diff --git "a/train1/metadata.csv" "b/train1/metadata.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/train1/metadata.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,159 @@ +file_name,glb_file,Grammar_string,Feasibilty,Flying Range,Payload Capacity (lb),Cost ($),Velocity (mph),Number of Batteries,Number of Motor-Rotor Pairs,Number of Airfoils,Number of Connectors,Weight of Batteries (lb),Weight of Motor-Rotor Pair (lb),Weight of Airfoils (lb),Total Weight (lb),Total Thrust (lb),Normalized Average Structure Size ,Normalized Average Motor Size,Normalized Average Foil Size,Design Descriptor,Performance Descriptor,Operations Descriptor +Images/11.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/11.glb?download=true,*aMM0++++*bNM2++*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM2*gMO1*hKM2*iMK1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei,Success,16.67226,0,3140.335,22.38346,1,8,0,8,35.00822829,4.994798452,0,40.00302727,113.1562752,0.459459459,0.158730159,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 8 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 40.0030272663116 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 113.156275177002 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 16.67226 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 22.38346 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $3140.335, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 8.321698-16.67226 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-4 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 22.38346-37.84185 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 16.67226 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 37.84185 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $3140.335, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/11.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/11.glb?download=true,*aMM0++++*bNM2++*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM2*gMO1*hKM2*iMK1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei,HitBoundary,8.321698,4,3140.335,37.84185,1,8,0,8,35.00822829,4.994798452,0,40.00302727,113.1562752,0.459459459,0.158730159,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 8 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 40.0030272663116 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 113.156275177002 pounds.","This drone for the payload of 4 pounds, can take flight but cannot achieve to traverse in a straight line and maintain altitude.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 8.321698-16.67226 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-4 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 22.38346-37.84185 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 16.67226 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 37.84185 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $3140.335, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/12.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/12.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM3*gMO3*hKM3*iMK3*jPM2+*kMP1*lJM2*mMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei^fj^gk^hl^im,CouldNotStabilize,9.827506,0,2757.466,10.6937,1,8,4,12,22.0460021,6.882487833,17.65900419,46.5874936,149.1188049,0.351351351,0.222222222,0.614035088,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 4 wings for better flying. It has 12 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 46.5874935993195 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 149.118804931641 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 9.827506-9.827506 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 10.6937-10.6937 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 9.827506 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 10.6937 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2757.466, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/13.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/13.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2++*eML1+*fOM3*gMO3*hKM3*iMK3*jPM2*kMP1*lJM2*mMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei^fj^gk^hl^im,CouldNotStabilize,9.526302,0,2690.966,10.62157,1,8,4,12,22.0460021,5.835302517,17.65900419,45.54030776,129.1687866,0.351351351,0.19047619,0.614035088,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 4 wings for better flying. It has 12 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 45.5403077583313 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 129.168786621094 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 9.526302-9.526302 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 10.62157-10.62157 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 9.526302 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 10.62157 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2690.966, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/14.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/14.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2*oMP1*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,18.68637,0,2897.422,26.42954,1,8,0,20,31.38971484,4.788117202,0,36.17783047,109.2187683,0.432432432,0.158730159,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 36.17783046875 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 109.218768310547 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 18.68637 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 26.42954 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2897.422, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-18.68637 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-20 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.1385141-26.42954 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 18.68637 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.42954 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2897.422, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/14.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/14.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2*oMP1*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,12.05289,4,2897.422,24.32414,1,8,0,20,31.38971484,4.788117202,0,36.17783047,109.2187683,0.432432432,0.158730159,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 36.17783046875 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 109.218768310547 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 12.05289 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 24.32414 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2897.422, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-18.68637 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-20 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.1385141-26.42954 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 18.68637 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.42954 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2897.422, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/14.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/14.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2*oMP1*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,6.60873,8,2897.422,16.68856,1,8,0,20,31.38971484,4.788117202,0,36.17783047,109.2187683,0.432432432,0.158730159,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 36.17783046875 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 109.218768310547 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 6.60873 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 8 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 16.68856 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2897.422, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-18.68637 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-20 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.1385141-26.42954 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 18.68637 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.42954 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2897.422, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/14.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/14.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2*oMP1*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,4.742198,12,2897.422,15.25801,1,8,0,20,31.38971484,4.788117202,0,36.17783047,109.2187683,0.432432432,0.158730159,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 36.17783046875 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 109.218768310547 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 4.742198 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 12 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 15.25801 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2897.422, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-18.68637 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-20 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.1385141-26.42954 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 18.68637 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.42954 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2897.422, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/14.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/14.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2*oMP1*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,3.454416,16,2897.422,11.67285,1,8,0,20,31.38971484,4.788117202,0,36.17783047,109.2187683,0.432432432,0.158730159,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 36.17783046875 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 109.218768310547 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 3.454416 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 16 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 11.67285 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2897.422, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-18.68637 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-20 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.1385141-26.42954 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 18.68637 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.42954 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2897.422, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/14.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/14.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2*oMP1*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,20,2897.422,0.1385141,1,8,0,20,31.38971484,4.788117202,0,36.17783047,109.2187683,0.432432432,0.158730159,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 36.17783046875 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 109.218768310547 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 20 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-18.68637 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-20 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.1385141-26.42954 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 18.68637 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.42954 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2897.422, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/15.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/15.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2*oMP1*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,18.45111,0,2870.734,26.03232,1,8,0,20,31.38971484,4.367864906,0,35.75758028,101.2125229,0.432432432,0.142857143,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 35.7575802757263 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 101.212522888184 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 18.45111 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 26.03232 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2870.734, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-18.45111 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-20 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 1.108507-26.03232 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 18.45111 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.03232 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2870.734, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/15.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/15.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2*oMP1*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,11.19979,4,2870.734,24.23128,1,8,0,20,31.38971484,4.367864906,0,35.75758028,101.2125229,0.432432432,0.142857143,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 35.7575802757263 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 101.212522888184 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 11.19979 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 24.23128 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2870.734, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-18.45111 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-20 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 1.108507-26.03232 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 18.45111 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.03232 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2870.734, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/15.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/15.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2*oMP1*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,6.549404,8,2870.734,16.72701,1,8,0,20,31.38971484,4.367864906,0,35.75758028,101.2125229,0.432432432,0.142857143,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 35.7575802757263 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 101.212522888184 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 6.549404 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 8 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 16.72701 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2870.734, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-18.45111 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-20 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 1.108507-26.03232 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 18.45111 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.03232 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2870.734, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/15.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/15.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2*oMP1*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,4.643628,12,2870.734,12.90761,1,8,0,20,31.38971484,4.367864906,0,35.75758028,101.2125229,0.432432432,0.142857143,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 35.7575802757263 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 101.212522888184 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 4.643628 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 12 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 12.90761 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2870.734, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-18.45111 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-20 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 1.108507-26.03232 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 18.45111 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.03232 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2870.734, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/15.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/15.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2*oMP1*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,3.489744,16,2870.734,9.115191,1,8,0,20,31.38971484,4.367864906,0,35.75758028,101.2125229,0.432432432,0.142857143,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 35.7575802757263 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 101.212522888184 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 3.489744 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 16 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 9.115191 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2870.734, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-18.45111 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-20 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 1.108507-26.03232 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 18.45111 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.03232 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2870.734, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/15.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/15.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2*oMP1*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,20,2870.734,1.108507,1,8,0,20,31.38971484,4.367864906,0,35.75758028,101.2125229,0.432432432,0.142857143,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 35.7575802757263 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 101.212522888184 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 20 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-18.45111 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-20 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 1.108507-26.03232 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 18.45111 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.03232 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2870.734, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/16.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/16.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2+*cMN1*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2*oMP1*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,16.93548,0,2844.047,24.76127,1,8,0,20,31.38971484,3.947612874,0,35.33732588,93.2062706,0.432432432,0.126984127,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 35.3373258777618 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 93.2062705993652 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 16.93548 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 24.76127 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2844.047, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 2.975642-16.93548 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-12 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 16.43798-24.76127 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 16.93548 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 24.76127 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2844.047, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/16.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/16.