,label,code 0,0," private List createAuthInfo(SolrZkClient zkClient) { List ret = new LinkedList(); // In theory the credentials to add could change here if zookeeper hasn't been initialized ZkCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = zkClient.getZkClientConnectionStrategy().getZkCredentialsToAddAutomatically(); for (ZkCredentialsProvider.ZkCredentials zkCredentials : credentialsProvider.getCredentials()) { ret.add(new AuthInfo(zkCredentials.getScheme(), zkCredentials.getAuth())); } return ret; } } }" 1,0," public String getCharacterEncoding() { return characterEncoding; } /** * Set the character encoding to be used to read the user name and password. * * @param encoding The name of the encoding to use */ " 2,0," public Log getLogger() { return logger; } " 3,0," public void getAbsolutePathTest() { String absolutePath = FileUtil.getAbsolutePath(""LICENSE-junit.txt""); Assert.assertNotNull(absolutePath); String absolutePath2 = FileUtil.getAbsolutePath(absolutePath); Assert.assertNotNull(absolutePath2); Assert.assertEquals(absolutePath, absolutePath2); } @Test " 4,0," private Collection getPcClassLoaders() { if (_pcClassLoaders == null) _pcClassLoaders = new ConcurrentReferenceHashSet( ConcurrentReferenceHashSet.WEAK); return _pcClassLoaders; } " 5,0," public static void main(String argv[]) throws Exception { doMain(SimpleSocketServer.class, argv); } " 6,0," public JettyHttpComponent getComponent() { return (JettyHttpComponent) super.getComponent(); } @Override " 7,0," public boolean isConfigured() { return order >= CONFIGURING.order; } } }" 8,0," protected static final boolean isAlpha(String value) { for (int i = 0; i < value.length(); i++) { char c = value.charAt(i); if (!((c >= 'a' && c <= 'z') || (c >= 'A' && c <= 'Z'))) { return false; } } return true; } " 9,0," public void fail_if_unzipping_stream_outside_target_directory() throws Exception { File zip = new File(getClass().getResource(""ZipUtilsTest/zip-slip.zip"").toURI()); File toDir = temp.newFolder(); expectedException.expect(IllegalStateException.class); expectedException.expectMessage(""Unzipping an entry outside the target directory is not allowed: ../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../../tmp/evil.txt""); try (InputStream input = new FileInputStream(zip)) { ZipUtils.unzip(input, toDir); } } " 10,0," public TransformerFactory createTransformerFactory() { TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); // Enable the Security feature by default try { factory.setFeature(javax.xml.XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING, true); } catch (TransformerConfigurationException e) { LOG.warn(""TransformerFactory doesn't support the feature {} with value {}, due to {}."", new Object[]{javax.xml.XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING, ""true"", e}); } factory.setErrorListener(new XmlErrorListener()); return factory; } " 11,0," public long getAuthenticatedTime() { return authenticatedTime; } @Override @JsonIgnore " 12,0," public X509Certificate generateCert(PublicKey publicKey, PrivateKey privateKey, String sigalg, int validity, String cn, String ou, String o, String l, String st, String c) throws java.security.SignatureException, java.security.InvalidKeyException { X509V1CertificateGenerator certgen = new X509V1CertificateGenerator(); // issuer dn Vector order = new Vector(); Hashtable attrmap = new Hashtable(); if (cn != null) { attrmap.put(X509Principal.CN, cn); order.add(X509Principal.CN); } if (ou != null) { attrmap.put(X509Principal.OU, ou); order.add(X509Principal.OU); } if (o != null) { attrmap.put(X509Principal.O, o); order.add(X509Principal.O); } if (l != null) { attrmap.put(X509Principal.L, l); order.add(X509Principal.L); } if (st != null) { attrmap.put(X509Principal.ST, st); order.add(X509Principal.ST); } if (c != null) { attrmap.put(X509Principal.C, c); order.add(X509Principal.C); } X509Principal issuerDN = new X509Principal(order, attrmap); certgen.setIssuerDN(issuerDN); // validity long curr = System.currentTimeMillis(); long untill = curr + (long) validity * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; certgen.setNotBefore(new Date(curr)); certgen.setNotAfter(new Date(untill)); // subject dn certgen.setSubjectDN(issuerDN); // public key certgen.setPublicKey(publicKey); // signature alg certgen.setSignatureAlgorithm(sigalg); // serial number certgen.setSerialNumber(new BigInteger(String.valueOf(curr))); // make certificate return certgen.generateX509Certificate(privateKey); } " 13,0," public FormValidation doCheckCommand(@QueryParameter String value) { if (!Jenkins.getInstance().hasPermission(Jenkins.RUN_SCRIPTS)) { return FormValidation.warning(Messages.CommandLauncher_cannot_be_configured_by_non_administrato()); } if (Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(value) == null) { return FormValidation.error(Messages.CommandLauncher_NoLaunchCommand()); } else { return FormValidation.ok(); } } } } " 14,0," public void filterWithParameter() throws IOException, ServletException { filterWithParameterForMethod(""delete"", ""DELETE""); filterWithParameterForMethod(""put"", ""PUT""); filterWithParameterForMethod(""patch"", ""PATCH""); } @Test " 15,0," public void setReplayCache(TokenReplayCache replayCache) { this.replayCache = replayCache; } " 16,0," public void setUp() throws Exception { scimUserProvisioning = mock(ScimUserProvisioning.class); expiringCodeStore = mock(ExpiringCodeStore.class); passwordValidator = mock(PasswordValidator.class); clientDetailsService = mock(ClientDetailsService.class); resetPasswordService = new UaaResetPasswordService(scimUserProvisioning, expiringCodeStore, passwordValidator, clientDetailsService); PasswordResetEndpoint controller = new PasswordResetEndpoint(resetPasswordService); controller.setCodeStore(expiringCodeStore); controller.setMessageConverters(new HttpMessageConverter[] { new ExceptionReportHttpMessageConverter() }); mockMvc = MockMvcBuilders.standaloneSetup(controller).build(); PasswordChange change = new PasswordChange(""id001"", ""user@example.com"", yesterday, null, null); when(expiringCodeStore.generateCode(eq(""id001""), any(Timestamp.class), eq(null))) .thenReturn(new ExpiringCode(""secret_code"", new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis() + UaaResetPasswordService.PASSWORD_RESET_LIFETIME), ""id001"", null)); when(expiringCodeStore.generateCode(eq(JsonUtils.writeValueAsString(change)), any(Timestamp.class), eq(null))) .thenReturn(new ExpiringCode(""secret_code"", new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis() + UaaResetPasswordService.PASSWORD_RESET_LIFETIME), JsonUtils.writeValueAsString(change), null)); } @Test " 17,0," public AhcComponent getComponent() { return (AhcComponent) super.getComponent(); } @Override " 18,0," public StandardInterceptUrlRegistry access(String... attributes) { addMapping(requestMatchers, SecurityConfig.createList(attributes)); return UrlAuthorizationConfigurer.this.REGISTRY; } } }" 19,0," protected static Object toPoolKey(Map map) { Object key = Configurations.getProperty(""Id"", map); return ( key != null) ? key : map; } /** * Register factory in the pool under key. * * @since 1.1.0 */ " 20,0," protected Log getLog() { return log; } // ----------------------------------------------------------- Constructors " 21,0," public void commence(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, AuthenticationException authException) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletRequest hrequest = (HttpServletRequest)request; HttpServletResponse hresponse = (HttpServletResponse)response; FedizContext fedContext = federationConfig.getFedizContext(); LOG.debug(""Federation context: {}"", fedContext); // Check to see if it is a metadata request MetadataDocumentHandler mdHandler = new MetadataDocumentHandler(fedContext); if (mdHandler.canHandleRequest(hrequest)) { mdHandler.handleRequest(hrequest, hresponse); return; } String redirectUrl = null; try { FedizProcessor wfProc = FedizProcessorFactory.newFedizProcessor(fedContext.getProtocol()); RedirectionResponse redirectionResponse = wfProc.createSignInRequest(hrequest, fedContext); redirectUrl = redirectionResponse.getRedirectionURL(); if (redirectUrl == null) { LOG.warn(""Failed to create SignInRequest.""); hresponse.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ""Failed to create SignInRequest.""); } Map headers = redirectionResponse.getHeaders(); if (!headers.isEmpty()) { for (Entry entry : headers.entrySet()) { hresponse.addHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } HttpSession session = ((HttpServletRequest)request).getSession(true); session.setAttribute(SAVED_CONTEXT, redirectionResponse.getRequestState().getState()); } catch (ProcessingException ex) { System.err.println(""Failed to create SignInRequest: "" + ex.getMessage()); LOG.warn(""Failed to create SignInRequest: "" + ex.getMessage()); hresponse.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ""Failed to create SignInRequest.""); } preCommence(hrequest, hresponse); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { LOG.info(""Redirecting to IDP: "" + redirectUrl); } hresponse.sendRedirect(redirectUrl); } " 22,0," public void testSetParameterAndAttributeNames() throws Exception { interceptor.setAttributeName(""hello""); interceptor.setParameterName(""world""); params.put(""world"", Locale.CHINA); interceptor.intercept(mai); assertNull(params.get(""world"")); // should have been removed assertNotNull(session.get(""hello"")); // should be stored here assertEquals(Locale.CHINA, session.get(""hello"")); } " 23,0," String postProcessVariableName(String variableName) { return variableName; } } } " 24,0," public Iterable getCascadables() { return cascadables; } @Override " 25,0," public String getDataSourceName() { return dataSourceName; } /** * Set the name of the JNDI JDBC DataSource. * * @param dataSourceName the name of the JNDI JDBC DataSource */ " 26,0," public boolean equals(Object obj) { if ( this == obj ) { return true; } if ( !super.equals( obj ) ) { return false; } if ( getClass() != obj.getClass() ) { return false; } ConstrainedField other = (ConstrainedField) obj; if ( getLocation().getMember() == null ) { if ( other.getLocation().getMember() != null ) { return false; } } else if ( !getLocation().getMember().equals( other.getLocation().getMember() ) ) { return false; } return true; } " 27,0," public boolean isSingleton() { return _singleton; } /** * The plugin class name. */ " 28,0," public String toXml() { StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder("" 0) { sb.append("" groups=\""""); int n = 0; Iterator values = groups.iterator(); while (values.hasNext()) { if (n > 0) { sb.append(','); } n++; sb.append(RequestUtil.filter(values.next().getGroupname())); } sb.append(""\""""); } } synchronized (roles) { if (roles.size() > 0) { sb.append("" roles=\""""); int n = 0; Iterator values = roles.iterator(); while (values.hasNext()) { if (n > 0) { sb.append(','); } n++; sb.append(RequestUtil.filter(values.next().getRolename())); } sb.append(""\""""); } } sb.append(""/>""); return (sb.toString()); } /** *

Return a String representation of this user.

*/ @Override " 29,0," public static Document signMetaInfo(Crypto crypto, String keyAlias, String keyPassword, Document doc, String referenceID) throws Exception { if (keyAlias == null || """".equals(keyAlias)) { keyAlias = crypto.getDefaultX509Identifier(); } X509Certificate cert = CertsUtils.getX509Certificate(crypto, keyAlias); // } /* public static ByteArrayOutputStream signMetaInfo(FederationContext config, InputStream metaInfo, String referenceID) throws Exception { KeyManager keyManager = config.getSigningKey(); String keyAlias = keyManager.getKeyAlias(); String keypass = keyManager.getKeyPassword(); // in case we did not specify the key alias, we assume there is only one key in the keystore , // we use this key's alias as default. if (keyAlias == null || """".equals(keyAlias)) { //keyAlias = getDefaultX509Identifier(ks); keyAlias = keyManager.getCrypto().getDefaultX509Identifier(); } CryptoType cryptoType = new CryptoType(CryptoType.TYPE.ALIAS); cryptoType.setAlias(keyAlias); X509Certificate[] issuerCerts = keyManager.getCrypto().getX509Certificates(cryptoType); if (issuerCerts == null || issuerCerts.length == 0) { throw new ProcessingException( ""No issuer certs were found to sign the metadata using issuer name: "" + keyAlias); } X509Certificate cert = issuerCerts[0]; */ String signatureMethod = null; if (""SHA1withDSA"".equals(cert.getSigAlgName())) { signatureMethod = SignatureMethod.DSA_SHA1; } else if (""SHA1withRSA"".equals(cert.getSigAlgName())) { signatureMethod = SignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1; } else if (""SHA256withRSA"".equals(cert.getSigAlgName())) { signatureMethod = SignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1; } else { LOG.error(""Unsupported signature method: "" + cert.getSigAlgName()); throw new RuntimeException(""Unsupported signature method: "" + cert.getSigAlgName()); } List transformList = new ArrayList(); transformList.add(XML_SIGNATURE_FACTORY.newTransform(Transform.ENVELOPED, (TransformParameterSpec)null)); transformList.add(XML_SIGNATURE_FACTORY.newCanonicalizationMethod(CanonicalizationMethod.EXCLUSIVE, (C14NMethodParameterSpec)null)); // Create a Reference to the enveloped document (in this case, // you are signing the whole document, so a URI of """" signifies // that, and also specify the SHA1 digest algorithm and // the ENVELOPED Transform. Reference ref = XML_SIGNATURE_FACTORY.newReference( ""#"" + referenceID, XML_SIGNATURE_FACTORY.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA1, null), transformList, null, null); // Create the SignedInfo. SignedInfo si = XML_SIGNATURE_FACTORY.newSignedInfo( XML_SIGNATURE_FACTORY.newCanonicalizationMethod( CanonicalizationMethod.EXCLUSIVE, (C14NMethodParameterSpec)null), XML_SIGNATURE_FACTORY.newSignatureMethod( signatureMethod, null), Collections.singletonList(ref)); // step 2 // Load the KeyStore and get the signing key and certificate. PrivateKey keyEntry = crypto.getPrivateKey(keyAlias, keyPassword); // Create the KeyInfo containing the X509Data. KeyInfoFactory kif = XML_SIGNATURE_FACTORY.getKeyInfoFactory(); List x509Content = new ArrayList(); x509Content.add(cert.getSubjectX500Principal().getName()); x509Content.add(cert); X509Data xd = kif.newX509Data(x509Content); KeyInfo ki = kif.newKeyInfo(Collections.singletonList(xd)); // step3 // Create a DOMSignContext and specify the RSA PrivateKey and // location of the resulting XMLSignature's parent element. //DOMSignContext dsc = new DOMSignContext(keyEntry.getPrivateKey(), doc.getDocumentElement()); DOMSignContext dsc = new DOMSignContext(keyEntry, doc.getDocumentElement()); dsc.setIdAttributeNS(doc.getDocumentElement(), null, ""ID""); dsc.setNextSibling(doc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild()); // Create the XMLSignature, but don't sign it yet. XMLSignature signature = XML_SIGNATURE_FACTORY.newXMLSignature(si, ki); // Marshal, generate, and sign the enveloped signature. signature.sign(dsc); // step 4 // Output the resulting document. return doc; } " 30,0," private Charset getCharset(String encoding) { if (encoding == null) { return DEFAULT_CHARSET; } try { return B2CConverter.getCharset(encoding); } catch (UnsupportedEncodingException e) { return DEFAULT_CHARSET; } } /** * Debug purpose */ " 31,0," public ConstrainedParameter getParameterMetaData(int parameterIndex) { if ( parameterIndex < 0 || parameterIndex > parameterMetaData.size() - 1 ) { throw log.getInvalidExecutableParameterIndexException( executable.getAsString(), parameterIndex ); } return parameterMetaData.get( parameterIndex ); } /** * Returns meta data for all parameters of the represented executable. * * @return A list with parameter meta data. The length corresponds to the * number of parameters of the executable represented by this meta data * object, so an empty list may be returned (in case of a * parameterless executable), but never {@code null}. */ " 32,0," private SendfileState processSendfile(SocketWrapperBase socketWrapper) { openSocket = keepAlive; // Done is equivalent to sendfile not being used SendfileState result = SendfileState.DONE; // Do sendfile as needed: add socket to sendfile and end if (sendfileData != null && !getErrorState().isError()) { sendfileData.keepAlive = keepAlive; result = socketWrapper.processSendfile(sendfileData); switch (result) { case ERROR: // Write failed if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(sm.getString(""http11processor.sendfile.error"")); } setErrorState(ErrorState.CLOSE_CONNECTION_NOW, null); //$FALL-THROUGH$ default: sendfileData = null; } } return result; } @Override " 33,0," protected String determineTargetUrl(HttpServletRequest request) { String targetUrl = request.getParameter(""from""); request.getSession().setAttribute(""from"", targetUrl); if (targetUrl == null) return getDefaultTargetUrl(); if (Util.isAbsoluteUri(targetUrl)) return "".""; // avoid open redirect // URL returned from determineTargetUrl() is resolved against the context path, // whereas the ""from"" URL is resolved against the top of the website, so adjust this. if(targetUrl.startsWith(request.getContextPath())) return targetUrl.substring(request.getContextPath().length()); // not sure when this happens, but apparently this happens in some case. // see #1274 return targetUrl; } /** * @see org.acegisecurity.ui.AbstractProcessingFilter#determineFailureUrl(javax.servlet.http.HttpServletRequest, org.acegisecurity.AuthenticationException) */ @Override " 34,0," public final void recycle() { try { // Must clear super's buffer. while (ready()) { // InputStreamReader#skip(long) will allocate buffer to skip. read(); } } catch(IOException ioe){ } } } /** Special output stream where close() is overriden, so super.close() is never called. This allows recycling. It can also be disabled, so callbacks will not be called if recycling the converter and if data was not flushed. */ final class IntermediateInputStream extends InputStream { ByteChunk bc = null; public IntermediateInputStream() { } public final void close() throws IOException { // shouldn't be called - we filter it out in writer throw new IOException(""close() called - shouldn't happen ""); } public final int read(byte cbuf[], int off, int len) throws IOException { return bc.substract(cbuf, off, len); } public final int read() throws IOException { return bc.substract(); } // -------------------- Internal methods -------------------- void setByteChunk( ByteChunk mb ) { bc = mb; } " 35,0," public void execute(FunctionContext context) { RegionFunctionContext rfc = (RegionFunctionContext) context; Set keys = (Set) rfc.getFilter(); // Get local (primary) data for the context Region primaryDataSet = PartitionRegionHelper.getLocalDataForContext(rfc); if (this.cache.getLogger().fineEnabled()) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(""Function "").append(ID).append("" received request to touch "") .append(primaryDataSet.getFullPath()).append(""->"").append(keys); this.cache.getLogger().fine(builder.toString()); } // Retrieve each value to update the lastAccessedTime. // Note: getAll is not supported on LocalDataSet. for (String key : keys) { primaryDataSet.get(key); } // Return result to get around NPE in LocalResultCollectorImpl context.getResultSender().lastResult(true); } @Override " 36,0," private static boolean isFile(Path src) { return Files.exists(src) && Files.isRegularFile(src); } " 37,0," public BeanDefinition parse(Element element, ParserContext pc) { CompositeComponentDefinition compositeDef = new CompositeComponentDefinition( element.getTagName(), pc.extractSource(element)); pc.pushContainingComponent(compositeDef); registerFilterChainProxyIfNecessary(pc, pc.extractSource(element)); // Obtain the filter chains and add the new chain to it BeanDefinition listFactoryBean = pc.getRegistry().getBeanDefinition( BeanIds.FILTER_CHAINS); List filterChains = (List) listFactoryBean .getPropertyValues().getPropertyValue(""sourceList"").getValue(); filterChains.add(createFilterChain(element, pc)); pc.popAndRegisterContainingComponent(); return null; } /** * Creates the {@code SecurityFilterChain} bean from an <http> element. */ " 38,0," public void destroy() { normalView = null; viewViews = null; viewServers = null; viewGraphs = null; pageView = null; editView = null; addView = null; addGraph = null; editGraph = null; viewServer = null; editServer = null; addServer = null; helpView = null; editNormalView = null; super.destroy(); } " 39,0," public BeanDefinition parse(Element elt, ParserContext pc) { MatcherType matcherType = MatcherType.fromElement(elt); String path = elt.getAttribute(HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.ATT_PATH_PATTERN); String requestMatcher = elt.getAttribute(ATT_REQUEST_MATCHER_REF); String filters = elt.getAttribute(HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.ATT_FILTERS); BeanDefinitionBuilder builder = BeanDefinitionBuilder .rootBeanDefinition(DefaultSecurityFilterChain.class); if (StringUtils.hasText(path)) { Assert.isTrue(!StringUtils.hasText(requestMatcher), """"); builder.addConstructorArgValue(matcherType.createMatcher(pc, path, null)); } else { Assert.isTrue(StringUtils.hasText(requestMatcher), """"); builder.addConstructorArgReference(requestMatcher); } if (filters.equals(HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.OPT_FILTERS_NONE)) { builder.addConstructorArgValue(Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } else { String[] filterBeanNames = StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(filters, "",""); ManagedList filterChain = new ManagedList( filterBeanNames.length); for (String name : filterBeanNames) { filterChain.add(new RuntimeBeanReference(name)); } builder.addConstructorArgValue(filterChain); } return builder.getBeanDefinition(); } " 40,0," public long end() throws IOException { return 0; } " 41,0," public static Closure whileClosure(final Predicate predicate, final Closure closure, final boolean doLoop) { if (predicate == null) { throw new NullPointerException(""Predicate must not be null""); } if (closure == null) { throw new NullPointerException(""Closure must not be null""); } return new WhileClosure(predicate, closure, doLoop); } /** * Constructor that performs no validation. * Use whileClosure if you want that. * * @param predicate the predicate used to evaluate when the loop terminates, not null * @param closure the closure the execute, not null * @param doLoop true to act as a do-while loop, always executing the closure once */ " 42,0," public void setDefaultHostName(String defaultHostName) { this.defaultHostName = defaultHostName; } /** * Add a new host to the mapper. * * @param name Virtual host name * @param aliases Alias names for the virtual host * @param host Host object */ " 43,0," protected void startInternal() throws LifecycleException { // Create the roles PreparedStatement string StringBuilder temp = new StringBuilder(""SELECT ""); temp.append(roleNameCol); temp.append("" FROM ""); temp.append(userRoleTable); temp.append("" WHERE ""); temp.append(userNameCol); temp.append("" = ?""); preparedRoles = temp.toString(); // Create the credentials PreparedStatement string temp = new StringBuilder(""SELECT ""); temp.append(userCredCol); temp.append("" FROM ""); temp.append(userTable); temp.append("" WHERE ""); temp.append(userNameCol); temp.append("" = ?""); preparedCredentials = temp.toString(); super.startInternal(); } " 44,0," public XMLLoader init(SolrParams args) { // Init StAX parser: inputFactory = XMLInputFactory.newInstance(); EmptyEntityResolver.configureXMLInputFactory(inputFactory); inputFactory.setXMLReporter(xmllog); try { // The java 1.6 bundled stax parser (sjsxp) does not currently have a thread-safe // XMLInputFactory, as that implementation tries to cache and reuse the // XMLStreamReader. Setting the parser-specific ""reuse-instance"" property to false // prevents this. // All other known open-source stax parsers (and the bea ref impl) // have thread-safe factories. inputFactory.setProperty(""reuse-instance"", Boolean.FALSE); } catch (IllegalArgumentException ex) { // Other implementations will likely throw this exception since ""reuse-instance"" // isimplementation specific. log.debug(""Unable to set the 'reuse-instance' property for the input chain: "" + inputFactory); } // Init SAX parser (for XSL): saxFactory = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); saxFactory.setNamespaceAware(true); // XSL needs this! EmptyEntityResolver.configureSAXParserFactory(saxFactory); xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds = XSLT_CACHE_DEFAULT; if(args != null) { xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds = args.getInt(XSLT_CACHE_PARAM,XSLT_CACHE_DEFAULT); log.info(""xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds="" + xsltCacheLifetimeSeconds); } return this; } " 45,0," public void setParameterName(String parameterName) { this.parameterName = parameterName; } " 46,0," public byte[] asSerializedByteArray() { int kdfInfo = cipherText_.getKDFInfo(); debug(""asSerializedByteArray: kdfInfo = "" + kdfInfo); long timestamp = cipherText_.getEncryptionTimestamp(); String cipherXform = cipherText_.getCipherTransformation(); assert cipherText_.getKeySize() < Short.MAX_VALUE : ""Key size too large. Max is "" + Short.MAX_VALUE; short keySize = (short) cipherText_.getKeySize(); assert cipherText_.getBlockSize() < Short.MAX_VALUE : ""Block size too large. Max is "" + Short.MAX_VALUE; short blockSize = (short) cipherText_.getBlockSize(); byte[] iv = cipherText_.getIV(); assert iv.length < Short.MAX_VALUE : ""IV size too large. Max is "" + Short.MAX_VALUE; short ivLen = (short) iv.length; byte[] rawCiphertext = cipherText_.getRawCipherText(); int ciphertextLen = rawCiphertext.length; assert ciphertextLen >= 1 : ""Raw ciphertext length must be >= 1 byte.""; byte[] mac = cipherText_.getSeparateMAC(); assert mac.length < Short.MAX_VALUE : ""MAC length too large. Max is "" + Short.MAX_VALUE; short macLen = (short) mac.length; byte[] serializedObj = computeSerialization(kdfInfo, timestamp, cipherXform, keySize, blockSize, ivLen, iv, ciphertextLen, rawCiphertext, macLen, mac ); return serializedObj; } /** * Return the actual {@code CipherText} object. * @return The {@code CipherText} object that we are serializing. */ " 47,0," public void testContextRoot_Bug53339() throws Exception { Tomcat tomcat = getTomcatInstance(); tomcat.enableNaming(); // No file system docBase required Context ctx = tomcat.addContext("""", null); Tomcat.addServlet(ctx, ""Bug53356"", new Bug53356Servlet()); ctx.addServletMapping("""", ""Bug53356""); tomcat.start(); ByteChunk body = getUrl(""http://localhost:"" + getPort()); Assert.assertEquals(""OK"", body.toString()); } " 48,0," protected void execute() { if (controllersListStrings == null && !removeCont && !removeAll) { print(""No controller are given, skipping.""); return; } if (controllersListStrings != null) { Arrays.asList(controllersListStrings).forEach( cInfoString -> { ControllerInfo controllerInfo = parseCInfoString(cInfoString); if (controllerInfo != null) { controllers.add(controllerInfo); } }); } DriverService service = get(DriverService.class); deviceId = DeviceId.deviceId(uri); DriverHandler h = service.createHandler(deviceId); ControllerConfig config = h.behaviour(ControllerConfig.class); print(""before:""); config.getControllers().forEach(c -> print(c.target())); try { if (removeAll) { if (!controllers.isEmpty()) { print(""Controllers list should be empty to remove all controllers""); } else { List controllersToRemove = config.getControllers(); controllersToRemove.forEach(c -> print(""Will remove "" + c.target())); config.removeControllers(controllersToRemove); } } else { if (controllers.isEmpty()) { print(""Controllers list is empty, cannot set/remove empty controllers""); } else { if (removeCont) { print(""Will remove specified controllers""); config.removeControllers(controllers); } else { print(""Will add specified controllers""); config.setControllers(controllers); } } } } catch (NullPointerException e) { print(""No Device with requested parameters {} "", uri); } print(""after:""); config.getControllers().forEach(c -> print(c.target())); print(""size %d"", config.getControllers().size()); } " 49,0," protected void saveLocale(ActionInvocation invocation, Locale locale) { invocation.getInvocationContext().setLocale(locale); } " 50,0," public boolean isFinished() { return endChunk; } " 51,0," public void test1() throws ANTLRException { new CronTab(""@yearly""); new CronTab(""@weekly""); new CronTab(""@midnight""); new CronTab(""@monthly""); new CronTab(""0 0 * 1-10/3 *""); } @Test " 52,0," public void multiByteReadThrowsAtEofForCorruptedStoredEntry() throws Exception { byte[] content; try (FileInputStream fs = new FileInputStream(getFile(""COMPRESS-264.zip""))) { content = IOUtils.toByteArray(fs); } // make size much bigger than entry's real size for (int i = 17; i < 26; i++) { content[i] = (byte) 0xff; } byte[] buf = new byte[2]; try (ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(content); ZipArchiveInputStream archive = new ZipArchiveInputStream(in)) { ArchiveEntry e = archive.getNextEntry(); try { IOUtils.toByteArray(archive); fail(""expected exception""); } catch (IOException ex) { assertEquals(""Truncated ZIP file"", ex.getMessage()); } try { archive.read(buf); fail(""expected exception""); } catch (IOException ex) { assertEquals(""Truncated ZIP file"", ex.getMessage()); } try { archive.read(buf); fail(""expected exception""); } catch (IOException ex) { assertEquals(""Truncated ZIP file"", ex.getMessage()); } } } " 53,0," public void testRead7ZipMultiVolumeArchiveForStream() throws IOException { final FileInputStream archive = new FileInputStream(getFile(""apache-maven-2.2.1.zip.001"")); ZipArchiveInputStream zi = null; try { zi = new ZipArchiveInputStream(archive,null,false); // these are the entries that are supposed to be processed // correctly without any problems for (final String element : ENTRIES) { assertEquals(element, zi.getNextEntry().getName()); } // this is the last entry that is truncated final ArchiveEntry lastEntry = zi.getNextEntry(); assertEquals(LAST_ENTRY_NAME, lastEntry.getName()); final byte [] buffer = new byte [4096]; // before the fix, we'd get 0 bytes on this read and all // subsequent reads thus a client application might enter // an infinite loop after the fix, we should get an // exception try { while (zi.read(buffer) > 0) { } fail(""shouldn't be able to read from truncated entry""); } catch (final IOException e) { assertEquals(""Truncated ZIP file"", e.getMessage()); } try { zi.read(buffer); fail(""shouldn't be able to read from truncated entry after exception""); } catch (final IOException e) { assertEquals(""Truncated ZIP file"", e.getMessage()); } // and now we get another entry, which should also yield // an exception try { zi.getNextEntry(); fail(""shouldn't be able to read another entry from truncated"" + "" file""); } catch (final IOException e) { // this is to be expected } } finally { if (zi != null) { zi.close(); } } } @Test(expected=IOException.class) " 54,0," public static Charset getCharset(String enc) throws UnsupportedEncodingException { // Encoding names should all be ASCII String lowerCaseEnc = enc.toLowerCase(Locale.US); Charset charset = (Charset) encodingToCharsetCache.get(lowerCaseEnc); if (charset == null) { // Pre-population of the cache means this must be invalid throw new UnsupportedEncodingException(enc); } return charset; } " 55,0," public final String convert(String str, boolean query) { if (str == null) return null; if( (!query || str.indexOf( '+' ) < 0) && str.indexOf( '%' ) < 0 ) return str; StringBuffer dec = new StringBuffer(); // decoded string output int strPos = 0; int strLen = str.length(); dec.ensureCapacity(str.length()); while (strPos < strLen) { int laPos; // lookahead position // look ahead to next URLencoded metacharacter, if any for (laPos = strPos; laPos < strLen; laPos++) { char laChar = str.charAt(laPos); if ((laChar == '+' && query) || (laChar == '%')) { break; } } // if there were non-metacharacters, copy them all as a block if (laPos > strPos) { dec.append(str.substring(strPos,laPos)); strPos = laPos; } // shortcut out of here if we're at the end of the string if (strPos >= strLen) { break; } // process next metacharacter char metaChar = str.charAt(strPos); if (metaChar == '+') { dec.append(' '); strPos++; continue; } else if (metaChar == '%') { // We throw the original exception - the super will deal with // it // try { dec.append((char)Integer. parseInt(str.substring(strPos + 1, strPos + 3),16)); strPos += 3; } } return dec.toString(); } " 56,0," public String[] getGroups() { UserDatabase database = (UserDatabase) this.resource; ArrayList results = new ArrayList(); Iterator groups = database.getGroups(); while (groups.hasNext()) { Group group = groups.next(); results.add(findGroup(group.getGroupname())); } return results.toArray(new String[results.size()]); } /** * Return the MBean Names of all roles defined in this database. */ " 57,0," public void testEntities() throws Exception { // use a binary file, so when it's loaded fail with XML eror: String file = getFile(""mailing_lists.pdf"").toURI().toASCIIString(); String xml = """" + """"+ // but named entities should be """"+ ""]>"" + """" + "" &bar;"" + "" "" + "" "" + "" "" + "" "" + """"; SolrQueryRequest req = req(CommonParams.TR, ""xsl-update-handler-test.xsl""); SolrQueryResponse rsp = new SolrQueryResponse(); BufferingRequestProcessor p = new BufferingRequestProcessor(null); XMLLoader loader = new XMLLoader().init(null); loader.load(req, rsp, new ContentStreamBase.StringStream(xml), p); AddUpdateCommand add = p.addCommands.get(0); assertEquals(""12345"", add.solrDoc.getField(""id"").getFirstValue()); assertEquals(""zzz"", add.solrDoc.getField(""foo_s"").getFirstValue()); req.close(); } " 58,0," public void init(Map pluginConfig) { try { String delegationTokenEnabled = (String)pluginConfig.getOrDefault(DELEGATION_TOKEN_ENABLED_PROPERTY, ""false""); authFilter = (Boolean.parseBoolean(delegationTokenEnabled)) ? new HadoopAuthFilter() : new AuthenticationFilter(); // Initialize kerberos before initializing curator instance. boolean initKerberosZk = Boolean.parseBoolean((String)pluginConfig.getOrDefault(INIT_KERBEROS_ZK, ""false"")); if (initKerberosZk) { (new Krb5HttpClientBuilder()).getBuilder(); } FilterConfig conf = getInitFilterConfig(pluginConfig); authFilter.init(conf); } catch (ServletException e) { log.error(""Error initializing "" + getClass().getSimpleName(), e); throw new SolrException(ErrorCode.SERVER_ERROR, ""Error initializing "" + getClass().getName() + "": ""+e); } } @SuppressWarnings(""unchecked"") " 59,0," public void testExceptionTransformer() { assertNotNull(TransformerUtils.exceptionTransformer()); assertSame(TransformerUtils.exceptionTransformer(), TransformerUtils.exceptionTransformer()); try { TransformerUtils.exceptionTransformer().transform(null); } catch (final FunctorException ex) { try { TransformerUtils.exceptionTransformer().transform(cString); } catch (final FunctorException ex2) { return; } } fail(); } // nullTransformer //------------------------------------------------------------------ @Test " 60,0," protected void process(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response) throws IOException, ServletException { ModuleUtils.getInstance().selectModule(request, getServletContext()); ModuleConfig config = getModuleConfig(request); RequestProcessor processor = getProcessorForModule(config); if (processor == null) { processor = getRequestProcessor(config); } processor.process(request, response); } " 61,0," public void addRecipients(final ExtendedEmailPublisherContext context, EnvVars env, Set to, Set cc, Set bcc) { final class Debug implements RecipientProviderUtilities.IDebug { private final ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor descriptor = Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getDescriptorByType(ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor.class); private final PrintStream logger = context.getListener().getLogger(); public void send(final String format, final Object... args) { descriptor.debug(logger, format, args); } } final Debug debug = new Debug(); debug.send(""Sending email to upstream committer(s).""); Run cur; Cause.UpstreamCause upc = context.getRun().getCause(Cause.UpstreamCause.class); while (upc != null) { Job p = (Job) Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getItemByFullName(upc.getUpstreamProject()); if(p == null) { context.getListener().getLogger().print(""There is a break in the project linkage, could not retrieve upstream project information""); break; } cur = p.getBuildByNumber(upc.getUpstreamBuild()); upc = cur.getCause(Cause.UpstreamCause.class); addUpstreamCommittersTriggeringBuild(cur, to, cc, bcc, env, context, debug); } } /** * Adds for the given upstream build the committers to the recipient list for each commit in the upstream build. * * @param build the upstream build * @param to the to recipient list * @param cc the cc recipient list * @param bcc the bcc recipient list * @param env * @param listener */ " 62,0," private static synchronized PyObject get_dis() { if (dis == null) { dis = __builtin__.__import__(""dis""); } return dis; } " 63,0," public void processAction(ActionRequest actionRequest, ActionResponse actionResponse) throws PortletException, IOException { String action = actionRequest.getParameter(""action""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""action"", action); if (action.equals(""showView"")) { String view_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""view_id""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""view_id"", view_id); } else if (action.equals(""showAllViews"")) { // no parameters needed to be redirected to doView() } else if (action.equals(""showAllServers"")) { // no parameters needed to be redirected to doView() } else if (action.equals(""showAllGraphs"")) { // no parameters needed to be redirected to doView() } else if (action.equals(""showEditView"")) { String view_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""view_id""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""view_id"", view_id); } else if (action.equals(""saveEditView"")) { updateView(actionRequest, actionResponse); } else if (action.equals(""showAddView"")) { // no parameters needed to be redirected to doView() } else if (action.equals(""saveAddView"")) { addView(actionRequest, actionResponse); } else if (action.equals(""showAddGraph"")) { String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); if (server_id != null) actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); String mbean = actionRequest.getParameter(""mbean""); if (mbean != null) actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""mbean"", mbean); String dataname = actionRequest.getParameter(""dataname""); if (dataname != null) actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""dataname"", dataname); } else if (action.equals(""saveAddGraph"")) { addGraph(actionRequest, actionResponse); } else if (action.equals(""showEditGraph"")) { String graph_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""graph_id""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""graph_id"", graph_id); } else if (action.equals(""saveEditGraph"")) { updateGraph(actionRequest, actionResponse); } else if (action.equals(""deleteGraph"")) { deleteGraph(actionRequest, actionResponse); } else if (action.equals(""deleteView"")) { deleteView(actionRequest, actionResponse); } else if (action.equals(""showServer"")) { String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); } else if (action.equals(""showEditServer"")) { String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); } else if (action.equals(""saveEditServer"")) { updateServer(actionRequest, actionResponse); } else if (action.equals(""showAddServer"")) { // no parameters needed to be redirected to doView() } else if (action.equals(""deleteServer"")) { deleteServer(actionRequest, actionResponse); } else if (action.equals(""saveAddServer"")) { addServer(actionRequest, actionResponse); } else if (action.equals(""startTrackingMbean"")) { String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); String mbean = actionRequest.getParameter(""mbean""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""mbean"", mbean); } else if (action.equals(""stopTrackingMbean"")) { String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); String mbean = actionRequest.getParameter(""mbean""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""mbean"", mbean); } else if (action.equals(""stopThread"") || action.equals(""disableServerViewQuery"")) { String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); String message = stopThread(server_id); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""message"", message); } else if (action.equals(""startThread"") || action.equals(""enableServerViewQuery"")) { String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); String snapshotDuration = actionRequest .getParameter(""snapshotDuration""); String message = startThread(server_id, new Long(snapshotDuration)); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""message"", message); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""snapshotDuration"", snapshotDuration); } else if (action.equals(""disableServer"") || action.equals(""disableEditServer"")) { String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); ; actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""message"", alterServerState( server_id, false)); } else if (action.equals(""enableServer"") || action.equals(""enableEditServer"")) { String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""message"", alterServerState( server_id, true)); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); ; } else if (action.equals(""testAddServerConnection"")) { String name = actionRequest.getParameter(""name""); String ip = actionRequest.getParameter(""ip""); String username = actionRequest.getParameter(""username""); String password = actionRequest.getParameter(""password""); String password2 = actionRequest.getParameter(""password2""); Integer port = Integer.parseInt(actionRequest.getParameter(""port"")); Integer protocol = Integer.parseInt(actionRequest.getParameter(""protocol"")); String message = testConnection(name, ip, username, password, port, protocol); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""message"", message); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""name"", name); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""username"", username); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""ip"", ip); // Don't return the password in the output // actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""password"", password); // actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""password2"", password2); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""port"", """" + port); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""protocol"", """" + protocol); } else if (action.equals(""testEditServerConnection"")) { String name = actionRequest.getParameter(""name""); String ip = actionRequest.getParameter(""ip""); String username = actionRequest.getParameter(""username""); String password = actionRequest.getParameter(""password""); String password2 = actionRequest.getParameter(""password2""); String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); String snapshot = actionRequest.getParameter(""snapshot""); String retention = actionRequest.getParameter(""retention""); Integer port = Integer.parseInt(actionRequest.getParameter(""port"")); Integer protocol = Integer.parseInt(actionRequest.getParameter(""protocol"")); if(snapshot == null) { snapshot = """"; } if(retention == null) { retention = """"; } String message = testConnection(name, ip, username, password, port, protocol); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""message"", message); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""name"", name); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""username"", username); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""ip"", ip); // Don't return the password in the output // actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""password"", password); // actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""password2"", password2); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""snapshot"", snapshot); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""retention"", retention); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""port"", """" + port); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""protocol"", """" + protocol); } } " 64,0," List getFilters() { List filters = new ArrayList(); if (cpf != null) { filters.add(new OrderDecorator(cpf, CHANNEL_FILTER)); } if (concurrentSessionFilter != null) { filters.add(new OrderDecorator(concurrentSessionFilter, CONCURRENT_SESSION_FILTER)); } if (webAsyncManagerFilter != null) { filters.add(new OrderDecorator(webAsyncManagerFilter, WEB_ASYNC_MANAGER_FILTER)); } filters.add(new OrderDecorator(securityContextPersistenceFilter, SECURITY_CONTEXT_FILTER)); if (servApiFilter != null) { filters.add(new OrderDecorator(servApiFilter, SERVLET_API_SUPPORT_FILTER)); } if (jaasApiFilter != null) { filters.add(new OrderDecorator(jaasApiFilter, JAAS_API_SUPPORT_FILTER)); } if (sfpf != null) { filters.add(new OrderDecorator(sfpf, SESSION_MANAGEMENT_FILTER)); } filters.add(new OrderDecorator(fsi, FILTER_SECURITY_INTERCEPTOR)); if (sessionPolicy != SessionCreationPolicy.STATELESS) { filters.add(new OrderDecorator(requestCacheAwareFilter, REQUEST_CACHE_FILTER)); } if (this.corsFilter != null) { filters.add(new OrderDecorator(this.corsFilter, CORS_FILTER)); } if (addHeadersFilter != null) { filters.add(new OrderDecorator(addHeadersFilter, HEADERS_FILTER)); } if (csrfFilter != null) { filters.add(new OrderDecorator(csrfFilter, CSRF_FILTER)); } return filters; } " 65,0," public void injectChaos(Random random) throws Exception { // sometimes we restart one of the jetty nodes if (random.nextBoolean()) { JettySolrRunner jetty = jettys.get(random.nextInt(jettys.size())); ChaosMonkey.stop(jetty); log.info(""============ Restarting jetty""); ChaosMonkey.start(jetty); } // sometimes we restart zookeeper if (random.nextBoolean()) { zkServer.shutdown(); log.info(""============ Restarting zookeeper""); zkServer = new ZkTestServer(zkServer.getZkDir(), zkServer.getPort()); zkServer.run(); } // sometimes we cause a connection loss - sometimes it will hit the overseer if (random.nextBoolean()) { JettySolrRunner jetty = jettys.get(random.nextInt(jettys.size())); ChaosMonkey.causeConnectionLoss(jetty); } } " 66,0," public Permission getRequiredPermission() { return Jenkins.ADMINISTER; } " 67,0," public Document getMetaData( HttpServletRequest request, FedizContext config ) throws ProcessingException { try { ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4096); Writer streamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(bout, ""UTF-8""); XMLStreamWriter writer = XML_OUTPUT_FACTORY.createXMLStreamWriter(streamWriter); Protocol protocol = config.getProtocol(); writer.writeStartDocument(""UTF-8"", ""1.0""); String referenceID = IDGenerator.generateID(""_""); writer.writeStartElement(""md"", ""EntityDescriptor"", SAML2_METADATA_NS); writer.writeAttribute(""ID"", referenceID); String serviceURL = protocol.getApplicationServiceURL(); if (serviceURL == null) { serviceURL = extractFullContextPath(request); } writer.writeAttribute(""entityID"", serviceURL); writer.writeNamespace(""md"", SAML2_METADATA_NS); writer.writeNamespace(""fed"", WS_FEDERATION_NS); writer.writeNamespace(""wsa"", WS_ADDRESSING_NS); writer.writeNamespace(""auth"", WS_FEDERATION_NS); writer.writeNamespace(""xsi"", SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS); if (protocol instanceof FederationProtocol) { writeFederationMetadata(writer, config, serviceURL); } else if (protocol instanceof SAMLProtocol) { writeSAMLMetadata(writer, request, config, serviceURL); } writer.writeEndElement(); // EntityDescriptor writer.writeEndDocument(); streamWriter.flush(); bout.flush(); // if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { String out = new String(bout.toByteArray()); LOG.debug(""***************** unsigned ****************""); LOG.debug(out); LOG.debug(""***************** unsigned ****************""); } InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bout.toByteArray()); boolean hasSigningKey = false; try { if (config.getSigningKey().getCrypto() != null) { hasSigningKey = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.info(""No signingKey element found in config: "" + ex.getMessage()); } if (hasSigningKey) { Document doc = DOMUtils.readXml(is); Document result = SignatureUtils.signMetaInfo( config.getSigningKey().getCrypto(), config.getSigningKey().getKeyAlias(), config.getSigningKey().getKeyPassword(), doc, referenceID); if (result != null) { return result; } else { throw new ProcessingException(""Failed to sign the metadata document: result=null""); } } return DOMUtils.readXml(is); } catch (ProcessingException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(""Error creating service metadata information "", e); throw new ProcessingException(""Error creating service metadata information: "" + e.getMessage()); } } " 68,0," protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { // This config is also on UrlAuthorizationConfigurer javadoc http .apply(new UrlAuthorizationConfigurer(getApplicationContext())).getRegistry() .antMatchers(""/users**"",""/sessions/**"").hasRole(""USER"") .antMatchers(""/signup"").hasRole(""ANONYMOUS"") .anyRequest().hasRole(""USER""); } // @formatter:on " 69,0," public void testInitializiationIsConsistent() { long clusterSeed = randomLong(); int minNumDataNodes = randomIntBetween(0, 9); int maxNumDataNodes = randomIntBetween(minNumDataNodes, 10); String clusterName = randomRealisticUnicodeOfCodepointLengthBetween(1, 10); SettingsSource settingsSource = SettingsSource.EMPTY; int numClientNodes = randomIntBetween(0, 10); boolean enableRandomBenchNodes = randomBoolean(); boolean enableHttpPipelining = randomBoolean(); int jvmOrdinal = randomIntBetween(0, 10); String nodePrefix = randomRealisticUnicodeOfCodepointLengthBetween(1, 10); InternalTestCluster cluster0 = new InternalTestCluster(clusterSeed, minNumDataNodes, maxNumDataNodes, clusterName, settingsSource, numClientNodes, enableHttpPipelining, jvmOrdinal, nodePrefix); InternalTestCluster cluster1 = new InternalTestCluster(clusterSeed, minNumDataNodes, maxNumDataNodes, clusterName, settingsSource, numClientNodes, enableHttpPipelining, jvmOrdinal, nodePrefix); assertClusters(cluster0, cluster1, true); } " 70,0," public void testConfigureDownstreamProjectSecurity() throws Exception { jenkins.setSecurityRealm(new LegacySecurityRealm()); ProjectMatrixAuthorizationStrategy auth = new ProjectMatrixAuthorizationStrategy(); auth.add(Jenkins.READ, ""alice""); jenkins.setAuthorizationStrategy(auth); FreeStyleProject upstream = createFreeStyleProject(""upstream""); Map> perms = new HashMap>(); perms.put(Item.READ, Collections.singleton(""alice"")); perms.put(Item.CONFIGURE, Collections.singleton(""alice"")); upstream.addProperty(new AuthorizationMatrixProperty(perms)); FreeStyleProject downstream = createFreeStyleProject(""downstream""); /* Original SECURITY-55 test case: downstream.addProperty(new AuthorizationMatrixProperty(Collections.singletonMap(Item.READ, Collections.singleton(""alice"")))); */ WebClient wc = createWebClient(); wc.login(""alice""); HtmlPage page = wc.getPage(upstream, ""configure""); HtmlForm config = page.getFormByName(""config""); config.getButtonByCaption(""Add post-build action"").click(); // lib/hudson/project/config-publishers2.jelly page.getAnchorByText(""Build other projects"").click(); HtmlTextInput childProjects = config.getInputByName(""buildTrigger.childProjects""); childProjects.setValueAttribute(""downstream""); try { submit(config); fail(); } catch (FailingHttpStatusCodeException x) { assertEquals(403, x.getStatusCode()); } assertEquals(Collections.emptyList(), upstream.getDownstreamProjects()); } " 71,0," boolean isAllowJavaSerializedObject(); /** * The status codes which is considered a success response. The values are inclusive. The range must be defined as from-to with the dash included. *

