruben Rozendaal, overleden", "context_date": "2 december 2017", "context_left": "Rozendaal was een van de plegers van de ", "context_right": " op 25 februari 1980 en was tijdens het Decembermoordenproces de enige verdachte die belastende verklaringen heeft afgelegd. Ook had de trekker overgehaald, zo verklaarde hij.", "mention": "Sergeantencoup", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "967981"} {"context_title": "Адель завоевала 5 статуэток «Грэмми»", "context_date": "13 февраля 2017", "context_left": "Бейонсе в образе богини плодородия и Адель, завоевавшая пять статуэток «Грэмми», стали главными звёздами ", "context_right": " вручения награды Академии звукозаписи США.", "mention": "59-й церемонии", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "25060439"} {"context_title": "È passata una settimana dalla prima protesta per George Floyd", "context_date": "2 giugno 2020", "context_left": "A Washington la folla si è radunata per protestare di fronte alla Casa Bianca, blindata e oscurata per la prima volta dopo gli eventi dell'", "context_right": ". A seguito di un incendio vicino all'edificio, Donald e Melania Trump sono stati portati in un bunker sotterraneo per motivi di sicurezza. Quando il Metropolitan Police Department ha sgomberato l'area vicino al Lafayette Park, circa un'ora dopo l'evacuazione, il presidente e la First Lady sono tornati in superficie. Durante quest'ora sono state spente le luci della Casa Bianca, in modo da renderla poco visibile dalla piazza.", "mention": "11 settembre", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Muere a los 94 años el expresidente estadounidense George H. W. Bush", "context_date": "1 de diciembre de 2018", "context_left": "Murió ocho meses después de su esposa, Barbara Bush. En abril pasado, unos días después, fue ingresado en una unidad de cuidados intensivos por una infección. Según detalla \"Infobae\", el político, del Partido Republicano que también tomó parte en la Segunda Guerra Mundial, vivió un aumento en sus niveles de popularidad tras el éxito en la ", "context_right": " en 1991, para después verla evaporada por una profunda, aunque breve, recesión económica. En su intento de reelección, para continuar con un segundo mandato, perdió ante el demócrata, Bill Clinton.", "mention": "Guerra del Golfo", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "Blue Jackets Send Mason back to OHL", "context_date": "January 12, 2008", "context_left": "Before the recall, Mason led Team Canada to victory against Team Sweden in the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2008 World Junior Ice Hockey Championships", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1317137"} {"context_title": "Fargo, North Dakota, prepares for record flooding", "context_date": "March 24, 2009", "context_left": "Temporary dikes from Louisiana are being flown in. The dikes, 4 foot high interlocking containers filled with sand, were used during ", "context_right": ". In Emmons County, several dozen homes were evacuated on Sunday, and families in the town of Beulah, North Dakota have also been forced to leave ahead of the rising waters. ", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Tributes paid to the victims of the July 7 2005 London bombings", "context_date": "July 7, 2009", "context_left": "A permanent memorial for the victims of the ", "context_right": " has been unveiled in Hyde Park, London, England. Today is the fourth anniversary of the bombings, when 52 people were killed by suicide bombers on board three Underground trains and a bus.", "mention": "July 7, 2005 London bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Daniel Ortega asume segundo mandato presidencial", "context_date": "10 de enero de 2012", "context_left": "Al acto de posesión asistieron los Presidentes de Venezuela, Hugo Chávez, y de Irán, Mahmud Ahmadineyad, quien declaró: \"Estoy muy contento de estar en la tierra de la ", "context_right": "\".", "mention": "Revolución", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1463516"} {"context_title": "В Мальмё завершился молодёжный чемпионат мира по хоккею", "context_date": "6 января 2014", "context_left": "В Мальмё (Швеция) завершился ", "context_right": ", который проходил с 26 декабря 2013 года по 5 января 2014 года.", "mention": "чемпионат мира по хоккею среди молодёжных команд", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "2328673"} {"context_title": "تونس تمنع التظاهر في هذه الجمعة", "context_date": "20 سبتمبر 2012", "context_left": "تخضع تونس لقانون الطوارئ منذ انتصار ", "context_right": " في يناير 2011، ومددت السلطات التونسية العمل بهذا القانون حتى نهاية الشهر الجاري.", "mention": "الثورة التونسية", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "46959"} {"context_title": "Gay Talese on the state of journalism, Iraq and his life", "context_date": "October 27, 2007", "context_left": "He is not bothered by the Bancrofts selling \"The Wall Street Journal\"—\"It's not like we should lament the passing of some noble dynasty!\"—to Rupert Murdoch, but he is bothered by how the press supported and sold the ", "context_right": " to the American people. \"The press in Washington got us into this war as much as the people that are controlling it,\" said Talese. \"They took information that was second-hand information, and they went along with it.\" He wants to see the Washington press corp disbanded and sent around the country to get back in touch with the people it covers; that the press should not be so focused on--and in bed with--the federal government. ", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Más de 220 fallecidos tras inundaciones y tornados en Estados Unidos.", "context_date": "28 de abril de 2011", "context_left": "Desde hace unos días, una catástrofe considerada una de las más devastadoras después del ", "context_right": " en el 2005, ha afectado el sur y sureste de los Estados Unidos, ya que ha dejado más de 220 personas fallecidas. 30 personas murieron en el estado de Tenessee.", "mention": "Huracán Katrina", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "México envía los restos calcinados encontrados en Guerrero a Austria para su análisis", "context_date": "13 de noviembre de 2014", "context_left": "El laboratorio es reconocido por su labor en la identificación de restos en casos como las víctimas del régimen de Augusto Pinochet en Chile o de los fallecidos en Sri Lanka a causa del ", "context_right": ". Por su parte, los familiares de los 43 desaparecidos afirmaron que realizarán diversas caravanas de protestas y dijeron que no creerán la versión que el Gobierno de México presentó el pasado viernes hasta que se tengan pruebas certificadas de forenses independientes.", "mention": "tsunami de 2004", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "130754"} {"context_title": "நேப்பாளத்தின் முன்னாள் போராளிகள் முகாம்களை விட்டு வெளியேறுகின்றனர்", "context_date": "பெப்ரவரி 4, 2012", "context_left": "1996 ஆம் ஆண்டில் மாவோயிசவாதிகள் தமது \"", "context_right": "\" தொடங்கினர். மொத்தம் 13,000 பேர் வரையில் உள்நாட்டுப் போரின் போது கொல்லப்பட்டனர். 2006 ஆம் ஆண்டில் போர் முடிவுக்கு வந்தது.", "mention": "மக்கள் போரைத்", "context_lang": "ta", "label_id": "2002975"} {"context_title": "Ulster Freedom Fighters to stand down at midnight; Northern Ireland", "context_date": "November 11, 2007", "context_left": "During ", "context_right": ", which ran from 1968 to 1998, the UDA/UFF is thought to have been responsible for over 400 deaths. The UDA's opponents, the Provisional IRA decommissioned its weapons in August-September 2005.", "mention": "the Troubles", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "815436"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, October 2016", "context_date": "November 6, 2016", "context_left": "On other issues, the candidates had spirited discussion. While addressing the treatment of whistleblowers such as Julian Assange, Edward Snowden, and Chelsea Manning, Castle referred to each as a hero and said he would offer a pardon as president. La Riva called for the elimination of the NSA, FBI, and CIA, characterizing these organizations as enemies of the American people. On the issue of military adventurism, all candidates agreed the U.S. should remove its forces from the Middle East. After Asner brought up President Dwight D. Eisenhower's farewell address, warning of the military–industrial complex, Castle discussed how President John F. Kennedy heeded the warning and came up with policies of his own, which he felt ultimately led to Kennedy's ", "context_right": ". However, Castle was quick to say he does not subscribe to conspiracy theories. Each candidate expressed opposition to the Trans-Pacific Partnership and NAFTA, though De La Fuente and Castle each acknowledged the necessity of free trade. On the issue of campaign finance reform, Castle proposed giving $50 million to each of the candidates on the basis of ballot access. De La Fuente said he had not considered Castle's proposal, but \"it makes a lot of sense.\" He mentioned his Democratic Party run and accused the party of \"building walls\" to prevent outsiders like himself from gaining traction. He also claimed the party cheated Senator Bernie Sanders out of the nomination. Near the end of the debate, a student from the University of Colorado asked a question about student debt. La Riva called for free education and in absence of that, proposed a student strike to demand debt-free education. Castle said the debt crisis was the result of government interference into education, saying loans would not be made if government did not guaranty them. He proposed use of bankruptcy law to alleviate the debt. De La Fuente proposed a \"virtual reality university\" using experts from around the world to teach subjects online to Americans for free, arguing Americans, and particularly minorities, lack the time to attend a four-year university.", "mention": "undoing", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "193484"} {"context_title": "Гей-парад прошёл в Антарктиде полярной ночью", "context_date": "18 июня 2018", "context_left": "Столь неудобное для праздничных мероприятий время и место было выбрано в связи с очередной годовщиной ", "context_right": " — столкновений представителей сексуальных меньшинств с полицией Нью-Йорка, случившихся в июне 1969 года, — и с целью показать, что люди с различной сексуальной ориентацией живут по всему миру, даже в самых отдалённых и труднодоступных местах.", "mention": "«Стоунволлских бунтов»", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "51402"} {"context_title": "G8 der Industrie schließen Russland aus und sorgen damit für Diskussionen auch beim Atomgipfel", "context_date": "27.03.2014", "context_left": "Aufgrund des anhaltenden Konflikts in der Ukraine war es nach einem von Präsident Putin unterstützten ", "context_right": " am 16. März zur Eingliederung der Halbinsel Krim in die russische Föderation gekommen. Der Ausschluss aus den G8-Staaten erfolgte als Reaktion auf die im Völkerrecht bisher nicht vorgesehene vollständige Abspaltung der bis zu diesem Zeitpunkt autonomen Republik Krim vom ukrainischen Staat. Weder die G8, noch die EU oder die Ukraine erkennen diese Entwicklung an, da das Selbstbestimmungsrecht der Krimbewohner/-innen hier mit der Souveränität und territorialen Integrität der Ukraine kollidiert, die zudem vom Herrschaftsanspruch Russlands über die Krim verletzt werde. Anerkannte Regelungen für Abspaltungen von Staaten sind bisher im Völkerrecht nicht entwickelt – es sei denn, sie sind in der Verfassung des jeweiligen Staates dauerhaft verankert, so wie beim Unabhängigkeitsreferendum in Montenegro 2006. Das katalanische Unabhängigkeitsreferendum wurde gerade kürzlich mit einem Urteil vom 25. März 2014 vom spanischen Verfassungsgericht deswegen für unzulässig erklärt.", "mention": "Referendum über den Status der Krim", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "15838763"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2007 Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_date": "August 5, 2007", "context_left": "BMW Sauber driver Nick Heidfeld started second from the dirty side of the track allowing Kimi to pass him easily enough. German driver made a clear race upon the near finish where he was under heavy pressure from Alonso, but remained in his third place while Alonso himself jumped to the fourth from the 6th starting place. This became the second podium finish for Nick on Hungarian Grand Prix since ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2006", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "507730"} {"context_title": "Сукоби демонстраната и полиције у Кијеву", "context_date": "29. новембар 2011.", "context_left": "Међу демонстрантима су људи који су учествовали у чишћењу терена после ", "context_right": " и ветерани совјетског рата у Авганистану (1979-89).", "mention": "нуклеарне катастрофе у Чернобилу 1986.", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Athletes from 2009 Summer Deaflympics participate the Warming Up Challenge of 2007 Taipei 101 Run Up", "context_date": "November 18, 2007", "context_left": "Prior to 2007 Taipei 101 Run Up, organizers held a 35-floors warming up match for local athletes from ", "context_right": " with the theme of \"Value Your Every Step\". This warming up simulated every possible situation as athletes wore the RFID chip and some professional medical teams stood by for emergency.", "mention": "2009 Summer Deaflympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "709910"} {"context_title": "В Ясиноватой открыли мемориальный знак защитникам и погибшим жителям города", "context_date": "22 августа 2017", "context_left": "В мероприятии приняли участие и. о. главы администрации Ясиноватой Олег Моргун, и. о. главы администрации Горловки Иван Приходько и более 200 жителей и гостей города, в том числе ветераны Великой Отечественной войны, среди которых был участник ", "context_right": " Алексей Кужильный.", "mention": "парада Победы на Красной площади", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "2001685"} {"context_title": "Llamas en Moscú por explosión de gasoducto", "context_date": "10 de mayo de 2009", "context_left": "Incendios como éste son cada vez más frecuentes en la zona de la antigua Unión Soviética debido al envejecimiento de la estructura del transporte de combustibles, que no se le ha realizado mantenimiento ni ha sido remodelada en décadas. Las autoridades dicen que los preparativos del ", "context_right": ", que transcurrirá durante el próximo fin de semana, no se verán afectados.", "mention": "Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10157"} {"context_title": "Hurrikan Dorian trifft Jungferninseln und Puerto Rico, gefährdet Florida", "context_date": "29.08.2019", "context_left": "Das betroffene Gebiet hat noch mit den Zerstörungen durch die Hurrikane ", "context_right": " und Irma des Jahres 2017 zu tun. Es ist besonders durch Windbruch, Starkregen, Erdrutsche und Sturzfluten gefährdet.", "mention": "Maria", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "40178187"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews U.S. Libertarian Party potential presidential candidate R.J. Harris", "context_date": "June 17, 2011", "context_left": "To enumerate only a few levied by the ", "context_right": " our federal government has ", "mention": "Declaration of Independence", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "127912"} {"context_title": "US presidential candidate Barack Obama has 50% support", "context_date": "October 9, 2008", "context_left": "This is the largest lead Barack Obama has had in the past three months. The last time Obama's lead was near this high was September 1, 2008 when it was 6.0% after the ", "context_right": ". For the past three weeks, the \"Gallup\" and \"Rasmussen\" three day tracking polls have held a lead for Obama. ", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "Wikinews tours London Paralympic Village wheelchair repair workshop", "context_date": "September 1, 2012", "context_left": "London, England — Yesterday Wikinews had the opportunity to tour the Ottobrock wheelchair repair workshops at the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Paralympic Village in London", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Schietpartij op middelbare school in Texas, 10 doden", "context_date": "19 mei 2018", "context_left": "Het is alleen al dit jaar de 22e schietpartij op een school in de VS waarbij gewonden en/of doden vallen. Het is het dodelijkste schietincident in de VS sinds de ", "context_right": " in februari. ", "mention": "schietpartij op Stoneman Douglas High School", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "48714898"} {"context_title": "President Bush tours Katrina affected region", "context_date": "January 12, 2006", "context_left": "", "context_right": " struck the south central U.S. on late August 29, 2005. ", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "متظاهرون يقتحمون السفارة الأمريكية في تونس", "context_date": "14 سبتمبر 2012", "context_left": "وتقع هذه الاضطرابات ضمن ", "context_right": " في عدد من الدول العربية والإسلامية احتجاجاً على فيلم «براءة المسلمين» الذي نشر مقطع منه على اليوتيوب مؤخراً. وأسفر الهجوم على القنصلية الأمريكية في بنغازي", "mention": "موجة من احتجاجات مماثلة أمام مباني البعثات الدبلوماسية الأمريكية", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "29489"} {"context_title": "Первый игровой день чемпионата мира по шахматам 2018", "context_date": "10 ноября 2018", "context_left": "9 ноября в Лондоне прошёл первый игровой день матча за звание чемпиона мира по шахматам 2018, в котором встречались действующий чемпионат мира — норвежский гроссмейстер Магнус Карлсен и победитель ", "context_right": " — американский гроссмейстер Фабиано Каруана.", "mention": "Турнира претендентов 2018 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "43388615"} {"context_title": "Niña aparece con vida siete años después del tsunami en Indonesia", "context_date": "24 de diciembre de 2011", "context_left": "Una niña de 15 años se reunió nuevamente con su familia tras permanecer desaparecida siete años, luego de ser arrastrada por el tsunami que devastó el océano Índico en 2004. Había sido dada por muerta luego del ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "devastador maremoto que mató a 226.000 personas", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "130754"} {"context_title": "Ο Γκους Χίντιγκ αναλαμβάνει την Ανζί", "context_date": "20 Δεκεμβρίου 2011", "context_left": "Ο Γκους Χίντιγκ είχε προπονήσει την Εθνική Ρωσίας και την οδήγησε στον ημιτελικό του ", "context_right": ", αργότερα ανέλαβε την Τσέλσι, ενώ πριν λίγο καιρό αποτελούσε προπονητής της Εθνικής Τουρκίας.", "mention": "Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου 2008", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "Soldados matan a un agresor en un aeropuerto de París", "context_date": "18 de marzo de 2017", "context_left": "La unidad se formó tras el ", "context_right": " contra la revista satírica Charlie Hebdo y se reforzó tras los atentados en París de noviembre de ese año, en los que murieron 130 personas. Hace apenas unos días se cumplió el primer aniversario de los ataques contra el aeropuerto y el metro de Bruselas, en los que murieron 32 personas y cientos resultaron heridos. Este incidente se suma al ocurrido el 3 de febrero de este año cuando un sujeto armado con un cuchillo atacó a un grupo de soldados que patrullaban el Museo del Louvre antes de ser herido.", "mention": "ataque en enero de 2015", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "18718876"} {"context_title": "Dodental vloedgolven Java opgelopen tot 262; honderden vermist", "context_date": "18 juli 2006", "context_left": "In december 2004 ontsnapte Java nog aan de enorme ", "context_right": ", die verder gigantische verwoestingen aanrichtte in grote delen van Azië en Afrika. Daarbij vielen meer dan 200.000 doden. Dit wordt gezien als de grootste natuurramp uit de bekende geschiedenis.", "mention": "tsunami-ramp", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "130754"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Democratic candidate for the Texas 6th congressional district special election Daryl Eddings, Sr's campaign manager", "context_date": "April 20, 2021", "context_left": "Eddings is a federal law enforcement officer and senior non-commissioned officer in the US military. His experience as operations officer of an aviation unit in the California National Guard includes working in Los Angeles to control riots sparked by the ", "context_right": " and the police handling of Rodney King, working with drug interdiction teams in Panama and Central America and fighting in the Middle East. He is the founder of Operation Battle Buddy, which has under his leadership kept in touch with over 20 thousand veterans and their families. He was born in California, but moved to Midlothian, Texas. He endeavours to bring \"good government, not no government\". Campaign manager Faith Chatham spoke to \"Wikinews\" on matters ranging from healthcare to housing.", "mention": "O. J. Simpson murder case", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2669947"} {"context_title": "Frankrijk wint de wereldbeker voetbal", "context_date": "15 juli 2018", "context_left": "Het is gewonnen door Frankrijk. In een doelpuntenrijke wedstrijd wisten de Fransen met een stand van 4-2 te winnen van Kroatië, ondanks het sterke begin van de Balten. De laatste keer dat Frankrijk wist te winnen was 20 jaar geleden in 1998. Het volgende WK ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "wordt gespeeld in Qatar", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "Aiman az-Zawahiri kritisiert Afghanistan-Wahlen und lobt London-Attentate", "context_date": "20.09.2005", "context_left": " Den arabischen Nachrichtensender Aljazeera erreichte erneut eine Videobotschaft von Al-Qaidas Nummer zwei nach Osama bin Laden, Aiman az-Zawahiri, in dem dieser die Legitimität der gerade stattgefundenen Wahlen in Afghanistan bezweifelte und die Verantwortung für die ", "context_right": " übernahm.", "mention": "Attentate in London vom 7. Juli 2005", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "La guerra de los neumáticos protagoniza el Gran Premio de Cataluña", "context_date": "13 de junio de 2017", "context_left": "Una vez más, el mundial de motociclismo tuvo lugar en una ciudad española, esta vez en Barcelona, en el ", "context_right": ". Fueron tres días de acción sobre la pista que abarcaron el fin de semana del 9 al 11 de junio, una ocasión para remontar puntos con la motivación extra de estar corriendo más cerca de casa.", "mention": "Circuito de Barcelona-Cataluña", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "171404"} {"context_title": "Nieuw geweld in Gazastrook, meer dan 30 doden", "context_date": "6 mei 2019", "context_left": "De escalatie komt op een voor Israël precair moment. Over slechts negen dagen moet in Israël het ", "context_right": " beginnen.", "mention": "Eurovisiesongfestival", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "9095390"} {"context_title": "Zamach na tureckich żołnierzy w prowincji Siirt", "context_date": "19 sierpnia 2015", "context_left": "19 sierpnia 2015 w wyniku zdalnej detonacji ładunku wybuchowego zginęło co najmniej 8 tureckich żołnierzy dokonujących patrolu. Do zamachu doszło w zamieszkiwanej przez Kurdów prowincji Siirt w południowo-wschodniej Turcji. Zamach przypisywany jest Partii Pracujących Kurdystanu. Jest to kolejny podobny atak po ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "zamachu w Suruç", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "20685047"} {"context_title": "Moldovan president tells NATO over half a million Moldovans held hostage in separatist Transnistria", "context_date": "April 4, 2008", "context_left": "In his speech at NATO's ", "context_right": " on Thursday, the President of Moldova Vladimir Voronin asked for international support in solving the Transnistrian conflict and in overcoming polemics with regard to Moldova's national identity and present borders.", "mention": "2008 Bucharest summit", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2718864"} {"context_title": "Bouw Eurostadion opnieuw vertraagd", "context_date": "28 maart 2017", "context_left": "Door het euvel wordt de bouw naar alle waarschijnlijkheid opnieuw uitgesteld. Daarmee komen de geplande opening in 2020 en de openingsmatch van het ", "context_right": " in gevaar.", "mention": "EK voetbal", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "373501"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail, July 2012", "context_date": "August 5, 2012", "context_left": "Following the July 20 Aurora shooting, both Obama and Romney suspended campaign rhetoric out of respect to the victims. The next week, foreign policy came to the forefront as Romney embarked on an international tour to meet with foreign leaders. While in London, ahead of the 2012 Summer Olympics, Romney suggested the city was not ready for the event, which prompted British Prime Minister David Cameron to argue that London is \"one of the busiest, most active, bustling cities anywhere in the world\" and that, as with Romney's 2002 Salt Lake City games, \"it is easier if you hold an Olympic Games in the middle of nowhere.\" After this, Romney visited Israel, where he met with Prime Minister Benjamin Netanyahu, President Shimon Peres, and Palestinian Prime Minister Salam Fayyad, and voiced his support for Israeli actions against Iran to prevent nuclear proliferation in that nation. Romney received some criticism after a meeting in Israel in which he argued that cultural differences impacted the economic disparity between Israel and its neighbors. He completed his trip in Poland, where he received a warm reception, and endorsed a missile defense system in the nation that President Obama scrapped in 2009. In response to the trip, Obama spokesman Robert Gibbs argued that Romney \"both offended our closest ally and triggered a troubling reaction in the most sensitive region of the world...He certainly didn't prove to anyone that he passed the commander-in-chief test.\" The Obama campaign announced at the end of the month that former President Bill Clinton would be given a prime-time slot at September's Democratic ", "context_right": ", while San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro was slated to deliver the keynote address. On July 31, Obama led Romney in the national \"RealClearPolitics\" average, 47.0 percent to 45.0 percent.", "mention": "National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2104713"} {"context_title": "Sandra Fluke featured speaker at Democratic National Convention", "context_date": "September 7, 2012", "context_left": "Women's rights advocate and Georgetown University Law Center graduate Sandra Fluke was a featured speaker Wednesday at the ", "context_right": " in Charlotte, North Carolina. ", "mention": "2012 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2104713"} {"context_title": "Taifun Songda verschont Philippinen", "context_date": "30.05.2011", "context_left": "Der bisher stärkste Sturm der diesjährigen Taifunsaison gelangte somit über kühleres Wasser, wodurch die Transition in ein außertropisches Frontensystem einsetzte. Den Prognosen zufolge wird der Sturm keine hohen Windgeschwindigkeiten mehr entwickeln, wenn er etwa 150 bis 200 km südlich des ", "context_right": " vorüberzieht, möglich sind jedoch starke Niederschläge, auch im Zusammenhang mit dem jahreszeitlich bedingten Südwestmonsun.", "mention": "havarierten Kernkraftwerkes Fukushima", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Россия может восстановить военную базу на Кубе", "context_date": "16 июля 2014", "context_left": "Тогда — в октябре 1962 года, действия советский военных и политиков на Кубе ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "едва не привели к полномасштабной глобальной ядерной катастрофе", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "128160"} {"context_title": "Сколари снят с поста главного тренера сборной Бразилии", "context_date": "14 июля 2014", "context_left": "Сколари назначен на пост тренера в начале 2012 года и под его наставничеством национальная сборная выигрыла ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Кубок Конфедераций 2013", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "220231"} {"context_title": "Двадесет шест година од хаварије у Чернобиљу", "context_date": "26. април 2012.", "context_left": " (Beta-AP) - Украјинци у четвртак обележавају 26. годишњицу ", "context_right": ", најгоре нуклеарне несреће у светској историји.", "mention": "хаварије у нуклеарној електрани у Чернобиљу", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Zemřel Fidel Castro", "context_date": "26. listopad 2016", "context_left": "Vláda Fidela Castra na Kubě překonala i USA vedenou ", "context_right": ", Karibskou krizi, vražedné spiknutí a desetiletí trvající ekonomické sankce. Ale Castro se dožil i oznámení obnovení diplomatických vztahů Washingtonu s Havanou a následné návštěvy prezidenta USA Baracka Obamy v březnu letošního roku.", "mention": "invazi v Zátoce sviní", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "191721"} {"context_title": "Greece wins 2005 Eurovision song contest", "context_date": "May 22, 2005", "context_left": "The ", "context_right": " was won yesterday by the entry from Greece, Helena Paparizou, singing \"My Number One\", second place going to the entry from Malta and third place going to Romania.", "mention": "Eurovision Song Contest 2005", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10151"} {"context_title": "Türkisches Parlament macht den Weg frei für Militäraktionen im Nordirak", "context_date": "17.10.2007", "context_left": "Die NATO sowie US-Präsident Bush hatten die Türkei eindringlich vor einem solchen Schritt gewarnt. Die Beziehungen zwischen den USA und der Türkei sind auch wegen einer Resolution des US-Kongresses gegen den ", "context_right": " während des Ersten Weltkrieges gespannt. Die US-Regierung distanzierte sich jedoch von der Resolution. Am Donnerstag der letzten Woche hatte die türkische Regierung ihren Botschafter in der US-Hauptstadt zu Konsultationen über die Resolution nach Ankara beordert. Am vergangenen Samstag hatten zwei hochrangige US-Diplomaten in der türkischen Hauptstadt Gespräche mit Vertretern der türkischen Regierung geführt, bei denen die Besorgnis der USA über die türkischen Invasionspläne zum Ausdruck gebracht worden war.", "mention": "Genozid an den Armeniern", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "Ecuador vence a México y lo elimina de la Copa America 2015", "context_date": "19 de junio de 2015", "context_left": "Ecuador se enfrentó a México por la tercera fecha de la fase de grupos de la ", "context_right": ". El partido se disputó en el Estadio El Teniente de la ciudad de Rancagua. El resultado final fue de dos tantos contra uno a favor de Ecuador y de esta forma elimino a México de la copa. ", "mention": "Copa América 2015", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1129985"} {"context_title": "Guanyu Zhou kierowcą Alfy Romeo w sezonie 2022", "context_date": "16 listopada 2021", "context_left": "Chińczyk będzie kolegą zespołowym Valtteriego Bottasa, którego Alfa Romeo potwierdziła we wrześniu. Tym samym szwajcarski zespół będzie miał nowy skład kierowców na sezon 2022. Zatrudnienie chińskiego kierowcy oznacza, że w:Antonio Giovinazzi pożegna się z zespołem. Był pierwszym włoskim kierowcą wyścigowym Formuły 1 od 2011. Najlepszy występ zanotował w ", "context_right": ", gdzie Włoch zajął piąte miejsce. W tegorocznym sezonie zapunktował tylko w Grand Prix Monako, gdzie zajął dziesiąte miejsce. ", "mention": "Grand Prix Brazylii 2019", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "61366499"} {"context_title": "中国大陆举行中国人民志愿军抗美援朝出国作战70周年纪念大会", "context_date": "2020年10月24日", "context_left": "10月23日,北京人民大会堂举行「中国人民志愿军", "context_right": "出国作战70周年纪念大会」,中共中央總書記、中央軍委主席習近平、中國國務院總理李克強等中共中央政治局常委,中國國家副主席王岐山和一批曾參加抗美援朝的老兵出席。大會由李克強主持,習近平在會上發表講話。", "mention": "抗美援朝", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Zweden stopt met strafrechtelijke vervolging Assange", "context_date": "19 mei 2017", "context_left": "Assange is vooral bekend geworden als de oprichter van de klokkenluidersite WikiLeaks. Hij wordt sinds een aantal jaar door de VS gezocht wegens het publiekelijk vrijgeven van het filmpje \"", "context_right": "\", met schokkende beelden van een Amerikaans bombardement in Bagdad uit 2007. Hij werd er in de vandaag ingetrokken aanklacht van beschuldigd in Zweden zeven jaar geleden twee vrouwen te hebben verkracht. Zelf beweert Assange dat er sprake was van seks op vrijwillige basis; de aanklacht zou in werkelijkheid een voorwendsel zijn om hem alsnog aan de VS uit te kunnen leveren. ", "mention": "Collateral Murder", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "1788040"} {"context_title": "Two students in Germany accused of plotting a school attack", "context_date": "November 19, 2007", "context_left": "One of the suspects, age 17, killed himself on Friday after a confrontation with a high school teacher and police officers. The plot was uncovered when a school principal had discovered a Web page the 17-year old suspect had created, showcasing material that glorified the two perpetrators of the ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "Columbine High School massacre", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "473845"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Ιρλανδίας νίκησε την Εθνική Αρμενίας με σκορ 2-1", "context_date": "12 Οκτωβρίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Ιρλανδίας νίκησε την Εθνική Αρμενίας με σκορ 2:1 στην τελευταία αγωνιστική του Β' Ομίλου των Προκριματικών του ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου 2012", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Israeli company develops new radioactive waste conversion process", "context_date": "March 30, 2007", "context_left": "PGM was developed by EER with the help of Russian scientists from Russia's Kurchatov Institute research center, the Radon Institute in Russia, and Israel's Technion Institute. The company, founded in 2000, won the bid to clean up after the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "nuclear disaster at Chernobyl", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Two-time Eurovision entrant Edsilia Rombley discusses music, love, and her contrasting Contest experiences", "context_date": "March 3, 2009", "context_left": "When she was barely 20 years old, Dutch singer Edsilia Rombley got her first large taste of international acclaim. Already a winner of the smaller imitation contest \"Soundmix Show\", she decided to shoot higher. With a great deal of determination, she performed in front of hundreds of millions of television viewers at the ", "context_right": " in Birmingham, United Kingdom. Her song, the R&B flavored \"Hemel en aarde\" (\"Heaven and earth\"), placed fourth and gave her country their highest placing at Eurovision since their last win in 1975. No Dutch contestant after her has been able to place similarly.", "mention": "1998 Eurovision Song Contest", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "202110"} {"context_title": "138. rocznica śmierci poety Jana Nepomucena Jaśkowskiego", "context_date": "10 maja 2020", "context_left": "Jan Nepomucen Jaśkowski urodził się w 1807 roku w Wąchocku położonych na terenach zaboru rosyjskiego. Walczył w ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "powstaniu listopadowym", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "462964"} {"context_title": "Detienen a tres presuntos terroristas en Alemania", "context_date": "5 de septiembre de 2007", "context_left": "También afirmó que el atentado estaba planeado para la próxima semana, seis años después de los ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "atentados terroristas del 11 de septiembre", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Honduras triunfa ante Costa Rica en la final, y se corona Campeón Centroamericano 2011", "context_date": "23 de enero de 2011", "context_left": "Honduras triunfó ante Costa Rica, 2-1, en el partido final de la ", "context_right": " de la UNCAF(Unión Centroamericana de Fútbol), en el estadio Rommel Fernández. El marcador del encuentro lo abrió Honduras, con un gol en el minuto ocho, de Wálter Martínez.", "mention": "Copa Centroamericana de Naciones", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "959986"} {"context_title": "В Цхинвале прошло мероприятие в честь 28-й годовщины вывода войск из Афганистана", "context_date": "15 февраля 2017", "context_left": "День памяти о советских гражданах, которые выполняли служебный долг за пределами Отечества, отметили в Южной Осетии. Это дата приурочена к годовщине ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "вывода советских войск из Афганистана", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "509561"} {"context_title": "Director of design for the 2010 Winter Olympics dies suddenly at 40", "context_date": "August 23, 2009", "context_left": "The director of design for the 2010 Winter Olympics being held in Vancouver, Leo Obstbaum, has passed away suddenly in his home. He designed both of the mascots as well as the medals for next year's games. Obstbaum previously designed the wardrobe for the anniversary of the Barcelona Olympic and ", "context_right": ". He joined VANOC as director of design in June 2006. ", "mention": "Paralympic summer games", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "855684"} {"context_title": "2011 ECHO ödülleri sahiplerini buldu", "context_date": "2011/03/26", "context_left": "Gecenin favori adaylarından Unheilig gösterildiği altı adaylığın üçünü kazandı. Grup, ulusal alternatif rock, yılın prodüksiyonu, yılın albümü kategorilerinde ödüle layık görüldü. Törende ", "context_right": " birincisi Lena “\"Yeni Çıkış Yapan Şarkıcı\"“ ile “\"Yılın Ulusal Kadın Sanatçısı\"“ ödüllerinin sahibi oldu. Genç şarkıcı Lena, 2011 Eurovision Şarkı Yarışmasında tekrardan ülkesini temsil etmeye hazırlanıyor.", "mention": "2010 Eurovision Şarkı Yarışması", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "10158"} {"context_title": "Иран создаёт ореол мученика вокруг казнённого ИГ стража исламской революции", "context_date": "14 сентября 2017", "context_left": "Издание Al-Monitor пишет: иранские лидеры осознали, что для выживания шиитского государства во враждебном суннитском окружении нужны мощные инструменты пропаганды, мобилизующие население. Так, во время ", "context_right": " в 1980-х годах широко использовалась история 13-летнего подростка Хоссейна Фахмидеха, который ушёл воевать. Утверждается, что он с гранатами бросился под вражеский танк, остановив его. На примере его жертвы воспитывались поколения иранцев, та война в Иране получила название «Священная оборона». Война также показала, что Тегерану нужны региональные союзники — тогда светский режим Сирии поддержал теократов Ирана. Поэтому, когда сирийское правительство в 2011 году столкнулось со смертельной угрозой, Иран направил помощь Башару Асаду. Иран является важным союзником сирийского правительства, он поддерживает его с самого начала войны. С 2015 года к нему присоединилась Россия. Асад неоднократно выражал признательность Ирану и России.", "mention": "войны с Ираком", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "82664"} {"context_title": "Осуђени генерали, акција Олуја - злочиначки подухват", "context_date": "15. април 2011.", "context_left": "Према пресуди, Готовина (53), који је заповедао ", "context_right": ", и Маркач (53), као командант специјалне полиције, били су чланови удруженог злочиначког подухвата, који је предводио тадашњи хрватски председник Фрањо Туђман, а чији је циљ било протеривање српског становништва из Книнске крајине, што је био навод оптужнице. Готовина и Маркач проглашени су кривим за прогон, депортацију, пљачку, убиства, безобзирно уништавање, нехумана дела и окрутни третман српског становништва у Крајини, од почетка августа до краја септембра 1995. године.", "mention": "Олујом", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "769377"} {"context_title": "Después del día incierto de ensayos de Eurovisión, UER colocará sanciones contra España", "context_date": "15 de mayo de 2009", "context_left": " Después de un tenso día de ensayos, durante el cual la cadena española Radiotelevisión Española (RTVE) dijo públicamente que la Unión Europea de Radiodifusión (UER) no impondría sanciones por no transmitir la segunda semifinal de ", "context_right": " en vivo, la UER ha redactado un comunicado oficial contradiciendo a RTVE en donde anuncia que se impondrán sanciones a España. La representante de este año y anterior finalista de \"Operación Triunfo\", Soraya Arnelas, no se verá afectada por la decisión de la UER y podrá presetar su canción \"\"La noche es para mí\"\" en Moscú el sábado, como se había programado.", "mention": "Eurovisión", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10157"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel zwycięzcą Grand Prix Australii", "context_date": "25 marca 2018", "context_left": "Sebastian Vettel został zwycięzcą pierwszego wyścigu Formuły 1, ", "context_right": ". Kierowca Ferrari wyprzedził o 5,036 sek. Lewisa Hamiltona (Mercedes) i o 6,309 sek. Kimiego Räikkönena.", "mention": "Grand Prix Australii", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "45047629"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2007 Japanese Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 30, 2007", "context_left": "Vodafone McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton starting from pole wins the FIA Formula-1 2007 Japanese Grand Prix at the Fuji Speedway, Oyama, Japan. It was the first race on this circuit since ", "context_right": ", when James Hunt won the race for McLaren-Ford.", "mention": "1977", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "171646"} {"context_title": "How the Army Corps of Engineers closed one New Orleans breach", "context_date": "September 9, 2005", "context_left": "After Category 4 storm ", "context_right": " slammed into New Orleans, on the night before August 29, 2005, several flood control constructions failed. Much of the city flooded through the openings. One of these was the flood wall forming one side of the 17th Street Canal, near Lake Pontchartrain. The U.S. Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) is the primary agency for engineering support during such emergencies. A USACE team was assessing the situation in New Orleans on the 29th, water flow was stopped September 2nd, and the breach was closed on September 5th.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "El cuarto sábado de protestas de los "chalecos amarillos" en Francia deja más de mil detenidos y cien heridos", "context_date": "9 de diciembre de 2018", "context_left": "Mientras que la alcaldesa parisina, Anne Hidalgo, lamentó las \"escenas de caos\" y los daños en la ciudad, el primer ministro, Édouard Philippe, llamó a la reanudación del diálogo y prometió que el gobierno anunciará \"medidas\". El presiente, Emmanuel Macron, que no ha hablado en público desde su regreso a Francia el domingo pasado tras participar en la ", "context_right": ", dará un discurso televisado, según informó el Palacio del Elíseo. De acuerdo con fuentes citadas por \"France 24\", \"podría anunciar medidas a favor del poder adquisitivo y la justicia fiscal\".", "mention": "cumbre del G-20 en Buenos Aires", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "24036383"} {"context_title": "訃報 佐伯旭氏 - シャープ元社長「中興の祖」", "context_date": "2010年3月13日", "context_left": "広島県出身。1935年に早川金属工業研究所(現在のシャープ)に入社。1958年に専務に就任して以降、会社経営の中枢を担うようになった。1970年、創業者の早川徳次氏の後任として2代目社長に就任。社名をシャープに改めたほか、同年の", "context_right": "への参加を見送り、参加資金を研究開発拠点建設に用いた。以後、1986年に会長となるまで16年にわたり社長職を務める。1973年に液晶事業を開始、また半導体事業を促進し、一介の町工場であったシャープを世界的な総合電機メーカーへ成長させた。町田勝彦・現シャープ会長は女婿。", "mention": "大阪万博", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "1119956"} {"context_title": "Визначились перші чвертьфіналісти ЄВРО 2012", "context_date": "17 червня 2012", "context_left": "Першими до чвертьфіналу ", "context_right": " потрапили збірні Чехії та Греції, які вчора, 16 червня, перемогли своїх суперників з однаковими рахунками 1:0. ", "mention": "Чемпіонату Європи з футболу", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Präsident Trump und der Hurrikan", "context_date": "16.09.2019", "context_left": "Tatsächlich war Hurrikan Dorian der vierte Kategorie-5-Hurrikan, der amerikanisches Staatsgebiet gefährdete, seitdem Trump im Amt ist. Im September 2017 war Hurrikan Irma auf die Ostküste getroffen und hat das Leben in neun Bundesstaaten beeinträchtigt. Nur wenige Tage später verwüstete ", "context_right": " das Überseegebiet Puerto Rico derart, dass die Bewohner noch heute mit den Folgen zu kämpfen haben. Hurrikan Michael traf im Oktober 2018 auf Florida.", "mention": "Hurrikan Maria", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "40178187"} {"context_title": "German migrant rescue charity renames ship after drowned Syrian toddler", "context_date": "February 12, 2019", "context_left": "Kurdi, his brother, and his mother were among eleven migrants who died in a storm on the Mediterranean Sea in 2015; they had, his surviving father says, paid people smugglers to take them from Turkey to Greece in a small inflatable boat. A photograph of his remains on a Turkish beach drew widespread attention. The accident happened during the height of the ", "context_right": ", which saw a large spike in immigration to the continent.", "mention": "European migrant crisis", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "20857240"} {"context_title": "Inicia gira multimedia por Bicentenario de México", "context_date": "5 de mayo de 2010", "context_left": "El evento se realizó en el Campo Marte, al que acudieron invitados del gobierno federal. La proyección narró mediante una combinación de técnicas de cine, animación y video la historia de México, combinando además pirotecnia, luces y fuego. La narrativa inició en las culturas de Mesoamérica, pasando por la Conquista de México, la independencia, la revolución mexicana y escenas representativas del siglo XX como el movimiento estudiantil de 1968, el ", "context_right": " o el levantamiento zapatista de 1994. La parte final, la de 2010, mostró fotografías y videos de los mexicanos de la actualidad, concluyendo con la interpretación de la canción típica México lindo y querido por el cantante Pepe Aguilar.", "mention": "sismo de 1985", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1798567"} {"context_title": "Expo 2015, la fame del pianeta al centro dell'attenzione", "context_date": "7 febbraio 2011", "context_left": "L'", "context_right": " archivia (nonostante le nubi ancora non diradate sulla questione dei terreni di Rho) la fase delle polemiche e dei contrasti e inizia ad affrontare il suo tema centrale: \"Nutrire il pianeta\". ", "mention": "Expo 2015", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "210022"} {"context_title": "Концерт Rolling Stones в Гаване собрал 500 тысяч зрителей", "context_date": "27 марта 2016", "context_left": "25 марта 2016 года концерт группы \"The Rolling Stones\" в Гавене собрал до 500 тысяч зрителей и стал самым массовым зрелищем на Кубе со времён ", "context_right": ", произошедшей там в 1959 году.", "mention": "революции", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "11264"} {"context_title": "La selección de fútbol de Togo fue suspendida por dos años de la Copa África", "context_date": "30 de enero de 2010", "context_left": "La Confederación Africana de Fútbol (CAF) suspendió por dos años a la selección de fútbol de Togo por \"interferencia gubernamental\". El equipo africano, que sufrió un atentado en el que fallecieron tres integrantes de su delegación, se retiró de la ", "context_right": " de este año tras una orden del gobierno togolés.", "mention": "Copa África", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "83157"} {"context_title": "Minister Ollongren wil haast zetten achter afschaffing van het referendum", "context_date": "5 december 2017", "context_left": "De regering wil het raadgevende referendum afschaffen omdat het niet heeft \"gebracht wat ervan werd verwacht, onder meer door een controverse over de wijze van aanvragen en verschillende interpretaties van de uitslag.\" Op dit moment staat er nog één referendum gepland: in maart 2018 kan de bevolking zich uitspreken over de Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten 2017, ook wel de \"sleepwet\" genoemd. Tot nog toe is er in Nederland nog maar één keer een referendum gehouden. Dat was in april 2016 over het ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Associatieovereenkomst tussen de Europese Unie en Oekraïne", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "21117876"} {"context_title": "Ministra francesa afirma "é possível que Bush esteja por trás dos Ataques de 11 de Setembro"", "context_date": "7 de julho de 2007", "context_left": "A Ministra Francesa da Moradia Christine Boutin, causou surpresa quando numa entrevista disse acreditar na possibilidade de o Presidente dos EUA George W. Bush estar envolvido nos eventos do ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Ataques de 11 de setembro de 2001", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Triumf Francji na Mistrzostwach Świata w Piłce Ręcznej Mężczyzn 2015", "context_date": "1 lutego 2015", "context_left": "Reprezentacja Francji po raz piąty została mistrzem świata w piłce ręcznej mężczyzn. W finale rozgrywanych w Katarze ", "context_right": " \"Trójkolorowi\" pokonali gospodarzy turnieju wynikiem 25–22 (I połowa: 14–11). Dzięki temu zwycięstwu Francja zapewniła sobie udział w igrzyskach olimpijskich.", "mention": "mistrzostw", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "1188017"} {"context_title": "Kucinich to run for U.S. president", "context_date": "December 11, 2006", "context_left": "The congressman made his decision to run, according to a written statement, because he felt his own party's leadership was not aggressive enough in opposing the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Iraq war", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Al-Qaida droht mit neuen Anschlägen", "context_date": "04.08.2005", "context_left": "Für die ", "context_right": " machte al-Zawahri den britischen Premierminister Tony Blair verantwortlich. Osama bin Ladens Stellvertreter richtete sich in dieser Videobotschaft erstmals direkt gegen die von Premierminister Tony Blair betriebene Politik: „Blairs Politik hat euch Zerstörung im Zentrum Londons gebracht und wird euch noch mehr Zerstörung bringen.“ London erlebte in den vergangen Wochen zwei Anschlagsserien, bei denen insgesamt mehr als 50 Menschen starben.", "mention": "Zerstörungen in London", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "עשרות נהרגו בפיגוע בעיראק", "context_date": "12 בדצמבר 2006", "context_left": "לפחות 57 בני אדם נהרגו ומעל 150 אנשים נפצעו, בשני פיצוצים בכיכר טיירן, מרכז בגדאד. הפצצה הראשונה היתה ברכב שדווח שהתקרב למכונית משטרה. כחצי דקה מאוחר יותר, מיניבוס התפוצץ, סמוך לפיצוץ הראשון. על פי עדויות שונות, הנהג של המיניבוס, הכריז שיש לו עבודה, כדי לאסוף סביבו יותר אנשים לפני שהתפוצץ. הפיצוצים ארעו סמוך לשעה 7:00 בבוקר, שעון עיראק, בכיכר שאליה מגיעים מובטלים רבים כל בוקר כדי לחפש עבודה. בנוסף הכיכר סמוכה למספר משרדי ממשלה, והוותה בעבר יעד למספר פיגועים מאז ", "context_right": ". לדברי המשטרה, השתמשו בלפחות 150 קילו של חומר נפץ בפיגוע.", "mention": "תחילת הלחימה בעיראק", "context_lang": "he", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Un contadino ha spostato per sbaglio il confine nazionale tra Francia e Belgio", "context_date": "4 maggio 2021", "context_left": "Il fattore si sarebbe giustificato sostenendo di aver spostato la pietra per poter far passare il proprio trattore sul terreno. Il confine tra le due nazioni, che misura circa 620km, è stato concordato e ufficializzato con il trattato di Courtrai, firmato nel 1820, cinque anni dopo la sconfitta di Napoleone a ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Waterloo", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "48314"} {"context_title": "López Obrador asume la presidencia de México", "context_date": "1 de diciembre de 2018", "context_left": "Posteriormente intervinieron, hasta por diez minutos, legisladores en representación de los grupo parlamentario del Congreso. Raúl Bolaños Cacho Cué, del Partido Verde Ecologista de México, indicó que \"Es tiempo de actuar en unidad en beneficio del país. [...] Está en nuestras manos consolidar esta cuarta transformación\", esto último en referencia la cuarta transformación que promete López Obrador, un profundo cambio del país precedido por la Revolución, la Guerra de Reforma y la ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Independencia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "68750"} {"context_title": "Rick Santorum drops U.S. presidential bid", "context_date": "April 11, 2012", "context_left": "Nevertheless, Newt Gingrich is vying for Santorum's supporters. In a statement, he announced his plans to remain in the race until the August ", "context_right": " in Tampa, Florida, and asked Santorum supporters \"to visit Newt.org to review my conservative record and join us as we bring these values to Tampa.\"", "mention": "2012 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8462432"} {"context_title": "US consumer confidence up", "context_date": "December 29, 2005", "context_left": "Consumer confidence rose in December to levels closer to those before huricane ", "context_right": " according to the Conference Board Consumer Research Center's consumer confidence index. The index was at 105.5 before the huricane hit the port of New Orleans disrupting oil production and trade for a large part of the country. The index was at 102.7 in December last year.", "mention": "Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Прекинута утакмица Србије и Албаније", "context_date": "14. октобар 2014.", "context_left": "(Бета) - Утакмица фудбалских репрезентација Србије и Албаније у Београду, у квалификацијама за ", "context_right": " године и званично је у уторак увече прекинута, након што су се играчи обе екипе сукобили на терену.", "mention": "Европско првенство 2016.", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "189571"} {"context_title": "107. rocznica śmierci bajkopisarza Juliana Wieniawskiego", "context_date": "23 września 2019", "context_left": "Julian Wieniawski urodził się 5 lutego 1834 roku w Lublinie położonego na terenach zaboru rosyjskiego. Julian Wieniawski był starszym bratem najsłynniejszego polskiego skrzypka i zawarzem kompozytowa Henryka Wieniawskiego. W młodości uczestniczył w ", "context_right": ", po jego upadku wyemigrował za granicę, gdzie studiował ekonomię i prawo. Po powrocie do kraju w 1865 roku został aresztowany i więziony w Cytadeli Warszawskiej. Był jednym z założycieli i dyrektorem od 1872 roku Towarzystwa Wzajemnego Kredytu w Warszawie. W 1872 roku opublikował zbiór szkiców „Wędrówki delegata”. W swoich utworach nawiązywał do tradycji gawędy szlacheckiej. Zmarł 23 września 1912 roku w Warszawie i jego twórczość po II wojnie światowej popadła w zapomnienie. ", "mention": "powstaniu styczniowym", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "473670"} {"context_title": "IAEA-Generaldirektor fordert „Stresstests“ für alle 440 Kernkraftwerke weltweit", "context_date": "20.06.2011", "context_left": "Ziel der Maßnahme ist nach seinen Worten die Wiederherstellung des Vertrauens in die Kernenergie, die durch die ", "context_right": " verloren gegangen sei. ", "mention": "Ereignisse von Fukushima", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Un año después de su elección, Tokio pasa apuros por los Juegos Olímpicos", "context_date": "8 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "En su presentación ante el COI el día de la elección, Tokio garantizó que la situación de ", "context_right": " no afectaría los Juegos, apelaron a la vida interna del COI afirmando que un eventual Tokio 2020 conllevaría una mejora a los valores olímpicos y expusieron la solidaridad y la recuperación de Japón tras el catastrófico terremoto y tsunami de 2011. Esto y los informes sobre las ciudades fueron más que suficientes para decidir a los miembros del COI.", "mention": "Fukushima", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Милицию предлагается переименовать в полицию", "context_date": "8 августа 2010", "context_left": "Надо отметить, что фраза «Ещё со времен ", "context_right": "…» вносит некоторую двусмысленность. Ведь широко известно, что в Российской Империи полиция была отменена сразу после Февральской буржуазно-демократической революции. Поэтому ссылка на времена Октябрьской революции в данном контексте может ввести в заблуждение людей, плохо знакомых с историей родного государства. Как-никак, а между февралём и октябрём ещё 7 месяцев есть.", "mention": "Октябрьской революции", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "42976"} {"context_title": "American poker player Chip Reese dies at age 56", "context_date": "December 5, 2007", "context_left": "Reese is generally considered a legend in the world of poker. In 1991, he became the youngest living player to be inducted into the Poker Hall of Fame. His last major win came at the ", "context_right": ", where he won US$1,784,640 in the HORSE event.", "mention": "2006 World Series of Poker", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2000240"} {"context_title": "Shimon Peres discusses the future of Israel", "context_date": "January 9, 2008", "context_left": "DS: A criticism of the Arab states is that back in the 1990s they had squandered the wealth that they were making on the high oil price because they had not invested it wisely. It seems that that has changed, that the Arabs are creating these new wealth funds and that much of the money that is generated in the Middle East is now coming from Arab states. Are you worried that Israel will become increasingly marginalized in the Middle East? Right now it’s very ", "context_right": " focused or Iran-focused or the Emirates around the Gulf with their money.", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Американские сенаторы предлагают создать в Ираке автономную провинцию для христиан", "context_date": "30 января 2015", "context_left": "26 января 2015 года силы курдского ополчения YPG ", "context_right": " сирийский город Айн аль-Араб (Кобани) недалеко от турецкой границы. Очистить город от боевиков «Исламского государства» (ИГ) удалось после нескольких месяцев боёв.", "mention": "окончательно взяли под контроль", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "18071930"} {"context_title": "Abkhazia to close border with Georgia following bomb blasts", "context_date": "June 30, 2008", "context_left": "Abkhazia broke away from Georgia after the ", "context_right": " when separatists defeated Georgian forces and commenced a campaign of ethnic cleansing of Georgians in Abkhazia.", "mention": "early 1990s war", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1209169"} {"context_title": "Australian PM to be snubbed by up to six Irish MPs", "context_date": "May 23, 2006", "context_left": "When Australian Prime Minister John Howard speaks to Ireland's Dail (lower house) later today Irish Time up to six members will not be in attendance to protest Australia's involvement in the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "invasion of Iraq", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Chávez pide cambio de sede y cuestiona las reformas a la ONU", "context_date": "16 de septiembre de 2005", "context_left": "El mandatario venezolano manifestó también su preocupación por la frecuencia con que huracanes como ", "context_right": " causan grandes catástrofes y dijo que se debe al calentamiento global. Aprovechó para expresar su solidaridad con las víctimas.", "mention": "Katrina", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "南部スーダンが独立し「南スーダン」に - アフリカ54番目の国家", "context_date": "2011年7月9日", "context_left": "読売新聞によると、ほぼ半世紀にわたって繰り広げられた", "context_right": "を終結させた2005年1月の南北包括和平合意によって定められた移行期間が、この時刻をもって終了したもの。アフリカ系キリスト教徒が中心勢力であるスーダン南部の住民らは、アフリカ54番目の国家として、悲願であった独立を手にした。", "mention": "内戦", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "842380"} {"context_title": "Сећање на трагедију у Чернобиљу", "context_date": "26. април 2011.", "context_left": " (VOA) - Априла 26, 1986, најтежа нуклеарна несрећа у историји, догодила се у ", "context_right": ". Зрачење после експлозије реактора, проширило се по великим деловима северне и централне Европе. После несреће, око Чернобиља је успостављена зона пречника 30 километара у коју је забрањен улазак, тако да је град саграђен за смештај радника електране и њихових породица, потпуно запечаћен. Упркос томе што је разорени реактор прекривен дебелим слојем бетона, на 25. годишњицу експлозије, електрана је и даље опасна због радијације.", "mention": "нуклеарној електрани у Чернобиљу", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Bush verspricht gigantisches Wiederaufbauprogramm für New Orleans", "context_date": "16.09.2005", "context_left": " In einer vielbeachteten Rede an die Nation hat sich der amerikanische Präsident George W. Bush vom zerstörten New Orleans aus an seine Landsleute gewandt. Nach der zum Teil heftigen Kritik an der schwerfälligen Organisation der Hilfsmaßnahmen für die vom Hurrikan „", "context_right": "“ zerstörte Stadt New Orleans im Südosten der USA und sinkender Zustimmung der Bevölkerung für die Politik des US-Präsidenten war dies die erste Rede, mit der sich der Präsident direkt an die Nation wandte.", "mention": "Katrina", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Новый пакет помощи Греции принят", "context_date": "22 июля 2011", "context_left": "Лидеры европейских стран утвердили еще один пакет мер, призванных предотвратить ", "context_right": " по огромной государственной задолженности и стабилизировать евро.", "mention": "дефолт Греции", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "217197"} {"context_title": "Un terremoto de 7.2 estremece el centro y sur de México", "context_date": "17 de febrero de 2018", "context_left": "\"Obviamente, la gente tiene miedo\", dijo el jefe de respuesta a emergencias de la ciudad de Puebla, Gustavo Ariza. El nuevo temblor se produce menos de seis meses después de los terremotos devastadores del año pasado en el centro y sur de México. El ", "context_right": ", la mayoría en los estados de Oaxaca y Chiapas.", "mention": "7 de septiembre del año pasado, un terremoto de 8.2 sacudió la nación y mató a 96 personas", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "38982786"} {"context_title": "Man posthumously marries Legion of Honour recipient in France", "context_date": "June 2, 2017", "context_left": "Jugelé had a civil partnership with Cardiles. Jugelé was a campaigner for gay rights, and as an officer worked in Paris since 2014. He also was deployed in the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "November 2015 Paris attacks", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "21479779"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton zwycięzcą Grand Prix Eifelu", "context_date": "11 października 2020", "context_left": "Sześciokrotny mistrz świata, Lewis Hamilton z Mercedesa zwyciężył w jedenastym wyścigu sezonu 2020, Grand Prix Eifelu na torze Nürburgring. Brytyjczyk odniósł 91. zwycięstwo, tym samym wyrównując rekord zwycięstw Michaela Schumachera. Hamilton wyprzedził o 4,470 sekund Maksa Verstappena z Red Bull Racing, który na ostatnim okrążeniu uzyskał najszybsze okrążenie i zdobył dodatkowy punkt. Trzecie miejsce zdobył Daniel Ricciardo z zespołu Renault, który stracił do Anglika 14,613 sekund. Jest to pierwsze podium Renault po powrocie w 2016 i pierwsze podium dla ekipy od ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Grand Prix Malezji 2011", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "363838"} {"context_title": "Marc Wilmots wordt bondscoach van Ivoorkust", "context_date": "21 maart 2017", "context_left": "In de laatste ", "context_right": " werd Ivoorkust in de groepsfase al uitgeschakeld. De kersverse trainer staat dus een uitdaging te wachten.", "mention": "Africa Cup", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "1316347"} {"context_title": "Китаянка Цзюй Вэньцзюнь повела в матче за звание чемпиона мира по шахматам 2020 среди женщин", "context_date": "9 января 2020", "context_left": "Китаянка Цзюй Вэньцзюнь в ", "context_right": " в четвёртой партии выиграла белыми фигурами у россиянки Александры Горячкиной. Данная партия была сыграна в Шанхае. ", "mention": "матче за звание чемпионки мира по шахматам 2020", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "60526712"} {"context_title": "Venezuela derrota a Jamaica por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "6 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "En el primer partido de ambas selecciones en la ", "context_right": ", Venezuela le ganó a Jamaica por la mínima diferencia. El partido se disputó en Chicago, en el Solder Field. El tanto lo anotó a los quince minutos Josef Martínez. El partido no tuvo demasiadas jugadas de importancia excepto el gol y la expulsión de Rodolf Austin a los 23 minutos.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "ANZAC Day marked throughout NZ, AU", "context_date": "April 25, 2006", "context_left": "Meanwhile dawn services have been held throughout New Zealand. The numbers of veterans may be dwindling, but the numbers of those who come to pay their respects is not. In Auckland nearly 20,000 people attended the dawn service at the Auckland War Memorial Museum. During the service, a 62-year-old veteran of the ", "context_right": " died of a heart attack, falling face forward on to the concrete as the Last Post was sounded.", "mention": "Malayan campaign", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "696664"} {"context_title": "Democratic Party reaches deal over Florida and Michigan", "context_date": "June 1, 2008", "context_left": "The Democratic Party of the United States has reached a deal to seat primary delegates from Florida and Michigan at the ", "context_right": " in Denver, Colorado this August. The Democrats will seat all of the pledged delegates from both of the states, but will give each delegate only a half a vote. Hillary Clinton, who won the majority of the delegates in both of these states, will receive an additional 87 votes at the convention while Barack Obama will net 63 more votes. Despite Senator Clinton's gains, Senator Obama still has 176 more pledged delegates supporting him.", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel wins wet 2009 Chinese Grand Prix", "context_date": "April 19, 2009", "context_left": "Red Bull Racing driver Sebastian Vettel won the rainy ", "context_right": " Chinese Grand Prix at Shanghai International Circuit, Shanghai, China. His teammate Mark Webber came second with a substantial gap of more than 10 seconds. Vettel's first win for Toro Rosso was the wet race at Monza last year.", "mention": "2009", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172012"} {"context_title": "Bøkko tok sølv i allround-VM", "context_date": "10. februar 2008", "context_left": "<onlyinclude>Håvard Bøkko tok sølv under ", "context_right": " i Berlin i helgen, etter å ha gått en forrykende 10.000 meter.<onlyinclude>", "mention": "allround-VM på skøyter", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "663325"} {"context_title": "Suecia logra el bronce en el Mundial Femenino de la FIFA ganando a Inglaterra por 1 a 2", "context_date": "8 de julio de 2019", "context_left": "El pasado sábado, 6 de julio, la selección de Suecia venció por 1 a 2 a la selección de Inglaterra consiguiendo su tercer bronce en una Copa Mundial Femenina de la FIFA tras los conseguidos en las ediciones de ", "context_right": " y 2011. La selección inglesa no logró repetir el tercer puesto que había conseguido en la edición pasada, Canadá 2015. El partido se disputó en el Allianz Riviera ante espectadores y fue arbitrado por la rusa Anastasia Pustovoytova. ", "mention": "1991", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "459419"} {"context_title": "Insurgent commander Abu al-Tunisi declared dead in airstrike - one year after first report of death", "context_date": "September 28, 2007", "context_left": "The Tunisian militant had come to American attention during the ", "context_right": " in November 2004, and had overseen anti-aircraft missions and participated in the 2005 attack against Abu Ghraib. His death was reported by Abu al-Zarqawi's army on May 20, 2006 in an al-Hesbah communique later translated and released by FBI Terrorism consultant Evan Kohlmann. He was reportedly killed after a US helicopter attack in Yusufiyah killed him and four other insurgents.", "mention": "Second Battle of Fallujah", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1330136"} {"context_title": "В Китае снят введённый после «Фукусимы» запрет на строительство АЭС", "context_date": "25 октября 2012", "context_left": "Китай возобновляет программу по строительству атомных электростанций, которая была приостановлена после ", "context_right": " на АЭС «Фукусима-1» в Японии в 2011 году.", "mention": "аварии", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail, June 2012", "context_date": "July 5, 2012", "context_left": "According to North Star Opinion Research strategist Dan Judy, the endorsement was simply Paul's \"way of supporting the Republican team and hoping to curry some favor with the Romney folks in hopes of getting his dad a speaking slot at the ", "context_right": "\". Though Judy held that the pick would help Romney with those concerned about Romney's conservatism such as the \"hard core Tea Party base\", he sees Paul's political inexperience, questionable appeal to political independents and moderates, and the lack of any geographic advantage for the ticket as reasons that the scenario has \"virtually no shot\".", "mention": "convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8462432"} {"context_title": "Учасники Євробачення минулих років дають поради і прогнозують цьогорічних переможців", "context_date": "10 травня 2009", "context_left": "Це останнє інтерв'ю, яке проводять \"ВікіНовини\" до ", "context_right": ". Всі інтерв'ю проводилися , який завершить цей цикл ще одним інтерв'ю по закінченні конкурсу. Фінал Пісенного конкурсу Євробачення 2009 відбудеться 16 травня о 10 годині вечора за київським часом. Фінальні виступи транслюватимуться наживо по телебаченню і радіо в різних країнах. ", "mention": "Євробачення 2009", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "10157"} {"context_title": "Jewel in King Tut's necklace created by possible asteroid impact", "context_date": "July 25, 2006", "context_left": "Wasson also says the impact that created the jewel can be compared to the \"", "context_right": "\" that occurred in Tunguska, Siberia in 1908 causing at least 80 million trees to be flattened, but left no visible impact crater.", "mention": "Tunguska event", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "125953"} {"context_title": "G8-Demonstranten offenbar unter menschenunwürdigen Bedingungen inhaftiert", "context_date": "14.06.2007", "context_left": " Die Polizeikräfte, die den ", "context_right": " absicherten, haben nach Medienberichten inhaftierte Demonstranten in „Käfigen“ zusammengepfercht und unter menschenunwürdigen Bedingungen festgehalten. Die Beleuchtung sei auch in der Nacht nicht ausgeschaltet worden, viele G8-Demonstranten hätten ohne Iso-Matte auf dem Boden schlafen müssen und seien ohne Unterlass durch Videokameras gefilmt worden. Weder habe die Polizei Decken ausgeteilt noch hätten die Inhaftierten die Möglichkeit gehabt, zu duschen. Unterdessen ist eine Klage wegen Freiheitsberaubung und Rechtsbeugung gegen die verantwortlichen Sicherheitskräfte anhängig. Der Republikanische Anwälteverein (RAV) klagt nun gegen die Justiz.", "mention": "G8-Gipfel rund um Heiligendamm", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "819346"} {"context_title": "Sorge um Gedenktafel für abgestürzten „Rosinenbomber“", "context_date": "18.12.2005", "context_left": " Ein Berliner Bürger machte sich Sorgen um eine Gedenktafel an dem Haus Handjerystraße 2 in Berlin-Friedenau. Mit dieser Tafel gedachte man am 11. Mai 1979 zwei US-amerikanischen Piloten, die nach einem Absturz eines so genannten „Rosinenbombers“ am 25. Juli 1948 ums Leben kamen. Rosinenbomber nannte man Flugzeuge, die mittels einer Luftbrücke die Versorgung der Stadt während der ", "context_right": " der Sowjetunion aufrecht erhielten. Nachdem das Haus renoviert wurde, kehrte die Tafel nicht an den angestammten Platz zurück. Die Hausverwaltung versicherte, dass die Gedenktafel noch existiere und wieder an den alten Platz zurückkehre. Eine „offene architektonische Frage“ sei der Grund für die verzögerte Wiederanbringung.", "mention": "Berlin-Blockade", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "151349"} {"context_title": "Demonstraties in Londen, gemeentehuis Kensington bestormd", "context_date": "16 juni 2017", "context_left": "Naar aanleiding van de ", "context_right": " zijn er vandaag op meerdere plekken Centraal- en West-Londen woedende demonstranten massaal de straat opgegaan. Ze droegen spandoeken met daarop teksten als \"Gerechtigheid voor Grenfell\" en \"Wij zijn hun stem\". Ook riepen sommigen dat premier Theresa May moest aftreden. Eerder op de dag waren er op twee plekken in West-Londen afzonderlijke demonstraties begonnen, die later tot één grote demonstratie samenvloeiden.", "mention": "afbranden van de Grenfell Tower deze week", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "30274958"} {"context_title": "Российскую молодёжную сборную по хоккею сняли с рейса", "context_date": "7 января 2011", "context_left": "Молодёжную хоккейную команду России сняли с рейса авиакомпании «Дельта» в Атланту — после того, как сотрудники авиакомпании сочли, что юные спортсмены перебрали во время празднования своей победы на ", "context_right": ", завершившегося в американском городе Буффало.", "mention": "чемпионате мира по хоккею среди молодёжных команд", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1317191"} {"context_title": "Сборная России по футболу в товарищеском матче крупно обыграла сборную Азербайджана", "context_date": "3 сентября 2014", "context_left": "3 сентября 2014 года в товарищеском матче по футболу в Химках сборная России одержала крупную победу над сборной Азербайджана со счётом 4:0. Этот матч для сборной России был в некотором смысле подготовительным перед квалификацией ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "чемпионата Европы по футболу 2016 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "189571"} {"context_title": "Oil price falls on inventory report", "context_date": "September 8, 2005", "context_left": "Crude oil prices fell by $0.32, to $63.95 a barrel, after a report showed lower than expected losses in oil supplies due to ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "'Twin Towers' warship set to enter New York", "context_date": "November 3, 2009", "context_left": "A warship built with steel from the World Trade Center is set to enter New York and travel up the Hudson River to the site of Ground Zero. 7.5 tons of steel from the buildings have been used in the construction of the USS \"New York\". When the ship reaches Ground Zero it will fire a 21-gun salute. The ceremony will be viewed by relatives of those who lost their life during the ", "context_right": " as well as rescuers and the public. ", "mention": "September 11 attacks", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Ray Nagin re-elected New Orleans mayor", "context_date": "May 21, 2006", "context_left": "New Orleans Mayor Ray Nagin won re-election Saturday night, successfully weathering a challenge from Louisiana Lieutenant Governor Mitch Landrieu and allowing him to oversee the continued rebuilding of the Louisiana city decimated by ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Catorce cascos azules mueren por el ataque de un grupo rebelde en la República Democrática del Congo", "context_date": "9 de diciembre de 2017", "context_left": "Por su parte, la MONUSCO se estableció en 2010 en un intento de proteger a los civiles y combatir las milicias rebeldes. Desde entonces, según informa \"Reuters\", se han registrado 93 miembros de la Misión fallecidos durante su servicio. \"El País\" detalla que la \"mortífera inestabilidad\" en el país se desencadenó el \" tsunami humanitario y militar generado por el ", "context_right": "\" en 1994. Desde entonces degeneró para convertirse en el peor conflicto del mundo. A lo anterior se suma la inseguridad política. El presidente Joseph Kabila debía dejar el cargo en diciembre de 2016. No obstante, no se organizaron los comicios y no se prevén sino hasta finales del año próximo.", "mention": "genocidio ruandés", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "131297"} {"context_title": "Mass graves found in Lebanon", "context_date": "December 13, 2005", "context_left": "Two mass graves discovered in Lebanon near a former Syrian intelligence center in Anjar have reopened the investigations for persons missing from the ", "context_right": " (1975 – 1990).", "mention": "Lebanese civil war", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "208484"} {"context_title": "Israel may free all Gaza flotilla detainees", "context_date": "June 2, 2010", "context_left": "Although some reports indicated that more had died, it's now believed that nine people were killed in the Israeli attack on the convoy, although one witness put the death toll at as high as sixteen. The details of the raid still remain unclear and repatriated flotilla activists have challenged the Israeli version of the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "deadly raid", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "205512"} {"context_title": "Mehrere Dutzend Tote bei Erdbeben in Neuseeland", "context_date": "22.02.2011", "context_left": "Das Erdbeben ist eine der schlimmsten Katastrophen in der Geschichte Neuseelands. Bei einem Flugzeugabsturz am Mount Erebus starben 1979 in der Antarktis 257 Personen. 1931 kamen durch das ", "context_right": " 256 Menschen um und die Städte Napier und Hastings wurden dem Erdboden gleichgemacht. Im Jahr 1863 ertranken beim folgenschwersten Schiffsuntergang des Landes 189 der 259 Personen, die sich an Bord der HMS Orpheus befunden hatten, die britische Soldaten transportierte. 1953 kamen am Heiligen Abend beim schlimmsten Zugunglück Neuseelands 151 Passagiere um, als ein Zug in den Whangaehu River stürzte, weil eine Eisenbahnbrücke unter ihm zusammenbrach.", "mention": "Napier-Erdbeben", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "722402"} {"context_title": "كندا تعلق علاقاتها الدبلوماسية مع إيران", "context_date": "7 سبتمبر 2012", "context_left": "يذكر أن سفارة الولايات المتحدة في طهران لا تعمل منذ ", "context_right": " في 1979، كما أغلقت بريطانيا سفارتها في إيران بعد الاعتداء عليها في نوفمبر الماضي.", "mention": "أزمة الرهائن", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "589673"} {"context_title": "சூடானில் 2005 அகதிகள் கலவரத்தில் ஈடுபட்ட 6 பேருக்கு மரணதண்டனை நிறைவேற்றம்", "context_date": "ஜனவரி 15, 2010", "context_left": "22-ஆண்டுப் ", "context_right": " கிட்டத்தட்ட 1.5 மில்லியன் சூடானியர்கள் இறந்துள்ளார்கள். 