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1863, 16606, 6225, 42213, 10632, 41950, 3555, 9778, 8717, 5172, 28543, 9154, 3224, 36764, 24401, 5296, 9640, 3555, 27884, 4532, 1342, 8978, 45595, 20498], "avg_logprob": -0.15911787371092204, "compression_ratio": 1.4232558139534883, "no_speech_prob": 3.3974647521972656e-06, "words": [{"start": 192.46, "end": 192.98, "word": "ال", "probability": 0.5185546875}, {"start": 192.98, "end": 194.56, "word": " maximum", "probability": 0.7236328125}, {"start": 194.56, "end": 195.26, "word": " diet", "probability": 0.86572265625}, {"start": 195.26, "end": 196.3, "word": " contained", "probability": 0.3212890625}, {"start": 196.3, "end": 196.68, "word": " يعني", "probability": 0.81982421875}, {"start": 196.68, "end": 197.1, "word": " أكل", "probability": 0.7734375}, {"start": 197.1, "end": 197.64, "word": " نشرقي", "probability": 0.545654296875}, {"start": 197.64, "end": 198.06, "word": " بيحتوي", "probability": 0.8887939453125}, {"start": 198.06, "end": 198.22, "word": " على", "probability": 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1975, 25513, 3615, 4532, 21353, 5212], "avg_logprob": -0.5659298976747001, "compression_ratio": 1.4801980198019802, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539063e-08, "words": [{"start": 217.28, "end": 217.88, "word": "طبعا", "probability": 0.87139892578125}, {"start": 217.88, "end": 219.62, "word": " الاختلافات", "probability": 0.5043843587239584}, {"start": 219.62, "end": 222.2, "word": " انهم", "probability": 0.238983154296875}, {"start": 222.2, "end": 222.76, "word": " خسروا", "probability": 0.659515380859375}, {"start": 222.76, "end": 223.66, "word": " خصوصا", "probability": 0.53668212890625}, {"start": 223.66, "end": 223.82, "word": " في", "probability": 0.59765625}, {"start": 223.82, "end": 224.08, "word": " الهواء", "probability": 0.221832275390625}, {"start": 224.08, "end": 224.66, "word": " والجلد", "probability": 0.38427734375}, {"start": 224.66, "end": 227.12, "word": " وبما", "probability": 0.7908528645833334}, {"start": 227.12, "end": 227.42, "word": " انه", "probability": 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الأمين و هي Transcope الأمين واحد و اتنين و تلاتة و ال significant ال physiological active فيهم هو اتنين بتبطط مع ال vitamin B12 بنسبة واحد الى واحد", "tokens": [6027, 7578, 4032, 36520, 32748, 2304, 9122, 33911, 7251, 1863, 4587, 1211, 2423, 7578, 1975, 15042, 19452, 44713, 9778, 3215, 10943, 3224, 4032, 10943, 995, 19452, 6055, 9778, 11622, 9957, 3224, 8978, 11331, 6027, 6225, 40448, 44713, 9778, 3215, 10943, 3224, 10874, 6027, 3224, 8978, 3224, 6055, 1211, 2655, 8717, 14407, 4587, 16247, 3794, 32277, 10632, 6531, 13960, 8608, 2304, 2407, 11296, 6531, 13960, 16247, 2304, 9957, 4032, 39896, 6531, 13960, 16247, 2304, 9957, 36764, 24401, 4032, 1975, 2655, 1863, 9957, 4032, 6055, 1211, 9307, 3660, 4032, 2423, 4776, 2423, 41234, 4967, 8978, 16095, 31439, 1975, 2655, 1863, 9957, 39894, 3555, 9566, 9566, 20449, 2423, 17163, 363, 4762, 44945, 35457, 3660, 36764, 24401, 2423, 7578, 36764, 24401], "avg_logprob": -0.23463982760401095, "compression_ratio": 1.7723577235772359, "no_speech_prob": 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3555, 9957, 4032, 9122, 2304, 7649, 2423, 7649, 3794, 7649, 20193, 1829, 14851, 9566, 40228, 6055, 9381, 22653, 3615, 3224, 46599, 6027, 2655, 6027, 1829, 3714, 9381, 3215, 2288, 3224, 16247, 3794, 32277, 7578, 31439, 16247, 28820, 11778, 13063, 3224], "avg_logprob": -0.2635869555499243, "compression_ratio": 1.7204301075268817, "no_speech_prob": 1.1920928955078125e-07, "words": [{"start": 593.93, "end": 594.23, "word": "هذا", "probability": 0.785888671875}, {"start": 594.23, "end": 594.35, "word": " ما", "probability": 0.6357421875}, {"start": 594.35, "end": 594.83, "word": " يتعلق", "probability": 0.8575439453125}, {"start": 594.83, "end": 595.09, "word": " بال", "probability": 