* The default range is 200-299 */ " 72,0," public void register(ContainerBuilder builder, LocatableProperties props) throws ConfigurationException { builder.factory(com.opensymphony.xwork2.ObjectFactory.class) .factory(ActionProxyFactory.class, DefaultActionProxyFactory.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(ObjectTypeDeterminer.class, DefaultObjectTypeDeterminer.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(XWorkConverter.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(XWorkBasicConverter.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(ConversionPropertiesProcessor.class, DefaultConversionPropertiesProcessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(ConversionFileProcessor.class, DefaultConversionFileProcessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(ConversionAnnotationProcessor.class, DefaultConversionAnnotationProcessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(TypeConverterCreator.class, DefaultTypeConverterCreator.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(TypeConverterHolder.class, DefaultTypeConverterHolder.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(FileManager.class, ""system"", DefaultFileManager.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(FileManagerFactory.class, DefaultFileManagerFactory.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(ValueStackFactory.class, OgnlValueStackFactory.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(ValidatorFactory.class, DefaultValidatorFactory.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(ValidatorFileParser.class, DefaultValidatorFileParser.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(PatternMatcher.class, WildcardHelper.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(ReflectionProvider.class, OgnlReflectionProvider.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(ReflectionContextFactory.class, OgnlReflectionContextFactory.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(PropertyAccessor.class, CompoundRoot.class.getName(), CompoundRootAccessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(PropertyAccessor.class, Object.class.getName(), ObjectAccessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(PropertyAccessor.class, Iterator.class.getName(), XWorkIteratorPropertyAccessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(PropertyAccessor.class, Enumeration.class.getName(), XWorkEnumerationAccessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(UnknownHandlerManager.class, DefaultUnknownHandlerManager.class, Scope.SINGLETON) // silly workarounds for ognl since there is no way to flush its caches .factory(PropertyAccessor.class, List.class.getName(), XWorkListPropertyAccessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(PropertyAccessor.class, ArrayList.class.getName(), XWorkListPropertyAccessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(PropertyAccessor.class, HashSet.class.getName(), XWorkCollectionPropertyAccessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(PropertyAccessor.class, Set.class.getName(), XWorkCollectionPropertyAccessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(PropertyAccessor.class, HashMap.class.getName(), XWorkMapPropertyAccessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(PropertyAccessor.class, Map.class.getName(), XWorkMapPropertyAccessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(PropertyAccessor.class, Collection.class.getName(), XWorkCollectionPropertyAccessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(PropertyAccessor.class, ObjectProxy.class.getName(), ObjectProxyPropertyAccessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(MethodAccessor.class, Object.class.getName(), XWorkMethodAccessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(MethodAccessor.class, CompoundRoot.class.getName(), CompoundRootAccessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(TextParser.class, OgnlTextParser.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(NullHandler.class, Object.class.getName(), InstantiatingNullHandler.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(ActionValidatorManager.class, AnnotationActionValidatorManager.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(ActionValidatorManager.class, ""no-annotations"", DefaultActionValidatorManager.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(TextProvider.class, ""system"", DefaultTextProvider.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(TextProvider.class, TextProviderSupport.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(LocaleProvider.class, DefaultLocaleProvider.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(OgnlUtil.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(CollectionConverter.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(ArrayConverter.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(DateConverter.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(NumberConverter.class, Scope.SINGLETON) .factory(StringConverter.class, Scope.SINGLETON); props.setProperty(XWorkConstants.DEV_MODE, Boolean.FALSE.toString()); props.setProperty(XWorkConstants.LOG_MISSING_PROPERTIES, Boolean.FALSE.toString()); props.setProperty(XWorkConstants.ENABLE_OGNL_EXPRESSION_CACHE, Boolean.TRUE.toString()); props.setProperty(XWorkConstants.ENABLE_OGNL_EVAL_EXPRESSION, Boolean.FALSE.toString()); props.setProperty(XWorkConstants.RELOAD_XML_CONFIGURATION, Boolean.FALSE.toString()); } " 73,0," private String getIncompatiblePluginMessage(Object obj, Class type) { return _loc.get(""incompatible-plugin"", new Object[]{ _name, obj == null ? null : obj.getClass().getName(), type == null ? null : type.getName() }).toString(); } " 74,0," public Properties defaultOutputProperties() { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put(OutputKeys.ENCODING, defaultCharset); properties.put(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, ""yes""); return properties; } /** * Converts the given input Source into the required result */ " 75,0," public void run() { request.getCoyoteRequest().action(ActionCode.ASYNC_DISPATCHED, null); try { applicationDispatcher.dispatch(servletRequest, servletResponse); }catch (Exception x) { //log.error(""Async.dispatch"",x); throw new RuntimeException(x); } } } } " 76,0," private String getState(ServletRequest request) { if (request.getParameter(FederationConstants.PARAM_CONTEXT) != null) { return request.getParameter(FederationConstants.PARAM_CONTEXT); } else if (request.getParameter(SAMLSSOConstants.RELAY_STATE) != null) { return request.getParameter(SAMLSSOConstants.RELAY_STATE); } return null; } @Override " 77,0," private Settings nodeSettings() { return ImmutableSettings.builder() .put(""node.add_id_to_custom_path"", false) .put(""node.enable_custom_paths"", true) .put(""gateway.type"", ""local"") // don't delete things! .put(ThrottlingAllocationDecider.CLUSTER_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_NODE_CONCURRENT_RECOVERIES, 6) .put(""index.store.fs.fs_lock"", randomFrom(""native"", ""simple"")) .build(); } /** * Tests the case where we create an index without shadow replicas, snapshot it and then restore into * an index with shadow replicas enabled. */ @Test " 78,0," public void testExceptionFactory() { assertNotNull(FactoryUtils.exceptionFactory()); assertSame(FactoryUtils.exceptionFactory(), FactoryUtils.exceptionFactory()); try { FactoryUtils.exceptionFactory().create(); } catch (final FunctorException ex) { try { FactoryUtils.exceptionFactory().create(); } catch (final FunctorException ex2) { return; } } fail(); } // nullFactory //------------------------------------------------------------------ @Test " 79,0," public void setQuery( MessageBytes queryMB ) { this.queryMB=queryMB; } " 80,0," private void signIn(String userName, String password) { webDriver.get(baseUrl + ""/logout.do""); webDriver.get(baseUrl + ""/login""); webDriver.findElement(By.name(""username"")).sendKeys(userName); webDriver.findElement(By.name(""password"")).sendKeys(password); webDriver.findElement(By.xpath(""//input[@value='Sign in']"")).click(); assertThat(webDriver.findElement(By.cssSelector(""h1"")).getText(), containsString(""Where to?"")); } " 81,0," protected void embalmTarget() { if (!gotMethods && target.allowedMethods.isEmpty()) { target.allowedMethods.add(WILDCARD); } target.params = Collections.unmodifiableMap(target.params); target.results = Collections.unmodifiableMap(target.results); target.interceptors = Collections.unmodifiableList(target.interceptors); target.exceptionMappings = Collections.unmodifiableList(target.exceptionMappings); target.allowedMethods = Collections.unmodifiableSet(target.allowedMethods); } } } " 82,0," public String getCommand() { return agentCommand; } /** * Gets the formatted current time stamp. */ " 83,0," protected final ApplicationContext getApplicationContext() { return this.context; } @Autowired " 84,0," private Object readResolve() { this.remote = normalize(this.remote); return this; } " 85,0," public void setMethodParam(String methodParam) { Assert.hasText(methodParam, ""'methodParam' must not be empty""); this.methodParam = methodParam; } @Override " 86,0," public void toCode(final List lineList, final String requestID, final int indentSpaces, final boolean includeProcessing) { // Create the request variable. final ArrayList constructorArgs = new ArrayList(3); constructorArgs.add(ToCodeArgHelper.createString(bindDN.stringValue(), ""Bind DN"")); constructorArgs.add(ToCodeArgHelper.createString(""---redacted-password---"", ""Bind Password"")); final Control[] controls = getControls(); if (controls.length > 0) { constructorArgs.add(ToCodeArgHelper.createControlArray(controls, ""Bind Controls"")); } ToCodeHelper.generateMethodCall(lineList, indentSpaces, ""SimpleBindRequest"", requestID + ""Request"", ""new SimpleBindRequest"", constructorArgs); // Add lines for processing the request and obtaining the result. if (includeProcessing) { // Generate a string with the appropriate indent. final StringBuilder buffer = new StringBuilder(); for (int i=0; i < indentSpaces; i++) { buffer.append(' '); } final String indent = buffer.toString(); lineList.add(""""); lineList.add(indent + ""try""); lineList.add(indent + '{'); lineList.add(indent + "" BindResult "" + requestID + ""Result = connection.bind("" + requestID + ""Request);""); lineList.add(indent + "" // The bind was processed successfully.""); lineList.add(indent + '}'); lineList.add(indent + ""catch (LDAPException e)""); lineList.add(indent + '{'); lineList.add(indent + "" // The bind failed. Maybe the following will "" + ""help explain why.""); lineList.add(indent + "" // Note that the connection is now likely in "" + ""an unauthenticated state.""); lineList.add(indent + "" ResultCode resultCode = e.getResultCode();""); lineList.add(indent + "" String message = e.getMessage();""); lineList.add(indent + "" String matchedDN = e.getMatchedDN();""); lineList.add(indent + "" String[] referralURLs = e.getReferralURLs();""); lineList.add(indent + "" Control[] responseControls = "" + ""e.getResponseControls();""); lineList.add(indent + '}'); } } " 87,0," public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { // if we bridge endpoint then we need to skip matching headers with the HTTP_QUERY to avoid sending // duplicated headers to the receiver, so use this skipRequestHeaders as the list of headers to skip Map skipRequestHeaders = null; if (getEndpoint().isBridgeEndpoint()) { exchange.setProperty(Exchange.SKIP_GZIP_ENCODING, Boolean.TRUE); String queryString = exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_QUERY, String.class); if (queryString != null) { skipRequestHeaders = URISupport.parseQuery(queryString, false, true); } // Need to remove the Host key as it should be not used exchange.getIn().getHeaders().remove(""host""); } HttpMethod method = createMethod(exchange); Message in = exchange.getIn(); String httpProtocolVersion = in.getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_PROTOCOL_VERSION, String.class); if (httpProtocolVersion != null) { // set the HTTP protocol version HttpMethodParams params = method.getParams(); params.setVersion(HttpVersion.parse(httpProtocolVersion)); } HeaderFilterStrategy strategy = getEndpoint().getHeaderFilterStrategy(); // propagate headers as HTTP headers for (Map.Entry entry : in.getHeaders().entrySet()) { String key = entry.getKey(); Object headerValue = in.getHeader(key); if (headerValue != null) { // use an iterator as there can be multiple values. (must not use a delimiter, and allow empty values) final Iterator it = ObjectHelper.createIterator(headerValue, null, true); // the value to add as request header final List values = new ArrayList(); // if its a multi value then check each value if we can add it and for multi values they // should be combined into a single value while (it.hasNext()) { String value = exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter().convertTo(String.class, it.next()); // we should not add headers for the parameters in the uri if we bridge the endpoint // as then we would duplicate headers on both the endpoint uri, and in HTTP headers as well if (skipRequestHeaders != null && skipRequestHeaders.containsKey(key)) { continue; } if (value != null && strategy != null && !strategy.applyFilterToCamelHeaders(key, value, exchange)) { values.add(value); } } // add the value(s) as a http request header if (values.size() > 0) { // use the default toString of a ArrayList to create in the form [xxx, yyy] // if multi valued, for a single value, then just output the value as is String s = values.size() > 1 ? values.toString() : values.get(0); method.addRequestHeader(key, s); } } } // lets store the result in the output message. try { if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(""Executing http {} method: {}"", method.getName(), method.getURI().toString()); } int responseCode = executeMethod(method); LOG.debug(""Http responseCode: {}"", responseCode); if (!throwException) { // if we do not use failed exception then populate response for all response codes populateResponse(exchange, method, in, strategy, responseCode); } else { if (responseCode >= 100 && responseCode < 300) { // only populate response for OK response populateResponse(exchange, method, in, strategy, responseCode); } else { // operation failed so populate exception to throw throw populateHttpOperationFailedException(exchange, method, responseCode); } } } finally { method.releaseConnection(); } } @Override " 88,0," public String getDisplayName() { return ""Culprits""; } } } " 89,0," private void verifyNoDescendantsWithLocalModifications(final String action) { for (final ProcessGroup descendant : findAllProcessGroups()) { final VersionControlInformation descendantVci = descendant.getVersionControlInformation(); if (descendantVci != null) { final VersionedFlowState flowState = descendantVci.getStatus().getState(); final boolean modified = flowState == VersionedFlowState.LOCALLY_MODIFIED || flowState == VersionedFlowState.LOCALLY_MODIFIED_AND_STALE; if (modified) { throw new IllegalStateException(""Process Group cannot "" + action + "" because it contains a child or descendant Process Group that is under Version Control and "" + ""has local modifications. Each descendant Process Group that is under Version Control must first be reverted or have its changes pushed to the Flow Registry before "" + ""this action can be performed on the parent Process Group.""); } if (flowState == VersionedFlowState.SYNC_FAILURE) { throw new IllegalStateException(""Process Group cannot "" + action + "" because it contains a child or descendant Process Group that is under Version Control and "" + ""is not synchronized with the Flow Registry. Each descendant Process Group must first be synchronized with the Flow Registry before this action can be "" + ""performed on the parent Process Group. NiFi will continue to attempt to communicate with the Flow Registry periodically in the background.""); } } } } " 90,0," public String changePasswordPage() { return ""change_password""; } @RequestMapping(value=""/change_password.do"", method = POST) " 91,0," private void assertJoe(ScimUser joe) { assertNotNull(joe); assertEquals(JOE_ID, joe.getId()); assertEquals(""Joe"", joe.getGivenName()); assertEquals(""User"", joe.getFamilyName()); assertEquals(""joe@joe.com"", joe.getPrimaryEmail()); assertEquals(""joe"", joe.getUserName()); assertEquals(""+1-222-1234567"", joe.getPhoneNumbers().get(0).getValue()); assertNull(joe.getGroups()); } " 92,0," public boolean getMapperDirectoryRedirectEnabled() { return mapperDirectoryRedirectEnabled; } @Override " 93,0," void populateResponse(Exchange exchange, JettyContentExchange httpExchange) throws Exception; /** * Gets the header filter strategy * * @return the strategy */ " 94,0," public void testUtf8MalformedHarmony() { for (byte[] input : MALFORMED) { doHarmonyDecoder(input, true, -1); } } " 95,0," public void zip_directory() throws IOException { File foo = FileUtils.toFile(getClass().getResource(""/org/sonar/api/utils/ZipUtilsTest/shouldZipDirectory/foo.txt"")); File dir = foo.getParentFile(); File zip = temp.newFile(); ZipUtils.zipDir(dir, zip); assertThat(zip).exists().isFile(); assertThat(zip.length()).isGreaterThan(1L); Iterator zipEntries = Iterators.forEnumeration(new ZipFile(zip).entries()); assertThat(zipEntries).hasSize(4); File unzipDir = temp.newFolder(); ZipUtils.unzip(zip, unzipDir); assertThat(new File(unzipDir, ""bar.txt"")).exists().isFile(); assertThat(new File(unzipDir, ""foo.txt"")).exists().isFile(); assertThat(new File(unzipDir, ""dir1/hello.properties"")).exists().isFile(); } @Test " 96,0," public void setShouldReset(boolean shouldReset) { m_shouldReset = shouldReset; } /** * A stack of current template modes. */ " 97,0," public static void initializeSamlUtils() { try { samlTestUtils.initializeSimple(); } catch (ConfigurationException e) { e.printStackTrace(); } } @Override " 98,0," public void setAllowUnverifiedUsers(boolean allowUnverifiedUsers) { this.allowUnverifiedUsers = allowUnverifiedUsers; } " 99,0," private static void verifyInsideTargetDirectory(ZipEntry entry, Path entryPath, Path targetDirPath) { if (!entryPath.normalize().startsWith(targetDirPath.normalize())) { // vulnerability - trying to create a file outside the target directory throw new IllegalStateException(""Unzipping an entry outside the target directory is not allowed: "" + entry.getName()); } } /** * @see #unzip(File, File, Predicate) * @deprecated replaced by {@link Predicate} in 6.2. */ @Deprecated @FunctionalInterface " 100,0," public DescriptorExtensionList compute(Class key) { return DescriptorExtensionList.createDescriptorList(Jenkins.this,key); } }; /** * {@link Computer}s in this Hudson system. Read-only. */ " 101,0," public synchronized Throwable fillInStackTrace() { // This class does not provide a stack trace return this; } } /** Unexpected end of data. */ private static final IOException EXCEPTION_EOF = new DecodeException(""EOF""); /** %xx with not-hex digit */ private static final IOException EXCEPTION_NOT_HEX_DIGIT = new DecodeException( ""isHexDigit""); /** %-encoded slash is forbidden in resource path */ private static final IOException EXCEPTION_SLASH = new DecodeException( ""noSlash""); public UDecoder() { } /** URLDecode, will modify the source. Includes converting * '+' to ' '. */ public void convert( ByteChunk mb ) throws IOException { convert(mb, true); } /** URLDecode, will modify the source. */ public void convert( ByteChunk mb, boolean query ) throws IOException { int start=mb.getOffset(); byte buff[]=mb.getBytes(); int end=mb.getEnd(); int idx= ByteChunk.indexOf( buff, start, end, '%' ); int idx2=-1; if( query ) { idx2= ByteChunk.indexOf( buff, start, (idx >= 0 ? idx : end), '+' ); } if( idx<0 && idx2<0 ) { return; } // idx will be the smallest positive index ( first % or + ) if( (idx2 >= 0 && idx2 < idx) || idx < 0 ) { idx=idx2; } boolean noSlash = !(ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH || query); for( int j=idx; j= end ) { throw EXCEPTION_EOF; } byte b1= buff[j+1]; byte b2=buff[j+2]; if( !isHexDigit( b1 ) || ! isHexDigit(b2 )) throw EXCEPTION_NOT_HEX_DIGIT; j+=2; int res=x2c( b1, b2 ); if (noSlash && (res == '/')) { throw EXCEPTION_SLASH; } buff[idx]=(byte)res; } } mb.setEnd( idx ); return; } // -------------------- Additional methods -------------------- // XXX What do we do about charset ???? /** In-buffer processing - the buffer will be modified * Includes converting '+' to ' '. */ public void convert( CharChunk mb ) throws IOException { convert(mb, true); } /** In-buffer processing - the buffer will be modified */ public void convert( CharChunk mb, boolean query ) throws IOException { // log( ""Converting a char chunk ""); int start=mb.getOffset(); char buff[]=mb.getBuffer(); int cend=mb.getEnd(); int idx= CharChunk.indexOf( buff, start, cend, '%' ); int idx2=-1; if( query ) { idx2= CharChunk.indexOf( buff, start, (idx >= 0 ? idx : cend), '+' ); } if( idx<0 && idx2<0 ) { return; } // idx will be the smallest positive index ( first % or + ) if( (idx2 >= 0 && idx2 < idx) || idx < 0 ) { idx=idx2; } boolean noSlash = !(ALLOW_ENCODED_SLASH || query); for( int j=idx; j= cend ) { // invalid throw EXCEPTION_EOF; } char b1= buff[j+1]; char b2=buff[j+2]; if( !isHexDigit( b1 ) || ! isHexDigit(b2 )) throw EXCEPTION_NOT_HEX_DIGIT; j+=2; int res=x2c( b1, b2 ); if (noSlash && (res == '/')) { throw EXCEPTION_SLASH; } buff[idx]=(char)res; } } mb.setEnd( idx ); } /** URLDecode, will modify the source * Includes converting '+' to ' '. */ public void convert(MessageBytes mb) throws IOException { convert(mb, true); } /** URLDecode, will modify the source */ public void convert(MessageBytes mb, boolean query) throws IOException { switch (mb.getType()) { case MessageBytes.T_STR: String strValue=mb.toString(); if( strValue==null ) return; mb.setString( convert( strValue, query )); break; case MessageBytes.T_CHARS: CharChunk charC=mb.getCharChunk(); convert( charC, query ); break; case MessageBytes.T_BYTES: ByteChunk bytesC=mb.getByteChunk(); convert( bytesC, query ); break; } } // XXX Old code, needs to be replaced !!!! // public final String convert(String str) { return convert(str, true); } public final String convert(String str, boolean query) { if (str == null) return null; if( (!query || str.indexOf( '+' ) < 0) && str.indexOf( '%' ) < 0 ) return str; StringBuffer dec = new StringBuffer(); // decoded string output int strPos = 0; int strLen = str.length(); dec.ensureCapacity(str.length()); while (strPos < strLen) { int laPos; // lookahead position // look ahead to next URLencoded metacharacter, if any for (laPos = strPos; laPos < strLen; laPos++) { char laChar = str.charAt(laPos); if ((laChar == '+' && query) || (laChar == '%')) { break; } } // if there were non-metacharacters, copy them all as a block if (laPos > strPos) { dec.append(str.substring(strPos,laPos)); strPos = laPos; } // shortcut out of here if we're at the end of the string if (strPos >= strLen) { break; } // process next metacharacter char metaChar = str.charAt(strPos); if (metaChar == '+') { dec.append(' '); strPos++; continue; } else if (metaChar == '%') { // We throw the original exception - the super will deal with // it // try { dec.append((char)Integer. parseInt(str.substring(strPos + 1, strPos + 3),16)); strPos += 3; } } return dec.toString(); } private static boolean isHexDigit( int c ) { return ( ( c>='0' && c<='9' ) || ( c>='a' && c<='f' ) || ( c>='A' && c<='F' )); } private static int x2c( byte b1, byte b2 ) { int digit= (b1>='A') ? ( (b1 & 0xDF)-'A') + 10 : (b1 -'0'); digit*=16; digit +=(b2>='A') ? ( (b2 & 0xDF)-'A') + 10 : (b2 -'0'); return digit; } private static int x2c( char b1, char b2 ) { int digit= (b1>='A') ? ( (b1 & 0xDF)-'A') + 10 : (b1 -'0'); digit*=16; digit +=(b2>='A') ? ( (b2 & 0xDF)-'A') + 10 : (b2 -'0'); return digit; } " 102,0," private final static int skipSpace(InputAccessor acc, byte b) throws IOException { while (true) { int ch = (int) b & 0xFF; if (!(ch == ' ' || ch == '\r' || ch == '\n' || ch == '\t')) { return ch; } if (!acc.hasMoreBytes()) { return -1; } b = acc.nextByte(); ch = (int) b & 0xFF; } } " 103,0," public void destroy() { expiredExchanges.clear(); super.destroy(); } " 104,0," public ChannelRequestMatcherRegistry requires(String attribute) { return addAttribute(attribute, requestMatchers); } } }" 105,0," public Builder withIndex(int val) { index = val; return this; } " 106,0," void send(final String format, final Object... args); } " 107,0," public void beforeHandshake(SocketWrapper socket) { } } } " 108,0," public void fileTest() { File file = FileUtil.file(""d:/aaa"", ""bbb""); Assert.assertNotNull(file); //构建目录中出现非子目录抛出异常 FileUtil.file(file, ""../ccc""); } @Test " 109,0," public String toString() { return getValue().toString(); } " 110,0," private BeanDefinition createSecurityFilterChain(BeanDefinition matcher, ManagedList filters) { BeanDefinitionBuilder sfc = BeanDefinitionBuilder .rootBeanDefinition(DefaultSecurityFilterChain.class); sfc.addConstructorArgValue(matcher); sfc.addConstructorArgValue(filters); return sfc.getBeanDefinition(); } " 111,0," public String idFromFilename(@Nonnull String filename) { if (filename.matches(""[a-z0-9_. -]+"")) { return filename; } else { StringBuilder buf = new StringBuilder(filename.length()); final char[] chars = filename.toCharArray(); for (int i = 0; i < chars.length; i++) { char c = chars[i]; if ('a' <= c && c <= 'z') { buf.append(c); } else if ('0' <= c && c <= '9') { buf.append(c); } else if ('_' == c || '.' == c || '-' == c || ' ' == c || '@' == c) { buf.append(c); } else if (c == '~') { i++; if (i < chars.length) { buf.append(Character.toUpperCase(chars[i])); } } else if (c == '$') { StringBuilder hex = new StringBuilder(4); i++; if (i < chars.length) { hex.append(chars[i]); } else { break; } i++; if (i < chars.length) { hex.append(chars[i]); } else { break; } i++; if (i < chars.length) { hex.append(chars[i]); } else { break; } i++; if (i < chars.length) { hex.append(chars[i]); } else { break; } buf.append(Character.valueOf((char)Integer.parseInt(hex.toString(), 16))); } } return buf.toString(); } } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override " 112,0," protected synchronized void stopInternal() throws LifecycleException { super.stopInternal(); sso = null; } " 113,0," public Map getFragments() { return fragments; } } } " 114,0," private void testModified() throws Exception { KeyFactory kFact = KeyFactory.getInstance(""DSA"", ""BC""); PublicKey pubKey = kFact.generatePublic(PUBLIC_KEY); Signature sig = Signature.getInstance(""DSA"", ""BC""); for (int i = 0; i != MODIFIED_SIGNATURES.length; i++) { sig.initVerify(pubKey); sig.update(Strings.toByteArray(""Hello"")); boolean failed; try { failed = !sig.verify(Hex.decode(MODIFIED_SIGNATURES[i])); } catch (SignatureException e) { failed = true; } isTrue(""sig verified when shouldn't"", failed); } } " 115,0," public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); _successfulResult = mock(AuthenticationResult.class); _errorResult = mock(AuthenticationResult.class); _authenticationProvider = mock(UsernamePasswordAuthenticationProvider.class); when(_authenticationProvider.authenticate(eq(VALID_USERNAME), eq(VALID_PASSWORD))).thenReturn(_successfulResult); when(_authenticationProvider.authenticate(eq(VALID_USERNAME), not(eq(VALID_PASSWORD)))).thenReturn(_errorResult); when(_authenticationProvider.authenticate(not(eq(VALID_USERNAME)), anyString())).thenReturn(_errorResult); _negotiator = new PlainNegotiator(_authenticationProvider); } @Override " 116,0," protected void doStop() throws Exception { super.doStop(); // only stop non-shared client if (!sharedClient && client != null) { client.stop(); // stop thread pool Object tp = getClientThreadPool(); if (tp instanceof LifeCycle) { LOG.debug(""Stopping client thread pool {}"", tp); ((LifeCycle) tp).stop(); } } } " 117,0," public int doRead(ByteChunk chunk, Request req) throws IOException { if (endChunk) return -1; if(needCRLFParse) { needCRLFParse = false; parseCRLF(false); } if (remaining <= 0) { if (!parseChunkHeader()) { throw new IOException(""Invalid chunk header""); } if (endChunk) { parseEndChunk(); return -1; } } int result = 0; if (pos >= lastValid) { if (readBytes() < 0) { throw new IOException( ""Unexpected end of stream whilst reading request body""); } } if (remaining > (lastValid - pos)) { result = lastValid - pos; remaining = remaining - result; chunk.setBytes(buf, pos, result); pos = lastValid; } else { result = remaining; chunk.setBytes(buf, pos, remaining); pos = pos + remaining; remaining = 0; //we need a CRLF if ((pos+1) >= lastValid) { //if we call parseCRLF we overrun the buffer here //so we defer it to the next call BZ 11117 needCRLFParse = true; } else { parseCRLF(false); //parse the CRLF immediately } } return result; } // ---------------------------------------------------- InputFilter Methods /** * Read the content length from the request. */ @Override " 118,0," private static void addUsers(final Set users, final TaskListener listener, @CheckForNull Run run, final EnvVars env, final Set to, final Set cc, final Set bcc, final IDebug debug) { for (final User user : users) { if (EmailRecipientUtils.isExcludedRecipient(user, listener)) { debug.send(""User %s is an excluded recipient."", user.getFullName()); } else { final String userAddress = EmailRecipientUtils.getUserConfiguredEmail(user); if (userAddress != null) { try { Authentication auth = user.impersonate(); if (run != null && !run.getACL().hasPermission(auth, Item.READ)) { if (SEND_TO_USERS_WITHOUT_READ) { listener.getLogger().printf(""Warning: user %s has no permission to view %s, but sending mail anyway%n"", userAddress, run.getFullDisplayName()); } else { listener.getLogger().printf(""Not sending mail to user %s with no permission to view %s"", userAddress, run.getFullDisplayName()); continue; } } } catch (UsernameNotFoundException x) { if (SEND_TO_UNKNOWN_USERS) { listener.getLogger().printf(""Warning: %s is not a recognized user, but sending mail anyway%n"", userAddress); } else { listener.getLogger().printf(""Not sending mail to unregistered user %s%n"", userAddress); continue; } } debug.send(""Adding %s with address %s"", user.getFullName(), userAddress); EmailRecipientUtils.addAddressesFromRecipientList(to, cc, bcc, userAddress, env, listener); } else { listener.getLogger().println(""Failed to send e-mail to "" + user.getFullName() + "" because no e-mail address is known, and no default e-mail domain is configured""); } } } } " 119,0," public String getDisplayName() { return ""Suspects Causing the Build to Begin Failing""; } } } " 120,0," public Object getProperty(String name) { String repl = name; if (replacements.get(name) != null) { repl = (String) replacements.get(name); } return IntrospectionUtils.getProperty(protocolHandler, repl); } /** * Set a configured property. */ " 121,0," public C anyRequest() { return requestMatchers(ANY_REQUEST); } /** * Maps a {@link List} of * {@link org.springframework.security.web.util.matcher.AntPathRequestMatcher} * instances. * * @param method the {@link HttpMethod} to use for any * {@link HttpMethod}. * * @return the object that is chained after creating the {@link RequestMatcher} */ " 122,0," protected abstract Log getLog(); /** * The string manager for this package. */ " 123,0," private void assertRecoveryStateWithoutStage(RecoveryState state, int shardId, Type type, String sourceNode, String targetNode, boolean hasRestoreSource) { assertThat(state.getShardId().getId(), equalTo(shardId)); assertThat(state.getType(), equalTo(type)); if (sourceNode == null) { assertNull(state.getSourceNode()); } else { assertNotNull(state.getSourceNode()); assertThat(state.getSourceNode().getName(), equalTo(sourceNode)); } if (targetNode == null) { assertNull(state.getTargetNode()); } else { assertNotNull(state.getTargetNode()); assertThat(state.getTargetNode().getName(), equalTo(targetNode)); } if (hasRestoreSource) { assertNotNull(state.getRestoreSource()); } else { assertNull(state.getRestoreSource()); } } " 124,0," public BeanDefinition parse(Element element, ParserContext parserContext) { List interceptUrls = DomUtils.getChildElementsByTagName(element, ""intercept-url""); // Check for attributes that aren't allowed in this context for (Element elt : interceptUrls) { if (StringUtils.hasLength(elt .getAttribute(HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.ATT_REQUIRES_CHANNEL))) { parserContext.getReaderContext().error( ""The attribute '"" + HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.ATT_REQUIRES_CHANNEL + ""' isn't allowed here."", elt); } if (StringUtils.hasLength(elt .getAttribute(HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.ATT_FILTERS))) { parserContext.getReaderContext().error( ""The attribute '"" + HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.ATT_FILTERS + ""' isn't allowed here."", elt); } } BeanDefinition mds = createSecurityMetadataSource(interceptUrls, false, element, parserContext); String id = element.getAttribute(AbstractBeanDefinitionParser.ID_ATTRIBUTE); if (StringUtils.hasText(id)) { parserContext.registerComponent(new BeanComponentDefinition(mds, id)); parserContext.getRegistry().registerBeanDefinition(id, mds); } return mds; } " 125,0," private String getComponentName() { Class c = getClass(); String name = c.getName(); int dot = name.lastIndexOf('.'); return name.substring(dot + 1).toLowerCase(); } @Inject(value = StrutsConstants.STRUTS_DEVMODE, required = false) " 126,0," public void testSecurityAnnotationsSimple() throws Exception { doTest(DenyAllServlet.class.getName(), false, false, false); } " 127,0," public boolean nextRow(ContentHandler handler, ParseContext context) throws IOException, SAXException { //lazy initialization if (results == null) { reset(); } try { if (!results.next()) { return false; } } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IOExceptionWithCause(e); } try { ResultSetMetaData meta = results.getMetaData(); handler.startElement(XHTMLContentHandler.XHTML, ""tr"", ""tr"", EMPTY_ATTRIBUTES); for (int i = 1; i <= meta.getColumnCount(); i++) { handler.startElement(XHTMLContentHandler.XHTML, ""td"", ""td"", EMPTY_ATTRIBUTES); handleCell(meta, i, handler, context); handler.endElement(XHTMLContentHandler.XHTML, ""td"", ""td""); } handler.endElement(XHTMLContentHandler.XHTML, ""tr"", ""tr""); } catch (SQLException e) { throw new IOExceptionWithCause(e); } rows++; return true; } " 128,0," public int getIndex() { return index; } @Override " 129,0," public EnumSet context() { return EnumSet.of(MetaData.XContentContext.GATEWAY, MetaData.XContentContext.SNAPSHOT); } } } } " 130,0," public static void beforeTests() throws Exception { initCore(""solrconfig.xml"",""schema.xml""); } @Override @Before " 131,0," public Object create(Context context) throws Exception { ObjectFactory objFactory = context.getContainer().getInstance(ObjectFactory.class); try { return objFactory.buildBean(name, null, true); } catch (ClassNotFoundException ex) { throw new ConfigurationException(""Unable to load bean ""+type.getName()+"" (""+name+"")""); } } } } " 132,0," public void changePassword_Returns422UnprocessableEntity_NewPasswordSameAsOld() throws Exception { Mockito.reset(passwordValidator); when(expiringCodeStore.retrieveCode(""emailed_code"")) .thenReturn(new ExpiringCode(""emailed_code"", new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()+ UaaResetPasswordService.PASSWORD_RESET_LIFETIME), ""{\""user_id\"":\""eyedee\"",\""username\"":\""user@example.com\"",\""passwordModifiedTime\"":null,\""client_id\"":\""\"",\""redirect_uri\"":\""\""}"", null)); ScimUser scimUser = new ScimUser(""eyedee"", ""user@example.com"", ""User"", ""Man""); scimUser.setMeta(new ScimMeta(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()-(1000*60*60*24)), new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()-(1000*60*60*24)), 0)); scimUser.addEmail(""user@example.com""); scimUser.setVerified(true); when(scimUserProvisioning.retrieve(""eyedee"")).thenReturn(scimUser); when(scimUserProvisioning.checkPasswordMatches(""eyedee"", ""new_secret"")).thenReturn(true); MockHttpServletRequestBuilder post = post(""/password_change"") .contentType(APPLICATION_JSON) .content(""{\""code\"":\""emailed_code\"",\""new_password\"":\""new_secret\""}"") .accept(APPLICATION_JSON); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(new MockAuthentication()); mockMvc.perform(post) .andExpect(status().isUnprocessableEntity()) .andExpect(content().string(JsonObjectMatcherUtils.matchesJsonObject(new JSONObject().put(""error_description"", ""Your new password cannot be the same as the old password."").put(""message"", ""Your new password cannot be the same as the old password."").put(""error"", ""invalid_password"")))); } " 133,0," protected void startInternal() throws LifecycleException { String pathName = getPathname(); try (InputStream is = ConfigFileLoader.getInputStream(pathName)) { // Load the contents of the database file if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(sm.getString(""memoryRealm.loadPath"", pathName)); } Digester digester = getDigester(); try { synchronized (digester) { digester.push(this); digester.parse(is); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new LifecycleException(sm.getString(""memoryRealm.readXml""), e); } finally { digester.reset(); } } catch (IOException ioe) { throw new LifecycleException(sm.getString(""memoryRealm.loadExist"", pathName), ioe); } super.startInternal(); } " 134,0," public Container getContainer() { return (container); } /** * Set the Container with which this Realm has been associated. * * @param container The associated Container */ @Override " 135,0," public String getIconFileName() { return PLUGIN_IMAGES_URL + ""icon.png""; } @Override " 136,0," public String toString() { final StringBuilder sb = new StringBuilder(); sb.append( ""MetaConstraint"" ); sb.append( ""{constraintType="" ).append( constraintDescriptor.getAnnotation().annotationType().getName() ); sb.append( "", location="" ).append( location ); sb.append( ""}"" ); return sb.toString(); } " 137,0," protected Collection getStandardAttributes() { Class clz = getClass(); Collection standardAttributes = standardAttributesMap.get(clz); if (standardAttributes == null) { Collection methods = AnnotationUtils.getAnnotatedMethods(clz, StrutsTagAttribute.class); standardAttributes = new HashSet<>(methods.size()); for(Method m : methods) { standardAttributes.add(StringUtils.uncapitalize(m.getName().substring(3))); } standardAttributesMap.putIfAbsent(clz, standardAttributes); } return standardAttributes; } " 138,0," public Builder withIndex(long val) { index = val; return this; } " 139,0," private Priority getPriority(String severity) { if (SEVERITY_FATAL.equals(severity) || SEVERITY_ERROR.equals(severity)) { return Priority.HIGH; } if (SEVERITY_INFORMATIONAL.equals(severity)) { return Priority.LOW; } return Priority.NORMAL; } " 140,0," public static Closure forClosure(final int count, final Closure closure) { if (count <= 0 || closure == null) { return NOPClosure.nopClosure(); } if (count == 1) { return (Closure) closure; } return new ForClosure(count, closure); } /** * Constructor that performs no validation. * Use forClosure if you want that. * * @param count the number of times to execute the closure * @param closure the closure to execute, not null */ " 141,0," public static boolean isWindows() { return WINDOWS_SEPARATOR == File.separatorChar; } /** * 列出目录文件
* 给定的绝对路径不能是压缩包中的路径 * * @param path 目录绝对路径或者相对路径 * @return 文件列表(包含目录) */ " 142,0," public String getOriginalName() { return originalName; } } } " 143,0," protected void engineInitVerify(PublicKey publicKey) throws InvalidKeyException { CipherParameters param = ECUtils.generatePublicKeyParameter(publicKey); digest.reset(); signer.init(false, param); } " 144,0," public void readRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpMessage message) { LOG.trace(""readRequest {}"", request); // lets force a parse of the body and headers message.getBody(); // populate the headers from the request Map headers = message.getHeaders(); //apply the headerFilterStrategy Enumeration names = request.getHeaderNames(); while (names.hasMoreElements()) { String name = (String)names.nextElement(); String value = request.getHeader(name); // use http helper to extract parameter value as it may contain multiple values Object extracted = HttpHelper.extractHttpParameterValue(value); // mapping the content-type if (name.toLowerCase().equals(""content-type"")) { name = Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE; } if (headerFilterStrategy != null && !headerFilterStrategy.applyFilterToExternalHeaders(name, extracted, message.getExchange())) { HttpHelper.appendHeader(headers, name, extracted); } } if (request.getCharacterEncoding() != null) { headers.put(Exchange.HTTP_CHARACTER_ENCODING, request.getCharacterEncoding()); message.getExchange().setProperty(Exchange.CHARSET_NAME, request.getCharacterEncoding()); } try { populateRequestParameters(request, message); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeCamelException(""Cannot read request parameters due "" + e.getMessage(), e); } Object body = message.getBody(); // reset the stream cache if the body is the instance of StreamCache if (body instanceof StreamCache) { ((StreamCache)body).reset(); } // store the method and query and other info in headers as String types headers.put(Exchange.HTTP_METHOD, request.getMethod()); headers.put(Exchange.HTTP_QUERY, request.getQueryString()); headers.put(Exchange.HTTP_URL, request.getRequestURL().toString()); headers.put(Exchange.HTTP_URI, request.getRequestURI()); headers.put(Exchange.HTTP_PATH, request.getPathInfo()); headers.put(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, request.getContentType()); if (LOG.isTraceEnabled()) { LOG.trace(""HTTP method {}"", request.getMethod()); LOG.trace(""HTTP query {}"", request.getQueryString()); LOG.trace(""HTTP url {}"", request.getRequestURL()); LOG.trace(""HTTP uri {}"", request.getRequestURI()); LOG.trace(""HTTP path {}"", request.getPathInfo()); LOG.trace(""HTTP content-type {}"", request.getContentType()); } // if content type is serialized java object, then de-serialize it to a Java object if (request.getContentType() != null && HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_JAVA_SERIALIZED_OBJECT.equals(request.getContentType())) { // only deserialize java if allowed if (allowJavaSerializedObject || isTransferException()) { try { InputStream is = message.getExchange().getContext().getTypeConverter().mandatoryConvertTo(InputStream.class, body); Object object = HttpHelper.deserializeJavaObjectFromStream(is, message.getExchange().getContext()); if (object != null) { message.setBody(object); } } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeCamelException(""Cannot deserialize body to Java object"", e); } } else { // set empty body message.setBody(null); } } populateAttachments(request, message); } " 145,0," public void testStripExpression() throws Exception { // given ValueStack stack = container.getInstance(ValueStackFactory.class).createValueStack(); String anExpression = ""%{foo}""; // when String actual = ComponentUtils.stripExpressionIfAltSyntax(stack, anExpression); // then assertEquals(actual, ""foo""); } " 146,0," public void setMaxExtensionSize(int maxExtensionSize) { this.maxExtensionSize = maxExtensionSize; } /** * This field indicates if the protocol is treated as if it is secure. This * normally means https is being used but can be used to fake https e.g * behind a reverse proxy. */ " 147,0," public boolean isStatisticsProvider() { return false; } " 148,0," public void addRecipients(final ExtendedEmailPublisherContext context, final EnvVars env, final Set to, final Set cc, final Set bcc) { final class Debug implements RecipientProviderUtilities.IDebug { private final ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor descriptor = Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getDescriptorByType(ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor.class); private final PrintStream logger = context.getListener().getLogger(); public void send(final String format, final Object... args) { descriptor.debug(logger, format, args); } } final Debug debug = new Debug(); Set users = null; final Run currentRun = context.getRun(); if (currentRun == null) { debug.send(""currentRun was null""); } else { if (!Objects.equals(currentRun.getResult(), Result.FAILURE)) { debug.send(""currentBuild did not fail""); } else { users = new HashSet<>(); debug.send(""Collecting builds with suspects...""); final HashSet> buildsWithSuspects = new HashSet<>(); Run firstFailedBuild = currentRun; Run candidate = currentRun; while (candidate != null) { final Result candidateResult = candidate.getResult(); if ( candidateResult == null || !candidateResult.isWorseOrEqualTo(Result.FAILURE) ) { break; } firstFailedBuild = candidate; candidate = candidate.getPreviousCompletedBuild(); } if (firstFailedBuild instanceof AbstractBuild) { buildsWithSuspects.add(firstFailedBuild); } else { debug.send("" firstFailedBuild was not an instance of AbstractBuild""); } debug.send(""Collecting suspects...""); users.addAll(RecipientProviderUtilities.getChangeSetAuthors(buildsWithSuspects, debug)); users.addAll(RecipientProviderUtilities.getUsersTriggeringTheBuilds(buildsWithSuspects, debug)); } } if (users != null) { RecipientProviderUtilities.addUsers(users, context, env, to, cc, bcc, debug); } } @Extension " 149,0," private void filterWithParameterForMethod(String methodParam, String expectedMethod) throws IOException, ServletException { MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest(""POST"", ""/hotels""); if(methodParam != null) { request.addParameter(""_method"", methodParam); } MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse(); FilterChain filterChain = new FilterChain() { @Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest filterRequest, ServletResponse filterResponse) throws IOException, ServletException { assertEquals(""Invalid method"", expectedMethod, ((HttpServletRequest) filterRequest).getMethod()); } }; this.filter.doFilter(request, response, filterChain); } " 150,0," public void restorePersistentSettingsTest() throws Exception { logger.info(""--> start 2 nodes""); Settings nodeSettings = settingsBuilder() .put(""discovery.type"", ""zen"") .put(""discovery.zen.ping_timeout"", ""200ms"") .put(""discovery.initial_state_timeout"", ""500ms"") .build(); internalCluster().startNode(nodeSettings); Client client = client(); String secondNode = internalCluster().startNode(nodeSettings); logger.info(""--> wait for the second node to join the cluster""); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareHealth().setWaitForNodes(""2"").get().isTimedOut(), equalTo(false)); int random = randomIntBetween(10, 42); logger.info(""--> set test persistent setting""); client.admin().cluster().prepareUpdateSettings().setPersistentSettings( ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder() .put(ElectMasterService.DISCOVERY_ZEN_MINIMUM_MASTER_NODES, 2) .put(IndicesTTLService.INDICES_TTL_INTERVAL, random, TimeUnit.MINUTES)) .execute().actionGet(); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareState().setRoutingTable(false).setNodes(false).execute().actionGet().getState() .getMetaData().persistentSettings().getAsTime(IndicesTTLService.INDICES_TTL_INTERVAL, TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(1)).millis(), equalTo(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(random).millis())); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareState().setRoutingTable(false).setNodes(false).execute().actionGet().getState() .getMetaData().persistentSettings().getAsInt(ElectMasterService.DISCOVERY_ZEN_MINIMUM_MASTER_NODES, -1), equalTo(2)); logger.info(""--> create repository""); PutRepositoryResponse putRepositoryResponse = client.admin().cluster().preparePutRepository(""test-repo"") .setType(""fs"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder().put(""location"", randomRepoPath())).execute().actionGet(); assertThat(putRepositoryResponse.isAcknowledged(), equalTo(true)); logger.info(""--> start snapshot""); CreateSnapshotResponse createSnapshotResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot(""test-repo"", ""test-snap"").setWaitForCompletion(true).execute().actionGet(); assertThat(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().totalShards(), equalTo(0)); assertThat(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), equalTo(0)); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareGetSnapshots(""test-repo"").setSnapshots(""test-snap"").execute().actionGet().getSnapshots().get(0).state(), equalTo(SnapshotState.SUCCESS)); logger.info(""--> clean the test persistent setting""); client.admin().cluster().prepareUpdateSettings().setPersistentSettings( ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder() .put(ElectMasterService.DISCOVERY_ZEN_MINIMUM_MASTER_NODES, 1) .put(IndicesTTLService.INDICES_TTL_INTERVAL, TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(1))) .execute().actionGet(); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareState().setRoutingTable(false).setNodes(false).execute().actionGet().getState() .getMetaData().persistentSettings().getAsTime(IndicesTTLService.INDICES_TTL_INTERVAL, TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(1)).millis(), equalTo(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(1).millis())); stopNode(secondNode); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareHealth().setWaitForNodes(""1"").get().isTimedOut(), equalTo(false)); logger.info(""--> restore snapshot""); client.admin().cluster().prepareRestoreSnapshot(""test-repo"", ""test-snap"").setRestoreGlobalState(true).setWaitForCompletion(true).execute().actionGet(); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareState().setRoutingTable(false).setNodes(false).execute().actionGet().getState() .getMetaData().persistentSettings().getAsTime(IndicesTTLService.INDICES_TTL_INTERVAL, TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(1)).millis(), equalTo(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(random).millis())); logger.info(""--> ensure that zen discovery minimum master nodes wasn't restored""); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareState().setRoutingTable(false).setNodes(false).execute().actionGet().getState() .getMetaData().persistentSettings().getAsInt(ElectMasterService.DISCOVERY_ZEN_MINIMUM_MASTER_NODES, -1), not(equalTo(2))); } @Test " 151,0," public void init(FilterConfig conf) throws ServletException { if (conf != null && ""zookeeper"".equals(conf.getInitParameter(""signer.secret.provider""))) { SolrZkClient zkClient = (SolrZkClient)conf.getServletContext().getAttribute(KerberosPlugin.DELEGATION_TOKEN_ZK_CLIENT); try { conf.getServletContext().setAttribute(""signer.secret.provider.zookeeper.curator.client"", getCuratorClient(zkClient)); } catch (InterruptedException | KeeperException e) { throw new ServletException(e); } } super.init(conf); } /** * Return the ProxyUser Configuration. FilterConfig properties beginning with * ""solr.impersonator.user.name"" will be added to the configuration. */ @Override " 152,0," javax.xml.transform.Templates processFromNode(Node node, String systemID) throws TransformerConfigurationException { m_DOMsystemID = systemID; return processFromNode(node); } /** * Get InputSource specification(s) that are associated with the * given document specified in the source param, * via the xml-stylesheet processing instruction * (see http://www.w3.org/TR/xml-stylesheet/), and that matches * the given criteria. Note that it is possible to return several stylesheets * that match the criteria, in which case they are applied as if they were * a list of imports or cascades. * *

Note that DOM2 has it's own mechanism for discovering stylesheets. * Therefore, there isn't a DOM version of this method.

* * * @param source The XML source that is to be searched. * @param media The media attribute to be matched. May be null, in which * case the prefered templates will be used (i.e. alternate = no). * @param title The value of the title attribute to match. May be null. * @param charset The value of the charset attribute to match. May be null. * * @return A Source object capable of being used to create a Templates object. * * @throws TransformerConfigurationException */ " 153,0," protected abstract void handle(Message msg) throws IOException; @Override " 154,0," public String[] getRoles(Principal principal) { if (principal instanceof GenericPrincipal) { return ((GenericPrincipal) principal).getRoles(); } String className = principal.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new IllegalStateException(sm.getString(""realmBase.cannotGetRoles"", className)); } " 155,0," public ClassLoader bind(boolean usePrivilegedAction, ClassLoader originalClassLoader) { Loader loader = getLoader(); ClassLoader webApplicationClassLoader = null; if (loader != null) { webApplicationClassLoader = loader.getClassLoader(); } if (originalClassLoader == null) { if (usePrivilegedAction) { PrivilegedAction pa = new PrivilegedGetTccl(); originalClassLoader = AccessController.doPrivileged(pa); } else { originalClassLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); } } if (webApplicationClassLoader == null || webApplicationClassLoader == originalClassLoader) { // Not possible or not necessary to switch class loaders. Return // null to indicate this. return null; } ThreadBindingListener threadBindingListener = getThreadBindingListener(); if (usePrivilegedAction) { PrivilegedAction pa = new PrivilegedSetTccl(webApplicationClassLoader); AccessController.doPrivileged(pa); } else { Thread.currentThread().setContextClassLoader(webApplicationClassLoader); } if (threadBindingListener != null) { try { threadBindingListener.bind(); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log.error(sm.getString( ""standardContext.threadBindingListenerError"", getName()), t); } } return originalClassLoader; } @Override " 156,0," public void testInvalidData() throws IOException { Map invalidData = new HashMap(); invalidData.put(""foo"", ""bar""); NamedTemporaryFile tempFile = new NamedTemporaryFile(""invalid_parser_data"", null); try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(tempFile.get().toString()); ZipOutputStream zipos = new ZipOutputStream(fos)) { zipos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(""parser_data"")); try (ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(zipos)) { oos.writeObject(invalidData); } } ProjectWorkspace workspace = TestDataHelper.createProjectWorkspaceForScenario(this, ""parser_with_cell"", tmp); workspace.setUp(); // Load the invalid parser cache data. thrown.expect(InvalidClassException.class); thrown.expectMessage(""Can't deserialize this class""); workspace.runBuckCommand(""parser-cache"", ""--load"", tempFile.get().toString()); } " 157,0," public void addSecurityRole(String role) { securityRoles.add(role); } @Override " 158,0," public boolean contains(Artifact artifact) { // Note: getLocation(artifact) does an artifact.isResolved() check - no need to do it here. File location = getLocation(artifact); return location.canRead() && (location.isFile() || new File(location, ""META-INF"").isDirectory()); } " 159,0," public static SVGAttr fromString(String str) { // First check cache to see if it is there SVGAttr attr = cache.get(str); if (attr != null) return attr; // Do the (slow) Enum.valueOf() if (str.equals(""class"")) { cache.put(str, CLASS); return CLASS; } // Check for underscore in attribute - it could potentially confuse us if (str.indexOf('_') != -1) { cache.put(str, UNSUPPORTED); return UNSUPPORTED; } try { attr = valueOf(str.replace('-', '_')); if (attr != CLASS) { cache.put(str, attr); return attr; } } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // Do nothing } // Unknown attribute name cache.put(str, UNSUPPORTED); return UNSUPPORTED; } } // Special attribute keywords " 160,0," static public void configureLC(LoggerContext lc, String configFile) throws JoranException { JoranConfigurator configurator = new JoranConfigurator(); lc.reset(); configurator.setContext(lc); configurator.doConfigure(configFile); } " 161,0," public void connect(HttpConsumer consumer) throws Exception { component.connect(consumer); } " 162,0," public static int log2(int n) { int log = 0; while ((n >>= 1) != 0) { log++; } return log; } /** * Convert int/long to n-byte array. * * @param value int/long value. * @param sizeInByte Size of byte array in byte. * @return int/long as big-endian byte array of size {@code sizeInByte}. */ " 163,0," public String getBindDN() { return bindDN.stringValue(); } /** * Retrieves the password for this simple bind request, if no password * provider has been configured. * * @return The password for this simple bind request, or {@code null} if a * password provider will be used to obtain the password. */ " 164,0," protected Log getLog() { return log; } @Override " 165,0," public boolean isReadOnly() { return false; } " 166,0," public void execute(FunctionContext context) { RegionConfiguration configuration = (RegionConfiguration) context.getArguments(); if (this.cache.getLogger().fineEnabled()) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(""Function "").append(ID).append("" received request: "").append(configuration); this.cache.getLogger().fine(builder.toString()); } // Create or retrieve region RegionStatus status = createOrRetrieveRegion(configuration); // Dump XML if (DUMP_SESSION_CACHE_XML) { writeCacheXml(); } // Return status context.getResultSender().lastResult(status); } @Override " 167,0," public void setSubjectName(String subjectName) { this.subjectName = subjectName; } " 168,0," public void testRejectBindWithDNButNoPasswordAsyncMode() throws Exception { final InMemoryDirectoryServer ds = getTestDS(true, true); final LDAPConnectionOptions options = new LDAPConnectionOptions(); options.setUseSynchronousMode(false); final LDAPConnection conn = ds.getConnection(options); final SimpleBindRequest bindRequest = new SimpleBindRequest(""cn=Directory Manager"", """"); try { bindRequest.process(conn, 1); fail(""Expected an exception when binding with a DN but no password""); } catch (LDAPException le) { assertEquals(le.getResultCode(), ResultCode.PARAM_ERROR); } // Reconfigure the connection so that it will allow binds with a DN but no // password. conn.getConnectionOptions().setBindWithDNRequiresPassword(false); try { bindRequest.process(conn, 1); } catch (LDAPException le) { // The server will still likely reject the operation, but we should at // least verify that it wasn't a parameter error. assertFalse(le.getResultCode() == ResultCode.PARAM_ERROR); } conn.getConnectionOptions().setBindWithDNRequiresPassword(true); conn.close(); } " 169,0," public Collection getRequiredPermissions(String regionName) { return Collections.singletonList(ResourcePermissions.DATA_MANAGE); } " 170,0," public void addRecipients(final ExtendedEmailPublisherContext context, final EnvVars env, final Set to, final Set cc, final Set bcc) { final class Debug implements RecipientProviderUtilities.IDebug { private final ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor descriptor = Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getDescriptorByType(ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor.class); private final PrintStream logger = context.getListener().getLogger(); public void send(final String format, final Object... args) { descriptor.debug(logger, format, args); } } final Debug debug = new Debug(); Set users = null; final Run currentRun = context.getRun(); if (currentRun == null) { debug.send(""currentRun was null""); } else { final AbstractTestResultAction testResultAction = currentRun.getAction(AbstractTestResultAction.class); if (testResultAction == null) { debug.send(""testResultAction was null""); } else { if (testResultAction.getFailCount() <= 0) { debug.send(""getFailCount() returned <= 0""); } else { users = new HashSet<>(); debug.send(""Collecting builds where a test started failing...""); final HashSet> buildsWhereATestStartedFailing = new HashSet<>(); for (final TestResult caseResult : testResultAction.getFailedTests()) { final Run runWhereTestStartedFailing = caseResult.getFailedSinceRun(); if (runWhereTestStartedFailing != null) { debug.send("" runWhereTestStartedFailing: %d"", runWhereTestStartedFailing.getNumber()); buildsWhereATestStartedFailing.add(runWhereTestStartedFailing); } else { context.getListener().error(""getFailedSinceRun returned null for %s"", caseResult.getFullDisplayName()); } } // For each build where a test started failing, walk backward looking for build results worse than // UNSTABLE. All of those builds will be used to find suspects. debug.send(""Collecting builds with suspects...""); final HashSet> buildsWithSuspects = new HashSet<>(); for (final Run buildWhereATestStartedFailing : buildsWhereATestStartedFailing) { debug.send("" buildWhereATestStartedFailing: %d"", buildWhereATestStartedFailing.getNumber()); buildsWithSuspects.add(buildWhereATestStartedFailing); Run previousBuildToCheck = buildWhereATestStartedFailing.getPreviousCompletedBuild(); if (previousBuildToCheck != null) { debug.send("" previousBuildToCheck: %d"", previousBuildToCheck.getNumber()); } while (previousBuildToCheck != null) { if (buildsWithSuspects.contains(previousBuildToCheck)) { // Short-circuit if the build to check has already been checked. debug.send("" already contained in buildsWithSuspects; stopping search""); break; } final Result previousResult = previousBuildToCheck.getResult(); if (previousResult == null) { debug.send("" previousResult was null""); } else { debug.send("" previousResult: %s"", previousResult.toString()); if (previousResult.isBetterThan(Result.FAILURE)) { debug.send("" previousResult was better than FAILURE; stopping search""); break; } else { debug.send("" previousResult was not better than FAILURE; adding to buildsWithSuspects; continuing search""); buildsWithSuspects.add(previousBuildToCheck); previousBuildToCheck = previousBuildToCheck.getPreviousCompletedBuild(); if (previousBuildToCheck != null) { debug.send("" previousBuildToCheck: %d"", previousBuildToCheck.getNumber()); } } } } } debug.send(""Collecting suspects...""); users.addAll(RecipientProviderUtilities.getChangeSetAuthors(buildsWithSuspects, debug)); users.addAll(RecipientProviderUtilities.getUsersTriggeringTheBuilds(buildsWithSuspects, debug)); } } } if (users != null) { RecipientProviderUtilities.addUsers(users, context, env, to, cc, bcc, debug); } } @Extension " 171,0," public void doStart() throws Exception { URI rootURI; if (serverInfo != null) { rootURI = serverInfo.resolveServer(configuredDir); } else { rootURI = configuredDir; } if (!rootURI.getScheme().equals(""file"")) { throw new IllegalStateException(""FileKeystoreManager must have a root that's a local directory (not "" + rootURI + "")""); } directory = new File(rootURI); if (!directory.exists() || !directory.isDirectory() || !directory.canRead()) { throw new IllegalStateException(""FileKeystoreManager must have a root that's a valid readable directory (not "" + directory.getAbsolutePath() + "")""); } log.debug(""Keystore directory is "" + directory.getAbsolutePath()); } " 172,0," public void setLimit(int limit) { if (buffered == null) { buffered = new ByteChunk(4048); buffered.setLimit(limit); } } // ---------------------------------------------------- InputBuffer Methods /** * Reads the request body and buffers it. */ " 173,0," public LockoutPolicy getLockoutPolicy() { if(isEnabled) { LockoutPolicy res = IdentityZoneHolder.get().getConfig().getClientLockoutPolicy(); return res.getLockoutAfterFailures() != -1 ? res : defaultLockoutPolicy; } else { return disabledLockoutPolicy; } } @Override " 174,0," private static void post(JenkinsRule.WebClient webClient, String relative, String expectedContentType, Integer expectedStatus) throws IOException { WebRequest request = new WebRequest( UrlUtils.toUrlUnsafe(webClient.getContextPath() + relative), HttpMethod.POST); try { Page p = webClient.getPage(request); if (expectedContentType != null) { assertThat(p.getWebResponse().getContentType(), is(expectedContentType)); } } catch (FailingHttpStatusCodeException e) { if (expectedStatus != null) { assertEquals(expectedStatus.intValue(), e.getStatusCode()); } else { throw e; } } } " 175,0," private void detectJPA() { // check whether we have Persistence on the classpath Class persistenceClass; try { persistenceClass = run( LoadClass.action( PERSISTENCE_CLASS_NAME, this.getClass() ) ); } catch ( ValidationException e ) { log.debugf( ""Cannot find %s on classpath. Assuming non JPA 2 environment. All properties will per default be traversable."", PERSISTENCE_CLASS_NAME ); return; } // check whether Persistence contains getPersistenceUtil Method persistenceUtilGetter = run( GetMethod.action( persistenceClass, PERSISTENCE_UTIL_METHOD ) ); if ( persistenceUtilGetter == null ) { log.debugf( ""Found %s on classpath, but no method '%s'. Assuming JPA 1 environment. All properties will per default be traversable."", PERSISTENCE_CLASS_NAME, PERSISTENCE_UTIL_METHOD ); return; } // try to invoke the method to make sure that we are dealing with a complete JPA2 implementation // unfortunately there are several incomplete implementations out there (see HV-374) try { Object persistence = run( NewInstance.action( persistenceClass, ""persistence provider"" ) ); ReflectionHelper.getValue( persistenceUtilGetter, persistence ); } catch ( Exception e ) { log.debugf( ""Unable to invoke %s.%s. Inconsistent JPA environment. All properties will per default be traversable."", PERSISTENCE_CLASS_NAME, PERSISTENCE_UTIL_METHOD ); } log.debugf( ""Found %s on classpath containing '%s'. Assuming JPA 2 environment. Trying to instantiate JPA aware TraversableResolver"", PERSISTENCE_CLASS_NAME, PERSISTENCE_UTIL_METHOD ); try { @SuppressWarnings(""unchecked"") Class jpaAwareResolverClass = (Class) run( LoadClass.action( JPA_AWARE_TRAVERSABLE_RESOLVER_CLASS_NAME, this.getClass() ) ); jpaTraversableResolver = run( NewInstance.action( jpaAwareResolverClass, """" ) ); log.debugf( ""Instantiated JPA aware TraversableResolver of type %s."", JPA_AWARE_TRAVERSABLE_RESOLVER_CLASS_NAME ); } catch ( ValidationException e ) { log.debugf( ""Unable to load or instantiate JPA aware resolver %s. All properties will per default be traversable."", JPA_AWARE_TRAVERSABLE_RESOLVER_CLASS_NAME ); } } @Override " 176,0," public String getName() { return name; } " 177,0," public static Transformer cloneTransformer() { return INSTANCE; } /** * Constructor. */ " 178,0," public static ASN1Enumerated getInstance( ASN1TaggedObject obj, boolean explicit) { ASN1Primitive o = obj.getObject(); if (explicit || o instanceof ASN1Enumerated) { return getInstance(o); } else { return fromOctetString(((ASN1OctetString)o).getOctets()); } } /** * Constructor from int. * * @param value the value of this enumerated. */ " 179,0," public void servletSecurityAnnotationScan() throws ServletException; " 180,0," protected AbstractOutputBuffer getOutputBuffer() { return outputBuffer; } " 181,0," public void addRecipients(final ExtendedEmailPublisherContext context, EnvVars env, Set to, Set cc, Set bcc) { final class Debug implements RecipientProviderUtilities.IDebug { private final ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor descriptor = Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getDescriptorByType(ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor.class); private final PrintStream logger = context.getListener().getLogger(); public void send(final String format, final Object... args) { descriptor.debug(logger, format, args); } } final Debug debug = new Debug(); Run run = context.getRun(); final Result runResult = run.getResult(); if (run instanceof AbstractBuild) { Set users = ((AbstractBuild)run).getCulprits(); RecipientProviderUtilities.addUsers(users, context, env, to, cc, bcc, debug); } else if (runResult != null) { List> builds = new ArrayList<>(); Run build = run; builds.add(build); build = build.getPreviousCompletedBuild(); while (build != null) { final Result buildResult = build.getResult(); if (buildResult != null) { if (buildResult.isWorseThan(Result.SUCCESS)) { debug.send(""Including build %s with status %s"", build.getId(), buildResult); builds.add(build); } else { break; } } build = build.getPreviousCompletedBuild(); } Set users = RecipientProviderUtilities.getChangeSetAuthors(builds, debug); RecipientProviderUtilities.addUsers(users, context, env, to, cc, bcc, debug); } } @Extension " 182,0," public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { " 183,0," public void testLauncherServerReuse() throws Exception { ChildProcAppHandle handle1 = null; ChildProcAppHandle handle2 = null; ChildProcAppHandle handle3 = null; try { handle1 = LauncherServer.newAppHandle(); handle2 = LauncherServer.newAppHandle(); LauncherServer server1 = handle1.getServer(); assertSame(server1, handle2.getServer()); handle1.kill(); handle2.kill(); handle3 = LauncherServer.newAppHandle(); assertNotSame(server1, handle3.getServer()); handle3.kill(); assertNull(LauncherServer.getServerInstance()); } finally { kill(handle1); kill(handle2); kill(handle3); } } @Test " 184,0," void set(String format, Hash hash) throws ANTLRException { set(format,1,hash); } /** * Returns true if n-th bit is on. */ " 185,0," private static int getNumberOfIterations(int bits, int certainty) { /* * NOTE: We enforce a minimum 'certainty' of 100 for bits >= 1024 (else 80). Where the * certainty is higher than the FIPS 186-4 tables (C.2/C.3) cater to, extra iterations * are added at the ""worst case rate"" for the excess. */ if (bits >= 1536) { return certainty <= 100 ? 3 : certainty <= 128 ? 4 : 4 + (certainty - 128 + 1) / 2; } else if (bits >= 1024) { return certainty <= 100 ? 4 : certainty <= 112 ? 5 : 5 + (certainty - 112 + 1) / 2; } else if (bits >= 512) { return certainty <= 80 ? 5 : certainty <= 100 ? 7 : 7 + (certainty - 100 + 1) / 2; } else { return certainty <= 80 ? 40 : 40 + (certainty - 80 + 1) / 2; } } " 186,0," public void setMaxSize(String maxSize) { this.maxSize = Long.parseLong(maxSize); } @Inject " 187,0," public T postProcess(T object) { throw new IllegalStateException( ObjectPostProcessor.class.getName() + "" is a required bean. Ensure you have used @EnableWebSecurity and @Configuration""); } }; " 188,0," public String path() { return ""path""; } } } public void loadConfig(Class... configs) { this.context = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext(); this.context.register(configs); this.context.setServletContext(new MockServletContext()); this.context.refresh(); this.context.getAutowireCapableBeanFactory().autowireBean(this); } }" 189,0," public boolean timedOut() { return timedOut; } } } " 190,0," public void destroy() { // NOOP } /** * Initialize this servlet. */ @Override " 191,0," public void testBadColorSpace() { TesseractOCRConfig config = new TesseractOCRConfig(); config.setColorspace(""someth!ng""); } " 192,0," private File getFileParameterFolderUnderBuild(AbstractBuild build){ return new File(build.getRootDir(), FOLDER_NAME); } /** * Default implementation from {@link File}. */ " 193,0," public void nextBytes(byte[] bytes) { if (first) { super.nextBytes(bytes); first = false; } else { bytes[bytes.length - 1] = 2; } } } } " 194,0," protected Timestamp getPasswordLastModifiedTimestamp(Timestamp t) { Calendar cal = new GregorianCalendar(); cal.set(Calendar.MILLISECOND, 0); return new Timestamp(cal.getTimeInMillis()); } @Override " 195,0," public static Factory instantiateFactory(final Class classToInstantiate, final Class[] paramTypes, final Object[] args) { if (classToInstantiate == null) { throw new NullPointerException(""Class to instantiate must not be null""); } if (paramTypes == null && args != null || paramTypes != null && args == null || paramTypes != null && args != null && paramTypes.length != args.length) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""Parameter types must match the arguments""); } if (paramTypes == null || paramTypes.length == 0) { return new InstantiateFactory(classToInstantiate); } return new InstantiateFactory(classToInstantiate, paramTypes, args); } /** * Constructor that performs no validation. * Use instantiateFactory if you want that. * * @param classToInstantiate the class to instantiate */ " 196,0," public Object evaluate(MessageEvaluationContext message) throws JMSException { try { if (message.isDropped()) { return null; } return evaluator.evaluate(message.getMessage()) ? Boolean.TRUE : Boolean.FALSE; } catch (IOException e) { throw JMSExceptionSupport.create(e); } } " 197,0," private boolean shutdownDB(String dbName) { boolean ok = true; boolean gotSQLExc = false; try { DerbyConnectionUtil.getDerbyConnection(dbName, DerbyConnectionUtil.SHUTDOWN_DB_PROP); } catch (SQLException se) { gotSQLExc = true; } if (!gotSQLExc) { ok = false; } return ok; } " 198,0," public DeserializerFactory withConfig(DeserializerFactoryConfig config) { if (_factoryConfig == config) { return this; } /* 22-Nov-2010, tatu: Handling of subtypes is tricky if we do immutable-with-copy-ctor; * and we pretty much have to here either choose between losing subtype instance * when registering additional deserializers, or losing deserializers. * Instead, let's actually just throw an error if this method is called when subtype * has not properly overridden this method; this to indicate problem as soon as possible. */ if (getClass() != BeanDeserializerFactory.class) { throw new IllegalStateException(""Subtype of BeanDeserializerFactory (""+getClass().getName() +"") has not properly overridden method 'withAdditionalDeserializers': can not instantiate subtype with "" +""additional deserializer definitions""); } return new BeanDeserializerFactory(config); } /* /********************************************************** /* DeserializerFactory API implementation /********************************************************** */ /** * Method that {@link DeserializerCache}s call to create a new * deserializer for types other than Collections, Maps, arrays and * enums. */ @Override " 199,0," public void setTransferException(boolean transferException) { this.transferException = transferException; } " 200,0," InstanceManager getInstanceManager() { return instanceManager; } " 201,0," public void testSingletonPatternInSerialization() { final Object[] singletones = new Object[] { ExceptionTransformer.INSTANCE, NOPTransformer.INSTANCE, StringValueTransformer.stringValueTransformer(), }; for (final Object original : singletones) { TestUtils.assertSameAfterSerialization(""Singleton pattern broken for "" + original.getClass(), original); } } " 202,0," public String getCipherSuite() throws IOException { // Look up the current SSLSession SSLSession session = ssl.getSession(); if (session == null) return null; return session.getCipherSuite(); } " 203,0," public void processAction(ActionRequest actionRequest, ActionResponse actionResponse) throws PortletException, IOException { String action = actionRequest.getParameter(""action""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""action"", action); if (action.equals(""showView"")) { String view_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""view_id""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""view_id"", view_id); } else if (action.equals(""showAllViews"")) { // no parameters needed to be redirected to doView() } else if (action.equals(""showAllServers"")) { // no parameters needed to be redirected to doView() } else if (action.equals(""showAllGraphs"")) { // no parameters needed to be redirected to doView() } else if (action.equals(""showEditView"")) { String view_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""view_id""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""view_id"", view_id); } else if (action.equals(""saveEditView"")) { updateView(actionRequest, actionResponse); } else if (action.equals(""showAddView"")) { // no parameters needed to be redirected to doView() } else if (action.equals(""saveAddView"")) { addView(actionRequest, actionResponse); } else if (action.equals(""showAddGraph"")) { String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); if (server_id != null) actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); String mbean = actionRequest.getParameter(""mbean""); if (mbean != null) actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""mbean"", mbean); String dataname = actionRequest.getParameter(""dataname""); if (dataname != null) actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""dataname"", dataname); } else if (action.equals(""saveAddGraph"")) { addGraph(actionRequest, actionResponse); } else if (action.equals(""showEditGraph"")) { String graph_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""graph_id""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""graph_id"", graph_id); } else if (action.equals(""saveEditGraph"")) { updateGraph(actionRequest, actionResponse); } else if (action.equals(""deleteGraph"")) { deleteGraph(actionRequest, actionResponse); } else if (action.equals(""deleteView"")) { deleteView(actionRequest, actionResponse); } else if (action.equals(""showServer"")) { String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); } else if (action.equals(""showEditServer"")) { String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); } else if (action.equals(""saveEditServer"")) { updateServer(actionRequest, actionResponse); } else if (action.equals(""showAddServer"")) { // no parameters needed to be redirected to doView() } else if (action.equals(""deleteServer"")) { deleteServer(actionRequest, actionResponse); } else if (action.equals(""saveAddServer"")) { addServer(actionRequest, actionResponse); } else if (action.equals(""startTrackingMbean"")) { String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); String mbean = actionRequest.getParameter(""mbean""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""mbean"", mbean); } else if (action.equals(""stopTrackingMbean"")) { String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); String mbean = actionRequest.getParameter(""mbean""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""mbean"", mbean); } else if (action.equals(""stopThread"") || action.equals(""disableServerViewQuery"")) { String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); stopThread(server_id, actionRequest); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); } else if (action.equals(""startThread"") || action.equals(""enableServerViewQuery"")) { String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); String snapshotDuration = actionRequest.getParameter(""snapshotDuration""); startThread(server_id, new Long(snapshotDuration), actionRequest); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""snapshotDuration"", snapshotDuration); } else if (action.equals(""disableServer"") || action.equals(""disableEditServer"")) { String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); alterServerState(server_id, false, actionRequest); } else if (action.equals(""enableServer"") || action.equals(""enableEditServer"")) { String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); alterServerState(server_id, true, actionRequest); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); } else if (action.equals(""testAddServerConnection"")) { String name = actionRequest.getParameter(""name""); String ip = actionRequest.getParameter(""ip""); String username = actionRequest.getParameter(""username""); String password = actionRequest.getParameter(""password""); String password2 = actionRequest.getParameter(""password2""); Integer port = Integer.parseInt(actionRequest.getParameter(""port"")); String protocol = actionRequest.getParameter(""protocol""); testConnection(ip, username, password, port, protocol, actionRequest); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""name"", name); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""username"", username); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""ip"", ip); // Don't return the password in the output // actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""password"", password); // actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""password2"", password2); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""port"", """" + port); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""protocol"", protocol); } else if (action.equals(""testEditServerConnection"")) { String name = actionRequest.getParameter(""name""); String ip = actionRequest.getParameter(""ip""); String username = actionRequest.getParameter(""username""); String password = actionRequest.getParameter(""password""); String password2 = actionRequest.getParameter(""password2""); String server_id = actionRequest.getParameter(""server_id""); String snapshot = actionRequest.getParameter(""snapshot""); String retention = actionRequest.getParameter(""retention""); Integer port = Integer.parseInt(actionRequest.getParameter(""port"")); String protocol = actionRequest.getParameter(""protocol""); if (snapshot == null) { snapshot = """"; } if (retention == null) { retention = """"; } testConnection(ip, username, password, port, protocol, actionRequest); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""name"", name); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""username"", username); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""ip"", ip); // Don't return the password in the output // actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""password"", password); // actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""password2"", password2); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""snapshot"", snapshot); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""server_id"", server_id); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""retention"", retention); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""port"", """" + port); actionResponse.setRenderParameter(""protocol"", """" + protocol); } } " 204,0," public void resetPassword_InvalidCodeData() { ExpiringCode expiringCode = new ExpiringCode(""good_code"", new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis() + UaaResetPasswordService.PASSWORD_RESET_LIFETIME), ""user-id"", null); when(codeStore.retrieveCode(""good_code"")).thenReturn(expiringCode); SecurityContext securityContext = mock(SecurityContext.class); when(securityContext.getAuthentication()).thenReturn(new MockAuthentication()); SecurityContextHolder.setContext(securityContext); try { emailResetPasswordService.resetPassword(""good_code"", ""password""); fail(); } catch (InvalidCodeException e) { assertEquals(""Sorry, your reset password link is no longer valid. Please request a new one"", e.getMessage()); } } @Test " 205,0," private void wipeRepositoryDirectories() { if (repoPath.exists()) { assertThat(repoPath.getAbsolutePath(), containsString(clusterName)); if (FileSystemUtils.deleteRecursively(repoPath)) { logger.info(""Successfully wiped repository directory for node location: {}"", repoPath); } else { logger.info(""Failed to wipe data directory for node location: {}"", repoPath); } } } " 206,0," public void init(FilterConfig conf) throws ServletException { if (conf != null && ""zookeeper"".equals(conf.getInitParameter(""signer.secret.provider""))) { SolrZkClient zkClient = (SolrZkClient)conf.getServletContext().getAttribute(DELEGATION_TOKEN_ZK_CLIENT); try { conf.getServletContext().setAttribute(""signer.secret.provider.zookeeper.curator.client"", getCuratorClient(zkClient)); } catch (KeeperException | InterruptedException e) { throw new ServletException(e); } } super.init(conf); } @Override " 207,0," public boolean getMapperDirectoryRedirectEnabled() { return false; } " 208,0," public static boolean isNewAuthenticationPathNeeded(long globalIndex, int xmssHeight, int layer) { if (globalIndex == 0) { return false; } return ((globalIndex + 1) % (long)Math.pow((1 << xmssHeight), layer) == 0) ? true : false; } " 209,0," public final Set> getGroupList() { return constraintDescriptor.getGroups(); } " 210,0," public void destroy() { } " 211,0," protected Log getLog() { return log; } /** * SSL information. */ " 212,0," protected Processor createUpgradeProcessor( SocketWrapper socket, HttpUpgradeHandler httpUpgradeProcessor) throws IOException { return new AprProcessor(socket, httpUpgradeProcessor, (AprEndpoint) proto.endpoint); } } } " 213,0," private Object readResolve() { Jenkins.getInstance().checkPermission(Jenkins.RUN_SCRIPTS); return this; } " 214,0," public String getDisplayName() { return ""Requestor""; } } } " 215,0," public OutputStream createOutput(String blobName) throws IOException { maybeIOExceptionOrBlock(blobName); return super.createOutput(blobName); } } } } " 216,0," public void run() { } }; /** * Creates a new instance * @param objectPostProcessor the {@link ObjectPostProcessor} to use * @see WebSecurityConfiguration */ " 217,0," void toHtml() throws IOException { writeBackAndRefreshLinks(); writeln(""
""); assert sessionsInformations != null; if (sessionsInformations.isEmpty()) { writeln(""#Aucune_session#""); return; } writeTitle(""system-users.png"", getString(""Sessions"")); writeSessions(sessionsInformations); long totalSerializedSize = 0; int nbSerializableSessions = 0; for (final SessionInformations sessionInformations : sessionsInformations) { final int size = sessionInformations.getSerializedSize(); if (size >= 0) { totalSerializedSize += size; nbSerializableSessions++; } } final long meanSerializedSize; if (nbSerializableSessions > 0) { meanSerializedSize = totalSerializedSize / nbSerializableSessions; } else { meanSerializedSize = -1; } writeln(""
"" + getFormattedString(""nb_sessions"", sessionsInformations.size()) + ""