2005 அமைதிப் பேச்சுக்களின் முடிவில், ஏப்ரல் மாதம் நடைபெற விருக்கும் பொதுத் தேர்தல்கள் வரை அங்கு ஆட்சிப் பொறுப்பைப் பகிர்ந்து கொள்வதென வடக்கு, தெற்குத் தலைவர்கள் உடன்பாடு கண்டிருந்தனர்.", "mention": "போரில்", "context_lang": "ta", "label_id": "190758"} {"context_title": "España se prepara para su debut en el mundial de Sudáfrica", "context_date": "5 de junio de 2010", "context_left": "El clima durante los cinco días de estadía fue frío y lluvioso, no alcanzando los 10oC de temperatura. El resto se realizó en la localidad de Innsbruck, ya conocida por el plantel por haber iniciado allí su competencia en la ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Eurocopa 2008", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel ist Formel-1-Weltmeister 2010", "context_date": "14.11.2010", "context_left": "Sebastian Vettel startete zuvor auf der Pole-Position. Sebastian Vettel wurde im ", "context_right": " erster, sein größter Konkurrent Alonso wurde nur siebter und rutschte somit in der WM-Wertung auf den zweiten Platz ab.", "mention": "Großen Preis von Abu Dhabi", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "11914"} {"context_title": "Le dalaï-lama prend sa retraite", "context_date": "10 mars 2011", "context_left": "Les Tibétains ont besoin d'un leader qui soit élu librement par le peuple, a déclaré aujourd'hui depuis son lieu d'exil de Dharamsala Tenzin Gyatso, l'actuel dalaï-lama, dans un discours dédié au 52 anniversaire de l'", "context_right": " du Tibet contre la Chine.", "mention": "insurrection", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "508258"} {"context_title": "Scientist demands end to US 'addiction to oil'", "context_date": "October 21, 2010", "context_left": "Inkley said incidents in the past showed there can be far-reaching effects. \"The Exxon Valdez disaster was not simply one ecosystem earthquake – the aftershocks have continued to this day,\" he said, citing ", "context_right": " which occurred when an oil tanker ran aground in the Gulf of Alaska.", "mention": "the 1989 disaster", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1196587"} {"context_title": "Премьеру фильма «Смерть Сталина» могут перенести из-за юбилея битвы за Сталинград", "context_date": "23 января 2018", "context_left": "Премьера британского фильма «Смерть Сталина» (), которая в России назначена на 25 января 2018 года, может быть перенесена по требованию Общественного совета при министерстве культуры из-за совпадения с празднованием 75-й годовщины окончания ", "context_right": ", сообщили СМИ глава общественного совета министерства Юрий Поляков и один из членов совета Павел Пожигайло.", "mention": "Сталинградской битвы", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "38789"} {"context_title": "Perú y Uruguay empatan 1-1 en su debut en la Copa América", "context_date": "5 de julio de 2011", "context_left": "Ayer, en el estadio San Juan del Bicentenario, por el grupo C de la ", "context_right": " igualaron 1-1 las selecciones de fútbol de Uruguay y Perú.", "mention": "Copa América", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "Discovery lands at Kennedy Space Center", "context_date": "July 18, 2006", "context_left": "This is the second space shuttle flight since the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Columbia disaster", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "580867"} {"context_title": "Schacholympiade startet in Dresden", "context_date": "12.11.2008", "context_left": " Die ", "context_right": " beginnt am 12. November 2008 im Internationalen Kongresszentrum in Dresden.", "mention": "Schacholympiade 2008", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "637844"} {"context_title": "Dodental door orkaan Maria op Puerto Rico opgelopen tot 34", "context_date": "3 oktober 2017", "context_left": "Het dodental op Puerto Rico als gevolg van orkaan ", "context_right": " is opgelopen van 16 naar 34. Dit heeft gouverneur Rosselló bekendgemaakt tijdens een nieuwsconferentie. De gouverneur zei ook dat er voor 90 miljard dollar schade is aangericht op het eiland.", "mention": "Maria", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "40178187"} {"context_title": "Четрнаест година од почетка НАТО бомбардовања", "context_date": "24. март 2013.", "context_left": "(Beta) - У недељу се навршава 14 година од почетка ", "context_right": " (СРЈ).", "mention": "ваздушних напада НАТО-а на Савезну Републику Југославију", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "155723"} {"context_title": "Veel meer burgerdoden dan gedacht bij slag om Mosul", "context_date": "20 december 2017", "context_left": "Bij de ", "context_right": ", die in juli dit jaar was beslist, zijn volgens onderzoek van het Amerikaanse persbureau Associated Press (AP) tussen de 9.000 en 11.000 burgerdoden gevallen. Dat zijn ongeveer tien keer zoveel burgerdoden als waar in eerdere schattingen van werd uitgegaan. Van al deze doden zouden er ongeveer 3.200 voor rekening komen van het Iraakse leger en de coalitie. Deze burgers zijn voornamelijk omgekomen door luchtaanvallen en artillerie- en mortiervuur.", "mention": "Slag om Mosoel", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "27429856"} {"context_title": "На Куби прослава годишњице победе у Заливу свиња", "context_date": "16. април 2011.", "context_left": " (Beta) - На Куби данас почиње конгрес Комунистичке партије који ће пратити велика војна и цивилна парада да би се обележило 50 година од ", "context_right": " над противницима револуције које је подржавала ЦИА.", "mention": "победе у Заливу свиња", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "191721"} {"context_title": "US, North Korea form agreement to search for war dead", "context_date": "October 23, 2011", "context_left": "The US and North Korea have come to an agreement to recommence the search for remains of US servicemen, after six years, that had been unaccounted for after the ", "context_right": ". The search will continue next year around 100km away from Pyongyang.", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Hallan cadáveres y explosivos dentro de vehículos en la región rusa de Stávropol", "context_date": "9 de enero de 2014", "context_left": "En julio pasado, extremistas islámicos de la región del Cáucaso Norte instaron a hacer uso de la \"fuerza máxima\" para evitar la celebración de los XXII Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno. Dokú Umárov líder de los extremistas, fue autor del Atentado del Aeropuerto Internacional de Moscú-Domodédovo de 2011, los ", "context_right": " y es sospechoso de los Atentados de Volgogrado de diciembre pasado.", "mention": "Atentados del metro de Moscú de 2010", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "269893"} {"context_title": "Conmemoran aniversario del golpe de estado a Salvador Allende en Chile", "context_date": "12 de septiembre de 2010", "context_left": "Con marchas y actos públicos fue recordado en Chile un aniversario más del ", "context_right": ", que derrocó al gobierno socialista de Salvador Allende. La jornada, conocida en dicha nación como \"El 11\", dejó nueve heridos y decenas de detenidos, en el contexto de ser la primera vez que se conmemora en 20 años la fecha con un gobierno derechista en el poder.", "mention": "Golpe de Estado en Chile de 1973", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "856670"} {"context_title": "Presidente interino do Egito assume o poder", "context_date": "4 de julho de 2013", "context_left": "Os ", "context_right": " ontem não informaram, por enquanto, quando ocorrerão as eleições presidenciais. O presidente deposto é mantido detido, juntamente com colaboradores, sob a supervisão dos militares.", "mention": "militares que destituíram Mursi", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "13605743"} {"context_title": "Katy Perry ve Robbie Williams, Japon afetzedelere yardım ediyor", "context_date": "2011/04/07", "context_left": "Ünlü iki şarkıcı; Katy Perry ve Robbie Williams, ", "context_right": " mağdurlarına yardım elini uzatıyor. ", "mention": "2011 Tōhoku depremi ve tsunamisi", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton vince per la sesta volta il Campionato mondiale di Formula 1", "context_date": "3 novembre 2019", "context_left": "Dopo il secondo posto al ", "context_right": ", preceduto dal compagno Bottas, Hamilton è il secondo pilota in assoluto per titoli vinti, secondo solo a Michael Schumacher, uno dei piloti più forti di tutti i tempi.", "mention": "GP di Austin", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "61366486"} {"context_title": "Terrorismusgefahr - Kommt die flächendeckende Videoüberwachung?", "context_date": "14.07.2005", "context_left": " Nach den ", "context_right": " in der vergangenen Woche und den durch Videodaten ermöglichten ersten Fahndungserfolgen der britischen Polizei entbrennt in Deutschland die Diskussion über eine stärkere Überwachung durch Polizei und Verfassungsschutz.", "mention": "Terroranschlägen von London", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Trotz Vermittlungsbemühungen weiter Kämpfe im Gazastreifen – Demonstrationen für und gegen den Krieg", "context_date": "11.01.2009", "context_left": "Die israelischen Streitkräfte gaben unterdessen bekannt, dass in der dritten Phase der ", "context_right": " israelische Einheiten tiefer in den Gazastreifen eindringen sollen. Die israelische Luftwaffe warf Flugblätter ab, die eine Eskalation der Offensive ankündigten und die Bewohner des Gazastreifens aufforderte, sich von Hamas und seinen Mitgliedern fern zu halten.", "mention": "Operation Gegossenes Blei", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "170682"} {"context_title": "«Баварія» виграла Лігу чемпіонів", "context_date": "25 травня 2013", "context_left": "Мюнхенська «Баварія» у ", "context_right": " Ліги чемпіонів УЄФА, що проходив на лондонському стадіоні «Вемблі», з рахунком 2:1 переграла дортмундську «Боруссію», здобувши п'ятий кубок чемпіонів у своїй історії.", "mention": "фінальному матчі", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "572031"} {"context_title": "【熊本地震】オープンストリートマップが救援地図作り「クライシスマッピング」を開始", "context_date": "2016年4月20日", "context_left": "", "context_right": "の発生を受け、「オープンストリートマップ」を被災状況の確認に特化させた地図「クライシスマッピング」の情報提供による支援が図られている。", "mention": "熊本地震", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "23825118"} {"context_title": "Дженсон Баттон одержал победу на Гран-при Китая", "context_date": "18 апреля 2010", "context_left": "Дженсон Баттон одержал вторую победу в сезоне 2010, на этот раз на ", "context_right": ". Его напарник по команде Макларен, Льюис Хэмилтон, пришёл к финишу на втором месте, принеся команде дубль. Нико Росберг финишировал третьим.", "mention": "Гран-при Китая", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "172950"} {"context_title": "Nederland aansprakelijk voor 350 dodelijke slachtoffers tijdens de val van Srebrenica", "context_date": "27 juni 2017", "context_left": "Nederlandse soldaten hebben in juli 1995, tijdens de ", "context_right": ", bewoners van de veilige enclave waarin ze zich bevonden en waar de soldaten instonden voor hun veiligheid, de laan uit gestuurd. Dat gebeurde toen ze werden aangevallen door Bosnisch-Servische troepen. De \"Dutchbat\" troepen werden destijds ingezet in opdracht van de Verenigde Naties. Het gerechtshof oordeelt nu dat, indien de Nederlandse troepen de moslims niet hadden weggestuurd, de burgers 30% meer kans hadden gehad om te overleven.", "mention": "val van Srebrenica", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "170334"} {"context_title": "Barack Obama accepts US presidential nomination from the Democratic Party", "context_date": "August 30, 2008", "context_left": "Obama is the first African-American nominee for President by a major political party. The speech concluded the fourth and final night of the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2008 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "Francia conmemora el primer aniversario de los atentandos de París", "context_date": "13 de noviembre de 2013", "context_left": "Francia conmemoró oficialmente el primer aniversario de los ", "context_right": ", con homenajes en cada uno de los escenarios de las matanzas, consciente de que la amenaza terrorista durará.", "mention": "atentados yihadistas de París que ocurrieron en noviembre", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "21479779"} {"context_title": "Оставка председника компаније ТЕПКО", "context_date": "20. мај 2011.", "context_left": "Три реактора нуклеарне централе Фукушима Даи-ичи су процурела после земљотреса и цунамија који је 11. марта уништио систем за хлађење електране и изазвао најтежу нуклерну кризу после ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Чернобиља", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Rechtsradikale Übergriffe im Zusammenhang mit Demonstrationen in Dresden", "context_date": "16.02.2009", "context_left": " Vor und nach einer Demonstration von Rechtsradikalen in Dresden anlässlich des Jahrestags der ", "context_right": " von 1945 kam es zu einigen schweren Übergriffen gegen linke Gegendemonstranten. Unter anderem wurden Mitglieder des DGB und der Linkspartei, die sich auf dem Rückeg von Dresden befanden, auf einem Rasplatz bei Jena überfallen. Nach Angaben der Polizei musste eine Person mit einem Schädelbruch in die Uniklinik Jena eingeliefert werden. ", "mention": "Luftangriffe auf Dresden", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "152142"} {"context_title": "Взрыв у РОВД в Ставрополье", "context_date": "11 апреля 2016", "context_left": "Село Новоселицкое находится в 120 километрах от краевого центра и всего в 60 километрах от Будённовска, который 14-19 июня 1995 года ", "context_right": ", возглавляемыми Шамилем Басаевым.", "mention": "был захвачен боевиками", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1201832"} {"context_title": "Charles Upham's medals to stay in New Zealand", "context_date": "November 15, 2006", "context_left": "Mr Upham had won his Victoria Crosses in World War Two. His first Victoria Cross was won in the ", "context_right": " in 1941. And he won his bar in the Western Desert about a year after his first Victoria Cross.", "mention": "Battle of Crete", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "153316"} {"context_title": "Equipo chileno de fútbol sub-20 se ve envuelto en confuso incidente con la policía de Toronto", "context_date": "19 de julio de 2007", "context_left": "Este hecho se desarrolló tras el partido por las semifinales del ", "context_right": ", en el que el seleccionado argentino derrotó 3 a 0 a la \"Rojita\", con un arbitraje cuestionado por los chilenos, ya que en las repeticiones de las jugadas mostraban como los argentinos, según los chilenos, \"simulaban las faltas o magnificaban las mismas\". Mediante este proceso, \"el equipo argentino habría logrado expulsar a un jugador y producir que el equipo chileno tuviera bastante jugadores amonestados\".", "mention": "Mundial de fútbol de la especialidad", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "831688"} {"context_title": "Tres años después, sigue sin resolverse el caso de los estudiantes desaparecidos de Ayotzinapa", "context_date": "26 de septiembre de 2017", "context_left": "Este martes se cumplen tres años de la ", "context_right": " de la Escuela Normal Rural de Ayotzinapa. El caso, sin embargo, aún no se ha resuelto y los padres de los normalistas continúan buscando respuestas. \"Jamás me imaginé que íbamos a pasar tanto tiempo así\", asegura Blanca Luz Nava, madre de Jorge Álvarez. Asegura han sido tres años de \"sufrimiento, angustia y desesperación\". A lo largo de estos años, la investigación \"se ha enredado tanto que la información al respecto se ha vuelto abrumadora\", aclara \"El País\".", "mention": "desaparición forzada de los 43 estudiantes", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "18327329"} {"context_title": "FIFA rendirá homenaje a Marc-Vivien Foé antes de la final de Copa Confederaciones", "context_date": "23 de junio de 2009", "context_left": "El presidente de la FIFA Joseph Blatter confirmó este martes el acto póstumo al futbolista camerunés que falleció durante la edición en ", "context_right": ", tras desplomarse en juego semifinal contra Colombia.", "mention": "Francia-2003", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "647475"} {"context_title": "Oil facilities in Saudi Arabia hit by drone attacks", "context_date": "September 15, 2019", "context_left": "In 2015, Saudi Arabia started supporting the government of Abdrabbuh Mansur Hadi against the ", "context_right": ", providing airstrikes with the Royal Saudi Air Force. The United Nations called the resulting humanitarian crisis the worst in the world.", "mention": "Houthi rebellion", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "255997"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Bob Ely, Democratic Party presidential challenger to Barack Obama", "context_date": "May 26, 2012", "context_left": "On Tuesday May 29, Ely will appear on the Texas primary ballot alongside Obama, Wolfe, and historian Darcy Richardson, who suspended his campaign last month. It will be Ely's last chance to qualify for ", "context_right": " delegates. Four of his fellow challengers have already done so: anti-abortion activist Randall Terry and perennial candidate Jim Rogers both qualified in Oklahoma, Wolfe qualified in Louisiana and Arkansas, and prison inmate Keith Russell Judd qualified in West Virginia. For various reasons, the Democratic Party stripped the delegates from each of these candidates.", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2104713"} {"context_title": "French President Jacques Chirac hospitalized", "context_date": "September 3, 2005", "context_left": "Today, Prime Minister Dominique de Villepin visited the president and discussed a number of urgent matters, such as the help proposed to the United States following from the disastrous ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "El Motassadeq wurde erneut zu 15 Jahren Haft verurteilt", "context_date": "11.01.2007", "context_left": "In dem Prozess musste das Hamburger Oberlandesgericht nur noch ein Strafmaß festlegen. Das Urteil wurde in dem ursprünglich auf fünf Verhandlungstage festgelegten Verfahren bereits am zweiten Prozesstag gesprochen. El Motassadeq hatte nach Ansicht des Vorsitzenden Richters von den Anschlagsplänen gewusst und unterhielt enge Kontakte zu Mohammed Atta, einem der Todespiloten der ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Terroranschläge am 11. September 2001", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Israeli air strike killed one, not 40, in village; Lebanese PM says", "context_date": "August 7, 2006", "context_left": "65 survivors have been pulled out from the rubble, half of them children. It was feared that the air strike had led to a reprise of the ", "context_right": " last month.", "mention": "bombing of Qana", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "370145"} {"context_title": "6.4 magnitude earthquake hits Iran", "context_date": "February 22, 2005", "context_left": "Earthquakes are nothing new to Iran, with ", "context_right": " killing 31,000 people in December 2003. Heavy rain and bad visibility have made early relief efforts difficult; despite this some 1,500 members of the Iranian Red Crescent have begun organising camps for the newly homeless.", "mention": "one in the nearby desert city of Bam", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1990627"} {"context_title": "NASA holds ceremony to commemorate anniversary of Space Shuttle Columbia disaster", "context_date": "February 2, 2008", "context_left": "NASA has held a memorial ceremony to mark the fifth anniversary of the Space Shuttle \"Columbia\" ", "context_right": ". All seven astronauts were killed when their spacecraft broke up on re-entry over Texas on February 1, 2003, 16 minutes prior to scheduled landing time at Florida. \"Columbia\" had been damaged by a chunk of loose foam during takeoff 16 days earlier.", "mention": "disaster", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "580867"} {"context_title": "Kimi Räikkönen wins 2007 Belgian Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 16, 2007", "context_left": "Start of the race resulted in a slight side touch between McLaren cars, with Hamilton forced to make an evasive manoeuvre out of the track, a reminiscent of the ", "context_right": " between them.", "mention": "Hungary practice session incident", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "611403"} {"context_title": "Kim Jong-il ist tot", "context_date": "20.12.2011", "context_left": "Nach der Todesnachricht versetzte Südkorea seine Armee in Alarmbereitschaft. Der südkoreanische Präsident Lee Myung-bak kündigte an, dass sein Land den nördlichen Nachbarn genau beobachten werde. Seit dem ", "context_right": " (1950 – 1953) befindet sich Nordkorea im Kriegszustand mit Südkorea.", "mention": "Koreakrieg", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Nederland aansprakelijk voor 350 dodelijke slachtoffers tijdens de val van Srebrenica", "context_date": "27 juni 2017", "context_left": "6000 nabestaanden van de slachtoffers krijgen nu elk 30% van de financiële schade die ze hebben geleden. De val van Srebrenicade maakte deel uit van de ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Bosnische burgeroorlog", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "181533"} {"context_title": "Chess champion is "Fritzed" by computer", "context_date": "December 5, 2006", "context_left": "Kramnik, whilst the current ", "context_right": ", is actually ranked third in the world. A contributory factor in this is his health problems. The world champion suffers from a rare form of arthritis which makes sitting playing in tournaments extremely painful for him.", "mention": "world chess champion", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1345226"} {"context_title": "Felipe Massa kończy starty po sezonie 2017", "context_date": "4 listopada 2017", "context_left": "Felipe Massa w ciągu piętnastu lat brał udział w 267 wyścigach, z czego wygrał jedenaście, a na podium stawał 41 razy - po raz ostatni podczas ", "context_right": ", gdzie przegrał z Lewisem Hamiltonem i Sebastianem Vettelem.", "mention": "Grand Prix Włoch 2015", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "19936556"} {"context_title": "United States and Iraq finalize agreement to have troops out of Iraq by 2011", "context_date": "August 22, 2008", "context_left": "Around 147,000 US troops are on the ground in Iraq at this time. The ", "context_right": ", has been ongoing since March 20, 2003. In the early part of 2007, the US initiated a troop surge into Iraq, which sent a additional 5 US brigades into Iraq, as well as extending the stay of 4,000 Marines already stationed there. ", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Госдеп поручил «восстановить демократию» в Венесуэле фигуранту «Иран-контрас»", "context_date": "26 января 2019", "context_left": "В 1982 году Абрамс прилагал усилия, чтобы скрыть резню в Мосоте — массовое убийство в ходе ", "context_right": ". Тогда, в декабре 1981 года батальон «Атлакатль» правительства Сальвадора, поддерживаемого США, устроил бойню в деревне Мосоте — бойцы насиловали женщин и девочек, резали детей, а затем расстреляли всех жителей.", "mention": "сальвадорской гражданской войны", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1783607"} {"context_title": "Iraqi PM al-Maliki announces "decisive" offensive against al-Qaeda", "context_date": "January 26, 2008", "context_left": "AQI moved its headquarters to Ninawa province after losing the ", "context_right": " back in 2004. U.S. military commanders state that the organization is regrouping in the province after having been driven out of Anbar province by their former Sunni allies.", "mention": "Second Battle of Fallujah", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1330136"} {"context_title": "Fats Domino rescued in New Orleans", "context_date": "September 1, 2005", "context_left": "Legendary R&B singer Fats Domino has been accounted for, three days after ", "context_right": " hit in his hometown of New Orleans, Louisiana.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Valtteri Bottas zwycięzcą Grand Prix Australii", "context_date": "17 marca 2019", "context_left": "Valtteri Bottas z zespołu Mercedes został zwycięzcą pierwszego wyścigu Formuły 1, ", "context_right": ". Fiński kierowca wyprzedził o 20,886 sek. Lewisa Hamiltona, swojego kolegę zespołowego i o 22,520 sek. Maksa Verstappena z ekipy Red Bull Racing.", "mention": "Grand Prix Australii", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "60853029"} {"context_title": "Belgian men's goalball team departs for Finland for World Championships", "context_date": "June 26, 2014", "context_left": "This morning European time, the Belgium men's national goalball team departed for Espoo, Finland for the 2014 IBSA Goalball World Championships. The championship is the biggest competition since the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2012 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Autoridades suizas detienen a altos cargos de la FIFA por corrupción", "context_date": "29 de mayo de 2015", "context_left": "Uno de los puntos en los que se ha centrado Loretta Lynch ha sido la concesión del Mundial de Sudáfrica. En ella, según afirma la fiscal, numerosos sobornos influyeron en la decisión del país anfitrión. El escándalo de corrupción ha salpicado también a los próximos mundiales de Rusia y ", "context_right": ". Las autoridades suizas han abierto un proceso contra una persona, cuya identidad no ha trascendido, por sospechas de gestión fraudulenta y blanqueo de dinero a la hora de llevar a cabo las concesiones para ambos proyectos. Al respecto se ha manifestado el Director de Comunicación de la FIFA Walter De Gregorio, afirmando que ambos países se mantienen oficialmente como organizadores pese a las sospechas.", "mention": "Qatar", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "Paralympic swim world records tumble at Australian championships", "context_date": "March 24, 2012", "context_left": "Thirteen world records were broken by disability swimmers at this week's Australian Swimming Championships in Adelaide, which also acts as the national selection trials for the forthcoming London Olympics and ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Max Verstappen zwycięzcą Grand Prix 70-lecia Formuły 1", "context_date": "10 sierpnia 2020", "context_left": "Max Verstappen z zespołu Red Bull Racing przerwał passę zwycięstw Mercedesa, zwyciężając w wyścigu o ", "context_right": ", odbywającym się na torze Silverstone. Holender pokonał o 11,326 sekund Lewisa Hamiltona z Mercedesa, który wygrał ostatnie trzy wyścigi i wykonał dziś najszybsze okrążenie. Podium uzupełnił kolega zespołowy Brytyjczyka, Valtteri Bottas, który stracił do holenderskiego kierowcy 19,231 sekund.", "mention": "Grand Prix 70-lecia Formuły 1", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "96088886"} {"context_title": "300-летие Балыкинской чудотворной иконы Божией Матери", "context_date": "13 июля 2009", "context_left": "Икона стала известна с 1709 года. Накануне ", "context_right": " мимо Стародуба, где в хозяйском доме хранилась икона, шли войска шведов. И некто пан Дульский обнаружил, что из глаз Богородицы полились слёзы. Это настолько испугало его, что он дал обет передать икону первому вновь построенному храму. Таковым оказался храм в селе Балыкино тогдашней Черниговской губернии. Но произошло это не сразу, а только в 1711 году. Пан медлил до тех пока дважды не увидел во сне Богородицу, пригрозившую ему наказанием за неисполнение святого обета. Так эту икону признала сама Божия Матерь, а чудотворения не заставили долго ждать. Считается, что первое исцеление произошло с девицей Юлианией, страдавшей болезнью глаз. ", "mention": "Полтавской битвы", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "152486"} {"context_title": "Lars von Trier persona non grata au festival de Cannes", "context_date": "19 mai 2011", "context_left": "Les excuses n'ont pas suffit au conseil d'administration du ", "context_right": ". Le réalisateur danois Lars von Trier a été déclaré \"persona non grata\" au festival du cinéma le plus médiatisé au monde après avoir exprimé sa sympathie pour Hitler.", "mention": "64 festival de Cannes", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "510527"} {"context_title": "Победителем женского чемпионата мира по футболу стали японки", "context_date": "18 июля 2011", "context_left": "В Германии завершился шестой в истории ", "context_right": ". Золото завоевали японские спортсменки, одержавшие в финале, проходившем во Франкфурте, победу над сборной США в серии послематчевых пенальти.", "mention": "Чемпионат мира по футболу среди женских команд", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "108183"} {"context_title": "Tras dos años de fuga, detienen al exjefe de policía de Iguala por el caso Ayotzinapa", "context_date": "21 de octubre de 2016", "context_left": "Felipe Flores Velázquez, exjefe de policía de Iguala de la Independencia, fue detenido en la misma ciudad por elementos de la Policía Federal a las siete de la mañana de este viernes. El exmando, prófugo desde 2014, fue arrestado al salir del domicilio de su esposa, indicó Renato Sales, titular de la Comisión Nacional de Seguridad. La Procuraduría General de la República (PGR) consideraba a Flores Velázquez como una pieza clave para las investigaciones sobre la ", "context_right": ", de 43 estudiantes de la Escuela Normal Rural de Ayotzinapa.", "mention": "desaparición, en septiembre de 2014", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "18327329"} {"context_title": "Ritrovato l'HMS Sidney", "context_date": "16 marzo 2008", "context_left": "L'unica altra nave che ebbe una sorte simile fu l'HMS Neptune, perso in Mediterraneo con un solo superstite durante la ", "context_right": " contro gli italiani. In questo caso la dinamica fu chiara, essendo questo incrociatore leggero (molto simile al Sydney) finito su 4 mine durante una missione notturna; la prima venne fatta detonare dal paramine prodiero, la seconda colpì la nave danneggiandola, la terza mentre cercava di uscire in retromarcia dalla zona minata e la quarta mentre era alla deriva priva di controllo, tanto da rovesciarsi e affondare rapidamente, rovesciandosi di lato. I soccorsi ai naufraghi furono insufficienti anche perché contemporaneamente altre navi inglesi finirono sulle mine, riportando vari danni. Pochi si salvarono su di una scialuppa, ma solo uno era ancora vivo quando venne ritrovato.", "mention": "Prima battaglia della Sirte", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "1362319"} {"context_title": "San Marino participará en Eurovisión 2008", "context_date": "22 de noviembre de 2007", "context_left": "La SMTV \"(Televisione Della Repubblica di San Marino)\" dio conocer el 21 de noviembre la noticia de que participaría en el ", "context_right": ". La noticia ha sido dada a conocer en menos de 48 horas desde la retirada de la ÖRF (Austria) del festival.", "mention": "Festival de Eurovisión 2008", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10155"} {"context_title": "Onderzoekscommissie Grenfell Tower-brand voor het eerst bijeen", "context_date": "14 september 2017", "context_left": "Een commissie die nader onderzoek gaat doen naar de ", "context_right": " van 14 juni, waarbij minstens 80 doden vielen, is vandaag in het Londense stadsdeel Kensington voor het eerst bijeengekomen. De commissie gaat onder meer de precieze oorzaak van de brand proberen te achterhalen evenals de reden dat het vuur zich zo snel kon verspreiden. Daarnaast zal de rol van de brandweer en de crisisteams van plaatselijke autoriteiten tegen het licht worden gehouden. Er zal ook worden gekeken of alle regels inzake brandveiligheid wel werden nageleefd door de woningcorporatie, en of die regels van zichzelf überhaupt voldeden. ", "mention": "brand in de Grenfell Tower", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "30274958"} {"context_title": "Скончался Эдуард Шеварднадзе", "context_date": "7 июля 2014", "context_left": "После ", "context_right": " выступил с осуждением действий армии.", "mention": "тбилисских событий апреля 1989 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1194400"} {"context_title": "Srbija neočekivano poražena od Kanade", "context_date": "18. август 2010.", "context_left": "„Orlovi“ će se po završetku takmičenja vratiti u Beograd, gde će u nedelju igrati sa Kinom poslednju kontrolnu utakmicu pred ", "context_right": ". Srbija će na Mundobasketu igrati u Kajzeriju u Grupi A, a protivnici će joj biiti Argentina, Nemačka, Australija, Angola i Jordan.", "mention": "Svetsko prvenstvo u Turskoj", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "211438"} {"context_title": "Ольга Зайцева заявила о своём уходе из биатлона", "context_date": "15 марта 2011", "context_left": "По окончании эстафетной гонки на ", "context_right": " в Ханты-Мансийске бежавшая последний этап Ольга Зайцева заявила в прямом эфире телеканала «Россия 2» о своём решении уйти из команды и из большого спорта. Сообщение спортсменки стало неожиданностью не только для болельщиков, но и для специалистов.", "mention": "чемпионате мира по биатлону", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "430935"} {"context_title": "Bush speaks of goals for U.S. withdrawal from Iraq, decries calls for timetable", "context_date": "December 1, 2005", "context_left": "This release follows growing public and congressional dissatisfaction over the continuing violence in Iraq, rising US and Iraqi death toll, revelations of corruption and misadministration in the reconstruction program and the administration's handling of the ", "context_right": ". A day before the president's address, Sen. Hillary Clinton, in an E-mail to her supporters had said \"Given years of assurances that the war was nearly over and that the insurgents were in their 'last throes,' this administration was either not being honest with the American people or did not know what was going on in Iraq.\" ", "mention": "war", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Βραζιλίας ήρθε ισόπαλη με σκορ 2-2 με την Εθνική Παραγουάης", "context_date": "10 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Βραζιλίας ήρθε ισόπαλη με σκορ 2:2 με την Εθνική Παραγουάης για τη δεύτερη αγωνιστική του Β' Ομίλου του ", "context_right": ", το οποίο διεξάγεται στην Αργεντινή.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "Habemus Papam!", "context_date": "19.04.2005", "context_left": "Vatikan (Vatikanstaat), 19.04.2005 – Rom jubelt: Um 17:55 Uhr MESZ stieg weißer Rauch aus dem Kamin der sixtinischen Kapelle. Ab 18:04 Uhr MESZ begannen die Glocken von St. Peter zu läuten. Die ", "context_right": " des Papstes war damit durch den Vatikan bestätigt worden. Hunderttausende Menschen warteten auf dem Petersplatz auf das Erscheinen des 265. Papstes.", "mention": "Wahl", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "666536"} {"context_title": "Tres estaciones de metro de Londres cerradas a causa de varias explosiones", "context_date": "21 de julio de 2005", "context_left": "Estos sucesos tienen lugar apenas dos semanas después de los atentados del ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "7-J", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "厚労相は増税に、外相は公共料金に主張続々 -野田内閣", "context_date": "2011年9月7日", "context_left": "6日の閣議後は、さらに玄葉光一郎外相が記者会見で、東京電力の電気料金値上げについて認めることがあってはならないと述べた。なお、同社ホームページによると、", "context_right": "の「収束に向け、全力で取り組んでいるところで」「料金改定について言及できる段階では」ないとしている。。", "mention": "福島第一原子力発電所事故", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Πέθανε ο Ναόκι Ματσούντα", "context_date": "4 Αυγούστου 2011", "context_left": "Ο Ματσούντα έπαιξε 40 φορές με τη φανέλα της Εθνικής Ιαπωνίας και συμμετείχε στο ", "context_right": ". Το 2003 και το 2004 κατέκτησε το Πρωτάθλημα Ποδοσφαίρου της Ιαπωνίας με την Γιοκοχάμα Μαρίνος.", "mention": "Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο Ποδοσφαίρου 2002", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "Dominique Strauss-Kahn refused bail after appearance in New York court", "context_date": "May 18, 2011", "context_left": "Dominique Strauss-Kahn, the head of the International Monetary Fund, has been refused bail after appearing in court in New York charged with sexually assaulting a chambermaid at a hotel in Manhattan. The decision by the judge to remand him in custody yesterday will likely disrupt emergency talks over the ", "context_right": ", demolish hopes that he will challenge Nicolas Sarkozy for the French presidency, and spell the end of his political career.", "mention": "European debt crisis", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "217197"} {"context_title": "Paraguay y Costa Rica igualan sin goles por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "4 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Un espectáculo aburrido presentaron en Orlando las selecciones de Paraguay y Costa Rica, por el primer encuentro de la ", "context_right": " en el estadio Citrus Bowl donde empataron sin goles.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Che Guevara's ''Motorcycle Diaries'' companion dies", "context_date": "March 9, 2011", "context_left": "According to the \"Guardian\", \"Their road trip awoke in Guevara a social consciousness and political convictions that would turn him into one of the iconic revolutionaries of the 20th century.\" The trip is widely believed to have inspired Guevara to go to Cuba and join Fidel Castro in his ", "context_right": " against Cuban dictator Fulgencio Batista.", "mention": "1959 revolt", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "11264"} {"context_title": "Итоги группового этапа Кубка Америки столетия", "context_date": "14 июня 2016", "context_left": "Напомним, что вне зависимости от того, кто выиграет Кубок Америки столетия, в Россию на ", "context_right": " от Южной Америки приедет чемпион 2015 года сборная Чили.", "mention": "Кубок конфедераций—2017", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "589997"} {"context_title": "Fear and loathing on the campaign trail, August 2008", "context_date": "September 4, 2008", "context_left": "August 2008 in the United States presidential election saw the emergence of two politicians selected to serve as their party's vice presidential nominees. The month was full of speculation as pundits argued on the merits of who they felt were the possible \"choices\" for the candidates. The ", "context_right": " was held and campaign activities increased until a looming storm caused Republicans to delay and reshuffle their convention.", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "US-Sondergesandter Richard Holbrooke ist tot", "context_date": "14.12.2010", "context_left": "Holbrooke gilt als geistiger Vater des Abkommens von Dayton, mit dessen Unterzeichnung im November 1995 des ", "context_right": " beendet wurde. Vor der Präsidentschaftswahl 2005 galt er als aussichtsreicher Kandidat für das Amt des US-Außenministers, doch Barack Obama ernannte schließlich Hillary Clinton in dieses Amt. Der US-Präsident machte Holbrooke dann zu seinem Sondergesandten für Afghanistan und Pakistan. Auf zahlreichen Reisen nach Kabul und Islamabad bemühte der Sondergesandte sich, die dortigen Regierungen zu einem effektiveren Vorgehen gegen die Taliban zu bewegen.", "mention": "Bosnienkrieg", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "181533"} {"context_title": "Son of slain Chechen rebel Maskhadov vows to continue father's work", "context_date": "March 9, 2005", "context_left": "Russian state run-media and MPs hailed the killing of Mr. Maskhadov — many believing his rebels were responsible for the Beslan school siege and the ", "context_right": " in 2004.", "mention": "Moscow theater hostage crisis", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "4670"} {"context_title": "Srbija ubedljiva na poslednjoj proveri pred SP", "context_date": "22. август 2010.", "context_left": "Beograd, (Beta) - Košarkaška reprezentacija Srbije pobedila je u nedelju u Beogradskoj areni selekciju Kine sa 89:53 (30:22, 17:9, 21:15, 21:7) u poslednjoj, otvorenoj za javnost, kontrolnoj utakmici pred ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Svetsko prvenstvo u Turskoj", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "211438"} {"context_title": "Leader of South Korea requests foreign involvement in decommissioning of nuclear test site", "context_date": "May 4, 2018", "context_left": "Officially, the ", "context_right": ", which began in 1950, never ended. There was a cease-fire in 1953 but no formal peace treaty. At the April 27 summit, the leaders discussed nuclear disarmament, the reuniting of families separated by the partition, and general relations between the two countries.", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "British tourists missing in Pichilemu, Chile", "context_date": "March 4, 2010", "context_left": "Google's \"Person Finder\" was created after the ", "context_right": " to help people find family or friends in Chile. Initially reported deceased through this service, Kirsty Duff and Dave Sandercock were later reported alive and safe in Santiago.", "mention": "Haiti earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "Unruhen im Libanon schüren Angst vor Bürgerkrieg", "context_date": "14.05.2008", "context_left": "Die Zahl der Opfer infolge der Kämpfe ist unklar; Reuters meldete, dass seit Ausbruch der Kämpfe 81 Personen getötet und 250 verletzt wurden. Die Angaben der libanesischen Polizei sind niedriger. Die Sicherheitsorgane räumen aber ein, dass die tatsächlichen Zahlen höher liegen. Beobachter bezeichnen die Kämpfe als die schwersten Zusammenstöße zwischen den einzelnen Religionsgemeinschaften im Libanon seit dem Ende des ", "context_right": ", der zwischen 1975 und 1990 mehr als 150.000 Opfer forderte.", "mention": "Libanesischen Bürgerkrieges", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "208484"} {"context_title": "Ofensiva tutsi en el Congo causa grave crisis de desplazados", "context_date": "29 de octubre de 2008", "context_left": "Los atacantes, el Congreso Nacional para la Defensa del Pueblo, acusa al ejército del Congo de apoyras a las Fuerzas Democráticas para la Liberación de Ruanda, formadas entre otros por miembros de la etnia hutu, responsables del ", "context_right": " en 1994.", "mention": "genocidio de tutsis y hutus moderados en Ruanda", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "131297"} {"context_title": "Ancora striscioni razzisti durante Roma-Livorno", "context_date": "29 gennaio 2006", "context_left": "Le condanne ai fatti odierni sono arrivate da tutti gli schieramenti politici, associazioni sportive e naturalmente dalla comunità ebraica e si possono riassumere nelle parole del sindaco di Roma Walter Veltroni: «la politica deve stare fuori dagli stadi ma tanto più deve stare fuori l'apologia del regime nazista che tanto orrore e morte ha portato nel mondo». «Roma è la città della deportazione degli ebrei, Roma è la città delle ", "context_right": "». «Simili comportamenti non possono più essere tollerati».", "mention": "Fosse Ardeatine", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "638761"} {"context_title": "Ahmadinejad sends letter to George W. Bush", "context_date": "May 9, 2006", "context_left": "Iran's foreign affairs minister, Manouchehr Mottaki, delivered the letter to the United States' interests section in the Swiss embassy in Tehran on Monday. The United States has not held diplomatic relations with Iran since the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "1979 Iranian hostage crisis", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "589673"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton zwycięzcą Grand Prix Portugalii", "context_date": "3 maja 2021", "context_left": "Hamilton powiększył przewagę w klasyfikacji kierowców do ośmiu punktów, natomiast trzecie miejsce zachował Lando Norris. W klasyfikacji konstruktorów nadal prowadzi zespół Mercedes (101 punktów) przed Red Bull Racing (83 punkty) i McLarenem (53 punkty). Za tydzień odbędzie się czwarta runda tegorocznego sezonu, Grand Prix Hiszpanii Formuły 1 na torze ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "171404"} {"context_title": "Iconic American newscaster Walter Cronkite dies at 92", "context_date": "July 18, 2009", "context_left": "Cronkite's career began in radio in the 1930s in Houston, Texas. Joining UPI in 1939 as a war correspondent, he covered the ", "context_right": " following World War II. Cronkite's rise to television prominence began with the 1952 Republican National Convention. The term \"news anchor\" was coined to describe his role in the coverage.", "mention": "Nuremberg war crimes trials", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "80130"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Spain's most decorated Paralympian, Teresa Perales", "context_date": "January 19, 2013", "context_left": "You first competed in 2000. Has there been a big change from 2000 to ", "context_right": " that you've noticed like in terms of the atmosphere, or even the level of sport and issues of classification?", "mention": "London", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Julian Assange'e yakalama kararı", "context_date": "2010/11/18", "context_left": "Wikileaks 2006 yılından beri Afganistan ve ", "context_right": "yla ilgili yaklaşık yarım milyon gizli belgeyi kamuoyuna açıkladı.", "mention": "Irak savaşları", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2008 Monaco Grand Prix", "context_date": "May 28, 2008", "context_left": "Vodafone McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton has won the FIA Formula-1 2008 Grand Prix de Monaco on the Circuit de Monaco in Monte Carlo, Monaco on May 25. It became the first time in the 23 year old Briton's career in F1. Last year, he finished in second place after his former teammate Fernando Alonso. In this race Alonso finished on a distant 10th place in his Renault car. The last British winner at Monaco was Graham Hill in ", "context_right": ". Rain over the weekend causes a wet start to the Sunday race, causing driver mistakes, however no rain fell during the race or qualifying.", "mention": "1969", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "171929"} {"context_title": "Czechs and Slovaks celebrate twenty years since Velvet Revolution", "context_date": "November 18, 2009", "context_left": "Czechs and Slovaks yesterday celebrated the twenty-year anniversary of the so-called \"", "context_right": "\", which brought down the then Czechoslovakian Communist regime, with thousands re-enacting the demonstration that followed the fall of the Berlin Wall, and elections in Poland and Hungary.", "mention": "Velvet Revolution", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182817"} {"context_title": "UK inquiry into Iraq war will be held in private", "context_date": "June 15, 2009", "context_left": "United Kingdom Prime Minister Gordon Brown announced today that the independent inquiry into the ", "context_right": " will be held in private. It has been called for by opposition MP's and Labour MP's since the invasion and it was announced today that it will start next month.", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Detroit’s population drops by one-fourth in the last decade", "context_date": "March 24, 2011", "context_left": "Andrew Beveridge, Queens College sociology professor, attributed Detroit's population decline to the loss of its industrial base. He said: \"Except for New Orleans after ", "context_right": ", it's basically the largest drop for a U.S. city in history. They have to find an economic base or the decline will continue.\"", "mention": "Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Себастьян Феттель виграв Гран-прі Малайзії 2013", "context_date": "24 березня 2013", "context_left": "Перемогу на ", "context_right": " року здобув Себастьян Феттель, стартувавши з поул-позиції. Марк Веббер фінішував другим — команда «Ред Булл» завоювала дубль, а Льюїс Гамільтон фінішував третім.", "mention": "Гран-прі Малайзії 2013", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "6420289"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews UK pro darts player Kirk Shepherd", "context_date": "October 30, 2008", "context_left": "Shepherd is perhaps best known for his performance at the ", "context_right": ". Forced to qualify for the televised tournament, he then proceeded to knock out a number of well-known players live on television, including Terry Jenkins, Wayne Mardle and former finalist Peter Manley. He ultimately went on to come second in the tournament, becoming the youngest ever finalist, and losing out to John Part in the final.", "mention": "2008 PDC World Darts Championship", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "260098"} {"context_title": "Ciclone Yasi colpisce l'Australia, per ora niente vittime", "context_date": "3 febbraio 2011", "context_left": "Al contatto con la costa Yasi era classificato di categoria 5, la stessa del terribile ", "context_right": " di quasi cinque anni fa, con raffiche di vento a 290 chilometri all'ora. Mentre si spostava nell'entroterra la sua intensità è però scemata a 65 Km/h, ed è stato declassato a categoria 2.", "mention": "uragano Katrina", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Japó sol·licita ajuda oficial a l'Organisme Internacional d'Energia Atòmica", "context_date": "14 de març del 2011", "context_left": "El govern de Japó va demanar ajuda oficial a l'Organisme Internacional d'Energia Atòmica (OIEA), a causa de les avaries que van patir diferents centrals nuclears nipones, i els problemes greus que han registrat, com per exemple explosions en els seus reactors. El titular d'aquest organisme, Yukiya Amano, va confirmar que el desastre en la Central nuclear Fukushima I, no arribaria a les proporcions del que es va patir en el 1986 a ", "context_right": "", "mention": "Txernòbil", "context_lang": "ca", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Greece defeats Portugal in boccia match at 2012 London Paralympics", "context_date": "September 5, 2012", "context_left": "Boccia, which is similar to lawn bowls, was first played at the ", "context_right": ". As a Paralympic sport, it is played by people with cerebral palsy and similar locomotor conditions; players are divided into four different classifications based upon their functional ability.", "mention": "1984 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "599707"} {"context_title": ""Bali Roadmap" agreed on, applauded", "context_date": "December 15, 2007", "context_left": "After the United States agreed to the changes proposed by India this morning, the so called \"Bali Roadmap\" has been agreed on, to applause from all parties. The decision was made at this year's ", "context_right": " in Bali. The Roadmap establishes a time frame and scope for reaching a post-2012 climate change agreement. This includes setting, for industrialized nations, targets for reductions of greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Numerous observers and parties had voiced that they see this as being of great importance prior to and during the conference.", "mention": "United Nations Climate Change Conference", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1633080"} {"context_title": "Η Βρετανική βιβλιοθήκη ψηφιοποιεί μέρος των θησαυρών της", "context_date": "20 Ιουνίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Βρετανική Βιβλιοθήκη (British Library) ανακοίνωσε την ψηφιοποίηση και δωρέαν διάθεση στο Διαδίκτυο περίπου 250.000 βιβλίων που δημοσιεύτηκαν μεταξύ 1700-1870, στο πλαίσιο της συνεργασίας της με την Google. Η συλλογή καλύπτει μια περίοδο κατά τη διάρκεια της οποίας έλαβαν χώρα η Γαλλική και η Βιομηχανική Επανάσταση, η ", "context_right": ", ο Πόλεμος της Κριμαίας, η εξάπλωση των σιδηροδρόμων και του τηλέγραφου, η κατάργηση της δουλείας.", "mention": "Ναυμαχία του Τραφάλγκαρ", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "171416"} {"context_title": "Portuguese Air Force Merlin helicopters enter service", "context_date": "February 4, 2006", "context_left": "On Friday the 3rd, the Portuguese Air Force started to operate eight EH101 Merlin helicopters, replacing the old French made Puma helicopters; which have had more than 30 years of service, first used during the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Portuguese Colonial War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "609836"} {"context_title": "McGovern calls for whistleblowing before alleged US attack on Iran", "context_date": "February 17, 2006", "context_left": "McGovern also claims that whistleblowing could have stopped the ", "context_right": ", saying \"Any number of people would have had a good chance of stopping the Iraq war, had they the courage to disclose publicly what they knew BEFORE it was launched.\" Just five days before the attack on Iraq officially started, McGovern and his colleagues called for whistleblowing and claimed that the Bush administration was misrepresenting the case for an attack on Iraq. McGovern described the administration's information on March 15, 2003, saying \"It's been cooked to a recipe, and the recipe is high policy.\"", "mention": "2003 Invasion of Iraq", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Miles escapan a una renovada violencia en RD del Congo", "context_date": "21 de octubre de 2007", "context_left": "Desde el comienzo de año, 370.000 personas han abandonado sus hogares en la provincia de Nord-Kivu a causa de los choques entre el ejérctio congolés, los rebeldes hutus de Ruanda y los rebeldes tutsis leales a Nkunda. Los tutsis acusan al Ejército del Congo de apoyar a las Fuerzas Democráticas para la Liberación de Ruanda, un grupo rebelde hutu que involucra soldados responsables del ", "context_right": " de 1994; esto ha sido negado en varias oportunidades por el ejército congolés.", "mention": "Genocidio de Ruanda", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "131297"} {"context_title": "Русија тражи истрагу о цивилним жртвама у Либији", "context_date": "20. децембар 2011.", "context_left": "(Beta-AP) - Русија, која овог месеца председава Савету безбедности УН, позвала је у уторак рано ујутро НАТО да истражи случајеве погибија цивила од бомби које су авиони тог ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "војног савеза бацали у Либији", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "81545"} {"context_title": "Библиотека Конгресса США отмечает 216-й день рождения", "context_date": "25 апреля 2016", "context_left": "Коллекция, собранная здесь, является самой большой в мире и размещается в трех зданиях на Капитолийском холме в Вашингтоне. Самое старое из трёх, здание Томаса Джефферсона, находится прямо через дорогу от главного здания Конгресса США. В его фонде находятся первая ", "context_right": ", Библия Гутенберга, более миллиона номеров газет, три миллиона звукозаписей и по крайней мере две известные скрипки работы Страдивари.", "mention": "Декларации независимости", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "127912"} {"context_title": "Un año después de su elección, Tokio pasa apuros por los Juegos Olímpicos", "context_date": "8 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "En su presentación ante el COI el día de la elección, Tokio garantizó que la situación de Fukushima no afectaría los Juegos, apelaron a la vida interna del COI afirmando que un eventual Tokio 2020 conllevaría una mejora a los valores olímpicos y expusieron la solidaridad y la recuperación de Japón tras el catastrófico ", "context_right": ". Esto y los informes sobre las ciudades fueron más que suficientes para decidir a los miembros del COI.", "mention": "terremoto y tsunami de 2011", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Premiers take on Australian PM on Shoot To Kill Laws", "context_date": "October 20, 2005", "context_left": "Several of Australian State premiers and more civil libertarians have added to the growing chorus of concern over the proposed Australian Anti-Terrorism Bill, which was proposed by the Australian Prime Minister, and the State and Territory governments following the ", "context_right": " of July 7, which killed 56 people ", "mention": "London transport bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "El huracán Matthew deja más de 800 muertos en Haití", "context_date": "8 de octubre de 2016", "context_left": "El presidente interino, Jocelerme Privert, indicó que \"La destrucción es muy considerable, por ahora estamos tratando de mejorar las situaciones de urgencia\". Haití, que aún sufre los estragos del ", "context_right": ", vive sin gobierno desde febrero. Las cifras oficiales apuntan 29 000 casas dañadas en los departamentos Sur y Grand’Anse, además de 30 000 personas que viven en albergues improvisados. La destrucción de redes telefónicas y vías de comunicación terrestre, así como el desborde de ríos, han provocado una ralentización en la llegada de ayuda a las comunidades ubicadas en la península occidental.", "mention": "terremoto de 2010", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "Details emerge of Honda's withdrawal from Formula One", "context_date": "December 8, 2008", "context_left": "Though Honda has committed to providing a budget for the team until March, the budget is lower than that which had been expected and so the team has had to pull out of the crucial winter tests at Jerez. This has denied Formula One hopeful Bruno Senna another test with the team and has combined with the engine implications of Honda's withdrawal to push the new car's final testing from January to March, just weeks before the first ", "context_right": ". Ross Brawn however remains confident of competing with new Formula One frontrunners BMW Sauber and Formula One supremo Bernie Ecclestone has tipped the team as a great buy, saying \"I've no doubt Honda would have been in top four next year without any problems. They've spent a lot of money to put themselves in that position so if anyone does want to be in F1 this is a team they should look to buy. It's a big opportunity for any company that's run efficiently to benefit\".", "mention": "Grand Prix in Australia", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "15070"} {"context_title": "New Orleans DirectNIC Offices, 'Outpost Crystal' visited by 82nd Airborne", "context_date": "September 7, 2005", "context_left": "The offices of DirectNIC, a New Orleans based webhost and services provider, were visited by armed members of the 82nd Airborne Division during an interview with Wikinews reporters Tuesday evening. DirectNIC has been the home of \"Outpost Crystal\" — an information dissemination effort involving hundreds of volunteers throughout the world — since ", "context_right": " wracked the United States foreign=suppress last Monday.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Perro es rescatado en Japón a más de tres semanas del terremoto", "context_date": "3 de abril de 2011", "context_left": "A más de tres semanas del fatídico ", "context_right": " que arrasaron con la ciudad de Sendai, en Japón, un perro que permaneció flotando sobre el techo de una casa fue rescatado por los socorristas cerca de la costa de Miyagi.", "mention": "terremoto y posterior tsunami", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "ムサウィ被告、共謀罪で終身刑の判決―アメリカ同時多発テロ", "context_date": "2006年5月5日", "context_left": "アメリカ合衆国連邦地方裁判所のレオニー・ブリンキマ判事は、", "context_right": "で共謀罪に問われたザカリアス・ムサウィ被告の判決で、連邦地裁の陪審員の勧告を支持し終身刑を言い渡した。被告はコロラド州フローレンスにある連邦で最も警備が厳重な刑務所に収監される見込み。", "mention": "2001年9月11日の同時多発テロ", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Crece el apoyo a la independencia de Escocia", "context_date": "2 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Un sondeo sobre intención de voto mostró que el apoyo a la independencia de Escocia aumentó, informaron diversas fuentes internacionales. De acuerdo a la encuesta de YouGov, 47% de los encuestados votarían \"Sí\", mientras que un 53% darían el \"No\". No obstante, el gobierno británico restó valor a estos datos al afirmar que confía en que triunfará el \"No\", el próximo 18 de septiembre, cuando ", "context_right": " si continúan siendo parte del Reino Unido.", "mention": "Escocia decida en referéndum", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "Казахстан ожидает митинга «по земельному вопросу» 21 мая", "context_date": "20 мая 2016", "context_left": "Нынешние выступления — это первые массовые волнения в Казахстане после ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Жанаозенских протестов", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1087721"} {"context_title": "Сборная России улучшила свои позиции в рейтинге ФИФА", "context_date": "2 февраля 2011", "context_left": "Большое влияние на рейтинг произвёл только что завершившийся в Катаре ", "context_right": ". Японцы, одержавшие на нём победу поднялись сразу на 12 строчек, заняв 17 позицию. Проигравшие им в финале австралийцы поднялись с 26 на 21 строчку. Сборная Южной Кореи, завоевавшая бронзовые медали, оказалась на 32 месте, поднявшись на 7 позиций. Сборная Ирана, с которой россияне проведут ближайший товарищеский матч поднялась с 65 на 44 место.", "mention": "Кубок Азии", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "275687"} {"context_title": "Mitt Romney suspends his United States presidential campaign, McCain and Huckabee remain fighting for GOP nomination", "context_date": "February 7, 2008", "context_left": "With Romney's departure, most say that the Republican Party will nominate Senator John McCain at the ", "context_right": " in St. Paul, Minnesota. McCain currently leads in delegate count. There is also speculation that McCain will pick Mike Huckabee, who remains in the race, as his running mate.", "mention": "2008 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Floods in Tabasco, Mexico impact over a million people", "context_date": "November 3, 2007", "context_left": "He also compared the damage caused by ", "context_right": " on the US Gulf Coast two years ago, saying that New Orleans was \"small compared to this\". ", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "தார்பூர் பிராந்திய ஆணையம் அமைக்க சூடான் முடிவு", "context_date": "பெப்ரவரி 9, 2012", "context_left": "", "context_right": " இரண்டு மில்லியன் மக்கள் வரை தற்காலிக முகாம்களில் வசித்து வருகின்றனர். 300,000 பேர் வரையில் இறந்துள்ளதாக ஐக்கிய நாடுகளின் மதிப்பீடு ஒன்று தெரிவிக்கிறது.", "mention": "தார்பூர் போரினால்", "context_lang": "ta", "label_id": "190758"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2009 Singapore Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 28, 2009", "context_left": "Monday this week saw a conclusion of the \"crashgate\" scandal around Renault, as the World Motor Sport Council gave the team a two-year suspended ban. This was for a deliberate crash at the ", "context_right": ". Former team boss Flavio Briatore was banned for life from any FIA-sanctioned event and was replaced by Bob Bell on this post and chief engineer Pat Symonds was banned for five years. The Renault team also lost two sponsors this week: ING Group and Mutua Madrileña.", "mention": "2008 Singapore Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179338"} {"context_title": "2008 Google Developer Day starts from Yokohama, Japan", "context_date": "June 12, 2008", "context_left": "Fumitoshi Ukai, the Software Engineer of Google Japan, has pointed out the importance of Google App Engine, and performed a SWOT analysis using the ", "context_right": " as an example, and said: \"The failure or success of Cloud Computing will be determined by three critical factors - ability of offline computing, language support, and quotas of databases.\"", "mention": "Sichuan earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "152033"} {"context_title": "Apoio à independência de Escócia cai a dias do referendo", "context_date": "12 de setembro de 2014", "context_left": "Uma nova sondagem publicada hoje pela revelou que novamente o \"não\" se impõe na intenção de voto dos escoceses, que em 18 de setembro decidiram se ser ", "context_right": ". A nova pesquisa sinaliza que os unionistas superam por quatro pontos percentuais aos separatistas, ou seja, 52% dos eleitores disseram \"não\" diante os 48% que querem uma Escócia independente (excluam-se os indecisos).", "mention": "independente ou permanecer no Reino Unido", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "Brasil e Argentina decidem hoje quem vai à final da Copa América", "context_date": "2 de julho de 2019", "context_left": "O e a abrem na noite de hoje (2) a rodada semifinal da ", "context_right": ", que será concluída amanhã (3) entre e . Ao falar sobre a partida, o treinador preferiu manter segredo sobre a escalação da seleção , não confirmando a presença do lateral esquerdo Filipe Luís. O jogador se recupera de dores musculares na coxa direita. O técnico optou por elogiar o comportamento da torcida em relação à seleção.", "mention": "Copa América de 2019", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "4630358"} {"context_title": "Staffs for US presidential candidates John McCain and Barack Obama caught making questionable edits to Wikipedia", "context_date": "August 26, 2008", "context_left": "This discovery occurred at the beginning of the ", "context_right": " which began on Monday in Denver, Colorado where Obama is accepting his nomination for the presidential bid.", "mention": "2008 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "Syria begins withdrawing troops from Lebanon", "context_date": "March 8, 2005", "context_left": "Syrian troops and intelligence officers have been present in Lebanon since the country began a peace-keeping mission in Lebanon during the 1976, following the start of ", "context_right": ". U.S. forces withdrew in 1984 after a suicide attack killed 241 Marines. Ever since, Syria has had a strong political hold on its neighbour.", "mention": "Lebanon's civil war", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "208484"} {"context_title": "Más de 30 muertos deja en México el terremoto de magnitud 8.2", "context_date": "8 de septiembre de 2017", "context_left": "Según cifras oficiales, el ", "context_right": " que se registró en México el pasado 7 de septiembre ha dejado 32 muertos y 200 heridos, principalmente en el estado de Oaxaca, uno de los más afectados. El gobernador, Alejandro Murat, informó que gran parte de los fallecimientos se reportaron en la localidad de Juchitán, al sureste del estado.", "mention": "terremoto de magnitud 8.2", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "38982786"} {"context_title": "Митинг в Страсбурге в память депортации чеченцев и ингушей", "context_date": "25 февраля 2017", "context_left": "Более тысячи представителей вайнахских диаспор Евросоюза собрались в память о трагедии вайнахского народа 23 февраля 1944 года, когда по приказу Иосифа Сталина ", "context_right": " в Сибирь и Среднюю Азию, в основном Казахстан и Киргизию.", "mention": "была осуществлена депортация чеченцев и ингушей", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "654363"} {"context_title": "Zemřel Richard Holbrooke", "context_date": "13. prosinec 2010", "context_left": "Mezi Holbrookovy největší úspěchy patří zásadní přínos k uzavření Daytonské mírové dohody v roce 1995, která ukončila ", "context_right": " v Bosně. Za prezidentství Billa Clintona byl velvyslancem USA při OSN.", "mention": "válku", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "181533"} {"context_title": "Possible 'mastermind' of London bombings captured in Egypt", "context_date": "July 15, 2005", "context_left": "Mr. el-Nashar, who has a PhD from Leeds University, left England two weeks before the bombings. After the ", "context_right": ", British authorities initiated a worldwide manhunt that found him in Cairo. State security officials reported they have begun questioning el-Nashar with British agents in attendance.", "mention": "London bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews three figures from Donald Trump's political past", "context_date": "March 13, 2016", "context_left": "In Trump's highly publicized 2016 campaign, he has run under the banner of Make America Great Again, advocating a Mexican-funded wall along the U.S.–Mexico border, renegotiation of trade terms with other nations, and a temporary halt on the immigration of Muslims to the United States. He holds a considerable lead in ", "context_right": " delegates over his opponents, winning 15 of the first 24 primary and caucus contests. Though this is Trump's most visible campaign, it is not his first foray into electoral politics. He flirted with Republican presidential runs: first in 1987, when he purchased newspaper advertisements on foreign policy and delivered a campaign-like speech in the first-in-the-nation primary state of New Hampshire; and then in 2011, when he briefly led nationwide opinion polls for the presidential nomination after questioning the citizenship of President Barack Obama. Trump's most extensive campaign before now came during the 2000 presidential election when he opened an exploratory committee to consider seeking the presidential nomination of the Reform Party. ", "mention": "Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16156282"} {"context_title": "国际社会加紧援助印尼地震灾民", "context_date": "2006年5月31日", "context_left": "", "context_right": "已经造成5800多人丧生。日惹的许多医院依然挤满了伤员。不过目击者说,随着更多的援助的到来,医院过度拥挤的状况正得到缓解。地震造成20万人流离失所。尽管国际社会在努力救援,但是许多幸存者说,庇护设施和其它供应的到来依然进展缓慢。", "mention": "上星期六的大地震", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "867691"} {"context_title": "NATO holder krisemøte om Georgia", "context_date": "19. august 2008", "context_left": "<onlyinclude>/Utenriksministerne i NATO er i krisemøte om ", "context_right": ". USA ber Europa om å nedskalere relasjonene til Russland, og gjør det samtidig klart at de ikke vil akseptere et nytt jernteppe.</onlyinclude>", "mention": "konflikten i Georgia", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "明尼苏达州一非裔美国人被警方暴力致死 全美多地爆发抗议", "context_date": "2020年5月29日", "context_left": "5月25日,美国明尼苏达州明尼阿波利斯,46岁的黑人司机", "context_right": "疑似使用20美元假钞在便利商店买东西,被警方拦下。其中一名警察将弗洛伊德按倒在地,并用膝盖顶住他的脖子长达7分钟。弗洛伊德被拉起后,身体无力,随后送往医院,不治身亡。", "mention": "乔治·弗洛伊德", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "95579249"} {"context_title": "Nuevo terremoto de 7 grados sacude Japón", "context_date": "15 de abril de 2016", "context_left": "Un nuevo terremoto de 7,0 grados sacudió Japón a la 1:25 del sábado hora local (16:25 del viernes UTC). El epicentro se situó cerca de la ciudad de Kumamoto en la isla de Kyūshū, donde se produjeron ayer ", "context_right": ". Las cifras ascienden a 32 muertos y 800 heridos.", "mention": "dos terremotos de 6,0 y 6,2 grados", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "23825118"} {"context_title": "Hurrikan Katrina gefährdet nächsten Spaceshuttle-Start im März 2006", "context_date": "01.09.2005", "context_left": " Die Auswirkungen des ", "context_right": " gefährden nun auch den Zeitplan der NASA. Der nächste Start des Spaceshuttle, der für März 2006 vorgesehen war, ist nun nicht mehr sicher. Grund dafür ist die Beschädigung der Fabrik „Michoud Assembly Facility“ östlich von New Orleans. Der Hurrikan demolierte Dächer und verursachte Wasserschäden. Dachabdeckungen wurden von dem starken Wind weggeweht und hinterließen große Löcher. Der Komplex wird von der Firma Lockheed Martin benutzt, um Untersuchungen und Tests am externen Tank der Raumfähre durchzuführen.", "mention": "Hurrikans Katrina", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "தார்பூரின் முக்கிய போராளிக்குழு சூடான் அரசுடன் போர்நிறுத்த ஒப்பந்தம்", "context_date": "பெப்ரவரி 21, 2010", "context_left": "", "context_right": " அமைதிக்கு இவ்வுடன்படிக்கை ஒரு முக்கிய திருப்புமுனையாகக் கருதப்படுகிறது. இருப்பினும் மற்றைய முக்கிய குழு பேச்சுக்களுக்கு வர மறுத்துள்ளது.", "mention": "தார்ஃபூரின்", "context_lang": "ta", "label_id": "190758"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Andy Martin, U.S. Republican Party presidential candidate", "context_date": "August 8, 2011", "context_left": "According to \"The New York Times\", Martin first spread the 'Obama is a Muslim' rumor via press release following then-Senate candidate Obama's 2004 keynote address to the ", "context_right": ". Amid the 2008 presidential election, Martin traveled to Hawaii to investigate Obama, who was at the time, the Democratic Party nominee for president. In October 2008, he filed a lawsuit against the state to release Obama's birth certificate, but it was dismissed by the courts. After returning from the trip, Martin announced that he believed Frank Marshall Davis was Obama's biological father.", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "359657"} {"context_title": "Chinese chef Peng Chang-kuei's death announced", "context_date": "December 3, 2016", "context_left": "Peng conceived the famed dish, which is unknown in China, as unfried. Garlic and soy sauce provided flavour, as did chillies. Today the chicken is served across the US as fried chicken in a sweet, sticky sauce. The chillies remain, with broccoli also appearing. Peng named it after Zuo Zongtang from his native Hunan Province; Zongtang assisted in suppressing the 19th-century ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Taiping Rebellion", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "192408"} {"context_title": "Guanyu Zhou kierowcą Alfy Romeo w sezonie 2022", "context_date": "16 listopada 2021", "context_left": "Guanyu Zhou będzie pierwszym chińskim kierowcą wyścigowym w Formule 1, lecz będzie drugim Chińczykiem który prowadził samochód Formuły 1. Pierwszym chińskim kierowcą, który zasiadł w kokpicie wyścigowym najwyższej serii wyścigowej był Ma Qinghua, który uczestniczył w czterech piątkowych treningach w sezonie 2012 dla zespołu HRT i w pierwszej sesji treningowej przed Grand Prix Chin 2013 dla ekipy Caterham. W tym sezonie, Guanyu Zhou brał udział w weekendzie Grand Prix, biorąc udział w pierwszym treningu do ", "context_right": ", zastępując w sesji Fernando Alonso.", "mention": "Grand Prix Austrii", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "106317378"} {"context_title": "Seguidores de Berlusconi buscan que le sea concedido el Premio Nobel de la Paz 2010", "context_date": "4 de junio de 2009", "context_left": "El comité que defiende esta candidatura ha sostenido que Berlusconi, usando la estrecha amistad que tiene con el primer ministro ruso Vladimir Putin, ayudó a poner fin al ", "context_right": " en el 2008. Sus promotores también citan un tratado que Berlusconi ayudó a negociar con Libia el año pasado.", "mention": "conflicto entre Rusia y Georgia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Αργεντινής ηττήθηκε με σκορ 4-5 στα πέναλτι από την Εθνική Ουρουγουάης", "context_date": "17 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Αργεντινής ηττήθηκε στα πέναλτι με σκορ 4:5 από την Εθνική Ουρουγουάης στα προημιτελικά του ", "context_right": ", το οποίο διοργανώνει η Αργεντινή.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "В Стамбуле закончилась 40-я шахматная олимпиада", "context_date": "11 сентября 2012", "context_left": "В Стамбуле завершилась ", "context_right": " по шахматам, которая проходила с 27 августа по 10 сентября 2012 года при участии 157 стран.", "mention": "40-я олимпиада", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "890313"} {"context_title": "Five United States ex-presidents raise relief funds at hurricane event", "context_date": "October 24, 2017", "context_left": "The event, called \"Deep from the Heart: The One America Appeal\", part of the One America Appeal charity effort, featured country music and gospel performers such as Lyle Lovett and Yolanda Adams, and an appearance by singer Lady Gaga. The funds raised are meant to aid victims of Hurricanes Harvey, Irma and ", "context_right": ", which struck U.S. soil in Texas, Florida, Puerto Rico and the Virgin Islands.", "mention": "Maria", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "40178187"} {"context_title": "Ленин и Керенский встретились в Уральском государственном медицинском университете", "context_date": "21 ноября 2016", "context_left": "Третий раунд представлял собой своего рода допрос Керенского и Ленина со стороны ведущих, которых было двое — юноша и девушка, так же студенты Университета, Добриев Муса и Воронцова Анастасия. Вероятно поэтому они не вставали в позу «мудрейшего» по примеру Владимира Соловьёва. Вопросы они задавали каверзные. Например, Ленину был предъявлен тёмный эпизод из его биографии — выезд без паспорта в Швейцарию в начале Первой мировой войны при поддержке австрийского депутата Виктора Адлера. Но «Ленин» смог уклониться от ответа на вопрос об обвинении в шпионаже в пользу Германии. Был поднят вопрос и о ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "расстреле царской семьи", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1356047"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Ρωσίας ήρθε ισόπαλη με την Εθνική Ιρλανδίας με σκορ 0-0", "context_date": "7 Σεπτεμβρίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Ρωσίας ήρθε ισόπαλη με την Εθνική Ιρλανδίας με σκορ 0:0 για τον Β' Όμιλο των Προκριματικών του ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου 2012", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Europäischer Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte verurteilte Russland wegen Massakern in Tschetschenien", "context_date": "27.07.2007", "context_left": " Russland wurde vom Europäischen Gerichtshof für Menschenrechte (EGMR) wegen seiner ", "context_right": " verurteilt. Gestern sprach der Gerichtshof acht Tschetschenen Schmerzensgeld in Höhe von insgesamt 273.000 Euro zu, weil ihre Angehörigen im Februar und August 2000 bei Militäreinsätzen durch die russische Armee getötet worden waren.", "mention": "Massaker in Tschetschenien", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "120843"} {"context_title": "中國推遲審訊黃琦", "context_date": "2009年2月3日", "context_left": "黃琦是中國的著名社會活動家,他和妻子曾麗是「六四天網」的創始人,多年來一直為爭取人權而鬥爭。2000年至2005年因為「煽動顛覆國家政權罪」入獄5年。出獄之後,黃琦繼續原先的鬥爭,將「六四天網」改為「中國天網人權事務中心」,影響力進一步擴大。去年的", "context_right": "中,黃琦幫助地震中遇難學生的家長爭取自身權益,揭露四川學校的豆腐渣工程,並在網上撰文批評政府救災行動的緩慢。這導致黃琦在去年的6月10日遭到當局的秘密逮捕,6月16日以「非法持有國家機密」罪名遭到起訴。", "mention": "汶川大地震", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "152033"} {"context_title": "Scotland Yard zoekt niet langer naar overlevenden Grenfell Tower-brand", "context_date": "10 juli 2017", "context_left": "Scotland Yard stopt met het zoeken naar restanten van slachtoffers van de ", "context_right": ". Het dodental staat nu op 81. Ten tijde van de brand waren er 350 mensen in het flatgebouw, van wie er 225 konden worden geëvacueerd. 14 bewoners waren niet thuis. Alle nog identificeerbare menselijke resten zijn inmiddels uit het gebouw gehaald. Er zijn tot nu toe niet meer dan 32 mensen formeel geïdentificeerd, bij een aantal van de overige dodelijke slachtoffers zal dit nooit meer lukken omdat hun resten door de verzengende hitte bij de brand te onherkenbaar zijn.", "mention": "grote brand vorige maand in de Grenfell Tower", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "30274958"} {"context_title": "Louis van Gaal weer bondscoach Oranje", "context_date": "7 juli 2012", "context_left": "Louis van Gaal (60 jaar) is door de KNVB aangesteld als bondscoach van het Nederlands voetbalelftal, zo maakte de Nederlandse voetbalbond gisteravond bekend. Hij neemt het stokje over van Bert van Marwijk, die eind juni 2012 zijn ontslag indiende na een teleurstellend verlopen ", "context_right": ". Met Danny Blind als assistent wordt Van Gaal op 10 augustus in Zeist officieel gepresenteerd.", "mention": "Europees kampioenschap", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Felipe Massa vence o Grande Prêmio da Espanha de 2007", "context_date": "13 de maio de 2007", "context_left": "Felipe Massa é mais uma vez o vencedor de uma etapa do Campeonato Mundial de Fórmula 1, no Grande Prêmio da Espanha de 2007, em Barcelona. Já o também brasileiro Rubens Barrichello ficou em 10.º lugar, na frente de seu companheiro de equipe Jenson Button. A próxima corrida será o ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Grande Prêmio de Mônaco", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "419664"} {"context_title": "McCanns granted newspaper apologies", "context_date": "March 19, 2008", "context_left": "The parents of ", "context_right": ", the four-year-old British girl who went missing in May 2007, have won a court case against the Express Newspapers group in the settlement of a libel case regarding the group's coverage of their daughter's disappearance. In a statement read outside London's High Court on behalf of the McCanns, the couple say that the outcome was 'the only just and proper response' to the 'utter falsity' of the reports. ", "mention": "Madeleine McCann", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "639251"} {"context_title": "Report claims that Pakistani cricket coach Bob Woolmer was poisoned", "context_date": "April 30, 2007", "context_left": "Pakistani cricket coach Bob Woolmer, who was found dead in his hotel room after the shock loss of the Pakistani cricket team to lowly-ranked Ireland during the ", "context_right": ", was poisoned before being strangled, according to a TV report due to be broadcast on the BBC News programme \"Panorama\".", "mention": "Cricket World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1127675"} {"context_title": "Police make significant progress in London bombings investigation", "context_date": "July 12, 2005", "context_left": "Dramatic developments today have revealed new information about last ", "context_right": " on London. One person has been arrested after a series of .", "mention": "Thursday's bomb attacks", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Crime in New Orleans sharply increases after Hurricane Katrina", "context_date": "September 2, 2005", "context_left": "Reports out of New Orleans on September 1 stated that victims of ", "context_right": " were being raped and beaten and that fights and fires were out of control, leaving corpses laying in the open as the city descended into anarchy. ", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "US presidential candidate Barack Obama's lead increases after Democratic National Convention", "context_date": "September 1, 2008", "context_left": "United States presidential candidate Barack Obama's lead in the polls has increased by 3.3% over John McCain since the ", "context_right": ". Last week, the two candidates were statistically tied. Now, Barack Obama is polling at 49.0% and John McCain is polling at 44.1%, a 4.9% lead, according to the latest \"Day to Day Politics Poll Average\". The margin of error for the poll average is at 0.93%. ", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "Dzhokhar Tsarnaev es condenado a muerte", "context_date": "16 de mayo de 2015", "context_left": "La sentencia queda ahora pendiente de apelación, en un proceso que podría demorarse durante años. De fracasar ésta, Tsarnaev se convertiría en la cuarta persona en ser ejecutada por el gobierno federal durante los últimos 50 años, y la primera desde el 11-S. El caso más cercano es el de Timothy McVeigh, ejecutado en junio de 2001 como consecuencia del ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Atentado de Oklahoma City", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "217528"} {"context_title": "L'Italia vince l'Eurovision Song Contest 2021", "context_date": "23 maggio 2021", "context_left": "Presso l'Ahoy Rotterdam di Rotterdam, Paesi Bassi, si è tenuta la serata finale dell'", "context_right": ", la sessantacinquesima edizione della più seguita manifestazione musicale europea. Dei 26 finalisti, tra cui 20 qualificati dalle due semifinali di martedì e giovedì e 6 \"Big Five\" (Francia, Germania, Italia, Regno Unito e Spagna) + Paese ospitante (Paesi Bassi), a vincere sono stati i favoriti dai \"bookmakers\" ossia i Måneskin in rappresentanza dell'Italia con il brano \"Zitti e buoni\".", "mention": "Eurovision Song Contest 2021", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "50729731"} {"context_title": "FC Barcelona defeats Sevilla FC 5-4 to win UEFA Super Cup 2015", "context_date": "August 15, 2015", "context_left": "On Wednesday, Catalonia-based football club FC Barcelona defeated Seville-based football club Sevilla 5–4 to win the ", "context_right": " UEFA Super Cup. The match was held in Boris Paichadze Dinamo Arena in the city of Tbilisi, Georgia. Pedro, who may leave for Manchester United, scored the winning goal of the match in the 115th minute. This was the fifth UEFA Super cup won by Barcelona.", "mention": "2015", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "4630327"} {"context_title": "Rússia sediará a Copa do Mundo FIFA 2018 e Catar, a de 2022", "context_date": "3 de dezembro de 2010", "context_left": " e , dois países tidos como sem tradição no futebol, irão sediar as próximas edições da de . A Rússia ganhou o direito de sediar a e o Catar sediará o torneio em ", "context_right": ". Será a primeira vez que a copa se realizará no e no , assim como num país árabe.", "mention": "2022", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "Patrick Shanahan gibt auf – Mark Esper neuer amtierender US-Verteidigungsminister", "context_date": "19.06.2019", "context_left": "Der Personalwechsel kommt in einer Phase der Spannungen zwischen den USA und Iran wegen des ", "context_right": ". Der Zwischenfall wird von Trump dem Iran angelastet, der jegliche Verantwortung dafür jedoch zurückwies. Präsident Trump hat wegen des Zwischenfalls die Verstärkung des amerikanischen Truppenkontingents in der Region um 1000 Mann angeordnet.", "mention": "Angriffs auf zwei Öltanker im Golf von Oman", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "64590471"} {"context_title": "Gabrielle Giffords se recupera y ya respira por sí misma", "context_date": "12 de enero de 2011", "context_left": "Loughner tiene como abogada a Judy Clarke, quien defendió al autor intelectual del ", "context_right": ", Timothy McVeigh y al llamado \"Unabomber\", Ted Kaczynski.", "mention": "atentado en la ciudad de Oklahoma", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "217528"} {"context_title": "Protesty w Hiszpanii - fotoreportaż", "context_date": "1 czerwca 2011", "context_left": "Demonstranci w Hiszpanii domagają się przede wszystkim realnej demokracji i nawiązują zarówno do ", "context_right": " jak i do tegorocznych .", "mention": "rewolucji z 1968 we Francji", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "6743"} {"context_title": "Calcio Italia campionato nazionale Serie A 2005-2006 17° giornata ritorno", "context_date": "30 aprile 2006", "context_left": "Verdetti: Messina retrocesso in Serie B 2006-2007, in seguito ripescato in ", "context_right": "", "mention": "Serie A 2006-2007", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "728459"} {"context_title": "Olivera Jevtić šesta na EP u Barseloni", "context_date": "31. јул 2010.", "context_left": "Barselona, (Beta) - Atletičarka Srbije Olivera Jevtić zauzela je u subotu šesto mesto na maratonu na ", "context_right": " u Barseloni, pošto je stazu istrčala za dva sata, 34 minuta i 56 sekundi.", "mention": "Evropskom prvenstvu", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "210666"} {"context_title": "Suman 278 muertos tras disturbios en Egipto", "context_date": "14 de agosto de 2013", "context_left": "Este miércoles, la crisis de Egipto \"dio un nuevo giro\" tras registrarse 278 muertos y al menos 2001 heridos tras enfrentamientos entre manifestantes y la policía. Estos enfrentamientos llegaron al día más sangriento desde la ", "context_right": ". Del total de fallecidos, el Ministerio de Salud señaló que 235 eran civiles y 43 policías.", "mention": "revolución de 2011", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "29198"} {"context_title": "美國參議員盧比奧指香港人對普選合法訴求仍未實現", "context_date": "2017年3月30日", "context_left": "盧比奧在聲明當中說:「中華人民共和國政府明顯干預這次行政長官選舉,是香港長期以來自主權不斷萎縮的另一個明顯的例子。 特別是選舉結果宣布後幾個小時, 幾名香港", "context_right": "領袖正在面臨香港政府對參與民主運動抗議者的新一輪指控。 候任香港行政長官林鄭月娥有責任為符合香港人民的民主願望,需要推動在2014年『雨傘運動』的願景而邁向有意義的步伐,因為嚮往民主的願景在今天仍然非常活躍。」", "mention": "雨傘運動", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "18145420"} {"context_title": "Исламское государство угрожает Италии и Папе Римскому", "context_date": "29 августа 2017", "context_left": "Исламское государство возникло в Ираке на основе повстанческих организаций, появившихся после ", "context_right": " в 2003 году. В России признано «запрещённой организацией».", "mention": "вторжения США и их союзников", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Czwarty dzień wymiany ognia między Tajlandią a Kambodżą", "context_date": "8 lutego 2011", "context_left": "Napięcie wzrosło pod koniec grudnia, gdy siedmiu Tajlandczyków, którzy weszli na sporne terytorium, zostało aresztowanych. Dwóch spośród nich, w tym były przywódca rojalistycznego ruchu ", "context_right": " zostało skazanych w Phnom Penh na karę więzienia za szpiegostwo. ", "mention": "\"Źółtych Koszul\"", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "1059090"} {"context_title": "Comedian Jon Stewart to host 78th Academy Awards", "context_date": "January 6, 2006", "context_left": "\"The Daily Show\" has become influental in politics and pop culture. Stewart has interviewed many guests from both sides of the political spectrum, including 2004 presidential candidate John Kerry, Bill O'Reilly, Bill Clinton, Jimmy Carter, and has asked for President George W. Bush to come on the show, going so far as publish an invitation in a full page newspaper ad during the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2004 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "359662"} {"context_title": "Мировые лидеры собираются в Нормандии в надежде на прорыв в Украине", "context_date": "6 июня 2014", "context_left": "Мировые лидеры и ветераны в пятницу, 6 июня 2014 года, соберутся на берегах Нормандии, чтобы отметить 70-ю годовщину ", "context_right": ", которая способствовала коренному повороту во Второй мировой войне.", "mention": "высадки союзников", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "8641370"} {"context_title": "Deposed Mauritanian president Sidi Ould Cheikh Abdallahi is released", "context_date": "December 21, 2008", "context_left": "Sidi Mohamed Ould Cheikh Abdallahi (Arabic: سيدي محمد ولد الشيخ عبد الله) is a Mauritanian politician who served in the government during the 1970s, and after a long period of absence from politics he won the March 2007 presidential election, taking office on 19 April 2007. He was deposed in a military ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "coup d'etat on August 6, 2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2465567"} {"context_title": "福島県の3町村の避難区域再編を決定 - 葛尾村・富岡町・浪江町", "context_date": "2013年3月8日", "context_left": "東京電力", "context_right": "に伴う避難区域の再編について日本政府の原子力災害対策本部は3月7日()、全域が警戒区域および計画的避難区域に指定されている福島県葛尾村・富岡町・浪江町の3町村の区域再編を行うことを決定した。葛尾村は3月22日、富岡町は3月25日、浪江町は4月1日のそれぞれ午前0時から、放射線量ごとに「帰還困難区域」(年間被曝線量50ミリシーベルト超)・「居住制限区域」(同20ミリシーベルト超、50ミリシーベルト以下)・「避難指示解除準備区域」(同20ミリシーベルト以下)の3つの区域に再編される。", "mention": "福島第一原子力発電所事故", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Brasil vence o Peru por 3 a 1 e é campeão da Copa América", "context_date": "7 de julho de 2019", "context_left": "Deu a lógica do na final entre Brasil e Peru, com a Seleção Canarinho sagrando-se campeã da ", "context_right": ", vencendo por 3 x 1. A partida, neste (7), foi emocionante desde os primeiros minutos de jogo, com as seleções e duelando em pé de igualdade, com superioridades técnica e individual do Brasil recebendo combate com garra e disposição por parte do Peru.", "mention": "Copa América de 2019", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "4630358"} {"context_title": "【熊本地震】オープンストリートマップが救援地図作り「クライシスマッピング」を開始", "context_date": "2016年4月20日", "context_left": "オープンストリートマップによる地図は無料につき、ボランティアセンターなどでクライシスマップとして被災者へ配布する形で情報提供を実現できる。また情報の精度に関しては、地図作成者(マッパー)によって山間部や過疎地域などの情報も提供してもらうことにより、きめ細かい内容更新が実現可能である。クライシスマッピングは2010年の", "context_right": "や2011年の東日本大震災、2015年のネパール地震の際にも運用された実績がある。", "mention": "ハイチ地震", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "Extremistas islámicos del Cáucaso amenazan con atacar los Juegos Olímpicos de Sochi 2014", "context_date": "3 de julio de 2013", "context_left": "Sus ataques incluyen el atentado del Aeropuerto Internacional de Moscú-Domodédovo de 2011 en el que fallecieron 40 personas y los ", "context_right": ", donde fallecieron 37 personas y 173 resultaron heridas.", "mention": "Atentados del metro de Moscú de 2010", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "269893"} {"context_title": "Украина празднует 20-летие независимости", "context_date": "25 августа 2011", "context_left": "Эти данные обнародовала украинская компания «Research & Branding Group». Социологи узнавали об отношении украинцев к независимости Украины, а также по ", "context_right": " в различных регионах. Так, каждый пятый украинские определил августовский путч как «эпизод борьбы за власть среди высшего руководства страны». На западе же большинство украинские охарактеризовало путч как «победу демократической революции, покончившей с властью КПСС».", "mention": "событиям августа 1991 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "221382"} {"context_title": "Governo angolano não aceita novo embaixador da Mauritânia", "context_date": "27 de setembro de 2014", "context_left": "O Governo angolano negou as cartas credenciais ao novo Embaixador da Mauritânia, Abdallahi Ould Ahmed Damou, que foi assessor especial sobre a Segurança Alimentar do presidente da Mauritânia. Segundo o site Angola 24 Horas, ele foi considerado persona non grata pelo Governo de Angola, alegadamente por ter apoiado o ", "context_right": " perpetrado por Abdelaziz.", "mention": "Golpe de Estado em 6 de Agosto de 2008", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "2465567"} {"context_title": "U.S. President Obama's farewell address focuses on accomplishment", "context_date": "January 12, 2017", "context_left": "Obama's speech was wide-ranging. He thanked his family and the nation, spoke of the need for unity, noted the country's accomplishments and need for improvement in areas like education and civil rights, and spoke about the need for pride in U.S. accomplishments, citing milestones of U.S. history and of his presidency specifically. \"It's why GIs gave their lives at and ; Iraq and Afghanistan – and why men and women from Selma to ", "context_right": " were prepared to give theirs as well.\"", "mention": "Stonewall", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "51402"} {"context_title": "Iran's President Rouhani tells foreign powers to leave Persian Gulf", "context_date": "September 23, 2019", "context_left": "Rouhani was speaking at the opening of Sacred Defence Week, an annual commemoration of the eight-year ", "context_right": ", which features military parades. \"The presence of foreign forces can be dangerous for the region, international waters, as well as the security of shipping lines and energy, but our path is to create unity and coordination with regional countries,\" he said. \"Those who want to link the region’s incidents to the Islamic Republic of Iran are lying like their past lies that have been revealed [...] If they are truthful and really seek security in the region, they must not send weapons, fighter jets, bombs and dangerous arms to the region.\"", "mention": "Iran–Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "82664"} {"context_title": "Пакистан и Индия сбивают самолёты друг друга", "context_date": "27 февраля 2019", "context_left": "Обострение отношений между Индией и Пакистаном началось ", "context_right": ", который произошёл 14 февраля в Пулваме на территории штата Джамму и Кашмир.", "mention": "после теракта", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "61732241"} {"context_title": "Bjørndalen vant jaktstarten i skiskyter-VM", "context_date": "10. februar 2008", "context_left": "<onlyinclude>Ole Einar Bjørndalen vant søndagens 12,5 km jakttart for herrer under ", "context_right": " i Østersund i Sverige.</onlyinclude>", "mention": "VM i skiskyting 2008", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "238812"} {"context_title": "Η Τουρκία διαλύει το μνημείο φιλίας με την Αρμενία στην πόλη Καρς", "context_date": "1 Μαΐου 2011", "context_left": "Στην πόλη του Καρς στο παρελθόν υπήρχε μεγάλη Αρμένικη κοινότητα η οποία εξοντώθηκε το 1915 (", "context_right": "). Το 2009 η Τουρκία με την Αρμενία ξεκίνησαν διαβουλεύσεις για αποκατάσταση των διπλωματικών σχέσεων (και να ανοίξουν τα σύνορα των δύο χωρών τα οποία παραμένουν μέχρι και σήμερα κλειστά). Τότε ο πρώην δήμαρχος του Καρς Ναίφ Αλιβεϊογλου (Naif Alibeyoglu) αποφάσισε την ανέγερση αυτού του μνημείου ως ένδειξη φιλίας. Η διαδικασία συμφιλίωσης των δύο χωρών σταμάτησε το επόμενο έτος. Η Τουρκία με την Αρμενία βρίσκεται σε έντονη διένεξη για το χαρακτηρισμό ως γενοκτονίας της εξόντωσης των Αρμενίων το 1915.", "mention": "Γενοκτονία των Αρμενίων", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "Откривен мозаик анђела у Аја Софији", "context_date": "24. јул 2009.", "context_left": "Цариград - (\"-{Hurriyet}-\") У цариградском музеју Аја Софија, откривен је један он шест мозаика серафима које су прекречени након ", "context_right": " и њеног претварања у џамију 1453. године. ", "mention": "отоманског заузећа града", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "160077"} {"context_title": "12000 Commonwealth Games tickets remain unsold", "context_date": "March 11, 2006", "context_left": "With three days until the start of the ", "context_right": " in Melbourne, Australia, organisers still have some 12,000 tickets yet unsold after mailing out some 150,000 invitations to buy tickets to the Games' opening ceremony. At least 40 invitations were sent to the families of 40 deceased people. Organisers have since apologised for this mistake.", "mention": "2006 Commonwealth Games", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "659207"} {"context_title": "Robert Kubica wins 2008 Canadian Grand Prix", "context_date": "June 8, 2008", "context_left": "Nick Heidfeld also came second in the ", "context_right": " won by Lewis Hamilton. It was a race when Kubica suffered a violent crash. David Coulthard was the best of Renault-engined cars finishing third for Red Bull.", "mention": "previous year race", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "66053"} {"context_title": "US Senate Select Committee on Intelligence finds no link between Saddam Hussein and al-Qaeda", "context_date": "September 18, 2006", "context_left": "U.S. President George W. Bush and Vice-President Dick Cheney maintained since before the ", "context_right": ", that the Iraqi government had direct, operational links with al-Qaeda and was thus at least partially responsible for the terrorist attacks on the World Trade Center buildings and the Pentagon.", "mention": "2003 invasion of Iraq", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton zwycięzcą Grand Prix Hiszpanii", "context_date": "16 sierpnia 2020", "context_left": "Lewis Hamilton z zespołu Mercedes wygrał szósty wyścig sezonu 2020, Grand Prix Hiszpanii Formuły 1 na torze ", "context_right": ". Sześciokrotny mistrz świata wyprzedził o 24,177 sekund Maxa Verstappena z Red Bull Racing. Na trzecim miejscu sklasyfikowano Valtteriego Bottasa, który stracił do swojego kolegi zespołowego 44,752 sekund, zdobywając dodatkowo punkt za najszybsze okrążenie.", "mention": "Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "171404"} {"context_title": "リタ、カトリーナを凌ぐ勢力", "context_date": "2005年9月22日", "context_left": "なお、NHKによると、", "context_right": "による死者は、1,036人に上っている。", "mention": "ハリケーン・カトリーナ", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "„Pan doktor i Bóg” - spotkanie z autorkami książki o Marku Edelmanie", "context_date": "15 kwietnia 2012", "context_left": "Książka jest biografią ostatniego przywódcy ", "context_right": ". Spotkanie odbędzie się w Muzeum Miasta Łodzi, w Sali Lustrzanej przy ul. Ogrodowa 15. Wstęp wolny.", "mention": "powstania w warszawskim getcie", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "160161"} {"context_title": "Pierre Gasly nieoczekiwanym zwycięzcą Grand Prix Włoch", "context_date": "6 września 2020", "context_left": "Dla Pierre'a Gasly'ego jest to pierwsze zwycięstwo w Formule 1 i drugie podium w karierze. Jest to również pierwsze zwycięstwo ekipy Scuderia AlphaTauri – do tej pory najlepszym wynikiem włoskiej stajni było siódme miejsce, zdobywane przez Gasly'ego w wyścigach w Austrii i w pierwszym wyścigu w ", "context_right": ". Zwycięstwo kierowcy zespołu z Faenzy jest pierwszym zwycięstwem francuskiego kierowcy od Grand Prix Monako 1996, kiedy zwycięzcą wyścigu wtedy został Olivier Panis, reprezentujący wówczas Ligiera.", "mention": "Wielkiej Brytanii", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "67123915"} {"context_title": "Stoletý stíhací pluk v Buturlinovce oslavili, brzy ho i obnoví", "context_date": "13. červen 2014", "context_left": "Pluk, plným názvem 899. gardový útočný letecký pluk Oršanský Felixe Dzeržinského, dvojnásobný nositel Řádu rudého praporu a nositel Řádu Suvorova III. stupně, byl založen 18. června 1914. Jeho členové se zúčastnili bojů ve španělské občanské válce, ", "context_right": " v roce 1940, na východní frontě během Druhé světové války a později bojovali v dalších konfliktech, až po boje v Jižní Osetii v roce 2008.", "mention": "sovětsko-finské války", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "134949"} {"context_title": "El Comité Olímpico Internacional respalda a Sochi 2014 tras los atentados de Volgogrado", "context_date": "1 de enero de 2014", "context_left": "La seguridad se ha convertido en un aspecto fundamental de la organización de los Juegos Olímpicos desde la ", "context_right": " sucedida durante los Juegos Olímpicos de Múnich 1972. El Gobierno de Moscú ha gastado ya más de 50,000 millones de dólares en la preparación de los Juegos, lo que convierte a Sochi 2014 en los Juegos Olímpicos —de invierno y verano— más caros de la historia.", "mention": "Masacre de Múnich", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "229007"} {"context_title": "Grace Bowman withdraws from 2012 Paralympic Dressage Individual Championship Test - Grade II event", "context_date": "September 1, 2012", "context_left": "London, England — Earlier today at the Greenwich Park, riding third in the ", "context_right": " Dressage Individual Championship Test - Grade II, Grace Bowman withdrew mid-ride after a series of low scores during the event. Bowman was Australia's only rider in this event.", "mention": "Paralympic", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Europese klimaatdoelstellingen voor Sint Eustatius geen probleem", "context_date": "4 november 2017", "context_left": "Terwijl het nieuwe Kabinet-Rutte III alle zeilen bijstelt om de ", "context_right": " te halen, zal deze maand voor het eerst alle elektriciteit voor overdag uit zonne-energie halen. Voorwaarde is wel dat de zon schijnt, maar dat is op het eiland meestal het geval. Voor tijden dat er te weinig zonne-energie wordt opgewekt, worden er dieselaggregaten gebruikt.", "mention": "klimaatdoelstellingen van Parijs", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "15715792"} {"context_title": "なでしこジャパン世界一 - 女子サッカーワールドカップ", "context_date": "2011年7月19日", "context_left": "日刊スポーツによると、", "context_right": "の決勝が7月17日にドイツ・フランクフルトで行われ、日本代表(なでしこジャパン)がアメリカとの大接戦の末2-2からのPK戦3-1で下し、初優勝を決めた。", "mention": "女子サッカーワールドカップ", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "108183"} {"context_title": "Se lanza en Cali, Colombia, la III Copa de Voleibol Sentado", "context_date": "21 de julio de 2015", "context_left": "El evento inició con la presentación de la Sinfónica Batuta Somos Pacifico. La ONU intervino en el evento a través de su programa \"Respira Paz\", el cual busca concienciar sobre el adecuado manejo de las situaciones de la cotidianidad para contribuir a la construcción de la paz, en un momento en el que el Gobierno busca un acuerdo de paz con las FARC en La Habana. Luego tomaron la voz el personero y el alcalde de Cali, quienes resaltaron la realización del evento en la ciudad, reconocida como la Capital Deportiva de Colombia y que ha sido sede de eventos deportivos como los Juegos Mundiales de 2013, el Campeonato Mundial de Ciclismo en Pista de 2014 o el ", "context_right": " que tuvo lugar en la capital vallecaucana la semana pasada.", "mention": "Campeonato Mundial Juvenil de Atletismo de 2015", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "14837089"} {"context_title": "Beijing 2008 Olympics comes to a close", "context_date": "August 24, 2008", "context_left": "The 2008 Summer Olympics were formally declared closed during ", "context_right": " at the iconic Beijing National Stadium with the Olympics flag being handed over to the Mayor of London Boris Johnson. It began at 8:00 P.M. China Standard Time (UTC+8), and took place at the Beijing National Stadium.", "mention": "a colourful ceremony", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2719341"} {"context_title": "FEMA head relieved of duties", "context_date": "September 10, 2005", "context_left": "Mr. Brown, who came under intense pressure for government failures to provide timely assistance to disaster victims of ", "context_right": ", was ordered back to Washington and relieved of his duties in the Gulf States. His immediate FEMA role now will be for its national administration. The personnel change results in FEMA's local effort now being headed-up by military leadership, instead of civilian. However, Admiral Allen's Deputy (the number two federal offiicial in the field) is a civilian.