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3555, 9307, 39894, 17082, 9566, 1829, 28242, 16247, 2304, 3615, 995, 4587, 4032, 20666, 8848, 9307, 2423, 14709, 40175, 13672, 7578, 8978, 11296, 2423, 32264, 4032, 2423, 15526, 2029, 8255, 4032, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 23758, 4724, 1829, 10721, 3215, 7578, 30731, 16490, 1211, 1211, 8978, 1975, 2304, 2655, 9381, 33546, 28242, 2423, 32694, 4032, 9154, 48812, 27842, 11296, 2423, 17163, 363, 4762], "avg_logprob": -0.2932942844927311, "compression_ratio": 1.5413223140495869, "no_speech_prob": 1.1920928955078125e-07, "words": [{"start": 126.44, "end": 126.88, "word": "السبب", "probability": 0.7020670572916666}, {"start": 126.88, "end": 127.32, "word": " الرابع", "probability": 0.9677734375}, {"start": 127.32, "end": 127.62, "word": " هو", "probability": 0.9228515625}, {"start": 127.62, "end": 127.88, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.34375}, {"start": 127.88, "end": 128.14, "word": " cross", "probability": 0.2001953125}, {"start": 128.14, "end": 129.6, "word": " disease", "probability": 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29245, 23328, 3660, 8978, 2423, 42446, 4032, 1975, 8592, 3224, 2288, 6055, 29399, 9957, 4724, 1829, 14851, 3224, 23275, 14407, 2423, 17163, 363, 4762, 8032, 2304, 2423, 10460, 3495, 75, 404, 302, 13015, 2423, 9307, 2304, 4032, 28239, 4117, 35473, 2288, 1975, 2304, 16572, 41361, 995], "avg_logprob": -0.29178371322288943, "compression_ratio": 1.4636363636363636, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 156.33, "end": 156.79, "word": "سبب", "probability": 0.843994140625}, {"start": 156.79, "end": 157.31, "word": " خامس", "probability": 0.9392903645833334}, {"start": 157.31, "end": 158.15, "word": " هو", "probability": 0.90478515625}, {"start": 158.15, "end": 158.51, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.4384765625}, {"start": 158.51, "end": 159.33, "word": " infestation", "probability": 0.6856892903645834}, {"start": 159.33, "end": 159.55, "word": " of", "probability": 0.94189453125}, {"start": 159.55, "end": 159.73, "word": " the", "probability": 0.64013671875}, {"start": 159.73, "end": 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هيك اسناء منها ال anticonvulsant ومثال عليها ال phenytoin او antimicrobial زي ال neomycin", "tokens": [35457, 3555, 16712, 6027, 2655, 8978, 9673, 6027, 27557, 31439, 4110, 33991, 4032, 4587, 1211, 8315, 16472, 3224, 7251, 3215, 9778, 1211, 2423, 4110, 7251, 25957, 1211, 20406, 849, 1975, 2407, 42025, 24976, 363, 4762, 27557, 8032, 2304, 1975, 4117, 49115, 2423, 7766, 13672, 1829, 3714, 43020, 6055, 25957, 1211, 39896, 4117, 24525, 8315, 38207, 9154, 11296, 2423, 2511, 11911, 85, 9468, 394, 4032, 2304, 12984, 6027, 25894, 11296, 2423, 7279, 88, 1353, 259, 1975, 2407, 46141, 299, 16614, 831, 30767, 1829, 2423, 408, 8488, 20021], "avg_logprob": -0.26418820811414173, "compression_ratio": 1.518348623853211, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539063e-08, "words": [{"start": 182.03, "end": 182.53, "word": "سبب", "probability": 0.8466796875}, {"start": 182.53, "end": 183.21, "word": " التالت", "probability": 0.8723958333333334}, {"start": 183.21, "end": 