diff --git "a/node/CTD_anatomy.tsv" "b/node/CTD_anatomy.tsv" new file mode 100644--- /dev/null +++ "b/node/CTD_anatomy.tsv" @@ -0,0 +1,1873 @@ +# The Comparative Toxicogenomics Database (CTD) - http://ctdbase.org/ +# Copyright 2002-2012 MDI Biological Laboratory. All rights reserved. +# Copyright 2012-2023 NC State University. All rights reserved. +# +# +# Use is subject to the terms set forth at http://ctdbase.org/about/legal.jsp +# These terms include: +# +# 1. All forms of publication (e.g., web sites, research papers, databases, +# software applications, etc.) that use or rely on CTD data must cite CTD. +# Citation guidelines: http://ctdbase.org/about/publications/#citing +# +# 2. All electronic or online applications must include hyperlinks from +# contexts that use CTD data to the applicable CTD data pages. +# Linking instructions: http://ctdbase.org/help/linking.jsp +# +# 3. You must notify CTD, and describe your use of our data: +# http://ctdbase.org/help/contact.go +# +# 4. For quality control purposes, you must provide CTD with periodic +# access to your publication of our data. +# +# More information: http://ctdbase.org/downloads/ +# +# Report created: Fri Oct 27 14:32:29 EDT 2023 +# +# Fields: +# AnatomyName AnatomyID Definition AltAnatomyIDs ParentIDs TreeNumbers ParentTreeNumbers Synonyms ExternalSynonyms +# +3T3 Cells MESH:D016475 Cell lines whose original growing procedure consisted being transferred (T) every 3 days and plated at 300,000 cells per plate (J Cell Biol 17:299-313, 1963). Lines have been developed using several different strains of mice. Tissues are usually fibroblasts derived from mouse embryos but other types and sources have been developed as well. The 3T3 lines are valuable in vitro host systems for oncogenic virus transformation studies, since 3T3 cells possess a high sensitivity to CONTACT INHIBITION. MESH:D002460|MESH:D005347 A11.251.210.100|A11.329.228.100 A11.251.210|A11.329.228 3T3 Cell|Cell, 3T3|Cells, 3T3 +3T3-L1 Cells MESH:D041721 A continuous cell line that is a substrain of SWISS 3T3 CELLS developed though clonal isolation. The mouse fibroblast cells undergo an adipose-like conversion as they move to a confluent and contact-inhibited state. MESH:D041701 A11.|A11.329.228.100.775.800 A11.|A11.329.228.100.775 3T3-L1|3T3-L1 Cell|3T3 L1 Cells|Cell, 3T3-L1|Cells, 3T3-L1 +A549 Cells MESH:D000072283 An immortalized cell line derived from human ADENOCARCINOMA, ALVEOLAR basal epithelial cells isolated from the lungs of a male patient in 1972. The cell line is positive for KERATIN, can synthesize LECITHIN, and contains high levels of POLYUNSATURATED FATTY ACIDS in its PLASMA MEMBRANE. It is used as a model for PULMONARY ALVEOLI function and virus infections, as a TRANSFECTION host, and for PRECLINICAL DRUG EVALUATION. MESH:D004847|MESH:D045744 A11.|A11.251.860.180.080|A11.436.054 A11.251.210.190|A11.251.860.180|A11.436 A549 Cell|A549 Cell Line|A549 Cell Lines|Cell, A549|Cell Line, A549|Cell Lines, A549|Cells, A549 +Abdomen MESH:D000005 That portion of the body that lies between the THORAX and the PELVIS. UBERON:UBERON_0000916 MESH:D060726 A01.923.047 A01.923 Abdomens abdominopelvic region|abdominopelvis|adult abdomen|belly|celiac region|UBERON:0000916 +Abdominal Cavity MESH:D034841 The region in the abdomen extending from the thoracic DIAPHRAGM to the plane of the superior pelvic aperture (pelvic inlet). The abdominal cavity contains the PERITONEUM and abdominal VISCERA, as well as the extraperitoneal space which includes the RETROPERITONEAL SPACE. UBERON:UBERON_0003684 MESH:D000005 A01.923.047.025 A01.923.047 Abdominal Cavities|Cavitas abdominis|Cavities, Abdominal|Cavity, Abdominal cavity of abdominal compartment|cavity of compartment of abdomen|space of abdominal compartment|UBERON:0003684 +Abdominal Core MESH:D000090043 The torso region located deep within the abdominal area involved in attaching the TORSO to the SPINE and the PELVIC FLOOR. Muscles in the abdominal core are important in POSTURAL BALANCE, spine stability and protection against BACK INJURIES. MESH:D060726 A01.923.112 A01.923 Core, Abdominal +Abdominal Fat MESH:D050153 Fatty tissue in the region of the ABDOMEN. It includes the ABDOMINAL SUBCUTANEOUS FAT and the INTRA-ABDOMINAL FAT. UBERON:UBERON_0007808|UBERON:UBERON_0014454 MESH:D052436 A10.165.114.830.500 A10.165.114.830 Abdominal Adipose Tissue|Abdominal Fats|Adipose Tissue, Abdominal|Fat, Abdominal|Fats, Abdominal adipose tissue of abdominal region|intra-abdominal adipose tissue|intra-abdominal fat|organ fat|UBERON:0007808|UBERON:0014454|visceral abdominal adipose tissue|visceral adipose tissue|visceral fat +Abdominal Muscles MESH:D000009 Muscles forming the ABDOMINAL WALL including RECTUS ABDOMINIS; ABDOMINAL OBLIQUE MUSCLES, transversus abdominis, pyramidalis muscles and quadratus abdominis. UBERON:UBERON_0002378 MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.050 A02.633.567 Abdominal Muscle|Abdominals, Transverse|Abdominal, Transverse|Abdomini, Quadratus|Abdominis, Quadratus|Cremaster Muscle|Cremaster Muscles|Muscle, Abdominal|Muscle, Cremaster|Muscle, Pyramidalis|Muscles, Abdominal|Muscles, Cremaster|Muscles, Pyramidalis|Pyramidalis Muscle|Pyramidalis Muscles|Quadratus Abdomini|Quadratus Abdominis|Transverse Abdominal|Transverse Abdominals|Transversus Abdominis abdomen muscle|abdomen muscle organ|abdominal wall muscle|abdominal wall musculature|muscle of abdomen|muscle organ of abdomen|UBERON:0002378 +Abdominal Oblique Muscles MESH:D000071596 Muscles of the anterolateral abdominal wall consisting of the external oblique and the internal oblique muscles. The external abdominal oblique muscle fibers extend from lower thoracic ribs to the linea alba and the iliac crest. The internal abdominal oblique extend superomedially beneath the external oblique muscles. UBERON:UBERON_0005442|UBERON:UBERON_0005454|UBERON:UBERON_0035032 MESH:D000009 A02.633.567.050.375 A02.633.567.050 Abdominal Oblique Muscle|External Abdominal Oblique Muscle|External Oblique Muscle|External Oblique Muscles|Internal Abdominal Oblique Muscle|Internal Oblique Muscle|Internal Oblique Muscles|Muscle, Abdominal Oblique|Muscle, External Oblique|Muscles, Abdominal Oblique|Muscles, External Oblique|Muscles, Internal Oblique|Oblique Muscle, External|Oblique Muscle, Internal|Oblique Muscles, Abdominal|Oblique Muscles, External|Oblique Muscles, Internal abdominal external oblique muscle|abdominal internal oblique|abdominal internal oblique muscle|external abdominal oblique|external oblique|external oblique abdominal muscles|external oblique abdominis|external oblique abdominis muscle|internal abdominal oblique|internal oblique|internal oblique abdominal|internal oblique abdominis|internal oblique abdominis muscle|m. obliquus externus abdominis|musculus obliquus internus abdominis|oblique abdominal muscle|oblique strength|obliqui internus|obliquus abdominis externus|obliquus externus|obliquus externus abdominis|obliquus externus abdominis muscle|obliquus internus|obliquus internus abdominis|obliquus internus abdominis muscle|UBERON:0005442|UBERON:0005454|UBERON:0035032 +Abdominal Wall MESH:D034861 The outer margins of the ABDOMEN, extending from the osteocartilaginous thoracic cage to the PELVIS. Though its major part is muscular, the abdominal wall consists of at least seven layers: the SKIN, subcutaneous fat, deep FASCIA; ABDOMINAL MUSCLES, transversalis fascia, extraperitoneal fat, and the parietal PERITONEUM. UBERON:UBERON_0003697 MESH:D000005|MESH:D000090043 A01.923.047.050|A01.923.112.125 A01.923.047|A01.923.112 Wall, Abdominal abdominal wall proper|layers of the abdominal wall|paries abdominalis|UBERON:0003697|wall of abdomen|wall of abdomen proper +Abducens Nerve MESH:D000010 The 6th cranial nerve which originates in the ABDUCENS NUCLEUS of the PONS and sends motor fibers to the lateral rectus muscles of the EYE. Damage to the nerve or its nucleus disrupts horizontal eye movement control. UBERON:UBERON_0001646 MESH:D003391 A08.800.800.120.030 A08.800.800.120 Abducen, Nervus|Abducens, Nervus|Abducent Nerve|Abducent Nerves|Cranial Nerve, Sixth|Cranial Nerve VI|Cranial Nerve VIs|Nerve, Abducens|Nerve, Abducent|Nerve, Sixth Cranial|Nerves, Sixth Cranial|Nerve VI|Nerve VI, Cranial|Nerve VIs|Nerve VIs, Cranial|Nervus Abducen|Nervus Abducens|Sixth Cranial Nerve|Sixth Cranial Nerves 6n|abducens nerve/root|abducens nerve tree|abducens nerve [VI]|abducens VI nerve|abducent nerve [VI]|abducents VI nerve|CN-VI|lateral rectus nerve|nervus abducens [VI]|UBERON:0001646 +Abducens Nucleus MESH:D065827 A region in the PONTINE TEGMENTUM that is the nucleus of the ABDUCENS NERVE. UBERON:UBERON_0002682 MESH:D065821 A08. A08. Abducen, Nucleus|Abducens Nerve Nucleus|Abducens, Nucleus|Abducenti, Nucleus Nervi|Abducentis, Nucleus Nervi|Nerve Nucleus, Abducens|Nervi Abducenti, Nucleus|Nervi Abducentis, Nucleus|Nucleus Abducen|Nucleus Abducens|Nucleus, Abducens|Nucleus, Abducens Nerve|Nucleus Nervi Abducenti|Nucleus Nervi Abducentis abducens motor nuclei|abducens motor nucleus|abducens nucleus proper|abducens VI nucleus|abducent nucleus|motor nucleus VI|nucleus of abducens nerve|nucleus of abducens nerve (VI)|nVI|sixth cranial nerve nucleus|UBERON:0002682 +Abomasum MESH:D000018 The fourth stomach of ruminating animals. It is also called the 'true' stomach. It is an elongated pear-shaped sac lying on the floor of the abdomen, on the right-hand side, and roughly between the seventh and twelfth ribs. It leads to the beginning of the small intestine. (From Black's Veterinary Dictionary, 17th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0007358 MESH:D013279 A13.869.106 A13.869 Abomasums fourth stomach|maw|read|rennet-bag|ruminant true stomach|UBERON:0007358 +Aborted Fetus MESH:D037881 A mammalian fetus expelled by INDUCED ABORTION or SPONTANEOUS ABORTION. MESH:D005333 A16.378.099 A16.378 Aborted Embryo|Aborted Embryos|Aborted Fetuses|Embryo, Aborted|Embryos, Aborted|Fetus, Aborted|Fetuses, Aborted +Acanthocytes MESH:D000050 Erythrocytes with protoplasmic projections giving the cell a thorny appearance. MESH:D004913 A11.118.290.330.100|A11.443.240.330.100|A15.145.229.334.330.100 A11.118.290.330|A11.443.240.330|A15.145.229.334.330 Acanthocyte +Accessory Nerve MESH:D000055 The 11th cranial nerve which originates from NEURONS in the MEDULLA and in the CERVICAL SPINAL CORD. It has a cranial root, which joins the VAGUS NERVE (10th cranial) and sends motor fibers to the muscles of the LARYNX, and a spinal root, which sends motor fibers to the TRAPEZIUS and the sternocleidomastoid muscles. UBERON:UBERON_0002019 MESH:D003391 A08.800.800.120.060 A08.800.800.120 Accessorius, Nervus|Accessory Nerves|Accessory Nerve, Spinal|Accessory Nerves, Spinal|Cranial Nerve, Eleventh|Cranial Nerves, Eleventh|Cranial Nerve XI|Eleventh Cranial Nerve|Eleventh Cranial Nerves|Nerve, Accessory|Nerve, Eleventh Cranial|Nerves, Accessory|Nerves, Eleventh Cranial|Nerve, Spinal Accessory|Nerves, Spinal Accessory|Nerve XI|Nerve XIs|Nervus Accessorius|Spinal Accessory Nerve|Spinal Accessory Nerves accessory nerve [XI]|accessory spinal nerve|accessory XI|accessory XI nerve|cervical accessory nerve|CN-XI|nervus accessorius [XI]|pars spinalis nervus accessorius|radix spinalis nervus accessorius|spinal accessory nerve tree|spinal part of accessory nerve|UBERON:0002019|Willis' nerve +Acellular Dermis MESH:D062088 Remaining tissue from normal DERMIS tissue after the cells are removed. MESH:D020405 A17.815.180.040 A17.815.180 Acellular Dermal Graft Tissue|Acellular Dermal Matrices|Acellular Dermal Matrix|Acellular Dermal Tissue|Acellular Dermal Tissues|Acellular Dermal Transplant Tissue|Acellular Dermi|Decellularized Dermal Scaffold|Decellularized Dermal Scaffolds|Dermal Matrices, Acellular|Dermal Matrix, Acellular|Dermal Scaffold, Decellularized|Dermal Scaffolds, Decellularized|Dermal Tissue, Acellular|Dermal Tissues, Acellular|Dermi, Acellular|Dermis, Acellular|Matrices, Acellular Dermal|Matrix, Acellular Dermal|Scaffold, Decellularized Dermal|Scaffolds, Decellularized Dermal|Tissue, Acellular Dermal|Tissues, Acellular Dermal +Acetabulum MESH:D000077 The part of the pelvis that comprises the pelvic socket where the head of FEMUR joins to form HIP JOINT (acetabulofemoral joint). UBERON:UBERON_0001269 MESH:D010384 A02.835.232.043.825.108 A02.835.232.043.825 Acetabula|Acetabulas|Acetabulums|Cavities, Cotyloid|Cavity, Cotyloid|Cotyloid Cavities|Cotyloid Cavity acetabular part of hip bone|acetabular region|UBERON:0001269 +Achilles Tendon MESH:D000125 Tendon that connects the muscles in the back of the calf to the HEEL BONE. UBERON:UBERON_0003701 MESH:D013710 A02.880.176 A02.880 Calcaneal Tendon|Calcaneal Tendons|Tendo Calcaneus|Tendon, Achilles|Tendon, Calcaneal|Tendons, Calcaneal Achille's tendon|Achilles' tendon|tendo Achillis|UBERON:0003701 +Acinar Cells MESH:D061354 Cells lining the saclike dilatations known as acini of various glands or the lungs. CL:CL_0000622 MESH:D002477 A11.031 A11 Acinar Cell|Acinic Cell|Acinic Cells|Acini Cell|Acini Cells|Acinous Cell|Acinous Cells|Acinus Cell|Acinus Cells|Cell, Acinar|Cell, Acini|Cell, Acinic|Cell, Acinous|Cell, Acinus|Cells, Acinar|Cells, Acini|Cells, Acinic|Cells, Acinous|Cells, Acinus CL:0000622 +Acne Keloid MESH:D000153 A type of acneiform disorder in which secondary pyogenic infection in and around pilosebaceous structures ends in keloidal scarring. It manifests as persistent folliculitis of the back of the neck associated with occlusion of the follicular orifices. It is most often encountered in black or Asian men. MESH:D007627 A10.165.450.300.425.125 A10.165.450.300.425 Acne, Keloidal|Acne Keloidalis|Acne Keloids|Acne, Nuchal Keloid|Acnes, Nuchal Keloid|Capillitii, Dermatitis Papillaris|Capillitius, Dermatitis Papillaris|Dermatitis Papillaris Capillitii|Dermatitis Papillaris Capillitius|Folliculitis Keloidalis|Folliculitis Keloidalis Nuchae|Keloid, Acne|Keloid Acne, Nuchal|Keloid Acnes, Nuchal|Keloidal Acne|Keloidal Acnes|Keloidalis Nuchae, Folliculitis|Keloidalis Nuchae, Lichen|Keloids, Acne|Lichen Keloidalis Nuchae|Nuchae, Folliculitis Keloidalis|Nuchae, Lichen Keloidalis|Nuchal Keloid Acne|Nuchal Keloid Acnes|Papillaris Capillitii, Dermatitis|Papillaris Capillitius, Dermatitis +Acoustic Maculae MESH:D008267 The sensory areas on the vertical wall of the saccule and in the floor of the utricle. The hair cells in the maculae are innervated by fibers of the VESTIBULAR NERVE. UBERON:UBERON_0000054 MESH:D012444 A09.246.300.909.625.125|A09.923.500.625.125 A09.246.300.909.625|A09.923.500.625 Acoustic Macula|Acoustic Maculas|Macula, Acoustic|Maculae, Acoustic|Maculas, Acoustic macula|maculae|sensory macula|sensory patch|UBERON:0000054 +Acromioclavicular Joint MESH:D000173 The gliding joint formed by the outer extremity of the CLAVICLE and the inner margin of the ACROMION PROCESS of the SCAPULA. UBERON:UBERON_0003692 MESH:D007596 A02.835.583.032 A02.835.583 Acromioclavicular Joints|Coracoacromial Arch|Coracoacromial Ligament|Coracoacromial Ligaments|Joint, Acromioclavicular|Joints, Acromioclavicular|Ligament, Coracoacromial|Ligaments, Coracoacromial acromioclavicular articulation|articulatio acromioclavicularis|scapuloclavicular articulation|UBERON:0003692 +Acromion MESH:D000174 The lateral extension of the spine of the SCAPULA and the highest point of the SHOULDER. UBERON:UBERON_0002497 MESH:D012540 A02.835.232.087.783.261 A02.835.232.087.783 Acromion Process|Acromion Processes|Acromions acromion of scapula|acromion of the scapula|scapular acromion|UBERON:0002497 +Acrosome MESH:D000177 The cap-like structure covering the anterior portion of SPERM HEAD. Acrosome, derived from LYSOSOMES, is a membrane-bound organelle that contains the required hydrolytic and proteolytic enzymes necessary for sperm penetration of the egg in FERTILIZATION. MESH:D008247|MESH:D013077 A05.360.490.890.820.100|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.550.040|A11.497.760.400.100 A05.360.490.890.820|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.550|A11.497.760.400 Acrosomes +Actin Cytoskeleton MESH:D008841 Fibers composed of MICROFILAMENT PROTEINS, which are predominately ACTIN. They are the smallest of the cytoskeletal filaments. MESH:D003599 A11.284.430.214.190.750.050 A11.284.430.214.190.750 Actin Cytoskeletons|Actin Filament|Actin Filaments|Actin Microfilament|Actin Microfilaments|Cytoskeleton, Actin|Cytoskeletons, Actin|Filament, Actin|Filaments, Actin|Microfilament|Microfilament, Actin|Microfilaments|Microfilaments, Actin +Adenoids MESH:D000234 A collection of lymphoid nodules on the posterior wall and roof of the NASOPHARYNX. UBERON:UBERON_0001732 MESH:D008221|MESH:D009305 A04.623.557.500|A10.549.100|A14.724.557.500|A15.382.520.604.100 A04.623.557|A10.549|A14.724.557|A15.382.520.604 Adenoid|Pharyngeal Tonsil|Pharyngeal Tonsils|Tonsil, Pharyngeal|Tonsils, Pharyngeal nasopharyngeal tonsil|Rachenmandel|tonsilla pharyngea|tonsilla pharyngealis|tonsil of Luschka|UBERON:0001732 +Adherens Junctions MESH:D022005 Anchoring points where the CYTOSKELETON of neighboring cells are connected to each other. They are composed of specialized areas of the plasma membrane where bundles of the ACTIN CYTOSKELETON attach to the membrane through the transmembrane linkers, CADHERINS, which in turn attach through their extracellular domains to cadherins in the neighboring cell membranes. In sheets of cells, they form into adhesion belts (zonula adherens) that go all the way around a cell. MESH:D007365 A11. A11. Adherens Junction|Adherens, Zonula|Junction, Adherens|Junctions, Adherens|Zonula Adherens +Adipocytes MESH:D017667 Cells in the body that store FATS, usually in the form of TRIGLYCERIDES. WHITE ADIPOCYTES are the predominant type and found mostly in the abdominal cavity and subcutaneous tissue. BROWN ADIPOCYTES are thermogenic cells that can be found in newborns of some species and hibernating mammals. CL:CL_0000136 MESH:D003239 A11.329.114 A11.329 Adipocyte|Cell, Fat|Cells, Fat|Fat Cell|Fat Cells|Lipocyte|Lipocytes adipose cell|CL:0000136 +Adipocytes, Beige MESH:D000069797 Brown fat-like cells that develop in the WHITE FAT from non-MYOGENIC REGULATORY FACTOR 5 expressing CELL LINEAGE. CL:CL_0001070 MESH:D017667 A11.329.114.125 A11.329.114 Adipocyte, Beige|Adipocyte, Beige Brite|Adipocyte, Brite|Adipocytes, Beige Brite|Adipocytes, Brite|Beige Adipocyte|Beige Adipocytes|Beige Brite Adipocyte|Beige Brite Adipocytes|Beige Brite Cell|Beige Brite Cells|Beige Fat Cell|Beige Fat Cells|Brite Adipocyte|Brite Adipocyte, Beige|Brite Adipocytes|Brite Adipocytes, Beige|Brite Cell, Beige|Brite Cells, Beige|Brite Fat Cell|Brite Fat Cells|Cell, Beige Brite|Cell, Beige Fat|Cell, Brite Fat|Cells, Beige Brite|Cells, Beige Fat|Cells, Brite Fat|Fat Cell, Beige|Fat Cell, Brite|Fat Cells, Beige|Fat Cells, Brite beige/brite adipocyte|beige brown adipocyte|brite cell|CL:0001070 +Adipocytes, Brown MESH:D052437 Fat cells with dark coloration due to the densely packed MITOCHONDRIA. They contain numerous small lipid droplets or vacuoles. Their stored lipids can be converted directly to energy as heat by the mitochondria. CL:CL_0000449 MESH:D017667 A11.329.114.249 A11.329.114 Adipocyte, Brown|Brown Adipocyte|Brown Adipocytes|Brown Fat Cell|Brown Fat Cells|Cell, Brown Fat|Cells, Brown Fat|Fat Cell, Brown|Fat Cells, Brown brown adipose cell|CL:0000449 +Adipocytes, White MESH:D052438 Fat cells with light coloration and few MITOCHONDRIA. They contain a scant ring of CYTOPLASM surrounding a single large lipid droplet or vacuole. CL:CL_0000448 MESH:D017667 A11.329.114.500 A11.329.114 Adipocyte, White|Cells, White Fat|Cell, White Fat|Fat Cells, White|Fat Cell, White|White Adipocyte|White Adipocytes|White Fat Cell|White Fat Cells CL:0000448|white adipose cell +Adipose Tissue MESH:D000273 Specialized connective tissue composed of fat cells (ADIPOCYTES). It is the site of stored FATS, usually in the form of TRIGLYCERIDES. In mammals, there are two types of adipose tissue, the WHITE FAT and the BROWN FAT. Their relative distributions vary in different species with most adipose tissue being white. UBERON:UBERON_0001013 MESH:D003238 A10.165.114 A10.165 Body Fat|Fat Pad|Fat Pads|Fatty Tissue|Pad, Fat|Pads, Fat|Tissue, Adipose|Tissue, Fatty adipose|bodyfat|fat|fat tissue|fatty depot|UBERON:0001013 +Adipose Tissue, Beige MESH:D000069796 Brown fat-like adipose tissue that develops in WHITE ADIPOSE TISSUE from non-MYOGENIC REGULATORY FACTOR 5 expressing cell lineage. MESH:D000273 A10.165.114.161 A10.165.114 Adipose Tissue, Brite|Adipose Tissues, Beige|Adipose Tissues, Brite|Beige Adipose Tissue|Beige Adipose Tissues|Beige Brite Adipose Tissue|Beige Brite Fat|Beige Brite Fats|Beige Fat|Brite Adipose Tissue|Brite Adipose Tissues|Brite Fat|Brite Fat, Beige|Brite Fats, Beige|Fat, Beige|Fat, Beige Brite|Fat, Brite|Fats, Beige Brite|Tissue, Beige Adipose|Tissue, Brite Adipose|Tissues, Beige Adipose|Tissues, Brite Adipose +Adipose Tissue, Brown MESH:D002001 A thermogenic form of adipose tissue composed of BROWN ADIPOCYTES. It is found in newborns of many species including humans, and in hibernating mammals. Brown fat is richly vascularized, innervated, and densely packed with MITOCHONDRIA which can generate heat directly from the stored lipids. UBERON:UBERON_0001348 MESH:D000273 A10.165.114.322 A10.165.114 Brown Adipose Tissue|Brown Fat|Fat, Brown|Hibernating Gland|Tissue, Brown Adipose adipocytus multigutturalis|BAT|multilocular adipose tissue|textus adiposus fuscus|UBERON:0001348 +Adipose Tissue, White MESH:D052436 Fatty tissue composed of WHITE ADIPOCYTES and generally found directly under the skin (SUBCUTANEOUS FAT) and around the internal organs (ABDOMINAL FAT). It has less vascularization and less coloration than the BROWN FAT. White fat provides heat insulation, mechanical cushion, and source of energy. UBERON:UBERON_0001347 MESH:D000273 A10.165.114.830 A10.165.114 Fat, White|Tissue, White Adipose|White Adipose Tissue|White Fat adipocytus unigutturalis|textus adiposus albus|UBERON:0001347|unilocular adipose tissue +Adnexa Uteri MESH:D000290 Appendages of the UTERUS which include the FALLOPIAN TUBES, the OVARY, and the supporting ligaments of the uterus (BROAD LIGAMENT; ROUND LIGAMENT). UBERON:UBERON_0036292 MESH:D005836 A05.360.319.114 A05.360.319 Appendages, Uterine|Appendage, Uterine|Uterine Appendage|Uterine Appendages adnexa of uterus|UBERON:0036292|uterine adnexa +Adrenal Cortex MESH:D000302 The outer layer of the adrenal gland. It is derived from MESODERM and comprised of three zones (outer ZONA GLOMERULOSA, middle ZONA FASCICULATA, and inner ZONA RETICULARIS) with each producing various steroids preferentially, such as ALDOSTERONE; HYDROCORTISONE; DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE; and ANDROSTENEDIONE. Adrenal cortex function is regulated by pituitary ADRENOCORTICOTROPIN. UBERON:UBERON_0001235 MESH:D000311 A06.300.071.140 A06.300.071 Cortex, Adrenal adrenal gland cortex|cortex glandulae suprarenalis|cortex (glandula suprarenalis)|cortex of adrenal gland|cortex of suprarenal gland|suprarenal|suprarenal cortex|UBERON:0001235 +Adrenal Glands MESH:D000311 A pair of glands located at the cranial pole of each of the two KIDNEYS. Each adrenal gland is composed of two distinct endocrine tissues with separate embryonic origins, the ADRENAL CORTEX producing STEROIDS and the ADRENAL MEDULLA producing NEUROTRANSMITTERS. UBERON:UBERON_0002369 MESH:D004702 A06.300.071 A06.300 Adrenal Gland|Gland, Adrenal|Glands, Adrenal adrenal|adrenal capsule|adrenal medulla cell|atrabiliary capsule|epinephric gland|epinephros|glandula adrenalis|glandula suprarenalis|interrenal gland|suprarenal capsule|suprarenal gland|UBERON:0002369 +Adrenal Medulla MESH:D000313 The inner portion of the adrenal gland. Derived from ECTODERM, adrenal medulla consists mainly of CHROMAFFIN CELLS that produces and stores a number of NEUROTRANSMITTERS, mainly adrenaline (EPINEPHRINE) and NOREPINEPHRINE. The activity of the adrenal medulla is regulated by the SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. UBERON:UBERON_0001236 MESH:D000311 A06.300.071.265 A06.300.071 Adrenal Medullas|Medulla, Adrenal|Medullas, Adrenal adrenal central medulla|adrenal gland medulla|chromaffin cells|medulla glandulae suprarenalis|medulla (glandula suprarenalis)|medulla of adrenal gland|medulla of glandula suprarenalis|medulla of suprarenal gland|suprarenal medulla|UBERON:0001236 +Adrenergic Fibers MESH:D000320 Nerve fibers liberating catecholamines at a synapse after an impulse. MESH:D009412|MESH:D059331 A08.675.100.500|A08.675.542.075|A11.671.501.075 A08.675.100|A08.675.542|A11.671.501 Adrenergic Fiber|Fiber, Adrenergic|Fibers, Adrenergic|Fibers, Sympathetic|Fiber, Sympathetic|Sympathetic Fiber|Sympathetic Fibers +Adrenergic Neurons MESH:D059331 Neurons whose primary neurotransmitter is EPINEPHRINE. CL:CL_0000109|CL:CL_0008025 MESH:D009474 A08.675.100|A11.671.050 A08.675|A11.671 Adrenergic Neuron|Neuron, Adrenergic|Neuron, Noradrenergic|Neurons, Adrenergic|Neurons, Noradrenergic|Noradrenergic Neuron|Noradrenergic Neurons CL:0000109|CL:0008025 +Adult Germline Stem Cells MESH:D000072956 Progenitor stem cells found in the testicles. MESH:D053687 A11.872.040.250 A11.872.040 Germline Adult Stem Cells|Progenitor Cells, Spermatogonial|Spermatogonial Progenitor Cell|Spermatogonial Progenitor Cells +Adult Stem Cells MESH:D053687 Tissue-specific stem cells (also known as Somatic Stem Cells) that appear during fetal development and remain in the body throughout life. The key functions of adult stem cells are to maintain and repair the specific tissues where they reside (e.g. skin or blood). CL:CL_0000723 MESH:D013234 A11.872.040 A11.872 Adult Somatic Stem Cells|Adult Stem Cell|Somatic Adult Stem Cells|Somatic Stem Cell|Somatic Stem Cells|Stem Cells, Adult|Stem Cell, Somatic|Stem Cells, Somatic CL:0000723 +Adventitia MESH:D063194 The outermost covering of organs, blood vessels, and other such structures in the body. UBERON:UBERON_0005742 MESH:D001808|MESH:D003238 A07.015.057|A10.165.189 A07.015|A10.165 Adventitial Tissue|Adventitial Tissues|Adventitia, Tunica|Adventitious Tissue|Adventitious Tissues|Tissue, Adventitial|Tissue, Adventitious|Tissues, Adventitial|Tissues, Adventitious|Tunica Adventitia|Tunica Externa tunica advetitia|UBERON:0005742 +Afferent Pathways MESH:D000344 Nerve structures through which impulses are conducted from a peripheral part toward a nerve center. MESH:D009434 A08.612.220 A08.612 Afferent Pathway|Pathway, Afferent|Pathways, Afferent +Air Sacs MESH:D000400 Thin-walled sacs or spaces which function as a part of the respiratory system in birds, fishes, insects, and mammals. UBERON:UBERON_0009060 MESH:D000825 A13.048 A13 Air Bladder|Air Bladders|Air Sac|Bladder, Air|Bladders, Air|Sac, Air|Sacs, Air|Swimbladder|Swimbladders psotcranial air sac|sacci pneumatici|UBERON:0009060 +Allantois MESH:D000482 An extra-embryonic membranous sac derived from the YOLK SAC of REPTILES; BIRDS; and MAMMALS. It lies between two other extra-embryonic membranes, the AMNION and the CHORION. The allantois serves to store urinary wastes and mediate exchange of gas and nutrients for the developing embryo. UBERON:UBERON_0004340 MESH:D005321 A10.615.284.147|A16.254.750.147 A10.615.284|A16.254.750 Allantoic Membrane|Membrane, Allantoic allantoic bud|UBERON:0004340 +Allogeneic Cells MESH:D000078422 Cells from genetically different individuals of the same species to be used for CELL- AND TISSUE-BASED THERAPY; ADOPTIVE CELL TRANSFER; or ADOPTIVE IMMUNOTHERAPY. MESH:D002477|MESH:D064591 A01.941.500.500|A11.047 A01.941.500|A11 Allocell|Allocells|Allogeneic Cell|Cell, Allogeneic|Cell, Homologous|Cells, Allogeneic|Cells, Homologous|Homologous Cell|Homologous Cells +Allografts MESH:D064591 Tissues, cells, or organs transplanted between genetically different individuals of the same species. MESH:D019737 A01.941.500 A01.941 Allogeneic Graft|Allogeneic Grafts|Allogeneic Transplant|Allogeneic Transplants|Allograft|Graft, Allogeneic|Grafts, Allogeneic|Homograft|Homografts|Homologous Transplant|Homologous Transplants|Transplant, Allogeneic|Transplant, Homologous|Transplants, Allogeneic|Transplants, Homologous +Alveolar Epithelial Cells MESH:D056809 Epithelial cells that line the PULMONARY ALVEOLI. CL:CL_0000322|CL:CL_0002062|CL:CL_0002063 MESH:D004847|MESH:D011650 A04.411.715.100|A11.436.081 A04.411.715|A11.436 Alveolar Cell|Alveolar Cells|Alveolar Epithelial Cell|Cell, Alveolar|Cell, Alveolar Epithelial|Cells, Alveolar|Cells, Alveolar Epithelial|Epithelial Cell, Alveolar|Epithelial Cells, Alveolar|Pneumocyte|Pneumocytes|Pneumocytes, Type 1|Pneumocytes, Type 2|Pneumocytes, Type-I|Pneumocytes, Type-II|Pneumocyte, Type 1|Pneumocyte, Type 2|Pneumocyte, Type-I|Pneumocyte, Type-II|Type 1 Pneumocyte|Type 1 Pneumocytes|Type 2 Pneumocyte|Type 2 Pneumocytes|Type-II Pneumocyte|Type II Pneumocytes|Type-II Pneumocytes|Type-I Pneumocyte|Type I Pneumocytes|Type-I Pneumocytes AT1|AT2|ATI|ATII|CL:0000322|CL:0002062|CL:0002063|cuboidal type II cell|granular pneumocyte|great alveolar cell|lung type 1 cells|lung type 2 cell|lung type II cell|membranous pneumocytes|pneumonocyte|pulmonary alveolar type I cell|small alveolar cells|squamous alveolar cell|squamous alveolar lining cell|TII|type 1 alveolar epithelial cells|type 2 alveolar epithelial cell|type 2 alveolocyte|type I alveolar cells|type I alveolar epithelial cells|type II alveolar cell|type II alveolar epithelial cell|type II alveolocyte|type II pneumocyte|type I pneumocyte +Alveolar Process MESH:D000539 The thickest and spongiest part of the maxilla and mandible hollowed out into deep cavities for the teeth. UBERON:UBERON_0004103 MESH:D007568|MESH:D010519 A02.835.232.781.324.502.125|A14.521.125|A14.549.167.646.094 A02.835.232.781.324.502|A14.521|A14.549.167.646 Alveolar Processes|Alveolar Ridge|Process, Alveolar|Processes, Alveolar|Ridge, Alveolar alveolar body|alveolar bone|alveolar margin|margo alveolaris|UBERON:0004103 +Amacrine Cells MESH:D025042 INTERNEURONS of the vertebrate RETINA. They integrate, modulate, and interpose a temporal domain in the visual message presented to the RETINAL GANGLION CELLS, with which they synapse in the inner plexiform layer. CL:CL_0000561 MESH:D007395|MESH:D055351 A08.675.358.050|A08.675.650.850.500|A09.371.729.831.500|A11.671.358.050|A11.671.650.850.500 A08.675.358|A08.675.650.850|A09.371.729.831|A11.671.358|A11.671.650.850 Amacrine Cell|Cell, Amacrine|Cells, Amacrine AC|ACs|amacrine neuron|CL:0000561 +Ameloblasts MESH:D000565 Cylindrical epithelial cells in the innermost layer of the ENAMEL ORGAN. Their functions include contribution to the development of the dentinoenamel junction by the deposition of a layer of the matrix, thus producing the foundation for the prisms (the structural units of the DENTAL ENAMEL), and production of the matrix for the enamel prisms and interprismatic substance. (From Jablonski's Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992) CL:CL_0000059 MESH:D004847 A11.436.107 A11.436 Ameloblast amelocyte|CL:0000059|enamel secreting cell +Amnion MESH:D000650 The innermost membranous sac that surrounds and protects the developing embryo which is bathed in the AMNIOTIC FLUID. Amnion cells are secretory EPITHELIAL CELLS and contribute to the amniotic fluid. UBERON:UBERON_0000305 MESH:D005321 A10.615.284.277|A16.254.750.277 A10.615.284|A16.254.750 Amnions|Amniotic Membrane|Amniotic Membranes|Membrane, Amniotic|Membranes, Amniotic amnios|UBERON:0000305 +Amniotic Fluid MESH:D000653 A clear, yellowish liquid that envelopes the FETUS inside the sac of AMNION. In the first trimester, it is likely a transudate of maternal or fetal plasma. In the second trimester, amniotic fluid derives primarily from fetal lung and kidney. Cells or substances in this fluid can be removed for prenatal diagnostic tests (AMNIOCENTESIS). UBERON:UBERON_0000173 MESH:D005333|MESH:D005441 A12.098|A16.378.149 A12|A16.378 Amniotic Fluid Index|Amniotic Fluid Indices|Amniotic Fluids|Fluid, Amniotic|Fluid Index, Amniotic|Fluid Indices, Amniotic|Fluids, Amniotic|Index, Amniotic Fluid|Indices, Amniotic Fluid acqua amnii|liquor amnii|UBERON:0000173 +Ampulla of Vater MESH:D014670 A dilation of the duodenal papilla that is the opening of the juncture of the COMMON BILE DUCT and the MAIN PANCREATIC DUCT, also known as the hepatopancreatic ampulla. UBERON:UBERON_0004913 MESH:D003135|MESH:D004386|MESH:D010183 A03.|A03.556.124.684.124.236|A03.556.875.249.160|A03.734.667.500 A03.|A03.556.124.684.124|A03.556.875.249|A03.734.667 Ampulla, Hepatopancreatic|Ampullas, Hepatopancreatic|Ampulla, Vater's|Duodenal Papilla, Greater|Duodenal Papilla, Major|Duodenal Papillas, Greater|Greater Duodenal Papilla|Greater Duodenal Papillas|Hepatopancreatic Ampulla|Hepatopancreatic Ampullas|Major Duodenal Papilla|Vater Ampulla|Vater's Ampulla|Vaters Ampulla ampulla biliaropancreatica|ampulla hepatopancreatica|ampulla of bile duct|ampulla Vaterii|biliaropancreatic ampulla|papilla duodeni major|papilla Vateri|UBERON:0004913 +Amputation Stumps MESH:D000672 The part of a limb or tail following AMPUTATION, SURGICAL that is proximal to the amputated section. MESH:D005121 A01.378.100 A01.378 Amputation Stump|Stump, Amputation|Stumps, Amputation +Amygdala MESH:D000679 Almond-shaped group of basal nuclei anterior to the INFERIOR HORN OF THE LATERAL VENTRICLE of the TEMPORAL LOBE. The amygdala is part of the limbic system. UBERON:UBERON_0001876 MESH:D001479|MESH:D008032 A08.|A08. A08.186.211.180|A08. Amygdalae, Nucleus|Amygdaloid Bodies|Amygdaloid Body|Amygdaloideum, Corpus|Amygdaloideums, Corpus|Amygdaloid Nuclear Complex|Amygdaloid Nuclear Complices|Amygdaloid Nuclei, Intercalated|Amygdaloid Nucleus|Amygdaloid Nucleus, Intercalated|Archistriatum|Archistriatums|Complex, Amygdaloid Nuclear|Complices, Amygdaloid Nuclear|Corpus Amygdaloideum|Corpus Amygdaloideums|Intercalata, Massa|Intercalatas, Massa|Intercalated Amygdaloid Nuclei|Intercalated Amygdaloid Nucleus|Massa Intercalata|Massa Intercalatas|Nuclear Complex, Amygdaloid|Nuclear Complices, Amygdaloid|Nuclei, Intercalated Amygdaloid|Nucleus Amygdalae|Nucleus, Amygdaloid|Nucleus, Intercalated Amygdaloid amygdaloid area|amygdaloid complex|amygdaloid nuclear group|amygdaloid nuclear groups|corpus amygdalae|UBERON:0001876 +Anal Canal MESH:D001003 The terminal segment of the LARGE INTESTINE, beginning from the ampulla of the RECTUM and ending at the anus. UBERON:UBERON_0000159 MESH:D007420 A03.556.124.526.070|A03.556.249.249.070 A03.556.124.526|A03.556.249.249 Anal Gland|Anal Gland, Human|Anal Glands, Human|Anal Sphincter|Anal Sphincter, External|Anal Sphincter, Internal|Anal Sphincters|Anus|Detrusor External Sphincter|Detrusor External Sphincters|External Anal Sphincter|External Anal Sphincters|Human Anal Gland|Human Anal Glands|Internal Anal Sphincter|Internal Anal Sphincters|Sphincter, Anal|Sphincter, Detrusor External|Sphincter, External Anal|Sphincter, Internal Anal|Sphincters, Anal anal canal viewed anatomically|anal pad|anatomical anal canal|canalis analis|cloaca|cloacal chamber|mesenteron|pars analis recti|UBERON:0000159 +Anal Sacs MESH:D000695 A pair of anal glands or sacs, located on either side of the ANUS, that produce and store a dark, foul-smelling fluid in carnivorous animals such as MEPHITIDAE and DOGS. The expelled fluid is used as a defensive repellent (in skunks) or a material to mark territory (in dogs). UBERON:UBERON_0008978 MESH:D000825 A13.073 A13 Anal Gland, Animal|Anal Glands, Animal|Anal Sac UBERON:0008978 +Anatomic Landmarks MESH:D059925 Reference points located by visual inspection, palpation, or computer assistance, that are useful in localizing structures on or within the human body. MESH:D001829 A01.111 A01 Anatomic Landmark|Landmark, Anatomic|Landmarks, Anatomic +Anatomy MESH:A A +Animal Fins MESH:D058500 Membranous appendage of fish and other aquatic organisms used for locomotion or balance. UBERON:UBERON_0008897 MESH:D000825 A13.075 A13 Animal Fin|Fin, Animal|Fins, Animal fin|fins|UBERON:0008897 +Animal Fur MESH:D000076203 Usually densely-packed hairs on the skin of MAMMALS. MESH:D000825|MESH:D006197 A13.078|A17.360.148 A13|A17.360 Fur, Animal +Animal Scales MESH:D000075342 Tough, horny, brittle, smooth, striated or plate-like extensions of the stratum corneum or outer layer of the skin. It serves as a protective layer in fishes, reptiles, birds, and mammals. UBERON:UBERON_0007380|UBERON:UBERON_0007381 MESH:D000825|MESH:D034582 A13.079|A17.100 A13|A17 Animal Scale|Cuticular Scale|Cuticular Scales|Dermal Scale|Dermal Scales|Epidermal Scale|Epidermal Scales|Scale, Animal|Scale, Cuticular|Scale, Dermal|Scale, Epidermal|Scales, Animal|Scales, Cuticular|Scales, Dermal|Scales, Epidermal fish scale|scales|UBERON:0007380|UBERON:0007381 +Animal Shells MESH:D060105 The hard rigid covering of animals including MOLLUSCS; TURTLES; INSECTS; and crustaceans. UBERON:UBERON_0008275 MESH:D000825 A13.080 A13 Animal Exoskeleton|Animal Exoskeletons|Animal Shell|Carapace|Carapaces|Exoskeleton, Animal|Exoskeletons, Animal|Seashell|Seashells|Shell, Animal|Shells, Animal chelonian carapace|dorsal armor|dorsal shell|UBERON:0008275|upper shell +Animal Structures MESH:D000825 Organs and other anatomical structures of non-human vertebrate and invertebrate animals. UBERON:UBERON_0000061 MESH:A A13 A Animal Organ|Animal Organs|Animal Structure|Organ, Animal|Organs, Animal|Structure, Animal|Structures, Animal anatomical structure|biological structure|connected biological structure|UBERON:0000061 +Ankle MESH:D000842 The region of the lower limb between the FOOT and the LEG. UBERON:UBERON_0004454 MESH:D035002 A01.378.610.050 A01.378.610 Ankles|Regio tarsalis|Tarsus ankle region|articulatio talocruralis|hind basipodium|hind mesopodium|hock|tarsal limb segment|tarsal region|UBERON:0004454 +Ankle Joint MESH:D000843 The joint that is formed by the inferior articular and malleolar articular surfaces of the TIBIA; the malleolar articular surface of the FIBULA; and the medial malleolar, lateral malleolar, and superior surfaces of the TALUS. UBERON:UBERON_0001488 MESH:D033023 A02.835.583.378.062 A02.835.583.378 Ankle Joints|Ankle Syndesmoses|Ankle Syndesmosis|Ankle Syndesmosis, Tibiofibular|Articulatio talocruralis|Distal Tibiofibular Joint|Distal Tibiofibular Joints|Inferior Tibiofibular Joint|Inferior Tibiofibular Joints|Joint, Ankle|Joints, Ankle|Syndesmosis, Ankle|Talocrural Joint|Talocrural Joints|Tibiofibular Ankle Syndesmoses|Tibiofibular Ankle Syndesmosis|Tibiofibular Joint, Distal|Tibiofibular Syndesmoses|Tibiofibular Syndesmosis gambrel|hock|hock joint|mortise joint|talocrural articulation|talotibial joint|UBERON:0001488 +Annulus Fibrosus MESH:D000070616 Outer portion of the intervertebral disc that surrounds the NUCLEUS PULPOSUS. UBERON:UBERON_0006444 MESH:D007403 A02.165.308.410.250|A02.835.232.834.432.250|A10.165.382.350.050.250 A02.165.308.410|A02.835.232.834.432|A10.165.382.350.050 Anulus Fibrosus anulus|fibrocartilaginous ring|fibrous ring|UBERON:0006444 +Anterior Capsule of the Lens MESH:D057866 The anterior aspect of the casing that surrounds the natural CRYSTALLINE LENS. MESH:D005123 A09.371.061 A09.371 +Anterior Cerebral Artery MESH:D020771 Artery formed by the bifurcation of the internal carotid artery (CAROTID ARTERY, INTERNAL). Branches of the anterior cerebral artery supply the CAUDATE NUCLEUS; INTERNAL CAPSULE; PUTAMEN; SEPTAL NUCLEI; GYRUS CINGULI; and surfaces of the FRONTAL LOBE and PARIETAL LOBE. UBERON:UBERON_0001624 MESH:D002536 A07. A07.015.114.228 Anterior Cerebral Arteries|Arteries, Anterior Cerebral|Artery, Anterior Cerebral|Cerebral Arteries, Anterior|Cerebral Artery, Anterior arteria cerebri anterior|UBERON:0001624 +Anterior Chamber MESH:D000867 The space in the eye, filled with aqueous humor, bounded anteriorly by the cornea and a small portion of the sclera and posteriorly by a small portion of the ciliary body, the iris, and that part of the crystalline lens which presents through the pupil. (Cline et al., Dictionary of Visual Science, 4th ed, p109) UBERON:UBERON_0001766 MESH:D000869 A09.371.060.067 A09.371.060 Anterior Chambers|Chamber, Anterior|Chambers, Anterior anterior chamber of eye|anterior chamber of eyeball|camera anterior|camera anterior bulbi|camera anterior bulbi oculi|camera oculi anterior|eye anterior chamber|UBERON:0001766 +Anterior Commissure, Brain MESH:D066240 Bundle of MYELINATED NERVE FIBERS that connects the two CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES in the LAMINA TERMINALIS. It is located ventral to the SEPTAL NUCLEI, and caudal to the median PREOPTIC NUCLEUS. MESH:D066245 A08. A08. Anterior Cerebellar Commissure|Anterior Cerebellar Commissures|Anterior Commissure of Brain|Brain Anterior Commissure|Cerebellar Commissure, Anterior|Cerebellar Commissures, Anterior|Commissure, Anterior Cerebellar|Commissure, Brain Anterior +Anterior Cruciate Ligament MESH:D016118 A strong ligament of the knee that originates from the posteromedial portion of the lateral condyle of the femur, passes anteriorly and inferiorly between the condyles, and attaches to the depression in front of the intercondylar eminence of the tibia. UBERON:UBERON_0003671 MESH:D008023 A02.513.514.100|A02.835.583.512.100|A10.165.669.514.100 A02.513.514|A02.835.583.512|A10.165.669.514 Anterior Cranial Cruciate Ligament|Anterior Cruciate Ligaments|Cranial Cruciate Ligament|Cranial Cruciate Ligaments|Cruciate Ligament, Anterior|Cruciate Ligament, Cranial|Cruciate Ligaments, Anterior|Cruciate Ligaments, Cranial|Ligament, Anterior Cruciate|Ligament, Cranial Cruciate|Ligaments, Anterior Cruciate|Ligaments, Cranial Cruciate anterior cruciate ligament of knee joint|UBERON:0003671 +Anterior Eye Segment MESH:D000869 The front third of the eyeball that includes the structures between the front surface of the cornea and the front of the VITREOUS BODY. UBERON:UBERON_0001801 MESH:D005123 A09.371.060 A09.371 Anterior Eye Segments|Eye Segment, Anterior|Eye Segments, Anterior|Segment, Anterior Eye|Segments, Anterior Eye anterior segment eye|anterior segment of eye|anterior segment of eyeball|anterior segment of the eye|eye anterior segment|segmentum anterius bulbi oculi|segmentum anterius (bulbus oculi)|UBERON:0001801 +Anterior Horn Cells MESH:D000870 MOTOR NEURONS in the anterior (ventral) horn of the SPINAL CORD which project to SKELETAL MUSCLES. MESH:D009046|MESH:D066151 A08.186.854.729.500|A08.675.655.500.050|A11.671.655.500.050 A08.186.854.729|A08.675.655.500|A11.671.655.500 Anterior Horn Cell|Anterior Horn Neuron|Anterior Horn Neurons|Cell, Anterior Horn|Cells, Anterior Horn|Cells, Ventral Horn|Cell, Ventral Horn|Neuron, Anterior Horn|Neurons, Anterior Horn|Neurons, Ventral Horn|Neuron, Ventral Horn|Ventral Horn Cell|Ventral Horn Cells|Ventral Horn Neuron|Ventral Horn Neurons +Anterior Hypothalamic Nucleus MESH:D007025 Loose heterogeneous collection of cells in the anterior hypothalamus, continuous rostrally with the medial and lateral PREOPTIC AREAS and caudally with the TUBER CINEREUM. UBERON:UBERON_0002634 MESH:D007032 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Anterior Hypothalamic Area|Anterior Hypothalamic Areas|Anterior Hypothalami, Nucleus|Anterior Hypothalamus, Nucleus|Area, Anterior Hypothalamic|Areas, Anterior Hypothalamic|Hypothalamic Area, Anterior|Hypothalamic Areas, Anterior|Hypothalamic Nucleus, Anterior|Hypothalami, Nucleus Anterior|Hypothalamus, Nucleus Anterior|Nucleus Anterior Hypothalami|Nucleus, Anterior Hypothalamic|Nucleus Anterior Hypothalamus AH|anterior hypothalamic area anterior part|anterior hypothalamic area, anterior part|anterior nucleus of hypothalamus|anterior nucleus of the hypothalamus|area hypothalamica rostralis|fundamental gray substance|nucleus hypothalamicus anterior|parvocellular nucleus of hypothalamus|UBERON:0002634 +Anterior Thalamic Nuclei MESH:D020643 Three nuclei located beneath the dorsal surface of the most rostral part of the thalamus. The group includes the anterodorsal nucleus, anteromedial nucleus, and anteroventral nucleus. All receive connections from the MAMILLARY BODY and BRAIN FORNIX, and project fibers to the CINGULATE BODY. UBERON:UBERON_0002788 MESH:D013787 A08. A08. Anterior Nuclear Group|Anterior Nucleus of Thalamus|Anterior Thalamic Nucleus|Anterior Thalamus|Anterodorsal Nucleus|Anterodorsal Thalamic Nucleus|Anteromedial Nucleus|Anteromedial Thalamic Nucleus|Anteroventral Nucleus|Anteroventral Thalamic Nucleus|Nuclei, Anterior Thalamic|Nucleus, Anterodorsal|Nucleus, Anterodorsal Thalamic|Nucleus, Anteromedial|Nucleus, Anteromedial Thalamic|Nucleus, Anteroventral|Nucleus, Anteroventral Thalamic|Thalamic Nuclei, Anterior|Thalamic Nucleus, Anterodorsal|Thalamic Nucleus, Anteromedial|Thalamic Nucleus, Anteroventral|Thalamus, Anterior|Thalamus Anterior Nucleus ANG|anterior group of thalamus|anterior group of the dorsal thalamus|anterior nuclear group of thalamus|anterior nuclear group of the thalamus|anterior nuclei of thalamus|anterior thalamic group|anterior thalamic nuclear group|dorsal thalamus anterior division|nuclei anteriores (thalami)|nuclei anteriores thalami|nuclei anterior thalami|nuclei thalamicus anterior|nucleus anterior thalami|nucleus thalamicus anterior|rostral thalamic nucleus|UBERON:0002788 +Antibody-Producing Cells MESH:D000921 Cells of the lymphoid series that can react with antigen to produce specific cell products called antibodies. Various cell subpopulations, often B-lymphocytes, can be defined, based on the different classes of immunoglobulins that they synthesize. MESH:D002477|MESH:D007107 A11.063|A15.382.032 A11|A15.382 Antibody Producing Cell|Antibody-Producing Cell|Antibody Producing Cells|Antibody Secreting Cell|Antibody-Secreting Cell|Antibody Secreting Cells|Antibody-Secreting Cells|Cell, Antibody-Producing|Cell, Antibody-Secreting|Cell, Immunoglobulin-Producing|Cell, Immunoglobulin-Secreting|Cells, Antibody-Producing|Cells, Antibody-Secreting|Cells, Immunoglobulin-Producing|Cells, Immunoglobulin-Secreting|Immunoglobulin-Producing Cell|Immunoglobulin Producing Cells|Immunoglobulin-Producing Cells|Immunoglobulin-Secreting Cell|Immunoglobulin Secreting Cells|Immunoglobulin-Secreting Cells +Antigen-Presenting Cells MESH:D000938 A heterogeneous group of immunocompetent cells that mediate the cellular immune response by processing and presenting antigens to the T-cells. Traditional antigen-presenting cells include MACROPHAGES; DENDRITIC CELLS; LANGERHANS CELLS; and B-LYMPHOCYTES. FOLLICULAR DENDRITIC CELLS are not traditional antigen-presenting cells, but because they hold antigen on their cell surface in the form of IMMUNE COMPLEXES for B-cell recognition they are considered so by some authors. CL:CL_0000145 MESH:D002477|MESH:D007107 A11.066|A15.382.066 A11|A15.382 Accessory Cell, Immunologic|Accessory Cells, Immunologic|Antigen Presenting Cell|Antigen-Presenting Cell|Antigen Presenting Cells|Cell, Antigen-Presenting|Cell, Immunologic Accessory|Cells, Antigen-Presenting|Cells, Immunologic Accessory|Immunologic Accessory Cell|Immunologic Accessory Cells APC|CL:0000145|professional antigen presenting cell +Antilymphocyte Serum MESH:D000961 Serum containing GAMMA-GLOBULINS which are antibodies for lymphocyte ANTIGENS. It is used both as a test for HISTOCOMPATIBILITY and therapeutically in TRANSPLANTATION. MESH:D007106 A12.207.152.846.500.203 A12.207.152.846.500 Antibodies, Antilymphocyte|Antibodies, Lymphocytotoxic|Antibody, Antilymphocyte|Antibody, Lymphocytotoxic|Antilymphoblast Globulin|Antilymphoblast Globulins|Antilymphocyte Antibodies|Antilymphocyte Antibody|Antilymphocyte Globulin|Antilymphocyte Globulins|Antilymphocyte Immunoglobulin|Antilymphocyte Immunoglobulins|Antilymphocyte Serums|Antithymocyte Globulin|Anti Thymocyte Globulin|Anti-Thymocyte Globulin|Antithymocyte Globulins|Anti-Thymocyte Globulins|Antithymoglobulin|Antithymoglobulins|ATGAM|Globulin, Antilymphoblast|Globulin, Antilymphocyte|Globulin, Antithymocyte|Globulin, Anti-Thymocyte|Globulins, Antilymphoblast|Globulins, Antilymphocyte|Globulins, Antithymocyte|Globulins, Anti-Thymocyte|Immunoglobulin, Antilymphocyte|Immunoglobulins, Antilymphocyte|Lymphocyte Immune Globulin, Anti Thymocyte Globulin|Lymphocyte Immune Globulin, Anti-Thymocyte Globulin|Lymphocyte Immune Globulin, Anti-Thymocyte Globulin (Equine)|Lymphocytotoxic Antibodies|Lymphocytotoxic Antibody|Pressimmune|Serum, Antilymphocyte|Serums, Antilymphocyte +Antlers MESH:D000999 The horn of an animal of the deer family, typically present only in the male. It differs from the HORNS of other animals in being a solid, generally branched bony outgrowth that is shed and renewed annually. The word antler comes from the Latin anteocularis, ante (before) + oculus (eye). (From Webster, 3d ed) UBERON:UBERON_0006971 MESH:D006733 A13.507.288 A13.507 Antler UBERON:0006971 +Aorta MESH:D001011 The main trunk of the systemic arteries. UBERON:UBERON_0000947 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.056 A07.015.114 Aortas arteria maxima|dorsal aorta|trunk of aortic tree|trunk of systemic arterial tree|UBERON:0000947 +Aorta, Abdominal MESH:D001012 The aorta from the DIAPHRAGM to the bifurcation into the right and left common iliac arteries. UBERON:UBERON_0001516 MESH:D001011 A07. A07.015.114.056 Abdominal Aorta|Abdominal Aortas|Aortas, Abdominal abdominal part of aorta|aorta abdominalis|descending abdominal aorta|pars abdominalis aortae|UBERON:0001516 +Aorta, Thoracic MESH:D001013 The portion of the descending aorta proceeding from the arch of the aorta and extending to the DIAPHRAGM, eventually connecting to the ABDOMINAL AORTA. UBERON:UBERON_0001515 MESH:D001011 A07. A07.015.114.056 Aorta, Ascending|Aorta, Descending|Aortic Arch|Aortic Root|Aortic Roots|Arch, Aortic|Arch of the Aorta|Ascending Aorta|Ascending Aortas|Descending Aorta|Junction, Sinotubular|Root, Aortic|Sinotubular Junction|Sinotubular Junctions|Thoracic Aorta aorta thoracalis|aorta thoracica|pars thoracica aortae|thoracic part of aorta|UBERON:0001515 +Aortic Bodies MESH:D001016 Small clusters of chemoreceptive and supporting cells located near the ARCH OF THE AORTA; the PULMONARY ARTERIES; and the CORONARY ARTERIES. The aortic bodies sense PH; CARBON DIOXIDE; and OXYGEN concentrations in the BLOOD and participate in the control of RESPIRATION. The aortic bodies should not be confused with the PARA-AORTIC BODIES in the abdomen (which are sometimes also called aortic bodies). UBERON:UBERON_0034971 MESH:D010234 A08.675.650.915.500.600.050|A08.800.950.500.600.050|A11.671.650.915.500.600.050 A08.675.650.915.500.600|A08.800.950.500.600|A11.671.650.915.500.600 Aortic Body|Aortic Glomus|Aorticum, Glomus|Bodies, Aortic|Bodies, Vagal|Body, Aortic|Body, Vagal|Glomus, Aortic|Glomus Aorticum|Glomus Vagale|Vagal Bodies|Vagal Body|Vagale, Glomus aortic glands|UBERON:0034971|Zuckerkandl's body +Aortic Valve MESH:D001021 The valve between the left ventricle and the ascending aorta which prevents backflow into the left ventricle. UBERON:UBERON_0002137 MESH:D006351 A07.541.510.110 A07.541.510 Aortic Valves|Valve, Aortic|Valves, Aortic UBERON:0002137|valva aortae +Apicoplasts MESH:D063546 Non-photosynthetic plastids derived from RED ALGAE endosymbionts. They are found in species of the phylum APICOMPLEXA including PLASMODIUM MALARAIAE. MESH:D018087 A11.284.430.214.190.875.700.069 A11.284.430.214.190.875.700 Apicomplexan Plastid|Apicomplexan Plastids|Apicoplast|Plastid, Apicomplexan|Plastids, Apicomplexan +Apocrine Glands MESH:D001050 Large, branched, specialized sweat glands that empty into the upper portion of a HAIR FOLLICLE instead of directly onto the SKIN. UBERON:UBERON_0000382 MESH:D013545 A10.336.899.206|A17.815.830.206 A10.336.899|A17.815.830 Apocrine Gland|Gland, Apocrine|Glands, Apocrine apocrine sweat gland|glandula sudorifera apocrina|UBERON:0000382 +Aponeurosis MESH:D000070606 The flattened and/or expanded “tendon-like” dense fibrous connective tissue that connects skeletal muscles to each other or to bone. UBERON:UBERON_0006614 MESH:D009141 A02.083 A02 Aponeuroses aponeurotic|UBERON:0006614 +Appendix MESH:D001065 A worm-like blind tube extension from the CECUM. UBERON:UBERON_0001154 MESH:D002432 A03.556.124.526.209.290|A03.556. A03.556.124.526.209|A03.556.249.249.209 Appendix, Vermiform|Vermiform Appendix apex of caecum|apex of cecum|appendix vermiformis|caecal appendix|cecal appendix|UBERON:0001154|vermix +APUD Cells MESH:D001078 Cells with the capacity to take up and decarboxylate the amine precursors DIHYDROXYPHENYLALANINE or 5-HYDROXYTRYPTOPHAN. This is a property of endocrine cells of neural and non-neural origin. APUDOMA is a general term collectively applied to tumors associated with APUD cells. CL:CL_0000568 MESH:D055098 A11.382.249 A11.382 Amine Precursor Uptake and Decarboxylation Cells|APUD Cell|Cell, APUD|Cells, APUD amine precursor uptake and decarboxylation cell|CL:0000568 +Aqueous Humor MESH:D001082 The clear, watery fluid which fills the anterior and posterior chambers of the eye. It has a refractive index lower than the crystalline lens, which it surrounds, and is involved in the metabolism of the cornea and the crystalline lens. (Cline et al., Dictionary of Visual Science, 4th ed, p319) UBERON:UBERON_0001796 MESH:D000867|MESH:D045604 A09.371.060.067.070|A12.207.270.040 A09.371.060.067|A12.207.270 Aqueous Flare|Aqueous Flares|Aqueous Humors|Flare, Aqueous|Fluid, Intraocular|Fluids, Intraocular|Humor, Aqueous|Humors, Aqueous|Intraocular Fluid|Intraocular Fluids aqueous humor of eyeball|aqueous humour|humor aquosus|UBERON:0001796 +Arachnoid MESH:D001099 A delicate membrane enveloping the brain and spinal cord. It lies between the PIA MATER and the DURA MATER. It is separated from the pia mater by the subarachnoid cavity which is filled with CEREBROSPINAL FLUID. UBERON:UBERON_0002362 MESH:D008578 A08.186.566.166 A08.186.566 Arachnoid Mater|Arachnoid Maters|Arachnoids arachnoidea mater|arachnoid mater of neuraxis|arachnoid membrane|UBERON:0002362 +Arcuate Nucleus of Hypothalamus MESH:D001111 A nucleus located in the middle hypothalamus in the most ventral part of the THIRD VENTRICLE near the entrance of the infundibular recess. Its small cells are in close contact with the EPENDYMA. UBERON:UBERON_0001932 MESH:D007033 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Arcuate Nucleus|Hypothalamus Arcuate Nucleus|Infundibular Nucleus|Nucleus, Arcuate|Nucleus, Infundibular ArcH|arcuate hypothalamic nucleus|arcuate nucleus-2|arcuate nucleus of the hypothalamus|arcuate periventricular nucleus|infundibular hypothalamic nucleus|infundibular periventricular nucleus|nucleus arcuatus|nucleus arcuatus hypothalami|nucleus arcuatus (hypothalamus)|nucleus infundibularis|nucleus infundibularis hypothalami|nucleus semilunaris|UBERON:0001932 +Area Postrema MESH:D031608 A small, rounded eminence on each side of the FOURTH VENTRICLE, which receives nerve fibers from the SOLITARY NUCLEUS; SPINAL CORD; and adjacent areas of the MEDULLA OBLONGATA. The area postrema lies outside the BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER and its functions include acting as an emetic chemoreceptor. UBERON:UBERON_0002162 MESH:D008526|MESH:D066280 A06.688.178.500|A08.|A08.713.049.500 A06.688.178|A08.|A08.713.049 Area Postremas|Chemoreceptor Trigger Zone|Chemoreceptor Trigger Zones|Postrema, Area|Trigger Zone, Chemoreceptor|Trigger Zones, Chemoreceptor|Zone, Chemoreceptor Trigger|Zones, Chemoreceptor Trigger AP|UBERON:0002162 +Arm MESH:D001132 The superior part of the upper extremity between the SHOULDER and the ELBOW. UBERON:UBERON_0001460 MESH:D034941 A01.378.800.075 A01.378.800 Arms|Arms, Upper|Arm, Upper|Brachium|Brachiums|Upper Arm|Upper Arms UBERON:0001460|upper extremity +Arm Bones MESH:D050280 The bones of the free part of the upper extremity including the HUMERUS; RADIUS; and ULNA. UBERON:UBERON_0003460 MESH:D001133 A02.835.232.087.090 A02.835.232.087 Arm Bone|Bone, Arm|Bones, Arm|Bones of Arm arm bone organ|bone of arm|bone of upper extremity|bone organ of arm|UBERON:0003460 +Arteries MESH:D001158 The vessels carrying blood away from the heart. UBERON:UBERON_0001637 MESH:D001808 A07.015.114 A07.015 Artery arterial subtree|arterial system|arterial tree organ part|arterial vessel|UBERON:0001637 +Arterioles MESH:D001160 The smallest divisions of the arteries located between the muscular arteries and the capillaries. UBERON:UBERON_0001980 MESH:D001158|MESH:D055806 A07.015.114.060|A07.015.461.080 A07.015.114|A07.015.461 Arteriole arteriola|UBERON:0001980 +Arteriovenous Anastomosis MESH:D001163 A vessel that directly interconnects an artery and a vein, and that acts as a shunt to bypass the CAPILLARY BEDS. Not to be confused with SURGICAL ANASTOMOSIS or ARTERIOVENOUS FISTULA. MESH:D055806 A07.015.461.085 A07.015.461 Anastomose, Arteriovenous|Anastomoses, Arteriovenous|Anastomosis, Arteriovenous|Arteriovenous Anastomose|Arteriovenous Anastomoses +Arthropod Antennae MESH:D057506 Paired sense organs connected to the anterior segments of ARTHROPODS that help them navigate through the environment. MESH:D000825 A13.093 A13 Antenna, Arthropod|Antennae, Arthropod|Antennae, Insect|Antenna, Insect|Antennas, Arthropod|Antennas, Insect|Arthropod Antenna|Arthropod Antennas|Insect Antenna|Insect Antennae|Insect Antennas +Arytenoid Cartilage MESH:D001193 One of a pair of small pyramidal cartilages that articulate with the lamina of the CRICOID CARTILAGE. The corresponding VOCAL LIGAMENT and several muscles are attached to it. UBERON:UBERON_0001740 MESH:D007817 A02.165.257.625.083|A02.165.407.500.083|A04.329.591.085 A02.165.257.625|A02.165.407.500|A04.329.591 Arytenoid Cartilages|Cartilage, Arytenoid|Cartilages, Arytenoid arytenoid|arytenoids|cartilagines arytenoidea|cartilago arytaenoidea|cartilago arytenoidea|UBERON:0001740 +Ascitic Fluid MESH:D001202 The serous fluid of ASCITES, the accumulation of fluids in the PERITONEAL CAVITY. UBERON:UBERON_0007795 MESH:D001826 A12.207.119 A12.207 Ascitic Fluids|Effusion, Peritoneal|Fluid, Ascitic|Fluid, Peritoneal|Peritoneal Effusion|Peritoneal Effusions|Peritoneal Fluid|Peritoneal Fluids ascites|ascites fluid|UBERON:0007795 +Astrocytes MESH:D001253 A class of large neuroglial (macroglial) cells in the central nervous system - the largest and most numerous neuroglial cells in the brain and spinal cord. Astrocytes (from 'star' cells) are irregularly shaped with many long processes, including those with 'end feet' which form the glial (limiting) membrane and directly and indirectly contribute to the BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER. They regulate the extracellular ionic and chemical environment, and 'reactive astrocytes' (along with MICROGLIA) respond to injury. CL:CL_0000127 MESH:D009457 A08.637.200|A11.650.200 A08.637|A11.650 Astrocyte|Astroglia|Astroglia Cell|Astroglia Cells|Astroglial Cell|Astroglial Cells|Astroglias|Cell, Astroglia|Cell, Astroglial astrocytic glia|CL:0000127 +Atlanto-Axial Joint MESH:D001268 The joint involving the CERVICAL ATLAS and axis bones. UBERON:UBERON_0003694 MESH:D007596 A02.835.583.097 A02.835.583 Atlantoaxial Joint|Atlanto Axial Joint|Atlantoaxial Joints|Atlanto Axial Joints|Atlanto-Axial Joints|Joint, Atlantoaxial|Joint, Atlanto Axial|Joint, Atlanto-Axial|Joints, Atlantoaxial|Joints, Atlanto Axial|Joints, Atlanto-Axial articulatio atlantoaxialis|articulatio atlantoepistrophica|atlantoaxial|lateral atlanto-axial joint|median atlanto-axial joint|UBERON:0003694 +Atlanto-Occipital Joint MESH:D001269 The point of articulation between the OCCIPITAL BONE and the CERVICAL ATLAS. UBERON:UBERON_0000220 MESH:D007596 A02.835.583.101 A02.835.583 Atlanto Occipital Joint|Atlanto-Occipital Joints|Atloido Occipital Joint|Atloido-Occipital Joint|Atloido-Occipital Joints|Joint, Atlanto-Occipital|Joint, Atloido-Occipital|Joints, Atlanto-Occipital|Joints, Atloido-Occipital articulatio atlanto-occipitalis|articulatio atlantooccipitalis|atlantooccipital joint|craniovertebral joint|occipito atlantal joint|occipito-atlantal joint|UBERON:0000220 +Atrial Appendage MESH:D020517 Ear-shaped appendage of either atrium of the heart. (Dorland, 28th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0006618 MESH:D006325 A07.541.358.100 A07.541.358 Appendage, Atrial|Appendage, Atrium|Appendage, Auricular|Appendage, Heart Atrium|Appendages, Atrial|Appendages, Atrium|Appendages, Auricular|Appendages, Heart Atrium|Atrial Appendages|Atrium Appendage|Atrium Appendage, Heart|Atrium Appendages|Auricular Appendage|Auricular Appendages|Heart Atrium Appendage|Heart Atrium Appendages atrial auricle|atrium auricular region|auricle of atrium|auricle of heart|auricula atrii|auricula (cor)|cardiac auricle|heart atrial appendage|heart atrium auriclular region|UBERON:0006618 +Atrial Septum MESH:D054087 The thin membrane-like muscular structure separating the right and the left upper chambers (HEART ATRIA) of a heart. UBERON:UBERON_0002085 MESH:D006346 A07.541.459.249 A07.541.459 Septum, Atrial atrium septum|interatrial septal wall|interatrial septum|UBERON:0002085 +Atrioventricular Node MESH:D001283 A small nodular mass of specialized muscle fibers located in the interatrial septum near the opening of the coronary sinus. It gives rise to the atrioventricular bundle of the conduction system of the heart. UBERON:UBERON_0002352 MESH:D006329 A07.541.409.147 A07.541.409 Atrio Ventricular Node|Atrio-Ventricular Node|Atrioventricular Nodes|Atrio-Ventricular Nodes|A V Node|A-V Node|AV Node|A-V Nodes|AV Nodes|Node, Atrioventricular|Node, Atrio-Ventricular|Node, A-V|Node, AV|Nodes, Atrioventricular|Nodes, Atrio-Ventricular|Nodes, A-V|Nodes, AV Aschoff-Tawara node|atrioventricular nodal muscle tissue|atriovetricular node|AV nodal muscle tissue|downstream pacemaker|node of Tawara|nodus atrioventricularis|UBERON:0002352 +Atypical Squamous Cells of the Cervix MESH:D065309 Morphological abnormalities of the cervical EPITHELIUM, usually revealed in PAP SMEAR, which do not meet the criteria for squamous CERVICAL INTRAEPITHELIAL NEOPLASIA or SQUAMOUS CELL CARCINOMAS of the CERVIX . It may be a sign of infection with certain types of human papillomavirus (HPV).or sign of a benign (not cancer) growth, such as a cyst or polyp or, in menopausal women, of low hormone levels. More testing, such as HPV test, may be needed. MESH:D004847 A11.436.123 A11.436 ASC Atypical Squamous Cells|ASC H Atypical Squamous Cells, Cannot Rule Out High Grade Squamous Intra epithelial Lesion|ASC-H Atypical Squamous Cells, Cannot Rule Out High-Grade Squamous Intra-epithelial Lesion|ASC-US|ASCUS|Atypical Cervical Squamous Cells|Atypical Squamous Cell|Atypical Squamous Cells|Atypical Squamous Cells, Cannot Rule Out High Grade Squamous Intra Epithelial Lesion|Atypical Squamous Cells, Cannot Rule Out High-Grade Squamous Intra-Epithelial Lesion|Atypical Squamous Cells of Undetermined Significance|Cell, Atypical Squamous|Cells, Atypical Squamous|Squamous Cell, Atypical|Squamous Cells, Atypical +Auditory Cortex MESH:D001303 The region of the cerebral cortex that receives the auditory radiation from the MEDIAL GENICULATE BODY. UBERON:UBERON_0001393 MESH:D013702|MESH:D066191 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Area 41, Brodmann|Area 41, Brodmann's|Area 42, Brodmann|Area, Auditory|Area, Temporal Auditory|Auditory Area|Auditory Areas|Auditory Cortex, Primary|Brodmann Area 41|Brodmann Area 42|Brodmann's Area 41|Brodmanns Area 41|Cortex, Auditory|Cortex, Primary Auditory|Gyrus, Heschl|Gyrus, Heschl's|Gyrus, Transverse Temporal|Heschl Convolutions|Heschl Gyri|Heschl Gyrus|Heschl's Convolutions|Heschls Convolutions|Heschl's Gyri|Heschls Gyri|Heschl's Gyrus|Heschls Gyrus|Primary Auditory Cortex|Primary Auditory Cortices|Temporal Auditory Area|Temporal Auditory Areas|Temporal Gyrus, Transverse|Transverse Temporal Gyri|Transverse Temporal Gyrus A1 (primary auditory cortex)|anterior transverse temporal area 41|BA41|BA42|Brodmann area 41 & 42|posterior transverse temporal area 42|temporal auditory neocortex|UBERON:0001393 +Auditory Pathways MESH:D001306 NEURAL PATHWAYS and connections within the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, beginning at the hair cells of the ORGAN OF CORTI, continuing along the eighth cranial nerve, and terminating at the AUDITORY CORTEX. MESH:D000344 A08.612.220.110 A08.612.220 Auditory Pathway|Pathway, Auditory|Pathways, Auditory +Autografts MESH:D064592 Transplant comprised of an individual's own tissue, transferred from one part of the body to another. MESH:D019737 A01.941.750 A01.941 Autograft|Autologous Transplant|Autologous Transplants|Autotransplant|Autotransplants|Transplant, Autologous|Transplants, Autologous +Autonomic Fibers, Postganglionic MESH:D001338 Nerve fibers which project from cell bodies of AUTONOMIC GANGLIA to SYNAPSES on target organs. UBERON:UBERON_0011924 MESH:D009412|MESH:D017776 A08.675.542.100|A08.800.050.050.050|A08.800.800.060.050|A11.671.501.100 A08.675.542|A08.800.050.050|A08.800.800.060|A11.671.501 Autonomic Fiber, Postganglionic|Fiber, Postganglionic Autonomic|Fibers, Postganglionic Autonomic|Postganglionic Autonomic Fiber|Postganglionic Autonomic Fibers postganglionic autonomic fibre|postganglionic nerve fiber|UBERON:0011924 +Autonomic Fibers, Preganglionic MESH:D001339 NERVE FIBERS which project from the central nervous system to AUTONOMIC GANGLIA. In the sympathetic division most preganglionic fibers originate with neurons in the intermediolateral column of the SPINAL CORD, exit via ventral roots from upper thoracic through lower lumbar segments, and project to the paravertebral ganglia; there they either terminate in SYNAPSES or continue through the SPLANCHNIC NERVES to the prevertebral ganglia. In the parasympathetic division the fibers originate in neurons of the BRAIN STEM and sacral spinal cord. In both divisions the principal transmitter is ACETYLCHOLINE but peptide cotransmitters may also be released. UBERON:UBERON_0011925 MESH:D002799|MESH:D017776 A08.675.127.500.060|A08.675.542.234.060|A08.800.050.050.060|A08.800.800.060.060|A11.671.188.500.060|A11.671.501.234.060 A08.675.127.500|A08.675.542.234|A08.800.050.050|A08.800.800.060|A11.671.188.500|A11.671.501.234 Autonomic Fiber, Preganglionic|Fiber, Preganglionic Autonomic|Fibers, Preganglionic Autonomic|Preganglionic Autonomic Fiber|Preganglionic Autonomic Fibers preganglionic autonomic fibre|preganglionic nerve fiber|UBERON:0011925 +Autonomic Nervous System MESH:D001341 The ENTERIC NERVOUS SYSTEM; PARASYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM; and SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM taken together. Generally speaking, the autonomic nervous system regulates the internal environment during both peaceful activity and physical or emotional stress. Autonomic activity is controlled and integrated by the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, especially the HYPOTHALAMUS and the SOLITARY NUCLEUS, which receive information relayed from VISCERAL AFFERENTS. UBERON:UBERON_0002410 MESH:D017933 A08.800.050 A08.800 Autonomic Nervous Systems|Nervous System, Autonomic|Nervous Systems, Autonomic|Nervous Systems, Vegetative|Nervous Systems, Visceral|Nervous System, Vegetative|Nervous System, Visceral|System, Autonomic Nervous|Systems, Autonomic Nervous|Systems, Vegetative Nervous|Systems, Visceral Nervous|System, Vegetative Nervous|System, Visceral Nervous|Vegetative Nervous System|Vegetative Nervous Systems|Visceral Nervous System|Visceral Nervous Systems ANS|autonomic division of peripheral nervous system|autonomic part of peripheral nervous system|divisio autonomica systematis nervosi peripherici|pars autonomica systematis nervosi peripherici|peripheral autonomic nervous system|UBERON:0002410 +Autonomic Pathways MESH:D017776 Nerves and plexuses of the autonomic nervous system. The central nervous system structures which regulate the autonomic nervous system are not included. UBERON:UBERON_0034728 MESH:D001341|MESH:D010525 A08.800.050.050|A08.800.800.060 A08.800.050|A08.800.800 Autonomic Nerve|Autonomic Nerves|Autonomic Pathway|Nerve, Autonomic|Nerves, Autonomic|Pathway, Autonomic|Pathways, Autonomic nervus visceralis|UBERON:0034728|visceral nerve +Autophagosomes MESH:D000071182 Large spherical double-layered structures which function in AUTOPHAGY to engulf intracellular components such as ORGANELLES or pathogens. Their outer membrane then fuses with the LYSOSOME (forming the AUTOLYSOSOME) and the inner membrane and contents are digested by lysosomal HYDROLASES. MESH:D010588 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.700.500 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.700 Autophagosome|Phagophore|Phagophores +Axial Length, Eye MESH:D058452 The distance between the anterior and posterior poles of the eye, measured either by ULTRASONOGRAPHY or by partial coherence interferometry. MESH:D005123 A09.371.199 A09.371 Axial Lengths, Eye|Eye Axial Length|Eye Axial Lengths|Length, Eye Axial|Lengths, Eye Axial +Axilla MESH:D001365 Area of the human body underneath the SHOULDER JOINT, also known as the armpit or underarm. UBERON:UBERON_0009472 MESH:D034941 A01.378.800.090 A01.378.800 Armpit|Underarm arm pit|armpits|axillae|axillary region|oxter|regio axillaris|UBERON:0009472 +Axillary Artery MESH:D001366 The continuation of the subclavian artery; it distributes over the upper limb, axilla, chest and shoulder. UBERON:UBERON_0001394 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.085 A07.015.114 Arteries, Axillary|Artery, Axillary|Axillary Arteries arteria axillaris|axillary part of subclavian artery|axillary part of trunk of subclavian artery|UBERON:0001394 +Axillary Vein MESH:D001367 The venous trunk of the upper limb; a continuation of the basilar and brachial veins running from the lower border of the teres major muscle to the outer border of the first rib where it becomes the subclavian vein. UBERON:UBERON_0000985 MESH:D014680 A07.015.908.077 A07.015.908 Axillary Veins|Vein, Axillary|Veins, Axillary subcostal vein|UBERON:0000985|vena axillaris +Axis, Cervical Vertebra MESH:D001368 The second cervical vertebra. UBERON:UBERON_0001093 MESH:D002574 A02.835.232.834.151.383 A02.835.232.834.151 C2 Vertebra|C2 Vertebras|Cervical Vertebra Axis|Epistropheus|Os Odontoideum|Vertebra Axis, Cervical axis|axis (CII)|axis [C II]|axis vertebra|C2|cervical axis|cervical vertebra 2|second cervical vertebra|UBERON:0001093|vertebra 2|vertebral bone 2 +Axoneme MESH:D054468 A bundle of MICROTUBULES and MICROTUBULE-ASSOCIATED PROTEINS forming the core of each CILIUM or FLAGELLUM. In most eukaryotic cilia or flagella, an axoneme shaft has 20 microtubules arranged in nine doublets and two singlets. MESH:D008870 A11.284.430.214.190.750.602.309 A11.284.430.214.190.750.602 Axonemes +Axon Initial Segment MESH:D000071040 First segment of axon that connects distal axon segments to the neuronal CELL BODY at the axon hillock region. The axon initial segment is not protected by the MYELIN SHEATH and has properties critical for axonal growth. The axon initial segment and the axon hillock form an axonal trigger zone. MESH:D001369 A08.675.542.145.250|A11.|A11.671.501.145.250 A08.675.542.145|A11.284.180.075|A11.671.501.145 Axonal Trigger Zone|Axonal Trigger Zones|Axon Hillock|Axon Hillocks|Axon Initial Segments|Trigger Zone, Axonal +Axons MESH:D001369 Nerve fibers that are capable of rapidly conducting impulses away from the neuron cell body. MESH:D009412|MESH:D022081 A08.675.542.145|A11.284.180.075|A11.671.501.145 A08.675.542|A11.284.180|A11.671.501 Axon +Azygos Vein MESH:D001401 A vein which arises from the right ascending lumbar vein or the vena cava, enters the thorax through the aortic orifice in the diaphragm, and terminates in the superior vena cava. UBERON:UBERON_0001594 MESH:D014680 A07.015.908.106 A07.015.908 Azygos Veins|Vein, Azygos|Veins, Azygos azygos venous tree|UBERON:0001594|vena azygos +Back MESH:D001415 The rear surface of an upright primate from the shoulders to the hip, or the dorsal surface of tetrapods. UBERON:UBERON_0001137 MESH:D060726 A01.923.176 A01.923 back of body proper|dorsal part of organism|dorsum|UBERON:0001137 +Back Muscles MESH:D064131 Musculature of the BACK. UBERON:UBERON_0002324 MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.175 A02.633.567 Back Muscle|Fascia, Lumbar|Fascias, Lumbar|Lumbar Fascia|Lumbar Fascias|Muscle, Back|Muscles, Back back muscle organ|muscle of back|muscle organ of back|UBERON:0002324 +Bacterial Chromatophores MESH:D020130 Organelles of phototrophic bacteria which contain photosynthetic pigments and which are formed from an invagination of the cytoplasmic membrane. MESH:D015388 A11.284.430.214.190.875.080 A11.284.430.214.190.875 Bacterial Chromatophore|Chromatophore, Bacterial|Chromatophores, Bacterial +Bacterial Outer Membrane MESH:D000080943 The outermost cell envelope of GRAM-NEGATIVE BACTERIA composed of PHOSPHOLIPIDS; LIPOPOLYSACCHARIDES (LPS), and BACTERIAL OUTER MEMBRANE PROTEINS. The bacterial outer membrane LPS demonstrates cytotoxicity (see LIPID A and BACTERIAL O ANTIGEN). MESH:D002462 A11.284.149.083 A11.284.149 Bacterial Outer Membranes|Membrane, Bacterial Outer|Outer Membrane, Bacterial +BALB 3T3 Cells MESH:D041702 Cell lines developed from disaggregated BALB/c mouse embryos. They are extremely sensitive to CONTACT INHIBITION, and highly susceptible to transformation by SV40 VIRUS and murine sarcoma virus (SARCOMA VIRUSES, MURINE). MESH:D016475 A11.|A11.329.228.100.080 A11.251.210.100|A11.329.228.100 3T3 Cell, BALB|3T3 Cell, BALB-c|3T3 Cells, BALB|3T3 Cells, BALB-c|BALB 3T3 Cell|BALB-3T3 Cell|BALB-3T3 Cells|BALB 3T3 clone A31|BALB-c 3T3 Cell|BALB c 3T3 Cells|BALB-c 3T3 Cells|Cell, BALB 3T3|Cell, BALB-3T3|Cell, BALB-c 3T3|Cells, BALB 3T3|Cells, BALB-3T3|Cells, BALB-c 3T3 +Barrington's Nucleus MESH:D065835 A nucleus in the pons with exon projections to the sacral parasympathetic nucleus associated with bladder control. UBERON:UBERON_0007632 MESH:D011149 A08. A08. Barrington Nucleus|Barringtons Nucleus|Nucleus, Barrington|Nucleus, Barrington's nucleus of Barrington|UBERON:0007632 +Bartholin's Glands MESH:D001472 Mucus-secreting glands situated on the posterior and lateral aspect of the vestibule of the vagina. UBERON:UBERON_0000460 MESH:D005088|MESH:D014844 A05.360.319.887.220|A10.336.095 A05.360.319.887|A10.336 Bartholin Gland|Bartholin Glands|Bartholin's Gland|Bartholins Gland|Bartholins Glands|Gland, Bartholin|Gland, Bartholin's|Glands, Bartholin|Glands, Bartholin's Duverney's gland|glandula vestibularis major|greater vestibular gland|greater vestibular glands of Bartholin|major vestibular gland|Tiedemann's gland|UBERON:0000460|vulvovaginal gland +Basal Bodies MESH:D064652 Structures which form the base of FLAGELLA and CILIA. They contain nine triplets of MICROTUBULES that are arranged around the periphery and that serve as the nucleation center for AXONEME assembly. MESH:D022101 A11.284.430.214.190.750.585.079 A11.284.430.214.190.750.585 Basal Body|Bodies, Basal|Body, Basal|Kinetosome|Kinetosomes +Basal Forebrain MESH:D066187 The region of the telencephalon located rostral and ventral to the STRIATUM comprising AMYGDALA; SEPTAL NUCLEI; SUBSTANTIA INNOMINATA and ventral pallidum. UBERON:UBERON_0002743 MESH:D066194 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Area, Basal Forebrain|Areas, Basal Forebrain|Basal Forebrain Area|Basal Forebrain Areas|Basal Forebrains|Basalis Telencephali, Pars|Basalis Telencephalus, Pars|Forebrain Area, Basal|Forebrain Areas, Basal|Forebrain, Basal|Forebrains, Basal|Pallidums, Ventral|Pallidum, Ventral|Pars Basalis Telencephali|Pars Basalis Telencephalus|Telencephali, Pars Basalis|Telencephalus, Pars Basalis|Ventral Pallidum|Ventral Pallidums UBERON:0002743 +Basal Ganglia MESH:D001479 Large subcortical nuclear masses derived from the telencephalon and located in the basal regions of the cerebral hemispheres. UBERON:UBERON_0002420|UBERON:UBERON_0006098|UBERON:UBERON_0010011 MESH:D054022 A08. A08. Basal Nuclear Complex|Basal Nuclear Complices|Basal Nuclei|Ganglia, Basal|Ganglion, Basal|Nuclear Complex, Basal|Nuclei, Basal basal ganglia (anatomic)|basal ganglia set|basal ganglion|basal ganglion of telencephalon|basal nuclei (basal ganglia)|basal nuclei of the forebrain|basal nucleus|cerebral nuclei|collection of basal ganglia|corpus striatum (Savel'ev)|ganglia basales|nuclei basales|set of basal ganglia|set of basal nuclei|subcortical nuclei|UBERON:0002420|UBERON:0006098|UBERON:0010011 +Basal Nucleus of Meynert MESH:D020532 A group of nerve cells in the SUBSTANTIA INNOMINATA that has wide projections to the NEOCORTEX and is rich in ACETYLCHOLINE and CHOLINE ACETYLTRANSFERASE. In PARKINSON DISEASE and ALZHEIMER DISEASE the nucleus undergoes degeneration. UBERON:UBERON_0010010 MESH:D013377 A08. A08. Basal Magnocellular Nucleus|Magnocellular Nucleus, Basal|Meynert Basal Nucleus|Nucleus Basalis Magnocellularis|Nucleus Basalis of Meynert|Nucleus, Basal Magnocellular basal forebrain nucleus|basal magnocellular nucleus (substantia innominata)|basal nuclei of Meynert|basal nucleus|basal nucleus (Meynert)|basal nucleus of telencephalon|basal substance of telencephalon|ganglion of Meynert|magnocellular nucleus of the pallidum|magnocellular preoptic nucleus|Meynert's nucleus|nucleus basalis|nucleus basalis (Meynert)|nucleus basalis Meynert|nucleus basalis telencephali|nucleus of the horizontal limb of the diagonal band (Price-Powell)|substantia basalis telencephali|UBERON:0010010 +Basement Membrane MESH:D001485 A darkly stained mat-like EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX (ECM) that separates cell layers, such as EPITHELIUM from ENDOTHELIUM or a layer of CONNECTIVE TISSUE. The ECM layer that supports an overlying EPITHELIUM or ENDOTHELIUM is called basal lamina. Basement membrane (BM) can be formed by the fusion of either two adjacent basal laminae or a basal lamina with an adjacent reticular lamina of connective tissue. BM, composed mainly of TYPE IV COLLAGEN; glycoprotein LAMININ; and PROTEOGLYCAN, provides barriers as well as channels between interacting cell layers. UBERON:UBERON_0000482 MESH:D004848|MESH:D008566 A10.272.220|A10.615.179 A10.272|A10.615 Basal Lamina|Basal Laminas|Basement Lamina|Basement Laminas|Basement Membranes|Lamina, Basal|Lamina, Basement|Laminas, Basal|Laminas, Basement|Membrane, Basement|Membranes, Basement basal laminae|basal lamina of connective tissue|basal lamina of epithelium|lamina basalis|UBERON:0000482 +Basilar Artery MESH:D001488 The artery formed by the union of the right and left vertebral arteries; it runs from the lower to the upper border of the pons, where it bifurcates into the two posterior cerebral arteries. UBERON:UBERON_0001633 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.106 A07.015.114 Arteries, Basilar|Artery, Basilar|Basilar Arteries BA|UBERON:0001633 +Basilar Membrane MESH:D001489 A basement membrane in the cochlea that supports the hair cells of the ORGAN OF CORTI, consisting keratin-like fibrils. It stretches from the SPIRAL LAMINA to the basilar crest. The movement of fluid in the cochlea, induced by sound, causes displacement of the basilar membrane and subsequent stimulation of the attached hair cells which transform the mechanical signal into neural activity. UBERON:UBERON_0002226 MESH:D001485|MESH:D003051 A09.246.300.246.125|A10.615.179.124 A09.246.300.246|A10.615.179 Basilar Membranes|Membrane, Basilar|Membranes, Basilar basilar membrane of cochlea|lamina basilaris ductus cochlearis|UBERON:0002226 +Basolateral Nuclear Complex MESH:D066272 A set of amygdalar nuclei bordered laterally by the EXTERNAL CAPSULE and medially by the CENTRAL AMYGDALOID NUCLEUS. UBERON:UBERON_0006107 MESH:D000679 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Accessory Basal Amygdaloid Nucleus|Accessory Basal Nucleus|Amygdala, Basolateral|Amygdala Deep Nuclei|Amygdala Deep Nucleus|Amygdala Lateral Nucleus|Amygdaloid Basolateral Complex|Amygdaloid Basolateral Complices|Amygdaloid Deep Nuclei|Amygdaloid Deep Nucleus|Amygdaloid Nucleus, Basal|Amygdaloid Nucleus, Basolateral|Amygdaloid Nucleus, Lateral|Basal Amygdaloid Nucleus|Basal Nucleus, Accessory|Basal Nucleus of the Amygdala|Basolateral Amygdala|Basolateral Amygdalas|Basolateral Amygdaloid Nucleus|Basolateral Complex, Amygdaloid|Basolateral Nuclear Complices|Basolateral Nuclear Group|Basolateral Nuclear Groups|Deep Nuclei, Amygdala|Deep Nuclei, Amygdaloid|Deep Nucleus, Amygdala|Deep Nucleus, Amygdaloid|Lateral Amygdaloid Nucleus|Lateral Nucleus of Amygdala|Lateral Principal Nucleus of Amygdala|Nuclear Complex, Basolateral|Nuclear Complices, Basolateral|Nuclear Group, Basolateral|Nuclear Groups, Basolateral|Nucleus, Accessory Basal|Nucleus, Basolateral Amygdaloid|Paralaminar Nucleus amygdalar basolateral nucleus|basolateral amygdaloid nuclear complex|basolateral complex|basolateral nuclei of amygdala|basolateral subdivision of amygdala|BL|pars basolateralis (Corpus amygdaloideum)|set of basolateral nuclei of amygdala|UBERON:0006107|vicarious cortex +Basophils MESH:D001491 Granular leukocytes characterized by a relatively pale-staining, lobate nucleus and cytoplasm containing coarse dark-staining granules of variable size and stainable by basic dyes. CL:CL_0000767 MESH:D006098 A11.118.637.415.120|A11.627.340.120|A15.145.229.637.415.120|A15.382.490.315.120 A11.118.637.415|A11.627.340|A15.145.229.637.415|A15.382.490.315 Basophil basophilic leucocyte|basophilic leukocyte|CL:0000767|polymorphonuclear leucocyte|polymorphonuclear leukocyte +Beak MESH:D001502 In some animals, the jaws together with their horny covering. The beak usually refers to the bill of birds in which the whole varies greatly in form according of the food and habits of the bird. While the beak refers most commonly to birds, the anatomical counterpart is found also in the turtle, squid, and octopus. (From Webster, 3d ed & Storer, et al., General Zoology, 6th ed, p491, 755) UBERON:UBERON_0005094 MESH:D000825 A13.114 A13 Avian Bill|Avian Bills|Beaks|Bill, Avian|Bills, Avian avian beak|bill|rostrum|UBERON:0005094 +Bicuspid MESH:D001641 One of the eight permanent teeth, two on either side in each jaw, between the canines (CUSPID) and the molars (MOLAR), serving for grinding and crushing food. The upper have two cusps (bicuspid) but the lower have one to three. (Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p822) UBERON:UBERON_0007120 MESH:D014070 A14.549.167.860.150 A14.549.167.860 Bicuspids|Premolar|Premolars bicuspid teeth|bicuspid tooth|biscuspid|dens premolaris|dentes premolares|mandibular bicuspid|maxillary bicuspid|maxillary premolar|pm3 (dentistry)|praemolares|præmolares|premolar teeth|premolar tooth|secondary premolar tooth|UBERON:0007120 +Bile MESH:D001646 An emulsifying agent produced in the LIVER and secreted into the DUODENUM. Its composition includes BILE ACIDS AND SALTS; CHOLESTEROL; and ELECTROLYTES. It aids DIGESTION of fats in the duodenum. UBERON:UBERON_0001970 MESH:D012634 A12.200.087 A12.200 Biliary Sludge|Sludge, Biliary fel|gall|UBERON:0001970 +Bile Canaliculi MESH:D001648 Minute intercellular channels that occur between liver cells and carry bile towards interlobar bile ducts. Also called bile capillaries. UBERON:UBERON_0001283 MESH:D001653 A03.|A03.620.150.125 A03.159.183.158|A03.620.150 Bile Canaliculus|Canaliculi, Bile|Canaliculus, Bile bile capillary|biliary canaliculus|UBERON:0001283 +Bile Ducts MESH:D001652 The channels that collect and transport the bile secretion from the BILE CANALICULI, the smallest branch of the BILIARY TRACT in the LIVER, through the bile ductules, the bile ducts out the liver, and to the GALLBLADDER for storage. UBERON:UBERON_0002394 MESH:D001659 A03.159.183 A03.159 Bile Duct|Duct, Bile|Ducts, Bile bile tube|biliary duct|gall duct|hepatic duct|UBERON:0002394 +Bile Ducts, Extrahepatic MESH:D017734 Passages external to the liver for the conveyance of bile. These include the COMMON BILE DUCT and the common hepatic duct (HEPATIC DUCT, COMMON). UBERON:UBERON_0003703 MESH:D001652 A03.159.183.079 A03.159.183 Bile Duct, Extrahepatic|Biliary System, Extrahepatic|Biliary Systems, Extrahepatic|Duct, Extrahepatic Bile|Ducts, Extrahepatic Bile|Extrahepatic Bile Duct|Extrahepatic Bile Ducts|Extrahepatic Biliary System|Extrahepatic Biliary Systems|System, Extrahepatic Biliary|Systems, Extrahepatic Biliary bile duct extrahepatic part|UBERON:0003703 +Bile Ducts, Intrahepatic MESH:D001653 Passages within the liver for the conveyance of bile. Includes right and left hepatic ducts even though these may join outside the liver to form the common hepatic duct. UBERON:UBERON_0003704 MESH:D001652|MESH:D008099 A03.159.183.158|A03.620.150 A03.159.183|A03.620 Bile Duct, Intrahepatic|Duct, Intrahepatic Bile|Ducts, Intrahepatic Bile|Intrahepatic Bile Duct|Intrahepatic Bile Ducts bile duct intrahepatic part|intrahepatic biliary system|UBERON:0003704 +Biliary Tract MESH:D001659 The BILE DUCTS and the GALLBLADDER. UBERON:UBERON_0002294 MESH:D004064 A03.159 A03 Biliary System|Biliary Tree|System, Biliary|Tract, Biliary|Tree, Biliary biliary apparatus|UBERON:0002294 +Biomolecular Condensates MESH:D000091582 Membraneless intracellular compartments formed through liquid-liquid phase separation from the surrounding CYTOPLASM or nucleoplasm or by the concentration of proteins and nucleic acids into droplets as they aggregate on static cellular structures such as CELL MEMBRANES. Examples include CELL NUCLEOLI; STRESS GRANULES; PARASPECKLES; HISTONE LOCUS BODIES; and POSTSYNAPTIC DENSITIES. MESH:D022082 A11.284.037 A11.284 Biomolecular Condensate|Condensate, Biomolecular|Condensates, Biomolecular|Membraneless Organelle|Membraneless Organelles|Organelle, Membraneless|Organelles, Membraneless +Blastocyst MESH:D001755 A post-MORULA preimplantation mammalian embryo that develops from a 32-cell stage into a fluid-filled hollow ball of over a hundred cells. A blastocyst has two distinctive tissues. The outer layer of trophoblasts gives rise to extra-embryonic tissues. The inner cell mass gives rise to the embryonic disc and eventual embryo proper. UBERON:UBERON_0000358 MESH:D004622 A16.254.500 A16.254 Blastocysts|Embryo, Preimplantation|Embryos, Preimplantation|Preimplantation Embryo|Preimplantation Embryos blastocystis|blastula|UBERON:0000358 +Blastocyst Inner Cell Mass MESH:D053624 The cluster of cells inside a blastocyst. These cells give rise to the embryonic disc and eventual embryo proper. They are pluripotent EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS capable of yielding many but not all cell types in a developing organism. UBERON:UBERON_0000087 MESH:D001755 A16.254.500.533 A16.254.500 Inner Cell Mass, Blastocyst|Inner Cell Mass of Blastocyst early embryoblast|embryoblast|embryoblastus; massa cellularis interna; pluriblastus senior|ICM|inner cell mass|pluriblast|UBERON:0000087 +Blastoderm MESH:D001756 A layer of cells lining the fluid-filled cavity (blastocele) of a BLASTULA, usually developed from a fertilized insect, reptilian, or avian egg. UBERON:UBERON_0004750 MESH:D004625 A16.331.024 A16.331 Blastoderms germinal membrane|membrana germinativa|UBERON:0004750 +Blastodisc MESH:D054239 A small whitish spot on the surface of the EGG YOLK where cleavage begins. Upon fertilization the cytoplasm streams from the vegetal pole away from the yolk to the animal pole where cleavage will occur. This germinal area eventually flattens into a layer of cells (BLASTODERM) that covers the yolk completely. UBERON:UBERON_0004749 MESH:D004625 A16.331.042 A16.331 Area, Germinal|Areas, Germinal|Blastodiscs|Disc, Germinal|Discs, Germinal|Germinal Area|Germinal Areas|Germinal Disc|Germinal Discs embryonic disc|gastrodisk|germ disc|UBERON:0004749 +Blastomeres MESH:D001757 Undifferentiated cells resulting from cleavage of a fertilized egg (ZYGOTE). Inside the intact ZONA PELLUCIDA, each cleavage yields two blastomeres of about half size of the parent cell. Up to the 8-cell stage, all of the blastomeres are totipotent. The 16-cell MORULA contains outer cells and inner cells. CL:CL_0000353 MESH:D004628|MESH:D053595 A11.872.700.250.130|A16.094 A11.872.700.250|A16 Blastocyte|Blastocytes|Blastomere blastoderm cell|CL:0000353 +Blastula MESH:D036703 An early non-mammalian embryo that follows the MORULA stage. A blastula resembles a hollow ball with the layer of cells surrounding a fluid-filled cavity (blastocele). The layer of cells is called BLASTODERM. UBERON:UBERON_0000307 MESH:D004625 A16.331.099 A16.331 Blastulae blastosphere|blastula embryo|UBERON:0000307 +Blood MESH:D001769 The body fluid that circulates in the vascular system (BLOOD VESSELS). Whole blood includes PLASMA and BLOOD CELLS. UBERON:UBERON_0000178 MESH:D001826|MESH:D006424 A12.207.152|A15.145 A12.207|A15 portion of blood|UBERON:0000178|vertebrate blood|whole blood +Blood-Air Barrier MESH:D015824 The barrier between capillary blood and alveolar air comprising the alveolar EPITHELIUM and capillary ENDOTHELIUM with their adherent BASEMENT MEMBRANE and EPITHELIAL CELL cytoplasm. PULMONARY GAS EXCHANGE occurs across this membrane. UBERON:UBERON_0003948 MESH:D002319|MESH:D011650 A04.411.715.200|A07.020 A04.411.715|A07 Air Blood Barrier|Air-Blood Barrier|Air-Blood Barriers|Alveolocapillary Membrane|Alveolocapillary Membranes|Barrier, Air-Blood|Barrier, Blood-Air|Barriers, Air-Blood|Barriers, Blood-Air|Blood Air Barrier|Blood-Air Barriers|Membrane, Alveolocapillary|Membranes, Alveolocapillary UBERON:0003948 +Blood-Aqueous Barrier MESH:D018916 The selectively permeable barrier, in the EYE, formed by the nonpigmented layer of the EPITHELIUM of the CILIARY BODY, and the ENDOTHELIUM of the BLOOD VESSELS of the IRIS. TIGHT JUNCTIONS joining adjacent cells keep the barrier between cells continuous. MESH:D002319|MESH:D014602 A07.030|A09.371.894.030 A07|A09.371.894 Aqueous Blood Barrier|Aqueous-Blood Barrier|Aqueous-Blood Barriers|Barrier, Aqueous-Blood|Barrier, Blood-Aqueous|Barriers, Aqueous-Blood|Barriers, Blood-Aqueous|Blood Aqueous Barrier|Blood-Aqueous Barriers +Blood-Brain Barrier MESH:D001812 Specialized non-fenestrated tightly-joined ENDOTHELIAL CELLS with TIGHT JUNCTIONS that form a transport barrier for certain substances between the cerebral capillaries and the BRAIN tissue. UBERON:UBERON_0000120 MESH:D001921|MESH:D002319 A07.035|A08.186.211.035 A07|A08.186.211 Barrier, Blood-Brain|Barrier, Brain-Blood|Barrier, Hemato-Encephalic|Barriers, Blood-Brain|Barriers, Brain-Blood|Barriers, Hemato-Encephalic|Blood Brain Barrier|Blood-Brain Barriers|Brain Blood Barrier|Brain-Blood Barrier|Brain-Blood Barriers|Hemato Encephalic Barrier|Hemato-Encephalic Barrier|Hemato-Encephalic Barriers BBB|UBERON:0000120 +Blood Buffy Coat MESH:D058621 The fraction of a blood sample, following CENTRIFUGATION, that is distinguished as a thin light-colored layer between the RED BLOOD CELLS, underneath it, and the PLASMA, above it. It is composed mostly of WHITE BLOOD CELLS and PLATELETS. MESH:D001773 A15.145.229.093 A15.145.229 Blood Buffy Coats|Buffy Coat, Blood|Buffy Coats, Blood +Blood Cells MESH:D001773 The cells found in the body fluid circulating throughout the CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM. CL:CL_0000081 MESH:D001769|MESH:D002477 A11.118|A15.145.229 A11|A15.145 Blood Cell|Blood Corpuscle|Blood Corpuscles|Cell, Blood|Cells, Blood|Corpuscle, Blood|Corpuscles, Blood CL:0000081 +Blood-Nerve Barrier MESH:D049428 The barrier between the perineurium of PERIPHERAL NERVES and the endothelium (ENDOTHELIUM, VASCULAR) of endoneurial CAPILLARIES. The perineurium acts as a diffusion barrier, but ion permeability at the blood-nerve barrier is still higher than at the BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER. UBERON:UBERON_0003209 MESH:D002319|MESH:D010525 A07.037|A08.800.800.090 A07|A08.800.800 Barrier, Blood-Nerve|Barriers, Blood-Nerve|Blood Nerve Barrier|Blood-Nerve Barriers UBERON:0003209 +Blood Platelets MESH:D001792 Non-nucleated disk-shaped cells formed in the megakaryocyte and found in the blood of all mammals. They are mainly involved in blood coagulation. CL:CL_0000233 MESH:D001773 A11.118.188|A15.145.229.188 A11.118|A15.145.229 Blood Platelet|Platelet|Platelet, Blood|Platelets|Platelets, Blood|Thrombocyte|Thrombocytes anucleate thrombocyte|CL:0000233|enucleate thrombocyte +Blood-Retinal Barrier MESH:D001813 A specialized transport barrier, in the EYE, formed by the retinal pigment EPITHELIUM, and the ENDOTHELIUM of the BLOOD VESSELS of the RETINA. TIGHT JUNCTIONS joining adjacent cells keep the barrier between cells continuous. MESH:D002319|MESH:D012160 A07.040|A09.371.729.055 A07|A09.371.729 Barrier, Blood-Retinal|Barrier, Retinal-Blood|Barriers, Blood-Retinal|Barriers, Retinal-Blood|Blood Retinal Barrier|Blood-Retinal Barriers|Retinal Blood Barrier|Retinal-Blood Barrier|Retinal-Blood Barriers +Blood-Testis Barrier MESH:D001814 A specialized barrier, in the TESTIS, between the interstitial BLOOD compartment and the adluminal compartment of the SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES. The barrier is formed by layers of cells from the VASCULAR ENDOTHELIUM of the capillary BLOOD VESSELS, to the SEMINIFEROUS EPITHELIUM of the seminiferous tubules. TIGHT JUNCTIONS form between adjacent SERTOLI CELLS, as well as between the ENDOTHELIAL CELLS. UBERON:UBERON_0014914|UBERON:UBERON_0036185 MESH:D002319|MESH:D012671 A05.360.444.849.700.349|A07.045 A05.360.444.849.700|A07 Barrier, Blood-Testis|Barriers, Blood-Testis|Barriers, Testis-Blood|Barrier, Testis-Blood|Blood Testis Barrier|Blood-Testis Barriers|Testis Blood Barrier|Testis-Blood Barrier|Testis-Blood Barriers blood-testes barrier|haemolymphatic fluid-testis barrier|Sertoli cell barrier|UBERON:0014914|UBERON:0036185 +Blood Vessels MESH:D001808 Any of the tubular vessels conveying the blood (arteries, arterioles, capillaries, venules, and veins). UBERON:UBERON_0001981 MESH:D002319 A07.015 A07 Blood Vessel|Vessel, Blood|Vessels, Blood region of vascular tree organ|UBERON:0001981|vascular element|vascular tree organ region|vas sanguineum +B-Lymphocytes MESH:D001402 Lymphoid cells concerned with humoral immunity. They are short-lived cells resembling bursa-derived lymphocytes of birds in their production of immunoglobulin upon appropriate stimulation. CL:CL_0000236 MESH:D000921|MESH:D008214 A11.063.438|A11.118.637.555.567.562|A15.145.229.637.555.567.562|A15.382.032.438|A15.382.490.555.567.562 A11.063|A11.118.637.555.567|A15.145.229.637.555.567|A15.382.032|A15.382.490.555.567 B-Cell, Lymphocyte|B Cells, Lymphocyte|B-Cells, Lymphocyte|B Lymphocyte|B-Lymphocyte|B Lymphocytes|Bursa-Dependent Lymphocyte|Bursa Dependent Lymphocytes|Bursa-Dependent Lymphocytes|Lymphocyte B-Cell|Lymphocyte B-Cells|Lymphocyte, Bursa-Dependent|Lymphocytes, Bursa-Dependent B cell|B-cell|CL:0000236 +B-Lymphocytes, Regulatory MESH:D060151 B-cells that have a role in regulating the immune response including the production of CYTOKINES. This function is in addition to their traditional role in making antibodies. CL:CL_0000969 MESH:D016175 A11.063.438.450.300|A11.118.637.555.567.550.450.300|A11.118.637.555.567.562.200.300|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.450.300|A15.145.229.637.555.567.562.200.300|A15.382.032.438.450.300|A15.382.490.555.567.562.450.300 A11.063.438.450|A11.118.637.555.567.550.450|A11.118.637.555.567.562.200|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.450|A15.145.229.637.555.567.562.200|A15.382.032.438.450|A15.382.490.555.567.562.450 B Cell, Regulatory|B-Cell, Regulatory|B Cells, Regulatory|B-Cells, Regulatory|B-Lymphocyte, Regulatory|B Lymphocytes, Regulatory|Breg Cell|Breg Cells|Cell, Breg|Cell, Regulatory B|Cells, Breg|Cells, Regulatory B|Regulatory B Cell|Regulatory B-Cell|Regulatory B Cells|Regulatory B-Cells|Regulatory B-Lymphocyte|Regulatory B-Lymphocytes B10 cell|B(reg)|Breg|CL:0000969|regulatory B lymphocyte +B-Lymphocyte Subsets MESH:D016175 A classification of B-lymphocytes based on structurally or functionally different populations of cells. CL:CL_0000786|CL:CL_0000819|CL:CL_0000943|CL:CL_0000944|CL:CL_0000968 MESH:D001402|MESH:D016131 A11.063.438.450|A11.118.637.555.567.550.450|A11.118.637.555.567.562.200|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.450|A15.145.229.637.555.567.562.200|A15.382.032.438.450|A15.382.490.555.567.550.300|A15.382.490.555.567.562.450 A11.063.438|A11.118.637.555.567.550|A11.118.637.555.567.562|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550|A15.145.229.637.555.567.562|A15.382.032.438|A15.382.490.555.567.550|A15.382.490.555.567.562 B-1 Cell|B 1 Cells|B-1 Cells|B-1 Lymphocyte|B1 Lymphocyte|B 1 Lymphocytes|B-1 Lymphocytes|B1 Lymphocytes|B-2 Lymphocyte|B2 Lymphocyte|B 2 Lymphocytes|B-2 Lymphocytes|B2 Lymphocytes|B-Cell Subset|B Cell Subsets|B-Cell Subsets|B Cell, Tumor-Infiltrating|Be1 Cell|Be1 Cells|Be2 Cell|Be2 Cells|B Effector 1 Cells|B Effector 2 Cells|B-Lymphocyte, Effector|B-Lymphocytes, Effector|B-Lymphocyte Subset|B Lymphocyte Subsets|B Lymphocyte, Tumor-Infiltrating|Cell, B-1|Cell, Be1|Cell, Be2|Effector B Cell|Effector B Cells|Effector B-Lymphocyte|Effector B-Lymphocytes|Lymphocyte, B-1|Lymphocyte, B1|Lymphocyte, B-2|Lymphocyte, B2|Tumor-Infiltrating B Cell|Tumor Infiltrating B Cells|Tumor-Infiltrating B Cells|Tumor-Infiltrating B Lymphocyte|Tumor Infiltrating B Lymphocytes|Tumor-Infiltrating B Lymphocytes B-1 B cell|B-1 B-cell|B1 B cell|B1 B-cell|B-1 B lymphocyte|B-1 B-lymphocyte|B1 B lymphocyte|B1 B-lymphocyte|B1 cell|Be cell|B effector 1 cell|B effector 2 cell|B effector cell|B effector cell type 1|B effector cell type 2|CL:0000786|CL:0000819|CL:0000943|CL:0000944|CL:0000968|effector B-cell|effector B lymphocyte|plasma B cell|plasma B-cell|plasma cell|plasmacyte|plasmocyte +Bodily Secretions MESH:D012634 Endogenous substances produced through the activity of intact cells of glands, tissues, or organs. UBERON:UBERON_0000456 MESH:D005441 A12.200 A12 Bodily Secretion|Secretion|Secretion, Bodily|Secretions|Secretions, Bodily exocrine gland fluid|exocrine gland fluid or secretion|exocrine gland fluid/secretion|exocrine gland secretion|external secretion|secreted substance|secretion of exocrine gland|UBERON:0000456 +Body Fluid Compartments MESH:D001825 The two types of spaces between which water and other body fluids are distributed: extracellular and intracellular. MESH:D001826|MESH:D014024 A10.082|A12.207.180 A10|A12.207 Body Fluid Compartment|Compartment, Body Fluid|Compartments, Body Fluid|Fluid Compartment, Body|Fluid Compartments, Body +Body Fluids MESH:D001826 Liquid components of living organisms. UBERON:UBERON_0006314 MESH:D005441 A12.207 A12 Body Fluid|Fluid, Body|Fluids, Body bodily fluid|fluid|UBERON:0006314 +Body Regions MESH:D001829 Anatomical areas of the body. UBERON:UBERON_0000475 MESH:A A01 A Body Region|Region, Body|Regions, Body anatomic region|body part|cardinal body part|organism subdivision|UBERON:0000475 +Body Water MESH:D001834 Fluids composed mainly of water found within the body. MESH:D001826 A12.207.200 A12.207 Water, Body +Bone and Bones MESH:D001842 A specialized CONNECTIVE TISSUE that is the main constituent of the SKELETON. The principal cellular component of bone is comprised of OSTEOBLASTS; OSTEOCYTES; and OSTEOCLASTS, while FIBRILLAR COLLAGENS and hydroxyapatite crystals form the BONE MATRIX. UBERON:UBERON_0002481 MESH:D003238|MESH:D012863 A02.835.232|A10.165.265 A02.835|A10.165 Apophyses, Bony|Apophysis, Bony|Bone|Bone and Bone|Bones|Bones and Bone|Bones and Bone Tissue|Bone Tissue|Bone Tissues|Bony Apophyses|Bony Apophysis|Condyle|Condyles|Tissue, Bone|Tissues, Bone calcium tissue|mineralized bone tissue|osseous tissue|osteogenic tissue|portion of bone tissue|UBERON:0002481 +Bone-Implant Interface MESH:D000069343 Region of interaction between the bone and PROSTHESES AND IMPLANTS which becomes bonded through cellular and extracellular interactions similar to OSSEOINTEGRATION. MESH:D001842 A02.835.232.022|A10.165.265.183 A02.835.232|A10.165.265 Bone Implant Interface|Bone-Implant Interfaces|Bone Prosthesis Interface|Bone-Prosthesis Interface|Bone-Prosthesis Interfaces|Interface, Bone-Implant|Interface, Bone-Prosthesis|Interfaces, Bone-Implant|Interfaces, Bone-Prosthesis +Bone Marrow MESH:D001853 The soft tissue filling the cavities of bones. Bone marrow exists in two types, yellow and red. Yellow marrow is found in the large cavities of large bones and consists mostly of fat cells and a few primitive blood cells. Red marrow is a hematopoietic tissue and is the site of production of erythrocytes and granular leukocytes. Bone marrow is made up of a framework of connective tissue containing branching fibers with the frame being filled with marrow cells. UBERON:UBERON_0002371 MESH:D007107 A15.382.216 A15.382 Marrow|Marrow, Bone|Marrow, Red|Marrow, Yellow|Red Marrow|Yellow Marrow medulla of bone|medulla ossea|medulla ossium|medullary bone|UBERON:0002371 +Bone Marrow Cells MESH:D001854 Cells contained in the bone marrow including fat cells (see ADIPOCYTES); STROMAL CELLS; MEGAKARYOCYTES; and the immediate precursors of most blood cells. CL:CL_0002092 MESH:D002477|MESH:D006413 A11.148|A15.378.316 A11|A15.378 Bone Marrow Cell|Cell, Bone Marrow|Cells, Bone Marrow|Marrow Cell, Bone|Marrow Cells, Bone CL:0002092 +Bone Matrix MESH:D001857 Extracellular substance of bone tissue consisting of COLLAGEN fibers, ground substance, and inorganic crystalline minerals and salts. UBERON:UBERON_0014730 MESH:D001842 A10.165.265.166 A10.165.265 Bone Matrices|Matrices, Bone|Matrix, Bone haversian canal|haversian system|haversian systems|osteon|osteonum|UBERON:0014730|volkmann's vessel +Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone Grafts MESH:D064594 A bone-patellar tendon graft used for fixation of the ANTERIOR CRUCIATE LIGAMENT during surgical reconstruction of the knee. MESH:D019737 A01.941.812 A01.941 Bone-Patellar Tendon-Bone Graft|Bone Patellar Tendon Bone Grafts +Bones of Lower Extremity MESH:D050281 The bones of the upper and lower LEG. They include the PELVIC BONES. UBERON:UBERON_0008784 MESH:D001842 A02.835.232.043 A02.835.232 Extremity Bones, Lower|Lower Extremity Bones free lower limb segment|free lower limb subdivision|lower limb segment|segment of free lower limb|subdivision of free lower limb|UBERON:0008784 +Bones of Upper Extremity MESH:D001133 The bones of the upper and lower ARM. They include the CLAVICLE and SCAPULA. UBERON:UBERON_0008962 MESH:D001842 A02.835.232.087 A02.835.232 Upper Extremity Bone|Upper Extremity Bones forelimb bone|free forelimb bone|UBERON:0008962|wing bone +Bony Callus MESH:D002146 The bony deposit formed between and around the broken ends of BONE FRACTURES during normal healing. MESH:D001842 A10.165.265.200 A10.165.265 Callus|Callus, Bony +Bowman Capsule MESH:D050476 A double-walled epithelial capsule that is the bulbous closed proximal end of the kidney tubular system. It surrounds the cluster of convoluted capillaries of KIDNEY GLOMERULUS and is continuous with the convoluted PROXIMAL KIDNEY TUBULE. UBERON:UBERON_0001230 MESH:D007684 A05.810.453.736.560.254 A05.810.453.736.560 Bowman's Capsule|Bowmans Capsule|Capsule, Bowman|Capsule, Bowman's capsula glomerularis|capsula glomeruli|glomerular capsule|Malphigian capsule|Malpighian capsule|Mueller capsule|Muellerian capsule|pronephric glomerular capsule|renal glomerular capsule|UBERON:0001230 +Bowman Membrane MESH:D050541 A layer of acellular matrix that lies beneath the CORNEAL EPITHELIUM and above the CORNEAL STROMA. It consists of randomly arranged COLLAGEN fibers in a condensed bed of intercellular substance. It provides stability and strength to the cornea. UBERON:UBERON_0004370 MESH:D003315 A09.371.060.217.113 A09.371.060.217 Bowman Membranes|Bowman's Membrane|Bowmans Membrane|Bowman's Membranes|Membrane, Bowman|Membrane, Bowman's|Membranes, Bowman|Membranes, Bowman's anterior elastic lamina|anterior limiting lamina|anterior limiting lamina of cornea|anterior limiting membrane|Bowman's anterior elastic lamina|Bowman's layer|lamina limitans anterior (cornea)|lamina limitans anterior corneae|Reichert's membrane|UBERON:0004370 +Brachial Artery MESH:D001916 The continuation of the axillary artery; it branches into the radial and ulnar arteries. UBERON:UBERON_0001398 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.139 A07.015.114 Arteries, Brachial|Artery, Brachial|Brachial Arteries arteria brachialis|brachial part of trunk of subclavian artery|UBERON:0001398 +Brachial Plexus MESH:D001917 The large network of nerve fibers which distributes the innervation of the upper extremity. The brachial plexus extends from the neck into the axilla. In humans, the nerves of the plexus usually originate from the lower cervical and the first thoracic spinal cord segments (C5-C8 and T1), but variations are not uncommon. UBERON:UBERON_0001814 MESH:D013127 A08.800.800.720.050 A08.800.800.720 Plexus, Brachial brachial nerve plexus|plexus brachialis|UBERON:0001814 +Brachiocephalic Trunk MESH:D016122 The first and largest artery branching from the aortic arch. It distributes blood to the right side of the head and neck and to the right arm. UBERON:UBERON_0001529 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.145 A07.015.114 Arteries, Innominate|Artery, Innominate|Brachiocephalic Trunks|Innominate Arteries|Innominate Artery|Trunk, Brachiocephalic|Trunks, Brachiocephalic brachiocephalic artery|innominate|truncus brachiocephalicus|UBERON:0001529 +Brachiocephalic Veins MESH:D016121 Large veins on either side of the root of the neck formed by the junction of the internal jugular and subclavian veins. They drain blood from the head, neck, and upper extremities, and unite to form the superior vena cava. UBERON:UBERON_0003711 MESH:D014680 A07.015.908.130 A07.015.908 Brachiocephalic Vein|Innominate Vein|Innominate Veins|Vein, Brachiocephalic|Vein, Innominate|Veins, Brachiocephalic|Veins, Innominate brachiocephalic venous tree|innomiate vein|innominate trunk|UBERON:0003711|vena brachiocephalica|venae anonyma +Brain MESH:D001921 The part of CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM that is contained within the skull (CRANIUM). Arising from the NEURAL TUBE, the embryonic brain is comprised of three major parts including PROSENCEPHALON (the forebrain); MESENCEPHALON (the midbrain); and RHOMBENCEPHALON (the hindbrain). The developed brain consists of CEREBRUM; CEREBELLUM; and other structures in the BRAIN STEM. UBERON:UBERON_0000955 MESH:D002490 A08.186.211 A08.186 Encephalon suprasegmental levels of nervous system|suprasegmental structures|synganglion|the brain|UBERON:0000955 +Brain Stem MESH:D001933 The part of the brain that connects the CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES with the SPINAL CORD. It consists of the MESENCEPHALON; PONS; and MEDULLA OBLONGATA. UBERON:UBERON_0002298 MESH:D001921 A08.186.211.132 A08.186.211 Brainstem|Brainstems|Brain Stems|Cerebri, Truncus|Cerebrus, Truncus|Truncus Cerebri|Truncus Cerebrus accessory medullary lamina of pallidum|lamella pallidi incompleta|lamina medullaris accessoria|lamina medullaris incompleta pallidi|lamina pallidi incompleta|truncus encephali|truncus encephalicus|UBERON:0002298 +Branchial Region MESH:D001934 A region, of SOMITE development period, that contains a number of paired arches, each with a mesodermal core lined by ectoderm and endoderm on the two sides. In lower aquatic vertebrates, branchial arches develop into GILLS. In higher vertebrates, the arches forms outpouchings and develop into structures of the head and neck. Separating the arches are the branchial clefts or grooves. UBERON:UBERON_0002539|UBERON:UBERON_0005879|UBERON:UBERON_0008895|UBERON:UBERON_0008896 MESH:D004628 A16.142 A16 Arch, Branchial|Arches, Branchial|Arches, Pharyngeal|Arches, Visceral|Arch, Pharyngeal|Archs, Pharyngeal|Arch, Visceral|Branchial Arch|Branchial Arches|Branchial Cleft|Branchial Clefts|Branchial Groove|Branchial Grooves|Branchial Regions|Cleft, Branchial|Cleft, Pharyngeal|Clefts, Branchial|Clefts, Pharyngeal|Groove, Branchial|Groove, Pharyngeal|Grooves, Branchial|Grooves, Pharyngeal|Pharyngeal Arch|Pharyngeal Arches|Pharyngeal Archs|Pharyngeal Cleft|Pharyngeal Clefts|Pharyngeal Groove|Pharyngeal Grooves|Region, Branchial|Regions, Branchial|Visceral Arch|Visceral Arches arcus pharyngei|branchial arch skeleton|branchial bar|branchial bars|gill arch|gill arches 1-5|gill arch skeleton|gill bar|gill cleft|Kiemenspalten|pharyngeal arch 3-7|pharyngeal arch skeleton|pharyngeal ectodermal cleft|pharyngeal endoskeleton|pharyngeal groove ectoderm|pharyngeal skeleton|pharyngeal slit|post-hyoid pharyngeal arch|splanchnocranium|sulcus pharyngei|UBERON:0002539|UBERON:0005879|UBERON:0008895|UBERON:0008896|visceral arches 3-7|visceral cranium|visceral skeletal system|visceral skeleton|viscerocranium +Breast MESH:D001940 In humans, one of the paired regions in the anterior portion of the THORAX. The breasts consist of the MAMMARY GLANDS, the SKIN, the MUSCLES, the ADIPOSE TISSUE, and the CONNECTIVE TISSUES. UBERON:UBERON_0000310 MESH:D001829 A01.236 A01 Breasts mamma|mammary part of chest|mammary region|UBERON:0000310 +Broad Ligament MESH:D001956 A broad fold of peritoneum that extends from the side of the uterus to the wall of the pelvis. UBERON:UBERON_0012332 MESH:D000290|MESH:D008022 A02.513.170|A05.360.319.114.170|A10.165.669.170 A02.513|A05.360.319.114|A10.165.669 Broad Ligaments|Ligament, Broad|Ligaments, Broad broad ligament of uterus|broad uterine ligament|ligamentum latum uteri|UBERON:0012332 +Broca Area MESH:D065711 Functional neuroanatomical region of the inferior frontal gyrus consisting of pars opercularis and pars triangularis. It is important in SPEECH and LANGUAGE production. Injuries to Broca area are associated with BROCA APHASIA and APRAXIA. UBERON:UBERON_0002629|UBERON:UBERON_0002980 MESH:D017397 A08. A08. Area 44, Brodmann|Area 44, Brodmann's|Area 45, Brodmann|Area 45, Brodmann's|Area, Broca|Area, Broca's|Area, Broca's Speech|Broca Region|Broca's Area|Brocas Area|Broca Speech Area|Broca's Region|Brocas Region|Broca's Speech Area|Brocas Speech Area|Brodmann Area 44|Brodmann Area 45|Brodmann's Area 44|Brodmanns Area 44|Brodmann's Area 45|Brodmanns Area 45|Operculari, Pars|Opercularis, Pars|Pars Operculari|Pars Opercularis|Pars Triangularis|Region, Broca's|Speech Area, Broca's|Triangularis, Pars gyrus frontalis inferior, pars opercularis|gyrus frontalis inferior, pars triangularis|inferior frontal gyrus, opercular part|inferior frontal gyrus, pars opercularis|inferior frontal gyrus, pars triangularis|inferior frontal gyrus, triangular part|opercular part of inferior frontal gyrus|opercular portion of inferior frontal gyrus|pars opercularis gyri frontalis inferioris|pars posterior of inferior frontal gyrus|pars triangularis gyri frontalis inferioris|pars triangularis of frontal operculum (Ono)|posterior part of inferior frontal gyrus|triangular part of inferior frontal gyrus|UBERON:0002629|UBERON:0002980 +Bronchi MESH:D001980 The larger air passages of the lungs arising from the terminal bifurcation of the TRACHEA. They include the largest two primary bronchi which branch out into secondary bronchi, and tertiary bronchi which extend into BRONCHIOLES and PULMONARY ALVEOLI. UBERON:UBERON_0002185 MESH:D008168 A04.411.125 A04.411 Bronchi, Primary|Bronchi, Secondary|Bronchi, Tertiary|Bronchus|Bronchus, Primary|Bronchus, Secondary|Bronchus, Tertiary|Primary Bronchi|Primary Bronchus|Secondary Bronchi|Secondary Bronchus|Tertiary Bronchi|Tertiary Bronchus bronchial tissue|bronchial trunk|UBERON:0002185 +Bronchial Arteries MESH:D001981 Left bronchial arteries arise from the thoracic aorta, the right from the first aortic intercostal or the upper left bronchial artery; they supply the bronchi and the lower trachea. UBERON:UBERON_0002040 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.158 A07.015.114 Arteries, Bronchial|Artery, Bronchial|Bronchial Artery arteriae bronchiales|bronchial arterial tree|rami bronchiales partis thoracicae aortae|UBERON:0002040 +Bronchioles MESH:D055745 The small airways branching off the TERTIARY BRONCHI. Terminal bronchioles lead into several orders of respiratory bronchioles which in turn lead into alveolar ducts and then into PULMONARY ALVEOLI. UBERON:UBERON_0002186|UBERON:UBERON_0002187|UBERON:UBERON_0002188 MESH:D001980 A04.411.125.500 A04.411.125 Bronchiole|Bronchiole, Respiratory|Bronchioles, Respiratory|Bronchioles, Terminal|Bronchiole, Terminal|Respiratory Bronchiole|Respiratory Bronchioles|Terminal Bronchiole|Terminal Bronchioles bronchioli|bronchioli terminalis|bronchiolus|bronchiolus respiratorii|bronchiolus respiratorius|bronchiolus terminalis|terminal bronchiole tube|UBERON:0002186|UBERON:0002187|UBERON:0002188 +Bruch Membrane MESH:D016570 The inner layer of CHOROID, also called the lamina basalis choroideae, located adjacent to the RETINAL PIGMENT EPITHELIUM; (RPE) of the EYE. It is a membrane composed of the basement membranes of the choriocapillaris ENDOTHELIUM and that of the RPE. The membrane stops at the OPTIC NERVE, as does the RPE. UBERON:UBERON_0003957 MESH:D001485|MESH:D002829 A09.371.894.223.250|A10.272.220.250|A10.615.179.250 A09.371.894.223|A10.272.220|A10.615.179 Bruch's Membrane|Bruchs Membrane|Complexus Basali|Complexus Basalis|Lamina Basalis Choroideae basal lamina of choroid|Bruch's basal membrane|lamina basalis (choroid)|lamina basilis|lamina choroideae basalis|UBERON:0003957|vitreous lamina +Brunner Glands MESH:D002011 The abundant submucosal mucous glands in the DUODENUM. These glands secrete BICARBONATE IONS; GLYCOPROTEINS; and PEPSINOGEN II. UBERON:UBERON_0001212 MESH:D004386 A03.556.124.684.124.322|A03.556.875.249.322 A03.556.124.684.124|A03.556.875.249 Brunner Gland|Brunner's Gland|Brunners Gland|Brunner's Glands|Brunners Glands|Gland, Brunner|Gland, Brunner's|Glands, Brunner|Glands, Brunner's duodenal gland|gland of Brunner|glandula duodenales|glandula duodenales Brunneri|submucosal gland of duodenum|UBERON:0001212 +Bulbourethral Glands MESH:D002030 Glands situated on each side of the prostate that secrete a fluid component of the seminal fluid into the urethra. UBERON:UBERON_0002366 MESH:D005088|MESH:D005837 A05.360.444.123|A10.336.197 A05.360.444|A10.336 Bulbourethral Gland|Cowper Glands|Cowper's Glands|Cowpers Glands|Gland, Bulbourethral|Glands, Bulbourethral|Glands, Cowper's bulbo-urethral gland|Cowper's gland|Cowper's gland of male|glandula bulbourethralis|Méry gland|Mery's gland|UBERON:0002366 +Bundle of His MESH:D002036 Small band of specialized CARDIAC MUSCLE fibers that originates in the ATRIOVENTRICULAR NODE and extends into the membranous part of the interventricular septum. The bundle of His, consisting of the left and the right bundle branches, conducts the electrical impulses to the HEART VENTRICLES in generation of MYOCARDIAL CONTRACTION. UBERON:UBERON_0002353 MESH:D006329 A07.541.409.273 A07.541.409 Anterior Fascicle|Atrioventricular Bundle|Atrioventricular Bundles|Bundle, Atrioventricular|Bundle, Kent-His|Bundles, Atrioventricular|Fascicle, Anterior|Fascicle, Posterior|His Bundle|Kent His Bundle|Kent-His Bundle|Left Bundle Branch of His|Posterior Fascicle|Right Bundle Branch of His atrio-ventricular bundle|atrioventricular bundle muscle tissue|atrioventricular fasciculus|AVB|A-V bundle|AV bundle|fasciculus atrioventricularis|UBERON:0002353 +Bursa of Fabricius MESH:D002060 An epithelial outgrowth of the cloaca in birds similar to the thymus in mammals. It atrophies within 6 months after birth and remains as a fibrous remnant in adult birds. It is composed of lymphoid tissue and prior to involution, is the site of B-lymphocyte maturation. UBERON:UBERON_0003903 MESH:D000825|MESH:D008221 A10.549.175|A13.163|A15.382.520.604.114 A10.549|A13|A15.382.520.604 Fabricius Bursa UBERON:0003903 +Bursa, Synovial MESH:D002061 A fluid-filled sac lined with SYNOVIAL MEMBRANE that provides a cushion between bones, tendons and/or muscles around a joint. UBERON:UBERON_0003668 MESH:D007596 A02.835.583.156 A02.835.583 Bursas, Synovial|Synovial Bursa|Synovial Bursas bursa|bursa synovialis|UBERON:0003668 +Buttermilk MESH:D000070696 A beverage made from cow's milk fermented by LACTIC ACID-producing bacteria, especially LACTOCOCCUS LACTIS and LACTOBACILLUS BULGARICUS. MESH:D008892 A12.790.250 A12.790 Butter Milk|Milk, Butter +Buttocks MESH:D002081 Either of two fleshy protuberances at the lower posterior section of the trunk or HIP in humans and primate on which a person or animal sits, consisting of gluteal MUSCLES and fat. UBERON:UBERON_0013691 MESH:D035002 A01.378.610.100 A01.378.610 Buttock|Gluteal Region|Gluteal Regions|Region, Gluteal|Regions, Gluteal clunis|gluteal part of pelvic girdle|regio glutealis|UBERON:0013691 +CA1 Region, Hippocampal MESH:D056547 One of four subsections of the hippocampus described by Lorente de No, located furthest from the DENTATE GYRUS. UBERON:UBERON_0003881|UBERON:UBERON_0014548|UBERON:UBERON_0014554 MESH:D006624 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. CA1 Field, Hippocampus|CA1 Field of Hippocampus|CA1, Hippocampal Sector|CA1 Pyramidal Cell Area|CA1 Pyramidal Cell Layer|CA1 Stratum Pyramidale|CA1 Stratum Radiatum|CA1 Stratum Radiatums|Cornu Ammonis 1 Area|Field, Hippocampus CA1|Hippocampal CA1 Region|Hippocampal Sector CA1|Hippocampus CA1 Field|Hippocampus Regio Superior|Radiatum, CA1 Stratum|Radiatums, CA1 Stratum|Region, Hippocampal CA1|Regio Superior of Hippocampus|Sector CA1, Hippocampal|Stratum Pyramidale, CA1|Stratum Radiatum, CA1|Stratum Radiatums, CA1 CA1|CA1 field|CA1 field of Ammon's horn|CA1 field of cornu ammonis|CA1 field of the Ammon horn|CA1 field of the hippocampus|CA1 part of stratum pyramidale hippocampi|CA1 part of stratum radiatum|CA1 stratum pyramidale hippocampi|cornu ammonis 1|field CA1|field CA1, Ammon's horn (Lorente de Ns)|field CA1 of hippocampus|field CA1, pyramidal layer|hippocampus CA1|prosubiculum = distal ca1|pyramidal layer of CA1|radiate layer of CA1 field|regio I cornus ammonis|regio I hippocampi proprii|region 1 of Ammon's horn|region CA1|region i of ammon's horn|region i of hippocampus proper|regio superior|regio superior of the hippocampus|stratum pyramidale of CA1|stratum pyramidale of the CA1 field|stratum radiatum of the CA1 field|UBERON:0003881|UBERON:0014548|UBERON:0014554 +CA2 Region, Hippocampal MESH:D056651 A subsection of the hippocampus, described by Lorente de No, that is located between the HIPPOCAMPUS CA1 FIELD and the HIPPOCAMPUS CA3 FIELD. UBERON:UBERON_0003882|UBERON:UBERON_0014555 MESH:D006624 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. CA2 Field, Hippocampus|CA2 Field of Hippocampus|CA2 Pyramidal Cell Area|CA2 Pyramidal Cell Layer|CA2 Stratum Pyramidale|CA2 Stratum Radiatum|CA2 Stratum Radiatums|Cornu Ammonis 2 Area|Field, Hippocampus CA2|Hippocampal CA2 Region|Hippocampal Sector CA2|Hippocampus CA2 Field|Radiatum, CA2 Stratum|Radiatums, CA2 Stratum|Region, Hippocampal CA2|Sector CA2, Hippocampal|Stratum Pyramidale, CA2|Stratum Radiatum, CA2|Stratum Radiatums, CA2 CA2|CA2 field|CA2 field of Ammon's horn|CA2 field of cornu ammonis|CA2 field of the Ammon horn|CA2 field of the hippocampus|CA2 part of stratum radiatum|cornu Ammonis 2|field CA2|field CA2, Ammon's horn (Lorente de Ns)|field CA2 of hippocampus|hippocampus CA2|radiate layer of CA2 field|regio ii cornus ammonis|regio ii hippocampi proprii|region 2 of Ammon's horn|region CA2|region II of ammon's horn|region II of hippocampus proper|stratum radiatum of the CA2 field|UBERON:0003882|UBERON:0014555 +CA3 Region, Hippocampal MESH:D056654 A subsection of the hippocampus, described by Lorente de No, that is located between the HIPPOCAMPUS CA2 FIELD and the DENTATE GYRUS. UBERON:UBERON_0003883|UBERON:UBERON_0014556|UBERON:UBERON_0014560 MESH:D006624 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. CA3 Field, Hippocampus|CA3 Field of Hippocampus|CA3, Hippocampal Sector|CA3 Pyramidal Cell Area|CA3 Pyramidal Cell Layer|CA3 Stratum Lucidum|CA3 Stratum Lucidums|CA3 Stratum Pyramidale|CA3 Stratum Radiatum|CA3 Stratum Radiatums|Cornu Ammonis 3 Area|Field, Hippocampus CA3|Hippocampal CA3 Region|Hippocampal CA3 Regions|Hippocampal Sector CA3|Hippocampus CA3 Field|Lucidum, CA3 Stratum|Lucidums, CA3 Stratum|Radiatum, CA3 Stratum|Radiatums, CA3 Stratum|Regio Inferior of Hippocampus|Region, Hippocampal CA3|Sector CA3, Hippocampal|Stratum Lucidum, CA3|Stratum Lucidums, CA3|Stratum Pyramidale, CA3|Stratum Radiatum, CA3|Stratum Radiatums, CA3 CA3|CA3 field|CA3 field of Ammon's horn|CA3 field of cornu ammonis|CA3 field of the Ammon horn|CA3 field of the hippocampus|CA3 part of stratum radiatum|cornu Ammonis 3|field CA3|field CA3, Ammon's horn (Lorente de Ns)|field CA3 of hippocampus|hippocampus CA3|radiate layer of CA3 field|regio hippocampi proprii III|regio III cornus ammonis|regio III hippocampi proprii|regio inferior|region 3 of Ammon's horn|region CA3|region III of ammon's horn|region III of hippocampus proper|stratum lucidum of the CA3 field|stratum radiatum of the CA3 field|UBERON:0003883|UBERON:0014556|UBERON:0014560 +Caco-2 Cells MESH:D018938 Human colonic ADENOCARCINOMA cells that are able to express differentiation features characteristic of mature intestinal cells, such as ENTEROCYTES. These cells are valuable in vitro tools for studies related to intestinal cell function and differentiation. MESH:D004847|MESH:D045744 A11.|A11.251.860.180.160|A11.436.140 A11.251.210.190|A11.251.860.180|A11.436 Caco-2 Cell|Caco 2 Cells|Cell, Caco-2|Cells, Caco-2 +Calcaneus MESH:D002111 The largest of the TARSAL BONES which is situated at the lower and back part of the FOOT, forming the HEEL. UBERON:UBERON_0001450 MESH:D013639 A02.835.232.043.300.710.300 A02.835.232.043.300.710 Bone, Heel|Heel Bone calcaneal bone|calcanei|calcaneum|calcaneus bone|fibulare|os calcis|os tarsi fibulare|UBERON:0001450 +Cancellous Bone MESH:D000071556 A type of osseous tissue which makes up the inner part of bone. It has a spongy, honeycomb-like structure with struts or trabecula and contains the BONE MARROW. It has higher rate of BONE REMODELING turnover than CORTICAL BONE. UBERON:UBERON_0002483 MESH:D001842 A10.165.265.414 A10.165.265 Bone, Cancellous|Bones, Cancellous|Bone, Spongy|Bones, Spongy|Bones, Trabecular|Bone, Trabecular|Cancellous Bones|Spongy Bone|Spongy Bones|Trabecular Bone|Trabecular Bones cancellated bone|cancellous bone tissue|spongy bone tissue|substantia spongiosa|substantia spongiosa ossium|substantia trabecularis|substantia trabecularis ossium|trabecular bone tissue|trabecular substance|UBERON:0002483 +Cancer-Associated Fibroblasts MESH:D000072645 Subpopulation of heterogeneous fibroblasts within the TUMOR MICROENVIRONMENT that support NEOPLASTIC CELL TRANSFORMATION and NEOPLASTIC PROCESSES. MESH:D005347 A11.329.228.105 A11.329.228 Cancer Associated Fibroblast|Cancer-Associated Fibroblast|Cancer Associated Fibroblasts|Fibroblast, Cancer Associated|Fibroblast, Cancer-Associated|Fibroblasts, Cancer Associated|Fibroblasts, Cancer-Associated|Fibroblasts, Tumor-Associated|Fibroblast, Tumor-Associated|Tumor-Associated Fibroblast|Tumor Associated Fibroblasts|Tumor-Associated Fibroblasts +Capillaries MESH:D002196 The minute vessels that connect arterioles and venules. UBERON:UBERON_0001982|UBERON:UBERON_0003909|UBERON:UBERON_0013141 MESH:D055806 A07.015.461.165 A07.015.461 Bed, Sinusoidal|Beds, Sinusoidal|Capillary|Capillary Bed|Capillary Beds|Sinusoid|Sinusoidal Bed|Sinusoidal Beds|Sinusoids blood capillary|capillary vessel|endothelium of irregular blood filled space|microcirculatory bed|sinusoidal blood vessel|sinusoidal blood vessel endothelium|sinusoidal capillary|sinusoidal endothelium|UBERON:0001982|UBERON:0003909|UBERON:0013141 +Capitate Bone MESH:D051224 A carpal bone with a rounded head located between the TRAPEZOID BONE and the HAMATE BONE. UBERON:UBERON_0001432 MESH:D002348 A02.835.232.087.319.150.150 A02.835.232.087.319.150 Bone, Capitate|Bones, Capitate|Capitate Bones|Os Capitatum capitate|carpal 3|distal carpal 3|distal carpal bone 3|hand distal carpal bone 3|magnum|os magnum|os magnum (carpus)|UBERON:0001432 +Cardia MESH:D002299 That part of the STOMACH close to the opening from ESOPHAGUS into the stomach (cardiac orifice), the ESOPHAGOGASTRIC JUNCTION. The cardia is so named because of its closeness to the HEART. Cardia is characterized by the lack of acid-forming cells (GASTRIC PARIETAL CELLS). UBERON:UBERON_0001162 MESH:D013270 A03.556.875.875.163 A03.556.875.875 Cardias antrum cardiacum|cardiac antrum|cardiac orifice|cardiac region|cardial orifice|cardial part of stomach|cardia of stomach|gastric cardia|pars cardiaca (gaster)|pars cardiaca gastricae|stomach cardiac region|UBERON:0001162 +Cardiovascular System MESH:D002319 The HEART and the BLOOD VESSELS by which BLOOD is pumped and circulated through the body. UBERON:UBERON_0004535 MESH:A A07 A Cardiovascular Systems|Circulatory System|Circulatory Systems CV system|Herz und Gefaesssystem|UBERON:0004535 +Carotid Arteries MESH:D002339 Either of the two principal arteries on both sides of the neck that supply blood to the head and neck; each divides into two branches, the internal carotid artery and the external carotid artery. UBERON:UBERON_0005396 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.186 A07.015.114 Arteries, Carotid|Artery, Carotid|Carotid Artery carotid|carotid artery segment|common carotid arterial subdivision|subdivision of common carotid artery|UBERON:0005396 +Carotid Artery, Common MESH:D017536 The two principal arteries supplying the structures of the head and neck. They ascend in the neck, one on each side, and at the level of the upper border of the thyroid cartilage, each divides into two branches, the external (CAROTID ARTERY, EXTERNAL) and internal (CAROTID ARTERY, INTERNAL) carotid arteries. UBERON:UBERON_0001530 MESH:D002339 A07. A07.015.114.186 Arteries, Common Carotid|Artery, Common Carotid|Carotid Arteries, Common|Common Carotid Arteries|Common Carotid Artery a. carotis communis|carotid artery|carotid artery system|common carotid artery plus branches|trunk of common carotid tree|UBERON:0001530 +Carotid Artery, External MESH:D002342 Branch of the common carotid artery which supplies the exterior of the head, the face, and the greater part of the neck. UBERON:UBERON_0001070 MESH:D017536 A07. A07. Arteries, External Carotid|Artery, External Carotid|Carotid Arteries, External|External Carotid Arteries|External Carotid Artery arteria carotis externa|external carotid|UBERON:0001070 +Carotid Artery, Internal MESH:D002343 Branch of the common carotid artery which supplies the anterior part of the brain, the eye and its appendages, the forehead and nose. UBERON:UBERON_0001532 MESH:D017536 A07. A07. Arteries, Internal Carotid|Artery, Internal Carotid|Carotid Arteries, Internal|Internal Carotid Arteries|Internal Carotid Artery arteria carotis interna|cranial carotid artery|ICA|internal carotid|UBERON:0001532 +Carotid Body MESH:D002344 A small cluster of chemoreceptive and supporting cells located near the bifurcation of the internal carotid artery. The carotid body, which is richly supplied with fenestrated capillaries, senses the pH, carbon dioxide, and oxygen concentrations in the blood and plays a crucial role in their homeostatic control. UBERON:UBERON_0001629 MESH:D010234 A08.675.650.915.500.600.150|A08.800.950.500.600.150|A11.671.650.915.500.600.150 A08.675.650.915.500.600|A08.800.950.500.600|A11.671.650.915.500.600 Bodies, Carotid|Body, Carotid|Caroticum, Glomus|Carotid Bodies|Glomus Caroticum carotid glomus|UBERON:0001629 +Carotid Sinus MESH:D002346 The dilated portion of the common carotid artery at its bifurcation into external and internal carotids. It contains baroreceptors which, when stimulated, cause slowing of the heart, vasodilatation, and a fall in blood pressure. UBERON:UBERON_0003708 MESH:D002339 A07. A07.015.114.186 Sinus, Carotid carotid bulb|sinus caroticus|UBERON:0003708 +Carpal Bones MESH:D002348 The eight bones of the wrist: SCAPHOID BONE; LUNATE BONE; TRIQUETRUM BONE; PISIFORM BONE; TRAPEZIUM BONE; TRAPEZOID BONE; CAPITATE BONE; and HAMATE BONE. UBERON:UBERON_0009880 MESH:D050276 A02.835.232.087.319.150 A02.835.232.087.319 Bone, Carpal|Bones, Carpal|Carpal Bone carpal bones set|carpal skeleton|carpus|fore mesopodial skeleton|fore mesopodium|fore mesopodium skeleton|ossa carpi|set of carpal bones|skeletal parts of fore mesopodium|skeleton of carpus|UBERON:0009880 +Carpal Joints MESH:D050824 The articulations between the various CARPAL BONES. This does not include the WRIST JOINT which consists of the articulations between the RADIUS; ULNA; and proximal CARPAL BONES. UBERON:UBERON_0011132 MESH:D050823 A02.835.583.405.174 A02.835.583.405 Carpal Joint|Intercarpal Joint|Intercarpal Joints|Joint, Carpal|Joint, Intercarpal|Joints, Carpal|Joints, Intercarpal intercarpal|intercarpal articulation|midcarpal articulation|UBERON:0011132 +Carpometacarpal Joints MESH:D052737 The articulations between the CARPAL BONES and the METACARPAL BONES. UBERON:UBERON_0011119 MESH:D050823 A02.835.583.405.200 A02.835.583.405 Carpometacarpal Joint|Joint, Carpometacarpal|Joints, Carpometacarpal articulationes carpometacarpeæ|carpometacarpal|carpometacarpal articulation|CMJ|UBERON:0011119 +Carpus, Animal MESH:D002350 The region corresponding to the human WRIST in non-human ANIMALS. MESH:D005552 A13.395.248 A13.395 Animal Carpus +Cartilage MESH:D002356 A non-vascular form of connective tissue composed of CHONDROCYTES embedded in a matrix that includes CHONDROITIN SULFATE and various types of FIBRILLAR COLLAGEN. There are three major types: HYALINE CARTILAGE; FIBROCARTILAGE; and ELASTIC CARTILAGE. UBERON:UBERON_0002418 MESH:D003238|MESH:D009141 A02.165|A10.165.382 A02|A10.165 Cartilages cartilage tissue|cartilaginous tissue|chondrogenic tissue|portion of cartilage tissue|UBERON:0002418 +Cartilage, Articular MESH:D002358 A protective layer of firm, flexible cartilage over the articulating ends of bones. It provides a smooth surface for joint movement, protecting the ends of long bones from wear at points of contact. UBERON:UBERON_0010996|UBERON:UBERON_0011002 MESH:D007596|MESH:D051457 A02.165.407.150|A02.835.583.192 A02.165.407|A02.835.583 Articular Cartilage|Articular Cartilages|Cartilages, Articular articular cartilage element|articular cartilage of joint|cartilago articularis|hyaline cartilage|joint-associated cartilage|UBERON:0010996|UBERON:0011002 +Cauda Equina MESH:D002420 The lower part of the SPINAL CORD consisting of the lumbar, sacral, and coccygeal nerve roots. UBERON:UBERON_0012337 MESH:D013126 A08.800.800.720.725.150 A08.800.800.720.725 Equina, Cauda|Filum Terminale|Terminale, Filum UBERON:0012337 +Caudate Nucleus MESH:D002421 Elongated gray mass of the neostriatum located adjacent to the lateral ventricle of the brain. UBERON:UBERON_0001873 MESH:D017072 A08. A08. Caudatus|Caudatus, Nucleus|Nucleus, Caudate|Nucleus Caudatus Ammon horn fields|caudatum|UBERON:0001873 +Caveolae MESH:D021941 Endocytic/exocytic CELL MEMBRANE STRUCTURES rich in glycosphingolipids, cholesterol, and lipid-anchored membrane proteins that function in ENDOCYTOSIS (potocytosis), transcytosis, and SIGNAL TRANSDUCTION. Caveolae assume various shapes from open pits to closed vesicles. Caveolar coats are composed of CAVEOLINS. MESH:D003034|MESH:D018699|MESH:D021962 A11.