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "U Murmanska pozorovali jasný meteorit", "context_date": "19. duben 2014", "context_left": "Média připomněla dva hlavní meteority z moderních ruských dějin - čebarkulský meteorit, který spadl u Čeljabinsku v únoru loňského roku, způsobil škody a asi 1200 zranění v osídlených oblastech, a ", "context_right": ", který způsobil masivní výbuch v pustých lesích tajgy v roce 1908.", "mention": "Tunguský meteorit", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "125953"} {"context_title": "Michael Schumacher wins 2006 French Grand Prix", "context_date": "July 16, 2006", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Michael Schumacher won the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " on the Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours. ", "mention": "French Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "221639"} {"context_title": "Fred Karger officially ends 2012 presidential campaign", "context_date": "June 30, 2012", "context_left": "In 2012, Karger appeared on the primary ballots in New Hampshire, Michigan, Puerto Rico, Maryland, California, and Utah. He had his strongest showing in Puerto Rico, edging Congressman Ron Paul in votes and claiming over one percent of the total. He received his largest vote total in his home state of California, winning 8,268. In the June 26 Utah primary, the final contest before the ", "context_right": ", Karger finished in fifth place with 0.25 percent, behind former Speaker of the House Newt Gingrich, former Senator Rick Santorum, Paul, and former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney, the presumptive Republican nominee who won with 93 percent of the vote.", "mention": "2012 National convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8462432"} {"context_title": "North Korea blames the United States in response to the Russia-Ukraine Crisis", "context_date": "February 27, 2022", "context_left": "The article marked the North Atlantic Treaty Organization's (NATO) expansion in Europe as a reason behind the Ukrainian crisis and a \"grave threat to the national security of Russia.\" Ri concluded that Western involvements, like the wars in Iraq and ", "context_right": " and the , sows the \"seeds of discord\", and \"the relations between the states deteriorate.\"", "mention": "Afghanistan", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182865"} {"context_title": "Blackwater mercenaries used in New Orleans", "context_date": "September 15, 2005", "context_left": "As of September 1, 2005, Blackwater USA sent equipment and security forces to the ", "context_right": " disaster area, including a SA-330J Puma helicopter, with the stated purpose of assisting in the evacuation of citizens from flooded areas. A later press release on Blackwater USA's web site confirms that their privately contracted forces are on the ground in New Orleans, being used to secure petrochemical facilities and provide security services for the federal government.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Landesorg i Spania etter togulykke", "context_date": "11. mars 2017", "context_left": "Spanias statsminister Mariano Rajoy, som selv er fra byen hvor ulykken skjedde, erklærte tre dagers landesorg etter togulykken utenfor Santiago de Compostela 24. juli 2013. Toget fra Madrid til Ferrol hadde 218 passasjerer og fire besetningsmedlemmer</onlyinclude> da det veltet i en kurve fire kilometer før stasjonen. 78 passasjerer ble drept, nesten like mange ble skadet, mange livstruende. Ulykken var den største jernbaneulykken i Spania siden 1944 om man ser bort fra ", "context_right": ", som var en terrorhandling, ikke en ulykke. ", "mention": "Terrorangrepet i Madrid mars 2004", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "213531"} {"context_title": "President Bush claims critics are rewriting Iraq war history", "context_date": "November 11, 2005", "context_left": "President Bush accused critics of the ", "context_right": " of rewriting history and distorting the events that led to the U.S. invasion. In an effort to divert criticism of his administration's decision to go to war with Iraq, Bush said that some Democrats viewed the same intelligence and came to similar conclusions. \"Some Democrats and anti-war critics are now claiming we manipulated the intelligence and misled the American people about why we went to war,\" Bush said.", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "European Union to reduce carbon emissions by 55% of 1990 levels by 2030", "context_date": "April 23, 2021", "context_left": "A September 2020 press release by the European Commission (EC) promised \"[f]ollowing broad public consultation and thorough impact assessments, the Commission will come forward with the corresponding legislative proposals by June 2021\", including, according to the BBC News a limit on CO2 removal that counts toward the target, encouraging member states to actually reduce carbon emissions instead of merely removing them. \"Adopting the new target in time would allow the EU to communicate its higher ambition to international partners well ahead of the ", "context_right": " in Glasgow and set the bar for others to follow\", the press release read.", "mention": "2021 UN Climate Conference (COP26)", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "68580968"} {"context_title": "Angelina Jolie háborús filmet forgat Fóton", "context_date": "2010. október 4.", "context_left": "Szláv színészek játszák a szerepek többségét, például Rade Serbedzija, Branko Djuric kapott lehetőséget. Az első magyarországi rendezés a rákospalotai Raleigh stúdióban történt, még szeptemberben. Brad Pitt 2001. november 19-én bemutatott \"Kémjátszma\" című filmje után Angelina Jolie is Magyarországot választotta forgatásának helyszínén. Brad Pitt a ", "context_right": " történelmi mérföldkövénél a Kémjátszmán dolgozott. Az igazsághoz hozzátartozik, hogy Jannifer Aniston még nem forgatott Budapesten. Jennifer Aniston és Gerard Bulter The Bounty Hunter premierjeire európai körutat tervezett.", "mention": "2001. szeptember 11-ei terrortámadások", "context_lang": "hu", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Spain in danger of Eurovision disqualification after scheduling snafu at RTVE", "context_date": "May 14, 2009", "context_left": "The Spanish national broadcaster, RTVE, is in danger of indirectly disqualifying its own ", "context_right": " entrant, former \"Operación Triunfo\" finalist Soraya Arnelas, 26, who is already in Moscow, Russia awaiting the final round on Saturday.", "mention": "Eurovision", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10157"} {"context_title": "Räikköselle jatkosopimus Ferrarilla", "context_date": "12. syyskuuta 2008", "context_left": "Ferrarin virallinen kuljettajakaksikko pysyy samana Räikkösen ja Massan sopimuskauden päättymiseen asti, talli tiedotti 7. syyskuuta ajetun ", "context_right": " yhteydessä. Räikkösen jatkamista Formuloissa vuoden 2009 jälkeen on kuluneen kauden kisojen perusteella takia epäilty, mutta hän jatkanee ainakin seuraavat kaksi kautta Ferrarin ratissa.", "mention": "Belgian Grand Prix'n", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "20997"} {"context_title": "Для потомков династии Романовых готовят императорские дворцы", "context_date": "29 марта 2013", "context_left": "Баков считает принца Лейнингенского наиболее вероятным наследником престола с точки зрения законов о престолонаследии Российской империи. Информацию о сотрудничестве с принцем подтвердил советник губернатора Свердловской области Вадим Дубичев, являющийся последовательным сторонником монархизма и православия и участвующий в организации соответствующих мероприятий в Екатеринбурге — городе, где был ", "context_right": " и где в наши дни осуществляет оперативную деятельность Монархическая партия — единственная в РФ официальная политическая организация монархического толка. Дубичев также объявил, что Баков отправляется в Лондон на переговоры с другим потомком Романовых — принцем Уэльским Чарльзом, наследником престола Великобритании, являющимся прапраправнуком российского императора Николая I, а также поклонником православия. О предмете переговоров будет объявлено в дальнейшем.", "mention": "расстрелян император Николай II с семьёй", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1356047"} {"context_title": "Haiti vor schwierigem Neubeginn", "context_date": "25.01.2010", "context_left": " Nachdem die systematische Suche nach Überlebenden der ", "context_right": " weitgehend beendet ist, konzentrieren sich die Anstrengungen der Weltgemeinschaft darauf, dem fast völlig zerstörten Land beim Wiederaufbau zu helfen. Zwei Themen stehen dabei im Vordergrund: die Verbesserung der Sicherheitslage in dem Land sowie die Koordinierung der finanziellen Hilfe für den Wiederaufbau. Schätzungen der haitianischen Regierung zufolge kamen bei dem Erdbeben rund 150.000 Menschen ums Leben. 235.000 sind nach UN-Angaben aus der haitianischen Hauptstadt ins Umland geflohen. In der Hauptstadt wurden mindestens 800.000 Einwohner obdachlos. Sie kampieren auf den Straßen und Plätzen oder in Zeltlagern in Port-au-Prince.", "mention": "Erdbebenkatastrophe am 12. Januar in Haiti", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "Hugo Chávez celebra una década en el poder y busca la reelección indefinida", "context_date": "6 de diciembre de 2008", "context_left": "El 12 abril de 2002, un nuevo ", "context_right": " cívico-militar encabezado por la clase empresaria lo derrocó y, por un día, el presidente \"de facto\" fue el líder empresarial Pedro Carmona Estanga. Cuando Carmona Estanga perdió el apoyo militar, fue derrocado y Chávez volvió al poder.", "mention": "golpe de Estado", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "8807"} {"context_title": "Участники саммита G20 в Сеуле пришли к консенсусу", "context_date": "13 ноября 2010", "context_left": "По окончании ", "context_right": " «Большой двадцатки» его участники выпустили коммюнике, в котором говорится о необходимости обеспечения постепенных изменений курса валют. Всю пятницу участники были заняты поиском компромисса на фоне спора США с Китаем по поводу валютной политики Пекина.", "mention": "саммита", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "483749"} {"context_title": "Documents show U.S. knew of Guatemalan human rights abuses", "context_date": "March 20, 2009", "context_left": "The Guatemalan Civil War was waged from 1960-1996 between the government, dominated since the ", "context_right": " by elements of the army, and leftist guerrillas. More than 200,000 people, most belonging to indigenous Mayan tribes, died or went missing during the war.", "mention": "1954 military coup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "976887"} {"context_title": "Miller und Grange vergeben WM-Medaille in der Super-Kombination - Svindal und Lizeroux profitieren", "context_date": "10.02.2009", "context_left": " Die Alpine Super-Kombination bei der ", "context_right": " verlief anders als von vielen Experten gedacht. Der US-Amerikaner Bode Miller schied nach aussichtsreicher Abfahrtsplatzierung ebenso aus wie sein französischer Kontrahent Jean-Baptiste Grange. Das Publikum konnte dennoch einen der ihren feiern: Julien Lizeroux fuhr einen grandiosen Slalom und musste sich nur dem Norweger Aksel Lund Svindal geschlagen geben. Dessen Sieg kam wenig überraschend, hatte der Bronzemedaillengewinner aus dem Super-G doch schon die Kombinationsabfahrt Montagfrüh für sich entschieden.", "mention": "Ski-WM 2009", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "754506"} {"context_title": "Prozessauftakt gegen John Demjanjuk", "context_date": "01.12.2009", "context_left": "Der am 20. April 1889 geborene Österreicher Adolf Hitler beging zunächst am 9. November 1923 in Bayern einen ", "context_right": " und wurde deshalb wegen Hochverrats zu einer Freiheitsstrafe von fünf Jahren verurteilt. Nach seiner Haftentlassung wurde er mit Hilfe der NSDAP deutscher Reichskanzler. Nach der sogenannten Gleichschaltung begann Hitler spätestens ab 1936, den Zweiten Weltkrieg zu planen, den er durch den Angriff auf Polen am 1. September 1939 begann. Dabei strebte er unter anderem die weltweite Vernichtung der Juden an. Zu diesem Zweck hatte er Konzentrations- und Vernichtungslager errichten lassen.", "mention": "Putschversuch", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "36749"} {"context_title": "国民新党自見代表、自民党への復党申し入れ 党合併も", "context_date": "2013年2月23日", "context_left": "時事ドットコム、毎日新聞及び産経新聞によると、国民新党の自見庄三郎代表は2月21日、自民党本部を訪れて河村建夫選対委員長と会い、自民党への復党と国民新党が自民党と合併することを申し入れた。背景には、支持組織だった郵政団体が自民党支持に回帰する見通しとなり、自らが改選を迎える", "context_right": "をめぐる情勢が厳しいことがあると見られる。", "mention": "今年の参院選", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "1156325"} {"context_title": "Alleged 9-11 conspirators will confess and plead guilty", "context_date": "December 9, 2008", "context_left": "In proceedings by the Guantanamo military commission at the United States Guantanamo Bay Naval Base on Monday, Khalid Sheikh Mohammed and four alleged co-conspirators stated that they will confess and plead guilty to the charges they face in the planning and execution of the ", "context_right": " in 2001.", "mention": "September 11 attacks", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Paška käväisi Suomessa", "context_date": "24. huhtikuuta 2008", "context_left": "Paška avasi tiistaina Helsingin yliopistossa ", "context_right": " käsittelevän valokuvanäyttelyn.", "mention": "Tšekkoslovakian vuoden 1968 tapahtumia", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "1773668"} {"context_title": "USA myöntämässä epäsuorasti syyllistyneensä kidutukseen", "context_date": "14. joulukuuta 2007", "context_left": "Yhdysvaltojen viranomaisten on aiemmin myönnetty syyllistyneen kidutukseen vain satunnaisesti ja vastoin määräyksiä, esimerkiksi ", "context_right": " Irakissa. Näihin tapauksiin syyllistyneet on useimmiten asetettu syytteisiin.", "mention": "Abu Ghraibin kidutusskandaalissa", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "334720"} {"context_title": "Bayern Monachium awansował do finału Klubowych Mistrzostw Świata 2020", "context_date": "9 lutego 2021", "context_left": "Bayern Monachium awansował po zwycięstwie 2:0 nad egipskim Al-Ahly w ", "context_right": ". Ogromny wkład w zwycięstwo miał Robert Lewandowski.", "mention": "Klubowych Mistrzostwach Świata 2020", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "61082445"} {"context_title": "Iraqi provincial elections relatively peaceful", "context_date": "January 31, 2009", "context_left": "Iraq was a one-party state following a revolution in 1968. Former dictator Saddam Hussein came to power in an internal coup in 1979. He was removed from power in 2003 following the controversial American-led invasion of the country. ", "context_right": ", the economy and civil structure of the country collapsed but now appears to be stabilising, with more areas being returned to local control and plans by new U.S. President Barack Obama for American troops to withdraw.", "mention": "After the invasion", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Iranian student protesters face expulsion", "context_date": "March 3, 2007", "context_left": "Amir Kabir University is one of the universities in Tehran from which the ", "context_right": " drew much of its support.", "mention": "1979 Islamic Revolution", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "126065"} {"context_title": "Federal response to Katrina a "national disgrace"", "context_date": "September 3, 2005", "context_left": "Onsite commentators are blasting the United States federal government, saying the response to ", "context_right": " has been too slow and otherwise inadequate.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Fernando Alonso wins 2008 Singapore Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 28, 2008", "context_left": "Renault driver Fernando Alonso won the FIA ", "context_right": " Formula One SingTel Singapore Grand Prix on the street circuit at Marina Bay, Singapore.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179338"} {"context_title": "Sean Penn endorses Kucinich for US President", "context_date": "December 8, 2007", "context_left": "Penn went to New Orleans to \"aid rescue workers\" after ", "context_right": "; many questioned how much of a liability an untrained worker, especially when his boat sprang a leak, would be. One website commented \"just showed up with his entourage and a personal photographer with the apparent intent of just wandering around looking for a good photo op.\"", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Commemoration of Srebrenica massacre to be held on July 11", "context_date": "June 22, 2005", "context_left": "Commemoration of the ", "context_right": " will be held on July 11, when newly identified bodies will be buried. In 1995, Serbian forces, according to International Criminal Tribunal for the Former Yugoslavia (ICTY), massacred around 7500 Bosnian Muslims.", "mention": "Srebrenica massacre", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "170334"} {"context_title": "U.S. Army to court-martial Abu Ghraib officer", "context_date": "January 27, 2007", "context_left": "U.S. Lt. Col. Steven Lee Jordan will be tried by a military court for his involvement in the ", "context_right": ", the U.S. Army announced yesterday. Jordan will stand trial on eight counts. The charges include cruelty, maltreatment of prisoners, disobeying a superior officer, willful dereliction of duty and making false statements. Jordan is the only U.S. officer charged in the Abu Ghraib case -eleven soldiers were previously sentenced up to 10 years in prison.", "mention": "Abu Ghraib prison abuse case", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "334720"} {"context_title": "Двойной теракт в Пакистане", "context_date": "13 мая 2011", "context_left": "Пакистанские власти сообщили, что двумя взрывами бомб у военного учебного центра на северо-западе страны были убиты более 80 человек и десятки других были ранены. Ответственность за взрывы у военизированного учебного центра взял на себя Талибан, объяснив это местью за ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "гибель Усамы бин Ладена", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "19085"} {"context_title": "Объявлены победители 69-го Венецианского кинофестиваля", "context_date": "9 сентября 2012", "context_left": "Напомним, что в прошлом году «Золотой лев» ", "context_right": " достался российскому режиссеру Александру Сокурову и его фильму «Фауст».", "mention": "68-го Венецианского кинофестиваля", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1337021"} {"context_title": "Rapper Kanye West denounces Bush response, American media at hurricane relief telethon", "context_date": "September 3, 2005", "context_left": "Grammy award-winning rapper/producer Kanye West appeared on a live on-air telethon simulcast on NBC, MSNBC, CNBC and PAX for ", "context_right": " victims. Live on air, West said \"George Bush doesn't care about black people,\" after saying \"America is set up to help the poor, the black people, the less well-off as slow as possible.\" He also said \"the Red Cross is doing everything they can,\" and stated that he was going to see what the maximum amount of money he can donate is. West criticized government authorities and stated that \"They've given them permission to go down and shoot us.\"", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Historian Beckett names Thatcher & Attlee greatest Brit PMs", "context_date": "August 29, 2006", "context_left": "The current Prime Minister, Tony Blair ranked mid table; with a score of 3. Beckett noted that Blair's handling of the ", "context_right": " in 2003 marked him down, although his running reforms of schools and hospitals counted in his favour ensuring an average mark.", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "El partido de la U clamará a Uribe aceptar una tercera candidatura presidencial", "context_date": "27 de marzo de 2009", "context_left": " Este sábado en Corferias, durante un foro que se realizara en el marco de su congreso nacional, el Partido Social de Unidad Nacional, comúnmente denominado \"Partido de la U\", \"suplicará\" al presidente de Colombia Álvaro Uribe Vélez que se postule por tercera ocasión al cargo que en la actualidad ejerce y asuma como candidato del partido a las ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "elecciones de 2010", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1124504"} {"context_title": "Levée du couvre-feu en Égypte", "context_date": "15 juin 2011", "context_left": "Le couvre-feu, décrété en Égypte le 28 janvier dernier par Hosni Moubarak lors des ", "context_right": ", a été levé aujourd'hui.", "mention": "manifestations antigouvernementales", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "29198"} {"context_title": "Timor-Leste eröffnet seinen ersten Nationalpark", "context_date": "04.08.2008", "context_left": "Geschützt werden sollen Natur, und das kulturelle und historische Erbe in der Region. Dazu gehören Korallenriffe und der größte verbliebene intakte tropische Flachland- und Monsunregenwald der Region. Außerdem hat das Gebiet mythologische Bedeutung für die Bevölkerung. Seit über 40.000 Jahren leben Menschen in dieser Region, weswegen auch aus Sicht der Archäologie der Nationalpark interessant ist. Außerdem gibt es historisch wichtige Orte aus der portugiesischen Kolonialzeit und der ", "context_right": " während des Zweiten Weltkriegs. Die Regierung wird beim Nationalpark unterstützt von BirdLife International und dem Department of Environment and Climate Change der Regierung von New South Wales/Australien.", "mention": "Zeit der japanischen Besatzung", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "1440764"} {"context_title": "El Monseñor Justo Laguna falleció ayer a los 82 años", "context_date": "4 de noviembre de 2011", "context_left": "Se lo recuerda por haber entablado vínculos de amistad con los judíos según recuerda el rabino Marío Rojzaman. En 1998 ambos religiosos se reunieron con el Papa Juan Pablo II para pedirle que apoyara los reclamos de las víctimas de los atentados a la Embajada de Israel y a la ", "context_right": " ocurridos en Buenos Aires.", "mention": "AMIA", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "322936"} {"context_title": "100.000 Timoresen leben immer noch in Flüchtlingslagern", "context_date": "03.02.2008", "context_left": "Auslöser der Unruhen war damals die Desertation von fast der Hälfte der Streitkräfte des Landes (F-FDTL). Die unzufriedenen Soldaten hatten sich Anfang des Jahres in einer Petition an den damaligen Präsidenten Xanana Gusmão über die angebliche Benachteiligung von Soldaten aus dem Westteil des Landes (Loro Munu) innerhalb der Streitkräfte beschwert und schließlich die Kasernen verlassen. Die Situation eskalierte, als die \"Petitioners\" aus der Armee entlassen wurden. Es kam zu Gefechten zwischen den Meuterern, loyalen Soldaten und der Polizei. Zusätzlich brachen Kämpfe zwischen Straßenbanden aus dem Westen und dem Osten des Landes (Loro Sae) aus, die plündernd und brandschatzend allein 6.000 Häuser in Dili zerstörten. Die Kämpfe, die auch in anderen Teilen des Landes ausbrachen forderten mindestens 37 Tote und vertrieb 155.000 Menschen aus ihrem Heim. Erst einer ", "context_right": " (ISF) und der UN-Polizeimission UNMIT gelang es die Gewalt wieder einzudämmen, die auch zum Rücktritt der Regierung unter Marí Alkatiri geführt hatte.", "mention": "internationale Stabilisierungstruppe", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "1666929"} {"context_title": "Mutmaßlicher Choleraausbruch in Haiti", "context_date": "22.10.2010", "context_left": "Der Ursprung des Ausbruches liegt nördlich der Hauptstadt Port-au-Prince in der Region Artibonite. Die lokalen Krankenhäuser stoßen indes an ihre Kapazitätsgrenzen. Seit dem schweren ", "context_right": " leben etwa eine halbe Millionen Haitianer in Behelfsunterkünften. Ein Ausbrechen von Seuchen, durch die Katastrophe begünstigt, konnte bis jetzt dank internationaler Hilfe verhindert werden. Besondere Bedeutung kommen hier der Versorgung mit sauberen Trinkwasser zu; bei dieser Aufgabe unterstützt die Bundesrepublik Deutschland die lokalen haitianischen Behörden.", "mention": "Erdbeben vom 12. Januar", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "美國通過新竊聽條例", "context_date": "2008年7月10日", "context_left": "自", "context_right": "後,美國總統-{zh-hans:布什; zh-hant:布希; zh-hk:布殊}-授權國家安全局,可以在未經特別法庭許可下,竊聽境內居民的國際通訊。當時有一些電訊公司參與了竊聽,但事件於2005年曝光,結果引起美國國內爭議,並引起相關訴訟。", "mention": "911事件", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Dalai Lama will kein politischer Führer mehr sein", "context_date": "11.03.2011", "context_left": " Der Dalai Lama hat gestern in seiner Erklärung zum 52. Jahrestags des ", "context_right": " seine Absicht bekannt gegeben, seine Funktion als politisches Oberhaupt Tibets nicht mehr auszuüben und die politische Macht ganz an die tibetische Exilregierung zu übertragen.", "mention": "Tibetaufstands", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "508258"} {"context_title": "Italové začali na fotbalovém Euru debaklem s Nizozemskem", "context_date": "10. červen 2008", "context_left": "Včera zažila italská fotbalová reprezentace vstup na ", "context_right": ", na jaký dlouho nezapomene. Nizozemci ji v duelu na stadionu v Bernu rozstříleli 3:0. Skupina smrti, C, se tak zajímavě zamíchala. Nizozemsko je první se třemi body, Francie a Rumunsko mají po jednom bodu a Itálie je poslední bez bodu.", "mention": "Euro 2008", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "Acht zenders verdwenen van de Vlaamse kabel", "context_date": "3 september 2005", "context_left": "Velen zijn echter niet tevreden met de keuze van Telenet. Dé cultuurzender bij uitstek, ", "context_right": ", en de internationaal gerenommeerde \"breaking news\" zenders, BBC World en CNN, kennen nog steeds een relatief groot publiek. Laatstgenoemden zeker wanneer de wereld weer eens in brand staat. Toch hebben de mensen met klachten juridisch geen poot om op te staan.", "mention": "ARTE", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "8073"} {"context_title": "Colombia elige al legislativo para el periodo 2018-2022", "context_date": "12 de marzo de 2018", "context_left": "Después de que se equivocarán en el ", "context_right": ", las encuestadoras acertaron con bastante precisión estas elecciones. También se destaca el ingreso de la FARC al legislativo, con las 10 curules que les correspondían, pero totalmente derrotados en las urnas.", "mention": "plebiscito por la paz", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "26840027"} {"context_title": "Climate change threatens world's poorest says Oxfam", "context_date": "December 4, 2007", "context_left": "The anti-poverty group Oxfam says global warming is altering the human food supply and threatening some of the world's poorest people with hunger. At the United Nations ", "context_right": " in Bali, the group argued developed countries should pay to address the problem, and costs could top $50 billion a year. ", "mention": "Conference on Climate Change", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1633080"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, May 2016", "context_date": "June 13, 2016", "context_left": "The committee is set to convene at the ", "context_right": " July 25–28 in Philadelphia.", "mention": "2016 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16156276"} {"context_title": "40 mil anos de prisão por atentados", "context_date": "31 de outubro de 2007", "context_left": "A Justiça espanhola condenou 21 dos 28 acusados de planejar, executar ou auxiliar na preparação dos ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "atentados terroristas de 11 de março de 2004", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "213531"} {"context_title": "Presidente de Globovisión es liberado con la condición de no salir de Venezuela", "context_date": "25 de marzo de 2010", "context_left": "El titular de Globovisión había participado de una reunión de la Sociedad Interamericana de Prensa (SIP), organización que nuclea a empresarios de medios de la región, en la isla de Aruba. Allí, aseguró que Chávez es responsable de la muerte de venezolanos durante el fallido ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "golpe de Estado contra él en 2002", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "8807"} {"context_title": "Вопреки желанию Кремля, Палестину не приняли в ООН", "context_date": "12 ноября 2011", "context_left": "Однако, если позиция исламских стран в этом вопросе ещё как-то объяснима, то позиция Кремля, «\"увы, напоминает театр абсурда\"» не меньше. Достаточно вспомнить, что во время ", "context_right": ", Израиль был единственным государством, которое безоговорочно поддержало действия российской армии в борьбе с террористами, а вот военное крыло ХАМАС напротив — оказывала всевозможную поддержку «\"братьям по вере\"».", "mention": "Второй чеченской войны", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "120843"} {"context_title": "El Real Madrid se convirtió por undécima vez en campeón de la UEFA Champions League", "context_date": "30 de mayo de 2016", "context_left": "Por undécima vez, Real Madrid se convirtió es el campeón de la UEFA Champions League. Luego de empatar a un gol en el estadio San Siro de Milán, el equipo blanco venció por definición desde el punto penal al Atlético de Madrid. Con esto también se aseguró su pasaje al ", "context_right": " que se disputará en Japón en Diciembre.", "mention": "Mundial de Clubes", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "16839196"} {"context_title": "ВРС није изазвала експлозију на Маркалама", "context_date": "5. март 2012.", "context_left": "Генерал Миловановић је сугерисао да су власти у Сарајеву изазвале експлозије у реду за хлеб у Улици Васе Мискина 1992. и на ", "context_right": " у фебруару 1994, у којима је погинуло више од 90, а рањено око 250 грађана.", "mention": "пијаци Маркале", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "1482369"} {"context_title": "第145回ドイツダービーでシーザムーンが11馬身差をつけて圧勝", "context_date": "2014年7月8日", "context_left": "ドイツにあるハンブルク競馬場で現地時間(UTC+1)の7月6日に行われた「", "context_right": "(G1、芝2,400メートル)」は1番人気のシーザムーン(en:Sea The Moon)が制した。シーザムーンは残り500メートルの直線に入る前に、コーナーで大きく外側へ逸れてしまったものの、直線で態勢を整えたあとは2着馬のラッキーライオンに11馬身の差をつけて、全く問題としない勝ちっぷりをみせつけた。レースタイムは2分29秒86を記録しており、過去に行われたドイツダービーと比較しても好成績に属する。コーナーで映像へ収まらぬほど逸れたのちに圧勝してみせたことから、情報源である予想王TVはシーザムーンの走りを、日本における昭和の名馬「シンザン」になぞらえている。", "mention": "第145回ドイツダービー", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "446362"} {"context_title": "Deutsche Frauen-Fußballnationalmannschaft erneut Europameister", "context_date": "10.09.2009", "context_left": "Die zweifache Torschützin des Finales, Inka Grings, wurde mit sechs Treffern wie schon 2005 Torschützenkönigin des Turniers. Damit bleibt die deutsche Fußballnationalmannschaft amtierender Fußball-Europa- und Weltmeister; letzteren Titel muss sie 2011 ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "im eigenen Land verteidigen", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "108183"} {"context_title": "Burundi President Pierre Nkurunziza dies aged 55", "context_date": "June 11, 2020", "context_left": "Burundi had twelve years of ", "context_right": " leading up to Nkurunziza's presidency. Around 300,000 people were killed in the conflict, during which Nkurunziza served in the CNDD-FDD, the group that would eventually become the nation's ruling party.", "mention": "civil war", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "647239"} {"context_title": "Danmark vant Eurovision", "context_date": "19. mai 2013", "context_left": "<onlyinclude>Danmark vant ", "context_right": "med totalt 281 poeng, foran Aserbajdsjan som fikk 234 poeng. Danmark ble i år representert av Emmelie de Forest (20 år) med sangen \"Only Teardrops\". Det er 10 år siden Danmark Eurovision Song Contest vant sist, den gangen ble finalen også avholdt i Sverige.</onlyinclude>", "mention": "Eurovision Song Contest 2013", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "10162"} {"context_title": "Ruský ministr zahraničí vyhrožuje Ukrajině válkou", "context_date": "23. duben 2014", "context_left": "Situaci na Ukrajině ministr přirovnal k situaci v Jižní Osetii, kde Ruská federace vyslala pozemní jednotky do Gruzie a v ", "context_right": " obsadila část území jiného státu. Gruzie sice není jediná země, s kterou vedlo Rusko v posledních několika letech válku, avšak jde o příklad jasného vítězství tankových jednotek Ruské armády.", "mention": "krátké válce", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Successi per Juventus, Roma e Milan. L'Inter batte il Napoli", "context_date": "11 dicembre 2012", "context_left": "Tra l'8 e il 10 dicembre si è giocata la sedicesima giornata della ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Serie A", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "842180"} {"context_title": "Greus ferits per disturbis a l'Alemanya contra el G-8", "context_date": "3 de juny del 2007", "context_left": "La marxa va ser encapçalada per diferents persones que manifestaven les seves ideals; entre ells destacaven ambientalistes, anti-imperialistes, manifestants del seu descontentament amb la ", "context_right": ", anti-globalistes del grup Attac, anti-capitalistes, i fins i tot es trobaven militants esquerrans.", "mention": "guerra de l'Iraq", "context_lang": "ca", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, May 2016", "context_date": "June 13, 2016", "context_left": "\"It was suggested by a few supporters I run [for vice president] as a libertarian,\" says Bentivolio, a teacher and veteran of the Vietnam and ", "context_right": " wars, who earned the moniker \"the accidental Congressman\" after his surprising 2012 election, \"I briefly entertained the idea of running and spent time investigating the party.\"", "mention": "Iraq", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Αρμενίας νίκησε την Εθνική ΠΓΔΜ με σκορ 4-1", "context_date": "8 Οκτωβρίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Αρμενίας νίκησε την Εθνική ΠΓΔΜ με σκορ 4:1 στα Προκριματικά του ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου 2012", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Prison inmate wins 41% against President Obama in West Virginia primary", "context_date": "May 10, 2012", "context_left": "Judd qualified to appear on the West Virginia ballot after completing a notarized certification of announcement and paying the required $2,500 filing fee. Although surpassing 15 percent of the vote qualifies him for a ", "context_right": " delegate, according to Democratic Party Executive Director Derek Scarbro, Judd did not specify a delegate slate and will likely not be awarded a delegate. ", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2104713"} {"context_title": "One year on, London remembers 7/7 victims", "context_date": "July 7, 2006", "context_left": "Londoners are commemorating the one year anniversary of the ", "context_right": " on its transport networks that claimed 52 lives.", "mention": "terrorist attacks", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Публицист, блогер, просветитель Александр Майсурян", "context_date": "3 декабря 2018", "context_left": "Тот же самый «прогноз» мы получим, если обратимся к истории. Возьмите французскую Реставрацию, или английскую — чем они закончились? Обе закончились революциями, но уже не великими, а, так сказать, малыми: июльской революцией 1830 года во Франции и «", "context_right": "» в Англии. Которые отстранили от власти потерявших берега ретроградов. А вот когда это случится, сказать сложно. «Революцию нельзя учесть, революцию нельзя предсказать, она является сама собой», говорил Ленин.", "mention": "славной революцией", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "189508"} {"context_title": "Vereinigtes Königreich sandte minderjährige Soldaten in den Irak", "context_date": "05.02.2007", "context_left": "Im ", "context_right": " starben nach Angaben der Brookings Institution etwa 100.000 Kinder. Auch in anderen Nahoststaaten, etwa Jemen, Saudi-Arabien, Algerien und Palästina, werden Minderjährige zu Kampfhandlungen eingesetzt. In Muqtada as-Sadrs Mahdi-Armee kämpfen auch Zwölfjährige im Irak. Nach einer Statistik von \"Coalition\" hat Kolumbien 14.000 Kindersoldaten.", "mention": "Ersten Golfkrieg", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "82664"} {"context_title": "Рожерио Сени завершит карьеру", "context_date": "5 апреля 2014", "context_left": "Рожерио Сени завершит карьеру по окончании этого сезона. Вратарь, забивший 114 мячей за 21 год в «Сан Паулу» является рекордсменом по этому показателю и занесён в Книгу рекордов Гиннесса. Также Рожерио ", "context_right": "", "mention": "чемпион мира 2002 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "Detroit’s population drops by one-fourth in the last decade", "context_date": "March 24, 2011", "context_left": "Detroit was the fifth largest U.S. city in 1950. The decline of the auto industry hastened the population loss already diminished by the ", "context_right": " that precipitated white flight to the suburbs. Approximately 23 percent of the city’s living quarters are now empty. To reduce the city's size there is a program in progress to demolish 10,000 abandoned or vacant buildings and turn the land into farms or countryside by 2014.", "mention": "1967 riots", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "768155"} {"context_title": "Fernando Alonso wins 2008 Japanese Grand Prix", "context_date": "October 12, 2008", "context_left": "Renault driver Fernando Alonso won the FIA ", "context_right": " Formula One Fuji Television Japanese Grand Prix on the Fuji Speedway at Oyama, Sunto District, Shizuoka, Japan.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179368"} {"context_title": "Число жертв землетрясения в Индонезии растёт", "context_date": "28 октября 2010", "context_left": "Президент Индонезии Сусило Бамбанг Юдойоно намерен осмотреть районы страны, пострадавшие от ", "context_right": ". Стихийные бедствия, обрушившиеся на Индонезию в минувший понедельник, привели к гибели по меньшей мере 343 человек. ", "mention": "землетрясения и цунами", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1049092"} {"context_title": "China offers Africa financial aid including $10 billion in loans", "context_date": "November 8, 2009", "context_left": "Beshir thanked China in a speech for diplomatic work in Sudan, including working to defuse the ", "context_right": ", which the United Nations says has left 300,000 dead. \"We express our deep appreciation for China's efforts in backing the comprehensive peace agreement in Sudan and its peace efforts in Darfur,\" he said, referring to a peace deal between the northern and southern parts of his country. \"We thank China particularly for backing efforts by our countries to achieve peace and stability in Africa's zones of conflict.\" Jiabao said China was willing to work towards \"the settlement of issues of peace and security,\" in Africa.", "mention": "Darfur conflict", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "190758"} {"context_title": "Japonia oprește cele 50 de reactoare nucleare pe care le deține", "context_date": "5 mai 2012", "context_left": "După aproximativ un an de la ", "context_right": " din 11 martie 2011, autoritățile japoneze au început astăzi procesul de oprire a ultimului dintre cele 50 de reactoare nucleare pe care le deține ca urmare a unui plan de evaluare și mentenanță. ", "mention": "accidentul nuclear de la Fukushima-Daiichi", "context_lang": "ro", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Cristina Fernández y Daniel Scioli participarán del acto de presentación de las nuevas obras en el Estadio Único de La Plata", "context_date": "17 de febrero de 2011", "context_left": "La ampliación, remodelación y techado del estadio permitieron convertirlo en un espacio multipropósito, para eventos culturales, deportivos y artísticos, como la ", "context_right": " o el recital de la banda irlandesa U2, que se realizarán este año. De 36 hectáreas de superficie, tiene una capacidad de 36 mil personas sentadas y otros servicios como cámaras de seguridad, señal wi-fi, 24 cabinas de radio y televisión y 5500 espacios de estacionamiento. Otra de las remodelaciones es una pantalla gigante en forma de cubo en el centro del estadio.", "mention": "Copa América", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "European runners win the 2007 Taipei 101 Run Up", "context_date": "November 26, 2007", "context_left": "Over 2,000 people, world-class runners, corporate teams and individual people, participated in the challenge to climb 2046 steps (390 meters height), 91 floors at the 3rd 2007 Taipei 101 Run Up yesterday. Before the race, the host (Taipei 101) donated NT$204,600 to the Foundation of the ", "context_right": " Organizing Committee for the preparation fund of the 21st Summer Deaflympics.", "mention": "21st Summer Deaflympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "709910"} {"context_title": "Socialists win second term as Spain's ruling party", "context_date": "March 10, 2008", "context_left": "The killing drew comparisons to the 2004 Madrid train bombings, which killed 191 people three days before the general election in which Zapatero came to power. The conservative government initially placed the blame on the ETA, despite evidence that the attack was done by Islamic extremists angered by Spain's involvement in the ", "context_right": ". One of Zapatero's first acts as Prime Minister was withdrawing troops from Iraq.", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Embajador peruano prevé más dinamismo en el comercio con Brasil", "context_date": "13 de agosto de 2018", "context_left": "La competición ecuestre homenajeó la ", "context_right": ", que sucedió en agosto de 1824 en Perú y que significó la independencia de este país de España.", "mention": "Batalla de Junín", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1508820"} {"context_title": "WikiLeaks veröffentlichte 391.832 geheime Berichte der US-Streitkräfte zum Irakkrieg", "context_date": "23.10.2010", "context_left": "Angaben über den tatsächlichen Ursprung der als „geheim“ eingestuften Dokumente machte Wikileaks nicht. In scharfem Ton reagierte das Pentagon auf die Veröffentlichung: „Indem solch sensiblen Dokumente zugänglich gemacht werden, setzt WikiLeaks weiter das Leben unserer Soldaten, unserer Verbündeten und von Irakern und Afghanen aufs Spiel, die für uns arbeiten.“ Wikileaks-Gründer Julian Assange wies diese Behauptung zurück. Tatsächlich sei niemand durch die Veröffentlichung der Dokumente zum ", "context_right": " zu Schaden gekommen. Der stellvertretende irakische Innenminister Hussein Kamal kündigte gegenüber der Nachrichtenagentur Reuters an, alle Vorfälle würden untersucht und die Verantwortlichen vor Gericht gestellt. In ihrem Onlineportal zitiert die Tagesschau der ARD den Präsidenten der arabischen Rechtsanwalts-Vereinigung, Sabbah al-Mukhtar mit den Worten: „In Zukunft werden die Menschen auf diese Zeit mit Abscheu schauen. Da versteckt sich die Weltmacht Nr. 1 hinter nationalen Interessen und der Sicherheit ihrer Soldaten, indem sie alles fein säuberlich auflistet, es aber unter Verschluss hält. Glaubwürdigkeit und Moral der USA sind in Frage gestellt.“", "mention": "Afghanistankrieg", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "182865"} {"context_title": "Space Shuttle Endeavour launches for mission STS-123", "context_date": "March 11, 2008", "context_left": "This usually remains on the Shuttle for launch and landing, however as the next mission, STS-124, is carrying a very large payload - the JEM pressurised experiment module - the OBSS cannot be accommodated in its payload bay for launch. Because it will be needed once the Shuttle reaches orbit, \"Discovery\" will collect the OBSS from the ISS, and return it to Earth at the end of its mission. The OBSS is used to conduct photography of the orbiter's heat shield, in order to check for damage, similar to that which caused the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "\"Columbia\" accident", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "580867"} {"context_title": "Lyricist Javed Akhtar awarded Indira Gandhi Prize", "context_date": "October 31, 2006", "context_left": "Dr. Singh pointed out that the prize celebrated the late Prime Minister Indira Gandhi's \"deep commitment to the unity and integrity of the country\", recalling Akhtar's comments that the ", "context_right": " in Gujarat were not a \"Hindu-Muslim problem, but a clash of secularism and democracy versus fascism and intolerance\". Singh also expressed his delight at the fact that \"a creative, committed, secular and patriotic Indian\" was being honoured in memory of Mrs. Gandhi.", "mention": "2002 communal clashes", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1747156"} {"context_title": "Australia and Netherlands win 2014 Hockey World Cup", "context_date": "June 16, 2014", "context_left": "In field hockey at The Hague, Netherlands, Australia defeated the Netherlands to win the ", "context_right": " yesterday, and was defeated by the Netherlands in the 2014 Women's Hockey World Cup on Saturday. Never before have the same two countries played in both Hockey World Cup finals in a single year.", "mention": "2014 Men's Hockey World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "4630241"} {"context_title": "UN genocide exhibit removed and put on hold after Turkey objects", "context_date": "April 12, 2007", "context_left": "The exhibit was set up in the visitors lobby on Thursday and was due to be opened on Monday by U.N. Secretary-General Ban Ki-moon. \"Lessons from Rwanda\" was created by Aegis Trust, an anti-genocide NGO, and approved by the U.N. Department of Public Information. The Holocaust, Cambodia, ", "context_right": ", East Timor and Sudan were mentioned as examples of genocide. But it also included a section entitled “What is genocide?” which read:", "mention": "Bosnia", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "170334"} {"context_title": "Polling data on President Bush's approval rating indicates recent decline", "context_date": "March 19, 2006", "context_left": "A new CBS News poll reports that Americans are increasingly negative about the ", "context_right": ", and that President Bush's job approval ratings, now down to 34%, continued to decline. The telephone survey of a nationwide random sample of 1136 adults was conducted March 9-12, 2006 and results were released on March 13. The maximum margin of statistical sampling error for results based on the full sample is plus or minus three percentage points. Some questions were only asked of half the sample. The poll was conducted shortly before the third anniversary of the US-led invasion of Iraq, and covered feelings about the war in Iraq and overall impressions of President Bush.", "mention": "war in Iraq", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Terrorismus am 14. September Thema im UN-Sicherheitsrat", "context_date": "03.09.2005", "context_left": "Der britische Vorstoß kommt zwei Monate nach den terroristischen ", "context_right": ", bei denen 52 Menschen getötet worden waren. Das Land hatte daraufhin eine schärfere strafrechtliche Verfolgung von so genannten Hasspredigern angekündigt.", "mention": "Anschlägen in London", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Vereinigtes Königreich sandte minderjährige Soldaten in den Irak", "context_date": "05.02.2007", "context_left": "Im zehnjährigen ", "context_right": " waren sogar 70 Prozent der Soldaten unter 18 Jahre alt. Nach dem Ende des Bürgerkrieges 2002 wurden die meisten Kindersoldaten in das benachbarte Liberia übernommen, wo sie mit Rebellengruppen gegen den damaligen Diktator Charles Ghankay Taylor kämpfen mussten. Dieser setzte ebenfalls eine Rebellenarmee mit Kindersoldaten ein.", "mention": "Bürgerkrieg in Sierra Leone", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "795269"} {"context_title": "Atacan el hashtag YaMeCansé y lo eliminan de Twitter; usuarios responden con YaMeCansé2", "context_date": "5 de diciembre de 2014", "context_left": "Los usuarios atribuyeron la desaparición del hashtag a una manipulación de Twitter, otros al repunte de otros asuntos como el fallecimiento del escritor y periodista Vicente Leñero o la entrevista que Joaquín López Dóriga realizó al cantante Cristian Castro, en la que éste último aseguró que Benito Juárez había sido un héroe de la ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Independencia de México", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "68750"} {"context_title": "Podezření na odposlechy Murdochovými médii se prošetřují už i v USA", "context_date": "14. červenec 2011", "context_left": "FBI zahájil vyšetřování, které má odhalit, zda média vlastněná společností News Corp. magnáta Ruperta Murdocha odposlouchávala telefony obětí ", "context_right": " na New York a Washington v roce 2001. FBI bude zjišťovat, zda se zaměstnanci Murdochových médií nepokoušeli nezákonně dostat k soukromým hovorům, hlasovým schránkám anebo nahrávkám hovorů obětí a jejich příbuzných, anebo zda se nepokoušeli podplatit policii ve snaze získat takové materiály. Agenturu o vyšetřování požádal kongresman za New York Peter King.", "mention": "teroristických útoků", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Soviet human rights activist Yelena Bonner dies aged 88", "context_date": "June 21, 2011", "context_left": "When the Soviet Union collapsed two years after Sakharov's death in 1989, Bonner continued her human rights and political activities. She initially supported President Boris Yeltsin's government and served on his state human rights commission, but became critical of his government at the beginning of the ", "context_right": ". She was also critical of Yeltin's successor, Vladimir Putin, and was the first person to sign a petition against him in March 2010. ", "mention": "war in Chechnya", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "29269"} {"context_title": "Pakistani peace mediator killed in tribal area", "context_date": "April 30, 2010", "context_left": "Khawaja had most recently landed on the legal defence team of five Americans arrested by Pakistan who were accused of membership in Jaish-e-Mohammed. Immediate reports suggest that a note was pinned to his body, claiming responsibility for his death in the name of the \"Asian Tigers\" which some have ironically theorised could be a splinter group of the militant organisation. The note also accused him of spying for the United States, and having taken the government's side in the 2007 ", "context_right": ". The note blamed the government for refusing to negotiate on the desired release of the jailed Pakistani militants.", "mention": "Siege of Lal Masjid", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2621757"} {"context_title": "L'uragano Felix raggiunge il quinto grado della scala di intensità", "context_date": "3 settembre 2007", "context_left": "È un dato preoccupante, anche messo in relazione alle registrazioni effettuate negli anni precedenti: prima della devastante stagione degli uragani del 2005 (che vide uragani come ", "context_right": " e Wilma abbattersi sulle città distruggendole completamente), solo due volte nella storia degli uragani furono registrati più di un uragano di livello 5 nello stesso anno.", "mention": "Katrina", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "США официально вышли из Парижского соглашения по климату", "context_date": "4 ноября 2020", "context_left": "В ходе ", "context_right": " Трамп был единственным из членов Большой семёрки, кто не подтвердил приверженность к Парижскому соглашению. Канцлер Германии Ангела Меркель выразила обеспокоенность по поводу отказа Трампа от сотрудничества по смягчению последствий изменения климата, заявив, что это решение может навредить американо-германским отношениям. В коммюнике, опубликованном по итогам саммита, было заявлено, что Соединённые Штаты «не в состоянии присоединиться к консенсусу» других стран G7 по вопросам политики в отношении изменения климата и Парижского соглашения.", "mention": "саммита G7 в конце мая 2017 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "25067722"} {"context_title": "Australia grants temporary asylum to 12 Commonwealth Games athletes", "context_date": "March 28, 2006", "context_left": "Twelve athletes from Sierra Leone, who disappeared from the ", "context_right": " in Melbourne last week, have been granted bridging visas by Australia's Department of Immigration. The group have been released into the Sydney community. Three of the Sierra Leoneans say they face forced female circumcision if they go back.", "mention": "Commonwealth Games", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "659207"} {"context_title": "NENT si aggiudica i diritti di Euro 2020 in Danimarca", "context_date": "18 settembre 2018", "context_left": "Il gruppo \"Nordic Entertainment Group\" (NENT) si è aggiudicato i diritti esclusivi per il territorio danese delle 51 partite dei campionati dei ", "context_right": ", che si terranno in varie città d'Europa nel 2020, e le trasmetterà nel proprio servizio in streaming \"Viaplay\"; una parte di esse sarà trasmessa, tramite sotto-licenza, da DR, l'ente radio-televisivo di Stato danese, comprese quelle della locale nazionale se si qualificherà.", "mention": "prossimi campionati europei di calcio maschile", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "373501"} {"context_title": "Rischio squalifica per i calciatori del Genoa", "context_date": "24 aprile 2012", "context_left": "Ma per i calciatori del Genoa, in una situazione difficile visto che la squadra è a un solo punto dalla zona retrocessione quando mancano cinque partite alla fine del ", "context_right": ", arrivano notizie non positive: chi domenica si è tolto la maglia, assecondando la volontà degli ultras che hanno bloccato la partita per quasi un'ora quando la squadra era sotto di quattro gol contro il Siena, rischia una squalifica. Secondo le leggi dello sport, infatti, rimanere senza la maglia per volontà altrui può essere un reato. Gli \"007\" della FIGC hanno quindi rallentato le indagini sul calcioscommesse e hanno aperto un'inchiesta sugli eventi accaduti allo Stadio Luigi Ferraris. Il fatto contestato alla squadra è la violazione dell'articolo 1, ovvero «l'obbligo di lealtà sportiva, correttezza, probità». Le sanzioni possono andare da una multa fino a una squalifica (a tempo) per i tesserati, o a un'inibizione per il presidente Enrico Preziosi.", "mention": "campionato", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "240669"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Ρωσίας νίκησε την Εθνική Ανδόρρας με σκορ 6-0", "context_date": "12 Οκτωβρίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Ρωσίας νίκησε την Εθνική Ανδόρρας με σκορ 6:0 στην τελευταία αγωνιστική του Β' Ομίλου των Προκριματικών του ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου 2012", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Voting ends in landmark Congo election", "context_date": "October 30, 2006", "context_left": "Kabila was challenged by Rwanda and Uganda backed rebels, but drew on support from troops from Zimbabwe, Angola, Namibia, Chad, and Sudan. The resulting ", "context_right": ", the deadliest conflict since the Second World War, killed an estimated four million people and displaced another five million.", "mention": "Second Congo War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "75756"} {"context_title": "Team USA delivers going into third day of 2013 IPC Alpine World Championships", "context_date": "February 24, 2013", "context_left": "In other United States Paralympic news, Sir Philip Craven, the President of the International Paralympic Committee, told a \"Wikinews\" reporter the country will have live television coverage of the ", "context_right": " in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil. When a member of Team USA competing in La Molina was asked if they heard confirmation of this, they were unable to confirm. They did highlight the lack of United States media coverage was frustrating for fans wanting to follow the Games in London. According to the skier, many people he knew could only follow the Games by searching for video on sites like YouTube.", "mention": "2016 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1142161"} {"context_title": "Корреспондент «Новой газеты» получила награду из рук Госсекретаря США", "context_date": "9 марта 2013", "context_left": "Журналистка-правозащитница известна своими работами над наиболее острыми темами, в том числе в «горячих точках». Можно выделить её сюжеты о нарушении прав человека на Северном Кавказе, расследование причин ", "context_right": ", расследование убийства в 2006 году её коллеги Анны Политковской.", "mention": "Бесланской трагедии", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "193733"} {"context_title": "Габриэль Гиффордс выздоравливает", "context_date": "26 января 2011", "context_left": "Спустя две недели после ", "context_right": ", полученного депутатом Палаты представителей Габриэль Гиффордс, врачи характеризуют её состояние уже не как «тяжёлое», но как «удовлетворительное». Напомним, что Гиффордс была ранена выстрелом в голову во время встречи с избирателями в её родном штате Аризона.", "mention": "ранения", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "757986"} {"context_title": "Labour-Partei verliert bei Wahl in Australien Mehrheit", "context_date": "26.08.2010", "context_left": "Julia Gillard hatte die vorgezogenen Parlamentswahlen einberufen, da sie selbst nicht gewählt worden war, sondern ihr Amt im Juni dieses Jahres von Kevin Rudd übernommen hatte. Kontroverse Themen im Wahlkampf waren unter anderem Klimaschutz, Einwanderung und die Beteiligung am ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Afghanistan-Krieg", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "182865"} {"context_title": "Extrem starke Sonneneruption", "context_date": "08.09.2005", "context_left": "Die Eruption ereignete sich von der Erde aus gesehen am Sonnenhorizont und zeigte damit von der Erde weg. Trotzdem brach in Nord- und Südamerika die komplette Hochfrequenzkommunikation zusammen. Die NOAA führt auch Probleme mit dem Funk beim Rettungseinsatz im vom ", "context_right": " betroffenen Gebiet auf die Eruption zurück. In den nächsten zwei Wochen erwartet sie weitere Probleme.", "mention": "Hurrikan „Katrina“", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "As shipping exemption expires, hurricane-torn Puerto Rico may face changes in relief from mainland United States", "context_date": "October 12, 2017", "context_left": "According to the United States Department of Homeland Security on Monday, Puerto Rico's exemption from the Jones Act, which temporarily lifted the rule requiring that only U.S.-owned ships might carry goods between U.S. ports, was allowed to expire on Sunday rather than being renewed. The island commonwealth had been given a temporary exemption from this law to allow foreign ships to aid the delivery of relief supplies after ", "context_right": ", which struck Puerto Rico last month. Puerto Ricans and lawmakers had asked for an extension of the waiver in light of the island's current difficulties.", "mention": "Hurricane Maria", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "40178187"} {"context_title": "Умер шансонье Шарль Азнавур", "context_date": "1 октября 2018", "context_left": "Поддерживал страну во время разрушительного ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "землетрясения в Спитаке", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "815567"} {"context_title": "Турция решила выдавать потомкам жертв Геноцида армян турецкие паспорта", "context_date": "25 апреля 2014", "context_left": "Накануне премьер-министр Турции Реджеп Эрдоган выступил с заявлением в связи с 99-ой годовщиной ", "context_right": ". В заявлении, в частности, отмечается:", "mention": "Геноцида армян", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "Grablichter für das Weltkriegsmuseum in Danzig", "context_date": "10.04.2017", "context_left": "Mit dem ", "context_right": " hatte 1939 der Zweite Weltkrieg in Danzig begonnen, im Danziger Werder, unweit des Konzentrationslagers Stutthof endeten 1945 die europäischen Kampfhandlungen. ", "mention": "Kampf um die Westerplatte", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "533034"} {"context_title": "Al Qaida "maledice" Benedetto XVI e Berlusconi in rete", "context_date": "15 aprile 2008", "context_left": "«Che Allah lo maledica [Silvio Berlusconi, n.d.r.] e scateni la sua rabbia contro di lui e contro il Papa cattivo». Questo è solo uno dei tanti commenti apparsi in queste ore nei forum vicini ad Al-Qaida, il movimento paramilitare terroristico guidato da Osāma bin Lāden, cui sono attribuiti gli ", "context_right": ", che provocarono quasi 3.000 morti.", "mention": "attentati dell'11 settembre 2001", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Wheelchair Rugby Tri-Nations Series begins in Sydney", "context_date": "September 20, 2013", "context_left": "All three teams are highly ranked internationally. The United States team is ranked number one in the world. It won bronze at the 2004 Summer Paralympics in Athens, gold at the 2008 Summer Paralympics in Beijing, and bronze at the ", "context_right": " in London, and is the current world champion. This is its first visit to Australia since the 2000 Summer Paralympics. ", "mention": "2012 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2007 Japanese Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 30, 2007", "context_left": "Vodafone McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton starting from pole wins the FIA Formula-1 2007 ", "context_right": " at the Fuji Speedway, Oyama, Japan. It was the first race on this circuit since 1977, when James Hunt won the race for McLaren-Ford.", "mention": "Japanese Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "305858"} {"context_title": "Officials in Mexico claim leaked Dirty War report isn't final copy", "context_date": "March 2, 2006", "context_left": "The ", "context_right": " refers to the use of state terrorism in Latin America in a period from the 1960s to the 1980s, usually targeted at groups opposed to the government (usually leftist groups). Much controversy exists in the region about what is to be done with alleged offenders in the Dirty War.", "mention": "Dirty War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "75984"} {"context_title": "Erdbeben in der Provinz Yunnan im Südwesten Chinas", "context_date": "12.07.2009", "context_left": "Das Erdbeben ließ Erinnerungen an das ", "context_right": " in der benachbarten Region wachwerden, bei dem im Mai 2008 rund 90.000 Menschen starben. Doch auch die Provinz Yunnan wird regelmäßig von Erdstößen erschüttert. Seit 1976 haben 15 Erdbeben eine Stärke von mindestens 6,0 erreicht. Bei dem Erdbeben vom 15. Januar 2000 wurden in Yao'an sieben Menschen getötet und 199 verletzt.", "mention": "Erdbeben von Sichuan", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "152033"} {"context_title": "Iran parliament to review compliance with IAEA standards", "context_date": "December 27, 2006", "context_left": "Following a bill, which was passed with approximately 81% by the 207 MPs attending, Iran's parliament wants Iran to review its compliance with the International Atomic Energy Agency. This was the first time since the ", "context_right": " that a bill was passed in five minutes. This bill was given double-urgency status, making it a higher priority over everything else. This passage occurs after the UN implemented sanctions against Iran for continuing its nuclear program; the new law permits for Iran to continue its program against the UN's wishes.", "mention": "1979 revolution", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "126065"} {"context_title": "2011 ECHO ödülleri sahiplerini buldu", "context_date": "2011/03/26", "context_left": "Gecenin favori adaylarından Unheilig gösterildiği altı adaylığın üçünü kazandı. Grup, ulusal alternatif rock, yılın prodüksiyonu, yılın albümü kategorilerinde ödüle layık görüldü. Törende 2010 Eurovision Şarkı Yarışması birincisi Lena “\"Yeni Çıkış Yapan Şarkıcı\"“ ile “\"Yılın Ulusal Kadın Sanatçısı\"“ ödüllerinin sahibi oldu. Genç şarkıcı Lena, ", "context_right": "nda tekrardan ülkesini temsil etmeye hazırlanıyor.", "mention": "2011 Eurovision Şarkı Yarışması", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "10160"} {"context_title": "Julian Assange entrevista a Moazzam Begg, exreo de Guantánamo", "context_date": "15 de mayo de 2012", "context_left": "En este episodio, Assange, Begg y Qureshi analizan la situación mundial de los islámicos tras los ", "context_right": " (11-S).", "mention": "atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Eurovision '73 winner Anne Marie David discusses her four-decade career and the Contest, past and present", "context_date": "February 16, 2009", "context_left": "Anne Marie David corresponded with \"Wikinews\"' about her eventful career, her personal anecdotes regarding living abroad, her successes in past Eurovision contests and her grievances with the way the show is produced today. This is the second in a series of interviews with past Eurovision contestants, which will be published sporadically in the lead-up to mid-May's ", "context_right": " in Moscow.", "mention": "next contest", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10157"} {"context_title": "Robert Kubica podpisał kontrakt z Williamsem", "context_date": "22 listopada 2018", "context_left": "W tym sezonie, Robert Kubica pełnił w brytyjskiej ekipie rolę kierowcy rezerwowego i rozwojowego, jeżdżąc w testach przedsezonowych w Barcelonie, w testach w trakcie sezonu na torach ", "context_right": " i Hungaroring oraz w pierwszych sesjach treningowych do Grand Prix Hiszpanii i Grand Prix Austrii. Polak posiadał także miał ofertę objęcia stanowiska kierowcy rozwojowego Ferrari, które zwolnił Daniił Kwiat, który powróci do startów z zespołem Scuderia Toro Rosso.", "mention": "Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "171404"} {"context_title": "Young child dies imitating Hussein's execution", "context_date": "January 1, 2007", "context_left": "A Pakistani boy got his older sister to hang him ", "context_right": " as Saddam Hussein.", "mention": "in the same manner", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1193136"} {"context_title": "Güney Kore'den Kuzey Kore'ye uyarı", "context_date": "2010/12/04", "context_left": "Güney Kore hükümeti, Kuzey Kore’nin ", "context_right": "ya yeterince karşılık vermediği gerekçesiyle sert eleştirilere hedef oluyor. Kuzey Kore’nin saldırısında ikisi sivil dört kişi hayatını kaybetmişti. Pyongyang hükümeti, saldırının Güney Kore’nin tartışmalı bir bölgede düzenlediği tatbikata karşılık olduğunu açıklamıştı.", "mention": "Yeonpyong adasına düzenlediği saldırı", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "243987"} {"context_title": "Cliff Richard ve Robbie Williams, Blue grubuna arka çıktı", "context_date": "2011/04/15", "context_left": "Cliff Richard ve Robbie Williams, ", "context_right": " yarışmasında Birleşik Krallığı temsil edecek müzik grubu Blue'ya destek çıktı. ", "mention": "Eurovision", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "10160"} {"context_title": "Brasil leva quatro medalhas no primeiro dia das Paralimpíadas de Tóquio", "context_date": "25 de agosto de 2021", "context_left": "Gabriel Araújo foi o primeiro atleta brasileiro a levar uma medalha nas ", "context_right": ", levando a prata nos 100m costas da classe S2 da natação. ", "mention": "Paralimpíadas de Tóquio", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "14856650"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2008 German Grand Prix", "context_date": "July 20, 2008", "context_left": "Vodafone McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton has won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Großer Preis Santander von Deutschland at the Hockenheimring, Hockenheim, Germany. The last time a McLaren driver won the German Grand Prix at Hockenheim was 10 years ago when the Finn Mika Häkkinen won the 1998 race.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179403"} {"context_title": "United States House votes against setting date for withdrawal from Iraq", "context_date": "June 16, 2006", "context_left": "In a nonbinding resolution, the U.S. House voted 256-153 that an \"arbitrary date for withdrawal or redeployment\" of U.S. troops is not in the nation's best interest. The resolution also declared the ", "context_right": " as part the global war on terrorism. 24 representatives did not vote on the resolution.", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Rwandan genocide investigations to be completed by end of July", "context_date": "June 9, 2005", "context_left": "The investigations into the 1994 ", "context_right": " should be completed by the end of July, according to a spokesperson for the traditional Gacaca courts. The courts are a form of community based justice that were set up in an attempt to deal with the nearly 100,000 people accused of war crimes.", "mention": "Rwandan genocide", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "131297"} {"context_title": "パキスタン大統領、救助活動の遅れについてテレビで演説", "context_date": "2005年10月13日", "context_left": "パキスタンのパルヴェーズ・ムシャラフ大統領は、", "context_right": "について12日夜(日本時間13日未明)テレビで演説し、地震に対する政府の救援活動が遅滞していることを認め、謝罪した。読売新聞、朝日新聞が伝えた。", "mention": "パキスタン北部で8日に発生した地震", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "210137"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wygrał Grand Prix Wielkiej Brytanii", "context_date": "2 sierpnia 2020", "context_left": "Za tydzień na tym samym torze odbędzie się piąta runda tegorocznego sezonu, ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Grand Prix 70-lecia Formuły 1", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "96088886"} {"context_title": "Referendum ws. secesji Sudanu Południowego", "context_date": "9 stycznia 2011", "context_left": "Referendum jest wynikiem podpisanego 9 stycznia 2005 roku w Nairobi porozumienia kończącego ", "context_right": ". Wówczas przewidziano wdrążenie w życie sześcioletniego okresu przejściowego, zakończonego referendum. Porozumienie dawało Sudanowi Południowemu autonomię polityczną.", "mention": "II sudańską wojnę domową", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "842380"} {"context_title": "London bomb survivors launch campaign for public inquiry", "context_date": "December 18, 2005", "context_left": "Survivors of the ", "context_right": " have urged the British public to write to their MPs, and set up an online petition calling for an independent Public Inquiry into the attacks.", "mention": "London Bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Фукушима ипак није Чернобиљ", "context_date": "6. април 2011.", "context_left": ", (Beta-AP) - Високи службеник УН задужен за питања утицаја радио-активног зрачења изјавио је у среду да инцидент у нуклеарној централи Фукушима у Јапану није тако опасан као онај из ", "context_right": " године.", "mention": "Чернобиља 1986.", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Sismo de 5,2 grados se registra en Guayaquil", "context_date": "22 de abril de 2016", "context_left": "Gabriela Ponce, jefa de turno del Instituto Geofísico señaló que este temblor no es una réplica del ", "context_right": " que azotó al país el pasado sábado 16 de abril. Además aseguró que posibles réplicas de este sismo serían de menores escalas.", "mention": "terremoto de 7,8 Mw", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "23835355"} {"context_title": "El Grupo Río respalda el reclamo argentino sobre las Islas Malvinas", "context_date": "22 de febrero de 2010", "context_left": "Por su parte, la presidenta de Argentina, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, dijo que \"la instalación de una plataforma viola disposiciones de la ONU\", en referencia a la reciente llegada a las Islas Malvinas de una plataforma para exploración de petroleo. En su discurso dio un resumen del historial del conflicto entre Argentina y el Reino Unido, desde la ", "context_right": ", los diversos reclamos que efectuó la Argentina a lo largo de los años, las disposiciones de la ONU, la guerra de Malvinas de 1982 y los reclamos efectuados por los últimos gobiernos democráticos de Argentina. Por último agradeció el apoyo que dieron todos los países:", "mention": "ocupación británica en 1833", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "7301548"} {"context_title": "Les Jeux paralympiques d'hiver de 2010 sont lancés", "context_date": "13 mars 2010", "context_left": "Après la cérémonie d'ouverture des ", "context_right": ", qui s'est tenue ce vendredi au BC Center à Vancouver, en Colombie-Britannique, où plus d'un millier d'athlètes d'une quarantaine de pays différents des cinq continents ont paradé, les compétitions ont été lancées aujourd'hui. Il s'agit de la première édition des Jeux paralympiques à se dérouler en sol canadien.", "mention": "Jeux paralympiques d'hiver", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "641965"} {"context_title": "Шеснаест година од почетка НАТО бомбардовања", "context_date": "23. март 2015.", "context_left": " (Beta) - У уторак се навршава 16 година од почетка ", "context_right": ". Напади су трајали 11 недеља иу њима је, према проценама из различитих извора, погинуло између 1.200 и 2.500 људи.", "mention": "ваздушних напада НАТО-а на Савезну Републику Југославију (СРЈ)", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "155723"} {"context_title": "London bombing suspects are all British nationals", "context_date": "July 14, 2005", "context_left": "Profiles of the suspects in the ", "context_right": " have been released. They are all British nationals.", "mention": "July 7, 2005 bombings in London", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "«Боржоми» разрешили вернуться на российский рынок", "context_date": "11 апреля 2013", "context_left": "Конфликт между двумя государствами достиг пика во время ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "войны в Южной Осетии 2008 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Marskin ritari satavuotias", "context_date": "10. helmikuuta 2008", "context_left": "", "context_right": " päättyessä Onni Määttäsen partio oli kaukana rintamalinjojen takana vihollisen selustassa. Tällöin saatiin viesti rauhanteosta radion välityksellä. ", "mention": "Jatkosodan", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "122100"} {"context_title": "Kim Gevaert remporte la finale du 100 mètres dames aux championnats d'Europe d'athlétisme", "context_date": "9 août 2006", "context_left": "L'athlète belge Kim Gevaert a remporté la finale du 100 mètres dames aux ", "context_right": " en 11\" 06. Avant elle, seulement deux Belges avaient remporté l'or de championnats d'Europe, il s'agit de Gaston Roelants qui avait remporté le 3000 m steeple en 1962 et Karel Lismont qui lui avait gagné le marathon en 1971.", "mention": "Championnats d'Europe d'athlétisme 2006", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "623563"} {"context_title": "The Club steering lock inventor James Winner dies in car accident", "context_date": "September 15, 2010", "context_left": "Winner created The Club steering lock in the early 80s after his car was stolen. He came up with the idea while fighting in the ", "context_right": "; he secured his vehicle with metal chains to stop anybody taking it. He said, \"If they can’t steer, they can’t steal.\" ", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Acusan a un médico por los ataques de Glasgow", "context_date": "6 de julio de 2007", "context_left": "Mañana (7) se cumple el segundo aniversario de los ", "context_right": ", por la cual 56 personas perecieron – incluidos los cuatro terroristas suicidas. Los terroristas llevaron a cabo cuatro explosiones que paralizaron el sistema de transporte público de Londres en plena hora punta matinal.", "mention": "atentados de Londres", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Roy Hodgson contrata dos años con el Crystal Palace; se convierte en séptimo director permanente de Palace en seis años", "context_date": "15 de septiembre de 2017", "context_left": "Hodgson, de 70 años, tiene casi cuarenta años como director de fútbol y ha dirigido a quince clubes y cuatro países. Ha dirigido cuatro clubes de la Premier League - Blackburn Rovers, Fulham FC Liverpool y West Bromwich, con un 34,72% de porcentaje de victorias en la Premier League. En 2011, ayudó a West Bromwich a evitar el descenso y, hace un año, ayudó a Fulham a llegar a la final de la UEFA Europa League. Hodgson se encargó de dirigir Inglaterra. En la Copa Mundial de la FIFA 2014, Inglaterra fue eliminado en la fase de grupos, y el año pasado, tras la derrota por 2-1 contra Islandia en la ", "context_right": ", Roy Hodgson anunció renuncia del puesto. Hodgson ha ganado siete títulos de liga sueca, dos copas suecas y un título de liga en Suiza y Dinamarca.", "mention": "Eurocopa 2016", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "189571"} {"context_title": "Formula 1 new team USF1 sponsored by YouTube co-founder", "context_date": "August 20, 2009", "context_left": "\"Autosport\" have also revealed that veteran drivers Alexander Wurz and Pedro de la Rosa may be in the running for a seat alongside \"an American rookie\". Austrian Wurz has not competed in Formula 1 since 2007 (For Williams in ", "context_right": "), and de la Rosa has not raced competitively in F1 since 2006, when he replaced Juan Pablo Montoya at McLaren mid-way through the season.", "mention": "China", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "220853"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews U.S. Libertarian Party potential presidential candidate R.J. Harris", "context_date": "June 17, 2011", "context_left": "\"In every stage of these Oppressions we have Petitioned for Redress in the most humble Terms [by begging for the cessation of: bailouts (TARP), social welfares (Obama Care), undeclared foreign Wars (Korea, Vietnam, Somalia, Iraq and ", "context_right": "), taxation without representation and the devaluation of our Wealth (deficit spending and the over-printing of a declining and unconstitutional paper currency), the theft and destruction of our Property (Eminent Domain) along with the killing and incarceration of our People (the Civil War on Drugs), the sexual assault of our Women and Children in the name of security (TSA), the gross infringements of our Privacy (the Patriot Act) ]: ", "mention": "Libya", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "Коммунисты перекрыли одну из главных улиц Екатеринбурга", "context_date": "5 марта 2017", "context_left": "После выступила Дарья Абдрахманова, активистка из посёлка Горный Щит. Она представляла интересы жителей так называемых удалённых территорий Екатеринбурга — пригородных посёлков, расположенных в городской черте, но отделённых от городских кварталов широкой полосой садов и леса. Абдрахманова сообщила, что в Горном Щите нет точки, где можно пополнить электронную проездную карту (Е-карту) и рассказала о том, как ходит с жалобами к чиновникам. Кроме того, она уведомила собравшихся, что многие её родственники погибли в войнах XX века — один на Гражданской, второй на Великой Отечественной, ещё один близкий человек не вернулся из Афганистана, а четвертого родственника она потеряла на ", "context_right": ". Логика её была проста — как можно, помня об этих людях, позволять в России раскрадывать национальное богатство. И эта логика понравилась собравшимся пенсионерам.", "mention": "Чеченской войне", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "14947002"} {"context_title": "England defeats Germany 1-0 in FIFA Women's World Cup 2015 third place playoff", "context_date": "July 7, 2015", "context_left": "On Saturday, England defeated two-time world champion Germany by 1–0 in the third place playoff in the ", "context_right": " FIFA Women's World Cup, which was held in Commonwealth Stadium in Edmonton, Alberta in Canada, and won the bronze medal.", "mention": "2015", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "911847"} {"context_title": "Massa wins 2006 Brazilian Grand Prix, Alonso and Renault win championships", "context_date": "October 22, 2006", "context_left": "Brazilian driver Filipe Massa, driving for Ferrari, won the ", "context_right": " at Autódromo José Carlos Pace in Interlagos, São Paulo. This is his second Grand Prix victory. Massa became the first Brazilian to win on home soil since Ayrton Senna in 1993. Massa started from pole and controlled the race from start to the finish line.", "mention": "Brazilian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "54429"} {"context_title": "Louny o víkendu pohltí Letní lounské vábení", "context_date": "15. srpen 2014", "context_left": "Také neděle přinese zcela nabitý program. Už od brzkého rána odstartují rybářské závody, následovat bude dohrání turnaje v házené, baseballový nebo veslařský program, basketbal, ale také divadelní hra v amfiteátru, hudební happening a nakonec i promítání snímku Fantom opery. Divadelní hra bude o ", "context_right": ", které přinesly i padlé při obraně naší země. Ty uctí večerní průvod na návrší Mělce, kde bude u kříže zapálena hranice.", "mention": "událostech roku 1813", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "48253"} {"context_title": "Ahmadínežádův projev vyhnal západní demokraty z jednání VS OSN", "context_date": "22. září 2011", "context_left": "Bezprostředním impulsem k odchodu západních diplomatů byla zmínka o ", "context_right": ", které Ahmadínežád označil za \"„tajemné“\", a řekl o nich, že byly záminkou k útokům na Afghánistán a Irák a k ovládnutí Blízkého východu a jeho ropných zdrojů.", "mention": "útocích z 11. září", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Эстонский режиссер сняла пикет в защиту политзаключенных в Екатеринбурге", "context_date": "10 декабря 2017", "context_left": "Пикет посетила съемочная группа эстонского режиссера Марианны Каат. Она снимала фильм о ", "context_right": ". Эстонцев заинтересовал политический пикет в Екатеринбурге и группа сняла его также. Ранее группа посетила антикапиталистическое шествие в Екатеринбурге. Каат известна документальным фильмом «Шахта № 8». Эта картина была запрещена в 2012 году к показу на Украине, где снималась.", "mention": "гибели царской семьи", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1356047"} {"context_title": "More than 100 die in riots in Ürümqi, China", "context_date": "July 8, 2009", "context_left": "Uyghurs are involved in China's largest ", "context_right": " since March 2008, involving at first perhaps 1,000 and up to 3,000 protestors. Xinhua, the official news agency, reports that 156 people were killed and 1,080 other people are injured.", "mention": "ethnic clash", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "844505"} {"context_title": "Inglaterra gana a Noruega por 0 a 3 y se convierte en la primera semifinalista del Mundial Femenino de la FIFA", "context_date": "27 de junio de 2019", "context_left": "Este jueves, 27 de junio, la selección de Inglaterra ha derrotado a Noruega por 0 goles a 3 en el primer partido de los cuartos de final de la ", "context_right": ". La selección inglesa se ha convertido en la primera semifinalista de esta edición y se enfrentará a la que gane el duelo entre Francia y Estados Unidos. Es la segunda ocasión consecutiva en la que la selección inglesa llega a las semifinales del Mundial. El partido se disputó en el Stade Océane ante espectadores y la árbitra principal fue la mexicana Lucila Venegas.", "mention": "Copa Mundial Femenina de la FIFA Francia 2019", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "4630361"} {"context_title": "Honderden doden bij aardbeving Mexico", "context_date": "20 september 2017", "context_left": "Slechts twee weken geleden werd Mexico ook al getroffen door een aardbeving, waarbij meer dan 80 doden vielen. Opmerkelijk is dat deze nieuwe aardbeving op de dag af 32 jaar na de ", "context_right": " komt. ", "mention": "aardbeving van 1985", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "1798567"} {"context_title": "Румынский фильм «Поза ребёнка» Питера Нецера получил «Золотого медведя» на Берлинском кинофестивале", "context_date": "17 февраля 2013", "context_left": "16 февраля 2013 года были объявлены лауреаты ", "context_right": " Берлинского международного кинофестиваля.", "mention": "63-го", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1090945"} {"context_title": "First rail service in 50 years begins across Korean borders", "context_date": "December 11, 2007", "context_left": "Buses, cars, and trucks are allowed across the border, but trains have not been until now. The roads which allowed those types of vehicles to enter North Korea were rebuilt after the first summit held between the two nations in 2000. The rail lines were destroyed in the 1950s during the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Eric Rudolph pleads guilty to avoid death sentence", "context_date": "April 8, 2005", "context_left": "Rudolph will plead guilty to a string of bombings — an ", "context_right": " in Atlanta, Georgia; a Birmingham, Alabama women's clinic in 1998. He was facing trial on other bombing charges including a lesbian night club and another women's clinic, both in the Atlanta area.", "mention": "attack during the 1996 Olympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "600068"} {"context_title": "Togo footballers ambushed in Angola", "context_date": "January 8, 2010", "context_left": "The incident occurs two days before the start of the largest football competition in Africa, the ", "context_right": ". The contest's organisers said that Togo's team will still participate in the event despite the ambush; however, midfielder Alaixys Romao commented that his team might have to withdraw.", "mention": "2010 Africa Cup of Nations", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "83157"} {"context_title": "Explorers find shipwreck thought to be massive WWII battleship Musashi", "context_date": "March 4, 2015", "context_left": "The wreck was discovered yesterday local time under a kilometre of water in the Sibuyan Sea, off the Filipino coast. Together with sister ship \"Yamato\" the \"Musashi\" fought in the ", "context_right": ", one of the war's biggest sea fights.", "mention": "Battle of Leyte Gulf", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "308999"} {"context_title": "Katrina raised gas prices higher than ever", "context_date": "September 11, 2005", "context_left": "The retail price of gasoline has risen higher than ever in the wake of ", "context_right": ". The losses from the deadly hurricane include the destruction of oil refineries all around the Mexican Gulf area, and resulted in a cut of nearly 11 percent of U.S. refining capacity. ", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "El presidente de México declara tres días de luto nacional por las más de 60 víctimas del terremoto", "context_date": "9 de septiembre de 2017", "context_left": "Según estimaciones iniciales, fueron hasta 50 millones de personas las expuestas al terremoto y 37 millones las que lo percibieron \"de manera moderada o fuerte\". El sismo superó al ", "context_right": ". En diversas ocasiones, las autoridades mexicanos alertaron ante posibles réplicas.", "mention": "registrado el 19 de septiembre de 1985", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1798567"} {"context_title": "Michael Schumacher wins 2006 United States Grand Prix", "context_date": "July 2, 2006", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Michael Schumacher and his teammate Felipe Massa won the first and second place on the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " on the Indianapolis Motor Speedway. Schumacher became the winner on this track for the 5-th time.", "mention": "United States Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "596935"} {"context_title": "中国、世界最長の高速鉄道が開通", "context_date": "2012年12月26日", "context_left": "日本経済新聞によると、中国政府は、昨年7月の浙江省・温州での", "context_right": "を切っ掛けに、高速鉄道への投資を凍結してきたが、その後、景気減速感が強まったことなどを背景に、一旦は凍結した鉄道建設について、再び経済の牽引役として活用する目的で再開。