search,content politics,President Biden Calls for Ban on # AI Voice Impersonations During State of the Union https:// /president-biden-ban-ai-voices-state-of-the-union-1235934651/ # politics # privacy # deepfake # sotu politics,"“average US president has more than 2 criminal indictments"" factoid actualy just statistical error. average president has 0 indictments. Crimes Donny, who lives in cave & commits over 10,000 crimes each day, is an outlier adn should not have been counted # shitpost # trump # uspol # meme # polyticks # politics" politics,"Just fantastic State Of The Union, you can read it here: https://www. ion-2024/ # USA # politics # notrump" politics,Media Companies Make HUGE Payday Protecting Industry Giants https://www. U https://www. ey-secret/ # news # politics # uspolitics # levernews # theringoffire politics,GOP In Crisis Over Their Own State of the Union Response https://www. E&t=14 # news # politics # uspolitics # therationalnational politics,"Iranian authorities have arrested two women for dancing in the streets of Tehran. In Iran, women face various restrictions, including the prohibition of dancing and singing in front of men. Read more here: https:// an-arrests-two-women-for-dancing-in-public/ # news # worldnews # globalnews # internationalnews # journalism # press # politics # Iran # middleeast # women # humanrights" politics,Authoritarians are once again creating fear as a pretext for suppressing the right to protest | Natasha Walter https://www. 2024/mar/09/authoritarians-once-again-creating-fear-as-pretext-for-suppressing-right-to-protest # MiddleEastandnorthAfrica # Palestinianterritories # Israel -Gazawar # Antisemitism # Politics # Protest # Israel # UKnews # Police # London # Gaza politics,# KatieBritt # sotu this is badass and needs seen. This woman flat out lied. # gop # liars # politics https://www. nd-out-lie/ politics,"Let's talk about an update on Trump, NY, and bond.... https://www. o&t=12 # news # politics # uspolitics # beauofthefifthcolumn" politics,Supply run: Haitians travel to Dominican Republic to buy food https://www. Q # news # politics # aljazeera politics,"Another Republican used similar tactics to his advantage back in the 50's, and they worked. Richard Nixon later became president and was forced to resign in disgrace. Some things never change, especially in politics. # politics # corruption # media # propaganda https://www. what-was-checkers-speech-and-why-it-so-important" politics,https://www. Was Trump supporter Katie Britt caught in whopping lie about graphic sex trafficking story? # Politics # U .S.Politics # UnitedStates politics,Children. # politics Mike Johnson’s eye rolls are a reminder of what Biden is really running against this fall https://www. n/mike-johnson-biden-state-of-the-union-rcna142272 politics,Truth Social Completely Crashes While Trump Rage Posts About State Of The Union https://www. M https://www. -trump-as-truth-social-crashes-at-critical-sotu-moment # news # politics # uspolitics # thedailybeast # farronbalanced politics,"NEW VIDEO!! # KatieBritt , understudy for The Ring, was everything fake & overwrought about # Republicans . And plain hilarious to laugh AT. ""FUNNY! Katie Britt's # SOTU Response Was a COMPLETE TRAIN WRECK!"" has MORE. WATCH! https://www. 0 # news # politics # trump" politics,"Official GOP Response to SOTU Has Republicans ‘Losing It’ Sen. Katie Britt of Alabama gave the GOP response to President Biden’s annual address—and got panned for it by some in her own party...Duh... The little woman's place is in the home.... Thanks, Sen. Katie Britt. You set women back almost 70 years. That's what Republicans want, right? # politics # equalrights # womensrights https://www. ie-britt-gop-response-to-state-of-the-union-has-republicans-losing-it" politics,https://www. トランプ支持者のケイティ・ブリットは生々しい性的人身売買の話に関するとんでもない嘘をつかれたのか? # politics # U .S.Politics # UnitedStates # UnitedStatesPolitics politics,The illusion of aid in Gaza | The Listening Post https://www. 0&t=9 # news # politics # aljazeera politics,Privacy Concerns Grow as Government Introduces Thought Monitoring to Increase Safety # CSDN # politics # Privacy # Satire # thoughtmonitoring # USA # worldnews https:// politics,# revistaoeste # jornalismo # noticias # politics Museu de Imagem e Som abre exposição sobre horrores do Holocausto https:// de-imagem-e-som-apresenta-exposicao-sobre-horrores-do-holocausto/ politics,"# Ireland # Politics Republic of Ireland: Constitutional change re: rights of women and families fails in the polls. Gives to show once more that ""self-evident"" issues put to the poll need to be taken seriously. Nothing ever passes just so without the properly energised support, even when as here backed by all major parties. Where have we learned that before?! 1. ... 2. ... 3. ... - you fill the list. https://www. urope/ireland-constitution-referendums-women-home.html" politics,International women's day: Thousands rally to demand change in Mexico https://www. Q&t=13 # news # politics # aljazeera politics,"Russian spies keep hacking into # Microsoft in ‘ongoing attack,’ company says https:// osoft-ongoing-cyberattack-russia-apt-29/ # cybersecurity # politics # Russia" politics,# gazetadobrasil # jornalismo # noticias # politics Papa Francisco retoma atividades após período de saúde delicada https:// ticias/2024/03/09/papa-francisco-retoma-atividades-apos-periodo-de-saude-delicada/ politics,The Pro-Immigration Argument is Dead https:// 3934-5075-4733-b388-20ba4d75bc76 politics,US Sen Katie Britt's story about the woman who was raped repeatedly gets fact checked. What a fraud! https://www. 7344090454985624862?_t=8kXPrRbHmHO&_r=1&mibextid=Zxz2cZ # KatieBritt # SOTU # Biden # JoeBiden # Trump # DonaldTrump # Politics # Election2024 politics,Brian Mulroney's complicated relationship with Indigenous peoples in Canada Former prime minister Brian Mulroney’s legacy with Indigenous peoples in Canada is one marked by contradiction; where failures are sometimes remembered for their best intentions and successes run alongside catastrophic disappointments # cbc # news # News # Politics https://www. roney-indigenous-people-relationship-1.7138502?cmp=rss politics,Time to end day light savings time! # politics # onpoli # cndpoli https://www. -000-canadians-sign-petition-calling-on-federal-government-to-end-daylight-saving-time-1.6801017?__vfz=medium%3Dsharebar politics,Trump Getting DESTROYED on Truth Social Over His Pro Vaccine Post. “1000s”? Not the first time I’ve considered the possibility that MAGA live in an alternate universe. https://www. ting-destroyed-on-truth-social-over-his-vaccine-post # covid # medicine # science # politics # psychology # News politics,Jon Stewart on Migrant Fearmongering & Ronny Chieng on Trump's Black AI Attempt | The Daily Show https://www. M&t=58 # news # politics # uspolitics # thedailyshow politics,A surge of illegal homemade machine guns has helped fuel gun violence in the U.S. https://www. E&t=9 # news # politics # uspolitics # APnews politics,🗳️ Salvadorans Have Traded Their Rights for Uncertain Security https:// r-incarceration-gangs-bukele/ # elsalvador # politics # latinamerica # centralamerica politics,"""Collapsing councils are a microcosm of the British state’s failings: austerity, short-termism, Treasury myopia and decades of failure to solve the so-called wicked problems of policymaking, such as council tax, planning and our broken social care model. Every block in the Jenga tower appears to be wobbling"" Anoosh Chakelian writes about the dire straits local government is in. # LocalGovernment # Austerity # Section114 # UKPolitics # ToryMisrule # Politics # PublicPolicy https://www. ety/2024/03/bust-britain" politics,Ministers call for defence spending of 2.5% of GDP Two senior Conservatives publicly call on Rishi Sunak to increase spending to counter global risks. https://www. 22402 (c) # BBC # News # Politics politics,# heroisemais # cultura # direita # politics # esquerda # socialismo # comunismo POR QUE HOMENS AMAM Sydney Sweeney - FELIZ DIA DA MULHER https://www. s politics,# heroisemais # cultura # direita # politics # esquerda # socialismo # comunismo OSCAR ANTI LACRAÇÃO 2024 https://www. c politics,# revistaoeste # jornalismo # noticias # politics Casos de feminicídio batem recorde no 1º ano do governo Lula https:// s-de-feminicidio-batem-recorde-no-primeiro-ano-do-governo-lula/ politics,# gazetadobrasil # jornalismo # noticias # politics Decisão de Moraes Proíbe Bolsonaro e Aliados de Participarem de Eventos Militares https:// 024/03/09/decisao-de-moraes-proibe-bolsonaro-e-aliados-de-participarem-de-eventos-militares/ politics,"Election Commissioner Arun Goel resigns ahead of Lok Sabha polls https://www. election-commissioner-arun-goel-resigns-ahead-of-lok-sabha-polls-101709997688407.html # India # MastIndia # politics @mastodonindians via @ sreedevkkumar ( https:// , retooting to add CW)" politics,Confused Irish voters reject bid to rewrite constitution’s view of women and family #InternationalWomen 'sDay #Aidanddevelopment #Societyandculture #Citizens 'rights #Dumping /Duties #Genderequality #Lawenforcement #Laborrights #Parliament #Equality #Politics #Courts #Rights politics,"And by now, it looks like he is not even fit for office anymore. Forget for a moment about all the crimes and alleged crimes and court dates. Someone who behaves like this, talks like this, cannot hold office – any office! # trump # usa # politics" politics,"Someone like this was not only president, but is running for a second term now. He is backed by around 30% of voters, tolerated probably by another 20 to 30%. This says a lot about the state of mind of the American people. ""America the beautiful"", ""America the great"". # trump # usa # politics" politics,# heroisemais # cultura # direita # politics # esquerda # socialismo # comunismo Sydney Sweeney segue os passos de Dakota Johnson e ironiza ‘Madame Web’ no Saturday Night Live https:// segue-os-passos-de-dakota-johnson-e-ironiza-madame-web-no-saturday-night-live/ politics,Just now on Al Jazeera: captain of the first NGO vessel prepared to carry humanitarian aid in a trial run from Cyprus to # Gaza said that she first learned about Biden’s plan to build a port in Gaza for aid on broadcast news. She said that no one from the # Biden administration has contacted her to coordinate a landing there. # news # GenocideJoe # politics # uspol # SOTU2024 # SOTU # Palestine politics,# heroisemais # cultura # direita # politics # esquerda # socialismo # comunismo Imprensa “mainstream” e desenvolvedores de videogames defendem Sweet Baby Inc. em meio a críticas https:// ream-e-desenvolvedores-de-videogames-defendem-sweet-baby-inc-em-meio-a-criticas/ politics,‘Cyber Fire’: How the Canadian Armed Forces is approaching ‘cyber warfare’ Documents released under access to information laws show that in 2016 the Canadian Armed Forces had a “relatively poor” understanding on long-term reliance on cyber operations. # globalnews # Canada # Politics # CanadianArmedForces # cybersecurity https:// nadian-forces-cyber-warfare-plan/ politics,"139) Clearly I’m late realizing there is a term for the odd voice used by Senator # KatieBritt of # Alabama in her state of the union response. I was trying to put my finger on the tone which seemed to vacillate between someone fearful of an off camera kidnapper and a fervent supporter of # Torquemada With thanks to # JessPiper for introducing # BabyFundieVoice to my vocabulary. Now, if only I could unhear Senator Britt https:// r/p/the-fundie-baby-voice # USPolitics # JoeBiden # Politics" politics,"""The Supreme Court’s Savage Indictment of the Republican Party"" https:// preme-court-indictment-republican-party ""If you read the high court’s disqualification ruling closely, you’ll see that the justices unanimously agree that the GOP is a lawless institution."" # scotus # GOP # politics # justice" politics,Union Minister Anurag Thakur reaches Kangra airport for two days Hamirpur visit. https:// /display/hp_union_min_anurag_thakur_two_day_visit_hamirpur # himachal # dharamshala # india # news # press # politics # bjp # anuragthakur # elections # elections2024 # loksabhaelections # indialliance # grandalliance # railways # rahulgandhi Enjoy tracker free news reading with us. # privacy # privacymatters politics,The two-day meeting of the Politburo of CPI-ML starts today. https:// /display/bh_two_day_polito_buro_meeting_cpi_ml_starts # bihar # patna # india # press # news # politics # cpiml # elections # elections2024 # loksabhaelections # indialliance # grandalliance Enjoy tracker free news reading with us. # privacy # privacymatters politics,Brian Mulroney's complicated relationship with Indigenous peoples in Canada Former prime minister Brian Mulroney’s legacy with Indigenous peoples in Canada is one marked by contradiction; where failures are sometimes remembered for their best intentions and successes run alongside catastrophic disappointments # cbc # news # News # Politics https://www. roney-indigenous-people-relationship-1.7138502?cmp=rss politics,"When Trump loses the election, his pardon promises will be worthless. How many co-conspirators will suddenly decide cooperation and plea deals are the better choice? Many, I think. # USA # politics" politics,# oiluiztv # jornalista # notcias # politics GIGANTE: nem o MST consegue impedir multidão de receber Bolsonaro na Bahia! https://www. E politics,"# revistaoeste # jornalismo # noticias # politics ‘Lula está equivocado por não ir contra a ditadura do Irã’, afirma Nobel da Paz https:// ta-equivocado-por-nao-ir-contra-a-ditadura-do-ira-afirma-nobel-da-paz/" politics,"A reminder you won't get from our most important media outlets: Steve Bannon Mike Flynn Paul Manafort Roger Stone ...should all be in prison, but are not due to direct & indirect interventions by their co-conspirator, the Republican nominee for President, Donald Trump. Instead, they are all free to do as they please, and likely quietly leading & preparing for the next coup attempt. # politics # democracy" politics,‘Cyber Fire’: How the Canadian Armed Forces is approaching ‘cyber warfare’ Documents released under access to information laws show that in 2016 the Canadian Armed Forces had a “relatively poor” understanding on long-term reliance on cyber operations. # globalnews # Canada # Politics # CanadianArmedForces # cybersecurity https:// nadian-forces-cyber-warfare-plan/ politics,https://www. Biden said Republicans oppose women’s rights — Katie Britt’s “tradwife” response proved him right # Politics # U .S.Politics # UnitedStates politics,A friendly reminder that the second amendment guarantees the government cannot have a monopoly on the legitimate use of violence. That's the only thing stopping it from committing genocide on a mass scale. # mastodon # government # society # politics # guns # 2ndamendment # monopoly # on # violence politics,"@ JasonPerseus Moreover, I suspect that all the dunking on Katie Britt's creepy performance is inadvertently helping to radicalize more extremists. Its intended targets' response will be, ""that poor, sweet, appropriately submissive Christian woman was just sitting in the kitchen where she belongs, speaking Lord Jesus' word, but those Woke Communists attacked her. I see now that they are at war against God himself. We have no choice but to rise up and defend God."" # uspol # politics # uspolitics" politics,🤦‍♂️ # justforlaughs # funny # meme # politics politics,# revistaoeste # jornalismo # noticias # politics Modelo do Amazonas pode ganhar o Miss Mundo https:// -do-amazonas-pode-ganhar-o-miss-mundo/ politics,"# revistaoeste # jornalismo # noticias # politics ‘Na Rússia, os empresários de hoje foram os comunistas de ontem’ https:// ssia-os-empresarios-de-hoje-foram-os-comunistas-de-ontem/" politics,# FTC Bars # XMode from Selling Sensitive Location Data https://www. bars-x-mode-selling-sensitive-location-data # privacy # politics politics,"@ dcdeejay @ SheamusPatt Food for thought ... If business lobbyists want a seat at the table with our elected officials, they first need to get out from under the table in the back rooms. Since politicians are elected by the people, why are they in bed with business? # politics" politics,https://www. バイデン氏、共和党は女性の権利に反対していると発言―ケイティ・ブリットの「トラッドワイフ」反応は彼の正しさを証明した # politics # U .S.Politics # UnitedStates # UnitedStatesPolitics politics,"My hot take is that the response to the # SOTU was likely not meant to reach *you* and so you being creeped out or not liking the kitchen scene doesn’t matter. There are a lot of Karen voters out there that ate that up, I bet. # uspol # politics # uspolitics" politics,"Congress be like: :blobfoxdrakedislike: Pass comprehensive privacy legislation to stop tracking Americans across all apps. :blobfoxdrakelike: Ban TikTok using the same logic as 50's era McCarthyism. It's extra funny that Biden has signaled he'll sign the bill . Bro is absolutely deadset on torpedoing his campaign. :neofox_what: As if, y'know, sponsoring a genocide wasn't bad enough. If GeriatricGenocideJoe loses, I can't wait for blue MAGA and the Democrat establishment to blame progressives as if we owe them our vote when it's truly because they're completely out of touch with their voting base and have utterly failed to stop even the most fundamental of rights from being stripped away from us. # Politics # USPolitics # TikTok # TikTokBan # Biden # Democrat # Progressive" politics,"@ AmandaMarcotte Thanks for enduring and analyzing the Stepford bot's # SOTU response. I tried to watch, but Britt's acting was so phony, and I knew she was going to unleash a flood of lies. Also, thanks for helping to spread the message that if Mark Robinson wins in North Carolina, basic rights for all U.S. women are in danger. # ncpol # politics # JoshStein # VoteBlue # VoteForJoshStein # MarkRobinson = # misogyny # sexism # antisemitism # racism # Islamophobia # homophobia # transphobia" politics,https:// t/p/whom-should-you-vote-for?r=25q93&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true # politics # activism # elections # HuletsBackgrounder politics,"One degree of Kevin Bacon to Congressman Schiff on my server, maybe he or his staff might set up an account on the Fediverse? (ping me first so I know it's really you ;-) https:// 122218411153 # politics" politics,Mexico's Presidential Palace Door Knocked Down: Protesters Claim They Were Just Looking for the Bathroom # CSDN # mexico # politics # preidentialpalace # protest # Satire # worldnews https:// politics,.@OlgaNYC1211: “Hungary is one of the Kremlin cut-outs for the 2024 US elections.” Listen to more of this @ GaslitNation episode here: # politics # elections2024 # russia politics,# revistaoeste # jornalismo # noticias # politics Presunção de coisa nenhuma: o que temos sobre Maduro são certezas https:// uncao-de-coisa-nenhuma-o-que-temos-sobre-maduro-sao-certezas/ politics,Has Biden's State of the Union turned things around? My chat today with Matt Frei on # LBC . https:// rch-9-2024-has-biden-s-state-of-the-union-turned-his-fortunes-around # Biden # Election2024 # USElection2024 # news # Politics # Trump # SOTU # Journalism politics,Chinese hacking documents dump offers window into pervasive state surveillance https:// security-leak-document-dump-spying-aac38c75f268b72910a94881ccbb77cb # ycombinator # China # China_government # Cybercrime # General_news # XCorp # Politics # World_news # Business # Hong_Kong # Technology # Hacking # World_News politics,Erdoğan says upcoming Turkish local election will be his last #Aidanddevelopment #Elections #EU -Turkey #Politics #Mayors #youth politics,"# revistaoeste # jornalismo # noticias # politics Tornozeleiras de 1,8 mil criminosos estão desligadas no RJ https:// eleiras-de-18-mil-criminosos-estao-desligadas-no-rj/" politics,# gazetadobrasil # jornalismo # noticias # politics Sete benefícios do sexo para a saúde após os 50 anos https:// ticias/2024/03/09/sete-beneficios-do-sexo-para-a-saude-apos-os-50-anos/ politics,https://www. Trump’s RNC takeover and Orban meeting are a frightening glimpse into the GOP’s future # Politics # U .S.Politics # UnitedStates politics,https://www. La reforma de la ley franquista de secretos oficiales inicia por tercera vez su tramitación en el Congreso tras dos intentos frustrados # España # Política # Politics # spain # SpainPolitics politics,"The equilibrium state of the cosmos is death, nothingness, complete inactivity. Behold the destination of everything. # philosophy # politics # science" politics,"# Authors are often advised to keep # politics out of their # writing , but @ gibbondemon disagrees. https:// iting-be-political/" politics,# revistaoeste # jornalismo # noticias # politics Estadão: ‘Governo Lula quer gastar mais do que já gasta’ https:// dao-governo-lula-quer-gastar-mais-do-que-ja-gasta/ politics,"Corrections chief briefed Mendicino's chief of staff weeks before Bernardo's prison transfer Then-public safety minister Marco Mendicino's chief of staff was briefed by the head of the Correctional Service of Canada about Paul Bernardo's upcoming prison transfer almost two weeks before it happened — but the minister wasn't told about it until after Bernardo had been moved, says an intern... # cbc # news # News # Politics https://www. nal-emails-paul-bernardo-prison-t ..." politics,# revistaoeste # jornalismo # noticias # politics Moraes proíbe Bolsonaro e aliados de irem a eventos das Forças Armadas https:// es-proibe-bolsonaro-e-aliados-de-irem-a-eventos-das-forcas-armadas/ politics,"Aure Free Press is the #1 FREE news service on Mastodon! Ad Free No Paywalls 500+ Sources Journalist Owned Global Readership Partner With Newsmast Find us: @ Free_Press # AureFreePress ""I'd be honored if you became our newest follower. With 30 years of journalism experience, I want to provide this free news feed to ALL Mastodon users. I got you covered!"" - Aure # AureFreePress # news # newsmast # USA # UK # Mastodon # Ukraine️ # Russia # Trump # Politics # GlobalWarming # BreakingNews # Breaking # press" politics,"“We have white prosecutors standing in front of overwhelmingly white juries comparing Black defendants facing the death penalty to animals – ‘mad dogs,’ ‘hyenas,’ ‘predators of the African plain,’” said Henderson Hill, senior counsel for the ACLU. “The racism in North Carolina’s application of the death penalty is so clear it’s blinding.” Racial Justice Act hearing concludes — for now https:// ustice-act-hearing-concludes-for-now/ # ncpol # ncnews # racism # 21stCenturySlavery # politics # justice # law # poverty # hate" politics,"""The American people understand a simple truth that Congress ignores: It is absurd and hypocritical to criticize Netanyahu’s inhumane war in one breath, and provide him another $10 billion to continue that war in the next."" ""The American people understand a simple truth that Congress... # politics # videos # sanders # israel # gaza # palestine https:// 1765911728087355452" politics,"President Biden said Republicans oppose women's rights — Katie Britt's ""tradwife"" response proved him right The ""pro-life"" lie gives way to GOP leaders denouncing women's suffrage and attacking birth control # AureFreePress # News # press # headline # USA # Politics https://www. d-oppose-womens-rights--katie-britts-tradwife-response-proved-him-right/" politics,# gazetadobrasil # jornalismo # noticias # politics Líder de organização criminosa é capturado em operação policial no Espírito Santo. https:// 4/03/09/lider-de-organizacao-criminosa-e-capturado-em-operacao-policial-no-espirito-santo/ politics,MAGA DEATH THREATS! Far-right Montana congressman says he’s quitting politics after ‘death threat’ from MAGA terrorists Matt Rosendale says his failed Senate run fueled ‘false and defamatory rumors’ about his family # AureFreePress # News # press # headline # GOP # Politics # uspolitics # uspol # Trump # MAGA # Montana https://www. ar/09/matt-rosendale-montana-congressman-quits-politics politics,# gazetadobrasil # jornalismo # noticias # politics Internacional escolhe mulher para interpretar mascote em meio a investigações de importunação sexual https:// 4/03/09/internacional-escolhe-mulher-para-interpretar-mascote-em-meio-a-investigacoes-de-importunacao-sexual/ politics,Reflecting my thoughts at the #scottishparliament … #bestvacations #worldtravelpics #bbctravel #lifeofadventure #letsgosomewhere #Edinborough #thisisscotland #travellingthroughtheworld 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 #ScotlandIsNow 🇬🇧 #picoftheday #ScotSpirit #DùnÈideann #uk #visituk #takeninscotland #politics #reflections #parliament #government #pixelfeduk #pixelfedscotland politics,"""When people tell you who they are, believe them."" -- Maya Angelou # POLITICS MAJOR # BREAKING # NEWS : Source of the Money for $91 Million Bond in # Trump 's # Defamation and # Rape Case Appears to Have Major # Kremlin Ties America's five-alarm # nationalsecurity crisis: presumptive # GOP nominee for president looks to be compromised by a hostile foreign power via foreign entanglements # BidenHarris2024 # Democrat # Democrats # VoteBlue # VoteBlueToSaveDemocracy @ uspolitics https:// jor-breaking-news-source-of-the" politics,🇺🇸 Biden fustige la rencontre Trump-Orban https://www. hp?display=M # VuDansLaPresse # newspaper # politique # politics # international # USA # BIden # Trump # Orban politics,"TRUMP CRIME FAMILY Many Republican ACTIVISTS Vow to suspend their support for the party after Lara Trump, Donald Trump's daughter-in-law, was elected as co-chair of the Republican National Committee (RNC). # AureFreePress # News # press # headline # GOP # Politics # uspolitics # uspol # Trump # MAGA # Republicans https://www. akeover-sparks-fury-some-republicans-1877540" politics,"# politics # news Attack from Within HOW DISINFORMATION IS SABOTAGING AMERICA By Barbara McQuade https://www. 41677/attack-from-within-by-barbara-mcquade/?utm_source=substack&utm_medium=email ​--​“ As someone who grew up behind the Iron Curtain, I understand the dangers of authoritarianism. If you want to understand the risks to democracy and how we can address them, read this important book.” — Martina Navratilova" politics,A Threat To America! Trump held onto 70 boxes of classified documents – while telling staffer to claim all were returned # AureFreePress # News # press # headline # GOP # Politics # uspolitics # uspol # Trump # MAGA # Republicans https://www. mericas/us-politics/donald-trump-classified-documents-mar-a-lago-b2509451.html politics,"# gazetadobrasil # jornalismo # noticias # politics Brasil enfrenta média diária de 19,7 mil casos de dengue entre janeiro e março de 2024. https:// 4/03/09/brasil-enfrenta-media-diaria-de-197-mil-casos-de-dengue-entre-janeiro-e-marco-de-2024/" politics,"# revistaoeste # jornalismo # noticias # politics A corrupção está aumentando em toda a América Latina, afirma The Economist https:// rrupcao-esta-aumentando-em-toda-a-america-latina-afirma-the-economist/" politics,Just HOW racist is Trump when the Republican party has to create AI images of him being even near Americans of color 🤔🤔🤔 What AI-generated images of Trump surrounded by Black voters mean for this election # AureFreePress # News # press # headline # GOP # Politics # uspolitics # uspol # Trump # MAGA # Republicans https://www. ages-trump-surrounded-233309691.html politics,🆕 # MEDIA # POLITICS - # EU 🇪🇺 🌞 🆔 So the # EUIdentityCard could look like # TheOriginal for millions of new 2nd generation # RealEuropean for the # UnitedStatesOfEurope # USE built on # RealEuropeans . MM 💡 inventor. Article in German 🇩🇪. 👉 https://www. kerneuropä m politics,🆕 # MEDIA # POLITICS - # EU 🇪🇺 🌞 🛂 So the # EUPassport could look like # TheOriginal for millions of new 2nd generation # RealEuropean for the # UnitedStatesOfEurope # USE built on # RealEuropeans . MM 💡 inventor. Article in German 🇩🇪. 👉 https://www. kerneuropä m politics,🆕 # MEDIA # POLITICS - # EU 🇪🇺 🌞 🆔 So the # EUIDCard could look like # TheOriginal for the 73 million 1st generation # RealEuropean for the # UnitedStatesOfEurope # USE built on real Europeans. MM 💡 inventor. Article in German 🇩🇪. 👉 https://www. kerneuropä m politics,🆕 # MEDIA # POLITICS - # EU 🇪🇺 🌞 🛂 So the # EuropeanPassport could look like # TheOriginal for the 73 million 1st generation # RealEuropean for the # UnitedStatesOfEurope # USE built on real Europeans. MM 💡 inventor. Article in German 🇩🇪. 👉 https://www. kerneuropä m politics,🆕 # MEDIA # POLITICS - # EU 🇪🇺 🌞 Here you can find out what # KERNEUROPÄISMUS is and the different development versions of the # EUPassports & # EUIdentityCards for the conversion of European to # RealEuropean over a period of 100 years is necessary. MM 💡 inventor. Article in German 🇩🇪. 👉 https://www. kerneuropä tm politics,"🆕 # MEDIA # POLITICS - # EU 🇪🇺 🌞 I invented the # RealEuropean 1977 in # FRANKFURT as a solution for my # UnitedStatesOfEurope # USE of 1975, so that there will never again be # WAR between us # Europeans in # EUROPE . MM 💡 inventor. Article in German 🇩🇪. 👉 https://www. kerneuropä" politics,"🆕 # MEDIA # POLITICS - My version of the # UnitedStatesOfEurope # USE based on # RealEuropeans is purely mathematical, i.e. logically based on algebra. Table of all logical combinations from the real European. MM 💡 inventor. Article in German 🇩🇪. 👉 https://www. kerneuropä .htm" politics,🆕 # MEDIA # POLITICS - We # RealEuropeans are the human # Euro ! Foreword and examples of all logical combinations from the real European. MM 💡 inventor. Article in German 🇩🇪. 👉 https://www. kerneuropä .htm politics,"A Grifters Gotta Grift! Trump Retakes Control Of RNC, Potentially Opening Up Cash Streams To Pay Legal Bills By installing his Daughter-in-law and close friend election denier as RNC Chairs, Trump has opened the RNC money vault directly to his wallet. Trump will now use RNC funds to pay his legal bills, instead of going to other Republican candidates running for office. # AureFreePress # News # press # headline # GOP # Politics # uspolitics # uspol # Trump https://www. akeover_n_65eb49cde4b05ec1ccd9cce0" politics,"🆕 # MEDIA # POLITICS - For almost 50 years, I have been working on my life's work the # UnitedStatesOfEurope # USE based on # RealEuropeans and I am convinced that it is the right way for # EUROPE and for all # Europeans . MM 💡 inventor. Article in German 🇩🇪. 👉 https://www. kerneuropä htm" politics,"🆕 # MEDIA # POLITICS - # EU I solved the # migration problem for EUROPE in # FRANKFURT in 1977. SOLUTION: To merge the Europeans (Germans, Spaniards, etc.) into real Europeans called # KERNEUROPÄISMUS over a period of 100 years. # UnitedStatesOfEurope built on # RealEuropeans . MM 💡 inventor. Article in German 🇩🇪. 👉 https://www. kerneuropä m" politics,🆕 # MEDIA # POLITICS - # NORWAY 🇳🇴 # SWEDEN 🇸🇪 # FINLAND 🇫🇮 # DENMARK 🇩🇰 and # ICELAND 🇮🇸 could merge. The logic of my life's work # UnitedStatesOfEurope based on # RealEuropeans and # Algebra can be applied to all countries in the world. I merge all Northern European countries. MM 💡inventor Text in German 🇩🇪. 👉 https://www. kerneuropä tm politics,🆕 # MEDIA # POLITICS - INFO: I'm like # MartinLuther of the 20th & 21st centuries and have been criticizing the # EuropeanUnion # EU 🇪🇺 since 1991 because I think the EU & EEC are a flawed construction. I have found the right path for # EUROPE since 1975 & 1977. MM 💡 inventor. Article in German 🇩🇪. 👉 https://www. kerneuropä tter.htm politics,"🆕 # MEDIA # POLITICS - # Banks , # Corporations , # Companies etc. can merge but countries and peoples cannot. Got the solution to merge the whole world. Examples... MM 💡 inventor. Article in German 🇩🇪. 👉 https://www. kerneuropä on-examples.htm" politics,"🆕 # MEDIA # POLITICS - A new age has begun. According to my system, almost all countries in the world can merge. MM 💡 inventor. Article in German 🇩🇪. 👉 https://www. kerneuropä on.htm" politics,🆕 # MEDIA # POLITICS - Here you can read my political goals for the next few years for my version of the # EuropeanUnion # EU # UE 🇪🇺 and my version of the # UnitedStatesOfEurope . MM 💡 inventor. Article in German 🇩🇪. 👉 https://www. kerneuropä politics,"IDK, ""investigation rules Uvalde police didn't violate policy"" seems like a far more damning statement about the department than if they HAD been found neglectful. This is just saying ""yeah, of COURSE we ignored those dying kids, that's policy fam :))"" https:// council-finds-police-lacked-clear-leader/story?id=107893515 # ACAB # cops # uvalde # uspol # politics # uspolitics" politics,# TOPINFO # POLITICS # MEDIA +++News-Ticker: These are the most exotic countries in the world that yesterday were most interested in my # RealEuropean . 1⃣ # AUSTRALIA 🇦🇺 2⃣ # IRAN 🇮🇷 # جمهوریاسلامیايران 3⃣ # JAPAN 🇯🇵 # 日本国 4⃣ # SINGAPORE 🇸🇬 # SINGAPURA 5⃣ # CHINA 🇨🇳 # 中國 6⃣ # INDIA 🇮🇳 # इंडिया MM 💡 Inventor. Article in German 🇩🇪 👉 https://www. kerneuropä END OF NEWS+++ politics,"Portugal Election Twist: Far-Right Party to Introduce Mandatory Siesta, Cites Historical Exhaustion # CSDN # Elections # news # politcalnews # politics # Portugal # Siesta # SiestaParty https://" politics,# TOPINFO # POLITICS # MEDIA +++News-Ticker: These countries worldwide showed the most interest in my # RealEuropean yesterday. 1⃣ # GERMANY 🇩🇪 # DEUTSCHLAND 2⃣ # USA 🇺🇸 # EEUU 3⃣ # FRANCE 🇫🇷 4⃣ # FINLAND 🇫🇮 # SUOMI 5⃣ # GreatBritain 🇬🇧 6⃣ # CANADA 🇨🇦 MM 💡 Inventor. Article in German 🇩🇪 👉 https://www. kerneuropä END OF NEWS+++ politics,"It’s a double rollover this week, make sure to enter and you could you win the chance to invade Ukraine !! Greedy bastards should be made to give their profits to Ukraine # brexit # ToryLies # tory # tories # ToriesOut # toryscum # politics # ukpolitics # bbc # news # costofliving # EU # inflation # Sunak # nhs # rishisunak # Labour # immigration # LizTruss # LeeAnderson # suellabraveman # LeeAnderthal # 30pLee # BrexitBenefits # russia # Ukraine" politics,"There are an awful lot of shit cunts who care more about paintings and statues of ""historic"" people than the actual real lives of other people. These are your enemies. # ukpol # politics" politics,"# revistaoeste # jornalismo # noticias # politics Flannery O’Connor, a autora que todos nós precisamos ler https:// ery-oconnor-a-autora-que-todos-nos-precisamos-ler/" politics,# politics politics,"Can # JamieRaskin , # HakeemJeffries , # KatiePorter # GretchenWhitmer , # GavinNewsom or some other prominent democrat, please “go # ChickenLittle ” and start talking about reason, # TheGreatFilter , and Type I civilizations before # humanity goes instinctively splat? What hero will start flooding the # news # media with scientific consequences, if we don’t all channel our inner # CarlSagan , trumpeting our ability to use reason and common sense? And really name the stakes shunning the existential distraction of royal political pomp and circumstance? # Forefathers # History # OneWorld # SETI # Politics # evolution" politics,"Digvijaya Singh of INC https:// f-inc/ Digvijaya Singh born 28 February 1947 is an Indian politician and a Member of Parliament in the Rajya Sabha. He is Ex-General Secretary of the Indian National Congress party’s All India Congress Committee. Previously, he had served as the 14th Chief Minister of Madhya Pradesh, a central Indian state, for two terms from 1993 to 2003. He was president of the Madhya Pradesh Congress Committee between 1985 and 1988 # news # india # politics # democracy" politics,"Thread by Laura Pidcock on the breakdown of democracy in the UK, and the importance of continuing the protests against genocide in Gaza in showing the will of people to resist fascism. https:// # politics # democracy # fascism # WomensRights # freedom # protest # GazaGenocide # socialism # humanity" politics,Joe Biden gave a hell of a speech and Republicans whined like dirty diaper babies by Jeff Tiedrich https://www. ave-a-hell-of-a-speech # Biden # SOTU # Politics # Election politics,It's not very secret if it's the top story in the # Telegraph # politics # johnson # tory # tories https://www. 03/09/boris-johnson-henley-election-conservatives-david-cameron/ politics,"Katie Britt's SOTU Rebuttal, Behind The Scenes # KatieBritt # SOTU # Rebuttal # politics # GOP" politics,"'GB News has paid Conservative MPs more than £660,000 in appearance fees and salaries since it launched, against just £1,100 to Labour MPs, Guardian analysis shows.' https://www. /28/payments-tory-mps-by-gb-news-since-its-launch 'Lee Anderson, who was hired as a Tory MP but is an independent since losing the whip at the weekend over alleged Islamophobic comments, is on a salary of £100,000 a year, plus £50 extra a month to display a GB News logo on his X profile page.' # GBNews # UK # Conservatives # Tories # politics" politics,"# revistaoeste # jornalismo # noticias # politics Perito da Fórum recebe R$ 500 mil para elaborar projeto científico, não apresenta relatório e acaba processado por abandono de pesquisa https:// -da-forum-recebe-r-500-mil-para-elaborar-projeto-cientifico-nao-apresenta-relatorio-e-acaba-processado-por-abandono-de-pesquisa/" politics,I get that othering of Those People is a good way to get yahoos riled up enough to vote – but Republicans just making stuff up won’t improve anyone’s public safety or reform immigration policy. # politics # lolgop https://www. 7344090454985624862 politics,# revistaoeste # jornalismo # noticias # politics O tweet mais ridículo da semana (60) https:// eet-mais-ridiculo-da-semana-60/ politics,"Instead of just looking at the election right ahead of us, we’re looking towards the entire decade. Make no mistake: We have a plan to win # Democratic power in the states, not just this cycle, but for cycles to come. # Democrat # Democrats # DemocratsAbroad # DemsAbroad # BidenHarris2024 # vote # voteblue # us # politics # uspolitics @ uspolitics @ newsmast @ DemocracyMattersALot https://www. tehouse-strategy-flip/?fbclid=IwAR0ZtRPxDmLimx2MufY6jhdJ8L7GSplMds0DWFNzBLcbjd3W7coCo4lQZjc" politics,The U.N. agency for Palestinian refugees said some employees released into Gaza from Israeli detention reported having been pressured by Israeli authorities into falsely stating that the agency has Hamas links and that staff took part in the Oct. 7 attacks. https://www. 09/world/politics/unrwa-report-israel-hamas/ # worldnews # politics # israel # hamas # israelhamaswar # terrorism # un politics,"If you find yourself testing the knot on that rope around your neck and would like to think there's still hope, read todays (3/9/2004) David Brooks Opinion in the NY Times. # hope # uplifting # politics # motivate" politics,https://www. 移民は米国生まれの米国人よりも犯罪を犯す可能性が低いことが研究で判明 # politics # U .S.Politics # UnitedStates # UnitedStatesPolitics politics,"https://www. Immigrants are less likely to commit crimes than U.S.-born Americans, studies find # Politics # U .S.Politics # UnitedStates" politics,The president’s decision to send aid by air and sea represents a shift prompted by the growing humanitarian crisis. But it raised uncomfortable questions about America’s role. https://www. 09/world/politics/biden-bombs-food-gaza-war/ # worldnews # politics # us # joebiden # gaza # israel # hamas # israelhamaswar politics,"@ frantictdrinker Yes they are malign, as are their masters/mistresses & all fascists, but what understanding, agreement between themselves exists?; do their internal discussions include their knowledge of their subservience to the wishes, demands, of their puppet masters, or do they think that their ideology just happens to parallel that of their donors, owners, masters? Do they say, in their meetings, ""what must we do to satisfy this or that oligarch's fascism so that they will continue to support/fund us?"" or is it just implicit that their fascist funders must be supported, obviously, duh, whatever world do you live in? Even though that ideology, in the case of Labo[u]r, or Democrats, expressly disavows everything that they are now espousing. At what point do we compare what they are actually doing to that which they say are their principles? # politics # auspol # ukpol # uspol" politics,🇮🇷 Les comptes Facebook et Instagram de l'ayatollah Ali Khamenei fermés : l'Iran dénonce 'une violation de la liberté d'expression' https://www. hp?display=M # VuDansLaPresse # newspaper # politique # politics # international # Iran # Khamenei politics,"# revistaoeste # jornalismo # noticias # politics ‘Gênero’, ‘não binariedade’ e ‘heterossexualidade compulsória’: a palestra de Marcia Tiburi na Petrobras https:// ros-binaridade-e-heterossexualidade-compulsoria-a-palestra-de-marcia-tiburi-na-petrobras/" politics,"This election is bigger than Biden. We have the chance to hack away at corruption at the root by building our power at the all-important state level, where crucial quality-of-life issues, from voting rights to environmental protections to LGBTQ+ rights and more, are decided. What’s better than hope? The Gaslit Nation 2024 Survival Guide on # politics # biden # elections2024" politics,https://www. Total Fertility rate of European countries: # España # Política # Politics # spain # SpainPolitics politics,"🇬🇧 Labour will not stop the # Tory undermining of # NHS “Even a Labour government committed to reviving the NHS will not seek to disturb its growing interdependence with the private sector. One patient’s desperation boosts one private provider’s dividend, yes, but it also means that person gets care which the enfeebled, overwhelmed NHS can no longer provide when it is needed. Tragically, that will not change anytime soon.” # news # politics # health https://www. ar/08/private-healthcare-could-become-a-new-normal-as-nhs-grows-weaker" politics,"Corrections chief briefed Mendicino's chief of staff weeks before Bernardo's prison transfer Then-public safety minister Marco Mendicino's chief of staff was briefed by the head of the Correctional Service of Canada about Paul Bernardo's upcoming prison transfer almost two weeks before it happened — but the minister wasn't told about it until after Bernardo had been moved, says an intern... # cbc # news # News # Politics https://www. nal-emails-paul-bernardo-prison-t ..." politics,"A fraught relationship has recently turned bitter, with insults and barbs threatening European unity at a critical moment. https://www. 09/world/politics/macron-scholz-russia-ukraine/ # worldnews # politics # germany # france # eu # europe # russia # russiaukrainewar # ukraine # emmanuelmacron # olafscholz" politics,Brian Mulroney's complicated relationship with Indigenous peoples in Canada Former prime minister Brian Mulroney’s legacy with Indigenous peoples in Canada is one marked by contradiction; where failures are sometimes remembered for their best intentions and successes run alongside catastrophic disappointments # cbc # news # News # Politics https://www. roney-indigenous-people-relationship-1.7138502?cmp=rss politics,Brian Mulroney's complicated relationship with Indigenous peoples in Canada Former prime minister Brian Mulroney’s legacy with Indigenous peoples in Canada is one marked by contradiction; where failures are sometimes remembered for their best intentions and successes run alongside catastrophic disappointments # cbc # news # News # Politics https://www. roney-indigenous-people-relationship-1.7138502?cmp=rss politics,Biden slams Trump-Orbán meeting in Florida #Hungarianpolitics #ForeignAffairs #Humanrights #Immigration #Democracy #Migration #Politics #Borders #LGBTQ + #Rights politics,🇲🇨 Brigitte Boccone-Pagès : « Nous sommes à l’abri d’un rejet des élus et des corps intermédiaires » https://www. hp?display=M # VuDansLaPresse # newspaper # politique # politics # international # Monaco # BrigitteBocconePagès politics,"Corrections chief briefed Mendicino's chief of staff weeks before Bernardo's prison transfer Then-public safety minister Marco Mendicino's chief of staff was briefed by the head of the Correctional Service of Canada about Paul Bernardo's upcoming prison transfer almost two weeks before it happened — but the minister wasn't told about it until after Bernardo had been moved, says an intern... # cbc # news # News # Politics https://www. nal-emails-paul-bernardo-prison-t ..." politics,"Although no real surprise the length of time that the fossil fuels industries have been lobbying against clean energy also is a lesson for those who are (relatively) relaxed about the links between politics & business.... Certainly businesses have a right to voice when regulatory & policy changes are being discussed, but their ability (partly through the deployment of cash) to skew debates in their favour continues to be a major danger. # politics # GreenEnergy # business https://www. 24/mar/08/oil-industry-has-sought-to-block-state-backing-for-green-tech-since-1960s" politics,Brian Mulroney's complicated relationship with Indigenous peoples in Canada Former prime minister Brian Mulroney’s legacy with Indigenous peoples in Canada is one marked by contradiction; where failures are sometimes remembered for their best intentions and successes run alongside catastrophic disappointments # cbc # news # News # Politics https://www. roney-indigenous-people-relationship-1.7138502?cmp=rss politics,# revistaoeste # jornalismo # noticias # politics Aconteceu em 9 de março https:// teceu-em-9-de-marco/ politics,Brian Mulroney's complicated relationship with Indigenous peoples in Canada Former prime minister Brian Mulroney’s legacy with Indigenous peoples in Canada is one marked by contradiction; where failures are sometimes remembered for their best intentions and successes run alongside catastrophic disappointments # cbc # news # News # Politics https://www. roney-indigenous-people-relationship-1.7138502?cmp=rss politics,"For International Women's Day, World Leaders Agree to Swap Roles with Women, Anticipate Global Improvement by Noon # CSDN # GlobalLeaders # InternationalWomensDay # politics # Satire # UN https://" politics,# Johnson claimed # brexit would save the # UK £350 million a week in # EU contributions. That’s £18 billion a year. Today we hear Brexit is costing the UK # economy £140 billion a year. Why aren’t # boris and # farage in jail? That’s fraud and misrepresentation on an unprecedented scale. # politics # ukpolitics # britain politics,Breaking: Excitement reaches fever pitch as the ‘Britain’s most punchable man’ competition reaches the final # brexit # ToryLies # tory # tories # ToriesOut # toryscum # politics # ukpolitics # bbc # news # costofliving # EU # inflation # Sunak # nhs # rishisunak # Labour # immigration # LizTruss # LeeAnderson # suellabraveman # LeeAnderthal # 30pLee # BrexitBenefits politics,"Oh dear, another bit of the Tories culture wars (this time the accusation that Low-Traffic Neighbourhoods (LTNs) were being imposed on normal folk by car hating extremists) has failed to survive contact with reality... Apart for a majority in LTNs supporting them, my favourite statistic is over half the people living in LTNs don't even realise they are.... yet another political 'crisis' inflamed by the commentariat. # Tories # culturewars # LTNs # cars # politics https://www. ar/08/low-traffic-neighbourhoods-generally-popular-report-ordered-by-sunak-finds" politics,🇹🇷 Erdogan laisse entrevoir la fin de plus de 20 ans de pouvoir https://www. hp?display=M # VuDansLaPresse # newspaper # politique # politics # international # Turquie # Turkey # Turkyie # Erdogan # RecepTayyipErdoğan politics,“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson # nature # naturephotography # photo # photography # photos # art # artist # environment # wildlife # wildlifephotography # water # community # news # politics # books # reading # uk # england # refugees # media # manchester # liverpool # leeds # scotland # socialmedia # facebook # twitter # mastodon # mastoart # growth # mentalhealth # nhs # mindfulness politics,"""There are various ways of undermining the right to an # abortion : twitching the time limits, the availability of staff, funding, etc. Would a law that partially de-reimbursed abortion be in breach of the Constitution? It's by no means certain."" ""The constitutional law does not guarantee effective access to abortion"" (fr) https://www. nt/lisa-carayon-la-loi-constitutionnelle-ne-garantit-pas-lacces-effectif-a-lavortement @ patriarchy @ eu # ConstitutionalLaw # constitution # politics # France # FRPol # institutionsDeceive" politics,Why I got it so wrong on GB News – the flailing TV juggernaut that’s too rich to fail | Zoe Williams https://www. 2024/mar/09/gb-news-tv-rightwing-politics # Televisionindustry # Politics # GBNews # UKnews # Media politics,https://www. Ratings Jump 18% for Biden’s Feisty State of the Union # Politics # U .S.Politics # UnitedStates politics,"“Fall has always been my favorite season. The time when everything bursts with its last beauty, as if nature had been saving up all year for the grand finale.” ― Lauren DeStefano # seasons # nature # naturephotography # water # photo # photography # photos # wildlife # wildlifephotography # manchester # england # usa # uk # chorlton # liverpool # art # artist # politics # environment # autumn # spring # summer # winter" politics,"“As the alluring song of September begins to whisper in my ear, my passionate spirit yearns for the splendor of its promise.” ― Peggy Toney Horton # nature # naturephotography # photography # photo # photos # wildlife # wildlifephotography # fruit # plants # tree # trees # community # environment # england # scotland # wales # london # europe # eu # politics # news # wearepeace # seasons # usa # latinamerica # middleeast # peace # art # artist" politics,"The percentage of women serving in state legislatures currently outpaces the percentage of women serving in Congress – and of the over 2,400 women serving as state legislators, over 1,500 – or more than 65% – are # Democrats . # WomensHistoryMonth # VoteBlueToProtectWomenRights # Vote # Democracy # BidenHarris2024 # FliptheHouse # US # politics @ uspolitics @ DemocracyMattersALot @ DefendDemocracy @ AbortionFront" politics,https://www. バイデンの元気いっぱいの一般教書演説で視聴率が18%上昇 # politics # U .S.Politics # UnitedStates # UnitedStatesPolitics politics,Weekend essay: The fight for Germany’s ‘memory culture’ - https:// via @FT ($ paywall) # memory # Holocaust # politics politics,🇺🇸 New York | L’ex-président du Honduras coupable de trafic de drogue international https://www. hp?display=M # VuDansLaPresse # newspaper # politique # politics # international # USA # NewYork # Honduras # JuanOrlandoHernandez politics,"John Bolton on Viktor Orban: ""He's betraying the Hungarian revolution of 1956 by getting close to the Kremlin. Back then, his fellow Hungarians were fighting for freedom against the Soviet Union, and today he has drawn Hungary closer to Russia, I think betraying them and really betraying the NATO alliance. That's a problem. Imagine what he and Trump are talking about when they talk about NATO."" # News # Politics # Trump # Democracy # Democrats # Hungary # NATO # EU" politics,"# JPMorgan and State Street quit Climate Action 100+ climate group as # BlackRock scales back - # Republicans have been pushing hard for this, a souce in the industry told me # climatechange # politics # GreenInvestment https://www. f70-a078-82a6c265ddc2" politics,The lifetime appointment of Justices to the Supreme Court doesn't seem to he working out well for America. # scotus # justice # politics politics,"Japan and the United States are considering allowing U.S. Navy warships to undergo extensive repairs at private shipyards, enabling the ships to stay longer in Japanese waters without returning home for maintenance. https://www. 09/japan/politics/japan-us-warship-repairs/ # japan # politics # usjapanrelations # usmilitary # sdf # defense # defenseministry # china # northkorea" politics,"# RandomThoughts What currently passes for democracy is the pretence of opposition between two parties, both of whom represent the same people, all of whom despise democracy & the people that they would use as feudal slaves in their plutocracy. # politics # auspol # ukpol # uspol" politics,# kimpain # direita # politica # politics ANÁLISE: Uma VITÓRIA Histórica Pra DIREITA e Nosso FUTURO + NIKOLAS Mexeu No VESPEIRO Proibido. https://www. o politics,https://www. バイデンの元気いっぱいの一般教書演説で視聴率が18%上昇 # Politics # U .S.Politics # UnitedStates politics,"https://www. “One of our biggest disasters ever”: Republicans “f**king losing it” over Katie Britt SOTU response – Republican delivered “campiest, creepiest SOTU response in history,” critics say # Politics # U .S.Politics # UnitedStates" politics,"I know this is a rage-bait bill, intended to rile up republican fascists and grab headlines, but shit, seriously, how do people stoop this low? Targeting children and educators, just to hurt a population that already struggles with so much bullshit and bigotry. https://www. -lawmakers-felony-transgender-students-reaj # Politics # AntiTrans # Republicans # RageBait" politics,https://www. Un diputado de Vox dice que van a tener que reabrir para el PSOE la cárcel de Cáceres que acogió a presos políticos en el franquismo # España # Política # Politics # spain # SpainPolitics politics,"As # BenElton used to say 'bit of # politics ' Part Two: The # Kenova report: 1) key finding : A single UK State Asset inside the IRA terrorist organisation was guilty of more killings than he saved lives. 2) As commented by two principal political leaders. Note: they are commenting on the same report. Also note: One person here comes across as sincere, professional, and statesmenlike. # NorthernIreland # NornIron # DUP # SinnFein # Kenova https://www." politics,"As # BenElton used to say 'bit of # politics ' Part One: The # Kenova report: 1) key finding : A single UK State Asset inside the IRA terrorist organisation was guilty of more killings than he saved lives. 2) As commented by two principal political leaders. Note: they are commenting on the same report. Also note: One person here comes across as sincere, professional, and statesmenlike. # NorthernIreland # NornIron # DUP # SinnFein # Kenova https://www." politics,"Well to be fair, those are issues that people with political dyslexia can’t comprehend, don’t care about or interferes with their fear peddling. # sotu # issues # priorities # politics # conservatives" politics,"With former U.S. President Donald Trump now virtually certain to win the GOP nomination for the November presidential election, the Japanese government has begun making full-fledged preparations to work with his camp. https://www. 09/japan/politics/japan-trump-election-preparations/ # japan # politics # 2024uspresidentialelection # us # joebiden # donaldtrump # usjapanrelations # fumiokishida # china # russiaukrainewar" politics,https://www. 「史上最大の惨事の一つ」:ケイティ・ブリットのSOTU対応で共和党は「負けて悔しい」―共和党は「史上最も不気味で不気味なSOTU対応」を行ったと批評家は語る # politics # U .S.Politics # UnitedStates # UnitedStatesPolitics politics,A new congressionally mandated Pentagon report found no evidence that the U.S. government was covering up knowledge of extraterrestrial technology and said there was no evidence that any UFO sightings represented alien visitation to Earth. https://www. 09/world/politics/pentagon-alien-coverup-report/ # worldnews # politics # ufos # aliens # usmilitary # uscongress # defense politics,Robert De Niro Urges People to Vote for Joe Biden Unless They Want to “Live in a Nightmare” on ‘Real Time’ # TV # TVNews # BillMaher # Donaldtrump # Election2024 # JoeBiden # Politics # RealTimewithBillMaher # RobertDeNiro https://www. ws/real-time-robert-de-niro-joe-biden-donald-trump-acting-1235847286/ politics,"Outrage farming is a thing, people. Regardless of whether there is an algorithm or not, people are socially and culturally rewarded for trying to piss you off about something. Stop falling for it. For some personalities, any attention, especially negative attention, is good attention. So, by calling them out, you’re doing nothing but rewarding the bad behavior and further reinforcing that into the culture. Mastodon has become virtually unusable to use normally because of the amount of rage bait content. #BlueSky #fediverse #Mastodon #political #politics #rant #rants #Reddit #socialMedia #Threads #TikTok #Twitter #uspol" politics,https://www. 「史上最大の惨事の一つ」:ケイティ・ブリットのSOTU対応で共和党は「負けて悔しい」―共和党は「史上最も不気味で不気味なSOTU対応」を行ったと批評家は語る # Politics # U .S.Politics # UnitedStates politics,9 March 2024 112 days until a UK General Election (Unless we get lucky.) # GeneralElection # UK # Politics # GTTO # Mastodon # Fediverse # ElectionCountdown # PR # LindaSgoluppiArt politics,"Robert De Niro Sounds Off On Acting, Directing, And Donald Trump # Commentary # LateNightTV # Politics # BillMaher # MaxBrooks # RealTime # RobertDeNiro # TaraPalmeri https:// -niro-sounds-off-on-acting-directing-donald-trump-1235851118/" politics,https://www. Biden just delivered a State of the Union unlike anything we’ve seen before # Politics # U .S.Politics # UnitedStates politics,"What to expect ahead of Quebec’s budget Between a drop in Hydro-Québec's dividend, an economic slowdown, and recent negotiations with public sector unions, the province has little wiggle room in its upcoming budget. # globalnews # Canada # Economy # Politics # PaulSt -PierrePlamondon https:// at-to-expect-ahead-of-quebecs-budget/" politics,"Stephen Colbert was on fire last night in his monologue about the SotU speech. Best line imho was the one about the Democrats wore white, the Republicans *were* white. So funny. # politics # uspolitics # uspol" politics,"President Joe Biden on Friday appeared open to debating Republican presidential candidate Donald Trump after Trump challenged the Democrat to debates ""anytime, anywhere, anyplace."" ""It depends on his behavior,"" Biden said. # usa # politics # trump # minimarketonlineltd online ltd # trump2024 # donaldtrump # usanews # biden # joebiden # democrats # democracy # republicans # minimarket" politics,# gazetadobrasil # jornalismo # noticias # politics Felipe Neto critica escolhas de Lula para o TRF-1 e Flávio Bolsonaro rebate: “saia do armário” https:// 024/03/09/felipe-neto-critica-escolhas-de-lula-para-o-trf-1-e-flavio-bolsonaro-rebate-saia-do-armario/ politics,"U.S. President Joe Biden's plan to build a floating U.S. military port to speed up aid to Gaza could take up to 60 days to become a reality and involve more than 1,000 American troops, the Pentagon has said. https://www. 09/world/politics/biden-gaza-port-aid-60-days/ # worldnews # politics # israel # israelhamaswar # hamas # us # usmilitary # joebiden # gaza" technology,# Technology # tech # DataAnalytics # Cloud # DataIntelligence # ArtificialIntelligence # MachineLearning # ML # CloudIntelligence How to Enhance Data Quality in Your Data Pipeline https://www. enhance-data-quality-in-your-data-pipeline/? # DataScience # BigDataAnalytics # AI technology,"𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 𝗛𝗣 𝗩𝗶𝗰𝘁𝘂𝘀 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝟭𝟱-𝗳𝗮𝟭𝟭𝟮𝟴𝗧𝗫 𝗟𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗼𝗽 𝟭𝟱 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝗜𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗮 | 𝗔𝘃𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗔𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗼𝗻 : https:// Launch Price: ₹𝟳𝟰,𝟰𝟵𝟬 ( MRP Price: ₹87,262 ) 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗙𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘀 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗿: 13th Generation Raptor Lake Intel Core i5-13420H octa-core, 12 threads, up to 4.6Ghz turbo boost clock 𝗥𝗔𝗠: 16 GB DDR4-3200 MHz RAM(2x8GB) 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲: 512 GB PCIe NVMeM.2 SSD 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗰𝘀: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2050 Laptop GPU(4 GB GDDR6 dedicated)| 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆: 15.6-inch FHD 1920 x 1080, IPS, micro-edge, anti-glare, 250 nits, 45% NTSC color gamut # laptops # 2024laptops # tech # technology # gaming # amazonindia # rtx2050 # nvidia # Intel # hp" technology,TSMC will receive $5 billion incentive from U.S. for Arizona fab: Report https://www. /tsmc-will-receive-dollar5-billion-incentive-from-us-for-arizona-fab-report # technology technology,"𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 𝗛𝗣 𝗩𝗶𝗰𝘁𝘂𝘀 𝟭𝟱-𝗳𝗮𝟭𝟬𝟵𝟵𝗧𝗫 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗟𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗼𝗽 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝗜𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗮 | 𝗔𝘃𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗔𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗼𝗻 : https:// Launch Price: ₹𝟳𝟳,𝟰𝟲𝟴 ( MRP Price: ₹84,763 ) 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗙𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘀 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗿: 12th Generation Alder Lake Intel Core i5-12450H octa-core, 12 threads, up to 4.4Ghz turbo boost clock 𝗥𝗔𝗠: 16 GB DDR4-3200 MHz RAM(2x8GB) 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲: 512 GB PCIe NVMeM.2 SSD 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗰𝘀: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2050 Laptop GPU(4 GB GDDR6 dedicated)| 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆: 15.6-inch FHD 1920 x 1080, IPS, micro-edge, anti-glare, 250 nits, 45% NTSC color gamut # laptops # ad # india # tech # technology # gaming # gamingnews # hpvictus # 2024laptops # amazonindia" technology,This thing is going to ruin my lawn. # science # technews # technology # nature # genetics # biotech # biotechnology https:// breakthrough-reached-that-could-lead-to-revival-of-woolly-mammoth/ technology,"𝗛𝗣 𝗢𝗺𝗲𝗻 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗟𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗼𝗽 𝟭𝟲-𝘅𝗳𝟬𝟬𝟱𝟵𝗔𝗫 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗮. 𝗟𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝗔𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗼𝗻 https:// Launch Price: ₹𝟭,𝟭𝟲,𝟵𝟵𝟬 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗙𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘀 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗿: AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS 𝗥𝗔𝗠: 16 GB DDR5-5600 MHz RAM(2 x 8 GB) 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲: 512GB GB PCIe Gen4 NVMe TLC M.2 SSD 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗰𝘀: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop GPU (8 GB GDDR6 dedicated) 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆: 16.1 Inch FHD 1920 x 1080, IPS, micro-edge, anti-glare, Low Blue Light, 300 nits, 100% sRGB # gaming # india # amazon # laptops # tech # technology # technews # rtx4060 # nvidia # amd # ad" technology,Tech Company Celebrates International Women's Day by Developing App That Detects Workplace Sexism with 50% Accuracy # CSDN # equality # InternationalWomensDay # Satire # Tech # technology https:// technology,"Smash of the Day - Isabelle VS Samus - Super Smash Bros - March 8, 2024 https:// 436-8abd-4bfd-bc27-f376dd37ecd4" technology,Painful day for tech titans as EU finally sinks its regulatory teeth into them | John Naughton https://www. 2024/mar/09/painful-day-for-tech-titans-as-eu-finally-sinks-its-regulatory-teeth-into-them # Technologysector # EuropeanUnion # Technology # Regulators # E -commerce # Microsoft # Computing # Alphabet # Internet # TikTok # Amazon # Europe # Google # Apple # Meta technology,"🔥 When you say that was a smooth take-off 🦅 Every weekend must be celebrated! 🚀 🔥 Join the conversation with my # community , like, and comment everyone is welcome! 