183.67, "word": " في", "probability": 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فيه congenital deficiency في الناقل اللي هو ال physiological active transport Transporter اللي هو Transcobalamine 2 هذا بيؤدي الى vitamin B12 deficiency", "tokens": [3555, 2655, 2655, 10721, 49115, 13672, 1829, 31439, 1830, 16120, 1975, 34740, 8608, 3555, 3555, 8978, 17163, 363, 4762, 31439, 13672, 1829, 31439, 7763, 281, 5495, 264, 17163, 4032, 1829, 7435, 3215, 14407, 16472, 25961, 5892, 16472, 3224, 8978, 3224, 416, 1766, 1686, 37500, 8978, 28239, 995, 4587, 1211, 13672, 1829, 31439, 2423, 41234, 4967, 5495, 6531, 37356, 13672, 1829, 31439, 6531, 66, 996, 304, 18929, 568, 23758, 4724, 1829, 33604, 16254, 2423, 7578, 17163, 363, 4762, 37500], "avg_logprob": -0.4024920742723006, "compression_ratio": 1.644859813084112, "no_speech_prob": 2.384185791015625e-07, "words": [{"start": 239.66, "end": 240.66, "word": "بتتأثر", "probability": 0.753369140625}, {"start": 240.66, "end": 241.66, "word": " اللي", "probability": 0.34747314453125}, {"start": 241.66, "end": 242.16, "word": " هو", 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3555, 4117, 23557, 4724, 1829, 27842, 3615, 49610, 23328, 2423, 48185, 4344, 8608, 3555, 3555, 1975, 9778, 13546, 7763, 281, 19110, 1125, 264, 17163, 363, 4762, 16070, 43761, 1975, 9778, 3215, 8315, 2423, 17163, 44381, 19446, 41185, 9122, 2407, 9957, 11622, 995, 32640, 13672, 1829, 31439, 7251, 3794, 995, 22488, 1975, 9778, 31371], "avg_logprob": -0.2803622192957185, "compression_ratio": 1.5395348837209302, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539063e-08, "words": [{"start": 270.62, "end": 271.06, "word": "طبعا", "probability": 0.86065673828125}, {"start": 271.06, "end": 271.58, "word": " ممكن", "probability": 0.73388671875}, {"start": 271.58, "end": 273.4, "word": " احنا", "probability": 0.759033203125}, {"start": 273.4, "end": 274.02, "word": " اهد", "probability": 0.82177734375}, {"start": 274.02, "end": 274.5, "word": " الحالة", "probability": 0.8544921875}, {"start": 274.5, "end": 274.84, "word": " يصير", "probability": 0.79541015625}, {"start": 274.84, "end": 275.46, "word": " مصحوبة", 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995, 8978, 23758, 21542, 6027, 3660, 4724, 1829, 33604, 16254, 30731, 30767, 1829, 18513, 3660, 8978, 2423, 48441, 5579, 11630, 8258, 4032, 2423, 3655, 31078, 2941, 533, 8978, 2423, 27638, 5296, 28814, 1863, 3224, 19446, 9381, 9640, 8978, 3224, 46740, 2304, 33599, 1975, 2304, 2655, 9381, 33546], "avg_logprob": -0.2730368444552788, "compression_ratio": 1.4639175257731958, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 298.45, "end": 299.15, "word": "مافي", "probability": 0.700439453125}, {"start": 299.15, "end": 300.73, "word": " استهلاك", "probability": 0.9310302734375}, {"start": 300.73, "end": 300.97, "word": " لل", "probability": 0.8125}, {"start": 300.97, "end": 301.39, "word": " vitamin", "probability": 0.22607421875}, {"start": 301.39, "end": 302.85, "word": " وبالتالي", "probability": 0.839306640625}, {"start": 302.85, "end": 304.25, "word": " مابنحول", "probability": 0.755322265625}, {"start": 304.25, "end": 305.37, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.93505859375}, {"start": 