鉄道省によると、2012年の高速鉄道への年間投資額は4960億元(日本円:約6兆7,000億円)とされる。", "mention": "高速鉄道事故", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "129811"} {"context_title": "Swedish nuclear reactors shut down over safety concerns", "context_date": "August 5, 2006", "context_left": "However, Lars-Olov Höglund, who was responsible for the nuclear plant Forsmark for many years, said the incident was the most dangerous one since Chernobyl and ", "context_right": ", and that a meltdown was avoided only by pure luck. His views have however been questioned as he is involved in litigation with the Swedish nuclear industry and is known as an outspoken nuclear critic. Researchers at the Royal Institute of Technology as well as the personnel at the power plant were critical of Höglunds' view.", "mention": "Three Mile island", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "840847"} {"context_title": "Kathrin Hölzl ist erste deutsche Riesenslalomweltmeisterin seit 31 Jahren", "context_date": "12.02.2009", "context_left": " Große Freude beim Deutschen Skiverband (DSV), denn erstmals seit acht Jahren gibt es wieder eine deutsche Einzel-Medaillengewinnerin zu feiern. Aber nicht wie erwartet Maria Riesch, sondern Kathrin Hölzl wurde diese Ehre bei der ", "context_right": " zuteil. Mit zwei starken und fast fehlerfreien Durchgängen fuhr sie der gesamten Konkurrenz davon und errang den Riesenslalom-Weltmeistertitel vor der Slowenin Tina Maze.", "mention": "Alpinen Ski-WM", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "754506"} {"context_title": "조선일보 칼럼 '친일파 장사' 아직도 재미 좀 보십니까' 팩트체크, 근거가 있는 주장인가?", "context_date": "2020년 10월 2일", "context_left": "제 2차 세계 대전 이후 독일의 나치 전범을 처벌하기 위해 열린 ", "context_right": "에서 기소된 인원과 일본의 전범을 처벌하기 위해 열린 극동국제군사재판 (International Military Tribunal for the Far East, 도쿄 전범재판)에서 기소된 인원 각각을 이승만 정부가 기소한 221명의 10분의 1이라고 설명하고 있는 부분이다. 타국 사례와 비교해서 이승만 정부의 친일 청산이 상대적으로 잘 이뤄졌음을 밝히고 있다. 이는 사실인지 기소된 사람 수부터 통계에 대한 비교가 적절한지 여부를 기준으로 검증해보고자 한다.", "mention": "뉘른베르크 국제군사재판", "context_lang": "ko", "label_id": "80130"} {"context_title": "Tsunami nations give relief advice to U.S.", "context_date": "September 5, 2005", "context_left": "The nations hard hit by last year's devastating tsunami are now lending advice to the United States on how to cope with the ", "context_right": " crisis. ", "mention": "Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Fernando Alonso (Ferrari) gewinnt den Großen Preis von Korea 2010", "context_date": "24.10.2010", "context_left": " Fernando Alonso hat den ", "context_right": " gewonnen und steht damit an der Tabellenspitze. Nach einem turbulenten Rennen mit starken Regenfällen setzte er sich gegen Lewis Hamilton (Platz 2) und Felipe Massa (Platz 3) durch. Bester Deutscher wurde Michael Schumacher mit Platz 4. Sebastian Vettel erlitt nach der 46. Runde einen Motorschaden und verlor den schon fast sicheren Sieg.", "mention": "Großen Preis von Südkorea", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "172935"} {"context_title": "2010年の今年の漢字は「暑」 記録的猛暑やチリの落盤事故を反映", "context_date": "2010年12月11日", "context_left": "2位は、", "context_right": "の開催や尖閣諸島をめぐる諸問題などで中国に注目が集まったことを反映した「中」、3位以下は「不」「乱」「異」「国」「高」「嵐」「熱」「変」と続き、政治・経済や天候の不安定さを反映した字が多く見られた。", "mention": "上海万博", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "192452"} {"context_title": "Francia cuestiona el compromiso de Rusia en el alto el fuego con Georgia", "context_date": "10 de octubre de 2008", "context_left": "En agosto, las la Federación Rusa se unió a la ", "context_right": " para apoyar a los surosetios respuesta a la movilización de tropas georgianas para tomar control de la región. Rusia también había movilizado tropas a Abjasia y a las áreas cercanas. Estas zonas de transición fueron desocupadas esta semana en virtud del llamado acuerdo \"Medvédev - Sarkozy\" (los presidentes de Rusia y Francia respectivamente), y hoy Rusia terminaría completamente su retirada de Georgia.", "mention": "Guerra de Osetia del Sur de 2008", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Moroccan court sentences fourteen to jail on terror charges", "context_date": "January 8, 2010", "context_left": "Since the ", "context_right": ", in which 45 people died, the country has broken up over sixty similar groups, with more than 2,000 tried and jailed. ", "mention": "2003 Casablanca bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "569394"} {"context_title": "Kardynał Jorge Bergoglio został wybrany 266. papieżem i przyjął imię Franciszek", "context_date": "13 marca 2013", "context_left": "Franciszek został wybrany drugiego dnia konklawe w prawdopodobnie 5. głosowaniu. Przed rozpoczęciem obrad kardynałów-elektorów nie znajdował się on w gronie faworytów, jednak z informacji jakie przedostały się do mediów po ", "context_right": " roku już wtedy w głosowaniu, po którym papieżem został Benedykt XVI kardynał Jorge Bergoglio zajął drugie miejsce. ", "mention": "Konklawe w 2005", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "666536"} {"context_title": "11th suspect arrested in Laos overthrow plot; indictments handed down", "context_date": "June 15, 2007", "context_left": "During the 1960s and '70s, Vang Pao led a covert army of Hmong people, backed by the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency, against communist forces in the ", "context_right": ", or \"Secret War\", which paralleled the U.S. war in Vietnam.", "mention": "Laotian Civil War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "877450"} {"context_title": "«Атлетико Насьональ» вышел в 1/8 финала Южноамериканского кубка", "context_date": "14 сентября 2016", "context_left": "Напомним, действующий обладатель Кубка Либертадорес «Атлетико Насьональ», для которого победа 2016 года стала второй в истории клуба после триумфа 1989 года, в декабре станет участником ", "context_right": " в Японии. Как и победитель Лиги чемпионов УЕФА, «Реал Мадрид», южноамериканцы начнут турнир сразу с полуфинала.", "mention": "Клубного чемпионата мира", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "16839196"} {"context_title": "Raúl Castro chosen as new President of Cuba", "context_date": "February 24, 2008", "context_left": "This decision comes after Fidel Castro, who ruled as President ever since rising to power in 1959 with the ", "context_right": ", wrote a letter last Tuesday saying that he would not \"aspire to or accept... the positions of President of Council of State and Commander in Chief\" in today's election for a new President, who also becomes the leader of the Council of State and the Commander in Chief of the Cuban Revolutionary Armed Forces. According to Voice of America, he will still remain First Secretary of the Communist Party of Cuba, the only official party in the Communist state.", "mention": "Cuban Revolution", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "11264"} {"context_title": "Australian Paralympian Janet Shaw dies aged 46", "context_date": "December 4, 2012", "context_left": "This is the second recent death of an Australian Paralympian. In late November, another Australian Paralympian, Peter Marsh of Queensland, died at the age of 64. He competed at the 1976 Summer Paralympics, 1980 Summer Paralympics and ", "context_right": ". Prior to his death, he was active in a project to document the history of the Paralympic movement in Australia on Wikipedia.", "mention": "1984 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "599707"} {"context_title": "Scientists take strong stance for cutting emissions at Climate Conference in Bali", "context_date": "December 6, 2007", "context_left": "A group of over 200 scientists have signed a document demanding that political action be taken following the scientific evidence that had been put forth in the last International report on climate change. The document, that had been drafted by the Climate Change Research Centre at the University of New South Wales in Australia, was presented today at the ", "context_right": ", the scientists wanting to give a strong signal to the currently ongoing negotiations. ", "mention": "United Nations Convention on Climate change", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1633080"} {"context_title": "Двадесет седам година од хаварије у Чернобиљу", "context_date": "26. април 2013.", "context_left": " (Beta-AP) - Украјинци у четвртак обележавају 26. годишњицу ", "context_right": ", најгоре нуклеарне несреће у светској историји.", "mention": "хаварије у нуклеарној електрани у Чернобиљу", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Argentina beats Colombia 5-4 over penalties in Copa America quarter final 2015", "context_date": "June 29, 2015", "context_left": "On Friday, Argentina defeated Colombia in the third quarter- final of the ", "context_right": " which was held in Estadio Sausalito stadium in Viña del Mar, Chile. Argentina defeated Colombia 5–4 on penalty shootout.", "mention": "2015", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1129985"} {"context_title": "Explosions kill eight in Jakarta", "context_date": "July 17, 2009", "context_left": "This has been the first successful bombing in some years. The same Marriott was previously the target of a ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "terrorist car bomb in 2003", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "569203"} {"context_title": "Eurovision '73 winner Anne Marie David discusses her four-decade career and the Contest, past and present", "context_date": "February 16, 2009", "context_left": "In the 1970s, she was one of the most popular female vocalists in France, and became well-known internationally. Anne Marie David, from Arles in the south of France, parlayed her initial success from playing Mary Magdalene in the French production of \"Jesus Christ Superstar\" into taking home the \"grand prix\" at the ", "context_right": " in 1973. Her winning song, \"Tu te reconnaîtras\" (\"You will recognize yourself\"), became a Europe-wide hit that spring.", "mention": "Eurovision Song Contest", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "211490"} {"context_title": "Morreu na Coreia do Sul, Sun Myung Moon, o Reverendo Moon e fundador da Igreja da Unificação", "context_date": "2 de setembro de 2012", "context_left": "Quando o comunismo chegou à Coreia do Norte em 1945, foi preso por diversas vezes por pregar nova religião. Por insistir nas pregações, foi preso em 1948, desta vez foi torturado e mandado para um campo de trabalhos forçados por pregar nova religião. Só foi solto em 1950, quando os guardas norte-coreanos fugiram com o avanço das forças americanas durante a ", "context_right": ", onde foi para Coreia do Sul.", "mention": "Guerra da Coreia", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Økning av volden i Algerie", "context_date": "22. august 2008", "context_left": "Analytikere hevder at berberne tradisjonelt har ført en sekulær og vestlig orientert politikk, men at dette har endret seg noe de siste årene, hovedsaklig som et resultat av manglende vestlig vilje til å legge press på Algeries regjering mot overgrep, og for demokratisering. Det fremhodes at den manglende viljen til kritikk mot Algerie må ses i sammenheng med at landet er en hovedleverandør av naturgass til Europa. Det fremholdes også at Algeries myndigheter etter ", "context_right": " 11. september 2001 har fått nærmest ubetinget støtte fra vestlige styresmakter til kamp mot islamistiske grupperinger.", "mention": "angrepene i New York", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Впервые за 40 лет посторонним удалось увидеть золото Форт-Нокса", "context_date": "23 августа 2017", "context_left": "В Форт-Ноксе хранится более 147 миллионов унций золота (как утверждает ФРС — 4176 тонн — 4603 американских тонн), стоимость которого превышает 186 миллиардов долларов. Помимо золота, во время Второй мировой войны, в хранилище была спрятана ", "context_right": " и конституция США.", "mention": "Декларация независимости", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "127912"} {"context_title": "Cheney lobbies for CIA exemption to torture ban", "context_date": "November 8, 2005", "context_left": "The Vice President's appeal comes at a time when Congress is still dealing with the aftermath of the ", "context_right": ", as well as allegations of torture in Guantanamo Bay. At the same time questions about secret CIA detention centers outside of United States territory and cases of individuals that have been extradited from the United States to countries that are known to practice torture to obtain intelligence information resurface in the media.", "mention": "Abu Ghraib prison scandal", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "334720"} {"context_title": "2008 GOP convention to be in Minnesota", "context_date": "September 28, 2006", "context_left": "The Republican National Committee Site Selection Committee will recommend Minneapolis-St. Paul to host the ", "context_right": " (GOP), on September 1-4, 2008. RNC confirmation will be done in January, 2007. Cleveland, New York City, and Tampa-St. Petersburg had also submitted bids.", "mention": "2008 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Bernie Sanders embraces Black Lives Matter movement", "context_date": "October 8, 2015", "context_left": "The Black Lives Matter activist movement protests police brutality against African Americans, and gained traction after the death of ", "context_right": " last year in Ferguson, Missouri.", "mention": "Michael Brown", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "17501769"} {"context_title": "2009世界陸上 やり投げの村上幸史選手が銅メダル 同種目で日本人初のメダル獲得", "context_date": "2009年8月25日", "context_left": "この種目の過去の成績は1987年大会で溝口和洋選手が記録した6位が最高順位で、日本勢の同種目でのメダル獲得はオリンピック・世界選手権を通じて初となる。投てき競技でのメダル獲得は、男子ハンマー投げ競技で", "context_right": "銀メダル、2003年大会銅メダルの室伏広治選手に次いで2人目となる。", "mention": "2001年大会", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "503240"} {"context_title": "US-Sonderermittler Mitchell auf schwieriger diplomatischer Mission im Nahen Osten", "context_date": "30.01.2009", "context_left": "George J. Mitchell, der US-Sonderbeauftragte der US-Regierung für den Nahen Osten, gilt als erfahrener Krisenmanager und Vermittler. Der im Libanon geborene Mitchell, Sohn einer libanesischen Mutter, bezeichnet sich selbst als „Arab American“. Mitchell war zwischen 1980 und 1995 Senator für den US-Bundesstaat Maine und stieg dort schnell zum Fraktionsführer der Demokraten auf. Besondere Anerkennung erwarb sich Mitchell als Sonderbeauftragter der Clinton-Administration für den ", "context_right": ", in dem er nach langwierigen Verhandlungen in den Jahren 1995 bis 1998 die verfeindeten Parteien in diesem Konflikt zu dem sogenannten Karfreitagsabkommen bewegen konnte. Sein hoffnungsvolles Credo lautet: „Konflikte werden von Menschen gemacht, geleitet und verschärft. Sie können auch von Menschen beendet werden.“", "mention": "Nordirlandkonflikt", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "815436"} {"context_title": "منتخب الفراعنة يقهر أبطال العالم و يفجر مفاجأة من العيار الثقيل في كأس القرات", "context_date": "19 يونيو 2009", "context_left": "فجر المنتخب المصري كبرى مفاجآت ", "context_right": " المقامة حاليا في جنوب أفريقيا حتى الآن بعدما تغلب على إيطاليا بطلة العالم بهدف دون مقابل في الجولة الثانية من منافسات المجموعة الثانية.", "mention": "كأس العالم للقارات لكرة القدم", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "183674"} {"context_title": "Koptische Christen befürchten auch in Deutschland Anschläge", "context_date": "03.01.2011", "context_left": "Bei dem ", "context_right": " waren mindestens 21 Menschen getötet und fast 100 verletzt worden. Am Sonntag demonstrierten nach Presseberichten hunderte Kopten in Alexandria und Kairo gegen die ägyptische Regierung. Sie verlangten mehr Schutz vor den Übergriffen gegen ihre Religionsgemeinschaft.", "mention": "Anschlag auf die Kirche in Alexandria", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "44310"} {"context_title": "RSF publica la clasificación mundial de la libertad de prensa de 2005", "context_date": "17 de noviembre de 2005", "context_left": "España (puesto 40) tiende a estar a la cola de Europa, principalmente por las amenazas de ETA a \"periodistas que no comparten su punto de vista sobre política internacional o sobre la situación del País Vasco\", y ocasionalmente también por acciones del gobierno, especialmente tras los ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "atentados del 11-M", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "213531"} {"context_title": "La Copa Mundial de la FIFA de 2026 se celebrará en Canadá, Estados Unidos y México", "context_date": "13 de junio de 2018", "context_left": "Este miércoles, 13 de junio, durante el 68.º Congreso de la FIFA que se celebraba en Moscú se ha decidido que las sedes del Mundial de 2026 serán Canadá, Estados Unidos y México. Se trata de la primera vez en la que una fase final de la Copa del Mundo se celebrará en tres países distintos. La única vez que se había celebrado en más de un país fue durante la ", "context_right": " que tuvo lugar en Corea del Sur y Japón.", "mention": "Copa Mundial de Fútbol de 2002", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "Judge delivers verdicts in 2004 Madrid train bombing trial", "context_date": "October 31, 2007", "context_left": "The Audiencia Nacional of Spain (National Court of Spain) has found 21 of 28 defendants guilty in connection with the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2004 Madrid train bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "213531"} {"context_title": "New host announced for 2007 Netball World Championships", "context_date": "January 26, 2007", "context_left": "Dick Hubbard, mayor of Auckland City, is pleased that the hosting rights were given to Auckland, the \"home to 25,630 registered netball players.\" \"Auckland City recognises the hugely important role netball plays in our community and is excited about showing our passion for the game to the world.\" Mr Hubbard said that the Championships will also provide a good start for Auckland in the lead up to the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2011 Rugby World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "270736"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Τουρκίας ηττήθηκε από την Εθνική Κροατίας με σκορ 0-3", "context_date": "12 Νοεμβρίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Τουρκίας ηττήθηκε από την Εθνική Κροατίας με σκορ 0:3 στον πρώτο αγώνα μπαράζ των Προκριματικών του ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου 2012", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Preisträger des Alternativen Nobelpreises 2010 bekannt gegeben", "context_date": "03.10.2010", "context_left": "Die israelische Organisation „Physicians for Human Rights“ erhält den Preis für ihren Einsatz für die Gesundheit aller Menschen in Israel und den Palästinensischen Autonomiegebieten. Die Organisation wurde 1988, zu Beginn der Intifada, von israelischen und palästinensischen Ärzten gegründet und setzt sich dafür ein, dass das israelische Gesundheitssystem allen Menschen gleichermaßen zur Verfügung steht. Dazu gehören insbesondere Bewohner der besetzten palästinensischen Gebiete, Gefängnisinsassen und Personen ohne gültige Papiere. Die Arbeit wurde durch die Blockade des Gazastreifens und die ", "context_right": " erschwert.", "mention": "Angriff auf den Gazastreifen 2008", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "170682"} {"context_title": "At least 55 killed by Hurricane Katrina; serious flooding across affected region", "context_date": "August 30, 2005", "context_left": "Thirty people died in the Gulf of Mexico resort of Biloxi when ", "context_right": " demolished a water-side apartment block, Harrison County emergency operations center spokesman Jim Pollard told AP. However, the Mississippi Emergency Management Agency has yet to confirm the news.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "போர்க் குற்றங்களுக்காக சூடான் அதிபரைக் கைது செய்ய ஆப்பிரிக்க ஒன்றியம் மறுப்பு", "context_date": "சூலை 4, 2009", "context_left": "", "context_right": " இழைக்கப்பட்ட போர்க்குற்றங்களுக்காக பன்னாட்டு குற்றவியல் நீதிமன்றத்தால் தேடப்பட்டு வரும் சூடான் சனாதிபதி ஒமார் அல்-பசீரைக் கைது செய்ய ஆணை பிறப்பிக்க ஆப்பிரிக்க ஒன்றியம் மறுத்துள்ளது.", "mention": "டார்பூரில்", "context_lang": "ta", "label_id": "190758"} {"context_title": "Ким Чен Ын готов встретиться с Пак Кын Хе", "context_date": "1 января 2015", "context_left": "", "context_right": " закончилась 27 июля 1953 года лишь перемирием, поэтому юридически эти страны находится в состоянии войны. ", "mention": "Корейская война", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "López Obrador asume la presidencia de México", "context_date": "1 de diciembre de 2018", "context_left": "No obstante, señala \"Animal Político\", el expresidente dejó el país con cifras récord de violencia, aumento de la deuda pública y una población \"en situación de pobreza y de la corrupción\". De acuerdo con cifras del Instituto Nacional de Estadística y Geografía, en el año 2017 se cometieron 31 200 asesinatos, un promedio de veinticinco por cada cien mil habitantes. La organización Acción Ciudadana Frente a la Pobreza detalló que hay 55.3 millones de mexicanos en pobreza. En los seis años de gobierno, fueron asesinados 47 periodistas. También se vivieron hechos que marcaron su administración, como la ", "context_right": " de la Escuela Normal Rural de Ayotzinapa, la masacre de veintidós civiles en San Pedro Limón.", "mention": "desaparición de 43 estudiantes normalistas", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "18327329"} {"context_title": "Italian petrol prices rocket to a record EUR 1.30 per litre", "context_date": "August 31, 2005", "context_left": "There is constant speculation on the recent price rises, however much of this is the rise in oil prices which has reached USD 68.28 per barrel (1 barrel = 158.97 litres) of US crude. This has been helped by major market speculation, the war in Iraq, the recent ", "context_right": " (by stopping production in a major refinery) and the strengthening of the American dollar against the Euro.", "mention": "hurricane in Louisiana", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Vincono Juventus, Lazio e Milan. Cosmi e Ferrara esonerati, Napoli penalizzato", "context_date": "18 dicembre 2012", "context_left": "Tra il 15 e il 16 dicembre si è giocata la diciassettesima giornata della ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Serie A", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "842180"} {"context_title": "Controversy over New Orleans photos captions", "context_date": "September 2, 2005", "context_left": "Tuesday, Yahoo! News posted photographs from the ", "context_right": " disaster area gathered from various sources.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Си Цзиньпин назначен генеральным секретарём XVIII съезда КПК", "context_date": "7 ноября 2012", "context_left": "Член постоянного комитета политбюро ЦК КПК и заместитель председателя КНР Си Цзиньпин назначен генеральным секретарём открывающегося в четверг в китайской столице ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "съезда Компартии Китая", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "137566"} {"context_title": "Algerian rebel group claims kidnapping of two Austrians in Tunisia", "context_date": "March 11, 2008", "context_left": "Tunisia was also the scene of the 2002 ", "context_right": ", for which Al-Qaeda claimed responsibility. That attack left 14 Germans, six Tunisians, and one Frenchman dead and more than 30 others wounded.", "mention": "Ghriba synagogue bombing", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2869975"} {"context_title": "Roma, demolito il Velodromo Olimpico all'EUR", "context_date": "24 luglio 2008", "context_left": "Alle ore 17:50 di oggi il Velodromo Olimpico di viale della Tecnica, nel quartiere dell'", "context_right": ", è stato abbattuto.", "mention": "EUR", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "1368377"} {"context_title": "Rusia solicita a la OTAN que aclare las muertes de civiles por bombardeos en el conflicto de Libia", "context_date": "20 de diciembre de 2011", "context_left": "Vitaly Churkin, representante de Rusia en Naciones Unidas indicó este lunes que se lleve una rigurosa investigación sobre la muerte indiscriminada de civiles efectuados en la ", "context_right": " de la OTAN en Libia, denunciando además la parcialización de informes de la organización militar atlántica:", "mention": "campaña de intervención", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "Poliisi vaatii ilmiantopainiketta kaikille internetsivuille", "context_date": "25. lokakuuta 2008", "context_left": "Nykyisellään vastaavia järjestelmiä ei Suomessa ole käytössä. Tosin nyt jo on mahdollista ilmoittaa poliisille havaitsemistaan epäilyttävistä viesteistä ja internetsivuista, mutta nämä ilmoitukset käsitellään normaalin toiminnan yhteydessä kuten muut ilmoitukset. Taannoisessa Kauhajoen kouluammuskelutapauksessa poliisi oli saanut ennakolta vihjeen internetissä julkaistusta materiaalista joka oli hyvin samankaltaista kun vuosi sitten tapahtunutta ", "context_right": " ennen julkaistu. Poliisi puhutti Kauhajoen ammuskelijaa ennen surmatöitä, mutta ei katsonut tarpeelliseksi takavarikoida surmissa sittemmin käytettyä käsiasetta.", "mention": "Jokelan kouluammuskelua", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "600836"} {"context_title": "Wheelchair curling enters third day at 2014 Winter Paralympics", "context_date": "March 10, 2014", "context_left": "Sweden's team has three team members who competed at the 2010 Games in Vancouver, Canada: Jalle Jungnell, Glenn Ikonen, and Patrik Kallin. 60 year old Jungnell has the team's most Paralympic experience, having competed at the 1988, ", "context_right": ", and 1996 Summer Paralympics in wheelchair basketball, as well as competing at the 2006 and 2010 Winter Paralympics in wheelchair curling. Finnish born Ikonen had been suspended for six months following the Vancouver Games following a positive doping test. He claimed metroprolol was a drug he had been using for 4 or 5 years, and was unhappy that his doctor prescribed the blood pressure reducing drug because he would not have intentionally taken a banned substance. ", "mention": "1992", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "855684"} {"context_title": "12 декабря — День Конституции РФ. Разжалованный праздник", "context_date": "12 декабря 2012", "context_left": "Но нынешняя Россия как государство (а не как историческое пространство) — новое образование. Она результат ", "context_right": " и октября 1993-го. Отрицать это происхождение и дискредитировать демократическое происхождение сегодняшней России означает одно — работать на разрушение страны. Россия не повторила путь СССР, потому что смогла, в отличие от союзного центра, подписать свой федеративный договор и на основе демократических механизмов без повторения югославских сценариев собрать вокруг Москвы не 1/6, но 1/8 часть суши. Любить империю Романовых и сталинский СССР и ненавидеть современную Россию — это политическая некрофилия. Её можно было бы сделать предметом шуток и пародий. Но сегодня именно любовь к политическим трупам признаётся проявлением патриотизма. Государственные ТВ-каналы готовы оправдать любых деятелей прошлого (от Косыгина до Распутина). Оправдания нет только для перестройщиков и ельцинистов. То есть создателей современного российского государства.", "mention": "августа 1991-го", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "221382"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Australian wheelchair basketball player Tina McKenzie", "context_date": "January 3, 2014", "context_left": "On Saturday, \"Wikinews\" interviewed Tina McKenzie, a former member of the Australia women's national wheelchair basketball team, known as the Gliders. McKenzie, a silver and bronze Paralympic medalist in wheelchair basketball, retired from the game after the ", "context_right": " in London. \"Wikinews\" caught up with her in a cafe in the leafy Melbourne suburb of Preston. ", "mention": "2012 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Australian Paralympian Janet Shaw dies aged 46", "context_date": "December 4, 2012", "context_left": "A vision impaired cyclist, she and pilot Kelly McCombie earned a pair of bronze medals at the ", "context_right": " in the individual pursuit and road race/time trial events. She also won four medals at the 2002 IPC Cycling World Championships. Beyond cycling, Shaw worked as a motivational speaker and author, having written two memoirs, \"Beyond the Red Door\" and a follow up called \"Bit of a Super Hero: Choosing the Challenge – My Journey with Cancer.\"", "mention": "2004 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "840654"} {"context_title": "Effettuato il sorteggio per la collocazione nelle semifinali dell'Eurovision Song Contest 2017", "context_date": "31 gennaio 2017", "context_left": "Quest'oggi a , presso la \"Column Hall\" del palazzo comunale, si è tenuto il sorteggio per la collocazione nelle semifinali degli Stati partecipanti all'", "context_right": " e degli Stati finalisti nella votazione della semifinale di riferimento; il sorteggio non ha determinato le posizioni esatte di esibizione, ciò verrà effettuato successivamente tramite una determinazione non casuale decisa da NTU e Jon Ola Sand per garantire il miglior ritmo possibile per lo spettacolo televisivo.", "mention": "Eurovision Song Contest 2017", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "23055386"} {"context_title": "Phil Hill, first American to win the Formula One championship, dies at age 81", "context_date": "August 28, 2008", "context_left": "Phil Hill finished one point above the German Wolfgang von Trips, who died in a crash during the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Italian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "171938"} {"context_title": "Aardbeving van 7,2 op de schaal van Richter treft Haïti", "context_date": "15 augustus 2021", "context_left": "In 2010 werd Haïti ook getroffen door ", "context_right": ", toen met een kracht van 7,0 op de schaal van Richter.", "mention": "een aardbeving", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "У среду потпуно помрачење Месеца", "context_date": "8. октобар 2014.", "context_left": "Пример за то је помрачење које се десило 22. маја током ", "context_right": ". године, која је окончана падом града и сломом Византије.", "mention": "турске опсаде Цариграда 1453", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "160077"} {"context_title": "米空母乗組員、東電訴える", "context_date": "2012年12月28日", "context_left": "時事通信によると、12月27日までにアメリカの原子力空母ロナルド・レーガンの乗組員8人が、2011年東北地方太平洋沖地震の際に行われた「トモダチ作戦」中に、当時発生していた", "context_right": "に関して東京電力が正確な情報を提供しなかったため被爆したとしてサンディエゴにある連邦地方裁判所に提訴した。", "mention": "福島第一原子力発電所の事故", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Turkish-Armenian journalist killed in Turkey", "context_date": "January 19, 2007", "context_left": "Dink, a brave journalist who was not afraid to discuss one of Turkey's most controversial issues, clearly called what happened to Armenians in 1915 when the land was being governed by the Ottoman Empire the ", "context_right": ". As BBC reports, he ", "mention": "Armenian Genocide", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "Sergio Pérez zwycięzcą Grand Prix Sakhiru", "context_date": "7 grudnia 2020", "context_left": "Dla Sergio Péreza była to pierwsza wygrana w Formule 1, do tej pory najlepszy wynik notował w Grand Prix Malezji 2012, Grand Prix Włoch 2012 i Grand Prix Turcji 2020, gdzie zajął drugie miejsce. Na swoje pierwsze zwycięstwo Meksykanin czekał aż 190 wyścigów, co czyni go kierowcą, który najdłużej czekał na wygranie swojego pierwszego wyścigu (do tej pory rekord ten dzierżył Mark Webber, który dopiero w 130. starcie wygrał pierwszy wyścig Formuły 1 w karierze). Jest też pierwszym meksykańskim kierowcą od ", "context_right": ", kiedy to triumfował Pedro Rodríguez. Dla Racing Point to pierwsza wygrana pod dotychczasową nazwą – licząc poprzednie wcielenia (Jordan Grand Prix, MF1 Racing, Spyker i Force India) jest to piąte zwycięstwo zespołu z Silverstone.", "mention": "Grand Prix Belgii 1970", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "20902"} {"context_title": "Nastavlja se suđenje Šakalima", "context_date": "25. септембар 2011.", "context_left": "(Beta) - Suđenje pripadnicima jedinice „Šakali“, Teritorijalne odbrane i policije, optuženim za zločine u selu Ćuška na ", "context_right": ", nastavlja se u ponedeljak pred Odeljenjem za ratne zločine Višeg suda u Beogradu.", "mention": "Kosovu 1999. godine", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "190029"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2008 Chinese Grand Prix", "context_date": "October 19, 2008", "context_left": "Vodafone McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton has won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Sinopec Chinese Grand Prix at the Shanghai International Circuit, Shanghai, China. ", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179363"} {"context_title": "Large earthquake hits central China", "context_date": "May 12, 2008", "context_left": "This is the largest earthquake to strike the region in almost 60 years. The ", "context_right": " in China's history was of magnitude 7.8, striking Tangshan in 1976. Approximately 250,000 people were killed.", "mention": "deadliest quake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "462195"} {"context_title": "Суверенный Престол отмечает Императорский день возрождением дворянства и набором в послы", "context_date": "15 июня 2015", "context_left": "13 мая в Екатеринбурге состоялось учредительное собрание Исторического императорского общества, цель которого — развитие исторических знаний, историческое просвещение, научные исследования. Членами организации стали учёные, журналисты, общественники и высокопоставленный чиновник Администрации губернатора Свердловской области (Императорский Престол организационно связан с Монархической партией РФ, базирующейся в административном центре области Екатеринбурге — месте ", "context_right": "). Подробнее о составе участников и задачах проекта можно прочитать в информационном сообщении государственного сайта Императорского Престола.", "mention": "расстрела семьи императора Николая II", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1356047"} {"context_title": "Льюис Хэмилтон побеждает на Гран-при Канады", "context_date": "14 июня 2010", "context_left": "Льюис Хэмилтон одержал вторую подряд победу в сезоне, на этот раз на ", "context_right": ". Его напарник по команде, Дженсон Баттон, вновь финишировал вторым. Фернандо Алонсо - третий.", "mention": "Гран-при Канады", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "66081"} {"context_title": "Nieuwe paus als opvolger van Johannes Paulus II", "context_date": "19 april 2005", "context_left": "De kardinalen hebben in een ", "context_right": " van één dag besloten dat de achtenzeventigjarige Duitse kardinaal Joseph Ratzinger de nieuwe paus wordt. Even voor 18:00 steeg er grijze rook op uit het Vaticaanse schoorsteentje − het was dus onduidelijk of het zwarte (wat zou betekenen dat de kardinalen nog eens hebben gestemd en er nog geen nieuwe paus is) of witte (wat zou betekenen dat er een nieuwe paus is verkozen) was − en enkele minuten later bleek het witte rook voor te stellen en te zijn. Dit werd iets na zes uur bevestigd doordat de klokken luidden, om 18:45 werd na de legendarische Latijnse woorden \"Habemus papam\" (Wij hebben een paus) de naam van kardinaal die de nieuwe paus is, uitgesproken. ", "mention": "erg kort conclaaf", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "666536"} {"context_title": "Ganzkörperscanner an US-Flughäfen werden abgebaut", "context_date": "03.02.2013", "context_left": "Nach den ", "context_right": " wurden in den USA und in anderen Ländern die Sicherheitskontrollen an den Flughäfen verschärft. Eines der wichtigsten Werkzeuge sollten die Ganzkörperscanner sein, mit denen Sprengstoff und nichtmetallische Waffen schneller und leichter zu erkennen sind. Diese Geräte sind aber wegen des Eingriffs in die Privatsphäre und ihrer hohen Fehlerträchtigkeit umstritten.", "mention": "Anschlägen vom 11. September 2001", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Intervista al matematico e scrittore israeliano Aner Shalev", "context_date": "19 settembre 2007", "context_left": "Il romanzo è stato pubblicato in ebraico nel 2004 ma è ambientato prima dell'", "context_right": ", perché le Torri Gemelle ci sono ancora. Come mai? C'è una ragione particolare?", "mention": "11 settembre", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Morto Markus Wolf, aveva 83 anni", "context_date": "9 novembre 2006", "context_left": "Markus Wolf, figlio di Friedrich Wolf, era nato il 19 gennaio 1923 a Hechingen e fu costretto alla fuga in Russia non appena Hitler prese il potere. Nella nazione sovietica studiò nel corso di ingegneria aeronautica di Almaty, e si iscrisse nel Komintern. Inoltre, seguì il ", "context_right": " come giornalista. In seguito, fu condannato da un tribunale tedesco a 6 anni di carcere per tradimento.", "mention": "Processo di Norimberga", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "80130"} {"context_title": "В Екатеринбурге обнаружен неизвестный источник раковых заболеваний молодёжи", "context_date": "28 декабря 2013", "context_left": "Как , в Екатеринбурге имеются источники не только онкологической, но и бактериологической опасности: этой весной в ходе слушаний по делу Максима Петлина были озвучены сведения о недобросовестных застройщиках, которые построили развлекательный центр в охранной зоне одного из городских кладбищ, где захоронены жертвы ", "context_right": ", и устроили там водозабор.", "mention": "утечки сибирской язвы 1979 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "592810"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, September 2016", "context_date": "October 21, 2016", "context_left": "During his run for the Libertarian nomination, Perry notably refused to file with the Federal Election Commission, claiming it lacked authority, and said he would only take donations in the form of precious metals or cryptocurrency like bitcoin. He selected Muslim libertarian Will Coley as his running mate. At the ", "context_right": ", Perry received 6.8% on the first ballot and 5.6% on the second ballot, fourth place each time. After being eliminated, Perry delivered a boisterous concession speech in which he warned the party about following the path of the Reform Party in accepting public campaign financing. He did not endorse the Johnson–Weld ticket.", "mention": "National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "18151174"} {"context_title": "Главный «Золотой глобус» достался фильму «12 лет рабства»", "context_date": "13 января 2014", "context_left": "Историческая драма «12 лет рабства» () неожиданно получила главную награду на ", "context_right": " «Золотой глобус», состоявшейся в Беверли-Хиллз (Лос-Анджелес, Калифорния) в воскресенье, 12 января 2014 года.", "mention": "71-й ежегодной церемонии вручения премий", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "15139147"} {"context_title": "Lidé v Praze si připomněli 9. výročí úmrtí Václava Havla", "context_date": "18. prosinec 2020", "context_left": "Lidé začali zapalovat svíčky na Jungmanově náměstí, kde bylo vytvořeno srdce ze svíček, ale i opodál. Prahou pak prošel již 6. ročník průvodu Srdce na Hrad, letos pod názvem Srdce na Hrad 2020, v jehož čele srdce nesli aktéři ", "context_right": ", hudební skladatel a zpěvák Michael Kocáb a textař Michal Horáček. Průvod vyšel v šest hodin večer z Nové scény Národního divadla a před cílem začali skandovat Havlovo jméno a symbolicky zvonit klíči. U sochy T. G. Masaryka pak měli hosté proslov.", "mention": "sametové revoluce", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "182817"} {"context_title": "The Raveonettes on love, death, desire and war", "context_date": "October 16, 2007", "context_left": "DS: Has the ", "context_right": " affected either of you as artists at all?", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Χιλής ηττήθηκε από την Εθνική Βενεζουέλας με σκορ 1-2", "context_date": "18 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Χιλής ηττήθηκε με σκορ 1:2 από την Εθνική Βενεζουέλας, για τα προημιτελικά του ", "context_right": ", το οποίο διεξάγεται στην Αργεντινή.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "Zwei Tote bei Brand am Ground Zero in New York", "context_date": "19.08.2007", "context_left": "Seit den ", "context_right": " steht das Gebäude leer. Seitdem wurden in den Trümmern menschliche Überreste entdeckt. Beim Einsturz des Südturms des World Trade Centers wurde es schwer beschädigt. Das nicht sanierungsfähige Haus wird gegenwärtig abgerissen. Bis zu Wochenbeginn hatten die Bauarbeiter 14 der 40 Stockwerke abgetragen.", "mention": "Terroranschlägen vom 11. September 2001", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Hurricane Nate weakens as it reaches United States", "context_date": "October 9, 2017", "context_left": "This is the fourth major hurricane to hit U.S. territory since summer, after Harvey, , and ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Maria", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "40178187"} {"context_title": "Ураган «Сэнди», наводнение в Крымске и реакция властей", "context_date": "4 ноября 2012", "context_left": "Российская оппозиция не преминула воспользоваться возможностью сравнить оперативность действий служб США и России на примере ", "context_right": ", причем сравнение было сделано не в пользу отечественных спасателей. «Ничтожное количество погибших в США связано с тем же фактором, что и огромное количество погибших в Крымске.", "mention": "нынешнего бедствия и трагедии в Крымске", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1434437"} {"context_title": "Единственную армянскую школу в Москве могут закрыть", "context_date": "2 ноября 2016", "context_left": "Армянская школа №1650 была основана в 1989 году в Москве после ", "context_right": " 1988 года. Такое решение было принято для того, чтобы дети, находящиеся на лечении и в процессе реабилитации в России, могли продолжить обучение в условиях, максимально приближенных к тем, что действовали в Армении. У школьников появилась возможность изучать на родном языке предметы школьной программы.", "mention": "Спитакского землетрясения", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "815567"} {"context_title": "Nico Rosberg vence Grande Prémio da Bélgica; Ricciardo e Hamilton completam o pódio", "context_date": "28 de agosto de 2016", "context_left": "O alemão (Mercedes) sagrou-se vencedor do ", "context_right": ", em , liderando desde o início a prova e reacendendo a disputa pelo título.", "mention": "Grande Prémio da Bélgica de Fórmula 1", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "23045137"} {"context_title": "Felipe Massa wins 2007 Turkish Grand Prix", "context_date": "August 26, 2007", "context_left": "Felipe Massa wins the ", "context_right": " FIA Formula-1 Petrol Ofisi Turkish Grand Prix at the Istanbul Racing Circuit, Istanbul, Turkey.", "mention": "2007", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "664818"} {"context_title": "Mohamed Morsi beëdigd als president van Egypte", "context_date": "30 juni 2012", "context_left": "Tijdens de ", "context_right": " werd toenmalig president Hosni Moebarak afgezet. De macht werd destijds overgedragen op de Opperste Raad van de Strijdkrachten, die het bevel voert over het Egyptische leger. Bij de verkiezingen op 24 juni 2012 behaalde Morsi een kleine meerderheid van de stemmen. Hij wenste vandaag zijn eed af te leggen voor het parlement, maar het militaire bewind besloot begin juni om het lagerhuis te ontbinden. Daarom moest Morsi zijn eed afleggen ten overstaan van een gerechtshof, bestaande uit rechters die ooit door Moebarak zijn aangesteld.", "mention": "revolutie begin 2011", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "29198"} {"context_title": "Renault F1 launch criminal complaint against former driver over race-fixing allegation", "context_date": "September 12, 2009", "context_left": "Piquet Jr. crashed in the ", "context_right": " just after an early pit stop for Fernando Alonso, bringing out the safety car. As the cars ahead of Alonso went in for fuel under the safety car, he moved up the pack to take victory. Piquet Jr. was sacked after the 2009 Hungarian Grand Prix.", "mention": "2008 Singapore Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179338"} {"context_title": "El Caminito del Rey, premiado por Europa Nostra", "context_date": "29 de mayo de 2016", "context_left": "Junto al premiado Caminito del Rey situado en el Desfiladero de los Gaitanes a 100 metros de altura sobre el río Guadalhorce en la provincia de Málaga, también ha sido galardonada la localidad de Lorca, Murcia por la rehabilitación de seis iglesias tras el ", "context_right": " ocurrido en mayo de 2011.", "mention": "terremoto", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "584613"} {"context_title": "Tweede Kamer stemt raadgevend referendum weg", "context_date": "22 februari 2018", "context_left": "Het raadgevend referendum is in Nederland tot nu toe één keer gehouden: in ", "context_right": ", waarbij het ging over de Associatieovereenkomst tussen de Europese Unie en Oekraïne. Voor 21 maart a.s. staat er nog een tweede raadgevend referendum gepland, over de Wet op de inlichtingen- en veiligheidsdiensten 2017. Dat raadgevend referendum zal dus hoogstwaarschijnlijk meteen het laatste ooit zijn in Nederland.", "mention": "april 2016", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "21117876"} {"context_title": "Países suben restricciones ante variante delta del COVID-19", "context_date": "26 de junio de 2021", "context_left": "En Australia la ciudad de Sidney irá a una nueva cuarentena, en tanto en Indonesia enfrenta un próximo colapso del sistema hospitalario que está a unas tres cuartas partes de su capacidad. Por ello, se han creado hospitales improvisados en tiendas para dar cabida a las personas que enferman gravemente con la variante delta del virus. Israel, un país que ha inoculado casi a toda su población, volvió al uso de mascarilla en lugares públicos. En Rusia, donde se han disputado algunos encuentros de la ", "context_right": " en la ciudad de San Petersburgo, se han cerrado los espacios públicos de comida para fans de la justa deportiva. En Finlandia, en tanto, se registraron trazas de la variante presente en Rusia y se han confirmado 120 contagios de personas que asistieron a la Eurocopa 2020.", "mention": "Eurocopa 2020", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "373501"} {"context_title": "Teräsbetoni frontman J. Ahola on representing Finland at Eurovision 2008 & more", "context_date": "April 13, 2008", "context_left": "The band, who sing exclusively in Finnish, have just released their third album, \"Myrskyntuoja\". The lead single on this album is \"Missä miehet ratsastaa\", which Teräsbetoni decided to enter in the Finnish selections for the ", "context_right": " of the Eurovision Song Contest, where it was selected to go on to the semi-final in Belgrade, Serbia as Finland's representative this year. Although Finland has seen limited success in the contest, their only victory was with a comparable group. In 2006 hard rock band Lordi - whose monster costumes and pyrotechnic displays are famed - achieved a record 292 points in the final with \"Hard Rock Hallelujah\".", "mention": "2008 edition", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10155"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews U.S. Libertarian Party presidential candidate R. Lee Wrights", "context_date": "June 20, 2011", "context_left": "I am seeking the nomination because the Libertarian Party faces a critical test in 2012 and I want to make sure that we're up to the challenge. The Libertarian message in 2012 must be loud, clear and unequivocal call to – stop all war! We must stop the wars in ", "context_right": " and Afghanistan, we must stop the War on Drugs and Alternative Lifestyles, we must Stop the War on Civil Liberties, we must stop the wars on food, healthcare, guns – you name it. ", "mention": "Iraq", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Reprezentacja Niemiec w piłce nożnej po raz czwarty mistrzem świata", "context_date": "14 lipca 2014", "context_left": "XX Mistrzostwa Świata w Piłce Nożnej, rozgrywane na stadionach Brazylii, rozpoczęły się 12 czerwca. W niedzielę 13 lipca na Maracanie odbył się natomiast ", "context_right": " między reprezentacjami Niemiec i Argentyny. Obie drużyny w swojej historii były już mistrzami świata.", "mention": "mecz finałowy", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "15926885"} {"context_title": "Sergio Pérez zwycięzcą Grand Prix Sakhiru", "context_date": "7 grudnia 2020", "context_left": "Dla Sergio Péreza była to pierwsza wygrana w Formule 1, do tej pory najlepszy wynik notował w Grand Prix Malezji 2012, ", "context_right": " i Grand Prix Turcji 2020, gdzie zajął drugie miejsce. Na swoje pierwsze zwycięstwo Meksykanin czekał aż 190 wyścigów, co czyni go kierowcą, który najdłużej czekał na wygranie swojego pierwszego wyścigu (do tej pory rekord ten dzierżył Mark Webber, który dopiero w 130. starcie wygrał pierwszy wyścig Formuły 1 w karierze). Jest też pierwszym meksykańskim kierowcą od Grand Prix Belgii 1970, kiedy to triumfował Pedro Rodríguez. Dla Racing Point to pierwsza wygrana pod dotychczasową nazwą – licząc poprzednie wcielenia (Jordan Grand Prix, MF1 Racing, Spyker i Force India) jest to piąte zwycięstwo zespołu z Silverstone.", "mention": "Grand Prix Włoch 2012", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "173101"} {"context_title": "米空母乗組員、東電訴える", "context_date": "2012年12月28日", "context_left": "時事通信によると、乗組員は東京電力に対し1億4000万ドルの損害賠償などを求めている。また、乗組員は1986年に当時のソ連で起こった、", "context_right": "の後にがんを発症した人々と同等の放射線を浴びたとしている。", "mention": "チェルノブイリ原発事故", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Ecuador le gana Haití 4-0 y clasifica en la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "13 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Ecuador necesitaba una diferencia de más de dos goles para clasificar en la ", "context_right": " y lo logró, le metió cuatro goles a Haití y después de 19 años pasó a cuartos de final de esta competencia. Enner Valencia, Jaime Ayoví, Christian Noboa y Antonio Valencia anotaron los goles de su equipo en el estadio Metlife en East Rutherford, Nueva Jersey.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Hamas ends truce with Israel", "context_date": "December 23, 2008", "context_left": "In the week leading up to the end of the truce, tens of thousands of Hamas supporters rallied in a Gaza City stadium to celebrate the 21st anniversary of the group's founding during the ", "context_right": ". Mahmoud Zahar, a senior Hamas official, commented that \"Hamas has gone from stone-throwing to guns and rockets, from a support base of a few thousand people to a backing of millions in Arab countries and around the world.\" During the rally a Hamas activist dressed as Gilad Shalit and begged for his life, asking to come home. \"I miss my mother and father,\" he said in Hebrew. The Israeli UN envoy, Professor Gabriela Shalev, decried the Hamas play mocking Gilad Shalit and voiced Israel's outrage.", "mention": "First Intifada", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "49105"} {"context_title": "Universal-Film dreht Film über Hurrikan Katrina", "context_date": "04.06.2006", "context_left": " Ebenso wie „Flug 93“ einen eigenen Film bekam, wird auch ", "context_right": " in die Filmgeschichte eingehen. „Katrina“ kommt auf die Leinwand. In Hollywood entsteht in Kürze der erste Spielfilm über das Unwetterereignis. Der Hurrikan verwüstete im August 2005 viele Landstriche im südlichen Teil der USA. ", "mention": "Hurrikan Katrina", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Zemřel slavný ruský hokejista Krutov", "context_date": "6. červen 2012", "context_left": "Krutov vyhrál dvakrát olympijské hry a pětkrát se stal mistrem světa a sedmkrát mistrem Evropy, v letech 1986. Se šesti brankami a devíti asistencemi byl nejproduktivnějším hráčem ", "context_right": " v Calgary. Vynikal na levém křídle formace se Sergejem Makarovem a Igorem Larionovem. V sovětské lize byl vždy členem vítězného celku CSKA Moskva, dohromady získal 11 titulů v nepřetržité sérii od roku 1979 do roku 1989. Po roce 1990 odešel do NHL, kde ale působil jen jednu sezónu ve Vancouver Canucks a poté se vrátil do Evropy (Švýcarsko, Švédsko) a později se věnoval trenérské práci. Mezinárodní hokejová federace ho jmenovala členem Síně slávy.", "mention": "olympijských hrách", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "838378"} {"context_title": "Bush calls for US offshore oil exploration", "context_date": "June 19, 2008", "context_left": "The Congress issued its moratorium in 1981. In 1989, President George H.W. Bush issued an executive order in the wake of the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Exxon Valdez oil spill", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1196587"} {"context_title": "Serbia condemns 1995 Srebrenica massacre", "context_date": "March 31, 2010", "context_left": "Serbia's parliament has approved a landmark resolution condemning the July 1995 ", "context_right": " massacre, in which 8,000 Bosnian Muslim men and boys were killed by Bosnian Serb troops. This tragedy is considered the worst atrocity carried out in Europe since the Second World War and a symbol of the brutality of the 1992–95 Balkan wars.", "mention": "Srebrenica", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "170334"} {"context_title": "Inauguran en Venezuela la Copa América 2007", "context_date": "26 de junio de 2007", "context_left": "El mandatario venezolano Hugo Chávez dio el saque de honor de la ", "context_right": ", tras un colorido desfile y una gran presentación de juegos pirotécnicos, ante unos 42.000 espectadores en el Estadio de Pueblo Nuevo, con la presencia de diversas personalidades como el exfutbolista Diego Maradona y el presidente boliviano Evo Morales.", "mention": "Copa América 2007", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "383272"} {"context_title": "Baleset a Blaha Lujza téri metrómegállóban", "context_date": "2008. november 24.", "context_left": "A ", "context_right": " és a Deák tér között már újraindították a metróközlekedést. A BKV fődiszpécsere értesítette az MTI-t. A Stadionok és a Deák tér között pótlóbuszokat indítottak – mondta Fehérvári Tibor. Azóta már jár a metró. A gazdaságiradió hírportál hamarabb lehozta a metró újraindulásáról szóló hírt, mint az MTI. Valószínű, hogy a BKV fődiszpécsere a gazdasagiradio.hu portálnak hamarabb juttatta el az információt, mint az MTI-nek.", "mention": "Stadionok", "context_lang": "hu", "label_id": "594230"} {"context_title": "Urteile im Prozess gegen die Attentäter von Madrid", "context_date": "31.10.2007", "context_left": " Der Nationale Gerichtshof in der spanischen Hauptstadt hat heute die Urteile im Prozess gegen die ", "context_right": " verkündet. Bei einem Anschlag auf einen Nahverkehrszug am 11. März 2004 waren 191 Menschen getötet und 1800 verletzt worden. Dabei waren insgesamt zehn Bomben eingesetzt worden. Für das Attentat wird eine islamistische Terrorzelle verantwortlich gemacht, die sich von dem Terrornetzwerk al-Qaida inspirieren ließ.", "mention": "Bombenattentäter von Madrid", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "213531"} {"context_title": "Otorgan los premios Ig Nobel 2016", "context_date": "24 de septiembre de 2016", "context_left": "En Química, el premio (y la broma) fue para la empresa alemana Volkswagen, \"por resolver el problema del exceso de emisiones de polución de los automóviles automáticamente, produciendo electromecánicamente menos emisiones ", "context_right": "\". \"El País\" aclara que nadie fue a recoger el reconocimiento. Christoph Helmchen, Carina Palzer, Thomas Münte, Silke Anders y Andreas Sprenger recibieron el Ig Nobel de Medicina por su descubrir que, para aliviar el picor de un brazo se puede rascar el del lado contrario frente a un espejo, \"para que parezca, al ver el reflejo, que te estás rascando el brazo correcto\".", "mention": "cada vez que los vehículos están siendo analizados", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "21000630"} {"context_title": "Israel announces inquiry into Gaza aid ship deaths", "context_date": "June 15, 2010", "context_left": "Israel will carry out an inquiry into last month's ", "context_right": " on a flotilla of Gaza-bound aid ships. The inquiry will include two non-voting foreign observers. Israel had earlier rejected a UN call for an international inquiry.", "mention": "raid", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "205512"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2007 Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_date": "August 5, 2007", "context_left": "McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton wins the FIA Formula-1 2007 ", "context_right": " at the Hungaroring, Budapest, Hungary.", "mention": "Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "611403"} {"context_title": "Opposition leader takes early lead in Sierra Leone presidential run-off elections", "context_date": "September 12, 2007", "context_left": "The September 8 run-off elections followed the first round of presidential and parliamentary elections held on August 11, which were the second held since 2002 after the end of the ", "context_right": ". Opposition leader Koroma, 54, garnered 44 percent of the vote, while Berewa, 69, won 38 percent support. Should Koroma win ultimately, it would mark the APC's return to power for the first time since it was overthrown in a 1992 coup.", "mention": "civil war", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "795269"} {"context_title": "Hurricane Ophelia hits U.S. East Coast", "context_date": "September 16, 2005", "context_left": "With recovery from ", "context_right": " still under way, Hurricane Ophelia has now cut power to nearly 81,000 homes and businesses on the Eastern coast of North Carolina.", "mention": "Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "David Coulthardin ura päättyi", "context_date": "3. marraskuuta 2008", "context_left": "Viisitoista kautta Formula 1 -sarjassa ajannut skotti David Coulthard päätti uransa sunnuntain ", "context_right": ":ssä. Coulthard keskeytti ensimmäisellä kierroksella.", "mention": "Brasilian GP", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "54431"} {"context_title": "Richard von Weizsäcker, former President of Germany, dies", "context_date": "February 1, 2015", "context_left": "With his father Ernst a defendant at the ", "context_right": ", Richard von Weizsäcker appeared before the court as a lawyer for his father's defence. Ernst von Weizsäcker was a member of the Schutzstaffel, better known simply as the SS, and also worked for the foreign ministry.", "mention": "Nuremberg trials", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "80130"} {"context_title": "Čeští tenisté obhájili Davisův pohár", "context_date": "17. listopad 2013", "context_left": "1. kolo: ", "context_right": " vs. Česká republika 2:3", "mention": "Švýcarsko", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "674139"} {"context_title": "Tresckows Putschplan gegen Hitler entdeckt", "context_date": "19.04.2007", "context_left": "Das geplante Attentat auf Hitler geschah nicht. Tresckow, der auch mit Stauffenberg die Änderung der „Operation Walküre“ durchgeführt hatte, beteiligte sich später am ", "context_right": ", das jedoch misslang. Am folgenden Tag beging er im polnischen Ostrow Suizid.", "mention": "Attentat vom 20. Juli 1944", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "105570"} {"context_title": "London's Metropolitan Police Service found guilty in suspected suicide bomber case", "context_date": "November 1, 2007", "context_left": "Electrician Jean Charles de Menezes died in the Stockwell Tube Station after being shot in the head by police officers seven times. They mistook him for another man, Hamdi Adus Isaac (aka Osman Hussain), who failed in the ", "context_right": " on the London underground one day before.", "mention": "July 21, 2005 attack", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2870041"} {"context_title": "Генштаб подвёл итоги операции в Сирии", "context_date": "27 августа 2017", "context_left": "Гражданская война в Сирии началась на волне ", "context_right": " в марте 2011 года, которые переросли в беспорядки, а потом и в открытый вооружённый конфликт.", "mention": "антиправительственных протестов", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "14746872"} {"context_title": "Interview with Sue Gardner of the Wikimedia Foundation", "context_date": "October 24, 2007", "context_left": "Brian: We got great cooperation on some big stories like the UK attacks, did big media notice? (", "context_right": ", Coordinated terrorist attack hits London)", "mention": "Major explosions at UK oil depot", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "19184"} {"context_title": "Молодёжная сборная России по хоккею готовится защитить титул сильнейшей", "context_date": "26 декабря 2011", "context_left": "В канадских городах Калгари и Эдмонтон в понедельник начинается 36-ой ", "context_right": " среди игроков не старше 20 лет. Финал турнира пройдет в четверг 5 января. В турнире примут участие десять команд, на первом этапе разбитых на две группы. По три команды из каждой группы выйдут в плей-офф.", "mention": "молодёжный чемпионат мира по хоккею-2012", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "327084"} {"context_title": "Demokratie auf jungen Beinen – Osttimor vor der Präsidentenwahl", "context_date": "13.03.2012", "context_left": "Spannend wird auch, ob es nach den ", "context_right": " ruhig bleibt. Nach den Parlamentswahlen von 2007 kam es zu Unruhen durch enttäuschte FRETILIN-Anhänger. Die Lage ist weniger angespannt, aber die Demokratie ist noch jung und ihre Regeln sind noch nicht tief in den Herzen der Menschen verwurzelt. Der Botschafter Indonesiens hat bereits angekündigt, dass es Pläne zur Evakuierung indonesischer Staatsbürger gibt, falls es zu Unruhen komme. Stabilisierend wirken die internationalen Streitkräfte der ISF und die Polizisten der UN-Mission UNMIT, die seit den Unruhen von 2006 in Osttimor stationiert sind. Bleibt alles friedlich, ist ihr Abzug für Dezember 2012 vorgesehen. Ab Samstag wird sich zeigen, ob der kleine Staat am anderen Ende der Welt weiter auf dem Weg des Friedens und der Stabilität gehen wird oder ob er erneut einen Rückschlag im Wiederaufbau nach der indonesischen Fremdherrschaft hinnehmen muss.", "mention": "Wahlen", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "1628162"} {"context_title": "Japan weathers Typhoon Nabi", "context_date": "September 5, 2005", "context_left": "Japan has been lashed relentlessly by Typhoon Nabi, with nine meter high waves and torrential downpours. It had been classified as a Category 4 storm, the same strength as the recent ", "context_right": " in the United States, but was later downgraded to Category 3.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Марк Уэббер побеждает на Гран-при Монако", "context_date": "16 мая 2010", "context_left": "Марк Уэббер одержал вторую подряд победу, на этот раз на ", "context_right": ". Вторым к финишу пришёл его партнёр по команде Ред Булл — Себястьян Феттель. Роберт Кубица из Рено — третий.", "mention": "Гран-при Монако", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "172924"} {"context_title": "中国代表团痛失首金 孙扬受委屈赛后痛哭", "context_date": "2016年8月8日", "context_left": "在女子10米空气步枪决赛中,美国选手维珍尼亚·卓华舒雅以208.0环创奥运会决赛纪录夺得本届奥运会的首枚金牌,而杜丽则以207.0环夺得银牌,易思玲以185.4环屈居第三。而", "context_right": "比赛方面,越南41岁老将黄春荣以202.5环的决赛夺得越南奥运史上首枚金牌,中国选手庞伟以108.4环的成绩获得铜牌。", "mention": "男子10米空气手枪", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "25396733"} {"context_title": "Protesto contra corrupção no Haiti deixa pelo menos 2 mortos", "context_date": "19 de novembro de 2018", "context_left": "O protesto coincidiu com a comemoração do 215º aniversário da ", "context_right": " contra as tropas francesas, que levou à independência do país. Os atos aconteceram na capital, com a presença do presidente, que não viajou para Cabo Haitiano, local do confronto.", "mention": "batalha de Vertières", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "689128"} {"context_title": "Hamilton wins 'incredible' Bahrain race, F1's 900th Grand Prix", "context_date": "April 9, 2014", "context_left": "Sunday saw Formula One racer Lewis Hamilton win the ", "context_right": " after an \"incredible\" race he spent battling with teammate Nico Rosberg. It was F1's 900th ever World Championship Grand Prix.", "mention": "Bahrain Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "15548111"} {"context_title": "騙取綜援 海嘯生還者判緩刑", "context_date": "2006年3月22日", "context_left": "2004年在泰國遇上", "context_right": "的香港人梁惠淇(28歲),返港後被揭發騙取綜合社會保障援助金(綜援),本月較早前被裁定詐騙罪成,21日在屯門裁判法院就11項「以欺騙手段促致銀行紀項」罪名,被判囚8個月、緩刑兩年,並賠償2475元予社會福利署。", "mention": "南亞大海嘯", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "130754"} {"context_title": "Генштаб подвёл итоги операции в Сирии", "context_date": "27 августа 2017", "context_left": "Рудской напомнил, что Россия ", "context_right": " в сентябре 2015 года по решению верховного главнокомандующего Владимира Путина после обращения президента Сирии Башара Асада об оказании военной помощи в борьбе с международным терроризмом. По словам Рудского, к началу операции положение правительства Сирии было критическим — оно потеряло 70 % территории и продолжало отступать, борясь с Исламским государством (ИГ), «умеренной оппозицией» и «Джебхат ан-Нусрой». Такое развитие, сказал представитель Генштаба, угрожало России, поскольку ИГ могло продвинуться в сторону Центральной Азии, российского Кавказа и Поволжья.", "mention": "начала операцию", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "21032720"} {"context_title": "News of Michael Jackson's death overloads Internet sites and sparks hoaxes", "context_date": "June 26, 2009", "context_left": "The news of the ", "context_right": " yesterday caused problems for web sites and caused hoax reports of other celebrity deaths to be posted. Twitter, where several celebrities immediately posted their comments on the news, saw its update frequency double as soon as the news broke. Facebook's update frequency tripled. Temporary server outages were reported for Twitter, TMZ.com (the site that originally broke the story), and the web site of the \"Los Angeles Times\".", "mention": "death of Michael Jackson", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "761887"} {"context_title": "Versorgung der USA mit Grippeimpfstoff nicht sicher, Impfung bei niedrigem Risiko erst ab Ende Oktober", "context_date": "15.09.2005", "context_left": " Vertreter US-amerikanischer Gesundheitsbehörden haben erneut die Bemühungen um ausreichende Versorgung der USA mit Impfstoffen gegen Grippe dargestellt. Nach Schätzungen der Experten reichen die von den Impfstoffherstellern voraussichtlich angebotenen Mengen in diesem Winter aus. Dennoch wird den Ärzten empfohlen, bis zum 24. Oktober nur Personen zu impfen mit hohem Risiko, an Grippe oder an einem schweren Verlauf der Grippe zu erkranken, weil einige Hersteller die Produktion neu aufgenommen haben und noch keine ausreichenden Vorräte eingelagert sind. Außerdem hoffen die Behörden auf eine höhere Impfrate, die mit 40 Prozent bei medizinischem Personal als zu niedrig eingeschätzt wird. Auch werden Flüchtlinge aus den vom ", "context_right": " betroffenen Gebieten, die in Massenunterkünften untergebracht sind, der Hochrisikogruppe zugerechnet und sollen frühzeitig kostenlos geimpft werden.", "mention": "Hurrikan Katrina", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Китай потребовал от Индии вывести войска из спорного района в Гималаях", "context_date": "24 июля 2017", "context_left": "Пограничные споры между Китаем и Индией характеризуют их отношения на протяжении более полувека. Ранее между странами произошли три крупных военных конфликта: китайско-индийская пограничная война в 1962 году, ", "context_right": ", китайско-индийская пограничная война в 1987 году.", "mention": "китайско-индийская пограничная война в 1967 году", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "4222426"} {"context_title": "Ali Hasan el Mecid idam edildi", "context_date": "2010/01/25", "context_left": "Irak'ın eski devlet başkanı Saddam Hüseyin'in kuzeni Ali Hasan el Mecid'in idam edildiği açıklandı. \"Kimyasal Ali\" olarak da tanınan Ali Hasan el Mecid Kuzey Irak'ın Halepçe kentinde 1988 yılında 5000 Iraklı Kürt'ü öldürmekle suçlanıyordu. Irak hükümet sözcüzü Ali el Dabbagh, Ali Hasan el Mecid'in bugün idam edildiğini açıkladı. Ali Hasan el Mecid \"insanlığa karşı suç işlediği\" gerekçesiyle mahkeme tarafından idam cezasına çarptırılmıştı. Ali Hasan el Mecid, ABD askerlerinin ", "context_right": " başlamasından 5 ay sonra Ağustos 2003'te yakalanmıştı. ", "mention": "Irak Savaşı'nın", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wygrywa Grand Prix Bahrajnu", "context_date": "28 marca 2021", "context_left": "W czołowej piątce znaleźli się Lando Norris (McLaren) i Sergio Pérez (Red Bull Racing). Odpowiednio na szóstym i ósmym miejscu znaleźli się kierowcy Ferrari, Charles Leclerc i Carlos Sainz Jr. Kierowców włoskiej stajni rozdzielił siódmy dziś Daniel Ricciardo (McLaren). Ostatnie dwie punktowane pozycje zajęli Yuki Tsunoda (AlphaTauri) i Lance Stroll (Aston Martin). Do mety nie dotarli Nikita Mazepin (Haas) i Fernando Alonso (Alpine), dla którego był to piewszy wyścig od ", "context_right": ". Również Nicholas Latifi (Williams) i Pierre Gasly (AlphaTauri) nie dojechali, lecz zostali oni sklasyfikowani, ponieważ przejechali 90% dystansu wyścigu.", "mention": "Grand Prix Abu Zabi 2018", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "48311418"} {"context_title": "Revision im El-Motassadeq-Prozess abgewiesen", "context_date": "16.05.2007", "context_left": "El-Motassadeq wurde am 8. Januar 2007 vom Oberlandesgericht Hamburg wegen Mitgliedschaft in einer terroristischen Vereinigung und Beihilfe zum Mord in 246 Fällen zu einer Freiheitsstrafe von 15 Jahren verurteilt. Er hatte dazu beigetragen, dass am Morgen (Ortszeit) des 11. September 2001 ein Flugzeug mit 246 Personen entführt und zum Absturz gebracht wurde. An der weiteren Planung der als ", "context_right": " bekanntgewordenen Tat war er nach Ansicht des Gerichts nicht beteiligt.", "mention": "Terroranschläge am 11. September 2001", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Netherlands out of Euro 2016 as van Persie scores own goal against Czech Republic", "context_date": "October 14, 2015", "context_left": "Yesterday, the Netherlands football team crashed out of the UEFA Euro Cup ", "context_right": " after a 2–3 defeat against the Czech Republic in a qualifying match. Dutch player Robin van Persie scored an own goal.", "mention": "2016", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "189571"} {"context_title": "Protest gegen Neonazis und Gedenken am Jahrestag der Bombardierung Dresdens", "context_date": "14.02.2012", "context_left": " Am Jahrestag der ", "context_right": ", geschehen am 13., 14. und 15. Februar 1945, fanden wie in den Vorjahren verschiedenste Gedenkveranstaltungen statt, sowie Proteste gegen die Vereinnahmung dieses Tages durch Neonazis. ", "mention": "Bombardierung Dresdens", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "152142"} {"context_title": "В Лондоне завершились летние Паралимпийские игры 2012 года", "context_date": "10 сентября 2012", "context_left": "«Фестивалем огней» завершились в Лондоне ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "летние Паралимпийские игры 2012 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Ilmastosopimusta ei syntynyt Kööpenhaminassa", "context_date": "20. joulukuuta 2009", "context_left": "", "context_right": " osallistujamaat eivät päässeet yksimielisyyteen ilmastonmuutoksen vastaisia toimia koskeneesta sopimuksesta. Yhdysvallat, Kiina, Intia, Brasilia ja Etelä-Afrikka luonnostelivat yötä myöten väljän sopimuksen, jonka mukaan teollisuusmaat listaavat tammikuun loppuun mennessä maakohtaiset päästövähennystavoitteensa ja kehitysmaat listaavat itselleen tärkeimmät toimet ilmastonmuutoksen jarruttamiseksi. Saatiin aikaiseksi ”Kööpenhaminan julistus”, jonka mukaan ilmaston lämpeneminen pysäytetään kahteen asteeseen, mutta ei laillisesti velvoittavaa sopimusta päästövähennystoimista.", "mention": "YK:n ilmastokokouksessa Kööpenhaminassa", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "244444"} {"context_title": "У Києві урочисто провели паралімпійців на XII зимові Паралімпійські ігри в Пхьончхані", "context_date": "28 лютого 2018", "context_left": "28 лютого у Києві в приміщенні STEREO PLAZA відбулася урочиста церемонія проводів національної паралімпійської збірної команди України на ", "context_right": " в місті Пхьончхані (Республіка Корея).", "mention": "XII зимові Паралімпійські ігри", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "487313"} {"context_title": "В Турция, Армения и Франция честват деня в памет на жертвите на геноцида над Арменския народ", "context_date": "Новини от 24 април 2010 г.", "context_left": "За първи път в Истанбул защитници на човешките права, интелектуалци и хора на изкуството отбелязаха събитието на 95 годишнина от ", "context_right": " с 2 мълчаливи присъствия - своеобразен урок по история. ", "mention": "избиването на арменци", "context_lang": "bg", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "На Евро-2008 Россия обыграла Грецию", "context_date": "14 июня 2008", "context_left": "В ходе своего второго матча на ", "context_right": " сборная России сумела обыграть сборную Греции со счётом 1:0.", "mention": "Чемпионате Европы 2008 по футболу", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "El primer ministro de Etiopía, Abiy Ahmed Ali, recibe el Nobel de la Paz", "context_date": "11 de octubre de 2019", "context_left": "En 2018, Ahmed (Beshasha, 1976) alcanzó un acuerdo con Isaias Afwerki, presidente de Eritrea, con lo que se puso fin a un conflicto de dos décadas. Otrora un único país, la Federación de Etiopía, en 1993, Eritrea se independizó y cinco años después comenzó una ", "context_right": ". La disputa fronteriza, sin embargo, no logró resolverse y contribuyó a una constante tensión a lo largo de los años.", "mention": "guerra entre ambas naciones que dejó unos 100 000 muertos", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "832273"} {"context_title": "Krötenplage stammt nicht aus Australien?", "context_date": "13.09.2008", "context_left": "Timoresische Bauern hatten australische Soldaten beschuldigt, sie hätten die Aga-Kröten aus Australien eingeführt, um sie gegen Giftschlangen einzusetzen. Die australische Armee ist seit 1999 im Land, als sie als Teil der internationalen Eingreiftruppe INTERFET den Gewaltausbruch pro-indonesischer Milizen in den damals besetzten Land beendeten und eine UN-Verwaltung aufbaute. Daher nennen die Timoresen die Kröte auch „INTERFET-Frosch“. Nach einer kurzen Pause kehrten 2006 die Australier mit einer neuen ", "context_right": " nach Timor-Leste zurück, als das Land wieder in Unruhen versank. Die Lage ist immer noch gespannt und es gibt auch teilweise Spannungen zwischen australischen Soldaten und Einheimischen.", "mention": "Friedenstruppe", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "1666929"} {"context_title": "المحكمة الخاصة بسيراليون تحكم على تايلور بالسجن 50 سنة", "context_date": "30 مايو 2012", "context_left": "حكمت المحكمة الخاصة بسيراليون المنعقدة في لاهاي اليوم الأربعاء على الرئيس الليبيري السابق تشارلز تايلور البالغ 64 سنة من العمر بالسجن خمسين سنة بعد أن أدانته في الشهر الماضي بارتكاب عدد من جرائم حرب والتحريض على القتل والاغتصاب خلال ", "context_right": ". وتايلور أول رئيس دولة تحاكمه محكمة دولية بعد محكمة نورنبيرغ.", "mention": "الحرب الأهلية في سيراليون", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "795269"} {"context_title": "Ex-líder sérvio na Bósnia se recusa responder às acusações que pesam no Tribunal de Haia", "context_date": "29 de agosto de 2008", "context_left": "As violações foram cometidas enquanto ele liderou a presidência sérvia da Bósnia, na Guerra da Bósnia, que durou de 1992 e 1995. Radovan Karadzic é apontado como responsável pelo cerco de 43 meses a Sarajevo (abril de 1992 a novembro de 1995), o ", "context_right": " em Srebrenica em 11 de julho de 1995, que inclui crimes contra a humanidade, crimes de guerra e genocídio de não-sérvios.", "mention": "massacre de oito mil muçulmanos", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "170334"} {"context_title": "Friedensnobelpreisträger Muhammad Yunus an der Universität Karlsruhe", "context_date": "06.06.2007", "context_left": "Muhammad Yunus kritisierte eine Form des Kapitalismus, deren einziges Prinzip die Profitmaximierung sei. Dies werde an Hochschulen gelehrt, wodurch sich das System verfestige. Als Alternative schlug Yunus ein soziales Unternehmertum vor, bei dem es darum gehen solle, Gutes zu tun und nicht unbedingt Geld anzuhäufen. Beide Formen des Unternehmertums schlössen sich aber nicht aus, sondern könnten kombiniert werden, sagte Yunus. Der Friedensnobelpreisträger zeigte sich optimistisch, was die Entwicklung seines Heimatlandes betrifft. So sei das Land bei der Erreichung von sechs der acht Hauptziele des Millennium-Gipfels im Plan. Bei den anderen Zielen wird das Land nach Meinung von Muhammad Yunus noch aufholen. In einigen Jahren könne man in Bangladesch Armutsmuseen bauen, da die Kinder nicht mehr wüssten, was Armut sei, da es keine Armut mehr geben werde. Nach der Veranstaltung in Karlsruhe wird Yunus nach Rostock fahren, wo er im Rahmen des Konzerts „Deine Stimme gegen Armut“ anlässlich des ", "context_right": " auftreten wird.", "mention": "G8-Gipfels in Heiligendamm", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "819346"} {"context_title": "アルカイダ・ビンラディン容疑者を殺害 - アメリカ・オバマ大統領発表", "context_date": "2011年5月2日", "context_left": "産経新聞によると、アルカイダは、2001年9月11日にアメリカで起こった", "context_right": "の主犯格で、反米テロ活動の象徴とされたビンラディン容疑者の死亡により、アメリカの「反テロ戦」は最大の成果を挙げたが、今後もアルカイダの残存組織が残っていることから、テロ活動の動きが再び活発になるのではないかとする見方もある。アメリカはこの同時多発テロの発生後、ビンラディン容疑者を最重要容疑者と見做し、同容疑者を匿っていた当時のアフガニスタンのタリバン政権に身柄を引き渡すように要求したが、タリバンがこれを拒否したため、同じ年の10月にアフガニスタン空爆を行った。これによりタリバン政権は崩壊したが、ビンラディン容疑者はアフガニスタン東部にあるアルカイダの拠点都市・トラボラに潜伏していたのを確認された後、行方不明となっていた。", "mention": "同時多発テロ事件", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Dalajlama XIV zapowiada rezygnację z pełnionych przez siebie funkcji politycznych", "context_date": "10 marca 2011", "context_left": "Dalajlama przebywa na emigracji w Indiach od upadku ", "context_right": ", które miało miejsce w Tybecie w 1959 roku, na stałe mieszka w Dharamsali gdzie kieruje emigracyjnym rządem Tybetu.", "mention": "powstania anty chińskiego", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "508258"} {"context_title": "Zmarła mistrzyni olimpijska z 1968 roku w rzucie oszczepem", "context_date": "6 sierpnia 2014", "context_left": "Podczas Letnich Igrzysk Olimpijskich 1968, które rozgrywane były w Meksyku, rzuciła oszczepem na odległość 60,36 m, wygrywając tym samym zawody. Rok później, z wynikiem 59,76 m, została ", "context_right": ". W tym sezonie osiągnęła też swój rekord życiowy – 60,58 m.", "mention": "mistrzynią Europy", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "1544918"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Australian Paralympic assistant coach David Gould", "context_date": "July 25, 2013", "context_left": "Gould told \"Wikinews\" they have to look not just to the ", "context_right": " in Rio in 2016, but further ahead to 2020. They have to recruit new players and develop them. He said he took a Gliders team to the Osaka Cup with only four members of the 2012 team, in order to give members of the development team experience with international competition. He set up a mentor system whereby the six newcomers were each paired with one of the old hands. ", "mention": "2016 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1142161"} {"context_title": "Germany to host 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup", "context_date": "October 30, 2007", "context_left": "Germany's bid was based on 11 reasons why they should host the FIFA Women's World Cup along with a video Birgit Prinz and Fatmire Bajramaj. Canada's bid was based on its successful staging of the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "2007 FIFA U-20 World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "831688"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel wins 2008 Italian Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 14, 2008", "context_left": "Scuderia Toro Rosso–Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel won from the pole position the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Gran Premio Santander d'Italia race at Autodromo Nazionale Monza, Italy.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179397"} {"context_title": "Baghdad TV station shut down for showing Saddam mourners", "context_date": "January 4, 2007", "context_left": "The Iraqi government has shut down the Baghdad studios of a privately-owned satellite TV station for \"inciting sectarian violence\" because it broadcast images of people mourning ", "context_right": " Saddam Hussein.", "mention": "the execution of", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1193136"} {"context_title": "27 Mayıs Darbesi 50. yılında protesto edildi", "context_date": "2010/05/27", "context_left": "Türkiye tarihindeki ilk askerli darbe olan ", "context_right": " 50. yılında yurdun birçok yerinde protesto edildi. ", "mention": "27 Mayıs Darbesi", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "1859259"} {"context_title": "Escocia rechaza la independencia", "context_date": "19 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "En el histórico ", "context_right": ", Escocia se decidió por permanecer en el Reino Unido. El rechazo a la independencia significa un gran alivio para los británicos, pues el secesionismo amenazaba con dividir el Reino y sembrar confusión en los mercados financieros, señala \"Reuters\".", "mention": "referéndum independentista", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "Hezbollahleider gedood door autobom", "context_date": "12 februari 2008", "context_left": "Tijdens de ", "context_right": " (1975-1990) stond hij aan het hoofd van het Libanese veiligheidsnetwerk van Hezbollah.", "mention": "Libanese Burgeroorlog", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "208484"} {"context_title": "Eurovision '04 winner Ruslana discusses her paths as singer, spokesmodel, stateswoman and source of inspiration", "context_date": "March 30, 2009", "context_left": "This is the fifth in a series of interviews with past Eurovision contestants, which will be published sporadically in the lead-up to mid-May's ", "context_right": " in Moscow.", "mention": "next contest", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10157"} {"context_title": "Russian journalist Anna Politkovskaya shot dead", "context_date": "October 7, 2006", "context_left": "Anna Politkovskaya worked for the \"Novaya Gazeta\" newspaper. She rose to fame for her coverage of the human costs of the Chechen conflict and her harsh criticism of the Kremlin's policies on Chechnya. She was also one of the people who went into the Moscow theatre during the ", "context_right": " to attempt negotiations, at the behest of the Chechen militants. ", "mention": "2002 hostage taking", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "4670"} {"context_title": "Exigen en marcha aparición con vida de estudiantes de Ayotzinapa", "context_date": "26 de septiembre de 2018", "context_left": "Padres y madres de los ", "context_right": " encabezaron una manifestación por el cuarto aniversario de los hechos, exigiendo su aparición con vida. La protesta se realizó del Ángel de la Independencia de la Ciudad de México al Zócalo, plaza central de la capital del país. A la misma se dieron cita estudiantes de normales rurales de distintos estados mexicanos, organizaciones sociales, estudiantiles, vecinales y sindicales, entre otras.", "mention": "43 estudiantes víctimas de desaparición forzada", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "18327329"} {"context_title": "Islamofobie groeit in Nederland", "context_date": "12 februari 2008", "context_left": "De islamofobie groeit in Nederland. De Europese Commissie tegen Racisme en Intolerantie (ECRI) waarschuwt hiervoor in een rapport dat op 12 februari wordt gepubliceerd. De afkeer van moslims zou sinds 2000 flink groter zijn geworden, als mogelijke oorzaken worden genoemd de ", "context_right": " op de New Yorkse Twin Towers, en de moord op schrijver en presentator Theo van Gogh in 2004.", "mention": "terroristische aanvallen van 11 september 2001", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Fernando Alonso wins 2006 Monaco Grand Prix", "context_date": "May 28, 2006", "context_left": "Fernando Alonso won the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " for the first time in his career today. ", "mention": "Monaco Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "419648"} {"context_title": "Ex embajador británico dice que supuesto complot terrorista en el Reino Unido es “propaganda”", "context_date": "16 de agosto de 2006", "context_left": "Craig Murray, ex embajador británico en Uzbekistán entre 2002 y 2004, afirmó este lunes (14) que el \"supuesto\" complot para explotar aviones usando explosivos líquidos es \"pura propaganda fabricada\" por Bush y por Blair quienes esperan que un nuevo ", "context_right": " los absuelva de las responsabilidades en sus países.", "mention": "11-S", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Sudan bricht diplomatische Beziehungen mit dem Tschad ab", "context_date": "11.05.2008", "context_left": "Der Angriff der Rebellen auf die sudanesische Hauptstadt steht im Zusammenhang mit dem seit Jahren schwelenden ", "context_right": ", bei dem in den letzten fünf Jahren Schätzungen zufolge insgesamt rund 200.000 Menschen getötet worden sein sollen.", "mention": "Darfur-Konflikt", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "190758"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Spain's most decorated Paralympian, Teresa Perales", "context_date": "January 19, 2013", "context_left": "You first competed in ", "context_right": ". Has there been a big change from 2000 to London that you've noticed like in terms of the atmosphere, or even the level of sport and issues of classification?", "mention": "2000", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "855688"} {"context_title": "Presidentti Kaczyńskin ruumiin kohtalo kyseenalaistettu", "context_date": "24. joulukuuta 2010", "context_left": "Jarosław oli aiemmin tunnistanut ruumiin Smolenskissa Venäjällä heti huhtikuisen lentoturman jälkeen. Presidentti Kaczyńskiä ja kymmeniä korkea-arvoisia puolalaisia ", "context_right": "n muistojuhlaan kuljettanut Tupolev Tu-154M syöksyi maahan, ja kaikki matkustajat kuolivat.", "mention": "Katynin joukkomurha", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "134301"} {"context_title": "Sydney Opera House 'No War' activists face court for paint cans", "context_date": "January 3, 2006", "context_left": "The pair spent six months in jail for painting the slogan on one of the sails of the Opera House on the eve of the ", "context_right": ". The protesters say they wish to auction the equipment for humanitarian causes in Iraq.", "mention": "invasion of Iraq", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "US presidential candidate John McCain now leads slightly in the polls", "context_date": "September 9, 2008", "context_left": "Obama had a 6.0 percent lead in the \"Day to Day Politics Poll Average\" after the Democratic National Convention, but now is trailing after the ", "context_right": " and the announcement of Sarah Palin as McCain's running mate. This is the first time McCain has led Obama in the poll average since the two candidates emerged as their party's presumptive nominees after the primaries. ", "mention": "Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Wird der Streit um den Diesel zum Wahlkampfthema?", "context_date": "01.09.2017", "context_left": " Im ", "context_right": ", dass die Volkswagen AG eine illegale Abschalteinrichtung in der Motorsteuerung ihrer Diesel-Fahrzeuge verwendete, um die US-amerikanischen Abgasnormen zu umgehen. Inzwischen wurde nicht nur bekannt, dass auch in Europa zugelassene Autos betroffen sind, sondern die Affäre bekam internatiomale Dimensionen. Das führte zu einer weitreichenden Krise in der Automobilindustrie, wovon insbesondere Deutschland betroffen ist, und somit könnte das Thema eine Rolle bei der Bundestagswahl am 24. September spielen. Der Vorschlag zur Einführung einer blauen Plakette für saubere Dieselfahrzeuge wurde bisher nicht umgesetzt.", "mention": "September 2015 war aufgedeckt worden", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "21000630"} {"context_title": "Le plus grand stade du Venezuela sera inauguré par une rencontre internationale", "context_date": "4 mai 2007", "context_left": "Ce stade devra accueillir quelques 52 000 spectateurs, ce qui en fera le plus grand stade de football du Venezuela. Il abritera trois rencontres de la ", "context_right": " qui se tiendront entre le 26 juin et le 15 juillet prochain.