"" + getFormattedString(""taille_moyenne_sessions"", meanSerializedSize) + ""
""); } " 218,0," public boolean allowsSignup() { return !disableSignup; } /** * Checks if captcha is enabled on user signup. * * @return true if captcha is enabled on signup. */ " 219,0," public static String stripExpressionIfAltSyntax(ValueStack stack, String expr) { if (altSyntax(stack)) { // does the expression start with %{ and end with }? if so, just cut it off! if (isExpression(expr)) { return expr.substring(2, expr.length() - 1); } } return expr; } /** * Is the altSyntax enabled? [TRUE] * * @param stack the ValueStack where the context value is searched for. * @return true if altSyntax is activated. False otherwise. * See struts.properties where the altSyntax flag is defined. */ " 220,0," private void processServletSecurityAnnotation(Servlet servlet) { // Calling this twice isn't harmful so no syncs servletSecurityAnnotationScanRequired = false; ServletSecurity secAnnotation = servlet.getClass().getAnnotation(ServletSecurity.class); Context ctxt = (Context) getParent(); if (secAnnotation != null) { ctxt.addServletSecurity( new ApplicationServletRegistration(this, ctxt), new ServletSecurityElement(secAnnotation)); } } " 221,0," public long getBytesWritten() { return bytesWritten; } } } " 222,0," private void doRedirectTest(String path, int expected) throws IOException { ByteChunk bc = new ByteChunk(); int rc = getUrl(""http://localhost:"" + getPort() + path, bc, null); Assert.assertEquals(expected, rc); } /** * Prepare a string to search in messages that contain a timestamp, when it * is known that the timestamp was printed between {@code timeA} and * {@code timeB}. */ " 223,0," public void testEntityExpansionWReq2() throws Exception { String url = ""https://localhost:"" + getIdpHttpsPort() + ""/fediz-idp/federation?""; url += ""wa=wsignin1.0""; url += ""&whr=urn:org:apache:cxf:fediz:idp:realm-A""; url += ""&wtrealm=urn:org:apache:cxf:fediz:fedizhelloworld""; String wreply = ""https://localhost:"" + getRpHttpsPort() + ""/"" + getServletContextName() + ""/secure/fedservlet""; url += ""&wreply="" + wreply; InputStream is = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(""entity_wreq2.xml"").openStream(); String entity = IOUtils.toString(is, ""UTF-8""); is.close(); String validWreq = """" + ""&m;http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/oasis-wss-saml-token-profile-1.1#SAMLV2.0"" + """"; url += ""&wreq="" + URLEncoder.encode(entity + validWreq, ""UTF-8""); String user = ""alice""; String password = ""ecila""; final WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.getOptions().setUseInsecureSSL(true); webClient.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials( new AuthScope(""localhost"", Integer.parseInt(getIdpHttpsPort())), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, password)); webClient.getOptions().setJavaScriptEnabled(false); try { webClient.getPage(url); Assert.fail(""Failure expected on a bad wreq value""); } catch (FailingHttpStatusCodeException ex) { Assert.assertEquals(ex.getStatusCode(), 400); } webClient.close(); } // Send an malformed wreq value @org.junit.Test " 224,0," Class convertGroup(Class originalGroup); /** * Returns a set with {@link GroupConversionDescriptor}s representing the * group conversions of this cascadable. * * @return A set with group conversion descriptors. May be empty, but never * {@code null}. */ " 225,0," public static File checkSlip(File parentFile, File file) throws IllegalArgumentException { String parentCanonicalPath; String canonicalPath; try { parentCanonicalPath = parentFile.getCanonicalPath(); canonicalPath = file.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IORuntimeException(e); } if (false == canonicalPath.startsWith(parentCanonicalPath)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""New file is outside of the parent dir: "" + file.getName()); } return file; } " 226,0," public ExitCode runWithoutHelp(CommandRunnerParams params) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (saveFilename != null && loadFilename != null) { params.getConsole().printErrorText(""Can't use both --load and --save""); return ExitCode.COMMANDLINE_ERROR; } if (saveFilename != null) { invalidateChanges(params); RemoteDaemonicParserState state = params.getParser().storeParserState(params.getCell()); try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(saveFilename); ZipOutputStream zipos = new ZipOutputStream(fos)) { zipos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(""parser_data"")); try (ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(zipos)) { oos.writeObject(state); } } } else if (loadFilename != null) { try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(loadFilename); ZipInputStream zipis = new ZipInputStream(fis)) { ZipEntry entry = zipis.getNextEntry(); Preconditions.checkState(entry.getName().equals(""parser_data"")); try (ObjectInputStream ois = new ParserStateObjectInputStream(zipis)) { RemoteDaemonicParserState state; try { state = (RemoteDaemonicParserState) ois.readObject(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { params.getConsole().printErrorText(""Invalid file format""); return ExitCode.COMMANDLINE_ERROR; } params.getParser().restoreParserState(state, params.getCell()); } } invalidateChanges(params); ParserConfig configView = params.getBuckConfig().getView(ParserConfig.class); if (configView.isParserCacheMutationWarningEnabled()) { params .getConsole() .printErrorText( params .getConsole() .getAnsi() .asWarningText( ""WARNING: Buck injected a parser state that may not match the local state."")); } } return ExitCode.SUCCESS; } " 227,0," private boolean isPropertyConfigured(TrustedIdp trustedIdp, String property, boolean defaultValue) { Map parameters = trustedIdp.getParameters(); if (parameters != null && parameters.containsKey(property)) { return Boolean.parseBoolean(parameters.get(property)); } return defaultValue; } " 228,0," public void testHandleNeverSendAResponse() throws Exception { final AuthenticationResult firstResult = _negotiator.handleResponse(new byte[0]); assertEquals(""Unexpected authentication status"", AuthenticationResult.AuthenticationStatus.CONTINUE, firstResult.getStatus()); assertArrayEquals(""Unexpected authentication challenge"", new byte[0], firstResult.getChallenge()); final AuthenticationResult secondResult = _negotiator.handleResponse(new byte[0]); assertEquals(""Unexpected first authentication result"", AuthenticationResult.AuthenticationStatus.ERROR, secondResult.getStatus()); } " 229,0," public Collection parse(final InputStream file, final String moduleName) throws InvocationTargetException { try { SecureDigester digester = new SecureDigester(LintParser.class); List issues = new ArrayList(); digester.push(issues); String issueXPath = ""issues/issue""; digester.addObjectCreate(issueXPath, LintIssue.class); digester.addSetProperties(issueXPath); digester.addSetNext(issueXPath, ""add""); String locationXPath = issueXPath + ""/location""; digester.addObjectCreate(locationXPath, Location.class); digester.addSetProperties(locationXPath); digester.addSetNext(locationXPath, ""addLocation"", Location.class.getName()); digester.parse(file); return convert(issues, moduleName); } catch (IOException | SAXException exception) { throw new InvocationTargetException(exception); } } /** * Converts the Lint object structure to that of the analysis-core API. * * @param issues The parsed Lint issues. * @param moduleName Name of the maven module, if any. * @return A collection of the discovered issues. */ " 230,0," private static void zip(File file, String srcRootDir, ZipOutputStream out) throws UtilException { if (file == null) { return; } final String subPath = FileUtil.subPath(srcRootDir, file); // 获取文件相对于压缩文件夹根目录的子路径 if (file.isDirectory()) {// 如果是目录,则压缩压缩目录中的文件或子目录 final File[] files = file.listFiles(); if (ArrayUtil.isEmpty(files) && StrUtil.isNotEmpty(subPath)) { // 加入目录,只有空目录时才加入目录,非空时会在创建文件时自动添加父级目录 addDir(subPath, out); } // 压缩目录下的子文件或目录 for (File childFile : files) { zip(childFile, srcRootDir, out); } } else {// 如果是文件或其它符号,则直接压缩该文件 addFile(file, subPath, out); } } /** * 添加文件到压缩包 * * @param file 需要压缩的文件 * @param path 在压缩文件中的路径 * @param out 压缩文件存储对象 * @throws UtilException IO异常 * @since 4.0.5 */ " 231,0," public void initResetPasswordTest() throws Exception { codeStore = getWebApplicationContext().getBean(ExpiringCodeStore.class); } @Test " 232,0," public final Set> validate(T object, Class... groups) { Contracts.assertNotNull( object, MESSAGES.validatedObjectMustNotBeNull() ); if ( !beanMetaDataManager.isConstrained( object.getClass() ) ) { return Collections.emptySet(); } ValidationOrder validationOrder = determineGroupValidationOrder( groups ); ValidationContext validationContext = getValidationContext().forValidate( object ); ValueContext valueContext = ValueContext.getLocalExecutionContext( object, beanMetaDataManager.getBeanMetaData( object.getClass() ), PathImpl.createRootPath() ); return validateInContext( valueContext, validationContext, validationOrder ); } @Override " 233,0," public String getAlgorithm() { return ""XMSS""; } " 234,0," public ProcessGroup getParent() { return parent.get(); } " 235,0," private void checkAdmin() { final Jenkins jenkins = Jenkins.getInstance(); //Hoping this method doesn't change meaning again if (jenkins != null) { //If Jenkins is not alive then we are not started, so no unauthorised user might do anything jenkins.checkPermission(Jenkins.ADMINISTER); } } /** * Check whether the list of servers contains a GerritServer object of a specific name. * * @param serverName to check. * @return whether the list contains a server with the given name. */ " 236,0," public int available() throws IOException { if (max >= 0 && pos >= max) { return 0; } return in.available(); } } } " 237,0," public static void addNamespacePrefix(Element element, String namespaceUri, String prefix) { element.setAttributeNS(XMLConstants.XMLNS_ATTRIBUTE_NS_URI, ""xmlns:"" + prefix, namespaceUri); } " 238,0," public boolean contains(Artifact artifact) { // Note: getLocation(artifact) does an artifact.isResolved() check - no need to do it here. File location = getLocation(artifact); return location.canRead() && (location.isFile() || new File(location, ""META-INF"").isDirectory()); } " 239,0," public String getTestString() { return testString; } @Override " 240,0," public void removeUser(String username) { UserDatabase database = (UserDatabase) this.resource; User user = database.findUser(username); if (user == null) { return; } try { MBeanUtils.destroyMBean(user); database.removeUser(user); } catch (Exception e) { IllegalArgumentException iae = new IllegalArgumentException (""Exception destroying user ["" + username + ""] MBean""); iae.initCause(e); throw iae; } } " 241,0," public T transform(final T input) { if (input == null) { return null; } return PrototypeFactory.prototypeFactory(input).create(); } " 242,0," public void execute(FunctionContext context) { Object[] arguments = (Object[]) context.getArguments(); String regionName = (String) arguments[0]; Set keys = (Set) arguments[1]; if (this.cache.getLogger().fineEnabled()) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(""Function "").append(ID).append("" received request to touch "") .append(regionName).append(""->"").append(keys); this.cache.getLogger().fine(builder.toString()); } // Retrieve the appropriate Region and value to update the lastAccessedTime Region region = this.cache.getRegion(regionName); if (region != null) { region.getAll(keys); } // Return result to get around NPE in LocalResultCollectorImpl context.getResultSender().lastResult(true); } @Override " 243,0," protected void engineInitVerify( PublicKey publicKey) throws InvalidKeyException { CipherParameters param = DSAUtil.generatePublicKeyParameter(publicKey); digest.reset(); signer.init(false, param); } " 244,0," public void testSave() throws IOException, InterruptedException, ReactorException { FreeStyleProject p = j.createFreeStyleProject(""project""); p.disabled = true; p.nextBuildNumber = 5; p.description = ""description""; p.save(); j.jenkins.reload(); assertEquals(""All persistent data should be saved."", ""description"", p.description); assertEquals(""All persistent data should be saved."", 5, p.nextBuildNumber); assertEquals(""All persistent data should be saved"", true, p.disabled); } @Test " 245,0," private static void deflater(InputStream in, OutputStream out, int level) { final DeflaterOutputStream ios = (out instanceof DeflaterOutputStream) ? (DeflaterOutputStream) out : new DeflaterOutputStream(out, new Deflater(level, true)); IoUtil.copy(in, ios); } // ---------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Private method end " 246,0," protected CoderResult decodeLoop(ByteBuffer in, CharBuffer out) { if (in.hasArray() && out.hasArray()) { return decodeHasArray(in, out); } return decodeNotHasArray(in, out); } " 247,0," public static Transformer invokerTransformer(final String methodName, final Class[] paramTypes, final Object[] args) { if (methodName == null) { throw new NullPointerException(""The method to invoke must not be null""); } if (((paramTypes == null) && (args != null)) || ((paramTypes != null) && (args == null)) || ((paramTypes != null) && (args != null) && (paramTypes.length != args.length))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""The parameter types must match the arguments""); } if (paramTypes == null || paramTypes.length == 0) { return new InvokerTransformer(methodName); } return new InvokerTransformer(methodName, paramTypes, args); } /** * Constructor for no arg instance. * * @param methodName the method to call */ " 248,0," private void checkError() throws IOException { if (error) { throw new IOException(sm.getString(""chunkedInputFilter.error"")); } } " 249,0," public final BootstrapConfiguration parseValidationXml() { InputStream inputStream = getInputStream(); if ( inputStream == null ) { return BootstrapConfigurationImpl.getDefaultBootstrapConfiguration(); } try { String schemaVersion = xmlParserHelper.getSchemaVersion( VALIDATION_XML_FILE, inputStream ); Schema schema = getSchema( schemaVersion ); ValidationConfigType validationConfig = unmarshal( inputStream, schema ); return createBootstrapConfiguration( validationConfig ); } finally { closeStream( inputStream ); } } " 250,0," public ExpressionInterceptUrlRegistry getRegistry() { return REGISTRY; } " 251,0," public Settings settings() { return this.settings; } /** * The home of the installation. */ " 252,0," public void testPrivateKeyParsingSHA256() throws Exception { XMSSMTParameters params = new XMSSMTParameters(20, 10, new SHA256Digest()); XMSSMT mt = new XMSSMT(params, new SecureRandom()); mt.generateKeys(); byte[] privateKey = mt.exportPrivateKey(); byte[] publicKey = mt.exportPublicKey(); mt.importState(privateKey, publicKey); assertTrue(Arrays.areEqual(privateKey, mt.exportPrivateKey())); } " 253,0," public void destroy() { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(internal.getMessage(""finalizing"")); } destroyModules(); destroyInternal(); getServletContext().removeAttribute(Globals.ACTION_SERVLET_KEY); // Release our LogFactory and Log instances (if any) ClassLoader classLoader = Thread.currentThread().getContextClassLoader(); if (classLoader == null) { classLoader = ActionServlet.class.getClassLoader(); } try { LogFactory.release(classLoader); } catch (Throwable t) { ; // Servlet container doesn't have the latest version ; // of commons-logging-api.jar installed // :FIXME: Why is this dependent on the container's version of commons-logging? // Shouldn't this depend on the version packaged with Struts? /* Reason: LogFactory.release(classLoader); was added as an attempt to investigate the OutOfMemory error reported on Bugzilla #14042. It was committed for version 1.136 by craigmcc */ } PropertyUtils.clearDescriptors(); } /** *

Initialize this servlet. Most of the processing has been factored into * support methods so that you can override particular functionality at a * fairly granular level.

* * @exception ServletException if we cannot configure ourselves correctly */ " 254,0," private void loadOtherTesseractConfig(Properties properties) { for (String k : properties.stringPropertyNames()) { if (k.contains(""_"")) { addOtherTesseractConfig(k, properties.getProperty(k)); } } } " 255,0," public static Transformer, T> instantiateTransformer(final Class[] paramTypes, final Object[] args) { if (((paramTypes == null) && (args != null)) || ((paramTypes != null) && (args == null)) || ((paramTypes != null) && (args != null) && (paramTypes.length != args.length))) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""Parameter types must match the arguments""); } if (paramTypes == null || paramTypes.length == 0) { return new InstantiateTransformer(); } return new InstantiateTransformer(paramTypes, args); } /** * Constructor for no arg instance. */ " 256,0," String hash(String plaintext, String salt, int iterations) throws EncryptionException; /** * Encrypts the provided plaintext bytes using the cipher transformation * specified by the property Encryptor.CipherTransformation * and the master encryption key as specified by the property * {@code Encryptor.MasterKey} as defined in the ESAPI.properties file. *

* * @param plaintext The {@code PlainText} to be encrypted. * @return the {@code CipherText} object from which the raw ciphertext, the * IV, the cipher transformation, and many other aspects about * the encryption detail may be extracted. * @throws EncryptionException Thrown if something should go wrong such as * the JCE provider cannot be found, the cipher algorithm, * cipher mode, or padding scheme not being supported, specifying * an unsupported key size, specifying an IV of incorrect length, * etc. * @see #encrypt(SecretKey, PlainText) * @since 2.0 */ " 257,0," public HandshakeResponse getHandshakeResponse() { return handshakeResponse; } } } " 258,0," public void handleDialog(ActionRequest req, ActionResponse resp) throws IOException, PortletException { List lines = new ArrayList(); req.getPortletSession().setAttribute(""lines"", lines); lines.add(""handling dialog""); StringBuilder txt = new StringBuilder(128); String clr = req.getActionParameters().getValue(""color""); txt.append(""Color: "").append(clr); lines.add(txt.toString()); LOGGER.fine(txt.toString()); resp.getRenderParameters().setValue(""color"", clr); txt.setLength(0); Part part = null; try { part = req.getPart(""file""); } catch (Throwable t) {} if ((part != null) && (part.getSubmittedFileName() != null) && (part.getSubmittedFileName().length() > 0)) { txt.append(""Uploaded file name: "").append(part.getSubmittedFileName()); txt.append("", part name: "").append(part.getName()); txt.append("", size: "").append(part.getSize()); txt.append("", content type: "").append(part.getContentType()); lines.add(txt.toString()); LOGGER.fine(txt.toString()); txt.setLength(0); txt.append(""Headers: ""); String sep = """"; for (String hdrname : part.getHeaderNames()) { txt.append(sep).append(hdrname).append(""="").append(part.getHeaders(hdrname)); sep = "", ""; } lines.add(txt.toString()); LOGGER.fine(txt.toString()); // Store the file in a temporary location in the webapp where it can be served. // Note that this is, in general, not what you want to do in production, as // there can be problems serving the resource. Did it this way for a // quick solution that doesn't require additional Tomcat configuration. try { String fn = part.getSubmittedFileName(); File img = getFile(fn); if (img.exists()) { lines.add(""deleting existing temp file: "" + img.getCanonicalPath()); img.delete(); } InputStream is = part.getInputStream(); Files.copy(is, img.toPath(), StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING); resp.getRenderParameters().setValue(""fn"", fn); resp.getRenderParameters().setValue(""ct"", part.getContentType()); } catch (Exception e) { lines.add(""Exception doing I/O: "" + e.toString()); txt.setLength(0); txt.append(""Problem getting temp file: "" + e.getMessage() + ""\n""); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(); PrintWriter pw = new PrintWriter(sw); e.printStackTrace(pw); pw.flush(); txt.append(sw.toString()); LOGGER.warning(txt.toString()); } } else { lines.add(""file part was null""); } } @RenderMethod(portletNames = ""MultipartPortlet"") " 259,0," public void configure() throws Exception { from(""direct:start1"") .to(""xslt:org/apache/camel/component/xslt/transform_dtd.xsl"") .to(""mock:result""); from(""direct:start2"") .to(""xslt:org/apache/camel/component/xslt/transform_dtd.xsl?allowStAX=false"") .to(""mock:result""); } }; } } " 260,0," XSLTElementDef getElemDef() { return m_elemDef; } /** * Set the element definition that belongs to this element. * * @param def The element definition object that produced and constrains this element. */ " 261,0," public String getMethod() { return this.method; } } } " 262,0," public Result isAllowed(String principalId) { LockoutPolicy lockoutPolicy = lockoutPolicyRetriever.getLockoutPolicy(); long eventsAfter = timeService.getCurrentTimeMillis() - lockoutPolicy.getCountFailuresWithin() * 1000; List events = auditService.find(principalId, eventsAfter); final int failureCount = sequentialFailureCount(events); if (failureCount >= lockoutPolicy.getLockoutAfterFailures()) { // Check whether time of most recent failure is within the lockout period AuditEvent lastFailure = mostRecentFailure(events); if (lastFailure != null && lastFailure.getTime() > timeService.getCurrentTimeMillis() - lockoutPolicy.getLockoutPeriodSeconds() * 1000) { return new Result(false, failureCount); } } return new Result(true, failureCount); } /** * Counts the number of failures that occurred without an intervening * successful login. */ " 263,0," public OpenIDLoginConfigurer openidLogin() throws Exception { return getOrApply(new OpenIDLoginConfigurer()); } /** * Adds the Security headers to the response. This is activated by default when using * {@link WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter}'s default constructor. Accepting the * default provided by {@link WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter} or only invoking * {@link #headers()} without invoking additional methods on it, is the equivalent of: * *
	 * @Configuration
	 * @EnableWebSecurity
	 * public class CsrfSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
	 * 	@Override
	 *     protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
	 *         http
	 *             .headers()
	 *                 .contentTypeOptions()
	 *                 .and()
	 *                 .xssProtection()
	 *                 .and()
	 *                 .cacheControl()
	 *                 .and()
	 *                 .httpStrictTransportSecurity()
	 *                 .and()
	 *                 .frameOptions()
	 *                 .and()
	 *             ...;
	 *     }
	 * }
* * You can disable the headers using the following: * *
	 * @Configuration
	 * @EnableWebSecurity
	 * public class CsrfSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
	 * 	@Override
	 *     protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
	 *         http
	 *             .headers().disable()
	 *             ...;
	 *     }
	 * }
* * You can enable only a few of the headers by first invoking * {@link HeadersConfigurer#defaultsDisabled()} * and then invoking the appropriate methods on the {@link #headers()} result. * For example, the following will enable {@link HeadersConfigurer#cacheControl()} and * {@link HeadersConfigurer#frameOptions()} only. * *
	 * @Configuration
	 * @EnableWebSecurity
	 * public class CsrfSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
	 * 	@Override
	 *     protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
	 *         http
	 *             .headers()
	 *                  .defaultsDisabled()
	 *                  .cacheControl()
	 *                  .and()
	 *                  .frameOptions()
	 *                  .and()
	 *             ...;
	 *     }
	 * }
* * You can also choose to keep the defaults but explicitly disable a subset of headers. * For example, the following will enable all the default headers except * {@link HeadersConfigurer#frameOptions()}. * *
	 * @Configuration
	 * @EnableWebSecurity
	 * public class CsrfSecurityConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
	 * 	@Override
	 *     protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception {
	 *         http
	 *             .headers()
	 *                  .frameOptions()
	 *                  	.disable()
	 *                  .and()
	 *             ...;
	 *     }
	 * }
* * @return * @throws Exception * @see HeadersConfigurer */ " 264,0," public String toString() { return name; } } } " 265,0," protected void validateOrderBy(String orderBy) throws IllegalArgumentException { super.validateOrderBy(orderBy, EXTERNAL_GROUP_MAPPING_FIELDS); } " 266,0," public Object createObject(Attributes attributes) { String username = attributes.getValue(""username""); if (username == null) { username = attributes.getValue(""name""); } String password = attributes.getValue(""password""); String fullName = attributes.getValue(""fullName""); if (fullName == null) { fullName = attributes.getValue(""fullname""); } String groups = attributes.getValue(""groups""); String roles = attributes.getValue(""roles""); User user = database.createUser(username, password, fullName); if (groups != null) { while (groups.length() > 0) { String groupname = null; int comma = groups.indexOf(','); if (comma >= 0) { groupname = groups.substring(0, comma).trim(); groups = groups.substring(comma + 1); } else { groupname = groups.trim(); groups = """"; } if (groupname.length() > 0) { Group group = database.findGroup(groupname); if (group == null) { group = database.createGroup(groupname, null); } user.addGroup(group); } } } if (roles != null) { while (roles.length() > 0) { String rolename = null; int comma = roles.indexOf(','); if (comma >= 0) { rolename = roles.substring(0, comma).trim(); roles = roles.substring(comma + 1); } else { rolename = roles.trim(); roles = """"; } if (rolename.length() > 0) { Role role = database.findRole(rolename); if (role == null) { role = database.createRole(rolename, null); } user.addRole(role); } } } return (user); } " 267,0," public void testSendingStringMessage() throws Exception { sendEntityMessage(MESSAGE); } " 268,0," public InputSource resolveEntity(String name, String publicId, String baseURI, String systemId) throws SAXException, IOException { throw new SAXException(sm.getString(""defaultServlet.blockExternalEntity2"", name, publicId, baseURI, systemId)); } } } " 269,0," public static void init(TikaConfig config, DigestingParser.Digester digestr, InputStreamFactory iSF) { tikaConfig = config; digester = digestr; inputStreamFactory = iSF; } static { " 270,0," public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { " 271,0," public boolean createDB(String dbName, PortletRequest request) { // ensure there are no illegal chars in DB name InputUtils.validateSafeInput(dbName); Connection conn = null; try { conn = DerbyConnectionUtil.getDerbyConnection(dbName, DerbyConnectionUtil.CREATE_DB_PROP); portlet.addInfoMessage(request, portlet.getLocalizedString(request, ""sysdb.infoMsg01"", dbName)); return true; } catch (Throwable e) { portlet.addErrorMessage(request, portlet.getLocalizedString(request, ""sysdb.errorMsg01""), e.getMessage()); return false; } finally { // close DB connection try { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { portlet.addErrorMessage(request, portlet.getLocalizedString(request, ""sysdb.errorMsg02""), e.getMessage()); } } } " 272,0," public Member getCascadingMember() { return cascadingMember; } @Override " 273,0," protected void finalize() throws Throwable { super.finalize(); dispose(); } " 274,0," protected void handleClob(String tableName, String fieldName, int rowNum, ResultSet resultSet, int columnIndex, ContentHandler handler, ParseContext context) throws SQLException, IOException, SAXException { //no-op for now. } @Override " 275,0," public void testNoConfig() throws Exception { TesseractOCRConfig config = new TesseractOCRConfig(); assertEquals(""Invalid default tesseractPath value"", """", config.getTesseractPath()); assertEquals(""Invalid default tessdataPath value"", """", config.getTessdataPath()); assertEquals(""Invalid default language value"", ""eng"", config.getLanguage()); assertEquals(""Invalid default pageSegMode value"", ""1"", config.getPageSegMode()); assertEquals(""Invalid default minFileSizeToOcr value"", 0, config.getMinFileSizeToOcr()); assertEquals(""Invalid default maxFileSizeToOcr value"", Integer.MAX_VALUE, config.getMaxFileSizeToOcr()); assertEquals(""Invalid default timeout value"", 120, config.getTimeout()); assertEquals(""Invalid default ImageMagickPath value"", """", config.getImageMagickPath()); assertEquals(""Invalid default density value"", 300 , config.getDensity()); assertEquals(""Invalid default depth value"", 4 , config.getDepth()); assertEquals(""Invalid default colorpsace value"", ""gray"" , config.getColorspace()); assertEquals(""Invalid default filter value"", ""triangle"" , config.getFilter()); assertEquals(""Invalid default resize value"", 900 , config.getResize()); assertEquals(""Invalid default applyRotation value"", false, config.getApplyRotation()); } @Test " 276,0," public void onCreateSSLEngine(SSLEngine engine) { if (proto.npnHandler != null) { proto.npnHandler.onCreateEngine(engine); } } } } " 277,0," public C mvcMatchers(HttpMethod method, String... mvcPatterns) { HandlerMappingIntrospector introspector = new HandlerMappingIntrospector( this.context); List matchers = new ArrayList(mvcPatterns.length); for (String mvcPattern : mvcPatterns) { MvcRequestMatcher matcher = new MvcRequestMatcher(introspector, mvcPattern); if (method != null) { matcher.setMethod(method); } matchers.add(matcher); } return chainRequestMatchers(matchers); } /** * Maps a {@link List} of * {@link org.springframework.security.web.util.matcher.RegexRequestMatcher} * instances. * * @param method the {@link HttpMethod} to use or {@code null} for any * {@link HttpMethod}. * @param regexPatterns the regular expressions to create * {@link org.springframework.security.web.util.matcher.RegexRequestMatcher} from * * @return the object that is chained after creating the {@link RequestMatcher} */ " 278,0," public DateTime getSessionNotOnOrAfter() { return sessionNotOnOrAfter; } " 279,0," public String getAlgorithm() { return ""XMSSMT""; } " 280,0," public void setDynamicAttribute(String uri, String localName, Object value) throws JspException { if (ComponentUtils.altSyntax(getStack()) && ComponentUtils.isExpression(value.toString())) { dynamicAttributes.put(localName, String.valueOf(ObjectUtils.defaultIfNull(findValue(value.toString()), value))); } else { dynamicAttributes.put(localName, value); } } " 281,0," public String getDisplayName() { return ""Suspects Causing Unit Tests to Begin Failing""; } } } " 282,0," public MessageBytes newInstance() { return new MessageBytes(); } } } " 283,0," public static void main(String[] args) { new RunSQLHelper().runSQL(""derbyDB4"", ""create table derbyTbl1(num int, addr varchar(40));"" + ""create table derbyTbl2(num int, addr varchar(40));"" + ""create table derbyTbl3(num int, addr varchar(40));"" + ""insert into derb"", false); } " 284,0," public static VersionNumber getVersion() { try { return new VersionNumber(VERSION); } catch (NumberFormatException e) { try { // for non-released version of Hudson, this looks like ""1.345 (private-foobar), so try to approximate. int idx = VERSION.indexOf(' '); if (idx>0) return new VersionNumber(VERSION.substring(0,idx)); } catch (NumberFormatException _) { // fall through } // totally unparseable return null; } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { // totally unparseable return null; } } /** * Hash of {@link #VERSION}. */ " 285,0," public void testUnsafeRedirectActionPrefix() throws Exception { Map parameterMap = new HashMap(); parameterMap.put(""redirectAction:"" + ""%{3*4}"", """"); StrutsMockHttpServletRequest request = new StrutsMockHttpServletRequest(); request.setupGetServletPath(""/someServletPath.action""); request.setParameterMap(parameterMap); DefaultActionMapper defaultActionMapper = new DefaultActionMapper(); defaultActionMapper.setContainer(container); ActionMapping actionMapping = defaultActionMapper.getMapping(request, configManager); StrutsResultSupport result = (StrutsResultSupport) actionMapping.getResult(); assertNull(result); } " 286,0," public void testBeforeTest() throws IOException { long clusterSeed = randomLong(); int minNumDataNodes = randomIntBetween(0, 3); int maxNumDataNodes = randomIntBetween(minNumDataNodes, 4); final String clusterName = clusterName(""shared"", Integer.toString(CHILD_JVM_ID), clusterSeed); String clusterName1 = clusterName(""shared"", Integer.toString(CHILD_JVM_ID), clusterSeed); while (clusterName.equals(clusterName1)) { clusterName1 = clusterName(""shared"", Integer.toString(CHILD_JVM_ID), clusterSeed); // spin until the time changes } SettingsSource settingsSource = SettingsSource.EMPTY; int numClientNodes = randomIntBetween(0, 2); boolean enableRandomBenchNodes = randomBoolean(); boolean enableHttpPipelining = randomBoolean(); int jvmOrdinal = randomIntBetween(0, 10); String nodePrefix = ""foobar""; InternalTestCluster cluster0 = new InternalTestCluster(clusterSeed, minNumDataNodes, maxNumDataNodes, clusterName, settingsSource, numClientNodes, enableHttpPipelining, jvmOrdinal, nodePrefix); InternalTestCluster cluster1 = new InternalTestCluster(clusterSeed, minNumDataNodes, maxNumDataNodes, clusterName1, settingsSource, numClientNodes, enableHttpPipelining, jvmOrdinal, nodePrefix); assertClusters(cluster0, cluster1, false); long seed = randomLong(); try { { Random random = new Random(seed); cluster0.beforeTest(random, random.nextDouble()); } { Random random = new Random(seed); cluster1.beforeTest(random, random.nextDouble()); } assertArrayEquals(cluster0.getNodeNames(), cluster1.getNodeNames()); Iterator iterator1 = cluster1.iterator(); for (Client client : cluster0) { assertTrue(iterator1.hasNext()); Client other = iterator1.next(); assertSettings(client.settings(), other.settings(), false); } assertArrayEquals(cluster0.getNodeNames(), cluster1.getNodeNames()); cluster0.afterTest(); cluster1.afterTest(); } finally { IOUtils.close(cluster0, cluster1); } } " 287,0," private String extractFullContextPath(HttpServletRequest request) throws MalformedURLException { String result = null; String contextPath = request.getContextPath(); String requestUrl = request.getRequestURL().toString(); String requestPath = new URL(requestUrl).getPath(); // Cut request path of request url and add context path if not ROOT if (requestPath != null && requestPath.length() > 0) { int lastIndex = requestUrl.lastIndexOf(requestPath); result = requestUrl.substring(0, lastIndex); } else { result = requestUrl; } if (contextPath != null && contextPath.length() > 0) { // contextPath contains starting slash result = result + contextPath + ""/""; } else { result = result + ""/""; } return result; } " 288,0," public String filenameOf(@Nonnull String id) { return super.filenameOf(keyFor(id)); } /** * {@inheritDoc} */ @Override " 289,0," ElementKind getKind(); " 290,0," protected void service(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { log.trace(""Service: {}"", request); // is there a consumer registered for the request. HttpConsumer consumer = getServletResolveConsumerStrategy().resolve(request, getConsumers()); if (consumer == null) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); return; } if (consumer.getEndpoint().getHttpMethodRestrict() != null) { Iterator it = ObjectHelper.createIterable(consumer.getEndpoint().getHttpMethodRestrict()).iterator(); boolean match = false; while (it.hasNext()) { String method = it.next().toString(); if (method.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getMethod())) { match = true; break; } } if (!match) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED); return; } } if (""TRACE"".equals(request.getMethod()) && !consumer.isTraceEnabled()) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED); return; } // we do not support java serialized objects unless explicit enabled String contentType = request.getContentType(); if (HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_JAVA_SERIALIZED_OBJECT.equals(contentType) && !consumer.getEndpoint().getComponent().isAllowJavaSerializedObject()) { System.out.println(""415 miser !!!""); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_UNSUPPORTED_MEDIA_TYPE); return; } final Exchange result = (Exchange) request.getAttribute(EXCHANGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); if (result == null) { // no asynchronous result so leverage continuation final Continuation continuation = ContinuationSupport.getContinuation(request); if (continuation.isInitial() && continuationTimeout != null) { // set timeout on initial continuation.setTimeout(continuationTimeout); } // are we suspended and a request is dispatched initially? if (consumer.isSuspended() && continuation.isInitial()) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); return; } if (continuation.isExpired()) { String id = (String) continuation.getAttribute(EXCHANGE_ATTRIBUTE_ID); // remember this id as expired expiredExchanges.put(id, id); log.warn(""Continuation expired of exchangeId: {}"", id); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); return; } // a new request so create an exchange final Exchange exchange = new DefaultExchange(consumer.getEndpoint(), ExchangePattern.InOut); if (consumer.getEndpoint().isBridgeEndpoint()) { exchange.setProperty(Exchange.SKIP_GZIP_ENCODING, Boolean.TRUE); exchange.setProperty(Exchange.SKIP_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED, Boolean.TRUE); } if (consumer.getEndpoint().isDisableStreamCache()) { exchange.setProperty(Exchange.DISABLE_HTTP_STREAM_CACHE, Boolean.TRUE); } HttpHelper.setCharsetFromContentType(request.getContentType(), exchange); exchange.setIn(new HttpMessage(exchange, request, response)); // set context path as header String contextPath = consumer.getEndpoint().getPath(); exchange.getIn().setHeader(""CamelServletContextPath"", contextPath); String httpPath = (String)exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_PATH); // here we just remove the CamelServletContextPath part from the HTTP_PATH if (contextPath != null && httpPath.startsWith(contextPath)) { exchange.getIn().setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_PATH, httpPath.substring(contextPath.length())); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(""Suspending continuation of exchangeId: {}"", exchange.getExchangeId()); } continuation.setAttribute(EXCHANGE_ATTRIBUTE_ID, exchange.getExchangeId()); // we want to handle the UoW try { consumer.createUoW(exchange); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(""Error processing request"", e); throw new ServletException(e); } // must suspend before we process the exchange continuation.suspend(); ClassLoader oldTccl = overrideTccl(exchange); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(""Processing request for exchangeId: {}"", exchange.getExchangeId()); } // use the asynchronous API to process the exchange consumer.getAsyncProcessor().process(exchange, new AsyncCallback() { public void done(boolean doneSync) { // check if the exchange id is already expired boolean expired = expiredExchanges.remove(exchange.getExchangeId()) != null; if (!expired) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(""Resuming continuation of exchangeId: {}"", exchange.getExchangeId()); } // resume processing after both, sync and async callbacks continuation.setAttribute(EXCHANGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, exchange); continuation.resume(); } else { log.warn(""Cannot resume expired continuation of exchangeId: {}"", exchange.getExchangeId()); } } }); if (oldTccl != null) { restoreTccl(exchange, oldTccl); } // return to let Jetty continuation to work as it will resubmit and invoke the service // method again when its resumed return; } try { // now lets output to the response if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(""Resumed continuation and writing response for exchangeId: {}"", result.getExchangeId()); } Integer bs = consumer.getEndpoint().getResponseBufferSize(); if (bs != null) { log.trace(""Using response buffer size: {}"", bs); response.setBufferSize(bs); } consumer.getBinding().writeResponse(result, response); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(""Error processing request"", e); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(""Error processing request"", e); throw new ServletException(e); } finally { consumer.doneUoW(result); } } " 291,0," public String getTreeDigest() { return DigestUtil.getXMSSDigestName(treeDigest); } " 292,0," public void setCustomWorkspace(String customWorkspace) throws IOException { this.customWorkspace= Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(customWorkspace); save(); } " 293,0," public String nextElement() { underlying.nextElement(); return ""application/json""; } } }" 294,0," public Set getSupportedTypes(ParseContext context) { return getWrappedParser().getSupportedTypes(context); } /** * Acts like a regular parser except it ignores the ContentHandler * and it automatically sets/overwrites the embedded Parser in the * ParseContext object. *