|A11.|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.180.160 A11.|A11.|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.180 Caveola|Caveolas +Cavernous Sinus MESH:D002426 An irregularly shaped venous space in the dura mater at either side of the sphenoid bone. UBERON:UBERON_0003712 MESH:D003392 A07.015.908.224.334 A07.015.908.224 Sinus, Cavernous cavernous|cavernous sinuses|cavernous sinus syndrome|cavernus sinus vein|parasellar syndrome|sinus cavernosus|UBERON:0003712 +CD4-Positive T-Lymphocytes MESH:D015496 A critical subpopulation of T-lymphocytes involved in the induction of most immunological functions. The HIV virus has selective tropism for the T4 cell which expresses the CD4 phenotypic marker, a receptor for HIV. In fact, the key element in the profound immunosuppression seen in HIV infection is the depletion of this subset of T-lymphocytes. CL:CL_0000492 MESH:D013601 A11.118.637.555.567.569.200|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.200|A15.382.490.555.567.569.200 A11.118.637.555.567.569|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569|A15.382.490.555.567.569 CD4-Positive Lymphocyte|CD4-Positive Lymphocytes|CD4-Positive T-Lymphocyte|CD4 Positive T Lymphocytes|Lymphocyte, CD4-Positive|Lymphocytes, CD4-Positive|T4 Cell|T4 Cells|T4 Lymphocyte|T4 Lymphocytes|T-Lymphocyte, CD4-Positive|T-Lymphocytes, CD4-Positive CD4-positive helper T cell|CD4-positive helper T-cell|CD4-positive helper T lymphocyte|CD4-positive helper T-lymphocyte|CD4-positive T-helper cell|CL:0000492 +CD8-Positive T-Lymphocytes MESH:D018414 A critical subpopulation of regulatory T-lymphocytes involved in MHC Class I-restricted interactions. They include both cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (T-LYMPHOCYTES, CYTOTOXIC) and CD8+ suppressor T-lymphocytes. CL:CL_0000625 MESH:D013601 A11.118.637.555.567.569.220|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.220|A15.382.490.555.567.569.220 A11.118.637.555.567.569|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569|A15.382.490.555.567.569 CD8-Positive Lymphocyte|CD8 Positive Lymphocytes|CD8-Positive Lymphocytes|CD8-Positive Suppressor T-Cell|CD8-Positive Suppressor T-Cells|CD8-Positive Suppressor T-Lymphocyte|CD8-Positive Suppressor T-Lymphocytes|CD8-Positive T-Lymphocyte|CD8 Positive T Lymphocytes|Cells, T8|Cell, T8|Lymphocyte, CD8-Positive|Lymphocytes, CD8-Positive|Lymphocytes, T8|Lymphocyte, T8|Suppressor T-Cell, CD8-Positive|Suppressor T Cells, CD8 Positive|Suppressor T-Cells, CD8-Positive|Suppressor T-Lymphocyte, CD8-Positive|Suppressor T Lymphocytes, CD8 Positive|Suppressor T-Lymphocytes, CD8-Positive|T8 Cell|T8 Cells|T8 Lymphocyte|T8 Lymphocytes|T-Cell, CD8-Positive Suppressor|T-Cells, CD8-Positive Suppressor|T-Lymphocyte, CD8-Positive|T-Lymphocyte, CD8-Positive Suppressor|T-Lymphocytes, CD8-Positive|T-Lymphocytes, CD8-Positive Suppressor CD8-positive, alpha-beta T cell|CD8-positive, alpha-beta T-cell|CD8-positive, alpha-beta T lymphocyte|CD8-positive, alpha-beta T-lymphocyte|CL:0000625 +Cecum MESH:D002432 The blind sac or outpouching area of the LARGE INTESTINE that is below the entrance of the SMALL INTESTINE. It has a worm-like extension, the vermiform APPENDIX. UBERON:UBERON_0001153 MESH:D007420 A03.556.124.526.209|A03.556.249.249.209 A03.556.124.526|A03.556.249.249 Cecums blindgut|blind intestine|caeca|caecum|ceca|intestinum caecum|intestinum crassum caecum|intestinum crassum cecum|UBERON:0001153 +Celiac Artery MESH:D002445 The arterial trunk that arises from the abdominal aorta and after a short course divides into the left gastric, common hepatic and splenic arteries. UBERON:UBERON_0001640 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.207 A07.015.114 Arteries, Celiac|Artery, Celiac|Celiac Arteries arteria coeliaca|arteria cœliaca|celiac tree|celiac trunk|coeliac artery|coeliac axis|coeliac trunck|coeliac trunk|truncus coeliacus|truncus cœliacus|UBERON:0001640 +Celiac Plexus MESH:D002447 A complex network of nerve fibers including sympathetic and parasympathetic efferents and visceral afferents. The celiac plexus is the largest of the autonomic plexuses and is located in the abdomen surrounding the celiac and superior mesenteric arteries. UBERON:UBERON_0002010 MESH:D017776 A08.800.050.050.150|A08.800.800.060.150 A08.800.050.050|A08.800.800.060 Coeliac Plexus|Coeliacus, Plexus|Plexus, Celiac|Plexus, Coeliac|Plexus Coeliacus|Plexus, Solar|Solar Plexus celiac nerve plexus|coeliac nerve plexus|plexus nervosus coeliacus|UBERON:0002010 +Cell Body MESH:D066146 The portion of a cell that contains the NUCLEUS and CYTOPLASM but not CELL SURFACE EXTENSIONS such as FLAGELLA and NEURITES. MESH:D022082 A11.284.074 A11.284 Bodies, Cell|Body, Cell|Cell Bodies +Cell-Derived Microparticles MESH:D055252 Extracellular vesicles generated by the shedding of CELL MEMBRANE blebs. MESH:D000067128 A11.284.295.588.500 A11.284.295.588 Cell-Derived Microparticle|Cell-Derived Microparticle, Circulating|Cell Derived Microparticles|Cell-Derived Microparticles, Circulating|Cell Membrane Microparticle|Cell Membrane Microparticles|Circulating Cell-Derived Microparticle|Circulating Cell Derived Microparticles|Circulating Cell-Derived Microparticles|Ectosome|Ectosomes|Membrane Microparticle, Cell|Membrane Microparticles, Cell|Microparticle, Cell-Derived|Microparticle, Cell Membrane|Microparticle, Circulating Cell-Derived|Microparticles, Cell Derived|Microparticles, Cell-Derived|Microparticles, Cell Membrane|Microparticles, Circulating Cell-Derived|Microvesicle, Shedding|Microvesicles, Shedding|Shedding Microvesicle|Shedding Microvesicles +Cell-Free System MESH:D002474 A fractionated cell extract that maintains a biological function. A subcellular fraction isolated by ultracentrifugation or other separation techniques must first be isolated so that a process can be studied free from all of the complex side reactions that occur in a cell. The cell-free system is therefore widely used in cell biology. (From Alberts et al., Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2d ed, p166) MESH:D013347 A11.284.835.168 A11.284.835 Cellfree System|Cell Free System|Cellfree Systems|Cell-Free Systems|System, Cellfree|System, Cell-Free|Systems, Cellfree|Systems, Cell-Free +Cell Line MESH:D002460 Established cell cultures that have the potential to propagate indefinitely. MESH:D002478 A11.251.210 A11.251 Cell Lines|Line, Cell|Lines, Cell +Cell Line, Transformed MESH:D002461 Eukaryotic cell line obtained in a quiescent or stationary phase which undergoes conversion to a state of unregulated growth in culture, resembling an in vitro tumor. It occurs spontaneously or through interaction with viruses, oncogenes, radiation, or drugs/chemicals. MESH:D002460 A11.251.210.172 A11.251.210 Cell Lines, Transformed|Transformed Cell Line|Transformed Cell Lines +Cell Line, Tumor MESH:D045744 A cell line derived from cultured tumor cells. MESH:D002460|MESH:D014407 A11.251.210.190|A11.251.860.180 A11.251.210|A11.251.860 Cell Lines, Tumor|Lines, Tumor Cell|Line, Tumor Cell|Tumor Cell Line|Tumor Cell Lines +Cell-Matrix Junctions MESH:D021982 Specialized areas at the CELL MEMBRANE where a cell attaches to the EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX or other substratum. MESH:D021961 A11. A11.284.149.165 Adhesions, Cell-Matrix|Cell Matrix Adhesions|Cell-Matrix Adhesions|Cell-Matrix Junction|Cell Matrix Junctions|Junction, Cell-Matrix|Junctions, Cell-Matrix +Cell Membrane MESH:D002462 The lipid- and protein-containing, selectively permeable membrane that surrounds the cytoplasm in prokaryotic and eukaryotic cells. MESH:D022082 A11.284.149 A11.284 Cell Membranes|Cytoplasmic Membrane|Cytoplasmic Membranes|Membrane, Cell|Membrane, Cytoplasmic|Membrane, Plasma|Membranes, Cell|Membranes, Cytoplasmic|Membranes, Plasma|Plasma Membrane|Plasma Membranes +Cell Membrane Structures MESH:D021961 Structures which are part of the CELL MEMBRANE or have cell membrane as a major part of their structure. MESH:D002462 A11.284.149.165 A11.284.149 Cell Membrane Structure|Membrane Structure, Cell|Membrane Structures, Cell|Structure, Cell Membrane|Structures, Cell Membrane +Cell Nucleolus MESH:D002466 Within most types of eukaryotic CELL NUCLEUS, a distinct region, not delimited by a membrane, in which some species of rRNA (RNA, RIBOSOMAL) are synthesized and assembled into ribonucleoprotein subunits of ribosomes. In the nucleolus rRNA is transcribed from a nucleolar organizer, i.e., a group of tandemly repeated chromosomal genes which encode rRNA and which are transcribed by RNA polymerase I. (Singleton & Sainsbury, Dictionary of Microbiology & Molecular Biology, 2d ed) MESH:D042581 A11.284.430.106.279.345.175 A11.284.430.106.279.345 Cell Nucleoli|Nucleoli, Cell|Nucleolus, Cell|Plasmosome|Plasmosomes +Cell Nucleus MESH:D002467 Within a eukaryotic cell, a membrane-limited body which contains chromosomes and one or more nucleoli (CELL NUCLEOLUS). The nuclear membrane consists of a double unit-type membrane which is perforated by a number of pores; the outermost membrane is continuous with the ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM. A cell may contain more than one nucleus. (From Singleton & Sainsbury, Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, 2d ed) MESH:D015388|MESH:D042541 A11.284.430.106|A11.284.430.214.190.875.117 A11.284.430|A11.284.430.214.190.875 Cell Nuclei|Nuclei, Cell|Nucleus, Cell +Cell Nucleus Structures MESH:D022003 Structures that are part of or contained in the CELL NUCLEUS. MESH:D002467 A11.284.430.106.279 A11.284.430.106 Cell Nucleus Structure|Structure, Cell Nucleus|Structures, Cell Nucleus +Cells MESH:D002477 The fundamental, structural, and functional units or subunits of living organisms. They are composed of CYTOPLASM containing various ORGANELLES and a CELL MEMBRANE boundary. CL:CL_0000000 MESH:A A11 A Cell CL:0000000 +Cells, Cultured MESH:D002478 Cells propagated in vitro in special media conducive to their growth. Cultured cells are used to study developmental, morphologic, metabolic, physiologic, and genetic processes, among others. CL:CL_0000010 MESH:D002477 A11.251 A11 Cell, Cultured|Cultured Cell|Cultured Cells CL:0000010 +Cells, Immobilized MESH:D018914 Microbial, plant, or animal cells which are immobilized by attachment to solid structures, usually a column matrix. A common use of immobilized cells is in biotechnology for the bioconversion of a substrate to a particular product. (From Singleton & Sainsbury, Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, 2d ed) MESH:D002477 A11.270 A11 Cell, Immobilized|Immobilized Cell|Immobilized Cells +Cell Surface Extensions MESH:D022081 Specialized structures of the cell that extend the cell membrane and project out from the cell surface. MESH:D022082 A11.284.180 A11.284 Cell Membrane Extension|Cell Membrane Extensions|Cell Membrane Projection|Cell Membrane Projections|Cell Membrane Protrusion|Cell Membrane Protrusions|Cell Surface Extension|Cell Surface Projection|Cell Surface Projections|Cell Surface Protrusion|Cell Surface Protrusions|Cellular Protrusion|Cellular Protrusions|Extension, Cell Membrane|Extension, Cell Surface|Extensions, Cell Membrane|Extensions, Cell Surface|Membrane Extension, Cell|Membrane Extensions, Cell|Membrane Projection, Cell|Membrane Projections, Cell|Membrane Protrusion, Cell|Membrane Protrusions, Cell|Projection, Cell Membrane|Projection, Cell Surface|Projections, Cell Membrane|Projections, Cell Surface|Protrusion, Cell Membrane|Protrusion, Cell Surface|Protrusion, Cellular|Protrusions, Cell Membrane|Protrusions, Cell Surface|Protrusions, Cellular|Surface Extension, Cell|Surface Extensions, Cell|Surface Projection, Cell|Surface Projections, Cell|Surface Protrusion, Cell|Surface Protrusions, Cell +Cellular Structures MESH:D022082 Components of a cell. MESH:D002477 A11.284 A11 Cell Component|Cell Components|Cellular Structure|Component, Cell|Components, Cell|Structure, Cellular|Structures, Cellular +Cellulosomes MESH:D044603 Extracellular structures found in a variety of microorganisms. They contain CELLULASES and play an important role in the digestion of CELLULOSE. MESH:D022081 A11.284.180.120 A11.284.180 Cellulosome +Cell Wall MESH:D002473 The outermost layer of a cell in most PLANTS; BACTERIA; FUNGI; and ALGAE. The cell wall is usually a rigid structure that lies external to the CELL MEMBRANE, and provides a protective barrier against physical or chemical agents. MESH:D022082 A11.284.183 A11.284 Cell Walls|Wall, Cell|Walls, Cell +Cell Wall Skeleton MESH:D017358 A mucoprotein found in the cell wall of various types of bacteria. It has adjuvant and antitumor activities and has been used to augment the production of lymphokine-activated killer (LAK) cells. MESH:D002473 A11.284.183.200 A11.284.183 +Central Amygdaloid Nucleus MESH:D066274 A nucleus located in the caudal half of the amygdala. It is a primary region involved in controlling responses and receives many intrinsic GABAergic amygdaloid connections. UBERON:UBERON_0002883 MESH:D000679 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Amygdala, Central|Amygdala Central Nucleus|Amygdala Nucleus, Central|Amygdalas, Central|Amygdaloid Nucleus, Central|Central Amygdala|Central Amygdala Nucleus|Central Amygdalas|Central Nucleus of Amygdala|Central Nucleus of the Amygdala|Nucleus, Central Amygdala|Nucleus, Central Amygdaloid central amygdalar nucleus|central nuclear group|central nucleus amygdala|central nucleus of amygda|nucleus amygdalae centralis|nucleus amygdaloideus centralis|nucleus centralis amygdalae|UBERON:0002883 +Central Nervous System MESH:D002490 The main information-processing organs of the nervous system, consisting of the brain, spinal cord, and meninges. UBERON:UBERON_0001017 MESH:D009420 A08.186 A08 Axi, Cerebrospinal|Axis, Cerebrospinal|Central Nervous Systems|Cerebrospinal Axi|Cerebrospinal Axis|Nervous System, Central|Nervous Systems, Central|Systems, Central Nervous CNS|neuraxis|systema nervosum centrale|UBERON:0001017 +Central Pattern Generators MESH:D063226 Networks of nerve cells that control the firing patterns of MOTOR NEURONS to produce rhythmic movements such as MASTICATION; WALKING; SWIMMING; RESPIRATION; and PERISTALSIS. MESH:D009415 A08.511.500 A08.511 Central Pattern Generator|Central Pattern Generator Neurons|Generator, Central Pattern|Neuron, Pacemaker|Pacemaker Neuron|Pacemaker Neurons +Centrioles MESH:D002502 Self-replicating, short, fibrous, rod-shaped organelles. Each centriole is a short cylinder containing nine pairs of peripheral microtubules, arranged so as to form the wall of the cylinder. MESH:D018385 A11.284.430.214.190.750.585.160.130|A11.284.430.214.190.750.820.500.500.130 A11.284.430.214.190.750.585.160|A11.284.430.214.190.750.820.500.500 Centriole +Centromere MESH:D002503 The clear constricted portion of the chromosome at which the chromatids are joined and by which the chromosome is attached to the spindle during cell division. MESH:D022004 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160.165 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160 Centromeres +Centrosome MESH:D018385 The cell center, consisting of a pair of CENTRIOLES surrounded by a cloud of amorphous material called the pericentriolar region. During interphase, the centrosome nucleates microtubule outgrowth. The centrosome duplicates and, during mitosis, separates to form the two poles of the mitotic spindle (MITOTIC SPINDLE APPARATUS). MESH:D022101|MESH:D064047 A11.284.430.214.190.750.585.160|A11.284.430.214.190.750.820.500.500 A11.284.430.214.190.750.585|A11.284.430.214.190.750.820.500 Centrosomes|Pericentriolar Region|Pericentriolar Regions|Region, Pericentriolar|Regions, Pericentriolar +Cerebellar Cortex MESH:D002525 The superficial GRAY MATTER of the CEREBELLUM. It consists of two main layers, the stratum moleculare and the stratum granulosum. UBERON:UBERON_0002129 MESH:D002531 A08. A08. Cerebelli, Cortex|Cerebellus, Cortex|Cortex, Cerebellar|Cortex Cerebelli|Cortex Cerebellus cortex cerebellaris|cortex of cerebellar hemisphere|UBERON:0002129 +Cerebellar Golgi Cells MESH:D000080906 Inhibitory interneurons embedded in the granular layer of the CEREBELLAR CORTEX. CL:CL_0000119 MESH:D002525|MESH:D007395 A08.|A08.675.358.200|A11.671.358.131 A08.|A08.675.358|A11.671.358 Cerebellar Golgi Cell|Golgi Cell, Cerebellar|Golgi Cells, Cerebellar|Golgi Cells of the Cerebellum cerebellar Golgi neuron|cerebellum Golgi cell|CL:0000119|Golgi cell|Golgi neuron +Cerebellar Nuclei MESH:D002529 Four clusters of neurons located deep within the WHITE MATTER of the CEREBELLUM, which are the nucleus dentatus, nucleus emboliformis, nucleus globosus, and nucleus fastigii. UBERON:UBERON_0002130 MESH:D002531 A08. A08. Amiculum of the Dentate Nucleus|Anterior Interposed Nucleus|Anterior Interpositus Nucleus|Central Nuclei|Central Nucleus|Cerebellar Nuclei, Deep|Cerebellar Nucleus|Cerebellar Nucleus, Deep|Cerebellar Nucleus, Dentate|Cerebellar Nucleus, Fastigial|Cerebellar Nucleus, Lateral|Cerebellar Nucleus, Medial|Deep Cerebellar Nuclei|Deep Cerebellar Nucleus|Dentate Cerebellar Nucleus|Dentate Nucleus|Emboliformis, Nucleus|Fastigial Cerebellar Nucleus|Fastigial Nucleus|Fastigii, Nucleus|Globosus, Nucleus|Interposed Nucleus, Anterior|Interpositus Nucleus, Anterior|Intracerebellar Nuclei|Intracerebellar Nucleus|Lateral Cerebellar Nucleus|Medial Cerebellar Nucleus|Nuclei, Central|Nuclei, Cerebellar|Nuclei, Deep Cerebellar|Nuclei, Intracerebellar|Nucleus, Anterior Interposed|Nucleus, Anterior Interpositus|Nucleus, Central|Nucleus, Cerebellar|Nucleus, Deep Cerebellar|Nucleus, Dentate|Nucleus, Dentate Cerebellar|Nucleus Dentatus|Nucleus Emboliformis|Nucleus, Fastigial|Nucleus, Fastigial Cerebellar|Nucleus Fastigii|Nucleus Fastigius|Nucleus Globosus|Nucleus, Intracerebellar|Nucleus, Lateral Cerebellar|Nucleus, Medial Cerebellar cerebellar nuclear complex|deep cerebellar nuclear complex|intrinsic nuclei of cerebellum|nuclei cerebellares|nuclei cerebellaris|nuclei cerebelli|roof nuclei-2|UBERON:0002130 +Cerebellar Vermis MESH:D065814 A subregion of the CEREBELLAR CORTEX, located along the midsagittal plane of the CEREBELLUM. UBERON:UBERON_0004720 MESH:D002525 A08. A08. Cerebellum Uvula|Cerebellum Uvulas|Lobule 9|Lobule 9s|Lobule IX|Lobule IXs|Uvula of Cerebellum|Vermis, Cerebellar cerebellum vermis|UBERON:0004720|vermal parts of the cerebellum|vermal regions|vermis|vermis cerebelli|vermis cerebelli [I-X]|vermis of cerebellum|vermis of cerebellum [I-X] +Cerebellopontine Angle MESH:D002530 Junction between the cerebellum and the pons. UBERON:UBERON_0014908 MESH:D002531 A08. A08. Angle, Cerebellopontile|Angle, Cerebellopontine|Angles, Cerebellopontile|Angles, Cerebellopontine|Cerebellopontile Angle|Cerebellopontile Angles|Cerebellopontine Angles angulus cerebellopontinus|UBERON:0014908 +Cerebellum MESH:D002531 The part of brain that lies behind the BRAIN STEM in the posterior base of skull (CRANIAL FOSSA, POSTERIOR). It is also known as the 'little brain' with convolutions similar to those of CEREBRAL CORTEX, inner white matter, and deep cerebellar nuclei. Its function is to coordinate voluntary movements, maintain balance, and learn motor skills. UBERON:UBERON_0002037 MESH:D020540 A08. A08. Cerebella|Cerebellums|Corpus Cerebelli|Parencephalon|Parencephalons epencephalon-1|infratentorial region|UBERON:0002037 +Cerebral Aqueduct MESH:D002535 Narrow channel in the MESENCEPHALON that connects the third and fourth CEREBRAL VENTRICLES. UBERON:UBERON_0002289 MESH:D002552|MESH:D013681 A08.|A08. A08.|A08.186.211.140 Aqueduct, Cerebral|Aqueduct, Mesencephalic|Aqueduct of Sylvius|Aqueducts, Cerebral|Aqueducts, Mesencephalic|Aqueducts, Sylvian|Aqueduct, Sylvian|Aqueductus Cerebri|Aqueductus Cerebrus|Cerebral Aqueducts|Cerebri, Aqueductus|Cerebrus, Aqueductus|Duct, Mesencephalic|Ducts, Mesencephalic|Mesencephalic Aqueduct|Mesencephalic Aqueducts|Mesencephalic Duct|Mesencephalic Ducts|Sylvian Aqueduct|Sylvian Aqueducts|Sylvius Aqueduct aqueduct|aqueduct of midbrain|aqueduct (Sylvius)|aqueductus mesencephali|cerebral aquaduct|cerebral aqueduct of Sylvius|cerebral aqueduct proper|medial tectal ventricle|mesencephalic ventricle|mesencephalic vesicle|midbrain cerebral aqueduct|midbrain ventricle|tectal ventricle|UBERON:0002289 +Cerebral Arteries MESH:D002536 The arterial blood vessels supplying the CEREBRUM. UBERON:UBERON_0004449 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.228 A07.015.114 Arteries, Cerebral|Artery, Cerebral|Cerebral Artery UBERON:0004449 +Cerebral Cortex MESH:D002540 The thin layer of GRAY MATTER on the surface of the CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES that develops from the TELENCEPHALON and folds into gyri and sulci. It reaches its highest development in humans and is responsible for intellectual faculties and higher mental functions. UBERON:UBERON_0000956 MESH:D054022 A08. A08. Allocortex|Allocortices|Archipallium|Archipalliums|Cerebral Cortices|Cortex, Cerebral|Cortex Cerebri|Cortex Cerebrus|Cortical Plate|Cortical Plates|Paleocortex|Paleocortices|Periallocortex|Periallocortices|Plate, Cortical brain cortex|cortex cerebralis|cortex of cerebral hemisphere|cortical plate (areas)|cortical plate (CTXpl)|pallium of the brain|UBERON:0000956 +Cerebral Crus MESH:D065843 Anterior portion of the cerebral peduncle which contains the motor tracts. UBERON:UBERON_0002631 MESH:D065850 A08. A08. Cerebral Crura|Cerebri, Crura|Cerebri, Crus|Crura, Cerebral|Crura Cerebri|Crus, Cerebral|Crus Cerebri base of cerebral peduncle|basis cerebri (Oertel)|basis pedunculi cerebri (Willis)|basis pedunculi (Oertel)|CCR|cerebral peduncle, basal part|cerebral peduncle (clinical definition)|crus of the cerebral peduncle|pars neo-encephalica pedunculi|pedunculus cerebri, pars basalis|pes pedunculi|pes pedunculi of midbrain|UBERON:0002631 +Cerebral Peduncle MESH:D065850 Ventral portion of the mesencephalon including the MIDBRAIN TEGMENTUM; CRUS CEREBRI; and the PRETECTUM. It does not include tectum mesencephali and TROCHLEAR NERVE. UBERON:UBERON_0002623 MESH:D008636 A08. A08. Basis Pedunculi|Basis Pedunculi Cerebri|Basis Pedunculi Cerebrus|Basis Pedunculus|Cerebral Peduncles|Cerebri, Basis Pedunculi|Cerebri, Pedunculus|Cerebrus, Basis Pedunculi|Cerebrus, Pedunculus|Peduncle, Cerebral|Peduncles, Cerebral|Pedunculi, Basis|Pedunculi Cerebri, Basis|Pedunculi Cerebrus, Basis|Pedunculus, Basis|Pedunculus Cerebri|Pedunculus Cerebrus cerebal peduncle|cerebral peduncle (archaic)|CP|peduncle of midbrain|pedunculi cerebri|pedunculus cerebralis|tegmentum|UBERON:0002623 +Cerebral Veins MESH:D002550 Veins draining the cerebrum. UBERON:UBERON_0001663 MESH:D014680 A07.015.908.155 A07.015.908 Basal Vein|Basal Veins|Cerebral Vein|Galen Vein|Pial Vein|Pial Veins|Sylvian Vein|Terminal Vein|Terminal Veins|Thalamostriate Vein|Thalamostriate Veins|Vein, Basal|Vein, Cerebral|Vein of Galen|Vein, Pial|Veins, Basal|Veins, Cerebral|Veins, Pial|Veins, Terminal|Veins, Thalamostriate|Vein, Sylvian|Vein, Terminal|Vein, Thalamostriate UBERON:0001663|venae cerebri|venae encephali +Cerebral Ventricles MESH:D002552 Four CSF-filled (see CEREBROSPINAL FLUID) cavities within the cerebral hemispheres (LATERAL VENTRICLES), in the midline (THIRD VENTRICLE) and within the PONS and MEDULLA OBLONGATA (FOURTH VENTRICLE). UBERON:UBERON_0004086 MESH:D001921 A08.186.211.140 A08.186.211 Cerebral Ventricle|Cerebral Ventricular System|Cerebral Ventricular Systems|Foramen of Monro|Monro Foramen|System, Cerebral Ventricular|Systems, Cerebral Ventricular|Ventricle, Cerebral|Ventricles, Cerebral|Ventricular System, Cerebral|Ventricular Systems, Cerebral brain ventricle|brain ventricles|region of ventricular system of brain|UBERON:0004086 +Cerebrospinal Fluid MESH:D002555 A watery fluid that is continuously produced in the CHOROID PLEXUS and circulates around the surface of the BRAIN; SPINAL CORD; and in the CEREBRAL VENTRICLES. UBERON:UBERON_0001359 MESH:D045604 A12.207.270.210 A12.207.270 Cerebro Spinal Fluid|Cerebrospinal Fluids|Cerebro Spinal Fluids|Fluid, Cerebrospinal|Fluid, Cerebro Spinal|Fluids, Cerebrospinal|Fluids, Cerebro Spinal|Spinal Fluid, Cerebro|Spinal Fluids, Cerebro cerebral spinal fluid|CSF|liquor cerebrospinalis|spinal fluid|UBERON:0001359 +Cerebrum MESH:D054022 Derived from TELENCEPHALON, cerebrum is composed of a right and a left hemisphere. Each contains an outer cerebral cortex and a subcortical basal ganglia. The cerebrum includes all parts within the skull except the MEDULLA OBLONGATA, the PONS, and the CEREBELLUM. Cerebral functions include sensorimotor, emotional, and intellectual activities. UBERON:UBERON_0001869|UBERON:UBERON_6110636 MESH:D013687 A08. A08. Cerebra|Cerebral Hemisphere|Cerebral Hemisphere, Left|Cerebral Hemisphere, Right|Cerebral Hemispheres|Left Cerebral Hemisphere|Right Cerebral Hemisphere brain|CRG|hemisphere|hemispheric regions|hemispherium cerebri|insect adult cerebral ganglion|medial amygdalar nucleus|nucleus amygdaloideus medialis|nucleus medialis amygdalae|SPG|supraesophageal ganglion|UBERON:0001869|UBERON:6110636 +Cerumen MESH:D002571 The yellow or brown waxy secretions produced by vestigial apocrine sweat glands in the external ear canal. UBERON:UBERON_0002297 MESH:D012634 A12.200.147 A12.200 Ear Wax|Wax, Ear earwax|UBERON:0002297 +Cervical Atlas MESH:D001270 The first cervical vertebra. UBERON:UBERON_0001092 MESH:D002574 A02.835.232.834.151.500 A02.835.232.834.151 Anomaly, Kimmerle|Arcuate Foramen|Atlas, Cervical|C1 Vertebra|C1 Vertebras|Kimmerle Anomaly|Ponticulus Posterior of the Atlas|Ponticulus Posticus|Vertebra, C1|Vertebras, C1 atlas|atlas (CI)|atlas [C I]|atlas vertebra|C1|cervical vertebra 1|first cervical vertebra|UBERON:0001092|vertebra 1|vertebral bone 1 +Cervical Cord MESH:D066193 The segment of the spinal cord within the CERVICAL VERTEBRAE. UBERON:UBERON_0002726|UBERON:UBERON_0016850 MESH:D013116 A08.186.854.126 A08.186.854 Accessory Nucleus|Cervical Cords|Cervical Spinal Cord|Cervical Spinal Cords|Cord, Cervical|Cord, Cervical Spinal|Cords, Cervical|Cords, Cervical Spinal|Nucleus, Accessory|Nucleus, Phrenic|Phrenic Nucleus|Spinal Cord, Cervical|Spinal Cords, Cervical cervical segment of spinal cord|cervical segments of spinal cord [1-8]|nucleus nervi phrenici|nucleus of phrenic nerve|nucleus of the phrenic nerve|nucleus phrenicus columnae anterioris medullae spinalis|pars cervicalis medullae spinalis|phrenic neural nucleus|phrenic nucleus of anterior column of spinal cord|segmenta cervicalia medullae spinalis [1-8|UBERON:0002726|UBERON:0016850 +Cervical Plexus MESH:D002572 A network of nerve fibers originating in the upper four CERVICAL SPINAL CORD segments. The cervical plexus distributes cutaneous nerves to parts of the neck, shoulders, and back of the head. It also distributes motor fibers to muscles of the cervical SPINAL COLUMN, infrahyoid muscles, and the DIAPHRAGM. UBERON:UBERON_0003725 MESH:D013127 A08.800.800.720.150 A08.800.800.720 Plexus, Cervical cervical nerve plexus|plexus cervicalis|UBERON:0003725 +Cervical Rib MESH:D057070 A supernumerary rib developing from an abnormal enlargement of the costal element of the C7 vertebra. This anomaly is found in 1-2% of the population and can put pressure on adjacent structures causing CERVICAL RIB SYNDROME; THORACIC OUTLET SYNDROME; or other conditions. UBERON:UBERON_0018144 MESH:D012272 A02.835.232.570.500.150 A02.835.232.570.500 Cervical Ribs|Rib, Cervical|Ribs, Cervical UBERON:0018144 +Cervical Vertebrae MESH:D002574 The first seven VERTEBRAE of the SPINAL COLUMN, which correspond to the VERTEBRAE of the NECK. UBERON:UBERON_0002413 MESH:D013131 A02.835.232.834.151 A02.835.232.834 Cervical Spine|Cervical Spines|Spine, Cervical|Vertebrae, Cervical cervical vertebra|UBERON:0002413|vertebrae cervicales +Cervix Mucus MESH:D002582 A slightly alkaline secretion of the endocervical glands. The consistency and amount are dependent on the physiological hormone changes in the menstrual cycle. It contains the glycoprotein mucin, amino acids, sugar, enzymes, and electrolytes, with a water content up to 90%. The mucus is a useful protection against the ascent of bacteria and sperm into the uterus. (From Dictionary of Obstetrics and Gynecology, 1988) UBERON:UBERON_0000316 MESH:D009093 A12.200.503.339 A12.200.503 Cervical Mucus|Fern Test|Fern Tests|Mucus, Cervical|Mucus, Cervix|Palm Leaf Reaction|Palm-Leaf Reaction|Palm-Leaf Reactions|Reaction, Palm-Leaf|Reactions, Palm-Leaf|Test, Fern|Tests, Fern UBERON:0000316 +Cervix Uteri MESH:D002584 The neck portion of the UTERUS between the lower isthmus and the VAGINA forming the cervical canal. UBERON:UBERON_0000002 MESH:D014599 A05.360.319.679.256 A05.360.319.679 Canal, Endocervical|Canal, Uterine Cervical|Cervical Canal of the Uterus|Cervical Canal, Uterine|Cervix|Cervixes|Cervix, External Os|Cervix, Uterine|Ectocervix|Endocervical Canal|Endocervical Canals|Endocervix|External Os Cervix|External Os of the Cervix|Uterine Cervical Canal|Uterine Cervical Canals|Uterine Cervix canalis cervicis uteri|caudal segment of uterus|cervical canal|cervical canal of uterus|cervix of uterus|neck of uterus|UBERON:0000002 +Cheek MESH:D002610 The part of the face that is below the eye and to the side of the nose and mouth. UBERON:UBERON_0001567 MESH:D005145|MESH:D013284 A01.456.505.173|A14.194 A01.456.505|A14 Bucca|Buccas|Cheeks buccae|jowl|UBERON:0001567 +Chemoreceptor Cells MESH:D002628 Cells specialized to detect chemical substances and relay that information centrally in the nervous system. Chemoreceptor cells may monitor external stimuli, as in TASTE and OLFACTION, or internal stimuli, such as the concentrations of OXYGEN and CARBON DIOXIDE in the blood. CL:CL_0000206 MESH:D011984 A08.675.650.915.500|A08.800.950.500|A11.671.650.915.500 A08.675.650.915|A08.800.950|A11.671.650.915 Cell, Chemoreceptive|Cell, Chemoreceptor|Cells, Chemoreceptive|Cells, Chemoreceptor|Chemoreceptive Cell|Chemoreceptive Cells|Chemoreceptor Cell CL:0000206 +Chick Embryo MESH:D002642 The developmental entity of a fertilized chicken egg (ZYGOTE). The developmental process begins about 24 h before the egg is laid at the BLASTODISC, a small whitish spot on the surface of the EGG YOLK. After 21 days of incubation, the embryo is fully developed before hatching. MESH:D004625 A13.350.150|A16.331.200 A13.350|A16.331 Chick Embryos|Embryo, Chick|Embryos, Chick +Chief Cells, Gastric MESH:D019872 Epithelial cells that line the basal half of the GASTRIC GLANDS. Chief cells synthesize and export an inactive enzyme PEPSINOGEN which is converted into the highly proteolytic enzyme PEPSIN in the acid environment of the STOMACH. CL:CL_0000155 MESH:D004847|MESH:D005753 A03.556.875.875.440.150|A10.615.550.291.150|A11.436.150 A03.556.875.875.440|A10.615.550.291|A11.436 Cell, Gastric Zymogenic|Cells, Gastric Zymogenic|Chief Cell, Gastric|Gastric Chief Cell|Gastric Chief Cells|Gastric Zymogenic Cell|Gastric Zymogenic Cells|Zymogenic Cell, Gastric|Zymogenic Cells, Gastric chief cell of stomach|CL:0000155|pepsinogen secreting cell|peptic cell|zymogenic cell +Chin MESH:D002680 The anatomical frontal portion of the mandible, also known as the mentum, that contains the line of fusion of the two separate halves of the mandible (symphysis menti). This line of fusion divides inferiorly to enclose a triangular area called the mental protuberance. On each side, inferior to the second premolar tooth, is the mental foramen for the passage of blood vessels and a nerve. UBERON:UBERON_0008199 MESH:D005145|MESH:D008334 A01.456.505.259|A02.835.232.781.324.502.632.130|A14.521.632.300 A01.456.505|A02.835.232.781.324.502.632|A14.521.632 Mental Region|Mentum mental part of face|mental region of face|regio mentalis|UBERON:0008199 +Chloroplasts MESH:D002736 Plant cell inclusion bodies that contain the photosynthetic pigment CHLOROPHYLL, which is associated with the membrane of THYLAKOIDS. Chloroplasts occur in cells of leaves and young stems of plants. They are also found in some forms of PHYTOPLANKTON such as HAPTOPHYTA; DINOFLAGELLATES; DIATOMS; and CRYPTOPHYTA. MESH:D018087 A11.284.430.214.190.875.700.140 A11.284.430.214.190.875.700 Chloroplast|Etioplast|Etioplasts +CHO Cells MESH:D016466 CELL LINE derived from the ovary of the Chinese hamster, Cricetulus griseus (CRICETULUS). The species is a favorite for cytogenetic studies because of its small chromosome number. The cell line has provided model systems for the study of genetic alterations in cultured mammalian cells. MESH:D002460|MESH:D004847 A11.251.210.200|A11.436.155 A11.251.210|A11.436 Cell, CHO|Cells, CHO|CHO Cell +Cholinergic Fibers MESH:D002799 Nerve fibers liberating acetylcholine at the synapse after an impulse. MESH:D009412|MESH:D059329 A08.675.127.500|A08.675.542.234|A11.671.188.500|A11.671.501.234 A08.675.127|A08.675.542|A11.671.188|A11.671.501 Cholinergic Fiber|Fiber, Cholinergic|Fibers, Cholinergic +Cholinergic Neurons MESH:D059329 Neurons whose primary neurotransmitter is ACETYLCHOLINE. CL:CL_0000108 MESH:D009474 A08.675.127|A11.671.188 A08.675|A11.671 Cholinergic Neuron|Neuron, Cholinergic|Neurons, Cholinergic CL:0000108 +Chondrocytes MESH:D019902 Polymorphic cells that form cartilage. CL:CL_0000058|CL:CL_0000138 MESH:D003239 A11.329.171 A11.329 Chondroblast|Chondroblasts|Chondrocyte cartilage cell|chrondoplast|CL:0000058|CL:0000138 +Chordae Tendineae MESH:D002815 The tendinous cords that connect each cusp of the two atrioventricular HEART VALVES to appropriate PAPILLARY MUSCLES in the HEART VENTRICLES, preventing the valves from reversing themselves when the ventricles contract. UBERON:UBERON_0005994 MESH:D006351 A07.541.510.240 A07.541.510 Tendineae, Chordae chordae tendinea|chordae tendineae cordis|chorda tendineae|UBERON:0005994 +Chorda Tympani Nerve MESH:D002814 A branch of the facial (7th cranial) nerve which passes through the middle ear and continues through the petrotympanic fissure. The chorda tympani nerve carries taste sensation from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue and conveys parasympathetic efferents to the salivary glands. UBERON:UBERON_0009675 MESH:D005154 A08.800.800.120.250.120 A08.800.800.120.250 Chorda Tympani Nerves|Nerve, Chorda Tympani|Nerves, Chorda Tympani|Tympani Nerve, Chorda|Tympani Nerves, Chorda chorda tympani|chorda tympani branch of facial nerve|corda tympani nerve|facial VII nerve chorda tympani branch|nervus corda tympani|parasympathetic root of submandibular ganglion|radix parasympathica ganglii submandibularis|tympanic cord|UBERON:0009675 +Chorioallantoic Membrane MESH:D049033 A highly vascularized extra-embryonic membrane, formed by the fusion of the CHORION and the ALLANTOIS. It is mostly found in BIRDS and REPTILES. It serves as a model for studying tumor or cell biology, such as angiogenesis and TISSUE TRANSPLANTATION. UBERON:UBERON_0005335 MESH:D004625|MESH:D005321 A10.615.284.375|A13.350.575|A16.331.400 A10.615.284|A13.350|A16.331 Chorioallantoic Membranes|Membrane, Chorioallantoic|Membranes, Chorioallantoic chorioallantois|respiratory membrane|UBERON:0005335 +Chorion MESH:D002823 The outermost extra-embryonic membrane surrounding the developing embryo. In REPTILES and BIRDS, it adheres to the shell and allows exchange of gases between the egg and its environment. In MAMMALS, the chorion evolves into the fetal contribution of the PLACENTA. UBERON:UBERON_0003124 MESH:D005321 A10.615.284.473|A16.254.750.473 A10.615.284|A16.254.750 Chorions chorion frondosum|chorionic sac|chorion membrane|chorion (vertebrates)|embryonic chorion|fetal chorion|UBERON:0003124|uterine chorion +Chorionic Villi MESH:D002824 Threadlike vascular projections of the chorion. Chorionic villi may be free or embedded within the DECIDUA forming the site for exchange of substances between fetal and maternal blood (PLACENTA). UBERON:UBERON_0007106 MESH:D002823|MESH:D010920 A10.615.284.473.200|A16.254.750.473.200|A16.710.189 A10.615.284.473|A16.254.750.473|A16.710 Chorionic Villus|Labyrinthine Placenta|Labyrinth Layer, Placental|Labyrinth of the Placenta|Placental Labyrinth Layer|Placental Labyrinth Layers|Placental Villi|Placental Villus|Villi, Chorionic|Villi, Placental|Villus, Chorionic|Villus, Placental chorionic villous|embryonic part of placenta|embryonic placenta|fetal part of placenta|fetal placenta|placental villous|UBERON:0007106|villous chorion|villous of placenta +Choroid MESH:D002829 The thin, highly vascular membrane covering most of the posterior of the eye between the RETINA and SCLERA. UBERON:UBERON_0001776 MESH:D014602 A09.371.894.223 A09.371.894 Choriocapillaris|Choroids|Haller Layer|Haller's Layer|Sattler Layer|Sattler's Layer chorioid|choroid coat|choroidea|eye choroid|optic choroid|posterior uvea|UBERON:0001776 +Choroid Plexus MESH:D002831 A villous structure of tangled masses of BLOOD VESSELS contained within the third, lateral, and fourth ventricles of the BRAIN. It regulates part of the production and composition of CEREBROSPINAL FLUID. UBERON:UBERON_0001886 MESH:D002552 A08. A08.186.211.140 Chorioid Plexus|Choroideus, Plexus|Plexus, Chorioid|Plexus, Choroid|Plexus Choroideus choroid plexus of cerebral hemisphere|CP|UBERON:0001886|ventricular choroid plexus +Chromaffin Cells MESH:D019439 Cells that store epinephrine secretory vesicles. During times of stress, the nervous system signals the vesicles to secrete their hormonal content. Their name derives from their ability to stain a brownish color with chromic salts. Characteristically, they are located in the adrenal medulla and paraganglia (PARAGANGLIA, CHROMAFFIN) of the sympathetic nervous system. CL:CL_0000166|UBERON:UBERON_0001236 MESH:D002477|MESH:D002838 A06.224.161|A11.299 A06.224|A11 Cell, Chromaffin|Cells, Chromaffin|Chromaffin Cell adrenal central medulla|adrenal gland medulla|adrenal medulla|CL:0000166|medulla glandulae suprarenalis|medulla (glandula suprarenalis)|medulla of adrenal gland|medulla of glandula suprarenalis|medulla of suprarenal gland|phaeochromocyte|suprarenal medulla|UBERON:0001236 +Chromaffin Granules MESH:D002837 Organelles in CHROMAFFIN CELLS located in the adrenal glands and various other organs. These granules are the site of the synthesis, storage, metabolism, and secretion of EPINEPHRINE and NOREPINEPHRINE. MESH:D003594|MESH:D019439 A06.224.161.500|A11.284.430.214.190.500.207|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190.207 A06.224.161|A11.284.430.214.190.500|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190 Chromaffin Granule|Granule, Chromaffin +Chromaffin System MESH:D002838 The cells of the body which stain with chromium salts. They occur along the sympathetic nerves, in the adrenal gland, and in various other organs. UBERON:UBERON_0010074 MESH:D004703 A06.224 A06 Argentaffin System|Argentaffin Systems|Chromaffin Systems|System, Argentaffin|System, Chromaffin|Systems, Argentaffin|Systems, Chromaffin chromaffin tissue|UBERON:0010074 +Chromatids MESH:D002842 Either of the two longitudinally adjacent threads formed when a eukaryotic chromosome replicates prior to mitosis. The chromatids are held together at the centromere. Sister chromatids are derived from the same chromosome. (Singleton & Sainsbury, Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, 2d ed) MESH:D022004 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160.175 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160 Chromatid +Chromatin MESH:D002843 The material of CHROMOSOMES. It is a complex of DNA; HISTONES; and nonhistone proteins (CHROMOSOMAL PROTEINS, NON-HISTONE) found within the nucleus of a cell. MESH:D022004 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160.180 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160 Chromatins +Chromatophores MESH:D002856 The large pigment cells of fish, amphibia, reptiles and many invertebrates which actively disperse and aggregate their pigment granules. These cells include MELANOPHORES, erythrophores, xanthophores, leucophores and iridiophores. (In algae, chromatophores refer to CHLOROPLASTS. In phototrophic bacteria chromatophores refer to membranous organelles (BACTERIAL CHROMATOPHORES).) CL:CL_0000147 MESH:D004847 A11.436.265 A11.436 Chromatophore chromatocyte|CL:0000147|pigment cell +Chromosomal Puffs MESH:D059045 Regions along polytene chromosomes that are uncondensed and active in DNA REPLICATION or RNA transcription (GENETIC TRANSCRIPTION). MESH:D022041|MESH:D059007 A11.284.430.106.279.345.|A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.580.500 A11.284.430.106.279.345.|A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.580 Balbiani Ring|Balbiani Rings|Chromosomal Puff|Chromosome Puff|Chromosome Puffs|Puff, Chromosomal|Puff, Chromosome|Puffs, Chromosomal|Puffs, Chromosome|Ring, Balbiani|Rings, Balbiani +Chromosomes MESH:D002875 In a prokaryotic cell or in the nucleus of a eukaryotic cell, a structure consisting of or containing DNA which carries the genetic information essential to the cell. (From Singleton & Sainsbury, Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, 2d ed) MESH:D022082|MESH:D042581 A11.284.187|A11.284.430.106.279.345.190 A11.284|A11.284.430.106.279.345 Chromosome +Chromosomes, Archaeal MESH:D019847 Structures within the nucleus of archaeal cells consisting of or containing DNA, which carry genetic information essential to the cell. MESH:D002875 A11.284.187.167 A11.284.187 Archaeal Chromosome|Archaeal Chromosomes|Chromosome, Archaeal +Chromosomes, Artificial MESH:D022201 DNA constructs that are composed of, at least, elements such as a REPLICATION ORIGIN; TELOMERE; and CENTROMERE, that are required for successful replication, propagation to and maintenance in progeny cells. In addition, they are constructed to carry other sequences for analysis or gene transfer. MESH:D002875 A11.284.187.178 A11.284.187 Artificial Chromosome|Artificial Chromosomes|Chromosome, Artificial +Chromosomes, Artificial, Bacterial MESH:D022202 DNA constructs that are composed of, at least, a REPLICATION ORIGIN, for successful replication, propagation to and maintenance as an extra chromosome in bacteria. In addition, they can carry large amounts (about 200 kilobases) of other sequence for a variety of bioengineering purposes. MESH:D002876|MESH:D022201 A11.|A11. A11.284.187.178|A11.284.187.190 Artificial Chromosome, Bacterial|Artificial Chromosomes, Bacterial|BAC (Chromosome)|BACs (Chromosomes)|Bacterial Artificial Chromosome|Bacterial Artificial Chromosomes|Chromosome, Bacterial Artificial|Chromosomes, Bacterial Artificial +Chromosomes, Artificial, Human MESH:D022222 DNA constructs that are composed of, at least, all elements, such as a REPLICATION ORIGIN; TELOMERE; and CENTROMERE, required for successful replication, propagation to and maintainance in progeny human cells. In addition, they are constructed to carry other sequences for analysis or gene transfer. MESH:D002877|MESH:D022221 A11.|A11.284.187.520.190.117|A11.284.187.520.300.117 A11.|A11.284.187.520.190|A11.284.187.520.300 Artificial Chromosome, Human|Artificial Chromosomes, Human|Chromosome, Human Artificial|Chromosomes, Human Artificial|HAC (Chromosome)|HACs (Chromosomes)|Human Artificial Chromosome|Human Artificial Chromosomes +Chromosomes, Artificial, Mammalian MESH:D022221 DNA constructs that are composed of, at least, all elements, such as a REPLICATION ORIGIN; TELOMERE; and CENTROMERE, that are required for successful replication, propagation to and maintainance in progeny mammalian cells. In addition, they are constructed to carry other sequences for analysis or gene transfer. MESH:D022201|MESH:D033481 A11.|A11.284.187.520.190 A11.284.187.178|A11.284.187.520 Artificial Chromosome, Mammalian|Artificial Chromosomes, Mammalian|Chromosome, Mammalian Artificial|Chromosomes, Mammalian Artificial|MAC (Chromosome)|MACs (Chromosomes)|Mammalian Artificial Chromosome|Mammalian Artificial Chromosomes +Chromosomes, Artificial, P1 Bacteriophage MESH:D027042 DNA constructs that are derived from the DNA of BACTERIOPHAGE P1. They can carry large amounts (about 100-300 kilobases) of other sequence for a variety of bioengineering purposes. MESH:D022201 A11. A11.284.187.178 Artificial Chromosome, P1-Derived|Artificial Chromosomes, P1 Bacteriophage|Artificial Chromosomes, P1-Derived|Bacteriophage P1 Artificial Chromosomes|Chromosome, P1-Derived Artificial|Chromosomes, P1 Bacteriophage Artificial|Chromosomes, P1-Derived Artificial|P1 Bacteriophage Artificial Chromosomes|P1-Derived Artificial Chromosome|P1 Derived Artificial Chromosomes|P1-Derived Artificial Chromosomes|PAC (Chromosome)|PACs (Chromosomes) +Chromosomes, Artificial, Yeast MESH:D018244 Chromosomes in which fragments of exogenous DNA ranging in length up to several hundred kilobase pairs have been cloned into yeast through ligation to vector sequences. These artificial chromosomes are used extensively in molecular biology for the construction of comprehensive genomic libraries of higher organisms. MESH:D015825|MESH:D022201 A11.|A11.284.187.360.800 A11.284.187.178|A11.284.187.360 Artificial Chromosomes, Yeast|Artificial Chromosome, Yeast|Chromosomes, Yeast Artificial|Chromosome, Yeast Artificial|YAC (Chromosome)|YACs (Chromosomes)|Yeast Artificial Chromosome|Yeast Artificial Chromosomes +Chromosomes, Bacterial MESH:D002876 Structures within the nucleus of bacterial cells consisting of or containing DNA, which carry genetic information essential to the cell. MESH:D002875 A11.284.187.190 A11.284.187 Bacterial Chromosome|Bacterial Chromosomes|Chromosome, Bacterial +Chromosomes, Fungal MESH:D015825 Structures within the nucleus of fungal cells consisting of or containing DNA, which carry genetic information essential to the cell. MESH:D002875 A11.284.187.360 A11.284.187 Chromosome, Fungal|Fungal Chromosome|Fungal Chromosomes +Chromosomes, Human MESH:D002877 Very long DNA molecules and associated proteins, HISTONES, and non-histone chromosomal proteins (CHROMOSOMAL PROTEINS, NON-HISTONE). Normally 46 chromosomes, including two sex chromosomes are found in the nucleus of human cells. They carry the hereditary information of the individual. MESH:D033481 A11.284.187.520.300 A11.284.187.520 Chromosome, Human|Human Chromosome|Human Chromosomes +Chromosomes, Human, 1-3 MESH:D002900 The large, metacentric human chromosomes, called group A in the human chromosome classification. This group consists of chromosome pairs 1, 2, and 3. MESH:D002877 A11.284.187.520.300.235 A11.284.187.520.300 Chromosome, Group A|Chromosomes A|Chromosomes, Group A|Group A Chromosome|Group A Chromosomes +Chromosomes, Human, 13-15 MESH:D002901 The medium-sized, acrocentric human chromosomes, called group D in the human chromosome classification. This group consists of chromosome pairs 13, 14, and 15. MESH:D002877 A11.284.187.520.300.370 A11.284.187.520.300 Chromosome, Group D|Chromosomes D|Chromosomes, Group D|Group D Chromosome|Group D Chromosomes +Chromosomes, Human, 16-18 MESH:D002902 The short, submetacentric human chromosomes, called group E in the human chromosome classification. This group consists of chromosome pairs 16, 17, and 18. MESH:D002877 A11.284.187.520.300.415 A11.284.187.520.300 Chromosome, Group E|Chromosomes E|Chromosomes, Group E|E Chromosomes, Group|Group E Chromosome|Group E Chromosomes +Chromosomes, Human, 19-20 MESH:D002903 The short, metacentric human chromosomes, called group F in the human chromosome classification. This group consists of chromosome pairs 19 and 20. MESH:D002877 A11.284.187.520.300.460 A11.284.187.520.300 Chromosome, Group F|Chromosomes F|Chromosomes, Group F|Group F Chromosome|Group F Chromosomes +Chromosomes, Human, 21-22 and Y MESH:D002904 The short, acrocentric human chromosomes, called group G in the human chromosome classification. This group consists of chromosome pairs 21 and 22 and the Y chromosome. MESH:D002877 A11.284.187.520.300.505 A11.284.187.520.300 Chromosome, Group G|Chromosomes G|Chromosomes, Group G|Chromosomes, Human, 21 22|Chromosomes, Human, 21-22|Group G Chromosome|Group G Chromosomes +Chromosomes, Human, 4-5 MESH:D002905 The large, submetacentric human chromosomes, called group B in the human chromosome classification. This group consists of chromosome pairs 4 and 5. MESH:D002877 A11.284.187.520.300.280 A11.284.187.520.300 Chromosome, Group B|Chromosomes B|Chromosomes, Group B|Group B Chromosome|Group B Chromosomes +Chromosomes, Human, 6-12 and X MESH:D002906 The medium-sized, submetacentric human chromosomes, called group C in the human chromosome classification. This group consists of chromosome pairs 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, and 12 and the X chromosome. MESH:D002877 A11.284.187.520.300.325 A11.284.187.520.300 Chromosome, Group C|Chromosomes C|Chromosomes, Group C|Chromosomes, Human, 6-12|Group C Chromosome|Group C Chromosomes +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 1 MESH:D002878 A specific pair of human chromosomes in group A (CHROMOSOMES, HUMAN, 1-3) of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002900 A11.284.187.520.300.235.240 A11.284.187.520.300.235 Chromosome 1 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 10 MESH:D002879 A specific pair of GROUP C CHROMOSOMES of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002906 A11.284.187.520.300.325.350 A11.284.187.520.300.325 Chromosome 10 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 11 MESH:D002880 A specific pair of GROUP C CHROMOSOMES of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002906 A11.284.187.520.300.325.355 A11.284.187.520.300.325 Chromosome 11 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 12 MESH:D002881 A specific pair of GROUP C CHROMOSOMES of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002906 A11.284.187.520.300.325.360 A11.284.187.520.300.325 Chromosome 12 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 13 MESH:D002882 A specific pair of GROUP D CHROMOSOMES of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002901 A11.284.187.520.300.370.375 A11.284.187.520.300.370 Chromosome 13 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 14 MESH:D002883 A specific pair of GROUP D CHROMOSOMES of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002901 A11.284.187.520.300.370.380 A11.284.187.520.300.370 Chromosome 14 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 15 MESH:D002884 A specific pair of GROUP D CHROMOSOMES of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002901 A11.284.187.520.300.370.385 A11.284.187.520.300.370 Chromosome 15 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 16 MESH:D002885 A specific pair of GROUP E CHROMOSOMES of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002902 A11.284.187.520.300.415.420 A11.284.187.520.300.415 Chromosome 16 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 17 MESH:D002886 A specific pair of GROUP E CHROMOSOMES of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002902 A11.284.187.520.300.415.425 A11.284.187.520.300.415 Chromosome 17 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 18 MESH:D002887 A specific pair of GROUP E CHROMOSOMES of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002902 A11.284.187.520.300.415.430 A11.284.187.520.300.415 Chromosome 18 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 19 MESH:D002888 A specific pair of GROUP F CHROMOSOMES of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002903 A11.284.187.520.300.460.465 A11.284.187.520.300.460 Chromosome 19 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 2 MESH:D002889 A specific pair of human chromosomes in group A (CHROMOSOMES, HUMAN, 1-3) of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002900 A11.284.187.520.300.235.245 A11.284.187.520.300.235 Chromosome 2 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 20 MESH:D002890 A specific pair of GROUP F CHROMOSOMES of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002903 A11.284.187.520.300.460.470 A11.284.187.520.300.460 Chromosome 20 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 21 MESH:D002891 A specific pair of GROUP G CHROMOSOMES of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002904 A11.284.187.520.300.505.510 A11.284.187.520.300.505 Chromosome 21 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 22 MESH:D002892 A specific pair of GROUP G CHROMOSOMES of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002904 A11.284.187.520.300.505.515 A11.284.187.520.300.505 Chromosome 22 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 3 MESH:D002893 A specific pair of human chromosomes in group A (CHROMOSOMES, HUMAN, 1-3) of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002900 A11.284.187.520.300.235.250 A11.284.187.520.300.235 Chromosome 3 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 4 MESH:D002894 A specific pair of GROUP B CHROMOSOMES of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002905 A11.284.187.520.300.280.285 A11.284.187.520.300.280 Chromosome 4 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 5 MESH:D002895 One of the two pairs of human chromosomes in the group B class (CHROMOSOMES, HUMAN, 4-5). MESH:D002905 A11.284.187.520.300.280.290 A11.284.187.520.300.280 Chromosome 5 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 6 MESH:D002896 A specific pair GROUP C CHROMSOMES of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002906 A11.284.187.520.300.325.330 A11.284.187.520.300.325 Chromosome 6 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 7 MESH:D002897 A specific pair of GROUP C CHROMOSOMES of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002906 A11.284.187.520.300.325.335 A11.284.187.520.300.325 Chromosome 7 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 8 MESH:D002898 A specific pair of GROUP C CHROMOSOMES of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002906 A11.284.187.520.300.325.340 A11.284.187.520.300.325 Chromosome 8 +Chromosomes, Human, Pair 9 MESH:D002899 A specific pair of GROUP C CHROMSOMES of the human chromosome classification. MESH:D002906 A11.284.187.520.300.325.345 A11.284.187.520.300.325 Chromosome 9 +Chromosomes, Human, X MESH:D041321 The human female sex chromosome, being the differential sex chromosome carried by half the male gametes and all female gametes in humans. MESH:D002906|MESH:D014960 A11.284.187.520.300.325.680|A11.284.187.865.982.500 A11.284.187.520.300.325|A11.284.187.865.982 Chromosome, Human X|Chromosomes, Human X|Human X Chromosome|Human X Chromosomes|X Chromosome, Human|X Chromosomes, Human +Chromosomes, Human, Y MESH:D041322 The human male sex chromosome, being the differential sex chromosome carried by half the male gametes and none of the female gametes in humans. MESH:D002904|MESH:D014998 A11.284.187.520.300.505.757|A11.284.187.865.983.500 A11.284.187.520.300.505|A11.284.187.865.983 Chromosome, Human Y|Chromosomes, Human Y|Human Y Chromosome|Human Y Chromosomes|Y Chromosome, Human|Y Chromosomes, Human +Chromosomes, Insect MESH:D059006 Structures within the CELL NUCLEUS of insect cells containing DNA. MESH:D002875 A11.284.187.440 A11.284.187 Chromosome, Insect|Insect Chromosome|Insect Chromosomes +Chromosomes, Mammalian MESH:D033481 Complex nucleoprotein structures which contain the genomic DNA and are part of the CELL NUCLEUS of MAMMALS. MESH:D002875 A11.284.187.520 A11.284.187 Chromosome, Mammalian|Mammalian Chromosome|Mammalian Chromosomes +Chromosomes, Plant MESH:D032461 Complex nucleoprotein structures which contain the genomic DNA and are part of the CELL NUCLEUS of PLANTS. MESH:D002875 A11.284.187.560 A11.284.187 Chromosome, Plant|Plant Chromosome|Plant Chromosomes +Chromosome Structures MESH:D022004 Structures which are contained in or part of CHROMOSOMES. MESH:D002875 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190 Chromosome Structure|Structure, Chromosome|Structures, Chromosome +Chyle MESH:D002913 An opaque, milky-white fluid consisting mainly of emulsified fats that passes through the lacteals of the small intestines into the lymphatic system. UBERON:UBERON_0000911 MESH:D008196 A12.207.270.606.350|A15.382.520.150.350 A12.207.270.606|A15.382.520.150 Chyles UBERON:0000911 +Cicatrix MESH:D002921 The fibrous tissue that replaces normal tissue during the process of WOUND HEALING. MESH:D006097 A10.165.450.300 A10.165.450 Cicatrization|Scar|Scarring|Scars +Cicatrix, Hypertrophic MESH:D017439 An elevated scar, resembling a KELOID, but which does not spread into surrounding tissues. It is formed by enlargement and overgrowth of cicatricial tissue and regresses spontaneously. MESH:D002921 A10.165.450.300.125 A10.165.450.300 Cicatrices, Hypertrophic|Hypertrophic Cicatrices|Hypertrophic Cicatrix|Hypertrophic Scar|Hypertrophic Scars|Scar, Hypertrophic|Scars, Hypertrophic +Cilia MESH:D002923 Populations of thin, motile processes found covering the surface of ciliates (CILIOPHORA) or the free surface of the cells making up ciliated EPITHELIUM. Each cilium arises from a basic granule in the superficial layer of CYTOPLASM. The movement of cilia propels ciliates through the liquid in which they live. The movement of cilia on a ciliated epithelium serves to propel a surface layer of mucus or fluid. (King & Stansfield, A Dictionary of Genetics, 4th ed) MESH:D022081 A11.284.180.165 A11.284.180 Cilia, Motile|Cilia, Nodal|Cilia, Primary|Cilium|Cilium, Motile|Cilium, Nodal|Cilium, Primary|Motile Cilia|Motile Cilium|Nodal Cilia|Nodal Cilium|Primary Cilia|Primary Cilium +Ciliary Arteries MESH:D019842 Three groups of arteries found in the eye which supply the iris, pupil, sclera, conjunctiva, and the muscles of the iris. MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.248 A07.015.114 Arteries, Ciliary|Artery, Ciliary|Ciliary Artery +Ciliary Body MESH:D002924 A ring of tissue extending from the scleral spur to the ora serrata of the RETINA. It consists of the uveal portion and the epithelial portion. The ciliary muscle is in the uveal portion and the ciliary processes are in the epithelial portion. UBERON:UBERON_0001775 MESH:D000869|MESH:D014602 A09.371.060.160|A09.371.894.280 A09.371.060|A09.371.894 Bodies, Ciliary|Body, Ciliary|Ciliare, Corpus|Ciliares, Corpus|Ciliari, Corpus|Ciliaris, Corpus|Ciliary Bodies|Corpus Ciliare|Corpus Ciliares|Corpus Ciliari|Corpus Ciliaris anterior uvea|ocular ciliary body|UBERON:0001775 +Circle of Willis MESH:D002941 A polygonal anastomosis at the base of the brain formed by the internal carotid (CAROTID ARTERY, INTERNAL), proximal parts of the anterior, middle, and posterior cerebral arteries (ANTERIOR CEREBRAL ARTERY; MIDDLE CEREBRAL ARTERY; POSTERIOR CEREBRAL ARTERY), the anterior communicating artery and the posterior communicating arteries. UBERON:UBERON_0003709 MESH:D002536 A07. A07.015.114.228 Arterial Circle, Cerebral|Cerebral Arterial Circle|Circle, Willis'|Willis Circle|Willis' Circle arterial circle|arterial circle of Willis|circulus arteriosus cerebri|UBERON:0003709 +Circumventricular Organs MESH:D066280 Highly vascularized and specialized tissues distributed principally along the midline of the VENTRICULAR SYSTEM from the FOREBRAIN to the HINDBRAIN. They are distinguished by their lack of normal BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER and fenestrated capillaries and contain either neurosecretory neurons or chemoreceptors. UBERON:UBERON_0005408|UBERON:UBERON_0010134|UBERON:UBERON_0010135 MESH:D009490 A06.688.178|A08.713.049 A06.688|A08.713 Circumventricular Organ|Circumventricular Organ, Secretory|Circumventricular Organ, Sensory|Circumventricular Organs, Secretory|Circumventricular Organs, Sensory|Neurohemal Organ|Neurohemal Organs|Organ, Circumventricular|Organ, Neurohemal|Organs, Circumventricular|Organ, Secretory Circumventricular|Organ, Sensory Circumventricular|Organs, Neurohemal|Organs, Secretory Circumventricular|Organs, Sensory Circumventricular|Secretory Circumventricular Organ|Secretory Circumventricular Organs|Sensory Circumventricular Organ|Sensory Circumventricular Organs circumventricular organ of neuraxis|CVO|humerosensory circumventricular organ|humerosensory system|humerosensory system organ|sensitive circumventricular organs|sensitive organs|sensory CVOs|UBERON:0005408|UBERON:0010134|UBERON:0010135 +Cisterna Magna MESH:D002946 One of three principal openings in the SUBARACHNOID SPACE. They are also known as cerebellomedullary cistern, and collectively as cisterns. UBERON:UBERON_0005974 MESH:D013346 A08.186.566.166.686.351 A08.186.566.166.686 Magna, Cisterna cisterna cerebellomedullaris|cisterna cerebellomedullaris posterior|posterior cerebellomedullary cistern|UBERON:0005974 +Clathrin-Coated Vesicles MESH:D022163 Vesicles formed when cell-membrane coated pits (COATED PITS, CELL-MEMBRANE) invaginate and pinch off. The outer surface of these vesicles is covered with a lattice-like network of the protein CLATHRIN. Shortly after formation, however, the clathrin coat is removed and the vesicles are referred to as ENDOSOMES. MESH:D018699 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.180.170 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.180 Clathrin-Coated Vesicle|Clathrin Coated Vesicles|Vesicle, Clathrin-Coated|Vesicles, Clathrin-Coated +Claustrum MESH:D000079482 A gray matter lamina located underneath the inner NEOCORTEX lateral to the PUTAMEN and medial to the INSULAR CORTEX. It is considered to be a part of the basal ganglia. Extensive claustral projections exist to most cortices and subcortical structures including the AMYGDALA, the CAUDATE NUCLEUS, the HIPPOCAMPUS and the THALAMUS. UBERON:UBERON_0002023 MESH:D001479 A08. A08. Claustra|Endopiriform Claustrum|Insular Claustrum claustrum (Burdach)|claustrum of brain|dorsal claustrum|dorsal portion of claustrum|UBERON:0002023 +Clavicle MESH:D002968 A bone on the ventral side of the shoulder girdle, which in humans is commonly called the collar bone. UBERON:UBERON_0001105 MESH:D001133 A02.835.232.087.227 A02.835.232.087 Bone, Collar|Bones, Collar|Clavicles|Collar Bone|Collar Bones clavicle bone|clavicula|collarbone|UBERON:0001105 +Cleavage Stage, Ovum MESH:D002970 The earliest developmental stage of a fertilized ovum (ZYGOTE) during which there are several mitotic divisions within the ZONA PELLUCIDA. Each cleavage or segmentation yields two BLASTOMERES of about half size of the parent cell. This cleavage stage generally covers the period up to 16-cell MORULA. MESH:D004628 A16.166 A16 Cleavage Stages, Ovum|Ovum Cleavage Stage|Ovum Cleavage Stages|Ovum Segmentation Stage|Ovum Segmentation Stages|Segmentation Stage, Ovum|Segmentation Stages, Ovum +Clitoris MESH:D002987 An erectile structure homologous with the penis, situated beneath the anterior labial commissure, partially hidden between the anterior ends of the labia minora. UBERON:UBERON_0002411 MESH:D014844 A05.360.319.887.436 A05.360.319.887 UBERON:0002411 +Cloaca MESH:D002988 A dilated cavity extended caudally from the hindgut. In adult birds, reptiles, amphibians, and many fishes but few mammals, cloaca is a common chamber into which the digestive, urinary and reproductive tracts discharge their contents. In most mammals, cloaca gives rise to LARGE INTESTINE; URINARY BLADDER; and GENITALIA. UBERON:UBERON_0000162 MESH:D000825|MESH:D004628 A13.223|A16.178 A13|A16 Cloacas cloacal chamber|UBERON:0000162|vent +Clone Cells MESH:D002999 A group of genetically identical cells all descended from a single common ancestral cell by mitosis in eukaryotes or by binary fission in prokaryotes. Clone cells also include populations of recombinant DNA molecules all carrying the same inserted sequence. (From King & Stansfield, Dictionary of Genetics, 4th ed) MESH:D002478 A11.251.353 A11.251 Cell, Clone|Cells, Clone|Clone|Clone Cell|Clones +Coated Pits, Cell-Membrane MESH:D003034 Specialized regions of the cell membrane composed of pits coated with a bristle covering made of the protein CLATHRIN. These pits are the entry route for macromolecules bound by cell surface receptors. The pits are then internalized into the cytoplasm to form the COATED VESICLES. MESH:D021961 A11. A11.284.149.165 Bristle-Coated Pit|Bristle Coated Pits|Bristle-Coated Pits|Cell-Membrane Coated Pit|Cell Membrane Coated Pits|Cell-Membrane Coated Pits|Coated Pit, Cell-Membrane|Coated Pits, Cell Membrane|Pit, Bristle-Coated|Pit, Cell-Membrane Coated|Pits, Bristle-Coated|Pits, Cell-Membrane Coated +Coated Vesicles MESH:D018699 Vesicles formed when cell-membrane coated pits (COATED PITS, CELL-MEMBRANE) invaginate and pinch off. The outer surface of these vesicles are covered with a lattice-like network of coat proteins, such as CLATHRIN, coat protein complex proteins, or CAVEOLINS. MESH:D022161 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.180 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880 Coated Vesicle|Vesicle, Coated|Vesicles, Coated +Coccyx MESH:D003050 The last bone in the VERTEBRAL COLUMN in tailless primates considered to be a vestigial tail-bone consisting of three to five fused VERTEBRAE. UBERON:UBERON_0001350 MESH:D013131 A02.835.232.834.229 A02.835.232.834 Caudal Vertebra|Caudal Vertebrae|Caudal Vertebras|Vertebra, Caudal|Vertebrae, Caudal|Vertebras, Caudal coccygeal skeleton|coccygeal vertebrae I-IV|coccyx [coccygeal vertebrae I-IV]|coccyx [vertebrae coccygeae I-IV]|fused caudal vertebrae|fused caudal vertebral column|os coccygis|tailbone|UBERON:0001350 +Cochlea MESH:D003051 The part of the inner ear (LABYRINTH) that is concerned with hearing. It forms the anterior part of the labyrinth, as a snail-like structure that is situated almost horizontally anterior to the VESTIBULAR LABYRINTH. UBERON:UBERON_0001844 MESH:D007758 A09.246.300.246 A09.246.300 Cochleas cochleae|cochlear duct|cochlear organ|cochlear part of bony labyrinth|lagena|lagenas|UBERON:0001844 +Cochlear Aqueduct MESH:D003052 A fine channel that passes through the TEMPORAL BONE near the SCALA TYMPANI (the basilar turn of the cochlea). The cochlear aqueduct connects the PERILYMPH-filled bony labyrinth to the SUBARACHNOID SPACE. UBERON:UBERON_0001855|UBERON:UBERON_0011060 MESH:D003051 A09.246.300.246.280 A09.246.300.246 Aqueduct, Cochlear|Aqueducts, Cochlear|Cochlear Aqueducts|Duct, Perilymphatic|Ducts, Perilymphatic|Perilymphatic Duct|Perilymphatic Ducts cochlea duct|cochlear duct|cochlear duct of membranous labyrinth|ductus cochlearis|ductus perilymphaticus|membranous cochlea|perilymphatic channel|perilymphatic space|Reissner's canal|Reissners canal|scala media|scala medias|scala of Loewenberg|UBERON:0001855|UBERON:0011060 +Cochlear Duct MESH:D003053 A spiral tube that is firmly suspended in the bony shell-shaped part of the cochlea. This ENDOLYMPH-filled cochlear duct begins at the vestibule and makes 2.5 turns around a core of spongy bone (the modiolus) thus dividing the PERILYMPH-filled spiral canal into two channels, the SCALA VESTIBULI and the SCALA TYMPANI. UBERON:UBERON_0001855 MESH:D003051 A09.246.300.246.292 A09.246.300.246 Cochlear Ducts|Cochlearis, Ductus|Duct, Cochlear|Ducts, Cochlear|Ductus Cochlearis|Media, Scala|Medias, Scala|Scala Media|Scala Medias cochlea duct|cochlear aqueduct|cochlear duct of membranous labyrinth|membranous cochlea|Reissner's canal|Reissners canal|scala of Loewenberg|UBERON:0001855 +Cochlear Nerve MESH:D003056 The cochlear part of the 8th cranial nerve (VESTIBULOCOCHLEAR NERVE). The cochlear nerve fibers originate from neurons of the SPIRAL GANGLION and project peripherally to cochlear hair cells and centrally to the cochlear nuclei (COCHLEAR NUCLEUS) of the BRAIN STEM. They mediate the sense of hearing. UBERON:UBERON_0004727 MESH:D000159 A08.800.800.120.910.120 A08.800.800.120.910 Acoustic Nerve|Acoustic Nerves|Auditory Nerve|Auditory Nerves|Cochlear Nerves|Nerve, Acoustic|Nerve, Auditory|Nerve, Cochlear|Nerves, Acoustic|Nerves, Auditory|Nerves, Cochlear cochlear component|cochlear root of acoustic nerve|cochlear root of eighth cranial nerve|nervus vestibulocochlearis|UBERON:0004727|vestibulocochlear nerve cochlear component|vestibulocochlear VIII nerve cochlear component +Cochlear Nucleus MESH:D017626 The brain stem nucleus that receives the central input from the cochlear nerve. The cochlear nucleus is located lateral and dorsolateral to the inferior cerebellar peduncles and is functionally divided into dorsal and ventral parts. It is tonotopically organized, performs the first stage of central auditory processing, and projects (directly or indirectly) to higher auditory areas including the superior olivary nuclei, the medial geniculi, the inferior colliculi, and the auditory cortex. UBERON:UBERON_0001720 MESH:D011149 A08. A08. Cochlear Nuclei|Nuclei, Cochlear|Nucleus, Cochlear cochlear nucleus of acoustic nerve|cochlear nucleus of eighth cranial nerve|cochlear VIII nucleus|nucleus of cochlear nerve|statoacoustic (VIII) nucleus|UBERON:0001720|vestibulocochlear nucleus +Coiled Bodies MESH:D020541 A distinct subnuclear domain enriched in splicesomal snRNPs (RIBONUCLEOPROTEINS, SMALL NUCLEAR) and p80-coilin. MESH:D000088202 A11.284.430.106.279.345.574.500 A11.284.430.106.279.345.574 Accessory Bodies of Cajal|Cajal Accessory Bodies|Cajal Bodies|Coiled Body +Collateral Ligaments MESH:D017885 A number of ligaments on either side of, and serving as a radius of movement of, a joint having a hingelike movement. They occur at the elbow, knee, wrist, metacarpo- and metatarsophalangeal, proximal interphalangeal, and distal interphalangeal joints of the hands and feet. (Stedman, 25th ed) MESH:D008023 A02.513.514.162|A02.835.583.512.162|A10.165.669.514.162 A02.513.514|A02.835.583.512|A10.165.669.514 Collateral Ligament|Lateral Ligament|Lateral Ligaments|Ligament, Collateral|Ligament, Lateral|Ligaments, Collateral|Ligaments, Lateral +Collateral Ligament, Ulnar MESH:D000070637 The internal lateral ligament that travels from the medial aspect of the ELBOW uniting the distal aspect of the HUMERUS to the proximal aspect of the ULNA. MESH:D017885 A02.513.514.162.250|A02.835.583.512.162.250|A10.165.669.514.162.250 A02.513.514.162|A02.835.583.512.162|A10.165.669.514.162 Collateral Ligaments, Ulnar|Ligaments, Ulnar Collateral|Ligament, Ulnar Collateral|Ulnar Collateral Ligament +Colon MESH:D003106 The segment of LARGE INTESTINE between the CECUM and the RECTUM. It includes the ASCENDING COLON; the TRANSVERSE COLON; the DESCENDING COLON; and the SIGMOID COLON. UBERON:UBERON_0001155 MESH:D007420 A03.556.124.526.356|A03.556.249.249.356 A03.556.124.526|A03.556.249.249 Appendices, Omental|Appendix Epiploica|Appendix, Omental|Omental Appendices|Omental Appendix|Taenia Coli hindgut|large bowel|posterior intestine|UBERON:0001155 +Colon, Ascending MESH:D044682 The segment of LARGE INTESTINE between the CECUM and the TRANSVERSE COLON. It passes cephalad from the cecum to the caudal surface of the right lobe of the LIVER where it bends sharply to the left, forming the right colic flexure. UBERON:UBERON_0001156|UBERON:UBERON_0022277 MESH:D003106 A03.556.124.526.356.333|A03.556.249.249.356.333 A03.556.124.526.356|A03.556.249.249.356 Ascending Colon|Colic Flexure, Right|Flexure, Hepatic|Hepatic Flexure|Right Colic Flexure colon ascendens|flexura coli heaptica|hepatic flexure of colon|spiral colon|UBERON:0001156|UBERON:0022277 +Colon, Descending MESH:D044683 The segment of LARGE INTESTINE between TRANSVERSE COLON and the SIGMOID COLON. UBERON:UBERON_0001158 MESH:D003106 A03.556.124.526.356.500|A03.556.249.249.356.500 A03.556.124.526.356|A03.556.249.249.356 Descending Colon colon descendens|UBERON:0001158 +Colonic Pouches MESH:D039021 Sacs or reservoirs created to function in place of the COLON and/or RECTUM in patients who have undergone restorative proctocolectomy (PROCTOCOLECTOMY, RESTORATIVE). MESH:D019738 A10.850.200 A10.850 Colonic Pouche|Ileal Pouche|Ileal Pouches|Ileal Reservoir|Ileal Reservoirs|Ileoanal Pouches|Ileoanal Reservoir|Ileoanal Reservoirs|J Pouch|J-Pouch|Kock Pouch|Pelvic Pouches|Pouche, Colonic|Pouche, Ileal|Pouches, Colonic|Pouches, Ileal|Pouches, Ileoanal|Pouches, Pelvic|Pouch, Kock|Reservoir, Ileal|Reservoir, Ileoanal|Reservoirs, Ileal|Reservoirs, Ileoanal|S Pouch|S-Pouch|S-Pouchs|W Pouch|W-Pouch +Colon, Sigmoid MESH:D012809 A segment of the COLON between the RECTUM and the descending colon. UBERON:UBERON_0001159 MESH:D003106 A03.556.124.526.356.668|A03.556.249.249.356.668 A03.556.124.526.356|A03.556.249.249.356 Sigmoid|Sigmoid Colon colon sigmoideum|pelvic colon|sigmoid flexure|UBERON:0001159 +Colon, Transverse MESH:D044684 The segment of LARGE INTESTINE between ASCENDING COLON and DESCENDING COLON. It passes from the RIGHT COLIC FLEXURE across the ABDOMEN, then turns sharply at the left colonic flexure into the descending colon. UBERON:UBERON_0001157|UBERON:UBERON_0022276 MESH:D003106 A03.556.124.526.356.834|A03.556.249.249.356.834 A03.556.124.526.356|A03.556.249.249.356 Colic Flexure, Left|Flexure, Splenic|Left Colic Flexure|Splenic Flexure|Transverse Colon colon transversum|flexura coli splenica|splenic flexure of colon|UBERON:0001157|UBERON:0022276 +Colostrum MESH:D003126 The thin, yellow, serous fluid secreted by the mammary glands during pregnancy and immediately postpartum before lactation begins. It consists of immunologically active substances, white blood cells, water, protein, fat, and carbohydrates. UBERON:UBERON_0001914 MESH:D012634 A12.200.194 A12.200 Colostrums UBERON:0001914 +Comb and Wattles MESH:D003129 Fleshy and reddish outgrowth of skin tissue found on top of the head, attached to the sides of the head, and hanging from the mandible of birds such as turkeys and chickens. UBERON:UBERON_0007623 MESH:D000825 A13.242 A13 Comb|Combs|Wattle|Wattles|Wattles and Comb comb and wattle|UBERON:0007623 +Commissural Interneurons MESH:D066294 INTERNEURONS with projections to the contralateral side of the SPINAL CORD. Both excitatory and inhibitory interneurons are involved in coordinating alternative left-right activities during LOCOMOTION. MESH:D007395 A08.675.358.350|A11.671.358.212 A08.675.358|A11.671.358 Commissural Interneuron|Interneuron, Commissural|Interneurons, Commissural +Common Bile Duct MESH:D003135 The largest bile duct. It is formed by the junction of the CYSTIC DUCT and the COMMON HEPATIC DUCT. UBERON:UBERON_0001174 MESH:D017734 A03. A03.159.183.079 Bile Duct, Common|Choledochus|Common Bile Ducts|Duct, Common Bile ductus choledochus|ductus choledochus (biliaris)|UBERON:0001174 +Composite Tissue Allografts MESH:D064595 A graft consisting of multiple tissues, such as muscle, bone, nerve, vasculature, and skin, comprising a functional unit for reconstructive purposes. MESH:D019737 A01.941.843 A01.941 Composite Tissue Allograft|Vascularized Composite Allograft|Vascularized Composite Allografts +Compound Eye, Arthropod MESH:D054910 Light sensory organ in ARTHROPODS consisting of a large number of ommatidia, each functioning as an independent photoreceptor unit. UBERON:UBERON_0000018 MESH:D000825 A13.246 A13 Arthropod Compound Eye|Arthropod Compound Eyes|Compound Eyes, Arthropod adult compound eye|compound eye|faceted eye|Facettenauge|insect eye|Komplexauge|UBERON:0000018|zusammengesetztes Auge +Conjunctiva MESH:D003228 The mucous membrane that covers the posterior surface of the eyelids and the anterior pericorneal surface of the eyeball. UBERON:UBERON_0001811 MESH:D000869|MESH:D005143 A09.371.060.200|A09.371.337.168 A09.371.060|A09.371.337 Bulbar Conjunctiva|Conjunctiva, Bulbar|Conjunctiva, Palpebral|Conjunctivas|Palpebral Conjunctiva|Plicae Semilunares of Conjunctiva|Plica Semilunaris of Conjunctiva|Tunica Conjunctiva conjunctivae|UBERON:0001811|wall of conjunctival sac +Connective Tissue MESH:D003238 Tissue that supports and binds other tissues. It consists of CONNECTIVE TISSUE CELLS embedded in a large amount of EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX. UBERON:UBERON_0002384 MESH:D014024 A10.165 A10 Connective Tissues|Tissue, Connective|Tissues, Connective Bindegewebe|portion of connective tissue|textus connectivus|UBERON:0002384 +Connective Tissue Cells MESH:D003239 A group of cells that includes FIBROBLASTS, cartilage cells, ADIPOCYTES, smooth muscle cells, and bone cells. CL:CL_0002320 MESH:D002477 A11.329 A11 Cell, Connective Tissue|Cells, Connective Tissue|Connective Tissue Cell CL:0002320 +COP-Coated Vesicles MESH:D022181 TRANSPORT VESICLES formed when cell-membrane coated pits (COATED PITS, CELL-MEMBRANE) invaginate and pinch off. The outer surface of these vesicles is covered with a lattice-like network of COP (coat protein complex) proteins, either COPI or COPII. COPI coated vesicles transport backwards from the cisternae of the GOLGI APPARATUS to the rough endoplasmic reticulum (ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM, ROUGH), while COPII coated vesicles transport forward from the rough endoplasmic reticulum to the Golgi apparatus. MESH:D018699 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.180.180 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.180 Coatomer-Coated Vesicle|Coatomer Coated Vesicles|Coatomer-Coated Vesicles|Coat Protein Complex Coated Vesicles|Coat Protein Complex-Coated Vesicles|COP-Coated Vesicle|COP Coated Vesicles|COPI-Coated Vesicle|COPI Coated Vesicles|COPI-Coated Vesicles|COPII-Coated Vesicle|COPII Coated Vesicles|COPII-Coated Vesicles|Vesicle, Coatomer-Coated|Vesicle, COP-Coated|Vesicle, COPI-Coated|Vesicle, COPII-Coated|Vesicles, Coatomer-Coated|Vesicles, COP-Coated|Vesicles, COPI-Coated|Vesicles, COPII-Coated +Coracoid Process MESH:D000070597 A beak-like bone projection located at the lateral end of the superior anterior border of the SCAPULA. UBERON:UBERON_0006633 MESH:D012540 A02.835.232.087.783.356 A02.835.232.087.783 Coracoid Processes|Processus Coracoideus coracoid process of scapula|coracoid process of the scapula|UBERON:0006633 +Cornea MESH:D003315 The transparent anterior portion of the fibrous coat of the eye consisting of five layers: stratified squamous CORNEAL EPITHELIUM; BOWMAN MEMBRANE; CORNEAL STROMA; DESCEMET MEMBRANE; and mesenchymal CORNEAL ENDOTHELIUM. It serves as the first refracting medium of the eye. It is structurally continuous with the SCLERA, avascular, receiving its nourishment by permeation through spaces between the lamellae, and is innervated by the ophthalmic division of the TRIGEMINAL NERVE via the ciliary nerves and those of the surrounding conjunctiva which together form plexuses. (Cline et al., Dictionary of Visual Science, 4th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0000964 MESH:D000869 A09.371.060.217 A09.371.060 Corneas cornea of camera-type eye|tunica cornea|UBERON:0000964 +Corneal Keratocytes MESH:D060527 Fibroblasts which occur in the CORNEAL STROMA. CL:CL_0002363 MESH:D005347 A11.329.228.109 A11.329.228 Corneal Keratocyte|Keratocyte, Corneal|Keratocytes, Corneal CL:0002363|corneal fibroblast|keratocyte +Corneal Stroma MESH:D003319 The lamellated connective tissue constituting the thickest layer of the cornea between the Bowman and Descemet membranes. UBERON:UBERON_0001777 MESH:D003315 A09.371.060.217.228 A09.371.060.217 Corneal Stromas|Stroma, Corneal|Stromas, Corneal stroma of cornea|substantia propria|substantia propria corneae|substantia propria of cornea|UBERON:0001777 +Coronary Sinus MESH:D054326 A short vein that collects about two thirds of the venous blood from the MYOCARDIUM and drains into the RIGHT ATRIUM. Coronary sinus, normally located between the LEFT ATRIUM and LEFT VENTRICLE on the posterior surface of the heart, can serve as an anatomical reference for cardiac procedures. UBERON:UBERON_0005438 MESH:D003331 A07.015.908.194.500 A07.015.908.194 Sinus, Coronary sinus coronarius|UBERON:0005438 +Coronary Vessels MESH:D003331 The veins and arteries of the HEART. UBERON:UBERON_0005985 MESH:D001158|MESH:D014680 A07.015.114.269|A07.015.908.194 A07.015.114|A07.015.908 Arteries, Coronary|Arteries, Sinus Node|Artery, Coronary|Artery, Sinus Node|Coronary Arteries|Coronary Artery|Coronary Vein|Coronary Veins|Coronary Vessel|Sinus Node Arteries|Sinus Node Artery|Vein, Coronary|Veins, Coronary|Vessel, Coronary|Vessels, Coronary UBERON:0005985 +Corpora Allata MESH:D003335 Paired or fused ganglion-like bodies in the head of insects. The bodies secrete hormones important in the regulation of metamorphosis and the development of some adult tissues. UBERON:UBERON_0001057 MESH:D000825|MESH:D009490 A08.713.100|A13.250 A08.713|A13 Allata, Corpora|Allatum, Corpus|Corpus Allatum|Corpus Cardiacum UBERON:0001057 +Corpus Callosum MESH:D003337 Broad plate of dense myelinated fibers that reciprocally interconnect regions of the cortex in all lobes with corresponding regions of the opposite hemisphere. The corpus callosum is located deep in the longitudinal fissure. UBERON:UBERON_0002336 MESH:D066245 A08. A08. Callosum, Corpus|Callosums, Corpus|Commissure, Interhemispheric|Commissure, Neocortical|Commissures, Interhemispheric|Commissures, Neocortical|Corpus Callosums|Interhemispheric Commissure|Interhemispheric Commissures|Neocortical Commissure|Neocortical Commissures UBERON:0002336 +Corpus Luteum MESH:D003338 The yellow body derived from the ruptured OVARIAN FOLLICLE after OVULATION. The process of corpus luteum formation, LUTEINIZATION, is regulated by LUTEINIZING HORMONE. UBERON:UBERON_0002512 MESH:D010053 A05.360.319.114.630.278|A06.300.312.497.278 A05.360.319.114.630|A06.300.312.497 Corpora Lutea|Lutea, Corpora corpus luteum of ovary|luteal gland|ovarian corpus luteum|UBERON:0002512 +Corpus Striatum MESH:D003342 Striped GRAY MATTER and WHITE MATTER consisting of the NEOSTRIATUM and paleostriatum (GLOBUS PALLIDUS). It is located in front of and lateral to the THALAMUS in each cerebral hemisphere. The gray substance is made up of the CAUDATE NUCLEUS and the lentiform nucleus (the latter consisting of the GLOBUS PALLIDUS and PUTAMEN). The WHITE MATTER is the INTERNAL CAPSULE. UBERON:UBERON_0000369 MESH:D001479 A08. A08. Lenticular Nucleus|Lentiformis, Nucleus|Lentiform Nuclei|Lentiform Nucleus|Nuclei, Lentiform|Nucleus, Lenticular|Nucleus, Lentiform|Nucleus Lentiformis|Striatum, Corpus striate body|striated body|UBERON:0000369 +Cortical Bone MESH:D000071538 A type of osseous tissue which makes up the outer layer of bone. It is dense, rigid, strong, and forms concentric lamellar OSTEONS. UBERON:UBERON_0001439 MESH:D001842 A10.165.265.521 A10.165.265 Compact Bone|Compact Bones|Compact Bone Tissue|Substantia Compacta bony cortex|cortical bone tissue|cortical region of bone|substantia compacta (pars ossea)|substantia corticalis|UBERON:0001439 +Corticomedial Nuclear Complex MESH:D066276 The rostral part of the amygdala with cortical-like layered structure. It receives major inputs from the OLFACTORY BULB and PIRIFORM CORTEX. UBERON:UBERON_0006108 MESH:D000679 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Amygdala Medial Nucleus|Amygdalar Area, Anterior|Amygdalar Areas, Anterior|Amygdalar Nucleus, Medial|Amygdala Superficial Nuclei|Amygdala Superficial Nucleus|Amygdaloid Area, Anterior|Amygdaloid Areas, Anterior|Amygdaloid Nucleus, Cortical|Amygdaloid Nucleus, Medial|Amygdaloid Superficial Nuclei|Amygdaloid Superficial Nucleus|Anterior Amygdalar Area|Anterior Amygdalar Areas|Anterior Amygdaloid Area|Anterior Amygdaloid Areas|Complex, Corticomedial Nuclei|Cortical Amygdaloid Nucleus|Cortical Nucleus, Posterior|Corticomedial Nuclear Group|Corticomedial Nuclear Groups|Corticomedial Nuclei|Corticomedial Nuclei Complex|Corticomedial Nucleus|Medial Amygdalar Nucleus|Medial Amygdaloid Nucleus|Medial Nucleus of Amygdala|Nuclear Complex, Corticomedial|Nuclear Group, Corticomedial|Nuclear Groups, Corticomedial|Nuclei, Amygdala Superficial|Nuclei, Amygdaloid Superficial|Nuclei Complex, Corticomedial|Nuclei, Superficial|Nucleus, Amygdala Superficial|Nucleus, Amygdaloid Superficial|Nucleus, Cortical Amygdaloid|Nucleus, Medial Amygdalar|Nucleus, Medial Amygdaloid|Nucleus of Lateral Olfactory Tract|Nucleus, Posterior Cortical|Nucleus, Superficial|Posterior Cortical Amygdaloid Nucleus|Posterior Cortical Nucleus|Superficial Nuclei|Superficial Nuclei, Amygdala|Superficial Nuclei, Amygdaloid|Superficial Nucleus|Superficial Nucleus, Amygdala|Superficial Nucleus, Amygdaloid amygdalar corticomedial nucleus|CMA|corpus amygdaloideum pars corticomedialis|corpus amygdaloideum pars olfactoria|corticomedial nuclei of amygdala|pars corticomedialis (Corpus amygdaloideum)|set of corticomedial nuclei of amygdala|UBERON:0006108 +Corticotrophs MESH:D052680 Anterior pituitary cells that produce ADRENOCORTICOTROPHIC HORMONE. CL:CL_0002309 MESH:D004847|MESH:D010903|MESH:D055098 A06.300.747.500.500|A06.688.357.750.500.500|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357.750.500.500|A11.382.500|A11.436.267 A06.300.747.500|A06.688.357.750.500|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357.750.500|A11.382|A11.436 ACTH-Producing Cell, Pituitary|ACTH-Producing Cells, Pituitary|ACTH-Secreting Cell, Pituitary|ACTH-Secreting Cells, Pituitary|Adrenocorticotropin-Secreting Cell, Pituitary|Adrenocorticotropin-Secreting Cells, Pituitary|Cells, Pituitary Adrenocorticotropin-Secreting|Corticotroph|Pituitary ACTH-Producing Cell|Pituitary ACTH Producing Cells|Pituitary ACTH-Producing Cells|Pituitary ACTH-Secreting Cell|Pituitary ACTH Secreting Cells|Pituitary ACTH-Secreting Cells|Pituitary Adrenocorticotropin-Secreting Cell|Pituitary Adrenocorticotropin Secreting Cells|Pituitary Adrenocorticotropin-Secreting Cells CL:0002309 +COS Cells MESH:D019556 CELL LINES derived from the CV-1 cell line by transformation with a replication origin defective mutant of SV40 VIRUS, which codes for wild type large T antigen (ANTIGENS, POLYOMAVIRUS TRANSFORMING). They are used for transfection and cloning. (The CV-1 cell line was derived from the kidney of an adult male African green monkey (CHLOROCEBUS AETHIOPS).) MESH:D002461|MESH:D005347 A11.|A11.329.228.220 A11.251.210.172|A11.329.228 Cell, COS|Cell, COS-1|Cell, COS-7|Cells, COS|Cells, COS-1|Cells, COS-7|COS-1 Cell|COS 1 Cells|COS-1 Cells|COS-7 Cell|COS 7 Cells|COS-7 Cells|COS Cell +Costal Cartilage MESH:D066186 Bars of HYALINE CARTILAGE extending from the anterior ends of the upper RIBS. They attach to the STERNUM directly or indirectly by connecting to upper costal cartilage that attaches to the STERNUM. Costal cartilages extend the ribs anteriorly and contribute to the enhanced elasticity of the THORACIC WALL. UBERON:UBERON_0002236 MESH:D051457 A02.165.407.325 A02.165.407 Cartilage, Costal|Cartilages, Costal|Cartilages, Sternal|Cartilage, Sternal|Costal Cartilages|Sternal Cartilage|Sternal Cartilages cartilagines costales|cartilago costalis|UBERON:0002236 +Costameres MESH:D054974 STRIATED MUSCLE cell components which anchor the MYOFIBRILS from the Z-bands to the SARCOLEMMA and EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX. Costameric proteins include the proteins of FOCAL ADHESIONS. MESH:D021982 A11. A11. Costamere +Cranial Fontanelles MESH:D055762 Any of six membrane-covered openings between the CRANIAL SUTURES in the incompletely ossified skull of the fetus or newborn infant. The fontanelles normally close sometime after birth. UBERON:UBERON_0002510|UBERON:UBERON_0006683|UBERON:UBERON_0006684|UBERON:UBERON_0013424|UBERON:UBERON_2001739|UBERON:UBERON_2001740 MESH:D012886 A02.835.232.781.175 A02.835.232.781 Anterior Fontanel|Anterior Fontanelle|Anterior Fontanelles|Anterior Fontanels|Cranial Fontanel|Cranial Fontanelle|Cranial Fontanels|Fontanel, Anterior|Fontanel, Cranial|Fontanelle, Anterior|Fontanelle, Cranial|Fontanelle, Mastoid|Fontanelle, Posterior|Fontanelles, Anterior|Fontanelles, Cranial|Fontanelles, Mastoid|Fontanelle, Sphenoidal|Fontanelles, Posterior|Fontanelles, Sphenoidal|Fontanel, Mastoid|Fontanel, Posterior|Fontanels, Anterior|Fontanels, Cranial|Fontanels, Mastoid|Fontanel, Sphenoidal|Fontanels, Posterior|Fontanels, Sphenoidal|Mastoid Fontanel|Mastoid Fontanelle|Mastoid Fontanelles|Mastoid Fontanels|Posterior Fontanel|Posterior Fontanelle|Posterior Fontanelles|Posterior Fontanels|Sphenoidal Fontanel|Sphenoidal Fontanelle|Sphenoidal Fontanelles|Sphenoidal Fontanels anatomical point connecting sagittal and lambdoidal sutures|anterior cranial fontanel|bregmatic fontanelle|fonticulus anterior|fonticulus posterior|frontal fontanel|frontal fontanelle|lambda|occipital fontanelle|parietal fontanel|posterior cranial fontanel|posterior fontanelle of skull|UBERON:0002510|UBERON:0006683|UBERON:0006684|UBERON:0013424|UBERON:2001739|UBERON:2001740 +Cranial Fossa, Anterior MESH:D035262 The compartment containing the inferior part and anterior extremities of the frontal lobes (FRONTAL LOBE) of the cerebral hemispheres. It is formed mainly by orbital parts of the FRONTAL BONE and the lesser wings of the SPHENOID BONE. UBERON:UBERON_0003720 MESH:D019291 A01.456.830.150|A02.835.232.781.750.150 A01.456.830|A02.835.232.781.750 Anterior Cranial Fossa|Fossa, Anterior Cranial|Groove, Olfactory|Olfactory Groove|Olfactory Grooves anterior fossa|fossa cranii anterior|UBERON:0003720 +Cranial Fossa, Middle MESH:D035301 The compartment containing the anterior extremities and half the inferior surface of the temporal lobes (TEMPORAL LOBE) of the cerebral hemispheres. Lying posterior and inferior to the anterior cranial fossa (CRANIAL FOSSA, ANTERIOR), it is formed by part of the TEMPORAL BONE and SPHENOID BONE. It is separated from the posterior cranial fossa (CRANIAL FOSSA, POSTERIOR) by crests formed by the superior borders of the petrous parts of the temporal bones. UBERON:UBERON_0003722 MESH:D019291 A01.456.830.165|A02.835.232.781.750.165 A01.456.830|A02.835.232.781.750 Fossa, Middle Cranial|Middle Cranial Fossa fossa cranii media|middle fossa|UBERON:0003722 +Cranial Fossa, Posterior MESH:D003388 The infratentorial compartment that contains the CEREBELLUM and BRAIN STEM. It is formed by the posterior third of the superior surface of the body of the sphenoid (SPHENOID BONE), by the occipital, the petrous, and mastoid portions of the TEMPORAL BONE, and the posterior inferior angle of the PARIETAL BONE. UBERON:UBERON_0008788 MESH:D019291 A01.456.830.200|A02.835.232.781.750.400 A01.456.830|A02.835.232.781.750 Clivus|Cranial Fossas, Posterior|Fossa, Posterior Cranial|Fossas, Posterior Cranial|Posterior Cranial Fossa|Posterior Cranial Fossas fossa cranii posterior|posterior fossa|UBERON:0008788 +Cranial Nerves MESH:D003391 Twelve pairs of nerves that carry general afferent, visceral afferent, special afferent, somatic efferent, and autonomic efferent fibers. UBERON:UBERON_0001785 MESH:D010525 A08.800.800.120 A08.800.800 Cranial Nerve|Nerve, Cranial|Nerves, Cranial cranial neural tree organ|nervus cranialis|UBERON:0001785 +Cranial Sinuses MESH:D003392 Large endothelium-lined venous channels situated between the two layers of DURA MATER, the endosteal and the meningeal layers. They are devoid of valves and are parts of the venous system of dura mater. Major cranial sinuses include a postero-superior group (such as superior sagittal, inferior sagittal, straight, transverse, and occipital) and an antero-inferior group (such as cavernous, petrosal, and basilar plexus). MESH:D014680 A07.015.908.224 A07.015.908 Cranial Venous Sinuses|Intracranial Sinuses|Sinuses, Cranial|Sinuses, Cranial Venous|Sinuses, Intracranial|Venous Sinuses, Cranial +Cranial Sutures MESH:D003393 A type of fibrous joint between bones of the head. UBERON:UBERON_0003685 MESH:D012886 A02.835.232.781.200 A02.835.232.781 Cranial Suture|Suture, Cranial|Sutures, Cranial cranium suture|sutura|suture|suture joint of skull|suture of cranium|UBERON:0003685 +Cricoid Cartilage MESH:D003413 The small thick cartilage that forms the lower and posterior parts of the laryngeal wall. UBERON:UBERON_0002375 MESH:D007817 A02.165.257.625.211|A02.165.407.500.211|A04.329.591.211 A02.165.257.625|A02.165.407.500|A04.329.591 Cartilage, Cricoid|Cartilages, Cricoid|Cricoid Cartilages cartilaginis cricoideae|cartilago cricoidea|cartilago cricotrachealis|cricoid|cricoidea|innominate cartilage|krykoid cartilage|UBERON:0002375 +Crop, Avian MESH:D003426 A thin-walled distention of the alimentary tract protruding just outside the body cavity in the distal end of the neck (esophagus), used for the temporary storage of food and water. MESH:D000825 A13.265 A13 Avian Crop +Cumulus Cells MESH:D054885 The granulosa cells of the cumulus oophorus which surround the OVUM in the GRAAFIAN FOLLICLE. At OVULATION they are extruded with OVUM. CL:CL_0000711 MESH:D006107 A05.360.319.114.630.535.200.500|A06.300.312.497.535.300.500|A11.382.812.500|A11.436.329.500 A05.360.319.114.630.535.200|A06.300.312.497.535.300|A11.382.812|A11.436.329 Cell, Cumulus|Cell, Cumulus Granulosa|Cells, Cumulus|Cells, Cumulus Granulosa|Cumulus Cell|Cumulus Granulosa Cell|Cumulus Granulosa Cells|Granulosa Cell, Cumulus|Granulosa Cells, Cumulus CL:0000711 +Cuspid MESH:D003481 The third tooth to the left and to the right of the midline of either jaw, situated between the second INCISOR and the premolar teeth (BICUSPID). (Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p817) UBERON:UBERON_0003674 MESH:D014070 A14.549.167.860.200 A14.549.167.860 Canine Teeth|Canine Tooth|Cuspids|Teeth, Canine|Tooth, Canine canine|canine eminence|canine (tooth)|caniniform tooth|cuspis dentis|dens caninus|dentes canini|dogtooth (anatomy)|eye teeth|eyeteeth|eye tooth|eyetooth|fang|UBERON:0003674 +Cyst Fluid MESH:D020420 Liquid material found in epithelial-lined closed cavities or sacs. MESH:D005122 A12.383.200 A12.383 Cyst Fluids|Fluid, Cyst|Fluids, Cyst +Cystic Duct MESH:D003549 The duct that is connected to the GALLBLADDER and allows the emptying of bile into the COMMON BILE DUCT. UBERON:UBERON_0001152 MESH:D017734 A03. A03.159.183.079 Cystic Ducts|Duct, Cystic|Ducts, Cystic ductus cysticus|UBERON:0001152 +Cytokine-Induced Killer Cells MESH:D055612 Mononuclear leukocytes that have been expanded in CELL CULTURE and activated with CYTOKINES such as INTERLEUKIN-2 to produce large numbers of highly cytotoxic cells. MESH:D002478|MESH:D007963 A11.118.637.555.283|A11.251.476|A15.145.229.637.555.283|A15.382.490.555.283 A11.118.637.555|A11.251|A15.145.229.637.555|A15.382.490.555 Cell, Lymphocyte-Activated Killer|Cells, Lymphocyte-Activated Killer|CIK Cell|CIK Cells|Cytokine-Induced Killer Cell|Cytokine Induced Killer Cells|Killer Cell, Cytokine-Induced|Killer Cell, Lymphocyte-Activated|Killer Cells, Cytokine-Induced|Killer Cells, Lymphocyte-Activated|Lymphocyte Activated Killer Cell|Lymphocyte-Activated Killer Cell|Lymphocyte Activated Killer Cells|Lymphocyte-Activated Killer Cells +Cytoplasm MESH:D003593 The part of a cell that contains the CYTOSOL and small structures excluding the CELL NUCLEUS; MITOCHONDRIA; and large VACUOLES. (Glick, Glossary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1990) MESH:D042541 A11.284.430.214 A11.284.430 Cytoplasms|Protoplasm|Protoplasms +Cytoplasmic Granules MESH:D003594 Condensed areas of cellular material that may be bounded by a membrane. MESH:D022083|MESH:D022162 A11.284.430.214.190.500|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190 A11.284.430.214.190|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190 Cytoplasmic Granule|Granule, Cytoplasmic|Granules, Cytoplasmic +Cytoplasmic Ribonucleoprotein Granules MESH:D000088123 Non-membranous subcompartments containing RIBONUCLEOPROTEIN complexes. They are found in the CYTOPLASM and often share multiple protein and/or RNA components. Membraneless RNP subcompartments found in the nucleus are referred to as nuclear bodies (e.g., PARASPECKLES). MESH:D003594 A11.284.430.214.190.500.780|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190.384 A11.284.430.214.190.500|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190 Cytoplasmic Ribonucleoprotein Granule|Cytoplasmic RNA Granule|Cytoplasmic RNA Granules|Cytoplasmic RNP Granule|Cytoplasmic RNP Granules|Granule, Cytoplasmic RNP|Granules, Cytoplasmic RNP|Neuronal Granule|Neuronal Granules|Neuronal Ribonucleoprotein Granule|Neuronal Ribonucleoprotein Granules|Ribonucleoprotein Granule|Ribonucleoprotein Granule, Cytoplasmic|Ribonucleoprotein Granule, Neuronal|Ribonucleoprotein Granules|Ribonucleoprotein Granules, Neuronal|RNA Granule|RNA Granule, Cytoplasmic|RNA Granules|RNP Granule, Cytoplasmic|RNP Granules, Cytoplasmic +Cytoplasmic Structures MESH:D022083 Components of the cytoplasm excluding the CYTOSOL. MESH:D003593 A11.284.430.214.190 A11.284.430.214 Cytoplasmic Structure|Structure, Cytoplasmic|Structures, Cytoplasmic +Cytoplasmic Vesicles MESH:D022162 Membrane-limited structures derived from the plasma membrane or various intracellular membranes which function in storage, transport or metabolism. MESH:D015388 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190 A11.284.430.214.190.875 Cytoplasmic Vesicle|Vesicle, Cytoplasmic|Vesicles, Cytoplasmic +Cytoskeleton MESH:D003599 The network of filaments, tubules, and interconnecting filamentous bridges which give shape, structure, and organization to the cytoplasm. MESH:D022083 A11.284.430.214.190.750 A11.284.430.214.190 Cytoplasmic Filament|Cytoplasmic Filaments|Cytoskeletal Filament|Cytoskeletal Filaments|Cytoskeletons|Filament, Cytoplasmic|Filament, Cytoskeletal|Filaments, Cytoplasmic|Filaments, Cytoskeletal|Lattice, Microtrabecular|Lattices, Microtrabecular|Microtrabecular Lattice|Microtrabecular Lattices +Cytosol MESH:D003600 Intracellular fluid from the cytoplasm after removal of ORGANELLES and other insoluble cytoplasmic components. MESH:D003593|MESH:D007424 A11.284.430.214.200|A11.284.430.429.200|A11.284.835.450.200 A11.284.430.214|A11.284.430.429|A11.284.835.450 Cytosols +Dander MESH:D063607 Microscopic particles comprising dead skin, dried salivary proteins, hair, SEBUM and microorganisms, shed by animals which causes allergic reactions in atopic persons. MESH:D012634 A12.200.250 A12.200 Danders +Decellularized Extracellular Matrix MESH:D000091083 A biomaterial with a network of macromolecules with varying composition and organization of tissue-specific proteins and polysaccharides. It is prepared from organs and tissues by decellularization (e.g., with a detergent) to mimic native microenvironment for tissue-specific functions. MESH:D005109 A11.284.295.310.140 A11.284.295.310 Decellularized ECM|Decellularized ECMs|Decellularized Extracellular Matrices|ECM, Decellularized|Extracellular Matrix, Decellularized|Matrix, Decellularized Extracellular +Decidua MESH:D003656 The hormone-responsive glandular layer of ENDOMETRIUM that sloughs off at each menstrual flow (decidua menstrualis) or at the termination of pregnancy. During pregnancy, the thickest part of the decidua forms the maternal portion of the PLACENTA, thus named decidua placentalis. The thin portion of the decidua covering the rest of the embryo is the decidua capsularis. UBERON:UBERON_0002450 MESH:D004717|MESH:D010920 A05.360.319.679.490.373|A16.710.289 A05.360.319.679.490|A16.710 Deciduas|Deciduum decidous membrane|decidua basalis|endometrium|extraembryonic part of placenta|extraembryonic placenta|maternal decidual layer|maternal part of placenta|maternal placenta|placenta maternal decidual layer|UBERON:0002450|uterine decidua +Deciduoma MESH:D033301 An intrauterine mass containing decidual cells (DECIDUA) or with structures resembling the PLACENTA. Deciduomas usually are induced experimentally. MESH:D003656 A05.360.319.679.490.373.500|A16.710.289.500 A05.360.319.679.490.373|A16.710.289 Deciduomas +Default Mode Network MESH:D000082702 Brain regions which are functionally-connected that are active during resting state and deactivated when engaged in task- or attention-oriented behavioral activities as seen in cognitive imaging studies often with fMRI. MESH:D009434 A08.612.300 A08.612 Default-Mode Network|Network, Default Mode|Network, Default-Mode +Deltoid Muscle MESH:D057645 Thick triangular muscle in the SHOULDER whose function is to abduct, flex, and extend the arm. It is a common site of INTRAMUSCULAR INJECTIONS. UBERON:UBERON_0001476 MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.300 A02.633.567 Deltoid Muscles|Muscle, Deltoid|Muscles, Deltoid common shoulder muscle|deltoid|deltoideus|deltoideus muscle|m. deltoideus|musculus deltoideus|UBERON:0001476 +Dendrites MESH:D003712 Extensions of the nerve cell body. They are short and branched and receive stimuli from other NEURONS. MESH:D009474|MESH:D022081 A08.675.256|A11.284.180.225|A11.671.240 A08.675|A11.284.180|A11.671 Dendrite +Dendritic Cells MESH:D003713 Specialized cells of the hematopoietic system that have branch-like extensions. They are found throughout the lymphatic system, and in non-lymphoid tissues such as SKIN and the epithelia of the intestinal, respiratory, and reproductive tracts. They trap and process ANTIGENS, and present them to T-CELLS, thereby stimulating CELL-MEDIATED IMMUNITY. They are different from the non-hematopoietic FOLLICULAR DENDRITIC CELLS, which have a similar morphology and immune system function, but with respect to humoral immunity (ANTIBODY PRODUCTION). CL:CL_0000451|CL:CL_0000782|CL:CL_0000784|CL:CL_0000990|CL:CL_0001007|CL:CL_0001056|CL:CL_0001058 MESH:D000938|MESH:D004847|MESH:D012157 A11.066.270|A11.436.270|A15.382.066.270|A15.382.670.260 A11.066|A11.436|A15.382.066|A15.382.670 Cell, Dendritic|Cell, Interdigitating|Cell, Interdigitating Dendritic|Cell, Interstitial Dendritic|Cell, Plasmacytoid Dendritic|Cells, Dendritic|Cells, Interdigitating|Cells, Interdigitating Dendritic|Cells, Interstitial Dendritic|Cells, Plasmacytoid Dendritic|Cells, Veiled|Cell, Veiled|Dendritic Cell|Dendritic Cell, Interdigitating|Dendritic Cell, Interstitial|Dendritic Cell, Plasmacytoid|Dendritic Cells, Interdigitating|Dendritic Cells, Interstitial|Dendritic Cells, Plasmacytoid|Interdigitating Cell|Interdigitating Cells|Interdigitating Dendritic Cell|Interdigitating Dendritic Cells|Interstitial Dendritic Cell|Interstitial Dendritic Cells|Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cell|Plasmacytoid Dendritic Cells|Veiled Cell|Veiled Cells CD11c+CD123- DC|cDC|CL:0000451|CL:0000782|CL:0000784|CL:0000990|CL:0001007|CL:0001056|CL:0001058|conventional dendritic cell|DC1|DC2|dendritic cell, human|dendritic reticular cell|interferon-producing cell|IPC|lymphoid dendritic cell|mDC|myeloid dendritic cell|pDC|plasmacytoid dendritic cell, human|plasmacytoid monocyte|plasmacytoid T cell|T-associated plasma cell|type 1 DC|type 2 DC +Dendritic Cells, Follicular MESH:D020566 Non-hematopoietic cells, with extensive dendritic processes, found in the primary and secondary follicles of lymphoid tissue (the B cell zones). They are different from conventional DENDRITIC CELLS associated with T-CELLS. They are derived from MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS and are negative for class II MHC antigen and do not process or present antigen like the conventional dendritic cells do. Instead, follicular dendritic cells have FC RECEPTORS and C3B RECEPTORS that hold antigen in the form of ANTIGEN-ANTIBODY COMPLEXES on their surfaces for long periods for recognition by B-CELLS. CL:CL_0000442 MESH:D000938|MESH:D018858 A10.549.400.500.200|A11.066.275|A15.382.066.275|A15.382.520.604.412.500.200 A10.549.400.500|A11.066|A15.382.066|A15.382.520.604.412.500 Dendritic Cell, Follicular|Dendritic Reticulum Cells, Follicular|Follicular Dendritic Cell|Follicular Dendritic Cells CL:0000442 +Dendritic Spines MESH:D049229 Spiny processes on DENDRITES, each of which receives excitatory input from one nerve ending (NERVE ENDINGS). They are commonly found on PURKINJE CELLS and PYRAMIDAL CELLS. MESH:D003712 A08.675.256.200|A11.|A11.671.240.169 A08.675.256|A11.284.180.225|A11.671.240 Dendritic Spine|Spine, Dendritic|Spines, Dendritic +Dense Core Vesicles MESH:D000088482 Membrane-bound electron-dense organelles, 50–200 nm in size found in neurons and endocrine cells. Dense core vesicles package cargo molecules (NEUROPEPTIDES; NEUROTRANSMITTERS and MiRNAs) in a granular internal matrix. Neuronal dense core vesicles release their cargo content by EXOCYTOSIS. MESH:D022142 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.810.250 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.810 Dense Core Granule|Dense-Core Granule|Dense-Core Granule, Large|Dense Core Granules|Dense-Core Granules|Dense-Core Granules, Large|Dense-Core Granule, Small|Dense Core Vesicle|Dense-Core Vesicle|Dense-Core Vesicle, Large|Dense-Core Vesicles|Dense-Core Vesicles, Large|Dense-Core Vesicle, Small|Granule, Dense Core|Granule, Dense-Core|Large Dense-Core Granule|Large Dense Core Granules|Large Dense-Core Granules|Large Dense-Core Vesicle|Large Dense Core Vesicles|Large Dense-Core Vesicles|LDCVs|SDCGs|Small Dense-Core Granule|Small Dense Core Granules|Small Dense-Core Granules|Small Dense-Core Vesicle|Small Dense Core Vesicles|Small Dense-Core Vesicles|Vesicle, Dense Core|Vesicle, Dense-Core|Vesicle, Large Dense-Core +Dental Arch MESH:D003724 The curve formed by the row of TEETH in their normal position in the JAW. The inferior dental arch is formed by the mandibular teeth, and the superior dental arch by the maxillary teeth. MESH:D007568 A02.835.232.781.324.502.320|A14.521.320 A02.835.232.781.324.502|A14.521 Arch, Dental|Arches, Dental|Dental Arches +Dental Cementum MESH:D003739 The bonelike rigid connective tissue covering the root of a tooth from the cementoenamel junction to the apex and lining the apex of the root canal, also assisting in tooth support by serving as attachment structures for the periodontal ligament. (Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992) CL:CL_0000061|UBERON:UBERON_0001753 MESH:D010519|MESH:D019589 A14.549.167.646.267|A14.549.167.900.250 A14.549.167.646|A14.549.167.900 Cementoblast|Cementoblasts|Cementum|Cementum, Dental bone of attachment|cement|cement of tooth|cementum of tooth|cementum secreting cell|CL:0000061|UBERON:0001753 +Dental Enamel MESH:D003743 A hard thin translucent layer of calcified substance which envelops and protects the dentin of the crown of the tooth. It is the hardest substance in the body and is almost entirely composed of calcium salts. Under the microscope, it is composed of thin rods (enamel prisms) held together by cementing substance, and surrounded by an enamel sheath. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p286) UBERON:UBERON_0001752 MESH:D019589 A14.549.167.900.255 A14.549.167.900 Cuticle, Enamel|Cuticles, Enamel|Dental Enamels|Enamel|Enamel Cuticle|Enamel Cuticles|Enamel, Dental|Enamels|Enamels, Dental enamel of tooth|enameloid|enamel tissue|tooth enamel|UBERON:0001752 +Dental Fissures MESH:D003750 Naturally occurring deep grooves or clefts in the surface of teeth equivalent to class 1 cavities in Black's classification of dental caries. MESH:D019589 A14.549.167.900.258 A14.549.167.900 Dental Fissure|Fissure, Dental|Fissures, Dental +Dental Papilla MESH:D003771 Mesodermal tissue enclosed in the invaginated portion of the epithelial enamel organ and giving rise to the dentin and pulp. UBERON:UBERON_0001763 MESH:D014083 A14.549.167.900.720.250 A14.549.167.900.720 Dental Papillae|Papilla, Dental|Papillae, Dental dentinal papilla|dermal papilla|odontogenic condensation|odontogenic papilla|papilla dentis|pharyngeal tooth mesenchyme|tooth mesenchyme|UBERON:0001763 +Dental Pellicle MESH:D044622 A thin protein film on the surface of DENTAL ENAMEL. It is widely believed to result from the selective adsorption of precursor proteins present in SALIVA onto tooth surfaces, and to reduce microbial adherence to the TEETH. MESH:D003743 A14.549.167.900.255.500 A14.549.167.900.255 Acquired Pellicle, Salivary|Enamel Pellicle|Pellicle, Dental|Pellicle, Enamel|Pellicle, Salivary|Pellicle, Salivary Acquired|Salivary Acquired Pellicle|Salivary Pellicle +Dental Pulp MESH:D003782 A richly vascularized and innervated connective tissue of mesodermal origin, contained in the central cavity of a tooth and delimited by the dentin, and having formative, nutritive, sensory, and protective functions. (Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992) UBERON:UBERON_0001754 MESH:D019589 A14.549.167.900.260 A14.549.167.900 Dental Pulps|Pulp, Dental|Pulps, Dental dental pulp cell|pulp of tooth|tooth pulp|UBERON:0001754 +Dental Pulp Cavity MESH:D003786 The space in a tooth bounded by the dentin and containing the dental pulp. The portion of the cavity within the crown of the tooth is the pulp chamber; the portion within the root is the pulp canal or root canal. MESH:D019589 A14.549.167.900.265 A14.549.167.900 Canal, Pulp|Canal, Root|Canals, Pulp|Canals, Root|Cavities, Dental Pulp|Cavity, Dental Pulp|Chamber, Pulp|Chambers, Pulp|Dental Pulp Cavities|Pulp Canal|Pulp Canals|Pulp Cavities, Dental|Pulp Cavity, Dental|Pulp Chamber|Pulp Chambers|Root Canal|Root Canals +Dental Sac MESH:D003795 Dense fibrous layer formed from mesodermal tissue that surrounds the epithelial enamel organ. The cells eventually migrate to the external surface of the newly formed root dentin and give rise to the cementoblasts that deposit cementum on the developing root, fibroblasts of the developing periodontal ligament, and osteoblasts of the developing alveolar bone. UBERON:UBERON_0008969 MESH:D014083 A14.549.167.900.720.255 A14.549.167.900.720 Dental Follicle|Dental Follicles|Dental Sacs|Follicle, Dental|Follicles, Dental|Sac, Dental|Sacs, Dental tooth follicle|UBERON:0008969 +Dentate Gyrus MESH:D018891 GRAY MATTER situated above the GYRUS HIPPOCAMPI. It is composed of three layers. The molecular layer is continuous with the HIPPOCAMPUS in the hippocampal fissure. The granular layer consists of closely arranged spherical or oval neurons, called GRANULE CELLS, whose AXONS pass through the polymorphic layer ending on the DENDRITES of PYRAMIDAL CELLS in the hippocampus. UBERON:UBERON_0001885 MESH:D006624 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Area Dentata|Area Dentatas|CA4 Field, Hippocampal|CA4 Field of Hippocampal Formation|CA4, Hippocampal Sector|CA4 of Lorente de No|CA4 Region, Hippocampal|Cornu Ammonis 4 Area|Dentata, Area|Dentata, Fascia|Dentatas, Area|Dentate Fascia|Fascia Dentata|Fascia, Dentate|Field, Hippocampal CA4|Gyrus, Dentate|Gyrus Dentatus|Hilus Gyri Dentati|Hilus of Dentate Gyrus|Hilus of the Fascia Dentata|Hippocampal CA4 Field|Hippocampal CA4 Region|Hippocampal Sector CA4|Region, Hippocampal CA4|Sector CA4, Hippocampal dentate area|dentate area (dentate gyrus)|dentate gyrus of hippocampal formation|hippocampal dentate gyrus|UBERON:0001885 +Dentin MESH:D003804 The hard portion of the tooth surrounding the pulp, covered by enamel on the crown and cementum on the root, which is harder and denser than bone but softer than enamel, and is thus readily abraded when left unprotected. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992) UBERON:UBERON_0001751 MESH:D019589 A14.549.167.900.280 A14.549.167.900 Dentine|Dentines|Dentins dentine of tooth|predentin|UBERON:0001751 +Dentinal Fluid MESH:D019234 The lymph or fluid of dentin. It is a transudate of extracellular fluid, mainly cytoplasm of odontoblastic processes, from the dental pulp via the dentinal tubules. It is also called dental lymph. (From Stedman, 26th ed, p665) MESH:D005122 A12.383.250 A12.383 Dentinal Fluids|Fluid, Dentinal|Fluids, Dentinal +Dentin, Secondary MESH:D003809 Dentin formed by normal pulp after completion of root end formation. MESH:D003804 A14.549.167.900.280.280 A14.549.167.900.280 Dentins, Secondary|Secondary Dentin|Secondary Dentins +Dentition MESH:D003817 The teeth collectively in the dental arch. Dentition ordinarily refers to the natural teeth in position in their alveoli. Dentition referring to the deciduous teeth is DENTITION, PRIMARY; to the permanent teeth, DENTITION, PERMANENT. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992) UBERON:UBERON_0003672 MESH:D009055 A03.556.500.379|A14.549.167 A03.556.500|A14.549 Dentitions collection of teeth|dentes|set of teeth|teeth|teeth set|UBERON:0003672 +Dentition, Mixed MESH:D003818 The complement of teeth in the jaws after the eruption of some of the permanent teeth but before all the deciduous teeth are absent. (Boucher's Clinical Dental Terminology, 4th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0007799 MESH:D003817 A14.549.167.229 A14.549.167 Dentitions, Mixed|Dentitions, Transitional|Dentition, Transitional|Mixed Dentition|Mixed Dentitions|Transitional Dentition|Transitional Dentitions UBERON:0007799 +Dentition, Permanent MESH:D019229 The 32 teeth of adulthood that either replace or are added to the complement of deciduous teeth. (Boucher's Clinical Dental Terminology, 4th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0007774 MESH:D003817 A14.549.167.237 A14.549.167 Adult Dentition|Dentition, Adult|Dentition, Secondary|Permanent Dentition|Secondary Dentition dentes permanentes|permanent teeth|set of permanent teeth|set of secondary teeth|UBERON:0007774 +Dermis MESH:D020405 A layer of vascularized connective tissue underneath the EPIDERMIS. The surface of the dermis contains innervated papillae. Embedded in or beneath the dermis are SWEAT GLANDS; HAIR FOLLICLES; and SEBACEOUS GLANDS. UBERON:UBERON_0002067 MESH:D012867 A17.815.180 A17.815 Corium cutis|UBERON:0002067|vertebrate dermis +Descemet Membrane MESH:D003886 A layer of the cornea. It is the basal lamina of the CORNEAL ENDOTHELIUM (from which it is secreted) separating it from the CORNEAL STROMA. It is a homogeneous structure composed of fine collagenous filaments, and slowly increases in thickness with age. UBERON:UBERON_0004367 MESH:D001485|MESH:D003315 A09.371.060.217.271|A10.615.179.437 A09.371.060.217|A10.615.179 Descemet Membranes|Descemet's Membrane|Descemets Membrane|Elastica Posterior, Lamina|Elastica Posteriors, Lamina|Lamina Elastica Posterior|Lamina Elastica Posteriors|Membrane, Descemet|Membrane, Descemet's|Membranes, Descemet|Posterior, Lamina Elastica|Posteriors, Lamina Elastica Descemet's posterior elastic lamina|lamina limitans posterior|lamina limitans posterior corneae|posterior limiting lamina|posterior limiting lamina of cornea|posterior limiting membrane|UBERON:0004367 +Desmosomes MESH:D003896 A type of junction that attaches one cell to its neighbor. One of a number of differentiated regions which occur, for example, where the cytoplasmic membranes of adjacent epithelial cells are closely apposed. It consists of a circular region of each membrane together with associated intracellular microfilaments and an intercellular material which may include, for example, mucopolysaccharides. (From Glick, Glossary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1990; Singleton & Sainsbury, Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, 2d ed) MESH:D007365 A11. A11. Desmosome +Diagonal Band of Broca MESH:D020667 Cholinergic bundle of nerve fibers posterior to the anterior perforated substance. It interconnects the paraterminal gyrus in the septal area with the hippocampus and lateral olfactory area. UBERON:UBERON_0002741 MESH:D013687 A08. A08. Broca Diagonal Band bandaletta diagonalis (Broca)|bandeletta diagonalis|band of Broca|broca's diagonal band|broca's diagonal gyrus|diagonal band|diagonal band(Broca)|diagonal gyrus|fasciculus diagonalis Brocae|fasciculus olfactorius|fasciculus olfactorius cornu Ammonis|fasciculus olfactorius (hippocampi)|fasciculus septo-amygdalicus|gyrus diagonalis|gyrus diagonalis rhinencephli|olfactory fasciculus|olfactory radiations of Zuckerkandl|stria diagonalis|stria diagonalis (Broca)|UBERON:0002741 +Diaphragm MESH:D003964 The musculofibrous partition that separates the THORACIC CAVITY from the ABDOMINAL CAVITY. Contraction of the diaphragm increases the volume of the thoracic cavity aiding INHALATION. UBERON:UBERON_0001103 MESH:D000090043|MESH:D012132 A01.923.112.250|A02.633.567.900.300 A01.923.112|A02.633.567.900 Diaphragm, Respiratory|Diaphragms|Diaphragms, Respiratory|Respiratory Diaphragm|Respiratory Diaphragms diaphragm muscle|diaphragm of thorax|midriff|phren|thoracic diaphragm|UBERON:0001103 +Diaphyses MESH:D018483 The shaft of long bones. UBERON:UBERON_0004769 MESH:D001842 A02.835.232.169 A02.835.232 Diaphysis body of long bone|long bone diaphysis|shaft of long bone|UBERON:0004769 +Diencephalon MESH:D004027 The paired caudal parts of the PROSENCEPHALON from which the THALAMUS; HYPOTHALAMUS; EPITHALAMUS; and SUBTHALAMUS are derived. UBERON:UBERON_0001894 MESH:D016548 A08. A08.186.211.200 Interbrain|Interbrains between brain|betweenbrain|DiE|mature diencephalon|thalamencephalon|UBERON:0001894 +Digestive System MESH:D004064 A group of organs stretching from the MOUTH to the ANUS, serving to breakdown foods, assimilate nutrients, and eliminate waste. In humans, the digestive system includes the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT and the accessory glands (LIVER; BILIARY TRACT; PANCREAS). UBERON:UBERON_0001007 MESH:A A03 A Ailmentary System|Alimentary System alimentary tract|gastrointestinal system|gut|UBERON:0001007 +Dopaminergic Neurons MESH:D059290 Neurons whose primary neurotransmitter is DOPAMINE. CL:CL_0000700 MESH:D009474 A08.675.278|A11.671.270 A08.675|A11.671 Dopamine Neuron|Dopamine Neurons|Dopaminergic Neuron|Neuron, Dopamine|Neuron, Dopaminergic|Neurons, Dopamine|Neurons, Dopaminergic CL:0000700|dopaminergic cell +Dorsal Raphe Nucleus MESH:D065847 The dorsal region of the raphe nucleus which is a source of the SEROTONERGIC NEURONS innervating the TELENCEPHALON; DIENCEPHALON; MESENCEPHALON; and RHOMBENCEPHALON. UBERON:UBERON_0002043 MESH:D011903 A08. A08. Dorsal Nucleus Of The Raphe|Dorsal Nucleus Raphe|Dorsal Raphe|Dorsal Raphes|Linearis, Nucleus|Linear Nucleus|Linear Nucleus of the Raphe|Medial Raphe Nucleus|Nucleus, Dorsal Raphe|Nucleus, Linear|Nucleus Linearis|Nucleus, Medial Raphe|Nucleus Raphe, Dorsal|Nucleus Raphe Dorsalis|Nucleus Raphes Dorsalis|Raphe, Dorsal|Raphe, Dorsal Nucleus|Raphe Nucleus, Dorsal|Raphe Nucleus, Medial cell group b7|dorsal raphé|DR|DRN|inferior raphe nucleus|nucleus dorsalis raphes|nucleus raphe posterior|nucleus raphes posterior|posterior raphe nucleus|UBERON:0002043 +Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortex MESH:D000087643 The upper surfaces of the prefrontal cortex comprising the rostral parts of the superior frontal gyrus and the middle frontal gyrus. It is involved in EXECUTIVE FUNCTION. MESH:D017397 A08. A08. Area 46, Brodmann|Area 46, Brodmann's|Area 9, Brodmann|Area 9, Brodmann's|Brodmann Area 46|Brodmann Area 9|Brodmann Area 9 and 46|Brodmann Areas 9 and 46|Brodmann's Area 46|Brodmanns Area 46|Brodmann's Area 9|Brodmanns Area 9|Brodmann's Area 9 and 46|Brodmann's Areas 9 and 46|Cortex, Dorsolateral Prefrontal|DLPFC|Dorsolateral Prefrontal Cortices|Prefrontal Cortex, Dorsolateral +Dorsomedial Hypothalamic Nucleus MESH:D004302 An aggregation of cells in the middle hypothalamus dorsal to the ventromedial nucleus and bordering the THIRD VENTRICLE. UBERON:UBERON_0001934 MESH:D007033 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Hypothalamic Nucleus, Dorsomedial|Nucleus, Dorsomedial Hypothalamic DMH|dorsomedial nucleus|dorsomedial nucleus hypothalamus|dorsomedial nucleus of dorsal hypothalamus|dorsomedial nucleus of hypothalamus|dorsomedial nucleus of intermediate hypothalamus|dorsomedial nucleus of the hypothalamus|nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalami|nucleus dorsomedialis hypothalamicae intermediae|nucleus hypothalamicus dorsomedialis|UBERON:0001934 +Douglas' Pouch MESH:D004312 A sac or recess formed by a fold of the peritoneum. UBERON:UBERON_0007111 MESH:D010537 A01.923.047.025.600.225 A01.923.047.025.600 Cul de Sac, Douglas'|Cul-de-Sac, Douglas|Cul-de-Sac, Douglas'|Cul de Sac of Douglas|Cul-de-Sac of Douglas|Douglas Cul-de-Sac|Douglas' Cul-de-Sac|Douglas Pouch|Douglas Sac|Pouch, Douglas'|Pouch, Rectouterine|Rectouterine Pouch|Sac of Douglas cavum Douglassi|cul-de-sac of douglsa|douglas' cul de sac|excavatio recto-uterina|excavatio rectouterina|fossa Douglasi|pouch of douglas|rectouterine excavation|recto-uterine pouch|rectouterine space|UBERON:0007111 +Ductus Arteriosus MESH:D004373 A fetal blood vessel connecting the pulmonary artery with the descending aorta. UBERON:UBERON_0005440 MESH:D005318 A07.541.278.395|A16.378.303.395 A07.541.278|A16.378.303 Arteriosus, Ductus arterial canal|arterial duct|Botallo's duct|ductus arteriosis|ductus arteriosum|ductus botalli|ductus Botallo|ductus layton|fetal ductus arteriosus|UBERON:0005440 +Duodenum MESH:D004386 The shortest and widest portion of the SMALL INTESTINE adjacent to the PYLORUS of the STOMACH. It is named for having the length equal to about the width of 12 fingers. UBERON:UBERON_0002114 MESH:D007421|MESH:D041742 A03.556.124.684.124|A03.556.875.249 A03.556.124.684|A03.556.875 Duodenums proximal intestine|UBERON:0002114|upper intestine +Dura Mater MESH:D004388 The outermost of the three MENINGES, a fibrous membrane of connective tissue that covers the brain and the spinal cord. UBERON:UBERON_0002363 MESH:D008578 A08.186.566.395 A08.186.566 Falx Cerebelli|Falx Cerebri|Pachymeninx|Tentorium Cerebelli dura|dura mater of neuraxis|pachymeninges|UBERON:0002363 +Ear MESH:D004423 The hearing and equilibrium system of the body. It consists of three parts: the EXTERNAL EAR, the MIDDLE EAR, and the INNER EAR. Sound waves are transmitted through this organ where vibration is transduced to nerve signals that pass through the ACOUSTIC NERVE to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. The inner ear also contains the vestibular organ that maintains equilibrium by transducing signals to the VESTIBULAR NERVE. UBERON:UBERON_0001690 MESH:D006257|MESH:D012679 A01.456.313|A09.246 A01.456|A09 Apparatus, Vestibulocochlear|Ears|System, Vestibulocochlear|Vestibulocochlear Apparatus|Vestibulocochlear System auditory apparatus|auris|UBERON:0001690 +Ear Auricle MESH:D054644 The shell-like structure projects like a little wing (pinna) from the side of the head. Ear auricles collect sound from the environment. UBERON:UBERON_0001757 MESH:D004431 A09.246.272.197 A09.246.272 Auricle, Ear|Auricles, Ear|Ear Auricles|Ear Pinna|Ear Pinnas|Pinna, Ear|Pinnas, Ear auricle|auricle of ear|auricle of external ear|auricula|auricula (auris externa)|pinna|pinnae|pinna of ear|UBERON:0001757 +Ear Canal MESH:D004424 The narrow passage way that conducts the sound collected by the EAR AURICLE to the TYMPANIC MEMBRANE. UBERON:UBERON_0001352 MESH:D004431 A09.246.272.396 A09.246.272 Acoustic Canal, External|Acoustic Canals, External|Acoustic Meatus, External|Auditory Canal, External|Auditory Canals, External|Canal, Ear|Canal, External Ear|Canals, Ear|Canals, External Ear|Ear Canal, External|Ear Canals|Ear Canals, External|External Acoustic Canal|External Acoustic Canals|External Acoustic Meatus|External Auditory Canal|External Auditory Canals|External Ear Canal|External Ear Canals auditory canal|auditory meatus|external acoustic tube|external auditory meatus|external auditory tube|UBERON:0001352 +Ear Cartilage MESH:D004425 Cartilage of the EAR AURICLE and the EXTERNAL EAR CANAL. UBERON:UBERON_0001848|UBERON:UBERON_0001867 MESH:D004431|MESH:D051472 A02.165.257.250|A09.246.272.549 A02.165.257|A09.246.272 Auricular Cartilage|Auricular Cartilages|Cartilage, Auricular|Cartilage, Ear|Cartilage, External Ear|Cartilages, Auricular|Cartilages, Ear|Cartilages, External Ear|Ear Cartilages|External Ear Cartilage|External Ear Cartilages cartilage of external ear|cartilage of pinna|pinna cartilage|UBERON:0001848|UBERON:0001867 +Ear, External MESH:D004431 The outer part of the hearing system of the body. It includes the shell-like EAR AURICLE which collects sound, and the EXTERNAL EAR CANAL, the TYMPANIC MEMBRANE, and the EXTERNAL EAR CARTILAGES. UBERON:UBERON_0001691 MESH:D004423 A09.246.272 A09.246 Ear, Outer|Ears, External|Ears, Outer|External Ear|External Ears|Outer Ear|Outer Ears auricular region|auricular region of head|auris externa|UBERON:0001691 +Ear, Inner MESH:D007758 The essential part of the hearing organ consists of two labyrinthine compartments: the bony labyrinthine and the membranous labyrinth. The bony labyrinth is a complex of three interconnecting cavities or spaces (COCHLEA; VESTIBULAR LABYRINTH; and SEMICIRCULAR CANALS) in the TEMPORAL BONE. Within the bony labyrinth lies the membranous labyrinth which is a complex of sacs and tubules (COCHLEAR DUCT; SACCULE AND UTRICLE; and SEMICIRCULAR DUCTS) forming a continuous space enclosed by EPITHELIUM and connective tissue. These spaces are filled with LABYRINTHINE FLUIDS of various compositions. UBERON:UBERON_0001846 MESH:D004423 A09.246.300 A09.246 Bony Labyrinth|Bony Labyrinths|Ear, Internal|Ears, Inner|Ears, Internal|Inner Ear|Inner Ears|Internal Ear|Internal Ears|Labyrinth|Labyrinth, Bony|Labyrinth, Membranous|Labyrinths|Labyrinths, Bony|Labyrinths, Membranous|Membranous Labyrinth|Membranous Labyrinths auris interna|otocyst|UBERON:0001846 +Ear, Middle MESH:D004432 The space and structures directly internal to the TYMPANIC MEMBRANE and external to the inner ear (LABYRINTH). Its major components include the AUDITORY OSSICLES and the EUSTACHIAN TUBE that connects the cavity of middle ear (tympanic cavity) to the upper part of the throat. UBERON:UBERON_0001756 MESH:D004423 A09.246.397 A09.246 Cavities, Tympanic|Cavity, Tympanic|Ears, Middle|Middle Ear|Middle Ears|Tympanic Cavities|Tympanic Cavity|Tympanum|Tympanums auris media|UBERON:0001756 +Ear Ossicles MESH:D004429 A mobile chain of three small bones (INCUS; MALLEUS; STAPES) in the TYMPANIC CAVITY between the TYMPANIC MEMBRANE and the oval window on the wall of INNER EAR. Sound waves are converted to vibration by the tympanic membrane then transmitted via these ear ossicles to the inner ear. UBERON:UBERON_0001686 MESH:D004432 A09.246.397.247 A09.246.397 Auditory Ossicle|Auditory Ossicles|Ear Ossicle|Ossicle, Auditory|Ossicle, Ear|Ossicles, Auditory|Ossicles, Ear auditory bone|auditory ossicle bone|ear bone|middle ear bone|middle ear ossicle|ossicle|ossicle of ear|ossicle of inner ear|ossicular chain|UBERON:0001686 +Eccrine Glands MESH:D004439 Simple sweat glands that secrete sweat directly onto the SKIN. UBERON:UBERON_0000423 MESH:D013545 A10.336.899.480|A17.815.830.480 A10.336.899|A17.815.830 Eccrine Gland|Gland, Eccrine|Glands, Eccrine eccrine sweat gland|glandula sudorifera eccrina|glandula sudorifera merocrina|merocrine sweat gland|UBERON:0000423 +Ectoderm MESH:D004475 The outer of the three germ layers of an embryo. UBERON:UBERON_0000924 MESH:D005855 A16.504.273 A16.504 Ectoderms embryonic ectoderm|UBERON:0000924 +Edinger-Westphal Nucleus MESH:D065839 Nucleus in the oculomotor nuclear complex associated with oculomotor activities and stress adaptation. UBERON:UBERON_0002141 MESH:D065838 A08. A08. Accessory Oculomotor Nucleus|Edinger Westphal Nucleus|Edinger Westphal, Nucleus|Edinger Westphals, Nucleus|Nucleus, Accessory Oculomotor|Nucleus Edinger Westphal|Nucleus, Edinger-Westphal|Nucleus Edinger Westphals|Nucleus, Parvocellular Oculomotor|Oculomotor Nucleus, Accessory|Oculomotor Nucleus, Parvocellular|Parvocellular Oculomotor Nucleus|Westphal, Nucleus Edinger|Westphals, Nucleus Edinger Edinger-Westphal nucleus of oculomotor nerve|EW|nuclei accessorii nervi oculomtorii (Edinger-Westphal)|nucleus Edinger-Westphal|nucleus nervi oculomotorii Edinger-Westphal|nucleus nervi oculomotorii parvocellularis|nucleus rostralis nervi oculomotorii|nucleus Westphal-Edinger|oculomotor nucleus, parvicellular part|oculomotor nucleus, parvocellular part|PC3|UBERON:0002141 +Efferent Pathways MESH:D004525 Nerve structures through which impulses are conducted from a nerve center toward a peripheral site. Such impulses are conducted via efferent neurons (NEURONS, EFFERENT), such as MOTOR NEURONS, autonomic neurons, and hypophyseal neurons. MESH:D009434 A08.612.380 A08.612 Efferent Pathway|Motor Pathways|Pathway, Efferent|Pathways, Efferent +Egg Shell MESH:D004528 A hard or leathery calciferous exterior covering of an egg. UBERON:UBERON_0005079 MESH:D000825 A13.316 A13 Eggshell|Eggshells|Egg Shells|Shell, Egg|Shells, Egg UBERON:0005079 +Egg Yolk MESH:D004530 Cytoplasm stored in an egg that contains nutritional reserves for the developing embryo. It is rich in polysaccharides, lipids, and proteins. UBERON:UBERON_0007378 MESH:D010063 A16.690.325 A16.690 Egg Yolks|Yolk, Egg|Yolks, Egg UBERON:0007378|yolk +Ejaculatory Ducts MESH:D004543 Paired ducts in the human male through which semen is ejaculated into the urethra. UBERON:UBERON_0000999 MESH:D005837 A05.360.444.251 A05.360.444 Duct, Ejaculatory|Ducts, Ejaculatory|Ejaculatory Duct ductus ejaculatorii|ductus ejaculatorius|UBERON:0000999 +Elastic Cartilage MESH:D051472 A type of CARTILAGE whose matrix contains ELASTIC FIBERS and elastic lamellae, in addition to the normal components of HYALINE CARTILAGE matrix. Elastic cartilage is found in the EXTERNAL EAR; EUSTACHIAN TUBE; EPIGLOTTIS; and LARYNX. UBERON:UBERON_0001996 MESH:D002356 A02.165.257|A10.165.382.300 A02.165|A10.165.382 Cartilage, Elastic|Cartilages, Elastic|Elastic Cartilages elastic cartilage tissue|reticular cartilage|UBERON:0001996|yellow cartilage|yellow elastic cartilage|yellow elastic cartilage tissue +Elastic Tissue MESH:D004547 Connective tissue comprised chiefly of elastic fibers. Elastic fibers have two components: ELASTIN and MICROFIBRILS. UBERON:UBERON_0002521 MESH:D003238 A10.165.400 A10.165 Elastic Fiber|Elastic Fibers|Elastic Tissues|Fiber, Elastic|Fibers, Elastic|Tissue, Elastic|Tissues, Elastic elastic connective tissue|textus connectivus elasticus|UBERON:0002521 +Elbow MESH:D004550 Region of the body immediately surrounding and including the ELBOW JOINT. UBERON:UBERON_0001461 MESH:D034941 A01.378.800.420 A01.378.800 articulatio cubiti|cubital region|elbow limb segment|elbow region|UBERON:0001461 +Elbow Joint MESH:D004551 A hinge joint connecting the FOREARM to the ARM. UBERON:UBERON_0001490 MESH:D007596 A02.835.583.290 A02.835.583 Elbow Joints|Joint, Elbow|Joints, Elbow articulatio cubiti|cubital region joint|joint of cubital region|joint of elbow|UBERON:0001490 +Electrical Synapses MESH:D054351 Specialized junctions between NEURONS which connect the cytoplasm of one neuron to another allowing direct passage of an ion current. MESH:D013569|MESH:D017629 A08.850.180|A11.|A11. A08.850|A11.