<br>", "mention": "Copa América 2007", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "383272"} {"context_title": "Σαν σήμερα σημειώθηκε η τουρκική εισβολή στην Κύπρο", "context_date": "20 Ιουλίου 2012", "context_left": "Σαν σήμερα, στις 20 Ιουλίου 1974, η Τουρκία ", "context_right": " στην Κυπριακή Δημοκρατία και κατέλαβε το 1/3 του νησιού.", "mention": "εισέβαλε", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "1050999"} {"context_title": "Un tiroteo en el Museo Judío de Bruselas deja tres muertos y un herido", "context_date": "24 de mayo de 2014", "context_left": "El tiroteo sucede un día antes de que se celebren las elecciones europeas y federales en Bélgica. Diversos medios comienzan a señalar similitudes entre el tiroteo y el ", "context_right": " en Toulouse y Montauban, perpetrado por el joven Mohammed Merah en marzo de 2012.", "mention": "asesinato de ocho personas", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "501717"} {"context_title": "President Obama easily wins Texas primary; Romney secures Republican nomination", "context_date": "May 31, 2012", "context_left": "Despite the less favorable results in West Virginia and Arkansas, U.S. President Barack Obama easily carried Texas with 88 percent support from that state's Democratic Party primary voters. On the Republican side, former Massachusetts governor Mitt Romney surpassed the required 1,144 delegates to clinch his party's presidential nomination ahead of the August ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8462432"} {"context_title": "No oil spillage after platform explodes in the Gulf of Mexico", "context_date": "September 2, 2010", "context_left": "The explosion comes only four months after the Deepwater Horizon oil rig run by BP exploded in April, resulting in a massive ", "context_right": ". The platform is located about 200 miles west of the Deepwater incident.", "mention": "oil spill", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "4735638"} {"context_title": "У Києві завершився чемпіонат Європи зі стрибків у воду", "context_date": "18 червня 2017", "context_left": "З 12 по 18 червня 2017 року Київ вперше приймав ", "context_right": ". У змаганнях взяли участь представники 23 країн, всього розіграно 13 комплектів нагород.", "mention": "чемпіонат Європи зі стрибків у воду", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "28055403"} {"context_title": "60th anniversary of Nuremberg trials marked", "context_date": "November 20, 2005", "context_left": "The city of Nuremberg has marked the 60th anniversary of the opening of the ", "context_right": " against Nazi war criminals.", "mention": "trials", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "80130"} {"context_title": "Paul the 'psychic' octopus dies in Germany", "context_date": "October 27, 2010", "context_left": "Paul the Octopus, the octopus who became famous for correctly predicting the winner of Germany's seven matches at the 2010 FIFA World Cup, as well as the final, has died of natural causes. During the football tournament in South Africa earlier this year, Paul, who lived in an aquarium in Oberhausen, Germany, chose between two glass boxes placed in his tank, which would have a German flag and the flag of the country which the country would be playing against. Both boxes would contain food, and the box which Paul chose to eat out of would be the winners. The octopus correctly predicted the result of all of Germany's games, and hypothesised that Spain would beat the Netherlands in ", "context_right": " — which they duly did. Paul became internationally famous for his correct predictions, and was dubbed by some as the \"oracle octopus\". All his predictions were filmed and broadcast across the world, and he became a hit on the video sharing website YouTube. ", "mention": "the final", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "208401"} {"context_title": "Release and pardon of killer jeopardises Armenia-Azerbaijan ceasefire", "context_date": "September 5, 2012", "context_left": "Historically both Armenia and Azerbaijan lay claim to some of the same territories, an issue complicated by the intermingling of ethnic populations so some areas have no clearly demarcated Azeri and Armenian border; these potential sources of conflict remained quiescent whilst both nations were subsumed by greater powers. However, the collapse of the Ottoman and Russian Empires in the wake of the First World War led to the ", "context_right": ". With the demise of the short-lived Armenian-Azerbaijan-Georgia Transcaucasian Democratic Federative Republic, fighting broke out which only ended when the two nations were annexed by the expanding Soviet Union.", "mention": "Armenian–Azerbaijani War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2015687"} {"context_title": "Regenbogenparade 2009 in Wien", "context_date": "11.07.2009", "context_left": " Die 14. Regenbogenparade am Samstag, dem 4. Juli, stand ganz im Zeichen des dreißigjährigen Bestehens der Homosexuelleninitiative Wien und des vierzigjährigen Jubiläums von ", "context_right": ". Wie immer fuhr die Parade gegen die Fahrtrichtung am Ring. Nach Angaben des Veranstalters feierten 120.000 Menschen (lt. wien.orf.at) – andere Quellen sprechen von 100.000 Menschen (etwa AFP) – ausgelassen mit den 53 teilnehmenden Gruppen. Es gab keine Ausschreitungen oder Anfeindungen.", "mention": "Stonewall", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "51402"} {"context_title": "Die Ehrung von Talaat Pasha durch nationalistische Türken endete als Flop", "context_date": "18.03.2006", "context_left": " Eine kleine Gruppe türkischer Nationalisten hat am Mittwoch, den 15. März mit ihrem Vorhaben, den türkischen Innenminister Talaat Pascha, der als einer der Hauptverantwortlichen für den ", "context_right": " 1915 gilt, in Berlin zu ehren, nach Aussagen ihrer Gegner und gemessen an ihren eigenen Erwartungen eine Niederlage erlitten. Eine gegnerische Gruppe bestehend aus Armeniern, Griechen, Pontiern, Assyrern, Aramäern und Deutschen traf sich noch vor der türkischen Gruppe am Mahnmal für die Opfer der NS-Zeit am Steinplatz und nahmen den Einsatzort für sich in Anspruch.", "mention": "Völkermord an den Armeniern", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "North Korea cancels all military, political agreements with South Korea", "context_date": "January 30, 2009", "context_left": "Both nations are still considered to be at war with each other despite a in 1953 after a ", "context_right": " starting in 1950. Since then, the border between the two nations, called a demilitarized zone, has been heavily fortified with thousands of troops on both sides. These troops, stationed at various points, stand ready to go into battle at any time. No peace treaty was ever signed between the two nations.", "mention": "three year armed conflict", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "La OPEP acordó congelar la producción de petróleo", "context_date": "3 de octubre de 2016", "context_left": "Arabia Saudita acordó reducir su producción a los niveles de principios de año con la condición de que Irán adopte medidas similares. No obstante, este país insistía en llegar a los niveles previos a las sanciones internacionales que se le impusieron con motivo de la ", "context_right": ". El jefe del gobierno argelino, Abdelmalek Sellal, ejerció como mediador entre ambas partes.", "mention": "Revolución iraní", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "126065"} {"context_title": "López Obrador asume la presidencia de México", "context_date": "1 de diciembre de 2018", "context_left": "El último día de su gobierno, Peña Nieto asistió en Buenos Aires para participar en la ", "context_right": ". Medios destacan que algunos de sus logros principales fueron las reformas de telecomunicaciones y energética. Con esta última, por primera vez desde la expropiación del petróleo que decretó el presidente Lázaro Cárdenas del Río en 1938, el sector energético mexicano se abrió a la inversión privada.", "mention": "Cumbre del G-20", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "24036383"} {"context_title": "Mordserie in Südfrankreich verbreitet Angst und Schrecken", "context_date": "21.03.2012", "context_left": "Die Leichname der vier jüdischen Opfer wurden am Dienstag nach Israel zur Bestattung geflogen. Die Tat hat in der jüdischen Gemeinschaft – rund eine halbe Million Juden leben in Frankreich, davon etwa 25.000 in Toulouse – erneut Fragen nach der Sicherheit jüdischer Bürger aufgeworfen. Etwa seit Ende 2000 kommt es immer wieder zu Anschlägen auf jüdische Einrichtungen und Bürger. Zu einem Höhepunkt an Straftaten gegen Juden und deren Eigentum in Frankreich kam es während der ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Operation Gegossenes Blei", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "170682"} {"context_title": "Congressional panel concludes Gulf War Syndrome a legitimate condition", "context_date": "December 4, 2008", "context_left": "The report estimates that about 1 out of every 4 veterans of the ", "context_right": " are affected by this illness; this could mean anywhere between 175,000 and 210,000 soldiers are affected by the syndrome. The report also concluded that veterans exposed to the toxins spread by the destruction of the munitions depot have died of brain cancer at double the rate of other Gulf War veterans. Other problems associated with the condition are: fatigue, headaches, joint pain, rashes, breathing difficulty, forgetfulness, circulation problems, and cardiac troubles.", "mention": "Gulf War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "タイでクーデター宣言 1932年以後では通算19回目", "context_date": "2014年5月23日", "context_left": "NHKによると、タイの軍の司令官が、現地5月22日午後5時過ぎ、テレビ放送を通して「今日(22日)午後4時半、国の全権を掌握した」とするクーデター宣言を発表し、現在の憲法の効力を停止し、タイ全国に対し夜間外出禁止令を発令した。その上で、", "context_right": "は、秩序回復のためとしており、タイの国民には「通常通りの生活を送るように求める」としてクーデターに対するパニックに陥らないように呼びかけている。", "mention": "今回のクーデター", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "16914766"} {"context_title": "Магнус Карлсен спасся в 6-й партии матча за первенство мира 2018", "context_date": "17 ноября 2018", "context_left": "Шестая партия ", "context_right": ", которую играли норвежский гроссмейстер Магнус Карлсен и американский гроссмейстер Фабиано Каруана, завершилась вничью. Фабиано Каруано мог победить чёрными фигурами, но Карлсену удалось всё-таки добыть ничейный результат в концовке партии.", "mention": "матча за звание чемпиона мира по шахматам 2018", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "27956034"} {"context_title": "Businessman Álvaro Colom wins Guatemalan Presidency", "context_date": "November 5, 2007", "context_left": "Álvaro Colom Caballeros of the National Unity of Hope has assumed the title of President-Elect following the run off phase of the 2007 Guatemalan General Election, the second election since the end of the country's violent ", "context_right": ". Colom, runner up in the previous election, won the Presidency with 52.23% of the second round vote after having come in first with 28.23% in the first round, defeating runner up former General Otto Perez Molina of the Patriotic Partywho claimed 23.51% in the first round and 47.24 in the second.", "mention": "36 year civil war", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1282732"} {"context_title": "Israël wint Eurovisiesongfestival 2018", "context_date": "13 mei 2018", "context_left": " heeft vannacht het ", "context_right": " in Lissabon gewonnen. Zangeres Netta Barzilai behaalde met haar liedje \"Toy\" 529 punten, wat genoeg was voor de eerste plaats. Op de tweede plaats eindigde de Cypriotische Eleni Foureira met \"Fuego\" en op de derde plaats de Oostenrijkse Cesár Sampson met \"Nobody but you\". Netta's feministische nummer is gebaseerd op de #metoo-beweging en haar eigen ervaringen. De vorige keer dat Israël het liedjesfestijn won was in 1998, toen werd Dana International eerste met haar nummer \"Diva\".", "mention": "Eurovisiesongfestival 2018", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "25408640"} {"context_title": "Iranian president calls Israel ‘disgraceful blot’", "context_date": "October 27, 2005", "context_left": "The U.S. has had no formal diplomatic relations with Iran since the ", "context_right": " of 1979. ", "mention": "Islamic revolution", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "126065"} {"context_title": "В Китае запущен процесс мирной передачи власти «пятому поколению»", "context_date": "14 ноября 2012", "context_left": "В Пекине 14 ноября завершил работу ", "context_right": " Коммунистической партии Китая, определены новые молодые лидеры.", "mention": "XVIII съезд", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "137566"} {"context_title": "Eurovision '09 competitor Chiara talks about her current song "What If We" and her past accolades", "context_date": "March 5, 2009", "context_left": "This is the fourth in a series of interviews with past Eurovision contestants, which will be published sporadically in the lead-up to mid-May's ", "context_right": " in Moscow.", "mention": "next contest", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10157"} {"context_title": "Massendemonstrationen gegen Wahlbetrug im Iran", "context_date": "16.06.2009", "context_left": "Auf seiner Website schrieb Mussawi, er werde trotz des Verbotes der Demonstration auf der Kundgebung erscheinen, um die Teilnehmer zur Ruhe zu ermahnen. Auch der als gemäßigt geltende frühere Präsident Irans zwischen 1997 und 2005, Mohammad Chātamī, unterstützte einen friedliche Protest und bezeichnete in einem Fax die Wahl als Ungerechtigkeit gegenüber dem Volk und der ", "context_right": ". Er bezeichnet die Proteste als rechtmäßig und forderte Mussawi und dessen Anhänger dazu auf, Ruhe zu bewahren.", "mention": "Islamischen Revolution", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "126065"} {"context_title": "Nejlepšími vůdci Rusů za poslední století byli Putin, Brežněv a Stalin", "context_date": "6. listopad 2008", "context_left": "Za Putinem skončili sovětský představitel Leonid Iljič Brežněv a vůdce ", "context_right": " Vladimir Iljič Lenin. Naopak za nejhorší vůdce tohoto období považují Rusové tvůrce perestrojky Michaila Gorbačova a jeho nástupce, prvního ruského prezidenta Borise Jelcina.", "mention": "říjnové komunistické revoluce 1917", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "42976"} {"context_title": "Felipe Massa wins 2008 Bahrain Grand Prix", "context_date": "April 6, 2008", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Felipe Massa won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Gulf Air Bahrain Grand Prix at Bahrain International Circuit, Sakhir, Bahrain. Massa was also the previous year winner. His Ferrari teammate, driver Kimi Räikkönen, ran second after a good start from fourth place on the grid.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "17325"} {"context_title": "Religious broadcaster Pat Robertson calls for assassination of Venezuela's president", "context_date": "August 23, 2005", "context_left": "Robertson is considered to have staunch conservative views. His unsuccessful bid for the Republican nomination for president in 1988 led to allegations of partisanship. According to White House press secretary Scott McClellan, Robertson met with President George W. Bush in November 2002 to discuss the ", "context_right": ". He considers himself to be a supporter of Bush. Today he remains a controversial public figure.", "mention": "Invasion of Iraq", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "USA, si è suicidato Bruce Ivins, lo scienziato sospettato per gli attentati con antrace", "context_date": "1 agosto 2008", "context_left": "Si è suicidato quest'oggi Bruce Edwards Ivins, esperto di armi chimiche, sospettato di essere coinvolto negli attentati portati a termine con l'antrace, dopo quelli dell'", "context_right": ".", "mention": "11 settembre 2001", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Das Weltsozialforum in Tunesien will den Arabischen Frühling neu beleben", "context_date": "27.03.2013", "context_left": " Das 11. Weltsozialforum wurde am Dienstag in der tunesischen Hauptstadt Tunis eröffnet und damit im Mutterland des Arabischen Frühlings. Das Forum greift mit dem Motto „Menschenwürde“ ein Leitthema der ", "context_right": " auf.", "mention": "Jasminrevolution", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "46959"} {"context_title": "Второй соревновательный день на чемпионате мира по биатлону", "context_date": "5 марта 2011", "context_left": "5 марта в Ханты-Мансийске состоятся две гонки в рамках ", "context_right": " — мужской и женский спринт. После крайне неудачного выступления нашей четвёрки в первый день первенства, когда россияне в смешанной эстафете заняли лишь шестое место, состав участников спринтерской гонки, предполагаемый ранее, претерпел изменения. Вместо Светланы Слепцовой впервые выступит на соревнованиях такого уровня 24-летняя Анастасия Токарева. ", "mention": "чемпионата мира по биатлону", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "430935"} {"context_title": "Победители конкурса «Статьи года проекта „Футбол“» получили награды", "context_date": "24 ноября 2017", "context_left": "В номинации «Статьи о турнирах и командах» победу с 10 голосами «За» одержала статья «Коринтианс», написанная Soul Train’ом. Второе и третье места в номинации поделили статьи Финал Кубка Англии по футболу 1936 и ", "context_right": " (по три голоса «за»), написанные участниками EKBCitizen и Andrey соответственно.", "mention": "Финал Лиги чемпионов УЕФА 2008", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "645861"} {"context_title": "La Argentina busca apoyo regional en contra de la explotación petrolera del Reino Unido en las Islas Malvinas", "context_date": "20 de febrero de 2010", "context_left": "Las Islas Malvinas fueron ", "context_right": ". En 1982, Argentina y el Reino Unido se enfrentaron en una guerra de 74 días por la soberanía de las islas en la que los argentinos fueron derrotados.", "mention": "ocupadas por los británicos en 1833", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "7301548"} {"context_title": "Ex primer ministro de Malasia califica a los pilotos americanos y británicos en Iraq de asesinos y terroristas", "context_date": "10 de septiembre de 2005", "context_left": "El doctor Mahatir también acusó a las ONG y otras organizaciones occidentales para los derechos humanos de ignorar el clamor del pueblo iraquí durante la década de sanciones comerciales que sucedió a la ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "primera guerra del Golfo Pérsico", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "La Commission européenne lance une procédure de sanctions contre l'Espagne et le Portugal", "context_date": "9 juillet 2016", "context_left": "Enfin, cette décision est une victoire politique pour l'Allemagne. À la suite du ", "context_right": ", la France et l'Allemagne se sont opposés sur la marche à suivre : alors que le premier prônait plus d'intégration européenne en faveur de la croissance et d'une solidarité accrue, la première puissance européenne prônait un respect plus fort des règles. L'Allemagne reste donc bien aux commandes de l'Union.", "mention": "référendum approuvant la sortie de Royaume-Uni de l'Union européenne", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "21812812"} {"context_title": "Nikita Mazepin i Mick Schumacher kierowcami Haasa w sezonie 2021", "context_date": "2 grudnia 2020", "context_left": "Pierwszym potwierdzonym kierowcą amerykańskiej stajni został wczoraj Nikita Mazepin. Rosjanin wcześniej pełnił rolę kierowcy rozwojowego w ekipie Force India. W ubiegłym roku realizował prywatny program z Mercedesem. Od kilku dni mówiło się o potencjalnym zatrudnieniu rosyjskiego kierowcy. Aktualnie, Nikita Mazepin zajmuje trzecią pozycję w Formule 2. Dziś potwierdzono, że partnerem Rosjanina będzie syn siedmiokrotnego mistrza świata, Michaela Schumachera. Mick Schumacher dwa lata temu został ostatnim mistrzem Europejskiej Formuły 3, ponadto w zeszłym roku testował z Ferrari i Alfą Romeo. Niemiec miał wziąć udział w pierwszym treningu do ", "context_right": " ze szwajcarską stajnią, jednak sesja treningowa została odwołana ze względu na panujące warunki atmosferyczne.", "mention": "Grand Prix Eifelu", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "97651788"} {"context_title": "Narod na Haitiju besan i očajan zbog spore pomoći", "context_date": "15. јануар 2010.", "context_left": "PORT-O-PRENS, 15. januara 2010. (Beta-AFP) - Bes i očaj rastu među stanovnicima Port-o-Prensa koji provode treću noć u haosu, usred ruševina, leševa i nasilja, zbog sporosti s kojom pomoć stiže u taj ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "zemljotresom razoren grad", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "France invokes emergency law in response to riots", "context_date": "November 9, 2005", "context_left": "The 1955 law invoked by the cabinet Tuesday morning will allow local officials throughout the country to impose curfews. In French terminology, the government invoked the law through a presidential \"décret\" (decree), which corresponds to an executive order in American terminology. The law originates from the ", "context_right": " and has never been used in Metropolitan France until now. Villepin said that more than 9,500 police have been called up to help bring the riots under control.", "mention": "Algerian War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "200790"} {"context_title": "Чемпионат мира по лёгкой атлетике в Москве (фоторепортаж)", "context_date": "13 августа 2013", "context_left": "Россия и Москва впервые принимает летний чемпионат мира по лёгкой атлетике. В марте 2006 года в Москве в спорткомплексе «Олимпийский» прошёл ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "11-й чемпионат мира в помещении", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1141335"} {"context_title": "2018년과 2022년 FIFA 월드컵 유치 후보 확정", "context_date": "2009년 3월 17일", "context_left": "월드컵 유치 신청 후보 가운데 과거에 월드컵 개최 경험이 있는 곳은 잉글랜드 (1966년), 멕시코 (1970년, 1986년), 미국 (1994년), 대한민국 (2002년 공동 개최), 일본 (", "context_right": " 공동 개최)과 공동 개최국 중 스페인 (1982년)이 있다.", "mention": "2002년", "context_lang": "ko", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "Formula One driver Jules Bianchi dies aged 25", "context_date": "July 19, 2015", "context_left": "This is the first F1 race-related driver death since the ", "context_right": ", when Ayrton Senna was killed.", "mention": "1994 San Marino Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "171552"} {"context_title": "Scott Snyder i Robert Kelly o sytuacji w Korei Północnej", "context_date": "9 kwietnia 2013", "context_left": "RK: Tak. To nie przypomina ", "context_right": ", kiedy ludzie wykupywali wszystko ze sklepów i budowali bunkry w swoich piwnicach. Moi studenci przychodzą i żyją normalnie. W rzeczy samej, odporność psychiczna południowych Koreańczyków jest godna podziwu. ", "mention": "kryzysu kubańskiego", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "128160"} {"context_title": "Эстонский режиссер-документалист сняла процесс над навальнистом в Екатеринбурге", "context_date": "12 декабря 2017", "context_left": "До начала заседания на крыльце суда собралось более десятка человек. Там же была съемочная группа эстонского режиссера-документалиста Марианны Каат. Она прибыла в Екатеринбург с целью съемок фильма о ", "context_right": ". Однако ее заинтересовали местные политические акции. В них она не участвует, но снимает. До суда группа Каат брала на камеру на крыльце суда комментарий у местной активистки Галины Королевой.", "mention": "гибели царской семьи", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1356047"} {"context_title": "Hurrikan „Rita“ lässt erneut Deiche in New Orleans brechen", "context_date": "23.09.2005", "context_left": "Barry Guidry von der Nationalgarde Georgias berichtete von hauptsächlich drei Dammbrüchen und schnell ansteigenden Wasserständen. Das Wasser steige zurzeit drei Inch pro Minute (1 inch = 2,54 cm). Der neunte Bezirk im Osten der Stadt, der schon durch den Hurrikan „", "context_right": "“ schwer getroffen worden war, wurde erneut überflutet. Auf der zum Deich parallel verlaufenden Kanalstraße steht das Wasser bereits hüfthoch.", "mention": "Katrina", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "L'OTAN annonce la fin de sa mission en Libye", "context_date": "21 octobre 2011", "context_left": "Le secrétaire général de l'Alliance Atlantique, Anders Fogh Rasmussen, a annoncé vendredi que l'OTAN mettrait fin à son ", "context_right": " le 31 octobre, conséquence de la mort du l'ex-dictateur Mouammar Kadhafi. Cette annonce a été faite lors d'une réunion des 28 ambassadeurs de l'Alliance à Bruxelles, où ils ont conclu pour terminer l'opération maritime et arienne entamée le 31 mars dernier.", "mention": "opération militaire en Libye", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "Denúncias de escândalos ameaçam a ONU", "context_date": "19 de abril de 2005", "context_left": "A intenção declarada do programa era ajudar o governo iraquiano a garantir as necessidades básicas dos cidadãos iraquianos comuns, prejudicados por sanções econômicas internacionais, impostas ao governo na esteira da primeira ", "context_right": ", depois que o Iraque invadiu o Kuwait em agosto de 1990, contudo, sem permitir que o país reconstruísse suas forças militares. ", "mention": "Guerra do Golfo", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "Hallan restos de piloto estadounidense perdido en la Guerra del Golfo", "context_date": "2 de agosto de 2009", "context_left": "El paradero de este piloto era una de las mayores interrogantes del ejército de Estados Unidos, ya que fue uno de los primeros soldados que se perdió durante la primera noche de la ", "context_right": " en Iraq. Desde su desaparición, el Pentágono lo había declarado muerto, pero frecuentemente cambiaba su posición entre \"desaparecido en acción\" y \"prisionero de guerra\", pero con el hallazgo, se eliminan las incertidumbres de su paradero.", "mention": "Guerra del Golfo", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "Schweres Erdbeben vor der Küste Chiles – Notstand ausgerufen", "context_date": "28.02.2010", "context_left": "Das Erdbeben vom 27. Februar ist eines der stärksten, dessen Intensität jemals gemessen wurde. Das ", "context_right": " ereignete sich 1960 ebenfalls in Chile. Es erreichte eine Magnitude von 9,5 und war damit weit stärker als das Seebeben im Indischen Ozean 2004. Die Stadt Valdivia wurde damals zerstört und 1655 Menschen kamen um. Der damals ausgelöste Tsunami tötete 140 Menschen noch im weitentfernten Japan. Die Südamerikanische Platte drückt hier die Nazca-Platte unter sich. Beide Platten bewegen sich mit einer Geschwindigkeit von 80 Millimetern jährlich aufeinander zu.", "mention": "weltweit stärkste Erdbeben seit dem", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "212618"} {"context_title": "Aumentan el nivel de alerta radioactiva en la central nuclear Fukushima", "context_date": "13 de abril de 2011", "context_left": "La emergencia nuclear en la central nuclear Fukushima I originada tras el terremoto y tsunami del pasado 11 de marzo en Japón, es de nivel siete, la mayor en su escala. El incidente ya se compara con la ", "context_right": " en Ucrania.", "mention": "catástrofe nuclear de Chernóbil", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Мнения американцев об операции в Ливии разделились", "context_date": "29 марта 2011", "context_left": "Проведенный независимой американской исследовательской организацией опрос показал, что 47 процентов американцев считают, что США поступили правильно, приняв решение о ", "context_right": ". 36 процентов полагают, что это было неверное решение, а 17 процентов затруднились ответить.", "mention": "воздушных ударах по Ливии", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "Dilma parabeniza população do Rio por título de Patrimônio Cultural da Humanidade", "context_date": "1 de julho de 2012", "context_left": "Na manhã deste domingo, Dilma telefonou para o governador do Rio de Janeiro, Sérgio Cabral, e o prefeito da cidade do Rio, Eduardo Paes, para transmitir as congratulações pelo título, que, para ela, chega em um momento em que o Rio de Janeiro mostra ter competência e capacidade de gestão para sediar importantes eventos como a ", "context_right": ", realizada há poucos dias, a Copa do Mundo de 2014 e as Olimpíadas de 2016.", "mention": "Rio+20", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "729280"} {"context_title": "Trump weer volop vóór wapenlobby", "context_date": "5 mei 2018", "context_left": "Na de ", "context_right": ", leek Trump eerst de wapenlobby minder te steunen. Hij zei op nationale tv dat hij niet bang was voor de NRA en dat hij tegen de wapenlobby in zou gaan. Nu lijkt hij zijn mening weer drastisch te hebben aangepast. Op de conferentie sprak Trump nog kort over het drama van een paar maanden geleden. Hij zei dat hij het spijtig vindt dat er zoveel slachtoffers zijn gevallen en dat er meer geld vrij zal komen om scholen veiliger te maken tegen wapengeweld.", "mention": "schietpartij op een school in Florida in februari", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "48714898"} {"context_title": "EUA e Coreia do Sul exploram negociações de reabertura com a Coreia do Norte em reunião em Seul", "context_date": "27 de outubro de 2021", "context_left": "No domingo, enviados dos Estados Unidos (EU) e da Coreia do Sul se reuniram na capital da Coreia do Sul para discutir maneiras de ajudar a Coreia do Norte, depois que as Nações Unidas () alertaram que os norte-coreanos passam fome devido à pandemia de As autoridades também discutiram questões políticas, como o fim da ", "context_right": ", em andamento desde julho de 1953.", "mention": "Guerra da Coreia", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "12º aniversário da guerra russo-georgiana foi comemorado na Geórgia", "context_date": "8 de agosto de 2020", "context_left": "“A ", "context_right": " de 2008 tirou a vida de centenas de nossos cidadãos, incluindo civis. Perdemos nossos soldados heróis, territórios. Foram dias trágicos, após os quais permaneceram grandes dores e graves consequências. Jamais aceitaremos a ocupação”, escreveu o primeiro-ministro georgiano Giorgi Gakharia na rede social Facebook.", "mention": "Guerra Russo-Georgiana", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Argentina derrota a Uruguay por la mínima diferencia en la Copa América 2015", "context_date": "16 de junio de 2015", "context_left": "La selección Argentina superó a su par de Uruguay por uno a cero, en su segunda presentación en la ", "context_right": " ; en el estadio La Portada de la ciudad de La Serena. El elenco albiceleste ahora comparte el liderazgo del grupo B junto a Paraguay.", "mention": "Copa América 2015", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1129985"} {"context_title": "Пакистан и Индия сбивают самолёты друг друга", "context_date": "27 февраля 2019", "context_left": "Ранее территориальный спор оборачивался тремя войнами. См.: ", "context_right": " (21 октября 1947 года — 31 декабря 1948 года), Вторая индо-пакистанская война (август — сентябрь 1965 года), Третья индо-пакистанская война (декабрь 1971 года).", "mention": "Первая индо-пакистанская война", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "652285"} {"context_title": "Россия празднует Рождество Пресвятой Богородицы", "context_date": "21 сентября 2009", "context_left": "Сегодня партиарх Кирилл отслужил праздничную Литургию в храме в Старом Симонове (Москва). 21 сентября 2009 года в этом храме не простой престольный праздник. Ему исполнилось ровно 500 лет. Именно этот храм является усыпальницей воинов, павших в ", "context_right": ", в частности иноков Пересвета и Осляби.", "mention": "Куликовской битве", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "210354"} {"context_title": "Российские власти хотят отключить YouTube из-за «Невинности мусульман»", "context_date": "19 сентября 2012", "context_left": "Фильм о пророке Мухаммеде уже спровоцировал ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "массовые беспорядки мусульман в Египте, Йемене, Ливане, Ливии Судане и Тунисе", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "29489"} {"context_title": "Guanyu Zhou kierowcą Alfy Romeo w sezonie 2022", "context_date": "16 listopada 2021", "context_left": "Guanyu Zhou będzie pierwszym chińskim kierowcą wyścigowym w Formule 1, lecz będzie drugim Chińczykiem który prowadził samochód Formuły 1. Pierwszym chińskim kierowcą, który zasiadł w kokpicie wyścigowym najwyższej serii wyścigowej był Ma Qinghua, który uczestniczył w czterech piątkowych treningach w sezonie 2012 dla zespołu HRT i w pierwszej sesji treningowej przed ", "context_right": " dla ekipy Caterham. W tym sezonie, Guanyu Zhou brał udział w weekendzie Grand Prix, biorąc udział w pierwszym treningu do Grand Prix Austrii, zastępując w sesji Fernando Alonso.", "mention": "Grand Prix Chin 2013", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "4845188"} {"context_title": "2018년과 2022년 FIFA 월드컵 유치 후보 확정", "context_date": "2009년 3월 17일", "context_left": "월드컵 유치 신청 후보 가운데 과거에 월드컵 개최 경험이 있는 곳은 잉글랜드 (1966년), 멕시코 (1970년, 1986년), 미국 (1994년), 대한민국 (", "context_right": " 공동 개최), 일본 (2002년 공동 개최)과 공동 개최국 중 스페인 (1982년)이 있다.", "mention": "2002년", "context_lang": "ko", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "Asociace evropských olympijských výborů pomůže sportovcům na Balkáně po povodních", "context_date": "23. květen 2014", "context_left": "Povodně zasáhly střední a jihovýchodní Evropu. Největší škody způsobily právě v Srbsku a Bosně a Hercegovině. Srbsko hlásí 33, Bosna 21 obětí. Celkové škody podle dosavadních odhadů jistě překročily miliardu euro (více než 27 miliard korun) a kupříkladu v Bosně byly srovnávány s následky ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "války v 90. letech", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "181533"} {"context_title": "联合国授予布托人权奖", "context_date": "2008年12月11日", "context_left": "前总理布托去年12月在", "context_right": "。联合国官员表示,布托是此次七名获奖人之一,这些获奖者为了让1948年发表的《世界人权宣言》所保障的权利和自由变为现实而付出了艰苦的努力。", "mention": "为她的党派竞选时在一次集会上被杀害", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "1784968"} {"context_title": "Пластинку с автографом Леннона для убийцы продадут на акционе в США", "context_date": "18 июля 2017", "context_left": "Альбом \"Double Fantasy\" Джона Леннона и его супруги Йоко Оно, который британский рок-музыкант подписал для Марка Чепмена, ставшего через несколько часов его ", "context_right": ", выставлен на продажу в США.", "mention": "убийцей", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "2341090"} {"context_title": "Rússia solicita à OTAN que esclareça as mortes de civis por bombardeios no conflito da Líbia", "context_date": "20 de dezembro de 2011", "context_left": "Vitaly Churkin, representante da Rússia na Organização das Nações Unidas (ONU) disse na segunda-feira (19) que se leve uma rigorosa investigação sobre a morte indiscriminada de civis efeituados na ", "context_right": " da OTAN (ou NATO) na Líbia, denunciando ademais a parcialização de relatórios da organização militar atlântica:", "mention": "campanha intervenção", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "El “viernes de la ira” deja decenas de muertos en Egipto", "context_date": "16 de agosto de 2013", "context_left": "En El Cairo diversas fuentes de seguridad afirman que hay al menos 50 muertos, que se acumulan en las mezquitas de Al Fath y Tauhid. Las víctimas presentan heridas de bala en cabeza, cuello o espalda. Esta violencia, que se produce dos días después de que se ordenara el desalojo de campamentos de manifestantes en El Cairo, es solo \"parte del desgobierno\" que hay en Egipto, tras seis semanas después del ", "context_right": " que derrocó a Mohamed Morsi.", "mention": "golpe de estado", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "13605743"} {"context_title": "Mezinárodní soudní tribunál v Haagu posvětil osamostatnění Kosova", "context_date": "22. červenec 2010", "context_left": "Kosovo bylo od roku 1999 pod správou OSN. Ta následovala po ", "context_right": " NATO, která zastavila krvavé operace Bělehradu v tehdy srbské provincii. Vláda v Prištině vyhlásila oficiálně nezávislost 17. února 2008.", "mention": "78denní bombardovací kampani", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "155723"} {"context_title": "Mark Webber gewinnt den Großen Preis von Monaco", "context_date": "01.06.2012", "context_left": " So etwas hat es in der Formel 1 noch nie gegeben: In sechs Rennen haben sechs unterschiedliche Fahrer jeweils einen Grand Prix gewonnen. Mark Webber gewinnt nach 78 Runden den ", "context_right": ". Beim einzigen Stadtkurs der Formel 1 waren unter anderem internationale Stars wie Will Smith und Antonio Banderas nach Monaco gekommen. Auch die deutsche Fußballnationalmannschaft war in Monaco anwesend. ", "mention": "Großen Preis von Monaco", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "172856"} {"context_title": "16. Birleşmiş Milletler İklim Değişikliği Zirvesi sona erdi", "context_date": "2010/12/12", "context_left": "2009'da düzenlenen iklim zirvesi büyük beklentiler ile başlamış ancak açıklanan sonuç metni sivil toplum kuruluşları ve çevreciler tarafından hayal kırıklığı ile karşılanmıştı. Geçen yıl Kopenhag'daki zirvede öncülüğü üstlenen Avrupa, dünyanın en büyük karbon emisyonuna sebep olan ABD'yi ikna edememiş ve karbon piyasası, emisyon azaltma gibi somut hedeflere varılamamış, geleceğe yönelik öngörüleri kapsayan \"", "context_right": "\" imzalanmıştı.", "mention": "Kopenhag Mutabakatı", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "244444"} {"context_title": "NASA issues survivability report on Columbia crash", "context_date": "January 2, 2009", "context_left": "NASA has issued a report on survivability during the ", "context_right": ", entitled \"Columbia Crew Survival Investigation Report\". Although the report finds the accident was impossible to survive, it still faulted a number of design issues with the astronauts' equipment.", "mention": "Space Shuttle \"Columbia\" disaster", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "580867"} {"context_title": "Nie żyje Karel Gott", "context_date": "3 października 2019", "context_left": "Karel urodził się 14 lipca 1939 r. w Pilźnie w Protektoracie Czech i Moraw, gdzie w młodości podjął pracę w zawodzie elektryka. W 1960 roku Gott wstąpił do praskiego Konserwatorium na kierunek śpiewu operowego. W 1967 roku odbył tournée po Stanach Zjednoczonych, po którym stał się znany całym świecie. W 1968 roku Karel reprezentował Austrię podczas ", "context_right": " piosenką „Tausend Fenster” i zajął 13 miejsce.", "mention": "Eurowizji", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "204010"} {"context_title": "North Queensland Fury sign former Liverpool great Fowler", "context_date": "February 4, 2009", "context_left": "Fowler, who was nicknamed \"God\" by Liverpool fans following his amazing feats for the Merseyside club—128 goals in 266 matches across two periods with the club—left English Premier League club Blackburn Rovers in December and was a free agent. He has been capped 26 times for England at senior level, most recently at the ", "context_right": ", and is the fourth-highest goal-scorer in the 17-season history of the Premier League.", "mention": "2002 FIFA World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "Former US Representative John Conyers dies at age 90", "context_date": "October 28, 2019", "context_left": "John James Conyers Jr., first elected to Congress in 1964, was born in Detroit, Michigan, in 1929. After serving in the ", "context_right": ", he attended Wayne State University, receiving both a bachelor's degree and a law degree. He worked for three years for Representative John Dingell as an aide.", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Dean se convertirá en una "catastrófica" tormenta de Categoría 5", "context_date": "18 de agosto de 2007", "context_left": "El Centro Nacional de Huracanes en Miami ha dicho que el ", "context_right": " es \"extremadamente peligroso\", y dijo que la tormenta está ganando fuerzas y probablemente será un Huracán de Categoría 5. Los vientos de la tormenta están registrados en 150 mph, clasificándolo actualmente como un Huracán de Categoría 4. Un huracán de categoría 5 significa que los vientos son de más de 155 mph y tiene el potencial para causar daños \"catastróficos\".", "mention": "Huracán Dean", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "695842"} {"context_title": "FIFA vergibt Fußball-Weltmeisterschaften nach Deutschland und Brasilien", "context_date": "30.10.2007", "context_left": " Am heutigen Nachmittag hat die „Fédération Internationale de Football Association“, kurz FIFA, die Vergabe zweier Fußball-Weltmeisterschaften bekannt gegeben. Demnach wird Deutschland die ", "context_right": " austragen, Brasilien tritt als Gastgeber der Herren-WM im Jahr 2014 auf. Deutschland setzte sich gegen Kanada durch, Brasilien musste sich keinem Gegenkandidaten stellen. Brasilien hatte zuletzt im Jahr 1950 eine Weltmeisterschaft im Fußball ausgetragen, für Deutschland handelt es sich im Frauenfußball um eine Premiere.", "mention": "Weltmeisterschaft der Frauen im Jahr 2011", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "108183"} {"context_title": "Oxfam produces action plan after revelation of prostitution scandal on Haiti", "context_date": "February 19, 2018", "context_left": "On Friday, international charity organization Oxfam unveiled an action plan to improve its safeguarding systems and whole internal culture. This follows a news article on February 9 in \"The Times\", describing sexual misbehaviour by some Oxfam members on a Haiti mission following the ", "context_right": " in 2010.", "mention": "big earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "Lieberman loses to Lamont in Connecticut primary", "context_date": "August 9, 2006", "context_left": "Because of the nature of the candidates and the marginality of the seat, the race has been seen by some as a \"referendum\" on the Democratic party or a \"proxy vote\" on the entire ", "context_right": " and subsequent war.", "mention": "2003 invasion of Iraq", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Российские сапёры разминируют 40 гектаров в Южной Осетии", "context_date": "16 апреля 2017", "context_left": "По данным пресс-службы МЧС, данные мероприятия являются вторым этапом плана по разминированию территории Южной Осетии. В 2016 году группой сапёров МЧС России было очищено от взрывоопасных предметов, оставшихся после ", "context_right": ", около 50 гектаров площади республики.", "mention": "боевых действий в 1991—2008 годах", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Irish 1901 census goes online", "context_date": "June 4, 2010", "context_left": "The 1901 census lists a number of now-famous Irish people; James Joyce as a 19-year-old student living with his family in Fairview, Dublin. Author Peig Sayers, under her married name of Margaret Guiheen, on Great Blasket Island. A 22-year-old Pádraig Pearse, one of the leaders of the ", "context_right": " and Edward (Eamon) de Valera, a significant leader of Ireland's struggle for independence, at the time an 18-year-old boarder in Blackrock College, are also included.", "mention": "Easter Rising", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "193689"} {"context_title": "70. годишњица бомбардовања Београда", "context_date": "6. април 2011.", "context_left": ", (Beta) - Данас, 6. априла, навршава се 70. годишњица ", "context_right": ", којим је почео напад нацистичке Немачке на Краљевину Југославију у Другом светском рату.", "mention": "бомбардовања Београда", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "472100"} {"context_title": "Geórgia critica declaração do Ministério das Relações Exteriores da Rússia", "context_date": "17 de julho de 2020", "context_left": "Ao mesmo tempo, o Ministério das Relações Exteriores da Rússia questiona o papel dos Estados Unidos nas discussões de Genebra, convocadas após a ", "context_right": " de 2008, para resolver conflitos territoriais na Geórgia.", "mention": "Guerra Russo-Georgiana", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "«Матильда» Учителя получила прокатное удостоверение по всей стране", "context_date": "10 августа 2017", "context_left": "Художественный фильм «Матильда» рассказывает основанную на реальных событиях, но с вымышленными деталями, историю романа Николая II и балерины Матильды Кшесинской, до ", "context_right": " немкой Алисой Гессен-Дармштадтской (Александой Фёдоровной) на царство.", "mention": "его коронации с супругой", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "4233963"} {"context_title": "UN reports 222,570 dead in Haiti earthquake", "context_date": "March 18, 2010", "context_left": "As reported the United Nations, ", "context_right": " left exactly 222,570 deaths, 1,300,000 refugees in harbours, 766,000 displaced people, 310,000 injured and 869 disappeared. The report also mentioned economic loss suffered by the country, that reached 7.754 billion dollars, leaving 71 percent of the Haitians in extreme poverty.", "mention": "January 12 Haiti earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "Кульминация романовских торжеств — 70-тысячное собрание в Екатеринбурге", "context_date": "7 августа 2013", "context_left": "В июле 2013 года в России и множестве стран мира прошла основная часть «романовских торжеств» — многочисленных праздничных и памятных мероприятий в ознаменование 400-летнего юбилея воцарения в России династии Романовых. Кульминация мероприятий приурочена к датам 21 июля 1613 года — дню помазания на царство первого из династии царя Михаила Фёдоровича — и 17 июля 1918 года — день ", "context_right": ". Мероприятия носили как светский, так и религиозный характер; в числе светских мероприятий как частные инициативы, так и торжества с участием высших государственных руководителей.", "mention": "расстрела семьи Николая II", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1356047"} {"context_title": "バレーボール女子ワールドグランプリ、日本が初の準優勝で銀メダルを獲得", "context_date": "2014年8月25日", "context_left": "日本代表は今シーズンから、複数のポジションを各選手が担うことで攻撃方法を多様化する新戦術「ハイブリッド6」を採用。今回の決勝ラウンドでは、前回2位の中国代表にストレート勝ちするなどの成績を収めた。一方で優勝をかけたブラジル代表との対戦では相手方の猛攻に対処しきれず、ミスによる失点も重なり新戦術は生かされなかった。監督の眞鍋政義さんは試合後の取材に対し、準優勝を喜びつつもブラジル代表の強さに言及、2年後のリオデジャネイロオリンピックを見据えて攻撃面の強化が必要と語っている。9月にはイタリアで開催される", "context_right": "が控えており、前回の銅メダルを上回る成績を目標に掲げている。", "mention": "世界選手権", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "2411088"} {"context_title": "В ООН прошла церемония в память о 70-й годовщине депортации крымских татар", "context_date": "17 мая 2014", "context_left": "В пятницу, 16 мая 2014 года, в штаб-квартире ООН в Нью-Йорке состоялась торжественная церемония в память о 70-й годовщине ", "context_right": " крымских татар с полуострова Крым в 1944 году. В церемонии приняли участие активисты татарской общины США и Крыма, постоянные представители Украины и Польши при ООН, артисты и общественные деятели.", "mention": "депортации", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1775286"} {"context_title": "Assassin of Turkish-Armenian journalist 'treated as national hero'", "context_date": "February 3, 2007", "context_left": "A 52 year old Turkish-Armenian journalist, Hrant Dink was assassinated in front of the Agos newspaper office, at the Istanbul district of Osmanbey, where he worked as the editor and a journalist. Dink, a brave journalist who was not afraid to discuss one of Turkey's most controversial issues, clearly called what happened to Armenians in 1915 when the land was being governed by the Ottoman Empire the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Armenian Genocide", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "Un terremoto de 7.2 estremece el centro y sur de México", "context_date": "17 de febrero de 2018", "context_left": "Luego, el 19 de septiembre, el trigésimo segundo aniversario de un ", "context_right": " que mató a diez mil personas, otro terremoto de 7.1 sacudió el país, dejando 369 personas muertas. El Servicio Geológico de Estados Unidos colocó el epicentro del terremoto más reciente a 37 kilómetros (22 millas) al noreste de Santiago Pinotepa Nacional, en el estado de Oaxaca, en el sudoeste del país. El Servicio Meteorológico Nacional de Estados Unidos dijo que no emitiría una alerta de tsunami.", "mention": "gran terremoto de 1985", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1798567"} {"context_title": "Se cumplió la segunda jornada del torneo de rugby Seis Naciones 2009", "context_date": "16 de febrero de 2009", "context_left": "Ayer se cumplió la segunda jornada del ", "context_right": ", una edición del tradicional torneo disputado por las selecciones de las uniones de rugby de Escocia, Francia, Gales, Irlanda, Inglaterra e Italia. La jornada comenzó el sábado con el partido donde Francia le ganó a Escocia, posteriormente Inglaterra fue derrotada por Gales. Ayer Irlanda demolió a Italia.", "mention": "Torneo Seis Naciones 2009", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1520740"} {"context_title": "Indo-Pakistan talks on Siachen end in deadlock", "context_date": "May 25, 2006", "context_left": "India says that it will not pull its troops back from their current position on the world's highest battlefield till Pakistan agrees to validate its present position on the ridges that hem the glacier. Indian Liuetenant General Pattabiramayyah has said that unless the Pakistan clarifies its current position on a map, India will be susceptible to a surprise attack similar to the one that occurred in the ", "context_right": " sector in 1997. Pakistan believes that recognition of Indian positions would be a de-facto surrender of its claim over territory from the last marked point on the Line of Control - Point NJ 9842 - to the Karakoram Pass.", "mention": "Kargil", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "404517"} {"context_title": "Nearly 25,000 Iraqi civilians killed in Iraq, watchdog group claims", "context_date": "July 19, 2005", "context_left": "A report published by the Iraq Body Count project, a British NGO, says that 24,865 civilians have been killed in Iraq in the two years following the start of the ", "context_right": " in March 2003. Seventy percent of the deaths occurred after the US President George W. Bush proclaimed \"the end of major combat\" on May 1 2003.", "mention": "US-led invasion", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "70. годишњица антифашистичког пуча 27. марта 1941.", "context_date": "27. март 2011.", "context_left": "Промена власти у Београду практично је значила улазак Југославије у Други светски рат. Хитлерова нацистичка Немачка је већ ", "context_right": ", чиме је почела напад на Југославију, у коме су учествовале и снаге Италије, Мађарске и Бугарске.", "mention": "6. априла бомбардовала Београд", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "472100"} {"context_title": "NASA holds ceremony to commemorate anniversary of Space Shuttle Columbia disaster", "context_date": "February 2, 2008", "context_left": "It wasn't the only such anniversary around this time. The 41st anniversary of the Apollo 1 fire was on Sunday, and Monday saw the 22nd anniversary of the \"Challenger\" ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "disaster", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "858145"} {"context_title": "Riots cease in Dublin against Unionist march", "context_date": "February 25, 2006", "context_left": "Republican Sinn Féin, a party which split from the main body of Sinn Féin in 1986 and which had been involved in the organisation of the counter-demonstration, have declared that it was irresponsible for the authorities to allow the marches to go ahead. It is believed that around €50,000 will be necessary to clear up and repair the damage caused to O'Connell Street, Dublin's main thoroughfare, and the street will remain closed until tomorrow. It is feared that the riots will have a significant impact on the Northern Ireland peace process, and on plans by the Irish government to recommence annual commemorations of the 1916 ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Easter Rising", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "193689"} {"context_title": "London Zoological Society reports on health of planet Earth", "context_date": "October 24, 2006", "context_left": "The Living Planet Index and the Ecological Footprint, along with other measures, have been adopted as indicators for the 2010 targets of the ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "Convention on Biological Diversity", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "152805"} {"context_title": "Flat in Wuppertal met dezelfde gevelbekleding als Grenfell Tower ontruimd", "context_date": "27 juni 2017", "context_left": "In Oberbarmen|Oberbarmen|de, een wijk in de Duitse stad Wuppertal, wordt een flatgebouw van 11 verdiepingen ontruimd. De gevelbekleding is van hetzelfde uiterst brandbare materiaal als dat van de Grenfell Tower, ", "context_right": ". De 70 bewoners worden elders ondergebracht en de bekleding zal worden vervangen. ", "mention": "die eerder deze maand geheel uitbrandde", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "30274958"} {"context_title": "US Air Force suspends most F-15 operations following crash", "context_date": "November 6, 2007", "context_left": "They have since been deployed for air expeditionary force deployments and Operations Southern Watch (the no-fly zone in Southern Iraq), Provide Comfort in Turkey, Allied Force in Bosnia, ", "context_right": " in Afghanistan and Iraqi Freedom in Iraq.", "mention": "Enduring Freedom", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "326668"} {"context_title": "Ex-líder sérvio na Bósnia se recusa responder às acusações que pesam no Tribunal de Haia", "context_date": "29 de agosto de 2008", "context_left": "As violações foram cometidas enquanto ele liderou a presidência sérvia da Bósnia, na ", "context_right": ", que durou de 1992 e 1995. Radovan Karadzic é apontado como responsável pelo cerco de 43 meses a Sarajevo (abril de 1992 a novembro de 1995), o massacre de oito mil muçulmanos em Srebrenica em 11 de julho de 1995, que inclui crimes contra a humanidade, crimes de guerra e genocídio de não-sérvios.", "mention": "Guerra da Bósnia", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "181533"} {"context_title": "2008 Taiwan Tourism Exposition to encourage tourism industry after Sichuan earthquake", "context_date": "May 18, 2008", "context_left": "\"The 2nd-annual Taiwan Tourism Exposition 2008\", organized by the Taipei Association of Travel Agents, started yesterday (May 16) at the Taipei World Trade Center Exhibition Hall 3. 350 different agencies from local and foreign countries participated in the show. Governments and travel agencies in Taiwan hoped this exhibition could inspire the tourism industry in the light of the recent ", "context_right": " in Sichuan Province in China.", "mention": "earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "152033"} {"context_title": "Организатор напада у Паризу убијен у полицијској акцији", "context_date": "19. новембар 2015.", "context_left": " (Beta) - Белгијанац Абделхамид Абауд, за којег се сумња да је организатор ", "context_right": ", убијен је у полицијској акцији, саопштило је француско тужилаштво.", "mention": "прошлонедељних напада у Паризу", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "21479779"} {"context_title": "Italy confirms swapping Taliban for Mastrogiacomo", "context_date": "March 22, 2007", "context_left": "This likely represents the first time during the ", "context_right": " or War in Afghanistan that prisoners were openly exchanged for a hostage. An Afghani government source said the swap \"was an exceptional measure taken because we value our relations and friendship with Italy.\"", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Probaćemo da pobedimo svakog na SP", "context_date": "20. децембар 2010.", "context_left": "Београд / Србија (Beta) - Selektor rukometne reprezentacije Srbije Veselin Vuković rekao je u ponedeljak da je cilj ekipe da proba da pobedi sve protivnike na ", "context_right": ", ali da nije siguran da će tim moći da odigra dobro u kontinuitetu.", "mention": "Svetskom prvenstvu", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "474530"} {"context_title": "Rusia acusa a Estados Unidos de no respetar la soberanía de los Estados", "context_date": "27 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Destacó además que la estabilidad internacional fue \"golpeada seriamente\", también puso como ejemplo los ", "context_right": ", la invasión en Irak, los ataques contra Libia y el fracaso en Afganistán. Asimismo señaló que la crisis ucraniana fue producto de un golpe de Estado realizado gracias a la ayuda estadounidense y europea.", "mention": "bombardeos a Yugoslavia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "155723"} {"context_title": "Raymond van Barneveld wins PDC World Darts Championship", "context_date": "January 2, 2007", "context_left": "Raymond \"The Man\" van Barneveld has won the ", "context_right": " in a thrilling final with Phil \"The Power\" Taylor. The match went to sudden death, which 'Barney' won 7-6. The match was held, as is the custom, at the Circus Tavern in Purfleet, Essex, eagerley watched by the \"Power\" fans and Barnevelds local support in the shape of the \"Barney\" army.", "mention": "PDC World Darts Championship 2007", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2153406"} {"context_title": "Se intensifican las protestas contra el Mundial en Brasil", "context_date": "16 de mayo de 2014", "context_left": "Además de São Paulo, en la mayoría de las sedes del Mundial tuvieron lugar protestas en rechazo a los millonarios gastos, bajo consignas como \"FIFA go home\", \"La FIFA no manda aquí\" y \"Copa sin pueblo, en la calle de nuevo\", los manifestantes mostraron su repudio. El Comité Popular declaró que demandan respeto a la libre manifestación, en la búsqueda de evitar que se repitan las violentas represiones realizadas por las fuerzas de seguridad en la pasada ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Copa FIFA Confederaciones 2013", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "220231"} {"context_title": "Eurovisiesongfestival 2020 naar Rotterdam", "context_date": "30 augustus 2019", "context_left": "Het is eindelijk bekend waar de volgende editie van het ", "context_right": ", dat deze keer in Nederland wordt georganiseerd, zal plaatsvinden: in Rotterdam Ahoy. Rond het middaguur werd dit officieel bekendgemaakt. Feitelijk is het overigens niet helemaal nieuws meer, doordat het eergisteren per ongeluk te vroeg op de officiële site van het Eurovisiesongfestival (eurovision.tv) werd geplaatst. Het bericht werd daarna snel weer verwijderd, maar was toen al overal uitgelekt. ", "mention": "Eurovisiesongfestival", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "30973589"} {"context_title": "2010 FIBA World Championship starts", "context_date": "August 30, 2010", "context_left": "The opening ceremony of basketball's ", "context_right": " took place in Sinan Erdem Dome, Istanbul on Friday.", "mention": "2010 FIBA World Championship", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "211438"} {"context_title": "Wikinews attends a 'Dialogue with Decision Makers'", "context_date": "February 19, 2008", "context_left": "The city council president from Chelsea, Roseann Bongiovanni, who is also the associate executive director of the local community organization, the Chelsea Collaborative, asked the various reasons for the crowd in why they became concerned about global warming. The audience noted the melting of ice sheets, air quality, ", "context_right": " and Al Gore.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "CNN hires three conservative commentators", "context_date": "January 19, 2006", "context_left": "On January 5, the weblog TVNewser reported that Bill Bennett had been hired by the network as a political analyst. Bennett, a Republican activist, was appointed by Ronald Reagan as the Secretary of Education, and currently hosts a talk radio show, \"Morning in America\". Bennet came under fire in late 2005 for controversial statements made following the landfall of ", "context_right": ", in which he said on his radio program: \"if you wanted to reduce crime, you could—if that were your sole purpose—you could abort every black baby in this country and your crime rate would go down.\"", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Thailand begins repatriation of Hmong migrants to Laos", "context_date": "December 28, 2009", "context_left": "The U.S. government called for a suspension of the operation, saying Thailand has violated international humanitarian principles by forcibly returning the Hmong. The United States recruited the Hmong back during the Vietnam War to help the U.S. Central Intelligence Agency in their ", "context_right": " in Laos.", "mention": "\"Secret War\"", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "877450"} {"context_title": "Japón jugará la Copa América 2011", "context_date": "15 de abril de 2011", "context_left": "A pesar de los estragos generados por el que golpearon a Japón el 11 de marzo pasado, la Asociación Japonesa de Fútbol informó que jugarán la ", "context_right": " con una sola condición.", "mention": "Copa América 2011", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "إعلان محمد مرسي رئيسًا لمصر", "context_date": "24 يونيو 2012", "context_left": "أعلنت لجنة الانتخابات الرئاسية المصرية اليوم الأحد الموافق 24 يونيو 2012 فوز الدكتور محمد مرسي بالانتخابات الرئاسية المصرية ليكون أول رئيس لمصر بعد ", "context_right": " والخامس منذ تأسيس الجمهورية. وقد حصل الدكتور محمد مرسي على 13230131 صوت بنسبة 51.7%، بينما حصل منافسه الفريق أحمد شفيق على 12347380 صوت بنسبة 48.3%.", "mention": "ثورة 25 يناير", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "29198"} {"context_title": "Orrin Hatch accidentally compares Iraq to Vietnam", "context_date": "December 1, 2005", "context_left": "While discussing his reasons for opposing immediate withdrawal of U.S. troops from ", "context_right": ", Senator Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) had a slip of the tongue, accidentally referring to Iraq as Vietnam. \"The Democratic Party seems to be taken over by the Michael Moore contingent in their attitude toward Vietnam, and they continually call for a withdrawal of troops at a time when we haven't finished the job.\" Hatch was speaking on Fox News. His spokesman, Peter Carr, said that Senator Hatch became confused because he had been reading an article earlier in the day comparing the two conflicts.", "mention": "Iraq", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Wheelchair curling enters third day at 2014 Winter Paralympics", "context_date": "March 10, 2014", "context_left": "Sweden's team has three team members who competed at the 2010 Games in Vancouver, Canada: Jalle Jungnell, Glenn Ikonen, and Patrik Kallin. 60 year old Jungnell has the team's most Paralympic experience, having competed at the ", "context_right": ", 1992, and 1996 Summer Paralympics in wheelchair basketball, as well as competing at the 2006 and 2010 Winter Paralympics in wheelchair curling. Finnish born Ikonen had been suspended for six months following the Vancouver Games following a positive doping test. He claimed metroprolol was a drug he had been using for 4 or 5 years, and was unhappy that his doctor prescribed the blood pressure reducing drug because he would not have intentionally taken a banned substance. ", "mention": "1988", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "494639"} {"context_title": "US Republicans elect first African-American chairman", "context_date": "January 31, 2009", "context_left": "When campaigning for the United States Senate in 2006, Steele had been a vocal critic of then-President George W. Bush. In an off-the-record press lunch, which within 24 hours had his name attached to it, he had loudly criticized Bush's handling of the Iraq War and the ", "context_right": " rescue effort. He told reporters that standing as a Republican at that time was like being branded, saying \"I've got an R here, a scarlet letter.\"", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Inicia gira multimedia por Bicentenario de México", "context_date": "5 de mayo de 2010", "context_left": "El evento se realizó en el Campo Marte, al que acudieron invitados del gobierno federal. La proyección narró mediante una combinación de técnicas de cine, animación y video la historia de México, combinando además pirotecnia, luces y fuego. La narrativa inició en las culturas de Mesoamérica, pasando por la ", "context_right": ", la independencia, la revolución mexicana y escenas representativas del siglo XX como el movimiento estudiantil de 1968, el sismo de 1985 o el levantamiento zapatista de 1994. La parte final, la de 2010, mostró fotografías y videos de los mexicanos de la actualidad, concluyendo con la interpretación de la canción típica México lindo y querido por el cantante Pepe Aguilar.", "mention": "Conquista de México", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "828435"} {"context_title": "Peña Nieto da su quinto Grito de Independencia, dedicado a los afectados por el terremoto", "context_date": "16 de septiembre de 2017", "context_left": "El Grito dio paso a un espectáculo de pirotecnia en la Plaza de la Constitución. Se calculó una asistencia de 50 mil personas. Antes de salir al balcón, Peña Nieto recibió la bandera de México de manos de una escolta femenina conformada por cadetes de la Escuela Naval Militar. La ceremonia se realiza cada 15 de septiembre en conmemoración del Grito de Dolores, un llamado con el que el cura Miguel Hidalgo y Costilla dio inicio a la guerra de ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Independencia de México", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "68750"} {"context_title": "Rafał Brzozowski reprezentantem Polski w Konkursie Piosenki Eurowizji", "context_date": "12 marca 2021", "context_left": "12 marca poznaliśmy reprezentanta Polski w ", "context_right": ": jest nim Rafał Brzozowski, który zaprezentuje utwór „The Ride”.", "mention": "Konkursie Piosenki Eurowizji w 2021 roku", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "50729731"} {"context_title": "Obama wins Wyoming caucus", "context_date": "March 9, 2008", "context_left": "Both Obama and Clinton were campaigning in Wyoming the day before the caucus. At town hall meeting in Casper, Obama criticized Clinton's 2002 authorization of the ", "context_right": ", and defended against Clinton's accusations that he wouldn't immediately pull troops out of Iraq if elected.", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "சூடானில் கடத்தப்பட்ட இரு பன்னாட்டு தொண்டு நிறுவனப் பணியாளர்கள் விடுதலை", "context_date": "அக்டோபர் 20, 2009", "context_left": "கடந்த ஜூலை 3 ஆம் நாள் சூடானின் சர்ச்சைக்குரிய பிரதேசமான ", "context_right": " வைத்துக் கடத்தப்பட்ட \"கோல்\" என்ற ஐரியத் தொண்டு நிறுவனத்தின் இரு பெண் பணியாளர்கள் விடுதலை செய்யப்பட்டனர்.", "mention": "தார்பூரில்", "context_lang": "ta", "label_id": "190758"} {"context_title": "Israel droht mit „überproportionaler Reaktion“ auf neuerlichen Raketenbeschuss", "context_date": "01.02.2009", "context_left": "Beobachter rechnen mit der Möglichkeit, dass der wieder aufgenommene Raketenbeschuss auf Israel nach der Verkündung des Waffenstillstandes nach dem Ende der ", "context_right": " und die israelische Reaktion darauf, den Ausgang der israelischen Parlamentswahlen am 10. Februar beeinflussen könnten. Laut Umfragen liegt der gegenwärtige Oppositionsführer und ehemalige Ministerpräsident Benjamin Netanjahu zurzeit in der Wählergunst vorne. Netanjahu vertritt eine harte Linie gegenüber der Hamas.", "mention": "Operation Gegossenes Blei", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "170682"} {"context_title": "Klimaatconferentie in Bonn van start gegaan, talrijke klimaatdemonstraties in het centrum", "context_date": "6 november 2017", "context_left": "In de Duitse stad Bonn is vandaag de 23ste klimaatconferentie geopend met een voorstelling door Fiji-krijgers. De conferentie in Bonn heeft als doel de afspraken rond de ", "context_right": " verder te concretiseren. Syrië en de Verenigde Staten zijn niet aanwezig dit jaar. Eerder dit jaar is aangekondigd dat de VS in 2020 zelfs in zijn geheel uit het klimaatakkoord stapt. ", "mention": "klimaatconferentie van Parijs in 2015", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "15715792"} {"context_title": "Valtteri Bottas zwycięzcą Grand Prix Australii", "context_date": "17 marca 2019", "context_left": "Robert Kubica z zespołu Williams zakończył pierwszy wyścig od ", "context_right": " na siedemnastej pozycji, ze stratą trzech okrążeń do Bottasa, który zgarnął także dodatkowy punkt za najszybsze okrążenie. Kolega zespołowy Polaka, George Russell został sklasyfikowany oczko wyżej, z dwoma okrążeniami straty do Fina. Wyścig natomiast przedwcześnie zakończyli Carlos Sainz Jr (McLaren), Daniel Ricciardo (Renault) i Romain Grosjean (Haas). ", "mention": "Grand Prix Abu Zabi 2010", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "11914"} {"context_title": "Президент Ірану здійснив історичний візит до Єгипту", "context_date": "5 лютого 2013", "context_left": "Махмуд Ахмадінежад здійснив перший візит головни держави Ірану починаючи з ", "context_right": " 1979 року, прибувши до Каїру. Президент прибув до Єгипту для участі у саміті організації Ісламського співробітництва (OIC), що розпочнеться у середу, а також для зустрічі з Єгипетськими високопосадовцями.", "mention": "ісламської революції", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "126065"} {"context_title": "Questions raised about McCain's choice of Palin, aides insist "thorough vetting" process", "context_date": "September 3, 2008", "context_left": "There is no sign that Palin's formal nomination this week at the ", "context_right": " was in jeopardy. The controversy adds anxiety to Republicans who are worried that Democrats would use the selection of Palin to question McCain's judgment. Republicans were quick to note that Palin has \"more executive experience\" in elected office than does Obama and have gone on the offensive.", "mention": "Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "Argentina es finalista de la Copa América 2015, goleando a Paraguay 6 a 1", "context_date": "1 de julio de 2015", "context_left": "Argentina es finalista de la ", "context_right": ", junto al anfitrión Chile. Clasificó goleando a Paraguay por 6 tantos contra uno. Con goles de Marcos Rojo, Javier Pastore, Angel Di María (2), Sergio Agüero y Gonzalo Higuain. Lucas Barrios anotó el único tanto paraguayo. El encuentro se disputó en el Estadio \"Ester Roa Rebolledo\", en la ciudad de Concepción.", "mention": "Copa América 2015", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1129985"} {"context_title": "Affrontements mortels dans le nord du Liban", "context_date": "20 mai 2007", "context_left": "Les militants ont ensuite pris le contrôle de positions de l'armée libanaise à l'entrée du camp de Nahr Al-Bared. Dimanche, les combats continuaient aux abords du camp d'où s'élevait une épaisse fumée. L'armée libanaise, y a dépêché des renforts et a pilonné les positions des combattants palestiniens à coups d'artillerie. Tripoli n'avait pas connu de telles violences depuis 20 ans, lors de la ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "guerre du Liban", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "208484"} {"context_title": "8 centrali nucleari francesi non superano test", "context_date": "19 settembre 2011", "context_left": "Su 19 impianti nucleari attivi in Francia 8 non hanno superato il test per i controlli fatto dall'ASN, dopo il disastro di Fukushima, causato dal ", "context_right": " che si abbatterono sulla centrale l'11 marzo 2011. Secondo il settimanale \"Le Journal du Dimanche\", il test valutava anche le reazioni ad ipotetiche catastrofi naturali, all'interruzione dell'alimentazione e quindi del raffreddamento dell'impianto e la gestione delle situazioni d'emergenza. Secondo Martial Jorel, direttore della sicurezza dei reattori, «i rischi sismici non sono stati percepiti nel loro giusto valore in , un Paese in cui i movimenti tellurici sono poco frequenti».", "mention": "terremoto e dallo tsunami", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Schacholympiade startet in Dresden", "context_date": "12.11.2008", "context_left": "Goldmedaillenfavoriten sind Russland, China, Ukraine und Armenien. Ebenfalls auf die Medaillenränge können Ungarn und Aserbaidschan gelangen. Die deutsche Mannschaft ist auf Platz 11 gesetzt. Dass in Deutschland, das zuletzt ", "context_right": " eine Goldmedaille holte, dennoch Potenzial steckt, wurde 2000 bewiesen, als die Nationalmannschaft in Istanbul hinter dem russischem Team den zweiten Platz errang. Die letzten Goldmedaillensieger waren Armenien in Turin 2006, Ukraine 2004 in Calvià und Russland 2002 in Bled.", "mention": "1939", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "654995"} {"context_title": "УЕФА снял запрет с Израиля", "context_date": "15 сентября 2006", "context_left": "Израиль является соперником сборной России в группе Е отборочного турнира ", "context_right": ". Очередной домашний матч израильтян запланирован на 15 ноября 2006 года против Хорватии.", "mention": "Евро-2008", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "Schweres Erdbeben im Südwesten Pakistans", "context_date": "20.01.2011", "context_left": "Nachdem die ersten Berichte Schlimmes befürchten ließen, scheint Pakistan trotz der Schwere des Erdbebens mit dem Schrecken davon gekommen zu sein. Aktuelle Berichte sprechen von zwei Toten durch Herzinfarkte, einem Dutzend Verletzten durch einstürzende Hütten und relativ geringen Sachschäden. Im Jahre 2005 erreichte das ", "context_right": " der letzten Jahre die Magnitude 7,6. In der Region Kaschmir starben dabei rund 70.000 Menschen.", "mention": "schwerste Erdbeben in Pakistan", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "210137"} {"context_title": "FIFA汚職事件 スイスの司法当局が現職のブラッター会長への捜査を始める", "context_date": "2015年9月26日", "context_left": "", "context_right": "で現職のブラッター会長に対しての捜査を始めたとスイスの司法当局が9月25日付で発表した。この日はFIFA理事会が行われていたため、終了後にブラッター会長の出席で、会見が予定されたが、取りやめとなり、そのおよそ1時間後にスイスの司法当局がブラッター会長に対し事情聴取を行ったことを明らかにした。", "mention": "FIFAの汚職事件", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "19984977"} {"context_title": "Американец, открывший стрельбу в Тусоне, не признает себя виновным", "context_date": "25 января 2011", "context_left": "Джаред Лофнер не признал себя виновным в предъявленных ему обвинениях в ", "context_right": " члена Конгресса США Габриэль Гиффордс и двух сотрудников её аппарата, совершённом 8 января. В тот день погибли шесть человек и еще 13 получили ранения.", "mention": "покушении на убийство", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "757986"} {"context_title": "Obchody 82. rocznicy wybuchu drugiej wojny światowej – złożenie kwiatów pod Pomnikiem Obrońców Wybrzeża", "context_date": "2 września 2021", "context_left": "1 września 2021 roku, jak co roku harcerze i harcerki wraz z władzami państwowymi, samorządowymi, gdańszczankami i gdańszczanami zebrali się na ", "context_right": ", by wspólnie upamiętnić kolejną rocznicę.", "mention": "Westerplatte", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "533034"} {"context_title": "Argentina es finalista de la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "22 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Argentina es uno de los finalistas de la ", "context_right": " al derrotar al anfitrión, Estados Unidos, por cuatro goles a cero. Los goles fueron de Ezequiel Lavezzi, de Lionel Messi y dos de Gonzalo Higuaín.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "L'avion du président polonais Lech Kaczyński s'est écrasé", "context_date": "10 avril 2010", "context_left": "La délégation polonaise se rendait à la commémoration du ", "context_right": " survenu il y a 70 ans, en 1940, et au cours duquel plusieurs milliers de polonais avaient été tués.", "mention": "massacre de Katyń", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "134301"} {"context_title": "Seconda vittoria di Kramnik nel mondiale di scacchi", "context_date": "24 settembre 2006", "context_left": "Si è disputata oggi la seconda partita del ", "context_right": " in corso di svolgimento in Russia. Ieri la vittoria era andata a Vladimir Kramnik, dopo che Veselin Topalov aveva commesso un grave errore in posizione superiore.", "mention": "campionato del mondo di scacchi", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "773632"} {"context_title": "Com dois gols de Agüero, Manchester City conquista Supercopa da Inglaterra", "context_date": "7 de agosto de 2018", "context_left": "Na disputa da ", "context_right": ", competição que coloca o campeão inglês contra o campeão da Copa da Inglaterra, a equipe do Manchester City derrotou o Chelsea e conquistou o primeiro título da temporada inglesa.", "mention": "Supercopa da Inglaterra de 2018", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "52342888"} {"context_title": "Der Druck gegen die geplante Koranverbrennung erhöht sich", "context_date": "09.09.2010", "context_left": "Beim geplanten „internationalen Koranverbrennungstag“ (so die Übersetzung) soll am 11. September 2010 an die Terrorattacke vom ", "context_right": " erinnert werden, indem Ausgaben des Koran verbrannt werden sollen, die Menschen aus der ganzen USA nach Gainesville schicken.", "mention": "11. September 2001", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Исламское государство выпустило нашид на английском", "context_date": "30 января 2018", "context_left": "«Мы уничтожим кафиров, мы завоюем мир», обещает певец. Демонстрируются сцены терактов — в ", "context_right": ", в кошерном магазине во Франции, теракт в Ницце. Также мелькают лица двух россиян, которые напали на полицейских.", "mention": "Сан-Бернардино", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "21613643"} {"context_title": "È morto l'ex ufficiale SS Priebke", "context_date": "12 ottobre 2013", "context_left": "Ieri, è deceduto nella sua casa a Roma, Erich Priebke, ex ufficiale delle SS naziste. Il 23 marzo 1943 si macchiò dell'", "context_right": ", ed il 29 luglio 2013 ha compiuto 100 anni.", "mention": "Eccidio delle Fosse Ardeatine", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "638761"} {"context_title": "México rinde homenaje a las víctimas de los terremotos de 1985 y 2017", "context_date": "19 de septiembre de 2018", "context_left": "Este miércoles (19 de septiembre), México rindió homenaje a las víctimas de los terremotos ocurridos en 1985, que dejó diez mil víctimas, y ", "context_right": ", en el que fallecieron 369 personas. Por la mañana, a las 7:19, hora del primer siniestro de magnitud 8.1, el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto encabezó el izamiento a media asta de la bandera nacional en la Plaza de la Constitución de la Ciudad de México.", "mention": "en 2017", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "40355642"} {"context_title": "Finaliza la votación del referéndum de Escocia", "context_date": "18 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Los colegios electorales en Escocia cerraron a las 22 hora local, luego de que millones de escoceses dieran su voto ", "context_right": " en el Reino Unido. Se reportó el inicio del conteo de papeletas. No obstante, el resultado final se dará a conocer a las 6 hora local del viernes, luego de que los 32 consejos administrativos finalicen el escrutinio.", "mention": "para decidir si el país continúa", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "Tribunal Penal Internacional de Haia condena ex-militar por recrutar crianças na República Democrática do Congo", "context_date": "14 de março de 2012", "context_left": "O Tribunal Penal Internacional (TPI) com sede em Haia (capital da Holanda), considerou o congolês Thomas Lubanga Dyilo (de 51 anos) culpado pelo recrutamento e envio de crianças como soldados durante a ", "context_right": " República Democrática do Congo (RDC), de 1998 até 2003. Estima-se que 60 mil pessoas foram mortas.", "mention": "Guerra Civil da", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "75756"} {"context_title": "Über hundert Tote bei Luftangriffen im Jemen", "context_date": "05.09.2019", "context_left": "Nach Angaben der von Saudi-Arabien angeführten Militärkoalition wurde die Stellung der ", "context_right": " südlich von Sanaa angegriffen. Der Angriff haben einem Lager für Drohnen und Raketen gegolten und habe internationalem Recht entsprochen.", "mention": "Huthi-Rebellen", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "255997"} {"context_title": "Yhdysvaltalainen kansalaisjärjestö lisäsi OK-käsimerkin vihasymbolien listalle", "context_date": "28. syyskuuta 2019", "context_left": "Yleensä OK-eleen tarkoituksena on välittää ajatus siitä, että kaikki on kunnossa tai että merkin tekijä hyväksyy jonkin asian. ADL:n mukaan jotkut kuitenkin liittävät siihen nykyään ajatuksen valkoisesta ylivallasta. Niinpä ADL lisäsi merkin ”Hate on Display” -luetteloonsa. Järjestön mukaan ”oikeistoon kallellaan olevat yksilöt” ovat ryhtyneet käyttämään käsimerkkiä ”trollaustaktiikkana” ja poseeraavat usein elettä tehden sosiaaliseen mediaan lähettämissään kuvissa. Eräs tunnettu tapaus oletettavasti valkoinen ylivalta -ajatteluun liittyvästä käytöstä oli se, kun ", "context_right": " ja 51 ihmisen surmaamisesta epäilty mies teki OK-käsimerkin ensimmäistä kertaa oikeudessa esiintyessään.", "mention": "Christchurchin moskeijaiskuista", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "62066211"} {"context_title": "70. годишњица антифашистичког пуча 27. марта 1941.", "context_date": "27. март 2011.", "context_left": " Након приступања 25. марта 1941. Краљевине Југославије ", "context_right": " тзв. сила осовине - Немачкој, Италији и Јапану, у Београду су 27. марта војним ударом свргнути регент принц Павле Карађорђевић и влада. На престо је доведен малолетни краљ Петар II Карађорђевић, а уместо владе Драгише Цветковића и Влатка Мачека, образована је нова влада с генералом Душаном Симовићем на челу.", "mention": "Тројном пакту", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "153122"} {"context_title": "Президент Грузии Георгий Маргвелашвили об отношениях с США, НАТО и российской угрозе", "context_date": "5 августа 2018", "context_left": "Георгий Маргвелашвили: Разрешите мне немножко вас поправить: десять лет прошло с момента последней военной операции, в результате которой регулярные части российской армии оккупировали два региона Грузии — Абхазию и Цхинвальский регион. Но сам процесс реальной оккупации в том формате, когда центральные власти Грузии уже не имели возможности контролировать и развивать эти два региона, произошел в начале 90-ых, сразу после ", "context_right": " Советского Союза. И это было связано с естественной и главной эмоцией и направлением, которое было, есть и будет у моего народа, это — желание быть свободными, быть независимыми.", "mention": "развала", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "5167679"} {"context_title": "Aventaja Santos en elecciones de Colombia y habrá segunda vuelta", "context_date": "30 de mayo de 2010", "context_left": "Juan Manuel Santos, candidato por el Partido de la U, aventaja en los conteos rápidos en las ", "context_right": ", llevadas a cabo en su primera vuelta. Con 6.758.513 votos, que equivalen al 46,6 % de la votación, el ex ministro de Defensa aventaja a Antanas Mockus, del Partido Verde, quien obtuvo 21.5 % de los sufragios.", "mention": "elecciones presidenciales de Colombia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1124504"} {"context_title": "ダルフール情勢: 和平交渉に実質的進展なし、国連高官から国際社会に協力の呼びかけ", "context_date": "2005年10月22日", "context_left": "スーダン西部の", "context_right": "に関し、スーダン政府と2つのアフリカ系武装勢力により行われた和平交渉は、20日予定の日程を終わった。ナイジェリアのアブジャで開かれた第6回和平交渉は、アブジャで11月20日に再開することが決まった。AGI通信は、中断の理由を武装勢力側がラマダーンを祝うためと伝えている。の", "mention": "ダルフール地方でおきている紛争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "190758"} {"context_title": "El Empire State Building cumple 80 años", "context_date": "1 de mayo de 2011", "context_left": "Este fin de semana el Empire State, el histórico edificio de Manhattan, que llegó a ser en su momento el edificio más alto del mundo y actualmente, luego del ", "context_right": " que derrumbó a las Torres Gemelas, el edificio más alto de Nueva York, está cumpliendo 80 años desde su construcción en 1931.", "mention": "atentado del 11 de septiembre del 2001", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Πορτογαλίας νίκησε την Εθνική Βοσνίας και Ερζεγοβίνης με σκορ 6-2", "context_date": "16 Νοεμβρίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Πορτογαλίας νίκησε την Εθνική Βοσνίας και Ερζεγοβίνης με σκορ 6:2 στους επαναληπτικούς αγώνες των μπαράζ των Προκριματικών του ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου 2012", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "South Korean fishing boat flips over, kills several passengers", "context_date": "September 7, 2015", "context_left": "This accident comes after a South Korean ferry ", "context_right": " last year, killing around 300. In December a fishing trawler accident killed around 50.", "mention": "sank", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16338015"} {"context_title": "נאום המופתי והיטלר, 20 באוקטובר 2015", "context_date": "20 באוקטובר 2015", "context_left": "מוחמד אמין אל-חוסייני (1896-1974), היה מנהיג ערבי-מוסלמי אשר כיהן כמופתי של ירושלים בתקופת המנדט הבריטי. באוקטובר 1937 ברח משלטונות המנדט ועזב את ארץ ישראל וחזר אליה רק במרץ 1948. הוא נודע באנטישמיות שלו ובהתנגדותו הגורפת לציונות והשפיע יותר מכל מנהיג ערבי אחר על עיצובה של האידאולוגיה השוללת את זכותה של המדינה היהודית להתקיים. אל-חוסייני היה המנהיג הראשי של ערביי ארץ ישראל בשנות השלושים, והיה אחראי למתקפות (\"המאורעות\") על היישוב היהודי בארץ ישראל מראשית שנות ה-20, ובמיוחד בתקופת ", "context_right": " ובתחילת מלחמת העצמאות. כיהן כראש הוועד הערבי העליון ובמסגרת זאת שיתף פעולה עם גרמניה הנאצית והקים בוואפן אס אס יחידות מתנדבים מוסלמים, כמו חטיבת חנג'אר והלגיון הערבי החופשי.", "mention": "המרד הערבי הגדול", "context_lang": "he", "label_id": "46057"} {"context_title": "Царнаев начал давать показания", "context_date": "23 апреля 2013", "context_left": "В воскресенье, 21 апреля 2013 года подозреваемым в организации ", "context_right": " во время традиционного Бостонского марафона девятнадцатилетнего Джохар Царнаев пришёл в сознание и начал давать показания американским следователям.", "mention": "террористического акта", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "11086137"} {"context_title": "Suspect in Madeleine McCann case Robert Murat has confiscated possessions returned", "context_date": "March 23, 2008", "context_left": "Possessions that were previously seized by the Portuguese police from Robert Murat have been returned to him, despite the fact that he is still an official suspect in the ", "context_right": ". Murat described the return of the objects as \"a very positive sign.\" The only others to be announced as official suspects (Portuguese: \"arguido\") are Madeleine's parents Gerry and Kate McCann. ", "mention": "case of the disappearance of three-year-old British girl Madeleine McCann", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "639251"} {"context_title": "Wheelchair curling enters third day at 2014 Winter Paralympics", "context_date": "March 10, 2014", "context_left": "Sweden's team has three team members who competed at the 2010 Games in Vancouver, Canada: Jalle Jungnell, Glenn Ikonen, and Patrik Kallin. 60 year old Jungnell has the team's most Paralympic experience, having competed at the 1988, 1992, and ", "context_right": " in wheelchair basketball, as well as competing at the 2006 and 2010 Winter Paralympics in wheelchair curling. Finnish born Ikonen had been suspended for six months following the Vancouver Games following a positive doping test. He claimed metroprolol was a drug he had been using for 4 or 5 years, and was unhappy that his doctor prescribed the blood pressure reducing drug because he would not have intentionally taken a banned substance. ", "mention": "1996 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "174397"} {"context_title": "Online platforma vyzývá Mosambičany, aby se stali pozorovateli vlastních voleb", "context_date": "10. říjen 2014", "context_left": "Politické prostředí Mosambiku je zatíženo patnáct let trvající ", "context_right": ", která následovala po vyhlášení nezávislosti na Portugalsku v roce 1975. V zemi byly uspořádány první demokratické volby v roce 1994. Od té doby dochází během volebních období k násilným střetům.", "mention": "občanskou válkou", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "657661"} {"context_title": "È morto il Premio Nobel José Saramago, aveva 87 anni", "context_date": "19 giugno 2010", "context_left": "Nato il 16 novembre 1922 in una famiglia di braccianti agricoli, lasciò presto gli studi per lavorare. Nel 1947 pubblicò il suo primo romanzo, \"Terra do pecado\" (\"Terra del peccato\"), che però non ebbe successo. Trovò un impiego da giornalista e cominciò a scrivere poesie; nel 1959, durante il regime di António de Oliveira Salazar, si iscrisse peraltro al clandestino Partito Comunista portoghese. Solo dopo la ", "context_right": " del 1974, che pose fine alla dittatura, cominciò a dedicarsi a tempo pieno alla scrittura.", "mention": "Rivoluzione dei garofani", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "193245"} {"context_title": "姚開陽對學生分享上海世博文創經驗", "context_date": "2011年6月1日", "context_left": "", "context_right": "中國館、台灣館創意總監姚開陽本日在國立宜蘭大學的創意講座對學生分享他的文創經驗。", "mention": "上海世博", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "192452"} {"context_title": "UN appeals for more aid for devastated Pakistan region", "context_date": "October 20, 2005", "context_left": "Kofi Annan, Secretary General of the United Nations, has sent out a plea for more aid for regions of Pakistan affected by this month's devastating ", "context_right": ". He fears thousands could die if aid does not arrive soon.", "mention": "earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "210137"} {"context_title": "„Boże Ciało” polskim kandydatem do Oscara", "context_date": "14 września 2019", "context_left": "Film „Boże Ciało” w reżyserii Jana Komasy został wybrany polskim kandydatem do Oscara w 2020 roku. Premiera tego dramatu psychologicznego miała miejsce podczas niedawno zakończonego ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "76. Międzynarodowego Festiwalu Filmowego w Wenecji", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "60789719"} {"context_title": "İran'da 40'dan fazla gösterici tutuklandı", "context_date": "2010/01/19", "context_left": "İran polisi Aralık 2009'da hükümet karşıtı gösteri yaptıkları için, 40'dan fazla kişiyi tutukladı. İran polisi, göstericilerin fotoğraflarını yayınlamış ve halktan yakalanmaları için yardım istemişti. Ayrıca, Aşure Günü'nde düzenlenen gösterilerle ilgili olarak daha önce yakalanmış olan 5 kişi de dün yargı önüne çıkarıldı. Tutukluların suçlu bulunması halinde ölüme mahkum edilmeleri ihtimalleri bulunuyor. Bu gösteride çatışma çıkmış, en az 8 kişi ölmüştü. Muhalefet grupları ise dün sosyal paylaşım sitelerinde yayınladıkları bazı mesajlarda İran halıkını 11 Şubat tarihinde tekrar gösteri düzenlemeye çağırdı. Ahmedinejad hükümetinden yapılan açıklamaya göre ise ", "context_right": "’nin yıldönümü olan 11 Şubat’ı \"siyasi amaçlarına alet edenlerin ağır şekilde cezalandırılacağını\" açıkladı.", "mention": "İran İslam Devrimi", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "126065"} {"context_title": "Siste norske journalist forlater Iran", "context_date": "22. juni 2009", "context_left": "Urolighetene etter ", "context_right": " fortsetter, og lørdag skal 457 demonstranter ha blitt arrestert. Tidligere forrige uke skal over 200 ha blitt arrestert. Ti personer skal ha blitt drept under demonstrasjoner i Teheran lørdag. Dermed er totalt 19 mennekser blitt drept siden urolighetene startet.", "mention": "presidentvalget i Iran", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "143304"} {"context_title": "Милицию предлагается переименовать в полицию", "context_date": "8 августа 2010", "context_left": "Надо отметить, что фраза «Ещё со времен Октябрьской революции…» вносит некоторую двусмысленность. Ведь широко известно, что в Российской Империи полиция была отменена сразу после ", "context_right": ". Поэтому ссылка на времена Октябрьской революции в данном контексте может ввести в заблуждение людей, плохо знакомых с историей родного государства. Как-никак, а между февралём и октябрём ещё 7 месяцев есть.", "mention": "Февральской буржуазно-демократической революции", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "101534"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel takes pole for 2008 Italian Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 13, 2008", "context_left": "Scuderia Toro Rosso–Ferrari driver Sebastian Vettel won the pole position for the Sunday FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Gran Premio Santander d'Italia race at Autodromo Nazionale Monza, Italy.