* To retrieve the results of the parse, use {@link #getMetadata()}. *

* Make sure to call {@link #reset()} after each parse. */ @Override " 295,0," private void init(InputStream is) { if (is == null) { return; } Properties props = new Properties(); try { props.load(is); } catch (IOException e) { } finally { if (is != null) { try { is.close(); } catch (IOException e) { //swallow } } } // set parameters for Tesseract setTesseractPath( getProp(props, ""tesseractPath"", getTesseractPath())); setTessdataPath( getProp(props, ""tessdataPath"", getTessdataPath())); setLanguage( getProp(props, ""language"", getLanguage())); setPageSegMode( getProp(props, ""pageSegMode"", getPageSegMode())); setMinFileSizeToOcr( getProp(props, ""minFileSizeToOcr"", getMinFileSizeToOcr())); setMaxFileSizeToOcr( getProp(props, ""maxFileSizeToOcr"", getMaxFileSizeToOcr())); setTimeout( getProp(props, ""timeout"", getTimeout())); setOutputType(getProp(props, ""outputType"", getOutputType().toString())); setPreserveInterwordSpacing(getProp(props, ""preserveInterwordSpacing"", false)); // set parameters for ImageMagick setEnableImageProcessing( getProp(props, ""enableImageProcessing"", isEnableImageProcessing())); setImageMagickPath( getProp(props, ""ImageMagickPath"", getImageMagickPath())); setDensity( getProp(props, ""density"", getDensity())); setDepth( getProp(props, ""depth"", getDepth())); setColorspace( getProp(props, ""colorspace"", getColorspace())); setFilter( getProp(props, ""filter"", getFilter())); setResize( getProp(props, ""resize"", getResize())); setApplyRotation( getProp(props, ""applyRotation"", getApplyRotation())); loadOtherTesseractConfig(props); } /** * @see #setTesseractPath(String tesseractPath) */ " 296,0," public String getInfo() { return (info); } " 297,0," public int callback(int num_msg, Pointer msg, Pointer resp, Pointer _) { LOGGER.fine(""pam_conv num_msg=""+num_msg); if(password==null) return PAM_CONV_ERR; // allocates pam_response[num_msg]. the caller will free this Pointer m = libc.calloc(pam_response.SIZE,num_msg); resp.setPointer(0,m); for( int i=0; i * J.3.2, Page 155, ECDSA over the field Fp
* an example with 239 bit prime */ " 300,0," private void debug(String msg) { if ( logger.isDebugEnabled() ) { logger.debug(Logger.EVENT_SUCCESS, msg); } } " 301,0," private static DocumentBuilderFactory createDocumentBuilderFactory() throws ParserConfigurationException { DocumentBuilderFactory dbf = DocumentBuilderFactory.newInstance(); dbf.setFeature(XMLConstants.FEATURE_SECURE_PROCESSING , true); dbf.setValidating(false); dbf.setIgnoringComments(false); dbf.setIgnoringElementContentWhitespace(true); dbf.setNamespaceAware(true); // dbf.setCoalescing(true); // dbf.setExpandEntityReferences(true); return dbf; } /** * Read XML as DOM. */ " 302,0," public void changePassword_Resets_All_Sessions() throws Exception { ScimUser user = createUser(); MockHttpSession session = new MockHttpSession(); MockHttpSession afterLoginSessionA = (MockHttpSession) getMockMvc().perform(post(""/login.do"") .session(session) .accept(TEXT_HTML_VALUE) .param(""username"", user.getUserName()) .param(""password"", ""secr3T"")) .andExpect(status().isFound()) .andExpect(redirectedUrl(""/"")) .andReturn().getRequest().getSession(false); session = new MockHttpSession(); MockHttpSession afterLoginSessionB = (MockHttpSession) getMockMvc().perform(post(""/login.do"") .session(session) .accept(TEXT_HTML_VALUE) .param(""username"", user.getUserName()) .param(""password"", ""secr3T"")) .andExpect(status().isFound()) .andExpect(redirectedUrl(""/"")) .andReturn().getRequest().getSession(false); assertNotNull(afterLoginSessionA.getAttribute(HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository.SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT_KEY)); assertNotNull(afterLoginSessionB.getAttribute(HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository.SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT_KEY)); getMockMvc().perform(get(""/profile"").session(afterLoginSessionB)) .andExpect(status().isOk()); Thread.sleep(1000 - (System.currentTimeMillis() % 1000) + 1); MockHttpSession afterPasswordChange = (MockHttpSession) getMockMvc().perform(post(""/change_password.do"") .session(afterLoginSessionA) .with(csrf()) .accept(TEXT_HTML_VALUE) .param(""current_password"", ""secr3T"") .param(""new_password"", ""secr3T1"") .param(""confirm_password"", ""secr3T1"")) .andExpect(status().isFound()) .andExpect(redirectedUrl(""profile"")) .andReturn().getRequest().getSession(false); assertTrue(afterLoginSessionA.isInvalid()); assertNotNull(afterPasswordChange); assertNotNull(afterPasswordChange.getAttribute(HttpSessionSecurityContextRepository.SPRING_SECURITY_CONTEXT_KEY)); assertNotSame(afterLoginSessionA, afterPasswordChange); getMockMvc().perform( get(""/profile"") .session(afterLoginSessionB) .accept(TEXT_HTML)) .andExpect(status().isFound()) .andExpect(redirectedUrl(""/login"")); } " 303,0," public void setValueStackFactory(ValueStackFactory valueStackFactory) { this.valueStackFactory = valueStackFactory; } @Inject(""devMode"") " 304,0," private List createAuthInfo(SolrZkClient zkClient) { List ret = new LinkedList(); // In theory the credentials to add could change here if zookeeper hasn't been initialized ZkCredentialsProvider credentialsProvider = zkClient.getZkClientConnectionStrategy().getZkCredentialsToAddAutomatically(); for (ZkCredentialsProvider.ZkCredentials zkCredentials : credentialsProvider.getCredentials()) { ret.add(new AuthInfo(zkCredentials.getScheme(), zkCredentials.getAuth())); } return ret; } } } " 305,0," public String changePassword( Model model, @RequestParam(""current_password"") String currentPassword, @RequestParam(""new_password"") String newPassword, @RequestParam(""confirm_password"") String confirmPassword, HttpServletResponse response, HttpServletRequest request) { PasswordConfirmationValidation validation = new PasswordConfirmationValidation(newPassword, confirmPassword); if (!validation.valid()) { model.addAttribute(""message_code"", validation.getMessageCode()); response.setStatus(HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY.value()); return ""change_password""; } SecurityContext securityContext = SecurityContextHolder.getContext(); Authentication authentication = securityContext.getAuthentication(); String username = authentication.getName(); try { changePasswordService.changePassword(username, currentPassword, newPassword); request.getSession().invalidate(); request.getSession(true); if (authentication instanceof UaaAuthentication) { UaaAuthentication uaaAuthentication = (UaaAuthentication)authentication; authentication = new UaaAuthentication( uaaAuthentication.getPrincipal(), new LinkedList<>(uaaAuthentication.getAuthorities()), new UaaAuthenticationDetails(request) ); } securityContext.setAuthentication(authentication); return ""redirect:profile""; } catch (BadCredentialsException e) { model.addAttribute(""message_code"", ""unauthorized""); } catch (InvalidPasswordException e) { model.addAttribute(""message"", e.getMessagesAsOneString()); } response.setStatus(HttpStatus.UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY.value()); return ""change_password""; } " 306,0," public void testSnapshotMoreThanOnce() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, IOException { Client client = client(); final File tempDir = randomRepoPath().getAbsoluteFile(); logger.info(""--> creating repository""); assertAcked(client.admin().cluster().preparePutRepository(""test-repo"") .setType(""fs"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder() .put(""location"", tempDir) .put(""compress"", randomBoolean()) .put(""chunk_size"", randomIntBetween(100, 1000)))); // only one shard assertAcked(prepareCreate(""test"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.builder() .put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS, 1) .put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS, 0) )); ensureYellow(); logger.info(""--> indexing""); final int numDocs = randomIntBetween(10, 100); IndexRequestBuilder[] builders = new IndexRequestBuilder[numDocs]; for (int i = 0; i < builders.length; i++) { builders[i] = client().prepareIndex(""test"", ""doc"", Integer.toString(i)).setSource(""foo"", ""bar"" + i); } indexRandom(true, builders); flushAndRefresh(); assertNoFailures(client().admin().indices().prepareOptimize(""test"").setFlush(true).setMaxNumSegments(1).get()); CreateSnapshotResponse createSnapshotResponseFirst = client.admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot(""test-repo"", ""test"").setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices(""test"").get(); assertThat(createSnapshotResponseFirst.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), greaterThan(0)); assertThat(createSnapshotResponseFirst.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), equalTo(createSnapshotResponseFirst.getSnapshotInfo().totalShards())); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareGetSnapshots(""test-repo"").setSnapshots(""test"").get().getSnapshots().get(0).state(), equalTo(SnapshotState.SUCCESS)); { SnapshotStatus snapshotStatus = client.admin().cluster().prepareSnapshotStatus(""test-repo"").setSnapshots(""test"").get().getSnapshots().get(0); List shards = snapshotStatus.getShards(); for (SnapshotIndexShardStatus status : shards) { assertThat(status.getStats().getProcessedFiles(), greaterThan(1)); } } if (frequently()) { logger.info(""--> upgrade""); client().admin().indices().prepareUpdateSettings(""test"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.builder().put(EnableAllocationDecider.INDEX_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_ENABLE, ""none"")).get(); backwardsCluster().allowOnAllNodes(""test""); logClusterState(); boolean upgraded; do { logClusterState(); CountResponse countResponse = client().prepareCount().get(); assertHitCount(countResponse, numDocs); upgraded = backwardsCluster().upgradeOneNode(); ensureYellow(); countResponse = client().prepareCount().get(); assertHitCount(countResponse, numDocs); } while (upgraded); client().admin().indices().prepareUpdateSettings(""test"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.builder().put(EnableAllocationDecider.INDEX_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_ENABLE, ""all"")).get(); } if (cluster().numDataNodes() > 1 && randomBoolean()) { // only bump the replicas if we have enough nodes logger.info(""--> move from 0 to 1 replica""); client().admin().indices().prepareUpdateSettings(""test"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.builder().put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS, 1)).get(); } logger.debug(""---> repo exists: "" + new File(tempDir, ""indices/test/0"").exists() + "" files: "" + Arrays.toString(new File(tempDir, ""indices/test/0"").list())); // it's only one shard! CreateSnapshotResponse createSnapshotResponseSecond = client.admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot(""test-repo"", ""test-1"").setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices(""test"").get(); assertThat(createSnapshotResponseSecond.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), greaterThan(0)); assertThat(createSnapshotResponseSecond.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), equalTo(createSnapshotResponseSecond.getSnapshotInfo().totalShards())); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareGetSnapshots(""test-repo"").setSnapshots(""test-1"").get().getSnapshots().get(0).state(), equalTo(SnapshotState.SUCCESS)); { SnapshotStatus snapshotStatus = client.admin().cluster().prepareSnapshotStatus(""test-repo"").setSnapshots(""test-1"").get().getSnapshots().get(0); List shards = snapshotStatus.getShards(); for (SnapshotIndexShardStatus status : shards) { assertThat(status.getStats().getProcessedFiles(), equalTo(1)); // we flush before the snapshot such that we have to process the segments_N files } } client().prepareDelete(""test"", ""doc"", ""1"").get(); CreateSnapshotResponse createSnapshotResponseThird = client.admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot(""test-repo"", ""test-2"").setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices(""test"").get(); assertThat(createSnapshotResponseThird.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), greaterThan(0)); assertThat(createSnapshotResponseThird.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), equalTo(createSnapshotResponseThird.getSnapshotInfo().totalShards())); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareGetSnapshots(""test-repo"").setSnapshots(""test-2"").get().getSnapshots().get(0).state(), equalTo(SnapshotState.SUCCESS)); { SnapshotStatus snapshotStatus = client.admin().cluster().prepareSnapshotStatus(""test-repo"").setSnapshots(""test-2"").get().getSnapshots().get(0); List shards = snapshotStatus.getShards(); for (SnapshotIndexShardStatus status : shards) { assertThat(status.getStats().getProcessedFiles(), equalTo(2)); // we flush before the snapshot such that we have to process the segments_N files plus the .del file } } } " 307,0," protected static void setupFeatures(DocumentBuilderFactory factory) { Properties properties = System.getProperties(); List features = new ArrayList(); for (Map.Entry prop : properties.entrySet()) { String key = (String) prop.getKey(); if (key.startsWith(DOCUMENT_BUILDER_FACTORY_FEATURE)) { String uri = key.split(DOCUMENT_BUILDER_FACTORY_FEATURE + "":"")[1]; Boolean value = Boolean.valueOf((String)prop.getValue()); try { factory.setFeature(uri, value); features.add(""feature "" + uri + "" value "" + value); } catch (ParserConfigurationException e) { LOG.warn(""DocumentBuilderFactory doesn't support the feature {} with value {}, due to {}."", new Object[]{uri, value, e}); } } } if (features.size() > 0) { StringBuffer featureString = new StringBuffer(); // just log the configured feature for (String feature : features) { if (featureString.length() != 0) { featureString.append("", ""); } featureString.append(feature); } } } " 308,0," public void testSaveAndLoad() throws IOException { assumeTrue(AppleNativeIntegrationTestUtils.isApplePlatformAvailable(ApplePlatform.MACOSX)); ProjectWorkspace workspace = TestDataHelper.createProjectWorkspaceForScenario(this, ""parser_with_cell"", tmp); workspace.setUp(); // Warm the parser cache. TestContext context = new TestContext(); ProcessResult runBuckResult = workspace.runBuckdCommand(context, ""query"", ""deps(//Apps:TestAppsLibrary)""); runBuckResult.assertSuccess(); assertThat( runBuckResult.getStdout(), Matchers.containsString( ""//Apps:TestAppsLibrary\n"" + ""//Libraries/Dep1:Dep1_1\n"" + ""//Libraries/Dep1:Dep1_2\n"" + ""bar//Dep2:Dep2"")); // Save the parser cache to a file. NamedTemporaryFile tempFile = new NamedTemporaryFile(""parser_data"", null); runBuckResult = workspace.runBuckdCommand(context, ""parser-cache"", ""--save"", tempFile.get().toString()); runBuckResult.assertSuccess(); // Write an empty content to Apps/BUCK. Path path = tmp.getRoot().resolve(""Apps/BUCK""); byte[] data = {}; Files.write(path, data); context = new TestContext(); // Load the parser cache to a new buckd context. runBuckResult = workspace.runBuckdCommand(context, ""parser-cache"", ""--load"", tempFile.get().toString()); runBuckResult.assertSuccess(); // Perform the query again. If we didn't load the parser cache, this call would fail because // Apps/BUCK is empty. runBuckResult = workspace.runBuckdCommand(context, ""query"", ""deps(//Apps:TestAppsLibrary)""); runBuckResult.assertSuccess(); assertThat( runBuckResult.getStdout(), Matchers.containsString( ""//Apps:TestAppsLibrary\n"" + ""//Libraries/Dep1:Dep1_1\n"" + ""//Libraries/Dep1:Dep1_2\n"" + ""bar//Dep2:Dep2"")); } @Test " 309,0," public void setEnforceAssertionsSigned(boolean enforceAssertionsSigned) { this.enforceAssertionsSigned = enforceAssertionsSigned; } /** * Enforce that the Issuer of the received Response/Assertion is known. The default is true. */ " 310,0," public void setUp() throws Exception { SecurityContextHolder.clearContext(); scimUserProvisioning = mock(ScimUserProvisioning.class); codeStore = mock(ExpiringCodeStore.class); passwordValidator = mock(PasswordValidator.class); clientDetailsService = mock(ClientDetailsService.class); emailResetPasswordService = new UaaResetPasswordService(scimUserProvisioning, codeStore, passwordValidator, clientDetailsService); } @After " 311,0," public static final void main(String args[]) { System.out.println(""Supported pseudo-random functions for KDF (version: "" + kdfVersion + "")""); System.out.println(""Enum Name\tAlgorithm\t# bits""); for (PRF_ALGORITHMS prf : PRF_ALGORITHMS.values()) { System.out.println(prf + ""\t"" + prf.getAlgName() + ""\t"" + prf.getBits()); } } " 312,0," private void doTestExtensionSizeLimit(int len, boolean ok) throws Exception { // Setup Tomcat instance Tomcat tomcat = getTomcatInstance(); tomcat.getConnector().setProperty( ""maxExtensionSize"", Integer.toString(EXT_SIZE_LIMIT)); // Must have a real docBase - just use temp Context ctx = tomcat.addContext("""", System.getProperty(""java.io.tmpdir"")); Tomcat.addServlet(ctx, ""servlet"", new EchoHeaderServlet()); ctx.addServletMapping(""/"", ""servlet""); tomcat.start(); String extName = "";foo=""; StringBuilder extValue = new StringBuilder(len); for (int i = 0; i < (len - extName.length()); i++) { extValue.append(""x""); } String[] request = new String[]{ ""POST /echo-params.jsp HTTP/1.1"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""Host: any"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""Transfer-encoding: chunked"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""Connection: close"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""3"" + extName + extValue.toString() + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""a=0"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""4"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""&b=1"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""0"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF }; TrailerClient client = new TrailerClient(tomcat.getConnector().getLocalPort()); client.setRequest(request); client.connect(); client.processRequest(); if (ok) { assertTrue(client.isResponse200()); } else { assertTrue(client.isResponse500()); } } @Test " 313,0," void sendPluginResult(PluginResult pluginResult) { synchronized (this) { if (!aborted) { callbackContext.sendPluginResult(pluginResult); } } } } /** * Adds an interface method to an InputStream to return the number of bytes * read from the raw stream. This is used to track total progress against * the HTTP Content-Length header value from the server. */ " 314,0," public void setHttpClient(HttpClient httpClient) { this.httpClient = httpClient; } " 315,0," protected Log getLog() { return log; } // ------------------------------------------------------------ Constructor " 316,0," public void doStart() throws Exception { URI rootURI; if (serverInfo != null) { rootURI = serverInfo.resolveServer(configuredDir); } else { rootURI = configuredDir; } if (!rootURI.getScheme().equals(""file"")) { throw new IllegalStateException(""FileKeystoreManager must have a root that's a local directory (not "" + rootURI + "")""); } directory = new File(rootURI); if (!directory.exists() || !directory.isDirectory() || !directory.canRead()) { throw new IllegalStateException(""FileKeystoreManager must have a root that's a valid readable directory (not "" + directory.getAbsolutePath() + "")""); } log.debug(""Keystore directory is "" + directory.getAbsolutePath()); } " 317,0," public void setMaxSize(String maxSize) { this.maxSize = Long.parseLong(maxSize); } /** * Sets the buffer size to be used. * * @param bufferSize */ @Inject(value = StrutsConstants.STRUTS_MULTIPART_BUFFERSIZE, required = false) " 318,0," public void execute(FunctionContext context) { // Verify that the cache exists before continuing. // When this function is executed by a remote membership listener, it is // being invoked before the cache is started. Cache cache = verifyCacheExists(); // Register as membership listener registerAsMembershipListener(cache); // Register functions registerFunctions(); // Return status context.getResultSender().lastResult(Boolean.TRUE); } " 319,0," public void setSocketBuffer(int socketBuffer) { super.setSocketBuffer(socketBuffer); outputBuffer.setSocketBuffer(socketBuffer); } " 320,0," public void waitForAllNodes(int timeout) throws IOException, InterruptedException { waitForAllNodes(jettys.size(), timeout); } " 321,0," static MatcherType fromElement(Element elt) { if (StringUtils.hasText(elt.getAttribute(ATT_MATCHER_TYPE))) { return valueOf(elt.getAttribute(ATT_MATCHER_TYPE)); } return ant; } " 322,0," public int realReadBytes(byte cbuf[], int off, int len) throws IOException; } /** Same as java.nio.channel.WrittableByteChannel. */ " 323,0," public void complete() { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { logDebug(""complete ""); } check(); request.getCoyoteRequest().action(ActionCode.ASYNC_COMPLETE, null); } @Override " 324,0," public void testContainsExpressionIsFalse() throws Exception { // given String anExpression = ""foo""; // when boolean actual = ComponentUtils.containsExpression(anExpression); // then assertFalse(actual); } } class MockConfigurationProvider implements ConfigurationProvider { public void destroy() { } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws ConfigurationException { } public boolean needsReload() { return false; } public void loadPackages() throws ConfigurationException { } public void register(ContainerBuilder builder, LocatableProperties props) throws ConfigurationException { builder.constant(StrutsConstants.STRUTS_TAG_ALTSYNTAX, ""false""); } " 325,0," @Test(timeout = 1000L) public void testCeilLongMonths() throws Exception { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.NOVEMBER); new CronTab(""0 0 31 * *"").ceil(cal); // would infinite loop } " 326,0," public static File unzip(File zip, File toDir, Predicate filter) throws IOException { if (!toDir.exists()) { FileUtils.forceMkdir(toDir); } Path targetDirNormalizedPath = toDir.toPath().normalize(); ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(zip); try { Enumeration entries = zipFile.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); if (filter.test(entry)) { File target = new File(toDir, entry.getName()); verifyInsideTargetDirectory(entry, target.toPath(), targetDirNormalizedPath); if (entry.isDirectory()) { throwExceptionIfDirectoryIsNotCreatable(target); } else { File parent = target.getParentFile(); throwExceptionIfDirectoryIsNotCreatable(parent); copy(zipFile, entry, target); } } } return toDir; } finally { zipFile.close(); } } " 327,0," public Authentication authenticate(Authentication req) throws AuthenticationException { logger.debug(""Processing authentication request for "" + req.getName()); if (req.getCredentials() == null) { BadCredentialsException e = new BadCredentialsException(""No password supplied""); publish(new AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent(req, e)); throw e; } UaaUser user; boolean passwordMatches = false; user = getUaaUser(req); if (user!=null) { passwordMatches = ((CharSequence) req.getCredentials()).length() != 0 && encoder.matches((CharSequence) req.getCredentials(), user.getPassword()); } else { user = dummyUser; } if (!accountLoginPolicy.isAllowed(user, req)) { logger.warn(""Login policy rejected authentication for "" + user.getUsername() + "", "" + user.getId() + "". Ignoring login request.""); AuthenticationPolicyRejectionException e = new AuthenticationPolicyRejectionException(""Login policy rejected authentication""); publish(new AuthenticationFailureLockedEvent(req, e)); throw e; } if (passwordMatches) { logger.debug(""Password successfully matched for userId[""+user.getUsername()+""]:""+user.getId()); if (!allowUnverifiedUsers && !user.isVerified()) { publish(new UnverifiedUserAuthenticationEvent(user, req)); logger.debug(""Account not verified: "" + user.getId()); throw new AccountNotVerifiedException(""Account not verified""); } int expiringPassword = getPasswordExpiresInMonths(); if (expiringPassword>0) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTimeInMillis(user.getPasswordLastModified().getTime()); cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, expiringPassword); if (cal.getTimeInMillis() < System.currentTimeMillis()) { throw new PasswordExpiredException(""Your current password has expired. Please reset your password.""); } } Authentication success = new UaaAuthentication( new UaaPrincipal(user), user.getAuthorities(), (UaaAuthenticationDetails) req.getDetails()); publish(new UserAuthenticationSuccessEvent(user, success)); return success; } if (user == dummyUser || user == null) { logger.debug(""No user named '"" + req.getName() + ""' was found for origin:""+ origin); publish(new UserNotFoundEvent(req)); } else { logger.debug(""Password did not match for user "" + req.getName()); publish(new UserAuthenticationFailureEvent(user, req)); } BadCredentialsException e = new BadCredentialsException(""Bad credentials""); publish(new AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent(req, e)); throw e; } " 328,0," public void test_SignedWithoutSignature() throws Exception { JWT inputJwt = new JWT() .setSubject(""123456789"") .setIssuedAt(ZonedDateTime.now(ZoneOffset.UTC)) .setExpiration(ZonedDateTime.now(ZoneOffset.UTC).plusHours(2)); String encodedJWT = JWT.getEncoder().encode(inputJwt, HMACSigner.newSHA256Signer(""secret"")); String encodedJWTNoSignature = encodedJWT.substring(0, encodedJWT.lastIndexOf('.') + 1); expectException(InvalidJWTSignatureException.class, () -> JWT.getDecoder().decode(encodedJWTNoSignature, HMACVerifier.newVerifier(""secret""))); // Also cannot be decoded even if the caller calls decode w/out a signature because the header still indicates a signature algorithm. expectException(InvalidJWTSignatureException.class, () -> JWT.getDecoder().decode(encodedJWTNoSignature)); } @Test " 329,0," public void initJdbcScimUserProvisioningTests() throws Exception { db = new JdbcScimUserProvisioning(jdbcTemplate, new JdbcPagingListFactory(jdbcTemplate, limitSqlAdapter)); zoneDb = new JdbcIdentityZoneProvisioning(jdbcTemplate); providerDb = new JdbcIdentityProviderProvisioning(jdbcTemplate); ScimSearchQueryConverter filterConverter = new ScimSearchQueryConverter(); Map replaceWith = new HashMap(); replaceWith.put(""emails\\.value"", ""email""); replaceWith.put(""groups\\.display"", ""authorities""); replaceWith.put(""phoneNumbers\\.value"", ""phoneNumber""); filterConverter.setAttributeNameMapper(new SimpleAttributeNameMapper(replaceWith)); db.setQueryConverter(filterConverter); BCryptPasswordEncoder pe = new BCryptPasswordEncoder(4); existingUserCount = jdbcTemplate.queryForInt(""select count(id) from users""); defaultIdentityProviderId = jdbcTemplate.queryForObject(""select id from identity_provider where origin_key = ? and identity_zone_id = ?"", String.class, Origin.UAA, ""uaa""); addUser(JOE_ID, ""joe"", pe.encode(""joespassword""), ""joe@joe.com"", ""Joe"", ""User"", ""+1-222-1234567"", defaultIdentityProviderId, ""uaa""); addUser(MABEL_ID, ""mabel"", pe.encode(""mabelspassword""), ""mabel@mabel.com"", ""Mabel"", ""User"", """", defaultIdentityProviderId, ""uaa""); } " 330,0," public void setUp() throws Exception { lc = new LoggerContext(); lc.setName(""testContext""); logger = lc.getLogger(LoggerSerializationTest.class); // create the byte output stream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); whitelist = LogbackClassicSerializationHelper.getWhilelist(); whitelist.add(Foo.class.getName()); } @After " 331,0," public void withFieldsAndXpath() throws Exception { File tmpdir = File.createTempFile(""test"", ""tmp"", TEMP_DIR); tmpdir.delete(); tmpdir.mkdir(); tmpdir.deleteOnExit(); createFile(tmpdir, ""x.xsl"", xsl.getBytes(""UTF-8""), false); Map entityAttrs = createMap(""name"", ""e"", ""url"", ""cd.xml"", XPathEntityProcessor.FOR_EACH, ""/catalog/cd""); List fields = new ArrayList(); fields.add(createMap(""column"", ""title"", ""xpath"", ""/catalog/cd/title"")); fields.add(createMap(""column"", ""artist"", ""xpath"", ""/catalog/cd/artist"")); fields.add(createMap(""column"", ""year"", ""xpath"", ""/catalog/cd/year"")); Context c = getContext(null, new VariableResolverImpl(), getDataSource(cdData), Context.FULL_DUMP, fields, entityAttrs); XPathEntityProcessor xPathEntityProcessor = new XPathEntityProcessor(); xPathEntityProcessor.init(c); List> result = new ArrayList>(); while (true) { Map row = xPathEntityProcessor.nextRow(); if (row == null) break; result.add(row); } assertEquals(3, result.size()); assertEquals(""Empire Burlesque"", result.get(0).get(""title"")); assertEquals(""Bonnie Tyler"", result.get(1).get(""artist"")); assertEquals(""1982"", result.get(2).get(""year"")); } @Test " 332,0," public void handle(Map record, String xpath); } " 333,0," public int hashCode() { final int prime = 31; int result = super.hashCode(); result = prime * result + ( ( getLocation().getMember() == null ) ? 0 : getLocation().getMember().hashCode() ); return result; } @Override " 334,0," public int getTransportGuaranteeRedirectStatus() { return transportGuaranteeRedirectStatus; } /** * Set the HTTP status code used when the container needs to issue an HTTP * redirect to meet the requirements of a configured transport guarantee. * * @param transportGuaranteeRedirectStatus The status to use. This value is * not validated */ " 335,0," public void setFireRequestListenersOnForwards(boolean enable) { fireRequestListenersOnForwards = enable; } @Override " 336,0," public void cleanUp() { if (multi != null) { multi.cleanUp(); } } " 337,0," public final int getDegree() { return mDegree; } /** * Returns the fieldpolynomial as a new Bitstring. * * @return a copy of the fieldpolynomial as a new Bitstring */ " 338,0," public void setXWorkConverter(XWorkConverter conv) { this.defaultConverter = new OgnlTypeConverterWrapper(conv); } @Inject(XWorkConstants.DEV_MODE) " 339,0," public void testJvmDecoder1() { // This should trigger an error but currently passes. Once the JVM is // fixed, s/false/true/ and s/20/13/ doJvmDecoder(SRC_BYTES_1, false, 20); } @Test " 340,0," protected void doStop() throws Exception { super.doStop(); // ensure client is closed when stopping if (client != null && !client.isClosed()) { client.close(); } client = null; } " 341,0," public O transform(final Object input) { if (input == null) { return null; } try { final Class cls = input.getClass(); final Method method = cls.getMethod(iMethodName, iParamTypes); return (O) method.invoke(input, iArgs); } catch (final NoSuchMethodException ex) { throw new FunctorException(""InvokerTransformer: The method '"" + iMethodName + ""' on '"" + input.getClass() + ""' does not exist""); } catch (final IllegalAccessException ex) { throw new FunctorException(""InvokerTransformer: The method '"" + iMethodName + ""' on '"" + input.getClass() + ""' cannot be accessed""); } catch (final InvocationTargetException ex) { throw new FunctorException(""InvokerTransformer: The method '"" + iMethodName + ""' on '"" + input.getClass() + ""' threw an exception"", ex); } } " 342,0," public String getCompression() { switch (compressionLevel) { case 0: return ""off""; case 1: return ""on""; case 2: return ""force""; } return ""off""; } /** * Set compression level. */ " 343,0," public Reader getData(String query) { return new StringReader(xml); } }; } " 344,0," public String getInfo() { return (info); } " 345,0," public void setMethods(Set methods) { this.methods = new HashSet<>(); for (String method : methods) { this.methods.add(method.toUpperCase()); } } /** * @param authenticationEntryPoint the authenticationEntryPoint to set */ " 346,0," public void run() { synchronized (context) { File file = context.targetFile; if (file != null) { file.delete(); } // Trigger the abort callback immediately to minimize latency between it and abort() being called. JSONObject error = createFileTransferError(ABORTED_ERR, context.source, context.target, null, -1, null); context.sendPluginResult(new PluginResult(PluginResult.Status.ERROR, error)); context.aborted = true; if (context.connection != null) { context.connection.disconnect(); } } } }); } } } " 347,0," public Iterator getGroups() { synchronized (groups) { return (groups.iterator()); } } /** * Return the set of {@link Role}s assigned specifically to this user. */ @Override " 348,0," public static Encryptor getInstance() throws EncryptionException { if ( singletonInstance == null ) { synchronized ( JavaEncryptor.class ) { if ( singletonInstance == null ) { singletonInstance = new JavaEncryptor(); } } } return singletonInstance; } " 349,0," private ApplicationContext getContext() { return getSharedObject(ApplicationContext.class); } /** * Allows configuring OpenID based authentication. * *

Example Configurations

* * A basic example accepting the defaults and not using attribute exchange: * *
	 * @Configuration
	 * @EnableWebSecurity
	 * public class OpenIDLoginConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
	 * 	@Override
	 * 	protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) {
	 * 		http.authorizeRequests().antMatchers("/**").hasRole("USER").and().openidLogin()
	 * 				.permitAll();
	 * 	}
	 * 	@Override
	 * 	protected void configure(AuthenticationManagerBuilder auth) throws Exception {
	 * 		auth.inMemoryAuthentication()
	 * 				// the username must match the OpenID of the user you are
	 * 				// logging in with
	 * 				.withUser(
	 * 						"https://www.google.com/accounts/o8/id?id=lmkCn9xzPdsxVwG7pjYMuDgNNdASFmobNkcRPaWU")
	 * 				.password("password").roles("USER");
	 * 	}
	 * }
* * A more advanced example demonstrating using attribute exchange and providing a * custom AuthenticationUserDetailsService that will make any user that authenticates * a valid user. * *
	 * @Configuration
	 * @EnableWebSecurity
	 * public class OpenIDLoginConfig extends WebSecurityConfigurerAdapter {
	 * 	@Override
	 * 	protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) {
	 * 		http.authorizeRequests()
	 * 				.antMatchers("/**")
	 * 				.hasRole("USER")
	 * 				.and()
	 * 				.openidLogin()
	 * 				.loginPage("/login")
	 * 				.permitAll()
	 * 				.authenticationUserDetailsService(
	 * 						new AutoProvisioningUserDetailsService())
	 * 				.attributeExchange("https://www.google.com/.*").attribute("email")
	 * 				.type("http://axschema.org/contact/email").required(true).and()
	 * 				.attribute("firstname").type("http://axschema.org/namePerson/first")
	 * 				.required(true).and().attribute("lastname")
	 * 				.type("http://axschema.org/namePerson/last").required(true).and().and()
	 * 				.attributeExchange(".*yahoo.com.*").attribute("email")
	 * 				.type("http://schema.openid.net/contact/email").required(true).and()
	 * 				.attribute("fullname").type("http://axschema.org/namePerson")
	 * 				.required(true).and().and().attributeExchange(".*myopenid.com.*")
	 * 				.attribute("email").type("http://schema.openid.net/contact/email")
	 * 				.required(true).and().attribute("fullname")
	 * 				.type("http://schema.openid.net/namePerson").required(true);
	 * 	}
	 * }
	 * public class AutoProvisioningUserDetailsService implements
	 * 		AuthenticationUserDetailsService<OpenIDAuthenticationToken> {
	 * 	public UserDetails loadUserDetails(OpenIDAuthenticationToken token)
	 * 			throws UsernameNotFoundException {
	 * 		return new User(token.getName(), "NOTUSED",
	 * 				AuthorityUtils.createAuthorityList("ROLE_USER"));
	 * 	}
	 * }
* * @return the {@link OpenIDLoginConfigurer} for further customizations. * * @throws Exception * @see OpenIDLoginConfigurer */ " 350,0," public URL getConfigFile() { return configFile; } @Override " 351,0," void version(String version); @LogMessage(level = INFO) @Message(id = 2, value = ""Ignoring XML configuration."") " 352,0," public void copyToRepository(InputStream source, int size, Artifact destination, FileWriteMonitor monitor) throws IOException { if(!destination.isResolved()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""Artifact ""+destination+"" is not fully resolved""); } // is this a writable repository if (!rootFile.canWrite()) { throw new IllegalStateException(""This repository is not writable: "" + rootFile.getAbsolutePath() + "")""); } // where are we going to install the file File location = getLocation(destination); // assure that there isn't already a file installed at the specified location if (location.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""Destination "" + location.getAbsolutePath() + "" already exists!""); } ArtifactTypeHandler typeHandler = typeHandlers.get(destination.getType()); if (typeHandler == null) typeHandler = DEFAULT_TYPE_HANDLER; typeHandler.install(source, size, destination, monitor, location); if (destination.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(""car"")) { log.debug(""Installed module configuration; id={}; location={}"", destination, location); } } " 353,0," public void testRead7ZipMultiVolumeArchiveForFile() throws IOException { final File file = getFile(""apache-maven-2.2.1.zip.001""); ZipFile zf = new ZipFile(file); zf.close(); } " 354,0," public boolean getMapperDirectoryRedirectEnabled(); " 355,0," public void testFloatInHeader() { Response response = WebClient.create(endPoint + TIKA_PATH) .type(""application/pdf"") .accept(""text/plain"") .header(TikaResource.X_TIKA_PDF_HEADER_PREFIX + ""averageCharTolerance"", ""2.0"") .put(ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(""testOCR.pdf"")); assertEquals(200, response.getStatus()); } " 356,0," private void testKeyGenerationAll() throws Exception { testKeyGeneration(1024); testKeyGeneration(2048); testKeyGeneration(3072); } " 357,0," public static String normalizeChildProjectValue(String actualValue){ actualValue = actualValue.replaceAll(""(,[ ]*,)"", "", ""); actualValue = actualValue.replaceAll(""(^,|,$)"", """"); return actualValue.trim(); } " 358,0," public void sendRequest(DiscoveryNode node, long requestId, String action, TransportRequest request, TransportRequestOptions options) throws IOException, TransportException { if (recoveryActionToBlock.equals(action) || requestBlocked.getCount() == 0) { logger.info(""--> preventing {} request"", action); requestBlocked.countDown(); if (dropRequests) { return; } throw new ConnectTransportException(node, ""DISCONNECT: prevented "" + action + "" request""); } transport.sendRequest(node, requestId, action, request, options); } } } " 359,0," protected void stopInternal() throws LifecycleException { super.stopInternal(); // Close any open DB connection close(this.dbConnection); } " 360,0," public static String getPathWithinApplication(HttpServletRequest request) { String contextPath = getContextPath(request); String requestUri = getRequestUri(request); if (StringUtils.startsWithIgnoreCase(requestUri, contextPath)) { // Normal case: URI contains context path. String path = requestUri.substring(contextPath.length()); return (StringUtils.hasText(path) ? path : ""/""); } else { // Special case: rather unusual. return requestUri; } } /** * Return the request URI for the given request, detecting an include request * URL if called within a RequestDispatcher include. *

As the value returned by request.getRequestURI() is not * decoded by the servlet container, this method will decode it. *