|A11. Electrical Synapse|Electrotonic Synapse|Electrotonic Synapses|Gap Junction, Neuronal|Gap Junctions, Neuronal|Junction, Neuronal Gap|Junctions, Neuronal Gap|Neuronal Gap Junction|Neuronal Gap Junctions|Synapse, Electrical|Synapse, Electrotonic|Synapses, Electrical|Synapses, Electrotonic +Electric Organ MESH:D004557 In about 250 species of electric fishes, modified muscle fibers forming disklike multinucleate plates arranged in stacks like batteries in series and embedded in a gelatinous matrix. A large torpedo ray may have half a million plates. Muscles in different parts of the body may be modified, i.e., the trunk and tail in the electric eel, the hyobranchial apparatus in the electric ray, and extrinsic eye muscles in the stargazers. Powerful electric organs emit pulses in brief bursts several times a second. They serve to stun prey and ward off predators. A large torpedo ray can produce of shock of more than 200 volts, capable of stunning a human. (Storer et al., General Zoology, 6th ed, p672) UBERON:UBERON_0006869 MESH:D000825 A13.332 A13 Electric Organs|Organ, Electric|Organs, Electric UBERON:0006869 +Embryoid Bodies MESH:D058732 Spontaneous aggregations of human embryonic stem cells that occur in vitro after culturing in a medium that lacks LEUKEMIC INHIBITORY FACTOR. The embryoid bodies can further differentiate into cells that represent different lineages. UBERON:UBERON_0014374 MESH:D053595 A11.872.700.250.260 A11.872.700.250 Bodies, Embryoid|Body, Embryoid|Embryoid Body embryonic body|UBERON:0014374 +Embryo, Mammalian MESH:D004622 The entity of a developing mammal (MAMMALS), generally from the cleavage of a ZYGOTE to the end of embryonic differentiation of basic structures. For the human embryo, this represents the first two months of intrauterine development preceding the stages of the FETUS. UBERON:UBERON_0000922 MESH:D004628 A16.254 A16 Embryonic Structure, Mammalian|Embryonic Structures, Mammalian|Embryos, Mammalian|Embryo Structure, Mammalian|Embryo Structures, Mammalian|Mammalian Embryo|Mammalian Embryonic Structure|Mammalian Embryonic Structures|Mammalian Embryos|Mammalian Embryo Structure|Mammalian Embryo Structures|Structure, Mammalian Embryo|Structure, Mammalian Embryonic|Structures, Mammalian Embryo|Structures, Mammalian Embryonic developing organism|developmental tissue|embryo|embryonic organism|UBERON:0000922 +Embryonal Carcinoma Stem Cells MESH:D054278 The malignant stem cells of TERATOCARCINOMAS, which resemble pluripotent stem cells of the BLASTOCYST INNER CELL MASS. The EC cells can be grown in vitro, and experimentally induced to differentiate. They are used as a model system for studying early embryonic cell differentiation. MESH:D014407|MESH:D014411|MESH:D053595 A11.251.860.590|A11.872.650.500|A11.872.700.250.500 A11.251.860|A11.872.650|A11.872.700.250 Carcinoma Cell, Embryonal|Carcinoma Cells, Embryonal|Cell, Embryonal Carcinoma|Cells, Embryonal Carcinoma|Cells, Teratocarcinoma Stem|Cell, Teratocarcinoma Stem|Embryonal Carcinoma Cell|Embryonal Carcinoma Cells|F9 Embryonal Carcinoma Cells|F9 Teratocarcinoma Stem Cells|Stem Cells, Teratocarcinoma|Stem Cell, Teratocarcinoma|Teratocarcinoma Stem Cell|Teratocarcinoma Stem Cells +Embryonic Germ Cells MESH:D000066473 PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS that are derived from early GERM CELLS. MESH:D005854|MESH:D053595 A11.497.124|A11.872.700.250.625 A11.497|A11.872.700.250 Cell, EG|Cell, Embryonic Germ|Cells, EG|Cells, Embryonic Germ|EG Cell|EG Cells|Embryonic Germ Cell|Germ Cell, Embryonic|Germ Cells, Embryonic +Embryonic Stem Cells MESH:D053595 Cells derived from the BLASTOCYST INNER CELL MASS which forms before implantation in the uterine wall. They retain the ability to divide, proliferate and provide progenitor cells that can differentiate into specialized cells. CL:CL_0002322 MESH:D039904 A11.872.700.250 A11.872.700 Cell, Embryonic Stem|Cells, Embryonic Stem|Embryonic Stem Cell|Stem Cell, Embryonic|Stem Cells, Embryonic CL:0002322|ESC +Embryonic Structures MESH:D004628 The anatomical parts that make up an organism in the early stages of development. UBERON:UBERON_0002050 MESH:A A16 A Embryo|Embryonic Structure|Embryos|Prenatal Structure|Prenatal Structures|Structure, Embryonic|Structure, Prenatal|Structures, Embryonic|Structures, Prenatal developing embryonic structure|developing structure|embryonale Struktur|embryonic anatomical structure|UBERON:0002050 +Embryo, Nonmammalian MESH:D004625 The developmental entity of a fertilized egg (ZYGOTE) in animal species other than MAMMALS. For chickens, use CHICK EMBRYO. MESH:D000825|MESH:D004628 A13.350|A16.331 A13|A16 Embryonic Structure, Nonmammalian|Embryonic Structure, Non-Mammalian|Embryonic Structures, Nonmammalian|Embryonic Structures, Non Mammalian|Embryonic Structures, Non-Mammalian|Embryo, Non Mammalian|Embryo, Non-Mammalian|Embryos, Nonmammalian|Embryos, Non-Mammalian|Embryo Structure, Nonmammalian|Embryo Structures, Nonmammalian|Nonmammalian Embryo|Non-Mammalian Embryo|Nonmammalian Embryonic Structure|Non-Mammalian Embryonic Structure|Nonmammalian Embryonic Structures|Non-Mammalian Embryonic Structures|Nonmammalian Embryos|Non-Mammalian Embryos|Nonmammalian Embryo Structure|Nonmammalian Embryo Structures|Structure, Nonmammalian Embryo|Structure, Nonmammalian Embryonic|Structure, Non-Mammalian Embryonic|Structures, Nonmammalian Embryo|Structures, Nonmammalian Embryonic|Structures, Non-Mammalian Embryonic +Enamel Organ MESH:D004658 Epithelial cells surrounding the dental papilla and differentiated into three layers: the inner enamel epithelium, consisting of ameloblasts which eventually form the enamel, and the enamel pulp and external enamel epithelium, both of which atrophy and disappear before and upon eruption of the tooth, respectively. UBERON:UBERON_0005176 MESH:D014083 A14.549.167.900.720.265 A14.549.167.900.720 Enamel Organs|Organ, Enamel|Organs, Enamel dental organ|odontogenic organ|organum enameleum|tooth enamel organ|UBERON:0005176 +Endocardial Cushions MESH:D054089 A fetal heart structure that is the bulging areas in the cardiac septum between the HEART ATRIA and the HEART VENTRICLES. During development, growth and fusion of endocardial cushions at midline forms the two atrioventricular canals, the sites for future TRICUSPID VALVE and BICUSPID VALVE. UBERON:UBERON_0002062 MESH:D005318|MESH:D006346 A07.541.459.374|A16.378.303.662 A07.541.459|A16.378.303 Atrioventricular Canal Cushion|Atrioventricular Canal Cushions|Endocardial Cushion atrioventricular cushion|AV cushion|cardiac cushion|endocardial cushion tissue|UBERON:0002062 +Endocardium MESH:D004699 The innermost layer of the heart, comprised of endothelial cells. UBERON:UBERON_0002165 MESH:D006321 A07.541.207 A07.541 Endocardiums endocardial lining|endocardial tissue|heart endocardial tissue|heart endocardium|UBERON:0002165 +Endocrine Cells MESH:D055098 Secretory cells of the ductless glands. They secrete HORMONES directly into the blood circulation (internal secretion) to be carried to the target cells. The secreted chemicals can be PEPTIDES; STEROIDS; NEUROPEPTIDES; or BIOGENIC AMINES. CL:CL_0000163 MESH:D002477 A11.382 A11 Cell, Endocrine|Cells, Endocrine|Endocrine Cell CL:0000163|endocrinocyte +Endocrine Glands MESH:D004702 Ductless glands that secrete HORMONES directly into the BLOOD CIRCULATION. These hormones influence the METABOLISM and other functions of cells in the body. UBERON:UBERON_0002368 MESH:D004703 A06.300 A06 Endocrine Gland|Gland, Endocrine ductless gland|glandulae endocrinae|glandula endocrina|UBERON:0002368 +Endocrine System MESH:D004703 The system of glands that release their secretions (hormones) directly into the circulatory system. In addition to the ENDOCRINE GLANDS, included are the CHROMAFFIN SYSTEM and the NEUROSECRETORY SYSTEMS. UBERON:UBERON_0000949 MESH:A A06 A Endocrine Systems|System, Endocrine|Systems, Endocrine endocrine glandular system|systema endocrinum|UBERON:0000949 +Endoderm MESH:D004707 The inner of the three germ layers of an embryo. UBERON:UBERON_0000925 MESH:D005855 A16.504.407 A16.504 Endoderms entoderm|UBERON:0000925 +Endolymph MESH:D004710 The lymph fluid found in the membranous labyrinth of the ear. (McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0001852 MESH:D007761 A12.207.270.517.324 A12.207.270.517 Endolymphs endolympha|endolymphatic fluid|Scarpa's fluid|UBERON:0001852 +Endolymphatic Duct MESH:D004711 The part of the membranous labyrinth that traverses the bony vestibular aqueduct and emerges through the bone of posterior cranial fossa (CRANIAL FOSSA, POSTERIOR) where it expands into a blind pouch called the endolymphatic sac. UBERON:UBERON_0001860 MESH:D014723 A09.246.300.909.957.360|A09.923.500.957.360 A09.246.300.909.957|A09.923.500.957 Duct, Endolymphatic|Ducts, Endolymphatic|Endolymphatic Ducts ductus endolymphaticus|UBERON:0001860 +Endolymphatic Sac MESH:D004712 The blind pouch at the end of the endolymphatic duct. It is a storage reservoir for excess ENDOLYMPH, formed by the blood vessels in the membranous labyrinth. UBERON:UBERON_0002223 MESH:D004711 A09.246.300.909.957.360.701|A09.923.500.957.360.701 A09.246.300.909.957.360|A09.923.500.957.360 Endolymphatic Sacs|Sac, Endolymphatic|Sacs, Endolymphatic saccus endolymphaticus|UBERON:0002223 +Endometrium MESH:D004717 The mucous membrane lining of the uterine cavity that is hormonally responsive during the MENSTRUAL CYCLE and PREGNANCY. The endometrium undergoes cyclic changes that characterize MENSTRUATION. After successful FERTILIZATION, it serves to sustain the developing embryo. UBERON:UBERON_0001295 MESH:D014599 A05.360.319.679.490 A05.360.319.679 Endometria tunica mucosa (endometrium)|tunica mucosa uteri|UBERON:0001295|uterine endometrium|uterine mucosa|uterine mucous membrane +Endoplasmic Reticulum MESH:D004721 A system of cisternae in the CYTOPLASM of many cells. In places the endoplasmic reticulum is continuous with the plasma membrane (CELL MEMBRANE) or outer membrane of the nuclear envelope. If the outer surfaces of the endoplasmic reticulum membranes are coated with ribosomes, the endoplasmic reticulum is said to be rough-surfaced (ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM, ROUGH); otherwise it is said to be smooth-surfaced (ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM, SMOOTH). (King & Stansfield, A Dictionary of Genetics, 4th ed) MESH:D015388 A11.284.430.214.190.875.248 A11.284.430.214.190.875 Ergastoplasm|Reticulum, Endoplasmic +Endoplasmic Reticulum, Rough MESH:D018870 A type of endoplasmic reticulum (ER) where polyribosomes are present on the cytoplasmic surfaces of the ER membranes. This form of ER is prominent in cells specialized for protein secretion and its principal function is to segregate proteins destined for export or intracellular utilization. MESH:D004721|MESH:D011132 A11.284.430.214.190.875.248.300|A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.740.300 A11.284.430.214.190.875.248|A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.740 Endoplasmic Reticulum, Granular|Granular Endoplasmic Reticulum|Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum +Endoplasmic Reticulum, Smooth MESH:D018871 A type of endoplasmic reticulum lacking associated ribosomes on the membrane surface. It exhibits a wide range of specialized metabolic functions including supplying enzymes for steroid synthesis, detoxification, and glycogen breakdown. In muscle cells, smooth endoplasmic reticulum is called SARCOPLASMIC RETICULUM. MESH:D004721 A11.284.430.214.190.875.248.310 A11.284.430.214.190.875.248 Agranular Endoplasmic Reticulum|Endoplasmic Reticulum, Agranular|Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum +Endosomes MESH:D011992 Cytoplasmic vesicles formed when COATED VESICLES shed their CLATHRIN coat. Endosomes internalize macromolecules bound by receptors on the cell surface. MESH:D022161 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.337 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880 Endosome|Receptosome|Receptosomes +Endothelial Cells MESH:D042783 Highly specialized EPITHELIAL CELLS that line the HEART; BLOOD VESSELS; and lymph vessels, forming the ENDOTHELIUM. They are polygonal in shape and joined together by TIGHT JUNCTIONS. The tight junctions allow for variable permeability to specific macromolecules that are transported across the endothelial layer. CL:CL_0000115|CL:CL_0002138|CL:CL_0002139|CL:CL_0002144 MESH:D004847 A11.436.275 A11.436 Capillary Endothelial Cell|Capillary Endothelial Cells|Cell, Capillary Endothelial|Cell, Endothelial|Cell, Lymphatic Endothelial|Cells, Capillary Endothelial|Cells, Endothelial|Cells, Lymphatic Endothelial|Cells, Vascular Endothelial|Cell, Vascular Endothelial|Endothelial Cell|Endothelial Cell, Capillary|Endothelial Cell, Lymphatic|Endothelial Cells, Capillary|Endothelial Cells, Lymphatic|Endothelial Cells, Vascular|Endothelial Cell, Vascular|Lymphatic Endothelial Cell|Lymphatic Endothelial Cells|Vascular Endothelial Cell|Vascular Endothelial Cells CL:0000115|CL:0002138|CL:0002139|CL:0002144|cubodial endothelial cell of vascular tree|endothelial cell of lymphatic vessel|endothelial cell of vascular tree|endotheliocyte|LEC +Endothelial Progenitor Cells MESH:D066026 Cells derived from BONE MARROW that circulate in the adult bloodstream and possess the potential to proliferate and differentiate into mature ENDOTHELIAL CELLS. MESH:D001854|MESH:D042783 A11.148.174|A11.436.275.182 A11.148|A11.436.275 Circulating Endothelial Progenitor Cells|Endothelial Progenitor Cell|Progenitor Cell, Endothelial|Progenitor Cells, Endothelial +Endothelium MESH:D004727 A layer of epithelium that lines the heart, blood vessels (ENDOTHELIUM, VASCULAR), lymph vessels (ENDOTHELIUM, LYMPHATIC), and the serous cavities of the body. UBERON:UBERON_0001986 MESH:D004848 A10.272.491 A10.272 Endotheliums UBERON:0001986 +Endothelium, Corneal MESH:D004728 Single layer of large flattened cells covering the surface of the cornea. UBERON:UBERON_0001985 MESH:D000867|MESH:D003315|MESH:D004727 A09.371.060.067.318|A09.371.060.217.318|A10.272.491.318 A09.371.060.067|A09.371.060.217|A10.272.491 Anterior Chamber Endothelium|Anterior Chamber Epithelium|Corneal Endothelium|Endothelium, Anterior Chamber|Epithelium, Anterior Chamber cornea endothelium|endothelium of cornea|epithelium posterius corneae|UBERON:0001985 +Endothelium, Lymphatic MESH:D004729 Unbroken cellular lining (intima) of the lymph vessels (e.g., the high endothelial lymphatic venules). It is more permeable than vascular endothelium, lacking selective absorption and functioning mainly to remove plasma proteins that have filtered through the capillaries into the tissue spaces. UBERON:UBERON_0002042 MESH:D004727|MESH:D042601 A10.272.491.332|A15.382.520.301.500 A10.272.491|A15.382.520.301 Endotheliums, Lymphatic|Lymphatic Endothelium|Lymphatic Endotheliums endothelium of lymphatic vessel|endothelium of lymph vessel|lymphatic vessel endothelium|lymph vessel endothelium|UBERON:0002042 +Endothelium, Vascular MESH:D004730 Single pavement layer of cells which line the luminal surface of the entire vascular system and regulate the transport of macromolecules and blood components. UBERON:UBERON_0004852 MESH:D004727|MESH:D017539 A07.015.700.500|A10.272.491.355 A07.015.700|A10.272.491 Capillary Endothelium|Capillary Endotheliums|Endothelium, Capillary|Endotheliums, Capillary|Endotheliums, Vascular|Vascular Endothelium|Vascular Endotheliums cardiovascular system endothelium|endothelia|UBERON:0004852|vascular endothelia +Enteric Nervous System MESH:D017615 Two ganglionated neural plexuses in the gut wall which form one of the three major divisions of the autonomic nervous system. The enteric nervous system innervates the gastrointestinal tract, the pancreas, and the gallbladder. It contains sensory neurons, interneurons, and motor neurons. Thus the circuitry can autonomously sense the tension and the chemical environment in the gut and regulate blood vessel tone, motility, secretions, and fluid transport. The system is itself governed by the central nervous system and receives both parasympathetic and sympathetic innervation. (From Kandel, Schwartz, and Jessel, Principles of Neural Science, 3d ed, p766) UBERON:UBERON_0002005 MESH:D001341 A08.800.050.150 A08.800.050 Enteric Nervous Systems|Nervous System, Enteric|Nervous Systems, Enteric|System, Enteric Nervous|Systems, Enteric Nervous enteric PNS|PNS - enteric|UBERON:0002005 +Enterochromaffin Cells MESH:D004759 A subtype of enteroendocrine cells found in the gastrointestinal MUCOSA, particularly in the glands of PYLORIC ANTRUM; DUODENUM; and ILEUM. These cells secrete mainly SEROTONIN and some neuropeptides. Their secretory granules stain readily with silver (argentaffin stain). CL:CL_0000577 MESH:D002838|MESH:D005753|MESH:D007107|MESH:D019858 A03.556.875.875.440.250|A06.224.358|A06.390.021|A10.615.550.291.162|A11.382.625.031|A11.436.294.031|A15.382.250 A03.556.875.875.440|A06.224|A06.390|A10.615.550.291|A11.382.625|A11.436.294|A15.382 5-HT-Containing Enterochromaffin Cell|5 HT Containing Enterochromaffin Cells|5-HT-Containing Enterochromaffin Cells|Argentaffin Cell|Argentaffin Cells|Cell, Enterochromaffin|Cells, Enterochromaffin|Enterochromaffin Cell|Enterochromaffin Cell, 5-HT-Containing|Enterochromaffin Cells, 5-HT-Containing|Enterochromaffin Cell, Serotonin-Containing|Enterochromaffin Cells, Serotonin-Containing|Serotonin-Containing Enterochromaffin Cell|Serotonin Containing Enterochromaffin Cells|Serotonin-Containing Enterochromaffin Cells CL:0000577|Kulchitsky cell|type EC enteroendocrine cell +Enterochromaffin-like Cells MESH:D019861 Neuroendocrine cells in the glands of the GASTRIC MUCOSA. They produce HISTAMINE and peptides such as CHROMOGRANINS. ECL cells respond to GASTRIN by releasing histamine which acts as a paracrine stimulator of the release of HYDROCHLORIC ACID from the GASTRIC PARIETAL CELLS. CL:CL_0000504 MESH:D002838|MESH:D019858 A06.224.365|A06.390.043|A11.382.625.047|A11.436.294.047 A06.224|A06.390|A11.382.625|A11.436.294 ECL Cell|ECL Cells|Enterochromaffin-like Cell|Enterochromaffin like Cells CL:0000504|ECL +Enterocytes MESH:D020895 Absorptive cells in the lining of the INTESTINAL MUCOSA. They are differentiated EPITHELIAL CELLS with apical MICROVILLI facing the intestinal lumen. Enterocytes are more abundant in the SMALL INTESTINE than in the LARGE INTESTINE. Their microvilli greatly increase the luminal surface area of the cell by 14- to 40 fold. CL:CL_0000584 MESH:D004847|MESH:D007413 A03.556.124.369.290|A10.615.550.444.290|A11.436.290 A03.556.124.369|A10.615.550.444|A11.436 Enterocyte CL:0000584|differentiated enterocyte|mature enterocyte +Enteroendocrine Cells MESH:D019858 Cells found throughout the lining of the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT that contain and secrete regulatory PEPTIDE HORMONES and/or BIOGENIC AMINES. CL:CL_0000164 MESH:D004703|MESH:D004847|MESH:D055098 A06.390|A11.382.625|A11.436.294 A06|A11.382|A11.436 Endocrine Cell, Gastrointestinal|Endocrine Cells, Gastrointestinal|Endocrine Cells of Gut|Enteroendocrine Cell|Gastrointestinal Endocrine Cell|Gastrointestinal Endocrine Cells|Gut Endocrine Cell|Gut Endocrine Cells|Gut Secretin Cell|Gut Secretin Cells|Intestinal L Cell|Intestinal L Cells|Intestinal Secretin Cell|Intestinal Secretin Cells|L Cell, Intestinal|L Cell (Intestine)|L Cells, Intestinal|L Cells (Intestine)|S Cell (Intestine)|S Cells (Intestine)|Secretin Cell, Intestinal|Secretin Cells, Intestinal|Secretin Cells of Gut CL:0000164 +Entopeduncular Nucleus MESH:D020392 A portion of the nucleus of ansa lenticularis located medial to the posterior limb of the internal capsule, along the course of the ansa lenticularis and the inferior thalamic peduncle or as a separate nucleus within the internal capsule adjacent to the medial GLOBUS PALLIDUS (NeuroNames, http://rprcsgi.rprc. washington.edu/neuronames/ (September 28, 1998)). In non-primates, the entopeduncular nucleus is analogous to both the medial globus pallidus and the entopeduncular nucleus of human. UBERON:UBERON_0000432|UBERON:UBERON_0002477 MESH:D020530 A08. A08. Endopeduncularis, Nucleus|Endopeduncular Nucleus|Entopeduncularis, Nucleus|Nucleus, Endopeduncular|Nucleus Endopeduncularis|Nucleus, Entopeduncular|Nucleus Entopeduncularis entopeduncular nucleus (monakow)|globus pallidus inernal segment|globus pallidus interna|globus pallidus internal segment|globus pallidus, internal segment|globus pallidus internus|globus pallidus medialis|globus pallidus medial part|globus pallidus, medial part|globus pallidus medial segment|globus pallidus, medial segment|globus pallidus, pars interna|globus pallidus pars medialis|internal globus pallidus|internal pallidum|internal part of globus pallidus|medial division of globus pallidus|medial globus pallidus|medial globus pallidus (entopeduncular nucleus)|medial pallidal segment|medial part of globus pallidus|medial segment of globus pallidus|medial segment of the globus pallidus|mesial pallidum|nucleus medialis globi pallidi|pallidum dorsal region internal segment|pallidum I|pallidum II|pallidus I|pars medialis globi pallidi|principal medial geniculate nucleus|UBERON:0000432|UBERON:0002477 +Entorhinal Cortex MESH:D018728 Cerebral cortex region on the medial aspect of the PARAHIPPOCAMPAL GYRUS, immediately caudal to the OLFACTORY CORTEX of the uncus. The entorhinal cortex is the origin of the major neural fiber system afferent to the HIPPOCAMPAL FORMATION, the so-called PERFORANT PATHWAY. UBERON:UBERON_0002728 MESH:D020534|MESH:D066194 A08.|A08.|A08.|A08. A08.|A08.|A08.|A08. Area 28, Brodmann|Area 28, Brodmann's|Area 34, Brodmann|Area 34, Brodmann's|Area, Entorhinal|Area Entorhinalis|Brodmann Area 28|Brodmann Area 34|Brodmann's Area 28|Brodmanns Area 28|Brodmann's Area 34|Brodmanns Area 34|Cortex, Entorhinal|Cortex, Secondary Olfactory|Entorhinal Area|Entorhinal Areas|Entorhinal Cortices|Olfactory Cortex, Secondary|Secondary Olfactory Cortex|Secondary Olfactory Cortices area entorhinalis (28,34)|area entorhinalis ventralis et dorsalis|cortex entorhinalis|UBERON:0002728 +Eosinophils MESH:D004804 Granular leukocytes with a nucleus that usually has two lobes connected by a slender thread of chromatin, and cytoplasm containing coarse, round granules that are uniform in size and stainable by eosin. CL:CL_0000771 MESH:D006098 A11.118.637.415.345|A11.627.340.345|A15.145.229.637.415.345|A15.382.490.315.251 A11.118.637.415|A11.627.340|A15.145.229.637.415|A15.382.490.315 Eosinophil CL:0000771|eosinocyte|eosinophilic granulocyte|eosinophilic leucocyte|eosinophilic leukocyte|polymorphonuclear leucocyte|polymorphonuclear leukocyte +Ependyma MESH:D004805 A thin membrane that lines the CEREBRAL VENTRICLES and the central canal of the SPINAL CORD. UBERON:UBERON_0004670 MESH:D002552|MESH:D009417 A08.|A10.755.260 A08.186.211.140|A10.755 Ependymas ependymal epithelium|ependyma of neuraxis|lamina epithelialis|UBERON:0004670 +Ependymoglial Cells MESH:D063928 The macroglial cells of EPENDYMA. They are characterized by bipolar cell body shape and processes that contact BASAL LAMINA around blood vessels and/or the PIA MATER and the CEREBRAL VENTRICLES. Muller cells of the RETINA are included based on similar microenvironmental contacts and morphology. CL:CL_0000681|CL:CL_0000683|CL:CL_0002085 MESH:D009457 A08.637.300|A11.650.300 A08.637|A11.650 Cell, Ependymoglial|Cell, Muller|Cell, Radial Glial|Cell, Retinal Muller|Cells, Ependymoglial|Cells, Muller|Cells, Muller Glia|Cells, Muller Glial|Cells, Radial Glial|Cells, Retinal Muller|Ependymoglial Cell|Glia Cells, Muller|Glial Cell, Radial|Glial Cells, Muller|Glial Cells, Radial|Glia, Radial|Glias, Radial|Muller Cell|Muller Cell, Retinal|Muller Cells|Muller Cells, Retinal|Muller Glia Cells|Muller Glial Cells|Radial Glia|Radial Glial Cell|Radial Glial Cells|Radial Glias|Retinal Muller Cell|Retinal Muller Cells|Retinal Muller Glial Cells|Tanycyte|Tanycytes CL:0000681|CL:0000683|CL:0002085|ependymal astrocyte|forebrain radial glial cell|stretch cell +Epidermal Cells MESH:D000078404 Cells from the outermost, non-vascular layer (EPIDERMIS) of the skin. CL:CL_0000362 MESH:D002477 A11.409 A11 Cell, Epidermal|Cell, Epidermic|Cells, Epidermic|Epidermal Cell|Epidermic Cell|Epidermic Cells cell of epidermis|CL:0000362|epithelial cell of skin +Epidermis MESH:D004817 The external, nonvascular layer of the skin. It is made up, from within outward, of five layers of EPITHELIUM: (1) basal layer (stratum basale epidermidis); (2) spinous layer (stratum spinosum epidermidis); (3) granular layer (stratum granulosum epidermidis); (4) clear layer (stratum lucidum epidermidis); and (5) horny layer (stratum corneum epidermidis). UBERON:UBERON_0001003 MESH:D004848|MESH:D012867 A10.272.497|A17.815.250 A10.272|A17.815 skin|skin epidermis|UBERON:0001003|vertebrate epidermis +Epididymis MESH:D004822 The convoluted cordlike structure attached to the posterior of the TESTIS. Epididymis consists of the head (caput), the body (corpus), and the tail (cauda). A network of ducts leaving the testis joins into a common epididymal tubule proper which provides the transport, storage, and maturation of SPERMATOZOA. UBERON:UBERON_0001301 MESH:D005837 A05.360.444.371 A05.360.444 UBERON:0001301 +Epidural Space MESH:D004824 Space between the dura mater and the walls of the vertebral canal. UBERON:UBERON_0003691 MESH:D013115 A02.835.232.834.803.350 A02.835.232.834.803 Epidural Spaces|Space, Epidural|Spaces, Epidural cavum epidurale|cavum extradurale|epidural cavity|extradural space|spatium epidurale|spatium extradurale|UBERON:0003691 +Epigastric Arteries MESH:D019074 Inferior and external epigastric arteries arise from external iliac; superficial from femoral; superior from internal thoracic. They supply the abdominal muscles, diaphragm, iliac region, and groin. The inferior epigastric artery is used in coronary artery bypass grafting and myocardial revascularization. UBERON:UBERON_0006349 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.330 A07.015.114 Arteries, Epigastric|Artery, Epigastric|Epigastric Artery UBERON:0006349 +Epiglottis MESH:D004825 A thin leaf-shaped cartilage that is covered with LARYNGEAL MUCOSA and situated posterior to the root of the tongue and HYOID BONE. During swallowing, the epiglottis folds back over the larynx inlet thus prevents foods from entering the airway. UBERON:UBERON_0000388 MESH:D007817 A02.165.257.625.411|A02.165.407.500.411|A04.329.591.411 A02.165.257.625|A02.165.407.500|A04.329.591 Cartilage, Epiglottic|Cartilages, Epiglottic|Epiglottic Cartilage|Epiglottic Cartilages UBERON:0000388 +Epiphyses MESH:D004838 The head of a long bone that is separated from the shaft by the epiphyseal plate until bone growth stops. At that time, the plate disappears and the head and shaft are united. UBERON:UBERON_0001437 MESH:D001842 A02.835.232.251 A02.835.232 Epiphysis bone epiphysis|end of long bone|long bone epiphysis|UBERON:0001437 +Epithalamus MESH:D019261 The dorsal posterior subdivision of the diencephalon. The epithalamus is generally considered to include the habenular nuclei (HABENULA) and associated fiber bundles, the PINEAL BODY, and the epithelial roof of the third ventricle. The anterior and posterior paraventricular nuclei of the thalamus are included with the THALAMIC NUCLEI although they develop from the same pronuclear mass as the epithalamic nuclei and are sometimes considered part of the epithalamus. UBERON:UBERON_0001899 MESH:D004027|MESH:D008032 A08.|A08. A08.186.211.180|A08. ETh|UBERON:0001899 +Epithelial Attachment MESH:D004846 A wedge-shaped collar of epithelial cells which form the attachment of the gingiva to the tooth surface at the base of the gingival crevice. MESH:D010519 A14.549.167.646.374 A14.549.167.646 Attachment, Epithelial|Attachments, Epithelial|Epithelial Attachments|Epithelium, Junctional|Junctional Epithelium +Epithelial Cells MESH:D004847 Cells that line the inner and outer surfaces of the body by forming cellular layers (EPITHELIUM) or masses. Epithelial cells lining the SKIN; the MOUTH; the NOSE; and the ANAL CANAL derive from ectoderm; those lining the RESPIRATORY SYSTEM and the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM derive from endoderm; others (CARDIOVASCULAR SYSTEM and LYMPHATIC SYSTEM) derive from mesoderm. Epithelial cells can be classified mainly by cell shape and function into squamous, glandular and transitional epithelial cells. CL:CL_0000066|CL:CL_0000076|CL:CL_0000150|CL:CL_0000244 MESH:D002477 A11.436 A11 Adenomatous Epithelial Cell|Adenomatous Epithelial Cells|Cell, Adenomatous Epithelial|Cell, Epithelial|Cell, Glandular Epithelial|Cells, Adenomatous Epithelial|Cells, Epithelial|Cells, Glandular Epithelial|Cell, Squamous|Cell, Squamous Epithelial|Cells, Squamous|Cells, Squamous Epithelial|Cells, Transitional Epithelial|Cell, Transitional Epithelial|Columnar Glandular Epithelial Cells|Cuboidal Glandular Epithelial Cells|Epithelial Cell|Epithelial Cell, Adenomatous|Epithelial Cell, Glandular|Epithelial Cells, Adenomatous|Epithelial Cells, Glandular|Epithelial Cell, Squamous|Epithelial Cells, Squamous|Epithelial Cells, Transitional|Epithelial Cell, Transitional|Glandular Epithelial Cell|Glandular Epithelial Cells|Squamous Cell|Squamous Cells|Squamous Epithelial Cell|Squamous Epithelial Cells|Transitional Epithelial Cell|Transitional Epithelial Cells CL:0000066|CL:0000076|CL:0000150|CL:0000244|epitheliocyte +Epithelioid Cells MESH:D015622 Characteristic cells of granulomatous hypersensitivity. They appear as large, flattened cells with increased endoplasmic reticulum. They are believed to be activated macrophages that have differentiated as a result of prolonged antigenic stimulation. Further differentiation or fusion of epithelioid cells is thought to produce multinucleated giant cells (GIANT CELLS). CL:CL_0002150 MESH:D008264 A11.329.372.300|A11.627.482.300|A11.733.397.300|A15.382.670.522.300|A15.382.680.397.300 A11.329.372|A11.627.482|A11.733.397|A15.382.670.522|A15.382.680.397 Cell, Epithelioid|Cells, Epithelioid|Epithelioid Cell CL:0002150|epithelioid histocyte|epithelioid macrophage|epitheloid macrophage +Epithelium MESH:D004848 The layers of EPITHELIAL CELLS which cover the inner and outer surfaces of the cutaneous, mucus, and serous tissues and glands of the body. UBERON:UBERON_0000483 MESH:D014024 A10.272 A10 Epithelial Tissue|Epithelial Tissues|Mesothelial Tissue|Mesothelial Tissues|Mesothelium|Tissue, Epithelial|Tissue, Mesothelial|Tissues, Epithelial|Tissues, Mesothelial portion of epithelium|UBERON:0000483 +Epithelium, Corneal MESH:D019573 Stratified squamous epithelium that covers the outer surface of the CORNEA. It is smooth and contains many free nerve endings. UBERON:UBERON_0001772 MESH:D003315|MESH:D004848 A09.371.060.217.325|A10.272.510 A09.371.060.217|A10.272 Anterior Corneal Epithelium|Corneal Epithelium|Corneal Epithelium, Anterior|Epithelium, Anterior Corneal anterior endothelium of cornea|cornea epithelial tissue|cornea epithelium|e. anterius corneae|endothelium anterius corneae|endothelium camerae anterioris bulbi|endothelium corneale|epithelial tissue of cornea|epithelium anterius (cornea)|epithelium anterius corneae|epithelium corneæ anterior layer|epithelium of cornea|epithelium posterius corneae|external epithelium of cornea|UBERON:0001772 +Erythroblasts MESH:D004900 Immature, nucleated ERYTHROCYTES occupying the stage of ERYTHROPOIESIS that follows formation of ERYTHROID PRECURSOR CELLS and precedes formation of RETICULOCYTES. The normal series is called normoblasts. Cells called MEGALOBLASTS are a pathologic series of erythroblasts. CL:CL_0000547|CL:CL_0000765 MESH:D015672 A11.148.378.590.837.250.200|A11.443.240.497.200|A15.378.316.378.590.837.250.200 A11.148.378.590.837.250|A11.443.240.497|A15.378.316.378.590.837.250 Erythroblast|Erythrocyte, Nucleated|Erythrocytes, Nucleated|Normoblast|Normoblasts|Nucleated Erythrocyte|Nucleated Erythrocytes|Proerythroblast|Proerythroblasts|Pronormoblast|Pronormoblasts CL:0000547|CL:0000765|rubriblast +Erythrocyte Inclusions MESH:D004908 Pathologic inclusions occurring in erythrocytes. MESH:D002479|MESH:D004913 A11.118.290.330.315|A11.284.420.204|A15.145.229.334.330.340 A11.118.290.330|A11.284.420|A15.145.229.334.330 Bodies, Howell-Jolly|Erythrocyte Inclusion|Howell Jolly Bodies|Howell-Jolly Bodies|Inclusion, Erythrocyte|Inclusions, Erythrocyte +Erythrocyte Membrane MESH:D004910 The semi-permeable outer structure of a red blood cell. It is known as a red cell 'ghost' after HEMOLYSIS. MESH:D002462|MESH:D004912 A11.118.290.270|A11.284.149.356|A15.145.229.334.270 A11.118.290|A11.284.149|A15.145.229.334 Cytoskeleton, Erythrocyte|Cytoskeleton, Red Cell|Erythrocyte Cytoskeleton|Erythrocyte Cytoskeletons|Erythrocyte Ghost|Erythrocyte Ghosts|Erythrocyte Membranes|Ghost, Erythrocyte|Ghost, Red Cell|Membrane, Erythrocyte|Red Cell Cytoskeleton|Red Cell Cytoskeletons|Red Cell Ghost|Red Cell Ghosts +Erythrocytes MESH:D004912 Red blood cells. Mature erythrocytes are non-nucleated, biconcave disks containing HEMOGLOBIN whose function is to transport OXYGEN. CL:CL_0000232|CL:CL_0000562|CL:CL_0000595 MESH:D001773|MESH:D041905 A11.118.290|A11.443.240|A15.145.229.334 A11.118|A11.443|A15.145.229 Blood Cell, Red|Blood Cells, Red|Blood Corpuscle, Red|Blood Corpuscles, Red|Corpuscle, Red Blood|Corpuscles, Red Blood|Erythrocyte|Red Blood Cell|Red Blood Cells|Red Blood Corpuscle|Red Blood Corpuscles CL:0000232|CL:0000562|CL:0000595|enucleate erythrocyte|nucleate erythrocyte|RBC +Erythrocytes, Abnormal MESH:D004913 Oxygen-carrying RED BLOOD CELLS in mammalian blood that are abnormal in structure or function. MESH:D004912 A11.118.290.330|A11.443.240.330|A15.145.229.334.330 A11.118.290|A11.443.240|A15.145.229.334 Abnormal Erythrocyte|Abnormal Erythrocytes|Erythrocyte, Abnormal +Erythroid Cells MESH:D041905 The series of cells in the red blood cell lineage at various stages of differentiation. MESH:D002477 A11.443 A11 Cell, Erythroid|Cells, Erythroid|Erythroid Cell +Erythroid Precursor Cells MESH:D015672 The cells in the erythroid series derived from MYELOID PROGENITOR CELLS or from the bi-potential MEGAKARYOCYTE-ERYTHROID PROGENITOR CELLS which eventually give rise to mature RED BLOOD CELLS. The erythroid progenitor cells develop in two phases: erythroid burst-forming units (BFU-E) followed by erythroid colony-forming units (CFU-E); BFU-E differentiate into CFU-E on stimulation by ERYTHROPOIETIN, and then further differentiate into ERYTHROBLASTS when stimulated by other factors. CL:CL_0000038|CL:CL_0001066 MESH:D004912|MESH:D055015 A11.148.378.590.837.250|A11.443.240.497|A11.872.378.590.817.250|A15.378.316.378.590.837.250 A11.148.378.590.837|A11.443.240|A11.872.378.590.817|A15.378.316.378.590.837 BFU E|BFU-E|BFU-Es|Burst-Forming Unit, Erythroid|Burst Forming Units, Erythroid|Burst-Forming Units, Erythroid|Cell, Erythroid Precursor|Cell, Erythroid Progenitor|Cell, Erythroid Stem|Cell, Erythropoietic Progenitor|Cell, Erythropoietic Stem|Cells, Erythroid Precursor|Cells, Erythroid Progenitor|Cells, Erythroid Stem|Cells, Erythropoietic Progenitor|Cells, Erythropoietic Stem|CFU E|CFU-E|CFU-Es|Colony-Forming Unit, Erythroid|Colony Forming Units, Erythroid|Colony-Forming Units, Erythroid|Erythroid Burst-Forming Unit|Erythroid Burst-Forming Units|Erythroid Colony-Forming Unit|Erythroid Colony-Forming Units|Erythroid Precursor Cell|Erythroid Progenitor Cell|Erythroid Progenitor Cells|Erythroid Stem Cell|Erythroid Stem Cells|Erythropoietic Progenitor Cell|Erythropoietic Progenitor Cells|Erythropoietic Stem Cell|Erythropoietic Stem Cells|Precursor Cell, Erythroid|Precursor Cells, Erythroid|Progenitor Cell, Erythroid|Progenitor Cell, Erythropoietic|Progenitor Cells, Erythroid|Progenitor Cells, Erythropoietic|Stem Cell, Erythroid|Stem Cell, Erythropoietic|Stem Cells, Erythroid|Stem Cells, Erythropoietic|Unit, Erythroid Burst-Forming|Unit, Erythroid Colony-Forming|Units, Erythroid Burst-Forming|Units, Erythroid Colony-Forming blast forming unit erythroid|burst forming unit erythroid|CL:0000038|CL:0001066|colony forming unit erythroid|erythroid progenitor cell, mammalian +Esophageal Mucosa MESH:D000071041 Circular innermost layer of the ESOPHAGUS wall that mediates esophageal PERISTALSIS which pushes ingested food bolus toward the stomach. UBERON:UBERON_0002469 MESH:D004947|MESH:D009092 A03.556.875.500.180|A10.615.550.146 A03.556.875.500|A10.615.550 Esophagus Mucosa|Mucosa, Esophageal|Mucosa, Esophagus|Mucosa, Oesophageal|Oesophageal Mucosa esophageal mucous membrane|esophagus mucous membrane|lamina muscularis mucosae oesophageae|mucosa of esophagus|mucosa of oesophagus|mucous membrane of esophagus|mucous membrane of oesophagus|muscularis mucosae of oesophagus|oesophagus mucosa|oesophagus mucous membrane|tunica mucosa esophagi|tunica mucosa oesophageae|tunica mucosa oesophagi|UBERON:0002469 +Esophageal Sphincter, Lower MESH:D049630 The physiologic or functional barrier to GASTROESOPHAGEAL REFLUX at the esophagogastric junction. Sphincteric muscles remain tonically contracted during the resting state and form the high-pressure zone separating the lumen of the ESOPHAGUS from that of the STOMACH. (Haubrich et al, Bockus Gastroenterology, 5th ed., pp399, 415) UBERON:UBERON_0004550 MESH:D004943|MESH:D009130 A02.633.570.210|A03.556.875.500.414.350|A03.556.875.875.330.350 A02.633.570|A03.556.875.500.414|A03.556.875.875.330 Gastroesophageal Sphincter|Gastroesophageal Sphincters|Lower Esophageal Sphincter|Sphincter, Gastroesophageal|Sphincter, Lower Esophageal cardiac sphincter|constrictor cardiae|esophageal-cardiac junction|esophageal sphincter|esophageal sphincter%2c lower|esophagogastric junction|gastro-esophageal junction|gastroesophageal junction|gastro-esophageal sphincter|gastroesophageal sphincter muscle|gastro-oesophageal junction|inferior esophageal sphincter|LES|UBERON:0004550 +Esophageal Sphincter, Upper MESH:D049631 The structure at the pharyngoesophageal junction consisting chiefly of the cricopharyngeus muscle. It normally occludes the lumen of the ESOPHAGUS, except during SWALLOWING. UBERON:UBERON_0001570|UBERON:UBERON_0007268|UBERON:UBERON_0010928|UBERON:UBERON_0010936 MESH:D004947|MESH:D010609 A02.633.567.800.360|A03.556.875.500.360|A04.623.617.360|A14.724.617.360 A02.633.567.800|A03.556.875.500|A04.623.617|A14.724.617 Cricopharyngeus|Cricopharyngeus Muscle|Inferior Constrictor of Pharynx|Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictor|Inferior Pharyngeal Constrictors|Muscle, Cricopharyngeus|Pharyngeal Constrictor, Inferior|Pharyngeal Constrictors, Inferior|Pharynx Inferior Constrictor|Sphincter, Upper Esophageal|Thyropharyngeus|Upper Esophageal Sphincter constrictores pharyngis caudales|constrictor inferior|constrictor muscle of pharynx inferior|constrictor pharyngis inferior|cricopharyngeal part|cricopharyngeal part of inferior constrictor pharyngeus|cricopharyngeal part of inferior pharyngeal constrictor|cricopharyngeal part of inferior pharyngeal constrictor muscle|cricopharyngeus portion of the inferior pharyngeal constrictor|inferior constrictor|inferior constrictor muscle|inferior constrictor pharyngeus|musculus constrictor pharyngis inferior|musculus cricopharyngeus|musculus thyropharyngeus|pars cricopharyngea musculus constrictoris pharyngis inferioris|pars cricopharyngea (musculus constrictor pharyngis inferior)|pars thyropharyngea musculus constrictoris pharyngis inferioris|pars thyropharyngea (musculus constrictor pharyngis inferior)|pharyngoesophageal sphincter|thyropharyngeal part of inferior constrictor pharyngeus|thyropharyngeal part of inferior constrictor pharyngeus muscle|thyropharyngeal part of inferior pharyngeal constrictor|thyropharyngeus muscle|UBERON:0001570|UBERON:0007268|UBERON:0010928|UBERON:0010936|upper esophageal sphincter muscle|upper oesophageal sphincter +Esophagogastric Junction MESH:D004943 The area covering the terminal portion of ESOPHAGUS and the beginning of STOMACH at the cardiac orifice. UBERON:UBERON_0007650 MESH:D004947|MESH:D013270 A03.556.875.500.414|A03.556.875.875.330 A03.556.875.500|A03.556.875.875 Gastroesophageal Junction|Gastroesophageal Junctions|Junction, Esophagogastric|Junction, Gastroesophageal|Junctions, Gastroesophageal cardioesophageal junction|esophageal sphincter|GEJ|squamocolumnar junction between esophagus and stomach|UBERON:0007650 +Esophagus MESH:D004947 The muscular membranous segment between the PHARYNX and the STOMACH in the UPPER GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT. UBERON:UBERON_0001043 MESH:D041742 A03.556.875.500 A03.556.875 gullet|oesophagus|UBERON:0001043 +Ethmoid Bone MESH:D005004 A light and spongy (pneumatized) bone that lies between the orbital part of FRONTAL BONE and the anterior of SPHENOID BONE. Ethmoid bone separates the ORBIT from the ETHMOID SINUS. It consists of a horizontal plate, a perpendicular plate, and two lateral labyrinths. UBERON:UBERON_0001679 MESH:D012886 A02.835.232.781.292 A02.835.232.781 Bone, Ethmoid|Bones, Ethmoid|Cribriform Plate|Cribriform Plates|Ethmoid Bones|Horizontal Plate of Ethmoid Bone|Plate, Cribriform|Plates, Cribriform ethmoid|ethmoidal bone|os ethmoidale|UBERON:0001679 +Ethmoid Sinus MESH:D005005 The numerous (6-12) small thin-walled spaces or air cells in the ETHMOID BONE located between the eyes. These air cells form an ethmoidal labyrinth. UBERON:UBERON_0002453 MESH:D010256 A04.531.621.267 A04.531.621 Sinus, Ethmoid cellulae ethmoidales|ethmoidal air cell|ethmoidal bone sinus|ethmoidal sinus|UBERON:0002453 +Euchromatin MESH:D022041 Chromosome regions that are loosely packaged and more accessible to RNA polymerases than HETEROCHROMATIN. These regions also stain differentially in CHROMOSOME BANDING preparations. MESH:D002843 A11.284.430.106.279.345. A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160.180 Euchromatins +Eukaryotic Cells MESH:D005057 Cells of the higher organisms, containing a true nucleus bounded by a nuclear membrane. CL:CL_0000255 MESH:D002477 A11.450 A11 Cell, Eukaryotic|Cells, Eukaryotic|Eukaryotic Cell CL:0000255 +Eustachian Tube MESH:D005064 A narrow passageway that connects the upper part of the throat to the TYMPANIC CAVITY. UBERON:UBERON_0002393 MESH:D004432 A09.246.397.369 A09.246.397 Auditory Tube|Auditory Tubes|Eustachian Tubes|Pharyngotympanic Tube|Pharyngotympanic Tubes|Tube, Auditory|Tube, Eustachian|Tube, Pharyngotympanic|Tubes, Auditory|Tubes, Eustachian|Tubes, Pharyngotympanic internal auditory tube|pharyngo-tympanic tube|tuba auditiva|tuba auditiva; tuba auditoria; tuba auditivea|tuba auditoria|tuba pharyngotympanica|UBERON:0002393 +Exocrine Glands MESH:D005088 Glands of external secretion that release its secretions to the body's cavities, organs, or surface, through a duct. UBERON:UBERON_0002365 MESH:D014024 A10.336 A10 Exocrine Gland|Gland, Exocrine|Glands, Exocrine ducted gland|glandula exocrina|UBERON:0002365 +Exosomes MESH:D055354 A type of extracellular vesicle, containing RNA and proteins, that is secreted into the extracellular space by EXOCYTOSIS when MULTIVESICULAR BODIES fuse with the PLASMA MEMBRANE. MESH:D000067128|MESH:D022161 A11.284.295.588.750|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.495 A11.284.295.588|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880 +External Capsule MESH:D066271 Thin layer of WHITE MATTER mostly of GABAERGIC NEURONS located between the PUTAMEN and the CLAUSTRUM. UBERON:UBERON_0004545 MESH:D013687 A08. A08. Capsula Externa|Capsula Externas|Capsule, External|Capsules, External|Externa, Capsula|External Capsules|Externas, Capsula brain external capsule|corpus callosum external capsule|external capsule of telencephalon|UBERON:0004545 +Extracellular Fluid MESH:D045604 The fluid of the body that is outside of CELLS. It is the external environment for the cells. UBERON:UBERON_0000913 MESH:D001826|MESH:D005110 A11.284.295.260|A12.207.270 A11.284.295|A12.207 Extracellular Fluids|Fluid, Extracellular|Fluid, Intercellular|Fluid, Interstitial|Fluids, Extracellular|Fluids, Intercellular|Fluids, Interstitial|Intercellular Fluid|Intercellular Fluids|Interstitial Fluid|Interstitial Fluids tissue fluid|UBERON:0000913 +Extracellular Matrix MESH:D005109 A meshwork-like substance found within the extracellular space and in association with the basement membrane of the cell surface. It promotes cellular proliferation and provides a supporting structure to which cells or cell lysates in culture dishes adhere. MESH:D005110 A11.284.295.310 A11.284.295 Extracellular Matrices|Matrices, Extracellular|Matrix, Extracellular +Extracellular Space MESH:D005110 Interstitial space between cells, occupied by INTERSTITIAL FLUID as well as amorphous and fibrous substances. For organisms with a CELL WALL, the extracellular space includes everything outside of the CELL MEMBRANE including the PERIPLASM and the cell wall. MESH:D001825|MESH:D022082 A10.082.500|A11.284.295 A10.082|A11.284 Extracellular Spaces|Intercellular Space|Intercellular Spaces|Space, Extracellular|Space, Intercellular|Spaces, Extracellular|Spaces, Intercellular +Extracellular Traps MESH:D065206 Extracellular structure primarily composed of CHROMATIN and associated PROTEASES. MESH:D005110 A11.284.295.495 A11.284.295 DNA Trap, Extracellular|DNA Traps, Extracellular|EEDT (Eosinophil Extracellular DNA Traps)|EEDTs (Eosinophil Extracellular DNA Traps)|Eosinophil Extracellular DNA Traps|Eosinophil Extracellular Trap|Eosinophil Extracellular Traps|Extracellular DNA Trap|Extracellular DNA Traps|Extracellular Trap|Extracellular Trap, Eosinophil|Extracellular Trap, Neutrophil|Extracellular Traps, Eosinophil|Extracellular Traps, Neutrophil|NET (Neutrophil Extracellular Traps)|NETs (Neutrophil Extracellular Traps)|Neutrophil Extracellular Trap|Neutrophil Extracellular Traps|Trap, Eosinophil Extracellular|Trap, Extracellular|Trap, Extracellular DNA|Trap, Neutrophil Extracellular|Traps, Eosinophil Extracellular|Traps, Extracellular|Traps, Extracellular DNA|Traps, Neutrophil Extracellular +Extracellular Vesicles MESH:D000067128 Membrane limited structures derived from cell membranes and cytoplasmic material, and released into EXTRACELLULAR SPACE. They circulate through the EXTRACELLULAR FLUID and through the peripheral blood in the MICROVASCULATURE where cells, much larger, cannot, thereby affecting a variety of intercellular communication processes. MESH:D005110 A11.284.295.588 A11.284.295 Apoptotic Bodies|Apoptotic Body|Bodies, Apoptotic|Body, Apoptotic|Exovesicle|Exovesicles|Extracellular Vesicle|Vesicle, Extracellular|Vesicles, Extracellular +Extraembryonic Membranes MESH:D005321 The thin layers of tissue that surround the developing embryo. There are four extra-embryonic membranes commonly found in VERTEBRATES, such as REPTILES; BIRDS; and MAMMALS. They are the YOLK SAC, the ALLANTOIS, the AMNION, and the CHORION. These membranes provide protection and means to transport nutrients and wastes. UBERON:UBERON_0005630|UBERON:UBERON_0005631 MESH:D004622|MESH:D008566 A10.615.284|A16.254.750 A10.615|A16.254 Extraembryonic Membrane|Extra-Embryonic Membrane|Extra Embryonic Membranes|Extra-Embryonic Membranes|Fetal Membrane|Fetal Membranes|Membrane, Extraembryonic|Membrane, Extra-Embryonic|Membrane, Fetal|Membranes, Extraembryonic|Membranes, Extra-Embryonic|Membranes, Fetal adnexa fetalia|UBERON:0005630|UBERON:0005631 +Extrapyramidal Tracts MESH:D005116 Uncrossed tracts of motor nerves from the brain to the anterior horns of the spinal cord, involved in reflexes, locomotion, complex movements, and postural control. UBERON:UBERON_0035803 MESH:D004525|MESH:D013116 A08.186.854.253|A08.612.380.239 A08.186.854|A08.612.380 Extrapyramidal Tract|Tract, Extrapyramidal eps|extrapyramidal fibre|extrapyramidal motor system|extrapyramidal pathway|extrapyramidal system|extra-pyramidal tract|extrapyramidal tract system|extrapyramindal system|UBERON:0035803 +Extravascular Lung Water MESH:D015633 Water content outside of the lung vasculature. About 80% of a normal lung is made up of water, including intracellular, interstitial, and blood water. Failure to maintain the normal homeostatic fluid exchange between the vascular space and the interstitium of the lungs can result in PULMONARY EDEMA and flooding of the alveolar space. MESH:D045604 A12.207.270.300 A12.207.270 Extra Vascular Lung Water|Lung Water, Extravascular|Lung Water, Extra Vascular|Water, Extravascular Lung +Extremities MESH:D005121 The farthest or outermost projections of the body, such as the HAND and FOOT. UBERON:UBERON_0000026 MESH:D001829 A01.378 A01 Extremity|Limb|Limbs appendage|appendages|extremitaet|limbs/digits/tail|UBERON:0000026 +Exudates and Transudates MESH:D005122 Exudates are fluids, CELLS, or other cellular substances that are slowly discharged from BLOOD VESSELS usually from inflamed tissues. Transudates are fluids that pass through a membrane or squeeze through tissue or into the EXTRACELLULAR SPACE of TISSUES. Transudates are thin and watery and contain few cells or PROTEINS. UBERON:UBERON_0007779|UBERON:UBERON_0007780 MESH:D005441 A12.383 A12 Exudate|Exudates|Transudate|Transudates|Transudates and Exudates plasma ultrafiltrate|UBERON:0007779|UBERON:0007780 +Eye MESH:D005123 The organ of sight constituting a pair of globular organs made up of a three-layered roughly spherical structure specialized for receiving and responding to light. UBERON:UBERON_0000970 MESH:D005145|MESH:D012679 A01.456.505.420|A09.371 A01.456.505|A09 Eyes light-detecting organ|UBERON:0000970|visual apparatus +Eyebrows MESH:D005138 Curved rows of HAIR located on the upper edges of the eye sockets. UBERON:UBERON_0010163 MESH:D005123|MESH:D006197 A01.456.505.420.338|A17.360.296 A01.456.505.420|A17.360 Eyebrow supercilium|UBERON:0010163 +Eyelashes MESH:D005140 The hairs which project from the edges of the EYELIDS. UBERON:UBERON_0001702 MESH:D005143|MESH:D006197 A01.456.505.420.504.421|A09.371.337.338|A17.360.421 A01.456.505.420.504|A09.371.337|A17.360 blepharis|cilia|cilium|eyelash|eyelid cilia|eyelid cilium|hair of eyelid|UBERON:0001702 +Eyelids MESH:D005143 Each of the upper and lower folds of SKIN which cover the EYE when closed. UBERON:UBERON_0001711 MESH:D005123 A01.456.505.420.504|A09.371.337 A01.456.505.420|A09.371 Eyelid blephara|blepharon|eye lid|palpebra|palpebrae|UBERON:0001711 +Face MESH:D005145 The anterior portion of the head that includes the skin, muscles, and structures of the forehead, eyes, nose, mouth, cheeks, and jaw. UBERON:UBERON_0001456 MESH:D006257 A01.456.505 A01.456 Faces facia/facies|UBERON:0001456|visage +Facial Bones MESH:D005147 The facial skeleton, consisting of bones situated between the cranial base and the mandibular region. While some consider the facial bones to comprise the hyoid (HYOID BONE), palatine (HARD PALATE), and zygomatic (ZYGOMA) bones, MANDIBLE, and MAXILLA, others include also the lacrimal and nasal bones, inferior nasal concha, and vomer but exclude the hyoid bone. (Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p113) UBERON:UBERON_0003462|UBERON:UBERON_0011156 MESH:D012886 A02.835.232.781.324 A02.835.232.781 Bone, Facial|Bones, Facial|Facial Bone bone of facial skeleton|bone of viscerocranium|facial skeleton|facial skeleton bone|ossa facialia|ossa faciei|UBERON:0003462|UBERON:0011156|viscerocranium|viscerocranium bone +Facial Muscles MESH:D005152 Muscles of facial expression or mimetic muscles that include the numerous muscles supplied by the facial nerve that are attached to and move the skin of the face. (From Stedman, 25th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0001577 MESH:D013284|MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.400|A14.363 A02.633.567|A14 Facial Muscle|Mimetic Muscle|Mimetic Muscles|Muscle, Facial|Muscle, Mimetic|Muscles, Facial|Muscles, Mimetic cranial-facial muscle|cranio-facial muscle|craniofacial muscle|face muscle|face muscle organ|facial muscle proper|facial nerve innervated muscle|facial nerve muscle|muscle of face|muscle of facil expression|muscle organ of face|muscles of facial expression|musculi faciei|UBERON:0001577 +Facial Nerve MESH:D005154 The 7th cranial nerve. The facial nerve has two parts, the larger motor root which may be called the facial nerve proper, and the smaller intermediate or sensory root. Together they provide efferent innervation to the muscles of facial expression and to the lacrimal and SALIVARY GLANDS, and convey afferent information for TASTE from the anterior two-thirds of the TONGUE and for TOUCH from the EXTERNAL EAR. UBERON:UBERON_0001647 MESH:D003391|MESH:D010275|MESH:D017776 A08.800.050.050.275|A08.800.050.600.149|A08.800.800.060.275|A08.800.800.120.250 A08.800.050.050|A08.800.050.600|A08.800.800.060|A08.800.800.120 Cranial Nerve, Seventh|Cranial Nerve VII|Cranial Nerve VIIs|Facial Nerves|Mandibular Nerve, Marginal|Mandibular Nerves, Marginal|Marginal Mandibular Branch|Marginal Mandibular Nerve|Marginal Mandibular Nerves|Nerve, Facial|Nerve, Marginal Mandibular|Nerve of Wrisberg|Nerve, Seventh Cranial|Nerves, Marginal Mandibular|Nerve VII|Nerve VIIs|Nervus Faciali|Nervus Facialis|Nervus Intermedius|Nervus Intermedius of Wrisberg|Seventh Cranial Nerve|Seventh Cranial Nerves|Wrisberg Nerve|Wrisberg Nervus Intermedius 7n|branchiomeric cranial nerve|CN-VII|face nerve|facial nerve or its root|facial nerve/root|facial nerve tree|facial nerve [VII]|facial VII|facial VII nerve|nerve of face|nervus facialis [vii]|UBERON:0001647 +Facial Nucleus MESH:D065828 A region in the pontine tegmentum that is the nucleus of the FACIAL NERVE. UBERON:UBERON_0000127 MESH:D065821 A08. A08. Faciali, Nucleus|Faciali, Nucleus Nervi|Facialis, Nucleus|Facialis, Nucleus Nervi|Facial Motor Nucleus|Motor Nucleus, Facial|Nervi Faciali, Nucleus|Nervi Facialis, Nucleus|Nucleus, Facial|Nucleus Faciali|Nucleus Facialis|Nucleus, Facial Motor|Nucleus Nervi Faciali|Nucleus Nervi Facialis facial nerve nucleus|facial VII motor nucleus|facial VII nucleus|nucleus of facial nerve|UBERON:0000127 +Fallopian Tubes MESH:D005187 A pair of highly specialized canals extending from the UTERUS to its corresponding OVARY. They provide the means for OVUM transport from the ovaries and they are the site of the ovum's final maturation and FERTILIZATION. The fallopian tube consists of an interstitium, an isthmus, an ampulla, an infundibulum, and fimbriae. Its wall consists of three layers: serous, muscular, and an internal mucosal layer lined with both ciliated and secretory cells. UBERON:UBERON_0003889 MESH:D000290|MESH:D010057 A05.360.319.114.373|A13.706.500 A05.360.319.114|A13.706 Fallopian Tube|Mammalian Oviduct|Mammalian Oviducts|Oviduct, Mammalian|Oviducts, Mammalian|Salpinges, Uterine|Salpinx, Uterine|Tube, Fallopian|Tubes, Fallopian|Tubes, Uterine|Tube, Uterine|Uterine Salpinges|Uterine Salpinx|Uterine Tube|Uterine Tubes female paramesonephric duct|paramesonephric duct of female|salpinges|salpinx|tuba uterina|UBERON:0003889|uterine tube (sensu Mammalia) +Fascia MESH:D005205 Layers of connective tissue of variable thickness. The superficial fascia is found immediately below the skin; the deep fascia invests MUSCLES, nerves, and other organs. UBERON:UBERON_0008982 MESH:D003238|MESH:D009141 A02.340|A10.165.425 A02|A10.165 fascia cluster|UBERON:0008982 +Fascia Lata MESH:D005206 CONNECTIVE TISSUE of the anterior compartment of the THIGH that has its origins on the anterior aspect of the iliac crest and anterior superior iliac spine, and its insertion point on the iliotibial tract. It plays a role in medial rotation of the THIGH, steadying the trunk, and in KNEE extension. UBERON:UBERON_0003669 MESH:D005205 A02.340.424|A10.165.425.500 A02.340|A10.165.425 Fascia Latas|Lata, Fascia|Latas, Fascia UBERON:0003669 +Fat Body MESH:D005216 A nutritional reservoir of fatty tissue found mainly in INSECTS and AMPHIBIANS. UBERON:UBERON_0003917 MESH:D000825 A13.365 A13 Amphibian Fat Bodies|Amphibian Fat Body|Body, Amphibian Fat|Fat Bodies|Fat Bodies, Amphibian|Fat Body, Amphibian|Fat Body, Insect|Insect Fat Bodies|Insect Fat Body arthropod fat body|fat body sensu invertebrata|UBERON:0003917 +Feathers MESH:D005241 Flat keratinous structures found on the skin surface of birds. Feathers are made partly of a hollow shaft fringed with barbs. They constitute the plumage. UBERON:UBERON_0000022 MESH:D000825 A13.370 A13 Feather UBERON:0000022 +Feces MESH:D005243 Excrement from the INTESTINES, containing unabsorbed solids, waste products, secretions, and BACTERIA of the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM. UBERON:UBERON_0001988 MESH:D005441 A12.459 A12 cow dung|cow pat|droppings|dung|excrement|excreta|faeces|fecal material|fecal matter|fewmet|frass|guano|ordure|piece of shit|portionem cacas|portion of dung|portion of excrement|portion of faeces|portion of fecal material|portion of fecal matter|portion of feces|portion of guano|portion of scat|scat|spoor|spraint|stool|UBERON:0001988 +Feeder Cells MESH:D061252 Cells used in COCULTURE TECHNIQUES which support the growth of the other cells in the culture. Feeder cells provide auxillary substances including attachment substrates, nutrients, or other factors that are needed for growth in culture. MESH:D002478 A11.251.538 A11.251 Cell, Feeder|Cell, Feeder Layer|Cell Layer, Feeder|Cell Layers, Feeder|Cells, Feeder|Cells, Feeder Layer|Feeder Cell|Feeder Cell Layer|Feeder Cell Layers|Feeder Layer|Feeder Layer Cell|Feeder Layer Cells|Feeder Layers|Layer Cell, Feeder|Layer Cells, Feeder|Layer, Feeder|Layer, Feeder Cell|Layers, Feeder|Layers, Feeder Cell +Femoral Artery MESH:D005263 The main artery of the thigh, a continuation of the external iliac artery. UBERON:UBERON_0002060 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.351 A07.015.114 Arteries, Common Femoral|Arteries, Femoral|Artery, Common Femoral|Artery, Femoral|Common Femoral Arteries|Common Femoral Artery|Femoral Arteries|Femoral Arteries, Common|Femoral Artery, Common arteria femoralis|UBERON:0002060 +Femoral Nerve MESH:D005267 A nerve originating in the lumbar spinal cord (usually L2 to L4) and traveling through the lumbar plexus to provide motor innervation to extensors of the thigh and sensory innervation to parts of the thigh, lower leg, and foot, and to the hip and knee joints. UBERON:UBERON_0001267 MESH:D008160 A08.800.800.720.450.250 A08.800.800.720.450 Femoral Nerves|Nerve, Femoral|Nerves, Femoral anterior crural nerve|nervus femoralis|UBERON:0001267 +Femoral Vein MESH:D005268 The vein accompanying the femoral artery in the same sheath; it is a continuation of the popliteal vein and becomes the external iliac vein. UBERON:UBERON_0001361 MESH:D014680 A07.015.908.314 A07.015.908 Femoral Veins|Vein, Femoral|Veins, Femoral UBERON:0001361|vena femoralis +Femur MESH:D005269 The longest and largest bone of the skeleton, it is situated between the hip and the knee. UBERON:UBERON_0000981 MESH:D050281 A02.835.232.043.150 A02.835.232.043 Femurs|Greater Trochanter|Greater Trochanters|Lesser Trochanter|Lesser Trochanters|Trochanter|Trochanter, Greater|Trochanter, Lesser|Trochanters|Trochanters, Greater|Trochanters, Lesser femoral bone|mesomere 1 of pevlic appendage|os femorale|os femoris|os longissimum|proximal metapterygial mesomere of pelvic appendage|proximal metapterygial mesomere of pelvic fin|thigh bone|UBERON:0000981 +Femur Head MESH:D005270 The hemispheric articular surface at the upper extremity of the thigh bone. (Stedman, 26th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0006767 MESH:D005269 A02.835. A02.835.232.043.150 Femoral Head|Femoral Heads|Femur Heads|Head, Femoral|Head, Femur acetabular head|capital femoral epiphysis|caput femoris|head of femur|kopf des Schenkelbeins|UBERON:0006767 +Femur Neck MESH:D005272 The constricted portion of the thigh bone between the femur head and the trochanters. UBERON:UBERON_0007119 MESH:D005269 A02.835. A02.835.232.043.150 Femoral Neck|Neck, Femoral|Neck, Femur collum femoris|neck of femur|neck of the femur|UBERON:0007119 +Fetal Blood MESH:D005312 Blood of the fetus. Exchange of nutrients and waste between the fetal and maternal blood occurs via the PLACENTA. The cord blood is blood contained in the umbilical vessels (UMBILICAL CORD) at the time of delivery. UBERON:UBERON_0012168 MESH:D001769|MESH:D005333 A12.207.152.200|A15.145.300|A16.378.200 A12.207.152|A15.145|A16.378 Blood, Cord|Blood, Fetal|Bloods, Cord|Bloods, Fetal|Bloods, Umbilical Cord|Blood, Umbilical Cord|Cord Blood|Cord Bloods|Cord Bloods, Umbilical|Cord Blood, Umbilical|Fetal Bloods|Umbilical Cord Blood|Umbilical Cord Bloods UBERON:0012168 +Fetal Heart MESH:D005318 The heart of the fetus of any viviparous animal. It refers to the heart in the postembryonic period and is differentiated from the embryonic heart (HEART/embryology) only on the basis of time. MESH:D005333|MESH:D006321 A07.541.278|A16.378.303 A07.541|A16.378 Fetal Hearts|Heart, Fetal|Hearts, Fetal +Fetal Stem Cells MESH:D053686 Cells derived from a FETUS that retain the ability to divide, proliferate and provide progenitor cells that can differentiate into specialized cells. MESH:D013234 A11.872.220 A11.872 Cell, Fetal Stem|Cells, Fetal Stem|Fetal Stem Cell|Stem Cell, Fetal|Stem Cells, Fetal +Fetus MESH:D005333 The unborn young of a viviparous mammal, in the postembryonic period, after the major structures have been outlined. In humans, the unborn young from the end of the eighth week after CONCEPTION until BIRTH, as distinguished from the earlier EMBRYO, MAMMALIAN. UBERON:UBERON_0000323 MESH:D004628 A16.378 A16 Fetal Structure|Fetal Structures|Fetal Tissue|Fetal Tissues|Fetuses|Fetus, Mummified|Fetus, Retained|Mummified Fetus|Retained Fetus|Structure, Fetal|Structures, Fetal|Tissue, Fetal|Tissues, Fetal embryo late growth stage|embryo late stage|late embryo|UBERON:0000323 +Fibroblasts MESH:D005347 Connective tissue cells which secrete an extracellular matrix rich in collagen and other macromolecules. CL:CL_0000057 MESH:D003239 A11.329.228 A11.329 Fibroblast CL:0000057 +Fibrocartilage MESH:D051445 A type of CARTILAGE whose matrix contains large bundles of COLLAGEN TYPE I. Fibrocartilage is typically found in the INTERVERTEBRAL DISK; PUBIC SYMPHYSIS; TIBIAL MENISCI; and articular disks in synovial JOINTS. (From Ross et. al., Histology, 3rd ed., p132,136) UBERON:UBERON_0001995 MESH:D002356 A02.165.308|A10.165.382.350 A02.165|A10.165.382 fibrocartilage tissue|stratified cartilage tissue|UBERON:0001995 +Fibula MESH:D005360 The bone of the lower leg lateral to and smaller than the tibia. In proportion to its length, it is the most slender of the long bones. UBERON:UBERON_0001446 MESH:D007867 A02.835.232.043.650.321 A02.835.232.043.650 Fibulas UBERON:0001446 +Filamins MESH:D064448 A family of crosslinking filament proteins encoded by distinct FLN genes. Filamins are involved in cell adhesion, spreading, and migration, acting as scaffolds for over 90 binding partners including channels, receptors, intracellular signaling molecules and transcription factors. Due to the range of molecular interactions, mutations in FLN genes result in anomalies with moderate to lethal consequences. MESH:D008841 A11.284.430.214.190.750.050.414 A11.284.430.214.190.750.050 1-Like Protein, Filamin|1-Like Proteins, Filamin|280 kDa Actin Binding Protein|280 kDa Actin-Binding Protein|alpha Filamin|alpha-Filamin|alpha-Filamins|beta Filamin|beta-Filamin|beta-Filamins|Cs, Filamin|Filamin|Filamin 1|Filamin 1 Like Protein|Filamin 1-Like Protein|Filamin 1-Like Proteins|Filamin A|Filamin B|Filamin C|Filamin Cs|Merofilamin|Merofilamins|Protein, Filamin 1-Like|Proteins, Filamin 1-Like +Fimbriae, Bacterial MESH:D010861 Thin, hairlike appendages, 1 to 20 microns in length and often occurring in large numbers, present on the cells of gram-negative bacteria, particularly Enterobacteriaceae and Neisseria. Unlike flagella, they do not possess motility, but being protein (pilin) in nature, they possess antigenic and hemagglutinating properties. They are of medical importance because some fimbriae mediate the attachment of bacteria to cells via adhesins (ADHESINS, BACTERIAL). Bacterial fimbriae refer to common pili, to be distinguished from the preferred use of 'pili', which is confined to sex pili (PILI, SEX). MESH:D022081 A11.284.180.285 A11.284.180 Bacterial Fimbria|Bacterial Fimbriae|Bacterial Pili|Bacterial Pilus|Common Fimbria|Common Fimbriae|Common Pili|Common Pilus|Fimbria, Bacterial|Fimbria, Common|Fimbriae, Common|Pili, Bacterial|Pili, Common|Pilus, Bacterial|Pilus, Common +Finger Joint MESH:D005384 The articulation between the head of one phalanx and the base of the one distal to it, in each finger. UBERON:UBERON_0007722 MESH:D050823 A02.835.583.405.350 A02.835.583.405 Finger Interphalangeal Joint|Finger Interphalangeal Joints|Finger Joints|Hand Interphalangeal Joint|Hand Interphalangeal Joints|Interphalangeal Joint of Finger|Interphalangeal Joint of Hand|Joint, Finger|Joints, Finger articulationes digitorum manus|articulationes interphalangeae manus|articulations of the digits|interphalangeal articulations of hand|interphalangeal joint of manus|interphalangeal joints of hand|IP joint|UBERON:0007722 +Finger Phalanges MESH:D050278 Bones that make up the SKELETON of the FINGERS, consisting of two for the THUMB, and three for each of the other fingers. UBERON:UBERON_0010688 MESH:D050276 A02.835.232.087.319.350 A02.835.232.087.319 Bones, Finger|Bones of Fingers|Finger Bones|Fingers Bones|Phalanges, Finger|Phalanges of Fingers all phalanges in forelimb autopod|anterior acropodium|anterior acropodium skeleton|fore acropodium skeleton|hand digit skeleton|manual digit skeleton|manual phalanges|phalanges of hand|phalanges of manus|set of manual phalanges|set of phalanges of hand|set of phalanges of manus|skeleton of manual acropodium|UBERON:0010688 +Fingers MESH:D005385 Four or five slender jointed digits in humans and primates, attached to each HAND. UBERON:UBERON_0002389 MESH:D006225 A01.378.800.667.430 A01.378.800.667 Finger digit of hand|digit of manus|digitus manus|fore digit|forelimb digit|hand digit|manual digit|manual digit (phalangeal portion) plus soft tissue|UBERON:0002389 +Flagella MESH:D005407 A whiplike motility appendage present on the surface cells. Prokaryote flagella are composed of a protein called FLAGELLIN. Bacteria can have a single flagellum, a tuft at one pole, or multiple flagella covering the entire surface. In eukaryotes, flagella are threadlike protoplasmic extensions used to propel flagellates and sperm. Flagella have the same basic structure as CILIA but are longer in proportion to the cell bearing them and present in much smaller numbers. (From King & Stansfield, A Dictionary of Genetics, 4th ed) MESH:D022081 A11.284.180.290 A11.284.180 Flagellum +Fluids and Secretions MESH:D005441 Liquid substances produced by living organisms to fulfill specific functions or excreted as waste. MESH:A A12 A Secretions and Fluids +Foam Cells MESH:D005487 Lipid-laden macrophages originating from monocytes or from smooth muscle cells. CL:CL_0000891 MESH:D008264 A11.329.372.368|A11.627.482.368|A11.733.397.368|A15.382.670.522.368|A15.382.680.397.368 A11.329.372|A11.627.482|A11.733.397|A15.382.670.522|A15.382.680.397 Cell, Foam|Cells, Foam|Foam Cell CL:0000891 +Focal Adhesions MESH:D022001 An anchoring junction of the cell to a non-cellular substrate. It is composed of a specialized area of the plasma membrane where bundles of the ACTIN CYTOSKELETON terminate and attach to the transmembrane linkers, INTEGRINS, which in turn attach through their extracellular domains to EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX PROTEINS. MESH:D021982 A11. A11. Adherens Junction, Cell-Matrix|Adherens Junctions, Cell-Matrix|Adhesion, Focal|Adhesion Plaque|Adhesion Plaques|Adhesions, Focal|Cell-Matrix Adherens Junction|Cell Matrix Adherens Junctions|Cell-Matrix Adherens Junctions|Contact, Focal|Contacts, Focal|Focal Adhesion|Focal Contact|Focal Contacts|Junction, Cell-Matrix Adherens|Junctions, Cell-Matrix Adherens|Plaque, Adhesion|Plaques, Adhesion +Follicular Fluid MESH:D015571 The fluid surrounding the OVUM and GRANULOSA CELLS in the Graafian follicle (OVARIAN FOLLICLE). The follicular fluid contains sex steroids, glycoprotein hormones, plasma proteins, mucopolysaccharides, and enzymes. UBERON:UBERON_0000038 MESH:D006080|MESH:D045604 A05.360.319.114.630.535.150|A06.300.312.497.535.150|A12.207.270.340 A05.360.319.114.630.535|A06.300.312.497.535|A12.207.270 Antral Fluid, Ovarian Follicle|Fluid, Follicular|Follicular Fluids|Folliculi, Liquor|Liquor Folliculi liquor follicularis|ovarian follicular fluid|ovary follicle fluid|ovary follicular fluid|UBERON:0000038 +Foot MESH:D005528 The distal extremity of the leg in vertebrates, consisting of the tarsus (ANKLE); METATARSUS; phalanges; and the soft tissues surrounding these bones. UBERON:UBERON_0002387 MESH:D035002 A01.378.610.250 A01.378.610 Feet hindfeet|hind foot|hindfoot|hindfoot of quadruped|hindlimb autopod|hind limb autopodium|hindlimb autopodium|hindlimb distal free limb segment|hind paw|hind-paw|hindpaw|pes|terminal segment of free lower limb|UBERON:0002387 +Foot Bones MESH:D005529 The TARSAL BONES; METATARSAL BONES; and PHALANGES OF TOES. The tarsal bones consists of seven bones: CALCANEUS; TALUS; cuboid; navicular; internal; middle; and external cuneiform bones. The five metatarsal bones are numbered one through five, running medial to lateral. There are 14 phalanges in each foot, the great toe has two while the other toes have three each. UBERON:UBERON_0005899 MESH:D050281 A02.835.232.043.300 A02.835.232.043 Bone, Foot|Bones, Foot|Bones of Feet|Bones of Foot|Feet Bone|Feet Bones|Foot Bone bone of foor proper or tarsal skeleton|bone of foot|bone of pedal skeleton|bone of pes|pes bone|UBERON:0005899 +Foot Joints MESH:D033023 The articulations extending from the ANKLE distally to the TOES. These include the ANKLE JOINT; TARSAL JOINTS; METATARSOPHALANGEAL JOINT; and TOE JOINT. UBERON:UBERON_0001487 MESH:D007596 A02.835.583.378 A02.835.583 Articulationes pedis|Foot Joint|Intermetatarsal Joint|Intermetatarsal Joints|Joint, Foot|Joint, Intermetatarsal|Joints, Foot|Joints, Intermetatarsal hind limb autopod joint|joint of pes|joint of terminal segment of free lower limb|joints of foot|pedal joint|pes joint|UBERON:0001487 +Foramen Magnum MESH:D005539 The large hole at the base of the skull through which the SPINAL CORD passes. UBERON:UBERON_0003687 MESH:D009777 A02.835.232.781.572.434 A02.835.232.781.572 Foramen Magnums|Magnum, Foramen|Magnums, Foramen UBERON:0003687 +Foramen Ovale MESH:D054085 An opening in the wall between the right and the left upper chambers (HEART ATRIA) of a fetal heart. Oval foramen normally closes soon after birth; when it fails to close the condition is called PATENT OVAL FORAMEN. UBERON:UBERON_0004754 MESH:D006346 A07.541.459.500 A07.541.459 Foramen, Oval|Oval Foramen Bottalo's foramen|falx septi|foramen ovale cordis|foramen ovale of heart|ostium secundum of Born|UBERON:0004754 +Forearm MESH:D005542 Part of the upper extremity in humans and primates extending from the ELBOW to the WRIST. UBERON:UBERON_0002386 MESH:D034941 A01.378.800.585 A01.378.800 Antebrachium|Antebrachiums|Forearms antebrachial region|antibrachium|arm middle limb segment|arm zeugopod|brachial region middle limb segment|brachial region zeugopod|fore epipodium|forelimb epipodium|forelimb zeugopod|forelimb zeugopodium|forelimb zygopod|intermediate segment of free upper limb|lower arm|lower segment of arm|middle limb segment of arm|middle limb segment of brachial region|middle limb segment of forelimb|middle limb segment of proximal segment of free upper limb|regio antebrachialis|UBERON:0002386|wing zeugopod|zeugopod of arm|zeugopod of brachial region|zeugopod of forelimb|zeugopod of proximal segment of free upper limb +Forefoot, Human MESH:D005545 The forepart of the foot including the metatarsals and the TOES. MESH:D005528 A01.378.610.250.300 A01.378.610.250 Human Forefoot +Forehead MESH:D005546 The part of the face above the eyes. UBERON:UBERON_0008200 MESH:D005145 A01.456.505.580 A01.456.505 Foreheads fore head|sinciput|UBERON:0008200 +Forelimb MESH:D005552 A front limb of a quadruped. (The Random House College Dictionary, 1980) UBERON:UBERON_0002102 MESH:D000825 A13.395 A13 Forelimbs anteriormost limb|foreleg|fore limb|free part of upper limb|free upper limb|membrum superius|pectoral flipper|pectoral limb|superior member|UBERON:0002102|upper extremity|upper limb +Foreskin MESH:D052816 The double-layered skin fold that covers the GLANS PENIS, the head of the penis. UBERON:UBERON_0001332 MESH:D010413 A05.360.444.492.362 A05.360.444.492 Foreskins penile prepuce|praeputium|prepuce|prepuce of male|prepuce of penis|prepucium|preputium|preputium penis|UBERON:0001332 +Fornix, Brain MESH:D020712 Heavily myelinated fiber bundle of the TELENCEPHALON projecting from the hippocampal formation to the HYPOTHALAMUS. Some authorities consider the fornix part of the LIMBIC SYSTEM. The fimbria starts as a flattened band of axons arising from the subiculum and HIPPOCAMPUS, which then thickens to form the fornix. UBERON:UBERON_0000052|UBERON:UBERON_0000908|UBERON:UBERON_0002310 MESH:D006624 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Brain Fimbria|Brain Fimbrias|Brain Fornices|Brain Fornix|Commissura Hippocampi|Commissura Hippocampus|Commissure, Dorsal Hippocampal|Commissure, Fornical|Commissure, Hippocampal|Commissure of Fornix|Commissures, Dorsal Hippocampal|Commissures, Fornical|Commissures, Hippocampal|Dorsal Hippocampal Commissure|Dorsal Hippocampal Commissures|Fimbria (Brain)|Fimbria, Brain|Fimbria-Fornices|Fimbria Fornix|Fimbria-Fornix|Fimbria of Hippocampus|Fimbrias (Brain)|Fimbrias, Brain|Fornical Commissure|Fornical Commissures|Fornices (Brain)|Fornices, Brain|Fornix (Brain)|Fornix Commissure|Fornix Commissures|Fornix Fimbria|Fornix-Fimbria|Fornix-Fimbrias|Hippocampal Commissure|Hippocampal Commissure, Dorsal|Hippocampal Commissures|Hippocampal Commissures, Dorsal|Hippocampi, Commissura|Hippocampus, Commissura|Hippocampus Fimbria|Hippocampus Fimbrias cerebral fornix|commissure of fornix of forebrain|commissure of the fornix|delta fornicis|fimbria|fimbria fornicis|fimbria hippocampi|fimbria hippocampus|fimbria of fornix|fimbria of the fornix|fimbria of the hippocampus|fimbria (Vieussens)|forebrain fornix|fornix|fornix cerebri|fornix (column and body of fornix)|fornix hippocampus|fornix of brain|fornix of neuraxis|hippocampal fimbria|hippocampus commissure|hippocampus fornix|neuraxis fimbria|neuraxis fornix|UBERON:0000052|UBERON:0000908|UBERON:0002310 +Fourth Ventricle MESH:D020546 An irregularly shaped cavity in the RHOMBENCEPHALON, located between the MEDULLA OBLONGATA; the PONS; and the isthmus in front, and the CEREBELLUM behind. It is continuous with the central canal of the cord below and with the CEREBRAL AQUEDUCT above, and through its lateral and median apertures it communicates with the SUBARACHNOID SPACE. UBERON:UBERON_0002422 MESH:D002552 A08. A08.186.211.140 4th Ventricle|4th Ventricles|Fourth Ventricles|Quarto Ventricolo|Quarto Ventricolos|Ventricle, 4th|Ventricle, Fourth|Ventricles, 4th|Ventricles, Fourth|Ventricolo, Quarto|Ventricolos, Quarto fourth ventricle proper|hindbrain ventricle|IVth ventricle|rhombencephalic ventricle|rhombencephalic vesicle|UBERON:0002422|ventricle IV|ventricle of hindbrain|ventricle of rhombencephalon|ventriculus quartus +Fovea Centralis MESH:D005584 An area approximately 1.5 millimeters in diameter within the macula lutea where the retina thins out greatly because of the oblique shifting of all layers except the pigment epithelium layer. It includes the sloping walls of the fovea (clivus) and contains a few rods in its periphery. In its center (foveola) are the cones most adapted to yield high visual acuity, each cone being connected to only one ganglion cell. (Cline et al., Dictionary of Visual Science, 4th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0001786 MESH:D008266 A09.371.729.522.436 A09.371.729.522 centre of fovea|centre of macula|fovea|fovea centralis in macula|UBERON:0001786 +Free Tissue Flaps MESH:D058752 A mass of tissue that has been cut away from its surrounding areas to be used in TISSUE TRANSPLANTATION. MESH:D013524 A10.850.710.500 A10.850.710 Flap, Free|Flap, Free Tissue|Flap, Microsurgical Free|Flaps, Free|Flaps, Free Tissue|Flaps, Microsurgical Free|Free Flap|Free Flap, Microsurgical|Free Flaps|Free Flaps, Microsurgical|Free Tissue Flap|Free Tissue Transfer Flaps|Microsurgical Free Flap|Microsurgical Free Flaps|Tissue Flap, Free|Tissue Flaps, Free +Frontal Bone MESH:D005624 The bone that forms the frontal aspect of the skull. Its flat part forms the forehead, articulating inferiorly with the NASAL BONE and the CHEEK BONE on each side of the face. UBERON:UBERON_0000209 MESH:D012886 A02.835.232.781.375 A02.835.232.781 Bone, Frontal|Bones, Frontal|Frontal Bones frontal|os frontal|os frontale|tetrapod frontal bone|UBERON:0000209 +Frontal Lobe MESH:D005625 The part of the cerebral hemisphere anterior to the central sulcus, and anterior and superior to the lateral sulcus. UBERON:UBERON_0016525 MESH:D002540 A08. A08. Area 8, Brodmann|Area 8, Brodmann's|Brodmann Area 8|Brodmann's Area 8|Brodmanns Area 8|Cortex, Frontal|Eye Field, Frontal|Eye Fields, Frontal|Eye Field, Supplementary|Frontal Cortex|Frontal Cortices|Frontal Eye Field|Frontal Eye Fields|Frontal Lobes|Lobe, Frontal|Lobus Frontalis|Supplementary Eye Field|Supplementary Eye Fields frontal region|lobi frontales|regio frontalis|UBERON:0016525 +Frontal Sinus MESH:D005626 One of the paired, but seldom symmetrical, air spaces located between the inner and outer compact layers of the FRONTAL BONE in the forehead. UBERON:UBERON_0001760 MESH:D010256 A04.531.621.387 A04.531.621 Sinus, Frontal cavity of frontal bone|sinus frontales|UBERON:0001760 +Fundus Oculi MESH:D005654 The concave interior of the eye, consisting of the retina, the choroid, the sclera, the optic disk, and blood vessels, seen by means of the ophthalmoscope. (Cline et al., Dictionary of Visual Science, 4th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0003951 MESH:D012160 A09.371.729.313 A09.371.729 Fundus, Ocular|Fundus of the Eye|Ocular Fundus eye fundus|fundus|fundus of eye|UBERON:0003951 +GABAergic Neurons MESH:D059330 Neurons whose primary neurotransmitter is GAMMA-AMINOBUTYRIC ACID. CL:CL_0000617 MESH:D009474 A08.675.289|A11.671.285 A08.675|A11.671 Cell, GABA|Cells, GABA|GABA Cell|GABA Cells|GABAergic Neuron|GABA Neuron|GABA Neurons|Neuron, GABA|Neuron, GABAergic|Neurons, GABA|Neurons, GABAergic CL:0000617|GABA-ergic neuron +Gallbladder MESH:D005704 A storage reservoir for BILE secretion. Gallbladder allows the delivery of bile acids at a high concentration and in a controlled manner, via the CYSTIC DUCT to the DUODENUM, for degradation of dietary lipid. UBERON:UBERON_0002110 MESH:D001659 A03.159.439 A03.159 Gallbladders cholecyst|gall bladder|UBERON:0002110|vesica biliaris|vesica fellea +Ganglia MESH:D005724 Clusters of multipolar neurons surrounded by a capsule of loosely organized CONNECTIVE TISSUE located outside the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. UBERON:UBERON_0000045 MESH:D009420 A08.340 A08 ganglion|neural ganglion|UBERON:0000045 +Ganglia, Autonomic MESH:D005725 Clusters of neurons and their processes in the autonomic nervous system. In the autonomic ganglia, the preganglionic fibers from the central nervous system synapse onto the neurons whose axons are the postganglionic fibers innervating target organs. The ganglia also contain intrinsic neurons and supporting cells and preganglionic fibers passing through to other ganglia. UBERON:UBERON_0001805 MESH:D001341|MESH:D005724 A08.340.315|A08.800.050.300 A08.340|A08.800.050 Autonomic Ganglia|Autonomic Ganglion|Ganglion, Autonomic autonomic nervous system ganglion|ganglion autonomicum|ganglion of autonomic nervous system|ganglion of visceral nervous system|UBERON:0001805|visceral nervous system ganglion +Ganglia, Invertebrate MESH:D017952 Clusters of neuronal cell bodies in invertebrates. Invertebrate ganglia may also contain neuronal processes and non-neuronal supporting cells. Many invertebrate ganglia are favorable subjects for research because they have small numbers of functional neuronal types which can be identified from one animal to another. MESH:D000825|MESH:D005724 A08.340.352|A13.408 A08.340|A13 Ganglion, Invertebrate|Ganglions, Invertebrate|Invertebrate Ganglia|Invertebrate Ganglion|Invertebrate Ganglions +Ganglia, Parasympathetic MESH:D005726 Ganglia of the parasympathetic nervous system, including the ciliary, pterygopalatine, submandibular, and otic ganglia in the cranial region and intrinsic (terminal) ganglia associated with target organs in the thorax and abdomen. UBERON:UBERON_0001808|UBERON:UBERON_0002058|UBERON:UBERON_0003962 MESH:D005725|MESH:D010275 A08.340.315.300|A08.800.050.300.250|A08.800.050.600.300 A08.340.315|A08.800.050.300|A08.800.050.600 Ciliary Ganglion|Ciliary Ganglions|Ganglia, Otic|Ganglia, Pterygopalatine|Ganglias, Otic|Ganglias, Pterygopalatine|Ganglias, Submandibular|Ganglia, Submandibular|Ganglion, Ciliary|Ganglion, Parasympathetic|Ganglions, Ciliary|Otic Ganglia|Otic Ganglias|Parasympathetic Ganglia|Parasympathetic Ganglion|Pterygopalatine Ganglia|Pterygopalatine Ganglias|Submandibular Ganglia|Submandibular Ganglias ganglion ciliare|ganglion parasympathicum|g. pterygopalatinum|main ciliary ganglion|Meckel ganglion|Meckel's ganglion|nasal ganglion|palatine ganglion|pterygopalatine ganglion|sphenopalatine ganglion|sphenopalatine parasympathetic ganglion|UBERON:0001808|UBERON:0002058|UBERON:0003962 +Ganglia, Sensory MESH:D017950 Clusters of neurons in the somatic peripheral nervous system which contain the cell bodies of sensory nerve axons. Sensory ganglia may also have intrinsic interneurons and non-neuronal supporting cells. UBERON:UBERON_0001800 MESH:D005724|MESH:D017933 A08.340.390|A08.800.350 A08.340|A08.800 Ganglion, Sensory|Sensory Ganglia|Sensory Ganglion ganglion sensorium|UBERON:0001800 +Ganglia, Spinal MESH:D005727 Sensory ganglia located on the dorsal spinal roots within the vertebral column. The spinal ganglion cells are pseudounipolar. The single primary branch bifurcates sending a peripheral process to carry sensory information from the periphery and a central branch which relays that information to the spinal cord or brain. UBERON:UBERON_0000044 MESH:D013126|MESH:D017950 A08.340.390.340|A08.800.350.340|A08.800.800.720.725.350 A08.340.390|A08.800.350|A08.800.800.720.725 Dorsal Root Ganglia|Dorsal Root Ganglion|Ganglia, Dorsal Root|Ganglion, Dorsal Root|Ganglion, Spinal|Spinal Ganglia|Spinal Ganglion DRG|ganglion of dorsal root|ganglion sensorium nervi spinalis|ganglion spinale|ganglion spinalis|posterior root ganglion|spinal ganglion part of peripheral nervous system|UBERON:0000044 +Ganglia, Sympathetic MESH:D005728 Ganglia of the sympathetic nervous system including the paravertebral and the prevertebral ganglia. Among these are the sympathetic chain ganglia, the superior, middle, and inferior cervical ganglia, and the aorticorenal, celiac, and stellate ganglia. UBERON:UBERON_0001806|UBERON:UBERON_0002262 MESH:D005725|MESH:D013564 A08.340.315.350|A08.800.050.300.300|A08.800.050.800.300 A08.340.315|A08.800.050.300|A08.800.050.800 Celiac Ganglia|Celiac Ganglion|Ganglia, Celiac|Ganglion, Celiac|Ganglion, Sympathetic|Sympathetic Ganglia|Sympathetic Ganglion coeliac ganglion|ganglion of sympathetic nervous system|ganglion of sympathetic part of autonomic division of nervous system|ganglion sympatheticum|ganglion sympathicum|sympathetic nervous system ganglion|sympathetic part of autonomic division of nervous system ganglion|UBERON:0001806|UBERON:0002262 +Gap Junctions MESH:D017629 Connections between cells which allow passage of small molecules and electric current. Gap junctions were first described anatomically as regions of close apposition between cells with a narrow (1-2 nm) gap between cell membranes. The variety in the properties of gap junctions is reflected in the number of CONNEXINS, the family of proteins which form the junctions. MESH:D007365 A11. A11. Gap Junction|Junction, Gap|Junctions, Gap +Gastric Acid MESH:D005744 Hydrochloric acid present in GASTRIC JUICE. MESH:D005750 A12.200.307.603 A12.200.307 Acids, Gastric|Acids, Gastric Hydrochloric|Gastric Acids|Gastric Hydrochloric Acid|Gastric Hydrochloric Acids|Hydrochloric Acid, Gastric|Hydrochloric Acids, Gastric +Gastric Artery MESH:D000077426 Any of several branches of the SPLENIC ARTERY distributed to the greater curvature of the stomach. UBERON:UBERON_0001192 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.365 A07.015.114 Arteries, Gastric|Arteries, Left Gastric|Arteries, Right Gastric|Artery, Gastric|Artery, Left Gastric|Artery, Right Gastric|Gastric Arteries|Gastric Arteries, Left|Gastric Arteries, Right|Gastric Artery, Left|Gastric Artery, Right|Left Gastric Arteries|Left Gastric Artery|Right Gastric Arteries|Right Gastric Artery arteria gastrica sinistra|UBERON:0001192 +Gastric Fundus MESH:D005748 The superior portion of the body of the stomach above the level of the cardiac notch. UBERON:UBERON_0001160 MESH:D013270 A03.556.875.875.419 A03.556.875.875 Fundus, Gastric fundus gastricus|fundus gastricus (ventricularis)|fundus gastricus ventricularis|fundus of stomach|fundus ventricularis|fundus ventriculi|stomach fundus|UBERON:0001160 +Gastric Juice MESH:D005750 The liquid secretion of the stomach mucosa consisting of hydrochloric acid (GASTRIC ACID); PEPSINOGENS; INTRINSIC FACTOR; GASTRIN; MUCUS; and the bicarbonate ion (BICARBONATES). (From Best & Taylor's Physiological Basis of Medical Practice, 12th ed, p651) UBERON:UBERON_0001971 MESH:D012634 A12.200.307 A12.200 Gastric Juices|Juice, Gastric|Juices, Gastric stomach secretion|succus gastricus|UBERON:0001971 +Gastric Mucosa MESH:D005753 Lining of the STOMACH, consisting of an inner EPITHELIUM, a middle LAMINA PROPRIA, and an outer MUSCULARIS MUCOSAE. The surface cells produce MUCUS that protects the stomach from attack by digestive acid and enzymes. When the epithelium invaginates into the LAMINA PROPRIA at various region of the stomach (CARDIA; GASTRIC FUNDUS; and PYLORUS), different tubular gastric glands are formed. These glands consist of cells that secrete mucus, enzymes, HYDROCHLORIC ACID, or hormones. UBERON:UBERON_0001199 MESH:D009092|MESH:D013270 A03.556.875.875.440|A10.615.550.291 A03.556.875.875|A10.615.550 Cardiac Gland|Cardiac Glands|Gastric Gland|Gastric Glands|Gastric Mucosas|Gland, Cardiac|Gland, Gastric|Gland, Pyloric|Glands, Cardiac|Glands, Gastric|Glands, Pyloric|Mucosa, Gastric|Mucosas, Gastric|Pyloric Gland|Pyloric Glands gastric mucous membrane|Magenschleimhaut|mucosa of organ of stomach|mucosa of organ of ventriculus|mucosa of stomach|mucosa of ventriculus|mucous membrane of stomach|mucous membrane of ventriculus|organ mucosa of stomach|organ mucosa of ventriculus|stomach mucosa|stomach mucosa of organ|stomach mucous membrane|stomach organ mucosa|tunica mucosa (gaster)|tunica mucosa gastricae|tunica mucosa gastris|UBERON:0001199|ventriculus mucosa|ventriculus mucosa of organ|ventriculus mucous membrane|ventriculus organ mucosa +Gastric Stump MESH:D018530 That portion of the stomach remaining after gastric surgery, usually gastrectomy or gastroenterostomy for cancer of the stomach or peptic ulcer. It is a common site of cancer referred to as stump cancer or carcinoma of the gastric stump. MESH:D013270 A03.556.875.875.578 A03.556.875.875 Gastric Remnant|Gastric Remnants|Gastric Stumps|Remnant, Gastric|Remnants, Gastric|Remnant Stomach|Remnant Stomachs|Residual Stomach|Residual Stomachs|Stomach, Remnant|Stomach, Residual|Stomachs, Remnant|Stomachs, Residual|Stump, Gastric|Stumps, Gastric +Gastrin-Secreting Cells MESH:D019863 Endocrine cells which secrete GASTRIN, a peptide that induces GASTRIC ACID secretion. They are found predominantly in the GASTRIC GLANDS of PYLORIC ANTRUM in the STOMACH, but can also be found in the DUODENUM, nervous and other tissues. CL:CL_0000508 MESH:D005753|MESH:D019858 A03.556.875.875.440.300|A06.390.065|A10.615.550.291.300|A11.382.625.055|A11.436.294.055 A03.556.875.875.440|A06.390|A10.615.550.291|A11.382.625|A11.436.294 Cell, Gastrin-Secreting|Cells, Gastrin-Secreting|Gastrin Cell|Gastrin Cells|Gastrin-Secreting Cell|Gastrin Secreting Cells|G Cell|G Cells CL:0000508|type G enteroendocrine cell +Gastroepiploic Artery MESH:D024405 Abdominal artery that follows the curvature of the stomach. The right gastroepiploic artery is frequently used in CORONARY ARTERY BYPASS GRAFTING; MYOCARDIAL REVASCULARIZATION, and other vascular reconstruction. UBERON:UBERON_0009025 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.379 A07.015.114 Arteries, Gastroepiploic|Artery, Gastroepiploic|Gastroepiploic Arteries UBERON:0009025 +Gastrointestinal Contents MESH:D005766 The contents included in all or any segment of the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT. UBERON:UBERON_0035118 MESH:D005441 A12.519 A12 Digestive Tract Content|Digestive Tract Contents|Gastrointestinal Content|GI Content|GI Contents|Intestinal Content|Intestinal Contents|Stomach Content|Stomach Contents ingested material entity|material entity in digestive tract|UBERON:0035118 +Gastrointestinal Tract MESH:D041981 Generally refers to the digestive structures stretching from the MOUTH to ANUS, but does not include the accessory glandular organs (LIVER; BILIARY TRACT; PANCREAS). UBERON:UBERON_0005409 MESH:D004064 A03.556 A03 Digestive Tract|Digestive Tracts|Gastrointestinal Tracts|GI Tract|GI Tracts alimentary part of gastrointestinal system|alimentary system|alimentary tract|gastroenterological system|gastrointestinal (GI) tract|gastro-intestinal system|gastrointestinal system|UBERON:0005409 +Gastrula MESH:D005775 The developmental stage that follows BLASTULA or BLASTOCYST. It is characterized by the morphogenetic cell movements including invagination, ingression, and involution. Gastrulation begins with the formation of the PRIMITIVE STREAK, and ends with the formation of three GERM LAYERS, the body plan of the mature organism. UBERON:UBERON_0004734 MESH:D004628 A16.441 A16 Archenteron|Archenterons|Blastopore|Blastopores|Gastrocoele|Gastrocoeles|Gastrulas|Gut, Primitive|Guts, Primitive|Primitive Gut|Primitive Guts blastocystis trilaminaris|gastrula embryo|trilaminar blastocyst|trilaminar blastoderm|tri-laminar disc|trilaminar disc|tri-laminar disk|trilaminar disk|trilaminar germ|UBERON:0004734 +Gemini of Coiled Bodies MESH:D055531 Small, punctate nuclear structures found in close proximity to COILED BODIES. They are enriched with SMN COMPLEX PROTEINS and may play a role in the processing of SMALL NUCLEAR RIBONUCLEOPROTEINS. MESH:D000088202 A11.284.430.106.279.345.574.750 A11.284.430.106.279.345.574 Cajal Bodies Gemini|Coiled Bodies Gemini|Gemini of Cajal Bodies|GEMS Cell Nucleus Structures +Geniculate Bodies MESH:D005829 Part of the DIENCEPHALON inferior to the caudal end of the dorsal THALAMUS. Includes the lateral geniculate body which relays visual impulses from the OPTIC TRACT to the calcarine cortex, and the medial geniculate body which relays auditory impulses from the lateral lemniscus to the AUDITORY CORTEX. UBERON:UBERON_0001926|UBERON:UBERON_0001927|UBERON:UBERON_0002479|UBERON:UBERON_0002704 MESH:D013787 A08. A08. Bodies, Geniculate|Complex, Medial Geniculate|Complices, Medial Geniculate|Corpus Geniculatum Mediale|Corpus Geniculatum Mediales|Geniculate Bodies, Lateral|Geniculate Bodies, Medial|Geniculate Body|Geniculate Body, Lateral|Geniculate Body, Medial|Geniculate Complex, Medial|Geniculate Complices, Medial|Geniculate Nucleus|Geniculate Nucleus, Lateral|Geniculate Nucleus, Medial|Geniculatum Mediale, Corpus|Geniculatum Mediales, Corpus|Lateral Geniculate Bodies|Lateral Geniculate Body|Lateral Geniculate Nucleus|Mediale, Corpus Geniculatum|Mediales, Corpus Geniculatum|Medial Geniculate Bodies|Medial Geniculate Body|Medial Geniculate Complex|Medial Geniculate Complices|Medial Geniculate Nucleus|Metathalamus|Nucleus, Geniculate|Nucleus Geniculatus Lateralis Dorsalis|Nucleus Geniculatus Lateralis Pars Dorsalis|Nucleus, Lateral Geniculate|Nucleus, Medial Geniculate corpora geniculata|corpus geniculatum externum|corpus geniculatum laterale|corpus geniculatum laterale (Hassler)|corpus geniculatum laterales|corpus geniculatus lateralis|corpus geniculatus medialis|DLG|dorsal lateral geniculate nucleus|dorsal nucleus of lateral geniculate body|dorsal part of the lateral geniculate complex|external geniculate body|geniculate group of dorsal thalamus|geniculate group of the dorsal thalamus|geniculate thalamic group|geniculate thalamic nuclear group (metathalamus)|internal geniculate body|lateral geniculate complex|lateral geniculate complex, dorsal part|lateral geniculate nucleus dorsal part|lateral geniculate nucleus, dorsal part|LGB|LGN|medial geniculate complex of dorsal thalamus|medial geniculate nuclei|MGB|MGN|MTh|nuclei corporis geniculati medialis|nuclei metathalami|nucleus corporis geniculati lateralis|nucleus corporis geniculati lateralis, pars dorsalis|nucleus corporis geniculati medialis|nucleus dorsalis corporis geniculati lateralis|nucleus geniculatus lateralis|nucleus geniculatus medialis|UBERON:0001926|UBERON:0001927|UBERON:0002479|UBERON:0002704 +Geniculate Ganglion MESH:D005830 The sensory ganglion of the facial (7th cranial) nerve. The geniculate ganglion cells send central processes to the brain stem and peripheral processes to the taste buds in the anterior tongue, the soft palate, and the skin of the external auditory meatus and the mastoid process. UBERON:UBERON_0001700 MESH:D005154|MESH:D017950 A08.340.390.380|A08.800.350.380|A08.800.800.120.250.280 A08.340.390|A08.800.350|A08.800.800.120.250 External Petrosal Nerve|External Petrosal Nerves|Ganglia, Geniculate|Ganglion, Geniculate|Geniculate Ganglia|Greater Petrosal Nerve|Greater Petrosal Nerves|Greater Superficial Petrosal Nerve|Large Superficial Petrosal Nerve|Lesser Petrosal Nerve|Lesser Petrosal Nerves|Nerve, External Petrosal|Nerve, Greater Petrosal|Nerve, Lesser Petrosal|Nerve of the Pterygoid Canal|Nerve, Superficial Petrosal|Nerve, Vidian|Petrosal Nerve, External|Petrosal Nerve, Greater|Petrosal Nerve, Lesser|Petrosal Nerve, Superficial|Superficial Petrosal Nerve|Superficial Petrosal Nerves|Vidian Nerve facial ganglion|facial VII ganglion|ganglion genicularum|ganglion geniculi|ganglion geniculi nervi facialis|genicular ganglion|geniculate|gVII|internal genu|UBERON:0001700 +Genitalia MESH:D005835 The external and internal organs involved in the functions of REPRODUCTION. UBERON:UBERON_0003133 MESH:D014566 A05.360 A05 Accessory Sex Organ|Accessory Sex Organs|Genital|Genital Organ|Genital Organs|Genitals|Genital System|Genital Systems|Organ, Accessory Sex|Organ, Genital|Organ, Reproductive|Organs, Accessory Sex|Organs, Genital|Organs, Reproductive|Reproductive Organ|Reproductive Organs|Reproductive System|Reproductive Systems|Sex Organ, Accessory|Sex Organs, Accessory|System, Genital|System, Reproductive|Systems, Genital|Systems, Reproductive reproductive system organ|sex organ|UBERON:0003133 +Genitalia, Female MESH:D005836 The female reproductive organs. The external organs include the VULVA; BARTHOLIN'S GLANDS; and CLITORIS. The internal organs include the VAGINA; UTERUS; OVARY; and FALLOPIAN TUBES. UBERON:UBERON_0000474 MESH:D005835 A05.360.319 A05.360 Accessory Sex Organs, Female|Female Genital|Female Genitalia|Female Genital Organ|Female Genital Organs|Female Genitals|Female Reproductive System|Female Reproductive Systems|Genital, Female|Genital Organ, Female|Genital Organs, Female|Genitals, Female|Reproductive System, Female|Reproductive Systems, Female|Sex Organs, Accessory, Female female genital system|female genital tract|female organism genitalia|female organism reproductive system|female reproductive tract|genitalia of female organism|gynaecological tissue|reproductive system of female organism|systema genitale femininum|UBERON:0000474 +Genitalia, Male MESH:D005837 The male reproductive organs. They are divided into the external organs (PENIS; SCROTUM; and URETHRA) and the internal organs (TESTIS; EPIDIDYMIS; VAS DEFERENS; SEMINAL VESICLES; EJACULATORY DUCTS; PROSTATE; and BULBOURETHRAL GLANDS). UBERON:UBERON_0000079 MESH:D005835 A05.360.444 A05.360 Accessory Sex Organs, Male|Genital, Male|Genital Organs, Male|Genitals, Male|Male Genital|Male Genitalia|Male Genital Organs|Male Genitals|Male Reproductive System|Male Reproductive Systems|Reproductive System, Male|Reproductive Systems, Male|Sex Organs, Accessory, Male genitalia of male organism|male genital organ|male genital system|male genital tract|male organism genitalia|male organism reproductive system|male reproductive tract|reproductive system of male organism|systema genitale masculinum|UBERON:0000079 +Germ Cell Ribonucleoprotein Granules MESH:D000088262 Cytoplasmic structures organized by RIBONUCLEOPROTEINS involved in RNA regulation in GERM CELLS. MESH:D000088123 A11.284.430.214.190.500.780.250|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190.384.250 A11.284.430.214.190.500.780|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190.384 Body, Chromatoid|Body, Sponge|Chromatoid Bodies|Chromatoid Body|Germ Cell RNP Granules|Germ Granule|Germ Granules|Germline P Granule|Germline P-Granule|Germline P Granules|Germline P-Granules|Germline Z Granule|Germline Z-Granule|Germline Z Granules|Germline Z-Granules|Granule, Z|P Granule|P-Granule|P Granule, Germline|P-Granule, Germline|P Granules|P-Granules|P Granules, Germline|Primordial Germ Cell Granules|Sponge Bodies|Sponge Body|Z Granule|Z-Granule|Z Granule, Germline|Z-Granule, Germline|Z Granules|Z-Granules|Z Granules, Germline +Germ Cells MESH:D005854 The reproductive cells in multicellular organisms at various stages during GAMETOGENESIS. CL:CL_0000586 MESH:D002477|MESH:D005835 A05.360.490|A11.497 A05.360|A11 Cell, Germ|Cell, Germ-Line|Cells, Germ|Cells, Germ-Line|Gamete|Gametes|Germ Cell|Germ Line|Germ-Line Cell|Germ Line Cells|Germ-Line Cells|Germ Lines CL:0000586 +Germ Cells, Plant MESH:D055993 The reproductive cells of plants. MESH:D005854 A11.497.248 A11.497 Cell, Plant Generative|Cell, Plant Germ|Cells, Plant Generative|Cells, Plant Germ|Gamete, Plant|Gametes, Plant|Gametophyte|Gametophytes|Generative Cell, Plant|Generative Cells, Plant|Germ Cell, Plant|Plant Gamete|Plant Gametes|Plant Generative Cell|Plant Generative Cells|Plant Germ Cell|Plant Germ Cells +Germinal Center MESH:D018858 The activated center of a lymphoid follicle in secondary lymphoid tissue where B-LYMPHOCYTES are stimulated by antigens and helper T cells (T-LYMPHOCYTES, HELPER-INDUCER) are stimulated to generate memory cells. UBERON:UBERON_0010754 MESH:D008198 A10.549.400.500|A15.382.520.604.412.500 A10.549.400|A15.382.520.604.412 Center, Germinal|Centers, Germinal|Germinal Centers central zone of follice|light zone of follicle|lymhpoid nodule|nodule|reaction center of follicle|UBERON:0010754 +Germ Layers MESH:D005855 The three primary germinal layers (ECTODERM; ENDODERM; and MESODERM) developed during GASTRULATION that provide tissues and body plan of a mature organism. They derive from two early layers, hypoblast and epiblast. UBERON:UBERON_0000089|UBERON:UBERON_0000923|UBERON:UBERON_0002532|UBERON:UBERON_0008776 MESH:D004628 A16.504 A16 Epiblast|Epiblasts|Germ Layer|Hypoblast|Hypoblasts|Layer, Germ|Layers, Germ blastocyst|ectoblast|embryonic germ layer|embryonic germ layers|embryonic tissue|endomesoderm|epiblast (generic)|epiblastus|future endoderm and mesoderm|germinal layer|hypoblast (generic)|hypoblastus|inner cell mass derived hypoblast|mesendoderm|primary endoderm|primary germ layer|primitive ectoderm|primitive endoderm|proximal endoderm|UBERON:0000089|UBERON:0000923|UBERON:0002532|UBERON:0008776|visceral endoderm +Gestational Sac MESH:D058746 Round-shaped structure usually located in the upper fundus of the UTERUS in early pregnancy. It comprises EMBRYO; AMNIOTIC FLUID; and YOLK SAC. It is visible in PRENATAL ULTRASONOGRAPHY by the fifth week of pregnancy. Its size is often used to determine and monitor GESTATIONAL AGE; FETAL GROWTH; and PREGNANCY COMPLICATIONS. MESH:D004628 A16.535 A16 Gestational Sacs|Gestation Sac|Gestation Sacs|Sac, Gestation|Sac, Gestational|Sacs, Gestation|Sacs, Gestational +Giant Cells MESH:D015726 Multinucleated masses produced by the fusion of many cells; often associated with viral infections. In AIDS, they are induced when the envelope glycoprotein of the HIV virus binds to the CD4 antigen of uninfected neighboring T4 cells. The resulting syncytium leads to cell death and thus may account for the cytopathic effect of the virus. CL:CL_0000228|CL:CL_0000647 MESH:D002477 A11.500 A11 Cell, Giant|Cell, Multinucleated Giant|Cells, Giant|Cells, Multinucleated Giant|Giant Cell|Giant Cell, Multinucleated|Giant Cells, Multinucleated|Multinucleated Giant Cell|Multinucleated Giant Cells|Polykaryocyte|Polykaryocytes|Syncytia|Syncytium CL:0000228|CL:0000647|foreign body giant cell|Langerhans giant cell|macrophage polykaryon|multinucleate cell|multinucleate giant cell|syncitium|syncytial cell|syncytial giant cell +Giant Cells, Foreign-Body MESH:D015743 Multinucleated cells (fused macrophages), characteristic of granulomatous inflammation, which form around exogenous material in the skin. They are similar in appearance to Langhans giant cells (GIANT CELLS, LANGHANS), but foreign-body giant cells have more abundant chromatin and their nuclei are scattered in an irregular pattern in the cytoplasm. CL:CL_0000647 MESH:D008264|MESH:D015726 A11.329.372.376|A11.500.376|A11.627.482.376|A11.733.397.376|A15.382.670.522.376|A15.382.680.397.376 A11.329.372|A11.500|A11.627.482|A11.733.397|A15.382.670.522|A15.382.680.397 Cell, Foreign-Body Giant|Cells, Foreign-Body Giant|Foreign Body Giant Cell|Foreign-Body Giant Cell|Foreign Body Giant Cells|Foreign-Body Giant Cells|Foreign Body Type Giant Cells|Foreign Body-Type Giant Cells|Giant Cell, Foreign-Body|Giant Cells, Foreign Body CL:0000647|Langerhans giant cell|macrophage polykaryon|multinucleated giant cell|multinucleate giant cell|syncytial giant cell +Giant Cells, Langhans MESH:D015744 Multinucleated cells (fused macrophages) seen in granulomatous inflammations such as tuberculosis, syphilis, sarcoidosis, and deep fungal infections. They resemble foreign-body giant cells (GIANT CELLS, FOREIGN BODY) but Langhans giant cells contain less chromatin and their nuclei are arranged peripherally in a horseshoe-shaped pattern. Langhans giant cells occur frequently in delayed hypersensitivity. CL:CL_0000647 MESH:D008264|MESH:D015726 A11.329.372.380|A11.500.380|A11.627.482.380|A11.733.397.380|A15.382.670.522.380|A15.382.680.397.380 A11.329.372|A11.500|A11.627.482|A11.733.397|A15.382.670.522|A15.382.680.397 Cells, Langhans Giant|Cells, Langhans-Type Giant|Giant Cells, Langhans-Type|Langhans Giant Cells|Langhans Type Giant Cells|Langhans-Type Giant Cells CL:0000647|foreign body giant cell|Langerhans giant cell|macrophage polykaryon|multinucleated giant cell|multinucleate giant cell|syncytial giant cell +Gills MESH:D005880 Paired respiratory organs of fishes and some amphibians that are analogous to lungs. They are richly supplied with blood vessels by which oxygen and carbon dioxide are exchanged directly with the environment. UBERON:UBERON_0002535 MESH:D000825 A13.421 A13 Gill UBERON:0002535 +Gingiva MESH:D005881 Oral tissue surrounding and attached to TEETH. UBERON:UBERON_0001828 MESH:D010519 A14.549.167.646.480 A14.549.167.646 Gum|Gums|Interdental Papilla|Papilla, Interdental gingival mucosa|gum tissue|UBERON:0001828 +Gingival Crevicular Fluid MESH:D005883 A fluid occurring in minute amounts in the gingival crevice, believed by some authorities to be an inflammatory exudate and by others to cleanse material from the crevice, containing sticky plasma proteins which improve adhesions of the epithelial attachment, have antimicrobial properties, and exert antibody activity. (From Jablonski, Illustrated Dictionary of Dentistry, 1982) MESH:D005122 A12.383.500 A12.383 Crevicular Fluid, Gingival|Crevicular Fluids, Gingival|Exudate, Gingival|Exudates, Gingival|Fluid, Gingival Crevicular|Fluids, Gingival Crevicular|Gingival Crevicular Fluids|Gingival Exudate|Gingival Exudates +Gizzard, Avian MESH:D005895 The posterior portion of the avian stomach located between the PROVENTRICULUS and INTESTINE. It consists of a thick muscular wall and small stones (gastroliths) that function to mechanically grind SEEDS and other ingested objects. UBERON:UBERON_0005052 MESH:D013278 A13.853.355 A13.853 Avian Gizzard|Avian Gizzards|Gizzard|Gizzards|Gizzards, Avian|Ventriculus gastric mill|gigerium|UBERON:0005052 +Gizzard, Non-avian MESH:D000070559 A component of the gastrointestinal tract of some reptiles (ALLIGATORS AND CROCODILES), as well as certain fish, mollusks, and insects. It functions to mechanically grind food. UBERON:UBERON_0005052 MESH:D000825 A13.433 A13 Gastric Mill|Gastric Mills|Gizzard, Non avian|Gizzards, Non-avian|Mill, Gastric|Mills, Gastric|Non-avian Gizzard|Non-avian Gizzards gigerium|gizzard|UBERON:0005052|ventriculus +Glenoid Cavity MESH:D061165 A depression in the lateral angle of the scapula that articulates with the HUMERAL HEAD. UBERON:UBERON_0006657 MESH:D012540 A02.835.232.087.783.450 A02.835.232.087.783 Cavities, Glenoid|Cavity, Glenoid|Fossa, Glenoid|Fossas, Glenoid|Glenoid Fossa|Glenoid Fossa of the Scapula cavitas glenoidalis|cavitas glenoidalis scapulae|cavitus glenoidalis|glenoid cavity of scapula|glenoid facet|UBERON:0006657 +Globus Pallidus MESH:D005917 The representation of the phylogenetically oldest part of the corpus striatum called the paleostriatum. It forms the smaller, more medial part of the lentiform nucleus. UBERON:UBERON_0001875 MESH:D003342 A08. A08. Paleostriatum|Pallidum|Pallidums globus pallidus (Burdach)|nucleus pallidus|pale body|pallidium|UBERON:0001875 +Glomerular Basement Membrane MESH:D050533 The layer of EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX that lies between the ENDOTHELIUM of the glomerular capillaries and the PODOCYTES of the inner or visceral layer of the BOWMAN CAPSULE. It is the product of these two cell types. It acts as a physical barrier and an ion-selective filter. UBERON:UBERON_0005777 MESH:D001485|MESH:D005109|MESH:D007678|MESH:D060730 A05.810.453.324.359.372.400|A05.810.453.736.520.224|A10.615.179.625|A11.284.295.310.279 A05.810.453.324.359.372|A05.810.453.736.520|A10.615.179|A11.284.295.310 Basement Membrane, Glomerular|Basement Membranes, Glomerular|Glomerular Basement Membranes|Membrane, Glomerular Basement|Membranes, Glomerular Basement GBM|glomerular capillary basement membrane|glomerular filtration membrane|UBERON:0005777 +Glomerular Filtration Barrier MESH:D060730 A specialized barrier in the kidney, consisting of the fenestrated CAPILLARY ENDOTHELIUM; GLOMERULAR BASEMENT MEMBRANE; and glomerular epithelium (PODOCYTES). The barrier prevents the filtration of PLASMA PROTEINS. MESH:D002319|MESH:D007678 A05.810.453.324.359.372|A05.810.453.736.520.372|A07.500 A05.810.453.324.359|A05.810.453.736.520|A07 Barrier, Glomerular Filtration|Barriers, Glomerular Filtration|Filtration Barrier, Glomerular|Filtration Barriers, Glomerular|Glomerular Filtration Barriers +Glomerular Mesangium MESH:D005920 The thin membranous structure supporting the adjoining glomerular capillaries. It is composed of GLOMERULAR MESANGIAL CELLS and their EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX. UBERON:UBERON_0002320 MESH:D050527 A05.810.453.324.359.620.500|A05.810.453.736.520.620.500 A05.810.453.324.359.620|A05.810.453.736.520.620 Extracellular Matrices, Mesangial|Extracellular Matrix, Mesangial|Glomerular Mesangiums|Matrices, Mesangial Extracellular|Matrix, Mesangial Extracellular|Mesangial Extracellular Matrices|Mesangial Extracellular Matrix|Mesangium, Glomerular|Mesangiums, Glomerular UBERON:0002320 +Glomus Jugulare MESH:D005924 A nonchromaffin paraganglion located in the wall of the jugular bulb. The most common tumors of the middle ear arise from this tissue. (Lockard, Desk Reference for Neuroscience, 1992, p114) UBERON:UBERON_0034972 MESH:D010234 A08.675.650.915.500.600.350|A08.800.950.500.600.350|A11.671.650.915.500.600.350 A08.675.650.915.500.600|A08.800.950.500.600|A11.671.650.915.500.600 Jugulare, Glomus glomus tympanicum|jugular body|jugulotympanic body|tympanic body|UBERON:0034972 +Glomus Tympanicum MESH:D043485 A highly vascular ovoid body of chemoreceptive tissue lying adjacent to the TYMPANIC CAVITY. It is derived from NEURAL CREST tissue and is considered part of the diffuse neuroendocrine system. It is the site of a rare neoplasm called a GLOMUS TYMPANICUM TUMOR. UBERON:UBERON_0034972 MESH:D004432|MESH:D009490|MESH:D010234 A06.688.267|A08.675.650.915.500.600.360|A08.713.228|A08.800.950.500.600.360|A09.246.397.400|A11.671.650.915.500.600.360 A06.688|A08.675.650.915.500.600|A08.713|A08.800.950.500.600|A09.246.397|A11.671.650.915.500.600 Tympanicum, Glomus glomus jugulare|jugular body|jugulotympanic body|tympanic body|UBERON:0034972 +Glossopharyngeal Nerve MESH:D005930 The 9th cranial nerve. The glossopharyngeal nerve is a mixed motor and sensory nerve; it conveys somatic and autonomic efferents as well as general, special, and visceral afferents. Among the connections are motor fibers to the stylopharyngeus muscle, parasympathetic fibers to the parotid glands, general and taste afferents from the posterior third of the tongue, the nasopharynx, and the palate, and afferents from baroreceptors and CHEMORECEPTOR CELLS of the carotid sinus. UBERON:UBERON_0001649 MESH:D003391|MESH:D010275|MESH:D017776 A08.800.050.050.337|A08.800.050.600.387|A08.800.800.060.337|A08.800.800.120.290 A08.800.050.050|A08.800.050.600|A08.800.800.060|A08.800.800.120 Cranial Nerve IX|Cranial Nerve IXs|Cranial Nerve, Ninth|Cranial Nerves, Ninth|Glossopharyngeal Nerves|Nerve, Glossopharyngeal|Nerve, Ninth Cranial|Nerves, Glossopharyngeal|Nerves, Ninth Cranial|Ninth Cranial Nerve|Ninth Cranial Nerves 9n|CN-IX|glossopharyngeal IX|glossopharyngeal IX nerve|glossopharyngeal nerve [IX]|glossopharyngeal nerve tree|nerve IX|nervus glossopharyngeus|nervus glossopharyngeus [ix]|UBERON:0001649 +Glottis MESH:D005931 The vocal apparatus of the larynx, situated in the middle section of the larynx. Glottis consists of the VOCAL FOLDS and an opening (rima glottidis) between the folds. UBERON:UBERON_0002486 MESH:D007830 A04.329.364 A04.329 Glottidi, Rima|Glottidis, Rima|Rima Glottidi|Rima Glottidis UBERON:0002486 +Glucagon-Secreting Cells MESH:D050416 A type of pancreatic cell representing about 5-20% of the islet cells. Alpha cells secrete GLUCAGON. CL:CL_0000170|CL:CL_0000171 MESH:D007515|MESH:D019858 A03.734.414.065|A06.300.414.043|A06.390.087|A11.382.625.064|A11.436.294.064 A03.734.414|A06.300.414|A06.390|A11.382.625|A11.436.294 alpha Cell, Pancreatic|alpha Cells, Pancreatic|Cell, Glucagon-Secreting|Cells, Glucagon-Secreting|Glucagon-Secreting Cell|Glucagon Secreting Cells|Pancreatic A Cell|Pancreatic A Cells|Pancreatic alpha Cell|Pancreatic alpha Cells alpha cell of islet of Langerhans|CL:0000170|CL:0000171|glucagon secreting cell +Glycocalyx MESH:D019276 The carbohydrate-rich zone on the cell surface. This zone can be visualized by a variety of stains as well as by its affinity for lectins. Although most of the carbohydrate is attached to intrinsic plasma membrane molecules, the glycocalyx usually also contains both glycoproteins and proteoglycans that have been secreted into the extracellular space and then adsorbed onto the cell surface. (Alberts et al., Molecular Biology of the Cell, 3d ed, p502) MESH:D021961 A11. A11.284.149.165 Cell Coat|Cell Coats|Coat, Cell|Coats, Cell|Glycocalix +Glymphatic System MESH:D000077502 A vascular waste clearance system in the brain analogous to the lymphatic system that facilitates transporting of solutes and waste products from CEREBROSPINAL FLUID (CSF) and brain INTERSTITIAL FLUID (ISF). CSF from the SUBARACHNOID SPACE enters the brain periarterial spaces, into the interstitium via channels (e.g., AQUAPORIN 4 PROTEIN) on astrocytic endfeet and exchanges with brain ISF before perivenous drainage of solutes and waste. UBERON:UBERON_0036145 MESH:D001921|MESH:D002319|MESH:D008208 A07.521|A08.186.211.150|A15.382.520.075 A07|A08.186.211|A15.382.520 Brain Perivascular Space|Brain Perivascular Spaces|Glymphatic Clearance System|Glymphatic Pathway|Glymphatic Pathways|Lymphatic Vessel, Meningeal|Meningeal Lymphatic Vessel|Meningeal Lymphatic Vessels|Pathway, Glymphatic|Perivascular Space, Brain|Space, Virchow-Robin|Virchow Robin Space|Virchow-Robin Space|Virchow-Robin Spaces UBERON:0036145 +Glyoxysomes MESH:D020676 Microbodies which occur in plant cells, and in some eukaryotic microorganisms, and which contain enzymes of the glyoxylate cycle. (Singleton and Stainsbury, Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, 2nd ed) MESH:D008830 A11.284.430.214.190.500.585.250|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190.755.250 A11.284.430.214.190.500.585|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190.755 Glyoxysome +Goblet Cells MESH:D020397 A glandular epithelial cell or a unicellular gland. Goblet cells secrete MUCUS. They are scattered in the epithelial linings of many organs, especially the SMALL INTESTINE and the RESPIRATORY TRACT. CL:CL_0000160 MESH:D003228|MESH:D004847|MESH:D007413|MESH:D007820|MESH:D009297|MESH:D020545 A03.556.124.369.320|A04.329.597.320|A04.531.520.320|A04.760.259|A09.371.060.200.500|A09.371.337.168.500|A10.615.550.444.321|A10.615.550.760.520.320|A10.615.550.760.600.320|A11.436.298 A03.556.124.369|A04.329.597|A04.531.520|A04.760|A09.371.060.200|A09.371.337.168|A10.615.550.444|A10.615.550.760.520|A10.615.550.760.600|A11.436 Cell, Goblet|Cells, Goblet|Goblet Cell chalice cell|CL:0000160 +Golgi Apparatus MESH:D006056 A stack of flattened vesicles that functions in posttranslational processing and sorting of proteins, receiving them from the rough ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM and directing them to secretory vesicles, LYSOSOMES, or the CELL MEMBRANE. The movement of proteins takes place by transfer vesicles that bud off from the rough endoplasmic reticulum or Golgi apparatus and fuse with the Golgi, lysosomes or cell membrane. (From Glick, Glossary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1990) MESH:D015388 A11.284.430.214.190.875.336 A11.284.430.214.190.875 Apparatus, Golgi|Complex, Golgi|Golgi Complex +Golgi-Mazzoni Corpuscles MESH:D006057 Thin capsules enveloping end nerve fibrils in the subcutaneous tissue of fingers. UBERON:UBERON_0003719 MESH:D008465 A08.675.650.915.750.300|A08.800.950.750.300|A11.671.650.915.750.300 A08.675.650.915.750|A08.800.950.750|A11.671.650.915.750 Corpuscles, Golgi-Mazzoni|Golgi Mazzoni Corpuscles corpuscle of golgi-mazzoni|corpusculum lamellosum|golgi-mazzoni|golgi mazzoni corpuscle|golgi-mazzoni corpuscle|lamellar corpuscle|lamellated corpuscle|pacinian body|pacinian corpuscle|Pacinian corpuscle|pacinian corpuscle end-organs|pacinian corpuscles|UBERON:0003719|vater-pacini corpuscle|vater-pacini corpuscles +Gonadotrophs MESH:D052681 Anterior pituitary cells that can produce both FOLLICLE STIMULATING HORMONE and LUTEINIZING HORMONE. CL:CL_0000437 MESH:D004847|MESH:D010903|MESH:D055098 A06.300.747.500.750|A06.688.357.750.500.750|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357.750.500.750|A11.382.750|A11.436.319 A06.300.747.500|A06.688.357.750.500|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357.750.500|A11.382|A11.436 FSH Cell|FSH Cells|FSH-Producing Cell|FSH Producing Cells|FSH-Producing Cells|FSH-Secreting Cell|FSH Secreting Cells|FSH-Secreting Cells|Gonadotroph|LH Cell|LH Cells|LH-Producing Cell|LH Producing Cells|LH-Producing Cells|LH-Secreting Cell|LH Secreting Cells|LH-Secreting Cells CL:0000437|delta basophil|follicle stimulating hormone secreting cell|gonadotrope|gonadotrope cell|gonadotropic cell|gonadtroph|pituitary delta cell +Gonads MESH:D006066 The gamete-producing glands, OVARY or TESTIS. UBERON:UBERON_0000991 MESH:D004702|MESH:D005835 A05.360.576|A06.300.312 A05.360|A06.300 Gonad gonada|UBERON:0000991 +Gracilis Muscle MESH:D000071976 A slender and most superficial muscle in the inner THIGH which originates at the ramus of the PUBIC BONE near the PUBIC SYMPHYSIS and inserts at the proximal medial TIBIA. Its function is to abduct thigh, flex knee, and rotate leg medially. It is a common source of a MYOCUTANEOUS FLAP. UBERON:UBERON_0000950 MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.425 A02.633.567 Gracilis Muscles|Muscle, Gracilis|Muscles, Gracilis gracilis|musculus gracilis|UBERON:0000950 +Granulation Tissue MESH:D006097 A vascular connective tissue formed on the surface of a healing wound, ulcer, or inflamed tissue. It consists of new capillaries and an infiltrate containing lymphoid cells, macrophages, and plasma cells. UBERON:UBERON_0010211 MESH:D003238 A10.165.450 A10.165 Granulation Tissues|Tissue, Granulation|Tissues, Granulation UBERON:0010211 +Granulocyte-Macrophage Progenitor Cells MESH:D055014 The parent cells that give rise to both cells of the GRANULOCYTE lineage and cells of the monocyte/macrophage lineage. CL:CL_0000557 MESH:D023461 A11.148.378.590.675|A11.627.635.675|A11.872.378.590.635|A15.378.316.378.590.675 A11.148.378.590|A11.627.635|A11.872.378.590|A15.378.316.378.590 Cell, Granulocyte-Macrophage Progenitor|Cells, Granulocyte-Macrophage Progenitor|CFU-GM|GM-CFU|Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Forming Units|Granulocyte-Macrophage Colony Forming Units|Granulocyte-Macrophage Progenitor|Granulocyte Macrophage Progenitor Cell|Granulocyte-Macrophage Progenitor Cell|Granulocyte Macrophage Progenitor Cells|Granulocyte Macrophage Progenitors|Granulocyte-Macrophage Progenitors|Progenitor Cell, Granulocyte-Macrophage|Progenitor Cells, Granulocyte Macrophage|Progenitor Cells, Granulocyte-Macrophage|Progenitor, Granulocyte-Macrophage|Progenitors, Granulocyte-Macrophage CFU-C , Colony forming unit in culture|CL:0000557|colony forming unit granulocyte macrophage|GMP|granulocyte/monocyte precursor|granulocyte/monocyte progenitor|granulocyte monocyte progenitor cell +Granulocyte Precursor Cells MESH:D042381 The cells in the granulocytic series that give rise to mature granulocytes (NEUTROPHILS; EOSINOPHILS; and BASOPHILS). These precursor cells include myeloblasts, promyelocytes, myelocytes and metamyelocytes. CL:CL_0000835|CL:CL_0000836|CL:CL_0002192|CL:CL_0002193 MESH:D006098|MESH:D055014 A11.148.350.350|A11.148.378.590.675.500|A11.627.340.360|A11.627.635.675.500|A11.872.378.590.635.500|A15.378.316.340.350|A15.378.316.378.590.675.500 A11.148.350|A11.148.378.590.675|A11.627.340|A11.627.635.675|A11.872.378.590.635|A15.378.316.340|A15.378.316.378.590.675 Cell, Granulocyte Precursor|Cell, Granulocyte Progenitor|Cell, Granulocytic Precursor|Cells, Granulocyte Precursor|Cells, Granulocyte Progenitor|Cells, Granulocytic Precursor|Granulocyte Precursor Cell|Granulocyte Progenitor|Granulocyte Progenitor Cell|Granulocyte Progenitor Cells|Granulocyte Progenitors|Granulocytic Precursor Cell|Granulocytic Precursor Cells|Metamyelocyte|Metamyelocytes|Myeloblast|Myeloblasts|Myelocyte|Myelocytes|Precursor Cell, Granulocyte|Precursor Cell, Granulocytic|Precursor Cells, Granulocyte|Precursor Cells, Granulocytic|Premyelocyte|Premyelocytes|Progenitor Cell, Granulocyte|Progenitor Cells, Granulocyte|Progenitor, Granulocyte|Progenitors, Granulocyte|Progranulocyte|Progranulocytes|Promyelocyte|Promyelocytes CL:0000835|CL:0000836|CL:0002192|CL:0002193 +Granulocytes MESH:D006098 Leukocytes with abundant granules in the cytoplasm. They are divided into three groups according to the staining properties of the granules: neutrophilic, eosinophilic, and basophilic. Mature granulocytes are the NEUTROPHILS; EOSINOPHILS; and BASOPHILS. CL:CL_0000094 MESH:D001854|MESH:D007962|MESH:D022423 A11.118.637.415|A11.148.350|A11.627.340|A15.145.229.637.415|A15.378.316.340|A15.382.490.315 A11.118.637|A11.148|A11.627|A15.145.229.637|A15.378.316|A15.382.490 Granulocyte CL:0000094|granular leucocyte|granular leukocyte|polymorphonuclear leukocyte +Granulosa Cells MESH:D006107 Supporting cells for the developing female gamete in the OVARY. They are derived from the coelomic epithelial cells of the gonadal ridge. Granulosa cells form a single layer around the OOCYTE in the primordial ovarian follicle and advance to form a multilayered cumulus oophorus surrounding the OVUM in the Graafian follicle. The major functions of granulosa cells include the production of steroids and LH receptors (RECEPTORS, LH). CL:CL_0000501 MESH:D004847|MESH:D006080|MESH:D055098 A05.360.319.114.630.535.200|A06.300.312.497.535.300|A11.382.812|A11.436.329 A05.360.319.114.630.535|A06.300.312.497.535|A11.382|A11.436 Cell, Granulosa|Cells, Granulosa|Granulosa Cell CL:0000501|granulosa cell of ovary +Gray Matter MESH:D066128 Region of CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM that appears darker in color than the other type, WHITE MATTER. It is composed of neuronal CELL BODIES; NEUROPIL; GLIAL CELLS and CAPILLARIES but few MYELINATED NERVE FIBERS. UBERON:UBERON_0002020 MESH:D001921|MESH:D013116 A08.186.211.168|A08.186.854.348 A08.186.211|A08.186.854 Cerebellar Gray Matter|Cerebellar Gray Matters|Cerebellar Grey Matter|Cerebellar Grey Matters|Gray Matter, Cerebellar|Gray Matters|Gray Matters, Cerebellar|Grey Matter|Grey Matter, Cerebellar|Grey Matters|Grey Matters, Cerebellar|Matter, Cerebellar Gray|Matter, Cerebellar Grey|Matter, Gray|Matter, Grey|Matters, Cerebellar Gray|Matters, Cerebellar Grey|Matters, Gray|Matters, Grey gray mater|gray matter of neuraxis|grey matter of neuraxis|grey substance|grisea|neuronal grey matter|substantia grisea|UBERON:0002020 +Grid Cells MESH:D000071038 Neurons in the ENTORHINAL CORTEX that project to the HIPPOCAMPUS. Grid cells and PLACE CELLS play a role in cognitive representation of spatial memory and navigation. MESH:D009474 A08.675.324|A11.671.322 A08.675|A11.671 Cell, Grid|Cells, Grid|Grid Cell +Groin MESH:D006119 The external junctural region between the lower part of the abdomen and the thigh. UBERON:UBERON_0008337 MESH:D000005 A01.923.047.365 A01.923.047 Groins groin area|groin region|iliac fossa viewed surgically|iliac region|inguen|inguinal part of abdomen|inguinal region|UBERON:0008337 +Growth Cones MESH:D020439 Bulbous enlargement of the growing tip of nerve axons and dendrites. They are crucial to neuronal development because of their pathfinding ability and their role in synaptogenesis. MESH:D001369|MESH:D003712|MESH:D016501 A11.|A11.|A11.284.180.610.345|A11.671.240.340|A11.671.501.145.375 A11.284.180.075|A11.284.180.225|A11.284.180.610|A11.671.240|A11.671.501.145 Growth Cone +Growth Plate MESH:D006132 The area between the EPIPHYSIS and the DIAPHYSIS within which bone growth occurs. UBERON:UBERON_0002516 MESH:D004838 A02.835.232.251.352 A02.835.232.251 Cartilage, Epiphyseal|Cartilages, Epiphyseal|Epiphyseal Cartilage|Epiphyseal Cartilages|Epiphyseal Plate|Epiphyseal Plates|Growth Plates|Plate, Epiphyseal|Plate, Growth|Plates, Epiphyseal|Plates, Growth cartilago epiphysialis|epiphyseal disk|epiphyseal growth disk|epiphyseal growth plate|epiphyseal growth plate cartilage|epiphysial plate|lamina epiphysialis|long bone epiphyseal plate|physis|UBERON:0002516 +Gubernaculum MESH:D000071477 An embryonic structure that helps guide proper descent of gonads into their final positions. It attaches the caudal end of the fetal GONADS to the developing SCROTUM in male and the labium majorum in female. It gives rise to the caudal ligaments of the gonad: the scrotal ligament in male and the uterine round and proper ovarian ligaments in female. It includes morphofunctional equivalent structures in non-mammals. UBERON:UBERON_0004346|UBERON:UBERON_0008843 MESH:D004628 A16.551 A16 Gubernacula caudal suspensory ligament|Gabernaculum|gubernaculae|gubernaculum (male or female)|gubernaculum testis|Hunter's gubernaculum|male gubernaculum|UBERON:0004346|UBERON:0008843 +Gyrus Cinguli MESH:D006179 One of the convolutions on the medial surface of the CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES. It surrounds the rostral part of the brain and CORPUS CALLOSUM and forms part of the LIMBIC SYSTEM. UBERON:UBERON_0003027 MESH:D065726 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. 24, Brodmann Area|Anterior Cingulate|Anterior Cingulate Cortex|Anterior Cingulate Cortices|Anterior Cingulate Gyrus|Anterior Cingulates|Anterior, Gyrus Cinguli|Area 23, Brodmann|Area 23, Brodmann's|Area 24, Brodmann|Area 24, Brodmann's|Area 26, Brodmann|Area 26, Brodmann's|Area 29, Brodmann|Area 29, Brodmann's|Area 30, Brodmann|Area 30, Brodmann's|Area 31, Brodmann|Area 31, Brodmann's|Area 32, Brodmann|Area 32, Brodmann's|Area 33, Brodmann|Area 33, Brodmann's|Area, Cingulate|Body, Cingulate|Brodmann Area 23|Brodmann Area 24|Brodmann Area 26|Brodmann Area 29|Brodmann Area 30|Brodmann Area 31|Brodmann Area 32|Brodmann Area 33|Brodmann's Area 23|Brodmanns Area 23|Brodmann's Area 24|Brodmanns Area 24|Brodmann's Area 26|Brodmanns Area 26|Brodmann's Area 29|Brodmanns Area 29|Brodmann's Area 30|Brodmanns Area 30|Brodmann's Area 31|Brodmanns Area 31|Brodmann's Area 32|Brodmanns Area 32|Brodmann's Area 33|Brodmanns Area 33|Cingular Gyrus|Cingulate, Anterior|Cingulate Area|Cingulate Areas|Cingulate Bodies|Cingulate Body|Cingulate Cortex|Cingulate Cortex, Anterior|Cingulate Cortex, Posterior|Cingulate Gyrus|Cingulate Gyrus, Anterior|Cingulate Gyrus, Posterior|Cingulate, Posterior|Cingulate Region|Cingulate Region, Posterior|Cingulate Regions|Cinguli Anterior, Gyrus|Complex, Retrosplenial|Cortex, Anterior Cingulate|Cortex, Cingulate|Cortex, Posterior Cingulate|Cortex, Retrosplenial|Gyrus, Anterior Cingulate|Gyrus, Cingular|Gyrus, Cingulate|Gyrus Cinguli Anterior|Gyrus Cinguli Anteriors|Gyrus, Posterior Cingulate|Posterior Cingulate|Posterior Cingulate Cortex|Posterior Cingulate Cortices|Posterior Cingulate Gyri|Posterior Cingulate Gyrus|Posterior Cingulate Region|Posterior Cingulate Regions|Posterior Cingulates|Region, Cingulate|Region, Posterior Cingulate|Retrosplenial Complex|Retrosplenial Complices|Retrosplenial Cortex|Retrosplenial Cortices|Superior Mesial Region|Superior Mesial Regions cingulate neocortex|gyrus cingulatus|UBERON:0003027 +Habenula MESH:D019262 A small protuberance at the dorsal, posterior corner of the wall of the THIRD VENTRICLE, adjacent to the dorsal THALAMUS and PINEAL BODY. It contains the habenular nuclei and is a major part of the epithalamus. UBERON:UBERON_0001904 MESH:D019261 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Commissura Habenularum|Commissura Habenularums|Commissure, Habenular|Commissures, Habenular|Complex, Habenula|Complices, Habenula|Habenula Complex|Habenula Complices|Habenular Commissure|Habenular Commissures|Habenulari, Nucleus|Habenularis, Nucleus|Habenular Nuclei|Habenular Nucleus|Habenularum, Commissura|Habenularums, Commissura|Habenulas|Nuclei, Habenular|Nucleus, Habenular|Nucleus Habenulari|Nucleus Habenularis ganglion intercrurale|ganglion interpedunculare|habenulae|habenular complex|Hb|nuclei habenulares|pineal peduncle|UBERON:0001904 +HaCaT Cells MESH:D000084282 A spontaneously transformed human epithelial cell line developed from a long-term primary culture of human adult skin KERATINOCYTES. As it maintains an epidermal differentiation capacity, it has been used as a model for keratinization studies. (From:J Cell Biol. 1988 Mar;106(3):761-71.) MESH:D002460|MESH:D015603 A11.251.210.353|A11.409.500.500|A11.436.397.500 A11.251.210|A11.409.500|A11.436.397 HaCaT Cell Line|Human Adult Low Calcium High Temperature Keratinocytes|Human Adult Low-Calcium High-Temperature Keratinocytes +Hair MESH:D006197 A filament-like structure consisting of a shaft which projects to the surface of the SKIN from a root which is softer than the shaft and lodges in the cavity of a HAIR FOLLICLE. It is found on most surfaces of the body. UBERON:UBERON_0001037 MESH:D034582 A17.360 A17 Fetal Hair|Fetal Hairs|Hair, Fetal|Hairs|Hairs, Fetal|Lanugo coat hair|coat/ hair|fur|microchaeta|quill|setulae|strand of hair|UBERON:0001037|vibrissa|whisker +Hair Cells, Ampulla MESH:D054777 Sensory cells in the ampullary crest of each of the semicircular ducts, with their apical STEREOCILIA embedded in a wedge-shaped gelatinous cupula. These hair cells sense the movement of ENDOLYMPH resulting from angular acceleration of the head, and send signals via the VESTIBULAR NERVE to the brain to maintain balance. MESH:D054776 A09.246.300.663.500.500|A09.923.125.500 A09.246.300.663.500|A09.923.125 Ampulla Hair Cell|Ampulla Hair Cells|Ampullary Hair Cell|Ampullary Hair Cells|Hair Cell, Ampulla|Hair Cell, Ampullary|Hair Cells, Ampullary +Hair Cells, Auditory MESH:D006198 Sensory cells in the organ of Corti, characterized by their apical stereocilia (hair-like projections). The inner and outer hair cells, as defined by their proximity to the core of spongy bone (the modiolus), change morphologically along the COCHLEA. Towards the cochlear apex, the length of hair cell bodies and their apical STEREOCILIA increase, allowing differential responses to various frequencies of sound. CL:CL_0000202 MESH:D009475|MESH:D009925|MESH:D046569 A08.675.650.250|A08.675.650.915.750.600.350|A08.800.950.750.600.350|A09.246.300.246.577.325|A11.671.650.250|A11.671.650.915.750.600.350 A08.675.650|A08.675.650.915.750.600|A08.800.950.750.600|A09.246.300.246.577|A11.671.650|A11.671.650.915.750.600 Auditory Hair Cell|Auditory Hair Cells|Cell, Cochlear Hair|Cells, Cochlear Hair|Cochlear Hair Cell|Cochlear Hair Cells|Hair Cell, Auditory|Hair Cell, Cochlear|Hair Cells, Cochlear auditory receptor cell|CL:0000202 +Hair Cells, Auditory, Inner MESH:D006199 Auditory sensory cells of organ of Corti, usually placed in one row medially to the core of spongy bone (the modiolus). Inner hair cells are in fewer numbers than the OUTER AUDITORY HAIR CELLS, and their STEREOCILIA are approximately twice as thick as those of the outer hair cells. CL:CL_0000589 MESH:D006198 A08.675.650.250.250|A08.675.650.915.750.600.350.350|A08.800.950.750.600.350.350|A09.246.300.246.577.325.315|A11.671.650.250.250|A11.671.650.915.750.600.350.350 A08.675.650.250|A08.675.650.915.750.600.350|A08.800.950.750.600.350|A09.246.300.246.577.325|A11.671.650.250|A11.671.650.915.750.600.350 Auditory Hair Cell, Inner|Auditory Hair Cells, Inner|Cell, Inner Hair|Cells, Inner Hair|Cochlear Inner Hair Cell|Cochlear Inner Hair Cells|Hair Cell, Auditory, Inner|Hair Cell, Inner|Hair Cells, Inner|Inner Auditory Hair Cell|Inner Auditory Hair Cells|Inner Hair Cell|Inner Hair Cells CL:0000589 +Hair Cells, Auditory, Outer MESH:D018072 Sensory cells of organ of Corti. In mammals, they are usually arranged in three or four rows, and away from the core of spongy bone (the modiolus), lateral to the INNER AUDITORY HAIR CELLS and other supporting structures. Their cell bodies and STEREOCILIA increase in length from the cochlear base toward the apex and laterally across the rows, allowing differential responses to various frequencies of sound. CL:CL_0000601 MESH:D006198 A08.675.650.250.315|A08.675.650.915.750.600.350.365|A08.800.950.750.600.350.365|A09.246.300.246.577.325.380|A11.671.650.250.315|A11.671.650.915.750.600.350.365 A08.675.650.250|A08.675.650.915.750.600.350|A08.800.950.750.600.350|A09.246.300.246.577.325|A11.671.650.250|A11.671.650.915.750.600.350 Auditory Hair Cell, Outer|Auditory Hair Cells, Outer|Cochlear Outer Hair Cell|Cochlear Outer Hair Cells|Hair Cell, Auditory, Outer|Hair Cells, Auditory, Outer Inner|Hair Cells, Outer|Outer Auditory Hair Cell|Outer Auditory Hair Cells|Outer Hair Cells CL:0000601 +Hair Cells, Vestibular MESH:D018069 Sensory cells in the acoustic maculae with their apical STEREOCILIA embedded in a gelatinous OTOLITHIC MEMBRANE. These hair cells are stimulated by the movement of otolithic membrane, and impulses are transmitted via the VESTIBULAR NERVE to the BRAIN STEM. Hair cells in the saccule and those in the utricle sense linear acceleration in vertical and horizontal directions, respectively. CL:CL_0000609 MESH:D008267|MESH:D009475|MESH:D046569 A08.675.650.395|A08.675.650.915.750.600.675|A08.800.950.750.600.675|A09.246.300.909.625.125.340|A09.923.500.625.125.340|A11.671.650.395|A11.671.650.915.750.600.675 A08.675.650|A08.675.650.915.750.600|A08.800.950.750.600|A09.246.300.909.625.125|A09.923.500.625.125|A11.671.650|A11.671.650.915.750.600 Hair Cell, Vestibular|Vestibular Hair Cell|Vestibular Hair Cells CL:0000609|vestibular receptor cell +Hair Follicle MESH:D018859 A tube-like invagination of the EPIDERMIS from which the hair shaft develops and into which SEBACEOUS GLANDS open. The hair follicle is lined by a cellular inner and outer root sheath of epidermal origin and is invested with a fibrous sheath derived from the dermis. (Stedman, 26th ed) Follicles of very long hairs extend into the subcutaneous layer of tissue under the SKIN. UBERON:UBERON_0002073 MESH:D004817|MESH:D006197 A10.272.497.500|A17.360.710|A17.815.250.500 A10.272.497|A17.360|A17.815.250 Follicle, Hair|Follicles, Hair|Hair Follicles folliculus pili|UBERON:0002073 +Hallux MESH:D006214 The innermost digit of the foot in PRIMATES. UBERON:UBERON_0003631 MESH:D014034 A01.378.610.250.300.792.380 A01.378.610.250.300.792 Big Toe|Big Toes|Great Toe|Great Toes|Toe, Big|Toe, Great|Toes, Big|Toes, Great digit 1 of hind-paw|digit 1 of pes|digitus primus (I) pedis|digitus primus pedis|first toe|foot digit 1|hallex|hallux; digitus primus [I]|hind digit 1|hind digit I|hindlimb dewclaw|hind limb digit 1|large toe|pedal digit 1|pedal digit I|pes digit I|preaxial digit of hindlimb|toe 1|UBERON:0003631 +Hamate Bone MESH:D051225 A carpal bone located between the CAPITATE BONE and the TRIQUETRUM BONE. The hamate has a prominent process that projects anteriorly. UBERON:UBERON_0001433 MESH:D002348 A02.835.232.087.319.150.400 A02.835.232.087.319.150 Bone, Hamate|Bones, Hamate|Hamate Bones|Hook of the Hamate|Os Hamatum carpal 4|distal carpal 4|distal carpal bone 4|hamate|hand distal carpal bone 4|UBERON:0001433|unciform|unciform bone|uncinate +Hamstring Muscles MESH:D000070633 A group of muscles in the posterior THIGH area that are involved in connecting the KNEE JOINT and the PELVIS. UBERON:UBERON_0001374|UBERON:UBERON_0001375|UBERON:UBERON_0001381|UBERON:UBERON_0002463 MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.450|A10.690.552.500.250 A02.633.567|A10.690.552.500 Biceps Femoris|Hamstring Muscle|Muscle, Hamstring|Muscles, Hamstring|Semimembranosus|Semitendinosus biceps femoris muscle|hamstring|muscle of posterior compartment of hindlimb stylopod|muscle of posterior compartment of thigh|muscularis compartimentum femoris posterius|musculus biceps femoris|musculus semimembranosus|musculus semitendinosus|posterior fascial compartment of thigh|posterior femoral muscle|posterior femoral muscles|semimembranosus muscle|semitendinosus muscle|set of hamstring muscles|UBERON:0001374|UBERON:0001375|UBERON:0001381|UBERON:0002463 +Hamstring Tendons MESH:D000070632 A group of tendons that attach the HAMSTRING MUSCLES proximally to the PELVIS and to the TIBIA and FIBULA at the KNEE JOINT. MESH:D013710 A02.880.307 A02.880 Biceps Femoris Tendon|Biceps Femoris Tendons|Hamstring Tendon|Semimembranosus Tendon|Semimembranosus Tendons|Semitendinosus Tendon|Semitendinosus Tendons|Tendon, Biceps Femoris|Tendon, Hamstring|Tendons, Biceps Femoris|Tendon, Semimembranosus|Tendon, Semitendinosus|Tendons, Hamstring|Tendons, Semimembranosus|Tendons, Semitendinosus +Hand MESH:D006225 The distal part of the arm beyond the wrist in humans and primates, that includes the palm, fingers, and thumb. UBERON:UBERON_0002398 MESH:D034941 A01.378.800.667 A01.378.800 Hands forefeet|fore foot|forefoot|forefoot of quadruped|forelimb autopod|forelimb autopodium|fore paw|fore-paw|forepaw|hand region|manus|terminal segment of free upper limb|UBERON:0002398 +Hand Bones MESH:D050276 The CARPAL BONES; METACARPAL BONES; and FINGER PHALANGES. In each hand there are eight carpal bones, five metacarpal bones, and 14 phalanges. UBERON:UBERON_0001442 MESH:D001133 A02.835.232.087.319 A02.835.232.087 Bones, Hand|Bones of Hand|Bones of Hands|Hands Bones anterior autopodium|anterior autopodium skeleton|fore autopod skeleton|forelimb autopod skeleton|hand region skeleton|hand skeleton|manual skeleton|manus|manus skeleton|ossa manus|set of bones of hand|skeleton of hand|skeleton of manus|UBERON:0001442 +Hand Joints MESH:D050823 The articulations extending from the WRIST distally to the FINGERS. These include the WRIST JOINT; CARPAL JOINTS; METACARPOPHALANGEAL JOINT; and FINGER JOINT. UBERON:UBERON_0011131 MESH:D007596 A02.835.583.405 A02.835.583 Intermetacarpal Joint|Intermetacarpal Joints|Joint, Intermetacarpal|Joints, Hand|Joints, Intermetacarpal intermetacarpal|intermetacarpal articulation|UBERON:0011131 +Harderian Gland MESH:D006243 A sebaceous gland that, in some animals, acts as an accessory to the lacrimal gland. The harderian gland excretes fluid that facilitates movement of the third eyelid. UBERON:UBERON_0004187 MESH:D000825 A13.445 A13 Gland, Harderian deep gland of the nictitating membrane|gland of Hardarian|glandula palpebra tertia profundus|Hardarian gland|Harder's gland|UBERON:0004187 +Haversian System MESH:D006253 A circular structural unit of bone tissue. It consists of a central hole, the Haversian canal through which blood vessels run, surrounded by concentric rings, called lamellae. UBERON:UBERON_0014730 MESH:D000071538 A10.165.265.521.500 A10.165.265.521 Canal, Haversian|Canal, Nutrient|Canals, Haversian|Canals, Nutrient|Canals, Volkmann|Canal, Volkmann|Haversian Canal|Haversian Canals|Nutrient Canal|Nutrient Canals|Osteon|Osteons|Volkmann Canal|Volkmann Canals bone matrix|haversian systems|osteonum|UBERON:0014730|volkmann's vessel +HCT116 Cells MESH:D045325 Human COLORECTAL CARCINOMA cell line. MESH:D045744 A11.