305.37, 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17163, 49610, 3215, 14407, 16472, 2423, 34178, 377, 17151, 10900, 21189, 28421, 4724, 1829, 25957, 1211, 294, 23397, 399, 24976, 17163, 363, 4762, 9122, 2407, 7649, 11622, 995, 32640], "avg_logprob": -0.2428252520609875, "compression_ratio": 1.5921052631578947, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 326.23, "end": 326.83, "word": "غالبا", "probability": 0.9140625}, {"start": 326.83, "end": 327.29, "word": " المرضى", "probability": 0.7250162760416666}, {"start": 327.29, "end": 327.59, "word": " هذول", "probability": 0.7530924479166666}, {"start": 327.59, "end": 328.11, "word": " بيصيروا", "probability": 0.7302734375}, {"start": 328.11, "end": 328.45, "word": " mentally", "probability": 0.7119140625}, {"start": 328.45, "end": 329.21, "word": " retarded", "probability": 0.871337890625}, {"start": 329.21, "end": 329.99, "word": " و", "probability": 0.767578125}, {"start": 329.99, "end": 330.73, "word": " بيكونوا", "probability": 0.8768310546875}, {"start": 330.73, "end": 333.81, 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3339, 473, 39894, 2407, 36520, 16490, 2304, 38251, 10632, 4532, 1342, 37893, 3714, 10632, 16490, 2304, 38251, 10632, 4032, 20666, 8848, 9307, 8978, 2423, 2636, 10445, 3011], "avg_logprob": -0.3969072066631514, "compression_ratio": 1.6074380165289257, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 465.39, "end": 465.77, "word": "cross", "probability": 0.05609130859375}, {"start": 465.77, "end": 466.39, "word": " disease", "probability": 0.798828125}, {"start": 466.39, "end": 467.21, "word": " حكيناها", "probability": 0.7096435546875}, {"start": 467.21, "end": 467.37, "word": " قبل", "probability": 0.878662109375}, {"start": 467.37, "end": 467.77, "word": " هيك", "probability": 0.600341796875}, {"start": 467.77, "end": 468.25, "word": " برضه", "probability": 0.7145182291666666}, {"start": 468.25, "end": 469.39, "word": " جينراليزي", "probability": 0.47422572544642855}, {"start": 469.39, "end": 469.43, "word": " مع", "probability": 0.42138671875}, {"start": 469.43, "end": 470.05, "word": " 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7435, 32771, 6027, 3555, 995, 8978, 3714, 7435, 6027, 3224, 5900, 2962, 293, 4973, 42073, 399, 3714, 33599, 1829, 39896, 39627, 1829, 4117, 44945, 30544, 11331, 995, 4117, 9957, 18871, 1293, 17163, 363, 4762, 4032, 5172, 12610, 1829, 4117, 5551, 3794, 3215], "avg_logprob": -0.4509698175664606, "compression_ratio": 1.604, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539063e-08, "words": [{"start": 631.7, "end": 632.3, "word": "A", "probability": 0.07196044921875}, {"start": 632.3, "end": 632.58, "word": " rare", "probability": 0.90576171875}, {"start": 632.58, "end": 633.06, "word": " enzyme", "probability": 0.90234375}, {"start": 633.06, "end": 633.82, "word": " deficiency", "probability": 0.85888671875}, {"start": 633.82, "end": 634.26, "word": " يقول", "probability": 0.22833251953125}, {"start": 634.26, "end": 634.44, "word": " ان", "probability": 0.425537109375}, {"start": 634.44, "end": 635.08, "word": " هناك", "probability": 0.671630859375}, {"start": 635.08, "end": 