👇 # aviation # innovation # engineering # defense # defence # military # army # space # aerospace # technology # ingenuity # life # spaceexploration # deeptech # science # data 🎥 Video credits: F-35 Lightning II Program" technology,"Korean researchers' neural AI chip: 625 times less power draw, 41 times smaller https://www. /artificial-intelligence/korean-researchers-power-shame-nvidia-with-new-neural-ai-chip-claim-625-times-less-power-41-times-smaller # technology" technology,Metro: this plane train hybrid promised change travel failed spectacularly https:// ane-train-hybrid-promised-change-travel-failed-spectacularly-20419790/?ico=trending-module_category_tech_item-1 # news # technology technology,"While designing # PalUpNow !, Juni Mukherjee polled # people in several geographies and demographics. Most importantly, she factored in # vulnerable members of our # society to prevent them from being further marginalized💜. # research ⚡️ # techforgood # Web # Global 🌐 # ux # uxdesign # data # technology # diversityandinclusion # platform # womenintech # leadership https:// is-shaped-by-user-feedback" technology,Microsoft's Copilot AI Gladly Generates Anti-Semitic Stereotypes https:// -anti-semitism # technology # tech # ai # artificialintelligence # microsoft # copilot technology,"# goodNews # positiveNews # technology BioFase is a Mexican company that makes things out of avocado pits 🥑 https://www. Things like durable straws 🍹 and 🍴 I’m not familiar yet but definitely consider skipping Amazon to buy straight from the seller. Yeah alternatives to petroleum! If you’re a real person with BioFase experience, let us know what you think" technology,"Episode #187 of ""Philosophize This!"" explores the philosophical debate between freedom and security. It traces its historical roots and examines its contemporary relevance. It encourages listeners to consider their position on the balance between individual freedom and societal security, in light of modern challenges and technological advancements. > https://www. pisode-179-consciousness-hard-problem-l8d98-td63g-47g5g-ha6yr-papmr-kaj7p-4ybpm # podcast # freedom # security # technology # philosophy # surveillance" technology,"Android 15 Developer Preview 1 is out for the Pixel 6 and up https:// 2/android-15-developer-preview-1-is-out-for-the-pixel-6-and-up/ Android 15 Developer Preview 1 has been released for the Pixel 6 and newer models, offering developers a glimpse into the upcoming features and improvements. This latest version brings enhanced performance, updated APIs, and improved security measures. # Android15 # DeveloperPreview # Pixel6 # MobileDevelopment # Technology # Innovation # SoftwareUpdate # AndroidDev # TechNews" technology,Reddit IPO offers ‘unprecedented’ twist in meme stock saga https://www. po-offers-unprecedented-twist-in-meme-stock-saga-says-firstrade-892f12fa # technology technology,The feud between Elon Musk and Sam Altman – explained https://www. 4/mar/09/why-is-elon-musk-suing-sam-altman-openai # Artificialintelligence (AI) # Technology # Microsoft # ElonMusk # OpenAI # Tesla technology,"'It lobbied lawmakers to block support for low-carbon technologies such as solar panels, electric cars and heat pumps as far back as the 1960s, analysis shows. Trade associations in the US and Europe stymied green innovations under the guise of supporting a “technology neutral” approach to avoiding the damage done by burning their fuels.' # climatechange # oil # necrocapitalism # lobbyists # technology https://www. 24/mar/08/oil-industry-has-sought-to-block-state-backing-for-green-tech-since-1960s" technology,Instagram overtakes TikTok as world’s most downloaded app https://www. 4/mar/08/instagram-tiktok-app-reels-video-meta # Technologysector # Technology # Instagram # Worldnews # Business # TikTok # UKnews # USnews # Meta technology,The feud between Elon Musk and Sam Altman – explained https://www. 4/mar/09/why-is-elon-musk-suing-sam-altman-openai # Artificialintelligence (AI) # Technology # Microsoft # ElonMusk # OpenAI # Tesla technology,‘She’s going to prevail’: FTC head Lina Khan is fighting for an anti-monopoly America https://www. ar/09/lina-khan-federal-trade-commission-antitrust-monopolies # Bidenadministration # Technology # E -commerce # Business # USnews # Amazon technology,"When you invent the ship, you also invent the shipwreck; when you invent the plane you also invent the plane crash; and when you invent electricity, you invent electrocution… Every technology carries its own negativity, which is invented at the same time as technical progress. Paul Virilio, Politics of the Very Worst If you’ve been following the rise of large language models (LLMs) over the past year or so, you’ve probably seen many posts on social media like this one . In this tweet, the author shares a picture of a sight not uncommon in big cities with complex transportation networks – a tall sign with densely packed rules for parking at a specific location stacked one on top of the other. The author feeds a photo of this sign into an LLM (In this case, ChatGPT 4) and asks it to clearly and succinctly determine if parking is allowed at this location at a specific time. The result is impressive — ChatGPT distills a dizzyingly complex set of rules into a simple, one-sentence answer. While this might seem like a trivial use of artificial intelligence (AI) apps and services, it’s actually a very precise encapsulation of both the promise of using LLMs and other AI tools to simplify government information, as well as the perils. Government agencies adopting generative AI tools seems inevitable at this point. Increasingly, agencies are being sold on the power of these new tools to make complex government information and rules easier to find and understand. But there is more than one possible future for how agencies use generative AI to simplify complex government information. What can parking signs tell us about the potential of generative AI and which possible future we are moving toward? Government information is complex As evidenced by that ridiculously tall stack of parking signs, government information is often complex and challenging to understand. The parking rules in the tweet referenced above are not a bad proxy for other kinds of rules that governments create. This information is typically dense, often filled with jargon and acronyms, and can be scattered across multiple locations. Even for those who want to follow the rules, it can be difficult because of the complexity of the information. Simplifying and streamlining complex government rules is often a difficult, time-consuming, and complex undertaking. The better solution to the parking problem at the location in the image above would be to create a single, unified sign with clear rules. But that can be hard. Parking rules, like other rules that government agencies create, are modified over long periods. A single parking location may be subject to multiple jurisdictions — county, city, transportation district, and school district — each with different rules. The cost of coordinating information from these different jurisdictions and simplifying it is more expensive than simply making the signpost higher, and adding a new sign when the rules change. And the cheaper option typically wins out. In this way, parking rules are not so different from the rules that govern taxes or government benefit programs. These rule sets are developed over long periods and are subject to the jurisdiction of multiple government agencies and different levels of government. Efforts are underway to streamline the rules for these programs and make them easier for people to understand and follow , but time and effort are the critical ingredients. The equivalent of making the signpost higher and adding another sign is still the norm. The promise of AI and LLMs Over the past year alone, every single level of government from the smallest town office to the largest federal agency has been inundated with information (and product offerings) that leverage the power of generative AI and LLMs. ChatGPT, OpenAI’s LLM-powered chatbot service that launched in late 2022 and fostered popular interest in LLMs, is reported to be the most rapidly adopted consumer technology in history . These tools are remarkably good at distilling complex information into easy-to-understand bits of content. They are not perfect, and there are many potential risks of using LLMs that have been well documented. Still, their ability to distill complex information is impressive and is improving at an accelerated rate as more investments and research are funneled into these new tools. Most federal agencies, and many states and cities, are adopting new AI policies to govern how employees use LLM tools. Widespread LLM adoption by government agencies at this point seems like a foregone conclusion. If that’s right, then it warrants thinking about the possible futures that might arise from this. How might governments use LLMs to change the way they interact with the public, and what are the implications of these potential choices? How governments use LLMs matters Governments may choose to use LLMs as a tool for changing the way that people navigate complex rule sets or information published on agency websites. They might use LLMs to rewrite and reorganize their web content, making it easier for people to understand . They might use these AI tools to assist customer service agents who often deal with people with complex problems or who face challenges to web-based content or mobile applications. Alternatively, and of some concern, governments might opt to forgo reworking their complex rules and information and simply rely on the ubiquity of new generative AI tools to assist people in consuming government information. Remember the parking sign example discussed above – even though reworking a huge stack of complex signs into a coherent, succinct set of rules for parking in one location may make the most sense, the easiest and cheapest option typically wins out. It’s expensive and time-consuming to rework complex rule sets that have been modified and added to over long periods. If history is any guide, the adoption of AI and LLM tools will follow similar patterns as other consumer technologies. They will continue to become more powerful and more ubiquitous. This is important for governments because as people’s habits and expectations for consuming information and conducting transactions evolve, governments will need to adapt how they interact with the people they serve. The ubiquity of AI and LLMs has implications for how governments design the experience of interacting with those who use government services, just as the ubiquity of the web browser did. But history also tells us that as new consumer technologies become more popular, access to these new tools will not be distributed evenly . People at the higher end of the income distribution, those with more advanced education and digital literacy skills, and those in closer proximity to the infrastructure supporting the internet will have greater access to these tools. As governments incorporate AI and LLM-powered tools into the experience of using digital services, they must factor in (and offset) this unequal distribution of access to new tools. With AI and LLMs set to dramatically transform how governments operate in the years ahead, it has never been more important for governments to focus on and improve the experience of using digital services . Understanding the barriers people face today in accessing and using government services is critical. If governments don’t address these issues today and take steps to improve the experience of using digital services , these disparities will be calcified by the advancement of new AI and LLM tools. The choices that governments make in the coming months and years in adopting these new technologies will determine which future we will get. While there is enormous promise in using these tools to streamline complex government information, there is also tremendous peril. #AI #artificialIntelligence #ChatGPT #llm #technology" technology,Chinese hacking documents dump offers window into pervasive state surveillance https:// security-leak-document-dump-spying-aac38c75f268b72910a94881ccbb77cb # ycombinator # China # China_government # Cybercrime # General_news # XCorp # Politics # World_news # Business # Hong_Kong # Technology # Hacking # World_News technology,Scientists Just Found Something Dark About Men Who Want to Have Sex With Robots https:// robots # technology # tech # ai # artificialintelligence # robots # robotics # humans # futurology # futurism # psychology technology,Reddit IPO offers ‘unprecedented’ twist in meme stock saga https://www. po-offers-unprecedented-twist-in-meme-stock-saga-says-firstrade-892f12fa # technology technology,Metro: ramadan fasting body https:// -fasting-body-20427562/?ico=trending-module_category_tech_item-5 # news # technology technology,Solar-Powered Farming Is Quickly Depleting the World's Groundwater Supply https://www. arming-depleting-worlds-groundwater-india/ # technology # tech # solarpower # agriculture # farming # water # watercrisis technology,"World's First Underwater Internet Cafe Opens, Promises Truly 'Deep Web' Experience # CSDN # Internet # internetcafe # Lifestyle # Satire # Tech # technology https://" technology,# Technology # Tech # FutureTech # Data # BigData # DataAnalytics # Cloud # BusinessIntelligence # AI # ML Study Claims Global Temperatures Have Already Exceeded Critical 1.5C Threshold—Here’s Why https://www. 24/02/05/study-claims-global-temperatures-have-already-exceeded-critical-15c-threshold-heres-why/? # Innovation # ArtificialIntelligence # MachineLearning technology,"# Technology # Tech # FutureTech # Data # BigData # DataAnalytics # Cloud # BusinessIntelligence # AI # ML The Book, The Deck And The Review Of Many Things https://www. 24/01/31/the-book-the-deck-and-the-review-of-many-things/? # Innovation # ArtificialIntelligence # MachineLearning" technology,Nigerian bank & asset company team to boost faltering CBDC - published 09 Mar 2024 # News # Tech # Strategic # Innovation # Technology https:// -asset-company-team-to-boost-faltering-cbdc-194679 technology,Thirsty Bots Are Drinking Our Scarce Water https://www. drinking-our-scarce-water/ # technology technology,‘She’s going to prevail’: FTC head Lina Khan is fighting for an anti-monopoly America https://www. ar/09/lina-khan-federal-trade-commission-antitrust-monopolies # Bidenadministration # Technology # E -commerce # Business # USnews # Amazon technology,"""Unlocking Opportunities: # Systimanx leverages artificial intelligence to enhance efficiency and deliver personalized user experiences across its software solutions. With AI-driven insights and automation, Systimanx gains a competitive edge, driving innovation and ensuring high-quality software products."" https:// # aisolutions # aisolutionsdevelopment # mobileappdevelopment # appdeveloper # syatimanx # technology # artificialintelligence" technology,"Quantum Computer Accidentally Solves Mystery of Human Consciousness, Forgot to Save Work # CSDN # QuantumComputers # QuantumComputing # Satire # Tech # technology https://" technology,https:// federazione-di-universi # tecnologia # technology technology,Countries ranked by Digital Competitiveness - IMD Switzerland https://www. etitiveness-center/rankings/world-digital-competitiveness-ranking/ # technology technology,Metro: ramadan fasting body https:// -fasting-body-20427562/?ico=mosaic_tech # news # technology technology,"We are working on a new version of the Midori Web Browser, which will come with multiple new features, more security and privacy, the renewed AstianGO and much more. https:// # privacy # technology # Tech # new # windows # linux" technology,"As the Change Healthcare outage drags on, fears grow that patient data could spill online https:// ge-healthcare-fears-data-breach-ransomware/ # Security # Technology" technology,"As the Change Healthcare outage drags on, fears grow that patient data could spill online https:// ge-healthcare-fears-data-breach-ransomware/ # technology" technology,"tonight i finished reading ""The Complete Robot"", a large collection of Isaac Asimov's robot stories which i had been chipping away at for several months. ""The Bicentennial Man"" was my favorite i think, followed by ""The Tercentenary Incident"" and maybe a few of the Susan Calvin stories. obviously he got a lot of things wrong—we're still quite far humanoid robots who do our chores for us. but one thing that rings accurate in the 2020s is a story called ""The Evitable Conflict"", where earth's governments supply supercomputers with loads of data which subsequently spit out advice on how to proceed. the supercomputers start behaving strangely, and the protagonist, looking for answers, realizes that no one really understands how they work. every iteration, new engineers build on previous models, feeding more and more data into them, until they become orders of complexity greater than anyone could control. a few years ago, a paper on LLM transformers concluded ""We offer no explanation as to why these architectures seem to work; we attribute their success, as all else, to divine benevolence."" generative AI is becoming widely used, yet remains poorly understood. maybe we should be at least a little worried about that. # literature # scifi # technology # ai" technology,"We might ponder the implications for the environment, but engineers at Glasgow University have succeeded in firing up a working prototype of a near-century old concept for a self-eating rocket engine. Read the latest on my author newsletter... https:// m/p/this-rocket-will-eat-itself # rocketscience # rockets # science # technology" technology,"NASA Unveils Design for Message Heading to Jupiter’s Moon Europa The moon shows strong evidence of an ocean under its icy crust, with more than twice the amount of water of all of Earth’s oceans combined. A triangular metal plate on the spacecraft will honor that connection to Earth in several ways. https://www. er/nasa-unveils-design-for-message-heading-to-jupiters-moon-europa/ # EuropaClipper # Europa # spacecraft # europaclippermission # Jupiter # moon # ocean # earth # space # astrodon # science # technology # education # art # math # STEM # water # lire # nasa" technology,United Airlines jet rolls off runway with 166 aboard; 3rd Boeing mishap in a week - Times of India https:// rld/us/united-airlines-jet-rolls-off-runway-with-166-aboard-3rd-boeing-mishap-in-a-week/articleshow/108341963.cms # technology technology,Metro: stop ios 17 4 battery drain iphone https:// s-17-4-battery-drain-iphone-20427442/?ico=trending-module_category_tech_item-1 # news # technology technology,"# Internet # Starlink # 5G # SolarPanels # OffGrid # Technology I was hoping for advice /help please ,I am not at all clear about 5g and other off grid internet options.I had 4g my last place it seemed to use very little power ,but had to be ended when the forestry blocked the signal.Here we have highland wifi ,but my daughters getting starlink which I refuse to use ,EVER .I will carry on paying for highland wifi ,but need something portable for use in a tent/caravan at the off grid site below soon" technology,"Mark Zuckerberg Announces Facebook's Name Change to Faceplant, Aiming to Reflect Users' Reaction to Recent Updates # CSDN # facebook # MarkZuckerberg # Satire # Tech # technology https://" technology,Apple lets Epic Games put Fortnite and game store back on iPhones in Europe https://www. 4/mar/08/fortnite-return-iphone-game-store-europe-epic-apple # technology technology,Affordable Connectivity Program funding expected to run out in May https://www. dable-connectivity-program-weather-impacts # technology technology,Metro: a major change apple not want make hits iphones today https:// -change-apple-not-want-make-hits-iphones-today-20417982/?ico=trending-module_category_tech_item-4 # news # technology technology,https://www. schi-dellautomazione-andrea-camerino-vehqc # technology # tecnologia technology,"Why We Must Resist AI’s Soft Mind Control | When I tried to work out how Google’s Gemini tool thinks, I discovered instead how it wants me to think. https://www. 2024/03/artificial-intelligence-google-gemini-mind-control/677683/ # technology" technology,President Biden Calls for Ban on AI Voice Impersonations During State of the Union https:// /president-biden-ban-ai-voices-state-of-the-union-1235934651/ # technology technology,"@ tuban_muzuru @ GeePawHill I have a whole thesis around middle-school girls in 2011, iPhones, social networks, peer pressure, digital ostracization, therapy, mental health, and culture wars. # technology # society # education # culture # SocialMedia # trauma # MentalHealth # InformationWars # parenting # GenZ # BabyBoomers" technology,AI chatbot models ‘think’ in English even when using other languages https://www. 73-ai-chatbot-models-think-in-english-even-when-using-other-languages/ # technology technology,Tether and Uzbekistan join forces to forge the future of crypto infrastruct... - published 09 Mar 2024 # News # Tech # Strategic # Technology # BlockChain https:// kistan-join-forces-to-forge-the-future-of-crypto-infrastructure-194616 technology,"OpenAI's ChatGPT showed racial bias when screening resumes for jobs, a Bloomberg investigation found, The AI tool over-selected Asian women candidates and under-selected Black men https://www. cial-bias-job-hiring-report-2024-3 # technology" technology,AI Pioneer Geoffrey Hinton makes a “reasonable” projection: 10% chance of humanity going extinct from AI in our lifetime https://www. e8e-b99b-08c869c83f4b # technology technology,World’s cartoonists on this week’s events #U .S.election2024 #Frenchpolitics #Technology #Elections #Abortion #Politics technology,Meta Meltdown: Outage Plunges Millions into the Dark Ages of Face-to-Face Communication # CSDN # Instagram # Meta # news # Satire # Tech # technology # Whatsapp https:// technology,💡 Wearable and interactive multicolored photochromic fiber display https://www. -01383-8 # technology # optics # research # display technology,Wyoming grants DAOs legal recognition - published 09 Mar 2024 # Web3 # News # Tech # Innovation # Technology https:// daos-legal-recognition-194615 technology,"600 Activision QA workers unionize, Microsoft voluntarily recognizes; This will be the largest video game union in the country yet https://www. n-qa-600-workers-union-microsoft # technology" technology,# Technology # AI # ML # Analytics # Data # Cloud Krutrim AI’s Upcoming Chatbot App Sparks Controversy Ahead of Launch https://www. 02/krutrim-ai-upcoming-chatbot-app-sparks-controversy-ahead-of-launch/? # DataAnalytics # DataScience # DataDriven # BusinessIntelligence # MachineLearning # Infrastructure # Blockchain # BigData technology,Google says the AI-focused Pixel 8 can't run its latest smartphone AI models https:// 3/google-says-the-ai-focused-pixel-8-cant-run-its-latest-smartphone-ai-models/ Discussions: https:// .com/gadgets/2024/03/google-says-the-ai-focused-pixel-8-cant-run-its-latest-smartphone-ai-models/ # compsci # machinelearning # technology technology,Australian particle accelerator installs massive rooftop solar system to save $2 million (AUD) https:// nuclear-facility-installs-massive-rooftop-solar-system-to-save-2-million/ # technology technology,"""It would not be worth all that to make a game that is a single stupid joke. And I like games that are single stupid jokes, and so I guess I have spent a few years in the hopes that I can let more people make more of them."" This is lovely. # Technology https://" technology,OpenAI reinstates CEO Sam Altman to board after firing and rehiring https://www. 4/mar/08/openai-sam-altman-reinstated # Artificialintelligence (AI) # Technology # Microsoft # ChatGPT # OpenAI technology,# Antiferromagnetic (AF) # crystals like # NiO are experiencing a renaissance as promising materials for ultrafast # spintronics . # MaterialScience # Physics # Technology # Spintronics # sflorg https://www. html technology,"Phishing attack can let attackers unlock and steal a Tesla, easily done with a Flipper Zero or devices such as a computer, a Raspberry Pi, or Android phones https://www. rity/mitm-phishing-attack-can-let-attackers-unlock-and-steal-a-tesla/ # technology" technology,"New instance, new # introduction . Hello,! I'm a postgrad student from Australia researching # cybercrime , digital # surveillance , and # privacy . As a 40-something left-leaning introvert returning to university for a career change, I’m passionate about # digitalrights , freedom of information, and advocating for just policies. In my spare time, I yell at the cloud, walk my dog, and watch movies. All things # scifi , # Linux , # foss , and # technology excite me. Thanks!" technology,"Someone keeps using ""Meta Pay"" (Facebook ad system) to steal money from me. They do a test $1 charge which succeeds, then try to charge $1000 and increments lower than that, which get flagged as fraud. Meta was totally unhelpful, I don't have an account so they could care less. I am now asking my bank to block all payments to Meta or Facebook permanently. I may just eliminate the debit card. # Fraud # Facebook # Enshittification # Technology" technology,"Sam Altman to return to OpenAI's board, The Information reports https://www. man-return-openais-board-information-reports-2024-03-08/ # technology" technology,"🕚Z Coming up at the top of the hour is a brand new 90’s Now Hosted by Kelly Alexander. 90's NOW is a show all about the # music , # movies , # television , # pop culture, # fashion , and # technology of the #1990's with a twist of what's happening NOW! Website: https:// 0s-now/ and listen at https:// band # audio # TGVRadio # 90s # radio 💿📼🛼📺🎞️👾🕹️☎️📞🎸" technology,"🕚Z Coming up at the top of the hour is a brand new 90’s Now Hosted by Kelly Alexander. 90's NOW is a show all about the # music , # movies , # television , # pop culture, # fashion , and # technology of the #1990's with a twist of what's happening NOW! Website: https:// 0s-now/ and listen at https:// band # audio # TGVRadio # 90s # radio 💿📼🛼📺🎞️👾🕹️☎️📞🎸" technology,Metro: something big just happened flu family covid blame https:// ng-big-just-happened-flu-family-covid-blame-20428360/?ico=trending-module_category_tech_item-3 # news # technology technology,Apple lets Epic Games put Fortnite and game store back on iPhones in Europe https://www. 4/mar/08/fortnite-return-iphone-game-store-europe-epic-apple # Technology # Fortnite # Apple # Games technology,# Technology # Tech # FutureTech # Data # BigData # DataAnalytics # Cloud # BusinessIntelligence # AI # ML The Future Of Building Homes Is Now Intertwined With The Auto World https://www. nson/2024/01/31/the-future-of-building-homes-is-now-intertwined-with-the-auto-world/? # Innovation # ArtificialIntelligence # MachineLearning technology,"# Technology # Tech # FutureTech # Data # BigData # DataAnalytics # Cloud # BusinessIntelligence # AI # ML Suicide Squad: Kill The Justice League’s Metascore, Steam Playercount Are Worryingly Low https://www. 4/02/04/suicide-squad-kill-the-justice-leagues-metascore-steam-playercount-are-worryingly-low/? # Innovation # ArtificialIntelligence # MachineLearning" technology,Metro: webb uncovers new details a water world a boiling ocean https:// covers-new-details-a-water-world-a-boiling-ocean-20429546/?ico=trending-module_category_tech_item-2 # news # technology technology,TikTok takes center stage in 2024 elections as candidates try to ban app while some are using it https://www. lections-candidates-debate-whether-to-ban-tiktok-or-use-it.html # technology technology,"On a lark I'm looking for a file-sharing tool that lets me and my friends send large files to each other directly and privately without using a file hosting service like Dropbox or Google Drive. I do not need any discoverability; these are people I already know. A GUI and ease of setup are big plusses. I am currently playing with Retroshare which seems like what I'm looking for, but more suggestions are very welcome. What do I tag this with? # technology # recommendations # suggestions # p2p ?" technology,"A # nanosurgical tool - about 500 times thinner than a human hair - could give insights into # cancer treatment resistance that no other # technology has been able to do, according to a new study. # Engineering # Nanotechnology # Medical # sflorg https://www. .html" technology,Midjourney Blocks All Stability AI Employees After Alleged Data Theft Attempt https:// urney-blocks-all-stability-ai-employees-after-alleged-data-theft-attempt/ # artificialintelligence # stabilityai # Technology # midjourney # technology # News # hack # ai technology,🎯 WhatsApp finally forces Pegasus spyware maker to share its secret code https:// # spyware # security # meta # risks # technology technology,"Google fires employee who protested Israel tech event, as internal dissent mounts https://www. es-employee-who-protested-israel-tech-event-shuts-forum.html # technology" technology,Metro: ai robot sparks outrage inappropriately touching reporter https:// t-sparks-outrage-inappropriately-touching-reporter-20428880/?ico=trending-module_category_tech_item-0 # news # technology technology,Disgusting and shameful: Read about facilities underfunding at key federal # science agency NIST. # AI # technology # technologynews Gift Article: This agency is tasked with keeping AI safe. Its offices are crumbling. https:// technology,a first crack at a more expansive starting point for talking about # technology . is this useful? (format shamelessly ripped off an post i saw the other day) # expressionism # phenomenology technology,US State AGs tell Meta to fix rampant account takeovers https://www. of_us_ags_agree/ # technology technology,Google fires employee who protested Israel tech event as internal dissent mounts https://www. es-employee-who-protested-israel-tech-event-shuts-forum.html # ycombinator # Breaking_News_Politics # Internet # Alphabet_Inc # Google # Breaking_News_Technology # Technology # Amazon_com_Inc # Sundar_Pichai # Starbucks_Corp # McDonald_sCorp # Politics # business_news technology,"TV star shaken after Jaguar brakes fail during drive Craig Phillips describes ""terrifying feeling"" when brakes failed on his Jaguar I-Pace https://www. 4718 (c) # BBC # News # Technology" technology,RSF Officially Launches Svoboda Satellite Package to Provide Independent Journalism to Russian-Speaking Populations https:// ches-svoboda-satellite-package-provide-independent-journalism-russian-speaking # technology technology,Metro: chernobyl worms immune radiation help prevent cancer https:// yl-worms-immune-radiation-help-prevent-cancer-20420730/?ico=trending-module_category_tech_item-5 # news # technology technology,UnitedHealth brings some Change Healthcare pharmacy services back online - Optum's Change Healthcare has started to bring systems back online after suffering a crip... https://www. rity/unitedhealth-brings-some-change-healthcare-pharmacy-services-back-online/ # healthcare # technology # security technology,Elon Musk switched on X calling by default: Here’s how to switch it off Calling is enabled by default in the X apps. X doesn’t mention encryption. Settings & Support > Settings and Privacy > Privacy and Safety > Direct Messages > Enable audio and video calling > Disable # socialmedia # twitter # x # privacy # surveillance # encryption # apps # technology # tech https:// -musk-x-twitter-calling-privacy-switch-off/ technology,UnitedHealth brings some Change Healthcare pharmacy services back online https://www. rity/unitedhealth-brings-some-change-healthcare-pharmacy-services-back-online/ # Healthcare # Technology # Security technology,https://www. international-womens-day-meet-a-true-technology-trailblazer/ # tech # technology # cybersecurity # infosec technology,Unleashing blockchain's potential through developer-centric scaling solutio... - published 08 Mar 2024 # News # Tech # Strategic # Innovation # Technology https:// kchain-s-potential-through-developer-centric-scaling-solutions-194493 technology,Hugging Face is launching an open robotics project https://www. m/2024/03/08/hugging-face-launching-open-robotics-project/ # robotics # ai # opensource # tech # news # technology technology,Why is it so hard to deliver a European health data deal? #CybersecurityandDataProtection #ResearchandDevelopment #Aidanddevelopment #Data /privacy #Negotiations #Publichealth #EUelection #Healthcare #Parliament #HealthCare #Technology #Elections #e -health #Industry #Patients #Research #Borders #digital #Privacy #Cancer #Rights #Data #MEPs technology,"# French legislation passed in 2023 permits the use of # AI video # surveillance for a trial period covering the # OlympicGames to detect abnormal events or human behaviour” “law continues to ban # facialrecognition "" “Rights campaigners warn the # technology poses a threat to # civilliberties ” "" # police , # firefighters , public # transport # security agents will all have access to # AI -powered # surveillance ” https://www. w-france-plans-use-ai-keep-paris-2024-safe-2024-03-08/ # articificialintelligence # algorithms # Olympics # Paris2024 # France" technology,"# Technology # Tech # FutureTech # Data # BigData # DataAnalytics # Cloud # BusinessIntelligence # AI # ML NYT ‘Connections’ Hints And Answers For Sunday, February 4 https://www. /02/03/nyt-connections-hints-and-answers-for-sunday-february-4/? # Innovation # ArtificialIntelligence # MachineLearning" technology,"5,800 pounds of batteries tossed off the ISS in 2021 will fall to Earth today https://www. er-atmosphere # technology" technology,Instagram overtakes TikTok as world’s most downloaded app https://www. 4/mar/08/instagram-tiktok-app-reels-video-meta # Technologysector # Technology # Instagram # Worldnews # Business # TikTok # UKnews # USnews # Meta technology,# today my web forwarding is still broken. I've explained in this post along with an example # gamdi gives me to enter. https://www. /24762/redirect-a-subdomain-to-an-external-website # Linode # WebForwarding # Technology technology,Purchasing the Valve Steam Deck Online in Nigeria in 2024: A Guide # Technology https:// alve-steam-deck-online-in-nigeria-in-2024/ technology,Design Milk : Cyrc Dignifies Post-Industrial Plastic Through Circular Design https:// -post-industrial-plastic-through-circular-design/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=cyrc-dignifies-post-industrial-plastic-through-circular-design # HomeFurnishings # recycledplastic # Canadiandesign # circulardesign # Technology # 3Dprinting # 3Dprinted # fruitbowl # objects # plastic # vessel # bowls # Main # bowl # Cyrc # vase # PLA technology,"""In 2021, Mark Zuckerberg renamed Facebook to Meta, claiming that it was now a ""Metaverse company,"" throwing the entire tech industry into one of its most specious hype cycles. In this episode, Ed Zitron walks you through how the tech industry wasted nearly two years chasing a concept that nobody could define, burning billions of dollars on an idea that would cost thousands of people their jobs.""—Better Offline > https:// he-metaverse-how-mark-zuckerberg-lied-to-the-worl#sharing # podcast # zuckerberg # techindustrycrooks # technology # metaverse # swindle" technology,More Tetris than Dune: Inside French Space Command’s war game #CybersecurityandDataProtection #Nuclearweapons #SocialMedia #Satellites #Technology #Technology #Aerospace #Military #Missiles #Defense #Space #Data #War technology,I wrote about my experience with the Ray-Ban Meta Smart Glasses while taking a trip down memory lane with a similar device from the past 😎 There's a lot to love about these but my favorite thing about them is that they've made me optimistic about smart glasses for the first time in a decade. Read more here 👇🏼 https://www. ta-glasses/ # raybanmeta # smartglasses # gadgets # meta # technology technology,"Next week has the Ides of March, St. Patrick’s Day, and lots of tech, entrepreneur, and nerd events in Tampa Bay and surrounding areas. Here’s the “unofficial official” list of all these events, courtesy of Tampa Bay’s tech blog, Global Nerdy! # Tampa # TampaBay # StPetersburg # StPetersburgFL # Clearwater # Florida # FL # events # tech # technology # entrepreneur # entrepreneurs # nerd # meetup # meetups # networking https://www. pa-bay-tech-entrepreneur-and-nerd-events-list-week-of-monday-march-11-2024/" technology,Tech Company Celebrates International Women's Day by Developing App That Detects Workplace Sexism with 50% Accuracy # CSDN # equality # InternationalWomensDay # Satire # Tech # technology https:// technology,2024 crypto expectations amid Bitcoin's record peaks - published 08 Mar 2024 # News # Tech # Strategic # Technology # BlockChain https:// ectations-amid-bitcoin-s-record-peaks-194477 technology,"""Why can’t anti-Israel protesters just stay at home and read a book?"" https://www. nti-israel-protesters-just-stay-at-home-and-read-a-book-bgegrfso ""Those who vilify Israel might be surprised to learn that Israel invented the first mobile phone"" # Israel # antisemitism # protest # technology # education" technology,"OpenAI CEO Sam Altman says many people are confused about whether AI is a ""creature"" or a ""tool."" Which is it? https:// an-openai-tool-creature # artificialintelligence # ai # machinelearning # technology # tech # robotics # innovation" technology,Microsoft says Midnight Blizzard hacker group accessed source code and internal systems https://www. ays-midnight-blizzard-hacker-group-accessed-source-code-and-internal-systems # technology technology,Metro: malaysia airlines flight mh370 disappear off radar screens https:// a-airlines-flight-mh370-disappear-off-radar-screens-20424118/?ico=trending-module_category_tech_item-2 # news # technology technology,🔴 @ TechTangents is live! :net_twitch: GBA E-Reader Development And Tricks - LIVE https://www. # TechTangentsTime # TechTangents # Twitch # livestream # tech # technology technology,Google improves Android device orientation accuracy https://www. ar/08/google-improves-android-device-orientation-accuracy/ # google # android # developers # api # coding # programming # mobile # tech # news # technology technology,Design Milk : Agnes Audio Speaker Is Brutally Honest About Its Architectural Inspiration https:// eaker-is-brutally-honest-about-its-architectural-inspiration/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=agnes-audio-speaker-is-brutally-honest-about-its-architectural-inspiration # architecturaldesign # homefurnishings # WernerDüttmann # PhilippEmrich # audiospeaker # Technology # tabletop # concept # speaker # StAgnes # Berlin # audio # Main technology,‘We definitely messed up’: why did Google AI tool make offensive historical images? https://www. 4/mar/08/we-definitely-messed-up-why-did-google-ai-tool-make-offensive-historical-images # Artificialintelligence (AI) # Technology # Business # Google technology,‘We definitely messed up’: why did Google AI tool make offensive historical images? https://www. 4/mar/08/we-definitely-messed-up-why-did-google-ai-tool-make-offensive-historical-images # Artificialintelligence (AI) # Technology # Business # Google technology,"Plebbit is an open source, free to use, serverless, adminless, scalable & purely P2P social media protocol with no https endpoints, no ssl certs, built on the IPFS. https:// # technology" technology,"""Ransomware also tends to be the bill collector for technical debt."" # libraries # technology # cybersecurity https://www. er-incident-review-8-march-2024.pdf" technology,"Design Milk : F5: Simon Vorhammer Talks Irish Water Towers, Glass Bubbles + More https:// mmer-talks-irish-water-towers-glass-bubbles-more/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=f5-simon-vorhammer-talks-irish-water-towers-glass-bubbles-more # VorhammerComputationalDesign # FormfeldWallPanels # parametricdesign # beckh &vorhammer # SimonVorhammer # Architecture # Technology # FridayFive # SianDesign # Main" technology,SpaceX probed over Russia’s alleged Starlink use https://www. /mar/08/spacex-probed-over-russia-alleged-starlink-use/ # spacex # usa # politics # law # government # legal # russia # ukraine # telecoms # starlink # tech # satellites # news # technology technology,Fitbit Charge 6 vs. Inspire 3: Which Offers Better Accuracy and Features? https://www. ge-6-vs-inspire-3-which-offers-better-accuracy-and-features/ # Tech # technology technology,"Alibaba's EMO framework, introduced by the Institute for Intelligent Computing, generates lifelike portrait videos from audio inputs. Using an advanced audio-to-video diffusion model, EMO produces singing avatars that mimic facial expressions and head movements convincingly. It supports multiple languages and recognizes tonal variations, enabling diverse character portrayals. This innovation marks a significant leap in AI-driven portrait video generation. However, improvements are needed in audio-visual synchronization and emotion recognition, as EMO's effectiveness relies on input audio and reference image quality. # Alibaba # AI # Technology # Innovation # ArtificialIntelligence # EMO # VideoGenerator # Animation # TechNews # DigitalArt" technology,"US gov’t announces arrest of former Google engineer for alleged AI trade secret theft. Linwei Ding faces four counts of trade secret theft, each with a potential 10-year prison term. https:// 24/03/former-google-engineer-arrested-for-alleged-theft-of-ai-trade-secrets-for-chinese-firms/ # technology" technology,Metro: tiktok faces ban us lawmakers vote unanimously https:// faces-ban-us-lawmakers-vote-unanimously-20426087/?ico=trending-module_category_tech_item-1 # news # technology technology,Detailed Case Study on Maersk # IoT # Technology # Cyberattack # supplychain https:// tailed-case-study-on-maersk/ technology,"World's First Underwater Internet Cafe Opens, Promises Truly 'Deep Web' Experience # CSDN # Internet # internetcafe # Lifestyle # Satire # Tech # technology https://" technology,# Technology # Tech # Infrastructure # DataArchitecture # DataDriven # DataEngineering TornadoVM Launches TornadoInsight Plugin for IntelliJ IDEA https://www. cing-tornadoinsight/?utm_campaign=infoq_content& # DataIntelligence # DataArchitect # DataEngineer technology,"# Technology # Tech # FutureTech # Data # BigData # DataAnalytics # Cloud # BusinessIntelligence # AI # ML 3 Reasons Why A Phubbing Habit Is Hard To Break, According To Research https://www. 024/02/03/3-reasons-why-a-phubbing-habit-is-hard-to-break-according-to-research/? # Innovation # ArtificialIntelligence # MachineLearning" technology,5 reasons why desktop Linux is finally growing in popularity https://www. y-desktop-linux-is-finally-growing-in-popularity/ Discussions: https:// om/article/5-reasons-why-desktop-linux-is-finally-growing-in-popularity/ # linux # technology # unix technology,"💐 Happy Women's Day ✨ 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 🌹 On a historic day, March 8th, 1910, Raymonde de Laroche soared into the record books of aviation. She became the world's first woman pilot to be officially licensed. The Aero-Club of France granted her license number 36, officially recognized by the Fédération Aéronautique Internationale (FAI), the international governing body for air sports. # aviation # innovation # engineering # defense # defence # military # space # aerospace # technology # ingenuity # life" technology,Apple Could Be the First Target of Europe's Tough New Tech Law https://www. ma-europe-tough-new-law/ # technology technology,"Currently, I'm exploring open-source robot arm projects for a personal project of mine. It's incredible to see the dedication and talent in this space. I want to highlight some projects I've found particularly interesting: - BCN3D Moveo: An entirely open-source project with a focus on making robotics accessible. More info: https://www. re-of-learning-robotic-arm/ - PAROL6 by Source Robotics: A 6-axis desktop robotic arm. GitHub: [PCrnjak/PAROL6-Desktop-robot-arm]( https:// top-robot-arm ) | Website: https:// - AR4 by Annin Robotics: A 4-axis robotic arm. Website: https://www. - ARCTOS v0.2 by ARCTOS Robotics: A 6-axis robotic arm that stands out due to its design. Website: https:// # robotics # opensource # foss # Technology" technology,AI could be an extraordinary force for good. So why do our politicians still not have a plan? | Gaby Hinsliff https://www. 2024/mar/08/ai-politics-public-services-economy-technology # Artificialintelligence (AI) # Technology # Computing # Politics # UKnews technology,"Today's blog post is a collection of links that support my feeling that the human race (or at least our technological civilization) is doomed. It is part of an ongoing series of posts. It includes links to articles about the decline of the world's essential aquifers, how COVID-19 can mess up your brain, the risk to your heart from micro/nano plastics, and more. https:// /were-toast-47.html # AI , # ClimateChange , # COVID19 , # Environment , # Medical , # Politics , # Technology" technology,Astera Labs eyes $4.51B valuation in IPO amid AI boom - published 08 Mar 2024 # ArtificialIntelligence # News # Tech # IPO # Technology https:// s--4-51b-valuation-in-ipo-amid-ai-boom-194465 technology,"""Still don't believe in the war of robots? Come and see for yourself that its time has come. Join one of the most technological brigades. Fill out a form on the website and find your place in the Third Assault. Are you with us in the Third Assault? Join now: ab3.army3. # Technology # Warfare """ technology,"Quantum Computer Accidentally Solves Mystery of Human Consciousness, Forgot to Save Work # CSDN # QuantumComputers # QuantumComputing # Satire # Tech # technology https://" technology,Brazil bans artificial intelligence in electoral propaganda against political rivals https://www. -artificial-intelligence-in-electoral-propaganda-against-political-rivals/ # technology technology,Metro: chernobyl worms immune radiation help prevent cancer https:// yl-worms-immune-radiation-help-prevent-cancer-20420730/?ico=trending-module_category_tech_item-1 # news # technology technology,New DNA-infused computer chip can perform calculations and make future AI models far more efficient https://www. puting/new-dna-infused-computer-chip-can-perform-calculations-and-make-future-ai-models-far-more-efficient # technology # tech # computing # computers # microchip # ai # artificialintelligence # biotechnology # biotech # dna technology,Wrote this last year during the massive tech layoffs. It's still relevant this year. https:// dont-owe-your-employer-any-loyalty-88d4c6553c3a?sk=4bf4e95b73a6cd6c705aaa8c3403c767 # tech # technology # capitalism # anticapitalist technology,Digital World (NASDAQ:DWAC) provides update & key resignation ahead of TMTG... - published 08 Mar 2024 # News # Trump # Business # Tech # Technology https:// nasdaq-dwac--provides-update---key-resignation-ahead-of-tmtg-deal-194439 technology,"Revolutionize mobile app development with cutting-edge AI technology, enhancing efficiency, customization, and user experience for unparalleled innovation and success. More info: https://www. development # AItechnology # AIDevelopment # aiservices # AIDevelopment # artificialintelligence # machinelearning # Innovation # mobileappdevelopment # mobileapplication # appdevelopment # technology" technology,European Court of Justice finds IAB Europe responsible for “TCF” consent spam popups across the Internet https://www. court-of-justice-finds-iab-europe-responsible-for-tcf-consent-spam-popups-across-the-internet/ # technology technology,DesignBoom : rivian’s latest R2 and R3 electric SUVs can drive on their own with 11 cameras and 5 sensors https://www. an-electric-suv-r2-r3-r3x-autonomous-driving-03-08-2024/ # electricautomobiles # driverlesscars # technology # cardesign technology,International Women’s Day: What it takes to innovate in the age of Gen AI https://www. m/2024/03/08/international-womens-day-what-takes-innovate-age-gen-ai/ # InternationalWomensDay # ai # iwd # enterprise # marketing # tech # genai # technology technology,Metro: woolly mammoths brought back extinction just four years https:// mammoths-brought-back-extinction-just-four-years-20412614/?ico=mosaic_tech # news # technology technology,Tinder to explain why some EU users have to pay more for the app https://www. o-explain-why-some-eu-users-have-to-pay-more-for-the-app # technology technology,"NASA’s Network of Small Moon-Bound Rovers Is Ready to Roll Construction and testing are complete on the CADRE rovers, which will map the lunar surface together as a tech demo to show the promise of multirobot missions. https://www. k-of-small-moon-bound-rovers-is-ready-to-roll # robotics # robots # multirobot # rovers # moon # nasa # space # astrodon # engineering # STEM # science # JPL # CADRE # technology # news" technology,"Apropos International Women's Day, we would like to remind you of the Call for Abstracts ""Practices and concepts of ' # care ' in # sustainability # transformations . Critical perspectives in # technology # assessment "", led by Dr. Sarah K. Hackfort, Dr. Julia-Lena Reinermann and Daniela Gottschlich. # CallForAbstracts # InternationalWomensDay # InternationalerFrauentag # Nachhaltigkeit # PoliticalScience # Politikwissenschaften # TransformationSciences # TechnologyAssessment # Technikfolgenabschätzung" technology,"It's not just Google - search everywhere is broken, or in the process of breaking. It's deeply fascinating to be old enough to remember the near-magic experience of suddenly being able to find exactly what you wanted on millions of websites or among thousands of products - and then watching this ability crumble between our collective fingers as the digital business culture pivots from ""users finding products & services"" to ""company finding & appropriating users""... # technology # business" technology,"Mark Zuckerberg Announces Facebook's Name Change to Faceplant, Aiming to Reflect Users' Reaction to Recent Updates # CSDN # facebook # MarkZuckerberg # Satire # Tech # technology https://" technology,Ex-Google engineer charged with stealing AI trade secrets while working with Chinese companies https:// e-justice-department-63156ade1e564d15d92adbef91e9c5da # technology technology,"Talked about the book ""The Good Robot - Why Technology Needs Feminism"" on German public radio. https://www. ood-robot-why-technology-needs-feminism-dlf-kultur-b63b4175-100.html # bookstodon # technology # feminism" technology,This is just one of the examples why technology nowadays sucks: https://www. s-all-in-printer-rental-watches-everything-you-print-tells-hp-all-about # HP # hewlettpackard # printer # privacy # technology technology,Do you need help analyzing your data? Do you sometimes have trouble figuring out where to start? Why not hire an expert? Commission me. Let Data Tofu do the heavy lifting for you. https:// ions/ -- # help # helpeachother # statistics # statisticalanalysis # commissions # bigdata # bigdataanalytics # tech # writer # statistics # mathematics # technology # ai # machinelearning # datascience # python # r # math # data # dataanalytics # python # programming # dataanalytics # dataanalysishelp technology,AI isn't driving tech layoffs — but it does make a good scapegoat https://www. es-excuse-job-cuts-tech-layoffs-2024-1 # technology technology,Metro: ios 17 4 means 118 new emojis one favourite https:// 4-means-118-new-emojis-one-favourite-20421473/?ico=trending-module_category_tech_item-6 # news # technology technology,"Remember, chatbots are tools, not replacements for teachers. Use them creatively to enhance your teaching and empower your students! Ready to unlock the power of chatbots in your classroom? Let's chat at # DeftGPT # memes # technology # ai # artificialintelligence # machinelearning # chatgpt # futuretech" technology,Most social media posts on the metaverse reflect a positive outlook - published 08 Mar 2024 # News # Tech # Technology # MachineLearning https:// ia-posts-on-the-metaverse-reflect-a-positive-outlook-194071 technology,Homomorphic encryption revolutionises blockchain security - published 08 Mar 2024 # ArtificialIntelligence # News # Startups # Tech # Technology https:// ryption-revolutionises-blockchain-security-194038 technology,"(1/4) In the fight for recognition and equal rights, International Women’s Day originated in the period before the First World War. Since then, it has been celebrated annually on March 8. However, 100 years later, women are still underrepresented at the interface between # art , # technology and society. History has shown that the commitment and public visibility of women can drive progress towards equality and greater justice. The gender gap may be shrinking, but there's more work ahead! # IWD2024" technology,"Rivian takes the wraps off $45K R2 SUV, its biggest bet yet https:// an-takes-the-wraps-off-45000-r2-suv-its-biggest-bet-yet/ # technology" technology,"Certifiable synth lunatic Sam ""Look Mum No Computer"" Battle does a thing... https://www. g # LookMumNoComputer # music # vintage # technology" technology,"US Air Force to Introduce 1,000 AI-Controlled Drones https://www. # technology" technology,Video: Wave-amplifying generator bounces twice as high as the swells https:// avespring/ # technology technology,MiTM phishing attack can let attackers unlock and steal a Tesla - Researchers demonstrated how they could conduct a Man-in-the-Middle (MiTM) phishing attac... https://www. rity/mitm-phishing-attack-can-let-attackers-unlock-and-steal-a-tesla/ # technology # security technology,MiTM phishing attack can let attackers unlock and steal a Tesla https://www. rity/mitm-phishing-attack-can-let-attackers-unlock-and-steal-a-tesla/ # Technology # Security technology,MSI Vector 16 HX A14VGG-279IN 2024 Laptop Launched in India ( Specs: Intel 14th Gen Core i7-14700HX / RTX 4070 graphics / 32GB ram / 1TB SSD / 240hz QHD+ display ) https:// i-vector-16-hx-a14vgg-279in/ # techstoriesindia # technology # tech # technews # amazonindia # laptops # 2024laptops # msilaptops # msi technology,Zama secures $73 million for data privacy protection - published 08 Mar 2024 # News # Startups # Tech # Technology # Investment https:// 3-million-for-data-privacy-protection-193930 technology,John Babikian Influences Supreme Court Decision on AI Usage https:// hn-babikian-influences-supreme-court-decision-on-ai-usage/ # technology technology,Greek exchange expands with SUI network - published 08 Mar 2024 # News # Business # Tech # Technology # BlockChain https:// expands-with-sui-network-194173 technology,Travala launches Bitcoin rewards for elite travelers amid BTC surge - published 08 Mar 2024 # News # Tech # Singapore # Technology # BlockChain https:// s-bitcoin-rewards-for-elite-travelers-amid-btc-surge-194004 technology,Tradfi entry may shift crypto views - published 08 Mar 2024 # Web3 # News # Tech # Technology # BlockChain https:// y-shift-crypto-views-193947 technology,"US lawmakers vote 50-0 to force sale of TikTok despite angry calls from users | Lawmaker: TikTok must ""sever relationship with the Chinese Communist Party."" https:// 24/03/house-committee-votes-50-0-to-force-tiktok-to-divest-from-chinese-owner/ # technology" technology,Also reposting my interests! Hello to the people of these hashtags! #nonbinary #transfem #femby #bisexual #polyamory #adhd #audhd #autism #neurodiverse #history #science #astronomy #astrophysics #chemistry #engineering #technology #spaceflight #aviation #trains #transit #biking #urbanism #rollercoasters #movies #scifi #startrek #theorville #pcgaming #retrogaming #pokemon #ksp #linux #music #rock #progrock #hardrock #art #furry #writing #streaming #memes #cooking #food technology,Meta Meltdown: Outage Plunges Millions into the Dark Ages of Face-to-Face Communication # CSDN # Instagram # Meta # news # Satire # Tech # technology # Whatsapp https:// technology,"[ Pre-order ] Apple MacBook Air 2024 M3 Chip Models Launched in India | Check Price, Specs and Features https:// ple-macbook-air-2024-m3-chip/ # apple # macbook # laptops # tech # technology # amazonindia # techstoriesindia" technology,"MSI Commercial 14 H – A13MG Laptops ( A13MG vPro-065IN, A13MG-064IN ) Launched in India [ Specs: 13th Generation Intel processor / Windows 11 Pro / WiFi 6E / FHD+ IPS display ] https:// i-commercial-14-h-a13mg-laptops/ # tech # technology # techstoriesindia # laptops # msi # windows11pro # intel" technology,MSI Raider GE78 HX 14VHG-805IN Laptop Launched in India [ Specs: Core i9-14900HX / RTX 4080 / 32GB ram / 2TB SSD / 17-inch 240hz QHD+ ] https:// i-raider-ge78-hx-14vhg-805in-price-amazon-india-specs/ # laptops # tech # technology # techstoriesindia # msi # nvidia # rtx4080 # intel technology,TikTok users flood Congress with calls as potential ban advances in House https://www. 4/mar/07/tiktok-users-protest-congress-potential-ban # HouseofRepresentatives # Bidenadministration # Technology # USpolitics # TikTok # USnews technology,"US lawmakers vote 50-0 to force sale of TikTok despite angry calls from users | Lawmaker: TikTok must ""sever relationship with the Chinese Communist Party."" https:// 24/03/house-committee-votes-50-0-to-force-tiktok-to-divest-from-chinese-owner/ # technology" technology,# # Technology # tech # DataAnalytics # Cloud # DataIntelligence # ArtificialIntelligence # MachineLearning # ML # CloudIntelligence GenAI regulation: Are deepfakes indicative of free will in LLMs? https://www. egulation-are-deepfakes-indicative-of-free-will-in-llms/? # DataScience # BigDataAnalytics # AI technology,# Technology # Tech # Infrastructure # DataArchitecture # DataDriven # DataEngineering Public Preview of the Arc Visual Studio Code Extension https://www. code/?utm_campaign=infoq_content& # DataIntelligence # DataArchitect # DataEngineer technology,Hong Kong unveils Project Ensemble for wCBDC tokenisation support - published 08 Mar 2024 # News # Tech # Technology # CBDC https:// ls-project-ensemble-for-wcbdc-tokenisation-support-194081 technology,Nissan unveils virtual world combining auto history and driving lessons - published 08 Mar 2024 # News # Tech # Technology https:// virtual-world-combining-auto-history-and-driving-lessons-194094 technology,PornHub Chatbot Warns UK Users Against Searching Child SA Videos And Tells Them To Look For Help https://www. warns-uk-users-against-searching-child-abuse-videos-tells-them-look-help-1723806 # technology technology,Kraken VP explores unique aspects of this crypto surge - published 08 Mar 2024 # News # Tech # Technology # Bitcoin # CryptoCurrency https:// res-unique-aspects-of-this-crypto-surge-194231 technology,Google supports a list of child safety bills — but still not KOSA. https://www. /google-supports-a-list-of-child-safety-bills-but-still-not-kosa # technology technology,"Researchers at Mississippi State have created a robot to pick cotton – something still done manually in several major cotton-producing countries. The great potential is that the robot could help reduce exploitative labor in places like China, India, Pakistan and Uzbekistan, where cotton is currently picked by hand, often by women and children and sometimes under abusive conditions. https:// harvests-cotton-by-reaching-out-and-plucking-it-like-a-lizards-tongue-snatching-flies-218331 # engineering # technology # farming # cotton" science,# zajimavost # science # sciencenews # stringtheory Sabine Hossenfelder - Science News - Whatever happened to string theory? https://www. M science,Study Finds That We Could Lose # Science If # Publishers Go # Bankrupt https:// 03/08/2349252/study-finds-that-we-could-lose-science-if-publishers-go-bankrupt science,"""Our results show that presenting the success rate of previous raters works as an incentive to evaluate information more accurately, but that monetary bonuses provide the strongest increase in accuracy, and that only remuneration is associated with a greater use of external resources (e.g., search engines) that have been shown to meaningfully improve evaluation of new content."" Ronzani, P., Panizza, F., Morisseau, T., Mattavelli, S., & Martini, C. (2024). How different incentives reduce scientific misinformation online. Harvard Kennedy School (HKS) Misinformation Review. https:// # OpenAccess # OA # Research # Study # DOI # PeerReview # Science # Misinformation # Psychology # SocialMedia # Academia # Academic # Academics @ science @ psychology" science,"Don't forget to change the clocks back tonight, if you're in North America. You can spring forward with this stunning clock featuring the familiar Atom Sign and is the perfect gift for the Science enthusiast in your life. Fabrikisto Artisan Shop contains many wonderful and unique items crafted from wood. https:// ock Photo: Fabrikisto # woodworking # clocks # science # timechange # shopsmall" science,This thing is going to ruin my lawn. # science # technews # technology # nature # genetics # biotech # biotechnology https:// breakthrough-reached-that-could-lead-to-revival-of-woolly-mammoth/ science,# ChristopherIsham - What Does # QuantumTheory Mean? https://www. 0 # Philosophy # PhilosophyOfScience # Science # Physics # QM # QuantumMechanics # Entanglement # NonLocality # ManyWorlds # Metaphysics # Realism # Cosmology # QuantumCosmology # CloserToTruth # RobertKuhn science,"This is M104 in infrared, optical, and X-Ray. It is an edge on spiral galaxy in the # constellation # Virgo For more on the # astronomy & # mythology of this constellation, check out our # podcast episode: https:// e/virgo-the-maiden/ 📷 : https:// fy7/index.html (you can also find the sonification of this image at this link). # Astrodon # Space # NASA # Chandra # Spitzer # Hubble # Astrophotography # Science # Zodiac" science,Trump Getting DESTROYED on Truth Social Over His Pro Vaccine Post. “1000s”? Not the first time I’ve considered the possibility that MAGA live in an alternate universe. https://www. ting-destroyed-on-truth-social-over-his-vaccine-post # covid # medicine # science # politics # psychology # News science,heise+ | # Medizin : Seltene Krankheiten sind gar nicht so selten | MIT Technology Review https://www. eltene-Krankheiten-sind-gar-nicht-so-selten-9626925.html # heiseplus # Forschung # research # medicine # Wissenschaft # science science,# science # wonder science,Common Plastic Chemical Linked to Increased Childhood Obesity Risks https:// c-chemical-linked-to-increased-childhood-obesity-risks/ # science science,Using AI to develop early warning systems for flooding https:// .html # science science,"🔥 When you say that was a smooth take-off 🦅 Every weekend must be celebrated! 🚀 🔥 Join the conversation with my # community , like, and comment everyone is welcome! 👇 # aviation # innovation # engineering # defense # defence # military # army # space # aerospace # technology # ingenuity # life # spaceexploration # deeptech # science # data 🎥 Video credits: F-35 Lightning II Program" science,"Apparently, an adult wooly mammoth needed ~400 pounds of food *daily* for sustenance. That would have required large contiguous grasslands and water sources for a herd to survive. Just saying: https:// olly-mammoth-elephant-stem-cells-scn/index.html # science # experiments # mammoths # nature" science,"In einer neuen Studie prognostizieren # Wissenschaftler die # Eisfreiheit in der # Arktis nun 10 Jahre früher. Jetzt soll es etwa 2035 soweit sein. Als eisfrei gilt die # Arktis , wenn das # Sommereis auf weniger als 1 Million Quadratkilometer schrumpft. Da können dann alle Schiffskapitänamateure dort rumschippern und ihre # Schiffe versenken. # DOI : 10.1038/s43017-023-00515-9 # Science # Arctis # Meereis # seaiceloss https://www. -00515-9" science,The SNU is deeply concerned about the situation facing our Argentine neuroscience colleagues. Here's our statement of support: https:// 03/09/san-support/ # neuroscience # science # argentina science,Unlocking the Secrets Behind Galaxy Formation https:// -secrets-behind-galaxy-formation/ # science science,@ jmunroe once told us that when you visit the same field sites over the years you get to know where the best places are to stop and camp along the way. This lovely little bend in a stream in the Southwestern US hosted the team and its equipment while traveling between dust collectors in our long-term research array. More about recently published work featuring data produced by samples collected in this area: https:// # CriticalZone # geology # soil # ecology # science science,"Fossil Fuels Announce They Identify as Renewable, Scientists Too Embarrassed to Admit Mistake # climatechange # CSDN # fossilfuels # globalwarming # Satire # science https:// s-announce-they-identify-as-renewable-scientists-too-embarrassed-to-admit-mistake/" science,Hot off the IOB presses! Weekend read from Housh et al Fluctuating and Stable High Temperatures Differentially Affect # Reproductive # Endocrinology of Female # Pupfish https:// # science # ecology # biology # organisms science,# instagram comments never get old. # shitpost # science # comments science,Saturday Citations: New hope for rumbly guts; 'alien' signal turns out to be terrestrial and boring. Plus: A cool video https:// -citations-rumbly-guts-alien.html # science science,The Vulcanists and the flat earthers should get together. # science # physics science,"““In the absence of any direct evidence for dark energy or dark matter it is natural to wonder whether they may be unnecessary scientific constructs like celestial spheres, ether, or the planet Vulcan, all of which were superseded by simpler explanations,” Controversial new theory of gravity rules out need for dark matter | Physics | The Guardian # science # physics https://www. ar/09/controversial-new-theory-of-gravity-rules-out-need-for-dark-matter" science,Brain-Imaging Experiment Reveals The Secret Behind Creative Flow https://www. -experiment-reveals-the-secret-behind-creative-flow # science # psychology # humans # creativity # flow # brain # neuroscience science,"Paul Abela says: ""We’re going to pay the price for turning the world into a giant farm."" _______________________________ The idea that Earth is a giant farm may feel like an exaggeration. It’s not like we’re being overrun by farm animals. And when we look at images of Earth, we see forests that stretch beyond the horizon. We see awe-inspiring landscapes and angelic beaches. What we don’t look at are the vast swathes of land that have been converted into farmland. We’ve become so detached from food production that we tend to disregard how food is produced. Today half of all the habitable land on Earth is used for agriculture. While 23% of that land is used to grow crops, 77% is used to produce meat and dairy. Just 3% of the world’s natural ecosystems, that is, ecosystems uninfluenced by humanity, remain intact. Nature documentaries create an impression that wild animals are abundant. But human interference with ecosystems has led to catastrophic declines in the populations of living species. _______________________________ There's a lot more in the article, including all the damaging pollution associated with meat eating, the destruction of rainforests, the devastating loss of biodiversity, and the advent of a sixth mass extinction. I hope you'll read the whole thing. FULL ARTICLE -- https://www. ecipe-for-disaster/ # Food # Vegan # Science # Environment # Climate # ClimateChange" science,Scientists Uncover Secret Driver of Climate Change https:// cover-secret-driver-of-climate-change/ # science science,Octopuses Might Have The Oldest Sex Chromosomes in The Animal Kingdom MediaIt had to start somewhere.… # ScienceAlert - The # Best in # Science # News and # Amazing # Breakthroughs # bot science,"Ich frage mich ja langsam, ob Mikroplastik an den steigenden Reizdarm Problemen beteiligt ist oder sogar der Hauptfaktor seien könnte... # science https://www. rschmutzung-mit-mikroplastik-beguenstigt-entzuendliche-darmerkrankungen/" science,"The equilibrium state of the cosmos is death, nothingness, complete inactivity. Behold the destination of everything. # philosophy # politics # science" science,Solar-Powered Farming Is Quickly Depleting the World's Groundwater Supply https://www. arming-depleting-worlds-groundwater-india/ # science science,"Ha salido una teoría loquísima (y no es de un tintoker) para explicar las expansión del # universo sin recurrir al truco de la materia oscura. ""Poned esta noche # la6Xplica y os aclaramos las dudas"" # cosmology # cosmologia # science" science,Bridging Realms: Unveiling the Future of Electronics at Terahertz Speeds https:// ms-unveiling-the-future-of-electronics-at-terahertz-speeds/ # science science,Statisticians and physicists team up to bring a machine learning approach to mining of nuclear data - EurekAlert https:// BMiMGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmV1cmVrYWxlcnQub3JnL25ld3MtcmVsZWFzZXMvMTAzNzEzM9IBAA?oc=5& # science science,Statisticians and physicists team up to bring a machine learning approach to mining of nuclear data - EurekAlert https:// BMiMGh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmV1cmVrYWxlcnQub3JnL25ld3MtcmVsZWFzZXMvMTAzNzEzM9IBAA?oc=5& # science science,Heart Attack Alert: How a Standard Blood Test Could Save Your Life https:// alert-how-a-standard-blood-test-could-save-your-life/ # science science,"# stem # Science # Space # astrophysics # particlephysics # weird Symmetries are important for physics, but more importantly, our existence requires that the Universe be fundamentally asymmetric https:// g/symmetries-work-physics/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark" science,New Revelations Dash Hopes For Alien Life on Jupiter's Icy Moon Europa's icy surface with Jupiter looming in backgroundNot the signal we were looking for.… # ScienceAlert - The # Best in # Science # News and # Amazing # Breakthroughs # bot science,"Brain-Imaging Experiment Reveals The Secret Behind Creative Flow closeup of someone playing bass guitar""Try letting go.""