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179397"} {"context_title": "Krötenplage in Timor-Leste", "context_date": "11.09.2008", "context_left": "Barbosa glaubt, die Kröten seien vom australischen Darwin nach Timor-Leste durch die australischen Truppen gebracht worden. Die Australier bilden seit 1999 den Hauptteil der ", "context_right": ", die das Land im Wiederaufbau und bei der Stabilisierung unterstützen. Timoresische Bauern in einigen Regionen berichten sogar, die Aga-Kröten seien von den Soldaten absichttlich eingeführt worden, um Giftschlangen zu bekämpfen. Australische Experten glauben eher, dass die Aga-Kröten als blinde Passagiere ins Land kamen. Konfrontiert mit dem Vorwurf erklärte ein australischer Militärsprecher, man könne nicht zurückverfolgen welcher Transport die Kröten nach Timor-Leste eingeschleppt hat. Seit Beginn der Hilfsmaßnahmen gab es unzählige Schiffe und Flugzeuge, sowohl vom Militär, als auch von zivilen und staatlichen Hilfsorganisationen, die von Australien nach Timor-Leste gingen. Der australische Verteidigungsminister kündigte bei einem Besuch in Darwin Joel Fitzgibbon Untersuchungen an.", "mention": "internationalen Streitkräfte", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "1666929"} {"context_title": "Michael Schumacher wins Italian Grand Prix, announces plans to retire", "context_date": "September 10, 2006", "context_left": "Michael Schumacher won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " on the Autodromo Nazionale Monza racing track. The \"Red Baron\" passed the checkered flag and won the race, the 90th win in his long career. Kimi Räikkönen, the McLaren Mercedes driver started from pole, but was unable to keep up with Schumacher after the first pit-stop and finished second.", "mention": "Italian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "221461"} {"context_title": "Φιλικός ποδοσφαιρικός αγώνας μεταξύ των εθνικών Γερμανίας και Βραζιλίας για την Ιαπωνία", "context_date": "20 Απριλίου 2011", "context_left": "Στο Κατάρ θα διεξαχθεί ένας φιλικός αγώνας μεταξύ των εθνικών Γερμανίας και Βραζιλίας, οι οποίες είχαν συναντηθεί στον τελικό του ", "context_right": ", ο οποίος διεξήχθη στην Ιαπωνία, με στόχο να συγκεντρωθούν χρήματα για τους πληγέντες πληθυσμούς.", "mention": "Παγκοσμίου Κυπέλλου Ποδοσφαίρου 2002", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "DGB Nord ruft seine Mitglieder zu Protesten gegen den G8-Gipfel auf", "context_date": "11.05.2007", "context_left": " Der DGB Bezirk Nord ruft seine Mitglieder in einer Pressemitteilung dazu auf, „sich aktiv in der Globalisierungsbewegung zu engagieren und an den Veranstaltungen rund um den ", "context_right": " teilzunehmen“. Dies betreffe insbesondere die Kundgebung in Rostock am 2. Juni.", "mention": "G8-Gipfel im Heiligendamm", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "819346"} {"context_title": "Yli 120 oppilaitosuhkausta Kauhajoen ammuskelun jälkeen", "context_date": "7. lokakuuta 2008", "context_left": "Keskusrikospoliisin kartoituksessa on käynyt ilmi, että kouluja ja muita oppilaitoksia kohtaan on Kauhajoen kouluammuskelun jälkeen tehty alle kahden viikon aikana yli 120 uhkausta. Tämä on paljon enemmän kuin ", "context_right": " ja Kauhajoen ammuskelujen välisenä aikana (vajaa vuosi), jolloin uhkauksia tuli poliisin tietoon 80. Asiaa voi osaltaan selittää se, että ihmiset ilmoittavat nyt herkemmin näkemistään ja kuulemistaan uhkauksista.", "mention": "Jokelan", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "600836"} {"context_title": "2 doden bij steekpartij in Finse stad Turku", "context_date": "18 augustus 2017", "context_left": "De messentrekker vluchtte na zijn aanval weg. De politie kon hem in de benen schieten en arresteren. In een persbericht bevestigen de ordediensten dat het om een terroristische aanslag gaat. De dader is een 18-jarige Marokkaanse asielzoeker en ging vooral naar vrouwelijke slachtoffers op zoek. De politie is na de aanslag een appartement binnengevallen en heeft vier Marokkanen gearresteerd. Een vijfde verdachte wordt geseind door . Welke betrekking dit heeft tot de messentrekker is niet duidelijk, maar er wordt onderzocht of er een link is met ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "de aanslagen in Catalonië", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "37001445"} {"context_title": "Ecuador rechaza la guerra fratricida en Libia apoyada por Occidente", "context_date": "10 de septiembre de 2011", "context_left": "El Presidente del Ecuador, Rafael Correa, denunció la situación de Libia como una clara intromisión en sus asuntos internos en marco de la conmemoración de ", "context_right": " y del golpe militar derechista contra Salvador Allende en Chile de 1973 en su programa de televisión \"Enlace Ciudadano\", comparando este último suceso con el conflicto en el país magrebí.", "mention": "los ataques terroristas a las ciudades estadounidenses en 2001", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Jenson Button wins 2009 Bahrain Grand Prix", "context_date": "April 27, 2009", "context_left": "Brawn-Mercedes driver Jenson Button won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Bahrain Grand Prix at Bahrain International Circuit, Sakhir, Bahrain. This is his third win this season.", "mention": "2009", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "17328"} {"context_title": "US-Sonderermittler Mitchell auf schwieriger diplomatischer Mission im Nahen Osten", "context_date": "30.01.2009", "context_left": " Die Vermittlungsmission des neu ernannten Sonderbeauftragen der US-Regierung für den Nahen Osten, George Mitchell, findet unter denkbar schwierigen Rahmenbedingungen statt. Der Waffenstillstand nach der israelischen Militäraktion im Gazastreifen „", "context_right": "“ über die Jahreswende ist schon wieder brüchig geworden. Militante Palästinenser feuerten am Donnerstag erstmals wieder eine Rakete auf israelisches Gebiet ab. Verletzt wurde niemand. Im Gegenzug flog die israelische Luftwaffe Angriffe auf Ziele in der Nähe von Rafah, wo sich nach israelischen Armeeangaben eine Waffenfabrik befand. Bei weiteren Angriffen auf Chan Yunis wurden 18 Palästinenser verletzt. Die Grenze zwischen dem Gazastreifen und Ägypten gilt als ein kritischer Punkt für die Situation im Gazastreifen, weil über hunderte dort angelegte unterirdische Tunnel unter anderem Waffen in den Gazastreifen geschmuggelt werden. Nach palästinensischen Angaben wurde bei dem Luftangriff eine Metallgießerei getroffen. ", "mention": "Gegossenes Blei", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "170682"} {"context_title": "土耳其政變後 總統展開大「清洗」", "context_date": "2016年7月21日", "context_left": "在", "context_right": "後,土耳其總統雷杰普·塔伊普·埃尔多安展開一連串以打擊政變者為由的清洗行動。數日來已超過六萬人遭到逮捕、停職或撤換,其影響已由軍警擴大至教育與媒體界。西方國家的態度,也由原先的支持轉為不安;而标准普尔公司也已將土耳其信貸調降至垃圾級,國幣里拉匯價也跌至新低。", "mention": "上週的未遂政變", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "25906338"} {"context_title": "Terrororganisation Al-Qaida bietet Nachrichtensendungen im Internet an", "context_date": "07.10.2005", "context_left": "In „Stimme des Kalifats“, so der Name der Sendung, wird hauptsächlich über Ereignisse aus Palästina, dem Irak und Afghanistan berichtet. Ebenso informiert der Sender über die Schäden durch den Hurrikan ", "context_right": " in den USA. „Katrina“ wird hierbei als „Soldat Gottes“ und New Orleans als „die Stadt der Homosexuellen“ bezeichnet, al-Qaida-TV berichtet darüber reichlich schadenfroh.", "mention": "„Katrina“", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Congresista estadounidense compara a Bush con Hitler", "context_date": "17 de julio de 2007", "context_left": "El congresista estadounidense Keith Ellison, en un discurso a un grupo de ateístas comparó los ", "context_right": " con la destrucción del Reichstag (parlamento alemán) en 1933, el cual fue probablemente quemado por los Nazis para justificar el otorgamiento de poderes especiales a Hitler.", "mention": "ataques del 11-S", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Rio 2016 presenta las mascotas de sus Juegos Olímpicos y Paralímpicos", "context_date": "24 de noviembre de 2014", "context_left": "Los organizadores de los Juegos Olímpicos y ", "context_right": " presentaron las mascotas de los eventos, cuyos nombres aún no han sido elegidos. Inspiradas en la naturaleza tropical, los Juegos Olímpicos contarán con un animal amarrillo de brazos azules similar a un gato y, para los Paralímpicos, será un árbol de tronco azul y brazos naranjas. No obstante, los personajes no tienen una especie determinada.", "mention": "Paralímpicos de Río de Janeiro 2016", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1142161"} {"context_title": "相馬野馬追が実演される…大井競馬場", "context_date": "2012年9月30日", "context_left": "馬8頭の中には、", "context_right": "の発生により避難した馬もいたという。", "mention": "原発事故", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Kimi Räikkönen will start first for 2007 European Grand Prix, Lewis Hamilton suffers a crash", "context_date": "July 21, 2007", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Kimi Räikkönen won the pole on the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " European Grand Prix at the Nürburgring, Nürburg, Germany.", "mention": "2007", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "221100"} {"context_title": "New England Patriots go undefeated in NFL regular season", "context_date": "December 30, 2007", "context_left": "In an attempt to reach as many viewers as possible, the game was simulcast on three networks, with the coverage from NFL Network (only digital/satellite channel) being broadcast on NBC and CBS. This was the first NFL game to be nationally televised on more than one broadcast network since ", "context_right": " in 1967.", "mention": "Super Bowl I", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "847827"} {"context_title": "EUA ficam atrás da China e Rússia no desenvolvimento de mísseis hipersônicos", "context_date": "12 de julho de 2020", "context_left": "Billingsley está tentando mediar a renovação do ", "context_right": ". Oficiais do governo indicaram que permitirão que o tratado expire se a China se recusar a participar das negociações e fechar um acordo trilateral, porque Pequim está agora expandindo rapidamente seu arsenal de mísseis balísticos e armas nucleares.", "mention": "novo tratado de armas", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "1889748"} {"context_title": "Тридесет година од масакра у Сабри и Шатили", "context_date": "17. септембар 2012.", "context_left": " (Beta) - Палестинци и Либанци обележавају 30 година масакра у палестинским избегличким камповима ", "context_right": " на периферији Бејрута, а одговорни за тај масакр до данас нису кажњени.", "mention": "Сабра и Шатила", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "208199"} {"context_title": "67th Annual Golden Globe Award highlights", "context_date": "January 21, 2010", "context_left": "Last Sunday evening at the Beverly Hilton Hotel in Beverly Hills, California were the ", "context_right": " hosted by English comedian Ricky Gervais. The choice of Gervais as host was a move to increase viewership which declined to 15 million viewers last year from 27 million in 2004. Canadian director James Cameron—who previously won in 1997 for his film Titanic—and his high-grossing 3D epic Avatar seemed to dominate the ceremony, taking home the awards for Best Director and Best Picture respectively.", "mention": "67th Annual Golden Globe Awards", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "249397"} {"context_title": "Η Γερμανία κατέκτησε το Παγκόσμιο Κύπελλο ποδοσφαίρου", "context_date": "14 Ιουλίου 2013", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Γερμανίας είναι η νέα πρωταθλήτρια κόσμου καθώς στον ", "context_right": " κέρδισε στην παράταση με 1-0 την Εθνική Αργεντινής. Το νικητήριο γκολ πέτυχε στο 113΄ ο Μάριο Γκέτσε. Ήταν η 4η φορά που η Γερμανία αναδεικνύεται σε παγκόσμια πρωταθλήτρια. Η τελευταία φορά ήτνα το 1990. Παράλληλα, η Αργεντινή έχασε για 3η φορά σε τελικό και παρέμεινε στις 2 κατακτήσεις.", "mention": "τελικό της διοργάνωσης", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "15926885"} {"context_title": "President Bush delivers 2006 State of the Union Address", "context_date": "February 1, 2006", "context_left": "Bush emphatically claimed that terrorism was still a serious threat, citing the 2004 Beslan school hostage crisis. Bush also urged what he felt was the need for American troops to continue ", "context_right": " in Iraq, to ensure what he described as the successful transition of the Iraqi government.", "mention": "their presence", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Halliburton's KBR awarded half billion dollar repair contract for Gulf Coast Navy facilities", "context_date": "September 8, 2005", "context_left": "Halliburton Co.'s subsidiary Kellogg, Brown and Root (KBR) has been awarded a half billion dollar repair contract for U.S. Navy facilities damaged by natural disasters, including ", "context_right": ". KBR won the competitive-bidding in July 2005. ", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Kimi Räikkönen wins 2009 Belgian Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 1, 2009", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Kimi Räikkönen won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " ING Belgian Grand Prix at the Circuit de Spa-Francorchamps, Spa, Belgium.", "mention": "2009", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "21000"} {"context_title": "Европа против Блэра", "context_date": "21 февраля 2008", "context_left": "В петиции особенно отмечается роль Блэра в развязывании ", "context_right": ", против которой выступало большинство жителей ЕС. Упоминается и его «соучастие» в экстрадиции подозреваемых в терроризме в страны, в которых разрешены пытки. Многие СМИ утверждают, что подобная практика применяется администрацией президента США Джорджа Буша.", "mention": "войны в Ираке", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Lordi gewann 51. Ausgabe des Eurovision Song Contest", "context_date": "21.05.2006", "context_left": " Der ", "context_right": " fand am Samstagabend in Athen statt. Die finnische Gruppe Lordi gewann mit 292 Punkten. Auf Platz zwei landete Dima Bilan aus Russland mit „Never Let You Go“. Dritter wurde Hari Mata Hari aus Bosnien-Herzegowina mit „Leijla“. Lordi bekam die maximale Punktzahl (12) aus Polen, Estland, Norwegen und Griechenland. Die Gruppe fiel besonders durch ihre Horror-Masken auf, die sie in der Öffentlichkeit niemals abnehmen. Sie betonten aber in einem Interview, dass sie keine Satanisten oder Teufelsanbeter seien.", "mention": "51. Eurovision Song Contest", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10152"} {"context_title": "Scientists take strong stance for cutting emissions at Climate Conference in Bali", "context_date": "December 6, 2007", "context_left": "Unlike the International Panel on Climate Change (IPCC), which tries to assess the current situation and what the future trends are, the ", "context_right": " makes explicit recommendations to policy makers. These are twofold, one regarding the current Conference, and one future goals. On the talks here at Bali, the Declaration says it is necessary that \"a new global climate treaty [...] needs to begin in December 2007 and be completed by 2009\". It went on to say that \"The primary goal of this new regime must be to limit global warming to no more than 2 °C\", and that emissions would need to be cut to 40% or less than 2004 levels in order to be able to reach that goal.", "mention": "2007 Bali Climate Declaration by Scientists", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1633080"} {"context_title": "Riapre il sagrato di Notre-Dame", "context_date": "1 giugno 2020", "context_left": "Nelle giornata di ieri il sagrato di Notre-Dame ha riaperto i battenti, rimasti chiusi per oltre un anno (dal 15 aprile 2019), a causa dell'", "context_right": " che aveva provocato all'edificio danni significativi, tra cui il crollo della flèche e del tetto. L'annuncio della riapertura è arrivato dalla diocesi insieme con il Comune di Parigi e l'organismo che si occupa dei lavori di rifacimento, dopo il consenso dato dall'Agenzia regionale della Salute dell'Ile-de-France, lo scorso 28 maggio. L'apertura è avvenuta nel tardo pomeriggio alla presenza dell'arcivescovo di Parigi, Michel Aupetit, della sindaca Anne Hidalgo, e del generale Jean-Louis Georgelin, che dirige la società pubblica di Notre-Dame.", "mention": "incendio", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "63167656"} {"context_title": "Record number of viewers watched McCain's acceptance speech", "context_date": "September 5, 2008", "context_left": "Thursday's audience was 41 percent larger than the fourth day of the ", "context_right": ", when 27.5 million people watched George W. Bush accept the nomination of his party for a second time.", "mention": "2004 Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "359662"} {"context_title": "Space Shuttle Discovery launches on final mission", "context_date": "February 25, 2011", "context_left": "STS-133 is scheduled to be the final mission of \"Discovery\", with its first being STS-41-D in 1984. \"Discovery\" flew 39 flights in its operational history, including the current mission, delivering several payloads to space including the Hubble Space Telescope and visiting two different space stations: \"Mir\" and the ISS. STS-133 is the 133rd shuttle mission and the 35th mission to the ISS. \"Discovery\" is the oldest surviving shuttle, and has flown more missions than any other shuttle. It was also the first shuttle to fly after the Challenger disaster and was the first shuttle to fly after the ", "context_right": ". Later, \"Discovery\" became the first shuttle to fly a Russian cosmonaut. ", "mention": "Space Shuttle Columbia disaster", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "580867"} {"context_title": "Экс-премьер Великобритании Тони Блэр уверен, что охватившие страну погромы вызваны появлением обозлённой властью молодёжи", "context_date": "22 августа 2011", "context_left": "В ", "context_right": ", которые прошли с 6 по 10 августа в Лондоне, приняли участие 30 тыс. человек. Всего за время беспорядков в столице было зафиксировано 3296 преступлений. В большинстве случаев речь идёт о грабежах, поджогах и погромах. В каждом преступлении в среднем принимали участие 10 человек.", "mention": "уличных беспорядках", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "29065"} {"context_title": "« Discovery » doit faire face à deux détachements de débris", "context_date": "27 juillet 2005", "context_left": "Il est important de souligner que lors de chaque décollage de la navette, plusieurs morceaux se détachent. Alors qu'avant ils ne faisaient pas l'objet de contrôle de sécurité poussé, la ", "context_right": " de \"Columbia\" en 2003 a changé bien des choses et depuis, la politique de la NASA veut que le moindre problème de sécurité soit évalué et étudié.", "mention": "désintégration", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "580867"} {"context_title": "Finale i Melodi Grand Prix 2009 i kveld", "context_date": "21. februar 2009", "context_left": "Som nevnt tidligere vil finalen inneholde en gullfinale. Først vil alle deltagerne gjennomføre sine nummer, og da kan seerne stemme på alle bidragene. De fire bidragene som får flest stemmer, vil komme til den såkalte gullfinalen. Her vil de igjen gjennomføre sine bidrag, og igjen stemmer seerne frem den de liker best. Den som her får flest stemmer, vil bli vinneren av Melodi Grand Prix 2009 og representere Norge i ", "context_right": " i Moskva i Russland i mai i år.", "mention": "Eurovision Song Contest 2009", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "10157"} {"context_title": ""Hay problemas en México", asegura Malala Yousafzai tras protesta de mexicano en entrega del Nobel", "context_date": "11 de diciembre de 2014", "context_left": "Dice sentirse inspirada por Benazir Bhutto, dos veces primera ministra de Pakistán (1988-1990 y 1993-1996), ", "context_right": " tras recibir disparos en el cuello y en el pecho por parte de un suicida que posteriormente detonó una bomba, provocando la muerte de 38 personas. \"Ella es un ejemplo [...] transmite el mensaje de que las mujeres pueden progresar, porque en algunas comunidades se supone que las mujeres no pueden progresar y ser primera ministra\", destacó Malala.", "mention": "fallecida en 2007", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1784968"} {"context_title": "Toma de rehenes en una cafetería de Sídney deja tres muertos y cuatro heridos", "context_date": "15 de diciembre de 2014", "context_left": "Elementos de la policía local y de las fuerzas especiales irrumpieron en una cafetería de Sídney, Australia, para liberar a un ", "context_right": " por Man Haron Monis, un refugiado iraní. El secuestro dejó tres muertos, entre ellos el secuestrador Haron Monis, y cuatro heridos. El sospechoso recibió varios disparos durante la operación de rescate; tras ser trasladado al hospital los médicos confirmaron su muerte.", "mention": "grupo de rehenes secuestrados", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "18638636"} {"context_title": "SWR-Fernsehausschuss übt Kritik am Auftritt Oliver Pochers in der Schmidt & Pocher-Late-Night-Show", "context_date": "25.01.2009", "context_left": "Der Entertainer Oliver Pocher war in der Sendung vom vergangenen Donnerstag in der Uniform des deutschen Offiziers und Widerstandskämpfers Claus Schenk Graf von Stauffenberg aufgetreten. Hintergrund ist die Berichterstattung der Medien über die Neuverfilmung der Vorgänge um das Hitler-Attentat vom ", "context_right": " mit dem US-Schauspieler Tom Cruise. Der Film unter dem Titel „Operation Walküre“ lief am 22. Januar in den deutschen Kinos an. ", "mention": "20. Juli 1944", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "105570"} {"context_title": "Bugari razmišljaju da otkažu duel sa Srbijom", "context_date": "14. октобар 2010.", "context_left": "Razlog je divljanje srpskih navijača u Đenovi zbog koje je prekinuta utakmica između reprezentacija Srbije i Italije u kvalifikacijama za ", "context_right": " 2012. godine.", "mention": "Evropsko prvenstvo", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Professor dos EUA alega que governo americano está por trás de atentados terroristas", "context_date": "14 de julho de 2006", "context_left": "Kevin Barrett, um professor universitário americano, alega que os ", "context_right": " e outros atentados terroristas foram causados por uma conspiração de dentro do próprio governo dos EUA. ", "mention": "Ataques de 11 de setembro de 2001", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Селектор одредио 17 рукометашица за ЕП", "context_date": "17. новембар 2010.", "context_left": "Београд / Србија (Beta) - Селектор женске рукометне репрезентације Србије Душко Милић одредио је у среду списак играчица за завршне припреме за ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Европско првенство у Данској и Новешкој", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "482592"} {"context_title": "上海庆祝浦东开发开放30周年", "context_date": "2020年11月13日", "context_left": "11月12日上午,浦东开发开放30周年庆祝大会正式举行,中共中央總書記习近平在会上强调,要“全面贯彻", "context_right": "和十九届二中、三中、四中、五中全会精神,努力成为改革开放更高水平的开路先锋、全面建设社会主义现代化国家、彰显‘四个自信’的实践先例,更好向世界展示中国。”", "mention": "中共十九大", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "23791320"} {"context_title": "2008舒跑盃、台灣自行車日 台北市同日舉行 展現運動城市形象", "context_date": "2008年5月4日", "context_left": "不管這兩邊的內容如何,在台北市主力推展「", "context_right": "」的同時,眾多體育運動相關活動與賽會,帶來的良好名聲,確實符合台北市推展運動活動的口號與形象─「健康城市」。", "mention": "2009聽障奧運", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "709910"} {"context_title": "Australian Governor-General travels to Kuwait amidst terror threats", "context_date": "February 22, 2011", "context_left": "In a tour that is set to conclude on February 27th, Ms Bryce will be representing Australia at several ceremonies marking 20 years since the first ", "context_right": " and 50 years since Kuwait gained independence from the United Kingdom. In addition, she will visit The Australian College of Kuwait and other locations of national interest including sites of Australian wheat imports.", "mention": "Gulf War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "Vettel becomes youngest Formula One champion", "context_date": "November 18, 2010", "context_left": "Under the Yas Marina Circuit in Abu-Dhabi's floodlights, German driver Sebastian Vettel added a new Formula One record to his list as youngest winner of the championship at 23 years. On Saturday, Vettel took the title at ", "context_right": " of this year's competition. ", "mention": "the final race", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "11914"} {"context_title": "Se lanza en Cali, Colombia, la III Copa de Voleibol Sentado", "context_date": "21 de julio de 2015", "context_left": "El evento inició con la presentación de la Sinfónica Batuta Somos Pacifico. La ONU intervino en el evento a través de su programa \"Respira Paz\", el cual busca concienciar sobre el adecuado manejo de las situaciones de la cotidianidad para contribuir a la construcción de la paz, en un momento en el que el Gobierno busca un acuerdo de paz con las FARC en La Habana. Luego tomaron la voz el personero y el alcalde de Cali, quienes resaltaron la realización del evento en la ciudad, reconocida como la Capital Deportiva de Colombia y que ha sido sede de eventos deportivos como los Juegos Mundiales de 2013, el ", "context_right": " o el Campeonato Mundial Juvenil de Atletismo de 2015 que tuvo lugar en la capital vallecaucana la semana pasada.", "mention": "Campeonato Mundial de Ciclismo en Pista de 2014", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "2466743"} {"context_title": "Doodstraf geëist tegen Cruz, die blijft zwijgen", "context_date": "15 maart 2018", "context_left": "Tegen de 19-jarige Nikolas Cruz, de dader van de ", "context_right": " op een school in Parkland op 15 februari waarbij 17 doden vielen, is afgelopen dinsdag de doodstraf geëist. Cruz zelf bleef zwijgen toen hij woensdag voor het gerechtshof moest verschijnen. De advocate van Cruz zegt dat haar cliënt bereid is om schuld te bekennen als de eis tot de doodstraf tegen hem wordt ingetrokken. Openbaar verdediger Howard Finkelstein zegt dat Cruz mentaal zo instabiel is dat de doodstraf niet voor hem gepast is. ", "mention": "schietpartij", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "48714898"} {"context_title": "China says North Korea border patrol killed three Chinese", "context_date": "June 8, 2010", "context_left": "Dandong is the site of the Sino-Korea Friendship Bridge, a commemoration of China's aid of North Korea during the ", "context_right": " of the 1950s. The Chinese people were reported to be in a boat when they were shot, for allegedly carrying copper wire out of North Korea and into China.", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Бин Ладен мислио да се против њега кује завера", "context_date": "3. септембар 2011.", "context_left": "(Beta-AFP) - Осама бин Ладен је убрзо након ", "context_right": " мислио да се у оквиру Ал Каиде против њега кује завера, наводи се у поверљивим америчким документима које је објавио Викиликс.", "mention": "напада 11. септембра 2001. у САД", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Україна святкує 20-річчя незалежності", "context_date": "24 серпня 2011", "context_left": "Ці дані оприлюднила українська компанія «Research & Branding Group». Соціологи дізнавалися про ставлення українців до незалежності України, а також щодо ", "context_right": " в різних регіонах. Так, кожний п'ятий українець визначив серпневий путч як «епізод боротьби за владу серед найвищого керівництва країни». На заході ж більшість українців охарактеризувало путч як «перемогу демократичної революції, яка покінчила із владою КПРС».", "mention": "подій серпня 1991 року", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "221382"} {"context_title": "Vérengzés Pakisztánban", "context_date": "2008. november 13.", "context_left": "A pakisztáni hadsereg \"Badzsúr\"ban immáron harmadik hónapja offenzívában támadja a tálibokat. Céljuk, hogy a tálibok ne juthassanak ", "context_right": "ba. Eddig ezerötszázan haltak meg az összecsapásokban. A pakisztánok oldalán 73 katona vesztette életét. Az amerikaiak nyugtázták a pakisztáni offenzívát, hiszen mérséklődtek a harcok Afganisztánban.", "mention": "Afganisztán", "context_lang": "hu", "label_id": "182865"} {"context_title": "Профессор Зубов уволен из МГИМО за антивоенную статью", "context_date": "24 марта 2014", "context_left": "Ранее большой резонанс вызвала статья А. Б. Зубова, опубликованная в газете «Ведомости» 1 марта 2014 года под заголовком «Это уже было». В ней автор подверг критике действия российских властей в Крыму и сравнил их с ", "context_right": " в 1938 году.", "mention": "присоединением Австрии к Третьему Рейху", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "154681"} {"context_title": "Il presidente iraniano Ahmadinejad compie una visita storica in Iraq", "context_date": "2 marzo 2008", "context_left": "Costò più di un milione di morti la ", "context_right": ", che causò uno stallo e uno strappo nella relazione tra i due paesi mediorientali. Le relazioni hanno subito un miglioramento dopo la disfatta del regime di Saddam Hussein nel 2003.", "mention": "guerra Iraq-Iran del 1980", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "82664"} {"context_title": "Twijfels aan eerlijk proces 11-septemberverdachten", "context_date": "12 februari 2008", "context_left": "Bij diverse mensenrechtenorganisaties bestaat twijfel aan de eerlijkheid van het proces dat de verdachten van de ", "context_right": " te wachten staat.", "mention": "aanslagen op 11 september 2001", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Grote anti-terrorismedemonstratie in Barcelona", "context_date": "26 augustus 2017", "context_left": "In Barcelona, een stad die tien dagen geleden door ", "context_right": " met een busje werd getroffen, zijn een half miljoen mensen op de been om te demonstreren tegen terrorisme en voor vrede. Ze brengen ook een eerbetoon aan de 15 slachtoffers die vorige week omkwamen. Het motto van de demonstratie is \"No tinc por\", wat Catalaans is voor \"Ik ben niet bang\".", "mention": "een terroristische aanslag", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "37001445"} {"context_title": "Burundian Hutu extremists have killed 300 civilians in the last two months", "context_date": "August 1, 2005", "context_left": "The FNL, a hardlined splinter group of the \"Partie pour la libération du peuple Hutu\", has been fighting the Burundian government since the mid-1990s. Civilians have borne the brunt of the violence, according to human rights groups. The organisation has consistently been linked with remnants of the Rwandan Hutu militia who carried out the ", "context_right": ", and is believed to share a similar ideology. ", "mention": "1994 genocide", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "131297"} {"context_title": "В Черногории создаётся антикризисный пророссийский офшор", "context_date": "11 февраля 2015", "context_left": "Эта идея и лежит в основе Суверенного Государства Императорский Престол: первоначально государство предполагалось разместить в Екатеринбурге, где находится штаб-квартира Монархической партии и где в 1918 году была ", "context_right": ", впоследствии канонизированная РПЦ. Однако глава современной Российской Федерации Владимир Путин не разрешил выделение там земли в ответ на просьбу Николая III, вследствие чего было решено размещать проект в Черногории, история которой также связана с российской монархией. Предполагается, что Императорский Престол станет культурологическим проектом и туристической достопримечательностью — на его территории будут размещены дворцы, храмы и гостиничные комплексы. Инициаторы проекта начали переговоры с властями Черногории для придания территории Престола особого суверенного статуса по аналогии с Ватиканом, Лихтенштейном, Монако и другими подобными государствами.", "mention": "убита семья Николая II", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1356047"} {"context_title": "Barack Obama respalda la construcción de una mezquita cerca de la Zona Cero de Nueva York", "context_date": "17 de agosto de 2010", "context_left": "Barack Obama, presidente de Estados Unidos, respaldó la construcción de una mezquita cerca de la llamada \"Zona Cero\" de Nueva York, sitio en donde se encontraban las Torres Gemelas y que fueron destruidas en 2001 por ", "context_right": " perpetrados por individuos confesos en la religión islámica.", "mention": "ataques terroristas", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Grand Prix Rosji 2022 zostało odwołane", "context_date": "25 lutego 2022", "context_left": "Podczas ostatniego dnia testów przedsezonowych na torze ", "context_right": ", zespół Haas usunął z samochodu VF-22 logotypy sponsora tytularnego ekipy, firmy Uralkali, rezygnując także z barw, które zostały narzucone przez rosyjskiego sponsora.", "mention": "Circuit de Barcelona-Catalunya", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "171404"} {"context_title": "Навальный согласился на дебаты с Гиркиным", "context_date": "11 июля 2017", "context_left": "Ранее Гиркин участвовал в ", "context_right": " в Приднестровье и в Боснии.", "mention": "вооружённом конфликте", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "285280"} {"context_title": "Prozess gegen Charles Taylor beginnt in Den Haag", "context_date": "04.06.2007", "context_left": " Vor dem Sondergerichtshof in Den Haag beginnt der Prozess gegen den liberianischen Ex-Präsidenten und -Kriegsherrn Charles Taylor wegen Kriegsverbrechen im ", "context_right": ". Es handelt sich um das erste Mal, dass sich ein ehemaliger afrikanischer Staatschef vor einem internationalen Gericht verantworten muss.", "mention": "sierra-leonischen Bürgerkrieg", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "795269"} {"context_title": "انفجار مديرية الأمن بالمنصورة", "context_date": "24 ديسمبر 2013", "context_left": "أدانت الحكومة المصرية التفجير بشدة، وجاء ردها بإعلان الإخوان المسلمين جماعة إرهابية. وقد صرح المستشار الإعلامي شريف شوقي لرئيس الوزراء حازم الببلاوي \"إن رئيس الوزراء شدد على أن هذه الأعمال الإرهابية التى ترتكبها الجماعة لن تثنينا عن المضى قدماً في تنفيذ ", "context_right": " ولن تثنى المواطنين عن الذهاب بكثافة للتصويت على الدستور\".", "mention": "خارطة الطريق", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "13605743"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail, September 2012", "context_date": "October 9, 2012", "context_left": "September opened with the 2012 Democratic National Convention in Charlotte, North Carolina. On the convention's first night, San Antonio Mayor Julian Castro delivered the keynote address, the first Hispanic-American to do so. He discussed the communitarian spirit of the United States and reflected on how his mother \"fought hard for civil rights so that instead of a mop, I could hold this microphone.\" The speech was compared to Barack Obama's keynote address at the ", "context_right": ", and garnered speculation that he would seek higher political office. First Lady Michelle Obama also spoke that night, discussing her husband on a personal level. On the second day, a ruckus ensued as Democrats moved to re-include \"God\" and support of Jerusalem as the Israeli capital in the party's official platform after removal of the items drew criticism leading up to the convention. That night, women's health advocate Sandra Fluke and Massachusetts U.S. Senate candidate Elizabeth Warren each spoke before former President Bill Clinton took the stage to deliver a lengthy, policy-filled speech. In it, Clinton defended Obama's economic policies, arguing that no previous president, including himself, could have fostered complete recovery this soon in the same economic climate. He concluded that the election was ultimately a choice between the \"winner-take-all, you're-on-your-own society\" of the Republicans and the \"we're-all-in-this-together society\" of Obama. On the final night, Vice president Joe Biden spoke before President Obama addressed the convention to officially accept the party's nomination. In his acceptance speech, Obama asked voters to allow his administration to \"finish what we started\", arguing \"it will take more than a few years for us to solve challenges that have built up over decades\" and Republicans offer only policies that have previously failed. ", "mention": "2004 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "359657"} {"context_title": "Pastor Maldonado gewinnt den Großen Preis von Spanien", "context_date": "15.05.2012", "context_left": " Pastor Maldonado hat nach 66 Runden den ", "context_right": " gewonnen. Zweiter wurde Fernando Alonso im Ferrari. Lotus-Fahrer Kimi Räikkönen wurde Dritter. Das Williams-Team gewann mit Juan Pablo Montoya zuletzt einen Grand Prix, den Großen Preis von Brasilien 2004. In bisher fünf Rennen gewannen jeweils fünf verschiedene Fahrer einen Grand Prix.", "mention": "Großen Preis von Spanien", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "173004"} {"context_title": "Uragano Gustav in avvicinamento al Golfo del Messico, disposta l'evacuazione di New Orleans", "context_date": "31 agosto 2008", "context_left": "Nagin ha aggiunto che l'evacuazione «non è un test» e che, nonostante nessuno sia costretto a lasciare la propria casa, non facendolo «corre il pericolo peggiore della sua vita». Le sue preoccupazioni sono rivolte in particolare a quelle zone della città in cui i lavori di protezione dalle inondazioni non sono ancora terminati, ricordando che gli argini della parte occidentale non sono stati corazzati né alzati allo stesso livello di quelli sulla zona orientale e che le difese in costruzione sul canale di Harvey contengono ancora diverse aperture. Secondo il capo della sicurezza nazionale, Michael Chertoff, le difese cittadine sono migliori di quanto non fossero 3 anni fa, quando l'", "context_right": " devastò la città inondandola all'80%, ma ha aggiunto che c'è una «reale possibilità» che l'acqua possa superare le protezioni se Gustav colpisse con la forza di una tempesta di categoria quattro.", "mention": "Uragano Katrina", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "У Либији погинуло 10.000 људи", "context_date": "19. април 2011.", "context_left": " (Beta-AFP) -У ", "context_right": " до сада је погинуло око 10.000 људи, а њих 55.000 је повређено, изјавио је у уторак у Риму италијански министар спољних послова Франко Фратини, након сусрета са шефом либијског Националног савета за транзицију Мустафом Абдел Џалилом.", "mention": "сукобима у Либији", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "81545"} {"context_title": "Edinson Cavani y Gonzalo Jara protagonizaron una polémica en los octavos de final de la Copa América 2015", "context_date": "25 de junio de 2015", "context_left": "El delantero uruguayo Edinson Cavani fue expulsado en el partido que su selección cayó ante Chile ayer por la ", "context_right": " por una agresión en la cara al defensor chileno Gonzalo Jara que previamente lo había provocado.", "mention": "Copa América 2015", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1129985"} {"context_title": "Trial of former Argentine president Jorge Videla begins", "context_date": "July 3, 2010", "context_left": "Videla, aged 84, is on trial regarding the deaths of 31 prisoners who were killed soon after a ", "context_right": ", which saw Videla gain power and led to the so-called \"Dirty War\" soon after. Videla is considered to have been the main force behind the violence, which killed an estimated 30,000 people.", "mention": "1976 coup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1048750"} {"context_title": "Первая в истории женского биатлона чемпионка мира из Финляндии", "context_date": "7 марта 2011", "context_left": "Финская биатлонистка Кайса Мякяряйнен завоевала 5 марта на ", "context_right": " в Ханты-Мансийске серебряную, а 6 марта — золотую медаль.", "mention": "Чемпионате мира по биатлону", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "430935"} {"context_title": "Un véhicule piégé neutralisé à New York", "context_date": "2 mai 2010", "context_left": "New York demeure en état d'alerte avancé depuis les ", "context_right": " du 11 septembre 2001. L'an dernier, la police a déjoué un projet d'attentat contre le métro de la ville. Deux hommes ont plaidé coupables dans l'enquête sur cette affaire.", "mention": "attentats", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Суд в Аргентине признал церковь пособницей диктатуры", "context_date": "14 февраля 2013", "context_left": "Период с 1976 года по 1983 в Аргентине известен как «", "context_right": "» () — общее название для мер государственного терроризма (массовые похищения, пытки, бессудные казни), предпринимавшихся аргентинскими военными диктатурами и достигших наивысшей точки во время правления последней в XX веке военной хунты в 1976—1983 гг. Являлась частью операции «Кондор».", "mention": "Грязная война", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "75984"} {"context_title": "All Renault front row for 2006 Canadian Grand Prix", "context_date": "June 24, 2006", "context_left": "Renault drivers Fernando Alonso and his teammate Giancarlo Fisicella won the front row on the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " at the Circuit Gilles Villeneuve on an island in the St. Lawrence River.", "mention": "Canadian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "66038"} {"context_title": "Chinese premier Wen Jiabao visits Shakespeare's birthplace", "context_date": "June 27, 2011", "context_left": "The Chinese are interested in British happenings. About 30 million Chinese watched ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "the recent Royal wedding", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "486814"} {"context_title": "Terremoto de 7,6 grados se registró en la zona sur de Chile", "context_date": "25 de diciembre de 2016", "context_left": "Este sismo recordó a muchos el ", "context_right": " que se registró en 1960 en Valdivia y que tuvo una magnitud de 9,5 grados, provocando el fallecimiento de 2 mil personas junto a 2 millones que quedaron damnificadas.", "mention": "megaterremoto", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "212618"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Australian Paralympic skier Andrew Bor", "context_date": "December 11, 2012", "context_left": " You've gotten support because of the performance in ", "context_right": "? The government has been supporting you guys?", "mention": "Vancouver", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "641965"} {"context_title": "Kimi Räikkönen on the pole of 2006 Italian Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 9, 2006", "context_left": "Kimi Räikkönen won the qualification on the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " on the Autodromo Nazionale Monza racing track. Michael Schumacher, who will declare his future in Formula-1 on Sunday after the race, came second. BMW Sauber's Nick Heidfeld placed third, one of his best results so far. ", "mention": "Italian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "221461"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2009 Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_date": "July 26, 2009", "context_left": "McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " ING Magyar Nagydij at the Hungaroring, just outside of Budapest, Hungary.", "mention": "2009", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172010"} {"context_title": "Телевізійний сюжет про напад на Грузію призвів до паніки та скандалу", "context_date": "15 березня 2010", "context_left": "Репортаж грузинської телекомпанії «Імеді», що містив моделювання можливого вторгнення Росії до Грузії схожого на ", "context_right": " викликав паніку серед населення, протести грузинської опозиції та осуд світової спільноти. ", "mention": "війну 2008 року", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Познато 12 од 16 учесника Европског првенства 2012. године", "context_date": "11. октобар 2011.", "context_left": "(Beta) - После завршеног првог дела квалификација за ", "context_right": " године познато је 12 од 16 учесника турнира који ће се идућег лета одржати у Пољској и Украјини.", "mention": "Европско првенство у фудбалу 2012.", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Deutsche Frauen-Fußballnationalmannschaft erneut Europameister", "context_date": "10.09.2009", "context_left": " Die deutsche Fußballnationalmannschaft der Frauen hat heute die ", "context_right": " gewonnen. Das Team um Trainerin Silvia Neid besiegte den Finalgegner England deutlich mit 6:2 (2:1). Der Turniersieg in Helsinki stellt den siebten Europameisterschaftstitel Deutschlands dar, es ist der fünfte Gewinn in Folge. ", "mention": "Europameisterschaft in Finnland", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "737666"} {"context_title": "Еро осудио заузимање џамије", "context_date": "20. октобар 2012.", "context_left": "На сајту организације Генерација идентитета наведено је да се са „велике џамије у Поатјеу упућује позив на поновно освајање“ и подсећа да ће се ускоро „навршити 1.300 година откако је Карло Мартел ", "context_right": " Мавре у Поатјеу“.", "mention": "поразио", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "173077"} {"context_title": "Волгоград на шесть дней переименуют в Сталинград", "context_date": "31 января 2013", "context_left": "В тот же день начнутся празднования 70-ой годовщины ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Сталинградской битвы", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "38789"} {"context_title": "China urges Obama to cancel Dalai Lama visit", "context_date": "February 2, 2010", "context_left": "Tibet saw ", "context_right": " in March of 2008, and riots and demonstrations are a regular occurrence, although the Chinese Government believes that its policies in Tibet are correct.", "mention": "major unrest", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545068"} {"context_title": "Nichtregierungsorganisationen kritisieren Afrikapolitik der G8", "context_date": "29.05.2007", "context_left": " Vertreter der Nichtregierungsorganisationen Oxfam Deutschland, Attac Deutschland und des Bündnisses Gerechtigkeit jetzt! übten heute in Berlin Kritik an der Afrikapolitik der G8. In einer gemeinsamen Presseerklärung werden verschiedene Kritikpunkte dargelegt. Laut tagesschau.de bezeichneten Vertreter der NGOs die beim ", "context_right": " angestrebten Ziele als „wohlfeile Rhetorik“ und „Ablenkungsmanöver“.", "mention": "G8-Gipfel in Heiligendamm 2007", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "819346"} {"context_title": "English Football Association sacks national team manager Steve McClaren", "context_date": "November 22, 2007", "context_left": "The decision was announced by the FA chief executive Brian Barwick in a press conference held this morning after widespread speculation due to the poor performance of the English national team which last night failed to qualify for the ", "context_right": " competition. The cost of removing him from his post is thought to cost £2.6 million.", "mention": "UEFA Euro 2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "CNN Gründer Ted Turner kritisiert Fox TV als Propagandamaschine von US-Präsident Bush", "context_date": "28.01.2005", "context_left": "Während CNN mit seiner Berichterstattung vom ", "context_right": " 1991 journalistisch und kommerziell erfolgreich war, konnte der Sender dies beim zweiten Irak-Krieg 2003 nicht wiederholen und verlor den ersten Platz in der Gunst der Zuschauer an Fox TV, dessen Berichterstattung als „patriotischer“ bezeichnet wird.", "mention": "ersten Krieg gegen den Irak", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, June 2016", "context_date": "July 17, 2016", "context_left": "With the National Basketball Association concluding its season in June, Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban has a new sport to follow. As he revealed last August in a chat on his social media app Cyber Dust, \"5 weeks till training camp [...] [b]ut until then Donald Trump watching is a sport.\" Though Cuban, a fellow businessman and billionaire, then praised Trump's unconventional candidacy as \"probably the best thing to happen to politics in a long, long time\", and even offered himself as a possible running mate, he has since grown critical of the presumptive Republican presidential nominee, questioning his wealth, temperament, and business acumen. The marked change has led to speculation about Cuban's own political aspirations. In May, members of the #NeverTrump movement approached him about running for president as an independent, which he rejected. He did, however, open himself to running as the running mate for presumptive Democratic nominee Hillary Clinton, punctuating that possibility with a statement that he is leaning toward voting for her over Trump in November. As the ", "context_right": " approaches, Cuban has continued to express his interest in the position.", "mention": "2016 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16156276"} {"context_title": "東日本大震災で災害派遣中に後輩巡査に手錠かけ全裸撮影、兵庫県警が6人処分", "context_date": "2011年8月23日", "context_left": "読売新聞・毎日新聞によると、東日本大震災に伴って発生した", "context_right": "で周辺警戒のため福島県に派遣中、宿泊先で悪ふざけで後輩を全裸にして写真を撮影したとして、兵庫県警は8月23日(UTC+9)に、同県警尼崎東署の男性巡査(21歳)を戒告処分、上司の男性巡査部長(27歳)ら5人を本部長訓戒もしくは所属長注意とした。", "mention": "福島第一原子力発電所事故", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Kosmala's 2012 Games inclusion highlights Australian Paralympians' longevity", "context_date": "June 8, 2012", "context_left": "At the 2008 Beijing Games she narrowly missed a medal, coming fourth in the Women's Air Rifle Standing SH1. In 2011 at the IPC Shooting World Cup, her level of competitiveness was highlighted by finishing fifth in the final of the Women’s 10m Air Rifle Standing SH1. Kosmala is looking forward to the London Games saying: \"It's very exciting. I'm looking forward to it. In over ten Paralympic Games, my greatest success was at ", "context_right": " in 1984, so I'm looking forward to competing in London again for Australia\".", "mention": "Stoke Mandeville", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "599707"} {"context_title": "Barcelona footballer Éric Abidal to undergo liver transplant", "context_date": "March 16, 2012", "context_left": "His club did not estimate how long he will be out of action, and there is serious doubt as to whether or not Abidal will be fit in time to make the French side for the ", "context_right": " Championships, set to be held between June and July in Poland and Ukraine. Teammates posted messages at social networking site Twitter to convey their goodwill for the defender. Forward David Villa, who is currently out of action with a broken leg, said, \"All my strength for Abidal! You will get through it. You are very strong. We will all be by your side.\" \"You will return and you will do it like always, being the best\", wrote central defender Gerard Pique. \"You are an example for everyone.\"", "mention": "Euro 2012", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "En el partido inaugural de la Copa América de fútbol Argentina empató con Bolivia 1-1", "context_date": "2 de julio de 2011", "context_left": "En el partido inaugural de la ", "context_right": " empataron las selecciones de fútbol de Argentina y Bolivia uno a uno, en el estadio Ciudad de la Plata bajo el arbitraje del uruguayo Roberto Silvera.", "mention": "Copa América", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "В Московской области открылись классы по изучению армянского языка", "context_date": "21 ноября 2013", "context_left": "В муниципальном образовании Дмитриевский район Московской области стали действовать два класса изучения армянского языка. Здесь проживет много армян — в основном это граждане, приехавшие в 1990-е годы, когда Армения оказалась в тяжёлой ситуации после катастрофического и разрушительного ", "context_right": " и распада Советского Союза. Кроме того, среди них есть те, которые спаслись бегством от азербайджанских погромов в Сумгаите и Баку, а также мирные граждане, которые в результате вооруженной агрессии Азербайджана против Армении и Нагорно-Карабахской республики, были вынуждены покинуть свои родные дома.", "mention": "Спитакского землетрясения", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "815567"} {"context_title": "Encerra o leilão de objetos pessoais dos franceses, o falecido estilista Yves Saint Laurent e o empresário Pierre Bergé", "context_date": "26 de fevereiro de 2009", "context_left": "Durante a ", "context_right": ", em outubro de 1860, as tropas francesas e britânicas invadiram Pequim, depois da negativa da corte imperial chinês de autorizar a abertura de embaixadas como estabelecia o Tratado de Tianjin, assinado dois anos antes.", "mention": "Segunda Guerra do Ópio", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "418151"} {"context_title": "Al Gore endorses Obama for US President", "context_date": "June 16, 2008", "context_left": "In an email sent to Obama supporters, Al Gore voices his support for the presumptive nominee. \"From now through Election Day,\" he writes, \"I intend to do whatever I can to make sure he is elected President of the United States.\" He believes that Obama is the candidate who will \"bring change to America\" in issues such as the ", "context_right": ", the American economy, and climate change.", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Atentado en Osetia del Sur mata a siete militares rusos", "context_date": "3 de octubre de 2008", "context_left": "El atentado se produjo a las 16.45, hora local, con 20 kg de TNT, junto al edificio en el que se encuentra el Estado Mayor de las tropas de paz rusas desplegadas después de la ", "context_right": ". Las autoridades rusas afirmaron haber detenido a otros dos vehículos con cuatro georgianos que portaban armamento ligero y 20 kilos de explosivo.", "mention": "guerra con Georgia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Post-Kyoto agreement is subject of G8 debate", "context_date": "June 7, 2007", "context_left": "Leaders from the 7 richest industrialised countries and Russia will have to deal with climate issues at the ", "context_right": " in Heiligendamm, Germany. While France and Germany are calling for quantifiable greenhouse gas emission cuts, the U.S. and Japan believe that growing economies such as India and China would need to join in on such efforts.", "mention": "33rd G8 summit", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "819346"} {"context_title": "Gobierno de Cuba no reconoce al CNT de Libia mientras haya conflicto en ese país", "context_date": "6 de septiembre de 2011", "context_left": "El Gobierno cubano, por medio de su Ministerio de Relaciones Exteriores, dejó en claro el sábado pasado que no reconoce al Consejo Nacional de Transición de Libia por considerar la forma como los rebeldes se impusieron en el poder en ese país y la ayuda que recibieron de la OTAN. Con ello, procedió a evacuar el personal diplomático de la isla caribeña y se suma a los países que se oponen a la ", "context_right": " en el país magrebí.", "mention": "intervención occidental", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "210714"} {"context_title": "Kanadisches Parlament lehnt Verlängerung der Anti-Terror-Gesetze ab", "context_date": "01.03.2007", "context_left": " Das kanadische Parlament hat mit einer Mehrheit von 159 zu 124 Stimmen eine Verlängerung der Anti-Terror-Gesetze abgelehnt. Die Gesetze wurden als Reaktion auf die ", "context_right": " erlassen und waren zunächst auf fünf Jahre befristet; danach bedurfte es einer erneuten Legitimation durch das House of Commons.", "mention": "Terroranschläge vom 11. September 2001", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Парастос и комеморација Србима страдалим у акцији Олуја", "context_date": "4. август 2009.", "context_left": "Београд / Србија (Глас Америке) - У Хрватској се данас обележава и слави државни празник Дан победе и домовинске захвалности и Дан хрватских бранитеља. У Београду, служен је парастос и одржана је комеморација Србима страдалим у ", "context_right": ", која је започела на данашњи дан пре 14 година. Као симболички гест, избегли Срби из Хрватске окачили су кључеве својих станова у које не могу да се врате.", "mention": "акцији Олуја", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "769377"} {"context_title": "Three FIFA officials suspended for ninety days", "context_date": "October 9, 2015", "context_left": "The suspensions have been issued by FIFA's Independent Ethics Committee, in the wake of the decision of Swiss authorities to investigate possible criminal charges against Blatter. The authorities are looking into an \"unfavourable\" contract signed by Blatter and a \"disloyal payment\" involving Platini. Valcke was already suspended from his job, allegedly involved in a controversy about FIFA World Cup tickets. These followed a US investigation in May 2015, which implicated fourteen FIFA employees in bribery and racketeering, and a Swiss inquiry about the conduct of the 2018 and ", "context_right": " bidding process.", "mention": "2022 FIFA World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel wins 2009 Japanese Grand Prix", "context_date": "October 4, 2009", "context_left": "Lewis Hamilton, winner of the ", "context_right": ", closed the podium for McLaren having started from third place on the grid.", "mention": "previous Grand Prix at Singapore", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172927"} {"context_title": "Naomi Campbell wird 40 – und hat Ärger", "context_date": "24.05.2010", "context_left": "Pünktlich zu ihrem Geburtstag bekam die Diva nun von ganz ungewohnter Seite Ärger: Im Verfahren gegen den vor dem Sondergerichtshof für Sierra Leone angeklagten Charles Taylor, den ehemaligen Staatspräsidenten von Liberia, soll Campbell als Zeugin vorgeladen werden. Das Verfahren findet aus Sicherheitsgründen am Sitz des Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs in Den Haag statt. Dem 62-jährigen Taylor werden Kriegsverbrechen und Verbrechen gegen die Menschlichkeit im Zusammenhang mit dem ", "context_right": " in elf Fällen vorgeworfen. In diesem Bürgerkrieg wurden etwa 120.000 Menschen getötet. Campbell soll vernommen werden, weil sie nach den Angaben der Schauspielerin Mia Farrow und ihrer früheren Agentin Carole White von Taylor einen Diamanten als Geschenk angenommen haben soll.", "mention": "Bürgerkrieg in Sierra Leone", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "795269"} {"context_title": "Turkey mourns flotilla dead", "context_date": "June 4, 2010", "context_left": "Funerals and prayers for nine activists, who died in Israel's ", "context_right": ", were held in Istanbul on Thursday. ", "mention": "Gaza flotilla raid", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "205512"} {"context_title": "Ο Αλεχάντρο Σαμπέγια είναι ο νέος προπονητής της Εθνικής Αργεντινής", "context_date": "31 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Ποδοσφαιρική Ομοσπονδία της Αργεντινής αποφάσισε να προβεί σε αλλαγή προπονητή, αφού έληξε τη συνεργασία με τον Σέρχιο Μπατίστα, λόγω της αποτυχίας στο ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "Russia ends "counterterrorism operation" in Chechnya", "context_date": "April 25, 2009", "context_left": "The republic of Chechnya has undergone two separatist wars in the past 15 years. The ", "context_right": " started in 1994 and was ended after about 21 months with the withdrawal of the Russian army. The second one started in October 1999 with the heaviest battles in 2002. Still, there is a conflict between the two parties concerning the independence of the republic from Russia. More than 100,000 people were killed in both wars, which makes about 10 per cent of the population of Chechnya. The announcement of the withdrawal of the Russian forces is seen as an official ending of the second war.", "mention": "first one", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "29269"} {"context_title": "Indígenas de vários países se reúnem na Rio+20 para apresentar propostas estratégicas", "context_date": "15 de junho de 2012", "context_left": "A ideia é fazer uma reedição da Kari-Oca, como a que houve na ", "context_right": ". O objetivo é permitir que as sugestões apresentadas pelos líderes indígenas sejam analisadas pelos chefes de Estado e de Governo que se reunirão entre os dias 20 e 22. O documento final, a ser elaborado pelos índios, se baseará em três eixos: a cultura como parte essencial da economia verde, a soberania alimentar no mundo moderno e a sustentabilidade.", "mention": "ECO-92", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "751149"} {"context_title": "Argentina defeats Paraguay 6-1 in Copa America 2015 semi-finals", "context_date": "July 2, 2015", "context_left": "On Tuesday, Argentina defeated Paraguay 6–1 in the second semi-final of the ", "context_right": " which was held in Concepción city of Chile to reach the finals.", "mention": "2015", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1129985"} {"context_title": "Ha fallecido el vicepresidente cubano Juan Almeida", "context_date": "12 de septiembre de 2009", "context_left": "El vicepresidente cubano Juan Almeida Bosque, considerado el \"número tres\" de la ", "context_right": ", falleció anoche a las 23:30, hora cubana, a los 82 años de edad, a causa de un paro cardiorespiratorio. El hecho ha sido dado a conocer a la opinión pública en el día de hoy, a través de un comunicado difundido en el diario \"Granma\", de carácter oficialista.", "mention": "Revolución cubana", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "11264"} {"context_title": "Седамдесет година од историјске параде у Москви", "context_date": "7. новембар 2011.", "context_left": "У совјетским временима, војна парада се одржавала сваког седмог новембра, празника који је обележавао ", "context_right": " године који и данас обележава велики број старијих Руса. Русија је овај празник укинула 2005. године.", "mention": "Октобарску револуцију 1917.", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "42976"} {"context_title": "Se descubre la causa del incendio de la Torre Grenfell de Londres", "context_date": "23 de junio de 2017", "context_left": "Las autoridades británicas desvelaron las causas del ", "context_right": " en la torre de apartamentos Grenfell, en Londres ocurrido el pasado 14 de junio. La causa habría sido por una nevera que tuvo una falla técnica, generando así el incendio.", "mention": "incendio", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "30274958"} {"context_title": "Estados Unidos analiza nuevo video de Bin Laden", "context_date": "7 de septiembre de 2007", "context_left": " El gobierno estadounidense ha informado que obtuvo un nuevo video en el cual el líder de la red Al Qaeda, Osama bin Laden, hace referencia al sexto aniversario de los ", "context_right": " y afirma que Estados Unidos es vulnerable a pesar de su poder militar y económico.", "mention": "atentados del 11 de septiembre de 2001", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Обама обратился к кубинскому народу", "context_date": "23 марта 2016", "context_left": "«", "context_right": " произошла в том же году, в котором мой отец приехал в США из Кении», — напомнил Обама, выразив сожаление, что после этого США и Куба находились в состоянии бесконечной конфронтации, однажды доведя мир до грани ядерной войны.", "mention": "Кубинская революция", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "11264"} {"context_title": "Пакистан и Индия сбивают самолёты друг друга", "context_date": "27 февраля 2019", "context_left": "Ранее территориальный спор оборачивался тремя войнами. См.: Первая индо-пакистанская война (21 октября 1947 года — 31 декабря 1948 года), ", "context_right": " (август — сентябрь 1965 года), Третья индо-пакистанская война (декабрь 1971 года).", "mention": "Вторая индо-пакистанская война", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "233583"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2008 Chinese Grand Prix", "context_date": "October 19, 2008", "context_left": "In the sight of the ", "context_right": " Lewis Hamilton now has a perfect chances to win the championship with 94 points, 7 points ahead of Felipe Massa. Robert Kubica didn't performed well this weekend and lose all mathematical chances to win as well as the other drivers in the standings more than 10 points after Lewis. The 2-3 podium double allowed Ferrari to lead the Constructors' standings with 156 points, 11 points ahead of McLaren and 21 ahead of BMW.", "mention": "final round in Brazil", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "54431"} {"context_title": "紐約市政府公布911事件罹難者錄音", "context_date": "2006年3月31日", "context_left": "在", "context_right": "發生四年多後,紐約市政府公布了一些於911事件中罹難者的電話錄音記錄。", "mention": "911事件", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "В Рівному порушено карну справу за сприяння виборчим фальсифікаціям", "context_date": "21 березня 2005", "context_left": "В місті Рівне порушену карну справу проти оперуповноваженого УМВС Михайло Кругляка за фактом службової недбалості. Порушення справи стало наслідком недбалого ставлення до своїх обов’язків під час другого туру ", "context_right": " Президента України 21 листопада.", "mention": "виборів", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "568458"} {"context_title": "Many nations offer material aid to hurricane victims; Bush refuses to accept", "context_date": "September 3, 2005", "context_left": "Over twenty five nations have offered aid in the wake of ", "context_right": ". In particular, France has offered the use of its resources in the Caribbean sea, including 2 navy ships, 1 navy hospital, 8 planes, 600 tents, 1000 beds, and rescuers. President George W. Bush has refused such material aid to the hurricane's victims, although cash donations will be accepted. He explained his reasons to ABC News:", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Polnischer Präsident bei Flugzeugabsturz gestorben", "context_date": "11.04.2010", "context_left": " Der polnische Präsident Lech Kaczyński (60) ist gestern beim Absturz einer Passagiermaschine vom Typ Tupolew Tu-154M beim Anflug auf die russische Stadt Smolensk ums Leben gekommen. Er befand sich auf dem Weg zu einer Gedenkveranstaltung anlässlich der Ermordung polnischer Soldaten beim ", "context_right": " vor 70 Jahren. Unter den Toten sind neben der First Lady Maria Kaczyńska auch der Präsident der polnischen Zentralbank, der Generalstabschef der Streitkräfte, die Oberbefehlshaber von Luftwaffe, Heer und Marine und mehrere stellvertretende Minister und Staatssekretäre sowie 14 Abgeordnete des Sejm und drei Mitglieder des Polnischen Senats.", "mention": "Massaker von Katyn", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "134301"} {"context_title": "Regazzoni dies in road accident", "context_date": "December 15, 2006", "context_left": "Regazzoni was victorious five times during his F1 career, most notably his last win at the ", "context_right": " where he won the first of over 100 wins for the Williams team. ", "mention": "1979 British Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "171775"} {"context_title": "訃報・ジェームズ・シゲタ氏 - 日系アメリカ人俳優、ダイ・ハードなどに出演", "context_date": "2014年7月31日", "context_left": "同氏は、1933年6月にハワイホノルルで生まれた。ニューヨーク大学中退後、海兵隊員として", "context_right": "に従軍していた経験もある。学生時代に、オーディション番組で優勝、歌手として活動を始め1950年代には日本でも活動しており、NHK紅白歌合戦に2度出場した。。その後アメリカに帰国し、1959年の映画『クリムゾン・キモノ』で映画デビューした。", "mention": "朝鮮戦争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Pakistan coach's death 'suspicious'", "context_date": "March 21, 2007", "context_left": "The death of Bob Woolmer, Pakistan's cricket coach at the ", "context_right": " in the West Indies, has been officially labelled \"suspicious\" by the deputy commissioner of police, Mark Shields, in Jamaica today. ", "mention": "2007 Cricket World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1127675"} {"context_title": "Se clausuran los Juegos Mundiales 2013 en Cali", "context_date": "5 de agosto de 2013", "context_left": "Luego de las palabras de Ron Froelich, las banderas del Comité Olímpico Internacioanl, IWGA, Cali y Colombia que hasta el momento y desde la inauguración de los juegos estaban izadas en el Pascual Guerrero fueron bajadas. Adriana Ávila y Jéfferson Benjumea, medallistas de oro en baile deportivo modalidad Salsa, fueron los encargados de entregar la bandera de los juegos a los organizadores de las ", "context_right": ", que tendrán lugar en Breslavia, Polonia. El Alcalde de la ciudad polaca, Rafał Dutkiewicz, tomó la palabra e invitó a los presentes para que asistieran a los Juegos Mundiales en esa ciudad.", "mention": "próximas justas", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "3083264"} {"context_title": "Hurricane Rita makes landfall", "context_date": "September 24, 2005", "context_left": "New Orleans' Ninth Ward, which saw as much as 20 feet of water during ", "context_right": ", is currently in waist high water as a nearby levee was overtopped. Water is spilling over the levee in a section 100 feet wide. There are reports of damage or leakage at three levee breaches.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Dois políticos são condenados a prisão perpétua por genocídio em Ruanda", "context_date": "24 de dezembro de 2011", "context_left": "O Tribunal Penal Internacional para o Ruanda (TPIR), que tem o suporte das Nações Unidas, condenou dois políticos ruandeses pelo ", "context_right": " ocorrido em 1994.", "mention": "genocídio em Ruanda", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "131297"} {"context_title": "Srbija u četvrtfinalu Evropskog prvenstva", "context_date": "11. септембар 2011.", "context_left": "(Beta) - Košarkaška reprezentacija Srbije plasirala se u četvrtfinale ", "context_right": ", pošto je u nedelju u Viljnusu pobedila Tursku sa 68:67 (18:11, 15:16, 23:26, 12:14).", "mention": "Evropskog prvenstva u Litvaniji", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "204133"} {"context_title": ""Massive" oil spill in Alaska", "context_date": "March 13, 2006", "context_left": "BBC News is reporting \"up to 267,000 gallons (one million litres)\" of crude oil has leaked from a pipeline in the Prudhoe Bay oilfield. Although not as large as the ", "context_right": " in 1989, this is thought to be the largest spill on record affecting the Alaska North Slope.", "mention": "Exxon Valdez oil spill", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1196587"} {"context_title": "Bombenanschläge in Kairo", "context_date": "23.02.2009", "context_left": "Ägyptische Medienvertreter gehen davon aus, dass aufgebrachte Jugendliche den Anschlag vom Sonntag verübten. Der islamistische Anwalt Muntassir al Zayat vermutet als Motiv für die Tat die Unzufriedenheit Jugendlicher, die sich von der ägyptischen Regierung im Stich gelassen fühlten und von der Haltung der Regierung im jüngsten ", "context_right": " enttäuscht seien.", "mention": "Gaza-Konflikt", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "170682"} {"context_title": "Demokratie auf jungen Beinen – Osttimor vor der Präsidentenwahl", "context_date": "13.03.2012", "context_left": "Spannend wird auch, ob es nach den Wahlen ruhig bleibt. Nach den Parlamentswahlen von 2007 kam es zu Unruhen durch enttäuschte FRETILIN-Anhänger. Die Lage ist weniger angespannt, aber die Demokratie ist noch jung und ihre Regeln sind noch nicht tief in den Herzen der Menschen verwurzelt. Der Botschafter Indonesiens hat bereits angekündigt, dass es Pläne zur Evakuierung indonesischer Staatsbürger gibt, falls es zu Unruhen komme. Stabilisierend wirken die internationalen Streitkräfte der ", "context_right": " und die Polizisten der UN-Mission UNMIT, die seit den Unruhen von 2006 in Osttimor stationiert sind. Bleibt alles friedlich, ist ihr Abzug für Dezember 2012 vorgesehen. Ab Samstag wird sich zeigen, ob der kleine Staat am anderen Ende der Welt weiter auf dem Weg des Friedens und der Stabilität gehen wird oder ob er erneut einen Rückschlag im Wiederaufbau nach der indonesischen Fremdherrschaft hinnehmen muss.", "mention": "ISF", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "1666929"} {"context_title": "Wheelchair Rugby Tri-Nations Series begins in Sydney", "context_date": "September 20, 2013", "context_left": "All three teams are highly ranked internationally. The United States team is ranked number one in the world. It won bronze at the 2004 Summer Paralympics in Athens, gold at the 2008 Summer Paralympics in Beijing, and bronze at the 2012 Summer Paralympics in London, and is the current world champion. This is its first visit to Australia since the ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "2000 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "855688"} {"context_title": "Bundestagswahl 2013 – Deutschland hat gewählt", "context_date": "23.09.2013", "context_left": " Rund 62 Millionen Wahlberechtigte waren am gestrigen Sonntag bei der ", "context_right": " aufgerufen, die rund 620 Abgeordneten für den Deutschen Bundestag auf die kommenden vier Jahre zu wählen. Mit rund 72 Prozent lag die Wahlbeteiligung etwas höher als vor vier Jahren, als die Wahlbeteiligung auf den niedrigsten Wert seit 1949 gefallen war. Eine höhere Wahlbeteiligung zeichnet sich auch bei der parallel stattfindenden Landtagswahl in Hessen ab.", "mention": "Bundestagswahl 2013", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "555931"} {"context_title": "イングランドも1次予選敗退決定 56年ぶりの屈辱 - 2014W杯サッカー", "context_date": "2014年6月21日", "context_left": "時事通信によると、イングランドサッカー協会のグレッグ・ダイク会長は現地6月20日、同代表のロイ・ホジソン監督を契約通りに2016年まで続投させる意向であることをイギリス放送協会(BBC)を初めとする複数のメディアが報じていると伝えた。ホジソン氏は2012年5月に4年契約を結んで同代表監督に就任したが、その年の", "context_right": "ではイタリアとのPK戦の死闘に敗れベスト8止まりに終わり、今回のW杯では20代前後のスターリングやバークリーといった選手を起用するも開幕から連敗を喫した。", "mention": "ヨーロッパ選手権大会", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Обама планирует посетить Кубу", "context_date": "18 февраля 2016", "context_left": "В декабре 2014 года Обама и кубинский лидер Рауль Кастро объявили, что Вашингтон и Гавана намерены восстановить официальные дипломатические отношения, разорванные вскоре после того, как в 1959 году коммунистический лидер Фидель Кастро ", "context_right": " многолетнего диктатора Фульхенсио Батисту.", "mention": "сверг", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "11264"} {"context_title": "All-Ferrari front row on 2006 Turkish Grand Prix", "context_date": "August 26, 2006", "context_left": "Second Ferrari driver Felipe Massa won the first place on the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " on the Istanbul Park racing track. His teammate Michael Schumacher qualified right after him.", "mention": "Turkish Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "664771"} {"context_title": "2018년과 2022년 FIFA 월드컵 유치 후보 확정", "context_date": "2009년 3월 17일", "context_left": "FIFA는 입찰 등록 마감시한이었던 3월 17일까지 2018년 FIFA 월드컵과 ", "context_right": "의 11개 개최 후보의 유치 신청서를 받았다. FIFA 월드컵 유치 신청 후보는 대한민국, 러시아, 멕시코, 미국, 오스트레일리아, 인도네시아, 일본, 잉글랜드, 카타르와 공동 개최를 신청한 네덜란드 - 벨기에, 스페인 - 포르투갈이다.", "mention": "2022년 FIFA 월드컵", "context_lang": "ko", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "España campeón de la Eurocopa 2012", "context_date": "1 de julio de 2012", "context_left": "El éxito de la \"Roja\" los reivindican como la mejor selección de fútbol y hacen historia, ya que son los actuales campeones del mundo tras ganar el Mundial celebrado en Sudáfrica 2010, y renombrar su título de Eurocopa ganado hace 4 años atrás en ", "context_right": ". Por otro lado es la primera final de Eurocopa en haber un resultado muy amplio con respecto a su adversario. De igual forma, Fernando Torres se consolida como el primer jugador en marcar un gol en dos finales de Eurocopa consecutivas, tanto en la 2008 como en la 2012.", "mention": "Austria y Suiza 2008", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "Jokela High School reopens after deadly multiple shooting", "context_date": "November 17, 2007", "context_left": "Jokela High School in Tuusula, Finland, scene of the ", "context_right": ", has recommenced classes. Earlier this month, student Pekka-Eric Auvinen, 18, fatally wounded eight people with his handgun before turning the weapon on himself in the country's worst ever school shooting. He died later in hospital, having never regained consciousness.", "mention": "Jokela school shooting", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "600836"} {"context_title": "Ancora paura a Boston, sparatoria al MIT", "context_date": "19 aprile 2013", "context_left": "Nel corso della mattinata statunitense gli organi di polizia hanno individuato e reso note le generalità dei due malviventi: si tratta di due giovani fratelli di origine cecena, il ventiseienne Tamerlan Tsarnaev, rimasto ucciso nel corso della fuga, e Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, di anni diciannove ed ancora latitante. Da tempo i due fratelli risiedevano sul suolo americano, la famiglia era infatti fuggita dalla Cecenia ", "context_right": " per rifugiarsi in Kirghizistan; nel 2005 i due fratelli erano giunti negli Stati Uniti stabilendosi a Cambridge dove tutt'ora frequentavano la scuola e parevano, a detta dei conoscenti intervistati, ormai integrati nel tessuto sociale.", "mention": "durante la guerra", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "29269"} {"context_title": "Tapijt van Bayeux wordt uitgeleend aan het Verenigd Koninkrijk", "context_date": "18 januari 2018", "context_left": "Verder werd ook de besproken, en de toekomstige relatie tussen beide landen. Als bij wijze van gift wil Macron het 70-meter lange tapijt van Bayeux binnen een jaar of vijf aan het Verenigd Koninkrijk uitlenen. Het kunstwerk moet eerst gerenoveerd worden. Het Museum van Bayeux wil daarvoor een partnerschap sluiten met enkele Britse museums. Het Franse museum zelf krijgt ondertussen een opknapbeurt waar het tapijt pas in 2024 terug te zien zal zijn, net voor de 80ste verjaardag van de ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "slag om Normandië", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "8641370"} {"context_title": "Eleven days later, a survivor pulled from rubble after Chinese earthquake", "context_date": "May 25, 2008", "context_left": "This was the largest earthquake to strike the region in almost 60 years. The ", "context_right": " in China's history was of magnitude 7.8, striking Tangshan in 1976. Approximately 250,000 people were killed. On May 23, a man who survived that quake after being buried for 10 days, was found alive in the rubble of an office building in Beichuan. He was the only survivor.", "mention": "deadliest quake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "462195"} {"context_title": "Corea del Norte amenaza con atacar militarmente a sus vecinos del sur", "context_date": "27 de mayo de 2009", "context_left": "En una declaración, este miércoles, el gobierno de Pyongyang reafirmó que considerará la decisión de Seúl como un acto de guerra y que no se verá obligado por armisticio de 1953 que puso fin a la ", "context_right": ". Sin embargo, las dos Coreas nunca llegaron a firmar un acuerdo para poner fin a su guerra.", "mention": "Guerra de Corea", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Итоги конкурса «Статьи года проекта „Футбол“ — 2017»", "context_date": "20 декабря 2017", "context_left": "В номинации «История и культура футбола» победу с 16 голосами «За» одержала статья ", "context_right": ". Она же победила в абсолютной номинации, повторив рекорд конкурса по итоговой разнице голосов (+16). Основной автор этой статьи — , в 2015 году уже побеждавший со статьёй Сборная Германии по футболу, написанной совместно с . Второе и третье места поделили статьи одного автора () — они набрали по 15 голосов за — Футбол в европейской живописи и Футбол в советском изобразительном искусстве. Жюри конкурса отметило работу участника , написавшего две статьи на тему футбола в изобразительном искусстве, обе набрали большое количество голосов. «Статьёй-первопроходцем», первой получившей статус Хорошей статьи, стал «Футбол в европейской живописи», и ей был вручён «Приз жюри».", "mention": "Футбольный матч Бразилия — Германия (2014)", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "17329128"} {"context_title": "В Нью-Йорке состоялась церемония в память о 70-й годовщине депортации крымских татар", "context_date": "19 мая 2014", "context_left": "В воскресенье, 18 мая 2014 года, в Нью-Йорке, на кладбище «Мемориальный парк им. Вашингтона» в Лонг-Айленде, состоялась торжественная церемония, посвященная 70-летию ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "депортации крымских татар в 1944 году", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1775286"} {"context_title": "贝鲁斯科尼承诺与美保持良好关系", "context_date": "2008年12月21日", "context_left": "贝卢斯科尼星期六对记者说,他已经与奥巴马通过电话。他表示,看不到有任何理由可以让两国的良好关系停止不前。尽管布什总统在意大利并不受欢迎,而且意大利民众反对", "context_right": ",但是贝卢斯科尼一直是布什总统最坚定的盟友之一。", "mention": "伊拉克战争", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "アルカーイダメンバーら脱獄、イエメンの刑務所で", "context_date": "2006年2月6日", "context_left": "朝日新聞によると、脱獄したアルカーイダメンバーには、2000年にイエメン沖で発生した", "context_right": "で服役していたジャマル・バダウィ服役囚も含まれている。また、英語版ウィキニュース、読売新聞によると、2002年のフランス国籍のタンカー・ランブール号爆破事件に関与したファワズ・アルラベイエ服役囚も含まれている。", "mention": "アメリカ軍駆逐艦コール襲撃爆破事件", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "612086"} {"context_title": "Canada routs Sweden in sledge hockey at Winter Paralympics", "context_date": "March 8, 2014", "context_left": "Canada finished fourth at the ", "context_right": ", a contest played on home soil, with eight members of their current seventeen member roster returning to compete in the 2014 Games. Despite the depth of experience for Canada, they were a younger squad than Sweden with an average age of 26 to Sweden's 33. ", "mention": "2010 Winter Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "641965"} {"context_title": "ФИФА вводит электронную систему фиксации голов", "context_date": "20 февраля 2013", "context_left": "ФИФА подтвердила, что на Чемпионате мира по футболу 2014 года в Бразилии будет использована электронная система фиксации взятия ворот. Её уже успешно испытали на Клубном чемпионате мира в декабре и применят на ", "context_right": " в Бразилии.", "mention": "Кубке конфедераций 2013", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "220231"} {"context_title": "Sergio Pérez zwycięzcą Grand Prix Sakhiru", "context_date": "7 grudnia 2020", "context_left": "Dla Sergio Péreza była to pierwsza wygrana w Formule 1, do tej pory najlepszy wynik notował w Grand Prix Malezji 2012, Grand Prix Włoch 2012 i ", "context_right": ", gdzie zajął drugie miejsce. Na swoje pierwsze zwycięstwo Meksykanin czekał aż 190 wyścigów, co czyni go kierowcą, który najdłużej czekał na wygranie swojego pierwszego wyścigu (do tej pory rekord ten dzierżył Mark Webber, który dopiero w 130. starcie wygrał pierwszy wyścig Formuły 1 w karierze). Jest też pierwszym meksykańskim kierowcą od Grand Prix Belgii 1970, kiedy to triumfował Pedro Rodríguez. Dla Racing Point to pierwsza wygrana pod dotychczasową nazwą – licząc poprzednie wcielenia (Jordan Grand Prix, MF1 Racing, Spyker i Force India) jest to piąte zwycięstwo zespołu z Silverstone.", "mention": "Grand Prix Turcji 2020", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "98642744"} {"context_title": "Italia es campeón de la Eurocopa 2020", "context_date": "12 de julio de 2021", "context_left": "Con ésta copa se suma la de que ganaron en ", "context_right": " y a sus cuatro Mundiales. Con Roberto Mancini, Italia volvió a ser campeona continental 53 años después.", "mention": "Eurocopa 1968", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "182201"} {"context_title": "L'Inter ha vinto il campionato di calcio 2007-2008", "context_date": "18 maggio 2008", "context_left": "L'Inter ha vinto il suo 16º scudetto battendo il Parma 2 a 0. Dopo un primo tempo senza gol, la doppietta di Ibrahimović ha stabilito il definitivo vincitore del ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "campionato di calcio 2007-2008", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "381013"} {"context_title": "Gedenken an 60 Jahre Ardennenoffensive", "context_date": "15.12.2004", "context_left": " Im Großherzogtum Luxemburg und benachbarten Teilen von Belgien und der Eifel wird morgen des Beginns der ", "context_right": " vor 60 Jahren am 16. Dezember 1944 gedacht, der letzten deutschen Offensive im Zweiten Weltkrieg, die den Krieg in Gegenden zurückbrachte, die amerikanische und britische Streitkräfte bereits befreit hatten. Acht Tage lang versuchte damals die deutsche Wehrmacht vergeblich, an der Westfront die Initiative wiederzugewinnen, in die Stellungen der Alliierten einzubrechen und Antwerpen zurückzuerobern.", "mention": "Ardennenoffensive", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "151018"} {"context_title": "「七警案」終院拒批上訴許可", "context_date": "2020年4月7日", "context_left": "2014年", "context_right": "期間,七警案當中五名警員罪成,他們向終審法院申請終極上訴被拒絕,但三位法官今早聽罷陳詞後拒絕受理,法院押後頒發判決理據。", "mention": "佔領運動", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "18145420"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel surpreende e vence o Grande Prêmio da Itália de Fórmula 1 de 2008", "context_date": "15 de setembro de 2008", "context_left": "O alemão , da , surpreendeu desde o treino classificatório para o ", "context_right": ", quando se tornou o mais jovem \"pole position\" da história da competição. Neste domingo, sob forte chuva, também fez história ao tornar-se no mais jovem vencedor de um GP.", "mention": "Grande Prêmio da Itália de 2008", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "179397"} {"context_title": "Offensief om ook westen Mosoel te heroveren begonnen", "context_date": "19 februari 2017", "context_left": "Nadat in de ", "context_right": " afgelopen maand het oostelijk deel van de Iraakse stad Mosoel geheel werd heroverd op Islamitische Staat, is het Iraakse leger nu ook begonnen aan de herovering van het westelijk deel van de stad. Dat heeft de Iraakse premier Abadi in een verklaring op televisie gezegd.", "mention": "slag om Mosoel", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "27429856"} {"context_title": "Se registra sismo de magnitud 7.1 en México", "context_date": "19 de septiembre de 2017", "context_left": "El sismo sucedió casi una hora después de que en diversas partes del país se efectuara un simulacro. Hoy se cumplen 32 años del violento ", "context_right": ", que destruyó parte de la Ciudad de México y dejó miles de víctimas. En su cuenta de Twitter, el presidente Enrique Peña Nieto indicó que regresaba a la capital mexicana. \"En vuelo a Oaxaca. Regreso de inmediato a la Ciudad de México para atender la situación por sismo\". Poco después, señaló que había convocado al Comité Nacional de Emergencias para \"evaluar la situación y coordinar acciones\" y que se había activado el PlanMx.", "mention": "terremoto de 1985", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1798567"} {"context_title": "Japón realiza más de 360.000 pruebas a niños en Prefectura de Fukushima", "context_date": "9 de octubre de 2011", "context_left": "En la prefectura (provincia) japonesa de se lleva a cabo una serie de análisis a más de 360.000 niños residentes de ese lugar tras el ", "context_right": ", el peor desde la catástrofe de Chernóbil en Ucrania en el año de 1986.", "mention": "accidente nuclear en la planta de Fukushima Daiichi", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Policías detienen a 80 manifestantes en Hong Kong durante desalojo del distrito de Mong Kok", "context_date": "25 de octubre de 2014", "context_left": "La policía de Hong Kong detuvo esta mañana a 80 personas durante el desalojo parcial del distrito de Mong Kok, principal área de ", "context_right": ", lo que desencadenó enfrentamientos entre los manifestantes y la policía. Desde hace casi dos meses, el área estuvo ocupada por el movimiento Occupy Central with Love and Peace. Aproximadamente a las 15:00 hora local, las fuerzas policiales avanzaron por la calle Argyle, previamente despejada de barreras y otros objetos, momento en el que se produjo el arresto de las 80 personas.", "mention": "protesta prodemocracia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "18145420"} {"context_title": "Two 10-year-old UK boys arrested for alleged rape of girl aged 8", "context_date": "October 29, 2009", "context_left": "38-year-old mother Daniella Gordon also commented on the situation. \"My three-year-old goes to the nursery by the college, the police haven’t told me or other mothers what has happened which I think is wrong. It makes you think of the ", "context_right": " case and there are lots of kids around here, that’s what disturbs me.\"", "mention": "James Bulger", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "460887"} {"context_title": "США не збираються визнавати незалежність Абхазії та Південної Осетії", "context_date": "23 вересня 2009", "context_left": "На даний момент незалежність Південної Осетії і Абхазії, крім Росії, яка брала участь у ", "context_right": ", визнали Нікарагуа та Венесуела. 