|A11.251.860.180.380 A11.251.210.190|A11.251.860.180 Cell, HCT 116|Cell, HCT-116|Cell, HCT116|Cells, HCT 116|Cells, HCT-116|Cells, HCT116|HCT 116 Cell|HCT-116 Cell|HCT116 Cell|HCT 116 Cells|HCT-116 Cells +Head MESH:D006257 The upper part of the human body, or the front or upper part of the body of an animal, typically separated from the rest of the body by a neck, and containing the brain, mouth, and sense organs. UBERON:UBERON_0000033 MESH:D001829 A01.456 A01 Heads adult head|cephalic area|head (volume)|UBERON:0000033 +Head Kidney MESH:D060226 A primitive form of vertebrate kidney that is found in adults of some primitive FISHES and in the embryos of more advanced fishes. In some species of fishes it contains phagocytic cells and is also a major site of HEMATOPOIESIS, analogous to the mammalian BONE MARROW. UBERON:UBERON_0007132 MESH:D000825|MESH:D060910 A13.449|A16.835.400 A13|A16.835 Anterior Kidney|Anterior Kidneys|Head Kidneys|Kidney, Anterior|Kidney, Head|Kidneys, Anterior|Kidneys, Head kidney marrow|UBERON:0007132 +Heart MESH:D006321 The hollow, muscular organ that maintains the circulation of the blood. UBERON:UBERON_0000948 MESH:D002319 A07.541 A07 Hearts branchial heart|cardium|chambered heart|UBERON:0000948|vertebrate heart +Heart Atria MESH:D006325 The chambers of the heart, to which the BLOOD returns from the circulation. UBERON:UBERON_0002081 MESH:D006321 A07.541.358 A07.541 Atria, Heart|Atrium, Heart|Atrium, Left|Atrium, Right|Heart Atrium|Left Atrium|Right Atrium atria|atrial tissue|atrium|atrium of heart|cardiac atria|cardiac atrium|UBERON:0002081 +Heart Conduction System MESH:D006329 An impulse-conducting system composed of modified cardiac muscle, having the power of spontaneous rhythmicity and conduction more highly developed than the rest of the heart. UBERON:UBERON_0002350 MESH:D006321 A07.541.409 A07.541 Conduction System, Heart|Conduction Systems, Heart|Heart Conduction Systems|System, Heart Conduction|Systems, Heart Conduction cardiac conducting system|cardiac conduction system|cardiac impulse conducting system|cardionector|central conduction system|complexus stimulans cordis|conducting system of heart|impulse conducting system|systema conducente cordis|UBERON:0002350 +Heart Septum MESH:D006346 This structure includes the thin muscular atrial septum between the two HEART ATRIA, and the thick muscular ventricular septum between the two HEART VENTRICLES. UBERON:UBERON_0002099 MESH:D006321 A07.541.459 A07.541 Cardiac Septum|Heart Septa|Septa, Heart|Septum, Cardiac|Septum, Heart cardiac septa|septum of heart|spiral septa|UBERON:0002099 +Heart Valves MESH:D006351 Flaps of tissue that prevent regurgitation of BLOOD from the HEART VENTRICLES to the HEART ATRIA or from the PULMONARY ARTERIES or AORTA to the ventricles. UBERON:UBERON_0000946 MESH:D006321 A07.541.510 A07.541 Cardiac Valve|Cardiac Valves|Heart Valve|Valve, Cardiac|Valve, Heart|Valves, Cardiac|Valves, Heart stomodaeal valve|UBERON:0000946|valve of heart|valvule +Heart Ventricles MESH:D006352 The lower right and left chambers of the heart. The right ventricle pumps venous BLOOD into the LUNGS and the left ventricle pumps oxygenated blood into the systemic arterial circulation. UBERON:UBERON_0002082 MESH:D006321 A07.541.560 A07.541 Cardiac Ventricle|Cardiac Ventricles|Heart Ventricle|Left Ventricle|Left Ventricles|Right Ventricle|Right Ventricles|Ventricle, Cardiac|Ventricle, Heart|Ventricle, Left|Ventricle, Right|Ventricles, Cardiac|Ventricles, Heart|Ventricles, Left|Ventricles, Right lower chamber of heart|UBERON:0002082|ventricle|ventricle of heart +Heel MESH:D006365 The back (or posterior) of the foot in PRIMATES, found behind the ankle and distal to the toes. UBERON:UBERON_0015875 MESH:D005528 A01.378.610.250.510 A01.378.610.250 Heels|Sinus Tarsi|Sinus Tarsus calcaneal region|heel region|regio calcanea|UBERON:0015875 +Heinz Bodies MESH:D006366 Abnormal intracellular inclusions, composed of denatured hemoglobin, found on the membrane of red blood cells. They are seen in thalassemias, enzymopathies, hemoglobinopathies, and after splenectomy. MESH:D004908 A11.118.290.330.315.335|A11.284.420.204.335|A15.145.229.334.330.340.335 A11.118.290.330.315|A11.284.420.204|A15.145.229.334.330.340 Bodies, Heinz +HEK293 Cells MESH:D057809 A cell line generated from human embryonic kidney cells that were transformed with human adenovirus type 5. MESH:D002461|MESH:D004847 A11.|A11.436.334 A11.251.210.172|A11.436 293 Cell, HEK|293 Cells, HEK|293T Cell|293T Cells|Cell, 293T|Cell, HEK 293|Cell, HEK293|Cells, 293T|Cells, HEK 293|Cells, HEK293|HEK 293 Cell|HEK293 Cell|HEK 293 Cell Line|HEK 293 Cells|Human Embryonic Kidney Cell Line 293|Human Kidney Cell Line 293 +HeLa Cells MESH:D006367 The first continuously cultured human malignant CELL LINE, derived from the cervical carcinoma of Henrietta Lacks. These cells are used for, among other things, VIRUS CULTIVATION and PRECLINICAL DRUG EVALUATION assays. MESH:D004847|MESH:D045744 A11.|A11.251.860.180.400|A11.436.340 A11.251.210.190|A11.251.860.180|A11.436 Cell, HeLa|Cells, HeLa|HeLa Cell +Hemangioblasts MESH:D055018 Bipotential angio-hematopoietic stem cells that give rise to both HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELLS and ENDOTHELIAL CELLS. CL:CL_0002418 MESH:D006412|MESH:D042783 A11.436.275.365|A11.872.378.270 A11.436.275|A11.872.378 Cell, Hemogenic Endothelial|Cells, Hemogenic Endothelial|Endothelial Cell, Hemogenic|Endothelial Cells, Hemogenic|Endothelium, Hemogenic|Endotheliums, Hemogenic|Hemangioblast|Hemogenic Endothelial Cell|Hemogenic Endothelial Cells|Hemogenic Endothelium|Hemogenic Endotheliums CL:0002418 +Hematopoietic Stem Cells MESH:D006412 Progenitor cells from which all blood cells derived. They are found primarily in the bone marrow and also in small numbers in the peripheral blood. CL:CL_0000037 MESH:D001854|MESH:D013234 A11.148.378|A11.872.378|A15.378.316.378 A11.148|A11.872|A15.378.316 Cell, Hematopoietic Progenitor|Cell, Hematopoietic Stem|Cells, Hematopoietic Progenitor|Cells, Hematopoietic Stem|Colony-Forming Unit, Hematopoietic|Colony Forming Units, Hematopoietic|Colony-Forming Units, Hematopoietic|Hematopoietic Colony-Forming Unit|Hematopoietic Colony-Forming Units|Hematopoietic Progenitor Cell|Hematopoietic Progenitor Cells|Hematopoietic Stem Cell|Progenitor Cell, Hematopoietic|Progenitor Cells, Hematopoietic|Stem Cell, Hematopoietic|Stem Cells, Hematopoietic|Unit, Hematopoietic Colony-Forming|Units, Hematopoietic Colony-Forming blood forming stem cell|CL:0000037|colony forming unit hematopoietic|hemopoietic stem cell|HSC +Hematopoietic System MESH:D006413 The blood-making organs and tissues, principally the bone marrow and lymph nodes. UBERON:UBERON_0002390 MESH:D006424 A15.378 A15 Hematopoietic Systems|System, Hematopoietic Blutbildungssystem|haematological system|haematopoietic system|haemopoietic system|hematological system|hematolymphoid system|hemopoietic system|organa haemopoietica|UBERON:0002390 +Hemic and Immune Systems MESH:D006424 Organs involved in the production of BLOOD, including the cellular and the molecular components essential in providing defense against foreign organisms or substances. MESH:A A15 A Hemic System|System, Hemic +Hemidesmosomes MESH:D022002 An anchoring junction of the cell to a non-cellular substrate, similar in morphology to halves of DESMOSOMES. They are composed of specialized areas of the plasma membrane where INTERMEDIATE FILAMENTS bind on the cytoplasmic face to the transmembrane linkers, INTEGRINS, via intracellular attachment proteins, while the extracellular domain of the integrins binds to EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX PROTEINS. MESH:D021982 A11. A11. Hemidesmosome +Hemocytes MESH:D006434 Any blood or formed element especially in invertebrates. CL:CL_0000387 MESH:D001773 A11.118.480|A15.145.229.480 A11.118|A15.145.229 Hemocyte CL:0000387|hemocyte (sensu Arthropoda) +Hemolymph MESH:D006458 The blood/lymphlike nutrient fluid of some invertebrates. UBERON:UBERON_0001011 MESH:D000825 A13.453 A13 Hemolymphs haemolymph|UBERON:0001011 +Hepatic Artery MESH:D006499 A branch of the celiac artery that distributes to the stomach, pancreas, duodenum, liver, gallbladder, and greater omentum. UBERON:UBERON_0001193 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.407 A07.015.114 Arteries, Hepatic|Artery, Hepatic|Hepatic Arteries arteria hepatica|arteria hepatica propria|UBERON:0001193 +Hepatic Duct, Common MESH:D006500 Predominantly extrahepatic bile duct which is formed by the junction of the right and left hepatic ducts, which are predominantly intrahepatic, and, in turn, joins the cystic duct to form the common bile duct. UBERON:UBERON_0001175 MESH:D017734 A03. A03.159.183.079 Common Hepatic Duct|Common Hepatic Ducts|Duct, Common Hepatic|Duct, Hepatic|Ducts, Common Hepatic|Ducts, Hepatic|Hepatic Duct|Hepatic Ducts|Hepatic Ducts, Common ductus hepaticus communis|UBERON:0001175 +Hepatic Stellate Cells MESH:D055166 Perisinusoidal cells of the liver, located in the space of Disse between HEPATOCYTES and sinusoidal endothelial cells. CL:CL_0000632 MESH:D002477 A11.561 A11 Cell, Hepatic Stellate|Cells, Hepatic Stellate|Cells, Ito|Hepatic Stellate Cell|Ito Cells|Stellate Cell, Hepatic|Stellate Cells, Hepatic CL:0000632|fat-storing cell|hepatic perisinusoidal cell|Ito cell|lipocyte|perisinusoidal cell|vitamin A-storing cells +Hepatic Veins MESH:D006503 Veins which drain the liver. UBERON:UBERON_0001143 MESH:D014680 A07.015.908.380 A07.015.908 Hepatic Vein|Vein, Hepatic|Veins, Hepatic liver vein|UBERON:0001143|vein of liver|venae hepaticae|vena hepatica +Hepatocytes MESH:D022781 The main structural component of the LIVER. They are specialized EPITHELIAL CELLS that are organized into interconnected plates called lobules. CL:CL_0000182 MESH:D004847 A11.436.348 A11.436 Cell, Hepatic|Cells, Hepatic|Hepatic Cell|Hepatic Cells|Hepatocyte CL:0000182 +Hepatopancreas MESH:D043143 A primitive form of digestive gland found in marine ARTHROPODS, that contains cells similar to those found in the mammalian liver (HEPATOCYTES), and the PANCREAS. UBERON:UBERON_0010264 MESH:D000825 A13.463 A13 UBERON:0010264 +Hep G2 Cells MESH:D056945 A human liver tumor cell line used to study a variety of liver-specific metabolic functions. MESH:D022781|MESH:D045744 A11.251.860.180.432|A11.436.348.500 A11.251.860.180|A11.436.348 Cell, Hep G2|Cell, HepG2|Cell Line, Hepatoblastoma G2|Cell Line, Hep G2|Cells, Hep G2|Cells, HepG2|Hepatoblastoma G2 Cell Line|Hep G2 Cell|HepG2 Cell|Hep G2 Cell Line|HepG2 Cells +Heterochromatin MESH:D006570 The portion of chromosome material that remains condensed and is transcriptionally inactive during INTERPHASE. MESH:D002843 A11.284.430.106.279.345. A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160.180 Heterochromatins +Heterografts MESH:D064593 Tissues, cells or organs transplanted between animals of different species. MESH:D019737 A01.941.875 A01.941 Heterograft|Xenograft|Xenografts +High Vocal Center MESH:D053400 Nucleus in the NEOSTRIATUM of bird brains that sends signals for song production and receives auditory input. In some adult SONGBIRDS, research has shown that the size of this nucleus changes seasonally and that it exhibits neurogenesis. MESH:D000825|MESH:D017072 A08.|A13.468 A08.|A13 Vocal Center, High +Hindlimb MESH:D006614 Either of two extremities of four-footed non-primate land animals. It usually consists of a FEMUR; TIBIA; and FIBULA; tarsals; METATARSALS; and TOES. (From Storer et al., General Zoology, 6th ed, p73) UBERON:UBERON_0002103 MESH:D000825 A13.473 A13 Hindlimbs free lower limb|free part of lower limb|hind limb|hind-limb|inferior member|lower extremity|lower limb|membrum inferius|pelvic appendage|UBERON:0002103 +Hip MESH:D006615 The projecting part on each side of the body, formed by the side of the pelvis and the top portion of the femur. UBERON:UBERON_0001464 MESH:D035002 A01.378.610.400 A01.378.610 Coxa|Coxas|Hips hip region|regio coxae|UBERON:0001464 +Hip Joint MESH:D006621 The joint that is formed by the articulation of the head of FEMUR and the ACETABULUM of the PELVIS. UBERON:UBERON_0001486 MESH:D007596 A02.835.583.411 A02.835.583 Acetabulofemoral Joint|Acetabulofemoral Joints|Hip Joints|Joint, Acetabulofemoral|Joint, Hip|Joints, Acetabulofemoral|Joints, Hip articulatio coxofemoralis|coxal articulation|femoro-iliac joint|UBERON:0001486 +Hippocampus MESH:D006624 A curved elevation of GRAY MATTER extending the entire length of the floor of the TEMPORAL HORN of the LATERAL VENTRICLE (see also TEMPORAL LOBE). The hippocampus proper, subiculum, and DENTATE GYRUS constitute the hippocampal formation. Sometimes authors include the ENTORHINAL CORTEX in the hippocampal formation. UBERON:UBERON_0001954|UBERON:UBERON_0002421|UBERON:UBERON_0002961 MESH:D002540|MESH:D008032 A08.|A08. A08.186.211.180|A08. Ammon Horn|Ammon's Horn|Ammons Horn|Cornu Ammonis|Formation, Hippocampal|Formations, Hippocampal|Hippocampal Formation|Hippocampal Formations|Hippocampus Proper|Hippocampus Propers|Horn, Ammon|Horn, Ammon's|Proper, Hippocampus|Propers, Hippocampus|Subiculum|Subiculums ammon gyrus|Ammon horn fields|archicortex|archipallium|formatio hippocampi|hippocampal pallium|hippocampus (Crosby)|hippocampus major|hippocampus proprius|intralimbic gyrus|major hippocampus|primal cortex|seahorse|UBERON:0001954|UBERON:0002421|UBERON:0002961 +Histiocytes MESH:D006644 Macrophages found in the TISSUES, as opposed to those found in the blood (MONOCYTES) or serous cavities (SEROUS MEMBRANE). CL:CL_0000235 MESH:D008264 A11.329.372.385|A11.627.482.385|A11.733.397.385|A15.382.670.522.385|A15.382.680.397.385 A11.329.372|A11.627.482|A11.733.397|A15.382.670.522|A15.382.680.397 Histiocyte CL:0000235|macrophage +HL-60 Cells MESH:D018922 A promyelocytic cell line derived from a patient with ACUTE PROMYELOCYTIC LEUKEMIA. HL-60 cells lack specific markers for LYMPHOID CELLS but express surface receptors for FC FRAGMENTS and COMPLEMENT SYSTEM PROTEINS. They also exhibit phagocytic activity and responsiveness to chemotactic stimuli. (From Hay et al., American Type Culture Collection, 7th ed, pp127-8) MESH:D042381|MESH:D045744 A11.|A11.251.860.180.465|A11.627.340.360.500 A11.251.210.190|A11.251.860.180|A11.627.340.360 Cell, HL60|Cells, HL60|HL-60 Cell|HL60 Cell|HL 60 Cells|HL60 Cells +Hoof and Claw MESH:D006724 Highly keratinized processes that are sharp and curved, or flat with pointed margins. They are found especially at the end of the limbs in certain animals. UBERON:UBERON_0009564 MESH:D000825 A13.491 A13 Claw|Claw and Hoof|Claws|Claws and Hooves|Hoof|Hoofs|Hooves|Hooves and Claws distal limb integumentary appendage|hoof, claw or nail|hoof or claw|keratin plate|keratin sheath|UBERON:0009564|unguis +Horns MESH:D006733 Either of the pair of hard processes, including ANTLERS, that consist of a BONE core surrounded by a middle KERATIN layer which is in turn covered by EPIDERMIS. They grow from the upper portion of the head of many RUMINANTS. UBERON:UBERON_0006967 MESH:D000825 A13.507 A13 Horn UBERON:0006967 +HT29 Cells MESH:D019073 Human colonic ADENOCARCINOMA cells that are able to express differentiation features characteristic of mature intestinal cells such as the GOBLET CELLS. MESH:D004847|MESH:D045744 A11.|A11.251.860.180.475|A11.436.365 A11.251.210.190|A11.251.860.180|A11.436 Cell, HT-29|Cell, HT29|Cells, HT-29|Cells, HT29|HT-29 Cell|HT29 Cell|HT 29 Cells|HT-29 Cells +Human Embryonic Stem Cells MESH:D000066449 A type of PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS derived from early stage human embryos, up to and including the BLASTOCYST stage. MESH:D053595 A11.872.700.250.750 A11.872.700.250 Cells, Human Embryonic Stem|hESC|hESCs|Human Embryonic Stem Cell|Stem Cells, Human Embryonic +Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cells MESH:D061307 Endothelial cells that line venous vessels of the UMBILICAL CORD. MESH:D042783 A11.436.275.682 A11.436.275 Cell, HUVEC|Cells, HUVEC|Endothelial Cells, Human Umbilical Vein|Human Umbilical Vein Endothelial Cell|HUVEC Cell|HUVEC Cells +Humeral Head MESH:D058430 The upper rounded extremity of the humerus fitting into the GLENOID CAVITY of the SCAPULA. UBERON:UBERON_0004411|UBERON:UBERON_0006801 MESH:D006811 A02.835. A02.835. Humeral Heads|Humerus Head|Humerus Heads caput humeri|head of humerus|head of the humerus|proximal end of humerus|proximal epiphysis of humerus|proximal head of humerus|proximal humeral epiphysis|proximal humerus|UBERON:0004411|UBERON:0006801|upper end of humerus|upper extremity of humerus +Humerus MESH:D006811 Bone in humans and primates extending from the SHOULDER JOINT to the ELBOW JOINT. UBERON:UBERON_0000976 MESH:D050280 A02.835. A02.835.232.087.090 Greater Tubercle|Greater Tubercles|Greater Tuberosities, Humeral|Greater Tuberosity, Humeral|Humeral Greater Tuberosities|Humeral Greater Tuberosity|Humeral Lesser Tuberosities|Humeral Lesser Tuberosity|Humeri|Lesser Tubercle|Lesser Tubercles|Lesser Tuberosities, Humeral|Lesser Tuberosity, Humeral|Olecranon Fossa|Olecranon Fossi|Tubercle, Greater|Tubercles, Greater humerus bone|mesomere 1 of pectoral appendage|proximal metapterygial mesomere of pectoral appendage|proximal metapterygial mesomere of pectoral fin|UBERON:0000976 +Hyalin MESH:D006818 A clear, homogenous, structureless, eosinophilic substance occurring in pathological degeneration of tissues. MESH:D005441 A12.580 A12 Hyaline|Hyaline Substance|Hyalins|Hyalin Substance|Substance, Hyalin|Substance, Hyaline +Hyaline Cartilage MESH:D051457 A type of CARTILAGE characterized by a homogenous amorphous matrix containing predominately TYPE II COLLAGEN and ground substance. Hyaline cartilage is found in ARTICULAR CARTILAGE; COSTAL CARTILAGE; LARYNGEAL CARTILAGES; and the NASAL SEPTUM. UBERON:UBERON_0001994|UBERON:UBERON_0010996 MESH:D002356 A02.165.407|A10.165.382.400 A02.165|A10.165.382 Cartilage, Hyaline|Cartilages, Hyaline|Hyaline Cartilages articular cartilage|articular cartilage of joint|cartilago articularis|chondroid cartilage|hyaline cartilage tissue|joint-associated cartilage|UBERON:0001994|UBERON:0010996 +Hybrid Cells MESH:D006822 Any cell, other than a ZYGOTE, that contains elements (such as NUCLEI and CYTOPLASM) from two or more different cells, usually produced by artificial CELL FUSION. MESH:D002478 A11.251.600 A11.251 Cell, Hybrid|Cell Hybrid, Somatic|Cell Hybrids, Somatic|Cells, Hybrid|Hybrid Cell|Hybrid, Somatic Cell|Hybrids, Somatic Cell|Somatic Cell Hybrid|Somatic Cell Hybrids +Hybridomas MESH:D006825 Cells artificially created by fusion of activated lymphocytes with neoplastic cells. The resulting hybrid cells are cloned and produce pure MONOCLONAL ANTIBODIES or T-cell products, identical to those produced by the immunologically competent parent cell. MESH:D002999|MESH:D006822 A11.251.353.485|A11.251.600.485 A11.251.353|A11.251.600 Hybridoma +Hymen MESH:D006924 A thin fold of MUCOUS MEMBRANE situated at the orifice of the vagina. UBERON:UBERON_0001346 MESH:D009092|MESH:D014621 A05.360.319.779.479|A10.615.550.368 A05.360.319.779|A10.615.550 hymen of vagina|hymen vaginae|UBERON:0001346|vaginal corona|vaginal hymen +Hyoid Bone MESH:D006928 A mobile U-shaped bone that lies in the anterior part of the neck at the level of the third CERVICAL VERTEBRAE. The hyoid bone is suspended from the processes of the TEMPORAL BONES by ligaments, and is firmly bound to the THYROID CARTILAGE by muscles. UBERON:UBERON_0001685 MESH:D001842 A02.835.232.409 A02.835.232 Bone, Hyoid|Bone, Lingual|Bones, Hyoid|Bones, Lingual|Hyoid Bones|Lingual Bone|Lingual Bones hyoid|hyoideum|os hyoideum|UBERON:0001685 +Hypogastric Plexus MESH:D007001 A complex network of nerve fibers in the pelvic region. The hypogastric plexus distributes sympathetic fibers from the lumbar paravertebral ganglia and the aortic plexus, parasympathetic fibers from the pelvic nerve, and visceral afferents. The bilateral pelvic plexus is in its lateral extent. UBERON:UBERON_0005303 MESH:D017776 A08.800.050.050.400|A08.800.800.060.400 A08.800.050.050|A08.800.800.060 Pelvic Plexus|Plexus, Hypogastric|Plexus, Pelvic hypogastric nerve|hypogastric nerve plexus|nervus hypogastricus|UBERON:0005303 +Hypoglossal Nerve MESH:D007002 The 12th cranial nerve. The hypoglossal nerve originates in the hypoglossal nucleus of the medulla and supplies motor innervation to all of the muscles of the tongue except the palatoglossus (which is supplied by the vagus). This nerve also contains proprioceptive afferents from the tongue muscles. UBERON:UBERON_0001650 MESH:D003391 A08.800.800.120.330 A08.800.800.120 Cranial Nerves, Twelfth|Cranial Nerve, Twelfth|Cranial Nerve XII|Cranial Nerve XIIs|Hypoglossal Nerves|Hypoglossus, Nervus|Nerve, Hypoglossal|Nerves, Hypoglossal|Nerves, Twelfth Cranial|Nerve, Twelfth Cranial|Nerve XII|Nerve XII, Cranial|Nerve XIIs|Nerve XIIs, Cranial|Nervus Hypoglossus|Twelfth Cranial Nerve|Twelfth Cranial Nerves|XII, Nerve|XIIs, Nerve 12n|CN-XII|hypoglossal nerve/ root|hypoglossal nerve tree|hypoglossal nerve [XII]|hypoglossal XII|hypoglossal XII nerve|nervi hypoglossalis|nervus hypoglossus [xii]|UBERON:0001650 +Hypopharynx MESH:D007013 The bottom portion of the pharynx situated below the OROPHARYNX and posterior to the LARYNX. The hypopharynx communicates with the larynx through the laryngeal inlet, and is also called laryngopharynx. UBERON:UBERON_0001051 MESH:D010614 A04.623.490|A14.724.490 A04.623|A14.724 Hypopharynges|Hypopharynxes|Laryngopharynges|Laryngopharynx|Laryngopharynxes laryngeal pharynx|pars laryngea pharyngis|UBERON:0001051 +Hypothalamic Area, Lateral MESH:D007026 Area in the hypothalamus bounded medially by the mammillothalamic tract and the anterior column of the FORNIX (BRAIN). The medial edge of the INTERNAL CAPSULE and the subthalamic region form its lateral boundary. It contains the lateral hypothalamic nucleus, tuberomammillary nucleus, lateral tuberal nuclei, and fibers of the MEDIAL FOREBRAIN BUNDLE. UBERON:UBERON_0000435|UBERON:UBERON_0001936|UBERON:UBERON_0001937|UBERON:UBERON_0002430 MESH:D007031 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Accessory Nucleus of the Ventral Horn|Area Hypothalamica Laterali|Area Hypothalamica Lateralis|Area, Lateral Hypothalamic|Area Lateralis Hypothalami|Area Lateralis Hypothalamus|Areas, Lateral Hypothalamic|Hypothalami, Area Lateralis|Hypothalamica Laterali, Area|Hypothalamica Lateralis, Area|Hypothalamic Areas, Lateral|Hypothalamic Nucleus, Lateral|Hypothalamus, Area Lateralis|Hypothalamus, Lateral|Lateral Hypothalamic Area|Lateral Hypothalamic Areas|Lateral Hypothalamic Nucleus|Lateral Hypothalamus|Laterali, Area Hypothalamica|Lateralis, Area Hypothalamica|Lateralis Hypothalami, Area|Lateralis Hypothalamus, Area|Lateral Tuberal Nuclei|Lateral Tuberal Nucleus|Nuclei, Lateral Tuberal|Nucleus, Lateral Hypothalamic|Nucleus, Lateral Tuberal|Nucleus, Tuberomammillary|Tuberal Nuclei, Lateral|Tuberal Nucleus, Lateral|Tuberomammillary Nucleus areas of Economo|caudal magnocellular nucleus|economo's areas|lateral division of hypothalamus|lateral group of hypothalamic nuclei|lateral hypothalamic area (Nissl 1913)|lateral hypothalamic area proper|lateral hypothalamic group|lateral hypothalamic nuclei|lateral hypothalamic region|lateral hypothalamic zone (Crosby)|lateral tuberal hypothalamic nuclei|lateral tuberal nuclear complex|LH|LHy|LTu|mammilloinfundibular nucleus|mammiloinfundibular nucleus|nuclei tuberales laterales|nucleus hypothalamicus lateralis|nucleus tuberis|nucleus tuberis hypothalami|nucleus tuberis lateralis|nucleus tuberomamillaris|nucleus tuberomamillaris hypothalami|TM|tubero-mamillary area|tuberomamillary nucleus|tuberomammillary hypothalamic nucleus|tuberomammillary nucleus, ventral part|UBERON:0000435|UBERON:0001936|UBERON:0001937|UBERON:0002430|ventral tuberomammillary nucleus +Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Axis MESH:D000094365 A collection of NEURONS, tracts of NERVE FIBERS, endocrine tissue, and blood vessels in the HYPOTHALAMUS, the PITUITARY GLAND and the GONADS. It plays a central role in endocrine regulation of gonadal function including release of hormones: GNRH; LUTEINIZING HORMONE; FOLLICLE-STIMULATING HORMONE and TESTOSTERONE. MESH:D007030 A06.688.357.250|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357.250 A06.688.357|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357 Axis, HPG|Axis, Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal|Axis, Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Endocrine|HPG Axis|Hypothalamic Pituitary Gonadal Axis|Hypothalamic Pituitary Gonadal Endocrine Axis|Hypothalamic-Pituitary-Gonadal Endocrine Axis +Hypothalamo-Hypophyseal System MESH:D007030 A collection of NEURONS, tracts of NERVE FIBERS, endocrine tissue, and blood vessels in the HYPOTHALAMUS and the PITUITARY GLAND. This hypothalamo-hypophyseal portal circulation provides the mechanism for hypothalamic neuroendocrine (HYPOTHALAMIC HORMONES) regulation of pituitary function and the release of various PITUITARY HORMONES into the systemic circulation to maintain HOMEOSTASIS. UBERON:UBERON_0009976 MESH:D007033|MESH:D009490 A06.688.357|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357 A06.688|A08.|A08.|A08.713 Hypophyseal Portal System|Hypothalamic Hypophyseal System|Hypothalamic Hypophyseal Systems|Hypothalamic Pituitary Unit|Hypothalamic-Pituitary Unit|Hypothalamo Hypophyseal System|Hypothalamo Pituitary Adrenal Axis|Hypothalamo-Pituitary-Adrenal Axis|Portal System, Hypophyseal hypothalamic hypophyseal portal system|hypothalamohypophyseal portal system|portal veins of hypophysis|set of portal veins of hypophysis|UBERON:0009976|venae portales hypophysiales +Hypothalamus MESH:D007031 Ventral part of the DIENCEPHALON extending from the region of the OPTIC CHIASM to the caudal border of the MAMMILLARY BODIES and forming the inferior and lateral walls of the THIRD VENTRICLE. UBERON:UBERON_0001898 MESH:D004027|MESH:D008032 A08.|A08. A08.186.211.180|A08. Area, Preoptico-Hypothalamic|Areas, Preoptico-Hypothalamic|Lamina Terminalis|Preoptico Hypothalamic Area|Preoptico-Hypothalamic Area|Preoptico-Hypothalamic Areas Hy|preoptico-hypothalamic region|UBERON:0001898 +Hypothalamus, Anterior MESH:D007032 The front portion of the HYPOTHALAMUS separated into the preoptic region and the supraoptic region. The preoptic region is made up of the periventricular GRAY MATTER of the rostral portion of the THIRD VENTRICLE and contains the preoptic ventricular nucleus and the medial preoptic nucleus. The supraoptic region contains the PARAVENTRICULAR HYPOTHALAMIC NUCLEUS, the SUPRAOPTIC NUCLEUS, the ANTERIOR HYPOTHALAMIC NUCLEUS, and the SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEUS. UBERON:UBERON_0002690|UBERON:UBERON_0002694 MESH:D007031 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Anterior Hypothalamic Commissure|Anterior Hypothalamic Commissures|Anterior Hypothalamic Decussation of Ganser|Anterior Hypothalamus|Anteroventral Periventricular Nucleus|Commissure, Anterior Hypothalamic|Commissures, Anterior Hypothalamic|Hypothalamic Commissure, Anterior|Hypothalamic Commissures, Anterior|Hypothalamus, Supraoptic|Nucleus, Anteroventral Periventricular|Periventricular Nucleus, Anteroventral|Supraoptic Hypothalamus AHC|anterior hypothalamic commissure (Ganser)|anterior ventral periventricular nucleus of hypothalamus|anteroventral periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus|AVPe|commissura hypothalamica anterior|commissura supraoptica dorsalis pars dorsalis|commissura supraoptica superior pars dorsalis|nucleus periventricularis anteroventralis|UBERON:0002690|UBERON:0002694|ventral periventricular hypothalamic nucleus +Hypothalamus, Middle MESH:D007033 Middle portion of the hypothalamus containing the arcuate, dorsomedial, ventromedial nuclei, the TUBER CINEREUM and the PITUITARY GLAND. UBERON:UBERON_0002555 MESH:D007031 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Hypothalamic Region, Intermediate|Hypothalamic Regions, Intermediate|Hypothalamus, Medial|Intermediate Hypothalamic Region|Intermediate Hypothalamic Regions|Medial Hypothalamus|Middle Hypothalamus|Region, Intermediate Hypothalamic|Regions, Intermediate Hypothalamic area hypothalamica intermedia|IHR|intermediate hypothalamic area|intermediate hypothalamus|regio hypothalamica intermedia|UBERON:0002555 +Hypothalamus, Posterior MESH:D007034 The part of the hypothalamus posterior to the middle region consisting of several nuclei including the medial maxillary nucleus, lateral mammillary nucleus, and posterior hypothalamic nucleus (posterior hypothalamic area). The posterior hypothalamic area is concerned with control of sympathetic responses and is sensitive to conditions of decreasing temperature and controls the mechanisms for the conservation and increased production of heat. UBERON:UBERON_0001940|UBERON:UBERON_0002706|UBERON:UBERON_0002708|UBERON:UBERON_0002712|UBERON:UBERON_0002770|UBERON:UBERON_0002991 MESH:D007031 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Area Hypothalamica Posterior|Area Hypothalamica Posteriors|Commissures, Supramammillary|Commissure, Supramammillary|Hypothalamica Posterior, Area|Hypothalamica Posteriors, Area|Hypothalamic Region, Posterior|Hypothalamic Regions, Posterior|Hypothalamus Posterior|Hypothalamus Posteriors|Mammillary Region|Mammillary Regions|Nucleus, Posterior Periventricular|Nucleus, Premammillary|Nucleus, Supramammillary|Periventricular Nucleus, Posterior|Posterior, Area Hypothalamica|Posterior Hypothalamic Region|Posterior Hypothalamic Regions|Posterior Hypothalamus|Posterior, Hypothalamus|Posterior Periventricular Nucleus|Posteriors, Area Hypothalamica|Posteriors, Hypothalamus|Premammillary Nucleus|Region, Mammillary|Region, Posterior Hypothalamic|Regions, Mammillary|Regions, Posterior Hypothalamic|Supramammillary Commissure|Supramammillary Commissures|Supramammillary Nucleus area posterior hypothalami|commissura supramamillaris|commissura supramammillaris|commissure of forel|commissure supramammillary|commissure y|decussation supramamilaris|decussation supramamillaris|griseum periventriculare hypothalami|mammillary level of hypothalamus|nuclei premamillaris|nucleus hypothalamicus posterior|nucleus periventricularis posterior|nucleus posterior hypothalami|nucleus premamillaris hypothalami|periventricular hypothalamic nucleus, posterior part|periventricular nucleus, posterior subdivision|PH|PHR|PMm|posterior hypothalamic area|posterior hypothalamic nucleus|posterior nucleus|posterior nucleus of hypothalamus|posterior nucleus of the hypothalamus|posterior paraventricular nucleus|posterior periventricular hypothalamic nucleus|posterior periventricular nucleus of hypothalamus|posterior periventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus|postmammillary decussation|PPe|premamillary nucleus|premammillary nuclei|regio hypothalamica posterior|SuM|SUMX|supramammillary decussation|UBERON:0001940|UBERON:0002706|UBERON:0002708|UBERON:0002712|UBERON:0002770|UBERON:0002991 +Ileocecal Valve MESH:D007080 The valve, at the junction of the CECUM with the COLON, that guards the opening where the ILEUM enters the LARGE INTESTINE. UBERON:UBERON_0000569 MESH:D007082 A03.556.124.684.249.400|A03.556.249.124.400 A03.556.124.684.249|A03.556.249.124 Ileocecal Valves|Valve, Ileocecal|Valves, Ileocecal Tulp's valve|UBERON:0000569|valva ileocaecalis|valva ileocaecalis (valva ilealis) +Ileum MESH:D007082 The distal and narrowest portion of the SMALL INTESTINE, between the JEJUNUM and the ILEOCECAL VALVE of the LARGE INTESTINE. UBERON:UBERON_0002116 MESH:D007421|MESH:D041741 A03.556.124.684.249|A03.556.249.124 A03.556.124.684|A03.556.249 distal intestine|intestinum ileum|lower intestine|posterior intestine|UBERON:0002116 +Iliac Artery MESH:D007083 Either of two large arteries originating from the abdominal aorta; they supply blood to the pelvis, abdominal wall and legs. UBERON:UBERON_0005609 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.444 A07.015.114 Arteries, Iliac|Artery, Iliac|Deep Circumflex Iliac Artery|Iliac Arteries UBERON:0005609 +Iliac Vein MESH:D007084 A vein on either side of the body which is formed by the union of the external and internal iliac veins and passes upward to join with its fellow of the opposite side to form the inferior vena cava. UBERON:UBERON_0005610 MESH:D014680 A07.015.908.427 A07.015.908 Deep Circumflex Iliac Vein|Iliac Veins|Vein, Iliac|Veins, Iliac pelvic vein|UBERON:0005610 +Ilium MESH:D007085 The largest of three bones that make up each half of the pelvic girdle. UBERON:UBERON_0001273 MESH:D010384 A02.835.232.043.825.434 A02.835.232.043.825 Auricular Surface of Ilium|Bones, Iliac Crest|Crest Bone, Iliac|Crest Bones, Iliac|Crest, Iliac|Crests, Iliac|Fossa, Iliac|Iliac Crest|Iliac Crest Bone|Iliac Crest Bones|Iliac Crests|Iliac Fossa|Iliums iliac bone|ilium bone|illium|os iliacum|os ilii|os ilium|UBERON:0001273 +Imaginal Discs MESH:D060227 Hollow sacs of cells in LARVA that form adult structures in insects during BIOLOGICAL METAMORPHOSIS. UBERON:UBERON_0000939 MESH:D000825 A13.518 A13 Disc, Imaginal|Discs, Imaginal|Disk, Imaginal|Disks, Imaginal|Imaginal Disc|Imaginal Disk|Imaginal Disks UBERON:0000939 +Immune Sera MESH:D007106 Serum that contains antibodies. It is obtained from an animal that has been immunized either by ANTIGEN injection or infection with microorganisms containing the antigen. MESH:D044967 A12.207.152.846.500 A12.207.152.846 Antisera|Immune Serums|Sera, Immune|Serums, Immune +Immune System MESH:D007107 The body's defense mechanism against foreign organisms or substances and deviant native cells. It includes the humoral immune response and the cell-mediated response and consists of a complex of interrelated cellular, molecular, and genetic components. UBERON:UBERON_0002405 MESH:D006424 A15.382 A15 Immune Systems|System, Immune|Systems, Immune UBERON:0002405 +Immunological Memory Cells MESH:D000091244 Antigen-specific immunologic cells which have a potential to form IMMUNOLOGIC MEMORY providing a rapid and robust response against a second encounter with the same antigen. Immunologic memory cells typically include B-Lymphocytes T-Lymphocytes and sometimes adaptive NK cells. Building immunologic memory cells is a basis of how a vaccine affords immunity to a specific pathogen. MESH:D008214 A11.118.637.555.567.269 A11.118.637.555.567 Immunological Memory Cell|Immunologic Memory Cell|Immunologic Memory Cells|Memory Cell, Immunologic|Memory Cell, Immunological|Memory Cells, Immunologic|Memory Cells, Immunological +Immunological Synapses MESH:D054992 The interfaces between T-CELLS and ANTIGEN-PRESENTING CELLS. Supramolecular organization of proteins takes place at these synapses involving various types of immune cells. Immunological synapses can have several functions including LYMPHOCYTE ACTIVATION; enhancing, balancing, or terminating signaling; or directing cytokine secretion. MESH:D007107|MESH:D007365 A11.|A15.382.370 A11.|A15.382 Immunological Synapse|Synapse, Immunological|Synapses, Immunological +Incisor MESH:D007180 Any of the eight frontal teeth (four maxillary and four mandibular) having a sharp incisal edge for cutting food and a single root, which occurs in man both as a deciduous and a permanent tooth. (Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p820) UBERON:UBERON_0001098 MESH:D014070 A14.549.167.860.425 A14.549.167.860 Incisors incisor tooth|UBERON:0001098 +Inclusion Bodies MESH:D002479 A generic term for any circumscribed mass of foreign (e.g., lead or viruses) or metabolically inactive materials (e.g., ceroid or MALLORY BODIES), within the cytoplasm or nucleus of a cell. Inclusion bodies are in cells infected with certain filtrable viruses, observed especially in nerve, epithelial, or endothelial cells. (Stedman, 25th ed) MESH:D022082 A11.284.420 A11.284 Bodies, Inclusion|Body, Inclusion|Cellular Inclusion|Cellular Inclusions|Cytoplasmic Inclusion|Cytoplasmic Inclusions|Inclusion Body|Inclusion, Cellular|Inclusion, Cytoplasmic|Inclusions, Cellular|Inclusions, Cytoplasmic +Inclusion Bodies, Viral MESH:D007181 An area showing altered staining behavior in the nucleus or cytoplasm of a virus-infected cell. Some inclusion bodies represent 'virus factories' in which viral nucleic acid or protein is being synthesized; others are merely artifacts of fixation and staining. One example, Negri bodies, are found in the cytoplasm or processes of nerve cells in animals that have died from rabies. MESH:D002479 A11.284.420.390 A11.284.420 Bodies, Negri|Bodies, Viral Inclusion|Body, Negri|Body, Viral Inclusion|Inclusion Body, Viral|Negri Bodies|Negri Body|Viral Inclusion Bodies|Viral Inclusion Body +Incus MESH:D007188 One of three ossicles of the middle ear. It conducts sound vibrations from the MALLEUS to the STAPES. UBERON:UBERON_0001688 MESH:D004429 A09.246.397.247.362 A09.246.397.247 incus bone|quadrate - incus|UBERON:0001688 +Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells MESH:D057026 Cells from adult organisms that have been reprogrammed into a pluripotential state similar to that of EMBRYONIC STEM CELLS. MESH:D039904|MESH:D053687 A11.872.040.500|A11.872.700.500 A11.872.040|A11.872.700 Cell, Fibroblast-Derived IPS|Cell, IPS|Cells, Fibroblast-Derived IPS|Cells, IPS|Fibroblast Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells|Fibroblast-Derived Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells|Fibroblast-Derived IPS Cell|Fibroblast Derived IPS Cells|Fibroblast-Derived IPS Cells|hiPSC|Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell|Human Induced Pluripotent Stem Cells|Induced Pluripotent Stem Cell|IPS Cell|IPS Cell, Fibroblast-Derived|IPS Cells|IPS Cells, Fibroblast-Derived +Inferior Colliculi MESH:D007245 The posterior pair of the quadrigeminal bodies which contain centers for auditory function. UBERON:UBERON_0001946 MESH:D003336 A08. A08. Brachial Nucleus of the Inferior Colliculus|Caudal Colliculus|Colliculi, Inferior|Colliculus, Caudal|Colliculus Inferior|Colliculus, Inferior|Colliculus Inferiors|Colliculus, Posterior|Inferior Colliculus|Inferior, Colliculus|Inferiors, Colliculus|Posterior Colliculus colliculus caudalis|corpus bigeminalis caudalis|corpus bigeminum posterioris|corpus quadrigeminum inferius|posterior corpus quadrigeminum|UBERON:0001946 +Infratemporal Fossa MESH:D000080884 The compartment that lies posterior to the MAXILLA and inferior to the side wall of the SKULL deep to the ramus of the MANDIBLE. It contains several FACIAL NERVES and the CAROTID ARTERIES and the JUGULAR VEINS. UBERON:UBERON_0013422 MESH:D019291 A01.456.830.600|A02.835.232.781.750.700 A01.456.830|A02.835.232.781.750 Fossa, Infratemporal fossa infratemporalis|infratemporal|pterygomaxillary fossa|UBERON:0013422 +Inguinal Canal MESH:D007264 The tunnel in the lower anterior ABDOMINAL WALL through which the SPERMATIC CORD, in the male; ROUND LIGAMENT, in the female; nerves; and vessels pass. Its internal end is at the deep inguinal ring and its external end is at the superficial inguinal ring. UBERON:UBERON_0003702 MESH:D000005 A01.923.047.412 A01.923.047 Canal, Inguinal|Canals, Inguinal|Inguinal Canals|Inguinal Ring|Inguinal Rings|Ring, Inguinal|Rings, Inguinal canalis inguinalis|UBERON:0003702 +Insular Cortex MESH:D000087623 A pyramidal shaped region of cerebral cortex located deep below the lateral fissure in PRIMATES. It is surrounded by the SUPERIOR TEMPORAL GYRUS, the rostral PARIETAL LOBE, the INFERIOR FRONTAL GYRUS and the ORBITAL GYRI. It is the primary gustatory cortex and is involved in sensorimotor and somatosensory as well as socioemotional functions. MESH:D002540 A08. A08. Area 13, Brodmann|Area 13, Brodmann's|Area 14, Brodmann|Area 14, Brodmann's|Area 15, Brodmann|Area 15, Brodmann's|Area 16, Brodmann|Area 16, Brodmann's|Area 43, Brodmann|Area 43, Brodmann's|Brodmann Area 13|Brodmann Area 14|Brodmann Area 15|Brodmann Area 16|Brodmann Area 43|Brodmann's Area 13|Brodmanns Area 13|Brodmann's Area 14|Brodmanns Area 14|Brodmann's Area 15|Brodmanns Area 15|Brodmann's Area 16|Brodmanns Area 16|Brodmann's Area 43|Brodmanns Area 43|Central Lobe|Central Lobes|Cortex, Gustatory|Cortex, Insular|Cortex, Opercular|Cortex, Primary Gustatory|Cortex, Visceral|Gustatory Cortex|Gustatory Cortex, Primary|Gyrus, Insular|Insula of Reil|Insular Cortices|Insular Gyrus|Insular Region|Insular Regions|Lobe, Central|Lobus Insularis|Opercular Cortex|Primary Gustatory Cortex|Primary Gustatory Cortices|Region, Insular|Visceral Cortex|Visceral Cortices +Insulin-Secreting Cells MESH:D050417 A type of pancreatic cell representing about 50-80% of the islet cells. Beta cells secrete INSULIN. CL:CL_0000169 MESH:D007515|MESH:D019858 A03.734.414.131|A06.300.414.087|A06.390.131|A11.382.625.092|A11.436.294.092 A03.734.414|A06.300.414|A06.390|A11.382.625|A11.436.294 B Cell, Pancreatic|B Cells, Pancreatic|beta Cell, Pancreatic|beta Cells, Pancreatic|Cell, Insulin-Secreting|Cells, Insulin-Secreting|Insulin-Secreting Cell|Insulin Secreting Cells|Pancreatic B Cell|Pancreatic B Cells|Pancreatic beta Cell|Pancreatic beta Cells B-cell of pancreatic islet|beta cell|beta cell islet|beta cell of pancreatic islet|CL:0000169|pancreatic B-cell|pancreatic islet core|type B enteroendocrine cell|type B pancreatic cell +Integumentary System MESH:D034582 The outer covering of the body composed of the SKIN and the skin appendages, which are the HAIR, the NAILS; and the SEBACEOUS GLANDS and the SWEAT GLANDS and their ducts. UBERON:UBERON_0002416 MESH:A A17 A Integumentary Systems|System, Integumentary|Systems, Integumentary body surface|dermal system|external covering of organism|integumental system|integumentum commune|organism surface|surface|UBERON:0002416 +Intercellular Junctions MESH:D007365 Direct contact of a cell with a neighboring cell. Most such junctions are too small to be resolved by light microscopy, but they can be visualized by conventional or freeze-fracture electron microscopy, both of which show that the interacting CELL MEMBRANE and often the underlying CYTOPLASM and the intervening EXTRACELLULAR SPACE are highly specialized in these regions. (From Alberts et al., Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2d ed, p792) MESH:D021961 A11. A11.284.149.165 Cell Junction|Cell Junctions|Intercellular Junction|Junction, Cell|Junction, Intercellular|Junctions, Cell|Junctions, Intercellular +Intercostal Muscles MESH:D007366 Respiratory muscles that arise from the lower border of one rib and insert into the upper border of the adjoining rib, and contract during inspiration or respiration. (From Stedman, 25th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0001111 MESH:D012132 A02.633.567.900.500 A02.633.567.900 Intercostal Muscle|Muscle, Intercostal|Muscles, Intercostal intercostales|musculus intercostalis|respiratory muscle|rib muscle|UBERON:0001111 +Intercostal Nerves MESH:D007367 The ventral rami of the thoracic nerves from segments T1 through T11. The intercostal nerves supply motor and sensory innervation to the thorax and abdomen. The skin and muscles supplied by a given pair are called, respectively, a dermatome and a myotome. UBERON:UBERON_0003727 MESH:D013900 A08.800.800.720.800.350 A08.800.800.720.800 Intercostal Nerve|Nerve, Intercostal|Nerves, Intercostal anterior ramus of thoracic nerve|anterior ramus of thoracic spinal nerve|nervi intercostales|ramus anterior, nervus thoracicus|thoracic anterior ramus|UBERON:0003727|ventral ramus of thoracic spinal nerve +Intermediate Back Muscles MESH:D064169 Two muscles, the serratus posterior superior and serratus posterior inferior, located in between the deep and the superficial back muscle layers. Their function is to control THORAX movement. UBERON:UBERON_0001126|UBERON:UBERON_0001127 MESH:D064131 A02.633.567.175.500 A02.633.567.175 Back Muscle, Intermediate|Back Muscles, Intermediate|Intermediate Back Muscle|Muscles, Intermediate Back|Posterior Inferior, Serratus|Posterior Inferiors, Serratus|Posterior Superior, Serratus|Posterior Superiors, Serratus|Serratus Posterior Inferior|Serratus Posterior Inferiors|Serratus Posterior Superior|Serratus Posterior Superiors inferior serratus dorsalis|inferior serratus posterior|posterior serratus|serratus dorsalis caudalis|serratus dorsalis cranialis|serratus dorsalis cranialis muscle|serratus dorsalis inferior muscle|serratus dorsalis superior muscle|superior serratus dorsalis|superior serratus posterior|UBERON:0001126|UBERON:0001127 +Intermediate Filaments MESH:D007382 Cytoplasmic filaments intermediate in diameter (about 10 nanometers) between the microfilaments and the microtubules. They may be composed of any of a number of different proteins and form a ring around the cell nucleus. MESH:D003599 A11.284.430.214.190.750.410 A11.284.430.214.190.750 Filament, Intermediate|Filaments, Intermediate|Intermediate Filament|Neurofilament|Neurofilaments|Tonofilament|Tonofilaments +Internal Capsule MESH:D020772 WHITE MATTER pathway, flanked by nuclear masses, consisting of both afferent and efferent fibers projecting between the WHITE MATTER and the BRAINSTEM. It consists of three distinct parts: an anterior limb, posterior limb, and genu. UBERON:UBERON_0001887 MESH:D009434|MESH:D013687 A08.|A08.612.435 A08.|A08.612 Capsula Interna|Capsula Internas|Capsule, Internal|Capsules, Internal|Interna, Capsula|Internal Capsules|Internas, Capsula brain internal capsule|internal capsule of telencephalon|internal capsule radiations|UBERON:0001887 +Interneurons MESH:D007395 Most generally any NEURONS which are not motor or sensory. Interneurons may also refer to neurons whose AXONS remain within a particular brain region in contrast to projection neurons, which have axons projecting to other brain regions. CL:CL_0000099 MESH:D009474 A08.675.358|A11.671.358 A08.675|A11.671 Intercalated Neuron|Intercalated Neurons|Interneuron|Neuron, Intercalated|Neurons, Intercalated CL:0000099 +Interosseous Membrane MESH:D000080944 A sheet of fibrous connective tissue rich in COLLAGEN often linking two parallel bony structures forming a syndesmosis type joint. It provides longitudinal stability, TENSILE STRENGTH, and weight distribution/transfer and may allow limited movement in syndesmoses. MESH:D003238 A10.165.560 A10.165 Interosseous Membranes|Membrane, Interosseous +Interpeduncular Nucleus MESH:D066268 A nucleus located at the midline of the ventral MIDBRAIN TEGMENTUM with primarily GABAergic projections to the median and dorsal raphe nuclei and the MIDBRAIN CENTRAL GRAY. UBERON:UBERON_0002145 MESH:D011903 A08. A08. Interpedunculari, Nucleus|Interpeduncularis, Nucleus|Nucleus, Interpeduncular|Nucleus Interpedunculari|Nucleus Interpeduncularis interpedunclear nucleus|interpeduncular ganglion|interpeduncular nuclei|interpeduncular nucleus (Gudden)|interpeduncular nucleus of midbrain|interpeduncular nucleus tegmentum|IP|nucleus interpeduncularis medialis|UBERON:0002145 +Interrenal Gland MESH:D007401 Structures in fishes homologous to the cortical tissue of the mammalian adrenal gland; they are in close proximity to or imbedded in the kidney. UBERON:UBERON_0006856 MESH:D000825 A13.530 A13 Gland, Interrenal|Glands, Interrenal|Interrenal Glands interrenal|interrenal bodies|interrenal body|interrenal tissue|UBERON:0006856 +Interstitial Cells of Cajal MESH:D056885 c-Kit positive cells related to SMOOTH MUSCLE CELLS that are intercalated between the autonomic nerves and the effector smooth muscle cells of the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT. Different phenotypic classes play roles as pacemakers, mediators of neural inputs, and mechanosensors. CL:CL_0002088 MESH:D032342 A11.620.124 A11.620 Cajal Interstitial Cells CL:0002088|ICC|interstitial cell of Cajal|intestinal pacemaker cell +Intervertebral Disc MESH:D007403 Any of the 23 plates of fibrocartilage found between the bodies of adjacent VERTEBRAE. UBERON:UBERON_0001066 MESH:D013131|MESH:D051445 A02.165.308.410|A02.835.232.834.432|A10.165.382.350.050 A02.165.308|A02.835.232.834|A10.165.382.350 Disc, Intervertebral|Discs, Intervertebral|Disk, Intervertebral|Disks, Intervertebral|Intervertebral Discs|Intervertebral Disk|Intervertebral Disks discus intervertebralis|intervertebral fibrocartilage|spinal disc|spinal disk|UBERON:0001066 +Intestinal Mucosa MESH:D007413 Lining of the INTESTINES, consisting of an inner EPITHELIUM, a middle LAMINA PROPRIA, and an outer MUSCULARIS MUCOSAE. In the SMALL INTESTINE, the mucosa is characterized by a series of folds and abundance of absorptive cells (ENTEROCYTES) with MICROVILLI. UBERON:UBERON_0001242 MESH:D007422|MESH:D009092 A03.556.124.369|A10.615.550.444 A03.556.124|A10.615.550 Epithelium, Intestinal|Gland, Intestinal|Glands, Intestinal|Intestinal Epithelium|Intestinal Gland|Intestinal Glands|Mucosa, Intestinal bowel mucosa|bowel mucosa of organ|bowel mucous membrane|bowel organ mucosa|intestine mucosa|intestine mucosa of organ|intestine mucous membrane|intestine organ mucosa|mucosa of bowel|mucosa of intestine|mucosa of organ of bowel|mucosa of organ of intestine|mucous membrane of bowel|mucous membrane of intestine|organ mucosa of bowel|organ mucosa of intestine|tunica mucosa intestini|UBERON:0001242 +Intestinal Secretions MESH:D007419 Fluids originating from the epithelial lining of the intestines, adjoining exocrine glands and from organs such as the liver, which empty into the cavity of the intestines. UBERON:UBERON_0002466 MESH:D012634 A12.200.390 A12.200 Intestinal Secretion|Secretion, Intestinal|Secretions, Intestinal intestinal juice|intestine secretion|succus entericus|UBERON:0002466 +Intestine, Large MESH:D007420 A segment of the LOWER GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT that includes the CECUM; the COLON; and the RECTUM. UBERON:UBERON_0000059 MESH:D007422|MESH:D041741 A03.556.124.526|A03.556.249.249 A03.556.124|A03.556.249 Large Intestine intestinum crassum|UBERON:0000059 +Intestines MESH:D007422 The section of the alimentary canal from the STOMACH to the ANAL CANAL. It includes the LARGE INTESTINE and SMALL INTESTINE. UBERON:UBERON_0000160 MESH:D041981 A03.556.124 A03.556 Intestine bowel|intestinal tract|UBERON:0000160 +Intestine, Small MESH:D007421 The portion of the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT between the PYLORUS of the STOMACH and the ILEOCECAL VALVE of the LARGE INTESTINE. It is divisible into three portions: the DUODENUM, the JEJUNUM, and the ILEUM. UBERON:UBERON_0002108 MESH:D007422 A03.556.124.684 A03.556.124 Intestines, Small|Small Intestine|Small Intestines anterior intestine|intestinum tenue|mid intestine|small bowel|UBERON:0002108 +Intra-Abdominal Fat MESH:D050152 Fatty tissue inside the ABDOMINAL CAVITY, including visceral fat and retroperitoneal fat. It is the most metabolically active fat in the body and easily accessible for LIPOLYSIS. Increased visceral fat is associated with metabolic complications of OBESITY. UBERON:UBERON_0007808|UBERON:UBERON_0014454 MESH:D050153 A10.165.114.830.500.500 A10.165.114.830.500 Abdominal Visceral Fat|Abdominal Visceral Fats|Adipose Tissue, Intra-Abdominal|Adipose Tissue, Retroperitoneal|Adipose Tissue, Visceral|Fat, Abdominal Visceral|Fat, Intra Abdominal|Fat, Intra-Abdominal|Fat, Retroperitoneal|Fats, Abdominal Visceral|Fats, Intra-Abdominal|Fats, Retroperitoneal|Fats, Visceral|Fat, Visceral|Intra Abdominal Adipose Tissue|Intra-Abdominal Adipose Tissue|Intra Abdominal Fat|Intra-Abdominal Fats|Retroperitoneal Adipose Tissue|Retroperitoneal Fat|Retroperitoneal Fats|Visceral Adipose Tissue|Visceral Fat|Visceral Fats abdominal adipose tissue|abdominal fat|adipose tissue of abdominal region|organ fat|UBERON:0007808|UBERON:0014454|visceral abdominal adipose tissue +Intracellular Fluid MESH:D007424 The fluid inside CELLS. MESH:D001826|MESH:D013347|MESH:D042541 A11.284.430.429|A11.284.835.450|A12.207.515 A11.284.430|A11.284.835|A12.207 Fluid, Intracellular|Fluids, Intracellular|Intracellular Fluids +Intracellular Membranes MESH:D007425 Thin structures that encapsulate subcellular structures or ORGANELLES in EUKARYOTIC CELLS. They include a variety of membranes associated with the CELL NUCLEUS; the MITOCHONDRIA; the GOLGI APPARATUS; the ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM; LYSOSOMES; PLASTIDS; and VACUOLES. MESH:D002462|MESH:D013347 A11.284.149.450|A11.284.835.514 A11.284.149|A11.284.835 Intracellular Membrane|Membrane, Intracellular|Membranes, Intracellular +Intracellular Space MESH:D042541 The area within CELLS. MESH:D001825|MESH:D022082 A10.082.750|A11.284.430 A10.082|A11.284 Intracellular Spaces|Space, Intracellular|Spaces, Intracellular|Spaces, Subcellular|Space, Subcellular|Subcellular Space|Subcellular Spaces +Intraepithelial Lymphocytes MESH:D000075942 T Lymphocytes with limited diversity of receptors (e.g., ALPHA E INTEGRINS) in the epidermis of the skin and the mucosal linings. They recognize common microbes via T-CELL RECEPTORS and PATHOGEN-ASSOCIATED MOLECULAR PATTERN MOLECULES and function as effector cells for INNATE IMMUNITY. Activation of intraepithelial lymphocytes is a marker for various gastrointestinal diseases (e.g., CELIAC DISEASE; HAIRY CELL LEUKEMIA; and ENTEROPATHY-ASSOCIATED T-CELL LYMPHOMA). CL:CL_0000793|CL:CL_0000796|CL:CL_0000797|CL:CL_0000801|CL:CL_0000802|CL:CL_0000803|CL:CL_0002496 MESH:D016176 A11.118.637.555.567.550.500.050|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500.050|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500.050|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500.050|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500.050|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500.050 A11.118.637.555.567.550.500|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500 Dendritic Epithelial T Cell|Dendritic Epithelial T Cells|Gamma Delta T Cell|Gamma Delta T Cells|Gamma Delta T Lymphocyte|Gamma Delta T Lymphocytes|Intraepithelial Lymphocyte|Intraepithelial T Cell|Intraepithelial T Cells|Intraepithelial T Lymphocyte|Intraepithelial T Lymphocytes|Lymphocyte, Intraepithelial|Lymphocytes, Intraepithelial|Mucosal T Cell|Mucosal T Cells|Mucosal T Lymphocyte|Mucosal T Lymphocytes|T Cell, Intraepithelial|T Cell, Mucosal|T Cells, Intraepithelial|T Cells, Mucosal|T Lymphocyte, Intraepithelial|T Lymphocyte, Mucosal|T Lymphocytes, Intraepithelial|T Lymphocytes, Mucosal alpha-beta intraepithelial T cell|alpha-beta intraepithelial T-cell|alpha-beta intraepithelial T lymphocyte|alpha-beta intraepithelial T-lymphocyte|CD4-negative CD8-negative gamma-delta intraepithelial T cell|CD4-positive, alpha-beta intraepithelial T cell|CD4-positive, alpha-beta intraepithelial T-cell|CD4-positive, alpha-beta intraepithelial T lymphocyte|CD4-positive, alpha-beta intraepithelial T-lymphocyte|CD4-positive, gamma-delta intraepithelial T-cell|CD4-positive, gamma-delta intraepithelial T lymphocyte|CD4-positive, gamma-delta intraepithelial T-lymphocyte|CD8-alpha alpha positive, gamma-delta intraepithelial T cell|CD8-alpha-beta-positive, alpha-beta intraepithelial T cell|CD8-positive, alpha-beta intraepithelial T-cell|CD8-positive, alpha-beta intraepithelial T lymphocyte|CD8-positive, alpha-beta intraepithelial T-lymphocyte|CD8-positive, gamma-delta intraepithelial T-cell|CD8-positive, gamma-delta intraepithelial T lymphocyte|CD8-positive, gamma-delta intraepithelial T-lymphocyte|CL:0000793|CL:0000796|CL:0000797|CL:0000801|CL:0000802|CL:0000803|CL:0002496|gamma-delta intraepithelial T cell|gamma-delta intraepithelial T-cell|gamma-delta intraepithelial T lymphocyte|gamma-delta intraepithelial T-lymphocyte|IEL|intraepithelial T-cell +Intralaminar Thalamic Nuclei MESH:D020646 Cell groups within the internal medullary lamina of the THALAMUS. They include a rostral division comprising the paracentral, central lateral, central dorsal, and central medial nuclei, and a caudal division composed of the centromedian and parafascicular nuclei. UBERON:UBERON_0002733 MESH:D013787 A08. A08. Central Dorsal Nucleus|Central Dorsal Thalamic Nucleus|Central Lateral Nucleus|Central Lateral Thalamic Nucleus|Central Medial Nucleus|Central Medial Thalamic Nucleus|Centre Median Nucleus|Centromedian Nucleus|Centromedian Thalamic Nucleus|Centrum Medianum|Centrum Medianum, Nucleus|Centrum Medianums|Centrum Medianums, Nucleus|Interlaminar Nuclei of Thalamus|Intralaminar Nuclear Group|Intralaminar Nuclei, Rostral|Lateral Nucleus, Central|Median Nucleus, Centre|Medianum, Centrum|Medianum, Nucleus Centrum|Medianums, Centrum|Medianums, Nucleus Centrum|Nuclear Group, Intralaminar|Nuclei, Intralaminar Thalamic|Nuclei, Rostral Intralaminar|Nucleus, Central Dorsal|Nucleus, Central Lateral|Nucleus, Central Medial|Nucleus, Centre Median|Nucleus, Centromedian|Nucleus, Centromedian Thalamic|Nucleus Centrum Medianum|Nucleus Centrum Medianums|Nucleus, Intralaminar Thalamic|Nucleus, Paracentral|Nucleus Paracentrali|Nucleus Paracentralis|Nucleus, Paracentral Thalamic|Nucleus, Parafascicular|Nucleus Parafasciculari|Nucleus Parafascicularis|Nucleus Parafascicularis Thalami|Nucleus Parafascicularis Thalamus|Nucleus, Parafascicular Thalamic|Paracentrali, Nucleus|Paracentralis, Nucleus|Paracentral Nucleus|Paracentral Thalamic Nucleus|Parafasciculari, Nucleus|Parafascicularis, Nucleus|Parafascicularis Thalami, Nucleus|Parafascicularis Thalamus, Nucleus|Parafascicular Nucleus|Parafascicular Nucleus Of The Thalamus|Parafascicular Thalamic Nucleus|Reticulate Nuclei of Thalamus|Rostral Intralaminar Nuclei|Thalamic Nuclei, Intralaminar|Thalamic Nucleus, Centromedian|Thalamic Nucleus, Intralaminar|Thalamic Nucleus, Paracentral|Thalamic Nucleus, Parafascicular|Thalami, Nucleus Parafascicularis|Thalamus Interlaminar Nuclei|Thalamus, Nucleus Parafascicularis|Thalamus Reticulate Nucleus ILG|intralaminar group of the dorsal thalamus|intralaminar nuclear complex|intralaminar nuclear group of thalamus|intralaminar nuclei of thalamus|intralaminar nuclei of the dorsal thalamus|intralaminar thalamic nuclear group|nonspecific thalamic system|nuclei intralaminares (thalami)|nuclei intralaminares thalami|UBERON:0002733 +Intranuclear Inclusion Bodies MESH:D045586 Circumscribed masses of foreign or metabolically inactive materials, within the CELL NUCLEUS. Some are VIRAL INCLUSION BODIES. MESH:D002479 A11.284.420.400 A11.284.420 Inclusion Bodies, Intranuclear|Inclusion Bodies, Nuclear|Inclusion Body, Intranuclear|Inclusion Body, Nuclear|Inclusion, Intranuclear|Inclusion, Nuclear|Inclusions, Intranuclear|Inclusions, Nuclear|Intranuclear Inclusion|Intranuclear Inclusion Body|Intranuclear Inclusions|Nuclear Inclusion|Nuclear Inclusion Bodies|Nuclear Inclusion Body|Nuclear Inclusions +Intranuclear Space MESH:D042581 The area within the CELL NUCLEUS. MESH:D022003 A11.284.430.106.279.345 A11.284.430.106.279 Intranuclear Spaces|Space, Intranuclear|Spaces, Intranuclear|Spaces, Subnuclear|Space, Subnuclear|Subnuclear Space|Subnuclear Spaces +Iris MESH:D007498 The most anterior portion of the uveal layer, separating the anterior chamber from the posterior. It consists of two layers - the stroma and the pigmented epithelium. Color of the iris depends on the amount of melanin in the stroma on reflection from the pigmented epithelium. UBERON:UBERON_0001769 MESH:D000869|MESH:D014602 A09.371.060.450|A09.371.894.513 A09.371.060|A09.371.894 anterior uvea|irides|irises|UBERON:0001769 +Ischium MESH:D007512 One of three bones that make up the coxal bone of the pelvic girdle. In tetrapods, it is the part of the pelvis that projects backward on the ventral side, and in primates, it bears the weight of the sitting animal. UBERON:UBERON_0001274 MESH:D010384 A02.835.232.043.825.548 A02.835.232.043.825 ischial bone|ischium bone|os ischii|UBERON:0001274 +Islands of Calleja MESH:D020670 Aggregations of GRANULE CELLS in the dorsal aspect of the OLFACTORY TUBERCLE and within the Island of Calleja Magna that lies between the BRAIN SEPTUM and the NUCLEUS ACCUMBENS. UBERON:UBERON_0001881 MESH:D066208 A08.|A08.|A08. A08.|A08.|A08. Calleja Complex Island|Calleja Complex Islands|Calleja Islands|Calleja Islets|Complex Island, Calleja|Complex Islands, Calleja|Insulae Terminali|Insulae Terminalis|Island of Calleja Magna|Islands of Calleja Complex|Islets of Calleja|Terminali, Insulae|Terminalis, Insulae Calleja island|insula callejae|insulae olfactoriae|island of Calleja|islands of Calleja (olfactory tubercle)|UBERON:0001881 +Islets of Langerhans MESH:D007515 Irregular microscopic structures consisting of cords of endocrine cells that are scattered throughout the PANCREAS among the exocrine acini. Each islet is surrounded by connective tissue fibers and penetrated by a network of capillaries. There are four major cell types. The most abundant beta cells (50-80%) secrete INSULIN. Alpha cells (5-20%) secrete GLUCAGON. PP cells (10-35%) secrete PANCREATIC POLYPEPTIDE. Delta cells (~5%) secrete SOMATOSTATIN. UBERON:UBERON_0000006 MESH:D004702|MESH:D010179 A03.734.414|A06.300.414 A03.734|A06.300 Cell, Islet|Cells, Islet|Endocrine Pancreas|Islands of Langerhans|Islet Cell|Islet Cells|Islet, Pancreatic|Islets, Pancreatic|Langerhans Islands|Langerhans Islets|Nesidioblast|Nesidioblasts|Pancreas, Endocrine|Pancreatic Islet|Pancreatic Islets island of Langerhans|island of pancreas|islet of Langerhans|pancreatic insula|UBERON:0000006 +Isochromosomes MESH:D018404 Metacentric chromosomes produced during MEIOSIS or MITOSIS when the CENTROMERE splits transversely instead of longitudinally. The chromosomes produced by this abnormal division are one chromosome having the two long arms of the original chromosome, but no short arms, and the other chromosome consisting of the two short arms and no long arms. Each of these isochromosomes constitutes a simultaneous duplication and deletion. MESH:D002875 A11.284.187.570 A11.284.187 Isochromosome +Isografts MESH:D064596 Tissues, cells or organs transplanted between genetically identical individuals, i.e. members of the same species with identical histocompatibility antigens, such as monozygotic twins, members of the same inbred strain, or members of a hybrid population produced by crossing certain inbred strains. MESH:D019737 A01.941.937 A01.941 Homograft, Isogeneic|Homografts, Isogeneic|Homografts, Syngeneic|Homograft, Syngeneic|Isogeneic Homograft|Isogeneic Homografts|Isograft|Syngeneic Homograft|Syngeneic Homografts +Jaw MESH:D007568 Bony structure of the mouth that holds the teeth. It consists of the MANDIBLE and the MAXILLA. UBERON:UBERON_0001708 MESH:D005147|MESH:D013284 A02.835.232.781.324.502|A14.521 A02.835.232.781.324|A14 Jaws anterior splanchnocranium|jaw cartilage|jaw skeleton|mandibular arch|mandibular arch skeleton|oral jaw skeleton|pharyngeal arch 1 skeleton|UBERON:0001708|visceral arch 1 +Jejunum MESH:D007583 The middle portion of the SMALL INTESTINE, between DUODENUM and ILEUM. It represents about 2/5 of the remaining portion of the small intestine below duodenum. UBERON:UBERON_0002115 MESH:D007421|MESH:D041741 A03.556.124.684.500|A03.556.249.750 A03.556.124.684|A03.556.249 Jejunums intestinum jejunum|middle intestine|mid-intestine|UBERON:0002115 +Joint Capsule MESH:D017746 The sac enclosing a joint. It is composed of an outer fibrous articular capsule and an inner SYNOVIAL MEMBRANE. UBERON:UBERON_0001484 MESH:D007596 A02.835.583.443 A02.835.583 Articular Capsule|Articular Capsules|Capsula Articularis|Capsule, Articular|Capsule, Joint|Capsule, Synovial|Fold, Synovial|Joint Capsules|Plica, Synovial|Synovial Capsule|Synovial Capsules|Synovial Fold|Synovial Folds|Synovial Plica|Synovial Plicae capsulae articulares|fibrous capsule of joint|joint fibrous capsule|UBERON:0001484 +Joints MESH:D007596 Also known as articulations, these are points of connection between the ends of certain separate bones, or where the borders of other bones are juxtaposed. UBERON:UBERON_0000982 MESH:D012863 A02.835.583 A02.835 Joint articular joint|articulation|skeletal joint|UBERON:0000982 +Jugular Foramina MESH:D000080869 A pair of openings from the posterior cranial fossa through which the GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NERVE; VAGUS NERVE; ACCESSORY NERVE and the internal JUGULAR VEINS pass. UBERON:UBERON_0005456 MESH:D003388 A01.456.830.200.500|A02.835.232.781.750.400.500 A01.456.830.200|A02.835.232.781.750.400 Foramina, Jugular|Jugular Foramen foramen jugulare|Posterior lacerate foramen|UBERON:0005456 +Jugular Veins MESH:D007601 Veins in the neck which drain the brain, face, and neck into the brachiocephalic or subclavian veins. UBERON:UBERON_0004711 MESH:D014680 A07.015.908.498 A07.015.908 Jugular Vein|Vein, Jugular|Veins, Jugular jugular|UBERON:0004711|vena jugularis +Jurkat Cells MESH:D019169 A CELL LINE derived from human T-CELL LEUKEMIA and used to determine the mechanism of differential susceptibility to anti-cancer drugs and radiation. MESH:D013601|MESH:D045744 A11.|A11.251.860.180.495|A15.382.490.555.567.569.440 A11.251.210.190|A11.251.860.180|A15.382.490.555.567.569 Cell, Jurkat|Cells, Jurkat|Jurkat Cell +Juxtaglomerular Apparatus MESH:D007606 A complex of cells consisting of juxtaglomerular cells, extraglomerular mesangium lacis cells, the macula densa of the distal convoluted tubule, and granular epithelial peripolar cells. Juxtaglomerular cells are modified SMOOTH MUSCLE CELLS found in the walls of afferent glomerular arterioles and sometimes the efferent arterioles. Extraglomerular mesangium lacis cells are located in the angle between the afferent and efferent glomerular arterioles. Granular epithelial peripolar cells are located at the angle of reflection of the parietal to visceral angle of the renal corpuscle. UBERON:UBERON_0002303 MESH:D007678 A05.810.453.324.359.520|A05.810.453.736.520.520 A05.810.453.324.359|A05.810.453.736.520 Apparatus, Juxtaglomerular complexus juxtaglomerularis|juxtaglomerular complex|UBERON:0002303 +K562 Cells MESH:D020014 An ERYTHROLEUKEMIA cell line derived from a CHRONIC MYELOID LEUKEMIA patient in BLAST CRISIS. MESH:D015672|MESH:D045744 A11.|A11.251.860.180.510|A11.443.240.497.480 A11.251.210.190|A11.251.860.180|A11.443.240.497 Cells, K562 +KB Cells MESH:D007624 This line KB is now known to be a subline of the ubiquitous KERATIN-forming tumor cell line HeLa. It was originally thought to be derived from an epidermal carcinoma of the mouth, but was subsequently found, based on isoenzyme analysis, HeLa marker chromosomes, and DNA fingerprinting, to have been established via contamination by HELA CELLS. The cells are positive for keratin by immunoperoxidase staining. KB cells have been reported to contain human papillomavirus18 (HPV-18) sequences. MESH:D006367 A11.|A11.251.860.180.400.500|A11.436.340.500 A11.|A11.251.860.180.400|A11.436.340 Cell, HeLa-KB|Cell, KB|Cells, HeLa-KB|Cells, KB|HeLa-KB Cell|HeLa KB Cells|HeLa-KB Cells|KB Cell +Kefir MESH:D000070716 A beverage made from milk fermented by a mixture of endogenous LACTIC ACID-producing yeast and bacteria (KEFIR GRAINS), many of which are PROBIOTICS. It should not be confused with KAFFIR LIME or KAFFIR CORN. MESH:D008892 A12.790.375 A12.790 Grain, Kefir|Grains, Kefir|Kefir Grain|Kefir Grains +Keloid MESH:D007627 A sharply elevated, irregularly shaped, progressively enlarging scar resulting from formation of excessive amounts of collagen in the dermis during connective tissue repair. It is differentiated from a hypertrophic scar (CICATRIX, HYPERTROPHIC) in that the former does not spread to surrounding tissues. MESH:D002921 A10.165.450.300.425 A10.165.450.300 Keloids +Keratinocytes MESH:D015603 Epidermal cells which synthesize keratin and undergo characteristic changes as they move upward from the basal layers of the epidermis to the cornified (horny) layer of the skin. Successive stages of differentiation of the keratinocytes forming the epidermal layers are basal cell, spinous or prickle cell, and the granular cell. CL:CL_0000312 MESH:D000078404|MESH:D004847 A11.409.500|A11.436.397 A11.409|A11.436 Keratinocyte CL:0000312|keratinized cell of epidermis|malpighian cell +Kidney MESH:D007668 Body organ that filters blood for the secretion of URINE and that regulates ion concentrations. UBERON:UBERON_0000082|UBERON:UBERON_0002113 MESH:D014551 A05.810.453 A05.810 Kidneys adult mammalian kidney|reniculate kidney|UBERON:0000082|UBERON:0002113 +Kidney Calices MESH:D007670 Recesses of the kidney pelvis which divides into two wide, cup-shaped major renal calices, with each major calix subdivided into 7 to 14 minor calices. Urine empties into a minor calix from collecting tubules, then passes through the major calix, renal pelvis, and ureter to enter the urinary bladder. (From Moore, Clinically Oriented Anatomy, 3d ed, p211) UBERON:UBERON_0006517 MESH:D007682 A05.810.453.537.503 A05.810.453.537 Calice, Kidney|Calices, Kidney|Kidney Calice calices renales|calyx|kidney calyx|renal calix|renal calyx|UBERON:0006517 +Kidney Cortex MESH:D007672 The outer zone of the KIDNEY, beneath the capsule, consisting of KIDNEY GLOMERULUS; KIDNEY TUBULES, DISTAL; and KIDNEY TUBULES, PROXIMAL. UBERON:UBERON_0001225 MESH:D007668 A05.810.453.324 A05.810.453 Cortex, Kidney cortex of kidney|cortex renalis|renal cortex|UBERON:0001225 +Kidney Glomerulus MESH:D007678 A cluster of convoluted capillaries beginning at each nephric tubule in the kidney and held together by connective tissue. UBERON:UBERON_0000074 MESH:D007672|MESH:D009399 A05.810.453.324.359|A05.810.453.736.520 A05.810.453.324|A05.810.453.736 Glomerulus, Kidney glomerular capillary tuft|glomerular tuft|glomerulus|glomerulus renis|Malphigian glomerulus|Malpighian glomerulus|Malpighian tuft|renal corpuscle|renal glomeruli|renal glomerulus|UBERON:0000074 +Kidney Medulla MESH:D007679 The internal portion of the kidney, consisting of striated conical masses, the renal pyramids, whose bases are adjacent to the cortex and whose apices form prominent papillae projecting into the lumen of the minor calyces. UBERON:UBERON_0000362|UBERON:UBERON_0001228 MESH:D007668 A05.810.453.466 A05.810.453 Kidney Medullas|Kidney Papilla|Kidney Papillas|Medulla, Kidney|Medullas, Kidney|Papilla, Kidney|Papillas, Kidney medulla of kidney|medulla renalis|medullary pyramids|pyramides renales|renal marrow|renal medulla|renal medullae|renal medullae set|renal papilla|renal pyramids|renal pyramids set|UBERON:0000362|UBERON:0001228 +Kidney Pelvis MESH:D007682 The flattened, funnel-shaped expansion connecting the URETER to the KIDNEY CALICES. UBERON:UBERON_0001224 MESH:D007668 A05.810.453.537 A05.810.453 Pelvis, Kidney|Pelvis, Renal|Renal Pelvis pelvis of ureter|p. renallis|pyelum|UBERON:0001224 +Kidney Tubules MESH:D007684 Long convoluted tubules in the nephrons. They collect filtrate from blood passing through the KIDNEY GLOMERULUS and process this filtrate into URINE. Each renal tubule consists of a BOWMAN CAPSULE; PROXIMAL KIDNEY TUBULE; LOOP OF HENLE; DISTAL KIDNEY TUBULE; and KIDNEY COLLECTING DUCT leading to the central cavity of the kidney (KIDNEY PELVIS) that connects to the URETER. UBERON:UBERON_0001231 MESH:D009399 A05.810.453.736.560 A05.810.453.736 Kidney Tubule|Tubule, Kidney|Tubules, Kidney nephron tubule|renal tubule|tubulus renalis|UBERON:0001231|uriniferous tubule +Kidney Tubules, Collecting MESH:D007685 Straight tubes commencing in the radiate part of the kidney cortex where they receive the curved ends of the distal convoluted tubules. In the medulla the collecting tubules of each pyramid converge to join a central tube (duct of Bellini) which opens on the summit of the papilla. UBERON:UBERON_0001232 MESH:D007684 A05.810.453.736.560.510 A05.810.453.736.560 Collecting Duct, Kidney|Collecting Ducts, Kidney|Kidney Collecting Duct|Kidney Collecting Ducts arcuate renal tubule|collecting duct|collecting duct of renal tubule|collecting duct system|collecting tubule|junctional tube|kidney collecting tubule|renal collecting tubule|tubulus renalis arcuatus|tubulus renalis colligens|UBERON:0001232|ureteric tree +Kidney Tubules, Distal MESH:D007686 The portion of renal tubule that begins from the enlarged segment of the ascending limb of the LOOP OF HENLE. It reenters the KIDNEY CORTEX and forms the convoluted segments of the distal tubule. UBERON:UBERON_0004135 MESH:D007684 A05.810.453.736.560.540 A05.810.453.736.560 Distal Kidney Tubule|Distal Kidney Tubules|Distal Renal Tubule|Distal Renal Tubules|Kidney Tubule, Distal|Renal Tubule, Distal|Renal Tubules, Distal|Tubule, Distal Kidney|Tubule, Distal Renal|Tubules, Distal Kidney|Tubules, Distal Renal distal tubule|kidney distal tubule|renal distal tubule|UBERON:0004135 +Kidney Tubules, Proximal MESH:D007687 The renal tubule portion that extends from the BOWMAN CAPSULE in the KIDNEY CORTEX into the KIDNEY MEDULLA. The proximal tubule consists of a convoluted proximal segment in the cortex, and a distal straight segment descending into the medulla where it forms the U-shaped LOOP OF HENLE. UBERON:UBERON_0004134 MESH:D007684 A05.810.453.736.560.570 A05.810.453.736.560 Kidney Tubule, Proximal|Proximal Kidney Tubule|Proximal Kidney Tubules|Proximal Renal Tubule|Proximal Renal Tubules|Renal Tubule, Proximal|Renal Tubules, Proximal|Tubule, Proximal Kidney|Tubule, Proximal Renal|Tubules, Proximal Kidney|Tubules, Proximal Renal kidney proximal tubule|proximal tubule|renal proximal tubule|UBERON:0004134 +Killer Cells, Lymphokine-Activated MESH:D015979 Cytolytic lymphocytes with the unique capacity of killing natural killer (NK)-resistant fresh tumor cells. They are INTERLEUKIN-2-activated NK cells that have no MAJOR HISTOCOMPATIBILITY COMPLEX restriction or need for antigen stimulation. LAK cells are used for ADOPTIVE IMMUNOTHERAPY in cancer patients. CL:CL_0000824 MESH:D007694|MESH:D055612 A11.118.637.555.283.500|A11.118.637.555.567.537.500|A15.145.229.637.555.283.500|A15.145.229.637.555.567.537.500|A15.382.490.555.283.500|A15.382.490.555.567.537.500 A11.118.637.555.283|A11.118.637.555.567.537|A15.145.229.637.555.283|A15.145.229.637.555.567.537|A15.382.490.555.283|A15.382.490.555.567.537 Cell, LAK|Cell, Lymphokine-Activated Killer|Cells, LAK|Cells, Lymphokine-Activated Killer|Killer Cell, Lymphokine-Activated|Killer Cells, Lymphokine Activated|LAK Cell|LAK Cells|Lymphokine-Activated Killer Cell|Lymphokine Activated Killer Cells|Lymphokine-Activated Killer Cells CL:0000824|lymphokine activated killer cell|mature natural killer cell|mature NK cell +Killer Cells, Natural MESH:D007694 Bone marrow-derived lymphocytes that possess cytotoxic properties, classically directed against transformed and virus-infected cells. Unlike T CELLS; and B CELLS; NK CELLS are not antigen specific. The cytotoxicity of natural killer cells is determined by the collective signaling of an array of inhibitory and stimulatory CELL SURFACE RECEPTORS. A subset of T-LYMPHOCYTES referred to as NATURAL KILLER T CELLS shares some of the properties of this cell type. CL:CL_0000623 MESH:D008214 A11.118.637.555.567.537|A15.145.229.637.555.567.537|A15.382.490.555.567.537 A11.118.637.555.567|A15.145.229.637.555.567|A15.382.490.555.567 Cell, Natural Killer|Cell, NK|Cells, Natural Killer|Cells, NK|Killer Cell, Natural|Natural Killer Cell|Natural Killer Cells|NK Cell|NK Cells CL:0000623|large granular lymphocyte|null cell +Kinetochores MESH:D018386 Large multiprotein complexes that bind the centromeres of the chromosomes to the microtubules of the mitotic spindle during metaphase in the cell cycle. MESH:D002503 A11.284.430.106.279.345. A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160.165 Kinetochore +Knee MESH:D007717 A region of the lower extremity immediately surrounding and including the KNEE JOINT. UBERON:UBERON_0001465 MESH:D035002 A01.378.610.450 A01.378.610 knee region|UBERON:0001465 +Knee Joint MESH:D007719 A synovial hinge connection formed between the bones of the FEMUR; TIBIA; and PATELLA. UBERON:UBERON_0001485 MESH:D007596 A02.835.583.475 A02.835.583 Joint, Knee|Joints, Knee|Joints, Superior Tibiofibular|Joint, Superior Tibiofibular|Knee Joints|Superior Tibiofibular Joint|Superior Tibiofibular Joints|Tibiofibular Joints, Superior|Tibiofibular Joint, Superior articulatio genus|joint of knee|UBERON:0001485 +Kolliker-Fuse Nucleus MESH:D065836 A nucleus in the pons associated with RESPIRATION RATE control. UBERON:UBERON_0002869 MESH:D011149 A08. A08. Kolliker Fuse Nucleus|Kölliker Fuse Nucleus|Kölliker-Fuse Nucleus|Nucleus, Kolliker-Fuse|Nucleus, Kölliker-Fuse diffuse reticular nucleus|DRt|Koelliker-Fuse nucleus|Kolliker-Fuse subnucleus|Kolloker-Fuse nucleus|kvlliker-Fuse subnucleus|kvlliker-Fuse subnucleus of parabrachial nucleus|nucleus of Kolliker-Fuse|nucleus reticularis diffusus|nucleus reticularis diffusus (Koelliker)|nucleus subparabrachialis|subparabrachial nucleus|UBERON:0002869 +Koumiss MESH:D000070736 A beverage made from horse's milk that is fermented by endogenous LACTIC ACID-producing bacteria and ETHANOL-producing yeast. MESH:D008892 A12.790.438 A12.790 +Kupffer Cells MESH:D007728 Specialized phagocytic cells of the MONONUCLEAR PHAGOCYTE SYSTEM found on the luminal surface of the hepatic sinusoids. They filter bacteria and small foreign proteins out of the blood and dispose of worn out red blood cells. CL:CL_0000091 MESH:D008264 A11.329.372.588|A11.627.482.588|A11.733.397.588|A15.382.670.522.588|A15.382.680.397.588 A11.329.372|A11.627.482|A11.733.397|A15.382.670.522|A15.382.680.397 Cell, Kupffer|Cells, Kupffer|Kupffer Cell CL:0000091|hepatic macrophage|littoral cell of hepatic sinusoid|liver macrophage|macrophagocytus stellatus|stellate cell of von Kupffer|von Kupffer cell +Labial Frenum MESH:D007742 ORAL MUCOSA that connect the GINGIVA to the midline of the upper or lower lips. UBERON:UBERON_0016910 MESH:D008046 A14.549.336.505 A14.549.336 Frenulum, Labial|Frenum, Labial|Frenum, Maxillary Labial|Frenums, Labial|Frenums, Maxillary Labial|Labial Frenulum|Labial Frenum, Maxillary|Labial Frenums|Labial Frenums, Maxillary|Maxillary Labial Frenum|Maxillary Labial Frenums frenulum labii|frenulum of lip|lip frenulum|medial labial frenulum|UBERON:0016910 +Labyrinthine Fluids MESH:D007761 Fluids found within the osseous labyrinth (PERILYMPH) and the membranous labyrinth (ENDOLYMPH) of the inner ear. (From Gray's Anatomy, 30th American ed, p1328, 1332) UBERON:UBERON_0006586 MESH:D007758|MESH:D045604 A09.246.300.455|A12.207.270.517 A09.246.300|A12.207.270 Fluid, Labyrinthine|Fluids, Labyrinthine|Labyrinthine Fluid otolymph|UBERON:0006586 +Labyrinth Supporting Cells MESH:D007760 Cells forming a framework supporting the sensory AUDITORY HAIR CELLS in the organ of Corti. Lateral to the medial inner hair cells, there are inner pillar cells, outer pillar cells, Deiters cells, Hensens cells, Claudius cells, Boettchers cells, and others. CL:CL_0000631 MESH:D004847|MESH:D009925 A09.246.300.246.577.543|A11.436.495 A09.246.300.246.577|A11.436 Cell, Labyrinth Supporting|Cells, Labyrinth Supporting|Labyrinth Supporting Cell|Supporting Cell, Labyrinth|Supporting Cells, Labyrinth CL:0000631 +Lacrimal Apparatus MESH:D007765 The tear-forming and tear-conducting system which includes the lacrimal glands, eyelid margins, conjunctival sac, and the tear drainage system. UBERON:UBERON_0001750 MESH:D005088|MESH:D005123 A09.371.463|A10.336.422 A09.371|A10.336 Apparatus, Lacrimal|Apparatus, Nasolacrimal|Canthus, Lateral|Canthus, Medial|Conjunctival Sac|Conjunctival Sacs|Duct, Lacrimal|Gland, Lacrimal|Lacrimal Duct|Lacrimal Ducts|Lacrimal Gland|Lacrimal Glands|Lacrimal Punctum|Lacrimal Punctums|Lateral Canthus|Medial Canthus|Nasolacrimal Apparatus|Punctum, Lacrimal|Sac, Conjunctival apparatus lacrimalis|lacrimal drainage system|lacrymal system|nasolacrimal drainage system|nasolacrimal system|UBERON:0001750 +Lactotrophs MESH:D052682 Anterior pituitary cells that produce PROLACTIN. CL:CL_0002311 MESH:D004847|MESH:D010903|MESH:D055098 A06.300.747.500.812|A06.688.357.750.500.812|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357.750.500.812|A11.382.875|A11.436.507 A06.300.747.500|A06.688.357.750.500|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357.750.500|A11.382|A11.436 Lactotroph|Pituitary Prolactin Cell|Pituitary Prolactin Cells|Pituitary Prolactin-Secreting Cell|Pituitary Prolactin Secreting Cells|Pituitary Prolactin-Secreting Cells|Prolactin Cell, Pituitary|Prolactin Cells, Pituitary|Prolactin-Secreting Cell, Pituitary|Prolactin-Secreting Cells, Pituitary CL:0002311|epsilon-acidophil|lactotrope|lactotropic cell|mammotrope|mammotroph|mammotrophic cell|mammotropic cell +Lamellar Bodies MESH:D000088502 Endolysosomal organelles surrounded by multi-lamellar MEMBRANE LIPIDS. They are involved in diverse functions in storage and secretion of cellular LIPIDS. Lamellar bodies in the TYPE 2 PNEUMOCYTES produce and secrete PULMONARY SURFACTANT (e.g., DIPALMITOYL PHOSPHATIDYLCHOLINE). Lamellar bodies in the skin produce and secrete neutral lipids to provide hydrophobic barrier. Pathological accumulation of lamellar bodies are also known in lipid storage diseases (e.g.,LCAT DEFICIENCY; and HERMANSKY-PUDLAK SYNDROME). MESH:D003594|MESH:D022142 A11.284.430.214.190.500.384|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190.472|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.810.375 A11.284.430.214.190.500|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.810 Body, Lamellar|Granule, Lamellar|Granule, Membrane Coating|Granule, Membrane-Coating|Lamellar Body|Lamellar Granule|Lamellar Granules|Lamellar Lysosome|Lamellar Lysosomes|Lysosome, Lamellar|Membrane Coating Granule|Membrane-Coating Granule|Membrane Coating Granules|Membrane-Coating Granules|Odland Bodies +Langerhans Cells MESH:D007801 Recirculating, dendritic, antigen-presenting cells containing characteristic racket-shaped granules (Birbeck granules). They are found principally in the stratum spinosum of the EPIDERMIS and are rich in Class II MAJOR HISTOCOMPATIBILITY COMPLEX molecules. Langerhans cells were the first dendritic cell to be described and have been a model of study for other dendritic cells (DCs), especially other migrating DCs such as dermal DCs and INTERSTITIAL DENDRITIC CELLS. CL:CL_0001006 MESH:D003713 A11.066.270.500|A11.436.270.545|A15.382.066.270.500|A15.382.670.260.500 A11.066.270|A11.436.270|A15.382.066.270|A15.382.670.260 Cell, Dermal Dendritic|Cell, Epidermal Dendritic|Cell, Langerhans|Cells, Dermal Dendritic|Cells, Epidermal Dendritic|Cell, Skin Dendritic|Cells, Langerhans|Cells, Skin Dendritic|Dendritic Cell, Dermal|Dendritic Cell, Epidermal|Dendritic Cells, Dermal|Dendritic Cells, Epidermal|Dendritic Cell, Skin|Dendritic Cells, Skin|Dermal Dendritic Cell|Dermal Dendritic Cells|Epidermal Dendritic Cell|Epidermal Dendritic Cells|Langerhans Cell|Skin Dendritic Cell|Skin Dendritic Cells CL:0001006 +Laryngeal Cartilages MESH:D007817 The nine cartilages of the larynx, including the cricoid, thyroid and epiglottic, and two each of arytenoid, corniculate and cuneiform. UBERON:UBERON_0001739 MESH:D007830|MESH:D051457|MESH:D051472 A02.165.257.625|A02.165.407.500|A04.329.591 A02.165.257|A02.165.407|A04.329 Cartilage, Laryngeal|Cartilages, Laryngeal|Laryngeal Cartilage cartilage of larynx|cartilagines laryngeales|larynx cartilage|UBERON:0001739 +Laryngeal Mucosa MESH:D007820 The mucous lining of the LARYNX, consisting of various types of epithelial cells ranging from stratified squamous EPITHELIUM in the upper larynx to ciliated columnar epithelium in the rest of the larynx, mucous GOBLET CELLS, and glands containing both mucous and serous cells. UBERON:UBERON_0001824 MESH:D007830|MESH:D020545 A04.329.597|A04.760.520|A10.615.550.760.520 A04.329|A04.760|A10.615.550.760 Epithelium, Laryngeal|Laryngeal Epithelium|Mucosa, Laryngeal laryngeal mucous membrane|larynx mucosa|larynx mucosa of organ|larynx mucous membrane|larynx organ mucosa|mucosa of larynx|mucosa of organ of larynx|mucous membrane of larynx|organ mucosa of larynx|tunica mucosa laryngis|UBERON:0001824 +Laryngeal Muscles MESH:D007821 The striated muscle groups which move the LARYNX as a whole or its parts, such as altering tension of the VOCAL CORDS, or size of the slit (RIMA GLOTTIDIS). UBERON:UBERON_0001568|UBERON:UBERON_0004478 MESH:D007830|MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.500|A04.329.604 A02.633.567|A04.329 Aryepiglottic Muscle|Aryepiglottic Muscles|Arytenoid Muscle|Arytenoid Muscles|Cricoarytenoid Muscle|Cricoarytenoid Muscles|Cricothyroid Muscle|Cricothyroid Muscles|Laryngeal Muscle|Muscle, Aryepiglottic|Muscle, Arytenoid|Muscle, Cricoarytenoid|Muscle, Cricothyroid|Muscle, Laryngeal|Muscles, Aryepiglottic|Muscles, Arytenoid|Muscles, Cricoarytenoid|Muscles, Cricothyroid|Muscles, Laryngeal|Muscles, Thyroarytenoid|Muscles, Thyroepiglottic|Muscles, Vocal|Muscles, Vocalis|Muscle, Thyroarytenoid|Muscle, Thyroepiglottic|Muscle, Vocal|Muscle, Vocalis|Thyroarytenoid Muscle|Thyroarytenoid Muscles|Thyroepiglottic Muscle|Thyroepiglottic Muscles|Vocalis Muscle|Vocalis Muscles|Vocal Muscle|Vocal Muscles laryngeal muscles set|larynx muscle|larynx muscle organ|muscle group of larynx|muscle of larynx|muscle organ of larynx|musculature of larynx|musculi laryngeales|set of laryngeal muscles|set of muscles of larynx|UBERON:0001568|UBERON:0004478 +Laryngeal Nerves MESH:D007823 Branches of the VAGUS NERVE. The superior laryngeal nerves originate near the nodose ganglion and separate into external branches, which supply motor fibers to the cricothyroid muscles, and internal branches, which carry sensory fibers. The RECURRENT LARYNGEAL NERVE originates more caudally and carries efferents to all muscles of the larynx except the cricothyroid. The laryngeal nerves and their various branches also carry sensory and autonomic fibers to the laryngeal, pharyngeal, tracheal, and cardiac regions. UBERON:UBERON_0011326|UBERON:UBERON_0035642 MESH:D014630 A08.800.050.050.925.450|A08.800.050.600.825.450|A08.800.800.060.920.450|A08.800.800.120.900.450 A08.800.050.050.925|A08.800.050.600.825|A08.800.800.060.920|A08.800.800.120.900 Laryngeal Nerve|Laryngeal Nerves, Superior|Laryngeal Nerve, Superior|Nerve, Laryngeal|Nerves, Laryngeal|Nerves, Superior Laryngeal|Nerve, Superior Laryngeal|Superior Laryngeal Nerve|Superior Laryngeal Nerves nervus laryngealis superior|nervus laryngeus superior|superior laryngeal branch of inferior vagal ganglion|superior laryngeal branch of vagus|UBERON:0011326|UBERON:0035642 +Larynx MESH:D007830 A tubular organ of VOICE production. It is located in the anterior neck, superior to the TRACHEA and inferior to the tongue and HYOID BONE. UBERON:UBERON_0001737 MESH:D012137 A04.329 A04 Anterior Commissure, Laryngeal|Anterior Commissure, Larynx|Anterior Commissures, Laryngeal|Anterior Commissures, Larynx|Commissure, Laryngeal Anterior|Commissure, Laryngeal Posterior|Commissure, Larynx Anterior|Commissure, Larynx Posterior|Commissures, Laryngeal Anterior|Commissures, Laryngeal Posterior|Commissures, Larynx Anterior|Commissures, Larynx Posterior|Laryngeal Anterior Commissure|Laryngeal Anterior Commissures|Laryngeal Posterior Commissure|Laryngeal Posterior Commissures|Larynx Anterior Commissure|Larynx Anterior Commissures|Larynx Posterior Commissure|Larynx Posterior Commissures|Posterior Commissure, Laryngeal|Posterior Commissure, Larynx|Posterior Commissures, Laryngeal|Posterior Commissures, Larynx UBERON:0001737 +Lateral Ligament, Ankle MESH:D017844 LATERAL LIGAMENTS of the ANKLE JOINT. It includes inferior tibiofibular ligaments. UBERON:UBERON_0011971|UBERON:UBERON_0013726 MESH:D017885 A02.513.514.162.500|A02.835.583.512.162.500|A10.165.669.514.162.500 A02.513.514.162|A02.835.583.512.162|A10.165.669.514.162 Ankle Lateral Ligament|Ankle Lateral Ligaments|Anterior Inferior Tibiofibular Ligament|Calcaneofibular Ligament|Calcaneofibular Ligaments|Collateral Ligament, Lateral|Collateral Ligaments, Lateral|External Lateral Ligament|External Lateral Ligaments|Internal Lateral Ankle Ligament|Lateral Collateral Ligament|Lateral Collateral Ligaments|Lateral Ligament, External|Lateral Ligaments, Ankle|Lateral Ligaments, External|Ligament, Ankle Lateral|Ligament, Calcaneofibular|Ligament, External Lateral|Ligament, Lateral Collateral|Ligament, Posterior Talofibular|Ligaments, Ankle Lateral|Ligaments, Calcaneofibular|Ligaments, External Lateral|Ligaments, Lateral Collateral|Ligaments, Posterior Talofibular|Ligamentum Laterale Articulationis Talocruralis|Posterior Inferior Tibiofibular Ligament|Posterior Talofibular Ligament|Posterior Talofibular Ligaments|Talofibular Ligament, Posterior|Talofibular Ligaments, Posterior ligamentum calcaneofibulare|ligamentum talofibulare posterius|UBERON:0011971|UBERON:0013726 +Lateral Line System MESH:D053403 Aquatic vertebrate sensory system in fish and amphibians. It is composed of sense organs (canal organs and pit organs) containing neuromasts (MECHANORECEPTORS) that detect water displacement caused by moving objects. UBERON:UBERON_0002540 MESH:D000825 A13.564 A13 Canal, Lateral Line|Lateral Line Canal|Lateral Line Organ|Lateral Line Organs|Lateral Line Systems|Organ, Lateral Line|Organs, Lateral Line|System, Lateral Line|Systems, Lateral Line lateral-line organs|lateral line stitches|ll|UBERON:0002540 +Lateral Thalamic Nuclei MESH:D020647 A narrow strip of cell groups on the dorsomedial surface of the thalamus. It includes the lateral dorsal nucleus, lateral posterior nucleus, and the PULVINAR. UBERON:UBERON_0002736 MESH:D013787 A08. A08. Lateral Dorsal Nucleus|Lateral Dorsal Thalamic Nucleus|Lateralis Posterior, Nucleus|Lateralis Posteriors, Nucleus|Lateral Nuclear Group|Lateral Nucleus Of Thalamus|Lateral Posterior Nucleus|Lateral Posterior Nucleus Of The Thalamus|Lateral Posterior Thalamic Nucleus|Laterodorsal Thalamic Nucleus|Nuclear Group, Lateral|Nuclei, Lateral Thalamic|Nucleus, Lateral Dorsal|Nucleus Lateralis Posterior|Nucleus Lateralis Posteriors|Nucleus, Lateral Posterior|Nucleus, Lateral Thalamic|Nucleus, Laterodorsal Thalamic|Posterior, Nucleus Lateralis|Posteriors, Nucleus Lateralis|Thalamic Nuclei, Lateral|Thalamic Nucleus, Laterodorsal lateral group of nuclei|lateral group of the dorsal thalamus|lateral nuclear group of dorsal thalamus|lateral nuclear group of thalamus|lateral thalamic group|lateral thalamic nuclear group|lateral thalamic nuclear region|lateral thalamic nucleus|LNG|nuclei laterales thalami|nucleus lateralis thalami|UBERON:0002736 +Lateral Ventricles MESH:D020547 Cavity in each of the CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES derived from the cavity of the embryonic NEURAL TUBE. They are separated from each other by the SEPTUM PELLUCIDUM, and each communicates with the THIRD VENTRICLE by the foramen of Monro, through which also the choroid plexuses (CHOROID PLEXUS) of the lateral ventricles become continuous with that of the third ventricle. UBERON:UBERON_0002285 MESH:D002552 A08. A08.186.211.140 Lateral Ventricle|Subventricular Zone|Subventricular Zones|Ventricle, Lateral|Ventricles, Lateral|Zones, Subventricular|Zone, Subventricular forebrain ventricle|lateral ventricle of brain|tectal ventricle|telencephalic ventricle|telencephalic ventricles|telencephalic vesicle|telencephalon lateral ventricle|UBERON:0002285 +L Cells MESH:D007739 A cultured line of C3H mouse FIBROBLASTS that do not adhere to one another and do not express CADHERINS. MESH:D002460|MESH:D005347 A11.251.210.505|A11.329.228.505 A11.251.210|A11.329.228 Cell, L|Cell, L929|Cell, L (Cell Line)|Cell Line, L|Cell Line, L929|Cell Line L-Cell|Cell Line L-Cells|Cell Lines, L|Cells, L|Cells, L929|Cells, L (Cell Line)|Cells, Strain L|Cell, Strain L|Earle's Strain L Cells|L929 Cell|L929 Cell Line|L929 Cells|L Cell|L-Cell|L Cell (Cell Line)|L-Cell, Cell Line|L Cell Line|L-Cell Line|L Cell Lines|L-Cell Lines|L-Cells|L Cells (Cell Line)|L Cells, Cell Line|L-Cells, Cell Line|L Cells, Strain|L Cell, Strain|NCTC Clone 929 Cells|NCTC Clone 929 of Strain L Cells|Strain L Cell|Strain L Cells +Leg MESH:D007866 The inferior part of the lower extremity between the KNEE and the ANKLE. UBERON:UBERON_0000978|UBERON:UBERON_0003823 MESH:D035002 A01.378.610.500 A01.378.610 Legs crus|crus of hindlimb|hind epipodium|hindlimb epipodium|hind limb middle limb segment|hindlimb middle limb segment|hind limb zeudopodium|hindlimb zeudopodium|hind limb zeugopod|hindlimb zeugopod|hindlimb zeugopodium|intermediate segment of free lower limb|lower extremity|lower extremity middle limb segment|lower extremity zeugopod|lower leg|middle limb segment of hind limb|middle limb segment of hindlimb|shank|tetrapod leg|UBERON:0000978|UBERON:0003823|zeugopod of hind limb|zeugopod of hindlimb +Leg Bones MESH:D007867 The bones of the free part of the lower extremity in humans and of any of the four extremities in animals. It includes the PATELLA; TIBIA; and FIBULA. UBERON:UBERON_0005893 MESH:D050281 A02.835.232.043.650 A02.835.232.043 Bone, Leg|Bones, Leg|Bones of Leg|Leg Bone UBERON:0005893 +Lens Capsule, Crystalline MESH:D007903 The thin noncellular outer covering of the CRYSTALLINE LENS composed mainly of COLLAGEN TYPE IV and GLYCOSAMINOGLYCANS. It is secreted by the embryonic anterior and posterior epithelium. The embryonic posterior epithelium later disappears. MESH:D007908 A09.371.060.500.155 A09.371.060.500 Capsule, Crystalline Lens|Capsules, Crystalline Lens|Crystalline Lens Capsule|Crystalline Lens Capsules|Lens Capsules, Crystalline +Lens Cortex, Crystalline MESH:D007904 The portion of the crystalline lens surrounding the nucleus and bound anteriorly by the epithelium and posteriorly by the capsule. It contains lens fibers and amorphous, intercellular substance. MESH:D007908 A09.371.060.500.225 A09.371.060.500 Cortex, Crystalline Lens|Crystalline Lens Cortex +Lens, Crystalline MESH:D007908 A transparent, biconvex structure of the EYE, enclosed in a capsule and situated behind the IRIS and in front of the vitreous humor (VITREOUS BODY). It is slightly overlapped at its margin by the ciliary processes. Adaptation by the CILIARY BODY is crucial for OCULAR ACCOMMODATION. UBERON:UBERON_0000965 MESH:D000869 A09.371.060.500 A09.371.060 Crystalline Lens|Eye Lens|Lens, Eye camera-type eye lens|lens|lens crystallina|lenses|lens of camera-type eye|ocular lens|UBERON:0000965 +Lens Nucleus, Crystalline MESH:D007907 The core of the crystalline lens, surrounded by the cortex. MESH:D007908 A09.371.060.500.670 A09.371.060.500 Crystalline Lens Nucleus|Nucleus, Crystalline Lens +Lesser Pelvis MESH:D057892 The part of the pelvis, inferior to the pelvic brim, that comprises both the pelvic cavity and the part of the PERINEUM lying inferior to the PELVIC DIAPHRAGM. UBERON:UBERON_0002355 MESH:D010388 A01.923.600.500 A01.923.600 Minor, Pelvis|Pelvis, Lesser|Pelvis Minor|Pelvis, True|True Pelvis pelvic region|pelvic region of trunk|pelvis|pelvis region|UBERON:0002355 +Leukocytes MESH:D007962 White blood cells. These include granular leukocytes (BASOPHILS; EOSINOPHILS; and NEUTROPHILS) as well as non-granular leukocytes (LYMPHOCYTES and MONOCYTES). CL:CL_0000738 MESH:D001773|MESH:D007107 A11.118.637|A15.145.229.637|A15.382.490 A11.118|A15.145.229|A15.382 Blood Cells, White|Blood Cell, White|Blood Corpuscles, White|Blood Corpuscle, White|Corpuscles, White Blood|Corpuscle, White Blood|Leukocyte|White Blood Cell|White Blood Cells|White Blood Corpuscle|White Blood Corpuscles CL:0000738|immune cell|leucocyte +Leukocytes, Mononuclear MESH:D007963 Mature LYMPHOCYTES and MONOCYTES transported by the blood to the body's extravascular space. They are morphologically distinguishable from mature granulocytic leukocytes by their large, non-lobed nuclei and lack of coarse, heavily stained cytoplasmic granules. CL:CL_0000842 MESH:D007962 A11.118.637.555|A15.145.229.637.555|A15.382.490.555 A11.118.637|A15.145.229.637|A15.382.490 Leukocyte, Mononuclear|Mononuclear Leukocyte|Mononuclear Leukocytes|PBMC Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells|Peripheral Blood Human Mononuclear Cells|Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cell|Peripheral Blood Mononuclear Cells CL:0000842|mononuclear cell +Lewy Bodies MESH:D016631 Intracytoplasmic, eosinophilic, round to elongated inclusions found in vacuoles of injured or fragmented neurons. The presence of Lewy bodies is the histological marker of the degenerative changes in LEWY BODY DISEASE and PARKINSON DISEASE but they may be seen in other neurological conditions. They are typically found in the substantia nigra and locus coeruleus but they are also seen in the basal forebrain, hypothalamic nuclei, and neocortex. MESH:D002479 A11.284.420.460 A11.284.420 Lewy Body|Lewy Neurite|Lewy Neurites|Neurite, Lewy +Leydig Cells MESH:D007985 Steroid-producing cells in the interstitial tissue of the TESTIS. They are under the regulation of PITUITARY HORMONES; LUTEINIZING HORMONE; or interstitial cell-stimulating hormone. TESTOSTERONE is the major androgen (ANDROGENS) produced. CL:CL_0000178 MESH:D004847|MESH:D013737|MESH:D055098 A05.360.444.849.513|A06.300.312.782.513|A11.382.906|A11.436.513 A05.360.444.849|A06.300.312.782|A11.382|A11.436 Cell, Leydig|Cells, Leydig|Cells, Testicular Interstitial|Cell, Testicular Interstitial|Interstitial Cells, Testicular|Interstitial Cell, Testicular|Leydig Cell|Testicular Interstitial Cell|Testicular Interstitial Cells CL:0000178|interstitial cell|interstitial cell of Leydig +Ligaments MESH:D008022 Shiny, flexible bands of fibrous tissue connecting together articular extremities of bones. They are pliant, tough, and inextensile. UBERON:UBERON_0000211 MESH:D003238|MESH:D009141 A02.513|A10.165.669 A02|A10.165 Interosseal Ligament|Interosseal Ligaments|Interosseous Ligament|Interosseous Ligaments|Ligament|Ligament, Interosseal|Ligament, Interosseous ligament organ|UBERON:0000211 +Ligaments, Articular MESH:D008023 Fibrous cords of CONNECTIVE TISSUE that attach bones to each other and hold together the many types of joints in the body. Articular ligaments are strong, elastic, and allow movement in only specific directions, depending on the individual joint. UBERON:UBERON_0008846 MESH:D007596|MESH:D008022 A02.513.514|A02.835.583.512|A10.165.669.514 A02.513|A02.835.583|A10.165.669 Articular Ligament|Articular Ligaments|Ligament, Articular articular larua|ligament|skeletal ligament|true ligament|UBERON:0008846 +Ligamentum Flavum MESH:D017843 The paired bands of yellow elastic tissue that connect adjoining laminae of the vertebrae. With the laminae, it forms the posterior wall of the spinal canal and helps hold the body erect. UBERON:UBERON_0003673 MESH:D008023 A02.513.514.287|A02.835.583.512.287|A10.165.669.514.287 A02.513.514|A02.835.583.512|A10.165.669.514 Flaval Ligament|Flaval Ligaments|Ligamenta Flava|Ligament, Flaval|Ligaments, Flaval UBERON:0003673 +Limbal Stem Cells MESH:D000093282 Adult somatic stem cells found in the basal epithelial layer of the LIMBUS CORNEAE. MESH:D053687 A11.872.040.750 A11.872.040 Corneal Epithelial Stem Cells|Limbal Epithelial Stem Cells of the Cornea|Limbal Stem Cell|Stem Cell, Limbal|Stem Cells, Limbal +Limb Buds MESH:D018878 Distinct regions of mesenchymal outgrowth at both flanks of an embryo during the SOMITE period. Limb buds, covered by ECTODERM, give rise to forelimb, hindlimb, and eventual functional limb structures. Limb bud cultures are used to study CELL DIFFERENTIATION; ORGANOGENESIS; and MORPHOGENESIS. UBERON:UBERON_0004347 MESH:D004628 A16.567 A16 Bud, Limb|Buds, Limb|Limb Bud gemmae membrorum|limbbud|UBERON:0004347 +Limbic Lobe MESH:D065726 The medial surface of the cerebral hemisphere around the brain stem. UBERON:UBERON_0002600 MESH:D002540|MESH:D008032 A08.|A08. A08.186.211.180|A08. Fasciolar Gyrus|Grande Lobe Limbique of Broca|Griseum, Indusium|Gyrus, Fasciolar|Gyrus, Paraterminal|Gyrus, Subcallosal|Gyrus, Supracallosal|Indusium Griseum|Limbic Lobes|Lobe, Limbic|Lobes, Limbic|Lobus Limbicus|Paraterminal Gyrus|Subcallosal Gyrus|Supracallosal Gyrus fornicate convolution|fornicate gyrus|fornicate lobe|gyrus fornicatus|limbic lobe (carpenter)|UBERON:0002600 +Limbic System MESH:D008032 A set of forebrain structures common to all mammals that is defined functionally and anatomically. It is implicated in the higher integration of visceral, olfactory, and somatic information as well as homeostatic responses including fundamental survival behaviors (feeding, mating, emotion). For most authors, it includes the AMYGDALA; EPITHALAMUS; GYRUS CINGULI; hippocampal formation (see HIPPOCAMPUS); HYPOTHALAMUS; PARAHIPPOCAMPAL GYRUS; SEPTAL NUCLEI; anterior nuclear group of thalamus, and portions of the basal ganglia. (Parent, Carpenter's Human Neuroanatomy, 9th ed, p744; NeuroNames, http://rprcsgi.rprc.washington.edu/neuronames/index.html (September 2, 1998)). UBERON:UBERON_0000349 MESH:D001921 A08.186.211.180 A08.186.211 Limbic Systems|System, Limbic|Systems, Limbic UBERON:0000349|visceral brain +Limbus Corneae MESH:D016850 An annular transitional zone, approximately 1 mm wide, between the cornea and the bulbar conjunctiva and sclera. It is highly vascular and is involved in the metabolism of the cornea. It is ophthalmologically significant in that it appears on the outer surface of the eyeball as a slight furrow, marking the line between the clear cornea and the sclera. (Dictionary of Visual Science, 3d ed) UBERON:UBERON_0006761 MESH:D003315 A09.371.060.217.659 A09.371.060.217 Corneal Limbus|Corneoscleral Junction|Corneoscleral Junctions|Junction, Corneoscleral|Junctions, Corneoscleral|Limbus, Corneal|Limbus, Sclerocorneal|Sclerocorneal Limbus cornea limbus|corneal-scleral limbus|corneo-scleral junction|sclerocorneal junction|UBERON:0006761 +Lingual Frenum MESH:D008035 MUCOUS MEMBRANE extending from floor of mouth to the under-surface of the tongue. UBERON:UBERON_0006689 MESH:D014059 A03.556.500.885.431|A14.549.885.431 A03.556.500.885|A14.549.885 Frenulum, Lingual|Frenulums, Lingual|Frenum, Lingual|Frenums, Lingual|Lingual Frenulum|Lingual Frenulums|Lingual Frenums frenulum|frenulum linguae|frenulum linguæ|frenulum of the tongue|frenulum of tongue|tongue frenulum|UBERON:0006689 +Lingual Nerve MESH:D008036 A sensory branch of the MANDIBULAR NERVE, which is part of the trigeminal (5th cranial) nerve. The lingual nerve carries general afferent fibers from the anterior two-thirds of the tongue, the floor of the mouth, and the mandibular gingivae. UBERON:UBERON_0003721 MESH:D008340 A08.800.800.120.760.500.450 A08.800.800.120.760.500 Lingual Nerves|Nerve, Lingual|Nerves, Lingual lingual branch of trigeminal nerve|trigeminal nerve lingual branch|trigeminal V nerve lingual branch|UBERON:0003721 +Lip MESH:D008046 Either of the two fleshy, full-blooded margins of the mouth. UBERON:UBERON_0001833 MESH:D009055 A01.456.505.631.515|A14.549.336 A01.456.505.631|A14.549 Lips|Philtrum|Philtrums labia oris|UBERON:0001833 +Lipid Droplets MESH:D066292 Dynamic cytoplasmic organelles found in almost all cells. They consist of a central core of LIPIDS surrounded by a phospholipid monolayer studded with surface proteins, and are involved in LIPID METABOLISM and storage. MESH:D015388 A11.284.430.214.190.875.393 A11.284.430.214.190.875 Adiposome|Adiposomes|Droplet, Lipid|Droplets, Lipid|Lipid Bodies|Lipid Body|Lipid Droplet|Lipid Storage Bodies|Lipid Storage Body|Oil Bodies|Oil Body|Oleosome|Oleosomes|Spherosome|Spherosomes|Storage Bodies, Lipid|Storage Body, Lipid +Liver MESH:D008099 A large lobed glandular organ in the abdomen of vertebrates that is responsible for detoxification, metabolism, synthesis and storage of various substances. UBERON:UBERON_0002107 MESH:D004064 A03.620 A03 Livers iecur|jecur|UBERON:0002107 +LLC-PK1 Cells MESH:D018374 Epithelial cell line originally derived from porcine kidneys. It is used for pharmacologic and metabolic studies. MESH:D002460|MESH:D004847 A11.251.210.520|A11.436.520 A11.251.210|A11.436 Cell, LLC-PK1|Cells, LLC-PK1|LLC-PK1 Cell|LLC PK1 Cells +Locus Coeruleus MESH:D008125 Bluish-colored region in the superior angle of the FOURTH VENTRICLE floor, corresponding to melanin-like pigmented nerve cells which lie lateral to the PERIAQUEDUCTAL GRAY. UBERON:UBERON_0002148 MESH:D008636|MESH:D065821 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Caeruleus Complex, Locus|Complex, Locus Caeruleus|Complex, Locus Ceruleus|Complex, Locus Coeruleus|Locus Caeruleus|Locus Caeruleus Complex|Locus Ceruleus|Locus Ceruleus Complex|Locus Coeruleus Complex|Nucleus Pigmentosus Pontis|Pontis, Nucleus Pigmentosus blue nucleus|caerulean nucleus|loci coeruleus|locus cinereus|locus coeruleu|locus coeruleus (Vicq d'Azyr)|Noradrenergic cell group A6|nucleus caeruleus|nucleus loci caerulei|nucleus of locus caeruleus|substantia ferruginea|UBERON:0002148 +Longitudinal Ligaments MESH:D017846 Two extensive fibrous bands running the length of the vertebral column. The anterior longitudinal ligament (ligamentum longitudinale anterius; lacertus medius) interconnects the anterior surfaces of the vertebral bodies; the posterior longitudinal ligament (ligamentum longitudinale posterius) interconnects the posterior surfaces. The commonest clinical consideration is OSSIFICATION OF POSTERIOR LONGITUDINAL LIGAMENT. (From Stedman, 25th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0035246|UBERON:UBERON_0035419 MESH:D008023 A02.513.514.350|A02.835.583.512.350|A10.165.669.514.350 A02.513.514|A02.835.583.512|A10.165.669.514 Anterior Longitudinal Ligament|Anterior Longitudinal Ligaments|Ligament, Anterior Longitudinal|Ligament, Longitudinal|Ligament, Posterior Longitudinal|Ligaments, Anterior Longitudinal|Ligaments, Longitudinal|Ligaments, Posterior Longitudinal|Ligamentum Longitudinale|Longitudinal Ligament|Longitudinal Ligament, Anterior|Longitudinal Ligament, Posterior|Longitudinal Ligaments, Anterior|Longitudinal Ligaments, Posterior|Posterior Longitudinal Ligament|Posterior Longitudinal Ligaments UBERON:0035246|UBERON:0035419 +Loop of Henle MESH:D008138 The U-shaped portion of the renal tubule in the KIDNEY MEDULLA, consisting of a descending limb and an ascending limb. It is situated between the PROXIMAL KIDNEY TUBULE and the DISTAL KIDNEY TUBULE. UBERON:UBERON_0001288 MESH:D007684 A05.810.453.736.560.610 A05.810.453.736.560 Ascending Limb of Loop of Henle|Descending Limb of Loop of Henle|Henle Loop ansa nephroni|Henle's loop|UBERON:0001288 +Lower Extremity MESH:D035002 The region of the lower limb in animals, extending from the gluteal region to the FOOT, and including the BUTTOCKS; HIP; and LEG. MESH:D005121 A01.378.610 A01.378 Extremities, Lower|Extremity, Lower|Limb, Lower|Limbs, Lower|Lower Extremities|Lower Limb|Lower Limbs|Membrum inferius +Lower Gastrointestinal Tract MESH:D041741 The segment of GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT that includes the small intestine below the DUODENUM, and the LARGE INTESTINE. UBERON:UBERON_0004907 MESH:D041981 A03.556.249 A03.556 Gastrointestinal Tract, Lower|Lower GI Tract gut|lower digestive tract|UBERON:0004907 +Lumbar Vertebrae MESH:D008159 VERTEBRAE in the region of the lower BACK below the THORACIC VERTEBRAE and above the SACRAL VERTEBRAE. UBERON:UBERON_0002414 MESH:D013131 A02.835.232.834.519 A02.835.232.834 Vertebrae, Lumbar lumbar vertebra|UBERON:0002414 +Lumbosacral Plexus MESH:D008160 The lumbar and sacral plexuses taken together. The fibers of the lumbosacral plexus originate in the lumbar and upper sacral spinal cord (L1 to S3) and innervate the lower extremities. UBERON:UBERON_0001815 MESH:D013127 A08.800.800.720.450 A08.800.800.720 Cluneal Nerve, Inferior|Cluneal Nerves, Inferior|Inferior Cluneal Nerve|Inferior Cluneal Nerves|Lumbar Plexus|Nerve, Inferior Cluneal|Nerves, Inferior Cluneal|Plexus, Lumbar|Plexus, Lumbosacral|Plexus, Sacral|Posterior Femoral Cutaneous Nerve|Sacral Plexus lumbosacral nerve plexus|plexus lumbosacralis|UBERON:0001815 +Lumbosacral Region MESH:D008161 Region of the back including the LUMBAR VERTEBRAE, SACRUM, and nearby structures. UBERON:UBERON_0002417|UBERON:UBERON_0005462 MESH:D001415 A01.923.176.519 A01.923.176 Lumbar Region|Lumbar Regions|Lumbosacral Regions|Region, Lumbar|Region, Lumbosacral|Regions, Lumbar|Regions, Lumbosacral abdomen/pelvis/perineum|abdominal back|abdominal segment of trunk|back of abdomen|dorsum of abdomen|loin|lombus|lower back|lower body|lower trunk|lumbar part of back|lumbar region of back|lumbos|posterior part of abdomen|regio lumbalis|UBERON:0002417|UBERON:0005462 +Lunate Bone MESH:D012667 A moon-shaped carpal bone which is located between the SCAPHOID BONE and TRIQUETRUM BONE. UBERON:UBERON_0001428 MESH:D002348 A02.835.232.087.319.150.500 A02.835.232.087.319.150 Bone, Lunate|Bone, Semilunar|Bones, Lunate|Bones, Semilunar|Lunate Bones|Os Lunatum|Semilunar Bone|Semilunar Bones intermediate carpal bone|intermedium|lunar|lunate|os carpi intermedium|semilunar|semilunate|UBERON:0001428 +Lung MESH:D008168 Either of the pair of organs occupying the cavity of the thorax that effect the aeration of the blood. UBERON:UBERON_0002048 MESH:D012137 A04.411 A04 Lungs pulmo|UBERON:0002048 +Luteal Cells MESH:D008184 PROGESTERONE-producing cells in the CORPUS LUTEUM. The large luteal cells derive from the GRANULOSA CELLS. The small luteal cells derive from the THECA CELLS. CL:CL_0000175|CL:CL_0000590|CL:CL_0000592 MESH:D003338|MESH:D004847|MESH:D055098 A05.360.319.114.630.278.400|A06.300.312.497.278.400|A11.382.921|A11.436.566 A05.360.319.114.630.278|A06.300.312.497.278|A11.382|A11.436 Cell, Granulosa-Luteal|Cell, Granulosa-Lutein|Cell, Large Luteal|Cell, Luteal|Cell, Lutein|Cells, Granulosa-Luteal|Cells, Granulosa-Lutein|Cells, Large Luteal|Cells, Luteal|Cells, Lutein|Cell, Small Luteal|Cells, Small Luteal|cells, Theca-Luteal|Cells, Theca-Lutein|cell, Theca-Luteal|Cell, Theca-Lutein|Granulosa-Luteal Cell|Granulosa Luteal Cells|Granulosa-Luteal Cells|Granulosa-Lutein Cell|Granulosa Lutein Cells|Granulosa-Lutein Cells|Large Luteal Cell|Large Luteal Cells|Luteal Cell|Luteal Cell, Large|Luteal Cells, Large|Luteal Cell, Small|Luteal Cells, Small|Lutein Cell|Lutein Cells|Small Luteal Cell|Small Luteal Cells|Theca-Luteal cell|Theca Luteal cells|Theca-Luteal cells|Theca-Lutein Cell|Theca Lutein Cells|Theca-Lutein Cells CL:0000175|CL:0000590|CL:0000592|corpus luteum cell|granulosa lutein cell|granulosoluteocytus|small lutein cell|theca lutein cell +Lymph MESH:D008196 The interstitial fluid that is in the LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. UBERON:UBERON_0002391 MESH:D008208|MESH:D045604 A12.207.270.606|A15.382.520.150 A12.207.270|A15.382.520 Lymphs lympha|UBERON:0002391 +Lymphatic System MESH:D008208 A system of organs and tissues that process and transport immune cells and LYMPH. UBERON:UBERON_0006558 MESH:D007107 A15.382.520 A15.382 Lymphatic Systems lymphatic part of lymphoid system|lymphatic tree system|lymporeticular system|UBERON:0006558 +Lymphatic Vessels MESH:D042601 Tubular vessels that are involved in the transport of LYMPH and LYMPHOCYTES. UBERON:UBERON_0001473|UBERON:UBERON_0006842 MESH:D008208 A15.382.520.301 A15.382.520 Capillaries, Lymphatic|Capillary, Lymphatic|Lymphatic Capillaries|Lymphatic Capillary|Lymphatic Venule|Lymphatic Venules|Lymphatic Vessel|Venule, Lymphatic|Venules, Lymphatic|Vessel, Lymphatic|Vessels, Lymphatic lymph capillary|lymph vessel|UBERON:0001473|UBERON:0006842|vas lymphaticum +Lymph Nodes MESH:D008198 They are oval or bean shaped bodies (1 - 30 mm in diameter) located along the lymphatic system. UBERON:UBERON_0000029 MESH:D008221 A10.549.400|A15.382.520.604.412 A10.549|A15.382.520.604 Lymph Node|Node, Lymph|Nodes, Lymph lymph gland|nodus lymphaticus|UBERON:0000029 +Lymphocytes MESH:D008214 White blood cells formed in the body's lymphoid tissue. The nucleus is round or ovoid with coarse, irregularly clumped chromatin while the cytoplasm is typically pale blue with azurophilic (if any) granules. Most lymphocytes can be classified as either T or B (with subpopulations of each), or NATURAL KILLER CELLS. CL:CL_0000542 MESH:D007963 A11.118.637.555.567|A15.145.229.637.555.567|A15.382.490.555.567 A11.118.637.555|A15.145.229.637.555|A15.382.490.555 Cell, Lymphoid|Cells, Lymphoid|Lymphocyte|Lymphoid Cell|Lymphoid Cells CL:0000542 +Lymphocytes, Null MESH:D008215 A class of lymphocytes characterized by the lack of surface markers specific for either T or B lymphocytes. CL:CL_0000623|CL:CL_0000825 MESH:D008214 A11.118.637.555.567.622|A15.145.229.637.555.567.584|A15.382.490.555.567.622 A11.118.637.555.567|A15.145.229.637.555.567|A15.382.490.555.567 Cell, Null|Cells, Null|Lymphocyte, Null|Null Cell|Null Cells|Null Lymphocyte|Null Lymphocytes CL:0000623|CL:0000825|large granular lymphocyte|natural killer cell|natural killer cell progenitor|NK cell|NKP|preNK cell|pro-natural killer cell|pro-NK cell +Lymphocytes, Tumor-Infiltrating MESH:D016246 Lymphocytes that show specificity for autologous tumor cells. Ex vivo isolation and culturing of TIL with interleukin-2, followed by reinfusion into the patient, is one form of adoptive immunotherapy of cancer. MESH:D008214 A11.118.637.555.567.650|A15.145.229.637.555.567.650|A15.382.490.555.567.650 A11.118.637.555.567|A15.145.229.637.555.567|A15.382.490.555.567 Activated Cells, Tumor-Derived|Activated Cell, Tumor-Derived|Infiltrating Lymphocytes, Tumor|Infiltrating Lymphocyte, Tumor|Lymphocytes, Tumor Infiltrating|Lymphocyte, Tumor Infiltrating|Lymphocyte, Tumor-Infiltrating|Tumor Derived Activated Cell|Tumor-Derived Activated Cell|Tumor Derived Activated Cells|Tumor-Derived Activated Cells|Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocyte|Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocyte|Tumor Infiltrating Lymphocytes|Tumor-Infiltrating Lymphocytes +Lymphocyte Subsets MESH:D016131 A classification of lymphocytes based on structurally or functionally different populations of cells. MESH:D008214 A11.118.637.555.567.550|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550|A15.382.490.555.567.550 A11.118.637.555.567|A15.145.229.637.555.567|A15.382.490.555.567 Lymphocyte Subpopulation|Lymphocyte Subpopulations|Lymphocyte Subset|Subpopulation, Lymphocyte|Subpopulations, Lymphocyte|Subset, Lymphocyte|Subsets, Lymphocyte +Lymphoid Progenitor Cells MESH:D054503 Stem cells from which B-LYMPHOCYTES; T-LYMPHOCYTES; NATURAL KILLER CELLS; and some DENDRITIC CELLS derive. CL:CL_0000051|CL:CL_0000838 MESH:D006412 A11.148.378.294|A11.872.378.294|A15.378.316.378.550 A11.148.378|A11.872.378|A15.378.316.378 Cell, Lymphoid Progenitor|Cell, Lymphoid Stem|Cells, Lymphoid Progenitor|Cells, Lymphoid Stem|Common Lymphoid Progenitor|Common Lymphoid Progenitors|Lymphoid Progenitor Cell|Lymphoid Progenitor, Common|Lymphoid Progenitors, Common|Lymphoid Stem Cell|Lymphoid Stem Cells|Progenitor Cell, Lymphoid|Progenitor Cells, Lymphoid|Progenitor, Common Lymphoid|Progenitors, Common Lymphoid|Stem Cell, Lymphoid|Stem Cells, Lymphoid CL:0000051|CL:0000838|CLP|committed lymphopoietic stem cell|common lymphocyte precursor|common lymphocyte progenitor|common lymphoid precursor|early lymphocyte progenitor|ELP|lymphoid lineage restricted progenitor cell|lymphopoietic stem cell +Lymphoid Tissue MESH:D008221 Specialized tissues that are components of the lymphatic system. They provide fixed locations within the body where a variety of LYMPHOCYTES can form, mature and multiply. The lymphoid tissues are connected by a network of LYMPHATIC VESSELS. UBERON:UBERON_0001744 MESH:D008208|MESH:D014024 A10.549|A15.382.520.604 A10|A15.382.520 Lymphatic Tissue|Lymphatic Tissues|Lymphoid Tissues|Tissue, Lymphatic|Tissue, Lymphoid|Tissues, Lymphatic|Tissues, Lymphoid lymphocytic tissue|UBERON:0001744 +Lysosomes MESH:D008247 A class of morphologically heterogeneous cytoplasmic particles in animal and plant tissues characterized by their content of hydrolytic enzymes and the structure-linked latency of these enzymes. The intracellular functions of lysosomes depend on their lytic potential. The single unit membrane of the lysosome acts as a barrier between the enzymes enclosed in the lysosome and the external substrate. The activity of the enzymes contained in lysosomes is limited or nil unless the vesicle in which they are enclosed is ruptured or undergoes MEMBRANE FUSION. (From Rieger et al., Glossary of Genetics: Classical and Molecular, 5th ed). MESH:D022162 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.550 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190 Autolysosome|Autolysosomes|Lysosome +Macronucleus MESH:D048648 The larger of two types of nuclei in ciliate protozoans. It is the transcriptionally active nucleus of the vegetative cells as distinguished from the smaller transcriptionally inert GERMLINE MICRONUCLEUS. MESH:D002467 A11.284.430.106.550|A11.284.430.214.190.875.117.550 A11.284.430.106|A11.284.430.214.190.875.117 Macronuclei +Macrophages MESH:D008264 The relatively long-lived phagocytic cell of mammalian tissues that are derived from blood MONOCYTES. Main types are PERITONEAL MACROPHAGES; ALVEOLAR MACROPHAGES; HISTIOCYTES; KUPFFER CELLS of the liver; and OSTEOCLASTS. They may further differentiate within chronic inflammatory lesions to EPITHELIOID CELLS or may fuse to form FOREIGN BODY GIANT CELLS or LANGHANS GIANT CELLS. (from The Dictionary of Cell Biology, Lackie and Dow, 3rd ed.) CL:CL_0000235 MESH:D003239|MESH:D010586|MESH:D012157|MESH:D022423 A11.329.372|A11.627.482|A11.733.397|A15.382.670.522|A15.382.680.397 A11.329|A11.627|A11.733|A15.382.670|A15.382.680 Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophage|Bone Marrow Derived Macrophages|Bone Marrow-Derived Macrophages|Macrophage|Macrophage, Bone Marrow-Derived|Macrophage, Monocyte-Derived|Macrophages, Bone Marrow-Derived|Macrophages, Monocyte Derived|Macrophages, Monocyte-Derived|Monocyte-Derived Macrophage|Monocyte Derived Macrophages|Monocyte-Derived Macrophages CL:0000235|histiocyte +Macrophages, Alveolar MESH:D016676 Round, granular, mononuclear phagocytes found in the alveoli of the lungs. They ingest small inhaled particles resulting in degradation and presentation of the antigen to immunocompetent cells. CL:CL_0000583 MESH:D008264 A11.329.372.600|A11.627.482.600|A11.733.397.600|A15.382.670.522.600|A15.382.680.397.600 A11.329.372|A11.627.482|A11.733.397|A15.382.670.522|A15.382.680.397 Alveolar Macrophage|Alveolar Macrophages|Macrophage, Alveolar|Macrophage, Pulmonary|Macrophages, Pulmonary|Pulmonary Macrophage|Pulmonary Macrophages CL:0000583|dust cell|MF.Lu +Macrophages, Peritoneal MESH:D017737 Mononuclear phagocytes derived from bone marrow precursors but resident in the peritoneum. CL:CL_0000581 MESH:D008264 A11.329.372.630|A11.627.482.630|A11.733.397.630|A15.382.670.522.630|A15.382.680.397.630 A11.329.372|A11.627.482|A11.733.397|A15.382.670.522|A15.382.680.397 Macrophage, Peritoneal|Peritoneal Macrophage|Peritoneal Macrophages CL:0000581 +Macula Lutea MESH:D008266 An oval area in the retina, 3 to 5 mm in diameter, usually located temporal to the posterior pole of the eye and slightly below the level of the optic disk. It is characterized by the presence of a yellow pigment diffusely permeating the inner layers, contains the fovea centralis in its center, and provides the best phototropic visual acuity. It is devoid of retinal blood vessels, except in its periphery, and receives nourishment from the choriocapillaris of the choroid. (From Cline et al., Dictionary of Visual Science, 4th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0000053 MESH:D012160 A09.371.729.522 A09.371.729 Lutea, Macula|Luteas, Macula|Macula Luteas macula|maculae|macula flava retinae|macula retinae|UBERON:0000053 +Madin Darby Canine Kidney Cells MESH:D061985 An epithelial cell line derived from a kidney of a normal adult female dog. MESH:D002460|MESH:D004847 A11.251.210.827|A11.436.589 A11.251.210|A11.436 Cell, MDCK|Cells, MDCK|MDCK Cell|MDCK Cells +Magnetosomes MESH:D055944 Membrane-bound prokaryotic organelles of magnetotactic bacteria that contain chains of MAGNETITE crystals which orient the bacteria to geomagnetic fields. MESH:D015388 A11.284.430.214.190.875.450 A11.284.430.214.190.875 Magnetosome +Malleus MESH:D008307 The largest of the auditory ossicles, and the one attached to the membrana tympani (TYMPANIC MEMBRANE). Its club-shaped head articulates with the INCUS. UBERON:UBERON_0001689 MESH:D004429 A09.246.397.247.524 A09.246.397.247 anguloarticular - malleus|malleus bone|UBERON:0001689 +Mallory Bodies MESH:D059609 Cytoplasmic hyaline inclusions in HEPATOCYTES. They are associated with ALCOHOLIC STEATOHEPATITIS and non-alcoholic STEATOHEPATITIS, but are also present in benign and malignant hepatocellular neoplasms, and metabolic, toxic, and chronic cholestatic LIVER DISEASES. MESH:D002479 A11.284.420.500 A11.284.420 Bodies, Mallory +Malpighian Tubules MESH:D008317 Slender tubular or hairlike excretory structures found in insects. They emerge from the alimentary canal between the mesenteron (midgut) and the proctodeum (hindgut). UBERON:UBERON_0001054 MESH:D000825 A13.574 A13 Malpighian Tubule|Tubule, Malpighian|Tubules, Malpighian Malphigian tube|Malpighian tube|tuba Malpighii|UBERON:0001054 +Mammary Arteries MESH:D008323 Arteries originating from the subclavian or axillary arteries and distributing to the anterior thoracic wall, mediastinal structures, diaphragm, pectoral muscles and mammary gland. UBERON:UBERON_0002456 MESH:D013895 A07.015.114.891.525 A07.015.114.891 Arteries, Internal Mammary|Arteries, Internal Thoracic|Arteries, Mammary|Artery, Internal Mammary|Artery, Internal Thoracic|Artery, Mammary|Internal Mammary Arteries|Internal Mammary Artery|Internal Thoracic Arteries|Internal Thoracic Artery|Mammary Arteries, Internal|Mammary Artery|Mammary Artery, Internal|Thoracic Arteries, Internal|Thoracic Artery, Internal arteria mammaria interna|arteria thoracica interna|internal thoracic mammary artery|UBERON:0002456 +Mammary Glands, Animal MESH:D008321 MAMMARY GLANDS in the non-human MAMMALS. UBERON:UBERON_0001911 MESH:D000825|MESH:D005088 A10.336.482|A13.589 A10.336|A13 Animal Mammary Gland|Animal Mammary Glands|Mammae|Mammary Gland, Animal|Udder|Udders Brustdruese|dug|glandula mammaria|lactiferous gland|lobe of breast|lobe of mammary gland|mamma|mammary gland|milk patch|UBERON:0001911 +Mammary Glands, Human MESH:D042361 Glandular tissue in the BREAST of human that is under the influence of hormones such as ESTROGENS; PROGESTINS; and PROLACTIN. In WOMEN, after PARTURITION, the mammary glands secrete milk (MILK, HUMAN) for the nourishment of the young. UBERON:UBERON_0005200 MESH:D001940|MESH:D005088 A01.236.249|A10.336.532 A01.236|A10.336 Alveoli, Human Mammary|Alveolus, Human Mammary|Duct, Human Mammary|Ducts, Human Mammary|Epithelia, Human Mammary|Epithelium, Human Mammary|Gland, Human Mammary|Gland, Mammary|Glands, Human Mammary|Glands, Mammary|Human Mammary Alveoli|Human Mammary Alveolus|Human Mammary Duct|Human Mammary Ducts|Human Mammary Epithelia|Human Mammary Epithelium|Human Mammary Gland|Human Mammary Glands|Human Mammary Lobule|Human Mammary Lobules|Mammary Alveoli, Human|Mammary Alveolus, Human|Mammary Duct, Human|Mammary Ducts, Human|Mammary Epithelia, Human|Mammary Epithelium, Human|Mammary Gland|Mammary Gland, Human|Mammary Glands|Mammary Lobule, Human|Mammary Lobules, Human anterior mammary gland|breast mammary gland|lactiferous gland|thoracic mammary gland|UBERON:0005200 +Mammillary Bodies MESH:D008326 A pair of nuclei and associated GRAY MATTER in the interpeduncular space rostral to the posterior perforated substance in the POSTERIOR HYPOTHALAMUS. UBERON:UBERON_0002206 MESH:D007034 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Bodies, Mamillary|Bodies, Mammillary|Body, Mamillary|Body, Mammillary|Mamillary Bodies|Mamillary Body|Mammillary Body corpora mamillaria|corpora mammillaria|corpus mamillare|corpus mamillaris|corpus mammillare|mammillary area|MMB|UBERON:0002206 +Mandible MESH:D008334 The largest and strongest bone of the FACE constituting the lower jaw. It supports the lower teeth. UBERON:UBERON_0001684|UBERON:UBERON_0001710 MESH:D007568 A02.835.232.781.324.502.632|A14.521.632 A02.835.232.781.324.502|A14.521 Groove, Mylohyoid|Grooves, Mylohyoid|Mandibles|Mylohyoid Groove|Mylohyoid Grooves|Mylohyoid Ridge|Mylohyoid Ridges|Ridge, Mylohyoid|Ridges, Mylohyoid inferior maxillary bone|lower jaw|lower jaw bone|lower jaw region|lower mandibula|lower part of mouth|mammaliam mandible|mandibula|mandibular part of mouth|mandibular series|mandibulla|UBERON:0001684|UBERON:0001710 +Mandibular Canal MESH:D000088263 Internal aspect of the mandible from the MENTAL FORAMEN to the mandibular foramen which serves as the conduit for the INFERIOR ALVEOLAR NERVE and the inferior alveolar artery and vein. Bifid and trifid mandibular canals are normal anatomical variants. MESH:D008334 A02.835.232.781.324.502.632.365 A02.835.232.781.324.502.632 Alveolar Canal, Inferior|Alveolar Foramen, Inferior|Bifid Mandibular Canal|Bifid Mandibular Canals|Canal, Mandibular|Inferior Alveolar Canal|Inferior Alveolar Canals|Inferior Alveolar Foramen|Mandibular Canal, Bifid|Mandibular Canals|Mandibular Canal, Trifid|Trifid Mandibular Canal|Trifid Mandibular Canals +Mandibular Condyle MESH:D008335 The posterior process on the ramus of the mandible composed of two parts: a superior part, the articular portion, and an inferior part, the condylar neck. UBERON:UBERON_0004657 MESH:D008334 A02.835.232.781.324.502.632.600|A14.521.632.600 A02.835.232.781.324.502.632|A14.521.632 Condyle, Mandibular|Condyles, Mandibular|Mandibular Condyles condylar process of mandible|condyle of mandible|condyle of the mandible|condyloid process|mandible condylar process|mandibular condyloid process|processus condylaris|processus condylaris mandibulae|UBERON:0004657 +Mandibular Nerve MESH:D008340 A branch of the trigeminal (5th cranial) nerve. The mandibular nerve carries motor fibers to the muscles of mastication and sensory fibers to the teeth and gingivae, the face in the region of the mandible, and parts of the dura. UBERON:UBERON_0000375 MESH:D014276 A08.800.800.120.760.500 A08.800.800.120.760 Alveolar Nerve, Inferior|Auriculotemporal Nerve|Auriculotemporal Nerves|Buccal Nerve|Buccal Nerves|Deep Temporal Nerve|Deep Temporal Nerves|Inferior Alveolar Nerve|Inferior Alveolar Nerves|Lateral Pterygoid Nerve|Lateral Pterygoid Nerves|Mandibular Nerves|Masseteric Nerve|Masseteric Nerves|Mental Nerve|Mental Nerves|Mylohyoid Nerve|Mylohyoid Nerves|Nerve, Auriculotemporal|Nerve, Buccal|Nerve, Deep Temporal|Nerve, Inferior Alveolar|Nerve, Lateral Pterygoid|Nerve, Mandibular|Nerve, Masseteric|Nerve, Mental|Nerve, Mylohyoid|Pterygoid Nerve, Lateral|Pterygoid Nerves, Lateral|Temporal Nerve, Deep|Temporal Nerves, Deep inferior maxillary nerve|mandibular division of fifth cranial nerve|mandibular division of trigeminal nerve [Vc; V3]|mandibular division [V3]|mandibular division [Vc]|mandibular nerve [V3]|mandibular nerve [Vc]|nervus mandibularis|nervus mandibularis [v3]|nervus mandibularis [vc]|nervus mandibularis [Vc; V3]|n. mandibularis|ramus mandibularis (ramus V3)|third division of fifth cranial nerve|third division of trigeminal nerve|trigeminal nerve mandibular division|trigeminal V nerve mandibular division|UBERON:0000375 +Manubrium MESH:D008371 The upper or most anterior segment of the STERNUM which articulates with the CLAVICLE and first two pairs of RIBS. UBERON:UBERON_0002205 MESH:D013249 A02.835.232.570.750.442 A02.835.232.570.750 manubrium of sternum|manubrium sterni|sternal manubrium|sternal rostrum|sternum rostrum|UBERON:0002205 +Margins of Excision MESH:D000072662 The edges of tissue removed in a surgery for assessment of the effectiveness of a surgical procedure in achieving the local control of a neoplasm and the adequacy of tumor removal. When the margin is negative or not involved by tumor (e.g., CANCER) it suggests all of the tumor has been removed by the surgery. MESH:D014024 A10.830 A10 Excision Margin|Excision Margins|Margin, Resection|Margins, Resection|Margins, Surgical|Margins, Tumor-Free|Margin, Surgical|Margin, Tumor-Free|Negative Surgical Margin|Negative Surgical Margins|Positive Surgical Margin|Positive Surgical Margins|Resection Margin|Resection Margins|Surgical Margin|Surgical Margin, Negative|Surgical Margin, Positive|Surgical Margins|Surgical Margins, Negative|Surgical Margins, Positive|Tumor-Free Margin|Tumor Free Margins|Tumor-Free Margins +Masseter Muscle MESH:D008406 A masticatory muscle whose action is closing the jaws. UBERON:UBERON_0001597 MESH:D008410 A02.633.567.600.500|A14.530.630 A02.633.567.600|A14.530 Masseter Muscles|Muscle, Masseter|Muscles, Masseter masseter|musculus masseter|UBERON:0001597 +Mast Cells MESH:D008407 Granulated cells that are found in almost all tissues, most abundantly in the skin and the gastrointestinal tract. Like the BASOPHILS, mast cells contain large amounts of HISTAMINE and HEPARIN. Unlike basophils, mast cells normally remain in the tissues and do not circulate in the blood. Mast cells, derived from the bone marrow stem cells, are regulated by the STEM CELL FACTOR. CL:CL_0000097 MESH:D003239|MESH:D007107 A11.329.427|A15.382.652 A11.329|A15.382 Basophils, Tissue|Basophil, Tissue|Cell, Mast|Cells, Mast|Mast Cell|Tissue Basophil|Tissue Basophils CL:0000097|histaminocyte|labrocyte|mastocyte +Masticatory Muscles MESH:D008410 Muscles arising in the zygomatic arch that close the jaw. Their nerve supply is masseteric from the mandibular division of the trigeminal nerve. (From Stedman, 25th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0003681 MESH:D013284|MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.600|A14.530 A02.633.567|A14 Masticatory Muscle|Muscle, Masticatory|Muscles, Masticatory jaw muscle|muscle of mastication|musculi masticatorii|UBERON:0003681 +Mastoid MESH:D008416 The posterior part of the temporal bone. It is a projection of the petrous bone. UBERON:UBERON_0011220 MESH:D013701 A02.835.232.781.885.444 A02.835.232.781.885 Bone, Mastoid|Foramen, Mastoid|Mastoid Bone|Mastoid Bones|Mastoid Foramen|Mastoid Process|Mastoid Processes|Mastoids|Process, Mastoid mastoid process of skull|mastoid process of temporal bone|processus mastoideus ossis temporalis|UBERON:0011220 +Maxilla MESH:D008437 One of a pair of irregularly shaped bones that form the upper jaw. A maxillary bone provides tooth sockets for the superior teeth, forms part of the ORBIT, and contains the MAXILLARY SINUS. UBERON:UBERON_0002397 MESH:D007568 A02.835.232.781.324.502.645|A14.521.645 A02.835.232.781.324.502|A14.521 Bone, Maxillary|Bones, Maxillary|Maxillae|Maxillary Bone|Maxillary Bones|Maxillas UBERON:0002397|upper jaw bone +Maxillary Artery MESH:D008438 A branch of the external carotid artery which distributes to the deep structures of the face (internal maxillary) and to the side of the face and nose (external maxillary). UBERON:UBERON_0001616 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.523 A07.015.114 Arteries, Maxillary|Artery, Maxillary|Maxillary Arteries arteria maxillaris|internal maxillary artery|UBERON:0001616 +Maxillary Nerve MESH:D008442 The intermediate sensory division of the trigeminal (5th cranial) nerve. The maxillary nerve carries general afferents from the intermediate region of the face including the lower eyelid, nose and upper lip, the maxillary teeth, and parts of the dura. UBERON:UBERON_0000377 MESH:D014276 A08.800.800.120.760.550 A08.800.800.120.760 Alveolar Nerves, Superior|Alveolar Nerve, Superior|Maxillary Nerves|Nerve, Maxillary|Nerves, Maxillary|Nerves, Superior Alveolar|Nerve, Superior Alveolar|Superior Alveolar Nerve|Superior Alveolar Nerves maxillary division of fifth cranial nerve|maxillary division of trigeminal nerve (Vb; V2)|maxillary division [V2]|maxillary division [Vb]|maxillary nerve [V2]|maxillary nerve [Vb]|nervus maxillaris|nervus maxillaris [v2]|nervus maxillaris [vb]|nervus maxillaris (Vb; V2)|n. maxillaris|ramus maxillaris (ramus V2)|second division of fifth cranial nerve|second division of trigeminal nerve|trigeminal nerve maxillary division|trigeminal V nerve maxillary division|UBERON:0000377 +Maxillary Sinus MESH:D008443 The air space located in the body of the MAXILLARY BONE near each cheek. Each maxillary sinus communicates with the middle passage (meatus) of the NASAL CAVITY on the same side. UBERON:UBERON_0001764 MESH:D010256 A04.531.621.578 A04.531.621 Antrum, Maxillary|Antrum of Highmore|Antrums, Maxillary|Highmore Antrum|Maxillary Antrum|Maxillary Antrums|Sinus, Maxillary sinus maxilliaris|UBERON:0001764 +M Cells MESH:D000092303 A distinct lineage of epithelial cells, present in MUCOSAL TISSUE, that is responsible for the immune sensing and capture of luminal bacteria and other microparticles. They deliver these microparticles, via TRANSCYTOSIS, to lymphoid tissue for efficient mucosal as well as systemic immune responses. Inflammation-induced M cells arising in response to inflammatory conditions may provide microbial access to tissues without normal M cell-associated immune surveillance tissue. MESH:D004847|MESH:D009092 A10.615.550.522|A11.436.578 A10.615.550|A11.436 Airway M Cell|Airway M Cells|BALT M Cell|BALT M Cells|Bronchiolar M Cell|Bronchiolar M Cells|Bronchus Associated Lymphoid Tissue M Cells|Bronchus-Associated Lymphoid Tissue M Cells|Cell, Airway M|Cell, BALT M|Cell, Bronchiolar M|Cell, Colonic M|Cell, GALT M|Cell, Intestinal M|Cell, M|Cell, MALT M|Cell, Microfold|Cell, NALT M|Cells, Airway M|Cells, BALT M|Cells, Bronchiolar M|Cells, Colonic M|Cells, GALT M|Cells, Intestinal M|Cells, M|Cells, MALT M|Cells, Microfold|Cells, NALT M|Cells, Tonsillar M|Cell, Tonsillar M|Colonic M Cell|Colonic M Cells|GALT M Cell|GALT M Cells|Gut Associated Lymphoid Tissue M Cells|Gut-Associated Lymphoid Tissue M Cells|Intestinal Epithelial M cells|Intestinal M Cell|Intestinal M Cells|Intestinal Villous M Cells|MALT M Cell|MALT M Cells|M Cell|M Cell, Airway|M Cell, BALT|M Cell, Bronchiolar|M Cell, Colonic|M Cell, GALT|M Cell, Intestinal|M Cell, MALT|M Cell, NALT|M Cells, Airway|M Cells, BALT|M Cells, Bronchiolar|M Cells, Colonic|M Cells, GALT|M Cells, Intestinal|M Cells, MALT|M Cells, NALT|M Cells, Tonsillar|M Cell, Tonsillar|Microfold Cell|Microfold Cells|Mucosa Associated Lymphoid Tissue M Cells|Mucosa-Associated Lymphoid Tissue M Cells|NALT M Cell|NALT M Cells|Nasopharynx Associated Lymphoid Tissue M Cells|Nasopharynx-Associated Lymphoid Tissue M Cells|Peyer's Patch M Cells|Tonsillar M Cell|Tonsillar M Cells +MCF-7 Cells MESH:D061986 An estrogen responsive cell line derived from a patient with metastatic human breast ADENOCARCINOMA (at the Michigan Cancer Foundation.) MESH:D045744 A11. A11.251.210.190 Cell, MCF-7|Cell, MCF7|Cells, MCF-7|Cells, MCF7|MCF-7 Cell|MCF7 Cell|MCF 7 Cells|MCF7 Cells|Michigan Cancer Foundation 7 Cells +MDA-MB-231 Cells MESH:D000092302 A human breast cancer cell line that was derived in 1973 from the MALIGNANT PLEURAL EFFUSION of a patient with stage III BREAST CARCINOMA and was characterized as being of breast cancer origin. MESH:D045744 A11.