… # ScienceAlert - The # Best in # Science # News and # Amazing # Breakthroughs # bot" science,"Is the sky considered dichromatic like pumpkin seed oil since it changes from blue to orange depending on how ""thick"" of the sky the sunlight goes through during noon vs sunset? # askScience # science # color # physics" science,"""""We are trying to prove ourselves wrong as quickly as possible, because only in that way can we find progress."" https:// /9780262533416 # science # progress" science,Octopuses Might Have The Oldest Sex Chromosomes in The Animal Kingdom https://www. ht-have-the-oldest-sex-chromosomes-in-the-animal-kingdom # science science,"New “Class with Dr Fryer” audio [PODCAST] “Spark Curiosity with Wonder Links” from NCTIES 2024: https:// w/drfryer/episodes/Ep-30-Sparking-Curiosity-with-Wonder-Links-ncties24-e2grehl Description: Let's explore practical ways to spark student curiosity with engaging videos and thinking routines! A free website (like a Google Site) can serve as a helpful ""home base"" for your class and specifically for Wonder Links, so students can readily share them with friends, family, and others. Resources on: http:// # edtech # Science # MediaLit" science,Weekend reads: Citation cartels; a history of scientific integrity; another Nobelist retracts a paper https:// /weekend-reads-citation-cartels-a-history-of-scientific-integrity-another-nobelist-retracts-a-paper/ # Science # ScienceCommunications science,Cat hack: lift heavy weights in front of them to show them who the alpha is # science # nature # facts science,New Revelations Dash Hopes For Alien Life on Jupiter's Icy Moon https://www. ns-dash-hopes-for-alien-life-on-jupiters-icy-moon # science science,"Die digitale Archivierung von # Studien funzt irgendwie nicht: ""More than 2 million # research papers have disappeared from the Internet An analysis of DOIs suggests that digital preservation is not keeping up with burgeoning scholarly # knowledge ."" # Science https://www. -00616-5" science,Unlocking the Secrets of Semiconductors With a Single CLIMAT Measurement https:// -secrets-of-semiconductors-with-a-single-climat-measurement/ # science science,Officials Deploy Remote Fire Sensing Technology for 24-Hour Coverage in South and West Maui http:// # TechnologyNews # Science science,"# Podcast # Science 503 – Explosion vapeur, avec Thibaud Sauvageon Avis aux chimistes de cœur ou aux botanistes amateurs, à celles et ceux qui font feu de tout bois… ce soir , ce matériau est à l’honneur ! 1h03 MC: Éléa Héberlé https://www. 4/03/04/podcast-science-503-explosion-vapeur-avec-thibaud-sauvageon/" science,Oil Companies Pledge to Save the Planet by Filling Ocean with Plastic-Eating Fish # CSDN # Environment # oilcompanies # plasticwaste # Satire # science https:// science,"We might ponder the implications for the environment, but engineers at Glasgow University have succeeded in firing up a working prototype of a near-century old concept for a self-eating rocket engine. Read the latest on my author newsletter... https:// m/p/this-rocket-will-eat-itself # rocketscience # rockets # science # technology" science,[Faune-France] Odonates : mettez-vous à la page Lien : https://www. d=1164&a=3630#FN3630 # faunefrance # biodiversité # ornithologie # science science,"NASA Unveils Design for Message Heading to Jupiter’s Moon Europa The moon shows strong evidence of an ocean under its icy crust, with more than twice the amount of water of all of Earth’s oceans combined. A triangular metal plate on the spacecraft will honor that connection to Earth in several ways. https://www. er/nasa-unveils-design-for-message-heading-to-jupiters-moon-europa/ # EuropaClipper # Europa # spacecraft # europaclippermission # Jupiter # moon # ocean # earth # space # astrodon # science # technology # education # art # math # STEM # water # lire # nasa" science,This probably explains that little thrill I get every time I (increasingly rarely sadly) open my Linux terminal up to write some code... https:// 5055494555667 - https://www. -experiment-reveals-the-secret-behind-creative-flow # Science # brain (Brain-Imaging Experiment Reveals The Secret Behind Creative Flow.) science,How trustworthy is your dog's DNA test? https:// thy-dog-dna.html # science science,Scientists develop recyclable 'water batteries' that never explode - WION https:// BMiZ2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lndpb25ld3MuY29tL3NjaWVuY2Uvc2NpZW50aXN0cy1kZXZlbG9wLXJlY3ljbGFibGUtd2F0ZXItYmF0dGVyaWVzLXRoYXQtbmV2ZXItZXhwbG9kZS02OTgyOTXSAQA?oc=5& # science science,Scientists develop recyclable 'water batteries' that never explode - WION https:// BMiZ2h0dHBzOi8vd3d3Lndpb25ld3MuY29tL3NjaWVuY2Uvc2NpZW50aXN0cy1kZXZlbG9wLXJlY3ljbGFibGUtd2F0ZXItYmF0dGVyaWVzLXRoYXQtbmV2ZXItZXhwbG9kZS02OTgyOTXSAQA?oc=5& # science science,Why recycling plastic is not a quick fix https:// g-plastic-quick.html # science science,What heat can tell us about battery chemistry: Using the Peltier effect to study lithium-ion cells https:// chemistry-peltier-effect-lithium.html # science science,Redefining Human History: Scientists Uncover Advanced 1.1 Million-Year-Old Tools in China https:// man-history-scientists-uncover-advanced-1-1-million-year-old-tools-in-china/ # science science,https://www. ce-news-do-you-know-obesity-is-a-risk-factor-for-stillbirth-study-finds-5809836.html # Science (Science News | Do You Know Obesity is a Risk Factor for Stillbirth?) science,"https://www. ocus/world/scientists-develop-new-quotartificial-leafquot # Science (Scientists develop new ""artificial leaf"".)" science,https://www. sts-discover-chernobyl-super-worms/ # Science (Scientists discover Chernobyl 'super worms'.) science,https://www. -experiment-reveals-the-secret-behind-creative-flow # Science # brain (Brain-Imaging Experiment Reveals The Secret Behind Creative Flow.) science,https://www. -develop-recyclable-water-batteries-that-never-explode-698295 # Science (Scientists develop recyclable 'water batteries' that never explode.) science,https://www. l/science-lecture-to-focus-on-bird-fossils/article_f6799658-dcd3-11ee-9342-638e3c402777.html # Science (Science lecture to focus on bird fossils.) science,https:// analyticalsciencejournals.onli # Science (A developmental validation of the Quick TargSeq 1.0 integrated system for automated DNA genotyping in forensic.) science,"Grateful for the opportunity to have participated at the inspiring # Savanna # Science Network Meeting! Many new insights into this complex ecosystem, great connections and hopefully future collaborations. Ready for the next phase of my # PhD ! # SSNM2024 # SSNM" science,Michelle Donelan is a very nasty piece of work. The science community deserves better than her. # MichelleDonelan # science # Conservatives https://www. 2024/mar/08/the-guardian-view-on-michelle-donelan-exposed-as-an-online-bully-she-should-now-resign?CMP=Share_AndroidApp_Other science,"Looking forward to catching up with everyone at STARS & CARS Bolton Arena, Sunday 14 April - 11.00am - 4.30pm Middlebrook Retail & Leisure Park, Arena Approach, Bolton BL6 6LB https://www. ents?fbclid=IwAR2XUlU1kNCC2hkq2MoXytf716UkNXRiOLG-yk_jVoZFzWffQjwWHNbqxao See you there! IMDb: https://www. # cars # Bolton # StarsEverywhere # new # actors # writers # science # booksbooksbooks # conservation # performance # harrypotter # DoctorWho # doctors # education" science,Brain-Imaging Experiment Reveals The Secret Behind Creative Flow https://www. -experiment-reveals-the-secret-behind-creative-flow # science science,Odysseus Lands on the Moon: Earthling Project Joins the Cosmic Journey https:// s-on-the-moon-earthling-project-joins-the-cosmic-journey/ # science science,"“according to a recently published survey, lots of digital documents aren't consistently showing up in the archives that are meant to preserve it. And that puts us at risk of losing academic research—including science paid for with taxpayer money.” https:// 3/study-finds-that-we-could-lose-science-if-publishers-go-bankrupt/ ? # science # Academia # research # OpenScience" science,[Ornithomedia] Découverte d’une nouvelle espèce de passereau du genre Grallaria dans la Sierra Nevada de Santa Marta (Colombi... Lien : https://www. erte-dune-probable-nouvelle-espece-de-grallaire-dans-la-sierra-nevada-de-santa-marta-colombie/ # ornithomedia # biodiversité # science # ornithologie # actualité science,"We get so much talk of “video game preservation”, this is far more important. We could one day lose vital scientific research. Losing video games would be a bit sad but we’d survive, losing scientific research would be devastating and it would take decades to recover, if we ever do. # Science # Publishing # Preservation Study finds that we could lose science if publishers go bankrupt https:// 3/study-finds-that-we-could-lose-science-if-publishers-go-bankrupt/" science,Nature’s Dieting Tip: Scientists Uncover Surprising Plasticity of the Gut https:// ng-tip-scientists-uncover-surprising-plasticity-of-the-gut/ # science science,Scientists Reveal How to Replenish Earth's Vital Groundwater Water Bucket In WellIt's crucial that we do this.… # ScienceAlert - The # Best in # Science # News and # Amazing # Breakthroughs # bot science,Mysterious Galaxy Was Already Dead When The Universe Was Young MediaBut why?… # ScienceAlert - The # Best in # Science # News and # Amazing # Breakthroughs # bot science,Hidden Waves Wash Fluid Through The Brain While You Sleep couple sleeping in bedBetter than a lullaby.… # ScienceAlert - The # Best in # Science # News and # Amazing # Breakthroughs # bot science,"If you're in the market for a pop-sci book, please consider picking up a copy of mine. I honestly think it's the best thing I've ever written. Nature called it ""a wild ride"", which I love 🦎 Or if you've already read & enjoyed it, could you please write a lil review? Thank you very much in advance 😊 # books # scicomm # science https:// -the-secret-science-of-surfaces-laurie-winkless/5733175" science,Pre Self: what fraction of a journal’s papers are preprinted? https:// elf-what-fraction-of-a-journals-papers-are-preprinted/ # computing # publishing # science # Crossref # PubMed # Rstats science,Stop Misunderstanding the Gender Health Gap https://www. tanding-the-gender-health-gap/ # science science,The Trojan Horse Approach – New Method Could Revolutionize Lung Cancer Treatment https:// rse-approach-new-method-could-revolutionize-lung-cancer-treatment/ # science science,Controversial new theory of gravity rules out need for dark matter https://www. ar/09/controversial-new-theory-of-gravity-rules-out-need-for-dark-matter # UCL (UniversityCollegeLondon) # Astronomy # Physics # Science # UKnews # Space science,"Экология # ecology # science Методом искусственной эволюции американские ученые получили фермент https://www. e.adi5554 , способный разрушать связи между кремнием и углеродом в метилсилоксанах — искусственных полимерах, применяемых во многих продуктах, таких как дезодоранты, увлажняющие лосьоны и т.д. Эти вещества не относится к биоразлагаемым. Авторы статьи в Science идентифицировали бактериальный фермент цитохром P450, способный разрушать связи между углеродом и кремнием в линейных метилсилоксанах. Применение искусственной эволюции позволило повысить эффективность этого процесса, а также расширить функциональность фермента на циклические соединения. Результаты работы могут стать основой для разработки методов биологической переработки силоксанов." science,The Dobbs ruling and attitudes [IMAGE] - EurekAlert https:// BMiLWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmV1cmVrYWxlcnQub3JnL211bHRpbWVkaWEvMTAxNzczNtIBAA?oc=5& # science science,The Dobbs ruling and attitudes [IMAGE] - EurekAlert https:// BMiLWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmV1cmVrYWxlcnQub3JnL211bHRpbWVkaWEvMTAxNzczNtIBAA?oc=5& # science science,"Lassé par la recherche scientifique, le CNRS veut ""générer des revenus"" avec les logiciels libres produits par ses chercheurs et chercheuses. https:// ue-ses-logiciels-libres-generent-des-revenus/ # fonctionPublique # rechercheScientifique # science # logicielLibre" science,Eternal Flames: Unraveling the Mystery of Delayed White Dwarfs https:// s-unraveling-the-mystery-of-delayed-white-dwarfs/ # science science,Astronomy Picture of the Day - The Tarantula Zone https:// ml # APOD # NASA # Hubble # Space # Science science,"Any chemistry/physics nerds around? I was looking at the Wikipedia page for lead, and found an interesting phrase: ""Lead has no natural resonance frequency"". This picked my interest, but all I could find on natural resonance is for objects, not elements. I wonder if not having a natural resonance is rare, and why lead is like that. https:// # Chemistry # Physics # Science" science,"# Leptostomia begaaensis was a small(ish), probe-feeding pterodactyloid # pterosaur from the # Cretaceous of # Morocco ! Its generic name translates to “slender mouth”, and its specific name is a reference to the village of Hassi El Begaa near the Kem Kem Group in Morocco! Please leave a favorite and follow if you want to see the rest of the alphabet! # paleoart # cartoon # pterodactylus # science" science,50 Global Experts Warn: We Must Stop Technology-Driven AI https:// erts-warn-we-must-stop-technology-driven-ai/ # science science,EV 'goes rogue' on 90mph drive with no brakes - Tech & Science Daily podcast - Yahoo News UK https:// BMiQmh0dHBzOi8vdWsubmV3cy55YWhvby5jb20vZXYtZ29lcy1yb2d1ZS05MG1waC1kcml2ZS0xNDM5MzIwNDYuaHRtbNIBAA?oc=5& # science science,EV 'goes rogue' on 90mph drive with no brakes - Tech & Science Daily podcast - Yahoo News UK https:// BMiQmh0dHBzOi8vdWsubmV3cy55YWhvby5jb20vZXYtZ29lcy1yb2d1ZS05MG1waC1kcml2ZS0xNDM5MzIwNDYuaHRtbNIBAA?oc=5& # science science,"Rain can spoil a wolf spider’s day, too https://www. ases/187508-rain-can-spoil-a-wolf-spiders-day-too/? # fypシviral # science # fyp" science,Researchers at UMass Amherst discover key to molecular mystery of how plants respond to changing conditions https://www. ases/187437-researchers-at-umass-amherst-discover-key-to-molecular-mystery-of-how-plants-respond-to-changing-conditions/? # fypシviral # science # fyp science,"Think I'll pick up a book my cis GP recommended. ""Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life"" by Emily Nagoski She said it was particularly interesting for vagina owners, but I'd venture to say it is likely good those who like neurosexuality as well. I will imo, confirm or deny once I get into it. I love all science, but especially brain science. This will make for a hyperfixation day or two. Some cis people are ok... sometimes. # NeuroSexuality # Science # Books # Bibliophile # YEG" science,Scientists train a bank of AI models to identify patterns of brain activity that signal memory formation https://www. ases/187317-scientists-train-a-bank-of-ai-models-to-identify-patterns-of-brain-activity-that-signal-memory-formation/? # fypシviral # science # fyp science,Follow the # science . The evidence based science. Could the immediate existential threat to our planet be any clearer? How do I respond to this? # climateEMERGENCY # climateCHANGE # deGrowth Source: https:// ticle/73/12/841/7319571 science,"NASA's Perseverance rover can see other planets from Mars! Last October, the rover's Mastcam-Z camera tracked Mercury as it passed in front of the Sun. Look closely... https:// log/PIA26250 # space # astronomy # science" science,Engineering of plant cell wall modifying enzymes opens new horizons https://www. ases/187197-engineering-of-plant-cell-wall-modifying-enzymes-opens-new-horizons/? # fypシviral # science # fyp science,New life springs from rescued Sycamore Gap tree https://www. ment-68497720 # science science,"Did you know we have a remote observatory on Mars? When NASA's Perseverance rover isn't busy studying the Martian landscape, it turns its gaze upward to do a little skygazing. This is its view of Mars's inner moon, Phobos. https:// /status/410/things-that-go-bump-in-the-night-on-mars/ # science # astronomy # astrodon # NASA" science,NASA’s SWOT Satellite Reveals the Depths of California’s Weather Woes https:// tellite-reveals-the-depths-of-californias-weather-woes/ # science science,"Smart relative: Bonobos live in # matriarchy - as do orcas, elephants and bees. # womensday # women # science https://www. U&t=712s" science,Solid-state NMR unveils fluoride ion channel permeation mechanism https://www. ases/187087-solid-state-nmr-unveils-fluoride-ion-channel-permeation-mechanism/? # fypシviral # science # fyp science,I get annoyed when the recipe is 5 stars and it's clear whoever made the recipe is delulu about the ratio of liquid to flour. Because baking is about science and their science is off. 😠 # baking # science science,Unveiling the Hidden Heart Risks in Cannabis Smoke https:// -hidden-heart-risks-in-cannabis-smoke/ # science science,Carnegie Mellon University’s Synergy Lab releases three papers on ubiquitous sensing https://www. ases/186967-carnegie-mellon-universitys-synergy-lab-releases-three-papers-on-ubiquitous-sensing/? # fypシviral # science # fyp science,"# stem # Science # healthinformatics # cellphones # cool 20 years later, the science is finally in: cell phones don't cause brain cancer https:// -mobile-users-longer-higher-brain.html?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark#google_vignette" science,Scientist Karen Sarkysian obse [IMAGE] - EurekAlert https:// BMiLWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmV1cmVrYWxlcnQub3JnL211bHRpbWVkaWEvMTAxODE0ONIBAA?oc=5& # science science,Scientist Karen Sarkysian obse [IMAGE] - EurekAlert https:// BMiLWh0dHBzOi8vd3d3LmV1cmVrYWxlcnQub3JnL211bHRpbWVkaWEvMTAxODE0ONIBAA?oc=5& # science science,"# CitizenScience Month Is Coming Up April 1st-30th Let's do this! 🌎 ✅ What: One Million Acts of Science ✅ When: Starting April 2024 ✅ Where: Planet Earth ✅ Want to get involved and learn more? This is a global event. Visit the link, below! https:// onth # science # fediScience # scienceMastodon # STEM # education # teachers # students # parents # grandParents # librarians # K12 # HigherEd # phdCands # postDocs # lifelongLearning" science,The mind of the machine https://www. ases/186849-the-mind-of-the-machine/? # fypシviral # science # fyp science,Revolutionizing EV Batteries: Innovative New Binder Doubles Performance https:// ng-ev-batteries-innovative-new-binder-doubles-performance/ # science science,Fact Check: NASA Did NOT Say It Plans To Inject Millions Of Tons Of Ice Into Atmosphere https:// 4/03/fact-check-nasa-did-not-say-it-plans-to-inject-millions-of-tons-of-ice-into-atmosphere.html? # CurrentEvents # FactCheck # Science science,How do black holes create gravitational waves? # science https://www. science,"By way of important, but obscure facts. # wildlife # nature # birds # ecology # science # photography # humor" science,We did an episode about # Astronomer Annie Jump Cannon (an amazing name) earlier in this season -- you can check it out here: https:// e/asterism-annie-jump-cannon-spectral-types/ # podcast # astronomy # AstroDon # Science # WomenInSTEM # Space # Stars # InternationalWomensDay science,"It seems that there are few projects, if implemented, will make any community resilient and independent more than any military capabilities. First of what comes to mind is something like GENOME project - Generic Edible Nutrient Optimized Mass Eruptor The ""Optimized' part here means that it must be produced with as less industrially-made parts as possible, ideally, without such parts at all. It likely to be some bio-reactor based on some genetically engineered bacteria or mushroom. # science # food" science,A hunk of junk from the International Space Station hurtles back to Earth https:// # science science,"For # astronomy # planetaryScience # astrobiology students and enthusiasts Fancy a holiday near the 5th dot from the sun? As it turns out, Jupiters moon # Europa has substantially less oxygen than previously thought. Albeit, it still produces enough oxygen in a 24 hour period to keep approximately one million humans breathing. https://www. ission-measures-oxygen-production-at-europa # space # science # fediScience # scienceMastodon # astrodon # universeodon # solarSystem # lifelongLearning" science,"Reports of flying objects or suspected alien craft usually turned out to have quotidian explanations: They were “ordinary objects and phenomena and the result of misidentification,” sometimes by well-meaning witnesses who thought they had spotted something otherworldly. # science # Skepticism https://" science,USA and CANADA! This is the result of voting for people like Trump and Pierre Poilievre👇 Despair’: Argentinian researchers protest as president begins dismantling science Javier Milei’s actions after taking office have research institutions facing shutdown. @ gemelliz @ TonyStark # News # Politics # Science https://www. -00628-1 science,Scientists Reveal How to Replenish Earth's Vital Groundwater https://www. veal-how-to-replenish-earths-vital-groundwater # science science,UTSA names Department of Defense leader David Brown as NSCC Executive Director https://www. ases/186627-utsa-names-department-of-defense-leader-david-brown-as-nscc-executive-director/? # fypシviral # science # fyp science,Mysterious Galaxy Was Already Dead When The Universe Was Young https://www. laxy-was-already-dead-when-the-universe-was-young # science science,Unlocking the Power of “Hexaplex” To Revolutionize Flu Vaccines https:// -power-of-hexaplex-to-revolutionize-flu-vaccines/ # science science,# goodnews # goodearth # Science # business # EVs # innovation # NewZealand Powering Cars With Wood Byproducts Turned into Graphite for EV Batteries https://www. d-firm-is-turning-woodchips-into-battery-graphite/ science,Injectable hydrogel electrodes open door to a novel painless treatment regimen for arrhythmia https://www. ases/186497-injectable-hydrogel-electrodes-open-door-to-a-novel-painless-treatment-regimen-for-arrhythmia/? # fypシviral # science # fyp science,Really interesting finding… # science # medicine Groundbreaking research reveals the cause of Alzheimer’s disease and dementia https:// science,"Winnipeg Jets get Toffoli, Miller from New Jersey Devils in separate trades for picks The Jets made two more deals ahead of the NHL's trade deadline acquiring veteran winger Tyler Toffoli and defenceman Colin Miller in separate transactions. # globalnews # Science # NewJerseyDevils # NHL # WinnipegJets https:// nnipeg-jets-new-jersey-devils-trades/" science,"So transness exists in many animals and not just humans. It's been observed but I'm going to give you a personal story from my personal life. My exwife was a wildlife rehabilitator. She went to school for it with a specialization in Raptors. That's birds of prey. Not Jurrassic Park. They rehabilitate most birds but some just can't be released. If they can get along with people they become educational ambassadors. IE birds they take out to the public to educate on wildlife conservation and eliminate misconceptions etc etc. Well they have a mated for life Golden Eagle duo. The boy is a little big but not so large that he's in lady eagle territory. In Raptors sexual dimorphism is reversed. It's important for later. He has a wife. Golden Eagles mate for life. They do all the parnter things. Guard eggs. Have s3x. Normal stuff. but zero viable young. No young at all. They think maybe it's just a biproduct of the lady having West Nile virus. Organs move around and change in birds with west nile. It wouldn't be strange if she were infertile. Because these birds are generally traumatized, and sexing of birds is prone to error they just don't do it. He acts like a guy. He is a guy. His lady love loves him very much. Well he dies of old age. It happens. It's sad. So they do an autopsy. Also routine. Also for science. What is it they find in autopsy? Ovaries. No testes. No intersex condition. This eagle is a big masculine boy with ovaries. They had a married heterosexual couple with a trans guy and a cis gal ... if birds could be referred to by such terms. Being trans isn't new. It's not a fad or a woke mind virus. It's not the Democrats or the Greens or the Hippies. It is observed in most animals capable of actually making advanced neural pathways. Some of the smartest creatures on earth are actually birds of prey. So guess where much transness is found? That's right Eagles, Hawks and owls. It's not weird. It's not unnatural. It's part of the normal distribution of thinking species. #Trans #lgbt #raptors #science #wildlife" science,Shortly before this picture was taken kitty did a search of The Lancet medical journal and found a paper about a hypervaccinated case study. A German elderly man got 217! covid vaccines in 29 months. Don't try this at home kids... Kitty is now allowed to step on my keyboard anytime. # cats # science science,"Do you feel you've done a good job communicating science? Then this # CallforApplications might be for you. The National Academies Eric and Wendy Schmidt # Awards for Excellence in Science Communications will go to 👉 # scientists , # communicators or # journalists who have developed creative, original work that addresses issues and advances in # science , # engineering , or # medicine for the general public. Apply till March 31❗ ℹ️ https://www. xcellence-in-communication/for-applicants # SciComm # ScienceJournalism" science,"Drexel researchers propose AI-guided system for robotic inspection of buildings, roads and bridges https://www. ases/186368-drexel-researchers-propose-ai-guided-system-for-robotic-inspection-of-buildings-roads-and-bridges/? # fypシviral # science # fyp" science,# stem # Science # physics # particlephysics # quantumphysics # cool # UK Physics solved. Scientists heading for home now https:// ty-unveiled-scientists-crack-the-cosmic-code-that-baffled-einstein/?utm_source=fark&utm_medium=website&utm_content=link&ICID=ref_fark science,https://www. ticle/3254485/chinese-scientists-produce-diamond-highest-electrical-conductivity?module=top_story&pgtype=homepage major breakthrough in engineering to make diamonds ... even nicer. Just don't wear it on your finger. # worldnews # news # science # asia # china science,Scientists Grow Elephant Stem Cells in Key Step Toward Woolly Mammoth 'De-Extinction' https://www. scientists-grow-elephant-stem-cells-in-key-step-toward-woolly-mammoth-de-extinction-180983922/ # science science,"Winnipeg Jets get Toffoli, Miller from New Jersey Devils in separate trades for picks The Jets made two more deals ahead of the NHL's trade deadline acquiring veteran winger Tyler Toffoli and defenceman Colin Miller in separate transactions. # globalnews # Science # NewJerseyDevils # NHL # WinnipegJets https:// nnipeg-jets-new-jersey-devils-trades/" science,Hidden Waves Wash Fluid Through The Brain While You Sleep https://www. wash-fluid-through-the-brain-while-you-sleep # science science,# zajimavost # math # science # geometry Stand-up Maths - Rotation without rotating. https://www. c science,Advanced artificial photosynthesis catalyst uses CO2 more efficiently to create biodegradable plastics https://www. ases/186249-advanced-artificial-photosynthesis-catalyst-uses-co2-more-efficiently-to-create-biodegradable-plastics/? # fypシviral # science # fyp science,Study finds that we could lose science if publishers go bankrupt https:// # science science,Bee Expedition Rewrites History: 8 New Species Found in Pacific Canopies https:// n-rewrites-history-8-new-species-found-in-pacific-canopies/ # science science,How long will advanced civilizations try to communicate with us? https:// -civilizations-communicate.html # science science,"This is an interesting study but I am skeptical of the results because they seem to have excluded some portion of the # LGBTQIA + community, as well as used a very small sample size. I am sure that some Sexist cis men are interested in robot replacements for cis women, but in my experience there's a strong interest in # tech # sex among # queer people that has a lot to do with exploring # gender and sexuality, not replacing anyone. Sexist men show a greater interest in ""robosexuality,"" study finds https://www. greater-interest-in-robosexuality-study-finds/ # future # science # psychology" science,"Found in a Polish Forest, This Dagger Belonged to an Elite Warrior 4,000 Years Ago https://www. dug-up-in-a-polish-forest-this-4000-year-old-dagger-belonged-to-an-elite-warrior-180983912/ # science" science,New study discovers how altered protein folding drives multicellular evolution https:// multicellular-evolution.html # science science,Rare access to hammerhead shark embryos reveals secrets of its unique head development. A biology professor explains his work @ TheConversationUS : https:// # Sharks # Animals # Ocean # Biology # Science science,NRF internships increase diversity in conservation field · The Badger Herald - The Badger Herald https:// BMiYmh0dHBzOi8vYmFkZ2VyaGVyYWxkLmNvbS9uZXdzLzIwMjQvMDMvMDgvbnJmLWludGVybnNoaXBzLWluY3JlYXNlLWRpdmVyc2l0eS1pbi1jb25zZXJ2YXRpb24tZmllbGQv0gEA?oc=5& # science science,NRF internships increase diversity in conservation field · The Badger Herald - The Badger Herald https:// BMiYmh0dHBzOi8vYmFkZ2VyaGVyYWxkLmNvbS9uZXdzLzIwMjQvMDMvMDgvbnJmLWludGVybnNoaXBzLWluY3JlYXNlLWRpdmVyc2l0eS1pbi1jb25zZXJ2YXRpb24tZmllbGQv0gEA?oc=5& # science science,Harnessing the mechanisms of fungal bioluminescence to confer autonomous luminescence in plant and animal cells https:// ng-mechanisms-fungal-bioluminescence-confer.html # science science,Adaptive optics at the speed of light https://www. ases/186138-adaptive-optics-at-the-speed-of-light/? # fypシviral # science # fyp science,Should You Let Your Dog Lick Your Face? Here's The Science https://www. t-your-dog-lick-your-face-heres-the-science # science science,The Night Sky Will Soon Get ‘a New Star.’ Here’s How to See It. https://www. tar-t-coronae-borealis.html # science science,Q&A: How will generative artificial intelligence affect political advertising in 2024? https:// ative-artificial-intelligence-affect.html # science science,"Titanosaurs were the biggest land animals Earth's ever seen, combining reptile and mammal traits https:// urs-biggest-animals-earth-combining.html # science" science,"Moon in 4K: The Ultimate # NASA # LRO Video - # YouTube # SciComm , # Science by # Astrum https://www. U" science,Inland waters are a blind spot in greenhouse gas emissions https:// reenhouse-gas-emissions.html # science science,New study finds limited correlation between canine lymphoma and proximity to environmental toxins https:// canine-lymphoma-proximity-environmental.html # science science,Gene and Allele-Specific Expression Underlying the Electric Signal Divergence in African Weakly Electric Fish https:// # science # evolution # biology # genome # evolgen_paper science,Study finds there's a right way and a wrong way to deliver negative feedback in the workplace https:// gative-feedback-workplace.html # science science,MARS trial: decortication and chemotherapy associated with worse outcomes for patients with resectable mesothelioma https://www. ases/186028-mars-trial-decortication-and-chemotherapy-associated-with-worse-outcomes-for-patients-with-resectable-mesothelioma/? # fypシviral # science # fyp science,Selective dual-wavelength olefin metathesis 3D-printing: How engineers are using SWOMP https:// elength-olefin-metathesis-3d.html # science science,"Un equipo de # investigadores reveló, en un artículo publicado recientemente en la revista # Science , que encontraron la mayor reserva de # hidrógeno natural del mundo: en una mina de cromo en # Albania , un pequeño país montañoso de la península de los # Balcanes , en el sureste de # Europa .,(...) https://www. /descubren-el-mayor-deposito-de-hidrogeno-natural-del-planeta-en-una-mina-de-albania.html" science,"Fossil Hunter Discovers Gigantic Crab in New Zealand—a New, Extinct Species https://www. fossil-hunter-discovers-gigantic-crab-in-new-zealand-a-new-extinct-species-180983923/ # science" science,"Nutritional value of meat should be considered when comparing carbon footprints, says study https:// nal-meat-carbon-footprints.html # science" science,"Upcoming Swan Hellenic Cruise: https://www. ma-canal-discovery 20 - 30 April 2024 Costa Rica & Panama Canal Discovery Speaker: Dr. Benton Clark, Science Advisory Board, Biophysics/Space Science Gaze at amazing glaciers and icebergs as you sail from Ushuaia to the wilderness of the South Shetlands. Immerse yourself in the magnificent landscapes of Antarctica. Meet Adelie penguins and snow petrels on the South Orkneys. # cruise # science # scicomm # travel" science,Open creativity: Increased creativity due to network relationships https:// ty-due-network-relationships.html # science science,Research explores the development of our most human attribute: The chin https:// -human-attribute-chin.html # science science,"""Study suggests sinking land increases risk for thousands of coastal residents by 2050 One in 50 people living in two dozen coastal cities in the United States could experience significant flooding by 2050, according to Virginia Tech-led research."" # DOI : 10.1038/s41586-024-07038-3 # Science # globaleErwärmung # Erderwärmung # Meeresspiegelanstieg # sealevelrise https:// s-coastal-residents.html" science,A new approach to 24/7 air quality monitoring using cameras https:// -air-quality-cameras.html # science science,Vulnerability found in immunotherapy-resistant triple-negative breast cancer https://www. ases/185917-vulnerability-found-in-immunotherapy-resistant-triple-negative-breast-cancer/? # fypシviral # science # fyp science,"Gender bias leads to lower-rated female films, researchers say https:// ias-female.html # science" science,“Planting” Volcanic Rocks in Farm Fields Could Be a Game Changer for Carbon Capture https:// anic-rocks-in-farm-fields-could-be-a-game-changer-for-carbon-capture/ # science science,How families glued to separate devices can connect again https:// -glued-devices.html # science science,New study unveils strategies to combat disinformation wars on social media https:// strategies-combat-disinformation-wars.html # science science,🐙Cephalopods Mousepads. Microweave polyester surface for optimal mouse control | Anti-slip natural rubber base | Supports optical & laser mice | Available in Small & Medium. https://www. alopods-by-ArtShare/145091763.G1FH6 # Cephalopods # mousepad # animals # octopus # Squid # museums # science # giftideas science,"“Religious People are Dumb” – SciPhi Shortz: BAM! https://www. Are Religious People More Stupid Than Atheists? We atheists have a number of things in our toolbelts, and one of those is memes. Many of these memes are oversimplifications or just flat out wrong, so I thought I would create a series to address some of our worst memes and explain why they are so bad.... Read More ''''Religious People are Dumb"" - SciPhi Shortz: BAM!"" » # SciPhi # Science # Philosop" science,'Politicians in robes': How a sharp right turn imperiled trust in the Supreme Court https:// ans-robes-sharp-imperiled-supreme.html # science science,Des cristaux flottants stoppent le refroidissement des naines blanches à lire : https://www. /des-cristaux-flottants-stoppent-le.html à écouter : https:// umero-1627-des-cristaux-flottants-stoppent-le-refroidissement-des-naines-blanches à voir : https:// # science # astrophysique # nainesblanches science,Pentagon says no evidence of secret US work on alien tech https:// -evidence-secret-alien-tech.html # science science,2023-24 winter warmest on record for mainland US https:// armest-mainland.html # science science,Revolutionary urine-based test offers new hope for bladder cancer patients https://www. ases/185784-revolutionary-urine-based-test-offers-new-hope-for-bladder-cancer-patients/? # fypシviral # science # fyp science,"The NASA Mars helicopter's work is not done, it turns out | Digital Trends https://www. ars-helicopter-work-not-done/ # space # nasa # universe # astronomy # art # science # galaxy # moon # stars # spacex" science,"Scientist Print. 23.30"" x 30.00"". Reproduced on 55 lb., 10.4 point thick acid-free archival paper. Matte finish with a smooth surface. Fade-resistant with 90+ years archival rating. Pigment-based inks ensure full-color spectrum high-resolution printing https://www. 110618648215601 # science # poster # print # scientist # humour # humor # zazzlemade" science,"‘Despair’: Argentinian researchers protest as president begins dismantling # science . “New president Javier Milei hasn’t outright shut down # Argentina ’s main national science agency, CONICET, as he pledged during his presidential campaign. But by keeping its budget unchanged — in a country where annual # inflation stands at more than 250% — he is making it impossible for some laboratories to stay open, say critics.” https://www. -00628-1" science,Researchers develop artificial building blocks of life https:// al-blocks-life.html # science science,# knowledge # wissen # history # Geschichte # wissenschaft # science QUOTE OF THE DAY “Don’t waste time doubting yourself. Walk away and take your bright mind to a place where it will be valued.” Gender-equality researcher Susanne Täuber was dismissed from her job after blowing the whistle on bias. Her advice for others concerned about their workplace: trust your gut feeling. https://www. -00700-w science,"""Last spring, # scientists learned of plans to scale back a government database that’s widely used in # pesticide research. Now, following months of advocacy, USGS appears set to restore the beloved public resource, slowing what some experts see as an ongoing erosion of public access to # environmental data."" # science # publichealth # pesticides # ecology https:// ticide-database/" science,# knowledge # wissen # history # Geschichte # wissenschaft # science Oldest stone tools in Europe hint at ancient humans’ route there 🤓 https://www. -00627-2 science,# knowledge # wissen # history # Geschichte # wissenschaft # science Got milk? Meet the weird amphibian that nurses its young 🤓 https://www. -00686-5 science,Reduced red meat intake could hit Scotland climate goals https:// -intake-scotland-climate.html # science science,Populations of the future: Updated tool helps to visualize projections https:// ons-future-tool-visualize.html # science science,"In 1874, Karl Ferdinand Braun discovered that crystals provide one-way conductivity and created the cat’s-whisker diode. # Poetry # Science # History # Electromagnetism # Diode # Braun ( https:// ce/items/p1874.html )" science,How does a bacterium know it's time to split apart? https:// m.html # science science,El Nino raises food security risk in southern Africa: FAO https:// food-southern-africa.html # science food,"What can a system change to ecological and resilient # food and # farming look like? The ""Marburg Action Plan for Future-Proof Food Systems in Europe"" shows that many actors (farmers, municipalities, civil society organisations, consumers, politicians, businesses...) can and should be agents of # foodsystem transformation that is rooted in crossboundary solidarity, re-localised food supplies, fairer forms of distribution and a living # countryside . Look it up: https://www. -04/future-proof-food-systems-in-europe-a-call-for-action/?mc_cid=19ed8c1dfd&mc_eid=4f07b468ab" food,It’s wild asparagus season again # food # cooking food,"# Food would be a welcomed addition to the empty cupboards of this # disabled man living in # poverty , your prompt and courteous response to this call for action to help raise $300 so that I can order # groceries will be greatly beneficial and can be expediently executed via https://www. 5BN5MB5BVQL22" food,"Artischocke 💚 Hübsch, oder? Diese Woche in meiner Box von Rübenretter 📦 #obstundgemüse #mixbox #pflanzen #früchte #distelartig #korbblütler #blütengemüse #essenundtrinken #faszinierend #freude #keineahnungobwerbung #werbeschwachsinn #noinfluencer #plants #fruits #food" food,# food # foodporn # foodpr0n # cooking 🍜🍽️ Roasted Dinner food,Chestnut Mushroom Bourgogne Pie with a glass of red wine. #vegan #food #meal #govegan food,Foods & Farmers - Unite Against the Imperialism & colonisation of food production by a powerful GMO industry. https:// r=NzE7MTMxODU7aHR0cHM6Ly9uYXZkYW55YWludGVybmF0aW9uYWwub3JnLz9uYT12aWV3JmlkPTcxOzs1YTJjMGMzYjVlODAzNTFiNWFkNTRiZDJkZGMxOThkYw%3D%3D # GMO # Imperialisation # colonisation # farming # food food,"without title . . # Oil # acrylic on # canvas . 100cm x 70cm, 2021 . # BrigitteDietz . # food # essen # portraitartist # portraitpainting # oilpainting # mastoart # mastoartist # Heidelberg" food,https://www. Courgette with Morcilla matachana # europe # EuropeEats # Food food,"Vegane Leberkas-Semmel, wir gehen rein # Essen # food" food,"""Any form of cruelty and oppression condones all forms of cruelty and oppression"". Read the full story in my latest post: https:// m/posts/carnism-is-pure-evil/ # animals # carnism # cruelty # culture # evil # food # hunger # issues # rights # vegan # violence # world" food,# food # foodporn # foodpr0n # cooking # texmex 🍜🍽️ Tacos food,"Paul Abela says: ""We’re going to pay the price for turning the world into a giant farm."" _______________________________ The idea that Earth is a giant farm may feel like an exaggeration. It’s not like we’re being overrun by farm animals. And when we look at images of Earth, we see forests that stretch beyond the horizon. We see awe-inspiring landscapes and angelic beaches. What we don’t look at are the vast swathes of land that have been converted into farmland. We’ve become so detached from food production that we tend to disregard how food is produced. Today half of all the habitable land on Earth is used for agriculture. While 23% of that land is used to grow crops, 77% is used to produce meat and dairy. Just 3% of the world’s natural ecosystems, that is, ecosystems uninfluenced by humanity, remain intact. Nature documentaries create an impression that wild animals are abundant. But human interference with ecosystems has led to catastrophic declines in the populations of living species. _______________________________ There's a lot more in the article, including all the damaging pollution associated with meat eating, the destruction of rainforests, the devastating loss of biodiversity, and the advent of a sixth mass extinction. I hope you'll read the whole thing. FULL ARTICLE -- https://www. ecipe-for-disaster/ # Food # Vegan # Science # Environment # Climate # ClimateChange" food,# Humor # Food food,this amazing site makes # food blog # recipes readable: https:// I love it food,"Quiche de porros, alls tendres i formatge semicurat. # cuina # food # cocina # quiche # porro # puerro # leek" food,"I had laksa for dinner at Daima (大馬) restaurant in Hsinchu, 🇹🇼 tonight. Close the the edge of Science Park, in the area called “newcomer valley.” Malaysian food. Yummy. I had teh tarik after, at 1900. This may have been a mistake. 😂 If you see me tooting at 0100 TST you will know it *was* a mistake. # food # MalaysianCooking" food,"WILL SOMEONE PLEASE FUCKING HELP! # MutualAidRequest PLEASE HELP! This # disabled man living in # poverty , would very much like to eat # food today, but he desperately needs your help to raise money so that he can buy some, will you please right now help me raise $$$$ so I can place my order on # instacart , you can help me now via https://www. 5BN5MB5BVQL22" food,How To Make Meatloaf Recipe # meatloaf # batoutofhell # food # meat # foodie # jimsteinman # foodporn # dinner # meatlover # timcurry # rockyhorrorpictureshow # comfortfood # s # susansarandon # rock # meatballs # music # homemade # musical # bbq # rockyhorror # foodphotography # fightclub # beef # richardobrien # foodstagram # mashedpotatoes # patriciaquinn # delicious # therockyhorrorpictureshow food,https:// 2oq9o # antistressfood # food # Liège # BelgianWaffle # ASMR # recette # nonvegan food,https://www. ody-know-where-i-can-get-more-of-this-ume-kurozu-for-the-mizkan-natto-or-maybe-a-recipe/ Does anybody know where I can get more of this ume kurozu for the mizkan natto? Or maybe a recipe? # food # JapaneseFood Does anybody know where I can get more of this ume kurozu for the mizkan natto? Or maybe a recipe? by yuuuge_butts … food,"Oh yeah... Oooooh yeah OOOOH yeah Sorry about the Yello sounds of yore, happy because the supermarket closest to home had Entenmann's Guava Cheese puffs for the first time in a long while. They're my yummy kryptonite. # entenmanns # GuavaCheese # food # yello" food,# artspam # food food,"Tuscany, Italy 🌳🇮🇹 # tuscany # italy # travel # adventure # explore # wanderlust # travelphotography # instatravel # beautifuldestinations # italian # culture # history # architecture # wine # food # nature # countryside # vacation # holiday # exploretuscany" food,Just got these from my landlady! Home-made of course! The best 😋😋😋 # Food # German # Dampfnudeln food,"I WOULD VERY MUCH LIKE TO EAT FOOD TODAY! I sure hope I don't have to go hungry again this weekend, will you Please Help this # disabled man living in # poverty , raise money so I can buy # food https://www. 5BN5MB5BVQL22" food,Kutak. Na grzybach i kartoflach. # food # jedzenie food,"Two gold finches have visited for a 2nd morning. Never had gold finches at any of the places we've lived, so I'm pretty happy. No photo, so enjoy the Mother's Day cupcake instead. # food" food,"Alt umami, pour résumer # food https://www. 09/ask-ottolenghi-what-can-i-use-instead-of-soy" food,"https://www. Moldavian-style Mucenici, a tradition on the first day of spring (March 9th) # europe # EuropeEats # Food" food,Thai Green Chicken Curry || Rice || Crispy Skin Chicken # food # foodporn food,"What lies behind Greggs ongoing success & expansion? There may be a number of factors but interestingly in an age of outsourcing & fragmented supply chains, Greggs is vertically integrated (owning most of its own manufacturing & distribution system), allowing it to be more agile in responding to shifts in the market (despite claims an integrated network would be slower). I wonder how many business school case studies that might prompt? # Greggs # supplychain # food h/t FT" food,"Oh I stumbled across this great # food show on SBS, called Evolving # Vegan . Yummm!. Here's the link for Season 1, 6 episodes. Just saw the # Vancouver episode. Another bucket list destination 🌱🥦🥑 https://www. evolving-vegan" food,"Amid a war that erupted last April, the number of Sudanese facing emergency levels of hunger — one stage before famine — has more than tripled to almost 5 million. https://www. 09/world/society/sudan-war-hunger-death/ # worldnews # society # sudan # refugees # food # hunger # health # children # poverty" food,"I’m so fucking mad about both the fact of Israel’s continuing genocide of the Palestinian prople, and my complicity as a US citizen. That’s all. Fuck Israel and the USA, Canada, the UK, Germany, all the rest I can’t recall right now! If you can, get in the streets about it. I do when I can. # capitalism # economy # infrastructure # food # screamingIntoTheVoid # HashTag # propaganda https:// 63716578958514" food,"https://www. Gulasch, Spätzle, and Salad # europe # EuropeEats # Food" food,"Asiatische Küche ist bekannt für die Aromatik und ungewöhnliche Kombinationen von Zutaten. Das Ananas Shrimps Curry triff genau unseren Geschmack, süß, säuerlich, cremig, mit Garnelen, einfach ein Genuss für alle Tage geeignet. Schnell und einfach, was will man mehr? Ich bin glücklich! ZUM REZEPT: https:// rimps-curry/ # food # recipe # rezept # foodie # aufunsereart" food,"Asiatische Küche ist bekannt für die Aromatik und ungewöhnliche Kombinationen von Zutaten. Das Ananas Shrimps Curry triff genau unseren Geschmack, süß, säuerlich, cremig, mit Garnelen, einfach ein Genuss für alle Tage geeignet. Schnell und einfach, was will man mehr? Ich bin glücklich! ZUM REZEPT: https:// rimps-curry/ # food # recipe # rezept # foodie # aufunsereart" food,"YES! The rice turned out good. Pot in Pot, long-grained basmati rice, rinsed and 10 mins soak, drained. Just a little more water than the rice measurement (I like rice soft). Ghee. Curry leaves. 7 mins. High pressure. 10m NR. Fluff. My (non-expensive) rice cooker might make marginally better rice, but what I like about using PIP in the IP, is that I can cook much smaller amounts of rice. Half a cup, eg. # Food # WhatIAmCooking # WhatIAmEating # FromTheKitchen # InstantPot" food,https://www. ow-where-to-find-this-snack/ Anyone know where to find this snack? # food # JapaneseFood Hello currently in Kyoto and trying to find these Japanese snacks I had a few years back. Only photo I have is this which half the packaging is out. Any help is appreciated by iceyjasio … food,# InSeasonNZ for this month: # localGrown # Raspberries # inSeason # Berries # Food food,Sigh. Automatic metrification from the more usable cup measurements. Who actually thinks this is reasonable? And who weighs water? (or rice for that matter - it is one cup) # food food,"Using up stuff for dinner tonight - eating the fridge you could say. Some zucchini, tomato, onion, chickpeas, chilli & one sad lonely & bit wrinkly purple spud - add spices, s&p & yummy. I have a few slices of salami I may chop into it too - or maybe not. Haven’t decided yet, but will have it with a bit of flat bread & that’s my dinner for tonight & looking at how much I made - tomorrow night too 😁. # Food # Dinner # WasteNotWantNot" food,# artspam # food # soup food,"«Не дуже любив попоїсти, але при нагоді міг з'їсти чимало». Які кулінарні смаки мав Тарас Шевченко https:// v-jisti-i-piti-taras-shevchenko-spogadi-pro-stravi-y-alkogol-19-stolittya-50398473.html # Food /Їжа" food,"Heh... writing in The Times while eating Iranian # Caviar on a bit and drinking French # champagne After the second recession in Spain that took place in 2010 during real estate bubble and collapse, I have had to eat # Moldy and # Rotten # Food If your # Food has worms and u are # Hungry enough, u remove the worms and then u eat it. Ifu can't remove the worms, you look the other way and eat it. Being hungry is one of the worst things there is" food,"France’s appetite for frogs’ legs is endangering species in Asia, say campaigners https://www. 24/mar/09/france-appetite-for-frogs-legs-endangers-species-in-asia-say-campaigners # Environmentalactivism # Endangeredspecies # Conservation # Environment # Worldnews # Wildlife # France # Europe # Food" food,"Please don't shoot me, but I prefer mayo on my pastrami sandwiches rather than mustard. # food # pastrami # sandwich # lunch" food,"Last of the bread*, last of the bits of leftover fauxtrami - enough for partner and I to have with some eggs scrambled up for a simple satisfying # Dinner # Food * https:// 91751653626" food,"Perfect for a wet dreary evening: pakodas appetizer - mostly onions, chiles, cilantro, and some besan (+salt, chile powder) to bring it all together. Enough liquid in them onions to wet and hold it all. # Food # Cooking # Indian" food,Тричі корисний. Як зробити швидкий шпинатний вівсяний вівсяний млинець на сніданок за рецептом Лізи Глинської https:// n-zi-shpinatom-shvidkiy-recept-na-snidanok-vid-glinskoji-50399210.html # Food /Їжа food,"I took my elderly father to the dentist for a surgery. While waiting, I had enough time to grab a decadent breakfast. I'm not sure what it is about breakfast, but to me, it's the ultimate comfort food. The staff were really nice too. Made the wait, and worry about my dad much easier. # food # breakfast # yum # photograhy" food,"March 8, 2024: Three days since microwave death. I've become a hunter and gatherer like my ancestors. To anyone who finds and reads this journal: know that I tried... I tried with all my might to survive! # Montana # Billings # microwave # death # food # foodporn # foodie # OregonTrail # journal # seatbelt # car # wagon # funny # humor # McDonalds # Subway # Wendys" food,Без цукру та борошна. Рецепт ніжного низьковуглеводного морквяного пирога https:// ovuglevodnogo-morkvyanogo-piroga-dlya-tih-hto-na-diyeti-50398383.html # Food /Їжа food,# Pears Buerre Bosc: Current price of $4.00 per kg is 37% lower than average # inSeasonNZ # Food food,"Chinese tonight Asparagus fried rice, tofu in black bean sauce, tree ear salad, sichuan green beans # food # plantBased # yum" food,Lamb Suya (via Erik's Weblog) Lamb Suya at Heritage African Restaurant # everett # restaurant # food https:// 68/lamb-suya? food,"I made this ⬆️ beautiful dish for lunch today, keeping the temp in the kitchen down by using the instapot. Well at least I think it kept the heat down. It is so good, I mean SO good. Can be eaten hot or cold so leftovers are in the fridge for later. Now it is Icecream time. # food # WhatIAmCooking # WhatIAmEating" food,# Souveraineté # alimentaire : l' # Europe peut-elle se nourrir elle-même ? | # ARTE https:// vgkVjUoV5z # Food # sovereignty # Europe food,Toby's Supper Club has a legit incredible fish fry. # madison # MadisonWi # madisonwisconsin # wisconsin # fishfry # friday # food # restaurant food,Готуємося до Посту. Як почуватися ситим на рослинній дієті: які продукти їсти та чим замінити м’ясо https:// -v-pist-yakimi-produktami-zaminiti-m-yaso-shchob-dovgo-pochuvatisya-sitim-50398842.html # Food /Їжа food,"Y'all... I just had the most fucking delicious Mexican food. It was SO fucking good, I'm so glad it was takeout and I'm in my stretchy pants good. No photos, alas. But I will probably order from them again before we leave here cuz hot DAMN that was tasty. # food" food,✨🐾🍱🐾✨ Drew up my favorite and go-to lunch order. Please check out my favorite timelapse/speedpaint video of this cute bento lunch art I've done! https:// 4wjzUl0kmN Please Subscribe and Like the video! ♡ # MastoArt # Art # Japan # Food food,Японська класика. Як приготувати повітряний чізкейк суфле https:// nskogo-chizkeyka-prostiy-recept-domashnoji-vipichki-recept-yaponskogo-chizkeyka-50398445.html # Food /Їжа food,"Today on stream, we answered the age-old question: does shrimp fry rice? After much deliberation, my chat concluded that oil from the shrimp is released into the pan when it cooks. So, the shrimp DOES fry rice! # ShrimpFriedRice # cooking # food" food,Today's adventure is butter chicken pizza. # food # cooking food,З вершками та часником. Як приготувати ніжний рис — рецепт від наймолодшої української шефині https:// ris-pokrokoviy-recept-zapashnogo-garniru-z-chasnikom-ta-sirom-na-obid-50399073.html # Food /Їжа food,"Salmon sausage sandwich with Swiss cheese, tomato and spinach. Side of buttered steamed vegetables. 🍽️ 🍜 # food # cooking" food,"I predict grocery prices will rise in the face of shortages.👇 Widespread damage: B.C. fruit growers face millions in losses The trouble stems from earlier this winter, which started exceptionally warm. Then in January, temperatures suddenly plunged. A shock many grape vines and fruit trees just couldn’t take # News # Food # BC # Farming https://www. ment/widespread-damage-b-c-fruit-growers-face-millions-in-losses-1.6800560" food,"It seems that there are few projects, if implemented, will make any community resilient and independent more than any military capabilities. First of what comes to mind is something like GENOME project - Generic Edible Nutrient Optimized Mass Eruptor The ""Optimized' part here means that it must be produced with as less industrially-made parts as possible, ideally, without such parts at all. It likely to be some bio-reactor based on some genetically engineered bacteria or mushroom. # science # food" food,Ha. Doesn't look half bad! Photo is the finished cake on a plate. It's a gluten free vanilla bundt cake with maple glaze frosting. It was sweet! My brain is buzzing with happiness. Edit: # food # cake food,https://www. Aji! # food # JapaneseFood Aji! by Hokidachi … food,"Guangzhou, China 🇨🇳 # guangzhou # china # travel # adventure # explore # wanderlust # travelphotography # beautifuldestinations # chineseculture # history # architecture # citylife # asia # food # nature # guangdong # cantonese # guangzhoucity # exploreguangzhou" food,"Anyone remember the silly comments about eating bugs a while back? I wonder what our Clownvoy Crew will think of this...😆 Is Italy ready for cricket-powder pizza? Cricket farmers tout environmental benefits, chefs praise 'elasticity' and nutty taste # News # Food # Italy https://www. er-food-italy-1.7136422" food,"If you think there's an argument over pineapple belonging on pizza, listen to this. My coworker tells me they add shrimp into their spaghetti.. Don't hate, I just report the news.. # food Jamie" food,"Microwaved my leftovers for dinner a bit too long, so now I have to eat dessert first while it cools. Sorry, I don't make the rules! # food" food,I've finally figured out why I haven't liked the chicken noodle soups I've been making from straight up broth (even homemade). It needs A LOT MORE FAT # Food food,"ChicagoSunTimes: Passing Senate Bill 2637, the Illinois # FoodSafety Act, would be an important victory for # IL residents, and with no disruption to the # food and drinks they enjoy. The bill would ban potassium bromate, propyl paraben, brominated vegetable oil, or BVO, Red Dye No. 3. and titanium dioxide from food sold and manufactured in the state. https:// ws/2024/03/05/illinois-food-additives" food,"Dinner in my new baskets I bought with grease proof paper. It’s nice, feels like take out even though I made it myself. # food" food,"https://www. his-exact-onigiri-mold-in-the-us/ Finding this exact Onigiri mold in the US? # food # JapaneseFood I feel like I’m going crazy. Usually I’m above average when it comes to being able to find items through google (that’s not to brag, only to provide context) but I can’t seem to find this style of Onigiri mold for sale anywhere in the US (for less than $50). On it’s $9 US, …" food,"As astonishing as it is that this tiny hick town in # Appalachia would even know what pi is, but our grocery store is selling their bakery pies for $3.14 on March 14th! # food # pie # pi # math # SmallMiracles Yes I will be buying one :-)" food,We broke crawfish. # climate # disaster # shortage # food # louisiana https://www. isiana-crawfish-disaster-us-climate/index.html food,⚠️ ⚠️ ALLERGY ALERT AND RECALL Alumauy brand Hot Pepper recalled due to undeclared gluten and non-permitted colours See link below for more info # News # Food https:// lert-recall/alumauy-brand-hot-pepper-recalled-due-undeclared-gluten-and-non-permitted-colours food,https://www. Aubergines with honey and curried rice # europe # EuropeEats # Food food,"Magically, a glistening motichoor laddu appeared just in time for my afternoon coffee. # Coffee # IndianFood # Sweets # Food # Mastonom" food,Today's nature-viewing repast: an especially photogenic jalapeño cheese bagel. # food # foodie # omnivore # bagel # takeout food,⚠️ 🚨 ALLERGY ALERT and RECALL Star Fresh brand frozen fish ball recalled due to undeclared egg See link below for more info # News # Food # Recall # Health https:// lert-recall/star-fresh-brand-frozen-fish-ball-recalled-due-undeclared-egg food,"I saw this article and now I'm making a loaf of sourdough in solidarity with my prehistoric brethren and sisteren. (It's rising as I type this.) > ‘World’s oldest bread,’ dating back 8,600 years, discovered in Turkey. https://www. worlds-oldest-bread-discovered-turkey-intl-scli-scn/index.html # food # history # archeology" food,This is how Swiss Emmentaler cheese is made. # Food food,This is how Nathan's makes the most legendary hot dogs in NYC. # Food food,This is how Italy’s biggest mozzarella balls are made. # Food food,https://www. muras-world-famous-double-stack-chutoro-and-triple-stack-otoro/ Eiji Ichimura’s world famous double stack chutoro and triple stack otoro! # food # JapaneseFood Eiji Ichimura’s world famous double stack chutoro and triple stack otoro! by Schwarzwaldstube … food,"McDonald's was first opened in Japan in 1971. There are now about 3,000 locations in the country. # Food" food,Find out how Scotland produces the finest oysters. # Food food,Buddy's offers delicious comfort foods and unique breakfast items such as cereal-stuffed pancakes. # Food food,"# food Friday! Work is even over! (I have normal workday hours next week, because of March Break. It feels a little weird. Bye bye, momentum!) C was very amenable to being talked into ordering in instead of cooking, and now Chinese barbecue is on its way." food,"Etwas spät, ging aber nicht anders! Pommes mit frischer Petersilie gemischt, Kräuterseitlinge und Roten Zwiebeln, scharf angebraten und mit viel Chili und geräuchter Paprike, Tomaten obenauf. Für Pommes etwas Bulldog Sauce für den Kräuterseitlinge die Sriracha Mayonnaise. # Vegan # Food # Frittenfreitag" food,https://www. Burgos Morcilla with potatoes and onion # europe # EuropeEats # Food food,Is it Possible to Talk About All Things Food in One Day? We’re Doing it Next Week! https:// t-possible-to-talk-about-all-things-food-in-one-day/? # food # news food,ドン・キホーテの「何味?」を当てろ! 謎ラーメンでナベコvsコジマが本気対決「アスキーグルメNEWS」(2024年3月8日号) https://www. o # youtube_wamweb # ascii # うまい # 新作 # Food # 美味しい # 感想 # ニュース # コンビニ # 安い # お得 # 一人暮らし # 東京 # tokyo # japan # news # ごはん # おすすめ # テイクアウト # お取り寄せ # ブログ # 近くの # チェーン店 # 激安 # 格安 # ナべコ # りえぞー # ランチ # UCeJYDunL9xZtmczAP9AGmFA # 最新 # アスキーグルメ # コジマ # 食事 # アスキー food,Bean and rice loaf with # Israeli salad. # food # wfpb # vegan # vegetarian # lunch food,What the heck? This fortune in my fortune cookie is college branded? # Arizona # Flagstaff # NAU # college # university # ChineseFood # FortuneCookie # food food,"Happy Friday! I hope you have lovely plans for your weekend or not-weekend! :bunhdheart: I'm waiting on a library book that I should get soon and I am all :ablobcatbongo: But soon, there will be reading *and* tea! # Tea # Food" food,"Bistecca alla Fiorentina ""Chianina""at Trattoria dall'Oste, Florence, Italy, May 2023. One of the finest steak I have had in some time and the 1.4kg beast was under 120 Euros # steak # bistecca # italy # florence # chianina # travel # food # beef # tbone" food,"Mon objectif de ce weekend ? Préparer (presque) toutes les recettes de cette vidéo, pour découvrir de nouveau plats et avoir de quoi manger toute la semaine qui vient : https://www. A # NomNomNom # cuisine # food" food,Baked some Salty Dog Crackers (from World of Wacraft cookbook) with herbs and smoked paprika to end the work week :ablobcatbongo: # Food # Baking # Cooking # Friday # WorldOfWarcraft # Warcraft # WoW food,https://www. Sucuk Pide and Turkish Tea # europe # EuropeEats # Food food,初対面の女性とキャンツーする独身男【キャンプツーリング】 https://www. # Autos &Vehicles # BBQ # bushcraft # camp # camping # Cook # cooking # food # moto # Motorbike # outdoors # tourism # Trave # vehicle # アウトドア # キャンツー # キャンプ # キャンプギア # キャンプツーリング # キャンプブ # キャンプ道具 # キャンプ飯 # サーターアンダギー # ソロキャンプ # ツーリング # トラベル # バーベキュー # バイク # ブッシュクラフト # ヘキサゴン # モトブログ # 北海道自転車 # 北海道地方 # 北海道地方サイクリング # 吉本 # 島田紳助 # 料理 # 斧飯 # 新選組リアン # 焚き火 # 焚火 # 焚火飯 # 積載 # 観光 food,"https://www. -a-soba-lunch-set-i-had-in-japan-watercolor-ink/ I painted a soba lunch set I had in Japan, watercolor & ink. # food # JapaneseFood I painted a soba lunch set I had in Japan, watercolor & ink. by catgangamadeus …" food,So I'm eating this wonderful Butter Chicken Pizza and thinking to myself it really needs some pineapple to balance out the rich spiciness. But damn it's sooo good. # pineappleBelongsOnPizza # food # pizza # foodAdventures food,"I just bought this recipe book today and wow - it's looking amazing. So many new recipes to try, & beautiful photos. This book is much more than I expected. Having read the intro chapter, my mouth is watering! # recipebooks # recipebook # palestine # food" food,"Learned last year (too late) that my local # library has a seed “borrowing” programme whereby you can choose a few varieties a year, # plant them, and if you’re successful, commit to bringing some of the # seeds back. # gardening # garden # BlackFriday # food # BlackJoy # BestOf2024 Instead of waiting for December 2024, scrambling to remember all the good things, all the things that made me happy in 2024, I will try to acknowledge these little moments of happiness as they arise." food,Indian Cuisine # indian # india # food # cuisine # spicy # spices # rice # naan # papadam food,"«Кухня та кохання тісно пов’язані». Алекс Якутов про бізнес під час війни, локальне м’ясо та зйомки фільму Смак свободи https:// ov-pro-smak-svobodi-stereotipi-pro-italiysku-kuhnyu-ta-pro-restorani-pid-chas-viyni-50399571.html # Food /Їжа" food,A day for making choco muffins and not cross buns # food # Cooking # comfortfood food,"It’s grey and dismal here YET AGAIN. This calls for baked goods. # Food (I was experimenting with letting the app generate alt text, and it described this as “a toasted English muffin with butter and marmite”. Think I’ll stick to writing my own.)" food,"Shuttered restaurants, burgers uneaten: why vegan products are being left on the shelf | Jennifer Yule https://www. 2024/mar/08/vegan-restaurants-burgers-cost # Food &drinkindustry # Lifeandstyle # Youngpeople # Veganism # Society # UKnews # Food" food,I would have never dreamed of cooking something like this prior to the end of 2020. It looks so unassuming but the rice and the tofu really were full of flavour. Freezing tofu before marinating it is the way to go! https:// 34809177371 # Mastonom # HomeCooking # Cooking # MainMeal # MyDinner # JapaneseFood # FusionKitchen # Food # Flexitarian # LactoseIntolerant # LactoseFree # Kokorocares # SylkewebFood # SylkewebFood202403 # Sylkeweb202403 @ Homecooking food,"Shuttered restaurants, burgers uneaten: why vegan products are being left on the shelf | Jennifer Yule https://www. 2024/mar/08/vegan-restaurants-burgers-cost # Food &drinkindustry # Lifeandstyle # Youngpeople # Veganism # Society # UKnews # Food" food,"""UNRWA says # Israeli authorities haven’t allowed it to deliver supplies to the north since Jan. 23. The World Food Organization...said the military forced its first convoy to the north in two weeks to turn back Tuesday. When the Israeli military organized a # food delivery to # Gaza City last week, troops guarding the convoy opened fire... as thousands of hungry # Palestinians mobbed the trucks. Some 120 people were killed in the shooting"" https:// rition-famine-children-dying-israel-palestinians-2f938b1a82d7822c7da67cc162da1a37 # Palestine # Israel # War # News" food,"Outstanding and incredible work. Make a donation if you agree. Aid access in # Gaza must be ‘daily, consistent, and massive’: Chef Jose Andres https://www. 0 # NGO # WorldCentralKitchen # chefjose # food" food,"A new study may just revolutionize # coffee # research “A # research team led by the Leibniz Institute for # Food Systems # Biology at the Technical University of # Munich has now validated the suitability of a specific roasted # coffee compound and proposes it as a new, practical # food biomarker” “it allows us to distinguish objectively and practically between people who have drunk # coffee and those who have not” https:// feasible-biomarker-coffee-consumption.html" food,"# food I felt like making some chicken pasta with loooots of onion. So I did. It’s got my own blend of pasta herbs and allspice, garlic powder, sugar, chicken stock, minced chicken, crushed tomatoes and some oat drink to mellow the sharpness of the tomatoes a bit. It turned out one of my best sauces. 