99% інших країн світу підтримують територіальну цілісність Грузії і не визнають ці самопроголошені республіки. ", "mention": "збройному конфлікті в серпні 2008 року", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Pierre Gasly nieoczekiwanym zwycięzcą Grand Prix Włoch", "context_date": "6 września 2020", "context_left": "Dla Pierre'a Gasly'ego jest to pierwsze zwycięstwo w Formule 1 i drugie podium w karierze. Jest to również pierwsze zwycięstwo ekipy Scuderia AlphaTauri – do tej pory najlepszym wynikiem włoskiej stajni było siódme miejsce, zdobywane przez Gasly'ego w wyścigach w Austrii i w pierwszym wyścigu w Wielkiej Brytanii. Zwycięstwo kierowcy zespołu z Faenzy jest pierwszym zwycięstwem francuskiego kierowcy od ", "context_right": ", kiedy zwycięzcą wyścigu wtedy został Olivier Panis, reprezentujący wówczas Ligiera.", "mention": "Grand Prix Monako 1996", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "173266"} {"context_title": "Britská královna promluvila po půl století v OSN, mluvila spíš o minulosti", "context_date": "7. červenec 2010", "context_left": "Další částí newyorského programu britské královny byla návštěva Ground Zero a uctění památky britských obětí ", "context_right": ". Celá návštěva ve Spojených státech byla ale jen krátkou pětihodinovou zastávkou při návratu Alžběty II. z jejího turné po Kanadě.", "mention": "teroristických útoků z 11. září 2001", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Nobel prize winner Al Gore urges US and China to do more about global warming", "context_date": "December 10, 2007", "context_left": "Gore said he would go to the U.N. ", "context_right": " in Bali later this week to urge world leaders to meet as often as every three months to enact a global cap on greenhouse gas emissions by 2010.", "mention": "climate meeting", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1633080"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Australian Glider Amanda Carter", "context_date": "September 28, 2012", "context_left": " And that was for ", "context_right": "?", "mention": "Barcelona", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "855684"} {"context_title": "تشييع قتلى "أسطول الحرية"", "context_date": "3 يونيو 2010", "context_left": "شيع الأتراك يوم 3 مايو، 2010 في العاصمة إسطنبول جثث قتلى ", "context_right": " أسطول الحرية الذين قتلوا على يد قوات كوماندوس إسرائيلية يوم 31 مايو.", "mention": "حادث", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "205512"} {"context_title": "W sandomierskiej katedrze odkryto najstarszy w Polsce fryz heraldyczny", "context_date": "29 stycznia 2010", "context_left": "Biskup sandomierski Krzysztof Nitkiewicz spotkał się 28 stycznia z prof. dr. hab. Janem Ptakiem i dr. Tomisławem Giergielem, którzy poinformowali go o zidentyfikowaniu w katedrze w Sandomierzu fryzu heraldycznego z okresu ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "bitwy pod Grunwaldem", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "33570"} {"context_title": "118. rocznica śmierci pisarza i dramaturga Ignacego Maciejowskiego", "context_date": "22 września 2019", "context_left": "Ignacy Sewer Maciejowski urodził się 27 lipca 1835 roku w Kobiernikach położonych na terenach zaboru austriackiego. Jego życie i działalność przypadły na trzy epoki literackie romantyzm, pozytywizm oraz Młodą Polskę. W młodości uczestniczył w ", "context_right": " m.in. pełnił funkcję komisarza województwa sandomierskiego. Po powstaniu początkowo początkowo więziony przez władze austriackie, następnie przebywał na emigracji w Anglii, skąd pisał do polskich gazet i czasopism pod pseudonimem „Sewer”. Po powrocie do kraju, po nieudanej próbie, jakbyśmy to określili obecnie, podjęcia działalności gospodarczej poświęcił się działalności literackiej. W 1893 roku udało mu się na stałe przenieść do Krakowa. W Krakowie był jedną z najistotniejszych postaci w świecie literackim, wraz z żoną Marią z domu Schwarzburg-Günther prowadził otwarty dom o charakterze salonu literackiego. W 1901 roku po jego śmierci nekrologi ukazały się w nieomal wszystkich najważniejszych czasopismach Krakowa, Lwowa i Warszawy, oraz w rekordowym tempie została wydana księga pamiątkowa, jednakże w ciągu kilku lat został praktycznie zapomniany. ", "mention": "powstaniu styczniowym", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "473670"} {"context_title": "Умер бывший диктатор Панамы Мануэль Норьега", "context_date": "30 мая 2017", "context_left": "Однако позже отношения ухудшились, и диктатор был свергнут 20 декабря 1989 года в результате ", "context_right": " в рамках операции «Справедливая цель» () после того, как Норьега заявил, что его страна находится в состоянии войны с США.", "mention": "военной операции США в Панаме", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "459282"} {"context_title": "Svět smutní nad úmrtím Věry Čáslavské", "context_date": "31. srpen 2016", "context_left": "Věra Čáslavská vyhrála na olympijských hrách v Tokiu a Mexiku v letech 1964 a 1968 celkem sedm zlatých medailí. Čtyřikrát byla mistryní světa a jedenáctkrát mistryní Evropy. V následujících letech ale byla odstavena komunistickým režimem kvůli podpisu výzvy \"Dva tisíce slov\" a vrátila se až po ", "context_right": ", kdy se stala jednou z nejbližších spolupracovnic Václava Havla. Znovu se stáhla do ústraní po rodinné tragédii, v posledních letech se ale navzdory boji s rakovinou znovu", "mention": "Sametové revoluci", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "182817"} {"context_title": "La selección de fútbol de Togo fue suspendida por dos años de la Copa África", "context_date": "30 de enero de 2010", "context_left": "El ", "context_right": " lo realizó un grupo separatista de Cabinda en la frontera entre la República del Congo y Cabinda, un enclave de Angola. Aunque el equipo quería continuar compitiendo para homenajear a los fallecidos, el gobierno les ordenó retirarse.", "mention": "ataque", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "472278"} {"context_title": "Large 7.2 earthquake strikes China", "context_date": "March 21, 2008", "context_left": "According to USGS geophysicist Dale Grant, this is the largest quake on record to hit the region. The largest quake on record occurred in ", "context_right": " in Shaanxi and had a magnitude of at least 8.0, killing over 830,000 people.", "mention": "China in 1556", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "191293"} {"context_title": "Ex US Secretary of State Warren Christopher dead aged 85", "context_date": "March 20, 2011", "context_left": "Christopher's career as a US diplomat spanned almost 28 years, with him serving under President Lyndon B. Johnson as deputy Attorney General, before entering the diplomatic field as deputy Secretary of State under the Presidency of Jimmy Carter. While working for Carter, Christopher earned his reputation as a negotiator, securing the release of ", "context_right": ", an act that earned him the most prestigious civilian award in the US, the Presidential Medal of Freedom.", "mention": "52 Americans who were being held hostages in Iran in 1981", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "589673"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Αργεντινής ήρθε ισόπαλη με την Εθνική Κολομβίας", "context_date": "8 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνικής Αργέντινης ήρθε ισόπαλη με την Εθνική Κολομβίας με σκορ 0:0 για το ", "context_right": ", το οποίο διεξάγεται στην Αργεντινή. Η Αργεντινή μπορεί να προκριθεί στον επόμενο γύρο, αν καταφέρει να νικήσει την Εθνική Κόστα Ρίκα.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特发生爆炸,已造成数千人伤亡", "context_date": "2020年8月5日", "context_left": "当地时间8月4日下午6时8分左右,黎巴嫩首都贝鲁特的贝鲁特港发生一起", "context_right": ",截至发稿,爆炸已经导致80人死亡、四千余人受伤,受伤人员中包括联合国驻黎巴嫩临时部队。", "mention": "爆炸事故", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "98073118"} {"context_title": "La première ronde du championnat du monde d'échecs se termine sur une nulle en 16 coups", "context_date": "9 novembre 2013", "context_left": "La première ronde du ", "context_right": " qui se tient à Chennai en Inde s'est achevée sur une nulle jouée en seulement 16 coups. Magnus Carlsen, vainqueur du tournoi des candidats a joué avec les Blancs un début Réti transposé dans une défense Néo-grünfeld, sans doute pour sortir le champion du monde, Viswanathan Anand, des lignes théoriques qu'il connait bien. Mais cette ouverture était sans perspective pour les Blancs et les Noirs ont égalisé facilement. ", "mention": "Championnat du monde d'échecs", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "917629"} {"context_title": "台風14号、奄美大島近海を通過", "context_date": "2005年9月5日", "context_left": "気象庁によると、今後、台風は進路を北にとり、6日にも九州南部に接近し、上陸の可能性がある。その後も日本列島に沿う進路が予想される。暴風域の広さは", "context_right": "以上であり、また現在のままの強さ(非常に強い)で日本列島に上陸すれば、48人が死亡した1993年の台風13号以来であるとの気象庁の警告を朝日新聞は伝えている。", "mention": "ハリケーン・カトリーナ", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Tientallen doden bij gevechten tussen Indiase en Chinese soldaten in grensregio", "context_date": "21 juni 2020", "context_left": "Het gaat om de eerste dodelijke gevechten in zeker 45 jaar langs de zogeheten Line of Actual Control||en (LAC), die het gebied dat onder Indiase controle staat scheidt van het gebied onder Chinese controle. Ladakh is al heel lang betwist gebied tussen de beide landen, die hierover in 1962 ", "context_right": " uitvochten.", "mention": "een oorlog", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "208694"} {"context_title": "El terremoto en México deja más de 100 muertos y múltiples edificios derrumbados; se desconoce el número de personas atrapadas", "context_date": "19 de septiembre de 2017", "context_left": "Los medios mexicanos han recogido testimonios, videos y fotografías que atestiguaban los severos daños a edificios, hogares y negocios. En algunos, incluso se grabó el derrumbe de estructuras. En las imágenes se pueden observas personas corriendo. \"Estoy consternada, no puedo contener el llanto, es la misma pesadilla que en 1985\", declaró Georgina Sánchez, de 52 años, haciendo alusión al violento ", "context_right": ", en donde fallecieron más de 10 mil personas.", "mention": "terremoto registrado este mismo día hace 32 años", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1798567"} {"context_title": "Russland vant ESC 2008 - Norge best i Vest-Europa", "context_date": "24. mai 2008", "context_left": "<onlyinclude>Russland vant lørdag kveld ", "context_right": " (ESC). Norge ble beste Vest-Europeiske nasjon på en femteplass.</onlyinclude>", "mention": "Eurovision Song Contest 2008", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "10155"} {"context_title": "Scott Dixon vence as 500 milhas de Indianápolis", "context_date": "26 de maio de 2008", "context_left": "O neozelandês venceu neste domingo a ", "context_right": " das , uma das provas mais tradicionais do automobilismo mundial. A segunda colocação ficou com o brasileiro , seguido pelo americano e do também brasileiro .", "mention": "92ª edição", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "173546"} {"context_title": "Zmarła Maria Piątkowska", "context_date": "19 grudnia 2020", "context_left": "Nie żyje Maria Piątkowska, członkini lekkoatletycznego Wunderteamu lat 50. i 60. XX wieku. Wraz z Teresą Ciepły, Barbarą Sobottą i Elżbietą Szyroką zdobyła złoty medal w sztafecie 4 × 100 metrów na ", "context_right": " w 1962 roku.", "mention": "mistrzostwach Europy w Belgradzie", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "1500262"} {"context_title": "Srbija posle preokreta pobedila Severnu Irsku", "context_date": "25. март 2011.", "context_left": "Beograd / Srbija (Beta) - Fudbalska reprezentacija Srbije pobedila je petak uveče u Beogradu Severnu Irsku sa 2:1 u kvalifikacijama za ", "context_right": " godine i tako održala nadu da može do plasmana na završni turnir u Poljskoj i Ukrajini.", "mention": "Evropsko prvenstvo 2012.", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Obamania au concert du prix Nobel de la paix", "context_date": "11 décembre 2009", "context_left": "L'artiste chinois a également accompagné le rappeur Wyclef Jean dans le premier de ses trois morceaux. Le second, \"a cappella\", fut très politique : se demandant ce qui aurait pu changer le cours de l'histoire le jour des assassinats du président Kennedy et du pasteur Martin Luther King, ou même éviter la ", "context_right": " décidée par le président George Walker Bush. Pour ensuite dérider les spectateurs, il est passé dans les tribunes les incitant à danser des bras avec lui. Wyclef Jean a salué le couple princier avant de rejoindre la scène en créant un « deux pas du président Obama » (\"President Obama two step\") pour descendre l'escalier, d'après l'habitude d'Obama de parler de plans en deux temps (\"two-step plan\") dans ses premiers discours.", "mention": "guerre d'Irak", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "All Ferrari front row for 2006 Japanese Grand Prix", "context_date": "October 7, 2006", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Felipe Massa and his teammate Michael Schumacher won the front row on the FIA Formula-1 2006 Fuji Television ", "context_right": " on the Suzuka International Racing Course. On the dying minutes of the qualification Massa suddenly overtook the seven times world champion thus winning the pole for the red team.", "mention": "Japanese Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "305847"} {"context_title": "Climate change talks continue in Bali", "context_date": "December 7, 2007", "context_left": "The ", "context_right": " in Bali is nearing its halfway mark. Senior delegates are hopeful an international agreement will be reached on how to control harmful climate emissions when the Kyoto Protocol expires in 2012, but environmental activists fear the talking is taking too long. ", "mention": "United Nations Climate Change Conference", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1633080"} {"context_title": "John Kerry criticizes news media, joins call for inquiry on Downing Street Memo", "context_date": "June 2, 2005", "context_left": "In a swing through South Coast, Florida, former 2004 presidential candidate Senator John Kerry criticized the near silence of the U.S. mass media regarding the so-called \"Downing Street Memo\". The Downing Street Memo is a leaked secret British document that details the minutes of a 2002 meeting between top-level British and American government officials. The memo states that George W. Bush \"was determined\" to ", "context_right": " long before going to Congress with the matter, and that \"the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy.\" The accuracy of the memo is not being disputed by either government. The memo caused an uproar in Great Britain and made a significant impact in the British national elections, but has gotten little attention in American news. Kerry said of the memo: ", "mention": "attack Iraq", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "אכזבה לשווייץ במשחק הפתיחה - 1-0 לצ'כיה", "context_date": "7 ביוני 2008", "context_left": "הקהל השוויצרי כבר היה מוכן להתחיל בחגיגות, שהרי לא כל יום , לרוב נבחרת צנועה יחסית, פותחת את טורניר ה", "context_right": ". אבל תקוות לחוד ומציאות לחוד - , עם חוליית הגנה מוכשרת במיוחד וגול בודד של המחליף סברקוש בדקה ה-71 קבעו את תוצאת המשחק הראשון בטורניר - 1-0 לצ'כיה, וכבר עכשיו שווייץ בסימן שאלה גדול לקראת רבע הגמר.", "mention": "יורו", "context_lang": "he", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "België en tien andere EU-landen willen onder milieuregels uit", "context_date": "6 augustus 2018", "context_left": "In België was er in 2016 een uitstoot van 182 miljoen kilo terwijl de norm gelegd was op 176 miljoen. Feitelijk haalt België de norm al niet sinds 2010. 2016 was het jaar na het ", "context_right": ", ook wel Dieselgate genoemd. Volgens IRECEL, het Intergewestelijke Cel voor het Leefmilieu, wordt de overschrijding van de norm veroorzaakt door veranderingen die van te voren niet bekend waren. Omdat er sprake is van een nieuwe factor, zou de verandering van de spelregels gerechtvaardigd zijn. ", "mention": "Emissieschandaal", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "21000630"} {"context_title": "Шљиванчанин и Мркшић поново проглашени кривим", "context_date": "5. мај 2009.", "context_left": "Жалбено веће Трибунала је, усвојивши жалбу Тужилаштва, Шљиванчанина (55) прогласило кривим за помагање и подржавање убиства 194 хрватска заробљеника на фарми ", "context_right": ", 20. и 21. новембра 1991, преиначивши одлуку из првостепене пресуде. Првостепеном пресудом, Шљиванчанин је био ослобођен по тој тачки оптужнице, а осуђен за помагање и подржавање мучења и окрутног поступања према тим заробљеницима. Истовремено, жалбено веће Трибунала потврдило је првостепену казну од 20 година затвора првооптуженом Милету Мркшићу (61) за помагање и подржавање убиства, мучења и окрутног поступања према заробљеницима.", "mention": "Овчара код Вуковара", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "505939"} {"context_title": "Oud-president Mubarak vrijgelaten", "context_date": "24 maart 2017", "context_left": "Mubarak is op 2 maart jl. vrijgesproken van corruptie en de aanklacht dat hij in 2011 (tijdens de ", "context_right": ") ongeveer 240 betogers zou hebben laten doden. In eerste instantie kreeg hij hiervoor levenslang. In 2014 is het proces echter opnieuw gedaan, met nu dus volledige vrijspraak voor Mubarak als resultaat. ", "mention": "Egyptische Revolutie", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "29198"} {"context_title": "Formula One driver Jules Bianchi dies aged 25", "context_date": "July 19, 2015", "context_left": "French Formula One (F1) driver Jules Bianchi died on Friday night at age 25, nine months after his serious accident at the ", "context_right": ". News of his death was announced by his family the following morning:", "mention": "2014 Japanese Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "17195724"} {"context_title": "Tuhkapilvestä satojen miljoonien tappiot lentoyhtiöille", "context_date": "17. huhtikuuta 2010", "context_left": "Kansainvälinen ilmakuljetusliitto IATA arvelee, että lentoyhtiöt joutuvat 200 miljoonan dollarin verran häviölle päivää kohden, kun ", "context_right": " tuhkapilvi lamaa lentoliikennettä Euroopassa. SAS on ilmoittanut joutuvansa lomauttamaan henkilökuntaansa, jos lentoliikenne on jumissa toista viikkoa.", "mention": "Islannin tulivuorenpurkauksen", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "269442"} {"context_title": "Розпочато 7-й Одеський міжнародний кінофестиваль", "context_date": "15 липня 2016", "context_left": "15 липня 2016 року відкрився 7-й Одеський міжнародний кінофестиваль. Прес-конференція з нагоди відкриття почалася з оголошення співчуття всім жертвам та постраждалим від ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "нічного теракту в Ніцці", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "25893254"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail, December 2011", "context_date": "January 1, 2012", "context_left": "Supreme says that he had previously met Terry at the ", "context_right": ", and \"was given the distinct impression that he (Terry) wanted to perform fellatio on me.\" He says that prior to the forum, he offered \"to have 'homosexual gay sex' in the lavatory stall\", but Terry declined. During the forum, Supreme said that he planned to write-in Terry, but said afterwards that his support \"depends how gay he [Terry] gets.\" ", "mention": "2004 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "359657"} {"context_title": "After uncertain day of Eurovision rehearsals, EBU will place sanctions on Spain and RTVE", "context_date": "May 15, 2009", "context_left": "After a tense day of rehearsals, in which Spanish national broadcaster RTVE said publicly that the European Broadcasting Union (EBU) would not be imposing sanctions on them for pre-empting the second live ", "context_right": " semi-final, the EBU has made an official statement, contradicting RTVE and announcing that sanctions will be placed on Spain. This year's act, former \"Operación Triunfo\" finalist Soraya Arnelas, will not be affected by the EBU ruling, and she will be allowed to perform her song \"\"La noche es para mí\"\" in Moscow as scheduled on Saturday.", "mention": "Eurovision", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10157"} {"context_title": "North Korea to send head of state to South Korea for Olympics", "context_date": "February 5, 2018", "context_left": "South Korea's Ministry of Unification announced the delegation after the unified Korean women's ice hockey team lost to Sweden 3–1. The two nations plan to march together on February 9's opening ceremony but the North canceled a joint cultural event, instead announcing a military parade for the day before. The allies are to hold annual joint military exercises after the ", "context_right": " which follow the Olympic Games.", "mention": "Paralypmics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "487313"} {"context_title": "Palästinensische Autonomiebehörde wirft Al-Dschasira wegen der „Palästina-Papiere“ Fälschung vor", "context_date": "06.02.2011", "context_left": "Zu diesen Zugeständnissen soll es Ende 2008 nach der von US-Präsident George W. Bush initiierten Konferenz von Annapolis gekommen sein. Diese Gespräche wurden schließlich abgebrochen, weil es zu einem dreiwöchigen ", "context_right": " kam. Kurze Zeit später stürzte die Regierung unter Ehud Olmert wegen Korruptionsvorwürfen gegen den Ministerpräsidenten.", "mention": "Krieg im Gazastreifen", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "170682"} {"context_title": "Una multitud de mexicanos sale a las calles a ayudar a los afectados por el terremoto", "context_date": "20 de septiembre de 2017", "context_left": "Al igual que 32 años atrás, cuando ", "context_right": " parte de la Ciudad de México y causó más de 10 000 muertos, instintivamente gente cercana a los derrumbes ayudaron a quitar escombros y rescatar a los atrapados. Se formaron cadenas humanas para quitar los escombros y trasladar los insumos. Joel Reveles, un estudiante voluntario en los trabajos de rescate, aseguró a la \"BBC\" \"Vivimos escenas muy enternecedoras, de gente que quería ayudar, que deseaba hacer algo por los más afectados\".", "mention": "otro terremoto destruyó", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1798567"} {"context_title": "Obama approval ratings hit new lows", "context_date": "August 4, 2010", "context_left": "According to new polls, US President Barack Obama's approval ratings have dropped across the board. According to a new \"USA Today\"/Gallup poll, Americans are losing faith in the president's plan in Afghanistan and Iraq, where wars have been going on for years and casualties have risen. 43% of those polled say that it was a mistake for Obama's predecessor George W. Bush to go to war after terrorists ", "context_right": " planes into the World Trade Center buildings in New York on September 11, 2001. Barely a third of respondents favoured Obama's strategy in the two Middle East wars. In another Gallup poll, just 36% of poll respondents supported the way Obama was handling Afghanistan, a sharp decline from 48% in February.", "mention": "crashed", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Wheelchair Rugby Tri-Nations Series begins in Sydney", "context_date": "September 20, 2013", "context_left": "All three teams are highly ranked internationally. The United States team is ranked number one in the world. It won bronze at the ", "context_right": " in Athens, gold at the 2008 Summer Paralympics in Beijing, and bronze at the 2012 Summer Paralympics in London, and is the current world champion. This is its first visit to Australia since the 2000 Summer Paralympics. ", "mention": "2004 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "840654"} {"context_title": "5.6-magnitude aftershock earthquake strikes Italy", "context_date": "April 8, 2009", "context_left": "The 6.3-magnitude quake on April 6 is the deadliest quake to strike Italy since November 23, 1980. Nearly 3,000 people were killed in a ", "context_right": " in the Irpinia region. At least 10,000 were injured in that earthquake, with over 300,000 being left homeless.", "mention": "magnitude 6.8 earthquake that struck Southern Italy", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1348884"} {"context_title": "台北設市100週年邀請歷任市長及議長出席", "context_date": "2020年10月1日", "context_left": "柯文哲提到:“馬英九市長任內開闢臺北市的12區運動中心,推動悠遊卡。2003年7月1日,臺北101大樓上樑儀式,擔任市長的馬英九與擔任總統的陳水扁連袂出席,這也是當時政壇佳話。101大樓完工時,曾在世界是最高樓,現在也是臺北的地標。郝龍斌市長在2009年舉辦", "context_right": ",2010年舉辦臺北國際花卉博覽會,這2場大型活動的成功,是2017年臺北世大運會成功的基礎。YouBike今天是臺北的城市象徵;「1999市民熱線」,也是市民滿意度很高的一項施政;現在臺北市的汙水下水道接管率最高的,也是在郝龍斌市長任內的貢獻,達到全國之冠,這些一般市民看不到,卻是一個現代城市的指標。”", "mention": "聽障奧運", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "709910"} {"context_title": "Brazil wins FIFA Confederations Cup final, defeats USA 3–2", "context_date": "June 29, 2009", "context_left": "The United States, the CONCACAF Gold Cup champions, qualified for the match by defeating Spain in the semifinal round by a score of 2–0, just days after nearly being eliminated from the tournament. Brazil qualified for the match by defeating South Africa 1–0 last Thursday in the second semifinal match. Brazil was the defending Confederations Cup champion having won in ", "context_right": " and winners of five World Cups.", "mention": "2005", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "155346"} {"context_title": "Oil price jumps as Rita heads to refineries", "context_date": "September 24, 2005", "context_left": "The Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (OPEC) agreed at its meeting in Vienna on Tuesday to effectively suspend its quota system for the first time since 1991 ", "context_right": " to relieve the rising oil price by pumping an estimated additional 2 million barrels of oil a day, which will begin at Oct 1 and last for 3 months.", "mention": "Gulf War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "Conmemoran los 29 años del terremoto ocurrido en México en 1985", "context_date": "19 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Pasadas las 7 a.m. en la plancha del Zócalo de la Ciudad de México se izo la bandera nacional a media asta, recordando el ", "context_right": " ocurrido en 1985, donde se estima perdieron la vida mas de diez mil personas.", "mention": "siniestro", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1798567"} {"context_title": "Bolivia exige visa de ingreso a turistas israelíes", "context_date": "30 de agosto de 2014", "context_left": "Bolivia rompió relaciones diplomáticas con Israel en el año 2009 por un ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "operativo militar israelí en la Franja", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "170682"} {"context_title": "Doden bij demonstraties in Beiroet", "context_date": "18 oktober 2021", "context_left": "Het is nog altijd onduidelijk wie er achter de aan. Hezbollah en Amal houden Libanese Strijdkrachten verantwoordelijk, die dit echter in een verklaring hebben ontkend. Samir Geagea||en, de leider van Libanese Strijdkrachten, heeft de aanvallen veroordeeld. De wijk Tayouneh was tijdens de ", "context_right": " (1975-1990) een frontlinie.", "mention": "Libanese Burgeroorlog", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "208484"} {"context_title": "ראול קסטרו נבחר כנשיא קובה", "context_date": "25 בפברואר 2008", "context_left": "קסטרו יחליף את אחיו, פידל קסטרו, שכיהן בתפקיד מאז 1959, השנה שבה עלה לשלטון לאחר ", "context_right": ". קסטרו כתב מכתב ביום שלישי שעבר שבו הסביר כי הוא לא \"שואף או יקבל.. את משרת נשיא מועצת המדינה ומפקד הצבא\". לפי קול אמריקה, קסטרו ימשיך לכהן כמזכיר המפלגה הקומוניסטית של קובה. ", "mention": "המהפכה הקובנית", "context_lang": "he", "label_id": "11264"} {"context_title": "US Federal Reserve lifts interest rates", "context_date": "September 20, 2005", "context_left": "The US Federal Reserve has just raised the base rate of interest for the 11th month in a row, despite concerns that the economy will slow after ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "В США произошло мощное землетрясение", "context_date": "23 августа 2011", "context_left": "", "context_right": " магнитудой 5,9 баллов зафиксировано в штате Виргиния, в районе городка Минерал, приблизительно в 140—160 км к юго-западу от Вашингтона. При этом, подземные толчки ощущались не только в американской столице и окрестностях, но даже в таких далеких от эпицентра городах, как Бостон на севере восточного побережья США и Детройт на западе. Землетрясение почувствовали и жители канадского города Торонто.", "mention": "Землетрясение", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "32610"} {"context_title": "Zamieszki w krajach arabskich - 22 lutego 2011", "context_date": "22 lutego 2011", "context_left": "Stan wyjątkowy powołano do życia w 1992 podczas ", "context_right": " z islamistami. Po jej zakończeniu w 1999 nie zniesiono go. Zdaniem komentatorów utrzymywanie utrzymywanie stanu wyjątkowego w XXI wieku służyło do tłumieniu swobód politycznych.", "mention": "wojny domowej", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "142529"} {"context_title": "Fernando Alonso wins 2010 Singapore Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 27, 2010", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Fernando Alonso won the FIA ", "context_right": " from pole position owned a day before. This became his second win in Singapore since 2008 and fourth win of the season.", "mention": "2010 Singapore Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172939"} {"context_title": "Sepultan a Gadafi en lugar secreto del desierto libio", "context_date": "25 de octubre de 2011", "context_left": "El cuerpo del otrora líder libio Muamar el Gadafi, fallecido ", "context_right": ", fue sepultado junto a los de su hijo Moatassem y su exministro de defensa Abu-Bakr Yunis, luego de haber pasado más tiempo del permitido por la ley islámica.", "mention": "el jueves pasado en la toma de Sirte", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "431888"} {"context_title": "Anti-gay church protests U.S. at military funerals", "context_date": "August 9, 2005", "context_left": "U.S. veterans groups and Midwest politicians are angered by the anti-gay Westboro Baptist Church's recent practice of protesting at the funerals of U.S. soldiers killed in the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Argentine admiral Emilio Eduardo Massera dies at age 85", "context_date": "November 9, 2010", "context_left": "Argentine admiral and member of the ", "context_right": " Emilio Eduardo Massera has died at the age of 85. ", "mention": "1976 Argentine coup d'état", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1048750"} {"context_title": "Tutkimukset Oskarshamnin ydinvoimalassa jatkuvat", "context_date": "22. toukokuuta 2008", "context_left": "Epäilyt voimalassa työskennelleiden 46- ja 53-vuotiaiden henkilöiden osallistumisesta sabotaasiyritykseen saivat alkunsa kun toisen hallussa olleesta laukusta havaittiin jäämiä erittäin herkästä räjähdysaineesta asetoniperoksidista. Samaa räjähdysainetta oli käytetty mm. ", "context_right": " vuonna 2005. Työntekijät eivät olleet voimalan vakituista henkilökuntaa vaan vuokratyöntekijöitä.", "mention": "Lontoon pommi-iskuissa", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "IX. Winter-Paralympics in Turin beendet", "context_date": "20.03.2006", "context_left": " In Turin sind gestern die ", "context_right": " zu Ende gegangen. Die Olympischen Spiele der Behinderten liefen 2006 unter dem Motto „Geist in Bewegung“.", "mention": "IX. Winter-Paralympics", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "749605"} {"context_title": "NASA to launch Discovery despite crack in insulation foam", "context_date": "July 4, 2006", "context_left": "Over the last three years, NASA has spent an estimated $1.3 billion to remedy the foam problem. When asked about the foam concern, NASA Associate Administrator Bill Gerstenmaier said, \"We're about the same risk as we were before ... I don't think we're taking any additional risks.\" Officials have said that they expect foam to fall during the launch though. A few senior NASA safety and technical officers have their voiced opposition to the launch, claiming that they need more time to work on the foam-shedding problem. Foam debris coming loose was the cause of the ", "context_right": " in 2003. ", "mention": "Columbia disaster", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "580867"} {"context_title": "Reprezentacija Srbije igra protiv Estonije", "context_date": "29. март 2011.", "context_left": "Talin / Estonija (Beta) - Fudbalska reprezentacija Srbije igra u utorak uveče u Talinu protiv Estonije, utakmicu u kvalifikacijama za ", "context_right": " godine.", "mention": "Evropsko prvenstvo 2012.", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Bush calls for expanding Federal authority", "context_date": "September 16, 2005", "context_left": "In an address to the nation on Thursday, President Bush laid out a sweeping set of initiatives to aid the rebuilding effort of the gulf region and called for an investigation into what went wrong in the ", "context_right": " and how better to respond in the future.", "mention": "disaster", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Sarà Rotterdam ad ospitare l'Eurovision Song Contest", "context_date": "30 agosto 2019", "context_left": "Stamattina, intorno a mezzogiorno, le emittenti olandesi AVROTROS, NPO e NOS hanno annunciato la città che ospiterà l'", "context_right": ": Rotterdam, con il suo Ahoy Rotterdam.", "mention": "Eurovision Song Contest 2020", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "30973589"} {"context_title": "Italia es campeón de la Eurocopa 2020", "context_date": "12 de julio de 2021", "context_left": "Después de finalizado el alargue se pasó a la definición a penales. La anterior final de la Euro que se disputó a los penaltis fue en ", "context_right": " con triunfo para Checoslovaquia sobre Alemania con el famoso penalti de Panenka. Los penaltis decisivos fueron los de Jadon Sancho y Saka que el portero Donnarumma paró para llevar a la selección de Mancini hacia la coronación en Wembley. Fallaron Rashford, Sancho y Saka para los ingleses, que siguen con su palmarés a cero en el torneo del Viejo Continente. ", "mention": "1976", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "188548"} {"context_title": "UK serial killer Joanne Dennehy jailed for life", "context_date": "March 1, 2014", "context_left": "The sentencing follows a recent ruling by the court of appeal upholding the legality of whole life terms. The four defendants were jailed in Courtroom 2 of the Old Bailey, where on Wednesday Michael Adebolajo also received a whole life term for a terror attack which ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "killed soldier Lee Rigby", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "13367650"} {"context_title": "Rusya'da düşen uçakta Polonya cumhurbaşkanı Kaczyński ve beraberindekiler öldü", "context_date": "2010/04/10", "context_left": "", "context_right": " 70. yılı anma törenlerine katılmak için ülkesinden Rusya'ya doğru yola çıkan Polonya cumhurbaşkanı Lech Kaczyński ve beraberindekileri taşıyan uçak, varış havaalanına 300 metre kala düştü. 10 Nisan 2010 günü yerel saatle 10:56'da gerçekleşen kazada, uçak mürettebatı ve aralarında cumhurbaşkanı ile eşinin de bulunduğu yolcuların tümü yaşamını yitirdi. Ölenlerin sayısı tam belirlenemezken, çok sayıda siyasetçi ve bürokratın da uçakta olduğu bildirildi.", "mention": "Katyn katliamının", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "134301"} {"context_title": "Koerden demonstreren in Frankfurt massaal tegen Erdoğan", "context_date": "18 maart 2017", "context_left": "Zowat 30 000 Koerden demonstreerden vanmiddag in de Duitse stad Frankfurt am Main tegen Turks president Erdoğan. In de betoging liepen voornamelijk sympathisanten van de Koerdische Arbeiderspartij (PKK). Ze demonstreerden onder meer tegen het ", "context_right": " dat voor volgende maand staat gepland. De demonstratie was verder vooral gericht tegen Erdoğan zelf, die door de betogers een terrorist werd genoemd.", "mention": "referendum over een mogelijke grondwetswijziging", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "28062036"} {"context_title": "Politiker fordern Abbruch der EU-Beitrittsverhandlungen mit der Türkei", "context_date": "26.08.2016", "context_left": " Nach einem ", "context_right": " in der Türkei fordern Politiker verschiedener Parteien einen Abbruch der Verhandlungen zum EU-Beitritt des Landes. Bundestagspräsident Norbert Lammert (CDU) erklärte: „Die Türkei entfernt sich immer weiter von den europäischen Mindeststandards, auf die sie sich als Mitglied des Europarats ausdrücklich verpflichtet hat.“", "mention": "Umsturzversuch", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "25906338"} {"context_title": "Исламски калифат и на Балкану", "context_date": "18. јануар 2015.", "context_left": "Исламски муџахедини, а држављани Француске, још после завршетка ", "context_right": " су дошли на север Француске и починили низ злочина, убистава и напада на полицију.", "mention": "рата у Босни", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "181533"} {"context_title": "Избиването на арменците от турската власт в Oсманската Империя - Геноцид или жестока драма?", "context_date": "Новини от 4 март 2010 г.", "context_left": "САЩ признава, че Oсмианската империя е извършила ", "context_right": " и арменци живеещи в тогавошна Турций. Турция е засегната и оттегля своя посланик от Вашингтон за консултация.", "mention": "геноцид над арменския народ", "context_lang": "bg", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Ουρουγουάης νίκησε την Εθνική Μεξικού με σκορ 1-0", "context_date": "13 Ιουλίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Ουρουγουάης νίκησε την Εθνική Μεξικού με σκορ 1:0, για τη τρίτη αγωνιστική του Γ' Ομίλου του ", "context_right": ", το οποίο διεξάγεται στην Αργεντινή.", "mention": "Κόπα Αμέρικα 2011", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "207729"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Ανδόρρας ηττήθηκε από την Εθνική Ιρλανδίας με σκορ 0-2", "context_date": "8 Οκτωβρίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Ανδόρρας ηττήθηκε από την Εθνική Ιρλανδίας στα Προκριματικά του ", "context_right": " με σκορ 0:2.", "mention": "Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "В Литве стартует чемпионат Европы по баскетболу", "context_date": "31 августа 2011", "context_left": "В начале сентября Литва принимает ", "context_right": ", также известный как Евробаскет — главный турнир года в международном сезоне, ведь Евробаскет — не только важное самостоятельное соревнование, но и ключевой этап отбора на Олимпийские игры, которые уже через год состоятся в Лондоне.", "mention": "чемпионат Европы по баскетболу", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "204133"} {"context_title": "Thousands of Rwandan refugees living in overcrowded Burundi transit centre", "context_date": "June 10, 2005", "context_left": "The asylum seekers began fleeing Rwanda for Burundi in early April. Their main concern was the Gacaca courts that are investigating war crimes committed during the 1994 ", "context_right": ". However, the UNHCR is also reporting that some asylum seekers \"... said they were fleeing threats, intimidation, persecution and rumours of revenge and bloodshed.\"", "mention": "Rwandan genocide", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "131297"} {"context_title": "Ash and steam reported over Mount St. Helens", "context_date": "March 8, 2005", "context_left": "The volcano is most famous for its dramatic ", "context_right": " which killed 57 people and blew the top off the mountain.", "mention": "eruption in 1980", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "778218"} {"context_title": "Israel may free all Gaza flotilla detainees", "context_date": "June 2, 2010", "context_left": "All International Activists from the six ship \"Gaza Freedom flotilla\", seized in the ", "context_right": " by Israeli naval forces in international waters, may be released. The activists had attempted to break the Israeli blockade of Gaza.", "mention": "Gaza flotilla raid", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "205512"} {"context_title": "Куба иде у реформе", "context_date": "19. април 2011.", "context_left": " (Beta) - Кубанске власти су одлучиле да први пут од ", "context_right": ". године дозволе становништву да купује и продаје куће, јавио је у уторак британски Би-Би-Си (ББЦ).", "mention": "комунистичке револуције 1959", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "11264"} {"context_title": "Armed police arrest two more 21 July bombing suspects in dramatic raids", "context_date": "July 29, 2005", "context_left": "Two weeks before the failed attacks of July 21, a ", "context_right": " on July 7 killed 56 people, including four suicide bombers.", "mention": "series of bombs", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Ca. 800 woningen in Londense wijk Camden ontruimd vanwege brandbare gevelbekleding", "context_date": "23 juni 2017", "context_left": "In Chalcots Estate|Chalcots Estate|en – in de Londense wijk Camden – zijn zo'n 800 appartementen in vijf flatgebouwen ontruimd. De flatgebouwen hebben dezelfde uiterst brandbare polyethyleenbekleding als de Grenfell Tower, die ", "context_right": " waarbij zeker 79 doden vielen. De bewoners worden de komende weken elders ondergebracht.", "mention": "vorige week geheel uitbrandde", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "30274958"} {"context_title": "Tucson gunman appears in court for Giffords shooting", "context_date": "January 13, 2011", "context_left": "Loughner confirmed his identity to the court and was denied bail but did not enter a plea. He stated that he understood the potential punishment for the charges include the death penalty or life imprisonment. He is being represented by Judy Clarke, who has previously defended Theodore Kaczynski (the 'Unabomber') and ", "context_right": " Timothy McVeigh.", "mention": "Oklahoma City bomber", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "217528"} {"context_title": "«Ривер Плейт» — четырёхкратный обладатель Кубка Либертадорес", "context_date": "10 декабря 2018", "context_left": "18 декабря 2018 года «Ривер Плейт» сыграет в полуфинале ", "context_right": ". В случае победы команда из Буэнос-Айреса сможет поспорить за звание сильнейшей команды мира с мадридским «Реалом» (если испанцы, в свою очередь, выиграют в своём полуфинале).", "mention": "Клубного чемпионата мира", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "16839204"} {"context_title": "ラドヴァン・カラジッチ被告を逮捕。ボスニア紛争中の虐殺を指揮したセルビア人勢力の最高指導者", "context_date": "2008年7月22日", "context_left": "ラドヴァン・カラジッチ被告は1992年から1995年にかけての", "context_right": "中のセルビア人勢力スルプスカ共和国の最高指導者であり、紛争中に各地で発生したボシュニャク人などの他民族に対する虐殺、特に7500人以上が殺害されたスレブレニツァの虐殺を指示したことによりジェノサイドの容疑で旧ユーゴスラヴィア国際戦犯法廷から訴追されている人物である。カラジッチは1996年以来、姿をくらませていた。", "mention": "ボスニア・ヘルツェゴビナ紛争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "181533"} {"context_title": "Toiseksi viimeinen Mannerheim-ristin ritari on kuollut", "context_date": "8. joulukuuta 2011", "context_left": "Heikki Nykänen syntyi Helsingissä 19. syyskuuta 1920. Hänet nimitettiin Mannerheim-ristin ritariksi 1.8.1943, kun hän palveli ", "context_right": " 3. divisioonassa kaukopartio-osaston johtajana. Tuolloin hän oli luutnantti, myöhemmin hän yleni majurin arvoon asti.", "mention": "jatkosodassa", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "122100"} {"context_title": "Thousands expected to protest at Forbes Global CEO conference in Sydney", "context_date": "August 23, 2005", "context_left": "The action is being promoted by various trade unions and peace and social justice groups, and co-ordinated by the 30A Network, which is an informal association of such groups. A number of reasons have been given for the protest, including the ", "context_right": ", globalisation, and the Australian government's planned industrial relations changes. ", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Controversial rapper dethrones Mariah Carey from No. 1", "context_date": "September 8, 2005", "context_left": "In one of the most shocking changes in No. 1 in Hot 100 history, rapper Kanye West, who has been in the news this week because of his controversial views on the federal government’s reaction to the relief efforts of ", "context_right": ", received a surge of radio airplay in the pop mainstream radio markets and topped the Billboard Hot 100 for the second time in his career as a performer. ", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "中国・四川省でまた大地震", "context_date": "2008年9月1日", "context_left": "今回の震源地である攀枝花は四川省の中心地・成都から南西に500㎞離れた山間の町で、5月にあった", "context_right": "の時は特に大きな被害はなかったという。", "mention": "四川大地震", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "152033"} {"context_title": "Former Ecuadorian football referee Byron Moreno arrested for drug smuggling", "context_date": "September 22, 2010", "context_left": "Byron Moreno, a former Ecuadorian football referee who officiated at the ", "context_right": ", has been arrested for suspected drug smuggling. Moreno was arrested at John F. Kennedy International airport after he arrived on a flight from Ecuador.", "mention": "2002 FIFA World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "Noruega gana el Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión", "context_date": "16 de mayo de 2009", "context_left": "Noruega, que ya lo había hecho en 1985 y en 1995, ha ganado el ", "context_right": ", llevado a cabo en el Estadio Olimpiski de Moscú, Rusia, por el más grande margen de la historia del concurso.", "mention": "Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión 2009", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10157"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Μαυροβουνίου ηττήθηκε από την Εθνική Τσεχίας με σκορ 0-1", "context_date": "16 Νοεμβρίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Μαυροβουνίου ηττήθηκε από την Εθνική Τσεχίας με σκορ 0:1 στους επαναληπτικούς αγώνες των μπαράζ των Προκριματικών του ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου 2012", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Australian cricketers Steve Smith, David Warner banned from 2018 Indian Premier League after ball tampering incident", "context_date": "March 31, 2018", "context_left": "On Wednesday, Board of Control for Cricket in India (BCCI) announced Australian cricketers and were banned from this year's Indian Premier League (IPL) after the ", "context_right": " in a Cape Town test match versus South Africa.", "mention": "ball tampering incident", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "51121454"} {"context_title": "Merlin Oti ušla u istoriju", "context_date": "31. јул 2010.", "context_left": "Barselona, (Beta-AP) - Atletičarka Slovenije 50-godišnja Merlin Oti u subotu je ušla u istoriju kao najstarija takmičarka na ", "context_right": " trkom u štafeti 4x100 metara u Barseloni.", "mention": "Evropskom prvenstvu", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "210666"} {"context_title": "Током рата на Косову страдало или нестало 13.517 људи", "context_date": "10. децембар 2014.", "context_left": " (Beta) - Током ", "context_right": " погинуло је, убијено или нестало 13.517 људи, најновији су подаци Регистра убијених и несталих које су објавили Фонд за хуманитарно право (ФХП) и ФХП Косова.", "mention": "рата на Косову", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "190029"} {"context_title": "United States wins CONCACAF Gold Cup", "context_date": "June 25, 2007", "context_left": "The United States men's soccer team have won the ", "context_right": " by defeating Mexico 2-1 at Soldier Field in Chicago.", "mention": "2007 CONCACAF Gold Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "753115"} {"context_title": "Скончался Ариэль Шарон", "context_date": "11 января 2014", "context_left": "Ариэль Шарон получил офицерское звание лишь в 1953 году, однако являлся ветераном всех войн, которые вёл Израиль: Войны за Независимость (1947—1949), ", "context_right": ", в Шестидневной войны (1967) и войны Судного дня (1973).", "mention": "операции «Кадеш» (1956—1957)", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "49101"} {"context_title": "Turkse grondtroepen vallen Noord-Syrië binnen", "context_date": "21 januari 2018", "context_left": "Het offensief, dat de naam \"", "context_right": "\" heeft gekregen, was al eerder aangekondigd. Rusland trok vrijdag al zijn troepen terug uit Noord-Syrië. Turkije rechtvaardigt zelf het offensief door te zeggen dat het een verplichting is, die berust op het internationaal recht. Volgens Turkse woordvoerders is de operatie uitsluitend gericht tegen terroristen. President Erdoğan heeft uitdrukkelijk te kennen gegeven dat de operatie tot doel heeft YPG te vernietigen, en verklaarde te hopen dat de operatie slechts zeer korte tijd hoeft te duren. Hij heeft aanhangers van de pro-Koerdische oppositie in Turkije bovendien gewaarschuwd dat ze niet in opstand mogen komen tegen de invasie. ", "mention": "Operatie Olijftak", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "47465940"} {"context_title": "EE. UU. confirma que reforzará sistema antimisiles por tensión con Corea del Norte", "context_date": "15 de marzo de 2013", "context_left": "Corea del Norte declaró la semana pasada \"completamente nulo\" el armisticio que puso fin a la ", "context_right": " (1950-53), aunque según Corea del Sur no ha quedado invalidado debido a que legalmente su anulación requiere la aprobación de ambas partes.", "mention": "Guerra de Corea", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Los ministros coreanos se reúnen en Surcorea", "context_date": "14 de noviembre de 2007", "context_left": "En la cumbre, los presidentes habían firmado acuerdos para mayor paz y cooperación económica, pese a que ambos países, enemigos en la Guerra Fría, siguen técnicamente en guerra: la ", "context_right": " (1950-53) finalizó con un armisticio, pero jamás con una declaración formal de paz, por lo que teóricamente siguen en guerra.", "mention": "Guerra de Corea", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Amerikaanse leraar schiet pistool af in leeg klaslokaal", "context_date": "28 februari 2018", "context_left": "Eerder deze maand was er een ", "context_right": ", daarbij vielen 17 doden. ", "mention": "schietpartij in een school in Florida", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "48714898"} {"context_title": "Английские болельщики недовольны проведением финала Лиги Европы в Баку", "context_date": "12 мая 2019", "context_left": "29 мая должен состояться ", "context_right": " <a href=\"%3Aw%3A%D0%9B%D0%B8%D0%B3%D0%B0%20%D0%95%D0%B2%D1%80%D0%BE%D0%BF%D1%8B%20%D0%A3%D0%95%D0%A4%D0%90%202018/2019\">Лиги Европы УЕФА 2018/2019</a> между лондонскими футбольными клубами «Арсенал» и «Челси».", "mention": "финальный матч", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "28843011"} {"context_title": "Hong Kong police move to open roads in Mong Kok", "context_date": "October 17, 2014", "context_left": "The Mong Kok site is one of the three main protest sites of the wider ", "context_right": ". Protesters have been demonstrating in a bid for the right by the public at large to have a role in the nomination of candidates to stand for the post of Chief Executive of the territory.", "mention": "2014 Hong Kong protests", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "18145420"} {"context_title": "Fernando Alonso wins 2007 European Grand Prix", "context_date": "July 22, 2007", "context_left": "McLaren-Mercedes driver Fernando Alonso won the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " European Grand Prix at the Nürburgring, Nürburg, Germany.", "mention": "2007", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "221100"} {"context_title": "Selbstmordanschlag in Stockholm", "context_date": "12.12.2010", "context_left": "Der Selbstmordattentäter trug einen Rucksack mit sich, in dem sich Rohrbomben und Nägel befanden. Kurz zuvor war ein parkender Personenwagen in der Innenstadt explodiert. Kurz vor dem Attentat war eine E-mail bei einer schwedischen Nachrichtenagentur eingegangen, die vermuten lässt, dass das Attentat von einem Islamisten unter anderem aus Rache für die Beteiligung Schwedens am ", "context_right": " verübt wurde.", "mention": "Afghanistankrieg", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "182865"} {"context_title": "Eurovision '73 winner Anne Marie David discusses her four-decade career and the Contest, past and present", "context_date": "February 16, 2009", "context_left": "At the height of her popularity, David perfomed world tours, and even lived abroad in Turkey for a time. In 1979, she tried once again to win the ", "context_right": ", and placed a respectable third. Her song \"Je suis l'enfant soleil\" (\"I'm a child of the sun\") became similarly popular across France and in the Francophone nations.", "mention": "Eurovision", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "216891"} {"context_title": "Muere Hugo Chávez, presidente de Venezuela", "context_date": "5 de marzo de 2013", "context_left": "Hugo Chávez fue presidente de Venezuela desde el 2 de febrero de 1999 y recuperó el mando del país tras un ", "context_right": " el 11 de abril de 2002. Diosdado Cabello, presidente del Congreso de Venezuela, es ahora el presidente interino del país hasta que se escoja a un nuevo presidente en elecciones populares, las cuales, según la constitución política de Venezuela, deben convocarse en un plazo de 30 días.", "mention": "golpe de Estado", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "8807"} {"context_title": "Premierminister Narendra Modi beschuldigt Pakistan des Krieges gegen Indien", "context_date": "14.08.2014", "context_left": "Modi hatte – so war vor seinem Besuch erklärt worden – ebenfalls einen Besuch auf dem Sichachen-Gletscher geplant, ihn dann aber ohne weitere Erklärungen abgesagt. Der Gletscher ist seit 1984 ", "context_right": "; auf ihm stehen sich indische und pakistanische Truppen direkt gegenüber. Zu Kampfhandlungen kam es dabei seit 2003 nicht mehr, aber beide Seiten verlieren immer wieder Soldaten durch die extremen Wetter- und Umweltbedingungen, die die Aufrechterhaltung der Stellungen auch sehr kostspielig machen. Modi versicherte die Soldaten, die in der Grenzregion zu Pakistan ihren Dienst tun, jeder möglichen Unterstützung durch die Regierung und kündigte auch den Bau eines nationalen Kriegsdenkmals an, um ihre Leistungen öffentlich zu würdigen.", "mention": "das höchste Schlachtfeld der Welt", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "2000527"} {"context_title": "Презентации книги понтийского грека помешал коронавирус", "context_date": "23 апреля 2020", "context_left": "23 апреля в Греции, в Афинах, должна была состояться презентация второго издания, добавленное новыми главами и названное — «Из ", "context_right": " в сталинское полымя».", "mention": "турецкого огня", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "911233"} {"context_title": "Nederland gaf steun aan jihadisten in Syrië", "context_date": "11 september 2018", "context_left": "Vandaag bleek daarbij dat het kabinet André Nollkaemper, de Extern Volkenrechtelijk Adviseur, niet om advies heeft gevraagd bij de steun aan Syrische rebellengroepen. Zijn functie werd na de ", "context_right": " juist door de commissie-Davids in het leven geroepen om te voorkomen dat Nederland nogmaals zonder juridische basis intervenieert in een ander land. Willibrord Davids, voormalig president van de , laat in een verklaring op persoonlijke titel weten hierover zeer verbaasd te zijn.", "mention": "Irakoorlog", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "La Cámara de Representantes de Estados Unidos aprueba moción para abrir segundo juicio político al presidente Trump", "context_date": "13 de enero de 2021", "context_left": "La resolución, presentada por los representantes demócratas, describe los hechos del 6 de enero, cuando miles de personas se dieron cita en Washington D.C. para asistir a una marcha en la que el presidente pronunció un discurso con el cual, según la oposición, ", "context_right": ". La presidenta de la Cámara de Representantes, Nancy Pelosi, inició el debate alegando que Trump es \"un peligro claro y presente” para el país.", "mention": "habría incitado a la toma del Capitolio", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "104705419"} {"context_title": "Έκκληση Πάπα Βενέδικτου 16ου για ειρήνη", "context_date": "25 Απριλίου 2011", "context_left": "Τέλος, αναφερόμενος στην Ιαπωνία είπε πως ελπίζει γι' αυτήν να βρει «παρηγοριά και ελπίδα» στον απόηχο του σεισμού του Μαρτίου, του τσουνάμι και ", "context_right": " μαζί με άλλες χώρες που κατά τους τελευταίους μήνες έχουν δοκιμαστεί από φυσικές καταστροφές που έχουν σπείρει τον πόνο και την αγωνία.", "mention": "της πυρηνικής κρίσης", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Kimi Räikkönen wins 2007 Brazilian Grand Prix and the 2007 Championship", "context_date": "October 21, 2007", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Kimi Räikkönen wins the FIA Formula-1 2007 Grande Prêmio do Brasil at Autódromo José Carlos Pace, São Paulo, Brazil. \"Iceman\" smiled on the first place of the podium as the 2007 Championship in full went to his team. Finally, the highly controversial and enthralling 2007 season came to an unexpected close. It was Ferrari who catched the Constructors' championship at ", "context_right": " from McLaren team and now ended their drivers domination.", "mention": "Belgian Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "20992"} {"context_title": "Leonel Álvarez designado como director técnico de la selección colombiana de fútbol", "context_date": "8 de septiembre de 2011", "context_left": "Álvarez, quién conoce todo el proceso con la selección, fue una de las glorias futbolísticas, en el que participó como jugador en los tres últimos mundiales (1990, 1994 y 1998) y las torneos continentales de ", "context_right": " y 1995. Como entrenador, ya antes dirigió al Deportivo Independiente Medellín, del cual quedó campeón en 2009. Su última labor fue de asistente técnico de la selección de mayores.", "mention": "1987", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "831699"} {"context_title": "North and South Korea sign peace pact", "context_date": "October 4, 2007", "context_left": "The deal invites all \"concerned\" nations, particularly the United States and China, to the Korean Peninsula to observe the end to the war of 1950-1953, otherwise known as the ", "context_right": ". The leaders also agreed on the two nations meeting regularly for summits.", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Romania to host Junior Eurovision Song Contest in 2006", "context_date": "October 6, 2005", "context_left": "The three countries shortlisted for the ", "context_right": " were Romania, Croatia, and the Netherlands. On October 4, however, it was announced that TVR had won the bidding process and the event would be held in Romania. The Junior Eurovision 2006 is the first Eurovision event to be held in Romania, and comes after Romania's best ever result in the Eurovision Song Contest 2005, where it was ranked third.", "mention": "Junior Eurovision 2006", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "215091"} {"context_title": "Kard. Dziwisz wyzywa do pojednania ponad podziałami", "context_date": "6 stycznia 2017", "context_left": "Jak podaje PAP, w homilii wygłoszonej na Wawelu 6 stycznia 2017 roku, kard. Stanisław Dziwisz mówił o gigantycznym orszaku wiary, jakim miały się okazać ", "context_right": ". Na których to, młodzi z całego świata zostali \"szczególnym świadkiem Chrystusa na przełomie XX i XXI wieku\", podążając za św. Janem Pawłem, i Chrystusem. \"Takiego świadectwa jedności potrzebuje nasz podzielony świat, w którym rodzą się uprzedzenia, lęki i niechęci wobec braci i sióstr mówiących innymi językami, posiadającymi inny odcień skóry lub wyznających inną religię. W sercu św. Jana Pawła II było miejsce dla wszystkich, dla wszystkich kultur, tradycji i języków, dlatego nie bójmy się go naśladować\" – mówił Kard. Dziwisz w komunikacie dla PAP-u.", "mention": "Światowe Dni Młodzieży z 2016 roku", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "14327308"} {"context_title": "$1,000 reward offered for answer from US President", "context_date": "June 1, 2005", "context_left": "A progressive blog, Democrats.com, is offering a $1,000 reward to anyone who can get United States president George W. Bush to answer a question about pre-", "context_right": " intelligence. The contest comes after Bush has declined for a full month to answer any questions about a leaked secret British memo, which states, in reference to the Bush administration, that \"the intelligence and facts were being fixed around the policy\". Neither the US or UK government are disputing the document's accuracy. The $1,000 question is:", "mention": "Iraq war", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Argentina es campeón de la Copa América 2021", "context_date": "10 de julio de 2021", "context_left": "Argentina después de 28 años vuelve a ganar un campeonato oficial, en esta ocasión la ", "context_right": " ganándole al anfitrión Brasil en el mítico estadio Maracaná de Río de Janeiro por un tanto contra cero.", "mention": "Copa América 2021", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "58039558"} {"context_title": "Prefeito de Nova Orleans pede aos moradores evacuarem para longe do furacão", "context_date": "31 de agosto de 2008", "context_left": "Entre 29 a 30 de agosto de 2005, Nova Orleans foi devastada quando os diques romperam-se durante a passagem do ", "context_right": ". Cerca de 2000 pessoas foram mortas quando a tempestade atingiu Louisiana ao longo da costa litoral.", "mention": "Furacão Katrina", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Zakończyły się Mistrzostwa Świata w Lekkoatletyce 2015", "context_date": "31 sierpnia 2015", "context_left": "30 sierpnia 2015 ", "context_right": " zakończyły się Mistrzostwa Świata w Lekkoatletyce 2015 odbywające się w Pekinie.", "mention": "sztafetą 4 x 400 metrów mężczyzn", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "20806542"} {"context_title": "綠色和平成員在港設反核電話亭", "context_date": "2011年4月26日", "context_left": "今天是前蘇聯", "context_right": "25週年,一群十人的綠色和平成員,今早香港進行反核活動,並在中環鬧市設立木製電話亭,要求擱置增加輸入核電計劃及反對核電使用。", "mention": "切爾諾貝爾核電廠事故", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Tunesien gibt sich eine Verfassung", "context_date": "26.01.2014", "context_left": "Die ", "context_right": " und der Sturz Ben Alis in Tunesien 2010/2011 war der Auftakt des arabischen Frühlings. Es folgten Ägypten, Libyen, Jemen und Syrien. Was alle einte, war die Schwierigkeit, eine neue Regierung zu finden, die jede Interessensgruppe berücksichtigt. Verschiedene Vorstellungen von der neuen „Freiheit“ ließen die Kämpfe erneut ausbrechen – oder wie im Fall Syriens unter rücksichtslosen Diktatoren zum Bürgerkrieg ausweiten. Mehr als ein halbes Jahr nach dem Sturz Ben Alis und zahlloser personeller Änderungen in der Übergangsregierung konnten die Arbeiten an der neuen Verfassung beginnen. Doch die politischen Fehden zwischen der säkular orientierten Opposition und den Islamisten der Ennahda-Partei zogen die Anstrengungen in die Länge.", "mention": "Revolution", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "46959"} {"context_title": "Nepali goddess retires at age 11", "context_date": "March 3, 2008", "context_left": "Last year, Shakya made headlines and sparked controversy when she visited the United States to attend the release of the movie Living Goddess, which portrayed three Kumari during the ", "context_right": ". She risked losing her title because the visit was against tradition, but the threat was later withdrawn.", "mention": "Nepalese Civil War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2002975"} {"context_title": "В Петербурге открылась выставка в честь битвы за Ленинград", "context_date": "4 мая 2019", "context_left": "Битва за Ленинград продолжалась с 10 июля 1941 года по 9 августа 1944 года. С сентября 1941 года во время блокады Ленинграда продолжались попытки прорвать окружение, советские войска освободили город в результате операций «", "context_right": "» и «Январский гром».", "mention": "Искра", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "233278"} {"context_title": "Историки геологии встретились в Санкт-Петербурге", "context_date": "3 ноября 2019", "context_left": "Игорь Викторович Борисов, из краеведческого музея карельского города Сортавала, рассказал о широком использовании природного камня в этом городе, который раньше назывался Сердоболь. Финские строители начали использовать 15 разновидностей гранитов и другого строительного камня для мостовых, домов (в основном цоколи деревянных строений и здания банков) и мостов. Наиболее красивым считался сердобольский гранит, его добывали в каменоломнях на соседних островах Ладожского озера. Например, Атланты Эрмитажа сделаны из этого камня (гранито-гнейс), поэтому «иногда считается», что «Атлантида» находится в Карелии. В облицовке домов, <a href=\"%D0%91%D0%BE%D1%80%D1%82%D0%BE%D0%B2%D0%BE%D0%B9%20%D0%BA%D0%B0%D0%BC%D0%B5%D0%BD%D1%8C\">бордюрах/поребриках</a> и лестницах широко использовались розоватые порфиробластические граниты, знаменитый рапакиви. Рускеала известна своим мрамором, сейчас там знаменитый природный горный парк. Каменоломни чёрного габбро производили мемориальный камень, известный на старых финских кладбищах. В 1910 году закончились разработки карьеров для строительства в Санкт-Петербурге, а в 1939 году, в связи с ", "context_right": ", другие разработки были заброшены. Сегодня каменоломни привлекают туристов и служат геологическим музеем под открытым небом.", "mention": "финской войной", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "134949"} {"context_title": "UEFA Euro 16 draw takes place in Paris", "context_date": "December 14, 2015", "context_left": "On Saturday evening, the ", "context_right": " draw took place at the Palais des Congrès in Paris; UEFA Euro 2016 is scheduled to be hosted in France. 24 nations were drawn in six groups, with the host nation placed in Group A. The quadrennial football tournament of Europe is scheduled to start in June 2016, the matches to be played in ten French cities.", "mention": "UEFA Euro 2016", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "189571"} {"context_title": "2 августа мавзолей Ленина закроют", "context_date": "1 августа 2009", "context_left": "В этот день на Красной площади будут проводиться государственные мероприятия. Если судить по новости, то эти мероприятия важнее доступа посетителей к телу покойного вождя ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Октябрьской революции", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "42976"} {"context_title": "Diodato vince Sanremo 2020", "context_date": "9 febbraio 2020", "context_left": "Diodato ieri ha vinto (o meglio stanotte, essendo il festival finito a notte fonda) il ", "context_right": ", giunto quest'anno alla settantesima edizione, battendo Francesco Gabbani e i Pinguini Tattici Nucleari. Nella finale a tre, dove il televoto del pubblico ha un peso del 34% mentre la giuria demoscopica e la sala stampa il 33%, la canzone vincitrice ha ricevuto il 23,9% del televoto, in opposizione al 38,9% dei Pinguini Tattici Nucleari e al 37,2% di Gabbani. Accompagnato dal singolo \"Fai Rumore\", oltre alla palma ha vinto anche il premio della critica \"Mia Martini\" e il premio della sala stampa \"Lucio Dalla\". È bene ricordare che la canzone vincitrice del festival rappresenterà l'Italia all'Eurovision Song Contest, la manifestazione musicale più importante in Europa.", "mention": "Festival di Sanremo", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "66120489"} {"context_title": "Конкурсанта на Євробачення-2014 від України обрано", "context_date": "21 грудня 2013", "context_left": "Україна обрала представника на ", "context_right": ". 59-й щорічний Пісенний конкурс Євробачення, пройде в Копенгагені, столиці Данії. Конкурс проводиться з 1956 року між країнами-членами Європейської Мовної Спілки.", "mention": "Євробачення−2014", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "5354210"} {"context_title": "Escocia aplaza su segundo referendo sobre la salida de la unión británica", "context_date": "27 de junio de 2017", "context_left": "El ", "context_right": " obtuvo 55,3% de votos en contra y 44,7% a favor lo que fue en todo efecto, una derrota. Después de este referendo, la primera ministra convocó uno nuevo el 13 de marzo que se debería celebrar entre el otoño de 2018 y la primavera de 2019 a consecuencia del resultado en el referendo del Brexit.", "mention": "último referendo", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail, August 2012", "context_date": "September 6, 2012", "context_left": "With the ", "context_right": " looming, \"Wikinews\" decided to update on some of the candidates who challenged President Barack Obama during the Democratic primaries earlier this year. Of the three candidates chronicled: one is actively continuing his presidential campaign, one is backing a third party ticket, and another recently encountered a major roadblock to his goal of preventing Obama's unanimous nomination. ", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2104713"} {"context_title": "Mordanklage gegen George W. Bush nach Beendigung seiner Amtszeit möglich", "context_date": "15.12.2008", "context_left": " Weil George W. Bush den ", "context_right": " unter falschem Vorwand angezettelt haben soll, hat Staranwalt Vincent Bugliosi darüber nachgedacht, den US-Präsidenten nach Ende seiner Amtszeit und der damit verbundenen Aufhebung der politischen Immunität wegen Mordes anzuklagen. Der Anwalt begründete dies wie folgt: Wenn die Anklage beweisen könne, dass der Irak-Krieg unter einem falschen Vorwand begonnen worden sei, dann wäre der Tod all der gefallenen Soldaten nicht gerechtfertigt und deshalb Mord.", "mention": "Irakkrieg", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "IPC inducts new members into its Hall of Fame", "context_date": "September 2, 2012", "context_left": "The ceremony was hosted by Chris Wadell, a Paralympic skier who was himself inducted into the Hall of Fame at the ", "context_right": ", alongside Sir Philip Craven, the current President of the International Paralympic Committee (IPC). ", "mention": "2010 Winter Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "641965"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton wins 2007 United States Grand Prix", "context_date": "June 17, 2007", "context_left": "McLaren Mercedes driver Lewis Hamilton won from pole FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " United States Grand Prix at the Indianapolis Motor Speedway in Indianapolis, Indiana, USA. This became his second successive win since the start of the season and in his driver's career with seven consecutive podium finishes.", "mention": "2007", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "597001"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, July 2016", "context_date": "August 23, 2016", "context_left": "On the opening day, on the floor of the convention at Quicken Loans Arena, anti-Trump delegates unsuccessfully attempted to force a roll call vote on the convention rules. Protests outside were relatively minor with only 24 arrests throughout the entire convention. During the convention speeches, delegates frequently chanted \"Lock her up!\" in reference to Hillary Clinton. Patricia Smith, mother of diplomat Sean Smith who died in the ", "context_right": ", blamed Clinton for her son's death and exclaimed, \"Hillary belongs in prison. She deserves to be in stripes.\" In his speech, former New York City Mayor Rudy Giuliani commented Clinton \"would go to jail\" if he were allowed to prosecute her. In the prime-time opening-night speech, Trump's wife Melania delivered a speech that initially received acclaim. However, this changed once the media pointed out some lines were nearly identical to those from the speech of First Lady Michelle Obama at the 2008 Democratic National Convention. ", "mention": "2012 Benghazi attack", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "199416"} {"context_title": "Inicia gira multimedia por Bicentenario de México", "context_date": "5 de mayo de 2010", "context_left": "El evento se realizó en el Campo Marte, al que acudieron invitados del gobierno federal. La proyección narró mediante una combinación de técnicas de cine, animación y video la historia de México, combinando además pirotecnia, luces y fuego. La narrativa inició en las culturas de Mesoamérica, pasando por la Conquista de México, la independencia, la ", "context_right": " y escenas representativas del siglo XX como el movimiento estudiantil de 1968, el sismo de 1985 o el levantamiento zapatista de 1994. La parte final, la de 2010, mostró fotografías y videos de los mexicanos de la actualidad, concluyendo con la interpretación de la canción típica México lindo y querido por el cantante Pepe Aguilar.", "mention": "revolución mexicana", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "214426"} {"context_title": "Grace Bowman withdraws from 2012 Paralympic Dressage Individual Championship Test - Grade II event", "context_date": "September 1, 2012", "context_left": "Bowman's ", "context_right": " campaign has come to an end without a medal, after having finished 21st Thursday in the Team Test - Grade II event.", "mention": "London Paralympic", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Primeira-dama da Ucrânia apresenta livros sobre o Holodomor durante feira", "context_date": "14 de setembro de 2007", "context_left": " Em Lviv, durante o Fórum dos editores, Kateryna Yushchenko apresentou, no último dia 13 de setembro, cinco livros sobre o ", "context_right": " na Ucrânia ocorrido no biênio 1932-33. ", "mention": "Holodomor", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "165058"} {"context_title": "2009世界陸上 やり投げの村上幸史選手が銅メダル 同種目で日本人初のメダル獲得", "context_date": "2009年8月25日", "context_left": "この種目の過去の成績は1987年大会で溝口和洋選手が記録した6位が最高順位で、日本勢の同種目でのメダル獲得はオリンピック・世界選手権を通じて初となる。投てき競技でのメダル獲得は、男子ハンマー投げ競技で2001年大会銀メダル、", "context_right": "銅メダルの室伏広治選手に次いで2人目となる。", "mention": "2003年大会", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "263403"} {"context_title": "На месте мавзолея Ленина предлагается построить православный храм", "context_date": "17 июля 2009", "context_left": "17 июля в России вспоминали ", "context_right": ", произошедшее 91 год назад в Екатеринбурге. Тысячи людей пришли почтить память святых царственных страстотерпцев.", "mention": "убийство царской семьи", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "1356047"} {"context_title": "THW-Team in New Orleans eingetroffen", "context_date": "09.09.2005", "context_left": "Das Team besteht aus 54 Fachleuten, deren Aufgabe es vorrangig sein wird, mit den mitgebrachten Pumpen beim Abpumpen des Wassers aus der durch den Hurrikan „", "context_right": "“ überschwemmten Stadt zu helfen.", "mention": "Katrina", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Presidenta argentina usa un decreto de emergencia para crear un feriado", "context_date": "4 de mayo de 2010", "context_left": "En un principio, el gobierno presentó un proyecto de ley para crear el feriado, que sería por única vez, por los 200 años de la ", "context_right": ". Sin embargo, Fernández de Kirchner decidió sancionarlo por un DNU, que tiene fuerza de ley, por las probabilidades de que la iniciativa fuera rechazada en el Parlamento.", "mention": "Revolución de Mayo", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "838980"} {"context_title": "150 osób nie żyje, nowy bilans ofiar eksplozji w Tiencinie", "context_date": "31 sierpnia 2015", "context_left": "Liczba ofiar ", "context_right": " z 12 sierpnia 2015 wzrosła do 150 osób.", "mention": "eksplozji w Tiencinie", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "20816071"} {"context_title": "Michael Schumacher wins 2006 Chinese Grand Prix", "context_date": "October 1, 2006", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Michael Schumacher won the FIA Formula-1 2006 Sinopec ", "context_right": " on the Shanghai International Circuit. Although the wet weekend was more suitable for the Michelin-tyred cars, Schumacher overtook both Renault drivers to win the race.", "mention": "Chinese Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "220844"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Australian Glider Amanda Carter", "context_date": "September 28, 2012", "context_left": " That brings us to the ", "context_right": ". It says you missed the practice game beforehand because of illness, and half the team had some respiratory infection prior to the game.", "mention": "2000 Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "855688"} {"context_title": "Socialists win second term as Spain's ruling party", "context_date": "March 10, 2008", "context_left": "The killing drew comparisons to the ", "context_right": ", which killed 191 people three days before the general election in which Zapatero came to power. The conservative government initially placed the blame on the ETA, despite evidence that the attack was done by Islamic extremists angered by Spain's involvement in the Iraq War. One of Zapatero's first acts as Prime Minister was withdrawing troops from Iraq.", "mention": "2004 Madrid train bombings", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "213531"} {"context_title": "2008 Juno Award nominees announced", "context_date": "February 6, 2008", "context_left": " Nominees for the ", "context_right": ", Canada's primary music honours, were announced in Toronto on Tuesday. Celine Dion received nominations in six categories. Five nominations apiece were given to Michael Bublé, Feist and Avril Lavigne, who also happen to be previously scheduled performers at the Juno ceremonies. Ottawa's controversial rapper Belly received nominations in both the best rap recording and best new artist categories.", "mention": "2008 Juno Awards", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "6314178"} {"context_title": "Fernando Alonso wins 2010 Korean Grand Prix", "context_date": "October 26, 2010", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Fernando Alonso won the first ever FIA ", "context_right": " in Yeongam, South Korea. With two races to go, Alonso now leads the drivers' championship, closely followed by Mark Webber and Lewis Hamilton.", "mention": "2010 Korean Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172935"} {"context_title": "Protest in Amsterdam tegen Israël", "context_date": "10 januari 2009", "context_left": "Vandaag werden erin verschillende steden in Europa protesten gehouden tegen de ", "context_right": ". In Amsterdam hadden ongeveer 120 vooral jongeren zich verzameld voor een stille tocht. De tocht begon bij de Poldermoskee in het stadsdeel Slotervaart en eindigde op het Beursplein. Op de Dam werden ballonnen in de Palestijnse kleuren losgelaten. Die stonden symbool voor de doden die aan Palestijnse kant zijn gevallen.", "mention": "Israëlische inval in de Gazastrook", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "170682"} {"context_title": "Oil price jumps as Rita heads to refineries", "context_date": "September 24, 2005", "context_left": "The price for crude oil is expected to reach US$68 a barrel after reaching the all-time high in the U.S. at $70.85 on Aug 30, in fear of the landing of Rita along the U.S. Gulf Coast. Along the Texas gulf coastline, whose key U.S. oil production facilities were largely untouched by the catastrophic ", "context_right": " onslaught three weeks ago, production and distribution facilities have been battened down.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "샌프란시스코 자이언츠, 56년 만에 월드 시리즈 우승", "context_date": "2010년 11월 2일", "context_left": "11월 2일, 텍사스 알링턴의 레인저스볼파크에서 열린 택사스 레인저스와의 ", "context_right": " 5차전에서 팀 린스컴의 8이닝 1실점 호투와 에드가 렌테리아의 결승 3점 홈런에 힘입은 샌프란시스코 자이언츠가 텍사스 레인저스에 3:1로 승리하고 월드 시리즈를 4:1로 가져가며 56년 만에 월드 시리즈 우승에 성공하였다. 8년 만에 월드 시리즈에 올랐던 샌프란시스코는 구단 역사상 최초로 월드 시리즈에 오른 텍사스를 상대로 1, 2, 4차전을 승리하고 유리한 고지를 점령하고 있었다. 텍사스는 에이스 클리프 리를 선발로 내세워 중반까지 치열한 투수전을 펼쳤으나 7회초 에드가 렌테리아에게 2사 2, 3루에서 결승 3점 홈런을 얻어 맞으며 승기를 빼앗겼다. 샌프란시스코는 선발투수 팀 린스컴이 넬슨 크루즈에게 7회말 솔로홈런을 맞았으나 9회말 마무리 투수 브라이언 윌슨을 올려 승리를 낚아챘다.", "mention": "2010 월드 시리즈", "context_lang": "ko", "label_id": "928040"} {"context_title": "别斯兰惨案惟一生擒嫌犯恐怖罪行成立", "context_date": "2006年5月16日", "context_left": "在", "context_right": "中,惟一被生擒的嫌犯库拉耶夫,今日被判决恐怖主义绑架、谋杀等多项罪名成立。俄罗斯南部北奥塞提亚共和国法院今日宣布了这一判决。", "mention": "别斯兰人质惨案", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "193733"} {"context_title": "Bush-Anklage von UN-Sonderberichterstatter gefordert", "context_date": "21.01.2009", "context_left": "Der deutsche Politiker Hans-Christian Ströbele (Grüne) schloss sich den Forderungen an. Wegen des ", "context_right": " seien ebenfalls bereits von mehreren Personen Anträge beim Chefankläger des Den Haager Internationalen Strafgerichtshofs gestellt worden. Von diesen werde der Irakkrieg als völkerrechtswidriger Angriffskrieg bewertet. Ströbele fände jedoch wegen der Folter eine Anklageerhebung in den Vereinigten Staaten besser. ", "mention": "Irakkriegs", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Serie orkanen in Louisiana, New Orleans weer getroffen", "context_date": "8 februari 2017", "context_left": "Ook de stad Orleans is door de orkaan getroffen, met name de wijk 9th Ward. Dit is dezelfde wijk die in 2005 ook al door ", "context_right": " zwaar werd getroffen. De bewoners van deze wijk zijn opnieuw al hun bezittingen kwijt. ", "mention": "Katrina", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "スーダン政府と反政府最大勢力が和平協定に調印", "context_date": "2006年5月6日", "context_left": "ナイジェリアのアブジャで現地時間5月5日(UTC+1)、スーダン政府とスーダン解放軍(SLM)多数派が和平協定に調印した。同国ダルフール地方で続く", "context_right": "の解決へ向けての大きな前進と見られているが、反政府勢力のうち、「正義と平等運動」 (JEM) とスーダン解放軍少数派の2派は和平協定に調印しなかった。", "mention": "ダルフール紛争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "190758"} {"context_title": "Lewis Hamilton vence o GP da Inglaterra de 2008 da F1", "context_date": "7 de julho de 2008", "context_left": "Em uma pista molhada, o piloto inglês Lewis Hamilton, da , venceu neste domingo o ", "context_right": ", disputado em , e reassumiu a liderança do campeonato mundial de pilotos. Com o 13º lugar de Felipe Massa e o quarto lugar de Kimi Raikkonen, ambos da Scuderia Ferrari, os três pilotos dividem a liderança. Robert Kubica, da , que não concluiu a prova, chegou a por instantes liderar o campeonato. Seu companheiro de equipe, , chegou em segundo. A grande surpresa da corrida foi a brilhante pilotagem de Rubens Barrichello, da , que ficou na terceira posição.", "mention": "Grande Prêmio da Grã-Bretanha de 2008 de Fórmula 1", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "179354"} {"context_title": "【熊本地震】発生直後「ライオン逃げた」とTwitterに投稿した男を逮捕 - 偽計業務妨害の疑い", "context_date": "2016年7月21日", "context_left": "今年4月に発生した", "context_right": "の直後にTwitterに「おいふざけんな、地震のせいでうちの近くの動物園からライオン放たれたんだが熊本」と嘘の投稿をした神奈川県に住む20代の会社員の男が逮捕された。", "mention": "熊本地震", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "23825118"} {"context_title": "Rusia acusa a Estados Unidos de no respetar la soberanía de los Estados", "context_date": "27 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Destacó además que la estabilidad internacional fue \"golpeada seriamente\", también puso como ejemplo los bombardeos a Yugoslavia, la ", "context_right": ", los ataques contra Libia y el fracaso en Afganistán. Asimismo señaló que la crisis ucraniana fue producto de un golpe de Estado realizado gracias a la ayuda estadounidense y europea.", "mention": "invasión en Irak", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Eurostadion krijgt geen milieuvergunning", "context_date": "9 juni 2017", "context_left": "Met het niet toekennen van de milieuvergunning loopt de bouw van het stadion opnieuw vertraging op. De overheid heeft vijf maanden de tijd om een uitspraak te formuleren op het beroep. Ghelamco verklaart dat het stadion alsnog af kan zijn in 2020. Dan zouden er enkele matches van ", "context_right": " worden gespeeld. ", "mention": "Euro 2020", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "373501"} {"context_title": "Former U.S. National Security Advisor Zbigniew Brzezinski dies aged 89", "context_date": "May 27, 2017", "context_left": "Throughout 1960s, Brzezinski worked for John F. Kennedy as his advisor and then the Lyndon B. Johnson administration. During the 1976 selections he advised Carter on foreign policy, then served as National Security Advisor (NSA) from 1977 to 1981, succeeding Henry Kissinger. As NSA, he assisted Carter in diplomatically handling world affairs, such as the Camp David Accords, 1978; normalizing US–China relations thought the late 1970s; the Iranian Revolution, which led to the ", "context_right": ", 1979; and the Soviet invasion in Afghanistan, 1979.", "mention": "Iran hostage crisis", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "589673"} {"context_title": "Equador rechaça a guerra fratrícida na Líbia apoiado pelo Ocidente", "context_date": "10 de setembro de 2011", "context_left": "O presidente do Equador, Rafael Correa, denunciou a situação da Líbia como uma clara intromissão em seus assuntos internos em marco da comemoração dos ataques terroristas nas cidades estadounidenses em 2001 e ", "context_right": " em seu programa de televisão \"Enlace Ciudadano\", comparando este último evento com o conflito no país magrebe.", "mention": "do golpe militar direitista contra Salvador Allende no Chile de 1973", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "856670"} {"context_title": "伊斯蘭國承認發動尼斯恐襲", "context_date": "2016年7月16日", "context_left": "恐怖組織伊斯蘭國宣佈為法國尼斯當地時間昨天", "context_right": "負上責任,以回應法國對伊斯蘭國的打擊。", "mention": "造成逾80死、50傷的恐襲", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "25893254"} {"context_title": "6.0 magnitude earthquake rocks eastern Turkey", "context_date": "March 9, 2010", "context_left": "Turkey lies on highly active fault lines and earthquakes often hit the nation. A ", "context_right": " in Istanbul killed 20,000 people in August 1999. Most of the earthquakes that hit Turkey are usually minor.", "mention": "7.4-magnitude earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "367449"} {"context_title": "US presidential candidate John McCain now leads slightly in the polls", "context_date": "September 9, 2008", "context_left": "Obama had a 6.0 percent lead in the \"Day to Day Politics Poll Average\" after the ", "context_right": ", but now is trailing after the Republican National Convention and the announcement of Sarah Palin as McCain's running mate. This is the first time McCain has led Obama in the poll average since the two candidates emerged as their party's presumptive nominees after the primaries. ", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2034682"} {"context_title": "The Woodcraft Folk loses subsidy", "context_date": "March 17, 2005", "context_left": "Some members of Woodcraft Folk have charged that the real reason the funding was stopped is the group's strong support against the ", "context_right": ". It has helped lead some of the anti-war movements. ", "mention": "Iraq War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Serbia vence a Croacia en un final agónico durante el Mundial de Turquía", "context_date": "5 de septiembre de 2010", "context_left": "El pasado 4 se septiembre, selección de baloncesto de Serbia venció a selección de baloncesto de Croacia en los octavos de final del ", "context_right": " que se disputa en Turquía clasificándose para los cuartos de final ante la actual campeona, España.", "mention": "Campeonato Mundial de Baloncesto de 2010", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "211438"} {"context_title": "Roze Zaterdag 2008 in Tiel", "context_date": "28 juni 2008", "context_left": "Deze laatste zaterdag van juni is ook de herdenking van de ", "context_right": " naar aanleiding van het optreden tegen homo's in 1969 van de New Yorkse politie in Christopher Street (Manhattan)|Christopher Street|en, waar in andere landen Gay Pride of Christopher Street (Liberation) Day (CSD) hun namen aan ontlenen danwel equivalenten van 'Roze Zaterdag' zijn.", "mention": "Stonewall-rellen", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "51402"} {"context_title": "Porkala udde fri för 50 år sen", "context_date": "26 januari 2006", "context_left": "Det är exakt 50 år sedan Sovjetunionen den 26 januari 1956 oväntat lämnade Porkala udde, som man i fredsslutet efter ", "context_right": " fått på arrende i 50 år. Detta uppmärksammades idag på många håll i Finland med högtidsfester, bland annat i Kyrkslätt och Esbo.", "mention": "Fortsättningskriget", "context_lang": "sv", "label_id": "122100"} {"context_title": "Italië wint Europees kampioenschap voetbal", "context_date": "12 juli 2021", "context_left": "Italië heeft het ", "context_right": " gewonnen. Na een strafschoppenserie wisten ze zondagavond in het Wembley-stadion in Londen te ", "mention": "Europees kampioenschap voetbal 2020", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "373501"} {"context_title": "Letter from 1988 says Iran needed to aquire nuclear weapons to win the war with Iraq", "context_date": "September 30, 2006", "context_left": "A letter that had been written in 1988 by Ayatollah Ruhollah Khomeini, who led the 1979 ", "context_right": " and is Iran's former Supreme Leader has been made public by Iran's former president Hashemi Rafsanjani and states that Iran needed to acquire nuclear weapons in an attempt to win the war with Iraq. The letter was reportadly sent to \"political leaders\" while the Iran-Iraq war was taking place.", "mention": "Iranian Revolution", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "126065"} {"context_title": "Spotkanie z Aleksandrą Ziółkowską-Boehm autorką książki „Druga bitwa o Monte Cassino i inne opowieści”", "context_date": "30 maja 2014", "context_left": "Najnowsza książka to 9 opowiadań związanych z różnymi wydarzeniami II wojny światowej, takimi jak: bitwa pod Monte Cassino, powstanie warszawskie, ", "context_right": " czy wokół lotów generała Władysława Sikorskiego. ", "mention": "rzeź wołyńska", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "695020"} {"context_title": "Si Escocia se independiza "no habrá vuelta atrás", asegura Cameron", "context_date": "15 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Si Escocia se independiza \"no habrá vuelta atrás\", aseguró este lunes el primer ministro británico, David Cameron, en su último viaje al país antes del ", "context_right": ". Asimismo, pidió a los escoceses no dejarse llevar por el descontento de su gobierno a Londres y una vez más rogó que voten no a la independencia. Afirmó que la independencia, además de ser una decisión irreversible, sería \"un divorcio muy doloroso\" que conllevaría \"el final de Reino Unido tal y como lo conocemos y no tendría vuelta atrás”.", "mention": "referéndum secesionista del jueves", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "Papst Franziskus und der Richtungswechsel", "context_date": "31.03.2013", "context_left": "Dass Franziskus mit einigen der bisherigen Traditionen brechen würde, hatte sich schon angekündigt. Jorge Mario Bergoglio scheint damit als Papst den Stil fortzusetzen, den er schon in Argentinien gepflegt hatte. Anstatt in der Bischofsresidenz wohnte er in einem schlichten Apartment. Er besuchte Gefängnisse und Krankenhäuser, er ging auf Leute am Rand unserer Gesellschaft zu. Wenige Tage vor dem Konklave hatte er vor dem Kardinalskollegium eine kurze Rede gehalten, die für einiges Aufsehen unter den Kardinälen gesorgt hat. Die Rede soll dazu beigetragen haben, dass der Mann, der schon beim ", "context_right": " die zweitmeisten Stimmen erhalten hatte, diesmal in wenigen Wahlgängen zum Papst gewählt wurde. Das handgeschriebene Manuskript der Rede wurde jetzt vom kubanischen Kardinal Jaime Ortega in der erst seit dem dortigen Papstbesuch 2011 wieder zugelassenen Zeitung „Palabra NUEVA“ veröffentlicht. ", "mention": "Konklave 2005", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "666536"} {"context_title": "China and Russia continue joint army exercise", "context_date": "August 19, 2005", "context_left": "Russian and Chinese armed forces began their first ever joint military exercises since the ", "context_right": ", when Russia was still part of the Soviet Union, on Thursday. The exercises are expected to last for eight days. ", "mention": "Korean War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Gedenkfeier anlässlich der Challenger-Katastrophe", "context_date": "29.01.2006", "context_left": " Die NASA hat gestern des 20. Jahrestages der ", "context_right": " der Challenger-Weltraumfähre gedacht. Im Raumfahrtzentrum Cape Canaveral fand eine Gedenkfeier statt. Bei dem Absturz des Fähre am 28. Januar 1986 kamen alle sieben Astronauten ums Leben. Deren Angehörige nahmen an der heutigen Feier teil. Der Toten wurde in Form einer militärischen Zeremonie und anhand von Reden gedacht. ", "mention": "Katastrophe", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "858145"} {"context_title": "Der Physiker Sebastian Pflugbeil berichtet aus Fukushima", "context_date": "08.02.2014", "context_left": " Ganz aktuell von der Situation in Japan - fast drei Jahre nach der ", "context_right": " - berichtete der Physiker Sebastian Pflugbeil im vollbesetzten Saal des Bremer Kulturzentrums \"Paradox\", das sich in der Bernhardstraße neben der Lila Eule befindet. Pflugbeil hatte bereits nach der Tschernobyl-Katastrophe 1986 im Auftrag des Bundes der Evangelischen Kirchen in der DDR an einer Studie über Probleme der Kernenergiepolitik in der DDR mitgearbeitet. In seinem gestrigen Vortrag beschrieb er die restrikte Informationspolitik der japanischen Regierung. Auch auf mehrmalige Nachfrage aus dem Publikum musste er betonen, dass es kaum Informationen gebe. Die Statistiken der Krankenhäuser über Missbildungen bei Kindern seien ab 2011 nicht weitergeführt worden, so dass es keine Erkenntnisse darüber gebe. Aus vergleichenden Studien nach der Katastrophe von Tschernobyl ließen sich Vermutungen über die Folgen für die japanische Bevölkerung herleiten. So gebe es Hinweise, dass die Zahl der Totgeburten und die Fälle von Schilddrüsenkrebs zunehmen würden. Leider sei auch in Deutschland die Datengrundlage unzureichend. In Bayern gebe es mehrere Statistiken nach der Katastrophe von Tschernobyl.", "mention": "Katastrophe in Fukushima", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "UK teens cleared of school massacre plot", "context_date": "September 17, 2009", "context_left": "Two teenagers in the United Kingdom have been acquitted of planning a high school massacre similar to the 1999 ", "context_right": " in the United States. Police and the Crown Prosecution Service have been criticised for bringing the case to trial.", "mention": "Columbine High School massacre", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "473845"} {"context_title": "Fidel Castro entra no livro Guinness com maior recorde de atentados contra ele mesmo", "context_date": "18 de dezembro de 2011", "context_left": "O octogenário líder da ", "context_right": " e ex-presidente da ilha, Fidel Castro, entra por fim ao no Guinness Book com o maior número de atentados contra ele mesmo, todas de autoria da Agência Central de Inteligência (CIA) dos Estados Unidos.", "mention": "Revolução Cubana", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "11264"} {"context_title": "US President Biden recognises Armenian killing as 'genocide'", "context_date": "April 27, 2021", "context_left": "In a statement on Armenian Genocide Remembrance Day, Biden said \"[t]he American people honor all those Armenians who perished in the genocide that began 106 years ago today [...] We remember the lives of all those who died in the Ottoman-era ", "context_right": " and recommit ourselves to preventing such an atrocity from ever again occurring.