diff --git "a/arg_quality_rank_30k_examples_sample.csv" "b/arg_quality_rank_30k_examples_sample.csv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/arg_quality_rank_30k_examples_sample.csv" @@ -0,0 +1,501 @@ +argument,topic,example +"the blockade should not be ended because the people of israel have every right to determine what goods, service, and people enter the territory.",Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended,"blockade of the gaza strip should be ended because the conflicts need to be finished, a resolution should be found and people should be able to get back on track with life" +the church of scientology gets people in and gets them to tell them their darkest secrets for blackmail and the use of literal slaves.,We should ban the Church of Scientology,"the church of scientology is a cult that takes people's money, brainwashes them, and harrasses anyone who tries to leave and should be banned." +home schooled children have high test scores.,Homeschooling should be banned,homeschooling is best for children where the schools in the area are not conducive to learning +these parades should be banned because we don't have them for other cultures,We should cancel pride parades,pride parades should be allowed to continue as it allows people to celebrate diversity among human beings. +it would enable policeman to catch more criminals and keep the streets safe,Entrapment should be legalized,entrapment should be legalized because sometimes this tactic is the only way to apprehend repeat offenders. +"executive compensation rewards the rich, whilst the ordinary workers are paid a minimum wage. it simply serves to increase the divide between rich and poor.",We should limit executive compensation,executive compensation is abuse of unregulated capitalism and concentrates wealth into a very small number of people. +Telemarketing is a niusance and people suffer much because of it. It is our right to stop it.,We should ban telemarketing,telemarketing takes advantage of people who are not always capable of making reasoned choices and their selling cannot be properly regulated due tot he private nature of their business. +naturopathy is needed for those whose religions are against the use of drugs as medicine,We should ban naturopathy,Naturopathy competes with the tried and tested science of the medical establishment and allowing people to be lured in with false promises of healing is unfair and morally unjustifiable. +homeschooling provides an opportunity to tailer the curriculum to the particular childs learning style. this may be particularly advantageous when individual learning needs require special consideration.,Homeschooling should be banned,homeschooling is best for children where the schools in the area are not conducive to learning +"people that have been discriminated against should be helped to escape from those situations and affirmative action helps them to do that, so it should continue.",We should end affirmative action,affirmative action corrects for generations of wrong-doing and should not be discarded. +the government only spend the necessary amount and any cuts will mean a cut in services.,We should adopt an austerity regime,austerity only leads to economic contraction that endangers the chance of reducing the debt. +we should abolish the olympic games as it is an elitist competition with participants often being accused of using performance enhancing drugs.,We should abolish the Olympic Games,we should abolish the olympic games as it is an overly huge expense to the country hosting. +public defenders have too many cases to properly represent defendants,The use of public defenders should be mandatory,having a system where public defenders are mandatory would make it fairer because all defendants would have the same level of defense +ban telemarketers so they stop calling at all times of day and bothering us,We should ban telemarketing,banning telemarketing puts an unfair limit on a business's ability to find customers. +flag burning is an act of treason against the values of the united states.,We should prohibit flag burning,flag burning is an expression of freedom of speech to which people have a right in a democratic country +safe spaces allow a forum for the oppressed to speak freely and find others that have suffered the same,We should abolish safe spaces,"safe spaces are vital to many, especially on campuses where the students that feel excluded or discriminated against have a safe haven to enable them to feel comfortable in continuing their education" +we should not do this because other countries like china already did and it caused an epidemic where there is a huge imbalance of males to females which disrupts the population,We should legalize sex selection,legalizing sex selection is a good option for people looking to have a specific sex of child. +The institution of marriage has deteriorated over the last century and has little value aside from legal benefits. It should be cast aside.,We should abandon marriage,we shouldn't abandon marriage because it is still sacred for many and shows an act of love +vocational education is just as important as college education and should be funded just as well.,We should subsidize vocational education,we need to support vocational education because it may be the only chance people that live in poverty can get through education and manage to make a good job from themselves. +Affirmative action keeps companies from rejecting job applicants based on their skin color.,We should end affirmative action,affirmative action helps to combat bias in hiring practices +"We should not ban missionary work because missionaries sometimes build homes and schools, reducing the burden on local governments.",We should ban missionary work,missionary work should be banned as it can be abused and vulnerable people can be taken advantage of +"rules and laws are not restrictive enough as the levels of most crimes are rising and, so, we need a crackdown to stop the rise and this needs government intervention",We should adopt libertarianism,"Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few." +for it may encourage more of those on low income to apply to study at university.,We should subsidize student loans,student loans is a help for those who do not have resources +IQ tests measure only a few types of cognitive abilities and do not account for the vast array of intelligence types,Intelligence tests bring more harm than good,IQ tests can help diagnose learning disorders like ADHD and autism . +missionary work can provide assistance to people who need it.,We should ban missionary work,"missionary work can provide much needed resources to impoverished regions who would otherwise get no help, thus saving lives of vulnerable groups." +The use of public defenders should not be mandatory because the public defender system is already overburdened and could not adequately meet the increased demand.,The use of public defenders should be mandatory,having a system where public defenders are mandatory would make it fairer because all defendants would have the same level of defense +missionaries try to force their religion or ideas on people that are already happy the way they are.,We should ban missionary work,"Missionary work can sometimes do more harm than good - for example, if religious missionaries discourage the use of condoms in a place where HIV is the main cause of death." +religion can be an important part of a school identity. sharing a faith can be used to build camaraderie between students.,We should prohibit school prayer,school prayer usually supports a specific religion. this discriminates against non-believers or members of different religions. +banning whaling would take away a tradition from some cultures they've had for hundreds of years.,We should ban whaling,Whaling can lead to over-fishing and the decimation of whale communities. +we cannot abolish intellectual property rights because artists and scientists need to have their ideas and innovations protected so that they can earn a living in their fields,We should abolish intellectual property rights,intellectual property rights should not be abolished as they provide security and protection to inventors to stop their hard work and financial investment being stolen and losing their just rewards +we should ban any kind of violence acts and targeted killing among them,We should ban targeted killing,targeted killing should be banned because it denies the victim the right to a fair trial by jury. +school uniforms shouldn't be used anymore because they can be expensive for some parents,We should abandon the use of school uniform,school uniforms can be costly and difficult for some families to afford. +"Nuclear weapons already exist, and cannot fully be destroyed.",We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons,nuclear weapons are destructive and unnecessary +"we should ban the church of scientology because they trap and threaten the members, and scares them into leaving.",We should ban the Church of Scientology,we should ban the church of scientology as many ex-members report manipulation and bullying and it has been reported to be a cult which has seperated families. +flag burning is simply a form of protesting that isn't harming anyone directly.,We should prohibit flag burning,flag burning is an expression of freedom of speech to which people have a right in a democratic country +"one thinghs schoold should teach kids is the bneed to obey rules, therefore zero-tolerance is justified.",We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools,a zero-tolerance policy for schools makes the most sense as it deters the behaviors we are wanting to avoid +pride parades sometimes bring out hate and crazy people.,We should cancel pride parades,"pride parades are often focal points for civil unrest and protest of extremist groups, and thousands of police hours are occupied by them." +"foster care provides children with a family, albeit usually for the short term.",Foster care brings more harm than good,foster care gets kids out of dangerous situations and into the homes of people who can better care for them. +"uniforms are a great way of creating equality between pupils, since all students are wearing the same clothes. it enables standards of dress to be easily maintained.",We should abandon the use of school uniform,uniforms remove some types of peer pressure surrounding students' appearance. +"surrogacy can cause problems for the person carrying the baby. she may not want to give it up court cases may ensue. also, when the child gets older, it may want to be reunited with its birth mother.",Surrogacy should be banned,surrogacy creates a host of complicated issues around parental rights. +public defenders are waste of money and should be rigged off as pointless in every means.,The use of public defenders should be mandatory,public defenders should be mandatory because they can provide free legal representation to those who are accused +People should be able to ask for help in ending their own life if they are living with an incurable disease.,Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence,assisted suicides can end the pain of those who are suffering from terminal illnesses. +the goal of cosmetic surgery is to improve and transform appearance,We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors,"sometimes a cosmetic procedure is necessary in cases of disfigurement, and when this is addressed early, the chances of recovery and normalised existence are maximised." +we should ban targeted killing because murder is not okay.,We should ban targeted killing,targeted killing should be banned because it denies the victim the right to a fair trial by jury. +Mandatory retirement affirms problematic stereotypes about the competency of older people which prevents them from being taken seriously when they should be.,We should end mandatory retirement,"Mandatory retirement is discriminatory on the basis of age, which is an immutable characteristic much like gender or race in that one has no control over it." +prohibiting flag burning threatens freedom of speech.,We should prohibit flag burning,we should not prohibit flag burning because freedom of speech is one of the defining rights of the american citizens. +the demand for meat in this country is great and this will keep food costs down.,We should ban factory farming,we should ban factory farming because of the horrible conditions for these poor animals. +a multi party system allows for a larger group of qualified individuals,We should adopt a multi-party system,a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people +"we should ban the church of scientology for the simple reason that it is essentially a pyramid scheme. the advancements in the church have no end goal and lead to nowhere, which is a scam",We should ban the Church of Scientology,scientology should not be banned as people have the right to worship in whatever religion they wish and in a way they wish to. +naturopathy has not undergone testing and evaluation like medicine has,We should ban naturopathy,naturopathy isn't thoroughly tested by the fda and may pose significant health risks if not utilized properly +Men should have the right to stay home and raise their children without worrying about not being able to provide for them.,We should subsidize stay-at-home dads,we should subsidize stay at home dads because they can take care of the home and family just like a woman can. +the pride parades help the idea of all ethnic groups being respected by the society and spread awareness,We should cancel pride parades,pride parades enable people that are lgbtq to express themselves and come together in a safe environment. +adopting libertarianism would allow the economy to grow since all the rules and regulations holding back businesses and entrepreneurs would be removed,We should adopt libertarianism,"Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few." +mandatory representation by public defenders endures all defendents have a level playing field and that those with the most money are more likely to be acquitted when guilty,The use of public defenders should be mandatory,having a system where public defenders are mandatory would make it fairer because all defendants would have the same level of defense +"multi-party system has no negativity, which means people has larger selection to choose from.",We should adopt a multi-party system,a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people +if subsidies were put into place for vocational education then other areas of education would also want subsidies and this would cost the government far too much to implement.,We should subsidize vocational education,"vocational jobs play a vital role in society, but not as many students are pursuing these careers. subsidizing vocational education allows schools to still afford to offer these courses." +it is not fair to judge a person by his race or the color of their skin,We should end racial profiling,Racial profiling is unjust because it targets a characteristic which has no relation to criminality. +nuclear weapons should remain as the technology helps society in other ways,We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons,we should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons because is fundamental for world peace +It is unnatural for people to be celibate and particularly those who then go on to be involved in other people's marriages and children such as priests will have absolutely no idea of the subject matter.,The vow of celibacy should be abandoned,the vow of celibacy is important to some people and to some faiths; it should be a personal decision not something that is simply abandoned entirely. +putting the needs and benefits of the group over the individual is a good concept that we all could learn from. if only everyone was so unselfish to worry about others first we'd be in much better shape.,We should oppose collectivism,collectivism can cause people to ignore important problems if it doesn't apply to certain groups +wikipedia provides valuable information not only to the public but to educational institutions and so we should subsidize it to keep it going.,We should subsidize Wikipedia,wikipedia is a valuable resource used by many around the world. it is an important source of knowledge that should be subsidized to ensure it remains free for all to use. +foster care provides a stable living situation.,Foster care brings more harm than good,Foster care allows kids stuck in the system to experience life in a real house with a real family