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2+*cMN1*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2*oMP1*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,9.465236,4,2844.047,19.88295,1,8,0,20,31.38971484,3.947612874,0,35.33732588,93.2062706,0.432432432,0.126984127,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 35.3373258777618 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 93.2062705993652 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 9.465236 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 19.88295 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2844.047, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 2.975642-16.93548 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-12 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 16.43798-24.76127 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 16.93548 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 24.76127 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2844.047, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/16.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/16.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2+*cMN1*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2*oMP1*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,6.18245,8,2844.047,18.83996,1,8,0,20,31.38971484,3.947612874,0,35.33732588,93.2062706,0.432432432,0.126984127,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 35.3373258777618 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 93.2062705993652 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 6.18245 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 8 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 18.83996 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2844.047, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 2.975642-16.93548 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-12 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 16.43798-24.76127 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 16.93548 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 24.76127 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2844.047, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/16.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/16.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2+*cMN1*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2*oMP1*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,HitBoundary,2.975642,12,2844.047,16.43798,1,8,0,20,31.38971484,3.947612874,0,35.33732588,93.2062706,0.432432432,0.126984127,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 35.3373258777618 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 93.2062705993652 pounds.","This drone for the payload of 12 pounds, can take flight but cannot achieve to traverse in a straight line and maintain altitude.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 2.975642-16.93548 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-12 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 16.43798-24.76127 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 16.93548 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 24.76127 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2844.047, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/17.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/17.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM3*gMO3*hKM3*iMK3*jPM2++*kMP1++*lJM2++*mMJ1++^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei^fj^gk^hl^im,CouldNotStabilize,9.597489,0,3076.403,11.45194,1,8,4,12,22.0460021,11.90484442,17.65900419,51.60984966,244.8000824,0.351351351,0.333333333,0.614035088,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 4 wings for better flying. It has 12 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 51.6098496562958 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 244.800082397461 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 9.597489-9.597489 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 11.45194-11.45194 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 9.597489 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 11.45194 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $3076.403, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/18.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/18.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM3*gMO3*hKM3*iMK3*jPM2++*kMP1*lJM2*mMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei^fj^gk^hl^im,CouldNotStabilize,12.70708,0,2876.903,11.17952,1,8,4,12,22.0460021,8.763287943,17.65900419,48.46829213,184.9500824,0.351351351,0.26984127,0.614035088,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 4 wings for better flying. It has 12 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 48.4682921333313 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 184.950082397461 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 12.70708-12.70708 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 11.17952-11.17952 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 12.70708 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 11.17952 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2876.903, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/19.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/19.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM3*gMO3*hKM3*iMK3*jPM2+*kMP1*lJM2*mMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei^fj^gk^hl^im,CouldNotStabilize,10.09059,0,2837.091,10.89192,1,8,4,12,22.0460021,8.136354924,17.65900419,47.84136069,173.0063232,0.351351351,0.253968254,0.614035088,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 4 wings for better flying. It has 12 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 47.8413606903076 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 173.006323242188 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 10.09059-10.09059 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 10.89192-10.89192 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.09059 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 10.89192 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2837.091, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/20.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/20.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM3*gMO3*hKM3*iMK3*jPM2++*kMP1++*lJM2+*mMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei^fj^gk^hl^im,CouldNotStabilize,9.158669,0,2970.091,11.05613,1,8,4,12,22.0460021,10.23072608,17.65900419,49.93573237,212.9063324,0.351351351,0.317460317,0.614035088,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 4 wings for better flying. It has 12 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 49.9357323722839 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 212.906332397461 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 9.158669-9.158669 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 11.05613-11.05613 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 9.158669 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 11.05613 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2970.091, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/21.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/21.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM3*gMO3*hKM3*iMK3*jPM2*kMP1*lJM2*mMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei^fj^gk^hl^im,CouldNotStabilize,9.55381,0,2810.403,10.89083,1,8,4,12,22.0460021,7.716102628,17.65900419,47.4211105,165.0000641,0.351351351,0.238095238,0.614035088,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 4 wings for better flying. It has 12 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 47.4211104972839 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 165.000064086914 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 9.55381-9.55381 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 10.89083-10.89083 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 9.55381 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 10.89083 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2810.403, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/22.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/22.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL3*iMO4*jLN3*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^dj^dk^dl^em^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,0,2891.749,0.1975772,1,4,2,14,31.38971484,5.325489188,8.829502095,45.54470613,110.456282,0.432432432,0.305555556,0.614035088,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 2 wings for better flying. It has 14 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 45.5447061264038 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 110.456282043457 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-0.0 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.1975772-0.1975772 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 0.0 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 0.1975772 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2891.749, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/23.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/23.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL3*iMO4*jLN3*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj^eh,CouldNotStabilize,0,0,2103.892,0.5244346,1,4,2,15,19.40347644,4.905236892,8.829502095,33.13821543,102.4500298,0.324324324,0.277777778,0.614035088,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 2 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 33.1382154279709 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 102.450029754639 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-0.0 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.5244346-0.5244346 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 0.0 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 0.5244346 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2103.892, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/24.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/24.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2+*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL3*iMO4*jLN3*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj^eh,CouldNotStabilize,0,0,2064.079,0.2226139,1,4,2,15,19.40347644,4.278303347,8.829502095,32.51128188,90.50627747,0.324324324,0.25,0.614035088,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 2 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 32.5112818824768 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 90.5062774658203 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-0.0 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.2226139-0.2226139 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 0.0 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 0.2226139 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2064.079, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/25.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/25.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL3*iMO4*jLN3*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj^eh,CouldNotStabilize,0,0,2130.579,0.316765,1,4,2,15,19.40347644,5.325489188,8.829502095,33.55846772,110.456282,0.324324324,0.305555556,0.614035088,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 2 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 33.558467723465 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 110.456282043457 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-0.0 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.316765-0.316765 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 0.0 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 0.316765 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2130.579, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/26.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/26.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2++*oMP1++*pJM2++*qMJ1++^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,10.09662,0,2360.393,25.75236,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,5.952422208,0,30.87058967,122.4000412,0.378378378,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 30.8705896728516 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 10.09662 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 25.75236 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.09662 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.473416e-05-25.75236 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.09662 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.75236 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/26.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/26.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2++*oMP1++*pJM2++*qMJ1++^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,6.171113,4,2360.393,21.48977,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,5.952422208,0,30.87058967,122.4000412,0.378378378,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 30.8705896728516 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 6.171113 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 21.48977 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.09662 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.473416e-05-25.75236 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.09662 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.75236 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/26.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/26.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2++*oMP1++*pJM2++*qMJ1++^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,3.975763,8,2360.393,18.6121,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,5.952422208,0,30.87058967,122.4000412,0.378378378,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 30.8705896728516 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 3.975763 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 8 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 18.6121 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.09662 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.473416e-05-25.75236 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.09662 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.75236 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/26.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/26.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2++*oMP1++*pJM2++*qMJ1++^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,2.78822,12,2360.393,15.60727,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,5.952422208,0,30.87058967,122.4000412,0.378378378,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 30.8705896728516 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 2.78822 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 12 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 15.60727 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.09662 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.473416e-05-25.75236 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.09662 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.75236 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/26.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/26.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2++*oMP1++*pJM2++*qMJ1++^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,1.949367,16,2360.393,15.36906,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,5.952422208,0,30.87058967,122.4000412,0.378378378,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 30.8705896728516 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 1.949367 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 16 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 15.36906 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.09662 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.473416e-05-25.75236 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.09662 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.75236 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/26.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/26.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2++*oMP1++*pJM2++*qMJ1++^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,1.56276,20,2360.393,13.54455,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,5.952422208,0,30.87058967,122.4000412,0.378378378,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 30.8705896728516 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 1.56276 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 20 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 13.54455 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.09662 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.473416e-05-25.75236 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.09662 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.75236 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/26.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/26.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2++*oMP1++*pJM2++*qMJ1++^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,1.272797,24,2360.393,12.15947,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,5.952422208,0,30.87058967,122.4000412,0.378378378,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 30.8705896728516 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 1.272797 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 24 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 12.15947 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.09662 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.473416e-05-25.75236 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.09662 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.75236 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/26.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/26.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2++*oMP1++*pJM2++*qMJ1++^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,0.9445533,28,2360.393,11.09084,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,5.952422208,0,30.87058967,122.4000412,0.378378378,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 30.8705896728516 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.9445533 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 28 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 11.09084 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.09662 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.473416e-05-25.75236 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.09662 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.75236 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/26.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/26.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2++*oMP1++*pJM2++*qMJ1++^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,0.537915,32,2360.393,9.151666,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,5.952422208,0,30.87058967,122.4000412,0.378378378,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 30.8705896728516 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.537915 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 32 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 9.151666 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.09662 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.473416e-05-25.75236 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.09662 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.75236 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/26.