\" He also said, \"we remember so that we remain ever-vigilant against the corrosive influence of hate in all its forms.\"", "mention": "Armenian genocide", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "İlker Başbuğ açıklamalarda bulundu", "context_date": "2010/01/25", "context_left": "Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Genelkurmay Başkanı Orgeneral İlker Başbuğ Genelkurmay Başkanlığı Karargahı'nda düzenlenen Kazım Karabekir'i anma toplantısının ardından açıklamalarda bulundu. Başbuğ konuşmasına, Kazım Karabekir'in \"Vatandaş! Yanlış bilgi felaket kaynağıdır. Her işin evvela hakikatini ara ve öğren, sonra münakaşasını istediğin gibi yap.\" sözlerini hatırlatarak başladı. Başbuğ, Balyoz Harekât Planı ile ilgili olarak rahatsızlık duyduğunu belirtti. Başbuğ, \"Allah, Allah diye asker taarruz ediyor. Şimdi ben sizlere soruyorum, vicdansızlara soruyorum. Allah, Allah diye askerine hücum ettiren bir ordu nasıl Allah'ın evi camiye bomba attırmayı düşünür. Vicdansızlıktır, lanetliyorum bunları.\" dedi. İlker Başbuğ, Türk Silahlı Kuvvetleri'nde bilgilerin sızdırılmasının da büyük bir sorun olduğunu belirtti. Başbuğ ayrıca, Balyoz Harekât Planı'nın gündemde kalmasından da rahatsızlık duyduğunu da söyledi. Başbuğ, ", "context_right": " ve 1980 yıllarında Türkiye'de yaşanan darbelerin de geride kaldığını belirtti.", "mention": "1960", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "1859259"} {"context_title": "Teräsbetoni's 'Myrskyntuoja' tops Finnish album chart", "context_date": "March 27, 2008", "context_left": "The lead single from the album, \"Missä Miehet Ratsastaa\", is Finland's entry at the ", "context_right": " of the annual Eurovision Song Contest. The song reached number two on the Finnish singles chart and is currently number four.", "mention": "2008 instalment", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10155"} {"context_title": "В Китае снят введённый после «Фукусимы» запрет на строительство АЭС", "context_date": "25 октября 2012", "context_left": "", "context_right": " китайские власти ввели запрет на утверждение новых проектов в сфере атомной энергетики, а также распорядились провести проверку безопасности действующих китайских АЭС.", "mention": "После землетрясения, цунами и последовавшей аварии на «Фукусиме» 11 марта 2011 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "الرئيس الفرنسي يقر بالقمع الدامي للجزائريين المتظاهرين طلباً للاستقلال في 1961", "context_date": "18 أكتوبر 2012", "context_left": "أقر الرئيس الفرنسي فرانسوا أولاند أمس الأربعاء رسمياً مسؤولية بلده عما سماه «بالقمع الدامي» ", "context_right": " المطالبة باستقلال الجزائر في سنة 1961، وذلك في الذكرى الحادية والخمسين للحدث الذي يعتبر من أفظع الصفحات في تاريخ فرنسا بعد الحرب العالمية الثانية. وأتى هذا الاعتراف سعياً لتحسين العلاقات مع الجزائر التي يستعد أولاند لزيارتها في بداية ديسمبر المقبل.", "mention": "لمظاهرة الجزائريين في باريس", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "200472"} {"context_title": "Muere Jean-Claude Duvallier, ex presidente de Haití", "context_date": "6 de octubre de 2014", "context_left": "Asumió su cargo en 1971 con tan solo 19 años y lo mantuvo hasta 1986, cuando lo tuvo que dejar tras una revuelta popular y exiliarse en Francia hasta 2011. Tuvo acusaciones de corrupción y violaciones a los derechos humanos durante su mandato. A su regreso declaro que volvía como un gesto de solidaridad con la nación por el ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "terremoto que asoló ese país en 2010", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "43777"} {"context_title": "Miles de unionistas marchan contra la independencia de Escocia", "context_date": "13 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Este sábado, alrededor de 12 000 militantes de la Orden de Orange, un grupo unionista protestante de Irlanda del Norte y Escocia, marcharon en Edimburgo en contra de la independencia escocesa, es decir, salieron a las calles a defender el \"no\" en el ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "referéndum que Escocia celebrará el próximo 18 de septiembre", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "'Denmark will be attacked' says one expert, 'Denmark safe' says another", "context_date": "July 8, 2005", "context_left": "The group that has claimed responsibility for the attacks on London, the \"Secret Organisation Group of Al-Qaeda of Jihad Organisation\", issued a statement yesterday where attacks on countries that supported the \"crusades\" against ", "context_right": " and Afghanistan are threatened. Denmark is on that list. The statement has not been verified.", "mention": "Iraq", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "107802"} {"context_title": "Конгресмени туже Обаму због Либије", "context_date": "16. јун 2011.", "context_left": "(Beta-AFP) - Десет чланова Представничког дома америчког Конгреса из обе партије поднело је савезном суду тужбу против председника Барака Обаме због предузимања ", "context_right": " без одобрења Конгреса.", "mention": "војне акције у Либији", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "81545"} {"context_title": "Tropical Storm Katrina threatens Florida, Bahamas", "context_date": "August 26, 2005", "context_left": "As of 11:30 a.m. EDT on August 26 (1530 UTC), the center of ", "context_right": " was located over the Gulf of Mexico about 45 miles (70 km) northwest of Key West, and 75 miles (120 km) south-southwest of Naples, Florida. The storm was reported moving southwest near 7 mph (11 km/h) with maximum sustained winds of approximately 100 mph (160 km/h) with higher gusts.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Kimi Räikkönen wins 2007 Chinese Grand Prix", "context_date": "October 7, 2007", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Kimi Räikkönen won the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " Sinopec Chinese Grand Prix on the Shanghai International Circuit, Shanghai, China. This became the 200th GP win for Scuderia Ferrari and 600th podium for this Formula One team.", "mention": "2007", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "220853"} {"context_title": "המלכה מתה, תחי המלכה? פורטוגל הפייבוריטית לשעבר הפסידה 3-2 לגרמניה, שמצטיירת כפייבוריטית החדשה לזכייה בגביע", "context_date": "19 ביוני 2008", "context_left": "שתי נבחרות שונות למדי נפגשו ברבע הגמר הראשון של ", "context_right": ". נשמעה מבטיחה למדי לפני שהתחיל הטורניר, וגם אחרי המשחק הראשון, אך תצוגת נפל למול ומשחק לא הגנתי למדי נגד גרמו לאוהדים לשנות את הערכתם ולשקול מחדש. לעומתה סומנה עוד הרבה לפני תחילת הטורניר, וגם לכל אורכו, כפייבוריטית הברורה ביותר לזכות בגמר. עתה היוצרות התהפכו ללא היכר - פורטוגל לא הצליחה לחזור מפיגור למול הנבחרת הגרמנית שהציגה משחק מרשים ביותר - האם גרמניה היא הפייבוריטית החדשה?", "mention": "יורו 2008", "context_lang": "he", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "Anschlag auf Präsident Osttimors", "context_date": "11.02.2008", "context_left": "Täter waren Rebellen unter der Führung des ehemaligen Chefs der Militärpolizei Alfredo Reinado, der beim Angriff auf Ramos-Hortas Haus von Wachleuten erschossen wurde. Die Rebellen sind ehemalige Soldaten der Streitkräfte Osttimors (F-FDTL), die 2006 meuterten und damit die größten Unruhen seit der Unabhängigkeit des Landes 2002 auslösten, bei der mindestens 37 Menschen starben. Aufgrund der damals ausbrechenden ethnischen Konflikte leben noch heute 100.000 Menschen in Flüchtlingslagern. Eine von ", "context_right": " und eine UN-Mission sorgen seitdem für Recht und Ordnung im Land. Erst in diesem Monat hatte man der nationalen Polizei wieder die Verantwortung für die Landeshauptstadt Dili übergeben. Damals musste die Regierung Alkatiri zurücktreten und Ramos-Horta übernahm bis zu seiner Wahl zum Präsidenten das Amt des Premierministers. Reinado war zeitweise in Untersuchungshaft wegen achtfachem Mord im Zusammenhang mit Feuergefechten während der Unruhen, konnte aber mit Anhängern aus dem Gefängnis fliehen und versteckte sich bisher in den Bergen im Westen des Landes. Ein Zugriffsversuch im März 2007 durch australische Spezialeinheiten misslang. In der letzten Woche feuerten Männer Reinados acht Warnschüsse in Richtung einer australischen Patrouille. Dabei wurde niemand verletzt. Auch nicht bei einer Explosion in einem australischen Militärcamp am letzten Donnerstag. ", "mention": "Australien geführte Militärmission", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "1666929"} {"context_title": "Heikki Kovalainen wins 2008 Hungarian Grand Prix", "context_date": "August 4, 2008", "context_left": "Vodafone McLaren Mercedes driver Heikki Kovalainen won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " ING Magyar Nagydíj at the Hungaroring, Budapest, Hungary on Sunday. It was the first Grand Prix win of Kovalainen's driving career and he became the 100th winner in Formula One history.", "mention": "2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "179379"} {"context_title": "ספרד בחצי הגמר לראשונה זה עשורים לאחר דו קרב פנדלים מול איטליה", "context_date": "23 ביוני 2008", "context_left": " נשאה קללה, מארה, או אולי סתם חוסר מזל. זה עשורים שהנבחרת הספרדית לא הצליחה להביא נחת לאוהדיה וסיימה טורנירים בשלבים מוקדמים. הנבחרת, שאמורה הייתה לייצג את אחת משלושת הליגות הטובות באירופה, התעתרה יותר בכשלונות מאשר בהצלחות. אבל כשכבר הצליחה עשתה זאת בגדול, כמו ב בו זכתה או ב בו הפסידה רק בגמר. ב", "context_right": " הנבחרת הספרדית הרשימה הרבה יותר מאלופת העולם , ועדיין האוהדים הספרדים הכינו עצמם לאכזבה. לאחר יותר מ-120 דקות הם גילו את גודל ההפתעה כשספרד גברה על איטליה ההגנתית והעפילה לחצי הגמר.", "mention": "יורו 2008", "context_lang": "he", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "UK Attorney General Lord Goldsmith admits to changing mind over Iraq war", "context_date": "January 27, 2010", "context_left": "During his six hour session of questioning, Goldsmith said that he changed his mind about whether a further United Nations resolution was needed to ensure that the invasion was legal. His testimony comes only a day after former foreign office legal advisor Michael Wood told the inquiry that his own advice, that a further resolution was required, was ignored in favour of Goldsmith's. Goldsmith's account was under scrutiny because he had consistently said that it would be \"safer\" if a further resolution were obtained—since it would have put the \"matter beyond doubt and nobody could have challenged the legality\"—before changing his mind and giving the \"green light\" only a month before the invasion. He said that he had \"good reasons\" for \"ultimately reach[ing] a different view\", and called his previous advice \"too cautious\". He based his support of the war's legality on a series of UN resolutions dating back to the end of the ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Gulf War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "Más de 220 fallecidos tras inundaciones y tornados en Estados Unidos.", "context_date": "28 de abril de 2011", "context_left": "El Gobierno de Estados Unidos confirmó que esta catástrofe es una de las más fuertes que se ha presentado desde el ", "context_right": " en el 2005, que dejó como resultado 1500 víctimas mortales.", "mention": "Huracán Katrina", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Eden Park to be upgraded for New Zealand's Rugby World Cup", "context_date": "November 27, 2006", "context_left": "The New Zealand Government has announced that it is ditching its preferred option of building a new stadium on Auckland's waterfront and instead is going to upgrade Auckland's current stadium of Eden Park for the ", "context_right": " final that New Zealand is hosting.", "mention": "2011 Rugby World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "270736"} {"context_title": "Half of Europe's flights could take off Monday, EU says", "context_date": "April 19, 2010", "context_left": "The last major disruption to European aviation followed the ", "context_right": " on the United States almost a decade ago. U.S. airspace was closed for three days and European airlines canceled all trans-Atlantic flights.", "mention": "September 11 attacks", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "中国代表团痛失首金 孙扬受委屈赛后痛哭", "context_date": "2016年8月8日", "context_left": "当日备受瞩目的体育明星之一,非孙杨莫属。在", "context_right": "中,孙杨以0.13秒的差距败给澳大利亚人麦克·霍尔顿。据现场记者报道,赛后遗憾失金的孙杨环抱自己的朋友痛哭流涕,直言应该拿金牌,而现场记者则给孙杨抱以鼓励的掌声。而另一方面,金牌获得者霍尔顿在赛后接受采访时表示自己“只是打败了吃禁药的对手”,此话被外界视作对孙杨的人身攻击,而孙杨此前曾于2014年爆出违规使用兴奋剂的丑闻。目前,中国泳协要求霍尔顿就自己的不当言论公开道歉,而国际奥委会也介入调查此事。后来,霍尔顿本人坦白,攻击孙扬系“心理战术”,并非临时起意,而是“深思熟虑的策略”。", "mention": "男子400米自由式比赛", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "25927636"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Adrian Mizher, independent candidate for Texas' 6th congressional district special election", "context_date": "April 7, 2021", "context_left": " I would say my favourite historical — I would say Jesus Christ, who is certainly historical, but to me is well beyond historical as my favourite, but that also takes us out of \"light-hearted\" and into a much more serious spiritual place. So I'll say Abraham Lincoln is my favourite historical figure, somebody who I have \"tremendous\" admiration for. Working under the difficult circumstances that he did and the growth that he showed in his political life from where he was in the 1850s to right up to ", "context_right": "; how he showed growth in his opinions and came to understand — again I believe in divine guidance — things that he previously had not understood. So, I think Abraham Lincoln would be my favourite although I don't know that I'm a whole lot like Lincoln other than sharing the same values.", "mention": "his death", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1025404"} {"context_title": "Partidos islâmicos recebem mais de 65% de votos na primeira rodada eleitoral para o Legislativo do Egito", "context_date": "4 de dezembro de 2011", "context_left": "Os partidos islâmicos alcançaram mais de 65% dos votos na primeira rodada das ", "context_right": ", segundo números divulgados hoje (4) pelo secretário-geral da Comissão Eleitoral, Youssri Abdel Karim. A primeira rodada eleitoral abrangeu um terço das províncias egípcias e as duas principais cidades, Cairo e Alexandria.", "mention": "eleições legislativas no Egito", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "29198"} {"context_title": "Germany to host 2011 FIFA Women's World Cup", "context_date": "October 30, 2007", "context_left": "Germany beat out Canada to be selected as host the ", "context_right": " of the FIFA Women's World Cup.", "mention": "2011 edition", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "108183"} {"context_title": "Aantal doden na aardbeving en tsunami op Sulawesi loopt snel op", "context_date": "30 september 2018", "context_left": "Er is veel kritiek gekomen op het waarschuwingssysteem bestaande uit 20 ruim twintig boeien en apparatuur, dat werd opgezet na de ", "context_right": ", die volgde op een zeer zware zeebeving en ca. 230.000 levens eiste. Dit systeem had nieuwe grote slachtofferaantallen als gevolg van een tsunami moeten voorkomen, maar zoals het er nu naar uitziet lijkt het dus vrijwel niet te hebben gewerkt. Onduidelijk is nog waarom het precies zo mis heeft kunnen gaan. Meerdere factoren lijken een rol te hebben gespeeld. Zo gaf de Indonesische meteorologische dienst (BMKG) aanvankelijk wel een tsunami-waarschuwing af, maar die waarschuwing werd na korte tijd weer ingetrokken. Hierdoor dachten vele mensen ten onrechte dat ze geen gevaar liepen, waarna ze door de tsunami werden verrast. De reden voor het intrekken van de waarschuwing was mogelijk dat de beving zelf een zijschuiving was, terwijl een tsunami normaal gesproken volgt op het verticaal tegen elkaar aanschuiven van aardplaten. Het is ook niet duidelijk of het intrekken van de waarschuwing al gebeurde voordat de vloedgolf Palu had bereikt (wat op sociale media wordt beweerd), of pas daarna. Met name in het eerste geval is de meteorologische dienst ernstig in zijn plicht tekortgeschoten.", "mention": "megatsunami van december 2004", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "130754"} {"context_title": "Clasifican los primeros países para la final de Eurovisión 2013", "context_date": "14 de mayo de 2013", "context_left": "El Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión ya tiene los primeros países clasificados para su ", "context_right": " cuya final tendrá lugar el próximo sábado 18 de mayo.", "mention": "edición número 58", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10162"} {"context_title": "USA qualify for 2007 Rugby World Cup in France", "context_date": "October 8, 2006", "context_left": "USA went through as 'Americas 4' to Pool A, where they join 2003 champions England, and the ", "context_right": " champions, South Africa. The other nation in the pool is Samoa, and one other nation that has yet to qualify, which will be either an Oceania or Asian nation. The USA have been to four World Cups in the past, with their best results being in 1987 and 2003 where they won one fixture in the pool rounds.", "mention": "1995", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "1130017"} {"context_title": "Space Shuttle Atlantis lands safely at Edwards Air Force Base", "context_date": "May 24, 2009", "context_left": "The mission almost did not occur. First, after the ", "context_right": ", there was extensive worry about whether a mission to Hubble made sense given that it would force the shuttle into an orbit in which the crew could not be easily rescued or rendevous with the International Space Station. There was also debate over whether the cost of the repairs would be worth the expense of the mission. ", "mention": "Columbia disaster", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "580867"} {"context_title": "Женская сборная Германии по футболу — восьмикратный чемпион Европы", "context_date": "29 июля 2013", "context_left": "В финале ", "context_right": " сборная Германии одержала победу над представительницами Норвегии со счётом 1:0 и стала восьмикратным чемпионом Европы. ", "mention": "Чемпионата Европы по футболу среди женщин", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "618327"} {"context_title": "São Petersburgo registra recorde de mortalidade em 10 anos", "context_date": "11 de julho de 2020", "context_left": "Desde o início de junho, São Petersburgo começou a suspender as restrições impostas devido à pandemia. Moradores da cidade foram autorizados a andar pelas ruas sem máscaras e luvas, e lojas foram abertas. A incidência de coronavírus havia reduzido antes da ", "context_right": " e da votação de emendas constitucionais, mas voltou a subir novamente.", "mention": "Parada da Vitória", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "2001685"} {"context_title": "Ropa z potopené věže zasáhla pobřeží Spojených států", "context_date": "30. duben 2010", "context_left": "Záchranářské práce ale komplikuje počasí, zejména silný vítr a vysoké vlny. Kvůli nim znečištěná voda překonává i provizorní norné stěny, například na pobřeží Chandeleurových ostrovů, které slouží jako zastávka při migraci ptactva. Podle Mobyho Solangiho, který stojí v čele neziskového institutu Marine Mammal Studies v mississippském Gulportu, přišla navíc katastrofa v nejméně vhodnou chvíli: \"„Postiženo bude mnoho mláďat. Čeká nás kolosální tragédie.“\" Většina ekosystémů postižených nebo ohrožených nyní ropou se navíc teprve nedávno vzpamatovala ze zkázy způsobené ", "context_right": " v roce 2005.", "mention": "hurikánem Katrina", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Tunísia faz eleições presidenciais após revolução", "context_date": "23 de novembro de 2014", "context_left": "A Tunísia faz hoje (23) as primeiras eleições presidenciais desde a ", "context_right": ", disputadas por 27 candidatos e com um antigo ministro dos regimes autoritários de Habib Bourguiba e de Ben Ali como favorito. Béji Caïd Essebsi, 87 anos, é o líder do partido laico Nidaa Tunès, vencedor das legislativas de 26 de outubro. O partido, considerado heterogêneo, congrega militantes de esquerda, sindicalistas, empresários e antigos membros do regime, unidos pela oposição aos islamitas do partido Ennahda.", "mention": "Revolução de 2011", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "46959"} {"context_title": "Un nuevo terremoto sacude Nepal", "context_date": "13 de mayo de 2015", "context_left": "Este terremoto se suma ", "context_right": " el pasado 25 de abril en Nepal donde el número de fallecidos superó las 8000 personas, con una magnitud de 7,9. Asimismo, el reciente temblor terminó de derrumbar edificios que ya se encontraban dañados.", "mention": "al ocurrido", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "19830062"} {"context_title": "Срби дали прве информације о Сребреници", "context_date": "21. фебруар 2012.", "context_left": "(Бета) - Бивши новинар лондонског Индипендента Роберт Блок посведочио је у уторак на суђењу Радовану Караџићу пред Хашким трибуналом да је о ", "context_right": " из Сребренице први пут чуо средином јула 1995. од Срба који су из БиХ преко Дрине долазили у Србију.", "mention": "масовним убиствима Муслимана", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "170334"} {"context_title": "Iran's Ahmadinejad wants change in US policies, not 'tactics'", "context_date": "January 29, 2009", "context_left": "In addition to urging a new direction in foreign policy, Ahmadinejad demanded that the US apologize for the \"crimes they have committed against the Iranian nation\" over the past 60 years. Ahmadinejad says these \"dark crimes\" include the economic sanctions imposed since the country's ", "context_right": ", attempts to halt Iran's nuclear program, and America's support of Israel.", "mention": "1979 revolution", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "126065"} {"context_title": "Kimi Räikkönen wins 2007 Brazilian Grand Prix and the 2007 Championship", "context_date": "October 21, 2007", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Kimi Räikkönen wins the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " Grande Prêmio do Brasil at Autódromo José Carlos Pace, São Paulo, Brazil. \"Iceman\" smiled on the first place of the podium as the 2007 Championship in full went to his team. Finally, the highly controversial and enthralling 2007 season came to an unexpected close. It was Ferrari who catched the Constructors' championship at Belgian Grand Prix from McLaren team and now ended their drivers domination.", "mention": "2007", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "54430"} {"context_title": "Brasil lidera quadro de medalhas dos Jogos Mundiais Militares", "context_date": "23 de julho de 2011", "context_left": "No penúltimo dia dos ", "context_right": ", o Brasil ultrapassou a China e assumiu a liderança das competições e já soma 38 medalhas de ouro, de um total de 93, com as 27 de prata e 29 de bronze. A China detém 36 medalhas de ouro, 21 de prata e 30 de bronze, somando 87 medalhas. Em terceiro lugar está a Itália, com 14 medalhas de ouro e 47 no total, e em quarto a Polônia, que 35 medalhas, sendo 9 de ouro.", "mention": "V Jogos Mundiais Militares", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "2705462"} {"context_title": "Hoogste bestuurder Kensington and Chelsea stapt op", "context_date": "22 juni 2017", "context_left": "De rechtstreekse aanleiding voor Holgates aftreden is het ", "context_right": ", waarbij ten minste 79 doden vielen. Het bestuur van het stadsdeel kreeg zeer veel kritiek te verwerken vanwege het lakse optreden direct na de ramp, en vanwege de slechte manier waarop in het algemeen woningen van minder welgestelden worden onderhouden. ", "mention": "volledig afbranden van de Grenfell Tower afgelopen week", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "30274958"} {"context_title": "Christchurch can host 2011 Rugby World Cup final", "context_date": "November 14, 2006", "context_left": "Christchurch, New Zealand's Jade stadium says they can host the ", "context_right": " final if Auckland can't make a decision on whether or not they should build a new stadium on the waterfront or upgrade Auckland's current stadium, Eden Park, costing NZ$500 million and $385 million respectively.", "mention": "2011 Rugby World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "270736"} {"context_title": "Se clasifican los últimos finalistas de Eurovisión 2013", "context_date": "16 de mayo de 2013", "context_left": " Tras la segunda semifinal del Festival de la Canción de Eurovisión, todos los países que participarán en la final de su ", "context_right": " ya se encuentran clasificados.", "mention": "edición número 58", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "10162"} {"context_title": "汶川地震中幸存 有情人终成眷属", "context_date": "2008年12月15日", "context_left": "在", "context_right": "中,有这么一个感人的愛情故事,男友郑广明一次又一次地呼喊埋在废墟中的女友贺晨曦的名字,不断地鼓励女友坚持下来,并且在废墟里向女友求婚。最终,贺晨曦挺过了104个小时的营救。今天,这对可歌可泣的情人终成眷属。他们特意赴北京举办自己的婚礼。如今,男友郑广明终于是实现了对女友贺晨曦的爱的诺言。", "mention": "汶川大地震", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "152033"} {"context_title": "Нема временског рока за операције у Либији", "context_date": "23. март 2011.", "context_left": ", (Beta-AFP) - Амерички министар одбране Роберт Гејтс изјавио је у среду у Каиру да не постоји временски рок за окончање ", "context_right": " у Либији.", "mention": "међународне операције", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "81545"} {"context_title": "Сборная России улучшила свои позиции в рейтинге ФИФА", "context_date": "2 февраля 2011", "context_left": "В опубликованном 2 февраля 2011 года рейтинге сборных ФИФА Россия поднялась на одну строчку вверх, заняв 12-ую позицию. Это произошло из-за резкого падения в рейтинге сборной Египта, связанного с потерей очков, заработанных на ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Кубке африканских наций 2006", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "585231"} {"context_title": "Exhuman restos de héroes de la independencia de México", "context_date": "31 de mayo de 2010", "context_left": "Los restos mortales de doce héroes de la ", "context_right": " fueron exhumados de la Columna de la Independencia, con el fin de asegurar su autenticidad, estudiar su estado de conservación y confirmar la identidad que tradicionalmente se les ha asignado.", "mention": "Independencia de México", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "68750"} {"context_title": "Почело суђење Садаму Хусеину", "context_date": "19. октобар 2005.", "context_left": "Багдад, Ирак - У Багдаду је почело суђење бившем ирачком лидеру Садаму Хусеину који је оптужен за злочине против човечности, убиство курдских цивила хемијским оружјем, као и за смрт више хиљада Шиита и Курда у ", "context_right": ", 1991. године.", "mention": "Заливском рату", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "女性ジャーナリスト・山本美香さんがシリア内紛の巻き添えで死ぬ", "context_date": "2012年8月22日", "context_left": "朝日新聞によると、山本さんは山梨県出身。衛星放送・朝日ニュースター記者を経て、アフガニスタンやイラク等の紛争地帯を取材。2003年の", "context_right": "取材が評価されボーン上田記念賞特別賞受賞。", "mention": "イラク戦争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Iran wil raketprogramma uitbreiden", "context_date": "22 september 2017", "context_left": "De Iraanse president Rohani heeft in een verklaring tijdens het defilé ter nagedachtenis van de ", "context_right": " aangegeven dat Iran zijn kernwapenprogramma wil gaan uitbreiden. \"Wij vergroten onze militaire slagkracht. We versterken ons raketprogramma en we zullen daar niemand toestemming voor vragen\". De president voegt er wel nog aan toe dat \"de militaire slagkracht niet opgezet is om andere landen aan te vallen\". ", "mention": "Irak-Iranoorlog", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "82664"} {"context_title": "On the campaign trail in the USA, July 2016", "context_date": "August 23, 2016", "context_left": "As the ", "context_right": " began in Cleveland, Ohio, Trump trailed Clinton in the July 18 Real Clear Politics average 40.6% to 43.8%. Although Ohio was hosting the convention, the state's delegates were not placed in the front as is tradition. This was believed to be punishment for Governor Kasich's refusal to endorse Trump or attend the convention. Manafort called Kasich's absence a \"big mistake\" and \"embarrassing [to] his state.\" With the release of the lineup of speakers showing many members of Trump's family, former RNC chairman Michael Steele called the convention \"a [Trump] family affair.\"", "mention": "GOP convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16156282"} {"context_title": "Η Εθνική Σλοβακίας ηττήθηκε από την Εθνική Ρωσίας με σκορ 0-1", "context_date": "8 Οκτωβρίου 2011", "context_left": "Η Εθνική Σλοβακίας ηττήθηκε από την Εθνική Ρωσίας με σκορ 0:1 στα Προκριματικά του ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Ευρωπαϊκού Πρωταθλήματος Ποδοσφαίρου 2012", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Россия перевела поставки газа Украине на авансовую систему платежа", "context_date": "14 мая 2014", "context_left": "Причиной данного решения послужила задолженность Украины за газ в размере 3,508 миллиарда долларов. В частности Украина в срок 7 мая 2014 года не оплатила апрельские поставки газа из России. В апреле 2014 года стоимость газа для Украины выросла до 485 долларов США за тысячу кубометров в связи с отменой ", "context_right": " по базированию Черноморского флота России в Севастополе. Россия считает Крым своей территорией, поэтому денонсировала договоренности об арендной плате за пребывание там российского флота.", "mention": "Харьковских соглашений", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "2077856"} {"context_title": "Las encuestas auguran un resultado ajustado en el referéndum de Escocia", "context_date": "14 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Las encuestas sobre intención de voto del próximo ", "context_right": " predicen un resultado estrecho. Ambos bandos, independentistas y unionistas, ultiman los esfuerzos antes de que se celebre la votación el jueves, al mismo tiempo que cuatro encuestas publicadas este fin de semana dan la victoria al no; sin embargo, en todos los casos por un pequeño margen.", "mention": "referéndum sobre la independencia de Escocia", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "Eritrea moves troops into UN buffer zone", "context_date": "October 17, 2006", "context_left": "In 1962 the Emperor Haile Sellassie of Ethiopia annexed Eritrea, which lead to the ", "context_right": ", until Eritrea regained control in 1991. The current border conflict between Eritrea and Ethiopia started in 1998, and ended in 2000 with a peace deal that stated the countries were bound to the decision of an independent commission ruling on the border issue. Ethiopia rejected the decision and insisted on further talks. Eritrea responded by hindering the peacekeepers' movements.", "mention": "Eritrean War of Independence", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "607257"} {"context_title": "Algerian judoka suspended from Olympics for refusing to face Israeli", "context_date": "July 24, 2021", "context_left": "Today Fethi Nourine, an Olympic judoka representing Algeria at the 2020 Summer Olympics in Tokyo, was suspended from the Olympics for refusing to compete against Tohar Butbul of Israel, Nourine citing his support for Palestine. Nourine was competing in the under-73 kg category. He also refused to face an Israeli opponent at the ", "context_right": ", which also occurred in Tokyo.", "mention": "2019 World Judo Championships", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "28683830"} {"context_title": "Conspirator of USS Cole attack freed from prison", "context_date": "October 27, 2007", "context_left": "Jamal al-Bedawi, one of the planners of the ", "context_right": " in 2000 that killed 17 American Navy personnel and injured 39 others in Yemen, has been freed from a prison in Sanaá, the capital of Yemen after he \"pleaded allegiance\" to the president of the country, and will be kept under house arrest with extreme security.", "mention": "USS Cole bombing", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "612086"} {"context_title": "Irak - İran sınırında gerginlik", "context_date": "2009/12/19", "context_left": "Petrol kuyusununun yönetimini ele geçiren asker sayısının 11 olduğunu açıklandı. Öte yandan petrol kuyusunun hakimiyeti tartışmalı olan \"Fakkah Petrol Sahası\"'nda olduğu açıklandı. Hakimiyet tartışması ", "context_right": " kadar dayanıyor.", "mention": "İran-Irak Savaşı'na", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "82664"} {"context_title": "சூடானின் தார்ஃபூர் போராளிக் குழுத் தலைவர் இப்ராகிம் கொல்லப்பட்டார்", "context_date": "டிசம்பர் 26, 2011", "context_left": "கடந்த எட்டு ஆண்டுகளாக இப்பகுதியில் இடம்பெற்று வரும் ", "context_right": " 2.7 மில்லியன் மக்கள் வரையில் உயிரிழந்திருப்பதாக ஐக்கிய நாடுகள் மதிப்பிட்டுள்ளது.", "mention": "உள்நாட்டுப் போரில்", "context_lang": "ta", "label_id": "190758"} {"context_title": "中國四川省發生強烈有感地震", "context_date": "2008年5月13日", "context_left": "是次地震是位於地震活躍帶,地震是印度板塊向北移撞擊歐亞板塊造成,因而引致都江堰地區地震,消息表示地震震央只有一個震央;是次地震規模和1976年的", "context_right": "相約,但震央較更淺,破壞力要視乎當地土質,並不排除在地震後一個月內會發生超過芮氏七級的地震。", "mention": "唐山大地震", "context_lang": "zh", "label_id": "462195"} {"context_title": "Erdbeben erschüttert amerikanisch-mexikanisches Grenzgebiet", "context_date": "06.04.2010", "context_left": "Bei dem Erdbeben handelte es sich um das stärkste Erdbeben in der Region seit 1892. Das Erdbeben ereignete sich vermutlich an der Laguna-Salada-Verwerfung, sagte die Seismologin Lucy Jones vom USGS. Dem Erdbeben folgten etliche Nachbeben. Südkalifornien ist häufig Schauplatz von Erdbeben, das letzte große Erdbeben war 1994 das ", "context_right": ", bei dem 59 Personen umkamen und 9.000 Menschen verletzt wurden. Jenes Beben hatte eine Sachschaden von über 20 Milliarden US-Dollar verursacht.", "mention": "Northridge-Erdbeben", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "1519015"} {"context_title": "Westerse oliemaatschappijen in gesprek over Iraakse contracten", "context_date": "21 juni 2008", "context_left": "De contracten worden niet geveild maar gegund en de maatschappijen krijgen hierdoor een voorsprong op concurrenten uit onder meer Rusland, China en India. Op het Franse Total na, zijn alle maatschappijen afkomstig uit landen die betrokken zijn of waren bij de ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Iraakse oorlog", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "German journalists detained in Qatar while investigating controversial 2022 FIFA World Cup hosting win", "context_date": "May 5, 2015", "context_left": "Qatar's controversial win of the 2022 World Cup hosting rights has been surrounded with claims of corruption among FIFA's leadership. FIFA held an investigation into the allegations relating to the 2018 and ", "context_right": " bids which found no major Qatari corruption, however the leader of the investigation, former US Attorney , later claimed FIFA whitewashed the investigation's findings.", "mention": "2022 World Cup", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "הנבחרות מוכנות, האצטדיונים מוכנים, האוהדים מוכנים - יורו 2008 בקו הזינוק", "context_date": "6 ביוני 2008", "context_left": "זהו, סוף כל סוף נחתה ב לקראת משחקיה, ועכשיו כולן כבר כאן - החל מ הקטנה ועד הגדולה; החל מ החלשה ועד ל אלופת העולם. ביום שבת, בשעה 19:00 שעון ישראל, ב, יחזו עשרות אלפי אוהדי כדורגל מכל רחבי אירופה במשחק הפתיחה של אליפות ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "יורו 2008", "context_lang": "he", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "福島県の伝統行事「相馬野馬追」が2016年も例年通り行われる、高木復興相も視察に", "context_date": "2016年7月30日", "context_left": "今回の「相馬野馬追」は高木毅復興相も視察に訪れた。", "context_right": "による避難指示の大部分が解除されたなかでの「相馬野馬追」として実施され、高木復興相からは「避難指示の解除は帰還への第一歩。帰還や復興に向けて生活基盤や産業の再生に全力で取り組みたい」と記者団に向けて語り、福島復興への決意を新たにした。", "mention": "福島第一原子力発電所事故", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Осуђени генерали, акција Олуја - злочиначки подухват", "context_date": "15. април 2011.", "context_left": " (Бета) - Хашки трибунал осудио је у петак хрватског генерала Анту Готовину на 24 године, а Младена Маркача на 18 затвора због злочина над спрским становништвом Книнске крајине током и после ", "context_right": " године.", "mention": "операције Олуја 1995.", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "769377"} {"context_title": "Plácido Domingo dirige homenaje en Tlatelolco a víctimas del sismo de 1985", "context_date": "19 de septiembre de 2015", "context_left": "El tenor Plácido Domingo dirigió la Orquesta Filarmónica de la Ciudad de México en un concierto homenaje a las víctimas y a los rescatistas que fallecieron a consecuencia del ", "context_right": ". El recital ocurrió en la Plaza de las Tres Culturas de Tlatelolco, uno de los sitios más castigados por el fenómeno natural que cobró la vida hace 30 años a miles de personas, incluidos cuatro familiares del artista.", "mention": "terremoto del 19 de septiembre de 1985", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1798567"} {"context_title": "Inglaterra, Francia, Alemania, Italia, Países Bajos, Canadá, Estados Unidos, Suecia y Japón se aseguran la plaza para los octavos de final tras la segunda jornada del Mundial Femenino de Fútbol", "context_date": "18 de junio de 2019", "context_left": "El pasado domingo, 16 de junio, acabó la segunda jornada de la ", "context_right": ". Tras ella las selecciones de Inglaterra, Francia, Alemania, Italia, Países Bajos, Canadá, Estados Unidos, Suecia y Japón se clasificaron matemáticamente para los octavos de final. Provisionalmente las selecciones de Noruega, España y Brasil estarían clasificadas como segundas clasificadas. Y por el método de los mejores terceros estarían provisionalmente clasificados Nigeria, China, Australia y Argentina.", "mention": "Copa Mundial Femenina de la FIFA Francia 2019", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "4630361"} {"context_title": "Польща закликає Україну до співробітництва", "context_date": "26 листопада 2010", "context_left": "Польща закликає Україну активізувати роботу щодо укладення двосторонніх міждержавних і міжвідомчих угод у правовій сфері. Така співпраця має широкі перспективи, враховуючи проведення в Україні та Польщі фінального турніру ", "context_right": " . Про це повідомляє прес-служба Міністерства юстиції України.", "mention": "чемпіонату Європи з футболу в 2012 році", "context_lang": "uk", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "All Ferrari front row on 2006 French Grand Prix", "context_date": "July 15, 2006", "context_left": "Ferrari driver Michael Schumacher and his teammate Felipe Massa won the front row on the FIA Formula-1 ", "context_right": " on the Circuit de Nevers Magny-Cours. ", "mention": "French Grand Prix", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "221639"} {"context_title": "ABD'nin çatışma amaçlı kuvvetleri Irak'tan tamamen ayrıldı", "context_date": "2010/08/19", "context_left": "Amerika Birleşik Devletleri'nin Irak'taki çarpışma amaçlı son birliği olan 14 bin kişilik birlik Irak'tan ayrıldı. Birlik, yerel saatle saat 1:30'da Kuveyt sınırından geçerek ülkeyi terk etti. Böylece yaklaşık yedi buçuk yıl sürmüş olan ", "context_right": " sona ermiş oldu.", "mention": "Irak Savaşı", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "545449"} {"context_title": "Сборная Россия по футболу готовится к ответственным матчам", "context_date": "31 августа 2011", "context_left": "Сборная России по футболу должна набрать шесть очков в ближайших отборочных матчах ", "context_right": " с командами Македонии и Ирландии, которые состоятся 2 и 6 сентября соответственно. Об этом заявил главный тренер российской команды Дик Адвокат. «Наша главная задача в ближайших матчах — набрать шесть очков. Нам нужно побеждать, но и соперникам тоже нужны очки. Естественно, я не буду сейчас оглашать стартовый состав. У меня ещё есть сомнения по некоторым позициям. Вчера все игроки прибыли в расположение команды, все здоровы. Настроение хорошее, атмосфера очень положительная, что непременно должно быть в сборной», — цитирует NEWSru.com наставника российской футбольной сборной.", "mention": "чемпионата Европы 2012 года", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Milán y Cortina d'Ampezzo son elegidas sede de los Olímpicos de 2026", "context_date": "24 de junio de 2019", "context_left": "Con 47 votos, el proyecto italiano conformado por las ciudades de Milán y Cortina d'Ampezzo fue seleccionado como sede de los ", "context_right": ". La otra candidatura, Estocolmo y Åre, recibió 34 votos. La votación ocurrió en el marco de la 134.ª Sesión del Comité Olímpico Internacional, en Lausana, Suiza.", "mention": "Juegos Olímpicos de Invierno de 2026", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "4630399"} {"context_title": "Professor dos EUA alega que governo americano está por trás de atentados terroristas", "context_date": "14 de julho de 2006", "context_left": "Barret é um dos fundadores de uma organização chamada MUJCA (\"Muslim-Jewish-Christian Alliance\" ou Aliança Islâmica-Judaico-Cristã) que alega que o governo planejou os ", "context_right": " para criar uma guerra entre muçulmanos e cristãos. Segundo Barret, os seguidores dessas religiões deveriam \"trabalhar unidos para vencer a crença de que terroristas são as pessoas que devem ser responsabilizadas\".", "mention": "ataques de 11 de setembro", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Draw results for UEFA Euro 2008 announced", "context_date": "December 2, 2007", "context_left": "World Champions Italy will play France in a repeat of the ", "context_right": " while the Netherlands and Romania join them in Group C. Greece, the defending champions, were drawn against Sweden, Spain and Russia in Group D. ", "mention": "2006 FIFA World Cup Final", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "268567"} {"context_title": "Denuncias de escándalos amenazan la ONU", "context_date": "26 de abril de 2005", "context_left": "El Programa \"Oil-for-Food\" o Petróleo por alimentos fue establecido por las Organización de las Naciones Unidas en 1996 para permitir que Iraq vendiera petróleo para el mercado mundial en pago de comida, remedios y otros bienes de valor humanitario. La intención declarada del programa era ayudar el gobierno iraquí a garantizar las necesidades básicas de los ciudadanos iraquíes comunes, perjudicados por sanciones económicas internacionales, impuestas al gobierno en la primera ", "context_right": ", después que Iraq invadió Kuwait en agosto de 1990, pero sin permitir que el país reconstruyera sus fuerzas militares. Después de un rechazo inicial, Iraq suscribió un memorándum en mayo de 1996 para la implementación del programa. El programa \"Petróleo por alimentos\" comenzó en octubre de 1997 y las primeras entregas llegaron en marzo de 1998.", "mention": "Guerra del Golfo", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "37643"} {"context_title": "САД би да заобиђу Савет безбедности УН", "context_date": "28. август 2013.", "context_left": "Као један од модела, указују аналитичари, могло би да послужи ", "context_right": " због Косова 1999. године које је, како наводи Би-Би-Си (ББЦ), врло контроверзно јер није било експлицитног одобрења Савета безбедности, већ су у резолуцијама Савета искоришћене одредбе о „мерама за принудно спровођење“.", "mention": "НАТО бомбардовање СР Југославије", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "155723"} {"context_title": "Brasil le gana a Venezuela y se mete en cuartos", "context_date": "21 de junio de 2015", "context_left": "Brasil se enfrentó a Venezuela por la tercera fecha de la fase de grupos de la ", "context_right": ". El partido se disputó en el Estadio Monumental de la ciudad de Santiago. El resultado final fue de dos tantos contra uno a favor de Brasil y de esta forma se metió a la próxima ronda de la copa. Por su parte “la vinotinto” no pudo clasificar a cuartos.", "mention": "Copa América 2015", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1129985"} {"context_title": "L'Expo 2015 assegnato a Milano", "context_date": "31 marzo 2008", "context_left": "Sarà Milano ad ospitare l'", "context_right": ". La notizia è appena giunta da Parigi, sede del \"Bureau International des Expositions\", nel quale si è tenuta l'attesa votazione. I voti per Milano sono stati 86, quelli per la città turca di Smirne 65.", "mention": "Expo 2015", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "210022"} {"context_title": "Rivingen av Holmenkollbakken i gang", "context_date": "16. oktober 2008", "context_left": "Mange møtte frem i Holmenkollen for å følge starten av rivingen av hoppanlegget, som skal rives for å gi plass til en ny bakke til ", "context_right": ". Idrettsbyråden i Oslo, ordføreren i Oslo, folk fra Skiforeningen, Oslo Idrettskrets, Ski-VM 2011 og Norges Skiskytterforbund var blant de fremmøtte.", "mention": "Ski-VM i 2011", "context_lang": "no", "label_id": "1122476"} {"context_title": "صدور حكم على مبارك ووزير داخليته بالسجن المؤبد", "context_date": "2 يونيو 2012", "context_left": "حكمت محكمة جنايات القاهرة صباح اليوم السبت على الرئيس المصري السابق محمد حسنى مبارك ووزير الداخلية السابق حبيب العادلي بالسجن المؤبد بعد أن ثبت لها تورطهما بقتل محتجين ", "context_right": " في فبراير من السنة الماضية. وفي الجلسة نفسها برّأت المحكمة نجلي محمد حسني مبارك ورجل الأعمال الهارب حسين سالم ومعاوني وزير الداخلية الستة من التهم الموجهة إليهم. ونُقل مبارك بعد الحكم إلى مشفى سجن طرة بطائرة مروحية.", "mention": "خلال الاحتجاجات التي أدت إلى تنحي المبارك", "context_lang": "ar", "label_id": "29198"} {"context_title": "Erdoğan, Büyükelçiler Konferansı'nda açıklamalarda bulundu", "context_date": "2010/01/08", "context_left": "Türkiye Cumhuriyeti Başbakanı Recep Tayyip Erdoğan \"İkinci Büyükelçiler Konferansı\"'nda açıklamalarda bulundu. Erdoğan, 2009 yılındaki Davos'taki Dünya Ekonomik Forumu'nda İsrail Cumhurbaşkanı Peres ile yaptığı tartışmayla ilgili olarak ise \"Tavrımız eksen kayması değil, insani olanın, samimi olanın, vicdani olanın tezahür etmesi...\" diye konuştu. Erdoğan, sadece bu durumu \"Gazze'de yapmadığını, Gürcistan'daki ", "context_right": ", Bosna-Hersek'de Darfur'da da aynı tutumu sergilediğini\" belirtti. Mısır'daki yardım konvoylarının Gazze'ye geçişi ile ilgili olarak da \"Gazze'ye yardım ulaştırılmasana izin verilmiyor.\" diyerek değindi. Ayrıca Erdoğan, ABD'deki Yahudi kesimin \"Terör örgütüne ev mi yapalım\" dediğini iddia etti. Türkiye Başbakanı, Türk basını arasında \"Demokratik Açılım\" anılan süreçten ve Kuzey Irak'taki gelişmelerden de bahsetti.", "mention": "savaştada", "context_lang": "tr", "label_id": "620735"} {"context_title": "Soviet statue returns to Moscow", "context_date": "November 30, 2009", "context_left": "On Saturday, Worker and Kolkhoznitsa, a giant statue of Soviet times, was returned to a pedestal in Moscow, Russia. It was done after a long five-year restoration process since the monument was dismantled in 2003. The statue was initially expected to return in 2005, but when the ", "context_right": " was awarded to Shanghai instead of Moscow the restoration process was stalled due to a shortage of funds.", "mention": "Expo 2010", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "192452"} {"context_title": "Aludes de tierra sepultan aldeas en Nepal", "context_date": "30 de julio de 2015", "context_left": "Tras el terremoto que golpeó Nepal el 25 de abril y que costó la vida a 8832 personas, se han producido numerosos deslizamientos de tierra en el país asiático, aunque las autoridades advirtieron de que este año se producirían más deslizamientos de lo normal en las zonas afectadas por ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "el seísmo", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "19830062"} {"context_title": "US presidential candidate John McCain now leads slightly in the polls", "context_date": "September 9, 2008", "context_left": "After McCain chose Palin, the current Governor of Alaska, as his vice presidential candidate and the ", "context_right": ", a \"Gallup poll\" had shown that the percentage of Republicans who are enthusiastic about voting has increased by 18%. The Democrats enthusiasm has only increased by 10% since the addition of Joe Biden to the nomination ticket and after the Democratic National Convention. ", "mention": "Republican National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2462917"} {"context_title": "スーダン第1副大統領、ヘリ墜落死", "context_date": "2005年8月2日", "context_left": "ガラン第1副大統領は、南部スーダンの20年に続く内戦終結協定の調印に大きな役割を果たした。協定は、国家的統一に基づく政府を作り出し、", "context_right": "での民兵ジャンジャウィードを含むこの地域特有の多数の問題の解決が最終的に解決されるだろうとの見通しを与えた。また北部のイスラム地区と南部のキリスト教徒地区が共存可能になるだろうとの希望をもたらした。", "mention": "ダルフール紛争", "context_lang": "ja", "label_id": "190758"} {"context_title": "Europäisches Parlament stoppt SWIFT-Abkommen mit den USA", "context_date": "11.02.2010", "context_left": "Der belgische Finanzdienstleister SWIFT hatte die Server, die die Finanztransaktionen bewältigen, früher in den USA unterhalten. Im Rahmen einer Umstrukturierung ihrer Server-Architektur werden die Daten des bargeldlosen Zahlungsverkehrs nun in den Niederlanden und der Schweiz verwaltet. Daher kommen die US-Behörden seit Anfang Januar 2010 nicht mehr an die Daten heran. Die US-Regierung hatte sich daher darum bemüht, den Zugriff auf die Daten vertraglich mit der Europäischen Union neu zu regeln. Die USA nutzen die Daten bereits seit den ", "context_right": ". Das hatte die New York Times 2006 aufgedeckt. Bis zu einer endgültigen vertraglichen Regelung des Datenaustauschs über den Geldverkehr sollte das Parlament einer Übergangsregelung bis Oktober des Jahres zustimmen. Das Abkommen, dem der EU-Ministerrat zugestimmt hatte und das bereits am 1. Februar in Kraft getreten war, muss nun neu verhandelt werden. Trotzdem ist es nun den US-Behörden prinzipiell weiter möglich auf die Daten zuzugreifen, nur muss jetzt für jeden Einzelfall die Zustimmung bei SWIFT eingeholt werden.", "mention": "Terroranschlägen vom 11. September 2001", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "La Corte Suprema de Argentina ordena la reapertura de una de las causas por el atentado a la AMIA", "context_date": "28 de mayo de 2009", "context_left": "El máximo tribunal de ese país emitió un fallo para la reapertura de una de las causas de ", "context_right": ". Se trata de la causa que acusa a Carlos Telleldín como la conexión local y será juzgado nuevamente, porque parte de la invesitación es válida a pesar de las irregularidades de la invesitgación que llevaba adelante ex juez Juan José Galeano. El atentado a la AMIA (Asociación Mutual Israelita Argentina) y DAIA (Delegación de Asociaciones Israelitas Argentinas) ocurrió el 18 de julio de 1994 donde murieron 85 personas y más de 300 heridos.", "mention": "Atentado a la AMIA", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "322936"} {"context_title": "Z Varšavy do Poznaně rychlostí 250 km/h", "context_date": "2. červen 2008", "context_left": "Enormní výše této investice si vyžádá buď financování ze zdrojů Evropské unie, či spolupráci veřejného sektoru se soukromými firmami. V současné době polské železnice plánují, že do roku 2012 (kdy se bude mimochodem v Polsku a na Ukrajině konat ", "context_right": ") bude možné již na hlavních tratích jezdit až 160km rychlostí a že s výstavbou dalších ještě rychlejších úseků je možné počkat, a to až za horizont roku 2020.", "mention": "fotbalové Euro", "context_lang": "cs", "label_id": "22669"} {"context_title": "Israel y Hamás rechazan cese al fuego por parte de la ONU", "context_date": "9 de enero de 2009", "context_left": "En la continuación del ", "context_right": ". El Consejo de Seguridad de la ONU hizo un llamamiento al cese de las hostilidades en la Franja de Gaza y un inmediato repliegue de todas las fuerzas israelíes en Gaza, la cual fue rechazada por parte de Israel y Hamás, Israel la rechazo ya que no satisface sus necesidades de seguridad y libre movimiento.", "mention": "Conflicto en Gaza", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "170682"} {"context_title": "President Bush may veto amendment that bans detainee mistreatment", "context_date": "October 8, 2005", "context_left": "The legislation comes in the wake of the ", "context_right": " and allegations of Human Rights Watch, which, in a recent report, accused soldiers of the U.S. Army’s 82nd Airborne Division of \"systematically torturing Iraqi detainees\". The report was critizised by a Department of Defense spokesman as using \"distortions and errors in fact.\"", "mention": "Abu Ghraib prison abuse scandal", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "334720"} {"context_title": "Dutch Football Association appoints Ronald Koeman manager of men's national team", "context_date": "February 7, 2018", "context_left": "Featuring in 78 matches for the Dutch national team, Koeman won the Euro 1988. KNVB also appointed 49-year-old Nico-Jan Hoogma as the director. After signing the contract, Koeman tweeted, \"I am proud to finally announce that I am the new manager of the Dutch national team. Happy to be here and serve the country in our road to ", "context_right": "\".", "mention": "UEFA Euro 2020", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "373501"} {"context_title": "Савет безбедности није усвојио резолуцију о Сребреници", "context_date": "8. јул 2015.", "context_left": " (Beta) - Савет безбедности УН није данас усвојио резолуцију поводом ", "context_right": " у Сребреници, пошто је Русија као стална чланица са правом вета била против.", "mention": "20 годишњице злочина", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "170334"} {"context_title": "Сборная Чили завоевала Кубок Америки столетия", "context_date": "27 июня 2016", "context_left": "Стоит отметить, что сборная Чили своей победой ещё в прошлогоднем, «регулярном» Кубке Америки заработала путёвку в Россию на ", "context_right": " от Южной Америки. Следующий («регулярный») Кубок Америки состоится в 2019 году в Бразилии.", "mention": "Кубок конфедераций—2017", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "589997"} {"context_title": "Venezuela derrota a Uruguay por la Copa América Centenario", "context_date": "10 de junio de 2016", "context_left": "Venezuela sorprende a todos los aficionados en esta ", "context_right": ", al pasar por primera vez en la historia del torneo a la segunda rueda. Fue en el Rose Bowl de Pasadena, California. El triunfo fue ante Uruguay por la mínima diferencia, y Salomón Rondón el autor del tanto en el minuto 37.", "mention": "Copa América Centenario", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "576136"} {"context_title": "Arkadiusz Milik może nie pojechać na mecz eliminacji Mistrzostw Świata w Piłce Nożnej 2022", "context_date": "18 marca 2021", "context_left": "Arkadiusz Milik może nie pojechać na mecz eliminacji do ", "context_right": " - poinformowały władze Ligue 1. Powodem trudna sytuacja pandemiczna na świecie.", "mention": "Mistrzostw Świata w Piłce Nożnej 2022", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "284163"} {"context_title": "Cae la libra esterlina por incertidumbre sobre Escocia", "context_date": "8 de septiembre de 2014", "context_left": "Según los expertos, este retroceso muestra la \"inquietud sobre el futuro de Escocia\" en caso de una eventual victoria del sí en el ", "context_right": ". La última encuesta publicada sobre el plebiscito reveló que, por vez primera desde el inicio de la campaña independentista, el sí se posicionó a la cabeza con 51% de apoyo, frente al 49% de apoyo al no.", "mention": "referéndum que celebrará el próximo 18 de septiembre", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1458570"} {"context_title": "UEFA Euro 2016 qualification match abandoned after brawl in Montenegro", "context_date": "March 30, 2015", "context_left": "The ", "context_right": " qualification match between Montenegro and Russia on Friday was abandoned after players and coaching staff got involved in a brawl. The match, at Montenegrin capital Podgorica's Gradski Stadion, was suspended within the first minute after the Russian goalkeeper was hit with a flare. The match re-started after a delay but was called off around the 66th minute when a brawl started.", "mention": "UEFA Euro 2016", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "189571"} {"context_title": "Swedish nuclear reactors shut down over safety concerns", "context_date": "August 5, 2006", "context_left": "However, Lars-Olov Höglund, who was responsible for the nuclear plant Forsmark for many years, said the incident was the most dangerous one since ", "context_right": " and Three Mile island, and that a meltdown was avoided only by pure luck. His views have however been questioned as he is involved in litigation with the Swedish nuclear industry and is known as an outspoken nuclear critic. Researchers at the Royal Institute of Technology as well as the personnel at the power plant were critical of Höglunds' view.", "mention": "Chernobyl", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Japanese Olympic judoka Hitoshi Saito dies aged 54", "context_date": "January 22, 2015", "context_left": "Saito won consecutive Olympic gold medals at the 1984 games in Los Angeles and the 1988 games in Seoul, South Korea. He competed in the over 95-kg category. His victory in the Seoul games continued the record of Japan winning a gold in Judo in every Olympic games since the 1964 games, held in Toyko. He was also named World Champion at the ", "context_right": " in the openweight class.", "mention": "1983 World Judo Championships", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2135590"} {"context_title": "Space Shuttle Discovery launches on final mission", "context_date": "February 25, 2011", "context_left": "STS-133 is scheduled to be the final mission of \"Discovery\", with its first being STS-41-D in 1984. \"Discovery\" flew 39 flights in its operational history, including the current mission, delivering several payloads to space including the Hubble Space Telescope and visiting two different space stations: \"Mir\" and the ISS. STS-133 is the 133rd shuttle mission and the 35th mission to the ISS. \"Discovery\" is the oldest surviving shuttle, and has flown more missions than any other shuttle. It was also the first shuttle to fly after the ", "context_right": " and was the first shuttle to fly after the Space Shuttle Columbia disaster. Later, \"Discovery\" became the first shuttle to fly a Russian cosmonaut. ", "mention": "Challenger disaster", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "858145"} {"context_title": "Fernando Alonso takes pole at 2009 Hungarian Grand Prix, Felipe Massa badly injured", "context_date": "July 25, 2009", "context_left": "Renault driver Fernando Alonso takes pole in a qualification session on Saturday for tomorrow's ", "context_right": " ING Magyar Nagydij at Hungaroring, Budapest, Hungary.", "mention": "2009", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "172010"} {"context_title": "Путин восстановил звание «Героя труда»", "context_date": "29 марта 2013", "context_left": "В 1991 году с ", "context_right": " награда была упразднена, и если званию Герой Советского Союза наследовало звание Герой России, то звание-наследник Героя Социалистического Труда появилось лишь сегодня.", "mention": "распадом Советского Союза", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "5167679"} {"context_title": "L'espace aérien européen fermé à la suite d'un nuage de cendres volcaniques", "context_date": "15 avril 2010", "context_left": "Par dizaine de milliers, les voyageurs attendaient, lorsque tous les vols au départ et à destination du Royaume-Uni ont été bloqués au sol, l'un des premiers pays à être affectée. Le blocage au sol était même plus étendu que celui qui suivait les ", "context_right": " du 11 septembre 2001, qui annulait uniquement les vols transatlantiques.", "mention": "attentats", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Тужба против произвођача опреме у Фукушими", "context_date": "30. јануар 2014.", "context_left": " (Beta-AP) - Око 1.400 људи поднело је у Јапану колективну тужбу против три компаније које су произвеле опрему атомске централе у Фукушими, наводећи да оне треба финансијски да одговарају због ", "context_right": " 2011. године.", "mention": "нуклеарне катастрофе која се догодила после снажног земљотреса и цунамија", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews Australian Glider Amanda Carter", "context_date": "September 28, 2012", "context_left": "Melbourne, Australia — Monday, following her return from ", "context_right": ", \"Wikinews\" talked with Amanda Carter, the longest-serving member of Australia's national wheelchair basketball team (the Gliders).", "mention": "London", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "182798"} {"context_title": "Σημαντική συσσώρευση μάγματος στο ηφαίστειο της Σαντορίνης", "context_date": "11 Σεπτεμβρίου 2012", "context_left": "Το ηφαίστειο της Σαντορίνης είναι ένα από τα ισχυρότερα του κόσμου, με εκρήξεις τόσο μικρής έκτασης όσο και κολοσσιαίες εκρήξεις, όπως ", "context_right": " και σύμφωνα με θεωρείες εξαφάνισε τον Μινωικό πολιτισμό. Η τελευταία του έκρηξη συνέβη το 1950.", "mention": "αυτή που έλαβε χώρα τον 17ο αιώνα π.Χ.", "context_lang": "el", "label_id": "1144693"} {"context_title": "Torcedor chega cedo ao Morumbi para jogo de abertura da Copa América", "context_date": "14 de junho de 2019", "context_left": "Os torcedores começaram a chegar cedo ao estádio do Morumbi, em São Paulo, para assistir ao jogo de abertura entre Brasil e Bolívia pela ", "context_right": ". A partida tem início às 21h30, mas a cerimônia de abertura começará às 21h10.", "mention": "Copa América de 2019", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "4630358"} {"context_title": "US Army sergeant asserts Posse Comitatus is not being violated", "context_date": "October 14, 2008", "context_left": "Wikinews recently published an article which explained that NorthComm, through an Executive Order of the President of the United States, directed the 3rd Infantry Division's 1st Brigade Combat Team to return to the United States from active duty missions in Iraq to begin training in a new role. NorthComm says that these troops will be used to protect the United States from threats within the United States, as well as to provide a support role to local and state agencies during times of emergency, such as with ", "context_right": ". ", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "La Juventus vince il nono scudetto consecutivo", "context_date": "3 agosto 2020", "context_left": "Ieri, sabato 2 agosto, si sono disputate le ultime quattro partite calcistiche del campionato di ", "context_right": ", che hanno ufficializzato la salvezza del Genoa e la retrocessione del Lecce. Le altre due squadre che giocheranno in Serie B sono il Brescia e la S.P.A.L. che hanno concluso il campionato rispettivamente con venticinque e venti punti.", "mention": "Serie A 2019-2020", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "61686413"} {"context_title": "Space Shuttle Endeavour launches for final time", "context_date": "May 18, 2011", "context_left": "Mission commander Mark Kelly is the husband of U.S. Representative Gabrielle Giffords, who was wounded in the ", "context_right": ". Rep. Giffords flew to Kennedy Space Center to witness the launch.", "mention": "2011 Tucson shooting", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "757986"} {"context_title": "ANZACs remembered ninety years after assault on Gallipoli", "context_date": "April 25, 2005", "context_left": "Some controversy has been created about Australian Prime Minister John Howard not attending the New Zealand ceremony at ", "context_right": " on the Gallipoli Peninsula. This has upset many people as it is a break in a tradition that the Prime Ministers attend the ceremonies of both countries.", "mention": "Chunuk Bair", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "3636393"} {"context_title": "Coligação em Angola diz que pode contestar resultados onde não teve delegados em postos de votação", "context_date": "2 de setembro de 2012", "context_left": "A eleição de anteontem é a segunda realizada em Angola, desde o fim da ", "context_right": ", em 2002. Ela ocorre quatro anos depois da eleição parlamentar de 2008, que já contou com a participação do principal partido de oposição do país, a UNITA.", "mention": "guerra civil no país", "context_lang": "pt", "label_id": "12055176"} {"context_title": "Wikinews interviews John Wolfe, Democratic Party presidential challenger to Barack Obama", "context_date": "May 20, 2012", "context_left": "Wolfe, an attorney based out of Chattanooga, announced his intentions last year to challenge President Barack Obama in the Democratic Party presidential primaries. So far, he has appeared on the primary ballots in New Hampshire, Missouri, and Louisiana. In Louisiana, he had his strongest showing, winning 12 percent overall with over 15 percent in some congressional districts, qualifying him for ", "context_right": " delegates. However, because certain paperwork had not been filed, the party stripped Wolfe of the delegates. Wolfe says he will sue the party to receive them. ", "mention": "Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2104713"} {"context_title": "Израиль разбомбил штаб-квартиру Хамас в секторе Газа", "context_date": "17 ноября 2012", "context_left": "", "context_right": " в палестинском анклаве продолжается с 14 ноября 2012 года.", "mention": "Военная операция Израиля", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "53692"} {"context_title": "Francia organizará la Eurocopa 2016", "context_date": "29 de mayo de 2010", "context_left": " Michel Platini, presidente de la UEFA anunció que Francia fue elegida para organizar la ", "context_right": ". Representantes de los países candidatos, entre ellos Francia, Italia y Turquía no han participado de la votación para la designación.", "mention": "Eurocopa 2016", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "189571"} {"context_title": "Visite historique du président Mahmoud Ahmadinejad en Irak", "context_date": "2 mars 2008", "context_left": "Mahmoud Ahmadinejad, le président iranien, est arrivé dimanche en Irak pour une visite diplomatique de deux jours. Cette visite est la première d'un chef d'État iranien depuis la fin du règne de la dynastie Pahlavi en Iran suivie de ", "context_right": " entre les deux pays.", "mention": "huit ans de guerre", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "82664"} {"context_title": "Australian PM Howard under fire over AU$1.40/L pump prices", "context_date": "September 7, 2005", "context_left": "Mr Howard responded by explaining the steep rise in petrol prices was due to current market trends and short-term repercussions of ", "context_right": ". This was consistent with the statements by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission, which explained the major reasons for the increase were Katrina and China's recent embargo on refined petrol exports.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Sandra Fluke nominated by Time magazine for Person of the Year", "context_date": "November 30, 2012", "context_left": "Fluke was a featured speaker on September 5 at the ", "context_right": " in Charlotte, North Carolina. Fluke spoke to attendees at the convention about the consequences for women of electing Republican candidate for U.S. President, Mitt Romney, over incumbent President Barack Obama. Fluke has campaigned with President Obama in his bid for re-election.", "mention": "2012 Democratic National Convention", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "2104713"} {"context_title": "Fats Domino missing in the wake of Hurricane Katrina", "context_date": "September 1, 2005", "context_left": "Legendary R&B singer Fats Domino is missing, three days after ", "context_right": " hit in his hometown of New Orleans, Louisiana.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "Perpetrator of Finnish school shooting dies in hospital", "context_date": "November 8, 2007", "context_left": "Pekka-Eric Auvinen, the gunman who killed eight people in the ", "context_right": " in Finland yesterday, has died in hospital from a self-inflicted gunshot wound to the head.", "mention": "Jokela school shooting", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "600836"} {"context_title": "False security alarm in Bradford, England", "context_date": "July 12, 2005", "context_left": "Britain has been in an increased state of vigilance since ", "context_right": " with fifty security alerts on the Tube according to Metro newspaper and the evacuation of Birmingham city centre on Saturday night.", "mention": "last Thursday's attack", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Benedetto XVI annuncia il suo ritiro dal pontificato", "context_date": "11 febbraio 2013", "context_left": "A seguito della morte proprio di Giovanni Paolo II si era tenuto il ", "context_right": ": nel pomeriggio del secondo giorno, il 19 aprile 2005, al quarto scrutinio, Ratzinger venne eletto pontefice. Alle 17:56 venne dato l'annuncio con la tradizionale fumata bianca del comignolo della Cappella Sistina. Dopo la sua elezione, Ratzinger scelse il nome di papa \"Benedetto XVI\".", "mention": "conclave del 2005", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "666536"} {"context_title": "Survivors gather to remember 1906 San Francisco quake", "context_date": "April 18, 2005", "context_left": "Monday marks the 99th anniversary of the \"", "context_right": "\" of 1906. Survivors are becoming harder to find, but about a half-dozen of them gathered at Lotta's Fountain for a wreath-laying ceremony. Lotta's Fountain was the spot used after the earthquake as a collection point for information about victims, both family and friends.", "mention": "Great San Francisco Earthquake", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "211386"} {"context_title": "'Denmark will be attacked' says one expert, 'Denmark safe' says another", "context_date": "July 8, 2005", "context_left": "Security in Copenhagen, the capital of Denmark, was tightened after ", "context_right": " Thursday when 49 people were killed. Denmark supported the U.S.-led war on Iraq and fears of an attack are rising. \"It's not a question of if we'll be attacked, but when\" said security specialist Mikkel Vedby at the University in Copenhagen.", "mention": "the attacks on London", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10818"} {"context_title": "Germany wins 2009 Race of Champions in Beijing, Sebastian Vettel wins 2009 Abu Dhabi Grand Prix", "context_date": "November 8, 2009", "context_left": "Red Bull driver Vettel also won the FIA Formula One ", "context_right": " Etihad Airways Abu Dhabi Grand Prix earlier on November 1st at Yas Marina Circuit, Abu Dhabi, United Arab Emirates.", "mention": "2009", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "11912"} {"context_title": "Sebastian Vettel wins 2008 Italian Grand Prix", "context_date": "September 14, 2008", "context_left": "The track was wet and the weather conditions were rainy during first half of the race, but in the second half the rain stopped and the track dried out. Rain is a rare event for the Formula One at Monza. The last wet race held in Monza was in ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "1956", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "331218"} {"context_title": "Israele riapre temporaneamente i valichi per Gaza. Primarie per il Likud", "context_date": "9 dicembre 2008", "context_left": "Contemporaneamente si sono tenute le primarie del partito conservatore Likud, guidato da Benjamin Netanyahu. Il voto ha premiato soggetti delineati come \"falchi\" , ad esempio Ghilad Erdan, Reuven Rivlin e Benyamin Begin, avversi alla politica di Ariel Sharon nel 2005 e contrari al ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "Piano di disimpegno unilaterale israeliano", "context_lang": "it", "label_id": "196122"} {"context_title": "New Polish government takes down findings on Russian air disaster", "context_date": "November 26, 2015", "context_left": "The flight was carrying high-profile political figures to attend a ceremony commemorating the 70th anniversary of the ", "context_right": ", when thousands of Polish prisoners of war and civilians were killed by the Soviets. All 96 on board died. Amongst the dead were First Lady Maria Kaczyńska, several members of the lower parliamentary house known as the Sejm, Deputy Foreign Minister Andrzej Kremer, National Security Bureau head Aleksander Szczygło, and Ryszard Kaczorowski, the last President of the Polish government-in-exile.", "mention": "Katyn massacre", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "134301"} {"context_title": "За критику антигитлеровской коалиции – в тюрьму?", "context_date": "24 июня 2013", "context_left": "Документ, по информации ИТАР-ТАСС, предполагает внесение в Уголовный кодекс РФ новой статьи «Реабилитация нацизма», которой вводится ответственность за отрицание итогов ", "context_right": ", роли стран антигитлеровской коалиции по поддержанию международного мира и безопасности во время Второй мировой войны, а также распространение заведомо ложных сведений об их деятельности. Законопроект Яровой, предусматривающий наказание вплоть до пяти лет лишения свободы, может быть рассмотрен уже до конца весенней сессии Госдумы, то есть до 5 июля.", "mention": "Нюрнбергского трибунала", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "80130"} {"context_title": "Canadian military exercise NANOOK 2008 travels through uncharted waters", "context_date": "August 27, 2008", "context_left": "In addition to the military exercises, Veterans Affairs Canada held a commemorative event onboard the HMCS Toronto to honour the 55th Anniversary of the Cease Fire in ", "context_right": ", the 65th Anniversary of the Battle of the Atlantic, and the start of the Last 100 days of the First World War. The inaugural ceremonies were held during Community Day activities in the capital city of Iqaluit, followed by the public panel discussion held on Saturday. The community day ceremonies were organized by participants in Operation NANOOK 2008. The public ceremonies received neither Nunavut politicians nor Inuit leaders.", "mention": "Korea", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "8663"} {"context_title": "Auslosung der Ausscheidungsspiele der Europameisterschaft 2008 stattgefunden", "context_date": "28.01.2006", "context_left": " Gestern fand im Schweizerischen Montreux die Auslosung der UEFA für die Ausscheidungsspiele der ", "context_right": " statt.", "mention": "Fußball-Europameisterschaft 2008", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "Nederlandse leeuwinnen Europees kampioen", "context_date": "6 augustus 2017", "context_left": "Het is een historische overwinning. Het was de eerste keer dat de vrouwen de eindstrijd van dit kampioenschap wonnen. Ook de Nederlandse mannen slaagden daar maar één keer in de geschiedenis in, namelijk 29 jaar geleden in ", "context_right": ". Het Duitse vrouwenelftal won dit toernooi het vaakst, namelijk zes maal. Zij werden echter door mede-finalist Denemarken in de kwartfinale uitgeschakeld.", "mention": "1988", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "151867"} {"context_title": "Сергей Волчков стал победителем второго сезона шоу «Голос»", "context_date": "27 декабря 2013", "context_left": "В прошлом году победа в «Голосе» была совершена участницей команды Градского — Дине Гариповой, которая заняла на «", "context_right": "» пятое место.", "mention": "Евровидении-2013", "context_lang": "ru", "label_id": "10162"} {"context_title": "Draw results for UEFA Euro 2008 announced", "context_date": "December 2, 2007", "context_left": "The draw for ", "context_right": " was held today in Lucerne, Switzerland. The tournament will be held in Austria and Switzerland, beginning on 7 June 2008.", "mention": "UEFA Euro 2008", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "241864"} {"context_title": "BBC berichtete vorab über Einsturz eines Gebäudes am 11. September 2001", "context_date": "13.03.2007", "context_left": " Ein im Internet kursierendes Video, das Ausschnitte aus dem Videomaterial der BBC vom ", "context_right": " enthält, zeigt nach einem Bericht der Süddeutschen Zeitung, wie die BBC bereits 20 Minuten vorab über den Einsturz des „Salomon Brothers“-Gebäudes berichtet. Dies geschah bei einer Live-Schaltung nach New York City, bei dem das Gebäude im Hintergrund noch zu sehen war.", "mention": "11. September 2001", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Un descontento en Brasil genera una fuerte ola de protestas", "context_date": "18 de junio de 2013", "context_left": "Este lunes, al menos 100 000 personas se manifestaron en las calles céntricas de Río de Janeiro. Siendo la marcha más multitudinaria de Brasil, que en los últimos días se ha visto envuelta en una serie de protestas que agravan la situación de descontento producto de las \"inversiones inyectadas en la ", "context_right": " y el Mundial 2014\".", "mention": "Copa Confederaciones", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "220231"} {"context_title": "Tšernobylin ydinvoimalaonnettomuudesta 22 vuotta", "context_date": "26. huhtikuuta 2008", "context_left": "", "context_right": " tuhoisasta ydinvoimalaonnettomuudesta tuli kuluneeksi tänään 22 vuotta. Ukrainan pääkaupungista Kiovasta 110 kilometrin etäisyydellä sijaitsevan voimalan nelosreaktori tuhoutui räjähdysmäisesti 26. huhtikuuta 1986. Tämän kaikkien aikojen tuhoisimman ydinvoimalaonnettomuuden seurauksena WHO:n arvioiden mukaan sai surmansa 9 500 ihmistä. Greenpeacen mukaan luku olisi huomattavasti suurempi.", "mention": "Tšernobylin", "context_lang": "fi", "label_id": "486"} {"context_title": "Al-Qaeda releases 9/11 message", "context_date": "September 11, 2006", "context_left": "The video, which is an hour and 16 minutes long, and subtitled in English, presents a threat to Britain, which currently controls NATO troops in Afghanistan, that \"Dr. Brydon won't be returning this time,\" which is a reference to the sole survivor of a British colonial army massacred during the ", "context_right": " in 1842.", "mention": "First Anglo-Afghan War", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "989092"} {"context_title": "Daði Freyr oraz Ásdís wydali singel „Feel The Love”", "context_date": "8 stycznia 2021", "context_left": "Pierwszy utwór wydany we współpracy Daðiego Freyrera (reprezentanta Islandii w Konkursie Piosenki Eurowizji 2020 i ", "context_right": ") oraz Ásdís (znanej w Polsce z gościnnego udziału w singlu polskiego DJ Gromeego pt. „Worth It”) pod tytułem „Náum Aðeins Andanum” ukazał się na debiutanckim albumie pierwszego artysty wydanym w 2019 roku \"& Co.\"", "mention": "2021", "context_lang": "pl", "label_id": "50729731"} {"context_title": "Nooit eerder geziene crisis binnen de kernenergiesector", "context_date": "9 oktober 2017", "context_left": "Door de geringe vraag naar nieuwe kerncentrales gaan ook vele bedrijven over de kop. Sinds ", "context_right": " is de lijst van landen die een kernuitstap op de agenda plaatsen alleen maar gegroeid. Landen die nu al tot een volledige kernuitstap hebben beslist zijn: Italië, België, Duitsland, en recentelijk Zuid-Korea.", "mention": "de ramp in Fukushima van 2011", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "171178"} {"context_title": "Canada increases oil production to assist U.S.", "context_date": "September 5, 2005", "context_left": "The Alberta Energy and Utilities Board of Alberta, Canada, will increase oil output by between 18,000 and 30,000 barrels a day to help the U.S. in the wake of ", "context_right": ". This is being done by temporarily suspending limits on oil production. The increase was requested by Alberta's Premier, Ralph Klein.", "mention": "Hurricane Katrina", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "16422"} {"context_title": "UN reports Rwandan refugees repatriated by force", "context_date": "June 14, 2005", "context_left": "The Rwandan asylum seekers began arriving in Burundi in March. Their main concern was the Gacaca courts, village courts established to expedite prosecution of perpretators of the 1994 ", "context_right": ". The UNHCR is also reporting that some asylum seekers \"... said they were fleeing threats, intimidation, persecution and rumours of revenge and bloodshed.\"", "mention": "Rwandan genocide", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "131297"} {"context_title": "Wheelchair curling enters third day at 2014 Winter Paralympics", "context_date": "March 10, 2014", "context_left": "The United States has not medaled at the past two Paraympic Games, with their best finish a fourth at the 2010 Games. Of the United States's curling team, two are returning wheelchair curling Paralympic veterans. James Joseph, the second, competed at the 2006 Winter Paralympics and 2010 Winter Paralympics. The skip and Madison, Wisconsin native, Patrick McDonald, competed at the 2010 Games. Penny Greely, the lead, competed in sitting volleyball at the ", "context_right": " where she won a bronze medal. David Palmer, the third, is competing at his first games after having a fourth place finish at the 2013 World Championships in Russia and a fifth place finish at the 2012 World Championships in South Korea. Alternate and Cape Cod native Meghan Lino is also at her first Paralympic Games after taking up the sport in 2009.", "mention": "2004 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "840654"} {"context_title": "Lordi horror movie receives 300,000 euros of Finnish government funding", "context_date": "June 9, 2007", "context_left": "Lordi are also famed for their record-breaking 292 point victory in the ", "context_right": " with their song \"Hard Rock Hallelujah\". It was also the first time a hard rock song had won the contest, and Finland's first ever victory.", "mention": "Eurovision Song Contest 2006", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10152"} {"context_title": "2012 makes five Paralympic Games for Côte d'Ivoire", "context_date": "August 28, 2012", "context_left": "Whilst Côte d'Ivoire previously won four Paralympic medals—three golds and one bronze, all in athletics—they have not finished in a medal spot since the ", "context_right": " when Oumar Basakoulba Kone won his third gold medal in the 800 metres; fellow countryman Fernand Kra Koffi took the bronze in the same event.", "mention": "2000 Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "855688"} {"context_title": "Vanuatu sends lone Paralympian to London", "context_date": "August 29, 2012", "context_left": "The 2012 Games will be only the third time that Vanuatu has sent a team, with George Kalkaua and Mary Mali Ramel representing the country at the ", "context_right": ", competing in the javelin, and Tom Tete representing the country at the 2008 Summer Paralympics in powerlifting.", "mention": "2000 Summer Paralympics", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "855688"} {"context_title": "미 상원, CIA의 고문에 대한 보고서를 발간", "context_date": "2014년 12월 13일", "context_left": "미국 상원 정보위원회가 12월 9일 미 중앙정보국이 백악관과 미국 의회에 ", "context_right": " 이후의 테러 용의자 수감과 심문에 관한에 대한 잘못된 정보를 제공했다고 결론지었다.", "mention": "9·11 테러", "context_lang": "ko", "label_id": "10806"} {"context_title": "Türkei droht Frankreich mit Sanktionen", "context_date": "13.10.2006", "context_left": " Der türkische Ministerpräsident Recep Tayyip Erdoğan fordert die Rücknahme eines Gesetzes, das vom französischen Parlament am Donnerstag verabschiedet wurde und in dem das Leugnen des ", "context_right": " vor 90 Jahren durch das Osmanische Reich unter Strafe gestellt wird. Die französische Regierung distanzierte sich von dem Parlamentsbeschluss, der von der sozialistischen Opposition eingebracht worden war. Der französische Innenminister Nicolas Sarkozy, der als innerparteilicher Konkurrent Chiracs um das Amt des Staatspräsidenten gilt, hatte sich für den Gesetzentwurf stark gemacht und mit seinen Worten Öl ins Feuer des französisch-türkischen Streits gegossen. Er machte eine „Anerkennung des armenischen Genozids“ nicht nur zur „Voraussetzung“ für einen Beitritt der Türkei zur Europäischen Union, sondern bezeichnete ihn als „das bloße Minimum“. Die Europäische Union hatte eine solche Bedingung in den Beitrittsverhandlungen mit der Türkei bisher nicht aufgestellt.", "mention": "Genozids an den Armeniern", "context_lang": "de", "label_id": "80034"} {"context_title": "Louis van Gaal weer bondscoach Oranje", "context_date": "7 juli 2012", "context_left": "KNVB-directeur Bert van Oostveen koos voor Van Gaal vanwege zijn \"persoonlijk en vakinhoudelijk overwicht\" en prees hem om zijn ervaring en vroegere succes als coach. Johan Derksen en Hans Kraay jr. uitten daarentegen in de televisieprogramma's VI Oranje (tijdens het EK) en Tour du Jour (gisteravond) zorgen over Van Gaals omgang met de pers en zijn opvliegendheid. Van Gaal heeft een contract getekend van 1 augustus 2012 tot en met het WK in 2014. Hij was van 2000 tot november 2001 ook bondscoach, maar wist zich toen niet met het Nederlands elftal te kwalificeren voor het ", "context_right": ". Nadien werkte hij onder meer bij Barcelona, Ajax, AZ en Bayern Munchen.", "mention": "WK in Zuid-Korea en Japan", "context_lang": "nl", "label_id": "47735"} {"context_title": "Se cumplió la tercera jornada del torneo de rugby Seis Naciones 2009", "context_date": "1 de marzo de 2009", "context_left": "Ayer se cumplió la tercera jornada del ", "context_right": ", una edición del tradicional torneo disputado por las selecciones de las uniones de rugby de Escocia, Francia, Gales, Irlanda, Inglaterra e Italia. La jornada comenzó el viernes 27 con el partido en que Francia le gana a gales en un partido vibrante. Posteriormente, el sábado 28, Escocia le ganó a Italia e Irlanda logra ganarle a Inglaterra por apenas 1 punto.", "mention": "Torneo Seis Naciones 2009", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "1520740"} {"context_title": "Artistas Visual kei participan en sencillo para ayudar a las víctimas del terremoto en Japón", "context_date": "27 de agosto de 2011", "context_left": "«\"Hitotsudake ~We Are The One~\"» (ひとつだけ〜We Are The One〜), se titula el sencillo que han preparado varios artistas de la escena Visual kei en cooperación con Blue Planet Japan para ayudar a las víctimas del ", "context_right": ".", "mention": "terremoto y tsunami en Japón", "context_lang": "es", "label_id": "36204"} {"context_title": "Composition des jurys du 58e Festival de Cannes", "context_date": "22 avril 2005", "context_left": "La composition des jurys a été simultanément retranscrite sur Wikipédia, dans l'article ", "context_right": ", qui a vocation à être complété par la liste des films en compétition, puis par les différents palmarès.", "mention": "Festival de Cannes 2005", "context_lang": "fr", "label_id": "548316"} {"context_title": "Hiljade posetilaca Egzita pratilo finale Svetskog prvenstva", "context_date": "12. јул 2010.", "context_left": "Novi Sad (Beta) - Hiljade posetilaca Egzita (Exit) u Novom Sadu završne večeri festivala u nedelju gledale su na nekoliko bina na velikim platnima direktan prenos ", "context_right": " u fudbalu u Južnoj Africi Holandija-Španija.", "mention": "finalne utakmice Svetskog prvenstva", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "208401"} {"context_title": "Košarkaši spremni za prvenstvo sveta", "context_date": "25. август 2010.", "context_left": "Beograd, (Beta) - Košarkaški reprezentativci Srbije spremno dočekuju ", "context_right": ", ali sa strahom od kazni Svetske košarkaške fedracije (FIBA) za saigrače, koji su učestvovali u incidentima na utakmici u Atini.", "mention": "Svetsko prvenstvo u Turskoj", "context_lang": "sr", "label_id": "211438"} {"context_title": "Decade worth of messages, interviews from bin Laden leaked to web", "context_date": "September 15, 2008", "context_left": "One message includes bin Laden's denial of having anything to do with the ", "context_right": " in New York City, Washington, D.C. and Pennsylvania.", "mention": "September 11, 2001 attacks", "context_lang": "en", "label_id": "10806"}