instead of in a communal group home. +banning whaling is moral and must be supported to save poor animals who suffer.,We should ban whaling,whaling should be banned because we are hunting the whale population to extinction. +"the blockade means the palestinian people have not been able to get goods and services and has led to poverty and famine, the blockade should be ended",Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended,The blockade hurts Palestinian civilians that have nothing to do with Hamas and violence against Israel. It is unjust to punish civilians for the actions of terrorists. +cosmetic surgery for minors is unnecessary and dangerous and normalises from a young age dangeous procedures.,We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors,"Cosmetic surgery is near permanent, minors cannot contextualize these changes due to their short life experience, and so are not mature enough to make sure life-changing decisions about their physical appearance." +denial of the holocaust can be viewed as an opinion and would infringe on one's own private thoughts and views.,Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence,Holocaust denial propagates negative Jewish stereotypes and encourages Anti-Semitism. It must be stopped. +The blockade of Gaza fuels Hamas recruitment because they can point to the poor conditions and blame Israel as a reason young people should join.,Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended,The blockade hurts Palestinian civilians that have nothing to do with Hamas and violence against Israel. It is unjust to punish civilians for the actions of terrorists. +"Targeted killing is state-sponsored murder; instead, enemy combatants should be arrested and brought to trial if possible.",We should ban targeted killing,targeted killing often results in the death of innocent citizens and is unnecessary when arrest and trial actually provide a better platform to ensure people answer to their crimes +blockades work and are a better option than dropping bombs,Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended,"The blockade is an alternative to conventional warfare and violence, decreasing the likelihood of violence against civilians." +who knows what the future holds in possible medical breakthroughs based on stem cell research. we need to keep funding this important research to see what discoveries can be made.,We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research,embryonic stem cell research has the potential to help cure some of the most devastating diseases +"Statistically, children who age out of foster care have incredibly bad outcomes, with increased rates of homelessness, joblessness, and mental illness. This shows the system doesn't work.",Foster care brings more harm than good,"Foster care offers little stability for children already suffering hardships, putting them at an even greater disadvantage and giving them less of a chance of a normal life." +it helps to lift up the marginalized and gives them access to opportunities they might not otherwise have.,We should end affirmative action,affirmative action is crucial to help correct for years of prejudice. +missionary work is a good idea because their are undeveloped areas that have not had an idol to base hopes and fears upon.,We should ban missionary work,"we should continue to support missionary work as they do so much good for underdeveloped countries by bring goods, medicine and skills to the people of these countries." +Assisted suicide should be a crime to prevent greedy individuals from killing their family member to get their money and property,Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence,assisted suicide should be a criminal offence because it would be very easy to murder a vulnerable relative in order to get an inheritance. +social media connects people with things in common,Social media brings more harm than good,social media unites people from all over the world and gives people the opportunity to learn more about people and places all over the planet. +people who need organs should be able to get them from anywhere.,We should legalize organ trade,we should legalize organ trade because it will lower the risk of selling on the black market and can help those in need +intelligence tests are a great way to identify gifted students or students at risk so that they can provide them with an education that is better for them,Intelligence tests bring more harm than good,"IQ tests allow teachers and parents to direct additional resources to children who need them the most, i.e., those with low IQ scores." +by abolishing the right to keep and bear arms we would reduce the amount of weapons in the hands of people and possible reduce violent crime.,We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms,we should abolish the right to keep and bear arms because it can help stop mass shootings +Nuclear weapons can accidentally lead to radiation disaster.,We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons,"Even one accident from a nuclear weapon going off unintentionally would cause massive damage, and this is damage that we should not accept the risk of as a society." +it does more good then harm. it can help catch criminals and or terrorists,We should end racial profiling,"figures show that certain crimes are perpetrated more by certain races, thus racial profiling is a helpful shortcut for law enforcement." +school prayer only happens in faith schools where the parents have chosen to send their children so consented to it,We should prohibit school prayer,school prayer usually supports a specific religion. this discriminates against non-believers or members of different religions. +wikipedia is a helpful source of information for research and educational purposes,We should subsidize Wikipedia,wikipedia is a valuable resource used by many around the world. it is an important source of knowledge that should be subsidized to ensure it remains free for all to use. +there is no discerning between a serious crime and a minor one,We should abolish the three-strikes laws,huge mandatory sentences for three minor offenses make neither economic or judicial sense. the huge cost of incarceration is unjustified. judicially the sentence should fit the crime and not be draconian. +fast foods are generally greasy and fattening. by banning them it would help control some of the obesity in the country.,We should ban fast food,fast food provides minimal nutrition and is addictive with no health benefits so should be banned to preserve the health of the population. +unfortunately the entrenched terrorists in the area need to be rooted out with tight restrictions.,Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended,the blockade should not be lifted while hamas is still a threat in the region +it is unnatural to keep animals locked up just to entertain humans,We should abolish zoos,"zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'." +"wikipedia has proven itself worthy of being subsidized as its maintained usefulness for many years now. in fact it's as useful, if not more so, than a regular dictionary is.",We should subsidize Wikipedia,wikipedia is a valuable resource used by many around the world. it is an important source of knowledge that should be subsidized to ensure it remains free for all to use. +too many people use this as an excuse to be anti-jewish.,Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence,Holocaust denial propagates negative Jewish stereotypes and encourages Anti-Semitism. It must be stopped. +We should not subsidize embryonic stem cell research as there are more than enough pharmaceutical companies out there who will inevitably profit from the research and they should pay for it.,We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research,"we should subsidize embryonic stem cell research because it is necessary for the betterment of the human race. we may find cures for aging, diseases, or create new stronger genes." +the church of scientology is a criminal association of people and should be banned,We should ban the Church of Scientology,"the church of scientology is a cult that takes people's money, brainwashes them, and harrasses anyone who tries to leave and should be banned." +it would ensure that the most qualified candidate gets the positions.,We should end affirmative action,"merit alone should be the deciding factor in whether a person is given a career opportunity, and affirmative action is a form of discrimination." +We should adopt a multi-party system as the current two party system does not fit the diverse society that it is supposed to represent.,We should adopt a multi-party system,we should adopt a multi-party system so that we have more viewpoints to solve problems. +we should legalize prostitution because that way more prostitutes will take care of themselves medically so they won't catch or spread diseases,We should legalize prostitution,prostitution should be legalized as it provides a service and reduces rape and sex crimes +sanctions can be a great tool to put pressure on a leader & the population may rise up in anger & demand the change desired & outcome desired,We should end the use of economic sanctions,economic sanctions can be very effective in bringing about social change +a multi-party system results in so many different platforms that there is no cohesion and nothing gets accomplished.,We should adopt a multi-party system,Multi-party systems are not efficient. The ruling coalition often has to negotiate with the minority parties in its coalition in order to pass legislation. +parentz have a right to make educational choices for their kids.,Homeschooling should be banned,parents should be allowed to choose their children's education +capital punishment is cruel and unusual,We should abolish capital punishment,capital punishment is inhumane and often an unfit punishment for the crime +"naturopathy is, at it's root, natural, which can only be healthy for us.",We should ban naturopathy,naturopathy is a scam that preys on vulnerable people. people end up paying a lot of money for something that does not work and does not improve their health. +wikipedia should be subsidized because it is a great place for cultural iconography to continue to be added to from many different people.,We should subsidize Wikipedia,wikipedia is a valuable resource used by many around the world. it is an important source of knowledge that should be subsidized to ensure it remains free for all to use. +"many people who are not capable to drive, would be able to commute easily with autonomous cars",We should stop the development of autonomous cars,autonomous cars could prevent traffic jams and accidents. +entrapment should be legalized some people need to feel the power of entrapment. this is always not the case but certain individuals require entrapment because of the way they live their lives.,Entrapment should be legalized,entrapment should be legalized because sometimes this tactic is the only way to apprehend repeat offenders. +respect for tradition is not a legitimate reason to restrict marriage rights,We should legalize polygamy,polygamy should not be legalized because it empowers men more and minimizes women +affirmative action ensures minorities are not overlooked,We should end affirmative action,affirmative action corrects for generations of wrong-doing and should not be discarded. +"we cannot comprehend the implications of the full use of cloning on the world and should steer well clear. population is already growing too large anyway, so we should not encourage extra ways to grow it",We should ban human cloning,"cloning will restrict the gene pool, reduce genetic diversity and and encourage recessive traits, many of which lead to illness and abnormalities." +zoos are entrapping animals that are meant to live in the world,We should abolish zoos,Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished. +the organ trade is unhelpful and can cause harm to people,We should legalize organ trade,organ trading is dangerous because it can result in harm to vulnerable people +marriage is a form of institutionalized slavery,We should abandon marriage,marriage can show commitment and values it can give you rights and privileges under social security law and tax benefits +"there is nothing wrong with, and no reason to change, vows of celibacy.",The vow of celibacy should be abandoned,we should not abandon the vow of celibacy because it is a centuries old custom that is seen as sacred and holy. +"the olympic games should not be banned, it provides hope and motivation for a physically positive purpose, and brings together every nation of the world",We should abolish the Olympic Games,"The olympic games are a long ongoing tradition that has brought countries together in peace to focus on sport rather than their various differences, this important event should never be abolished." +"cannabis is a hallucinogenic product that can harm a persons memory, lower their inhibitions and cause a person to make dangerous choices and is addictive. all of these behaviors can be destructive.",We should legalize cannabis,cannabis is known to lead to dependency as well as further drug seeking behaviors and should not be legalized. +autonomous cars are the future of road transport and can help people drive in a safer way and even relaxing while using them.,We should stop the development of autonomous cars,"autonomous cars reduce accidents and keep drunk, drugged and even sleepy drivers from getting behind the wheel." +prayer is uplifting and children finding their faith is important,We should prohibit school prayer,we should not prohibit school prayer because it exposes kids to positive moral beliefs and practices. +"they recruit public figures and celebrities in order to help lure in the masses, yet they are simply a toxic money-hungry cult.",We should ban the Church of Scientology,"the church of scientology is a cult that takes people's money, brainwashes them, and harrasses anyone who tries to leave and should be banned." +social media spreads fake rumors and gets people angry and scared without knowing the facts.,Social media brings more harm than good,social media unites people from all over the world and gives people the opportunity to learn more about people and places all over the planet. +"racial profiling is outdated in the modern age where people are becoming more similar in outlook, opportunities, values and ideals regardless of race",We should end racial profiling,Racial profiling is unconstitutional. It goes against basic core principles of justice and equal protection under the law. +"we cannot continue playing gods by experimenting with human cloning, we must stop",We should ban human cloning,we should ban human cloning because it is against human nature +intelligence tests often are inaccurate and give bad results.,Intelligence tests bring more harm than good,intelligence tests give a skewed and limited view of a student and do not give a full picture of someones abilities and skills. +everyone using public defenders would equalize the criminal justice system.,The use of public defenders should be mandatory,having a system where public defenders are mandatory would make it fairer because all defendants would have the same level of defense +it is keeping peace and it needs to stay in place.,Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended,"blockade of the gaza strip should be ended because the conflicts need to be finished, a resolution should be found and people should be able to get back on track with life" +"human cloning destroys the natural order of growth. even though it creates what looks similar, there are minute differences that can cause unusual problems later in life.",We should ban human cloning,"cloning will restrict the gene pool, reduce genetic diversity and and encourage recessive traits, many of which lead to illness and abnormalities." +some children can't adjust to a regular school and homeschooling means they can still get an education.,Homeschooling should be banned,homeschooling is best for children where the schools in the area are not conducive to learning +we should ban private military companies because not to do so is playing favoritism towards military people,We should ban private military companies,"private military companies are wrong and should be banned immediately. they are being paid to create war, not to help prevent it." +racial profiling only serves to fuel discrimination and racial resentment.,We should end racial profiling,Racial profiling makes racial harmony more difficult as it puts unjust