The URI that the web container resolves should be correct, but some * containers like JBoss/Jetty incorrectly include "";"" strings like "";jsessionid"" * in the URI. This method cuts off such incorrect appendices. * * @param request current HTTP request * @return the request URI */ " 361,0," public boolean getAllowCasualMultipartParsing(); /** * Set to true to allow requests mapped to servlets that * do not explicitly declare @MultipartConfig or have * <multipart-config> specified in web.xml to parse * multipart/form-data requests. * * @param allowCasualMultipartParsing true to allow such * casual parsing, false otherwise. */ " 362,0," public void setCharset(Charset charset) { if( !byteC.isNull() ) { // if the encoding changes we need to reset the conversion results charC.recycle(); hasStrValue=false; } byteC.setCharset(charset); } /** * Sets the content to be a char[] * * @param c the bytes * @param off the start offset of the bytes * @param len the length of the bytes */ " 363,0," public final GF2nElement convert(GF2nElement elem, GF2nField basis) throws RuntimeException { if (basis == this) { return (GF2nElement)elem.clone(); } if (fieldPolynomial.equals(basis.fieldPolynomial)) { return (GF2nElement)elem.clone(); } if (mDegree != basis.mDegree) { throw new RuntimeException(""GF2nField.convert: B1 has a"" + "" different degree and thus cannot be coverted to!""); } int i; GF2Polynomial[] COBMatrix; i = fields.indexOf(basis); if (i == -1) { computeCOBMatrix(basis); i = fields.indexOf(basis); } COBMatrix = (GF2Polynomial[])matrices.elementAt(i); GF2nElement elemCopy = (GF2nElement)elem.clone(); if (elemCopy instanceof GF2nONBElement) { // remember: ONB treats its bits in reverse order ((GF2nONBElement)elemCopy).reverseOrder(); } GF2Polynomial bs = new GF2Polynomial(mDegree, elemCopy.toFlexiBigInt()); bs.expandN(mDegree); GF2Polynomial result = new GF2Polynomial(mDegree); for (i = 0; i < mDegree; i++) { if (bs.vectorMult(COBMatrix[i])) { result.setBit(mDegree - 1 - i); } } if (basis instanceof GF2nPolynomialField) { return new GF2nPolynomialElement((GF2nPolynomialField)basis, result); } else if (basis instanceof GF2nONBField) { GF2nONBElement res = new GF2nONBElement((GF2nONBField)basis, result.toFlexiBigInt()); // TODO Remember: ONB treats its Bits in reverse order !!! res.reverseOrder(); return res; } else { throw new RuntimeException( ""GF2nField.convert: B1 must be an instance of "" + ""GF2nPolynomialField or GF2nONBField!""); } } " 364,0," public CsrfConfigurer csrfTokenRepository( CsrfTokenRepository csrfTokenRepository) { Assert.notNull(csrfTokenRepository, ""csrfTokenRepository cannot be null""); this.csrfTokenRepository = csrfTokenRepository; return this; } /** * Specify the {@link RequestMatcher} to use for determining when CSRF should be * applied. The default is to ignore GET, HEAD, TRACE, OPTIONS and process all other * requests. * * @param requireCsrfProtectionMatcher the {@link RequestMatcher} to use * @return the {@link CsrfConfigurer} for further customizations */ " 365,0," private BigInteger[] derDecode( byte[] encoding) throws IOException { ASN1Sequence s = (ASN1Sequence)ASN1Primitive.fromByteArray(encoding); if (s.size() != 2) { throw new IOException(""malformed signature""); } if (!Arrays.areEqual(encoding, s.getEncoded(ASN1Encoding.DER))) { throw new IOException(""malformed signature""); } return new BigInteger[]{ ((ASN1Integer)s.getObjectAt(0)).getValue(), ((ASN1Integer)s.getObjectAt(1)).getValue() }; } " 366,0," protected UserDetailsContextMapper getUserDetailsContextMapper() { return userDetailsContextMapper; } " 367,0," public abstract void perform() throws IOException; " 368,0," public long getFailureCount() { return failureCounter.get(); } " 369,0," public long getTimestamp() { return timestamp; } } } " 370,0," public int getTransportGuaranteeRedirectStatus() { return transportGuaranteeRedirectStatus; } /** * Set the HTTP status code used when the container needs to issue an HTTP * redirect to meet the requirements of a configured transport guarantee. * * @param transportGuaranteeRedirectStatus The status to use. This value is * not validated */ " 371,0," public void setRedirectUri(String redirectUri) { this.redirectUri = redirectUri; } " 372,0," public boolean isDoLoop() { return iDoLoop; } " 373,0," public void testCompatibilityWith_v1_0_12() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(SERIALIZATION_PREFIX + ""logger_v1.0.12.ser""); ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(fis); Logger a = (Logger) ois.readObject(); ois.close(); assertEquals(""a"", a.getName()); } " 374,0," public Tomcat getTomcatInstance() { return tomcat; } /** * Make the Tomcat instance preconfigured with test/webapp available to * sub-classes. * @param addJstl Should JSTL support be added to the test webapp * @param start Should the Tomcat instance be started * * @return A Tomcat instance pre-configured with the web application located * at test/webapp * * @throws LifecycleException If a problem occurs while starting the * instance */ " 375,0," @CheckForNull public TimeZone getTimeZone() { if (this.specTimezone == null) { return null; } return TimeZone.getTimeZone(this.specTimezone); } " 376,0," public int getCacheSize() { return cacheSize; } /** * @param cacheSize The cacheSize to set. */ " 377,0," protected Log getLog() { return log; } @Override " 378,0," public X509Certificate generateCert(PublicKey publicKey, PrivateKey privateKey, String sigalg, int validity, String cn, String ou, String o, String l, String st, String c) throws java.security.SignatureException, java.security.InvalidKeyException { X509V1CertificateGenerator certgen = new X509V1CertificateGenerator(); // issuer dn Vector order = new Vector(); Hashtable attrmap = new Hashtable(); if (cn != null) { attrmap.put(X509Principal.CN, cn); order.add(X509Principal.CN); } if (ou != null) { attrmap.put(X509Principal.OU, ou); order.add(X509Principal.OU); } if (o != null) { attrmap.put(X509Principal.O, o); order.add(X509Principal.O); } if (l != null) { attrmap.put(X509Principal.L, l); order.add(X509Principal.L); } if (st != null) { attrmap.put(X509Principal.ST, st); order.add(X509Principal.ST); } if (c != null) { attrmap.put(X509Principal.C, c); order.add(X509Principal.C); } X509Principal issuerDN = new X509Principal(order, attrmap); certgen.setIssuerDN(issuerDN); // validity long curr = System.currentTimeMillis(); long untill = curr + (long) validity * 24 * 60 * 60 * 1000; certgen.setNotBefore(new Date(curr)); certgen.setNotAfter(new Date(untill)); // subject dn certgen.setSubjectDN(issuerDN); // public key certgen.setPublicKey(publicKey); // signature alg certgen.setSignatureAlgorithm(sigalg); // serial number certgen.setSerialNumber(new BigInteger(String.valueOf(curr))); // make certificate return certgen.generateX509Certificate(privateKey); } " 379,0," public String getRmiBindAddress() { return rmiBindAddress; } /** * Set the inet address on which the Platform RMI server is exported. * @param theRmiBindAddress The textual representation of inet address */ " 380,0," public ClientLockoutPolicyRetriever setEnabled(boolean enabled) { isEnabled = enabled; return this; } " 381,0," private Page createPage() { if (pageCreator == null) { return null; } else { return pageCreator.createPage(); } } /** * @see org.apache.wicket.Component#onBeforeRender() */ @Override " 382,0," public Object getTarget() { Jenkins.getInstance().checkPermission(Jenkins.ADMINISTER); return this; } @Override " 383,0," public void testSpecifiedIndexUnavailable_multipleIndices() throws Exception { createIndex(""test1""); ensureYellow(); // Verify defaults verify(search(""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(msearch(null, ""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(count(""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(clearCache(""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(_flush(""test1"", ""test2""),true); verify(segments(""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(stats(""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(status(""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(optimize(""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(refresh(""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(validateQuery(""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(aliasExists(""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(typesExists(""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(deleteByQuery(""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(percolate(""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(mpercolate(null, ""test1"", ""test2""), false); verify(suggest(""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(getAliases(""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(getFieldMapping(""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(getMapping(""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(getWarmer(""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(getSettings(""test1"", ""test2""), true); IndicesOptions options = IndicesOptions.strictExpandOpen(); verify(search(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(msearch(options, ""test1"", ""test2""), true); verify(count(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(clearCache(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(_flush(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options),true); verify(segments(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(stats(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(status(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(optimize(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(refresh(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(validateQuery(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(aliasExists(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(typesExists(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(deleteByQuery(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(percolate(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(mpercolate(options, ""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(suggest(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(getAliases(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(getFieldMapping(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(getMapping(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(getWarmer(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(getSettings(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); options = IndicesOptions.lenientExpandOpen(); verify(search(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(msearch(options, ""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(count(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(clearCache(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(_flush(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(segments(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(stats(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(status(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(optimize(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(refresh(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(validateQuery(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(aliasExists(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(typesExists(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(deleteByQuery(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(percolate(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(mpercolate(options, ""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(suggest(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(getAliases(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(getFieldMapping(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(getMapping(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(getWarmer(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(getSettings(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); options = IndicesOptions.strictExpandOpen(); assertAcked(prepareCreate(""test2"")); ensureYellow(); verify(search(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(msearch(options, ""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(count(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(clearCache(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(_flush(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options),false); verify(segments(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(stats(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(status(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(optimize(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(refresh(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(validateQuery(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(aliasExists(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(typesExists(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(deleteByQuery(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(percolate(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(mpercolate(options, ""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(suggest(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(getAliases(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(getFieldMapping(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(getMapping(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(getWarmer(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(getSettings(""test1"", ""test2"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); } @Test " 384,0," public boolean isEraseCredentialsAfterAuthentication() { return false; } " 385,0," public void copyToRepository(InputStream source, int size, Artifact destination, FileWriteMonitor monitor) throws IOException { if(!destination.isResolved()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""Artifact ""+destination+"" is not fully resolved""); } // is this a writable repository if (!rootFile.canWrite()) { throw new IllegalStateException(""This repository is not writable: "" + rootFile.getAbsolutePath() + "")""); } // where are we going to install the file File location = getLocation(destination); // assure that there isn't already a file installed at the specified location if (location.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""Destination "" + location.getAbsolutePath() + "" already exists!""); } ArtifactTypeHandler typeHandler = typeHandlers.get(destination.getType()); if (typeHandler == null) typeHandler = DEFAULT_TYPE_HANDLER; typeHandler.install(source, size, destination, monitor, location); if (destination.getType().equalsIgnoreCase(""car"")) { log.debug(""Installed module configuration; id="" + destination + ""; location="" + location); } } " 386,0," public void setAllowJavaSerializedObject(boolean allowJavaSerializedObject) { // need to override and call super for component docs super.setAllowJavaSerializedObject(allowJavaSerializedObject); } " 387,0," public void testChunkHeaderCRLF() throws Exception { doTestChunkingCRLF(true, true, true, true, true, true); } @Test " 388,0," protected Log getLog() { return log; } // ----------------------------------------------------------- Constructors " 389,0," void readRequest(HttpServletRequest request, HttpMessage message); /** * Parses the body from a {@link org.apache.camel.http.common.HttpMessage} * * @param httpMessage the http message * @return the parsed body returned as either a {@link java.io.InputStream} or a {@link java.io.Reader} * depending on the {@link #setUseReaderForPayload(boolean)} property. * @throws java.io.IOException can be thrown */ " 390,0," public void setUp() throws Exception { provider = new ActiveDirectoryLdapAuthenticationProvider(""mydomain.eu"", ""ldap://""); } @Test " 391,0," public Collection getRequiredPermissions(String regionName) { return Collections.singletonList(new ResourcePermission(ResourcePermission.Resource.DATA, ResourcePermission.Operation.READ, regionName)); } " 392,0," public void testConstructor1() throws Exception { SimpleBindRequest bindRequest = new SimpleBindRequest(); bindRequest = bindRequest.duplicate(); assertNotNull(bindRequest.getBindDN()); assertEquals(bindRequest.getBindDN(), """"); assertNotNull(bindRequest.getPassword()); assertEquals(bindRequest.getPassword().stringValue(), """"); assertNotNull(bindRequest.getControls()); assertEquals(bindRequest.getControls().length, 0); assertEquals(bindRequest.getBindType(), ""SIMPLE""); SimpleBindRequest rebindRequest = bindRequest.getRebindRequest(getTestHost(), getTestPort()); assertNotNull(bindRequest.getRebindRequest(getTestHost(), getTestPort())); assertEquals(rebindRequest.getBindDN(), bindRequest.getBindDN()); assertEquals(rebindRequest.getPassword(), bindRequest.getPassword()); assertEquals(bindRequest.getProtocolOpType(), LDAPMessage.PROTOCOL_OP_TYPE_BIND_REQUEST); bindRequest.getLastMessageID(); assertNotNull(bindRequest.encodeProtocolOp()); assertNotNull(bindRequest.toString()); final ArrayList toCodeLines = new ArrayList(10); bindRequest.toCode(toCodeLines, ""foo"", 0, false); assertFalse(toCodeLines.isEmpty()); toCodeLines.clear(); bindRequest.toCode(toCodeLines, ""bar"", 4, true); assertFalse(toCodeLines.isEmpty()); } /** * Tests the second constructor, which takes a bind DN and password, using * non-null, non-empty values. * * @throws Exception If an unexpected problem occurs. */ @Test() " 393,0," public PackageConfig getPackageConfig(String name) { return packageContexts.get(name); } " 394,0," public String[] getRoles(Principal principal) { if (principal instanceof GenericPrincipal) { return ((GenericPrincipal) principal).getRoles(); } String className = principal.getClass().getSimpleName(); throw new IllegalStateException(sm.getString(""realmBase.cannotGetRoles"", className)); } " 395,0," public void destroy() { normalView = null; viewViews = null; viewServers = null; viewGraphs = null; pageView = null; editView = null; addView = null; addGraph = null; editGraph = null; viewServer = null; editServer = null; addServer = null; helpView = null; editNormalView = null; super.destroy(); } " 396,0," public ParameterMetaData build() { return new ParameterMetaData( parameterIndex, name, parameterType, adaptOriginsAndImplicitGroups( getConstraints() ), isCascading(), getGroupConversions(), requiresUnwrapping() ); } } } " 397,0," public String createDB(String dbName) { // ensure there are no illegal chars in DB name InputUtils.validateSafeInput(dbName); String result = DB_CREATED_MSG + "": "" + dbName; Connection conn = null; try { conn = DerbyConnectionUtil.getDerbyConnection(dbName, DerbyConnectionUtil.CREATE_DB_PROP); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof SQLException) { result = getSQLError((SQLException) e); } else { result = e.getMessage(); } } finally { // close DB connection try { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { result = ""Problem closing DB connection""; } } return result; } " 398,0," protected void onUnsuccessfulAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, AuthenticationException failed) throws IOException { super.onUnsuccessfulAuthentication(request, response, failed); LOGGER.log(Level.INFO, ""Login attempt failed"", failed); } " 399,0," public static File resolve(File[] roots, String path) { for (File root : roots) { File file = new File(path); final File normalizedPath; try { if (file.isAbsolute()) { normalizedPath = file.getCanonicalFile(); } else { normalizedPath = new File(root, path).getCanonicalFile(); } } catch (IOException ex) { continue; } if(normalizedPath.getAbsolutePath().startsWith(root.getAbsolutePath())) { return normalizedPath; } } return null; } " 400,0," public Collection getRequiredPermissions(String regionName) { return Collections.singletonList(ResourcePermissions.CLUSTER_MANAGE); } " 401,0," private static ErrorPage findErrorPage (Context context, Throwable exception) { if (exception == null) { return (null); } Class clazz = exception.getClass(); String name = clazz.getName(); while (!Object.class.equals(clazz)) { ErrorPage errorPage = context.findErrorPage(name); if (errorPage != null) { return (errorPage); } clazz = clazz.getSuperclass(); if (clazz == null) { break; } name = clazz.getName(); } return (null); } " 402,0," protected void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); req = new MockHttpServletRequest(); req.setupGetParameterMap(new HashMap()); req.setupGetContextPath(""/my/namespace""); config = new DefaultConfiguration(); PackageConfig pkg = new PackageConfig.Builder(""myns"") .namespace(""/my/namespace"").build(); PackageConfig pkg2 = new PackageConfig.Builder(""my"").namespace(""/my"").build(); config.addPackageConfig(""mvns"", pkg); config.addPackageConfig(""my"", pkg2); configManager = new ConfigurationManager() { public Configuration getConfiguration() { return config; } }; } " 403,0," public String getName() { // Should we return the ID for the principal name? (No, because the // UaaUserDatabase retrieves users by name.) return principal.getName(); } @Override " 404,0," public static IdStrategy idStrategy() { Jenkins j = Jenkins.getInstance(); SecurityRealm realm = j.getSecurityRealm(); if (realm == null) { return IdStrategy.CASE_INSENSITIVE; } return realm.getUserIdStrategy(); } " 405,0," private static void verify(ActionRequestBuilder requestBuilder, boolean fail, long expectedCount) { if (fail) { if (requestBuilder instanceof MultiSearchRequestBuilder) { MultiSearchResponse multiSearchResponse = ((MultiSearchRequestBuilder) requestBuilder).get(); assertThat(multiSearchResponse.getResponses().length, equalTo(1)); assertThat(multiSearchResponse.getResponses()[0].getResponse(), nullValue()); } else { try { requestBuilder.get(); fail(""IndexMissingException or IndexClosedException was expected""); } catch (IndexMissingException | IndexClosedException e) {} } } else { if (requestBuilder instanceof SearchRequestBuilder) { SearchRequestBuilder searchRequestBuilder = (SearchRequestBuilder) requestBuilder; assertHitCount(searchRequestBuilder.get(), expectedCount); } else if (requestBuilder instanceof CountRequestBuilder) { CountRequestBuilder countRequestBuilder = (CountRequestBuilder) requestBuilder; assertHitCount(countRequestBuilder.get(), expectedCount); } else if (requestBuilder instanceof MultiSearchRequestBuilder) { MultiSearchResponse multiSearchResponse = ((MultiSearchRequestBuilder) requestBuilder).get(); assertThat(multiSearchResponse.getResponses().length, equalTo(1)); assertThat(multiSearchResponse.getResponses()[0].getResponse(), notNullValue()); } else { requestBuilder.get(); } } } " 406,0," public void setUp() throws Exception { TestClient testClient = new TestClient(getMockMvc()); adminToken = testClient.getClientCredentialsOAuthAccessToken(""admin"", ""adminsecret"", ""clients.read clients.write clients.secret scim.write""); String clientId = generator.generate().toLowerCase(); String clientSecret = generator.generate().toLowerCase(); BaseClientDetails clientDetails = new BaseClientDetails(clientId, null, null, ""client_credentials"", ""password.write""); clientDetails.setClientSecret(clientSecret); utils().createClient(getMockMvc(), adminToken, clientDetails); passwordWriteToken = testClient.getClientCredentialsOAuthAccessToken(clientId, clientSecret,""password.write""); } @Test " 407,0," public Iterator getGroups() { synchronized (groups) { return (groups.values().iterator()); } } /** * Return the unique global identifier of this user database. */ @Override " 408,0," public boolean refersDirectlyTo(PyObject ob) { if (ob == null || co_consts == null) { return false; } else { for (PyObject obj: co_consts) { if (obj == ob) { return true; } } return false; } } " 409,0," public Charset getCharset() { if (charset == null) { charset = DEFAULT_CHARSET; } return charset; } /** * Returns the message bytes. */ " 410,0," public String getDisplayName() { return Messages.UpstreamComitterRecipientProvider_DisplayName(); } } } " 411,0," public final String convert(String str, boolean query) { if (str == null) return null; if( (!query || str.indexOf( '+' ) < 0) && str.indexOf( '%' ) < 0 ) return str; StringBuffer dec = new StringBuffer(); // decoded string output int strPos = 0; int strLen = str.length(); dec.ensureCapacity(str.length()); while (strPos < strLen) { int laPos; // lookahead position // look ahead to next URLencoded metacharacter, if any for (laPos = strPos; laPos < strLen; laPos++) { char laChar = str.charAt(laPos); if ((laChar == '+' && query) || (laChar == '%')) { break; } } // if there were non-metacharacters, copy them all as a block if (laPos > strPos) { dec.append(str.substring(strPos,laPos)); strPos = laPos; } // shortcut out of here if we're at the end of the string if (strPos >= strLen) { break; } // process next metacharacter char metaChar = str.charAt(strPos); if (metaChar == '+') { dec.append(' '); strPos++; continue; } else if (metaChar == '%') { // We throw the original exception - the super will deal with // it // try { dec.append((char)Integer. parseInt(str.substring(strPos + 1, strPos + 3),16)); strPos += 3; } } return dec.toString(); } " 412,0," public final void parse(Set mappingStreams) { try { // JAXBContext#newInstance() requires several permissions internally and doesn't use any privileged blocks // itself; Wrapping it here avoids that all calling code bases need to have these permissions as well JAXBContext jc = run( NewJaxbContext.action( ConstraintMappingsType.class ) ); Set alreadyProcessedConstraintDefinitions = newHashSet(); for ( InputStream in : mappingStreams ) { String schemaVersion = xmlParserHelper.getSchemaVersion( ""constraint mapping file"", in ); String schemaResourceName = getSchemaResourceName( schemaVersion ); Schema schema = xmlParserHelper.getSchema( schemaResourceName ); Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller(); unmarshaller.setSchema( schema ); ConstraintMappingsType mapping = getValidationConfig( in, unmarshaller ); String defaultPackage = mapping.getDefaultPackage(); parseConstraintDefinitions( mapping.getConstraintDefinition(), defaultPackage, alreadyProcessedConstraintDefinitions ); for ( BeanType bean : mapping.getBean() ) { Class beanClass = ClassLoadingHelper.loadClass( bean.getClazz(), defaultPackage ); checkClassHasNotBeenProcessed( processedClasses, beanClass ); // update annotation ignores annotationProcessingOptions.ignoreAnnotationConstraintForClass( beanClass, bean.getIgnoreAnnotations() ); ConstrainedType constrainedType = ConstrainedTypeBuilder.buildConstrainedType( bean.getClassType(), beanClass, defaultPackage, constraintHelper, annotationProcessingOptions, defaultSequences ); if ( constrainedType != null ) { addConstrainedElement( beanClass, constrainedType ); } Set constrainedFields = ConstrainedFieldBuilder.buildConstrainedFields( bean.getField(), beanClass, defaultPackage, constraintHelper, annotationProcessingOptions ); addConstrainedElements( beanClass, constrainedFields ); Set constrainedGetters = ConstrainedGetterBuilder.buildConstrainedGetters( bean.getGetter(), beanClass, defaultPackage, constraintHelper, annotationProcessingOptions ); addConstrainedElements( beanClass, constrainedGetters ); Set constrainedConstructors = ConstrainedExecutableBuilder.buildConstructorConstrainedExecutable( bean.getConstructor(), beanClass, defaultPackage, parameterNameProvider, constraintHelper, annotationProcessingOptions ); addConstrainedElements( beanClass, constrainedConstructors ); Set constrainedMethods = ConstrainedExecutableBuilder.buildMethodConstrainedExecutable( bean.getMethod(), beanClass, defaultPackage, parameterNameProvider, constraintHelper, annotationProcessingOptions ); addConstrainedElements( beanClass, constrainedMethods ); processedClasses.add( beanClass ); } } } catch ( JAXBException e ) { throw log.getErrorParsingMappingFileException( e ); } } " 413,0," static ASN1Enumerated fromOctetString(byte[] enc) { if (enc.length > 1) { return new ASN1Enumerated(enc); } if (enc.length == 0) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""ENUMERATED has zero length""); } int value = enc[0] & 0xff; if (value >= cache.length) { return new ASN1Enumerated(Arrays.clone(enc)); } ASN1Enumerated possibleMatch = cache[value]; if (possibleMatch == null) { possibleMatch = cache[value] = new ASN1Enumerated(Arrays.clone(enc)); } return possibleMatch; } " 414,0," public void addRecipients(final ExtendedEmailPublisherContext context, EnvVars env, Set to, Set cc, Set bcc) { final class Debug implements RecipientProviderUtilities.IDebug { private final ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor descriptor = Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getDescriptorByType(ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor.class); private final PrintStream logger = context.getListener().getLogger(); public void send(final String format, final Object... args) { descriptor.debug(logger, format, args); } } final Debug debug = new Debug(); Set users = RecipientProviderUtilities.getChangeSetAuthors(Collections.>singleton(context.getRun()), debug); RecipientProviderUtilities.addUsers(users, context, env, to, cc, bcc, debug); } @Extension " 415,0," protected void handleParams(ActionMapping mapping, StringBuilder uri) { String name = mapping.getName(); String params = """"; if (name.indexOf('?') != -1) { params = name.substring(name.indexOf('?')); } if (params.length() > 0) { uri.append(params); } } " 416,0," public static void copyRecursively(final Path source, final Path target, boolean overwrite) throws IOException { final CopyOption[] options; if (overwrite) { options = new CopyOption[]{StandardCopyOption.COPY_ATTRIBUTES, StandardCopyOption.REPLACE_EXISTING}; } else { options = new CopyOption[]{StandardCopyOption.COPY_ATTRIBUTES}; } Files.walkFileTree(source, new FileVisitor() { @Override public FileVisitResult preVisitDirectory(Path dir, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { Files.copy(dir, target.resolve(source.relativize(dir)), options); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFile(Path file, BasicFileAttributes attrs) throws IOException { Files.copy(file, target.resolve(source.relativize(file)), options); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult visitFileFailed(Path file, IOException exc) throws IOException { DeploymentRepositoryLogger.ROOT_LOGGER.cannotCopyFile(exc, file); return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } @Override public FileVisitResult postVisitDirectory(Path dir, IOException exc) throws IOException { return FileVisitResult.CONTINUE; } }); } /** * Delete a path recursively, not throwing Exception if it fails or if the path is null. * @param path a Path pointing to a file or a directory that may not exists anymore. */ " 417,0," public Properties defaultOutputProperties() { Properties properties = new Properties(); properties.put(OutputKeys.ENCODING, defaultCharset); properties.put(OutputKeys.OMIT_XML_DECLARATION, ""yes""); return properties; } /** * Converts the given input Source into the required result */ " 418,0," public static Factory prototypeFactory(final T prototype) { if (prototype == null) { return ConstantFactory.constantFactory(null); } try { final Method method = prototype.getClass().getMethod(""clone"", (Class[]) null); return new PrototypeCloneFactory(prototype, method); } catch (final NoSuchMethodException ex) { try { prototype.getClass().getConstructor(new Class[] { prototype.getClass() }); return new InstantiateFactory( (Class) prototype.getClass(), new Class[] { prototype.getClass() }, new Object[] { prototype }); } catch (final NoSuchMethodException ex2) { if (prototype instanceof Serializable) { return (Factory) new PrototypeSerializationFactory((Serializable) prototype); } } } throw new IllegalArgumentException(""The prototype must be cloneable via a public clone method""); } /** * Restricted constructor. */ " 419,0," public void sec2500PreventAnonymousBind() { provider.authenticate(new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(""rwinch"", """")); } @SuppressWarnings(""unchecked"") @Test(expected = IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException.class) " 420,0," protected void checkConfig() throws IOException { // Create an unbound server socket ServerSocket socket = JdkCompat.getJdkCompat().getUnboundSocket(sslProxy); if (socket == null) { // Can create unbound sockets (1.3 JVM) - can't test the connection return; } initServerSocket(socket); try { // Set the timeout to 1ms as all we care about is if it throws an // SSLException on accept. socket.setSoTimeout(1); socket.accept(); // Will never get here - no client can connect to an unbound port } catch (SSLException ssle) { // SSL configuration is invalid. Possibly cert doesn't match ciphers IOException ioe = new IOException(sm.getString( ""jsse.invalid_ssl_conf"", ssle.getMessage())); JdkCompat.getJdkCompat().chainException(ioe, ssle); throw ioe; } catch (Exception e) { /* * Possible ways of getting here * socket.accept() throws a SecurityException * socket.setSoTimeout() throws a SocketException * socket.accept() throws some other exception (after a JDK change) * In these cases the test won't work so carry on - essentially * the behaviour before this patch * socket.accept() throws a SocketTimeoutException * In this case all is well so carry on */ } finally { // Should be open here but just in case try { socket.close(); } catch (IOException ioe) { // Ignore } } } " 421,0," private static boolean startsWithStringArray(String sArray[], String value) { if (value == null) { return false; } for (int i = 0; i < sArray.length; i++) { if (value.startsWith(sArray[i])) { return true; } } return false; } /** * Check if the resource could be compressed, if the client supports it. */ " 422,0," protected String getProtocolName() { return ""Http""; } // ------------------------------------------------ HTTP specific properties // ------------------------------------------ managed in the ProtocolHandler " 423,0," public String toString() { return ""parameter:'"" + parameterName + ""'""; } } } " 424,0," public long getAvailable(); /** * Set the available date/time for this servlet, in milliseconds since the * epoch. If this date/time is in the future, any request for this servlet * will return an SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE error. A value equal to * Long.MAX_VALUE is considered to mean that unavailability is permanent. * * @param available The new available date/time */ " 425,0," protected abstract Log getLog(); " 426,0," private static ManagedMap parseInterceptUrlsForFilterInvocationRequestMap( MatcherType matcherType, List urlElts, boolean useExpressions, boolean addAuthenticatedAll, ParserContext parserContext) { ManagedMap filterInvocationDefinitionMap = new ManagedMap(); for (Element urlElt : urlElts) { String access = urlElt.getAttribute(ATT_ACCESS); if (!StringUtils.hasText(access)) { continue; } String path = urlElt.getAttribute(ATT_PATTERN); if (!StringUtils.hasText(path)) { parserContext.getReaderContext().error( ""path attribute cannot be empty or null"", urlElt); } String method = urlElt.getAttribute(ATT_HTTP_METHOD); if (!StringUtils.hasText(method)) { method = null; } BeanDefinition matcher = matcherType.createMatcher(parserContext, path, method); BeanDefinitionBuilder attributeBuilder = BeanDefinitionBuilder .rootBeanDefinition(SecurityConfig.class); if (useExpressions) { logger.info(""Creating access control expression attribute '"" + access + ""' for "" + path); // The single expression will be parsed later by the // ExpressionFilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource attributeBuilder.addConstructorArgValue(new String[] { access }); attributeBuilder.setFactoryMethod(""createList""); } else { attributeBuilder.addConstructorArgValue(access); attributeBuilder.setFactoryMethod(""createListFromCommaDelimitedString""); } if (filterInvocationDefinitionMap.containsKey(matcher)) { logger.warn(""Duplicate URL defined: "" + path + "". The original attribute values will be overwritten""); } filterInvocationDefinitionMap.put(matcher, attributeBuilder.getBeanDefinition()); } if (addAuthenticatedAll && filterInvocationDefinitionMap.isEmpty()) { BeanDefinition matcher = matcherType.createMatcher(parserContext, ""/**"", null); BeanDefinitionBuilder attributeBuilder = BeanDefinitionBuilder .rootBeanDefinition(SecurityConfig.class); attributeBuilder.addConstructorArgValue(new String[] { ""authenticated"" }); attributeBuilder.setFactoryMethod(""createList""); filterInvocationDefinitionMap.put(matcher, attributeBuilder.getBeanDefinition()); } return filterInvocationDefinitionMap; } " 427,0," public DeserializerFactory withConfig(DeserializerFactoryConfig config) { if (_factoryConfig == config) { return this; } /* 22-Nov-2010, tatu: Handling of subtypes is tricky if we do immutable-with-copy-ctor; * and we pretty much have to here either choose between losing subtype instance * when registering additional deserializers, or losing deserializers. * Instead, let's actually just throw an error if this method is called when subtype * has not properly overridden this method; this to indicate problem as soon as possible. */ if (getClass() != BeanDeserializerFactory.class) { throw new IllegalStateException(""Subtype of BeanDeserializerFactory (""+getClass().getName() +"") has not properly overridden method 'withAdditionalDeserializers': can not instantiate subtype with "" +""additional deserializer definitions""); } return new BeanDeserializerFactory(config); } /* /********************************************************** /* DeserializerFactory API implementation /********************************************************** */ /** * Method that {@link DeserializerCache}s call to create a new * deserializer for types other than Collections, Maps, arrays and * enums. */ @Override " 428,0," public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException { this.defaultWebSecurityExpressionHandler .setApplicationContext(applicationContext); this.ignoredRequestRegistry = new IgnoredRequestConfigurer(applicationContext); } " 429,0," private SessionCreationPolicy createPolicy(String createSession) { if (""ifRequired"".equals(createSession)) { return SessionCreationPolicy.IF_REQUIRED; } else if (""always"".equals(createSession)) { return SessionCreationPolicy.ALWAYS; } else if (""never"".equals(createSession)) { return SessionCreationPolicy.NEVER; } else if (""stateless"".equals(createSession)) { return SessionCreationPolicy.STATELESS; } throw new IllegalStateException(""Cannot convert "" + createSession + "" to "" + SessionCreationPolicy.class.getName()); } @SuppressWarnings(""rawtypes"") " 430,1," public PlainText decrypt(SecretKey key, CipherText ciphertext) throws EncryptionException, IllegalArgumentException { long start = System.nanoTime(); // Current time in nanosecs; used to prevent timing attacks if ( key == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""SecretKey arg may not be null""); } if ( ciphertext == null ) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""Ciphertext may arg not be null""); } if ( ! CryptoHelper.isAllowedCipherMode(ciphertext.getCipherMode()) ) { // This really should be an illegal argument exception, but it could // mean that a partner encrypted something using a cipher mode that // you do not accept, so it's a bit more complex than that. Also // throwing an IllegalArgumentException doesn't allow us to provide // the two separate error messages or automatically log it. throw new EncryptionException(DECRYPTION_FAILED, ""Invalid cipher mode "" + ciphertext.getCipherMode() + "" not permitted for decryption or encryption operations.""); } logger.debug(Logger.EVENT_SUCCESS, ""Args valid for JavaEncryptor.decrypt(SecretKey,CipherText): "" + ciphertext); PlainText plaintext = null; boolean caughtException = false; int progressMark = 0; try { // First we validate the MAC. boolean valid = CryptoHelper.isCipherTextMACvalid(key, ciphertext); if ( !valid ) { try { // This is going to fail, but we want the same processing // to occur as much as possible so as to prevent timing // attacks. We _could_ just be satisfied by the additional // sleep in the 'finally' clause, but an attacker on the // same server who can run something like 'ps' can tell // CPU time versus when the process is sleeping. Hence we // try to make this as close as possible. Since we know // it is going to fail, we ignore the result and ignore // the (expected) exception. handleDecryption(key, ciphertext); // Ignore return (should fail). } catch(Exception ex) { ; // Ignore } throw new EncryptionException(DECRYPTION_FAILED, ""Decryption failed because MAC invalid for "" + ciphertext); } progressMark++; // The decryption only counts if the MAC was valid. plaintext = handleDecryption(key, ciphertext); progressMark++; } catch(EncryptionException ex) { caughtException = true; String logMsg = null; switch( progressMark ) { case 1: logMsg = ""Decryption failed because MAC invalid. See logged exception for details.""; break; case 2: logMsg = ""Decryption failed because handleDecryption() failed. See logged exception for details.""; break; default: logMsg = ""Programming error: unexpected progress mark == "" + progressMark; break; } logger.error(Logger.SECURITY_FAILURE, logMsg); throw ex; // Re-throw } finally { if ( caughtException ) { // The rest of this code is to try to account for any minute differences // in the time it might take for the various reasons that decryption fails // in order to prevent any other possible timing attacks. Perhaps it is // going overboard. If nothing else, if N_SECS is large enough, it might // deter attempted repeated attacks by making them take much longer. long now = System.nanoTime(); long elapsed = now - start; final long NANOSECS_IN_SEC = 1000000000L; // nanosec is 10**-9 sec long nSecs = N_SECS * NANOSECS_IN_SEC; // N seconds in nano seconds if ( elapsed < nSecs ) { // Want to sleep so total time taken is N seconds. long extraSleep = nSecs - elapsed; // 'extraSleep' is in nanoseconds. Need to convert to a millisec // part and nanosec part. Nanosec is 10**-9, millsec is // 10**-3, so divide by (10**-9 / 10**-3), or 10**6 to // convert to from nanoseconds to milliseconds. long millis = extraSleep / 1000000L; long nanos = (extraSleep - (millis * 1000000L)); assert nanos >= 0 && nanos <= Integer.MAX_VALUE : ""Nanosecs out of bounds; nanos = "" + nanos; try { Thread.sleep(millis, (int)nanos); } catch(InterruptedException ex) { ; // Ignore } } // Else ... time already exceeds N_SECS sec, so do not sleep. } } return plaintext; } // Handle the actual decryption portion. At this point it is assumed that // any MAC has already been validated. (But see ""DISCUSS"" issue, below.) " 431,1," public List getAclForPath(String path) { List acls = zkACLProvider.getACLsToAdd(path); return acls; } }; } " 432,1," protected Object readResolve() throws ObjectStreamException { AbstractBrokerFactory factory = getPooledFactoryForKey(_poolKey); if (factory != null) return factory; // reset these transient fields to empty values _transactional = new ConcurrentHashMap(); _brokers = newBrokerSet(); makeReadOnly(); return this; } " 433,1," public void testRepositoryCreation() throws Exception { Client client = client(); File location = newTempDir(LifecycleScope.SUITE); logger.info(""--> creating repository""); PutRepositoryResponse putRepositoryResponse = client.admin().cluster().preparePutRepository(""test-repo-1"") .setType(""fs"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder() .put(""location"", location) ).get(); assertThat(putRepositoryResponse.isAcknowledged(), equalTo(true)); logger.info(""--> verify the repository""); int numberOfFiles = location.listFiles().length; VerifyRepositoryResponse verifyRepositoryResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareVerifyRepository(""test-repo-1"").get(); assertThat(verifyRepositoryResponse.getNodes().length, equalTo(cluster().numDataAndMasterNodes())); logger.info(""--> verify that we didn't leave any files as a result of verification""); assertThat(location.listFiles().length, equalTo(numberOfFiles)); logger.info(""--> check that repository is really there""); ClusterStateResponse clusterStateResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareState().clear().setMetaData(true).get(); MetaData metaData = clusterStateResponse.getState().getMetaData(); RepositoriesMetaData repositoriesMetaData = metaData.custom(RepositoriesMetaData.TYPE); assertThat(repositoriesMetaData, notNullValue()); assertThat(repositoriesMetaData.repository(""test-repo-1""), notNullValue()); assertThat(repositoriesMetaData.repository(""test-repo-1"").type(), equalTo(""fs"")); logger.info(""--> creating another repository""); putRepositoryResponse = client.admin().cluster().preparePutRepository(""test-repo-2"") .setType(""fs"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder() .put(""location"", newTempDir(LifecycleScope.SUITE)) ).get(); assertThat(putRepositoryResponse.isAcknowledged(), equalTo(true)); logger.info(""--> check that both repositories are in cluster state""); clusterStateResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareState().clear().setMetaData(true).get(); metaData = clusterStateResponse.getState().getMetaData(); repositoriesMetaData = metaData.custom(RepositoriesMetaData.TYPE); assertThat(repositoriesMetaData, notNullValue()); assertThat(repositoriesMetaData.repositories().size(), equalTo(2)); assertThat(repositoriesMetaData.repository(""test-repo-1""), notNullValue()); assertThat(repositoriesMetaData.repository(""test-repo-1"").type(), equalTo(""fs"")); assertThat(repositoriesMetaData.repository(""test-repo-2""), notNullValue()); assertThat(repositoriesMetaData.repository(""test-repo-2"").type(), equalTo(""fs"")); logger.info(""--> check that both repositories can be retrieved by getRepositories query""); GetRepositoriesResponse repositoriesResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareGetRepositories().get(); assertThat(repositoriesResponse.repositories().size(), equalTo(2)); assertThat(findRepository(repositoriesResponse.repositories(), ""test-repo-1""), notNullValue()); assertThat(findRepository(repositoriesResponse.repositories(), ""test-repo-2""), notNullValue()); logger.info(""--> delete repository test-repo-1""); client.admin().cluster().prepareDeleteRepository(""test-repo-1"").get(); repositoriesResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareGetRepositories().get(); assertThat(repositoriesResponse.repositories().size(), equalTo(1)); assertThat(findRepository(repositoriesResponse.repositories(), ""test-repo-2""), notNullValue()); logger.info(""--> delete repository test-repo-2""); client.admin().cluster().prepareDeleteRepository(""test-repo-2"").get(); repositoriesResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareGetRepositories().get(); assertThat(repositoriesResponse.repositories().size(), equalTo(0)); } " 434,1," protected void parseParameters() { parametersParsed = true; Parameters parameters = coyoteRequest.getParameters(); // getCharacterEncoding() may have been overridden to search for // hidden form field containing request encoding String enc = getCharacterEncoding(); boolean useBodyEncodingForURI = connector.getUseBodyEncodingForURI(); if (enc != null) { parameters.setEncoding(enc); if (useBodyEncodingForURI) { parameters.setQueryStringEncoding(enc); } } else { parameters.setEncoding (org.apache.coyote.Constants.DEFAULT_CHARACTER_ENCODING); if (useBodyEncodingForURI) { parameters.setQueryStringEncoding (org.apache.coyote.Constants.DEFAULT_CHARACTER_ENCODING); } } parameters.handleQueryParameters(); if (usingInputStream || usingReader) return; if (!getMethod().equalsIgnoreCase(""POST"")) return; String contentType = getContentType(); if (contentType == null) contentType = """"; int semicolon = contentType.indexOf(';'); if (semicolon >= 0) { contentType = contentType.substring(0, semicolon).trim(); } else { contentType = contentType.trim(); } if (!(""application/x-www-form-urlencoded"".equals(contentType))) return; int len = getContentLength(); if (len > 0) { int maxPostSize = connector.getMaxPostSize(); if ((maxPostSize > 0) && (len > maxPostSize)) { context.getLogger().info (sm.getString(""coyoteRequest.postTooLarge"")); throw new IllegalStateException(""Post too large""); } try { byte[] formData = null; if (len < CACHED_POST_LEN) { if (postData == null) postData = new byte[CACHED_POST_LEN]; formData = postData; } else { formData = new byte[len]; } int actualLen = readPostBody(formData, len); if (actualLen == len) { parameters.processParameters(formData, 0, len); } } catch (Throwable t) { context.getLogger().warn (sm.getString(""coyoteRequest.parseParameters""), t); } } else if (""chunked"".equalsIgnoreCase( coyoteRequest.getHeader(""transfer-encoding""))) { byte[] formData = null; try { formData = readChunkedPostBody(); } catch (IOException e) { // Client disconnect if (context.getLogger().isDebugEnabled()) { context.getLogger().debug( sm.getString(""coyoteRequest.parseParameters""), e); } return; } if (formData != null) { parameters.processParameters(formData, 0, formData.length); } } } /** * Read post body in an array. */ " 435,1," public void unzipping_stream_extracts_subset_of_files() throws IOException { InputStream zip = urlToZip().openStream(); File toDir = temp.newFolder(); ZipUtils.unzip(zip, toDir, (ZipUtils.ZipEntryFilter)ze -> ze.getName().equals(""foo.txt"")); assertThat(toDir.listFiles()).containsOnly(new File(toDir, ""foo.txt"")); } " 436,1," protected boolean addInputFilter(InputFilter[] inputFilters, String encodingName) { if (encodingName.equals(""identity"")) { // Skip } else if (encodingName.equals(""chunked"")) { inputBuffer.addActiveFilter (inputFilters[Constants.CHUNKED_FILTER]); contentDelimitation = true; } else { for (int i = 2; i < inputFilters.length; i++) { if (inputFilters[i].getEncodingName() .toString().equals(encodingName)) { inputBuffer.addActiveFilter(inputFilters[i]); return true; } } return false; } return true; } /** * Specialized utility method: find a sequence of lower case bytes inside * a ByteChunk. */ " 437,1," public KeystoreInstance createKeystore(String name, char[] password, String keystoreType) throws KeystoreException { File test = new File(directory, name); if(test.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""Keystore already exists ""+test.getAbsolutePath()+""!""); } try { KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(keystoreType); keystore.load(null, password); OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(test)); keystore.store(out, password); out.flush(); out.close(); return getKeystore(name, keystoreType); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { throw new KeystoreException(""Unable to create keystore"", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new KeystoreException(""Unable to create keystore"", e); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new KeystoreException(""Unable to create keystore"", e); } catch (CertificateException e) { throw new KeystoreException(""Unable to create keystore"", e); } } " 438,1," private ControllerInfo parseCInfoString(String cInfoString) { Annotations annotation; String[] config = cInfoString.split("",""); if (config.length == 2) { String[] pair = config[1].split(""=""); if (pair.length == 2) { annotation = DefaultAnnotations.builder() .set(pair[0], pair[1]).build(); } else { print(""Wrong format {}"", config[1]); return null; } String[] data = config[0].split("":""); String type = data[0]; IpAddress ip = IpAddress.valueOf(data[1]); int port = Integer.parseInt(data[2]); return new ControllerInfo(ip, port, type, annotation); } else { print(config[0]); return new ControllerInfo(config[0]); } } " 439,1," public void filterWithParameter() throws IOException, ServletException { MockHttpServletRequest request = new MockHttpServletRequest(""POST"", ""/hotels""); request.addParameter(""_method"", ""delete""); MockHttpServletResponse response = new MockHttpServletResponse(); FilterChain filterChain = new FilterChain() { @Override public void doFilter(ServletRequest filterRequest, ServletResponse filterResponse) throws IOException, ServletException { assertEquals(""Invalid method"", ""DELETE"", ((HttpServletRequest) filterRequest).getMethod()); } }; filter.doFilter(request, response, filterChain); } @Test " 440,1," public Authentication authenticate(Authentication authentication) throws AuthenticationException { Assert.isInstanceOf(UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken.class, authentication, messages.getMessage(""LdapAuthenticationProvider.onlySupports"", ""Only UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken is supported"")); final UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken userToken = (UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken)authentication; String username = userToken.getName(); String password = (String) authentication.getCredentials(); if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(""Processing authentication request for user: "" + username); } if (!StringUtils.hasLength(username)) { throw new BadCredentialsException(messages.getMessage(""LdapAuthenticationProvider.emptyUsername"", ""Empty Username"")); } Assert.notNull(password, ""Null password was supplied in authentication token""); DirContextOperations userData = doAuthentication(userToken); UserDetails user = userDetailsContextMapper.mapUserFromContext(userData, authentication.getName(), loadUserAuthorities(userData, authentication.getName(), (String)authentication.getCredentials())); return createSuccessfulAuthentication(userToken, user); } " 441,1," public CsrfConfigurer ignoringAntMatchers(String... antPatterns) { return new IgnoreCsrfProtectionRegistry().antMatchers(antPatterns).and(); } @SuppressWarnings(""unchecked"") @Override " 442,1," public void commence(ServletRequest request, ServletResponse response, AuthenticationException authException) throws IOException, ServletException { HttpServletRequest hrequest = (HttpServletRequest)request; HttpServletResponse hresponse = (HttpServletResponse)response; FedizContext fedContext = federationConfig.getFedizContext(); LOG.debug(""Federation context: {}"", fedContext); // Check to see if it is a metadata request MetadataDocumentHandler mdHandler = new MetadataDocumentHandler(fedContext); if (mdHandler.canHandleRequest(hrequest)) { mdHandler.handleRequest(hrequest, hresponse); return; } String redirectUrl = null; try { FedizProcessor wfProc = FedizProcessorFactory.newFedizProcessor(fedContext.getProtocol()); RedirectionResponse redirectionResponse = wfProc.createSignInRequest(hrequest, fedContext); redirectUrl = redirectionResponse.getRedirectionURL(); if (redirectUrl == null) { LOG.warn(""Failed to create SignInRequest.""); hresponse.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ""Failed to create SignInRequest.""); } Map headers = redirectionResponse.getHeaders(); if (!headers.isEmpty()) { for (Entry entry : headers.entrySet()) { hresponse.addHeader(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue()); } } } catch (ProcessingException ex) { System.err.println(""Failed to create SignInRequest: "" + ex.getMessage()); LOG.warn(""Failed to create SignInRequest: "" + ex.getMessage()); hresponse.sendError( HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, ""Failed to create SignInRequest.""); } preCommence(hrequest, hresponse); if (LOG.isInfoEnabled()) { LOG.info(""Redirecting to IDP: "" + redirectUrl); } hresponse.sendRedirect(redirectUrl); } " 443,1," public void testWithVariantRequestOnly() throws Exception { params.put(I18nInterceptor.DEFAULT_REQUESTONLY_PARAMETER, ""fr_CA_xx""); interceptor.intercept(mai); assertNull(params.get(I18nInterceptor.DEFAULT_PARAMETER)); // should have been removed assertNull(session.get(I18nInterceptor.DEFAULT_SESSION_ATTRIBUTE)); Locale variant = new Locale(""fr"", ""CA"", ""xx""); Locale locale = mai.getInvocationContext().getLocale(); assertNotNull(locale); // should be stored here assertEquals(variant, locale); assertEquals(""xx"", locale.getVariant()); } @Test " 444,1," private T run(PrivilegedAction action) { return System.getSecurityManager() != null ? AccessController.doPrivileged( action ) : action.run(); } " 445,1," public void execute(FunctionContext context) { ResultSender resultSender = context.getResultSender(); Cache cache = context.getCache(); String memberNameOrId = context.getMemberName(); RegionFunctionArgs regionCreateArgs = (RegionFunctionArgs) context.getArguments(); if (regionCreateArgs.isSkipIfExists()) { Region region = cache.getRegion(regionCreateArgs.getRegionPath()); if (region != null) { resultSender.lastResult(new CliFunctionResult(memberNameOrId, true, CliStrings.format( CliStrings.CREATE_REGION__MSG__SKIPPING_0_REGION_PATH_1_ALREADY_EXISTS, memberNameOrId, regionCreateArgs.getRegionPath()))); return; } } try { Region createdRegion = createRegion(cache, regionCreateArgs); XmlEntity xmlEntity = new XmlEntity(CacheXml.REGION, ""name"", createdRegion.getName()); resultSender.lastResult(new CliFunctionResult(memberNameOrId, xmlEntity, CliStrings.format(CliStrings.CREATE_REGION__MSG__REGION_0_CREATED_ON_1, createdRegion.getFullPath(), memberNameOrId))); } catch (IllegalStateException e) { String exceptionMsg = e.getMessage(); String localizedString = LocalizedStrings.DiskStore_IS_USED_IN_NONPERSISTENT_REGION.toLocalizedString(); if (localizedString.equals(e.getMessage())) { exceptionMsg = exceptionMsg + "" "" + CliStrings.format(CliStrings.CREATE_REGION__MSG__USE_ONE_OF_THESE_SHORTCUTS_0, new Object[] {String.valueOf(RegionCommandsUtils.PERSISTENT_OVERFLOW_SHORTCUTS)}); } resultSender.lastResult(handleException(memberNameOrId, exceptionMsg, null/* do not log */)); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { resultSender.lastResult(handleException(memberNameOrId, e.getMessage(), e)); } catch (RegionExistsException e) { String exceptionMsg = CliStrings.format(CliStrings.CREATE_REGION__MSG__REGION_PATH_0_ALREADY_EXISTS_ON_1, regionCreateArgs.getRegionPath(), memberNameOrId); resultSender.lastResult(handleException(memberNameOrId, exceptionMsg, e)); } catch (Exception e) { String exceptionMsg = e.getMessage(); if (exceptionMsg == null) { exceptionMsg = CliUtil.stackTraceAsString(e); } resultSender.lastResult(handleException(memberNameOrId, exceptionMsg, e)); } } " 446,1," public static Document signMetaInfo(Crypto crypto, String keyAlias, String keyPassword, InputStream metaInfo, String referenceID) throws Exception { if (keyAlias == null || """".equals(keyAlias)) { keyAlias = crypto.getDefaultX509Identifier(); } X509Certificate cert = CertsUtils.getX509Certificate(crypto, keyAlias); // } /* public static ByteArrayOutputStream signMetaInfo(FederationContext config, InputStream metaInfo, String referenceID) throws Exception { KeyManager keyManager = config.getSigningKey(); String keyAlias = keyManager.getKeyAlias(); String keypass = keyManager.getKeyPassword(); // in case we did not specify the key alias, we assume there is only one key in the keystore , // we use this key's alias as default. if (keyAlias == null || """".equals(keyAlias)) { //keyAlias = getDefaultX509Identifier(ks); keyAlias = keyManager.getCrypto().getDefaultX509Identifier(); } CryptoType cryptoType = new CryptoType(CryptoType.TYPE.ALIAS); cryptoType.setAlias(keyAlias); X509Certificate[] issuerCerts = keyManager.getCrypto().getX509Certificates(cryptoType); if (issuerCerts == null || issuerCerts.length == 0) { throw new ProcessingException( ""No issuer certs were found to sign the metadata using issuer name: "" + keyAlias); } X509Certificate cert = issuerCerts[0]; */ String signatureMethod = null; if (""SHA1withDSA"".equals(cert.getSigAlgName())) { signatureMethod = SignatureMethod.DSA_SHA1; } else if (""SHA1withRSA"".equals(cert.getSigAlgName())) { signatureMethod = SignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1; } else if (""SHA256withRSA"".equals(cert.getSigAlgName())) { signatureMethod = SignatureMethod.RSA_SHA1; } else { LOG.error(""Unsupported signature method: "" + cert.getSigAlgName()); throw new RuntimeException(""Unsupported signature method: "" + cert.getSigAlgName()); } List transformList = new ArrayList(); transformList.add(XML_SIGNATURE_FACTORY.newTransform(Transform.ENVELOPED, (TransformParameterSpec)null)); transformList.add(XML_SIGNATURE_FACTORY.newCanonicalizationMethod(CanonicalizationMethod.EXCLUSIVE, (C14NMethodParameterSpec)null)); // Create a Reference to the enveloped document (in this case, // you are signing the whole document, so a URI of """" signifies // that, and also specify the SHA1 digest algorithm and // the ENVELOPED Transform. Reference ref = XML_SIGNATURE_FACTORY.newReference( ""#"" + referenceID, XML_SIGNATURE_FACTORY.newDigestMethod(DigestMethod.SHA1, null), transformList, null, null); // Create the SignedInfo. SignedInfo si = XML_SIGNATURE_FACTORY.newSignedInfo( XML_SIGNATURE_FACTORY.newCanonicalizationMethod( CanonicalizationMethod.EXCLUSIVE, (C14NMethodParameterSpec)null), XML_SIGNATURE_FACTORY.newSignatureMethod( signatureMethod, null), Collections.singletonList(ref)); // step 2 // Load the KeyStore and get the signing key and certificate. PrivateKey keyEntry = crypto.getPrivateKey(keyAlias, keyPassword); // Create the KeyInfo containing the X509Data. KeyInfoFactory kif = XML_SIGNATURE_FACTORY.getKeyInfoFactory(); List x509Content = new ArrayList(); x509Content.add(cert.getSubjectX500Principal().getName()); x509Content.add(cert); X509Data xd = kif.newX509Data(x509Content); KeyInfo ki = kif.newKeyInfo(Collections.singletonList(xd)); // step3 // Instantiate the document to be signed. Document doc = DOC_BUILDER_FACTORY.newDocumentBuilder().parse(metaInfo); // Create a DOMSignContext and specify the RSA PrivateKey and // location of the resulting XMLSignature's parent element. //DOMSignContext dsc = new DOMSignContext(keyEntry.getPrivateKey(), doc.getDocumentElement()); DOMSignContext dsc = new DOMSignContext(keyEntry, doc.getDocumentElement()); dsc.setIdAttributeNS(doc.getDocumentElement(), null, ""ID""); dsc.setNextSibling(doc.getDocumentElement().getFirstChild()); // Create the XMLSignature, but don't sign it yet. XMLSignature signature = XML_SIGNATURE_FACTORY.newXMLSignature(si, ki); // Marshal, generate, and sign the enveloped signature. signature.sign(dsc); // step 4 // Output the resulting document. return doc; } " 447,1," public void testCorruptFileThenSnapshotAndRestore() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, IOException { int numDocs = scaledRandomIntBetween(100, 1000); internalCluster().ensureAtLeastNumDataNodes(2); assertAcked(prepareCreate(""test"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.builder() .put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS, ""0"") // no replicas for this test .put(MergePolicyModule.MERGE_POLICY_TYPE_KEY, NoMergePolicyProvider.class) .put(MockFSDirectoryService.CHECK_INDEX_ON_CLOSE, false) // no checkindex - we corrupt shards on purpose .put(EngineConfig.INDEX_FAIL_ON_CORRUPTION_SETTING, true) .put(TranslogService.INDEX_TRANSLOG_DISABLE_FLUSH, true) // no translog based flush - it might change the .liv / segments.N files .put(""indices.recovery.concurrent_streams"", 10) )); ensureGreen(); IndexRequestBuilder[] builders = new IndexRequestBuilder[numDocs]; for (int i = 0; i < builders.length; i++) { builders[i] = client().prepareIndex(""test"", ""type"").setSource(""field"", ""value""); } indexRandom(true, builders); ensureGreen(); assertAllSuccessful(client().admin().indices().prepareFlush().setForce(true).setWaitIfOngoing(true).execute().actionGet()); // we have to flush at least once here since we don't corrupt the translog CountResponse countResponse = client().prepareCount().get(); assertHitCount(countResponse, numDocs); ShardRouting shardRouting = corruptRandomPrimaryFile(false); // we don't corrupt segments.gen since S/R doesn't snapshot this file // the other problem here why we can't corrupt segments.X files is that the snapshot flushes again before // it snapshots and that will write a new segments.X+1 file logger.info(""--> creating repository""); assertAcked(client().admin().cluster().preparePutRepository(""test-repo"") .setType(""fs"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder() .put(""location"", newTempDir(LifecycleScope.SUITE).getAbsolutePath()) .put(""compress"", randomBoolean()) .put(""chunk_size"", randomIntBetween(100, 1000)))); logger.info(""--> snapshot""); CreateSnapshotResponse createSnapshotResponse = client().admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot(""test-repo"", ""test-snap"").setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices(""test"").get(); assertThat(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().state(), equalTo(SnapshotState.PARTIAL)); logger.info(""failed during snapshot -- maybe SI file got corrupted""); final List files = listShardFiles(shardRouting); File corruptedFile = null; for (File file : files) { if (file.getName().startsWith(""corrupted_"")) { corruptedFile = file; break; } } assertThat(corruptedFile, notNullValue()); } /** * This test verifies that if we corrupt a replica, we can still get to green, even though * listing its store fails. Note, we need to make sure that replicas are allocated on all data * nodes, so that replica won't be sneaky and allocated on a node that doesn't have a corrupted * replica. */ @Test " 448,1," public void parse(InputStream stream, ContentHandler ignore, Metadata metadata, ParseContext context) throws IOException, SAXException, TikaException { //Test to see if we should avoid parsing if (parserState.recursiveParserWrapperHandler.hasHitMaximumEmbeddedResources()) { return; } // Work out what this thing is String objectName = getResourceName(metadata, parserState); String objectLocation = this.location + objectName; metadata.add(AbstractRecursiveParserWrapperHandler.EMBEDDED_RESOURCE_PATH, objectLocation); //get a fresh handler ContentHandler localHandler = parserState.recursiveParserWrapperHandler.getNewContentHandler(); parserState.recursiveParserWrapperHandler.startEmbeddedDocument(localHandler, metadata); Parser preContextParser = context.get(Parser.class); context.set(Parser.class, new EmbeddedParserDecorator(getWrappedParser(), objectLocation, parserState)); long started = System.currentTimeMillis(); try { super.parse(stream, localHandler, metadata, context); } catch (SAXException e) { boolean wlr = isWriteLimitReached(e); if (wlr == true) { metadata.add(WRITE_LIMIT_REACHED, ""true""); } else { if (catchEmbeddedExceptions) { ParserUtils.recordParserFailure(this, e, metadata); } else { throw e; } } } catch (TikaException e) { if (catchEmbeddedExceptions) { ParserUtils.recordParserFailure(this, e, metadata); } else { throw e; } } finally { context.set(Parser.class, preContextParser); long elapsedMillis = System.currentTimeMillis() - started; metadata.set(RecursiveParserWrapperHandler.PARSE_TIME_MILLIS, Long.toString(elapsedMillis)); parserState.recursiveParserWrapperHandler.endEmbeddedDocument(localHandler, metadata); } } } /** * This tracks the state of the parse of a single document. * In future versions, this will allow the RecursiveParserWrapper to be thread safe. */ private class ParserState { private int unknownCount = 0; private final AbstractRecursiveParserWrapperHandler recursiveParserWrapperHandler; private ParserState(AbstractRecursiveParserWrapperHandler handler) { this.recursiveParserWrapperHandler = handler; } } } " 449,1," private boolean breakKeepAliveLoop(SocketWrapperBase socketWrapper) { openSocket = keepAlive; // Do sendfile as needed: add socket to sendfile and end if (sendfileData != null && !getErrorState().isError()) { sendfileData.keepAlive = keepAlive; switch (socketWrapper.processSendfile(sendfileData)) { case DONE: // If sendfile is complete, no need to break keep-alive loop sendfileData = null; return false; case PENDING: return true; case ERROR: // Write failed if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(sm.getString(""http11processor.sendfile.error"")); } setErrorState(ErrorState.CLOSE_CONNECTION_NOW, null); return true; } } return false; } @Override " 450,1," public void execute(FunctionContext context) { RegionFunctionContext rfc = (RegionFunctionContext) context; Set keys = (Set) rfc.getFilter(); // Get local (primary) data for the context Region primaryDataSet = PartitionRegionHelper.getLocalDataForContext(rfc); if (this.cache.getLogger().fineEnabled()) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(""Function "").append(ID).append("" received request to touch "") .append(primaryDataSet.getFullPath()).append(""->"").append(keys); this.cache.getLogger().fine(builder.toString()); } // Retrieve each value to update the lastAccessedTime. // Note: getAll is not supported on LocalDataSet. for (String key : keys) { primaryDataSet.get(key); } // Return result to get around NPE in LocalResultCollectorImpl context.getResultSender().lastResult(true); } " 451,1," private static void unzip(final ZipFile zip, final Path targetDir) throws IOException { final Enumeration entries = zip.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { final ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); final String name = entry.getName(); final Path current = targetDir.resolve(name); if (entry.isDirectory()) { if (!Files.exists(current)) { Files.createDirectories(current); } } else { if (Files.notExists(current.getParent())) { Files.createDirectories(current.getParent()); } try (final InputStream eis = zip.getInputStream(entry)) { Files.copy(eis, current); } } try { Files.getFileAttributeView(current, BasicFileAttributeView.class).setTimes(entry.getLastModifiedTime(), entry.getLastAccessTime(), entry.getCreationTime()); } catch (IOException e) { //ignore, if we cannot set it, world will not end } } } " 452,1," private void updateGraphFromRequest(ActionRequest actionRequest, Graph graph) { graph.setGraphName1(actionRequest.getParameter(""name"")); graph.setDescription(actionRequest.getParameter(""description"")); graph.setXlabel(actionRequest.getParameter(""xlabel"")); graph.setYlabel(actionRequest.getParameter(""ylabel"")); graph.setTimeFrame(Integer.parseInt(actionRequest.getParameter(""timeframe""))); graph.setMBeanName(actionRequest.getParameter(""mbean"")); graph.setDataName1(actionRequest.getParameter(""dataname1"")); graph.setData1operation(actionRequest.getParameter(""data1operation"").charAt(0)); graph.setOperation(actionRequest.getParameter(""operation"")); if (graph.getOperation().equals(""other"")) { graph.setOperation(actionRequest.getParameter(""othermath"")); } graph.setShowArchive(actionRequest.getParameter(""showArchive"") != null && actionRequest.getParameter(""showArchive"").equals(""on"")); graph.setDataName2(actionRequest.getParameter(""dataname2"")); graph.setData2operation(actionRequest.getParameter(""data2operation"") == null? 'A': actionRequest.getParameter(""data2operation"").charAt(0)); } " 453,1," public BeanDefinition parse(Element elt, ParserContext pc) { MatcherType matcherType = MatcherType.fromElement(elt); String path = elt.getAttribute(HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.ATT_PATH_PATTERN); String requestMatcher = elt.getAttribute(ATT_REQUEST_MATCHER_REF); String filters = elt.getAttribute(HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.ATT_FILTERS); BeanDefinitionBuilder builder = BeanDefinitionBuilder .rootBeanDefinition(DefaultSecurityFilterChain.class); if (StringUtils.hasText(path)) { Assert.isTrue(!StringUtils.hasText(requestMatcher), """"); builder.addConstructorArgValue(matcherType.createMatcher(path, null)); } else { Assert.isTrue(StringUtils.hasText(requestMatcher), """"); builder.addConstructorArgReference(requestMatcher); } if (filters.equals(HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.OPT_FILTERS_NONE)) { builder.addConstructorArgValue(Collections.EMPTY_LIST); } else { String[] filterBeanNames = StringUtils.tokenizeToStringArray(filters, "",""); ManagedList filterChain = new ManagedList( filterBeanNames.length); for (String name : filterBeanNames) { filterChain.add(new RuntimeBeanReference(name)); } builder.addConstructorArgValue(filterChain); } return builder.getBeanDefinition(); } " 454,1," protected Principal authenticate(Connection dbConnection, String username, String credentials) { // No user or no credentials // Can't possibly authenticate, don't bother the database then if (username == null || credentials == null) { if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled()) containerLog.trace(sm.getString(""dataSourceRealm.authenticateFailure"", username)); return null; } // Look up the user's credentials String dbCredentials = getPassword(dbConnection, username); if(dbCredentials == null) { // User was not found in the database. if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled()) containerLog.trace(sm.getString(""dataSourceRealm.authenticateFailure"", username)); return null; } // Validate the user's credentials boolean validated = getCredentialHandler().matches(credentials, dbCredentials); if (validated) { if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled()) containerLog.trace(sm.getString(""dataSourceRealm.authenticateSuccess"", username)); } else { if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled()) containerLog.trace(sm.getString(""dataSourceRealm.authenticateFailure"", username)); return null; } ArrayList list = getRoles(dbConnection, username); // Create and return a suitable Principal for this user return new GenericPrincipal(username, credentials, list); } /** * Close the specified database connection. * * @param dbConnection The connection to be closed */ " 455,1," public BeanDefinitionHolder decorate(Node node, BeanDefinitionHolder holder, ParserContext parserContext) { BeanDefinition filterChainProxy = holder.getBeanDefinition(); ManagedList securityFilterChains = new ManagedList(); Element elt = (Element) node; MatcherType matcherType = MatcherType.fromElement(elt); List filterChainElts = DomUtils.getChildElementsByTagName(elt, Elements.FILTER_CHAIN); for (Element chain : filterChainElts) { String path = chain .getAttribute(HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.ATT_PATH_PATTERN); String filters = chain .getAttribute(HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.ATT_FILTERS); if (!StringUtils.hasText(path)) { parserContext.getReaderContext().error( ""The attribute '"" + HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.ATT_PATH_PATTERN + ""' must not be empty"", elt); } if (!StringUtils.hasText(filters)) { parserContext.getReaderContext().error( ""The attribute '"" + HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.ATT_FILTERS + ""'must not be empty"", elt); } BeanDefinition matcher = matcherType.createMatcher(path, null); if (filters.equals(HttpSecurityBeanDefinitionParser.OPT_FILTERS_NONE)) { securityFilterChains.add(createSecurityFilterChain(matcher, new ManagedList(0))); } else { String[] filterBeanNames = StringUtils .tokenizeToStringArray(filters, "",""); ManagedList filterChain = new ManagedList(filterBeanNames.length); for (String name : filterBeanNames) { filterChain.add(new RuntimeBeanReference(name)); } securityFilterChains.add(createSecurityFilterChain(matcher, filterChain)); } } filterChainProxy.getConstructorArgumentValues().addGenericArgumentValue( securityFilterChains); return holder; } " 456,1," public XObject execute(XPathContext xctxt) throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException { String fullName = m_arg0.execute(xctxt).str(); int indexOfNSSep = fullName.indexOf(':'); String result; String propName = """"; // List of properties where the name of the // property argument is to be looked for. Properties xsltInfo = new Properties(); loadPropertyFile(XSLT_PROPERTIES, xsltInfo); if (indexOfNSSep > 0) { String prefix = (indexOfNSSep >= 0) ? fullName.substring(0, indexOfNSSep) : """"; String namespace; namespace = xctxt.getNamespaceContext().getNamespaceForPrefix(prefix); propName = (indexOfNSSep < 0) ? fullName : fullName.substring(indexOfNSSep + 1); if (namespace.startsWith(""http://www.w3.org/XSL/Transform"") || namespace.equals(""http://www.w3.org/1999/XSL/Transform"")) { result = xsltInfo.getProperty(propName); if (null == result) { warn(xctxt, XPATHErrorResources.WG_PROPERTY_NOT_SUPPORTED, new Object[]{ fullName }); //""XSL Property not supported: ""+fullName); return XString.EMPTYSTRING; } } else { warn(xctxt, XPATHErrorResources.WG_DONT_DO_ANYTHING_WITH_NS, new Object[]{ namespace, fullName }); //""Don't currently do anything with namespace ""+namespace+"" in property: ""+fullName); try { result = System.getProperty(propName); if (null == result) { // result = System.getenv(propName); return XString.EMPTYSTRING; } } catch (SecurityException se) { warn(xctxt, XPATHErrorResources.WG_SECURITY_EXCEPTION, new Object[]{ fullName }); //""SecurityException when trying to access XSL system property: ""+fullName); return XString.EMPTYSTRING; } } } else { try { result = System.getProperty(fullName); if (null == result) { // result = System.getenv(fullName); return XString.EMPTYSTRING; } } catch (SecurityException se) { warn(xctxt, XPATHErrorResources.WG_SECURITY_EXCEPTION, new Object[]{ fullName }); //""SecurityException when trying to access XSL system property: ""+fullName); return XString.EMPTYSTRING; } } if (propName.equals(""version"") && result.length() > 0) { try { // Needs to return the version number of the spec we conform to. return new XString(""1.0""); } catch (Exception ex) { return new XString(result); } } else return new XString(result); } /** * Retrieve a propery bundle from a specified file * * @param file The string name of the property file. The name * should already be fully qualified as path/filename * @param target The target property bag the file will be placed into. */ " 457,1," private T run(PrivilegedAction action) { return System.getSecurityManager() != null ? AccessController.doPrivileged( action ) : action.run(); } " 458,1," protected Locale getLocaleFromParam(Object requestedLocale) { Locale locale = null; if (requestedLocale != null) { locale = (requestedLocale instanceof Locale) ? (Locale) requestedLocale : LocalizedTextUtil.localeFromString(requestedLocale.toString(), null); if (locale != null) { LOG.debug(""Applied request locale: {}"", locale); } } return locale; } /** * Reads the locale from the session, and if not found from the * current invocation (=browser) * * @param invocation the current invocation * @param session the current session * @return the read locale */ " 459,1," public static HierarchicalConfiguration loadXml(InputStream xmlStream) { XMLConfiguration cfg = new XMLConfiguration(); try { cfg.load(xmlStream); return cfg; } catch (ConfigurationException e) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""Cannot load xml from Stream"", e); } } " 460,1," private void multiByteReadConsistentlyReturnsMinusOneAtEof(File file) throws Exception { byte[] buf = new byte[2]; try (FileInputStream in = new FileInputStream(getFile(""bla.zip"")); ZipArchiveInputStream archive = new ZipArchiveInputStream(in)) { ArchiveEntry e = archive.getNextEntry(); IOUtils.toByteArray(archive); assertEquals(-1, archive.read(buf)); assertEquals(-1, archive.read(buf)); } } " 461,1," public void testRead7ZipMultiVolumeArchiveForStream() throws IOException { final FileInputStream archive = new FileInputStream(getFile(""apache-maven-2.2.1.zip.001"")); ZipArchiveInputStream zi = null; try { zi = new ZipArchiveInputStream(archive,null,false); // these are the entries that are supposed to be processed // correctly without any problems for (final String element : ENTRIES) { assertEquals(element, zi.getNextEntry().getName()); } // this is the last entry that is truncated final ArchiveEntry lastEntry = zi.getNextEntry(); assertEquals(LAST_ENTRY_NAME, lastEntry.getName()); final byte [] buffer = new byte [4096]; // before the fix, we'd get 0 bytes on this read and all // subsequent reads thus a client application might enter // an infinite loop after the fix, we should get an // exception try { while (zi.read(buffer) > 0) { } fail(""shouldn't be able to read from truncated entry""); } catch (final IOException e) { assertEquals(""Truncated ZIP file"", e.getMessage()); } // and now we get another entry, which should also yield // an exception try { zi.getNextEntry(); fail(""shouldn't be able to read another entry from truncated"" + "" file""); } catch (final IOException e) { // this is to be expected } } finally { if (zi != null) { zi.close(); } } } @Test(expected=IOException.class) " 462,1," void setByteChunk( ByteChunk mb ) { initialized = (mb!=null); bc = mb; } " 463,1," public void testUpdate() throws Exception { String xml = """" + "" "" + "" "" + "" "" + "" "" + "" "" + "" "" + "" "" + """"; Map args = new HashMap(); args.put(CommonParams.TR, ""xsl-update-handler-test.xsl""); SolrCore core = h.getCore(); LocalSolrQueryRequest req = new LocalSolrQueryRequest( core, new MapSolrParams( args) ); ArrayList streams = new ArrayList(); streams.add(new ContentStreamBase.StringStream(xml)); req.setContentStreams(streams); SolrQueryResponse rsp = new SolrQueryResponse(); UpdateRequestHandler handler = new UpdateRequestHandler(); handler.init(new NamedList()); handler.handleRequestBody(req, rsp); StringWriter sw = new StringWriter(32000); QueryResponseWriter responseWriter = core.getQueryResponseWriter(req); responseWriter.write(sw,req,rsp); req.close(); String response = sw.toString(); assertU(response); assertU(commit()); assertQ(""test document was correctly committed"", req(""q"",""*:*"") , ""//result[@numFound='1']"" , ""//int[@name='id'][.='12345']"" ); } " 464,1," protected Container createBootstrapContainer(List providers) { ContainerBuilder builder = new ContainerBuilder(); boolean fmFactoryRegistered = false; for (ContainerProvider provider : providers) { if (provider instanceof FileManagerProvider) { provider.register(builder, null); } if (provider instanceof FileManagerFactoryProvider) { provider.register(builder, null); fmFactoryRegistered = true; } } builder.factory(ObjectFactory.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.factory(FileManager.class, ""system"", DefaultFileManager.class, Scope.SINGLETON); if (!fmFactoryRegistered) { builder.factory(FileManagerFactory.class, DefaultFileManagerFactory.class, Scope.SINGLETON); } builder.factory(ReflectionProvider.class, OgnlReflectionProvider.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.factory(ValueStackFactory.class, OgnlValueStackFactory.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.factory(XWorkConverter.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.factory(ConversionPropertiesProcessor.class, DefaultConversionPropertiesProcessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.factory(ConversionFileProcessor.class, DefaultConversionFileProcessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.factory(ConversionAnnotationProcessor.class, DefaultConversionAnnotationProcessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.factory(TypeConverterCreator.class, DefaultTypeConverterCreator.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.factory(TypeConverterHolder.class, DefaultTypeConverterHolder.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.factory(XWorkBasicConverter.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.factory(TypeConverter.class, XWorkConstants.COLLECTION_CONVERTER, CollectionConverter.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.factory(TypeConverter.class, XWorkConstants.ARRAY_CONVERTER, ArrayConverter.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.factory(TypeConverter.class, XWorkConstants.DATE_CONVERTER, DateConverter.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.factory(TypeConverter.class, XWorkConstants.NUMBER_CONVERTER, NumberConverter.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.factory(TypeConverter.class, XWorkConstants.STRING_CONVERTER, StringConverter.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.factory(TextProvider.class, ""system"", DefaultTextProvider.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.factory(ObjectTypeDeterminer.class, DefaultObjectTypeDeterminer.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.factory(PropertyAccessor.class, CompoundRoot.class.getName(), CompoundRootAccessor.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.factory(OgnlUtil.class, Scope.SINGLETON); builder.constant(XWorkConstants.DEV_MODE, ""false""); builder.constant(XWorkConstants.LOG_MISSING_PROPERTIES, ""false""); builder.constant(XWorkConstants.RELOAD_XML_CONFIGURATION, ""false""); return builder.create(true); } /** * This builds the internal runtime configuration used by Xwork for finding and configuring Actions from the * programmatic configuration data structures. All of the old runtime configuration will be discarded and rebuilt. * *

* It basically flattens the data structures to make the information easier to access. It will take * an {@link ActionConfig} and combine its data with all inherited dast. For example, if the {@link ActionConfig} * is in a package that contains a global result and it also contains a result, the resulting {@link ActionConfig} * will have two results. */ " 465,1," protected void initOther() throws ServletException { PropertyUtils.addBeanIntrospector( SuppressPropertiesBeanIntrospector.SUPPRESS_CLASS); PropertyUtils.clearDescriptors(); String value = null; value = getServletConfig().getInitParameter(""config""); if (value != null) { config = value; } // Backwards compatibility for form beans of Java wrapper classes // Set to true for strict Struts 1.0 compatibility value = getServletConfig().getInitParameter(""convertNull""); if (""true"".equalsIgnoreCase(value) || ""yes"".equalsIgnoreCase(value) || ""on"".equalsIgnoreCase(value) || ""y"".equalsIgnoreCase(value) || ""1"".equalsIgnoreCase(value)) { convertNull = true; } if (convertNull) { ConvertUtils.deregister(); ConvertUtils.register(new BigDecimalConverter(null), BigDecimal.class); ConvertUtils.register(new BigIntegerConverter(null), BigInteger.class); ConvertUtils.register(new BooleanConverter(null), Boolean.class); ConvertUtils.register(new ByteConverter(null), Byte.class); ConvertUtils.register(new CharacterConverter(null), Character.class); ConvertUtils.register(new DoubleConverter(null), Double.class); ConvertUtils.register(new FloatConverter(null), Float.class); ConvertUtils.register(new IntegerConverter(null), Integer.class); ConvertUtils.register(new LongConverter(null), Long.class); ConvertUtils.register(new ShortConverter(null), Short.class); } } /** *

Initialize the servlet mapping under which our controller servlet * is being accessed. This will be used in the &html:form> * tag to generate correct destination URLs for form submissions.

* * @throws ServletException if error happens while scanning web.xml */ " 466,1," private void parseUsingSAX(InputStream is) throws IOException, ParserConfigurationException, SAXException, SAXNotRecognizedException, SAXNotSupportedException { // Invoke the SAX XML parser on the input. SAXParserFactory spf = SAXParserFactory.newInstance(); // Disable external entity resolving spf.setFeature(""http://xml.org/sax/features/external-general-entities"", false); spf.setFeature(""http://xml.org/sax/features/external-parameter-entities"", false); SAXParser sp = spf.newSAXParser(); XMLReader xr = sp.getXMLReader(); SAXHandler handler = new SAXHandler(); xr.setContentHandler(handler); xr.setProperty(""http://xml.org/sax/properties/lexical-handler"", handler); xr.parse(new InputSource(is)); } " 467,1," private ManagedMap parseInterceptUrlsForChannelSecurity() { ManagedMap channelRequestMap = new ManagedMap(); for (Element urlElt : interceptUrls) { String path = urlElt.getAttribute(ATT_PATH_PATTERN); String method = urlElt.getAttribute(ATT_HTTP_METHOD); if (!StringUtils.hasText(path)) { pc.getReaderContext().error(""pattern attribute cannot be empty or null"", urlElt); } String requiredChannel = urlElt.getAttribute(ATT_REQUIRES_CHANNEL); if (StringUtils.hasText(requiredChannel)) { BeanDefinition matcher = matcherType.createMatcher(path, method); RootBeanDefinition channelAttributes = new RootBeanDefinition( ChannelAttributeFactory.class); channelAttributes.getConstructorArgumentValues().addGenericArgumentValue( requiredChannel); channelAttributes.setFactoryMethodName(""createChannelAttributes""); channelRequestMap.put(matcher, channelAttributes); } } return channelRequestMap; } " 468,1," public void doConfigSubmit(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws ServletException, IOException, InterruptedException { if (logger.isDebugEnabled()) { logger.debug(""submit {}"", req.toString()); } JSONObject form = req.getSubmittedForm(); PluginConfig pluginConfig = PluginImpl.getPluginConfig_(); if (pluginConfig != null) { pluginConfig.setValues(form); PluginImpl.save_(); GerritSendCommandQueue.configure(pluginConfig); } //TODO reconfigure the incoming worker threads as well rsp.sendRedirect("".""); } " 469,1," public Document getMetaData( HttpServletRequest request, FedizContext config ) throws ProcessingException { try { ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4096); Writer streamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(bout, ""UTF-8""); XMLStreamWriter writer = XML_OUTPUT_FACTORY.createXMLStreamWriter(streamWriter); Protocol protocol = config.getProtocol(); writer.writeStartDocument(""UTF-8"", ""1.0""); String referenceID = IDGenerator.generateID(""_""); writer.writeStartElement(""md"", ""EntityDescriptor"", SAML2_METADATA_NS); writer.writeAttribute(""ID"", referenceID); String serviceURL = protocol.getApplicationServiceURL(); if (serviceURL == null) { serviceURL = extractFullContextPath(request); } writer.writeAttribute(""entityID"", serviceURL); writer.writeNamespace(""md"", SAML2_METADATA_NS); writer.writeNamespace(""fed"", WS_FEDERATION_NS); writer.writeNamespace(""wsa"", WS_ADDRESSING_NS); writer.writeNamespace(""auth"", WS_FEDERATION_NS); writer.writeNamespace(""xsi"", SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS); if (protocol instanceof FederationProtocol) { writeFederationMetadata(writer, config, serviceURL); } else if (protocol instanceof SAMLProtocol) { writeSAMLMetadata(writer, request, config, serviceURL); } writer.writeEndElement(); // EntityDescriptor writer.writeEndDocument(); streamWriter.flush(); bout.flush(); // if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { String out = new String(bout.toByteArray()); LOG.debug(""***************** unsigned ****************""); LOG.debug(out); LOG.debug(""***************** unsigned ****************""); } InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bout.toByteArray()); boolean hasSigningKey = false; try { if (config.getSigningKey().getCrypto() != null) { hasSigningKey = true; } } catch (Exception ex) { LOG.info(""No signingKey element found in config: "" + ex.getMessage()); } if (hasSigningKey) { Document result = SignatureUtils.signMetaInfo( config.getSigningKey().getCrypto(), config.getSigningKey().getKeyAlias(), config.getSigningKey().getKeyPassword(), is, referenceID); if (result != null) { return result; } else { throw new ProcessingException(""Failed to sign the metadata document: result=null""); } } return DOMUtils.readXml(is); } catch (ProcessingException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(""Error creating service metadata information "", e); throw new ProcessingException(""Error creating service metadata information: "" + e.getMessage()); } } " 470,1," public void testMavenTriggerEvenWhenUnstable() throws Exception { doMavenTriggerTest(true); } " 471,1," boolean isTransferException(); /** * The status codes which is considered a success response. The values are inclusive. The range must be defined as from-to with the dash included. *