😋" food,"Anyway, if you don't think about cheese too often, it's a really, really, really big deal (and an enormous market) and cheese makers take their craft very seriously and it's honestly inspiring to see the passion that they put into this stuff. And hey - you might also have a local cheesemaker. We have one in my area named Forx Farm and they make INCREDIBLE cheeses. So big things are happening in cheese, y'all! Big cheesy things! https:// # Cheese # Food" food,[lalibre] Coup marketing d'Ibra TV à Bruxelles : il a offert des centaines de burgers ce matin suite à la victoire de Baki sur Doumbé # Food https://www. /03/08/coup-marketing-dibra-tv-a-bruxelles-il-a-offert-des-centaines-de-burgers-ce-matin-suite-a-la-victoire-de-baki-sur-doumbe-27FU4AACQ5A6NNZWDIMMPKJ4EM/ food,The World Champion Cheese first runner-up likely would have secured my vote (and possibly gotten me detained as I surely would have attempted to abscond with it immediately). That cheese was an extra-aged Gouda from the Netherlands' Dutch Cheese Makers. My mouth is watering just thinking about that one... # Food # Cheese # Tradeshows food,"USDA: Salm Partners, LLC, Recalls Johnsonville Polish Kielbasa Turkey Sausage Products Due to Possible Foreign Matter Contamination ""Salm Partners, LLC, a Denmark, Wis., establishment, is recalling approximately 35,430 pounds of Johnsonville turkey kielbasa sausage that may be contaminated with foreign materials, specifically pieces of rubber, the U.S. Department of Agriculture's Food Safety and Inspection Service (FSIS) announced today."" # sausage # recall # food # FoodSafety https://www. alm-partners-llc-recalls-johnsonville-polish-kielbasa-turkey-sausage-products-due" food,"This year's World Champion Cheese competition was described as ""three days of intense competition"", from which Switzerland's Michael Spycher (Mountain Dairy Fritzenhaus for Gourmino AG) emerged victorious with his Hornbacher cheese. The Hornbacher is described as a ""a washed rind, semi-hard cow’s milk cheese."" That must be an amazing cheese, because the first runner-up... # Food # Cheese # Tradeshows" food,"Ovenschotel witlof, kip en mosterdsaus en uiteraard kaas. # food # cooking https://www. f-kip-en-mosterdsaus/" food,I started a very (too) long rant on how American supermarkets are just 20 different brands of the exact same thing as opposed to many foreign supermarkets where you get a variety of actually different products but it's late here and I know I shouldn't toot when I'm in a crappy mood. So here are some fancy Oreos instead. # oreo # food # supermarket # shopping # travel # america # malaysia # WorldFood food,Een uientaart. Dat is een tijd geleden. # food # cooking # archief food,"This morning’s # OnePan meal: onion, garlic, parsley seasoned with salt, cumin and paprika, then black beans and a diced fresh tomato all mixed up. At the end I cracked an egg (you can barely see it) and threw on chopped spinach, and put the lid on until the egg was sunny side up. Served with Greek yogurt and a squeeze of lemon. It was quite good, but I think arugula would have been better than spinach. # food # cooking # HealthyFood" food,"At my day job I work for a packaging machine manufacturer (we make machines that wrap and bag things). As a result, I get to see all the different industry tradeshows that we attend; y'all, there are SO MANY tradeshows! Anyway, a bit of fun news in advance of CHEESE EXPO (!!!) - the World Championship Cheese Contest has named a new World Champion Cheese! https:// # Food # Cheese # Tradeshows" food,"Ich bin gestern über (m)einen großen (persönlichen) Schatten gesprungen und habe einen eigenen Youtube-Channel angelegt. Nach Versuchen auf Instagram kann ich so zukünftig ohne total knappes Zeitlimit vor mich hin labern und euch Sachen zu mittelalterlichen Rezepten erklärbär(inn)en. Und außerdem isses auch noch schnieke anzugucken. Whoops! An new medieval cooking channel just dropped: https://www. 4 Es hat mich sehr viel Überwindung gekostet (Anxiety, my ass), diesen Schritt zu gehen, obwohl ich an der Erstellung dieses Videos erstaunlich viel Spaß hatte. Anyway - ich würde mich freuden, wenn ihr mal rein guckt, mir vielleicht nen erhobenen Daumen da lasst oder mich sogar abonniert - und den Link hier teilt. Und Achtung: Alle Inhalte auf diesem Kanal sind auf Englisch - genau wie die Rezepte auf der dazugehörigen Seite. Langfristig werde ich aber die Rezepte in deutscher Übersetzung auch auf meinem deutschsprachigen Foodblog veröffentlichen. Vielen Dank fürs Teilen über die Grenzen meiner Mini-Instanz hinaus. Your actions feed my blog! 🥰 # food # recipes # medieval # reenactment # HistoryOfFood # experimentalArchaeologie # Mittelalter # Mittelalterküche # LivingHistory # ExperimentelleArchäologie @ food @ foodblogger_de @ kochen" food,"Sometimes you think you‘ve done everything wrong only to be rewarded with a super fragrant and extremely delicious dish. Such a lucky day! I had been trying to use up a small pack of dried Hokkaido Scallops that had arrived last year with the Fall Kokoro box - but I kept forgetting that they needed to be rehydrated over night. I finally managed to do that. The recipe I had for them was basically a takikomi rice dish (rice cooked with all the seasonings and ingredients) so I had the idea to use up my Okinawan sauce leftovers from my rafute the other day, together with the soaking water from the scallops (as per the recipe), not really thinking that through. Once it was all in the saucepan (with chopped shiitake, kohlrabi, ginger and spring onion), it occurred to me that I probably just murdered the delicate taste of the scallops. 🥴 Alas, it was too late, I had to go with the flow. What can I say, the longer the rice steamed away, the better it smelled in the kitchen. And the taste was just as delicious, somehow this was a marriage made in heaven and my family agreed. The rice is topped with marinated silken tofu. I had frozen it a couple of times as that changes the structure and had it marinate away over night in a mix of gochujang, soy sauce, and mirin. It was still quite delicate but mostly held up to my clumsy efforts of turning it in the frying pan. And it tasted really nice too. This was also appreciated by my not so tofu loving co-eaters; they really have been good sports over the last years, trying the many tofu variations I’ve served them. There was also a Napa cabbage salad but somehow it did not make it on a photo. #Mastonom #HomeCooking #Cooking #MainMeal #MyDinner #JapaneseFood #FusionKitchen #Food #Flexitarian #LactoseIntolerant #LactoseFree #SylkewebFood #SylkewebFood202403 #Sylkeweb202403" food,"The CFS Choux Questionnaire: Lisa Heldke, food philosopher Lisa Heldke # Choux # Questionnaire # Proust # FoodStudies # Croquembouche # Read all you want! # OpenAccess # Share generously! # KnowledgeSharing # Grow your understanding of # Food # Repeat https:// canadianfoodstudies.uwaterloo. ca/index.php/cfs/article/view/650" food,"Seems the trains are running again, so I'll be able to catch my partner on stage in Ritterhude after all. Happiness all round. A bread roll or two from # Steinecke , because it's the only bakery at this station. No serviettes, I had to ask. You don't imagine the person working there would spare a moment to say they have no more, or to get them from the area they pointed me to. Perhaps I ought to consider just eating when I get home, the service is better! # life # travel # food" food,"Cherry Clafoutis, this classic French dessert is the ultimate flan-like recipe that comes together really quickly and easily! It has a custard-like creamy texture and can be made with a great variety of fruits, eg. berries, cherry, apple, etc. This is a rustic dessert, with a homemade comfort food vibe, and probably the easiest recipe on my blog! # food # foodporn # baking https://www." food,Australia’s bagel renaissance: ‘It’s not white bread with a hole in it’ https://www. 09/australias-bagel-renaissance-its-not-white-bread-with-a-hole-in-it # Lifeandstyle # Baking # Food food,# food # foodporn # foodpr0n # cooking # texmex 🍜🍽️ Tacos food,#video #tiktok #videos #meme #tiktoks #no_cc #swearing #food food,more shattered dishes redirecting my palate spring rolls tide me over... *It doesn't always work out. Thank goodness for Chinese food! # MastoPrompt - redirecting # Dailyhaikuprompt - spring tide # 575prompt - shattered ART https:// ave-cook-and-eat-kitchen-art-sharon-cummings.html # art # artwork # food # foodporn # foodie # kitchen # kitchendecor # kitchens # eat # eating # chef # cheflife # cooking # cook # gourmet # foods # dining # restaurant # cafe # chinesefood # italianfood # recipes # recipe # poetry # haiku # smallpoems # poet # poets # poem food,"Si quieres darte un capricho de algo dulce este fin de semana, prepara esta tarta de manzana, un postre muy sencillo de hacer. Se prepara con compota de manzana y queda realmente deliciosa. Para mi es una de las mejores tartas que he probado. Y espero que a ti también te guste 😊. Aquí tienes la receta 👇 https:// ta-de-manzana-casera/ Sígueme para conocer más recetas fáciles ❤️ # recetasconsazon # receta # recetas # recipe # recipes # postre # postres # dessert # desserts # easyrecipe # easyrecipes # food" food,"https://www. e-cheapest-kobe-beef-teppanyaki-in-japan/ Eating the Cheapest Kobe Beef Teppanyaki in Japan # asia # asmr # cheapest # chef # cooking # DancingBacon # dancingbacons # expensive # food # grilled # HotPan # Japan # JapanStreetFood # Japanese # JapaneseFood # JapaneseStreetFood # Kobe # KobeBeef # relaxing # round # rump # satisfying . # steak # StreetFood # teppanyaki # TokyoStreetFood # vegetables Eating what could be the cheapest Kobe beef Teppanyaki in Japan! Royal Mouriya Japan, 〒650-0012 Hyogo, Kobe, Chuo Wa…" food,"Cherry Blossom in Nara, Japan 🇯🇵 # cherryblossom # nara # japan # travel # adventure # explore # wanderlust # travelphotography # beautifuldestinations # sakura # spring # nature # culture # history # japaneseculture # citylife # asia # food # narajapan" food,"What are you having for your luncheon today? For us it's a sort of bastardised # BuddhaBowl consisting of a layer of brown rice, on which sits some kimchi (not homemade but from London Fermentary), sticky soy, honey & chilli roasted aubergine and sweet potato, tahini tossed wilted spinach and the most amazing 6-hr soy-pickled soft boiled eggs which 5:30am was worth getting up for! Roasted sesame seed garnish. Food for # runners (like wot I is!) # kimchi # egg # lunch # guthealth # food # recipe # alttext" food,"Hokkaido Baked Cheese Tarts are the ultimate rich and creamy Japanese desserts with crunchy shortcrust tart base and distinct sweet and savory cheesy filling. The Japanese Cheese tarts recipe is made using my popular Pâte Sablée aka Sweet shortcrust pastry tart that is filled with a combination of creamy, sweet, and savory dairy and cheese products such as heavy cream, Philadephia cream cheese, and parmesan cheese. # food # foodporn # baking https://www. aked-cheese-tarts/" food,# Palestine # Food # Aid There will be a humanitarian corridor from # Cyprus to # Gaza . This should enable the supply of aid to Palestinians in the Gaza Strip. A test will first be carried out on Friday. The corridor should come into full operation on Saturday or Sunday. food,"Sabich Boureka bei Balabait in der Gleimstraße 42, 10437 Berlin #food #deli #berlin #vegetarian" food,"‘Tap water is boring, so they invent new products’: how did humble H2O become such big business? https://www. 024/mar/08/tap-water-is-boring-so-they-invent-new-products-how-did-humble-h2o-become-such-big-business # Food &drinkindustry # Retailindustry # Lifeandstyle # Business" food,"≪ Reis-Gemüse-Pfanne ≫ Zutaten: Reis (vorgekocht), Möhren, Porree (Lauch), roter Paprika, Zucchini, Kohlrabi, Sonnenblumenkerne, gemahlene Leinsamen. Gewürze: Ein wenig Sojasauce, Chiliflocken, Kurkuma, Curry, Paprika. # photography # fotografie # foto # photo # mywork # ownwork # kochen # food # essen # vegan" food,"# vegantest veganz Cashewbert vs. new roots Soft White # vegan # food # camembert # newroots # veganz # käse Es ist der 08.03. und der Cashewbert hat den 24.03. als MHD, der Soft White den 11.03. Manche Unterschiede können am variierenden Reifegrad liegen. Ersteindruck: Beide tragen optisch auf mit schöner Schimmelschicht. Beim Cashewbert gibt es einige gelbliche Flächen, der Soft White sieht wie immer ein wenig verunfallt aus mit einigen dunklen Flecken. (1/4)" food,https://www. ukudani-it-is-a-traditional-japanese-insect-food/ Locust tsukudani. It is a traditional Japanese insect food. # food # JapaneseFood Locust tsukudani. It is a traditional Japanese insect food. by walk-tokyo-walk … food,"Getting lost in random places in the world and trying to figure out where I am by asking people about uncontroversial things that won't get me murdered like ""what do you think about meat"" but avoiding anything that could imply the location, like ""what's your favorite restaurant"". This could be spoiled if there are enough people with the same or very similar accent, as that may imply the country or region of the country I'm in (like if there are a lot of British accents, it's... 1/2 # food" food,Top 7 Ultra-Processed Foods In India # food # sideeffects # healthytips # ToneOp https:// d-food food,https://www. Clams in Fried Tomato Sauce # europe # EuropeEats # Food food,"Wanted jalapeño poppers but we don't have any jalapeños here, just these tall skinny guys. Improvised a recipe: - cream, cheddar cheeses and garlic, cayenne powder, black pepper, salt stuffing - freeze peppers after hollowing and stuffing - make bath of eggs, hot sauce, milk - bathe ; bread with seasoned spicy flour ; wait until it dries - bathe again, coat in bread crumbs - bathe again, coat again with bread crumbs Ended up damn tasty. Cheesy and spicy. A bit labor intensive but not bad # food" food,Las Sherrywomen protagonizan la evolución de los oficios del Marco de Jerez https://www. errywomen.html # tererecetas # food # foodie # wine # vino food,"https://www. quick-ramen-when-i-dont-have-time-to-go-out-for-one/ [Homemade] Quick ramen, when I don’t have time to go out for one. # food # JapaneseFood [Homemade] Quick ramen, when I don’t have time to go out for one. by DSilverwing …" food,https://www. An Ode To Sandwiches With Open Faces # europe # EuropeEats # Food food,https://www. oy-sauce-ramen-from-iruca-roppongi/ Porcini Soy-sauce Ramen from Iruca (Roppongi) # food # JapaneseFood Probably the best ramen I ever had! by Hokidachi … food,"Die Soße? Einfach und schnell gemacht. Die Käsekrainer? Gekauft beim Fleischer des Vertrauens. Dem Genuss der Curry Käsekrainer steht nichts mehr im Wege. Kurzer Aufwand für die Soße, aber trotzdem eine einfache Zubereitung, Wurst braten, fertig ist ein Gaumenschmaus! ZUM REZEPT: https:// sekrainer/ # food # recipe # rezept" food,"Die Soße? Einfach und schnell gemacht. Die Käsekrainer? Gekauft beim Fleischer des Vertrauens. Dem Genuss der Curry Käsekrainer steht nichts mehr im Wege. Kurzer Aufwand für die Soße, aber trotzdem eine einfache Zubereitung, Wurst braten, fertig ist ein Gaumenschmaus! ZUM REZEPT: https:// sekrainer/ # food # rezept # recipe" food,"directors cut of PAREL 📖 What would it be like if food was affordable for everyone in the world? In December a month with good and tasty food, I thought of poverty. About people who are poor, who're living in war zones, they who have nothing at all. What would it be like if food was affordable for everyone in the world? Is it scifi if a potato is replaced by a pill? If all daily nutrients were in a cheap pill? https://www. k # film # director # food" food,pizza time # Pizza # Cooking # Food # PizzaFriday food,"«До продукту застосовую до 10 технік». Що готує, де працює та як ставиться до конкуренції із чоловіками наймолодша шефиня України https:// hlenivski-restorani-interv-yu-z-shefineyu-z-kiyeva-mariyeyu-hristich-novini-kiyeva-50399138.html # Food /Ресторани" food,"The annual Spring trip to the plant nursery yielded heat tolerant raspberries, kiwi plants, a table grape plant, and a large camellia sinenis (tea plant). Had to go easy on trees this year because we first need to move our Duke avo and the macadamia from pots into dirt. We now have enough blooming wildflowers that cars slow down as they pass. Unintended traffic calming, 😄. # gardening # food # flowers" food,oh wow you guys are still here are you here for HAMBORGOR?! it was very tasty ^_^ # uspolitics # uspol # sotu # sotu2024 # food # hamburger # HAMBORGOR food,https://www. very-good-for-lunch-on-a-busy-day-1200-yen-at-a-local-sushi-restaurant/ Sushi is very good for lunch on a busy day. 1200 yen at a local sushi restaurant. # food # JapaneseFood Sushi is very good for lunch on a busy day. 1200 yen at a local sushi restaurant. by walk-tokyo-walk … food,I ate dinner tonight. # food # PotatoSalad food,"Let's try something cheaper this time, like this sizzling #burgersteak with #gravy (80 pesos)! Masarap naman ​:munch:​ (Don't worry about the photo I got my free soup after taking this) #burger #steak #food #foods #canteen RE:" food,На сухому молоці. Легкий апельсиновий торт з чотирьох інгредієнтів без борошна https:// -korisniy-tort-z-suhogo-moloka-shvidkiy-recept-torta-z-chotiroh-ingrediyentiv-50398841.html # Food /Їжа food,Also reposting my interests! Hello to the people of these hashtags! #nonbinary #transfem #femby #bisexual #polyamory #adhd #audhd #autism #neurodiverse #history #science #astronomy #astrophysics #chemistry #engineering #technology #spaceflight #aviation #trains #transit #biking #urbanism #rollercoasters #movies #scifi #startrek #theorville #pcgaming #retrogaming #pokemon #ksp #linux #music #rock #progrock #hardrock #art #furry #writing #streaming #memes #cooking #food food,Без борошна та цукру. Як приготувати низькокалорійне суфле всього з 5 простих інгредієнтів https:// ukru-ta-boroshna-recept-nizkokaloriynogo-desertu-z-5-ingrediyentiv-50398674.html # Food /Їжа food,Op-Ed | Ubuntu Food Systems: Bridging Top-Down and Bottom-Up Leadership https:// tu-food-systems/? # food # news food,"This crust was super thin in the middle and puffy on the rim. Turned out great! I used Bob's Red Mill ""00"" flour. A slice had the ""flop"" when you pick it up and (according to my wife) the right amount of grease. # pizza # baking # food" food,https://www. ashi-powder/ Is this dashi powder? # food # JapaneseFood I think this is dashi powder. I think it says to mix a packet with 600ml of water and 4g of some sort of seasoning. Am I close? by QuietBlackSheep … food,Homemade potato sandwich bread # Baking # Food # Bread food,Not as heavy as it looks! Ground Lamb Pitas with Tomato-Mint Salad: https:// 3/07/ground-lamb-pitas-with-tomato-mint-salad.html # recipes # food # cooking food,"# Dinner tonight courtesy of Mrs. F: penne # pasta with garlic herb goat cheese, broccoli, yellow peppers, and pine nuts. Sliced tomato on the side. # food # ItalianAmerican" food,This company designs ice for the drinks industry. # Food food,This cinnamon roll weighs 100 pounds. Would you try it? # Food food,"The restaurant specializes in Ham hung style noodles, which are made of potatoes. # Food" food,Вечеря в східному стилі. Курячі стегенця в суміші спецій заатар до улюбленого гарніру https:// egna-z-limonom-i-speciyami-yak-prigotuvati-prostu-vecheryu-z-kurkoyu-ta-ovochami-50398778.html # Food /Їжа food,Tam O' Shanter is the oldest restaurant in Los Angeles. # Food food,Musso and Frank Grill in Los Angeles has been open since 1919. # Food food,Lee's Donuts was started by a self-proclaimed “hippie dippy” couple & their same recipe has been used since 1979. # Food food,"https://www. e-kyoto-2024/ Osaka Kobe Kyoto 2024 # food # fun # HarryPotter # Japan # JAPONSKO # jídlo # kjoto # Kobe # KobeDestinations # KobeTour # KobeTravel # KobeTrip # KobeVacation # Kyoto # lide # Osaka # People # street # travel # travelling # UniversalStudios # zábava # 神戸 Osaka, Kobe, Kyoto – 2024/02 …" food,And the # Israeli salad is done! # food # vegan # vegetarian # wfpb food,Used the air fryer for these sweet chili chicken wings. # food # chicken # airfryer food,# InSeasonNZ for this month: # localGrown Carrots – White Table # inSeason # CarrotsWhiteTable # SpecialityVegetables # Food food,"Ніжне, як хмаринка. М’яке лимонне печиво: буде готове за 20 хвилин https:// imonom-na-smetani-yak-prigotuvati-prostiy-desert-do-kavi-za-20-hvilin-50398355.html # Food /Їжа" food,"Chicken drumstick fried in broth wine sauce, buttered steamed Brussels sprouts and a bowl of rice with sauteed peppers, onions and broccoli and topped with the broth wine sauce. 🍽️ 🍜 # food # cooking" food,https://www. kiji-fish-market-bbq-not-only-street-food-tour-things-to-do-in-tokyo-japan/ Tokyo Tsukiji Fish Market BBQ / Not only street food tour! Things to do in Tokyo Japan # BBQ # food # Japan # JapanFood # JapanFoodTour # JapanGuide # JapanStreetFood # JapanTravel # JapaneseFood # JapaneseStreetFood # SAMURAIJUNJIROChannel # StreetFood # StreetFoodJapan # ThingsToDoInTokyo # Tokyo # TokyoFood # TokyoFoodTour # TokyoGuide # TokyoJapan # TokyoStreetFood # TokyoTravel # TsukijiBbq # TsukijiFishMarket # TsukijiGuide # TsukijiStreetFood # TsukijiSushi # wagyu food,# pizza # gif # simplyfun # foodporn # lovepizzahatefascism # food food,"Alicante, Spain 🇪🇸 # alicante # spain # travel # adventure # explore # wanderlust # travelphotography # instatravel # beautifuldestinations # spanish # culture # history # architecture # beach # mediterranean # food # citylife # europe # vacation # alicantespain" food,"I was just saying I haven't found too many French Japanese spots in the Bay Area, but here's one in the city: https://www. It looks really good, gotta go # Food # BayAreaEats # BAE # SanFrancisco" food,Vegan kaya in Singapore https:// /eggless-kaya # Vegan # Singapore # TootSea # Food # Kaya food,Mom's making # Israeli salad. It smells so good. # food # vegetarian # vegan # wfpb food,"Are anybody of my followers still awake? If yes, feel obliged to follow my brand new YT-Channel! https:// (Yes,yes, I'm ...puh... it's a little bit too much. Mood is fluctuating between being proud, giddy, happy and full blown anxiety. Anyway: Boosts are really appreciated. Thanks a lot and love for you all! 🥰) # food # FoodHistory # arabicFood # MedievalCooking # MedievalFood # medieval # Mittelalter # recipes # Rezepte" sports,"un-normalize doll-looking women cheer troupes. bring in the women of all hues, shapes and sizes. bring in the guys, the non-binary people. let's see some awesome gymnastics and balancing acts. stop treating # sports like an event only for the white patriarchal gaze. # college # basketball # StJohns # Georgetown" sports,Alphonso Davies exits with facial injury 14 minutes into return to Bayern Munich lineup Canadian star Alphonso Davies' first start since a knee injury lasted just 14 minutes Saturday when he took a boot to the face in Bayern Munich's Bundesliga game against visiting Mainz. # cbc # news # Sports # Soccer https://www. davies-facial-injury-bayern-munich-mainz-1.7139313?cmp=rss sports,"Chiefs Fans Among 12 Frostbite Amputations After Frigid Wild Card Game vs Dolphins, Hospital Confirms http:// # Sports # TheSports" sports,"Bucks break down late defensive lapse that led to Lakers’ victory https:// 3/09/dangelo-russell-lakers-bucks-game/ D'Angelo Russell sealed the win for L.A., but it sounds as if the Bucks had another plan for that possession that didn't quite work out. # Sports # News" sports,2024 fantasy baseball cheat sheet: Customizable rankings and projections tool https:// 3/09/fantasy-baseball-cheatsheet-customizable-rankings-tool/ Jake Ciely provides his customizable 2024 fantasy baseball projections and rankings tool to help with all your league types and scoring # Sports # News sports,"Knicks display determination and intensity in much-needed win over Magic https:// 3/09/knicks-win-magic/ And Jalen Brunson returned and didn’t just play. He looked like his usual self, scoring 26 points in only 29 minutes. # Sports # News" sports,Formula 1 Teams Consider Racing on Magic Carpets for Improved Aerodynamics # CSDN # formula1 # grandprix # Satire # SaudiArabia # Sports # Sportsnews https:// sports,"Toronto beats Montreal 3-0 in PWHL for 9th straight victory Toronto extends its winning streak to nine games and takes the Professional Women’s Hockey League lead, beating Montreal 3-0 on Friday night. # globalnews # Sports # Montreal # PWHL # Toronto https:// ronto-beats-montreal-3-0-in-pwhl-for-9th-straight-victory/" sports,"# M6N2024 # M6N2024live live game # sports coverage threads for the # fediVerse ¡Don't miss 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England v Ireland 🇮🇪 the game starts any minute! ¡Six Nations Rugby 2024! Saturday 9 March | 16:45 UTC - 16:45 (local) | Twickenham Stadium, London Referee - NIKA AMASHUKELI # rugby # fediRugby # fediSports # ENGvIRE # England # Ireland This post and the respective update replies will be edited live and later on to become archived as a match report, see this profile for more information. Please comment into our game updates and update yourself game highlights by commenting in your own language. Remember to set your language in the replies accordingly as our posts and updates are set to English (EN). coming up: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁷󠁬󠁳󠁿Wales v France 🇫🇷" sports,Who’s the NBA’s MVP? That’s easy: It’s Nikola Jokić by a large margin https:// 3/09/nba-mvp-race-nikola-jokic-nuggets/ Not since Shaquille O'Neal have we seen a center bend defenses to his will like Jokić does. It makes the Nuggets title favorites again. # Sports # News sports,"Toronto beats Montreal 3-0 in PWHL for 9th straight victory Toronto extends its winning streak to nine games and takes the Professional Women’s Hockey League lead, beating Montreal 3-0 on Friday night. # globalnews # Sports # Montreal # PWHL # Toronto https:// ronto-beats-montreal-3-0-in-pwhl-for-9th-straight-victory/" sports,"Federica Brignone takes women's World Cup giant slalom, stays in hunt for season title Italian skier Federica Brignone used a blistering second run to win the season's penultimate women's World Cup giant slalom Saturday in Åre, Sweden and stay in contention for the discipline title. # cbc # news # Sports # Olympics # WinterSports # AlpineSkiing https://www. alpine-skiing/olympics-alpine-skiing-march-9-1.7139200?cmp=rss" sports,L.A. Kings remain defiant as rivals bulk up at trade deadline: ‘Don’t really care’ https:// 3/09/la-kings-trade-deadline-nhl/ Previous cap-busting moves kept the Kings silent before the deadline. Can they really compete in the playoffs? # Sports # News sports,Manchester United 2 Everton 0 – Garnacho provides the spark as United ride their luck https:// 3/09/manchester-united-2-everton-0-analysis/ Mark Critchley analyses the key talking points from Manchester United's 2-0 home win over Everton # Sports # News sports,"Just heard a rumor that Netflix is going to make a documentary TV series following the LSU women’s basketball team. Unfortunately, I can’t find any news stories supporting this, but if it ever happens, I will watch every episode! # sports # basketball" sports,"5th Test, Day 2: India bury England under big lead On Day-2 of the fifth Test Match between India and England, Rohit Sharma and team buried England under big lead of 255. Captain Sharma hit his 12th Test ton, closing in on 400 runs in series. Watch the video for more details. # indiavsengland # testmatch # rohitsharma # shubmangill # benstokes # cricket # sports # press https://www. test-day-2-india-bury-england-under-big-lead-101709994718445.html?" sports,"D’Angelo Russell, Spencer Dinwiddie emerge as Lakers heroes in emotional win over Bucks https:// 3/09/lakers-bucks-score-dangelo-russell/ With LeBron James sidelined and Anthony Davis laboring, the Lakers' two guards went toe-to-toe with the Bucks' stars to secure a big win. # Sports # News" sports,FULL HIGHLIGHTS: Round 2 | LIV Golf Hong Kong | 2024 https://www. hts-round-2-liv-golf-hong-kong-2024/ # # livgolfleague # # professionalgolf # BROOKSKOEPKA # brysondechambeau # bubbawatson # CameronSmith # camsmith # dustinjohnson # Golf # jonrahm # livgolf # PGAOfficialWorldGolfRanking # PGARanking # philmickelson # sergiogarcia # sports sports,"Canadian wrestler Justina Di Stasio proud to represent Indigenous roots at Paris Olympics Canada's Justina Di Stasio qualified for the 2024 Paris Olympic games, which will serve as the wrestler's first taste of Olympic action in her 20-year career. # cbc # news # Sports # Olympics # SummerSports # Wrestling https://www. wrestling/canadian-justina-di-stasio-wrestler-olympics-1.7137423?cmp=rss" sports,# onthisday 1948 Billy Taylor and Don Gallagher banned from NHL for Life for betting on NHL games Listen: https://www. l-gambling-scandal-betting-on-career/ # sports # sportshistory # podcast # sportspodcast # hockey # nhl # boston # bruins sports,"Why F1 can’t move on from Horner story; Three teams feeling good in Saudi Arabia https:// 3/09/prime-tire-f1-horner-red-bull-hamilton-saudi-arabian-gp/ Plus, good vibes from F1 Academy on International Women's Day. # Sports # News" sports,How about this for a # golf hazard? # sports # wildlife ⛳️ https://www. ent-a-mob-of-kangaroos-took-over-this-golf-course-1.7139151 sports,"# M6N2024 # M6N2024live live game # sports coverage threads for the # fediVerse ¡Don't miss 🇮🇹 Italy v Scotland 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 the game starts any minute! ¡Six Nations Rugby 2024! Saturday 9 March | 14:15 UTC - 15:15 (local) | Stadio Olimpico, Rome Referee - ANGUS GARDNER # rugby # fediRugby # fediSports # ITAvSCO # Italy # Scotland This post and the respective update replies will be edited live and later on to become archived as a match report, see this profile for more information. Please comment into our game updates and update yourself game highlights by commenting in your own language. Remember to set your language in the replies accordingly as our posts and updates are set to English (EN). coming up: 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁥󠁮󠁧󠁿 England v Ireland 🇮🇪" sports,"Interesting quarterfinal results, including two upsets, at the Canadian # university men’s # basketball championship. # sports 🏀 https://www. ketball-final-8-roundup-march-8-1.7139170" sports,https://www. Oregon State Beavers vs. Stanford Cardinal | Full Game Highlights | ESPN College Basketball # 2024CollegeBasketball # 2024CollegeBasketballHighlights # Basketball # BasketballHighlights # BasketballVideos # CBB # Cbb2024 # CollegeBasketball # CollegeBasketball2024 # CollegeBasketballHighlights # CollegeBasketballOnEspn # ESPN # EspnCollegeBasketball # FullGameHighlights # ncaa # NcaaBasketball # NCAAB # OregonStateBeaversVs .StanfordCardinal # PAC12 # Pac12Tournament # Pac12Highlights # Sports sports,Which NHL teams had the best and worst trade deadlines? Scores for all 32 https:// 3/09/nhl-trade-deadline-rankings-2024/ How does your team's performance ahead of the deadline rate? The Athletic asked its NHL staff to score each team on a scale from 1 to 10. # Sports # News sports,"Canadian beach volleyballers Humana-Paredes, Wilkerson reach final in Doha Canada's Melissa Humana-Paredes and Brandie Wilkerson will play in the final of the season-opening Elite16 beach volleyball tournament in Doha after a three-set semifinal win on Saturday. # cbc # news # Sports # Olympics # SummerSports # Volleyball # Beach https://www. volleyball/beach/wilkerson-humana-parades-beach-volleyball-doha-march-9-1.7139195?cmp=rss" sports,"Who might Bills target in the NFL Draft? Mock offseason, Part 2 https:// 3/09/bills-nfl-draft-mock-offseason-2/ In this exercise, the Bills could be busy during the NFL Draft but add even more with a second wave of free agency. # Sports # News" sports,"Giants free-agent predictions: Player-by-player look at who stays and who goes https:// 3/09/giants-nfl-free-agent-predictions-2024/ The Giants have 30 players set to hit free agency, including Saquon Barkley and Xavier McKinney. How many will return to New York? # Sports # News" sports,"Yohe: Path to reasonable Penguins rebuild looks close to impossible https:// 3/09/penguins-nhl-trade-deadline-rebuild/ Some players deciding to waive no-movement clauses is probably the only path to a quick, successful Penguins rebuild. # Sports # News" sports,"Chargers free agency: 13 bargain options, starting with RB Gus Edwards https:// 3/09/chargers-free-agency-best-fits/ The Chargers have needs at running back, center and tight end but likely can't shop at the top of the market in free agency. # Sports # News" sports,Women’s conference tournament briefing: Does USC deserve a No. 1 seed after Pac-12 thriller? https:// 3/09/womens-conference-tournament-briefing-usc-ucla/ Another milestone for Caitlin Clark. A coach rant after a loss. Catch up on conference tourney play and learn how it impacts March Madness. # Sports # News sports,Being on that court again! ❤️ #belgium #belgium 🇧🇪 #tennis #tennistraining #tenniscourt #tennislife #tennisplayer #bredeneinhetoog #toerismebredene #belgien 🇧🇪 #belgien #westvlaanderen #belgique #sports #kids #tennislessons #tennisdrills #tennisdrill #sports #sport #sportsedits #zeewind #tennisgirls #tennisgirl #travelgram #travelinbelgium #travelbelgium #belgiumtourism #beautifulwestflanders #pixelfedbelgium sports,"https:// 0430.html sports fans, 13th African Game is heating up Ghana # worldnews # news # Africa # sports # ghana" sports,"https://www. NHL Highlights | Jets vs. Kraken – March 8, 2024 # canada # hockey # HockeyHighights # NHL # NhlHighlights # PacificDivision # SeattleKraken # sports # sportsnet # WesternConference # WinnipegJets # WinnipegJetsAtSeattleKraken" sports,Top 400 Cable Shows 2023/2024 *Updated 9th March 2024* # Ratings # TV # Television # Cable # Sports https://www. cable-shows-week-ending-26th_01602488462.html sports,"Immanuel Quickley fitting in with Raptors and raising his asking price https:// 3/09/raptors-immanuel-quickley-scottie-barnes/ With Scottie Barnes and Jakob Poeltl out, Immanuel Quickley has had to step up and show out for the Raptors. # Sports # News" sports,Top 200 Cable Sports 2023/2024 *Updated 9th March 2024* # Ratings # TV # Television # Cable # Sports https://www. cable-sports-week-ending-26th_0744701181.html sports,Jets need to get Garrett Wilson help at wide receiver. What are their options? https:// 3/09/jets-garrett-wilson-wide-receiver-help/ Joe Douglas doesn't have to pay top dollar in free agency for another wideout. Our writer lays out seven plans the Jets GM could consider. # Sports # News sports,Top 200 Cable Sports 2023/2024 *Updated 9th March 2024* # Ratings # TV # Television # Cable # Sports http://www. cable-sports-week-ending-26th_0744701181.html sports,https://www. D’Angelo Russell ERUPTS for 44 Points and Game-Winner | Los Angeles Lakers # Basketball # LA # Lakers # LakeShow # LosAngeles # LosAngelesLakers # NationalBasketballAssociation # NBA # PacificDivision # Showtime # Sports # WesternConference sports,"Dartmouth Hoops Squad Forms Union, Requests Salaries in Pizza Slices and Unlimited Coffee Passes # Basketball # CSDN # DartmouthHoops # ncaa # Pizza # Satire # Sports # USA https://" sports,Jake Guentzel and Evgeny Kuznetsov join Hurricanes: Where do they fit into the lines? https:// 3/09/jake-guentzel-evgeny-kuznetsov-hurricanes-lines/ Rod Brind’Amour will have 20 games to do his best with a sudden embarrassment of riches. # Sports # News sports,"Commanders free-agency guide: Keepers, targets and what happens with Kam Curl? https:// 3/09/commanders-free-agency-guide/ Which of the team's free agents will Washington decide to re-sign? Also, a list of external players who would be good roster fits. # Sports # News" sports,"Granger: Love it or hate it, the Golden Knights’ bold strategy deserves respect https:// 3/09/golden-knights-trade-deadline-hertl/ It seems, lately, that every move the Golden Knights make evokes strong opinions from hockey fans and pundits. # Sports # News" sports,"Ranking the NHL trade deadline’s most important deals https:// 3/09/nhl-trade-deadline-deals-ranking/ Ranking the top deadline deals to figure out which ones are important and which ones will matter now, and which will matter later. # Sports # News" sports,"# NBAVideos : NBA’s Top 10 Plays of the Night | March 8, 2024 https://www. #2023-24season # amazing # assist ! # basketball # BasketballVideos # defense # Double -Double # dunk # fadeaway # game # games # HIGHLIGHT # HIGHLIGHTS : # hoops # JumpShot # jumper # Mid -Range # NationalBasketballAssociation # NBA # nbaseason # NBAVideos # NBAVlog # Offense # pass # play # plays # rebound # sports # Steal # Three # threepointer # triple # Triple -Double # video # videos # Vlog" sports,"https://www. NHL Highlights | Wild vs. Avalanche – March 8, 2024 # canada # CentralDivision # ColoradoAvalanche # hockey # HockeyHighights # MinnesotaWild # MinnesotaWildAtColoradoAvalanche # NHL # NhlHighlights # sports # sportsnet # WesternConference" sports,"https://www. NBA’s Top 10 Plays of the Night | March 8, 2024 # 202324Season # amazing # Assist # Basketball # Defense # DoubleDouble # Dunk # Fadeaway # game # games # Highlight # highlights # hoops # JumpShot # Jumper # MidRange # NationalBasketballAssociation # NBA # NBASeason # NBAVideos # Offense # Pass # Play # plays # Rebound # Sports # Steal # Three # ThreePointer # Triple # TripleDouble" sports,"Arsenal vs Brentford live updates: Premier League team news, line-ups and predictions https:// enal-brentford-live-updates-premier-league-score-result/eL0UTcRqcBS1/ Follow live action as Mikel Arteta's in-form side look to go top of the table with a win, ahead of Liverpool's clash with Manchester City # Sports # News" sports,The day Ben Shelton went from the hunter to the hunted (and survived) https:// 3/09/ben-shelton-indian-wells/ Shelton had his first big experience of taking on a younger talent - and had to adjust accordingly # Sports # News sports,"Premier League live scores and news: Latest Manchester United, Arsenal updates and more https:// mier-league-live-scores-news-results-latest/skGcGH2g7Pan/ Follow the latest news from the Premier League, MLS, WSL and across Europe # Sports # News" sports,Barcelona’s Yamal and Cubarsi shine as established stars blow their audition https:// 3/09/lamine-yamal-pau-cubarsi-barcelona/ Two teenagers provided a spark against Mallorca but Raphinha and Joao Felix were among those that failed to make an impact # Sports # News sports,"F1 Saudi Arabia GP live updates: Max Verstappen on pole for today’s race, with Carlos Sainz absent https:// saudi-arabia-gp-live-race-updates-results/l5cdBCqEiJTZ/ Follow the action from Saturday's race at the Jeddah Corniche Circuit in Saudi Arabia as Max Verstappen looks to continue his dominance in the Gulf # Sports # News" sports,"https://www. NHL Highlights | Coyotes vs. Red Wings – March 8, 2024 # ArizonaCoyotes # AtlanticDivision # canada # DetroitRedWings # DetroitRedWingsAtArizonaCoyotes # EasternConference # hockey # HockeyHighights # NHL # NhlHighlights # sports # sportsnet" sports,"https://www. Minnesota Wild at Colorado Avalanche | FULL Overtime Highlights – March 8, 2024 # canada # CentralDivision # ColoradoAvalanche # hockey # HockeyHighights # MinnesotaWild # NHL # NhlHighlights # sports # sportsnet # WesternConference" sports,"https://www. NHL Highlights | Ducks vs. Stars – March 8, 2024 # AnaheimDucks # canada # CentralDivision # DallasStars # DallasStarsAtAnaheimDucks # hockey # HockeyHighights # NHL # NhlHighlights # sports # sportsnet # WesternConference" sports,"NHL 2023-24 Stanley Cup playoff chances and projected standings https:// 3/09/nhl-playoffs-chances-projected-standings-chart/ Our NHL projections and probabilities page highlights each team’s projected point total, odds of making the playoffs and more. # Sports # News" sports,"https://www. Mark Jones, ESPN – Sacramento Kings In A Tight Western Conference # aew # boxing # DLo &Kc # DamienBarling # ESPN # Espn1320 # KennyCaraway # NBA # NFL # PacificDivision # Sacramento # SacramentoKings # Sports # SportsTalk # SportsTalkRadio # WesternConference # wrestling # wwe" sports,"Winnipeg Jets stifle Kraken, Brossoit gets shutout in 3-0 win Laurent Brossoit only had to make 17 saves to earn his first shutout in more than two years while Mark Scheifele, Adam Lowry and Nikolaj Ehlers scored for the Jets. # globalnews # Sports # WinnipegSports https:// nnipeg-jets-stifle-kraken-brossoit-gets-shutout-in-3-0-win/" sports,"Winnipeg Jets stifle Kraken, Brossoit gets shutout in 3-0 win Laurent Brossoit only had to make 17 saves to earn his first shutout in more than two years while Mark Scheifele, Adam Lowry and Nikolaj Ehlers scored for the Jets. # globalnews # Sports # WinnipegSports https:// nnipeg-jets-stifle-kraken-brossoit-gets-shutout-in-3-0-win/" sports,"Gushue, Bottcher, McEwen, Dunstone the Brier’s final four playoff teams Team Manitoba's Matt Dunstone defeated Team Manitoba's Reid Carruthers to eliminate the Manitoba champions. # globalnews # Sports # ManitobaCurling # WinnipegSports https:// shue-bottcher-mcewen-dunstone-the-briers-final-four-playoff-teams/" sports,"https:// ""Why did the basketball go to therapy? Because it had too many hoops to jump through! # Basketball # Pun # Funny # Sports # Humor # Jokes # Hoops # Therapy # Laughs # Comedy """ sports,Formula 1 Drivers to Wear Capes: Because Speed Needs More Drama # CSDN # formula1 # grandprix # Satire # SaudiArabia # Sports # Sportsnews https:// sports,Is Leeds boss Daniel Farke actually a bit underrated? https:// 3/09/leeds-daniel-farke-sheffield-wednesday/ A win over Sheffield Wednesday. Another Manager of the Month award. Is the Leeds boss getting the credit and love his team's form merits? # Sports # News sports,"PWHL 2023-24 playoff chances and projected standings https:// 3/09/pwhl-playoff-chances-projected-standings/ Our PWHL projections and probabilities page highlights each team’s projected point total, odds of making the playoffs and more. # Sports # News" sports,"https:// ""Why did the basketball player bring a hula hoop onto the court? Because he wanted to shoot some """"hoop"""" shots! 🏀🤣 # basketball # hoops # funny # puns # sports # hulahoop # ballislife # dunk # NBA # comedy ""be" sports,"Klopp v Guardiola, the Premier League finale of a rivalry that transformed English football https:// 3/09/jurgen-klopp-pep-guardiola-liverpool-manchester-city/ Jurgen Klopp and Pep Guardiola meet for the final time in the Premier League on Sunday — their presence has changed the division # Sports # News" sports,Ilias Chair – the QPR footballer given a prison sentence for assault who is still playing https:// 3/09/ilias-chair-assault-case/ Why Ilias Chair is still playing (and starring) for QPR despite a Belgian court finding him guilty of assault and sentencing him to prison # Sports # News sports,Leicester will face financial charges – but will the EFL or Premier League punish them? https:// 3/09/leicester-city-psr-efl-premier-league/ Leicester are now playing the waiting game as they face charges for breaching financial rules last season and potentially in this one too # Sports # News sports,"Gushue, Bottcher, McEwen, Dunstone the Brier’s final four playoff teams Team Manitoba's Matt Dunstone defeated Team Manitoba's Reid Carruthers to eliminate the Manitoba champions. # globalnews # Sports # ManitobaCurling # WinnipegSports https:// shue-bottcher-mcewen-dunstone-the-briers-final-four-playoff-teams/" sports,"Toronto's win streak extends to 9, claiming co-lead of PWHL after shutting out Montreal PWHL Toronto entered a tie for first place in the PWHL after defeating Montreal 3-0 on home ice at the Mattamy Athletic Centre on Friday. # cbc # news # Sports # Hockey # PWHL https://www. -montreal-toronto-recap-march-8-1.7138525?cmp=rss" sports,"Laval Rouge et Or, Ottawa Gee-Gees pull off big upsets in men's basketball Final 8 Brock Newton scored 23 points as the Ottawa Gee-Gees advanced to the semifinals of the U Sports men's basketball Final 8 with a 78-71 upset of the third-seeded UQAM Citadins on Friday. The top-seeded University of Victoria Vikes were upset 75-69 by the University of Laval Rouge et Or on Friday ni... # cbc # news # Sports https://www. ketball-final-8-roundup-march-8-1.7139170?cmp=rss" sports,Just saw an episode of Rio Ferdinand’s YT show FIVE with Kyle Walker. I think i never in 30 years saw German football stars talk that freely and openly as if they were just some cool dudes that ball regularly on the weekends. # football # manchestercity # liverpoolfc # sports # ferdinand sports,"Toronto's win streak extends to 9, claiming co-lead of PWHL after shutting out Montreal PWHL Toronto entered a tie for first place in the PWHL after defeating Montreal 3-0 on home ice at the Mattamy Athletic Centre on Friday. # cbc # news # Sports # Hockey # PWHL https://www. -montreal-toronto-recap-march-8-1.7138525?cmp=rss" sports,Ruslan Gazizov hits 30 goals as London Knights knock off Sarnia Sting Easton Cowan extended his point streak to 31 games as the London Knights knocked off the Sarnia Sting at Budweiser Gardens on March 8. # globalnews # News # Sports # London # LondonKnights https:// slan-gazizov-london-knights-sarnia-sting/ sports,Behind the Hurricanes’ splashy deadline and rare rental trade: One on one with GM Don Waddell https:// 3/08/hurricanes-trade-deadline-waddell-guentzel-kuznetsov/ The Hurricanes got the deadline's top player in Jake Guentzel and a potentially profitable flier in Evgeny Kuznetsov. How'd it all go down? # Sports # News sports,"ICYMI: # AfternoonUpdate # Sports Stephen Curry, Warriors shut down red-hot Bucks, 125-90 win https:// 03/07/stephen-curry-warriors-shut-down-red-hot-bucks-125-90-win/?" sports,NFL Draft 2024 order from Rounds 1-7: All 257 picks and 32 teams https:// 3/08/nfl-draft-order-round-by-round-team-by-team-2/ The NFL has released its complete 2024 draft order. Where is each team scheduled to pick at this year's event? # Sports # News sports,"# NBAVideos : Juni Mobley, Wasatch Academy vs. VJ Edgecombe, Long Island Lutehran https://www. #2023-24season # amazing # assist ! # basketball # BasketballVideos # defense # Double -Double # dunk # fadeaway # game # games # HIGHLIGHT # HIGHLIGHTS : # hoops # JumpShot # jumper # Mid -Range # NationalBasketballAssociation # NBA # nbaseason # NBAVideos # NBAVlog # Offense # pass # play # plays # rebound # sports # Steal # Three # threepointer # triple # Triple -Double # video # videos # Vlog" sports,"https://www. Juni Mobley, Wasatch Academy vs. VJ Edgecombe, Long Island Lutehran # 202324Season # amazing # Assist # Basketball # Defense # DoubleDouble # Dunk # Fadeaway # game # games # Highlight # highlights # hoops # JumpShot # Jumper # MidRange # NationalBasketballAssociation # NBA # NBASeason # NBAVideos # Offense # Pass # Play # plays # Rebound # Sports # Steal # Three # ThreePointer # Triple # TripleDouble" sports,Russell Wilson Meets with Surprise Team Ahead of Steelers Visit: Report http:// # Sports # TheSports sports,Fairburn: Sabres’ trade deadline reinforces need for aggressive offseason from Kevyn Adams https:// 3/08/sabres-nhl-trade-deadline-kevyn-adams-kyle-okposo-erik-johnson/ The Sabres' disappointing season led to some unexpected moves at the deadline. # Sports # News sports,"Anthony Joshua knocks out MMA star Francis Ngannou in 2nd round of heavyweight boxing match Former heavyweight champion Anthony Joshua stopped Francis Ngannou in the second round on Saturday, dominating his matchup with the ex-UFC heavyweight champ in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia. # cbc # news # Sports # Olympics # SummerSports # Boxing https://www. boxing/tyson-fury-francis-ngannou-boxing-recap-1.7139086?cmp=rss" sports,https://www. 【オープン戦】東克樹 課題が残った2つの球種「反省すべきボールだった」|3月8日 DeNA 対 日本ハム # sports # YOKOHAMADeNABAYSTARS # スポーツ # テレビ東京 # テレビ東京スポーツ # テレ東 # 東克樹 # 横浜DeNAベイスターズ sports,Canelo vs Munguia confirmed for PPV. # Boxing # Mexico # DAZN # Sports https:// nguia-confirmed-for-cinco-de-mayo/ sports,"Canadiens’ Kent Hughes made the most of what he had to offer at the deadline https:// 3/08/nhl-trade-deadline-canadiens-kent-hughes-jake-allen/ With little of interest to other teams, Hughes trading Jake Allen for a conditional third-round pick was a win on several levels. # Sports # News" sports,https://www. Bickley Blast: Phoenix Suns’ Mat Ishbia continues to prove he’s unlike any other NBA owner #98.7FM # AdamSilver # AdamSilverNba # Arizona # ArizonaSports # ArizonaSportsTalkRadio # BickleyBlast # DanBickley # MatIshbia # NBA # NbaCommissioner # NbaNews # NbaTalkRadio # PacificDivision # Phoenix # PhoenixSuns # PhoenixSunsBasketball # PhoenixSunsBuyOut # PhoenixSunsNews # PhoenixSunsOwnerMatIshbia # PhoenixSunsVsRaptors # PHXSuns # Sports # SportsTalkRadio # SunsBasketball # WesternConference sports,Castle Mountain rebounds after rocky start to ski season The local ski resort is no stranger to a lack of snow or a fight with Mother Nature. Castle Mountain Sales and marketing manager Cole Fawcett calls this year a “one in 10.” # globalnews # Canada # Environment # Sports # RockyMountains https:// stle-mountain-rebounds-ski-season/ sports,Castle Mountain rebounds after rocky start to ski season The local ski resort is no stranger to a lack of snow or a fight with Mother Nature. Castle Mountain Sales and marketing manager Cole Fawcett calls this year a “one in 10.” # globalnews # Canada # Environment # Sports # RockyMountains https:// stle-mountain-rebounds-ski-season/ sports,The Maple Leafs played it safe at the trade deadline. They may regret it https:// 3/08/maple-leafs-trade-deadline-3/ Maple Leafs management had the opportunity to shore up vulnerabilities and didn’t. # Sports # News sports,"What’s next for the Flames’ retool, Jacob Markstrom, Oliver Kylington and more https:// 3/08/calgary-flames-jacob-markstrom-trade/ Flames GM Craig Conroy declined to answer whether or not he was close to moving Markstrom before the trade deadline. # Sports # News" sports,"With Devils’ deadline moves, Tom Fitzgerald looks to summer of ‘big-game hunting’ ahead https:// 3/08/nhl-deadline-devils-trades-tom-fitzgerald-tyler-toffoli-jake-allen/ A disappointing season is almost over and the Devils are hoping to regroup for 2024-25. # Sports # News" sports,TEAM HIGHLIGHTS: Stinger GC Shoots 16 Under | Round 1 | LIV Golf Hong Kong https://www. hts-stinger-gc-shoots-16-under-round-1-liv-golf-hong-kong/ # # livgolfleague # # professionalgolf # BROOKSKOEPKA # brysondechambeau # bubbawatson # camsmith # charlschwartzel # dustinjohnson # Golf # jonrahm # livgolf # PGAOfficialWorldGolfRanking # PGARanking # philmickelson # sergiogarcia # sports sports,"Sharks embrace the rebuild abyss by trading Tomáš Hertl — and hope for a quick exit https:// 3/08/tomas-hertl-trade-sharks-golden-knights/ It's a time of darkness in San Jose, and how much hope remains for the near future? # Sports # News" sports,"As rivals bulk up at the trade deadline, Stars are no less confident — with good reason https:// 3/08/dallas-stars-trade-deadline-tanev/ GM Jim Nill improved the team and remained true to his ""priorities,"" which include valuing first-round picks. # Sports # News" sports,Toffoli happy to wind up in Winnipeg as Jets gear up for playoff drive The veteran forward and fellow New Jersey Devils defenceman Colin Miller were both traded to the Winnipeg Jets in two separate deals for draft picks on Friday. # globalnews # Sports # WinnipegJets # WinnipegSports https:// ffoli-happy-to-wind-up-in-winnipeg-as-jets-gear-up-for-playoff-drive/ sports,Steve Staios reflects on his first trade deadline as Senators GM: ‘It’s hard to accelerate patience’ https:// 3/08/ottawa-senators-trade-deadline-steve-staios/ Staios is open for business in Ottawa. It's just that Friday did not present the ideal backdrop for the GM to execute a significant deal. # Sports # News sports,"Inside the Western Conference arms race: Six teams went all in, only one will prevail https:// 3/08/nhl-trade-deadline-western-conference/ The Golden Knights, Oilers, Canucks, Avalanche, Stars and Jets made big moves during trade season – two of them will be out after Round 1. # Sports # News" sports,"Quebec's Dubreuil earns sprint bronze at speed skating worlds in Germany Canada's Laurent Dubreuil earned sprint bronze on Friday in Inzell, Germany, posting the third-fastest combined time across two 500- and two 1,000-metre races at the World Allround Speed Skating Championships. # cbc # news # Sports # Olympics # WinterSports # SpeedSkating https://www. speed-skating/olympics-speed-skating-allround-worlds-mar-8-1.7137713?cmp=rss" sports,Castle Mountain rebounds after rocky start to ski season The local ski resort is no stranger to a lack of snow or a fight with Mother Nature. Castle Mountain Sales and marketing manager Cole Fawcett calls this year a “one in 10.” # globalnews # Canada # Environment # Sports # RockyMountains https:// stle-mountain-rebounds-ski-season/ sports,"Saskatoon Blades set to retire jersey of all-time leading scorer Frank Banham Recording more goals and points than anyone in Saskatoon Blades history, Frank Banham will finally see his number raised to the rafters on Saturday night at SaskTel Centre. # globalnews # Sports # Blades # FrankBanham # SaskatoonBlades https:// skatoon-blades-to-retire-jersey-frank-banham/" sports,Results from Knockout Chaos as Anthony Joshua faced Francis Ngannou. # KnockoutChaos # Boxing # MMA # SaudiArabia # Sports https:// os-results-joshua-vs-ngannou/ sports,Red Wings’ quiet NHL trade deadline: What it means for the playoff race https:// 3/08/red-wings-nhl-trade-deadline-playoffs-standings/ The Red Wings stayed quiet at Friday's trade deadline but still want to chase the playoffs with the group they have. # Sports # News sports,"Drance: Why the Canucks decided to be quiet at the NHL trade deadline https:// 3/08/canucks-trade-deadline/ Vancouver was positioned as an all-in buyer at the trade deadline, but Canucks hockey operations opted for a dose of patience. # Sports # News" sports,# MLBVideos : Safe to say that Chris Bassitt’s breaking ball had Juan Soto off-balance. 😂🔥 https://www. # Baseball # baseballhighlights # BaseballVideos # MajorLeagueBaseball # MLB # mlbhighlights # MLBVideos # MLBVlog # sports # sportshighlights # video # videos # Vlog sports,# NBAVideos : Minnesota Timberwolves @ Cleveland Cavaliers | NBA on ESPN Live Scoreboard https://www. #2023-24season # amazing # assist ! # basketball # BasketballVideos # defense # Double -Double # dunk # fadeaway # game # games # HIGHLIGHT # HIGHLIGHTS : # hoops # JumpShot # jumper # Mid -Range # NationalBasketballAssociation # NBA # nbaseason # NBAVideos # NBAVlog # Offense # pass # play # plays # rebound # sports # Steal # Three # threepointer # triple # Triple -Double # video # videos # Vlog sports,# NFLVideos : Keep It Or Leave It?! | Every Successful “Tush Push” QB Sneak Play of the 2023 Season by the Eagles! https://www. # AmericanFootball # AmericanFootballVideos # Football # FootballVideos # NationalFootballLeague # NFL # NFLVideos # NFLVlog # sport # sports # video # videos # Vlog sports,"Cubs demote Pete Crow-Armstrong: What will it take for him to return to Wrigley Field? https:// 3/08/cubs-pete-crow-armstrong-demoted/ “Pete’s 21 years old,” manager Craig Counsell said. “He just needs to play baseball and learn from his experiences playing baseball."" # Sports # News" sports,Danny Briere on Flyers’ trade deadline priorities and why he held on to Scott Laughton https:// 3/08/nhl-trade-deadline-flyers-laughton-briere/ It's clear the Flyers GM didn't want to mess too much with the team's strong dressing room bond at this stage of the playoff race. # Sports # News sports,"Blues’ Pavel Buchnevich stays, while GM Doug Armstrong sticks to ‘charted’ course https:// 3/08/blues-nhl-trade-deadline-pavel-buchnevich/ The Blues hung onto Buchnevich at the trade deadline and Armstrong said the team might talk contract extension with the the forward. # Sports # News" sports,Staple: Lou Lamoriello believes in his Islanders after a silent deadline. Do you? https:// 3/08/islanders-nhl-trade-deadline-lou-lamoriello-patrick-roy/ The Islanders decided that the best move was no move. # Sports # News sports,"Joey Votto on why he signed with Blue Jays: ‘I think I can still bang’ https:// 3/08/joey-votto-blue-jays-can-still-bang/ Votto, who grew up in the suburbs of Toronto, agreed to a minor-league deal because he feels like he can still be productive. # Sports # News" sports,"Wild GM Bill Guerin talks bittersweet deadline as Dewy 1 and 2 say goodbye: ‘They played hard for us’ https:// 3/08/wild-bill-guerin-trade-deadline-duhaime-dewar/ Minnesota also moved Pat Maroon as the NHL's trade deadline passed on Friday, with the Wild in an unfamiliar position. # Sports # News" sports,https://www. ESPN’s Bobby Marks says Phoenix Suns’ win over Denver Nuggets was almost “season-saving” #98.7FM # Arizona # ArizonaSports # BobbyMarks # DevinBooker # ESPN # GraysonAllen # GraysonAllenSuns # KevinDurant # NBA # PacificDivision # Phoenix # PhoenixSuns # PhoenixSunsBasketball # PhoenixSunsPodcast # PhoenixSunsVsDenverNuggets # PhoenixSunsVsRaptors # PhoenixSunsVsTorontoRaptors # ROYCEONEAL # RoyceOneale # Sports # SunsVsNuggets # SunsVsRaptors # WesternConference # YusufNurkic sports,"Warm temperatures drive Montrealers to adopt early cycling season With the snow gone, skies sunny and temperatures much milder than normal, Montrealers are rushing to get on their bikes. But hurdles are ahead. # globalnews # Canada # Sports https:// rm-temperatures-drive-montrealers-to-adopt-early-cycling-season/" sports,https://www. Kings Win A Close One Against the Spurs – March 8: The Insiders + D-Lo & KC # 49ers # DLo &Kc # DamienBarling # ESPN # Espn1320 # JamesHam # KennyCaraway # KyleMadson # NBA # NFL # PacificDivision # Sacramento # SacramentoKings # SanFrancisco # SanFrancisco49ers # Sports # SportsTalk # SportsTalkRadio # WesternConference sports,"Warm temperatures drive Montrealers to adopt early cycling season With the snow gone, skies sunny and temperatures much milder than normal, Montrealers are rushing to get on their bikes. But hurdles are ahead. # globalnews # Canada # Sports https:// rm-temperatures-drive-montrealers-to-adopt-early-cycling-season/" sports,Defending champion Gushue to face Alberta's Bottcher for spot in Brier final Defending champion Brad Gushue and Alberta's Brendan Bottcher won their opening playoff games at the Canadian men's curling championship Friday to shorten theirs roads to the final in Regina. # cbc # news # Sports # Olympics # WinterSports # Curling https://www. curling/brier-playoff-roundup-regina-march-8-1.7137786?cmp=rss sports,"Staple: After a modest deadline, are these Rangers good enough to win it all? https:// 3/08/rangers-nhl-trade-deadline-gm-chris-drury/ The Rangers have a lot of high-end pieces, but several potential playoff opponents made more significant moves at the deadline. # Sports # News" sports,"Edmonton Oilers stand pat at trade deadline after making deals earlier this week While the Oilers did not add any players on Friday ahead of the trade deadline, they were busier earlier in the week. # globalnews # Sports # EdmontonOilers # Edmontonsports # NHLPlayoffs https:// monton-oilers-stand-pat-at-trade-deadline-after-making-deals-earlier-this-week/" sports,"Warm temperatures drive Montrealers to adopt early cycling season With the snow gone, skies sunny and temperatures much milder than normal, Montrealers are rushing to get on their bikes. But hurdles are ahead. # globalnews # Canada # Sports https:// rm-temperatures-drive-montrealers-to-adopt-early-cycling-season/" sports,Chris Drury fills Rangers’ needs at trade deadline but holds off on flashy move https:// 3/08/rangers-nhl-trade-deadline-recap/ There’s no doubt the Rangers got better with Drury’s moves. The question is if it was enough given the additions other contenders made. # Sports # News sports,Defending champion Gushue to face Alberta's Bottcher for spot in Brier final Defending champion Brad Gushue and Alberta's Brendan Bottcher won their opening playoff games at the Canadian men's curling championship Friday to shorten theirs roads to the final in Regina. # cbc # news # Sports # Olympics # WinterSports # Curling https://www. curling/brier-playoff-roundup-regina-march-8-1.7137786?cmp=rss sports,Defending champion Gushue to face Alberta's Bottcher for spot in Brier final Defending champion Brad Gushue and Alberta's Brendan Bottcher won their opening playoff games at the Canadian men's curling championship Friday to shorten theirs roads to the final in Regina. # cbc # news # Sports # Olympics # WinterSports # Curling https://www. curling/brier-playoff-roundup-regina-march-8-1.7137786?cmp=rss sports,Canada set to take on Norway for chance at its 1st wheelchair curling title since 2013 Canada's wheelchair curling team is going for gold at the world championships for the first time in over a decade. # cbc # news # Sports # Paralympics https://www. da-norway-wheelchair-curling-world-championship-1.7138593?cmp=rss sports,"Auger-Aliassime advances to 3rd round at Indian Wells with straight-sets victory Montreal's Felix Auger-Aliassime advanced to the third round of the BNP Paribas Open, defeating France's Constant Lestienne in straight sets on Friday. # cbc # news # Sports # Olympics # SummerSports # Tennis https://www. tennis/canada-auger-aliassime-tennis-indian-wells-1.7138770?cmp=rss" sports,Penguins’ Kyle Dubas on selling at first trade deadline: ‘Nobody’s happy about it’ https:// 3/08/penguins-dubas-trade-deadline/ Penguins boss Kyle Dubas said many team employees are unhappy with trading Jake Guentzel — and that's OK with him. # Sports # News sports,"Why did Bruins only add depth players at the trade deadline? A Linus Ullmark hangup may explain https:// 3/08/bruins-trade-deadline-ullmark-maroon-peeke/ Was Ullmark asked to waive his no-trade clause? His agent and the Bruins GM wouldn't say, but it could prevented made deadline moves, if so. # Sports # News" sports,"Nugent-Bowman: Despite Oilers’ quiet trade deadline, they’re still the team to beat out West https:// 3/08/oilers-trade-deadline-nhl-standings/ The Oilers are just as well positioned — if not better — than any of their divisional or conference challengers. # Sports # News" sports,Kelowna teen named B.C. male high school athlete of year Grade 12 student Nash Semeniuk helped KSS win back-to-back provincial volleyball titles the past two seasons. # globalnews # Sports # CentralOkanagan # kelownasecondaryschool # MalindiElmore https:// lowna-bc-athletes-of-year/ sports,What can Connor Dewar bring to the Maple Leafs? https:// 3/08/connor-dewar-maple-leafs/ Dewar’s importance to this Leafs team will come in how much he can neutralize the opposition’s best players and play in his own zone. # Sports # News sports,"Auger-Aliassime advances to 3rd round at Indian Wells with straight-sets victory Montreal's Felix Auger-Aliassime advanced to the third round of the BNP Paribas Open, defeating France's Constant Lestienne in straight sets on Friday. # cbc # news # Sports # Olympics # SummerSports # Tennis https://www. tennis/canada-auger-aliassime-tennis-indian-wells-1.7138770?cmp=rss" sports,"F1 Saudi Arabian GP preview: Leclerc looks for an upset, Bearman looks for points https:// 3/08/f1-saudi-arabian-gp-preview-leclerc-verstappen-bearman/ Plus: What makes the Jeddah Corniche Circuit such a challenge? # Sports # News" sports,Maple Leafs acquire Connor Dewar from Wild Centre Connor Dewar was acquired by the Toronto Maple Leafs from the Minnesota Wild ahead of the NHL trade deadline. # globalnews # Sports # Hockey # Leafs # Leafshockey https:// ple-leafs-acquire-connor-dewar-from-wild/ sports,"Ten Blackhawks thoughts after the NHL trade deadline https:// 3/08/blackhawks-nhl-trade-deadline-recap/ GM Kyle Davidson ultimately completed one trade at the deadline this year, and it wasn't even the one he expected. # Sports # News" sports,"""Dartmouth men's basketball team makes history by becoming first US college sports team to unionize"" https://www. 2227728/-Dartmouth-men-s-basketball-team-makes-history-by-becoming-first-US-college-sports-team-to-unionize # Dartmouth # sports # basketball # unions" sports,# MLBVideos : Garrett and C.J. Stubbs share the diamond for the first time in their lives. 🥹 https://www. # Baseball # baseballhighlights # BaseballVideos # MajorLeagueBaseball # MLB # mlbhighlights # MLBVideos # MLBVlog # sports # sportshighlights # video # videos # Vlog sports,# NFLVideos : Free Agency Follow out/Combine Confidential | NFL Report https://www. # AmericanFootball # AmericanFootballVideos # Football # FootballVideos # NationalFootballLeague # NFL # NFLVideos # NFLVlog # sport # sports # video # videos # Vlog sports,'Dinamismo di un ciclista (Dynamism of a cyclist)' by Umberto Boccioni (1913) # art # arts # artmuseum # artmuseums # museum # museums # artgallery # artgalleries # abstract # abstractart # energy # artwork # cycling # arthistory # painting # paintings # artlover # artlovers # inspiration # cycling # sport # life # sports sports,Maple Leafs acquire Connor Dewar from Wild Centre Connor Dewar was acquired by the Toronto Maple Leafs from the Minnesota Wild ahead of the NHL trade deadline. # globalnews # Sports # Hockey # Leafs # Leafshockey https:// ple-leafs-acquire-connor-dewar-from-wild/ sports,"Washington basketball coaching candidates: Danny Sprinkle, Leon Rice could be fits https:// 3/08/washington-coaching-candidates-leon-rice-danny-sprinkle/ Mike Hopkins was fired after going to just one NCAA Tournament in seven years. Can a new Huskies coach compete in a supersized Big Ten? # Sports # News" sports,"your move, cricket Coaches encourage football players to sprint “like a jet” # sports # athletics # cricket # football https://www. ience/coaches-encourage-football-players-to-sprint-like-a-jet-to-run-faster-and-it-works/" sports,https://www. Colby Armstrong Calls The Leafs FRAUDS On NHL Trade Deadline Day # AtlanticDivision # canada # EasternConference # hockey # HockeyHighights # NHL # NhlHighlights # sports # sportsnet # TorontoMapleLeafs sports,Flames get Nikita Okhotiuk from San Jose for fifth-round pick Defenceman Nikita Okhotiuk has been traded to the Flames. # globalnews # Sports # CalgaryFlames # CalgarySports # NikitaOkhotiuk https:// ames-get-nikita-okhotiuk-from-san-jose-for-fifth-round-pick/ sports,Maple Leafs acquire Connor Dewar from Wild Centre Connor Dewar was acquired by the Toronto Maple Leafs from the Minnesota Wild ahead of the NHL trade deadline. # globalnews # Sports # Hockey # Leafs # Leafshockey https:// ple-leafs-acquire-connor-dewar-from-wild/ sports,"NHL trade deadline winners and losers: Golden Knights, Avalanche, Hurricanes load up for playoff run https:// 3/08/nhl-trade-deadline-2024-winners-losers/ Which teams took a big step forward at the NHL trade deadline and which teams fell flat on their faces? # Sports # News" sports,‘Such a surreal moment’: Canadian driver on first-place finish in world F1 powerboat Grand Prix A Canadian is starting to make a big name for himself on the international Formula One (F1) powerboat racing circuit after his first place finish earlier this month. # globalnews # Sports # F1Racing # F1H20UIMWorldChampionship # Formula1 https:// ch-a-surreal-moment-canadian-driver-on-first-place-finish-in-world-f1-powerboat-grand-prix/ sports,How can the NHL make the trade deadline more exciting? 