stereotypes on certain communities. +laboratory testing and regulations of legalized marijuana will ensure that it is safe for use and free of harmful substances,We should legalize cannabis,legalizing cannabis as far as health is concerned can be beneficial since many of these substances are used as treatments for certain diseases +human cloning might just be what we need to save ourselves. let's go for it.,We should ban human cloning,we should ban human cloning because it is against human nature +racial profiling only serves to allow those in power to commit legalized racism.,We should end racial profiling,Racial profiling is unconstitutional. It goes against basic core principles of justice and equal protection under the law. +its a way for people to earn money. its their body.,We should legalize prostitution,Prostitution is a form of social coercion that forces individuals who don't have other options to sell their bodies. The state must keep it banned to protect people from being coerced. +autonomous cars provide us with the freedom to use our time better while traveling.,We should stop the development of autonomous cars,"autonomous cars reduce accidents and keep drunk, drugged and even sleepy drivers from getting behind the wheel." +The Olympic Games have been around for centuries and it would be sad to stop this time honored tradition.,We should abolish the Olympic Games,"The olympic games are a long ongoing tradition that has brought countries together in peace to focus on sport rather than their various differences, this important event should never be abolished." +killing without going through a court of law is wrong,We should ban targeted killing,targeted killing should be banned because it denies the victim the right to a fair trial by jury. +"Even with high rates of divorce, married couples and the children of married parents ultimately have more stable and emotionally healthy lives than their unmarried counterparts.",We should abandon marriage,marriage offers certain protections and privileges that simply dating or cohabitating can not and do not. it's needed it many instances. +entrapment is an abuse of power from law enforcement and should not be allowed.,Entrapment should be legalized,entrapment should be legalized as enables the police to capture criminals +collectivism doen't permit individual thoughts to be considered,We should oppose collectivism,collectivism does not encourage individual improvement and ingenuity +The use of public defenders should not be mandatory because it would require a large increase in state taxes to cover the massively increased cost of trials.,The use of public defenders should be mandatory,public defenders should be mandatory because they can provide free legal representation to those who are accused +if people want to do it and have an understanding of the risks involved they should be able to,We should ban the Church of Scientology,scientology should not be banned as people have the right to worship in whatever religion they wish and in a way they wish to. +social media allows breaking news to be shared around the world instantaneously.,Social media brings more harm than good,social media unites people from all over the world and gives people the opportunity to learn more about people and places all over the planet. +the austerity regime is the ideal to lead a healthy life,We should adopt an austerity regime,an austerity regime hurts the poorest in our society +"executive pay is out of control. when an executive can earn the same in a week as a manual worker earns in a year, then something is wrong.",We should limit executive compensation,executives have been appointed or promoted to that position through hard work and deserve to be compensated for such +"a multi-party system would pollute the polls. there would be too many options, meaning none would get the full vote they deserve or need.",We should adopt a multi-party system,a multi-party system might allow for more and more diverse candidates to come to the forefront of each election. +it is possible that this could be used as a murder in some cases.,Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence,Assisted suicide is a criminal offence as it centers on the intentional death of a human being. +intellectual property ought to be available for everyone to use after someone has been paid for the property,We should abolish intellectual property rights,Intellectual property rights are important to protect the assets of those who have invested time and money into a particular idea. +student loans shouldn't be subsidized because you're limited in the amount that you can borrow,We should subsidize student loans,we should subsidize student loans because it gives students with low income to get the education they deserve +"the racial profile is an absurd practice and must end because it pigeonholes people because of their ethnicity, race or religion. the racial profile goes against human rights",We should end racial profiling,Racial profiling is a blatant act of discrimination. +entrapment is wrong because we don't know if they would have committed a crime if it wasn't for the officers making it easier to do the crime,Entrapment should be legalized,entrapment just encourages criminal activity that may not have otherwise have occurred +celibacy is responsible for the child abuse cover up by the catholic church,The vow of celibacy should be abandoned,celibacy is an unnatural state for humans and should be abandoned by the church and others. it leads to negative behaviors based on the attempt to suppress a normal human urge to procreate. +the blockade of the gaza strip is doing more harm than good and it should be ended.,Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended,"blockade of the gaza strip should be ended because the conflicts need to be finished, a resolution should be found and people should be able to get back on track with life" +"we should not subsidize vocational education because it would cost to much and raise taxes, and it would not help society in the long term.",We should subsidize vocational education,"We should subsidize vocational education to support students who wish to follow a different education path to those going to university, who would be ineligible for scholarships and grants." +There are several whaling communities with their own distinctive cultural identity and we cannot take it away from them.,We should ban whaling,There are several whaling communities that depend on the hunting of whales to survive. +zoos allow us to see animals we normally wouldn't and develop compassion for them. then we will be less likely to harm them in nature.,We should abolish zoos,zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct. +algorithmic trading could put traditional traders out of a job.,We should ban algorithmic trading,algorithmic trading has been reported as one of the main causes of the greatest fall in the dow in decades +Intelligence tests measure only certain types of intelligence and thereby devalue talents that are crucial for humanity.,Intelligence tests bring more harm than good,intelligence tests give a skewed and limited view of a student and do not give a full picture of someones abilities and skills. +we should end racial profiling because it causes people to be harassed,We should end racial profiling,Racial profiling legitimizes and encourages racism in our society. +we need more representation of minority races in universities to encourage the marginalized who are not yet there,We should end affirmative action,there is so much prejudice in the world that we need to continue affirmative action to bring balance. +students from schools with active zero tolerance policy have occasionally blurted about how the policy infringes on their rights and how teachers use the policy as an excuse to deal with them.,We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools,"Zero tolerance policies send a strong signal to students, parents, and the community that violence and bullying will not be tolerated." +we shouldn't end affirmative action yet because it is still necessary to provide more opportunities to those that were not provided them over the last couple hundred years.,We should end affirmative action,there is so much prejudice in the world that we need to continue affirmative action to bring balance. +we should not abolish the right to keep and bear arms to protect ourselves from people that are trying to kill us,We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms,we should abolish the right to keep and bear arms because it can help stop mass shootings +"nuclear weapons are a strong defense for countries against the possible aggression of others. it doesn't have to be used, but the threat of it keeps others is line.,",We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons,"If nuclear weapons fall into the wrong hands, e.g. terrorist regimes, they can be used for nefarious purposes." +i agree that we should ban telemarketing as it is a nuisance and is often unable to be differentiated from scammers,We should ban telemarketing,"telemarketing is a waste of time for all parties involved, it rarely results in a sale for the company doing the telemarketing and provides a disturbance in the lives of those who are called" +some people rely on this because of religious beliefs.,We should ban naturopathy,people should have the freedom to choose whatever system of treatment they feel is best +we should not bow down to the pc luvvies,We should adopt gender-neutral language,if everything was spoken about gender neutrally then no one would be offended. +we should not ban safe spaces as they just cause further division instead of solving the problem.,We should abolish safe spaces,"safe spaces should be abolished because without proper regulation, they can be just as dangerous as any where else." +an austerity regime hurts the poorest in our society,We should adopt an austerity regime,an austerity regime hurts the poorest in our society +"If Wikipedia had more money, it would be able to deal with fake information more effectively.",We should subsidize Wikipedia,If Wikipedia were subsidized it would be less objective by being accountable to a single funding source. +nuclear weapons should be abolished because it brings us one step closer to a nuclear war,We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons,we should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons because is fundamental for world peace +people being able to earn more money encourages them to work harder and smarter.,We should limit executive compensation,it's unfair for workers to be near or below the living wage while executives line their pockets with excessive wealth +"wikipedia is an important knowledge source, that is contributed to by independent experts and the general population. it is important to maintain it.",We should subsidize Wikipedia,wikipedia is a valuable resource used by many around the world. it is an important source of knowledge that should be subsidized to ensure it remains free for all to use. +Private military companies provide flexible and cost effective solutions without committing unnecessary government expenditure on set up costs.,We should ban private military companies,private military companies allow more investment than governments can afford and so are essential to future security and should not be banned. +"zero-tolerance policies lack common sense because it does not allow second chances, one mistake and you out. it puts too much pressure on the students.",We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools,Zero-tolerance policies have harmful long-term effects. Students who are expelled or suspended are more likely to drop out of high school. +sometimes the only way to overthrow a bad government or organization is by targeted killing. this could be the only way to protect innocent people.,We should ban targeted killing,targeted killing can possibly save millions of people if we are targeting those who mean to carry out dangerous plans against the rest of the world. +"these do not harm to anyone. safe spaces can empower young people and protect them. the world is harsh enough, why not allow a little bit of harmless peace?",We should abolish safe spaces,"safe spaces should be abolished because without proper regulation, they can be just as dangerous as any where else." +racial profiling is unconstitutional as it goes against freedoms of the people,We should end racial profiling,Racial profiling is unconstitutional. It goes against basic core principles of justice and equal protection under the law. +the 3 strike law is unfair and many people are punished too severely.,We should abolish the three-strikes laws,"Three-strikes laws are too harsh. Many people who have committed non-violent felonies - and in some cases, misdemeanors - have been given mandatory life sentences." +"human cloning should not be banned a sit can be valuable in medicine, for transplantation and experimentation",We should ban human cloning,"we should not ban human cloning, the potential it holds for the medical industry is so valuable we must explore the opportunity." +there are two genders people are born with and i see no need to change language that refers to those two genders in order to accommodate everyone that feels they are something else.,We should adopt gender-neutral language,"gendered language has existed since the beginning of time, it would do no good to restructure the way we speak in such a drastic way." +THEY FOSTER A SPIRIT OF FRIENDLINESS BETWEEN NATIONS WHO WOULD OTHERWISE BE AT WAR,We should abolish the Olympic Games,the olympic games bring friendly and respectful competition among international athletes and make the world a better place. +"autonomous vehicles are not foolproof, and have caused accidents.",We should stop the development of autonomous cars,"autonomous cars are dangerous and shouldn't be allowed. we all know technology fails often, and allowing someone to put their life (and the lives of those around them) in jeopardy is not necessary in this way." +they are cruel to animals and wildlife,We should abolish zoos,"zoos often exhibit poor standards of animal welfare, since they are designed to make money for their owners - it is essentially exploitation under the guise of environmental 'protection'." +"Subsidizing Wikipedia means supporting mediocrity and unfounded information, and governments should aspire for a better option.",We should subsidize Wikipedia,wikipedia is a valuable resource used by many around the world. it is an important source of knowledge that should be subsidized to ensure it remains free for all to use. +Intelligence tests bring more harm than good because they justify pseudo-scientific discrimination against people of lower intelligence.,Intelligence tests bring more harm than good,Intelligence tests bring more harm than good as they reinforce a feeling of superiority in certain people who may lack other abilities in life. +entrapment encourages people to commit crimes.,Entrapment should be legalized,"through entrapment, people can be persuaded to commit crimes that may not have done otherwise." +social media can be an outlet for people to keep in contact with their friends and family.,Social media brings more harm than good,social media unites people from all over the world and gives people the opportunity to learn more about people and places all over the planet. +an austerity regime will be a disaster. people will lose jobs as programs are cut and this could lead to riots and unrest as it did in greece in 2011.,We should adopt an austerity regime,an austerity regime hurts the poorest in our society +"people who deny the holocaust should be seen for what they are, idiots but not criminals",Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence,"it is disrespectful to victims of the holocaust and humanity to deny that it never happened, those that deny the holocaust happen should be subject to criminal penalty." +"subsidizing journalism may inadvertently have the effect of lowering its worth, since it would have a guaranteed revenue threshold no matter the quality of content.",We should subsidize journalism,"Subsidizing journalism would result in pro-government bias. Journalists would be less comfortable criticizing the government so as not to""bite the hand that feeds them""." +we should adopt a zero-tolerance policy to protect all of our children.,We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools,we cannot continue to risk the lives of our children and a zero-tolerance policy is a step in the right direction