* The default range is 200-299 */ " 472,1," public Object instantiate(Class type, Configuration conf, boolean fatal) { Object obj = newInstance(_name, type, conf, fatal); Configurations.configureInstance(obj, conf, _props, (fatal) ? getProperty() : null); if (_singleton) set(obj, true); return obj; } " 473,1," public ScimGroup delete(String id, int version) throws ScimResourceNotFoundException { ScimGroup group = retrieve(id); membershipManager.removeMembersByGroupId(id); externalGroupMappingManager.unmapAll(id); int deleted; if (version > 0) { deleted = jdbcTemplate.update(DELETE_GROUP_SQL + "" and version=?;"", id, IdentityZoneHolder.get().getId(),version); } else { deleted = jdbcTemplate.update(DELETE_GROUP_SQL, id, IdentityZoneHolder.get().getId()); } if (deleted != 1) { throw new IncorrectResultSizeDataAccessException(1, deleted); } return group; } " 474,1," public Authentication attemptAuthentication(HttpServletRequest request) throws AuthenticationException { SecurityContext context = SecurityContextHolder.getContext(); if (context != null) { Authentication authentication = context.getAuthentication(); if (authentication instanceof FederationAuthenticationToken) { // If we reach this point then the token must be expired throw new ExpiredTokenException(""Token is expired""); } } String wa = request.getParameter(FederationConstants.PARAM_ACTION); String responseToken = getResponseToken(request); FedizRequest wfReq = new FedizRequest(); wfReq.setAction(wa); wfReq.setResponseToken(responseToken); wfReq.setState(request.getParameter(SAMLSSOConstants.RELAY_STATE)); wfReq.setRequest(request); X509Certificate certs[] = (X509Certificate[])request.getAttribute(""javax.servlet.request.X509Certificate""); wfReq.setCerts(certs); final UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken authRequest = new UsernamePasswordAuthenticationToken(null, wfReq); authRequest.setDetails(authenticationDetailsSource.buildDetails(request)); return this.getAuthenticationManager().authenticate(authRequest); } @Override " 475,1," public void testPrototypeFactoryPublicSerialization() throws Exception { final Integer proto = Integer.valueOf(9); final Factory factory = FactoryUtils.prototypeFactory(proto); assertNotNull(factory); final Integer created = factory.create(); assertTrue(proto != created); assertEquals(proto, created); // check serialisation works final ByteArrayOutputStream buffer = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); final ObjectOutputStream out = new ObjectOutputStream(buffer); out.writeObject(factory); out.close(); final ObjectInputStream in = new ObjectInputStream(new ByteArrayInputStream(buffer.toByteArray())); in.readObject(); in.close(); } @Test " 476,1," protected void configure(HttpSecurity http) throws Exception { logger.debug(""Using default configure(HttpSecurity). If subclassed this will potentially override subclass configure(HttpSecurity).""); http .authorizeRequests() .anyRequest().authenticated() .and() .formLogin().and() .httpBasic(); } // @formatter:on @Autowired " 477,1," public SocketState process(SocketWrapper socket) throws IOException { RequestInfo rp = request.getRequestProcessor(); rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_PARSE); // Setting up the socket this.socket = socket; input = socket.getSocket().getInputStream(); output = socket.getSocket().getOutputStream(); int soTimeout = -1; if (keepAliveTimeout > 0) { soTimeout = socket.getSocket().getSoTimeout(); } // Error flag error = false; while (!error && !endpoint.isPaused()) { // Parsing the request header try { // Set keep alive timeout if enabled if (keepAliveTimeout > 0) { socket.getSocket().setSoTimeout(keepAliveTimeout); } // Get first message of the request if (!readMessage(requestHeaderMessage)) { // This means a connection timeout break; } // Set back timeout if keep alive timeout is enabled if (keepAliveTimeout > 0) { socket.getSocket().setSoTimeout(soTimeout); } // Check message type, process right away and break if // not regular request processing int type = requestHeaderMessage.getByte(); if (type == Constants.JK_AJP13_CPING_REQUEST) { try { output.write(pongMessageArray); } catch (IOException e) { error = true; } continue; } else if(type != Constants.JK_AJP13_FORWARD_REQUEST) { // Usually the servlet didn't read the previous request body if(log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(""Unexpected message: ""+type); } continue; } request.setStartTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); } catch (IOException e) { error = true; break; } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log.debug(sm.getString(""ajpprocessor.header.error""), t); // 400 - Bad Request response.setStatus(400); adapter.log(request, response, 0); error = true; } if (!error) { // Setting up filters, and parse some request headers rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_PREPARE); try { prepareRequest(); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log.debug(sm.getString(""ajpprocessor.request.prepare""), t); // 400 - Internal Server Error response.setStatus(400); adapter.log(request, response, 0); error = true; } } if (endpoint.isPaused()) { // 503 - Service unavailable response.setStatus(503); adapter.log(request, response, 0); error = true; } // Process the request in the adapter if (!error) { try { rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_SERVICE); adapter.service(request, response); } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { error = true; } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log.error(sm.getString(""ajpprocessor.request.process""), t); // 500 - Internal Server Error response.setStatus(500); adapter.log(request, response, 0); error = true; } } if (isAsync() && !error) { break; } // Finish the response if not done yet if (!finished) { try { finish(); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); error = true; } } // If there was an error, make sure the request is counted as // and error, and update the statistics counter if (error) { response.setStatus(500); } request.updateCounters(); rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_KEEPALIVE); recycle(false); } rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_ENDED); if (isAsync() && !error && !endpoint.isPaused()) { return SocketState.LONG; } else { input = null; output = null; return SocketState.CLOSED; } } @Override " 478,1," public void send(final String format, final Object... args) { descriptor.debug(logger, format, args); } } final Debug debug = new Debug(); Run run = context.getRun(); final Result runResult = run.getResult(); if (run instanceof AbstractBuild) { Set users = ((AbstractBuild)run).getCulprits(); RecipientProviderUtilities.addUsers(users, context.getListener(), env, to, cc, bcc, debug); } else if (runResult != null) { List> builds = new ArrayList<>(); Run build = run; builds.add(build); build = build.getPreviousCompletedBuild(); while (build != null) { final Result buildResult = build.getResult(); if (buildResult != null) { if (buildResult.isWorseThan(Result.SUCCESS)) { debug.send(""Including build %s with status %s"", build.getId(), buildResult); builds.add(build); } else { break; } } build = build.getPreviousCompletedBuild(); } Set users = RecipientProviderUtilities.getChangeSetAuthors(builds, debug); RecipientProviderUtilities.addUsers(users, context.getListener(), env, to, cc, bcc, debug); } } @Extension public static final class DescriptorImpl extends RecipientProviderDescriptor { @Override public String getDisplayName() { return ""Culprits""; } } } " 479,1," public Object getValue(Object parent) { return ReflectionHelper.getValue( cascadingMember, parent ); } @Override " 480,1," public void testSnapshotAndRestore() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, IOException { logger.info(""--> creating repository""); assertAcked(client().admin().cluster().preparePutRepository(""test-repo"") .setType(""fs"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder() .put(""location"", newTempDir(LifecycleScope.SUITE).getAbsolutePath()) .put(""compress"", randomBoolean()) .put(""chunk_size"", randomIntBetween(100, 1000)))); String[] indicesBefore = new String[randomIntBetween(2,5)]; String[] indicesAfter = new String[randomIntBetween(2,5)]; for (int i = 0; i < indicesBefore.length; i++) { indicesBefore[i] = ""index_before_"" + i; createIndex(indicesBefore[i]); } for (int i = 0; i < indicesAfter.length; i++) { indicesAfter[i] = ""index_after_"" + i; createIndex(indicesAfter[i]); } String[] indices = new String[indicesBefore.length + indicesAfter.length]; System.arraycopy(indicesBefore, 0, indices, 0, indicesBefore.length); System.arraycopy(indicesAfter, 0, indices, indicesBefore.length, indicesAfter.length); ensureYellow(); logger.info(""--> indexing some data""); IndexRequestBuilder[] buildersBefore = new IndexRequestBuilder[randomIntBetween(10, 200)]; for (int i = 0; i < buildersBefore.length; i++) { buildersBefore[i] = client().prepareIndex(RandomPicks.randomFrom(getRandom(), indicesBefore), ""foo"", Integer.toString(i)).setSource(""{ \""foo\"" : \""bar\"" } ""); } IndexRequestBuilder[] buildersAfter = new IndexRequestBuilder[randomIntBetween(10, 200)]; for (int i = 0; i < buildersAfter.length; i++) { buildersAfter[i] = client().prepareIndex(RandomPicks.randomFrom(getRandom(), indicesBefore), ""bar"", Integer.toString(i)).setSource(""{ \""foo\"" : \""bar\"" } ""); } indexRandom(true, buildersBefore); indexRandom(true, buildersAfter); assertThat(client().prepareCount(indices).get().getCount(), equalTo((long) (buildersBefore.length + buildersAfter.length))); long[] counts = new long[indices.length]; for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { counts[i] = client().prepareCount(indices[i]).get().getCount(); } logger.info(""--> snapshot subset of indices before upgrage""); CreateSnapshotResponse createSnapshotResponse = client().admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot(""test-repo"", ""test-snap-1"").setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices(""index_before_*"").get(); assertThat(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), greaterThan(0)); assertThat(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), equalTo(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().totalShards())); assertThat(client().admin().cluster().prepareGetSnapshots(""test-repo"").setSnapshots(""test-snap-1"").get().getSnapshots().get(0).state(), equalTo(SnapshotState.SUCCESS)); logger.info(""--> delete some data from indices that were already snapshotted""); int howMany = randomIntBetween(1, buildersBefore.length); for (int i = 0; i < howMany; i++) { IndexRequestBuilder indexRequestBuilder = RandomPicks.randomFrom(getRandom(), buildersBefore); IndexRequest request = indexRequestBuilder.request(); client().prepareDelete(request.index(), request.type(), request.id()).get(); } refresh(); final long numDocs = client().prepareCount(indices).get().getCount(); assertThat(client().prepareCount(indices).get().getCount(), lessThan((long) (buildersBefore.length + buildersAfter.length))); client().admin().indices().prepareUpdateSettings(indices).setSettings(ImmutableSettings.builder().put(EnableAllocationDecider.INDEX_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_ENABLE, ""none"")).get(); backwardsCluster().allowOnAllNodes(indices); logClusterState(); boolean upgraded; do { logClusterState(); CountResponse countResponse = client().prepareCount().get(); assertHitCount(countResponse, numDocs); upgraded = backwardsCluster().upgradeOneNode(); ensureYellow(); countResponse = client().prepareCount().get(); assertHitCount(countResponse, numDocs); } while (upgraded); client().admin().indices().prepareUpdateSettings(indices).setSettings(ImmutableSettings.builder().put(EnableAllocationDecider.INDEX_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_ENABLE, ""all"")).get(); logger.info(""--> close indices""); client().admin().indices().prepareClose(""index_before_*"").get(); logger.info(""--> verify repository""); client().admin().cluster().prepareVerifyRepository(""test-repo"").get(); logger.info(""--> restore all indices from the snapshot""); RestoreSnapshotResponse restoreSnapshotResponse = client().admin().cluster().prepareRestoreSnapshot(""test-repo"", ""test-snap-1"").setWaitForCompletion(true).execute().actionGet(); assertThat(restoreSnapshotResponse.getRestoreInfo().totalShards(), greaterThan(0)); ensureYellow(); assertThat(client().prepareCount(indices).get().getCount(), equalTo((long) (buildersBefore.length + buildersAfter.length))); for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { assertThat(counts[i], equalTo(client().prepareCount(indices[i]).get().getCount())); } logger.info(""--> snapshot subset of indices after upgrade""); createSnapshotResponse = client().admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot(""test-repo"", ""test-snap-2"").setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices(""index_*"").get(); assertThat(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), greaterThan(0)); assertThat(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), equalTo(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().totalShards())); // Test restore after index deletion logger.info(""--> delete indices""); String index = RandomPicks.randomFrom(getRandom(), indices); cluster().wipeIndices(index); logger.info(""--> restore one index after deletion""); restoreSnapshotResponse = client().admin().cluster().prepareRestoreSnapshot(""test-repo"", ""test-snap-2"").setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices(index).execute().actionGet(); assertThat(restoreSnapshotResponse.getRestoreInfo().totalShards(), greaterThan(0)); ensureYellow(); assertThat(client().prepareCount(indices).get().getCount(), equalTo((long) (buildersBefore.length + buildersAfter.length))); for (int i = 0; i < indices.length; i++) { assertThat(counts[i], equalTo(client().prepareCount(indices[i]).get().getCount())); } } " 481,1," public void canModifyPassword() throws Exception { ScimUser user = new ScimUser(null, generator.generate()+ ""@foo.com"", ""Jo"", ""User""); user.addEmail(user.getUserName()); ScimUser created = db.createUser(user, ""j7hyqpassX""); assertNull(user.getPasswordLastModified()); assertNotNull(created.getPasswordLastModified()); assertEquals(created.getMeta().getCreated(), created.getPasswordLastModified()); Thread.sleep(10); db.changePassword(created.getId(), ""j7hyqpassX"", ""j7hyqpassXXX""); user = db.retrieve(created.getId()); assertNotNull(user.getPasswordLastModified()); assertEquals(user.getMeta().getLastModified(), user.getPasswordLastModified()); } @Test " 482,1," public void addRecipients(final ExtendedEmailPublisherContext context, EnvVars env, Set to, Set cc, Set bcc) { final class Debug implements RecipientProviderUtilities.IDebug { private final ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor descriptor = Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getDescriptorByType(ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor.class); private final PrintStream logger = context.getListener().getLogger(); public void send(final String format, final Object... args) { descriptor.debug(logger, format, args); } } final Debug debug = new Debug(); // looking for Upstream build. Run cur = context.getRun(); Cause.UpstreamCause upc = cur.getCause(Cause.UpstreamCause.class); while (upc != null) { // UpstreamCause.getUpStreamProject() returns the full name, so use getItemByFullName Job p = (Job) Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getItemByFullName(upc.getUpstreamProject()); if (p == null) { context.getListener().getLogger().print(""There is a break in the project linkage, could not retrieve upstream project information""); break; } cur = p.getBuildByNumber(upc.getUpstreamBuild()); upc = cur.getCause(Cause.UpstreamCause.class); } addUserTriggeringTheBuild(cur, to, cc, bcc, env, context.getListener(), debug); } " 483,1," public void doHarmonyDecoder(byte[] src, boolean errorExpected, int failPosExpected) { CharsetDecoder decoder = new Utf8Decoder(); ByteBuffer bb = ByteBuffer.allocate(src.length); CharBuffer cb = CharBuffer.allocate(bb.limit()); boolean error = false; int i = 0; for (; i < src.length; i++) { bb.put(src[i]); bb.flip(); CoderResult cr = decoder.decode(bb, cb, false); if (cr.isError()) { error = true; break; } bb.compact(); } assertEquals(Boolean.valueOf(errorExpected), Boolean.valueOf(error)); assertEquals(failPosExpected, i); } " 484,1," public byte[] asPortableSerializedByteArray() throws EncryptionException { // Check if this CipherText object is ""complete"", i.e., all // mandatory has been collected. if ( ! collectedAll() ) { String msg = ""Can't serialize this CipherText object yet as not "" + ""all mandatory information has been collected""; throw new EncryptionException(""Can't serialize incomplete ciphertext info"", msg); } // If we are supposed to be using a (separate) MAC, also make sure // that it has been computed/stored. boolean usesMAC = ESAPI.securityConfiguration().useMACforCipherText(); if ( usesMAC && ! macComputed() ) { String msg = ""Programming error: MAC is required for this cipher mode ("" + getCipherMode() + ""), but MAC has not yet been "" + ""computed and stored. Call the method "" + ""computeAndStoreMAC(SecretKey) first before "" + ""attempting serialization.""; throw new EncryptionException(""Can't serialize ciphertext info: Data integrity issue."", msg); } // OK, everything ready, so give it a shot. return new CipherTextSerializer(this).asSerializedByteArray(); } ///// Setters ///// /** * Set the raw ciphertext. * @param ciphertext The raw ciphertext. * @throws EncryptionException Thrown if the MAC has already been computed * via {@link #computeAndStoreMAC(SecretKey)}. */ " 485,1," protected void handle(Message msg) throws IOException { inbound.offer(msg); } } } " 486,1," protected void doPost(HttpServletRequest req, HttpServletResponse resp) throws ServletException, IOException { doGet(req, resp); } } @ServletSecurity(@HttpConstraint(EmptyRoleSemantic.DENY)) public static class DenyAllServlet extends TestServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } public static class SubclassDenyAllServlet extends DenyAllServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } @ServletSecurity(@HttpConstraint(EmptyRoleSemantic.PERMIT)) public static class SubclassAllowAllServlet extends DenyAllServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } @ServletSecurity(value= @HttpConstraint(EmptyRoleSemantic.PERMIT), httpMethodConstraints = { @HttpMethodConstraint(value=""GET"", emptyRoleSemantic = EmptyRoleSemantic.DENY) } ) public static class MethodConstraintServlet extends TestServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } @ServletSecurity(@HttpConstraint(rolesAllowed = ""testRole"")) public static class RoleAllowServlet extends TestServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } @ServletSecurity(@HttpConstraint(rolesAllowed = ""otherRole"")) public static class RoleDenyServlet extends TestServlet { private static final long serialVersionUID = 1L; } } " 487,1," protected Http11Processor createProcessor() { Http11Processor processor = new Http11Processor( proto.getMaxHttpHeaderSize(), (JIoEndpoint)proto.endpoint, proto.getMaxTrailerSize()); processor.setAdapter(proto.getAdapter()); processor.setMaxKeepAliveRequests(proto.getMaxKeepAliveRequests()); processor.setKeepAliveTimeout(proto.getKeepAliveTimeout()); processor.setConnectionUploadTimeout( proto.getConnectionUploadTimeout()); processor.setDisableUploadTimeout(proto.getDisableUploadTimeout()); processor.setCompressionMinSize(proto.getCompressionMinSize()); processor.setCompression(proto.getCompression()); processor.setNoCompressionUserAgents(proto.getNoCompressionUserAgents()); processor.setCompressableMimeTypes(proto.getCompressableMimeTypes()); processor.setRestrictedUserAgents(proto.getRestrictedUserAgents()); processor.setSocketBuffer(proto.getSocketBuffer()); processor.setMaxSavePostSize(proto.getMaxSavePostSize()); processor.setServer(proto.getServer()); processor.setDisableKeepAlivePercentage( proto.getDisableKeepAlivePercentage()); register(processor); return processor; } @Override " 488,1," public SocketState process(SocketWrapper socket) throws IOException { RequestInfo rp = request.getRequestProcessor(); rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_PARSE); // Setting up the socket this.socket = socket.getSocket(); long soTimeout = endpoint.getSoTimeout(); // Error flag error = false; while (!error && !endpoint.isPaused()) { // Parsing the request header try { // Get first message of the request int bytesRead = readMessage(requestHeaderMessage, false); if (bytesRead == 0) { break; } // Set back timeout if keep alive timeout is enabled if (keepAliveTimeout > 0) { socket.setTimeout(soTimeout); } // Check message type, process right away and break if // not regular request processing int type = requestHeaderMessage.getByte(); if (type == Constants.JK_AJP13_CPING_REQUEST) { try { output(pongMessageArray, 0, pongMessageArray.length); } catch (IOException e) { error = true; } recycle(false); continue; } else if(type != Constants.JK_AJP13_FORWARD_REQUEST) { // Usually the servlet didn't read the previous request body if(log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(""Unexpected message: ""+type); } recycle(true); continue; } request.setStartTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); } catch (IOException e) { error = true; break; } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log.debug(sm.getString(""ajpprocessor.header.error""), t); // 400 - Bad Request response.setStatus(400); adapter.log(request, response, 0); error = true; } if (!error) { // Setting up filters, and parse some request headers rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_PREPARE); try { prepareRequest(); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log.debug(sm.getString(""ajpprocessor.request.prepare""), t); // 400 - Internal Server Error response.setStatus(400); adapter.log(request, response, 0); error = true; } } if (endpoint.isPaused()) { // 503 - Service unavailable response.setStatus(503); adapter.log(request, response, 0); error = true; } // Process the request in the adapter if (!error) { try { rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_SERVICE); adapter.service(request, response); } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { error = true; } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log.error(sm.getString(""ajpprocessor.request.process""), t); // 500 - Internal Server Error response.setStatus(500); adapter.log(request, response, 0); error = true; } } if (isAsync() && !error) { break; } // Finish the response if not done yet if (!finished) { try { finish(); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); error = true; } } // If there was an error, make sure the request is counted as // and error, and update the statistics counter if (error) { response.setStatus(500); } request.updateCounters(); rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_KEEPALIVE); // Set keep alive timeout if enabled if (keepAliveTimeout > 0) { socket.setTimeout(keepAliveTimeout); } recycle(false); } rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_ENDED); if (!error && !endpoint.isPaused()) { if (isAsync()) { return SocketState.LONG; } else { return SocketState.OPEN; } } else { return SocketState.CLOSED; } } // ----------------------------------------------------- ActionHook Methods /** * Send an action to the connector. * * @param actionCode Type of the action * @param param Action parameter */ @Override " 489,1," public void invoke(Request request, Response response) throws IOException, ServletException { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(""Security checking request "" + request.getMethod() + "" "" + request.getRequestURI()); LoginConfig config = this.context.getLoginConfig(); // Have we got a cached authenticated Principal to record? if (cache) { Principal principal = request.getUserPrincipal(); if (principal == null) { Session session = request.getSessionInternal(false); if (session != null) { principal = session.getPrincipal(); if (principal != null) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug(""We have cached auth type "" + session.getAuthType() + "" for principal "" + session.getPrincipal()); request.setAuthType(session.getAuthType()); request.setUserPrincipal(principal); } } } } // Special handling for form-based logins to deal with the case // where the login form (and therefore the ""j_security_check"" URI // to which it submits) might be outside the secured area String contextPath = this.context.getPath(); String requestURI = request.getDecodedRequestURI(); if (requestURI.startsWith(contextPath) && requestURI.endsWith(Constants.FORM_ACTION)) { if (!authenticate(request, response, config)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("" Failed authenticate() test ??"" + requestURI ); return; } } // The Servlet may specify security constraints through annotations. // Ensure that they have been processed before constraints are checked Wrapper wrapper = (Wrapper) request.getMappingData().wrapper; if (wrapper.getServlet() == null) { wrapper.load(); } Realm realm = this.context.getRealm(); // Is this request URI subject to a security constraint? SecurityConstraint [] constraints = realm.findSecurityConstraints(request, this.context); if ((constraints == null) /* && (!Constants.FORM_METHOD.equals(config.getAuthMethod())) */ ) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("" Not subject to any constraint""); getNext().invoke(request, response); return; } // Make sure that constrained resources are not cached by web proxies // or browsers as caching can provide a security hole if (disableProxyCaching && // FIXME: Disabled for Mozilla FORM support over SSL // (improper caching issue) //!request.isSecure() && !""POST"".equalsIgnoreCase(request.getMethod())) { if (securePagesWithPragma) { // FIXME: These cause problems with downloading office docs // from IE under SSL and may not be needed for newer Mozilla // clients. response.setHeader(""Pragma"", ""No-cache""); response.setHeader(""Cache-Control"", ""no-cache""); } else { response.setHeader(""Cache-Control"", ""private""); } response.setHeader(""Expires"", DATE_ONE); } int i; // Enforce any user data constraint for this security constraint if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("" Calling hasUserDataPermission()""); } if (!realm.hasUserDataPermission(request, response, constraints)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("" Failed hasUserDataPermission() test""); } /* * ASSERT: Authenticator already set the appropriate * HTTP status code, so we do not have to do anything special */ return; } // Since authenticate modifies the response on failure, // we have to check for allow-from-all first. boolean authRequired = true; for(i=0; i < constraints.length && authRequired; i++) { if(!constraints[i].getAuthConstraint()) { authRequired = false; } else if(!constraints[i].getAllRoles()) { String [] roles = constraints[i].findAuthRoles(); if(roles == null || roles.length == 0) { authRequired = false; } } } if(authRequired) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("" Calling authenticate()""); } if (!authenticate(request, response, config)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("" Failed authenticate() test""); } /* * ASSERT: Authenticator already set the appropriate * HTTP status code, so we do not have to do anything * special */ return; } } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("" Calling accessControl()""); } if (!realm.hasResourcePermission(request, response, constraints, this.context)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("" Failed accessControl() test""); } /* * ASSERT: AccessControl method has already set the * appropriate HTTP status code, so we do not have to do * anything special */ return; } // Any and all specified constraints have been satisfied if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("" Successfully passed all security constraints""); } getNext().invoke(request, response); } // ------------------------------------------------------ Protected Methods /** * Associate the specified single sign on identifier with the * specified Session. * * @param ssoId Single sign on identifier * @param session Session to be associated */ " 490,1," public void setUp() throws Exception { super.setUp(); _expectedResult = mock(AuthenticationResult.class); _authenticationProvider = mock(UsernamePasswordAuthenticationProvider.class); when(_authenticationProvider.authenticate(eq(VALID_USERNAME), eq(VALID_PASSWORD))).thenReturn(_expectedResult); _negotiator = new PlainNegotiator(_authenticationProvider); } @Override " 491,1," public byte[] toByteArray() { /* index || secretKeySeed || secretKeyPRF || publicSeed || root */ int n = params.getDigestSize(); int indexSize = (params.getHeight() + 7) / 8; int secretKeySize = n; int secretKeyPRFSize = n; int publicSeedSize = n; int rootSize = n; int totalSize = indexSize + secretKeySize + secretKeyPRFSize + publicSeedSize + rootSize; byte[] out = new byte[totalSize]; int position = 0; /* copy index */ byte[] indexBytes = XMSSUtil.toBytesBigEndian(index, indexSize); XMSSUtil.copyBytesAtOffset(out, indexBytes, position); position += indexSize; /* copy secretKeySeed */ XMSSUtil.copyBytesAtOffset(out, secretKeySeed, position); position += secretKeySize; /* copy secretKeyPRF */ XMSSUtil.copyBytesAtOffset(out, secretKeyPRF, position); position += secretKeyPRFSize; /* copy publicSeed */ XMSSUtil.copyBytesAtOffset(out, publicSeed, position); position += publicSeedSize; /* copy root */ XMSSUtil.copyBytesAtOffset(out, root, position); /* concatenate bdsState */ byte[] bdsStateOut = null; try { bdsStateOut = XMSSUtil.serialize(bdsState); } catch (IOException e) { e.printStackTrace(); throw new RuntimeException(""error serializing bds state""); } return Arrays.concatenate(out, bdsStateOut); } " 492,1," public TransformerFactory createTransformerFactory() { TransformerFactory factory = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); factory.setErrorListener(new XmlErrorListener()); return factory; } " 493,1," public static void addUsers(final Set users, final TaskListener listener, final EnvVars env, final Set to, final Set cc, final Set bcc, final IDebug debug) { for (final User user : users) { if (EmailRecipientUtils.isExcludedRecipient(user, listener)) { debug.send(""User %s is an excluded recipient."", user.getFullName()); } else { final String userAddress = EmailRecipientUtils.getUserConfiguredEmail(user); if (userAddress != null) { debug.send(""Adding %s with address %s"", user.getFullName(), userAddress); EmailRecipientUtils.addAddressesFromRecipientList(to, cc, bcc, userAddress, env, listener); } else { listener.getLogger().println(""Failed to send e-mail to "" + user.getFullName() + "" because no e-mail address is known, and no default e-mail domain is configured""); } } } } " 494,1," PlainText decrypt(SecretKey key, CipherText ciphertext) throws EncryptionException; /** * Create a digital signature for the provided data and return it in a * string. *

* Limitations: A new public/private key pair used for ESAPI 2.0 digital * signatures with this method and {@link #verifySignature(String, String)} * are dynamically created when the default reference implementation class, * {@link org.owasp.esapi.reference.crypto.JavaEncryptor} is first created. * Because this key pair is not persisted nor is the public key shared, * this method and the corresponding {@link #verifySignature(String, String)} * can not be used with expected results across JVM instances. This limitation * will be addressed in ESAPI 2.1. *

* * @param data * the data to sign * * @return * the digital signature stored as a String * * @throws EncryptionException * if the specified signature algorithm cannot be found */ " 495,1," public void init(KeyGenerationParameters param) { this.param = (RSAKeyGenerationParameters)param; this.iterations = getNumberOfIterations(this.param.getStrength(), this.param.getCertainty()); } " 496,1," private ResetPasswordResponse changePasswordCodeAuthenticated(String code, String newPassword) { ExpiringCode expiringCode = expiringCodeStore.retrieveCode(code); if (expiringCode == null) { throw new InvalidCodeException(""invalid_code"", ""Sorry, your reset password link is no longer valid. Please request a new one"", 422); } String userId; String userName = null; Date passwordLastModified = null; String clientId = null; String redirectUri = null; try { PasswordChange change = JsonUtils.readValue(expiringCode.getData(), PasswordChange.class); userId = change.getUserId(); userName = change.getUsername(); passwordLastModified = change.getPasswordModifiedTime(); clientId = change.getClientId(); redirectUri = change.getRedirectUri(); } catch (JsonUtils.JsonUtilException x) { userId = expiringCode.getData(); } ScimUser user = scimUserProvisioning.retrieve(userId); try { if (isUserModified(user, expiringCode.getExpiresAt(), userName, passwordLastModified)) { throw new UaaException(""Invalid password reset request.""); } if (!user.isVerified()) { scimUserProvisioning.verifyUser(userId, -1); } if (scimUserProvisioning.checkPasswordMatches(userId, newPassword)) { throw new InvalidPasswordException(""Your new password cannot be the same as the old password."", UNPROCESSABLE_ENTITY); } scimUserProvisioning.changePassword(userId, null, newPassword); publish(new PasswordChangeEvent(""Password changed"", getUaaUser(user), SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication())); String redirectLocation = ""home""; if (!isEmpty(clientId) && !isEmpty(redirectUri)) { try { ClientDetails clientDetails = clientDetailsService.loadClientByClientId(clientId); Set redirectUris = clientDetails.getRegisteredRedirectUri() == null ? Collections.emptySet() : clientDetails.getRegisteredRedirectUri(); String matchingRedirectUri = UaaUrlUtils.findMatchingRedirectUri(redirectUris, redirectUri, null); if (matchingRedirectUri != null) { redirectLocation = matchingRedirectUri; } } catch (NoSuchClientException nsce) {} } return new ResetPasswordResponse(user, redirectLocation, clientId); } catch (Exception e) { publish(new PasswordChangeFailureEvent(e.getMessage(), getUaaUser(user), SecurityContextHolder.getContext().getAuthentication())); throw e; } } @Override " 497,1," public boolean accept(File pathname) { return pathname.isDirectory() && new File(pathname, ""config.xml"").isFile() && idStrategy().equals( pathname.getName(), id); } }); } /** * Gets the directory where Hudson stores user information. */ " 498,1," public void register(ContainerBuilder builder, LocatableProperties props) { alias(ObjectFactory.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_OBJECTFACTORY, builder, props); alias(FileManagerFactory.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_FILE_MANAGER_FACTORY, builder, props, Scope.SINGLETON); alias(XWorkConverter.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_XWORKCONVERTER, builder, props); alias(CollectionConverter.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_CONVERTER_COLLECTION, builder, props); alias(ArrayConverter.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_CONVERTER_ARRAY, builder, props); alias(DateConverter.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_CONVERTER_DATE, builder, props); alias(NumberConverter.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_CONVERTER_NUMBER, builder, props); alias(StringConverter.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_CONVERTER_STRING, builder, props); alias(ConversionPropertiesProcessor.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_CONVERTER_PROPERTIES_PROCESSOR, builder, props); alias(ConversionFileProcessor.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_CONVERTER_FILE_PROCESSOR, builder, props); alias(ConversionAnnotationProcessor.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_CONVERTER_ANNOTATION_PROCESSOR, builder, props); alias(TypeConverterCreator.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_CONVERTER_CREATOR, builder, props); alias(TypeConverterHolder.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_CONVERTER_HOLDER, builder, props); alias(TextProvider.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_XWORKTEXTPROVIDER, builder, props, Scope.DEFAULT); alias(LocaleProvider.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_LOCALE_PROVIDER, builder, props); alias(ActionProxyFactory.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_ACTIONPROXYFACTORY, builder, props); alias(ObjectTypeDeterminer.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_OBJECTTYPEDETERMINER, builder, props); alias(ActionMapper.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_MAPPER_CLASS, builder, props); alias(MultiPartRequest.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_MULTIPART_PARSER, builder, props, Scope.DEFAULT); alias(FreemarkerManager.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_FREEMARKER_MANAGER_CLASSNAME, builder, props); alias(VelocityManager.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_VELOCITY_MANAGER_CLASSNAME, builder, props); alias(UrlRenderer.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_URL_RENDERER, builder, props); alias(ActionValidatorManager.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_ACTIONVALIDATORMANAGER, builder, props); alias(ValueStackFactory.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_VALUESTACKFACTORY, builder, props); alias(ReflectionProvider.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_REFLECTIONPROVIDER, builder, props); alias(ReflectionContextFactory.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_REFLECTIONCONTEXTFACTORY, builder, props); alias(PatternMatcher.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_PATTERNMATCHER, builder, props); alias(StaticContentLoader.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_STATIC_CONTENT_LOADER, builder, props); alias(UnknownHandlerManager.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_UNKNOWN_HANDLER_MANAGER, builder, props); alias(UrlHelper.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_URL_HELPER, builder, props); alias(TextParser.class, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_EXPRESSION_PARSER, builder, props); if (""true"".equalsIgnoreCase(props.getProperty(StrutsConstants.STRUTS_DEVMODE))) { props.setProperty(StrutsConstants.STRUTS_I18N_RELOAD, ""true""); props.setProperty(StrutsConstants.STRUTS_CONFIGURATION_XML_RELOAD, ""true""); props.setProperty(StrutsConstants.STRUTS_FREEMARKER_TEMPLATES_CACHE, ""false""); props.setProperty(StrutsConstants.STRUTS_FREEMARKER_TEMPLATES_CACHE_UPDATE_DELAY, ""0""); // Convert struts properties into ones that xwork expects props.setProperty(XWorkConstants.DEV_MODE, ""true""); } else { props.setProperty(XWorkConstants.DEV_MODE, ""false""); } // Convert Struts properties into XWork properties convertIfExist(props, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_LOG_MISSING_PROPERTIES, XWorkConstants.LOG_MISSING_PROPERTIES); convertIfExist(props, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_ENABLE_OGNL_EXPRESSION_CACHE, XWorkConstants.ENABLE_OGNL_EXPRESSION_CACHE); convertIfExist(props, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_ALLOW_STATIC_METHOD_ACCESS, XWorkConstants.ALLOW_STATIC_METHOD_ACCESS); convertIfExist(props, StrutsConstants.STRUTS_CONFIGURATION_XML_RELOAD, XWorkConstants.RELOAD_XML_CONFIGURATION); LocalizedTextUtil.addDefaultResourceBundle(""org/apache/struts2/struts-messages""); loadCustomResourceBundles(props); } " 499,1," public void changePassword_Returns422UnprocessableEntity_NewPasswordSameAsOld() throws Exception { Mockito.reset(passwordValidator); when(expiringCodeStore.retrieveCode(""emailed_code"")) .thenReturn(new ExpiringCode(""emailed_code"", new Timestamp(System.currentTimeMillis()+ UaaResetPasswordService.PASSWORD_RESET_LIFETIME), ""eyedee"", null)); ScimUser scimUser = new ScimUser(""eyedee"", ""user@example.com"", ""User"", ""Man""); scimUser.setMeta(new ScimMeta(new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()-(1000*60*60*24)), new Date(System.currentTimeMillis()-(1000*60*60*24)), 0)); scimUser.addEmail(""user@example.com""); scimUser.setVerified(true); when(scimUserProvisioning.retrieve(""eyedee"")).thenReturn(scimUser); when(scimUserProvisioning.checkPasswordMatches(""eyedee"", ""new_secret"")).thenReturn(true); MockHttpServletRequestBuilder post = post(""/password_change"") .contentType(APPLICATION_JSON) .content(""{\""code\"":\""emailed_code\"",\""new_password\"":\""new_secret\""}"") .accept(APPLICATION_JSON); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(new MockAuthentication()); mockMvc.perform(post) .andExpect(status().isUnprocessableEntity()) .andExpect(content().string(JsonObjectMatcherUtils.matchesJsonObject(new JSONObject().put(""error_description"", ""Your new password cannot be the same as the old password."").put(""message"", ""Your new password cannot be the same as the old password."").put(""error"", ""invalid_password"")))); } " 500,1," private void setValidatedValueHandlerToValueContextIfPresent(ValidationContext validationContext, ValueContext valueContext, ConstraintMetaData metaData) { if ( metaData.requiresUnwrapping() ) { @SuppressWarnings(""unchecked"") //we know the handler matches the value type ValidatedValueUnwrapper handler = (ValidatedValueUnwrapper) getValidatedValueHandler( metaData.getType() ); if ( handler == null ) { throw log.getNoUnwrapperFoundForTypeException( metaData.getType().toString() ); } valueContext.setValidatedValueHandler( handler ); } } " 501,1," public boolean getValidateClientProvidedNewSessionId() { return false; } " 502,1," protected Object findValue(String expr, Class toType) { if (altSyntax() && toType == String.class) { return TextParseUtil.translateVariables('%', expr, stack); } else { expr = stripExpressionIfAltSyntax(expr); return getStack().findValue(expr, toType, throwExceptionOnELFailure); } } /** * Renders an action URL by consulting the {@link org.apache.struts2.dispatcher.mapper.ActionMapper}. * @param action the action * @param namespace the namespace * @param method the method * @param req HTTP request * @param res HTTP response * @param parameters parameters * @param scheme http or https * @param includeContext should the context path be included or not * @param encodeResult should the url be encoded * @param forceAddSchemeHostAndPort should the scheme host and port be forced * @param escapeAmp should ampersand (&) be escaped to &amp; * @return the action url. */ " 503,1," public HttpBinding getBinding() { if (this.binding == null) { this.binding = new AttachmentHttpBinding(); this.binding.setTransferException(isTransferException()); this.binding.setHeaderFilterStrategy(getHeaderFilterStrategy()); } return this.binding; } @Override " 504,1," public HttpBinding getBinding() { if (binding == null) { // create a new binding and use the options from this endpoint binding = new DefaultHttpBinding(); binding.setHeaderFilterStrategy(getHeaderFilterStrategy()); binding.setTransferException(isTransferException()); binding.setEagerCheckContentAvailable(isEagerCheckContentAvailable()); } return binding; } /** * To use a custom HttpBinding to control the mapping between Camel message and HttpClient. */ " 505,1," public void setMaxTrailerSize(int maxTrailerSize) { this.maxTrailerSize = maxTrailerSize; } /** * This field indicates if the protocol is treated as if it is secure. This * normally means https is being used but can be used to fake https e.g * behind a reverse proxy. */ " 506,1," public void addRecipients(final ExtendedEmailPublisherContext context, final EnvVars env, final Set to, final Set cc, final Set bcc) { final class Debug implements RecipientProviderUtilities.IDebug { private final ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor descriptor = Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getDescriptorByType(ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor.class); private final PrintStream logger = context.getListener().getLogger(); public void send(final String format, final Object... args) { descriptor.debug(logger, format, args); } } final Debug debug = new Debug(); Set users = null; final Run currentRun = context.getRun(); if (currentRun == null) { debug.send(""currentRun was null""); } else { if (!Objects.equals(currentRun.getResult(), Result.FAILURE)) { debug.send(""currentBuild did not fail""); } else { users = new HashSet<>(); debug.send(""Collecting builds with suspects...""); final HashSet> buildsWithSuspects = new HashSet<>(); Run firstFailedBuild = currentRun; Run candidate = currentRun; while (candidate != null) { final Result candidateResult = candidate.getResult(); if ( candidateResult == null || !candidateResult.isWorseOrEqualTo(Result.FAILURE) ) { break; } firstFailedBuild = candidate; candidate = candidate.getPreviousCompletedBuild(); } if (firstFailedBuild instanceof AbstractBuild) { buildsWithSuspects.add(firstFailedBuild); } else { debug.send("" firstFailedBuild was not an instance of AbstractBuild""); } debug.send(""Collecting suspects...""); users.addAll(RecipientProviderUtilities.getChangeSetAuthors(buildsWithSuspects, debug)); users.addAll(RecipientProviderUtilities.getUsersTriggeringTheBuilds(buildsWithSuspects, debug)); } } if (users != null) { RecipientProviderUtilities.addUsers(users, context.getListener(), env, to, cc, bcc, debug); } } @Extension " 507,1," public void doFilter(ServletRequest filterRequest, ServletResponse filterResponse) throws IOException, ServletException { assertEquals(""Invalid method"", ""POST"", ((HttpServletRequest) filterRequest).getMethod()); } }; " 508,1," public void restorePersistentSettingsTest() throws Exception { logger.info(""--> start 2 nodes""); Settings nodeSettings = settingsBuilder() .put(""discovery.type"", ""zen"") .put(""discovery.zen.ping_timeout"", ""200ms"") .put(""discovery.initial_state_timeout"", ""500ms"") .build(); internalCluster().startNode(nodeSettings); Client client = client(); String secondNode = internalCluster().startNode(nodeSettings); logger.info(""--> wait for the second node to join the cluster""); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareHealth().setWaitForNodes(""2"").get().isTimedOut(), equalTo(false)); int random = randomIntBetween(10, 42); logger.info(""--> set test persistent setting""); client.admin().cluster().prepareUpdateSettings().setPersistentSettings( ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder() .put(ElectMasterService.DISCOVERY_ZEN_MINIMUM_MASTER_NODES, 2) .put(IndicesTTLService.INDICES_TTL_INTERVAL, random, TimeUnit.MINUTES)) .execute().actionGet(); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareState().setRoutingTable(false).setNodes(false).execute().actionGet().getState() .getMetaData().persistentSettings().getAsTime(IndicesTTLService.INDICES_TTL_INTERVAL, TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(1)).millis(), equalTo(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(random).millis())); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareState().setRoutingTable(false).setNodes(false).execute().actionGet().getState() .getMetaData().persistentSettings().getAsInt(ElectMasterService.DISCOVERY_ZEN_MINIMUM_MASTER_NODES, -1), equalTo(2)); logger.info(""--> create repository""); PutRepositoryResponse putRepositoryResponse = client.admin().cluster().preparePutRepository(""test-repo"") .setType(""fs"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder().put(""location"", newTempDir())).execute().actionGet(); assertThat(putRepositoryResponse.isAcknowledged(), equalTo(true)); logger.info(""--> start snapshot""); CreateSnapshotResponse createSnapshotResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot(""test-repo"", ""test-snap"").setWaitForCompletion(true).execute().actionGet(); assertThat(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().totalShards(), equalTo(0)); assertThat(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), equalTo(0)); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareGetSnapshots(""test-repo"").setSnapshots(""test-snap"").execute().actionGet().getSnapshots().get(0).state(), equalTo(SnapshotState.SUCCESS)); logger.info(""--> clean the test persistent setting""); client.admin().cluster().prepareUpdateSettings().setPersistentSettings( ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder() .put(ElectMasterService.DISCOVERY_ZEN_MINIMUM_MASTER_NODES, 1) .put(IndicesTTLService.INDICES_TTL_INTERVAL, TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(1))) .execute().actionGet(); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareState().setRoutingTable(false).setNodes(false).execute().actionGet().getState() .getMetaData().persistentSettings().getAsTime(IndicesTTLService.INDICES_TTL_INTERVAL, TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(1)).millis(), equalTo(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(1).millis())); stopNode(secondNode); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareHealth().setWaitForNodes(""1"").get().isTimedOut(), equalTo(false)); logger.info(""--> restore snapshot""); client.admin().cluster().prepareRestoreSnapshot(""test-repo"", ""test-snap"").setRestoreGlobalState(true).setWaitForCompletion(true).execute().actionGet(); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareState().setRoutingTable(false).setNodes(false).execute().actionGet().getState() .getMetaData().persistentSettings().getAsTime(IndicesTTLService.INDICES_TTL_INTERVAL, TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(1)).millis(), equalTo(TimeValue.timeValueMinutes(random).millis())); logger.info(""--> ensure that zen discovery minimum master nodes wasn't restored""); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareState().setRoutingTable(false).setNodes(false).execute().actionGet().getState() .getMetaData().persistentSettings().getAsInt(ElectMasterService.DISCOVERY_ZEN_MINIMUM_MASTER_NODES, -1), not(equalTo(2))); } @Test " 509,1," public void init(FilterConfig conf) throws ServletException { if (conf != null && ""zookeeper"".equals(conf.getInitParameter(""signer.secret.provider""))) { SolrZkClient zkClient = (SolrZkClient)conf.getServletContext().getAttribute(KerberosPlugin.DELEGATION_TOKEN_ZK_CLIENT); conf.getServletContext().setAttribute(""signer.secret.provider.zookeeper.curator.client"", getCuratorClient(zkClient)); } super.init(conf); } /** * Return the ProxyUser Configuration. FilterConfig properties beginning with * ""solr.impersonator.user.name"" will be added to the configuration. */ @Override " 510,1," Attributes setPropertiesFromAttributes( StylesheetHandler handler, String rawName, Attributes attributes, ElemTemplateElement target, boolean throwError) throws org.xml.sax.SAXException { XSLTElementDef def = getElemDef(); AttributesImpl undefines = null; boolean isCompatibleMode = ((null != handler.getStylesheet() && handler.getStylesheet().getCompatibleMode()) || !throwError); if (isCompatibleMode) undefines = new AttributesImpl(); // Keep track of which XSLTAttributeDefs have been processed, so // I can see which default values need to be set. List processedDefs = new ArrayList(); // Keep track of XSLTAttributeDefs that were invalid List errorDefs = new ArrayList(); int nAttrs = attributes.getLength(); for (int i = 0; i < nAttrs; i++) { String attrUri = attributes.getURI(i); // Hack for Crimson. -sb if((null != attrUri) && (attrUri.length() == 0) && (attributes.getQName(i).startsWith(""xmlns:"") || attributes.getQName(i).equals(""xmlns""))) { attrUri = org.apache.xalan.templates.Constants.S_XMLNAMESPACEURI; } String attrLocalName = attributes.getLocalName(i); XSLTAttributeDef attrDef = def.getAttributeDef(attrUri, attrLocalName); if (null == attrDef) { if (!isCompatibleMode) { // Then barf, because this element does not allow this attribute. handler.error(XSLTErrorResources.ER_ATTR_NOT_ALLOWED, new Object[]{attributes.getQName(i), rawName}, null);//""\""""+attributes.getQName(i)+""\"""" //+ "" attribute is not allowed on the "" + rawName // + "" element!"", null); } else { undefines.addAttribute(attrUri, attrLocalName, attributes.getQName(i), attributes.getType(i), attributes.getValue(i)); } } else { // Can we switch the order here: boolean success = attrDef.setAttrValue(handler, attrUri, attrLocalName, attributes.getQName(i), attributes.getValue(i), target); // Now we only add the element if it passed a validation check if (success) processedDefs.add(attrDef); else errorDefs.add(attrDef); } } XSLTAttributeDef[] attrDefs = def.getAttributes(); int nAttrDefs = attrDefs.length; for (int i = 0; i < nAttrDefs; i++) { XSLTAttributeDef attrDef = attrDefs[i]; String defVal = attrDef.getDefault(); if (null != defVal) { if (!processedDefs.contains(attrDef)) { attrDef.setDefAttrValue(handler, target); } } if (attrDef.getRequired()) { if ((!processedDefs.contains(attrDef)) && (!errorDefs.contains(attrDef))) handler.error( XSLMessages.createMessage( XSLTErrorResources.ER_REQUIRES_ATTRIB, new Object[]{ rawName, attrDef.getName() }), null); } } return undefines; } " 511,1," public SecurityConstraint [] findSecurityConstraints(Request request, Context context) { ArrayList results = null; // Are there any defined security constraints? SecurityConstraint constraints[] = context.findConstraints(); if ((constraints == null) || (constraints.length == 0)) { if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("" No applicable constraints defined""); return null; } // Check each defined security constraint String uri = request.getRequestPathMB().toString(); // Bug47080 - in rare cases this may be null // Mapper treats as '/' do the same to prevent NPE if (uri == null) { uri = ""/""; } String method = request.getMethod(); int i; boolean found = false; for (i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) { SecurityCollection [] collection = constraints[i].findCollections(); // If collection is null, continue to avoid an NPE // See Bugzilla 30624 if ( collection == null) { continue; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("" Checking constraint '"" + constraints[i] + ""' against "" + method + "" "" + uri + "" --> "" + constraints[i].included(uri, method)); } for(int j=0; j < collection.length; j++){ String [] patterns = collection[j].findPatterns(); // If patterns is null, continue to avoid an NPE // See Bugzilla 30624 if ( patterns == null) { continue; } for(int k=0; k < patterns.length; k++) { if(uri.equals(patterns[k])) { found = true; if(collection[j].findMethod(method)) { if(results == null) { results = new ArrayList<>(); } results.add(constraints[i]); } } } } } if(found) { return resultsToArray(results); } int longest = -1; for (i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) { SecurityCollection [] collection = constraints[i].findCollections(); // If collection is null, continue to avoid an NPE // See Bugzilla 30624 if ( collection == null) { continue; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("" Checking constraint '"" + constraints[i] + ""' against "" + method + "" "" + uri + "" --> "" + constraints[i].included(uri, method)); } for(int j=0; j < collection.length; j++){ String [] patterns = collection[j].findPatterns(); // If patterns is null, continue to avoid an NPE // See Bugzilla 30624 if ( patterns == null) { continue; } boolean matched = false; int length = -1; for(int k=0; k < patterns.length; k++) { String pattern = patterns[k]; if(pattern.startsWith(""/"") && pattern.endsWith(""/*"") && pattern.length() >= longest) { if(pattern.length() == 2) { matched = true; length = pattern.length(); } else if(pattern.regionMatches(0,uri,0, pattern.length()-1) || (pattern.length()-2 == uri.length() && pattern.regionMatches(0,uri,0, pattern.length()-2))) { matched = true; length = pattern.length(); } } } if(matched) { if(length > longest) { found = false; if(results != null) { results.clear(); } longest = length; } if(collection[j].findMethod(method)) { found = true; if(results == null) { results = new ArrayList<>(); } results.add(constraints[i]); } } } } if(found) { return resultsToArray(results); } for (i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) { SecurityCollection [] collection = constraints[i].findCollections(); // If collection is null, continue to avoid an NPE // See Bugzilla 30624 if ( collection == null) { continue; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("" Checking constraint '"" + constraints[i] + ""' against "" + method + "" "" + uri + "" --> "" + constraints[i].included(uri, method)); } boolean matched = false; int pos = -1; for(int j=0; j < collection.length; j++){ String [] patterns = collection[j].findPatterns(); // If patterns is null, continue to avoid an NPE // See Bugzilla 30624 if ( patterns == null) { continue; } for(int k=0; k < patterns.length && !matched; k++) { String pattern = patterns[k]; if(pattern.startsWith(""*."")){ int slash = uri.lastIndexOf('/'); int dot = uri.lastIndexOf('.'); if(slash >= 0 && dot > slash && dot != uri.length()-1 && uri.length()-dot == pattern.length()-1) { if(pattern.regionMatches(1,uri,dot,uri.length()-dot)) { matched = true; pos = j; } } } } } if(matched) { found = true; if(collection[pos].findMethod(method)) { if(results == null) { results = new ArrayList<>(); } results.add(constraints[i]); } } } if(found) { return resultsToArray(results); } for (i = 0; i < constraints.length; i++) { SecurityCollection [] collection = constraints[i].findCollections(); // If collection is null, continue to avoid an NPE // See Bugzilla 30624 if ( collection == null) { continue; } if (log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug("" Checking constraint '"" + constraints[i] + ""' against "" + method + "" "" + uri + "" --> "" + constraints[i].included(uri, method)); } for(int j=0; j < collection.length; j++){ String [] patterns = collection[j].findPatterns(); // If patterns is null, continue to avoid an NPE // See Bugzilla 30624 if ( patterns == null) { continue; } boolean matched = false; for(int k=0; k < patterns.length && !matched; k++) { String pattern = patterns[k]; if(pattern.equals(""/"")){ matched = true; } } if(matched) { if(results == null) { results = new ArrayList<>(); } results.add(constraints[i]); } } } if(results == null) { // No applicable security constraint was found if (log.isDebugEnabled()) log.debug("" No applicable constraint located""); } return resultsToArray(results); } /** * Convert an ArrayList to a SecurityConstraint []. */ " 512,1," private void writeSession(SessionInformations session, boolean displayUser) throws IOException { final String nextColumnAlignRight = """"; final String nextColumnAlignCenter = """"; write(""""); write(htmlEncodeButNotSpace(session.getId())); write(""""); write(nextColumnAlignRight); write(durationFormat.format(session.getLastAccess())); write(nextColumnAlignRight); write(durationFormat.format(session.getAge())); write(nextColumnAlignRight); write(expiryFormat.format(session.getExpirationDate())); write(nextColumnAlignRight); write(integerFormat.format(session.getAttributeCount())); write(nextColumnAlignCenter); if (session.isSerializable()) { write(""#oui#""); } else { write(""#non#""); } write(nextColumnAlignRight); write(integerFormat.format(session.getSerializedSize())); final String nextColumn = """"; write(nextColumn); final String remoteAddr = session.getRemoteAddr(); if (remoteAddr == null) { write("" ""); } else { write(remoteAddr); } write(nextColumnAlignCenter); writeCountry(session); if (displayUser) { write(nextColumn); final String remoteUser = session.getRemoteUser(); if (remoteUser == null) { write("" ""); } else { writeDirectly(htmlEncodeButNotSpace(remoteUser)); } } write(""""); write(A_HREF_PART_SESSIONS); write(""&action=invalidate_session&sessionId=""); write(urlEncode(session.getId())); write(""' onclick=\""javascript:return confirm('"" + getStringForJavascript(""confirm_invalidate_session"") + ""');\"">""); write(""#invalidate_session#""); write(""""); write(""""); } " 513,1," public boolean isUseRouteBuilder() { return false; } @Test " 514,1," private T run(PrivilegedAction action) { return System.getSecurityManager() != null ? AccessController.doPrivileged( action ) : action.run(); } // JAXB closes the underlying input stream " 515,1," public void execute(FunctionContext context) { RegionConfiguration configuration = (RegionConfiguration) context.getArguments(); if (this.cache.getLogger().fineEnabled()) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(""Function "").append(ID).append("" received request: "").append(configuration); this.cache.getLogger().fine(builder.toString()); } // Create or retrieve region RegionStatus status = createOrRetrieveRegion(configuration); // Dump XML if (DUMP_SESSION_CACHE_XML) { writeCacheXml(); } // Return status context.getResultSender().lastResult(status); } " 516,1," public static int methodUrl(String path, ByteChunk out, int readTimeout, Map> reqHead, Map> resHead, String method) throws IOException { URL url = new URL(path); HttpURLConnection connection = (HttpURLConnection) url.openConnection(); connection.setUseCaches(false); connection.setReadTimeout(readTimeout); connection.setRequestMethod(method); if (reqHead != null) { for (Map.Entry> entry : reqHead.entrySet()) { StringBuilder valueList = new StringBuilder(); for (String value : entry.getValue()) { if (valueList.length() > 0) { valueList.append(','); } valueList.append(value); } connection.setRequestProperty(entry.getKey(), valueList.toString()); } } connection.connect(); int rc = connection.getResponseCode(); if (resHead != null) { Map> head = connection.getHeaderFields(); resHead.putAll(head); } InputStream is; if (rc < 400) { is = connection.getInputStream(); } else { is = connection.getErrorStream(); } if (is != null) { try (BufferedInputStream bis = new BufferedInputStream(is)) { byte[] buf = new byte[2048]; int rd = 0; while((rd = bis.read(buf)) > 0) { out.append(buf, 0, rd); } } } return rc; } " 517,1," public void addRecipients(final ExtendedEmailPublisherContext context, final EnvVars env, final Set to, final Set cc, final Set bcc) { final class Debug implements RecipientProviderUtilities.IDebug { private final ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor descriptor = Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getDescriptorByType(ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor.class); private final PrintStream logger = context.getListener().getLogger(); public void send(final String format, final Object... args) { descriptor.debug(logger, format, args); } } final Debug debug = new Debug(); Set users = null; final Run currentRun = context.getRun(); if (currentRun == null) { debug.send(""currentRun was null""); } else { final AbstractTestResultAction testResultAction = currentRun.getAction(AbstractTestResultAction.class); if (testResultAction == null) { debug.send(""testResultAction was null""); } else { if (testResultAction.getFailCount() <= 0) { debug.send(""getFailCount() returned <= 0""); } else { users = new HashSet<>(); debug.send(""Collecting builds where a test started failing...""); final HashSet> buildsWhereATestStartedFailing = new HashSet<>(); for (final TestResult caseResult : testResultAction.getFailedTests()) { final Run runWhereTestStartedFailing = caseResult.getFailedSinceRun(); if (runWhereTestStartedFailing != null) { debug.send("" runWhereTestStartedFailing: %d"", runWhereTestStartedFailing.getNumber()); buildsWhereATestStartedFailing.add(runWhereTestStartedFailing); } else { context.getListener().error(""getFailedSinceRun returned null for %s"", caseResult.getFullDisplayName()); } } // For each build where a test started failing, walk backward looking for build results worse than // UNSTABLE. All of those builds will be used to find suspects. debug.send(""Collecting builds with suspects...""); final HashSet> buildsWithSuspects = new HashSet<>(); for (final Run buildWhereATestStartedFailing : buildsWhereATestStartedFailing) { debug.send("" buildWhereATestStartedFailing: %d"", buildWhereATestStartedFailing.getNumber()); buildsWithSuspects.add(buildWhereATestStartedFailing); Run previousBuildToCheck = buildWhereATestStartedFailing.getPreviousCompletedBuild(); if (previousBuildToCheck != null) { debug.send("" previousBuildToCheck: %d"", previousBuildToCheck.getNumber()); } while (previousBuildToCheck != null) { if (buildsWithSuspects.contains(previousBuildToCheck)) { // Short-circuit if the build to check has already been checked. debug.send("" already contained in buildsWithSuspects; stopping search""); break; } final Result previousResult = previousBuildToCheck.getResult(); if (previousResult == null) { debug.send("" previousResult was null""); } else { debug.send("" previousResult: %s"", previousResult.toString()); if (previousResult.isBetterThan(Result.FAILURE)) { debug.send("" previousResult was better than FAILURE; stopping search""); break; } else { debug.send("" previousResult was not better than FAILURE; adding to buildsWithSuspects; continuing search""); buildsWithSuspects.add(previousBuildToCheck); previousBuildToCheck = previousBuildToCheck.getPreviousCompletedBuild(); if (previousBuildToCheck != null) { debug.send("" previousBuildToCheck: %d"", previousBuildToCheck.getNumber()); } } } } } debug.send(""Collecting suspects...""); users.addAll(RecipientProviderUtilities.getChangeSetAuthors(buildsWithSuspects, debug)); users.addAll(RecipientProviderUtilities.getUsersTriggeringTheBuilds(buildsWithSuspects, debug)); } } } if (users != null) { RecipientProviderUtilities.addUsers(users, context.getListener(), env, to, cc, bcc, debug); } } @Extension " 518,1," public static DateTimeZone randomDateTimeZone() { DateTimeZone timeZone; // It sounds like some Java Time Zones are unknown by JODA. For example: Asia/Riyadh88 // We need to fallback in that case to a known time zone try { timeZone = DateTimeZone.forTimeZone(randomTimeZone()); } catch (IllegalArgumentException e) { timeZone = DateTimeZone.forOffsetHours(randomIntBetween(-12, 12)); } return timeZone; } " 519,1," public void testTriggerWithLockedDownInstance() throws Exception { FreeStyleProject project = DuplicatesUtil.createGerritTriggeredJob(j, projectName); Setup.lockDown(j); GerritTrigger trigger = project.getTrigger(GerritTrigger.class); trigger.setSilentStartMode(false); GerritServer gerritServer = new GerritServer(PluginImpl.DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME); SshdServerMock.configureFor(sshd, gerritServer); PluginImpl.getInstance().addServer(gerritServer); gerritServer.getConfig().setNumberOfSendingWorkerThreads(NUMBEROFSENDERTHREADS); ((Config)gerritServer.getConfig()).setGerritAuthKeyFile(sshKey.getPrivateKey()); gerritServer.start(); gerritServer.triggerEvent(Setup.createPatchsetCreated()); TestUtils.waitForBuilds(project, 1); //wait until command is registered // CS IGNORE MagicNumber FOR NEXT 2 LINES. REASON: ConstantsNotNeeded Thread.sleep(TimeUnit.SECONDS.toMillis(10)); assertEquals(2, server.getNrCommandsHistory(""gerrit review.*"")); FreeStyleBuild buildOne = project.getLastCompletedBuild(); assertSame(Result.SUCCESS, buildOne.getResult()); assertEquals(1, project.getLastCompletedBuild().getNumber()); assertSame(PluginImpl.DEFAULT_SERVER_NAME, buildOne.getCause(GerritCause.class).getEvent().getProvider().getName()); } " 520,1," public static Transformer cloneTransformer() { return (Transformer) INSTANCE; } /** * Constructor. */ " 521,1," public void setEnabled(boolean enabled); " 522,1," public void testHttpSendStringAndReceiveJavaBody() throws Exception { context.addRoutes(new RouteBuilder() { @Override public void configure() throws Exception { from(""jetty:http://localhost:{{port}}/myapp/myservice"") .process(new Processor() { public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { String body = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class); assertNotNull(body); assertEquals(""Hello World"", body); MyCoolBean reply = new MyCoolBean(456, ""Camel rocks""); exchange.getOut().setBody(reply); exchange.getOut().setHeader(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE, HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_JAVA_SERIALIZED_OBJECT); } }); } }); context.start(); MyCoolBean reply = template.requestBody(""http://localhost:{{port}}/myapp/myservice"", ""Hello World"", MyCoolBean.class); assertEquals(456, reply.getId()); assertEquals(""Camel rocks"", reply.getName()); } " 523,1," private boolean evaluate(String text) { try { InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(new StringReader(text)); return ((Boolean)expression.evaluate(inputSource, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN)).booleanValue(); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { return false; } } @Override " 524,1," protected boolean isAccepted(String paramName) { if (!this.acceptParams.isEmpty()) { for (Pattern pattern : acceptParams) { Matcher matcher = pattern.matcher(paramName); if (matcher.matches()) { return true; } } return false; } else return acceptedPattern.matcher(paramName).matches(); } " 525,1," public void loadConfig(Class... configs) { this.context = new AnnotationConfigWebApplicationContext(); this.context.register(configs); this.context.refresh(); this.context.getAutowireCapableBeanFactory().autowireBean(this); } " 526,1," private CoderResult decodeHasArray(ByteBuffer in, CharBuffer out) { int outRemaining = out.remaining(); int pos = in.position(); int limit = in.limit(); final byte[] bArr = in.array(); final char[] cArr = out.array(); final int inIndexLimit = limit + in.arrayOffset(); int inIndex = pos + in.arrayOffset(); int outIndex = out.position() + out.arrayOffset(); // if someone would change the limit in process, // he would face consequences for (; inIndex < inIndexLimit && outRemaining > 0; inIndex++) { int jchar = bArr[inIndex]; if (jchar < 0) { jchar = jchar & 0x7F; int tail = remainingBytes[jchar]; if (tail == -1) { in.position(inIndex - in.arrayOffset()); out.position(outIndex - out.arrayOffset()); return CoderResult.malformedForLength(1); } if (inIndexLimit - inIndex < 1 + tail) { // Apache Tomcat added test - detects invalid sequence as // early as possible if (jchar == 0x74 && inIndexLimit > inIndex + 1) { if ((bArr[inIndex + 1] & 0xFF) > 0x8F) { return CoderResult.unmappableForLength(4); } } break; } for (int i = 0; i < tail; i++) { int nextByte = bArr[inIndex + i + 1] & 0xFF; if ((nextByte & 0xC0) != 0x80) { in.position(inIndex - in.arrayOffset()); out.position(outIndex - out.arrayOffset()); return CoderResult.malformedForLength(1 + i); } jchar = (jchar << 6) + nextByte; } jchar -= remainingNumbers[tail]; if (jchar < lowerEncodingLimit[tail]) { // Should have been encoded in fewer octets in.position(inIndex - in.arrayOffset()); out.position(outIndex - out.arrayOffset()); return CoderResult.malformedForLength(1); } inIndex += tail; } // Apache Tomcat added test if (jchar >= 0xD800 && jchar <= 0xDFFF) { return CoderResult.unmappableForLength(3); } // Apache Tomcat added test if (jchar > 0x10FFFF) { return CoderResult.unmappableForLength(4); } if (jchar <= 0xffff) { cArr[outIndex++] = (char) jchar; outRemaining--; } else { if (outRemaining < 2) { return CoderResult.OVERFLOW; } cArr[outIndex++] = (char) ((jchar >> 0xA) + 0xD7C0); cArr[outIndex++] = (char) ((jchar & 0x3FF) + 0xDC00); outRemaining -= 2; } } in.position(inIndex - in.arrayOffset()); out.position(outIndex - out.arrayOffset()); return (outRemaining == 0 && inIndex < inIndexLimit) ? CoderResult.OVERFLOW : CoderResult.UNDERFLOW; } " 527,1," public void testBogusPathCheck() { TesseractOCRConfig config = new TesseractOCRConfig(); config.setTesseractPath(""blahdeblahblah""); assertEquals(""blahdeblahblah"", config.getTesseractPath()); } " 528,1," public void setValues(PreparedStatement ps) throws SQLException { Timestamp t = new Timestamp(new Date().getTime()); ps.setTimestamp(1, t); ps.setString(2, encNewPassword); ps.setTimestamp(3, t); ps.setString(4, id); } }); " 529,1," public boolean isTransferException() { return transferException; } /** * If enabled and an Exchange failed processing on the consumer side, and if the caused Exception was send back serialized * in the response as a application/x-java-serialized-object content type. */ " 530,1," public void testSingletonPatternInSerialization() { final Object[] singletones = new Object[] { CloneTransformer.INSTANCE, ExceptionTransformer.INSTANCE, NOPTransformer.INSTANCE, StringValueTransformer.stringValueTransformer(), }; for (final Object original : singletones) { TestUtils.assertSameAfterSerialization(""Singleton pattern broken for "" + original.getClass(), original); } } " 531,1," public static void main( String[] args) { Security.addProvider(new BouncyCastleProvider()); runTest(new ECDSA5Test()); } " 532,1," public synchronized void afterTest() throws IOException { wipeDataDirectories(); randomlyResetClients(); /* reset all clients - each test gets its own client based on the Random instance created above. */ } @Override " 533,1," public void init(FilterConfig conf) throws ServletException { if (conf != null && ""zookeeper"".equals(conf.getInitParameter(""signer.secret.provider""))) { SolrZkClient zkClient = (SolrZkClient)conf.getServletContext().getAttribute(DELEGATION_TOKEN_ZK_CLIENT); conf.getServletContext().setAttribute(""signer.secret.provider.zookeeper.curator.client"", getCuratorClient(zkClient)); } super.init(conf); } @Override " 534,1," protected void setAuthenticateHeader(HttpServletRequest request, HttpServletResponse response, LoginConfig config, String nOnce) { // Get the realm name String realmName = config.getRealmName(); if (realmName == null) realmName = REALM_NAME; byte[] buffer = null; synchronized (md5Helper) { buffer = md5Helper.digest(nOnce.getBytes()); } String authenticateHeader = ""Digest realm=\"""" + realmName + ""\"", "" + ""qop=\""auth\"", nonce=\"""" + nOnce + ""\"", "" + ""opaque=\"""" + md5Encoder.encode(buffer) + ""\""""; response.setHeader(AUTH_HEADER_NAME, authenticateHeader); } " 535,1," public static Object deserialize(byte[] data) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { ByteArrayInputStream in = new ByteArrayInputStream(data); ObjectInputStream is = new ObjectInputStream(in); return is.readObject(); } " 536,1," public FormValidation doCheckCommand(@QueryParameter String value) { if(Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(value)==null) return FormValidation.error(Messages.CommandLauncher_NoLaunchCommand()); else return FormValidation.ok(); } } } " 537,1," private static void addUserTriggeringTheBuild(Run run, Set to, Set cc, Set bcc, EnvVars env, TaskListener listener, RecipientProviderUtilities.IDebug debug) { final User user = RecipientProviderUtilities.getUserTriggeringTheBuild(run); if (user != null) { RecipientProviderUtilities.addUsers(Collections.singleton(user), listener, env, to, cc, bcc, debug); } } @SuppressWarnings(""unchecked"") @Extension " 538,1," protected void finish() throws IOException { if (!response.isCommitted()) { // Validate and write response headers try { prepareResponse(); } catch (IOException e) { // Set error flag error = true; } } if (finished) return; finished = true; // Add the end message if (error) { output(endAndCloseMessageArray, 0, endAndCloseMessageArray.length); } else { output(endMessageArray, 0, endMessageArray.length); } } // ------------------------------------- InputStreamInputBuffer Inner Class /** * This class is an input buffer which will read its data from an input * stream. */ " 539,1," abstract protected JDBCTableReader getTableReader(Connection connection, String tableName, ParseContext parseContext); " 540,1," public void testEntityExpansionWReq() throws Exception { String url = ""https://localhost:"" + getIdpHttpsPort() + ""/fediz-idp/federation?""; url += ""wa=wsignin1.0""; url += ""&whr=urn:org:apache:cxf:fediz:idp:realm-A""; url += ""&wtrealm=urn:org:apache:cxf:fediz:fedizhelloworld""; String wreply = ""https://localhost:"" + getRpHttpsPort() + ""/"" + getServletContextName() + ""/secure/fedservlet""; url += ""&wreply="" + wreply; InputStream is = this.getClass().getClassLoader().getResource(""entity_wreq.xml"").openStream(); String entity = IOUtils.toString(is, ""UTF-8""); is.close(); String validWreq = """" + ""&m;http://docs.oasis-open.org/wss/oasis-wss-saml-token-profile-1.1#SAMLV2.0"" + """"; url += ""&wreq="" + URLEncoder.encode(entity + validWreq, ""UTF-8""); String user = ""alice""; String password = ""ecila""; final WebClient webClient = new WebClient(); webClient.getOptions().setUseInsecureSSL(true); webClient.getCredentialsProvider().setCredentials( new AuthScope(""localhost"", Integer.parseInt(getIdpHttpsPort())), new UsernamePasswordCredentials(user, password)); webClient.getOptions().setJavaScriptEnabled(false); try { webClient.getPage(url); Assert.fail(""Failure expected on a bad wreq value""); } catch (FailingHttpStatusCodeException ex) { Assert.assertEquals(ex.getStatusCode(), 400); } webClient.close(); } // Send an malformed wreq value @org.junit.Test " 541,1," public static void checkSlip(File parentFile, File file) throws IllegalArgumentException { String parentCanonicalPath; String canonicalPath; try { parentCanonicalPath = parentFile.getCanonicalPath(); canonicalPath = file.getCanonicalPath(); } catch (IOException e) { throw new IORuntimeException(e); } if (false == canonicalPath.startsWith(parentCanonicalPath)) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""New file is outside of the parent dir: "" + file.getName()); } } " 542,1," public ExitCode runWithoutHelp(CommandRunnerParams params) throws IOException, InterruptedException { if (saveFilename != null && loadFilename != null) { params.getConsole().printErrorText(""Can't use both --load and --save""); return ExitCode.COMMANDLINE_ERROR; } if (saveFilename != null) { invalidateChanges(params); RemoteDaemonicParserState state = params.getParser().storeParserState(params.getCell()); try (FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(saveFilename); ZipOutputStream zipos = new ZipOutputStream(fos)) { zipos.putNextEntry(new ZipEntry(""parser_data"")); try (ObjectOutputStream oos = new ObjectOutputStream(zipos)) { oos.writeObject(state); } } } else if (loadFilename != null) { try (FileInputStream fis = new FileInputStream(loadFilename); ZipInputStream zipis = new ZipInputStream(fis)) { ZipEntry entry = zipis.getNextEntry(); Preconditions.checkState(entry.getName().equals(""parser_data"")); try (ObjectInputStream ois = new ObjectInputStream(zipis)) { RemoteDaemonicParserState state; try { state = (RemoteDaemonicParserState) ois.readObject(); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { params.getConsole().printErrorText(""Invalid file format""); return ExitCode.COMMANDLINE_ERROR; } params.getParser().restoreParserState(state, params.getCell()); } } invalidateChanges(params); ParserConfig configView = params.getBuckConfig().getView(ParserConfig.class); if (configView.isParserCacheMutationWarningEnabled()) { params .getConsole() .printErrorText( params .getConsole() .getAnsi() .asWarningText( ""WARNING: Buck injected a parser state that may not match the local state."")); } } return ExitCode.SUCCESS; } " 543,1," public BeanDefinition createMatcher(String path, String method) { if ((""/**"".equals(path) || ""**"".equals(path)) && method == null) { return new RootBeanDefinition(AnyRequestMatcher.class); } BeanDefinitionBuilder matcherBldr = BeanDefinitionBuilder .rootBeanDefinition(type); matcherBldr.addConstructorArgValue(path); matcherBldr.addConstructorArgValue(method); if (this == ciRegex) { matcherBldr.addConstructorArgValue(true); } return matcherBldr.getBeanDefinition(); } " 544,1," public Collection parse(final InputStream file, final String moduleName) throws InvocationTargetException { try { Digester digester = new Digester(); digester.setValidating(false); digester.setClassLoader(LintParser.class.getClassLoader()); List issues = new ArrayList(); digester.push(issues); String issueXPath = ""issues/issue""; digester.addObjectCreate(issueXPath, LintIssue.class); digester.addSetProperties(issueXPath); digester.addSetNext(issueXPath, ""add""); String locationXPath = issueXPath + ""/location""; digester.addObjectCreate(locationXPath, Location.class); digester.addSetProperties(locationXPath); digester.addSetNext(locationXPath, ""addLocation"", Location.class.getName()); digester.parse(file); return convert(issues, moduleName); } catch (IOException exception) { throw new InvocationTargetException(exception); } catch (SAXException exception) { throw new InvocationTargetException(exception); } } /** * Converts the Lint object structure to that of the analysis-core API. * * @param issues The parsed Lint issues. * @param moduleName Name of the maven module, if any. * @return A collection of the discovered issues. */ " 545,1," public List removeServer(GerritServer s) { servers.remove(s); return servers; } /** * Check whether the list of servers contains a GerritServer object of a specific name. * * @param serverName to check. * @return whether the list contains a server with the given name. */ " 546,1," public void configure() throws Exception { from(""direct:start"") .to(""xslt:org/apache/camel/component/xslt/transform.xsl"") .multicast() .beanRef(""testBean"") .to(""mock:result""); } }; } @Override " 547,1," public void removeUser(String username) { UserDatabase database = (UserDatabase) this.resource; User user = database.findUser(username); if (user == null) { return; } try { MBeanUtils.destroyMBean(user); database.removeUser(user); } catch (Exception e) { IllegalArgumentException iae = new IllegalArgumentException (""Exception destroying user "" + user + "" MBean""); iae.initCause(e); throw iae; } } " 548,1," public void execute(FunctionContext context) { RegionFunctionContext rfc = (RegionFunctionContext) context; context.getResultSender().lastResult(rfc.getDataSet().size()); } " 549,1," public void execute(FunctionContext context) { Object[] arguments = (Object[]) context.getArguments(); String regionName = (String) arguments[0]; Set keys = (Set) arguments[1]; if (this.cache.getLogger().fineEnabled()) { StringBuilder builder = new StringBuilder(); builder.append(""Function "").append(ID).append("" received request to touch "") .append(regionName).append(""->"").append(keys); this.cache.getLogger().fine(builder.toString()); } // Retrieve the appropriate Region and value to update the lastAccessedTime Region region = this.cache.getRegion(regionName); if (region != null) { region.getAll(keys); } // Return result to get around NPE in LocalResultCollectorImpl context.getResultSender().lastResult(true); } " 550,1," protected Object extractResponseBody(Exchange exchange, JettyContentExchange httpExchange) throws IOException { Map headers = getSimpleMap(httpExchange.getResponseHeaders()); String contentType = headers.get(Exchange.CONTENT_TYPE); // if content type is serialized java object, then de-serialize it to a Java object if (contentType != null && HttpConstants.CONTENT_TYPE_JAVA_SERIALIZED_OBJECT.equals(contentType)) { try { InputStream is = exchange.getContext().getTypeConverter().mandatoryConvertTo(InputStream.class, httpExchange.getResponseContentBytes()); return HttpHelper.deserializeJavaObjectFromStream(is, exchange.getContext()); } catch (Exception e) { throw new RuntimeCamelException(""Cannot deserialize body to Java object"", e); } } else { // just grab the raw content body return httpExchange.getBody(); } } " 551,1," public int doRead(ByteChunk chunk, Request req) throws IOException { if (endChunk) { return -1; } if(needCRLFParse) { needCRLFParse = false; parseCRLF(false); } if (remaining <= 0) { if (!parseChunkHeader()) { throw new IOException(""Invalid chunk header""); } if (endChunk) { parseEndChunk(); return -1; } } int result = 0; if (pos >= lastValid) { if (readBytes() < 0) { throw new IOException( ""Unexpected end of stream whilst reading request body""); } } if (remaining > (lastValid - pos)) { result = lastValid - pos; remaining = remaining - result; chunk.setBytes(buf, pos, result); pos = lastValid; } else { result = remaining; chunk.setBytes(buf, pos, remaining); pos = pos + remaining; remaining = 0; //we need a CRLF if ((pos+1) >= lastValid) { //if we call parseCRLF we overrun the buffer here //so we defer it to the next call BZ 11117 needCRLFParse = true; } else { parseCRLF(false); //parse the CRLF immediately } } return result; } // ---------------------------------------------------- InputFilter Methods /** * Read the content length from the request. */ @Override " 552,1," public FormValidation doNameFreeCheck( @QueryParameter(""value"") final String value) { if (!value.equals(name)) { if (PluginImpl.containsServer_(value)) { return FormValidation.error(""The server name "" + value + "" is already in use!""); } else if (ANY_SERVER.equals(value)) { return FormValidation.error(""Illegal name "" + value + ""!""); } else { return FormValidation.warning(""The server "" + name + "" will be renamed""); } } else { return FormValidation.ok(); } } /** * Generates a list of helper objects for the jelly view. * * @return a list of helper objects. */ " 553,1," public void testPrivateKeyParsingSHA256() throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { XMSSMTParameters params = new XMSSMTParameters(20, 10, new SHA256Digest()); XMSSMT mt = new XMSSMT(params, new SecureRandom()); mt.generateKeys(); byte[] privateKey = mt.exportPrivateKey(); byte[] publicKey = mt.exportPublicKey(); mt.importState(privateKey, publicKey); assertTrue(Arrays.areEqual(privateKey, mt.exportPrivateKey())); } " 554,1," public void addOtherTesseractConfig(String key, String value) { if (key == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""key must not be null""); } if (value == null) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""value must not be null""); } Matcher m = ALLOWABLE_OTHER_PARAMS_PATTERN.matcher(key); if (! m.find()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""Value contains illegal characters: ""+key); } m.reset(value); if (! m.find()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""Value contains illegal characters: ""+value); } otherTesseractConfig.put(key.trim(), value.trim()); } /** * Get property from the properties file passed in. * * @param properties properties file to read from. * @param property the property to fetch. * @param defaultMissing default parameter to use. * @return the value. */ " 555,1," public void load(SolrQueryRequest req, SolrQueryResponse rsp, ContentStream stream, UpdateRequestProcessor processor) throws Exception { final String charset = ContentStreamBase.getCharsetFromContentType(stream.getContentType()); InputStream is = null; XMLStreamReader parser = null; String tr = req.getParams().get(CommonParams.TR,null); if(tr!=null) { Transformer t = getTransformer(tr,req); final DOMResult result = new DOMResult(); // first step: read XML and build DOM using Transformer (this is no overhead, as XSL always produces // an internal result DOM tree, we just access it directly as input for StAX): try { is = stream.getStream(); final InputSource isrc = new InputSource(is); isrc.setEncoding(charset); final SAXSource source = new SAXSource(isrc); t.transform(source, result); } catch(TransformerException te) { throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, te.getMessage(), te); } finally { IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } // second step feed the intermediate DOM tree into StAX parser: try { parser = inputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(new DOMSource(result.getNode())); this.processUpdate(req, processor, parser); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (parser != null) parser.close(); } } // Normal XML Loader else { try { is = stream.getStream(); if (UpdateRequestHandler.log.isTraceEnabled()) { final byte[] body = IOUtils.toByteArray(is); // TODO: The charset may be wrong, as the real charset is later // determined by the XML parser, the content-type is only used as a hint! UpdateRequestHandler.log.trace(""body"", new String(body, (charset == null) ? ContentStreamBase.DEFAULT_CHARSET : charset)); IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); is = new ByteArrayInputStream(body); } parser = (charset == null) ? inputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(is) : inputFactory.createXMLStreamReader(is, charset); this.processUpdate(req, processor, parser); } catch (XMLStreamException e) { throw new SolrException(SolrException.ErrorCode.BAD_REQUEST, e.getMessage(), e); } finally { if (parser != null) parser.close(); IOUtils.closeQuietly(is); } } } /** Get Transformer from request context, or from TransformerProvider. * This allows either getContentType(...) or write(...) to instantiate the Transformer, * depending on which one is called first, then the other one reuses the same Transformer */ " 556,1," private SSLEngine createSSLEngine(Map userProperties) throws DeploymentException { try { // See if a custom SSLContext has been provided SSLContext sslContext = (SSLContext) userProperties.get(Constants.SSL_CONTEXT_PROPERTY); if (sslContext == null) { // Create the SSL Context sslContext = SSLContext.getInstance(""TLS""); // Trust store String sslTrustStoreValue = (String) userProperties.get(Constants.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PROPERTY); if (sslTrustStoreValue != null) { String sslTrustStorePwdValue = (String) userProperties.get( Constants.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PWD_PROPERTY); if (sslTrustStorePwdValue == null) { sslTrustStorePwdValue = Constants.SSL_TRUSTSTORE_PWD_DEFAULT; } File keyStoreFile = new File(sslTrustStoreValue); KeyStore ks = KeyStore.getInstance(""JKS""); try (InputStream is = new FileInputStream(keyStoreFile)) { ks.load(is, sslTrustStorePwdValue.toCharArray()); } TrustManagerFactory tmf = TrustManagerFactory.getInstance( TrustManagerFactory.getDefaultAlgorithm()); tmf.init(ks); sslContext.init(null, tmf.getTrustManagers(), null); } else { sslContext.init(null, null, null); } } SSLEngine engine = sslContext.createSSLEngine(); String sslProtocolsValue = (String) userProperties.get(Constants.SSL_PROTOCOLS_PROPERTY); if (sslProtocolsValue != null) { engine.setEnabledProtocols(sslProtocolsValue.split("","")); } engine.setUseClientMode(true); return engine; } catch (Exception e) { throw new DeploymentException(sm.getString( ""wsWebSocketContainer.sslEngineFail""), e); } } @Override " 557,1," private AsymmetricCipherKeyPair genKeyPair() { if (!initialized) { initializeDefault(); } // initialize authenticationPaths and treehash instances byte[][][] currentAuthPaths = new byte[numLayer][][]; byte[][][] nextAuthPaths = new byte[numLayer - 1][][]; Treehash[][] currentTreehash = new Treehash[numLayer][]; Treehash[][] nextTreehash = new Treehash[numLayer - 1][]; Vector[] currentStack = new Vector[numLayer]; Vector[] nextStack = new Vector[numLayer - 1]; Vector[][] currentRetain = new Vector[numLayer][]; Vector[][] nextRetain = new Vector[numLayer - 1][]; for (int i = 0; i < numLayer; i++) { currentAuthPaths[i] = new byte[heightOfTrees[i]][mdLength]; currentTreehash[i] = new Treehash[heightOfTrees[i] - K[i]]; if (i > 0) { nextAuthPaths[i - 1] = new byte[heightOfTrees[i]][mdLength]; nextTreehash[i - 1] = new Treehash[heightOfTrees[i] - K[i]]; } currentStack[i] = new Vector(); if (i > 0) { nextStack[i - 1] = new Vector(); } } // initialize roots byte[][] currentRoots = new byte[numLayer][mdLength]; byte[][] nextRoots = new byte[numLayer - 1][mdLength]; // initialize seeds byte[][] seeds = new byte[numLayer][mdLength]; // initialize seeds[] by copying starting-seeds of first trees of each // layer for (int i = 0; i < numLayer; i++) { System.arraycopy(currentSeeds[i], 0, seeds[i], 0, mdLength); } // initialize rootSigs currentRootSigs = new byte[numLayer - 1][mdLength]; // ------------------------- // ------------------------- // --- calculation of current authpaths and current rootsigs (AUTHPATHS, // SIG)------ // from bottom up to the root for (int h = numLayer - 1; h >= 0; h--) { GMSSRootCalc tree = new GMSSRootCalc(this.heightOfTrees[h], this.K[h], digestProvider); try { // on lowest layer no lower root is available, so just call // the method with null as first parameter if (h == numLayer - 1) { tree = this.generateCurrentAuthpathAndRoot(null, currentStack[h], seeds[h], h); } else // otherwise call the method with the former computed root // value { tree = this.generateCurrentAuthpathAndRoot(currentRoots[h + 1], currentStack[h], seeds[h], h); } } catch (Exception e1) { e1.printStackTrace(); } // set initial values needed for the private key construction for (int i = 0; i < heightOfTrees[h]; i++) { System.arraycopy(tree.getAuthPath()[i], 0, currentAuthPaths[h][i], 0, mdLength); } currentRetain[h] = tree.getRetain(); currentTreehash[h] = tree.getTreehash(); System.arraycopy(tree.getRoot(), 0, currentRoots[h], 0, mdLength); } // --- calculation of next authpaths and next roots (AUTHPATHS+, ROOTS+) // ------ for (int h = numLayer - 2; h >= 0; h--) { GMSSRootCalc tree = this.generateNextAuthpathAndRoot(nextStack[h], seeds[h + 1], h + 1); // set initial values needed for the private key construction for (int i = 0; i < heightOfTrees[h + 1]; i++) { System.arraycopy(tree.getAuthPath()[i], 0, nextAuthPaths[h][i], 0, mdLength); } nextRetain[h] = tree.getRetain(); nextTreehash[h] = tree.getTreehash(); System.arraycopy(tree.getRoot(), 0, nextRoots[h], 0, mdLength); // create seed for the Merkle tree after next (nextNextSeeds) // SEEDs++ System.arraycopy(seeds[h + 1], 0, this.nextNextSeeds[h], 0, mdLength); } // ------------ // generate JDKGMSSPublicKey GMSSPublicKeyParameters publicKey = new GMSSPublicKeyParameters(currentRoots[0], gmssPS); // generate the JDKGMSSPrivateKey GMSSPrivateKeyParameters privateKey = new GMSSPrivateKeyParameters(currentSeeds, nextNextSeeds, currentAuthPaths, nextAuthPaths, currentTreehash, nextTreehash, currentStack, nextStack, currentRetain, nextRetain, nextRoots, currentRootSigs, gmssPS, digestProvider); // return the KeyPair return (new AsymmetricCipherKeyPair(publicKey, privateKey)); } /** * calculates the authpath for tree in layer h which starts with seed[h] * additionally computes the rootSignature of underlaying root * * @param currentStack stack used for the treehash instance created by this method * @param lowerRoot stores the root of the lower tree * @param seed starting seeds * @param h actual layer */ " 558,1," private void sendEntityMessage(Object message) throws Exception { MockEndpoint endpoint = getMockEndpoint(""mock:result""); endpoint.reset(); endpoint.expectedMessageCount(1); template.sendBody(""direct:start1"", message); assertMockEndpointsSatisfied(); List list = endpoint.getReceivedExchanges(); Exchange exchange = list.get(0); String xml = exchange.getIn().getBody(String.class); assertTrue(""Get a wrong transformed message"", xml.indexOf("""") > 0); try { template.sendBody(""direct:start2"", message); fail(""Expect an exception here""); } catch (Exception ex) { // expect an exception here assertTrue(""Get a wrong exception"", ex instanceof CamelExecutionException); // the file could not be found assertTrue(""Get a wrong exception cause"", ex.getCause() instanceof TransformerException); } } @Override " 559,1," public static String getContextPath(HttpServletRequest request) { String contextPath = (String) request.getAttribute(INCLUDE_CONTEXT_PATH_ATTRIBUTE); if (contextPath == null) { contextPath = request.getContextPath(); } if (""/"".equals(contextPath)) { // Invalid case, but happens for includes on Jetty: silently adapt it. contextPath = """"; } return decodeRequestString(request, contextPath); } /** * Find the Shiro {@link WebEnvironment} for this web application, which is typically loaded via the * {@link org.apache.shiro.web.env.EnvironmentLoaderListener}. *