0.806640625}, {"start": 595.09, "end": 596.03, "word": " واتامين", "probability": 0.530181884765625}, {"start": 596.03, "end": 596.47, "word": " بيتورو", "probability": 0.6224365234375}, {"start": 596.47, "end": 597.13, "word": " الفوليت", "probability": 0.6830240885416666}, {"start": 597.13, "end": 601.41, 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17163, 363, 4762, 8978, 23758, 21542, 6027, 3660, 4724, 1829, 30544, 382, 598, 268, 1229, 1398, 37495, 22653, 27188, 12610, 4117, 5551, 3794, 3215, 31439, 16247, 3794, 32277, 8978, 6225, 42213, 10632, 6055, 9381, 22653, 3615, 9673, 1829, 12984, 1829, 11536, 9957, 44381, 7251, 33753, 26108, 2423, 7578, 2423, 17163, 363, 4762, 382, 257, 598, 268, 1229, 1398, 4724, 1829, 38251, 7578, 6075, 259, 4032, 6075, 1912, 533, 4032, 29538, 16490, 9566, 2407, 9307, 3714, 16095, 3660, 10874, 28259], "avg_logprob": -0.27291665985470726, "compression_ratio": 1.6081081081081081, "no_speech_prob": 2.384185791015625e-07, "words": [{"start": 651.29, "end": 652.17, "word": "وبالتالي", "probability": 0.85087890625}, {"start": 652.17, "end": 653.05, "word": " its", "probability": 0.033050537109375}, {"start": 653.05, "end": 657.19, "word": " form", "probability": 0.64892578125}, {"start": 657.19, "end": 657.83, "word": " الميثيونين", "probability": 0.8157552083333334}, {"start": 657.83, "end": 658.43, "word": 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بتحول لميثيونين و الادنوزيل ميثيونين بيتحول بعد هي ل S-adenosyl-homocystein اللي بعد هي بتتحول لهموشستين مرة تانية", "tokens": [2655, 5016, 12610, 2423, 3224, 20498, 2407, 8592, 14851, 9957, 5296, 2304, 1829, 12984, 1829, 11536, 9957, 6055, 5016, 12610, 21136, 13546, 9957, 30731, 10874, 20292, 3794, 9957, 38637, 2304, 8978, 8272, 3714, 33599, 1829, 4032, 37377, 30252, 39896, 5551, 25513, 3615, 4032, 19913, 16373, 5172, 4032, 1211, 2407, 10874, 1829, 8315, 24976, 3794, 995, 4117, 1211, 27188, 7435, 1863, 10632, 11778, 1829, 8032, 20498, 2407, 8592, 14851, 9957, 39894, 5016, 12610, 32767, 1829, 12984, 1829, 11536, 9957, 4032, 2423, 18513, 1863, 2407, 11622, 26895, 3714, 1829, 12984, 1829, 11536, 9957, 4724, 36081, 5016, 12610, 39182, 39896, 5296, 318, 12, 14771, 329, 5088, 12, 71, 298, 31078, 2941, 259, 13672, 1829, 39182, 39896, 39894, 2655, 5016, 12610, 5296, 16095, 2407, 8592, 14851, 9957, 3714, 25720, 6055, 7649, 10632], "avg_logprob": -0.27785852713178294, "compression_ratio": 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نمطسه نمرة تلاتة أخدنا ال vitamin من الأكل و نمطسناه لكن في زيادة في الطلب عليه بكميات أكبر من ما يمطس", "tokens": [3555, 1829, 30544, 16247, 28820, 3714, 33753, 45865, 15844, 2423, 17163, 44381, 8978, 3224, 21098, 2071, 3714, 6027, 3660, 27557, 19446, 3615, 3555, 8717, 2304, 9566, 3794, 3224, 8717, 2304, 25720, 6055, 1211, 9307, 3660, 5551, 9778, 3215, 8315, 2423, 17163, 9154, 16247, 28820, 4032, 8717, 2304, 9566, 3794, 8315, 3224, 44381, 8978, 30767, 1829, 18513, 3660, 8978, 41950, 46152, 47356, 4724, 24793, 1829, 9307, 5551, 4117, 26890, 9154, 19446, 7251, 2304, 9566, 3794], "avg_logprob": -0.2281250027815501, "compression_ratio": 1.6228571428571428, "no_speech_prob": 1.7881393432617188e-07, "words": [{"start": 1246.96, "end": 1247.42, "word": "بيكون", "probability": 0.5782877604166666}, {"start": 1247.42, "end": 1247.86, "word": " الأكل", "probability": 0.858642578125}, {"start": 1247.86, "end": 1248.5, "word": " محتوي", "probability": 0.9580078125}, {"start": 1248.5, "end": 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3224, 4032, 41185, 44713, 3224, 15040, 4117, 3224, 24976, 17163, 37495, 22653, 19446, 41185, 8592, 44713, 17082, 1211, 6027, 10874, 25708, 24976, 17163], "avg_logprob": -0.17403846153846153, "compression_ratio": 1.6713286713286712, "no_speech_prob": 1.1920928955078125e-07, "words": [{"start": 1268.27, "end": 1268.65, "word": "مرة", "probability": 0.3507080078125}, {"start": 