635.4, "word": " عدد", 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28242, 3714, 19913, 40294, 2288, 16247, 22653, 2304, 25528, 18863, 10943, 3660, 12772, 2099, 1287, 295, 6045, 31871, 488, 1917, 7763, 4032, 41185, 45030, 11242, 21542, 6027, 9307, 4724, 1829, 5016, 36520, 8978, 4470, 295, 23996, 3364, 4470, 293, 17898, 340, 686, 377, 2071, 18071, 2676], "avg_logprob": -0.22854873550645374, "compression_ratio": 1.6727941176470589, "no_speech_prob": 7.748603820800781e-07, "words": [{"start": 659.12, "end": 659.58, "word": "في", "probability": 0.18994140625}, {"start": 659.58, "end": 661.14, "word": " علاقتهم", "probability": 0.80810546875}, {"start": 661.14, "end": 661.64, "word": " بالميجالو", "probability": 0.807373046875}, {"start": 661.64, "end": 662.02, "word": " بلاستيك", "probability": 0.88271484375}, {"start": 662.02, "end": 662.48, "word": " أنيميا", "probability": 0.7467447916666666}, {"start": 662.48, "end": 663.28, "word": " الآن", "probability": 0.56671142578125}, {"start": 663.28, "end": 663.62, "word": " خلّيني", "probability": 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9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513, 2288, 3714, 9381, 18513], "avg_logprob": -0.13374999788072375, "compression_ratio": 10.775862068965518, 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بزيد تركيزه كمان بيصير فيه زيادة في ال LDH لإنه فيه تكسير للcell membrane و ال lysozyme وهذه بالتالي من ال chemical manifestation متمثلة بهذه الأوامر", "tokens": [3224, 8315, 4724, 1829, 9381, 13546, 8978, 3224, 30767, 1829, 18513, 3660, 5296, 28814, 1863, 3224, 8978, 3224, 6055, 4117, 3794, 13546, 30767, 995, 25708, 8978, 33962, 15040, 25528, 32748, 2304, 21542, 29973, 16606, 1975, 2407, 2423, 41736, 284, 295, 497, 7869, 82, 6156, 21292, 9381, 13546, 8978, 3224, 35847, 42068, 770, 8588, 347, 836, 259, 4724, 11622, 25708, 6055, 31747, 1829, 11622, 3224, 9122, 2304, 7649, 4724, 1829, 9381, 13546, 8978, 3224, 30767, 1829, 18513, 3660, 8978, 2423, 33936, 39, 5296, 28814, 1863, 3224, 8978, 3224, 6055, 4117, 3794, 13546, 24976, 4164, 19651, 4032, 2423, 17293, 539, 1229, 1398, 37037, 24192, 20666, 2655, 6027, 1829, 9154, 2423, 7313, 29550, 44650, 2304, 12984, 37977, 39627, 24192, 16247, 2407, 10943, 2288], "avg_logprob": -0.2271436019377275, "compression_ratio": 1.6706827309236947, 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karyocyte جاله برضه بيصير فيه megaloplastic megakaryocyte وهذه طبعا مشكلة لإنه أصلا megakaryocyte كبيرة خلية كبيرة", "tokens": [1829, 3555, 4587, 7578, 2423, 39184, 385, 9800, 404, 15459, 299, 32665, 404, 78, 530, 271, 37495, 22653, 13672, 1829, 4117, 2407, 3794, 995, 36081, 39894, 2655, 10721, 49115, 4724, 8592, 17082, 1211, 2655, 9957, 13672, 1829, 8978, 29739, 20498, 3555, 23557, 31439, 4724, 1829, 9381, 13546, 8978, 3224, 7410, 1131, 335, 347, 31078, 975, 4032, 41185, 2423, 26890, 5172, 2288, 6027, 3555, 15040, 3215, 4724, 1829, 9381, 13546, 8978, 3224, 9848, 405, 10433, 292, 7989, 11741, 388, 23032, 1829, 3555, 19446, 11242, 1211, 8592, 42963, 8717, 5016, 4117, 1829, 15844, 2423, 17986, 350, 822, 31078, 975, 10874, 6027, 3224, 4724, 43042, 3224, 4724, 1829, 9381, 13546, 8978, 3224, 385, 9800, 404, 15459, 299, 