toward solving this horrific problem. +Entrapment is wrong because it infringes on civil rights.,Entrapment should be legalized,entrapment is a deceptive method of catching criminals and wastes time and resources that would be better put to use catching active criminals. +the prayer in the schools sow the seeds of empathy and love for the young,We should prohibit school prayer,prayer has no place in a school system. schools are meant to be a neutral body for learning and not infiltrated by religion of any type. +autonomous cars would help people who are disabled be able to have their own transportation.,We should stop the development of autonomous cars,"autonomous cars reduce accidents and keep drunk, drugged and even sleepy drivers from getting behind the wheel." +only donors should fund wikipedia or quora.,We should subsidize Wikipedia,If Wikipedia were subsidized it would be less objective by being accountable to a single funding source. +its asinine for people to spend life in jail for minor offenses committed while they were young.,We should abolish the three-strikes laws,"Three-strikes laws are too harsh. Many people who have committed non-violent felonies - and in some cases, misdemeanors - have been given mandatory life sentences." +its unnatural. you shouldn't have the right or ability to choose or abort based solely on sex. this can lead to complete disproportionate numbers if people decide to favor one sex over the other.,We should legalize sex selection,we should legalize sex selection because it should be up to people to make that choice. freedom of choice is vital in democracies and should be protected where possible. +a well-known economist has come out to say that algorithmic trading will be the doom of our economy,We should ban algorithmic trading,algorithmic trading has been reported as one of the main causes of the greatest fall in the dow in decades +everybody has the responsibilty to give their opinion on what happens in their country,We should introduce compulsory voting,a high turnout is important for a proper democratic mandate and the functioning of democracy +"foster care provides children with much-needed stability and security, and foster parents do an excellent job of bringing these children up in a family environment",Foster care brings more harm than good,foster care gets kids out of dangerous situations and into the homes of people who can better care for them. +"too many competing parties leads to voter confusion, and would decrease the validity of elections",We should adopt a multi-party system,a multi-party system might allow for more and more diverse candidates to come to the forefront of each election. +many of the ills of the world derive from religion so we should all be atheist.,We should adopt atheism,We should adopt atheism because history has shown that the majority of wars and human divisiveness is due to religious differences. +no two people are entirely alike. ignoring individual differences and needs does not best serve the whole,We should oppose collectivism,collectivism can cause people to ignore important problems if it doesn't apply to certain groups +We should legalize prostitution so that we can regulate it and make it safer for the prostitutes and the clients.,We should legalize prostitution,prostitution should be legalized as it provides a service and reduces rape and sex crimes +foster care doesn't guarantee a close relationship and can cause neglect to the child.,Foster care brings more harm than good,"Foster care offers little stability for children already suffering hardships, putting them at an even greater disadvantage and giving them less of a chance of a normal life." +"libertarianism is a selfish and dangerous philosophy, devoid of empathy and charity. if it were to become the dominant political system, we would see a huge increase in social inequality.",We should adopt libertarianism,"Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few." +a lifestyle that does not hurt others should be legal,We should legalize polygamy,polygamy should not be legalized because it empowers men more and minimizes women +this will make it easier for those in need of an organ to get one,We should legalize organ trade,legalizing the organ trade would bring an end to shortages for transplant +ending suffering is a gift and should be supported.,Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence,assisted suicides can end the pain of those who are suffering from terminal illnesses. +the three strikes law is barbaric and not applied fairly and should be banned. a persons life should not hang in the balance f=because they have erred three times. people change over time.,We should abolish the three-strikes laws,"Three-strikes laws are too harsh. Many people who have committed non-violent felonies - and in some cases, misdemeanors - have been given mandatory life sentences." +compulsory voting would only cause uneducated votes to be cast and not be a real benefit to the country.,We should introduce compulsory voting,"compulsory voting ensures that our leaders reflect the will of all people, not just those who were able/motivated enough to make it to the polls." +nuclear weapons serve as an effective deterrent that helps prevent military action.,We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons,Nuclear weapons provide a deterrent for starting a major conflict. +guantanamo bay is a gross violation of international humans rights law and has no place in a civilized country's jurisprudence process.,We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp,the guantanamo prison is a center of human rights violation +"only god decides who lives and who dies, capital punishment should not exist.",We should abolish capital punishment,capital punishment is an outdated & cruel form of punishment +access to information is a crucial right for a voter in a democratic society,We should subsidize journalism,"Without journalism people have no way of having the information that empower them to make informed voting decisions, making journalism central to democracy and therefore in need of subsidization." +The risk of an accidental missile launch is so large and could have such catastrophic effects that we need to abolish nuclear weapons.,We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons,"Even one accident from a nuclear weapon going off unintentionally would cause massive damage, and this is damage that we should not accept the risk of as a society." +if it is sum well zoos can care for injured animals and prevent extinction,We should abolish zoos,zoos do very important conservation work. their breeding programmes have meant that some species have been prevented from going extinct. +i think this would be cheaper than hiring your own lawyer.,The use of public defenders should be mandatory,having public defenders for all would be too expensive for the state. +"The prisoners held in this detention center hold valuable information that can save innocent lives, making these centers and the interrogation techniques used there, essential to protecting our people.",We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp,Creating such a secluded environment for this detention camp has encouraged and legitimized unlawful and immoral behaviour on the part of the soldiers in charge of the detainees. +it is beneficial for companies to bring in fresh faces and ideas so that the company does not get stagnat,We should end mandatory retirement,By freeing up space across professional hierarchies mandatory retirement provides more opportunities for career growth and upward mobility for younger people. +"naturopathy is unproven scientfically, and could have adverse medical affects.",We should ban naturopathy,naturopathy isn't thoroughly tested by the fda and may pose significant health risks if not utilized properly +this gives young people a chance to work,We should end mandatory retirement,By freeing up space across professional hierarchies mandatory retirement provides more opportunities for career growth and upward mobility for younger people. +marriage should be encouraged and not abandoned. if a couple wants a family in most cases it is better for children to have parents who are married.,We should abandon marriage,marriage is a solid foundation with which to build a family and it should be held as sacred always. +people do not need to worry whether a comparatively harmless sharing of music among friends might lead to lawsuits seeking thousands of dollars in damages.,We should abolish intellectual property rights,"if a person has worked hard to create a lyric, a song or a novel then it is only fair that they own their work and benefit financially from it." +We should not subsidize journalism simply because whoever subsidizing them have control over what they can and cannot publish or share with the public meaning they have complete control of journalism,We should subsidize journalism,"Subsidizing journalism would result in pro-government bias. Journalists would be less comfortable criticizing the government so as not to""bite the hand that feeds them""." +we should not abolish intellectual property rights because it will be expensive for some poor people,We should abolish intellectual property rights,"intellectual property rights do not allow poor people to access valuable resources, knowledge should be free for everyone" +human cloning could help scientists find cures for diseases and epidemics.,We should ban human cloning,human cloning can help doctors find a cure for illnesses we otherwise won't be able to survive +the blockade of the gaza strip is a reasonable response to the crimes committed by hamas members.,Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended,The blockade hurts Palestinian civilians that have nothing to do with Hamas and violence against Israel. It is unjust to punish civilians for the actions of terrorists. +urbanization ruins nature by causing concentrated areas of pollution.,We should fight urbanization,urbanization increases pollution and drains resources. +"rather than abandoning the vow of celibacy, the church should actively remove any priests that abuse children.",The vow of celibacy should be abandoned,the vow of celibacy leads to too much abuse of women and children so should be banned. +Naturopathic vitamins and supplements are not subject to the same rigorous standards as prescription drugs.,We should ban naturopathy,naturopathy isn't thoroughly tested by the fda and may pose significant health risks if not utilized properly +foster kids frequently suffer from depression and turn to drugs later on in life,Foster care brings more harm than good,"Foster care children may have many adverse outcomes that persist throughout childhood, such as poor peer relationships, behavioral problems, or other mental health difficulties" +Flag burning is a valid protest method that doesn't harm anyone.,We should prohibit flag burning,flag burning is an expression of freedom of speech to which people have a right in a democratic country +We should ban algorithmic trading as it causes unpredictable volatility in the market.,We should ban algorithmic trading,algorithmic trading should be banned because it makes investors really reliant on technology and the systems that it deploys +legalizing sex selection will help reduce the number of children who suffer from sex-linked genetic diseases,We should legalize sex selection,legalizing sex selection is a good option for people looking to have a specific sex of child. +without payday loans people would miss deadlines on payments and owe even more in the future,Payday loans should be banned,payday loans are a business model designed to rip people off and keep in eternal debt that they cannot afford to clear. this unsustainable for the individual and the economy +cannabis has been proved to be less harmful than other drugs and play a beneficial and safe form of medication for some illnesses and so should be legalized,We should legalize cannabis,legalizing cannabis as far as health is concerned can be beneficial since many of these substances are used as treatments for certain diseases +"collectivism limits individual freedom, autonomy, and self-determination ruining chances for competition and innovation arising from self-motivated individuals.",We should oppose collectivism,collectivism does not encourage individual improvement and ingenuity +"in the two party system, some may be comprimising and not supporting a party which fully supports their beliefs.",We should adopt a multi-party system,the multi-party system offers voters more choices that may get more people involved in politics +We should adopt a multi-party system as there are many parts of society that are currently not represented by the current two-party system.,We should adopt a multi-party system,we should adopt a multi-party system so that we have more viewpoints to solve problems. +social media allows people to connect with others,Social media brings more harm than good,social media unites people from all over the world and gives people the opportunity to learn more about people and places all over the planet. +Traditional liberal arts educations have shown to lead to higher lifetime earnings and career opportunities than do those who receive a vocational education.,We should subsidize vocational education,"While many who graduate from universities struggle to find high paying jobs in their field, graduates of vocational schools have high employments and high standards of living." +"a gender-neutral language is what we should all learn to speak, it will help dealing with racism and other social issues",We should adopt gender-neutral language,adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way. +entrapment is not voluntary and forces a person to do something they do not want to.,Entrapment should be legalized,entrapment just encourages criminal activity that may not have otherwise have occurred +There cannot be justification for taking a human life. The only way to properly deliver this message is to abolish death penalty.,We should abolish capital punishment,capital punishment is inhumane and often an unfit punishment for the crime +flag burning should be prohibited because the flag is an important symbol of our country and it's a disgrace to those that have fought and died for it.,We should prohibit flag burning,we should not prohibit flag burning because freedom of speech is one of the defining rights of the american citizens. +the blockade of the gaza should not be ended because it protects some people.,Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended,"blockade of the gaza strip should be ended because the conflicts need to be finished, a resolution should be found and people should be able to get back on track with life" +we should not abolish the right to keep and bear arms because it's our right to be able to protect ourselves from those who cause us harm.,We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms,the right to bear and keep arms should be abolished as it is outdated in this age where we are no longer hunting for food or in the age of the pioneers +the use of weapons of such destruction can not be justified,We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons,nuclear weapons are destructive and unnecessary +Absolute judgments may lead to people paying for crimes they did not commit,We should abolish capital punishment,capital punishment is inhumane and often an unfit punishment for the crime +guantanamo bay prisoners are subject to torture which goes against our laws and morals and should be closed.,We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp,"we should close guantanamo bay since the treatment of these inmates is likely inhumane and some are there with no real proof they belong there, but will never even get a trial." +as it is becoming increasingly obvious that they are too dangerous to keep. they cause devastating destruction and in the wrong hands could cause the end of the world.,We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons,we should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons because is fundamental for world peace +zero-tolerance policy should be adopted to teach children disciplined and to help prepare them for a life where rules apply.,We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools,"we should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools to make it clear that no amount of bullying, bad behavior, or insubordination will be tolerated so we can have safer schools." +people have the right to eat anything they would like.,We should ban fast