10 ideas that could fix it https:// 3/08/nhl-trade-deadline-10-ideas-to-fix/ I’m back with 10 more ways to fix the NHL trade deadline. Some of them won’t work. Some of them will. Some are flat-out weird. # Sports # News sports,"Canada's Dubreuil earns sprint bronze at speed skating worlds in Germany Canada's Laurent Dubreuil earned sprint bronze on Friday in Inzell, Germany, posting the third-fastest combined time across two 500- and two 1,000-metre races at the World Allround Speed Skating Championships. # cbc # news # Sports # Olympics # WinterSports # SpeedSkating https://www. speed-skating/olympics-speed-skating-allround-worlds-mar-8-1.7137713?cmp=rss" sports,Lukes’ two-run triple leads Blue Jays over Yankees Nathan Lukes had a two-run triple and Chris Bassitt had a strong start as the Toronto Blue Jays beat the New York Yankees 2-1 in spring training action Friday. # globalnews # Sports # Baseball # BlueJays # BlueJaysbaseball https:// kes-two-run-triple-leads-blue-jays-over-yankees/ sports,"Injuries to Lars Nootbaar, Tommy Edman put Cardinals’ Opening Day outfield in doubt https:// 3/08/cardinals-lars-nootbar-injuries/ John Mozeliak: ""The level of concern is real. But you have to remind yourself that April 1 is not the entire season."" # Sports # News" sports,‘Such a surreal moment’: Canadian driver on first-place finish in world F1 powerboat Grand Prix A Canadian is starting to make a big name for himself on the international Formula One (F1) powerboat racing circuit after his first place finish earlier this month. # globalnews # Sports # F1Racing # F1H20UIMWorldChampionship # Formula1 https:// ch-a-surreal-moment-canadian-driver-on-first-place-finish-in-world-f1-powerboat-grand-prix/ sports,NHL trade grades: Golden Knights pull off stunner by getting Tomas Hertl from Sharks https:// 3/08/nhl-trade-grades-tomas-hertl-golden-knights-sharks/ Hertl is a true needle-mover who keeps Vegas right there with the other Western Conference heavyweights. # Sports # News sports,"Igralište Batarija in Trogir, Croatia The local club& # 39 ;s soccer field is practically surrounded by UNESCO-protected monuments. # monuments # soccer # sports # section-Atlas Igralište Batarija" sports,Lukes’ two-run triple leads Blue Jays over Yankees Nathan Lukes had a two-run triple and Chris Bassitt had a strong start as the Toronto Blue Jays beat the New York Yankees 2-1 in spring training action Friday. # globalnews # Sports # Baseball # BlueJays # BlueJaysbaseball https:// kes-two-run-triple-leads-blue-jays-over-yankees/ sports,Kawakami: A Danielle Hunter splash and the rest of a potentially perfect 49ers free-agent wish list https:// 3/08/49ers-free-agency-danielle-hunter-wish-list/ The 49ers have made big additions in each of the past two springs. Can they do it again with Hunter ... and maybe Odell Beckham Jr.? # Sports # News sports,"Montreal Canadiens trade goalie Jake Allen to New Jersey Devils The trade ends the unusual three-goalie system in Montreal as netminders Allen, Sam Montembeault and Cayden Primeau remained on the NHL roster through most of the campaign. # globalnews # Canada # Sports # JakeAllen # MontrealCanadiens https:// ntreal-canadiens-jake-allen-trade/" sports,‘Such a surreal moment:’ Canadian driver on first place finish in world F1 powerboat Grand Prix A Canadian is starting to make a big name for himself on the international Formula One (F1) powerboat racing circuit after his first place finish earlier this month. # globalnews # Sports # F1Racing # F1H20UIMWorldChampionship # Formula1 https:// ch-a-surreal-moment-canadian-driver-on-first-place-finish-in-world-f1-powerboat-grand-prix/ sports,"NHL trade grades: Did Toronto need Connor Dewar, a penalty-killing fourth-liner? https:// 3/08/nhl-trade-grades-dewar-maple-leafs-wild/ Does Dewar have a future in Toronto beyond this season? Depends upon how the next few months unfold. # Sports # News" sports,‘Such a surreal moment’ Canadian driver on first place finish in world F1 powerboat Grand Prix A Canadian is starting to make a big name for himself on the international Formula One (F1) powerboat racing circuit after his first place finish earlier this month. # globalnews # Sports # F1Racing # F1H20UIMWorldChampionship # Formula1 https:// ch-a-surreal-moment-canadian-driver-on-first-place-finish-in-world-f1-powerboat-grand-prix/ sports,Lukes’ two-run triple leads Blue Jays over Yankees Nathan Lukes had a two-run triple and Chris Bassitt had a strong start as the Toronto Blue Jays beat the New York Yankees 2-1 in spring training action Friday. # globalnews # Sports # Baseball # BlueJays # BlueJaysbaseball https:// kes-two-run-triple-leads-blue-jays-over-yankees/ sports,"ANALYSIS: Toffoli trade a sign Jets going for broke With the acquisition of Tyler Toffoli from New Jersey, the message is clear: the Jets are going for broke. And why not? # globalnews # Sports # WinnipegJets # WinnipegSports https:// alysis-toffoli-trade-a-sign-jets-going-for-broke/" sports,Lukes’ two-run triple leads Blue Jays over Yankees Nathan Lukes had a two-run triple and Chris Bassitt had a strong start as the Toronto Blue Jays beat the New York Yankees 2-1 in spring training action Friday. # globalnews # Sports # Baseball # BlueJays # BlueJaysbaseball https:// kes-two-run-triple-leads-blue-jays-over-yankees/ sports,Lukes’ two-run triple leads Blue Jays over Yankees Nathan Lukes had a two-run triple and Chris Bassitt had a strong start as the Toronto Blue Jays beat the New York Yankees 2-1 in spring training action Friday. # globalnews # Sports # Baseball # BlueJays # BlueJaysbaseball https:// kes-two-run-triple-leads-blue-jays-over-yankees/ sports,"The # NFL # touts its # commitment to # LGBTQ + # inclusion , but # donates heavily to # GOP # homophobes like # JimJordan Examining the league’s recent # political # donations tells us a different story. # Women # Transgender # LGBTQ # LGBTQIA # Entertainment # Sports # Football # Conservatives # Extremism # Fascism # RepublicanParty # Hate # Bigotry # Violence # Genocide # Discrimination # Homophobia # Transphobia # ThePartyOfHate https://www. itment-to-lgbtq-inclusion-but-donates-heavily-to-gop-homophobes-like-jim-jordan-20240306" sports,"Votto agrees to non-roster invite with Jays Joey Votto has agreed to a non-roster invite with the Toronto Blue Jays, the former National League MVP said on social media. # globalnews # Sports # Baseball # BlueJays # BlueJaysbaseball https:// tto-agrees-to-non-roster-invite-with-jays/" sports,Breaking News Quid Pro Quo: Reporters Spread False Information for Exclusive Scoops http:// # Sports # TheSports sports,"Montreal Canadiens trade goalie Jake Allen to New Jersey Devils The trade ends the unusual three-goalie system in Montreal as netminders Allen, Sam Montembeault and Cayden Primeau remained on the NHL roster through most of the campaign. # globalnews # Canada # Sports # JakeAllen # MontrealCanadiens https:// ntreal-canadiens-jake-allen-trade/" sports,NHL trade grades: New York Rangers take flier on forward Jack Roslovic https:// 3/08/nhl-trade-grades-new-york-rangers-jack-roslovic/ Roslovic won't be a go-to guy for the Rangers but he can be a solid bottom-six addition. # Sports # News sports,NHL trade grades: Matt Dumba deal speaks to Lightning’s sense of urgency https:// 3/08/nhl-trade-grades-dumba-lightning-coyotes/ The Coyotes didn't get much of a return for a player who can help Tampa Bay in a playoff push. # Sports # News sports,"Golden Knights acquiring Tomas Hertl from Sharks: Reports https:// 3/08/golden-knights-tomas-hertl-sharks-trade/ The Vegas Golden Knights are acquiring center Tomas Hertl from the San Jose Sharks, according to multiple reports. TSN’s Bob McKenzie was the first to report the trade. Hertl has 15 goals and 19 assists in 48 games played this season. This story will be updated. (Photo: Harry How / Getty Images)... # Sports # News" sports,"Desert Special Forces https:// 5640/ 5,85€ Captain, you have a new mission! # Steam # Action # Adventure # Casual # Simulation # Sports # Strategy" sports,"Moose Jaw, Sask. to host world men’s curling championship next year World Curling and Curling Canada announced that Moose Jaw, Sask., will host the BKT Tires World Men’s Curling Championship. # globalnews # Sports # CurlingCanada # MooseJaw # WorldCurling https:// ose-jaw-sask-world-mens-curling-championship-2025/" sports,"🏉 ‘Fast, brutal, brilliant’: NRL’s Las Vegas gamble comes up trumps https://www. /03/fast-brutal-brilliant-nrls-las-vegas-gamble-comes-up-trumps # rugby # sports # usa # australia # lasvegas # violence" sports,Rahm is dialed in early! 👀 # livgolf # shorts https://www. ed-in-early-%f0%9f%91%80-livgolf-shorts/ # # livgolfleague # # professionalgolf # BROOKSKOEPKA # brysondechambeau # bubbawatson # camsmith # dustinjohnson # Golf # jonrahm # livgolf # PGAOfficialWorldGolfRanking # PGARanking # philmickelson # sergiogarcia # sports # tonyfinau sports,NHL trade grades: Andrew Peeke deal is an odd choice by the Bruins https:// 3/08/nhl-trade-grades-peeke-bruins-blue-jackets/ The Blue Jackets did well to get a third-round pick for a defenseman who often is a healthy scratch. # Sports # News sports,NHL trade grades: Erik Johnson adds some depth and insurance for Flyers’ playoff drive https:// 3/08/nhl-trade-grades-erik-johnson-flyers/ It was worth paying the price if it helps them hold off the teams trying to chase them down in the standings and secure a playoff spot. # Sports # News sports,Fox Golf https:// 3820/ $5.99 Do we do a “little” activity? The Fox Golf game opens up a new vision of the sport of golf. # Steam # Action # Adventure # Casual # Simulation # Sports # Strategy sports,NHL trade grades: Devils get a goalie in Jake Allen but is it enough? https:// 3/08/nhl-trade-grades-canadiens-devils-jake-allen/ Allen should be an upgrade on what the Devils currently have but it's probably just too little too late. # Sports # News sports,"Canadian 1st baseman, former MVP Joey Votto agrees to camp deal with Blue Jays Joey Votto has agreed to a non-roster invite with the Toronto Blue Jays, the former National League MVP said on social media. # cbc # news # Sports # Baseball # MLB https://www. -joey-votto-blue-jays-sign-1.7138321?cmp=rss" sports,"Votto agrees to non-roster invite with Jays Joey Votto has agreed to a non-roster invite with the Toronto Blue Jays, the former National League MVP said on social media. # globalnews # Sports # Baseball # BlueJays # BlueJaysbaseball https:// tto-agrees-to-non-roster-invite-with-jays/" sports,"Canadian 1st baseman, former MVP Joey Votto agrees to camp deal with Blue Jays Joey Votto has agreed to a non-roster invite with the Toronto Blue Jays, the former National League MVP said on social media. # cbc # news # Sports # Baseball # MLB https://www. -joey-votto-blue-jays-sign-1.7138321?cmp=rss" sports,Saskatoon’s blind curling club headed to Edmonton for Westerns The curling season begins shortly after Thanksgiving and wraps us near the end of March and is open to all ages. The club has two teams this year and plays on Sunday evenings. # globalnews # Canada # Sports # BlindCurling # Curling https:// skatoon-blind-curling-successful-first-season/ sports,"Why Liverpool want Richard Hughes as their new sporting director https:// 3/08/liverpool-richard-hughes-sporting-director-profile/ A journeyman career is unlikely preparation for Anfield, so why do FSG want Hughes to help shape Liverpool's future? # Sports # News" sports,Saskatoon’s blind curling club headed to Edmonton for Westerns The curling season begins shortly after Thanksgiving and wraps us near the end of March and is open to all ages. The club has two teams this year and plays on Sunday evenings. # globalnews # Canada # Sports # BlindCurling # Curling https:// skatoon-blind-curling-successful-first-season/ sports,"Votto agrees to non-roster invite with Jays Joey Votto has agreed to a non-roster invite with the Toronto Blue Jays, the former National League MVP said on social media. # globalnews # Sports # Baseball # BlueJays # BlueJaysbaseball https:// tto-agrees-to-non-roster-invite-with-jays/" sports,"Votto agrees to non-roster invite with Jays Joey Votto has agreed to a non-roster invite with the Toronto Blue Jays, the former National League MVP said on social media. # globalnews # Sports # Baseball # BlueJays # BlueJaysbaseball https:// tto-agrees-to-non-roster-invite-with-jays/" sports,Jets acquire Tyler Toffoli from Devils at trade deadline The Jets have acquired winger Tyler Toffoli from the New Jersey Devils in exchange for a second-round draft pick in 2025 and a third-rounder in the 2024 draft. # globalnews # Sports # TylerToffoli # WinnipegJets # WinnipegSports https:// nnipeg-jets-tyler-toffoli/ sports,Jets acquire Tyler Toffoli from Devils at trade deadline The Jets have acquired winger Tyler Toffoli from the New Jersey Devils in exchange for a second-round draft pick in 2025 and a third-rounder in the 2024 draft. # globalnews # Sports # TylerToffoli # WinnipegJets # WinnipegSports https:// nnipeg-jets-tyler-toffoli/ sports,"Mono league hitter targets for fantasy baseball 2024: Pete Alonso, Cedric Mullins and more https:// 3/08/fantasy-baseball-2024-mono-al-nl-only-league-targets/ Derek VanRiper and Gene McCaffrey share their favorite AL- and NL-only league hitter targets for fantasy baseball 2024. # Sports # News" sports,F1 Saudi Arabian Grand Prix betting preview: Max Verstappen’s odds put him in rarefied air https:// 3/08/f1-saudi-arabian-grand-prix-odds-verstappen/ Max Verstappen's dominance on the track has translated to the betting odds. His championship odds are incredibly short after just one race. # Sports # News sports,"Mikaël Kingsbury falls just shy of Crystal Globe despite victory in World Cup finale Mikaël Kingsbury won the single moguls World Cup season finale on Friday in Almaty, Kazakhstan — but Ikuma Horishima's second-place finish was enough for the Canadian's Japanese rival to clinch the season-long title. # cbc # news # Sports # Olympics # WinterSports # FreestyleSkiing https://www. freestyle-skiing/moguls-world-cup-recap-march-8-1.7137835?cmp=rss" sports,NHL trade grades: Predators land Jason Zucker from Coyotes at a bargain price https:// 3/08/nhl-trade-grade-zucker-predators-coyotes/ The Predators beefed up their winger depth with a extremely dependable forward — practically for nothing. # Sports # News sports,# NFLVideos : Sam Hartman: Next GQ Model?? https://www. # AmericanFootball # AmericanFootballVideos # Football # FootballVideos # NationalFootballLeague # NFL # NFLVideos # NFLVlog # sport # sports # video # videos # Vlog sports,"NHL trade grades: Kyle Okposo adds depth to Panthers’ bottom six https:// 3/08/nhl-trade-grade-kyle-okposo-panthers/ There is a lot to like with this Okposo trade. It isn’t just a solid move for Florida, but a great story. # Sports # News" sports,"NASCAR at Phoenix expert predictions: Odds to win, long shots and simmering rivalries https:// 3/08/nascar-at-phoenix-shriners-childrens-500-odds-and-predictions/ Jeff Gluck and Jordan Bianchi break down the next ""real"" race of the season and predict winners, long shots and rivalries. # Sports # News" sports,"Mikaela Shiffrin returning to World Cup circuit in Sweden after 6-week injury layoff Mikaela Shiffrin is no longer challenging for a women's record-tying sixth World Cup overall title this month, and on Friday praised standings leader Lara Gut-Behrami for her ""stunning"" skiing. # cbc # news # Sports # Olympics # WinterSports # AlpineSkiing https://www. alpine-skiing/olympics-alpine-skiing-shiffrin-return-1.7138121?cmp=rss" sports,NHL trade grades: Tyler Toffoli gives Winnipeg Jets a boost up front https:// 3/08/nhl-trade-grades-tyler-toffoli-winnipeg-jets-devils/ The Jets added Toffoli from the New Jersey Devils on trade deadline day for a very attractive price. # Sports # News sports,🏒 Matt Rempe is fighting the entire NHL. Will it boost or harm the league? https://www. /05/matt-rempe-fights-new-york-rangers-hockey-nhl # hockey # sports # violence music,# HolssiStyle # KPop # Holssi # HolssiChallenge # TheWinning # music # IU # Uaena # HER_World_Tour # HER # dlwlrma # 아이유 # 李知恩 # LeeJiEun # 드림 @ kpop music,# NowPlaying : Inner City - Whatcha Gonna Do With My Lovin (Def Mix) https:// https:// # listenlive # 80s # 90s # oldskool # retro # music music,I’d like to invite you to select your favourite recording artist of the 1950s/1960s/1970s Group Eighteen Result: Michael Jackson 20% Mike Oldfield 28% Miles Davis 29% Muddy Waters 23% Group Nineteen Neil Young Nick Drake Nina Simone Otis Redding Please vote for your favourite artist below 👇 # Music # PopMusic # RockMusic # Songs # Poll # SoulMusic # RockNRoll music,"😮 Whoa, Judas Priest are freaking legends. https:// ncible-shield # music # metal" music,"Ambient sound provided this morning by the Tenori-On, bleepin' and bloopin' and hummin' beside me. #music #ambientmusic" music,"Andrew Synowiec - ""Hear And Now"" # music # guitar https://www. Y" music,For you # metal # vocalists out there get some Weekends are for # music music,Santana - Borboletta. Picked this up today. # santana # CarlosSantana # vinyl # Music # NowPlaying music,"Neu & FRISCH: Fresh Start | Chill Mix https:// hill-mix/?feed_id=23241&_unique_id=65ec99d0e4d3f&utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=technostreaming&utm_campaign=socialposts .—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—. ""Techno ist die Tür, die das Unbekannte offenbart."" - Aphex Twin ---------------------- # DJSets # djset # technostream # technoset # technolivestream # house # dj # djs # technoradio # streaming # streams # live # music # dj # party # housemusic # technomusic # livestream # acid # techno" music,"At 6pm on the New Music & Scottish Albums Chart show, we have # NewMusic from Ariana Grande, Girls Aloud, NKOTB, The Black Keys, Eels, Nick Cave & the Bad Seeds, Norah Jones & Jax Jones, plus album tracks from , Autumn 1904, Kaiser Chiefs, Liam Gallagher & John Squire, Madonna, RAYE, Rod Stewart with Jools Holland. # music" music,# art # artist # love # drawing # photography # artwork # instagood # photooftheday # instagram # painting # fashion # like # artistsoninstagram # beautiful # illustration # digitalart # follow # design # nature # picoftheday # photo # bhfyp # sketch # style # arte # happy # cute # draw # music # artoftheday music,"Learn about a mysterious # Egyptian goddess, the worst names in history of give to a child, comforting # LoFi # music , baroque church pulpits in the same of dragons and much more, it's edition #121 of interesting things. http:// emplate-10-interesting-things-i-found-on-the-internet-121/" music,"# tretro # retrogaming # gaming If anyone wants to know what I did in the early 90s: I composed and edited # music for some PC games together with a friend as ""Dynamic Soundworks"" ... https://www. c" music,"This morning's # workout # music is from # EricDolphy - who combines the cerebral & the emotive, the innovative and the accessible like few in # jazz ever have. Like the Monk of the woodwinds it is all about the intervals. The weird colorization on this one gives it a # surreal quality. Recorded in 1961 for a TV Special titled ""Eric i sta'n"" (Eric in town) Left alone 00:00 Miss Anne 05:36 Serene (alternate take) 10:05 God Bless the child 17:46 G.W. 23:27 Eric Dolphy (alt sax, bass clarinet, flute), Idrees Sulieman (trumpet), Rune Öfwerman (piano), Jimmy Woode (bass) , Sture Kallin (drums) https:// NG1zLIQ3bQ" music,Listen: Fruition Share New Single “Feeling Weird” https:// ruition-share-new-single-feeling-weird/? # music # jamband # groovy music,Listen: Fruition Share New Single “Feeling Weird” https:// ruition-share-new-single-feeling-weird/? # music # jamband # groovy music,von 19:00 bis 05:00 Uhr streamt suuN: SONGREQUESTS Guitar&Bass | !how !instant (Music) 📺 twitch: https://www. 📺 youtube: https://www. # RBTV # RocketBeans # RocketBeansTV # Music # RBTV_suuN (mit dabei ist SuuN) 🫘⌛ music,"Neu & FRISCH: Eris Drew b2b Octo Octa @ Neon Falls https:// -octo-octa-neon-falls/?feed_id=23233&_unique_id=65ec965a4dee4&utm_source=Mastodon&utm_medium=technostreaming&utm_campaign=socialposts .—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—.—. ""Techno ist die Tür, die das Unbekannte offenbart."" - Aphex Twin ---------------------- # DJSets # djset # technostream # technoset # technolivestream # house # dj # djs # technoradio # streaming # streams # live # music # dj # party # housemusic # technomusic # livestr ..." music,# Garfield # music # Push # bot # lyrics music,Le pasteur Lee Dong-hwan radié pour sa participation à des activités pro-LGBT # gospel # music # worship # praise # news # musique # évangélique # actualités # bgospelmagazine # bgospel https://www. g-hwan-radie-pour-sa-participation-a-des-activites-pro-lgbt/?feed_id=46709&_unique_id=65ec959692bdd music,Salieri Catilina Overture (1792) https:// @ classicalmusic # music # ClassicalMusic music,nolhon is now streaming Music on Twitch: https:// JustJammin / no talking # SynthStream # twitch # GSG # music # musodon # synth # synthesis @ synths music,Album of the Day Hot Chocolate - Greatest Hits Thanks to badass @ SpaceAce for hipping me Hot Chocolate. And for providing this primer. Truly a mensch. This is arranged chronologically which a great approach to a greatest hits comp. It makes me excited to get into the deep cuts. A new favorite around the household. # AlbumOfTheDay # nowPlaying # vinyl # vinylCollection # soulfulSaturday # usedVinyl # music # musique # musik music,Man forming a band IRL is soooo much harder/slower as an old than it was as a 20-something. I may have to learn a DAW just to collaborate virtually instead. # music # FolkMusic # musician music,"Kelley et Reginald Steele, un couple qui enseigne l'amour et le respect dans le mariage # gospel # music # worship # praise # news # musique # évangélique # actualités # bgospelmagazine # bgospel https://www. -steele-un-couple-qui-enseigne-lamour-et-le-respect-dans-le-mariage/?feed_id=46706&_unique_id=65ec90e3f15d8" music,Eric Dolphy # music # jazz # EricDolphy music,TWICE & LE SSERAFIM Make History as First Two All-Woman Groups at Nos. 1 & 2 on Top Album Sales Chart Check it out! 👇 https://www. /twice-le-sserafim-make-history-woman-groups-number-one-two-top-album-sales-chart-1235628771/ # MusicNews # Charts # Billboard # AlbumSales # Music # ChartBeat music,Chomsky Suite (2011) by Tod Machover https://www. w Chomsky Suite (2011) was composed by Tod Machover for Noam Chomsky and the Kronos Quartet as part of the FAST Festival in celebration of MIT’s 150th anniversary. # music # concert # chomsky music,"🎵 DJ LIVESET HEUTE ABEND, 22:00 Uhr Gepflegte elektronische Tanzmusik hören, dabei mit dem Fediverse chatten. Heute Abend streame ich ein DJ-Set live, im Rahmen meiner Sendung INDIE Dunkelheit, der musikalischen Wundertüte. Seid pünktlich vor 22 Uhr da; punkt 22:00 Uhr startet mein Intro, welches nur während des Livestreams zu hören ist, nicht später im Upload der Sendung. Der Stream startet automatisch. Es gibt dabei auch einen Chat. https:// # DJ # Music # Dance # Techno" music,My R&B Mixtape: 🎧 Alexander O'Neal: Hearsay SOS Band: Sands of time (The finest). Lisa Stansfield: Affection Mac Band Featuring The McCampbell Brothers: Roses Are Red The Whispers: Rock steady Chaka Khan: Ain't nobody #music #dance #r&b #dancefloor music,"Today's music: Satin Puppets - ""Ghost Train"" https:// # mastomusic # pop # music # np # NowPlaying # DarkPop # gothic # alternative # usa" music,Today's music: GAUPA - Moloken https:// # mastomusic # metal # music # np # NowPlaying # StonerMetal # PsychedelicRock # sweden music,Hollywood Undead - Day of the Dead (Undead Unhinged) # music # musique # musik # HollywoodUndead https:// 0LMzREwd3W music,"🔴 Coup d'oeil sur le match ! # ITASCO ✅ https:// -radio-100-mix.html 📌 A la mi temps, rendez vous sur # A7Radio pour se détendre en # Music ! # WorldNews # live # streaming # Photography # highlights # review # debrief # Rugby # RWC2024 # SixNationsRugby # Sport # ITAECO" music,Ma recommandation du jour : Sunshine par Cruel Santino. Un titre à écouter sur # deezer # music # musique https:// S9U8 music,"Gonna again plug my alternative music retailer list here: https:// ListOfMusicRetailers A collection-in-progress of online stores offering music in high quality, accessible, and permanently ownable formats. Say no to DRM'd music!! :dancekirbyheadphones: # Bandcamp # bandcampalternative # drmfree # Music # musiccollection # Audio" music,new weekly Top 50 chart is now online :spotify: https:// CrPA1EK6k2eAkysLji # np # newmusic # music music,# Garfield # music # Santeria # bot # lyrics music,"Little Black Hatchback ~ Dgar [Verse] I took my baby To the esplanade We grabbed a bite to eat And found a place to park They said to me I like your car Was then I knew We’re gonna go far We headed to the beach And we chased the tide We watched the sea And the sun collide We put some dolphin stickers On the sides Of our little black hatchback And go for ride. [Pre-chorus] It looks so good Looks so right Driving along Taking in the sights [Chorus] In my little black hatchback Driving from town to town Taking all the back tracks In the coolest little car around [Verse] We drove out back Looking for some fun It was like we were sailing On the sun Look out world Here we come In a little black hatchback That wants to run We went on a search For something new We climbed the mountains Just to see the view You vowed to me And I vowed to you To connect our souls And forever be true [Pre-chorus] It feels so good It feels so right Driving along Afternoon delight [Chorus] In my little black hatchback Driving from town to town Taking all the back tracks In the coolest little car around [Solo] [Pre-chorus] It’s so good It’s so right Driving along Into the night [Chorus] In my little black hatchback Driving from town to town Taking all the back tracks In the coolest little car around My little black hatchback Driving from town to town Taking all the back tracks In the coolest little car around Written, composed, performed, mixed, and produced by Jon O'Hare. https:// e-black-hatchback # DgarMusic # Indie # Music # SingerSongwriter # Rock # NewMusic # Pop # Synth # MusiciansOfMastodon" music,"At 4-6pm on Radio Jammor each day is The Teatime Show, with music from 1990 onwards* *Except for requests Radio Jammor is on the air... Broadcasting from # Scotland https:// # ScottishIndependence # YouYesYet # music # teatime # drivetime" music,⚫️ Music: Don't Stop The Rock · Freestyle # freestyle # music https:// HcOwNBcRsM music,"# AI # Thread # Petawawa I knew I was born black! I just knew it! I must have lightened up over the years. Also, I look big, for 3 years old? Little boy sits on a rock OFF the tracks this time, the bridge has no top or sides, a little community nearby and the river below.. Just working on my Tan now.. ♫ Working On My Tan ♫ # NowPlaying # NSR Tim Curry https://www. A # TimCurry # Reggae # Music" music,"Favourite Record of 1960 Final. Result: Chain Gang - Sam Cooke 51% v 49% Only the Lonely - Roy Orbison I’d like to invite you to select your favourite top 40 record of 1962 Group One It Might as Well Rain Until September - Carole King Wimoweh - Karl Denver Let’s Dance - Chris Montez Format: initially, eight groups of three then quarter-finals, etc. Please vote for your favourite record below 👇 # Music # PopMusic # RockMusic # Songs # Poll # SoulMusic" music,"Kronos Quartet-pieces of Africa (free download) https:// artetEscalayWaterwheel/01+-+Kronos+Quartet+-+Mai+Nozipo+(Mother+Nozipo).mp3 Pieces of Africa is a 1992 studio album by the Kronos Quartet, containing works commissioned by the quartet, written by seven African composers. https:// f_Africa The Kronos Quartet is an American string quartet based in San Francisco. It has been in existence with a rotating membership of musicians for 50 years. https:// uartet # music # album" music,"Was in the mood for this. This is Soubour by Songhoy Blues, live performance. Super solid groove, tasty solos, and an overall great vibe. # Music # WorldMusic # Timbuktu # Mali # DesertBlues https://www. g" music,🕓Z Coming up in just 20 minutes it's The Country Jamboree repeat Presented by Maureen and Michael G. featuring yesterday's and today's classic # country and # bluegrass . Email and tune in at https:// band # audio # TGVRadio # radio # music 🎸🎻🪕🎧🎚️🎛️🎶🔁⏪⏩🔁🔁🔁 music,"I’d like to invite you to select your favourite album of 1962-64 Group Three Result: Oh, Pretty Woman - Roy Orbison 55% Please Please Me - The Beatles 42% Rock ‘n’ Roll #2 - Elvis Presley 3% Group Four With the Beatles - The Beatles In Dreams - Roy Orbison Pot Luck - Elvis Presley Please vote for your favourite album below 👇 # Music # PopMusic # RockMusic # Songs # Poll" music,I’d like to invite you to select your favourite top 40 record of 1961 Group Four Result: Are You Lonesome Tonight - Elvis Presley 36% Rubber Ball - Bobby Vee 19% FBI - The Shadows 14% Walk Right Back - The Everly Brothers 31% First Semi-Final Hit the Road Jack - Ray Charles v Take Five - The Dave Brubeck Quartet Please vote for your favourite record below 👇 # Music # PopMusic # RockMusic # Songs # Poll # SoulMusic music,"Joyce Manor show in FL shut down, attendee arrested for moshing https://www. show-in-fl-shut-down-attendee-arrested-for-moshing/ # brooklynvegan_category_music # Music # arrested # Collective_Con # Joyce_Manor # moshing # punk" music,"The latest Freak Scene newsletter about # music in Western MA and CT delves into the wonderful new album from Lisa Bastoni, along with a # StarWars -themed love song and the latest from Hannah Mohan, formerly of And the Kids: https:// chive/freak-scene-5-lisa-bastoni/" music,Hallelujah The Hills: “Vitamin C” https://www. elujah-the-hills-can-vitamin-c? # humptunes # music music,# NowPlaying : Tears For Fears - Shout https:// https:// # listenlive # 80s # 90s # oldskool # retro # music music,# music # piano https:// weRUzHRg-R music,Alicia Villarreal Performs for Female Inmates & More Uplifting Moments in Latin Music Check it out! 👇 https://www. ia-villarreal-performs-female-inmates-uplifting-moments-latin-music-1235628153/ # Music # Latin music,"All of Bad Bunny’s No. 1 Hits: ‘Titi Me Preguntó,’ ‘Yonaguni’ & More Check it out! 👇 https://www. top-songs-hot-latin-songs-chart/ # Music # Latin" music,Gossip https://www. o # youtube_BBCMusic # bbc # music music,CMAT https://www. Y # youtube_BBCMusic # bbc # music music,Gossip https://www. U # youtube_BBCMusic # bbc # music music,My favorite # music streams: https:// https:// https:// music,"Sona Jobarteh & Band - Kora Music from West Africa https://www. o Gambian multi-instrumentalist, singer and composer - first female professional kora player https:// arteh https:// The kora is a stringed instrument used extensively in West Africa.A kora typically has 21 strings, which are played by plucking with the fingers. It combines features of the lute and harp. https:// strument) # music # concert # worldmusic # live" music,https://www. usic/2024-03-09/ バーチャルアイドルPLAVE「音楽中心」で1位を獲得…NCT WISHがデビューステージを披露 # KPOP # KPopMusic # Kstyle # KstyleMusic # Music # PLAVE # ニュース # 韓国 # 韓国アイドル # 韓国エンタメ情報 # 韓国ドラマ # 韓国俳優 # 韓国映画 # 韓国芸能 # 韓流 # 韓流スター music,"Megaliths, Music, and the Mind : A Transdisciplinary Exploration of Archaeoacoustics [book] - ‘exploration of the human experience of special sound in ancient ritual and ceremonial spaces’ - release date 2024-05-24 # megalithic # music https://www. 0.1201/9781003468233/megaliths-music-mind-linda-eneix" music,"This Day in Pop Music History: March 09 - 25 years ago today, nearly a year and a half after the 1997 album on which it appears (Come On Over), Shania Twain's breakout hit single ""Man! I Fell Like a Woman!"" was released. https://www. g # music # popmusic # newcountry # shania # shaniatwain # hitsingle" music,"In an electrifying collaboration ⚡️🔊 that bridges continents and genres, the globally acclaimed Don Diablo and the iconic Major Lazer release their latest track, “Jiggy Woogie,” out now via HEXAGON. # Music # BassHouse https://" music,fmit: whether you want to tune a # guitar or a # violin this musical instrument tuner has your back — and gives you a ton of detailed information without overloading you while you just want to get tuned for recording. https:// The screenshot shows my voice ☺ # freesoftware # music # sound music,🔴 # Sport > # ITASCO > 16 - 22 ✅ https:// -radio-100-mix.html 📌 L'Ecosse prend le large face à l'Italie ! On se détend en # Music sur # A7Radio ! 🎶 ✳️ Sans oublier de s'inscrire pour jouer à la # TOMBOLA et avoir LE livre COLLECTOR de # LACHOSE ! ⬇️ https://www. ose/ # WorldNews # live # streaming # Photography # highlights # review # debrief # Rugby # RWC2024 # SixNationsRugby # Sport # ITAECO # Radio # SixNations # ChampionCup music,Another oldie but goodie this morning. Cracker- Satisfy You https:// # Music # StuckInMyHeadThisMorning # HashtagGames # Cracker music,# Garfield # music # Bitch # bot # lyrics music,"To remember the # Birthday of Ornette Coleman (1930-2015) Saxophonist and composer, # NowPlaying Ornette Coleman The Shape of Jazz to Come (1959) # FreeJazz # Jazz # Saxophone # Music" music,"Preparing for a concert band recording is a lot of work, but nothing we can't handle! Thank you to the Neil A. Kjos Music Company! # audioengineering # music # audioengineer # studio # band # concertband # recording # mixing # rockvillemd # Kjos # classical" music,Lean into your unique gifts. # music # musician # artist # motivation # songwriting music,"President Obama sings Amazing Grace for the nine victims in the June 17, 2015, shooting at Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church in Charleston, South Carolina. https://www. 4 # Music ෴" music,A familiar voice on this Saturday Song Day! Before there was Skrillex there was just Sonny. And even before that there was From First to Last. Enjoy this Sonny tune! # sonny # skrillex # fromfirsttolast # fftl # podcast # music # saturdaysongday https://www. Q music,"🎶 ""Won't apologise for being born sooner, might be older but still in tune-r""🎶 # music # parody # oldpeopleofmastodon https://www. I" music,"Preparing for a concert band recording is a lot of work, but nothing we can't handle! Thank you to the Neil A. Kjos Music Company! # audioengineering # music # audioengineer # studio # band # concertband # recording # mixing # rockvillemd # Kjos # classical" music,"Our # SongOfTheDay is ""Tiemblas"" by French-Colombian bassist/singer/songwriter Ëda Diaz. Just the right mix of playfulness and complexity. Have fun! Listen at https:// # NowPlaying # sotd # tPsSotD # music # newmusic # musicdiscovery" music,"Free download codes: Blood Rhythms - ROTE ""heavy meditation music"" # drone # noise # ambient # industrial # bandcampcodes # yumcodes # bandcamp # music https://www. te?utm_campaign=catalog&utm_source=mastodon" music,Wir bedanken uns bei allen Teilnehmenden für den tollen Karaokeabend im vergangenen Februar! Wir freuen uns eure Stimmen bald wieder zu hören und natürlich auf noch viele neue Gesichter bei den nächsten Veranstaltungen. # lsvd # lsvdsachsenanhalt # karaoke # singing # queer # lsbtiq # event # music # bunt music,"Ali Sethi, Nicolas Jaar - Nazar Se https://www. 0 Nażarłem się i już głodny nie jestem (to śniadanie było 🤦). # muzyka # music" music,Ahlu Al Quboor by Narjahanam https://www. Q # Music ෴ # BellyDanceDeathMetal music,Such a fun band King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard Magma live at Red Rocks 2023 # GizzVerse # Music # KGLW # KingGizzard # OzRock # Magma # RedRocks # MastodonMusic # FediRadio # MastoRadio https:// -7XmQZzsbh music,🕒Z At the top of the hour it's The Liquid Frequency Test Presented by Chip Colcord. What if you could flip on the # radio every week and instantly be transported back to another time? https:// band # audio # TGVRadio # Psychedelic # 60s # music ☮🌀🎸🤘🆒🌈⃤🍁🍄👽🌌♾️… music,"Irgendwie ärgert es mich ein wenig, dass diese jungen Leute auf TikTok jetzt alle Brazil von Declan McKenna hören, weil das immer so ein Geheimfund war, den kaum jemand kannte (""kleine finnische Clubs"" und so). Aber nunja, es ist halt ein objektiv perfekter Song für orangerote Frühlings- und Sommerabende. Von daher, wer den Song noch nicht kennt, findet ihn hier: https://www. 8 # fediMusic # Music" music,Heardle Lyrical #345 🔊🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ # Heardle # Lyrics # Music # HeardleDecades @heardledecades https:// music,Et cette incroyable B-side de Slowdive (qui sonne un peu comme les Cocteau Twins) I Saw the Sun (slowdive) https://www. g # music # tootradio # pouetradio music,Heardle USA No. 1s #365 🔊🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ # HeardleUSA # USAChartToppers # Billboard # Music # Heardle @heardledecades https:// music,# Music ෴ # DaftPunk # instrumental Daft Punk - Da Funk https:// # music music,Heardle UK No. 1s #366 🔉⬛️⬛️🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️ # HeardleUK # UKChartToppers # Music # Heardle @heardledecades https:// music,C'est le moment d'écouter la meilleure reprise de Sparklehorse cow - zachary cole smith (sparklehorse) https://www. U # music # tootradio # pouetradio music,Heardle Greatest Hits #100 🔊🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ # Heardle # GreatestHits # Music @HeardleDecades https:// music,"Devagar Me leve bem devagar Que é pra gente aproveitar a vista Por onde passar Até chegar Àquele lugar Onde eu posso trazer meus livros Meus medos, anseios e melhores discos Pra gente escutar enquanto se ama Bem devagar 🎶 https:// vax7 # NowPlaying # BrazilianMusic # Music # SonsDoPará # LGBTQ" music,Heardle Motown #331 🔉⬛️⬛️🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️ # HeardleMotown # Motown # Music # Heardle @heardledecades https:// music,TIME FOR CULTURE CLUB! Our panelists share what they’re loving in pop culture this week. Take a look at the checklists. Have you seen/heard/read any of them? # AwesomeCon # Comics # PopCulture # GreysAnatomy # ABC # Bleachers # Music # NewMusic # TV # LoveLiesBleeding # Movies # film # Oscars # Awards # Damsel # Netflix # Hulu # WashingtonDC # ComicCon music,🎵 Jetzt 9.3. 📻 today 🎶 *= mod. Sendung | * = /w presenter 🕓 16:00 | 4 p. m. * LIVE Nico's # Oldies 🕕 18:00 | 6 p. m. * LIVE Tom's # Country 🕗 20:00 | 8 p. m. * Norbert's # Bllues time 🕘 21:00 | 9 p. m. * LIVE Taba's # Schlager times = CET (UTC +1) 🎧 Webplayer: https:// 8/stream.mp3 Web: ➡️ https:// # RadioRegentrude # Radio # OnlineRadio # streaming # NowPlaying # Musik # music # webradio # internetradio # musica # musique # WeAreTheRadio # FediRadio # MastoRadio # TootRadio # musikken music,King Gizzard and the Lizard Wizard - Catching Smoke # Music # GizzVerse # KGLW # KingGizzard # OzPop # MastodonMusic FediRadio # MastoRadio https:// 9o9sGinDuL music,Heardle New Wave #358 🔉⬛️⬛️🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️ # HeardleNewWave # NewWave # Music # Heardle @heardledecades https:// music,Heardle Disco #261 🔉⬛🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜ # Heardle # Disco # HeardleDisco # Music @HeardleDecades https:// music,Heardle Pop! #34 🔊🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ # Heardle # pop # popmusic # music # HeardlePop https:// music,Heardle Blitzed #25 🔊🟩⬜⬜⬜⬜⬜ # Heardle # Music # NewRomantics # BlitzClub # 80s https:// music,Luci x STAR SEED - What Was I Made For ... https:// sic/what-was-i-made-for # music music,# nowplaying # music # musica # musique # MastoMusic # MastoRadio # nowlistening # np https:// goBt music,Mahmut Orhan - Kettle's Up ft Botan ... https:// ttles-up-feat-botan # music music,"🔴 Coup d'oeil sur le match ! # ITASCO ✅ https:// -radio-100-mix.html 📌 A la mi temps, rendez vous sur # A7Radio pour se détendre en # Music ! # WorldNews # live # streaming # Photography # highlights # review # debrief # Rugby # RWC2024 # SixNationsRugby # Sport # ITAECO" music,# bordermusic # nowplaying # music # musica # musique # MastoMusic # MastoRadio # nowlistening # np https:// 3Dz0 music,Solardo & Stevie Appleton - The Juice ... https:// olardo-stevie-appleton-the # music music,Mura Masa - Still ... https:// ura-masa-still # music music,# zydeco # nowplaying # music # musica # musique # MastoMusic # MastoRadio # nowlistening # np https:// iM5G music,"MISS DRE - Good Girl, Bad Girl ... https:// rlbadgirl # music" music,"Somehow the pandemic had also given us these living room sessions, for which no big fuss was needed apart from music ... https://www. g # RobertFinley # music # musicVideo # blues # greatVoice # singer # musicSession" music,"Decided to get some # Focus today and make a list of what needs finishing on which songs for the next # Release While it felt like was a lot to do, three of the songs were, pleasingly, already complete. # Creativity # Music # Recording # LiveInstruments" music,Marcus King - Hero ... https:// ial/hero # music music,Mackenzie Arromba - Hate myself for loving you ... https:// a/hate-myself-for-loving-you # music music,Souvenir de concert : Gaetan Roussel – Festival Au Pont du Rock 2010 (31 juillet 2010) par Frederic Villemin https:// l-festival-au-pont-du-rock-2010 # live # concert # music # musiclive # livephotos music,Atomic - House of Feelings - # SoundCloud # Music # Blondie https:// /atomic-blondie-cover music,Atomic - House of Feelings - # SoundCloud # Music # Blondie https:// /atomic-blondie-cover music,Unravel - [KY0UMI] - # SoundCloud # TokyoGhoul # TokyoGhoulre # 東京喰種 # 東京喰種re # Music https:// ary/ky0umi-tokyo-ghoul-op-unravel-full-english music,Floating Through The Day. | Sunset Euphoria. #trees #sunset #sky #moon #landscape #nature #photography #floating #sunsetsaturday #sunseteuphoria #playlist #spotify #electronicmusic #music #nowplaying music,Unravel - [KY0UMI] - # SoundCloud # TokyoGhoul # TokyoGhoulre # 東京喰種 # 東京喰種re # Music https:// ary/ky0umi-tokyo-ghoul-op-unravel-full-english music,Da Funk - Mark Caldas - # SoundCloud # Music # DaftPunk https:// -punk-da-funk-cover music,Heardle Rock #375 🔊🟩⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️⬜️ # HeardleRock # Rock # Music # Heardle @heardledecades https:// music,Da Funk - Mark Caldas - # SoundCloud # Music # DaftPunk https:// -punk-da-funk-cover music,Alexander Stewart - Broken by you ... https:// t-1/broken-by-you # music music,Little Red Riding Hood - Ida Redig - # SoundCloud # Music # RedRidingHood https:// ittle-red-riding-hood-ida music,Coming up on Radio Jammor: 2-3pm The Fab 50s & Swinging 60s 3-4pm Female Voices 4-6pm The Teatime Show # 50s # Fifties # 60s # Sixties # Women # Female # Teatime # HomeTime Radio Jammor is on the air... Broadcasting from # Scotland https:// # ScottishIndependence # Music music,JALINADarkRealm is now streaming Music on Twitch: https:// Afterhrs Burnout Jams Improv Dark Electro Music -Jalina DarkRealm # SynthStream # twitch # GSG # music # musodon # synth # synthesis @ synths music,Little Red Riding Hood - Ida Redig - # SoundCloud # Music # RedRidingHood https:// ittle-red-riding-hood-ida music,The Morning Attitude with me Brandon playing hard rock on the radio for few hours live on https:// # rockmusic # rockradio # radio # radioshow # music # rockmusic # rockandroll # radiostation # rockstar # rockmusictiktok # radiotiktok # onlineradio # onlineradiostation music,3 - Aphex Twin - # SoundCloud # Music # AphexTwin # AFX https:// a1 music,3 - Aphex Twin - # SoundCloud # Music # AphexTwin # AFX https:// a1 music,REVIEW: The Stylistics “Love Is Back In Style” https:// 09/review-the-stylistics-love-is-back-in-style/? # music # americana # rootsmusic music,REVIEW: The Stylistics “Love Is Back In Style” https:// 09/review-the-stylistics-love-is-back-in-style/? # music # americana # rootsmusic music,REVIEW: The Stylistics “Love Is Back In Style” https:// 09/review-the-stylistics-love-is-back-in-style/? # music # americana # rootsmusic music,Alfie Templeman - Radiosoul · EP ... https:// /sets/radiosoul-2 # music music,Ariana Grande - Eternal sunshine · Album ... https:// ts/eternal-sunshine-238265361 # music music,クラウデッド・ハウス 豪イベント<Global Citizen Nights>のライヴ映像10曲公開 https:// # amass # music # アニメ # dvd # Blu_ray music,"Double-shot Blues Enthused Track of the Day No 2 for Saturday - new single 'Dragging Me Down' by Robert Jon & The Wreck, from new album Red Moon Rising coming on 28 June! 🎸😎 # bluesrock # classicrock # rockmusic # music # saturdayvibes https://www. Y" music,"Maybe the best recording to come out of the plague lockdown times. aoife o'donovan sits down and plays Springsteen's Nebraska album https:// # Music @ flexghost if you haven't listened to this a bunch of times, you are missing out 🙂" music,what a surprise 😮 nothing at all like what I thought my lifetime streaming totals would be 🫨 Lifetime # Music streaming totals from # StatsFM screen grab: 1. Amigos - Pablo Alborán & Maria Becerra 2. Medellin - Madonna & Maluma 3. Carretera y Manta - Pablo Alborán 4. Date la Vuelta - Luis Fonsi 5. Saturno - Pablo Alborán 6. No se me quita - Maluma & Ricky Martin 7. Tacones Rojos - Sebastián Yatra 8. I Rise - Madonna 💃💃💃🎶🎶🎶💃💃💃 music,Nothing like a # domestic at the # neighbours house at almost 1am on a # sundaymorning ... https:// hared # nodoubt # australia # ausgov # politas # music # lovemusichatefascism # youtube music,That’s 13 # Dgar tracks on # Soundcloud now. That’s pretty much an album!! # playlist # music # DgarMusic # Indie # Rock # Punk # PostPunk # Filk # MusiciansOfMastodon https:// paXS8 music,"Song of the Day - No 448 JOY DIVISION - SHE'S LOST CONTROL Released in 1979 on Joy Division's groundbreaking debut album Unknown Pleasures, ""She's Lost Control"" is a stark and powerful exploration of epilepsy and loss of self-determination. Its driving rhythm, Ian Curtis's haunting vocals, and the song's evocative lyrics make it a post-punk masterpiece. https://www. M # SOTD # SongOfTheDay # music # JoyDivision # postpunk # alternative # newwave" music,# NowPlaying : Frankie Goes To Hollywood - Relax https:// https:// # listenlive # 80s # 90s # oldskool # retro # music music,The piper at the Gates of Dawn? Street Music near #caltonhill in lovely #edinburgh - real art worth every penny! #VisitScotland #topeuropephoto #HistoricScotland #oldtown #theglobewanderer #hiddenscotland #travelersnotebook #historicscotland #passionpassport #europe #bestvacations #bestunitedkingdom #thisisscotland #lifeofadventure #letsgosomewhere #Edinborough #thisisscotland #travellingthroughtheworld 🏴󠁧󠁢󠁳󠁣󠁴󠁿 #ScotlandIsNow #picoftheday #ScotSpirit #DùnÈideann #visituk #takeninscotland #music #streetmusic #sandpipers #pixelfeduk #pixelfedscotland music,'98 trance flashback 😌 #music #trance music,リサ・ローブ 新シングル「Don't Fence Me In」のミュージックビデオ公開 https:// # amass # music # アニメ # dvd # Blu_ray music,トム・ジョーンズ 74年米TV番組『The Midnight Special』から「One Night with You」のライヴ映像公開 https:// # amass # music # アニメ # dvd # Blu_ray music,ガービッジ、ラモーンズ「I Just Wanna Have Something To Do」の未発表カヴァー音源公開 https:// # amass # music # アニメ # dvd # Blu_ray music,One Night with You https://www. A # youtube_themidnightspecialtvsh # themidnightspecial # music # 1970s # rocknroll # rock # concerts # burtsugarman # nbc music,"Factory 93 welcomes Alex Stein to the label for the first time as he unveils his new single, Crank. # music # alexstein # crank # factory93 https://" music,Argentinian talent Blank Sense steps out on Repopulate Mars with three club-ready cuts. # music # blanksense # monaco # repopulatemars https:// se music,"Today's random # Discogs choice Nick Mason and Saucerful Of Secrets Live At The Roundhouse CD 2020. I happened across this one night on Sky Arts and enjoyed it immensely, ordered this the next day. Favourite tracks When You're In and One Of These Days. # nowplaying # music # nickmason" music,# Dgar Now listening to: Little Black Hatchback ~ Dgar My latest track! # DgarRadio # DgarMusic # NewMusic # Indie # Rock # MusiciansOfMastodon # SingerSongwriter # Music # Soundcloud # Synth # Pop https:// e-black-hatchback music,"Rey&Kjavik - Saraswati (Official Video) Saraswati for those unfamiliar with the qualities she represents. Personally, I would love more of those... ""knowledge, music, flowing water, abundance and wealth, art, speech, wisdom, and learning"". Our greater world can also benefit from HUGE downloads of these qualities for each individual on the planet to bring into PRESENCE through our daily lives. Beyond our physical bodies, each of us, are both - Male & Female. If we attach too much to our genders then disharmonious issues arise. #music #Rey-Kjavik #Saraswati #Goddess #Wisdom #Qualities for #Everyone" music,# albumoftheday # fullalbum # nowplaying # music # musica # musique # MastoMusic # MastoRadio # nowlistening # np https:// V3rw0 music,The rest of today's schedule on Radio Jammor 👇 Radio Jammor is on the air... Broadcasting from # Scotland https:// # ScottishIndependence # YouYesYet # Music music,テデスキ・トラックス・バンドの最新ライヴにディッキー・ベッツの息子デュアンがゲスト参加 オールマン・ブラザーズ・バンド楽曲を演奏 https:// # amass # music # アニメ # dvd # Blu_ray music,# Garfield # music # Broadway # bot # lyrics music,英国ドラマ『刑事モース』を見はじめてるがなかなか面白い。 その音楽としてクラシック、それも歌曲が使われていてなんかいいかなあと感じるようになった。まったく曲名などは知らない。そう言えばAppleのクラシック・アプリがあったということで、歌曲のジャンルでいろいろおすすめされているもののなかから夜は聴いてみている。 # music # ドラマ music,Game: Riviera ~The Promised Land~ Perfect Audio Collection Plus (2007) Song: Maze of Shadows # music # videogames # gaming # gamemusic music,聽完這張後要繼續玩「聖獸之王」了... # roon # music # nowplaying music,@ incomerband is now streaming Music on Twitch: https:// Music for pool [suitable for alternative pool parties] with our host @dessindaro 09.03.24 !sl !sr !charity # SynthStream # twitch # GSG # music # musodon # synth # synthesis @ synths music,"Think I'm pretty much done developing this guy, my Windows C# music utility to play random notes inside of ""phrases."" Now it has phrase patterns, so you can pretty much create [weird] songs. As I chose to allow selection by frequency (rather than note) I've ended up with a bunch of non-Western scales. Fun and a bit goofy at the same time. Source code here: https:// tes # music # creativity" music,44 Jahre alt... # B52s # music https://www. s https:// music,# livemusic # blues # nowplaying # music # musica # musique # MastoMusic # MastoRadio # nowlistening # np https:// uIVp music,How To Make Meatloaf Recipe # meatloaf # batoutofhell # food # meat # foodie # jimsteinman # foodporn # dinner # meatlover # timcurry # rockyhorrorpictureshow # comfortfood # s # susansarandon # rock # meatballs # music # homemade # musical # bbq # rockyhorror # foodphotography # fightclub # beef # richardobrien # foodstagram # mashedpotatoes # patriciaquinn # delicious # therockyhorrorpictureshow music,# jazz # jazzmusic # nowplaying # music # musica # musique # MastoMusic # MastoRadio # nowlistening # np https:// n0Np music,"The # vinyl of 2024 - Week 11 Really pleased to have received Philip Glass and Paul Leonard Morgan's # movie # music # soundtrack to the TV Show ""Tales From The Loop"". https://www. hilip-Glass-And-Paul-Leonard-Morgan-Tales-From-The-Loop-Original-Soundtrack A quiet and introspective piece, perfectly counterpointing the imagery of Simon Stalenhag's work. A quiet compliment to a unique show (and his marvellous books) Bought from: MONDO - https:// -shop" music,https://www. I we can all do with something upbeat. # music # queer music,# coversong # nowplaying # music # musica # musique # MastoMusic # MastoRadio # nowlistening # np https:// Jygx music,"# nowplaying # music # beatles # thebeatles Mono, of course" music,"Excellent programme pour le festival des Nuits de Fourvière 2024 : Justice, Air (Moon Safari), LCD Soundsystem, IAM, PJ Harvey, Patti Smith, Brad Mehldau... # Lyon # Music 🎶 https://www." music,Hudba na sobotu. Hudba nemusí hrát rychle a nahlas... https:// KnTVPpv4oo # music # markknopfler music,ギルバート・オサリバン 「Blue Anchor Bay」のアニメーション・ミュージックビデオ公開 https:// # amass # music # アニメ # dvd # Blu_ray music,ティナ・ターナー伝記映画サントラ(ベスト盤)の30周年記念エディションから「Legs」のライヴ音源公開 https:// # amass # music # アニメ # dvd # Blu_ray music,ドキュメンタリー映画『最後のMR.BIG ~日本への愛と伝承〜』 本編冒頭7分がYouTubeで公開 https:// # amass # music # アニメ # dvd # Blu_ray music,"🕐Z Coming up in 20 minutes, 2 hours of relaxing # NewAge , # ambient , and # meditationmusic on the repeat of Northern Lights: The New Age Show with Kelly Sapergia. More information is at http:// . Tune in either by visiting http:// and clicking on the Listen Live link, or go directly to https:// band # TGVRadio # audio # radio # music 📻🎶🎙️🌌🌈🫣🫰🩵🪬🫶🔁" music,ドキュメンタリー映画『最後のMR.BIG ~日本への愛と伝承〜』 本編冒頭7分がYouTubeで公開 https:// # heavymetal # hr_hm # music # ヘヴィメタル # amass music,"# MusicRecommendation Cover of David Bowie’s ""Heroes"" by Beardyman and Jack Conte 👌 I find it hard to believe that every sound and beat in this production is only their voice 😳 https:// # music # bowie # beardyman" music,"10 years ago, a band appeared on Jools Holland music show who i haven’t heard of, Future Islands. This track was the first I heard and was transfixed with the frontman’s performance. 10 years later, nothing has changed. Just got tickets to see them live for the first time and fair to say i’m looking forward to it 😊 # FutureIslands # music # liveMusic # gigs https:// ASuZsqR15j" music,The Lick played on an oboe. # TheLick # music music,The new Bleachers album from Jack Antooff and the eclectic gang he assembled is good. https:// rs # Music # Bleachers # NewMusic # NewAlbum music,"Double-shot Blues Enthused Track of the Day No 1 for Saturday - new single 'Too Soon To Know You' by The Commoners, from upcoming album Restless out on 21 June! 🎸😀 # bluesrock # southernrock # classicrock # rockmusic # music # saturdayvibes https://www. k" music,The Biggest Guitar Show In The UK! • KDH # ArScience # Music # Guitar # UK https://www. U music,"Free download codes: Raccoon Fink - Beyond an Age of Wonder ""A soundtrack for films that don't exist."" # dungeonsynth # adventuresynth # bandcampcodes # yumcodes # bandcamp # music https://www. ond-an-age-of-wonder?utm_campaign=catalog&utm_source=mastodon" music,Black Pistol Fire - Black Halo # music # punkblues https://www. 0 music,"Can someone recommend some # AustrianMusic , please? I would like to explore some more # music from # Austria , but all I'm currently aware of is # Falco and the members of # Austria3 ." music,SOLIDbpm is now streaming Music on Twitch: https:// Electro Improv. Live Modular Synth Jam # SynthStream # twitch # GSG # music # musodon # synth # synthesis @ synths music,スコーピオンズ、フロントマンのクラウス・マイネが“複雑な脊椎手術“を受けたことを公表 回復中のためフェス出演をキャンセル https:// # amass # music # アニメ # dvd # Blu_ray music,Slash feat. Brian Johnson – Killing Floor https:// pXPrOiq2RL # music # blues # rock # tootradio # pouetradio # mastoradio # fediradio music,Cozy Saturday song recommendation: ↳✧˳ Carly Rae Jepsen - No Thinking Over The Weekend https://www. s # Music # CozySaturday music,https://www. usic/2024-03-09/ DAY6、8thミニアルバム「Fourever」トラックプレビューフィルムを公開 # DAY6 # KPOP # KPopMusic # Kstyle # KstyleMusic # Music # ニュース # 韓国 # 韓国アイドル # 韓国エンタメ情報 # 韓国ドラマ # 韓国俳優 # 韓国映画 # 韓国芸能 # 韓流 # 韓流スター music,"mornin', y'all! 🥞 # Music # GoodMorning # MyPannycakesWeighATon bazz, ""bennu"" https://" music,For old timers. Jive Bunny - Rockabilly & 60's Oldies Monstermix https:// U # music # 60s # JiveBunny music,YOUTUBE PLAYLIST https:// ec50-40bd-2ae816239399 music,AC/DC ボン・スコットの初期の時代に焦点を当てた映画、プロデューサーは「伝記映画でない」と説明 https:// # amass # music # アニメ # dvd # Blu_ray music,Most Interesting Mixtapes 2024 - Weeks 09+10 - Tape 03/03 https:// ec4f-b528-ccb533266203 music,# Garfield # music # ItstheEndoftheWorldasWeKnowIt # bot # lyrics music,AC/DC ボン・スコットの初期の時代に焦点を当てた映画、プロデューサーは「伝記映画でない」と説明 https:// # heavymetal # hr_hm # music # ヘヴィメタル # amass music,Most Interesting Mixtapes 2024 - Weeks 09+10 - Tape 02/03 https:// ec4f-2c5a-21b293453663 music,Vazz - BREZ SRCA https://www. k Czasem algorytm wyrzuci coś ciekawego. # muzyka # music art,A Sketch! # art # illustration # marker # ink # mastoart art,"I've seen a few cases of what looks like # AI generated "" # art "" here recently. Please, folks, don't do that" art,Learning to draw in 2024! Day 69 #art #DailyDrawing #DigitalArt #DigitalDrawing #MakingArtEveryDay #MastoArt #Procreate art,Learning to draw in 2024! Day 69 # art # DailyDrawing # DigitalArt # DigitalDrawing # MakingArtEveryDay # MastoArt # Procreate https://www. -to-draw-in-2024-day-69/ art,"# SkeithAutomatic , # SkeithArt , # ArtIA , # aiart , # artdaily , # aidigitalart , # aiartwork , # promptartist , # GeneratedByIA , # randomPic # imagenRandom # art # digitalArt # random" art,"# SkeithAutomatic , # SkeithArt , # ArtIA , # aiart , # artdaily , # aidigitalart , # aiartwork , # promptartist , # GeneratedByIA , # randomPic # imagenRandom # art # digitalArt # random" art,A new book titled ‘Art Is Art’ celebrates the vast and varied creativity of hundreds of neurodiverse artists. https://www. -is-art-book/ # art # books art,"https:// Gonna be going live tonight, taking saucy sketch comms for Sinner's Saturday. Usual time of 4:30 PM EST/1:30 PM PST in the Fox Hole ~ <3 # furry # furryart # art # NSFW # nsfwart # sketch # comm # commissions # nsfwcommisions # furrycomms # stream # livestream # trans # transartist # transstrramer" art,New artwork- “Tiger Watercolor 2”🐯 Prints & accessories available- > https:// ed/tiger-watercolor-2-cac-graphics.html # tiger # bigcats # cats # nature # animal # wildlife # artforsale # art # wallart # interiordecor # artprints # homedecor # painting # interiordesign # SaturdayMorning # Caturday art,https://www. © 2024 # HimalayanArt Resources Inc. # Photographed Image Copyright © 2004 Rubin Museum of # Art art,"Broken angel. Tacoma, WA. . . # ricoh # ricohgr # ricohgriii # ricohgriiix # grsnaps # shootgr # shootgr_tacoma # bnw # bnw_photography # icm # icmphotography # bnw_experimentalism # monochchrome # art # artphotography # urbanphotography # streetphotography # instagood # captures # photooftheday # abstractart # impressionism # abstractphotography # ishootfilm # sometimesishootdigital # cemetery # monument # necropolis" art,# art # artist # love # drawing # photography # artwork # instagood # photooftheday # instagram # painting # fashion # like # artistsoninstagram # beautiful # illustration # digitalart # follow # design # nature # picoftheday # photo # bhfyp # sketch # style # arte # happy # cute # draw # music # artoftheday art,"On January 09, 1493, Christopher Columbus wrote in his journal that he had seen mermaids. He described them as having “a human appearance in the face”, though they were “not half as beautiful as they are painted” Historians are pretty sure this is the earliest known written description of manatees. For # KWPrompts # OldArtNewWork here’s another manatee I painted! https:// ia_attachments/files/110/418/648/499/065/034/original/957c32d4844e2f93.png # mastoArt # Art # ArtChallenge # Watercolor # Watercolour # Nature # MarineLife # Ocean # Manatee" art,the little guy now has flight capabilities. amazing # pixelart # aseprite # mastoart # art art,Jürgen Wittorf: Trainingsgespräch (1964) # art # man # male art,"Carved wooden sculpture by Italian artist Willy Verginer, 2000s-10s. # art # sculpture # ContemporaryArt" art,# Art ... . art,Just thought I'd post these two together # DigitalArt # art # MastoArt art,"fracas, fracture // handcut paper collage on matboard, march 2024 # mastoart # art # queerart # artist # collage # collageart # artistsonmastodon # abstract # vintage" art,"Figure study 24-03-09. Ballpoint on A3. In my shop now. # Art for sale, plotter drawn." art,"940100 a : Peinture abstraite datée, signée #abstract #abstractart #painting #art #peinture #abstrait #scanned Collection:" art,"mastodon, i know somewhere is an # art website that has # nightshade integrated into their uploading system, but i’ve forgotten the name of it. anyone know what it is?" art,"Image prompt: A koala playing chess against a robot on a beach at sunset, Surrealism, dreamlike atmosphere, reminiscent of Salvador Dali or Rene Magritte. # art # AIart # DALLE" art,Here's the time-lapse for yesterday's Drawrch illustration. Happy with how this one turned out! 😊 # drawing # illustration # art # digitalart # procreate # ipadpro # drawrch # portrait # timelapse # mastoart # fediart art,New favorite app. No purpose but wonder. # art # ambient https:// 80078421473154 art,Beep beep! # mylittlepony # art # mastoart # fanart art,Around The Rocks - La Jolla Coast here: https:// atured/around-the-rocks-la-jolla-coast-joseph-s-giacalone.html # LaJolla # sunrise # nature # coastal # California # onlineshopping # giftideas # art # fineart # photography # BuyIntoArt art,"Hey, I’m looking for a job! TL;DR: I am an # artist , # musician , and # writer looking for work. If you need a creative on your team, consider checking out my portfolios. I’d be super excited to work with you to make something!! Boosts are appreciated ❤️ Longer post on Cohost. You do NOT need a # Cohost account to view this post. https:// 22-hire-me # GetFediHired # job # art # GameDev # IndieDev # indie # CommissionsOpen # GodotEngine # godot" art,"My African Bushveld Collection comprises a Sunrise, Sunset and Giraffe theme. View the full catalogue of Art options at: https:// vel 📸 ipackgotravel # travel # travelphotography # art # artonline # ipackgotravel # SunsetArt # sunriseart # GiraffeArt # sunset # sunrise # giraffe" art,# Sketch # art # academicart # shading # humanfigure # fashion # DigitalArt art,Garbage in the river Unfinished. Working Semi abstract watercolor Landscape river 30*40 cm Cotton paper # MastoArt # Watercolor # art # Aquarell # acquerello # aquarela # 水彩 # acuarela # aquarelle art,# trees # nature # tree # naturephotography # photography # forest # landscape # sky # green # naturelovers # clouds # photooftheday # love # sunset # landscapephotography # travel # autumn # beautiful # mountains # art # flowers # treesofinstagram # photo # naturelover # sun # outdoors # plants # instagood # summer art,"Hey wait, look! it's Newton! # Art # Fractals" art,Lorem créé des oeuvres sur des supports récupérés dans la rue et les offre à celleux qui les trouvent. 👍 https:// cMsDdA # art art,Kittens by German painter Julius Adam the Younger (1852-1913). https:// d/kittens-julius-adam.html # Caturday # CatsOfMastodon # kittens # Cats # painting # art # vintage # cute # adorable # CatLovers # MastoArt # FediGiftShop art,At the “Retired Garden”🌻French Garden🗼Visual Art👀Emotions 👉 To LEARN MORE : https://www. e/christ-en-ivoire-de-j-lefort 🔅Oil painting on canvas inspired by sculpture🔅 # creativity # artist # painting # art # french # contemporaryart # MastoArt # inspiration # colors # visualartist # womanartist # frenchartist # visualart # oilpainting # expression # jardin art,# art # Artofday # portrait # FineArtAmerica https:// e-golden-gaze-mihaela-b.html?product=framed-print art,# AI that steals from AI. You can download the scene for # Blender made with # GreasePencil by mega in this link. https:// nERMyrH1ro4cz-KrYTDFeNMEhuN6BdaxkZo I don't know the author of this now popular meme on the web. I made a slight change. # b3d # Blende3d # art # artist art,"I have officially released the first preview teaser clip of the film I've been working on, ""Barista At Ground Zero."" https://www. A # film # Filmmaking # SciFi # Art Fun easter eggs, the radar motion graphics screen on the left was made in # Natron out of an LA subway map, and the Comms Log screen on the right is Ben Chang from # Community talking to himself." art,# art # Artofday # portraitart # FineArtAmerica https:// rican-lady-9-mihaela-b.html art,"I know I usually post my word art, but I'm really proud of my visual art I made last night so imma share that too today. # art # watercolor # MyArt" art,"🌸・Projet Pikmin・🌸 ❚━🌸WIP N°1 : Concept Art 2D Pikmin🌸━❚ Pour être aux premières loges et me suivre de près, rejoins-moi sur Ko-Fi : https:// # drawing # draw # conceptart # concept # 2dart # 2D # Pikmin # art # art2d # digitalart # digitalpainting" art,Who can guess this location? Watercolor painting by Steve Paulson! Stop by the Uxbridge Community Art Gallery we are here until 3pm! # art # artist # watercolor art,"The mountain looked imposing, daunting for the average person to cross over, go around, get past, but as with any challenge, it wasn't impossible. It was a matter of time, determination, planning, skill, and the willingness to look into various options. That's what life is -- a journey that takes us through valleys and to and past mountains. Chief Joseph Mountain framed print -- https:// eatured/chief-joseph-mountain-steve-henderson.html?product=framed-print # nature # travel # mountains # oregon # art # artwork # mastoart # fediart # buyintoart # painting" art,"Quick tutorial on CROOKED NECK's book cover. Get the full tut when you get the ""Avid Artist's Bundle"" add-on here: https://www. llewiliams/the-guests-of-crooked-neck-a-stormy-science-fantasy-novel?ref=4dymyq I jumped straight into painting color. THAT WAS A MISTAKE. The picture doesn't read. Things I think need to be there—like the camera floating atop Influencer's palm—there's no room for 'em! I need a plan. # art # BookCover # tutorial # WIP # scifi # fantasy # sketch # krita # painting # DigitalPainting # book # Kickstarter # fiction # reads" art,Look at this tree I grew. 🌳 # hashAmatic # tree #🌳 # fractal # art # botArt art,Semi abstract watercolor Landscape river 30*40 cm Cotton paper # MastoArt # Watercolor # art # Aquarell # acquerello # aquarela # 水彩 # acuarela # aquarelle art,"I happened to come across this picture this morning. It’s from a trip my wife and I took to St. Lucia with my folks, just as everything went to Hell in the pandemic. The memory of that trip helped ease a lot of days of lockdown and quarantine. Laborie, St. Lucia. March 7, 2020. # landscape # landscapephotography # StLucia # Caribbean # beach # Photography # art # mastoart" art,Can't tell u how happy I would be 😋 # nsfw # nsfwart # lewdart # gayart # transart # art # hentai # animation # sissysaturday art,Squarcio dimensionale. #Photo #Photography #Foto #Fotografia #Fotografie #Images #Photos #Image #Photographie #Art #MastoArt #BlackAndWhite #BlackAndWhitePhotography #Monochrome #MonochromePhotography #BW #Subway #SubwayStation #Corridor #Abstract #AbstractPhotography #AbstractArt #Lights #Shadows art,"Your daily dose of dutch art by Rembrandt van Rijn Self-portrait in a fur cap: bust Medium: etching - material: paper Dimensions: height 59mm, width 50mm # art # mastoart # rijksmuseum # 17thCentury" art,"title: Gentleman Jim Corbett artist: William M. Morrison, 1875 - ? source: National Portrait Gallery # Art # Design # Museum # Gallery # MastodonArt # MastoArt # Culture # Random https:// 47" art,Took a surface design course this week and reimagined some linocuts to make some floral patterns with extra pollinator friends… Hoping to put my portfolio to work for me # art # surfaceDesign # florals # linocut # printmaking # patternDesign # MastoArt art,wanted to do draw something quick to cheer my beloved a little bit during a rough time.. # MastoArt # JingYuan # Blade # JingRen # hsr # HonkaiStarRail # DigitalArt # Art art,✨-HBD to Me- Painting Process ✨(sort of) Made this from the layers I have since I didn't record the process as a clip!