|A11.251.860.180.630 A11.251.210.190|A11.251.860.180 Cell Line, MDA-MB-231|Cell Lines, MDA-MB-231|Cell, MDA-MB-231|Cells, MDA-MB-231|Line, MDA-MB-231 Cell|Lines, MDA-MB-231 Cell|MDA MB 134 Breast Cancer Cells|MDA-MB-134 Breast Cancer Cells|MDA MB 134 Breast Carcinoma Cells|MDA-MB-134 Breast Carcinoma Cells|MDA-MB-231 Cell|MDA MB 231 Cell Line|MDA-MB-231 Cell Line|MDA-MB-231 Cell Lines|MDA MB 231 Cells +Mechanoreceptors MESH:D008465 Cells specialized to transduce mechanical stimuli and relay that information centrally in the nervous system. Mechanoreceptor cells include the INNER EAR hair cells, which mediate hearing and balance, and the various somatosensory receptors, often with non-neural accessory structures. CL:CL_0000199|UBERON:UBERON_0012449|UBERON:UBERON_0012450|UBERON:UBERON_0012457 MESH:D011984 A08.675.650.915.750|A08.800.950.750|A11.671.650.915.750 A08.675.650.915|A08.800.950|A11.671.650.915 Bulb, Krause's End|Bulbs, Krause's End|Cell, Mechanoreceptor|Cells, Mechanoreceptor|Corpuscle, Meissner's|Corpuscle, Ruffini's|Corpuscles, Ruffini's|End Bulb, Krause's|End Bulbs, Krause's|Golgi Tendon Organ|Golgi Tendon Organs|Krause End Bulb|Krause End Bulbs|Krause's End Bulb|Krauses End Bulb|Krause's End Bulbs|Krauses End Bulbs|Mechanoreceptor|Mechanoreceptor Cell|Mechanoreceptor Cells|Meissner Corpuscle|Meissner's Corpuscle|Meissners Corpuscle|Neurotendinous Spindle|Neurotendinous Spindles|Organ, Golgi Tendon|Organs, Golgi Tendon|Receptors, Stretch|Receptor, Stretch|Ruffini Corpuscle|Ruffini Corpuscles|Ruffini's Corpuscle|Ruffinis Corpuscle|Ruffini's Corpuscles|Ruffinis Corpuscles|Spindle, Neurotendinous|Spindles, Neurotendinous|Stretch Receptor|Stretch Receptors|Tendon Organ, Golgi|Tendon Organs, Golgi bulbous corpuscle|CL:0000199|corpuscle of ruffini|corpusculum sensorium fusiforme|Dogiel's end bulb|meisner's corpuscle|meissner corpuscle end-organ|meissner's corpuscles|messier corpuscle|messner's corpuscle|Ruffini corpuscle end-organ|Ruffini endings|Ruffini nerve ending|Ruffini's end bulb|Ruffini's ending|Ruffini's end organ|Ruffini's organs|tactile corpuscles of Wagner and Meissner|UBERON:0012449|UBERON:0012450|UBERON:0012457 +Meckel Diverticulum MESH:D008467 A congenital abnormality characterized by the outpouching or sac formation in the ILEUM. It is a remnant of the embryonic YOLK SAC in which the VITELLINE DUCT failed to close. UBERON:UBERON_0003705 MESH:D007082 A03.556.124.684.249.612|A03.556.249.124.612 A03.556.124.684.249|A03.556.249.124 Diverticulum, Meckel|Meckel's Diverticulum diverticulum of Meckel|ileal diverticulum|Meckels diverticulum|UBERON:0003705 +Meconium MESH:D008470 The thick green-to-black mucilaginous material found in the intestines of a full-term fetus. It consists of secretions of the INTESTINAL GLANDS; BILE PIGMENTS; FATTY ACIDS; AMNIOTIC FLUID; and intrauterine debris. It constitutes the first stools passed by a newborn. UBERON:UBERON_0007109 MESH:D005243|MESH:D005333 A12.459.529|A16.378.529 A12.459|A16.378 Meconiums UBERON:0007109 +Medial Collateral Ligament, Knee MESH:D017888 The ligament that travels from the medial epicondyle of the FEMUR to the medial margin and medial surface of the TIBIA. The medial meniscus is attached to its deep surface. MESH:D017885 A02.513.514.162.600|A02.835.583.512.162.600|A10.165.669.514.162.600 A02.513.514.162|A02.835.583.512.162|A10.165.669.514.162 Collaterale Tibiale, Ligamentum|Collaterale Tibiales, Ligamentum|Collateral Ligament, Medial, Knee|Collateral Ligaments, Tibial|Collateral Ligament, Tibial|Knee Medial Collateral Ligament|Knee Medial Ligament|Knee Medial Ligaments|Ligaments, Tibial Collateral|Ligament, Tibial Collateral|Ligamentum Collaterale Tibiale|Ligamentum Collaterale Tibiales|Medial Ligament of Knee|Tibial Collateral Ligament|Tibial Collateral Ligaments|Tibiale, Ligamentum Collaterale|Tibiales, Ligamentum Collaterale +Medial Forebrain Bundle MESH:D008474 A complex group of fibers arising from the basal olfactory regions, the periamygdaloid region, and the septal nuclei, and passing to the lateral hypothalamus. Some fibers continue into the tegmentum. UBERON:UBERON_0001910 MESH:D009434 A08.612.492 A08.612 Bundle, Medial Forebrain|Bundle, Median Forebrain|Bundles, Medial Forebrain|Bundles, Median Forebrain|Forebrain Bundle, Medial|Forebrain Bundle, Median|Forebrain Bundles, Medial|Forebrain Bundles, Median|Medial Forebrain Bundles|Median Forebrain Bundle|Median Forebrain Bundles fasciculus longitudinalis telencephali medialis|fasciculus medialis telencephali|fasciculus medialis telencephalicus|fasciculus prosencephalicus medialis|medial forebrain fasciculus|MFB|telencephalic medial fasciculus|UBERON:0001910 +Median Eminence MESH:D008473 Raised area at the infundibular region of the HYPOTHALAMUS at the floor of the BRAIN, ventral to the THIRD VENTRICLE and adjacent to the ARCUATE NUCLEUS OF HYPOTHALAMUS. It contains the terminals of hypothalamic neurons and the capillary network of hypophyseal portal system, thus serving as a neuroendocrine link between the brain and the PITUITARY GLAND. UBERON:UBERON_0002197 MESH:D007030|MESH:D066280 A06.688.178.750|A06.688.357.500|A08.|A08.|A08.713.049.750|A08.713.357.500 A06.688.178|A06.688.357|A08.|A08.|A08.713.049|A08.713.357 Eminence, Medial|Eminence, Median|Eminences, Medial|Eminentia Mediana|Eminentia Medianas|Medial Eminence|Medial Eminences|Mediana, Eminentia|Medianas, Eminentia eminentia medialis (Shantha)|eminentia mediana hypothalami|eminentia postinfundibularis|ME|median eminence of hypothalamus|median eminence of neurohypophysis|median eminence of posterior lobe of pituitary gland|median eminence of tuber cinereum|UBERON:0002197 +Median Nerve MESH:D008475 A major nerve of the upper extremity. In humans, the fibers of the median nerve originate in the lower cervical and upper thoracic spinal cord (usually C6 to T1), travel via the brachial plexus, and supply sensory and motor innervation to parts of the forearm and hand. UBERON:UBERON_0001148 MESH:D001917 A08.800.800.720.050.500 A08.800.800.720.050 Median Nerves|Nerve, Median|Nerves, Median nervus medianus|UBERON:0001148 +Mediastinum MESH:D008482 A membrane in the midline of the THORAX of mammals. It separates the lungs between the STERNUM in front and the VERTEBRAL COLUMN behind. It also surrounds the HEART, TRACHEA, ESOPHAGUS, THYMUS, and LYMPH NODES. UBERON:UBERON_0003728 MESH:D035423 A01.923.761.800.500 A01.923.761.800 mediastinal part of chest|UBERON:0003728 +Mediodorsal Thalamic Nucleus MESH:D020645 The largest of the medial nuclei of the thalamus. It makes extensive connections with most of the other thalamic nuclei. UBERON:UBERON_0002739 MESH:D013787 A08. A08. Dorsali, Nucleus Medialis|Dorsalis, Nucleus Medialis|Dorsal Medial Nucleus|Dorsomedialis Thalami, Nucleus|Dorsomedialis Thalamus, Nucleus|Dorsomedial Nucleus|Dorsomedial Thalamic Nucleus|Medial Dorsal Nucleus|Medial Dorsal Thalamic Nucleus|Medialis Dorsali, Nucleus|Medialis Dorsalis, Nucleus|Medial Thalamic Nuclei|Medial Thalamic Nucleus|Mediodorsal Nucleus|Nuclei, Medial Thalamic|Nucleus, Dorsal Medial|Nucleus, Dorsomedial|Nucleus Dorsomedialis Thalami|Nucleus Dorsomedialis Thalamus|Nucleus, Dorsomedial Thalamic|Nucleus, Medial Dorsal|Nucleus Medialis Dorsali|Nucleus Medialis Dorsalis|Nucleus, Medial Thalamic|Nucleus, Mediodorsal|Nucleus, Mediodorsal Thalamic|Thalamic Nuclei, Medial|Thalamic Nucleus, Dorsomedial|Thalamic Nucleus, Medial|Thalamic Nucleus, Mediodorsal|Thalami, Nucleus Dorsomedialis|Thalamus, Nucleus Dorsomedialis dorsal medial nucleus of thalamus|dorsal thalamus medial division|dorsomedial nuclear group|dorsomedial nucleus of thalamus|medial dorsal nucleus of thalamus|medial group of the dorsal thalamus|medial nuclear group|medial nuclear group of thalamus|medial thalamic nuclear group|mediodorsal nucleus of thalamus|mediodorsal nucleus of the thalamus|nuclei mediales (thalami)|nucleus medialis dorsalis (Hassler)|nucleus medialis dorsalis thalami|nucleus mediodorsalis thalami|nucleus thalamicus mediodorsalis|UBERON:0002739 +Medium Spiny Neurons MESH:D000094242 Medium sized, inhibitory GABAergic neurons in the CORPUS STRIATUM with highly developed dendritic trees. They are divided into neurons expressing DOPAMINE D1 RECEPTORS which project preferentially to the SUBSTANTIA NIGRA PARS RETICULATA and neurons expressing DOPAMINE D2 RECEPTORS which project preferentially to the lateral part of the GLOBUS PALLIDUS. Medium spiny neurons are preferentially lost in HUNTINGTON DISEASE. MESH:D009475|MESH:D059330 A08.675.289.500|A08.675.650.535|A11.671.285.500|A11.671.650.535 A08.675.289|A08.675.650|A11.671.285|A11.671.650 Medium Spiny Neuron|Neuron, Medium Spiny|Striatal Medium Sized Spiny Neurons|Striatal Medium-Sized Spiny Neurons +Medulla Oblongata MESH:D008526 The lower portion of the BRAIN STEM. It is inferior to the PONS and anterior to the CEREBELLUM. Medulla oblongata serves as a relay station between the brain and the spinal cord, and contains centers for regulating respiratory, vasomotor, cardiac, and reflex activities. UBERON:UBERON_0001896 MESH:D054024 A08. A08. Accessory Cuneate Nucleus|Ambiguous Nucleus|Ambiguus, Nucleus|Arcuate Nucleus 1|Arcuate Nucleus-1|Arcuate Nucleus-1s|Arcuate Nucleus of the Medulla|Cuneate Nucleus, Accessory|Cuneate Nucleus, External|Cuneate Nucleus, Lateral|External Cuneate Nucleus|Lateral Cuneate Nucleus|Medulla Oblongatas|Nucleus, Accessory Cuneate|Nucleus, Ambiguous|Nucleus Ambiguus|Nucleus, External Cuneate|Nucleus, Lateral Cuneate bulb|bulbus|medulla|medulla oblonzata|metepencephalon|UBERON:0001896 +Megakaryocyte-Erythroid Progenitor Cells MESH:D055015 The parent cells that give rise to both cells of the MEGAKARYOCYTE and the ERYTHROCYTE lineages. CL:CL_0000050 MESH:D023461 A11.148.378.590.837|A11.872.378.590.817|A15.378.316.378.590.837 A11.148.378.590|A11.872.378.590|A15.378.316.378.590 Cell, Megakaryocyte-Erythroid Progenitor|Cells, Megakaryocyte-Erythroid Progenitor|Megakaryocyte-Erythrocyte Progenitor|Megakaryocyte Erythrocyte Progenitors|Megakaryocyte-Erythrocyte Progenitors|Megakaryocyte-Erythroid Progenitor|Megakaryocyte-Erythroid Progenitor Cell|Megakaryocyte Erythroid Progenitor Cells|Megakaryocyte Erythroid Progenitors|Megakaryocyte-Erythroid Progenitors|Progenitor Cell, Megakaryocyte-Erythroid|Progenitor Cells, Megakaryocyte-Erythroid|Progenitor, Megakaryocyte-Erythrocyte|Progenitor, Megakaryocyte-Erythroid|Progenitors, Megakaryocyte-Erythrocyte|Progenitors, Megakaryocyte-Erythroid CFU-EM|CFU-MegE|CL:0000050|colony forming unit erythroid megakaryocyte|megakaryocyte/erythrocyte progenitor|megakaryocyte/erythroid progenitor cell|Meg/E progenitor|MEP +Megakaryocyte Progenitor Cells MESH:D055016 The parent cells that give rise to cells in the MEGAKARYOCYTE lineage, and ultimately BLOOD PLATELETS. CL:CL_0000553 MESH:D055015 A11.148.378.590.837.625|A11.872.378.590.817.625|A15.378.316.378.590.837.625 A11.148.378.590.837|A11.872.378.590.817|A15.378.316.378.590.837 Cell, Megakaryocyte Progenitor|Cells, Megakaryocyte Progenitor|Megakaryoblast|Megakaryoblasts|Megakaryocyte Progenitor|Megakaryocyte Progenitor Cell|Megakaryocyte Progenitors|Progenitor Cell, Megakaryocyte|Progenitor Cells, Megakaryocyte|Progenitor, Megakaryocyte|Progenitors, Megakaryocyte|Promegakaryocyte|Promegakaryocytes CFU-Meg|CL:0000553|colony-forming unit-megakaryocyte|megacaryoblast|megacaryocyte progenitor cell|megakaryocytic progenitor cell|Meg-CFC|MkP|promegacaryocyte +Megakaryocytes MESH:D008533 Very large BONE MARROW CELLS which release mature BLOOD PLATELETS. CL:CL_0000556 MESH:D001854 A11.148.479|A15.378.316.479 A11.148|A15.378.316 Megakaryocyte CL:0000556|megacaryocyte|megalocaryocyte|megalokaryocyte +Megaloblasts MESH:D008534 Red blood cell precursors, corresponding to ERYTHROBLASTS, that are larger than normal, usually resulting from a FOLIC ACID DEFICIENCY or VITAMIN B 12 DEFICIENCY. MESH:D004900|MESH:D004913 A11.118.290.330.531|A11.148.378.590.837.250.200.500|A11.443.240.330.531|A11.443.240.497.200.500|A15.145.229.334.330.531|A15.378.316.378.590.837.250.200.500 A11.118.290.330|A11.148.378.590.837.250.200|A11.443.240.330|A11.443.240.497.200|A15.145.229.334.330|A15.378.316.378.590.837.250.200 Megaloblast +Meibomian Glands MESH:D008537 The sebaceous glands situated on the inner surface of the eyelids between the tarsal plates and CONJUNCTIVA. UBERON:UBERON_0001818 MESH:D005143|MESH:D012627 A09.371.337.614|A10.336.827.600 A09.371.337|A10.336.827 Gland, Meibomian|Gland, Tarsal|Glandulae Tarsales|Meibomian Gland|Tarsal Gland|Tarsal Glands gland of Meibom|glandula tarsales|palpebral gland|tarsoconjunctival gland|UBERON:0001818 +Melanocytes MESH:D008544 Mammalian pigment cells that produce MELANINS, pigments found mainly in the EPIDERMIS, but also in the eyes and the hair, by a process called melanogenesis. Coloration can be altered by the number of melanocytes or the amount of pigment produced and stored in the organelles called MELANOSOMES. The large non-mammalian melanin-containing cells are called MELANOPHORES. CL:CL_0000148 MESH:D000078404|MESH:D004847 A11.409.750|A11.436.613 A11.409|A11.436 Melanocyte CL:0000148|melanophore +Melanophores MESH:D008547 Chromatophores (large pigment cells of fish, amphibia, reptiles and many invertebrates) which contain melanin. Short term color changes are brought about by an active redistribution of the melanophores pigment containing organelles (MELANOSOMES). Mammals do not have melanophores; however they have retained smaller pigment cells known as MELANOCYTES. CL:CL_0000148 MESH:D002856 A11.436.265.531 A11.436.265 Melanophore CL:0000148|melanocyte +Melanosomes MESH:D020460 Melanin-containing organelles found in melanocytes and melanophores. MESH:D003594|MESH:D008544|MESH:D008547 A11.284.430.214.190.500.560|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190.560|A11.409.750.560|A11.436.265.531.560|A11.436.613.560 A11.284.430.214.190.500|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190|A11.409.750|A11.436.265.531|A11.436.613 Melanosome +Melanotrophs MESH:D052717 Neuroendocrine cells in the INTERMEDIATE LOBE OF PITUITARY. They produce MELANOCYTE STIMULATING HORMONES and other peptides from the post-translational processing of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC). CL:CL_0000440 MESH:D004847|MESH:D052716|MESH:D055098 A06.300.747.750.500|A06.688.357.750.750.500|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357.750.750.500|A11.382.937|A11.436.636 A06.300.747.750|A06.688.357.750.750|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357.750.750|A11.382|A11.436 Melanotroph|Melanotropin-Producing Cell, Pituitary|Melanotropin-Producing Cells, Pituitary|MSH-Producing Cells, Pituitary|Pituitary Melanotropin-Producing Cell|Pituitary Melanotropin Producing Cells|Pituitary Melanotropin-Producing Cells|Pituitary MSH-Producing Cell|Pituitary MSH Producing Cells|Pituitary MSH-Producing Cells CL:0000440|melanocyte stimulating hormone secreting cell|melanotrope +Melena MESH:D008551 The black, tarry, foul-smelling FECES that contain degraded blood. MESH:D005243 A12.459.764 A12.459 Melenas +Membrane Microdomains MESH:D021962 Detergent-insoluble CELL MEMBRANE components. They are enriched in SPHINGOLIPIDS and CHOLESTEROL and clustered with glycosyl-phosphatidylinositol (GPI)-anchored proteins. MESH:D021961 A11. A11.284.149.165 Lipid Rafts, Cell Membrane|Membrane Microdomain|Microdomain, Membrane|Microdomains, Membrane|Microdomain, Sphingolipid|Microdomains, Sphingolipid|Sphingolipid-Cholesterol Raft|Sphingolipid Cholesterol Rafts|Sphingolipid-Cholesterol Rafts|Sphingolipid Microdomain|Sphingolipid Microdomains +Membranes MESH:D008566 Thin layers of tissue which cover parts of the body, separate adjacent cavities, or connect adjacent structures. UBERON:UBERON_0000158 MESH:D014024 A10.615 A10 Membrane|Membrane Tissue|Membrane Tissues|Tissue, Membrane|Tissues, Membrane membranous layer|membranous organ component|UBERON:0000158 +Memory B Cells MESH:D000091245 A subset of activated B cells generated in response to primary immune challenge or immunization which are capable of giving rise to antibody-secreting cells upon re-challenge (see IMMUNOLOGIC MEMORY). Memory B cells feature many discrete properties indicative of differentiation through ISOTYPE SWITCHING and/or IMMUNOGLOBULIN SOMATIC HYPERMUTATION for rapid and robust recall of specific antibody responses. MESH:D000091244|MESH:D016175 A11.063.438.450.650|A11.118.637.555.567.269.500|A11.118.637.555.567.550.450.650|A11.118.637.555.567.562.200.650|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.450.650|A15.145.229.637.555.567.562.200.650|A15.382.032.438.450.650|A15.382.490.555.567.562.450.650 A11.063.438.450|A11.118.637.555.567.269|A11.118.637.555.567.550.450|A11.118.637.555.567.562.200|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.450|A15.145.229.637.555.567.562.200|A15.382.032.438.450|A15.382.490.555.567.562.450 B Cell, Memory|B-Lymphocyte, Memory|B-Lymphocytes, Memory|Memory B Cell|Memory B-Lymphocyte|Memory B Lymphocytes|Memory B-Lymphocytes +Memory T Cells MESH:D000091246 A subset of activated T cells generated in response to primary immune challenge or immunization upon re-challenge (see IMMUNOLOGIC MEMORY). Memory T cells feature many discrete properties indicative of various differentiation such as expression pattern of CCR7 RECEPTORS and can be divided into central memory and effector memory T cells. MESH:D000091244|MESH:D016176 A11.118.637.555.567.269.750|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500.075|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500.075|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500.075|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500.075|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500.075 A11.118.637.555.567.269|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500 Central Memory T Cells|Effector Memory T Cells|Lymphocyte, Memory T|Lymphocytes, Memory T|Memory T Cell|Memory T Lymphocyte|Memory T Lymphocytes|T Cell, Memory|Tissue Resident Memory T Cells|T Lymphocyte, Memory|T Lymphocytes, Memory|Virtual Memory T Cells +Meningeal Arteries MESH:D008576 Arteries which supply the dura mater. UBERON:UBERON_0003474 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.545 A07.015.114 Arteries, Meningeal|Artery, Meningeal|Meningeal Artery UBERON:0003474 +Meninges MESH:D008578 The three membranes that cover the BRAIN and the SPINAL CORD. They are the dura mater, the arachnoid, and the pia mater. UBERON:UBERON_0002360 MESH:D002490 A08.186.566 A08.186 layer of meninges|meningeal layer|meninx|meninx primitiva|UBERON:0002360 +Menisci, Tibial MESH:D008592 The interarticular fibrocartilages of the superior surface of the tibia. MESH:D000072600|MESH:D007719 A02.165.308.538.500|A02.835.583.475.590|A10.165.382.350.163.500 A02.165.308.538|A02.835.583.475|A10.165.382.350.163 Cartilage, Semilunar|Cartilages, Semilunar|Lateral Menisci|Lateral Meniscus|Medial Menisci|Medial Meniscus|Menisci, Lateral|Menisci, Medial|Meniscus, Lateral|Meniscus, Medial|Meniscus, Tibial|Semilunar Cartilage|Semilunar Cartilages|Tibial Menisci|Tibial Meniscus +Meniscus MESH:D000072600 Crescent-shaped cartilaginous tissue interposed between two articulating bones. UBERON:UBERON_0000387 MESH:D051445 A02.165.308.538|A10.165.382.350.163 A02.165.308|A10.165.382.350 Menisci articular disc|UBERON:0000387 +Mental Foramen MESH:D000080383 An opening on the anterolateral aspect of the MANDIBLE through which the mental nerve bundle and vessels exit. UBERON:UBERON_0006812 MESH:D008334 A02.835.232.781.324.502.632.800|A14.521.632.800 A02.835.232.781.324.502.632|A14.521.632 Mental Foramina foramen mentale|foramen mentalis|UBERON:0006812 +Merkel Cells MESH:D018862 Modified epidermal cells located in the stratum basale. They are found mostly in areas where sensory perception is acute, such as the fingertips. Merkel cells are closely associated with an expanded terminal bulb of an afferent myelinated nerve fiber. Do not confuse with Merkel's corpuscle which is a combination of a neuron and an epidermal cell. UBERON:UBERON_0012456 MESH:D000078404|MESH:D004847|MESH:D008465 A08.675.650.915.750.425|A08.800.950.750.425|A11.409.875|A11.436.660|A11.671.650.915.750.425 A08.675.650.915.750|A08.800.950.750|A11.409|A11.436|A11.671.650.915.750 Cell, Merkel|Cells, Merkel|Merkel Cell|Merkel Receptor|Merkel Receptors|Merkel's Receptor|Merkels Receptor|Merkel's Receptors|Receptor, Merkel|Receptor, Merkel's|Receptors, Merkel|Receptors, Merkel's|Receptors, Merkels Merkel nerve ending|Merkel's disc|Merkel's disk|Merkel's tactile disc|UBERON:0012456 +Merozoites MESH:D052940 Uninuclear cells or a stage in the life cycle of sporozoan protozoa. Merozoites, released from ruptured multinucleate SCHIZONTS, enter the blood stream and infect the ERYTHROCYTES. MESH:D052939 A11.870.740.800.500 A11.870.740.800 Merozoite +Mesangial Cells MESH:D050527 Smooth muscle-like cells adhering to the wall of the small blood vessels of the KIDNEY at the glomerulus and along the vascular pole of the glomerulus in the JUXTAGLOMERULAR APPARATUS. They are myofibroblasts with contractile and phagocytic properties. These cells and their MESANGIAL EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX constitute the GLOMERULAR MESANGIUM. CL:CL_0000650|CL:CL_0000777|CL:CL_0002173|CL:CL_1000742 MESH:D005347|MESH:D007678 A05.810.453.324.359.620|A05.810.453.736.520.620|A11.329.228.950 A05.810.453.324.359|A05.810.453.736.520|A11.329.228 Cell, Extraglomerular Mesangial|Cell, Glomerular Mesangial|Cell, Kidney Mesangial|Cell, Lacis|Cell, Mesangial|Cell, Renal Mesangial|Cells, Extraglomerular Mesangial|Cells, Glomerular Mesangial|Cells, Kidney Mesangial|Cells, Lacis|Cells, Mesangial|Cells, Renal Mesangial|Extraglomerular Mesangial Cell|Extraglomerular Mesangial Cells|Glomerular Mesangial Cell|Glomerular Mesangial Cells|Kidney Mesangial Cell|Kidney Mesangial Cells|Lacis Cell|Lacis Cells|Mesangial Cell|Mesangial Cell, Extraglomerular|Mesangial Cell, Glomerular|Mesangial Cell, Kidney|Mesangial Cell, Renal|Mesangial Cells, Extraglomerular|Mesangial Cells, Glomerular|Mesangial Cells, Kidney|Mesangial Cells, Renal|Renal Glomerulus Mesangial Cells|Renal Mesangial Cell|Renal Mesangial Cells CL:0000650|CL:0000777|CL:0002173|CL:1000742|Goormaghtigh cell|intraglomerular mesangial cell|mesangial phagocyte|polar cushion cells +Mesencephalon MESH:D008636 The middle of the three primitive cerebral vesicles of the embryonic brain. Without further subdivision, midbrain develops into a short, constricted portion connecting the PONS and the DIENCEPHALON. Midbrain contains two major parts, the dorsal TECTUM MESENCEPHALI and the ventral TEGMENTUM MESENCEPHALI, housing components of auditory, visual, and other sensorimoter systems. UBERON:UBERON_0001891 MESH:D001933 A08. A08.186.211.132 Mesencephalons|Midbrain|Midbrains MB|UBERON:0001891 +Mesenchymal Stem Cells MESH:D059630 Mesenchymal stem cells, also referred to as multipotent stromal cells or mesenchymal stromal cells are multipotent, non-hematopoietic adult stem cells that are present in multiple tissues, including BONE MARROW; ADIPOSE TISSUE; and WHARTON JELLY. Mesenchymal stem cells can differentiate into mesodermal lineages, such as adipocytic, osteocytic and chondrocytic. CL:CL_0000134|CL:CL_0002568|CL:CL_0010001 MESH:D017154|MESH:D039902 A11.329.830.500|A11.872.590.500 A11.329.830|A11.872.590 Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell|Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell|Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells|Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells|Adipose Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells|Adipose-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells|Adipose Tissue Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell|Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cell|Adipose Tissue Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells|Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stem Cells|Adipose Tissue Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cell|Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cell|Adipose Tissue Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells|Adipose Tissue-Derived Mesenchymal Stromal Cells|Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cell|Bone Marrow Mesenchymal Stem Cells|Bone Marrow Stromal Cell|Bone Marrow Stromal Cells|Bone Marrow Stromal Cells, Multipotent|Bone Marrow Stromal Stem Cells|Mesenchymal Progenitor Cell|Mesenchymal Progenitor Cells|Mesenchymal Stem Cell|Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Adipose Derived|Mesenchymal Stem Cells, Adipose-Derived|Mesenchymal Stromal Cell|Mesenchymal Stromal Cells|Mesenchymal Stromal Cells, Multipotent|Multipotent Bone Marrow Stromal Cell|Multipotent Bone Marrow Stromal Cells|Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cell|Multipotent Mesenchymal Stromal Cells|Progenitor Cell, Mesenchymal|Progenitor Cells, Mesenchymal|Stem Cell, Mesenchymal|Stem Cells, Mesenchymal|Stromal Cell, Mesenchymal|Stromal Cells, Mesenchymal|Wharton Jelly Cells|Wharton's Jelly Cell|Wharton's Jelly Cells|Whartons Jelly Cells BMSC|CFU-F|CL:0000134|CL:0002568|CL:0010001|colony-forming unit-fibroblast|marrow stromal cells|mesenchymal precursor cell|mesenchymal stem cell of Wharton's jelly|MSC|stromal cell of bone marrow +Mesenteric Arteries MESH:D008638 Arteries which arise from the abdominal aorta and distribute to most of the intestines. UBERON:UBERON_0005616 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.565 A07.015.114 Arteries, Mesenteric|Artery, Mesenteric|Mesenteric Artery UBERON:0005616 +Mesenteric Artery, Inferior MESH:D017537 The artery supplying nearly all the left half of the transverse colon, the whole of the descending colon, the sigmoid colon, and the greater part of the rectum. It is smaller than the superior mesenteric artery (MESENTERIC ARTERY, SUPERIOR) and arises from the aorta above its bifurcation into the common iliac arteries. UBERON:UBERON_0001183 MESH:D008638 A07.015.114.565.510 A07.015.114.565 Arteries, Inferior Mesenteric|Artery, Inferior Mesenteric|Inferior Mesenteric Arteries|Inferior Mesenteric Artery|Mesenteric Arteries, Inferior arteria mesenterica inferior|IMA|inferior mesenteric arterial tree|UBERON:0001183 +Mesenteric Artery, Superior MESH:D017538 A large vessel supplying the whole length of the small intestine except the superior part of the duodenum. It also supplies the cecum and the ascending part of the colon and about half the transverse part of the colon. It arises from the anterior surface of the aorta below the celiac artery at the level of the first lumbar vertebra. UBERON:UBERON_0001182 MESH:D008638 A07.015.114.565.755 A07.015.114.565 Arteries, Superior Mesenteric|Artery, Superior Mesenteric|Mesenteric Arteries, Superior|Superior Mesenteric Arteries|Superior Mesenteric Artery arteria mesenterica superior|superior mesenteric arterial tree|UBERON:0001182 +Mesenteric Veins MESH:D008642 Veins which return blood from the intestines; the inferior mesenteric vein empties into the splenic vein, the superior mesenteric vein joins the splenic vein to form the portal vein. UBERON:UBERON_0005617 MESH:D011168 A07.015.908.670.385 A07.015.908.670 Mesenteric Vein|Vein, Mesenteric|Veins, Mesenteric intestinal vein|UBERON:0005617 +Mesentery MESH:D008643 A layer of the peritoneum which attaches the abdominal viscera to the ABDOMINAL WALL and conveys their blood vessels and nerves. UBERON:UBERON_0002095 MESH:D010537 A01.923.047.025.600.451 A01.923.047.025.600 Mesenteries generic mesentery|mesentery (generic)|UBERON:0002095 +Mesocolon MESH:D008646 The fold of peritoneum by which the COLON is attached to the posterior ABDOMINAL WALL. MESH:D008643 A01.923.047.025.600.451.535 A01.923.047.025.600.451 Mesocolons|Mesosigmoid|Mesosigmoids +Mesoderm MESH:D008648 The middle germ layer of an embryo derived from three paired mesenchymal aggregates along the neural tube. UBERON:UBERON_0000926 MESH:D005855 A16.504.660 A16.504 Dorsal Mesoderm|Dorsal Mesoderms|Intermediate Mesoderm|Intermediate Mesoderms|Lateral Plate Mesoderm|Lateral Plate Mesoderms|Mesenchyma|Mesenchymas|Mesenchyme|Mesoderm, Dorsal|Mesoderm, Intermediate|Mesoderm, Lateral Plate|Mesoderm, Paraxial|Mesoderms, Dorsal|Mesoderms, Intermediate|Mesoderms, Lateral Plate|Mesoderms, Paraxial|Paraxial Mesoderm|Paraxial Mesoderms|Plate Mesoderm, Lateral|Plate Mesoderms, Lateral embryonic mesoderm|entire mesoderm|mesodermal mantle|UBERON:0000926 +Mesonephros MESH:D008650 One of a pair of excretory organs (mesonephroi) which grows caudally to the first pair (PRONEPHROI) during development. Mesonephroi are the permanent kidneys in adult amphibians and fish. In higher vertebrates, proneprhoi and most of mesonephroi degenerate with the appearance of metanephroi. The remaining ducts become WOLFFIAN DUCTS. UBERON:UBERON_0000080 MESH:D004628 A16.599 A16 Body, Wolffian|Mesonephroi|Wolffian Body amphibian adult kidney|corpus Wolffi|mesonephric kidney|middle kidney|opisthonephros|opisto nephros|opistonephros|UBERON:0000080 +Mesophyll Cells MESH:D058503 Large and highly vacuolated cells possessing many chloroplasts occuring in the interior cross-section of leaves, juxtaposed between the epidermal layers. MESH:D002477 A11.600 A11 Cell, Mesophyll|Cell, Palisade Parenchyma|Cells, Mesophyll|Cells, Palisade Parenchyma|Cell, Spongy Mesophyll|Cells, Spongy Mesophyll|Mesophyll Cell|Mesophyll Cell, Spongy|Mesophyll Cells, Spongy|Palisade Parenchyma Cell|Palisade Parenchyma Cells|Parenchyma Cell, Palisade|Parenchyma Cells, Palisade|Spongy Mesophyll Cell|Spongy Mesophyll Cells +Metacarpal Bones MESH:D050279 The five cylindrical bones of the METACARPUS, articulating with the CARPAL BONES proximally and the PHALANGES OF FINGERS distally. UBERON:UBERON_0010544 MESH:D050276 A02.835.232.087.319.550 A02.835.232.087.319 Bones, Metacarpal|Metacarpals anterior metapodial skeleton|anterior metapodium|fore metapodial skeleton|fore metapodium|metacarpalia|metacarpals [I-V]|metacarpal skeleton|metacarpals set|metacarpus skeleton|ossa metacarpalia [I-V]|ossa metacarpi [I-V]|set of metacarpal bones|set of metacarpals|set of metacarpals [I-V]|skeleton of metacarpus|UBERON:0010544 +Metacarpophalangeal Joint MESH:D008662 The articulation between a metacarpal bone and a phalanx. UBERON:UBERON_0003695 MESH:D050823 A02.835.583.405.500 A02.835.583.405 Joint, Metacarpophalangeal|Joints, Metacarpophalangeal|Metacarpophalangeal Joints articulationes metacarpophalangeae|carpometacarpophalangeal joint|knuckle|knuckles|metacarpal joint|metacarpal phalangeal joint|metacarpo-phalangeal joint|MP joint|UBERON:0003695 +Metacarpus MESH:D008663 The region of the HAND between the WRIST and the FINGERS. UBERON:UBERON_0004453 MESH:D006225 A01.378.800.667.572 A01.378.800.667 distal segment of hand proper|forelimb cannon region|forelimb equine cannon region|metacarpal part of hand|metacarpal part of manus|metacarpal region|metacarpus region|UBERON:0004453 +Metatarsal Bones MESH:D008682 The five long bones of the METATARSUS, articulating with the TARSAL BONES proximally and the PHALANGES OF TOES distally. UBERON:UBERON_0001448 MESH:D005529 A02.835.232.043.300.492 A02.835.232.043.300 Bone, Metatarsal|Bones, Metatarsal|Metatarsal|Metatarsal Bone|Metatarsals ossa metatarsalia|ossa metatarsi|UBERON:0001448 +Metatarsophalangeal Joint MESH:D008683 The articulation between a metatarsal bone (METATARSAL BONES) and a phalanx. UBERON:UBERON_0003696 MESH:D033023 A02.835.583.378.531 A02.835.583.378 Joint, Metatarsophalangeal|Joints, Metatarsophalangeal|Metatarsophalangeal Joints articulationes metatarsophalangeae|metatarsal joint|metatarsal-phalangeal joint|metatarsalphalangeal joint|metatarsophalangeal|metatarsophalangeal articulation|UBERON:0003696 +Metatarsus MESH:D008684 The part of the foot between the tarsa and the TOES. UBERON:UBERON_0010545 MESH:D005545 A01.378.610.250.300.480 A01.378.610.250.300 metatarsal bones set|metatarsalia|metatarsals [I-V]|metatarsal skeleton|metatarsus skeleton|ossa metatarsalia|ossa metatarsalia [I-V]|ossa metatarsi[I-V]|posterior metapodial skeleton|posterior metapodium|set of metatarsal bones|set of metatarsals [I-V]|skeleton of metatarsus|UBERON:0010545 +Metencephalon MESH:D020540 The anterior portion of the developing hindbrain. It gives rise to the CEREBELLUM and the PONS. UBERON:UBERON_0001895 MESH:D012249 A08. A08. Metencephalons epencephalon|epencephalon-2|UBERON:0001895 +Metrial Gland MESH:D008791 Collection of granular epithelial cells in the uterine muscle beneath the placenta that develop during pregnancy in certain species of animals. MESH:D000825 A13.600 A13 Gland, Metrial|Glands, Metrial|Metrial Glands +Microbodies MESH:D008830 Electron-dense cytoplasmic particles bounded by a single membrane, such as PEROXISOMES; GLYOXYSOMES; and glycosomes. MESH:D003594 A11.284.430.214.190.500.585|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190.755 A11.284.430.214.190.500|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190 Glycosome|Glycosomes|Microbody +Microfibrils MESH:D020894 Components of the extracellular matrix consisting primarily of fibrillin. They are essential for the integrity of elastic fibers. MESH:D005109 A11.284.295.310.560 A11.284.295.310 Microfibril +Microglia MESH:D017628 The third type of glial cell, along with astrocytes and oligodendrocytes (which together form the macroglia). Microglia vary in appearance depending on developmental stage, functional state, and anatomical location; subtype terms include ramified, perivascular, ameboid, resting, and activated. Microglia clearly are capable of phagocytosis and play an important role in a wide spectrum of neuropathologies. They have also been suggested to act in several other roles including in secretion (e.g., of cytokines and neural growth factors), in immunological processing (e.g., antigen presentation), and in central nervous system development and remodeling. CL:CL_0000129 MESH:D009457 A08.637.400|A11.650.400 A08.637|A11.650 Cell, Microglial|Microglial Cell|Microglial Cells|Microglias brain macrophage|brain-resident macrophage|CL:0000129|hortega cells|MF.microglia.CNS|microgliocyte +Microneme MESH:D000088462 Secretory organelle in the apical complex of parasitic phylum APICOMPLEXA (e.g., TOXOPLASMA GONDII). Microneme plays a role in junction formation between the parasite and the host cell by releasing micronemal proteins, which bind to receptors on the host cell surface enabling parasite attachment. MESH:D022142 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.810.500 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.810 Micronemes|Sarconeme|Sarconemes +Micronuclei, Chromosome-Defective MESH:D048629 Defective nuclei produced during the TELOPHASE of MITOSIS or MEIOSIS by lagging CHROMOSOMES or chromosome fragments derived from spontaneous or experimentally induced chromosomal structural changes. MESH:D002467 A11.284.430.106.570|A11.284.430.214.190.875.117.570 A11.284.430.106|A11.284.430.214.190.875.117 Chromosome Defective Micronuclei|Chromosome-Defective Micronuclei|Chromosome-Defective Micronucleus|Genotoxicant Induced Micronuclei|Genotoxicant-Induced Micronuclei|Genotoxicant-Induced Micronucleus|Micronuclei, Chromosome Defective|Micronuclei, Genotoxicant Induced|Micronuclei, Genotoxicant-Induced|Micronucleus, Chromosome Defective|Micronucleus, Chromosome-Defective|Micronucleus, Genotoxicant-Induced +Micronucleus, Germline MESH:D048631 The smaller, reproductive, transcriptionally inert nucleus in the cells of ciliate protozoans, as distinguished from the larger, vegetative, transcriptionally active MACRONUCLEUS. Micronuclei participate in MEIOSIS and autogamy during GENETIC CONJUGATION. MESH:D002467 A11.284.430.106.575|A11.284.430.214.190.875.117.575 A11.284.430.106|A11.284.430.214.190.875.117 Germinal Micronucleus|Germline Micronuclei|Germline Micronucleus|Micronuclei, Germline|Micronucleus, Germinal +Microphysiological Systems MESH:D000094182 Devices designed to recapitulate tissue or organ-level physiology and architect by combining MICROFLUIDICS; MICROFABRICATION; and 3D CELL CULTURE. Microphysiological systems mimic interconnections important in physiological or pathophysiological states of organ(s) and are often used for instance in HIGH THROUGHPUT SCREENING of drugs and factors important in disease modeling. MESH:D009940 A10.802.500 A10.802 Cell Culture, Organotypic|Culture, Organotypic|Device, Organ-on-a-Chip|Microphysiological System|Model, Organotypic|Organ Chip|Organ Chips|Organoids on a Chip|Organoids-on-a-Chip|Organoids-on-a-Chips|Organ on a Chip|Organ-on-a-Chip|Organ-on-a-Chip Device|Organ on a Chip Devices|Organ-on-a-Chip Devices|Organ-on-a-Chips|Organotypic Cell Culture|Organotypic Cell Cultures|Organotypic Culture|Organotypic Cultures|Organotypic Model|Organotypic Models +Microsomes MESH:D008861 Artifactual vesicles formed from the endoplasmic reticulum when cells are disrupted. They are isolated by differential centrifugation and are composed of three structural features: rough vesicles, smooth vesicles, and ribosomes. Numerous enzyme activities are associated with the microsomal fraction. (Glick, Glossary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1990; from Rieger et al., Glossary of Genetics: Classical and Molecular, 5th ed) MESH:D013347 A11.284.835.540 A11.284.835 Microsome +Microsomes, Liver MESH:D008862 Closed vesicles of fragmented endoplasmic reticulum created when liver cells or tissue are disrupted by homogenization. They may be smooth or rough. MESH:D008861 A11.284.835.540.541 A11.284.835.540 Liver Microsome|Liver Microsomes|Microsome, Liver +Microtubule-Organizing Center MESH:D022101 An amorphous region of electron dense material in the cytoplasm from which the MICROTUBULES polymerization is nucleated. The pericentriolar region of the CENTROSOME which surrounds the CENTRIOLES is an example. MESH:D003599 A11.284.430.214.190.750.585 A11.284.430.214.190.750 Microtubule Organizing Center|Microtubule-Organizing Centers|MTOC|MTOCs +Microtubules MESH:D008870 Slender, cylindrical filaments found in the cytoskeleton of plant and animal cells. They are composed of the protein TUBULIN and are influenced by TUBULIN MODULATORS. MESH:D003599 A11.284.430.214.190.750.602 A11.284.430.214.190.750 Microtubule +Microvessels MESH:D055806 The finer blood vessels of the vasculature that are generally less than 100 microns in internal diameter. MESH:D001808 A07.015.461 A07.015 Microvascular Network|Microvascular Networks|Microvasculature|Microvessel|Network, Microvascular|Networks, Microvascular +Microvilli MESH:D008871 Minute projections of cell membranes which greatly increase the surface area of the cell. UBERON:UBERON_0012423 MESH:D022081 A11.284.180.565 A11.284.180 Border, Brush|Borders, Brush|Borders, Striated|Border, Striated|Brush Border|Brush Borders|Microvillus|Striated Border|Striated Borders layer of microvilli|UBERON:0012423 +Midbrain Raphe Nuclei MESH:D066267 Raphe nuclei located in the midbrain including the dorsal and median raphe nuclei. They are the origin of the major serotonergic innervation in the FOREBRAIN. UBERON:UBERON_0007412 MESH:D011903 A08. A08. Midbrain Raphe|Midbrain Raphe Nucleus|Midbrain Raphes|Nuclei, Midbrain Raphe|Nuclei, Rostral Raphe|Nucleus, Midbrain Raphe|Nucleus, Rostral Raphe|Raphe, Midbrain|Raphe Nuclei, Midbrain|Raphe Nuclei, Rostral|Raphe Nucleus, Midbrain|Raphe Nucleus, Rostral|Raphes, Midbrain|Rostral Raphe Nuclei|Rostral Raphe Nucleus nuclei raphes tegmenti mesencephali|raphe nuclei of tegmentum of midbrain|raphe nucleus|set of raphe nuclei of tegmentum of midbrain|UBERON:0007412 +Midbrain Reticular Formation MESH:D066265 The midbrain portion of the reticular formation located in the MIDBRAIN TEGMENTUM. UBERON:UBERON_0002639 MESH:D012154|MESH:D013681 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Cuneiform Nucleus|Formatio Reticularis Tegmenti Mesencephali|Mesencephalic Reticular Formation|Mesencephalic Reticular Formations|Midbrain Reticular Formations|Nucleus, Cuneiform|Nucleus, Subcuneiform|Reticular Formation, Mesencephalic|Reticular Formation, Midbrain|Reticular Formation of Midbrain|Reticular Formations, Mesencephalic|Reticular Formations, Midbrain|Reticular Formations, Tegmental|Reticular Formation, Tegmental|Subcuneiform Nucleus|Tegmental Reticular Formation|Tegmental Reticular Formations formatio reticularis mesencephali|formatio reticularis tegmentalis|MBRF|substantia reticularis mesencephali|UBERON:0002639 +Middle Cerebellar Peduncle MESH:D065837 WHITE MATTER consisting of a large bundle of paired fibers originating in the pontine nuclei in the pre pontis and the nucleus reticularis tegmenti pontis projecting to the contralateral cerebral cortex. UBERON:UBERON_0002152 MESH:D011149 A08. A08. Brachia Pontis|Brachium Pontis|Cerebellar Peduncle, Middle|Cerebellar Peduncles, Middle|Middle Cerebellar Peduncles|Peduncle, Middle Cerebellar|Peduncles, Middle Cerebellar|Pontis, Brachia|Pontis, Brachium brachium pontis (stem of middle cerebellar peduncle)|crus cerebelli ad pontem|crus ponto-cerebellare|mid-cerebellar peduncle|pedunculus cerebellaris medialis|pedunculus cerebellaris medius|pedunculus cerebellaris pontinus|UBERON:0002152 +Middle Cerebral Artery MESH:D020768 The largest of the cerebral arteries. It trifurcates into temporal, frontal, and parietal branches supplying blood to most of the parenchyma of these lobes in the CEREBRAL CORTEX. These are the areas involved in motor, sensory, and speech activities. UBERON:UBERON_0001627 MESH:D002536 A07. A07.015.114.228 Arteries, Middle Cerebral|Artery, Middle Cerebral|Cerebral Arteries, Middle|Cerebral Artery, Middle|Middle Cerebral Arteries arteria cerebri media|Sylvian artery|UBERON:0001627 +Midline Thalamic Nuclei MESH:D020644 Small, nonspecific nerve cells scattered in the periventricular GRAY MATTER, separating the medial part of the thalamus from the EPENDYMA of the THIRD VENTRICLE. The group includes the paraventricular nucleus, paratenial nucleus, reuniens nucleus, rhomboidal nucleus, and subfascular nucleus. UBERON:UBERON_0002705 MESH:D013787 A08. A08. Midline Nuclear Group|Midline Nuclei of Thalamus|Midline Thalamic Nucleus|Nuclear Group, Midline|Nuclei, Midline Thalamic|Nucleus, Midline Thalamic|Nucleus, Parataenial|Nucleus, Paratenial|Nucleus, Paratenial Thalamic|Nucleus, Paraventricular Thalamic|Nucleus Reunien|Nucleus Reuniens|Nucleus, Reuniens|Nucleus Reuniens Thalami|Nucleus, Reuniens Thalamic|Nucleus Reuniens Thalamus|Nucleus, Rhomboid|Nucleus, Rhomboidal|Nucleus, Rhomboid Thalamic|Nucleus, Subfascular|Nucleus, Subfascular Thalamic|Parataenial Nucleus|Paratenial Nucleus|Paratenial Thalamic Nucleus|Paraventricular Nucleus of Thalamus|Paraventricular Thalamic Nucleus|Periventricular Nuclei of Thalamus|Reunien, Nucleus|Reuniens Nucleus|Reuniens, Nucleus|Reuniens Thalamic Nucleus|Reuniens Thalami, Nucleus|Reuniens Thalamus, Nucleus|Rhomboidal Nucleus|Rhomboid Nucleus|Rhomboid Thalamic Nucleus|Subfascular Nucleus|Subfascular Thalamic Nucleus|Thalamic Nuclei, Midline|Thalamic Nucleus, Midline|Thalamic Nucleus, Paratenial|Thalamic Nucleus, Paraventricular|Thalamic Nucleus, Reuniens|Thalamic Nucleus, Rhomboid|Thalamic Nucleus, Subfascular|Thalami, Nucleus Reuniens|Thalamus Midline Nuclei|Thalamus Midline Nucleus|Thalamus, Nucleus Reuniens|Thalamus Paraventricular Nucleus|Thalamus Periventricular Nuclei median nuclei of thalamus|midline group of the dorsal thalamus|midline nuclear group of thalamus|midline thalamic group|midline thalamic nuclear group|nuclei mediani (thalami)|nuclei mediani thalami|nucleus mediani thalami|UBERON:0002705 +Milk MESH:D008892 The off-white liquid secreted by the mammary glands of humans and other mammals. It contains proteins, sugar, lipids, vitamins, and minerals. UBERON:UBERON_0001913 MESH:D005441|MESH:D012634 A12.200.455|A12.790 A12|A12.200 Cow Milk|Cow's Milk|Milk, Cow|Milk, Cow's mammary gland milk|UBERON:0001913 +Milk, Human MESH:D008895 Milk that is produced by HUMAN MAMMARY GLANDS. MESH:D008892|MESH:D012634 A12.200.467|A12.790.500 A12.200|A12.790 Breast Milk|Human Milk|Milk, Breast +Milk Proteins MESH:D008894 The major protein constituents of milk are CASEINS and whey proteins such as LACTALBUMIN and LACTOGLOBULINS. IMMUNOGLOBULINS occur in high concentrations in COLOSTRUM and in relatively lower concentrations in milk. (Singleton and Sainsbury, Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, 2d ed, p554) MESH:D008892 A12.790.520 A12.790 Milk Protein|Protein, Milk|Proteins, Milk +Mirror Neurons MESH:D059167 Neurons that fire when an animal acts or observes the same action of another thus coding the motor response. They were originally discovered in the premotor and parietal cortex of the monkey and studies have shown that neurons that have a similar mechanism are present in humans. Mirror neurons are theorized to be related to social cognition. MESH:D009474 A08.675.500|A11.671.487 A08.675|A11.671 Mirror Neuron|Neuron, Mirror|Neurons, Mirror +Mitochondria MESH:D008928 Semiautonomous, self-reproducing organelles that occur in the cytoplasm of all cells of most, but not all, eukaryotes. Each mitochondrion is surrounded by a double limiting membrane. The inner membrane is highly invaginated, and its projections are called cristae. Mitochondria are the sites of the reactions of oxidative phosphorylation, which result in the formation of ATP. They contain distinctive RIBOSOMES, transfer RNAs (RNA, TRANSFER); AMINO ACYL T RNA SYNTHETASES; and elongation and termination factors. Mitochondria depend upon genes within the nucleus of the cells in which they reside for many essential messenger RNAs (RNA, MESSENGER). Mitochondria are believed to have arisen from aerobic bacteria that established a symbiotic relationship with primitive protoeukaryotes. (King & Stansfield, A Dictionary of Genetics, 4th ed) MESH:D013347|MESH:D015388 A11.284.430.214.190.875.564|A11.284.835.626 A11.284.430.214.190.875|A11.284.835 Contraction, Mitochondrial|Contractions, Mitochondrial|Mitochondrial Contraction|Mitochondrial Contractions|Mitochondrion +Mitochondria, Heart MESH:D008929 The mitochondria of the myocardium. MESH:D008931 A11.284.430.214.190.875.564.627.603|A11.284.835.626.627.603 A11.284.430.214.190.875.564.627|A11.284.835.626.627 Heart Mitochondria|Heart Mitochondrion|Mitochondria, Myocardial|Mitochondrion, Heart|Myocardial Mitochondria +Mitochondria, Liver MESH:D008930 Mitochondria in hepatocytes. As in all mitochondria, there are an outer membrane and an inner membrane, together creating two separate mitochondrial compartments: the internal matrix space and a much narrower intermembrane space. In the liver mitochondrion, an estimated 67% of the total mitochondrial proteins is located in the matrix. (From Alberts et al., Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2d ed, p343-4) MESH:D008928 A11.284.430.214.190.875.564.461|A11.284.835.626.461 A11.284.430.214.190.875.564|A11.284.835.626 Liver Mitochondria|Liver Mitochondrion|Mitochondrion, Liver +Mitochondrial Membranes MESH:D051336 The two lipoprotein layers in the MITOCHONDRION. The outer membrane encloses the entire mitochondrion and contains channels with TRANSPORT PROTEINS to move molecules and ions in and out of the organelle. The inner membrane folds into cristae and contains many ENZYMES important to cell METABOLISM and energy production (MITOCHONDRIAL ATP SYNTHASE). MESH:D007425 A11.284.149.450.349|A11.284.835.514.349 A11.284.149.450|A11.284.835.514 Inner Mitochondrial Membrane|Inner Mitochondrial Membranes|Membrane, Inner Mitochondrial|Membrane, Mitochondrial|Membrane, Outer Mitochondrial|Membranes, Inner Mitochondrial|Membranes, Mitochondrial|Membranes, Outer Mitochondrial|Mitochondrial Membrane|Mitochondrial Membrane, Inner|Mitochondrial Membrane, Outer|Mitochondrial Membranes, Inner|Mitochondrial Membranes, Outer|Outer Mitochondrial Membrane|Outer Mitochondrial Membranes +Mitochondrial Ribosomes MESH:D000069396 Multicomponent ribonucleoprotein structures contained in MITOCHONDRIA that specialize in the PROTEIN BIOSYNTHESIS of a small number of proteins involved in energy production for the cell. MESH:D008928|MESH:D012270 A11.284.430.214.190.875.564.755|A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.370 A11.284.430.214.190.875.564|A11.284.430.214.190.875.811 Mitochondrial Ribosome|Mitoribosome|Mitoribosomes|Ribosome, Mitochondrial|Ribosomes, Mitochondrial +Mitochondria, Muscle MESH:D008931 Mitochondria of skeletal and smooth muscle. It does not include myocardial mitochondria for which MITOCHONDRIA, HEART is available. MESH:D008928 A11.284.430.214.190.875.564.627|A11.284.835.626.627 A11.284.430.214.190.875.564|A11.284.835.626 Mitochondrion, Muscle|Muscle Mitochondria|Muscle Mitochondrion|Sarcosome|Sarcosomes +Mitral Valve MESH:D008943 The valve between the left atrium and left ventricle of the heart. UBERON:UBERON_0002135 MESH:D006351 A07.541.510.507 A07.541.510 Bicuspid Valve|Bicuspid Valves|Mitral Valves|Valve, Bicuspid|Valve, Mitral|Valves, Bicuspid|Valves, Mitral left atrioventricular valve|UBERON:0002135|valva atrioventricularis sinistra|valva mitralis +Molar MESH:D008963 The most posterior teeth on either side of the jaw, totaling eight in the deciduous dentition (2 on each side, upper and lower), and usually 12 in the permanent dentition (three on each side, upper and lower). They are grinding teeth, having large crowns and broad chewing surfaces. (Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p821) UBERON:UBERON_0003655 MESH:D014070 A14.549.167.860.525 A14.549.167.860 Molars dens molaris|molaris|molar tooth|UBERON:0003655 +Molar, Third MESH:D008964 The aftermost permanent tooth on each side in the maxilla and mandible. UBERON:UBERON_0018282|UBERON:UBERON_0018377 MESH:D008963 A14.549.167.860.525.500 A14.549.167.860.525 Molars, Third|Teeth, Wisdom|Third Molar|Third Molars|Tooth, Wisdom|Wisdom Teeth|Wisdom Tooth lower molar 3|lower wisdom tooth|molar 3|molar 3 tooth|molar tooth 3|third molar tooth|UBERON:0018282|UBERON:0018377 +Monocyte-Macrophage Precursor Cells MESH:D055017 Parent cells in the lineage that gives rise to MONOCYTES and MACROPHAGES. CL:CL_0000040|CL:CL_0000559 MESH:D008264|MESH:D009000|MESH:D055014 A11.148.378.590.675.750|A11.148.580.500|A11.627.482.665|A11.627.624.249|A11.627.635.675.750|A11.872.378.590.635.875|A15.378.316.378.590.675.750 A11.148.378.590.675|A11.148.580|A11.627.482|A11.627.624|A11.627.635.675|A11.872.378.590.635|A15.378.316.378.590.675 Cell, Monocyte-Macrophage Precursor|Cell, Monocyte-Macrophage Progenitor|Cells, Monocyte-Macrophage Precursor|Cells, Monocyte-Macrophage Progenitor|Monoblast|Monoblasts|Monocyte-Macrophage Precursor Cell|Monocyte Macrophage Precursor Cells|Monocyte-Macrophage Progenitor Cell|Monocyte Macrophage Progenitor Cells|Monocyte-Macrophage Progenitor Cells|Precursor Cell, Monocyte-Macrophage|Precursor Cells, Monocyte-Macrophage|Progenitor Cell, Monocyte-Macrophage|Progenitor Cells, Monocyte-Macrophage|Promonocyte|Promonocytes CFU-M|CL:0000040|CL:0000559|colony forming unit macrophage|colony forming unit monocyte|monocyte stem cell +Monocytes MESH:D009000 Large, phagocytic mononuclear leukocytes produced in the vertebrate BONE MARROW and released into the BLOOD; contain a large, oval or somewhat indented nucleus surrounded by voluminous cytoplasm and numerous organelles. CL:CL_0000576|CL:CL_0001054 MESH:D001854|MESH:D007963|MESH:D010586|MESH:D012157|MESH:D022423 A11.118.637.555.652|A11.148.580|A11.627.624|A11.733.547|A15.145.229.637.555.652|A15.378.316.580|A15.382.490.555.652|A15.382.670.547|A15.382.680.547 A11.118.637.555|A11.148|A11.627|A11.733|A15.145.229.637.555|A15.378.316|A15.382.490.555|A15.382.670|A15.382.680 Monocyte CD14-positive monocyte|CL:0000576|CL:0001054 +Monocytes, Activated Killer MESH:D016260 Monocytes made cytotoxic by IN VITRO incubation with CYTOKINES, especially INTERFERON-GAMMA. The cells are used for ADOPTIVE IMMUNOTHERAPY in cancer patients. MESH:D009000|MESH:D055612 A11.118.637.555.283.750|A11.118.637.555.652.500|A11.627.624.500|A11.733.547.500|A15.145.229.637.555.283.750|A15.145.229.637.555.652.500|A15.382.490.555.283.750|A15.382.490.555.652.500|A15.382.670.547.500|A15.382.680.547.500 A11.118.637.555.283|A11.118.637.555.652|A11.627.624|A11.733.547|A15.145.229.637.555.283|A15.145.229.637.555.652|A15.382.490.555.283|A15.382.490.555.652|A15.382.670.547|A15.382.680.547 Activated Killer Monocyte|Activated Killer Monocytes|Killer Monocyte, Activated|Killer Monocytes, Activated|Monocyte, Activated Killer +Mononuclear Phagocyte System MESH:D012157 Mononuclear cells with pronounced phagocytic ability that are distributed extensively in lymphoid and other organs. It includes MACROPHAGES and their precursors; PHAGOCYTES; KUPFFER CELLS; HISTIOCYTES; DENDRITIC CELLS; LANGERHANS CELLS; and MICROGLIA. The term mononuclear phagocyte system has replaced the former reticuloendothelial system, which also included less active phagocytic cells such as fibroblasts and endothelial cells. (From Illustrated Dictionary of Immunology, 2d ed.) UBERON:UBERON_0000363 MESH:D007107 A15.382.670 A15.382 Phagocyte System, Mononuclear|Reticuloendothelial System|System, Mononuclear Phagocyte|System, Reticuloendothelial lymphoreticular|lymphoreticular system|RES|UBERON:0000363 +Morula MESH:D009028 An early embryo that is a compact mass of about 16 BLASTOMERES. It resembles a cluster of mulberries with two types of cells, outer cells and inner cells. Morula is the stage before BLASTULA in non-mammalian animals or a BLASTOCYST in mammals. UBERON:UBERON_0000085 MESH:D004628 A16.615 A16 Morulas morula (2-16 cells)|UBERON:0000085 +Mossy Fibers, Hippocampal MESH:D019599 Axons of certain cells in the DENTATE GYRUS. They project to the polymorphic layer of the dentate gyrus and to the proximal dendrites of PYRAMIDAL CELLS of the HIPPOCAMPUS. These mossy fibers should not be confused with mossy fibers that are cerebellar afferents (see NERVE FIBERS). MESH:D001369|MESH:D017729|MESH:D018891 A08.|A08.|A08.675.542.145.750.500|A08.850.700.500|A11.671.501.145.438 A08.|A08.|A08.675.542.145.750|A08.850.700|A11.671.501.145 Hippocampal Mossy Fiber|Hippocampal Mossy Fibers|Mossy Fiber, Hippocampal +Motor Cortex MESH:D009044 Area of the FRONTAL LOBE concerned with primary motor control located in the dorsal PRECENTRAL GYRUS immediately anterior to the central sulcus. It is comprised of three areas: the primary motor cortex located on the anterior paracentral lobule on the medial surface of the brain; the premotor cortex located anterior to the primary motor cortex; and the supplementary motor area located on the midline surface of the hemisphere anterior to the primary motor cortex. UBERON:UBERON_0001384 MESH:D005625|MESH:D066191 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Anterior Central Gyrus|Area 4, Brodmann|Area 4, Brodmann's|Area 6, Brodmann|Area 6, Brodmann's|Area, Motor|Area, Precentral Motor|Area, Premotor|Area, Primary Motor|Area, Secondary Motor|Area, Somatic Motor|Area, Somatomotor|Area, Supplementary Motor|Brodmann Area 4|Brodmann Area 6|Brodmann's Area 4|Brodmanns Area 4|Brodmann's Area 6|Brodmanns Area 6|Brodmann's Area 6s|Central Gyrus, Anterior|Cortex, Motor|Cortex, Precentral Motor|Cortex, Premotor|Cortex, Primary Motor|Cortex, Secondary Motor|Cortices, Secondary Motor|Gyrus, Anterior Central|Gyrus, Precentral|Gyrus Precentralis|Motor Area|Motor Area, Precentral|Motor Area, Primary|Motor Areas|Motor Area, Secondary|Motor Area, Somatic|Motor Cortex, Precentral|Motor Cortex, Primary|Motor Cortex, Secondary|Motor Strip|Motor Strips|Precentral Gyrus|Precentral Motor Area|Precentral Motor Areas|Precentral Motor Cortex|Precentral Motor Cortices|Premotor and Supplementary Motor Cortices|Premotor Area|Premotor Areas|Premotor Cortex|Premotor Cortex and Supplementary Motor Cortex|Primary Motor Area|Primary Motor Areas|Primary Motor Cortex|Primary Motor Cortices|Secondary Motor Area|Secondary Motor Areas|Secondary Motor Cortex|Secondary Motor Cortices|Somatic Motor Area|Somatic Motor Areas|Somatomotor Area|Somatomotor Areas|Supplementary Motor Area|Supplementary Motor Areas excitable area|prefrontal gyrus|Rolando's area|UBERON:0001384 +Motor Endplate MESH:D009045 The specialized postsynaptic region of a muscle cell. The motor endplate is immediately across the synaptic cleft from the presynaptic axon terminal. Among its anatomical specializations are junctional folds which harbor a high density of cholinergic receptors. MESH:D009469 A08.800.550.550.550.500|A08.850.550.550.500|A11. A08.800.550.550.550|A08.850.550.550|A11. Endplate, Motor|End-Plate, Motor|Endplates, Motor|End-Plates, Motor|Motor End Plate|Motor End-Plate|Motor Endplates|Motor End-Plates +Motor Neurons MESH:D009046 Neurons which activate MUSCLE CELLS. CL:CL_0000100 MESH:D009476 A08.675.655.500|A11.671.655.500 A08.675.655|A11.671.655 Alpha Motorneuron|Alpha Motor Neuron|Alpha Motorneurons|Alpha Motor Neurons|Motoneuron|Motoneurons|Motor Neuron|Motorneuron, Alpha|Motor Neuron, Alpha|Motorneurons, Alpha|Motor Neurons, Alpha|Neuron, Alpha Motor|Neuron, Motor|Neurons, Alpha Motor|Neurons, Motor CL:0000100 +Motor Neurons, Gamma MESH:D009047 Motor neurons which activate the contractile regions of intrafusal SKELETAL MUSCLE FIBERS, thus adjusting the sensitivity of the MUSCLE SPINDLES to stretch. Gamma motor neurons may be 'static' or 'dynamic' according to which aspect of responsiveness (or which fiber types) they regulate. The alpha and gamma motor neurons are often activated together (alpha gamma coactivation) which allows the spindles to contribute to the control of movement trajectories despite changes in muscle length. CL:CL_0000717 MESH:D009046 A08.675.655.500.525|A11.671.655.500.525 A08.675.655.500|A11.671.655.500 Fusimotor Neuron|Fusimotor Neurons|Gamma-Efferent Motor Neuron|Gamma-Efferent Motor Neurons|Gamma Motorneuron|Gamma Motor Neuron|Gamma Motorneurons|Gamma Motor Neurons|Motorneuron, Gamma|Motor Neuron, Gamma|Motor Neuron, Gamma-Efferent|Motorneurons, Gamma|Motor Neurons, Gamma Efferent|Motor Neurons, Gamma-Efferent|Neuron, Fusimotor|Neuron, Gamma-Efferent Motor|Neuron, Gamma Motor|Neurons, Fusimotor|Neurons, Gamma-Efferent Motor|Neurons, Gamma Motor +Mouse Embryonic Stem Cells MESH:D000066450 PLURIPOTENT STEM CELLS derived from the BLASTOCYST INNER CELL MASS of day 3.5 mouse embryos. MESH:D053595 A11.872.700.250.875 A11.872.700.250 Cells, Mouse Embryonic Stem|mESC|mESCs|Mouse Embryonic Stem Cell|Stem Cells, Mouse Embryonic +Mouth MESH:D009055 The oval-shaped oral cavity located at the apex of the digestive tract and consisting of two parts: the vestibule and the oral cavity proper. UBERON:UBERON_0000165 MESH:D005145|MESH:D013284|MESH:D041981 A01.456.505.631|A03.556.500|A14.549 A01.456.505|A03.556|A14 Cavitas Oris|Cavitas oris propria|Cavity, Oral|Mouth Cavity Proper|Oral Cavity|Oral Cavity Proper|Vestibule of the Mouth|Vestibule Oris adult mouth|cavital oralis|cavum oris|mouth cavity|oral region|oral vestibule|regio oralis|rima oris|stoma|stomatodaeum|trophic apparatus|UBERON:0000165|vestibule of mouth|vestibulum oris +Mouth Floor MESH:D009060 The area of the mouth beneath the TONGUE. UBERON:UBERON_0003679 MESH:D009055 A14.549.441 A14.549 Floor, Mouth|Floor of Mouth|Floors, Mouth|Mouth Floors|Regions, Sublingual|Region, Sublingual|Sublingual Region|Sublingual Regions floor of oval cavity|floor of the oval cavity|UBERON:0003679 +Mouth Mucosa MESH:D009061 Lining of the ORAL CAVITY, including mucosa on the GUMS; the PALATE; the LIP; the CHEEK; floor of the mouth; and other structures. The mucosa is generally a nonkeratinized stratified squamous EPITHELIUM covering muscle, bone, or glands but can show varying degree of keratinization at specific locations. UBERON:UBERON_0003729 MESH:D009055|MESH:D009092 A10.615.550.599|A14.549.512 A10.615.550|A14.549 Buccal Mucosa|Mucosa, Mouth|Mucosa, Oral|Oral Mucosa mouth mucous membrane|mouth organ mucosa|mucosal lining of mouth|mucosa of mouth|mucous membrane of mouth|oral mucous membrane|oral part of viscerocranial mucosa|tunica mucosa oris|UBERON:0003729 +Mucosal-Associated Invariant T Cells MESH:D000072336 A subset of T-lymphocytes that are present in large numbers at MUCOUS MEMBRANES and respond to INFECTIONS. They express a conserved invariant T-CELL RECEPTOR ALPHA-CHAIN that enables them to respond to infections by sensing RIBOFLAVIN metabolites of pathogens. MESH:D016176 A11.118.637.555.567.550.500.100|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500.100|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500.100|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500.100|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500.100|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500.100 A11.118.637.555.567.550.500|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500 Cell, MAIT|Cells, MAIT|MAIT Cell|MAIT Cells|Mucosal Associated Invariant T Cell|Mucosal-Associated Invariant T Cell|Mucosal Associated Invariant T Cells +Mucous Membrane MESH:D009092 An EPITHELIUM with MUCUS-secreting cells, such as GOBLET CELLS. It forms the lining of many body cavities, such as the DIGESTIVE TRACT, the RESPIRATORY TRACT, and the reproductive tract. Mucosa, rich in blood and lymph vessels, comprises an inner epithelium, a middle layer (lamina propria) of loose CONNECTIVE TISSUE, and an outer layer (muscularis mucosae) of SMOOTH MUSCLE CELLS that separates the mucosa from submucosa. UBERON:UBERON_0000344 MESH:D008566 A10.615.550 A10.615 Lamina Propria|Membrane, Mucous|Membranes, Mucous|Mucosa|Mucosae, Muscularis|Mucosal Tissue|Mucosal Tissues|Mucous Membranes|Muscularis Mucosae|Propria, Lamina|Tissue, Mucosal|Tissues, Mucosal mucosal region|mucosa of organ|mucosa of organ part|organ mucosa|region of mucosa|tunica mucosa|UBERON:0000344 +Mucus MESH:D009093 The viscous secretion of mucous membranes. It contains mucin, white blood cells, water, inorganic salts, and exfoliated cells. UBERON:UBERON_0000912 MESH:D012634 A12.200.503 A12.200 UBERON:0000912 +Mullerian Ducts MESH:D009095 A pair of ducts near the WOLFFIAN DUCTS in a developing embryo. In the male embryo, they degenerate with the appearance of testicular ANTI-MULLERIAN HORMONE. In the absence of anti-mullerian hormone, mullerian ducts give rise to the female reproductive tract, including the OVIDUCTS; UTERUS; CERVIX; and VAGINA. UBERON:UBERON_0003890 MESH:D004628 A16.623 A16 Duct, Muellerian|Duct, Mullerian|Ducts, Muellerian|Ducts, Mullerian|Muellerian Duct|Muellerian Ducts|Mullerian Duct ductus paramesonephricus|early paramesonephric duct|Müllerian duct|paramesonephric duct|UBERON:0003890 +Multipotent Stem Cells MESH:D039902 Specialized stem cells that are committed to give rise to cells that have a particular function; examples are MYOBLASTS; MYELOID PROGENITOR CELLS; and skin stem cells. (Stem Cells: A Primer [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Institutes of Health (US); 2000 May [cited 2002 Apr 5]. Available from: http://www.nih.gov/news/stemcell/primer.htm) CL:CL_0000048 MESH:D013234 A11.872.590 A11.872 Multipotent Stem Cell|Stem Cell, Multipotent|Stem Cells, Multipotent CL:0000048|multi fate stem cell|multi-fate stem cell|multifate stem cell|multipotent cell +Multivesicular Bodies MESH:D057146 Endosomes containing intraluminal vesicles which are formed by the inward budding of the endosome membrane. Multivesicular bodies (MVBs) may fuse with other organelles such as LYSOSOMES or fuse back with the PLASMA MEMBRANE releasing their contents by EXOCYTOSIS. The MVB intraluminal vesicles released into the extracellular environment are known as EXOSOMES. MESH:D011992 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.337.500 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.337 Endosomal Carrier Vesicle|Endosomal Carrier Vesicles|Multi Vesicular Bodies|Multi-Vesicular Bodies|Multivesicular Body|Multi-Vesicular Body +Muscle Cells MESH:D032342 Mature contractile cells, commonly known as myocytes, that form one of three kinds of muscle. The three types of muscle cells are skeletal (MUSCLE FIBERS, SKELETAL), cardiac (MYOCYTES, CARDIAC), and smooth (MYOCYTES, SMOOTH MUSCLE). They are derived from embryonic (precursor) muscle cells called MYOBLASTS. CL:CL_0000187 MESH:D002477 A11.620 A11 Mature Muscle Cell|Mature Muscle Cells|Muscle Cell|Muscle Cell, Mature|Muscle Cells, Mature|Myocyte|Myocytes CL:0000187|muscle fiber +Muscle Fibers, Fast-Twitch MESH:D018656 Skeletal muscle fibers characterized by their expression of the Type II MYOSIN HEAVY CHAIN isoforms which have high ATPase activity and effect several other functional properties - shortening velocity, power output, rate of tension redevelopment. Several fast types have been identified. CL:CL_0002211 MESH:D018485 A10.690.552.500.500.600|A11.620.249.400 A10.690.552.500.500|A11.620.249 Fast-Twitch Muscle Fiber|Fast-Twitch Muscle Fibers|Fiber, Fast-Twitch Muscle|Fiber, Intermediate Muscle|Fibers, Fast-Twitch Muscle|Fibers, Intermediate Muscle|Fibers, White Muscle|Fiber, White Muscle|Intermediate Muscle Fiber|Intermediate Muscle Fibers|Muscle Fiber, Fast-Twitch|Muscle Fiber, Intermediate|Muscle Fibers, Fast Twitch|Muscle Fibers, Intermediate|Muscle Fibers, Type II|Muscle Fibers, White|Muscle Fiber, White|White Muscle Fiber|White Muscle Fibers CL:0002211|slow twitch fiber|slow twitch muscle cell|slow twitch muscle fiber|slow-twitch muscle fiber|type 1 muscle cell|type 1 muscle fiber|type I muscle cell|type I muscle fiber +Muscle Fibers, Skeletal MESH:D018485 Large, multinucleate single cells, either cylindrical or prismatic in shape, that form the basic unit of SKELETAL MUSCLE. They consist of MYOFIBRILS enclosed within and attached to the SARCOLEMMA. They are derived from the fusion of skeletal myoblasts (MYOBLASTS, SKELETAL) into a syncytium, followed by differentiation. CL:CL_0002372|CL:CL_0008002 MESH:D018482|MESH:D032342 A10.690.552.500.500|A11.620.249 A10.690.552.500|A11.620 Fiber, Skeletal Muscle|Fibers, Skeletal Muscle|Muscle Fiber, Skeletal|Myocyte, Skeletal|Myocytes, Skeletal|Myotube|Myotubes|Skeletal Muscle Fiber|Skeletal Muscle Fibers|Skeletal Myocyte|Skeletal Myocytes CL:0002372|CL:0008002|myotubule|single cell sarcomere +Muscle Fibers, Slow-Twitch MESH:D018657 Skeletal muscle fibers characterized by their expression of the Type I MYOSIN HEAVY CHAIN isoforms which have low ATPase activity and effect several other functional properties - shortening velocity, power output, rate of tension redevelopment. CL:CL_0002210|CL:CL_0002211 MESH:D018485 A10.690.552.500.500.700|A11.620.249.700 A10.690.552.500.500|A11.620.249 Fiber, Red Muscle|Fiber, Slow-Twitch Muscle|Fibers, Red Muscle|Fibers, Slow-Twitch Muscle|Muscle Fiber, Red|Muscle Fiber, Slow-Twitch|Muscle Fibers, Red|Muscle Fibers, Slow Twitch|Muscle Fibers, Type I|Red Muscle Fiber|Red Muscle Fibers|Slow-Twitch Muscle Fiber|Slow-Twitch Muscle Fibers CL:0002210|CL:0002211|intermediate muscle fiber|oxidative muscle fiber|red muscle cell|slow twitch fiber|slow twitch muscle cell|slow twitch muscle fiber|type 1 muscle cell|type 1 muscle fiber|type I muscle cell|type I muscle fiber +Muscles MESH:D009132 Contractile tissue that produces movement in animals. UBERON:UBERON_0002385 MESH:D009141|MESH:D014024 A02.633|A10.690 A02|A10 Muscle|Muscle Tissue|Muscle Tissues|Tissue, Muscle|Tissues, Muscle muscular tissue|portion of muscle tissue|textus muscularis|UBERON:0002385 +Muscle, Skeletal MESH:D018482 A subtype of striated muscle, attached by TENDONS to the SKELETON. Skeletal muscles are innervated and their movement can be consciously controlled. They are also called voluntary muscles. UBERON:UBERON_0014892 MESH:D009132|MESH:D054792 A02.633.567|A10.690.552.500 A02.633|A10.690.552 Anterior Tibial Muscle|Gastrocnemius Muscle|Muscle, Anterior Tibial|Muscle, Gastrocnemius|Muscle, Plantaris|Muscle, Soleus|Muscles, Skeletal|Muscles, Voluntary|Muscle, Voluntary|Plantaris Muscle|Skeletal Muscle|Skeletal Muscles|Soleus Muscle|Tibial Muscle, Anterior|Voluntary Muscle|Voluntary Muscles skeletal muscle organ|UBERON:0014892 +Muscle, Smooth MESH:D009130 Unstriated and unstriped muscle, one of the muscles of the internal organs, blood vessels, hair follicles, etc. Contractile elements are elongated, usually spindle-shaped cells with centrally located nuclei. Smooth muscle fibers are bound together into sheets or bundles by reticular fibers and frequently elastic nets are also abundant. (From Stedman, 25th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0001135 MESH:D009132 A02.633.570|A10.690.467 A02.633|A10.690 Involuntary Muscle|Involuntary Muscles|Muscle, Involuntary|Muscles, Involuntary|Muscles, Smooth|Smooth Muscle|Smooth Muscles non-striated muscle|smooth muscle tissue|textus muscularis levis; textus muscularis nonstriatus|textus muscularis nonstriatus|UBERON:0001135|visceral muscle|visceral muscle tissue +Muscle, Smooth, Vascular MESH:D009131 The nonstriated involuntary muscle tissue of blood vessels. UBERON:UBERON_0004237 MESH:D009130|MESH:D017540 A02.633.570.491|A07.015.733.500|A10.690.467.491 A02.633.570|A07.015.733|A10.690.467 Muscles, Vascular Smooth|Muscle, Vascular Smooth|Smooth Muscles, Vascular|Smooth Muscle, Vascular|Vascular Smooth Muscle|Vascular Smooth Muscles blood vessel involuntary muscle|blood vessel non-striated muscle|blood vessel smooth muscle|blood vessel smooth muscle tissue|involuntary muscle of blood vessel|non-striated muscle of blood vessel|smooth muscle of blood vessel|smooth muscle tissue of blood vessel|UBERON:0004237|vascular smooth muscle tissue +Muscle Spindles MESH:D009470 Skeletal muscle structures that function as the MECHANORECEPTORS responsible for the stretch or myotactic reflex (REFLEX, STRETCH). They are composed of a bundle of encapsulated SKELETAL MUSCLE FIBERS, i.e., the intrafusal fibers (nuclear bag 1 fibers, nuclear bag 2 fibers, and nuclear chain fibers) innervated by SENSORY NEURONS. UBERON:UBERON_0003718 MESH:D008465|MESH:D018482 A08.675.650.915.750.500|A08.800.950.750.500|A10.690.552.500.750|A11.671.650.915.750.500 A08.675.650.915.750|A08.800.950.750|A10.690.552.500|A11.671.650.915.750 Muscle Spindle|Muscle Stretch Receptor|Muscle Stretch Receptors|Neuromuscular Spindle|Neuromuscular Spindles|Receptor, Muscle Stretch|Receptors, Muscle Stretch|Receptors, Stretch, Muscle|Spindle, Muscle|Spindle, Neuromuscular|Spindles, Muscle|Spindles, Neuromuscular|Stretch Receptor, Muscle|Stretch Receptors, Muscle UBERON:0003718 +Muscle, Striated MESH:D054792 One of two types of muscle in the body, characterized by the array of bands observed under microscope. Striated muscles can be divided into two subtypes: the CARDIAC MUSCLE and the SKELETAL MUSCLE. UBERON:UBERON_0002036 MESH:D009132 A10.690.552 A10.690 Muscles, Striated|Striated Muscle|Striated Muscles striated muscle tissue|UBERON:0002036 +Musculocutaneous Nerve MESH:D009138 A major nerve of the upper extremity. The fibers of the musculocutaneous nerve originate in the lower cervical spinal cord (usually C5 to C7), travel via the lateral cord of the brachial plexus, and supply sensory and motor innervation to the upper arm, elbow, and forearm. UBERON:UBERON_0003724 MESH:D001917 A08.800.800.720.050.540 A08.800.800.720.050 Musculocutaneous Nerves|Nerve, Musculocutaneous|Nerves, Musculocutaneous casserio's nerve|nervus musculocutaneus|UBERON:0003724 +Musculoskeletal System MESH:D009141 The MUSCLES, bones (BONE AND BONES), and CARTILAGE of the body. UBERON:UBERON_0002204 MESH:A A02 A Musculoskeletal Systems|System, Musculoskeletal|Systems, Musculoskeletal musculo-skeletal system|UBERON:0002204 +Mushroom Bodies MESH:D024521 Prominent lobed neuropils found in ANNELIDA and all ARTHROPODS except crustaceans. They are thought to be involved in olfactory learning and memory. UBERON:UBERON_0001058 MESH:D000825 A13.641 A13 Corpora Pedunculata|Mushroom Body|Pedunculata, Corpora UBERON:0001058 +Myelencephalon MESH:D054024 The most posterior portion of the hindbrain from which MEDULLA OBLONGATA is derived. UBERON:UBERON_0005290 MESH:D012249 A08. A08. Myelencephalons myelencephalon (medulla oblongata)|UBERON:0005290 +Myelin Sheath MESH:D009186 The lipid-rich sheath surrounding AXONS in both the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEMS and PERIPHERAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. The myelin sheath is an electrical insulator and allows faster and more energetically efficient conduction of impulses. The sheath is formed by the cell membranes of glial cells (SCHWANN CELLS in the peripheral and OLIGODENDROGLIA in the central nervous system). Deterioration of the sheath in DEMYELINATING DISEASES is a serious clinical problem. UBERON:UBERON_0000347 MESH:D009413|MESH:D009417|MESH:D009836|MESH:D012583|MESH:D021961 A08.637.600.500|A08.637.800.500|A08.675.542.512.560|A08.800.800.690.500|A10.755.503|A11.|A11.650.600.500|A11.650.800.500|A11.671.501.512.560 A08.637.600|A08.637.800|A08.675.542.512|A08.800.800.690|A10.755|A11.284.149.165|A11.650.600|A11.650.800|A11.671.501.512 Myelin|Myelin Sheaths|Sheath, Myelin|Sheaths, Myelin entire myelin sheath|medullary sheath|UBERON:0000347 +Myeloid Cells MESH:D022423 The classes of BONE MARROW-derived blood cells in the monocytic series (MONOCYTES and their precursors) and granulocytic series (GRANULOCYTES and their precursors). CL:CL_0000763 MESH:D002477 A11.627 A11 Cell, Myeloid|Cells, Myeloid|Myeloid Cell CL:0000763 +Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cells MESH:D000072737 A heterogeneous, immature population of myeloid cells that can suppress the activity of T-CELLS and NATURAL KILLER CELLS in the INNATE IMMUNE RESPONSE and ADAPTIVE IMMUNE RESPONSE. They play important roles in ONCOGENESIS; INFLAMMATION; and INFECTION. CL:CL_0000889 MESH:D022423 A11.627.817 A11.627 Cell, Myeloid-Derived Suppressor|Cells, Myeloid-Derived Suppressor|MDSC|MDSCs|Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cell|Myeloid-Derived Suppressor Cell|Myeloid Derived Suppressor Cells|Suppressor Cell, Myeloid-Derived|Suppressor Cells, Myeloid-Derived CL:0000889|myeloid suppressor cell +Myeloid Progenitor Cells MESH:D023461 Stem cells derived from HEMATOPOIETIC STEM CELLS. Derived from these myeloid progenitor cells are the MEGAKARYOCYTES; ERYTHROID CELLS; MYELOID CELLS; and some DENDRITIC CELLS. CL:CL_0000049|CL:CL_0000839|CL:CL_0001059 MESH:D006412|MESH:D022423 A11.148.378.590|A11.627.635|A11.872.378.590|A15.378.316.378.590 A11.148.378|A11.627|A11.872.378|A15.378.316.378 Cell, Myeloid Progenitor|Cell, Myeloid Stem|Cells, Myeloid Progenitor|Cells, Myeloid Stem|CFU-GEMM|Colony-Forming Unit, Granulocyte-Erythroid-Macrophage-Megakaryocyte|Colony Forming Units, Granulocyte Erythroid Macrophage Megakaryocyte|Colony-Forming Units, Granulocyte-Erythroid-Macrophage-Megakaryocyte|Common Myeloid Progenitor|Common Myeloid Progenitors|GEMM-CFU|Granulocyte Erythroid Macrophage Megakaryocyte Colony Forming Unit|Granulocyte-Erythroid-Macrophage-Megakaryocyte Colony-Forming Unit|Granulocyte-Erythroid-Macrophage-Megakaryocyte Colony-Forming Units|Myeloid Progenitor Cell|Myeloid Progenitor, Common|Myeloid Progenitors, Common|Myeloid Stem Cell|Myeloid Stem Cells|Progenitor Cell, Myeloid|Progenitor Cells, Myeloid|Progenitor, Common Myeloid|Progenitors, Common Myeloid|Stem Cell, Myeloid|Stem Cells, Myeloid|Unit, Granulocyte-Erythroid-Macrophage-Megakaryocyte Colony-Forming|Units, Granulocyte-Erythroid-Macrophage-Megakaryocyte Colony-Forming CFU-S|CL:0000049|CL:0000839|CL:0001059|CMP|colony forming unit granulocyte, erythrocyte, macrophage, and megakaryocyte|common myeloid precursor|common myeloid precursor, CD34-positive|common myeloid progenitor, CD34-positive|multipotential myeloid stem cell|myeloid lineage restricted progenitor cell|pluripotent stem cell (bone marrow) +Myenteric Plexus MESH:D009197 One of two ganglionated neural networks which together form the ENTERIC NERVOUS SYSTEM. The myenteric (Auerbach's) plexus is located between the longitudinal and circular muscle layers of the gut. Its neurons project to the circular muscle, to other myenteric ganglia, to submucosal ganglia, or directly to the epithelium, and play an important role in regulating and patterning gut motility. (From FASEB J 1989;3:127-38) UBERON:UBERON_0002439 MESH:D017615|MESH:D017776 A08.800.050.050.500|A08.800.050.150.500|A08.800.800.060.500 A08.800.050.050|A08.800.050.150|A08.800.800.060 Auerbach Plexus|Auerbach's Plexus|Auerbachs Plexus|Plexus, Auerbach's|Plexus, Myenteric Auberbach plexus|Auberbach's plexus|Auberbachs plexus|Meissner's plexus|myenteric nerve plexus|plexus myentericus|plexus nervosus submucosus|plexus submucosus|Remak's plexus|submucous plexus|UBERON:0002439 +Myoblasts MESH:D032446 Embryonic (precursor) cells of the myogenic lineage that develop from the MESODERM. They undergo proliferation, migrate to their various sites, and then differentiate into the appropriate form of myocytes (MYOCYTES, SKELETAL; MYOCYTES, CARDIAC; MYOCYTES, SMOOTH MUSCLE). CL:CL_0000056 MESH:D013234 A11.872.620 A11.872 Embryonic Muscle Cell|Embryonic Muscle Cells|Muscle Cell, Embryonic|Muscle Cell, Precursor|Muscle Cells, Embryonic|Muscle Cells, Precursor|Myoblast|Precursor Muscle Cell|Precursor Muscle Cells CL:0000056 +Myoblasts, Cardiac MESH:D032386 Precursor cells destined to differentiate into cardiac myocytes (MYOCYTES, CARDIAC). CL:CL_0010021 MESH:D009206|MESH:D032446 A07.541.704.500|A10.690.552.750.500|A11.872.620.470 A07.541.704|A10.690.552.750|A11.872.620 Cardiac Myoblast|Cardiac Myoblasts|Myoblast, Cardiac CL:0010021 +Myoblasts, Skeletal MESH:D032448 Precursor cells destined to differentiate into skeletal myocytes (MYOCYTES, SKELETAL). CL:CL_0000515 MESH:D032446 A11.872.620.500 A11.872.620 Myoblast, Skeletal|Skeletal Myoblast|Skeletal Myoblasts CL:0000515|skeletal muscle myoblast +Myoblasts, Smooth Muscle MESH:D032390 Precursor cells destined to differentiate into smooth muscle myocytes (MYOCYTES, SMOOTH MUSCLE). CL:CL_0000514 MESH:D032446 A11.872.620.510 A11.872.620 Myoblast, Smooth Muscle|Smooth Muscle Myoblast|Smooth Muscle Myoblasts CL:0000514|satellite cell +Myocardium MESH:D009206 The muscle tissue of the HEART. It is composed of striated, involuntary muscle cells (MYOCYTES, CARDIAC) connected to form the contractile pump to generate blood flow. UBERON:UBERON_0002349 MESH:D006321|MESH:D009132|MESH:D054792 A02.633.580|A07.541.704|A10.690.552.750 A02.633|A07.541|A10.690.552 Cardiac Muscle|Cardiac Muscles|Heart Muscle|Heart Muscles|Muscle, Cardiac|Muscle, Heart|Muscles, Cardiac|Muscles, Heart|Myocardia heart myocardium|muscle of heart|UBERON:0002349 +Myocutaneous Flap MESH:D064827 A mass of tissue, including skin and muscle, that has been cut away from surrounding areas for transplantation. MESH:D013524 A10.850.710.625 A10.850.710 Flap, Musculocutaneous|Flap, Myocutaneous|Flaps, Musculocutaneous|Flaps, Myocutaneous|Musculocutaneous Flap|Musculocutaneous Flaps|Myocutaneous Flaps +Myocytes, Cardiac MESH:D032383 Striated muscle cells found in the heart. They are derived from cardiac myoblasts (MYOBLASTS, CARDIAC). CL:CL_0000746 MESH:D009206|MESH:D032342 A07.541.704.570|A10.690.552.750.570|A11.620.500 A07.541.704|A10.690.552.750|A11.620 Cardiac Muscle Cell|Cardiac Muscle Cells|Cardiac Myocyte|Cardiac Myocytes|Cardiomyocyte|Cardiomyocytes|Cell, Cardiac Muscle|Cell, Heart Muscle|Cells, Cardiac Muscle|Cells, Heart Muscle|Heart Muscle Cell|Heart Muscle Cells|Muscle Cell, Cardiac|Muscle Cell, Heart|Muscle Cells, Cardiac|Muscle Cells, Heart|Myocyte, Cardiac cardiac muscle fiber|cardiocyte|CL:0000746 +Myocytes, Smooth Muscle MESH:D032389 Non-striated, elongated, spindle-shaped cells found lining the digestive tract, uterus, and blood vessels. They are derived from specialized myoblasts (MYOBLASTS, SMOOTH MUSCLE). CL:CL_0000192 MESH:D032342 A11.620.520 A11.620 Cell, Smooth Muscle|Cells, Smooth Muscle|Myocyte, Smooth Muscle|Smooth Muscle Cell|Smooth Muscle Cells|Smooth Muscle Myocyte|Smooth Muscle Myocytes CL:0000192|non-striated muscle cell|SMCs|smooth muscle fiber +Myofibrils MESH:D009210 The long cylindrical contractile organelles of STRIATED MUSCLE cells composed of ACTIN FILAMENTS; MYOSIN filaments; and other proteins organized in arrays of repeating units called SARCOMERES . MESH:D003599|MESH:D018485|MESH:D032383|MESH:D054792 A10.690.552.875|A11.284.430.214.190.750.620|A11.620.249.850|A11.620.500.500 A10.690.552|A11.284.430.214.190.750|A11.620.249|A11.620.500 Myofibril|Myofilament|Myofilaments +Myofibroblasts MESH:D058628 Spindle-shaped cells with characteristic CONTRACTILE PROTEINS and structures that contribute to the WOUND HEALING process. They occur in GRANULATION TISSUE and also in pathological processes such as FIBROSIS. CL:CL_0000186 MESH:D005347|MESH:D032389 A11.329.228.975|A11.620.520.500 A11.329.228|A11.620.520 Myofibroblast CL:0000186|MFB|myofibroblast cell +Myometrium MESH:D009215 The smooth muscle coat of the uterus, which forms the main mass of the organ. UBERON:UBERON_0001296 MESH:D009130|MESH:D014599 A02.633.570.500|A05.360.319.679.690|A10.690.467.500 A02.633.570|A05.360.319.679|A10.690.467 Muscles, Uterine|Muscle, Uterine|Uterine Muscle|Uterine Muscles tunica muscularis|tunica muscularis (myometrium)|UBERON:0001296|uterine myometrium|uterine smooth muscle +Myotendinous Junction MESH:D000094364 A specialized interface between muscle and tendon through which most contractile force is transmitted. It consists of elaborate surface folding called interdigitations involving EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX and terminal SARCOMERES. MESH:D009141 A02.734 A02 Junction, Musculotendinous|Junction, Myotendinous|Musculotendinous Junction|Musculotendinous Junctions|Myotendinous Junctions +Nails MESH:D009262 The thin, horny plates that cover the dorsal surfaces of the distal phalanges of the fingers and toes of primates. UBERON:UBERON_0001705 MESH:D034582 A17.600 A17 Fingernail|Fingernails|Nail|Toenail|Toenails claw|nail/claw|talon|UBERON:0001705 +Nasal Bone MESH:D009295 Either one of the two small elongated rectangular bones that together form the bridge of the nose. UBERON:UBERON_0001681 MESH:D005147|MESH:D009666 A02.835.232.781.324.665|A04.531.378 A02.835.232.781.324|A04.531 Bone, Nasal|Bones, Nasal|Nasal Bones nasals|os nasale|UBERON:0001681 +Nasal Cartilages MESH:D055171 Hyaline cartilages in the nose. There are five major nasal cartilages including two lateral, two alar, and one septal. UBERON:UBERON_0001823|UBERON:UBERON_0003407|UBERON:UBERON_0007821 MESH:D009666|MESH:D051457 A02.165.407.550|A04.531.413 A02.165.407|A04.531 Alar Nasal Cartilage|Alar Nasal Cartilages|Cartilage, Alar Nasal|Cartilage, Lateral Nasal|Cartilage, Nasal|Cartilages, Alar Nasal|Cartilage, Septal Nasal|Cartilages, Lateral Nasal|Cartilages, Nasal|Cartilages, Septal Nasal|Lateral Nasal Cartilage|Lateral Nasal Cartilages|Nasal Cartilage|Nasal Cartilage, Alar|Nasal Cartilage, Lateral|Nasal Cartilages, Alar|Nasal Cartilage, Septal|Nasal Cartilages, Lateral|Nasal Cartilages, Septal|Septal Nasal Cartilage|Septal Nasal Cartilages cartilage of nasal septum|cartilage of nose|cartilago nasi lateralis|cartilago septal nasi|nasal septum cartilage|UBERON:0001823|UBERON:0003407|UBERON:0007821 +Nasal Cavity MESH:D009296 The proximal portion of the respiratory passages on either side of the NASAL SEPTUM. Nasal cavities, extending from the nares to the NASOPHARYNX, are lined with ciliated NASAL MUCOSA. UBERON:UBERON_0001707 MESH:D009666 A04.531.449 A04.531 Cavities, Nasal|Cavity, Nasal|Nasal Cavities cavitas nasalis|cavitas nasi|cavity of nose|cavity of olfactory apparatus|cavum nasi|nasal canal|nasal conduit space|nasal fossa|nasal pit|olfactory cavity|olfactory chamber|olfactory chamber cavity|olfactory pit|UBERON:0001707 +Nasal Mucosa MESH:D009297 The mucous lining of the NASAL CAVITY, including lining of the nostril (vestibule) and the OLFACTORY MUCOSA. Nasal mucosa consists of ciliated cells, GOBLET CELLS, brush cells, small granule cells, basal cells (STEM CELLS) and glands containing both mucous and serous cells. UBERON:UBERON_0001826|UBERON:UBERON_0005384 MESH:D009666|MESH:D020545 A04.531.520|A04.760.600|A10.615.550.760.600 A04.531|A04.760|A10.615.550.760 Epithelium, Nasal|Membrane, Schneiderian|Mucosa, Nasal|Nasal Epithelium|Schneiderian Membrane mucosa of nose|mucous membrane of nose|nasal cavity epithelium|nasal cavity mucosa|tunica mucosa nasalis|tunica mucosa nasi|UBERON:0001826|UBERON:0005384 +Nasal Septum MESH:D009300 The partition separating the two NASAL CAVITIES in the midplane. It is formed by the SEPTAL NASAL CARTILAGE, parts of skull bones (ETHMOID BONE; VOMER), and membranous parts. UBERON:UBERON_0001706 MESH:D009666 A04.531.591 A04.531 Nasal Septums|Septum, Nasal|Septums, Nasal septal cartilage|septum mobile nasi|septum nasi|septum of the nose|UBERON:0001706 +Nasolabial Fold MESH:D060052 A skin crease on each side of the face that runs from the outer corners of the nose to the corner of the mouth. It is a common site of PLASTIC SURGERY. MESH:D005145 A01.456.505.682 A01.456.505 Fold, Nasolabial|Folds, Nasolabial|Nasolabial Folds +Nasolacrimal Duct MESH:D009301 A tubular duct that conveys TEARS from the LACRIMAL GLAND to the nose. UBERON:UBERON_0002392 MESH:D007765 A09.371.463.640 A09.371.463 Duct, Nasolacrimal|Ducts, Nasolacrimal|Ducts, Tear|Duct, Tear|Lacrimal Sac|Lacrimal Sacs|Nasolacrimal Ducts|Sac, Lacrimal|Sacs, Lacrimal|Tear Duct|Tear Ducts d. nasolacrimalis|nasolacrimal duct - posterior naris|UBERON:0002392 +Nasopharynx MESH:D009305 The top portion of the pharynx situated posterior to the nose and superior to the SOFT PALATE. The nasopharynx is the posterior extension of the nasal cavities and has a respiratory function. UBERON:UBERON_0001728 MESH:D010614 A04.623.557|A14.724.557 A04.623|A14.724 Choanae|Nasopharynges|Nasopharynxes|Rhinopharynges|Rhinopharynx|Rhinopharynxes epipharynx|nasal part of pharynx|Nasenrachenraum|pars nasalis pharyngis|UBERON:0001728 +Natal Teeth MESH:D009306 Predeciduous teeth present at birth. They may be well formed and normal or may represent hornified epithelial structures without roots. They are found on the gingivae over the crest of the ridge and arise from accessory buds of the dental lamina ahead of the deciduous buds or from buds of the accessory dental lamina. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992) UBERON:UBERON_0009977 MESH:D014094 A14.549.167.860.700.500 A14.549.167.860.700 Natal Tooth|Teeth, Natal|Teeth Present At Birth|Tooth, Natal UBERON:0009977 +Natural Killer T-Cells MESH:D055611 A specialized subset of T-LYMPHOCYTES that exhibit features of INNATE IMMUNITY similar to that of NATURAL KILLER CELLS. They are reactive to glycolipids presented in the context of the major histocompatibility complex (MHC) class I-like molecule, CD1D ANTIGEN. CL:CL_0000814 MESH:D013601 A11.118.637.555.567.569.290|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.360|A15.382.490.555.567.569.470 A11.118.637.555.567.569|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569|A15.382.490.555.567.569 Cell, iNKT|Cells, iNKT|iNKT Cell|iNKT Cells|Invariant Natural Killer T Cell|Invariant Natural Killer T Cells|Invariant Natural Killer T-Cells|Killer T-Cell, Natural|Killer T-Cells, Natural|Natural Killer T Cell|Natural Killer T-Cell|Natural Killer T Cells|NKT Cell|NKT Cells|T-Cell, Natural Killer|T-Cells, Natural Killer CL:0000814|mature natural killer T cell|mature natural killer T-cell|mature natural killer T lymphocyte|mature natural killer T-lymphocyte|mature NK T cell|mature NK T-cell|mature NKT cell|mature NK T lymphocyte|mature NK T-lymphocyte +Neck MESH:D009333 The part of a human or animal body connecting the HEAD to the rest of the body. UBERON:UBERON_0000974 MESH:D001829 A01.598 A01 Necks collum|neck (volume)|UBERON:0000974 +Neck Muscles MESH:D009334 The neck muscles consist of the platysma, splenius cervicis, sternocleidomastoid(eus), longus colli, the anterior, medius, and posterior scalenes, digastric(us), stylohyoid(eus), mylohyoid(eus), geniohyoid(eus), sternohyoid(eus), omohyoid(eus), sternothyroid(eus), and thyrohyoid(eus). UBERON:UBERON_0002377|UBERON:UBERON_0004465 MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.650 A02.633.567 Muscle, Neck|Muscles, Neck|Neck Muscle cervical muscles|muscle group of neck|muscle of neck|muscle organ of neck|muscle organ of neck (volume)|muscles of neck|musculature of neck|musculi cervicis|musculi colli|neck muscle organ|neck musculature|neck (volume) muscle organ|set of muscles of neck|UBERON:0002377|UBERON:0004465 +Nematocyst MESH:D058894 A double-walled capsule found in jellyfish and other CNIDARIA whose functions include prey capture, defense, locomotion, and attachment. Nematocysts contain toxic CNIDARIAN VENOMS which are injected into the victim via a barbed tubule. MESH:D000825 A13.655 A13 Nematocysts +Neocortex MESH:D019579 The largest portion of the CEREBRAL CORTEX in which the NEURONS are arranged in six layers in the mammalian brain: molecular, external granular, external pyramidal, internal granular, internal pyramidal and multiform layers. UBERON:UBERON_0001950 MESH:D002540 A08. A08. Cerebral Neocortex|Cerebral Neocortices|Cortex, Neopallial|Corticalis, Substantia|Corticali, Substantia|Cortices, Neopallial|External Granular Layer|External Granular Layers|Granular Layer, External|Granular Layers, External|Isocortex|Isocortices|Layer, External Granular|Layer, Neocortical Molecular|Layer, Neocortical Multiform|Layers, External Granular|Layers, Neocortical Molecular|Layers, Neocortical Multiform|Molecular Layer, Neocortical|Molecular Layers, Neocortical|Multiform Layer, Neocortical|Multiform Layers, Neocortical|Neocortex, Cerebral|Neocortical External Granular Layer|Neocortical External Pyramidal Layer|Neocortical Internal Granular Layer|Neocortical Internal Pyramidal Layer|Neocortical Molecular Layer|Neocortical Molecular Layers|Neocortical Multiform Layer|Neocortical Multiform Layers|Neocortices|Neocortices, Cerebral|Neopallial Cortex|Neopallial Cortices|Neopallium|Neopalliums|Substantia Corticali|Substantia Corticalis homogenetic cortex|homotypical cortex|iso-cortex|isocortex (sensu lato)|neocortex (isocortex)|nonolfactory cortex|nucleus hypoglossalis|UBERON:0001950 +Neoplastic Cells, Circulating MESH:D009360 Exfoliate neoplastic cells circulating in the blood and associated with metastasizing tumors. MESH:D002477 A11.642 A11 Cell, Circulating Neoplastic|Cell, Circulating Tumor|Cell, Embolic Tumor|Cell, Neoplasm Circulating|Cells, Circulating Neoplastic|Cells, Circulating Tumor|Cells, Embolic Tumor|Cells, Neoplasm Circulating|Circulating Cells, Neoplasm|Circulating Neoplastic Cell|Circulating Neoplastic Cells|Circulating Tumor Cell|Circulating Tumor Cells|Embolic Tumor Cell|Embolic Tumor Cells|Embolisms, Tumor|Embolism, Tumor|Neoplasm Circulating Cell|Neoplasm Circulating Cells|Neoplastic Cell, Circulating|Tumor Cell, Circulating|Tumor Cell, Embolic|Tumor Cells, Circulating|Tumor Cells, Embolic|Tumor Embolism|Tumor Embolisms +Neoplastic Stem Cells MESH:D014411 Highly proliferative, self-renewing, and colony-forming stem cells which give rise to NEOPLASMS. MESH:D013234 A11.872.650 A11.872 Cancer Stem Cell|Cancer Stem Cells|Cell, Cancer Stem|Cell, Neoplastic Stem|Cells, Cancer Stem|Cells, Neoplastic Stem|Cells, Tumor Initiating|Cells, Tumor Stem|Cell, Tumor Initiating|Cell, Tumor Stem|Colony-Forming Unit, Neoplastic|Colony Forming Units, Neoplastic|Colony-Forming Units, Neoplastic|Initiating Cells, Tumor|Initiating Cell, Tumor|Neoplastic Colony-Forming Unit|Neoplastic Colony Forming Units|Neoplastic Colony-Forming Units|Neoplastic Stem Cell|Stem Cell, Cancer|Stem Cell, Neoplastic|Stem Cells, Cancer|Stem Cells, Neoplastic|Stem Cells, Tumor|Stem Cell, Tumor|Tumor Initiating Cell|Tumor Initiating Cells|Tumor Stem Cell|Tumor Stem Cells|Unit, Neoplastic Colony-Forming|Units, Neoplastic Colony-Forming +Neostriatum MESH:D017072 The phylogenetically newer part of the CORPUS STRIATUM consisting of the CAUDATE NUCLEUS and PUTAMEN. It is often called simply the striatum. UBERON:UBERON_0002435|UBERON:UBERON_0005383 MESH:D003342 A08. A08. caudate putamen|caudate-putamen|caudateputamen|caudate putamen (striatum)|caudoputamen|corpus striatum|corpus striatum (Zilles)|dorsal striatum|neuraxis striatum|striated nucleus|striate nucleus|striatum|striatum of neuraxis|UBERON:0002435|UBERON:0005383 +Nephrons MESH:D009399 The functional units of the kidney, consisting of the glomerulus and the attached tubule. UBERON:UBERON_0001285 MESH:D007668 A05.810.453.736 A05.810.453 Nephron mature nephron|nephroneum|tubulus renalis|UBERON:0001285 +Nerve Endings MESH:D009411 Branch-like terminations of NERVE FIBERS, sensory or motor NEURONS. Endings of sensory neurons are the beginnings of afferent pathway to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. Endings of motor neurons are the terminals of axons at the muscle cells. Nerve endings which release neurotransmitters are called PRESYNAPTIC TERMINALS. UBERON:UBERON_0012453 MESH:D017933 A08.800.550 A08.800 Ending, Nerve|Endings, Nerve|Nerve Ending UBERON:0012453 +Nerve Fibers MESH:D009412 Slender processes of NEURONS, including the AXONS and their glial envelopes (MYELIN SHEATH). Nerve fibers conduct nerve impulses to and from the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. UBERON:UBERON_0006134 MESH:D009474 A08.675.542|A11.671.501 A08.675|A11.671 Cerebellar Mossy Fiber|Cerebellar Mossy Fibers|Mossy Fiber, Cerebellar|Mossy Fibers, Cerebellar|Nerve Fiber nerve fibre|neurofibra|neurofibrum|UBERON:0006134 +Nerve Fibers, Myelinated MESH:D009413 A class of nerve fibers as defined by their structure, specifically the nerve sheath arrangement. The AXONS of the myelinated nerve fibers are completely encased in a MYELIN SHEATH. They are fibers of relatively large and varied diameters. Their NEURAL CONDUCTION rates are faster than those of the unmyelinated nerve fibers (NERVE FIBERS, UNMYELINATED). Myelinated nerve fibers are present in somatic and autonomic nerves. UBERON:UBERON_0006135 MESH:D009412|MESH:D009474 A08.675.542.512|A11.671.501.512|A11.671.514 A08.675.542|A11.671|A11.671.501 A Fibers|B Fibers|Fiber, Myelinated Nerve|Fibers, Myelinated Nerve|Myelinated Nerve Fiber|Myelinated Nerve Fibers|Nerve Fiber, Myelinated UBERON:0006135 +Nerve Fibers, Unmyelinated MESH:D036421 A class of nerve fibers as defined by their nerve sheath arrangement. The AXONS of the unmyelinated nerve fibers are small in diameter and usually several are surrounded by a single MYELIN SHEATH. They conduct low-velocity impulses, and represent the majority of peripheral sensory and autonomic fibers, but are also found in the BRAIN and SPINAL CORD. UBERON:UBERON_0006136 MESH:D009412 A08.675.542.756|A11.671.501.756 A08.675.542|A11.671.501 C Fiber|C Fibers|Nerve Fiber, Unmyelinated|Unmyelinated Nerve Fiber|Unmyelinated Nerve Fibers non-myelinated nerve fiber|UBERON:0006136 +Nerve Net MESH:D009415 A meshlike structure composed of interconnecting nerve cells that are separated at the synaptic junction or joined to one another by cytoplasmic processes. In invertebrates, for example, the nerve net allows nerve impulses to spread over a wide area of the net because synapses can pass information in any direction. UBERON:UBERON_0001016 MESH:D009420 A08.511 A08 Nerve Nets|Net, Nerve|Nets, Nerve|Network, Neural (Anatomic)|Networks, Neural (Anatomic)|Neural Network (Anatomic)|Neural Networks (Anatomic) nervous system|neurological system|systema nervosum|UBERON:0001016 +Nerve Tissue MESH:D009417 Differentiated tissue of the central nervous system composed of NERVE CELLS, fibers, DENDRITES, and specialized supporting cells. UBERON:UBERON_0003714 MESH:D014024 A10.755 A10 Nerve Tissues|Nervous Tissue|Nervous Tissues|Tissue, Nerve|Tissue, Nervous|Tissues, Nerve|Tissues, Nervous neural tissue|portion of neural tissue|UBERON:0003714 +Nervous System MESH:D009420 The entire nerve apparatus, composed of a central part, the brain and spinal cord, and a peripheral part, the cranial and spinal nerves, autonomic ganglia, and plexuses. (Stedman, 26th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0001016 MESH:A A08 A Nervous Systems|System, Nervous|Systems, Nervous nerve net|neurological system|systema nervosum|UBERON:0001016 +Neural Analyzers MESH:D009430 A term used in Eastern European research literature for the functional neural unit that provides the basis for differential sensitivity; the analyzer consists of receptor, afferent nerves, and their central connections. (From Campbell's Psychiatric Dictionary, 8th ed.) MESH:D009474 A08.675.575 A08.675 Analyzer, Neural|Analyzers, Neural|Neural Analyzer +Neural Crest MESH:D009432 The two longitudinal ridges along the PRIMITIVE STREAK appearing near the end of GASTRULATION during development of nervous system (NEURULATION). The ridges are formed by folding of NEURAL PLATE. Between the ridges is a neural groove which deepens as the fold become elevated. When the folds meet at midline, the groove becomes a closed tube, the NEURAL TUBE. CL:CL_0011012|UBERON:UBERON_0002342 MESH:D004628 A16.627 A16 Cell, Neural Crest|Cells, Neural Crest|Crest, Neural|Crests, Neural|Fold, Neural|Folds, Neural|Groove, Neural|Grooves, Neural|Neural Crest Cell|Neural Crest Cells|Neural Crests|Neural Fold|Neural Folds|Neural Groove|Neural Grooves CL:0011012|crista neuralis|NC|neural crest material|UBERON:0002342 +Neural Pathways MESH:D009434 Neural tracts connecting one part of the nervous system with another. MESH:D009420 A08.612 A08 Interconnection, Neural|Interconnections, Neural|Neural Interconnection|Neural Interconnections|Neural Pathway|Pathway, Neural|Pathways, Neural +Neural Plate MESH:D054258 The region in the dorsal ECTODERM of a chordate embryo that gives rise to the future CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. Tissue in the neural plate is called the neuroectoderm, often used as a synonym of neural plate. UBERON:UBERON_0003075 MESH:D004628 A16.629 A16 Neural Plates|Neuroectoderm|Neuroectoderms|Plate, Neural|Plates, Neural lamina neuralis|presumptive central nervous system|UBERON:0003075 +Neural Stem Cells MESH:D058953 Self-renewing cells that generate the main phenotypes of the nervous system in both the embryo and adult. Neural stem cells are precursors to both NEURONS and NEUROGLIA. CL:CL_0000047 MESH:D013234 A11.872.653 A11.872 Cell, Neural Stem|Cells, Neural Stem|Neural Stem Cell|Stem Cell, Neural|Stem Cells, Neural CL:0000047|neuronal stem cell|NSC +Neural Tube MESH:D054259 A tube of ectodermal tissue in an embryo that will give rise to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, including the SPINAL CORD and the BRAIN. Lumen within the neural tube is called neural canal which gives rise to the central canal of the spinal cord and the ventricles of the brain. For malformation of the neural tube, see NEURAL TUBE DEFECTS. UBERON:UBERON_0001049 MESH:D004628 A16.630 A16 Canal, Neural|Canals, Neural|Neural Canal|Neural Canals|Neural Tubes|Tube, Neural|Tubes, Neural neural primordium|presumptive central nervous system|tubus neuralis|UBERON:0001049 +Neurilemma MESH:D009441 The outermost cytoplasmic layer of the SCHWANN CELLS covering NERVE FIBERS. UBERON:UBERON_0001031 MESH:D009186 A08.637.800.500.550|A08.675.542.512.560.550|A08.800.800.690.500.550|A10.755.503.550|A11.650.800.500.550|A11.671.501.512.560.550 A08.637.800.500|A08.675.542.512.560|A08.800.800.690.500|A10.755.503|A11.650.800.500|A11.671.501.512.560 Neurolemma|Schwann Sheath|Sheath, Schwann endoneural membrane|Schwann's membrane|sheath of Schwann|UBERON:0001031 +Neurites MESH:D016501 In tissue culture, hairlike projections of neurons stimulated by growth factors and other molecules. These projections may go on to form a branched tree of dendrites or a single axon or they may be reabsorbed at a later stage of development. 'Neurite' may refer to any filamentous or pointed outgrowth of an embryonal or tissue-culture neural cell. MESH:D001369|MESH:D003712|MESH:D009474|MESH:D022081 A08.675.256.500|A08.675.542.145.500|A11.284.180.610|A11.671.501.145.500|A11.671.543 A08.675.256|A08.675.542.145|A11.284.180|A11.671|A11.671.501.145 Neurite +Neuroeffector Junction MESH:D009451 The synapse between a neuron (presynaptic) and an effector cell other than another neuron (postsynaptic). Neuroeffector junctions include synapses onto muscles and onto secretory cells. MESH:D009411|MESH:D013569 A08.800.550.550|A08.850.550|A11. A08.800.550|A08.850|A11. Junction, Neuroeffector|Junctions, Neuroeffector|Neuroeffector Junctions +Neuroendocrine Cells MESH:D055099 Specialized NEURONS that produce hormones, such as NEUROPEPTIDES or BIOGENIC AMINES. They generally are in the NERVOUS SYSTEM, such as HYPOTHALAMUS, but can be found in other organs or systems. These neurons contain dense neurosecretory granules and PROPROTEIN CONVERTASES allowing the rapidly release of NEUROHORMONES into the blood circulation upon stimulation. CL:CL_0000165 MESH:D055098 A11.382.944 A11.382 Cell, Neuroendocrine|Cells, Neuroendocrine|Endocrine Neuron|Endocrine Neurons|Neuroendocrine Cell|Neuron, Endocrine|Neurons, Endocrine CL:0000165|neurosecretory cell|neurosecretory neuron +Neuroepithelial Bodies MESH:D046568 Innervated clusters of NEUROEPITHELIAL CELLS found in the LUNGS. They act as airway OXYGEN sensors, releasing regulatory PEPTIDES and SEROTONIN in response to HYPOXIA. MESH:D046569 A08.675.650.915.500.530.550|A08.800.950.500.530.550|A11.436.690.550|A11.671.650.915.500.530.550 A08.675.650.915.500.530|A08.800.950.500.530|A11.436.690|A11.671.650.915.500.530 Bodies, Neuroepithelial|Body, Neuroepithelial|Neuroepithelial Body +Neuroepithelial Cells MESH:D046569 Cells of epithelial origin possessing specialized sensory functions. They include cells that are found in the TASTE BUDS; OLFACTORY MUCOSA; COCHLEA; and NEUROEPITHELIAL BODIES. CL:CL_0000098|CL:CL_0000710 MESH:D002628|MESH:D004847|MESH:D008465 A08.675.650.915.500.530|A08.675.650.915.750.600|A08.800.950.500.530|A08.800.950.750.600|A11.436.690|A11.671.650.915.500.530|A11.671.650.915.750.600 A08.675.650.915.500|A08.675.650.915.750|A08.800.950.500|A08.800.950.750|A11.436|A11.671.650.915.500|A11.671.650.915.750 Cell, Neuroepithelial|Cells, Neuroepithelial|Neuroepithelial Cell CL:0000098|CL:0000710|neurecto-epithelial cell|sensory epithelial cell +Neurofibrillary Tangles MESH:D016874 Abnormal structures located in various parts of the brain and composed of dense arrays of paired helical filaments (neurofilaments and microtubules). These double helical stacks of transverse subunits are twisted into left-handed ribbon-like filaments that likely incorporate the following proteins: (1) the intermediate filaments: medium- and high-molecular-weight neurofilaments; (2) the microtubule-associated proteins map-2 and tau; (3) actin; and (4) UBIQUITINS. As one of the hallmarks of ALZHEIMER DISEASE, the neurofibrillary tangles eventually occupy the whole of the cytoplasm in certain classes of cell in the neocortex, hippocampus, brain stem, and diencephalon. The number of these tangles, as seen in post mortem histology, correlates with the degree of dementia during life. Some studies suggest that tangle antigens leak into the systemic circulation both in the course of normal aging and in cases of Alzheimer disease. MESH:D009454 A08.675.609.520|A11.284.430.214.190.750.640.520|A11.671.573.520 A08.675.609|A11.284.430.214.190.750.640|A11.671.573 Neurofibrillary Tangle|Tangle, Neurofibrillary|Tangles, Neurofibrillary +Neurofibrils MESH:D009454 The delicate interlacing threads, formed by aggregations of neurofilaments and neurotubules, coursing through the CYTOPLASM of the body of a NEURON and extending from one DENDRITE into another or into the AXON. MESH:D003599|MESH:D009474 A08.675.609|A11.284.430.214.190.750.640|A11.671.573 A08.675|A11.284.430.214.190.750|A11.671 Neurofibril +Neuroglia MESH:D009457 The non-neuronal cells of the nervous system. They not only provide physical support, but also respond to injury, regulate the ionic and chemical composition of the extracellular milieu, participate in the BLOOD-BRAIN BARRIER and BLOOD-RETINAL BARRIER, form the myelin insulation of nervous pathways, guide neuronal migration during development, and exchange metabolites with neurons. Neuroglia have high-affinity transmitter uptake systems, voltage-dependent and transmitter-gated ion channels, and can release transmitters, but their role in signaling (as in many other functions) is unclear. CL:CL_0000125 MESH:D002477|MESH:D009420 A08.637|A11.650 A08|A11 Bergmann Glia|Bergmann Glia Cell|Bergmann Glia Cells|Bergmann Glial Cell|Bergmann Glial Cells|Cell, Bergmann Glia|Cell, Bergmann Glial|Cell, Glia|Cell, Glial|Cell, Neuroglial|Cell, Satellite Glia|Cell, Satellite Glial|Glia|Glia, Bergmann|Glia Cell|Glia Cell, Bergmann|Glia Cells|Glia Cell, Satellite|Glial Cell|Glial Cell, Bergmann|Glial Cells|Glial Cell, Satellite|Glias|Glia, Satellite|Neuroglial Cell|Neuroglial Cells|Neuroglias|Satellite Glia|Satellite Glia Cell|Satellite Glia Cells|Satellite Glial Cell|Satellite Glial Cells|Satellite Glias CL:0000125 +Neuromuscular Junction MESH:D009469 The synapse between a neuron and a muscle. MESH:D009451 A08.800.550.550.550|A08.850.550.550|A11. A08.800.550.550|A08.850.550|A11. Junction, Myoneural|Junction, Neuromuscular|Junctions, Myoneural|Junctions, Neuromuscular|Myoneural Junction|Myoneural Junctions|Nerve Muscle Preparation|Nerve-Muscle Preparation|Nerve-Muscle Preparations|Neuromuscular Junctions|Preparation, Nerve-Muscle|Preparations, Nerve-Muscle +Neurons MESH:D009474 The basic cellular units of nervous tissue. Each neuron consists of a body, an axon, and dendrites. Their purpose is to receive, conduct, and transmit impulses in the NERVOUS SYSTEM. CL:CL_0000540 MESH:D002477|MESH:D009420 A08.675|A11.671 A08|A11 Cell, Nerve|Cells, Nerve|Nerve Cell|Nerve Cells|Neuron CL:0000540 +Neurons, Afferent MESH:D009475 Neurons which conduct NERVE IMPULSES to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. CL:CL_0000526 MESH:D009474 A08.675.650|A11.671.650 A08.675|A11.671 Afferent Neuron|Afferent Neurons|Neuron, Afferent CL:0000526|input neuron +Neurons, Efferent MESH:D009476 Neurons which send impulses peripherally to activate muscles or secretory cells. CL:CL_0000527 MESH:D009474 A08.675.655|A11.671.655 A08.675|A11.671 Efferent Neuron|Efferent Neurons|Neuron, Efferent CL:0000527|output neuron +Neuropil MESH:D019581 A dense intricate feltwork of interwoven fine glial processes, fibrils, synaptic terminals, axons, and dendrites interspersed among the nerve cells in the gray matter of the central nervous system. UBERON:UBERON_0002606 MESH:D009457|MESH:D009474 A08.637.500|A08.675.703|A11.650.500|A11.671.685 A08.637|A08.675|A11.650|A11.671 Neuropile|Neuropiles|Neuropils neuropilus|UBERON:0002606 +Neuropil Threads MESH:D019600 Abnormal structures located chiefly in distal dendrites and, along with NEUROFIBRILLARY TANGLES and SENILE PLAQUES, constitute the three morphological hallmarks of ALZHEIMER DISEASE. Neuropil threads are made up of straight and paired helical filaments which consist of abnormally phosphorylated microtubule-associated tau proteins. It has been suggested that the threads have a major role in the cognitive impairment seen in Alzheimer disease. MESH:D008870|MESH:D019581 A08.637.500.550|A08.675.703.550|A11.284.430.214.190.750.602.620|A11.650.500.550|A11.671.685.550 A08.637.500|A08.675.703|A11.284.430.214.190.750.602|A11.650.500|A11.671.685 Neuropil Thread +Neurosecretory Systems MESH:D009490 A system of NEURONS that has the specialized function to produce and secrete HORMONES, and that constitutes, in whole or in part, an ENDOCRINE SYSTEM or organ. MESH:D004703|MESH:D009420 A06.688|A08.713 A06|A08 Neuroendocrine System|Neuroendocrine Systems|Neurosecretory System|System, Neuroendocrine|System, Neurosecretory|Systems, Neuroendocrine|Systems, Neurosecretory +Neutrophils MESH:D009504 Granular leukocytes having a nucleus with three to five lobes connected by slender threads of chromatin, and cytoplasm containing fine inconspicuous granules and stainable by neutral dyes. CL:CL_0000775 MESH:D006098|MESH:D010586 A11.118.637.415.583|A11.627.340.583|A11.733.689|A15.145.229.637.415.583|A15.382.490.315.583|A15.382.680.689 A11.118.637.415|A11.627.340|A11.733|A15.145.229.637.415|A15.382.490.315|A15.382.680 Band Cell, Neutrophil|Cell, LE|LE Cell|LE Cells|Leukocyte, Polymorphonuclear|Leukocytes, Polymorphonuclear|Neutrophil|Neutrophil Band Cell|Neutrophil Band Cells|Neutrophil, Polymorphonuclear|Polymorphonuclear Leukocyte|Polymorphonuclear Leukocytes|Polymorphonuclear Neutrophil|Polymorphonuclear Neutrophils CL:0000775|neutrocyte|neutrophilic leucocyte|neutrophilic leukocyte|neutrophil leucocyte|neutrophil leukocyte|PMN|poly|polymorphonuclear leucocyte|polynuclear neutrophilic leucocyte|polynuclear neutrophilic leukocyte +Nictitating Membrane MESH:D009541 A fold of the mucous membrane of the CONJUNCTIVA in many animals. At rest, it is hidden in the medial canthus. It can extend to cover part or all of the cornea to help clean the CORNEA. UBERON:UBERON_0010207 MESH:D000825 A13.660 A13 Eyelids, Third|Eyelid, Third|Membrane, Nictitating|Membranes, Nictitating|Nictitating Membranes|Third Eyelid|Third Eyelids haw|membrana nictitans|nictitans|palperbra tertia|UBERON:0010207 +NIH 3T3 Cells MESH:D041681 A continuous cell line of high contact-inhibition established from NIH Swiss mouse embryo cultures. The cells are useful for DNA transfection and transformation studies. (From ATCC [Internet]. Virginia: American Type Culture Collection; c2002 [cited 2002 Sept 26]. Available from http://www.atcc.org/) MESH:D016475 A11.|A11.329.228.100.550 A11.251.210.100|A11.329.228.100 3T3 Cell, NIH|3T3 Cells, NIH|Cell, NIH 3T3|Cell, NIH-3T3|Cells, NIH 3T3|Cells, NIH-3T3|NIH 3T3 Cell|NIH-3T3 Cell|NIH-3T3 Cells +Nipple Aspirate Fluid MESH:D055966 Fluid collected from nipple by gentle aspiration. The fluid contains cells and extracellular fluid from the breast ductal epithelium. MESH:D000071936 A12.207.824.500 A12.207.824 Aspirate Fluid, Nipple|Aspirate Fluids, Nipple|Fluid, Nipple Aspirate|Fluids, Nipple Aspirate|Nipple Aspirate Fluids +Nipple Discharge MESH:D000071936 Fluid that seeps out of one or both nipples of the breast. MESH:D001826 A12.207.824 A12.207 Discharge, Nipple|Discharges, Nipple|Nipple Discharges +Nipples MESH:D009558 The conic organs which usually give outlet to milk from the mammary glands. UBERON:UBERON_0002030 MESH:D001940 A01.236.500 A01.236 Areola|Areolae|Nipple papilla mammae|papilla mammaria|papilla of breast|papillary part of breast|teat|thele|thelium|UBERON:0002030 +Nissl Bodies MESH:D009562 Subcellular structures found in nerve cell bodies and DENDRITES. They consist of granular endoplasmic reticulum (ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM, ROUGH) and RIBOSOMES. MESH:D003594|MESH:D009474|MESH:D018870 A08.675.712|A11.284.430.214.190.500.610|A11.284.430.214.190.875.248.300.610|A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.740.300.610|A11.671.693 A08.675|A11.284.430.214.190.500|A11.284.430.214.190.875.248.300|A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.740.300|A11.671 Bodies, Nissl|Granule, Nissl|Granules, Nissl|Nissl Granule|Nissl Granules +Nitrergic Neurons MESH:D026602 Nerve cells where transmission is mediated by NITRIC OXIDE. CL:CL_0000528 MESH:D009474 A08.675.748|A11.671.738 A08.675|A11.671 Nerve, Nitrergic|Nerve, Nitroxidergic|Nerves, Nitrergic|Nerves, Nitroxidergic|Neuron, Nitrergic|Neuron, Nitroxidergic|Neurons, Nitrergic|Neurons, Nitroxidergic|Nitrergic Nerve|Nitrergic Nerves|Nitrergic Neuron|Nitroxidergic Nerve|Nitroxidergic Nerves|Nitroxidergic Neuron|Nitroxidergic Neurons CL:0000528 +Nociceptors MESH:D009619 Peripheral AFFERENT NEURONS which are sensitive to injuries or pain, usually caused by extreme thermal exposures, mechanical forces, or other noxious stimuli. Their cell bodies reside in the DORSAL ROOT GANGLIA. Their peripheral terminals (NERVE ENDINGS) innervate target tissues and transduce noxious stimuli via axons to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. CL:CL_0000198|UBERON:UBERON_0035017 MESH:D011984 A08.675.650.915.875|A08.800.950.875|A11.671.650.915.875 A08.675.650.915|A08.800.950|A11.671.650.915 Neuron, Nociceptive|Neurons, Nociceptive|Nociceptive Neuron|Nociceptive Neurons|Nociceptor|Pain Receptor|Pain Receptors|Receptors, Pain CL:0000198|nociceptor' EXACT [] {seeAlso='https://meshb.nlm.nih.gov/record/ui?ui=D009619|nociceptor nerve ending|nocireceptor' EXACT [] {seeAlso='https://www.thefreedictionary.com/nocireceptor|pain receptor cell|UBERON:0035017 +Nodose Ganglion MESH:D009620 The inferior (caudal) ganglion of the vagus (10th cranial) nerve. The unipolar nodose ganglion cells are sensory cells with central projections to the medulla and peripheral processes traveling in various branches of the vagus nerve. UBERON:UBERON_0005363 MESH:D014630|MESH:D017950 A08.340.390.550|A08.800.050.050.925.550|A08.800.050.600.825.550|A08.800.350.550|A08.800.800.060.920.550|A08.800.800.120.900.550 A08.340.390|A08.800.050.050.925|A08.800.050.600.825|A08.800.350|A08.800.800.060.920|A08.800.800.120.900 Ganglia, Nodose|Ganglion, Nodose|Nodose Ganglia ganglion inferius nervi vagi|ganglion inferius nervus vagi|ganglion inferius (nervus vagus)|ganglion nodosum|inferior ganglion of vagus|inferior ganglion of vagus nerve|inferior vagus ganglion|inferior vagus X|inferior vagus X ganglion|tenth cranial nerve nodose ganglion|UBERON:0005363|vagus nerve inferior ganglion|vagus nerve nodose ganglion|vagus X inferior ganglion +Nose MESH:D009666 A part of the upper respiratory tract. It contains the organ of SMELL. The term includes the external nose, the nasal cavity, and the PARANASAL SINUSES. UBERON:UBERON_0000004 MESH:D005145|MESH:D012137|MESH:D012679 A01.456.505.733|A04.531|A09.531 A01.456.505|A04|A09 External Nose|External Noses|Nose, External|Noses|Noses, External nasal sac|nasus|olfactory apparatus|peripheral olfactory organ|proboscis|UBERON:0000004 +Notochord MESH:D009672 A cartilaginous rod of mesodermal cells at the dorsal midline of all CHORDATE embryos. In lower vertebrates, notochord is the backbone of support. In the higher vertebrates, notochord is a transient structure, and segments of the vertebral column will develop around it. Notochord is also a source of midline signals that pattern surrounding tissues including the NEURAL TUBE development. UBERON:UBERON_0002328 MESH:D004628 A16.660 A16 Chordamesoderm|Chordamesoderms|Notochords embryonic notocord|notochorda|notocord|UBERON:0002328 +Nuclear Bodies MESH:D000088202 Dynamic intranucleoplasmic membraneless structures which concentrate various nuclear factors. Nuclear bodies exchange components with NUCLEOPLASM and participate in various RNA metabolisms unlike nuclear INCLUSION BODIES which aggregate most often foreign or inactive pathological biomolecules. MESH:D042581 A11.284.430.106.279.345.574 A11.284.430.106.279.345 Body, Cleavage|Body, Histone Locus|Cleavage Bodies|Cleavage Body|Condensate, Transcriptional|Dicing Body, Nuclear|Droplet, Transcriptional|Granule, Interchromatin|Histone Locus Bodies|Histone Locus Body|Interchromatin Granule|Interchromatin Granules|Nuclear Body|Nuclear Dicing Bodies|Nuclear Dicing Body|Organelle, Sphere|Sphere Organelle|Sphere Organelles|Transcriptional Condensate|Transcriptional Condensates|Transcriptional Droplet|Transcriptional Droplets +Nuclear Envelope MESH:D009685 The membrane system of the CELL NUCLEUS that surrounds the nucleoplasm. It consists of two concentric membranes separated by the perinuclear space. The structures of the envelope where it opens to the cytoplasm are called the nuclear pores (NUCLEAR PORE). MESH:D007425|MESH:D021961|MESH:D022003 A11.|A11.284.149.450.700|A11.284.430.106.279.692|A11.284.835.514.700 A11.284.149.165|A11.284.149.450|A11.284.430.106.279|A11.284.835.514 Envelope, Nuclear|Envelopes, Nuclear|Membrane, Nuclear|Membranes, Nuclear|Nuclear Envelopes|Nuclear Membrane|Nuclear Membranes +Nuclear Lamina MESH:D034881 A lattice of fibrils which covers the entire inner surface of the nuclear envelope and interlinks nuclear pores (NUCLEAR PORE). MESH:D009685|MESH:D015530 A11.|A11.284.430.106.279.345.700.700|A11.284.430.106.279.692.314|A11.284.835.514.700.500 A11.|A11.284.430.106.279.345.700|A11.284.430.106.279.692|A11.284.835.514.700 Lamina, Nuclear|Nuclear Laminas +Nuclear Matrix MESH:D015530 The residual framework structure of the CELL NUCLEUS that maintains many of the overall architectural features of the cell nucleus including the nuclear lamina with NUCLEAR PORE complex structures, residual CELL NUCLEOLI and an extensive fibrogranular structure in the nuclear interior. (Advan. Enzyme Regul. 