* This implementation rethrows an exception that happened on environment startup to differentiate between a failed * environment startup and no environment at all. * * @param sc ServletContext to find the web application context for * @return the root WebApplicationContext for this web app * @throws IllegalStateException if the root WebApplicationContext could not be found * @see org.apache.shiro.web.env.EnvironmentLoader#ENVIRONMENT_ATTRIBUTE_KEY * @since 1.2 */ " 560,1," private void doTestRewrite(String config, String request, String expectedURI) throws Exception { Tomcat tomcat = getTomcatInstance(); // No file system docBase required Context ctx = tomcat.addContext("""", null); RewriteValve rewriteValve = new RewriteValve(); ctx.getPipeline().addValve(rewriteValve); rewriteValve.setConfiguration(config); // Note: URLPatterns should be URL encoded // (http://svn.apache.org/r285186) Tomcat.addServlet(ctx, ""snoop"", new SnoopServlet()); ctx.addServletMapping(""/a/%255A"", ""snoop""); ctx.addServletMapping(""/c/*"", ""snoop""); tomcat.start(); ByteChunk res = getUrl(""http://localhost:"" + getPort() + request); String body = res.toString(); RequestDescriptor requestDesc = SnoopResult.parse(body); String requestURI = requestDesc.getRequestInfo(""REQUEST-URI""); Assert.assertEquals(expectedURI, requestURI); } " 561,1," public Result isAllowed(String principalId) { LockoutPolicy lockoutPolicy = lockoutPolicyRetriever.getLockoutPolicy(); if (!lockoutPolicy.isLockoutEnabled()) { return new Result(true, 0); } long eventsAfter = timeService.getCurrentTimeMillis() - lockoutPolicy.getCountFailuresWithin() * 1000; List events = auditService.find(principalId, eventsAfter); final int failureCount = sequentialFailureCount(events); if (failureCount >= lockoutPolicy.getLockoutAfterFailures()) { // Check whether time of most recent failure is within the lockout period AuditEvent lastFailure = mostRecentFailure(events); if (lastFailure != null && lastFailure.getTime() > timeService.getCurrentTimeMillis() - lockoutPolicy.getLockoutPeriodSeconds() * 1000) { return new Result(false, failureCount); } } return new Result(true, failureCount); } /** * Counts the number of failures that occurred without an intervening * successful login. */ " 562,1," public void save() throws Exception { if (getReadonly()) { log.error(sm.getString(""memoryUserDatabase.readOnly"")); return; } if (!isWriteable()) { log.warn(sm.getString(""memoryUserDatabase.notPersistable"")); return; } // Write out contents to a temporary file File fileNew = new File(pathnameNew); if (!fileNew.isAbsolute()) { fileNew = new File(System.getProperty(Globals.CATALINA_BASE_PROP), pathnameNew); } PrintWriter writer = null; try { // Configure our PrintWriter FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream(fileNew); OutputStreamWriter osw = new OutputStreamWriter(fos, ""UTF8""); writer = new PrintWriter(osw); // Print the file prolog writer.println(""""); writer.println(""""); // Print entries for each defined role, group, and user Iterator values = null; values = getRoles(); while (values.hasNext()) { writer.print("" ""); writer.println(values.next()); } values = getGroups(); while (values.hasNext()) { writer.print("" ""); writer.println(values.next()); } values = getUsers(); while (values.hasNext()) { writer.print("" ""); writer.println(values.next()); } // Print the file epilog writer.println(""""); // Check for errors that occurred while printing if (writer.checkError()) { writer.close(); fileNew.delete(); throw new IOException (sm.getString(""memoryUserDatabase.writeException"", fileNew.getAbsolutePath())); } writer.close(); } catch (IOException e) { if (writer != null) { writer.close(); } fileNew.delete(); throw e; } // Perform the required renames to permanently save this file File fileOld = new File(pathnameOld); if (!fileOld.isAbsolute()) { fileOld = new File(System.getProperty(Globals.CATALINA_BASE_PROP), pathnameOld); } fileOld.delete(); File fileOrig = new File(pathname); if (!fileOrig.isAbsolute()) { fileOrig = new File(System.getProperty(Globals.CATALINA_BASE_PROP), pathname); } if (fileOrig.exists()) { fileOld.delete(); if (!fileOrig.renameTo(fileOld)) { throw new IOException (sm.getString(""memoryUserDatabase.renameOld"", fileOld.getAbsolutePath())); } } if (!fileNew.renameTo(fileOrig)) { if (fileOld.exists()) { fileOld.renameTo(fileOrig); } throw new IOException (sm.getString(""memoryUserDatabase.renameNew"", fileOrig.getAbsolutePath())); } fileOld.delete(); } /** * Return a String representation of this UserDatabase. */ @Override " 563,1," public static boolean configSuccess(HierarchicalConfiguration reply) { if (reply != null) { if (reply.containsKey(""ok"")) { return true; } } return false; } " 564,1," public void process(Exchange exchange) throws Exception { " 565,1," public boolean createDB(String dbName, PortletRequest request) { Connection conn = null; try { conn = DerbyConnectionUtil.getDerbyConnection(dbName, DerbyConnectionUtil.CREATE_DB_PROP); portlet.addInfoMessage(request, portlet.getLocalizedString(request, ""sysdb.infoMsg01"", dbName)); return true; } catch (Throwable e) { portlet.addErrorMessage(request, portlet.getLocalizedString(request, ""sysdb.errorMsg01""), e.getMessage()); return false; } finally { // close DB connection try { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { portlet.addErrorMessage(request, portlet.getLocalizedString(request, ""sysdb.errorMsg02""), e.getMessage()); } } } " 566,1," public UnixUser authenticate(String username, String password) throws PAMException { this.password = password; try { check(libpam.pam_set_item(pht,PAM_USER,username),""pam_set_item failed""); check(libpam.pam_authenticate(pht,0),""pam_authenticate failed""); check(libpam.pam_setcred(pht,0),""pam_setcred failed""); // several different error code seem to be used to represent authentication failures // check(libpam.pam_acct_mgmt(pht,0),""pam_acct_mgmt failed""); PointerByReference r = new PointerByReference(); check(libpam.pam_get_item(pht,PAM_USER,r),""pam_get_item failed""); String userName = r.getValue().getString(0); passwd pwd = libc.getpwnam(userName); if(pwd==null) throw new PAMException(""Authentication succeeded but no user information is available""); return new UnixUser(userName,pwd); } finally { this.password = null; } } /** * Returns the groups a user belongs to * @param username * @return Set of group names * @throws PAMException * @deprecated * Pointless and ugly convenience method. */ " 567,1," public void serveImage(ResourceRequest req, ResourceResponse resp) throws IOException { String fn = req.getRenderParameters().getValue(""fn""); String ct = req.getRenderParameters().getValue(""ct""); resp.setContentType(ct); String path = req.getPortletContext().getRealPath(fn); File file = new File(path); OutputStream os = resp.getPortletOutputStream(); Files.copy(file.toPath(), os); os.flush(); } " 568,1," public Http11NioProcessor createProcessor() { Http11NioProcessor processor = new Http11NioProcessor( proto.getMaxHttpHeaderSize(), (NioEndpoint)proto.endpoint, proto.getMaxTrailerSize()); processor.setAdapter(proto.getAdapter()); processor.setMaxKeepAliveRequests(proto.getMaxKeepAliveRequests()); processor.setKeepAliveTimeout(proto.getKeepAliveTimeout()); processor.setConnectionUploadTimeout( proto.getConnectionUploadTimeout()); processor.setDisableUploadTimeout(proto.getDisableUploadTimeout()); processor.setCompressionMinSize(proto.getCompressionMinSize()); processor.setCompression(proto.getCompression()); processor.setNoCompressionUserAgents(proto.getNoCompressionUserAgents()); processor.setCompressableMimeTypes(proto.getCompressableMimeTypes()); processor.setRestrictedUserAgents(proto.getRestrictedUserAgents()); processor.setSocketBuffer(proto.getSocketBuffer()); processor.setMaxSavePostSize(proto.getMaxSavePostSize()); processor.setServer(proto.getServer()); register(processor); return processor; } @Override " 569,1," public Document getMetaData(Idp config, TrustedIdp serviceConfig) throws ProcessingException { try { Crypto crypto = CertsUtils.createCrypto(config.getCertificate()); ByteArrayOutputStream bout = new ByteArrayOutputStream(4096); Writer streamWriter = new OutputStreamWriter(bout, ""UTF-8""); XMLStreamWriter writer = XML_OUTPUT_FACTORY.createXMLStreamWriter(streamWriter); writer.writeStartDocument(""UTF-8"", ""1.0""); String referenceID = IDGenerator.generateID(""_""); writer.writeStartElement(""md"", ""EntityDescriptor"", SAML2_METADATA_NS); writer.writeAttribute(""ID"", referenceID); String serviceURL = config.getIdpUrl().toString(); writer.writeAttribute(""entityID"", serviceURL); writer.writeNamespace(""md"", SAML2_METADATA_NS); writer.writeNamespace(""fed"", WS_FEDERATION_NS); writer.writeNamespace(""wsa"", WS_ADDRESSING_NS); writer.writeNamespace(""auth"", WS_FEDERATION_NS); writer.writeNamespace(""xsi"", SCHEMA_INSTANCE_NS); if (""http://docs.oasis-open.org/wsfed/federation/200706"".equals(serviceConfig.getProtocol())) { writeFederationMetadata(writer, serviceConfig, serviceURL); } else if (""urn:oasis:names:tc:SAML:2.0:profiles:SSO:browser"".equals(serviceConfig.getProtocol())) { writeSAMLMetadata(writer, serviceConfig, serviceURL, crypto); } writer.writeEndElement(); // EntityDescriptor writer.writeEndDocument(); streamWriter.flush(); bout.flush(); // if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { String out = new String(bout.toByteArray()); LOG.debug(""***************** unsigned ****************""); LOG.debug(out); LOG.debug(""***************** unsigned ****************""); } InputStream is = new ByteArrayInputStream(bout.toByteArray()); Document result = SignatureUtils.signMetaInfo(crypto, null, config.getCertificatePassword(), is, referenceID); if (result != null) { return result; } else { throw new RuntimeException(""Failed to sign the metadata document: result=null""); } } catch (ProcessingException e) { throw e; } catch (Exception e) { LOG.error(""Error creating service metadata information "", e); throw new ProcessingException(""Error creating service metadata information: "" + e.getMessage()); } } " 570,1," public void send(final String format, final Object... args) { descriptor.debug(logger, format, args); } } final Debug debug = new Debug(); Set users = null; final Run currentRun = context.getRun(); if (currentRun == null) { debug.send(""currentRun was null""); } else { final AbstractTestResultAction testResultAction = currentRun.getAction(AbstractTestResultAction.class); if (testResultAction == null) { debug.send(""testResultAction was null""); } else { if (testResultAction.getFailCount() <= 0) { debug.send(""getFailCount() returned <= 0""); } else { users = new HashSet<>(); debug.send(""Collecting builds where a test started failing...""); final HashSet> buildsWhereATestStartedFailing = new HashSet<>(); for (final TestResult caseResult : testResultAction.getFailedTests()) { final Run runWhereTestStartedFailing = caseResult.getFailedSinceRun(); if (runWhereTestStartedFailing != null) { debug.send("" runWhereTestStartedFailing: %d"", runWhereTestStartedFailing.getNumber()); buildsWhereATestStartedFailing.add(runWhereTestStartedFailing); } else { context.getListener().error(""getFailedSinceRun returned null for %s"", caseResult.getFullDisplayName()); } } // For each build where a test started failing, walk backward looking for build results worse than // UNSTABLE. All of those builds will be used to find suspects. debug.send(""Collecting builds with suspects...""); final HashSet> buildsWithSuspects = new HashSet<>(); for (final Run buildWhereATestStartedFailing : buildsWhereATestStartedFailing) { debug.send("" buildWhereATestStartedFailing: %d"", buildWhereATestStartedFailing.getNumber()); buildsWithSuspects.add(buildWhereATestStartedFailing); Run previousBuildToCheck = buildWhereATestStartedFailing.getPreviousCompletedBuild(); if (previousBuildToCheck != null) { debug.send("" previousBuildToCheck: %d"", previousBuildToCheck.getNumber()); } while (previousBuildToCheck != null) { if (buildsWithSuspects.contains(previousBuildToCheck)) { // Short-circuit if the build to check has already been checked. debug.send("" already contained in buildsWithSuspects; stopping search""); break; } final Result previousResult = previousBuildToCheck.getResult(); if (previousResult == null) { debug.send("" previousResult was null""); } else { debug.send("" previousResult: %s"", previousResult.toString()); if (previousResult.isBetterThan(Result.FAILURE)) { debug.send("" previousResult was better than FAILURE; stopping search""); break; } else { debug.send("" previousResult was not better than FAILURE; adding to buildsWithSuspects; continuing search""); buildsWithSuspects.add(previousBuildToCheck); previousBuildToCheck = previousBuildToCheck.getPreviousCompletedBuild(); if (previousBuildToCheck != null) { debug.send("" previousBuildToCheck: %d"", previousBuildToCheck.getNumber()); } } } } } debug.send(""Collecting suspects...""); users.addAll(RecipientProviderUtilities.getChangeSetAuthors(buildsWithSuspects, debug)); users.addAll(RecipientProviderUtilities.getUsersTriggeringTheBuilds(buildsWithSuspects, debug)); } } } if (users != null) { RecipientProviderUtilities.addUsers(users, context.getListener(), env, to, cc, bcc, debug); } } @Extension public static final class DescriptorImpl extends RecipientProviderDescriptor { @Override public String getDisplayName() { return ""Suspects Causing Unit Tests to Begin Failing""; } } } " 571,1," public SocketState process(SocketWrapper socket) throws IOException { RequestInfo rp = request.getRequestProcessor(); rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_PARSE); // Setting up the socket this.socket = socket; long socketRef = socket.getSocket().longValue(); Socket.setrbb(socketRef, inputBuffer); Socket.setsbb(socketRef, outputBuffer); // Error flag error = false; boolean keptAlive = false; while (!error && !endpoint.isPaused()) { // Parsing the request header try { // Get first message of the request if (!readMessage(requestHeaderMessage, true, keptAlive)) { // This means that no data is available right now // (long keepalive), so that the processor should be recycled // and the method should return true break; } // Check message type, process right away and break if // not regular request processing int type = requestHeaderMessage.getByte(); if (type == Constants.JK_AJP13_CPING_REQUEST) { if (Socket.send(socketRef, pongMessageArray, 0, pongMessageArray.length) < 0) { error = true; } continue; } else if(type != Constants.JK_AJP13_FORWARD_REQUEST) { // Usually the servlet didn't read the previous request body if(log.isDebugEnabled()) { log.debug(""Unexpected message: ""+type); } continue; } keptAlive = true; request.setStartTime(System.currentTimeMillis()); } catch (IOException e) { error = true; break; } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log.debug(sm.getString(""ajpprocessor.header.error""), t); // 400 - Bad Request response.setStatus(400); adapter.log(request, response, 0); error = true; } if (!error) { // Setting up filters, and parse some request headers rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_PREPARE); try { prepareRequest(); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log.debug(sm.getString(""ajpprocessor.request.prepare""), t); // 400 - Internal Server Error response.setStatus(400); adapter.log(request, response, 0); error = true; } } // Process the request in the adapter if (!error) { try { rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_SERVICE); adapter.service(request, response); } catch (InterruptedIOException e) { error = true; } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); log.error(sm.getString(""ajpprocessor.request.process""), t); // 500 - Internal Server Error response.setStatus(500); adapter.log(request, response, 0); error = true; } } if (isAsync() && !error) { break; } // Finish the response if not done yet if (!finished) { try { finish(); } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); error = true; } } // If there was an error, make sure the request is counted as // and error, and update the statistics counter if (error) { response.setStatus(500); } request.updateCounters(); rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_KEEPALIVE); recycle(false); } rp.setStage(org.apache.coyote.Constants.STAGE_ENDED); if (error || endpoint.isPaused()) { return SocketState.CLOSED; } else if (isAsync()) { return SocketState.LONG; } else { return SocketState.OPEN; } } // ----------------------------------------------------- ActionHook Methods /** * Send an action to the connector. * * @param actionCode Type of the action * @param param Action parameter */ @Override " 572,1," public void testRedirectActionPrefixWithEmptyExtension() throws Exception { Map parameterMap = new HashMap(); parameterMap.put(DefaultActionMapper.REDIRECT_ACTION_PREFIX + ""myAction"", """"); StrutsMockHttpServletRequest request = new StrutsMockHttpServletRequest(); request.setupGetServletPath(""/someServletPath""); request.setParameterMap(parameterMap); DefaultActionMapper defaultActionMapper = new DefaultActionMapper(); defaultActionMapper.setContainer(container); defaultActionMapper.setExtensions("",,""); ActionMapping actionMapping = defaultActionMapper.getMapping(request, configManager); StrutsResultSupport result = (StrutsResultSupport) actionMapping.getResult(); assertNotNull(result); assertTrue(result instanceof ServletRedirectResult); assertEquals(""myAction"", result.getLocation()); // TODO: need to test location but there's noaccess to the property/method, unless we use reflection } " 573,1," public static void assertSettings(Settings left, Settings right, boolean compareClusterName) { ImmutableSet> entries0 = left.getAsMap().entrySet(); Map entries1 = right.getAsMap(); assertThat(entries0.size(), equalTo(entries1.size())); for (Map.Entry entry : entries0) { if(entry.getKey().equals(ClusterName.SETTING) && compareClusterName == false) { continue; } assertThat(entries1, hasEntry(entry.getKey(), entry.getValue())); } } " 574,1," protected void service(final HttpServletRequest request, final HttpServletResponse response) throws ServletException, IOException { log.trace(""Service: {}"", request); // is there a consumer registered for the request. HttpConsumer consumer = getServletResolveConsumerStrategy().resolve(request, getConsumers()); if (consumer == null) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_NOT_FOUND); return; } if (consumer.getEndpoint().getHttpMethodRestrict() != null) { Iterator it = ObjectHelper.createIterable(consumer.getEndpoint().getHttpMethodRestrict()).iterator(); boolean match = false; while (it.hasNext()) { String method = it.next().toString(); if (method.equalsIgnoreCase(request.getMethod())) { match = true; break; } } if (!match) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED); return; } } if (""TRACE"".equals(request.getMethod()) && !consumer.isTraceEnabled()) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_METHOD_NOT_ALLOWED); return; } final Exchange result = (Exchange) request.getAttribute(EXCHANGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME); if (result == null) { // no asynchronous result so leverage continuation final Continuation continuation = ContinuationSupport.getContinuation(request); if (continuation.isInitial() && continuationTimeout != null) { // set timeout on initial continuation.setTimeout(continuationTimeout); } // are we suspended and a request is dispatched initially? if (consumer.isSuspended() && continuation.isInitial()) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); return; } if (continuation.isExpired()) { String id = (String) continuation.getAttribute(EXCHANGE_ATTRIBUTE_ID); // remember this id as expired expiredExchanges.put(id, id); log.warn(""Continuation expired of exchangeId: {}"", id); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_SERVICE_UNAVAILABLE); return; } // a new request so create an exchange final Exchange exchange = new DefaultExchange(consumer.getEndpoint(), ExchangePattern.InOut); if (consumer.getEndpoint().isBridgeEndpoint()) { exchange.setProperty(Exchange.SKIP_GZIP_ENCODING, Boolean.TRUE); exchange.setProperty(Exchange.SKIP_WWW_FORM_URLENCODED, Boolean.TRUE); } if (consumer.getEndpoint().isDisableStreamCache()) { exchange.setProperty(Exchange.DISABLE_HTTP_STREAM_CACHE, Boolean.TRUE); } HttpHelper.setCharsetFromContentType(request.getContentType(), exchange); exchange.setIn(new HttpMessage(exchange, request, response)); // set context path as header String contextPath = consumer.getEndpoint().getPath(); exchange.getIn().setHeader(""CamelServletContextPath"", contextPath); String httpPath = (String)exchange.getIn().getHeader(Exchange.HTTP_PATH); // here we just remove the CamelServletContextPath part from the HTTP_PATH if (contextPath != null && httpPath.startsWith(contextPath)) { exchange.getIn().setHeader(Exchange.HTTP_PATH, httpPath.substring(contextPath.length())); } if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(""Suspending continuation of exchangeId: {}"", exchange.getExchangeId()); } continuation.setAttribute(EXCHANGE_ATTRIBUTE_ID, exchange.getExchangeId()); // we want to handle the UoW try { consumer.createUoW(exchange); } catch (Exception e) { log.error(""Error processing request"", e); throw new ServletException(e); } // must suspend before we process the exchange continuation.suspend(); ClassLoader oldTccl = overrideTccl(exchange); if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(""Processing request for exchangeId: {}"", exchange.getExchangeId()); } // use the asynchronous API to process the exchange consumer.getAsyncProcessor().process(exchange, new AsyncCallback() { public void done(boolean doneSync) { // check if the exchange id is already expired boolean expired = expiredExchanges.remove(exchange.getExchangeId()) != null; if (!expired) { if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(""Resuming continuation of exchangeId: {}"", exchange.getExchangeId()); } // resume processing after both, sync and async callbacks continuation.setAttribute(EXCHANGE_ATTRIBUTE_NAME, exchange); continuation.resume(); } else { log.warn(""Cannot resume expired continuation of exchangeId: {}"", exchange.getExchangeId()); } } }); if (oldTccl != null) { restoreTccl(exchange, oldTccl); } // return to let Jetty continuation to work as it will resubmit and invoke the service // method again when its resumed return; } try { // now lets output to the response if (log.isTraceEnabled()) { log.trace(""Resumed continuation and writing response for exchangeId: {}"", result.getExchangeId()); } Integer bs = consumer.getEndpoint().getResponseBufferSize(); if (bs != null) { log.trace(""Using response buffer size: {}"", bs); response.setBufferSize(bs); } consumer.getBinding().writeResponse(result, response); } catch (IOException e) { log.error(""Error processing request"", e); throw e; } catch (Exception e) { log.error(""Error processing request"", e); throw new ServletException(e); } finally { consumer.doneUoW(result); } } " 575,1," protected void submit(StaplerRequest req, StaplerResponse rsp) throws IOException, ServletException, FormException { super.submit(req,rsp); JSONObject json = req.getSubmittedForm(); makeDisabled(req.getParameter(""disable"")!=null); jdk = req.getParameter(""jdk""); if(req.getParameter(""hasCustomQuietPeriod"")!=null) { quietPeriod = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter(""quiet_period"")); } else { quietPeriod = null; } if(req.getParameter(""hasCustomScmCheckoutRetryCount"")!=null) { scmCheckoutRetryCount = Integer.parseInt(req.getParameter(""scmCheckoutRetryCount"")); } else { scmCheckoutRetryCount = null; } blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding = req.getParameter(""blockBuildWhenDownstreamBuilding"")!=null; blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding = req.getParameter(""blockBuildWhenUpstreamBuilding"")!=null; if(req.hasParameter(""customWorkspace"")) { customWorkspace = Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(req.getParameter(""customWorkspace.directory"")); } else { customWorkspace = null; } if (json.has(""scmCheckoutStrategy"")) scmCheckoutStrategy = req.bindJSON(SCMCheckoutStrategy.class, json.getJSONObject(""scmCheckoutStrategy"")); else scmCheckoutStrategy = null; if(req.getParameter(""hasSlaveAffinity"")!=null) { assignedNode = Util.fixEmptyAndTrim(req.getParameter(""_.assignedLabelString"")); } else { assignedNode = null; } canRoam = assignedNode==null; concurrentBuild = req.getSubmittedForm().has(""concurrentBuild""); authToken = BuildAuthorizationToken.create(req); setScm(SCMS.parseSCM(req,this)); for (Trigger t : triggers()) t.stop(); triggers = buildDescribable(req, Trigger.for_(this)); for (Trigger t : triggers) t.start(this,true); for (Publisher _t : Descriptor.newInstancesFromHeteroList(req, json, ""publisher"", Jenkins.getInstance().getExtensionList(BuildTrigger.DescriptorImpl.class))) { BuildTrigger t = (BuildTrigger) _t; for (AbstractProject downstream : t.getChildProjects(this)) { downstream.checkPermission(BUILD); } } } /** * @deprecated * As of 1.261. Use {@link #buildDescribable(StaplerRequest, List)} instead. */ " 576,1," private JMXConnectorServer createServer(String serverName, String bindAddress, int theRmiRegistryPort, int theRmiServerPort, HashMap theEnv, RMIClientSocketFactory registryCsf, RMIServerSocketFactory registrySsf, RMIClientSocketFactory serverCsf, RMIServerSocketFactory serverSsf) { // Create the RMI registry Registry registry; try { registry = LocateRegistry.createRegistry( theRmiRegistryPort, registryCsf, registrySsf); } catch (RemoteException e) { log.error(sm.getString( ""jmxRemoteLifecycleListener.createRegistryFailed"", serverName, Integer.toString(theRmiRegistryPort)), e); return null; } if (bindAddress == null) { bindAddress = ""localhost""; } String url = ""service:jmx:rmi://"" + bindAddress; JMXServiceURL serviceUrl; try { serviceUrl = new JMXServiceURL(url); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { log.error(sm.getString(""jmxRemoteLifecycleListener.invalidURL"", serverName, url), e); return null; } RMIConnectorServer cs = null; try { RMIJRMPServerImpl server = new RMIJRMPServerImpl( rmiServerPortPlatform, serverCsf, serverSsf, theEnv); cs = new RMIConnectorServer(serviceUrl, theEnv, server, ManagementFactory.getPlatformMBeanServer()); cs.start(); registry.bind(""jmxrmi"", server); log.info(sm.getString(""jmxRemoteLifecycleListener.start"", Integer.toString(theRmiRegistryPort), Integer.toString(theRmiServerPort), serverName)); } catch (IOException | AlreadyBoundException e) { log.error(sm.getString( ""jmxRemoteLifecycleListener.createServerFailed"", serverName), e); } return cs; } " 577,1," private void decodeTest() { EllipticCurve curve = new EllipticCurve( new ECFieldFp(new BigInteger(""6277101735386680763835789423207666416083908700390324961279"")), // q new BigInteger(""fffffffffffffffffffffffffffffffefffffffffffffffc"", 16), // a new BigInteger(""64210519e59c80e70fa7e9ab72243049feb8deecc146b9b1"", 16)); // b ECPoint p = ECPointUtil.decodePoint(curve, Hex.decode(""03188da80eb03090f67cbf20eb43a18800f4ff0afd82ff1012"")); if (!p.getAffineX().equals(new BigInteger(""188da80eb03090f67cbf20eb43a18800f4ff0afd82ff1012"", 16))) { fail(""x uncompressed incorrectly""); } if (!p.getAffineY().equals(new BigInteger(""7192b95ffc8da78631011ed6b24cdd573f977a11e794811"", 16))) { fail(""y uncompressed incorrectly""); } } /** * X9.62 - 1998,
* J.3.2, Page 155, ECDSA over the field Fp
* an example with 239 bit prime */ " 578,1," private CipherText convertToCipherText(byte[] cipherTextSerializedBytes) throws EncryptionException { try { assert cipherTextSerializedBytes != null : ""cipherTextSerializedBytes cannot be null.""; assert cipherTextSerializedBytes.length > 0 : ""cipherTextSerializedBytes must be > 0 in length.""; ByteArrayInputStream bais = new ByteArrayInputStream(cipherTextSerializedBytes); int kdfInfo = readInt(bais); debug(""kdfInfo: "" + kdfInfo); int kdfPrf = (kdfInfo >>> 28); debug(""kdfPrf: "" + kdfPrf); assert kdfPrf >= 0 && kdfPrf <= 15 : ""kdfPrf == "" + kdfPrf + "" must be between 0 and 15.""; int kdfVers = ( kdfInfo & 0x07ffffff); assert kdfVers > 0 && kdfVers <= 99991231 : ""KDF Version ("" + kdfVers + "") out of range.""; // Really should be >= 20110203 (earliest). debug(""convertToCipherText: kdfPrf = "" + kdfPrf + "", kdfVers = "" + kdfVers); if ( kdfVers != CipherText.cipherTextVersion ) { // NOTE: In future, support backward compatibility via this mechanism. When we do this // we will have to compare as longs and watch out for sign extension of kdfInfo // since it may have the sign bit set. Then we will do different things depending // on what KDF version we encounter. However, as for now, since this is // is first ESAPI 2.0 GA version, there nothing to be backward compatible with. // (We did not promise backward compatibility for earlier release candidates.) // Thus any version mismatch at this point is an error. throw new InvalidClassException(""This serialized byte stream not compatible "" + ""with loaded CipherText class. Version read = "" + kdfInfo + ""; version from loaded CipherText class = "" + CipherText.cipherTextVersion); } long timestamp = readLong(bais); debug(""convertToCipherText: timestamp = "" + new Date(timestamp)); short strSize = readShort(bais); debug(""convertToCipherText: length of cipherXform = "" + strSize); String cipherXform = readString(bais, strSize); debug(""convertToCipherText: cipherXform = "" + cipherXform); String[] parts = cipherXform.split(""/""); assert parts.length == 3 : ""Malformed cipher transformation""; String cipherMode = parts[1]; if ( ! CryptoHelper.isAllowedCipherMode(cipherMode) ) { String msg = ""Cipher mode "" + cipherMode + "" is not an allowed cipher mode""; throw new EncryptionException(msg, msg); } short keySize = readShort(bais); debug(""convertToCipherText: keySize = "" + keySize); short blockSize = readShort(bais); debug(""convertToCipherText: blockSize = "" + blockSize); short ivLen = readShort(bais); debug(""convertToCipherText: ivLen = "" + ivLen); byte[] iv = null; if ( ivLen > 0 ) { iv = new byte[ivLen]; bais.read(iv, 0, iv.length); } int ciphertextLen = readInt(bais); debug(""convertToCipherText: ciphertextLen = "" + ciphertextLen); assert ciphertextLen > 0 : ""convertToCipherText: Invalid cipher text length""; byte[] rawCiphertext = new byte[ciphertextLen]; bais.read(rawCiphertext, 0, rawCiphertext.length); short macLen = readShort(bais); debug(""convertToCipherText: macLen = "" + macLen); byte[] mac = null; if ( macLen > 0 ) { mac = new byte[macLen]; bais.read(mac, 0, mac.length); } CipherSpec cipherSpec = new CipherSpec(cipherXform, keySize); cipherSpec.setBlockSize(blockSize); cipherSpec.setIV(iv); debug(""convertToCipherText: CipherSpec: "" + cipherSpec); CipherText ct = new CipherText(cipherSpec); assert (ivLen > 0 && ct.requiresIV()) : ""convertToCipherText: Mismatch between IV length and cipher mode.""; ct.setCiphertext(rawCiphertext); // Set this *AFTER* setting raw ciphertext because setCiphertext() // method also sets encryption time. ct.setEncryptionTimestamp(timestamp); if ( macLen > 0 ) { ct.storeSeparateMAC(mac); } return ct; } catch(EncryptionException ex) { throw new EncryptionException(""Cannot deserialize byte array into CipherText object"", ""Cannot deserialize byte array into CipherText object"", ex); } catch (IOException e) { throw new EncryptionException(""Cannot deserialize byte array into CipherText object"", ""Cannot deserialize byte array into CipherText object"", e); } } " 579,1," public static void writeXml(Node n, OutputStream os) throws TransformerException { TransformerFactory tf = TransformerFactory.newInstance(); // identity Transformer t = tf.newTransformer(); t.setOutputProperty(OutputKeys.INDENT, ""yes""); t.transform(new DOMSource(n), new StreamResult(os)); } " 580,1," void setTransferException(boolean transferException); /** * Gets the header filter strategy * * @return the strategy */ " 581,1," public List getAclForPath(String path) { List acls = zkACLProvider.getACLsToAdd(path); return acls; } }; } " 582,1," protected void forwardToErrorPage(Request request, HttpServletResponse response, LoginConfig config) throws IOException { String errorPage = config.getErrorPage(); if (errorPage == null || errorPage.length() == 0) { String msg = sm.getString(""formAuthenticator.noErrorPage"", context.getName()); log.warn(msg); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg); return; } RequestDispatcher disp = context.getServletContext().getRequestDispatcher (config.getErrorPage()); try { if (context.fireRequestInitEvent(request)) { disp.forward(request.getRequest(), response); context.fireRequestDestroyEvent(request); } } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); String msg = sm.getString(""formAuthenticator.forwardErrorFail""); log.warn(msg, t); request.setAttribute(RequestDispatcher.ERROR_EXCEPTION, t); response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, msg); } } /** * Does this request match the saved one (so that it must be the redirect * we signaled after successful authentication? * * @param request The request to be verified * @return true if the requests matched the saved one */ " 583,1," public void testSnapshotMoreThanOnce() throws ExecutionException, InterruptedException, IOException { Client client = client(); final File tempDir = newTempDir(LifecycleScope.SUITE).getAbsoluteFile(); logger.info(""--> creating repository""); assertAcked(client.admin().cluster().preparePutRepository(""test-repo"") .setType(""fs"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder() .put(""location"", tempDir) .put(""compress"", randomBoolean()) .put(""chunk_size"", randomIntBetween(100, 1000)))); // only one shard assertAcked(prepareCreate(""test"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.builder() .put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_NUMBER_OF_SHARDS, 1) .put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS, 0) )); ensureYellow(); logger.info(""--> indexing""); final int numDocs = randomIntBetween(10, 100); IndexRequestBuilder[] builders = new IndexRequestBuilder[numDocs]; for (int i = 0; i < builders.length; i++) { builders[i] = client().prepareIndex(""test"", ""doc"", Integer.toString(i)).setSource(""foo"", ""bar"" + i); } indexRandom(true, builders); flushAndRefresh(); assertNoFailures(client().admin().indices().prepareOptimize(""test"").setFlush(true).setMaxNumSegments(1).get()); CreateSnapshotResponse createSnapshotResponseFirst = client.admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot(""test-repo"", ""test"").setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices(""test"").get(); assertThat(createSnapshotResponseFirst.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), greaterThan(0)); assertThat(createSnapshotResponseFirst.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), equalTo(createSnapshotResponseFirst.getSnapshotInfo().totalShards())); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareGetSnapshots(""test-repo"").setSnapshots(""test"").get().getSnapshots().get(0).state(), equalTo(SnapshotState.SUCCESS)); { SnapshotStatus snapshotStatus = client.admin().cluster().prepareSnapshotStatus(""test-repo"").setSnapshots(""test"").get().getSnapshots().get(0); List shards = snapshotStatus.getShards(); for (SnapshotIndexShardStatus status : shards) { assertThat(status.getStats().getProcessedFiles(), greaterThan(1)); } } if (frequently()) { logger.info(""--> upgrade""); client().admin().indices().prepareUpdateSettings(""test"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.builder().put(EnableAllocationDecider.INDEX_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_ENABLE, ""none"")).get(); backwardsCluster().allowOnAllNodes(""test""); logClusterState(); boolean upgraded; do { logClusterState(); CountResponse countResponse = client().prepareCount().get(); assertHitCount(countResponse, numDocs); upgraded = backwardsCluster().upgradeOneNode(); ensureYellow(); countResponse = client().prepareCount().get(); assertHitCount(countResponse, numDocs); } while (upgraded); client().admin().indices().prepareUpdateSettings(""test"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.builder().put(EnableAllocationDecider.INDEX_ROUTING_ALLOCATION_ENABLE, ""all"")).get(); } if (cluster().numDataNodes() > 1 && randomBoolean()) { // only bump the replicas if we have enough nodes logger.info(""--> move from 0 to 1 replica""); client().admin().indices().prepareUpdateSettings(""test"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.builder().put(IndexMetaData.SETTING_NUMBER_OF_REPLICAS, 1)).get(); } logger.debug(""---> repo exists: "" + new File(tempDir, ""indices/test/0"").exists() + "" files: "" + Arrays.toString(new File(tempDir, ""indices/test/0"").list())); // it's only one shard! CreateSnapshotResponse createSnapshotResponseSecond = client.admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot(""test-repo"", ""test-1"").setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices(""test"").get(); assertThat(createSnapshotResponseSecond.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), greaterThan(0)); assertThat(createSnapshotResponseSecond.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), equalTo(createSnapshotResponseSecond.getSnapshotInfo().totalShards())); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareGetSnapshots(""test-repo"").setSnapshots(""test-1"").get().getSnapshots().get(0).state(), equalTo(SnapshotState.SUCCESS)); { SnapshotStatus snapshotStatus = client.admin().cluster().prepareSnapshotStatus(""test-repo"").setSnapshots(""test-1"").get().getSnapshots().get(0); List shards = snapshotStatus.getShards(); for (SnapshotIndexShardStatus status : shards) { assertThat(status.getStats().getProcessedFiles(), equalTo(1)); // we flush before the snapshot such that we have to process the segments_N files } } client().prepareDelete(""test"", ""doc"", ""1"").get(); CreateSnapshotResponse createSnapshotResponseThird = client.admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot(""test-repo"", ""test-2"").setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices(""test"").get(); assertThat(createSnapshotResponseThird.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), greaterThan(0)); assertThat(createSnapshotResponseThird.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), equalTo(createSnapshotResponseThird.getSnapshotInfo().totalShards())); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareGetSnapshots(""test-repo"").setSnapshots(""test-2"").get().getSnapshots().get(0).state(), equalTo(SnapshotState.SUCCESS)); { SnapshotStatus snapshotStatus = client.admin().cluster().prepareSnapshotStatus(""test-repo"").setSnapshots(""test-2"").get().getSnapshots().get(0); List shards = snapshotStatus.getShards(); for (SnapshotIndexShardStatus status : shards) { assertThat(status.getStats().getProcessedFiles(), equalTo(2)); // we flush before the snapshot such that we have to process the segments_N files plus the .del file } } } " 584,1," private boolean evaluate(String text) { try { InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(new StringReader(text)); return ((Boolean)expression.evaluate(inputSource, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN)).booleanValue(); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { return false; } } @Override " 585,1," public void testTrailingHeadersSizeLimit() throws Exception { // Setup Tomcat instance Tomcat tomcat = getTomcatInstance(); // Must have a real docBase - just use temp Context ctx = tomcat.addContext("""", System.getProperty(""java.io.tmpdir"")); Tomcat.addServlet(ctx, ""servlet"", new EchoHeaderServlet()); ctx.addServletMapping(""/"", ""servlet""); // Limit the size of the trailing header tomcat.getConnector().setProperty(""maxTrailerSize"", ""10""); tomcat.start(); String[] request = new String[]{ ""POST /echo-params.jsp HTTP/1.1"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""Host: any"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""Transfer-encoding: chunked"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""Content-Type: application/x-www-form-urlencoded"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""Connection: close"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""3"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""a=0"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""4"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""&b=1"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""0"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + ""x-trailer: Test"" + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF + SimpleHttpClient.CRLF }; TrailerClient client = new TrailerClient(tomcat.getConnector().getLocalPort()); client.setRequest(request); client.connect(); client.processRequest(); // Expected to fail because the trailers are longer // than the set limit of 10 bytes assertTrue(client.isResponse500()); } @Test " 586,1," public void testIsExpressionIsFalse() throws Exception { // given String anExpression = ""foo""; // when boolean actual = ComponentUtils.isExpression(anExpression); // then assertFalse(actual); } } class MockConfigurationProvider implements ConfigurationProvider { public void destroy() { } public void init(Configuration configuration) throws ConfigurationException { } public boolean needsReload() { return false; } public void loadPackages() throws ConfigurationException { } public void register(ContainerBuilder builder, LocatableProperties props) throws ConfigurationException { builder.constant(StrutsConstants.STRUTS_TAG_ALTSYNTAX, ""false""); } " 587,1," @Test(timeout = 1000L) public void testLongMonths() throws Exception { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.set(Calendar.MONTH, Calendar.JULY); new CronTab(""0 0 31 7 *"").floor(cal); // would infinite loop } " 588,1," public static File unzip(File zip, File toDir, Predicate filter) throws IOException { if (!toDir.exists()) { FileUtils.forceMkdir(toDir); } ZipFile zipFile = new ZipFile(zip); try { Enumeration entries = zipFile.entries(); while (entries.hasMoreElements()) { ZipEntry entry = entries.nextElement(); if (filter.test(entry)) { File to = new File(toDir, entry.getName()); if (entry.isDirectory()) { throwExceptionIfDirectoryIsNotCreatable(to); } else { File parent = to.getParentFile(); throwExceptionIfDirectoryIsNotCreatable(parent); copy(zipFile, entry, to); } } } return toDir; } finally { zipFile.close(); } } " 589,1," public Authentication authenticate(Authentication req) throws AuthenticationException { logger.debug(""Processing authentication request for "" + req.getName()); if (req.getCredentials() == null) { BadCredentialsException e = new BadCredentialsException(""No password supplied""); publish(new AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent(req, e)); throw e; } UaaUser user; boolean passwordMatches = false; user = getUaaUser(req); if (user!