food,fast food is a lucrative business and it is not right to attempt to take someone's livelihood away from them just because some people eat in an unhealthy way too often. +safe spaces are just that - a place for people to go when behavior makes them uncomfortable. abolishing safe spaces accomplishes nothing.,We should abolish safe spaces,"safe spaces should be abolished because without proper regulation, they can be just as dangerous as any where else." +they are very expensive and present high risk,We should ban cosmetic surgery,cosmetic surgery has too many risks of something going wrong compared to the benefit of looking more aesthetically pleasing. +"We should not end mandatory retirement because it opens up positions to women, people of color, and immigrants who were not able to take those jobs due to past discrimination.",We should end mandatory retirement,we should end mandatory retirement because it should be up to each individual what age they feel they are unable to work any longer +science continues to disprove large parts of religious texts thus rendering them redundant.,We should adopt atheism,We should not adopt atheism as people should be allowed to retain their own religions or belief systems as they see fit. +economic sanctions are useful to stop bad actions.,We should end the use of economic sanctions,economic sanctions can be very effective in bringing about social change +algorithmic trading or computer controlled trading does not allow for last minute trade that take into consideration small rising stocks.,We should ban algorithmic trading,algorithmic trading is too easily corrupted. it's far too easy to hack. if hacked it could completely destroy the economy and individual people's lives. it's not secure enough. +"the three strikes law is a waste of time and money, and does not serve as an effective deterrent against major crimes.",We should abolish the three-strikes laws,"Three-strikes laws are too harsh. Many people who have committed non-violent felonies - and in some cases, misdemeanors - have been given mandatory life sentences." +we shouldn't adopt libertarianism for orden and enevelope of people,We should adopt libertarianism,Libertarianism is just a stop on the way to tyranny; too much freedom allows the majority to overrun minorities. +The blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended because the harm it does to Gazan civilians is disproportionate to the amount it increases safety for Israeli civilians.,Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended,"blockade of the gaza strip should be ended because the conflicts need to be finished, a resolution should be found and people should be able to get back on track with life" +no criminal should have protection that allows them to commit crimes,Entrapment should be legalized,entrapment should be legalized because sometimes this tactic is the only way to apprehend repeat offenders. +homeopathic medicines are boycotted by western medicines for their inexpensive cost and all-natural method of curing.,Homeopathy brings more harm than good,homeopathy can interact badly with real medicine. +space exploration can allow for satellite placement to warn of weather as well as the actions of countries that intend to cause harm.,We should subsidize space exploration,subsidizing space exploration would allow for valuable insight into technology that could be used in everyday life +"safe spaces are essential for communities who face persecution and exclusion, allowing them to communicate and help one another.",We should abolish safe spaces,"safe spaces are vital to many, especially on campuses where the students that feel excluded or discriminated against have a safe haven to enable them to feel comfortable in continuing their education" +cosmetic surgery isn't medically necessary,We should ban cosmetic surgery,cosmetic surgery has too many risks of something going wrong compared to the benefit of looking more aesthetically pleasing. +over sensitive people will be offended if we don't.,We should adopt gender-neutral language,if everything was spoken about gender neutrally then no one would be offended. +affirmative action allows people to pursue a career that they may never have considered without help from the program.,We should end affirmative action,affirmative action is crucial to help correct for years of prejudice. +however these policies can impede the advancement of children from troubled backgrounds or with additional needs. they need a safe place to learn in a positive behaviours in a supportive environment.,We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools,"we need to remember we are talking about children not criminals, this policy is far too harsh and unnecessary. let children be children." +guantanamo bay has been there for years and closing it now seems pointless when it’s still being used.,We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp,"guantanamo bay detection camp has proven to be effective in dealing with modern terrorism, so we should be happy to keep it" +private military companies take on missions when our military doesn't have enough manpower.,We should ban private military companies,private military companies perform useful support roles in conflict zones around the world +prayer in schools forces religion upon children which violates their 1st amendment rights.,We should prohibit school prayer,we should prohibit school prayer because there is supposed to be a separation between church and state and because it's not fair to promote one religion over another. +Racial profiling can be useful for aid or responsiveness because of correlations between race and poverty or anger at the government.,We should end racial profiling,Racial profiling creates division among the different groups in a community. +economic sanctions encourage hostility from the target group.,We should end the use of economic sanctions,economic sanctions are useful in deterring unacceptable behavior from other governments. +it is an effective and non violent method of motivating oppressive regimes to amend policy,We should end the use of economic sanctions,economic sanctions can be very effective in bringing about social change +economic sanctions are sometimes the only thing that a leader will respond to,We should end the use of economic sanctions,economic sanctions can be very effective in bringing about social change +cosmetic surgery can make a huge difference to those who have self-esteem problems due to their appearance.,We should ban cosmetic surgery,cosmetic surgery has too many risks of something going wrong compared to the benefit of looking more aesthetically pleasing. +we should abolish the three-strikes laws because it is a waste of tax payers money to give criminals so many chances,We should abolish the three-strikes laws,we should abolish the three-strikes laws because this causes inconsistencies in sentences and assumes that the prior convictions were rightfully handed down. +we shouldn't ban cosmetic surgery for minors because it can help those with birth defects to look normal,We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors,we should ban cosmetic surgery for minors because they are too young to decide what they want +the three-strikes law should be abolished. each convicted crime should be punished individually. it isn't right to judge a person solely on their criminal history.,We should abolish the three-strikes laws,we should abolish the three-strikes laws because this causes inconsistencies in sentences and assumes that the prior convictions were rightfully handed down. +autonomous cars could provide a safer means of travel in the future with no human error.,We should stop the development of autonomous cars,"autonomous cars reduce accidents and keep drunk, drugged and even sleepy drivers from getting behind the wheel." +Fast food should be banned as it has resulted in an unprecedented obesity epidemic that is putting great strain on health services throughout the world.,We should ban fast food,fast food provides minimal nutrition and is addictive with no health benefits so should be banned to preserve the health of the population. +"the executives already earn enough money to give more incentives, those incentives have to go to steps below where they are necessary",We should limit executive compensation,executives have been appointed or promoted to that position through hard work and deserve to be compensated for such +we shouldn't abandon televisions because they are a great way to get news and are a great source of entertainment and a way to relax.,We should abandon television,we should abandon television because it can lead to addictions of screens and missing out on time spent on other priorities like spending time with family and housework etc +Entrapment is an easy way for law enforcement to frame someone for a crime they did not commit.,Entrapment should be legalized,entrapment is sometimes a necessary tool to get the needed proof of criminal activity. +we don't subsidize stay at home moms so we whouldn't subsidize stay at home dads.,We should subsidize stay-at-home dads,we should subsidize stay at home dads because they can take care of the home and family just like a woman can. +we should not ban missionary work because if people want to help out others that is their business and no one elses,We should ban missionary work,missionary work should be banned as it can be abused and vulnerable people can be taken advantage of +whaling is a traditional occupation of some cultures and their cultural heritage would be lost if they were not able to continue whaling.,We should ban whaling,Whaling is essential to the economic well-being of certain countries. +"payday loans are steered towards those that can afford them the least, so should be banned.",Payday loans should be banned,payday loans should not be banned because for many people that is the only way they are able to pay their bills on time and keep their homes. +"prostitution is choice everyone should be allowed to make,",We should legalize prostitution,prostitution should be legalized as it provides a service and reduces rape and sex crimes +"Safe spaces create an echo chamber where only currently accepted ideas are allowed to be spoken and any dissent is blocked out, preventing change and growth.",We should abolish safe spaces,safe spaces allow for people to voice concerns over discrimination and prejudice where they feel protected enough to have the confidence to speak freely. this is a great thing to combat discriminatory behavior. +a multi-party system would help bring new ideas,We should adopt a multi-party system,we should adopt a multi-party system so that we have more viewpoints to solve problems. +we should legalize cannabis because it is has many health benefits,We should legalize cannabis,legalizing cannabis as far as health is concerned can be beneficial since many of these substances are used as treatments for certain diseases +law enforcement should not be able to commit a crime in order to catch a criminal that didn't already exist.,Entrapment should be legalized,entrapment should be legalized because sometimes this tactic is the only way to apprehend repeat offenders. +"with collectivism everyone is important and contributes, there's support.",We should oppose collectivism,collectivism takes care of everyone and not just those at the top +such a regime would create great social order in our country,We should adopt an austerity regime,an austerity regime helps to balance the nation's budget and reduce national debt. +we should ban algorithmic trading because trading should be done based on background knowledge.,We should ban algorithmic trading,algorithmic trading should be banned because it makes investors really reliant on technology and the systems that it deploys +autonomous cars are not capable of human emotion which can help assist in decision making when confronted with issues while driving.,We should stop the development of autonomous cars,"autonomous cars are dangerous and shouldn't be allowed. we all know technology fails often, and allowing someone to put their life (and the lives of those around them) in jeopardy is not necessary in this way." +"cosmetic surgery is dangerous to start with, why should people make such risky moves for vanitys sake?",We should ban cosmetic surgery,cosmetic surgery has too many risks of something going wrong compared to the benefit of looking more aesthetically pleasing. +it is an insidious ideology making people associate with others based on arbitrary characteristics and leads to exploitation of group-think to enact tyrannies of the few by invoking the support of many,We should oppose collectivism,collectivism inhibits personal expression and can foster censorship and fascism. +factory farming should be banned as the animals in these farms are held in bad conditions.,We should ban factory farming,we should ban factory farming because it lead to the abuse of animals +missionary work tends to be invasive and dismissive of other cultures.,We should ban missionary work,"Missionary work can sometimes do more harm than good - for example, if religious missionaries discourage the use of condoms in a place where HIV is the main cause of death." +"People have a right to be represented by the best when they are facing potential fines, incarceration, or worse. Mandating public defenders strips people of this right.",The use of public defenders should be mandatory,public defenders should be mandatory because they can provide free legal representation to those who are accused +marriage is an outdated institution which serves no practical purpose in the current age.,We should abandon marriage,marriage is an outdated tradition that does not account for our changing society. +"payday loans should be banned the interest rates are outrageous and drive poor people into further debt, which makes the problem worse.",Payday loans should be banned,payday loans should not be banned because for many people that is the only way they are able to pay their bills on time and keep their homes. +if journalism is funded it would provide wider and better coverage therefore we would be better informed,We should subsidize journalism,"Subsidizing journalism would result in pro-government bias. Journalists would be less comfortable criticizing the government so as not to""bite the hand that feeds them""." +zoos do more harm than good to the animals that are held in captivity largely for entertainment purposes,We should abolish zoos,Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished. +people have the right to practice this rather than an organized religion.,We should adopt atheism,we should not adopt atheism because people have a right to believe what ever they want +the rights should stay with the individual who created it so they can prosper from it,We should abolish intellectual property rights,"intellectual property rights do not allow poor people to access valuable resources, knowledge should be free for everyone" +autonomous cars should stop being developed because they have mostly proven to be unsafe in navigating roads and traffic situations.,We should stop the development of autonomous cars,"autonomous cars are dangerous and shouldn't be allowed. we all know technology fails often, and allowing someone to put their life (and the lives of those around them) in jeopardy is not necessary in this way." +The foster care system strips children of autonomy by forcing them to pass every decision about after school activities or hanging out with friends through a social worker that is difficult to access.,Foster care brings more harm than good,"Foster care offers little stability for children already suffering hardships, putting them at an even greater disadvantage and giving them less of a chance of a normal life." +we should prohibit women in combat because they are a liability. it is far more likely they will be targeted than a man.,We should prohibit women in combat,women are just as capable as men to perform the tasks needed in combat and they should not be banned from it. +the olympic games have become obsolete in this shrinking world.,We should abolish the Olympic Games,we ought not abolish the olympic games because they provide an international gathering every four years that increases global harmony and provides exciting competition for the world to watch +people could be less likely to play their part,We should oppose collectivism,collectivism encourages laziness and lack of ambition by rewarding everyone equally +telemarketing is intrusive and violates the right to private property,We