1268.65, "end": 1269.25, "word": " اربعة", "probability": 0.779296875}, {"start": 1269.25, "end": 1270.53, "word": " خدنا", "probability": 0.7991536458333334}, {"start": 1270.53, "end": 1270.63, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.8994140625}, {"start": 1270.63, "end": 1271.05, "word": " vitamin", "probability": 0.7587890625}, {"start": 1271.05, "end": 1272.75, "word": " وانتصنا", "probability": 0.72197265625}, {"start": 1272.75, "end": 1274.93, "word": " ودخل", "probability": 0.8651123046875}, {"start": 1274.93, "end": 1275.43, "word": " الجسم", "probability": 0.98193359375}, {"start": 1275.43, "end": 1276.19, "word": 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16758, 16712, 6027, 10632, 8717, 2304, 25720, 36764, 24401, 12174, 12610, 8315, 16472, 16247, 28820, 3714, 29245, 23328, 4724, 24793, 1829, 9307, 9122, 3555, 48923, 8978, 5551, 28820, 8315, 25124, 2288, 38436, 4032, 1863, 2304, 25720, 1975, 2655, 1863, 9957, 309, 311, 7226, 3738, 8351, 19446, 44945, 5172, 28543, 3224, 5551, 12984, 1863, 16606, 2423, 6361, 8717, 2304, 25720, 6055, 1211, 9307, 3660, 3714, 9778, 11622, 11536, 3660, 4724, 1829, 4117, 5172, 9957, 995, 30731, 8608, 1863, 2407, 9307, 412, 1935, 337, 1045, 924], "avg_logprob": -0.21385064039189935, "compression_ratio": 1.5964285714285715, "no_speech_prob": 2.0265579223632812e-06, "words": [{"start": 1287.37, "end": 1287.97, "word": "ونشوف", "probability": 0.600250244140625}, {"start": 1287.97, "end": 1288.19, "word": " هذه", "probability": 0.9130859375}, {"start": 1288.19, "end": 1288.73, "word": " الأسباب", "probability": 0.9817708333333334}, {"start": 1288.73, "end": 1289.31, "word": " نمرة", "probability": 0.571533203125}, 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على عكس ذات لسبب الاولان قالوا اسبابها ممكن تكون lack of intrinsic factor مفيش مفيش امتصاص صح طبعا اذا مافيش امتصاص قالوا اسباب كالقاتى lack of intrinsic factor which is important", "tokens": [2304, 33599, 7578, 39182, 19446, 8717, 30543, 5172, 1975, 9778, 3215, 13672, 7578, 31439, 2423, 17163, 46811, 10943, 995, 19446, 2423, 27557, 293, 341, 307, 2689, 4032, 9566, 3555, 3615, 995, 15844, 6225, 4117, 3794, 29910, 9307, 5296, 3794, 3555, 3555, 42963, 12610, 7649, 50239, 14407, 24525, 3555, 16758, 11296, 3714, 43020, 6055, 30544, 5011, 295, 35698, 5952, 3714, 41185, 8592, 3714, 41185, 8592, 1975, 2304, 2655, 9381, 33546, 20328, 5016, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 1975, 15730, 19446, 41185, 8592, 1975, 2304, 2655, 9381, 33546, 50239, 14407, 24525, 3555, 16758, 9122, 6027, 4587, 9307, 7578, 5011, 295, 35698, 5952, 597, 307, 1021], "avg_logprob": -0.24195994856288133, "compression_ratio": 1.76, "no_speech_prob": 2.384185791015625e-07, "words": [{"start": 1311.76, "end": 1312.38, "word": "ماشى", 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cell صار atrophy لل parietal cell وبالتالي صار في a-chlorohydra يعني مافي تصنيع لل hydrochloric acid ومافي تصنيع لل intrinsic factor", "tokens": [2407, 9566, 3555, 3615, 995, 11933, 15730, 25961, 11296, 3714, 29245, 23328, 3660, 39894, 9381, 1863, 3615, 8258, 37037, 2407, 2423, 15435, 339, 6746, 299, 8258, 4032, 3555, 2655, 9381, 1863, 3615, 2423, 35698, 5952, 3714, 33599, 1829, 44381, 8978, 2423, 2181, 1684, 304, 2815, 19446, 41185, 8592, 971, 1684, 304, 2815, 20328, 9640, 412, 40826, 24976, 971, 1684, 304, 2815, 46599, 6027, 2655, 6027, 1829, 20328, 9640, 8978, 257, 12, 339, 6746, 1445, 6655, 424, 37495, 22653, 19446, 41185, 6055, 9381, 22653, 3615, 24976, 15435, 339, 6746, 299, 8258, 4032, 15042, 41185, 6055, 9381, 22653, 3615, 24976, 35698, 5952], "avg_logprob": -0.2631497560161175, "compression_ratio": 1.8316326530612246, "no_speech_prob": 1.6689300537109375e-06, "words": [{"start": 1657.82, "end": 1658.44, "word": "وطبعا", "probability": 0.736328125}, {"start": 1658.44, "end": 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