=null) { passwordMatches = ((CharSequence) req.getCredentials()).length() != 0 && encoder.matches((CharSequence) req.getCredentials(), user.getPassword()); } else { user = dummyUser; } if (!accountLoginPolicy.isAllowed(user, req)) { logger.warn(""Login policy rejected authentication for "" + user.getUsername() + "", "" + user.getId() + "". Ignoring login request.""); AuthenticationPolicyRejectionException e = new AuthenticationPolicyRejectionException(""Login policy rejected authentication""); publish(new AuthenticationFailureLockedEvent(req, e)); throw e; } if (passwordMatches) { logger.debug(""Password successfully matched for userId[""+user.getUsername()+""]:""+user.getId()); if (!allowUnverifiedUsers && !user.isVerified()) { publish(new UnverifiedUserAuthenticationEvent(user, req)); logger.debug(""Account not verified: "" + user.getId()); throw new AccountNotVerifiedException(""Account not verified""); } int expiringPassword = getPasswordExpiresInMonths(); if (expiringPassword>0) { Calendar cal = Calendar.getInstance(); cal.setTimeInMillis(user.getPasswordLastModified().getTime()); cal.add(Calendar.MONTH, expiringPassword); if (cal.getTimeInMillis() < System.currentTimeMillis()) { throw new PasswordExpiredException(""Your current password has expired. Please reset your password.""); } } Authentication success = new UaaAuthentication(new UaaPrincipal(user), user.getAuthorities(), (UaaAuthenticationDetails) req.getDetails()); publish(new UserAuthenticationSuccessEvent(user, success)); return success; } if (user == dummyUser || user == null) { logger.debug(""No user named '"" + req.getName() + ""' was found for origin:""+ origin); publish(new UserNotFoundEvent(req)); } else { logger.debug(""Password did not match for user "" + req.getName()); publish(new UserAuthenticationFailureEvent(user, req)); } BadCredentialsException e = new BadCredentialsException(""Bad credentials""); publish(new AuthenticationFailureBadCredentialsEvent(req, e)); throw e; } " 590,1," public void setUp() throws Exception { lc = new LoggerContext(); lc.setName(""testContext""); logger = lc.getLogger(LoggerSerializationTest.class); // create the byte output stream bos = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); oos = new ObjectOutputStream(bos); } @After " 591,1," public void parseEmbedded( InputStream stream, ContentHandler handler, Metadata metadata, boolean outputHtml) throws SAXException, IOException { if(outputHtml) { AttributesImpl attributes = new AttributesImpl(); attributes.addAttribute("""", ""class"", ""class"", ""CDATA"", ""package-entry""); handler.startElement(XHTML, ""div"", ""div"", attributes); } String name = metadata.get(Metadata.RESOURCE_NAME_KEY); if (name != null && name.length() > 0 && outputHtml) { handler.startElement(XHTML, ""h1"", ""h1"", new AttributesImpl()); char[] chars = name.toCharArray(); handler.characters(chars, 0, chars.length); handler.endElement(XHTML, ""h1"", ""h1""); } // Use the delegate parser to parse this entry try (TemporaryResources tmp = new TemporaryResources()) { final TikaInputStream newStream = TikaInputStream.get(new CloseShieldInputStream(stream), tmp); if (stream instanceof TikaInputStream) { final Object container = ((TikaInputStream) stream).getOpenContainer(); if (container != null) { newStream.setOpenContainer(container); } } DELEGATING_PARSER.parse( newStream, new EmbeddedContentHandler(new BodyContentHandler(handler)), metadata, context); } catch (EncryptedDocumentException ede) { // TODO: can we log a warning that we lack the password? // For now, just skip the content } catch (TikaException e) { // TODO: can we log a warning somehow? // Could not parse the entry, just skip the content } if(outputHtml) { handler.endElement(XHTML, ""div"", ""div""); } } " 592,1," private final void internalMapWrapper(ContextVersion contextVersion, CharChunk path, MappingData mappingData) throws IOException { int pathOffset = path.getOffset(); int pathEnd = path.getEnd(); int servletPath = pathOffset; boolean noServletPath = false; int length = contextVersion.path.length(); if (length != (pathEnd - pathOffset)) { servletPath = pathOffset + length; } else { noServletPath = true; path.append('/'); pathOffset = path.getOffset(); pathEnd = path.getEnd(); servletPath = pathOffset+length; } path.setOffset(servletPath); // Rule 1 -- Exact Match MappedWrapper[] exactWrappers = contextVersion.exactWrappers; internalMapExactWrapper(exactWrappers, path, mappingData); // Rule 2 -- Prefix Match boolean checkJspWelcomeFiles = false; MappedWrapper[] wildcardWrappers = contextVersion.wildcardWrappers; if (mappingData.wrapper == null) { internalMapWildcardWrapper(wildcardWrappers, contextVersion.nesting, path, mappingData); if (mappingData.wrapper != null && mappingData.jspWildCard) { char[] buf = path.getBuffer(); if (buf[pathEnd - 1] == '/') { /* * Path ending in '/' was mapped to JSP servlet based on * wildcard match (e.g., as specified in url-pattern of a * jsp-property-group. * Force the context's welcome files, which are interpreted * as JSP files (since they match the url-pattern), to be * considered. See Bugzilla 27664. */ mappingData.wrapper = null; checkJspWelcomeFiles = true; } else { // See Bugzilla 27704 mappingData.wrapperPath.setChars(buf, path.getStart(), path.getLength()); mappingData.pathInfo.recycle(); } } } if(mappingData.wrapper == null && noServletPath) { // The path is empty, redirect to ""/"" mappingData.redirectPath.setChars (path.getBuffer(), pathOffset, pathEnd-pathOffset); path.setEnd(pathEnd - 1); return; } // Rule 3 -- Extension Match MappedWrapper[] extensionWrappers = contextVersion.extensionWrappers; if (mappingData.wrapper == null && !checkJspWelcomeFiles) { internalMapExtensionWrapper(extensionWrappers, path, mappingData, true); } // Rule 4 -- Welcome resources processing for servlets if (mappingData.wrapper == null) { boolean checkWelcomeFiles = checkJspWelcomeFiles; if (!checkWelcomeFiles) { char[] buf = path.getBuffer(); checkWelcomeFiles = (buf[pathEnd - 1] == '/'); } if (checkWelcomeFiles) { for (int i = 0; (i < contextVersion.welcomeResources.length) && (mappingData.wrapper == null); i++) { path.setOffset(pathOffset); path.setEnd(pathEnd); path.append(contextVersion.welcomeResources[i], 0, contextVersion.welcomeResources[i].length()); path.setOffset(servletPath); // Rule 4a -- Welcome resources processing for exact macth internalMapExactWrapper(exactWrappers, path, mappingData); // Rule 4b -- Welcome resources processing for prefix match if (mappingData.wrapper == null) { internalMapWildcardWrapper (wildcardWrappers, contextVersion.nesting, path, mappingData); } // Rule 4c -- Welcome resources processing // for physical folder if (mappingData.wrapper == null && contextVersion.resources != null) { String pathStr = path.toString(); WebResource file = contextVersion.resources.getResource(pathStr); if (file != null && file.isFile()) { internalMapExtensionWrapper(extensionWrappers, path, mappingData, true); if (mappingData.wrapper == null && contextVersion.defaultWrapper != null) { mappingData.wrapper = contextVersion.defaultWrapper.object; mappingData.requestPath.setChars (path.getBuffer(), path.getStart(), path.getLength()); mappingData.wrapperPath.setChars (path.getBuffer(), path.getStart(), path.getLength()); mappingData.requestPath.setString(pathStr); mappingData.wrapperPath.setString(pathStr); } } } } path.setOffset(servletPath); path.setEnd(pathEnd); } } /* welcome file processing - take 2 * Now that we have looked for welcome files with a physical * backing, now look for an extension mapping listed * but may not have a physical backing to it. This is for * the case of index.jsf, index.do, etc. * A watered down version of rule 4 */ if (mappingData.wrapper == null) { boolean checkWelcomeFiles = checkJspWelcomeFiles; if (!checkWelcomeFiles) { char[] buf = path.getBuffer(); checkWelcomeFiles = (buf[pathEnd - 1] == '/'); } if (checkWelcomeFiles) { for (int i = 0; (i < contextVersion.welcomeResources.length) && (mappingData.wrapper == null); i++) { path.setOffset(pathOffset); path.setEnd(pathEnd); path.append(contextVersion.welcomeResources[i], 0, contextVersion.welcomeResources[i].length()); path.setOffset(servletPath); internalMapExtensionWrapper(extensionWrappers, path, mappingData, false); } path.setOffset(servletPath); path.setEnd(pathEnd); } } // Rule 7 -- Default servlet if (mappingData.wrapper == null && !checkJspWelcomeFiles) { if (contextVersion.defaultWrapper != null) { mappingData.wrapper = contextVersion.defaultWrapper.object; mappingData.requestPath.setChars (path.getBuffer(), path.getStart(), path.getLength()); mappingData.wrapperPath.setChars (path.getBuffer(), path.getStart(), path.getLength()); } // Redirection to a folder char[] buf = path.getBuffer(); if (contextVersion.resources != null && buf[pathEnd -1 ] != '/') { String pathStr = path.toString(); WebResource file = contextVersion.resources.getResource(pathStr); if (file != null && file.isDirectory()) { // Note: this mutates the path: do not do any processing // after this (since we set the redirectPath, there // shouldn't be any) path.setOffset(pathOffset); path.append('/'); mappingData.redirectPath.setChars (path.getBuffer(), path.getStart(), path.getLength()); } else { mappingData.requestPath.setString(pathStr); mappingData.wrapperPath.setString(pathStr); } } } path.setOffset(pathOffset); path.setEnd(pathEnd); } /** * Exact mapping. */ " 593,1," protected String buildErrorMessage(Throwable e, Object[] args) { String errorKey = ""struts.messages.upload.error."" + e.getClass().getSimpleName(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(""Preparing error message for key: [#0]"", errorKey); } return LocalizedTextUtil.findText(this.getClass(), errorKey, defaultLocale, e.getMessage(), args); } /** * Get an enumeration of the parameter names for uploaded files * * @return enumeration of parameter names for uploaded files */ " 594,1," public void testMultiValued() throws Exception { Map entityAttrs = createMap(""name"", ""e"", ""url"", ""testdata.xml"", XPathEntityProcessor.FOR_EACH, ""/root""); List fields = new ArrayList(); fields.add(createMap(""column"", ""a"", ""xpath"", ""/root/a"", DataImporter.MULTI_VALUED, ""true"")); Context c = getContext(null, new VariableResolverImpl(), getDataSource(testXml), Context.FULL_DUMP, fields, entityAttrs); XPathEntityProcessor xPathEntityProcessor = new XPathEntityProcessor(); xPathEntityProcessor.init(c); List> result = new ArrayList>(); while (true) { Map row = xPathEntityProcessor.nextRow(); if (row == null) break; result.add(row); } assertEquals(2, ((List)result.get(0).get(""a"")).size()); } @Test " 595,1," public String getInfo() { return (info); } // --------------------------------------------------------- Public Methods /** * Authenticate the user making this request, based on the specified * login configuration. Return true if any specified * constraint has been satisfied, or false if we have * created a response challenge already. * * @param request Request we are processing * @param response Response we are creating * @param config Login configuration describing how authentication * should be performed * * @exception IOException if an input/output error occurs */ @Override " 596,1," public final void invoke(Request request, Response response) throws IOException, ServletException { // Select the Context to be used for this Request Context context = request.getContext(); if (context == null) { response.sendError(HttpServletResponse.SC_INTERNAL_SERVER_ERROR, sm.getString(""standardHost.noContext"")); return; } if (request.isAsyncSupported()) { request.setAsyncSupported(context.getPipeline().isAsyncSupported()); } boolean asyncAtStart = request.isAsync(); boolean asyncDispatching = request.isAsyncDispatching(); try { context.bind(Globals.IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, MY_CLASSLOADER); if (!asyncAtStart && !context.fireRequestInitEvent(request)) { // Don't fire listeners during async processing (the listener // fired for the request that called startAsync()). // If a request init listener throws an exception, the request // is aborted. return; } // Ask this Context to process this request. Requests that are in // async mode and are not being dispatched to this resource must be // in error and have been routed here to check for application // defined error pages. try { if (!asyncAtStart || asyncDispatching) { context.getPipeline().getFirst().invoke(request, response); } else { // Make sure this request/response is here because an error // report is required. if (!response.isErrorReportRequired()) { throw new IllegalStateException(sm.getString(""standardHost.asyncStateError"")); } } } catch (Throwable t) { ExceptionUtils.handleThrowable(t); container.getLogger().error(""Exception Processing "" + request.getRequestURI(), t); // If a new error occurred while trying to report a previous // error allow the original error to be reported. if (!response.isErrorReportRequired()) { request.setAttribute(RequestDispatcher.ERROR_EXCEPTION, t); throwable(request, response, t); } } // Now that the request/response pair is back under container // control lift the suspension so that the error handling can // complete and/or the container can flush any remaining data response.setSuspended(false); Throwable t = (Throwable) request.getAttribute(RequestDispatcher.ERROR_EXCEPTION); // Protect against NPEs if the context was destroyed during a // long running request. if (!context.getState().isAvailable()) { return; } // Look for (and render if found) an application level error page if (response.isErrorReportRequired()) { if (t != null) { throwable(request, response, t); } else { status(request, response); } } if (!request.isAsync() && !asyncAtStart) { context.fireRequestDestroyEvent(request); } } finally { // Access a session (if present) to update last accessed time, based // on a strict interpretation of the specification if (ACCESS_SESSION) { request.getSession(false); } context.unbind(Globals.IS_SECURITY_ENABLED, MY_CLASSLOADER); } } // -------------------------------------------------------- Private Methods /** * Handle the HTTP status code (and corresponding message) generated * while processing the specified Request to produce the specified * Response. Any exceptions that occur during generation of the error * report are logged and swallowed. * * @param request The request being processed * @param response The response being generated */ " 597,1," private static void addHeadersToRequest(URLConnection connection, JSONObject headers) { try { for (Iterator iter = headers.keys(); iter.hasNext(); ) { /* RFC 2616 says that non-ASCII characters and control * characters are not allowed in header names or values. * Additionally, spaces are not allowed in header names. * RFC 2046 Quoted-printable encoding may be used to encode * arbitrary characters, but we donon- not do that encoding here. */ String headerKey = iter.next().toString(); headerKey = headerKey.replaceAll(""\\n"","""") .replaceAll(""\\s+"","""") .replaceAll(""[^\\x20-\\x7E]+"", """"); JSONArray headerValues = headers.optJSONArray(headerKey); if (headerValues == null) { headerValues = new JSONArray(); /* RFC 2616 also says that any amount of consecutive linear * whitespace within a header value can be replaced with a * single space character, without affecting the meaning of * that value. */ String headerValue = headers.getString(headerKey); String finalValue = headerValue.replaceAll(""\\s+"", "" "").replaceAll(""\\n"","" "").replaceAll(""[^\\x20-\\x7E]+"", "" ""); headerValues.put(finalValue); } connection.setRequestProperty(headerKey, headerValues.getString(0)); for (int i = 1; i < headerValues.length(); ++i) { connection.addRequestProperty(headerKey, headerValues.getString(i)); } } } catch (JSONException e1) { // No headers to be manipulated! } } " 598,1," public HttpSecurity and() { return HttpSecurity.this; } " 599,1," void setExtensionsTable(StylesheetRoot sroot) throws javax.xml.transform.TransformerException { try { if (sroot.getExtensions() != null) m_extensionsTable = new ExtensionsTable(sroot); } catch (javax.xml.transform.TransformerException te) {te.printStackTrace();} } //== Implementation of the XPath ExtensionsProvider interface. " 600,1," public void testTrustedMethodPrevention() { Response response = WebClient.create(endPoint + TIKA_PATH) .type(""application/pdf"") .accept(""text/plain"") .header(TikaResource.X_TIKA_OCR_HEADER_PREFIX + ""trustedPageSeparator"", ""\u0010"") .put(ClassLoader.getSystemResourceAsStream(""testOCR.pdf"")); assertEquals(500, response.getStatus()); } " 601,1," public void performTest() throws Exception { testCompat(); testNONEwithDSA(); testDSAsha3(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_dsa_with_sha3_224, 224, new BigInteger(""613202af2a7f77e02b11b5c3a5311cf6b412192bc0032aac3ec127faebfc6bd0"", 16)); testDSAsha3(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_dsa_with_sha3_256, 256, new BigInteger(""2450755c5e15a691b121bc833b97864e34a61ee025ecec89289c949c1858091e"", 16)); testDSAsha3(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_dsa_with_sha3_384, 384, new BigInteger(""7aad97c0b71bb1e1a6483b6948a03bbe952e4780b0cee699a11731f90d84ddd1"", 16)); testDSAsha3(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_dsa_with_sha3_512, 512, new BigInteger(""725ad64d923c668e64e7c3898b5efde484cab49ce7f98c2885d2a13a9e355ad4"", 16)); testECDSA239bitPrime(); testNONEwithECDSA239bitPrime(); testECDSA239bitBinary(); testECDSA239bitBinary(""RIPEMD160withECDSA"", TeleTrusTObjectIdentifiers.ecSignWithRipemd160); testECDSA239bitBinary(""SHA1withECDSA"", TeleTrusTObjectIdentifiers.ecSignWithSha1); testECDSA239bitBinary(""SHA224withECDSA"", X9ObjectIdentifiers.ecdsa_with_SHA224); testECDSA239bitBinary(""SHA256withECDSA"", X9ObjectIdentifiers.ecdsa_with_SHA256); testECDSA239bitBinary(""SHA384withECDSA"", X9ObjectIdentifiers.ecdsa_with_SHA384); testECDSA239bitBinary(""SHA512withECDSA"", X9ObjectIdentifiers.ecdsa_with_SHA512); testECDSA239bitBinary(""SHA1withCVC-ECDSA"", EACObjectIdentifiers.id_TA_ECDSA_SHA_1); testECDSA239bitBinary(""SHA224withCVC-ECDSA"", EACObjectIdentifiers.id_TA_ECDSA_SHA_224); testECDSA239bitBinary(""SHA256withCVC-ECDSA"", EACObjectIdentifiers.id_TA_ECDSA_SHA_256); testECDSA239bitBinary(""SHA384withCVC-ECDSA"", EACObjectIdentifiers.id_TA_ECDSA_SHA_384); testECDSA239bitBinary(""SHA512withCVC-ECDSA"", EACObjectIdentifiers.id_TA_ECDSA_SHA_512); testECDSAP256sha3(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_ecdsa_with_sha3_224, 224, new BigInteger(""84d7d8e68e405064109cd9fc3e3026d74d278aada14ce6b7a9dd0380c154dc94"", 16)); testECDSAP256sha3(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_ecdsa_with_sha3_256, 256, new BigInteger(""99a43bdab4af989aaf2899079375642f2bae2dce05bcd8b72ec8c4a8d9a143f"", 16)); testECDSAP256sha3(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_ecdsa_with_sha3_384, 384, new BigInteger(""aa27726509c37aaf601de6f7e01e11c19add99530c9848381c23365dc505b11a"", 16)); testECDSAP256sha3(NISTObjectIdentifiers.id_ecdsa_with_sha3_512, 512, new BigInteger(""f8306b57a1f5068bf12e53aabaae39e2658db39bc56747eaefb479995130ad16"", 16)); testGeneration(); testParameters(); testDSA2Parameters(); testNullParameters(); testValidate(); testModified(); } " 602,1," public void snapshotRecoveryTest() throws Exception { logger.info(""--> start node A""); String nodeA = internalCluster().startNode(settingsBuilder().put(""gateway.type"", ""local"")); logger.info(""--> create repository""); assertAcked(client().admin().cluster().preparePutRepository(REPO_NAME) .setType(""fs"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder() .put(""location"", newTempDir(LifecycleScope.SUITE)) .put(""compress"", false) ).get()); ensureGreen(); logger.info(""--> create index on node: {}"", nodeA); createAndPopulateIndex(INDEX_NAME, 1, SHARD_COUNT, REPLICA_COUNT); logger.info(""--> snapshot""); CreateSnapshotResponse createSnapshotResponse = client().admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot(REPO_NAME, SNAP_NAME) .setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices(INDEX_NAME).get(); assertThat(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), greaterThan(0)); assertThat(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), equalTo(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().totalShards())); assertThat(client().admin().cluster().prepareGetSnapshots(REPO_NAME).setSnapshots(SNAP_NAME).get() .getSnapshots().get(0).state(), equalTo(SnapshotState.SUCCESS)); client().admin().indices().prepareClose(INDEX_NAME).execute().actionGet(); logger.info(""--> restore""); RestoreSnapshotResponse restoreSnapshotResponse = client().admin().cluster() .prepareRestoreSnapshot(REPO_NAME, SNAP_NAME).setWaitForCompletion(true).execute().actionGet(); int totalShards = restoreSnapshotResponse.getRestoreInfo().totalShards(); assertThat(totalShards, greaterThan(0)); ensureGreen(); logger.info(""--> request recoveries""); RecoveryResponse response = client().admin().indices().prepareRecoveries(INDEX_NAME).execute().actionGet(); for (Map.Entry> shardRecoveryResponse : response.shardResponses().entrySet()) { assertThat(shardRecoveryResponse.getKey(), equalTo(INDEX_NAME)); List shardRecoveryResponses = shardRecoveryResponse.getValue(); assertThat(shardRecoveryResponses.size(), equalTo(totalShards)); for (ShardRecoveryResponse shardResponse : shardRecoveryResponses) { assertRecoveryState(shardResponse.recoveryState(), 0, Type.SNAPSHOT, Stage.DONE, null, nodeA, true); validateIndexRecoveryState(shardResponse.recoveryState().getIndex()); } } } " 603,1," public synchronized Principal authenticate(Connection dbConnection, String username, String credentials) { // No user or no credentials // Can't possibly authenticate, don't bother the database then if (username == null || credentials == null) { if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled()) containerLog.trace(sm.getString(""jdbcRealm.authenticateFailure"", username)); return null; } // Look up the user's credentials String dbCredentials = getPassword(username); if (dbCredentials == null) { // User was not found in the database. if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled()) containerLog.trace(sm.getString(""jdbcRealm.authenticateFailure"", username)); return null; } // Validate the user's credentials boolean validated = getCredentialHandler().matches(credentials, dbCredentials); if (validated) { if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled()) containerLog.trace(sm.getString(""jdbcRealm.authenticateSuccess"", username)); } else { if (containerLog.isTraceEnabled()) containerLog.trace(sm.getString(""jdbcRealm.authenticateFailure"", username)); return null; } ArrayList roles = getRoles(username); // Create and return a suitable Principal for this user return (new GenericPrincipal(username, credentials, roles)); } /** * Close the specified database connection. * * @param dbConnection The connection to be closed */ " 604,1," public void performTest() throws Exception { byte[] testIv = { 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8 }; ASN1Encodable[] values = { new CAST5CBCParameters(testIv, 128), new NetscapeCertType(NetscapeCertType.smime), new VerisignCzagExtension(new DERIA5String(""hello"")), new IDEACBCPar(testIv), new NetscapeRevocationURL(new DERIA5String(""http://test"")) }; byte[] data = Base64.decode(""MA4ECAECAwQFBgcIAgIAgAMCBSAWBWhlbGxvMAoECAECAwQFBgcIFgtodHRwOi8vdGVzdA==""); ByteArrayOutputStream bOut = new ByteArrayOutputStream(); ASN1OutputStream aOut = new ASN1OutputStream(bOut); for (int i = 0; i != values.length; i++) { aOut.writeObject(values[i]); } ASN1Primitive[] readValues = new ASN1Primitive[values.length]; if (!isSameAs(bOut.toByteArray(), data)) { fail(""Failed data check""); } ByteArrayInputStream bIn = new ByteArrayInputStream(bOut.toByteArray()); ASN1InputStream aIn = new ASN1InputStream(bIn); for (int i = 0; i != values.length; i++) { ASN1Primitive o = aIn.readObject(); if (!values[i].equals(o)) { fail(""Failed equality test for "" + o); } if (o.hashCode() != values[i].hashCode()) { fail(""Failed hashCode test for "" + o); } } shouldFailOnExtraData(); } " 605,1," public void setEncoding( String enc ) { if( !byteC.isNull() ) { // if the encoding changes we need to reset the converion results charC.recycle(); hasStrValue=false; } byteC.setEncoding(enc); } /** * Sets the content to be a char[] * * @param c the bytes * @param off the start offset of the bytes * @param len the length of the bytes */ " 606,1," protected String buildErrorMessage(Throwable e, Object[] args) { String errorKey = ""struts.messages.upload.error."" + e.getClass().getSimpleName(); if (LOG.isDebugEnabled()) { LOG.debug(""Preparing error message for key: [#0]"", errorKey); } return LocalizedTextUtil.findText(this.getClass(), errorKey, defaultLocale, e.getMessage(), args); } " 607,1," private BigInteger[] derDecode( byte[] encoding) throws IOException { ASN1Sequence s = (ASN1Sequence)ASN1Primitive.fromByteArray(encoding); if (s.size() != 2) { throw new IOException(""malformed signature""); } return new BigInteger[]{ ((ASN1Integer)s.getObjectAt(0)).getValue(), ((ASN1Integer)s.getObjectAt(1)).getValue() }; } " 608,1," public String encodeCharacter( char[] immune, Character c ) { String cStr = String.valueOf(c.charValue()); byte[] bytes; StringBuilder sb; if(UNENCODED_SET.contains(c)) return cStr; bytes = toUtf8Bytes(cStr); sb = new StringBuilder(bytes.length * 3); for(byte b : bytes) appendTwoUpperHex(sb.append('%'), b); return sb.toString(); } /** * {@inheritDoc} * * Formats all are legal both upper/lower case: * %hh; * * @param input * encoded character using percent characters (such as URL encoding) */ " 609,1," protected void setAuthenticateHeader(Request request, Response response, LoginConfig config, String nOnce) { // Get the realm name String realmName = config.getRealmName(); if (realmName == null) realmName = REALM_NAME; byte[] buffer = null; synchronized (md5Helper) { buffer = md5Helper.digest(nOnce.getBytes()); } String authenticateHeader = ""Digest realm=\"""" + realmName + ""\"", "" + ""qop=\""auth\"", nonce=\"""" + nOnce + ""\"", "" + ""opaque=\"""" + md5Encoder.encode(buffer) + ""\""""; response.setHeader(""WWW-Authenticate"", authenticateHeader); } " 610,1," private Foo writeAndRead(Foo foo) throws IOException, ClassNotFoundException { writeObject(oos, foo); ByteArrayInputStream bis = new ByteArrayInputStream(bos.toByteArray()); inputStream = new ObjectInputStream(bis); Foo fooBack = readFooObject(inputStream); inputStream.close(); return fooBack; } " 611,1," private static void processHeaderConfig(MultivaluedMap httpHeaders, Object object, String key, String prefix) { try { String property = StringUtils.removeStart(key, prefix); Field field = null; try { object.getClass().getDeclaredField(StringUtils.uncapitalize(property)); } catch (NoSuchFieldException e) { //swallow } String setter = property; setter = ""set""+setter.substring(0,1).toUpperCase(Locale.US)+setter.substring(1); //default assume string class //if there's a more specific type, e.g. double, int, boolean //try that. Class clazz = String.class; if (field != null) { if (field.getType() == int.class) { clazz = int.class; } else if (field.getType() == double.class) { clazz = double.class; } else if (field.getType() == boolean.class) { clazz = boolean.class; } } Method m = tryToGetMethod(object, setter, clazz); //if you couldn't find more specific setter, back off //to string setter and try that. if (m == null && clazz != String.class) { m = tryToGetMethod(object, setter, String.class); } if (m != null) { String val = httpHeaders.getFirst(key); val = val.trim(); if (clazz == String.class) { checkTrustWorthy(setter, val); m.invoke(object, val); } else if (clazz == int.class) { m.invoke(object, Integer.parseInt(val)); } else if (clazz == double.class) { m.invoke(object, Double.parseDouble(val)); } else if (clazz == boolean.class) { m.invoke(object, Boolean.parseBoolean(val)); } else { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""setter must be String, int, double or boolean...for now""); } } else { throw new NoSuchMethodException(""Couldn't find: ""+setter); } } catch (Throwable ex) { throw new WebApplicationException(String.format(Locale.ROOT, ""%s is an invalid %s header"", key, X_TIKA_OCR_HEADER_PREFIX)); } } " 612,1," public KeystoreInstance createKeystore(String name, char[] password, String keystoreType) throws KeystoreException { File test = new File(directory, name); if(test.exists()) { throw new IllegalArgumentException(""Keystore already exists ""+test.getAbsolutePath()+""!""); } try { KeyStore keystore = KeyStore.getInstance(keystoreType); keystore.load(null, password); OutputStream out = new BufferedOutputStream(new FileOutputStream(test)); keystore.store(out, password); out.flush(); out.close(); return getKeystore(name, keystoreType); } catch (KeyStoreException e) { throw new KeystoreException(""Unable to create keystore"", e); } catch (IOException e) { throw new KeystoreException(""Unable to create keystore"", e); } catch (NoSuchAlgorithmException e) { throw new KeystoreException(""Unable to create keystore"", e); } catch (CertificateException e) { throw new KeystoreException(""Unable to create keystore"", e); } } " 613,1," public void setDefaultLockoutPolicy(LockoutPolicy defaultLockoutPolicy) { this.defaultLockoutPolicy = defaultLockoutPolicy; } " 614,1," protected void initializeFilters(int maxTrailerSize) { // Create and add the identity filters. getInputBuffer().addFilter(new IdentityInputFilter()); getOutputBuffer().addFilter(new IdentityOutputFilter()); // Create and add the chunked filters. getInputBuffer().addFilter(new ChunkedInputFilter(maxTrailerSize)); getOutputBuffer().addFilter(new ChunkedOutputFilter()); // Create and add the void filters. getInputBuffer().addFilter(new VoidInputFilter()); getOutputBuffer().addFilter(new VoidOutputFilter()); // Create and add buffered input filter getInputBuffer().addFilter(new BufferedInputFilter()); // Create and add the chunked filters. //getInputBuffer().addFilter(new GzipInputFilter()); getOutputBuffer().addFilter(new GzipOutputFilter()); pluggableFilterIndex = getInputBuffer().getFilters().length; } /** * Add an input filter to the current request. * * @return false if the encoding was not found (which would mean it is * unsupported) */ " 615,1," private BeanReference createSecurityFilterChainBean(Element element, ParserContext pc, List filterChain) { BeanMetadataElement filterChainMatcher; String requestMatcherRef = element.getAttribute(ATT_REQUEST_MATCHER_REF); String filterChainPattern = element.getAttribute(ATT_PATH_PATTERN); if (StringUtils.hasText(requestMatcherRef)) { if (StringUtils.hasText(filterChainPattern)) { pc.getReaderContext().error( ""You can't define a pattern and a request-matcher-ref for the "" + ""same filter chain"", pc.extractSource(element)); } filterChainMatcher = new RuntimeBeanReference(requestMatcherRef); } else if (StringUtils.hasText(filterChainPattern)) { filterChainMatcher = MatcherType.fromElement(element).createMatcher( filterChainPattern, null); } else { filterChainMatcher = new RootBeanDefinition(AnyRequestMatcher.class); } BeanDefinitionBuilder filterChainBldr = BeanDefinitionBuilder .rootBeanDefinition(DefaultSecurityFilterChain.class); filterChainBldr.addConstructorArgValue(filterChainMatcher); filterChainBldr.addConstructorArgValue(filterChain); BeanDefinition filterChainBean = filterChainBldr.getBeanDefinition(); String id = element.getAttribute(""name""); if (!StringUtils.hasText(id)) { id = element.getAttribute(""id""); if (!StringUtils.hasText(id)) { id = pc.getReaderContext().generateBeanName(filterChainBean); } } pc.registerBeanComponent(new BeanComponentDefinition(filterChainBean, id)); return new RuntimeBeanReference(id); } " 616,1," public boolean check(String path, Resource resource) { int slash = path.lastIndexOf('/'); if (slash<0) return false; String suffix=path.substring(slash); return resource.getAlias().toString().endsWith(suffix); } } } " 617,1," public Mapper getMapper() { return (mapper); } /** * Return the maximum size of a POST which will be automatically * parsed by the container. */ " 618,1," public Object getValue(Object parent) { return ( (Object[]) parent )[index]; } @Override " 619,1," public String createDB(String dbName) { String result = DB_CREATED_MSG + "": "" + dbName; Connection conn = null; try { conn = DerbyConnectionUtil.getDerbyConnection(dbName, DerbyConnectionUtil.CREATE_DB_PROP); } catch (Throwable e) { if (e instanceof SQLException) { result = getSQLError((SQLException) e); } else { result = e.getMessage(); } } finally { // close DB connection try { if (conn != null) { conn.close(); } } catch (SQLException e) { result = ""Problem closing DB connection""; } } return result; } " 620,1," public URL resolveConfig(String path) throws FailedToResolveConfigException { String origPath = path; // first, try it as a path on the file system File f1 = new File(path); if (f1.exists()) { try { return f1.toURI().toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new FailedToResolveConfigException(""Failed to resolve path ["" + f1 + ""]"", e); } } if (path.startsWith(""/"")) { path = path.substring(1); } // next, try it relative to the config location File f2 = new File(configFile, path); if (f2.exists()) { try { return f2.toURI().toURL(); } catch (MalformedURLException e) { throw new FailedToResolveConfigException(""Failed to resolve path ["" + f2 + ""]"", e); } } // try and load it from the classpath directly URL resource = settings.getClassLoader().getResource(path); if (resource != null) { return resource; } // try and load it from the classpath with config/ prefix if (!path.startsWith(""config/"")) { resource = settings.getClassLoader().getResource(""config/"" + path); if (resource != null) { return resource; } } throw new FailedToResolveConfigException(""Failed to resolve config path ["" + origPath + ""], tried file path ["" + f1 + ""], path file ["" + f2 + ""], and classpath""); } " 621,1," public static boolean normalize(MessageBytes uriMB) { ByteChunk uriBC = uriMB.getByteChunk(); byte[] b = uriBC.getBytes(); int start = uriBC.getStart(); int end = uriBC.getEnd(); // URL * is acceptable if ((end - start == 1) && b[start] == (byte) '*') return true; int pos = 0; int index = 0; // Replace '\' with '/' // Check for null byte for (pos = start; pos < end; pos++) { if (b[pos] == (byte) '\\') b[pos] = (byte) '/'; if (b[pos] == (byte) 0) return false; } // The URL must start with '/' if (b[start] != (byte) '/') { return false; } // Replace ""//"" with ""/"" for (pos = start; pos < (end - 1); pos++) { if (b[pos] == (byte) '/') { while ((pos + 1 < end) && (b[pos + 1] == (byte) '/')) { copyBytes(b, pos, pos + 1, end - pos - 1); end--; } } } // If the URI ends with ""/."" or ""/.."", then we append an extra ""/"" // Note: It is possible to extend the URI by 1 without any side effect // as the next character is a non-significant WS. if (((end - start) >= 2) && (b[end - 1] == (byte) '.')) { if ((b[end - 2] == (byte) '/') || ((b[end - 2] == (byte) '.') && (b[end - 3] == (byte) '/'))) { b[end] = (byte) '/'; end++; } } uriBC.setEnd(end); index = 0; // Resolve occurrences of ""/./"" in the normalized path while (true) { index = uriBC.indexOf(""/./"", 0, 3, index); if (index < 0) break; copyBytes(b, start + index, start + index + 2, end - start - index - 2); end = end - 2; uriBC.setEnd(end); } index = 0; // Resolve occurrences of ""/../"" in the normalized path while (true) { index = uriBC.indexOf(""/../"", 0, 4, index); if (index < 0) break; // Prevent from going outside our context if (index == 0) return false; int index2 = -1; for (pos = start + index - 1; (pos >= 0) && (index2 < 0); pos --) { if (b[pos] == (byte) '/') { index2 = pos; } } copyBytes(b, start + index2, start + index + 3, end - start - index - 3); end = end + index2 - index - 3; uriBC.setEnd(end); index = index2; } uriBC.setBytes(b, start, end); return true; } // ------------------------------------------------------ Protected Methods /** * Copy an array of bytes to a different position. Used during * normalization. */ " 622,1," protected void handShake() throws IOException { ssl.setNeedClientAuth(true); ssl.startHandshake(); } /** * Copied from org.apache.catalina.valves.CertificateValve */ " 623,1," public void testIssue1599() throws Exception { final String JSON = aposToQuotes( ""{'id': 124,\n"" +"" 'obj':[ 'com.sun.org.apache.xalan.internal.xsltc.trax.TemplatesImpl',\n"" +"" {\n"" +"" 'transletBytecodes' : [ 'AAIAZQ==' ],\n"" +"" 'transletName' : 'a.b',\n"" +"" 'outputProperties' : { }\n"" +"" }\n"" +"" ]\n"" +""}"" ); ObjectMapper mapper = new ObjectMapper(); mapper.enableDefaultTyping(); try { mapper.readValue(JSON, Bean1599.class); fail(""Should not pass""); } catch (JsonMappingException e) { verifyException(e, ""Illegal type""); verifyException(e, ""to deserialize""); verifyException(e, ""prevented for security reasons""); } } " 624,1," public void testWildcardBehaviour_snapshotRestore() throws Exception { createIndex(""foobar""); ensureGreen(""foobar""); waitForRelocation(); PutRepositoryResponse putRepositoryResponse = client().admin().cluster().preparePutRepository(""dummy-repo"") .setType(""fs"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder().put(""location"", newTempDir())).get(); assertThat(putRepositoryResponse.isAcknowledged(), equalTo(true)); client().admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot(""dummy-repo"", ""snap1"").setWaitForCompletion(true).get(); IndicesOptions options = IndicesOptions.fromOptions(false, false, true, false); verify(snapshot(""snap2"", ""foo*"", ""bar*"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(restore(""snap1"", ""foo*"", ""bar*"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); options = IndicesOptions.strictExpandOpen(); verify(snapshot(""snap2"", ""foo*"", ""bar*"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(restore(""snap2"", ""foo*"", ""bar*"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); assertAcked(prepareCreate(""barbaz"")); //TODO: temporary work-around for #5531 ensureGreen(""barbaz""); waitForRelocation(); options = IndicesOptions.fromOptions(false, false, true, false); verify(snapshot(""snap3"", ""foo*"", ""bar*"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); verify(restore(""snap3"", ""foo*"", ""bar*"").setIndicesOptions(options), false); options = IndicesOptions.fromOptions(false, false, true, false); verify(snapshot(""snap4"", ""foo*"", ""baz*"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); verify(restore(""snap3"", ""foo*"", ""baz*"").setIndicesOptions(options), true); } @Test " 625,1," public synchronized JettyHttpBinding getJettyBinding(HttpClient httpClient) { if (jettyBinding == null) { jettyBinding = new DefaultJettyHttpBinding(); jettyBinding.setHeaderFilterStrategy(getHeaderFilterStrategy()); jettyBinding.setThrowExceptionOnFailure(isThrowExceptionOnFailure()); jettyBinding.setTransferException(isTransferException()); jettyBinding.setOkStatusCodeRange(getOkStatusCodeRange()); } return jettyBinding; } " 626,1," protected final String getWindowOpenJavaScript() { AppendingStringBuffer buffer = new AppendingStringBuffer(500); if (isCustomComponent() == true) { buffer.append(""var element = document.getElementById(\""""); buffer.append(getContentMarkupId()); buffer.append(""\"");\n""); } buffer.append(""var settings = new Object();\n""); appendAssignment(buffer, ""settings.minWidth"", getMinimalWidth()); appendAssignment(buffer, ""settings.minHeight"", getMinimalHeight()); appendAssignment(buffer, ""settings.className"", getCssClassName()); appendAssignment(buffer, ""settings.width"", getInitialWidth()); if ((isUseInitialHeight() == true) || (isCustomComponent() == false)) { appendAssignment(buffer, ""settings.height"", getInitialHeight()); } else { buffer.append(""settings.height=null;\n""); } appendAssignment(buffer, ""settings.resizable"", isResizable()); if (isResizable() == false) { appendAssignment(buffer, ""settings.widthUnit"", getWidthUnit()); appendAssignment(buffer, ""settings.heightUnit"", getHeightUnit()); } if (isCustomComponent() == false) { Page page = createPage(); if (page == null) { throw new WicketRuntimeException(""Error creating page for modal dialog.""); } CharSequence pageUrl; RequestCycle requestCycle = RequestCycle.get(); page.getSession().getPageManager().touchPage(page); if (page.isPageStateless()) { pageUrl = requestCycle.urlFor(page.getClass(), page.getPageParameters()); } else { IRequestHandler handler = new RenderPageRequestHandler(new PageProvider(page)); pageUrl = requestCycle.urlFor(handler); } appendAssignment(buffer, ""settings.src"", pageUrl); } else { buffer.append(""settings.element=element;\n""); } if (getCookieName() != null) { appendAssignment(buffer, ""settings.cookieId"", getCookieName()); } Object title = getTitle() != null ? getTitle().getObject() : null; if (title != null) { appendAssignment(buffer, ""settings.title"", escapeQuotes(title.toString())); } if (getMaskType() == MaskType.TRANSPARENT) { buffer.append(""settings.mask=\""transparent\"";\n""); } else if (getMaskType() == MaskType.SEMI_TRANSPARENT) { buffer.append(""settings.mask=\""semi-transparent\"";\n""); } appendAssignment(buffer, ""settings.autoSize"", autoSize); appendAssignment(buffer, ""settings.unloadConfirmation"", showUnloadConfirmation()); // set true if we set a windowclosedcallback boolean haveCloseCallback = false; // in case user is interested in window close callback or we have a pagemap to clean attach // notification request if (windowClosedCallback != null) { WindowClosedBehavior behavior = getBehaviors(WindowClosedBehavior.class).get(0); buffer.append(""settings.onClose = function() { ""); buffer.append(behavior.getCallbackScript()); buffer.append("" };\n""); haveCloseCallback = true; } // in case we didn't set windowclosecallback, we need at least callback on close button, to // close window property (thus cleaning the shown flag) if ((closeButtonCallback != null) || (haveCloseCallback == false)) { CloseButtonBehavior behavior = getBehaviors(CloseButtonBehavior.class).get(0); buffer.append(""settings.onCloseButton = function() { ""); buffer.append(behavior.getCallbackScript()); buffer.append("";return false;};\n""); } postProcessSettings(buffer); buffer.append(getShowJavaScript()); return buffer.toString(); } /** * * @param buffer * @param key * @param value */ " 627,1," private void addUserFromChangeSet(ChangeLogSet.Entry change, Set to, Set cc, Set bcc, EnvVars env, TaskListener listener, RecipientProviderUtilities.IDebug debug) { User user = change.getAuthor(); RecipientProviderUtilities.addUsers(Collections.singleton(user), listener, env, to, cc, bcc, debug); } @Extension " 628,1," public final void parse(Set mappingStreams) { try { JAXBContext jc = JAXBContext.newInstance( ConstraintMappingsType.class ); Set alreadyProcessedConstraintDefinitions = newHashSet(); for ( InputStream in : mappingStreams ) { String schemaVersion = xmlParserHelper.getSchemaVersion( ""constraint mapping file"", in ); String schemaResourceName = getSchemaResourceName( schemaVersion ); Schema schema = xmlParserHelper.getSchema( schemaResourceName ); Unmarshaller unmarshaller = jc.createUnmarshaller(); unmarshaller.setSchema( schema ); ConstraintMappingsType mapping = getValidationConfig( in, unmarshaller ); String defaultPackage = mapping.getDefaultPackage(); parseConstraintDefinitions( mapping.getConstraintDefinition(), defaultPackage, alreadyProcessedConstraintDefinitions ); for ( BeanType bean : mapping.getBean() ) { Class beanClass = ClassLoadingHelper.loadClass( bean.getClazz(), defaultPackage ); checkClassHasNotBeenProcessed( processedClasses, beanClass ); // update annotation ignores annotationProcessingOptions.ignoreAnnotationConstraintForClass( beanClass, bean.getIgnoreAnnotations() ); ConstrainedType constrainedType = ConstrainedTypeBuilder.buildConstrainedType( bean.getClassType(), beanClass, defaultPackage, constraintHelper, annotationProcessingOptions, defaultSequences ); if ( constrainedType != null ) { addConstrainedElement( beanClass, constrainedType ); } Set constrainedFields = ConstrainedFieldBuilder.buildConstrainedFields( bean.getField(), beanClass, defaultPackage, constraintHelper, annotationProcessingOptions ); addConstrainedElements( beanClass, constrainedFields ); Set constrainedGetters = ConstrainedGetterBuilder.buildConstrainedGetters( bean.getGetter(), beanClass, defaultPackage, constraintHelper, annotationProcessingOptions ); addConstrainedElements( beanClass, constrainedGetters ); Set constrainedConstructors = ConstrainedExecutableBuilder.buildConstructorConstrainedExecutable( bean.getConstructor(), beanClass, defaultPackage, parameterNameProvider, constraintHelper, annotationProcessingOptions ); addConstrainedElements( beanClass, constrainedConstructors ); Set constrainedMethods = ConstrainedExecutableBuilder.buildMethodConstrainedExecutable( bean.getMethod(), beanClass, defaultPackage, parameterNameProvider, constraintHelper, annotationProcessingOptions ); addConstrainedElements( beanClass, constrainedMethods ); processedClasses.add( beanClass ); } } } catch ( JAXBException e ) { throw log.getErrorParsingMappingFileException( e ); } } " 629,1," public void addRecipients(final ExtendedEmailPublisherContext context, EnvVars env, Set to, Set cc, Set bcc) { final class Debug implements RecipientProviderUtilities.IDebug { private final ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor descriptor = Jenkins.getActiveInstance().getDescriptorByType(ExtendedEmailPublisherDescriptor.class); private final PrintStream logger = context.getListener().getLogger(); public void send(final String format, final Object... args) { descriptor.debug(logger, format, args); } } final Debug debug = new Debug(); Set users = RecipientProviderUtilities.getChangeSetAuthors(Collections.>singleton(context.getRun()), debug); RecipientProviderUtilities.addUsers(users, context.getListener(), env, to, cc, bcc, debug); } @Extension " 630,1," private boolean evaluate(String text) { try { InputSource inputSource = new InputSource(new StringReader(text)); return ((Boolean)expression.evaluate(inputSource, XPathConstants.BOOLEAN)).booleanValue(); } catch (XPathExpressionException e) { return false; } } @Override " 631,1," public void basicWorkFlowTest() throws Exception { Client client = client(); logger.info(""--> creating repository""); assertAcked(client.admin().cluster().preparePutRepository(""test-repo"") .setType(""fs"").setSettings(ImmutableSettings.settingsBuilder() .put(""location"", newTempDir()) .put(""compress"", randomBoolean()) .put(""chunk_size"", randomIntBetween(100, 1000)))); createIndex(""test-idx-1"", ""test-idx-2"", ""test-idx-3""); ensureGreen(); logger.info(""--> indexing some data""); for (int i = 0; i < 100; i++) { index(""test-idx-1"", ""doc"", Integer.toString(i), ""foo"", ""bar"" + i); index(""test-idx-2"", ""doc"", Integer.toString(i), ""foo"", ""baz"" + i); index(""test-idx-3"", ""doc"", Integer.toString(i), ""foo"", ""baz"" + i); } refresh(); assertHitCount(client.prepareCount(""test-idx-1"").get(), 100L); assertHitCount(client.prepareCount(""test-idx-2"").get(), 100L); assertHitCount(client.prepareCount(""test-idx-3"").get(), 100L); ListenableActionFuture flushResponseFuture = null; if (randomBoolean()) { ArrayList indicesToFlush = newArrayList(); for (int i = 1; i < 4; i++) { if (randomBoolean()) { indicesToFlush.add(""test-idx-"" + i); } } if (!indicesToFlush.isEmpty()) { String[] indices = indicesToFlush.toArray(new String[indicesToFlush.size()]); logger.info(""--> starting asynchronous flush for indices {}"", Arrays.toString(indices)); flushResponseFuture = client.admin().indices().prepareFlush(indices).execute(); } } logger.info(""--> snapshot""); CreateSnapshotResponse createSnapshotResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareCreateSnapshot(""test-repo"", ""test-snap"").setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices(""test-idx-*"", ""-test-idx-3"").get(); assertThat(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), greaterThan(0)); assertThat(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().successfulShards(), equalTo(createSnapshotResponse.getSnapshotInfo().totalShards())); assertThat(client.admin().cluster().prepareGetSnapshots(""test-repo"").setSnapshots(""test-snap"").get().getSnapshots().get(0).state(), equalTo(SnapshotState.SUCCESS)); logger.info(""--> delete some data""); for (int i = 0; i < 50; i++) { client.prepareDelete(""test-idx-1"", ""doc"", Integer.toString(i)).get(); } for (int i = 50; i < 100; i++) { client.prepareDelete(""test-idx-2"", ""doc"", Integer.toString(i)).get(); } for (int i = 0; i < 100; i += 2) { client.prepareDelete(""test-idx-3"", ""doc"", Integer.toString(i)).get(); } refresh(); assertHitCount(client.prepareCount(""test-idx-1"").get(), 50L); assertHitCount(client.prepareCount(""test-idx-2"").get(), 50L); assertHitCount(client.prepareCount(""test-idx-3"").get(), 50L); logger.info(""--> close indices""); client.admin().indices().prepareClose(""test-idx-1"", ""test-idx-2"").get(); logger.info(""--> restore all indices from the snapshot""); RestoreSnapshotResponse restoreSnapshotResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareRestoreSnapshot(""test-repo"", ""test-snap"").setWaitForCompletion(true).execute().actionGet(); assertThat(restoreSnapshotResponse.getRestoreInfo().totalShards(), greaterThan(0)); ensureGreen(); for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { assertHitCount(client.prepareCount(""test-idx-1"").get(), 100L); assertHitCount(client.prepareCount(""test-idx-2"").get(), 100L); assertHitCount(client.prepareCount(""test-idx-3"").get(), 50L); } // Test restore after index deletion logger.info(""--> delete indices""); cluster().wipeIndices(""test-idx-1"", ""test-idx-2""); logger.info(""--> restore one index after deletion""); restoreSnapshotResponse = client.admin().cluster().prepareRestoreSnapshot(""test-repo"", ""test-snap"").setWaitForCompletion(true).setIndices(""test-idx-*"", ""-test-idx-2"").execute().actionGet(); assertThat(restoreSnapshotResponse.getRestoreInfo().totalShards(), greaterThan(0)); ensureGreen(); for (int i=0; i<5; i++) { assertHitCount(client.prepareCount(""test-idx-1"").get(), 100L); } ClusterState clusterState = client.admin().cluster().prepareState().get().getState(); assertThat(clusterState.getMetaData().hasIndex(""test-idx-1""), equalTo(true)); assertThat(clusterState.getMetaData().hasIndex(""test-idx-2""), equalTo(false)); if (flushResponseFuture != null) { // Finish flush flushResponseFuture.actionGet(); } } @Test " 632,1," public Object getValue(Object parent) { return parent; } @Override " 633,1," public void handshake(Socket sock) throws IOException { ((SSLSocket)sock).startHandshake(); } /* * Determines the SSL cipher suites to be enabled. * * @param requestedCiphers Comma-separated list of requested ciphers * @param supportedCiphers Array of supported ciphers * * @return Array of SSL cipher suites to be enabled, or null if none of the * requested ciphers are supported */ " 634,1," ValidationException getErrorParsingMappingFileException(@Cause JAXBException e); @Message(id = 116, value = ""%s"") " 635,1," private static ManagedMap parseInterceptUrlsForFilterInvocationRequestMap( MatcherType matcherType, List urlElts, boolean useExpressions, boolean addAuthenticatedAll, ParserContext parserContext) { ManagedMap filterInvocationDefinitionMap = new ManagedMap(); for (Element urlElt : urlElts) { String access = urlElt.getAttribute(ATT_ACCESS); if (!StringUtils.hasText(access)) { continue; } String path = urlElt.getAttribute(ATT_PATTERN); if (!StringUtils.hasText(path)) { parserContext.getReaderContext().error( ""path attribute cannot be empty or null"", urlElt); } String method = urlElt.getAttribute(ATT_HTTP_METHOD); if (!StringUtils.hasText(method)) { method = null; } BeanDefinition matcher = matcherType.createMatcher(path, method); BeanDefinitionBuilder attributeBuilder = BeanDefinitionBuilder .rootBeanDefinition(SecurityConfig.class); if (useExpressions) { logger.info(""Creating access control expression attribute '"" + access + ""' for "" + path); // The single expression will be parsed later by the // ExpressionFilterInvocationSecurityMetadataSource attributeBuilder.addConstructorArgValue(new String[] { access }); attributeBuilder.setFactoryMethod(""createList""); } else { attributeBuilder.addConstructorArgValue(access); attributeBuilder.setFactoryMethod(""createListFromCommaDelimitedString""); } if (filterInvocationDefinitionMap.containsKey(matcher)) { logger.warn(""Duplicate URL defined: "" + path + "". The original attribute values will be overwritten""); } filterInvocationDefinitionMap.put(matcher, attributeBuilder.getBeanDefinition()); } if (addAuthenticatedAll && filterInvocationDefinitionMap.isEmpty()) { BeanDefinition matcher = matcherType.createMatcher(""/**"", null); BeanDefinitionBuilder attributeBuilder = BeanDefinitionBuilder .rootBeanDefinition(SecurityConfig.class); attributeBuilder.addConstructorArgValue(new String[] { ""authenticated"" }); attributeBuilder.setFactoryMethod(""createList""); filterInvocationDefinitionMap.put(matcher, attributeBuilder.getBeanDefinition()); } return filterInvocationDefinitionMap; } " 636,1," public void setApplicationContext(ApplicationContext applicationContext) throws BeansException { defaultWebSecurityExpressionHandler.setApplicationContext(applicationContext); } " 637,1," public void testDoEnable() throws Exception{ FreeStyleProject project = j.createFreeStyleProject(""project""); GlobalMatrixAuthorizationStrategy auth = new GlobalMatrixAuthorizationStrategy(); j.jenkins.setAuthorizationStrategy(auth); j.jenkins.setCrumbIssuer(null); HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm realm = new HudsonPrivateSecurityRealm(false); j.jenkins.setSecurityRealm(realm); User user = realm.createAccount(""John Smith"", ""password""); SecurityContextHolder.getContext().setAuthentication(user.impersonate()); project.disable(); try{ project.doEnable(); fail(""User should not have permission to build project""); } catch(Exception e){ if(!(e.getClass().isAssignableFrom(AccessDeniedException2.class))){ fail(""AccessDeniedException should be thrown.""); } } auth.add(Job.READ, user.getId()); auth.add(Job.CONFIGURE, user.getId()); auth.add(Jenkins.READ, user.getId()); List forms = j.createWebClient().login(user.getId(), ""password"").goTo(project.getUrl()).getForms(); for(HtmlForm form:forms){ if(""enable"".equals(form.getAttribute(""action""))){ j.submit(form); } } assertFalse(""Project should be enabled."", project.isDisabled()); } /** * Job is un-restricted (no nabel), this is submitted to queue, which spawns an on demand slave * @throws Exception */ @Test "