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/26.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2++*oMP1++*pJM2++*qMJ1++^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,0.04581213,36,2360.393,2.513825,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,5.952422208,0,30.87058967,122.4000412,0.378378378,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 30.8705896728516 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.04581213 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 36 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 2.513825 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.09662 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.473416e-05-25.75236 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.09662 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.75236 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/26.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/26.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2++*oMP1++*pJM2++*qMJ1++^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,40,2360.393,6.47E-05,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,5.952422208,0,30.87058967,122.4000412,0.378378378,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 30.8705896728516 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 40 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.09662 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.473416e-05-25.75236 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.09662 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.75236 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2360.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/27.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/27.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2++*oMP1++*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,0.9531432,0,2227.393,11.00519,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,3.858051314,0,28.77622009,82.50002518,0.378378378,0.259259259,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.7762200933456 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 82.500025177002 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.9531432 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 11.00519 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2227.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.9531432-6.182621 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-4 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 11.00519-18.16271 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 6.182621 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 18.16271 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2227.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/27.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/27.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2++*oMP1++*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,6.182621,4,2227.393,18.16271,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,3.858051314,0,28.77622009,82.50002518,0.378378378,0.259259259,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.7762200933456 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 82.500025177002 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 6.182621 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 18.16271 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2227.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.9531432-6.182621 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-4 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 11.00519-18.16271 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 6.182621 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 18.16271 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2227.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/28.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/28.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2*oMP1*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,11.20971,0,2094.393,23.13792,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,1.763680683,0,26.68184841,42.60000916,0.378378378,0.111111111,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 26.6818484113693 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 42.6000091552734 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 11.20971 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 23.13792 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2094.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 2.230854-11.20971 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-4 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 23.13792-25.28621 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 11.20971 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.28621 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2094.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/28.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/28.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM2*oMP1*pJM2*qMJ1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,HitBoundary,2.230854,4,2094.393,25.28621,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,1.763680683,0,26.68184841,42.60000916,0.378378378,0.111111111,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 26.6818484113693 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 42.6000091552734 pounds.","This drone for the payload of 4 pounds, can take flight but cannot achieve to traverse in a straight line and maintain altitude.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 2.230854-11.20971 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-4 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 23.13792-25.28621 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 11.20971 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.28621 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2094.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/29.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/29.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL3*iMO4*jLN3*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,0,2298.389,0.2880647,1,4,2,15,22.0460021,5.325489188,8.829502095,36.20099128,110.456282,0.351351351,0.305555556,0.614035088,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 2 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 36.2009912826538 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 110.456282043457 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-0.0 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.2880647-0.2880647 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 0.0 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 0.2880647 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2298.389, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/30.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/30.glb?download=true,*aMM0-----*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM4*oON4*pOL4*qNO4*rMP4*sLO4*tKN4*uJM4*vKL4*wNK4*xLK4*yMJ4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^fo^fp^iq^ir^is^kt^ku^kv^mw^mx^my^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,1.512239,0,1472.633,14.20664,1,4,0,28,10.93847859,5.952422208,0,16.89090027,122.4000412,0.216216216,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 28 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 16.8909002695084 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 1.512239 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 14.20664 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $1472.633, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-1.512239 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 2.259765e-06-14.20664 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 1.512239 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 14.20664 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1472.633, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/30.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/30.glb?download=true,*aMM0-----*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM4*oON4*pOL4*qNO4*rMP4*sLO4*tKN4*uJM4*vKL4*wNK4*xLK4*yMJ4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^fo^fp^iq^ir^is^kt^ku^kv^mw^mx^my^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,0.5317525,4,1472.633,8.446517,1,4,0,28,10.93847859,5.952422208,0,16.89090027,122.4000412,0.216216216,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 28 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 16.8909002695084 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.5317525 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 8.446517 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $1472.633, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-1.512239 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 2.259765e-06-14.20664 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 1.512239 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 14.20664 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1472.633, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/30.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/30.glb?download=true,*aMM0-----*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM4*oON4*pOL4*qNO4*rMP4*sLO4*tKN4*uJM4*vKL4*wNK4*xLK4*yMJ4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^fo^fp^iq^ir^is^kt^ku^kv^mw^mx^my^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,0.1550711,8,1472.633,4.912295,1,4,0,28,10.93847859,5.952422208,0,16.89090027,122.4000412,0.216216216,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 28 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 16.8909002695084 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.1550711 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 8 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 4.912295 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $1472.633, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-1.512239 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 2.259765e-06-14.20664 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 1.512239 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 14.20664 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1472.633, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/30.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/30.glb?download=true,*aMM0-----*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM4*oON4*pOL4*qNO4*rMP4*sLO4*tKN4*uJM4*vKL4*wNK4*xLK4*yMJ4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^fo^fp^iq^ir^is^kt^ku^kv^mw^mx^my^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,0.03694504,12,1472.633,2.446479,1,4,0,28,10.93847859,5.952422208,0,16.89090027,122.4000412,0.216216216,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 28 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 16.8909002695084 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.03694504 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 12 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 2.446479 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $1472.633, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-1.512239 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 2.259765e-06-14.20664 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 1.512239 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 14.20664 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1472.633, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/30.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/30.glb?download=true,*aMM0-----*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM4*oON4*pOL4*qNO4*rMP4*sLO4*tKN4*uJM4*vKL4*wNK4*xLK4*yMJ4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^fo^fp^iq^ir^is^kt^ku^kv^mw^mx^my^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,0.01086279,16,1472.633,1.239283,1,4,0,28,10.93847859,5.952422208,0,16.89090027,122.4000412,0.216216216,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 28 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 16.8909002695084 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.01086279 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 16 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 1.239283 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $1472.633, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-1.512239 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 2.259765e-06-14.20664 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 1.512239 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 14.20664 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1472.633, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/30.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/30.glb?download=true,*aMM0-----*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM4*oON4*pOL4*qNO4*rMP4*sLO4*tKN4*uJM4*vKL4*wNK4*xLK4*yMJ4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^fo^fp^iq^ir^is^kt^ku^kv^mw^mx^my^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,0.00245912,20,1472.633,0.4852471,1,4,0,28,10.93847859,5.952422208,0,16.89090027,122.4000412,0.216216216,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 28 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 16.8909002695084 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.00245912 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 20 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 0.4852471 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $1472.633, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-1.512239 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 2.259765e-06-14.20664 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 1.512239 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 14.20664 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1472.633, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/30.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/30.glb?download=true,*aMM0-----*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM4*oON4*pOL4*qNO4*rMP4*sLO4*tKN4*uJM4*vKL4*wNK4*xLK4*yMJ4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^fo^fp^iq^ir^is^kt^ku^kv^mw^mx^my^cg^dj^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,24,1472.633,2.26E-06,1,4,0,28,10.93847859,5.952422208,0,16.89090027,122.4000412,0.216216216,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 28 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 16.8909002695084 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 24 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-1.512239 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 2.259765e-06-14.20664 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 1.512239 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 14.20664 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1472.633, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/31.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/31.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM4*oON4*pOL4*qNO4*rMP4*sLO4*tKN4*uJM4*vKL4*wNK4*xLK4*yMJ4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^fo^fp^iq^ir^is^kt^ku^kv^mw^mx^my^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,9.760808,0,1965.375,25.95735,1,4,0,28,22.0460021,2.604184486,0,24.65018711,58.61251373,0.351351351,0.166666667,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 28 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 24.6501871139526 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 58.6125137329102 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 9.760808 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 25.95735 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $1965.375, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-9.760808 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-8 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.426412-25.95735 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 9.760808 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.95735 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1965.375, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/31.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/31.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM4*oON4*pOL4*qNO4*rMP4*sLO4*tKN4*uJM4*vKL4*wNK4*xLK4*yMJ4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^fo^fp^iq^ir^is^kt^ku^kv^mw^mx^my^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,3.797309,4,1965.375,16.60019,1,4,0,28,22.0460021,2.604184486,0,24.65018711,58.61251373,0.351351351,0.166666667,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 28 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 24.6501871139526 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 58.6125137329102 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 3.797309 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 16.60019 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $1965.375, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-9.760808 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-8 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.426412-25.95735 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 9.760808 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.95735 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1965.375, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/31.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/31.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM4*oON4*pOL4*qNO4*rMP4*sLO4*tKN4*uJM4*vKL4*wNK4*xLK4*yMJ4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^fo^fp^iq^ir^is^kt^ku^kv^mw^mx^my^cg^dj^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,8,1965.375,9.426412,1,4,0,28,22.0460021,2.604184486,0,24.65018711,58.61251373,0.351351351,0.166666667,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 28 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 24.6501871139526 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 58.6125137329102 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 8 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-9.760808 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-8 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.426412-25.95735 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 9.760808 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.95735 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1965.375, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/32.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/32.