2002; 42:39-52) MESH:D042581 A11.284.430.106.279.345.700 A11.284.430.106.279.345 Matrices, Nuclear|Matrix, Nuclear|Nuclear Matrices|Nuclear Scaffold|Nuclear Scaffolds|Nucleoskeleton|Nucleoskeletons|Scaffold, Nuclear|Scaffolds, Nuclear +Nuclear Pore MESH:D022022 An opening through the NUCLEAR ENVELOPE formed by the nuclear pore complex which transports nuclear proteins or RNA into or out of the CELL NUCLEUS and which, under some conditions, acts as an ion channel. MESH:D009685 A11.284.430.106.279.692.630 A11.284.430.106.279.692 Nuclear Pore Complex|Nuclear Pores|Pore, Nuclear|Pores, Nuclear +Nuclear Speckles MESH:D000088203 Membraneless intranucleoplasmic subcompartments or nuclear domains in which proteins related to RNA metabolism (e.g., SPLICING FACTORS) are dynamically localized. MESH:D000088202 A11.284.430.106.279.345.574.813 A11.284.430.106.279.345.574 Granule Cluster, Interchromatin|Interchromatin Granule Cluster|Interchromatin Granule Clusters|Nuclear Speckle|Omega Speckle|Omega Speckles|Speckle, Nuclear|Speckle, Omega|Speckle, Splicing|Splicing Speckle|Splicing Speckles +Nucleolus Organizer Region MESH:D009697 The chromosome region which is active in nucleolus formation and which functions in the synthesis of ribosomal RNA. MESH:D022004 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160.650 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160 Nucleolar Organizer|Nucleolar Organizers|Nucleolus Organizer Regions|Organizer, Nucleolar|Organizer Region, Nucleolus|Organizer Regions, Nucleolus|Organizers, Nucleolar|Region, Nucleolus Organizer|Regions, Nucleolus Organizer +Nucleosomes MESH:D009707 The repeating structural units of chromatin, each consisting of approximately 200 base pairs of DNA wound around a protein core. This core is composed of the histones H2A, H2B, H3, and H4. MESH:D002843 A11.284.430.106.279.345. A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160.180 Dinucleosome|Dinucleosomes|Nucleosome|Polynucleosome|Polynucleosomes +Nucleus Accumbens MESH:D009714 Collection of pleomorphic cells in the caudal part of the anterior horn of the LATERAL VENTRICLE, in the region of the OLFACTORY TUBERCLE, lying between the head of the CAUDATE NUCLEUS and the ANTERIOR PERFORATED SUBSTANCE. It is part of the so-called VENTRAL STRIATUM, a composite structure considered part of the BASAL GANGLIA. UBERON:UBERON_0001882 MESH:D066328 A08. A08. Accumbens Nucleus|Accumbens, Nucleus|Accumbens Septi, Nucleus|Accumbens Septus, Nucleus|Nucleus, Accumbens|Nucleus Accumbens Septi|Nucleus Accumbens Septus|Septi, Nucleus Accumbens|Septus, Nucleus Accumbens colliculus nuclei caudati|colliculus of caudate nucleus|UBERON:0001882 +Nucleus Pulposus MESH:D000070614 Fibrocartilage inner core of the intervertebral disc. Prolapsed or bulged nucleus pulposus leads to INTERVERTEBRAL DISC DISPLACEMENT while proliferation of cells in the nucleus pulposus is associated with INTERVERTEBRAL DISC DEGENERATION. UBERON:UBERON_0002242 MESH:D007403 A02.165.308.410.500|A02.835.232.834.432.500|A10.165.382.350.050.500 A02.165.308.410|A02.835.232.834.432|A10.165.382.350.050 nucleus propulsus|nucleus propulsus of intervertebral disk|nucleus pulposus (diskus intervertebralis)|nucleus pulposus of intervertebral disk|pulpy nucleus|UBERON:0002242 +Nucleus Raphe Magnus MESH:D065846 A nucleus located directly rostral to the NUCLEUS RAPHE OBSCURUS in the pontine part of the Raphe nuclei. Another pontine nucleus located directly rostral to the magnus nucleus is the nucleus raphe pontis. UBERON:UBERON_0002156 MESH:D011903 A08. A08. Magnus, Nuclei Raphe|Magnus Nucleus, Raphe|Magnus, Nucleus Raphe|Magnus, Nucleus Raphes|Nuclei Raphe Magnus|Nucleus, Pontine Raphe|Nucleus, Raphe Magnus|Nucleus Raphe Ponti|Nucleus Raphe Pontis|Nucleus, Raphe Pontis|Nucleus Raphes Magnus|Pontine Raphe Nucleus|Ponti, Nucleus Raphe|Ponti, Raphe|Pontis Nucleus, Raphe|Pontis, Nucleus Raphe|Pontis, Raphe|Raphe Magnus, Nuclei|Raphe Magnus Nucleus|Raphe Magnus, Nucleus|Raphe Nucleus, Pontine|Raphe Ponti|Raphe Ponti, Nucleus|Raphe Pontis|Raphe Pontis Nucleus|Raphe Pontis, Nucleus|Raphes Magnus, Nucleus magnus raphe nucleus|nucleus raphC) magnus|raphe magnus|red nucleus, magnocellular division|UBERON:0002156 +Nucleus Raphe Obscurus MESH:D065849 A nucleus in the medullary Raphe nuclei located caudal to the NUCLEUS RAPHE PALLIDUS. UBERON:UBERON_0002684 MESH:D011903 A08. A08. Nucleus Obscurus Raphe|Nucleus Obscurus Raphes|Nucleus, Raphe Obscurus|Nucleus Raphes Obscurus|Obscurus Nucleus, Raphe|Obscurus, Nucleus Raphe|Obscurus, Nucleus Raphes|Obscurus Raphe, Nucleus|Obscurus Raphes, Nucleus|Raphe, Nucleus Obscurus|Raphe Obscurus Nucleus|Raphe Obscurus, Nucleus|Raphes, Nucleus Obscurus|Raphes Obscurus, Nucleus nucleus raphC) obscurus|obscurus raphe nucleus|UBERON:0002684 +Nucleus Raphe Pallidus MESH:D065848 A nucleus in the medullary Raphe nuclei located rostral to the NUCLEUS RAPHE OBSCURUS and caudal to the NUCLEUS RAPHE MAGNUS. UBERON:UBERON_0002157 MESH:D011903 A08. A08. Nucleus, Raphe Pallidus|Pallidus Nucleus, Raphe|Pallidus, Nucleus Raphe|Raphe Pallidus Nucleus|Raphe Pallidus, Nucleus nucleus raphC) pallidus|nucleus raphes pallidus|pallidal raphe nucleus|UBERON:0002157 +Obturator Nerve MESH:D009776 A nerve originating in the lumbar spinal cord (L2 to L4) and traveling through the lumbar plexus to the lower extremity. The obturator nerve provides motor innervation to the adductor muscles of the thigh and cutaneous sensory innervation of the inner thigh. UBERON:UBERON_0005465 MESH:D008160 A08.800.800.720.450.600 A08.800.800.720.450 Nerve, Obturator|Nerves, Obturator|Obturator Nerves nervus obturatorius|UBERON:0005465 +Occipital Bone MESH:D009777 Part of the back and base of the CRANIUM that encloses the FORAMEN MAGNUM. UBERON:UBERON_0001676 MESH:D012886 A02.835.232.781.572 A02.835.232.781 Basilar Bone|Basilar Bones|Bone, Basilar|Bone, Occipital|Bones, Basilar|Bones, Occipital|Occipital Bones occipital complex|occipital squama|os occipitale|UBERON:0001676 +Occipital Lobe MESH:D009778 Posterior portion of the CEREBRAL HEMISPHERES responsible for processing visual sensory information. It is located posterior to the parieto-occipital sulcus and extends to the preoccipital notch. UBERON:UBERON_0002021 MESH:D002540 A08. A08. Annectant Gyrus|Calcarine Fissure|Calcarine Fissures|Calcarine Sulcus|Calcarinus, Sulcus|Cortex, Cuneus|Cortex, Occipital|Cortices, Cuneus|Cortices, Occipital|Cuneate Lobule|Cuneate Lobules|Cuneus|Cuneus Cortex|Cuneus Cortices|Cuneus Gyrus|Fissure, Calcarine|Fissures, Calcarine|Gyrus, Annectant|Gyrus, Cuneus|Gyrus, Lingual|Gyrus Linguali|Gyrus Lingualis|Gyrus, Medial Occipitotemporal|Gyrus, Occipital|Lingual Gyrus|Linguali, Gyrus|Lingualis, Gyrus|Lobe, Occipital|Lobes, Occipital|Lobule, Cuneate|Lobules, Cuneate|Lunate Sulcus|Medial Occipitotemporal Gyrus|Occipital Cortex|Occipital Cortices|Occipital Gyrus|Occipital Lobes|Occipital Region|Occipital Regions|Occipital Sulcus|Occipitotemporal Gyrus, Medial|Region, Occipital|Regions, Occipital|Sulcus, Calcarine|Sulcus Calcarinus|Sulcus, Lunate|Sulcus, Occipital lobus occipitalis|regio occipitalis|UBERON:0002021 +Oculomotor Muscles MESH:D009801 The muscles that move the eye. Included in this group are the medial rectus, lateral rectus, superior rectus, inferior rectus, inferior oblique, superior oblique, musculus orbitalis, and levator palpebrae superioris. UBERON:UBERON_0006531 MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.700 A02.633.567 Extraocular Muscle|Extraocular Muscle, Oblique|Extraocular Muscles|Extraocular Muscles, Oblique|Extraocular Oblique Muscle|Extraocular Oblique Muscles|Extraocular Rectus Muscle|Extraocular Rectus Muscles|Inferior Oblique Extraocular Muscle|Inferior Oblique Muscle|Inferior Oblique Muscles|Levator Palpebrae Superioris|Muscle, Oculomotor|Muscles, Oculomotor|Musculus Orbitalis|Oblique Extraocular Muscle|Oblique Extraocular Muscles|Oblique Muscle, Extraocular|Oblique Muscle, Inferior|Oblique Muscles, Extraocular|Oblique Muscles, Inferior|Oblique Muscles, Superior|Oblique Muscle, Superior|Oculomotor Muscle|Rectus Muscle, Extraocular|Rectus Muscles, Extraocular|Superior Oblique Extraocular Muscle|Superior Oblique Muscle|Superior Oblique Muscles UBERON:0006531 +Oculomotor Nerve MESH:D009802 The 3d cranial nerve. The oculomotor nerve sends motor fibers to the levator muscles of the eyelid and to the superior rectus, inferior rectus, and inferior oblique muscles of the eye. It also sends parasympathetic efferents (via the ciliary ganglion) to the muscles controlling pupillary constriction and accommodation. The motor fibers originate in the oculomotor nuclei of the midbrain. UBERON:UBERON_0001643 MESH:D003391|MESH:D010275|MESH:D017776 A08.800.050.050.650|A08.800.050.600.475|A08.800.800.060.650|A08.800.800.120.600 A08.800.050.050|A08.800.050.600|A08.800.800.060|A08.800.800.120 Cranial Nerve III|Cranial Nerve IIIs|Cranial Nerves, Third|Cranial Nerve, Third|Nerve III|Nerve IIIs|Nerve, Oculomotor|Nerves, Oculomotor|Nerves, Third Cranial|Nerve, Third Cranial|Nervus Oculomotorius|Oculomotorius, Nervus|Oculomotor Nerves|Third Cranial Nerve|Third Cranial Nerves 3n|CN-III|nervus oculomotorius [III]|occulomotor|oculomotor III|oculomotor III nerve|oculomotor nerve [III]|oculomotor nerve or its root|oculomotor nerve tree|UBERON:0001643 +Oculomotor Nuclear Complex MESH:D065838 A collection of nuclei in the midbrain tegmentum for the OCULOMOTOR NERVE fibers. UBERON:UBERON_0001715 MESH:D013681 A08. A08. Anterior Median Oculomotor Nucleus|Caudal Central Oculomotor Nucleus|Central Oculomotor Nucleus|Dorsal Oculomotor Nucleus|Intermediate Oculomotor Nucleus|Medial Oculomotor Nucleus|Nervi Oculomotorii, Nucleus|Nervi Oculomotorius, Nucleus|Nuclear Complex, Oculomotor|Nucleus, Central Oculomotor|Nucleus, Dorsal Oculomotor|Nucleus, Intermediate Oculomotor|Nucleus, Medial Oculomotor|Nucleus Nervi Oculomotorii|Nucleus Nervi Oculomotorius|Nucleus, Oculomotor|Nucleus Oculomotorius|Nucleus of Perlia|Nucleus, Ventral Oculomotor|Oculomotorii, Nucleus Nervi|Oculomotorius, Nucleus|Oculomotorius, Nucleus Nervi|Oculomotor Nucleus|Oculomotor Nucleus, Central|Oculomotor Nucleus, Dorsal|Oculomotor Nucleus, Intermediate|Oculomotor Nucleus, Medial|Oculomotor Nucleus, Ventral|Perlia Nucleus|Ventral Oculomotor Nucleus motor nucleus III|nIII|nucleus of oculomotor nerve|nucleus of oculomotor nuclear complex|nucleus of third cranial nerve|oculomotor III nuclear complex|oculomotor III nucleus|oculomotor motornucleus|OM|third cranial nerve nucleus|UBERON:0001715 +Odontoblasts MESH:D009804 The mesenchymal cells which line the DENTAL PULP CAVITY and produce DENTIN. They have a columnar morphology in the coronal pulp but are cuboidal in the root pulp, or when adjacent to tertiary dentin. CL:CL_0000060 MESH:D003239 A11.329.522 A11.329 Odontoblast CL:0000060 +Odontoid Process MESH:D009809 The toothlike process on the upper surface of the axis, which articulates with the CERVICAL ATLAS above. UBERON:UBERON_0004096 MESH:D001368 A02.835.232.834.151.383.668 A02.835.232.834.151.383 Axis, Dens|Dens Axis|Odontoid Processes|Processes, Odontoid|Process, Odontoid axis dens|axis odontoid process|cervical vertebra 2 odontoid process|dens|dens of axis|odontoid|odontoid process of axis|odontoid process of cervical vertebra 2|UBERON:0004096 +Olecranon Process MESH:D056740 A prominent projection of the ulna that articulates with the HUMERUS and forms the outer protuberance of the ELBOW JOINT. UBERON:UBERON_0006810 MESH:D014457 A02.835. A02.835. Olecranon|Process, Olecranon olecranon process of ulna|UBERON:0006810|ulnar process +Olfactory Bulb MESH:D009830 Ovoid body resting on the CRIBRIFORM PLATE of the ethmoid bone where the OLFACTORY NERVE terminates. The olfactory bulb contains several types of nerve cells including the mitral cells, on whose DENDRITES the olfactory nerve synapses, forming the olfactory glomeruli. The accessory olfactory bulb, which receives the projection from the VOMERONASAL ORGAN via the vomeronasal nerve, is also included here. UBERON:UBERON_0002264 MESH:D013687 A08. A08. Accessory Olfactory Bulb|Accessory Olfactory Bulbs|Bulb, Accessory Olfactory|Bulb, Main Olfactory|Bulb, Olfactory|Bulbs, Accessory Olfactory|Bulbs, Main Olfactory|Bulbs, Olfactory|Bulbus Olfactorius|Glomerulus, Olfactory|Lateral Olfactory Tract|Lateral Olfactory Tracts|Main Olfactory Bulb|Main Olfactory Bulbs|Olfactorius, Bulbus|Olfactory Bulb, Accessory|Olfactory Bulb, Main|Olfactory Bulbs|Olfactory Bulbs, Accessory|Olfactory Bulbs, Main|Olfactory Glomerulus|Olfactory Tract|Olfactory Tract, Lateral|Olfactory Tracts|Olfactory Tracts, Lateral|Tract, Lateral Olfactory|Tract, Olfactory|Tracts, Lateral Olfactory|Tracts, Olfactory bulbus olfactorius (Morgagni)|olfactory lobe|olfactory lobe (Barr & Kiernan)|UBERON:0002264 +Olfactory Cortex MESH:D066194 Basal forebrain and medial part of temporal lobe areas that receive synaptic inputs from the OLFACTORY BULB. UBERON:UBERON_0002894 MESH:D054022|MESH:D066191 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Amygdala, Cortical|Amygdalas, Cortical|Anterior Olfactory Nucleus|Brain, Olfactory|Brains, Olfactory|Cortex, Lateral Entorhineal|Cortex, Olfactory|Cortex, Primary Olfactory|Cortical Amygdala|Cortical Amygdalas|Cortices, Lateral Entorhineal|Cortices, Primary Olfactory|Entorhineal Cortex, Lateral|Entorhineal Cortices, Lateral|Lateral Entorhineal Cortex|Lateral Entorhineal Cortices|Lobe, Olfactory|Lobes, Olfactory|Nucleus, Anterior Olfactory|Olfactoria, Regio|Olfactorias, Regio|Olfactory Brain|Olfactory Brains|Olfactory Cortex, Primary|Olfactory Cortices, Primary|Olfactory Lobe|Olfactory Lobes|Olfactory Nucleus, Anterior|Olfactory Peduncle|Olfactory Peduncles|Paleopallium|Paleopalliums|Peduncle, Olfactory|Peduncles, Olfactory|Primary Olfactory Cortex|Primary Olfactory Cortices|Regio Olfactoria|Regio Olfactorias|Rhinencephalon|Rhinencephalons archaeocortex|archeocortex|olfactory areas|UBERON:0002894 +Olfactory Mucosa MESH:D009831 That portion of the nasal mucosa containing the sensory nerve endings for SMELL, located at the dome of each NASAL CAVITY. The yellow-brownish olfactory epithelium consists of OLFACTORY RECEPTOR NEURONS; brush cells; STEM CELLS; and the associated olfactory glands. UBERON:UBERON_0005386 MESH:D009297|MESH:D009666 A04.531.520.573|A04.760.600.640|A09.531.623|A10.615.550.760.600.640 A04.531.520|A04.760.600|A09.531|A10.615.550.760.600 Epithelium, Olfactory|Membrane, Olfactory|Membranes, Olfactory|Mucosa, Olfactory|Olfactory Epithelium|Olfactory Membrane|Olfactory Membranes olfactory area of nasal mucosa|olfactory part of nasal mucosa|olfactory segment of nasal mucosa|olfactory zone of nasal mucosa|pars olfactoria tunicae mucosae nasi|UBERON:0005386 +Olfactory Nerve MESH:D009832 The 1st cranial nerve. The olfactory nerve conveys the sense of smell. It is formed by the axons of OLFACTORY RECEPTOR NEURONS which project from the olfactory epithelium (in the nasal epithelium) to the OLFACTORY BULB. UBERON:UBERON_0001579 MESH:D003391 A08.800.800.120.640 A08.800.800.120 Cranial Nerve, First|Cranial Nerve I|Cranial Nerve Is|Cranial Nerves, First|Fila Olfactoria|First Cranial Nerve|First Cranial Nerves|Nerve, First Cranial|Nerve I, Cranial|Nerve Is, Cranial|Nerve, Olfactory|Nerves, Olfactory|Nervus Olfactorius|Olfactory Fila|Olfactory Nerves 1n|CN-I|nerve I|nerve of smell|nervus olfactorius [i]|olfactoria fila|olfactory I|olfactory i nerve|olfactory nerve [I]|UBERON:0001579 +Olfactory Pathways MESH:D009833 Set of nerve fibers conducting impulses from olfactory receptors to the cerebral cortex. It includes the OLFACTORY NERVE; OLFACTORY BULB; OLFACTORY TRACT; OLFACTORY TUBERCLE; ANTERIOR PERFORATED SUBSTANCE; and OLFACTORY CORTEX. UBERON:UBERON_0013201 MESH:D000344|MESH:D008032 A08.|A08.612.220.640 A08.186.211.180|A08.612.220 Olfactory Pathway|Pathway, Olfactory|Pathways, Olfactory anterior perforated substance|rhinencephalon|UBERON:0013201 +Olfactory Receptor Neurons MESH:D018034 Neurons in the OLFACTORY EPITHELIUM with proteins (RECEPTORS, ODORANT) that bind, and thus detect, odorants. These neurons send their DENDRITES to the surface of the epithelium with the odorant receptors residing in the apical non-motile cilia. Their unmyelinated AXONS synapse in the OLFACTORY BULB of the BRAIN. CL:CL_0000207 MESH:D002628|MESH:D009831 A04.531.520.573.580|A04.760.600.640.640|A08.675.650.915.500.540|A08.800.950.500.540|A09.531.623.580|A10.615.550.760.600.640.640|A11.671.650.915.500.540 A04.531.520.573|A04.760.600.640|A08.675.650.915.500|A08.800.950.500|A09.531.623|A10.615.550.760.600.640|A11.671.650.915.500 Cell, Olfactory Receptor|Cell, Olfactory Sensory|Cells, Olfactory Receptor|Cells, Olfactory Sensory|Cilia, Olfactory Sensory|Cilias, Olfactory Sensory|Neuron, Olfactory Receptor|Neuron, Olfactory Sensory|Neurons, Olfactory Receptor|Neurons, Olfactory Sensory|Olfactory Receptor Cell|Olfactory Receptor Cells|Olfactory Receptor Neuron|Olfactory Sensory Cell|Olfactory Sensory Cells|Olfactory Sensory Cilia|Olfactory Sensory Cilias|Olfactory Sensory Neuron|Olfactory Sensory Neurons|Receptor Cell, Olfactory|Receptor Cells, Olfactory|Receptor Neuron, Olfactory|Receptor Neurons, Olfactory|Sensory Cell, Olfactory|Sensory Cells, Olfactory|Sensory Cilia, Olfactory|Sensory Cilias, Olfactory|Sensory Neuron, Olfactory|Sensory Neurons, Olfactory CL:0000207|odorant receptor cell|Schultze's cell +Olfactory Tubercle MESH:D066208 Region in the ventral TELENCEPHALON located anterior to the OPTIC CHIASM, posterior to the OLFACTORY PEDUNCLE, rostral to the PIRIFORM AREA and ventral to the NUCLEUS ACCUMBENS. UBERON:UBERON_0001883 MESH:D066194|MESH:D066328 A08.|A08.|A08. A08.|A08.|A08. Anterior Perforated Space|Anterior Perforated Substance|Anterior Perforated Substances|Olfactoriums, Tuberculum|Olfactorium, Tuberculum|Olfactory Tubercles|Perforated Substance, Anterior|Perforated Substances, Anterior|Substance, Anterior Perforated|Substances, Anterior Perforated|Tubercle, Olfactory|Tubercles, Olfactory|Tuberculum Olfactorium|Tuberculum Olfactoriums UBERON:0001883 +Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cells MESH:D000073637 Neuroglial cells that first appear during mid-embryogenesis in the central nervous system of mammals and give rise to OLIGODENDROCYTES. Mitotically-active populations remain through late adulthood and are capable of regenerating MYELIN lost to disease or injury. CL:CL_0002453 MESH:D009457|MESH:D058953 A08.637.550|A11.650.550|A11.872.653.500 A08.637|A11.650|A11.872.653 Cell, Oligodendrocyte Precursor|Cell, Oligodendrocyte Progenitor|Cells, Oligodendrocyte Precursor|Cells, Oligodendrocyte Progenitor|Oligodendrocyte Precursor|Oligodendrocyte Precursor Cell|Oligodendrocyte Precursors|Oligodendrocyte Progenitor|Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cell|Oligodendrocyte Progenitor Cells|Oligodendrocyte Progenitors|Precursor Cell, Oligodendrocyte|Precursor Cells, Oligodendrocyte|Precursor, Oligodendrocyte|Precursors, Oligodendrocyte|Preoligodendrocyte|Pre-Oligodendrocyte|Preoligodendrocytes|Pre Oligodendrocytes|Pre-Oligodendrocytes|Progenitor Cell, Oligodendrocyte|Progenitor Cells, Oligodendrocyte|Progenitor, Oligodendrocyte|Progenitors, Oligodendrocyte CL:0002453|O-2A/OPC|O2A/OPC|oligodendrocyte-type 2 astrocyte (O-2A) progenitor cell|oligodendrocyte/type-2 astrocyte progenitor cell' BROAD [PMID:24133281] {http://purl.org/dc/terms/contributor='https://orcid.org/0000-0002-0819-0473 +Oligodendroglia MESH:D009836 A class of large neuroglial (macroglial) cells in the central nervous system. Oligodendroglia may be called interfascicular, perivascular, or perineuronal (not the same as SATELLITE CELLS, PERINEURONAL of GANGLIA) according to their location. They form the insulating MYELIN SHEATH of axons in the central nervous system. CL:CL_0000128 MESH:D009457 A08.637.600|A11.650.600 A08.637|A11.650 Interfascicular Oligodendroglia|Interfascicular Oligodendroglias|Oligodendrocyte|Oligodendrocyte, Perineuronal Satellite|Oligodendrocytes|Oligodendrocytes, Perineuronal Satellite|Oligodendroglia, Interfascicular|Oligodendroglia, Perineuronal|Oligodendroglia, Perivascular|Perineuronal Oligodendroglia|Perineuronal Satellite Oligodendrocyte|Perineuronal Satellite Oligodendrocytes|Perineuronal Satellite Oligodendroglia Cells|Perivascular Oligodendroglia|Satellite Cells, Perineuronal, Oligodendroglia|Satellite Oligodendrocyte, Perineuronal|Satellite Oligodendrocytes, Perineuronal CL:0000128|OLs +Olivary Nucleus MESH:D009847 A part of the MEDULLA OBLONGATA situated in the olivary body. It is involved with motor control and is a major source of sensory input to the CEREBELLUM. UBERON:UBERON_0000128 MESH:D008526 A08. A08. Basalis, Olivary Nucleus|Basal Nucleus, Olivary|Nucleus Basalis, Olivary|Nucleus, Olivary|Nucleus, Olivary Basal|Olivary Basal Nucleus oliva|olivary body|olive|olive body|UBERON:0000128 +Omasum MESH:D009851 The third stomach of ruminants, situated on the right side of the abdomen at a higher level than the fourth stomach and between this latter and the second stomach, with both of which it communicates. From its inner surface project large numbers of leaves or folia, each of which possesses roughened surfaces. In the center of each folium is a band of muscle fibers which produces a rasping movement of the leaf when it contracts. One leaf rubs against those on either side of it, and large particles of food material are ground down between the rough surfaces, preparatory to further digestion in the succeeding parts of the alimentary canal. (Black's Veterinary Dictionary, 17th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0007362 MESH:D013279 A13.869.524 A13.869 Omasums UBERON:0007362 +Omentum MESH:D009852 A double-layered fold of peritoneum that attaches the STOMACH to other organs in the ABDOMINAL CAVITY. UBERON:UBERON_0003688 MESH:D010537 A01.923.047.025.600.573 A01.923.047.025.600 Omentums UBERON:0003688 +Oocysts MESH:D033661 Zygote-containing cysts of sporozoan protozoa. Further development in an oocyst produces small individual infective organisms called SPOROZOITES. Then, depending on the genus, the entire oocyst is called a sporocyst or the oocyst contains multiple sporocysts encapsulating the sporozoites. MESH:D033761 A11.870.740.600 A11.870.740 Oocyst|Sporocyst|Sporocysts +Oocytes MESH:D009865 Female germ cells derived from OOGONIA and termed OOCYTES when they enter MEIOSIS. The primary oocytes begin meiosis but are arrested at the diplotene state until OVULATION at PUBERTY to give rise to haploid secondary oocytes or ova (OVUM). CL:CL_0000023 MESH:D010063 A05.360.490.690.680|A11.497.497.600 A05.360.490.690|A11.497.497 Oocyte|Ovocyte|Ovocytes CL:0000023|oogonium +Oogonia MESH:D009867 Euploid female germ cells of an early stage of OOGENESIS, derived from primordial germ cells during ovarian differentiation. Oogonia undergo MEIOSIS and give rise to haploid OOCYTES MESH:D010063 A05.360.490.690.700|A11.497.497.650 A05.360.490.690|A11.497.497 +Oogonial Stem Cells MESH:D000072977 Primordial germ cells found in embryonic OOGONIA and postnatal OVARIES. MESH:D013234 A11.872.677 A11.872 Female Germline Stem Cell|Female Germline Stem Cells|Oogonial Stem Cell|Ovarian Germline Stem Cell|Ovarian Germline Stem Cells|Stem Cell, Oogonial|Stem Cells, Oogonial +Ophthalmic Artery MESH:D009880 Artery originating from the internal carotid artery and distributing to the eye, orbit and adjacent facial structures. UBERON:UBERON_0001619 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.622 A07.015.114 Arteries, Ophthalmic|Artery, Ophthalmic|Ophthalmic Arteries arteria ophthalmica|opthalmic artery|UBERON:0001619 +Ophthalmic Nerve MESH:D009882 A sensory branch of the trigeminal (5th cranial) nerve. The ophthalmic nerve carries general afferents from the superficial division of the face including the eyeball, conjunctiva, upper eyelid, upper nose, nasal mucosa, and scalp. UBERON:UBERON_0000348 MESH:D014276 A08.800.800.120.760.650 A08.800.800.120.760 Nerve, Ophthalmic|Nerves, Ophthalmic|Ophthalmic Nerves ciliary nerve|cranial nerve V, branch V1|ethmoidal nerve|first branch of fifth cranial nerve|first division of fifth cranial nerve|first division of trigeminal nerve|nervus ophthalmicus [v1]|nervus ophthalmicus (V1)|nervus ophthalmicus [va]|nervus ophthalmicus (Va)|ophthalmic division|ophthalmic division of fifth cranial nerve|ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve (V1)|ophthalmic division of trigeminal nerve (Va)|ophthalmic division [V1]|ophthalmic division [Va]|ophthalmic nerve [V1]|ophthalmic nerve [Va]|opthalmic nerve|profundal nerve|profundus|profundus nerve|ramus opthalmicus profundus (ramus V1)|rostral branch of trigeminal nerve|trigeminal nerve ophthalmic division|trigeminal V nerve ophthalmic division|UBERON:0000348 +Optic Chiasm MESH:D009897 The X-shaped structure formed by the meeting of the two optic nerves. At the optic chiasm the fibers from the medial part of each retina cross to project to the other side of the brain while the lateral retinal fibers continue on the same side. As a result each half of the brain receives information about the contralateral visual field from both eyes. UBERON:UBERON_0000959 MESH:D004027|MESH:D009900 A08.|A08.800.800.120.680.600 A08.|A08.800.800.120.680 Chiasma, Optic|Chiasma Opticum|Chiasma Opticums|Chiasmas, Optic|Chiasm, Optic|Chiasms, Optic|Decussation, Optic|Decussations, Optic|Optic Chiasma|Optic Chiasmas|Optic Chiasms|Optic Decussation|Optic Decussations|Opticum, Chiasma|Opticums, Chiasma chiasma|chiasma nervorum opticorum|decussation of optic nerve fibers|optic chiasm (Rufus of Ephesus)|UBERON:0000959 +Optic Disk MESH:D009898 The portion of the optic nerve seen in the fundus with the ophthalmoscope. It is formed by the meeting of all the retinal ganglion cell axons as they enter the optic nerve. UBERON:UBERON_0001783 MESH:D009900|MESH:D012160 A08.800.800.120.680.660|A09.371.729.690 A08.800.800.120.680|A09.371.729 Blind Spot|Blind Spots|Disc, Optic|Disk, Optic|Head, Optic Nerve|Nerve Head, Optic|Optic Disc|Optic Discs|Optic Disks|Optic Nerve Head|Optic Nerve Heads|Optic Papilla|Optic Papillas|Papilla, Optic|Papillas, Optic|Spot, Blind optic nerve disc|physiologic blind spot|physiologic blind spot of mariotte|UBERON:0001783 +Optic Lobe, Nonmammalian MESH:D009899 In invertebrate zoology, a lateral lobe of the FOREBRAIN in certain ARTHROPODS. In vertebrate zoology, either of the corpora bigemina of non-mammalian VERTEBRATES. (From McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed, p1329) UBERON:UBERON_0001945 MESH:D000825 A13.686 A13 Bigemina, Corpora|Corpora Bigemina|Nonmammalian Optic Lobe|Non-Mammalian Optic Lobe|Nonmammalian Optic Lobes|Non-Mammalian Optic Lobes|Optic Lobe, Non Mammalian|Optic Lobe, Non-Mammalian|Optic Lobes, Nonmammalian|Optic Lobes, Non-Mammalian anterior colliculus|anterior corpus quadrigeminum|colliculus bigeminalis oralis|colliculus cranialis|colliculus rostralis|colliculus superior|corpus quadrigeminum superius|cranial colliculus|dorsal midbrain|layers of the superior colliculus|lobus opticus|nates|optic lobe|optic tectum|strata (grisea et alba) colliculi cranialis|strata (grisea et alba) colliculi superioris|superior colliculus|tectal lobe|tectum|tectum opticum|UBERON:0001945 +Optic Nerve MESH:D009900 The 2nd cranial nerve which conveys visual information from the RETINA to the brain. The nerve carries the axons of the RETINAL GANGLION CELLS which sort at the OPTIC CHIASM and continue via the OPTIC TRACTS to the brain. The largest projection is to the lateral geniculate nuclei; other targets include the SUPERIOR COLLICULI and the SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEI. Though known as the second cranial nerve, it is considered part of the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. UBERON:UBERON_0000941 MESH:D003391 A08.800.800.120.680 A08.800.800.120 Cranial Nerve II|Cranial Nerve, Second|Cranial Nerves, Second|Nerve, Optic|Nerve, Second Cranial|Nerves, Optic|Nerves, Second Cranial|Nervus Opticus|Optic Nerves|Second Cranial Nerve|Second Cranial Nerves 02 optic nerve|2n|CN-II|cranial II|nerve II|nervus opticus [II]|optic|optic II|optic II nerve|optic nerve [II]|UBERON:0000941 +Optic Tract MESH:D065866 Nerve fiber originating from the OPTIC CHIASM that connects predominantly to the LATERAL GENICULATE BODIES. It is the continuation of the VISUAL PATHWAY that conveys the visual information originally from the RETINA to the optic chiasm via the OPTIC NERVES. UBERON:UBERON_0001908 MESH:D004027 A08. A08. Optici, Tractus|Optic Tracts|Opticus, Tractus|Tract, Optic|Tracts, Optic|Tractus Optici|Tractus Opticus optic lemniscus|UBERON:0001908|visual pathway +Orbit MESH:D009915 Bony cavity that holds the eyeball and its associated tissues and appendages. UBERON:UBERON_0001697 MESH:D005147 A02.835.232.781.324.690 A02.835.232.781.324 Eye Socket|Eye Sockets|Orbits|Socket, Eye|Sockets, Eye bony orbit|orbit of skull|UBERON:0001697 +Organelles MESH:D015388 Specific particles of membrane-bound organized living substances present in eukaryotic cells, such as the MITOCHONDRIA; the GOLGI APPARATUS; ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM; LYSOSOMES; PLASTIDS; and VACUOLES. MESH:D022083 A11.284.430.214.190.875 A11.284.430.214.190 Organelle +Organizers, Embryonic MESH:D020897 Cells in certain regions of an embryo that self-regulate embryonic development. These organizers have been found in dorsal and ventral poles of GASTRULA embryos, including Spemann organizer in amphibians, and Hensen node in chicken and mouse. These organizer cells communicate with each other via a network of secreted signaling proteins, such as BONE MORPHOGENETIC PROTEINS and their antagonists (chordin and noggin). UBERON:UBERON_0003062|UBERON:UBERON_3010449 MESH:D004628 A16.675 A16 Embryonic Organizer|Embryonic Organizers|Embryo Organizer|Embryo Organizers|Hensen Node|Hensen's Node|Hensens Node|Node, Hensen|Node, Hensen's|Organizer, Embryo|Organizer, Embryonic|Organizers, Embryo|Organizer, Spemann|Organizer, Spemann's|Spemann Organizer|Spemann's Organizer|Spemanns Organizer DMZ|dorsal marginal zone|embryonic shield|Henson's node|node|nodus primitivus|organizer|primitive knot|primitive node|shield|Spemann Mangold organizer|UBERON:0003062|UBERON:3010449 +Organ of Corti MESH:D009925 The spiral EPITHELIUM containing sensory AUDITORY HAIR CELLS and supporting cells in the cochlea. Organ of Corti, situated on the BASILAR MEMBRANE and overlaid by a gelatinous TECTORIAL MEMBRANE, converts sound-induced mechanical waves to neural impulses to the brain. UBERON:UBERON_0002227 MESH:D003051 A09.246.300.246.577 A09.246.300.246 Basilar Papilla|Corti Organ|Corti's Organ|Cortis Organ|Organ, Corti's|Organ, Spiral|Organs, Spiral|Papilla, Basilar|Spiral Organ|Spiral Organs auditory papilla|auditory papillae|cochlear spiral organ|organum spirale|papilla basilaris|spiral organ of cochlea|spiral organ of Corti|UBERON:0002227 +Organoids MESH:D009940 An organization of cells into an organ-like structure. Organoids can be generated in culture, e.g., self-organized three-dimensional tissue structures derived from STEM CELLS (see MICROPHYSIOLOGICAL SYSTEMS). They are also found in certain NEOPLASMS. MESH:D014024 A10.802 A10 Organoid +Organs at Risk MESH:D058958 Organs which might be damaged during exposure to a toxin or to some form of therapy. It most frequently refers to healthy organs located in the radiation field during radiation therapy. MESH:D001829 A01.635 A01 at Risk, Organs|at Risks, Organs|Organs at Risks|Risk, Organs at|Risks, Organs at +Organum Vasculosum MESH:D066278 Circumventricular cellular structure in the anterior hypothalamic region. It is located in the optic recess at the anteroventral end of the THIRD VENTRICLE and forms the ventral part of the midline anterior wall. UBERON:UBERON_0002689 MESH:D007032|MESH:D066187 A08.|A08.|A08. A08.|A08.|A08. Crests, Supraoptic|Crest, Supraoptic|Organum Vasculosum Laminae Terminalis|Organum Vasculosum of Lamina Terminalis|Organum Vasculosums|Supraoptic Crest|Supraoptic Crests|Vasculosum, Organum|Vasculosums, Organum olfactory ventricle (olfactory part of lateral ventricle)|organum vasculosum lamina terminalis|OVLT|prechiasmatic gland|SoC|UBERON:0002689|vascular organ of lamina terminalis|vascular organ of the lamina terminalis +Oropharynx MESH:D009960 The middle portion of the pharynx that lies posterior to the mouth, inferior to the SOFT PALATE, and superior to the base of the tongue and EPIGLOTTIS. It has a digestive function as food passes from the mouth into the oropharynx before entering ESOPHAGUS. UBERON:UBERON_0001729 MESH:D010614 A04.623.603|A14.724.603 A04.623|A14.724 Oropharynxs mesopharynx|oral part of pharynx|pars oralis pharyngis|UBERON:0001729 +Osteoblasts MESH:D010006 Bone-forming cells which secrete an EXTRACELLULAR MATRIX. HYDROXYAPATITE crystals are then deposited into the matrix to form bone. CL:CL_0000062 MESH:D003239 A11.329.629 A11.329 Osteoblast CL:0000062 +Osteoclasts MESH:D010010 A large multinuclear cell associated with the BONE RESORPTION. An odontoclast, also called cementoclast, is cytomorphologically the same as an osteoclast and is involved in CEMENTUM resorption. CL:CL_0000092|CL:CL_0000588 MESH:D008264 A11.329.372.700|A11.627.482.700 A11.329.372|A11.627.482 Cementoclast|Cementoclasts|Odontoclast|Odontoclasts|Osteoclast chondroclast|CL:0000092|CL:0000588 +Osteocytes MESH:D010011 Mature osteoblasts that have become embedded in the BONE MATRIX. They occupy a small cavity, called lacuna, in the matrix and are connected to adjacent osteocytes via protoplasmic projections called canaliculi. CL:CL_0000137 MESH:D010006 A11.329.629.500 A11.329.629 Osteocyte bone cell|CL:0000137 +Otolithic Membrane MESH:D010037 A gelatinous membrane overlying the acoustic maculae of SACCULE AND UTRICLE. It contains minute crystalline particles (otoliths) of CALCIUM CARBONATE and protein on its outer surface. In response to head movement, the otoliths shift causing distortion of the vestibular hair cells which transduce nerve signals to the BRAIN for interpretation of equilibrium. UBERON:UBERON_0002519 MESH:D008267 A09.246.300.909.625.125.680|A09.923.500.625.125.680 A09.246.300.909.625.125|A09.923.500.625.125 Membrane, Otolithic|Membranes, Otolithic|Otoconia|Otoconias|Otolith|Otolithic Membranes|Otoliths|Statoconia|Statoconias membrana statoconiorum|otolithic part of statoconial membrane|otolith layer of statoconial membrane|UBERON:0002519 +Oval Window, Ear MESH:D010046 Fenestra or oval opening on the lateral wall of the vestibular labyrinth adjacent to the MIDDLE EAR. It is located above the cochlear round window and normally covered by the base of the STAPES. UBERON:UBERON_0002501 MESH:D014722 A09.246.300.909.551|A09.923.500.551 A09.246.300.909|A09.923.500 Oval Window of Ear|Oval Windows, Ear fenestra ovalis|fenestra vestibuli|oval window|oval window of petrous part of temporal bone|UBERON:0002501|vestibular window +Ovarian Follicle MESH:D006080 An OOCYTE-containing structure in the cortex of the OVARY. The oocyte is enclosed by a layer of GRANULOSA CELLS providing a nourishing microenvironment (FOLLICULAR FLUID). The number and size of follicles vary depending on the age and reproductive state of the female. The growing follicles are divided into five stages: primary, secondary, tertiary, Graafian, and atretic. Follicular growth and steroidogenesis depend on the presence of GONADOTROPINS. UBERON:UBERON_0001305 MESH:D010053 A05.360.319.114.630.535|A06.300.312.497.535 A05.360.319.114.630|A06.300.312.497 Atretic Follicle|Atretic Follicles|Follicle, Atretic|Follicle, Graafian|Follicle, Ovarian|Follicles, Atretic|Follicles, Graafian|Follicles, Ovarian|Graafian Follicle|Graafian Follicles|Ovarian Follicles egg follicle|follicle of ovary|follicle of ovary viewed macroscopically|folliculi ovarici primarii|folliculi ovarici vesiculosi|ovary follicle|UBERON:0001305 +Ovary MESH:D010053 The reproductive organ (GONADS) in female animals. In vertebrates, the ovary contains two functional parts: the OVARIAN FOLLICLE for the production of female germ cells (OOGENESIS); and the endocrine cells (GRANULOSA CELLS; THECA CELLS; and LUTEAL CELLS) for the production of ESTROGENS and PROGESTERONE. UBERON:UBERON_0000992 MESH:D000290|MESH:D006066 A05.360.319.114.630|A05.360.576.497|A06.300.312.497 A05.360.319.114|A05.360.576|A06.300.312 Ovaries animal ovary|female gonad|female organism genitalia gonad|female organism genitalia gonada|female organism reproductive system gonad|female organism reproductive system gonada|female reproductive system gonad|female reproductive system gonada|genitalia of female organism gonad|genitalia of female organism gonada|gonada of female organism genitalia|gonada of female organism reproductive system|gonada of female reproductive system|gonada of genitalia of female organism|gonada of reproductive system of female organism|gonad of female organism genitalia|gonad of female organism reproductive system|gonad of female reproductive system|gonad of genitalia of female organism|gonad of reproductive system of female organism|ovarium|ovum-producing ovary|reproductive system of female organism gonad|reproductive system of female organism gonada|UBERON:0000992 +Oviducts MESH:D010057 Ducts that serve exclusively for the passage of eggs from the ovaries to the exterior of the body. In non-mammals, they are termed oviducts. In mammals, they are highly specialized and known as FALLOPIAN TUBES. UBERON:UBERON_0000993 MESH:D000825 A13.706 A13 Oviduct female reproductive tracts|ovarian duct|ovarian tube|tuba uterina|tuba uterinae|tubular parts of female reproductive system|UBERON:0000993|uterine tube +Ovum MESH:D010063 A mature haploid female germ cell extruded from the OVARY at OVULATION. CL:CL_0000025 MESH:D004628|MESH:D005854 A05.360.490.690|A11.497.497|A16.690 A05.360.490|A11.497|A16 Egg|Eggs, Unfertilized|Egg, Unfertilized|Ova|Unfertilized Egg|Unfertilized Eggs CL:0000025|egg cell|mature oocyte +Oxyphil Cells MESH:D024862 Large cells with small irregular nuclei and dense acidophilic granules due to the presence of abundant MITOCHONDRIA. Oxyphil cells, also known as oncocytes, are found in oncocytomas of the kidney, salivary glands, and endocrine glands. In the thyroid gland, oxyphil cells are known as Hurthle cells and Askenazy cells. CL:CL_0002200 MESH:D002477 A11.690 A11 Askenazy Cells|Cell, Hurthle|Cells, Askenazy|Cells, Hurthle|Cells, Oxyphil|Hurthle Cell|Hurthle Cells|Oncocyte|Oncocytes|Oxyphil Cell Askanazy cells|CL:0002200|oxyphil cell of thyroid +Pacinian Corpuscles MESH:D010141 Rapidly adapting mechanoreceptors found in subcutaneous tissue beneath both hairy and glabrous skin. Pacinian corpuscles contain an afferent nerve fiber surrounded by a capsule with multiple concentric layers. They have large receptive fields and are most sensitive to high-frequency stimuli, such as vibration. UBERON:UBERON_0003719 MESH:D008465 A08.675.650.915.750.700|A08.800.950.750.700|A11.671.650.915.750.700 A08.675.650.915.750|A08.800.950.750|A11.671.650.915.750 Corpuscle, Pacinian|Corpuscles, Pacinian|Pacinian Corpuscle corpuscle of golgi-mazzoni|corpusculum lamellosum|golgi-mazzoni|golgi mazzoni corpuscle|golgi-mazzoni corpuscle|golgi-mazzoni corpuscles|lamellar corpuscle|lamellated corpuscle|pacinian body|pacinian corpuscle end-organs|UBERON:0003719|vater-pacini corpuscle|vater-pacini corpuscles +Palatal Muscles MESH:D010156 The muscles of the palate are the glossopalatine, palatoglossus, levator palati(ni), musculus uvulae, palatopharyngeus, and tensor palati(ni). UBERON:UBERON_0003682 MESH:D010159|MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.750|A14.549.617.623 A02.633.567|A14.549.617 Muscle, Palatal|Muscles, Palatal|Palatal Muscle muscle of palate|musculi palati mollis et faucium|palate muscle|palatine muscle|UBERON:0003682 +Palate MESH:D010159 The structure that forms the roof of the mouth. It consists of the anterior hard palate (PALATE, HARD) and the posterior soft palate (PALATE, SOFT). UBERON:UBERON_0001716 MESH:D007568|MESH:D009055 A14.521.658|A14.549.617 A14.521|A14.549 Incisive Papilla|Incisive Papillas|Palates|Papilla, Incisive|Papillas, Incisive definitive palate|oral roof|palatum|palatum definitivum|palatum secundarium|roof of mouth|secondary palate|UBERON:0001716 +Palate, Hard MESH:D021362 The anteriorly located rigid section of the PALATE. UBERON:UBERON_0003216 MESH:D007568|MESH:D010159 A02.835.232.781.324.502.660|A14.521.658.660|A14.549.617.660 A02.835.232.781.324.502|A14.521.658|A14.549.617 Bone, Palatine|Hard Palate|Hard Palates|Palates, Hard|Palatine Bone palatum durum|UBERON:0003216 +Palate, Soft MESH:D010160 A movable fold suspended from the posterior border of the hard palate. The uvula hangs from the middle of the lower border. UBERON:UBERON_0001733 MESH:D010159 A14.549.617.780 A14.549.617 Palates, Soft|Palatinum, Velum|Soft Palate|Velum Palatinum muscular palate|palatum molle|UBERON:0001733|velum +Palatine Tonsil MESH:D014066 A round-to-oval mass of lymphoid tissue embedded in the lateral wall of the PHARYNX. There is one on each side of the oropharynx in the fauces between the anterior and posterior pillars of the SOFT PALATE. UBERON:UBERON_0002373 MESH:D008221|MESH:D009960 A04.623.603.925|A10.549.580|A14.724.603.925|A15.382.520.604.580 A04.623.603|A10.549|A14.724.603|A15.382.520.604 Palatine Tonsils|Tonsil|Tonsil, Palatine|Tonsils|Tonsils, Palatine faucial tonsil|tonsilla palatina|UBERON:0002373 +Palmar Plate MESH:D053401 A thick, fibrocartilaginous ligament at the METACARPOPHALANGEAL JOINT of the hand. MESH:D008023|MESH:D008662|MESH:D051445 A02.165.308.575|A02.835.583.405.500.900|A02.835.583.512.400|A10.165.382.350.200 A02.165.308|A02.835.583.405.500|A02.835.583.512|A10.165.382.350 Finger Volar Plate|Finger Volar Plates|Metacarpophalangeal Volar Plate|Metacarpophalangeal Volar Plates|Palmar Plates|Plate, Palmar|Plates, Palmar|Thumb Volar Plate|Thumb Volar Plates|Volar Plate, Finger|Volar Plate, Metacarpophalangeal|Volar Plates, Finger|Volar Plates, Metacarpophalangeal|Volar Plates, Thumb|Volar Plate, Thumb +Pancreas MESH:D010179 A nodular organ in the ABDOMEN that contains a mixture of ENDOCRINE GLANDS and EXOCRINE GLANDS. The small endocrine portion consists of the ISLETS OF LANGERHANS secreting a number of hormones into the blood stream. The large exocrine portion (EXOCRINE PANCREAS) is a compound acinar gland that secretes several digestive enzymes into the pancreatic ductal system that empties into the DUODENUM. UBERON:UBERON_0001264 MESH:D004064 A03.734 A03 UBERON:0001264 +Pancreas, Exocrine MESH:D046790 The major component (about 80%) of the PANCREAS composed of acinar functional units of tubular and spherical cells. The acinar cells synthesize and secrete several digestive enzymes such as TRYPSINOGEN; LIPASE; AMYLASE; and RIBONUCLEASE. Secretion from the exocrine pancreas drains into the pancreatic ductal system and empties into the DUODENUM. UBERON:UBERON_0000017 MESH:D005088|MESH:D010179 A03.734.540|A10.336.645 A03.734|A10.336 Exocrine Pancreas exocrine component of pancreas|exocrine part of pancreas|pars exocrina pancreatis|UBERON:0000017 +Pancreatic Ducts MESH:D010183 Ducts that collect PANCREATIC JUICE from the PANCREAS and supply it to the DUODENUM. UBERON:UBERON_0001064 MESH:D010179 A03.734.667 A03.734 Accessory Pancreatic Duct|Accessory Pancreatic Duct of Santorini|Accessory Pancreatic Ducts|Duct, Accessory Pancreatic|Duct, Main Pancreatic|Duct of Santorini|Duct of Wirsung|Duct, Pancreatic|Duct, Santorini's|Ducts, Pancreatic|Duct, Wirsung's|Duodenal Papilla, Minor|Main Pancreatic Duct|Main Pancreatic Ducts|Minor Duodenal Papilla|Minor Duodenal Papillas|Pancreatic Duct|Pancreatic Duct, Accessory|Pancreatic Duct, Main|Pancreatic Ducts, Accessory|Papilla, Minor Duodenal|Santorini Duct|Santorini's Duct|Wirsung Duct|Wirsung's Duct|Wirsungs Duct canal of Wirsung|chief pancreatic duct|ductus pancreatis ventralis|hepaticopancreatic duct|UBERON:0001064|ventral pancreatic duct +Pancreatic Juice MESH:D010189 The fluid containing digestive enzymes secreted by the pancreas in response to food in the duodenum. UBERON:UBERON_0000326 MESH:D012634 A12.200.567 A12.200 Juice, Pancreatic|Juices, Pancreatic|Pancreatic Juices pancreatic fluid|pancreatic secretion|succus pancreaticus|UBERON:0000326 +Pancreatic Polypeptide-Secreting Cells MESH:D050418 A group of islet cells (10-35%) which secrete PANCREATIC POLYPEPTIDE, a hormone that regulates APPETITE and FOOD INTAKE. CL:CL_0002275 MESH:D007515|MESH:D019858 A03.734.414.587|A06.300.414.587|A06.390.650|A11.382.625.900|A11.436.294.900 A03.734.414|A06.300.414|A06.390|A11.382.625|A11.436.294 Cell, Pancreatic Polypeptide-Secreting|Cells, Pancreatic Polypeptide-Secreting|Pancreatic Polypeptide Cell|Pancreatic Polypeptide Cells|Pancreatic Polypeptide-Secreting Cell|Pancreatic Polypeptide Secreting Cells|Pancreatic PP Cell|Pancreatic PP Cells|PP Cell, Pancreatic|PP Cells, Pancreatic CL:0002275|PP cell of pancreatic islet|PP-cell of pancreatic islet +Pancreatic Stellate Cells MESH:D058954 Star-shaped, myofibroblast-like cells located in the periacinar, perivascular, and periductal regions of the EXOCRINE PANCREAS. They play a key role in the pathobiology of FIBROSIS; PANCREATITIS; and PANCREATIC CANCER. CL:CL_0002410 MESH:D002477 A11.700 A11 Cell, Pancreatic Stellate|Cells, Pancreatic Stellate|Pancreatic Stellate Cell|Stellate Cell, Pancreatic|Stellate Cells, Pancreatic CL:0002410|pancreas stellate cell|PaSC +Paneth Cells MESH:D019879 Differentiated epithelial cells of the INTESTINAL MUCOSA, found in the basal part of the intestinal crypts of Lieberkuhn. Paneth cells secrete GROWTH FACTORS, digestive enzymes such as LYSOZYME and antimicrobial peptides such as cryptdins (ALPHA-DEFENSINS) into the crypt lumen. CL:CL_0000510 MESH:D004847|MESH:D007413 A03.556.124.369.700|A10.615.550.444.700|A11.436.700 A03.556.124.369|A10.615.550.444|A11.436 Cell, Paneth|Cells, Paneth|Paneth Cell CL:0000510 +Papillary Muscles MESH:D010210 Conical muscular projections from the walls of the cardiac ventricles, attached to the cusps of the atrioventricular valves by the chordae tendineae. UBERON:UBERON_0002494 MESH:D006351|MESH:D009206 A02.633.580.680|A07.541.510.619|A07.541.704.750 A02.633.580|A07.541.510|A07.541.704 Muscle, Papillary|Muscles, Papillary|Papillary Muscle musculus papillaris|papillary muscle of heart|papillary muscle of ventricle|UBERON:0002494|ventricular papillary muscle|ventricule papillary muscle +Para-Aortic Bodies MESH:D010220 Small masses of chromaffin cells found near the SYMPATHETIC GANGLIA along the ABDOMINAL AORTA, beginning cranial to the superior mesenteric artery (MESENTERIC ARTERY, SUPERIOR) or renal arteries and extending to the level of the aortic bifurcation or just beyond. They are also called the organs of Zuckerkandl and sometimes called aortic bodies (not to be confused with AORTIC BODIES in the THORAX). The para-aortic bodies are the dominant source of CATECHOLAMINES in the FETUS and normally regress after BIRTH. UBERON:UBERON_0001237 MESH:D002838 A06.224.636 A06.224 Bodies, Paraaortic|Bodies, Para-Aortic|Body, Paraaortic|Body, Para-Aortic|Organ of Zuckerkandl|Organs of Zuckerkandl|Paraaortic Bodies|Para Aortic Bodies|Paraaortic Body|Para-Aortic Body|Zuckerkandl Organ|Zuckerkandl Organs paraganglia of Zuckerkandl|paraganglion of Zuckerkandl|UBERON:0001237 +Parabrachial Nucleus MESH:D065823 A cell group in the pontine tegmentum surrounding the surfaces of the superior CEREBRAL PEDUNCLE of the PONS. UBERON:UBERON_0007634 MESH:D065821 A08. A08. Laterali, Nucleus Parabrachialis|Lateralis, Nucleus Parabrachialis|Lateral Parabrachial Nucleus|Mediali, Nucleus Parabrachialis|Medialis, Nucleus Parabrachialis|Medial Parabrachial Nucleus|Nucleus, Lateral Parabrachial|Nucleus, Medial Parabrachial|Nucleus, Parabrachial|Nucleus Parabrachialis Laterali|Nucleus Parabrachialis Lateralis|Nucleus Parabrachialis Mediali|Nucleus Parabrachialis Medialis|Nucleus, Subparabrachial|Parabrachialis Laterali, Nucleus|Parabrachialis Lateralis, Nucleus|Parabrachialis Mediali, Nucleus|Parabrachialis Medialis, Nucleus|Parabrachial Nucleus, Lateral|Parabrachial Nucleus, Medial|Subparabrachial Nucleus|Waist Area of the Parabrachial Nucleus|Waist Subnucleus of the Parabrachial Nucleus parabrachial area|parabrachial complex|parabrachial nuclei|UBERON:0007634 +Paraganglia, Chromaffin MESH:D010233 Small bodies containing chromaffin cells occurring outside of the adrenal medulla, most commonly near the sympathetic ganglia and in organs such as the kidney, liver, heart and gonads. UBERON:UBERON_0012279 MESH:D002838 A06.224.736 A06.224 Chromaffin Paraganglia chromaffin body|chromaffin paraganglion|paraganglion|UBERON:0012279 +Paraganglia, Nonchromaffin MESH:D010234 Several clusters of chemoreceptive and supporting cells associated with blood vessels and nerves (especially the glossopharyngeal and vagus). The nonchromaffin paraganglia sense pH, carbon dioxide, and oxygen concentrations in the blood and participate in respiratory, and perhaps circulatory, control. They include the CAROTID BODY; AORTIC BODIES; the GLOMUS JUGULARE; and the GLOMUS TYMPANICUM. UBERON:UBERON_0034979 MESH:D002628 A08.675.650.915.500.600|A08.800.950.500.600|A11.671.650.915.500.600 A08.675.650.915.500|A08.800.950.500|A11.671.650.915.500 Nonchromaffin Paraganglia|Non-Chromaffin Paraganglia|Paraganglia, Non Chromaffin|Paraganglia, Non-Chromaffin nonchromaffin paraganglion|UBERON:0034979 +Parahippocampal Gyrus MESH:D020534 A convolution on the inferior surface of each cerebral hemisphere, lying between the hippocampal and collateral sulci. UBERON:UBERON_0002973 MESH:D065726 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Area 27, Brodmann|Area 27, Brodmann's|Area 48, Brodmann|Area 48, Brodmann's|Brodmann Area 27|Brodmann Area 48|Brodmann's Area 27|Brodmanns Area 27|Brodmann's Area 48|Brodmanns Area 48|Gyrus, Hippocampal|Gyrus Hippocampi|Gyrus Hippocampus|Gyrus, Parahippocampal|Gyrus Parahippocampalis|Gyrus, Posterior Parahippocampal|Hippocampal Gyri|Hippocampal Gyrus|Parahippocampal Gyri|Parahippocampal Gyrus Uncus|Parahippocampalis, Gyrus|Posterior Parahippocampal Gyri|Posterior Parahippocampal Gyrus|Presubiculum|Presubiculums|Uncus of Parahippocampal Gyrus|Uncus, Parahippocampal Gyrus gyrus parahippocampi|hippocampal convolution|UBERON:0002973 +Paranasal Sinuses MESH:D010256 Air-filled spaces located within the bones around the NASAL CAVITY. They are extensions of the nasal cavity and lined by the ciliated NASAL MUCOSA. Each sinus is named for the cranial bone in which it is located, such as the ETHMOID SINUS; the FRONTAL SINUS; the MAXILLARY SINUS; and the SPHENOID SINUS. UBERON:UBERON_0001825 MESH:D009666 A04.531.621 A04.531 Nasal Sinuses|Sinonasal Tract|Sinonasal Tracts|Sinuses, Nasal|Sinuses, Paranasal|Tract, Sinonasal nasal sinus|paranasal sinus|sinus|UBERON:0001825 +Parapharyngeal Space MESH:D000080886 The deep neck space near the PHARYNX located anterior to the ptyergomandibular raphe, posterior to the prevertebral fascia, inferior to the SKULL BASE, and superior to the HYOID BONE. Prestyloid parapharyngeal space contains cranial nerves IX, X, XI, XII and internal JUGULAR VEIN and internal CAROTID ARTERY. Poststyloid parapharyngeal space contains AURICULARTEMPORAL NERVE and MAXILLARY ARTERY and ascending pharyngeal artery. UBERON:UBERON_0035618 MESH:D009333|MESH:D019291 A01.456.830.800|A01.598.250|A02.835.232.781.750.850 A01.456.830|A01.598|A02.835.232.781.750 Carotid Space|Lateral Pharyngeal Space|Parapharyngeal Space, Post-styloid|Parapharyngeal Space, Poststyloid|Parapharyngeal Space, Prestyloid|Pharyngeal Space, Lateral|Pharyngomaxillary Space|Post styloid Compartment|Post-styloid Compartment|Poststyloid Compartment|Poststyloid Compartment of the Parapharyngeal Space|Post styloid Parapharyngeal Space|Post-styloid Parapharyngeal Space|Poststyloid Parapharyngeal Space|Pre styloid Compartment|Pre-styloid Compartment|Prestyloid Compartment|Prestyloid Compartment of the Parapharyngeal Space|Prestyloid Parapharyngeal Space spatium parapharyngeum|UBERON:0035618 +Paraspeckles MESH:D000088242 Nuclear bodies in which architectural LONG NCRNAS (e.g., NEAT1) sequester various regulatory proteins regulating gene expression including RNA modification (e.g., A-to-I RNA EDITING) and MICRORNAS maturation. MESH:D000088202 A11.284.430.106.279.345.574.844 A11.284.430.106.279.345.574 Paraspeckle +Paraspinal Muscles MESH:D064170 Deep muscles in the BACK whose function is to extend and rotate the SPINE and maintain POSTURE. It consists splenius, semispinalis, multifidus, rotatores, interspinales, intertransversarii and sacrospinalis. UBERON:UBERON_0002252|UBERON:UBERON_0011017 MESH:D064131 A02.633.567.175.750 A02.633.567.175 Deep Muscles of the Back|Iliocostali, Sacrospinalis|Iliocostalis, Sacrospinalis|Interspinale|Interspinales|Intertransversale|Intertransversales|Intertransversarii|Intertransversarius|Intrinsic Muscles of the Back|Longissimus, Sacrospinalis|Multifidus|Muscle, Paraspinal|Muscles, Paraspinal|Paraspinal Muscle|Rotatore|Rotatores|Sacrospinalis Iliocostali|Sacrospinalis Iliocostalis|Sacrospinalis Longissimus|Sacrospinalis Spinali|Sacrospinalis Spinalis|Semispinali|Semispinalis|Spinali, Sacrospinalis|Spinalis, Sacrospinalis|Splenius semispinalis muscle|splenius muscle|UBERON:0002252|UBERON:0011017 +Parasympathetic Fibers, Postganglionic MESH:D017777 Nerve fibers which project from parasympathetic ganglia to synapses on target organs. Parasympathetic postganglionic fibers use acetylcholine as transmitter. They may also release peptide cotransmitters. UBERON:UBERON_0011929 MESH:D001338|MESH:D002799|MESH:D010275 A08.675.127.500.700|A08.675.542.100.700|A08.675.542.234.700|A08.800.|A08.800.050.600.650|A08.800.800.060.050.700|A11.671.188.500.700|A11.671.501.100.700|A11.671.501.234.700 A08.675.127.500|A08.675.542.100|A08.675.542.234|A08.800.050.050.050|A08.800.050.600|A08.800.800.060.050|A11.671.188.500|A11.671.501.100|A11.671.501.234 Fiber, Postganglionic Parasympathetic|Fibers, Postganglionic Parasympathetic|Parasympathetic Fiber, Postganglionic|Postganglionic Parasympathetic Fiber|Postganglionic Parasympathetic Fibers parasympathetic postganglionic fiber|UBERON:0011929 +Parasympathetic Nervous System MESH:D010275 The craniosacral division of the autonomic nervous system. The cell bodies of the parasympathetic preganglionic fibers are in brain stem nuclei and in the sacral spinal cord. They synapse in cranial autonomic ganglia or in terminal ganglia near target organs. The parasympathetic nervous system generally acts to conserve resources and restore homeostasis, often with effects reciprocal to the sympathetic nervous system. UBERON:UBERON_0000011 MESH:D001341 A08.800.050.600 A08.800.050 Nervous System, Parasympathetic|Nervous Systems, Parasympathetic|Parasympathetic Nervous Systems|System, Parasympathetic Nervous|Systems, Parasympathetic Nervous parasympathetic part of autonomic division of nervous system|pars parasympathica divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi|PNS - parasympathetic|UBERON:0000011 +Parathyroid Glands MESH:D010280 Two pairs of small oval-shaped glands located in the front and the base of the NECK and adjacent to the two lobes of THYROID GLAND. They secrete PARATHYROID HORMONE that regulates the balance of CALCIUM; PHOSPHORUS; and MAGNESIUM in the body. UBERON:UBERON_0001132 MESH:D004702 A06.300.560 A06.300 Gland, Parathyroid|Glands, Parathyroid|Parathyroid Gland epithelial body|parathyroid|parathyroid secreting cell|UBERON:0001132 +Paraventricular Hypothalamic Nucleus MESH:D010286 Nucleus in the anterior part of the HYPOTHALAMUS. UBERON:UBERON_0001930 MESH:D007032 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Hypothalamic Nucleus, Paraventricular|Hypothalamic Paraventricular Nucleus|Nucleus, Hypothalamic Paraventricular|Nucleus, Paraventricular|Nucleus, Paraventricular Hypothalamic|Paraventricular Nucleus|Paraventricular Nucleus, Hypothalamic filiform nucleus|nuclei paraventriculares|nuclei paraventricularis hypothalami|nucleus filiformis|nucleus hypothalami filiformis|nucleus hypothalami paraventricularis|nucleus paraventricularis hypothalami|Pa|paraventricular nucleus hypothalamus (Malone)|paraventricular nucleus of hypothalamus|paraventricular nucleus of the hypothalamus|parvocellular hypothalamic nucleus|subcommissural nucleus (Ziehen)|UBERON:0001930 +Parenchymal Tissue MESH:D000072356 The tissue that constitutes the essential or functional part of an organ (e.g., parenchyma of lung, parenchyma of liver, or parenchyma of kidney). UBERON:UBERON_0000353 MESH:D014024 A10.806 A10 Parenchymal Tissues|Tissue, Parenchymal|Tissues, Parenchymal parenchyma|UBERON:0000353 +Parietal Bone MESH:D010294 One of a pair of irregularly shaped quadrilateral bones situated between the FRONTAL BONE and OCCIPITAL BONE, which together form the sides of the CRANIUM. UBERON:UBERON_0000210 MESH:D012886 A02.835.232.781.651 A02.835.232.781 Bone, Parietal|Bones, Parietal|Parietal Bones actinopterygian frontal bone|frontal bone|os parietale|parietal|tetrapod parietal bone|UBERON:0000210 +Parietal Cells, Gastric MESH:D010295 Rounded or pyramidal cells of the GASTRIC GLANDS. They secrete HYDROCHLORIC ACID and produce gastric intrinsic factor, a glycoprotein that binds VITAMIN B12. CL:CL_0000162 MESH:D004847|MESH:D005753 A03.556.875.875.440.708|A10.615.550.291.650|A11.436.708 A03.556.875.875.440|A10.615.550.291|A11.436 Cell, Gastric Parietal|Cell, Oxyntic|Cells, Gastric Parietal|Cells, Oxyntic|Gastric Parietal Cell|Gastric Parietal Cells|Oxyntic Cell|Oxyntic Cells|Parietal Cell, Gastric CL:0000162|parietal cell +Parietal Lobe MESH:D010296 Upper central part of the cerebral hemisphere. It is located posterior to central sulcus, anterior to the OCCIPITAL LOBE, and superior to the TEMPORAL LOBES. UBERON:UBERON_0001872 MESH:D002540 A08. A08. Angular Gyrus|Area 39, Brodmann|Area 39, Brodmann's|Area 40, Brodmann|Area 40, Brodmann's|Area 5, Brodmann|Area 5, Brodmann's|Area 7, Brodmann|Area 7, Brodmann's|Brodmann Area 39|Brodmann Area 40|Brodmann Area 5|Brodmann Area 7|Brodmann's Area 39|Brodmanns Area 39|Brodmann's Area 40|Brodmanns Area 40|Brodmann's Area 5|Brodmanns Area 5|Brodmann's Area 7|Brodmanns Area 7|Cortex, Inferior Parietal|Cortex, Parietal|Cortex, Posterior Parietal|Cortex, Precuneus|Cortex, Secondary Sensorimotor|Cortices, Inferior Parietal|Gyrus, Angular|Gyrus Angularis|Gyrus, Prelunate|Gyrus, Supramarginal|Gyrus Supramarginalis|Inferior Parietal Cortex|Inferior Parietal Cortices|Intraparietal Sulcus|Lobe, Parietal|Lobule, Parietal|Lobule, Posterior Paracentral|Lobule, Superior Parietal|Marginal Sulcus|Paracentral Lobule, Posterior|Paracentral Lobules, Posterior|Parietal Cortex|Parietal Cortex, Inferior|Parietal Cortex, Posterior|Parietal Cortices|Parietal Cortices, Inferior|Parietal Cortices, Posterior|Parietal Lobes|Parietal Lobule|Parietal Lobules|Parietal Lobules, Superior|Parietal Lobule, Superior|Parietal Region|Parietal Regions|Posterior Paracentral Lobule|Posterior Paracentral Lobules|Posterior Parietal Cortex|Posterior Parietal Cortices|Praecuneus|Precuneus|Precuneus Cortex|Precuneus Cortices|Prelunate Gyrus|Region, Parietal|Secondary Sensorimotor Cortex|Secondary Sensorimotor Cortices|Sensorimotor Cortex, Secondary|Superior Parietal Lobule|Superior Parietal Lobules|Supramarginal Gyrus lobus parietalis|regio parietalis|UBERON:0001872 +Parotid Gland MESH:D010306 The largest of the three pairs of SALIVARY GLANDS. They lie on the sides of the FACE immediately below and in front of the EAR. UBERON:UBERON_0001831 MESH:D012469 A03.556.500.760.464|A10.336.779.464|A14.549.760.464 A03.556.500.760|A10.336.779|A14.549.760 Gland, Parotid|Glands, Parotid|Parotid Glands glandula parotidea|parotid|UBERON:0001831 +Parotid Region MESH:D035421 The region of the face on either side, around the PAROTID GLAND. MESH:D005145 A01.456.505.750 A01.456.505 Region, Parotid +Pars Compacta MESH:D065842 A region in the substantia nigra located dorsal to the PARS RETICULATA. UBERON:UBERON_0001965 MESH:D013378 A08. A08. Nigra Compactas, Substantia|Nigra Compacta, Substantia|Pars Compactas|Substantia Nigra Compacta|Substantia Nigra Compactas|Substantia Nigra Pars Compacta compact part of substantia nigra|nucleus substantiae nigrae, pars compacta|pars compacta of substantia nigra|pars compacta substantiae nigrae|SNC|SNpc|substantia nigra, compact division|substantia nigra compact part|substantia nigra, compact part|substantia nigra, pars compacta|UBERON:0001965 +Pars Reticulata MESH:D065841 A region in the substantia nigra located ventral and lateral to the PARS COMPACTA. UBERON:UBERON_0001966 MESH:D013378 A08. A08. Laterali, Pars|Lateralis, Pars|Nigra Reticulatas, Substantia|Nigra Reticulata, Substantia|Pars Laterali|Pars Lateralis|Pars Reticulari|Pars Reticularis|Pars Reticulatas|Reticulari, Pars|Reticularis, Pars|Reticulata, Pars|Reticulatas, Pars|Reticulatas, Substantia Nigra|Reticulata, Substantia Nigra|Substantia Nigra Pars Lateralis|Substantia Nigra Pars Reticulata|Substantia Nigra, Pars Reticulata|Substantia Nigra Reticulata|Substantia Nigra Reticulatas nucleus substantiae nigrae, pars compacta|nucleus substantiae nigrae, pars reticularis|pars compacta of substantia nigra|pars reticularis substantiae nigrae|reticular part of substantia nigra|SNPR|SNR|substantia nigra, pars compacta|substantia nigra, pars diffusa|substantia nigra, reticular division|substantia nigra reticular part|substantia nigra, reticular part|UBERON:0001966 +Patella MESH:D010329 The flat, triangular bone situated at the anterior part of the KNEE. UBERON:UBERON_0002446 MESH:D007867|MESH:D012716 A02.835.232.043.650.624|A02.835.232.730.500 A02.835.232.043.650|A02.835.232.730 Kneecap|Knee Cap|Kneecaps|Knee Caps|Patellas knee bone|UBERON:0002446 +Patellar Ligament MESH:D017847 A band of fibrous tissue that attaches the apex of the PATELLA to the lower part of the tubercle of the TIBIA. The ligament is actually the caudal continuation of the common tendon of the QUADRICEPS FEMORIS. The patella is embedded in that tendon. As such, the patellar ligament can be thought of as connecting the quadriceps femoris tendon to the tibia, and therefore it is sometimes called the patellar tendon. UBERON:UBERON_0003676 MESH:D008023|MESH:D013710 A02.513.514.475|A02.835.583.512.475|A02.880.438|A10.165.669.514.475 A02.513.514|A02.835.583.512|A02.880|A10.165.669.514 Ligament, Patellar|Ligaments, Patellar|Ligamentum Patellae|Patellar Ligaments|Patellar Tendon|Patellar Tendons|Patella Tendon|Patella Tendons|Tendon, Patella|Tendon, Patellar|Tendons, Patella|Tendons, Patellar central band of tendon of quadriceps femoris|ligamentum patella|UBERON:0003676 +Patellofemoral Joint MESH:D057071 The articulation between the articular surface of the PATELLA and the patellar surface of the FEMUR. UBERON:UBERON_0011166 MESH:D007719 A02.835.583.475.650 A02.835.583.475 Articulation, Femoropatellar|Articulation, Patellofemoral|Articulations, Femoropatellar|Articulations, Patellofemoral|Femoropatellar Articulation|Femoropatellar Articulations|Joint, Patellofemoral|Joints, Patellofemoral|Patellofemoral Articulation|Patellofemoral Articulations|Patellofemoral Joints femorapatellar joint|femoropatellar joint|patello femoral joint|UBERON:0011166 +PC12 Cells MESH:D016716 A CELL LINE derived from a PHEOCHROMOCYTOMA of the rat ADRENAL MEDULLA. PC12 cells stop dividing and undergo terminal differentiation when treated with NERVE GROWTH FACTOR, making the line a useful model system for NERVE CELL differentiation. MESH:D019439|MESH:D045744 A11.|A11.251.860.180.750|A11.299.500 A11.251.210.190|A11.251.860.180|A11.299 Cell Line, Pheochromocytoma|Cell Lines, Pheochromocytoma|PC12 Cell|Pheochromocytoma Cell Line|Pheochromocytoma Cell Lines +PC-3 Cells MESH:D000078722 An epithelial cell line initiated from a human bone metastasis of a grade IV prostatic ADENOCARCINOMA. MESH:D004847|MESH:D045744 A11.|A11.436.714 A11.251.210.190|A11.436 Cell Line, PC-3|Cell Line, PC3|Cells, PC-3|Cells, PC3|Human Prostatic Carcinoma Cell Line PC3|Line, PC-3 Cell|PC-3 Cell|PC 3 Cell Line|PC-3 Cell Line|PC3 Cell Line|PC 3 Cells|PC3 Cells|PC-3 (Human Prostatic Carcinoma) Cell Line +Pectoralis Muscles MESH:D010369 The pectoralis major and pectoralis minor muscles that make up the upper and fore part of the chest in front of the AXILLA. UBERON:UBERON_0001495 MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.775 A02.633.567 Muscle, Pectoral|Muscle, Pectoralis|Muscle, Pectoralis Major|Muscle, Pectoralis Minor|Muscles, Pectoralis Major|Pectoralis Major|Pectoralis Major Muscle|Pectoralis Major Muscles|Pectoralis Majors|Pectoralis Minor|Pectoralis Minor Muscle|Pectoralis Minor Muscles|Pectoralis Minors|Pectoralis Muscle|Pectoral Muscle|Pectoral Muscles breast muscle|M. pectoralis|muscle of pectoral part of chest|muscle of pectoral region|pectoralis|pectoralis group muscle|UBERON:0001495 +Pedunculopontine Tegmental Nucleus MESH:D045042 Dense collection of cells in the caudal pontomesencephalic tegmentum known to play a role in the functional organization of the BASAL GANGLIA and in the modulation of the thalamocortical neuronal system. UBERON:UBERON_0002142 MESH:D066265 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Nucleus, Pedunculopontine Tegmental|Nucleus Tegmentalis Pedunculopontinus|Tegmental Nucleus, Pedunculopontine nucleus pedunculopontinus|nucleus tegmenti pedunculopontinus|peduncular pontine nucleus|pedunculopontine nucleus|PPTg|UBERON:0002142 +Pelvic Bones MESH:D010384 Bones that constitute each half of the pelvic girdle in VERTEBRATES, formed by fusion of the ILIUM; ISCHIUM; and PUBIC BONE. UBERON:UBERON_0001272|UBERON:UBERON_2000623|UBERON:UBERON_2100623 MESH:D050281 A02.835.232.043.825 A02.835.232.043 Bone, Coxal|Bone, Hip|Bone, Innominate|Bone, Pelvic|Bones, Coxal|Bones, Hip|Bones, Innominate|Bones, Pelvic|Coxal Bone|Coxal Bones|Hip Bone|Hip Bones|Innominate Bone|Innominate Bones|Pelvic Bone basipterygia|basipterygium|basipterygium bone|basipterygium element|basipterygium ischiatique|basiptrygium ischiatique|bone of pelvic girdle|innominate|os coxa|os coxae|os innominatum|os pelvien|pelvic plate|pubic plate|UBERON:0001272|UBERON:2000623|UBERON:2100623 +Pelvic Floor MESH:D017773 Soft tissue formed mainly by the pelvic diaphragm, which is composed of the two levator ani and two coccygeus muscles. The pelvic diaphragm lies just below the pelvic aperture (outlet) and separates the pelvic cavity from the PERINEUM. It extends between the PUBIC BONE anteriorly and the COCCYX posteriorly. UBERON:UBERON_0008612 MESH:D000009|MESH:D000090043|MESH:D010388 A01.923.112.500|A01.923.600.600|A02.633.567.050.750 A01.923.112|A01.923.600|A02.633.567.050 Diaphragm, Pelvic|Diaphragms, Pelvic|Floor, Pelvic|Pelvic Diaphragm|Pelvic Diaphragms diaphragma pelvis|diaphragm of the pelvis|muscle of pelvic diaphragm|muscle of pelvic floor|pelvic diaphragm muscle|pelvic floor muscles|pelvic muscles|UBERON:0008612 +Pelvis MESH:D010388 The space or compartment surrounded by the pelvic girdle (bony pelvis). It is subdivided into the greater pelvis and LESSER PELVIS. The pelvic girdle is formed by the PELVIC BONES and SACRUM. UBERON:UBERON_0002355 MESH:D060726 A01.923.600 A01.923 Pelvic Region|Region, Pelvic lesser pelvis|pelvic region of trunk|pelvis region|true pelvis|UBERON:0002355 +Penis MESH:D010413 The external reproductive organ of males. It is composed of a mass of erectile tissue enclosed in three cylindrical fibrous compartments. Two of the three compartments, the corpus cavernosa, are placed side-by-side along the upper part of the organ. The third compartment below, the corpus spongiosum, houses the urethra. UBERON:UBERON_0000989 MESH:D005837 A05.360.444.492 A05.360.444 Glans Penis|Penis, Glans penes|phallus|UBERON:0000989 +Perforant Pathway MESH:D019580 A pathway of fibers that originates in the lateral part of the ENTORHINAL CORTEX, perforates the SUBICULUM of the HIPPOCAMPUS, and runs into the stratum moleculare of the hippocampus, where these fibers synapse with others that go to the DENTATE GYRUS where the pathway terminates. It is also known as the perforating fasciculus. UBERON:UBERON_0034931 MESH:D008032|MESH:D009434 A08.|A08.612.600 A08.186.211.180|A08.612 Fasciculus, Perforating|Path, Perforant|Paths, Perforant|Pathway, Perforant|Pathways, Perforant|Perforant Path|Perforant Paths|Perforant Pathways|Perforating Fasciculus perf|tractus perforans|UBERON:0034931 +Perforator Flap MESH:D061525 A mass of tissue for transplantation that includes the skin and/or the SUBCUTANEOUS FAT, and the perforating blood vessel that traverses the underlying tissue to supply blood to the skin. Perforator flaps are named after the anatomical region or muscle from where they are transplanted and/or the perforating blood vessel. MESH:D013524 A10.850.710.750 A10.850.710 Flap, Perforator|Flaps, Perforator|Perforator Flaps +Periamygdaloid Cortex MESH:D066277 The surface of the parahippocampal gyrus overlying the cortical amygdaloid nucleus. UBERON:UBERON_0014537 MESH:D020534|MESH:D066276 A08.|A08.|A08.|A08. A08.|A08.|A08.|A08. Amygdalar Nucleus, Cortical|Cortex, Periamygdaloid|Cortical Amygdalar Nucleus|Nucleus, Cortical Amygdalar|Periamygdaloid Area UBERON:0014537 +Perianal Glands MESH:D010481 A type of SEBACEOUS GLAND located in the area surrounding the ANUS of some mammals such as dogs, cats, opossums, and guinea pigs. UBERON:UBERON_0012281 MESH:D000825 A13.734 A13 Circumanal Gland|Circumanal Glands|Gland, Circumanal|Gland, Perianal|Glands, Circumanal|Glands, Perianal|Perianal Gland perianal sebaceous gland|UBERON:0012281 +Periapical Tissue MESH:D010486 Tissue surrounding the apex of a tooth, including the apical portion of the periodontal membrane and alveolar bone. MESH:D010519 A14.549.167.646.700 A14.549.167.646 Apical Periodontium|Apical Periodontiums|Periapical Tissues|Periodontium, Apical|Periodontiums, Apical|Tissue, Periapical|Tissues, Periapical +Periaqueductal Gray MESH:D010487 Central gray matter surrounding the CEREBRAL AQUEDUCT in the MESENCEPHALON. Physiologically it is probably involved in RAGE reactions, the LORDOSIS REFLEX; FEEDING responses, bladder tonus, and pain. UBERON:UBERON_0003040 MESH:D013681 A08. A08. Central Gray, Mesencephalic|Central Gray, Midbrain|Central Gray Substance of Midbrain|Central Periaqueductal Gray|Gray, Central Periaqueductal|Gray Matter, Periaqueductal|Griseum Centrale|Griseum Centrale Mesencephali|Griseum Centrale Mesencephalus|Mesencephalic Central Gray|Midbrain Central Gray|Periaqueductal Gray Matter|Periaqueductal Grays, Central|Substantia Grisea Centralis|Substantia Grisea Centralis Mesencephali anulus aquaeductus|anulus aqueductus cerebri|anulus of cerebral aqueduct|central gray|central gray of the midbrain|central gray substance of the midbrain|central grey|central grey substance of midbrain|central (periaqueductal) gray|CGMB|griseum periventriculare mesencephali|midbrain periaqueductal grey|pAG|periaquectuctal grey|periaqueductal gray of tegmentum|periaqueductal gray, proper|periaqueductal grey|periaqueductal grey matter|periaqueductal grey substance|s. grisea centralis|UBERON:0003040 +Pericardial Fluid MESH:D000069236 Watery fluid produced in the serous and visceral pericardium surrounding the surface of the HEART. UBERON:UBERON_0002409 MESH:D010496|MESH:D045604 A07.541.795.500|A10.615.789.470.500|A12.207.270.651 A07.541.795|A10.615.789.470|A12.207.270 Fluid, Pericardial|Fluid, Pericardium|Fluids, Pericardial|Fluids, Pericardium|Pericardial Fluids|Pericardium Fluid|Pericardium Fluids UBERON:0002409 +Pericardium MESH:D010496 A conical fibro-serous sac surrounding the HEART and the roots of the great vessels (AORTA; VENAE CAVAE; PULMONARY ARTERY). Pericardium consists of two sacs: the outer fibrous pericardium and the inner serous pericardium. The latter consists of an outer parietal layer facing the fibrous pericardium, and an inner visceral layer (epicardium) resting next to the heart, and a pericardial cavity between these two layers. UBERON:UBERON_0002407 MESH:D006321|MESH:D012704 A07.541.795|A10.615.789.470 A07.541|A10.615.789 Cavities, Pericardial|Cavity, Pericardial|Epicardium|Fibrous Pericardium|Parietal Pericardium|Pericardial Cavities|Pericardial Cavity|Pericardial Space|Pericardial Spaces|Pericardium, Fibrous|Pericardium, Parietal|Pericardium, Serous|Pericardiums, Fibrous|Pericardiums, Serous|Pericardium, Visceral|Serous Pericardium|Serous Pericardiums|Space, Pericardial|Spaces, Pericardial|Visceral Pericardium UBERON:0002407 +Pericytes MESH:D020286 Unique slender cells with multiple processes extending along the capillary vessel axis and encircling the vascular wall, also called mural cells. Pericytes are imbedded in the BASEMENT MEMBRANE shared with the ENDOTHELIAL CELLS of the vessel. Pericytes are important in maintaining vessel integrity, angiogenesis, and vascular remodeling. CL:CL_0000669 MESH:D002477|MESH:D004727|MESH:D008648|MESH:D017539 A07.015.700.750|A10.272.491.677|A11.710|A16.504.660.600 A07.015.700|A10.272.491|A11|A16.504.660 Cells, Rouget|Pericyte|Rouget Cells adventitial cell|adventitial reticular cell|ARC|cell of Rouget|CL:0000669|pericyte cell|pericyte of Rouget +Perilymph MESH:D010498 The fluid separating the membranous labyrinth from the osseous labyrinth of the ear. It is entirely separate from the ENDOLYMPH which is contained in the membranous labyrinth. (From McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed, p1396, 642) UBERON:UBERON_0001845 MESH:D007761 A12.207.270.517.678 A12.207.270.517 Perilymphs liquor cotunnii|perilympha|UBERON:0001845 +Perineum MESH:D010502 The body region lying between the genital area and the ANUS on the surface of the trunk, and to the shallow compartment lying deep to this area that is inferior to the PELVIC DIAPHRAGM. The surface area is between the VULVA and the anus in the female, and between the SCROTUM and the anus in the male. UBERON:UBERON_0002356 MESH:D001829 A01.719 A01 Perineums perineal region|regio perinealis|UBERON:0002356 +Periodontal Ligament MESH:D010513 The fibrous CONNECTIVE TISSUE surrounding the TOOTH ROOT, separating it from and attaching it to the alveolar bone (ALVEOLAR PROCESS). UBERON:UBERON_0008266 MESH:D010519 A14.549.167.646.771 A14.549.167.646 Alveolodental Ligament|Alveolodental Ligaments|Alveolodental Membrane|Alveolodental Membranes|Gomphoses|Gomphosis|Ligament, Alveolodental|Ligament, Periodontal|Membrane, Alveolodental|Periodontal Ligaments alveolar periosteum|desmodontium|fibra periodontalis|odontoperiosteum|paradentium|PDL|peridental membrane|peridontal fiber|peridontal fibre|peridontal ligament|peridontal ligament fiber|peridontal ligament fibre|peridontal membrane|peridontium|periodontal fiber|periodontal fibre|periodontium|UBERON:0008266 +Periodontium MESH:D010519 The structures surrounding and supporting the tooth. Periodontium includes the gum (GINGIVA), the alveolar bone (ALVEOLAR PROCESS), the DENTAL CEMENTUM, and the PERIODONTAL LIGAMENT. UBERON:UBERON_0001758 MESH:D003817 A14.549.167.646 A14.549.167 Paradentium|Paradentiums|Parodontium|Parodontiums|Periodontiums|Structures, Tooth Supporting|Structure, Tooth Supporting|Supporting Structures, Tooth|Supporting Structure, Tooth|Tooth Supporting Structure|Tooth Supporting Structures periodontal ligament|periodontal membrane|UBERON:0001758 +Periosteum MESH:D010521 Thin outer membrane that surrounds a bone. It contains CONNECTIVE TISSUE, CAPILLARIES, nerves, and a number of cell types. UBERON:UBERON_0002515 MESH:D001842 A10.165.265.746 A10.165.265 UBERON:0002515 +Peripheral Blood Stem Cells MESH:D000072916 Hematopoietic stem cells found in peripheral blood circulation. MESH:D006412 A11.872.378.795 A11.872.378 Peripheral Blood Stem Cell|Peripheral Stem Cell|Peripheral Stem Cells|Stem Cell, Peripheral|Stem Cells, Peripheral +Peripheral Nerves MESH:D010525 The nerves outside of the brain and spinal cord, including the autonomic, cranial, and spinal nerves. Peripheral nerves contain non-neuronal cells and connective tissue as well as axons. The connective tissue layers include, from the outside to the inside, the epineurium, the perineurium, and the endoneurium. UBERON:UBERON_0001021 MESH:D017933 A08.800.800 A08.800 Endoneurium|Endoneuriums|Epineurium|Epineuriums|Nerve, Peripheral|Nerves, Peripheral|Perineurium|Perineuriums|Peripheral Nerve nerve|nerves|neural subtree|UBERON:0001021 +Peripheral Nervous System MESH:D017933 The nervous system outside of the brain and spinal cord. The peripheral nervous system has autonomic and somatic divisions. The autonomic nervous system includes the enteric, parasympathetic, and sympathetic subdivisions. The somatic nervous system includes the cranial and spinal nerves and their ganglia and the peripheral sensory receptors. UBERON:UBERON_0000010 MESH:D009420 A08.800 A08 Nervous System, Peripheral|Nervous Systems, Peripheral|Peripheral Nervous Systems|System, Peripheral Nervous|Systems, Peripheral Nervous pars peripherica|PNS|systema nervosum periphericum|UBERON:0000010 +Periplasm MESH:D019897 The space between the inner and outer membranes of a cell that is shared with the cell wall. MESH:D005110 A11.284.295.680 A11.284.295 Periplasmic Space|Periplasmic Spaces|Periplasms|Space, Periplasmic|Spaces, Periplasmic +Perirhinal Cortex MESH:D000071039 An area in the temporal lobe that is important for memory encoding and retrieval. It is bordered caudally by the parahippocampal cortex (see HIPPOCAMPUS) and ventrally and medially by the ENTORHINAL CORTEX. UBERON:UBERON_0006083 MESH:D013702 A08. A08. Area 35, Brodmann|Area 35, Brodmann's|Area 36, Brodmann|Area 36, Brodmann's|Brodmann Area 35|Brodmann Area 36|Brodmann's Area 35|Brodmanns Area 35|Brodmann's Area 36|Brodmanns Area 36|Cortex, Perirhinal|Perirhinal Cortices area perirhinalis|perihinal area|perirhinal area|UBERON:0006083 +Peritoneal Cavity MESH:D010529 The space enclosed by the peritoneum. It is divided into two portions, the greater sac and the lesser sac or omental bursa, which lies behind the STOMACH. The two sacs are connected by the foramen of Winslow, or epiploic foramen. UBERON:UBERON_0001179 MESH:D010537 A01.923.047.025.600.678 A01.923.047.025.600 Bursa, Omental|Cavity, Peritoneal|Greater Sac|Lesser Sac|Omental Bursa|Sac, Greater|Sac, Lesser cavitas peritonealis|saccus serosus peritonei|UBERON:0001179 +Peritoneal Stomata MESH:D054048 Natural openings in the subdiaphragmatic lymphatic plexus in the PERITONEUM, delimited by adjacent mesothelial cells. Peritoneal stomata constitute the principal pathways for the drainage of intraperitoneal contents from the PERITONEAL CAVITY to the LYMPHATIC SYSTEM. MESH:D010537|MESH:D014024 A01.923.047.025.600.700|A10.810 A01.923.047.025.600|A10 Diaphragmatic Stoma|Diaphragmatic Stomas|Diaphragmatic Stomata|Diaphragmatic Stomatas|Lymphatic Stoma|Lymphatic Stomas|Lymphatic Stomata|Peritoneal Stoma|Peritoneal Stomas|Stoma, Diaphragmatic|Stoma, Lymphatic|Stoma, Peritoneal|Stomas, Diaphragmatic|Stomas, Lymphatic|Stomas, Peritoneal|Stomata, Diaphragmatic|Stomata, Lymphatic|Stomata, Peritoneal|Stomatas, Diaphragmatic +Peritoneum MESH:D010537 A membrane of squamous EPITHELIAL CELLS, the mesothelial cells, covered by apical MICROVILLI that allow rapid absorption of fluid and particles in the PERITONEAL CAVITY. The peritoneum is divided into parietal and visceral components. The parietal peritoneum covers the inside of the ABDOMINAL WALL. The visceral peritoneum covers the intraperitoneal organs. The double-layered peritoneum forms the MESENTERY that suspends these organs from the abdominal wall. UBERON:UBERON_0002358 MESH:D012704|MESH:D034841 A01.923.047.025.600|A10.615.789.596 A01.923.047.025|A10.615.789 Parametrium|Parametriums|Parietal Peritoneum|Peritoneum, Parietal|Peritoneum, Visceral|Visceral Peritoneum peritonaeum|UBERON:0002358 +Peroneal Nerve MESH:D010543 The lateral of the two terminal branches of the sciatic nerve. The peroneal (or fibular) nerve provides motor and sensory innervation to parts of the leg and foot. UBERON:UBERON_0001324 MESH:D012584 A08.800.800.720.450.760.640 A08.800.800.720.450.760 Fibular Nerve|Fibular Nerves|Nerve, Fibular|Nerve, Peroneal|Nerves, Fibular|Nerves, Peroneal|Peroneal Nerves common fibular nerve|common peroneal nerve|extrernal peroneal nerve|lateral popliteal nerve|nervus fibularis communis|nervus peroneus communis|n. fibularis communis|n. peroneus communis|UBERON:0001324 +Peroxisomes MESH:D020675 Microbodies which occur in animal and plant cells and in certain fungi and protozoa. They contain peroxidase, catalase, and allied enzymes. (From Singleton and Sainsbury, Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, 2nd ed) MESH:D008830 A11.284.430.214.190.500.585.600|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190.755.600 A11.284.430.214.190.500.585|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190.755 Peroxisome +Petrous Bone MESH:D010579 The dense rock-like part of temporal bone that contains the INNER EAR. Petrous bone is located at the base of the skull. Sometimes it is combined with the MASTOID PROCESS and called petromastoid part of temporal bone. UBERON:UBERON_0001694 MESH:D013701 A02.835.232.781.885.681 A02.835.232.781.885 Bone, Petrous|Petrous Apex|Petrous Bones|Petrous Pyramid pars petrosa ossis temporalis|pars petrosa (os temporale)|petromastoid part of temporal bone|petrosal|petrosal bone|petrous part of temporal bone|temporal bone petrous part|UBERON:0001694 +Peyer's Patches MESH:D010581 Lymphoid tissue on the mucosa of the small intestine. UBERON:UBERON_0001211 MESH:D008221 A10.549.600|A15.382.520.604.600 A10.549|A15.382.520.604 Patches, Peyer's|Peyer Patches|Peyers Patches aggregated lymphoid follicle of intestine|aggregated lymphoid nodule|noduli lymphoidei aggregati|Peyers gland|Peyer's patch|Peyers patch|UBERON:0001211 +Phagocytes MESH:D010586 Cells that can carry out the process of PHAGOCYTOSIS. CL:CL_0000234 MESH:D002477|MESH:D007107 A11.733|A15.382.680 A11|A15.382 Cell, Phagocytic|Cells, Phagocytic|Phagocyte|Phagocytic Cell|Phagocytic Cells CL:0000234 +Phagosomes MESH:D010588 Membrane-bound cytoplasmic vesicles formed by invagination of phagocytized material. They fuse with lysosomes to form phagolysosomes in which the hydrolytic enzymes of the lysosome digest the phagocytized material. MESH:D022162 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.700 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190 Phagolysosome|Phagolysosomes|Phagosome +Pharyngeal Muscles MESH:D010609 The muscles of the PHARYNX are voluntary muscles arranged in two layers. The external circular layer consists of three constrictors (superior, middle, and inferior). The internal longitudinal layer consists of the palatopharyngeus, the salpingopharyngeus, and the stylopharyngeus. During swallowing, the outer layer constricts the pharyngeal wall and the inner layer elevates pharynx and LARYNX. UBERON:UBERON_0000933 MESH:D010614|MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.800|A04.623.617|A14.724.617 A02.633.567|A04.623|A14.724 Muscle, Palatopharyngeal|Muscle, Pharyngeal|Muscles of Pharynx|Muscles, Pharyngeal|Muscle, Velopharyngeal|Palatopharyngeal Muscle|Palatopharyngeus|Pharyngeal Muscle|Pharynx Muscle|Pharynx Muscles|Salpingopharyngeus|Stylopharyngeus|Velopharyngeal Muscle branchial muscle|branchial muscles|chordate pharyngeal muscle|muscle of pharynx|muscle organ of pharynx|musculi pharyngis|musculus pharyngis|pharynx muscle organ|tunica muscularis pharyngis|UBERON:0000933 +Pharynx MESH:D010614 A funnel-shaped fibromuscular tube that conducts food to the ESOPHAGUS, and air to the LARYNX and LUNGS. It is located posterior to the NASAL CAVITY; ORAL CAVITY; and LARYNX, and extends from the SKULL BASE to the inferior border of the CRICOID CARTILAGE anteriorly and to the inferior border of the C6 vertebra posteriorly. It is divided into the NASOPHARYNX; OROPHARYNX; and HYPOPHARYNX (laryngopharynx). UBERON:UBERON_0006562 MESH:D012137|MESH:D013284|MESH:D041981 A03.556.750|A04.623|A14.724 A03.556|A04|A14 Pharynxs|Throat|Throats anterior part of foregut|pharyngeal tube|UBERON:0006562 +Philadelphia Chromosome MESH:D010677 An aberrant form of human CHROMOSOME 22 characterized by translocation of the distal end of chromosome 9 from 9q34, to the long arm of chromosome 22 at 22q11. It is present in the bone marrow cells of 80 to 90 per cent of patients with chronic myelocytic leukemia (LEUKEMIA, MYELOGENOUS, CHRONIC, BCR-ABL POSITIVE). MESH:D002892|MESH:D002899 A11.284.187.520.300.325.345.500|A11.284.187.520.300.505.515.500 A11.284.187.520.300.325.345|A11.284.187.520.300.505.515 1 Chromosomes, Ph|Chromosome, Ph 1|Chromosome, Ph1|Chromosome, Philadelphia|Chromosomes, Ph 1|Chromosomes, Ph1|Ph 1 Chromosome|Ph1 Chromosome|Ph 1 Chromosomes|Ph1 Chromosomes +Photoreceptor Cells MESH:D010786 Specialized cells that detect and transduce light. They are classified into two types based on their light reception structure, the ciliary photoreceptors and the rhabdomeric photoreceptors with MICROVILLI. Ciliary photoreceptor cells use OPSINS that activate a PHOSPHODIESTERASE phosphodiesterase cascade. Rhabdomeric photoreceptor cells use opsins that activate a PHOSPHOLIPASE C cascade. CL:CL_0000210 MESH:D011984|MESH:D055351 A08.675.650.850.625|A08.675.650.915.937|A08.800.950.937|A09.371.729.831.625|A11.671.650.850.625|A11.671.650.915.937 A08.675.650.850|A08.675.650.915|A08.800.950|A09.371.729.831|A11.671.650.850|A11.671.650.915 Cell, Ciliary Photoreceptor|Cell, Photoreceptor|Cell, Rhabdomeric Photoreceptor|Cells, Ciliary Photoreceptor|Cells, Photoreceptor|Cells, Rhabdomeric Photoreceptor|Ciliary Photoreceptor|Ciliary Photoreceptor Cell|Ciliary Photoreceptor Cells|Ciliary Photoreceptors|Photoreceptor Cell|Photoreceptor Cell, Ciliary|Photoreceptor Cell, Rhabdomeric|Photoreceptor Cells, Ciliary|Photoreceptor Cells, Rhabdomeric|Photoreceptor, Ciliary|Photoreceptor, Rhabdomeric|Photoreceptors, Ciliary|Photoreceptors, Rhabdomeric|Rhabdomeric Photoreceptor|Rhabdomeric Photoreceptor Cell|Rhabdomeric Photoreceptor Cells|Rhabdomeric Photoreceptors CL:0000210 +Photoreceptor Cells, Invertebrate MESH:D017956 Specialized cells in the invertebrates that detect and transduce light. They are predominantly rhabdomeric with an array of photosensitive microvilli. Illumination depolarizes invertebrate photoreceptors by stimulating Na+ influx across the plasma membrane. MESH:D000825|MESH:D010786 A08.675.650.850.625.660|A08.675.650.915.937.650|A08.800.950.937.650|A09.371.729.831.625.660|A11.671.650.850.625.660|A11.671.650.915.937.650|A13.750 A08.675.650.850.625|A08.675.650.915.937|A08.800.950.937|A09.371.729.831.625|A11.671.650.850.625|A11.671.650.915.937|A13 Cell, Invertebrate Photoreceptor|Cells, Invertebrate Photoreceptor|Invertebrate Photoreceptor|Invertebrate Photoreceptor Cell|Invertebrate Photoreceptor Cells|Invertebrate Photoreceptors|Photoreceptor Cell, Invertebrate|Photoreceptor, Invertebrate|Photoreceptors, Invertebrate +Photoreceptor Cells, Vertebrate MESH:D020419 Specialized PHOTOTRANSDUCTION neurons in the vertebrates, such as the RETINAL ROD CELLS and the RETINAL CONE CELLS. Non-visual photoreceptor neurons have been reported in the deep brain, the PINEAL GLAND and organs of the circadian system. MESH:D010786 A08.675.650.850.625.670|A08.675.650.915.937.670|A08.800.950.937.670|A09.371.729.831.625.670|A11.671.650.850.625.670|A11.671.650.915.937.670 A08.675.650.850.625|A08.675.650.915.937|A08.800.950.937|A09.371.729.831.625|A11.671.650.850.625|A11.671.650.915.937 Cell, Retinal Photoreceptor|Cells, Retinal Photoreceptor|Cells, Vertebrate Photoreceptor|Cell, Vertebrate Photoreceptor|Cones and Rods|Photoreceptor Cell, Retinal|Photoreceptor Cells, Retinal|Photoreceptor Cell, Vertebrate|Photoreceptor, Retinal|Photoreceptors, Retinal|Photoreceptors, Vertebrate|Photoreceptor, Vertebrate|Retinal Photoreceptor|Retinal Photoreceptor Cell|Retinal Photoreceptor Cells|Retinal Photoreceptors|Rods and Cones|Vertebrate Photoreceptor|Vertebrate Photoreceptor Cell|Vertebrate Photoreceptor Cells|Vertebrate Photoreceptors +Photoreceptor Connecting Cilium MESH:D055212 The bridge between the inner and the outer segments of a retinal rod or a cone photoreceptor cell. Through it, proteins synthesized in the inner segment are transported to the outer segment. MESH:D020419 A08.675.650.850.625.670.049|A08.675.650.915.937.670.049|A08.800.950.937.670.049|A09.371.729.831.625.670.049|A11.671.650.850.625.670.049|A11.671.650.915.937.670.049 A08.675.650.850.625.670|A08.675.650.915.937.670|A08.800.950.937.670|A09.371.729.831.625.670|A11.671.650.850.625.670|A11.671.650.915.937.670 Connecting Cilia, Photoreceptor|Connecting Cilias, Photoreceptor|Connecting Cilium of Photoreceptor|Connecting Cilium of Photoreceptor Cell|Connecting Cilium, Photoreceptor|Connecting Ciliums, Photoreceptor|Photoreceptor Cell Connecting Cilium|Photoreceptor Connecting Cilia|Photoreceptor Connecting Cilias|Photoreceptor Connecting Ciliums +Phrenic Nerve MESH:D010791 The motor nerve of the diaphragm. The phrenic nerve fibers originate in the cervical spinal column (mostly C4) and travel through the cervical plexus to the diaphragm. UBERON:UBERON_0001884 MESH:D002572 A08.800.800.720.150.700 A08.800.800.720.150 Nerve, Phrenic|Nerves, Phrenic|Phrenic Nerves diaphragmatic nerve|nervus phrenicus|phrenic|UBERON:0001884 +Phycobilisomes MESH:D045524 Light energy harvesting structures attached to the THYLAKOID MEMBRANES of CYANOBACTERIA and RED ALGAE. These multiprotein complexes contain pigments (PHYCOBILIPROTEINS) that transfer light energy to chlorophyll a. MESH:D021961 A11. A11.284.149.165 Phycobilisome +Pia Mater MESH:D010841 The innermost layer of the three meninges covering the brain and spinal cord. It is the fine vascular membrane that lies under the ARACHNOID and the DURA MATER. UBERON:UBERON_0002361 MESH:D008578 A08.186.566.731 A08.186.566 Mater, Pia|Maters, Pia|Pia Maters pia|pial membrane|pia mater of neuraxis|UBERON:0002361 +Pigment Epithelium of Eye MESH:D010857 The layer of pigment-containing epithelial cells in the RETINA; the CILIARY BODY; and the IRIS in the eye. UBERON:UBERON_0007625 MESH:D004848|MESH:D005123 A09.371.670|A10.272.640 A09.371|A10.272 Eye Pigment Epithelium UBERON:0007625 +Pili, Sex MESH:D018933 Filamentous or elongated proteinaceous structures which extend from the cell surface in gram-negative bacteria that contain certain types of conjugative plasmid. These pili are the organs associated with genetic transfer and have essential roles in conjugation. Normally, only one or a few pili occur on a given donor cell. (From Singleton & Sainsbury, Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, 2d ed, p675) This preferred use of 'pili' refers to the sexual appendage, to be distinguished from bacterial fimbriae (FIMBRIAE, BACTERIAL), also known as common pili, which are usually concerned with adhesion. MESH:D022081 A11.284.180.690 A11.284.180 Conjugative Pili|Conjugative Pilus|Pili, Conjugative|Pilus, Conjugative|Pilus, Sex|Sex Pili|Sex Pilus +Pineal Gland MESH:D010870 A light-sensitive neuroendocrine organ attached to the roof of the THIRD VENTRICLE of the brain. The pineal gland secretes MELATONIN, other BIOGENIC AMINES and NEUROPEPTIDES. UBERON:UBERON_0001905 MESH:D004702|MESH:D009490|MESH:D019261 A06.300.635|A06.688.733|A08.|A08.|A08.713.733 A06.300|A06.688|A08.|A08.|A08.713 Corpus Pineale|Epiphysis Cerebri|Gland, Pineal|Pineal Bodies|Pineal Body|Pineal Glands conarium|epiphysis|frontal organ|glandula pinealis|Pi|pineal|pineal gland (Galen)|pineal organ|stirnorgan|UBERON:0001905 +Piriform Cortex MESH:D066195 An area of the olfactory cortex comprising the rostral half of the uncus of the PARAHIPPOCAMPAL GYRUS and the anterior PARAHIPPOCAMPAL GYRUS. It receives major afferents directly from the OLFACTORY BULB. UBERON:UBERON_0004725 MESH:D066194 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Area, Piriform|Area, Prepyriform|Area, Pyriform|Cortex, Piriform|Cortex Piriformis|Cortex, Prepiriform|Cortex, Prepyriform|Cortex, Pyriform|Piriform Area|Piriform Areas|Piriform Cortices|Prepiriform Cortex|Prepiriform Cortices|Prepyriform Area|Prepyriform Areas|Prepyriform Cortex|Prepyriform Cortices|Prepyriform Region|Prepyriform Regions|Pyriform Area|Pyriform Areas|Pyriform Cortex|Pyriform Cortices|Region, Prepyriform area prepiriformis|eupalaeocortex|olfactory pallium|palaeocortex II|paleopallium|piriform lobe|primary olfactory areas|primary olfactory cortex|pyriform lobe|regio praepiriformis|UBERON:0004725 +Pisiform Bone MESH:D051220 A pea-shaped carpal bone that actually sits in the tendon of the flexor carpi ulnaris muscle. UBERON:UBERON_0001429 MESH:D002348 A02.835.232.087.319.150.600 A02.835.232.087.319.150 Bone, Pisiform|Bones, Pisiform|Os Pisiforme|Pisiform Bones accessory carpal bone|pisiform|UBERON:0001429 +Pituitary-Adrenal System MESH:D010913 The interactions between the anterior pituitary and adrenal glands, in which corticotropin (ACTH) stimulates the adrenal cortex and adrenal cortical hormones suppress the production of corticotropin by the anterior pituitary. MESH:D004702 A06.300.691 A06.300 Pituitary Adrenal System|Pituitary-Adrenal Systems|System, Pituitary-Adrenal|Systems, Pituitary-Adrenal +Pituitary Gland MESH:D010902 A small, unpaired gland situated in the SELLA TURCICA. It is connected to the HYPOTHALAMUS by a short stalk which is called the INFUNDIBULUM. UBERON:UBERON_0000007 MESH:D004702|MESH:D007030 A06.300.747|A06.688.357.750|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357.750 A06.300|A06.688.357|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357 Cerebri, Hypophysis|Cerebrus, Hypophysis|Gland, Pituitary|Glands, Pituitary|Hypophyseal Infundibulum|Hypophyseal Stalk|Hypophyseal Stalks|Hypophyses|Hypophysis|Hypophysis Cerebri|Hypophysis Cerebrus|Hypothalamus, Infundibular|Infundibular Hypothalamus|Infundibular Stalk|Infundibular Stalks|Infundibular Stem|Infundibulum|Infundibulum, Hypophyseal|Infundibulum (Hypophysis)|Infundibulums|Pituitary Glands|Pituitary Stalk|Pituitary Stalks|Stalk, Hypophyseal|Stalk, Infundibular|Stalks, Hypophyseal|Stalks, Infundibular glandula pituitaria|Hp|pituitary|pituitary body|UBERON:0000007 +Pituitary Gland, Anterior MESH:D010903 The anterior glandular lobe of the pituitary gland, also known as the adenohypophysis. It secretes the ADENOHYPOPHYSEAL HORMONES that regulate vital functions such as GROWTH; METABOLISM; and REPRODUCTION. UBERON:UBERON_0002196 MESH:D010902 A06.300.747.500|A06.688.357.750.500|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357.750.500 A06.300.747|A06.688.357.750|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357.750 Adenohypophyses|Adenohypophysis|Anterior Lobe of Pituitary|Anterior, Lobus|Anterior Pituitary Gland|Anterior Pituitary Glands|Anteriors, Lobus|Lobus Anterior|Lobus Anteriors|Pars Distalis of Pituitary|Pituitary Anterior Lobe|Pituitary Glands, Anterior|Pituitary Pars Distalis AHP|anterior hypophysis|anterior lobe (hypophysis)|anterior lobe of hypophysis|anterior lobe of pituitary gland|anterior lobe of the pituitary|anterior pituitary|cranial lobe|lobus anterior (glandula pituitaria)|lobus anterior hypophysis|pituitary gland, anterior lobe|pituitary glandanterior lobe|rostral lobe|UBERON:0002196 +Pituitary Gland, Intermediate MESH:D052716 The intermediate lobe of the pituitary gland. It shows considerable size variation among the species, small in humans, and large in amphibians and lower vertebrates. This lobe produces mainly MELANOCYTE-STIMULATING HORMONES and other peptides from post-translational processing of pro-opiomelanocortin (POMC). UBERON:UBERON_0002432 MESH:D010902 A06.300.747.750|A06.688.357.750.750|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357.750.750 A06.300.747|A06.688.357.750|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357.750 Intermediate Lobe of Pituitary|Intermediate Pituitary Gland|Intermediate Pituitary Glands|Pars Intermedia of Pituitary|Pars Intermedia, Pituitary|Pituitary Intermediate Lobe|Pituitary Pars Intermedia intermediate lobe|intermediate lobe of adenohypophysis|pars intermedia|pars intermedia adenohypophyseos|pars intermedia adenohypophysis|pars intermedia (glandula pituitaria)|pars intermedia lobi anterior hypophyseos|pars intermedia of adenohypophysis|pars intermedia of anterior lobe of pituitary gland|UBERON:0002432 +Pituitary Gland, Posterior MESH:D010904 Neural tissue of the pituitary gland, also known as the neurohypophysis. It consists of the distal AXONS of neurons that produce VASOPRESSIN and OXYTOCIN in the SUPRAOPTIC NUCLEUS and the PARAVENTRICULAR NUCLEUS. These axons travel down through the MEDIAN EMINENCE, the hypothalamic infundibulum of the PITUITARY STALK, to the posterior lobe of the pituitary gland. UBERON:UBERON_0002198|UBERON:UBERON_0003217 MESH:D010902|MESH:D066280 A06.300.747.875|A06.688.178.875|A06.688.357.750.875|A08.|A08.|A08.713.049.875|A08.713.357.750.875 A06.300.747|A06.688.178|A06.688.357.750|A08.|A08.|A08.713.049|A08.713.357.750 Gland, Posterior Pituitary|Infundibular Process|Infundibular Processes|Lobe, Neural|Lobes, Neural|Lobus Nervosus|Nervosus, Lobus|Neural Lobe|Neural Lobes|Neurohypophysis|Pars Nervosa of Pituitary|Pituitary Pars Nervosa|Pituitary Posterior Lobe|Posterior Lobe of Pituitary|Posterior Pituitary Gland|Posterior Pituitary Glands|Processes, Infundibular|Process, Infundibular caudal lobe|eminentia medialis (Shantha)|eminentia mediana|eminentia postinfundibularis|lobe caudalis cerebelli|lobus nervosus neurohypophysis|lobus nervosus (Neurohypophysis)|lobus posterior|lobus posterior (glandula pituitaria)|lobus posterior hypophysis|medial eminence|middle lobe|neural component of pituitary|neural lobe of neurohypophysis|neural lobe of pituitary|neural lobe of pituitary gland|neuro hypophysis|NHP|pars nervosa|pars nervosa (hypophysis)|pars nervosa (neurohypophysis)|pars nervosa neurohypophysis|pars nervosa of hypophysis|pars nervosa of neurohypophysis|pars nervosa of posterior lobe of pituitary gland|pars nervosa pituitary gland|pars posterior|pars posterior of hypophysis|pituitary gland neural lobe|pituitary gland, neural lobe|pituitary gland, posterior lobe|PNHP|posterior lobe|posterior lobe-3|posterior lobe of hypophysis|posterior lobe of neurohypophysis|posterior lobe of pituitary gland|posterior pituitary|UBERON:0002198|UBERON:0003217 +Place Cells MESH:D000071037 Pyramidal neurons in the HIPPOCAMPUS that play a role in cognitive representation of a specific location within a space. MESH:D017966 A08.675.790.500|A11.671.790.500 A08.675.790|A11.671.790 Cell, Hippocampal Place|Cell, Place|Cells, Hippocampal Place|Cells, Place|Hippocampal Place Cell|Hippocampal Place Cells|Place Cell|Place Cell, Hippocampal|Place Cells, Hippocampal +Placenta MESH:D010920 A highly vascularized mammalian fetal-maternal organ and major site of transport of oxygen, nutrients, and fetal waste products. It includes a fetal portion (CHORIONIC VILLI) derived from TROPHOBLASTS and a maternal portion (DECIDUA) derived from the uterine ENDOMETRIUM. The placenta produces an array of steroid, protein and peptide hormones (PLACENTAL HORMONES). UBERON:UBERON_0001987 MESH:D004628 A16.710 A16 Placentas|Placentoma, Normal|Placentome|Placentomes allantoic placenta|eutherian placenta|UBERON:0001987 +Plantar Plate MESH:D000069262 Fibrocartilaginous ligament at the metatarsophalangeal and the interphalangeal joint of the toe. MESH:D008023|MESH:D008683|MESH:D014033|MESH:D051445 A02.165.308.650|A02.513.514.538|A02.835.583.378.531.500|A02.835.583.378.900.500|A02.835.583.512.538|A10.165.382.350.400|A10.165.669.514.538 A02.165.308|A02.513.514|A02.835.583.378.531|A02.835.583.378.900|A02.835.583.512|A10.165.382.350|A10.165.669.514 Ligamenta Plantaria|Ligamenta Plantarias|Ligamenta Tarsometatarsea Plantaria|Ligamenta Tarsometatarsea Plantarias|Ligament, Plantar|Ligaments, Plantar|Ligaments, Toe Volar|Ligament, Toe Volar|Plantaria, Ligamenta|Plantarias, Ligamenta|Plantar Ligament|Plantar Ligaments|Plantar Plates|Plate, Plantar|Plates, Plantar|Plates, Toe Volar|Plate, Toe Volar|Tarsometatarsea Plantaria, Ligamenta|Toe Volar Ligament|Toe Volar Ligaments|Toe Volar Plate|Toe Volar Plates|Volar Ligaments, Toe|Volar Ligament, Toe|Volar Plates, Toe|Volar Plate, Toe +Plant Cells MESH:D059828 Basic functional unit of plants. MESH:D002477 A11.750 A11 Cell, Plant|Cells, Plant|Plant Cell +Plasma MESH:D010949 The residual portion of BLOOD that is left after removal of BLOOD CELLS by CENTRIFUGATION without prior BLOOD COAGULATION. UBERON:UBERON_0001969 MESH:D001769|MESH:D045604 A12.207.152.693|A12.207.270.695|A15.145.693 A12.207.152|A12.207.270|A15.145 Blood Plasma|Blood Plasmas|Fresh Frozen Plasma|Fresh Frozen Plasmas|Frozen Plasma, Fresh|Frozen Plasmas, Fresh|Plasma, Blood|Plasma, Fresh Frozen|Plasmas|Plasmas, Blood|Plasmas, Fresh Frozen blood plasm|portion of blood plasma|portion of plasma|UBERON:0001969 +Plasma Cells MESH:D010950 Specialized forms of antibody-producing B-LYMPHOCYTES. They synthesize and secrete immunoglobulin. They are found only in lymphoid organs and at sites of immune responses and normally do not circulate in the blood or lymph. (Rosen et al., Dictionary of Immunology, 1989, p169 & Abbas et al., Cellular and Molecular Immunology, 2d ed, p20) CL:CL_0000786 MESH:D001402 A11.063.438.725|A11.118.637.555.567.562.725|A15.145.229.637.555.567.562.725|A15.382.032.438.725|A15.382.490.555.567.562.725 A11.063.438|A11.118.637.555.567.562|A15.145.229.637.555.567.562|A15.382.032.438|A15.382.490.555.567.562 Cell, Plasma|Cells, Plasma|Plasma Cell|Plasmacyte|Plasmacytes CL:0000786|effector B cell|effector B-cell|plasma B cell|plasma B-cell|plasmocyte +Plasmodesmata MESH:D031425 Membrane-like channels of cytoplasm connecting adjacent plant cells. Plasmodesmata connect through pores in the CELL WALL and associate with the CYTOSKELETON machinery. They are essential for intercellular transport and communication. MESH:D007365 A11. A11. +Plastids MESH:D018087 Self-replicating cytoplasmic organelles of plant and algal cells that contain pigments and may synthesize and accumulate various substances. PLASTID GENOMES are used in phylogenetic studies. MESH:D015388 A11.284.430.214.190.875.700 A11.284.430.214.190.875 Amyloplast|Amyloplasts|Chromoplast|Chromoplasts|Leucoplast|Leucoplasts|Leukoplast|Leukoplasts|Plastid +Platelet-Rich Fibrin MESH:D000073183 A fibrin matrix derived from platelet-rich plasma that contains high concentration of BLOOD PLATELETS; LEUKOCYTES; CYTOKINES; and GROWTH FACTORS. It is used in a variety of clinical and TISSUE ENGINEERING applications. MESH:D053657 A12.207.152.693.600.500|A12.207.270.695.600.500|A15.145.693.600.500 A12.207.152.693.600|A12.207.270.695.600|A15.145.693.600 Fibrin, Platelet-Rich|Leukocyte and Platelet Rich Fibrin|Leukocyte- and Platelet-Rich Fibrin|L-PRF|Platelet Rich Fibrin +Platelet-Rich Plasma MESH:D053657 A preparation consisting of PLATELETS concentrated in a limited volume of PLASMA. This is used in various surgical tissue regeneration procedures where the GROWTH FACTORS in the platelets enhance wound healing and regeneration. MESH:D010949 A12.207.152.693.600|A12.207.270.695.600|A15.145.693.600 A12.207.152.693|A12.207.270.695|A15.145.693 Plasma, Platelet-Rich|Platelet Rich Plasma +Pleura MESH:D010994 The thin serous membrane enveloping the lungs (LUNG) and lining the THORACIC CAVITY. Pleura consist of two layers, the inner visceral pleura lying next to the pulmonary parenchyma and the outer parietal pleura. Between the two layers is the PLEURAL CAVITY which contains a thin film of liquid. UBERON:UBERON_0000977 MESH:D012137|MESH:D012704 A04.716|A10.615.789.736 A04|A10.615.789 Parietal Pleura|Pleura, Parietal|Pleura, Visceral|Visceral Pleura pleural tissue|UBERON:0000977|wall of pleural sac +Pleural Cavity MESH:D035422 Paired but separate cavity within the THORACIC CAVITY. It consists of the space between the parietal and visceral PLEURA and normally contains a capillary layer of serous fluid that lubricates the pleural surfaces. UBERON:UBERON_0002402 MESH:D035423 A01.923.761.800.650 A01.923.761.800 Cavities, Pleural|Cavity, Pleural|Pleural Cavities cavitas pleuralis|cavitum pleuralae|cavitum pleurale|UBERON:0002402 +Pluripotent Stem Cells MESH:D039904 Cells that can give rise to cells of the three different GERM LAYERS. CL:CL_0002248 MESH:D013234 A11.872.700 A11.872 Pluripotent Stem Cell|Stem Cell, Pluripotent|Stem Cells, Pluripotent CL:0002248 +Podocytes MESH:D050199 Highly differentiated epithelial cells of the visceral layer of BOWMAN CAPSULE of the KIDNEY. They are composed of a cell body with major CELL SURFACE EXTENSIONS and secondary fingerlike extensions called pedicels. They enwrap the KIDNEY GLOMERULUS capillaries with their cell surface extensions forming a filtration structure. The pedicels of neighboring podocytes interdigitate with each other leaving between them filtration slits that are bridged by an extracellular structure impermeable to large macromolecules called the slit diaphragm, and provide the last barrier to protein loss in the KIDNEY. CL:CL_0000653 MESH:D004847|MESH:D007678|MESH:D060730 A05.810.453.324.359.372.650|A05.810.453.736.520.720|A11.436.720 A05.810.453.324.359.372|A05.810.453.736.520|A11.436 Epithelial Cells, Glomerular Visceral|Glomerular Visceral Epithelial Cells|Podocyte|Visceral Epithelial Cells, Glomerular CL:0000653|epithelial cell of visceral layer of glomerular capsule|glomerular podocyte|glomerular visceral epithelial cell|kidney podocyte|renal podocyte +Podosomes MESH:D000069261 Actin-rich adhesive structures found at the ventral surface of metazoan ENDOTHELIAL CELLS. When found in cultured cancer cells they are referred to as invadopodia. These are matrix-degrading structures composed of an ACTIN CYTOSKELETON core and an INTEGRINS-containing ring complex. MESH:D022081|MESH:D042783 A11.284.180.695|A11.436.275.841 A11.284.180|A11.436.275 Invadopodia|Invadopodium|Invadopodiums|Invadosome|Invadosomes|Podosome +Polar Bodies MESH:D059705 Minute cells produced during development of an OOCYTE as it undergoes MEIOSIS. A polar body contains one of the nuclei derived from the first or second meiotic CELL DIVISION. Polar bodies have practically no CYTOPLASM. They are eventually discarded by the oocyte. (from King & Stansfield, A Dictionary of Genetics, 4th ed) CL:CL_0002090 MESH:D009865 A05.360.490.690.680.500|A11.497.497.600.500 A05.360.490.690.680|A11.497.497.600 Bodies, Polar|Body, Polar|Cell, Polar|Cells, Polar|Polar Body|Polar Cell|Polar Cells CL:0002090 +Polyribosomes MESH:D011132 A multiribosomal structure representing a linear array of RIBOSOMES held together by messenger RNA; (RNA, MESSENGER); They represent the active complexes in cellular protein synthesis and are able to incorporate amino acids into polypeptides both in vivo and in vitro. (From Rieger et al., Glossary of Genetics: Classical and Molecular, 5th ed) MESH:D012270 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.740 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811 Polyribosome|Polysome|Polysomes +Polytene Chromosomes MESH:D059007 Extra large CHROMOSOMES, each consisting of many identical copies of a chromosome lying next to each other in parallel. MESH:D002875|MESH:D059006 A11.284.187.440.500|A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.580 A11.284.187.440|A11.284.430.106.279.345.190 Chromosome, Polytene|Chromosomes, Polytene|Polytene Chromosome +Pons MESH:D011149 The front part of the hindbrain (RHOMBENCEPHALON) that lies between the MEDULLA and the midbrain (MESENCEPHALON) ventral to the cerebellum. It is composed of two parts, the dorsal and the ventral. The pons serves as a relay station for neural pathways between the CEREBELLUM to the CEREBRUM. UBERON:UBERON_0000988 MESH:D020540 A08. A08. Pons Varolii|Pons Varolius|Ponte|Pontes|Varolii, Pons|Varolius, Pons pons cerebri|pons of Varolius|UBERON:0000988 +Pontine Tegmentum MESH:D065821 The dorsal region of pons bounded by the middle CEREBELLAR PEDUNCLES and the ventral part of the pons. It is continuous with the TEGMENTUM MESENCEPHALI and contains CEREBELLAR NUCLEI, lemnisci and RETICULAR FORMATION. UBERON:UBERON_0003023 MESH:D011149 A08. A08. Abducens Nucleus, Accessory|Accessory Abducens Nucleus|Acoustic Stria, Dorsal|Acoustic Strias, Dorsal|Central Tegmental Tract|Central Tegmental Tracts|Dorsal Acoustic Stria|Dorsal Acoustic Strias|Dorsal Part of Pons|Formation, Pontine Reticular|Formations, Pontine Reticular|Nuclei of the Lateral Lemniscus|Nucleus, Accessory Abducens|Nucleus, Paralemniscal|Nucleus Subceruleus|Paralemniscal Nucleus|Pars Dorsalis Pontis|Pons Dorsal Part|Pons Dorsal Parts|Pons Reticular Formation|Pons Reticular Formations|Pons Tegmentum|Pons Tegmentums|Pontine Reticular Formation|Pontine Reticular Formations|Pontine Tegmentums|Pontis, Tegmentum|Ponti, Tegmentum|Protuberancials, Tegmentum|Protuberancial, Tegmentum|Reticular Formation of Pons|Reticular Formation, Pontine|Reticular Formations, Pontine|Stria, Dorsal Acoustic|Strias, Dorsal Acoustic|Subceruleus, Nucleus|Tegmental Tract, Central|Tegmental Tracts, Central|Tegmentum of Pons|Tegmentum Ponti|Tegmentum, Pontine|Tegmentum Pontis|Tegmentum Protuberancial|Tegmentum Protuberancials|Tegmentums, Pontine|Tract, Central Tegmental|Tracts, Central Tegmental dorsal pons|dorsal portion of pons|pars posterior pontis|tegmental portion of pons|UBERON:0003023 +Popliteal Artery MESH:D011150 The continuation of the femoral artery coursing through the popliteal fossa; it divides into the anterior and posterior tibial arteries. UBERON:UBERON_0002250 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.681 A07.015.114 Arteria Poplitea|Artery, Popliteal|Popliteal Arteries UBERON:0002250 +Popliteal Vein MESH:D011152 The vein formed by the union of the anterior and posterior tibial veins; it courses through the popliteal space and becomes the femoral vein. UBERON:UBERON_0001544 MESH:D014680 A07.015.908.641 A07.015.908 Popliteal Veins|Vein, Popliteal|Veins, Popliteal UBERON:0001544|vena poplitea +Portal System MESH:D011168 A system of vessels in which blood, after passing through one CAPILLARY BED, is conveyed through a second set of capillaries before it returns to the systemic circulation. It pertains especially to the hepatic portal system. UBERON:UBERON_0005806 MESH:D014680 A07.015.908.670 A07.015.908 Portal Systems|System, Portal|Systems, Portal portal venous system|UBERON:0005806 +Portal Vein MESH:D011169 A short thick vein formed by union of the superior mesenteric vein and the splenic vein. UBERON:UBERON_0002017 MESH:D011168 A07.015.908.670.567 A07.015.908.670 Portal Veins|Vein, Portal|Veins, Portal portal venous tree organ part|UBERON:0002017 +Posterior Capsule of the Lens MESH:D057852 The posterior aspect of the casing that surrounds the natural CRYSTALLINE LENS. MESH:D007903 A09.371.060.500.155.500 A09.371.060.500.155 Capsule, Lens Posterior|Capsules, Lens Posterior|Lens Posterior Capsule|Lens Posterior Capsules|Posterior Capsule, Lens|Posterior Capsules, Lens +Posterior Cerebellar Commissure MESH:D066243 A bundle of nerve fibers that crosses the midline in the tectum mesencephali dorsal to the CEREBRAL AQUEDUCT. MESH:D003336 A08. A08. Cerebellar Commissure, Posterior|Cerebellar Commissures, Posterior|Cerebellar Posterior Commissure|Cerebellar Posterior Commissures|Commissure, Cerebellar Posterior|Commissure, Posterior Cerebellar|Commissures, Cerebellar Posterior|Commissures, Posterior Cerebellar|Posterior Cerebellar Commissures|Posterior Commissure, Cerebellar|Posterior Commissures, Cerebellar +Posterior Cerebral Artery MESH:D020769 Artery formed by the bifurcation of the BASILAR ARTERY. Branches of the posterior cerebral artery supply portions of the OCCIPITAL LOBE; PARIETAL LOBE; inferior temporal gyrus, brainstem, and CHOROID PLEXUS. UBERON:UBERON_0001636 MESH:D002536 A07. A07.015.114.228 Arteries, Posterior Cerebral|Artery, Posterior Cerebral|Cerebral Arteries, Posterior|Cerebral Artery, Posterior|Posterior Cerebral Arteries arteria cerebri posterior|UBERON:0001636 +Posterior Cruciate Ligament MESH:D016119 A strong ligament of the knee that originates from the anterolateral surface of the medial condyle of the femur, passes posteriorly and inferiorly between the condyles, and attaches to the posterior intercondylar area of the tibia. UBERON:UBERON_0003680 MESH:D008023 A02.513.514.600|A02.835.583.512.600|A10.165.669.514.600 A02.513.514|A02.835.583.512|A10.165.669.514 Cruciate Ligament, Posterior|Cruciate Ligaments, Posterior|Ligament, Posterior Cruciate|Ligaments, Posterior Cruciate|Posterior Cruciate Ligaments posterior cruciate ligament of knee joint|UBERON:0003680 +Posterior Eye Segment MESH:D057972 The back two-thirds of the eye that includes the anterior hyaloid membrane and all of the optical structures behind it: the VITREOUS HUMOR; RETINA; CHOROID; and OPTIC NERVE. UBERON:UBERON_0001802 MESH:D005123 A09.371.714 A09.371 Eye Segment, Posterior|Eye Segments, Posterior|Posterior Eye Segments|Segment, Posterior Eye|Segments, Posterior Eye eye posterior segment|posterior segment eye|posterior segment of eye|posterior segment of eyeball|posterior segment of the eye|segmentum posterius bulbi oculi|segmentum posterius (bulbus oculi)|UBERON:0001802 +Posterior Horn Cells MESH:D020671 Neurons in the SPINAL CORD DORSAL HORN whose cell bodies and processes are confined entirely to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. They receive collateral or direct terminations of dorsal root fibers. They send their axons either directly to ANTERIOR HORN CELLS or to the WHITE MATTER ascending and descending longitudinal fibers. MESH:D009475|MESH:D066148 A08.186.854.697.500|A08.675.650.675|A11.671.650.675 A08.186.854.697|A08.675.650|A11.671.650 Cell, Dorsal Horn|Cell, Posterior Horn|Cells, Dorsal Horn|Cells, Posterior Horn|Dorsal Horn Cell|Dorsal Horn Cells|Dorsal Horn Neuron|Dorsal Horn Neurons|Neuron, Dorsal Horn|Neuron, Posterior Horn|Neurons, Dorsal Horn|Neurons, Posterior Horn|Posterior Horn Cell|Posterior Horn Neuron|Posterior Horn Neurons +Posterior Thalamic Nuclei MESH:D020656 A transitional diencephalic zone of the thalamus consisting of complex and varied cells lying caudal to the VENTRAL POSTEROLATERAL NUCLEUS, medial to the rostral part of the PULVINAR, and dorsal to the MEDIAL GENICULATE BODY. It contains the limitans, posterior, suprageniculate, and submedial nuclei. UBERON:UBERON_0002709|UBERON:UBERON_0003026|UBERON:UBERON_0003030|UBERON:UBERON_0003031|UBERON:UBERON_0003033 MESH:D013787 A08. A08. Complices, Posterior Nuclear|Limitan, Nucleus|Limitans Nucleus|Limitans, Nucleus|Nuclear Complex, Posterior|Nuclear Complices, Posterior|Nuclei, Posterior Thalamic|Nucleus Limitan|Nucleus Limitans|Nucleus, Limitans|Nucleus, Submedial|Nucleus, Supergeniculate|Nucleus, Suprageniculate Thalamic|Posterior Nuclear Complex|Posterior Nuclear Complices|Posterior Nucleus of Thalamus|Posterior Thalamic Nuclear Group|Posterior Thalamic Nucleus|Submedial Nucleus|Supergeniculate Nucleus|Suprageniculate Thalamic Nucleus|Thalamic Nuclei, Posterior|Thalamic Nucleus, Posterior|Thalamic Nucleus, Suprageniculate|Thalamus Posterior Nucleus caudal thalamic nucleus|gelatinosus thalamic nucleus|Lim|limitans thalamic nucleus|nuclei posteriores thalami|nucleus limitans opticus (Hassler)|nucleus limitans thalami|nucleus posterior thalami|nucleus submedialis thalami|nucleus submedius thalami|nucleus suprageniculatus|nucleus thalami posterior|parieto-occipital|PNC|posterior complex of thalamus|posterior complex of the thalamus|posterior nuclear complex of thalamus|posterior nuclear group of thalamus|posterior nucleus of dorsal thalamus|posterior nucleus of the thalamus|PTh|SG|SM|submedial nucleus of thalamus|submedial nucleus of the thalamus|submedial nucleus thalamus|submedial thalamic nucleus|submedius thalamic nucleus|suprageniculate nucleus|suprageniculate nucleus of thalamus|UBERON:0002709|UBERON:0003026|UBERON:0003030|UBERON:0003031|UBERON:0003033 +Post-Synaptic Density MESH:D057907 Cytoskeleton specialization at the cytoplasmic side of postsynaptic membrane in SYNAPSES. It is involved in neuronal signaling and NEURONAL PLASTICITY and comprised of GLUTAMATE RECEPTORS; scaffolding molecules (e.g., PSD95, PSD93), and other proteins (e.g., CaCMKII). MESH:D013570 A08.850.800.500|A11. A08.850.800|A11. Postsynaptic Densities|Post Synaptic Densities|Post-Synaptic Densities|Postsynaptic Density|Post Synaptic Density|Postsynaptic Density Region|Post Synaptic Density Region|Post-Synaptic Density Region|Postsynaptic Density Regions|Post-Synaptic Density Regions|Region, Postsynaptic Density|Region, Post-Synaptic Density|Regions, Postsynaptic Density|Regions, Post-Synaptic Density +Precursor Cells, B-Lymphoid MESH:D054448 Lymphocyte progenitor cells that are restricted in their differentiation potential to the B lymphocyte lineage. The pro-B cell stage of B lymphocyte development precedes the pre-B cell stage. CL:CL_0000816|CL:CL_0000817|CL:CL_0000826 MESH:D001402|MESH:D054503 A11.118.637.555.567.562.800|A11.148.378.294.374|A11.872.378.294.500 A11.118.637.555.567.562|A11.148.378.294|A11.872.378.294 B Cell, Immature|B-Cell, Immature|B-Cell, Precursor|B-Cell, Progenitor|B Cells, Immature|B-Cells, Immature|B-Cells, Precursor|B-Cells, Progenitor|B-Cells, Transitional|B-Cell, Transitional|B-Lymphocyte, Immature|B-Lymphocyte, Precursor|B-Lymphocyte, Progenitor|B-Lymphocytes, Immature|B-Lymphocytes, Precursor|B-Lymphocytes, Progenitor|B-Lymphocytes, Transitional|B-Lymphocyte, Transitional|B Lymphoid Precursor Cell|B-Lymphoid Precursor Cell|B Lymphoid Precursor Cells|B-Lymphoid Precursor Cells|Cell, B-Lymphoid Precursor|Cell, Immature B|Cell, Pre-B|Cell, Pro-B|Cells, B-Lymphoid Precursor|Cells, Immature B|Cells, Pre-B|Cells, Pro-B|Immature B Cell|Immature B-Cell|Immature B Cells|Immature B-Cells|Immature B Lymphocyte|Immature B-Lymphocyte|Immature B Lymphocytes|Immature B-Lymphocytes|Lymphocyte, Pre-B|Lymphocyte, Pro-B|Lymphocytes, Pre-B|Lymphocytes, Pro-B|Pre B Cell|Pre-B Cell|Pre-B-Cell|Pre B Cells|Pre-B Cells|Pre-B-Cells|Pre B Lymphocyte|Pre-B Lymphocyte|Pre B Lymphocytes|Pre-B Lymphocytes|Precursor B Cell|Precursor B-Cell|Precursor B Cells|Precursor B-Cells|Precursor B Lymphocyte|Precursor B-Lymphocyte|Precursor B Lymphocytes|Precursor B-Lymphocytes|Precursor Cell, B-Lymphoid|Precursor Cells, B Lymphoid|Pro B Cell|Pro-B Cell|Pro-B-Cell|Pro B Cells|Pro-B Cells|Pro-B-Cells|Pro B Lymphocyte|Pro-B Lymphocyte|Pro B Lymphocytes|Pro-B Lymphocytes|Progenitor B Cell|Progenitor B-Cell|Progenitor B Cells|Progenitor B-Cells|Progenitor B Lymphocyte|Progenitor B-Lymphocyte|Progenitor B Lymphocytes|Progenitor B-Lymphocytes|Transitional B Cell|Transitional B-Cell|Transitional B Cells|Transitional B-Cells|Transitional B Lymphocyte|Transitional B-Lymphocyte|Transitional B Lymphocytes|Transitional B-Lymphocytes CL:0000816|CL:0000817|CL:0000826|newly formed B cell|pre-B cell (Philadelphia nomenclature)|pre-pro B cell|pro-B-lymphocyte +Precursor Cells, T-Lymphoid MESH:D054504 Lymphocyte progenitor cells that are restricted in their differentiation potential to the T lymphocyte lineage. MESH:D013601|MESH:D054503 A11.118.637.555.567.569.360|A11.148.378.294.750|A11.872.378.294.750 A11.118.637.555.567.569|A11.148.378.294|A11.872.378.294 Cells, T-Lymphoid Precursor|Cell, T-Lymphoid Precursor|Precursor Cells, T Lymphoid|Precursor Cell, T-Lymphoid|Precursors, T-Cell|Precursor, T-Cell|T-Cell Precursor|T Cell Precursors|T-Cell Precursors|T-Lymphoid Precursor Cell|T-Lymphoid Precursor Cells +Prefrontal Cortex MESH:D017397 The rostral part of the frontal lobe, bounded by the inferior precentral fissure in humans, which receives projection fibers from the MEDIODORSAL NUCLEUS OF THE THALAMUS. The prefrontal cortex receives afferent fibers from numerous structures of the DIENCEPHALON; MESENCEPHALON; and LIMBIC SYSTEM as well as cortical afferents of visual, auditory, and somatic origin. UBERON:UBERON_0000451 MESH:D005625 A08. A08. Anterior Prefrontal Cortex|Anterior Prefrontal Cortices|Area 10, Brodmann|Area 10, Brodmann's|Area 11, Brodmann|Area 11, Brodmann's|Area 12, Brodmann|Area 12, Brodmann's|Area 47, Brodmann|Area 47, Brodmann's|Area, Orbital|Area, Subcallosal|Brodmann Area 10|Brodmann Area 11|Brodmann Area 12|Brodmann Area 47|Brodmann's Area 10|Brodmanns Area 10|Brodmann's Area 11|Brodmanns Area 11|Brodmann's Area 12|Brodmanns Area 12|Brodmann's Area 47|Brodmanns Area 47|Convolutions, Superior Frontal|Convolution, Superior Frontal|Cortex, Anterior Prefrontal|Cortex, Lateral Orbitofrontal|Cortex, Orbital|Cortex, Orbitofrontal|Cortex, Prefrontal|Cortex, Ventromedial Prefrontal|Cortices, Ventromedial Prefrontal|Frontal Convolution, Superior|Frontal Gyrus, Inferior|Frontal Gyrus, Medial|Frontal Gyrus, Superior|Frontalis Superior, Gyrus|Frontal Sulcus|Gyrus Frontalis Inferior|Gyrus Frontalis Superior|Gyrus, Inferior Frontal|Gyrus, Marginal|Gyrus, Medial Frontal|Gyrus, Orbital|Gyrus Orbitalis|Gyrus, Orbitofrontal|Gyrus, Rectal|Gyrus Rectus|Gyrus, Rectus|Gyrus, Straight|Gyrus, Superior Frontal|Inferior Frontal Gyrus|Inferior, Gyrus Frontalis|Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortex|Lateral Orbitofrontal Cortices|Marginal Gyrus|Medial Frontal Gyrus|Olfactory Sulci|Olfactory Sulcus|Orbital Area|Orbital Areas|Orbital Cortex|Orbital Cortices|Orbital Gyri|Orbital Gyrus|Orbitalis, Pars|Orbitofrontal Cortex|Orbitofrontal Cortex, Lateral|Orbitofrontal Cortices|Orbitofrontal Cortices, Lateral|Orbitofrontal Gyri|Orbitofrontal Gyrus|Orbitofrontal Region|Orbitofrontal Regions|Pars Orbitalis|Prefrontal Cortex, Anterior|Prefrontal Cortex, Ventromedial|Prefrontal Cortices, Anterior|Rectal Gyrus|Rectus Gyrus|Region, Orbitofrontal|Straight Gyrus|Subcallosal Area|Subcallosal Areas|Sulcus, Frontal|Superior Frontal Convolution|Superior Frontal Convolutions|Superior Frontal Gyrus|Superior, Gyrus Frontalis|Ventral Medial Prefrontal Cortex|Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortex|Ventromedial Prefrontal Cortices frontal association cortex|prefrontal association complex|prefrontal association cortex|UBERON:0000451 +Preoptic Area MESH:D011301 Region of hypothalamus between the ANTERIOR COMMISSURE and OPTIC CHIASM. UBERON:UBERON_0001928 MESH:D007032 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Area, Lateral Preoptic|Area, Medial Preoptic|Area, Preoptic|Area Preoptica|Area Preopticas|Areas, Lateral Preoptic|Areas, Medial Preoptic|Areas, Preoptic|Lateral Preoptic Area|Lateral Preoptic Areas|Medial Preoptic Area|Medial Preoptic Areas|Nuclei, Preoptic|Nucleus, Preoptic|Preoptica, Area|Preoptic Area, Lateral|Preoptic Area, Medial|Preoptic Areas|Preoptic Areas, Lateral|Preoptic Areas, Medial|Preopticas, Area|Preoptic Nuclei|Preoptic Nucleus area hypothalamica rostralis|area praeoptica|nuclei preoptici|POA|preoptic hypothalamic area|preoptic hypothalamic region|preoptic region|preoptic region of hypothalamus|regio hypothalamica anterior|UBERON:0001928 +Pressoreceptors MESH:D011311 Receptors in the vascular system, particularly the aorta and carotid sinus, which are sensitive to stretch of the vessel walls. UBERON:UBERON_0004019 MESH:D008465|MESH:D014666 A08.675.650.915.750.750|A08.800.050.800.900.700|A08.800.950.750.750|A11.671.650.915.750.750 A08.675.650.915.750|A08.800.050.800.900|A08.800.950.750|A11.671.650.915.750 Arterial Stretch Receptor|Arterial Stretch Receptors|Baroreceptor|Baroreceptors|Pressoreceptor|Receptor, Arterial Stretch|Receptors, Arterial Stretch|Receptors, Stretch, Arterial|Receptors, Stretch, Vascular|Receptors, Vascular Stretch|Receptor, Vascular Stretch|Stretch Receptor, Arterial|Stretch Receptors, Arterial|Stretch Receptors, Vascular|Stretch Receptor, Vascular|Vascular Stretch Receptor|Vascular Stretch Receptors baroceptor|stretch receptor|UBERON:0004019 +Presynaptic Terminals MESH:D017729 The distal terminations of axons which are specialized for the release of neurotransmitters. Also included are varicosities along the course of axons which have similar specializations and also release transmitters. Presynaptic terminals in both the central and peripheral nervous systems are included. MESH:D001369|MESH:D013569 A08.675.542.145.750|A08.850.700|A11.|A11.671.501.145.750 A08.675.542.145|A08.850|A11.|A11.671.501.145 Axon Terminal|Axon Terminals|Boutons, Synaptic|Bouton, Synaptic|Ending, Presynaptic Nerve|Endings, Presynaptic Nerve|Nerve Ending, Presynaptic|Nerve Endings, Presynaptic|Presynaptic Nerve Ending|Presynaptic Nerve Endings|Presynaptic Terminal|Synaptic Bouton|Synaptic Boutons|Synaptic Terminal|Synaptic Terminals|Terminal, Axon|Terminal, Presynaptic|Terminals, Axon|Terminals, Presynaptic|Terminals, Synaptic|Terminal, Synaptic +Pretectal Region MESH:D066250 Region of midbrain tectum located posterior to the THALAMUS and anterior to the SUPERIOR COLLICULUS. UBERON:UBERON_0001944 MESH:D003336 A08. A08. Area, Pretectal|Areas, Pretectal|Nucleus of the Optic Tract|Nucleus of the Pretectal Area|Nucleus, Olivary Pretectal|Nucleus, Principal Pretectal|Nucleus, Sublentiform|Olivary Pretectal Nucleus|Pretectal Area|Pretectal Areas|Pretectal Nucleus, Olivary|Pretectal Nucleus, Principal|Pretectal Regions|Pretectum|Pretectums|Principal Pretectal Nucleus|Region, Pretectal|Regions, Pretectal|Sublentiform Nucleus area praetectalis|area pretectalis|nuclei pretectales|nucleus praetectalis|praetectum|pretectal nuclei|regio pretectalis|UBERON:0001944 +Primary Visual Cortex MESH:D000087642 An area comprised of parts of OCCIPITAL LOBE and the CALCARINE SULCUS of the visual cortex in humans with direct connectivity to the LATERAL GENICULATE NUCLEUS. It is the end organ where visual stimuli are received in the visual cortex. MESH:D014793 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Area 17, Brodmann|Area 17, Brodmann's|Area V1|Area V1, Cortical|Brodmann Area 17|Brodmann's Area 17|Brodmanns Area 17|Calcarine Cortex|Calcarine Cortices|Cortex, Calcarine|Cortex Primary, Visual|Cortex, Primary Visual|Cortex, Striate|Cortex V1, Visual|Cortical Area V1|Primary, Visual Cortex|Primary Visual Cortices|Striate Cortex|V1, Area|V1, Cortical Area|V1, Visual Cortex|Visual Cortex Primary|Visual Cortex, Primary|Visual Cortex V1 +Primitive Streak MESH:D054240 A linear band of rapidly proliferating cells that begins near the posterior end of an embryo and grows cranially. Primitive streak is formed during GASTRULATION by the convergent migration of primary ectodermal cells (EPIBLAST). The knot at the tip of the streak is called HENSEN NODE. UBERON:UBERON_0004341 MESH:D004628 A16.830 A16 Primitive Streaks|Streak, Primitive|Streaks, Primitive primitive streak - blastopore - germ ring|UBERON:0004341 +Processing Bodies MESH:D000088142 Cytoplasmic RNP granules constitutively found in eukaryotic cells. Various proteins related to RNA regulation including RNA decay are found in P-bodies. P-bodies and STRESS GRANULES both sequester inactive mRNPs via different pathways. In P-bodies mRNAs from the stalled translational machinery are deadenylated and condensed for sequestration. MESH:D000088123 A11.284.430.214.190.500.780.500|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190.384.500 A11.284.430.214.190.500.780|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190.384 Glycine Tryptophan Protein of 182 KDa Bodies|Glycine-Tryptophan Protein of 182 KDa Bodies|GW Bodies|GW-Bodies|GW-Body|P Bodies|P-Bodies|P Body|P-Body|Processing Body +Prokaryotic Cells MESH:D011387 Cells lacking a nuclear membrane so that the nuclear material is either scattered in the cytoplasm or collected in a nucleoid region. CL:CL_0000520 MESH:D002477 A11.760 A11 Cell, Prokaryotic|Cells, Prokaryotic|Prokaryotic Cell CL:0000520 +Promyelocytic Leukemia Nuclear Bodies MESH:D000088182 Spherical intranuclear membraneless bodies nucleated by PROMYELOCYTIC LEUKEMIA PROTEIN and various other proteins containing small ubiquitin-related modifier (SUMO) interaction motif (SIM) and/or sumoylated proteins (e.g., Sp100 protein). Promyelocytic leukemia nuclear bodies regulate posttranslational modifications of partner proteins (e.g., SUMOYLATION) which in turn lead to modulation of various biological processes. MESH:D000088202 A11.284.430.106.279.345.574.875 A11.284.430.106.279.345.574 Nuclear Bodies, PML|Nuclear Body, PML|PML Bodies|PML Body|PML NBs|PML Nuclear Bodies|PML Nuclear Body|Promyelocytic Leukemia Nuclear Body|Promyelocytic Leukemia Protein Bodies|Promyelocytic Leukemia Protein Body +Pronephros MESH:D060910 The primordial kidney that develops from the INTERMEDIATE MESODERM in the embryos of vertebrates, and is succeeded by the MESONEPHROS. In higher vertebrates and humans, the pronephros is a vestigial and transient structure. UBERON:UBERON_0002120 MESH:D004628 A16.835 A16 Pronephroi archinephron|embryonic kidney|pronephric kidney|pronephron|UBERON:0002120 +Prosencephalon MESH:D016548 The anterior of the three primitive cerebral vesicles of the embryonic brain arising from the NEURAL TUBE. It subdivides to form DIENCEPHALON and TELENCEPHALON. (Stedmans Medical Dictionary, 27th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0001890 MESH:D001921 A08.186.211.200 A08.186.211 Forebrain|Forebrains FB|UBERON:0001890 +Prostate MESH:D011467 A gland in males that surrounds the neck of the URINARY BLADDER and the URETHRA. It secretes a substance that liquefies coagulated semen. It is situated in the pelvic cavity behind the lower part of the PUBIC SYMPHYSIS, above the deep layer of the triangular ligament, and rests upon the RECTUM. UBERON:UBERON_0002367 MESH:D005088|MESH:D005837 A05.360.444.575|A10.336.707 A05.360.444|A10.336 Prostates male prostate|prostata|prostate gland|UBERON:0002367 +Protoplasts MESH:D011523 The protoplasm and plasma membrane of plant, fungal, bacterial or archaeon cells without the CELL WALL. CL:CL_0000371 MESH:D002477 A11.789 A11 Protoplast CL:0000371 +Proventriculus MESH:D011531 A thin-walled, glandular stomach found in birds. It precedes the gizzard. UBERON:UBERON_0007357 MESH:D013278 A13.853.710 A13.853 UBERON:0007357 +Pseudoautosomal Regions MESH:D000071439 Homologous chromosomal regions at either end of the X CHROMOSOME or Y CHROMOSOME. These two regions pair regularly at male MEIOSIS and undergo RECOMBINATION. Pseudoautosomal region 1 (PAR1) is located at the tip of the short 'p' arms (Xp22 and Yp11) and Pseudoautosomal region 2 (PAR2) is located at the tip of the long 'q' arms (Xq28 and Yq12). MESH:D012730 A11.284.187.865.400 A11.284.187.865 Pseudoautosomal Region +Pseudopodia MESH:D011554 A dynamic actin-rich extension of the surface of an animal cell used for locomotion or prehension of food. MESH:D022081 A11.284.180.700 A11.284.180 Axopodia|Cell Surface Microspike|Cell Surface Microspikes|Filopodia|Lamellipodia|Lamellipodias|Lobopodia|Microspike, Cell Surface|Microspikes, Cell Surface|Pseudopodium|Reticulopodia|Surface Microspike, Cell|Surface Microspikes, Cell +Psoas Muscles MESH:D016658 A powerful flexor of the thigh at the hip joint (psoas major) and a weak flexor of the trunk and lumbar spinal column (psoas minor). Psoas is derived from the Greek 'psoa', the plural meaning 'muscles of the loin'. It is a common site of infection manifesting as abscess (PSOAS ABSCESS). The psoas muscles and their fibers are also used frequently in experiments in muscle physiology. UBERON:UBERON_0008450 MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.825 A02.633.567 Muscle, Psoas|Muscles, Psoas|Psoas Muscle psoas|UBERON:0008450 +Pterygoid Muscles MESH:D011626 Two of the masticatory muscles: the internal, or medial, pterygoid muscle and external, or lateral, pterygoid muscle. Action of the former is closing the jaws and that of the latter is opening the jaws, protruding the mandible, and moving the mandible from side to side. UBERON:UBERON_0006720 MESH:D008410 A02.633.567.600.700|A14.530.790 A02.633.567.600|A14.530 Muscle, Pterygoid|Muscles, Pterygoid|Pterygoid Muscle pterygoid|pterygoideus|pterygoideus muscle|UBERON:0006720 +Pterygopalatine Fossa MESH:D056739 A small space in the skull between the MAXILLA and the SPHENOID BONE, medial to the pterygomaxillary fissure, and connecting to the NASAL CAVITY via the sphenopalatine foramen. MESH:D012886 A02.835.232.781.670 A02.835.232.781 Fossa, Pterygopalatine +Pubic Bone MESH:D011630 A bone that forms the lower and anterior part of each side of the hip bone. UBERON:UBERON_0001275 MESH:D010384 A02.835.232.043.825.781 A02.835.232.043.825 Bone, Pubic|Bones, Pubic|Pubic Bones|Pubis os pubis|pubis bone|UBERON:0001275 +Pubic Symphysis MESH:D011631 A slightly movable cartilaginous joint which occurs between the pubic bones. UBERON:UBERON_0003699 MESH:D007596 A02.835.583.656 A02.835.583 Pubic Symphyses|Symphyses, Pubic|Symphysis, Pubic interpubic articulation|symphisis pubis|symphysis pubica|symphysis pubis|UBERON:0003699 +Pudendal Nerve MESH:D060525 A nerve which originates in the sacral spinal cord (S2 to S4) and innervates the PERINEUM, the external GENITALIA, the external ANAL SPHINCTER and the external urethral sphincter. It has three major branches: the perineal nerve, inferior anal nerves, and the dorsal nerve of penis or clitoris. UBERON:UBERON_0011390 MESH:D008160 A08.800.800.720.450.680 A08.800.800.720.450 Anal Nerve, Inferior|Anal Nerves, Inferior|Clitoris Dorsal Nerve|Clitoris Dorsal Nerves|Clitoris Nerve, Dorsal|Clitoris Nerves, Dorsal|Dorsal Clitoris Nerve|Dorsal Clitoris Nerves|Dorsal Nerve of Clitoris|Dorsal Nerve of Penis|Dorsal Penile Nerve|Dorsal Penile Nerves|Hemorrhoidal Nerve, Inferior|Hemorrhoidal Nerves, Inferior|Inferior Anal Nerve|Inferior Anal Nerves|Inferior Hemorrhoidal Nerve|Inferior Hemorrhoidal Nerves|Nerve, Dorsal Clitoris|Nerve, Dorsal Penile|Nerve, Inferior Anal|Nerve, Inferior Hemorrhoidal|Nerve, Perineal|Nerve, Pudendal|Nerves, Dorsal Clitoris|Nerves, Dorsal Penile|Nerves, Inferior Anal|Nerves, Inferior Hemorrhoidal|Nerves, Perineal|Nerves, Pudendal|Penile Nerve, Dorsal|Penile Nerves, Dorsal|Penis Dorsal Nerve|Penis Dorsal Nerves|Perineal Nerve|Perineal Nerves|Pudendal Nerves internal pudendal nerve|nervus pudendae|nervus pudendales|pudenal nerve|pudendal|UBERON:0011390 +Pulmonary Alveoli MESH:D011650 Small polyhedral outpouchings along the walls of the alveolar sacs, alveolar ducts and terminal bronchioles through the walls of which gas exchange between alveolar air and pulmonary capillary blood takes place. UBERON:UBERON_0002299 MESH:D008168 A04.411.715 A04.411 Alveoli, Pulmonary|Alveolus, Pulmonary|Pulmonary Alveolus alveoli|alveolus|alveolus of lung|alveolus pulmonis|lung alveolus|respiratory alveoli|respiratory alveolus|UBERON:0002299 +Pulmonary Artery MESH:D011651 The short wide vessel arising from the conus arteriosus of the right ventricle and conveying unaerated blood to the lungs. UBERON:UBERON_0002012 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.715 A07.015.114 Arteries, Pulmonary|Artery, Pulmonary|Pulmonary Arteries arteria pulmonalis|pulmonary arterial subtree|pulmonary arterial tree|pulmonary arterial tree organ part|truncus pulmonalis|UBERON:0002012 +Pulmonary Stretch Receptors MESH:D011661 Stretch receptors found in the bronchi and bronchioles. Pulmonary stretch receptors are sensors for a reflex which stops inspiration. In humans, the reflex is protective and is probably not activated during normal respiration. MESH:D008465 A08.675.650.915.750.780|A08.800.950.750.780|A11.671.650.915.750.780 A08.675.650.915.750|A08.800.950.750|A11.671.650.915.750 Lung Stretch Receptor|Lung Stretch Receptors|Pulmonary Stretch Receptor|Receptor, Lung Stretch|Receptor, Pulmonary Stretch|Receptors, Lung Stretch|Receptors, Pulmonary Stretch|Receptors, Stretch, Lung|Receptors, Stretch, Pulmonary|Stretch Receptor, Lung|Stretch Receptor, Pulmonary|Stretch Receptors, Lung|Stretch Receptors, Pulmonary +Pulmonary Valve MESH:D011664 A valve situated at the entrance to the pulmonary trunk from the right ventricle. UBERON:UBERON_0002146 MESH:D006351 A07.541.510.738 A07.541.510 Pulmonary Valves|Valve, Pulmonary|Valves, Pulmonary pulmonic valve|UBERON:0002146|valva trunci pulmonalis +Pulmonary Veins MESH:D011667 The veins that return the oxygenated blood from the lungs to the left atrium of the heart. UBERON:UBERON_0002016 MESH:D014680 A07.015.908.713 A07.015.908 Pulmonary Vein|Vein, Pulmonary|Veins, Pulmonary pulmonary venous tree organ part|UBERON:0002016|venae pulmonales +Pulvinar MESH:D020649 Large mass of nuclei forming the most caudal portion of the THALAMUS and overhanging the GENICULATE BODIES and the dorsolateral surface of the MIDBRAIN. It is divided into four parts: the lateral, medial, inferior, and oral pulvinar nuclei. UBERON:UBERON_0002981 MESH:D020647 A08. A08. Anterior Pulvinar Nucleus|Inferior Pulvinar Nucleus|Lateral Pulvinar Nucleus|Medial Pulvinar Nucleus|Nucleus, Anterior Pulvinar|Nucleus, Inferior Pulvinar|Nucleus, Lateral Pulvinar|Nucleus, Medial Pulvinar|Nucleus, Oral Pulvinar|Nucleus, Pulvinar|Nucleus Pulvinari|Nucleus Pulvinaris|Oral Pulvinar Nucleus|Pulvinari, Nucleus|Pulvinaris, Nucleus|Pulvinar Nucleus|Pulvinar Nucleus, Anterior|Pulvinar Nucleus, Inferior|Pulvinar Nucleus, Lateral|Pulvinar Nucleus, Medial|Pulvinar Nucleus, Oral|Pulvinars|Pulvinar Thalami|Pulvinar Thalamus|Thalami, Pulvinar|Thalamus, Pulvinar nuclei pulvinares|nucleus pulvinaris thalami|posterior nucleus (P)|Pul|pulvinar nuclei|UBERON:0002981 +Pupil MESH:D011680 The aperture in the iris through which light passes. UBERON:UBERON_0001771 MESH:D007498 A09.371.060.450.780|A09.371.894.513.780 A09.371.060.450|A09.371.894.513 Pupils UBERON:0001771 +Purkinje Cells MESH:D011689 The output neurons of the cerebellar cortex. CL:CL_0000121 MESH:D002525|MESH:D009474 A08.