should ban telemarketing,telemarketing is annoying for people as they do not request a phone call and vunerable people such as the elderly often feel threatened into taking part. +We should not legalize prostitution as it will only lead to more people trafficking and underage people being lured into this kind of work as people seek to make more money .,We should legalize prostitution,prostitution should be legalized as it provides a service and reduces rape and sex crimes +austerity can be helpful in restructuring a county's debt.,We should adopt an austerity regime,an austerity regime helps to balance the nation's budget and reduce national debt. +Women are just as capable as men in modern warfare so we would lose half of our available fighters by not allowing them.,We should prohibit women in combat,Women are just as capable as men in modern warfare so we would lose half of our available fighters by not allowing them. +the military should keep all their intelligence in house so i think private military companies should be banned.,We should ban private military companies,"private military companies are wrong and should be banned immediately. they are being paid to create war, not to help prevent it." +we shouldn't close guantanamo bay detection camp for national security,We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp,"we should close guantanamo bay detection camp as there have been numerous stories from inmates of inhumane conditions, ill treatment and torture." +it is a culture that it is hard to break the higher your position in a company the more you receive compensation,We should limit executive compensation,executives have been appointed or promoted to that position through hard work and deserve to be compensated for such +fast food is no good for anyone because it makes people fat and unhealthy.,We should ban fast food,fast food is high fat and unhealthy food +polygamy is often times used by cults to raise masses of children who can then be taught whatever the cult believes and keeps the females as legalized chattle.,We should legalize polygamy,"in this day and age, we recognize non-traditional family structures as legitimate and polygamy should be no different." +we should not subsidize a private company that is putting out possible false information.,We should subsidize Wikipedia,"government subsidies open the door to government control, this would potentially ruin the impartiality of wikipedia" +payday loans often have murky and confusing terms that can trick consumers into paying way more than they expected,Payday loans should be banned,payday loans take advantage of the poor while charging insane interest rates. +there are now many media to access entertainment such as game consoles and smartphones. as time goes on television will become more and more outdated.,We should abandon television,"Television has become an integral part of our culture that we should cherish. It not only provides great entertainment, but it's also an excellent educational tool and allows us to keep up with the latest news." +"considering there are more women in this world, polygyny would give more of them the chance to get married",We should legalize polygamy,"in this day and age, we recognize non-traditional family structures as legitimate and polygamy should be no different." +some minors may have physical deformities or may seem unattractive. cosmetic surgery can help them look more normal.,We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors,"Cosmetic surgery is near permanent, minors cannot contextualize these changes due to their short life experience, and so are not mature enough to make sure life-changing decisions about their physical appearance." +people should be able to live how they want celibate or not,The vow of celibacy should be abandoned,the vow of celibacy leads to too much abuse of women and children so should be banned. +"libertarianism can never work because, eventually, a small group of people will come into power and take charge over everything.",We should adopt libertarianism,"Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few." +you need to look at the circumstances. what if a child was in an accident and need cosmetic surgery in order to fix themselves and lead a normal life?,We should ban cosmetic surgery for minors,"Cosmetic surgery is near permanent, minors cannot contextualize these changes due to their short life experience, and so are not mature enough to make sure life-changing decisions about their physical appearance." +prayer belongs in church not in school,We should prohibit school prayer,"school prayers are outdated in a modern society, religion is a private matter someone should practice at home" +"Sometimes, no single party is able to get a clear majority. This leads to hung parliaments.",We should adopt a multi-party system,people need multiple parties to chose from so they can find something closer to their own values. +"algorithmic trading has been responsible for several mini market collapses, since computer systems lack the human sensitivity to look outside the stream of meaningless numbers to a wider context.",We should ban algorithmic trading,algorithmic trading has been reported as one of the main causes of the greatest fall in the dow in decades +the three-strikes laws has no impact on crime,We should abolish the three-strikes laws,"Three-strikes laws are too harsh. Many people who have committed non-violent felonies - and in some cases, misdemeanors - have been given mandatory life sentences." +capital punishment is an outdated system that needs an upheaval.,We should abolish capital punishment,capital punishment is inhumane and often an unfit punishment for the crime +"our justice system follows the constitution for a reason, and if more and more judicial activism takes place the us will have a broken justice system",We should limit judicial activism,"judicial activism underminines the legal process, since it corrodes the value of the initial court determination." +factory farming allows for a much larger production of food for society,We should ban factory farming,factory farming allows for greater food production to feed a growing population. +whaling allows for the resources to generate many of today's products.,We should ban whaling,There are several whaling communities that depend on the hunting of whales to survive. +people should have the freedom to choose their own.,The use of public defenders should be mandatory,if a person can pay for a better lawyer they should have the right to do so. +public defenders are a way to protect those that are unjustly accused of crimes,The use of public defenders should be mandatory,public defenders should be mandatory because they can provide free legal representation to those who are accused +we should stop the development of autonomous cars because it makes people lose out on jobs,We should stop the development of autonomous cars,autonomous cars will take away jobs from drivers +space exploration could serve as an insurance policy should something devastating happen to our planet.,We should subsidize space exploration,space exploration is a good adventure. our planet is in a future risk of extinct and we should best prepare our refuge in space exploration +human cloning can help further scientific developments in curing diseases,We should ban human cloning,human cloning can help doctors find a cure for illnesses we otherwise won't be able to survive +"when we impose economic sanctions, quite often it is the every day people of a country that suffers the most.",We should end the use of economic sanctions,economic sanctions can be very effective in bringing about social change +Wikipedia is a popular source of information available to a vast number of people.,We should subsidize Wikipedia,wikipedia is a valuable resource used by many around the world. it is an important source of knowledge that should be subsidized to ensure it remains free for all to use. +payday loans cost more money than its worth.,Payday loans should be banned,payday loans take advantage of the poor while charging insane interest rates. +"the vow of celibacy is important to some to show their religious devotion. it is a matter of personal choice, and should not be interfered with by the state.",The vow of celibacy should be abandoned,the vow of celibacy is important to some people and to some faiths; it should be a personal decision not something that is simply abandoned entirely. +whaling by some people is used to feed entire communities and is necessary to their way of life.,We should ban whaling,There are several whaling communities that depend on the hunting of whales to survive. +"Far too many students are using higher education as an excuse to mess around for a few years rather than taking it seriously, we definitely should not be subsidizing loans to make it any easier for them.",We should subsidize student loans,"education is expensive, and subsizing student loans encourages an academic career path, creating individuals who typically go on to contribute more to the economy via higher paid jobs." +You can't legalize marijuana until you find a way to do test for it on auto drivers.,We should legalize cannabis,Legalizing marijuana would end the costly enforcement of marijuana laws and free up police resources which could focus on more serious crimes. +homeopathic remedies are not medically tested and verified as safe.,Homeopathy brings more harm than good,homeopathy can interact badly with real medicine. +"guantanamo should be closed, its a semi lawless operation thats a symbol of us oppression of immigrants suspected of criminal behavior. other more human detentions are available so it is no longer needed.",We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp,"we should close guantanamo bay since the treatment of these inmates is likely inhumane and some are there with no real proof they belong there, but will never even get a trial." +"the modern death penalty is intended to be painless and effective and the process is much more humane than electrocution, firing squads, or hanging, which were common in the past",We should abolish capital punishment,capital punishment is inhumane and often an unfit punishment for the crime +we shouldnt subsidize space exploration we have world poverty which needs to be resolved and the money could go on funding that,We should subsidize space exploration,we should not subsidize space exploration because the money spent could be put to better use such as hunger and finding homes for our homeless. +payday loans trap vulnerable people into further debt.,Payday loans should be banned,payday loans take advantage of the poor while charging insane interest rates. +we should prohibit flag burning because the flag is a symbol of one's country and by burning the flag it's like saying you don't like the country,We should prohibit flag burning,we should not prohibit flag burning because freedom of speech is one of the defining rights of the american citizens. +"if, without them, the students are left alone without people or a place to go for support",We should abolish safe spaces,"safe spaces are vital to many, especially on campuses where the students that feel excluded or discriminated against have a safe haven to enable them to feel comfortable in continuing their education" +polygamy should not be legalized and not for reasons of feelings but for the rights of each person to be respected and valued,We should legalize polygamy,"polygamy can be a perfectly valid form of union for many people, and legalising it will provide protection and rights for those involved." +compulsory voting will lend itself to uninformed voting.,We should introduce compulsory voting,"compulsory voting is not a democratic choice, for people should always be allowed to express their dissent by abstaining from voting ." +targeted killing is a barbaric practice that turns our soldiers into mere assassins.,We should ban targeted killing,"targeted killing is often carried out by unmanned drones, which are indiscriminate and kill many innocent people in the process." +"The mandatory use of public defenders will be helpful to those who think they can go without a lawyer, but end up really needing one.",The use of public defenders should be mandatory,public defenders should be mandatory because they can provide free legal representation to those who are accused +the uniformity of clothing creates a sense of belonging and a collective identity which encourages camaraderie between students and this allows for greater focus on studies,We should abandon the use of school uniform,uniforms remove some types of peer pressure surrounding students' appearance. +society is a collective and the most good comes from working together,We should oppose collectivism,collectivism takes care of everyone and not just those at the top +freedom to choose what to do with one's organ is too much freedom. government should step in and stop organ trading before it cripples our reputation.,We should legalize organ trade,organ trading is dangerous because it can result in harm to vulnerable people +"We should ban whaling because whales are keystone species in their ecosystems, whose decline is harmful to many other species as well.",We should ban whaling,whales are beautiful living creatures that have existed through time. they should continue to prosper and ending whaling will help to increase the whale population. +polygamy is against the law and confuses the children.,We should legalize polygamy,"in this day and age, we recognize non-traditional family structures as legitimate and polygamy should be no different." +telemarketing allows consumers to hear information about products they might might not otherwise have the opportunity to learn about.,We should ban telemarketing,telemarketing is annoying for people as they do not request a phone call and vunerable people such as the elderly often feel threatened into taking part. +missionary work should be banned because an organization should not force a culture to change.,We should ban missionary work,missionary work should be banned as it can be abused and vulnerable people can be taken advantage of +if we need extra military support in certain areas we should be able to hire them,We should ban private military companies,wealthy people and companies may need additional military protection and should be able to use it. +"marriage provides a safe, secure foundation for children.",We should abandon marriage,marriage is a solid foundation with which to build a family and it should be held as sacred always. +"all people have the right to give their opinion based on what they read, what they hear and what they understand. it can not be a criminal offense the judgment that a person gives to a historical fact.",Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence,Holocaust denial should not be a criminal offence because it is better to let bad ideas be outcompeted by good ideas than to let them fester and grow out of sight like a cancer. +because it's unethical and unnatural,We should ban human cloning,"we should not ban human cloning, the potential it holds for the medical industry is so valuable we must explore the opportunity." +people have had two chances to reform before their third strike,We should abolish the three-strikes laws,"Three-strikes laws are too harsh. Many people who have committed non-violent felonies - and in some cases, misdemeanors - have been given mandatory life sentences." +Austerity regime is important for maintaining only important spending from government when their is lack of economic growth in the country. It helps in cutting useless spending and revitalize the economy,We should adopt an austerity regime,an austerity regime helps to balance the nation's budget and reduce national debt. +school prayer should be banned as religion has no place in the schools.,We should prohibit school prayer,We should prohibit school prayer as it is not relevant to many of the students within a school and therefore becomes a point of difference. +we should ban factory farming because the majority of conditions is extremely unsatisfactory.,We should ban factory farming,we should ban factory farming because it lead to the abuse of animals +i think that we should ban cosmetic surgery in some cases,We should ban cosmetic surgery,cosmetic surgery is a frivolous waste of resources and should be banned. it takes medical time away from those in need. cosmetic surgery promotes vanity and self absorption. +Flag burning isn't a big problem in the status quo. Prohibiting it will bring attention to the practice and