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+++*cMN1+++*dLM2+++*eML1+++^ab^ac^ad^ae,Success,4.926744,0,2232.44,22.16768,1,4,0,4,19.40347644,9.452226495,0,28.85570399,189.0750641,0.324324324,0.444444444,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 4 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.8557039867401 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 189.075064086914 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 4.926744 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 22.16768 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-4.926744 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-48 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.960238e-07-22.16768 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 4.926744 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 22.16768 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/32.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/32.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+++*cMN1+++*dLM2+++*eML1+++^ab^ac^ad^ae,Success,2.715951,4,2232.44,16.76793,1,4,0,4,19.40347644,9.452226495,0,28.85570399,189.0750641,0.324324324,0.444444444,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 4 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.8557039867401 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 189.075064086914 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 2.715951 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 16.76793 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-4.926744 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-48 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.960238e-07-22.16768 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 4.926744 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 22.16768 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/32.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/32.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+++*cMN1+++*dLM2+++*eML1+++^ab^ac^ad^ae,Success,1.537317,8,2232.44,13.39244,1,4,0,4,19.40347644,9.452226495,0,28.85570399,189.0750641,0.324324324,0.444444444,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 4 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.8557039867401 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 189.075064086914 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 1.537317 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 8 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 13.39244 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-4.926744 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-48 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.960238e-07-22.16768 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 4.926744 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 22.16768 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/32.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/32.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+++*cMN1+++*dLM2+++*eML1+++^ab^ac^ad^ae,Success,0.8992336,12,2232.44,11.15134,1,4,0,4,19.40347644,9.452226495,0,28.85570399,189.0750641,0.324324324,0.444444444,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 4 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.8557039867401 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 189.075064086914 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.8992336 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 12 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 11.15134 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-4.926744 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-48 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.960238e-07-22.16768 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 4.926744 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 22.16768 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/32.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/32.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+++*cMN1+++*dLM2+++*eML1+++^ab^ac^ad^ae,Success,0.8119713,16,2232.44,9.610828,1,4,0,4,19.40347644,9.452226495,0,28.85570399,189.0750641,0.324324324,0.444444444,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 4 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.8557039867401 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 189.075064086914 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.8119713 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 16 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 9.610828 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-4.926744 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-48 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.960238e-07-22.16768 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 4.926744 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 22.16768 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/32.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/32.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+++*cMN1+++*dLM2+++*eML1+++^ab^ac^ad^ae,Success,0.3687924,20,2232.44,8.150513,1,4,0,4,19.40347644,9.452226495,0,28.85570399,189.0750641,0.324324324,0.444444444,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 4 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.8557039867401 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 189.075064086914 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.3687924 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 20 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 8.150513 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-4.926744 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-48 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.960238e-07-22.16768 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 4.926744 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 22.16768 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/32.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/32.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+++*cMN1+++*dLM2+++*eML1+++^ab^ac^ad^ae,Success,0.2054589,24,2232.44,6.866837,1,4,0,4,19.40347644,9.452226495,0,28.85570399,189.0750641,0.324324324,0.444444444,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 4 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.8557039867401 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 189.075064086914 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.2054589 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 24 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 6.866837 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-4.926744 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-48 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.960238e-07-22.16768 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 4.926744 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 22.16768 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/32.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/32.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+++*cMN1+++*dLM2+++*eML1+++^ab^ac^ad^ae,Success,0.1315548,28,2232.44,5.525098,1,4,0,4,19.40347644,9.452226495,0,28.85570399,189.0750641,0.324324324,0.444444444,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 4 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.8557039867401 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 189.075064086914 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.1315548 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 28 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 5.525098 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-4.926744 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-48 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.960238e-07-22.16768 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 4.926744 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 22.16768 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/32.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/32.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+++*cMN1+++*dLM2+++*eML1+++^ab^ac^ad^ae,Success,0.091268,32,2232.44,4.414073,1,4,0,4,19.40347644,9.452226495,0,28.85570399,189.0750641,0.324324324,0.444444444,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 4 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.8557039867401 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 189.075064086914 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.091268 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 32 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 4.414073 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-4.926744 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-48 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.960238e-07-22.16768 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 4.926744 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 22.16768 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/32.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/32.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+++*cMN1+++*dLM2+++*eML1+++^ab^ac^ad^ae,Success,0.05753407,36,2232.44,3.299421,1,4,0,4,19.40347644,9.452226495,0,28.85570399,189.0750641,0.324324324,0.444444444,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 4 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.8557039867401 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 189.075064086914 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.05753407 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 36 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 3.299421 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-4.926744 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-48 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.960238e-07-22.16768 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 4.926744 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 22.16768 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/32.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/32.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+++*cMN1+++*dLM2+++*eML1+++^ab^ac^ad^ae,Success,0.03162898,40,2232.44,2.260551,1,4,0,4,19.40347644,9.452226495,0,28.85570399,189.0750641,0.324324324,0.444444444,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 4 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.8557039867401 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 189.075064086914 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.03162898 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 40 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 2.260551 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-4.926744 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-48 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.960238e-07-22.16768 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 4.926744 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 22.16768 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/32.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/32.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+++*cMN1+++*dLM2+++*eML1+++^ab^ac^ad^ae,Success,0.009084098,44,2232.44,1.026411,1,4,0,4,19.40347644,9.452226495,0,28.85570399,189.0750641,0.324324324,0.444444444,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 4 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.8557039867401 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 189.075064086914 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.009084098 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 44 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 1.026411 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-4.926744 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-48 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.960238e-07-22.16768 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 4.926744 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 22.16768 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/32.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/32.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+++*cMN1+++*dLM2+++*eML1+++^ab^ac^ad^ae,CouldNotStabilize,0,48,2232.44,9.96E-07,1,4,0,4,19.40347644,9.452226495,0,28.85570399,189.0750641,0.324324324,0.444444444,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 4 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.8557039867401 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 189.075064086914 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 48 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-4.926744 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-48 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.960238e-07-22.16768 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 4.926744 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 22.16768 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2232.44, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/33.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/33.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj,Success,10.28583,0,2018.75,26.4555,1,4,0,14,22.0460021,3.444688551,0,25.4906917,74.62501144,0.351351351,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 14 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 25.4906917049408 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 10.28583 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 26.4555 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.28583 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0002406272-26.4555 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.28583 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.4555 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/33.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/33.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj,Success,6.199975,4,2018.75,22.94995,1,4,0,14,22.0460021,3.444688551,0,25.4906917,74.62501144,0.351351351,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 14 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 25.4906917049408 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 6.199975 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 22.94995 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.28583 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0002406272-26.4555 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.28583 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.4555 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/33.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/33.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj,Success,3.201783,8,2018.75,18.03493,1,4,0,14,22.0460021,3.444688551,0,25.4906917,74.62501144,0.351351351,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 14 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 25.4906917049408 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 3.201783 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 8 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 18.03493 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.28583 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0002406272-26.4555 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.28583 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.4555 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/33.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/33.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj,Success,2.423958,12,2018.75,14.39381,1,4,0,14,22.0460021,3.444688551,0,25.4906917,74.62501144,0.351351351,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 14 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 25.4906917049408 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 2.423958 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 12 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 14.39381 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.28583 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0002406272-26.4555 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.28583 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.4555 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/33.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/33.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj,Success,1.807082,16,2018.75,10.12744,1,4,0,14,22.0460021,3.444688551,0,25.4906917,74.62501144,0.351351351,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 14 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 25.4906917049408 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 1.807082 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 16 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 10.12744 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.28583 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0002406272-26.4555 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.28583 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.4555 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/33.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/33.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj,Success,0.3746574,20,2018.75,7.864729,1,4,0,14,22.0460021,3.444688551,0,25.4906917,74.62501144,0.351351351,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 14 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 25.4906917049408 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.3746574 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 20 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 7.864729 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.28583 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0002406272-26.4555 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.28583 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.4555 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/33.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/33.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj,CouldNotStabilize,0,24,2018.75,0.000240627,1,4,0,14,22.0460021,3.444688551,0,25.4906917,74.62501144,0.351351351,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 14 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 25.4906917049408 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 24 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.28583 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0002406272-26.4555 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.28583 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.4555 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/34.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/34.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj,Success,9.760872,0,1965.375,25.95816,1,4,0,14,22.0460021,2.604184486,0,24.65018711,58.61251373,0.351351351,0.166666667,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 14 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 24.6501871139526 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 58.6125137329102 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 9.760872 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 25.95816 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $1965.375, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-9.760872 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-8 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.426549-25.95816 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 9.760872 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.95816 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1965.375, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/34.