🙏 🎨Done in PS # MrDark91art # DigitalArt # digitalpainting # art # illustration # ชุมชนสายผลิต # ชุมชนนักวาด # สายผลิตลีภัย # สายผลิตทวิตลม # MastoArt # mrdark91art # SpeedPaint art,Virtual Journeys Tokyo Shibuya Frame 130 .... Virtual Journeys: Tokyo Shibuya Frame 130 A story about Tokyo based on photos made in 1994. A journey in space and time. Part of the World Communication project that I have restarted in 2019. Get the image from this video at https:// rame-130 # Tokyo # art # digital_art # travel # virtual_travel # shibuya_station # shibuya # time_travel #1994 # virtual_journey # journey art,# art # Artofday # artoftoday # mastoart # FineArtAmerica https:// e-redemption-mihaela-b.html?newartwork=true art,I joined @ anna 's painting session. From her reaction I would say she didn't expect it. I am quite proud of my art. # art # cat # caturday # CatsOfMastodon # paint art,# art # Artofday # artoftoday # FineArtAmerica https:// moment-of-autumn-mihaela-b.html?newartwork=true art,My new Smartphone Wallpaper release is so “hot” that it deserves a smoking background for illustrative purposes. The modern Green Blimp Tree and the Historic Arch it depicts are stunning. The green background lighting (if your phone supports that) creates a super tech feeling. View it on: https:// 📸 ipackgotravel # travel # travelphotography # wallpaper # phoneaccessories # art # SmartphoneAccessory # photography # onlineshop # onlineart # ipackgotravel # phonewallpaper art,"A piece I found a few years back, of a mumeration of birds that was shaped like a bird itself. I thought it so beautiful I had to have it. It makes every day better to see it. Thst it what # art is supposed to do for us. Support your fellow human artists, please. https://www. o-web/murmuration-of-starlings-how-our-stunning-front-page-photograph-was-taken-1.4501033" art,Finally finished this # drawing . # cat # nonbinary # kitty # draw # digital # art # artist art,#28 🍦🍒 i feel like summer was so long ago. # mastoart # art art,Does anyone have a good reference for a simple bow design? # art art,Happy Saturday! Stop by the Uxbridge Community Art Gallery we are here until 3pm! Painting by Leslie Breault! # art # artist # painting art,"I tre orfani Beaudelaire, da ""Una serie di sfortunati eventi"" di Lemony Snicket # art # MastoArt # LemonySnicket # fanart" art,art by John Harris Valda (b.1874-d.1942) # art # arts # artist # artists # illustration # artnet # artwork # drawing # painting # drawings # artlover # artlovers # arthistory # history # artgallery # artgalleries art,"# SkeithAutomatic , # SkeithArt , # ArtIA , # aiart , # artdaily , # aidigitalart , # aiartwork , # promptartist , # GeneratedByIA , # randomPic # imagenRandom # art # digitalArt # random" art,"# SkeithAutomatic , # SkeithArt , # ArtIA , # aiart , # artdaily , # aidigitalart , # aiartwork , # promptartist , # GeneratedByIA , # randomPic # imagenRandom # art # digitalArt # random" art,"Here is the first casting of my Nessie sculpt, going to try a few more colors and then get some better pics. # art # artwork # sculpture # resinart # cryptid # cryptids # lochnessmonster # lochnessmonsterart # nessie # sculptwork # mythical # mythologyart # mythology" art,A cup of inspo. ☕️ 🎨 # CoffeeForTheArts # Coffee # Café # Tea # Té # Art art,2/2 One more from February's art prompts that I'm hosting at https:// # LupinIII # Art art,New artwork- “Orange Tabby Kittens 2” Click here> https:// ed/orange-tabby-kittens-2-cac-graphics.html 🐱 # cat # tabbycat # kitten # kittens # orangetabby # naturelovers # fineart # artforsale # watercolor # art # prints # gifts # homedecor # interiordesign # wallart # Caturday # giftideas # Saturdaymorning # saturdayvibes art,Saturday Painting and Chill-out - SMurf Terminators and Coffee https:// # twitch # miniaturepainting # streaming # art # chill art,A new page finished ! It's been almost a year since I started my manga which was to pay tribute to Mr. Toriyama... I have so many regrets that this tribute is now posthumous... We love you Mr Toriyama ! ❤️ # mangaka # manga # AkiraToriyama # DragonBall # illustration # art # drawing art,# art to start🎨 ...sailing into dreamland 'Entrée du port de la Rochelle' by Paul Signac # painting # oil # OilPainting # landscape # pointillist art,I love the quince buds in B&W on wood. It has a sepia tone quality. https://www. lower%20Buds%20Black%20and%20White%200309.html # art # artist # Artistlife # artshop # contempoaryart # fediart # mastroart # fediartshop # artbooster # buyintoart # SpringForArt # AYearForArt # FallForArt # SouthJerseyArtist # GermanArtist # CreativeToots # quince # flowers # blackandwhite # macro # mothersday art,"Participate in the YCH Raffle for a chance to feature in an April sketch! Follow these steps: 1. Give this post a thumbs up and share it. 2. Ensure you're following this account (if you're already a follower, feel free to participate without completing this step). 3. Respond to this post, indicating the preferred numbered slot for your feature (choose only one slot, excluding those labeled as ""(TAKEN)""). 4. Include your reference sheet in the same reply where you've specified your YCH slot preference, welcoming all fursona genders, body types, species, etc. Raffle runs for two weeks, ending on March 23. Winners randomly selected for each slot. Questions? Reply here or message on Mastodon. Preview past artworks: Mastodon ( https:// ) or Furaffinity ( https:// ). Best of luck to all participants! # furry # anthro # art # raffle # ArtRaffle # free # FreeArt # YCH # giveaway # FurryArt # FurryArtist # MastoArtist # FediArt # DigitalArt # anthroart" art,Here they are! tiny Xenia stickers :D Licensed under CC-BY-SA! Download! You can buy them as physical stickers from me! # myart # furryArt # art # xenia # linux art,"Happy Caturday once again! Meet Tom, a tabby cat who is fond of tiptoeing through the tulips... ARTWORK - https:// red/tom-in-the-tulips-peggy-collins.html # caturday # cats # cat # tulips # flowers # whimsical # colorful # pets # catsofmastodon # catstodon # cute # art # arte # kunst # wallartforsale # wallart # artprints # artforsale # fineart # gifts # giftideas # interiordesign # homedecor # ayearforart # buyintoart # creativetoots # artbooster # fediverse # fedigiftshop # mastodonart # mastoart # tabby" art,"Eine kleine Kohlmeise, die Ausschau hält. Ich könnte mir die kleinen Wesen stundenlang anschauen! #fotografie #natur #vogel #vogelfotografie #meise #kohlmeise #frühling #wald #freiburg #tier #tierfotografie #bokeh #baum #ast -- #photography #nature #animal #wildlife #tit #greattit #bnif #wildlifephotography #forest #woodland #postprocessing #adobe #photoshop #lightroom #moody #bokehporn #bokehlove #mothernature #tree #branches -- #nikon #nikonz -- #art #fineart #mastoart #fediart" art,🎹 La Singularité Je me sens fatigué. Éreinté. Éteint. L’humanité et ses errements m’épuisent. 🔗 lire la suite https:// -singularite/ # musique # ecriture # culture # art # Thylacine # concert art,Rest in peace Akira Toriyama. Many of your works continues to inspire me even today. Thank you for all the inspirations! 🥹 A little tribute. # MastoArt # art # artist # DigitalArt # artwork # artistsonmastodon art,https://www. © 2024 # HimalayanArt Resources Inc. # Photographed Image Copyright © 2004 Rubin Museum of # Art art,drewed a cart for @ weirdofhermiston #Art #DigitalArt #Cat #Caturday #CommissionsOpen art,Pitcher Plant - was walking in the woods with my husband when we came upon this wonderful looking plant. I didn't know what it was until someone told me. It's carniverous too. Nature is so amazing... 😀 https:// red/pitcher-plant-2-renata-natale.html # carniverous # nature # pitcherplant # art # woodlands # MastoArt # buyintoart # RNatalePhotography # Photography art,https:// Commissions OPEN: https:// Join the AIpub Discord: https:// Buy me a coffee: https:// # ai # aiart # aiartist # stablediffusion # digitalart # art art,Any time now and our beautiful quince flowers will be blooming Europe https://www. ink-and-Green-Quince-Fruit-Flower-Buds-0309/1388362 North America https://www. nce%20Flower%20Buds%200309.html # art # artist # Artistlife # artshop # contempoaryart # fediart # mastroart # fediartshop # artbooster # buyintoart # SpringForArt # AYearForArt # FallForArt # SouthJerseyArtist # GermanArtist # CreativeToots # gardening # quince # flowers # mothersday # macro # bloomscrolling art,"It's Miku Day! I originally wanted to use her vanilla design, but instead I used one based on a discord server inside joke, so now she's half-sniper tf2 lmao # characterart # drawing # DigitalArt # myart # art # miku # mikuday" art,# hashAmatic # squares #🔲 # fractal # art # botArt art,Pages 33 and 34 of the graphic novel adaptation of Shakespeare's Sonnets are publicly available! https://www. -34-100045758?utm_medium=clipboard_copy&utm_source=copyLink&utm_campaign=postshare_creator&utm_content=join_link # patreon # shakespeare # sonnets # literature # englishlit # englishliterature # graphicnovel # comics # crowdfunding # art # poetry art,New commission of Lyra with her stuffed animals. Art by Indoor-HumdMW: https://www. ndmw/ # furry # dragon # furryart # art art,Is it done? I can never tell. # art # MastoArt # abstract # stippling # ink art,"Been doing some shader tests in Blender, loving how this Nether portal material turned out, there's a really neat glowing element to it that moves around the cracks over time. Blender tip: To do incrimental animations for textures set the value of a 4D textures ""W"" property to: "" # frame /AMOUNT_OVER TIME"" so for example if you want it to change slowly you would input "" # frame /2400 "" this means it moves 100 times slower than the project 24fps speed _____ Post tags # blender3d # art # animation # art _____" art,"Hi there! Today's #doodle needed a bit of convincing to appear before my inner eye, but here it finally is. #art #furry #furryart" art,"Hi there! Today's # doodle needed a bit of convincing to appear before my inner eye, but here it finally is. # art # furry # furryart" art,“𝐑𝐄𝐃 𝐁𝐀𝐑𝐍” ❤️ Metal print w/FREE SHIPPING U.S./Can today at https:// # SheliaHuntPhotography # BestOfTheVolunteerState # redbarn # BestOfTheUSA # BestOfThe_USA # BestOfTennessee # BuyIntoArt # Mastoart # art # fediart # nature # FediGiftShop # ArtforInteriorDesign # photography # fotografie # HospitalityInteriors # InteriorDesign # landscape # wallart # instahome # uplifting # interiordecorating # interiordecor art,copyright ©Fidan Nazim qizi https://www. oman-with-mirror-on-sea-shore-in-black-and-white-20465299/ # pexels # curated # photo # photography # art art,"Back at it today. Thanks for following along! Pictured: ""Cape Contrast"" https://www. n-edition-prints/art_print_products/cape-contrast # art # photography # mastoart # MastodonArt # chrisboese # boesegalleries" art,Look at this space cloud I made. # hashAmatic # plasma # cloud #☁️ # fractal # art # botArt art,# mastoart # creativetoots # illustration # ink # art # artwork # punk # altgirl art,Super in my element on this commission lol. Clean sketch and soon to be flat colors for Myriad over on Twitter! # art # commission # furry # furryart # anthro # sketch # lines # goat # monster art,"Equestrian statue of Stadtholder-King William III, William Low (possibly), c. 1827 After invading England, William III and Mary became its joint king and queen in 1689. William also remained stadtholder of the Netherlands. This small equestrian statue, modelled on a sculpture now in Bristol, shows the king in the guise of a Roman general. In reali ... casting, h c.36.3cm http://www. G-1997-1 # rijksmuseum # musea # collection # art # mastodonart # mastoart # random" art,"Et vous, vous faites quoi ce week-end ? # art # ColorPencil # MastoArt # drawing # Cats What about you, what are you all up to this weekend?" art,# art # Artofday # FineArtAmerica https:// vely-latin-dance-mihaela-b.html art,Shenron 100 parts # mastoart # art # dragonball # sporeisanartmedium art,Lively Latin Dance Digital Art by Mihaela B - Fine Art America https:// vely-latin-dance-mihaela-b.html # art # artofday # artoftoday # artistic # abstract # mosaic # homedecor # interiordecor # artprint # wallartforsale # artforsale # wallart # mastoart # fediart # fineartamerica # digitalart # fineart art,Fresh from the garden https:// tured/rosemary-flower-iris-richardson.html # art # artist # Artistlife # artshop # contempoaryart # fediart # mastroart # fediartshop # artbooster # buyintoart # SpringForArt # AYearForArt # FallForArt # SouthJerseyArtist # GermanArtist # CreativeToots # herb # rosemary # flowers # macro # MothersDay art,"The 2nd Crystal MONO: Yo, Haku! Look what I found! It looks like a diamond! HAKU: WHAT THE FU- Mono! Don't sneak up on me like that! MINUS: This a friend of yours? # furry # furryart # art # RustHeart" art,"Lysistrata Haranguing the Athenian Women # drawing by Aubrey Beardsley, 1896 # AubreyBeardsley # illustration # erotic # art # nude # nsfw" art,Bestselling art by Shelli Fitzpatrick Part of my Fanciful Fish Collection. The Fanciful Limon Barb Get a print here> https:// featured/the-fanciful-limon-barb-shelli-fitzpatrick.html # fish # art # colorful # MastoArt # bestselling # FediArt # fediverse # AYearForArt # Artshare art,"A new addition to the skull collection, very happy with this one! # art # mastoart # skull # macabre # drawing # art # digitalart # krita # witch # witchvibes # crystals # nature # stilllife # design # digitalartist" art,"New stuff for March! Only took me a little over a week to get it posted here lol. Now available in my shop and wholesale and at the art co-op in Mount Pleasant, For Art's Sake. I have seen a few insects emerging, albeit a bit earlier than usual this year, in the garden, and it got me inspired to draw some beetles. I also thought that we could all use some affirmations in the form of gold stars (or riffs there upon). # Art # Drawing # Stickers # SelfPromotion # Beetles # Goldstar # PinBackButtons" art,"vase, Egyptian, c. 1450–1350 BC # archaeology # pottery # art # arts # artist # artists # artlover # artlovers # museum # museums # artmuseum # artmuseums # inspiration # egypt # egyptian # ancientegypt # artnet # design # designers # designing # artifacts" art,"An Amorous Encounter at a Well. This c1760 CE Provincial # Mughal # IndianMiniaturePainting from from # Lucknow or # Faizabad in # Awadh # India will be on Bonhams sale on March 20, 2024, estimate $ 8,000-12,000. A popular subject in the 18th century probably inspired by the romantic lores of Shahid-Wafa & Mohana Rani-Chel Batao # IndianHeritage # IndianHistory # Painting # Heritage # History # Artist # Histodons # Art # Painting # MastoArt # Paintings # IndianCulture # Romance # Stories # Entertainment" art,"I went to see my buddy Em today, she still has this awesome work on display at her place, it was made by a very talented friend of hers who lives on the mainland. Msg me if u're a tiger lover and'd like to bring this colorful + energetic work into your place!~ # art # arts # painting # paintings # cat # cats # catsofmastodon # illustration # handmade # artlover # artlovers # supportthearts # supportlivingartists # tiger # tigers # nature # naturelover # naturelovers # wildlife # artforsale # artmarket" art,https:// Commissions OPEN: https:// Join the AIpub Discord: https:// Buy me a coffee: https:// # ai # aiart # aiartist # stablediffusion # digitalart # art art,"# SkeithAutomatic , # SkeithArt , # ArtIA , # aiart , # artdaily , # aidigitalart , # aiartwork , # promptartist , # GeneratedByIA , # randomPic # imagenRandom # art # digitalArt # random" art,"# SkeithAutomatic , # SkeithArt , # ArtIA , # aiart , # artdaily , # aidigitalart , # aiartwork , # promptartist , # GeneratedByIA , # randomPic # imagenRandom # art # digitalArt # random" art,After months of hesitation and what ifs I finally pressed the symbol of the wastebasket and his messages disappeared Relief from making a decision Sadness from it not being a pleasant one I am creating space for something new I guess # Poetry # Writing # MastoArt # Art art,I managed to record the inking for the tank illustration. Lets see if I can share it. # timelapse # art # drawing art,"Do you have a case of writer's block because it's hard to write relatable conflict into your # solarpunk stories? Some ideas: Professional rivalry Example: Down and Out in the Magic Kingdom by Cory Doctorow Create something that is, by nature, irredeemable. Example: The Long Way To A Small Angry Planet by Becky Chalmers Natural events Example: The Day After Tomorrow That didn't go the way I thought it would Example: my entire life # writing # prompts # utopia # art # reading # storytelling" art,🦖🎨🦖🎨🦖🎨 NOW https://www. # twitch # vtuber # dinovtuber # art # furry art,"# MarchOfRobots Day 9: Tank Not a fan of guns and probably could have though of a different interpretation of the prompt but I drew a tank with a water cannon. Still goes ""pew pew pew"". # MarchOfRobots2024 # Art # Robot" art,"Haji Widayat (Indonesian, 1923-2002), Adam and Eve in Paradise, 1970 # art # HajiWidayat" art,Got bored again so I drew a chair during Portuguese classes 😐. Please 🥺 give me interesting things to draw. # art # drawing # chairs # chair # perspective # onepointperspective art,Here is hoping you all have a wonderful Caturday! TWO FINE FELINES and more are available here: https:// 20Felines.html # art # mastoart # Caturday # catsofmastodon # catlife # catlovers # inkwash # drawings # interiordecor # InteriorInspiration # InteriorDesigners # BuyIntoArt # FillThatEmptyWall # AYearForArt # felines art,"Cela fait un moment que j'ai fait cette illu, mais je n'avais plus de scanner correct. Comme je viens de faire l'acquisition d'un scanner a3 je peu enfin vous montrer la petite fée misandre. # art # mastoart # dessin # peinture # gouache # illustration" art,"""To Reach the High Frontier"" (2002) edited by Roger D. Launius and Dennis R. Jenkins https://www. 8 # Art # MastoArt # Book # Books # BookCover # BookCovers # CoverIllustraion # CoverArt # AlternativeHistory # UniversityPress # AcademicPress # Bookstodon" art,Page 71 # blackartist # blackcartoonist # cartoon # cartoons # conceptart # concept # illustration # characterart # characterillustration # characterdesign # drawing # art # characterartist # originalcharacters # digitalart # digitalartist # cartoony # comics # comicpage # comicart # comicillustration # anthroanimals # patreon art,My commission prices can be found here They are currently open! . # furry # furryart # furryfandom # digitalart # art # anthroart # commissionprices art,Elisa y Marcella It's a story about two women who fall in # Love with each other around 1900 in # Madrid while studying at a monastere. Elisa starts to live as a man to make it possible to live together # Art made by # CorinaKarstenberg in # Maastricht # Oilpainting # Movie # Netflix art,"Dragons are regal and majestic creatures, so a natural fit for the Emperor card. @ Karb_Derg is showing off his wealth I've heard that if you rub his snout the good luck will rub off on you :3c # furry # art # mastoart # furryart # deepseacreatur3 # tarot" art,https://www. © 2024 # HimalayanArt Resources Inc. # Photographed Image Copyright © 2004 Rubin Museum of # Art art,"Antoine de Saint-Exupéry, French aviator and writer. He was born in Lyon on 29th June 1900 and disappeared in the Mediterranean Sea on 31st July 1945 during a reconnaissance flight. He demonstrated both courage in his air missions during the second world war and sensibility in his literary works, including its most famous one, ""Le Petit Prince"". I drew him with graphite pencils and notably kept strokes for the edges, which is less realistic but better defines contours (like in the ligne claire style). #antoinedesaintexupery #worldwartwo #aviator #writer #literature #lepetitprince #art #drawing #sketch #pencil #graphite #ligneclaire" art,Winter / Zima # blackandwhite # bw # nature # winter # snow # monochrome # mastoart # mastophoto # art art,"For my friends in Europe - my watercolor painting ""Cat in fall foliage"" is also available at Art Heroes (free shipping in many countries). Für meine Freunde in Deutschland - mein Aquarellgemälde ""Katze im Herbstlaub"" ist auch bei Art Heroes erhältlich (kostenloser Versand). https://www. -Herbstlaub/1259397/132 # cat # MastoArt # art # painting # cats # CatsOfMastodon # caturday # CatLovers # pets # cute # catstodon # WhiskersWednesday # kitten # kitty # kittens # katze # meow # AnimalArt # BlackCats # aquarell # fall" art,Cat in fall foliage watercolor painting - happy Caturday! https:// ed/cat-in-fall-foliage-karen-kaspar.html # cat # MastoArt # art # AYearForArt # painting # FediArt # FediGiftShop # artist # arte # MastodonArt # ArtistsOnMastodon # TraditionalArt # kunst # cats # CatsOfMastodon # caturday # CatLovers # pets # cute # animals # catstodon # WhiskersWednesday # furry # kitten # kitty # kittens # katze # meow # AnimalArt # PetPortrait # BuyIntoArt # BlackCats # handmade # aquarell # aquarelle # fall # leaves # autumn # fallfoliage # fallcolors # cuteanimals art,Здається — все. Частину постановки було зʼїдено голодним митцем (мною). # FediArt # MastoArt # art # illustration # creative # graphics # colorpencil art,# photo # photography # streetart # art # artwork # mastodon # photos # russia # russian # russians # фото # фотография # россия # стритарт # арт art,Some Chee practice sketches. # Art # Drawing # Sketching # Cheetah art,"Trying to get lost in #sanfranciscocity ! Unfortunately, my colleagues somehow managed to find me and took me back to Germany... 😵 #topusapics #topusaphoto #bayarea #travelersnotebook #pier #citybythebay #coast #sanfranciscoworld #worldtravelpics #exploratorium #sanfrancisco #frisco #ilovemylife #siliconvalley #thevalley #valley #exploreeverything #lifeofadventure #americafirst #travellingthroughtheworld 🇺🇸 #picoftheday #usa #america #art #visitamerica #visitusa #california #goldenstate #pixelfedusa" art,AT with @ Aeonsfeather !! # art # artist # digitalart # furry # furryart # furryartist # arttrade art,https://www. https://www. jpg # photography # art # artbrut # gallery # prague art,In the forest's darkness # scenery # art # forest # house # sherrat art,"title: Flora, with a Cupid source: Cooper Hewitt, Smithsonian Design Museum notes: Research in Progress # Art # Design # Museum # Gallery # MastodonArt # MastoArt # Culture # Random https:// ew/objects/asitem/id/5956" art,sketchbook folk The paper got all chewy and weird on me with these. Just posting to say I've done something and swiftly moving on.. # watercolor # watercolour # sketchbook # MastoArt # art art,"Summer flower arrangement on the windowsill cast a pretty shadow against nearby wall, watercolor. ART - https:// ured/flowers-in-glass-vase-on-window-sill-deborah-league.html # watercolor # painting # flowers # flower # summer # ayearforart # buyintoart # giftideas # mastodonart # mastoart # fediart # fedigiftshop # fediverse # art # arte # artwork # artmatters # artbooster # artist # wallart # kunst # interiordesign # homedecor # creativetoots # artforsale" art,Some rough work. # art # nsfw # digitalpainting # nsfwart # mastoart # erotic art,"This is how I'd like to be painted, too, please. John Singer Sargent, at # TateBritain . # Art # Fashion" art,"Spring showers bring May flowers! Pretty lilacs in a clear vase, watercolor. ART - https:// ured/lilacs-in-vase-deborah-league.html # watercolor # painting # flowers # flower # spring # springflowers # ayearforart # buyintoart # mastodonart # mastoart # fediart # fedigiftshop # fediverse # art # arte # artist # artwork # artbooster # artmatters # wallart # homedecor # kunst # creativetoots # interiordesign # artforsale # giftideas" art,No lowballing for Jipo. # webcomic # art # furryart # safeforwork # MastoArt # TheReimaginedBowlerville # comicstrip art,# watercolour # watercolours # watercolor # art # painting # mastoart # mastoartist # goats # animals # nature # aquarelle # aquarell # aquarel art,Happy # caturday ! Here is Grumpy Shamrock Kitty. 💚 Available here: https:// red/grumpy-shamrock-kitty-lisa-s-baker.html # cat # cats # catsofmastodon # catsofpixelfed # mastocats # art # artwork # mastoart # mastodon # arte # fediverse # fediart # fedigiftshop # fun # whimsical # grumpy # watercolor # artbooster # creativetoots # artgallery # artmatters # buyintoart # ayearforart # shamrock # clover # stpatricksday # artforsale # catart # watercolor # ink # painting art,# art # artwork art,"# SkeithAutomatic , # SkeithArt , # ArtIA , # aiart , # artdaily , # aidigitalart , # aiartwork , # promptartist , # GeneratedByIA , # randomPic # imagenRandom # art # digitalArt # random" art,"# SkeithAutomatic , # SkeithArt , # ArtIA , # aiart , # artdaily , # aidigitalart , # aiartwork , # promptartist , # GeneratedByIA , # randomPic # imagenRandom # art # digitalArt # random" art,"Send # submissions to freshoutmag1 (at) gee_mail dot_com It’s that time again folks! The # haiga well is running dry. It doesn’t have to be Haiga though. Send any kind of visual # art you want, including # video , with or without # sound . We will figure it out. # visualart # visualhaiku # paintings # photographs # photography # photo # shahai # naturephotography # artist" art,"Wow, take a look! There's Multibrot3! # AI # Art" art,"Sharing a throwback to this older addition in my collection called Three Happy Cats, hope you enjoy! Can be purchased here.. https:// d/three-happy-cats-tina-lecour.html # cat # cats # catsofmastodon # caturday # kittens # kitten # animals # animal # mastoart # fediart # fedigiftshop # cute # fun # fediverse # wallart # colorful # color # greetingcards # homedecor # interiordecor # funny # cuteanimals # art # ArtMatters # artist # artbooster # creativetoots # usa # massachusetts # gifts # giftideas # buyintoart # ayearforart # mastodon" art,"Streetart by Fintan Magee @ Primm, USA # streetart # artist # fediart # mastoart # artmatters # art # Alt4Me" art,Paint Gecko # art # digitalart # originalart # animal # gecko art,"🎥 I'm either watching POOR THINGS on # Hulu , or SATANIC HISPANICS on # Shudder tonight. Not sure which one will win out as I want to see them both very badly. 🎨 But before that, ART! I have a painting & illustration for two different projects I NEED to complete, and an illustration for MEEEE. 📚 And I'll probably finish another book. What's everyone else up to today? # goals # Saturday @ horror # HorrorFam # movie # art # reading" art,"Burning spheres, generative video loop, created with AnimateLCM and IP-Adapters # blender3d # blenderart # mastoart # AiArt # StableDiffusion # SDXL # art # ai # digitalart # generative # aiartcommunity # aiartists # contemporaryart # deepdream # artist # artoftheday # artistlife # modernart # neuralnetworks # neuralnetworkart # abstract # styletransfer # digitalartist # mdcommunity # animatediff" art,New poster/sticker design I made celebrating Somerville Media Center What do you think? # SomervillleMediaCenter # art # mastoart # midjourney art,拙作『PIXEL 5』(2021) より 21P-22P # 写真 # photo # camera # photoart # art art,"If you enjoy pottery and art and want to see more of it on your Mastodon feed, I hope you will consider following my pottery journey and this account. I specialize in raku pottery, as shown below, but also make functional ware and do other alternative/historical firing techniques. # art # pottery # raku # ceramics # introduction # handmade" art,This one's a bit older but thought I would share these three whimsical black cats for Caturday! Have a great day:) Can be purchased here.. https:// d/three-black-cat-friends-tina-lecour.html # cat # cats # caturday # catsofmastodon # kitten # kittens # animals # animal # cute # mastodon # mastoart # fediart # fedigiftshop # artbooster # creativetoots # art # artist # arte # artwork # wallart # artforsale # homedecor # interiordecor # greetingcards # cuteposting # fineart # usa # buyintoart # ayearforart # color # colorful # massachusetts art,BLOG POST: Watercolour painting looking up from a forest! (Includes a YouTube short!) https:// sky/ # art # artist # artistsonmastodon # watercolor # watercolours art,"Ce week-end c'est # GameJam de 48h sur le thème ""Orage"". Notre équipe travaille sur un jeu ou on doit sauver un bateau pris dans une tempête. Petit concept # art de notre idée." art,# art Eva und ihr Apple art,Hashiguchi Goyō (1880-1921) - Poster for the department store Mitsukoshi (1911) # art # EastAsia # painting # Japan art,"Next up on # SaturdayNightCoinShow , here is a piece which was # Altered for # Art - # CoinArt , possibly even # TrenchArt . It is a 1902 - 1910 Edward VII Penny which has been cutout around the portrait. Very well done by someone with more patience than I. Read all about it here: https:// y-art/ # Numismatics # Coins # EdwardVII # UnitedKingdom # UK # Monarch # Decorative" art,https://www. © 2024 # HimalayanArt Resources Inc. # Photographed Image Copyright © 2004 Rubin Museum of # Art art,"Human made # art is this decorative stone work on St Pancras Station, opened 1868. # AI art is every dull, rectilinear, non-human scale office building, strip mall, and McMansion in your town. If you'd asked people in 1868 if anyone would ever go for modern buildings, they'd likely have said ""no, we'll always want beautiful things - it's what people like!"". Nevertheless, we have modern buildings. They are cheaper. They are faster. They are more profitable. They do not require artisans." art,"Flowers, your Mum will love forever, from ArtisAnn Gallery https:// 70 Bloomfield Avenue, Belfast, BT5 5AE Tue - Fri: 11am to 6pm ; Sat: Noon to 5pm You can even spread the cost over 10 months and take the art home today # mothersday # mother # flowers # art # artist # artgallery # gallery # painting # belfast # northernireland # ireland" art,Mornin'. Have some Sonja Hinrichsen to start your day. # Art art,Stone Alley 02 HDRI # hdr # hdrstyles # hdri # hdrspotters # hdroftheday # hdrimage # hdrfreak # hdrfusion # hdrmania # environmentdesign # conceptart # digitalart # illustration # art # environmentart # 3dheven # ammarkhaanim https:// y-02-hdri/?feed_id=10784&_unique_id=65ec494ac6740 https:// y-02-hdri/?feed_id=10784&_unique_id=65ec494ac6740 art,拙作『PIXEL 5』(2021) より 19P-20P # 写真 # photo # camera # photoart # art art,"""Les œuvres de Rothko vous obligent. C’est très étrange. C’est comme un excès de tout, un excès tout d’un coup de conscience de soi. Alors évidemment c’est un paradoxe. C’est une œuvre complètement abstraite, totalement abstraite, et elle dit quelque chose qui ne se dit pas à travers la figuration"" https://www. pourquoi-la-peinture-de-mark-rothko-est-elle-si-magnetique/ # Art # Peinture # MarkRothko" art,# Mimema # art # paintings # lake # animals art,"Celebrating # WomensHistoryMonth with # Vanessa Geffrard. In 2013, Vanessa Geffrard developed @VagEsteem, a sexual health education brand, which provides free and paid training. Her workshop series and podcast are aimed at creating a platform for women to learn from each other. https:// # art # zerflinart # womenshistorymonth2024" art,🎉 # Commission slots available! 🥳 See the price sheet below for what I'm willing to draw for you! I'll take 2 slots for now. # advertising # Art # FurryArt # DigitalArt # TraditionalArt art,"# SkeithAutomatic , # SkeithArt , # ArtIA , # aiart , # artdaily , # aidigitalart , # aiartwork , # promptartist , # GeneratedByIA , # randomPic # imagenRandom # art # digitalArt # random" art,"# SkeithAutomatic , # SkeithArt , # ArtIA , # aiart , # artdaily , # aidigitalart , # aiartwork , # promptartist , # GeneratedByIA , # randomPic # imagenRandom # art # digitalArt # random" art,"""The fastest growing sector of the culture economy is # distraction . Or call it scrolling or swiping or wasting time or whatever you want. But it’s not # art or # entertainment , just ceaseless activity. The key is that each stimulus only lasts a few seconds, and must be repeated. It’s a huge business, and will soon be larger than arts and entertainment combined. Everything is getting turned into TikTok—an aptly named platform…"" https://www. of-the-culture-2024" art,Dutchman's Breetches (Bikukulla cucullaria) https:// /search/artwork/?id=25987 # smithsonian # art art,"after last weekend's risograph workshop we got into a phase of printing on our home printer again (the last phase was after a letterpress workshop). thought it'll be funny to wear a tshirt that has an # illustration of me, so we printed @ launshae 's art on an iron-on! i like this particular piece because it is closer to my true sad self. it is pretty wonderful to wear something that you can't just buy off the shelf. time to set up a tshirt store?? # art" art,Rosana Schmitt # ArtistaPlástica # Rodeio # SantaCatarina # Brasil # Artes # Arte # Arts # Art # BrazilianArt # ArteBrasileira art,Rosana Schmitt # ArtistaPlástica # Rodeio # SantaCatarina # Brasil # Artes # Arte # Arts # Art # BrazilianArt # ArteBrasileira art,Rosana Schmitt # ArtistaPlástica # Rodeio # SantaCatarina # Brasil # Artes # Arte # Arts # Art # BrazilianArt # ArteBrasileira art,Rosana Schmitt # ArtistaPlástica # Rodeio # SantaCatarina # Brasil # Artes # Arte # Arts # Art # BrazilianArt # ArteBrasileira art,🌹🌹🌹🌹🤺🌹🌹🌹🌹 # ai # aiart # bing # aiartist # dark # fantasy # art # digitalart # dalle # dalle3 # dalle3art art,Some Mimema # paintings # art # lake Viste my site to see all the collection ;) # RivadelGarda # GardaLake art,God # ai # art art,Miquel Barceló exposa els seus 30 anys d'art amb la ceràmica #MiquelBarceló #LaPedrera #Mallorca #ceràmica #Cultura #art art,AI hallucination # ai # art art,# illustration # painting # inking # art # myart # fanart # mikasaackerman # attackontitan art,Exploring Jacksonville • Love Lock Bridge at Riverside Riverwalk #Jacksonville #Florida #Photography #AmateurPhotography #Pixelfed #StreetPhotography #GalaxyS23 + #Bridges #StreetArt #Art #Riverwalk art,# mastoart # mastoartist # watercolour # watercolours # watercolour # art # painting # landscape # landscapes # snow # winter # aquarelle # aquarel # aquarell movies,Long-lost silent film starring Clara Bow found in Omaha parking lot. (xpost r/silentcinema) https://www. # Movie # MovieNews # Movies movies,"I finally finished # Oppenheimer . Yes, I realize I started it a while back but my # ADHD tends to take over sometimes and I will start and stop a movie for a while until I finish it. And I was a really good # KDrama . Anyway, the movie, Oppenheimer, deserves every award come its way. It’s simply brilliant. # Oscars # Movies # awards2024" movies,Color pictures from the set of Schindler’s List (what I have mostly) https://www. # BehindTheScenes # Movie # Movies # MoviesInTheMaking movies,Audience scores and diversity demographics for Kung Fu Panda 4 https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,# 9marzo # botd # cinemastodon # unocinema # filmastodon # movies A Parigi è # NataOggi nel 1964 l'attrice # JulietteBinoche https:// movies,"Ahmed El-Shenawi, “Snake Surprise” Actor in ‘Indiana Jones and the Temple of Doom,’ Dies at 75 # MovieNews # Movies # International # KateCapshaw # LarsvonTrier # Obituaries # StevenSpielberg https://www. ovie-news/ahmed-el-shenawi-dead-indiana-jones-temple-of-doom-snake-surprise-1235847359/" movies,"AMC Theatres should rebrand as in order to differentiate themselves from the ""AMC"" TV Channel and to offer a more consumer-friendly name with which to enter the streaming market. # AMCTheatres # AMCTheaters # AMC # Movies # Theater # Branding # KansasCity https:// ertainment-holdings-nyse-amc-114253074.html" movies,This definitely has some of the most amazing stunts I've ever seen. They just had one where one of the actors was thrown off of a moving car that stopped suddenly that I'm still trying to figure out. # movies movies,El creador de Dragon Ball falleció a la edad de los 68 años # CinemaGizmo # SeriementeCine # EstoesCine # Movies # Noticias # News # Cine # Series # Trailers # Avances # Estrenos # Podcast http:// sta-siempre-akira-toriyama/ movies,"""Laugh it up, Fuzzball!' • All shot practically using figures and miniatures. Only digital element are C3P0s eyes which I added a glow too. • # laughitupfuzzball # starwars # hansolo # chewbacca # scifiart # toyphotography # acba # actionfigurephotography # starwarsblackseries # miniaturephotography # photography # movies" movies,"It’s an Honor Just to Be Nominated. No, Really! # MovieFeatures # Movies # Academyawards # Awards # DianeWarren # Oscars # Oscars2024 https://www. ovie-features/oscars-diane-warren-nominations-losses-1235843505/" movies,"Box Office: ‘Kung Fu Panda 4’ Chopping Up $55 Million Opening Weekend, ‘Dune 2’ Rising Above $150 Million Domestic https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies" movies,"As someone who watches a lot of movies , I thought this year I’d kick off a new tradition with a pre-ceremony personal ranking of the Best Picture nominees, along with my predictions across ten of the top categories . Here goes, and I’d love to hear yours in the comments! My Best Picture Ranking (highest to lowest): Poor Things Oppenheimer Killers of the Flower Moon Barbie Past Lives The Holdovers American Fiction The Zone of Interest Maestro Anatomy of a Fall Best Picture Prediction: Oppenheimer Best Director Prediction: Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer My Pick: Christopher Nolan, Oppenheimer Best Actor Prediction: Cillian Murphy, Oppenheimer My Pick: Paul Giamatti, The Holdovers Best Actress Prediction: Lily Gladstone, Killers of the Flower Moon My Pick: Emma Stone, Poor Things Best Supporting Actor Prediction: Robert Downey Jr., Oppenheimer My Pick: Robert De Niro, Killers of the Flower Moon Best Supporting Actress Prediction: America Ferrera, Barbie My Pick: America Ferrera, Barbie Original Screenplay Prediction: Past Lives My Pick: Past Lives Adapted Screenplay Prediction: Oppenheimer My Pick: Oppenheimer Cinematography Prediction: Oppenheimer My Pick: Poor Things Editing Prediction: Oppenheimer My Pick: Oppenheimer #Movies #Recommendations" movies,"When comic characters come out, the publisher makes them vanish https:// ch/f44461ad-d26e-4536-a992-5cca05972667" movies,"Warner Bros. & Legendary’s Dune: Part Two grossed an estimated $12.3M on Friday (from 4,074 locations). Estimated total domestic gross stands at $123.33M. https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies" movies,"'The Cotton Club' is a pretty good, no really good, drama about a couple of performers in the 30s with some gangster stuff filling out the runtime. Full ★★★★ # review on # Letterboxd : https:// # movies # drama" movies,# 9marzo # botd # cinemastodon # unocinema # filmastodon # movies # AccaddeOggi nel 1959 esce sul mercato la bambola # Barbie recente fenomeno cinematografico domani alla prova degli Oscar https://www. arbie.html movies,The Boy And The Heron (2023) Review ✨ 8/10 https:// # Movies # Film # MovieReview # Cinemastodon # Letterboxd # StudioGhibli movies,I am looking for some feedback on my video essay on Bong Joon Ho’s framing that i did for college (it had to be under 3 minutes so that’s why it seems a bit brief) https://www. # Movie # MovieNews # Movies movies,The Girl Who Leapt Through Time Review (2006) ✨ 7.5/10 https:// # Movies # Film # MovieReview # Cinemastodon # Letterboxd # MamoruHosoda movies,Some Kind Of Wonderful (1987) Review (Rewatch) ✨ 8/10 https:// # Movies # Film # MovieReview # Cinemastodon # Letterboxd # JohnHughes movies,Pretty In Pink (1986) Review (Rewatch) ✨ 9/10 https:// # Movies # Film # MovieReview # Cinemastodon # Letterboxd # JohnHughes movies,Ran (1985) Review ✨ 8.5/10 https:// # Movies # Film # MovieReview # Cinemastodon # Letterboxd # AkiraKurosawa movies,"Universal / DreamWorks Animation’s Kung Fu Panda 4 grossed an estimated $19.4M domestically on Friday (from 4,035 locations), including Thursday previews. https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies" movies,Behind the Cheech & Chong Doc at SXSW: “It Was One of the Conditions of My Parole” # MovieNews # Movies # CheechMarin # SXSW # SXSW2024 # TommyChong https://www. ovie-news/cheech-marin-tommy-chong-doc-1235847001/ movies,The Tale Of The Princess Kaguya (2013) Review ✨ 8.5/10 https:// # Movies # Film # MovieReview # Cinemastodon # Letterboxd # StudioGhibli movies,"Spurned, Slighted, Rejected: 25 Oscar Snubs We’ll Never Get Over https://www. # Movie # MovieNews # Movies" movies,"Paramount’s Bob Marley: One Love grossed an estimated $1.10M on Friday (from 2,764 locations). Estimated total domestic gross stands at $86.37M. https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies" movies,"In the Summers sees two sisters navigate their loving but volatile father during their yearly visits to his home in Las Cruces, New Mexico https://www. -summers-2024-film-review-by-jeremy-mathews - winner of the # Sundance2024 World Dramatic Competition Grand Jury prize # Sundance # film # movies # cinema" movies,"My Oscar predictions for this year! I've never been this unsure about these many categories, and the fact that WGA are after the Oscars this year doesn't help. I really want Barbie to walk away with 4 awards, and for The Boy and The Heron to win best animated film, but I know that's just wishful thinking. # movies # cinemastodon # films # filmastodon # oscars2024 # oscars # oscars96 # OscarsPredictions" movies,"To honor my child's 11th circuit around the sun, I wanted to get him this t-shirt... and he wasn't into it. Clearly, I have failed as a parent. # SpinalTap # Movies # Humor # Comedy # Eleven # DadThoughts # WeekendThoughts # RobReiner # ChristopherGuest" movies,Do you think Sandra Hüller will win the Oscar as best actress? # oscars # oscars2024 # movies # SandraHüller movies,Better. $19.25M opening day. Weekend can be $55-59M. # KungFuPanda4 https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,Twin Dragon Encounter (1986): https://www. # Movies # awfulness # video movies,A group of miners escorting a professor on a mysterious mission finds terror underground in The Deep Dark https://www. ep-dark-2023-film-review-by-jennie-kermode # GFF24 # Frightfest # film # movies movies,"I have rejigged my profile to make it more personal. Hello, I am Liam Ui Bhriain. I am a self-published # author , trying to be a # screenwriter , and am a # historian by education. My interests are # film , # movies , # screenwriting , # gaming , and # entertainment . I am hoping to network more and just meet people in general on here. # introduction" movies,Ibelin (2024) – Official Movie Trailer (coming to Netflix) https://www. # Movie # MovieNews # Movies movies,Prized Pussy 17 https:// uct/prized-pussy-17/ # pleasuretroveboutique # video # videos # download # streaming # subscribe # buy # buynow # buyonline # adult # porn # porno # dvd # movies # movie # xxx # nsfw movies,"Animation OW; originals vs known IP for Universal 2023 & onwards: DreamWorks: Trolls3 30mil, KungFuPanda>50mil, TeenageKraken 5mil. Illumination: Mario >150mil, Migration 12mil. https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies" movies,TIME FOR CULTURE CLUB! Our panelists share what they’re loving in pop culture this week. Take a look at the checklists. Have you seen/heard/read any of them? # AwesomeCon # Comics # PopCulture # GreysAnatomy # ABC # Bleachers # Music # NewMusic # TV # LoveLiesBleeding # Movies # film # Oscars # Awards # Damsel # Netflix # Hulu # WashingtonDC # ComicCon movies,"Good luck to the composer who scores this remake. No way you can top John Barry's excellent # soundtrack —which I just bought in a deluxe CD edition. # movies # FilmScores Remember Sizzling 1981 Noir Film, ""Body Heat""? A Remake May Be in the Offing (Exclusive) - Showbiz411 https://www. mber-sizzling-1981-noir-film-body-heat-a-remake-may-be-in-the-offing-exclusive" movies,"Ray Harryhausen and the Pegasus puppet from ‘Clash of the Titans’, 1981 https://www. # BehindTheScenes # Movie # Movies # MoviesInTheMaking" movies,"Watched # BohemianRhapsody Well, I can certainly see why this was called somewhat shallow back in the day, given the tumultous real life of Freddie Mercury. Yet, it also captures the sound and the spirit of # Queen extremely well. # RamiMalek at least is an incredible lead and I think he could've pulled off the even darker side, had they led him. # movies" movies,"'The Roaring Twenties' (1939) ""...lost in a time of flappers and gangsters, three men attempt to make a living in Prohibitionist America after returning home from fighting together in World War I"" my # review of the new 4K Ultra HD restoration from Criterion Collection for Frame Rated: https:// ing-twenties-lost-in-a-time-of-flappers-and-gangsters-bb41716f2755?sk=68491aa24c5323cb6309191287d643a4 # cinema # history # 1920s # movies # classic # film" movies,"That's it. I've just finished watching Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 2. Of course, it's not a full story, but the conclusion of everything else, but I must say that I truly enjoyed it from beginning to end. It is a great conclusion indeed. (just one thing: What was the point of the ""deathly hallows"" themselves? I thought the three objects were supposed to be put together or something) I guess that's it then. I have finally watched/rewatched all of Harry Potter. I'm surprised at how much I liked it this time. I guess the fact that I'm 20 years older and a dad plays a part. Probably. I'm still not too crazy about episodes 4 and 5 - they remain the weakest episodes - but because they were a rewatch they were less confusing and made a little more sense this time. One and two are still kids' movies, but they're good kids' movies. Three is still the only real good movie that stands on its own (a full story, you don't need to have read the book to get it, the characters are all well used and well, Alfonso Cuaron.) I liked six on rewatch and I can't remember why I disliked it so much the first time I saw it (to the point that I had never watched 7 and 8 until this weekend) Seven and eight are pretty good, but they're a final act / conclusion, not a full story. So yeah, Harry Potter fans rejoice, I'm (almost) one of yours. Oh and spoiler alert: if the whole family decided to watch all of Harry Potter right now, it's because we're going to Universal Studios (in Osaka) in 10 days, so we wanted to know the whole thing before. ;-) #HarryPotter #movies #UniversalStudios" movies,Oscars mark last hurrah for ‘Barbenheimer’ as 2024 box office faces uncertain future https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,# damsel # netflix # filmastodon # movies My ★★★½ review of Damsel on Letterboxd https:// movies,Charlie Jatinder – Kung fu panda 4 Friday with previews is 19.25 million https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,"Speak Easily, 1932 starring Buster Keaton # movies # movie # cinema # classics https:// easily-1932-starring-buster" movies,Poster for the Czech film “Fentasy” https://www. # Movie # MovieNews # Movies movies,Jetzt Online schaubar: The Old Oak von Ken Loach. Grosse Empfehlung! ❤️ https://www. # movies movies,"""As might be expected from an actress-turned-director, the performances are important to Tezel but she also shows an aptitude for visual storytelling"" - we take a look at Falling Into Place https://www. g-into-place-2023-film-review-by-amber-wilkinson # film # movies # GFF24 # cinema # romance" movies,1982 Film Poll - Quarter-Final Round Group 2 of 4 Screenshots. # ConanTheBarbarian # TheVerdict # Poltergeist # TheThing # Film # Movies # FilmCommunity # Cinema # CineMastodon # ClassicFilms # FilmPoll # FilmTournament movies,1982 Film Poll - Quarter-Final Round in progress. # Film # Movies # FilmCommunity # Cinema # CineMastodon # ClassicFilms # FilmPoll # FilmTournament movies,1982 Film Poll - Quarter-Final Round Group 2 of 4. Top two films from each advance to the next round. Conan the Barbarian The Verdict Poltergeist The Thing # Film # Movies # FilmCommunity # Cinema # CineMastodon # ClassicFilms # FilmPoll # FilmTournament movies,"1982 Film Poll - Quarter-Final Round Group 1 of 4. Tron and E.T. the Extra-Terrestrial took the top two spots, advancing to the Semi-Final Round. # Film # Movies # FilmCommunity # Cinema # CineMastodon # ClassicFilms # FilmPoll # FilmTournament" movies,"In ""Enraged Misery IV"" veteran bandit Bowie Fox ( # PeterSarsgaard ) causes malevolence after getting pulled into the criminal underworld of San Diego by the bigoted banker Hudson Hammer ( # FrankGrillo ). - # CineMastodon # Movies" movies,"The podcast # TheRestIsEntertainment has some excellent episodes if you like hearing people discuss # tv , # movies , and the production of both of those things. In this episode, there is a lengthy discussion about Saudi money in Hollywood 🇸🇦 :cash_money_wings_fb: Good stuff. https://www. c" movies,57 years ago: How to Succeed in Business Without Really Trying (US) A young but bright former window cleaner rises to the top of his company by following the advice of a book about ruthless advancement in business. 1967-03-09 https://www. # HowtoSucceedinBusinessWithoutReallyTrying # DavidSwift # RobertMorse # MicheleLee # RudyVallee # Movies movies,"Movie News - March 9, 1948 A promotion for Duel in the Sun, aka Lust in the Dust, “A Picture of A Thousand Memorable Moments.” Note the telephone number - not seven or ten digits, simply 94. # Movies # Hollywood # Cinema # Film # Cinemastodon # 1940s" movies,U.K. and IRL Box Office for Friday 8th March. Dune drops only 45% to £1.58m whilst Imaginary opens to £216K. https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,Razzie Awards: ‘Winnie The Pooh: Blood and Honey’ Sweeps Its Five Nominated Categories # MovieNews # Movies # Awards # Expend4bles # RazzieAwards # Razzies # WinniethePoohBloodandHoney https://www. ovie-news/razzie-awards-winnie-the-pooh-blood-and-honey-sweeps-1235846272/ movies,"Aadujeevitham – The Goat Life Official Trailer A R Rahman, Prithviraj Sukumaran, Amala Paul, Blessy https://www. # Movie # MovieNews # Movies" movies,"Watched Tenet again last night to see if I found it any more understanderable on another viewing. I did not. But I did remember this, which never fails to make me giggle # film # movies # parody https:// hared" movies,It's Oscar weekend so I'm thinking about films here's some that I loved in the past 12 months. https://www. 2 # podcast # Movies movies,"‘Poor Things’ Ended Up With Box Office Run Oscar Contenders Used To Have – Over 2 months, it has matched “The Favourite”. (An executive says “The film’s sexy and outrageous marketing & what it was played to younger ‘specialty’ crossover crowd. Yorgos Lanthimos also got older critical film crowd.”) https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies" movies,Le Film Soleil Rouge en version # Steelbook Blu-Ray 4k + Blu-Ray est en précommande pour 30 € chez ⤵️ Fnac : https:// Amazon : https:// Offres du jour : https://www. # publicite # movies # bluray4k - Visuel Provisoire. movies,"Oof. Modesty Blaise [1996] is a pretty no good, bad, awful and groovy '60s spy flick with beautiful people and exotic sets. It's terrifically campy; but, it ain't no Beyond the Valley of the Dolls. So close. It coulda been a contender. # movies # film" movies,So what caused Migration to do better Wish? Would Wish have benefitted from a different release date? https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,We are big. It's just the podcasts that got small. @ lordof1 and I watch 1950's Sunset Blvd. and come out grimy in # RibbonOfMemes https:// 024/Sunset_Boulevard__1950_.html # Podcast # Film # Movies movies,‘Ms. Marvel’ Actress Laurel Marsden Joins Emma Thompson & Judy Greer In Action-Thriller ‘The Fisherwoman’ | Deadline https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,"‘Dune 3’ Has A Big Challenge: The Next Book Isn’t That Great – ‘Dune Messiah’ has plenty of fans, but it’s a philosophical palace intrigue story without the cinematic scope, epic stakes and action set pieces of the first novel. https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies" movies,"If you're playing catch-up on your Oscar watching, do not neglect AMERICAN FICTION. Great, great stuff. # movies # oscar" movies,"""Thor: Ragnarok"" (Disney+, 2017). Now here's a superhero movie which does _not_ take itself too seriously. So we have Thor, obviously, but with a new haircut and severe hammer performance issues. A constantly boozing Valkyrie. The Hulk, with slightly extended vocabulary. Jeff Goldblum, definitely having fun playing... himself? And last but not least, Cate Blanchett as the villainess, with a permanent haughty sneer and sarcastic comment. Oh, the story? Who cares 😁 8/10. # movies # nanoreview" movies,Micheal Jackson biopic set to cost $155 million https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,‘Road House’ Director Doug Liman Gets Standing Ovation At SXSW After Saying He’d Boycott The Premiere https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,"Watched **Dune: Part 2 (2024)** and it is definitely a technical and visual blockbuster. I think this film feels better than the prior in many aspects. The desert landscapes are just so nice to look at. Lastly, the political angle of cultural appropriation and mythology as slavery is interesting. I haven't read the book yet so I am impressed to read the book before a possible next film. An easy film of the year so go watch it. Trailer: https:// # DunePartTwo # films # movies" movies,‘Family’ Review: Ruth Wilson and Ben Chaplin in an Artful Horror Film About Fear and Grief # MovieReviews # Movies # Benchaplin # BenjaminFinkel # RuthWilson # SXSW # SXSW2024 https://www. ovie-reviews/family-review-ruth-wilson-ben-chaplin-1235844328/ movies,‘Imaginary’ (2024) gets C+ CinemaScore. https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,"Once again, the 33-year-old superstar # KimTaeRi ( # 김태리 ) displayed her acting versatility in # Alienoid2 ( # 외계인2부 ). No matter what genre, role, or gap between her projects, her acting is diamond level! 10 stars! # 외계인 # scifi # movies # Alienoid # TimeTravel # Kdrama # Kmovie @ @ @ asiandrama @ scifi" movies,‘Kung Fu Panda 4’ (2024) gets A- CinemaScore. https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,‘Cabrini’ (2024) gets A CinemaScore. https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,Watched # Napoleon last night. That's it. That’s all I've got. # appletv # appletvplus # movies # flims # oscars movies,My ★★★★ review of The Thief Collector on @ letterboxd : https:// # 265moviereview # movies movies,"Dune, 2021 - ★★★★★: https:// ne-2021/2/ # movies # Letterboxd # CineMastodon # film # movie" movies,"As symbolism of the universal plight of women, # PoorThings was actually very well-executed, replete with all kinds of cleverness — not just visual and verbal, but auditory too. Sadly however, I can only give it 3/5 because not only is the director a guy, but both writers too? Props to everyone in the production, especially the women, but it left me disappointed at the end. # Movies" movies,‘Oddity’ Review: Damian McCarthy’s Supernatural Suspenser Casts an Unsettling Spell # MovieReviews # Movies # SXSW # SXSW2024 https://www. ovie-reviews/oddity-review-1235845623/ movies,“Exhuma” Becomes The First Korean Occult Horror Film To Surpass 7 Million Admissions https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,‘Road House’ Review: Jake Gyllenhaal Compels in Doug Liman’s Brashly Entertaining Remake # MovieReviews # Movies # BillyMagnussen # DanielaMelchior # DougLiman # JakeGyllenhaal # JessicaWilliams # LukasGage https://www. ovie-reviews/road-house-review-jake-gyllenhaal-doug-liman-1235846796/ movies,I list my favorite movies and tv shows from the year 2023. Only watch it before the Oscars or it'll be old and dusty. https:// @ film @ movies # movies # film # TV # cinema # cinemastodon # letterdboxd #2023 movies,I give Chris Elliott's FDR -- A One-Man Show (1987) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆. What did you rate it? # tvshows # movies https:// s-fdr-a-one-man-show-1987 # ChrisElliottsFdrAOneManShow # trakt movies,"The final # LetterboxdFriday before the Oscars! NGL, I'm looking forward to watching them with some people on Sunday. Even though most of the big awards are pretty locked in. As for # movies , slow week. Mostly caught some shorts as part of # SubstreamTV 's remix culture week, in between a bunch of social engagements. And will be spending all weekend playing board games, so that's not gonna change." movies,"Thriller ‘Love Lives Bleeding’ With Kristen Stewart, ‘Glitter & Doom’ Romance With Indigo Girls Soundtrack, Open In Limited Release – Specialty Preview https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies" movies,‘I Don’t Understand You’ Review: Nick Kroll and Andrew Rannells Make a Winsome Couple in Entertaining Gaycation Comedy # MovieReviews # Movies # AmandaSeyfried # AndrewRannells # LGBTQ # NickKroll # SXSW # SXSW2024 https://www. ovie-reviews/i-dont-understand-you-review-nick-kroll-andrew-rannells-1235845662/ movies,Oldest daughter and I just heckled our way through the mortal engines movie. It was a hoot if you're into that sort of thing. # sobaditsgood # movies movies,‘Road House’ Review: Jake Gyllenhaal Makes a Bid for ’80s Movie Stardom in an Early Contender for 2024’s Silliest Film # IndieWire # Criticism # Movies # Film # Reviews # RoadHouse # SXSW https://www. /road-house-review-1234962243/ movies,Barbie 2? Warner Bros boss says she would “love” to make sequel https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,"Last Four Watched: Hangmen (Rifftrax), Invasion of the Animal People (Rifftrax), Future Force (Rifftrax), Crime of Passion (Rifftrax) # LetterboxdFriday # Movies # LastFourWatched https:// rboxd-friday-march-8-2024/" movies,"I just finished watching The Mighty Boosh 1x01 ""Killeroo"". Did you see it? # tvshows # movies https:// h/seasons/1/episodes/1 # TheMightyBoosh # trakt" movies,The new Ricky Stanicky movie is gonna be one of the future classics. John Cena in his prime. # rickystanicky # johncena # movies movies,Jason Blum Explains Why Blumhouse Is Veering Toward Higher Budgets https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,The most lurid giallo title in VS’s new Forgotten Gialli set is “Naked You Die” but it’s very tame and has action music that rips off the Adam West Batman. # movies # giallo movies,Looks like ~$14.75M FRI for # KungFuPanda4 for $18.5M opening day. $53-58M weekend expected. https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,"On my flight to Slide Away Fest a guy in front of me watched several movies by playing a few minutes, skipping to the middle and playing another few minutes, then skipping to the end and watching a few minutes. What a monster. //////// # movies # whatswrongwithpeople # shoegaze" movies,"🌈💖✨ CAMP GRACIE ✨💖🌈 Do you like movies and games? Art and animations? Memes and kawaii/y2k/early 2010s aesthetics? Fandoms? Then CAMP GRACIE is the summer camp for you! Join for an awesome community of freaks and geeks to chat and make friends with and join us in the voice chat for games, watch-alongs, or just to chat! Come vibe with us! https:// # discord # discordserver # fandoms # art # movies # games # anime # memes # y2k # 2010s # early2010s # nostalgia # furries # mlp" movies,Blowing the whistle on the secret bad behavior of movie sites https://www. # Movie # MovieNews # Movies movies,I give Action Family (1987) ★★★★★★★★★☆. What did you rate it? # tvshows # movies https:// 1987 # ActionFamily # trakt movies,I just finished watching Action Family (1987). Did you see it? # tvshows # movies https:// 1987 # ActionFamily # trakt movies,Looks like $12.5M 2nd FRI for # Dune2 . $124M total. 2nd weekend expected to be $45M ish. https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,Getting there for awards season # LetterboxdFriday # LastFourWatched # letterboxd # movies # cinema movies,"‘High Tide’ Review: Gay Sex, Sadness, and Longing as an Undocumented Immigrant Faces the Future in Provincetown # IndieWire # Criticism # Movies # Film # HighTide # Reviews # SXSW https://www. /high-tide-review-marco-calvani-1234960670/" movies,‘High Tide’ Review: An Undocumented Immigrant Finds a Reprieve From His Lonely Limbo in Tender Queer Drama # MovieReviews # Movies # Billirwin # BryanBatt # LGBTQ # MarisaTomei # SXSW # SXSW2024 https://www. ovie-reviews/high-tide-review-1235845770/ movies,I just finished watching Chris Elliott's FDR -- A One-Man Show (1987). Did you see it? # tvshows # movies https:// s-fdr-a-one-man-show-1987 # ChrisElliottsFdrAOneManShow # trakt movies,Schindler’s List camera https://www. # BehindTheScenes # Movie # Movies # MoviesInTheMaking movies,I give Chris Elliott's FDR -- A One-Man Show (1987) ★★★★★★★☆☆☆. What did you rate it? # tvshows # movies https:// s-fdr-a-one-man-show-1987 # ChrisElliottsFdrAOneManShow # trakt movies,"Looking like $13m+ for @dunemovie PART TWO on Friday. Heading for a great weekend, and as was the case last week, all about the increase on Saturday and hold on Sunday. https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies" movies,"The Shape of Water, 2017 - ★★½: https:// e-shape-of-water/ # movies # Letterboxd # CineMastodon # film # movie" movies,"# Watching : Ishtar (1987), because Elaine May! It can’t be as ridiculous as I remember, can it? # Movies # Filmstodon" movies,"Kept Husbands, 1931 # movies # movie # cinema # classics https:// usbands-1931/" movies,"Star Wars: Episode I – The Phantom Menace, 1999 - ★★★★★ - I don't care what anyone says. I love this movie. It’s simply perfect. No Notes. https:// /star-wars-episode-i-the-phantom-menace/ # movies # MovieReview # Letterboxd" movies,"Star Wars: Episode II – Attack of the Clones, 2002 - ★★½ - “I don't like sand. It's coarse and rough and irritating — and it gets everywhere” — Paul Muad'Dib Atreides https:// /star-wars-episode-ii-attack-of-the-clones/ # movies # MovieReview # Letterboxd" movies,"# AmericanFiction with # JeffreyWright is brilliant, funny, complex and deep. What they like to call an instant classic, but seriously, you will never forget this film. A must-see. # movies" movies,"I just finished watching Brody Stevens: Enjoy It! 1x05 ""Nose Business Like Show Business"". Did you see it? # tvshows # movies https:// njoy-it/seasons/1/episodes/5 # BrodyStevensEnjoyIt # trakt" movies,‘Stormy’ Review: Peacock’s Stormy Daniels Documentary Is Undone by Bad Choices (and Not Hers) # MovieReviews # Movies # Donaldtrump # Peacock # SouthbySouthwest # Stormy # StormyDaniels # SXSW # SXSW2024 # SXSWReviews https://www. ovie-reviews/stormy-review-peacock-stormy-daniels-documentary-1235846237/ movies,"For a while, ""Kung Fu Panda"" was like Schrodinger's cat to Jack Black -- he wasn't sure whether it was dead or alive! But he was very happy to get the call for ""Kung Fu Panda 4."" https://www. 08/kung-fu-panda-lives-and-jack-black-is-thrilled/ # KungFuPanda4 # JackBlack # DreamWorks # Animation # MovieS # Movienews # entertainmentnews" movies,"Screwed over in a cryptocurrency scheme, three Redditors plan to kidnap the man behind it, in Cold Wallet https://www. allet-2024-film-review-by-jennie-kermode-1 # sxsw # film # cinema # movies" movies,Oscar Bingo Game Card Pickup Thread XI https://www. # Movie # MovieNews # Movies movies,"> loneliness, alienation, and superfluousness, which, in The Origins of Totalitarianism, she identifies as ideal conditions for the emergence of totalitarian regimes This is the point of Fight Club. # movies # FightClub" movies,"Doug Liman Attends ‘Road House’ SXSW Premiere Afterall, Despite Boycott Plans # MovieNews # Movies # DougLiman # Roadhouse https://www. ovie-news/doug-liman-road-house-premiere-1235846081/" movies,Favorite movie dream car? https://www. # Movie # MovieNews # Movies movies,‘Cold Wallet’ Review: Raúl Castillo Is Compelling as a Desperate Financial Scam Victim in Tense Vigilante Thriller # MovieReviews # Movies # Raulcastillo # SXSW # SXSW2024 https://www. ovie-reviews/cold-wallet-review-raul-castillo-1235847098/ movies,"Every movie Justin Long is in, is a banger. # movies # horror" movies,"An accusation turns a man's life upside-down in THE HUNT (2012, D. Thomas Vinterberg). # YabtM # reviews # YouTube # cinemastodon # movies # film # cinema # worldcinema # foreigncinema https://www. 4" movies,"A lonely girl whose family life is falling apart bonds with a boy she meets on holiday, only to uncover an unsettling secret in the local mine, in Edge Of Summer https://www. f-summer-film-review-by-jennie-kermode # GFF24 # film # cinema # movies" movies,"No # boardgames tonight, unfortunately. This is the 3rd time they've canceled! Oh well. I'm an easy mark when it comes to boardgames. I think @ adrienne and I will watch an Oscar-contending movie. I'm pushing for Oppenheimer. She'll probably pick Flower Moon. It could get uncomfortable if we try Poor Things, right? # movies @ movies" movies,‘Ricky Stanicky’ Director Peter Farrelly Isn’t Worried About People Thinking Movie Goes “Too Far” # MovieNews # Movies # Amazon # JohnCena # PeterFarrelly # PrimeVideo # Rickystanicky # ZacEfron https://www. ovie-news/ricky-stanicky-director-peter-farrelly-amazon-interview-1235843802/ movies,On the set of Schindler’s List (1993) https://www. # BehindTheScenes # Movie # Movies # MoviesInTheMaking movies,"Today we released the Second Annual Streamies! This is the end of year awards show for our podcast where we talk about the films we loved from 2023. It's just in time for the Oscars, and you can hear our thoughts in time for the big awards day. We talk about 25 different movies altogether, including our favorite performances and music and cinematography among other things. https://www. f # Movies # Cinemastodon # Oscars" movies,"Menuda MARABILLA, raparigas Qué fantasía # cinema # cine # movies # filmes # film # jonathandemme # StopMakingSense" movies,"Inexplicabel que non estea toda a humanidade nas salas agora mesmo vendo ""Stop making sense"" # cinema # cine # movies # filmes # film # jonathandemme # StopMakingSense" movies,This afternoon’s movie: WarGames https://www. # movies # CineMastodon # NowWatching # 80s # nostalgia movies,"# Movies # Oscars Just streamed ""Maestro"" (2023), Bradley Cooper's movie about Leonard Bernstein, which I liked. Cooper does a great job of embodying Lenny but I was more impressed with Carey Mulligan's portrayal of his wife, Felicia Montealgre. I've so far seen 6 of the 10 movies nominated for the # Oscar for # BestPicture this year and, of those that I've seen, I think Mulligan deserves the nod for # BestActress although my guess is that Lily Gladstone in ""Killers of the Flower Moon"" will take that award over Emma Stone in ""Poor Things"", who both won a # Grammy for Best Actress in different categories -- drama/comedy. As for # BestActor , Cooper's performance certainly deserves a nod as does Paul Giamatti in ""The Holdovers"" but Cillian Murphy will probably take it for his role in # Oppenheimer , which will also probably take the awards for # BestPicture & # BestDirector as he/it did @ the Grammys. We'll see . . ." movies,"🕚Z Coming up at the top of the hour is a brand new 90’s Now Hosted by Kelly Alexander. 