cause social discontent where there isn't any in the status quo.,We should prohibit flag burning,flag burning should be prohibited because it is a practice used by foreign countries to protest whatever they want about our country. we should respect our flag. +"trading using an algorithm is more accurate, quicker, and easier.",We should ban algorithmic trading,"algorithmic trading facilitates a more efficient, low cost trading system, lowering barriers to entry." +some foster parents are genuinely good people who want to help children who do not have parents. sometimes these relationships grow into adoption.,Foster care brings more harm than good,"Every system has its failings, but overall people involved in foster care are loving, devoted individuals with the children's best interests in mind." +"homeopathic treatments generally don't improve the patients' conditions and are often used as a replacement for conventional care, which would be more helpful.",Homeopathy brings more harm than good,"Homeopathy is used as a replacement for traditional medicine, which can leave serious ailments untreated." +intelligence tests don't determine someone's real intellect. that is shown in their everyday lives.,Intelligence tests bring more harm than good,intelligence tests give a skewed and limited view of a student and do not give a full picture of someones abilities and skills. +would help eliminate overcrowding in prisons.,We should legalize cannabis,legalizing cannabis as far as health is concerned can be beneficial since many of these substances are used as treatments for certain diseases +it's unfair to come down so harshly on kids if we have a zero-tolerance policy. studies have shown that there's absolutely no evidence that this policy reduces violence or drug use by kids.,We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools,we cannot continue to risk the lives of our children and a zero-tolerance policy is a step in the right direction toward solving this horrific problem. +missionary work should be banned as there is so much that needs to be done in our own country.,We should ban missionary work,missionary work should be banned as it can be abused and vulnerable people can be taken advantage of +wikipedia is the largest online encyclopedia in the world and we must ensure its proper functioning,We should subsidize Wikipedia,wikipedia is a valuable resource used by many around the world. it is an important source of knowledge that should be subsidized to ensure it remains free for all to use. +"higher education, such as vocational education, should be paid for only by those partaking in it. otherwise there would be a lot of wasted funds with drop out rates.",We should subsidize vocational education,"We should subsidize vocational education to support students who wish to follow a different education path to those going to university, who would be ineligible for scholarships and grants." +"reports said many students want to pray, so we should let them do it.",We should prohibit school prayer,"we should prohibit school prayer because not every student may pray in the same way, and some students may not even believe in prayer at all." +"through judicial activism, judges can use their own personal judgement to eliminate laws that they feel are unjust.",We should limit judicial activism,judicial activism should be limited in order to keep personal opinions out of rulings +journalism would be more accurate with subsidization.,We should subsidize journalism,"Subsidizing journalism would result in pro-government bias. Journalists would be less comfortable criticizing the government so as not to""bite the hand that feeds them""." +the olympics is a platform for countries from all over the world to perform. people who may never have had an opportunity to travel can be a part of something truly global.,We should abolish the Olympic Games,the olympic games bring friendly and respectful competition among international athletes and make the world a better place. +"we should subsided student loans because it helps more kids get into college which translates into a better country because we will have doctors, nurses, and other professions that we can't live without.",We should subsidize student loans,"subsidizing student loans will introduce more students to higher education, getting them better jobs so that they can become more productive members of society." +"prostitution is the giving and receiving of pleasure, there is no reason for that to be illegal.",We should legalize prostitution,prostitution should be legalized as it provides a service and reduces rape and sex crimes +people should be free to love as many people as they want,We should legalize polygamy,polygamy should be allowed as people have the right to live their lives according to their own beliefs. +"assisted suicide is wrong, none should take someone's life, there is always hope for the future",Assisted suicide should be a criminal offence,assisted suicides can end the pain of those who are suffering from terminal illnesses. +a zero-tolerance policy in schools should be adopted because it actually prepares the students for the real world.,We should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools,"we should adopt a zero-tolerance policy in schools to make it clear that no amount of bullying, bad behavior, or insubordination will be tolerated so we can have safer schools." +the development of autonomous cars will eliminate all deaths due to human errors as 90% of all road fatalities are attributed to human errors.,We should stop the development of autonomous cars,"autonomous cars reduce accidents and keep drunk, drugged and even sleepy drivers from getting behind the wheel." +surrogacy should not be banned because it helps people to have children who otherwise were not able to themselves.,Surrogacy should be banned,surrogacy should be banned as women are being paid to produce a baby and it is not regulated as stringently as it needs to be. +whaling is a deep rooted cultural event that would stall families,We should ban whaling,"whaling is indiscrimate and inhumane, driving various species to the brink of extinction." +There's no need to subsidize vocational education because skills can be learned on the job as apprentices.,We should subsidize vocational education,We should subsidize vocational education because it will lead to a lower unemployment rate. +"women are mentally and physically just as ""tough"" during combat and they have a definite place in combat and should not be prohibited from combat",We should prohibit women in combat,women are just as capable as men to perform the tasks needed in combat and they should not be banned from it. +the divorce rates continue to rise which shows that fewer people believe in a life long committment,We should abandon marriage,"Even with high rates of divorce, married couples and the children of married parents ultimately have more stable and emotionally healthy lives than their unmarried counterparts." +uniforms allow students to look the same and not have to follow the fashion while at school,We should abandon the use of school uniform,uniforms remove some types of peer pressure surrounding students' appearance. +"it doesn't because it gives a child a chance at having a normal life with role models, instead of just staying in an institution.",Foster care brings more harm than good,foster care gets kids out of dangerous situations and into the homes of people who can better care for them. +if no one had weapons then everyone would be equal and crime would dramatically reduce.,We should abolish the right to keep and bear arms,we should abolish the right to keep and bear arms because it can help stop mass shootings +even the government should not have the power to kill anyone they wish.,We should ban targeted killing,targeted killing should be banned because it denies the victim the right to a fair trial by jury. +women are just as capable as men at performing well in combat situations,We should prohibit women in combat,"women have proven they are equally able to cope physically , mentally and emotionally in combat" +it can help to prevent discrimination,We should end affirmative action,affirmative action helps to combat bias in hiring practices +We should not support this as this has no benefit whatsoever to anyone.,We should adopt atheism,We should not adopt atheism as people should be allowed to retain their own religions or belief systems as they see fit. +algorithmic trading provides a rational method for trading,We should ban algorithmic trading,"algorithmic trading facilitates a more efficient, low cost trading system, lowering barriers to entry." +it can lead to a gender imbalance in society,We should legalize sex selection,sex selection can lead to a gender imbalance if one sex is favoured over the other. this can lead to a lack of suitable partners in the future and people being forced to lead a single life. +we should adopt gender-neutral language because it will stop people from being offended from misidentifying them,We should adopt gender-neutral language,by adopting gender-neutral language there will be more equality and nobody will feel offended or excluded +we should not prohibit school prayer because people have a right to pray if they want to,We should prohibit school prayer,we should not prohibit school prayer because it exposes kids to positive moral beliefs and practices. +compulsory voting improves voting turnaround.,We should introduce compulsory voting,compulsory voting ensures that the winner is truly representative of the entire population. +a prisoner camp should be based in the us so it can be fully governed by american laws.,We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp,"we should close guantanamo bay since the treatment of these inmates is likely inhumane and some are there with no real proof they belong there, but will never even get a trial." +school uniform should be abolished because it is very expensive,We should abandon the use of school uniform,school uniforms limit a student's individuality and expression of their personality and therefore should be abandoned. +atheism is simply an easy way out for those who do not want the responsibility of answering to a higher power. it should not be adopted at all in any public institutions.,We should adopt atheism,We should not adopt atheism as people should be allowed to retain their own religions or belief systems as they see fit. +Frequent change in foster placement contribute to mental health problems and poor educational achievement,Foster care brings more harm than good,"Foster care offers little stability for children already suffering hardships, putting them at an even greater disadvantage and giving them less of a chance of a normal life." +"if it should end, although food deliveries reach gaza and there is no hunger in gaza, there is poverty and, above all, there is hopelessness",Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended,"blockade of the gaza strip should be ended because the conflicts need to be finished, a resolution should be found and people should be able to get back on track with life" +"using factory farming, more animals can be raised enabling more people to be fed at lower prices.",We should ban factory farming,factory farming allows for greater food production to feed a growing population. +capital punishment is inhumane and disrespectful to the sanctity of life,We should abolish capital punishment,capital punishment is inhumane and often an unfit punishment for the crime +we do not have a national language here so adopting a language doesn't seem right.,We should adopt gender-neutral language,adopting a gender neutral language enables us to speak to each other in a more compassionate and understanding way. +legalizing the organ trade would make organs too expensive for most people to afford.,We should legalize organ trade,legalizing the organ trade would bring an end to shortages for transplant +"there are more immediate needs here on earth, there's no reason to explore space. we have to care for what we have already.",We should subsidize space exploration,space exploration is a good adventure. our planet is in a future risk of extinct and we should best prepare our refuge in space exploration +these cars would be very beneficial for individuals who can no longer drive safely.,We should stop the development of autonomous cars,"these cars are dangerous, we can never program ai to be able to deal with every possible scenario that may arise, plus every computer system is hackable, leaving every one in a car vulnerable to being hijacked." +we should believe in what we see and not what we are told to believe by some book.,We should adopt atheism,We should not adopt atheism as people should be allowed to retain their own religions or belief systems as they see fit. +the olympic games are an excellent place for amateur athletes to compete of a global level.,We should abolish the Olympic Games,the olympic games allow for true amateur athletes to live out their dreams. +people should have the possibility to withdraw when they deem convenient or necessary,We should end mandatory retirement,we should end mandatory retirement because it should be up to each individual what age they feel they are unable to work any longer +homeschooling takes kids away from a social setting and ruins their social skills,Homeschooling should be banned,"homeschooling prevents a child from socialising with his or her own age group, and can cause isolation and loneliness." +pride parades should not be cancelled because they are an important reminder that people from the lgbt communites still face discrimination,We should cancel pride parades,pride parades should be allowed to continue as it allows people to celebrate diversity among human beings. +we should not fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons we need them to defend our country since russia has nuclear weapons.,We should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons,we should fight for the abolition of nuclear weapons because is fundamental for world peace +Israel is imposing its blockade for its stated reasons of a security measure to prevent weapons from entering Gaza,Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended,"Humanitarian arguments against the blockade are overblown, as the blockade is not designed to prevent things like food and medicine from entering Gaza, but rather weapons and other resources that may assist Hamas." +Whales are wonderfully intelligent creatures that don't deserve to be hunted in such a gruesome manner.,We should ban whaling,"whaling is indiscrimate and inhumane, driving various species to the brink of extinction." +the games significantly boost the economy of the host cities,We should abolish the Olympic Games,the olympic games bring friendly and respectful competition among international athletes and make the world a better place. +it is what gets the best leaders to work for one company and not another,We should limit executive compensation,"to attract the best talent at the top, a high level of executive compensation is essential." +"when somebody is not well and needs immediately help, and no other western medicines working then homeotherapy is the only way.",Homeopathy brings more harm than good,"Homeopathy is used as a replacement for traditional medicine, which can leave serious ailments untreated." +if someone feels they can represent themselves in court then they should not be forced to have a public defender,The use of public defenders should be mandatory,public defenders should be mandatory because they can provide free legal representation to those who are accused +its a form of free speech which we do not prohibit in the usa.,We should prohibit flag burning,we should not prohibit flag burning because freedom of speech is one of the defining rights of the american citizens. +Entrapment should not be legalized because it is inducing someone to commit a crime they might not have committed otherwise.,Entrapment should be legalized,entrapment should be legalized because sometimes this tactic is the only way to apprehend repeat offenders. +alternative medicine can be just as effective if not more than doctor prescribed drugs.,Homeopathy brings more harm than good,homeopathy can interact badly with real medicine. +"libertarianism decreases the kind of government assistant programs that assist those in dire needs and circumstances, leaving the most vulnerable in need.",We should adopt libertarianism,"Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few." +school uniforms promote a