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/34.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj,Success,3.79712,4,1965.375,16.5984,1,4,0,14,22.0460021,2.604184486,0,24.65018711,58.61251373,0.351351351,0.166666667,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 14 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 24.6501871139526 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 58.6125137329102 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 3.79712 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 16.5984 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $1965.375, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-9.760872 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-8 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.426549-25.95816 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 9.760872 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.95816 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1965.375, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/34.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/34.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj,CouldNotStabilize,0,8,1965.375,9.426549,1,4,0,14,22.0460021,2.604184486,0,24.65018711,58.61251373,0.351351351,0.166666667,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 14 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 24.6501871139526 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 58.6125137329102 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 8 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-9.760872 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-8 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.426549-25.95816 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 9.760872 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.95816 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1965.375, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/35.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/35.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj^eh,Success,14.2439,0,2771.36,24.4393,1,4,0,15,31.38971484,5.952422208,0,37.34213653,122.4000412,0.432432432,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 37.3421365257263 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 14.2439 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 24.4393 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-14.2439 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.568937e-05-24.4393 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 14.2439 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 24.4393 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/35.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/35.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj^eh,Success,9.777104,4,2771.36,22.13934,1,4,0,15,31.38971484,5.952422208,0,37.34213653,122.4000412,0.432432432,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 37.3421365257263 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 9.777104 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 22.13934 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-14.2439 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.568937e-05-24.4393 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 14.2439 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 24.4393 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/35.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/35.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj^eh,Success,7.065277,8,2771.36,20.14395,1,4,0,15,31.38971484,5.952422208,0,37.34213653,122.4000412,0.432432432,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 37.3421365257263 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 7.065277 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 8 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 20.14395 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-14.2439 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.568937e-05-24.4393 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 14.2439 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 24.4393 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/35.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/35.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj^eh,Success,6.037357,12,2771.36,20.26158,1,4,0,15,31.38971484,5.952422208,0,37.34213653,122.4000412,0.432432432,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 37.3421365257263 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 6.037357 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 12 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 20.26158 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-14.2439 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.568937e-05-24.4393 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 14.2439 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 24.4393 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/35.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/35.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj^eh,Success,4.199106,16,2771.36,16.83296,1,4,0,15,31.38971484,5.952422208,0,37.34213653,122.4000412,0.432432432,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 37.3421365257263 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 4.199106 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 16 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 16.83296 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-14.2439 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.568937e-05-24.4393 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 14.2439 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 24.4393 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/35.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/35.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj^eh,Success,2.81998,20,2771.36,12.99178,1,4,0,15,31.38971484,5.952422208,0,37.34213653,122.4000412,0.432432432,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 37.3421365257263 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 2.81998 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 20 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 12.99178 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-14.2439 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.568937e-05-24.4393 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 14.2439 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 24.4393 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/35.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/35.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj^eh,Success,2.257204,24,2771.36,10.18505,1,4,0,15,31.38971484,5.952422208,0,37.34213653,122.4000412,0.432432432,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 37.3421365257263 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 2.257204 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 24 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 10.18505 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-14.2439 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.568937e-05-24.4393 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 14.2439 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 24.4393 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/35.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/35.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj^eh,Success,1.821525,28,2771.36,8.100584,1,4,0,15,31.38971484,5.952422208,0,37.34213653,122.4000412,0.432432432,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 37.3421365257263 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 1.821525 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 28 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 8.100584 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-14.2439 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.568937e-05-24.4393 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 14.2439 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 24.4393 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/35.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/35.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj^eh,Success,1.239163,32,2771.36,8.166069,1,4,0,15,31.38971484,5.952422208,0,37.34213653,122.4000412,0.432432432,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 37.3421365257263 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 1.239163 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 32 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 8.166069 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-14.2439 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.568937e-05-24.4393 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 14.2439 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 24.4393 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/35.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/35.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj^eh,Success,0.03963213,36,2771.36,2.274507,1,4,0,15,31.38971484,5.952422208,0,37.34213653,122.4000412,0.432432432,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 37.3421365257263 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.03963213 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 36 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 2.274507 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-14.2439 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.568937e-05-24.4393 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 14.2439 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 24.4393 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/35.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/35.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj^eh,CouldNotStabilize,0,40,2771.36,6.57E-05,1,4,0,15,31.38971484,5.952422208,0,37.34213653,122.4000412,0.432432432,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 37.3421365257263 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 40 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-14.2439 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 6.568937e-05-24.4393 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 14.2439 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 24.4393 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2771.36, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/36.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/36.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2+*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^el^em^cg^dj^eh,CouldNotStabilize,0,0,2665.047,0.08104801,1,4,0,15,31.38971484,4.278303347,0,35.66801924,90.50627747,0.432432432,0.25,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 35.6680192417145 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 90.5062774658203 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-0.0 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.08104801-0.08104801 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 0.0 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 0.08104801 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2665.047, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/37.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/37.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^eh^el,Success,8.378845,0,1850.94,25.89068,1,4,0,15,19.40347644,3.444688551,0,22.84816394,74.62501144,0.324324324,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 22.8481639408112 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 8.378845 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 25.89068 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $1850.94, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-8.378845 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0002893396-25.89068 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 8.378845 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.89068 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1850.94, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/37.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/37.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^eh^el,Success,4.572397,4,1850.94,21.02953,1,4,0,15,19.40347644,3.444688551,0,22.84816394,74.62501144,0.324324324,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 22.8481639408112 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 4.572397 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 21.02953 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $1850.94, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-8.378845 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0002893396-25.89068 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 8.378845 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.89068 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1850.94, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/37.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/37.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^eh^el,Success,2.23965,8,1850.94,21.49063,1,4,0,15,19.40347644,3.444688551,0,22.84816394,74.62501144,0.324324324,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 22.8481639408112 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 2.23965 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 8 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 21.49063 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $1850.94, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-8.378845 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0002893396-25.89068 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 8.378845 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.89068 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1850.94, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/37.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/37.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^eh^el,Success,1.651137,12,1850.94,16.93596,1,4,0,15,19.40347644,3.444688551,0,22.84816394,74.62501144,0.324324324,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 22.8481639408112 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 1.651137 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 12 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 16.93596 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $1850.94, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-8.378845 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0002893396-25.89068 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 8.378845 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.89068 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1850.94, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/37.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/37.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^eh^el,Success,1.339303,16,1850.94,12.69426,1,4,0,15,19.40347644,3.444688551,0,22.84816394,74.62501144,0.324324324,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 22.8481639408112 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 1.339303 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 16 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 12.69426 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $1850.94, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-8.378845 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0002893396-25.89068 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 8.378845 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.89068 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1850.94, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/37.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/37.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^eh^el,Success,0.396661,20,1850.94,8.312822,1,4,0,15,19.40347644,3.444688551,0,22.84816394,74.62501144,0.324324324,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 22.8481639408112 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.396661 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 20 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 8.312822 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $1850.94, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-8.378845 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0002893396-25.89068 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 8.378845 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.89068 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1850.94, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/37.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/37.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,24,1850.94,0.00028934,1,4,0,15,19.40347644,3.444688551,0,22.84816394,74.62501144,0.324324324,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 22.8481639408112 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 24 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-8.378845 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0002893396-25.89068 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 8.378845 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.89068 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1850.94, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/38.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/38.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^eh^el,Success,8.003357,0,1797.565,25.55089,1,4,0,15,19.40347644,2.604184486,0,22.00766145,58.61251373,0.324324324,0.166666667,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 22.0076614522934 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 58.6125137329102 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 8.003357 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 25.55089 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $1797.565, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-8.003357 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-8 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 3.59977-25.55089 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 8.003357 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.55089 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1797.5649999999998, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/38.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/38.