10816, 514, 822, 31078, 975, 37037, 24192, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 37893, 28820, 3660, 5296, 28814, 1863, 3224, 5551, 9381, 15040, 10816, 514, 822, 31078, 975, 9122, 3555, 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27188, 12610, 1829, 4117, 8258, 37500, 44381, 44945, 29973, 14407, 1139, 498, 3082, 294, 6385, 37495, 22653, 11933, 15730, 25961, 13412, 4117, 1829, 8315, 8978], "avg_logprob": -0.3784722362955411, "compression_ratio": 1.3919597989949748, "no_speech_prob": 2.384185791015625e-07, "words": [{"start": 1097.8400000000001, "end": 1098.64, "word": "بنفحص", "probability": 0.65068359375}, {"start": 1098.64, "end": 1098.76, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.67919921875}, {"start": 1098.76, "end": 1099.22, "word": " B12", "probability": 0.6287841796875}, {"start": 1099.22, "end": 1099.34, "word": " و", "probability": 0.12347412109375}, {"start": 1099.34, "end": 1099.9, "word": " الفوليك", "probability": 0.78485107421875}, {"start": 1099.9, "end": 1100.56, "word": " اي", "probability": 0.54150390625}, {"start": 1100.56, "end": 1100.94, "word": " كيميسي", "probability": 0.76474609375}, {"start": 1100.94, "end": 1101.22, "word": " chemical", "probability": 0.3740234375}, {"start": 1101.22, "end": 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9673, 16572, 11242, 37495, 22653, 44945, 3215, 13063, 15844, 2423, 8797, 53, 23032, 3555, 3615, 995, 8978, 8636, 45841, 13496, 4032, 41193, 1829, 37495, 22653, 8978, 364, 14058, 44945, 3215, 13063, 15844, 2423, 8797, 53, 4032, 44945, 8592, 38688, 11933, 15730, 2423, 8797, 53, 6225, 6027, 10632], "avg_logprob": -0.19694368754114425, "compression_ratio": 1.592920353982301, "no_speech_prob": 1.8477439880371094e-06, "words": [{"start": 1126.89, "end": 1127.27, "word": "في", "probability": 0.50390625}, {"start": 1127.27, "end": 1128.13, "word": " فحص", "probability": 0.9129231770833334}, {"start": 1128.13, "end": 1128.27, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.5712890625}, {"start": 1128.27, "end": 1128.41, "word": " bone", "probability": 0.0946044921875}, {"start": 1128.41, "end": 1128.75, "word": " marrow", "probability": 0.9736328125}, {"start": 1128.75, "end": 1130.09, "word": " ف", "probability": 0.8134765625}, {"start": 1130.09, "end": 1131.83, "word": " you", "probability": 0.307861328125}, 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4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032, 9566, 10632, 4032], "avg_logprob": -0.15319444232516818, "compression_ratio": 4.554838709677419, "no_speech_prob": 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4117, 7649, 32640, 25528, 2423, 2407, 11242, 3615, 3714, 43500, 3555, 9566, 20666, 2304, 1829, 7435, 6027, 2407, 4724, 15040, 14851, 1829, 41361, 32640, 25528, 2423, 2407, 11242, 3615, 3714, 43500, 3555, 9566, 20666, 2304, 1829, 7435, 6027, 2407, 4724, 15040, 14851, 1829, 41361, 32640, 25528, 2423, 2407, 11242, 3615, 3714, 43500, 3555, 9566, 20666, 2304, 1829, 7435, 6027, 2407, 4724, 15040, 14851, 1829, 41361, 32640, 25528, 2423, 2407, 11242, 3615, 3714, 43500, 3555, 9566, 20666, 2304, 1829, 7435, 6027, 2407, 4724, 15040, 14851, 1829, 41361, 32640, 25528, 2423, 2407, 11242, 