sense of community and pride,We should abandon the use of school uniform,school uniforms reduce bullying and classroom distractions. +Coalitions allow for more compromise and discourse and are only possible in a multiparty system.,We should adopt a multi-party system,a multi-party system allows all political parties to be represented for all people +Criminalizing holocaust denial allows deniers to martyr themselves as champions of free speech and prevents the state from logically deconstructing their argument in a way that the public will believe.,Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence,Holocaust denial propagates negative Jewish stereotypes and encourages Anti-Semitism. It must be stopped. +Holocaust denial is a criminal offense in many countries. The U.S. should follow suit.,Holocaust denial should be a criminal offence,Holocaust denial should not be a criminal offence because it is better to let bad ideas be outcompeted by good ideas than to let them fester and grow out of sight like a cancer. +the intelligence tests can lead to severe depression to those who get low results,Intelligence tests bring more harm than good,Intelligence tests bring more harm than good as they reinforce a feeling of superiority in certain people who may lack other abilities in life. +homeopathy is unknown and unpredictable,Homeopathy brings more harm than good,homeopathy can interact badly with real medicine. +a poll shows that more than 90% of the people are in support of a multi-party system in the usa.,We should adopt a multi-party system,the multi-party system offers voters more choices that may get more people involved in politics +exploring the earth is more important than what’s outside of it and should receive the subsidy instead.,We should subsidize space exploration,we should not subsidize space exploration because the money spent could be put to better use such as hunger and finding homes for our homeless. +we shouldn't ban targeted killing because it is a legitimate tool in foreign wars to take out the biggest enemies. we need to use all the tools available to us.,We should ban targeted killing,targeted killing should be banned because it denies the victim the right to a fair trial by jury. +telemarketers have to earn a living wage somehow. it is better than government assistance,We should ban telemarketing,telemarketing is annoying for people as they do not request a phone call and vunerable people such as the elderly often feel threatened into taking part. +this research is extremely valuable and shows a great deal of promise,We should subsidize embryonic stem cell research,embryonic stem cell research has the potential to help cure some of the most devastating diseases +executive compensation is a joke. it's executives rewarding themselves on the backs of shareholders regardless of how well a company performs.,We should limit executive compensation,executive compensation is abuse of unregulated capitalism and concentrates wealth into a very small number of people. +stay-at-home-dads allow for their partner to work outside the home and allow for father child bonding which helps raise children in a productive environment.,We should subsidize stay-at-home dads,being a stay at home parent is a choice and it's no one else's responsibility to ensure an individual can stay at home with their children. +multi-party systems can cause those in charge a lot of havoc when it comes to law making. they need to be able to depend on those they work with.,We should adopt a multi-party system,Multi-party systems are not efficient. The ruling coalition often has to negotiate with the minority parties in its coalition in order to pass legislation. +austerity policies offer a tangible way for governments to funnel money to where it is most essentially needed whilst 'cutting the fat'.,We should adopt an austerity regime,an austerity regime hurts the poorest in our society +the social media es very important for free information,Social media brings more harm than good,social media unites people from all over the world and gives people the opportunity to learn more about people and places all over the planet. +"not everyone can afford a lawyer & by making public defenders mandatory, you are allowing a poorer population of people the right to a fair trial as many people are wrongly accused of many crimes",The use of public defenders should be mandatory,having a system where public defenders are mandatory would make it fairer because all defendants would have the same level of defense +we shouldn't limit judicial activism because this is an opportunity for democracy to work. many of the laws treat people unfairly and this type of activism can change politics positively.,We should limit judicial activism,we should limit judicial activism because it takes the fairness out of our judicial system as decisions should never be subjective. +Zoos are too small and do not provide animals with the space and habitat that they are born to.,We should abolish zoos,Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished. +a multi party system will lead to the rise of fringe groups that do not represent the will of the people.,We should adopt a multi-party system,a multi-party system might allow for more and more diverse candidates to come to the forefront of each election. +people are too accustomed to the current system. people aren't knowledgeable enough about more parties. this would lead to chaos in politics.,We should adopt a multi-party system,a multi-party system might allow for more and more diverse candidates to come to the forefront of each election. +"collectivism enhances the happiness of the wider society as a whole, by focusing what is best for everyone",We should oppose collectivism,collectivism creates a negative impact of individuals losing all sense of self-worth and the ability for the individual to think on their own. +intelligence tests bring more harm than good by focusing on strengths and weaknesses.,Intelligence tests bring more harm than good,Intelligence tests bring more harm than good as they reinforce a feeling of superiority in certain people who may lack other abilities in life. +zoos are inhumane structures built to house animals away from their natural environment. zoos should be abolished and animals returned to their natural homes where they can be free.,We should abolish zoos,Zoos keep animals in captivity and deny them the right to their natural environment therefore they should be abolished. +scientology's hold on people is secured by blackmail from clearing and so should be banned to free people.,We should ban the Church of Scientology,scientology should not be banned as people have the right to worship in whatever religion they wish and in a way they wish to. +we should ban the use of child actors because it exposed them to the horrors of the entertainment industry and cause drug addictions or mental issues when they get older,We should ban the use of child actors,we should ban the use of child actors because it forces them to grow up too quick and could damage them when they get older. +sec selection is a right parents have in the process of childbirth,We should legalize sex selection,Pre-selecting your baby's sex is a form of gender discrimination. +homeschooling is not government regulated.,Homeschooling should be banned,homeschooling is best for children where the schools in the area are not conducive to learning +blockade should be ended as it directly harms the population of gaza.,Blockade of the Gaza Strip should be ended,"blockade of the gaza strip should be ended because the conflicts need to be finished, a resolution should be found and people should be able to get back on track with life" +surrogacy is a monetary transaction which both parties can enter of their own free will.,Surrogacy should be banned,surrogacy allows people who couldn't have children naturally to have their own children through a surrogate parent. +we shouldn't prohibit women in combat because is complementary in event,We should prohibit women in combat,"women should not be excluded from combat based on gender. combat capabilities are person related, not gender related." +Older workers have more experience and expertise than young workers.,We should end mandatory retirement,By freeing up space across professional hierarchies mandatory retirement provides more opportunities for career growth and upward mobility for younger people. +by the time people are at executive level they have worked long and hard and deserved to be recompensed for their work and ideas at a fair level.,We should limit executive compensation,executives have been appointed or promoted to that position through hard work and deserve to be compensated for such +"urbanization destroys natural habits, impacting negatively the environment and endangering many native species of animals, plants and insect life.",We should fight urbanization,urbanization increases pollution and drains resources. +we cannot deny people the right to the legal protections of marriage if they choose to form romantic relationships with multiple partners as with same-sex partners,We should legalize polygamy,"polygamy can be a perfectly valid form of union for many people, and legalising it will provide protection and rights for those involved." +entrapment could be the only way to bring to justice highly organised and intelligent criminals.,Entrapment should be legalized,entrapment should be legalized because sometimes this tactic is the only way to apprehend repeat offenders. +legalizing cannabis may cause fewer people to drink and smoke cigarettes which will lead to a healthier society,We should legalize cannabis,legalizing cannabis as far as health is concerned can be beneficial since many of these substances are used as treatments for certain diseases +we should legalize polygamy because it may stop people who go on to take part in sexual crimes because they arent able to go elsewhere,We should legalize polygamy,"polygamy can be a perfectly valid form of union for many people, and legalising it will provide protection and rights for those involved." +legalizing is dangerous for our nation's youth. it if were legal it would be easier to access by younger citizens. this opens up addiction problems at a younger age and exposure to even harder drugs.,We should legalize cannabis,cannabis is known to lead to dependency as well as further drug seeking behaviors and should not be legalized. +"i think homeschooling should be banned because the kids probably don't get vaccinated, there really isn't anyone there to monitor the schooling, and the kids won't get to meet new friends",Homeschooling should be banned,homeschooling should not be banned because in some circumstances for example children living in remote locations it is the only way a child can receive an education +surrogacy is not natural. we are interferring with nature.,Surrogacy should be banned,surrogacy creates a host of complicated issues around parental rights. +economic sanctions hurt innocent people.,We should end the use of economic sanctions,economic sanctions generally end up hurting more than just those they are applied against and are no longer in the best interest of our country +"we should legalize organ trade because it encourages people to give their organs to others in need, therefore saving lives.",We should legalize organ trade,"a legalised organ trade would dramatically improve the stock of transplant organs, saving lives." +we should not subsidize stay-at-home dads because they do not have to pay for gas for their transportation to work and it is their choices to be a stay at home dads,We should subsidize stay-at-home dads,we should subsidize stay at home dads because they can take care of the home and family just like a woman can. +racial profiling has been shown to be an effective tool in crime prevention and therefore we should allow it to continue.,We should end racial profiling,"figures show that certain crimes are perpetrated more by certain races, thus racial profiling is a helpful shortcut for law enforcement." +the vow of celibacy is a useless vow and is quite often broken.,The vow of celibacy should be abandoned,the vow of celibacy is important to some people and to some faiths; it should be a personal decision not something that is simply abandoned entirely. +"Mandatory retirement as a blanket policy is unnecessary, as those who are unable to perform their job can be released for cause without the policy, while valuable employees can remain.",We should end mandatory retirement,we should end mandatory retirement because it should be up to each individual what age they feel they are unable to work any longer +libertarianism maximizes personal freedom and frees people from the inherent debt and tyranny of big government.,We should adopt libertarianism,"Libertarianism doesn't work. Government intervention and financing are necessary for so many facets of society - education, health, and safety, to name a few." +There are some crimes too heinous to ever forgive and there are some criminals too far gone to rehabilitate; in these cases the only solution is capital punishment.,We should abolish capital punishment,capital punishment is inhumane and often an unfit punishment for the crime +entrapment is a breach of individual rights,Entrapment should be legalized,entrapment just encourages criminal activity that may not have otherwise have occurred +Allowing Guantanamo Bay and other similar detention camps around the world to continue operating gives terrorists ammunition in their war against the free world and our democratic values.,We should close Guantanamo Bay detention camp,The existence of Guantanamo Bay serves as a recruiting tool for terrorist groups. +Entrapment should be legalized as it is a useful tool to catch criminals when other strategies have failed.,Entrapment should be legalized,entrapment should be legalized because sometimes this tactic is the only way to apprehend repeat offenders. +"payday loans are evil in that they encourage people on limited income to quickly spiral into debt, meaning they need to borrow more and more and not have enough money for food and heating.",Payday loans should be banned,payday loans take advantage of the poor while charging insane interest rates. +Banning missionary work would be to religion what a totally government controlled market would be to an economy.,We should ban missionary work,missionary work should be banned as it can be abused and vulnerable people can be taken advantage of +there are much better things to spend money on such as health care and social housing.,We should subsidize journalism,We should not subsidize journalism because there is already sufficient coverage of major issues from different viewpoints without government action. +the military should be a part and controlled by the government,We should ban private military companies,in the interests of national security only governments should be allowed to have military capabilities so private military companies should be banned. +"the vow of celibacy is an out-dated, cruel and unrealistic expectation for priests to uphold and has directly led to the large number of pedophiles in the catholic church.",The vow of celibacy should be abandoned,the vow of celibacy is important to some people and to some faiths; it should be a personal decision not something that is simply abandoned entirely. +naturopathy isn't thoroughly tested by the fda and may pose significant health risks if not utilized properly,We should ban naturopathy,naturopathy isn't thoroughly tested by the fda and may pose significant health risks if not utilized properly +Three-strikes laws are a necessary tool to get the most violent offenders off the streets and keep them from harming more people.,We should abolish the three-strikes laws,"Three-strikes laws are too harsh. Many people who have committed non-violent felonies - and in some cases, misdemeanors - have been given mandatory life sentences." +taxes collected from the legal sale of marijuana could support important public programs,We should legalize cannabis,legalizing cannabis as far as health is concerned can be beneficial since many of these substances are used as treatments for certain diseases +urbanization leads to increased crime and poverty.,We should fight urbanization,urbanization increases pollution and drains resources. +We should legalize organ trade so that more organ donation operations can go ahead and save more lives.,We should legalize organ trade,"a legalised organ trade would dramatically improve the stock of transplant organs, saving lives."