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^eh^el,Success,2.743962,4,1797.565,14.62497,1,4,0,15,19.40347644,2.604184486,0,22.00766145,58.61251373,0.324324324,0.166666667,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 22.0076614522934 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 58.6125137329102 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 2.743962 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 14.62497 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $1797.565, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-8.003357 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-8 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 3.59977-25.55089 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 8.003357 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.55089 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1797.5649999999998, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/38.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/38.glb?download=true,*aMM0-*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,8,1797.565,3.59977,1,4,0,15,19.40347644,2.604184486,0,22.00766145,58.61251373,0.324324324,0.166666667,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 22.0076614522934 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 58.6125137329102 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 8 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-8.003357 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-8 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 3.59977-25.55089 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 8.003357 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.55089 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $1797.5649999999998, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/39.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/39.glb?download=true,*aMM0++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,3.199596,0,2424.977,16.33129,1,4,0,16,28.02954455,3.858051314,0,31.88759665,82.50002518,0.405405405,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 31.8875966537476 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 82.500025177002 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 3.199596 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 16.33129 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2424.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-3.199596 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-8 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 8.939139-16.33129 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 3.199596 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 16.33129 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2424.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/39.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/39.glb?download=true,*aMM0++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,1.604717,4,2424.977,8.939139,1,4,0,16,28.02954455,3.858051314,0,31.88759665,82.50002518,0.405405405,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 31.8875966537476 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 82.500025177002 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 1.604717 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 8.939139 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2424.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-3.199596 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-8 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 8.939139-16.33129 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 3.199596 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 16.33129 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2424.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/39.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/39.glb?download=true,*aMM0++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,8,2424.977,13.55562,1,4,0,16,28.02954455,3.858051314,0,31.88759665,82.50002518,0.405405405,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 31.8875966537476 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 82.500025177002 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 8 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-3.199596 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-8 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 8.939139-16.33129 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 3.199596 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 16.33129 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2424.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/40.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/40.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1*fOM4*gMO4*hKM4*iMK4*jPM4*kON4*lOL4*mNO4*nMP4*oLO4*pKN4*qJM4*rKL4*sNK4*tLK4*uMJ4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei^fj^fk^fl^gm^gn^go^hp^hq^hr^is^it^iu,CouldNotStabilize,0,0,2174.456,0.1268221,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,3.024436519,0,27.9426053,66.61875916,0.378378378,0.194444444,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 27.9426052978516 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 66.6187591552734 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-0.0 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.1268221-0.1268221 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 0.0 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 0.1268221 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2174.456, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/41.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/41.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gMO4*hKM4*iMK4*jPM4*kON4*lOL4*mNO4*nMP4*oLO4*pKN4*qJM4*rKL4*sNK4*tLK4*uMJ4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei^fj^fk^fl^gm^gn^go^hp^hq^hr^is^it^iu,Success,11.35373,0,2147.768,25.78337,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,2.604184486,0,27.522353,58.61251373,0.378378378,0.166666667,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 27.5223530023575 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 58.6125137329102 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 11.35373 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 25.78337 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2147.768, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-11.35373 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-8 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 12.06417-25.78337 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 11.35373 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.78337 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2147.768, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/41.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/41.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gMO4*hKM4*iMK4*jPM4*kON4*lOL4*mNO4*nMP4*oLO4*pKN4*qJM4*rKL4*sNK4*tLK4*uMJ4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei^fj^fk^fl^gm^gn^go^hp^hq^hr^is^it^iu,Success,1.511072,4,2147.768,12.06417,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,2.604184486,0,27.522353,58.61251373,0.378378378,0.166666667,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 27.5223530023575 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 58.6125137329102 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 1.511072 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 12.06417 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2147.768, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-11.35373 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-8 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 12.06417-25.78337 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 11.35373 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.78337 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2147.768, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/41.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/41.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gMO4*hKM4*iMK4*jPM4*kON4*lOL4*mNO4*nMP4*oLO4*pKN4*qJM4*rKL4*sNK4*tLK4*uMJ4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei^fj^fk^fl^gm^gn^go^hp^hq^hr^is^it^iu,CouldNotStabilize,0,8,2147.768,17.59869,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,2.604184486,0,27.522353,58.61251373,0.378378378,0.166666667,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 27.5223530023575 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 58.6125137329102 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 8 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-11.35373 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-8 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 12.06417-25.78337 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 11.35373 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.78337 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2147.768, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/42.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/42.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2+*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,0,2665.047,0.081039,1,4,0,16,31.38971484,4.278303347,0,35.66801924,90.50627747,0.432432432,0.25,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 35.6680192417145 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 90.5062774658203 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-0.0 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.081039-0.081039 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 0.0 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 0.081039 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2665.047, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/43.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/43.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,6.048883,0,2638.359,19.21067,1,4,0,16,31.38971484,3.858051314,0,35.24776695,82.50002518,0.432432432,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 35.2477669462204 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 82.500025177002 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 6.048883 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 19.21067 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2638.359, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-6.048883 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-4 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.271397-19.21067 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 6.048883 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 19.21067 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2638.359, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/43.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/43.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,4,2638.359,9.271397,1,4,0,16,31.38971484,3.858051314,0,35.24776695,82.50002518,0.432432432,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 35.2477669462204 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 82.500025177002 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 4 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-6.048883 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-4 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 9.271397-19.21067 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 6.048883 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 19.21067 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2638.359, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/44.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/44.glb?download=true,*aMM0++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,12.27386,0,2557.977,25.4833,1,4,0,16,28.02954455,5.952422208,0,33.98196623,122.4000412,0.405405405,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 33.9819662332535 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 12.27386 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 25.4833 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-12.27386 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 2.190715e-05-25.4833 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 12.27386 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.4833 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/44.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/44.glb?download=true,*aMM0++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,7.995051,4,2557.977,22.26366,1,4,0,16,28.02954455,5.952422208,0,33.98196623,122.4000412,0.405405405,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 33.9819662332535 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 7.995051 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 22.26366 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-12.27386 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 2.190715e-05-25.4833 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 12.27386 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.4833 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/44.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/44.glb?download=true,*aMM0++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,5.486509,8,2557.977,19.66552,1,4,0,16,28.02954455,5.952422208,0,33.98196623,122.4000412,0.405405405,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 33.9819662332535 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 5.486509 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 8 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 19.66552 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-12.27386 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 2.190715e-05-25.4833 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 12.27386 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.4833 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/44.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/44.glb?download=true,*aMM0++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,3.935628,12,2557.977,17.53394,1,4,0,16,28.02954455,5.952422208,0,33.98196623,122.4000412,0.405405405,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 33.9819662332535 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 3.935628 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 12 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 17.53394 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-12.27386 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 2.190715e-05-25.4833 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 12.27386 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.4833 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/44.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/44.glb?download=true,*aMM0++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,3.605952,16,2557.977,14.92597,1,4,0,16,28.02954455,5.952422208,0,33.98196623,122.4000412,0.405405405,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 33.9819662332535 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 3.605952 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 16 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 14.92597 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-12.27386 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 2.190715e-05-25.4833 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 12.27386 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.4833 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/44.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/44.glb?download=true,*aMM0++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,2.186821,20,2557.977,11.50646,1,4,0,16,28.02954455,5.952422208,0,33.98196623,122.4000412,0.405405405,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 33.9819662332535 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 2.186821 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 20 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 11.50646 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-12.27386 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 2.190715e-05-25.4833 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 12.27386 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.4833 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/44.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/44.glb?download=true,*aMM0++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,1.799414,24,2557.977,10.25587,1,4,0,16,28.02954455,5.952422208,0,33.98196623,122.4000412,0.405405405,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 33.9819662332535 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 1.799414 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 24 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 10.25587 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-12.27386 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 2.190715e-05-25.4833 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 12.27386 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.4833 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/44.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/44.glb?download=true,*aMM0++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,1.401947,28,2557.977,9.95477,1,4,0,16,28.02954455,5.952422208,0,33.98196623,122.4000412,0.405405405,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 33.9819662332535 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 1.401947 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 28 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 9.95477 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-12.27386 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 2.190715e-05-25.4833 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 12.27386 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.4833 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/44.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/44.glb?download=true,*aMM0++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,0.8798885,32,2557.977,9.737779,1,4,0,16,28.02954455,5.952422208,0,33.98196623,122.4000412,0.405405405,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 33.9819662332535 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.8798885 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 32 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 9.737779 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-12.27386 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 2.190715e-05-25.4833 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 12.27386 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.4833 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/44.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/44.glb?download=true,*aMM0++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,0.08910487,36,2557.977,3.654233,1,4,0,16,28.02954455,5.952422208,0,33.98196623,122.4000412,0.405405405,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 33.9819662332535 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.08910487 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 36 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 3.654233 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-12.27386 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 2.190715e-05-25.4833 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 12.27386 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.4833 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/44.