3615, 3714, 43500, 3555, 9566, 20666, 2304, 1829, 7435, 6027, 2407, 4724, 15040, 14851, 1829, 41361, 32640, 25528, 2423, 2407, 11242, 3615, 3714, 43500, 3555, 9566, 20666, 2304, 1829, 7435, 6027, 2407, 4724, 15040, 14851, 1829, 41361, 32640, 25528, 2423, 2407, 11242, 3615, 3714, 43500, 3555, 9566, 20666, 2304, 1829, 7435, 6027, 2407, 4724, 15040, 14851, 1829, 41361, 32640, 25528, 2423, 2407, 11242, 3615, 3714, 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3660, 294, 4615, 293, 16356, 12174, 2407, 3660, 44945, 2304, 2655, 9381, 11296, 8978, 25724, 1863, 3660, 2423, 363, 4762, 3714, 29245, 23328, 294, 5496, 4009], "avg_logprob": -0.30543154797383715, "compression_ratio": 1.4352331606217616, "no_speech_prob": 1.7881393432617188e-07, "words": [{"start": 1374.5, "end": 1374.9, "word": "من", "probability": 0.68798828125}, {"start": 1374.9, "end": 1375.34, "word": " ال", "probability": 0.67578125}, {"start": 1375.34, "end": 1375.64, "word": " pholic", "probability": 0.3953857421875}, {"start": 1375.64, "end": 1376.06, "word": " acid", "probability": 0.93408203125}, {"start": 1376.06, "end": 1376.22, "word": " و", "probability": 0.8154296875}, {"start": 1376.22, "end": 1376.5, "word": " حوالى", "probability": 0.8187255859375}, {"start": 1376.5, "end": 1376.7, "word": " تلت", "probability": 0.9344075520833334}, {"start": 1376.7, "end": 1377.04, "word": " سنية", "probability": 0.7443033854166666}, {"start": 1377.04, "end": 1377.38, "word": " 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364, 14058, 28242, 13672, 1829, 4724, 1829, 25957, 1211, 11536, 3224, 436, 820, 3067, 538, 19338, 363, 4762, 14419, 11778, 33911, 1829, 8592, 7649, 3794, 1829, 363, 4762, 293, 3339, 299, 8258], "avg_logprob": -0.5312500145377183, "compression_ratio": 1.3744075829383886, "no_speech_prob": 0.0, "words": [{"start": 1433.4099999999999, "end": 1434.37, "word": "والمحصة", "probability": 0.529296875}, {"start": 1434.37, "end": 1434.85, "word": " لأي", "probability": 0.5406901041666666}, {"start": 1434.85, "end": 1435.15, "word": " كلورا", "probability": 0.57781982421875}, {"start": 1435.15, "end": 1435.49, "word": " هايدرا", "probability": 0.68902587890625}, {"start": 1435.49, "end": 1436.33, "word": " وانتنازينج", "probability": 0.38307407924107145}, {"start": 1436.33, "end": 1436.67, "word": " فايتر", "probability": 0.55255126953125}, {"start": 1436.67, "end": 1437.61, "word": " ديفيشانسي", "probability": 0.7090018136160714}, {"start": 1437.61, "end": 1439.07, "word": " low", "probability": 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3215, 9122, 2304, 7649, 2423, 1577, 1649, 3714, 43020, 7251, 9381, 13546, 14136, 7251, 2655, 47283, 3215, 19338, 7251, 7435, 11622, 16254, 44381, 2423, 17163, 272, 4762, 5296, 31377, 2304, 18871, 23032, 16572, 4587, 25062, 26890, 44381, 1090, 14041, 19338, 9492, 611, 589, 337, 8986, 2912, 1130, 364, 14058], "avg_logprob": -0.3556034558120815, "compression_ratio": 1.4220183486238531, "no_speech_prob": 2.980232238769531e-07, "words": [{"start": 1461.98, "end": 1462.56, "word": "ممكن", "probability": 0.797607421875}, {"start": 1462.56, "end": 1464.08, "word": " نشخصهم", "probability": 0.810546875}, {"start": 1464.08, "end": 