|A08.675.784|A11.671.784 A08.|A08.675|A11.671 Cell, Purkinje|Cell, Purkyne|Cells, Purkinje|Cells, Purkyne|Neuron, Purkinje|Neurons, Purkinje|Purkinje Cell|Purkinje Neuron|Purkinje Neurons|Purkyne Cell|Purkyne Cells cerebellar Purkinje cell|cerebellum Purkinje cell|CL:0000121|Purkinje's cell +Purkinje Fibers MESH:D011690 Modified cardiac muscle fibers composing the terminal portion of the heart conduction system. UBERON:UBERON_0002354 MESH:D006329 A07.541.409.683 A07.541.409 Fiber, Purkinje|Fibers, Purkinje|Purkinje Fiber cardiac Purkinje fiber|heart Purkinje fiber|myofibra conducens cardiacus|subendocardial branch|UBERON:0002354 +Purple Membrane MESH:D018717 Functionally and structurally differentiated, purple-pigmented regions of the cytoplasmic membrane of some strains of Halobacterium halobium. The membrane develops under anaerobic conditions and is made almost entirely of the purple pigment BACTERIORHODOPSINS. (From Singleton & Sainsbury Dictionary of Microbiology and Molecular Biology, 2d ed) MESH:D002462 A11.284.149.648 A11.284.149 Membrane, Purple|Membranes, Purple|Purple Membranes +Putamen MESH:D011699 The largest and most lateral of the BASAL GANGLIA lying between the lateral medullary lamina of the GLOBUS PALLIDUS and the EXTERNAL CAPSULE. It is part of the neostriatum and forms part of the LENTIFORM NUCLEUS along with the GLOBUS PALLIDUS. UBERON:UBERON_0001874 MESH:D017072 A08. A08. Nucleus Putamen|Nucleus Putamens|Putamen, Nucleus|Putamens|Putamens, Nucleus UBERON:0001874 +Pyloric Antrum MESH:D011706 The region between the sharp indentation at the lower third of the STOMACH (incisura angularis) and the junction of the PYLORUS with the DUODENUM. Pyloric antral glands contain mucus-secreting cells and gastrin-secreting endocrine cells (G CELLS). UBERON:UBERON_0001165 MESH:D013270 A03.556.875.875.716 A03.556.875.875 Antrum, Gastric|Antrum, Pyloric|Antrums, Gastric|Antrums, Pyloric|Gastric Antrum|Gastric Antrums|Pyloric Antrums antrum|antrum of stomach|antrum of Willis|antrum pylori|antrum pyloricum|stomach antrum|stomach pyloric antrum|UBERON:0001165 +Pylorus MESH:D011708 The region of the STOMACH at the junction with the DUODENUM. It is marked by the thickening of circular muscle layers forming the pyloric sphincter to control the opening and closure of the lumen. UBERON:UBERON_0001166 MESH:D013270 A03.556.875.875.799 A03.556.875.875 Pyloric Sphincter|Pyloric Sphincters|Sphincter, Pyloric|Sphincters, Pyloric pars pylorica|pars pylorica gastricae|pyloric part of stomach|pyloric region|stomach pyloric region|UBERON:0001166|valvula pylori +Pyramidal Cells MESH:D017966 Projection neurons in the CEREBRAL CORTEX and the HIPPOCAMPUS. Pyramidal cells have a pyramid-shaped soma with the apex and an apical dendrite pointed toward the pial surface and other dendrites and an axon emerging from the base. The axons may have local collaterals but also project outside their cortical region. CL:CL_0000598 MESH:D009474 A08.675.790|A11.671.790 A08.675|A11.671 Cell, Pyramidal|Cells, Pyramidal|Neuron, Pyramidal|Neurons, Pyramidal|Pyramidal Cell|Pyramidal Neuron|Pyramidal Neurons CL:0000598|projection neuron +Pyramidal Tracts MESH:D011712 Fibers that arise from cells within the cerebral cortex, pass through the medullary pyramid, and descend in the spinal cord. Many authorities say the pyramidal tracts include both the corticospinal and corticobulbar tracts. UBERON:UBERON_0002707 MESH:D004525|MESH:D013116 A08.186.854.300|A08.612.380.730 A08.186.854|A08.612.380 Corticobulbar Tract|Corticobulbar Tracts|Corticospinal Tract|Corticospinal Tracts|Decussation, Pyramidal|Pyramidal Decussation|Pyramidal Tract|Tract, Corticobulbar|Tract, Corticospinal|Tract, Pyramidal|Tracts, Corticobulbar|Tracts, Corticospinal|Tracts, Pyramidal corticospinal fibers|fasciculus cerebro-spinalis|fasciculus pyramidalis|fibrae corticospinales|pyramid (Willis)|tractus cortico-spinalis|tractus corticospinalis|tractus pyramidalis|UBERON:0002707 +Pyriform Sinus MESH:D056144 A recess on each side in the wall of the HYPOPHARYNX. MESH:D007013 A04.623.490.600 A04.623.490 Fossa, Piriform|Piriform Fossa|Piriform Recess|Piriform Sinus|Recess, Piriform|Sinus, Piriform|Sinus, Pyriform +Quadriceps Muscle MESH:D052097 The quadriceps femoris. A collective name of the four-headed skeletal muscle of the thigh, comprised of the rectus femoris, vastus intermedius, vastus lateralis, and vastus medialis. UBERON:UBERON_0001377 MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.850 A02.633.567 Muscle, Quadriceps|Muscles, Quadriceps|Quadriceps Femoris|Quadriceps Muscles|Rectus Femoris|Vastus Intermedius|Vastus Lateralis|Vastus Medialis musculus quadriceps femoris|quadricep muscle|quadriceps|quadriceps femoris muscle|quadriceps muscle of the thigh|quadriceps muscle of thigh|UBERON:0001377 +Radial Artery MESH:D017534 The direct continuation of the brachial trunk, originating at the bifurcation of the brachial artery opposite the neck of the radius. Its branches may be divided into three groups corresponding to the three regions in which the vessel is situated, the forearm, wrist, and hand. UBERON:UBERON_0001404 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.740 A07.015.114 Arteries, Radial|Artery, Radial|Radial Arteries arteria radialis|UBERON:0001404 +Radial Nerve MESH:D011826 A major nerve of the upper extremity. In humans the fibers of the radial nerve originate in the lower cervical and upper thoracic spinal cord (usually C5 to T1), travel via the posterior cord of the brachial plexus, and supply motor innervation to extensor muscles of the arm and cutaneous sensory fibers to extensor regions of the arm and hand. UBERON:UBERON_0001492 MESH:D001917 A08.800.800.720.050.700 A08.800.800.720.050 Nerve, Radial|Nerves, Radial|Radial Nerves nervus radialis|UBERON:0001492 +Radius MESH:D011884 The outer shorter of the two bones of the FOREARM, lying parallel to the ULNA and partially revolving around it. UBERON:UBERON_0001423 MESH:D050280 A02.835. A02.835.232.087.090 Radial Tuberosities|Radial Tuberosity|Tuberosities, Radial|Tuberosity, Radial radius bone|UBERON:0001423 +Ranvier's Nodes MESH:D011901 Regularly spaced gaps in the myelin sheaths of peripheral axons. Ranvier's nodes allow saltatory conduction, that is, jumping of impulses from node to node, which is faster and more energetically favorable than continuous conduction. MESH:D009186|MESH:D021961 A08.637.800.500.700|A08.675.542.512.560.700|A08.800.800.690.500.700|A10.755.503.700|A11.|A11.650.800.500.700|A11.671.501.512.560.700 A08.637.800.500|A08.675.542.512.560|A08.800.800.690.500|A10.755.503|A11.284.149.165|A11.650.800.500|A11.671.501.512.560 Nodes of Ranvier|Nodes, Ranvier's|Ranvier Nodes|Ranviers Nodes +Raphe Nuclei MESH:D011903 Collections of small neurons centrally scattered among many fibers from the level of the TROCHLEAR NUCLEUS in the midbrain to the hypoglossal area in the MEDULLA OBLONGATA. UBERON:UBERON_0004684 MESH:D008526|MESH:D013681|MESH:D065821 A08.|A08.|A08. A08.|A08.|A08. Caudal Linear Nucleus of the Raphe|Central Nucleus, Superior|Incertus, Nucleus|Interfascicular Nucleus|Nuclei, Raphe|Nucleus Incertus|Nucleus, Interfascicular|Nucleus, Raphe|Nucleus, Superior Central|Raphe Nucleus|Rostral Linear Nucleus of Raphe|Rostral Linear Nucleus of the Raphe|Superior Central Nucleus nuclei raphes|raphe cluster|raphe nuclei set|raphe of mesenchephalon|set of raphe nuclei|UBERON:0004684 +RAW 264.7 Cells MESH:D000067996 A transformed macrophage cell line isolated from ASCITES of mice infected with ABELSON MURINE LEUKEMIA VIRUS. MESH:D002461|MESH:D008264 A11.|A11.733.397.815 A11.251.210.172|A11.733.397 264.7 Cell, RAW|264.7 Cells, RAW|Cell, RAW 264.7|Cells, RAW 264.7|RAW 264.7 Cell|RAW 264.7 Cell Line +Rectum MESH:D012007 The distal segment of the LARGE INTESTINE, between the SIGMOID COLON and the ANAL CANAL. UBERON:UBERON_0001052 MESH:D007420 A03.556.124.526.767|A03.556.249.249.767 A03.556.124.526|A03.556.249.249 Rectums intestinum rectum|rectal sac|terminal portion of intestine|terminal portion of large intestine|UBERON:0001052 +Rectus Abdominis MESH:D017568 A long flat muscle that extends along the whole length of both sides of the abdomen. It flexes the vertebral column, particularly the lumbar portion; it also tenses the anterior abdominal wall and assists in compressing the abdominal contents. It is frequently the site of hematomas. In PLASTIC SURGERY PROCEDURES it is often used for the creation of MYOCUTANEOUS FLAP. (From Gray's Anatomy, 30th American ed, p491) UBERON:UBERON_0002382 MESH:D000009 A02.633.567.050.800 A02.633.567.050 Abdomen Rectus Muscle|Abdomen Rectus Muscles|Abdominus, Rectus|Recti Abdominis|Rectus Abdominus|Rectus Muscle of Abdomen m. rectus abdominis|musculus rectus abdominis|rectus abdominis muscle|UBERON:0002382 +Recurrent Laryngeal Nerve MESH:D012009 Branches of the vagus (tenth cranial) nerve. The recurrent laryngeal nerves originate more caudally than the superior laryngeal nerves and follow different paths on the right and left sides. They carry efferents to all muscles of the larynx except the cricothyroid and carry sensory and autonomic fibers to the laryngeal, pharyngeal, tracheal, and cardiac regions. UBERON:UBERON_0003716 MESH:D007823 A08.800.050.050.925.450.700|A08.800.050.600.825.450.700|A08.800.800.060.920.450.700|A08.800.800.120.900.450.700 A08.800.050.050.925.450|A08.800.050.600.825.450|A08.800.800.060.920.450|A08.800.800.120.900.450 Inferior Laryngeal Nerve|Inferior Laryngeal Nerves|Laryngeal Nerve, Inferior|Laryngeal Nerve, Recurrent|Laryngeal Nerves, Inferior|Laryngeal Nerves, Recurrent|Nerve, Inferior Laryngeal|Nerve, Recurrent Laryngeal|Nerves, Inferior Laryngeal|Nerves, Recurrent Laryngeal|Recurrent Laryngeal Nerves nervus laryngeus recurrens|ramus recurrens|recurrent laryngeal nerve from vagus nerve|recurrent nerve|UBERON:0003716|vagus X nerve recurrent laryngeal branch +Red Nucleus MESH:D012012 A pinkish-yellow portion of the midbrain situated in the rostral mesencephalic tegmentum. It receives a large projection from the contralateral half of the CEREBELLUM via the superior cerebellar peduncle and a projection from the ipsilateral MOTOR CORTEX. UBERON:UBERON_0001947 MESH:D013681 A08. A08. Nucleus, Red|Nucleus Ruber nucleus rotundus subthalamo-peduncularis|nucleus ruber tegmenti|nucleus ruber tegmenti (Stilling)|R|red nucleus (Burdach)|UBERON:0001947 +Reed-Sternberg Cells MESH:D016539 Large cells, usually multinucleate, whose presence is a common histologic characteristic of classical HODGKIN DISEASE. MESH:D002477 A11.828 A11 Cells, Reed-Sternberg|Cells, Sternberg-Reed|Reed Sternberg Cells|Sternberg Reed Cells|Sternberg-Reed Cells +Renal Artery MESH:D012077 A branch of the abdominal aorta which supplies the kidneys, adrenal glands and ureters. UBERON:UBERON_0001184 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.745 A07.015.114 Arteries, Renal|Artery, Renal|Renal Arteries arteria renalis|renal arterial tree|UBERON:0001184 +Renal Veins MESH:D012082 Short thick veins which return blood from the kidneys to the vena cava. UBERON:UBERON_0001140 MESH:D014680 A07.015.908.752 A07.015.908 Renal Vein|Vein, Renal|Veins, Renal kidney vein|renal venous tree|UBERON:0001140|vein of kidney|venae renales +Renshaw Cells MESH:D066293 Ipsilateral glycinergic inhibitory interneurons of the SPINAL CORD VENTRAL HORN which modulate recurrent firing of MOTOR NEURONS. They develop from embryonic progenitor domain V1.Ia inhibitory interneurons which also originate from V1 are responsible for reciprocal inhibition of MOTONEURONS. MESH:D007395 A08.675.358.650|A11.671.358.375 A08.675.358|A11.671.358 Cell, Renshaw|Cells, Renshaw|Ia Inhibitory Interneuron|Ia Inhibitory Interneurons|IaINs|Inhibitory Interneuron, Ia|Inhibitory Interneurons, Ia|Interneuron, Ia Inhibitory|Interneurons, Ia Inhibitory|Interneurons, Renshaw|Interneurons, V1-Derived|Interneuron, V1-Derived|Renshaw Cell|Renshaw Interneurons|Spinal Cord Ventral Horn Interneuron Renshaw|V1-Derived Interneuron|V1 Derived Interneurons|V1-Derived Interneurons +Respiratory Aerosols and Droplets MESH:D000088343 Physiological aerosols and droplets expelled during coughing, sneezing, speaking and exhalation. Depending on the size, aerodynamic distribution or concentration they may play a role in transmission of infectious respiratory diseases. MESH:D001826|MESH:D012634 A12.200.617|A12.207.876 A12.200|A12.207 Aerosol, Exhaled Biological|Aerosol, Infectious|Aerosol, Respiratory|Bio-Aerosol, Exhaled|Biological Aerosol, Exhaled|Droplet Nuclei, Expiratory|Droplet Nucleus, Expiratory|Droplet, Respiratory|Exhaled Bio-Aerosol|Exhaled Bio Aerosols|Exhaled Bio-Aerosols|Exhaled Biological Aerosol|Exhaled Biological Aerosols|Expiratory Droplet Nuclei|Expiratory Droplet Nucleus|Infectious Aerosol|Infectious Aerosols|Nucleus, Expiratory Droplet|Respiratory Aerosol|Respiratory Aerosols|Respiratory Droplet|Respiratory Droplets|Respiratory Droplets and Aerosols +Respiratory Center MESH:D012125 Part of the brain located in the MEDULLA OBLONGATA and PONS. It receives neural, chemical and hormonal signals, and controls the rate and depth of respiratory movements of the DIAPHRAGM and other respiratory muscles. MESH:D012154 A08. A08. Center, Respiratory|Centers, Respiratory|Respiratory Centers +Respiratory Mucosa MESH:D020545 The mucous membrane lining the RESPIRATORY TRACT, including the NASAL CAVITY; the LARYNX; the TRACHEA; and the BRONCHI tree. The respiratory mucosa consists of various types of epithelial cells ranging from ciliated columnar to simple squamous, mucous GOBLET CELLS, and glands containing both mucous and serous cells. UBERON:UBERON_0004785 MESH:D009092|MESH:D012137 A04.760|A10.615.550.760 A04|A10.615.550 Epithelium, Respiratory|Mucosa, Respiratory|Respiratory Epithelium apparatus respiratorius mucosa|apparatus respiratorius mucosa of organ|apparatus respiratorius mucous membrane|laryngeal mucous membrane|mucosa of apparatus respiratorius|mucosa of organ of apparatus respiratorius|mucosa of organ of respiratory system|mucosa of respiratory system|mucous membrane of apparatus respiratorius|mucous membrane of respiratory system|respiratory system mucosa|respiratory system mucosa of organ|respiratory system mucous membrane|respiratory tract mucosa|UBERON:0004785 +Respiratory Muscles MESH:D012132 These include the muscles of the DIAPHRAGM and the INTERCOSTAL MUSCLES. UBERON:UBERON_0014398 MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.900 A02.633.567 Muscle, Respiratory|Muscles, Respiratory|Muscles, Ventilatory|Muscle, Ventilatory|Respiratory Muscle|Ventilatory Muscle|Ventilatory Muscles UBERON:0014398 +Respiratory System MESH:D012137 The tubular and cavernous organs and structures, by means of which pulmonary ventilation and gas exchange between ambient air and the blood are brought about. UBERON:UBERON_0001004 MESH:A A04 A Respiratory Systems|Respiratory Tract|Respiratory Tracts|System, Respiratory|Tract, Respiratory apparatus respiratorius|Atmungssystem|systema respiratorium|UBERON:0001004 +Rete Testis MESH:D012152 The network of channels formed at the termination of the straight SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES in the mediastinum testis. Rete testis channels drain into the efferent ductules that pass into the caput EPIDIDYMIS. UBERON:UBERON_0003959 MESH:D013737 A05.360.444.849.600 A05.360.444.849 Testis, Rete Haller's rete|UBERON:0003959 +Reticular Formation MESH:D012154 A region extending from the PONS & MEDULLA OBLONGATA through the MESENCEPHALON, characterized by a diversity of neurons of various sizes and shapes, arranged in different aggregations and enmeshed in a complicated fiber network. UBERON:UBERON_0002275 MESH:D001933 A08. A08.186.211.132 Formation, Reticular|Formations, Reticular|Reticular Formations brain stem reticular formation|brainstem reticular formation|reticular formation (classical)|reticular formation of the brainstem|UBERON:0002275 +Reticulocytes MESH:D012156 Immature ERYTHROCYTES. In humans, these are ERYTHROID CELLS that have just undergone extrusion of their CELL NUCLEUS. They still contain some organelles that gradually decrease in number as the cells mature. RIBOSOMES are last to disappear. Certain staining techniques cause components of the ribosomes to precipitate into characteristic 'reticulum' (not the same as the ENDOPLASMIC RETICULUM), hence the name reticulocytes. CL:CL_0000558 MESH:D001854|MESH:D004912 A11.118.290.760|A11.148.790|A11.443.240.665|A15.145.229.334.760|A15.378.316.790 A11.118.290|A11.148|A11.443.240|A15.145.229.334|A15.378.316 Reticulocyte CL:0000558 +Reticulum MESH:D012159 The second stomach of ruminants. It lies almost in the midline in the front of the abdomen, in contact with the liver and diaphragm and communicates freely with the RUMEN via the ruminoreticular orifice. The lining of the reticulum is raised into folds forming a honeycomb pattern over the surface. (From Concise Veterinary Dictionary, 1988) UBERON:UBERON_0007361 MESH:D013279 A13.869.697 A13.869 Reticulums ruminant reticulum|UBERON:0007361 +Retina MESH:D012160 The ten-layered nervous tissue membrane of the eye. It is continuous with the OPTIC NERVE and receives images of external objects and transmits visual impulses to the brain. Its outer surface is in contact with the CHOROID and the inner surface with the VITREOUS BODY. The outer-most layer is pigmented, whereas the inner nine layers are transparent. UBERON:UBERON_0000966 MESH:D005123 A09.371.729 A09.371 Ora Serrata inner layer of eyeball|Netzhaut|retina of camera-type eye|retinas|tunica interna of eyeball|UBERON:0000966 +Retinal Artery MESH:D012161 Central retinal artery and its branches. It arises from the ophthalmic artery, pierces the optic nerve and runs through its center, enters the eye through the porus opticus and branches to supply the retina. UBERON:UBERON_0001620 MESH:D001158|MESH:D012171 A07.015.114.765|A07.015.611.647 A07.015.114|A07.015.611 Arteries, Central Retinal|Arteries, Retinal|Artery, Central Retinal|Artery, Retinal|Central Retinal Arteries|Central Retinal Artery|Retinal Arteries|Retinal Arteries, Central|Retinal Artery, Central arteria centralis retinae|central artery of retina|central artery of the retina|UBERON:0001620|Zinn's artery +Retinal Bipolar Cells MESH:D051245 INTERNEURONS of the vertebrate RETINA containing two processes. They receive inputs from the RETINAL PHOTORECEPTOR CELLS and send outputs to the RETINAL GANGLION CELLS. The bipolar cells also make lateral connections in the retina with the RETINAL HORIZONTAL CELLS and with the AMACRINE CELLS. CL:CL_0000748 MESH:D007395|MESH:D055351 A08.675.358.700|A08.675.650.850.750|A09.371.729.831.750|A11.671.358.700|A11.671.650.850.750 A08.675.358|A08.675.650.850|A09.371.729.831|A11.671.358|A11.671.650.850 Bipolar Cell, Retinal|Bipolar Cells, Retinal|Cell, Retinal Bipolar|Cells, Retinal Bipolar|Retinal Bipolar Cell BC|BCs|BPs|CL:0000748|retinal bipolar neuron +Retinal Cone Photoreceptor Cells MESH:D017949 Photosensitive afferent neurons located primarily within the FOVEA CENTRALIS of the MACULA LUTEA. There are three major types of cone cells (red, blue, and green) whose photopigments have different spectral sensitivity curves. Retinal cone cells operate in daylight vision (at photopic intensities) providing color recognition and central visual acuity. CL:CL_0000573 MESH:D020419 A08.675.650.850.625.670.100|A08.675.650.915.937.670.100|A08.800.950.937.670.100|A09.371.729.831.625.670.100|A11.671.650.850.625.670.100|A11.671.650.915.937.670.100 A08.675.650.850.625.670|A08.675.650.915.937.670|A08.800.950.937.670|A09.371.729.831.625.670|A11.671.650.850.625.670|A11.671.650.915.937.670 Cell, Cone Photoreceptor|Cell, Retinal Cone|Cells, Cone Photoreceptor|Cells, Retinal Cone|Cone Cell, Retinal|Cone Cells, Retinal|Cone Photoreceptor|Cone Photoreceptor Cell|Cone Photoreceptor Cells|Cone Photoreceptor, Retinal|Cone Photoreceptors|Cone Photoreceptors, Retinal|Cone (Retina)|Cone, Retinal|Cones (Retina)|Cones, Retinal|Photoreceptor Cell, Cone|Photoreceptor Cells, Cone|Photoreceptor, Cone|Photoreceptor, Retinal Cone|Photoreceptors, Cone|Photoreceptors, Retinal Cone|Retinal Cone|Retinal Cone Cell|Retinal Cone Cells|Retinal Cone Photoreceptor|Retinal Cone Photoreceptors|Retinal Cones CL:0000573|cone +Retinal Ganglion Cells MESH:D012165 Neurons of the innermost layer of the retina, the internal plexiform layer. They are of variable sizes and shapes, and their axons project via the OPTIC NERVE to the brain. A small subset of these cells act as photoreceptors with projections to the SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEUS, the center for regulating CIRCADIAN RHYTHM. CL:CL_0000740 MESH:D055351 A08.675.650.850.875|A09.371.729.831.875|A11.671.650.850.875 A08.675.650.850|A09.371.729.831|A11.671.650.850 Cell, Retinal Ganglion|Cells, Retinal Ganglion|Ganglion Cell, Retinal|Ganglion Cells, Retinal|Retinal Ganglion Cell CL:0000740|gangliocyte|ganglion cell of retina|RGC|RGCs +Retinal Horizontal Cells MESH:D051248 NEURONS in the inner nuclear layer of the RETINA that synapse with both the RETINAL PHOTORECEPTOR CELLS and the RETINAL BIPOLAR CELLS, as well as other horizontal cells. The horizontal cells modulate the sensory signal. CL:CL_0000745 MESH:D055351 A08.675.650.850.937|A09.371.729.831.937|A11.671.650.850.937 A08.675.650.850|A09.371.729.831|A11.671.650.850 Cell, Retinal Horizontal|Cells, Retinal Horizontal|Horizontal Cell, Retinal|Horizontal Cells, Retinal|Retinal Horizontal Cell CL:0000745|HC|HCs|horizontal cell|retina horizontal cell +Retinal Neurons MESH:D055351 Nerve cells of the RETINA in the pathway of transmitting light signals to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. They include the outer layer of PHOTORECEPTOR CELLS, the intermediate layer of RETINAL BIPOLAR CELLS and AMACRINE CELLS, and the internal layer of RETINAL GANGLION CELLS. UBERON:UBERON_0003902 MESH:D009475|MESH:D012160 A08.675.650.850|A09.371.729.831|A11.671.650.850 A08.675.650|A09.371.729|A11.671.650 Neuron, Retinal|Neurons, Retinal|Retinal Neuron neural layer of retina|neural retina|neural retinal epithelium|neuroretina|retinal neural layer|stratum nervosum (retina)|stratum nervosum retinae|UBERON:0003902 +Retinal Photoreceptor Cell Inner Segment MESH:D055211 The inner portion of a retinal rod or a cone photoreceptor cell, situated between the PHOTORECEPTOR CONNECTING CILIUM and the synapse with the adjacent neurons (RETINAL BIPOLAR CELLS; RETINAL HORIZONTAL CELLS). The inner segment contains the cell body, the nucleus, the mitochondria, and apparatus for protein synthesis. MESH:D020419 A08.675.650.850.625.670.237|A08.675.650.915.937.670.237|A08.800.950.937.670.237|A09.371.729.831.625.670.237|A11.671.650.850.625.670.237|A11.671.650.915.937.670.237 A08.675.650.850.625.670|A08.675.650.915.937.670|A08.800.950.937.670|A09.371.729.831.625.670|A11.671.650.850.625.670|A11.671.650.915.937.670 Cone Cell Inner Segment|Cone Inner Segment|Cone Inner Segments|Inner Segment, Cone|Inner Segment, Retinal|Inner Segment, Rod|Inner Segments, Cone|Inner Segments, Retinal|Inner Segments, Rod|Retinal Inner Segment|Retinal Inner Segments|Retinal Photoreceptor Inner Segment|Rod Cell Inner Segment|Rod Inner Segment|Rod Inner Segments +Retinal Photoreceptor Cell Outer Segment MESH:D055214 The light sensitive outer portion of a retinal rod or a cone photoreceptor cell. The outer segment contains a stack of disk membranes laden with photoreceptive pigments (RETINAL PIGMENTS). The outer segment is connected to the inner segment by a PHOTORECEPTOR CONNECTING CILIUM. MESH:D020419 A08.675.650.850.625.670.375|A08.675.650.915.937.670.375|A08.800.950.937.670.375|A09.371.729.831.625.670.375|A11.671.650.850.625.670.375|A11.671.650.915.937.670.375 A08.675.650.850.625.670|A08.675.650.915.937.670|A08.800.950.937.670|A09.371.729.831.625.670|A11.671.650.850.625.670|A11.671.650.915.937.670 Outer Segment, Retinal|Outer Segments, Retinal|Retinal Outer Segment|Retinal Outer Segments|Retinal Photoreceptor Outer Segment +Retinal Pigment Epithelium MESH:D055213 The single layer of pigment-containing epithelial cells in the RETINA, situated closely to the tips (outer segments) of the RETINAL PHOTORECEPTOR CELLS. These epithelial cells are macroglia that perform essential functions for the photoreceptor cells, such as in nutrient transport, phagocytosis of the shed photoreceptor membranes, and ensuring retinal attachment. UBERON:UBERON_0001782 MESH:D010857|MESH:D012160 A09.371.670.500|A09.371.729.887 A09.371.670|A09.371.729 Epithelium, Retinal Pigment|Pigment Epithelium, Retinal outer pigmented layer of retina|pigmented epithelium|pigmented layer of retina|pigmented retina|pigmented retina epithelium|pigmented retinal epithelium|pigment epithelium of retina|p. pigmentosa retinae|PRE|retinal pigmented epithelium|retinal pigment layer|RPE|stratum pigmentosa retinae|stratum pigmentosum (retina)|stratum pigmentosum retinae|UBERON:0001782 +Retinal Rod Photoreceptor Cells MESH:D017948 Photosensitive afferent neurons located in the peripheral retina, with their density increases radially away from the FOVEA CENTRALIS. Being much more sensitive to light than the RETINAL CONE CELLS, the rod cells are responsible for twilight vision (at scotopic intensities) as well as peripheral vision, but provide no color discrimination. CL:CL_0000604 MESH:D020419 A08.675.650.850.625.670.650|A08.675.650.915.937.670.650|A08.800.950.937.670.650|A09.371.729.831.625.670.650|A11.671.650.850.625.670.650|A11.671.650.915.937.670.650 A08.675.650.850.625.670|A08.675.650.915.937.670|A08.800.950.937.670|A09.371.729.831.625.670|A11.671.650.850.625.670|A11.671.650.915.937.670 Cell, Retinal Rod|Cell, Rod Photoreceptor|Cells, Retinal Rod|Cells, Rod Photoreceptor|Photoreceptor Cell, Rod|Photoreceptor Cells, Rod|Photoreceptor, Retinal Rod|Photoreceptor, Rod|Photoreceptors, Retinal Rod|Photoreceptors, Rod|Retinal Rod|Retinal Rod Cell|Retinal Rod Cells|Retinal Rod Photoreceptor|Retinal Rod Photoreceptors|Retinal Rods|Rod Cell, Retinal|Rod Cells, Retinal|Rod Photoreceptor|Rod Photoreceptor Cell|Rod Photoreceptor Cells|Rod Photoreceptor, Retinal|Rod Photoreceptors|Rod Photoreceptors, Retinal|Rod (Retina)|Rod, Retinal|Rods (Retina)|Rods, Retinal CL:0000604|rod +Retinal Vein MESH:D012169 Central retinal vein and its tributaries. It runs a short course within the optic nerve and then leaves and empties into the superior ophthalmic vein or cavernous sinus. UBERON:UBERON_0001673 MESH:D012171|MESH:D014680 A07.015.611.773|A07.015.908.783 A07.015.611|A07.015.908 Central Retinal Vein|Central Retinal Veins|Retinal Vein, Central|Retinal Veins|Retinal Veins, Central|Vein, Central Retinal|Vein, Retinal|Veins, Central Retinal|Veins, Retinal UBERON:0001673|vena centralis retinae +Retinal Vessels MESH:D012171 The blood vessels which supply and drain the RETINA. UBERON:UBERON_0003501|UBERON:UBERON_0004864 MESH:D001808 A07.015.611 A07.015 Pecten Oculi|Retinal Blood Vessel|Retinal Blood Vessels|Retinal Vasculature|Retinal Vasculatures|Retinal Vessel|Vasculature, Retinal|Vessel, Retinal|Vessel, Retinal Blood blood vessel of inner layer of eyeball|blood vessel of retina|blood vessel of tunica interna of eyeball|inner layer of eyeball blood vessel|retina blood vessel|retinal blood vessels set|retina vasculature|retina vasculature of camera-type eye|set of blood vessels of retina|set of retinal blood vessels|tunica interna of eyeball blood vessel|UBERON:0003501|UBERON:0004864|vasa sanguinea retinae|vasculature of retina +Retroperitoneal Space MESH:D012187 An area occupying the most posterior aspect of the ABDOMINAL CAVITY. It is bounded laterally by the borders of the quadratus lumborum muscles and extends from the DIAPHRAGM to the brim of the true PELVIS, where it continues as the pelvic extraperitoneal space. UBERON:UBERON_0003693 MESH:D034841 A01.923.047.025.750 A01.923.047.025 Retroperitoneal Spaces|Space, Retroperitoneal|Spaces, Retroperitoneal retroperitoneum|spatium retroperitoneale|UBERON:0003693 +Rhombencephalon MESH:D012249 The posterior of the three primitive cerebral vesicles of an embryonic brain. It consists of myelencephalon, metencephalon, and isthmus rhombencephali from which develop the major BRAIN STEM components, such as MEDULLA OBLONGATA from the myelencephalon, CEREBELLUM and PONS from the metencephalon, with the expanded cavity forming the FOURTH VENTRICLE. UBERON:UBERON_0002028 MESH:D001933 A08. A08.186.211.132 Brain, Hind|Brains, Hind|Hindbrain|Hind Brain|Hindbrains|Hind Brains|Rhombencephalons UBERON:0002028 +Rib Cage MESH:D000070602 The bony thoracic enclosure consisting of the vertebral column; the RIBS; the STERNUM; and the COSTAL CARTILAGE. UBERON:UBERON_0003252 MESH:D001842 A02.835.232.570 A02.835.232 Costal Arch|Costal Margin|Costal Margins|Margin, Costal|Margin, Rib|Margins, Costal|Margins, Rib|Ribcage|Ribcages|Rib Cages|Rib Margin|Rib Margins|Thoracic Cage|Thoracic Cages cavea thoracis|thoracic rib cage|UBERON:0003252 +Ribosomal Protein L10 MESH:D000080882 A RIBOSOMAL PROTEIN which plays a crucial role in protein synthesis and embryonic brain development. Diseases associated with RPL10 mutations include Mental Retardation, X-Linked, Syndromic, 35 and Autism X-Linked 5. MESH:D054657 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870.350 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870 60S Ribosomal Protein L10|L10 Ribosomal Protein|L10, Ribosomal Protein|Protein, L10 Ribosomal|Protein L10, Ribosomal|Protein, QM|Proteins, L10 Ribosomal|Proteins, QM|QM Protein|QM Proteins|QMs, Tumor Suppressor|QM, Tumor Suppressor|QM Tumor Suppressor Protein|Ribosomal Protein, L10|Ribosomal Proteins, L10|Suppressor QM, Tumor|Tumor Suppressor QM +Ribosomes MESH:D012270 Multicomponent ribonucleoprotein structures found in the CYTOPLASM of all cells, and in MITOCHONDRIA, and PLASTIDS. They function in PROTEIN BIOSYNTHESIS via GENETIC TRANSLATION. MESH:D015388 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811 A11.284.430.214.190.875 Ribosome +Ribosome Subunits MESH:D054657 The two dissimilar sized ribonucleoprotein complexes that comprise a RIBOSOME - the large ribosomal subunit and the small ribosomal subunit. The eukaryotic 80S ribosome is composed of a 60S large subunit and a 40S small subunit. The bacterial 70S ribosome is composed of a 50S large subunit and a 30S small subunit. MESH:D012270 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811 Ribosomal Subunit|Ribosomal Subunits|Ribosome Subunit|Subunit, Ribosomal|Subunit, Ribosome|Subunits, Ribosomal|Subunits, Ribosome +Ribosome Subunits, Large MESH:D054658 The largest ribonucleoprotein component of RIBOSOMES. It contains the domains which catalyze formation of the peptide bond and translocation of the ribosome along the MESSENGER RNA during GENETIC TRANSLATION. MESH:D054657 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870.700 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870 Large Ribosomal Subunit|Large Ribosomal Subunits|Large Ribosome Subunit|Large Ribosome Subunits|Ribosomal Subunit, Large|Ribosomal Subunits, Large|Ribosome Subunit, Large|Subunit, Large Ribosomal|Subunit, Large Ribosome|Subunits, Large Ribosomal|Subunits, Large Ribosome +Ribosome Subunits, Large, Archaeal MESH:D054748 The large subunit of the archaeal 70s ribosome. It is composed of the 23S RIBOSOMAL RNA, the 5S RIBOSOMAL RNA, and about 40 different RIBOSOMAL PROTEINS. MESH:D054658 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870.700.349 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870.700 50S Ribosomal Subunits, Archaeal|50S Ribosome Subunits, Archaeal|Archaeal Large Ribosomal Subunits|Archaeal Large Ribosome Subunits|Large Ribosomal Subunits, Archaeal|Large Ribosome Subunits, Archaeal|Ribosomal Subunits, 50S, Archaeal|Ribosomal Subunits, Large, Archaeal|Ribosome Subunits, 50S, Archaeal +Ribosome Subunits, Large, Bacterial MESH:D054681 The large subunit of the eubacterial 70s ribosome. It is composed of the 23S RIBOSOMAL RNA, the 5S RIBOSOMAL RNA, and about 37 different RIBOSOMAL PROTEINS. MESH:D054658 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870.700.700 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870.700 50S Ribosomal Subunits, Bacterial|50S Ribosome Subunits, Bacterial|Bacterial Large Ribosomal Subunits|Bacterial Large Ribosome Subunits|Large Ribosomal Subunits, Bacterial|Large Ribosome Subunits, Bacterial|Ribosomal Subunits, 50S, Bacterial|Ribosomal Subunits, Large, Bacterial|Ribosome Subunits, 50S, Bacterial +Ribosome Subunits, Large, Eukaryotic MESH:D054683 The large subunit of the 80s ribosome of eukaryotes. It is composed of the 28S RIBOSOMAL RNA, the 5.8S RIBOSOMAL RNA, the 5S RIBOSOMAL RNA, and about 50 different RIBOSOMAL PROTEINS. MESH:D054658 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870.700.750 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870.700 60S Ribosomal Subunit|60S Ribosomal Subunits|60S Ribosome Subunit|60S Ribosome Subunits|Eukaryotic Large Ribosomal Subunits|Eukaryotic Large Ribosome Subunits|Large Ribosomal Subunits, Eukaryotic|Large Ribosome Subunits, Eukaryotic|Ribosomal Subunit, 60S|Ribosomal Subunits, 60S|Ribosomal Subunits, Large, Eukaryotic|Ribosome Subunit, 60S|Ribosome Subunits, 60S|Subunit, 60S Ribosomal|Subunit, 60S Ribosome|Subunits, 60S Ribosomal|Subunits, 60S Ribosome +Ribosome Subunits, Small MESH:D054679 The small ribonucleoprotein component of RIBOSOMES. It contains the MESSENGER RNA binding site and two TRANSFER RNA binding sites - one for the incoming AMINO ACYL TRNA (A site) and the other (P site) for the peptidyl tRNA carrying the elongating peptide chain. MESH:D054657 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870.750 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870 Ribosomal Subunit, Small|Ribosomal Subunits, Small|Ribosome Subunit, Small|Small Ribosomal Subunit|Small Ribosomal Subunits|Small Ribosome Subunit|Small Ribosome Subunits|Subunit, Small Ribosomal|Subunit, Small Ribosome|Subunits, Small Ribosomal|Subunits, Small Ribosome +Ribosome Subunits, Small, Archaeal MESH:D054749 The small subunit of archaeal RIBOSOMES. It is composed of the 16S RIBOSOMAL RNA and about 28 different RIBOSOMAL PROTEINS. MESH:D054679 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870.750.349 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870.750 30S Ribosomal Subunits, Archaeal|30S Ribosome Subunits, Archaeal|Archaeal Small Ribosomal Subunits|Archaeal Small Ribosome Subunits|Ribosomal Subunits, 30S, Archaeal|Ribosomal Subunits, Small, Archaeal|Ribosome Subunits, 30S, Archaeal|Small Ribosomal Subunits, Archaeal|Small Ribosome Subunits, Archaeal +Ribosome Subunits, Small, Bacterial MESH:D054680 The small subunit of eubacterial RIBOSOMES. It is composed of the 16S RIBOSOMAL RNA and about 23 different RIBOSOMAL PROTEINS. MESH:D054679 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870.750.700 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870.750 30S Ribosomal Subunits, Bacterial|30S Ribosome Subunits, Bacterial|Bacterial Small Ribosomal Subunits|Bacterial Small Ribosome Subunits|Ribosomal Subunits, 30S, Bacterial|Ribosomal Subunits, Small, Bacterial|Ribosome Subunits, 30S, Bacterial|Small Ribosomal Subunits, Bacterial|Small Ribosome Subunits, Bacterial +Ribosome Subunits, Small, Eukaryotic MESH:D054682 The small subunit of the 80s ribosome of eukaryotes. It is composed of the 18S RIBOSOMAL RNA and 32 different RIBOSOMAL PROTEINS. MESH:D054679 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870.750.750 A11.284.430.214.190.875.811.870.750 40S Ribosomal Subunit|40S Ribosomal Subunits|40S Ribosome Subunit|40S Ribosome Subunits|Eukaryotic Small Ribosomal Subunits|Eukaryotic Small Ribosome Subunits|Ribosomal Subunit, 40S|Ribosomal Subunits, 40S|Ribosomal Subunits, Small, Eukaryotic|Ribosome Subunit, 40S|Ribosome Subunits, 40S|Small Ribosomal Subunits, Eukaryotic|Small Ribosome Subunits, Eukaryotic|Subunit, 40S Ribosomal|Subunit, 40S Ribosome|Subunits, 40S Ribosomal|Subunits, 40S Ribosome +Ribs MESH:D012272 A set of twelve curved bones which connect to the vertebral column posteriorly, and terminate anteriorly as costal cartilage. Together, they form a protective cage around the internal thoracic organs. UBERON:UBERON_0002228 MESH:D000070602 A02.835.232.570.500 A02.835.232.570 Rib dorsal rib|pleural rib|UBERON:0002228 +Ring Chromosomes MESH:D012303 Aberrant chromosomes with no ends, i.e., circular. MESH:D002875 A11.284.187.788 A11.284.187 Chromosome, Ring|Chromosomes, Ring|Ring Chromosome +Rod Cell Outer Segment MESH:D012374 The portion of a retinal rod cell situated between the ROD INNER SEGMENT and the RETINAL PIGMENT EPITHELIUM. It contains a stack of photosensitive disk membranes laden with RHODOPSIN. MESH:D017948|MESH:D055214 A08.675.650.850.625.670.375.500|A08.675.650.850.625.670.650.650|A08.675.650.915.937.670.375.500|A08.675.650.915.937.670.650.650|A08.800.950.937.670.375.500|A08.800.950.937.670.650.650|A09.371.729.831.625.670.375.500|A09.371.729.831.625.670.650.650|A11.671.650.850.625.670.375.500|A11.671.650.850.625.670.650.650|A11.671.650.915.937.670.375.500|A11.671.650.915.937.670.650.650 A08.675.650.850.625.670.375|A08.675.650.850.625.670.650|A08.675.650.915.937.670.375|A08.675.650.915.937.670.650|A08.800.950.937.670.375|A08.800.950.937.670.650|A09.371.729.831.625.670.375|A09.371.729.831.625.670.650|A11.671.650.850.625.670.375|A11.671.650.850.625.670.650|A11.671.650.915.937.670.375|A11.671.650.915.937.670.650 Outer Segment, Rod|Outer Segments, Rod|Rod Outer Segment|Rod Outer Segments +Rotator Cuff MESH:D017006 The musculotendinous sheath formed by the supraspinatus, infraspinatus, subscapularis, and teres minor muscles. These help stabilize the HUMERAL HEAD in the GLENOID CAVITY of the SCAPULA and allow for rotation of the SHOULDER JOINT about its longitudinal axis. UBERON:UBERON_0003683 MESH:D013710|MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.912|A02.880.700 A02.633.567|A02.880 Cuff, Rotator|Infraspinatus|Rotator Cuffs|Subscapularis|Supraspinatus|Teres Minor musculotendinous cuff|tendinous cuff|UBERON:0003683 +Round Ligament of Femur MESH:D000069593 Ligament that connects the fovea of the FEMUR HEAD and the ACETABULUM notch in the HIP JOINT. MESH:D000069590|MESH:D006621|MESH:D008023 A02.513.514.800|A02.513.901.500|A02.835.583.411.500|A02.835.583.512.950|A10.165.669.514.800|A10.165.669.901.500 A02.513.514|A02.513.901|A02.835.583.411|A02.835.583.512|A10.165.669.514|A10.165.669.901 Femur Round Ligament|Femur Round Ligaments|Ligamentum Capitis Femori|Ligamentum Capitis Femoris|Ligamentum Teres Femori|Ligamentum Teres Femoris +Round Ligament of Liver MESH:D000069592 A cord-like remnant structure formed from the closed left fetal UMBILICAL VEIN. It is located along the lower edge of the falciform ligament. UBERON:UBERON_0006588 MESH:D000069590|MESH:D008099 A02.513.901.750|A03.620.575|A10.165.669.901.750 A02.513.901|A03.620|A10.165.669.901 Hepatic Round Ligament|Hepatic Round Ligaments|Ligament, Hepatic Round|Ligaments, Hepatic Round|Ligamentum Teres Hepati|Ligamentum Teres Hepatis|Liver Round Ligament|Liver Round Ligaments|Round Ligament, Hepatic|Round Ligaments, Hepatic ligamentum teres|ligamentum teres hepatitis|ligamentum teres of liver|UBERON:0006588 +Round Ligament of Uterus MESH:D012404 A fibromuscular band that attaches to the UTERUS and then passes along the BROAD LIGAMENT, out through the INGUINAL RING, and into the labium majus. UBERON:UBERON_0006589 MESH:D000069590|MESH:D000290 A02.513.901.875|A05.360.319.114.815|A10.165.669.901.875 A02.513.901|A05.360.319.114|A10.165.669.901 Ligamentum Teres Uteri|Ligamentum Teres Uterus|Uterus Round Ligament|Uterus Round Ligaments Hunter's ligament|ligamentum teres of uterus|round ligament|round ligament of the uterus|UBERON:0006589 +Round Ligaments MESH:D000069590 Cord-like fibrous tissue structure that connects two articular extremities of bones, ligaments and /or cartilages. MESH:D008022 A02.513.901|A10.165.669.901 A02.513|A10.165.669 Chorda Obliqua|Chorda Obliquas|Elbow Round Ligament|Elbow Round Ligaments|Ligament, Round|Ligaments, Round|Ligamentum Tere|Ligamentum Teres|Oblique Cord|Oblique Cords|Round Ligament|Round Ligament of Elbow +Round Window, Ear MESH:D012405 Fenestra of the cochlea, an opening in the basal wall between the MIDDLE EAR and the INNER EAR, leading to the cochlea. It is closed by a secondary tympanic membrane. UBERON:UBERON_0002502 MESH:D003051 A09.246.300.246.814 A09.246.300.246 Cochlear Round Window|Cochlear Round Windows|Ear Round Window|Fenestra Cochleae|Round Window, Cochlear|Round Window of Ear|Round Windows, Cochlear|Round Windows, Ear cochlear window|fenestra rotunda|round window|round window of inner ear|round window of petrous part of temporal bone|UBERON:0002502 +Rumen MESH:D012417 The first stomach of ruminants. It lies on the left side of the body, occupying the whole of the left side of the abdomen and even stretching across the median plane of the body to the right side. It is capacious, divided into an upper and a lower sac, each of which has a blind sac at its posterior extremity. The rumen is lined by mucous membrane containing no digestive glands, but mucus-secreting glands are present in large numbers. Coarse, partially chewed food is stored and churned in the rumen until the animal finds circumstances convenient for rumination. When this occurs, little balls of food are regurgitated through the esophagus into the mouth, and are subjected to a second more thorough mastication, swallowed, and passed on into other parts of the compound stomach. (From Black's Veterinary Dictionary, 17th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0007365 MESH:D013279 A13.869.804 A13.869 Rumens paunch|UBERON:0007365 +Saccule and Utricle MESH:D012444 Two membranous sacs within the vestibular labyrinth of the INNER EAR. The saccule communicates with COCHLEAR DUCT through the ductus reuniens, and communicates with utricle through the utriculosaccular duct from which the ENDOLYMPHATIC DUCT arises. The utricle and saccule have sensory areas (acoustic maculae) which are innervated by the VESTIBULAR NERVE. UBERON:UBERON_0002518 MESH:D014722 A09.246.300.909.625|A09.923.500.625 A09.246.300.909|A09.923.500 Organ, Otolithic|Otolithic Organ|Otolithic Organs|Saccule|Saccules|Utricle|Utricle and Saccule|Utricles otolith organ|otolith organs|UBERON:0002518 +Sacrococcygeal Region MESH:D012445 The body region between (and flanking) the SACRUM and COCCYX. UBERON:UBERON_0005473 MESH:D001415 A01.923.176.780 A01.923.176 Coccygeal Region|Coccygeal Regions|Region, Coccygeal|Region, Sacral|Region, Sacrococcygeal|Regions, Coccygeal|Regions, Sacral|Regions, Sacrococcygeal|Sacral Region|Sacral Regions|Sacrococcygeal Regions back of pelvis|croup|hindquarter|pelvic back|posterior part of pelvis|regio sacralis|rump|sacral part of pelvis|UBERON:0005473 +Sacroiliac Joint MESH:D012446 The immovable joint formed by the lateral surfaces of the SACRUM and ILIUM. UBERON:UBERON_0001365 MESH:D007596 A02.835.583.707 A02.835.583 Joint, Sacroiliac|Joints, Sacroiliac|Sacroiliac Joints articulatio sacro-iliaca|sacro-iliac joint|UBERON:0001365 +Sacrum MESH:D012447 Five fused VERTEBRAE forming a triangle-shaped structure at the back of the PELVIS. It articulates superiorly with the LUMBAR VERTEBRAE, inferiorly with the COCCYX, and anteriorly with the ILIUM of the PELVIS. The sacrum strengthens and stabilizes the PELVIS. UBERON:UBERON_0003690 MESH:D013131 A02.835.232.834.717 A02.835.232.834 Sacra|Sacral Vertebra|Sacral Vertebrae|Sacrums|Vertebrae, Sacral|Vertebra, Sacral fused sacrum|os sacrum|os sacrum [vertebrae sacrales I - V]|sacral bone|sacrum [sacral vertebrae I - V]|sacrum [sacral vertebrae I-V]|UBERON:0003690 +Saliva MESH:D012463 The clear, viscous fluid secreted by the SALIVARY GLANDS and mucous glands of the mouth. It contains MUCINS, water, organic salts, and ptylin. UBERON:UBERON_0001836 MESH:D012634 A12.200.666 A12.200 Salivas sailva normalis|saliva atomaris|saliva molecularis|salivary gland secretion|UBERON:0001836 +Salivary Ducts MESH:D018987 Any of the ducts which transport saliva. Salivary ducts include the parotid duct, the major and minor sublingual ducts, and the submandibular duct. UBERON:UBERON_0001837 MESH:D012469 A03.556.500.760.640|A10.336.779.640|A14.549.760.640 A03.556.500.760|A10.336.779|A14.549.760 Duct, Salivary|Ducts, Salivary|Duct, Stensen's|Duct, Wharton's|Salivary Duct|Stensen Duct|Stensen's Duct|Stensens Duct|Wharton Duct|Wharton's Duct|Whartons Duct duct of salivary gland|salivary gland duct|secretory duct|UBERON:0001837 +Salivary Glands MESH:D012469 Glands that secrete SALIVA in the MOUTH. There are three pairs of salivary glands (PAROTID GLAND; SUBLINGUAL GLAND; SUBMANDIBULAR GLAND). UBERON:UBERON_0001836 MESH:D005088|MESH:D009055 A03.556.500.760|A10.336.779|A14.549.760 A03.556.500|A10.336|A14.549 Gland, Salivary|Glands, Salivary|Salivary Gland sailva normalis|saliva|saliva atomaris|saliva molecularis|salivary gland secretion|UBERON:0001836 +Salivary Glands, Minor MESH:D012470 Accessory salivary glands located in the lip, cheek, tongue, floor of mouth, palate and intramaxillary. UBERON:UBERON_0001830 MESH:D012469 A03.556.500.760.650|A10.336.779.650|A14.549.760.650 A03.556.500.760|A10.336.779|A14.549.760 Gland, Minor Salivary|Glands, Minor Salivary|Minor Salivary Gland|Minor Salivary Glands|Salivary Gland, Minor UBERON:0001830 +Salt Gland MESH:D012491 A compound tubular gland, located around the eyes and nasal passages in marine animals and birds, the physiology of which figures in water-electrolyte balance. The Pekin duck serves as a common research animal in salt gland studies. A rectal gland or rectal salt gland in the dogfish shark is attached at the junction of the intestine and cloaca and aids the kidneys in removing excess salts from the blood. (Storer, Usinger, Stebbins & Nybakken: General Zoology, 6th ed, p658) UBERON:UBERON_0004758 MESH:D000825 A13.811 A13 Gland, Rectal|Gland, Salt|Glands, Rectal|Glands, Salt|Rectal Gland|Rectal Glands|Salt Glands UBERON:0004758 +Saphenous Vein MESH:D012501 The vein which drains the foot and leg. UBERON:UBERON_0007318 MESH:D014680 A07.015.908.819 A07.015.908 Saphenous Veins|Vein, Saphenous|Veins, Saphenous UBERON:0007318 +Sarcolemma MESH:D012508 The excitable plasma membrane of a muscle cell. (Glick, Glossary of Biochemistry and Molecular Biology, 1990) MESH:D002462 A11.284.149.707 A11.284.149 Sarcolemmas +Sarcomeres MESH:D012518 The repeating contractile units of the MYOFIBRIL, delimited by Z bands along its length. MESH:D009210|MESH:D015388 A10.690.552.875.700|A11.284.430.214.190.875.820|A11.620.249.850.700|A11.620.500.500.700 A10.690.552.875|A11.284.430.214.190.875|A11.620.249.850|A11.620.500.500 Sarcomere +Sarcoplasmic Reticulum MESH:D012519 A network of tubules and sacs in the cytoplasm of SKELETAL MUSCLE FIBERS that assist with muscle contraction and relaxation by releasing and storing calcium ions. MESH:D018485|MESH:D018871 A10.690.552.500.500.850|A11.284.430.214.190.875.248.310.800 A10.690.552.500.500|A11.284.430.214.190.875.248.310 Reticulum, Sarcoplasmic|Reticulums, Sarcoplasmic|Sarcoplasmic Reticulums +Satellite Cells, Perineuronal MESH:D027161 The non-neuronal cells that surround the neuronal cell bodies of the GANGLIA. They are distinguished from the perineuronal satellite oligodendrocytes (OLIGODENDROGLIA) found in the central nervous system. CL:CL_0000516 MESH:D005724|MESH:D009457 A08.340.685|A08.637.685|A11.650.775 A08.340|A08.637|A11.650 Cell, Perineuronal Satellite|Cells, Perineuronal Satellite|Perineuronal Satellite Cell|Perineuronal Satellite Cells|Satellite Cell, Perineuronal CL:0000516|perineural satellite cell|perineuronal satellite oligodendroglial cell|satellite oligodendrocyte +Satellite Cells, Skeletal Muscle MESH:D032496 Elongated, spindle-shaped, quiescent myoblasts lying in close contact with adult skeletal muscle. They are thought to play a role in muscle repair and regeneration. CL:CL_0000594 MESH:D032448 A11.872.620.500.700 A11.872.620.500 Cell, Muscle Satellite|Cell, Myogenic Satellite|Cell, Myosatellite|Muscle Satellite Cell|Muscle Satellite Cells|Myogenic Satellite Cell|Myogenic Satellite Cells|Myosatellite Cell|Myosatellite Cells|Satellite Cell, Muscle|Satellite Cell, Myogenic|Satellite Cells, Myogenic|Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cell|Skeletal Muscle Satellite Cells CL:0000594 +Scala Tympani MESH:D012533 The lower chamber of the COCHLEA, extending from the round window to the helicotrema (the opening at the apex that connects the PERILYMPH-filled spaces of scala tympani and SCALA VESTIBULI). UBERON:UBERON_0001864 MESH:D003051 A09.246.300.246.848 A09.246.300.246 Scala Tympanus|Tympani, Scala|Tympanus, Scala UBERON:0001864 +Scala Vestibuli MESH:D054738 The upper chamber of the COCHLEA that is filled with PERILYMPH. It is connected to SCALA TYMPANI via helicotrema at the apex of the cochlea. UBERON:UBERON_0001863 MESH:D003051 A09.246.300.246.874 A09.246.300.246 Scala Vestibulus|Vestibuli, Scala|Vestibulus, Scala UBERON:0001863 +Scalp MESH:D012535 The outer covering of the calvaria. It is composed of several layers: SKIN; subcutaneous connective tissue; the occipitofrontal muscle which includes the tendinous galea aponeurotica; loose connective tissue; and the pericranium (the PERIOSTEUM of the SKULL). UBERON:UBERON_0000403 MESH:D006257 A01.456.810 A01.456 Scalps scalpus|UBERON:0000403 +Scaphoid Bone MESH:D021361 The bone which is located most lateral in the proximal row of CARPAL BONES. UBERON:UBERON_0001427 MESH:D002348 A02.835.232.087.319.150.750 A02.835.232.087.319.150 Bone, Scaphoid|Bones, Scaphoid|Hand Navicular Bone|Hand Navicular Bones|Navicular Bone of Hand|Os Naviculare Manus|Os Scaphoideum|Scaphoid Bones navicular bone of manus|navicular of hand|navicular of manus|os carpi radiale|radial carpal bone|radiale|scaphoid|scaphoideum|UBERON:0001427 +Scapula MESH:D012540 Also called the shoulder blade, it is a flat triangular bone, a pair of which form the back part of the shoulder girdle. UBERON:UBERON_0006849 MESH:D001133 A02.835.232.087.783 A02.835.232.087 Scapulae|Shoulder Blade|Shoulder Blades scapula bone|scapulas|UBERON:0006849 +Scent Glands MESH:D012543 Exocrine glands in animals which secrete scents which either repel or attract other animals, e.g. perianal glands of skunks, anal glands of weasels, musk glands of foxes, ventral glands of wood rats, and dorsal glands of peccaries. UBERON:UBERON_0011252 MESH:D000825 A13.820 A13 Gland, Scent|Glands, Scent|Scent Gland UBERON:0011252 +Schaffer Collaterals MESH:D000094282 The main axon connection from the CA3 PYRAMIDAL CELL AREA to the CA1 PYRAMIDAL CELL AREA in the HIPPOCAMPUS. Schaffer collaterals are important in memory, learning and activity-related NEURONAL PLASTICITY. MESH:D001369|MESH:D006624 A08.|A08.|A08.675.542.145.875|A11.|A11.671.501.145.875 A08.|A08.|A08.675.542.145|A11.284.180.075|A11.671.501.145 Schaffer Collateral +Schizonts MESH:D052939 Multinucleate cells or a stage in the development of sporozoan protozoa. It is exemplified by the life cycle of PLASMODIUM FALCIPARUM in the MALARIA infection cycle. MESH:D033761 A11.870.740.800 A11.870.740 Schizont +Schlemm's Canal MESH:D000092662 A circular vascular-like structure in the anterior chamber of the eye bounded anterolaterally by the internal scleral sulcus and posteriorly by the trabecular meshwork. It is a part of a pathway where the AQUEOUS HUMOR from the ANTERIOR CHAMBER of the eye passes through the TRABECULAR MESHWORK, drains into the lumen of Schlemm’s canal, and subsequently returns to blood circulation into the veins of the SCLERA. MESH:D016850 A09.371.060.217.659.250 A09.371.060.217.659 Canal of Schlemm|Canal, Schlemm|Canal, Schlemm's|Circular Channel, Limbis|Circular Channels, Limbis|Limbis Circular Channel|Limbis Circular Channels|Schlemm Canal|Schlemms Canal|Schlemm's Canals|Scleral Venous Sinus|Sinus Venosus Sclerae +Schwann Cells MESH:D012583 Neuroglial cells of the peripheral nervous system which form the insulating myelin sheaths of peripheral axons. CL:CL_0002573 MESH:D009457|MESH:D010525 A08.637.800|A08.800.800.690|A11.650.800 A08.637|A08.800.800|A11.650 Cell, Schwann|Cells, Schwann|Schwann Cell CL:0002573 +Sciatic Nerve MESH:D012584 A nerve which originates in the lumbar and sacral spinal cord (L4 to S3) and supplies motor and sensory innervation to the lower extremity. The sciatic nerve, which is the main continuation of the sacral plexus, is the largest nerve in the body. It has two major branches, the TIBIAL NERVE and the PERONEAL NERVE. UBERON:UBERON_0001322 MESH:D008160 A08.800.800.720.450.760 A08.800.800.720.450 Nerve, Sciatic|Nerves, Sciatic|Sciatic Nerves ischiadic nerve|ischiatic nerve|nervus ischiadicus|nervus sciaticus|UBERON:0001322 +Sclera MESH:D012590 The white, opaque, fibrous, outer tunic of the eyeball, covering it entirely excepting the segment covered anteriorly by the cornea. It is essentially avascular but contains apertures for vessels, lymphatics, and nerves. It receives the tendons of insertion of the extraocular muscles and at the corneoscleral junction contains the CANAL OF SCHLEMM. (From Cline et al., Dictionary of Visual Science, 4th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0001773 MESH:D005123 A09.371.784 A09.371 Scleral Spur|Scleral Spurs|Scleras scleral capsule|UBERON:0001773 +Scrotum MESH:D012611 A cutaneous pouch of skin containing the testicles and spermatic cords. UBERON:UBERON_0001300 MESH:D005837 A05.360.444.661 A05.360.444 Scrotums UBERON:0001300 +Sebaceous Glands MESH:D012627 Small, sacculated organs found within the DERMIS. Each gland has a single duct that emerges from a cluster of oval alveoli. Each alveolus consists of a transparent BASEMENT MEMBRANE enclosing epithelial cells. The ducts from most sebaceous glands open into a HAIR FOLLICLE, but some open on the general surface of the SKIN. Sebaceous glands secrete SEBUM. UBERON:UBERON_0001821 MESH:D005088|MESH:D012867 A10.336.827|A17.815.805 A10.336|A17.815 Gland, Sebaceous|Glands, Sebaceous|Sebaceous Gland glandula sebacea|glandula sebaceae|sebaceous follicle|UBERON:0001821 +Sebum MESH:D012629 The oily substance secreted by SEBACEOUS GLANDS. It is composed of KERATIN, fat, and cellular debris. UBERON:UBERON_0001866 MESH:D012634 A12.200.702 A12.200 Sebums UBERON:0001866 +Secretome MESH:D000089282 The set of all the soluble factors and extracellular vesicles secreted into the extracellular space by cells, or an organ or organism. In some studies the secretome only refers to the proteins secreted into the extracellular space. MESH:D005441 A12.895 A12 Protein Secretome|Protein Secretomes|Secretome, Protein|Secretomes|Secretomes, Protein +Secretory Vesicles MESH:D022142 Vesicles derived from the GOLGI APPARATUS containing material to be released at the cell surface. MESH:D022161 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.810 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880 Condensing Vacuole|Condensing Vacuoles|Granule, Secretory|Granule, Zymogen|Microvesicle, Synaptic-Like|Secretory Granule|Secretory Granules|Secretory Vesicle|SLMVs|Synaptic Like Microvesicle|Synaptic-Like Microvesicle|Synaptic Like Microvesicles|Synaptic-Like Microvesicles|Vacuole, Condensing|Vesicle, Secretory|Zymogen Granule|Zymogen Granules +Sella Turcica MESH:D012658 A bony prominence situated on the upper surface of the body of the sphenoid bone. It houses the PITUITARY GLAND. UBERON:UBERON_0003689 MESH:D013100 A02.835.232.781.802.662 A02.835.232.781.802 Sella Turcicas|Turcica, Sella|Turcicas, Sella suprasellar|Turkey Chair|turkish saddle|UBERON:0003689 +Semen MESH:D012661 The thick, yellowish-white, viscid fluid secretion of male reproductive organs discharged upon ejaculation. In addition to reproductive organ secretions, it contains SPERMATOZOA and their nutrient plasma. UBERON:UBERON_0001968 MESH:D012634 A12.200.732 A12.200 Plasma, Seminal|Seminal Plasma ejaculate|sperm|UBERON:0001968 +Semicircular Canals MESH:D012665 Three long canals (anterior, posterior, and lateral) of the bony labyrinth. They are set at right angles to each other and are situated posterosuperior to the vestibule of the bony labyrinth (VESTIBULAR LABYRINTH). The semicircular canals have five openings into the vestibule with one shared by the anterior and the posterior canals. Within the canals are the SEMICIRCULAR DUCTS. UBERON:UBERON_0001840 MESH:D007758 A09.246.300.663 A09.246.300 Canal, Semicircular|Canal, Semi-Circular|Semicircular Canal|Semi-Circular Canal|Semi Circular Canals|Semi-Circular Canals canalis semicircularis|ductus semicirculares|scc|semicircular ducts|UBERON:0001840 +Semicircular Ducts MESH:D054776 The three membranous semicircular ducts within the bony semicircular canals. They open into the UTRICLE through five openings. Each duct has at one end a sensory area called the ampullary crest. AMPULLARY HAIR CELLS of the crests sense the movement of ENDOLYMPH resulting from rotation of the head. UBERON:UBERON_0001840 MESH:D000091282|MESH:D012665 A09.246.300.663.500|A09.923.125 A09.246.300.663|A09.923 Ampullari, Crista|Ampullaris, Crista|Ampullary Crest|Ampullary Crests|Crest, Ampullary|Crests, Ampullary|Crista Ampullari|Crista Ampullaris|Duct, Semicircular|Ducts, Semicircular|Semicircular Duct canalis semicircularis|ductus semicirculares|scc|semicircular canal|semicircular canals|UBERON:0001840 +Seminal Vesicles MESH:D012669 A saclike, glandular diverticulum on each ductus deferens in male vertebrates. It is united with the excretory duct and serves for temporary storage of semen. (From McGraw-Hill Dictionary of Scientific and Technical Terms, 4th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0000998 MESH:D005837 A05.360.444.713 A05.360.444 Seminal Vesicle|Vesicle, Seminal|Vesicles, Seminal glandula seminalis|glandula vesiculosa|gonecyst|seminal gland|UBERON:0000998|vas efferens|vesiculae seminales|vesiculæ seminales|vesicular gland|vesicular glands|vesicular seminalis|vesicula seminalis +Seminiferous Epithelium MESH:D012670 The epithelium lining the seminiferous tubules composed of primary male germ cells (SPERMATOGONIA) and supporting SERTOLI CELLS. As SPERMATOGENESIS proceeds, the developing germ cells migrate toward the lumen. The adluminal compartment, the inner two thirds of the tubules, contains SPERMATOCYTES and the more advanced germ cells. UBERON:UBERON_0004813 MESH:D004848|MESH:D012671 A05.360.444.849.700.700|A10.272.700 A05.360.444.849.700|A10.272 Epithelium, Seminiferous|Epitheliums, Seminiferous|Seminiferous Epitheliums epithelial tissue of seminiferous tubule|epithelial tissue of seminiferous tubule of testis|epithelium of seminiferous tubule|epithelium of seminiferous tubule of testis|germinal epithelium (male)|male germinal epithelium|seminiferous tubule epithelial tissue|seminiferous tubule epithelium|testis germinal epithelium|UBERON:0004813|wall of seminiferous tubule +Seminiferous Tubules MESH:D012671 The convoluted tubules in the TESTIS where sperm are produced (SPERMATOGENESIS) and conveyed to the RETE TESTIS. Spermatogenic tubules are composed of developing germ cells and the supporting SERTOLI CELLS. UBERON:UBERON_0001343 MESH:D013737 A05.360.444.849.700 A05.360.444.849 Seminiferous Tubule|Tubule, Seminiferous|Tubules, Seminiferous seminiferous cord|seminiferous tubule of testis|testis - seminiferous tubule|tubuli seminiferi|UBERON:0001343 +Sense Organs MESH:D012679 Specialized organs adapted for the reception of stimuli by the NERVOUS SYSTEM. UBERON:UBERON_0000020 MESH:A A09 A Organ, Sense|Sense Organ|Sensory System|Sensory Systems|System, Sensory organ of sense organ system|organ of sensory organ system|organ of sensory system|sense organ system organ|sensillum|sensor|sensory organ|sensory organ system organ|sensory system organ|Sinnesorgan|UBERON:0000020 +Sensilla MESH:D058618 Collective name for a group of external MECHANORECEPTORS and CHEMORECEPTORS manifesting as sensory structures in ARTHROPODS. They include cuticular projections (setae, hairs, bristles), pores, and slits. UBERON:UBERON_0000020|UBERON:UBERON_0002536|UBERON:UBERON_6005168 MESH:D057506 A13.093.500 A13.093 Antennal Sensilla|Antennal Sensillas|Antennal Sensillum|Antennal Sensillums|Olfactory Sensilla|Olfactory Sensillas|Sensilla, Antennal|Sensilla, Olfactory|Sensillas, Antennal|Sensillas, Olfactory|Sensillum|Sensillum, Antennal|Sensillums, Antennal|Setae arthropod sensillum|insect external sensory organ|organ of sense organ system|organ of sensory organ system|organ of sensory system|sense organ|sense organ system organ|sensor|sensory organ|sensory organ system organ|sensory system organ|Sinnesorgan|UBERON:0000020|UBERON:0002536|UBERON:6005168 +Sensorimotor Cortex MESH:D066191 A composite area of the cerebral cortex concerned with motor control and sensory perception comprising the motor cortex areas, the somatosensory areas, the gustatory cortex, the olfactory areas, the auditory cortex, and the visual cortex. MESH:D002540 A08. A08. Area, Sensorimotor|Area, Sensory Motor|Area, Sensory-Motor|Areas, Sensorimotor|Areas, Sensory Motor|Areas, Sensory-Motor|Cortex, Sensorimotor|Cortex, Sensory Motor|Cortex, Sensory-Motor|Cortices, Sensorimotor|Cortices, Sensory Motor|Cortices, Sensory-Motor|Motor Area, Sensory|Motor Areas, Sensory|Motor Cortex, Sensory|Motor Cortices, Sensory|Sensorimotor Area|Sensorimotor Areas|Sensorimotor Cortices|Sensory Motor Area|Sensory-Motor Area|Sensory Motor Areas|Sensory-Motor Areas|Sensory Motor Cortex|Sensory-Motor Cortex|Sensory Motor Cortices|Sensory-Motor Cortices +Sensory Receptor Cells MESH:D011984 Specialized afferent neurons capable of transducing sensory stimuli into NERVE IMPULSES to be transmitted to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM. Sometimes sensory receptors for external stimuli are called exteroceptors; for internal stimuli are called interoceptors and proprioceptors. CL:CL_0000101|UBERON:UBERON_0012451 MESH:D009475|MESH:D017933 A08.675.650.915|A08.800.950|A11.671.650.915 A08.675.650|A08.800|A11.671.650 Nerve Ending, Sensory|Nerve Endings, Sensory|Neural Receptor|Neural Receptors|Neuron, Sensory|Neurons, Sensory|Neuroreceptor|Neuroreceptors|Receptor Cell, Sensory|Receptor Cells, Sensory|Receptor, Neural|Receptor, Sensory|Receptors, Neural|Receptors, Sensory|Sensory Nerve Ending|Sensory Nerve Endings|Sensory Neuron|Sensory Neurons|Sensory Receptor|Sensory Receptor Cell|Sensory Receptors CL:0000101|peripheral ending of sensory neuron|UBERON:0012451 +Sentinel Lymph Node MESH:D000071036 First lymph node to receive drainage from the primary tumor. SENTINEL LYMPH NODE BIOPSY is performed to determine early METASTASIS status because cancer cells may appear first in the sentinel node. MESH:D008198 A10.549.400.750|A15.382.520.604.412.750 A10.549.400|A15.382.520.604.412 Lymph Node, Sentinel|Lymph Nodes, Sentinel|Node, Sentinal|Nodes, Sentinal|Sentinal Node|Sentinal Nodes|Sentinel Lymph Nodes +Septal Nuclei MESH:D012686 Neural nuclei situated in the septal region. They have afferent and cholinergic efferent connections with a variety of FOREBRAIN and BRAIN STEM areas including the HIPPOCAMPAL FORMATION, the LATERAL HYPOTHALAMUS, the tegmentum, and the AMYGDALA. Included are the dorsal, lateral, medial, and triangular septal nuclei, septofimbrial nucleus, nucleus of diagonal band, nucleus of anterior commissure, and the nucleus of stria terminalis. UBERON:UBERON_0002663 MESH:D020665 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Anterior Commissure Nucleus|Bed Nucleus of Stria Terminalis|Complex, Septal Nuclear|Complices, Septal Nuclear|Diagonal Band Nucleus|Dorsal Septal Nucleus|Laterali, Nucleus Septalis|Laterali, Nucleus Septi|Lateralis, Nucleus Septalis|Lateralis, Nucleus Septi|Lateralis Septi, Nucleus|Lateralis Septus, Nucleus|Lateral Septal Nucleus|Lateral Septum Nucleus|Medial Septal Nucleus|Medial Septum Nucleus|Nuclear Complex, Septal|Nuclear Complices, Septal|Nuclei, Septal|Nucleus, Dorsal Septal|Nucleus Interstitialis Striae Terminalis|Nucleus Lateralis Septi|Nucleus Lateralis Septus|Nucleus, Lateral Septal|Nucleus, Lateral Septum|Nucleus, Medial Septal|Nucleus, Medial Septum|Nucleus of Anterior Commissure|Nucleus of Diagonal Band|Nucleus of Stria Terminalis|Nucleus of the Stria Terminalis|Nucleus Septalis Laterali|Nucleus Septalis Lateralis|Nucleus Septi Laterali|Nucleus Septi Lateralis|Nucleus, Septofimbrial|Nucleus Striae Terminali|Nucleus Striae Terminalis|Nucleus Triangularis Septi|Nucleus Triangularis Septus|Nucleus, Triangular Septal|Septalis Laterali, Nucleus|Septalis Lateralis, Nucleus|Septal Nuclear Complex|Septal Nuclear Complices|Septal Nucleus, Dorsal|Septal Nucleus, Lateral|Septal Nucleus, Medial|Septal Nucleus, Triangular|Septi Laterali, Nucleus|Septi Lateralis, Nucleus|Septi, Nucleus Lateralis|Septi, Nucleus Triangularis|Septofimbrial Nucleus|Septum Nucleus, Lateral|Septum Nucleus, Medial|Septus, Nucleus Lateralis|Septus, Nucleus Triangularis|Striae Terminali, Nucleus|Striae Terminalis, Nucleus|Stria Terminalis Nucleus|Terminali, Nucleus Striae|Terminalis, Nucleus Striae|Triangularis Septi, Nucleus|Triangularis Septus, Nucleus|Triangular Septal Nucleus nuclei septales|parolfactory nuclei|septal nucleus|UBERON:0002663 +Septum of Brain MESH:D020665 GRAY MATTER structures of the telencephalon and LIMBIC SYSTEM in the brain, but containing widely varying definitions among authors. Included here is the cortical septal area, subcortical SEPTAL NUCLEI, and the SEPTUM PELLUCIDUM. UBERON:UBERON_0000446 MESH:D008032|MESH:D013687 A08.|A08. A08.186.211.180|A08. Area, Septal|Bodies, Paraterminal|Body, Paraterminal|Brain Septum|Brain Septums|Paraterminal Bodies|Paraterminal Body|Region, Septal|Septal Area|Septal Region area septalis|massa praecommissuralis|Se|septum|septum (NN)|septum of telencephalon|septum pellucidum (BNA,PNA)|septum telencephali|telencephalon septum|UBERON:0000446 +Septum Pellucidum MESH:D012688 A triangular double membrane separating the anterior horns of the LATERAL VENTRICLES of the brain. It is situated in the median plane and bounded by the CORPUS CALLOSUM and the body and columns of the FORNIX (BRAIN). UBERON:UBERON_0004714 MESH:D002552|MESH:D020665 A08.|A08.|A08. A08.186.211.140|A08.|A08. Lucidum, Septum|Lucidums, Septum|Pellucidum, Septum|Pelusidum, Septum|Pelusidums, Septum|Septum Lucidum|Septum Lucidums|Septum Pelusidum|Septum Pelusidums|Septums, Supracommissural|Septum, Supracommissural|Supracommissural Septum|Supracommissural Septums lateral septum|pellucidum|septal pellucidum|septum gliosum|septum pellucidum of telencephalic ventricle|UBERON:0004714 +Serotonergic Neurons MESH:D059326 Neurons whose primary neurotransmitter is SEROTONIN. CL:CL_0000850 MESH:D009474 A08.675.895|A11.671.895 A08.675|A11.671 Neuron, Serotonergic|Neuron, Serotoninergic|Neurons, Serotonergic|Neurons, Serotoninergic|Serotonergic Neuron|Serotoninergic Neuron|Serotoninergic Neurons 5-HT neuron|5-hydroxytryptamine neuron|CL:0000850|serotinergic neuron +Serous Membrane MESH:D012704 A thin lining of closed cavities of the body, consisting of a single layer of squamous epithelial cells (MESOTHELIUM) resting on a thin layer of CONNECTIVE TISSUE, and covered with secreted clear fluid from blood and lymph vessels. Major serous membranes in the body include PERICARDIUM; PERITONEUM; and PLEURA. UBERON:UBERON_0000042 MESH:D008566 A10.615.789 A10.615 Membrane, Serous|Membranes, Serous|Serosa|Serous Membranes tunica serosa|UBERON:0000042|wall of serous sac +Sertoli Cells MESH:D012708 Supporting cells projecting inward from the basement membrane of SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES. They surround and nourish the developing male germ cells and secrete the ANDROGEN-BINDING PROTEIN and hormones such as ANTI-MULLERIAN HORMONE. The tight junctions of Sertoli cells with the SPERMATOGONIA and SPERMATOCYTES provide a BLOOD-TESTIS BARRIER. CL:CL_0000216 MESH:D004847|MESH:D013737|MESH:D055098 A05.360.444.849.789|A11.382.952|A11.436.837 A05.360.444.849|A11.382|A11.436 Cell, Sertoli|Cells, Sertoli|Sertoli Cell CL:0000216 +Serum MESH:D044967 The clear portion of BLOOD that is left after BLOOD COAGULATION to remove BLOOD CELLS and clotting proteins. UBERON:UBERON_0001977 MESH:D001769 A12.207.152.846|A15.145.846 A12.207.152|A15.145 Blood Serum|Serum, Blood|Serums UBERON:0001977 +Sesamoid Bones MESH:D012716 Nodular bones which lie within a tendon and slide over another bony surface. The kneecap (see PATELLA) is a sesamoid bone. UBERON:UBERON_0001479 MESH:D001842 A02.835.232.730 A02.835.232 Bone, Sesamoid|Bones, Sesamoid|Sesamoid Bone ossa sesamoidea|sesamoid|UBERON:0001479 +Sex Chromatin MESH:D012728 In the interphase nucleus, a condensed mass of chromatin representing an inactivated X chromosome. Each X CHROMOSOME, in excess of one, forms sex chromatin (Barr body) in the mammalian nucleus. (from King & Stansfield, A Dictionary of Genetics, 4th ed) MESH:D006570|MESH:D012730 A11.284.187.865.800|A11.284.430.106.279.345. A11.284.187.865|A11.284.430.106.279.345. Barr Bodies|Bodies, Barr|Chromatin, Sex|Chromatins, Sex|Sex Chromatins +Sex Chromosomes MESH:D012730 The homologous chromosomes that are dissimilar in the heterogametic sex. There are the X CHROMOSOME, the Y CHROMOSOME, and the W, Z chromosomes (in animals in which the female is the heterogametic sex (the silkworm moth Bombyx mori, for example)). In such cases the W chromosome is the female-determining and the male is ZZ. (From King & Stansfield, A Dictionary of Genetics, 4th ed) MESH:D002875 A11.284.187.865 A11.284.187 Chromosome, Sex|Chromosomes, Sex|Gonosome|Gonosomes|Sex Chromosome +Sf9 Cells MESH:D061987 Cell line derived from SF21 CELLS which are a cell line isolated from primary explants of SPODOPTERA FRUGIPERDA pupal tissue. MESH:D002460 A11.251.210.891 A11.251.210 Cell, Sf21|Cell, Sf9|Cells, Sf21|Cells, Sf9|Sf21 Cell|Sf21 Cells|Sf9 Cell|Spodoptera frugiperda 21 Cell|Spodoptera frugiperda 21 Cells|Spodoptera frugiperda 9 Cell|Spodoptera frugiperda 9 Cells +Shelterin Complex MESH:D000089804 A TELOMERE cap complex consisting of telomere-specific proteins in association with telomeric DNA such as telomeric dsDNA-sDNA junction. They are involved in the protection of chromosome ends and TELOMERASE regulation and play a role in CELLULAR SENESCENCE and ageing-related pathology. In general it consists of six mostly TELOMERE-BINDING PROTEINS (POT1, RAP1, TIN2, TPP1, TRF1, and TRF2). MESH:D016615 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160.845.500 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160.845 Capping Complex, Telomeric|Complex, CST|Complex, Ctc1-Stn1-Ten1|Complex, POT1-TPP1 Shelterin|Complex, Shelterin|Complex, Telomere POT1-TPP1|Complex, Telomeric Capping|CST Complex|Ctc1 Stn1 Ten1 Complex|Ctc1-Stn1-Ten1 Complex|POT1-TPP1 Complex, Telomere|POT1 TPP1 Shelterin Complex|POT1-TPP1 Shelterin Complex|Shelterin Complex, POT1-TPP1|Telomere Cap Complex|Telomere POT1 TPP1 Complex|Telomere POT1-TPP1 Complex|Telomeric Capping Complex|Telomeric Stn1 Ten1 Capping Complex|Telomeric Stn1-Ten1 Capping Complex|Telosome|Telosomes +Shoulder MESH:D012782 Part of the body in humans and primates where the arms connect to the trunk. The shoulder has five joints; ACROMIOCLAVICULAR joint, CORACOCLAVICULAR joint, GLENOHUMERAL joint, scapulathoracic joint, and STERNOCLAVICULAR joint. UBERON:UBERON_0001467 MESH:D034941 A01.378.800.750 A01.378.800 Shoulders articulatio humeri|shoulder region|UBERON:0001467 +Shoulder Joint MESH:D012785 The articulation between the head of the HUMERUS and the glenoid cavity of the SCAPULA. UBERON:UBERON_0001470 MESH:D007596 A02.835.583.748 A02.835.583 Glenohumeral Joint|Glenohumeral Joints|Glenoid Labrum|Joint, Glenohumeral|Joints, Glenohumeral|Joint, Shoulder|Joints, Shoulder|Labrum, Glenoid|Shoulder Joints articulatio humeri|humeral joint|humeroscapular joint|joint of shoulder|UBERON:0001470 +Side-Population Cells MESH:D058985 A group of cells identified on FLOW CYTOMETRY profiles as distinct from the main group of cells by their ability to extrude the fluorescent dye Hoechst 33342, often a characteristic property of less differentiated progenitor and STEM CELLS. MESH:D013234 A11.872.785 A11.872 Cell, Side-Population|Cells, Side-Population|Side-Population Cell|Side Population Cells +Sinoatrial Node MESH:D012849 The small mass of modified cardiac muscle fibers located at the junction of the superior vena cava (VENA CAVA, SUPERIOR) and right atrium. Contraction impulses probably start in this node, spread over the atrium (HEART ATRIUM) and are then transmitted by the atrioventricular bundle (BUNDLE OF HIS) to the ventricle (HEART VENTRICLE). UBERON:UBERON_0002351 MESH:D006329 A07.541.409.819 A07.541.409 Node, Sinoatrial|Node, Sino-Atrial|Node, Sinuatrial|Node, Sinu-Atrial|Node, Sinus|Nodes, Sinoatrial|Nodes, Sino-Atrial|Nodes, Sinuatrial|Nodes, Sinu-Atrial|Nodes, Sinus|Sino Atrial Node|Sino-Atrial Node|Sinoatrial Nodes|Sino-Atrial Nodes|Sinuatrial Node|Sinu Atrial Node|Sinu-Atrial Node|Sinuatrial Nodes|Sinu-Atrial Nodes|Sinus Node|Sinus Nodes cardiac pacemaker|Koch's node|node of Keith-Flack|nodus sinuatrialis|SA nodal muscle tissue|SA node|sinuatrial nodal muscle tissue|sinus node of Keith and Flack|UBERON:0002351 +Sinus of Valsalva MESH:D012850 The dilatation of the aortic wall behind each of the cusps of the aortic valve. UBERON:UBERON_0003707 MESH:D001011 A07. A07.015.114.056 Aortic Sinus|Sinus, Aortic|Valsalva Sinus Petit sinus|Petit's sinus|sinus aorta|sinus aortae|sinus of Morgagni|sinus of Otto|UBERON:0003707 +Skeletal Muscle Ventricle MESH:D019739 Autologous skeletal muscle that is wrapped around the heart and electrically stimulated in order to provide mechanical heart assistance. The latissimus dorsi muscle is commonly used to form this ventricle that functions to independently augment cardiac performance by pumping in series with the heart. MESH:D019738 A10.850.700 A10.850 Muscle Ventricle, Skeletal|Muscle Ventricles, Skeletal|Skeletal Muscle Ventricles|Ventricle, Skeletal Muscle|Ventricles, Skeletal Muscle +Skeleton MESH:D012863 The rigid framework of connected bones that gives form to the body, protects and supports its soft organs and tissues, and provides attachments for MUSCLES. UBERON:UBERON_0004288 MESH:D009141 A02.835 A02 Skeletons set of all bones|set of bones of body|UBERON:0004288 +Skin MESH:D012867 The outer covering of the body that protects it from the environment. It is composed of the DERMIS and the EPIDERMIS. UBERON:UBERON_0000014|UBERON:UBERON_0002097 MESH:D034582 A17.815 A17 entire integument|entire skin|integument|integumental organ|pelt|portion of skin|region of skin|skin of body|skin organ|skin region|skin zone|UBERON:0000014|UBERON:0002097|zone of skin +Skull MESH:D012886 The SKELETON of the HEAD including the FACIAL BONES and the bones enclosing the BRAIN. UBERON:UBERON_0003129 MESH:D001842 A02.835.232.781 A02.835.232 Calvaria|Calvarium|Cranium|Skulls cranial skeleton|skeletal system of head|UBERON:0003129 +Skull Base MESH:D019291 The inferior region of the skull consisting of an internal (cerebral), and an external (basilar) surface. UBERON:UBERON_0002517 MESH:D006257|MESH:D012886 A01.456.830|A02.835.232.781.750 A01.456|A02.835.232.781 Base, Cranial|Base of Skull|Base, Skull|Basicranium|Basis cranii|Cranial Base base of cranium|UBERON:0002517 +Smegma MESH:D012902 A foul-smelling accumulation of SEBUM and desquaminated epidermal cells, especially the cheesy substance found under the foreskin of the penis and at the base of the labia minor near the clitoris. UBERON:UBERON_0003670 MESH:D012634 A12.200.769 A12.200 Smegmas UBERON:0003670 +Solitary Nucleus MESH:D017552 GRAY MATTER located in the dorsomedial part of the MEDULLA OBLONGATA associated with the solitary tract. The solitary nucleus receives inputs from most organ systems including the terminations of the facial, glossopharyngeal, and vagus nerves. It is a major coordinator of AUTONOMIC NERVOUS SYSTEM regulation of cardiovascular, respiratory, gustatory, gastrointestinal, and chemoreceptive aspects of HOMEOSTASIS. The solitary nucleus is also notable for the large number of NEUROTRANSMITTERS which are found therein. UBERON:UBERON_0009050 MESH:D008526 A08. A08. Complex, Solitary Nuclear|Complices, Solitary Nuclear|Nuclear Complex, Solitary|Nuclear Complices, Solitary|Nuclei Tractus Solitarii|Nuclei Tractus Solitarius|Nucleus of Solitary Tract|Nucleus of the Solitary Tract|Nucleus of Tractus Solitarius|Nucleus Solitarius|Nucleus, Solitary|Nucleus, Solitary Tract|Nucleus Tractus Solitarii|Nucleus Tractus Solitarius|Solitarii, Nuclei Tractus|Solitarius, Nuclei Tractus|Solitarius Nucleus, Tractus|Solitary Nuclear Complex|Solitary Nuclear Complices|Solitary Tract Nucleus|Tractus Solitarii, Nuclei|Tractus Solitarius, Nuclei|Tractus Solitarius Nucleus nucleus of the tractus solitarius|nucleus tracti solitarii|nucleus tractus solitarii medullae oblongatae|UBERON:0009050 +Somatosensory Cortex MESH:D013003 Area of the parietal lobe concerned with receiving sensations such as movement, pain, pressure, position, temperature, touch, and vibration. It lies posterior to the central sulcus. UBERON:UBERON_0008930 MESH:D010296|MESH:D066191 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Anterior Parietal Cortex|Area 1, Brodmann|Area 1, Brodmann's|Area 2, Brodmann|Area 2, Brodmann's|Area 3, Brodmann|Area 3, Brodmann's|Area, Primary Somatosensory|Area, Primary Somesthetic|Area, Secondary Somatosensory|Areas, Primary Somatosensory|Brodmann Area 1|Brodmann Area 2|Brodmann Area 3|Brodmann Areas 1, 2, 3|Brodmann Areas 1, 2, and 3|Brodmann Areas 3, 1, 2|Brodmann Areas 3, 1, and 2|Brodmann's Area 1|Brodmanns Area 1|Brodmann's Area 2|Brodmanns Area 2|Brodmann's Area 3|Brodmanns Area 3|Brodmann's Areas 1, 2, and 3|Brodmann's Areas 3, 1, and 2|Cortex, Anterior Parietal|Cortex, Parietal-Opercular|Cortex, Primary Somatosensory|Cortex, S1|Cortex, S2|Cortex, Secondary Sensory|Cortex, Secondary Somatosensory|Cortex, SI|Cortex, SII|Cortex, Somatosensory|Gyrus, Postcentral|Gyrus, Post Central|Gyrus Postcentralis|Parietal Cortex, Anterior|Parietal Opercular Cortex|Parietal-Opercular Cortex|Parietal-Opercular Cortices|Postcentral Gyrus|Post Central Gyrus|Primary Somatic Sensory Area|Primary Somatosensory Area|Primary Somatosensory Areas|Primary Somatosensory Cortex|Primary Somatosensory Cortices|Primary Somesthetic Area|Primary Somesthetic Areas|S1 Cortex|S1 Cortices|S2 Cortex|S2 Cortices|Secondary Sensory Cortex|Secondary Somatosensory Area|Secondary Somatosensory Areas|Secondary Somatosensory Cortex|Second Somatic Sensory Area|Sensory Cortex, Secondary|SI Cortex|SII Cortex|SII Cortices|Somatosensory Area, Primary|Somatosensory Area, Secondary|Somatosensory Areas, Primary|Somatosensory Cortex, Primary|Somatosensory Cortex, Secondary|Somesthetic Area, Primary|Somesthetic Areas, Primary primary somatic sensory cortex|somatic sensory cortex|somatosensory area|somatosensory areas|somesthetic area|UBERON:0008930 +Somatostatin-Secreting Cells MESH:D019864 Endocrine cells found throughout the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT and in islets of the PANCREAS. D cells secrete SOMATOSTATIN that acts in both an endocrine and paracrine manner. Somatostatin acts on a variety of tissues including the PITUITARY GLAND; gastrointestinal tract; pancreas; and KIDNEY by inhibiting the release of hormones, such as GROWTH HORMONE; GASTRIN; INSULIN; and RENIN. CL:CL_0000173|CL:CL_0000502 MESH:D005753|MESH:D007515|MESH:D019858 A03.556.875.875.440.854|A03.734.414.793|A06.300.414.793|A06.390.825|A10.615.550.291.825|A11.382.625.950|A11.436.294.950 A03.556.875.875.440|A03.734.414|A06.300.414|A06.390|A10.615.550.291|A11.382.625|A11.436.294 D Cell|D Cell, Gastric|D Cells|D Cells, Gastric|D Cells, Pancreatic|delta Cell|delta Cell, Gastric|delta Cell, Pancreatic|delta Cells|delta Cells, Gastric|delta Cells, Pancreatic|Gastric D Cell|Gastric D Cells|Gastric delta Cell|Gastric delta Cells|Pancreatic D Cell|Pancreatic D Cells|Pancreatic delta Cell|Pancreatic delta Cells|Somatostatin Cell|Somatostatin Cells|Somatostatin-Secreting Cell|Somatostatin Secreting Cells CL:0000173|CL:0000502|D-cell of pancreatic islet|delta cell of islet|delta cell of pancreatic islet|pancreatic D-cell|somatostatin-secreting pancreatic cell|type D enteroendocrine cell +Somatotrophs MESH:D052683 Anterior pituitary cells which produce GROWTH HORMONE. CL:CL_0002312 MESH:D004847|MESH:D010903|MESH:D055098 A06.300.747.500.937|A06.688.357.750.500.937|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357.750.500.937|A11.382.968|A11.436.896 A06.300.747.500|A06.688.357.750.500|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357.750.500|A11.382|A11.436 GH Cell, Pituitary|GH Cells, Pituitary|Pituitary GH Cell|Pituitary GH Cells|Pituitary Growth Hormone Secreting Cells|Pituitary Growth Hormone-Secreting Cells|Somatotroph CL:0002312|somatotrope|somatotropic cell|somatrophic cell +Somites MESH:D019170 Paired, segmented masses of MESENCHYME located on either side of the developing spinal cord (neural tube). Somites derive from PARAXIAL MESODERM and continue to increase in number during ORGANOGENESIS. Somites give rise to SKELETON (sclerotome); MUSCLES (myotome); and DERMIS (dermatome). UBERON:UBERON_0002329 MESH:D008648 A16.504.660.750 A16.504.660 Somite epimere|epimere mesoderm|epithelial somite|mesodermal cluster|somitic mesoderm|somitus|UBERON:0002329 +Spermatic Cord MESH:D013085 Either of a pair of tubular structures formed by DUCTUS DEFERENS; ARTERIES; VEINS; LYMPHATIC VESSELS; and nerves. The spermatic cord extends from the deep inguinal ring through the INGUINAL CANAL to the TESTIS in the SCROTUM. UBERON:UBERON_0005352 MESH:D005837 A05.360.444.777 A05.360.444 Cord, Spermatic|Cords, Spermatic|Funiculus Spermaticus|Spermatic Cords spermatic chord|UBERON:0005352 +Spermatids MESH:D013087 Male germ cells derived from the haploid secondary SPERMATOCYTES. Without further division, spermatids undergo structural changes and give rise to SPERMATOZOA. CL:CL_0000018 MESH:D013094 A05.360.490.890.860|A11.497.760.600 A05.360.490.890|A11.497.760 Spermatid|Spermatoblast|Spermatoblasts CL:0000018|nematoblast +Spermatocytes MESH:D013090 Male germ cells derived from SPERMATOGONIA. The euploid primary spermatocytes undergo MEIOSIS and give rise to the haploid secondary spermatocytes which in turn give rise to SPERMATIDS. CL:CL_0000017 MESH:D013094 A05.360.490.890.880|A11.497.760.700 A05.360.490.890|A11.497.760 Spermatocyte|Spermiocyte|Spermiocytes CL:0000017 +Spermatogonia MESH:D013093 Euploid male germ cells of an early stage of SPERMATOGENESIS, derived from prespermatogonia. With the onset of puberty, spermatogonia at the basement membrane of the seminiferous tubule proliferate by mitotic then meiotic divisions and give rise to the haploid SPERMATOCYTES. CL:CL_0000020 MESH:D013094 A05.360.490.890.900|A11.497.760.800 A05.360.490.890|A11.497.760 Spermatogonias|Spermatophore|Spermatophores CL:0000020|spermatogonial cell|spermatogonium +Spermatozoa MESH:D013094 Mature male germ cells derived from SPERMATIDS. As spermatids move toward the lumen of the SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES, they undergo extensive structural changes including the loss of cytoplasm, condensation of CHROMATIN into the SPERM HEAD, formation of the ACROSOME cap, the SPERM MIDPIECE and the SPERM TAIL that provides motility. CL:CL_0000019|CL:CL_0002290|CL:CL_0002291 MESH:D005854 A05.360.490.890|A11.497.760 A05.360.490|A11.497 Sperm|Spermatozoon|Sperms, X-Bearing|Sperms, X-Chromosome-Bearing|Sperms, Y-Bearing|Sperms, Y-Chromosome-Bearing|Sperm, X-Bearing|Sperm, X-Chromosome-Bearing|Sperm, Y-Bearing|Sperm, Y-Chromosome-Bearing|X Bearing Sperm|X-Bearing Sperm|X-Bearing Sperms|X Chromosome Bearing Sperm|X-Chromosome-Bearing Sperm|X-Chromosome-Bearing Sperms|Y Bearing Sperm|Y-Bearing Sperm|Y-Bearing Sperms|Y Chromosome Bearing Sperm|Y-Chromosome-Bearing Sperm|Y-Chromosome-Bearing Sperms CL:0000019|CL:0002290|CL:0002291|spermatozoid|sperm cell|X chromosome-bearing sperm cell|Y chromosome-bearing sperm cell +Sperm Head MESH:D013077 The anterior portion of the spermatozoon (SPERMATOZOA) that contains mainly the nucleus with highly compact CHROMATIN material. MESH:D013094 A05.360.490.890.820|A11.497.760.400 A05.360.490.890|A11.497.760 Head, Sperm|Heads, Sperm|Sperm Heads +Sperm Midpiece MESH:D032961 The middle piece of the spermatozoon is a highly organized segment consisting of MITOCHONDRIA, the outer dense fibers and the core microtubular structure. MESH:D013094 A05.360.490.890.830|A11.497.760.450 A05.360.490.890|A11.497.760 Midpiece, Sperm|Midpieces, Sperm|Sperm Midpieces +Sperm Tail MESH:D013082 The posterior filiform portion of the spermatozoon (SPERMATOZOA) that provides sperm motility. MESH:D005407|MESH:D013094 A05.360.490.890.840|A11.|A11.497.760.500 A05.360.490.890|A11.284.180.290|A11.497.760 Flagellum, Sperm|Flagellums, Sperm|Sperm Flagellum|Sperm Flagellums|Sperm Tails|Tail, Sperm|Tails, Sperm +Sphenoid Bone MESH:D013100 An irregular unpaired bone situated at the SKULL BASE and wedged between the frontal, temporal, and occipital bones (FRONTAL BONE; TEMPORAL BONE; OCCIPITAL BONE). Sphenoid bone consists of a median body and three pairs of processes resembling a bat with spread wings. The body is hollowed out in its inferior to form two large cavities (SPHENOID SINUS). UBERON:UBERON_0001677 MESH:D012886 A02.835.232.781.802 A02.835.232.781 Bone, Sphenoid|Greater Sphenoid Wing|Greater Sphenoid Wings|Sphenoid Bones|Sphenoid Wing, Greater butterfly bone|os sphenoidale|os sphenoidum|sphenoid|sphenoidal bone|sphenoid complex|UBERON:0001677 +Sphenoid Sinus MESH:D013101 One of the paired air spaces located in the body of the SPHENOID BONE behind the ETHMOID BONE in the middle of the skull. Sphenoid sinus communicates with the posterosuperior part of NASAL CAVITY on the same side. UBERON:UBERON_0001724 MESH:D010256 A04.531.621.827 A04.531.621 Sinus, Sphenoid sinus sphenoidalis|sphenoidal sinus|UBERON:0001724 +Spherocytes MESH:D013102 Small, abnormal spherical red blood cells with more than the normal amount of hemoglobin. MESH:D004913 A11.118.290.330.802|A11.443.240.330.802|A15.145.229.334.330.802 A11.118.290.330|A11.443.240.330|A15.145.229.334.330 Spherocyte +Spheroids, Cellular MESH:D018874 Spherical, heterogeneous aggregates of proliferating, quiescent, and necrotic cells in culture that retain three-dimensional architecture and tissue-specific functions. The ability to form spheroids is a characteristic trait of CULTURED TUMOR CELLS derived from solid TUMORS. Cells from normal tissues can also form spheroids. They represent an in-vitro model for studies of the biology of both normal and malignant cells. (From Bjerkvig, Spheroid Culture in Cancer Research, 1992, p4) MESH:D002478 A11.251.800 A11.251 Cellular Spheroid|Cellular Spheroids|Multicellular Spheroid|Multicellular Spheroids|Spheroid, Cellular|Spheroid, Multicellular|Spheroids, Multicellular +Spheroplasts MESH:D013104 Cells, usually bacteria or yeast, which have partially lost their cell wall, lost their characteristic shape and become round. CL:CL_0000524 MESH:D002477 A11.868 A11 Spheroplast CL:0000524|sphaeroplast +Sphincter of Oddi MESH:D009803 The sphincter of the hepatopancreatic ampulla within the duodenal papilla. The COMMON BILE DUCT and main pancreatic duct pass through this sphincter. UBERON:UBERON_0004915 MESH:D014670 A03.|A03.556.124.684.124.236.572|A03.556.875.249.160.572 A03.|A03.556.124.684.124.236|A03.556.875.249.160 Oddi Sphincter|Oddi's Sphincter|Oddis Sphincter|Sphincter, Oddi's hepatopancreatic ampullary sphincter|musculus sphincter ampullae|musculus sphincter ampullae hepatopancreatica|sphincter of ampulla of vater|sphincter of hepatopancreatic ampulla|UBERON:0004915 +Spinal Canal MESH:D013115 The cavity within the SPINAL COLUMN through which the SPINAL CORD passes. UBERON:UBERON_0006692 MESH:D013131 A02.835.232.834.803 A02.835.232.834 Canal, Spinal|Canal, Vertebral|Foramen, Vertebral|Foramina, Vertebral|Spinal Canals|Vertebral Canal|Vertebral Canals|Vertebral Foramen|Vertebral Foramens|Vertebral Foramina c. vertebralis|foramen vertebrale|neural canal|spinal cavity|UBERON:0006692 +Spinal Cord MESH:D013116 A cylindrical column of tissue that lies within the vertebral canal. It is composed of WHITE MATTER and GRAY MATTER. UBERON:UBERON_0002240 MESH:D002490 A08.186.854 A08.186 Coccygeal Cord|Coccygeal Cords|Conus Medullari|Conus Medullaris|Conus Terminali|Conus Terminalis|Cord, Coccygeal|Cord, Lumbar|Cord, Sacral|Cords, Coccygeal|Cords, Lumbar|Cord, Spinal|Cords, Sacral|Cords, Spinal|Cords, Thoracic|Cord, Thoracic|Lumbar Cord|Lumbar Cords|Medullari, Conus|Medullaris, Conus|Medulla Spinali|Medulla Spinalis|Myelon|Myelons|Sacral Cord|Sacral Cords|Spinal Cords|Spinali, Medulla|Spinalis, Medulla|Terminali, Conus|Terminalis, Conus|Thoracic Cord|Thoracic Cords cerebro-cerebellar fissure|cerebrocerebellar fissure|fissura cerebro-cerebellaris|fissura cerebrocerebellaris|SpC|spinal cord structure|spinal medulla|UBERON:0002240 +Spinal Cord Dorsal Horn MESH:D066148 One of three central columns of the spinal cord. It is composed of GRAY MATTER spinal laminae I-VI. UBERON:UBERON_0002256 MESH:D013116 A08.186.854.697 A08.186.854 Clarke Columns|Clarke Nucleus|Clarke's Columns|Clarkes Columns|Clarke's Nucleus|Clarkes Nucleus|Columns, Clarke's|Dorsal Horn|Dorsal Horns|Dorsali, Nucleus|Dorsalis, Nucleus|Horn, Dorsal|Horns, Dorsal|Lamina 1|Lamina 3|Lamina 4|Lamina I|Lamina III|Lamina IV|Marginal Nucleus|Nucleus, Clarke's|Nucleus Dorsali|Nucleus Dorsalis|Nucleus, Marginal|Posterior Horn of Spinal Cord|Spinal Cord Posterior Horn|Spongiosas, Zona|Spongiosa, Zona|Zona Spongiosa|Zona Spongiosas columna grisea posterior medullae spinalis|cornu dorsale|cornu posterius medullae spinalis|dorsal gray column of spinal cord|dorsal gray horn|dorsal gray matter of spinal cord|dorsal grey column of spinal cord|dorsal grey horn|dorsal horn of spinal cord|dorsal horn of the spinal cord|dorsal horn spinal cord|dorsal region of mature spinal cord|dorsal region of spinal cord|dorsal spinal cord|posterior gray column of spinal cord|posterior gray horn of spinal cord|posterior grey column of spinal cord|spinal cord dorsal horns|UBERON:0002256 +Spinal Cord Lateral Horn MESH:D066152 One of three central columns of the spinal cord. It is composed of GRAY MATTER and is located laterally in lamina VII. UBERON:UBERON_0004676 MESH:D013116 A08.186.854.443 A08.186.854 Cell Column, Intermediolateral|Cell Columns, Intermediolateral|Column, Intermediolateral Cell|Column, Lateral Gray|Columns, Intermediolateral Cell|Columns, Lateral Gray|Gray Column, Lateral|Gray Columns, Lateral|Intermediolateral Cell Column|Intermediolateral Cell Columns|Intermediolateral Nucleus|Lateral Gray Column|Lateral Gray Columns|Nucleus, Intermediolateral columna grisea intermedia medullare spinalis|cornu laterale medullae spinalis|intermediate gray column of spinal cord|intermediate grey column of spinal cord|lateral gray column of spinal cord|lateral gray horn|lateral gray matter of spinal cord|lateral horn of spinal cord|spinal cord intermediate horn|UBERON:0004676 +Spinal Cord Ventral Horn MESH:D066151 One of three central columns of the spinal cord. It is composed of GRAY MATTER spinal laminae VIII and IX. UBERON:UBERON_0002257 MESH:D013116 A08.186.854.729 A08.186.854 Anterius, Cornu|Cervical Spinal Cord Ventral Horn|Cornu Anterius|Lamina IX|Lamina VIII|Spinal Cord Anterior Horn anterior column|anterior column of the spinal cord|anterior gray column of spinal cord|anterior gray horn of spinal cord|anterior grey column of spinal cord|anterior horn|anterior horn (spinal cord)|columna grisea anterior medullae spinalis|cornu anterius medullae spinalis|UBERON:0002257|ventral gray column of spinal cord|ventral gray matter of spinal cord|ventral grey column of spinal cord|ventral grey horn|ventral horn of spinal cord|ventral horn of the spinal cord|ventral horn spinal cord|ventral horns spinal cord|ventral region of spinal cord|ventral spinal cord +Spinal Nerve Roots MESH:D013126 Paired bundles of NERVE FIBERS entering and leaving the SPINAL CORD at each segment. The dorsal and ventral nerve roots join to form the mixed segmental spinal nerves. The dorsal roots are generally afferent, formed by the central projections of the spinal (dorsal root) ganglia sensory cells, and the ventral roots are efferent, comprising the axons of spinal motor and PREGANGLIONIC AUTONOMIC FIBERS. UBERON:UBERON_0009623 MESH:D013127 A08.800.800.720.725 A08.800.800.720 Dorsal Root|Dorsal Roots|Nerve Root, Spinal|Nerve Roots, Spinal|Root, Dorsal|Roots, Dorsal|Root, Spinal|Root, Spinal Nerve|Roots, Spinal|Roots, Spinal Nerve|Roots, Ventral|Root, Ventral|Spinal Nerve Root|Spinal Root|Spinal Roots|Ventral Root|Ventral Roots root of spinal nerve|spinal neural root|UBERON:0009623 +Spinal Nerves MESH:D013127 The 31 paired peripheral nerves formed by the union of the dorsal and ventral spinal roots from each spinal cord segment. The spinal nerve plexuses and the spinal roots are also included. UBERON:UBERON_0001780 MESH:D010525 A08.800.800.720 A08.800.800 Nerve, Spinal|Nerves, Spinal|Spinal Nerve backbone nerve|nerve of backbone|nerve of spinal column|nerve of spine|nerve of vertebral column|nervi spinales|spinal column nerve|spinal nerve tree|spine nerve|UBERON:0001780|vertebral column nerve +Spindle Apparatus MESH:D008941 A microtubule structure that forms during CELL DIVISION. It consists of two SPINDLE POLES, and sets of MICROTUBULES that may include the astral microtubules, the polar microtubules, and the kinetochore microtubules. MESH:D003599 A11.284.430.214.190.750.820 A11.284.430.214.190.750 Apparatus, Meiotic Spindle|Apparatus, Mitotic|Apparatus, Mitotic Spindle|Apparatus, Spindle|Meiotic Spindle|Meiotic Spindle Apparatus|Meiotic Spindles|Mitotic Apparatus|Mitotic Spindle|Mitotic Spindle Apparatus|Mitotic Spindles|Spindle Apparatus, Meiotic|Spindle Apparatus, Mitotic|Spindle, Meiotic|Spindle, Mitotic|Spindles, Meiotic|Spindles, Mitotic +Spindle Pole Bodies MESH:D064048 Microtubule organizing centers of FUNGI and DIATOMS. They are embedded in the NUCLEAR ENVELOPE and evolve into the spindle apparatus during CELL DIVISION. MESH:D022101|MESH:D064047 A11.284.430.214.190.750.585.580|A11.284.430.214.190.750.820.500.750 A11.284.430.214.190.750.585|A11.284.430.214.190.750.820.500 Bodies, Spindle Pole|Body, Spindle Pole|Spindle Pole Body +Spindle Poles MESH:D064047 The sites in a dividing cell where the minus ends of the spindle MICROTUBULES assemble and where the separated sister CHROMATIDS converge. MESH:D008941 A11.284.430.214.190.750.820.500 A11.284.430.214.190.750.820 Pole, Spindle|Poles, Spindle|Spindle Pole +Spine MESH:D013131 The spinal or vertebral column. UBERON:UBERON_0001130 MESH:D001842 A02.835.232.834 A02.835.232 Column, Spinal|Columns, Spinal|Columns, Vertebral|Column, Vertebral|Spinal Column|Spinal Columns|Vertebra|Vertebrae|Vertebral Column|Vertebral Columns backbone|columna vertebralis|dorsal spine|UBERON:0001130|vertebral column skeleton|vertebral region +Spinocerebellar Tracts MESH:D020824 Fibers that arise from cell groups within the spinal cord and pass directly to the cerebellum. They include the anterior, posterior, and rostral spinocerebellar tracts, and the cuneocerebellar tract. (From Parent, Carpenter's Human Neuroanatomy, 9th ed, p607) UBERON:UBERON_0005413 MESH:D000344 A08.612.220.725 A08.612.220 Spinocerebellar Tract|Tract, Spinocerebellar|Tracts, Spinocerebellar UBERON:0005413 +Spinothalamic Tracts MESH:D013133 A bundle of NERVE FIBERS connecting each posterior horn of the spinal cord to the opposite side of the THALAMUS, carrying information about pain, temperature, and touch. It is one of two major routes by which afferent spinal NERVE FIBERS carrying sensations of somaesthesis are transmitted to the THALAMUS. UBERON:UBERON_0002944 MESH:D000344|MESH:D013116 A08.186.854.761|A08.612.220.735 A08.186.854|A08.612.220 Spinothalamic Tract|Tract, Spinothalamic|Tracts, Spinothalamic spinothalamic tract of medulla|spinothalamic tract of the medulla|tractus spinothalamicus (myelencephali)|UBERON:0002944 +Spiral Ganglion MESH:D013136 The sensory ganglion of the COCHLEAR NERVE. The cells of the spiral ganglion send fibers peripherally to the cochlear hair cells and centrally to the COCHLEAR NUCLEI of the BRAIN STEM. UBERON:UBERON_0000395 MESH:D003051|MESH:D003056|MESH:D017950 A08.340.390.800|A08.800.350.800|A08.800.800.120.910.120.800|A09.246.300.246.900 A08.340.390|A08.800.350|A08.800.800.120.910.120|A09.246.300.246 Auditory Ganglion|Auditory Ganglions|Ganglia, Spiral|Ganglion, Auditory|Ganglion of Corti|Ganglions, Auditory|Ganglion, Spiral|Spiral Ganglia cochlear ganglion|cochlear part of vestibulocochlear ganglion|Corti's ganglion|ganglion cochlearis|ganglion spirale|ganglion spirale cochleae|spiral ganglion of cochlea|UBERON:0000395|vestibulocochlear ganglion cochlear component|vestibulocochlear VIII ganglion cochlear component +Spiral Lamina MESH:D013137 The bony plate which extends outwards from the modiolus into the spiral canal of the cochlea, forming part of the structure that divides the upper SCALA VESTIBULI and the lower SCALA TYMPANI. UBERON:UBERON_0006724 MESH:D003051 A09.246.300.246.930 A09.246.300.246 Lamina, Spiral|Laminas, Spiral|Spiral Laminas lamina modioli cochleae|lamina of modiolus cochleae|lamina of modiolus of cochlea|osseous spiral lamina|osseous spiral lamina of cochlea|osseus spiral lamina|spiral lamina of modiolus|UBERON:0006724 +Spiral Ligament of Cochlea MESH:D055493 A spiral thickening of the fibrous lining of the cochlear wall. Spiral ligament secures the membranous COCHLEAR DUCT to the bony spiral canal of the COCHLEA. Its spiral ligament fibrocytes function in conjunction with the STRIA VASCULARIS to mediate cochlear ion homeostasis. UBERON:UBERON_0006725 MESH:D003051 A09.246.300.246.965 A09.246.300.246 Cochlea Spiral Ligament|Cochlea Spiral Ligaments|Ligament, Spiral|Ligaments, Spiral|Spiral Ligament|Spiral Ligaments ligamentum spirale ductus cochlearis|spiral cochlear ligament|spiral ligament of cochlear duct|UBERON:0006725 +Splanchnic Nerves MESH:D013153 The major nerves supplying sympathetic innervation to the abdomen. The greater, lesser, and lowest (or smallest) splanchnic nerves are formed by preganglionic fibers from the spinal cord which pass through the paravertebral ganglia and then to the celiac ganglia and plexuses. The lumbar splanchnic nerves carry fibers which pass through the lumbar paravertebral ganglia to the mesenteric and hypogastric ganglia. UBERON:UBERON_0003715 MESH:D013564|MESH:D017776 A08.800.050.050.800|A08.800.050.800.800|A08.800.800.060.800 A08.800.050.050|A08.800.050.800|A08.800.800.060 Nerve, Splanchnic|Nerves, Splanchnic|Splanchnic Nerve UBERON:0003715|visceral nerve +Spleen MESH:D013154 An encapsulated lymphatic organ through which venous blood filters. UBERON:UBERON_0002106 MESH:D008221 A10.549.700|A15.382.520.604.700 A10.549|A15.382.520.604 lien|UBERON:0002106 +Splenic Artery MESH:D013157 The largest branch of the celiac trunk with distribution to the spleen, pancreas, stomach and greater omentum. UBERON:UBERON_0001194 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.814 A07.015.114 Arteries, Splenic|Artery, Splenic|Splenic Arteries arteria lienalis|arteria splenica|lienal artery|UBERON:0001194 +Splenic Vein MESH:D013162 Vein formed by the union (at the hilus of the spleen) of several small veins from the stomach, pancreas, spleen and mesentery. UBERON:UBERON_0003713 MESH:D011168 A07.015.908.670.730 A07.015.908.670 Splenic Veins|Vein, Splenic|Veins, Splenic lienal vein|UBERON:0003713|vena lienalis|vena splenica +Spliceosomes MESH:D017381 Organelles in which the splicing and excision reactions that remove introns from precursor messenger RNA molecules occur. One component of a spliceosome is five small nuclear RNA molecules (U1, U2, U4, U5, U6) that, working in conjunction with proteins, help to fold pieces of RNA into the right shapes and later splice them into the message. MESH:D042581 A11.284.430.106.279.345.850 A11.284.430.106.279.345 Spliceosome +Spores MESH:D013170 The reproductive elements of lower organisms, such as BACTERIA; FUNGI; and cryptogamic plants. MESH:D002477 A11.870 A11 Spore +Spores, Bacterial MESH:D013171 Heat and stain resistant, metabolically inactive bodies formed within the vegetative cells of bacteria of the genera Bacillus and Clostridium. CL:CL_0000563 MESH:D013170 A11.870.700 A11.870 Bacterial Spore|Bacterial Spores|Spore, Bacterial CL:0000563|endospore +Spores, Fungal MESH:D013172 Reproductive bodies produced by fungi. CL:CL_0000599|CL:CL_0002369 MESH:D013170 A11.870.710 A11.870 Conidia|Conidium|Fungal Spore|Fungal Spores|Spore, Fungal CL:0000599|CL:0002369 +Spores, Protozoan MESH:D033761 A vegetative stage in the life cycle of sporozoan protozoa. It is characteristic of members of the phyla APICOMPLEXA and MICROSPORIDIA. MESH:D013170 A11.870.740 A11.870 Protozoan Spore|Protozoan Spores|Spore, Protozoan +Sporozoites MESH:D034101 The product of meiotic division of zygotes in parasitic protozoa comprising haploid cells. These infective cells invade the host and undergo asexual reproduction producing MEROZOITES (or other forms) and ultimately gametocytes. MESH:D033661 A11.870.740.600.800 A11.870.740.600 Sporozoite +Sputum MESH:D013183 Material coughed up from the lungs and expectorated via the mouth. It contains MUCUS, cellular debris, and microorganisms. It may also contain blood or pus. UBERON:UBERON_0007311 MESH:D012634 A12.200.808 A12.200 Induced Sputum|Induced Sputums|Sputum, Induced|Sputums|Sputums, Induced expectoration|UBERON:0007311 +Stapedius MESH:D013198 A tiny muscle that arises from the posterior wall of the TYMPANIC CAVITY of MIDDLE EAR with its tendon inserted onto the neck of the STAPES. Stapedius pulls the stapes posteriorly and controls its movement. UBERON:UBERON_0001599 MESH:D004432|MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.950|A09.246.397.727 A02.633.567|A09.246.397 musculus stapedius|stapedius muscle|UBERON:0001599 +Stapes MESH:D013199 One of the three ossicles of the middle ear. It transmits sound vibrations from the INCUS to the internal ear (Ear, Internal see LABYRINTH). UBERON:UBERON_0001687 MESH:D004429 A09.246.397.247.806 A09.246.397.247 columella|columella auris|columellare|interstapediale|mediostapediale|mesostapediale|os columellare|os intermedium|stapellos|stapes bone|stelidium|stilus columellare|stirrup|UBERON:0001687 +Stellate Ganglion MESH:D013233 A paravertebral sympathetic ganglion formed by the fusion of the inferior cervical and first thoracic ganglia. UBERON:UBERON_0002441 MESH:D005728 A08.340.315.350.800|A08.800.050.300.300.800|A08.800.050.800.300.800 A08.340.315.350|A08.800.050.300.300|A08.800.050.800.300 Cervicothoracic Ganglia|Cervicothoracic Ganglion|Ganglia, Cervicothoracic|Ganglias, Stellate|Ganglia, Stellate|Ganglion, Cervicothoracic|Ganglion, Stellate|Stellate Ganglia|Stellate Ganglias cervicothoracic sympathetic ganglion|ganglion cervicothoracicum|ganglion stellatum|UBERON:0002441 +Stem Cells MESH:D013234 Relatively undifferentiated cells that retain the ability to divide and proliferate throughout postnatal life to provide progenitor cells that can differentiate into specialized cells. CL:CL_0000034 MESH:D002477 A11.872 A11 Cell, Mother|Cell, Progenitor|Cells, Mother|Cells, Progenitor|Cells, Stem|Cell, Stem|Colony Forming Unit|Colony-Forming Unit|Colony Forming Units|Colony-Forming Units|Mother Cell|Mother Cells|Progenitor Cell|Progenitor Cells|Stem Cell animal stem cell|CL:0000034 +Stereocilia MESH:D059547 Mechanosensing organelles of hair cells which respond to fluid motion or fluid pressure changes. They have various functions in many different animals, but are primarily used in hearing. MESH:D022081 A11.284.180.800 A11.284.180 Stereocilium|Stereovilli|Stereovillus +Sternoclavicular Joint MESH:D013247 A double gliding joint formed by the CLAVICLE, superior and lateral parts of the manubrium sterni at the clavicular notch, and the cartilage of the first rib. UBERON:UBERON_0001469 MESH:D007596 A02.835.583.781 A02.835.583 Joints, Sternoclavicular|Joint, Sternoclavicular|Sternoclavicular Joints articulatio sternoclavicularis|sternoclavicular|sternoclavicular articulation|sterno clavicular joint|UBERON:0001469 +Sternocostal Joints MESH:D013248 An articulation where the costal cartilage of each rib fit with slight concavities along the lateral borders of the STERNUM. UBERON:UBERON_0001998 MESH:D007596 A02.835.583.790 A02.835.583 Joints, Sternocostal|Joint, Sternocostal|Sternocostal Joint articulationes sternocostales|articulatio sternocostalis|costo sternal joint|costosternal joint|sternochondral joint|sternocostal synovial joint|synovial sternocostal joint|UBERON:0001998 +Sternum MESH:D013249 A long, narrow, and flat bone commonly known as BREASTBONE occurring in the midsection of the anterior thoracic segment or chest region, which stabilizes the rib cage and serves as the point of origin for several muscles that move the arms, head, and neck. UBERON:UBERON_0000975 MESH:D000070602 A02.835.232.570.750 A02.835.232.570 breastbone|UBERON:0000975|vertebrate sternum +Stifle MESH:D013264 In horses, cattle, and other quadrupeds, the joint between the femur and the tibia, corresponding to the human knee. UBERON:UBERON_0011123 MESH:D006614 A13.473.683 A13.473 Stifles femoropatellar joint|stifle joint|UBERON:0011123 +Stomach MESH:D013270 An organ of digestion situated in the left upper quadrant of the abdomen between the termination of the ESOPHAGUS and the beginning of the DUODENUM. UBERON:UBERON_0000945 MESH:D041742 A03.556.875.875 A03.556.875 Stomachs anterior intestine|gaster|mesenteron|stomach chamber|UBERON:0000945|ventriculus +Stomach, Avian MESH:D013278 A component of the digestive system of birds which consists of the GIZZARD and PROVENTRICULUS. MESH:D000825 A13.853 A13 Avian Stomach|Avian Stomachs|Stomachs, Avian +Stomach, Ruminant MESH:D013279 A component of the DIGESTIVE SYSTEM of RUMINANTS which consists of the ABOMASUM; OMASUM; RETICULUM; and RUMEN. UBERON:UBERON_0007366 MESH:D000825 A13.869 A13 Ruminant Stomach|Ruminant Stomachs|Stomachs, Ruminant plurilocular stomach|UBERON:0007366 +Stomatognathic System MESH:D013284 The mouth, teeth, jaws, pharynx, and related structures as they relate to mastication, deglutition, and speech. MESH:A A14 A Masticatory System|Masticatory Systems|Stomatognathic Systems|System, Masticatory|Systems, Masticatory|Systems, Stomatognathic|System, Stomatognathic +Stress Fibers MESH:D022502 Bundles of actin filaments (ACTIN CYTOSKELETON) and myosin-II that span across the cell attaching to the cell membrane at FOCAL ADHESIONS and to the network of INTERMEDIATE FILAMENTS that surrounds the nucleus. MESH:D008841 A11.284.430.214.190.750.050.830 A11.284.430.214.190.750.050 Fibers, Stress|Fiber, Stress|Fibres, Stress|Fibre, Stress|Stress Fiber|Stress Fibre|Stress Fibres +Stress Granules MESH:D000088162 Cytoplasmic granules composed of RIBONUCLEOPROTEINS which form only when stress-activated pathways stall translation initiation. Stress granules and processing bodies both sequester inactive mRNPs. Stress granules clear mRNPs through autophagy and may interact with P-BODIES. MESH:D000088123 A11.284.430.214.190.500.780.750|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190.384.750 A11.284.430.214.190.500.780|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190.384 Granule, Stress|Stress Granule +Stria Vascularis MESH:D013316 A layer of stratified EPITHELIUM forming the endolymphatic border of the cochlear duct at the lateral wall of the cochlea. Stria vascularis contains primarily three cell types (marginal, intermediate, and basal), and capillaries. The marginal cells directly facing the ENDOLYMPH are important in producing ion gradients and endochoclear potential. UBERON:UBERON_0002282 MESH:D003053 A09.246.300.246.292.876 A09.246.300.246.292 Vascularis, Stria psalterial cord|stria vascularis ductus cochlearis|stria vascularis of cochlea|stria vascularis of cochlear duct|UBERON:0002282|vascular stria of cochlear duct|vascular stripe of cochlear duct +Stromal Cells MESH:D017154 Connective tissue cells of an organ found in the loose connective tissue. These are most often associated with the uterine mucosa and the ovary as well as the hematopoietic system and elsewhere. CL:CL_0000499 MESH:D003239 A11.329.830 A11.329 Cells, Stromal|Cell, Stromal|Stromal Cell CL:0000499 +Stromal Vascular Fraction MESH:D000090002 A fraction of ADIPOSE TISSUE prepared to enrich in STEM CELLS with the capacity for multi-lineage differentiation. It is used in various applications for its tissue regeneration and immunomodulation activities. MESH:D059630 A11.329.830.500.500|A11.872.590.500.500 A11.329.830.500|A11.872.590.500 Adipose Stromal Vascular Fraction|Adipose SVF|Adipose SVF, Autologous|Autologous Adipose Stromal Vascular Fraction|Autologous Adipose SVF|Fraction, Stromal Vascular|Stromal Vascular Fractions|SVF, Adipose|SVF, Autologous Adipose|SVFs, Adipose|Vascular Fraction, Stromal +Subarachnoid Space MESH:D013346 The space between the arachnoid membrane and PIA MATER, filled with CEREBROSPINAL FLUID. It contains large blood vessels that supply the BRAIN and SPINAL CORD. UBERON:UBERON_0000315 MESH:D001099 A08.186.566.166.686 A08.186.566.166 Spaces, Subarachnoid|Space, Subarachnoid|Subarachnoid Spaces cavitas subarachnoidea|cavum subarachnoideale|spatium leptomeningeum|spatium subarachnoideum|subarachnoid cavity|subarachnoid space of central nervous system|subarachnoid space of CNS|subarachnoid space of neuraxis|UBERON:0000315 +Subcellular Fractions MESH:D013347 Components of a cell produced by various separation techniques which, though they disrupt the delicate anatomy of a cell, preserve the structure and physiology of its functioning constituents for biochemical and ultrastructural analysis. (From Alberts et al., Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2d ed, p163) MESH:D022082 A11.284.835 A11.284 Fractions, Subcellular|Fraction, Subcellular|Subcellular Fraction +Subclavian Artery MESH:D013348 Artery arising from the brachiocephalic trunk on the right side and from the arch of the aorta on the left side. It distributes to the neck, thoracic wall, spinal cord, brain, meninges, and upper limb. UBERON:UBERON_0001533 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.839 A07.015.114 Arteries, Subclavian|Artery, Subclavian|Subclavian Arteries arterial tree of upper limb|arteria subclavia|PA|pectoral artery|subclavian arterial tree|UBERON:0001533 +Subclavian Vein MESH:D013350 The continuation of the axillary vein which follows the subclavian artery and then joins the internal jugular vein to form the brachiocephalic vein. UBERON:UBERON_0001587 MESH:D014680 A07.015.908.877 A07.015.908 Subclavian Veins|Veins, Subclavian|Vein, Subclavian subclavian venous tree|UBERON:0001587|vena subclavia +Subcommissural Organ MESH:D013351 Ependymal derivative located at the junction of the THIRD VENTRICLE and the CEREBRAL AQUEDUCT; and the SOMATOSTATIN SECRETING CELLS. UBERON:UBERON_0002139 MESH:D003336|MESH:D066280 A06.688.178.937|A08.|A08.713.049.937 A06.688.178|A08.|A08.713.049 Organs, Subcommissural|Organ, Subcommissural|Subcommissural Organs cerebral aqueduct subcommissural organ|corpus subcommissurale|dorsal subcommissural organ|organum subcommissurale|SCO|UBERON:0002139 +Subcutaneous Fat MESH:D050151 Fatty tissue under the SKIN through out the body. UBERON:UBERON_0002190|UBERON:UBERON_0013488 MESH:D052436 A10.165.114.830.750 A10.165.114.830 Adipose Tissue, Subcutaneous|Fats, Subcutaneous|Fat, Subcutaneous|Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue|Subcutaneous Fats fatty layer of subcutaneous tissue|fatty layer of superficial fascia|hypodermis fat layer|panniculus adiposus|panniculus adiposus group|panniculus adiposus telae subcutaneae|panniculus adiposus (tela subcutanea)|subcutaneous fat layer|UBERON:0002190|UBERON:0013488 +Subcutaneous Fat, Abdominal MESH:D050507 Fatty tissue under the SKIN in the region of the ABDOMEN. UBERON:UBERON_0014455 MESH:D050151|MESH:D050153 A10.165.114.830.500.750|A10.165.114.830.750.500 A10.165.114.830.500|A10.165.114.830.750 Abdominal Subcutaneous Adipose Tissue|Abdominal Subcutaneous Fat|Abdominal Subcutaneous Fats|Adipose Tissue, Abdominal Subcutaneous|Fat, Abdominal Subcutaneous|Fats, Abdominal Subcutaneous|Subcutaneous Fats, Abdominal subcutaneous abdominal adipose tissue|subcutaneous abdominal fat|subcutaneous fat of abdominal region|UBERON:0014455 +Subcutaneous Tissue MESH:D040521 Loose connective tissue lying under the DERMIS, which binds SKIN loosely to subjacent tissues. It may contain a pad of ADIPOCYTES, which vary in number according to the area of the body and vary in size according to the nutritional state. UBERON:UBERON_0011818 MESH:D003238 A10.165.887 A10.165 Fascia, Superficial|Hypodermis|Subcutaneous Tissues|Superficial Fascia|Tela Subcutanea|Tissues, Subcutaneous|Tissue, Subcutaneous superficial fascial layer|UBERON:0011818 +Subdural Space MESH:D013355 Potential cavity which separates the ARACHNOID MATER from the DURA MATER. UBERON:UBERON_0000416 MESH:D004388 A08.186.566.395.687 A08.186.566.395 Space, Subdural|Subdural Spaces cavum subdurale|spatium subdurale|subdural cavity|subdural cleavage|subdural cleft|UBERON:0000416 +Subfornical Organ MESH:D013356 A structure, situated close to the intraventricular foramen, which induces DRINKING BEHAVIOR after stimulation with ANGIOTENSIN II. UBERON:UBERON_0002219 MESH:D066280 A06.688.178.968|A08.713.049.968 A06.688.178|A08.713.049 Organs, Subfornical|Organ, Subfornical|Organum Subfornicale|Organum Subfornicales|Subfornicale, Organum|Subfornicales, Organum|Subfornical Organs UBERON:0002219 +Sublingual Gland MESH:D013361 A salivary gland on each side of the mouth below the TONGUE. UBERON:UBERON_0001832 MESH:D012469 A03.556.500.760.687|A10.336.779.687|A14.549.760.687 A03.556.500.760|A10.336.779|A14.549.760 Glands, Sublingual|Gland, Sublingual|Sublingual Glands ductus sublingualis|glandula sublingualis|Rivinus gland|Rivinus' gland|sublingual salivary gland|submaxillary gland|UBERON:0001832 +Submandibular Gland MESH:D013363 One of two salivary glands in the neck, located in the space bound by the two bellies of the digastric muscle and the angle of the mandible. It discharges through the submandibular duct. The secretory units are predominantly serous although a few mucous alveoli, some with serous demilunes, occur. (Stedman, 25th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0001736 MESH:D012469 A03.556.500.760.812|A10.336.779.812|A14.549.760.812 A03.556.500.760|A10.336.779|A14.549.760 Glands, Submandibular|Glands, Submaxillary|Gland, Submandibular|Gland, Submaxillary|Submandibular Glands|Submaxillary Gland|Submaxillary Glands glandula submandibularis|mandibular gland|mandibular salivary gland|maxillary gland|submandibular salivary gland|UBERON:0001736 +Submitochondrial Particles MESH:D013367 The various filaments, granules, tubules or other inclusions within mitochondria. MESH:D008928 A11.284.430.214.190.875.564.882|A11.284.835.626.882 A11.284.430.214.190.875.564|A11.284.835.626 Particles, Submitochondrial|Particle, Submitochondrial|Submitochondrial Particle +Submucous Plexus MESH:D013368 One of two ganglionated neural networks which together form the enteric nervous system. The submucous (Meissner's) plexus is in the connective tissue of the submucosa. Its neurons innervate the epithelium, blood vessels, endocrine cells, other submucosal ganglia, and myenteric ganglia, and play an important role in regulating ion and water transport. (From FASEB J 1989;3:127-38) UBERON:UBERON_0005304 MESH:D017615|MESH:D017776 A08.800.050.050.850|A08.800.050.150.750|A08.800.800.060.840 A08.800.050.050|A08.800.050.150|A08.800.800.060 Meissner Plexus|Meissner's Plexus|Meissners Plexus|Plexus, Meissner's|Plexus, Submucosal|Plexus, Submucous|Submucosal Plexus Henle's plexus|submucosal nerve plexus|submucous nerve plexus|UBERON:0005304 +Subretinal Fluid MESH:D058471 An exudate between the RETINA and CHOROID from various sources including the vitreous cavity, SUBARACHNOID SPACE, or abnormal vessels. MESH:D005122 A12.383.800 A12.383 Fluid, Intraretinal|Fluid, Subretinal|Fluid, Sub-Retinal|Intraretinal Fluid|Intraretinal Fluids|Sub Retinal Fluid|Sub-Retinal Fluid +Substantia Gelatinosa MESH:D013376 Gelatinous-appearing material in the dorsal horn of the spinal cord, consisting chiefly of Golgi type II neurons and some larger nerve cells. UBERON:UBERON_0002181 MESH:D020671 A08.186.854.697.500.500|A08.675.650.675.800|A11.671.650.675.800 A08.186.854.697.500|A08.675.650.675|A11.671.650.675 Gelatinosas, Substantia|Gelatinosa, Substantia|Lamina 2|Lamina II|Rolando Substantia Gelatinosa|Substantia Gelatinosa of Rolando|Substantia Gelatinosas central gelatinous substance of spinal cord|gelatinous substance of dorsal horn of spinal cord|gelatinous substance of posterior horn of spinal cord|gelatinous substance of Rolando|lamina II of gray matter of spinal cord|lamina spinalis II|rexed lamina II|spinal lamina II|substantia gelatinosa cornu posterioris medullae spinalis|substantia gelatinosa of spinal cord dorsal horn|substantia gelatinosa of spinal cord posterior horn|UBERON:0002181 +Substantia Innominata MESH:D013377 Tissue in the BASAL FOREBRAIN inferior to the anterior perforated substance, and anterior to the GLOBUS PALLIDUS and ansa lenticularis. It contains the BASAL NUCLEUS OF MEYNERT. UBERON:UBERON_0003017 MESH:D001479|MESH:D008032 A08.|A08. A08.186.211.180|A08. Innominata, Substantia innominate substance|nucleus of substantia innominata|substantia innominata of Meynert|substantia innominata of Reichert|substantia innominata of Reil|substantia innominata (Reil, Reichert)|substriatal gray|UBERON:0003017 +Substantia Nigra MESH:D013378 The black substance in the ventral midbrain or the nucleus of cells containing the black substance. These cells produce DOPAMINE, an important neurotransmitter in regulation of the sensorimotor system and mood. The dark colored MELANIN is a by-product of dopamine synthesis. UBERON:UBERON_0002038 MESH:D065850 A08. A08. Nigras, Substantia|Nigra, Substantia|Substantia Nigras nucleus of basis pedunculi|nucleus pigmentosus subthalamo-peduncularis|SN|Soemmering's substance|substancia nigra|substantia nigra (Soemmerringi)|UBERON:0002038 +Subtalar Joint MESH:D013380 Formed by the articulation of the talus with the calcaneus. UBERON:UBERON_0003698 MESH:D013640 A02.835.583.378.831.780 A02.835.583.378.831 Joints, Subtalar|Joints, Talocalcaneal|Joint, Subtalar|Joint, Talocalcaneal|Subtalar Joints|Talocalcaneal Joint|Talocalcaneal Joints articulatio subtalaris|articulatio talocalcanea|talocalcaneal articulation|UBERON:0003698 +Subthalamic Nucleus MESH:D020531 Lens-shaped structure on the inner aspect of the INTERNAL CAPSULE. The SUBTHALAMIC NUCLEUS and pathways traversing this region are concerned with the integration of somatic motor function. UBERON:UBERON_0001906 MESH:D020530 A08. A08. Body of Luys|Corpus Luysi|Luys Body|Luysi, Corpus|Luys Nucleus|Luys Subthalamic Nucleus|Nucleus of Luys|Nucleus, Subthalamic|Nucleus Subthalamicus|Subthalamic Nucleus of Luys|Subthalamicus, Nucleus body of Forel|corpus subthalamicum|Luy's body|Luys' body|Luys' nucleus|nucleus of corpus luysii|subthalamic nucleus (of Luys)|UBERON:0001906 +Subthalamus MESH:D020530 A transition zone in the anterior part of the diencephalon interposed between the thalamus, hypothalamus, and tegmentum of the mesencephalon. Components of the subthalamus include the SUBTHALAMIC NUCLEUS, zona incerta, nucleus of field H, and the nucleus of ansa lenticularis. The latter contains the ENTOPEDUNCULAR NUCLEUS. UBERON:UBERON_0001900 MESH:D004027 A08. A08. Ansa Lenticularis Nucleus|Campi Foreli, Nucleus|Campi Forelus, Nucleus|Fasciculus, Lenticular|Fasciculus, Thalamic|Fasciculus Thalamicus|Field H1, Forel's|Field H1 of Forel|Field H2, Forel's|Field H Nucleus|Forel Field H1|Forel Field H2|Foreli, Nucleus Campi|Forel's Field H1|Forels Field H1|Forel's Field H2|Forels Field H2|Forelus, Nucleus Campi|Lenticular Fasciculus|Nucleus Campi Foreli|Nucleus Campi Forelus|Nucleus of Ansa Lenticularis|Nucleus of Field H|Thalamic Fasciculus|Thalamicus, Fasciculus perithalamus|prethalamus|SbTh|subthalamic region|thalamus ventralis|UBERON:0001900|ventral thalamus +Superficial Back Muscles MESH:D064171 The top layer of the back muscles whose function is to move the SCAPULA. This group of muscles consists of the trapezius, latissimus dorsi, rhomboid major, rhomboid minor and levator scapulae. UBERON:UBERON_0001112|UBERON:UBERON_0002380|UBERON:UBERON_0005461 MESH:D064131 A02.633.567.175.875 A02.633.567.175 Back Muscles, Superficial|Back Muscle, Superficial|Dorsi, Latissimus|Dorsus, Latissimus|Latissimus Dorsi|Latissimus Dorsus|Levator Scapulae|Muscles, Superficial Back|Muscles, Trapezius|Muscle, Superficial Back|Muscle, Trapezius|Rhomboid Major|Rhomboid Majors|Rhomboid Minor|Rhomboid Minors|Scapulae, Levator|Superficial Back Muscle|Trapezius|Trapezius Muscle|Trapezius Muscles dorsal latissimus muscle|latissimi dorsi|latissimus dorsi muscle|levator scapula|levator scapulæ|levator scapulae muscle|musculus latissimus dorsi|musculus levator scapulae|musculus trapezius|spinotrapezius|UBERON:0001112|UBERON:0002380|UBERON:0005461 +Superficial Musculoaponeurotic System MESH:D000069259 Layer between the superficial fat compartment and superficial facial muscles in the head and the neck. UBERON:UBERON_0005467 MESH:D005145|MESH:D009333 A01.456.505.875|A01.598.500 A01.456.505|A01.598 Muscle, Platysma|Muscles, Platysma|Musculoaponeurotic Systems, Superficial|Musculo-Aponeurotic Systems, Superficial|Musculoaponeurotic System, Superficial|Musculo-Aponeurotic System, Superficial|Platysma Muscle|Platysma Muscles|Superficial Musculo Aponeurotic System|Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic System|Superficial Musculoaponeurotic Systems|Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic Systems|Superficial Musculo aponeurotic System (SMAS)|Superficial Musculo-aponeurotic System (SMAS)|Superficial Musculo-aponeurotic Systems (SMAS)|Systems, Superficial Musculoaponeurotic|Systems, Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic|System, Superficial Musculoaponeurotic|System, Superficial Musculo-Aponeurotic|System, Superficial Musculo-aponeurotic (SMAS) neck platysma muscle|platysma|platysma cervicale|platysma myoides|UBERON:0005467 +Superior Cervical Ganglion MESH:D017783 The largest and uppermost of the paravertebral sympathetic ganglia. UBERON:UBERON_0001989 MESH:D005728 A08.340.315.350.850|A08.800.050.300.300.850|A08.800.050.800.300.850 A08.340.315.350|A08.800.050.300.300|A08.800.050.800.300 Cervical Ganglia, Superior|Cervical Ganglion, Superior|Ganglia, Superior Cervical|Ganglion, Superior Cervical|Superior Cervical Ganglia ganglion cervicale superius|SCG|superior cervical sympathetic ganglion|superior sympathetic cervical ganglion|UBERON:0001989 +Superior Colliculi MESH:D013477 The anterior pair of the quadrigeminal bodies which coordinate the general behavioral orienting responses to visual stimuli, such as whole-body turning, and reaching. UBERON:UBERON_0001945 MESH:D003336 A08. A08. Anterior Colliculus|Colliculi, Superior|Colliculus, Anterior|Colliculus, Superior|Human Optic Lobe|Human Optic Lobes|Mammalian Optic Lobe|Mammalian Optic Lobes|Optic Lobe, Human|Optic Lobe, Mammalian|Optic Lobes, Human|Optic Lobes, Mammalian|Optic Tectum|Optic Tectums|Superior Colliculus|Tectum, Optic|Tectums, Optic anterior corpus quadrigeminum|colliculus bigeminalis oralis|colliculus cranialis|colliculus rostralis|colliculus superior|corpora bigemina|corpus quadrigeminum superius|cranial colliculus|dorsal midbrain|layers of the superior colliculus|lobus opticus|nates|optic lobe|strata (grisea et alba) colliculi cranialis|strata (grisea et alba) colliculi superioris|tectal lobe|tectum|tectum opticum|UBERON:0001945 +Superior Olivary Complex MESH:D065832 An auditory brainstem structure in the pontine tegmentum that contains several nuclei associated with auditory localization and is component of ascending and descending auditory pathways. UBERON:UBERON_0002128 MESH:D065821 A08. A08. Complex, Superior Olivary|Complex, Trapezoid Nuclear|Nuclear Complex, Trapezoid|Nuclei, Superior Olivary|Nucleus Olivaris Superior|Nucleus Olivaris Superiors|Nucleus, Periolivary|Nucleus, Preolivary|Nucleus, Superior Olivary|Nucleus, Superior Paraolivary|Olivaris Superior, Nucleus|Olivaris Superiors, Nucleus|Olivary Complex, Superior|Olivary Nuclei, Superior|Olivary Nucleus, Superior|Olives, Superior|Olive, Superior|Paraolivary Nucleus, Superior|Periolivary Nucleus|Preolivary Nucleus|Superior, Nucleus Olivaris|Superior Olivary Nuclei|Superior Olivary Nucleus|Superior Olive|Superior Olives|Superior Paraolivary Nucleus|Superiors, Nucleus Olivaris|Trapezoid Nuclear Complex regio olivaris superioris|superior olivary nucleus (Barr & Kiernan)|UBERON:0002128 +Superior Sagittal Sinus MESH:D054063 The long large endothelium-lined venous channel on the top outer surface of the brain. It receives blood from a vein in the nasal cavity, runs backwards, and gradually increases in size as blood drains from veins of the brain and the DURA MATER. Near the lower back of the CRANIUM, the superior sagittal sinus deviates to one side (usually the right) and continues on as one of the TRANSVERSE SINUSES. UBERON:UBERON_0001642 MESH:D003392 A07.015.908.224.667 A07.015.908.224 Longitudinal Sinus, Superior|Sagittal Sinus, Superior|Sinus Sagittalis Superior|Sinus, Superior Longitudinal|Sinus, Superior Sagittal|Superior Longitudinal Sinus UBERON:0001642 +Suprachiasmatic Nucleus MESH:D013493 An ovoid densely packed collection of small cells of the anterior hypothalamus lying close to the midline in a shallow impression of the OPTIC CHIASM. UBERON:UBERON_0002034 MESH:D007032 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Hypothalamic Suprachiasmatic Nuclei|Hypothalamic Suprachiasmatic Nucleus|Suprachiasmatic Nuclei|Suprachiasmatic Nuclei, Hypothalamic|Suprachiasmatic Nucleus, Hypothalamic nucleus suprachiasmaticus|nucleus suprachiasmaticus hypothalami|SCh|SCN|suprachiasmatic nucleus of hypothalamus|suprachiasmatic nucleus (Spiegel-Zwieg)|UBERON:0002034 +Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Neurons MESH:D000074523 Neurons of the SUPRACHIASMATIC NUCLEUS. MESH:D009474|MESH:D013493 A08.|A08.|A08.675.947|A11.671.947 A08.|A08.