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/44.glb?download=true,*aMM0++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1++*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,40,2557.977,2.19E-05,1,4,0,16,28.02954455,5.952422208,0,33.98196623,122.4000412,0.405405405,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 33.9819662332535 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 40 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-12.27386 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-40 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 2.190715e-05-25.4833 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 12.27386 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.4833 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2557.977, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/45.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/45.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL3*iMO4*jLN3*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^dj^dk^dl^em^cg^eh,CouldNotStabilize,0,0,2891.749,0.1975369,1,4,2,14,31.38971484,5.325489188,8.829502095,45.54470613,110.456282,0.432432432,0.305555556,0.614035088,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 2 wings for better flying. It has 14 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 45.5447061264038 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 110.456282043457 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-0.0 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.1975369-0.1975369 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 0.0 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 0.1975369 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2891.749, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/46.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/46.glb?download=true,*aMM0++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,0,2491.477,0.2739824,1,4,0,16,28.02954455,4.905236892,0,32.93478249,102.4500298,0.405405405,0.277777778,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 32.9347824947357 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 102.450029754639 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-0.0 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.2739824-0.2739824 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 0.0 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 0.2739824 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2491.477, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/47.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/47.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,0,2174.456,0.126815,1,4,0,16,24.91816799,3.024436519,0,27.9426053,66.61875916,0.378378378,0.194444444,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 27.9426052978516 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 66.6187591552734 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-0.0 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.126815-0.126815 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 0.0 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 0.126815 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2174.456, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/48.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/48.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,11.35366,0,2147.768,25.78351,1,4,0,16,24.91816799,2.604184486,0,27.522353,58.61251373,0.378378378,0.166666667,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 27.5223530023575 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 58.6125137329102 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 11.35366 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 25.78351 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2147.768, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-11.35366 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-8 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 12.06422-25.78351 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 11.35366 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.78351 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2147.768, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/48.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/48.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,1.511082,4,2147.768,12.06422,1,4,0,16,24.91816799,2.604184486,0,27.522353,58.61251373,0.378378378,0.166666667,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 27.5223530023575 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 58.6125137329102 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 1.511082 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 12.06422 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2147.768, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-11.35366 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-8 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 12.06422-25.78351 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 11.35366 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.78351 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2147.768, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/48.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/48.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,8,2147.768,17.8085,1,4,0,16,24.91816799,2.604184486,0,27.522353,58.61251373,0.378378378,0.166666667,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 27.5223530023575 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 58.6125137329102 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 8 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-11.35366 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-8 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 12.06422-25.78351 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 11.35366 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 25.78351 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2147.768, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/49.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/49.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^dj^eh^el,Success,10.28573,0,2018.75,26.45528,1,4,0,15,22.0460021,3.444688551,0,25.4906917,74.62501144,0.351351351,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 25.4906917049408 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 10.28573 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 26.45528 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.28573 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.000118266-26.45528 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.28573 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.45528 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/49.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/49.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^dj^eh^el,Success,6.199853,4,2018.75,22.94966,1,4,0,15,22.0460021,3.444688551,0,25.4906917,74.62501144,0.351351351,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 25.4906917049408 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 6.199853 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 22.94966 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.28573 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.000118266-26.45528 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.28573 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.45528 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/49.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/49.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^dj^eh^el,Success,3.201785,8,2018.75,18.03457,1,4,0,15,22.0460021,3.444688551,0,25.4906917,74.62501144,0.351351351,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 25.4906917049408 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 3.201785 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 8 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 18.03457 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.28573 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.000118266-26.45528 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.28573 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.45528 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/49.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/49.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^dj^eh^el,Success,2.423899,12,2018.75,14.39339,1,4,0,15,22.0460021,3.444688551,0,25.4906917,74.62501144,0.351351351,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 25.4906917049408 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 2.423899 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 12 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 14.39339 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.28573 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.000118266-26.45528 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.28573 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.45528 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/49.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/49.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^dj^eh^el,Success,1.807041,16,2018.75,10.12718,1,4,0,15,22.0460021,3.444688551,0,25.4906917,74.62501144,0.351351351,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 25.4906917049408 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 1.807041 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 16 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 10.12718 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.28573 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.000118266-26.45528 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.28573 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.45528 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/49.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/49.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^dj^eh^el,Success,0.3746606,20,2018.75,7.864735,1,4,0,15,22.0460021,3.444688551,0,25.4906917,74.62501144,0.351351351,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 25.4906917049408 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.3746606 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 20 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 7.864735 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.28573 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.000118266-26.45528 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.28573 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.45528 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/49.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/49.glb?download=true,*aMM0*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^dj^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,24,2018.75,0.000118266,1,4,0,15,22.0460021,3.444688551,0,25.4906917,74.62501144,0.351351351,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 25.4906917049408 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 74.6250114440918 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 24 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-10.28573 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-24 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.000118266-26.45528 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 10.28573 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 26.45528 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2018.75, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/50.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/50.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gMO4*hKM4*iMK4*jPM4*kON4*lOL4*mNO4*nMP4*oLO4*pKN4*qJM4*rKL4*sNK4*tLK4*uMJ4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei^fj^fk^fl^gm^gn^go^hp^hq^hr^is^it^iu,Success,0.9472777,0,2227.393,10.83247,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,3.858051314,0,28.77622009,82.50002518,0.378378378,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.7762200933456 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 82.500025177002 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.9472777 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 10.83247 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2227.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.9472777-6.112695 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-4 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 10.83247-21.28999 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 6.112695 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 21.28999 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2227.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/50.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/50.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gMO4*hKM4*iMK4*jPM4*kON4*lOL4*mNO4*nMP4*oLO4*pKN4*qJM4*rKL4*sNK4*tLK4*uMJ4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei^fj^fk^fl^gm^gn^go^hp^hq^hr^is^it^iu,Success,6.112695,4,2227.393,21.28999,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,3.858051314,0,28.77622009,82.50002518,0.378378378,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.7762200933456 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 82.500025177002 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 6.112695 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 21.28999 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2227.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.9472777-6.112695 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-4 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 10.83247-21.28999 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 6.112695 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 21.28999 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2227.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/51.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/51.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM2*gNN1*hNL2*iMO1*jLN1*kKM2*lLL2*mMK1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,15.84357,0,2406.393,32.08331,1,8,0,16,24.91816799,3.527361104,0,28.44552883,85.20001831,0.378378378,0.111111111,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.4455288318634 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 85.2000183105469 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 15.84357 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 32.08331 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2406.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-15.84357 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-28 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0001246383-32.08331 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 15.84357 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 32.08331 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2406.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/51.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/51.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM2*gNN1*hNL2*iMO1*jLN1*kKM2*lLL2*mMK1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,9.310807,4,2406.393,27.78205,1,8,0,16,24.91816799,3.527361104,0,28.44552883,85.20001831,0.378378378,0.111111111,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.4455288318634 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 85.2000183105469 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 9.310807 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 27.78205 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2406.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-15.84357 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-28 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0001246383-32.08331 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 15.84357 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 32.08331 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2406.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/51.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/51.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM2*gNN1*hNL2*iMO1*jLN1*kKM2*lLL2*mMK1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,5.953208,8,2406.393,18.66052,1,8,0,16,24.91816799,3.527361104,0,28.44552883,85.20001831,0.378378378,0.111111111,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.4455288318634 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 85.2000183105469 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 5.953208 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 8 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 18.66052 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2406.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-15.84357 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-28 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0001246383-32.08331 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 15.84357 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 32.08331 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2406.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/51.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/51.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM2*gNN1*hNL2*iMO1*jLN1*kKM2*lLL2*mMK1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,3.84612,12,2406.393,17.1951,1,8,0,16,24.91816799,3.527361104,0,28.44552883,85.20001831,0.378378378,0.111111111,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.4455288318634 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 85.2000183105469 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 3.84612 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 12 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 17.1951 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2406.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-15.84357 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-28 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0001246383-32.08331 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 15.84357 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 32.08331 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2406.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/51.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/51.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM2*gNN1*hNL2*iMO1*jLN1*kKM2*lLL2*mMK1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,3.185133,16,2406.393,15.18624,1,8,0,16,24.91816799,3.527361104,0,28.44552883,85.20001831,0.378378378,0.111111111,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.4455288318634 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 85.2000183105469 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 3.185133 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 16 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 15.18624 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2406.