1464.74, "word": " بقياس", "probability": 0.9300537109375}, {"start": 1464.74, "end": 1465.56, "word": " الهوموسيستين", "probability": 0.7927420479910714}, {"start": 1465.56, "end": 1466.48, "word": " والميثيونين", "probability": 0.8436802455357143}, {"start": 1466.48, "end": 1466.62, "word": " او", "probability": 0.75146484375}, {"start": 1466.62, "end": 1466.9, 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وتتحول وبالتالي تزيد في الجسم شوية شوية عشان اذا فعصناها نلاقيها عالية increase dietary folate intake in a population lower its average level of serum homocysteine", "tokens": [2655, 29399, 7435, 34683, 2655, 5016, 12610, 46599, 6027, 2655, 6027, 1829, 6055, 11622, 25708, 8978, 25724, 38251, 13412, 2407, 10632, 13412, 2407, 10632, 6225, 8592, 7649, 1975, 15730, 6156, 3615, 9381, 8315, 11296, 8717, 15040, 38436, 11296, 6225, 6027, 10632, 3488, 37421, 3339, 473, 18060, 294, 257, 4415, 3126, 1080, 4274, 1496, 295, 32755, 3655, 31078, 2941, 533], "avg_logprob": -0.36458332737286886, "compression_ratio": 1.3508771929824561, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539063e-08, "words": [{"start": 1522.28, "end": 1523.36, "word": "تنتج", "probability": 0.7562662760416666}, {"start": 1523.36, "end": 1532.38, "word": " وتتحول", "probability": 0.704559326171875}, {"start": 1532.38, "end": 1532.94, "word": " وبالتالي", "probability": 0.8017578125}, {"start": 1532.94, "end": 1533.46, "word": " تزيد", 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29245, 23328, 8978, 28242, 16247, 28820, 49374, 15042, 2423, 17163, 39894, 4587, 1211, 6156, 47432, 8978, 9673, 9381, 18513, 2288, 21542, 1829, 2407, 7649, 10632, 16712, 1863, 9957, 436, 366, 1281, 24807, 638, 23758, 4724, 32640, 2655, 9381, 27188, 12610, 4117, 5551, 3794, 3215, 8978, 32748, 3215, 1863, 3660, 3714, 3224, 28259, 4117, 8978, 2423, 40175], "avg_logprob": -0.25703829419505486, "compression_ratio": 1.8652173913043477, "no_speech_prob": 1.8477439880371094e-06, "words": [{"start": 1587.06, "end": 1587.32, "word": "زي", "probability": 0.323455810546875}, {"start": 1587.32, "end": 1587.4, "word": " ما", "probability": 0.90673828125}, {"start": 1587.4, "end": 1587.6, "word": " انتوا", "probability": 0.8727213541666666}, {"start": 1587.6, "end": 1588.12, "word": " شايفين", "probability": 0.96044921875}, {"start": 1588.12, "end": 1588.94, "word": " في", "probability": 0.7177734375}, {"start": 1588.94, "end": 1589.46, "word": " حالة", "probability": 0.9908854166666666}, {"start": 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الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف الانتصاف", "tokens": [9566, 16572, 28671, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 6156, 12610, 4117, 5551, 3794, 3215, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845, 2423, 7649, 2655, 9381, 31845], "avg_logprob": -0.07527777989705403, "compression_ratio": 12.616666666666667, "no_speech_prob": 5.960464477539063e-08, "words": [{"start": 1615.76, "end": 1616.32, "word": "طريقة", "probability": 0.9171549479166666}, {"start": 1616.32, "end": 1617.08, "word": " الانتصاف", "probability": 0.81943359375}, {"start": 1617.08, "end": 1618.3, 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