|A08.675|A11.671 SCN Cell|SCN Cells|SCN Neurons|Suprachiasmatic Nuclei Neuron|Suprachiasmatic Nuclei Neurons|Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Cell|Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Cells|Suprachiasmatic Nucleus Neuron +Supraoptic Nucleus MESH:D013495 Hypothalamic nucleus overlying the beginning of the OPTIC TRACT. UBERON:UBERON_0001929 MESH:D007032 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Accessory Supraoptic Group|Accessory Supraoptic Groups|Group, Accessory Supraoptic|Groups, Accessory Supraoptic|Hypothalamus Supraoptic Nucleus|Nucleus, Supraoptic|Nucleus Supraopticus|Supraoptic Group, Accessory|Supraoptic Groups, Accessory|Supraoptic Nucleus of Hypothalamus|Supraopticus, Nucleus nucleus supraopticus hypothalami|nucleus tangentialis (Riley)|SO|supra-optic nucleus|supraoptic nucleus, general|supraoptic nucleus, proper|supraoptic nucleus proper (Lenhossek)|UBERON:0001929 +Sural Nerve MESH:D013497 A branch of the tibial nerve which supplies sensory innervation to parts of the lower leg and foot. UBERON:UBERON_0015488 MESH:D013979 A08.800.800.720.450.760.820.820 A08.800.800.720.450.760.820 Nerves, Sural|Nerve, Sural|Sural Nerves short saphenal nerve|UBERON:0015488 +Surgical Flaps MESH:D013524 Tongues of skin and subcutaneous tissue, sometimes including muscle, cut away from the underlying parts but often still attached at one end. They retain their own microvasculature which is also transferred to the new site. They are often used in plastic surgery for filling a defect in a neighboring region. MESH:D019738 A10.850.710 A10.850 Flap, Island|Flap, Pedicled|Flaps, Island|Flaps, Pedicled|Flaps, Surgical|Flap, Surgical|Island Flap|Island Flaps|Pedicled Flap|Pedicled Flaps|Surgical Flap +Surgically-Created Structures MESH:D019738 Organs or parts of organs surgically formed from nearby tissue to function as substitutes for diseased or surgically removed tissue. MESH:D014024 A10.850 A10 Structures, Surgically Created|Structures, Surgically-Created|Structure, Surgically Created|Structure, Surgically-Created|Surgically Created Structure|Surgically-Created Structure|Surgically Created Structures +Surgical Stomas MESH:D054047 Artificial openings created by a surgeon for therapeutic reasons. Most often this refers to openings from the GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT through the ABDOMINAL WALL to the outside of the body. It can also refer to the two ends of a surgical anastomosis. MESH:D019738 A10.850.720 A10.850 Stomas, Surgical|Stoma, Surgical|Stomata, Surgical|Surgical Stoma|Surgical Stomata +Sweat MESH:D013542 The fluid excreted by the SWEAT GLANDS. It consists of water containing sodium chloride, phosphate, urea, ammonia, and other waste products. UBERON:UBERON_0001089 MESH:D012634 A12.200.849 A12.200 Sweats skin exudate|UBERON:0001089 +Sweat Glands MESH:D013545 Sweat-producing structures that are embedded in the DERMIS. Each gland consists of a single tube, a coiled body, and a superficial duct. UBERON:UBERON_0001820 MESH:D005088|MESH:D012867 A10.336.899|A17.815.830 A10.336|A17.815 Glands, Sweat|Gland, Sweat|Sweat Gland glandula sudorifera|sudoriferous gland|sudoriparous gland|UBERON:0001820 +Swiss 3T3 Cells MESH:D041701 A cell line established in 1962 from disaggregated Swiss albino mouse embryos. This fibroblast cell line is extremely popular in research. MESH:D016475 A11.|A11.329.228.100.775 A11.251.210.100|A11.329.228.100 3T3 Cells, Swiss|3T3 Swiss Albino|3T3-Swiss Albino|Cells, Swiss 3T3 +Sympathetic Fibers, Postganglionic MESH:D017779 Nerve fibers which project from sympathetic ganglia to synapses on target organs. Sympathetic postganglionic fibers use norepinephrine as transmitter, except for those innervating eccrine sweat glands (and possibly some blood vessels) which use acetylcholine. They may also release peptide cotransmitters. UBERON:UBERON_0011926 MESH:D000320|MESH:D001338 A08.675.542.075.800|A08.675.542.100.800|A08.800.|A08.800.800.060.050.800|A11.671.501.075.800|A11.671.501.100.800 A08.675.542.075|A08.675.542.100|A08.800.050.050.050|A08.800.800.060.050|A11.671.501.075|A11.671.501.100 Fiber, Postganglionic Sympathetic|Fibers, Postganglionic Sympathetic|Postganglionic Sympathetic Fiber|Postganglionic Sympathetic Fibers|Sympathetic Fiber, Postganglionic sympathetic postganglionic fiber|UBERON:0011926 +Sympathetic Nervous System MESH:D013564 The thoracolumbar division of the autonomic nervous system. Sympathetic preganglionic fibers originate in neurons of the intermediolateral column of the spinal cord and project to the paravertebral and prevertebral ganglia, which in turn project to target organs. The sympathetic nervous system mediates the body's response to stressful situations, i.e., the fight or flight reactions. It often acts reciprocally to the parasympathetic system. UBERON:UBERON_0000013 MESH:D001341 A08.800.050.800 A08.800.050 Nervous Systems, Sympathetic|Nervous System, Sympathetic|Sympathetic Nervous Systems|Systems, Sympathetic Nervous|System, Sympathetic Nervous pars sympathica divisionis autonomici systematis nervosi|sympathetic part of autonomic division of nervous system|UBERON:0000013 +Sympathoadrenal System MESH:D000084602 A connection of the SYMPATHETIC NERVOUS SYSTEM and the ADRENAL MEDULLA of the ADRENAL GLANDS. Intra-adrenal connection from the medulla to the cortex connects the system to other neuroendocrine systems, which in concert participate in FLIGHT REACTION in stress situations. CATECHOLAMINES are the principle hormone in the system. MESH:D000313|MESH:D009490|MESH:D013564 A06.300.071.265.500|A06.688.866|A08.713.866|A08.800.050.800.850 A06.300.071.265|A06.688|A08.713|A08.800.050.800 Axis, Sympatho-Adrenal|Medullary Axis, Sympathoadrenal|Medullary System, Sympathoadrenal|Medullary System, Sympatho-Adrenal|Sympathoadrenal Axis|Sympatho Adrenal Axis|Sympatho-Adrenal Axis|Sympathoadrenal Medullary Axis|Sympathoadrenal Medullary System|Sympatho Adrenal Medullary System|Sympatho-Adrenal Medullary System|Sympatho-Adrenal Medullary Systems|Sympatho Adrenal System|Sympatho-Adrenal System|Sympatho-Adrenal Systems|System, Sympatho-Adrenal +Synapses MESH:D013569 Specialized junctions at which a neuron communicates with a target cell. At classical synapses, a neuron's presynaptic terminal releases a chemical transmitter stored in synaptic vesicles which diffuses across a narrow synaptic cleft and activates receptors on the postsynaptic membrane of the target cell. The target may be a dendrite, cell body, or axon of another neuron, or a specialized region of a muscle or secretory cell. Neurons may also communicate via direct electrical coupling with ELECTRICAL SYNAPSES. Several other non-synaptic chemical or electric signal transmitting processes occur via extracellular mediated interactions. MESH:D007365|MESH:D009420 A08.850|A11. A08|A11. Synapse +Synaptic Membranes MESH:D013570 Cell membranes associated with synapses. Both presynaptic and postsynaptic membranes are included along with their integral or tightly associated specializations for the release or reception of transmitters. MESH:D002462|MESH:D013569 A08.850.800|A11.|A11.284.149.844 A08.850|A11.284.149|A11. Membranes, Synaptic|Membrane, Synaptic|Synaptic Membrane +Synaptic Vesicles MESH:D013572 Membrane-bound compartments which contain transmitter molecules. Synaptic vesicles are concentrated at presynaptic terminals. They actively sequester transmitter molecules from the cytoplasm. In at least some synapses, transmitter release occurs by fusion of these vesicles with the presynaptic membrane, followed by exocytosis of their contents. MESH:D013569|MESH:D022142 A08.850.840|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.810.750 A08.850|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880.810 Synaptic Vesicle|Vesicles, Synaptic|Vesicle, Synaptic +Synaptonemal Complex MESH:D013573 The three-part structure of ribbon-like proteinaceous material that serves to align and join the paired homologous CHROMOSOMES. It is formed during the ZYGOTENE STAGE of the first meiotic division. It is a prerequisite for CROSSING OVER. MESH:D022004 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160.830 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160 Complex, Synaptinemal|Complex, Synaptonemal|Synaptinemal Complex +Synaptosomes MESH:D013574 Pinched-off nerve endings and their contents of vesicles and cytoplasm together with the attached subsynaptic area of the membrane of the post-synaptic cell. They are largely artificial structures produced by fractionation after selective centrifugation of nervous tissue homogenates. MESH:D013347 A11.284.835.859 A11.284.835 Synaptosome +Synovial Fluid MESH:D013582 The clear, viscous fluid secreted by the SYNOVIAL MEMBRANE. It contains mucin, albumin, fat, and mineral salts and serves to lubricate joints. UBERON:UBERON_0001090 MESH:D013583|MESH:D045604 A02.835.583.443.800.800|A12.207.270.847 A02.835.583.443.800|A12.207.270 Fluids, Synovial|Fluid, Synovial|Synovia|Synovial Fluids joint fluid|UBERON:0001090 +Synovial Membrane MESH:D013583 The inner membrane of a joint capsule surrounding a freely movable joint. It is loosely attached to the external fibrous capsule and secretes SYNOVIAL FLUID. UBERON:UBERON_0002018 MESH:D017746 A02.835.583.443.800 A02.835.583.443 Membrana Synovialis Capsulae Articularis|Membranes, Synovial|Membrane, Synovial|Synovial Membranes|Synovium membrana synovialis (capsula articularis)|stratum synoviale|stratum synoviale (capsula articularis)|synovial layer|synovial layer of articular capsule of synovial joint|synovial membrane of articular capsule of synovial joint|synovial membrane of synovial joint|synovium of articular capsule of synovial joint|UBERON:0002018 +Synoviocytes MESH:D000070918 Cells on the luminal surface of the SYNOVIAL MEMBRANE. Type A synoviocytes are MACROPHAGES responsible for waste removal from the joint cavity. Fibroblast-like type B synoviocytes are involved in production of joint matrix constituents (e.g., HYALURONAN; COLLAGEN; and FIBRONECTIN). CL:CL_0000214 MESH:D003239 A11.329.835 A11.329 Synoviocyte CL:0000214|synovial cell +Tail MESH:D013623 An extension of the posterior of an animal body beyond the TORSO. UBERON:UBERON_0002415 MESH:D000825 A13.895 A13 Tails caudal subdivision|UBERON:0002415 +Talus MESH:D013628 The second largest of the TARSAL BONES. It articulates with the TIBIA and FIBULA to form the ANKLE JOINT. UBERON:UBERON_0002395 MESH:D013639 A02.835.232.043.300.710.780 A02.835.232.043.300.710 Astragalus Bone|Astragalus Bones|Bone, Astragalus|Bones, Astragalus|Os Trigonum astragaloid bone|astragalus|major ankle bone|os tarsi tibiale|UBERON:0002395 +Tarsal Bones MESH:D013639 The seven bones which form the tarsus - namely, CALCANEUS; TALUS; cuboid, navicular, and the internal, middle, and external cuneiforms. UBERON:UBERON_0009879 MESH:D005529 A02.835.232.043.300.710 A02.835.232.043.300 Ankle Bones|Bone, Cuboid|Bone, Cuneiform|Bones, Ankle|Bones, Cuboid|Bones, Cuneiform|Bones, Tarsal|Bone, Tarsal|Cuboid Bone|Cuboid Bones|Cuneiform Bone|Cuneiform Bones|Foot Navicular Bone|Foot Navicular Bones|Navicular Bone of Foot|Naviculare, Os|Naviculares, Os|Os Naviculare|Os Naviculares|Tarsal Bone|Tarsus Osseus basipodium|hind mesopodial skeleton|hind mesopodium|hind mesopodium skeleton|mesopodium|set of tarsal bones|skeletal parts of hind mesopodium|tarsal bones set|tarsalia|tarsal skeleton|tarsus|UBERON:0009879 +Tarsal Joints MESH:D013640 The articulations between the various TARSAL BONES. This does not include the ANKLE JOINT which consists of the articulations between the TIBIA; FIBULA; and TALUS. UBERON:UBERON_0008447 MESH:D033023 A02.835.583.378.831 A02.835.583.378 Articulationes intertarsales|Articulationes intertarseae|Intertarsal Joint|Intertarsal Joints|Joint, Intertarsal|Joints, Intertarsal|Joints, Tarsal|Joint, Tarsal|Tarsal Joint articulationes intertarsale|intermetatarsal joint|intertarsal|intertarsal articulation|UBERON:0008447 +Tarsus, Animal MESH:D013643 The region in the hindlimb of a quadruped, corresponding to the human ANKLE. UBERON:UBERON_0004454 MESH:D006614 A13.473.821 A13.473 Animal Tarsus|Hock|Hocks ankle|ankle region|articulatio talocruralis|hind basipodium|hind mesopodium|tarsal limb segment|tarsal region|UBERON:0004454 +Taste Buds MESH:D013650 Small sensory organs which contain gustatory receptor cells, basal cells, and supporting cells. Taste buds in humans are found in the epithelia of the tongue, palate, and pharynx. They are innervated by the CHORDA TYMPANI NERVE (a branch of the facial nerve) and the GLOSSOPHARYNGEAL NERVE. UBERON:UBERON_0001727 MESH:D002628|MESH:D012679|MESH:D014059 A03.556.500.885.779|A08.675.650.915.500.800|A08.800.950.500.800|A09.846|A11.671.650.915.500.800|A14.549.885.779 A03.556.500.885|A08.675.650.915.500|A08.800.950.500|A09|A11.671.650.915.500|A14.549.885 Buds, Taste|Bud, Taste|Taste Bud caliculus gustatorius|taste-bud|tastebud|tastebuds|UBERON:0001727 +Tears MESH:D013666 The fluid secreted by the lacrimal glands. This fluid moistens the CONJUNCTIVA and CORNEA. UBERON:UBERON_0001827 MESH:D012634 A12.200.882 A12.200 Lipid, Meibomian|Meibomian Lipid|Meibomian Lipids|Meibum|Tear lacrimal fluid|lacrimal gland secretion|lacrimal secretion|secretion of lacrimal gland|tear fluid|UBERON:0001827 +Tectorial Membrane MESH:D013680 A membrane, attached to the bony SPIRAL LAMINA, overlying and coupling with the hair cells of the ORGAN OF CORTI in the inner ear. It is a glycoprotein-rich keratin-like layer containing fibrils embedded in a dense amorphous substance. UBERON:UBERON_0002233 MESH:D003053 A09.246.300.246.292.938 A09.246.300.246.292 Membranes, Tectorial|Membrane, Tectorial|Tectorial Membranes tectorial membrane of cochlea|tectorial membrane of spiral organ of cochlea|UBERON:0002233 +Tectospinal Fibers MESH:D065844 A neural tract which connects the TECTUM MESENCEPHALI and the SPINAL CORD and is involved in head and eye movement coordination. UBERON:UBERON_0002754 MESH:D012249 A08. A08. Bundle, Predorsal|Bundles, Predorsal|Fibers, Tectospinal|Fiber, Tectospinal|Predorsal Bundle|Predorsal Bundles|Tectospinal Fiber fasciculus praedorsalis (Tschermak)|fasciculus predorsalis|predorsal bundle of Edinger|predorsal fasciculus|UBERON:0002754 +Tectum Mesencephali MESH:D003336 The dorsal portion or roof of the midbrain which is composed of two pairs of bumps, the INFERIOR COLLICULI and the SUPERIOR COLLICULI. These four colliculi are also called the quadrigeminal bodies (TECTUM MESENCEPHALI). They are centers for visual sensorimotor integration. UBERON:UBERON_0002314 MESH:D008636 A08. A08. Colliculus Commissure, Inferior|Colliculus Commissures, Inferior|Colliculus Commissures, Superior|Colliculus Commissure, Superior|Commissure of Inferior Colliculus|Commissure of Superior Colliculus|Corpora Quadrigemina|Inferior Colliculus Commissure|Inferior Colliculus Commissures|Lamina Quadrigemina|Mesencephalus, Tectum|Plate, Quadrigeminal|Plates, Quadrigeminal|Quadrigemina, Corpora|Quadrigemina, Lamina|Quadrigeminal Plate|Quadrigeminal Plates|Superior Colliculus Commissure|Superior Colliculus Commissures|Tectum Mesencephalus mesencephalic tectum|midbrain tectum|neuraxis tectum|tectum|tectum mesencephalicum|tectum of midbrain|t. mesencephali|UBERON:0002314 +Tegmentum Mesencephali MESH:D013681 Portion of midbrain situated under the dorsal TECTUM MESENCEPHALI. The two ventrolateral cylindrical masses or peduncles are large nerve fiber bundles providing a tract of passage between the FOREBRAIN with the HINDBRAIN. Ventral MIDBRAIN also contains three colorful structures: the GRAY MATTER (PERIAQUEDUCTAL GRAY), the black substance (SUBSTANTIA NIGRA), and the RED NUCLEUS. UBERON:UBERON_0001943 MESH:D065850 A08. A08. Accessory Oculomotor Nuclei|Annulari, Nucleus|Annularis, Nucleus|Annular Nucleus|Cajal Interstitial Nucleus|Darkschewitsch Nucleus|Darkshevich Nucleus|Darkshevich's Nucleus|Darkshevichs Nucleus|Interstitial Nucleus of Cajal|Mesencephalic Tegmentum|Mesencephalic Tegmentums|Mesencephalic Trigeminal Nucleus|Mesencephali, Tegmentum|Mesencephalus, Tegmentum|Midbrain Tegmentum|Midbrain Tegmentums|Midbrain Trigeminal Nucleus|Nervi Trochleari, Nucleus|Nervi Trochlearis, Nucleus|Nuclei, Accessory Oculomotor|Nucleus, Annular|Nucleus Annulari|Nucleus Annularis|Nucleus, Darkshevich's|Nucleus, Mesencephalic Trigeminal|Nucleus, Midbrain Trigeminal|Nucleus Nervi Trochleari|Nucleus Nervi Trochlearis|Nucleus of Darkschewitsch|Nucleus, Peripeduncular|Nucleus Sagulum|Nucleus, Sagulum|Nucleus Sagulums|Nucleus Tractus Mesencephalici Nervi Trigemini|Nucleus, Trochlear|Nucleus, Ventral Tegmental|Oculomotor Nuclei, Accessory|Peripeduncular Nucleus|Sagulum Nucleus|Sagulum, Nucleus|Sagulums, Nucleus|Tegmental Nucleus, Ventral|Tegmentum, Mesencephalic|Tegmentum Mesencephalus|Tegmentum, Midbrain|Tegmentum of Midbrain|Tegmentums, Mesencephalic|Tegmentums, Midbrain|Trigeminal Nucleus, Mesencephalic|Trigeminal Nucleus, Midbrain|Trochleari, Nucleus Nervi|Trochlearis, Nucleus Nervi|Trochlear Nucleus|Ventral Tegmental Nucleus MTg|tegmentum|tegmentum mesencephalicum|UBERON:0001943 +Telencephalic Commissures MESH:D066245 Set of nerve fibers that cross the midline of the TELENCEPHALON. They include the ANTERIOR COMMISSURE; the CORPUS CALLOSUM; and the HIPPOCAMPAL COMMISSURE of the fornix. UBERON:UBERON_0019294 MESH:D013687 A08. A08. Anterior Commissural Nucleus|Commissural Nucleus, Anterior|Commissure, Forebrain|Commissures, Forebrain|Commissures, Telencephalic|Commissure, Telencephalic|Forebrain Commissure|Forebrain Commissures|Nucleus, Anterior Commissural|Telencephalic Commissure commissure of telencephalon|UBERON:0019294 +Telencephalon MESH:D013687 The anterior subdivision of the embryonic PROSENCEPHALON or the corresponding part of the adult prosencephalon that includes the cerebrum and associated structures. UBERON:UBERON_0001893 MESH:D016548 A08. A08.186.211.200 Endbrain|Endbrains cerebrum|supratentorial region|UBERON:0001893 +Telocytes MESH:D000067170 A type of interstitial cells that have very long and thin CELL SURFACE EXTENSIONS called TELOPODES. MESH:D017154 A11.329.830.750 A11.329.830 Cajal-Like Cell, Interstitial|Cajal-Like Cells, Interstitial|Cell, Interstitial Cajal-Like|Cells, Interstitial Cajal-Like|Interstitial Cajal Like Cell|Interstitial Cajal-Like Cell|Interstitial Cajal Like Cells|Interstitial Cajal-Like Cells|Interstitial Cell of Cajal Like Cells|Interstitial Cell of Cajal-Like Cells|Telocyte +Telomere MESH:D016615 A terminal section of a chromosome which has a specialized structure and which is involved in chromosomal replication and stability. Its length is believed to be a few hundred base pairs. MESH:D022004 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160.845 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160 Telomeres +Telomeric Repeat Binding Protein 1 MESH:D035321 A ubiquitously expressed telomere-binding protein that is present at TELOMERES throughout the CELL CYCLE. It is a suppressor of telomere elongation and may be involved in stabilization of telomere length. It is structurally different from TELOMERIC REPEAT BINDING PROTEIN 2 in that it contains acidic N-terminal amino acid residues. MESH:D000089804 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160.845.500.500 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160.845.500 PIN2 Protein|PIN2 Proteins|TERF1 Protein|TERF1 Proteins|TRF1 Protein|TRF1 Proteins|TTAGGG Repeat Binding Factor 1 +Telomeric Repeat Binding Protein 2 MESH:D035341 A ubiquitously expressed telomere-binding protein that is present at TELOMERES throughout the cell cycle. It is a suppressor of telomere elongation and may be involved in stabilization of telomere length. It is structurally different from TELOMERIC REPEAT BINDING PROTEIN 1 in that it contains basic N-terminal amino acid residues. MESH:D000089804 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160.845.500.750 A11.284.430.106.279.345.190.160.845.500 Gene Products, Trf2|Products, Trf2 Gene|Proteins, TERF2|Proteins, TRBF2|Proteins, TRF2|TERF2 Protein|TERF2 Proteins|TRBF2 Protein|TRBF2 Proteins|Trf2 Gene Product|Trf2 Gene Products|TRF2 Protein|TRF2 Proteins +Telopodes MESH:D000067617 The very long and thin extensions of telocytes' cell surface, that have alternating thick and thin sections called podoms and podomers. MESH:D000067170|MESH:D022081 A11.284.180.900|A11.329.830.750.500 A11.284.180|A11.329.830.750 Podom|Podomer|Podomers|Podoms|Telopode +Temporal Arteries MESH:D013699 Arteries arising from the external carotid or the maxillary artery and distributing to the temporal region. UBERON:UBERON_0001632 MESH:D002536 A07. A07.015.114.228 Arteries, Temporal|Artery, Temporal|Temporal Artery UBERON:0001632 +Temporal Bone MESH:D013701 Either of a pair of compound bones forming the lateral (left and right) surfaces and base of the skull which contains the organs of hearing. It is a large bone formed by the fusion of parts: the squamous (the flattened anterior-superior part), the tympanic (the curved anterior-inferior part), the mastoid (the irregular posterior portion), and the petrous (the part at the base of the skull). UBERON:UBERON_0001678 MESH:D012886 A02.835.232.781.885 A02.835.232.781 Bone, Temporal|Stylomastoid Foramen|Temporal Bones os temporale|UBERON:0001678 +Temporal Lobe MESH:D013702 Lower lateral part of the cerebral hemisphere responsible for auditory, olfactory, and semantic processing. It is located inferior to the lateral fissure and anterior to the OCCIPITAL LOBE. UBERON:UBERON_0001871 MESH:D002540 A08. A08. Anterior Temporal Lobe|Anterior Temporal Lobes|Area 20, Brodmann|Area 20, Brodmann's|Area 21, Brodmann|Area 21, Brodmann's|Area 22, Brodmann|Area 22, Brodmann's|Area 37, Brodmann|Area 37, Brodmann's|Area 38, Brodmann|Area 38, Brodmann's|Area 52, Brodmann|Area 52, Brodmann's|Area, Parainsular|Areas, Parainsular|Brodmann Area 20|Brodmann Area 21|Brodmann Area 22|Brodmann Area 37|Brodmann Area 38|Brodmann Area 52|Brodmann's Area 20|Brodmanns Area 20|Brodmann's Area 21|Brodmanns Area 21|Brodmann's Area 22|Brodmanns Area 22|Brodmann's Area 37|Brodmanns Area 37|Brodmann's Area 38|Brodmanns Area 38|Brodmann's Area 52|Brodmanns Area 52|Cortex, Temporal|Fusiform Gyrus|Gyrus, Fusiform|Gyrus Fusiformis|Gyrus, Inferior Temporal|Gyrus, Lateral Occipitotemporal|Gyrus, Lateral Occipito-Temporal|Gyrus, Middle Temporal|Gyrus, Occipitotemporal|Gyrus, Superior Temporal|Gyrus, Temporal|Gyrus Temporalis Superior|Horn, Temporal|Inferior Horn of Lateral Ventricle|Inferior Horn of the Lateral Ventricle|Inferior Temporal Gyrus|Lateral Occipitotemporal Gyrus|Lateral Occipito Temporal Gyrus|Lateral Occipito-Temporal Gyrus|Lobe, Anterior Temporal|Lobe, Temporal|Middle Temporal Gyrus|Occipitotemporal Gyrus|Occipitotemporal Gyrus, Lateral|Occipito-Temporal Gyrus, Lateral|Operculum, Temporal|Parainsular Area|Parainsular Areas|Planum Polare|Region, Temporal|Sulcus, Temporal|Superior Temporal Gyrus|Temporal Cortex|Temporal Cortices|Temporal Gyrus|Temporal Gyrus, Inferior|Temporal Gyrus, Middle|Temporal Gyrus, Superior|Temporal Horn|Temporal Horn of the Lateral Ventricle|Temporal Horns|Temporal Lobe, Anterior|Temporal Lobes|Temporal Lobes, Anterior|Temporal Operculum|Temporal Region|Temporal Regions|Temporal Sulcus lobus temporalis|UBERON:0001871 +Temporal Muscle MESH:D013703 A masticatory muscle whose action is closing the jaws; its posterior portion retracts the mandible. UBERON:UBERON_0001598 MESH:D008410 A02.633.567.600.850|A14.530.940 A02.633.567.600|A14.530 Muscles, Temporal|Muscle, Temporal|Temporal Muscles jaw adductor muscle|musculus temporalis|temporalis|temporalis muscle|UBERON:0001598 +Temporomandibular Joint MESH:D013704 An articulation between the condyle of the mandible and the articular tubercle of the temporal bone. UBERON:UBERON_0003700 MESH:D007596|MESH:D013284 A02.835.583.861|A14.907 A02.835.583|A14 Joints, Temporomandibular|Joint, Temporomandibular|Temporomandibular Joints|TMJ articulatio temporomandibularis|dentary-squamosal joint|squamosal-dentary joint|tempero-mandibular joint|temperomandibular joint|temporalmandibular joint|temporomandibular|temporomandibular articulation|UBERON:0003700 +Temporomandibular Joint Disc MESH:D019224 A plate of fibrous tissue that divides the temporomandibular joint into an upper and lower cavity. The disc is attached to the articular capsule and moves forward with the condyle in free opening and protrusion. (Boucher's Clinical Dental Terminology, 4th ed, p92) UBERON:UBERON_0011319 MESH:D013704 A02.835.583.861.900|A14.907.900 A02.835.583.861|A14.907 Articular Discs, Temporomandibular|Articular Disc, Temporomandibular|Articular Disks, Temporomandibular|Articular Disk, Temporomandibular|Discs, Temporomandibular Articular|Discs, Temporomandibular Joint|Disc, Temporomandibular Articular|Disc, Temporomandibular Joint|Disks, Temporomandibular Articular|Disks, Temporomandibular Joint|Disk, Temporomandibular Articular|Disk, Temporomandibular Joint|Joint Discs, Temporomandibular|Joint Disc, Temporomandibular|Joint Disks, Temporomandibular|Joint Disk, Temporomandibular|Temporomandibular Articular Disc|Temporomandibular Articular Discs|Temporomandibular Articular Disk|Temporomandibular Articular Disks|Temporomandibular Joint Discs|Temporomandibular Joint Disk|Temporomandibular Joint Disks articular disc of temporomandibular joint|articular disk of temporomandibular joint|discus articularis articulationis temporomandibularis|discus articularis (articulatio temporomandibularis)|discus articularis temporomandibularis|disk of temporomandibular joint|mandibular disk|UBERON:0011319 +Tendons MESH:D013710 Fibrous bands or cords of CONNECTIVE TISSUE at the ends of SKELETAL MUSCLE FIBERS that serve to attach the MUSCLES to bones and other structures. UBERON:UBERON_0000043 MESH:D009141 A02.880 A02 Endotenon|Endotenons|Epotenon|Epotenons|Paraarticular Tendon|Para-Articular Tendon|Paraarticular Tendons|Para-Articular Tendons|Tendon|Tendon, Paraarticular|Tendon, Para-Articular|Tendons, Paraarticular|Tendons, Para Articular|Tendons, Para-Articular sinew|tendo|UBERON:0000043 +Tenocytes MESH:D000070916 Elongated FIBROBLASTS and fibrocytes that lie between the collagen fibers and form the TENDON proper. CL:CL_0000388 MESH:D003239 A11.329.840 A11.329 Tenocyte CL:0000388|muscle attachment cell|tendon cell +Tenon Capsule MESH:D058475 Sheath of the eyeball consisting of fascia extending from the OPTIC NERVE to the corneal limbus. MESH:D005123|MESH:D005205 A02.340.800|A09.371.839|A10.165.425.750 A02.340|A09.371|A10.165.425 Capsule, Tenon|Capsule, Tenon's|Tenon's Capsule|Tenons Capsule +Tensor Tympani MESH:D013719 A short muscle that arises from the pharyngotympanic tube (EUSTACHIAN TUBE) and inserts into the handle of the MALLEUS. This muscle pulls the handle medially thus controlling the tension and movement of TYMPANIC MEMBRANE. UBERON:UBERON_0001600 MESH:D004432|MESH:D018482 A02.633.567.975|A09.246.397.749 A02.633.567|A09.246.397 Tensor Tympanus|Tympani, Tensor|Tympanus, Tensor eustachian muscle|M. tensor tympani|musculus tensor tympani|tensor tympani muscle|tympanic muscle|UBERON:0001600 +Tertiary Lymphoid Structures MESH:D000072717 Aggregates of immune cells formed near the sites of chronically inflamed, infected, or tumorous tissues. MESH:D008221 A10.549.725|A15.382.520.604.725 A10.549|A15.382.520.604 Ectopic Lymph Node|Ectopic Lymph Nodes|Ectopic Lymphoid Follicle|Ectopic Lymphoid Follicles|Ectopic Lymphoid Formation|Ectopic Lymphoid Formations|Ectopic Lymphoid-Like Structure|Ectopic Lymphoid Like Structures|Ectopic Lymphoid-Like Structures|Ectopic Lymphoid Organ|Ectopic Lymphoid Organs|Ectopic Lymphoid Tissue|Ectopic Lymphoid Tissues|Lymph Node, Ectopic|Lymph Nodes, Ectopic|Lymphoid Follicle, Ectopic|Lymphoid Follicles, Ectopic|Lymphoid Formation, Ectopic|Lymphoid Formations, Ectopic|Lymphoid-Like Structure, Ectopic|Lymphoid-Like Structures, Ectopic|Lymphoid Organ, Ectopic|Lymphoid Organs, Ectopic|Lymphoid Structures, Tertiary|Lymphoid Structure, Tertiary|Lymphoid Tissue, Ectopic|Lymphoid Tissues, Ectopic|Tertiary Lymphoid Structure +Testis MESH:D013737 The male gonad containing two functional parts: the SEMINIFEROUS TUBULES for the production and transport of male germ cells (SPERMATOGENESIS) and the interstitial compartment containing LEYDIG CELLS that produce ANDROGENS. UBERON:UBERON_0000473 MESH:D005837|MESH:D006066 A05.360.444.849|A05.360.576.782|A06.300.312.782 A05.360.444|A05.360.576|A06.300.312 Testes|Testicle|Testicles gonad of male genitalia|gonad of male reproductive system|male gonad|orchis|testiculus|UBERON:0000473 +T Follicular Helper Cells MESH:D000084522 A specialized subpopulation of CD4+ T cells involved in formation of GERMINAL CENTER. Tfh cells are mostly located in secondary lymphoid organs, e.g., TONSIL; SPLEEN and LYMPH NODES. They are CD4 ANTIGEN; CD45 ANTIGEN; B-CELL LYMPHOMA 6 PROTEIN; CXCR5 RECEPTORS; ICOS INDUCIBLE T-CELL CO-STIMULATOR; and PD1 RECEPTOR positive. MESH:D006377 A11.118.637.555.567.550.500.400.450|A11.118.637.555.567.569.200.400.450|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500.400.450|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500.400.250|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.200.400.250|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500.400.450|A15.382.490.555.567.569.200.400.450|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500.400.450 A11.118.637.555.567.550.500.400|A11.118.637.555.567.569.200.400|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500.400|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500.400|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.200.400|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500.400|A15.382.490.555.567.569.200.400|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500.400 Follicular B Helper T Cells|Follicular Helper T Cells|Tfh Cell|Tfh Cells +Th17 Cells MESH:D058504 A subset of helper-effector T-lymphocytes which synthesize and secrete INTERLEUKINS IL-17; IL-17F; and IL-22. These cytokines are involved in host defenses and tissue inflammation in autoimmune diseases. CL:CL_0000899 MESH:D006377 A11.118.637.555.567.550.500.400.915|A11.118.637.555.567.569.200.400.915|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500.400.915|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500.400.770|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.200.400.770|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500.400.770|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500.400.915|A15.382.490.555.567.569.200.400.915|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500.400.915 A11.118.637.555.567.550.500.400|A11.118.637.555.567.569.200.400|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500.400|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500.400|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.200.400|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500.400|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500.400|A15.382.490.555.567.569.200.400|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500.400 Cells, Th17|Cells, TH-17|Cell, Th17|Cell, TH-17|Th17 Cell|TH 17 Cell|TH-17 Cell|TH 17 Cells|TH-17 Cells|T Helper 17 Cell|T Helper 17 Cells|Type 17 Helper T Cell|Type 17 Helper T Cells CL:0000899|helper T cell type 17|IL-17-producing CD4+ T helper|Th17 CD4+ T cell|T(H)-17 cell|Th17 T cell|Th17 T-cell|Th17 T lymphocyte|Th17 T-lymphocyte|T-helper 17 cell|T helper cells type 17 +Th1 Cells MESH:D018417 A subset of helper-inducer T-lymphocytes which synthesize and secrete INTERLEUKIN-2; INTERFERON-GAMMA; and INTERLEUKIN-12. Due to their ability to kill antigen-presenting cells and their lymphokine-mediated effector activity, Th1 cells are associated with vigorous delayed-type hypersensitivity reactions. CL:CL_0000545 MESH:D006377 A11.118.637.555.567.550.500.400.900|A11.118.637.555.567.569.200.400.900|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500.400.900|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500.400.500|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.200.400.500|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500.400.500|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500.400.900|A15.382.490.555.567.569.200.400.900|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500.400.900 A11.118.637.555.567.550.500.400|A11.118.637.555.567.569.200.400|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500.400|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500.400|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.200.400|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500.400|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500.400|A15.382.490.555.567.569.200.400|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500.400 Cells, Th1|Cells, TH-1|Cell, Th1|Cell, TH-1|Th1 Cell|TH-1 Cell|TH 1 Cells|TH-1 Cells|T Helper 1 Cells|Type 1 Helper T Cells CL:0000545|helper T cell type 1|Th1 CD4+ T cell|T(H)-1 cell|Th1 T cell|Th1 T-cell|Th1 T lymphocyte|Th1 T-lymphocyte|T-helper 1 cell|T helper cells type 1 +Th2 Cells MESH:D018418 A subset of helper-inducer T-lymphocytes which synthesize and secrete the INTERLEUKINS IL-4; IL-5; IL-6; and IL-10. These cytokines influence B-cell development and antibody production as well as augmenting humoral responses. CL:CL_0000546 MESH:D006377 A11.118.637.555.567.550.500.400.905|A11.118.637.555.567.569.200.400.905|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500.400.905|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500.400.750|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.200.400.750|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500.400.750|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500.400.905|A15.382.490.555.567.569.200.400.905|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500.400.905 A11.118.637.555.567.550.500.400|A11.118.637.555.567.569.200.400|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500.400|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500.400|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.200.400|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500.400|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500.400|A15.382.490.555.567.569.200.400|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500.400 Cells, Th2|Cells, TH-2|Cells, T Helper2|Cell, Th2|Cell, TH-2|Cell, T Helper2|Th2 Cell|TH 2 Cell|TH-2 Cell|TH 2 Cells|TH-2 Cells|T Helper 2 Cell|T Helper2 Cell|T Helper 2 Cells|T Helper2 Cells|Type 2 Helper T Cell|Type-2 Helper T Cell|Type 2 Helper T Cells|Type-2 Helper T Cells CL:0000546|helper T cell type 2|T(H)-2 cell|Th2 T cell|Th2 T-cell|Th2 T lymphocyte|Th2 T-lymphocyte|T-helper 2 cell|T helper cells type 2 +Thalamic Nuclei MESH:D013787 Several groups of nuclei in the thalamus that serve as the major relay centers for sensory impulses in the brain. UBERON:UBERON_0007692 MESH:D013788 A08. A08. Nuclei, Thalamic nuclear complex of thalamus|nucleus of thalamus|thalamic nucleus|UBERON:0007692 +Thalamus MESH:D013788 Paired bodies containing mostly GRAY MATTER and forming part of the lateral wall of the THIRD VENTRICLE of the brain. UBERON:UBERON_0001897 MESH:D004027 A08. A08. Thalamencephalon|Thalamencephalons dorsal plus ventral thalamus|Th|thalami|thalamus opticus|UBERON:0001897|wider thalamus +Theca Cells MESH:D013799 The flattened stroma cells forming a sheath or theca outside the basal lamina lining the mature OVARIAN FOLLICLE. Thecal interstitial or stromal cells are steroidogenic, and produce primarily ANDROGENS which serve as precusors of ESTROGENS in the GRANULOSA CELLS. CL:CL_0000503|UBERON:UBERON_0000156|UBERON:UBERON_0000157 MESH:D003239|MESH:D006080 A05.360.319.114.630.535.400|A06.300.312.497.535.600|A11.329.850 A05.360.319.114.630.535|A06.300.312.497.535|A11.329 Cell, Ovarian Interstitial|Cells, Ovarian Interstitial|Cells, Theca|Cell, Theca|Externa, Theca|Interna, Theca|Interstitial Cell, Ovarian|Interstitial Cells, Ovarian|Ovarian Interstitial Cell|Ovarian Interstitial Cells|Theca Cell|Theca Externa|Theca Interna CL:0000503|external coat of theca folliculi|internal coat of capsule of Graafian follicle|ovary theca externa|ovary theca interna|theca externa (folliculus ovaricus tertiarius)|theca interna (folliculus ovaricus tertiarius)|tunica externa of theca folliculi|tunica externa thecae folliculi|tunica interna of theca folliculi|tunica interna thecae folliculi|UBERON:0000156|UBERON:0000157 +Thermoreceptors MESH:D013823 Cellular receptors which mediate the sense of temperature. Thermoreceptors in vertebrates are mostly located under the skin. In mammals there are separate types of thermoreceptors for cold and for warmth and NOCICEPTORS which detect cold or heat extreme enough to cause pain. UBERON:UBERON_0035018 MESH:D011984 A08.675.650.915.968|A08.800.950.968|A11.671.650.915.968 A08.675.650.915|A08.800.950|A11.671.650.915 Thermoreceptor UBERON:0035018 +Thigh MESH:D013848 The superior part of the lower extremity between the HIP and the KNEE. UBERON:UBERON_0000376 MESH:D035002 A01.378.610.750 A01.378.610 Thighs femur|hindlimb propodium|hind limb stylopod|hindlimb stylopod|hind limb stylopodium|hindlimb stylopodium|hind propodium|proximal segment of free lower limb|stylopod of hind limb|stylopod of hindlimb|stylopod of lower limb|UBERON:0000376|upper leg +Third Ventricle MESH:D020542 A narrow cleft inferior to the CORPUS CALLOSUM, within the DIENCEPHALON, between the paired thalami. Its floor is formed by the HYPOTHALAMUS, its anterior wall by the lamina terminalis, and its roof by EPENDYMA. It communicates with the FOURTH VENTRICLE by the CEREBRAL AQUEDUCT, and with the LATERAL VENTRICLES by the interventricular foramina. UBERON:UBERON_0002286 MESH:D002552 A08. A08.186.211.140 3rd Ventricle|3rd Ventricles|Third Ventricles|Ventricle, 3rd|Ventricles, 3rd|Ventricles, Third|Ventricle, Third diencephalic ventricle|diencephalic vesicle|UBERON:0002286|ventriculus diencephali|ventriculus tertius cerebri +Thoracic Arteries MESH:D013895 Arteries originating from the subclavian or axillary arteries and distributing to the anterior thoracic wall, mediastinal structures, diaphragm, pectoral muscles, mammary gland and the axillary aspect of the chest wall. UBERON:UBERON_0003473 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.891 A07.015.114 Arteries, Thoracic|Artery, Thoracic|Thoracic Artery thoracic cavity artery|UBERON:0003473 +Thoracic Cavity MESH:D035423 The region of the thorax that includes the PLEURAL CAVITY and MEDIASTINUM. UBERON:UBERON_0002224 MESH:D013909 A01.923.761.800 A01.923.761 Cavitas thoracis|Cavity, Thoracic cavity of chest|cavity of thorax|chest cavity|pectoral cavity|space of thoracic compartment|thoracic lumen|UBERON:0002224 +Thoracic Duct MESH:D013897 The largest lymphatic vessel that passes through the chest and drains into the SUBCLAVIAN VEIN. UBERON:UBERON_0001631 MESH:D042601 A15.382.520.301.750 A15.382.520.301 Chyli, Cisterna|Chylus, Cisterna|Cisterna Chyli|Cisterna Chylus|Ducts, Thoracic|Duct, Thoracic|Thoracic Ducts ductus thoracicus|trunk of thoracic duct tree|UBERON:0001631 +Thoracic Nerves MESH:D013900 The twelve spinal nerves on each side of the thorax. They include eleven INTERCOSTAL NERVES and one subcostal nerve. Both sensory and motor, they supply the muscles and skin of the thoracic and abdominal walls. UBERON:UBERON_0003726|UBERON:UBERON_0003824 MESH:D013127 A08.800.800.720.800 A08.800.800.720 Nerve, Pectoral|Nerves, Pectoral|Nerves, Thoracic|Nerve, Thoracic|Pectoral Nerve|Pectoral Nerves|Thoracic Nerve nerve of thoracic segment|nerve of thorax|nervi thoracici|nervus thoracis|thoracic segment nerve|thoracic spinal nerve|thorax nerve|UBERON:0003726|UBERON:0003824|upper body nerve +Thoracic Vertebrae MESH:D013904 A group of twelve VERTEBRAE connected to the ribs that support the upper trunk region. UBERON:UBERON_0002347 MESH:D013131 A02.835.232.834.892 A02.835.232.834 Vertebrae, Thoracic dorsal vertebra|thoracic vertebra|thorax vertebra|UBERON:0002347|vertebra of thorax|vertebra thoracica +Thoracic Wall MESH:D035441 The outer margins of the thorax containing SKIN, deep FASCIA; THORACIC VERTEBRAE; RIBS; STERNUM; and MUSCLES. UBERON:UBERON_0016403 MESH:D013909 A01.923.761.850 A01.923.761 Chest Wall|Wall, Chest|Wall, Thoracic UBERON:0016403 +Thorax MESH:D013909 The upper part of the trunk between the NECK and the ABDOMEN. It contains the chief organs of the circulatory and respiratory systems. (From Stedman, 25th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0000915|UBERON:UBERON_0001443 MESH:D060726 A01.923.761 A01.923 Chest|Chests|Thorace|Thoraces anterior subdivision of trunk|anterolateral part of thorax|front of thorax|pectus|thoracic body wall|thoracic segment of trunk|UBERON:0000915|UBERON:0001443|upper body|upper trunk|ventral part of thoracic region +THP-1 Cells MESH:D000074084 A human leukemia monocytic cell line derived from a patient with LEUKEMIA, MONOCYTIC, ACUTE. It is used as a model to study the function of MONOCYTES and MACROPHAGES, their signaling pathways, nutrient and drug transport. MESH:D045744 A11.|A11.251.860.180.815 A11.251.210.190|A11.251.860.180 Cell Lines, THP-1|Cell Line, THP-1|Cells, THP-1|Cell, THP-1|THP-1 Cell|THP 1 Cell Line|THP-1 Cell Line|THP-1 Cell Lines|THP 1 Cells +Thumb MESH:D013933 The first digit on the radial side of the hand which in humans lies opposite the other four. UBERON:UBERON_0001463 MESH:D005385 A01.378.800.667.430.705 A01.378.800.667.430 Thumbs alula|digit 1 of fore-paw|digit 1 of manus|digitus 1|digitus I|digitus primus|digitus primus [I]|finger 1|first digit of hand|first finger|fore digit I|forelimb dewclaw|fore limb digit 1|hand digit 1|manual digit 1|manual digit I|pollex|UBERON:0001463 +Thylakoids MESH:D020524 Membranous cisternae of the CHLOROPLAST containing photosynthetic pigments, reaction centers, and the electron-transport chain. Each thylakoid consists of a flattened sac of membrane enclosing a narrow intra-thylakoid space (Lackie and Dow, Dictionary of Cell Biology, 2nd ed). Individual thylakoids are interconnected and tend to stack to form aggregates called grana. They are found in cyanobacteria and all plants. MESH:D002736 A11.284.430.214.190.875.700.140.800 A11.284.430.214.190.875.700.140 Grana|Membranes, Thylakoid|Membrane, Thylakoid|Thylakoid|Thylakoid Membrane|Thylakoid Membranes +Thymocytes MESH:D060168 HEMATOPOIETIC PROGENITOR CELLS that have migrated to the THYMUS where they differentiate into T-LYMPHOCYTES. Thymocytes are classified into maturational stages based on the expression of CELL SURFACE ANTIGENS. CL:CL_0000893 MESH:D002477|MESH:D054504 A11.118.637.555.567.569.360.800|A11.148.378.294.750.800|A11.872.378.294.750.800|A11.900 A11|A11.118.637.555.567.569.360|A11.148.378.294.750|A11.872.378.294.750 Thymocyte CL:0000893|immature T cell|immature T-cell|immature T lymphocyte|immature T-lymphocyte|thymic lymphocyte +Thymus Gland MESH:D013950 A single, unpaired primary lymphoid organ situated in the MEDIASTINUM, extending superiorly into the neck to the lower edge of the THYROID GLAND and inferiorly to the fourth costal cartilage. It is necessary for normal development of immunologic function early in life. By puberty, it begins to involute and much of the tissue is replaced by fat. UBERON:UBERON_0002370 MESH:D008221 A10.549.750|A15.382.520.604.750 A10.549|A15.382.520.604 Glands, Thymus|Gland, Thymus|Thymus|Thymus Glands thymus organ|UBERON:0002370 +Thyroid Cartilage MESH:D013957 The largest cartilage of the larynx consisting of two laminae fusing anteriorly at an acute angle in the midline of the neck. The point of fusion forms a subcutaneous projection known as the Adam's apple. UBERON:UBERON_0001738 MESH:D007817 A02.165.257.625.870|A02.165.407.500.870|A04.329.591.870 A02.165.257.625|A02.165.407.500|A04.329.591 Cartilages, Thyroid|Cartilage, Thyroid|Thyroid Cartilages cartilago thyroidea|laryngeal prominence|pomus|pomus adamus|UBERON:0001738 +Thyroid Epithelial Cells MESH:D000072637 Epithelial cells of the THYROID GLAND that produce and secrete THYROXINE and TRIIODOTHYRONINE. CL:CL_0002258 MESH:D004847 A11.436.911 A11.436 Cells, Thyroid Epithelial|Cells, Thyroid Follicular|Cell, Thyroid Epithelial|Cell, Thyroid Follicular|Epithelial Cells, Thyroid|Epithelial Cell, Thyroid|Follicular Cells, Thyroid|Follicular Cell, Thyroid|Thyrocyte|Thyrocytes|Thyroid Epithelial Cell|Thyroid Follicular Cell|Thyroid Follicular Cells CL:0002258|follicular cell of thyroid gland|principal cell of thyroid gland|thyroid gland follicular cell +Thyroid Gland MESH:D013961 A highly vascularized endocrine gland consisting of two lobes joined by a thin band of tissue with one lobe on each side of the TRACHEA. It secretes THYROID HORMONES from the follicular cells and CALCITONIN from the parafollicular cells thereby regulating METABOLISM and CALCIUM level in blood, respectively. UBERON:UBERON_0002046 MESH:D004702 A06.300.900 A06.300 Glands, Thyroid|Gland, Thyroid|Thyroid|Thyroid Glands|Thyroids glandula thyroidea|UBERON:0002046 +Thyrotrophs MESH:D052684 Anterior pituitary cells that produce THYROID-STIMULATING HORMONE. CL:CL_0000476 MESH:D004847|MESH:D010903|MESH:D055098 A06.300.747.500.968|A06.688.357.750.500.968|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357.750.500.968|A11.382.984|A11.436.925 A06.300.747.500|A06.688.357.750.500|A08.|A08.|A08.713.357.750.500|A11.382|A11.436 Cell, TSH|Pituitary TSH-Producing Cell|Pituitary TSH Producing Cells|Pituitary TSH-Producing Cells|Pituitary TSH-Secreting Cell|Pituitary TSH Secreting Cells|Pituitary TSH-Secreting Cells|Thyrotroph|TSH Cell|TSH Cells|TSH-Producing Cell, Pituitary|TSH-Producing Cells, Pituitary|TSH-Secreting Cell, Pituitary|TSH-Secreting Cells, Pituitary beta-basophil|CL:0000476|thyroid stimulating hormone secreting cell|thyrotrope +Tibia MESH:D013977 The second longest bone of the skeleton. It is located on the medial side of the lower leg, articulating with the FIBULA laterally, the TALUS distally, and the FEMUR proximally. UBERON:UBERON_0000979 MESH:D007867 A02.835.232.043.650.883 A02.835.232.043.650 Tibias shankbone|shinbone|UBERON:0000979 +Tibial Arteries MESH:D016909 The anterior and posterior arteries created at the bifurcation of the popliteal artery. The anterior tibial artery begins at the lower border of the popliteus muscle and lies along the tibia at the distal part of the leg to surface superficially anterior to the ankle joint. Its branches are distributed throughout the leg, ankle, and foot. The posterior tibial artery begins at the lower border of the popliteus muscle, lies behind the tibia in the lower part of its course, and is found situated between the medial malleolus and the medial process of the calcaneal tuberosity. Its branches are distributed throughout the leg and foot. UBERON:UBERON_0007610 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.895 A07.015.114 Anterior Tibial Arteries|Anterior Tibial Artery|Arteries, Anterior Tibial|Arteries, Posterior Tibial|Arteries, Tibial|Artery, Anterior Tibial|Artery, Posterior Tibial|Artery, Tibial|Posterior Tibial Arteries|Posterior Tibial Artery|Tibial Arteries, Anterior|Tibial Arteries, Posterior|Tibial Artery|Tibial Artery, Anterior|Tibial Artery, Posterior UBERON:0007610 +Tibial Nerve MESH:D013979 The medial terminal branch of the sciatic nerve. The tibial nerve fibers originate in lumbar and sacral spinal segments (L4 to S2). They supply motor and sensory innervation to parts of the calf and foot. UBERON:UBERON_0001323 MESH:D012584 A08.800.800.720.450.760.820 A08.800.800.720.450.760 Medial Plantar Nerve|Medial Plantar Nerves|Nerve, Medial Plantar|Nerve, Posterior Tibial|Nerves, Medial Plantar|Nerves, Posterior Tibial|Nerves, Tibial|Nerve, Tibial|Plantar Nerve, Medial|Plantar Nerves, Medial|Posterior Tibial Nerve|Posterior Tibial Nerves|Tibial Nerve, Posterior|Tibial Nerves|Tibial Nerves, Posterior medial popliteal nerve|n. tibialis|UBERON:0001323 +Tight Junctions MESH:D019108 Cell-cell junctions that seal adjacent epithelial cells together, preventing the passage of most dissolved molecules from one side of the epithelial sheet to the other. (Alberts et al., Molecular Biology of the Cell, 2nd ed, p22) MESH:D007365 A11. A11. Junction, Occluding|Junctions, Occluding|Junctions, Tight|Junction, Tight|Occludens, Zonula|Occluden, Zonula|Occluding Junction|Occluding Junctions|Tight Junction|Zonula Occluden|Zonula Occludens +Tissues MESH:D014024 Collections of differentiated CELLS, such as EPITHELIUM; CONNECTIVE TISSUE; MUSCLES; and NERVE TISSUE. Tissues are cooperatively arranged to form organs with specialized functions such as RESPIRATION; DIGESTION; REPRODUCTION; MOVEMENT; and others. UBERON:UBERON_0000479 MESH:A A10 A Tissue portion of tissue|simple tissue|tissue portion|UBERON:0000479 +T-Lymphocytes MESH:D013601 Lymphocytes responsible for cell-mediated immunity. Two types have been identified - cytotoxic (T-LYMPHOCYTES, CYTOTOXIC) and helper T-lymphocytes (T-LYMPHOCYTES, HELPER-INDUCER). They are formed when lymphocytes circulate through the THYMUS GLAND and differentiate to thymocytes. When exposed to an antigen, they divide rapidly and produce large numbers of new T cells sensitized to that antigen. CL:CL_0000084 MESH:D008214 A11.118.637.555.567.569|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569|A15.382.490.555.567.569 A11.118.637.555.567|A15.145.229.637.555.567|A15.382.490.555.567 Cells, T|Cell, T|Lymphocytes, T|Lymphocytes, Thymus-Dependent|Lymphocyte, T|Lymphocyte, Thymus-Dependent|T Cell|T-Cell|T Cells|T-Cells|Thymus-Dependent Lymphocyte|Thymus Dependent Lymphocytes|Thymus-Dependent Lymphocytes|T Lymphocyte|T-Lymphocyte|T Lymphocytes CL:0000084|immature T cell|mature T cell +T-Lymphocytes, Cytotoxic MESH:D013602 Immunized T-lymphocytes which can directly destroy appropriate target cells. These cytotoxic lymphocytes may be generated in vitro in mixed lymphocyte cultures (MLC), in vivo during a graft-versus-host (GVH) reaction, or after immunization with an allograft, tumor cell or virally transformed or chemically modified target cell. The lytic phenomenon is sometimes referred to as cell-mediated lympholysis (CML). These CD8-positive cells are distinct from NATURAL KILLER CELLS and NATURAL KILLER T-CELLS. There are two effector phenotypes: TC1 and TC2. CL:CL_0000794|CL:CL_0000910|CL:CL_0000917|CL:CL_0000918 MESH:D016176|MESH:D018414|MESH:D055612 A11.118.637.555.283.875|A11.118.637.555.567.550.500.200|A11.118.637.555.567.569.220.200|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500.200|A15.145.229.637.555.283.875|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500.200|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.220.200|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500.200|A15.382.490.555.283.875|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500.200|A15.382.490.555.567.569.220.200|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500.200 A11.118.637.555.283|A11.118.637.555.567.550.500|A11.118.637.555.567.569.220|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500|A15.145.229.637.555.283|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.220|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500|A15.382.490.555.283|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500|A15.382.490.555.567.569.220|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500 Cell, Cell-Mediated Lympholytic|Cell-Mediated Lympholytic Cell|Cell Mediated Lympholytic Cells|Cell-Mediated Lympholytic Cells|Cell, TC1|Cell, TC2|Cytotoxic T Cell|Cytotoxic T Cells|Cytotoxic T Lymphocyte|Cytotoxic T-Lymphocyte|Cytotoxic T Lymphocytes|Cytotoxic T-Lymphocytes|Lymphocyte, Cytotoxic T|Lympholytic Cell, Cell-Mediated|Lympholytic Cells, Cell-Mediated|TC1 Cell|TC1 Cells|TC2 Cell|TC2 Cells|T Cell, Cytotoxic|T Lymphocyte, Cytotoxic|T-Lymphocyte, Cytotoxic|T Lymphocytes, Cytotoxic CD8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic T cell|CD8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic T-cell|CD8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic T lymphocyte|CD8-positive, alpha-beta cytotoxic T-lymphocyte|CD8-positive Th1 cell|CD8-positive Th2 cell|CL:0000794|CL:0000910|CL:0000917|CL:0000918|cytotoxic T-cell|killer T cell|killer T-cell|killer T lymphocyte|killer T-lymphocyte|Tc1 CD8+ T cell|Tc1 T cell|Tc1 T-cell|Tc1 T lymphocyte|Tc1 T-lymphocyte|Tc2 T cell|Tc2 T-cell|Tc2 T lymphocyte|Tc2 T-lymphocyte|T-cytotoxic T cell type 1|T-cytotoxic T cell type 2|Th1 CD8-positive T cell|Th1 non-TFH CD8-positive T cell|Th2 CD8-positive T cell|Th2 non-TFH CD8-positive T cell +T-Lymphocytes, Helper-Inducer MESH:D006377 Subpopulation of CD4+ lymphocytes that cooperate with other lymphocytes (either T or B) to initiate a variety of immune functions. For example, helper-inducer T-cells cooperate with B-cells to produce antibodies to thymus-dependent antigens and with other subpopulations of T-cells to initiate a variety of cell-mediated immune functions. CL:CL_0000912 MESH:D015496|MESH:D016176 A11.118.637.555.567.550.500.400|A11.118.637.555.567.569.200.400|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500.400|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500.400|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.200.400|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500.400|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500.400|A15.382.490.555.567.569.200.400|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500.400 A11.118.637.555.567.550.500|A11.118.637.555.567.569.200|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.200|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500|A15.382.490.555.567.569.200|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500 Cell, Helper T|Cells, Helper T|Helper Cell|Helper Cells|Helper-Inducer T-Cell|Helper-Inducer T-Cells|Helper-Inducer T-Lymphocyte|Helper Inducer T Lymphocytes|Helper-Inducer T-Lymphocytes|Helper T Cell|Helper T-Cell|Helper T Cells|Helper T-Cells|Helper T-Lymphocyte|Helper T-Lymphocytes|Inducer Cell|Inducer Cells|Inducer T-Lymphocyte|Inducer T-Lymphocytes|T Cell, Helper|T-Cell, Helper|T-Cell, Helper-Inducer|T Cells, Helper|T-Cells, Helper|T Cells, Helper Inducer|T-Cells, Helper-Inducer|T-Lymphocyte, Helper|T-Lymphocyte, Helper-Inducer|T-Lymphocyte, Inducer|T Lymphocytes, Helper|T-Lymphocytes, Helper|T Lymphocytes, Helper Inducer|T Lymphocytes, Inducer|T-Lymphocytes, Inducer CL:0000912|helper T lymphocyte|T-helper cell +T-Lymphocytes, Regulatory MESH:D050378 CD4-positive T cells that inhibit immunopathology or autoimmune disease in vivo. They inhibit the immune response by influencing the activity of other cell types. Regulatory T-cells include naturally occurring CD4+CD25+ cells, IL-10 secreting Tr1 cells, and Th3 cells. CL:CL_0000815|CL:CL_0000901 MESH:D015496|MESH:D016176 A11.118.637.555.567.550.500.700|A11.118.637.555.567.569.200.700|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500.700|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500.700|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.200.700|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500.700|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500.700|A15.382.490.555.567.569.200.700|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500.700 A11.118.637.555.567.550.500|A11.118.637.555.567.569.200|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.200|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500|A15.382.490.555.567.569.200|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500 Cell, Regulatory T|Cells, Regulatory T|Cells, Th3|Cells, Tr1|Cells, Treg|Cell, Th3|Cell, Tr1|Cell, Treg|Naturally-Occurring Suppressor T-Cell|Naturally-Occurring Suppressor T-Cells|Naturally-Occurring Suppressor T-Lymphocyte|Naturally-Occurring Suppressor T-Lymphocytes|Regulatory T Cell|Regulatory T-Cell|Regulatory T Cells|Regulatory T-Cells|Regulatory T Lymphocyte|Regulatory T-Lymphocyte|Regulatory T Lymphocytes|Regulatory T-Lymphocytes|Suppressor T-Cell, Naturally-Occurring|Suppressor T Cells, Naturally Occurring|Suppressor T-Cells, Naturally-Occurring|Suppressor T-Lymphocyte, Naturally-Occurring|Suppressor T Lymphocytes, Naturally Occurring|Suppressor T-Lymphocytes, Naturally-Occurring|T-Cell, Naturally-Occurring Suppressor|T Cell, Regulatory|T-Cells, Naturally-Occurring Suppressor|T Cells, Regulatory|T-Cells, Regulatory|Th3 Cell|Th3 Cells|T-Lymphocyte, Regulatory|T Lymphocytes, Regulatory|Tr1 Cell|Tr1 Cells|Treg Cell|Treg Cells CL:0000815|CL:0000901|suppressor T cell|suppressor T-cell|suppressor T lymphocyte|suppressor T-lymphocyte|Tr1 T cell|Tr1 T-cell|Tr1 T lymphocyte|Tr1 T-lymphocyte|Treg|T-regulatory T cell type 1 +T-Lymphocyte Subsets MESH:D016176 A classification of T-lymphocytes, especially into helper/inducer, suppressor/effector, and cytotoxic subsets, based on structurally or functionally different populations of cells. MESH:D013601|MESH:D016131 A11.118.637.555.567.550.500|A11.118.637.555.567.569.500|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550.500|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569.500|A15.382.490.555.567.550.500|A15.382.490.555.567.569.500 A11.118.637.555.567.550|A11.118.637.555.567.569|A15.145.229.637.555.567.550|A15.145.229.637.555.567.569|A15.382.490.555.567.550|A15.382.490.555.567.569 Subsets, T-Cell|Subsets, T-Lymphocyte|Subset, T-Cell|Subset, T-Lymphocyte|T Cell Subset|T-Cell Subset|T Cell Subsets|T-Cell Subsets|T Lymphocyte Subset|T-Lymphocyte Subset|T Lymphocyte Subsets +Toe Joint MESH:D014033 The articulation between the head of one phalanx and the base of the one distal to it, in each toe. UBERON:UBERON_0007721 MESH:D033023 A02.835.583.378.900 A02.835.583.378 Foot Interphalangeal Joint|Foot Interphalangeal Joints|Interphalangeal Joint of Foot|Interphalangeal Joint of Toe|Joints, Toe|Joint, Toe|Toe Interphalangeal Joint|Toe Interphalangeal Joints|Toe Joints hindlimb digit inter-phalangeal joint|interphalangeal joint of pes|UBERON:0007721 +Toe Phalanges MESH:D050277 Bones that make up the SKELETON of the TOES, consisting of two for the great toe, and three for each of the other toes. UBERON:UBERON_0004248 MESH:D005529 A02.835.232.043.300.800 A02.835.232.043.300 Bones of Toes|Bones, Toe|Phalanges of Toes|Phalanges, Toe|Toe Bones|Toes Bones bone of digit of foot|digital bone of foot|digital bone of pes|digit of foot bone|digitus pedis bone|digitus pedis bone organ|foot digit bone|foot digit bone organ|hind limb digit bone|pedal digit bone|toe bone|toe bone organ|UBERON:0004248 +Toes MESH:D014034 Any one of five terminal digits of the vertebrate FOOT. UBERON:UBERON_0012356 MESH:D005545 A01.378.610.250.300.792 A01.378.610.250.300 Toe acropodial forelimb segment|acropodial region of pes|acropodial segment of pes|all toes|digits of foot|pedal acropodium region|set of toes|toes set|UBERON:0012356 +Tongue MESH:D014059 A muscular organ in the mouth that is covered with pink tissue called mucosa, tiny bumps called papillae, and thousands of taste buds. The tongue is anchored to the mouth and is vital for chewing, swallowing, and for speech. UBERON:UBERON_0001723 MESH:D009055 A03.556.500.885|A14.549.885 A03.556.500|A14.549 Tongues glossus|UBERON:0001723 +Tooth MESH:D014070 One of a set of bone-like structures in the mouth used for biting and chewing. UBERON:UBERON_0001091 MESH:D003817 A14.549.167.860 A14.549.167 Teeth calcareous tooth|dental element|dentine containing tooth|UBERON:0001091|vertebrate tooth +Tooth Apex MESH:D019227 The tip or terminal end of the root of a tooth. (Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p62) UBERON:UBERON_0003678 MESH:D014092 A14.549.167.900.750.700 A14.549.167.900.750 Apex, Tooth|Apical Foramen|Apices, Tooth|Foramen, Apical|Tooth Apices apex of tooth|tooth apice|UBERON:0003678 +Tooth Cervix MESH:D019237 The constricted part of the tooth at the junction of the crown and root or roots. It is often referred to as the cementoenamel junction (CEJ), the line at which the cementum covering the root of a tooth and the enamel of the tooth meet. (Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p530, p433) UBERON:UBERON_0015181 MESH:D019589 A14.549.167.900.700 A14.549.167.900 CEJ|Cementoenamel Junction|Cementoenamel Junctions|Cervix Dentis|Cervix, Tooth|Junction, Cementoenamel|Junctions, Cementoenamel cervical margin of tooth|cervical zone of tooth|cervix of tooth|collumn dentis|dental neck|neck of tooth|tooth neck|UBERON:0015181 +Tooth Components MESH:D019589 The anatomical components of a tooth, its tissues, and correlated parts. MESH:D003817 A14.549.167.900 A14.549.167 Components, Tooth|Component, Tooth|Tooth Component +Tooth Crown MESH:D019228 The upper part of the tooth, which joins the lower part of the tooth (TOOTH ROOT) at the cervix (TOOTH CERVIX) at a line called the cementoenamel junction. The entire surface of the crown is covered with enamel which is thicker at the extremity and becomes progressively thinner toward the cervix. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p216) UBERON:UBERON_0003675 MESH:D019589 A14.549.167.900.710 A14.549.167.900 Crowns, Tooth|Crown, Tooth|Tooth Crowns anatomical crown|corona dentis|crown|crown of tooth|UBERON:0003675 +Tooth, Deciduous MESH:D014094 The teeth of the first dentition, which are shed and replaced by the permanent teeth. UBERON:UBERON_0007115|UBERON:UBERON_0007116 MESH:D014070 A14.549.167.860.700 A14.549.167.860 Baby Teeth|Baby Tooth|Deciduous Dentition|Deciduous Dentitions|Deciduous Teeth|Deciduous Tooth|Dentition, Deciduous|Dentition, Primary|Dentitions, Deciduous|Dentitions, Primary|Milk Teeth|Milk Tooth|Primary Dentition|Primary Dentitions|Primary Teeth|Primary Tooth|Teeth, Baby|Teeth, Deciduous|Teeth, Milk|Teeth, Primary|Tooth, Baby|Tooth, Milk|Tooth, Primary dentes decidui|set of deciduous teeth|set of primary teeth|temporary tooth|tooth of primary dentition|UBERON:0007115|UBERON:0007116 +Tooth Germ MESH:D014083 The collective tissues from which an entire tooth is formed, including the DENTAL SAC; ENAMEL ORGAN; and DENTAL PAPILLA. (From Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992) UBERON:UBERON_0005087|UBERON:UBERON_0008281 MESH:D019589 A14.549.167.900.720 A14.549.167.900 Germs, Tooth|Germ, Tooth|Tooth Germs dental anlage|dental bud|dental germ|dental placode|dental primordium|odontogenic placode|tooth anlage|tooth bud|tooth placode|tooth primordium|UBERON:0005087|UBERON:0008281 +Tooth Root MESH:D014092 The part of a tooth from the neck to the apex, embedded in the alveolar process and covered with cementum. A root may be single or divided into several branches, usually identified by their relative position, e.g., lingual root or buccal root. Single-rooted teeth include mandibular first and second premolars and the maxillary second premolar teeth. The maxillary first premolar has two roots in most cases. Maxillary molars have three roots. (Jablonski, Dictionary of Dentistry, 1992, p690) UBERON:UBERON_0003677 MESH:D019589 A14.549.167.900.750 A14.549.167.900 Roots, Tooth|Root, Tooth|Tooth Roots radix corona|root of tooth|UBERON:0003677 +Tooth Socket MESH:D020390 A hollow part of the alveolar process of the MAXILLA or MANDIBLE where each tooth fits and is attached via the periodontal ligament. UBERON:UBERON_0003686 MESH:D000539 A02.835.232.781.324.502.125.800|A14.521.125.800|A14.549.167.646.094.800 A02.835.232.781.324.502.125|A14.521.125|A14.549.167.646.094 Alveolus, Dental|Alveolus Dentali|Alveolus Dentalis|Dental Alveolus|Dentali, Alveolus|Dentalis, Alveolus|Sockets, Tooth|Socket, Tooth|Tooth Sockets UBERON:0003686 +Tooth, Unerupted MESH:D014097 A normal developing tooth which has not yet perforated the oral mucosa or one that fails to erupt in the normal sequence or time interval expected for the type of tooth in a given gender, age, or population group. UBERON:UBERON_0007776 MESH:D014070 A14.549.167.860.715 A14.549.167.860 Teeth, Unerupted|Unerupted Teeth|Unerupted Tooth UBERON:0007776 +Torso MESH:D060726 The central part of the body to which the neck and limbs are attached. UBERON:UBERON_0002100 MESH:D001829 A01.923 A01 Torsos Rumpf|thoracolumbar region|trunk|trunk region|UBERON:0002100 +Totipotent Stem Cells MESH:D039901 Single cells that have the potential to form an entire organism. They have the capacity to specialize into extraembryonic membranes and tissues, the embryo, and all postembryonic tissues and organs. (Stem Cells: A Primer [Internet]. Bethesda (MD): National Institutes of Health (US); 2000 May [cited 2002 Apr 5]. Available from: http://www.nih.gov/news/stemcell/primer.htm) CL:CL_0000052 MESH:D013234 A11.872.870 A11.872 Cells, Totipotent Stem|Cell, Totipotent Stem|Stem Cells, Totipotent|Stem Cell, Totipotent|Totipotent Stem Cell CL:0000052|totipotential stem cell +Trabecular Meshwork MESH:D014129 A porelike structure surrounding the entire circumference of the anterior chamber through which aqueous humor circulates to the SCHLEMM'S CANAL. UBERON:UBERON_0005969 MESH:D000869 A09.371.060.750 A09.371.060 Meshworks, Trabecular|Meshwork, Trabecular|Trabecular Meshworks cribiform ligament|eye trabecular meshwork|Hueck's ligament|iridis|ligamentum peactin-tum iridis|ligamentum pectinatum|ligamentum pectinatum anguli iridocornealis|ligamentum pectinatum iridis|pectinate ligament|pectinate ligament of iris|reticulum trabeculare|reticulum trabeculare sclerae|scleral trabeculae|scleral trabecular|scleral trabecule|scribiform ligament|trabecular mesh|trabecular meshwork of the eye|UBERON:0005969 +Trachea MESH:D014132 The cartilaginous and membranous tube descending from the larynx and branching into the right and left main bronchi. UBERON:UBERON_0003126 MESH:D012137 A04.889 A04 Tracheas cartilaginous trachea|tracheal tubule|UBERON:0003126|vertebrate trachea|windpipe +trans-Golgi Network MESH:D021601 A network of membrane compartments, located at the cytoplasmic side of the GOLGI APPARATUS, where proteins and lipids are sorted for transport to various locations in the cell or cell membrane. MESH:D006056 A11.284.430.214.190.875.336.850 A11.284.430.214.190.875.336 Network, trans-Golgi|Regions, trans-Golgi|Region, trans-Golgi|trans Golgi Network|trans Golgi Region|trans-Golgi Region|trans-Golgi Regions +Transplant Donor Site MESH:D060053 The body location or part from which tissue is taken for TRANSPLANTATION. MESH:D001829 A01.935 A01 Donor Sites, Transplant|Donor Site, Transplant|Sites, Transplant Donor|Site, Transplant Donor|Transplant Donor Sites +Transplants MESH:D019737 Organs, tissues, or cells taken from the body for grafting into another area of the same body or into another individual. MESH:D001829 A01.941 A01 Cell Transplant|Cell Transplants|Graft|Graft, Organ|Grafts|Grafts, Organ|Grafts, Tissue|Graft, Tissue|Organ Graft|Organ Grafts|Organ Transplant|Organ Transplants|Tissue Graft|Tissue Grafts|Tissue Transplant|Tissue Transplants|Transplant|Transplant, Cell|Transplant, Organ|Transplants, Cell|Transplants, Organ|Transplants, Tissue|Transplant, Tissue +Transport Vesicles MESH:D022161 Vesicles that are involved in shuttling cargo from the interior of the cell to the cell surface, from the cell surface to the interior, across the cell or around the cell to various locations. MESH:D022162 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.880 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190 Endocytic Vesicle|Endocytic Vesicles|Transport Vesicle|Vesicle, Endocytic|Vesicles, Endocytic|Vesicles, Transport|Vesicle, Transport +Transverse Sinuses MESH:D054064 The two large endothelium-lined venous channels that begin at the internal occipital protuberance at the back and lower part of the CRANIUM and travels laterally and forward ending in the internal jugular vein (JUGULAR VEINS). One of the transverse sinuses, usually the right one, is the continuation of the SUPERIOR SAGITTAL SINUS. The other transverse sinus is the continuation of the straight sinus. UBERON:UBERON_0001641 MESH:D003392 A07.015.908.224.833 A07.015.908.224 Lateral Sinus|Lateral Sinuse|Lateral Sinuses|Sinuses, Lateral|Sinuses, Transverse|Sinus, Lateral|Sinus Transversus|Transverse Sinuse|Transversus, Sinus groove for right and left transverse sinuses|sinus transversus durae matris|transverse sinus|transverse sinus vein|UBERON:0001641 +Trapezium Bone MESH:D051222 A carpal bone adjacent to the TRAPEZOID BONE. UBERON:UBERON_0001430 MESH:D002348 A02.835.232.087.319.150.800 A02.835.232.087.319.150 Bones, Trapezium|Bone, Trapezium|Os Trapezium|Trapezium Bones carpal 1|distal carpal 1|distal carpal bone 1|greater multangular|greater multangular bone|greater multiangular|hand distal carpal bone 1|manus distal carpal bone 1|trapezial bone|trapezium|UBERON:0001430 +Trapezoid Body MESH:D065833 A region in the pontine tegmentum containing nuclei and fibers associated with AUDITORY PATHWAYS. UBERON:UBERON_0002932 MESH:D065821 A08. A08. Body, Trapezoid|Corpus Trapezoideum|Corpus Trapezoideums|Trapezoideum, Corpus|Trapezoideums, Corpus corpus trapezoides|trapezoid body (Treviranus)|TZ|UBERON:0002932 +Trapezoid Bone MESH:D051223 A carpal bone which is located between the TRAPEZIUM BONE and the CAPITATE BONE. UBERON:UBERON_0001431 MESH:D002348 A02.835.232.087.319.150.805 A02.835.232.087.319.150 Bones, Trapezoid|Bone, Trapezoid|Os Trapezoideum|Trapezoid Bones carpal 2|distal carpal 2|distal carpal bone 2|hand distal carpal bone 2|lesser multangular|lesser multangular bone|lesser multiangular|manus distal carpal bone 2|trapezoid|UBERON:0001431 +Triangular Fibrocartilage MESH:D051478 Fibrocartilage that makes up the triangular fibrocartilage complex which is found in the WRIST JOINT. MESH:D014955|MESH:D051445 A02.165.308.800|A02.835.583.405.930.800|A10.165.382.350.800 A02.165.308|A02.835.583.405.930|A10.165.382.350 Complex, Triangular Fibrocartilage|Fibrocartilage Complex, Triangular|Fibrocartilages, Triangular|Fibrocartilage, Triangular|Triangular Fibrocartilage Complex|Triangular Fibrocartilages +Trichomes MESH:D064201 Hair-like extensions on specialized epidermal surfaces of plants which protect against damage from insects, animals, light degradation and fungal infection. Trichomes may also occur on certain unicellular EUKARYOTES. UBERON:UBERON_6004979 MESH:D022082 A11.284.917 A11.284 Indumentum|Indumentums|Trichome cell hair|insect trichome|UBERON:6004979 +Tricuspid Valve MESH:D014261 The valve consisting of three cusps situated between the right atrium and right ventricle of the heart. UBERON:UBERON_0002134 MESH:D006351 A07.541.510.893 A07.541.510 Tricuspid Valves|Valves, Tricuspid|Valve, Tricuspid right atrioventricular valve|UBERON:0002134|valva atrioventricularis dextra|valvula tricuspidalis +Trigeminal Caudal Nucleus MESH:D014275 The caudal portion of the nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract (TRIGEMINAL NUCLEUS, SPINAL), a nucleus involved with pain and temperature sensation. UBERON:UBERON_0002866 MESH:D014279 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Caudal Nucleus, Trigeminal|Nucleus, Trigeminal Caudal caudal nucleus|caudal nucleus (kandell)|caudal part of spinal trigeminal nucleus|caudal part of the spinal trigeminal nucleus|CSp5|nucleus caudalis tractus spinalis nervi trigemini|nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini, pars caudalis|spinal nucleus of the trigeminal caudal part|spinal nucleus of the trigeminal, caudal part|spinal nucleus of the trigeminal nerve caudal part|spinal trigeminal nucleus caudal part|spinal trigeminal nucleus, caudal part|subnucleus caudalis|UBERON:0002866 +Trigeminal Ganglion MESH:D012668 The semilunar-shaped ganglion containing the cells of origin of most of the sensory fibers of the trigeminal nerve. It is situated within the dural cleft on the cerebral surface of the petrous portion of the temporal bone and gives off the ophthalmic, maxillary, and part of the mandibular nerves. UBERON:UBERON_0001675 MESH:D014276|MESH:D017950 A08.340.390.850|A08.800.350.850|A08.800.800.120.760.825 A08.340.390|A08.800.350|A08.800.800.120.760 Ganglia, Trigeminal|Ganglion, Gasserian|Ganglion, Gasser's|Ganglion, Semilunar|Ganglion, Trigeminal|Gasser Ganglion|Gasserian Ganglion|Gasser's Ganglion|Gassers Ganglion|Semilunar Ganglion|Semilunar Ganglions|Trigeminal Ganglia|Trigeminal Ganglias|Trigeminal Ganglions 5th ganglion|fifth ganglion|fused trigeminal ganglion|ganglion of trigeminal complex|ganglion of trigeminal nerve|ganglion semilunare|ganglion trigeminale|Gasserian ganglia|gV|trigeminal V ganglion|trigeminus ganglion|UBERON:0001675 +Trigeminal Motor Nucleus MESH:D066266 Nucleus located in the pontine tegmentum with motor neurons that innervate the muscles of the JAW through the motor portion of the TRIGEMINAL NERVE. UBERON:UBERON_0002633 MESH:D014278|MESH:D065821 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Main Sensory Nucleus of Trigeminal Nerve|Motor Nucleus of Trigeminal Nerve|Motor Nucleus, Trigeminal|Nucleus, Trigeminal Motor|Principal Sensory Nucleus of Trigeminal Nerve motor nucleus|motor nucleus of cranial nerve v|motor nucleus of the trigeminal|motor nucleus of the trigeminal nerve|motor nucleus of trigeminal|motor nucleus V|motor trigeminal nucleus|nucleus motorius nervi trigeminalis|nucleus motorius nervi trigemini|nucleus motorius trigeminalis|nV|trigeminal motor nuclei|trigeminal V motor nucleus|UBERON:0002633 +Trigeminal Nerve MESH:D014276 The 5th and largest cranial nerve. The trigeminal nerve is a mixed motor and sensory nerve. The larger sensory part forms the ophthalmic, mandibular, and maxillary nerves which carry afferents sensitive to external or internal stimuli from the skin, muscles, and joints of the face and mouth and from the teeth. Most of these fibers originate from cells of the TRIGEMINAL GANGLION and project to the TRIGEMINAL NUCLEUS of the brain stem. The smaller motor part arises from the brain stem trigeminal motor nucleus and innervates the muscles of mastication. UBERON:UBERON_0001645 MESH:D003391 A08.800.800.120.760 A08.800.800.120 Cranial Nerve, Fifth|Cranial Nerve V|Fifth Cranial Nerve|Fifth Cranial Nerves|Nerve, Fifth Cranial|Nerve, Trigeminal|Nerve V|Nerve V, Cranial|Nerve Vs|Nervus Trigeminus|Trigeminal Nerves|Trigeminus, Nervus 5n|CN-V|nervus trigeminus [v]|trigeminal nerve tree|trigeminal nerve [V]|trigeminal V|trigeminal v nerve|trigeminus|UBERON:0001645 +Trigeminal Nuclei MESH:D014278 Nuclei of the trigeminal nerve situated in the brain stem. They include the nucleus of the spinal trigeminal tract (TRIGEMINAL NUCLEUS, SPINAL), the principal sensory nucleus, the mesencephalic nucleus, and the motor nucleus. UBERON:UBERON_0002925 MESH:D001933 A08. A08.186.211.132 Nuclear Complex, Trigeminal|Nuclear Complices, Trigeminal|Nuclei, Trigeminal|Nucleus, Trigeminal|Trigeminal Nuclear Complex|Trigeminal Nuclear Complices|Trigeminal Nucleus nucleus mesencephalicus nervi trigemini|nucleus mesencephalicus trigeminalis|nucleus of trigeminal nuclear complex|nucleus tractus mesencephali nervi trigeminalis|trigeminal nuclear complex nucleus|trigeminal V nucleus|UBERON:0002925 +Trigeminal Nucleus, Spinal MESH:D014279 Nucleus of the spinal tract of the trigeminal nerve. It is divided cytoarchitectonically into three parts: oralis, caudalis (TRIGEMINAL CAUDAL NUCLEUS), and interpolaris. UBERON:UBERON_0001717 MESH:D008526|MESH:D014278|MESH:D065821 A08.|A08.|A08. A08.|A08.|A08. Nucleus, Spinal Trigeminal|Spinal Trigeminal Nucleus nucleus spinalis nervi trigemini|spinal nucleus of cranial nerve v|spinal nucleus of the trigeminal|spinal nucleus of trigeminal nerve|trigeminal nerve spinal tract nucleus|trigeminal spinal nucleus|trigeminal spinal sensory nucleus|trigeminal v spinal sensory nucleus|UBERON:0001717 +Trigger Points MESH:D061028 Discrete spots in taut bands of muscle that produce local and referred pain when muscle bands are compressed. MESH:D001829 A01.947 A01 Areas, Trigger|Area, Trigger|Points, Trigger|Point, Trigger|Trigger Area|Trigger Areas|Trigger Point +Triquetrum Bone MESH:D051221 A carpal bone which is located between the LUNATE BONE and HAMATE BONE. UBERON:UBERON_0002445 MESH:D002348 A02.835.232.087.319.150.831 A02.835.232.087.319.150 Bones, Triquetral|Bones, Triquetrum|Bone, Triquetral|Bone, Triquetrum|Os Triquetrum|Triquetral Bone|Triquetral Bones|Triquetrum Bones cuneiform bone of hand|cuneiform bone of manus|cuneiform of hand|os ulnare|triangular|triangular bone|triquetral|triquetrum|UBERON:0002445|ulnar carpal bone|ulnare +Trochlear Nerve MESH:D014321 The 4th cranial nerve. The trochlear nerve carries the motor innervation of the superior oblique muscles of the eye. UBERON:UBERON_0001644 MESH:D003391 A08.800.800.120.800 A08.800.800.120 Cranial Nerve, Fourth|Cranial Nerve IV|Cranial Nerves, Fourth|Fourth Cranial Nerve|Fourth Cranial Nerves|IV, Cranial Nerve|Nerve, Fourth Cranial|Nerve IV|Nerve IV, Cranial|Nerve IVs|Nerves, Fourth Cranial|Nerves, Trochlear|Nerve, Trochlear|Trochlear Nerves 4n|CN-IV|nervus trochlearis|nervus trochlearis [IV]|pathetic nerve|superior oblique nerve|trochlear|trochlear IV nerve|trochlear nerve [IV]|trochlear nerve or its root|trochlear nerve/root|trochlear nerve tree|UBERON:0001644 +Trophoblasts MESH:D014327 Cells lining the outside of the BLASTOCYST. After binding to the ENDOMETRIUM, trophoblasts develop into two distinct layers, an inner layer of mononuclear cytotrophoblasts and an outer layer of continuous multinuclear cytoplasm, the syncytiotrophoblasts, which form the early fetal-maternal interface (PLACENTA). UBERON:UBERON_0000088|UBERON:UBERON_0000319|UBERON:UBERON_0000371 MESH:D001755|MESH:D010920|MESH:D055098 A11.382.992|A16.254.500.766|A16.710.802 A11.382|A16.254.500|A16.710 Cytotrophoblast|Cytotrophoblasts|Syncytiotrophoblast|Syncytiotrophoblasts|Trophoblast cellular trophoblast|cytotrophoblastic cell|cytotrophoblastic cell layer|cytotrophoblastus|Langhans' layer|layer of Langhans|massa cellularis externa|syncitiotrophoblast|syncitiotrophoblastus|syncytial trophoblast|syntrophoblast|syntrophoblast layer|trophoblast layer|trophoblastus|trophoderm|UBERON:0000088|UBERON:0000319|UBERON:0000371 +Trophozoites MESH:D053058 Cells or feeding stage in the life cycle of sporozoan protozoa. In the malarial parasite, the trophozoite develops from the MEROZOITE and then splits into the SCHIZONT. Trophozoites that are left over from cell division can go on to form gametocytes. MESH:D033761 A11.870.740.900 A11.870.740 Trophozoite +Truncus Arteriosus MESH:D014338 The arterial trunk arising from the fetal heart. During development, it divides into AORTA and the PULMONARY ARTERY. UBERON:UBERON_0002061 MESH:D005318 A07.541.278.930|A16.378.303.930 A07.541.278|A16.378.303 Arteriosus, Truncus UBERON:0002061 +Tuber Cinereum MESH:D014371 Layer of GRAY MATTER in the HYPOTHALAMUS that also forms part of the floor of the THIRD VENTRICLE and merges anteriorly into the infundibulum (see PITUITARY GLAND, POSTERIOR). UBERON:UBERON_0002620 MESH:D007033 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Cinereums, Tuber|Cinereum, Tuber|Tuber Cinereums TBCN|tuberal area|tuberal area, hypothalamus|tuberal area of hypothalamus|tuberal nucleus|tuberal region|tuber cinereum area|tubercle of Rolando|UBERON:0002620 +Tumor-Associated Macrophages MESH:D000084582 Various macrophages found in TUMOR MICROENVIRONMENT. They may interact with tumor cells to influence growth and NEOPLASTIC PROCESSES. MESH:D008264 A11.329.372.850|A11.627.482.850|A11.733.397.907|A15.382.670.522.815|A15.382.680.397.815 A11.329.372|A11.627.482|A11.733.397|A15.382.670.522|A15.382.680.397 Macrophage, Tumor-Associated|Tumor Associated Macrophage|Tumor-Associated Macrophage|Tumor Associated Macrophages +Tumor Cells, Cultured MESH:D014407 Cells grown in vitro from neoplastic tissue. If they can be established as a TUMOR CELL LINE, they can be propagated in cell culture indefinitely. MESH:D002478 A11.251.860 A11.251 Cell, Cultured Neoplastic|Cell, Cultured Tumor|Cells, Cultured Neoplastic|Cells, Cultured Tumor|Cultured Neoplastic Cell|Cultured Neoplastic Cells|Cultured Tumor Cell|Cultured Tumor Cells|Neoplastic Cell, Cultured|Neoplastic Cells, Cultured|Tumor Cell, Cultured +Tunica Intima MESH:D017539 The innermost layer of an artery or vein, made up of one layer of endothelial cells and supported by an internal elastic lamina. UBERON:UBERON_0002523 MESH:D001808 A07.015.700 A07.015 Arterial Intima|Arterial Intimas|Elastic Lamella, Internal|Elastic Lamina, Internal|Internal Elastic Lamella|Internal Elastic Lamina|Internal Elastic Laminas|Intima, Arterial|Intima, Vascular|Intima, Venous|Lamella, Internal Elastic|Lamina, Internal Elastic|Tunica Intima Vasorum|Vascular Intima|Vascular Intimas|Venous Intima|Venous Intimas Bichat's tunic|intima|UBERON:0002523 +Tunica Media MESH:D017540 The middle layer of blood vessel walls, composed principally of thin, cylindrical, smooth muscle cells and elastic tissue. It accounts for the bulk of the wall of most arteries. The smooth muscle cells are arranged in circular layers around the vessel, and the thickness of the coat varies with the size of the vessel. UBERON:UBERON_0002522 MESH:D001808 A07.015.733 A07.015 Arterial Media|Arterial Medias|Media, Arterial|Medias, Arterial|Medias, Vascular|Medias, Venous|Media, Vascular|Media, Venous|Vascular Media|Vascular Medias|Venous Media|Venous Medias tunica media vasorum|UBERON:0002522 +Turbinates MESH:D014420 The scroll-like bony plates with curved margins on the lateral wall of the NASAL CAVITY. Turbinates, also called nasal concha, increase the surface area of nasal cavity thus providing a mechanism for rapid warming and humidification of air as it passes to the lung. UBERON:UBERON_0001762 MESH:D005147|MESH:D009666 A02.835.232.781.324.948|A04.531.898 A02.835.232.781.324|A04.531 Conchae Nasale|Conchae Nasales|Nasal Concha|Nasal Conchas|Turbinate concha|ossified nasal turbinal|ossified nasal turbinate|ossified turbinate|turbinal bone|turbinate bone|UBERON:0001762 +Tympanic Membrane MESH:D014432 An oval semitransparent membrane separating the external EAR CANAL from the tympanic cavity (EAR, MIDDLE). It contains three layers: the skin of the external ear canal; the core of radially and circularly arranged collagen fibers; and the MUCOSA of the middle ear. UBERON:UBERON_0002364 MESH:D004431 A09.246.272.702 A09.246.272 Eardrum|Eardrums|Membranes, Tympanic|Membrane, Tympanic|Tympanic Membranes ear drum|lateral wall of tympanic cavity|membranous wall of tympanic cavity|myrinx|paries membranaceus cavi tympani|Rivinus' membrane|tympanum|UBERON:0002364 +U937 Cells MESH:D020298 A human cell line established from a diffuse histiocytic lymphoma (HISTIOCYTIC LYMPHOMA, DIFFUSE) and displaying many monocytic characteristics. It serves as an in vitro model for MONOCYTE and MACROPHAGE differentiation. MESH:D045744|MESH:D055017 A11.|A11.251.860.180.880|A11.627.482.665.500|A11.627.624.249.500|A11.627.635.675.750.500 A11.251.210.190|A11.251.860.180|A11.627.482.665|A11.627.624.249|A11.627.635.675.750 Cells, U937|Cell, U937|U937 Cell +Ulna MESH:D014457 The inner and longer bone of the FOREARM. UBERON:UBERON_0001424 MESH:D050280 A02.835. A02.835.232.087.090 Coronoid Process, Ulnar|Semilunar Notch|Semilunar Notchs|Trochlear Groove, Ulnar|Trochlear Notch|Trochlear Notchs|Ulnar Coronoid Process|Ulnar Coronoid Processes|Ulnar Trochlear Groove|Ulnar Trochlear Grooves|Ulnas UBERON:0001424 +Ulnar Artery MESH:D017535 The larger of the two terminal branches of the brachial artery, beginning about one centimeter distal to the bend of the elbow. Like the RADIAL ARTERY, its branches may be divided into three groups corresponding to their locations in the forearm, wrist, and hand. UBERON:UBERON_0001406 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.920 A07.015.114 Arteries, Ulnar|Artery, Ulnar|Ulnar Arteries arteria ulnaris|UBERON:0001406 +Ulnar Nerve MESH:D014459 A major nerve of the upper extremity. In humans, the fibers of the ulnar nerve originate in the lower cervical and upper thoracic spinal cord (usually C7 to T1), travel via the medial cord of the brachial plexus, and supply sensory and motor innervation to parts of the hand and forearm. UBERON:UBERON_0001494 MESH:D001917 A08.800.800.720.050.850 A08.800.800.720.050 Nerves, Ulnar|Nerve, Ulnar|Ulnar Nerves nervus ulnaris|UBERON:0001494 +Ultimobranchial Body MESH:D014460 A diverticulum from the fourth pharyngeal pouch of an embryo, regarded by some as a rudimentary fifth pharyngeal pouch and by others as a lateral thyroid primordium. The ultimobranchial bodies of lower vertebrates contain large amounts of calcitonin. In mammals the bodies fuse with the thyroid gland and are thought to develop into the parafollicular cells. (Stedman, 25th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0003092 MESH:D000825 A13.939 A13 Bodies, Ultimobranchial|Body, Ultimobranchial|Ultimobranchial Bodies corpus ultimopharyngeum|postbranchial body|telobranchial body|telopharyngeal body|UBERON:0003092|ultimobranchial|ultimobranchial gland|ultimopharyngeal body|ultimopharyngeal gland +Umbilical Arteries MESH:D014469 Specialized arterial vessels in the umbilical cord. They carry waste and deoxygenated blood from the FETUS to the mother via the PLACENTA. In humans, there are usually two umbilical arteries but sometimes one. UBERON:UBERON_0001310 MESH:D001158|MESH:D014470 A07.015.114.929|A16.378.693.641 A07.015.114|A16.378.693 Arteries, Umbilical|Artery, Umbilical|Umbilical Artery a. umbilicalis|UBERON:0001310 +Umbilical Cord MESH:D014470 The flexible rope-like structure that connects a developing FETUS to the PLACENTA in mammals. The cord contains blood vessels which carry oxygen and nutrients from the mother to the fetus and waste products away from the fetus. UBERON:UBERON_0002331 MESH:D005333 A16.378.693 A16.378 Cords, Umbilical|Cord, Umbilical|Umbilical Cords birth cord|chorda umbilicalis|connecting stalk|funiculus umbilicalis|UBERON:0002331|yolk stalk +Umbilical Veins MESH:D014471 Venous vessels in the umbilical cord. They carry oxygenated, nutrient-rich blood from the mother to the FETUS via the PLACENTA. In humans, there is normally one umbilical vein. UBERON:UBERON_0002066 MESH:D011168|MESH:D014470 A07.015.908.670.874|A16.378.693.807 A07.015.908.670|A16.378.693 Umbilical Vein|Veins, Umbilical|Vein, Umbilical UBERON:0002066|vena umbilicalis +Umbilicus MESH:D014472 The pit in the center of the ABDOMINAL WALL marking the point where the UMBILICAL CORD entered in the FETUS. UBERON:UBERON_0007118 MESH:D000005 A01.923.047.849 A01.923.047 navel|UBERON:0007118|umbilical part of abdomen|umbilical region +Uncinate Fasciculus MESH:D000083382 A hook-shaped WHITE MATTER axon tract that connects the uncus and pole of the TEMPORAL LOBE, the LIMBIC SYSTEM and the FRONTAL LOBE. It innervates AMYGDALA proper. MESH:D005625|MESH:D013702 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Fasciculus, Uncinate|Fasciculus Uncinatus|Uncinatus, Fasciculus +Upper Extremity MESH:D034941 The region of the upper limb in animals, extending from the deltoid region to the HAND, and including the ARM; AXILLA; and SHOULDER. MESH:D005121 A01.378.800 A01.378 Extremities, Upper|Extremity, Upper|Limbs, Upper|Limb, Upper|Membrum superius|Upper Extremities|Upper Limb|Upper Limbs +Upper Gastrointestinal Tract MESH:D041742 The segment of GASTROINTESTINAL TRACT that includes the ESOPHAGUS; the STOMACH; and the DUODENUM. UBERON:UBERON_0004908 MESH:D041981 A03.556.875 A03.556 Gastrointestinal Tract, Upper|GI Tract, Upper|Upper GI Tract UBERON:0004908|upper digestive tract +Urachus MESH:D014497 An embryonic structure originating from the ALLANTOIS. It is a canal connecting the fetal URINARY BLADDER and the UMBILICUS. It is normally converted into a fibrous cord postnatally. When the canal fails to be filled and remains open (patent urachus), urine leaks through the umbilicus. UBERON:UBERON_0002068 MESH:D004628 A16.890 A16 UBERON:0002068 +Ureter MESH:D014513 One of a pair of thick-walled tubes that transports urine from the KIDNEY PELVIS to the URINARY BLADDER. UBERON:UBERON_0000056 MESH:D014551 A05.810.776 A05.810 Ureters metanephric duct|UBERON:0000056 +Urethra MESH:D014521 A tube that transports URINE from the URINARY BLADDER to the outside of the body in both the sexes. It also has a reproductive function in the male by providing a passage for SPERM. UBERON:UBERON_0000057 MESH:D010413|MESH:D014551 A05.360.444.492.726|A05.810.876 A05.360.444.492|A05.810 External Urethral Sphincter|External Urethral Sphincters|External Urinary Sphincter|External Urinary Sphincters|Internal Urethral Sphincter|Internal Urethral Sphincters|Internal Urinary Sphincter|Internal Urinary Sphincters|Internal Vesical Sphincter|Internal Vesical Sphincters|Sphincter, External Urethral|Sphincter, External Urinary|Sphincter, Internal Urethral|Sphincter, Internal Urinary|Sphincter, Internal Vesical|Sphincter, Urethral|Urethral Sphincter|Urethral Sphincter, External|Urethral Sphincters|Urethras|Urinary Sphincter, External|Urinary Sphincter, Internal|Vesical Sphincter, Internal UBERON:0000057 +Urinary Bladder MESH:D001743 A musculomembranous sac along the URINARY TRACT. URINE flows from the KIDNEYS into the bladder via the ureters (URETER), and is held there until URINATION. UBERON:UBERON_0001255 MESH:D014551 A05.810.890 A05.810 Bladder|Bladder Detrusor Muscle|Bladder Detrusor Muscles|Bladder, Urinary|Detrusor Muscle, Bladder|Detrusor Muscles, Bladder|Detrusor Urinae UBERON:0001255|urocyst|vesica|vesica urinaria +Urinary Reservoirs, Continent MESH:D016476 Structures which collect and store urine and are emptied by catheterization of a cutaneous stoma or internal diversion to the urethra. The reservoirs are surgically created during procedures for urinary diversion. MESH:D019738 A10.850.750 A10.850 Colonic Urinary Reservoir|Colonic Urinary Reservoirs|Continent Urinary Reservoir|Continent Urinary Reservoirs|Reservoir, Colonic Urinary|Reservoir, Continent Urinary|Reservoirs, Colonic Urinary|Reservoirs, Continent Urinary|Urinary Reservoir, Colonic|Urinary Reservoir, Continent|Urinary Reservoirs, Colonic +Urinary Tract MESH:D014551 The duct which coveys URINE from the pelvis of the KIDNEY through the URETERS, BLADDER, and URETHRA. UBERON:UBERON_0001008 MESH:D014566 A05.810 A05 Tracts, Urinary|Tract, Urinary|Urinary Tracts excretory system|renal or urinary system|renal system|renal/urinary system|systema urinaria|systema urinarium|UBERON:0001008|urinary system +Urine MESH:D014556 Liquid by-product of excretion produced in the kidneys, temporarily stored in the bladder until discharge through the URETHRA. UBERON:UBERON_0001088 MESH:D001826 A12.207.927 A12.207 UBERON:0001088 +Urogenital System MESH:D014566 All the organs involved in reproduction and the formation and release of URINE. It includes the kidneys, ureters, BLADDER; URETHRA, and the organs of reproduction - ovaries, UTERUS; FALLOPIAN TUBES; VAGINA; and CLITORIS in women and the testes; SEMINAL VESICLES; PROSTATE; seminal ducts; and PENIS in men. UBERON:UBERON_0004122 MESH:A A05 A Genitourinary System|Genitourinary Systems|System, Genitourinary|Systems, Genitourinary|Systems, Urogenital|System, Urogenital|Urogenital Systems genito-urinary system|genitourinary tract|GU tract|UBERON:0004122|UG tract|Urogenitalsystem|urogenital tract +Urothelium MESH:D019459 The epithelial lining of the URINARY TRACT. UBERON:UBERON_0000365 MESH:D004848 A10.272.850 A10.272 Epithelium, Urinary Tract|Urinary Tract Epithelium epithelium transitionale|transitional epithelium|UBERON:0000365|uroepithelium +Uterine Artery MESH:D055988 A branch arising from the internal iliac artery in females, that supplies blood to the uterus. UBERON:UBERON_0002493 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.940 A07.015.114 Arteries, Uterine|Artery, Uterine|Uterine Arteries arteria uterina|UBERON:0002493 +Uterus MESH:D014599 The hollow thick-walled muscular organ in the female PELVIS. It consists of the fundus which is the site of EMBRYO IMPLANTATION and FETAL DEVELOPMENT. Beyond the isthmus at the perineal end of fundus, is CERVIX UTERI (the neck) opening into VAGINA. Beyond the isthmi at the upper abdominal end of fundus, are the FALLOPIAN TUBES. UBERON:UBERON_0000995 MESH:D005836 A05.360.319.679 A05.360.319 Cornua, Uterine|Fundus Uteri|Fundus, Uterine|Fundus Uterus|Uteri|Uteri, Fundus|Uterine Cornua|Uterine Fundus|Uterus Cornua|Womb|Wombs UBERON:0000995 +Uvea MESH:D014602 The pigmented vascular coat of the eyeball, consisting of the CHOROID; CILIARY BODY; and IRIS, which are continuous with each other. (Cline et al., Dictionary of Visual Science, 4th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0001768 MESH:D005123 A09.371.894 A09.371 Uveas pars iridica retinae|tunica vasculatis oculi|tunica vasculosa bulbi|tunica vasculosa of eyeball|UBERON:0001768|uveal tract|vascular layer of eyeball +Uvula MESH:D014609 A fleshy extension at the back of the soft palate that hangs above the opening of the throat. UBERON:UBERON_0001734 MESH:D010160 A14.549.617.780.729 A14.549.617.780 palatine uvula|UBERON:0001734|uvula of palate|uvula palatina +Vacuoles MESH:D014617 Any spaces or cavities within a cell. They may function in digestion, storage, secretion, or excretion. MESH:D022162 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.920 A11.284.430.214.190.875.190 Vacuole +Vagina MESH:D014621 The genital canal in the female, extending from the UTERUS to the VULVA. (Stedman, 25th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0000996 MESH:D005836 A05.360.319.779 A05.360.319 Vaginas distal oviductal region|distal portion of oviduct|UBERON:0000996|vaginae +Vagus Nerve MESH:D014630 The 10th cranial nerve. The vagus is a mixed nerve which contains somatic afferents (from skin in back of the ear and the external auditory meatus), visceral afferents (from the pharynx, larynx, thorax, and abdomen), parasympathetic efferents (to the thorax and abdomen), and efferents to striated muscle (of the larynx and pharynx). UBERON:UBERON_0001759 MESH:D003391|MESH:D010275|MESH:D017776 A08.800.050.050.925|A08.800.050.600.825|A08.800.800.060.920|A08.800.800.120.900 A08.800.050.050|A08.800.050.600|A08.800.800.060|A08.800.800.120 Cranial Nerves, Tenth|Cranial Nerve, Tenth|Cranial Nerve X|Nerve, Pneumogastric|Nerves, Pneumogastric|Nerves, Tenth Cranial|Nerves, Vagus|Nerve, Tenth Cranial|Nerve, Vagus|Nerve X|Nerve X, Cranial|Nerve Xs|Nervus Vagus|Pneumogastric Nerve|Pneumogastric Nerves|Tenth Cranial Nerve|Tenth Cranial Nerves|Vagus Nerves|Vagus, Nervus 10n|CN-X|nervus vagus [x]|pneuomgastric nerve|UBERON:0001759|vagal nerve|vagus|vagus nerve or its root|vagus nerve tree|vagus nerve [X]|vagus X nerve +Vasa Nervorum MESH:D014650 Blood vessels supplying the nerves. MESH:D001808 A07.015.765 A07.015 Nervorums, Vasa|Nervorum, Vasa|Vasa Nervorums +Vasa Vasorum MESH:D014651 Nutrient blood vessels which supply the walls of large arteries or veins. UBERON:UBERON_0003710 MESH:D001808 A07.015.836 A07.015 Vasa Vasorums|Vasorums, Vasa|Vasorum, Vasa UBERON:0003710|vas vasorum +Vas Deferens MESH:D014649 The excretory duct of the testes that carries SPERMATOZOA. It rises from the SCROTUM and joins the SEMINAL VESICLES to form the ejaculatory duct. UBERON:UBERON_0001000 MESH:D005837 A05.360.444.930 A05.360.444 Deferens, Ductus|Deferens, Vas|Ductus Deferens deferent duct|sperm duct|UBERON:0001000|vasa deferentia|vas deferen +Vasomotor System MESH:D014666 The neural systems which act on VASCULAR SMOOTH MUSCLE to control blood vessel diameter. The major neural control is through the sympathetic nervous system. MESH:D013564 A08.800.050.800.900 A08.800.050.800 Systems, Vasomotor|System, Vasomotor|Vasomotor Systems +Veins MESH:D014680 The vessels carrying blood away from the CAPILLARY BEDS. UBERON:UBERON_0001638 MESH:D001808 A07.015.908 A07.015 Vein UBERON:0001638|vascular element|vena|venae|venous subtree|venous tree organ part|venous vessel +Velopharyngeal Sphincter MESH:D055158 A group of muscles attached to the SOFT PALATE (or velum) and the PHARYNX. They include the superior constrictor, the PALATOPHARYNGEUS, the levator veli palatini muscle, and the muscularis uvulae. This sphincter is situated between the oral and nasal cavities. A competent velopharyngeal sphincter is essential for normal speech and swallowing. UBERON:UBERON_0018103 MESH:D010609 A02.633.567.800.680|A04.623.617.680|A14.724.617.680 A02.633.567.800|A04.623.617|A14.724.617 Palatopharyngeal Sphincter|Sphincter, Palatopharyngeal|Sphincter, Velopharyngeal fasciculus posterior musculus palatopharyngei|fasciculus posterior (musculus palatopharyngeus)|musculus sphincter palatopharyngeus|posterior fascicle of palatopharyngeus|UBERON:0018103 +Vena Cava, Inferior MESH:D014682 The venous trunk which receives blood from the lower extremities and from the pelvic and abdominal organs. UBERON:UBERON_0001072 MESH:D014684 A07.015.908.949.648 A07.015.908.949 Inferior Vena Cava|Inferior Vena Cavas|Vena Cavas, Inferior caudal vena cava|inferior caval vein|postcava|posterior vena cava|UBERON:0001072|vena cava inferior +Vena Cava, Superior MESH:D014683 The venous trunk which returns blood from the head, neck, upper extremities and chest. UBERON:UBERON_0001585 MESH:D014684 A07.015.908.949.815 A07.015.908.949 Superior Vena Cava|Superior Vena Cavas|Vena Cavas, Superior anterior vena cava|cranial vena cava|precava|superior caval vein|UBERON:0001585|vena cava superior|vena maxima +Venae Cavae MESH:D014684 The inferior and superior venae cavae. UBERON:UBERON_0004087 MESH:D014680 A07.015.908.949 A07.015.908 Cavae, Venae caval vein|UBERON:0004087|vena cava +Venoms MESH:D014688 Poisonous animal secretions forming fluid mixtures of many different enzymes, toxins, and other substances. These substances are produced in specialized glands and secreted through specialized delivery systems (nematocysts, spines, fangs, etc.) for disabling prey or predator. UBERON:UBERON_0007113 MESH:D012634 A12.200.935 A12.200 Venom UBERON:0007113|zootoxin +Venous Valves MESH:D055422 Flaps within the VEINS that allow the blood to flow only in one direction. They are usually in the medium size veins that carry blood to the heart against gravity. UBERON:UBERON_0006675 MESH:D014680 A07.015.908.950 A07.015.908 Valves, Venous|Valve, Venous|Venous Valve UBERON:0006675|valve of vein +Ventral Striatum MESH:D066328 A composite structure of the TELENCEPHALON that is defined by connectivity. It includes the NUCLEUS ACCUMBENS; the ISLANDS OF CALLEJA; and parts of the CAUDATE NUCLEUS; the PUTAMEN; and the SUBSTANTIA INNOMINATA. UBERON:UBERON_0005403 MESH:D003342 A08. A08. Striatum, Ventral striatum ventrale|striatum ventral region|UBERON:0005403 +Ventral Tegmental Area MESH:D017557 A region in the MESENCEPHALON which is dorsomedial to the SUBSTANTIA NIGRA and ventral to the RED NUCLEUS. The mesocortical and mesolimbic dopaminergic systems originate here, including an important projection to the NUCLEUS ACCUMBENS. Overactivity of the cells in this area has been suspected to contribute to the positive symptoms of SCHIZOPHRENIA. UBERON:UBERON_0002691 MESH:D013681 A08. A08. Area Tegmentalis Ventrali|Area Tegmentalis Ventralis|Tegmental Area, Ventral|Tegmentalis Ventrali, Area|Tegmentalis Ventralis, Area|Ventral Tegmental Area of Tsai a10a|area tegmentalis ventralis (Tsai)|tegmentum ventrale|UBERON:0002691|ventral brain stem|ventral tegmental area (Tsai)|ventral tegmental nucleus of tsai|ventral tegmental nucleus (Rioch)|ventral tegmental nucleus (tsai)|ventromedial mesencephalic tegmentum|VTA +Ventral Thalamic Nuclei MESH:D020651 A large group of nuclei lying between the internal medullary lamina and the INTERNAL CAPSULE. It includes the ventral anterior, ventral lateral, and ventral posterior nuclei. UBERON:UBERON_0001925|UBERON:UBERON_0002596|UBERON:UBERON_0002637|UBERON:UBERON_0002776|UBERON:UBERON_0002939|UBERON:UBERON_0002942|UBERON:UBERON_0002945|UBERON:UBERON_0015234 MESH:D013787 A08. A08. Arcuate Nucleus 3|Arcuate Nucleus-3|Complex, Ventrobasal|Complices, Ventrobasal|Group, Ventral Nuclear|Intermedius, Nucleus Ventralis|Laterali, Nucleus Ventralis|Lateralis, Nucleus Ventralis|Masses, Ventral Nuclear|Mass, Ventral Nuclear|Nuclear Group, Ventral|Nuclear Masses, Ventral|Nuclear Mass, Ventral|Nuclei, Ventral Thalamic|Nucleus, Ventral Anterior|Nucleus Ventralis Intermedius|Nucleus Ventralis Laterali|Nucleus Ventralis Lateralis|Nucleus Ventralis Posterior|Nucleus Ventralis Posteriors|Nucleus Ventralis Posterolaterali|Nucleus Ventralis Posterolateralis|Nucleus Ventralis Posteromediali|Nucleus Ventralis Posteromedialis|Nucleus, Ventral Lateral|Nucleus, Ventral Posterior|Nucleus, Ventral Posteroinferior|Nucleus, Ventral Posterolateral|Nucleus, Ventral Posteromedial|Nucleus, Ventral Thalamic|Nucleus Ventrolateralis Thalami|Nucleus Ventrolateralis Thalamus|Nucleus, Ventrolateral Thalamic|Posterior Nucleus, Ventral|Posterior, Nucleus Ventralis|Posteriors, Nucleus Ventralis|Posteroinferior Nucleus, Ventral|Posterolaterali, Nucleus Ventralis|Posterolateralis, Nucleus Ventralis|Posterolateral Nucleus, Ventral|Posteromediali, Nucleus Ventralis|Posteromedialis, Nucleus Ventralis|Posteromedial Nucleus, Ventral|Thalamic Nuclei, Ventral|Thalamic Nucleus, Ventral|Thalamic Nucleus, Ventrolateral|Thalami, Nucleus Ventrolateralis|Thalamus, Nucleus Ventrolateralis|Thalamus, Ventrolateral|Ventral Anterior Nucleus|Ventral Anterior Thalamic Nucleus|Ventralis Intermedius, Nucleus|Ventralis Laterali, Nucleus|Ventralis Lateralis, Nucleus|Ventralis Posterior, Nucleus|Ventralis Posteriors, Nucleus|Ventralis Posterolaterali, Nucleus|Ventralis Posterolateralis, Nucleus|Ventralis Posteromediali, Nucleus|Ventralis Posteromedialis, Nucleus|Ventral Lateral Nucleus|Ventral Lateral Thalamic Nuclei|Ventral Lateral Thalamic Nucleus|Ventral Nuclear Group|Ventral Nuclear Groups|Ventral Nuclear Mass|Ventral Nuclear Masses|Ventral Nuclei of Thalamus|Ventral Posterior Inferior Nucleus|Ventral Posterior Inferior Thalamic Nucleus|Ventral Posterior Medial Nucleus|Ventral Posterior Nucleus|Ventral Posterior Thalamic Nucleus|Ventral Posteroinferior Nucleus|Ventral Posterolateral Nucleus|Ventral Posterolateral Thalamic Nucleus|Ventral Posteromedial Nucleus|Ventral Posteromedial Thalamic Nucleus|Ventral Thalamic Nucleus|Ventrobasal Complex|Ventrobasal Complices|Ventrolateralis Thalami, Nucleus|Ventrolateralis Thalamus, Nucleus|Ventrolateral Thalamic Nucleus|Ventrolateral Thalamus arcuate nucleus of thalamus|arcuate nucleus of the thalamus|dorsal thalamus, ventral group|lateral-ventral nuclei of thalamus|lateral ventral nucleus of thalamus|nuclei ventrales laterales thalami|nuclei ventrales posteriores|nuclei ventrales posteriores thalami|nuclei ventrales thalami|nuclei ventrobasales thalami|nucleus arcuatus thalami|nucleus lateropolaris|nucleus of ventral thalamus|nucleus semilunaris thalami|nucleus ventrales posteriores|nucleus ventralis anterior|nucleus ventralis anterior thalami|nucleus ventralis lateralis thalami|nucleus ventralis posterior inferior thalami|nucleus ventralis posterior lateralis thalami|nucleus ventralis posterior medialis thalami|nucleus ventralis posterolateralis thalami|nucleus ventralis posteromedialis thalami|nucleus ventralis thalami anterior|nucleus ventralis thalami lateralis|nucleus ventralis thalami posterior lateralis|nucleus ventrocaudalis anterior internus (hassler)|posterolateral ventral nucleus of thalamus|posterolateral ventral nucleus of the thalamus|posteromedial ventral nucleus|posteromedial ventral nucleus of thalamus|posteromedial ventral nucleus of the thalamus|semilunar nucleus|thalamic gustatory nucleus|UBERON:0001925|UBERON:0002596|UBERON:0002637|UBERON:0002776|UBERON:0002939|UBERON:0002942|UBERON:0002945|UBERON:0015234|VA|ventral anterior nucleus of thalamus|ventral anterior nucleus of the thalamus|ventral dorsal thalamic nuclear group|ventral group of dorsal thalamus|ventral group of the dorsal thalamus|ventral lateral complex of thalamus|ventral lateral nuclei of thalamus|ventral lateral nucleus of thalamus|ventral nuclear group of thalamus|ventral posterior|ventral posterior complex of the thalamus|ventral posterior inferior nucleus of dorsal thalamus|ventral posterior inferior nucleus of thalamus|ventral posterior lateral nucleus|ventral posterior lateral nucleus of dorsal thalamus|ventral posterior medial nucleus of dorsal thalamus|ventral posterior medial nucleus of thalamus|ventral posterior nuclei of thalamus|ventral posterior nucleus of thalamus|ventral posterolateral nucleus of thalamus|ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus|ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus, general|ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus principal part|ventral posterolateral nucleus of the thalamus, principal part|ventral posterolateral thalamic nucleus, inferior part|ventral posteromedial nucleus of thalamus|ventral posteromedial nucleus of the thalamus|ventral posteromedial nucleus of the thalamus, general|ventral posteromedial nucleus of the thalamus principal part|ventral posteromedial nucleus of the thalamus, principal part|ventral thalamus nucleus|ventral tier thalamic nuclei|ventroanterior nucleus of the thalamus|ventroanterior thalamic nucleus|ventrobasal nucleus|ventrolateral complex|ventroposterior inferior nucleus|ventroposterior inferior thalamic|ventroposterior lateral thalamic nucleus|ventroposterior medial thalamic nucleus|ventroposterior nucleus|ventroposterior nucleus of thalamus|ventroposterolateral nucleus of the thalamus|ventroposteromedial nucleus of the thalamus|VL|VNG|VP|VPL|VPM|VPN +Ventricular Septum MESH:D054088 The muscular structure separating the right and the left lower chambers (HEART VENTRICLES) of the heart. The ventricular septum consists of a very small membranous portion just beneath the AORTIC VALVE, and a large thick muscular portion consisting of three sections including the inlet septum, the trabecular septum, and the outlet septum. UBERON:UBERON_0002094 MESH:D006346 A07.541.459.750 A07.541.459 Septum, Ventricular heart interventricular septum|heart ventricular septum|interventriculare cordis|interventricular septum|interventricular septum of heart|intraventricular septum|septum inferius|septum membranaceum|s. interventriculare cordis|UBERON:0002094|ventricle septum +Ventromedial Hypothalamic Nucleus MESH:D014697 A nucleus of the middle hypothalamus, the largest cell group of the tuberal region with small-to-medium size cells. UBERON:UBERON_0001935 MESH:D007033 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Hypothalamic Nucleus, Ventromedial|Nucleus, Ventromedial Hypothalamic nucleus hypothalamicus ventromedialis|nucleus ventromedialis hypothalami|tuberal nucleus (Ganser)|UBERON:0001935|ventrolateral hypothalamic nucleus|ventrolateral nucleus of hypothalamus|ventromedial nucleus hypothalamus|ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus|ventromedial nucleus of hypothalamus.|ventromedial nucleus of the hypothalamus|VMH +Venules MESH:D014699 The minute vessels that collect blood from the capillary plexuses and join together to form veins. UBERON:UBERON_0001979 MESH:D014680|MESH:D055806 A07.015.461.920|A07.015.908.952 A07.015.461|A07.015.908 Venule UBERON:0001979|venula +Vernix Caseosa MESH:D014708 An unctuous substance composed of sebum and desquamated epithelial cells, which covers the skin of the fetus. UBERON:UBERON_0007108 MESH:D005333|MESH:D012634 A12.200.946|A16.378.857 A12.200|A16.378 Caseosas, Vernix|Caseosa, Vernix|Vernix Caseosas UBERON:0007108|vernix +Vero Cells MESH:D014709 A CELL LINE derived from the kidney of the African green (vervet) monkey, (CHLOROCEBUS AETHIOPS) used primarily in virus replication studies and plaque assays. MESH:D002460|MESH:D004847 A11.251.210.955|A11.436.955 A11.251.210|A11.436 Cells, Vero|Cell, Vero|Vero Cell +Vertebral Artery MESH:D014711 The first branch of the SUBCLAVIAN ARTERY with distribution to muscles of the NECK; VERTEBRAE; SPINAL CORD; CEREBELLUM; and interior of the CEREBRUM. UBERON:UBERON_0001535 MESH:D001158 A07.015.114.955 A07.015.114 Arteries, Vertebral|Artery, Vertebral|Vertebral Arteries arteria vertebralis|UBERON:0001535 +Vertebral Body MESH:D000083442 Main portion of the vertebra which bears majority of the weight. MESH:D013131 A02.835.232.834.946 A02.835.232.834 Arch, Vertebral|Body, Vertebral|Cancellous Centra|Cancellous Centras|Cancellous Centrum|Cancellous Centrums|Centrum, Vertebral|Lamina, Vertebral|Pedicle, Vertebral|Pedicle, Vertebral Arch|Processes, Spinous|Spinous Processes|Transverse Processes|Vertebral Arch|Vertebral Arch Pedicle|Vertebral Arch Pedicles|Vertebral Bodies|Vertebral Centra|Vertebral Centras|Vertebral Centrum|Vertebral Lamina|Vertebral Laminas|Vertebral Pedicle|Vertebral Pedicles +Vestibular Aqueduct MESH:D014723 A small bony canal linking the vestibule of the inner ear to the posterior part of the internal surface of the petrous TEMPORAL BONE. It transmits the endolymphatic duct and two small blood vessels. UBERON:UBERON_0002279 MESH:D014722 A09.246.300.909.957|A09.923.500.957 A09.246.300.909|A09.923.500 Aqueduct of Vestibule|Aqueducts, Vestibular|Aqueduct, Vestibular|Vestibular Aqueducts|Vestibule Aqueduct|Vestibule Aqueducts aqueductus vestibuli|UBERON:0002279 +Vestibular Nerve MESH:D014725 The vestibular part of the 8th cranial nerve (VESTIBULOCOCHLEAR NERVE). The vestibular nerve fibers arise from neurons of Scarpa's ganglion and project peripherally to vestibular hair cells and centrally to the VESTIBULAR NUCLEI of the BRAIN STEM. These fibers mediate the sense of balance and head position. UBERON:UBERON_0003723 MESH:D000091282|MESH:D000159 A08.800.800.120.910.900|A09.923.250 A08.800.800.120.910|A09.923 Ganglion, Scarpa's|Nerves, Vestibular|Nerve, Vestibular|Scarpa Ganglion|Scarpa's Ganglion|Scarpas Ganglion|Vestibular Nerves nervus vestibularis|UBERON:0003723|vestibular root of acoustic nerve|vestibular root of eighth cranial nerve|vestibulocochlear nerve vestibular root|vestibulocochlear VIII nerve vestibular component +Vestibular Nuclei MESH:D014726 The four cellular masses in the floor of the fourth ventricle giving rise to a widely dispersed special sensory system. Included is the superior, medial, inferior, and LATERAL VESTIBULAR NUCLEUS. (From Dorland, 27th ed) UBERON:UBERON_0002673 MESH:D000091282|MESH:D011149 A08.|A09.923.375 A08.|A09.923 Medial Vestibular Nucleus|Nuclei, Vestibular|Nucleus, Medial Vestibular|Nucleus, Schwalbe|Nucleus, Schwalbe's|Schwalbe Nucleus|Schwalbe's Nucleus|Schwalbes Nucleus|Vestibular Nucleus, Medial nuclei vestibulares|nuclei vestibulares in medulla oblongata|UBERON:0002673|vestibular nuclear complex|vestibular nuclei in medulla oblongata|vestibular nucleus +Vestibular Nucleus, Lateral MESH:D003689 Vestibular nucleus lying immediately superior to the inferior vestibular nucleus and composed of large multipolar nerve cells. Its upper end becomes continuous with the superior vestibular nucleus. UBERON:UBERON_0007230 MESH:D014726 A08.|A09.923.375.800 A08.|A09.923.375 Deiter Nucleus|Deiter's Nucleus|Deiters Nucleus|Lateral Vestibular Nucleus|Nucleus, Deiter|Nucleus, Deiter's|Nucleus, Lateral Vestibular|Nucleus of Deiters|Nucleus Vestibularis Laterali|Nucleus Vestibularis Lateralis|Nucleus Vestibularis Magnocellulari|Nucleus Vestibularis Magnocellularis|Vestibularis Laterali, Nucleus|Vestibularis Lateralis, Nucleus|Vestibularis Magnocellulari, Nucleus|Vestibularis Magnocellularis, Nucleus Deiters' nucleus|lateral nucleus of Deiters|UBERON:0007230 +Vestibular System MESH:D000091282 The VESTIBULAR APPARATUS in the inner ear, the eye, the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM and various nerves, tracts and nuclei connecting them as they relate to PROPRIOCEPTION and SPATIAL ORIENTATION. Dysfunction in the vestibular system is associated with various diseases (e.g., VESTIBULAR DISEASES; LABYRINTH DISEASES; VESTIBULAR NEURONITIS; BENIGN PAROXYSMAL POSITIONAL VERTIGO; and MOTION SICKNESS). MESH:D012679 A09.923 A09 System, Vestibular|Vestibular Systems +Vestibule, Labyrinth MESH:D014722 An oval, bony chamber of the inner ear, part of the bony labyrinth. It is continuous with bony COCHLEA anteriorly, and SEMICIRCULAR CANALS posteriorly. The vestibule contains two communicating sacs (utricle and saccule) of the balancing apparatus. The oval window on its lateral wall is occupied by the base of the STAPES of the MIDDLE EAR. UBERON:UBERON_0005236 MESH:D000091282|MESH:D007758 A09.246.300.909|A09.923.500 A09.246.300|A09.923 Apparatus, Vestibular|Ear Vestibule|Ear Vestibules|Labyrinths, Vestibular|Labyrinth, Vestibular|Labyrinth Vestibule|Labyrinth Vestibules|Vestibular Apparatus|Vestibular Labyrinth|Vestibular Labyrinths|Vestibule, Ear|Vestibule of Ear|Vestibules, Ear|Vestibules, Labyrinth|Vestibulum Auris bony labyrinth vestibule|inner ear vestibule|inner ear vestibulum|osseous labyrinth vestibule|osseus labyrinth vestibule|UBERON:0005236|vestibular part of bony labyrinth|vestibule|vestibule of bony labyrinth|vestibulum labyrinthi +Vestibulocochlear Nerve MESH:D000159 The 8th cranial nerve. The vestibulocochlear nerve has a cochlear part (COCHLEAR NERVE) which is concerned with hearing and a vestibular part (VESTIBULAR NERVE) which mediates the sense of balance and head position. The fibers of the cochlear nerve originate from neurons of the SPIRAL GANGLION and project to the cochlear nuclei (COCHLEAR NUCLEUS). The fibers of the vestibular nerve arise from neurons of Scarpa's ganglion and project to the VESTIBULAR NUCLEI. UBERON:UBERON_0001648 MESH:D003391 A08.800.800.120.910 A08.800.800.120 Cochleovestibular Nerve|Cochleovestibular Nerves|Cranial Nerve, Eighth|Cranial Nerves, Eighth|Cranial Nerve VIII|Cranial Nerve VIIIs|Eighth Cranial Nerve|Eighth Cranial Nerves|Nerve, Cochleovestibular|Nerve, Eighth Cranial|Nerves, Cochleovestibular|Nerves, Eighth Cranial|Nerves, Statoacoustic|Nerve, Statoacoustic|Nerves, Vestibulocochlear|Nerve, Vestibulocochlear|Nerve VIIIs, Cranial|Statoacoustic Nerve|Statoacoustic Nerves|Vestibulocochlear Nerves|VIIIs, Cranial Nerve 8n|acoustic nerve|acoustic nerve (Crosby)|acoustic VIII nerve|CN-VIII|cochlear-vestibular nerve|nervus octavus|nervus statoacusticus|nervus vestibulocochlearis|nervus vestibulocochlearis [viii]|octaval nerve|stato-acoustic nerve|UBERON:0001648|vestibulocochlear nerve tree|vestibulocochlear nerve [VIII]|vestibulocochlear VIII nerve|VIII nerve|VIIIth cranial nerve +Vibrissae MESH:D014738 Stiff hairs projecting from the face around the nose of most mammals, acting as touch receptors. UBERON:UBERON_0006378 MESH:D000825 A13.950 A13 Whisker|Whiskers contour hair|macrovibrissa|microvibrissa|motile vibrissa|sinus hair|strand of vibrissa hair|tactile hair|touch hair|true whisker|UBERON:0006378|vibrissa|vibrissa hair +Viral Replication Compartments MESH:D000086969 Sites in the host cell where the virus induces the formation of cellular assemblies for the replication of the VIRAL GENOME. MESH:D007181 A11.284.420.390.500 A11.284.420.390 Complexe, Coronavirus Replication-Transcription|Complexes, Coronavirus Replication-Transcription|Coronavirus Double-Membrane Vesicle|Coronavirus Double Membrane Vesicles|Coronavirus Double-Membrane Vesicles|Coronavirus Replication-Transcription Compartment|Coronavirus Replication Transcription Compartments|Coronavirus Replication-Transcription Compartments|Coronavirus Replication Transcription Complexes|Coronavirus Replication-Transcription Complexes|Coronavirus RTC|Coronavirus RTCs|Double-Membrane Vesicle, Coronavirus|Double-Membrane Vesicles, Coronavirus|Double Membrane Vesicles, Virus Induced|Double-Membrane Vesicles, Virus-Induced|Double-Membrane Vesicle, Virus-Induced|Positive Strand RNA Virus Replication Transcription Compartments|Positive-Strand RNA Virus Replication-Transcription Compartments|Positive Strand RNA Virus Replication Transcription Complexes|Positive Strand RNA Virus Replication-Transcription Complexes|Replication Centers, Viral|Replication Centers, Virus|Replication Center, Viral|Replication Center, Virus|Replication Compartments, Viral|Replication Compartments, Virus|Replication Compartment, Viral|Replication Compartment, Virus|Replication-Transcription Compartment, Coronavirus|Replication-Transcription Compartments, Coronavirus|Replication-Transcription Complexes, Coronavirus|Vesicle, Coronavirus Double-Membrane|Vesicles, Coronavirus Double-Membrane|Vesicles, Virus-Induced Double-Membrane|Vesicle, Virus-Induced Double-Membrane|Viral Factories|Viral Factory|Viral Replication Center|Viral Replication Centers|Viral Replication Compartment|Virogenic Stroma|Viroplasm|Virus Factories|Virus Factory|Virus-Induced Double-Membrane Vesicle|Virus Induced Double Membrane Vesicles|Virus-Induced Double-Membrane Vesicles|Virus Replication Center|Virus Replication Centers|Virus Replication Compartment|Virus Replication Compartments|Zippered Endoplasmic Reticulum Double Membrane Spherules|Zippered Endoplasmic Reticulum Double-Membrane Spherules +Viscera MESH:D014781 Any of the large interior organs in any one of the three great cavities of the body, especially in the abdomen. UBERON:UBERON_0002075 MESH:D001829 A01.960 A01 splanchnic tissue|UBERON:0002075|visceral organ|visceral organ system|visceral tissue|viscus +Visceral Afferents MESH:D017833 The sensory fibers innervating the viscera. MESH:D000344 A08.612.220.830 A08.612.220 Afferents, Visceral|Afferent, Visceral|Visceral Afferent +Visual Cortex MESH:D014793 Area of the OCCIPITAL LOBE concerned with the processing of visual information relayed via VISUAL PATHWAYS. UBERON:UBERON_0000411 MESH:D009778|MESH:D066191 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Area 18, Brodmann|Area 18, Brodmann's|Area 19, Brodmann|Area 19, Brodmann's|Area V2|Area V2, Cortical|Area V3|Area V3, Cortical|Area V4|Area V4, Cortical|Area V5|Area V5, Cortical|Area, Visual Motion|Associative Visual Cortex|Associative Visual Cortices|Brodmann Area 18|Brodmann Area 19|Brodmann's Area 18|Brodmanns Area 18|Brodmann's Area 19|Brodmanns Area 19|Cortex, Associative Visual|Cortex, Extrastriate|Cortex Secondary, Visual|Cortex, Secondary Visual|Cortex V2, Visual|Cortex V3, Visual|Cortex, Visual|Cortical Area V2|Cortical Area V3|Cortical Area V3s|Cortical Area V4|Cortical Area V5|Extrastriate Cortex|Extrastriate Cortices|Secondary Visual Cortex|Secondary Visual Cortices|V3, Cortical Area|V3, Visual Cortex|V4, Area|V4, Cortical Area|V5, Area|V5, Cortical Area|V5, Visual Cortex|Visual Cortex, Associative|Visual Cortex Secondaries|Visual Cortex Secondary|Visual Cortex, Secondary|Visual Cortex V2|Visual Cortex V3|Visual Cortex V3, V4, V5|Visual Cortex V4|Visual Cortex V5|Visual Motion Area|Visual Motion Areas higher-order visual cortex|UBERON:0000411|visual areas +Visual Pathways MESH:D014795 Set of cell bodies and nerve fibers conducting impulses from the eyes to the cerebral cortex. It includes the RETINA; OPTIC NERVE; optic tract; and geniculocalcarine tract. UBERON:UBERON_0001908 MESH:D000344 A08.612.220.860 A08.612.220 Pathways, Visual|Pathway, Visual|Visual Pathway optic lemniscus|optic tract|optic tracts|tractus optici|tractus opticus|UBERON:0001908 +Vitelline Duct MESH:D014816 The narrow tube connecting the YOLK SAC with the midgut of the EMBRYO; persistence of all or part of it in post-fetal life produces abnormalities, of which the commonest is MECKEL DIVERTICULUM. UBERON:UBERON_0007105 MESH:D004628 A16.920 A16 Duct, Omphalomesenteric|Ducts, Omphalomesenteric|Ducts, Vitelline|Duct, Vitelline|Omphalomesenteric Duct|Omphalomesenteric Ducts|Vitelline Ducts ductus vitellinus|embryonic yolk stalk|UBERON:0007105|yolk duct|yolk-stalk +Vitelline Membrane MESH:D014817 The plasma membrane of the egg. UBERON:UBERON_0003125 MESH:D010063 A16.690.886 A16.690 Membranes, Vitelline|Membrane, Vitelline|Vitelline Membranes m. vitellina|UBERON:0003125|yolk sac membrane|zona pellucida|zona pellucida - vitelline membrane +Vitreous Body MESH:D014822 The transparent, semigelatinous substance that fills the cavity behind the CRYSTALLINE LENS of the EYE and in front of the RETINA. It is contained in a thin hyaloid membrane and forms about four fifths of the optic globe. UBERON:UBERON_0001798 MESH:D057972 A09.371.714.500 A09.371.714 Bodies, Vitreous|Body, Vitreous|Humors, Vitreous|Humor, Vitreous|Vitreous Bodies|Vitreous Humor|Vitreous Humors UBERON:0001798 +Vocal Cords MESH:D014827 A pair of cone-shaped elastic mucous membrane projecting from the laryngeal wall and forming a narrow slit between them. Each contains a thickened free edge (vocal ligament) extending from the THYROID CARTILAGE to the ARYTENOID CARTILAGE, and a VOCAL MUSCLE that shortens or relaxes the vocal cord to control sound production. UBERON:UBERON_0003706 MESH:D005931 A04.329.364.737 A04.329.364 Cords, Vocal|Cord, Vocal|Folds, Vocal|Fold, Vocal|Ligaments, Vocal|Ligament, Vocal|Vocal Cord|Vocal Fold|Vocal Folds|Vocal Ligament|Vocal Ligaments laryngeal vocal fold|plica vocalis|true vocal cord|UBERON:0003706|vocal band|vocal chord +Vomer MESH:D055172 An unpaired thin ploughshare-shaped facial bone. It is situated in the median plane of the SKULL. The vomer forms the posterior and inferior border of the NASAL SEPTUM. UBERON:UBERON_0002396 MESH:D005147|MESH:D009300 A02.835.232.781.324.971|A04.531.591.469 A02.835.232.781.324|A04.531.591 Vomers prevomer|UBERON:0002396|vomer bone +Vomeronasal Organ MESH:D019147 An accessory chemoreceptor organ that is separated from the main OLFACTORY MUCOSA. It is situated at the base of nasal septum close to the VOMER and NASAL BONES. It forwards chemical signals (such as PHEROMONES) to the CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM, thus influencing reproductive and social behavior. In humans, most of its structures except the vomeronasal duct undergo regression after birth. UBERON:UBERON_0002255 MESH:D009666 A09.531.940 A09.531 Jacobson Organ|Jacobson's Organ|Jacobsons Organ|Organum Vomeronasale|Organum Vomeronasales|Vomeronasale, Organum|Vomeronasal Nerve|Vomeronasal Nerves|Vomeronasal Organs|Vomeronasal System|Vomeronasal Systems organ of Jacobsen|organon vomeronasale|UBERON:0002255|VNO +von Ebner Glands MESH:D054838 Small tubulo-alveolar salivary glands located beneath the circumvallate and foliate papillae. UBERON:UBERON_0013475 MESH:D012469 A03.556.500.760.906|A10.336.779.906|A14.549.760.906 A03.556.500.760|A10.336.779|A14.549.760 Ebner Glands, von|Glands, von Ebner|Glands, von Ebner's|Gland, von Ebner's|von Ebner Gland|von Ebner's Gland|von Ebners Gland|von Ebner's Glands|von Ebners Glands gustatory gland|posterior deep lingual gland|posterior lingual serous gland|UBERON:0013475 +Vulva MESH:D014844 The external genitalia of the female. It includes the CLITORIS, the labia, the vestibule, and its glands. UBERON:UBERON_0000997 MESH:D005836 A05.360.319.887 A05.360.319 Vulvas female pudendum|mammalian vulva|puboperineal region|pudendum|pudendum femininum|pudendum muliebre|UBERON:0000997 +Weibel-Palade Bodies MESH:D020302 Rod-shaped storage granules for VON WILLEBRAND FACTOR specific to endothelial cells. MESH:D003594 A11.284.430.214.190.500.950|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190.950 A11.284.430.214.190.500|A11.284.430.214.190.875.190.190 Bodies, Weibel-Palade|Weibel Palade Bodies +Wernicke Area MESH:D065813 Functional region comprising posterior part of the SUPERIOR TEMPORAL GYRUS in the dominant cerebral hemisphere (see CEREBRAL DOMINANCE) and often portions of the PARIETAL LOBE. Along with BROCA AREA it is important in SPEECH and LANGUAGE processes. A lesion in the area is associated with WERNICKE APHASIA and CONDUCTION APHASIA. MESH:D010296|MESH:D013702 A08.|A08. A08.|A08. Area, Wernicke|Area, Wernicke's|Left Posterior Superior Temporal Gyrus|Posterior Superior Temporal Gyrus|Sensorisches Sprachzentrum|Sensorisches Sprachzentrums|Sprachzentrum, Sensorisches|Sprachzentrums, Sensorisches|Wernicke's Area|Wernickes Area +Wharton Jelly MESH:D059631 Jelly-like connective tissue of the UMBILICAL CORD that contains MESENCHYMAL STEM CELLS. UBERON:UBERON_0003422 MESH:D003238 A10.165.970 A10.165 Jelly, Wharton|Jelly, Wharton's|Wharton's Jelly|Whartons Jelly mesenchyme of umbilical cord|UBERON:0003422|umbilical cord mesenchyme +Whey MESH:D000067796 The liquid components of milk that remain after the CASEIN, fat, and fat soluble components have been removed. It is also a byproduct of cheese production. MESH:D008892 A12.790.760 A12.790 +Whey Proteins MESH:D000067816 The protein components of milk obtained from the whey. MESH:D000067796|MESH:D008894 A12.790.520.500|A12.790.760.500 A12.790.520|A12.790.760 Proteins, Whey|Protein, Whey|Whey Protein +White Matter MESH:D066127 The region of CENTRAL NERVOUS SYSTEM that appears lighter in color than the other type, GRAY MATTER. It mainly consists of MYELINATED NERVE FIBERS and contains few neuronal cell bodies or DENDRITES. UBERON:UBERON_0002316 MESH:D001921|MESH:D013116 A08.186.211.204|A08.186.854.880 A08.186.211|A08.186.854 Cerebellar White Matter|Cerebellar White Matters|Matter, Cerebellar White|Matters, Cerebellar White|Matters, White|Matter, White|White Matter, Cerebellar|White Matters|White Matters, Cerebellar CNS tract/commissure|CNS tracts and commissures|CNS white matter|neuronal white matter|substantia alba|UBERON:0002316|white mater|white matter of neuraxis|white substance +Wings, Animal MESH:D014921 Movable feathered or membranous paired appendages by means of which certain animals such as birds, bats, or insects are able to fly. UBERON:UBERON_0000023 MESH:D005552 A13.395.823 A13.395 Animal Wing|Animal Wings|Wing, Animal aliform appendage|UBERON:0000023|wing +Wolffian Ducts MESH:D014928 A pair of excretory ducts of the middle kidneys (MESONEPHROI) of an embryo, also called mesonephric ducts. In higher vertebrates, Wolffian ducts persist in the male forming VAS DEFERENS, but atrophy into vestigial structures in the female. UBERON:UBERON_0003074 MESH:D004628 A16.935 A16 Duct, Mesonephric|Ducts, Gartner|Ducts, Gartner's|Ducts, Mesonephric|Ducts, Wolffian|Duct, Wolffian|Gartner Ducts|Gartner's Ducts|Gartners Ducts|Mesonephric Duct|Mesonephric Ducts|Wolffian Duct archinephric duct|ductus mesonephricus; ductus Wolffi|Leydig's duct|renal duct|UBERON:0003074 +Wool MESH:D014935 The hair of SHEEP or other animals that is used for weaving or felting. UBERON:UBERON_0013196 MESH:D000825|MESH:D006197 A13.970|A17.360.855 A13|A17.360 animal wool|strand of wool|strand of wool hair|UBERON:0013196 +Wrist MESH:D014953 The region of the upper limb between the metacarpus and the FOREARM. UBERON:UBERON_0004452 MESH:D034941 A01.378.800.875 A01.378.800 Wrists articulatio radiocarpea|carpal limb segment|carpal region|carpal segment|carpus|carpus of fore-paw|fore basipodium|fore mesopodium|hand mesopodium|manus mesopodium|regio carpalis|UBERON:0004452|wrist region +Wrist Joint MESH:D014955 The joint that is formed by the distal end of the RADIUS, the articular disc of the distal radioulnar joint, and the proximal row of CARPAL BONES; (SCAPHOID BONE; LUNATE BONE; triquetral bone). UBERON:UBERON_0001491 MESH:D050823 A02.835.583.405.930 A02.835.583.405 Joints, Wrist|Joint, Wrist|Wrist Joints carpal region joint|joint of carpal region|joint of wrist|radiocarpal joint|UBERON:0001491 +X Chromosome MESH:D014960 The female sex chromosome, being the differential sex chromosome carried by half the male gametes and all female gametes in human and other male-heterogametic species. MESH:D012730 A11.284.187.865.982 A11.284.187.865 Chromosomes, X|Chromosome, X|X Chromosomes +Xiphoid Bone MESH:D014989 The smallest and most inferior triangular protrusion of the STERNUM or breastbone that extends into the center of the RIBCAGE. UBERON:UBERON_0006431 MESH:D013249 A02.835.232.570.750.825 A02.835.232.570.750 Xiphoid Bones|Xiphoid Process|Xiphoid Processes bone tissue of xiphoid process|UBERON:0006431|xiphoid process bone +Y Chromosome MESH:D014998 The male sex chromosome, being the differential sex chromosome carried by half the male gametes and none of the female gametes in humans and in some other male-heterogametic species in which the homologue of the X chromosome has been retained. MESH:D012730 A11.284.187.865.983 A11.284.187.865 Chromosomes, Y|Chromosome, Y|Y Chromosomes +Yolk Sac MESH:D015017 The first of four extra-embryonic membranes to form during EMBRYOGENESIS. In REPTILES and BIRDS, it arises from endoderm and mesoderm to incorporate the EGG YOLK into the DIGESTIVE TRACT for nourishing the embryo. In placental MAMMALS, its nutritional function is vestigial; however, it is the source of INTESTINAL MUCOSA; BLOOD CELLS; and GERM CELLS. It is sometimes called the vitelline sac, which should not be confused with the VITELLINE MEMBRANE of the egg. UBERON:UBERON_0001040 MESH:D004625|MESH:D005321 A10.615.284.981|A16.254.750.981|A16.331.800 A10.615.284|A16.254.750|A16.331 Embryo Vitelline Sac|Embryo Vitelline Sacs|Sacs, Yolk|Sac, Yolk|Vitelline Sac of Embryo|Yolk Sacs saccus vitellinus|UBERON:0001040|vesicula umbilicalis +Zona Fasciculata MESH:D015383 The wide middle zone of the adrenal cortex. This zone produces a series of enzymes that convert PREGNENOLONE to cortisol (HYDROCORTISONE) via 17-ALPHA-HYDROXYPROGESTERONE. UBERON:UBERON_0002054 MESH:D000302 A06.300.071.140.950 A06.300.071.140 Adrenal Fasciculata|Fasciculata, Adrenal|Fasciculata, Zona adrenal gland zona fasciculata|UBERON:0002054|zona fasciculata of adrenal gland|zona fasciculata of suprarenal gland +Zona Glomerulosa MESH:D015384 The narrow subcapsular outer zone of the adrenal cortex. This zone produces a series of enzymes that convert PREGNENOLONE to ALDOSTERONE. The final steps involve three successive oxidations by CYTOCHROME P-450 CYP11B2. UBERON:UBERON_0002053 MESH:D000302 A06.300.071.140.960 A06.300.071.140 Adrenal Glomerulosa|Glomerulosa, Adrenal|Glomerulosa, Zona adrenal gland zona glomerulosa|glomerulosa|UBERON:0002053|zona glomerulosa of adrenal gland|zona glomerulosa of suprarenal gland +Zona Incerta MESH:D065820 A region of the subthalamus located ventral to the THALAMUS and dorsal to the SUBTHALAMIC NUCLEUS. UBERON:UBERON_0001907 MESH:D020530 A08. A08. Caudal Zona Incerta|Medial Zona Inserta|Rostral Zona Incerta|Zona Incerta, Caudal|Zona Incerta, Rostral|Zona Inserta, Medial nucleus of the zona incerta|UBERON:0001907|zona incerta proper +Zona Pellucida MESH:D015044 A tough transparent membrane surrounding the OVUM. It is penetrated by the sperm during FERTILIZATION. UBERON:UBERON_0000086 MESH:D005109|MESH:D010063 A05.360.490.690.950|A11.284.295.310.990|A11.497.497.900|A16.690.900 A05.360.490.690|A11.284.295.310|A11.497.497|A16.690 oolemma|pellucid zone|striated membrane|UBERON:0000086|vitelline envelope|vitelline membrane|zona pellucida - vitelline membrane|zona radiata|zona striata +Zona Reticularis MESH:D015385 The inner zone of the adrenal cortex. This zone produces the enzymes that convert PREGNENOLONE, a 21-carbon steroid, to 19-carbon steroids (DEHYDROEPIANDROSTERONE; and ANDROSTENEDIONE) via 17-ALPHA-HYDROXYPREGNENOLONE. UBERON:UBERON_0002055 MESH:D000302 A06.300.071.140.970 A06.300.071.140 Adrenal Reticularis|Reticularis, Adrenal|Reticularis, Zona adrenal gland zona reticularis|UBERON:0002055|zona reticularis of adrenal gland|zona reticularis of suprarenal gland +Zygapophyseal Joint MESH:D021801 The joint that occurs between facets of the interior and superior articular processes of adjacent VERTEBRAE. UBERON:UBERON_0001067 MESH:D007596 A02.835.583.979 A02.835.583 Facet Joint|Facet Joints|Joint, Facet|Joints, Facet|Joints, Zygapophyseal|Joints, Zygapophysial|Joint, Zygapophyseal|Joint, Zygapophysial|Zygapophyseal Joints|Zygapophysial Joint|Zygapophysial Joints articulationes zygapophysiales|joint of vertebral arch|joint of vertebral articular process|spinal facet joint|UBERON:0001067|vertebral arch joint +Zygoma MESH:D015050 Either of a pair of bones that form the prominent part of the CHEEK and contribute to the ORBIT on each side of the SKULL. UBERON:UBERON_0002500 MESH:D005147 A02.835.232.781.324.995 A02.835.232.781.324 Arches, Zygomatic|Arch, Zygomatic|Bone, Cheek|Bone, Jugal|Bone, Malar|Bones, Cheek|Bones, Jugal|Bones, Malar|Cheek Bone|Cheek Bones|Jugal Bone|Jugal Bones|Malar Bone|Malar Bones|Zygomas|Zygomatic Arch|Zygomatic Arches arcus zygomaticus|UBERON:0002500 +Zygote MESH:D015053 The fertilized OVUM resulting from the fusion of a male and a female gamete. CL:CL_0000365|UBERON:UBERON_0000106 MESH:D004628|MESH:D010063 A05.360.490.690.970|A11.497.497.950|A16.950 A05.360.490.690|A11.497.497|A16 Egg, Fertilized|Eggs, Fertilized|Fertilized Egg|Fertilized Eggs|Fertilized Ovum|Ovum, Fertilized|Zygotes 1-cell stage|animal zygote|CL:0000365|fertilized egg stage|one cell stage|one-cell stage|UBERON:0000106|zygote stage|zygotum