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-15.84357 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-28 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0001246383-32.08331 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 15.84357 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 32.08331 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2406.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/51.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/51.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM2*gNN1*hNL2*iMO1*jLN1*kKM2*lLL2*mMK1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,2.407375,20,2406.393,13.85009,1,8,0,16,24.91816799,3.527361104,0,28.44552883,85.20001831,0.378378378,0.111111111,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.4455288318634 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 85.2000183105469 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 2.407375 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 20 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 13.85009 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2406.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-15.84357 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-28 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0001246383-32.08331 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 15.84357 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 32.08331 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2406.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/51.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/51.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM2*gNN1*hNL2*iMO1*jLN1*kKM2*lLL2*mMK1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,0.8029513,24,2406.393,10.77493,1,8,0,16,24.91816799,3.527361104,0,28.44552883,85.20001831,0.378378378,0.111111111,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.4455288318634 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 85.2000183105469 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.8029513 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 24 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 10.77493 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2406.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-15.84357 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-28 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0001246383-32.08331 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 15.84357 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 32.08331 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2406.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/51.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/51.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM2*gNN1*hNL2*iMO1*jLN1*kKM2*lLL2*mMK1^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,28,2406.393,0.000124638,1,8,0,16,24.91816799,3.527361104,0,28.44552883,85.20001831,0.378378378,0.111111111,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 8 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.4455288318634 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 85.2000183105469 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 28 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-15.84357 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-28 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.0001246383-32.08331 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 15.84357 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 32.08331 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2406.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/52.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/52.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM4*oMP4*pJM4*qMJ4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,0.9472674,0,2227.393,10.83266,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,3.858051314,0,28.77622009,82.50002518,0.378378378,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.7762200933456 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 82.500025177002 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 0.9472674 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 10.83266 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2227.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.9472674-6.113266 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-4 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 10.83266-21.29384 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 6.113266 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 21.29384 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2227.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/52.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/52.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4*nPM4*oMP4*pJM4*qMJ4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^fn^io^kp^mq^cg^dj^eh^el,Success,6.113266,4,2227.393,21.29384,1,4,0,20,24.91816799,3.858051314,0,28.77622009,82.50002518,0.378378378,0.222222222,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 20 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 28.7762200933456 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 82.500025177002 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 6.113266 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 21.29384 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $2227.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.9472674-6.113266 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-4 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 10.83266-21.29384 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 6.113266 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 21.29384 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2227.393, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/53.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/53.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL3*iMO4*jLN3*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^dj^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,0,2480.782,0.2851942,1,4,2,15,24.91816799,5.325489188,8.829502095,39.07315927,110.456282,0.378378378,0.305555556,0.614035088,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 2 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 39.0731592735291 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 110.456282043457 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-0.0 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.2851942-0.2851942 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 0.0 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 0.2851942 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2480.782, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/54.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/54.glb?download=true,*aMM0++*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL3*iMO4*jLN3*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh,CouldNotStabilize,0,0,2678.366,0.2357753,1,4,2,15,28.02954455,5.325489188,8.829502095,42.18453794,110.456282,0.405405405,0.305555556,0.614035088,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 2 wings for better flying. It has 15 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 42.1845379364014 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 110.456282043457 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-0.0 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.2357753-0.2357753 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 0.0 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 0.2357753 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2678.366, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/55.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/55.glb?download=true,*aMM0+*bNM2++*cMN1++*dLM2++*eML1+*fOM4*gNN4*hNL3*iMO4*jLN3*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,0,2480.782,0.2851799,1,4,2,16,24.91816799,5.325489188,8.829502095,39.07315927,110.456282,0.378378378,0.305555556,0.614035088,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 2 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 39.0731592735291 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 110.456282043457 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-0.0 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.2851799-0.2851799 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 0.0 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 0.2851799 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2480.782, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/56.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/56.glb?download=true,*aMM0++*bNM2+*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1*fOM4*gNN4*hNL4*iMO4*jLN4*kKM4*lLL4*mMK4^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^bg^bh^ci^cj^dk^dl^em^cg^dj^eh^el,CouldNotStabilize,0,0,2372.039,0.09587901,1,4,0,16,28.02954455,3.024436519,0,31.05398186,66.61875916,0.405405405,0.194444444,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 16 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 31.0539818582535 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 66.6187591552734 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-0.0 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.09587901-0.09587901 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 0.0 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 0.09587901 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2372.039, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/57.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/57.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++*bNM2*cMN1+*dLM2+*eML1^ab^ac^ad^ae,CouldNotStabilize,0,0,2558.734,0.1375101,1,4,0,4,31.38971484,2.604184486,0,33.99389986,58.61251373,0.432432432,0.185185185,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 4 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 33.9938998552322 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 58.6125137329102 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-0.0 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.1375101-0.1375101 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 0.0 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 0.1375101 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $2558.734, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/58.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/58.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++++++++*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM2++*gMO1++*hKM2++*iMK1++^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei,Success,21.63407,0,4417.451,14.02419,1,4,0,8,57.31094623,5.952422208,0,63.26336791,122.4000412,0.594594595,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 8 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 63.2633679138184 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 21.63407 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 14.02419 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $4417.451, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 8.075195-21.63407 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-12 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 13.70382-16.10988 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 21.63407 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 16.10988 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $4417.451, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/58.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/58.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++++++++*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM2++*gMO1++*hKM2++*iMK1++^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei,Success,18.21788,4,4417.451,13.84183,1,4,0,8,57.31094623,5.952422208,0,63.26336791,122.4000412,0.594594595,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 8 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 63.2633679138184 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 18.21788 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 4 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 13.84183 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $4417.451, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 8.075195-21.63407 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-12 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 13.70382-16.10988 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 21.63407 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 16.10988 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $4417.451, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/58.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/58.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++++++++*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM2++*gMO1++*hKM2++*iMK1++^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei,Success,15.34549,8,4417.451,13.70382,1,4,0,8,57.31094623,5.952422208,0,63.26336791,122.4000412,0.594594595,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 8 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 63.2633679138184 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 15.34549 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 8 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 13.70382 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $4417.451, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 8.075195-21.63407 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-12 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 13.70382-16.10988 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 21.63407 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 16.10988 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $4417.451, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/58.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/58.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++++++++*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM2++*gMO1++*hKM2++*iMK1++^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei,HitBoundary,8.075195,12,4417.451,16.10988,1,4,0,8,57.31094623,5.952422208,0,63.26336791,122.4000412,0.594594595,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 8 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 63.2633679138184 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 122.40004119873 pounds.","This drone for the payload of 12 pounds, can take flight but cannot achieve to traverse in a straight line and maintain altitude.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 8.075195-21.63407 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-12 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 13.70382-16.10988 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 21.63407 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 16.10988 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $4417.451, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/59.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/59.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++++++++*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM2++*gMO1++*hKM2++*iMK1+^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei,Success,4.22232,0,4377.638,12.36872,1,4,0,8,57.31094623,5.325489188,0,62.63643647,110.456282,0.594594595,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 8 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 62.6364364707947 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 110.456282043457 pounds.","This drone can fly up to 4.22232 miles. It can carry heavy things, up to 0 pounds. Also, it can achieve a max speed of 12.36872 miles per hour, at its max payload capacity. This drone costs around $4377.638, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-4.22232 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-4 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 12.36872-31.25415 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 4.22232 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 31.25415 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $4377.638, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/59.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/59.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++++++++*bNM4*cMN4*dLM4*eML4*fOM2++*gMO1++*hKM2++*iMK1+^ab^ac^ad^ae^bf^cg^dh^ei,CouldNotStabilize,0,4,4377.638,31.25415,1,4,0,8,57.31094623,5.325489188,0,62.63643647,110.456282,0.594594595,0.333333333,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 8 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 62.6364364707947 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 110.456282043457 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 4 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-4.22232 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-4 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 12.36872-31.25415 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 4.22232 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 31.25415 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $4377.638, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." +Images/60.png,https://huggingface.co/datasets/abhi1505/Dataset/resolve/main/train1/glb/60.glb?download=true,*aMM0+++++++*bNM2+++*cMN1++++*dLM2++++*eML1++++^ab^ac^ad^ae,CouldNotStabilize,0,0,4239.09,0.06502337,1,4,0,4,47.50955302,12.94513941,0,60.45469453,255.6188141,0.540540541,0.518518519,0,"This drone is made up of 1 part and has 4 engines that help it move. It also has 0 wings for better flying. It has 4 links that connect everything together securely. The drone weighs 60.4546945289612 pounds in total and can lift itself and more, thanks to its strong thrust of 255.618814086914 pounds.","This drone could not hover. The drone for a payload of 0 pounds, could not accomplish a successful run, the reason being either the motors could not provide enough lift or the drone did not balance properly after flight.","This drone configuration has a feasible flying range of 0.0-0.0 miles, evaluated over the payload range of 0-0 pounds. This configuration has a velocity range of 0.06502337-0.06502337 mph. It is observed when payload increases, the flying range and velocity decrease. The drones achieve highest values of velocity and range for the lowest payloads. It can be interpreted from the data that the drone can fly as far as 0.0 miles, and can reach maximum speeds up to 0.06502337 mph. This means that while the drone does well in many situations, how far and fast it can fly can vary with how much payload it carries. This drone costs around $4239.09, adding up costs of all the components used to achieve this configuration." \ No newline at end of file