90's NOW is a show all about the # music , # movies , # television , # pop culture, # fashion , and # technology of the #1990's with a twist of what's happening NOW! Website: https:// 0s-now/ and listen at https:// band # audio # TGVRadio # 90s # radio 💿📼🛼📺🎞️👾🕹️☎️📞🎸" movies,"# Oppenheimer , # KillersOfTheFlowerMoon , # Fargo triumph at # MavoyMovieAwards 2024 # cinema # film # movies # oscars # oscarrace # awards https://www. ovie-awards-2024-results.html" movies,It was a bit silly but I enjoyed The Beekeeper. Jason Statham rarely disappoints. # TheBeekeeper # JasonStatham # FilmMastodon # Films # Movies movies,"🕚Z Coming up at the top of the hour is a brand new 90’s Now Hosted by Kelly Alexander. 90's NOW is a show all about the # music , # movies , # television , # pop culture, # fashion , and # technology of the #1990's with a twist of what's happening NOW! Website: https:// 0s-now/ and listen at https:// band # audio # TGVRadio # 90s # radio 💿📼🛼📺🎞️👾🕹️☎️📞🎸" movies,‘We Were Dangerous’ Review: New Zealand Teens Try to Escape a Christian School for Delinquent Girls in Small but Spirited Historical Drama # IndieWire # Criticism # Movies # Film # Reviews # SXSW # WeWereDangerous https://www. /we-were-dangerous-review-1234962129/ movies,"‘Kung Fu Panda 4’ KO-ing $52M, 2nd Biggest Franchise Debut; ‘Dune: Part Two’ Heading for $41M – Friday Box Office https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies" movies,A dinosaur created as part of a top secret military experiment escapes and threatens the residents of a small town in The Invisible Raptor https://www. visible-raptor-2023-film-review-by-jennie-kermode # GFF24 # Frightfest # film # movies movies,"Watched # JohnCarter Where do I even begin? This is both ambitious and also a complete mess. While I won't argue about its accuracy to the novels, I found it completely overdone. It bombards you with too much worldbuilding at once. Also doesn't help that the cast is bland and uninteresting. # movies" movies,Last week the Dolby Theater prepping for # Oscars # movies when we went to see Dune pt 2 in IMAX 15/70 at the Chinese Theater. movies,"Here's a # painting of # Godzilla that I did last year on a piece of salvaged wooden board, now hanging in the home of a fan in Alabama # art # artwork # artlovers # illustration # monsters # monster # artgallery # artgalleries # kaiju # monsters # geeks # geek # nerd # nerds # artmarket # artfinder # artistsonmastodon # handmade # paintings # movie # movies # film # films # conema # supportthearts # supportlivingartists" movies,"We’re not expecting many surprises at this Sunday’s Oscars ceremony — if “Oppenheimer” doesn’t win Best Picture, we’ll eat Oppy’s fedora hat, and when it comes to the two main contenders for Best Actress, we think Gladstone has the edge over Stone (though they both rock). Far more interesting to us are the stories around the edges. Here's our blogpost, with stories from @ TheConversationUS @ hollywoodreporter @ variety_feed , Entertainment Weekly and more, plus an incredible video from The Academy about how the special effects from nominated movies were put together. https:// pboard/oscars-2024-no-big-surprises-many-great-stories/ We'll be curating stories in our @ theculturedesk Magazine, @ oscars-2024-theculturedesk , and highlighting key moments from our @ CultureDesk account here. # Entertainment # Oscars # Flipboard # Curation # Movies # Film # Cinema" movies,First Teaser Trailer for Ross Bros' 'Gasoline Rainbow' Road Trip Film https://www. aser-trailer-for-ross-bros-gasoline-rainbow-road-trip-film/ # movies # cinemastodon movies,"There are no categories for animals in the Academy Awards, though last month, the Academy announced on X, ""The Oscar for bestest boi goes to Messi from Anatomy of a Fall."" Esquire magazine recognized this grave injustice last year, when it gave Jenny the Donkey from ""Banshees of Inisherin"" the first annual Best Animal Actor award. Here's their breakdown of animal actors this year. We want to know, what was the most iconic animal performance of all time. https:// # Movies # Oscars # Entertainment # Culture # Animals" movies,Brazilian comedy drama - Before I Forget - movie review here - https:// # WorldCinema # film # films # FilmReviews # movie # movies # MovieReviews # review # cinema # cinemastodon # filmastodon movies,My ★★★★½ review of Testament on @ letterboxd : https:// # 265moviereview # movies movies,#29594 [movie taglines] Identify the 2002 movie: The true story of a real fake # trivia # movies # taglines movies,‘Timestalker’ Review: ‘Prevenge’ Filmmaker Alice Lowe Romps Through Time to Be with World’s Worst Soulmate # IndieWire # Criticism # Movies # AliceLowe # Film # Reviews # SXSW # Timestalker https://www. /timestalker-review-alice-lowe-1234960380/ movies,"Shawn Robbins – Early studio Fri projections, take at your own caution: 18.2-18.5 Panda (with previews) 12.5ish Dune 3.8-4.0 Imaginary https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies" movies,"""Spiced"" Coca-Cola is Dune tie in, right? # SciFi # Movies # Soda" movies,"Top # films on # transgender # women to watch this # InternationalWomensDay . # Experience the # journey of # transgender # individuals through compelling # films . Celebrate Women’s Day 2024 with # stories of # identity , # courage , and # acceptance . # Women # Transgender # LGBTQ # LGBTQIA # Entertainment # Movies # Representation # Culture https://www. /top-films-on-transgender-women-to-watch-this-womens-day-1503277220.html" movies,"# PaulMescal ’s upcoming # gay # film is “ # onfire ” with # chemistry . The # romance # TheHistoryofSound is gathering # bignames in recent # gay # cinema , so it’s no surprise the # energy on set is already electric. # Women # Transgender # LGBTQ # LGBTQIA # Entertainment # Movies # Representation # Culture https://www. m/paul-mescals-upcoming-gay-film-is-on-fire-with-chemistry/" movies,‘Dune 3’ Has a Big Challenge: The Next Book Isn’t That Great # MovieNews # Movies # DenisVilleneuve # Dune # TimotheeChalamet # Zendaya https://www. ovie-news/dune-3-messiah-problem-book-1235845611/ movies,It’s Oscar weekend so I’m thinking about films here’s some that I loved in the past 12 months. I also talk about some music I’ve been loving lately and the YouTube channel Patrick (H) Willems Also I forgot to mention I want to see Godzilla minus one #Films #Movies #Podcasts #TheMichaelMutoShow #TheOscars movies,"I've watched ""Aguirre, wrath of God"", by Werner Herzog. A very personal view of the story of the mad search of El Dorado. There're incredibly beautiful landscapes (it was filmed in the jungle), and the movie really transmits a powerful experience. But there's something unclassifiable in it, too. I don't know how to describe it. The narrative seems... weird. It's very serious and dramatic, but at the same time there's a moment when one character is pierced by a spear, and before dying he comments ""long spears are on fashion lately""... So yes, a movie as unclassifiable as its director. By the way, the electronic soundtrack, by Popol Vuh (name of the Mayan book of myths) is *absolutely amazing.* # movies # cinemastodon" movies,Excellent essay! # movies # hollywood https://www. /oscars-hollywood-extinction-event.html movies,Ready for # Oscars weekend. Catching up with the nominees this last six weeks has mostly been a delight. ROBOT DREAMS deserved a wider release. # LastFourWatched # LetterboxdFriday # Letterboxd # Filmastodon # Cinemastodon # Movie # Movies # Film # Films movies,‘Grand Theft Hamlet’: Altitude Boards SXSW Doc About Actors Who Staged Hamlet Production Inside ‘Grand Theft Auto’ Video Game | Deadline https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,"""I had to think about what are the different forms of love: unrequited love, obsessive love, all these dark, destructive forms of something that we're constantly being told is a very positive force"" - Paul Duane on All You Need Is Death https://www. 03-08-interview-with-paul-duane-about-all-you-need-is-death-feature-story-by-jennie-kermode # GFF24 # Frightfest # film # movies" movies,"Ming-Na Wen is joining Sony Pictures' new ""Karate Kid"" movie in a role that is currently being kept under wraps. She joins OG stars Ralph Macchio and Jackie Chan. # MingNaWen # KarateKid # SonyPictures # Entertainment # Movies" movies,Saltburn: I’ve Seen This Before # saltburn # thetalentedmrripley # movies https:// urn-ive-seen-this-before-cc4423fae00d?source=rss-5519189fbe64------2 movies,"3 things about Kristina Lindström and Kristian Petri’s THE MOST BEAUTIFUL BOY IN THE WORLD [2021] 1. Visconti’s direction largely consisted of four things: Go, Stop, Turn Around, Smile. 2. Ten days of apartment cleaning. 3. Manga icon. # 3things # documentaries # gay # movies # visconti # CinemaMastodon" movies,"Almost turned off the # JamesBond # movie A View to a Kill in the first 5 minutes. Dude starts snowboarding away from the bad guys and a cover of the Beach Boys song California Girls starts playing. I hope the movie, and the series, gets better than where is currently stands. # movies" movies,"Listen to “Ninety For Chill: The Podcast with CatBusRuss”: ""Coraline"" in 12 Parsecs w/HappyBeebsMeowMeow @LAIKAStudios delivered with an # adaptation of # NeilGaiman ’s superb # fairytale . https:// # FilmMastodon # film # cinema # cinemastodon # animation # movies # podcast # podcasts # podcasting @ animationmagazine @ animationworld @ animation-IndieWire" movies,Director Goran Stolevski on the set of his film ‘HOUSEKEEPING FOR BEGINNERS’ https://www. # BehindTheScenes # Movie # Movies # MoviesInTheMaking movies,"# Movies # Japanese Streamed a movie called ""Perfect Days"" (2023) that's gotten rave reviews but I just thought was ""ok."" It's about the mundane life of a kind & apparently erudite janitor who services public toilets in Tokyo. He's not a hermit & does have some social contact -- some pretty odd -- but prefers to live life undisturbed alone tending to the toilets, reading, going to his favorite bookstore & pub, listening to 60's rock on cassettes, going to a public bath house & washing his clothes at a laundromat There's hardly any dialog in the film & one is left to wonder what his earlier life was like, of which we get only small glimpse of thru some interaction w/a niece who unexpectedly drops in on him & his sister who comes to collect her. There are actually some parallels between the janitor's life & mine but I don't think my life is any more interesting than how his is depicted in the film which took great patience on my part to watch until the end, which was ambiguous to say the least. 🤷" movies,"Mike Leigh’s ‘HARD TRUTHS’ from Bleecker Street has been set for an October 18, 2024 release. https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies" movies,"Oh, the Beekeeper movie is going to be about killing online scammers, isn't it? That might change my opinion :) # movies" movies,1982 Film Poll - Quarter-Final Round in progress. # Film # Movies # FilmCommunity # Cinema # CineMastodon # ClassicFilms # FilmPoll # FilmTournament movies,"""I am Paul Muad'Dib Atreides, Duke of Arrakis. The Hand of God be my witness, I am the Voice from the Outer World! I will lead you to PARADISE!"" # cinema # cinesthetic # movies # dune # Dune2" movies,‘Kung Fu Panda 4’ Rotten Tomatoes Verified Audience Score Thread https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,"A world where people go to the movies on a daily basis? It seems my futuristic setting is like that, and it's more plausible than you think. Read more at my # blog : https://www. inematic-universe/ This post's featured image is an AI rendition of an IMAX Dome theater set in outer space (Bing has some weird ideas...). # worldbuilding # alternatehistory # lifestyle # movies # movietheater # theater # cinema # film" movies,‘Zone of Interest’ and Why Great Art Has to Feel Unsafe (Guest Column) # MovieFeatures # Movies # Awards # Oscars # Zoneofinterest https://www. ovie-features/zone-of-interest-great-art-unsafe-ideas-1235845874/ movies,"Rate your Dune II experience for me, please! — # dune # dune2 # movies" movies,"Crazy weather we're having: this week on Yelling About Movies, Michael Shannon and Jessica Chastain TAKE SHELTER (2011, D. Jeff Nichols). Here's our discussion. # YabtM # reviews # YouTube # cinemastodon # movies # film # cinema https://www. 8" movies,"""'Last year was the hottest year in recorded history, and our planet is currently warmer than it's been in at least 125,000 years,' states the report. 'We set out to see whether the most critically acclaimed films of the year reflected this reality.'"" Which Films Pass New 'Bechdel Test for Climate'? https://www. 5/which-2024-oscar-nominated-films-pass-the-new-bechdel-test-for-climate-change via euronews Image: Netflix via The Art of VFX # ClimateChange # Climate # Film # Movies # Cinema # ClimateRealityCheck # Hollywood # Environment # Ecology # BechdelTest # Nyad" movies,Christopher Walken Recalls Auditioning for ‘Star Wars’ With Jodie Foster # MovieNews # Movies # ChristopherWalken # DunePartTwo # Jodiefoster # StarWars https://www. ovie-news/christopher-walken-jodie-foster-star-wars-audition-1235846734/ movies,"In China Dune Part 2 opens with $5.99M on Friday. Below projections but with strong reception (M:9.4, T:9.6, D: 8.2). Weekend projections downgraded to $20-22M. The Pig, the Snake and the Pigeon wins the day with an impressive $6.88M(+167%)/$39.20M 2nd Friday. I Miss You opens in 3rd with $5.12M https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies" movies,Demi Lovato Joins Rose Byrne & ‘The Holdovers’ Breakout Dominic Sessa In Movie ‘Tow’ About Homeless Woman Caught In Tow-Company Hell https://www. # Movie # MovieNews # Movies movies,"China Box Office Thread – Friday 1 The Pig, the Snake and the Pigeon – ¥49.20M / ¥282.17M (+172.3% LW) dune Part II – ¥43.20M / ¥43.22M I Miss You – ¥36.60M / ¥36.64M https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies" movies,# Movies # TheMagnificentSeven Via All The Right Movies @ATRightMovies · 10h The cast of THE MAGNIFICENT SEVEN (1960) relaxing between takes. movies,# Watching CASA DE MI PADRE More successful as an experience than an actual movie. Will Ferrell is capable speaking Spanish and it works well enough as part of the joke. The movie is never good enough to warrant a watch if you're not the Biggest Ferrell fan. Una pelicula es mas o menos. That's 3 years of high school Spanish for you. Que lastima! https:// ilm/casa-de-mi-padre/ # Letterboxd # LetterboxdFriday # movie # movies # film # filmmastodon # cinema # cinemastodon # nowwatching movies,NEW MOVIE TRAILERS 2024 https:// ch/e318d3e7-da31-406a-aa27-41a031e70ed0 movies,Angela Bassett Says 2023 Oscar Loss Was “a Supreme Disappointment” But She Wanted “to Handle It Very Well” # MovieNews # Movies # AngelaBassett # Awards # JamieLeeCurtis # OprahWinfrey # Oscars https://www. ovie-news/angela-bassett-2023-oscars-loss-1235846601/ movies,New Poster for ‘The Fall Guy’ https://www. # Movie # MovieNews # Movies movies,"In (500) Days of Summer (2009), when listening to Summer sharing her inner thoughts for the first time, Tom is wearing a t-shirt of Joy Division’s album “Unknown Pleasures” https://www. # Movie # MovieDetails # Movies" movies,# LetterboxdFriday https:// # Letterboxd # LastFourWatched # Film # Movies # Cinema movies,Sony Snaps Up Rights To Grady Hendrix’s Short Story “Ankle Snatcher” For Development Into Feature Film https://www. # BoxOffice # Movie # MovieBusiness # Movies # TheBusinessOfMovies movies,‘Watch Dogs’ Movie In The Works At New Regency With ‘Talk To Me’ Breakout Sophie Wilde Starring https://www. # Movie # MovieNews # Movies books,"Available for pre-order! The new Rooker Lindström thriller by Pete Zacharias! Congratulations Pete on the new instalment and final chapter of the series. Happy to announce we've proudly created the bespoke trailer in co-creation with Pete. If you love Michael Connelly, this one is for you! # pimvanofferen # petezacharias # rookerlindstrom # books # bookstagram" books,A new book titled ‘Art Is Art’ celebrates the vast and varied creativity of hundreds of neurodiverse artists. https://www. -is-art-book/ # art # books books,Black # JaneAusten Fans Have Never Had It Better https://www. 23/black-jane-austen-adaptations-sense-and-sensibility/ # AmReading # AmWriting @ bookstodon # books # Bookstodon # WritingCommunity # ReadingCommunity # Regency # Georgian books,"Book 10: “In the Act” by # RachelIngalls . The tiny annoyances that accumulate in a marriage erupt into a delightful what’s-good-for-the-goose-is-good-for-the-gander story. Wonderfully petty. A quick read that could easily work on stage, as a Black Mirror episode, or a movie. Eat it up. I need to look up more of Ingalls’ work. @ bookstodon # Bookstodon # Books" books,"Beautiful book post!... 'The Shadow of the Wind' by Carlos Ruiz Zafón, with illustrations by Jorge González, just published by The Folio Society. # book # books # bookstodon @ bookstodon" books,Perfect bookends. Perfect narrators. # books # bookstodon books,"I never really got into romance fiction as a genre because I.. simply do not like reading about straight women desiring straight men (and we didn’t have any other type of romance fiction where I’m from), but I just went to the library and randomly picked up a book that’s got: ‘time travel’, ‘cryo-sleep’, gay soldiers from the civil war! https:// w/the-sleeping-soldier-by-aster-glenn-gray/ # Books # LGBTQ" books,"Guy at the atelier knows I’m into old tools and said I could hang onto this for a couple weeks. It’s literally the bible on planes, including all related tools that scrape, shave, peel… A fountain of knowledge and history. There’s a great section at the end, about 20 pages, for all the old brands and their marks. Tool makers, distributors, etc Loaded with tables and figures new and old. I’m sure theres something like this in English. # woodworking # books" books,Haben: The Deafblind Woman Who Conquered Harvard Law by Haben Girma # books Really conveys the challenges around having to constantly recontextualize social interactions because she doesn’t have enough detail about cues that are obvious to everyone else. The details about how she does routine tasks and how she experiences the world are great. books,"https://www. My last book splurge # books **It’s fun to boast somewhere of one’s book hauls, so here it is for the March 8 and 9 2024 last splurge i’ll ever do, because now i need to seriously save money on a regular monthly basis.** **1 – Leopardi’s Moral Fables (earlier got a bilingual Canti edition Jonathan Galassi trans.)** **2 – Orlando …" books,"The First Law Series by joe abercrombie # books # fantasy This would just be standard dark fantasy fare, but the crippled inquisitor Glokta is great. His contempt for life, including his own. His introspection that always stops just short of change. I have never read a novel that presents infirmity, pain, and disability in this way." books,"Here's a 1970s edition of DUNE. Ever wonder what short story writer, memoirist, novelist, and teacher Tobias Wolff thought about the novel back then? Well, now you can find out in a Q&A I did with Mark Stevens for my latest novel GEISHA CONFIDENTIAL. We talk about the origin of my main character August Riordan and creative writing classes I took early in my career with Wolff and Ron Hansen. https:// 4/03/09/q-a-102-mark-coggins-geisha-confidential/ # dune # Tokyo # Japan # books @bookstodon # crimefiction # novel # amWriting # noir" books,"My library hold for Helen Oyeyemi's newest, Parasol Against the Axe, arrived and I was able to sneak a few pages in yesterday. Taking place in one of my favorite settings, Prague, the book feels like it's going to be a strangely intriguing one. And it has a book-within-a-book that changes stories depending on the reader. This week the New Yorker has an interview with Oyeyemi, which should be an interesting piece to read after finishing the novel. # reading # CurrentlyReading # AmReading # books # libraries @ bookstodon https://www. yorker-interview/helen-oyeyemi-thinks-we-should-read-more-and-stay-in-touch-less" books,"In this graphic novel, created by Sue Seserman, Epilectra is a Modern Superhero who Transforms her Disability Into a Superabilitiy and Turns Positivity into Possibilities! # graphicnovel # superheroes # disability # books https://www." books,https://www. Have you ever tried or participated in a reading bingo? # books I participated to a reading bingo last summer at my job. I really liked it. This allowed me to try to read new genres of book and allowed me to discover new books that at first glance did not correspond to my reading habits. I also found it to be great way to open up … books,"A Scatter of Light (Malinda Lo) – After Aria’s graduation is disrupted by nonconsensual nudes of her being shared around school, she is blamed and sent to stay with her grandmother in California for a while. But this exile leads her to her grandmother’s gardener, Steph, who introduces her to the local queer community against the backdrop of the legalisation of gay marriage. Embracing the community, Aria begins to understand her own queerness as she falls for Steph. This is also a partial continuation to Last Night at the Telegraph Club, being set 60 years after and giving a glimpse of what became of Lily and Kath after the 50s. In some ways the two novels offer a contrast on the changes in the community and issues faced across 60 years. This is a beautiful story of queer awakening and fraught, bittersweet relationships. Those early, first love emotions in Aria feel very visceral and relatable. I would have liked a little more of the community, and Steph’s relationship to gender, but the focus is on Aria’s journey of love and loss at this key moment of change in her life as all her connections are up in the air while she discovers herself. # Bookstodon # Books # QueerBooks # Queer # LGBTQ # SapphicBooks # Romance" books,"Right, enough distraction! On with the reading. But before I go… you can read Stanley Weinbaum's stories online and with their own RPG worldbook for nothin', thanks to Marcus L. Rowland and his wonderful Forgotten Futures site: https://www. /index.htm (Do consider dropping something in his tip jar if you download the game, since changes to legislation means he can no longer distribute it as Shareware) # ForgottenFutures # RPG # SciFi # Reading # Books" books,"""There's a shark in the park!!!!"" # IfYouKnowYouKnow # books # livres # SharkInThePark # bookstodon" books,"20 Antarctica, Claire Keegan. I have previously read Small Things like these and Foster, both of which were in my best books of the year. This is an earlier work and I think it shows a writer exploring her range rather than one who has found her forte. In any collection there are some stories that will be better than others, and so it is here. Having said that, as a collection, there is a lot to enchant. # books @ bookstodon" books,"19 Conversations with Friends, Sally Rooney I struggled to relate to this. Our main character is Frances, a 21 year old student cum intern who lives rent free in a flat owned by her family and receives an allowance from her drunken father. She has a best friend, Bobbi, and we follow this pair through about 6 months. As the book progressed I became increasingly convinced that what Frances really needed were some friends, rather than the echo chamber she lives in. # books @ bookstodon" books,"Children of Ruin didn't live up to its predecessor in terms of pure # scifi wonder or story, but it still had a lot of interesting ideas to explore and things to say. I am thoroughly enjoying my time in this universe~ As usual, I've made # pixelart cover! # books # childrenoftime" books,https://www. My review for The Picture Of Dorian Gray By Oscar Wilde # books The story follows the corruption and downfall of a young man who falls in love with his own portrait and image and wishes to never age. He basically “sells his soul” to the devil in exchange for eternal youth and beauty. His vanity and desires consume him. His two friends Basil Hallward and Lord Henry … books,"From *Rewriting the Rules* in *Revin's Heart*, my steampunky fantasy adventure with pirates and airships and a trans protagonist. The full collection includes the seven original novelettes plus interludes, three all-new ""side quests"", and a sneak preview of the sequel *Devishire!* You can find it anywhere books are sold online: https:// uct/revins-heart/ # books # bookstodon" books,"Dipping into this story from 1910 by Jules Lermina, translated by the late Brian Stableford who did so much to bring such French fantasies to the anglophone world. # ScientificRomance # Fiction # SciFi # Books Reading # Dinosaurs # Paris" books,https://www. Butter by Asako Yuzuki # books Is anyone currently reading her. Halfway through and thoroughly enjoying it – always enjoy some ryu murakami-esque social commentary through the lense of true crime. What do you think of Reiko and Rika’s relationship – Idt we even have to do a queer reading on this one for it to be a queer read. Intentional … books,"Reminder that this weekend my entire series (The Calling, The Cords That Bind, and The Chasm) are 50% off on Smashwords! When Bleu’s expedition team emerges from their subterranean haven, they discover humans are no longer the dominant life form on Earth. # sale # books # reading # scifi # fantasy # hopepunk https://www. ery=The+Calling+Branwen+OShea" books,"I can not overstate how much I'm enjoying The Mad Women's ball. This book is gorgeous; brilliantly drawn characters, exquisite world building and a wonderful story. I can't wait to read it to the finish, but don't want the story to end. I have bibliofinisphobia 😭😢🙅‍♀️ # Books" books,New sapphic book review: The Rewind by Nicole Stiling https:// the-rewind-by-nicole-stiling/ # book # books # LGBTBooks # lgbt # sapphic # BookLover # BookAddict # BookRecommendations # wlw # SapphicReads # BookReview # lesfic # BookReviewer # SapphicBookReview # QueerLit # BookToot # Bookstodon # SapphFic @ sapphicbooks @ bookstodon books,"Pat Murphy (1955-) was born on this day. Bibliography: https://www. L, Keith Scaife, 1985; R, Mark Harrison, 1989 # scifi # sciencefiction # Books" books,"https://www. What book made you think “Am I reading the same book as everyone else?” # books Sounds negative, but this could be for better or for worse. Perhaps you interpreted the book or the actions of a character far different from everyone else? Or maybe there’s a universally disliked book that you think is great or vice versa? For me it was Dark Matter by Blake Crouch. The book was so …" books,"Rex Warner (1905-1986) was born on this day. Bibliography: https://www. 8 L, Gervasio Gallardo, 1969; R, uncredited, 1943 # scifi # sciencefiction # books # literature" books,"Stop doomscrolling: drink some water, take a walk, read a book. Here's a really good one: Deadly Purchase by Vickie Britton and Loretta Jackson http://www. NL/?tag=indautlan-20 # bookstodon # Mystery # books # ad" books,"Today in Labor History March 9, 1911: Frank Little and other free-speech fighters were released from jail in Fresno, California, where they had been fighting for the right to speak to and organize workers on public streets. Little was a Cherokee miner and IWW union organizer. He helped organize oil workers, timber workers and migrant farm workers in California. He participated in free speech fights in Missoula, Spokane and Fresno, and helped pioneer many of the passive resistance techniques later used by the Civil Rights movement. He was also an anti-war activist, calling U.S. soldiers “Uncle Sam’s scabs in uniforms.” 1917, he helped organize the Speculator Mine strike in Butte, Montana. Vigilantes broke into his boarding house, dragged him through the streets while tied to the back of a car, and then lynched him from a railroad trestle. Prior to Little’s assassination, Author Dashiell Hammett had been asked by the Pinkerton Detective Agency to murder him. Hammett declined. # workingclass # LaborHistory # IWW # union # strike # FreeSpeech # indigenous # nativeamerican # franklittle # civilrights # nonviolence # racism # vigilantes # lynching # author # writer # fiction # books @ bookstadon" books,"William F. Temple (1914-1989) was born on this day. Bibliography: https://www. L, Peter Tybus, 1971; R, Bruce Pennington, 1970 # scifi # sciencefiction # books" books,Come visit my booth this weekend at the 2024 # TFOB # books # festivals # mystery # indieauthor https:// t-the-2024-tucson-festival-of-books/ books,"Manly Banister (1914-1986) was born on this day. Bibliography: https://www. L, Ed Emshwiller, 1964; R, Alex Schomburg, 1961 # scifi # sciencefiction # books" books,The Copenhagen Book General guideline on implementing auth in web applications https:// # webdev # webdevelopment # security # authentication # books books,"https://www. Have you ever sat down with an author outside of a convention or signing? How’d it go? # books Steven Brust happened to move to where I live many years ago and I shot him an e-mail asking him out for a beer and a chat. He, wildly enough, accepted. I picked him up, also wild, and the place I selected was no more than 2 minutes from his house—quite the coincidence. I got …" books,Now's the perfect time to curl up with a good book! May I humbly suggest the following... Learn more about The Nod/Wells Timelines: http:// the-nodwells-timelines-retrospective.html @ bookstodon @ scifi @ specfic @ horrorbooks # scifi # sciencefiction # horror # paranormal # thriller # speculative # fiction # speculativefiction # specfic # reading # whattoread # NodWellsTimelines # TheNodWellsTimelines # books # booksofmastodon # bookstodon # booktodon books,"""To Reach the High Frontier"" (2002) edited by Roger D. Launius and Dennis R. Jenkins https://www. 8 # Art # MastoArt # Book # Books # BookCover # BookCovers # CoverIllustraion # CoverArt # AlternativeHistory # UniversityPress # AcademicPress # Bookstodon" books,"The Gulag: A Very Short Introduction by Alan Barenberg A vast system of prisons, camps, and exile settlements, the Gulag was one of the defining attributes of the Stalinist Soviet Union and one of the most heinous examples of mass incarceration in the twentieth century, combining the functions of a standard prison system with the goal of isolating and punishing alleged enemies of the Soviet regime. @ bookstodon # books # nonfiction # SovietUnion # gulag" books,"NOSE BAG. A bag fastened to the horse's head, in which the soldiers of the cavalry put the oats given to their horses: whence the saying, I see the hose bag in his face; i.e. he has been a private man, or rode private. A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785) -- # books # literature # dictionaries # history # society # crime # language # slang @ histodons" books,"Winding Up the Week #368 https:// ing-up-the-week-368/ In this second week of Dewithon 2024, we look at books read and reviewed, discover some of the best writing about literature on the blogosphere and highlight fascinating features from across the Internet. # amreading # books # dewithon24 # readingwales24 # dewithon" books,"I'm finally reading Geroge V. Higgins's THE FRIENDS OF EDDIE COYLE and this novel is, much like Gregory Mcdonald's FLETCH and Richard Stark's Parker novels, a masterclass on how to write dialogue and to sustain momentum -- the lifeblood of crime novels. I knew I was reading the right writer when I encountered the moment in which a thug says to a banker, ""You sleep late, Mr. Partridge. We been waiting a long time."" The banker's reply? ""Sorry to inconvenience you."" I think the best crime novels are the ones that treat the criminal pastime as a job. Part of the reason why we are drawn to DOG DAY AFTERNOON is because we realize just how much labor is involved with keeping a bank robbery going. So too with Higgins. Hearing criminals gripe about what what they do ""on the clock"" is very often what makes these novels weirdly human. # books # georgevhiggins # criminal # work" books,"https://www. The Devotion of Suspect X – confused about the ending # books I want to preface this by saying this is by no means a hate rant. I didn’t hate the book, I quite enjoyed it actually. It’s just the ending that makes me confused, so I would like to hear what other people think about it to see if I missed something/interpreted something wrong. I’ve seen …" books,These are the two # books that I # AmReadng today. What are you currently # reading ? # Read # Poetry # Poem # Poems # Philosophy # BertrandRussell # ArthurQuillerCouch # Book # Ebook # Ebooks # Bookstodon @ bookstodon books,I just posted a long-form character feature to my blog that's all about Little Miss Secret from my novel She Hunts Demons. https:// ture-little-miss-secret.html # author # writing # publishing # books # fantasy # actionadventure @ bookstodon books,"American Purgatory by Benjamin D. Weber A vivid work of hidden history that spans the wars to subjugate Native Americans in the mid-nineteenth century, the conquest of the western territories, and the creation of an American empire in Panama, Puerto Rico, and the Philippines, American Purgatory reveals how ""prison imperialism""—the deliberate use of prisons to control restive subjects. @ bookstodon # books # nonfiction # America # prisons # incarceration # history # imperialism" books,"In March 1907. The Diamond Sūtra, a woodblock printed Buddhist scripture dated AD 868, is discovered by Aurel Stein at the Mogao Caves near Dunhuang in China. It is said to be ""the earliest complete survival of a dated printed book"". It is also the first known creative work with an explicit public domain dedication, as its colophon at the end states that it was created ""for universal free distribution"". via @ wikipedia The Diamond Sutra at PG: https://www. # books # publicdomain" books,"""This is the saddest story I have ever heard."" In March 1915. Ford Madox Ford's novel The Good Soldier: A tale of passion is published by John Lane – The Bodley Head in London, and under the author's original name, Ford Madox Hueffer. The novel's original title was The Saddest Story, but after the onset of World War I the publishers asked Ford for a new title. Ford suggested The Good Soldier, & the name stuck. via @ wikipedia The Good Soldier at PG: https:// # books # literature" books,"How to Solve It: Modern Heuristics by Zbigniew Michalewicz, David B. Fogel # hachybots # books # livres # libros # bookstodon" books,"https://www. can u remind me name of this writer? # books He stuck in my mind, – he was from UK, example of the young prodigy that didn’t get a chance to flourish. If I’m not mistaken he lived with his mother and they weren’t rich, and he committed after one of the established writers of that time disregarded his writing. It really a shame cause …" books,"""Qui n'a pas un amour sans limites, n'aime point. Lui, l'avait-il bien pour moi cet amour? hélas! je ne le voyais pas dans cette lettre. Mais d'autres lettres avaient été plus tendres, elles avaient épanoui mon coeur."" Who does not have a love without limits, does not love. Alas, I couldn't see it in this letter. But other letters had been more tender, they had made my heart blossom. Lui (1859) ~Louise Colet (15 August 1810 – 9 March 1876) # books # literature # poetry" books,"French poet Louise Colet died # OTD in 1876. In 1846, she met Gustave Flaubert, a young unknown in the studio of painter James Pradier. He was 25, she 36. They became lovers. The affair did not last. She left her husband in 1847. To support herself and her daughter, she wrote quickly and took on commissions. In her mementos, she recounts how she had to fight to maintain her independence and gain recognition from her male colleagues. Louise Colet at PG: https://www. 65 # books # literature" books,You can’t ask a dead man who pulled the trigger. My new novel ‘A Tangled Web’ is a fast-paced contemporary thriller set in northern Scotland. The two central characters spend a night at Bunchrew House Hotel as their investigation gathers pace. This classically charming Scottish mansion stands on the southern shore of the Beauly Firth some three miles west of the centre of Inverness. Find out more on my website: http://www. # Books # Bookstodon books,"History and Evolution of Concepts in Physics by Harry Varvoglis Our understanding of nature, and in particular of physics and the laws governing it, has changed radically since the days of the ancient Greek natural philosophers. This book explains how and why these changes occurred, through landmark experiments as well as theories that - for their time - were revolutionary. @ bookstodon # books # nonfiction # physics # history" books,"""And what have I to give my friends in the last resort? An awkwardness, a shyness, and a scrap, No thing that's truly me, a bootless waste, A waste of myself and them, for my life is mine And theirs presumably theirs, and cannot touch."" Days I enjoy ~Vita Sackville-West (9 March 1892 – 2 June 1962) # books # literature # poetry" books,# Books # StPatricksDay https:// 03/09/27-childrens-books-to-celebrate-st-patricks-day/ books,"English author, poet, and gardener Vita Sackville-West was born # OTD in 1892. She published more than a dozen collections of poetry and 13 novels during her life. She was twice awarded the Hawthornden Prize for Imaginative Literature: in 1927 for her pastoral epic, The Land, & in 1933 for her Collected Poems. She was the inspiration for the protagonist of Orlando: A Biography, by her friend & lover Virginia Woolf. Vita Sackville-West at PG: https://www. 850 # books # literature # poetry" books,"We Used to Dance: Loving Judy, My Disabled Twin by Debbie Chein Morris # books # literature # dedication" books,"https://www. Read The Judgement(4/5) By Franz Kafka # books Simple and disturbing short story of 11 pages that delves us through the complex relation between parenthood and the child.This is one of the works from his filial revolt that concerns with his relationship with his dad. Smooth read,but during the end leave us amazed.Discuss how vulnerable human mind could be and how it might …" books,"In the Shadow of the Bomb: Oppenheimer, Bethe, and the Moral Responsibility of the Scientist by S. S. Schweber How two charismatic, exceptionally talented physicists came to terms with the nuclear weapons they helped to create. In 1945, the United States dropped the bomb, and physicists were forced to contemplate disquieting questions about their roles and responsibilities. @ bookstodon # books # nonfiction # scientists # AtomBomb # Bethe # Oppenheimer" books,"# SATURDAY ONLY! :ablobcatrave: # LASTDAY # SMASHWORDS Read-A-Book SALE 📚 # SeriesStarter ""No Demons But Us"" # FREE https://www. 92 ""My sister deserved to die, but I didn't kill her. The Sisterhood couldn't care less. It's their move next."" # SisterSeekers is # Discounted 😈 🗡️ https://www. rpusnexus # BookToot # Books # FreeBooks # Fantasy # DarkElf # DarkElves # Drow # EpicFantasy # DarkFantasy # EroticHorror @ bookstodon @ bookstadon @ ttrpg @ horror @ fantasy @ sffbookclub @ lgbtqbookstodon" books,"https://www. Having no friends to talk about books.. # books TLDR: Having no friends to talk about the English fantasy, Scifi books in the country I’m living. Would there be any tips for such situations? —— I am currently living in a foreign, non-English speaking country and studying engineering, I read books partially to practice my English reading but grew up to enjoy reading fantasy …" books,"Simon Dobson @ simoninireland is posting a blog series of Lisp book reviews, both classics and modern works. https:// jectlisp-bibliography/ # lisp # CommonLisp # books" books,"Off to visit dad, today's travelling companions, Yo-Yo Ma playing Bach cello pieces on my earphones, forthcoming Tade Thompson novella Jackdaw (pub April by Cheerio Publishing). Have read Tade's excellent SF work, interested to try his non- SF writing # books # livres # AmReading # TadeThompson # Jackdaw" books,"# books # fiction The Citadel, by A.J. Cronin, My rating:5 out of 5 stars, Read from: 03/07/2024 - 03/09/2024. ebook, 421 pages. Book description: When Andrew Manson starts work as a doctor he discovers some unpleasant facts about the medical profession. He struggles against a system that seems to value money more than curing illness. But the system is extremely powerful. Will he win his battle? https://www. 66 # bookstodon" books,"# OTD in 1776. The Wealth of Nations by Scottish economist and philosopher Adam Smith is published. The book offers one of the world's first connected accounts of what builds nations' wealth, and has become a fundamental work in classical economics. Reflecting upon economics at the beginning of the Industrial Revolution, Smith addresses topics such as the division of labour, productivity, and free markets. via @ wikipedia Wealth of Nations at PG: https://www. # books # economy" books,'Classic Poem: The Charge of the Light Brigade' Performed by Avalina Kreska https:// hared # poetry # poem # poems # readers # reading # books # read # reader # poetrylovers # smallpoems # poetrycommunity # shortpoem # war # USA # America books,"Our esteemed Academic list boasts scholarly content and cutting-edge digital delivery, making research and knowledge more accessible than ever. Visit their website today and discover the world of knowledge waiting for you!, # Bloomsbury # RandomPenguinHouse # simon&schuster # Knowledge # Research # Books # Apps # LifelongLearning # AcademicExcellence # reports https://www." books,"# ComingSoon this summer, # Books # Summary ""The Green Light of Arizona"" At teen age, one's life feels like being tossed around in a washing machine, with oneself looking at it from the outside, and having no clue what is happening. On top of this, Kessy, the protagonist, a 15 year old girl, is moving a lot throughout the U.S. due to her father's job at the military. But then, everything seems to settle in a small town in southern Arizona. At least that's what she's thinking…" books,Big news # today # book # glenwrites # penofglen # books # novel # author # waterstones # amazon # shopping # shop # shops # bookish # reading # readers # story # indieauthor # news # happy # proud # exciting # rabbitfever # fiction # indie https:// 3/09/from-the-web-to-waterstones-the-rabbit-fever-expedition/ books,"⭐⭐½ ""The Night Our Stars Vanished"" By Donovan Taylor https:// our-stars-vanished/reviews/@nithou?referrer_id=3166 # books # Bookstodon # mastolivre" books,A package just thunked onto my doormat. It was this: Paul Brock's 'Comprehensive Guide to Insects of Britain & Ireland'. Initial impression is that it's in a different league to the other insect field guides I own and it will certainly sit alongside Francis Rose in my pack when out walking. The layout and amount of info is really impressive. # Insects # FieldGuide # Books # NatureGuides # UKWildlife books,Book 4 in “24” Really didn’t like this. Certainly wouldn’t get published today. # Books # books2024 books,"https://www. Which classics did you not like and why? # books I just finished reading Little Women and it’s boring. Everything is always ‘capital’ and everyone in the book is always ‘assuming airs’. I found Jo to be selfish, whiny and jealous by the end. I really didn’t like this. I found it boring and repetitive. It’s not a book I’d ever read again or bother …" books,The Bábí and Bahá’í Religions The rise and development of the Bahá’í Faith from the messianic Bábí movement in nineteenth-century Iran to become an independent religion established in many countries and commanding the devotion of people from many different cultures provides a vivid example of religious change in the modern world. The process is more fully documented than is... https:// %AD_and_Bah%C3%A1%E2%80%99%C3%AD_Religions # bahai # books # religion books,"Well, I suppose there's a first time for everything. Today's review of The Left Hand of Dog calls the book 'too normal'. If you'd like to read an ordinary, typical, common book about an aro-ace agender IT project manager and her dog who get kidnapped by giant space bunnies, click now. Prices are going up … soon. https:// ion/starship-teapot-series @ bookstodon @ lgbtqbookstodon # books # scifi # ScienceFiction # SpaceOpera # TheLeftHandOfDog # SiClarke" books,"Finally, *finally* found the courage to start the project I've always wanted to work on. I don't know where this will end up, but I'm very excited--and glad that I am truly giving it a go. https:// writers-belief-in-herself/ # writing # WritingCommunity # books" books,"https://www. Simple Questions: March 09, 2024 # books Welcome readers, Have you ever wanted to ask something but you didn’t feel like it deserved its own post but it isn’t covered by one of our other scheduled posts? Allow us to introduce you to our new Simple Questions thread! Twice a week, every Tuesday and Saturday, a new Simple Questions thread will be …" books,# buch # lesen # lesenswert # book # books # reading books,"Stop doomscrolling: drink some water, take a walk, read a book. Here's a really good one: The Carnation Murder (Adele Gossling Mysteries: Book 1) by Tam May http://www. XY/?tag=indautlan-20 # bookstodon # Mystery # books # ad" books,"""And this is my roommate. Look, Stasia, I got her last night when she was dancing with the Hungarian."" https:// # books" books,"Indie Author Title: H.R. Kemp, Lethal Legacy, http:// Direct toot me and ask me to add a title to the list. Required Info: auth name, auth status, book pub as, book title, genre, book url, pub year Or ask me for indie titles by author, genre, year published etc. You can also ask me for details on your favorite tropes. # Books # AmReading # IndieAuthor # Indie # Fiction # Bookstodon # WritingCommunity" books,"If a book called itself a ""Tiny Book of [topic]"", what would you expect from the tininess? Physical size, page count, content – and where goes your limit for ""tiny"" in those? I'm looking for some inspiration. # BookClub # Books # Reading # Writing" books,"Ein Mord, der in die dunkelste Vergangenheit führt. Cecilia Sjögren - Die letzte Welle Eine # rezension https://www. # buchtipp # lesetipp # lesen # crime # sweden # sverige # literatur # literature # iamreading # reading # buch # books # bookstodon # sagaegmont" books,"Capture the Sun, Jessie Mihalik # Books # Romance # ScienceFiction # BlogFiredrakeOrg https:// 4/03/Capture_the_Sun__Jessie_Mihalik.html" books,A very good initiative of District Administration for the promoting reading habits # Books # Peshawar # Pakistan # KhyberPakhtunkhwa books,“Adopt the pace of nature: her secret is patience.” ― Ralph Waldo Emerson # nature # naturephotography # photo # photography # photos # art # artist # environment # wildlife # wildlifephotography # water # community # news # politics # books # reading # uk # england # refugees # media # manchester # liverpool # leeds # scotland # socialmedia # facebook # twitter # mastodon # mastoart # growth # mentalhealth # nhs # mindfulness books,"# WomensNonfiction 1. My great, wide, beautiful world - by Juanita Harrison Juanita Harrison (1887-1967) was an African-American woman who published her travel memoirs in 1936. She spoke several languages and was determined to see all kinds of interesting places and meet interesting people. She took on various jobs along the way to finance her journeys. I love this book because it is cheerful and funny and filled to the brim with love for life. Also, best title ever. # books # WomensHistoryMonth" books,"Hey, # AUTHORS , # Share YOUR # books & # links # ShamelessSelfpromoSaturday # WRITERSLIFT # READERS find GREAT books! # writingcommunity # mustread # booklovers # book # podcasts # art # ReadersCommunity # booktwitter # blogs # bookrecommendations # poetry # sciencefiction # fantasy # interview # writersofinstagram # authorsofinstagram # bookstagram # instareaders # authorcommunity # authors # writers" books,"“Walking and talking are two very great pleasures, but it is a mistake to combine them. Our own noise blots out the sounds and silences of the outdoor world.“ ― C.S. Lewis # quotes # cslewis # environment # nature # naturephotography # art # artist # uk # evolution # history # life # community # spain # love # lgbt # lgbtqia # workers # media # walking # discussion # debate # books # reading # learning" books,"In honor of # WomensHistoryMonth I decided to do a toot a day with the hashtag # WomensNonfiction . Just because I love talking about books, and my favorite genre is (auto)biographies, memoirs, and journals of interesting women through the ages. And of course I want to see what you all have to add to the list 😊 📚📚📚 Since I am a bit late, I'll be catching up for the first few days 😅 @ bookstodon # books # bookstodon # Women # WomensHistory # nonfiction" books,"# WordWeavers 9/3 MC doesn’t want to be social, direct or make an excuse? In early life, Jerya did a lot of solitary wandering; that’s how # ThreeKindsofNorth opens. It’s a big shock for her on coming to the College to have her time mapped out. Fortunately the excitement of learning compensates. But she still needs to get away sometimes; later, she’ll mostly do so on horseback. ‘Going for a ride’ is a ready-made excuse. # writingCommunity # TheSunderingWall # VowsAndWatersheds # writing # books" books,Passwords to Paradise: How Languages Have Re-invented World Religions by Nicholas Ostler (2016) Text instead of screenshots: https:// 7-passwords-to-paradis # reading # nonfiction # books # history # religion # theology # buddhism # christianity # language # linguistics # translation # bookstodon books,https://www. Completed Reading The White Nights(Short Story)(4.5/5)By Fyodor Dostoevsky. # books One of the most soul crushing books I have ever come across. It’s beautiful and heart breaking at the same time.I wonder how it could be both. I cannot possibly compile my feelings after reading this. The Protagonist feels like Me in a russian coat and hat that unduly feels or thinks the same way … books,"# WritersCoffeeClub 9/3 Do you invent places in your work? Are any based on real locations? Everywhere in my series is invented, but most have roots in real places. For instance, the mountain journey at the end of # ThreeKindsofNorth and opening of # TheSunderingWall draws on my own experience, particularly in the Pyrenees and New Zealand—although the cover picture of V&W is from the Dolomites. # writingCommunity # VowsAndWatersheds # writing # books" books,"WAYNE'S 2024 BOOKS: BOOK 10 The Bezzle by Cory Doctorow So, if you've read my other book reviews this year, you'll be familiar with the name Cory Doctorow ( @ pluralistic ). If not, become familiar! His work (published in books, delivered by RSS feed or Xitter, or appearing on various websites) is always entertaining and informative. The infotaining nature of his writing is clearly evident in his latest book: The Bezzle. I backed the Kickstarter that successfully funded an audiobook version, although audiobooks aren't my thing and I read it in eBook form on my Pixel 6a. It's the second Martin Hench book, a period piece starting in the dotcom boom era, years before the first Hench book, Red Team Blues. Here we see a less established Martin (sans tour bus) stepping unwittingly into the attention of a sleazy robber baron. Events spiral wildly away from a burger-supply Ponzi scheme (no, really) as the book progresses. The book structure is a little odd; it felt like the pelt of two-and-a-half Last Week Tonight With John Oliver episodes stitched onto the bones of a modern-day Grisham novel. Here the blend of entertaining and informative comes to bear; you know you're being educated as you read, but it's enjoyable, so it doesn't feel like a lecture. There's lessons about MLM investment traps, the hideous state of the California prison-for-profit system, unfair music royalty practises, and more. The Bezzle was a quick and excellent read, and I'll be delving more into Doctorow's back catalogue as the year progesses, thanks to a tasty Humble Bundle deal that's still active as I write. # books # books2024 # corydoctorow # thebezzle # humblebundle # reviews # bookreview" books,"# bookstodon @ActesSud Pour ce WE, plongez-vous dans 5 années d’un amour caché, comme volé au monde, entre portes et fenêtres, différents, où séjourner le peu qu’il faut, avec deux corps dévorés de l’envie de l’autre💓 # book # books @math_nicolas # presentation ici https:// 4/02/23/nicolas-mathieu-le-ciel-ouvert/" books,Do I have way too many # bookmarks ? Yes! Do I have enough bookmarks? No! # Bookstodon # Books books,"If you're in the market for a pop-sci book, please consider picking up a copy of mine. I honestly think it's the best thing I've ever written. Nature called it ""a wild ride"", which I love 🦎 Or if you've already read & enjoyed it, could you please write a lil review? Thank you very much in advance 😊 # books # scicomm # science https:// -the-secret-science-of-surfaces-laurie-winkless/5733175" books,# sciencefiction # scifi # fiction # reading # books # comedy Episode 2 — The Wreck of Essfer https:// books,# sciencefiction # scifi # fiction # reading # books # comedy Episode 2 — The Wreck of Essfer https:// books,# sciencefiction # scifi # fiction # reading # books # comedy Episode 2 — The Wreck of Essfer https:// books,# sciencefiction # scifi # fiction # reading # books # comedy Episode 2 — The Wreck of Essfer https:// books,"Naming women in the Letterform Archive collection for International Women’s Day: Dutch graphic designer and bookmaker Irma Boom, American psychedelic poster artist Bonnie MacLean, and German writer and book designer Judith Schalansky. # IrmaBoom # BonnieMacLean # JudithSchalansky # WomenDesigners # Books # Posters # Psychedelia # Fashion" books,"I just learned something new about the writing style of Jane Austen. I've only read Pride and Prejudice so far and this makes me want to pick up another book of her, as I genuinely enjoyed it! # reading # books # janeausten # bookstodon https:// kmD1IzSZZ1" books,"https://www. I just realized that I’ve been incorrectly describing the type of mystery I like, and now I have no idea what to call it. Can anyone point me in the right direction? # books I did try looking it up, but I’ve had no luck. The type of mystery I’m looking for usually involves the cast of characters isolated from the outside world somehow. So it’s one of those things where there is an ensemble of possible suspects, and any of them could have…" books,"Here's a simple proposal; If educational publishers go bankrupt, the decades of materials they own should be entered into the Library of Congress and made available to everyone for no cost. We CANNOT lose these things. ESPECIALLY not now, as the brain-drain intensifies around the world. # education # publishing # books https://" books,"Today's random book is The Cleaner, the Cat & the Spacestation by Fay Abernethy, an 8.5/10 UK based mix of sci fi & fantasy. Very creative. If you like Becky Chambers, give this a go. It's not as cozy, but it's a great read # bookstodon # books" books,# scifi # scifiart # sciencefiction # comedy # comedywriting # fantasy # books # shortstories # entertainment Gunny Josephine Flowars https:// eo-woolfe/gunny-josephine-flowars-8ce3b9be33f6 books,# scifi # scifiart # sciencefiction # comedy # comedywriting # fantasy # books # shortstories # entertainment Gunny Josephine Flowars https:// eo-woolfe/gunny-josephine-flowars-8ce3b9be33f6 books,# scifi # scifiart # sciencefiction # comedy # comedywriting # fantasy # books # shortstories # entertainment Gunny Josephine Flowars https:// eo-woolfe/gunny-josephine-flowars-8ce3b9be33f6 books,Me: *has lots of books to read* Me: I'm bored 😩 Guess I don't feel like reading 😅😆 # reading # books # bored books,"Indie Author Title: Michelle Diener, Mistress of the Wind, http://www. Direct toot me and ask me to add a title to the list. Required Info: auth name, auth status, book pub as, book title, genre, book url, pub year Or ask me for indie titles by author, genre, year published etc. You can also ask me for details on your favorite tropes. # Books # AmReading # IndieAuthor # Indie # Fiction # Bookstodon # WritingCommunity" books,"🔴 Chaque jour, des millions de personnes se posent des milliards de questions, Et toi, qu'est ce qui te manque dans ta vie ? Pour moi, c'est toi. https:// 7/09/a-bruneau-chaque-matin.html # World # A7Radio # Streaming # Live # Books # Poesy" books,I Love You So Much It's Killing Us Both by Mariah Stovall # books # literature # dedication books,"We have some of the funeral cards left over from my father’s service in 2021. I wasn’t sure what to do with them, but I’ve started using them as bookmarks, because I really cannot think of any place more appropriate for my dad than in the middle of a book. # bookstodon # books" books,"When everybody is in a state, new outrages every hour, one often thinks of Lady Julia in 'Brideshead,' saying, ""Why don't you write a letter to the Times ?"" # quotes # books" books,Book-reading for children in a refugee camp https://www. 75910656 @ palestine # Gaza # children # books books,Αλεξάνδρα Παπαδοπούλου: Κλυταιμνήστρα # books # press https:// 024/03/blog-post_09.html books,# reading Devil’s Way by Robert Bryndza # bookstodon # books # CrimeFiction # BritishCrimeFiction # fiction books,"I’ve weeded thousands of # books in the past six months, and I am tired. # Library # LibraryLife" books,"Stop doomscrolling: drink some water, take a walk, read a book. Here's a really good one: The Carnation Murder (Adele Gossling Mysteries: Book 1) by Tam May http://www. XY/?tag=indautlan-20 # bookstodon # Mystery # books # ad" books,My latest Modern Library essay is now up. I tackle Walker Percy's THE MOVIEGOER -- an extraordinary novel that deals with a type of rudderless man found even today who is too enamored with the search for meaning. I track the origins of Percy's protagonist from an early essay and even tie this all into Richard Linklater's SLACKER! http://www. rn-library-60/ # books # walkerpercy # themoviegoer books,"Ch.30 of my hard # scifi # SpaceOpera is released! The mental state of much of the crew reaches an all-time low. As I stated before, the last few jumps were a meatgrinder, previously physical and now emotional. Now the end is approaching. Will they manage to reach their destination while remaining sane? Last normal chapter. Next update will have the ending + epilogue. No deadline. https://www. ardust-marathon # sciencefiction # writing # amwriting # WritingCommunity # novel # books # sff # WritersCoffeeClub" books,"Howdy, book and # Naturalist folks. Need some help. I read and enjoyed Nature’s Best Hope by Doug Tallamy. He has another, earlier, book: Bringing Nature Home. At face value it seems very similar. Is it worth the read? Or should I carry on? 🤔 # NaturesBestHope # BringingNatureHome # DougTallamy # Nature # help # books # bookstodon" books,"Typically when I find something of this particular subject matter, I would tag a certain someone. But this time I’ll be nice and gamble that she’ll see it randomly in her newsfeed or somebody else will tag her. # book # books # reading # feet # vintage" books,10 New Horror Novels to Keep You Scared this March # new # books # lists # bookriot https:// -march-2024/ books,"Think I'll pick up a book my cis GP recommended. ""Come as You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life"" by Emily Nagoski She said it was particularly interesting for vagina owners, but I'd venture to say it is likely good those who like neurosexuality as well. I will imo, confirm or deny once I get into it. I love all science, but especially brain science. This will make for a hyperfixation day or two. Some cis people are ok... sometimes. # NeuroSexuality # Science # Books # Bibliophile # YEG" books,"The @Smashwords Read an Ebook Week sale is very nearly over! My books are still 50% off through tomorrow (March 9)! If you don't hurry, you'll miss your chance to pick them up at a discount! https:// =smashwords https:// s?store=smashwords https:// store=smashwords # ebookweek24 # Smashwords # author # writing # publishing # books # scifi # sciencefiction # fantasy # sale # actionadventure @ bookstodon" books,"""Broadway Goes to War"" (2021) Robert L. McLaughlin and Sally E. Parry https://www. 6 # Art # MastoArt # Book # Books # BookCover # BookCovers # CoverIllustraion # CoverArt # AlternativeHistory # UniversityPress # AcademicPress # Bookstodon" books,The library’s spring used book sale was fun and I managed to keep the haul at 22 pounds this time. Here are four of the kid’s books I picked up - three from the 1960s and one from the 1970s. # book # books # reading # literature # vintage books,Words without Borders 2024 International Women’s Day Reading List. https:// rticle/2024-03/your-2024-international-womens-day-reading-list/?src=mailchimp&mc_cid=d9ef5a47b0&mc_eid=a37d2c7346 # books # bookstodon # IWD # Gender # WordsMatter # authors books,https://www. Wagga Wagga club lays claim to title of world’s oldest continuous Shakespeare reading group # books Wagga Wagga club lays claim to title of world’s oldest continuous Shakespeare reading group by AlamutJones … books,"Just about every example of Film-Noir uses a classic trope: the Femme Fatale. In She Hunts Demons, this role is filled by a teenage girl by the name of Isabel Grant. She initially presents herself to Little Miss Secret and Simmons as a terrified victim of the demon, Otto Vogerath, but she soon has them wrapped around her little finger. Hover the cursor over the image to learn more. https:// # author # writing # publishing # books # fantasy # actionadventure @ bookstodon" books,# WomenWhoMurder is reeling! # books # truecrime # bookrelease # newbooks # preorder # bookstodon https://www. 008 books,"Loved this episode of # ABCConversations with # SarahKanowski in conversation with celebrated # bookbinder # DominicRiley . As Sarah says, ""Thanks for taking us into this completely fascinating world."" 👏👏👏 # books # bookbinding Link to Conversations episode on ABC Australia website: https://www. versations/dominic-riley-bookbinding-repeat/103397932" books,NUTS. It was nuts for them; i.e. it was very agreeable to them. A selection from Francis Grose’s “Dictionary Of The Vulgar Tongue” (1785) -- # books # literature # dictionaries # history # society # crime # language # slang @ histodons books,"# pennedpossibilities 247 — Who does your MC or SC share their deepest secrets with? The two main squires (MC and main SC) share secrets with each other. They are basically best friends and have been since they were pages at the castle. In fact, it's a secret revealed by the SC squire that becomes a major crux in the story. # ofsquiresandknights # fantasy # fantasybook # bookstodon # books" books,"https://www. Have you ever read a book that you forget the premise but remember the feeling? # books Hey all! I don’t see a lot of chatter around these books, but I hope it’s still relevant. I have read 3 of the 4 John Dies at the End series by David Wong (Jason Pargin). I don’t remember what happened in these books, but I remember the entertainment and the “what the heck?” moments. …" books,"Finished reading A Closed and Common Orbit by Becky Chambers <3 I've read several books with alternating perspectives, and this is the first where every chapter was a treat, no matter whose story I got. Looking forward to the next one! # books" books,"Stop doomscrolling: drink some water, take a walk, read a book. Here's a really good one: The Carnation Murder (Adele Gossling Mysteries: Book 1) by Tam May http://www. XY/?tag=indautlan-20 # bookstodon # Mystery # books # ad" books,「人間というものはよほど意味を求める欲求が強いらしく、苦悩しつつある時でさえ、そこに何ほどかの意味を感じたいらしい。いったい何のために毎日こんなに苦しんでいるのであろう、と彼はつぶやく。苦しむことで何事かが得られるなら、何かの目的が果たされるなら、苦しみもまだ耐えやすいのだ。」p.133 『生きがいについて』には上記のような一文があります。そして、その「苦しみの意味」をジェイムズが描く「回心(Conversion)』によって得た愛生園のハンセン病患者たちの実例が描かれます。 このテキストは『宗教的経験の諸相』の内容が確かに日本でも起き、人の苦悩を解決したという証(あかし)になっています。 # books https:// books,https://www. Strategies for the Neurodivergent Reader # books Strategies for the Neurodivergent Reader by dr_strangelove42 … books,"https://www. How long is your physical TBR? # books Mine is 55 books. The worst part is that I know I have more unread books than that, I just stopped counting. As part of my current bid to reduce personal consumption, I’m going to try and make some decent progress on it before I buy anything new. It’s way too easy to overbuy books …" books,"JFR Gilded Ghost by Kyle Kirrin read by Travis Baldree. This is the third book in the Ripple System series Imagine the next big MMORPG, one with full immersive VR play. There are cycles and seasons, but the big players have, in a matter of weeks, begun triggering world-altering events, and the main character, Ned, is the most hated player in the entire world. Ned's chosen city is about to come under siege by a guild who has razed every place they've targeted, the most popular player and online streamer and his literal cult is gunning for him, and Ned has to bet literally everything he owns and has built in the game to save his city from impending doom. I love Travis' narration. The interactions between Ned and his all-knowing axe, Frank are hilarious. It's an RPG, and there's a lot of reading out of stats, which might be a downside for some. Anyhow, I'm looking forward to book four # books # bookstodon # Audiobooks" books,"My humble offering to anyone seeking a weekend read: Weaving In The Ends, a # scifi # romance novella duology that starts w/a summer fling & ends w/a Winter Solstice brawl. It's the closest I have to a feel-good story, it's a cozyish quick read that can be read as a standalone, or as an easy springboard into the world of 2 connected novels. Available in print & ebook now, audio coming soon! https:// s # Books # Reading # Bookstodon @ bookstodon" books,"https://www. Elin Hilderbrand “Golden Girl” discussion questions # books CONTAINS SPOILERS \* \* \* \* Would you forgive Marisa in Vivi’s place? Why Leo was aftraid to confess to Cruz ? Do you think Leo believed it was Cruz who killed his mother? Why Marisa framed Cruz? In what ways you think Villa, Carson and Leo way of dealing with grief was destructive? What …" books,Four new # books to add to the stacks! Hopefully I can get my ass in gear and start reading again...too many stacks... # Audreys # yeg books,"I got too close to the library today. I've been doing good, holding off on getting library books because I have 1 quadrillion books at home. But I went into the library today to drop off a couple of bags of books for the book sale next month and figured I peruse the New Book shelf. I got 2 books * The Murmur of Bees by Sofía Segovia https://www. 76-the-murmur-of-bees * The Enchanters by James Ellroy https://www. 48-the-enchanters At least they were on my Want to Read list @ bookstodon # books # reading" books,https://www. SPOILERS! what do you guys think happened after the end of Demon Copperhead? # books i just finished this book & its constantly been on my mind since i did. what do yall think happened at the beach? did demon & angus like go fully into a relationship as far as acting like a couple or did it happen gradually after that? did they move back to virginia or go … books,"Which is in fact because I have just finished # AliSmith 's 'Spring'. It is a beautiful novel. Part 1 is particularly brilliant. I'm not sure about its flirtation with magical realism in part 2. We need a writer who can find hope without recourse to magic. On the other hand, it is more mythological realism than magical. We can believe in myth making and story telling. What is real is not the mundane, but the eternal or, better, the eternal in the mundane. Smith is on the side of the angels because she believes in art, in myth in story telling. Spring, with its promise of life, is contrasted with winter which is dark and unenchanted. It is also art and the mundane. Smith is with Chaucer not Elliott. So am I. What I particularly like is the motif that none of this is about you. It serves to cut the privileged down to size, but the moral extends. The story isn't Florence's or the Machines. It is a shared world and 'world' here is truely all that is, was, will be or even could have been the case. # Books , # Fiction , # Migration , # Refugees @ bookstodon" books,"The Everyday Language of White Racism by Jane H. Hill In The Everyday Language of White Racism, Jane H. Hill provides an incisive analysis of everyday language to reveal the underlying racist stereotypes that continue to circulate in American culture. @ bookstodon # books # nonfiction # America # racism # language" books,"The Encyclopedia of Country Living, 50th Anniversary Edition by Carla Emery The Original Manual for Living Off the Land & Doing It Yourself For more than 50 years, this homesteading classic is the essential book of basic skills and country wisdom for living off the grid, being prepared, and doing it yourself. Keep your family healthy, safe, and independent--no matter what's going on in the world. @ bookstodon # books # nonfiction # homesteading # SustainableLiving" books,# WomenWhoMurder is on the radar! https:// on-the-radar-it-was-the-butler-no/ # books # newbooks # bookrelease # truecrime # bookstodon books,Check out the latest article from John Ilho: How to Rewrite Your Novel https:// rewrite-your-novel-34acf7e25726?source=rss----6e9c0c9fd682---4 # editing # writing # books # rewriting # novelwriting # link books,"https://www. Concensus of month and day names in fantasy? # books I will admit this was spurred by another post about maps and directions. Anyway, as a writer I have always been snagged on whether or not a fantasy setting should have made up names for the days of the week, or just use Monday through Sunday. The same for the names of months. Do readers …" books,"Stop doomscrolling: drink some water, take a walk, read a book. Here's a really good one: Legacy of the Tropics by Mary Deal A trilogy of novellas that shatter the myths of stereotypical islands of paradise. http://www. 8N/?tag=indautlan-20 # bookstodon # Mystery # books # ad" books,"Join the Emily Dickinson Museum and Harvard Press (in person or online) for the launch of The Letters of Emily Dickinson. Editor Cristanne Miller will discuss this new edition of Dickinson’s correspondence. # EmilyDickinson # Books # Bookstodon # OnlineEvent # BookLaunch Wednesday, April 3, 4:30pm ET Register: https://www. launch-letters-of-emily-dickinson/" books,"""What do you think I have found?"" said he triumphantly. ""Father's measure that has been lost for a week!"" https:// # books" books,"My book INSOLVENT was selected one of two finalists in the AAP PROSE Awards category ""Engineering and Technology"". https:// christoph-beckers-book-insolvent-makes-finals-at-2024-prose-awards/ 🎈 # Books # InsolventBook" books,Got my author copies today! Book two of Crusade of the Sword launches on March 19 on Amazon and Apple Books. Find out more at https:// # books # fantasybooks # fantasy # bookstodon books,Happy International Women’s Day! I picked a half dozen of my favorite books written by women about the craft of writing and the business of publishing. It’s over on the official Wingback site. https:// 24/for-international-womens-day-books-about-publishing/ # Bookstodon # publishing # books # writing books,Property and Contract in # Economics : The Case for Economic Democracy by David Ellerman This book makes 2 arguments. 1. The employment contract is the core of the # capitalism rather than private property 2. The employment contract is invalid because it violates # WorkersRights to # democracy in the firm. All firms should be structured as worker # coops for economic justice https://www. s/2012/12/Ellerman-Property-and-Contract-Book.pdf @ bookstodon # books # philosophy # ethics # anticapitalism # capitalist # anticapitalist # BusinessEthics books,The Women’s prize for fiction is a success – now it has a nonfiction sister | Kate Mosse https://www. /08/the-womens-prize-for-fiction-nonfiction-sister-international-womens-day # InternationalWomen 'sDay # Publishing # KateMosse # Feminism # Culture # Books # Women books,"10 New # Horror # Novels to Keep You # Scared this March Winter might be coming to an end, and the sun might be shining for longer, but believe me when I say March is about to get dark. This month’s horror novels are probably the creepiest of 2024 so far. # Women # Transgender # LGBTQ # LGBTQIA # Entertainment # TheArts # Literature # Books # Reading # Representation # Culture https:// -march-2024/" books,"9 # Books Set in # Ancient # worlds I’m a big # reader of # historicalfiction , but I have a soft spot for # books that go way way back in time. # Women # Transgender # LGBTQ # LGBTQIA # Entertainment # TheArts # Literature # Books # Reading # Representation # Culture https:// ent-worlds/" books,"# StephenKing 's # StateoftheUnion # Message Goes # viral The # Horror # author shared his # thoughts on # President # JoeBiden 's State of the Union address on Thursday, # slamming # Trump # supporters in the process. # Women # Transgender # LGBTQ # LGBTQIA # Entertainment # TheArts # Literature # Books # Reading # Politics # Representation # Culture https://www. -viral-donald-trump-joe-biden-1877225" books,"Just finished a fantastic read, Fire in the valley, the history of the pc revolution. Does anyone recommend a computer -related history book? # books" books,"The Economics of Belonging by Martin Sandbu A Radical Plan to Win Back the Left Behind and Achieve Prosperity for All In this original, engaging book, Martin Sandbu argues that economics remains at the heart of our widening inequality and it is only by focusing on the right policies that we can address it. He proposes a detailed, radical plan for creating a just economy. @ bookstodon # books # nonfiction # inequality # economics" books,The Book of Lost Friends by Lisa Wingate # books # literature # dedication books,The Disneyization of Society by Alan Bryman This is an agenda-setting new work in the sociology of culture and modern society. It argues that the contemporary world is increasingly converging towards the characteristics of the Disney theme parks. @ bookstodon # books # nonfiction # Disneyization # PopularCulture books,"The Constitution of Knowledge: A Defense of Truth by Jonathan Rauch Disinformation. Trolling. Conspiracies. Social media pile-ons. Campus intolerance. On the surface, these recent additions to our daily vocabulary appear to have little in common. But together, they are driving an epistemic crisis: a multi-front challenge to America’s ability to distinguish fact from fiction and elevate truth above falsehood. @bookstodon # books # nonfiction # disinformation # truth # falsehood" books,"My # bookreview is brief/won't spoil, to spread good, great, & spectacular # horror # books far & wide. 💙📚 MEWING by Chloe Spencer is a devilish, deliciously demented tale about self image, fame, & the lengths a person may be compelled to pursue for Love & Validation. Instantly engaging & full of a wry, sardonic horror, it's a biting story that will resonate, especially with women. (Shortwave Publishing) # book # review # bookstodon @ bookstodon # mothersuspiriareview @ horror @ horrorbooks" books,"The Code Book: The Secrets Behind Codebreaking by Simon Singh Based on The Code Book: The Science of Secrecy from Ancient Egypt to Quantum Cryptography , this version has been abridged and slightly simplified for a younger audience.From Julius Caesar to the 10th-century Arabs; from Mary Queen of Scots to ""Alice and Bob""; from the Germans' Enigma machine to the Navajo code talkers in World War II, Singh traces the use of code to protect--and betray--secrecy. @ bookstodon # books # cryptography" books,"Currently reading ""Shōgun (1975)"". What series are we starting after it? # bookstodon # books # literature" books,REVIEW: Sunset at Embthwaite Farm (The Mowbray Sisters Book 3) by Kate Hewitt https:// erall-b-reviews/b-plus-reviews/review-sunset-at-embthwaite-farm-by-kate-hewitt/ # OfInterest # Culture # Books # Bookstadon books,Finished reading Ise Monogatari 🇯🇵 # books books,"A beautiful and sad read, this. I could call it a Catholic 'Cider With Rosie' with extra generational trauma but that would be too glib. A sensitive exploration of a boy coming to terms with his family's, and his country's, tragic history. If you love # DerryGirls you should read this as a background to the city, and to Granda Joe's possible past. It makes his remark about ""ghost stories"" in the finale even more poignant. # books # bookstodon" books,"I used to subscribe to GoodReads to share and keep track of what I've read. I found out their owned by Amazon, so goodbye to that. In the interim, I'll post here. I finished Alice Munro's Dear Life (published in 2012) a week or so ago. It's a good collection of stories, but it doesn't seem to hit the highs of the past collections like Friend of My Youth. Regardless, her short stories always create new worlds to travel to. She's a brilliant writer # Books # AliceMunro" books,How to find your people (on # Mastodon and IRL:-)) # books # gardening # community books,@ dashdsrdash I found Scott Stein’s The Great American Deception laugh out loud funny. There’s a sequel too that I want to read soon. # SF # books books,"📚 Women of colour still underrepresented in publishing - FRIDAY OPINION ""The only way to make substantive change is to just have women of color in every other department."" # diversity # publishing # iwd # InternationalWomensDay # books # WorldBookDay # bookstodon https:// -still-underrepresented-in-publishing/" books,"Happy # internationalwomensday ! I’m proud to be able to say my books pass the Bechdel test. If you haven’t heard of it, it's a measure of the representation of women in works of fiction Here are the 3 original criteria of the Bechdel test: -The book/movie must have at least two women in it. -The women must talk to each other. -Their discussion must be about something other than a man. To celebrate IWD, my # books are on sale! https://www. You-Now-ebook/dp/B0BLD16W7T?ref_=ast_author_mpb https://www. -You-Now-ebook/dp/B0CFM6VZS7/ref=cm_cr_arp_d_product_top?ie=UTF8 # bookstodon" books,"Weekend reading! I'm really enjoying Darkborn by Alison Sinclair (I'm about 2/3 through) & next up will be The League of Gentlewomen Witches by India Holton, which should be fun # amreading # weekendreading # bookstodon # books" books,Reading what I think is a VERY important book “Was Jonestown a CIA medical experiment” ( https:// wnciam0035meie/page/n11/mode/1up?view=theater ) and wow am I blown away. The first part of the book goes into excruciating detail about the policy and procedure of Nazi Germany. I’m looking forward to the connection that will be made to the CIA and then to the Jonestown massacre. Never would have occurred to me that the three could be related. # bookstodon # books books,Took the day off from the insanity of my job. Dropped the dogs at daycare. Got herbs for my garden. Swam in the pool. And am almost done reading an incredible book. Life is good. # gardening # plants # florida # reading # books books,"Had my CT scan today. Results should be known in 3 - 4 weeks from now. Next Thursday is the day I'm dreading, Colonoscopy. During the hour each way bus trips to hospital today, I was immersed in We Don't Go Back: A Watcher's Guide To Folk Horror. # books # reading # bookstodon" books,"At breakfast, my young-adult-in-residence says: ""I need a new book."" This is not an unusual request. ""Finished something?"" ""Yeah, after I read Babel I read the Poppy War trilogy."" [All by R.F. Kuang] ""What did you think of it?"" ""Good, but depressing. I need something funny."" ""Pratchett's the go-to for humor."" ""Not right now."" ""OK, how about Practical Demonkeeping by Christopher Moore?"" ""What's that about?"" So I read the one-para wikipedia summary, and that will probably go on the list. Knowing that they've already read Adams and Scalzi, who would y'all recommend for SF/F with a high humor quotient? # SF # Fantasy # books # bookstodon" books,"https://www. Parables of the Sower” feels like “/r/Im14AndThisIsDeep # books I feel bad for speaking ill of a creation of the dead. But, I want to talk about this regardless, because I just finished this book the other day and my thoughts about it were bothering me for the entire book. I cannot decide if *Parables of the Sower* is meant to be a story …" books,"📚 “The Meditations” by Marc Aurel was probably never intended to be read by anyone but the author, things to one’s self however allow us to get a glimpse into a mind filled with Stoa. Meandering alongside these trains of thoughts, clearing the mind, reminding one’s self to be good, can serve anyone well. # books # classic # Stoa https://www. Meditations" books,"i’ve been reading miyazaki’s Starting Point, and it is replete with thinking about what human beings are, and what cartoons can offer them. i knew he was an exceptional animator, but never realized how much effort he put into the psychological foundations of his stories. “I feel that viewers should feel liberated after watching cartoon films, and that the characters should also ultimately be liberated. So I like the idea that the Conan characters actually became more innocent at the end. What really makes me mad about most TV anime, to the extent that I have watched it, is that the shows don't have any sort of purifying or cathartic effect at all. I really can't stand them. I think they don't have any respect for real humanity. The only way they can imagine humans changing is by assuming that people want to change. It's too terrifying for the creators to deal with characters that seem incapable of changing even as they are changing.” (p. 304) When I think back on his films, I am struck at how many of them end on a non-neurotic note. There is no overcoming the evil bad person. The protagonist doesn’t get what s/he wants. There is just an uneasy resolution to problems - that were ultimately because of ego, not because of evil. I wish there were more writers like this. # manga # anime # books # bookstodon" books,https://www. bersecurity-books-that-should-be-on-your-bookshelf-in-2024/ # books # cybersec # malware # ransomware # CISO # CIO # CTO # Leadership # Management # Business books,"For the latest issue of the # JaneAusten and # Bronte newsletter, I list Austen and Bronte # podcasts for your listenig pleasure. If I'm missing any, let me know and I'll update the list! https:// elydiverting/p/austen-bronte-newsletter-issue-7-podcasts?r=1ep55&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true # regency # georgian # AmReading # AmWriting # ReadingCommunity # WritingCommunity # books @ bookstodon @ romancelandia" books,"Oops, I just bought another physics book 📚😃 ”Waves in an Impossible Sea” How Everyday Life Emerges from the Cosmic Ocean by Matt Strassler # Book # Books # Physics # QuantumPhysics # Universe # Reading" books,A new 5 Things Friday blog post for this Friday. # books # bookstodon # TedLasso # tv # blog # 5Things https:// ugust/p/5-things-friday-49c?r=h5gd&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web&showWelcomeOnShare=true books,"A city at peace in a world at war. ‘The Stockholm Run’ is a fast-paced thriller set in Scotland and Sweden during World War Two. It uses many real settings, transported eight decades back in time. RAF Grangemouth, once the Central Scotland Airport but now long gone, is amongst the Scottish locations used. This modern photograph shows the replica Spitfire at the RAF Grangemouth memorial. Find out more on our website: https://www. tml # Books # Bookstodon" books,# Frieren Band 11 :AI_Yay: ... 3 Tage vor offizieller Veröffentlichung # Manga # MangaDe # Book # Books # FrierenFriday books,An explosive cocktail of desire and betrayal in this novel set in the 1990s London art world https://www. /a-toxic-and-explosive-cocktail-of-desire-and-betrayal? # Books # YBA gaming,"First Crown Victory Royale of the # Fortnite season! And this, new ancient Greece inspired season is beautiful!!! I'm really liking it. # gaming" gaming,¡Empezamos el # Snufkin ! Tenía muchas ganas de jugar a este juego desde que eché a los polis del parque en la demo xD ¡Acompáñame a verlo! https://www. # Streaming # ranstream # gaming # twitch # snufkin_melody_of_moominvalley # moomin gaming,"More original soundtrack goodness for # Warlordocracy , thanks to Sonic Kitchen. https:// oonshade-beaches-night # indiegame # indiegames # gaming # indiegamedev # crpg # rpg # tactical # fantasy # warlord" gaming,https://www. I Tried EVERY Boss in Minecraft # alex # Alex 'sCaves # Alex 'sMobs # Boss # bosses # bossfight # breaking # BreakingMinecraft # clean # conjurer # datapack # DumbIdeas # end # EnderDragon # Ender 'sCataclysm # expansion # family # friendly # fun # funny # gaming # ignis # knafy # knarfy # Minecraft # MinecraftVideos # mod # modded # mods # new # OriginRealms # plugins # ResourcePack # TheConjurer # UltraWither # ultris # vanilla # wither # WitherStorm # youtuber gaming,"𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 𝗛𝗣 𝗩𝗶𝗰𝘁𝘂𝘀 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝟭𝟱-𝗳𝗮𝟭𝟭𝟮𝟴𝗧𝗫 𝗟𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗼𝗽 𝟭𝟱 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝗜𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗮 | 𝗔𝘃𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗔𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗼𝗻 : https:// Launch Price: ₹𝟳𝟰,𝟰𝟵𝟬 ( MRP Price: ₹87,262 ) 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗙𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘀 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗿: 13th Generation Raptor Lake Intel Core i5-13420H octa-core, 12 threads, up to 4.6Ghz turbo boost clock 𝗥𝗔𝗠: 16 GB DDR4-3200 MHz RAM(2x8GB) 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲: 512 GB PCIe NVMeM.2 SSD 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗰𝘀: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2050 Laptop GPU(4 GB GDDR6 dedicated)| 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆: 15.6-inch FHD 1920 x 1080, IPS, micro-edge, anti-glare, 250 nits, 45% NTSC color gamut # laptops # 2024laptops # tech # technology # gaming # amazonindia # rtx2050 # nvidia # Intel # hp" gaming,"I just finished streaming my first Fallout 4 playthrough playing as Noora. She practically conquered the Commonwealth in the end. She established a ton of settlements, became the director of the Institute, a trusted agent of the Railroad, General of the Minutemen, Sentinel of the B.O.S, a sort of peace bringer for Far Harbor... She also charmed pretty much everyone she came across and got over the death of Nate in the process. It was... epic. Thank you everyone, who joined me on the journey. I will continue streaming, but Noora's story is over, and I am not planning to stream Fallout 4 again any time soon. # fallout4 # streaming # gaming" gaming,"# Gaming # peertube # letsplay Moin, ich muss leider mein Let's Play von Banishers Ghosts Of New Eden abbrechen. Ich weiß nicht wieso, aber die Steam Cloud hat meinen Spielstand getilgt😥 D.h ich muss komplett von vorne anfangen und dazu habe ich ehrlich gesagt momentan absolut keine Lust." gaming,"# tretro # retrogaming # gaming If anyone wants to know what I did in the early 90s: I composed and edited # music for some PC games together with a friend as ""Dynamic Soundworks"" ... https://www. c" gaming,"Fortnite Season 2 Chapter Five Showcases Mythical God-Like Powers https://www. n-2-chapter-five-showcases-mythical-god-like-powers-2000130759 This is an automated post from the # mmorpg RSS feed dated Sat, 09 Mar 2024 17:00:00 -0000 # gaming # videogames # videogaming # PlayStation # PlayStation4 # PlayStation5" gaming,"𝟮𝟬𝟮𝟰 𝗛𝗣 𝗩𝗶𝗰𝘁𝘂𝘀 𝟭𝟱-𝗳𝗮𝟭𝟬𝟵𝟵𝗧𝗫 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗟𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗼𝗽 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝗜𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗮 | 𝗔𝘃𝗮𝗶𝗹𝗮𝗯𝗹𝗲 𝘁𝗼 𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗳𝗿𝗼𝗺 𝗔𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗼𝗻 : https:// Launch Price: ₹𝟳𝟳,𝟰𝟲𝟴 ( MRP Price: ₹84,763 ) 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗙𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘀 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗿: 12th Generation Alder Lake Intel Core i5-12450H octa-core, 12 threads, up to 4.4Ghz turbo boost clock 𝗥𝗔𝗠: 16 GB DDR4-3200 MHz RAM(2x8GB) 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲: 512 GB PCIe NVMeM.2 SSD 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗰𝘀: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 2050 Laptop GPU(4 GB GDDR6 dedicated)| 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆: 15.6-inch FHD 1920 x 1080, IPS, micro-edge, anti-glare, 250 nits, 45% NTSC color gamut # laptops # ad # india # tech # technology # gaming # gamingnews # hpvictus # 2024laptops # amazonindia" gaming,"Boots of lava walk (Wizards & Warriors, Acclaim, NES, 1987) # retrogaming # gaming" gaming,Final Fantasy VII Rebirth Orchestra World Tour Dates Announced https:// tasy-vii-rebirth-orchestra-world-tour-dates-announced/ # gaming # videogames # games # gamingnews # gamingdeals # ps5 # playstation5 # xbox # pc # switch # steamdeck gaming,"LOTRO Legendarium: Untangling LOTRO’s complicated travel system https:// ro-legendarium-untangling-lotros-complicated-travel-system/ This is an automated post from the # MassivelyOP RSS feed dated Sat, 09 Mar 2024 17:00:00 +0000 # gaming # videogames # videogaming # PlayStation # PlayStation4 # PlayStation5" gaming,"Enshrouded: How to Get Elder Armor https:// ow-to-get-elder-armor/ This is an automated post from the # DeltiasGaming RSS feed dated Sat, 09 Mar 2024 16:52:12 +0000 # gaming # videogames # videogaming # PlayStation # PlayStation4 # PlayStation5" gaming,"𝗛𝗣 𝗢𝗺𝗲𝗻 𝗚𝗮𝗺𝗶𝗻𝗴 𝗟𝗮𝗽𝘁𝗼𝗽 𝟭𝟲-𝘅𝗳𝟬𝟬𝟱𝟵𝗔𝗫 𝗟𝗮𝘂𝗻𝗰𝗵𝗲𝗱 𝗶𝗻 𝗶𝗻𝗱𝗶𝗮. 𝗟𝗶𝘀𝘁𝗲𝗱 𝗳𝗼𝗿 𝗽𝘂𝗿𝗰𝗵𝗮𝘀𝗲 𝗼𝗻 𝗔𝗺𝗮𝘇𝗼𝗻 https:// Launch Price: ₹𝟭,𝟭𝟲,𝟵𝟵𝟬 𝗦𝗽𝗲𝗰𝘀 𝗮𝗻𝗱 𝗙𝗲𝗮𝘁𝘂𝗿𝗲𝘀 𝗣𝗿𝗼𝗰𝗲𝘀𝘀𝗼𝗿: AMD Ryzen 7 7840HS 𝗥𝗔𝗠: 16 GB DDR5-5600 MHz RAM(2 x 8 GB) 𝗦𝘁𝗼𝗿𝗮𝗴𝗲: 512GB GB PCIe Gen4 NVMe TLC M.2 SSD 𝗚𝗿𝗮𝗽𝗵𝗶𝗰𝘀: NVIDIA GeForce RTX 4060 Laptop GPU (8 GB GDDR6 dedicated) 𝗗𝗶𝘀𝗽𝗹𝗮𝘆: 16.1 Inch FHD 1920 x 1080, IPS, micro-edge, anti-glare, Low Blue Light, 300 nits, 100% sRGB # gaming # india # amazon # laptops # tech # technology # technews # rtx4060 # nvidia # amd # ad" gaming,Soon a new proud owner of the # SteamDeck . # Steam # Valve # gaming # videogames gaming,"Welches Spiel zeigt nach dem Beenden auf der console folgende Ausgabe? ""Calculating Julian date for today (9/3/2024) Today's Julian date is 2460379 + 0.186169 The moon is 28.699841 days old"" Das Spiel ist ein Kultspiel Das Spiel ist alt Es ist ein Strategiespiel Man kann es immer noch kaufen # rätzel # gaming # JulianDate # moon" gaming,"You # FFXIV players - you know how FF14 has the ""enable wet surfaces"" settings already in-built, does anyone know how to achieve this with # reshade ? (or if it's not easily achievable) The reason I ask is that # LOTRO does /not/ have such a setting, so even if it just made everything look wet that'd be fine. Thanks folks. # gaming # mods" gaming,"I wasn't excited before.. but I'm getting a bit hype for Dragon's Dogma 2 now. After coming off of the FF7 binge that I did, I'm gonna have to take DD2 slow. # gaming # videogames" gaming,https://www. Busting Scary Minecraft Seeds That Are Actually True # aphmau # brianna # canman # CashMinecraft # eyestreem # FamilyFriendly # funny # gametoons # gaming # lankybox # maizen # Minecraft # MinecraftVideos # MrBeast # NicoMc # preston # ssundee # stokestwins # unspeakable gaming,Next stop: making TruckersMP work # Gaming # Videogames # TruckersMP # EuroTruckSimulator2 # Linux # LinuxGaming gaming,"Got the wheel (Logitech G923) working flawlessly with Euro Trucks Simulator 2, while I need a bit of work for tuning Force Feedback on EA WRC. Now, the only thing for which I still need to use Windows is Da Vinci Resolve. Sadly, the codec h264 and h265, free on Windows are paywalled on the Linux version. I might check out some other video editors tho. # Linux # LinuxMigration # LinuxGaming # Gaming # Videogames # DaVinciResolve # EuroTruckSimulator2 # EAWRC" gaming,🕹 Borderlands: The Pre-Sequel 💲 $3.19 (92% Off) 🛒 WinGameStore 🔗 https:// # pc # gaming # deal # videogames # steam # sale gaming,"How to Get Psionic Ward Armour in Baldur’s Gate 3 https:// sionic-ward-armour-in-baldurs-gate-3/ This is an automated post from the # DeltiasGaming RSS feed dated Sat, 09 Mar 2024 16:27:00 +0000 # gaming # videogames # videogaming # PlayStation # PlayStation4 # PlayStation5" gaming,Ludicrous speed GOOOOOOOO! Now powered by Debian. Test Stream! - #Gaming on #Linux \o/ #owncast #streaming #videogames #linux #videogames #games #gaming #tst #linuxgaming #gamingonlinux #tech #tech #chatting gaming,LEGO Mario Kart coming in 2025 https://www. # gaming # videogames # resetera gaming,# Gaming # streaming Die Gamestreaming Lösung ist echt top👍 Das Pairing war super easy und die Bildqualität ist auch klasse. Tastatur - und Mauseingaben werden auch ohne wahrnehmbare Verzögerung übertragen. Bin also sehr zufrieden. gaming,"Smash of the Day - Isabelle VS Samus - Super Smash Bros - March 8, 2024 https:// 436-8abd-4bfd-bc27-f376dd37ecd4" gaming,This meme is always relatable 🥲 # gaming # gamer # gamers # videogame # videogames # meme # memes gaming,Taurus War - New on Steam! Steam: https:// 5100 $4.19 # gaming # games # steam gaming,Ludicrous speed GOOOOOOOO! Now powered by Debian. Test Stream! - #Gaming on #Linux \o/ #owncast #streaming #videogames #linux #videogames #games #gaming #tst #linuxgaming #gamingonlinux #tech #tech #chatting gaming,"While it is debated whether the entry & retirement of # StellarBlade PS5 demo a marketing stunt or not, early players praise the game's graphical details & that the progress will be passed on full game. It will be released on 04/26. # Gaming # GameNews # YouTubeGaming 🎮 🕹" gaming,"Timelapse of designing a ship in Ostranauts, using the game's built-in ship editor. Music is from the game's OST, by Josh Culler. # ScreenshotSaturday # gaming # scifi # space" gaming,"Get A Goobbue With A Pink Flower Crown In FFXIV Hatchingtide & Little Ladies' Day Mixed Event https://www. with-a-pink-flower-crown-in-ffxiv-hatchingtide-and-little-ladies-day-mixed-event-2000130757 This is an automated post from the # mmorpg RSS feed dated Sat, 09 Mar 2024 16:00:00 -0000 # gaming # videogames # videogaming # PlayStation # PlayStation4 # PlayStation5" gaming,"Final Fantasy XIV plans a 14-hour stream to wrap up its 10-year anniversary https:// al-fantasy-xiv-plans-a-14-hour-stream-to-wrap-up-its-10-year-anniversary/ This is an automated post from the # MassivelyOP RSS feed dated Sat, 09 Mar 2024 16:00:00 +0000 # gaming # videogames # videogaming # PlayStation # PlayStation4 # PlayStation5" gaming,"ABK Workers Alliance announced that # Activision Quality Assurance Tester in Minnesota, Los Angeles & Texas decided to officially unionize & the union was voluntarily recognized by Microsoft as parent company. During ABK buying saga & at the very beginning, Microsoft has said that will lift the notoriously known anti-union corporate culture of Activision if allowed to buy the gaming conglomerate. # Gaming # GameNews # YouTubeGaming 🎮 🕹" gaming,【FF7】ゴンガガへ!PSオリジナル版!ファイナルファンタジーVII インターナショナル版をやってみます!! #4【周防パトラ】 https://www. o # youtube_Patra_Suou # Patra # パトラ # 周防パトラ # Vtuber # バーチャルユーチューバー # アニメ # Anime # カワボ # 萌え声 # アニメ声 # Gaming # 雑談 # kawaii # ファイナルファンタジー # FINAL_FANTASY # リマスター # リメイク # スーパーファミコン # スクウェア # FF5 # ファイナルファンタジー5 gaming,Revenge of the Antagonist - BL (Boys Love) - New on Steam! Steam: https:// 1570 $1.99 # gaming # games # steam gaming,"Deviation Games, a studio founded by several Treyarch (Call Of Duty) veterans, folded with no game released. While NOT a # Playstation Studios member, it was notoriously backed by Sony with its first unannounced project a PS exclusive. # Gaming # GameNews # YouTubeGaming 🎮 🕹" gaming,"Anyone else prefer diverse & younger opinions on videogames? Especially old established genres like JRPGs? Just discovered cozyfeji’s youtube channel filled with JRPG love & hot takes. So good and worth a subscribe! https://www. With their love of stories in games, l'd dying to hear their take on Persona 5 Royal which l'm like 55 hours in. # youtube # jrpg # gaming # videogames # gamer" gaming,"Final Fantasy 16 Producer Says “the Possibility of More DLC isn’t Entirely Zero”, but Players Shouldn’t Expect More: Final Fantasy 16 producer Naoki Yoshida has said that, while there is the possibility of more DLC being made for the game, players shouldn’t expect more any time soon. Final Fantasy 16 is currently gearing up for the release of its second DLC, The Rising Tide. When asked if Square Enix was interested in releasing more DLC… https:// 6-producer-says-the-possibility-of-more-dlc-isnt-entirely-zero-but-players-shouldnt-expect-more? # gaming # GamingCommunity # gamer" gaming,"A smelly hound, piles of cigarettes, and another glimpse behind the curtains of the venerable Edge Magazine. Former Edge editor Alex Wiltshire ( @ rotational ) joins the gents to talk about his road to Edge Magazine and his career in games after. Episode 168: We Collected Another Edge Editor https://www. we-99947125 A real treat this week, a Back Page essential. # thebackpage # backpagepod # gaming # podcast # edgemagazine # mojang # minecraft # hellogames" gaming,https://www. I Made Every Structure OVERPOWERED in Minecraft Hardcore # 100Days # 100DaysHardcore # DiamondStructure # EveryStructure # extreme # ExtremelyOp # gaming # hardcore # HardcoreFarm # Minecraft # MinecraftHardcore # MinecraftVideos # op # OPMinecraft # OpStructures # sb # sb737 # structure # Transformed gaming,"IMO, high refresh rate displays are marketing gimmicks. # gaming" gaming,"This morning, I beat chapter 9 of Celeste! I've been waiting to post this. # Celeste # Farewell # Gaming" gaming,"I'm at the river dam puzzle in # Syberia3 , trying to filter the water to help the Youkol ostriches, and I'm about to start gnawing on my monitor it's that bloody frustrating. Can I say again that the controls in this game are AWFUL. And this puzzle sucks. # gaming # Steam" gaming,“Sex appeal” in an FPS game should not come from tits or asses or whatever. Sex appeal should come from the orgasmic feeling of getting that perfect hit with the shotgun. # gaming # shitpost # fps gaming,"Meine ""angespielt"" Let's Play Playlist zum alten C64 Spiel ""North & South"" gibt es hier: https:// cbjwimxkgxRCR4nlTLo3rI2HW_Fhwa Schaut doch mal rein! # LetsPlayDE # YouTubeDE # C64 # Gaming # Gamer # LetsPlay # YouTube" gaming,"Vindictus Defying Fate Pre-Alpha Test Starts Soon https://www. ing-fate-pre-alpha-test-starts-soon-2000130758 This is an automated post from the # mmorpg RSS feed dated Sat, 09 Mar 2024 15:00:00 -0000 # gaming # videogames # videogaming # PlayStation # PlayStation4 # PlayStation5" gaming,"WRUP: Uncomfortable things I have noticed while walking in the woods that ought to be addressed edition https:// p-uncomfortable-things-i-have-noticed-while-walking-in-the-woods-that-ought-to-be-addressed-edition/ This is an automated post from the # MassivelyOP RSS feed dated Sat, 09 Mar 2024 15:00:29 +0000 # gaming # videogames # videogaming # PlayStation # PlayStation4 # PlayStation5" gaming,Tarde de moneo y relax con el # genshinimpact en mi canal de twitch https:// vengan genteee! # streaming # gaming # twitch gaming,https://www. M # videogame # videogames # game # games # gaming # gamer # gamers # geek # nerd # geeks # nerds # 90s # 1990s # action # fun # pixel # pixels # pixelart gaming,"I have rejigged my profile to make it more personal. Hello, I am Liam Ui Bhriain. I am a self-published # author , trying to be a # screenwriter , and am a # historian by education. My interests are # film , # movies , # screenwriting , # gaming , and # entertainment . I am hoping to network more and just meet people in general on here. # introduction" gaming,【FF7】ジュノンへ!PSオリジナル版!ファイナルファンタジーVII インターナショナル版をやってみます!! #3【周防パトラ】 https://www. k # youtube_Patra_Suou # Patra # パトラ # 周防パトラ # Vtuber # バーチャルユーチューバー # アニメ # Anime # カワボ # 萌え声 # アニメ声 # Gaming # 雑談 # kawaii # ファイナルファンタジー # FINAL_FANTASY # リマスター # リメイク # スーパーファミコン # スクウェア # FF5 # ファイナルファンタジー5 gaming,"# pico8 Weekend is upon us, a shorter stream today. https://www. # gaming" gaming,Great way to start off Chapter 5: Season 2 of Fortnite with a win to get the winners umbrella. The wife and I got the win in our 2nd game of the new season this morning! # Fortnite # WinnersUmbrella # VideoGames # Gaming # Gamer # Games gaming,"@ DarkEden is now streaming more RIMWORLD! ""Ok one last roll of the dice - we can salvage this. Rimming, rimmed, let's rim, being rimmed etc"" Also the usual good times with our lovely inclusive community! https://www. # streaming # Twitch # TwitchStreamer # queer # trans # transgender # TransWoman # TransFem # LGBT # LGBTQ + # LGBTQIA + # PCGaming # gaming # Tourettes # scotland" gaming,# VideoGames # Gaming # Gandalf # Balrog # LordOfTheRings # TheLordOfTheRings # LotR # Meme # Memes # Humour # Humor gaming,"I decided to quit all gacha games today. I had already quit genshin after realizing I won't be able to make my goal of clearing abyss without using archons. I stayed up until 5 am today just to sit in a discord chat and be a grumpy idiot. When I woke up 5 hours later, I browsed instagram for an hour to two hours before finally getting out of bed. After a quick evaluation, I made a resolution to simply opt out of playing all gacha games. Swear them off completely. # gaming" gaming,"This video game achievement sounds a lot more impressive than it actually is. But I’m cool with it. # gaming “Surrounded by heroines in the Cradle of Venus, I rose to the challenge and was given the Ascendant Amulet!”" gaming,# blog for the week: - notes https:// - tabs https:// - # climatechange https:// s-for-march-8th-2024 - # gaming https:// ch-8th-2024 gaming,I had an unexpected shutdown today too. I then limited the FPS to 60. My screen is a 165 hz. My GPU uses less power that way. I think I'll get my old 75 hz display. It's the same size. It also has less ghosting. # gaming # power gaming,"MMO Launch Spotlight | Check Out the Weirdness in This Week's Releases https://www. spotlight-check-out-the-weirdness-in-this-weeks-releases-2000130756 This is an automated post from the # mmorpg RSS feed dated Sat, 09 Mar 2024 14:00:00 -0000 # gaming # videogames # videogaming # PlayStation # PlayStation4 # PlayStation5" gaming,So glad to see these studios going indie! Find out which ones on this week's episode of Tech Talk Thursdays! Tech Talk Thursdays Episode #109 (03/07/2024) - Desk Chair Analysts https:// days-episode-109-03-07-2024/ # Podcast # Tech # Gaming # Streaming # Twitch # YouTube # Spotify # DCA gaming,please tell me how you like the lowpoly pixelart gfx in my game World of Wiz # gaming # games # b3d gaming,lowpoly or realistic gfx ? # gamedev # gaming # games gaming,"Anyone who runs Steam games from external NVMe (via USB to M.2 adapter)? Hows the performance, what do you use for an adapter? # Gaming # Linux # Steam # SteamDeck" gaming,"Ignore the test scenario plz, we have been working on many general details for example our menu for the codex! Beacon of Neyda wishlist now! # screenshotsaturday # gamedevs # indiegame # indiedev # IndieGameDev # gaming" gaming,Tried making an interesting effect to change spear or unequip it using a shader and particles # gamedev # indiegame # coding # dev # indiedev # unity # madewithunity # gaming # videogames # gameplay # enemy # 3d # blender3d # screenshotsaturday gaming,Got a Steam account as I think I will eventually move to PC # Gaming (on # Linux ) Will probably be dormant for a while. Need a capable PC first. 😅​ gaming,"Le nouveau survival à la Valheim, en mode A-RPG ! https:// https:// # Enshrouded # survival # survie # Valheim # survivalgame # actions # ActionGame # ARPG # monstre # rpggame # Youtube # gaming # youtubeur # jeuxvidéo # découverte # youtuber # follow # followus" gaming,Missed As Dusk Falls stream? Catch highlights and more at https:// # Gaming # Games # Stream gaming,"The Daily Grind: Are you an early adopter or late bloomer when it comes to MMOs with box prices? https:// -daily-grind-are-you-an-early-adopter-or-late-bloomer-when-it-comes-to-mmos-with-box-prices/ This is an automated post from the # MassivelyOP RSS feed dated Sat, 09 Mar 2024 13:00:00 +0000 # gaming # videogames # videogaming # PlayStation # PlayStation4 # PlayStation5" gaming,Game: Riviera ~The Promised Land~ Perfect Audio Collection Plus (2007) Song: Maze of Shadows # music # videogames # gaming # gamemusic gaming,"Seit gestern bin ich auch stolzer Besitzer von # Helldivers2 . 😊 Eben gerade konnte ich zweimal erfolgreich die Gelenkte Demokratie verteidigen, aber es hat nur so gerade geklappt.😬 Allein auf weiter Flur ist schon Level 1 recht anspruchsvoll. # Gaming" gaming,"Mit der richtigen Firmware kann man in # Windows RGB Geräte steuern. Meine # Razer Maus/Tastatur lassen sich ohne Synapse einstellen 👍. Problem ist nur, Wireless Geräte gehen in Stand-by und Windows bekommt danach nicht mehr mit, dass die Farben resettet wurden 🙄. Warum hat man das nicht bedacht? # gaming # microsoft # rgb" gaming,Working on achievements gallery! 🏆 Each time you reach something - one picture on Castle walls will unlock!🙂 # game # gaming # gamedev gaming,Sometimes video games never end. #creepy #horror #Nintendo #Mario #gaming #retrogaming gaming,"Deviation Games Has Shut Down: Indie studio Deviation Games has seemingly shut down. Originally formed by ex-Call of Duty developers, some of the studio’s employees have posted messages on LinkedIn revealing that Deviation Games was shut down last Friday. At the time of writing, senior character artist Alec Hunstad and lead user interface engineer Andrew Carrol at Deviation Games have revealed that they are currently looking for other… https:// -has-shut-down? # gaming # GamingCommunity # gamer" gaming,🔶 # LIV3DByNight > Les matchs sont dévoilés et les résultats sont en ligne ! ✳️ https:// Qui remporte les précieux points pour être leader du TOP POWER ? # Web # Catch # Wrestling # Highlights # World # A7Radio # Gaming gaming,🕹 Planescape: Torment Enhanced Edition 💲 $2.19 (89% Off) 🛒 WinGameStore 🔗 https:// # pc # gaming # deal # videogames # steam # sale gaming,Hunt Dragons and score the best you can! https:// # ScreenshotSaturday # gaming # games gaming,Heyo my Lovelies! I've just gone live over at https://www. and today we are playing some The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time Come on over and hang out with us! # TwitchStreamer # twitch # nonbinary # Vtuber # Gaming gaming,Developing some new areas for the city of Goldbridge. # RoadsOfWonder # games # gaming # gamedev # indiegames gaming,United Penguin Kingdom - New on Steam! Steam: https:// 5350 $13.49 # gaming # games # steam gaming,Screenshot from my # fps # rpg The Wizard for # ScreenshotSaturday a free to play game with option to tip https:// # gaming # games gaming,Actually found the “these political games aren’t political” guy everybody makes fun of unironically in the comments of a TikTok making fun of that concept. I just can’t. How? Hoooow? # gaming gaming,I’m playing Man Eater and it’s bloody brilliant! Literally! 🦈🩸 # ManEater # Gaming # PCGaming # ROGAlly gaming,Developer: Guayacan studio Publisher: Guayacan studio Release date: November 2024 Screenshots: # steam # gaming # videoGames # steamStorePage gaming,"Crop Chronicles got a store page ""Dive into Crop Chronicles, where farm gaming evolves! Race against time, manage diverse crops, and fulfill dynamic orders. Embrace strategy and teamwork across 47 thrilling levels. Farm, fish, and flourish in this captivating adventure!"" https:// 7500 # steam # gaming # videoGames # steamStorePage" gaming,Developer: KiZ Publisher: KiZ Release date: Coming soon Screenshots: # steam # gaming # videoGames # steamStorePage gaming,"Illusion Carnival got a store page ""A lost soul wanders through a pop-up book-like whimsical and eerie amusement park; experience fun levels, meet unique characters, escape spirit erosion, and uncover the secrets of the park… The charming yet dark Illusion Carnival begins."" https:// 6340 # steam # gaming # videoGames # steamStorePage" gaming,A New Gameplay video is here after 3 months under new management is now Streaming... https:// # youtube # gaming # gameplay # marathon # bungie # 90s # pc # mac # linux gaming,J'ai même pas besoin de me demander à quoi jouer maintenant parce que Humble Bundle a fait un bundle pour la journée de la femme avec des jeux qui ont un protagonistes principal féminin et trois d'entre eux ont l'air d'être des jeux d'action aventure linéaires à la troisième personne. https://www. heroines-action-adventure-intrigue # HumbleBundle # JeuxVideo # Gaming gaming,"Hier j'ai tout juste terminé Senua's Sacrifice et ça a vraiment été thérapeutique. La voir passer d'un état de doute, presque à la merci des voix qui la découragent ; à un état où elle se met à leur répondre et à exprimer que c'est elle qui décide. Même si au début elle a déjà décidé d'agir pour elle-même, on la voit gagner en assurance au fil du jeu. # HellbladeSenuasSacrifice # JeuxVideo # Gaming # SteamDeck" gaming,"this took me a couple hours, and it's beautiful. ignore the bordergore, we don't talk about that. pagan # gaming hours." gaming,"Mahlzeit ;) Um 12 Uhr fliege ich auf # Twitch live durchs Weltall. In ""No Man´s Sky"" geht es weiter mit der Expedition und wer weiß, das Ende ist in Sicht, vielleicht klappts heute. https://www. # gaming" gaming,"Is there any poor soul that actually does # gaming on # linux ? I'll be soon on the market for a new desktop and I'm wondering if I should go with # nvidia or # amd . Yes, Nvidia is horrible, but at least in my experience on debian/ubuntu their driver work and I can actually play, while I can't say the same of AMD / ATI." gaming,Join us tonight for more Crusader Kings 3 in the Maledives! 19:30 GMT+1/CET (Berlin) https:// @ # gaming # streaming # streamer # twitchstreamer # twitch # ck3 # crusaderkings3 # crusaderkings gaming,Musste einen Kuhfuss kaufen. Komme mir ein bisschen vor wie Gordon Freemann. Auf zur Black Mesa! # Gaming # HalfLife gaming,Contra: Operation Galuga Official Gameplay Trailer https://www. E # videoGames # gaming # gamingNews gaming,This year we’re as far from Halo 2 Anniversary (the MCC) as Halo 2 Anniversary was from Halo 2 https://www. # gaming # videogames # resetera gaming,if you like playing as a Wizard then check out World of Wiz! A free to play game with option to tip. https:// # gaming # games # ScreenshotSaturday gaming,"Game: Friday the 13th: Killer Puzzle (Windows, Switch, Android, iOS, MacOS) (gamerip) (2018) Song: Hit-Punch3 # music # videogames # gaming # gamemusic" gaming,"I'm on the market for a mid-tier # linux # gaming # desktop . I want something reliable, solid and silent. I am based in Sweden. Any suggestions?" gaming,"If they take away my 31.7 hours of gameplay and 'Coffee Shop Hipster' rare achievement from Fist Puncher, I swear to God... # FistPuncher # AdultSwimGames # AdultSwim # Gaming # VideoGames # games # IndieGame" gaming,"Sea of Thieves is Adding Easy Anti-Cheat Next Week: Developer Rare has announced that Sea of Thieves will be getting an anti-cheat system in place with a mid-season update planned for release next week. During its recent Sea of Thieves News video, the studio revealed that the game will be making use of Epic’s Easy Anti-Cheat, which is also used by other major online games like Fortnite and Apex Legends. Along with the addition of… https:// is-adding-easy-anti-cheat-next-week? # gaming # GamingCommunity # gamer" gaming,Battle Quest a chill Action game plays in browser at https:// # gaming # games gaming,"This is incredibly bad, and refusing to transfer ownership of the games back to their respective small devs, allegedly due to ""logistical and resource constraints"", makes it a whole lot worse. It's good that devs can theoretically re-release their games, and some have stated that they already plan to do so, but as it's specified in the article they will still have to start from scratch. ""Indie devs are being told that their games will be ‘retired’ from Steam and console stores"" 🔗 https://www. os-adult-swim-games-steam-delisting # AdultSwimGames # VideoGames # Gaming # Games # AdultSwim # IndieGame" gaming,"Eine neue ""Call of Duty - Warzone 2.0 (DMZ)"" Folge ist jetzt bei YouTube online. Folge 207: https:// Komplette Playlist: https:// cbjwimxkhl0I-CSRlRYgoADpFcpK7L # CallOfDuty # Warzone # DMZ # LetsPlay # Gaming # Gamer # YouTube" gaming,All this # Yuzu drama made me install Emudeck. # steamdeck # gaming gaming,"Go home Fruit Ninja 2, you're drunk. # games # gaming # mobile" gaming,"New # Fortnite season and new Victory Royale this morning 💪 I didn't explore the new parts of the map, we concentrated on winning. The new wings are AMAZING!!! As is the BMR. A mythic BRM won us the game. 😁 # gaming" gaming,Nintendo Switch - Chocobo GP https:// # rgamingmoments # gaming # videogames gaming,"Game: Splash Blast Panic (Linux, MacOS, PS4, Switch, Windows, Xbox One) (gamerip) (2018) Song: Sbp Kwakwacoin # music # videogames # gaming # gamemusic" gaming,# gtasanandreas # gaming # viral # playstation # letsplay # xbox # gta # retrogaming # fun # pc # shorts https:// ming-viral-playstation-letsplay-xbox-gta-retrogaming-fun-pc-shorts-63563.html? gaming,"I finally set up my new ""operations center"". :catPOWER: Still have to do some adjustments, but all in all I'm quite satisfied with it. 👌 Now I easily can connect all my consoles to my PC and TV (will be set up on the left side soon) for capturing and watching blu rays on my PS3 without moving the consoles or putting cables throughout the whole room. 📺 ⬅️ 🎮 ➡️ 🖥️ # retrogaming # gaming # videogames # videogaming # videogame" gaming,Horizon Forbidden West for PC preordered. # gaming gaming,"*Wario Land 4* (GBA). As well as the graphics taking a huge step up, this instalment gives Wario a voice. Although each of the pyramid's four passages is a linear path, you can tackle them in any order. Interestingly, several moments brought *Metroid* to mind, like the Curious Factory music and especially the Googley-Blades. My rating: 75%. # gaming # videogames" gaming,The shadow of the evil tower - New on Steam! Steam: https:// 0580 $2.99 # gaming # games # steam gaming,"Motifs, Styles, & More! ESO Crown Store March 2024 https:// nstore-mar2024-fashion/?utm_source=rss&utm_medium=rss&utm_campaign=eso-news-crownstore-mar2024-fashion This is an automated post from the # XynodeGaming RSS feed dated Sat, 09 Mar 2024 08:00:00 +0000 # ElderScrollsOnline # ESO # gaming # videogames # videogaming # PlayStation # PlayStation4 # PlayStation5" gaming,"Game: Kingdom Hearts III Re Mind (full gamerip) (PS4, Xbox One) (2020) Song: Kg870r Cutr (Music Dlc Tres Kg870 [Terra] Dlcver) # music # videogames # gaming # gamemusic" gaming,I got a Snorlax obstructing my view. # gaming # catsofmastodon gaming,"Morning :meowybara: Starting this weekend with Puzzles for Clef! I played through the first level yesterday, which was the demo area that I was already familiar with. It had a few nice surprises! I'm enjoying it a lot, it's super pretty and cute, and yet doesn't hold your hand when it comes to puzzles. The sense of discovery is great. Onwards to the Tower! # PuzzlesForClef # gaming # ShareYourGames" gaming,"My # GamesFTW : Helldivers 2, as luckily the dev took the exaggerated environmental hazards under control and also: free mechs! EA WRC, as I'm still tinkering in making the wheel working on Linux, regarding force feedback 😅 A bit of Sable or DRG Survivors on the go with the Steam Deck # helldivers2 # DeepRockGalacticSurvivor # eawrc # sable # gaming # videogames" gaming,I think that's a widely unknown feature. Did you know it or even use it for playing one of the games? 🤔 # RetroTrivia # retrogaming # gaming # videogames # videogaming # videogame # StarWars # N64 gaming,Happy Saturday everyone! Bring your cup here for a mandatory refill ☕ 🍵 and let's get through this day! What are your plans for the weekend gamers? Use # GamesFTW to spread the love for the game(s) you're going to play this weekend :drac_heart: # GoodMorning # Mastodon # Saturday # Gaming # Videogames gaming,"By the way, the reason the postman rang was that my new keyboard was delivered. It's not configured, and yet, it already makes me very, very happy. As an explanation, my old one is really done by now, several keys have broken, especially the ENTER key. And I have to write and finish my thesis now. So I thought it's nice to have a new typing device! # keyboard # hardware # corsair # RGB # gamer # gaming" gaming,Koi Garden - New on Steam! Steam: https:// 2480 $3.99 # gaming # games # steam gaming,"Scabb Island: ""An anarchist cooperative of pirates, cutthroats, and other criminals. A haven for roughnecks and rebels""... # monkeyisland # gaming" gaming,Sheep in Wolf's Clothes Gameplay Walkthrough FULL GAME - No Commentary https://www. A # pcgame # gaming # walkthrough # playthrough # SheepinWolfsClothes gaming,"When your gut is full of healthy bacteria, or probiotics, this communication is top-notch, potentially giving you the edge you need to win. Read more 👉 https:// # esports # gaming # probiotics" gaming,📬 Apple gibt nach: Epic Games siegt im Kampf David gegen Goliath # Gaming # Rechtssachen # DigitalMarketsAct # EpicGames # EpicGamesStore # Fortnite # MargretheVestager # TimSweeney https:// gaming,"Game: Portal 2 (Linux, MacOS, PS3, Switch, Windows, Xbox 360) (gamerip) (2011) Song: Omg, What has He Done - The Lair # music # videogames # gaming # gamemusic" gaming,https://www. Ranking Each Calamity Class in Terraria! # game # gaming # magic # melee # meme # Ranger # RolePlayingVideoGame # shimmer # Shorts # summoner # Terraria # Terraria1 .4 # Terraria1 .4.4 # Terraria1 .4.5 # TerrariaGameplay # TerrariaGuide # TerrariaMasterMode # TerrariaMemes # TerrariaMoneyFarm1 .4.4 # TerrariaOst # TerrariaTipsAndTricks # TerrariaUpdate # TerrariaVideos # VideoGame # YoutubeGamingChannel # zenith gaming,Me: How dare Gaijin introduce *clicks on pre-order link* a tier 8 premium! *clicks on add to cart* This just breaks *clicks pay via credit card* the game! The only people who would buy such a thing are *clicks buy it now* winners! # WarThunder # Gaming gaming,I pulled of a new trick in # Tekken8 ! Lili's ff4 is an uncommon move with the very uncommon property that you can come out of it in either forward or back turn stance. This gave me a sneaky window use my back heat burst (which is fast and hits low) instead of my normal heat burst (which is slow and hits mid). I wonder if there's more tricks I can do with it. # Tekken # FGC # VideoGames # Gaming gaming,"My other new game, which has somewhat replaced # 13SentinelsAegisRim at the moment, I really found by chance. I’ve never heard or read about it either. It’s # Chorus , a space shooter without a lot of bells and whistles, but with everything that’s essential and fun. It focuses on combat and dogfights, and feels great. — # Gaming # ShareYourGames" gaming,What are the cozy PC games you like to play when even Stardew Valley is too stressful? # Gaming # SimGames # StardewValley gaming,BUMS - New on Steam! Steam: https:// 0420 $6.39 # gaming # games # steam gaming,"Apple Reverses Decision to Terminate Epic Games’ Developer Accounts: In a new turn of events, Apple has reversed course on terminating Epic Games’ developer accounts with its services. According to an update on the Epic Games blog, Apple has stated that Epic Games developer account will be reinstated. Apple had terminated the developer accounts for Epic Games earlier this week, citing tweets by Epic boss Tim Sweeny that criticised… https:// decision-to-terminate-epic-games-developer-accounts? # gaming # GamingCommunity # gamer" gaming,Not rare at all but I’m proud to own this one. I’m one of the original players of CC. I played it when it came out back in 07 on PSP and I’ve been playing reunion a lot lately. Love this game a lot and it’s one of those that I consider as “having grown up with” # Music # Gaming # crisiscoreffvii gaming,https://www. News coverage about Potions: A Curious Tale due to my viral TikTok! So glad I was able to turn one opportunity into another! # gamedev # indiedev # cozygame # indiegame # viral # gamergirl # linux # GamingOnLinux # Gaming # linuxgaming gaming,"https://www. Thanks, EA. In one fell swoop, you managed to bury all of my hard work on marketing Potions: A Curious Tale. # gamedev # indiedev # ea # linux # GamingOnLinux # Gaming # linuxgaming" gaming,https:// 690/Potions_A_Curious_Tale/ This game has native linux support! # linux # GamingOnLinux # Gaming # linuxgaming gaming,"Unicorn Overlord ist seit gestern erschienen. Zusätzlich gab es zum Release ein Update für ein zusätzliches Schwierigkeitslevel. Verfügbar sind jetzt ""Story"", ""Normal"", ""Tactical"" und ""Expert"". # sega # atlus # UnicornOverlord 🦄 # games # gaming # spiele # rpg https://" gaming,末世围城 - New on Steam! Steam: https:// 2250 $5.59 # gaming # games # steam gaming,Nintendo Switch - South Park The Stick of Truth https:// # rgamingmoments # gaming # videogames gaming,https://www. Calamity Terraria :D but its REALLY hard D; # # gameplay # Calamity # Chill # commentary # envtube # ENVtuber # envtubers # eson # Eson3d # eson2d # eson3 # eson3d # fargo # Fargo 's # Femboy # gaming # Let 'sPlay # live # modded # ModdedTerraria # PlayThrough # Playthrough # public # stream # streamer # TModLoader # Terraria # TerrariaVideos # tmod # tmodloader # Vtube # vtuben # Vtuber # vtuberen # vtubers gaming,Had a great time chatting with the Stream of Corruption gang about the # SweetBabyInc controversy! # gaming https://www. Y gaming,Yessss! First time finishing a run! :ms_hanafuda_card: :apartyblobcat: # NintendoSwitch # gaming # poker # balatro gaming,"Nope. Cause were the baddest of good guys! (Rival Turf, Jaleco, SNES, 1992) # retrogaming # gaming" gaming,Lost with you - New on Steam! Steam: https:// 1900 $9.99 # gaming # games # steam gaming,"Also about Boosteroid... Helldivers 2 has returned to the not-officially-sanctioned ""Install"" section of Boosteroid. https:// rs-2/ Probably the easiest place to play in the cloud... and on Xbox! # CloudGaming # Gaming # Xbox" gaming,"Evening Reading - March 8, 2024 https://www. vening-reading-march-8-2024 # gamingnews # gaming" gaming,Xbox games can now be played in even more places! PC Xbox Games from the Microsoft Store and PC Game Pass are now available on @boosteroid - 8 to start. Expect more games to keep coming over the next weeks and months! https:// -now-available-on-boosteroid/ We love this trend towards all games on all screens! # Gaming # CloudGaming gaming,"FINALLY get into the Fortnite lobby after an hour queue, play about half a match… my power blinks just long enough to turn off my router. Queue reset to 58 minutes. # KillMe # Fortnite # Gaming # xbox # fortnitechapter5season2" gaming,🕹 Thief: Deadly Shadows 💲 $0.98 (89% Off) 🛒 Humble Store 🔗 https:// # pc # gaming # deal # videogames # steam # sale gaming,"Decided to mod my AMA install a bit. Up'd the framerate to 144, and installed HD packs for fonts and textures. https://www. ice/mods/1 # Gaming # PCGaming # VideoGames # ShareYourGames # MastodonGaming # AmericanMcGeesAlice # Retro # RetroGames # RetroGaming # Mods # Modding # Adventure # AdventureGame # AdventureGames" gaming,"🔴 Going live on Twitch! Playing some BG3 tonight! 🧙 Just a chill stream tonight (with like, 50 million ravens 😂), but I hope you'll join. 💖 # BaldursGate3 # BG3 # DarkUrge # twitch # twitchstreamer # gaming 👉 http://" gaming,18 # games were added to Game Sense yesterday # WWE2K24 #WinterSurvival#MaidOfTheDead # gaming # videogames https:// ge&asc=0&d=2024-03-07 gaming,"As someone who doesn’t like most RPGs or deckbuilders, 2024 has been a pretty light year for # gaming" gaming,"Now Live: Road to !Affiliate || Weekly Co-Op ""Halo Because Reasons"" playing Halo: The Master Chief Collection on # Twitch https:// rk # twitchstreamer # twitchstreamers # gaming # gameplay # tvreviews" gaming,"Unicorn Overlord is Not Planned for PC: Vanillaware’s Unicorn Overlord is out today, and as a tactical role-playing game from the team behind 13 Sentinels: Aegis Rim, it offers intriguing combat options, bonding between its dozens of characters and a gorgeous art style. It also has the developer’s most amount of content to date. However, as Atlus releases more of its titles to PC, why not Unicorn Overlord? Destructoid posed this question… https:// d-is-not-planned-for-pc? # gaming # GamingCommunity # gamer" gaming,Oh wow Balatro (the Poker rogue-like deckbuilder) is cool as hell and highly addictive. What a great idea! # NintendoSwitch # gaming # poker # Balatro gaming,"I decided to record a (mostly) full game in my Mirage 2000C-S4. For once, top tier gameplay is now heaps of fun. Nothing like burning to the engagement area over a flat ocean, then using sand dunes to disrupt radar as you pop unsuspecting opponents. The only thing missing is a turn fight I was winning against a MiG-23 that ended in an F-16 shooting me down with an AIM-9L # WarThunder # Gaming https://" gaming,"Cultist Simulator, mild spoilers. I feel like I was really getting the hang of it this time! 😫 If you don’t know cult sim, then consider what happened in-game as: everything in my cult leader’s life was going great, until the 🔥🇺🇳 attacked — a.k.a. my character forgot to refill their antidepressant prescription. (This sounded funnier in my head, but screw it; might amuse someone else too.) # gaming # SillySaturday # argh" gaming,Dota 2 - The International 2024 will be in Copenhagen this September https://www. # gaming # videogames # resetera gaming,Nostalgique du Game Boy ? Joueur casual ? 👾 (re)Découvrez les différents jeux Pokémon disponibles sur 📱 mobile 👉 https:// # Pokémon # Mobile # Gaming gaming,Synthwave Glider - New on Steam! Steam: https:// 5390 $0.99 # gaming # games # steam gaming,Going to go to this tomorrow. Mini community con a few towns away from me. # convention # library # cosplay # comics # newjersey # community # ridgewood # gaming # bergencounty gaming,Outcast - A New Beginning Gameplay Deep Dive # video # games # videogames # gaming # games https://www. eries-x/13898/4/outcast-a-new-beginning-gameplay-deep-dive-video-games-videogames-gaming-games? gaming,"So I got a notification that a demo for Stellar Blade was available for download on the PlayStation store earlier today while at work right? So I’m like hell yeah, download that shit so I can play it once I get home. Fast forward a few hours and I turn on my PlayStation once I get home and there is a notice from Sony saying ‘oops that demo wasn’t supposed to be available yet so we removed it from your account’ MFER! THE GAME WAS ALREADY ON MY CONSOLE!! SO YOU F**KS CAN JUST REMOVE MY WHOLE LIBRARY IF YOU WANT TO?!?! mad about this. That should NOT be possible. F this gaming ecosystem we have nowadays. # Gaming # Rage" gaming,Vencabot is streaming every Switch game he owns -- via Yuzu emulation! Play your library of games on your PC thanks to the community! Switch Emulation w/ Yuzu #owncast #streaming #chatting #videogames #gaming #nintendo #emulation #yuzu gaming,Yeah Balatro is back on the Switch eShop https://www. balatro-back-on-switch-eshop-in-europe-with-new-age-rating # gaming # Switch # Nintendo # Balatro gaming,Going after Godrick! The journey continues! 🐉 # twitch # smallstreamer # furry # gaming # eldenring # streaming # live gaming,VGMporium: Video Game Music and More! has a new episode!! Special: Toriyama Tribute Find it at or wherever you get your podcasts! #vgm #podcast #podcasts #gaming #videogames #games #music #bot gaming,Epic day in # Persona5Royal ! Beat Futaba’s Palace & it was a DOOZY! But Futaba is safe and sound! # videogames # games # gaming # jrpg gaming,# Live on # Twitch playing # Palworld with @ kittsfitz http:// ------------------- # Gaming # SupportSmallStreamers # GrimlinInvasion # Grimlins # SmallStreamer # SuiGeneris # Streamer # VarietyStreamer gaming,You all should play The Beginners Guide. It’s one of the best games of all time. # gaming gaming,"So far it's great. Nice music, easy puzzles. Reminds me of ICO, on the PlayStation 2. # rime # steam # gaming" gaming,"IGN: Activision QA Workers Vote to Form Largest US Video Game Worker Union to Date A group of roughly 600 quality assurance (QA) workers at Activision under Microsoft have successfully voted to unionize with the Communication Workers of America (CWA), becoming Activision Quality Assurance United. # NeoVibe # gaming # videogames https://www. -workers-vote-to-form-largest-us-video-game-worker-union-to-date" gaming, Older Bro and co are live with more Digimon Story: Cyber Sleuth. Come hang out with us as we act stupid and play good games # PC # Steam # NamcoBandai # Digimon # CyberSleuth # RPG # gaming # FridayGaming # TBGN gaming,Jaye's back with yet more Final Fantasy 7 Rebirth! Time to explore the Junon Region! http:// # gaming # streaming # furry # finalfantasy7rebirth gaming,"# VRChat Friday feat. Kitties :P LIVE on Twitch, Kick, & YouTube —————————————————————— # gaming # gamingcommunity # gaminglife # twitch # twitchstreamer # twitchtv # twitchaffiliate # kicktv # restream # furry # furryfandom # streamer # lgbtq # furrycommunity # funtimes # kickstreaming # kickstreamer" gaming,"Steam Deck OLED https:// I’ve owned many gadgets in my life. I’m pretty sure this Steam Deck OLED is already my favorite. This one device is replacing an Xbox Series X, a Nintendo Switch OLED, a Backbone iPhone remote, and a Retroid Pocket 2S. And even my PS5, that I’ll be keeping, will be used much less (thanks to remote play). # steamdeck # gaming # steamdeckoled # gadgets # xbox # nintendo # playstation # retro" gaming,"I'm going to be honest. I don't remember what I did a few days ago in Guild Wars 2, so I have no idea where I'm going to find my character logged in at. Debating if I want to WvW a little bit or PvE something. Not sure but whatever happens, happens. Also, it is too hot outside! https://www. # gaming # guildwars # twitch # streamer" gaming,https:// c&si=mM0yULipYuHHFPWQ It’s # International_Womens_Day and I’m celebrating with Fem!V in the world of # Cyberpunk2077 where V has to do a gig to collect some cash for Rogue! # videogames # gaming # YouTube # letsplay gaming,I'm gonna start Rime! # steam # gaming # Linux gaming,cyubeVR - Official Trailer | PS VR2 Games https://www. E This is an automated post from the # PlayStation # YouTube feed dated 2024-03-09T01:00:12+00:00 # gaming # videogames # videogaming # PlayStation # PlayStation4 # PlayStation5 gaming,"For Warner Bros, it wasn’t enough to disappear and destroy film and television shows. Now the company is moving on to video games. https://www. os-adult-swim-games-steam-delisting # tech # film # videogames # gaming # media" gaming,Twinkle☆Guardians - New on Steam! Steam: https:// 5420 $4.24 # gaming # games # steam gaming,✊ https://www. /activision-blizzard-qa-workers-unionizing-microsoft This has been a LONG time coming. # gaming # labor # union # gamedev gaming,"The Stream Team: AQ3D’s March of the Undead Legion begins https:// -stream-team-aq3ds-march-of-the-undead-legion-begins/ This is an automated post from the # MassivelyOP RSS feed dated Sat, 09 Mar 2024 00:55:17 +0000 # gaming # videogames # videogaming # PlayStation # PlayStation4 # PlayStation5" gaming,"Now Live: Road to !Affiliate || Co-Op Presow ""Snap Draw"""" playing Marvel Snap on # Twitch https:// rk # twitchstreamer # twitchstreamers # gaming # gameplay # tvreviews" gaming,"“Teh Nephews” wanted to play their new game online they got last week. Even if they played this on Xbox One, it’s seeing new life for them on their switch. # gamer # gaming # videogames # vidyagames # retrogaming # mastodongaming" gaming,"We are looking for a crew chief/engineer/spotter for our Wednesday night MCRL Circuit Cup Series races. If you're into # SimRacing and would like to join our # iRacing team, let us know! Send us a PM here or find our contact email on our page. # eSports # Gaming" gaming,"Helldivers 2 – EX-45 Patriot Exosuit is Now Live: Roughly a day after Arrowhead Game Studios called on all Helldivers 2 players to help liberate Tien Kwan from the Automatons, the EX-45 Patriot Exosuit is now available. It’s worth noting that players had five days to save the planet and its exosuit manufacturing plant. The EX-45 Patriot Exosuit has a machine gun for taking out hordes of smaller foes and a missile launcher that makes it… https:// -45-patriot-exosuit-is-now-live? # gaming # GamingCommunity # gamer" gaming,Reigns: Beyond Announce Trailer # video # games # videogames # gaming https://www. /14697/1/reigns-beyond-announce-trailer-video-games-videogames-gaming? gaming,"Hogwarts Legacy’s Community Manager Teases Update, But Wants to ‘Set Some Expectations’ https:// mmunity-manager-teases-update/? # gaming # gamingnews"